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I had mirena inserted a littles over 3 weeks ago. I ve had some minor on and off cramping which I know is normal. However, since Monday I have been experiencing severe sharp pains in my lower right abdomen . Usually in the morning shortly after getting up. I have an apoinment with my obgyn Monday to have the mirena checked. Is it okay to wait that long of should I seek immediate attention?
Hallow, I fully empathize your sufferings. Mirena is an intrauterine device. When with IRENA in you start getting severe pain in abdomen, the cause could be:1. The uterus cannot get adjusted with it and is trying to throw it out. This is more commonly observed in women without any previous pregnancy.2. There is infection in the uterus and the device.3. The device is trying to perforate through the uterus. You will have to report to the Gynecologist at the earliest. Ultrasonography/X-ray can reveal about the perforation aspect. Rest two will have to be evaluated by the Gynecologist by clinical examination. You may have to get the device out if it is not tolerated by you. If there is infection, you may require a course of antibiotics. I hope I have guided you with sufficient information.
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Hi, what is the name of the muscle/tendon/ligament/structure that is very thin on either side behind the knee. You can feel it. I have pain there and felt it pull a few weeks ago. Now I also have pain in front of the knee but this was the start of it so I m wondering what it is.
Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. These structures are called hamstrings. These are semitendinosus and semimembranosus. For pain, you can take analgesic such as ibuprofen. Vitamin B and C help in recovery. For details about injury you can get MRI of knee joints. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
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I ve had a white coating on my tongue that tastes chalky when I scrape it off for 2 months at least. I ve been through all the tests and have been told that the culture result shows definitively no sign of yeast or strep bacteria, both respiratory and oral smear. I went it after noticing my breath was not good. I have a PDA so I have very strict oral health. I was on antibiotics for many years, 100mg Doxycycline 2x daily for acne. The initial thought was thrush. It is not the case. My boyfriend now has it, he developed it about 2 days after the bad breath. The white does scrape off and looks a bit like shaggy white carpet.
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The white chalky coating on the tongue can be because of the food debris, or it can be because of hyperplasia of the papillae. Nothing to be panic consult an oral physician and get it evaluated to rule out hairy leukoplakia. The bad breath can be because of the gum infection secondary to deposits, or it can be because of the food lodgment secondary to decay, or it can also occur in respiratory or gastrointestinal tract diseases. Consult an oral physician and get all this thing ruled out, get your teeth cleaned and use mouth wash like chlorhexidine. Once the cause is found out consult respective physician and get it treated. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
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Okay so the past two months I have missed my first birth control pill, I finally got back on track this month and I am 10 days into the packet. I had intercourse last tuesday and have been feeling more than off. Nausea, fatigue, headaches, slightly sore breasts, cramping, a bittle bit of being emotional, dehydrated. Just all out deeling horrible. Ive taken pregnancy tests but I feel it could be too soon. And would I be feeling these pregnancy symptoms so soon after? Also, could it just be that I am finally back on my bc regimen?
Hello, Thanks for writing to us. Irregular intake of birth control pill & unprotected sex close to your fertile period or ovulation day (occurs 14 days prior to due date) are quite risky for being pregnant. In this case, I suggest you to undergo one home pregnancy test if you miss your next period. Above clinical features are quite relevant with possible pregnancy. Common symptoms of pregnancy:a) Missed period, nausea, vomiting, tender and swollen breast.b) Increased frequency of urination, fatigue, food craving.c) Slight vaginal spotting, cramping, mood swing, constipation etc. Hope, I have answered your query. Good luck and take care.
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hello doctor..... my children , son age 7 yrs and daughter age 3.5 yrs....both cough all night, have mucus...during the day they are fine....but when ever they have some fizzy drink , candy, ice cream...etc...we have a terrible night..........they take seretide evohaler and aeroline inhaler with a spacer once in the morning and once at night.........i ve given them myteka many times for a few weeks but i feel it doesnt make any i doing the right thing ?...are they actually asthmatic ?.....or is there an easier treatment?...please help i am very worried now
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Greetings from Chennai. By what you quote I feel what your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever? If your answer is yes for any of the above questions, your kid might be having viral associated wheezing or multi triggered wheezing, and I suggest you meet a pediatric pulmonologist who is near your place. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
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My 8 year old son suffers from allergies. He gets severe reddness under both eyes and across the bridge of his nose. His skin looks blistery in the red areas. The skin is bright red like the color of a sun burn. He says in only itches now and then. The rest of his face in normal colored. Please advise.
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. By what you quote it should be an urticaria or a simple skin allergy. You can use HY Chat Doctor. Most important thing to be remembered is that it has a propensity to recur (called as second crop) within 10-14 days. If this happens, you can start using the same medicine, but I suggest you get the kid evaluated with your pediatrician. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
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I have high BP and recently prescribed a water pill, low dose hydrochlorizaide, I have been suffering from dizziness and think it may be low potassium, I feel better after I have eaten a banana and some electrolye drink, such as Gatorade or Vit Water. The dizziness only lasts till afternoon, so I think it must be dietry related?
Hi, first I want to know whether you are a diabetic or not. If you are a diabetic and on insulin or oral medicine then it may be due to hypoglycemia. The dizziness may be due to thiamine induced hypotension (excessive fall of BP). Low potassium and sodium can happen with thiamine intake, but less likely with lower doses. Next time please check your BP when you feel dizzy, and also get serum sodium and potassium level done. If the dizziness is due to excessive fall of BP then better take the medicine at bedtime. Thanks
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Is ventorlin good for child cold and cough ?hi,my 11yearS 4months old daughter was prescribed ventorlin syrup.ventorlin 5 ml 6 HOURLY ONCE times 7days ,she was first having cold with runny and blocked nose.i just wanted to know that dr.prescribed her a correct medication or not because ventorlin is a bronchodilator?it will have any side effect or not?she had no is dry coughing i think.
Ventolin (Albuterol) is a bronchodilator and your doctor has prescribed it because often in case of such cough, bronchospasm occurs. He has not prescribed the wrong medicine. But if you feel that she does not have wheezing, you may skip giving it and reserve if for times of respiratory distress, if it occurs. The side effect of Ventolin is increased heart rate but let me assure you that this is a very widely used medicine and well tolerated and so you need not worry about the side effects. Give your child steam inhalation twice or thrice a day and I think that she would get some relief. Also add some antiallergic syrup like Relent which will also help in diluting the cough. The cold has been caused by a viral infection and generally takes 5-7 days to recover. Please be patient till then.
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i am 33 yr old unmarried girl, weight 45 kg, height 5.3, my skin seems to be very dull and blackheads on face appears, what to do
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. You seem to be underweight due to which your skin is dull. You need to have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with healthy nutritious food which help you to improve your skin texture as well as your hair. Consume a lot of water which will HY Chat Doctor. You can also use based mixed with HALDE or lemon with honey on your face. A facial scrub will help you remove blackheads. Have a good health.
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I went get a chest x Ray. All I have is hyper aerated lungs. The doctor prescribe me antibiotics for my cough. The few months before I have had chest pains that come ang go like a heart attack, I think it may be pleresy but would of a chest x ray found it ?
Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Hypermarket lungs can be seen in following conditions. 1. Normal individuals. 2. If chest x-ray is taken in full end inspiratory phase. 3. In smokers4. In emphysema. So if you are smoker or having emphysema then you need to get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to diagnose the obstructive airway pathology as a cause for your Hypermarket lungs. Smoking cessation and inhaled bronchodilators are the treatment for this.
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my mother is suffering from continuous swelling of lower portion of legs. Her Amlodipin medicine has been changed but swelling persists. Uric Acid normal. ESR and CRP is high. Doppler normal - no stenosis, dilation or constriction of arteries in leg - in short doppler normal - no thrombosis. BP high controlled by medicine. No infection - have gone thru anti-biotic treatment. other blood profile normal - shown many doctors - swelling still persists and reduces slightly during night rest (when feet are up) but throughout the day the swelling increases. Totally foxed - pls suggest line of action.
Hello, Next thing is she should undergo renal and liver function test, serum albumin levels, echocardiography of heart to look for the cause. She should consume low salt diet and water restrictions. She should also be started on medicine like Tab Dy tor 5 mg once a day in the morning. Get potassium levels five days after starting this medicine. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.
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respected doctor, i am a mother of a son name XXXXX he is in a age of 8 year he is suffering from some brain problem my doctor had asked me that there bug in his brain and it comes from some food they have prescribe him valparin in medicine. i want to ask you that is it possible can any bug can go through stomak to brain from foods.
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your son is most likely suffering from neurocysticercosis [NCC], which is caused by tape worm infection. This infection comes from the infected food, and enters the brain in some cases. In most cases, the worm passes out of stool. There is no need to worry, as it is fully treatable with medications. Please follow the advice of your neurologist. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
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My son has been getting a rash periodically when we take him to the doctor with it they think it is viral. But he keeps getting them. I just cant see a virus lasting for years off and on. It doesnt flake, puss, or create any pimples. It is only on his face and it will spread all over his face. What could this be
Hi and welcome to ChatDoctorGiven that the rash is periodic, it is more in favor of an allergy. It could be atomic dermatitis, basically allergic causing rashes over the face, in the creases and also other body folds. Did he have similar complaints from a very young age? It could be an allergy which increases with weather changes, dust, exposure to sun, certain plants, animals etc. Also, certain foods like nuts, seafood, processed foods, etc. You will need to keep a track of when exactly the rashes come up and if there is a common cause each time. Allergies generally reduce as the child grows, but repeated exposure to the cause can make it recur often. Use a mild sunscreen when outside. When rashes appear, apply a demonize cream on the face for 5- 7 days till rash subsides, no longer. Use an antihistamine like HY Chat Doctor. To confirm you can consult a dermatologist and run tests to check allergy levels in blood, also skin tests for possible causes. Hope this helps.
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i fell 3 weeks ago and landed on the front of my hand and rolled it inward it swelled up and has scince gone down i had an x ray and showed no fractures although even after three weeks it still hurts to touch if i move it wrong i get shooting pain below my little finger nuckle to my wrist and it aches all the time.
Hello, What I can infer from your complaints is that you have had a soft tissue injury to your hand. If the x-rays do not show any bony injury then most likely it will be a soft tissue injury of the hand. I would suggest you wait for one more week and if the pain increases then to recons ult your physician till that time you can take it easy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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I have unregularly period because I have PCOS I had took birth control for 12 months but when I had stopped taking them my period was regular for just three months my 4th one is late now.. I was wondering if I should take something else now ? and if the total fertility supplement PCOS will help in my case ? I will appreciate your kind answer Im really tired because of this ...thank you
Hi. Treatment for PCs begins with weight loss and metformin, if either or both are indicated, and then is individualized depending on the patients reproductive needs: oral contraception supplemented with Kantian Chat Doctor. To reinforce weight reduction+/- metformin is the recommended therapy. Role of fertility supplements is questionable. Consult your obstetrician for further management. Hope this helps. Take care.
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I have gurgling, wheezing noises when I lie down to sleep, cannot clear it with coughing. Do have pnemonia, was given antibiotics, albuterol inhaler and told other meds to take. Have been sleeping last 2 nights sitting up due to the noise. Any suggestions to get rid of the noise?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Breathing difficulty, wheezing during lying down (sleeping) are seen with bronchitis and heart failure. So better to consult doctor and get done blood pressure monitoring, ECG, 2d echo, chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). ECG and 2d echo are needed for heart failure. Chest x-ray and PFT are must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. Treatment is based on diagnosis. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Dear sir,Recently my Father-in-law(FIL) saw the Heart doc for ByPass related surgery. Doctor suggested to go for "Ultra Sound Abdomen" and "Dopler study of renal arteries" first as my FIL has very high BP(200/100). "Ultra Sound Abdomen" report says "Inter Polar cyst measuring 12 MM noted in the right kidney" and "Prostatomegaly". I am worried, what does it mean? Your guidance is highly appreciated.Thanks In Advance
Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Cyst in the kidney and high blood pressure is suggestive of the damage caused by the high blood pressure. High blood pressure in the kidney can cause damage on the renal calyxes and can cause cyst. It requires surgical correction. Further management of the blood pressure can also prevent further damage to the kidney. Prostatomegaly means enlarged prostate. Enlarged prostate usually occurs with being prostatic hypertrophy. This needs to be confirmed with the PSA level in the blood. It will be higher on the carcinoma of the prostate. If its carcinoma it needs to be managed as per the malignancy. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
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Hi,Ive been having a tootache for (approximatley) a week following a filling I hid. At first the pain was in my tooth and spread to around 3 other teeth to the left. However, the pain soon reached the gums like a throbbing pain or heart beat when Im lying down and is getting really painful and unbearable at times. I can now feel a small bump on my upper lip near the teeth. What could it be? (Im seeing my dentist today after I though I could deal with the pain)Thanks,
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The possible cause of plan is because of the tooth infection. The type of pain what you are getting is characteristic feature of pulpits. The lump could be because of the abscess formation. The normal filling will not solve the issue. The tooth has to be treated with RCT or extraction. Take a radiograph to rule out the infection. You can take a course of antibiotics like penicillin and metronidazole combination after consulting the physician. I hope my answer will help you. Take care
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last night while eating an orange I started to choke. Iwas coughing quite hard and then I could not get an air. My chest was suddenly very painful and the pain radiated down both my arms. I blacked out and when I came to the orange piece was on the rug beside my mouth and the pain was gone. What happened to me.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You had choking and aspiration of food particles in trachea. Your symptoms are associated with eating. So by mistake when we aspirate food particles in trachea (wind pipe), it gets blocked. Due to this, we can not get air and hence we feel breathlessness. During this episode our body is deprived of oxygen and so black out is seen. To overcome this, violent coughing (reflex) is done by the body to cough put food particle. Once food particles are out, wind pipe is open, and you can breathe normally. So better to chew properly while swallowing. Do not speak much while eating. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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I have just had a piece of tissue removed from upper gum due to bad fitting dentures a large mass of excess tissue has grown, dentist wants to biopsy it before going ahead and removing it all. He put in some stiches and said they would dissolve. I am worried because of language barrier, I am in Taiwan. I am healthy 50yrs old woman. any help would be great. Thanks
Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. Excess tissue growth with ill-fitting denture as you have described is usually harmless referred as Ellis fissuratum. This is usually cause by chronic tissue irritation by an ill-fitting dentures and its response to the soft tissue. Biopsy is usually done to rule out any other lesions including neoplasm. I would suggest you to go ahead with surgical removal of the tissue. After the healing get a new denture done with proper fitting and proper maintenance of the denture. Hope this was useful. Thanks and regards.
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Hello Dr. I have lower back pain on the left side. I do not get constant pain. It is only when I sit on the floor or do some exercise. I just took tylenol last night and am experiencing relatively less pain, but do have some stiffness. Please help me. Also, I am a little drowsy since morning and am not sure if that is because of the medicine.
Hello and thank you for the question. The reason you have back pain while sitting in the floor or exercising is because in those conditions the back muscles maximally come into play. To answer your other question yes one of the known side effects of Tylenol is Chat Doctor. Here are my suggestions:1) switch from Tylenol to flexion MR 500 mg twice a day2) Avoid rigorous exercise for 3 weeks3) Ice pack to your lower left back after exercise hope it helps.
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My dad caught a virus in his bloodstream staph aureus which is being treated with antibiotics, however he is a dialysis patient for 9 consecutive years with 2 kidney transplants in 20 years. His heart condition is weak functioning at 10 percent, what are his chances of survival and if not much how long does he have.
Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor Star aureus bacterial infection can have varied severity from mild to severe. The presence of reduced kidney and heart function would significantly affect his ability to respond appropriately to treatment, but it is possible that he may recover. Unfortunately no doctor can absolutely accurately predict how long any patient would live but his doctors with daily knowledge of his blood tests and examination findings would be in a better position to determine his prognosis. I hope this helps
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My butt is really sore bumpy and itchy around anus and cheeks even surrounding vagina, is it bcoz I shaved it when I felt it was itchy??? I m scared! I just suffered from hair dye allergy and my armpits are sore and red too! Also couple times my bowel movement had fresh blood in it!!!!! Help!!!!!!
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, You should test your stool sample for the parasitic infection, some parasitic infection can present the symptoms of blood in the stool and the itching around the anus and vagina. As you are having allergy to hair dye better to avoid that product otherwise it will worsen your condition. I would suggest my patients 1. Oral Albendazole 400 mg, single dose2. Oral Antihistamines3. Topical Anti-infective creams. Thank you.
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I have had oral thrush now for 5 weeks, I have already swished 3 bottles of nystatin and it does nt stay gone. the aluminin taste is horrible and cannot eat anything spicy. I had been on an antibiiotic and had 2 cortisone injections in shoulders and within 3 days the thrush showed up. The only meds I take ar elavil and ativan .
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, there are several treatment regimens for thrush.1. Nystatin as you are already using it2. Fluconazole once a day for 1-2 weeks is the last resort in medication environmentalist from this some self measure are very helpful1. Maintain proper oral hygiene2. Stop mouthwashes as they destroy microbial balance3. Quit smoking if you do. Visit the dental surgeon(oral medicine specialty) asap. Thanks
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I am a 30 yr old female with severe anxiety and depression,am taking zoloft, and nuerontin. I have not had a ciggarette since yesterday.i dosed off and it felt like my heart stopped or my breathing one. It was not the same flutter feeling of a palpitation . Any ideas?
Degree understand your concerns went through your description. I suggest you not to worry too much. You are already suffering from depression and anxiety. The symptom you mentioned here seems to be panic disorder. Panic disorders are usually associated with underlying anxiety disorder. Anxiety is fear of a future event which may or may not happen. Stress and depression may also cause panic disorder. Proper assessment is required to have proper diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a psychologist for psychometric assessment and advise on further treatment methodology. Don't worry about the present symptoms and work with your psychologist for a long term goal and cure. If you need more of my help in this regard, please post a direct query on this portal. I am happy to help you. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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HiI have a problem I am addicted to mastrubation since I am 18 year now I am 32 years old I stop doing this.the problem is my penis turn left side around 10oclock clock wise and I am married a year testicles are up and down the left one is down . I am getting problem during intercourse it wont be last for 3 minutes it ejaculate after that it drop down any I feel very tired cant able to get back erection.One more question it is good to go with herbal medicine or English medicine I am not sure thats why asking thanks in advance for helping me out from this situation Any information for the issue will be appreciate I live in Chicago city if there is any better doctors please send me the details
Hithanks for choosing Chat Doctor Doing masturbation is not harmful, but if u t feeling it is effecting your act with your partner and feeling to hold the ejaculation, then u need some Chat Doctor. U can start with tab XXXX 12.5 mg once in day and gradually increase the dose up to 37.5 mg. It would cause delay ejaculation, that would increase duration of sex. When u will enjoy sex with your partner, your masturbation habit will decrease. Thanks
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Age-28,Height-5.5,weight-73,i miscarage of 2 months in Jan 10 due to not aware of such.Planning for last 6 months but not yet conceive.Periods are regular cycle of 30 days consulted doctor this month itself she has prescribed the Folic acid and productive F to me and productive M to my husband.Plz help would this will result in positive and i conceived this months or what treatment i should go for.
Hi, I think you should take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. Only productive M and F and folic acid will not work. When follicles reach a size more than 17 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for next 2 to 3 days. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. You can do a thyroid profile and prolactin levels just to rule out any other problem. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help. Regards Chat Doctor.
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my father is suffering with fever for past2 weeks.crp,liver enzymes are high and rest of the blood test are normal.there is mild pleural effusion.fever will start in the evening and early morning and relive with doctors cannot able to make a clear diagnosis.please help me doctor
Hi, Viral infection can lead elevated liver enzymes. But here fever and pleural effusion present. Hence, pneumonia consolidation and tuberculosis has to be ruled out. For that investigation needed wit:- Chest x-ray digital - Sputum examination- Auscultation - CBC-ADA estimation needed If specific cause found than treated accordingly. For bacterial infection antibiotic needs to be prescribed If on examination yellow sclera found than serum bilirubin estimation done and management for jaundice needed. With keeping my answer in mind consult physician for examination. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Curious...I just learned that Im in perimenopause and am deciding if takign a low dosage birth control is my answer to deal with symptoms such as occasional hot flashes, irregular cycles and weight gain? Not sure how I feel about taking prescription anything but what about natural herbs from an acupuncturist?
Hello. The symptoms of menopause are secondary to declining estrogen levels. The most effective way to treat menopause symptoms is hormone replacement therapy with estrogens. However, hormone replacement therapy has to be prescribed with precaution because it can increase the risk of some cancers. Tibolone used for a few months, is a Chat Doctor. Go to your gynecologist for asses and for prescription. I wish you good health.(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)
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Hi .. im a fit 35 year old ... i am 62 and weigh approx 84 kgs .. i workout regularly .. lately at night ( last 2/3) i feel uneasy .. its more mental than physical and i feel kinda awkward .. ive been diagnosed with high bp 140 / 110 ... what could be the reason ?
Hi. Good to hear that you are fit and leading a healthy life. High BP can be due to Multiple Factors. These include :-Eating junk foods-High Cholesterol levels-Lack of Physical activity-Diabetes- Sedentary lifestyle In case of patients who are young and have a healthy lifestyle, there may be following possibilities:-Increased Cholesterol levels that run in families-Some problem in Renal Artery suggest you to see your Medical Specialist and undergo a battery of tests to check your Cholesterol levels and get your Renal Artery Doppler Ultrasound. Wish you good health...
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I ve been having trouble with my breathing for the past year, my doctor thinks it might be asthma, but, I m not too sure about that because I keep having dizzy spells and sharp pain in my chest, ribs and stomach. I don t know, I guess I just wanted to know a second opinion.
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Asthma is normally associated with Chat Doctor. Some persons may only have the cough. It is not likely, based on the symptoms that you mentioned, that asthma is the cause. Chest pain can be due to any structure in the chest from the skin inwards. This includes the skin, muscles, bones, lungs, heart, esophagus. The dizziness may be related to different causes including-heart, anemia, ears, brain. This may also need reassessment. I hope this helps
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I have my periods mostly the third week of the month ever since I got an abortion . They gave me birth control and its supposed to make me have my periods the fourth week. The first month I took it I got it the third week and now its month two and no period. I had unprotected sex and I missed my period. I sleep a lot some days and less somedays. At first I had a nightmare of a ghost haunting me woke up crying then the next night of my family killing me. Me and my boyfriend have been fighting. I think im getting mood swings I dont know. My boobs arent sore. I get very bad headaches . And I feel extremely dizzy most of my day. I took two pregnancy tests and they came out negative and I also cant see a doctor. What is your perspective on this?
Hello, Oral contraceptive pill has some side effects like irregular period or bleeding, headache/ migraine, nausea/ vomiting, breast tenderness, fatigue, irritability, decreased libido, weight gain & mood changes. These will overcome gradually until your body is adjusted with hormone. However, I suggest undergoing one blood test for beta-ChatDoctor (most reliable) to exclude or confirm pregnancy. Take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Good luck.
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i had tonsillitis with some bronchitis almost 4 to 5 weeks ago and i still get a cough every now an them from laughing or running but i dont smoke but in the past i been around smokers also i took antibiotics and i am pretty sure i dont have asthma considering this never happened to me before.
Hello, thank you for posting your query in Chat Doctor. Passive smoking has harmful effects same as the smoking that cause health hazards. Tobacco smoke contains 200 to 4000 toxic chemicals including nicotine, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde which cause heart diseases, lung diseases like bronchitis, asthma, middle ear infections, tonsillitis and symptoms like cough, sore throat, nose irritation. If I were your treating doctor I would like to get these tests done.1. Blood tests to rule out infections2. Chest x ray3. ECG to rule out cardiac causes. I would come up with following possibilities like asthma, bronchitis, I would suggest you to consult a pulmonologist for further evaluation. Wish you good health.
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My mother was told, after having brain scan, that she has some calcification on her frontal lobe. She has to go in for another scan soon. We are wondering what kinds of things (diseases/conditions etc) could be diagnosed? The doctored seemed to change the subject, clearly wanting to wait (understandably) for another test.
Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. There are different brain lesions that may have as their part calcifications. These include low grade glial tumors, benign Meningiomas, cavernous (vascular malformation), or may be simple calcifications of brain parenchymal related to age. Cerebral MRI with gadolinium is needed to evaluate the true nature of the lesion. Hope this helps. If you have further questions feel free to ask.
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I believe I am 5 weeks pregnant and have been taking tetrasyl for several months. We had IVF to conceive our first child so did not believe it was possible to fall pregnant naturally otherwise I would not have carried on taking tetrasyl. How dangerous is this to our unborn child? Very concerned and would appreciate some advice.
Hi there,Tetras is an antibiotic which is not recommended to be taken in pregnancy, but it is not known to cause any major defect in the baby if taken during the first trimester. Studies have shown that it effects the baby if taken after 4 months of pregnancy, causing the babies teeth to be discolored and can cause hardening and cause excess calcification of teeth and bones which is irreversible. But, since you are exposed to tetracycline at such an early gestation it is very unlikely to have affected your baby. Only minor abnormalities are known to occur in few women. Do not be overly concern and get a NT scan at 11 weeks and an anomaly scan done at 20 weeks to check for anomaly. Hope this helps. Regards.
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My husband of 17 years has changed his personality over night, he has shacked up with a known whore and his values, morals and responsabilities have gone out of the door. He has parrots he has had for 30 years that mean nothing to him, he acts like him and I never existed.. He use to come home from work, eat, watch tv and sleep for 17 years and now he goes away every weekend, goes out to dinner every night, the whore has six kids and grandkids (he hates kids) and she has nine dogs that he is allergic to. He has shuned his foster family, his parents, his friends and my parents. For t his one white trailer trash person. Nothing makes sense. I am concerned he maybe doing something illegal - over night he changed. Is this possible. nancy
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the description it could be seen that the person could be suffering from borderline personality disorder. Early diagnosis and treatment could clear the problem. Please consult psychologist or psychiatrist. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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Hi I am 36 years old and a mother of two daughters, I am trying to conceive since last four months but I am unable to, my ganache has suggested me to take Fertyl 50 mg from the 5th day for 5 days, EV Tab for 10 days and also use susten 100 mg twice a day. Along with Folnew tab will all this help me in conceiving ?
HelloAssumed that everything is all right, because you got two pregnancy before this. Now your gynecologist advise you to take clonidine or ferry 50 mg for s days from 5th day of menstruation, as this Chat Doctor. While Austen (progesterone) will help in pregnancy maintenance (avoid miscarriage) . While E V and fol new will act as supplement for pregnancy. So, if everything will be in right direction, you will get pregnancy. Good luck.
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hello po doc... i am weng from the Philippimnes. i hav a 6 mos old baby girl n starting to feed her with cerelac and i noticed rashes on her face n it because of the weather or from cerelac baby food?hope to hear from u soon. thank u so much
Thanks for consulting in Healthcare, your daughter has allergic reaction, you should give to her antihistamine medicine. Pay attention when rash appear after Carla or other ? Then exclude it. Wash her face with boiled cooling water. If she has Chat Doctor. You also check analysis-blood test, see especially eosinophils, stool analysis, stool for disbacteriosis for bacteria and sensitivity, stool for ova and cyst Best regardsGrow quicker
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I have a 39 year old son, who 6 weeks ago had a lower wisdom tooth removed. He now has bad painin his lower front 2 or 3 teeth and sometime only one and under his tongue. sometimes tip of tongue burning.he has been back to dentist twice, and to 2 oral surgeons, one numbed his front teeth, and alvorie and lingualnerve to try to find out where pain was coming from, he hit the lingual nerve with needle, said it was up higherthan normal, said the alvore nerve looked ok from x ray, Cant find any one to diaganose problem with mri or anything, no one knows what to do, other than give pain killers, ambient to sleep, steroids, he still cant sleep for the pain.Help!
Hi, it appears that the pain is only due to the infection. The removal of the wisdom tooth is a lumbar some process, with the breaking of the alveolar margin of the jaw bones, which may damage the nerves and vessels of the jaw. It also may be due to pressure on the trigeminal nerve, so it may cause trigeminal neuralgia. So I advise you to consult a neurologist for diagnosis. I to my patient with such symptoms prescribe ofloxacin, ornidazole, serratiopeptidase, and anti-inflammatories. Thank you.
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I ve been experiencing sensations as if my brain is shaking inside. When this happens, I ve noticed that my vision is clearly moving in a rapid up and down motion. I had an MRI and CT and EEG, an there were no adnormalities. I have also been diagnosed with Vertigo resulting from the inner ear.
Hello, You may have a condition known as OSCILLOPSIA which refers to fields of vision that are in motion with head movements. The underlying pathological mechanism involves a loss of image stabilization by loss of reflex control of eye muscle control when a person has their gaze fixated. Things such as toxicity, infection (most importantly meningitis) or side effects from antibiotics can cause the condition. Desalinating disease such as MS can also cause this condition, as well as abnormal movements of the eyes referred to as nystagmus. I recommend you seek an opinion from a NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGIST. Vertigo from inner ear problems will not produce this phenomenon. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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Hi i got kicked by a horse 3 days ago my elbow. Its still swollen and it hurts to touch. I can move it in all directions but does hurt when doing so and is stiff. My lower arm ( just under the elbow) aches aswell if i dont keep busy and takes me a while to get to sleep be ause of the achey pain. Could i maybe have a hairline fracture.
Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The lump on your elbow could be due to collection of blood caused by the kick by the horse. This would normally get absorbed in a few days if there is no more active oozing. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for an anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Also, a cold compress and rest to the elbow with a supporting sling would add to hastening of the improvement. If it persists or the pain increases, I would then advise you to consult an orthopedic surgeon in your area for a possible radiological investigation and further management. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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Hi I have something hanging off the inside part of my upper lip in front of my front two teeth . It is hanging superficially and I noticed it a couple days ago, but it has become more prominent. It is nonpainful, easily move-able, and is flat, smooth and kind of circular. When I left my lip it I can see it pretty clear, I thought it seemed cystic but I am not sure anymore. Please let me know what it could be. I brush regularly but havent dont anything else to it.
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor ! On your description - not painful, hanging (which I assume you mean not firmly attached but mobile) and the recent onset - I can tell that there is no likelihood of serious infection or dental cyst/tumor. It could be a granuloma or a papilloma. All conditions are self regressing and you don't have to worry. Try not to disturb it though, and if you develop signs of infection (reddening, fluid discharge, multiple sores in mouth etc.) get it attended immediately. If papilloma or granuloma increases in size and interferes with normal oral functions, it can be surgically removed under local anesthesia. Hope this helps! Thanks.
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hi my name is raja and i am 27 years old from mumbai...i got these frustrating problems of pimples and acars with pores for 12 years...i have never been to any doctor now i am trying to permanently solve this problem...i need suggestions on which is the best dermatologist in mumbai for treatment
Hi!, Welcome To Chat Doctor forum, Raja its important that you first take treatment for your acne and then try for the scars. I am not in Mumbai, but have friends in Mumbai who are doing good in dermatology. They even have lasers in their practice. One of the dermatologist whom you can contact is Chat Doctor. .his contact number is 9820980639... You can give my reference if you want. He is quite a busy doctor as he has his branches in Mumbai, bangalore, UDP and Mangalore. You can contact hi’m and discuss in detail. Regards,
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Im 17 and I am not that much sexually active. My young mind I believe is just scarring the living crap out of me! About 2 months ago my penis was just fine. But now I see changes. The head is missing minor layers of skin(really small) and Im starting to get brown looking skin patches on my penis please inform me so I can calm down. My partner has went to the clinic and got tested and we had unprotected sex but the results came back negative.
HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Your problem is most likely due to fungal infection. If you send a picture of it then it will be more helpful to analyze the condition. For such cases in my patients i advice ointments witChatDoctorbination of antifungal like fluconazole and corticosteroid like quinolone for local application. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
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I am 17 years old and I haven t had a period in over a year and I still had a pregnancy scare recently and took 4 pregnancy tests all said positive except for the last one and it was negative. Now, about a month has passed and there is this lump towards the left center side of my stomach, it was sore for a while but isnt all the time, but it usually hurts when i get a cramp. what could it be?
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the health problems you queried-The lump which is sore and hurts when you get the cramps, could be due to IBS with spastic colon, as its very common. This lump is towards the left center side of your stomach/abdomen. As I don't have any direct photo of the lump / or not many details from you, I would advise you to consult ER surgeon who would rule out other causes as Femoral hernia, Inguinal hernia/Spiegelman hernia. Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at Chat Doctor. Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience, which would improve my rating for many other visitors to Chat Doctor. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Consultant. M.S. Genl-CVTS
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Dear doctor, I am chandra shekar from bangalore. Sir my 1yrs old child is not eating properly at all he will take atleast 1 or 2 hours time to eat & in some times he wont eat anything pls tell any solution which makes every children eat s time to time properly. Thank you
Dear user about your question I would like to tell you that loss of appetite in infants has some causes, and we should find your possible cause of them....we have two common possibilities of that....first is psychological factor .if the infant has psychological or emotional troubles that will lead to loss of appetite examples of psychological troubles is being punished for eating...if you tried to force him to eat his desire for eating will decrease as there is someone always try to feed him even if he wants and so his sense of appetite decreased because of that......2nd cause is your infant may have iron deficiency anemia and this anemia always causes loss of appetite ...this anemia is common at that age as iron administration not enough in milk, so we always give prophylactic iron therapy to infant at age of 10 month as the anemia will begin.........wish your baby healthy life
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I have heaviness on the left front side of my head. I get continuous infection on ear nose and mouth(inside cheek getting thickened).This is there for the last 5 years . I tried allopathic ,Ayurveda and homeopathy. The first two are giving relief but not getting a cure. your advice please,
Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have constant infection in ear, nose and mouth . Mouth infection can occur due to condition like canker sore. Canker sore is mucosal reaction to various things like hot and spicy food, acidic food, seafood, dental appliances and nuts. There can be other reasons also like deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid and some underlying disease like crowns. Sometimes infection can spread from ear to upper respiratory track and vice versa and spread to oral cavity also or post nasal Chat Doctor. I would suggest you to :-- Find out what exactly causes these ulcer like food allergens.- Maintain proper oral hygiene and do mouthwash rinses (Listerine) twice a day.- Rinse your mouth with HY
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I took a fall on the ice but did not hit my head, I just stretched my back and neck which I felt the next day. But the following day I had dizzieness and loss of ballance. Then it went away for a day and came back worse the next day. I am still experiencing it four days later. what is the problem?
Hello! I understand your concern. In my opinion the dizziness and imbalance you have may be related to a cervical spine problem. It may be just degenerative changes of the bones or the disc, pressing on your vertebral artery which supplies the brain. I would recommend you a X-ray of cervical column. Heat procedures and a cervical collar would improve your situation. I would also recommend betahistine twice daily or finalizing for the dizziness. Hope to have been helpful! Thank you for using Chat Doctor! Best wishes
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Hi, I m 22 and have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis on my face, scalp and torso. I ve exhausted most topical creams and ointments, taken courses of steroids with no real results. Would phototherapy be my next course of action. Is thinking about biologics too radical?
Hello. Thank you for writing to topical treatment with ointments and lotions is usually combined with systemic treatment/ oral treatment for psoriasis involving > 20% body surface area. Phototherapy, though is a good choice for extensive body involvement with plaque psoriasis, however, certain body sites like scalp are resistant even to phototherapy. Apart from phototherapy Oral methotrexate is a well known treatment for plaque psoriasis and can be considered in a healthy young adult. Biologics like golimumab, ustekinumab are not first line options in a young patient with limited involvement with plaque psoriasis. Scalp involvement responds well to topical steroids lotions with or without salicylic acid. Vitamin D analogues e.g. calcitriol/ calcitriol lotions are also effective in scalp psoriasis. I suggest that you visit a dermatologist in your region. Your dermatologist will assess the severity of involvement and advice accordingly. Regards
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dear sir, i have some question regarding my lil sister which is suffering from chronic ulcerative colitis, loose motion, indigestion,abdominal pain, stomach pain, anxiety. we have done with all the necessary test which are LFT/KFT typhoid test, thyroid test, endoscopy, colonoscopy, and everything and all the test shown negative. Doctors of our place are unable to find diagnosis and she had several medicine relating stomach, colon, antibiotics, anxiety but no use at all. so plz tell me your comment and recommendation if you have any clue regarding this unknown disease.
Hello, Actually, it is very difficult to find the cause for Ulcerative Colitis. We have looked hard to find either an infection or something in the diet that might be causing the disease, but have Chat Doctor. For a while it seemed that Ulcerative colitis might be one of those diseases where the body seemed to be attacking itself. We now think that very unlikely, but there is no doubt that something must be causing damage to the lining of the large intestine. As the cause is still not identified, there is no cure for this disease. All treatments available at present are directed towards reducing the amount of inflammation in the bowel. Fortunately, for most patients with Ulcerative colitis, medicines prove effective, although it is possible that your treatment may need to be varied to find the
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My 12 month old son suffered a skull fracture when he was just a 11 days old. He went to a neuorologist had all his follow up visits. I was told he was fine and I should have nothing to further worry about. Yesterday, I noticed an long indentation on the side where the fracture was. I do not recall feeling this before. He doesn t act like he s in pain or anything but now Im worried something is wrong. Can you help?
Hi, since your child has fracture skull at 11 days of life, and you have neurological visits at that time this doesn't seems alarming. It may be an old impression of the fracture. If the child has achieved all the milestones normally and there is no history of recent trauma, it will not be a matter of concern. However, an MRI should be done to see if there is an intracranial abnormality and a visit to neurologist should be done so that we don't miss any findings. I hope this will help you. Take care.
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My wife has: severe back pain in kidney area (test showed no stones); elevated white blood cell count (test showed no tumors in abdomen); foot and toe cramping; pain has went from 2 to 9 on a scale level in 4 weeks. (no injury has taken place); Blood in urine (diagnosed).
Hi, Looking to the history it seems that there might be having acute urinary tract infection giving rise high W B Count backache and generalized body ache. Having blood in urine possibility of having stone in kidney is likely. Go for Ultra sound kidneys if you required. Go for one antibiotic medicine course for 5 days.Meanwhile, take ibuprofen type medicine for pain and backache. Take plenty of water. Ok and take care.
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My father has multiple stones in his gall bladdr with severe pain.after ultrasound we came to know.there is also swelling on the wall of it.i want to know is it dangerous? Can the gal bladdr burst? Doctor said we will do surgery after 4 to 5 weeks when swelling will end
HelloYour father is rightly advised for surgery after 4-5 weeks. Findings suggests acute calculus cholecystitis means acute infection of gall bladder due to calculus. Definitive treatment in this condition is surgical removal of gall bladder, but it is wise to operate after control of infection. There can be more complications if it is operated at this stage. Surgery can be done microscopically. Recovery is fast by this procedure. Present condition can be managed by antibiotics and analgesics.Don't worry about this. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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My boyfriend tripped and hit a edge of a wall, inner bruising on arm and leg, both swelling, Knee feels like it popping, constant burning sensation above inner calf muscle unable to straighten or bend knee. What should I do to help ease the pain? Does he need to go to the hospital?
Hi, Thanks for your query. From description, it seems to be soft tissue injury. Swelling might be due to hematoma formation(collection of blood). You need an x-ray to rule out any bony injury. I suggest you to consult an orthopaedician nearby for a detailed examination. You may get the X-ray of the area affected under his/her guidance. Beside icing and elevating it, you can take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more concern. Warm Regards.
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I also have been experiencing a lower left abdominal vibration, no pain. Started on July 18th. I had been painting and scraping the garage, on a ladder. thought maybe this triggered something. It went on, off and on for 2 weeks. We went to visit our son and NYC. Put on 45 miles walking. no problem. Came home. Off and on vibration started again, then stopped completely for ;7 days. Now back again. I am 64, weight about 148, take advair for asthma. The vibration is annoying and scary because I don t know what is causing it and hoped after it had stopped for 7 days that it would go away on its own.
Hi. Regards. Thanks for an elucidated history, which say you have walked 45 miles too. This indicates that there is no intra-abdominal problem. The vibration in the left lower abdomen looks to be due to the tics of the musculature of that part of the abdominal wall possibly due to a pinched nerve, or an automatic discharge of the nerve or may be a disc in the thoracic region. Get examined by an Orthopedic Surgeon / General Surgeon to get a physical examination done, an ultrasonography of the abdomen and an MRI of the thoracolumbar spine. Relax, this is not a serious problem, although it is definitely an irritating one.
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i have started having mild memory problems, constant headaches, ranging from mild to severe, and have started stuttering when i ve never stuttered before in my life. I m worried because Alzheimers runs in my family, although i am a nineteen year old woman with bipolar disorder and ptsd. what s going on? should i be worried?
Hello You are a 19 years old female with family history of Alzheimer's disease. You have complaints of memory problems and this is causing severe stress in you. You are a known case of bipolar disorder and PTSD. Most likely the memory problems are not related to Alzheimer's disease. You already have BPD, so such symptoms may occur due to depression and anxiety. Such symptoms are also called pseudo dementia. I would advise you to consult a psychiatrist for expert opinion. Hope this helps you, thanks
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good evening Dr.My self Sujaya Deb,29yrs old.I m in under Drs treatment(Infertility)from last 1yrs.I dnt hv any children till nw.Dr has given me Decdan(1st day of period) for 10days,ovofar(3days of period)for 5days and gestin(19days of period)for 7days.I want to know can i get pregnant?
Hi, I think you should go for evaluation first. Do a thyroid profile and prolactin levels and an ultrasound for your uterus and ovaries. Also, a semen analysis of your husband should be done. If everything is fine, you can take these medicines. Track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days. Take progesterone for 2 weeks after the rupture. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
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Hi my name is cj. I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for a couple months now I self medicated myself a couple times and it worked but I ge get so paranoid getting them without a prescription I really need advice on how to cope without this or maybe I legal supply of meds I feel like my anxiety is ruining my relationships because I always think something is wrong even know nothing has been done in public I feel everyone is starring at me can someone please help
Hello thanks for asking from Chat Doctor for your health related queries can understand your concern. Persistent anxiety and depressive symptoms that impair day to day functioning should never be ignored. Self-medication, relaxation exercises can help but if the anxiety is causing problems in functioning and relationship then there is need to see a psychiatrist. For anxiety medicines like SSRIs as Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Escitalopram etc. are used commonly. These medicines will help to decrease persistent anxiety and will improve the depressed mood. Apart from this for relief of symptoms of anxiety benzodiazepines or other Chat Doctor. These medicines can help to reduce symptoms in acute anxiety situations. Continue to do relaxation exercises and mediation and this will supplement the actions of medicines. Please visit a psychiatrist for evaluation and help. Thanks, Take care
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dear doc, me & my(28years) wife had sex on December 24, 25, 26(protected).she had her period on January 16-22, a heavy one like regular(no sex in between as we work in different countries) . now in February, she is 13 days late. should we worry about her being pregnant or other health issues? we re not trying for a baby so early in our career.thanks in advance.
Hello, Thanks for letting us know your health concern. If you did not have any further intercourse after your wife had her natural period, there is no need to worry about pregnancy. This delay in menstrual cycle could be due to a transient hormone imbalance often caused by sudden weight changes, stress, infections etc. Please ask her to see her health care provider to detect the cause and plan further management. If the sonogram of the pelvis shows normal study, hormones can be given to induce the period. Hope this helps.
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yes my son n law was puching my daughter in stomach to abort baby my daughter had been haing severe pain for 2 weeks through her body took her to 2 hospitals they refused to treat her due to her being pregnant so he calls said she need to go to doctor i got her to a hospital they took her in was not for sure what was going on and after she passed they said endocarditis which after she was buried when we find he been punching her.the baby did not have fluid around it,my daughter had infection over her entire body was coughing up blood chest pains rapid heart rate of 228do u think him punching her could cause the endocarditis?
Hi and pleased to answer you. Throughout pregnancy, the fetus bathes in a translucent pouch that gradually fills with amniotic fluid until the 35th week of amenorrhea where the amount of fluid is at its maximum with about 980 ml. Then the amniotic fluid decreases to the end to reach a volume between 600 and 800 ml approximately. The flow of the amniotic fluid signals the rupture of the membrane, and the risk of premature delivery if the term of the pregnancy is not reached. When the amount of amniotic fluid is abnormally low compared to the term of pregnancy, it is called oligoamnios. During oligoamnios, infection rate is higher. The premature rupture of the membranes (rupture before the beginning of the work) concerns 5 to 10% of the pregnancies. Its risk factors are the same as those of spontaneous preterm birth with intact membranes. This patient received a punch on her abdomen, which caused a premature rupture of the membranes and then a loss of the entirety amniotic fluid then an oligoamnios was created, and during the 2 weeks before the hospitalization, there was infection of the genital and baby components and infection dissemination by haematogenous route Causing endocarditis. Sorry for your daughter and may god has his soul in peace.
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my mother has been in the hospital for 16 days, they first said she has breast cancer, then they said Lymphoma, then they said Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, now saying she has Leukemia - they keep saying they are 95% sure but then come back and say they were wrong, do you have any suggestions for me as to what to do from here? We are in Richmond, Virginialisa
Dear, First we need to have full history and examination of the body report. Then a blood picture with peripheral smear examination to arrive at some provisional diagnosis. If she has a lump or swelling on any part of the body a fine needle aspiration biopsy report. This will definitely give a diagnosis. I think your primary physician will definitely do what is necessary to arrive at final conclusion. The different diagnosis conveyed to you must be provisional on the basis of simple general physical examination. Lymphoma, Hodgkin's or non Hodgkin or leukemia is confirmed only by biopsy. Truly,
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I have a very large distended stomach with pain n upper left quadrant n lower abdominal pain . I hat a CT scan out of town said my uterus has falling out of place layoffs on my small bowel n the fluid in my abdomen where the pain is in the upper left quadrant where my colon descends seems to be kinked I was also told my cervix was already down on my vagina. I cannot use the bathroom only having 3 bowel movements in almost a month which were so painful I broke out n a sweat I ve taken stool softeners fleets n several other things just causes mote pain bloating n cramps I take take gas pills n no relief either and do not pass a lot of gas or feel the need to. I can t eat much very small amours n mostly liquid or soft foods. I often lose control of my bladder n sometimes feel I need to go so badly bit just trickles out or none at all. I was told I had a hiatal hernia a few weeks ago and last night I got the hiccups so very bad n couldn t stop the pain increased my husband said o kinda slumped over on the couch n was unresponsive for about 30 to 60 seconds. Do I need to go yo the emergency room or can I wait to schedule an appointment and with which h Dr do o need t
Dear madam, you need to go to ER if you feel constant pain, fever, breathless, vomit blood or feel fatigue but your symptoms definitely means something and detailed work up should be done. You obviously have some kind of intestinal passage disorder caused by either mechanical or non-mechanical causes. YOUR GYNECOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY U VE DESCRIBED COULD affect your intestinal motility and if there is a certain cause then pills won't be helpful. The best way to rule this out is to the colonoscopy, barium swallow or diagnostic laparoscopy and everything should be clear. Wish you good health,
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Hi . Im concerned about whats going on . I think Im pregnant , but Im nervous to find out because I dont want to be devastated that Im not . My last normal period was Jan 21 . I always have normal periods . ALWAYS. I have a calendar that I go by . It said that my next expected period was Feb 18 . On Feb 17th I started spotting . I only seen it when I wipe . I never had this happen to me before . When my period comes on it flows and its never light . This went on for the remainder of the day then the next day it got darker , but it filled up half of pantie liner . After that I used tampons to see if he will be regular and it wasnt . It was just little spots of blood . Im nervous to take a test . Could I be pregnant ?
Hello, In the current scenario, please do get the pregnancy test done as you definitely need it and hope for the best. If you cannot read the urine test properly, you should go for the serum beta-ChatDoctor titles along with a trans-vaginal sonogram to clarify the issue. The spotting could possibly be due to an implantation bleed, but, it needs to be clarified. If pregnancy is excluded, you could be having slight hormonal imbalance which is common now and then whenever there is some stress, infection, weight disturbance etc. Such a disturbance usually gets corrected spontaneously. Hope this helps.
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hi i am janti lal amersi from karachi pakistan, just come to knw by a mt test that my wife got a tuber clauses what are the precautions we should take like she stoped feeding milk to our daughter what else can you suggest to better ment of her health except medication from doctor
Hi, I understand your concern. - First, 6you have to get her fully investigated from a chest physician & know about the extent of her infection. If its active tuberculosis passing the infection to others via coughing, sneezing)& she needs isolation or her disease is non infecting & under control. She can be treated at home & she can feed her baby at this stage. Speak to her doctor & decide - Medicines, regular consumption & regular follow up is a must. Tuberculosis can be fully controlled & patient can lead a normal life if she follows treatment plan exactly. - Apart from this personal care in form of- - cleanliness, - high protein, vitamin, iron, mineral diet. She needs high proteins in form of milk 2 glasses in a day, boiled egg/ protein powder available in pharmacy mixed with milk./ fresh vegetables & salads at least 10 glasses of clean water . Apart from her routine meals. - light exercises (yoga/ walking/ respiratory exercises) . To help good appetite & digestion -Iron & vitamins in form of tonics as per doctors advise. Thanks.
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Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I take this opportunity to tell you certain scientific facts and relieve your distress - 1. An active is a well kid even if she/ he is not eating well. 2. Development of a kid is as important as, or I would say even more important than growth alone.3. As the kids grow their interest in food decreases and interest in play activities increases so that they eat small quantity and run away to play. As parents, we need to be more patient and feed than less quantity but more liquors per day.4. This age rather than the quantity of the food I suggest you concentrate more on the number of times you feed her and also make whatever you feed her calorie dense by adding good amount of ghee to it.5. I suggest you not to use appetite stimulants on long run as they may cause Chat Doctor. Regards -
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I am 36 yrs and pregnant with 12weeks I have a daughter 11 yrs I have a history of pcod and endometriosis I had a miscarriage in my first pregnancy and it was triplets. both my pregnancy was with treatment but this time with the grace of God I conceived naturally I am being given fertygen injection twice a week progestrone capsule and now asa tablets but yesterday I was bleeding with big clots after scan the baby was fine internal os closed placenta posterior mid segment dont know the reason for bleeding can you please tell me why is this happening and why is asa tablets prescribed in pregnancy I would be very grateful thank you
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Early pregnancy may naturally have periods of episodic vaginal bleeding with clots. This is caused as the baby with the sac in early pregnancy is too small to fill up whole of the uterus. The exposed inner lining of uterus may degenerate and bleed just like a normal menstrual cycle. I am assuming that your ultrasonography after the gush of bleeding showed a live baby with evidence of fetal heart beat. In that case chance of abortion is minimal. ASA or aspirin tablets are given in pregnancy to help in free flow of blood between mother and fetus. Please write back if you have any more queries.
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im 18 and I have 2 questions. my first question is i suffer from endometriosis and for the past week my left and right ovary area has been having burning/stinging pains and my lower pelvic region is sore to the touch. what could this problem be? my second question is i had my hormone levels checked and i was wondering if they are normal? FSH- 1.2 LH-3.1 TSH-1.570 Estradiol-182 Testosterone-32 Glucose-74 Prolactin-19.8 thanks, sabrina
Greetings HOPE you are aware of endometriosis. It means the inside layer of uterus called as endometrium is present outside the uterus, and it responds to the cyclical changes as inside uterus causing bleeding. As you have menses, there will be bleeding from this endometrium which can be present anywhere in the abdomen.the commonest site is ovary and all around outer side of uterus. So premenstrual there will be pain which depends up on the organ involved and the extent. So you can consult a gynecologist and get an ultrasound scan to rule out any cysts in ovary which is causing problems for you. Coming to your reports everything looks normal if done on day 2 or 3 of your cycle. Hope my answer helps you regards
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My husband was on hemodialysis for about a year. Last December we began with peritoneal dialysis at home and have been doing this for almost a year. He had his catheter moved last June as it was much too low. Since then he has been retaining fluid in his abdomen. He recently had a CAT scan and a ecocardiogram which showed a heart problem which his doctor said could be controlled with medication. While in the hospital, his blood pressure dropped so low he was given a bag of saline solution which raised it but he was taken off this medication for his heart. Now he is at home and has a physical therapist come to our home twice a week and he is doing light exercises but his biggest problem, which has been with him for about three months, is shortness of breath. It is from all of the fluid in his abdomen pressing on his diaphram, etc. He has increased his trouser size by two inches. I called this to the attention of his nephrologist as his stomach is like a big bowl of jelly. Nothing is being done to take care of this fluid except the doctor has put him back on hemodialysis with no reduction of fluid. Is there a possibility that there is a leak inside from his catheter or could it be a buildup of fluids from the peritoneal dialysis which I understand does not always completely flush all the fluids out of his body? Sorry about this being such a long messge but we are at a wits end as to finding out what is causing this problem. Could you possibly help us by offering your guideance about the fluid. Thank you in advance.
HIT hanks for your query. If there is no active peritoneal dialysis going on, then the abdominal fluid collection is unlikely to be related to the Peritoneal dialysis catheter. Ascites or fluid in the peritoneal cavity can be due to a weak heart or liver problems. I would recommend a 2D Echocardiogram, Ultrasound of the abdomen and a diagnostic ascetic fluid tap. Based on the results we could make further recommendations. Hope this helps Good luck.
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Hi i am 33years old and have been diagonised with jaundice last 3 monts. My current sirum Bilirubin report is 1.20. I had indigestion and related problems in stomach of right side.Question is how long does it take? how can i know that am completely free from jaundice?
Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor. It may be due to liver infection, alcohol or Chat Doctor. Please consult your doctor for examination and ultrasonography of whole abdomen including liver. Jaundice can cause indigestion, vomiting, nausea, fever, fatigue etc. Normal range is 0.5-1.5 mg/DL. More than normal range causes yellow discoloration of sclera, palms, urine etc. First find out the cause of disease and treat the cause, will remove jaundice. When your bilirubin within normal range; urine, sclera become normal; no or minimal digestion problem than jaundice over. Please avoid fatty diet and fast food. Take fresh fruits, juices and green veg diet more. Hope these all will help you a lot. Thanks for contacting us. Take care....
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I have married in 2 age 25 husbannd age 27 i have trying to a conceive .i have take pfofrt f tablet for 3 month.but not conceive.i have already checked my harmones,thairoid also.but no problem.all very good & normal.but why naot conceive.please help me
Hi I think you can go for ovulation induction with timed intercourse for conceiving. Track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when follicle is more than 18 mm, take injection for rupture of follicles. Be in contact with your husband for next 2 days. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks after rupture is confirmed on ultrasound. Do a urine pregnancy test after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 cycles. Hope it helps
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Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hello. My father has been suffering from high blood pressure and two weeks ago his pulse was at 125 for a number of days. This landed him in the hospital for about 10 days. He was diagnosed with atrial fibralation as well as anxiety and chronic fatigue. Both he and the rest of my family have been taking care of my mother who is has a terminally ill with cancer. He is on a number of medications now and is taking Lisinipril and cumodin and other meds. His cumodin level was high this week. He walked to the store the other day and had to ask for a ride back as he wasnt feeling well. The hospice nurse took his blood pressure and pulse today: 153/100, pulse 50. She said that he should get checked out again soon as something does not appear right with his meds. Any advice you might be able to give would be appreciated. My father is 79 years old. Thank you. Melinda
Hello, There are two issues in him, first his blood pressure is not under control so his BP medicine needs to be hiked up. Dose of lisinopril can be increased in multiple of 5 up to 40 mg. Blood pressure is not emergency you can get it optimized from your doctor. Secondly, his pulse rate is low and pulse rate controlling med needs to be decreased. Like he must take some beta blockers like metoprolol or nebivolol, or other medicines like Verapamil or Diltiazem, dose of either med needs to be decreased. Also, he should have a healthy lifestyle like avoiding fatty, oily and high calorie diet. Have low salt diet and monitor blood pressure regularly thrice a day for one week then once or twice a week. Regular exercises like brisk walking, jogging according your capacity at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. There shouldn't abdominal fat deposition or obesity. Get your lipid profile and sugars tested once. Monitor INR regularly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Hello, I have a persisting infection in my pubic groin area. For the past year it comes and goes regularily and almost always is infected. I believed it to be an ingrown hair but most recently I went to the hospital because a hole appeared there and I was told it is a cyst . This keeps happening in the exact same spot and I apply warm compresses to it and blood like pus usually oozes out of it. It pains a bit as i were my pants exactly same place. Kindly suggest me what to do
HI, I understand your concern. The prolonged & repeated infection indicates healing. -low resistance - inadequate treatment/wrong choice of antibiotic - unhygienic condition. - Uncontrolled diabetes You need investigations like-CBC, fasting & post meal blood sugar, culture & sensitivity test of the exudate from infection. Along with complete physical check up. This would pinpoint the diagnosis & treatment plan.(best advised by a skin specialist) Apart from regular medication for prescribed period, you will have to take - tonics/nutritive diet for raising resistance.(proteins, iron, vitamins specially it. B&c)would help. - good control of blood sugar in case you have diabetes - adequate local management in form of removal of hairs, keeping the area clean, Chat Doctor. Thanks. -
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Hello: I am a 36 year old man. After having a terrible attack of stomach flu in february of this year I beganto suffer from pain in my upper left side. the bloodwork showed slightly elevated lypase -but all other tests ngative-what can this be -stomach feels bloated all the time
Hello there, I am Chat Doctor. Hope I have given appropriate guidance to you. I think you have loss of some of your intestinal flora, that is beneficial bacterial organism found in our intestine, and you have some damage to intestine in form of small many ulcers. So til this ulcer got heal you may have some pain in your abdomen. And for bacterial flora you take some probiotic food it will replace your flora to normal one. For some periods take care you DNT eat spicy food. If you have any query you can consult me anytime. Give me star rating, helpful vote & thank you according to your satisfaction level. Thanking you.
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Hello, i have a question, i had pain for almost a week on the left lower side of abdomen, approximately where the ovary is, then i went to ultrasound to see what is going on, i did not get results yet, and i am scared, because i really wanted to get pregnant, i overheard ultrasound technician and other technician, they were saying something like follicle burst and small amount of free fluid, what does it mean, that i did not get pregnant and probably instead maybe it is ovarian cyst now..i just dont know what to think... i asked them but they are not allowed to tell diagnosis i guess, they just said you dont have to worry everything is fine
Hellos you mentioned that there is pain in the abdomen in the left lower region. Ultrasound done but report is still pending. Pain may be due to these reasons.1 Cyst around or in ovarian stoma. Need not say that the report of the ultrasound will find out the reason .2 Such pain may be due to left renal colic. Diagnosis can be confirmed by Ultrasound (. Already done).3 Amoebic colitis is the next most probable reason of such pain. Stool examination will find out amoeba history, if present. Since ultrasound report is pending and pain is not so severe, wait for the report and deal according to ultrasound report. Possibilities I have mentioned. Good luck
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I have had numerous UTI S and I requested a copy of my last lab report, 1) for vaginal culture, and 1) lfro urine culture, final report on the urine culture was Morganella MorganII, b colony count 30,000, but no antibiotic was prescribed. Can I get over this on my own?
Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your treating doctor I advise you that urine culture with colony count of less than one lac is not UTI. It won't requires a treatment. Organelle organic many a time isolate as a saprophytic organism or Laboratory contaminant. So if the colony count is less, it is not UTI and treatment is not required. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.
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I recently had a scan that showed a 8.4mm cyst on my left kidney. However as I was being scanned for gallstones, the cyst was never mentioned (the scan was done overseas and so they type up a report of their findings). I am now worried that it has been disregarded. What could it be?
Hello Thanks for writing to simple cortical cyst in kidney is a benign lesion of unknown etiology arising from renal parenchymal, and it rarely causes complications. It may be the reason for omission of small renal cyst in previous reports. Renal cortical cyst is a very common type of kidney cyst, and it is a fluid-filled sac. Small cysts generally doesn't causes symptoms, and it is found in a routine examination for other issues. When cyst grows larger, patient may feel pain or pressure in back or sides, which often radiates downward. Renal cortical cysts usually doesn't require any treatment. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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at night when I get ready for bed I begin to cough uncontrolledly and my neck and chin get really itchy. this only happens at night and I don t know what to do about it or what it means. I read that it could be signs of asthma but I ve never been diagnosed with it. But I do spend a total of 9 hours or more 5 days a week moving and running around.
Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you are having allergic bronchitis. Coughing and itching are characteristics for allergic disease (process). Since you are having symptoms mostly at night, you may be allergic to your night clothes or bedsheet or pillow covers etc. And these act as allergen and cause symptoms. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to diagnose bronchitis. Change your bedsheet, pillow cover and night clothes. Start using new cotton ones. Also take antihistamine Chat Doctor. You will mostly be alright by these changes.
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Im asking because I was tested for diabetes & the doctor asked if it ran in my family? It does on both my mother & fathers side & I have always had a sweet tooth but I am not overweight (Im average) & try not to eat fatty foods that much. I do however tend to splurge on the sugar. Can too much sugar cause diabetes? Thanks everyone. too much sugar doesn't lead to diabetes. There r 2 types of diabetes. Type 1 which is due to deficiency of insulin secretion from beta cells of pancreas and in type 2 diabetes there is problem in the insulin receptors. Diabetes may result from genetic alterations, obesity, sedentary lifestyle. Ones u have diabetes, increase intake of sugar may increase the blood sugar level but sugar itself doesn't lead to diabetes. Wish u good health
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I take microgynon 30 3 weeks at a time and then break for a week and always get a period during this break. I took the pill for around 5 weeks without a break and now that Ive taken a break from it Ive not experienced a withdrawal bleed and Im getting very worried. Could you offer me an explanation? Ive taken one test and it was negative. Just want to know whats going on with my body, Ive been taking the pill almost 3 years with no problems like this.
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Microgynon is a commonly used oral contraceptive. There is a form of oral contraception where essentially it is taken for 3 months so that these women have only 4 periods a year. It is likely that the prolonged use of the medication resulted in the delay you are experiencing. Though it is understandably alarming to you, it is a result of a slight hormonal imbalance and your period will return. I hope this helps
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Since October 2013 I have had spasmodically pain in the right side of my head in the ear area - approx radiating into an area of my hand if held over my ear. The pain will go after anything from a few hours to over 36 hours. Today it is particularly painful hence the search online
You probably mean throbbing headache affecting one side of the head, right in your case. You have not mentioned whether you are a male or female. Based on that, I would consider three possible causes, a) migraine b) cluster headache and c) temporal arthritis. Irrespective of whatever be the cause, you should be relieved by taking naproxen 500 mg one or two tablets together as per your requirement. Take it in full stomach. Also get yourself examined by a doctor and subsequently intervene as per the cause diagnosed.
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Im 62 years of a age, and on a routine lab exam PSA level was 6.5, Digital rectal exam was normal, echography shows enlarged prostate with calcifications and all the rest was normal.. FREE PSA/TOTAL PSA was about 22.5 and according to the lab this result is normal, urine analysis shows RBC levels of 20 - 22 and WBC 2, can we know from these results if it s a gland hypertrophy or it s prostate cancer? thank you
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not worry much about cancer. As calcification is 100% benign. It is not at all seen in malignancy. So you should not worry much about cancer. Your other lab reports are also normal for cancer. You are having BPH (benign prostatic enlargement) which is causing red blood cells in urine. So better to consult neurosurgeon and get done removal of prostate. This will cure RBC in urine. And no need to worry about cancer.
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hello,my 2 and a half year old has been having tiny amount of blood at the end of the pediatrician ordered an ex ray and said she was constipated evan though she poops quite regularly.He said most likely the blood comes from a scratch at the end of the bowel that continually gets irrataded and then today the stool turned gray! half of it came out brown then gray and two hours later more grey poop what could this mean?
Dear Parent, The gray color stool of your child can be due to different causes. Commonest one if your child is on a milk only diet. Other serious cause is blocked liver ducts (however in this condition your child will give yellow of eyes, skin). I suggest that you see a pediatrician if the gray stools occur 2 or more times, lasts more than 24 hrs and lasts more than 48 hours after changing from a milk only diet, and you notice yellow discoloration of eyes, skin.
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I have a hard non-movable lump on the right side of my neck about the size of a pinto bean. It feels like it may be attached to the larynx? I have been suffering from joint pain (knees, shoulders and right large toe) and swelling mainly in my knees. I seem to have lost strength in my knees due to swelling and muscle tenderness around joints, I am loosing more hair than normal, awful cramps in right callf at night, I get hot flashes but then I get cold and can t get warm, I have no energy, my skin is very dry to the point of tingling.
Hi, Thanks for the query.1-Its very interesting story. In my opinion small lump on right of your larynx needs to be investigated with thyro-profile tests.2-Your general health have derailed over a period and suggests that you have-hypo-thyroid with associate rheumatic complaints in knee JT and muscles surrounding it.3-I would advise you to have your thyroid test done with other blood tests.4-I would advise medical treatment with the physician nearby.5-Thereafter-If the lump doesn't regress after the specific thyroid treatment, the lump-may need excision-in the later period....but don't worry about it-as it's a remote possibility.6-So concentrate with treating the thyroid disease-which is the most probable solution for your problem to resolve. Hope I have solved your query. Any more queries in this matter are welcome.!! Thnks
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hello In my report it shows like this Rt.Kidney (8.9*3.5cm) cortex:13mm Lt.kidney (9.5*4.1 cm) cortex 14mm Normal insize size with diffuse increased Echotexture(grate -2) No calculi/Hydronephrosis.Is there any problem in my kidnies.Please help regarding in this matter.
Hi, Thanks for writing in. There is a mention that the kidneys are showing increased cortical echo texture. This means that the kidneys are lighter than expected and might be due to a problem in the filtration capacity of the kidneys. Please do blood test for kidney function like serum creatinine and serum proteins. Urine test for kidney function like urine proteins and 24 hours protein and creatinine are also important. Please consult a nephrologist for proper treatment guidelines. Your kidneys are normal. The kidneys are normal if they measure 80 to 120 mm in length. Therefore, the kidney problems if any are still reversible. Please do not worry.
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Hi my name is angela im 20 years old and on June 9, 2015 I went to an oral surgeon to have all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Ever sense the day after surgery I haven t been able to open my mouth I have gone back and they put me on some arthritis Tylenol, naproxen medication, and also voltarin gel. I ve also been doing jaw excersises religiously. Nothing has helped and I am no worse I can t fit my toothbrush in mouth and it s almost to the point I can t fit my pills in either. I m terrified and just want this to end.
Hi. I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. As per your complaint at times after wisdom teeth extraction the muscles of mastication becomes tensed, swollen and sore leading to restricted mouth opening and pain. You should do warm compresses over the check and continue till the sides of neck. You should massage the muscles with your fingers starting from the front of ear progressing down the jaw reaching the chin. Try to open the mouth with fingers by pushing front teeth apart. You should also keep doing the jaw exercises advised by your dentist. You need to take Muscle relaxant like Flexion MR for relieving the spasms of muscles. Take soft diet and more. Of liquids but do not stay hungry. If still it doesn't improve consult an Oral Surgeon and get evaluated. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
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bacterial bronchitisIm a 30 yr old female. I was recently seen at the ER and had two bags of fluids ,morphi.e and xrays for what I was told was bacterial bronchitis and was given a Zpack to take. Im on my 4th pill and I feel im getting worse. The cough is bad, im coughing up dark green and yellow mucus. I have a major headache that wont go away. Im also running a fever off amd on... Could this be something else or have turned into something worse?
Thanks for asking your question completely understand your problem in my opinion you are suffering from lower resp tract infection. Green sputum is mostly seen in cases of pseudosocial infections so specific Chat Doctor. Antipseudomonal antibiotics like floroquinolones should be fix the diagnosis of pseudosocial infection u need to consult a pulmonologist who will request for a sputum myogenic culture and sensitivity, which will tell in detail about the causative organism. And accordingly
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I am boy age of 30,but my sprem is thini want thick spermi face problem when I watch any sexy movie I get wet because my spram come automatically come out of my pienskindy tel me any fruit or food which help me.l am poor I have no money to snd you
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Please stop worrying about these sexual matters because all these are normal. Sperm thickness or color is not the determining factor of your fertility or your ability to produce child Chat Doctor. On an average, semen is almost 95% water. Therefore, don't be anxious about it. When anyone watches porn movies, their penis discharge a liquid called pre-cum which is used for lubrication during sexual intercourse. This is also normal. I suggest psychological counseling to you. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
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Hi sir my wife is in 7th month pregnant and she has been facing gestational diabetic in early stages(3rd month) and doctor suggested insulin and slowly increasing the lots now. she is taking novomix 30 penfill. Morning 18 lots and evening 10 lots. Every week we are taking test by using glucometer. bayer product. But some time test results are showing 84-98 and 112-158. she was getting fear kindly give your suggessions
Hello and I hope I can help you today. Insulin is used to treat diabetes during pregnancy at all stages and is safe and effective. The disease of diabetes and high blood sugar is the part that is dangerous for the baby, and good glucose control is the best way to ensure a healthy child. Good blood glucose levels should be less that 95 for fasting levels and less than 120 after meals (2 hours). If this is the way your wife checks her sugar, and you test at least 4 times daily, she is under very good control and should not need further adjustment of her insulin if her levels stay at the current level. She should be checking her sugar fasting and then 2 hours after every meal. So in summary, insulin is safe and absolutely necessary for the health of the baby if your wife has diabetes. Please discuss the dosing regimen with your treating physician on a regular basis and make sure your wife checks her readings at least when she wakes up in the morning and then 2 hours after every meal. She should also write down what she eats, so her doctor can also know if any changes need to be made in the diet. I hope this information was helpful and answered your question adequately. Best wishes to you and your wife for the rest of the pregnancy. Sincerely,
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hello doc...i have a lump between my scrotum and anus its hard size of a pea, it sometimes disappear and reappear, also another painless sort of a pimple on my pubic area, yellowish, disappear when emptied and to re-occur in near and itching urethra....what is these
Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor, and thanks for giving us an opportunity to discuss on perineal infections! So, your perineal lump is recurrent, small, nodular and accompanied by another yellowish nodule in the pubic area! I must consider, if you had visited my clinic, that these two are same in pathological terms; they are sebaceous inclusion cysts getting infected and resolving due to bodies immunity power! These needs a simple needle biopsy for confirmation and surgical excision / antibiotics for cure...Therefore, please see a surgeon for a clinical examination and necessary management.don't worry, ...
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Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum the dark spots might be due to high melanin synthesis and has many causative factors. That could be plasma, dermatitis so on. The first thing to do when seeking treatment for dark spots on face is to talk to a dermatologist. He can give you a diagnosis for your particular condition. Then you can choose for any treatment. All treatment including homeopathy needs a proper case study then treatment. Thank you
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I work for a company in the backroom and I stand for anywhere from four to seven hours at a time along with lifting really heavy boxes and was wondering if there was anything I can do to help me with my lower back issues they are very minor but I want to avoid them getting any worse.
Hi welcome Chat Doctor. Age2.sex3.duration, type and severity of pain4.mid or para spinal region of pain5.height and weight.However, steps can be initiated in the meantime preventive aspect is provided. Low back pain is common among people who stand or sits for long time. Proper ergonomics, exercises diet plays' role in prevention the massage and hot water fermentation alternatively 3 times a day, for minor pain u mentioned2.maintaining proper posture While standing While lifting weights(never bend your waist, instead bend the knees)3.stretching exercises which helps to reduce pain and also prevent further strains.(can be done in between work or during prolong posture)4.maintain BMI (proper diet and exercise)5.proper use of shoes6.once you are feeling better regular aerobic exercises like swimming, walking, bicycling Can keep your back in good condition. 7.prevention of episodes of back pain can be done by strengthening back hip pelvic abdominal muscles, however heavy abdominal crunches must be avoided. If pain aggregates or any numbness of hip or leg you can consult your doctor for further assessment.
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What is treatment for piaderma? I am 61 yoa, 5"6, 155, had ulcerative colitis for approx 20 yrs. Recently had surgery for colon removal and developed piaderma. Have been referred to a dermatologist but until then, is there any remedy I can do? Is getting progressively worse, ulcers increasing and bleeding.
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Pyoderma means pus in the skin and can be caused by infections, inflammation and neoplastic etiologies. Any condition that results in the accumulation of neutrophil exudate can be termed a pyoderma. But in general practice most commonly pyoderma refers to bacterial infections of the skin. Normal resident bacteria of skin such as staphylococci, streptococci, Micrococcus and Acinetobacter can lead to this condition. The treatment of superficial pyoderma is with appropriate antibiotics for not less than 20 days. Fluoroquinolone group of Chat Doctor. Topical antibiotics may be helpful in superficial pyoderma. Bacitracin and polymeric B are more effective against gram negative bacteria, if it is the cause of infection. Thank you.
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I have a background of hay fever which gets quite severe with an almost contantly runny nose and mild asthma. I find it quite hard to tell the difference between allergies and a cold. for a week now i have had varying symptoms which started with sneezing, a runny nose (extremely so!), there was a slight sore throat with it, and i now have a slight cough and a little breathlessness. There has been no fever but i do work in child care, germ central. unless i have a fever im never sure if i have a cold or allergy and im not sure if the breathlessness is asthma symptoms or not. thankyou
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Allergies and common cold can be associated with similar symptoms. The main differences would be fever, change in appetite or energy level that may occur with the common cold. The time frame would also vary, if the symptoms are acute then it is more likely a cold, if they are long term-allergies. The treatment of both would be the use of decongestants (topical or oral), oral antihistamines and cough suppressants if needed. I hope this helps
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I have a circular rash on the palm of my hand which is now on the sole of my foot. They come and go but are very itchy. I have now found a raised rash in the pubic line which is not itchy. The rash seems to be like an insect bite and is more yellowish in the middle. Im male 28 and have not had any problems of this klind in the past and have not yet tried to treat this problem.Please help thank you.
Hi, As per your descriptions, it could be due to eczema, tinea, psoriasis, insect bite etc. You will require topical corticosteroid like beclomethasome or clobetasol or mometasome with antifungal cream like itraconazole or fluconazole with oral prednisolone and fluconazole with antihistamines. This type of skin itchy rashes are required to be seen by naked eye of a doctor for confirmed diagnosis. So, better you consult dermatologist and start the treatment. You will be alright after that. Thanks.
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I had wisdom teeth extraction four days ago. Was running a temp today, which has now come down, and feeling unwell. Aches, headache and very tired . These symptoms appeared about two days after my surgery . I has Iv sedation . Im worried about septicemia or endocarditis? AmI over reacting . I saw my dentistToday to address my symptoms and he didnt seem worried . Stated my extraction sites were not infected . ShouldI see a MD?
Hi, Thanks for writing, All you need to do is relax. These symptoms are sometimes seen after a normal minor surgery. As you told, you were given general anesthesia, please give some time for yourself to recover. Fever can also normally occur after a stressful procedure, and just as it came down, you will recover with other problems also with time. Just continue with the antibiotics or analgesics whatever are prescribed by your dentist. Septicemia or endocarditis are risk factors if you have undergone any previous surgeries or have any congenital heart problems or valve replacements. In that case the doctor prescribes you with antibiotics before the procedure itself. Take sufficient rest and relax to have a fast recovery. You only need to see a physicist if symptoms persist even after taking adequate rest. Stay healthy, Thank you.
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Hi just wondering my husbandmay have an infected tooth. Our ine yr old sun had a tiny cut on his finger and my husband put it in his mouth it is now infected could this have caused it? Can other infections such as throat infection also be passed on through kissing someone with a tokth infection or abcess?
Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint in case if someone has an infected tooth, infection is commonly not transmitted to another person by coming in contact in saliva, although throat infection can be contagious and when there is active infection it can be transmitted to other people via close contact like kissing, sharing utensils and napkins and especially viral throat infection is very quickly transmitted. In case if your husband had an abscess in his tooth and if it would be Chat Doctor. . So you need not be extremely worried. I would suggest that your husband should consult a Dentist and get evaluated and an IOP AR [x-ray] can help in diagnosis. In case if tooth can be saved root canal treatment can be done while if there is gross decay extraction followed by antibiotics and painkillers will be advisable. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards.
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Hi, i have mild sharp abdominal pain. I have had it for more than 24 hours. My bow movements have been a little irregular as of late. I have had some prunes today to try and improve that. I have also been passing a lot of gas. Please lend me any advice you have?
HI. Thanks for your query.The most probable cause of severe pain in abdomen with irregular bowel movements and gases can be a form of gastroenteritis. I would advise you the following:Take a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole and supportive and symptomatic treatment This may resolve your problems sooner. If no relief you have to undergo the following tests:Blood-routine and WidalUrine and stool tests in details. Ultrasonography of the abdomenEndoscopies if required.
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Shortness of breath and harsh cough. Ex ray showed inflammation around my lungs. Dr. said a virus. Light smoker, but Dr. said lungs look beautiful. 80mg prednisone for five days brought no change. On my 3rd day of another 5 day prednisone script plus and inhaler, and still no change. Any ideas?
Hello appreciate your concern Shortness of breath and harsh could be related to Inflammation of the airway or lung due to allergic reaction or infection. Another possibility is obstruction in airway or collection of fluids in lungs or pleural cavity. If I were your treating doctor I would have advised you for a battery of tests after clinical examination in order to ascertain diagnosis like blood for hemoglobin, CAN, ESR, AEC (absolute eosinophil count), an X-ray chest or an CENT scan in case of chronic and refractory cough Meanwhile you should take steam inhalation and do deep breathing exercises. Continue with inhaler and anti-allergic Chat Doctor. Prednisone is a steroid and its doses to be tapered gradually like 40 mg than 20mgand slowly 10, 5 than twice a week followed by once a week and then stop. Hope this answers your questionPlease do let me know if anything is not clear. I will happily answer you Wish you good health and speedy recovery
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I have a lump on the back of my neck and I have had this for almost two years. Ive told doctors but they say its nothing to worry about. But when I got blood clots In my left arm ive just been getting sicker. My legs and feet swell up and ever since thats happened my lump on my neck has swelled up and gottn larger.. Could this mean I have can cancer or leukemia?
Hello, Lump in the back of the neck can arise from the skin, subcutaneous plane (deep to the skin) either from fat or fibrous tissue or bone. Because of the consistency and mobility we can differentiate each. It is there for 2 years now increases in size. Clinical examination and CT will differentiate the cause of swelling. The blood clots and pedal edema needs investigation of your vascular system. The swelling increases in size recently and your vascular system involvement need investigation immediately. As per your statement both are not cancer or lukemiaTreatment is as per the results. Best wishes
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dr. i have been using rmd gutkha for the past 2 and half years. I used to take one or 2 small pouch daily.. nowadays i could not take any spicy or hot food. I could see few sores in the edges of my tongue. will it lead to cancer. I have applied few ulcer gel/madicines but still it is not cured. please help to recover from the above
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have history of tobacco and non-healing ulcer. So there is HGH chance of having squamous cell carcinoma. You should go for punch biopsy of that lesion and go for histopathological examination. It will give you exact diagnosis. Whether it is cancer or not. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.