Question: Victor had $10. For his allowance he got another $8. How much money does he have total? Answer:
Question: Sharon has seven plums. Allan has 10 plums. What's the difference of the number of Sharon's plums and Allan's plums? Answer:
Question: A store sold eight cold drinks and three hot drinks. How many drinks did they sell total? Answer:
Question: Robin had 30 songs on her mp3 player. If she deleted 8 old songs from it and then added 10 new songs, how many songs does she have on her mp3 player? Answer:
Question: While playing a game Sam had ninety-two points. If he scored another three points, how many points would he have total? Answer:
Question: A group of nine friends went into a restaurant. The chef already had two chicken wings cooked but cooked twenty-five more for the group. If they each got the same amount, how many would each person get? Answer:
Question: Paige had 2 pencils in her desk, 2 in her backpack and 15 at home. What's the difference between the number of pencils in Paige's backpack and at Paige's home? Answer:
Question: A vase can hold 5 flowers. If you had 25 flowers, how many vases would you need? Answer:
Question: Jerry had eleven cherries. He ate eight of them. How many cherries does Jerry have left? Answer:
Question: Mila's father has 2 jobs. 1st job pays $375 more than the 2nd job. How much does he get from the 1st job if he gets per week a total of $3,875? Answer:
Question: Robin bought 11 sodas for her and her friends. If they only drank 3 of them, how many extras did she have? Answer:
Question: While heating the wings, Charlie decided to make metal supports for the wings. If he needs 635 lbs of metal and he has 276 lbs in storage, how much additional metal does he need to buy? Answer:
Question: Roger had sixty-three dollars. If he spent forty-eight bucks on a new game, how many three dollar toys could he buy with the money he had left? Answer:
Question: Alex, Brad, Calvin, and Dennis are playing checkers. Each of the 4 boys played 2 games with every other player. How many games of checkers were played altogether? Answer:
Question: While playing a video game Ned lost thirteen lives. Now he has seventy lives. How many lives did Ned have at the start? Answer:
Question: Adam was painting a picture frame. The frame was 6 inches wide and 9 inches tall. What is the perimeter of the picture frame? Answer:
Question: A mirror store has 78 mirrors in stock. 8 mirrors are broken, and 57 mirrors are sold. How many mirrors are left? Answer:
Question: An industrial machine can make 6 shirts every minute. How many shirts would it have made in 6 minutes? Answer:
Question: They also prepared some chips. If he prepared 350 grams of chips and his father prepared 268 grams, how much chips should his brother prepare if they are to have 800 grams of chips? Answer:
Question: Carl, on the other hand, was able to collect 74 stamps which are 36 more than what Mark was able to collect. How many stamps was Mark able to collect? Answer:
Question: For the championship game, they faced the powerful Red Team. Wanting redemption, Chuck and his teammates did their best and gave everything that they've got. In the end, they won the game with the final score of 95. If the Red Team scored 76 points, how large was the difference of their scores? Answer:
Question: Alyssa has 30 books in her library. She bought several books at a yard sale over the weekend. She now has 88 books in her library. How many books did she buy at the yard sale ? Answer:
Question: Her mom also baked some cookies. If she baked 5 pans of cookies and there are 8 cookies per pan, how many cookies did her mom bake for her birthday? Answer:
Question: If Helen sold 12 boxes of Trefoils, how many cases of 12 boxes does Helen pickup from the cookie mom? Answer:
Question: Kaleb had sixty-seven cherries. After eating some, he had forty-two left. How many cherries did Kaleb eat? Answer:
Question: Twenty-two boys went down the slide. Thirteen more boys went down the slide. How many boys went down the slide? Answer:
Question: There are 407 bananas in Philip's banana collection. If the bananas are organized into 11 groups, how big is each group? Answer:
Question: Katie had 9 math problems for homework. If she finished 5 of them on the bus ride home, how many more did she have to do? Answer:
Question: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 83 sacks per day. How many sacks of oranges will they have after 6 days of harvest? Answer:
Question: The weight of 4 cakes is 800 g. The total weight of 3 cakes and 5 pieces of bread is 1 kg 100 g. How much heavier is a cake than a piece of bread? Answer:
Question: Upon finishing the treehouse, Charlie's mother served them freshly baked cookies. If Charlie ate 15 cookies, his father ate 10 and his mother only ate 5, how many cookies were eaten in total? Answer:
Question: The Razorback T-shirt Shop ordered 12 cases of t-shirts. If each case contains 24 t-shirts, how many t-shirts did they order? Answer:
Question: On the first day of the week Pat had 39 stickers. Pat earned 22 more during the week. How many stickers did Pat have at the end of the week? Answer:
Question: Before they end the meeting, Tom counted the total number of robots in his collection. He has 6 sets of robots and each set is composed of 7 robots. How many robots does Tom have in his collection? Answer:
Question: A mailman has to give twenty-eight pieces of junk mail to each block. If there are four houses on a block, how many pieces of junk mail should he give each house? Answer:
Question: There 95 colored lights on a Christmas tree. 26 of them are red, 37 of them are yellow and the rest are blue. How many blue lights are there on the Christmas tree? Answer:
Question: Paul and Vinnie deliver newspapers. Paul made $14 in tips. Vinnie made $16 more than Paul. How much did Vinnie make? Answer:
Question: Sam has 58 Power Ranger stickers. He bundles them up in two boxes. If there are 23 Power Ranger stickers in the first box, how many more Power Ranger stickers are there in the second box than the first box? Answer:
Question: Last Saturday, Marie sold 425 magazines and 275 newspapers. What is the total number of reading materials she sold? Answer:
Question: There are 45 questions on the math test. 17 questions are word problems. 28 questions are addition and subtraction problems. Steve can only answer 38 questions. How many questions did Steve leave blank? Answer:
Question: In Mrs. Hutchinson's kindergarten class, children make handprints in a round clay mold for their parents. The mold has a diameter of 4 inches. What is the mold's radius? Answer:
Question: At a candy store you could get 2 giant lollipops for $2.40. How much would it cost to buy 6 lollipops? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt spent 25 cents on one caramel apple and 15 cents on one ice cream cone. How much more did the apple cost? Answer:
Question: Josh had $1.80. He paid 45 cents for a candy car. How much change will he get? Answer:
Question: Scott and Sam decided to sell their old comic books. They had 90 comic books altogether. After the sale, they only had 25 comic books. How many comic books did Scott and Sam sell? Answer:
Question: For a potluck lunch Debby brought 10 bottles of soda. If everyone only drank 8 of the sodas, how many did she have to take back home? Answer:
Question: Janine owns a catering service company. She was hired to cater for the mayor's 50th birthday. For the appetizers, she needs to make 750 mini meat pies. She divided her crew into 3 teams. If the first team made 235, and the second made 275, how many pies should the third team make? Answer:
Question: Across the river, he fell into a hole. To get out, he needs to fill it with 823 gallons of water. If the hole initially has 676 gallons, how much water does he need to fill it? Answer:
Question: At the zoo, I see 35 elephants and 48 tigers. How many legs do I see? Answer:
Question: Lizette has 813 stamps. She has 125 more stamps than Minerva. How many stamps does Minerva have? Answer:
Question: There are a total of 90 items at a bakery. 49 of them are bread rolls and 19 of them are croissants. How many bagels are there? Answer:
Question: The map led them through the forest and into a cave. To open the cave doors, they need to put weights on the switch. If the switch already has 234 lbs. of weights and the total needed is 712 lbs., how much more weight to they need to add? Answer:
Question: At a Halloween store, there are 3 green capes, 2 blue capes, and 3 red capes. If 6 capes are bought, how many capes are left? Answer:
Question: Janet picked 4 tulips and 11 roses to make flower bouquets. If she only used 11 of the flowers though, how many extra flowers did Janet pick? Answer:
Question: December is a busy month for the toy store. They had 95 games on the shelf. 68 games were sold the first week. The store got 47 more games from the factory. How many games did they have then? Answer:
Question: Bob and his four friends decided to divide the pizza bill evenly. If each person paid $8, then what was the total price for the pizza? Answer:
Question: Professor Treehead of the Flora University requested his students to participate. He said that they planted 15 species of trees in the natural park, 20 species of trees in the neighboring forest and 10 species of trees all around different locations in town. How many species of trees were planted by the students? Answer:
Question: A school ordered 195 new pencils for the state tests. If they gave each student 3 pencils, how many students are in the school? Answer:
Question: Robin has 27 packages of gum. There are 18 pieces in each package. How many pieces of gum does Robin have? Answer:
Question: An architect built a house with ten bedrooms total. If the second floor had two bedrooms. How many bedrooms does the first floor have? Answer:
Question: The total weight of Jack and Sam is 96 pounds. If Jack weighs 52 pounds, how much heavier is Jack than Sam? Answer:
Question: They served a total of 179 adults and 141 children, if 156 of all the people they served are male, how many are female? Answer:
Question: John was drawing super heroes one sheet of scrap paper. He drew fifteen pictures total. If he drew nine on the back. How many heroes did he draw on the front? Answer:
Question: The Razorback T-shirt Shop makes $9 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas and Texas Tech game they sold 245 t-shirts. How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts? Answer:
Question: Victor was selling chocolate for a school fund raiser. On the first week he sold 75. On the second week he sold 67. On the third week he sold 75. On the fourth week he sold 70 and on the last week he sold 68. What is the mean of the chocolate bars he sold? Answer:
Question: Adam had to wash fourteen loads of clothes. By noon he had only washed eight loads. How many does he still need to wash? Answer:
Question: Having this kind of collection made Jack a fast reader. If he can read 9 books in a day, how many books can he read in a year (a year = 365 days)? Answer:
Question: Brian ran around the school track in 96 seconds. Todd ran around it in 88 seconds. How many fewer seconds did it take Todd to run around the tracl? Answer:
Question: There are 2 American people, 4 French people and 4 Chinese people a meeting room. 3 of them leave. How many people are left the meeting room? Answer:
Question: Frank had $16. After buying some new toys he had $8 left. How much did he spend on toys? Answer:
Question: Lastly, Rob compared Canada's CN Tower and Seattle's Space Needle. How tall is the Space Needle if the CN Tower stands at 553 m high and it is taller than the Space Needle by 369 m? Answer:
Question: A large bag of balls was kept under Haley's bed. Her mom placed the balls in bags for children in foster homes. If every bag can contain 4 balls and Haley has 36 balls, how many bags will be used? Answer:
Question: An island in the Atlantic Ocean was 2 miles wide and 6 miles long. What is the area of the island? Answer:
Question: Melissa scored 120 points in each game. How many points did she score in 10 games? Answer:
Question: The wings now need to be heated. If the oven is at 150 degrees and the required temperature is 546 degrees, how many more degrees does the oven temperature need to increase? Answer:
Question: Tuition at the music school is $45 per person. There is a $15 discount for siblings. Ali and her brother, Matt, signed up for classes. How much will it cost for both children? Answer:
Question: At a candy store, there are 3 brown candy boxes, 3 black candy boxes, and 2 blue candy boxes. If 5 boxes are bought, how many candy boxes are left? Answer:
Question: A rectangle flower bed had a total area of 35 square yards. If it was 5 yards wide, how long was it? Answer:
Question: A store has forty-nine shirts. After selling some there were twenty-eight left. How many did they sell? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt reads 5 books a day. How many books does she read in 3 days? Answer:
Question: Rob also matched the London Eye which stands at 443 ft and Las Vegas' High Roller standing at 550 ft. Being the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, how much taller is High Roller than the London Eye? Answer:
Question: Next food item she has to prepare is soup. She needs 280 cups of mushroom soup. If the first team made 90 cups, and the third team made 70 cups, how any cups should the second team prepare in order to meet the required amount of soup? Answer:
Question: Katie loves to travel. On her birthday, she decided to go on a trip on a mysterious continent. Her first destination was in an island of statues which is 436 miles from her place. She took a plane that made two stopovers, the 1st stopover after covering 132 miles and the 2nd stopover after another 236 miles. How much farther is the island from the 2nd stopover? Answer:
Question: On the actual day of Annie's birthday, almost everyone in her class came to surprise her. If Annie has 15 girl classmates, 20 boy classmates and 3 teachers in her class, how many people attended her birthday party? Answer:
Question: The Litter Patrol picked up 10 glass bottles and 8 aluminum cans on Saturday. How many pieces of litter did they pick up altogether? Answer:
Question: Robin had 18 pieces of gum. Her brother gave her some more pieces. Now Robin has 44 pieces in all. How many pieces of gum did Robin's brother give her? Answer:
Question: The weight of 5 foxes is 25 kg. The total weight of 3 foxes and 5 dogs is 65 kg. How much heavier is a dog than a fox? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt met 15 friends. Nine of the friends were carrying pears. The rest were carrying oranges. How many friends were carrying oranges? Answer:
Question: At the arcade Dave won 11 tickets. If he spent 5 tickets on a beanie and later won 10 more tickets, how many would he have? Answer:
Question: Their next opponent was the Green Team. If their final score is 68 points and they led by 29 points, what is Green Team's final score? Answer:
Question: An online toy store stocked some toys. It sold 38 toys at the first week and 26 toys at the second week. If it had 19 toys left, how many toys were in stock at the beginning? Answer:
Question: For a party Henry spent forty-five dollars on food and thirty-three dollars on drinks. How much did Henry spend total? Answer:
Question: Amy was buying different soups. She bought 6 cans of chicken soup and 3 cans of tomato soup. How many soups did she buy? Answer:
Question: Sam put 86 pretzels in a bowl for the party. His friends ate 49 of them. Sam put in 27 more pretzels. How many pretzels were in the bowl then? Answer:
Question: After paying $2.30 for a drink, Bryon has $17.15. How much money did he have before buying the drink? Answer:
Question: Lexie's younger brother helped pick up all the paper clips in Lexie's room. He was able to collect 81 paper clips. If he wants to distribute the paper clips in 9 boxes, how many paper clips will each box contain? Answer:
Question: In the park, I see 109 dogs. How many legs do I see? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt had 38 marbles. She lost 15 of them. How many marbles does she have left? Answer:
Question: Cindy and Dan have the same number of stickers. Cindy used 15 of her stickers. Dan bought 18 more stickers. How many more stickers did Dan have than Cindy then? Answer:
Question: Debby had 873 quarters. If it costs 3 quarters for each coke from a coke machine, how many could she buy? Answer: