audioduration (s)
"Táim go deimhin." a d'fhreagraíos.
"I am indeed." he replied.
I dtuairisc, a scríobh cigirí ón Roinn
In a report, written by inspectors from the Department
bhí Michael D. Higgins riamh neamhspleách.
Michael D. Higgins has always been independent.
bhí céim mháistir aige ó Oxford.
he had a master's degree from Oxford.
An Giallsa Damer, a scríobh léirmheastóir
The Hostage Damer, wrote a reviewer
bí ag caint ar chliste.
talk smart.
Cónaidhme ag plé leo faoi thodhchaí an Tuaiscirt.
Federation discussing with them about the future of the North.
Ghabh sé tríd an mBruiséil.
He went through Brussels.
Níor scoláire béaloidis é Pedersen.
Pedersen was not a scholar of folklore.
Bainim taitneamh as na fotheidil.
I enjoy the subtitles.
Crothnaím uaim iad sa gheimhreadh.
I shake them off in the winter.
Fuair sé suas go leathchéad.
He got up to half a hundred.
Scéal suimiúil faoi chlog Chill Éinde
An interesting story about the Kilende clock
Táimid ar thóir ráitis láidir ficsin.
We are looking for strong fiction statements.
Samhradh fliuch? Téigh ó thuaidh.
A wet summer? Go north.
Chum sé suas le céad go leith píosa ceoil.
He composed up to a hundred and a half pieces of music.
ní mian liom socrú síos.
I don't want to settle down.
Sánn mias atá faighte aige ó bhean sa tsráid faoi mo shrón.
A dish he has received from a woman in the street sticks under my nose.
Log na Coille mar sprioc.
Log na Coille as a target.
bhí Aodh Mac Laifeartaigh, a bhfuil mórchuid déanta aige, ar fheabhas
Aodh Mac Laifertaigh, who has done a lot, was excellent
Níor luigh siad le ciall ach spreag siad an tsamhlaíocht.
They did not lie with sense but stimulated the imagination.
ní hócáid mhór spóirt go géar-iomaíocht.
not a major sporting event but a fierce competition.
tá caint ann faoi oscailt oifigiúil.
there is talk of an official opening.
Celt nó Meamram Páipéar Ríomhaire mar shampla.
Celt or Computer Paper Memo for example.
Línte as Cuimhní Cinn le Máirtín Ó Direáin.
Lines from Memories by Máirtín Ó Direáin.
Bhuf-bhuf! Suzi atá uaim.
Buff-buff! I want Suzi.
Bailiúchán de phrós Gharret Fitzgerald
A collection of Garret Fitzgerald's prose
ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu
give us today our daily bread
Mínigh gurb é an seachtú haois déag aois ghlórmhar
Explain that the seventeenth century was a glorious age
Is doiligh botún chomh bunúsach a thuigbheáil.
It is difficult to understand such a basic mistake.
cailín eile ann nach raibh uaithi ach barróg ó Des.
another girl there who just wanted a hug from Des.
leabhar dá gcuid i gcló
their book in print
Tadhg ab ainm dá athair.
His father's name was Tadhg.
An comhlacht neamhspleách léiriúcháin Lugh Films
The independent production company Lugh Films
b'fhiú dóibh dul ag suirí
they were worth flirting with
bhí rud éigin dom choinneáil siar.
there was something holding me back.
Cúbach ba ea é nár chúb riamh.
He was a Cuban who had never been Cuban.
chéad léiriú Gaeilge sa Phéacóg.
first performance of Irish in Péacóg.
Fáithe an fichiú hAois
Twentieth Century Prophets
Ba é Christopher Butler, ardeaspag Chaisil, a rinne an socrú
Christopher Butler, archbishop of Cashel, made the arrangement
Bhain sé céim B A agus H Dip.
He graduated BA and H Dip.
ní múinteoir ná múinteoir mé
I am neither a teacher nor a teacher
Is íomhá fhoirfe de Noel í
She is a perfect image of Noel
Luadh fiú bagairtí buamaí a bheith faighte.
Bomb threats were even reported to have been received.
Gabhaimid buíochas leat, a Thiarna.
We thank you, Lord.
Briotaíl Bhéarla a bhíonn i gceist i gcónaí
It is always an English accent
Seo é Éamonn an Chnoic.
This is Eamonn of the Hill.
buanna a shamhlaítí fadó leis an nGael.
talents he dreamed of long ago with the Irish.
Thug sé chun boird mé
He brought me to the table
beiriú trí neomat, an buíocán bog.
ripening through a nematode, the yolk is soft.
Ag aon bhreithlá gheobhfá cártaí
At any birthday you would get cards
Aimsíonn muid culaith dheas nua.
We find a nice new outfit.
Baile Átha Cliath, áit a seolfaidh an láithreoir
Dublin, where the presenter will send
má thugann tú nóta mór bainc di ligfidh sí béic
if you give her a big bank note she will bark
thiarnaí talún atá á gciapadh.
harassing landlords.
Cuir an plúr isteach i mbabhla mór.
Put the flour into a large bowl.
Féach ansin é, gnúis mhoncaí, inchinn ghealbhain
Look at him there, monkey face, sparrow brain
ní inniu ná inné a saolaíodh an coincheap.
the concept was born neither today nor yesterday.
Caibidil nua eile i leabhar C L G.
Another new chapter in CL G's book.
ní tír í an Dalmáit, ar ndóigh, ach réigiún.
Dalmatia is not a country, of course, but a region.
Insíodh dúinn gur scrios buamaí cuid mhór den Ard-Eaglais
We were told that bombs destroyed a large part of the Cathedral
D'éag sé míle nó dhó taobh ó thuaidh de Chrois Mhic Lionnáin.
He died a mile or two north of Crois McLennan.
Ghnóthaigh sé an H Dip.
He obtained the H Dip.
B'fhearr leo an ball a bhrógáil suas an pháirc.
They would rather boot the ball up the field.
shílfeá, ar an gcéad radharc, gur bábóg phoircealláin a bhí sa bpictiúr.
you would think, at first glance, that the picture was a porcelain doll.
tá dlúthdhioscaí ag dul leis na leabhair.
the books are accompanied by CDs.
Ba den phribhléid bheith á léamh.
It was a privilege to read it.
Is diail an dream iad i ngach slí, im thuairimse.
They are a match in every way, I think.
Ag cruthú is ag imirt cluichí agus ag poibliú
Creating and playing games and publishing
Is é taobh le loighic a theanga féin.
The side of logic is its own language.
bhí cúpla alt i dtaobh ceoil aige in Comhar.
he had a few articles about music in Comhar.
Is é mo dhícheall é coimeád bonn ar bhonn leis.
It's my best to keep it on a consistent basis.
a bhíonn á gcoimeád faoi ómós i sanctóir gach séipéil.
which are held in honor in the sanctuary of each church.
Ba dheacair é a shamhlú ach múineann gá seift.
It was hard to imagine but necessity teaches resourcefulness.
Mic léinn leighis ab ea seachtó a cúig faoin gcéad díobh sin.
Seventy-five percent of those were medical students.
Más sea, is boichte muid.
If so, we are poor.
n-aithneofaí tréithe na sean-namhad.
the characteristics of the old enemy would be recognized.
naoi déag ochtó a haon
nineteen eighty one
tá an dara halbam déag ó stiúideo u two i ndiaidh tuirlingt.
the twelfth studio album from u two has landed.
Chuaigh sé ar pinsean luath ón státseirbhís.
He took early retirement from the civil service.
má chuaigh, bhí díomá orm.
if it went, I was disappointed.
tá mír dheas in Ó Dónaill faoin bhó
there is a nice paragraph in Ó Dónaill about the cow
ní raibh pingin rua ina bpócaí acu uaireanta.
sometimes they didn't have a red penny in their pockets.
Ach ní go ceann i bhfad.
But not for a long time.
Leathchéad bliain ó shin chuaigh sé ar díol
Half a century ago it went up for sale
Ainmníodh seomra sa mhúsaem as.
A room in the museum was named after him.
nó ag feabhsú ar a laghad
or at least improving
tá an aimsir geallta an-ghaofar agus fuar inniu.
the weather is promised to be very windy and cold today.
Elvis tar éis bháis fadó ionainn, ó dhein sé G I Blues.
Elvis has long since died in us, since he did GI Blues.
Ar a laghad ar bith bhí tásc uirthi.
At least she had an indication.
Dea-aoibh orthu ar fad.
Good luck to them all.
Freagra ar dhán Dhiarmuid Mhic an Bhaird
A response to a poem by Diarmuid Macinbaird
Ba é a luaigh ainm Phóil le Marsh.
Paul's name was mentioned by Marsh.
Tá an rud céanna fíor i gcás teanga.
The same is true for language.
Na scórtha póilín ar dualgas, héileacaptar ag eitilt timpeall.
Scores of police on duty, helicopter flying around.
Comhuaineach sníomhbhairdneach ó cheann go ceangal.
Simultaneous spinning bard from end to end.
Dhúisigh Dia aniar le mochéirí
God woke up late in the morning
fiú tar éis beagnach daichead bliain.
even after almost forty years.
Réab Comhar isteach mar ghaoth úr tar éis ré choimeádach
Comhar burst in like a breath of fresh air after a conservative era
I bpáirtíocht le Pádraig Ua Maoileoin
In partnership with Pádraig Ua Maileoin