Question: Rachel bought 8 music albums online. If each album had 2 songs, how many songs did she buy total? Answer:
Question: Isabel had some candy. She gave her friend twenty-seven pieces and had sixty-one left. How many pieces did she have to start with? Answer:
Question: Josh had 16 marbles in his collection. He lost 7 marbles. How many marbles does he have now? Answer:
Question: Jerry was weighing boxes for moving. The first was 2 pounds, the second was 11 pounds and the last was 5 pounds. What is the combined weight of all three boxes? Answer:
Question: Tom had thirty-six pieces of clothing to wash. He put eighteen of them in one load, but decided to split the rest into two equal loads. How many pieces of clothing could go in each of the small loads? Answer:
Question: Jake set up a candy stand in his front yard. He has 80 pieces of candy to sell. He sold 15 pieces of candy on Monday. He sold much more than that on Tuesday. By Wednesday, Jakes only had 7 pieces left. How many pieces of candy did Jake sell on Tuesday? Answer:
Question: Isha's pencil is 12 cubes long. If she gets another pencil that is 12 cubes long, how many cubes long are both pencils? Answer:
Question: The ice rink has 85 pairs of skates to rent. 18 people rented skates when the ice rink opened. 25 more people rented skates during the first hour. How many pairs of skates are left? Answer:
Question: During the first 6 hours of the fair there were the following number of customers: 58, 58, 62, 55, 49 and 48. What is the mean of the number of customers? Answer:
Question: A bathroom had a length of 4 feet and a total area of 8 square feet. What is the width of the bathroom? Answer:
Question: Bianca spent twenty-two minutes drawing at school and nineteen minutes drawing at home. How many minutes total did she spend drawing? Answer:
Question: Vice-mayor Alexander wanted to join in with the mayor's advocacy. He organized a party and invited the whole city to attend. If he hired 5 caterers having 50 employees each, how many people are working for the party? Answer:
Question: Helen the Hippo and her friends are preparing for Thanksgiving at Helen's house. Helen baked 435 chocolate chip cookies yesterday and 139 cookies this morning. How many cookies did Helen bake? Answer:
Question: Jerry is helping to put away books. If he has twelve books to put away and each shelf can hold four books, how many shelves will he need? Answer:
Question: Kyle bought 3 presents. The first present cost $18. The second present cost $7 more than the first. The third present cost $11 less than the first. How much did Kyle pay for all 3 presents? Answer:
Question: Upon arriving at the school, Buddy immediately went to his teacher where he was introduced to all the third grade students in the school. There were 57 girl students and 66 boy students. How many third graders did Buddy meet in the school? Answer:
Question: Last stop in their field trip was the aquarium. Penny identified 35 species of sharks, 15 species of eels and 5 different species of whales. How many species was Penny able to identify? Answer:
Question: A farmer planted twenty seeds on Wednesday and another two seeds on Thursday. How many seeds did he plant total? Answer:
Question: An ice machine had 294 ice cubes in it. If you were filling up 7 ice chests and each chest got the same number of cubes, how many ice cubes would each chest get? Answer:
Question: Each bag contains 23 pounds of oranges. How many pounds of oranges are in 45 bags? Answer:
Question: There were six roses in the vase. Jessica cut some more roses from her flower garden. There are now eighteen roses in the vase. How many roses did she cut ? Answer:
Question: Ben had 18 marbles and John had 17 marbles. Ben gave half of his marbles to John. How many more marbles did John have than Ben then? Answer:
Question: Hazel and her father both love going on fishing trips. This year, they planned to go around the Great Lakes for a unique fishing experience. Their first stop is Lake Ontario. Hazel and her father decided to have a contest between them. If Hazel caught 24 salmons and her dad caught 27, how many salmons did they catch in total? Answer:
Question: There are 43 students and 1720 apples. Each student has 9 Skittles. If the apples are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get? Answer:
Question: Jerry had to sell boxes of candy. He started out with 10 boxes and then sold 5. How many boxes did he have left? Answer:
Question: Debby had twelve pieces of candy. After eating some, she had three pieces. How many pieces did Debby eat? Answer:
Question: Jake read 37 pages of his new book. It has 8 chapters and 95 pages. Jake read 25 more pages later that day. How many pages has he read in all? Answer:
Question: If books came from all the 4 continents that Bryan had been into and he collected 122 books per continent, how many books does he have from all 4 continents combined? Answer:
Question: Paul had eighty-six books. After selling some in a garage sale he had seventy-eight left. How many books did he sell? Answer:
Question: Carol was helping her mom plant vegetables in the garden. Together they planted 6 rows of potatoes with 9 seeds in each row. How many potatoes did they plant total? Answer:
Question: A chef used five potatoes to make fries for the lunch crowd. Later he used another two potatoes for the dinner crowd. How many potatoes did he use total? Answer:
Question: Gwen was organizing her book case making sure each of the shelves had exactly four books on it. If she had five shelves of mystery books and three shelves of picture books, how many books did she have total? Answer:
Question: There are 40 boys and some girls on the playground. There are 117 children altogether. How many girls are on the playground? Answer:
Question: For the final touches, John wanted to paint the house using the 3 primary colors. If he has 5 liters of paint for each color, how many liters of paint does he have in all? Answer:
Question: Gavin has 23 shirts. 6 are blue the rest are green. How many green shirts does Gavin have? Answer:
Question: Ben on the other hand, was asked to count the number of cows that they have. He saw that there are a total of 40 cows for every cow herd. How many cows do they have in total if there are 8 cow herds in the farm? Answer:
Question: At the end of the cave, they found a golden chest. If the chest contains 421 diamonds and 377 rubies, how many more diamonds are there than rubies? Answer:
Question: You have $12 in nickels and quarters. If you have the same number of each kind of coin, how many nickels do you have? Answer:
Question: Oliver was weighing boxes for moving. The first was 2 pounds, the second was 3 pounds and the last was 13 pounds. What's the difference between the weight of the first box and the third box? Answer:
Question: Faye had 12 apps on her phone. To free up some space she deleted 8 of the apps. How many apps did she have left? Answer:
Question: I see 349 frogs. How many legs do they have? Answer:
Question: Since the result of the vote was close, it was decided that they will balance the menu with both meat and vegetables. This decision was agreed upon by 154 third grade students and 237 fourth grade students. How many students agreed with the decision? Answer:
Question: There were 27 boys and 35 girls on the playground at recess. How many children were on the playground at recess? Answer:
Question: Rupert and Ronald aced their math test. So their mother bought for them a wonderful trampoline yesterday. Ronald jumped 157 times on the trampoline. Rupert jumped 86 more times than Ronald. How many times did they jump altogether? Answer:
Question: Uncle Dave bought 143 ice cream sandwiches. If he wants to give them to his 11 hungry nieces, how many can each niece get? Answer:
Question: HappyLand has twice the land area of Super Fun-tastic Land. If Super Fun-tastic Land has a land area of 4897 square feet, what would be the total land area of HappyLand? Answer:
Question: Dave earned $53.90. Sara earned $39.33. How much more money did Dave earn than Sara? Answer:
Question: There are some passengers on a bus. At a bus stop, 7 more passengers got on the bus and 9 passengers got off. If there are 26 passengers in the bus in the end, how many passengers were there at first? Answer:
Question: After the cleaning the rivers they went on to tidy up the farmlands. If Lizzie's group covered 250 square feet of land and the other group covered 265, how many more square feet of land remains to be cleaned if there is total of 900 square feet of land? Answer:
Question: A piece of sheetrock was cut so its length was 6 feet by 5 feet. What is the area of the sheetrock? Answer:
Question: A chef had five potatoes to make fries with, but he only used three of them. How many potatoes does he still have? Answer:
Question: Christmas is near. Mr. Anderson, president of Nice People Inc. organized a charity event to share happiness to the less fortunate people. The first thing that he did is to visit an orphanage. There he dressed up as Santa and gave toys to the children. If he gave 134 toy cars to the boys and 269 dolls to the girls, how many toys did he give to all? Answer:
Question: 46 apples were in the basket. 22 are red and the rest are green. How many apples are green? Answer:
Question: Denver the Dog is a famous architect in the city of Animapolis. Together with his engineer friend Wally the Wolf, they decided to build the tallest building ever, the Animus Tower. To make sure the framework of the tower is strongly built, they hired the best builders in town. If they hired 318 beavers and 544 spiders, how many workers in total did they hire to make the framework? Answer:
Question: When they arrived at the island's starting point, they looked at the clues and found out that the number of steps they need to take to get to the next clue is the difference between 537 and 369. How many steps do they have to take to get to the next clue? Answer:
Question: Lana had 72 extra nickels. If she put them into stacks with 8 in each stack, how many stacks could she make? Answer:
Question: A pet store was selling mice 2 for $5.34. If they ended up selling 7 mice, how much money would they have earned? Answer:
Question: Shiela has 6 neighbors who like to collect animal drawings. Shiela has a talent for drawing and so she drew 54 animals on small pieces of paper. If she plans to give the same number of animal drawings to her neighbors, how many will each of them receive? Answer:
Question: Megan had 217 markers. Robert gave her 109 more markers. How many markers does Megan have altogether? Answer:
Question: Wendy is a very generous kid. Every time her parents buy her some stuff, she always gives some of it to her friends. For her birthday this year, she received a new set of shoes. She now has a total of 33 pairs of shoes. If she gave away 14 pairs of shoes to her friends, how many pairs of shoes were left to her? Answer:
Question: Tiffany was playing a video game and had 43 lives. In a hard part of the game she lost 14 lives. If she got 27 more lives in the next level, how many lives would she have? Answer:
Question: 63 people are going to the zoo. There are 3 cars to take people to the zoo. How many will go in each car if the same number go in each car? Answer:
Question: Jerry had $18. He spent $6 on new video games. How much money does he have now? Answer:
Question: Andrew, Annie's other friend, was assigned with the preparation of appetizers. He decided to bring 30 hotdogs on sticks, 20 pieces of bite-sized cheese pops and 40 pieces of chicken nuggets. How many portions of appetizers did Andrew bring in all? Answer:
Question: Aside from frogs, the swamp area is also home to a few dangerous animals. Penny's teacher pointed out 22 crocodiles, 23 alligators and 5 vipers. How many dangerous animals did the teacher point out in total? Answer:
Question: A package had eighteen cookies in it. After eating some there were nine left. How many were eaten? Answer:
Question: There are thirty-eight dogwood trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant more dogwood trees today. When the workers are finished there will be fifty-six dogwood trees in the park. How many dogwood trees did the workers plant today ? Answer:
Question: When the building is done, they wanted to make it shine brightly in the night. To fix that, they commissioned 432 fireflies and 297 glow worms. How many animals worked in the lights? Answer:
Question: There are 3300 bananas in Janice's banana collection. Janice also has 5 crayons. If the bananas are organized into 75 groups, how big is each group? Answer:
Question: A pet supply store has 600 bags of dog food and 327 bags of cat food. How many more bags of dog food are there than cat food? Answer:
Question: A mailman has to give out 192 pieces of junk mail. If he goes to 4 blocks, how many pieces of junk mail should he give each block? Answer:
Question: Finally, he wanted to add color to the wings so he decided to paint it like a rainbow. If he wanted to use 333 liters of paint and he still have 157 liters left from his last project, how much more paint does he need to buy? Answer:
Question: Denise has 210 crayons and 3 blocks. If she shares the crayons among 30 friends, how many crayons does each friend get? Answer:
Question: One of his favorites is a book called Encyclopedia of Life and Everything Else. The book has 7 large chapters, each having 566 pages. How many pages does the encyclopedia have in total? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt wants to buy a television that regularly costs $600. If the sale price is 20% off the regular price, what was the sale price? Answer:
Question: It is harvest season in the country. Lewis, whose family owns a fruit farm, is busy overseeing their farmers while they are harvesting the fruits. His day starts by going to the apple orchard. The farmers reported that they harvest 45 sacks of apples from each of the 8 sections of the orchard daily. How many apples are harvested every day? Answer:
Question: Each side of a square newspaper ad is 8 centimeters long. What is the newspaper ad's perimeter? Answer:
Question: Bryan has 50 skittles. Ben has 20 M&M's. How many more does Brian have? Answer:
Question: For lunch, 2 students selected chocolate milk, 15 selected strawberry milk and 3 selected regular milk. How many milks were taken total? Answer:
Question: They planned to serve some cold drinks as well. If they plan to make 9 pitchers of drinks and each pitcher can fill 6 glasses, how many glasses of drinks are they planning to prepare in total? Answer:
Question: Dave was organizing his baseball cards in a binder with eight on each page. If he had three new cards and thirteen old cards to put in the binder, how many pages would he use? Answer:
Question: Isabella's hair is 18 inches long. If she gets a haircut and now her hair is 9 inches long, how much of Isabella's hair got cut off? Answer:
Question: The mini library also has a section for the classics. If Jack has a collection of 6 classic authors, with each author having 33 books, how many books does he have in the classics section? Answer:
Question: I see 105 puppies. How many ears do they have? Answer:
Question: Lucy put sixty-eight shells in her bucket. She found some more shells and now she has eighty-nine shells. How many more did she find? Answer:
Question: Sean has 223 whistles. He has 95 more whistles that Charles. How many whistles does Charles have? Answer:
Question: Willy has 5,092 crayons. Lucy has 3,971 crayons. How many more crayons does Willy have than Lucy? Answer:
Question: For finishing touches, he needed 70 gallons of paint. If he bought 23 gallons to add to his existing 36 gallons of paint, how much more paint will he need? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt ran 3 miles on Monday, 2 miles on Wednesday, and 7 miles on Friday. How many total miles did she run that week? Answer:
Question: Billy bought five boxes of books at a yard sale. If each box had seven books, how many books did he buy? Answer:
Question: Nancy had forty-three files on her computer. She deleted thirty-one of them and put the rest into folders with six files in each one. How many folders did Nancy end up with? Answer:
Question: Roden went to a pet shop. He bought 15 gold fish and 7 blue fish. How many fish did he buy? Answer:
Question: It is 78 miles to Grandma's house. Mr. Welch drove 35 miles. He stopped to buy a pie for dessert. Then he drove 18 miles and stopped to put gas in the car. How many more miles until he reaches Grandma's house? Answer:
Question: Adam earned 9 dollars for each lawn he mowed. If he had 12 lawns to mow, but forgot to mow 8 of them, how much money did he actually earn? Answer:
Question: There were ten people on the bus. At the next stop three more people got on the bus. How many people are there on the bus now? Answer:
Question: 1 lonely pigeons was eating breadcrumbs. Another pigeon came to eat breadcrumbs, too. How many pigeons are eating breadcrumbs now? Answer:
Question: Seven red apples and two green apples are in the basket. How many apples are in the basket? Answer:
Question: The Book Nook sold 27 computer books last week. The sold 15 more cook books than computer books. How many cook books did the Book Nook sell? Answer:
Question: Billy was making ice using ice trays. Each tray held nine ice cubes. If he had eight trays, how many cubes could he make? Answer:
Question: Zoe picked five apples from her tree. Now the tree has six apples still on it. What's the difference between the number of apples Zoe picked and now the tree has? Answer:
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