6 values
After the landing , at approximately 7 a.m. local time (2200 Saturday, UTC), of the aircraft that transported the Portuguese soldiers, hundreds of people started to enter the runway with flags of East Timor and Portugal.
<coherence> After the landing , at approximately 7 a.m. local time (2200 Saturday, UTC), of the aircraft that transported the Portuguese soldiers, hundreds of people started to enter the runway with flags of East Timor and Portugal.
After the landing , at approximately 7 a.m. local time (2200 Saturday, UTC), hundreds of people started to enter the runway with flags of East Timor and Portugal.
Jos Ramos Horta told Lusa News Agency that the soldiers of the GNR "have to start acting with autonomy and hardness" in all the city, Dili, to reestablish the law and order.
<clarity> Jos Ramos Horta told Lusa News Agency that the soldiers of the GNR "have to start acting with autonomy and hardness" in all the city, Dili, to reestablish the law and order.
Jos Ramos Horta told Lusa News Agency that the soldiers of the GNR "have to start acting with autonomy and hardness" in the entire city, Dili, to reestablish the law and order.
The Foreign Minister also told the Agency that he "respects" the decision of the Portuguese government to put the GNR force out of the Australian command of the international force, affirming that is essential to reach an agreement this Monday, so that the Portuguese Republican National Guard "can be operational." Ramos Horta added that this will be the position that he will defend in a meeting this Thursday morning with the diplomats of Australia, Portugal, New Zealand and Malaysia.
<style> The Foreign Minister also told the Agency that he "respects" the decision of the Portuguese government to put the GNR force out of the Australian command of the international force, affirming that is essential to reach an agreement this Monday, so that the Portuguese Republican National Guard "can be operational." Ramos Horta added that this will be the position that he will defend in a meeting this Thursday morning with the diplomats of Australia, Portugal, New Zealand and Malaysia.
The Foreign Minister also told the Agency that he "respects" the decision of the Portuguese government to put the GNR force out of the Australian command of the international force, affirming that is essential to reach an agreement this Monday, so that the Portuguese Republican National Guard "can be operational." Ramos Horta added that this would be the position that he will defend in a meeting this Thursday morning with the diplomats of Australia, Portugal, New Zealand and Malaysia.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
<clarity> Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Activists of the Shiv sena today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
<fluency> Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the breakaway fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
<coherence> Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Kashmir 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
<meaning-changed> Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance . Geelani was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison.
It will require television viewers to buy a set top box, similar to the SKY Network Television decoder.
<clarity> It will require television viewers to buy a set top box, similar to the SKY Network Television decoder.
FreeView will require television viewers to buy a set top box, similar to the SKY Network Television decoder.
The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) , however there is no subscription costs , unlike Sky Television.
<fluency> The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) , however there is no subscription costs , unlike Sky Television.
The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) . However, there is no subscription costs , unlike Sky Television.
The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) , however there is no subscription costs , unlike Sky Television.
<fluency> The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) , however there is no subscription costs , unlike Sky Television.
The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) , however there is no subscription cost , unlike Sky Television.
The increase of $1 will raise the rate to $ 6.15.
<style> The increase of $1 will raise the rate to $ 6.15.
The increase of US$1 will raise the rate to US$ 6.15.
Last Sunday in Pennsylvania, Governor Ed Rendell signed into law a phased-in $2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by $ 1 on January 1 next year, then increase by another dollar on July 1.
<clarity> Last Sunday in Pennsylvania, Governor Ed Rendell signed into law a phased-in $2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by $ 1 on January 1 next year, then increase by another dollar on July 1.
Last Sunday in Pennsylvania, Governor Ed Rendell signed into law a phased-in US$2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by US$ 1 on January 1 next year, then increase by another dollar on July 1.
Other U.S. states totaling 20 Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate.
<clarity> Other U.S. states totaling 20 Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate.
A total of 20 other U.S. states totaling 20 Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate.
Other U.S. states totaling 20 Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate.
<clarity> Other U.S. states totaling 20 Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate.
Other U.S. states Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate.
The U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, has been continuously amended by Congress over years with increases that make the federally mandated minimum wage what it is today, $5.15 per hour.
<clarity> The U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, has been continuously amended by Congress over years with increases that make the federally mandated minimum wage what it is today, $5.15 per hour.
The U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, has been continuously amended by Congress over years with increases that make the federally mandated minimum wage what it is today, US $5.15 per hour.
BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
<fluency> BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
BBC Wales and iPTV station VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
<fluency> BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
<clarity> BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales .
BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate near Cardiff .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
<fluency> The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
<clarity> The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
<fluency> The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made a forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
<clarity> The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park .
The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on a section of dual carriageway within the industrial estate .
It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
<meaning-changed> It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
It is not known how severely the man and woman on board were injured, a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
<coherence> It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
<fluency> It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants sustained "non life-threatening injuries".
Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys and its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway , could have resulted in a far greater tragedy.
<fluency> Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys and its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway , could have resulted in a far greater tragedy.
Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys . Its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway , could have resulted in a far greater tragedy.
Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys and its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway , could have resulted in a far greater tragedy.
<fluency> Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys and its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway , could have resulted in a far greater tragedy.
Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys and its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway could have resulted in a far greater tragedy.
VTV reporter and private pilot , Craig Handley , said that the location of the accident "would have been the most logical place to try and set the aircraft down as the dual carriageway, which runs through the estate, is clearly visible from the air and is almost completely straight and wide."
<fluency> VTV reporter and private pilot , Craig Handley , said that the location of the accident "would have been the most logical place to try and set the aircraft down as the dual carriageway, which runs through the estate, is clearly visible from the air and is almost completely straight and wide."
VTV reporter and private pilot Craig Handley said that the location of the accident "would have been the most logical place to try and set the aircraft down as the dual carriageway, which runs through the estate, is clearly visible from the air and is almost completely straight and wide."
Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
<fluency> Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
<meaning-changed> Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate . A Cessna 150 suffered a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
<fluency> Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport.
That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
<meaning-changed> That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
The Cessna in the earlier accident collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
<fluency> That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees shedding its wings ;
That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
<fluency> That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ;
That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings
The two occupants of the aircraft received slight injuries.
<clarity> The two occupants of the aircraft received slight injuries.
The two occupants of that aircraft received slight injuries.
South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft , involved in today's accident , made its emergency landing.
<clarity> South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft , involved in today's accident , made its emergency landing.
South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft in today's accident , made its emergency landing.
South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft , involved in today's accident , made its emergency landing.
<fluency> South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft , involved in today's accident , made its emergency landing.
South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft , involved in today's accident made its emergency landing.
The aircraft did , however, cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate , before coming to a rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway.
<coherence> The aircraft did , however, cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate , before coming to a rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway.
The aircraft did cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate , before coming to a rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway.
The aircraft did , however, cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate , before coming to a rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway.
<clarity> The aircraft did , however, cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate , before coming to a rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway.
The aircraft did , however, cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate prior to coming to rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway.
According to one eyewitness, the aircraft appeared to have experienced an engine-related problem , seconds before impact.
<fluency> According to one eyewitness, the aircraft appeared to have experienced an engine-related problem , seconds before impact.
According to one eyewitness, the aircraft appeared to have experienced an engine-related problem seconds before impact.
A spokesperson, for Cardiff International Airport said that the aircraft had departed , from Cardiff , at 12:43 BST and that the airport's Air Traffic Control centre had lost contact with the plane.
<fluency> A spokesperson, for Cardiff International Airport said that the aircraft had departed , from Cardiff , at 12:43 BST and that the airport's Air Traffic Control centre had lost contact with the plane.
A spokesperson, for Cardiff International Airport said that the aircraft had departed from Cardiff at 12:43 BST and that the airport's Air Traffic Control centre had lost contact with the plane.
The Civil Aviation Authority's Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) have been informed and are due to begin their investigation , into the crash.
<fluency> The Civil Aviation Authority's Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) have been informed and are due to begin their investigation , into the crash.
The Civil Aviation Authority's Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) have been informed and are due to begin their investigation into the crash.
Temperatures are nearing 100F (38C).
<clarity> Temperatures are nearing 100F (38C).
After 160,000 people have had their power restored, 500,000 people are without power.
<coherence> After 160,000 people have had their power restored, 500,000 people are without power.
After 160,000 people have had their power restored, but 500,000 people are without power.
After 160,000 people have had their power restored, 500,000 people are without power.
<clarity> After 160,000 people have had their power restored, 500,000 people are without power.
After 160,000 people have had their power restored, 500,000 others are still without power.
Three hundred national guardsmen join volunteers, policemen and firefighters in aiding people during the crisis.
<fluency> Three hundred national guardsmen join volunteers, policemen and firefighters in aiding people during the crisis.
Three hundred national guardsmen joined volunteers, policemen and firefighters in aiding people during the crisis.
Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.
<meaning-changed> Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.
With temperatures were nearing 100F (38C), ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on. Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.
Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.
<coherence> Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.
The local power company, AmerenUE, estimated that as of 10:26 p.m. local Central time on the 20th, 418,195 customers had no electricity. Sour
<others> The local power company, AmerenUE, estimated that as of 10:26 p.m. local Central time on the 20th, 418,195 customers had no electricity. Sour
The local power company, AmerenUE, estimated that as of 10:26 p.m. local Central time on the 20th, 418,195 customers had no electricity.
He joined the Khmer Rouge after being part of anti-French colonial and anti-Japanese resistence movements, rising to become the Maoist group's Chief-of-Staff.
<fluency> He joined the Khmer Rouge after being part of anti-French colonial and anti-Japanese resistence movements, rising to become the Maoist group's Chief-of-Staff.
He joined the Khmer Rouge after being part of anti-French colonial and anti-Japanese resistance movements, rising to become the Maoist group's Chief-of-Staff.
He is believed to have directed the purges of the Democratic Kampuchea regime, in which an estimated 1.7 million people were tortured and killed in what is now referred to as "the killing fields", earning him the name “The Butcher” . After the fall of the regime, he continued to lead a faction, until captured by the Cambodian forces in 1999.
<fluency> He is believed to have directed the purges of the Democratic Kampuchea regime, in which an estimated 1.7 million people were tortured and killed in what is now referred to as "the killing fields", earning him the name “The Butcher” . After the fall of the regime, he continued to lead a faction, until captured by the Cambodian forces in 1999.
He is believed to have directed the purges of the Democratic Kampuchea regime, in which an estimated 1.7 million people were tortured and killed in what is now referred to as "the killing fields", earning him the name "The Butcher" . After the fall of the regime, he continued to lead a faction, until captured by the Cambodian forces in 1999.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
<fluency> Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was "outrageous" . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
<fluency> Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, " he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
<fluency> Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, " but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
<fluency> Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was "saddened" by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
<fluency> Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ' s death.
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
<meaning-changed> LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo internet portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
<clarity> LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous incident occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
<clarity> LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside .
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi ferrying gay activists off the road .
According to Lakombe, protesters attacked the taxi car first at the Reval Hotel, Latvia, by throwing eggs and bottles of water.
<clarity> According to Lakombe, protesters attacked the taxi car first at the Reval Hotel, Latvia, by throwing eggs and bottles of water.
According to Lakombe, protesters attacked the taxi first at the Reval Hotel, Latvia, by throwing eggs and bottles of water.
A large number of media and people were gathered outside the packed courtroom.
<clarity> A large number of media and people were gathered outside the packed courtroom.
A large crowd of media personnel and onlookers gathered outside the packed courtroom.
Many of the people who had gathered outside the courtroom insulted the accused man as he walked to the courtroom.
<style> Many of the people who had gathered outside the courtroom insulted the accused man as he walked to the courtroom.
Many of the people who had gathered outside the courtroom abused the accused man as he walked to the courtroom.
Armed police also were present for the accused's protection . Related Stories Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006
<clarity> Armed police also were present for the accused's protection . Related Stories Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006
Armed police also were deployed to protect the alleged murderer . Related Stories Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006
Armed police also were present for the accused's protection . Related Stories Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006
<coherence> Armed police also were present for the accused's protection . Related Stories Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006
Armed police also were present for the accused's protection . Related Stories
Hillside suburbs in Christchurch, New Zealand have been suffering from torrential rain and flooding since Monday night.
<clarity> Hillside suburbs in Christchurch, New Zealand have been suffering from torrential rain and flooding since Monday night.
Hillside suburbs in Christchurch, New Zealand have been suffering from torrential rain since Monday night.
Around 60-millimetres of rain has fallen.
<meaning-changed> Around 60-millimetres of rain has fallen.
The Heathcote river burst its banks and caused surface flooding in areas. Around 60-millimetres of rain has fallen.
The Heathcote river in Beckenham has burst its banks and has gone onto Eastern Terrace, making some parts of the road impassable.
<clarity> The Heathcote river in Beckenham has burst its banks and has gone onto Eastern Terrace, making some parts of the road impassable.
The Heathcote river in Beckenham has inundated areas in Eastern Terrace, making some parts of the road impassable.
The Heathcote river in Beckenham has burst its banks and has gone onto Eastern Terrace, making some parts of the road impassable. It has also made some roads around the area fully submerged in water .
<clarity> The Heathcote river in Beckenham has burst its banks and has gone onto Eastern Terrace, making some parts of the road impassable. It has also made some roads around the area fully submerged in water .
The Heathcote river in Beckenham has burst its banks and has gone onto Eastern Terrace, making some roads impassable .
Merseyside Police concluded after a brief inspection that the controversial Blog Liverpool Evil Cabal does not break criminal law.
<fluency> Merseyside Police concluded after a brief inspection that the controversial Blog Liverpool Evil Cabal does not break criminal law.
Merseyside Police concluded after a brief inspection that the controversial blog Liverpool Evil Cabal does not break criminal law.
The Blog has been block at terminals controlled by Liverpool Direct Ltd, a company jointly owned by Liverpool City Council and British Telecom.
<clarity> The Blog has been block at terminals controlled by Liverpool Direct Ltd, a company jointly owned by Liverpool City Council and British Telecom.
The blog has been blocked on computers controlled by Liverpool Direct Ltd, a company jointly owned by Liverpool City Council and British Telecom.
The councils elected officials have denied ordering the block and are investigating who ordered the block.
<fluency> The councils elected officials have denied ordering the block and are investigating who ordered the block.
The council's elected officials have denied ordering the block and are investigating who ordered the block.
Previous fights between Liverpool City Councillors and Executive staff have resulted in controversy before most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw.
<fluency> Previous fights between Liverpool City Councillors and Executive staff have resulted in controversy before most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw.
Previous fights between Liverpool city councillors and executive staff have resulted in controversy before most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw.
Previous fights between Liverpool City Councillors and Executive staff have resulted in controversy before most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw.
<fluency> Previous fights between Liverpool City Councillors and Executive staff have resulted in controversy before most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw.
Previous fights between Liverpool City Councillors and Executive staff have resulted in controversy before , most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw.
Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal
<clarity> Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal
Related Stories
Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal
<meaning-changed> Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal
Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal External links Liverpool-evil-cabal blog
Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), resting on railway tracks.
<meaning-changed> Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), resting on railway tracks.
Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog truck he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), resting on railway tracks.
Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), resting on railway tracks.
<clarity> Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), resting on railway tracks.
Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), coming to rest on railway tracks.
Another solider was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, he also has spinal cord injuries.
<meaning-changed> Another solider was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, he also has spinal cord injuries.
The soldier driving the truck was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, he also has spinal cord injuries.
Another solider was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, he also has spinal cord injuries.
<clarity> Another solider was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, he also has spinal cord injuries.
Another solider was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, where he is being treated for spinal cord injuries.
The Unimog has been removed the the scene of the crash and will now be examined.
<fluency> The Unimog has been removed the the scene of the crash and will now be examined.
The Unimog has been removed from the scene of the crash and will now be examined.
Simms death has been referred to a coroner.
<fluency> Simms death has been referred to a coroner.
Simms ' death has been referred to a coroner.
Government jets bombed the LTTE front line in the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife.
<meaning-changed> Government jets bombed the LTTE front line in the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife.
Sri Lanka government jets bombed the LTTE front line in the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife.
Government jets bombed the LTTE front line in the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife.
<clarity> Government jets bombed the LTTE front line in the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife.
Government jets bombed the LTTE on front lines in the battle for the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife.
Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
<meaning-changed> Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
The last week of fighting has claimed the lives of hundreds. Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
<meaning-changed> Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
The government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee. peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
<fluency> Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
Aid workers are demanding access to the The peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
<meaning-changed> Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world.
Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world.
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
<meaning-changed> They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
Even communications are near impossibel. Tens of thousands have fled their homes. There are shortages of food and lines for fuel. .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
<meaning-changed> They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst off areas. .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
<meaning-changed> They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through "We need both sides to stop fighting so we can get proper access to the area," said UNHCR representative Amin Awad. "Food is getting low and we have worries about water and sanitation." .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
<meaning-changed> They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic fire overnight. .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
<meaning-changed> They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the 1983 "Black July" pogrom, there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east .
The government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee.
<fluency> The government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee.
Government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee.
The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world .
<fluency> The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world .
The peninsula , which has largely been cut off form the outside world .
The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world . Even communications are near impossibel. Tens of thousands have fled their homes.
<clarity> The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world . Even communications are near impossibel. Tens of thousands have fled their homes.
The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world , has seen tens of thousands have fled their homes.
Tens of thousands have fled their homes.
<fluency> Tens of thousands have fled their homes.
Tens of thousands have flee their homes.
During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst off areas.
<fluency> During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst off areas.
During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst-off areas.
The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic fire overnight.
<meaning-changed> The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic fire overnight.
The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic gunfire overnight.
's town centre in Ireland was evacuated on August 23rd, 2006.
<meaning-changed> 's town centre in Ireland was evacuated on August 23rd, 2006.
The centre of Roscrea, a small town in County Tipperary in Ireland was evacuated on August 23rd, 2006.
The decision was made after observed a man and a device believed to be dangerous in a house.
<meaning-changed> The decision was made after observed a man and a device believed to be dangerous in a house.
The decision was made after Gardai (police) observed a man and a device believed to be dangerous in a house.