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Hello Dr, I am 45 years female.Have kidney stones due to intake of calcium. Have a hairline fracture on my arm so begun taking calcium for a few days normally I avoid taking calcium tablets.Since yesterday blood in urine but the stone passed. Today again severe pain unbearable. Taking Cital. Took a pain killer for pain. Should I continue taking cital and pain killer
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Most kidney stones pass spontaneously and this is usually a painful experience. You should continue with painkillers and Vital and Chat Doctor. If there is no urination in 24 hours, you should see urologist and do tests to rule out ureter obstruction. Also, you need to avoid high calcium food and high protein food for few days. If fever or pus in urine occur, you should see doctor as well since it may indicate kidneys infection. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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Cough for a year. Been to three specialists. Nasal wash daily, no mucus discharge either from wash of blowing. Been through all the otc medicines under the advice of these specialist. Done breathing tests,x-rays, cat scans...nothing showed according to doctors. What can I do for cough?
Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor.... Noted you have persistent cough and many tests are normal... Organic cause seems less likely.... Cough here might buy chronic irritation... Avoid smoking if you have habit.... Rule out acid reflux disease as it can lead cough. Pentoprazole taken for it.... If chest discomfort feels bronchitis or asthma ruled out by pulmonary function test... You might have allergic cough.... Try to avoid allergen that lead cough. Levocetrizine useful. Ginger, onion, garlic are good for resp tract.Finally, if its troublesome cough take Conan or dextromethorphan... Chat Doctor.
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I have been using ring guard cream for 18 days. The infection got a little better but after 2 days red spots began to appear on the infection area. So i stopped using the ring guard. So what to do now? The skin infection is still there and severe. Its on the neck and above the thigh area.
Hi!! According to your history it seems to be a case of ringworm infection as initially you had improvement in your skin lesion after applying ring guard. I would recommend you to take oral terminating 250 mg once daily and apply terminating cream over the affected area twice daily. This has to be continued for 4 weeks so that the infection doesn't recur after stopping the medicine. Besides this don't share your soap and towel, stay in a cool and airy environment and wear loose cotton clothes. Hope for your speedy recovery.
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my father has been going down hill health wise for the last 6 mths maybe even the last year . we took him to the hospital this last time and with in 24 hours they said he had a streap in his bloodstream and it has caused heart valve damage . what I want to know is this an infection that he had for a while or is this something that can happen in 24 hours . I just think it would take time for this to happen to the heart and being that he has be declining for a time now could he have before we took him to the hospital?
Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. Blood is usually sterile I.e. devoid of any bacteria or viruses. Bacteria or viruses can appear in blood after a throat infection, urine infection or lung infection. Once the bacteria enter the blood they can infect other organs including the heart. The bacteria settle on the valves of the heart and cause infection and destruction of the valves. This happens over time and cannot happen in 24 hrs. But he must have had symptoms like fever, breathlessness, shivering etc. You have not mentioned any of the symptoms. Here. The treatment of infective endocarditis is long term treatment with antibiotics and some residual damage to valve always remains. Wishing him good health Regards
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Past 4 years my AST,ALT AS+bilirubin have been elevated. Lives scan showed mild diffuse fatty changes. Weight, cholesterol, etc otherwise normal. No treatment was suggested. But every time i do an LFT, the Dr ( go to different clinics/Dr each time), the Dr wants to investigate and its a waste of time because we end up not doing anything at the end of it.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Fatty liver is a reversible condition in which liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue. This fatty change is caused by various causes, some of them are as follows:1. Alcoholism2. Starvation3. Malnutrition4. Diabetes Mellitus These are just few causes. If you have any of these risk factor, you can avoid it/ or treat it (in case of Diabetes Mellitus). There is no treatment for fatty liver disease but only prevention of the risk factors. Thanks and take care. Chat Doctor.
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i am a smoker and have had chronic nect pain especially at the base of my neck for several month.s Lately, I have notice a tight feeling in my neck/throat area and my glands seem a little swollen. At times, when I just turn my head I get a sharp pain in my neck.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Neck pain and swollen glands in neck in chronic smoker can be due to either infection or cancer. So possibility of throat infection or cancer in neck (vocal cords, pharynx, larynx etc.) is more. So better to quit smoking as soon as possible. Consult ENT doctor and get done 1. Clinical examination of neck 2. CT scan of neck 3. Endoscopic examination of pharynx and larynx. You may need to biopsy if there is any mass lesion. You may need antibiotic, anti histamine and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright but first quit smoking. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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hello doc this is Deepak,I am 24 years old, I am having pain in my back and mostly in my neck happens daily.I think this is survical pain. I exercise my neck and back part regularly but it doesnt leave me..In the past I had hernia and hydercele. they have been treated...but now my digestion power is loosed.please help me.
Welcome to Chat Doctor After going through your query I concluded that you are having chronic backache and neck pain. Cause of it is weakness and vitamin deficiencies. You are advised to do your vitamin D3 test. Treatment of it is exercises, Avionic, calcium and vitamin D3 if it is low. You can discuss with your Doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then please don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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Hi, I have a mass at the top of my left inner thigh which extends to my right hip bone. A biopsy said, no cancer. Doctors at U.C.L.A. don t seem to know why it s there . It s deep behind the groin and they re not sure what to do about it. The biopsy technician only took a half inch of fluid in a tube, The fluid was on the outside of the mass. Would that have shown that the mass itself was non-canceous, and I don t know why he didn t take any of the mass itself. Do you know the answer to that and also what it might be? Thanks. Barbara
Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. It may be that mass is a cyst such as simple bone cyst and aneurysm bone cyst. Probably he was not able to get solid tissue. If tissue is proper then if biopsy shows no cancer, then it is OK. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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Hello, about 2 months ago a round red puffy and extremely itchy red circle showed up on my inner thigh. Around the time it showed up I was on antibiotics for a uti . I treated the spot with lotrimin jock itch cream which made the itch redness and puffiness go away but the place is still on my thigh although now it feels like dry skin an somewhat resembles a bruise . What could it be?
Hi there, I would have asked you some more questions about your antibiotics that you were taking at the time?and also all other prescribed medication that you are taking at the moment? ANY painkillers?and has it occurred for the first time in your life? But according to your question it seems like you are having Fixed Chat Doctor. The good news is that the rash can be left alone if not bothering but the IMPORTANT thing to remember is to report it to your doctor who ever is taking care of you at the moment because its like a
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Hi Doctor, I have been suffering from pain in right upper jaw from quite some time. Now I am having headache and pain behind ear. Last year went through series of surgeries as my lower wisdom tooth and bone next it had got infected both the sides. Later I was diagnosed with TMJ. Now I am not on any treatment. Can you please suggest.Thanks & Regards
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the upper jaw and headache can be secondary to tooth infection or gum infection. The pain near the ear can be secondary to TMJ disorder. Nothing to be panic, consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. Meanwhile you can take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin and metronidazole. For the TMJ disorder, you can take tablet proximal, You can give hot fomentation over the joint. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
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My son aged 15 yrs was diag on May 23,2011 for Jaundice with S/Bil Total 2.2(Dir1.0 and Indct 1.2) SGOT41,SGPT 54, Hb;11.2gm.With 7-8 days rest levels came down to normal rgs with marginal raised OT/PT. However after two wks nd till two months now, the T/Bill is back at 1.6--2.2 with Hb howering arn 11.5 or so. Othervise the boy is active nd asymptematic. Urine o/p is N. HBS Ag nd HCV both are -ve May I seek ur opinion nd further adv pls. Regards
Thank you for posting query. Further evaluation needed. Need some test results, get done following blood tests: ESR, CRP, lipid profile, get ultrasound abdomen also. Then post results here or visit treating physician. Further advice:abstinence from "Alcohol and Chat Doctor. - use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day-walk 30 to 40 minutes every day.- or swimming is alternative to walking-NO sports and NO jogging-"recheck liver enzymes after 6 to 8 weeks".if any further questions, feel free to ask. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards,
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hello doctor, i am 20 weeks pregnant and my scan report shows the followingA single, live, intra uterine fetus is seen exhibiting active movementsplacenta; posterior maturity grade. 1amniotic fluid: adequateheart;150 bpmBpd: 42mmAC: 130 mmFL :28 mmestimated gestational age: 18 w 6 daysestimated fetal weight: 0256 gmsis there any problems in this report and what about the growth ? it is 1 week lowe than the actual
Hi there,This is an absolutely normal findings of ultrasound scan at 20 weeks. The measurements give an estimate of weeks but, a variability from the actually calculated date can be present, as ultrasound only gives a rough estimate. So in effect the ultrasound findings can be plus or minus 1 week in first trimester; 2 weeks in second trimester; and more than two weeks in third. This variability is decreased with newer machines but can't be totally removed. So I would say that this report is absolutely reassuring, and you should not worry at all. A good fetal heart rate and a placenta which is only grade 1 maturity indicates that everything is as it should be at this stage. Do not worry. Hope this helps. Regards.
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my blood test report confirm that i have SGOT 44u/l n SGPT 80u/l...and i have done two test earlier in the period of 6 months n the value keeps fluctuating...and i have a history of do i get it to be normal?what diet should i follow?what will be the complications?
HelloElevated SGPT and GOT may indicate liver injury. It may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, altered lipid profile, medicines,autoimmune causes etc. You may need few more investigations like routine hologram, complete liver function test, random blood sugar, lipid profile, viral markers, urine RE/ME, ultrasound of abdomen. I suggest tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg tablet twice daily for three months. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. You may need to take few more medicines after complete investigations. Try to avoid saturated fat. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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Hi, My name is Courtney and im 20 years old. Recently i have had a tight chest and sometimes a burning sensation in my upper right quadrent. Every time i cough i get a metal taste in my mouth like im holding quarters on my tounge. I could use some help im lost. Thanks
Hello hope the answer helps you. As far I am getting you are having trouble with burning pain with unexplained metallic taste of mouth, how about your weight are you obese and addiction of alcohol and smoking as your symptoms are suggestive of GOOD. You must avoid smoking, excess alcohol and coffee after food donor lie down immediately. And in sleeping slight head elevation will prevent burning to metallic taste along with spicy food abstinence. Also start Spy Davison 10ml three times along with Santa or Gases for regular 15 days hope it will help if not then be needing Castro consult
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Every morning when i wake up i have a painful erection. It slowly goes away after i urinate but sometimes that ishard to get started. Its been going on about a month. I have psoreatic arthritis in my knees and have been taking Humira. Could the Humira be causing it?
Hello, There is no such side effect of Humor causing such a symptom. If you are taking certain antidepressants, it can cause ED or painful erection. Sometimes, when there is UTI, it can cause painful erections. You are suggested to visit a GP, get physically examined. You will have to get Urinalysis (R/E & C/S) done. Furthermore, you may have to get some blood tests done. If sexually active, get STD tests done. Get assessed & treated at the earliest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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I ve been experiencing bouts of severe abdominal pain over the past 7 months and admitted to the hospital four times. I ve been given different diagnoses of diverticulitis , irritable bowel , typhlitis and colities. The pain initially presented on my right side and also intermittently included back pain. The stomach pain on a scale of 1-10 is usually 7-8. I ve had an ultrasound, a abdominal CT scan with and without contrast, an EGD, a HIDA scan and most recently a colonoscopy and I m scheduled for a CT scan with and without contrast with a pancreatic window. My History: 49 year old African American female, 5 2 , 220lbs (lost 30 pounds in the last 6 months). I currently take cardizem cd 120mg, losartan 50mg, ferrous sulfate 325 twice a day, protonix 40mg, singulair at night and just finished 500mg of levoquin after my last hospital stay July 21-23. I had H Pylori back in 1989, had my gall bladder removed in 2006, had ovarian masses/tumors removed in 2008 along with a complete historectomy. I also have a mass and cysts on my right kidney (which I was informed was perfectly harmless--been there since 2008). My last 2 hospital stays were because of hypertension, heart palpitations, tightness in my chest, headaches, sweats, pains in the left arm, lightheaded/dizziness. Tests showed a normal EKG, but some tachycardia. The EGD showed a hiatal hernia and a growth that was sent out for a biopsy. Lab reports showed among other things, anemia. The ct scan showed typhlitis , whatever that is. The colonoscopy showed stenotic ileocecal valve. The doctors have come to a concensus...they don t know what it is. Here are the majority of the pieces of the puzzle, any light you can shed would be greatly appreciated.
Hi MEANS, Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Your problem is really very complex. So many possible causes are there. Two of your medicines need to be switched, Singular needs to be stopped you can take other inhalations anti-asthmatic which are equally effective, You are taking excessive doses of iron- I would suggest 100 mg thrice a day after meals, which is most tolerated dose. You might have post-surgical bands which result in intermittent obstruction and pain, that is more so a case if you are totally well in between the episodes. Another prominent possibilities is tuberculosis of abdomen. If your problem does not get resolved soon please review with your gastro-surgeon, and possibly you would need an exploratory laparotomy for a diagnosis and intraoperative intervention if possible. You need a physical examination by your physician and get baseline investigations like Chest X-Ray, Electrocardiogram, Complete Blood Counts, Renal Function Test, Liver Function Test, Fasting and Postprandial Blood Sugar, Thyroid Profile, Lipid Profile, Ultrasound Abdomen, Urine Compete Examination. This work up is expected to detect the underlying problem, so a definite treatment could be started. I hope this advice would be helpful for you. Still if you have any queries or doubts, please write me back, I would be happy to solve them. Wish you a great health!
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Hi I am 16 and have been experiencing panic attacks daily for the past 2 years. However recently more physical symptoms have come on ect. chest tightness, swelled throat, fast heart rate and dizziness. Are these all still panic attacks or could there actually be something seriously wrong?
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Hopefully you visited a physician to clarify your condition. If not, please do it now. Even though I am sure that all these symptoms are related to anxiety and panic attacks, you need to be sure for yourself. After you be sure about your physical condition (leave no stone unturned) you should make sure that you believe it. Then know what is anxiety and panic attack. Then start relaxation and psychotherapy to overcome the problem. I shall help you for sure. First visit a physician. You can post a direct question to me in this website. Include every detail as much as you can. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques to control your condition. I am sure that the techniques should be a success. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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I have a hole in the bottom of my mouth near the front very tiny hole but painful ... however my daughter and I were playing and her nail did hurt the inside of my mouth ... this has happened before but never for this long without going to the dentist what can I do?
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that due to traumatic injury caused by nail there has been torn of mucosa leading to formation of a painful traumatic ulcer. Due to inflammation there is pain. I would suggest you to start applying a numbing gel containing Lidocaine or Choline Salicylate to relieve pain. You can apply steroid ointment containing Escort or Triamcinolone Acetone to reduce inflammation. You can take anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen. You can also take vitamin B complex daily. Suck ice popsicles or do cool water rinses. Avoid hard and spicy food to prevent further irritation and injury. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
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Hi, I am on my CD 58 and 26 days period overdue. I tested on 6th, 7th, 14th day of missed period on HPT. but all negative. Went to a gyn and took a test again in her clinic. Again negative. But she still asked me to test the next day with early morning urine to be sure. And only then start Primolut-N 5mg tabs for 3 days thrice a day. The next test was also negative taken on preganews. Now its been 3 days have stopped the tab and no sign of periods. We are TTC for past 4 months. So what could be the reason for delayed periods and also is it possible that the HPTs are negative but I am still pregnant. Thanks in advance.
Hi and thanks so much for this query am so sorry to hear about these repeated efforts to conceive without success. 5 months in conception is a very short time, and you would need to keep trying for up to 12 months before we can start suspecting that something isn't going on right with you. From the information you have provided, the chances of you being pregnant are almost zero right now. Not all missed periods are synonymous to pregnancy and this is clearly the case with you. It usually takes averagely 5 days after stopping primal for bleeding to occur. I will suggest you patiently wait for the with Chat Doctor. I hope this helps. Furthermore, I wish you well.
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I was given amoxicillin for an tooth infection , I took it for three days then stop taken it as the pain went away. Now I believe I have what appears to be a bladder infection(frequent and painful urination). will I be able to take the medicine again? I am a 68 year old male.
Hello! Thank you for your question. I understand your query, however next time you take antibiotic, I recommend you to complete the full course of antibiotics such amoxicillin if given for 7 days should be followed even though the condition has improved to avoid antibiotic resistance. For your frequent and painful urination I suggest you take an urinalysis exam as you may be having a Urinary Tract Infection. If Urinary tract infection is confirmed, you may be prescribed with another round of antibiotics such ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2x a day for 7 days. Meanwhile, please do take lots of water. Hope this helps, Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!
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About a year ago I came down with an upper respitory infection which caused fluid in my right ear. I was put on several rounds of anitbiotics which got ride to most of it but still had the feeling that something was in my eustation tube in my ear because it wants to stay closed all the time. About 2 weeks ago I again was sick and I got two mucus plugs out of my throat. First on the left side and then about 2 hours later with one on the right side. The one on the left side was white in color and about the size of a quarter. The one on the right side was bigger about the size of a 50 cent piece with blood in it. It still feels as if there is something in my throat. I have been to so many doctors with 2 CAT scans done and nothing shows up. Can you give some ideas on what is happening as I am so miserable. Thanks
Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have upper respiratory tract infection which is causing pain in ear as well is due to Eustachian tube dysfunction. Sometimes when upper respiratory track infection when left untreated or when occur again and again spread to ear through Eustachian tube and causing pain. I would suggest you to consult ENT specialist for proper diagnosis Doctor may prescribe antibiotics like Amoxiclav at least for 10 days along with decongestant and anti-inflammatory. For relieve of infection take levocetrizine. Doctor may order throat swab test, viral culture test and allergy test to confirm the diagnosis. For now do warm saline gargles, take steam twice a day and apply warm Chat Doctor. You can apply warm compressors on cheek side near ear as well to relieve pressure. You should take steam and blow cheeks with nose closed. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
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sir me any my mother have allergy problem,after allergy faces become red and red red pimples and my mother too much suffering in this problem. i checked many specialist doctor but diseases is increasing.please suggest treatment for us. thanks and regards
Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. Your description is telling that you have chronic allergy problem. You did not mention your age. If I were your treating doctor then I would suggest you following things:> First and most important thing is that you need to find the cause of allergy. On your part it can be achieved by looking closely at your daily routine. You need to observe what particular thing, food, etc. is causing the allergy to start. Once you find it, you née to prevent it.> In the meanwhile take Montelukast once daily for 1 month. Research has shown that it decreases sensitivity to allergy.> Cetirizine one at night for 1 week in case of allergic response.> try to avoid dust would also suggest you to undergo allergy testing at allergy clinic which will tell that you are allergic to what specific thing. The results will help an allergist to prescribe you immunotherapy to that specific allergen, and it will improve the problem. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.
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Hi, 3 weeks ago I fell in my wrist & was told I d probably fractured my scaphoid bone. It was put in a Velcro cast for 10 days & told to come back to fracture clinic for it re xraying & they would decide the course if treatment from there. When I attended clinic I was told I wouldn t need an X-ray as they were certain from my original X-ray that I hadn t broken anything, to take my cast off & get it moving again. I mentioned I had a numbness and pins & needles in my thumb but that was put down to the cast I d had on. One week later, I still have a numbness/pins & needles in my thumb & my wrist continues to ache/throb. Is this normal or do I need to go back & be seen again? I don t want to waste anyone s time.
Dear patient, a needles and pins sensation is generally due to a nerve compression/irritation. If it wasn't due to the cast (that's a possibility), probably your trauma provoked a hematoma pressing on a nerve (median nerve? Collateral nerve of the thumb? It depends on numbness distribution). I propose to wait a month from the trauma. If this sensation persist, get an electromyography/electroneurography to objective the nerve injury. If positive, do an RMN of wrist and hand to understand the cause (i.e. hematoma) and project its possible removal. Concerning instead your doubt about a scaphoid fracture, I don't know which X-ray projections you did (scaphoid fractures are hard to be seen in standard X-rays). However, if your wrist remained very painful for 10-15 days after the trauma, a scaphoid X-ray projection or, better, a wrist CT, would solve your doubts
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What causes hyper aggregation, Doc? Is that hereditary factor? I am a male, 46 yeras old, office worker, so far having normal blood pressure, as well as all healthy tcholesterol functions. But my latest laboratory check showed that my ADP and Colagen are hyper aggregattion, while the Ephinephrine is normal. Any suggested diet other than medication can be suggested. Does sport exercise help to improve my blood condition from that hyper aggregation? I was advised by a friend to take thromboaspilet 100mg a day for life. I am worried with the side effect of that long term medication. Look forward to receiving your advice. Thanks, Minarto
Hi You do not mentioned any clinical condition, are you a normal person ? Do you have some hereditary related disability ? Look, ADP & collagen, are molecules in side the living being has got their complex role right from metabolism to body building work, now aggregation or hyper aggregation is consequences of certain kind of collagen disease or endocrine disorders, or hematological entity, it is not single area of concern, so the way you have asked is not valid at this stage this could be an academic question & need very lengthy discussion which may be beyond your understanding, have nice day
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Lets say the dog that bit me is positive with rabies. If I am not mistaken i need to get a shot immediately of anti rabies which is followed by 6 shots within 28 days. do i need to have anti tetanus?.. how many shots? is it okay to have shot the same time with anti rabies? thank you
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Rabies is a disease which is transmitted by dog bite which is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. If you are bitten by a suspected rabid dog, according to WHO categories it is categorized into Cat III, which requires following treatment1. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.2. Active immunization with anti rabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.3. Passive immunization with rabies immunoglobulin around the wound.4. In TT, 0.5 ml, I'm. Thank you.
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iam 52 years old ,85 kg weight 176cm height.i suffer cervical spondylosis in c5-c6.every day 1 have shortness in breathing and severe pain in left chest near the heart with pulseand burn in chest bones near the neck and stifness in shoulderssome doctors dignosed my case(angina pictoris)although i have no problems in heart and lungs.please help and advice. subhi siddiq-iraq
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and Reviewed your query in context to your health issues. In the given scenario and history facts, You seem to suffer frogger induced Esophagitis-causing chest pain. This is so because lungs and heart are without any evidence on investigations. Chest bone near neck pains with burning. This is from the high acid contents from upper stomach regurgitating in to neck/ throat, causing chest burning with ? Angina like pains, in your case.Also, other causes of recurrent chest burning behind chest bone needs to be ruled by consults with ENT/ Physician/ Surgeon. Plan Suggested for your treatment-GERD causes need to be ruled out-with Consults from ENT Surgeon / Physician / Surgeon by appropriated tests with these doctors. EKG landholders nuclear stress testing would fix and rule out heart ailment involved in your chest pain. Anti-Acidity Chat Doctor. Lieu. Gaviscon-Alginic Acid-gel- 1 gm x 4 times a day x 2 weeks would control this chest pain-from esophagitis. So treating these causes is needed with proper
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Theres a sort of ticking sensation in the bottom front of my mouth. Its the bottom front teeth and the gums below them. About a week ago i had a root canal done on the top right side of my mouth (On the right but close to the front of my mouth) Is this normal? And also is there any way to stop this? It is very uncomfortable.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, I would like to inform you that tickling sensation after completion of root canal is sometimes normal and occurs due to the filling material, but if it is associated with pain or swelling that it might need your dentists' attention, I would have really appreciated if you had attached an X-ray of your tooth with your query, anyway start chewing soft food with your treated tooth to check if its normal, also you must be aware that getting your treated tooth crowned is really important to avoid any fractures. Start using antibacterial mouth wash for a week at least, to resolve symptoms, if tickling sensation still persists then kindly visit your dentist or forward me your X-rays so that I can guide you further, i wish you good health.
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Hi, my 3 yr kid is suffering from 103 fever. I gave him Meftal P 8.5 ml (his wt is 17 KG) but the fever returned after 4 hrs. Earlier Today, the fever returned after 9 hrs and then 5 hrs respectively. What should I do? Should I give him another dose of Meftal P in 1 hr time?
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Meftal-P contains Metonymic acid which is a NSAID. It carries the risk of gastritis and renal problems in the long run. Please do not use Metal. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
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I found a lump under my left armpit it does not hurt at all the size of it a bit bigger then a pencil eraser. In the pasta few years back I had had a few ingrown hairs in my underarm but they hurt and were tender to touch . this one does not hurt at all. I do not drink sodas or caffine. I checked my right underarm and there is NO lump there I do have a problem I do not have health insurance or money. What reasons could a women have a lump like this that does not hurt
Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. Lump in the armpit / axillary region without pain, tenderness suggestive of lymph nodal enlargement at first place and lipoma, vascular causes on the second place.2. If you are my patient I would have examined first and ask for an ultrasound axillary region - ultrasound will give me the nature of the disease, its source and extensions.3. Lymph nodal enlargement is seen because of the underlying medical conditions any infections / inflammation it can be localized or systemic or possible lymph nodal pathology itself (lymphadenopathy)4. So one has to find out the cause - if required FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology will gel to evaluate the cause and cells involving.5. I can understand your financial status, but this is the standard procedure one has to follow. Try the way you can do so. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitate. Thank you.
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I am feeling really bloated and cant lay on my stomach as i feek discomfort and pain. The pressure is below my belly button but above the pubic bone . I also feel this when I stretch out. Im not sick or anything so I dont think Im pregnant . What could this be
Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would still go for a serum Chat Doctor estimation, a urine routine, microscopic and culture/sensitivity test to rule out pregnancy and a urinary tract infection. If both these including a physical examination come out to be negative, and your symptoms continue increasing or persisting, I would go for an ultrasound of abdomen, and also a gynecology check up. Till then, I would prescribe you an anti-spasmodic medicine in case of pain, and also a proton pump inhibitor with a probiotic for your bloating sensation. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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I have just started into full menopause a few months ago . I am on wellbution for the depression I have been experiencing but it seems that I am having so much trouble focusing that it its affecting my job . is vyvanse a drug that could help menopausal symptoms ?
Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. From what you have stated it is quite clear that you are having a depressive episode. Depression can occur with regular stress, and it can also occur biologically without any stress as well. You need proper treatment for the same. There are various effective therapies for depression like fluoxetine, venlafaxine, bupropion, mirtazapine or Escitalopram, and they are all very effective and mostly safe. Vyvanse is also a good option. You may also require some benzodiazepines like clonazepam or lorazepam for a short period like 2-3 weeks to reduce the anxiety and help with your sleep. If you are averse to the Chat Doctor. This therapy is taken by either a psychologist or a psychiatrist in which the therapist identifies impaired cognitions (Thoughts) and try to correct them. They are 15-20 min weekly session and there should be around 8-10 sessions to help you with your illness. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned
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i have lichen planus in my mouth , i had taken some medication for the past one year, last week only i came to know by another doctor it is lp. he gave me the oral past " triamcinolone acetonide(kenacort 0.1). is it correct this disease is curable?
Hi. Welcome to ChatDoctorI am Chat Doctor. I understand your concern and will give advice accordingly. Looking at your profile I agree that the treatment given is correct. As it is a chronic inflammatory disease and there is no specific treatment available as of now which cures this disease, no one can claim that this can cure completely. You need to do follow up with your doctor at regular interval even if your symptoms subsides as in can relapse, get infected & rarely lead to malignancy. I wish your rapid recovery and will help you further if needed.
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I drank with friends one weekend and skipped my birth control for 2 days and the very next day i got my period. A week later my period stopped and i started getting sharp pains in my vagina and I started bleeding again. Did I have a miscarriage then a regular period or a elongated period with sharp pains?
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is possible that it is an elongated period. Miscarriages are associated abdominal cramping, clots and the passage of fleshy products. If you continue to have periods with prolonged bleeding then you need to consider visiting your doctor for an assessment. This would include physical examination, hormonal level blood tests and imaging of the reproductive organs by ultrasound.I hope this helps
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I have 2 lumps on the outside of my right knee. It doesnt hurt to the touch and it gets bigger every now and again. I have had to have knee surgery before, I hyper extended my knee backwards when I was younger. I have had these lumps for awhile now. Im 42 yr old male.
Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. These lumps look to be of synovial (membrane which covers the joint and gives the joint the fluid to keep it friction-less) origin. This is confirmed by your history of the swellings getting bigger and smaller on its own. This can be confirmed by MRI / FNAC- fine needle aspiration cytology. If the swellings are not having any symptoms, you can watch team. Surgery to remove for getting rid of the disease and to get a histopathological diagnosis can be done.
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I develope a Salivary Glad Problem over night it is very painful had it 2 other time in the past 5 years but was able to get to a doctor immediately which gave me prescribed pills? my face is swollen boy did I start the new year offwith tears please advise me! YYYY@YYYY
Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query. You have not mentioned the location of swollen glands like lower jaw, behind the ear, etc. Swollen salivary glands can be due to various causes like Bacterial or viral infection, stones, cysts, autoimmune, etc. I suggest you visit a dentist for check up. You need to provide history like recent infection, medication history, any radiation exposure, etc. Get blood test done for infection. X-ray of salivary gland or Sialograpgy can be done if needed. Meanwhile, you can start with the antibiotic course on prescription. Tylenol or Ibuprofen will ease pain. Maintain good HY Chat Doctor. Warm compresses of swollen area will help. Chew sugarless gums for stimulating saliva. Sialadenitis, i.e. infection of salivary glands starts regressing after 48 hrs with antibiotics. But stones or cyst or other complications need further treatment. Hope the answer helps you. Thank you!
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For the past couple of weeks, I have developed intense itching in both groin areas. I have itched it so badly that I have developed fissures. It is very dry and flaky skin is coming off. It is really uncomfortable and just getting worse. What should I do?
Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. It seems you have got intertwine. Intertrigo is an infection which occurs over any opposing skin surfaces, mostly seen over groin folds. Its caused due to bacterial or sometimes fungal infection. Overweight can increase the friction and thus predispose to intertwine. I would suggest you oral antibiotics and antifungal tablets for few days along with application of antibiotic cream like juridic acid and antifungal cream like clotrimazole twice a day for few weeks. Use dusting powder containing clotrimazole on daily basis to keep area Chat Doctor. Try to reduce weight and maintain hygiene. Avoid tight undergarments and use cotton garments as far as possible. Hope this will help YouTube care
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My father is suffering from heart and kidney problem. Haemoglobin has gone down to 6.5 and createnine at 4.2 along with high Uric acid and urea. All doctors were of the opinion that my father needs to go for dialysis but nephrologist adviced to give epofit 3000 and no dialysis. Do you think that a good decision? Please advice
HiT hanks for choosing Chat Doctor. In.profit is nothing but erythropoietin which is released by kidney and in kidney patients as it is released in low quantity and that's the reason why hemoglobin will be low in such patients. So giving that injection will improve he and the symptoms caused by anemia but if you have no uremic symptoms then you can hold hemodialysis and have symptomatic treatment. Thank you.
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Hi my son had a fever lasting roughly 5 days followed by a rash lasting another 4-5 days the drs were concerned he had measles and took routine blood work this was the first time he had a cbc. His palette levels were moderately low (131) after his measles test came back negativeI was asked to bring him back a week from orioriginal date for another cbc this time his levels were quite elevated (644) is there a concern I should have to these results? Is it normal to fluctuate that high out of normal range in a matter of weeks or is this something I should bring to a blood specialists? There is a strong family history of leukemia should I be concerned about that as well ?
Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Increased platelets level is good and goes against the diagnosis of leukemia.2. So much variation is not possible. Get a second test at other lab or get a platelet count on peripheral smear.3. Along with it, also get a differential leukocyte count to look for immature cells. I would not expect to find anything with normal platelet levels. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
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hi my son was diagnosed with hep c genotype1a about five years ago he has not seen a doctor for this and he had developed food poisoning not too long ago and was admitted in the hospital. For the past two days he has been vomiting is that a sign of the hep c
Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. Yes hepatitis C in advance cases can cause vomiting. Food poisoning can cause vomiting only for some period not more than the period. As your child is having vomiting from long time, it is likely to be hepatitis. It must be advance hepatic stage of hepatitis C which causes vomiting. I advise you should visit nearby doctor to diagnose yourself exactly and treat it accordingly. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist.
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Hi I had the copper coil fitted last body has been fine...ive had heavy periods which was expected but....the last few months I have been suffrreing with the following...extreme tiredness....break out of spots on my face....low sex drive....weight gain..iritated...moody...severe cramps...and pain when having sex...
. It looks to be generalized weakness due to multi vitamin, iron deficiency after heavy period. Go for routine investigations to confirm the diagnosis. Weight gain should be ruled out by thyroid profile. Start B12,folic acid, calcium,minerals, l-carnitine and other supplements. Intramuscular injections of B12,folic acid is advisable. Breakout on face is usually due to hormonal response. Take proper care for face. Consult your family physician for further guidance and medical management.
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Hi I am experiencing some numbness on one side of my face. It started about 6 hers ago and soon after the numbness appeared I got a bad headache. The headache disappeared but after I would loose track of what I was saying and I would be thinking one thing and I would say something different not realizing it. Is this normal?
Hello! I read your question and understand your concern. I think that these symptoms may be caused by a small stroke. Furthermore, I would like to know if you have measured your blood pressure. Do you suffer from arterial hypertension or diabetes ? The headache is not a common symptom in stroke, but it may be related to migraine, high blood pressure etc. I would recommend consulting the neurologist, have a good neurological examination, a full blood work, a blood lipids analysis and a brain CT scan. Further, tests like cardiac check up and Doppler ultrasound of the carotid vessels may be needed to establish the cause. Hope to have been of help. Best wishes!
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i was attached with TB in 1984 & again it relapsed in 2011, I have taken 6months treatment . My throat coughing & occational fever still remains. After taking penicillin I have develioped imbalance in my legs . What treatment & where can i take my treatment
Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Imbalance in the leg after a TB can be serious it requires a CT and MRI of the spine to rule out any lesion in the area. TB won't be treated with the penicillin. TB requires a combination of various Chat Doctor. So if your doctor has given you a penicillin than it will not be TB, and it can be different infection. But till you undergo the investigation I would suggest you to take the vitamin B complex
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i am suffering from intermittent but severe dizziness after receiving a cervical spine steroid injection over a month ago. It scaring me with all the trouble with the lab that sent out the tainted steroids. My doctor claims that she did not use that lot , but I am suspect - what should I do?
Hello, The blood vessels that supply the inner ears and the parts of the brain that are connected with the balance of the body pass through the cervical vertebrae. Cervical spondylosis which is the usual cause of the pain in that region for which you received the steroid injection also affects these blood vessels and causes alteration in the blood flow which results in dizziness. Physiotherapy along with the use of certain medicines will reduce this dizziness. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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My 70 yr old husband had diarrhea with 104.7 temp, lack of appetite, very dehydrated but no abd pain. CT showed collapsed gallbladder . He was on cipro for (chronic) ear infection 1 day when this began. Stool culture showed no c diff or salmonella but a blood culture was positive for gram + rods after 3 days. He is now on flagyll, lomotil, and sulpha antibiotic for ear infection. A gallbladder test is scheduled in 2 days. He continues to have fatigue and low grade fever on day 7. Blood culture repeated yesterday. Is this related to the gallbladder? Are we moving too slowly?
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Dear miss, Positive blood culture is a serious finding. And first thing to do is broad spectra antibiotic treatment, intravenous if possible. Second thing to do is to find the source of infection, it can be intra-abdominal but also urinary or lung infections too. So you should focus on these 3. When the source is found and the right cause identified then more accurate antibiotic can be used. Wish you good health.
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I am suffering from un rythmic heart for almost an year and take metoprolol 50 mg o.d. 2 days ago i had terrific pulse rate variation and I felt very dizzy my bp became 110/70 and pulse rate 60/min was hospitalised now i am out of hospital but feel very weak and still have irregular the hospital they adminstered normal saline with Cordarone.. what should be my next course?
Hello Sir / Madam, Thanks for writing in to Chat Doctor. Un rhythmic heart (Atrial Fibrillation) is usually treated with Amiodarone (Cordon). Hence, you have been given the right treatment. The dose shall change in due course as a when the heart beats stabilize. However, the reason of atrial fibrillation need to be investigated hence you need to consult a cardiologist regarding further cardiac evaluation. Sometimes infections do cause atrial fibrillation whicChatDoctores down as the infection subsides. What needs to be taken care of is incidences of stroke increase in un rhythmic heart beat so kindly take rest and follow your doctors instructions. Donot do stressful work. Continue with the treatment. Chat Doctor.
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I went to the beach a few weeks ago out in florida. I came home with really itchy skin. Ill scratch all hours of the day. But sometimes it s unbearable. I have like little red bumps Wherever I scratch. Yesterday while bathing I realize I have 1 on my crotch near my vagina lip. The more I think about the more paranoid I get. The last time I got tested was about a month and a half ago and I haven t slept with anybody since then. I read a article saying they could be bug bites from the beach, but it wouldn t last this long would it!? I really want to know what s going on I m scared only 20 years old.
Hi thanks for your question have developed itching following visit to a beach, few weeks ago. The itching is still persistent and leads to bump formation, on itching think it is due to bug bite may be right, it could be due to bug bite. Bump formation after itching is normal, as this due to histamine release. Have you taken any treatment for itching, I presume no. Take antihistamine and short course of antibiotic (since we presume this is bug bite of few weeks' duration).Hopefully you symptoms will subside in a week time. Consultation with a physician is encouraged. There are negligible chances that it could be an STD(sexually transmitted disease). Hope this answers your question.
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Hi, I had tripped and hurt a part of my lower right leg (shin bone area) by hitting it against a pice of concrete two days ago. I was wearing jeans, so there was no direct contact between the skin and concrete, but my skin still ruptured and the skin in the area around the open wound got stuck to my jeans (was sort of scraped off because of the jeans). I had washed the wound and applied antiseptic as soon as I had gotten home, but today the skin area which had scraped off seems to be a yellowish-brownish scab surrounded by reddened skin and the pain in my shin bone surrounding the wound (upto 2 inches above and below the wound) seems to continuously increase. Could there be a serious problem with the wound?
Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. There is nothing serious about it if there is no fever. So you can keep area open with antiseptic ointment applied over it. If you have fever then it is cause of concern. It denotes infection and needs urgent care by antibiotics and if needed incision and Chat Doctor. Antibiotics such as ibuprofen are given to relieve pain. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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i am struggling from shortness of breath after walking 3-4 meters. Once seated and trying to take deep breaths i start losing the shallow breathing, slowly after1 minute. This happens regardless of what i am doing. This has been getting worse since the weekend.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. By your history, in my opinion you are having dyspnea on minimal exertion. Common causes for this are1. Cardiac causes like heart failure, ischemic heart disease etc.2. Pulmonary causes like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) , fibrosis, etc. So get done ECG and 2D Echo to rule out cardiac cause. Get done chest x-ray and PFT (PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST) to rule out pulmonary causes. So consult doctor and discuss all these.
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Hi I m 22 year old I had a implanon for 4 years nd had put a new one in April 2013 nd had it removed on June 5th 2014 what I wanna know is can I fell pregnant straight away nd is their a chance I may have a miscarriage nd I have been also having weird symptoms like my belly seems to feel a bit tight at times seem to be weeing abit nd had a day of just spotting I had unprocected sex with my boyfriend on the weekend before my implanon was removed and all so afterwards
Hello and I hope I can help you today.First, I want to reassure you that it is not possible that you could have conceived if you had unprotected sex before your Implant was removed. Implanon is nearly 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy while it is in place, and it takes time for you to ovulate again (at least 7-10 days) after it is removed. So if you only had unprotected sex immediately before and after your implant was removed, it is unlikely you could have conceived so quickly. Pregnancy symptoms vary widely between women, and many of the same symptoms we commonly associate with pregnancy such as nausea, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches and irregular bleeding can also happen from an irregular menstrual cycle as well as pregnancy. Many women have irregular periods after discontinuing a hormonal birth control method. So, I suggest you wait for your period, which should occur around 4 weeks after your Implant removal, and if you miss your period, a urine pregnancy test will be accurate at this time. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that this information was helpful. Best wishes,
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Hi ,my left arm seems to be getting weaker and sore even in my sleep-most pain in my forearm.I have had a bit of it in my right arm but is not so bad now. I am a machine operator and have not had much exercise this year. I would like to but the pain is too much and I dont know if Ill cause more damage. Any thoughts?
Hello, I have studied your case. Pain in the forearm can be due to weakness or can be due to overuse. You have not told me in detail about your other illness. I would suggest you get a compression bandage for forearm and avoid putting pressure on one side. You can also take Broken tablet for pain relief. Hot water fomentation and Volition gel are also helpful. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other follow-up questions. Thanks
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hi I m wondering if radiation for stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer would be beneficial. the patient is already taking strong chemo and a lot of herbal supplements. Feels good except after treatments. What pills and treatment would you suggest Thank u
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Treatment of pancreatic cancer depends on type and stage as well as spread of cancer. In early stage surgery is useful. In late stage chemotherapy and radiotherapy remain mainstay in the treatment. Radiotherapy is useful in some types of pancreatic cancer. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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I have been trying to figure out why my legs are hurting so much, about an 8-10. Also my knees are hurting and are swollen all the time lately and are week, they give out a lot. I m recoding from thoriac back surgery, my surgeon cut a couple of chunks out and straightened my spine then fused from T8 to L1 were he tied into the 14 screws he placed while fussing L1-my sacrum in 2009, I now have 26 total screws. I m wondering if I injured my femoral nerve because my groin and inside of my legs hurt all the down to my ankles, along with my knee and leg pain?
Hi, Regarding your concern, I would explain that it is important performing some investigations to differentiate between two main possible causes that may lead to your symptoms: - a joint inflammation- a articular pain radiating from your back (nerve compression). That, is why I would recommend performing some tests:- a nerve conduction study to examine your nerves-complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate for inflammation. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Hope to have been helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further. Kind regards,
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Hello my baby is 15montjs old and she is around 7kg she is very week and now its been 2days she got vomiting and also it been 2days she start having lose motion plz advice me what to gave her also is holicks harmfull for her or i cam gave her ..thanks
Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Weight of your baby is very less for age, you have not mentioned her birth weight. Your baby seems to suffering from gastroenteritis give her ORS, zinc. You also need to show her to your pediatrician early as she is weak and prone to severe infection without warning signs like fever. You need to give her a balanced diet with variety, and supplements after consulting your doctor, Cowlicks alone is not going to help , I usually do not recommend it. There is also a need to find cause of her poor weight, was she born with low birth weight, what diet is she taking, is her appetite poor or weight not increasing despite good appetite ? All questioned needs to answered and her diet to be planned accordingly in consultation with your doctor. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing your child good health.
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I got my wisdom teeth removed a month ago. I ended up getting dry socket and an infection so the doctor gave me more medication. I started to heal and even flushed out the sockets. Not I have a lump along my jawline that is tender to the touch. Is it possible that food got stuck in the socket?
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The lump over the jaw line can be because of the infection of the bone that is garret osteomyelitis. Nothing to be panic, complete the course of antibiotics particularly amoxicillin and metronidazole combination. Keep the socket area clean by rinsing with saline. If it is not reducing in a week, consult an oral physician and take an causal radiograph to confirm the diagnosis. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
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I have a golfball sized lump inside the right side of my neck. I have developed some spots that have crusty heads at the back of my hairline also they havent went away for about a month. Im also tired and either feeling really hot ot really cold. Please help. Lynn
Thank you for asking Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. You have mentioned lump at right side of the neck and have some spots that have crusty heads at hair line back, along with that feeling of being tired/hot /cold. You need consultation of your physician for detailed evaluation as such lumps need clinical examination for establishing diagnosis and further management, and you may have to go through some Labs. You can get rid of this by visiting a physician and treatment. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
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hello my father has oral cancer and its of 4 stage he has recieved 3 chemotherapy sittings 2 operations and 1 month radiation treatment .he has also recieved target treatment and now he is undergoing ozone therapy but still has 5 tumors on his face age43 help him
Your father has received almost all possible treatment modalities available. At the moment only palliative treatment looks possible. If the tumors on his face are respectable then surgery should be done. Otherwise, palliative chemotherapy should be given. For details regarding the chemotherapy options previous chemotherapy given, current performance status of patient, age of patient and baseline lab investigations would be required. Please discuss it with the treating oncologist and if you have any further query I would be more than happy to answer.
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Hi My three year old son has had Diarrhea and vomiting with extreamly high temp (104+), this was 6 days ago but his stools are still very lose (Liquid) and his urine is cloudy, we are Hydrating him as best as possible but he will not drink enough himself and is getting pains in his abdomen??? most of the time he is his normal self but then goes down hill as the day goes by....Longer, more frequent naps and becomes very soukey.. Can you help as we have spoken to a Dr who told us that this will need to run its course and to keep him hydrated this is now becoming a worry for both of us and he has droped quite a lot of weight?
Hi according to your information your child is having some gastrointestinal problems mostly due to viral causes and settle by it own, but distinguishing features from bacterial illness is mucus containing stool or blood if it, so it might need antibiotics check your child s stool full report and channel a doctor you also mentioned that his urine also cloudy so better check his urinalysis as well thank you
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Took Keflex for an infection on my eye lid, now I have a horrible red rash on my chest and it is slowly going away. But this morning I woke up with a red rash under both breasts. When will it clear up? It has been 5 weeks now. I stopped the Keflex two and half weeks ago. I have Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream 0.1%, will this clear it up?
Hi, It seems that you are having candida infection. Do not apply triamcinolone, it is steroid and will exacerbate the infection. You apply clotrimazole or fluconazole cream at night and clotrimazole powder during daytime. And orally, take itraconazole cap. Daily for two weeks. Do not apply soap at bath. You can use detail liquid for bath, pour few Chat Doctor. Wear cotton clothes. And have blood test to rule out DM. I think, you will be alright . I hope you got my answer. Thanks.
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Hi,2 days before i went to Sehat Clinic (Chennai, India) for hair loss problem. The doctor witnessed me and prescribed two tablets named "Nano Hair Revitalizer & VB7 Forte". I have not yet started taking those tablets, i have a question whether is there any side effects taking those tablets?Please answer my question..Thanks,Suresh S
DearWelcome to Chat Doctor ! Your details have been evaluated, and I find that certain vital details are missing. If I were your dermatologist, I would have asked you detailed history, examined you and the affected hairs, got some investigations done to substantiate your diagnosis. Most common causes of hair loss are halogen effluvium in which there is diffuse hair loss from all over scalp and the other one is An Chat Doctor. These two are common causes, but other diseases have to be ruled out by history and examination. In my opinion, it is recommended that first a diagnosis is made, and then proper treatment is instituted. I request you to provide the other required details so that your hair can be as healthy as those of normal person of your age. In the meantime, please avoid massaging too vigorously, have a healthy diet, adequate rest, and use a mild shampoo once or twice a week. This will surely aid in early recovery. Best wishes.
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Hi I have cushing disease, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, occipital neuralgia and have been treated with antibiotics for over a year now and wbc and neutrophils are still elevated and dont understand why if being on antibiotics for over a year could this mean something
Cushing's disease itself can cause elevated WBC, so this may not necessarily be related to an infection. Certainly a year of antibiotics should have taken care of most infections, depending on what antibiotic was used. Unusual infections or internal infections (e.g., abscess in a muscle or organ) might cause a persistent elevated WBC, as might a chronic inflammatory condition. You would probably be having other symptoms, such as persistent fevers, pain, or weight loss, if that were the case. You don't say how high the WBC count is, so it is hard to assess its severity. Be sure the Cushing disease is well treated first. If you are still having elevated WBC, you might need further evaluation or need to see a hematologist to get a specific diagnosis. Hope this helps.
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My boyfriend put nair on his penis and left it on to long, he has burns on his p enis. On one particular part the skin is peeling, he says now that everytime he touches it it burns. Does it sound like a std? We are having unprotected sex and I dont hve any symptoms
HelloThanks for query. Your boyfriend has developed peeling of skin over shaft of the penis after applying hair removal cream. This is mostly due to allergic reaction to hair removing cream. He needs to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Definite and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Along with topical steroid cream like Renovate for local application twice daily. Ensure he washes his genitals with warm water twice daily. Ensure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely. Since both of you are known to each other and have in sexual relationship since a long time and absence of any symptoms suggesting STD there is no possibility of STD.
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My mother aged 61, has Tripple Vessel CAD with two blockage 100%. Doctors advised Medical management over bypass and Angioplasty as She is Diabetic, Hypertension as well as her arteries are vary narrow. What should we do, as even on hugh medicine, she contineously has breathless ness entire day.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. She is a ideal candidate for bypass surgery. Triple vessels' disease with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol are an absolute indication for Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). She is symptomatic (breathlessness) despite medicines. This also favors surgical management more. So better not wait and get done CABG. Consult cardiothoracic surgeon and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks.
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I had a grand mal seizure about 3 weeks ago, I am 72 years old and had never had a seizure before. I was under severe stress, no sleep for many days and was caring for my husband who died a week later. Anyway I was kept in the hospital for three days because I had developed before the seizure the ability to carry on a conversation and my words were staggered. Tonight I think I took my afternoon Dilantin and I took my night time one because my pill box for the afternoon dose was empty. What do you think is the right way if this happens again?
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. First seizure needs evaluation to find out the underlying cause of seizures. I presume you underwent MRI of brain, EEG and other blood tests. Regarding Dilation, you need to take 5 mg per kg body weight. So, if your weight is about 60 kg, then, a daily dose of 300 mg is needed. A capsule of Dilation is 100 mg, so, you would need three capsules daily. Since the duration of action is 24 hours, for convenience’s sake, you can take the entire three capsules together at night. Other options include taking one in morning, after noon and night each OR one in morning and two at night. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
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Hi i am from chennai. i have few black spots in my face which makes me look dark. This is my only problem pls help me with a good solution
Hi prithiWelcome to Chat Doctor Black spots on face or hyperpigmented spots which have developed later on in life could suggest hormonal imbalance or due to excessive sun exposure best results it is advisable to consult a dermatologist cum cosmetologist who can study your skin type and provide appropriate remedial then try to have a balanced diet, plenty of water and exercise for at least half an hour. Use only mild glycerine soap and sunscreen daily.avoid the afternoon sun 10am to 4pm if possible. You can try fresh lemon juice or natural lover application to decrease the black spotsThanks W
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A couple of months ago l discoverd a very large blood blister on my large toe, l went to our local center for them to look at it they decided to cut away the skin and release the blood. Then they cut more skin away and dressed it. l was told that it must be dressed every day that has happend with my wife cleaning the wound and making sure that it stays clean. Now after two months the hole where they cut away the skin has not improved at all, being a diabetic on insulin l am beging to worry about gangerine. please advise me as to my next move as l live in spain and do not have access to a doctor as yet, we are going through the proccess now, sincerly Paul Wintershausen.
Hello Mr. Paul Wintershausen Since you are a diabetic and taking INSULIN and wound is not healing in spite of the treatment. This is a" diabetic foot" :Presentation of diabetic foot is of three type :1 Neuropathic foot in which neuropathy dominates .2 The neuroischemic foot, in which occlusive vascular disease is the main factor .3 Non-neuroishemic but purely infected foot. Since you are a diabetic patient, so any of above possibility may be the reason of NON-HEALING DIABETIC FOOT. In my opinion you must consult a PLANETOLOGIST and get his opinion. If color of infected toe is reddish bluish and foul smell is there then you may have developed GANGRENE. So at earliest consult a PLANETOLOGIST and get his opinion. Hope this will help you.
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Hello. I dont know if i do have an allergy? because at every beginning of winter season I get cold and i start to caugh and this would ended until the coming of spring. I suffer a lot from caughing and my eyes? my throat and nose would never stop itching all the time. please doctor help me at least with a piece of advice
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Although more details would help, from your current symptoms, I would first think of allergy.2. Were I treating you, I would suggest you montelukast and levocetirizine regularly during your "bad" season. You can also start montelukast 1 week before onset of "bad" season which may reduce your symptoms.3. If still you have cough, I would suggest you to get your chest examined by a doctor who will listen to it with a stethoscope and may identify the cause of cough.4. I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them.5. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
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i have stage 3 ovarian cancer I have had surgery chemo for a year the growth has slow down I was told I would not be cured. Therefore I stopped chemo. What well happen or what symptoms will I see next or how soon I am feeling more tried. Eating least, feeling full easily.
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. As you stop chemotherapy, your tumor will grow at faster rate. You may develop abdominal pain, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, ascites in short time. You should not stop the chemotherapy. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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hi mam, im 23 years old got married 3 months. I wanna to get pregnant faster im getting my periods regularly now but minimum flow and getting spotting 15 days back is this an ovulation time? I got pcod 1 year back i took crimson tablets is there any problem to conceive? Pls reply me thank u.
Hello dear, i understand your concern. In my opinion there might not be any problem in conceiving if your cycles are regular. The cause for minimal flow like thyroid abnormalities should be ruled out.Also, as you have a history of POD previously an ultrasound might be needed to check for the POD status. First and most important is avoided stress and anxiety related to pregnancy because they cause hormonal imbalance and delay the conception further. If ultrasound and thyroid profile are normal then nothing to worry. Practice regular intercourse to increase the conception chances. Best regards... Chat Doctor.
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I had spinal fusion and disc replacement in my c56&7 in oct 2011 now have a lump on the leftside at the base of my skull close to the spine,I ve had an mri and was it was real bad with osteoporosis and he couldn t even read the mri (which he does on all of his cases) I have very severe headaches and dizziness blurred vision and confusion please help. DeeDee
Hello, I have studied your case. As per your history it looks swelling of soft tissue which can be lipoma or benign tumor. I will advise consulting surgeon for clinical examination. Bone scan may help for diagnosis. Benign swelling giving rise to pain can be excised. Osteoporosis needs to be treated adequately. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care
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I am 24 years of age. I had a tumor surgically taken out. After its biopsy it was found to be pure dysgerminoma. The tumor was confined to one overy. It was a conservative surgey. Do i need a chemotherapy? What is the survival rate with and without chemo. 5 year survival rate means the person only has 5 years to live?
Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is important to take chemotherapy for dysgerminoma after surgery. Stage 1 requires only surgery because it is immature teratoma. However, higher stage is best treated with chemotherapy. Dysgerminomas are usually very sensitive to chemo, and can sometimes be treated with the less toxic combination of carbonation and topside. Giving chemotherapy will control the disease and prevent recurrence. Recurrence takes place in few patients even after surgery. That is why probably your doctors have recommended chemotherapy. With chemotherapy survival rates are high in the early stages. Almost every patient will respond to treatment. In cancer survival 5 year is considered a benchmark for treatment. If a patient survives for 5 years then their cancer is considered treated. Patients can live for a lifetime. Please do not worry.
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I have a small white pain painful lump on the bottom of my foot. It is surrounded by red infected type colour. I first thought I had something stuck in my foot but I cant find anything. Its getting more painful every day and getting quiet hard to put any pressure on my foot.
Hi, Dear,These painful foot lumps need to be reviewed and consulted by your ER Surgeon. The lump in the throat seems to be abscessed of the plantar tissue of the foot. Take antibiotics / anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. So consultation with ER Surgeon would fix solution to your intriguing lump problem at the site. This would resolve your query. Write excellent review if you feel that this reply has helped you a lot. Welcome for any further query in this regard to Chat Doctor and to ME. Have a good Day.
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Hello, I have extremely sore and itchy nipples. I have been using anti fungal cream for a month and its not helping and I also had an ultra sound on my breasts 2 weeks ago and it came back clear. My ex used to cheat on me alot so could it be a symptom of an STI ? Any ideas what it could be? Thanks
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Sore and itchy nipples are not the signs and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infection. I would be due to some other infections preferably of fungal origin. The fungal infection will be more common in this area because the fungus can survive and grow in the wet and moist area. As you are having the symptoms of itching and soreness it sounds like a fungal infection. I would suggest you to follow1. Keep that area Chat Doctor. Topical Antifungal cream3. Oral Antihistamines4. Oral Antifungal
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I have a red spot on my left knee that at first looked like a mosquito bite but came to a head yesterday and then started oozing yellow pus. Now I have another sore starting on my right calf. Both are itchy. I ve been fighting a bad cold for 10 days and am concerned that these may not be bites. Thoughts?
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is possible that they are bites that have become infected. Bites can become infected when bacteria are introduced from under the nails during itching. It is not likely that they are linked to the cold that you are currently fighting. The use of topical antibiotics may help but if they do not resolve with topical treatment then oral antibiotics would be needed. You should also consider repellent to prevent further bites. I hope this helps
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In the past couple months I have been having an extreme sharp pain in my left abdomen. The pain causes me to be unable to breath and I fall to the floor unable to move because of how severe the pain is. I went to the doctor for it and gave them all my symptoms, period for 6 weeks, fatigued, headaches, heartburn. All of my tests came back normal, but I have still having this pain and when it hits it is very scary.Do you have any idea of what it could be or what my next step should be?
Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would go for an ultrasound abdomen to rule out any pelvic adnexal disease or a urinary stone disease on the left side. Apart from it, any kind of pelvic infection or an UTI could also give rise to such pain. To rule this out, you have to get yourself examined clinically by a gynecologist, followed by a urine routine/microscopic/culture and sensitivity test and also an ultrasound of the abdomen. Therefore, I would advise you to take appointment with a gynecologist if not done already. Till then, you could go for an antispasmodic Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor
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I had a tooth filled sept 24 it abcessed I developed a cough shortly after was put on antibiotics had to have tooth pulled last wk but still had chronic cough ..Im very asthmatic nothing is working for cough a d now metallic taste aftertaste when I cough
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You were having infected tooth and this can cause aspiration of pus in the lungs and development of lung Infection. So we should get done chest x-ray to rule out lung infection as a cause for your coughing. Your metallic taste is due to antibiotics you are taking. If chest x-ray is normal than no need to worry much for cough. Take antihistamine and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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My mom has underwent surgery in her intestine. Now she is having urinary infection. Report says that few pus cells were seen. Moderate Gram Positive Cocci were seen in pairs and chains. Enterococcus faecalis 10000 cfg/ml. Is this a serious condition?
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Enterococcus females is a type of bacteria that can cause a variety of infections though urinary tract infections are most common. It is treated with antibiotic therapy. The infection can sometimes be difficult to treat because the bacteria can be resistant to antibiotics. This does not occur in all cases, and it is quite possible that your mother would respond to her treatment. I hope this helps
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Hi my question is ive been experiencing for a few years now a variety of strange symptoms and they are as follows muscles aches mostly on the left side of the body as well numbness and tingling on my left arm and muscles twitching all over my body. Also a tension that runs down my left leg as well as pain at the top of my left foot left knee and left upper shoulder. And lastly at times full body numbness and dizziness. So my question is what do all these symptoms mean? ive been to my primary care doctor and he performed blood work for fibromyalgia as well as rheumatoid arthritis but everything comes out clear.
Hello, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that it is important performing a comprehensive differential diagnosis between different possible causes that may lead to this clinical situation: a bulging disc in the cervical column, vitamin D deficiency, fibromyalgia, etc. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a physical exam and some tests: - a cervical spine X-ray study-complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance-vitamin D plasma levels. A cervical spine MRI study may be needed, coupled with nerve conduction studies. You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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I think I may have broke my foot near the navicular 4 weeks ago. Regular X-rays said no but it s has a protruding of bone where I hit it and now I m having burning, numbness and tingling in foot. Not to mention it seems like my great to is crossing over the one next to it. Should I go for a second opinion or is this normal.
Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have burning sensation, numbness and tightness in the feet. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like chronic alcohol use , athletes foot, diabetic neuropathy, hypothyroidism, nerve injury or vitamin deficiency anemia. I would suggest you to consult general practitioner for proper examination. Doctor may order certain tests like blood test, nerve conduction test and take history. Doctor may prescribe iron supplement or refer you to endocrinologist for thyroid problem or orthopedic surgeon for nerve injury. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
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I have been diagnosed with a cyst on either my esophages or my Bronchi (they aren t sure yet). I have had an MRI and a CT scan both with contrast. I am now being told that I need another gated MRI. I am being treated now for stomach ulcers. I cough all the time. What are the chances that they will be able to fix this without major surgery?
Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Esophageal and or bronchial cyst if symptomatic than should be removed surgically. Surgery is the treatment of choice for such cyst. And it is better to remove this cyst as chances of following complications are high if these cysts are left untreated.1. Infection2. Rupture3. Fistula formation.4. Pressure symptoms on surrounding structures. So better to remove this cyst surgically.
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I just had my teeth pulled and am wearing temporary dentures. My teeth were pulled on 10/25. I was given chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. I have been out of that medication for a week. My tongue turned a chocolate milk color during using the rinse. Now that I havent used it for a week, my tongue is still turning that color. Infection or side effect?
Hello, Yes. It is one of the side of chlorhexidine gluconate mouth wash. It is not due to infection. Some other usual side effects.1. Tooth/tongue staining 2. Increased tartar3. Mouth/throat irritation4. Change in taste of food/ Chat Doctor. 1. To decrease staining of teeth and mouth surfaces, brush with toothpaste 3 times daily, brushing more on the stained areas2. Use of a "tartar control" toothpaste and electric toothbrush may be more effective.3. To decrease the effect on how food tastes, eat first, followed by tooth brushing and then chlorhexidine rinse.4. See your dentist at least every 6 months for tooth cleaning/tartar removal.5. Staining from this medication that may occur on dental work (such as crowns or veneers) usually can only be removed by a dentist/hygienist. Wishing you good health.
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Dear Dr Prasad. I had frequent break outs on my skin. A lot of pimples suddenly.As an aside, I also had severe throat swelling and ear pain, unlike the symptoms of tonsilitis.My GP told me it was because of a lymph node infection.Can pimples break out because of this? And what is the treatment?
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Hii,I recently had sonography & report says liver enlarged with mild coarse un echotexture , it measures 16.4 cms in spam.Subsequent liver function showsrange of Bilirubin as 0.61 & Albumin as 3.60I would like tomention that I am 41 year old Male with regular intake of alchol.Is my condition bad enough & please suggest medication & course of treatment.
Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Your bilirubin level and albumin levels are within limit... Hence, chance of jaundice and chronic liver disease is less here... Your further evaluation for enlarged liver should be done with following... -CBC and peripheral smear examination, If target cells seen hemoglobinopathy ruled out by HPLC -Serum viral markers if suspected from history like bag -Serum SGPT, GOT According to cause found further management planed... Alcohol intake should be kept limited. Heavy Chat Doctor.
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hi doctors, my name is anita and im inquiring regarding chronic pain ( as of yesterday evening ) in my tail bone, i did not fall just almost tripped from behind but caught myself, since then from my knees down i feel numbness or tickling sensation and the pain is not aliviating, can i get your input and do i have to seek immediate help or home excercise is okay ?
Hello, I have studied your case and most probably you are having disc herniation with nerve compression in the spine. I would recommend you to get some rest. Take hot water fomentation in the back and also keep your leg elevated over pillow. You should also take tablet Pregabalin M one daily. This will decrease nerve edema and also take care of the pain. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
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I have a lump on the right side of my vagina it started out on the outside now it has gotten swoll and sits on the inside of my vaginal area it looks like a hair bump but it only hurts a little when i wipe or when i lay down it itches a little. I thought it was a cysts.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A lump in the vaginal wall could be due to cystic lesion. A Catholics gland cyst, a Garden cyst, soft tissue swelling, etc. Inflammation of Catholics gland is quite painful. However, the Catholics cyst lies at the junction of anterior two thirds and posterior one third of the labia minor. You need to consult a gynecologist for clinical assessment. Depending on the type of lesion, further management will be planned. Surgical removal of the cyst will be curative in most of the cases. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
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Hello sir!! Im 23 years old and im having problem in my stomach and intenstines since last 3 years.. After every 6-7 months. Im on proper medication but still there is pain in ma extreme right of stomach. I only take 2 meals a day. I sleep in early morning like 4/5 nd get up around 2. It is actually bothering me too much now as my work is suffering and twice I had to leave my job . So what can I do to make things better!??
Hello, By history it seems like you're suffering from acid peptic disease. Your food habits and your stressed life and work pattern has a role to're on regular medication but you're not ad Chat Doctor. If uncontrolled you may develop gastric acid reflux, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Avoid spicy food, tea and coffee.Don't skip any meal. Have frequent small meal. Keep yourself stress-free. Sleep should be adequate. Take Proton pump inhibitors
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I have neurological symptoms pinching burning numbness weakness high pitched sounds in head titching kicking muscle jumping tingling and other sensations and ect my symptom s come and go. my first emg was positive for Peripheral neuropathy lower legs and feet symptoms spread threw body had a second emg was normal even though i still have symptoms in feet lower legs and now threw out my body I also have a lesion on my cervical spine does a emg diagnose multiple sclerosis
His read your problem, actually peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that occurs when nerves malfunction because they are damaged or destroyed. Causes of peripheral neuropathy-Generalized diseases nerve damage caused by diabetes is one of the most common forms of neuropathy. The risk of neuropathy increases for people whore over weight have high blood pressure are over the age of 40 have diabetes other chronic causes airline disorderHypothyroidismDeficiencies of vitamins E, B1,B6, and B12, which are essential to nerve health NAD functioning. InjuryPhysical trauma is the most common cause of injury to the nerves. Alcholhol and toxins infections and autoimmune disorders. MedicationsTreatment options for peripheral neuropathy again medicationsAcetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Medical treatment-TENSErgonomic casts or splints. And you have multiple sclerosis and there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. For the further treatment or investigation consult the orthopedic or euro.
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Hi I am on 300mg of Effexor for ocd, and I am always exhausted and very vacant. My memory is hopeless, I can give a shop assistant my card and then stress straight away wondering what I have done with it. I know I have to be on medication because I really struggle otherwise but was wondering if I can decrease my dosage or try another medication. Thank you. Wendy
Degree understand your concerns went through your description. I suggest you not to worry too much. If you are a typical OCD client, then you should have been advised about OCD fully. It is mandatory. The stress goes with OCD, and it is easily overcome. As long as your memory is concerned, it is not failing. It actually is overwhelmed. You are preoccupied with obsessional thoughts which fails your memory. OCD clients should learn how to tackle this, how to think away from obsessive thoughts. You might need OCD therapy and other behavioral therapies. I am more than happy to provide telephone psychological help through Chat Doctor. Contact me through customer care, www.ChatDoctor .com. Hope this clears your some doubts. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Thanks... a bit confused about treatment options and correct sequencing of frozen shoulder Orthopedic Surgeon 1st - Radiographs (?) - Steroid injection into the joint area - Physical therapy sessions (?) for How long ? or exercise/flexibility/yoga/pranayama at home. OR O.D. 1st - Trigger point injections into 1/2muscle with lidocaine, no epi - multiple appts.(unknown amounts of time and money), some manual adjustments , some exercises to open up hips (connection of pain in shoulder to posture etc), some arm exercises but unable to do because of pain My questions are 1. What is the most effective procedure? 2. What is the best sequencing of treatment? 3. Are alternative treatment modalities necessary always after steroid injections and exercise if relief is present? 4. To prevent this issue from reoccurring are there certain exercises/life management and/or dietary adjustments that have proven to be helpful? Thanks
Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough clinical assistant is advised. As per your query you need to first meet an or tho for the clinical assessment. Post than may be an MRI will be guided to see the soft tissue Injury. Later, with physical therapy the use of ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy will help reduce pain and inflammation. Later stages, exercises and mobilization will be performed to get the strength and ROM of the shoulder girdle. In my clinical practice, it takes about 3-4 weeks of time for recovery to attain. 99% of patients recover faster if the blood glucose level are under control. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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Doctor, my young brother has cycle-cell, he is 30 years old, height 5,7 and weight 59. He has been experiencing abdominal pain, after diagnosis it was found that his liver is swelling. and his stomach is swelling of water. Doctor help us we are poor we cannot aford expensive treatments.
Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that there is no treatment of sickle cell disease. Only thing you have to do is prevention. Prevention is by preventing low oxygen tension to your brother. If he is on low oxygen tension than he feels attack but if he is on good oxygenation nothing will happen to him. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.
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I have a degenrated disc at my L4/L5 level. It is at about 25% degeneration. My L5/S1 also has some slight degenration. I found out after pulling a muscle in my back 4 years ago. My right leg is about a centimeter shorter than my left, which is the main cause of the degeneration. I have shoe inserts which leveled my hips and legs. I recently pulled a muscle in my lower back. I have been experiencing lower back pain and stiffness, along with sciatic pain. I have also been experiencing intermittent pain in my left testicle. It comes and goes and sometimes moves to the right testicle. I have also noticed a frequent urge to urinate. I have noticed that not as much urine comes out and I still feel like I have to go shortly thereafter. If I massage the area near the rectum and behind the scrotum, it provides relief. Movement also provides some relief. The pain moves around between the testicles and base of the penis. Sometimes it disappears completely. I have not been tested for an STI, mainly because I have been married for over 5 years and have no other sexual partners. There have also been no physical signs, i.e. discharge, burning/pain while urinating, cloudy or smelly urine, blood in urine/ejaculate, etc. I have had issues with urination for at least 10 years. They include constant urge, inability to urinate when I feel the urge. I am currently uninsured, so I am trying to find some possible answers before I make it into a doctors office.
Hi, In my opinion the radiating pain in your testicles isn't coming from the herniation or the medications you take it actually came from you renal system which is mentioned of having history of issues for the past ten years, so I think you have some sort of renal stone or a gravel in your ureters that prevents you from urinating freely to the end. You will need some investigation like SUA, RH factor, ASCOT Title, urinalysis and U/S of your abdomen and pelvis to know exactly where is the pathology exactly for specific treatments. I would recommend higher fluid intake, low proteins and carboy Chat Doctor. Please click THANK YOU and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Hope the above information helps you. Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
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i am 34 yr old male i exercise regularily i m 6ft tall and weigh 95 kgs i am a regular tennis player for last one year or so i am having frequent chest discomfort no pain . i got my tmt and echo done 3 times in last one year both are absolutely fine with my tmt results going better than 100% whay is this frequent chest discomfort
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about heart diseases as your 2d echo and TMT (trade mill test) are normal. In my opinion, you are mostly having musculoskeletal cause for your chest discomfort. Your chest discomfort is associated with exertion (playing tennis), so musculoskeletal cause is more likely. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in musculoskeletal discomfort. 1. Avoid awkward movements. 2. Sit with proper back and chest support. 3. Apply warm water pad on affected areas of chest. 4. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. 5. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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I have been on a diet using ChatDoctor drops. I have been experiencing a bit of unexplained bruising and other areas that are the same pain as a bruise, but no bruise or injury is present. Could this be a side effect of the ChatDoctor? Is this a safe thing to take?
Hello, I will suggest you to discontinue the hormonal method of weight loss. ChatDoctor Chat Doctor. Lack of vitamin C in diet and other important micro nutrients can lead to browsability. Chat Doctor has also many side effects, one of which a rare one is browsability. It's best to get into a weight loss program using natural methods and not skipping these essential nutrients, under the guidance of a professional nutritionist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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My husband has had stomach issues for 2 years now. When it first happened he complained of severe stomach pain in his upper middle to left abdomen. He also had a fever. We took him to the E.R. and he was diagnosed with Diverticulitis after a CT scan with contrast. Due to not having insurance at the time, we never followed up until this past month. He had a colonoscopy done and they found nothing to even suggest he has diverticulitis. They also eliminated Crohn s and Celiac disease. The only thing we have noticed that aggravates the pain is steak so he avoids it but still has the pain. He describes it as a bruised feeling. It s a dull pain unless he eats something that aggravates it or if the area is touched then it is a sharp pain, and he says it s not a cramping pain at all, just a very bad bruised feeling. It also causes him weird bowel movements that range from diarrhea one day to close to constipation the next. His doctor is treating him for Irritable Bowel but the medicine hasn t helped at all.
Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the history and understood the problems of your husband. The diarrhea, constipation sometimes, pain in abdomen, CT scan which showed diverticula in the past, but the recent colonoscopy is absolutely normal. Yes, he is suffering from the Irritable Bowel Syn Chat Doctor. If the medicines are not helping, the probable causes and the treatment area as follows:-Notice more than the steaks, which food stuffs and beverages cause / increase his problems. -Increase the dose of the medicines o give more effect or may be change over to another medicines. -Stress and anxiety are the biggest contributory factors, and he has to keep them under control at any cost, with yoga, meditation and / or medicines.
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Rught after hurting my lower back yesterday, both my legs became extremely weak and shakey feeling as though they couldn t support me anymore. My lower back feels very very weak now too. What s wrong with me? Do i have to pay to continue to consult I m sorry, i just read that I have to pay. I have no money at this time. Thank you anyway for taking the time to read my question.
Dear patient You have got para paresis due to back injury. This is serious issue, and you need to consult spine surgeon as soon as possible. Spinal cord and nerves travels through spinal canal and back trauma may lead to vertebral fracture or disc prolapse with spinal cord compression. Spinal cord compression leads to weakness in both legs and loss of bowel and bladder control. This if not treated in time may not recover. So the need of urgent consultation. I would advise MRI of lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine to confirm diagnosis. Visit expert spine surgeon with report. All the best.
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My 10 month old has had a bad cold and hacking cough for the last 5 weeks. Almost continual streaming nose and lots of phlegm. This morning he projectile vomited up all his milk. I then tried him on solids, but half an hour later he projectile vomited all his solids up. Any advice on next steps? He doesn t have a temperature and seems happy otherwise.
Hi! I'm sorry to hear that about your child. His cough and colds can trigger the vomiting. You said he has lots of phlegm, the body will try to eliminate it. You can try small frequent feeding, in that way the stomach is not full when he coughs. Also, when you feed him, keep him upright. We want to prevent the risk of aspiration. Monitor him for any signs of difficulty in breathing and or deny Chat Doctor. If any of these appears, bring him to his doctor for proper assessment. I hope I was able to help you. Have a good day! Sincerely, Handle Dulay-See, M.D. Pediatrics
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My dad has lung cancer and just in the last two days he has become very confused and cannot put sentences together, cannot feed himself, walk, or go to the restroom on his own...does this appear to perhaps reached his brain or could this be from the strong pain patches that he has been on for just a few days now? Thanks
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. There are few causes for altered mental status and confusion in lung cancer patients. 1. Spread of tumor in brain.2. Electrolyte imbalance especially hyponatremia (low sodium).3. Acute psychosis from the fact of having incurable disease. So get done MRI brain to rule out brain metastases. Get done S. Na+ to rule put hyponatremia. If both are normal than consult psychiatrist to rule out acute psychosis.
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My 8 month old has HFM, and is in a lot of pain. Blisters everywhere, barely able to sleep and is inconsolable when awake. Other than giving him Tylenol and offering cold things to chew on I m not sure what to do to keep him comfortable enough to sleep?
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a viral infection that is frequently seen now-a-days. Viral infections do not respond to antibiotics and resolve spontaneously in 5-10 days. Management is supportive. Giving Tylenol should reduce the pain and help. Use lidocaine oral gel over the oral lesions, and it will help in relieving the pain. You may give pedicloryl syrup and help the child sleep. I am sorry that you would need to be a bit patient.
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my father is having bad stomach pain. he had this pain before and was told it was alcoholic gastritous. he hasnt drank any alcohol and woke up in pain this morning that has gotten worse. he too a ranitidine at 9am. will an ibprofen help with the pain or be safe to take?
Hellos your father stated that this pain is due to gastritis (caused by alcohol intake) , sanitizing is not working. When such case visit with excruciating pain, patient need to take antacid (if it contains tetracaine, better)4 T S F (until and unless contraindicated) according to necessity. Also give your father diclofenac 100 mg+ Chat Doctor. Ibuprofen will further produce (aggravate) gastritis. Your father will get relief immediately with this treatment. But this is a prescription treatment so take a prescription from a doctor. Still, no relief within 4-5 hours then consult a physician and get his opinion. Good luck.
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I have general gum recession on my bottom teeth and slight recession on my upper canines. Im thinking about getting gum grafts to cover the exposed root surfaces. But as Im currently wearing braces, Im not sure what I should do. Should I wait until the orthodontic treatment is over and then get gum grafts? Or is during the orthodontic treatment fine?
Dear friend. Thanks for sharing your concern. As you are wearing orthodontic braces for teeth alignment, your teeth will take new position due to it root movements.Therefore, it is best to go for gum grafts only after that. Also remember mild recession can itself get corrected after orthodontic braces removal. It is only in severe recession cases you need to get your gums covered with tissues through grafts. That will reduce your teeth sensitivity as well as enhance esthetically. Meanwhile, it is advised to get your teeth cleaned once, upon consulting your orthodontist, because deposition of calculus and stains also leads to gum recession. Maintain very good oral hygiene, and you can use antiseptic mouth rinses too. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care.
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I have a daughter who s hair is starting to fall out since she was a baby. I thought it s normal until 2 months ago, her hair falls double. I went to different dermatologists but they can t give me an answer to what is causing for this hair fall. I thought it s due to malnutrition for she s thin and never had a regular milk to drink for she s allergic to milk. But I have been giving her powder milk and she seems to be gaining weight but the hair fall doesn t stop. Please help me find out what is causing my daughter s hair fall before her hair starts receeding in front. Thank you so much.
Hi, Hair fall can be due to zinc and protein deficiency. Give her zinc supplements like Sure and high protein diet like meat, eggs. You didn't mention the age, so It's difficult to counsel regarding diet but make him eat good diet according to age and get a check-up from dermatologist for some fungal infection causing hair loss. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.