## Lotka-Volterra function lotka(du,u,p,t) x = u[1] y = u[2] du[1] = p[1]*x - p[2]*x*y du[2] = -p[3]*y + p[4]*x*y end """ Lotka-Voltera Equations (Non-stiff) ```math \\frac{dx}{dt} = ax - bxy ``` ```math \\frac{dy}{dt} = -cy + dxy ``` with initial condition ``x=y=1`` """ prob_ode_lotkavoltera = ODEProblem(lotka,[1.0,1.0],(0.0,1.0),[1.5,1.0,3.0,1.0]) ## Fitzhugh-Nagumo function fitz(du,u,p,t) v = u[1] w = u[2] a = p[1] b = p[2] τinv = p[3] l = p[4] du[1] = v - v^3/3 -w + l du[2] = τinv*(v + a - b*w) end """ Fitzhugh-Nagumo (Non-stiff) ```math \\frac{dv}{dt} = v - \\frac{v^3}{3} - w + I_{est} ``` ```math τ \\frac{dw}{dt} = v + a -bw ``` with initial condition ``v=w=1`` """ prob_ode_fitzhughnagumo = ODEProblem(fitz,[1.0;1.0],(0.0,1.0),(0.7,0.8,1/12.5,0.5)) #Van der Pol Equations @parameters t μ @variables x(t) y(t) @derivatives D'~t eqs = [D(x) ~ μ*((1-x^2)*y - x), D(y) ~ y] de = ODESystem(eqs) van = ODEFunction(de, [x,y], [μ], jac=true, Wfact=true) """ Van der Pol Equations ```math \\frac{dx}{dt} = y ``` ```math \\frac{dy}{dt} = μ((1-x^2)y -x) ``` with ``μ=1.0`` and ``u_0=[0,\\sqrt{3}]`` Non-stiff parameters. """ prob_ode_vanderpol = ODEProblem(van,[0;sqrt(3)],(0.0,1.0),1.0) """ Van der Pol Equations ```math \\frac{dx}{dt} = y ``` ```math \\frac{dy}{dt} = μ(1-x^2)y -x ``` with ``μ=10^6`` and ``u_0=[0,\\sqrt{3}]`` Stiff parameters. """ prob_ode_vanstiff = ODEProblem(van,[0;sqrt(3)],(0.0,1.0),1e6) # ROBER @parameters t k₁ k₂ k₃ @variables y₁(t) y₂(t) y₃(t) @derivatives D'~t eqs = [D(y₁) ~ -k₁*y₁+k₃*y₂*y₃, D(y₂) ~ k₁*y₁-k₂*y₂^2-k₃*y₂*y₃, D(y₃) ~ k₂*y₂^2] de = ODESystem(eqs) rober = ODEFunction(de, [y₁,y₂,y₃], [k₁,k₂,k₃], jac=true, Wfact=true) """ The Robertson biochemical reactions: (Stiff) ```math \\frac{dy₁}{dt} = -k₁y₁+k₃y₂y₃ ``` ```math \\frac{dy₂}{dt} = k₁y₁-k₂y₂^2-k₃y₂y₃ ``` ```math \\frac{dy₃}{dt} = k₂y₂^2 ``` where ``k₁=0.04``, ``k₂=3\\times10^7``, ``k₃=10^4``. For details, see: <NAME> Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I - Nonstiff Problems Page 129 Usually solved on ``[0,1e11]`` """ prob_ode_rober = ODEProblem(rober,[1.0;0.0;0.0],(0.0,1e11),(0.04,3e7,1e4)) # Three Body const threebody_μ = big(0.012277471); const threebody_μ′ = 1 - threebody_μ threebody = (du,u,p,t) -> begin # 1 = y₁ # 2 = y₂ # 3 = y₁' # 4 = y₂' D₁ = ((u[1]+threebody_μ)^2 + u[2]^2)^(3/2) D₂ = ((u[1]-threebody_μ′)^2 + u[2]^2)^(3/2) du[1] = u[3] du[2] = u[4] du[3] = u[1] + 2u[4] - threebody_μ′*(u[1]+threebody_μ)/D₁ - threebody_μ*(u[1]-threebody_μ′)/D₂ du[4] = u[2] - 2u[3] - threebody_μ′*u[2]/D₁ - threebody_μ*u[2]/D₂ end @doc doc""" The ThreeBody problem as written by Hairer: (Non-stiff) ```math \frac{dy₁}{dt} = y₁ + 2\frac{dy₂}{dt} - \bar{μ}\frac{y₁+μ}{D₁} - μ\frac{y₁-\bar{μ}}{D₂} ``` ```math \frac{dy₂}{dt} = y₂ - 2\frac{dy₁}{dt} - \bar{μ}\frac{y₂}{D₁} - μ\frac{y₂}{D₂} ``` ```math D₁ = ((y₁+μ)^2 + y₂^2)^{3/2} ``` ```math D₂ = ((y₁-\bar{μ})^2+y₂^2)^{3/2} ``` ```math μ = 0.012277471 ``` ```math \bar{μ} =1-μ ``` From <NAME> Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I - Nonstiff Problems Page 129 Usually solved on ``t₀ = 0.0`` and ``T = 17.0652165601579625588917206249`` Periodic with that setup. """ prob_ode_threebody = ODEProblem(threebody,[0.994, 0.0, 0.0, big(-2.00158510637908252240537862224)],(big(0.0),big(17.0652165601579625588917206249))) # Rigid Body Equations @parameters t I₁ I₂ I₃ @variables y₁(t) y₂(t) y₃(t) @derivatives D'~t eqs = [D(y₁) ~ I₁*y₂*y₃, D(y₂) ~ I₂*y₁*y₃, D(y₃) ~ I₃*y₁*y₂] de = ODESystem(eqs) rigid = ODEFunction(de, [y₁,y₂,y₃], [I₁,I₂,I₃], jac=true, Wfact=true) """ Rigid Body Equations (Non-stiff) ```math \\frac{dy₁}{dt} = I₁y₂y₃ ``` ```math \\frac{dy₂}{dt} = I₂y₁y₃ ``` ```math \\frac{dy₃}{dt} = I₃y₁y₂ ``` with ``I₁=-2``, ``I₂=1.25``, and ``I₃=-1/2``. The initial condition is ``y=[1.0;0.0;0.9]``. From Solving Differential Equations in R by <NAME> or <NAME> Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I - Nonstiff Problems Page 244 Usually solved from 0 to 20. """ prob_ode_rigidbody = ODEProblem(rigid,[1.0,0.0,0.9],(0.0,20.0),(-2.0,1.25,-0.5)) # Pleiades Problem pleiades = (du,u,p,t) -> begin x = view(u,1:7) # x y = view(u,8:14) # y v = view(u,15:21) # x′ w = view(u,22:28) # y′ du[1:7] .= v du[8:14].= w for i in 14:28 du[i] = zero(eltype(u)) end for i=1:7,j=1:7 if i != j r = ((x[i]-x[j])^2 + (y[i] - y[j])^2)^(3/2) du[14+i] += j*(x[j] - x[i])/r du[21+i] += j*(y[j] - y[i])/r end end end @doc doc""" Pleiades Problem (Non-stiff) ```math \frac{d^2xᵢ}{dt^2} = \sum_{j≠i} mⱼ(xⱼ-xᵢ)/rᵢⱼ ``` ```math \frac{d^2yᵢ}{dt^2} = \sum_{j≠i} mⱼ(yⱼ-yᵢ)/rᵢⱼ ``` where ```math rᵢⱼ = ((xᵢ-xⱼ)^2 + (yᵢ-yⱼ)^2)^{3/2} ``` and initial conditions are ```math x₁(0) = 3 ``` ```math x₂(0) = 3 ``` ```math x₃(0) = -1 ``` ```math x₄(0) = -3 ``` ```math x₅(0) = 2 ``` ```math x₆(0) = -2 ``` ```math x₇(0) = 2 ``` ```math y₁(0) = 3 ``` ```math y₂(0) = -3 ``` ```math y₃(0) = 2 ``` ```math y₄(0) = 0 ``` ```math y₅(0) = 0 ``` ```math y₆(0) = -4 ``` ```math y₇(0) = 4 ``` and with ``\frac{dxᵢ(0)}{dt}=\frac{dyᵢ(0)}{dt}=0`` except for ```math \frac{dx₆(0)}{dt} = 1.75 ``` ```math \frac{dx₇(0)}{dt} = -1.5 ``` ```math \frac{dy₄(0)}{dt} = -1.25 ``` ```math \frac{dy₅(0)}{dt} = 1 ``` From <NAME> Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I - Nonstiff Problems Page 244 Usually solved from 0 to 3. """ prob_ode_pleiades = ODEProblem(pleiades,[3.0,3.0,-1.0,-3.0,2.0,-2.0,2.0,3.0,-3.0,2.0,0,0,-4.0,4.0,0,0,0,0,0,1.75,-1.5,0,0,0,-1.25,1,0,0],(0.0,3.0)) Random.seed!(100) const mm_A = rand(4,4) mm_linear = function (du,u,p,t) mul!(du,mm_A,u) end const MM_linear =Matrix(Diagonal(0.5ones(4))) mm_f = ODEFunction(mm_linear;analytic = (u0,p,t) -> exp(inv(MM_linear)*mm_A*t)*u0, mass_matrix=MM_linear) prob_ode_mm_linear = ODEProblem(mm_f,rand(4),(0.0,1.0)) @parameters t p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 @variables y1(t) y2(t) y3(t) y4(t) y5(t) y6(t) y7(t) y8(t) @derivatives D'~t eqs = [D(y1) ~ -p1*y1 + p2*y2 + p3*y3 + p4, D(y2) ~ p1*y1 - p5*y2, D(y3) ~ -p6*y3 + p2*y4 + p7*y5, D(y4) ~ p3*y2 + p1*y3 - p8*y4, D(y5) ~ -p9*y5 + p2*y6 + p2*y7, D(y6) ~ -p10*y6*y8 + p11*y4 + p1*y5 - p2*y6 + p11*y7, D(y7) ~ p10*y6*y8 - p12*y7, D(y8) ~ -p10*y6*y8 + p12*y7] de = ODESystem(eqs) hires = ODEFunction(de, [y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7,y8], [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12], jac=true, Wfact=true) u0 = zeros(8) u0[1] = 1 u0[8] = 0.0057 """ Hires Problem (Stiff) It is in the form of ```math \\frac{dy}{dt} = f(y) ``` with ```math y(0)=y_0, \\quad y \\in ℝ^8, \\quad 0 ≤ t ≤ 321.8122 ``` where ``f`` is defined by ``f(y) = \\begin{pmatrix} −1.71y_1 & +0.43y_2 & +8.32y_3 & +0.0007y_4 & \\\\ 1.71y_1 & −8.75y_2 & & & \\\\ −10.03y_3 & +0.43y_4 & +0.035y_5 & & \\\\ 8.32y_2 & +1.71y_3 & −1.12y_4 & & \\\\ −1.745y_5 & +0.43y_6 & +0.43y_7 & & \\\\ −280y_6y_8 & +0.69y_4 & +1.71y_5 & −0.43y_6 & +0.69y_7 \\\\ 280y_6y_8 & −1.81y_7 & & & \\\\ −280y_6y_8 & +1.81y_7 & & & \\end{pmatrix}`` Reference: [demohires.pdf]( Notebook: [Hires.ipynb]( """ prob_ode_hires = ODEProblem(hires,u0,(0.0,321.8122), (1.71, 0.43, 8.32, 0.0007, 8.75, 10.03, 0.035, 1.12, 1.745, 280.0, 0.69, 1.81)) @parameters t p1 p2 p3 @variables y1(t) y2(t) y3(t) @derivatives D'~t eqs = [D(y1) ~ p1*(y2+y1*(1-p2*y1-y2)), D(y2) ~ (y3-(1+y1)*y2)/p1, D(y3) ~ p3*(y1-y3)] de = ODESystem(eqs) jac = calculate_jacobian(de) ModelingToolkit.calculate_factorized_W(de) orego = ODEFunction(de, [y1,y2,y3], [p1,p2,p3], jac=true, Wfact=true) """ Orego Problem (Stiff) It is in the form of ``\\frac{dy}{dt}=f(y), \\quad y(0)=y0,`` with ```math y \\in ℝ^3, \\quad 0 ≤ t ≤ 360 ``` where ``f`` is defined by ``f(y) = \\begin{pmatrix} s(y_2 - y_1(1-qy_1-y_2)) \\\\ (y_3 - y_2(1+y_1))/s \\\\ w(y_1-y_3) \\end{pmatrix}`` where ``s=77.27``, ``w=0.161`` and ``q=8.375⋅10^{-6}``. Reference: [demoorego.pdf]( Notebook: [Orego.ipynb]( """ prob_ode_orego = ODEProblem(orego,[1.0,2.0,3.0],(0.0,30.0),[77.27,8.375e-6,0.161])
[ 2235, 15099, 4914, 12, 16598, 353, 430, 198, 198, 8818, 1256, 4914, 7, 646, 11, 84, 11, 79, 11, 83, 8, 198, 220, 2124, 796, 334, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 331, 796, 334, 58, 17, 60, 198, 220, 7043, 58, 16, 60, 796, 279, 58, 16, 60, 9, 87, 532, 279, 58, 17, 60, 9, 87, 9, 88, 198, 220, 7043, 58, 17, 60, 796, 532, 79, 58, 18, 60, 9, 88, 1343, 279, 58, 19, 60, 9, 87, 9, 88, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 48601, 4914, 12, 16598, 49600, 7889, 602, 357, 15419, 12, 301, 733, 8, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 11018, 198, 6852, 31944, 90, 34350, 18477, 28664, 92, 796, 7877, 532, 275, 5431, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 15506, 63, 11018, 198, 6852, 31944, 90, 9892, 18477, 28664, 92, 796, 532, 948, 1343, 288, 5431, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 198, 4480, 4238, 4006, 7559, 87, 28, 88, 28, 16, 15506, 198, 37811, 198, 1676, 65, 62, 1098, 62, 26487, 74, 615, 349, 49600, 796, 440, 7206, 40781, 7, 26487, 4914, 17414, 16, 13, 15, 11, 16, 13, 15, 4357, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 16, 13, 15, 828, 58, 16, 13, 20, 11, 16, 13, 15, 11, 18, 13, 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23, 13, 2624, 88, 62, 18, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 830, 22, 88, 62, 19, 1222, 3467, 6852, 59, 352, 13, 4869, 88, 62, 16, 1222, 9746, 23, 13, 2425, 88, 62, 17, 1222, 1222, 1222, 3467, 6852, 59, 9746, 940, 13, 3070, 88, 62, 18, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 3559, 88, 62, 19, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 44215, 88, 62, 20, 1222, 1222, 3467, 6852, 59, 807, 13, 2624, 88, 62, 17, 1222, 1343, 16, 13, 4869, 88, 62, 18, 1222, 9746, 16, 13, 1065, 88, 62, 19, 1222, 1222, 3467, 6852, 59, 9746, 16, 13, 50150, 88, 62, 20, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 3559, 88, 62, 21, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 3559, 88, 62, 22, 1222, 1222, 3467, 6852, 59, 9746, 21033, 88, 62, 21, 88, 62, 23, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 3388, 88, 62, 19, 1222, 1343, 16, 13, 4869, 88, 62, 20, 1222, 9746, 15, 13, 3559, 88, 62, 21, 1222, 1343, 15, 13, 3388, 88, 62, 22, 3467, 6852, 59, 21355, 88, 62, 21, 88, 62, 23, 1222, 9746, 16, 13, 6659, 88, 62, 22, 1222, 1222, 1222, 3467, 6852, 59, 9746, 21033, 88, 62, 21, 88, 62, 23, 1222, 1343, 16, 13, 6659, 88, 62, 22, 1222, 1222, 1222, 26867, 437, 90, 4426, 265, 8609, 92, 15506, 198, 198, 26687, 25, 685, 9536, 1219, 2387, 13, 12315, 16151, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 6335, 3841, 13, 15532, 14, 93, 400, 296, 8430, 14, 85, 375, 891, 3829, 12384, 14, 1676, 22143, 14, 9536, 418, 77, 375, 271, 2815, 14, 11522, 418, 62, 47, 270, 363, 5799, 14, 11522, 78, 39, 2387, 14, 9536, 1219, 2387, 13, 12315, 8, 220, 220, 198, 6425, 2070, 25, 685, 39, 2387, 13, 541, 2047, 65, 16151, 4023, 1378, 46803, 1177, 263, 13, 73, 929, 88, 353, 13, 2398, 14, 12567, 14, 16980, 544, 28813, 36, 80, 14, 28813, 36, 80, 44199, 14306, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 9866, 14, 1273, 733, 16820, 14, 39, 2387, 13, 541, 2047, 65, 8, 198, 37811, 198, 1676, 65, 62, 1098, 62, 71, 2387, 796, 440, 7206, 40781, 7, 71, 2387, 11, 84, 15, 11, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 36453, 13, 23, 18376, 828, 357, 16, 13, 4869, 11, 657, 13, 3559, 11, 807, 13, 2624, 11, 657, 13, 830, 22, 11, 807, 13, 2425, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 838, 13, 3070, 11, 657, 13, 44215, 11, 352, 13, 1065, 11, 352, 13, 50150, 11, 21355, 13, 15, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 3388, 11, 352, 13, 6659, 4008, 198, 198, 31, 17143, 7307, 256, 279, 16, 279, 17, 279, 18, 198, 31, 25641, 2977, 331, 16, 7, 83, 8, 331, 17, 7, 83, 8, 331, 18, 7, 83, 8, 198, 31, 1082, 452, 2929, 360, 6, 93, 83, 198, 27363, 82, 796, 685, 35, 7, 88, 16, 8, 5299, 279, 16, 9, 7, 88, 17, 10, 88, 16, 9, 7, 16, 12, 79, 17, 9, 88, 16, 12, 88, 17, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 7, 88, 17, 8, 5299, 357, 88, 18, 30420, 16, 10, 88, 16, 27493, 88, 17, 20679, 79, 16, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 7, 88, 18, 8, 5299, 279, 18, 9, 7, 88, 16, 12, 88, 18, 15437, 198, 2934, 796, 440, 30910, 6781, 7, 27363, 82, 8, 198, 30482, 796, 15284, 62, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 2934, 8, 198, 5841, 10809, 25391, 15813, 13, 9948, 3129, 378, 62, 31412, 1143, 62, 54, 7, 2934, 8, 198, 382, 2188, 796, 440, 7206, 22203, 7, 2934, 11, 685, 88, 16, 11, 88, 17, 11, 88, 18, 4357, 685, 79, 16, 11, 79, 17, 11, 79, 18, 4357, 474, 330, 28, 7942, 11, 370, 22584, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 41543, 2188, 20647, 357, 1273, 733, 8, 198, 198, 1026, 318, 287, 262, 1296, 286, 7559, 6852, 31944, 90, 9892, 18477, 28664, 92, 28, 69, 7, 88, 828, 26867, 47003, 331, 7, 15, 47505, 88, 15, 11, 15506, 351, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 11018, 198, 88, 26867, 259, 2343, 226, 251, 61, 18, 11, 26867, 47003, 657, 41305, 256, 41305, 11470, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 198, 3003, 7559, 69, 15506, 318, 5447, 416, 198, 198, 15506, 69, 7, 88, 8, 796, 26867, 27471, 90, 4426, 265, 8609, 92, 264, 7, 88, 62, 17, 532, 331, 62, 16, 7, 16, 12, 80, 88, 62, 16, 12, 88, 62, 17, 4008, 3467, 6852, 59, 357, 88, 62, 18, 532, 331, 62, 17, 7, 16, 10, 88, 62, 16, 4008, 14, 82, 3467, 6852, 59, 266, 7, 88, 62, 16, 12, 88, 62, 18, 8, 26867, 437, 90, 4426, 265, 8609, 92, 15506, 198, 198, 3003, 7559, 82, 28, 3324, 13, 1983, 15506, 11, 7559, 86, 28, 15, 13, 25948, 15506, 290, 7559, 80, 28, 23, 13, 22318, 158, 233, 227, 940, 36796, 12, 21, 92, 15506, 13, 198, 198, 26687, 25, 685, 9536, 78, 382, 2188, 13, 12315, 16151, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 6335, 3841, 13, 15532, 14, 93, 400, 296, 8430, 14, 85, 375, 891, 3829, 12384, 14, 1676, 22143, 14, 9536, 418, 77, 375, 271, 2815, 14, 11522, 418, 62, 47, 270, 363, 5799, 14, 11522, 78, 41543, 2188, 14, 9536, 78, 382, 2188, 13, 12315, 8, 198, 6425, 2070, 25, 685, 41543, 2188, 13, 541, 2047, 65, 16151, 4023, 1378, 46803, 1177, 263, 13, 73, 929, 88, 353, 13, 2398, 14, 12567, 14, 16980, 544, 28813, 36, 80, 14, 28813, 36, 80, 44199, 14306, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 9866, 14, 1273, 733, 16820, 14, 41543, 2188, 13, 541, 2047, 65, 8, 198, 37811, 198, 1676, 65, 62, 1098, 62, 382, 2188, 796, 440, 7206, 40781, 7, 382, 2188, 17414, 16, 13, 15, 11, 17, 13, 15, 11, 18, 13, 15, 4357, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 1270, 13, 15, 828, 58, 3324, 13, 1983, 11, 23, 13, 22318, 68, 12, 21, 11, 15, 13, 25948, 12962, 198 ]
<gh_stars>10-100 # Load the shape files mexicopath = joinpath(testdatapath, "shape_eg_data", "mexico") states = open_shapefile(joinpath(mexicopath, "states.shp")) cities = open_shapefile(joinpath(mexicopath, "cities.shp")) rivers = open_shapefile(joinpath(mexicopath, "rivers.shp")) # Create plots and test whether they output a Compose.Context (i.e. check if they run) # Test polygon canvas1 = plotshape(states) test1 = (typeof(canvas1) == Compose.Context) # Test point canvas2 = plotshape(cities, canvas1, line_width=0.25mm, line_color="red", fill_color=RGB(1,1,0), radius=[0.05cm]) test2 = (typeof(canvas2) == Compose.Context) # Test polyline canvas3 = plotshape(rivers, canvas2, line_color=RGB(0.2,0.6,0.8), line_width=0.25mm) test3 = (typeof(canvas3) == Compose.Context) # Return test1 && test2 && test3
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 940, 12, 3064, 198, 2, 8778, 262, 5485, 3696, 201, 198, 76, 1069, 291, 18569, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 9288, 19608, 499, 776, 11, 366, 43358, 62, 1533, 62, 7890, 1600, 366, 76, 1069, 3713, 4943, 201, 198, 27219, 796, 1280, 62, 43358, 7753, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 76, 1069, 291, 18569, 11, 366, 27219, 13, 1477, 79, 48774, 201, 198, 66, 871, 796, 1280, 62, 43358, 7753, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 76, 1069, 291, 18569, 11, 366, 66, 871, 13, 1477, 79, 48774, 201, 198, 380, 690, 796, 1280, 62, 43358, 7753, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 76, 1069, 291, 18569, 11, 366, 380, 690, 13, 1477, 79, 48774, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2, 13610, 21528, 290, 1332, 1771, 484, 5072, 257, 3082, 577, 13, 21947, 357, 72, 13, 68, 13, 2198, 611, 484, 1057, 8, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2, 6208, 7514, 14520, 201, 198, 5171, 11017, 16, 796, 7110, 43358, 7, 27219, 8, 201, 198, 9288, 16, 796, 357, 4906, 1659, 7, 5171, 11017, 16, 8, 6624, 3082, 577, 13, 21947, 8, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2, 6208, 966, 201, 198, 5171, 11017, 17, 796, 7110, 43358, 7, 66, 871, 11, 21978, 16, 11, 1627, 62, 10394, 28, 15, 13, 1495, 3020, 11, 1627, 62, 8043, 2625, 445, 1600, 6070, 62, 8043, 28, 36982, 7, 16, 11, 16, 11, 15, 828, 16874, 41888, 15, 13, 2713, 11215, 12962, 201, 198, 9288, 17, 796, 357, 4906, 1659, 7, 5171, 11017, 17, 8, 6624, 3082, 577, 13, 21947, 8, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2, 6208, 7514, 1370, 201, 198, 5171, 11017, 18, 796, 7110, 43358, 7, 380, 690, 11, 21978, 17, 11, 1627, 62, 8043, 28, 36982, 7, 15, 13, 17, 11, 15, 13, 21, 11, 15, 13, 23, 828, 1627, 62, 10394, 28, 15, 13, 1495, 3020, 8, 201, 198, 9288, 18, 796, 357, 4906, 1659, 7, 5171, 11017, 18, 8, 6624, 3082, 577, 13, 21947, 8, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2, 8229, 201, 198, 9288, 16, 11405, 1332, 17, 11405, 1332, 18, 201, 198 ]
{"score": 7.87, "timestamp": 1489580437.0, "score_count": 61547} {"score": 7.9, "timestamp": 1463721069.0, "score_count": 48224} {"score": 7.9, "timestamp": 1463602079.0, "score_count": 48160} {"score": 7.91, "timestamp": 1460486976.0, "score_count": 46776} {"score": 7.92, "timestamp": 1458065238.0, "score_count": 45432} {"score": 7.93, "timestamp": 1448948543.0, "score_count": 41109} {"score": 7.9, "timestamp": 1465956346.0, "score_count": 49184} {"score": 7.89, "timestamp": 1479403350.0, "score_count": 55622} {"score": 7.91, "timestamp": 1460691431.0, "score_count": 46875} {"score": 7.92, "timestamp": 1457961949.0, "score_count": 45374} {"score": 7.93, "timestamp": 1448646695.0, "score_count": 40973} {"score": 7.94, "timestamp": 1441522031.0, "score_count": 38006} {"score": 7.91, "timestamp": 1458322850.0, "score_count": 45546} {"score": 7.91, "timestamp": 1460666970.0, "score_count": 46857} {"score": 7.89, "timestamp": 1478615082.0, "score_count": 55259} {"score": 7.82, "timestamp": 1522273296.0, "score_count": 76471} {"score": 7.91, "timestamp": 1460846463.0, "score_count": 46941}
[ 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 5774, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 22613, 3865, 36088, 2718, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 718, 1314, 2857, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 24, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 22986, 2718, 21536, 3388, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 4764, 24137, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 24, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 5066, 1899, 1238, 3720, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 4764, 14198, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6420, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 1899, 2780, 3388, 4304, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 604, 3134, 4304, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 5892, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 20299, 1795, 2996, 23721, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 604, 4051, 2624, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6052, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 35890, 32642, 3559, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 6073, 14454, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 24, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 2996, 50148, 30557, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 5125, 22883, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 4531, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 3720, 1821, 2091, 1120, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 642, 3980, 1828, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6420, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 1899, 3388, 1415, 3132, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 604, 3104, 2425, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 5892, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 3553, 4846, 1129, 2920, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 4153, 31020, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6052, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 2780, 2414, 2791, 3865, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 48132, 4790, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 5824, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 20224, 1314, 17572, 3132, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 4353, 28041, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6420, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 46239, 23815, 1120, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 46839, 3510, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6420, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 1899, 2791, 3388, 2154, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 604, 3104, 3553, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 4531, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 3695, 5333, 1120, 6469, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 5996, 25191, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6469, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1315, 1828, 27367, 27137, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 767, 2414, 4869, 92, 198, 4895, 26675, 1298, 767, 13, 6420, 11, 366, 16514, 27823, 1298, 1478, 1899, 5705, 2414, 5066, 13, 15, 11, 366, 26675, 62, 9127, 1298, 604, 3388, 3901, 92, 198 ]
<reponame>UnofficialJuliaMirror/PredictMD.jl-3e7d7328-36f8-4388-bd01-4613c92c7370 import PredictMD PredictMD.probability_calibration_scores_and_fractions( [0, 0, 0], [0., 0., 0.]; window = -1, )
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 3118, 16841, 16980, 544, 27453, 1472, 14, 47, 17407, 12740, 13, 20362, 12, 18, 68, 22, 67, 4790, 2078, 12, 2623, 69, 23, 12, 19, 30460, 12, 17457, 486, 12, 3510, 1485, 66, 5892, 66, 4790, 2154, 198, 11748, 49461, 12740, 198, 198, 47, 17407, 12740, 13, 1676, 65, 1799, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 62, 1416, 2850, 62, 392, 62, 69, 37810, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 15, 11, 657, 11, 657, 4357, 685, 15, 1539, 657, 1539, 657, 8183, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4324, 796, 532, 16, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 module Mancala export Game, Board include("game.jl") module Training using AlphaZero include("params.jl") end end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 21412, 337, 1192, 6081, 198, 220, 10784, 3776, 11, 5926, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 6057, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 8265, 13614, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 12995, 28667, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2291, 7203, 37266, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
@testset "Natural numbers (example)" begin # Test the natural numbers and addition clauses = @julog [ nat(0) <<= true, nat(s(N)) <<= nat(N), add(0, Y, Y) <<= true, add(s(X), Y, s(Z)) <<= add(X, Y, Z) ] # Is 1 a natural number? sat, subst = resolve(@julog(nat(s(0))), clauses) @test sat == true # Is 5 a natural number? sat, subst = resolve(@julog(nat(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))), clauses) @test sat == true # Is 1 + 1 = 2? sat, subst = resolve(@julog(add(s(0), s(0), s(s(0)))), clauses) @test sat == true # What are all the ways to add up to 3? sat, subst = resolve(@julog(add(A, B, s(s(s(0))))), clauses) subst = Set(subst) @test @varsub({A => 0, B => s(s(s(0)))}) in subst @test @varsub({A => s(0), B => s(s(0))}) in subst @test @varsub({A => s(s(0)), B => s(0)}) in subst @test @varsub({A => s(s(s(0))), B => 0}) in subst end
[ 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 35364, 3146, 357, 20688, 16725, 2221, 198, 198, 2, 6208, 262, 3288, 3146, 290, 3090, 198, 565, 64, 2664, 796, 2488, 73, 377, 519, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34664, 7, 15, 8, 9959, 28, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34664, 7, 82, 7, 45, 4008, 9959, 28, 34664, 7, 45, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 751, 7, 15, 11, 575, 11, 575, 8, 9959, 28, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 751, 7, 82, 7, 55, 828, 575, 11, 264, 7, 57, 4008, 9959, 28, 751, 7, 55, 11, 575, 11, 1168, 8, 198, 60, 198, 198, 2, 1148, 352, 257, 3288, 1271, 30, 198, 49720, 11, 3293, 796, 10568, 7, 31, 73, 377, 519, 7, 32353, 7, 82, 7, 15, 4008, 828, 31485, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 3332, 6624, 2081, 198, 198, 2, 1148, 642, 257, 3288, 1271, 30, 198, 49720, 11, 3293, 796, 10568, 7, 31, 73, 377, 519, 7, 32353, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 15, 35514, 4008, 828, 31485, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 3332, 6624, 2081, 198, 198, 2, 1148, 352, 1343, 352, 796, 362, 30, 198, 49720, 11, 3293, 796, 10568, 7, 31, 73, 377, 519, 7, 2860, 7, 82, 7, 15, 828, 264, 7, 15, 828, 264, 7, 82, 7, 15, 22305, 828, 31485, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 3332, 6624, 2081, 198, 198, 2, 1867, 389, 477, 262, 2842, 284, 751, 510, 284, 513, 30, 198, 49720, 11, 3293, 796, 10568, 7, 31, 73, 377, 519, 7, 2860, 7, 32, 11, 347, 11, 264, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 15, 35514, 828, 31485, 8, 198, 7266, 301, 796, 5345, 7, 7266, 301, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 2488, 85, 945, 549, 15090, 32, 5218, 657, 11, 347, 5218, 264, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 15, 22305, 30072, 287, 3293, 198, 31, 9288, 2488, 85, 945, 549, 15090, 32, 5218, 264, 7, 15, 828, 347, 5218, 264, 7, 82, 7, 15, 4008, 30072, 287, 3293, 198, 31, 9288, 2488, 85, 945, 549, 15090, 32, 5218, 264, 7, 82, 7, 15, 36911, 347, 5218, 264, 7, 15, 8, 30072, 287, 3293, 198, 31, 9288, 2488, 85, 945, 549, 15090, 32, 5218, 264, 7, 82, 7, 82, 7, 15, 4008, 828, 347, 5218, 657, 30072, 287, 3293, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Genie.Renderer, Genie.Requests greeting = "Welcome" name = "Genie" function htmlviewfile_withvars() raw" <h1>$(@vars(:greeting))</h1> <div> <p>This is a $(@vars(:name)) test</p> </div> <hr /> " end function htmltemplatefile_withvars() raw" <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>$(@vars(:name)) test</title> </head> <body> <div class=\"template\"> <% @yield %> </div> <footer>Just a footer</footer> </body> </html> " end @testset "String HTML rendering with vars" begin r = Requests.HTTP.Response() @testset "String no layout with vars" begin r = html(htmlviewfile_withvars(), greeting = greeting, name = name) @test String(r.body) == "<html><head></head><body><h1>$greeting</h1><div><p>This is a $name test</p></div><hr></body></html>" end; @testset "String with layout with vars" begin r = html(htmlviewfile_withvars(), layout = htmltemplatefile_withvars(), greeting = "Welcome", name = "Genie") @test String(r.body) == "<html><head><title>$name test</title></head><body><div class=\"template\"><h1>$greeting</h1><div><p>This is a $name test</p></div><hr>\n</div><footer>Just a footer</footer></body></html>" end; @test r.status == 200 @test r.headers[1]["Content-Type"] == "text/html; charset=utf-8" end;
[ 3500, 49405, 13, 49, 437, 11882, 11, 49405, 13, 16844, 3558, 198, 198, 70, 2871, 278, 796, 366, 14618, 1, 198, 3672, 796, 366, 13746, 494, 1, 198, 198, 8818, 27711, 1177, 7753, 62, 4480, 85, 945, 3419, 198, 220, 8246, 1, 198, 220, 1279, 71, 16, 29, 3, 7, 31, 85, 945, 7, 25, 70, 2871, 278, 4008, 3556, 71, 16, 29, 198, 220, 1279, 7146, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 79, 29, 1212, 318, 257, 29568, 31, 85, 945, 7, 25, 3672, 4008, 1332, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 220, 7359, 7146, 29, 198, 220, 1279, 11840, 11037, 198, 220, 366, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 289, 17209, 2528, 368, 6816, 7753, 62, 4480, 85, 945, 3419, 198, 220, 8246, 1, 198, 220, 1279, 0, 18227, 4177, 56, 11401, 11532, 29, 198, 220, 1279, 6494, 29, 198, 220, 1279, 2256, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 7839, 29, 3, 7, 31, 85, 945, 7, 25, 3672, 4008, 1332, 3556, 7839, 29, 198, 220, 7359, 2256, 29, 198, 220, 1279, 2618, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 7146, 1398, 17553, 28243, 38214, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 4, 2488, 88, 1164, 4064, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7359, 7146, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1279, 5898, 263, 29, 5703, 257, 2366, 263, 3556, 5898, 263, 29, 198, 220, 7359, 2618, 29, 198, 220, 7359, 6494, 29, 198, 220, 366, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 10100, 11532, 14837, 351, 410, 945, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 374, 796, 9394, 3558, 13, 40717, 13, 31077, 3419, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 10100, 645, 12461, 351, 410, 945, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 27711, 7, 6494, 1177, 7753, 62, 4480, 85, 945, 22784, 31933, 796, 31933, 11, 1438, 796, 1438, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 10903, 7, 81, 13, 2618, 8, 6624, 33490, 6494, 6927, 2256, 12240, 2256, 6927, 2618, 6927, 71, 16, 29, 3, 70, 2871, 278, 3556, 71, 16, 6927, 7146, 6927, 79, 29, 1212, 318, 257, 720, 3672, 1332, 3556, 79, 12240, 7146, 6927, 11840, 12240, 2618, 12240, 6494, 24618, 198, 220, 886, 26, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 10100, 351, 12461, 351, 410, 945, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 27711, 7, 6494, 1177, 7753, 62, 4480, 85, 945, 22784, 12461, 796, 289, 17209, 2528, 368, 6816, 7753, 62, 4480, 85, 945, 22784, 31933, 796, 366, 14618, 1600, 1438, 796, 366, 13746, 494, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 10903, 7, 81, 13, 2618, 8, 6624, 33490, 6494, 6927, 2256, 6927, 7839, 29, 3, 3672, 1332, 3556, 7839, 12240, 2256, 6927, 2618, 6927, 7146, 1398, 17553, 28243, 59, 22039, 71, 16, 29, 3, 70, 2871, 278, 3556, 71, 16, 6927, 7146, 6927, 79, 29, 1212, 318, 257, 720, 3672, 1332, 3556, 79, 12240, 7146, 6927, 11840, 29, 59, 77, 3556, 7146, 6927, 5898, 263, 29, 5703, 257, 2366, 263, 3556, 5898, 263, 12240, 2618, 12240, 6494, 24618, 198, 220, 886, 26, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 374, 13, 13376, 6624, 939, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 374, 13, 50145, 58, 16, 7131, 1, 19746, 12, 6030, 8973, 6624, 366, 5239, 14, 6494, 26, 34534, 316, 28, 40477, 12, 23, 1, 198, 437, 26 ]
import StatsFuns: log2π @node MvNormalMeanPrecision Stochastic [ out, (μ, aliases = [ mean ]), (Λ, aliases = [ invcov, precision ]) ] conjugate_type(::Type{ <: MvNormalMeanPrecision }, ::Type{ Val{ :out } }) = MvNormalMeanPrecision conjugate_type(::Type{ <: MvNormalMeanPrecision }, ::Type{ Val{ :μ } }) = MvNormalMeanPrecision conjugate_type(::Type{ <: MvNormalMeanPrecision }, ::Type{ Val{ :Λ } }) = Wishart @average_energy MvNormalMeanPrecision (q_out::Any, q_μ::Any, q_Λ::Any) = begin (m_mean, v_mean) = mean(q_μ), cov(q_μ) (m_out, v_out) = mean(q_out), cov(q_out) 0.5 * (ndims(q_out) * log2π + logdet(cholinv(mean(q_Λ))) + tr(mean(q_Λ)*(v_out + v_mean + (m_out - m_mean)*(m_out - m_mean)'))) end @average_energy MvNormalMeanPrecision (q_out_μ::Any, q_Λ::Any) = begin (m, V) = mean(q_out_μ), cov(q_out_μ) d = Int64(ndims(q_out_μ)/2) @views 0.5*(d*log2π + logdet(cholinv(mean(q_Λ))) + tr(mean(q_Λ)*( V[1:d,1:d] - V[1:d,d+1:end] - V[d+1:end,1:d] + V[d+1:end,d+1:end] + (m[1:d] - m[d+1:end])*(m[1:d] - m[d+1:end])' ) )) end
[ 11748, 20595, 37, 13271, 25, 2604, 17, 46582, 198, 198, 31, 17440, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 520, 5374, 3477, 685, 503, 11, 357, 34703, 11, 47217, 796, 685, 1612, 2361, 828, 357, 138, 249, 11, 47217, 796, 685, 800, 66, 709, 11, 15440, 33761, 2361, 198, 198, 1102, 31761, 378, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 1279, 25, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 8964, 7904, 6030, 90, 3254, 90, 1058, 448, 1782, 32092, 796, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 198, 1102, 31761, 378, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 1279, 25, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 8964, 7904, 6030, 90, 3254, 90, 1058, 34703, 1782, 32092, 220, 220, 796, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 198, 1102, 31761, 378, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 1279, 25, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 8964, 7904, 6030, 90, 3254, 90, 1058, 138, 249, 1782, 32092, 220, 220, 796, 23447, 433, 198, 198, 31, 23913, 62, 22554, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 357, 80, 62, 448, 3712, 7149, 11, 10662, 62, 34703, 3712, 7149, 11, 10662, 62, 138, 249, 3712, 7149, 8, 796, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 76, 62, 32604, 11, 410, 62, 32604, 8, 796, 1612, 7, 80, 62, 34703, 828, 39849, 7, 80, 62, 34703, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 76, 62, 448, 11, 410, 62, 448, 8, 220, 220, 796, 1612, 7, 80, 62, 448, 828, 39849, 7, 80, 62, 448, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 20, 1635, 357, 358, 12078, 7, 80, 62, 448, 8, 1635, 2604, 17, 46582, 1343, 2604, 15255, 7, 354, 349, 16340, 7, 32604, 7, 80, 62, 138, 249, 22305, 1343, 491, 7, 32604, 7, 80, 62, 138, 249, 27493, 7, 85, 62, 448, 1343, 410, 62, 32604, 1343, 357, 76, 62, 448, 532, 285, 62, 32604, 27493, 7, 76, 62, 448, 532, 285, 62, 32604, 33047, 22305, 198, 437, 220, 220, 220, 198, 198, 31, 23913, 62, 22554, 337, 85, 26447, 5308, 272, 6719, 16005, 357, 80, 62, 448, 62, 34703, 3712, 7149, 11, 10662, 62, 138, 249, 3712, 7149, 8, 796, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 76, 11, 569, 8, 796, 1612, 7, 80, 62, 448, 62, 34703, 828, 39849, 7, 80, 62, 448, 62, 34703, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 796, 2558, 2414, 7, 358, 12078, 7, 80, 62, 448, 62, 34703, 20679, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 33571, 657, 13, 20, 9, 7, 67, 9, 6404, 17, 46582, 1343, 2604, 15255, 7, 354, 349, 16340, 7, 32604, 7, 80, 62, 138, 249, 22305, 1343, 491, 7, 32604, 7, 80, 62, 138, 249, 27493, 7, 569, 58, 16, 25, 67, 11, 16, 25, 67, 60, 532, 569, 58, 16, 25, 67, 11, 67, 10, 16, 25, 437, 60, 532, 569, 58, 67, 10, 16, 25, 437, 11, 16, 25, 67, 60, 1343, 569, 58, 67, 10, 16, 25, 437, 11, 67, 10, 16, 25, 437, 60, 1343, 357, 76, 58, 16, 25, 67, 60, 532, 285, 58, 67, 10, 16, 25, 437, 12962, 9, 7, 76, 58, 16, 25, 67, 60, 532, 285, 58, 67, 10, 16, 25, 437, 12962, 6, 1267, 15306, 198, 437 ]
""" Main module for SimHPC.jl – a discrete event process oriented simulation framework for Julia. """ module SimHPC using DataStructures using Dates using ResumableFunctions import, Base.isless,, Base.yield, Base.get import Base.(&), Base.(|) import export AbstractEvent, Environment, value, state, environment export Event, succeed, fail, @callback, remove_callback export timeout export Operator, (&), (|) export @resumable, @yield export AbstractProcess, Simulation, run, now, active_process, StopSimulation export Process, @process, interrupt export Container, Resource, Store, put, get, request, release, cancel export nowDatetime include("base.jl") include("events.jl") include("operators.jl") include("simulations.jl") include("processes.jl") include("resources/base.jl") include("resources/containers.jl") include("resources/stores.jl") include("utils/time.jl") end
[ 37811, 198, 13383, 8265, 329, 3184, 39, 5662, 13, 20362, 784, 257, 28810, 1785, 1429, 25921, 18640, 9355, 329, 22300, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 21412, 3184, 39, 5662, 628, 220, 1262, 6060, 44909, 942, 198, 220, 1262, 44712, 198, 220, 1262, 1874, 388, 540, 24629, 2733, 628, 220, 1330, 7308, 13, 5143, 11, 7308, 13, 271, 1203, 11, 7308, 13, 12860, 11, 7308, 13, 88, 1164, 11, 7308, 13, 1136, 198, 220, 1330, 7308, 12195, 5, 828, 7308, 12195, 91, 8, 198, 220, 1330, 44712, 13, 2197, 628, 220, 10784, 27741, 9237, 11, 9344, 11, 1988, 11, 1181, 11, 2858, 198, 220, 10784, 8558, 11, 6758, 11, 2038, 11, 2488, 47423, 11, 4781, 62, 47423, 198, 220, 10784, 26827, 198, 220, 10784, 35946, 11, 35494, 828, 357, 91, 8, 198, 220, 10784, 2488, 411, 388, 540, 11, 2488, 88, 1164, 198, 220, 10784, 27741, 18709, 11, 41798, 11, 1057, 11, 783, 11, 4075, 62, 14681, 11, 13707, 8890, 1741, 198, 220, 10784, 10854, 11, 2488, 14681, 11, 11313, 198, 220, 10784, 43101, 11, 20857, 11, 9363, 11, 1234, 11, 651, 11, 2581, 11, 2650, 11, 14241, 198, 220, 10784, 783, 27354, 8079, 628, 220, 2291, 7203, 8692, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 31534, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 3575, 2024, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 14323, 5768, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 14681, 274, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 37540, 14, 8692, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 37540, 14, 3642, 50221, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 37540, 14, 43409, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 2291, 7203, 26791, 14, 2435, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Pythia pythia = newPythia() icxx"""$pythia->readString("Beams:idA = 2212");""" icxx"""$pythia->readString("Beams:idB = 2212");""" icxx"""$pythia->readString("Beams:eCM = 8000.");""" icxx"""$pythia->readString("HardQCD:gg2qqbar = on");""" icxx"""$pythia->init();""" ρ⁺ = Array(Float64,0) ρ⁻ = Array(Float64,0) ρ⁰ = Array(Float64,0) for e in take(events(pythia),5) for p in particles(e) id = icxx"$;" m = icxx"$p.m();" if id == 213 push!(ρ⁺,m) elseif id == -213 push!(ρ⁻,m) elseif id == 113 push!(ρ⁰,m) end end end particles = [ρ⁺; ρ⁻; ρ⁰] colors = [ [:ρ⁺ for _ in 1:length(ρ⁺)]; [:ρ⁻ for _ in 1:length(ρ⁻)]; [:ρ⁰ for _ in 1:length(ρ⁰)]] plot(y = particles, color = colors, Geom.point) function track_decay(it,id) p = it[id] daughter1 = icxx"$p.daughter1();" daughter2 = icxx"$p.daughter2();" if daughter1 == daughter2 == 0 println("$id ($(name(it[id]))) does not decay") return end for d in daughter1:daughter2 println("$id ($(name(it[id]))) decays to $d ($(name(it[d])))") track_decay(it,d) end end for e in take(events(pythia),5) ps = particles(e) for (i,p) in enumerate(ps) # Look for Delta0 or 3112 id = icxx"$;" (2114 == id || 3112 == id) && track_decay(ps,i-1) end println() end
[ 3500, 48657, 544, 198, 198, 79, 5272, 544, 796, 649, 47, 5272, 544, 3419, 198, 198, 291, 5324, 37811, 3, 79, 5272, 544, 3784, 961, 10100, 7203, 3856, 4105, 25, 312, 32, 796, 2534, 1065, 15341, 37811, 198, 291, 5324, 37811, 3, 79, 5272, 544, 3784, 961, 10100, 7203, 3856, 4105, 25, 312, 33, 796, 2534, 1065, 15341, 37811, 198, 291, 5324, 37811, 3, 79, 5272, 544, 3784, 961, 10100, 7203, 3856, 4105, 25, 68, 24187, 796, 38055, 526, 1776, 37811, 198, 291, 5324, 37811, 3, 79, 5272, 544, 3784, 961, 10100, 7203, 17309, 48, 8610, 25, 1130, 17, 38227, 5657, 796, 319, 15341, 37811, 198, 291, 5324, 37811, 3, 79, 5272, 544, 3784, 15003, 9783, 37811, 198, 198, 33643, 46256, 118, 796, 15690, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 15, 8, 198, 33643, 46256, 119, 796, 15690, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 15, 8, 198, 33643, 46256, 108, 796, 15690, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 15, 8, 198, 1640, 304, 287, 1011, 7, 31534, 7, 79, 5272, 544, 828, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 279, 287, 13166, 7, 68, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 796, 14158, 5324, 1, 3, 79, 13, 312, 9783, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 796, 14158, 5324, 1, 3, 79, 13, 76, 9783, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4686, 6624, 28658, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 33643, 46256, 118, 11, 76, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 4686, 6624, 532, 26427, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 33643, 46256, 119, 11, 76, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 4686, 6624, 17318, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 33643, 46256, 108, 11, 76, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 3911, 2983, 796, 685, 33643, 46256, 118, 26, 18074, 223, 46256, 119, 26, 18074, 223, 46256, 108, 60, 198, 4033, 669, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 25, 33643, 46256, 118, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 33643, 46256, 118, 8, 11208, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 25, 33643, 46256, 119, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 33643, 46256, 119, 8, 11208, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 25, 33643, 46256, 108, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 33643, 46256, 108, 8, 11907, 198, 29487, 7, 88, 796, 13166, 11, 3124, 796, 7577, 11, 2269, 296, 13, 4122, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 2610, 62, 12501, 323, 7, 270, 11, 312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 796, 340, 58, 312, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4957, 16, 796, 14158, 5324, 1, 3, 79, 13, 29642, 16, 9783, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4957, 17, 796, 14158, 5324, 1, 3, 79, 13, 29642, 17, 9783, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4957, 16, 6624, 4957, 17, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 3, 312, 7198, 7, 3672, 7, 270, 58, 312, 60, 22305, 857, 407, 22119, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 288, 287, 4957, 16, 25, 29642, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 3, 312, 7198, 7, 3672, 7, 270, 58, 312, 60, 22305, 875, 592, 284, 720, 67, 7198, 7, 3672, 7, 270, 58, 67, 60, 22305, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2610, 62, 12501, 323, 7, 270, 11, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 1640, 304, 287, 1011, 7, 31534, 7, 79, 5272, 544, 828, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26692, 796, 13166, 7, 68, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 79, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 862, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6803, 329, 16978, 15, 393, 3261, 1065, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 796, 14158, 5324, 1, 3, 79, 13, 312, 9783, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 17, 16562, 6624, 4686, 8614, 3261, 1065, 6624, 4686, 8, 11405, 2610, 62, 12501, 323, 7, 862, 11, 72, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 3419, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 using LinearAlgebra using SpecialFunctions: erfc using StaticArrays using Test using Zygote using FiniteDiff const Mat3{T} = SMatrix{3, 3, T, 9} where T const Vec3{T} = SVector{3, T} where T const MVec3{T} = MVector{3, T} where T """ A modified ewald summation suitable for AD with Zygote. Original docstring below. Compute the electrostatic interaction energy per unit cell between point charges in a uniform background of compensating charge to yield net neutrality. the `lattice` and `recip_lattice` should contain the lattice and reciprocal lattice vectors as columns. `charges` and `positions` are the point charges and their positions (as an array of arrays) in fractional coordinates. """ function energy_ewald_zygote_faster(lattice, charges, positions; η=nothing) T = eltype(lattice) for i=1:3 if norm(lattice[:,i]) == 0 ## TODO should something more clever be done here? For now ## we assume that we are not interested in the Ewald ## energy of non-3D systems return T(0) end end energy_ewald_zygote_faster(lattice, T(2π) * inv(lattice'), charges, positions; η=η) end function energy_ewald_zygote_faster(lattice, recip_lattice, charges, positions; η=nothing) T = eltype(lattice) @assert T == eltype(recip_lattice) @assert length(charges) == length(positions) if η === nothing # Balance between reciprocal summation and real-space summation # with a slight bias towards reciprocal summation η = sqrt(sqrt(T(1.69) * norm(recip_lattice ./ 2T(π)) / norm(lattice))) / 2 end # # Numerical cutoffs # # The largest argument to the exp(-x) function to obtain a numerically # meaningful contribution. The +5 is for safety. max_exponent = -log(eps(T)) + 5 # The largest argument to the erfc function for various precisions. # To get an idea: # erfc(5) ≈ 1e-12, erfc(8) ≈ 1e-29, erfc(10) ≈ 2e-45, erfc(14) ≈ 3e-87 max_erfc_arg = get( Dict(Float32 => 5, Float64 => 8, BigFloat => 14), T, something(findfirst(arg -> 100 * erfc(arg) < eps(T), 1:100), 100) # fallback for not yet implemented cutoffs ) # # Reciprocal space sum # # Initialize reciprocal sum with correction term for charge neutrality sum_recip = - (sum(charges)^2 / 4η^2) # Function to return the indices corresponding # to a particular shell # TODO switch to an O(N) implementation function shell_indices(ish) (Vec3(i,j,k) for i in -ish:ish for j in -ish:ish for k in -ish:ish if maximum(abs.((i,j,k))) == ish) end # Loop over reciprocal-space shells gsh = 1 # Exclude G == 0 any_term_contributes = true while any_term_contributes any_term_contributes = false # Compute G vectors and moduli squared for this shell patch for G in shell_indices(gsh) Gsq = sum(abs2, recip_lattice * Zygote.dropgrad(G)) # Check if the Gaussian exponent is small enough # for this term to contribute to the reciprocal sum exponent = Gsq / 4η^2 if exponent > max_exponent continue end cos_strucfac = sum(Z * cos(2T(π) * dot(r, Zygote.dropgrad(G))) for (r, Z) in zip(positions, charges)) sin_strucfac = sum(Z * sin(2T(π) * dot(r, Zygote.dropgrad(G))) for (r, Z) in zip(positions, charges)) sum_strucfac = cos_strucfac^2 + sin_strucfac^2 any_term_contributes = true sum_recip += sum_strucfac * exp(-exponent) / Gsq end gsh += 1 end # Amend sum_recip by proper scaling factors: sum_recip *= 4T(π) / abs(det(lattice)) # # Real-space sum # # Initialize real-space sum with correction term for uniform background sum_real = Zygote.dropgrad(-2η / sqrt(T(π)) * sum(abs2, charges)) # Loop over real-space shells rsh = 0 # Include R = 0 any_term_contributes = true while any_term_contributes || rsh <= 1 any_term_contributes = false # Loop over R vectors for this shell patch for R in shell_indices(rsh) for i = 1:length(positions), j = 1:length(positions) ti = positions[i] Zi = charges[i] tj = positions[j] Zj = charges[j] # Avoid self-interaction if rsh == 0 && ti == tj continue end dist = norm(lattice * (ti - tj - Zygote.dropgrad(R))) # erfc decays very quickly, so cut off at some point if η * dist > max_erfc_arg continue end any_term_contributes = true sum_real += Zi * Zj * erfc(η * dist) / dist end # i,j end # R rsh += 1 end energy = (sum_recip + sum_real) / 2 # Divide by 2 (because of double counting) energy end #=======# function compute_forces_zygote(positions, lattice, charges) _positions = reduce(hcat, positions) forces = first( Zygote.gradient(_positions -> begin positions = collect(eachcol(_positions)) -energy_ewald_zygote_faster(lattice, charges, positions) end, _positions ) ) return forces end function compute_forces_finitediff(positions, lattice, charges) _positions = reduce(hcat, positions) forces = FiniteDiff.finite_difference_gradient(_positions -> begin positions = collect(eachcol(_positions)) -energy_ewald_zygote_faster(lattice, charges, positions) end, _positions ) return forces end #===# function benchmark_ewald_zygote(num_atoms=20) lattice = Mat3( [0.0 5.131570667152971 5.131570667152971; 5.131570667152971 0.0 5.131570667152971; 5.131570667152971 5.131570667152971 0.0] ) # perturb positions away from equilibrium to get nonzero force positions = [ones(3)/8+rand(3)/20 for _ in 1:num_atoms] charges = [14 for _ in 1:num_atoms] forces_finitediff = compute_forces_finitediff(positions, lattice, charges) forces_zygote = compute_forces_zygote(positions, lattice, charges) # check consistency of forces # @test forces_zygote ≈ forces_finitediff atol=1e-6 @show sum(abs.(forces_finitediff - forces_zygote)) / (3num_atoms) println("Timings:") println("Energy without forces") @time energy_ewald_zygote(lattice, charges, positions) println("FiniteDiff forces") @time compute_forces_finitediff(positions, lattice, charges) println("Zygote forces") @time compute_forces_zygote(positions, lattice, charges) return nothing end # benchmark_ewald_zygote(2) # Timings: # Energy without forces # 0.004692 seconds (113.77 k allocations: 4.967 MiB) # FiniteDiff forces # 0.075556 seconds (1.37 M allocations: 59.604 MiB) # Zygote forces # 0.318643 seconds (1.03 M allocations: 48.197 MiB, 11.16% gc time) # benchmark_ewald_zygote(10) # Timings: # Energy without forces # 0.285002 seconds (2.46 M allocations: 105.066 MiB, 57.46% gc time) # FiniteDiff forces # 8.808988 seconds (147.72 M allocations: 6.156 GiB, 18.05% gc time) # Zygote forces # 4.530250 seconds (15.03 M allocations: 717.221 MiB, 13.84% gc time) # Zygote-rewrite required us to # 1. do not use try-catch # 2. use Zygote.@ignore on shell_indices # 3. use Zygote.dropgrad on shell int vectors const lattice = Mat3( [0.0 5.131570667152971 5.131570667152971; 5.131570667152971 0.0 5.131570667152971; 5.131570667152971 5.131570667152971 0.0] ) # perturb positions away from equilibrium to get nonzero force const positions = [Vec3(ones(3)/8+rand(3)/20) for _ in 1:2] const charges = [14 for _ in 1:2] @time energy_ewald_zygote_faster(lattice, charges, positions) # 0.319368 seconds (470.33 k allocations: 24.824 MiB, 6.28% gc time, 99.67% compilation time) using BenchmarkTools # @btime energy_ewald_zygote_faster($lattice, $charges, $positions) # 555.540 μs (3378 allocations: 53.33 KiB) # @time energy_ewald(lattice, charges, positions) # @time energy_ewald(lattice, charges, positions) #========# # A larger physical system with pymatgen using DFTK function benchmark_ewald_zygote_pymatgen(num_atoms=20) # lattice = Mat3( # [0.0 5.131570667152971 5.131570667152971; # 5.131570667152971 0.0 5.131570667152971; # 5.131570667152971 5.131570667152971 0.0] # ) # # perturb positions away from equilibrium to get nonzero force # positions = [ones(3)/8+rand(3)/20 for _ in 1:num_atoms] # charges = [14 for _ in 1:num_atoms] a = 10.263141334305942 # Lattice constant in Bohr lattice = a / 2 .* [[0 1 1.]; [1 0 1.]; [1 1 0.]] Si = ElementPsp(:Si, psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4")) atoms = [Si => [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8]]; pystruct = pymatgen_structure(lattice, atoms) pystruct.make_supercell([1, 1, 1]) lattice = load_lattice(pystruct) positions = [s.frac_coords for s in pystruct.sites]; charges = [14 for _ in 1:length(positions)] # forces_finitediff = compute_forces_finitediff(positions, lattice, charges) forces_zygote = compute_forces_zygote(positions, lattice, charges) # check consistency of forces # @test forces_zygote ≈ forces_finitediff atol=1e-6 # @show sum(abs.(forces_finitediff - forces_zygote)) / (3num_atoms) println("Timings:") println("Energy without forces") @time energy_ewald_zygote(lattice, charges, positions) println("FiniteDiff forces") # @time compute_forces_finitediff(positions, lattice, charges) println("Zygote forces") @time compute_forces_zygote(positions, lattice, charges) return nothing end benchmark_ewald_zygote_pymatgen()
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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 1303, 1312, 11, 73, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 1303, 371, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 1477, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2568, 796, 357, 16345, 62, 8344, 541, 1343, 2160, 62, 5305, 8, 1220, 362, 220, 1303, 46894, 416, 362, 357, 13893, 286, 4274, 14143, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2568, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 1421, 18604, 2, 198, 198, 8818, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 1930, 1756, 796, 4646, 7, 71, 9246, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3386, 796, 717, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1168, 35641, 1258, 13, 49607, 28264, 1930, 1756, 4613, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6116, 796, 2824, 7, 27379, 4033, 28264, 1930, 1756, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 22554, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 62, 69, 1603, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 1930, 1756, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3386, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 1930, 1756, 796, 4646, 7, 71, 9246, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3386, 796, 4463, 578, 28813, 13, 69, 9504, 62, 26069, 1945, 62, 49607, 28264, 1930, 1756, 4613, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6116, 796, 2824, 7, 27379, 4033, 28264, 1930, 1756, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 22554, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 62, 69, 1603, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 1930, 1756, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3386, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 18604, 2, 198, 198, 8818, 18335, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 28, 1238, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47240, 501, 796, 6550, 18, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 15, 13, 15, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 657, 13, 15, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 220, 657, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 22146, 5945, 6116, 1497, 422, 29163, 284, 651, 1729, 22570, 2700, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6116, 796, 685, 1952, 7, 18, 20679, 23, 10, 25192, 7, 18, 20679, 1238, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4530, 796, 685, 1415, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 3386, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 796, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3386, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 796, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 15794, 286, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2488, 9288, 3386, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 15139, 230, 3386, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 379, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 2160, 7, 8937, 12195, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 532, 3386, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 4008, 1220, 357, 18, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 14967, 654, 25, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 28925, 1231, 3386, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2435, 2568, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 37, 9504, 28813, 3386, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2435, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 57, 35641, 1258, 3386, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2435, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 18335, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5045, 654, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6682, 1231, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 657, 13, 22914, 46589, 4201, 357, 16616, 13, 3324, 479, 49157, 25, 604, 13, 24, 3134, 13756, 33, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4463, 578, 28813, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 657, 13, 46396, 37864, 4201, 357, 16, 13, 2718, 337, 49157, 25, 7863, 13, 31916, 13756, 33, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1168, 35641, 1258, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 657, 13, 36042, 41813, 4201, 357, 16, 13, 3070, 337, 49157, 25, 4764, 13, 24991, 13756, 33, 11, 1367, 13, 1433, 4, 308, 66, 640, 8, 198, 198, 2, 18335, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 940, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5045, 654, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6682, 1231, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 657, 13, 2078, 4059, 17, 4201, 357, 17, 13, 3510, 337, 49157, 25, 13343, 13, 15, 2791, 13756, 33, 11, 7632, 13, 3510, 4, 308, 66, 640, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4463, 578, 28813, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 807, 13, 1795, 4531, 3459, 4201, 357, 20198, 13, 4761, 337, 49157, 25, 718, 13, 21599, 8118, 33, 11, 1248, 13, 2713, 4, 308, 66, 640, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1168, 35641, 1258, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 604, 13, 38612, 9031, 4201, 357, 1314, 13, 3070, 337, 49157, 25, 767, 1558, 13, 26115, 13756, 33, 11, 1511, 13, 5705, 4, 308, 66, 640, 8, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 1168, 35641, 1258, 12, 1809, 6525, 2672, 514, 284, 198, 2, 352, 13, 466, 407, 779, 1949, 12, 40198, 198, 2, 362, 13, 779, 1168, 35641, 1258, 13, 31, 46430, 319, 7582, 62, 521, 1063, 198, 2, 513, 13, 779, 1168, 35641, 1258, 13, 14781, 9744, 319, 7582, 493, 30104, 628, 198, 198, 9979, 47240, 501, 796, 6550, 18, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 15, 13, 15, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 657, 13, 15, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 220, 657, 13, 15, 60, 198, 8, 198, 2, 22146, 5945, 6116, 1497, 422, 29163, 284, 651, 1729, 22570, 2700, 198, 9979, 6116, 796, 685, 53, 721, 18, 7, 1952, 7, 18, 20679, 23, 10, 25192, 7, 18, 20679, 1238, 8, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 17, 60, 198, 9979, 4530, 796, 685, 1415, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 17, 60, 198, 198, 31, 2435, 2568, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 62, 69, 1603, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 1303, 657, 13, 35175, 27412, 4201, 357, 27790, 13, 2091, 479, 49157, 25, 1987, 13, 23, 1731, 13756, 33, 11, 718, 13, 2078, 4, 308, 66, 640, 11, 7388, 13, 3134, 4, 23340, 640, 8, 198, 198, 3500, 25187, 4102, 33637, 198, 2, 2488, 65, 2435, 2568, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 62, 69, 1603, 16763, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 720, 34948, 11, 720, 1930, 1756, 8, 1303, 44717, 13, 35005, 18919, 82, 357, 2091, 3695, 49157, 25, 7192, 13, 2091, 21927, 33, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2488, 2435, 2568, 62, 413, 1940, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 2, 2488, 2435, 2568, 62, 413, 1940, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2559, 2, 198, 2, 317, 4025, 3518, 1080, 351, 279, 4948, 265, 5235, 198, 3500, 360, 9792, 42, 198, 198, 8818, 18335, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 62, 79, 4948, 265, 5235, 7, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 28, 1238, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 47240, 501, 796, 6550, 18, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 15, 13, 15, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 657, 13, 15, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 220, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 642, 13, 1485, 1314, 2154, 28933, 1314, 1959, 4869, 220, 657, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1303, 22146, 5945, 6116, 1497, 422, 29163, 284, 651, 1729, 22570, 2700, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6116, 796, 685, 1952, 7, 18, 20679, 23, 10, 25192, 7, 18, 20679, 1238, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4530, 796, 685, 1415, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 838, 13, 29558, 1415, 1485, 2682, 1270, 3270, 3682, 220, 1303, 406, 1078, 501, 6937, 287, 44366, 81, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47240, 501, 796, 257, 1220, 362, 764, 9, 16410, 15, 352, 352, 8183, 26, 685, 16, 657, 352, 8183, 26, 685, 16, 352, 657, 8183, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15638, 796, 11703, 47, 2777, 7, 25, 42801, 11, 279, 2777, 28, 2220, 62, 862, 79, 7203, 71, 456, 14, 18986, 14, 42801, 12, 80, 19, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23235, 796, 685, 42801, 5218, 685, 1952, 7, 18, 20679, 23, 11, 532, 1952, 7, 18, 20679, 23, 60, 11208, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12972, 7249, 796, 279, 4948, 265, 5235, 62, 301, 5620, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 23235, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12972, 7249, 13, 15883, 62, 16668, 3846, 26933, 16, 11, 352, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47240, 501, 796, 3440, 62, 75, 1078, 501, 7, 9078, 7249, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6116, 796, 685, 82, 13, 31944, 62, 1073, 3669, 329, 264, 287, 12972, 7249, 13, 49315, 11208, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4530, 796, 685, 1415, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 1930, 1756, 15437, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3386, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 796, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3386, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 796, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 15794, 286, 3386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2488, 9288, 3386, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 15139, 230, 3386, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 379, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2488, 12860, 2160, 7, 8937, 12195, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 532, 3386, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 4008, 1220, 357, 18, 22510, 62, 265, 3150, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 14967, 654, 25, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 28925, 1231, 3386, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2435, 2568, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 75, 1078, 501, 11, 4530, 11, 6116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 37, 9504, 28813, 3386, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2488, 2435, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 15643, 863, 733, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 57, 35641, 1258, 3386, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2435, 24061, 62, 27087, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 7, 1930, 1756, 11, 47240, 501, 11, 4530, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 26968, 4102, 62, 413, 1940, 62, 7357, 70, 1258, 62, 79, 4948, 265, 5235, 3419, 198 ]
#-------------canny.jl---------------------------------------------------------# # # Purpose: To implement Canny Edge Detection in Julia # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # First, we need to use the appropriate packages using Images # All filtering and image stuff using ImageView # imshow for showing images, must be run in REPL using TestImages # Standart example images in julia # simple implementation of canny edge detection using in-built Julia functions function simple_edge_detection() img = testimage("fabio_color_256") img_edge = canny(img) save(string("fabio_edges.png"), img_edge) end simple_edge_detection()
[ 2, 32501, 66, 7737, 13, 20362, 43801, 12, 2, 198, 2, 198, 2, 32039, 25, 1675, 3494, 327, 7737, 13113, 46254, 287, 22300, 198, 2, 198, 2, 10097, 26171, 2, 198, 198, 2, 3274, 11, 356, 761, 284, 779, 262, 5035, 10392, 198, 3500, 5382, 220, 1303, 1439, 25431, 290, 2939, 3404, 198, 3500, 7412, 7680, 1303, 545, 12860, 329, 4478, 4263, 11, 1276, 307, 1057, 287, 45285, 198, 3500, 6208, 29398, 1303, 5751, 433, 1672, 4263, 287, 474, 43640, 198, 198, 2, 2829, 7822, 286, 460, 3281, 5743, 13326, 1262, 287, 12, 18780, 22300, 5499, 198, 8818, 2829, 62, 14907, 62, 15255, 3213, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33705, 796, 8844, 496, 7203, 36434, 952, 62, 8043, 62, 11645, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33705, 62, 14907, 796, 460, 3281, 7, 9600, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 7, 8841, 7203, 36434, 952, 62, 276, 3212, 13, 11134, 12340, 33705, 62, 14907, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 36439, 62, 14907, 62, 15255, 3213, 3419, 198 ]
<gh_stars>0 struct HighsModel colcost collower colupper rowlower rowupper astart aindex avalue end struct HighsSolution colvalue coldual rowvalue rowdual end struct HighsBasis colbasisstatus rowbasisstatus end function Highs_call(model) n_col = convert(Cint, size(model.colcost, 1)) n_row = convert(Cint, size(model.rowlower, 1)) n_nz = convert(Cint, size(model.aindex, 1)) colcost = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.colcost) collower = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.collower) colupper = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.colupper) rowlower = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.rowlower) rowupper = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.rowupper) matstart = convert(Array{Cint}, model.astart) matindex = convert(Array{Cint}, model.aindex) matvalue = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.avalue) solution = HighsSolution(Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, n_col), Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, n_col), Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, n_row), Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, n_row)) basis = HighsBasis(Array{Cint, 1}(undef, n_col), Array{Cint, 1}(undef, n_row)) modelstatus = convert(Cint, 0) status = ccall((:Highs_call, ""), Cint, (Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}, Ref{Cint}), n_col, n_row, n_nz, colcost, collower, colupper, rowlower, rowupper, matstart, matindex, matvalue, solution.colvalue, solution.coldual, solution.rowvalue, solution.rowdual, basis.colbasisstatus, basis.rowbasisstatus, modelstatus) return status, solution, basis, modelstatus end function Highs_create() return ccall((:Highs_create, ""), Ptr{Cvoid}, () ) end function Highs_destroy(highs) ccall((:Highs_destroy, ""), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), highs) end function Highs_run(highs) return ccall((:Highs_run, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), highs) end function Highs_readModel(highs, filename) name = convert(Cstring, pointer(filename)) return ccall((:Highs_readModel, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring), highs, name) end function Highs_writeModel(highs, filename) name = convert(Cstring, pointer(filename)) return ccall((:Highs_writeModel, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring), highs, name) end function Highs_passLp(highs, model) n_col = convert(Cint, size(model.colcost, 1)) n_row = convert(Cint, size(model.rowlower, 1)) n_nz = convert(Cint, size(model.aindex, 1)) colcost = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.colcost) collower = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.collower) colupper = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.colupper) rowlower = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.rowlower) rowupper = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.rowupper) matstart = convert(Array{Cint}, model.astart) matindex = convert(Array{Cint}, model.aindex) matvalue = convert(Array{Cdouble}, model.avalue) return ccall((:Highs_passLp, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cint},Ptr{Cint},Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, n_col, n_row, n_nz, colcost, collower, colupper, rowlower, rowupper, matstart, matindex, matvalue) end function Highs_setOptionValue(highs, option, value) opt = convert(Cstring, pointer(option)) val = convert(Cstring, pointer(val)) return ccall((:Highs_setOptionValue, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring, Cstring), highs, opt, val) end function Highs_getNumCols(highs) return ccall((:Highs_getNumCols, ""), Cint, ()) end function Highs_getNumRows(highs) return ccall((:Highs_getNumRows, ""), Cint, ()) end function Highs_getNumNz(highs) return ccall((:Highs_getNumNz, ""), Cint, ()) end function Highs_getSolution(highs) numcol = Highs_getNumCols(highs) numrow = Highs_getNumRows(highs) solution = HighsSolution(Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, numcol), Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, numcol), Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, numrow), Array{Cdouble, 1}(undef, numrow)) ccall((:Highs_getSolution, ""), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, solution.colvalue, solution.coldual, solution.rowvalue, solution.rowdual) return solution end function Highs_getBasis(highs) numcol = Highs_getNumCols(highs) numrow = Highs_getNumRows(highs) basis = HighsBasis(Array{Cint, 1}(undef, numcol), Array{Cint, 1}(undef, numrow)) ccall((:Highs_getBasis, ""), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}), highs, basis.colbasisstatus, basis.rowbasisstatus) return basis end function Highs_getObjectiveValue(highs) return ccall((:Highs_getObjectiveValue, ""), Cdouble, (Ptr{Cvoid},), highs) end function Highs_getIterationCount(highs) return ccall((:Highs_getIterationCount, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), highs) end function Highs_addRow(highs, lower, upper, indices, values) n_new_nz = convert(Cint, size(indices, 1)) lo = convert(Cdouble, lower) hi = convert(Cdouble, upper) idx = convert(Array{Cint}, indices) val = convert(Array{Cdouble}, values) return ccall((:Highs_addRow, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cdouble, Cdouble, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, lo, hi, n_new_nz, idx, val) end function Highs_addRows(highs, lower, upper, starts, indices, values) n_new_rows = convert(Cint, size(lower, 1)) n_new_nz = convert(Cint, size(indices, 1)) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array{Cdouble}, upper) st = convert(Array{Cint}, starts) idx = convert(Array{Cint}, indices) val = convert(Array{Cdouble}, values) return ccall((:Highs_addRows, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, n_new_rows, lo, hi, n_new_nz, st, idx, val) end function Highs_addCol(highs, cost, lower, upper, indices, values) n_new_nz = convert(Cint, size(indices, 1)) cc = convert(Cdouble, cost) lo = convert(Cdouble, lower) hi = convert(Cdouble, upper) idx = convert(Array{Cint}, indices) val = convert(Array{Cdouble}, values) return ccall((:Highs_addCol, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cdouble, Cdouble, Cdouble, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, cc, lo, hi, n_new_nz, idx, val) end function Highs_addCols(highs, costs, lower, upper, starts, indices, values) n_new_cols = convert(Cint, size(lower, 1)) n_new_nz = convert(Cint, size(indices, 1)) co = convert(Array{Cdouble}, costs) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array{Cdouble}, upper) st = convert(Array{Cint}, starts) idx = convert(Array{Cint}, indices) val = convert(Array{Cdouble}, values) return ccall((:Highs_addCols, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, n_new_cols, co, lo, hi, n_new_nz, st, idx, val) end function Highs_changeObjectiveSense(highs, sense) sns = convert(Cint, sense) return ccall((:Highs_changeObjectiveSense, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint), highs, sns) end function Highs_changeColCost(highs, colidx, cost) col = convert(Cint, colidx) cst = convert(Cdouble, cost) return ccall((:Highs_changeColCost, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cdouble), highs, colidx, cost) end function Highs_changeColsCostBySet(highs, set, cost) num_set_entries = convert(Cint, size(set, 1)) st = convert(Array{Cint}, set) cst = convert(Array{Cdouble}, cost) return ccall((:Highs_changeColsCostBySet, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, st, cst) end function Highs_changeColsCostByMask(highs, mask, cost) msk = convert(Array{Cint}, mask) cst = convert(Array{Cdouble}, cost) return ccall((:Highs_changeColsCostByMask, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, msk, cst) end function Highs_changeColBounds(highs, col, lower, upper) colidx = convert(Cint, col) lo = convert(Cdouble, lower) hi = convert(Cdouble, upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeColBounds, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cdouble, Cdouble), highs, colidx, lo, hi) end function Highs_changeColsBoundsByRange(highs, from, to, lower, upper) f = convert(Cint, from) t = convert(Int33, to) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array{Cdouble}, upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeColsBoundsByRange, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, f, t, lo, hi) end function Highs_changeColsBoundsBySet(highs, set, lower, upper) nset = convert(Cint, size(set, 1)) st = convert(Array{Cint}, set) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array{Cdouble}, upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeColsBoundsBySet, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, nset, st, lo, hi) end function Highs_changeColsBoundsByMask(highs, mask, lower, upper) msk = convert(Array{Cint}, mask) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array{Cdouble}, upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeColsBoundsByMask, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, msk, lo, hi) end function Highs_changeRowBounds(highs, row, lower, upper) idx = convert(Cint, row) lo = convert(Cdouble, lower) hi = convert(Cdouble, upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeRowBounds, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cdouble, Cdouble), highs, idx, lo, hi) end function Highs_changeRowsBoundsBySet(highs, set, lower, upper) nst = convert(Cint, size(set, 1)) st = convert(Array{Cint}, set) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array(Cdouble), upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeRowsBoundsBySet, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, nst, st, lo, hi) end function Highs_changeRowsBoundsByMask(highs, mask, lower, upper) msk = convert(Array{Cint}, mask) lo = convert(Array{Cdouble}, lower) hi = convert(Array{Cdouble}, upper) return ccall((:Highs_changeRowsBoundsByMask, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}), highs, msk, lo, hi) end #= int Highs_getColsByRange( void *highs, //!< HiGHS object reference const int from_col, //!< The index of the first column to //!< get from the model const int to_col, //!< One more than the last column to get //!< from the model int* num_col, //!< Number of columns got from the model double *costs, //!< Array of size num_col with costs double *lower, //!< Array of size num_col with lower bounds double *upper, //!< Array of size num_col with upper bounds int* num_nz, //!< Number of nonzeros got from the model int *matrix_start, //!< Array of size num_col with start //!< indices of the columns int *matrix_index, //!< Array of size num_nz with row //!< indices for the columns double *matrix_value //!< Array of size num_nz with row //!< values for the columns ); int Highs_getColsBySet( void *highs, //!< HiGHS object reference const int num_set_entries, //!< The number of indides in the set const int *set, //!< Array of size num_set_entries with indices //!< of columns to get int* num_col, //!< Number of columns got from the model double *costs, //!< Array of size num_col with costs double *lower, //!< Array of size num_col with lower bounds double *upper, //!< Array of size num_col with upper bounds int* num_nz, //!< Number of nonzeros got from the model int *matrix_start, //!< Array of size num_col with start indices //!< of the columns int *matrix_index, //!< Array of size num_nz with row indices //!< for the columns double *matrix_value //!< Array of size num_nz with row values //!< for the columns ); int Highs_getColsByMask( void *highs, //!< HiGHS object reference const int *mask, //!< Full length array with 1 => get; 0 => not int* num_col, //!< Number of columns got from the model double *costs, //!< Array of size num_col with costs double *lower, //!< Array of size num_col with lower bounds double *upper, //!< Array of size num_col with upper bounds int* num_nz, //!< Number of nonzeros got from the model int *matrix_start, //!< Array of size num_col with start //!< indices of the columns int *matrix_index, //!< Array of size num_nz with row indices //!< for the columns double *matrix_value //!< Array of size num_nz with row values //!< for the columns ); int Highs_getRowsByRange( void *highs, //!< HiGHS object reference const int from_row, //!< The index of the first row to get from the model const int to_row, //!< One more than the last row get from the model int* num_row, //!< Number of rows got from the model double *lower, //!< Array of size num_row with lower bounds double *upper, //!< Array of size num_row with upper bounds int* num_nz, //!< Number of nonzeros got from the model int *matrix_start, //!< Array of size num_row with start indices of the //!< rows int *matrix_index, //!< Array of size num_nz with column indices for the //!< rows double *matrix_value //!< Array of size num_nz with column values for the //!< rows ); int Highs_getRowsBySet( void *highs, //!< HiGHS object reference const int num_set_entries, //!< The number of indides in the set const int *set, //!< Array of size num_set_entries with indices //!< of rows to get int* num_row, //!< Number of rows got from the model double *lower, //!< Array of size num_row with lower bounds double *upper, //!< Array of size num_row with upper bounds int* num_nz, //!< Number of nonzeros got from the model int *matrix_start, //!< Array of size num_row with start indices //!< of the rows int *matrix_index, //!< Array of size num_nz with column indices //!< for the rows double *matrix_value //!< Array of size num_nz with column //!< values for the rows ); int Highs_getRowsByMask( void *highs, //!< HiGHS object reference const int *mask, //!< Full length array with 1 => get; 0 => not int* num_row, //!< Number of rows got from the model double *lower, //!< Array of size num_row with lower bounds double *upper, //!< Array of size num_row with upper bounds int* num_nz, //!< Number of nonzeros got from the model int *matrix_start, //!< Array of size num_row with start indices //!< of the rows int *matrix_index, //!< Array of size num_nz with column indices //!< for the rows double *matrix_value //!< Array of size num_nz with column //!< values for the rows ); =# function Highs_deleteColsByRange(highs, from, to) f = convert(Cint, from) t = convert(Cint, to) return ccall((:Highs_deleteColsByRange, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cint), highs, f, t) end function Highs_deleteColsBySet(highs, set) nset = convert(Cint, size(set, 1)) st = convert(Array{Cint}, set) return ccall((:Highs_deleteColsBySet, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{Cint}), highs, nset, st) end function Highs_deleteColsByMask(highs, mask) msk = convert(Array{Cint}, mask) return ccall((:Highs_deleteColsByMask, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}), highs, msk) end function Highs_deleteRowsByRange(highs, from, to) f = convert(Cint, from) t = convert(Cint, to) return ccall((:Highs_deleteRowsByRange, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cint), highs, f, t) end function Highs_deleteRowsBySet(highs, set) nset = convert(Cint, size(set, 1)) st = convert(Array{Cint}, set) return ccall((:Highs_deleteRowsBySet, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{Cint}), highs, nset, st) end function Highs_deleteRowsByMask(highs, mask) msk = convert(Array{Cint}, mask) return ccall((:Highs_deleteRowsByMask, ""), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}), highs, msk) end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 7249, 3334, 82, 17633, 198, 220, 220, 951, 15805, 198, 220, 220, 2927, 789, 198, 220, 220, 951, 45828, 198, 220, 220, 5752, 21037, 198, 220, 220, 5752, 45828, 198, 220, 220, 6468, 433, 198, 220, 220, 257, 9630, 198, 220, 220, 37441, 518, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7249, 3334, 82, 46344, 198, 220, 220, 951, 8367, 198, 220, 220, 4692, 723, 198, 220, 220, 5752, 8367, 198, 220, 220, 5752, 646, 282, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7249, 3334, 82, 15522, 271, 198, 220, 220, 951, 12093, 271, 13376, 198, 220, 220, 5752, 12093, 271, 13376, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 13345, 7, 19849, 8, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 4033, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 19849, 13, 4033, 15805, 11, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 808, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 19849, 13, 808, 21037, 11, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 27305, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 19849, 13, 391, 67, 1069, 11, 352, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 951, 15805, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 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12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 828, 28227, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 961, 17633, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 29472, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1438, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 8841, 11, 17562, 7, 34345, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 961, 17633, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 8841, 828, 28227, 11, 1438, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 13564, 17633, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 29472, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1438, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 8841, 11, 17562, 7, 34345, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 13564, 17633, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 8841, 828, 28227, 11, 1438, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 6603, 43, 79, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 2746, 8, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 4033, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 19849, 13, 4033, 15805, 11, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 808, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 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8841, 11, 327, 8841, 828, 28227, 11, 2172, 11, 1188, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 5216, 82, 7, 8929, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 5216, 82, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 32865, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 49, 1666, 7, 8929, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 49, 1666, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 32865, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 45, 89, 7, 8929, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 45, 89, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 32865, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 1136, 46344, 7, 8929, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 997, 4033, 796, 3334, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 5216, 82, 7, 8929, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 997, 808, 796, 3334, 82, 62, 1136, 33111, 49, 1666, 7, 8929, 82, 8, 628, 220, 220, 4610, 796, 3334, 82, 46344, 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8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 2860, 5216, 82, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 3484, 11, 2793, 11, 6727, 11, 4940, 11, 36525, 11, 3815, 8, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 3605, 62, 4033, 82, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 21037, 11, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 299, 62, 3605, 62, 27305, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 521, 1063, 11, 352, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 763, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 3484, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 2793, 8, 198, 220, 220, 23105, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 6727, 8, 628, 220, 220, 336, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 4940, 8, 198, 220, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 36525, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1188, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 3815, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 2860, 5216, 82, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 600, 11, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 350, 2213, 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8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 600, 11, 327, 23352, 828, 28227, 11, 951, 312, 87, 11, 1575, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 13729, 3886, 7248, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 900, 11, 1575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 997, 62, 2617, 62, 298, 1678, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 2617, 11, 352, 4008, 220, 628, 220, 220, 336, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 900, 8, 198, 220, 220, 269, 301, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 1575, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 13729, 3886, 7248, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 92, 828, 28227, 11, 336, 11, 269, 301, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 13729, 3886, 45195, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 9335, 11, 1575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 285, 8135, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 9335, 8, 198, 220, 220, 269, 301, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 1575, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 13729, 3886, 45195, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 92, 828, 28227, 11, 285, 8135, 11, 269, 301, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 33, 3733, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 951, 11, 2793, 11, 6727, 8, 198, 220, 220, 951, 312, 87, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 951, 8, 628, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 23352, 11, 2793, 8, 198, 220, 220, 23105, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 23352, 11, 6727, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 33, 3733, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 600, 11, 327, 23352, 11, 327, 23352, 828, 28227, 11, 951, 312, 87, 11, 2376, 11, 23105, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 33, 3733, 3886, 17257, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 422, 11, 284, 11, 2793, 11, 6727, 8, 198, 220, 220, 277, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 422, 8, 198, 220, 220, 256, 796, 10385, 7, 5317, 2091, 11, 284, 8, 628, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 2793, 8, 198, 220, 220, 23105, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 6727, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 33, 3733, 3886, 17257, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 600, 11, 327, 600, 11, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 92, 828, 198, 220, 220, 28227, 11, 277, 11, 256, 11, 2376, 11, 23105, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 33, 3733, 3886, 7248, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 900, 11, 2793, 11, 6727, 8, 198, 220, 220, 299, 2617, 796, 10385, 7, 34, 600, 11, 2546, 7, 2617, 11, 352, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 336, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 900, 8, 628, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 2793, 8, 198, 220, 220, 23105, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 6727, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 33, 3733, 3886, 7248, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 327, 600, 11, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 23352, 92, 828, 220, 198, 220, 220, 28227, 11, 299, 2617, 11, 336, 11, 2376, 11, 23105, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3334, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 33, 3733, 3886, 45195, 7, 8929, 82, 11, 9335, 11, 2793, 11, 6727, 8, 220, 198, 220, 220, 285, 8135, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 600, 5512, 9335, 8, 628, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 2793, 8, 198, 220, 220, 23105, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 34, 23352, 5512, 6727, 8, 628, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 3803, 5216, 82, 33, 3733, 3886, 45195, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 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220, 1441, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 11922, 82, 62, 33678, 49, 1666, 3886, 45195, 11, 366, 8019, 8929, 82, 13, 568, 12340, 327, 600, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 600, 92, 828, 28227, 11, 285, 8135, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>0 using MittagLefflerFunctions using PyPlot f(x) = exp(x) nmax = 10 M = nmax + 2 a = chebyshev_coefs(Float64, f, nmax, M) x = range(-1, 1, length=201) y = Float64[ chebyshev_sum(a, xval) for xval in x ] figure(1) plot(x, y-f.(x)) grid(true)
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 3500, 16627, 363, 3123, 487, 1754, 24629, 2733, 198, 3500, 9485, 43328, 198, 198, 69, 7, 87, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 87, 8, 198, 198, 77, 9806, 796, 838, 198, 44, 796, 299, 9806, 1343, 362, 198, 64, 796, 1125, 48209, 258, 85, 62, 1073, 891, 82, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 277, 11, 299, 9806, 11, 337, 8, 198, 198, 87, 796, 2837, 32590, 16, 11, 352, 11, 4129, 28, 1264, 8, 198, 88, 796, 48436, 2414, 58, 1125, 48209, 258, 85, 62, 16345, 7, 64, 11, 2124, 2100, 8, 329, 2124, 2100, 287, 2124, 2361, 198, 198, 26875, 7, 16, 8, 198, 29487, 7, 87, 11, 331, 12, 69, 12195, 87, 4008, 198, 25928, 7, 7942, 8, 198 ]
<reponame>JuliaBinaryWrappers/LibModbus_jll.jl # Autogenerated wrapper script for LibModbus_jll for aarch64-linux-gnu export libmodbus JLLWrappers.@generate_wrapper_header("LibModbus") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libmodbus, "") function __init__() JLLWrappers.@generate_init_header() JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libmodbus, "lib/", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@generate_init_footer() end # __init__()
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 16980, 544, 33, 3219, 36918, 11799, 14, 25835, 5841, 10885, 62, 73, 297, 13, 20362, 198, 2, 5231, 519, 877, 515, 29908, 4226, 329, 7980, 5841, 10885, 62, 73, 297, 329, 257, 998, 2414, 12, 23289, 12, 41791, 198, 39344, 9195, 4666, 10885, 198, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 8612, 378, 62, 48553, 62, 25677, 7203, 25835, 5841, 10885, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 4666, 10885, 11, 366, 8019, 4666, 10885, 13, 568, 13, 20, 4943, 198, 8818, 11593, 15003, 834, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 8612, 378, 62, 15003, 62, 25677, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 4666, 10885, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8019, 14, 8019, 4666, 10885, 13, 568, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 8612, 378, 62, 15003, 62, 5898, 263, 3419, 198, 437, 220, 1303, 11593, 15003, 834, 3419, 198 ]
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqDevTools, Test, LinearAlgebra using DiffEqProblemLibrary.ODEProblemLibrary: importodeproblems; importodeproblems() import DiffEqProblemLibrary.ODEProblemLibrary: prob_ode_bigfloatlinear, prob_ode_bigfloat2Dlinear, prob_ode_linear, prob_ode_2Dlinear probArr = [prob_ode_bigfloatlinear, prob_ode_bigfloat2Dlinear] testTol = 0.25 dts = 1 .//(2 .^(10:-1:5)) @testset "Nordsieck Convergence Tests" begin for i in eachindex(probArr) sim = test_convergence(dts,probArr[i],AN5()) @test sim.𝒪est[:final] ≈ 5 atol=testTol @test sim.𝒪est[:l2] ≈ 5 atol=testTol @test sim.𝒪est[:l∞] ≈ 5 atol=testTol end end probArr = [prob_ode_linear, prob_ode_2Dlinear] @testset "Nordsieck Adaptivity Tests: AN5" begin for i in eachindex(probArr) prob = probArr[i] sol = solve(prob, AN5(), reltol=1e-6) @test length(sol.t) < 11 exact = prob.f(Val{:analytic}, prob.u0, prob.p, prob.tspan[end]) @test exact ≈ sol[end] atol=1e-5 end end @testset "Nordsieck Adaptivity Tests: JVODE" begin for i in eachindex(probArr), sol = [JVODE_Adams(), JVODE_BDF()] prob = probArr[i] sol = solve(prob, sol, reltol=1e-4, abstol=1e-7) @test length(sol.t) < 22 exact = prob.f(Val{:analytic}, prob.u0, prob.p, prob.tspan[end]) @test norm(exact - sol[end], Inf) < 3e-3 end end
[ 3500, 14230, 3219, 28813, 36, 80, 11, 10631, 36, 80, 13603, 33637, 11, 6208, 11, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 3500, 10631, 36, 80, 40781, 23377, 13, 16820, 40781, 23377, 25, 1330, 375, 538, 305, 22143, 26, 1330, 375, 538, 305, 22143, 3419, 198, 11748, 10631, 36, 80, 40781, 23377, 13, 16820, 40781, 23377, 25, 1861, 62, 1098, 62, 14261, 22468, 29127, 11, 1861, 62, 1098, 62, 14261, 22468, 17, 35, 29127, 11, 1861, 62, 1098, 62, 29127, 11, 1861, 62, 1098, 62, 17, 35, 29127, 198, 198, 1676, 65, 3163, 81, 796, 685, 1676, 65, 62, 1098, 62, 14261, 22468, 29127, 11, 1861, 62, 1098, 62, 14261, 22468, 17, 35, 29127, 60, 198, 9288, 51, 349, 796, 657, 13, 1495, 198, 67, 912, 796, 352, 764, 1003, 7, 17, 764, 61, 7, 940, 21912, 16, 25, 20, 4008, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 45, 3669, 494, 694, 35602, 12745, 30307, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 1676, 65, 3163, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 985, 796, 1332, 62, 1102, 332, 12745, 7, 67, 912, 11, 1676, 65, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 4357, 1565, 20, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 985, 13, 47728, 240, 103, 395, 58, 25, 20311, 60, 15139, 230, 642, 379, 349, 28, 9288, 51, 349, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 985, 13, 47728, 240, 103, 395, 58, 25, 75, 17, 60, 15139, 230, 642, 379, 349, 28, 9288, 51, 349, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 985, 13, 47728, 240, 103, 395, 58, 25, 75, 24861, 252, 60, 15139, 230, 642, 379, 349, 28, 9288, 51, 349, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 1676, 65, 3163, 81, 796, 685, 1676, 65, 62, 1098, 62, 29127, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1861, 62, 1098, 62, 17, 35, 29127, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 45, 3669, 494, 694, 30019, 3458, 30307, 25, 3537, 20, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 1676, 65, 3163, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1861, 796, 1861, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1540, 796, 8494, 7, 1676, 65, 11, 3537, 20, 22784, 823, 83, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 34453, 13, 83, 8, 1279, 1367, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2748, 796, 1861, 13, 69, 7, 7762, 90, 25, 38200, 13370, 5512, 1861, 13, 84, 15, 11, 1861, 13, 79, 11, 1861, 13, 912, 6839, 58, 437, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2748, 15139, 230, 1540, 58, 437, 60, 379, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 20, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 45, 3669, 494, 694, 30019, 3458, 30307, 25, 449, 53, 16820, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 1676, 65, 3163, 81, 828, 1540, 796, 685, 41697, 16820, 62, 47462, 22784, 449, 53, 16820, 62, 33, 8068, 3419, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1861, 796, 1861, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1540, 796, 8494, 7, 1676, 65, 11, 1540, 11, 823, 83, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 19, 11, 16552, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 22, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 34453, 13, 83, 8, 1279, 2534, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2748, 796, 1861, 13, 69, 7, 7762, 90, 25, 38200, 13370, 5512, 1861, 13, 84, 15, 11, 1861, 13, 79, 11, 1861, 13, 912, 6839, 58, 437, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2593, 7, 1069, 529, 532, 1540, 58, 437, 4357, 4806, 8, 1279, 513, 68, 12, 18, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>10-100 using Turing, MCMCChains using Distributions using ParetoSmooth samples = randn(100, 1, 1) data = randn(50) chain = Chains(samples) compute_loglike(μ, data) = logpdf(Normal(μ, 1), data) compute_loglike(μ, σ, data) = logpdf(Normal(μ, σ), data) pll1 = pointwise_log_likelihoods(compute_loglike, chain, data) size(pll1) |> display
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 940, 12, 3064, 198, 3500, 39141, 11, 13122, 9655, 1925, 1299, 198, 3500, 46567, 507, 198, 3500, 350, 533, 1462, 7556, 5226, 198, 198, 82, 12629, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 3064, 11, 352, 11, 352, 8, 198, 7890, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 1120, 8, 198, 7983, 796, 34950, 7, 82, 12629, 8, 198, 198, 5589, 1133, 62, 6404, 2339, 7, 34703, 11, 1366, 8, 796, 2604, 12315, 7, 26447, 7, 34703, 11, 352, 828, 1366, 8, 198, 5589, 1133, 62, 6404, 2339, 7, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 11, 1366, 8, 796, 2604, 12315, 7, 26447, 7, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 828, 1366, 8, 198, 198, 79, 297, 16, 796, 966, 3083, 62, 6404, 62, 2339, 11935, 82, 7, 5589, 1133, 62, 6404, 2339, 11, 6333, 11, 1366, 8, 198, 7857, 7, 79, 297, 16, 8, 930, 29, 3359, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 function read_file(file, p, cache, particle_cache) h, blocks = open(file_summary, file) SDFFile(file, h, blocks, p, cache, particle_cache) end function, entry::Symbol) open( do f read(f, getindex(sdf.blocks, entry)) end end function, entries...) open( do f asyncmap(i->read(f, getindex(sdf.blocks,i)), entries) end end function read_expensive(sdf, ids) open( do f asyncmap(i->make_grid( Variable(), sdf.blocks[i], nothing, f; cache=sdf.particle_cache[] ), ids) end end function Base.getindex(sdf::SDFFile, idx::Symbol) open( do f read_entry(f, sdf, idx) end end function expensive_grids(ids, idx) # Values corresponding to "grid/[species]") are expensive to read cid = [ids...] for (i, id) in enumerate(ids) if isnothing(id) && occursin("grid/", string(idx[i])) cid[i] = idx[i] end end s_id = string.(cid) expensive = map(i->occursin("grid/", i), s_id) !reduce(|, expensive) && return nothing, expensive @debug "Found expensive to read mesh entries" map(Symbol, unique(s_id[expensive])), expensive end # The data for the particles is the most expensive to read since there are # a lot of particles. Since the ScalarVariables have a grid, that grid # might be the same for more variables and should only be read once function Base.getindex(sdf::SDFFile, idx::Vararg{Symbol, N}) where N mesh_ids = get_mesh_id.((sdf,), idx) @debug "Reading entries for $idx with mesh ids $mesh_ids" expensive_ids, is_expensive = expensive_grids(mesh_ids, idx) if isnothing(expensive_ids) simple_read(sdf, idx) else @debug "Expensive idxs: $is_expensive" @debug "Reading data without expensive grids" partial_data = selective_read(sdf, idx, expensive_ids) @debug "Reading expensive grids: $expensive_ids" grids = read_expensive(sdf, expensive_ids) grid_map = (; zip(expensive_ids, grids)...) complete_data = () for (i, d) in enumerate(partial_data) @debug "Is $(idx[i]) expensive? $(is_expensive[i])" if is_expensive[i] id = mesh_ids[i] @debug "Expensive grid $id at $i" if isnothing(id) grid_id = idx[i] @debug "Storing grid entry $grid_id" grid = getproperty(grid_map, grid_id) complete_data = push!!(complete_data, grid) else @debug "Storing $id" grid = getproperty(grid_map, id) data = data_block = d.block f = store_entry(data_block, data, grid) complete_data = push!!(complete_data, f) end else complete_data = push!!(complete_data, d) end end complete_data end end function selective_read(sdf, idx, expensive_ids) open( do f asyncmap(i->read_selected(f, sdf.blocks, i, expensive_ids), idx) end end function simple_read(sdf, idx) open( do f asyncmap(i->read_entry(f, sdf, i), idx) end end
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4686, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1280, 7, 82, 7568, 13, 3672, 8, 466, 277, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30351, 8899, 7, 72, 3784, 961, 62, 13000, 7, 69, 11, 264, 7568, 11, 1312, 828, 4686, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
# License for this file: MIT (expat) # Copyright 2017-2018, DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control # # This file is part of module # Modia3D.Composition (Modia3D/Composition/_module.jl) # # Utility function that should not be directly called (only to be called from attach(..) function attachAndReverseParents(newParent::Object3D, obj::Object3D)::Nothing @assert(!(newParent ≡ obj)) # Save elements of obj r_rel = obj.r_rel R_rel = obj.R_rel parent = obj.parent # Reverse obj, so that newParent is the new parent obj.parent = newParent push!(newParent.children, obj) # Reverse all parents of obj obj1::Object3D = obj obj2::Object3D = parent while !(parent === obj1) parent_r_rel = parent.r_rel parent_R_rel = parent.R_rel if r_rel ≡ Modia3D.ZeroVector3D parent.r_rel = Modia3D.ZeroVector3D parent.r_abs = obj1.r_abs else parent.r_rel = -R_rel*r_rel end if R_rel ≡ Modia3D.NullRotation parent.R_rel = Modia3D.NullRotation parent.R_abs = obj1.R_abs else parent.R_rel = R_rel' end obj2 = parent parent = obj2.parent r_rel = parent_r_rel R_rel = parent_R_rel obj2.parent = obj1 removeChild!(obj2, obj1) push!(obj1.children, obj2) obj1 = obj2 end # If !isnothing(scene), visit all objs and set scene #= if !isnothing(scene) stack = scene.stack empty!(stack) append!(stack, obj.children) while length(stack) > 0 obj1 = pop!(stack) obj1.scene = scene append!(stack, obj1.children) end end =# return nothing end """ (obj1, obj2, cutJoint) = attach(frame_a, frame_b) If frame_a and frame_b do not have the same root, they are attached to each other and cutJoint = false is returned. If they have the same root, the tree is not modified and cutJoint=true is returned. """ function attach(obj1::Object3D, obj2::Object3D) root1 = rootObject3D(obj1) root2 = rootObject3D(obj2) #println("attach: obj1 = ", Modia3D.fullName(obj1), ", root = ", Modia3D.fullName(root1)) #println("attach: obj2 = ", Modia3D.fullName(obj2), ", root = ", Modia3D.fullName(root2)) if root1 ≡ root2 # Compute absolute positions # updatePosition!(root1) return (obj1,obj2,true) end if isWorld(root2) attachAndReverseParents(obj2, obj1) return (obj2,obj1,false) else attachAndReverseParents(obj1, obj2) return (obj1,obj2,false) end end #= function connect(obj1::Object3D, obj2::Object3D; r::AbstractVector = Modia3D.ZeroVector3D, R::Union{Frames.RotationMatrix,Nothing} = nothing, q::Union{Frames.Quaternion,Nothing} = nothing, fixed::Bool = true)::Nothing if !isnothing(R) && !isnothing(q) error("Modia3D.connect(...): either R or q must be nothing but both have a value.") end if !isnothing(R) Modia3D.assertRotationMatrix(R) elseif !isnothing(q) Modia3D.assertQuaternion(q) end (parentObject3D, obj, cutJoint) = attach(obj1, obj2) # println("... connect, fixed = ", fixed, ", obj1=",Modia3D.fullName(obj1), ", obj2 = ", Modia3D.fullName(obj2), ", obj = ", Modia3D.fullName(obj)) if cutJoint error("Error from Modia3D.Composition.connect(",, ",",, "):\n", "Not yet supported to rigidly connect two objs that have the same root.") end r_rel = SVector{3,Float64}(r) R_rel = !isnothing(R) ? R : !isnothing(q) ? Modia3D.from_q(q) : Modia3D.NullRotation obj.r_rel = obj===obj2 ? r_rel : -R_rel*r_rel obj.R_rel = obj===obj2 ? R_rel : R_rel' #r_abs = parent.r_abs + r_rel #R_abs = R_rel*parent.R_abs if fixed obj.joint = fixedJoint else obj1.hasChildJoint = true q_start = !isnothing(R) ? Modia3D.from_R(R) : !isnothing(q) ? q : Modia3D.NullQuaternion q_start = obj===obj2 ? q_start : Modia3D.inverseRotation(q_start) obj.joint = FreeMotion(obj, r_start = obj.r_rel, q_start = q_start) end return nothing end =# function updatePosition!(obj::Object3D)::Nothing stack = Object3D[] # Push initial children on stack append!(stack, obj.children) while length(stack) > 0 obj = pop!(stack) # computeKinematics!(obj.joint, obj, Modia3D.KinematicAnalysis, 0.0) parent = obj.parent if obj.r_rel ≡ Modia3D.ZeroVector3D obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs else obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs + parent.R_abs'*obj.r_rel end if obj.R_rel ≡ Modia3D.NullRotation obj.R_abs = parent.R_abs else obj.R_abs = obj.R_rel*parent.R_abs end if length(obj.visualizationFrame) == 1 obj.visualizationFrame[1].r_abs = obj.r_abs obj.visualizationFrame[1].R_abs = obj.R_abs end append!(stack, obj.children) end return nothing end """ R = Rfromrot123(rot123::AbstractVector) Return rotation matrix `R` from Cardan angles (rotation sequence x-y-z). `rot123` are the Cardan angles (rotation sequence x-y-z) of rotation from frame `1` to frame `2`. """ function Rfromrot123(rot123::AbstractVector) (sal, cal) = sincos(rot123[1]) (sbe, cbe) = sincos(rot123[2]) (sga, cga) = sincos(rot123[3]) return @SMatrix[ cbe*cga sal*sbe*cga+cal*sga -cal*sbe*cga+sal*sga ; -cbe*sga -sal*sbe*sga+cal*cga cal*sbe*sga+sal*cga ; sbe -sal*cbe cal*cbe ] end """ w = wfromrot123(rot123::AbstractVector, derrot123::AbstractVector) Return relative rotational velocity Vector3D `w` from frame `1` to frame `2` resolved in frame `2`. `rot123` are the Cardan angles (rotation sequence x-y-z) of rotation from frame `1` to frame `2`. `derrot123` are the time derivatives of `rot123`. """ function wfromrot123(rot123::AbstractVector, derrot123::AbstractVector) # 2_w_12 = (0, 0, gad) + Rga21*[(0, bed, 0) + Rbe21*(ald, 0, 0)] # = (cbe*cga*ald + sga*bed, -cbe*sga*ald + cga*bed, sbe*ald + gad) (sbe, cbe) = sincos(rot123[2]) (sga, cga) = sincos(rot123[3]) return @SVector[ cbe*cga*derrot123[1] + sga*derrot123[2] , -cbe*sga*derrot123[1] + cga*derrot123[2] , sbe*derrot123[1] + derrot123[3] ] end # Next function only for backwards compatibility (do not use for new model) computeKinematics!(scene::Scene, joint::Modia3D.AbstractJoint, obj::Object3D, analysis::Modia3D.AnalysisType, time::Float64)::Nothing = computeKinematics!(scene, [obj], time) """ computeKinematics!(scene::Scene, tree::Vector{Object3D}, time) Compute position, velocity, acceleration variables of the Object3Ds that are connected in form of a tree. Variable `tree` contains the Object3Ds in a traversal order (e.g. pre-order traversal). `tree[1]` is the root object. It is assumed that the kinematic variables of tree[1].parent have a meaningful value. """ function computeKinematics!(scene::Scene, tree::Vector{Object3D}, time)::Nothing for obj in tree parent = obj.parent jointKind = obj.jointKind if jointKind == FixTranslationKind obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs + parent.R_abs'*obj.r_rel obj.R_abs = parent.R_abs obj.v0 = parent.v0 + parent.R_abs'*cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel) obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel) + cross(parent.w, cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel))) obj.w = parent.w obj.z = parent.z elseif jointKind == FixKind obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs + parent.R_abs'*obj.r_rel obj.R_abs = obj.R_rel*parent.R_abs obj.v0 = parent.v0 + parent.R_abs'*cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel) obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel) + cross(parent.w, cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel))) obj.w = obj.R_rel*parent.w obj.z = obj.R_rel*parent.z elseif jointKind == RevoluteKind revolute = scene.revolute[obj.jointIndex] obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs obj.R_rel = Frames.rotAxis(revolute.posAxis, revolute.posMovement, revolute.phi) obj.R_abs = obj.R_rel*parent.R_abs obj.v0 = parent.v0 obj.a0 = parent.a0 w_rel = Frames.axisValue(revolute.posAxis, revolute.posMovement, revolute.w) z_rel = Frames.axisValue(revolute.posAxis, revolute.posMovement, revolute.a) obj.w = obj.R_rel*(parent.w + w_rel) obj.z = obj.R_rel*(parent.z + z_rel + cross(parent.w, w_rel)) elseif jointKind == PrismaticKind prismatic = scene.prismatic[obj.jointIndex] obj.r_rel = prismatic.eAxis*prismatic.s obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs + parent.R_abs'*obj.r_rel obj.R_abs = parent.R_abs v_rel = prismatic.eAxis*prismatic.v a_rel = prismatic.eAxis*prismatic.a obj.v0 = parent.v0 + parent.R_abs'*(v_rel + cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel)) obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(a_rel + cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel) + cross(parent.w, v_rel + cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel)) ) obj.w = parent.w obj.z = parent.z elseif jointKind == AbsoluteFreeMotionKind freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] obj.r_rel = freeMotion.r obj.R_rel = Rfromrot123(freeMotion.rot) obj.r_abs = obj.r_rel obj.R_abs = obj.R_rel obj.v0 = freeMotion.v obj.a0 = freeMotion.a obj.w = freeMotion.w obj.z = freeMotion.z elseif jointKind == FreeMotionKind freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] obj.r_rel = freeMotion.r obj.R_rel = Rfromrot123(freeMotion.rot) obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs + parent.R_abs'*obj.r_rel obj.R_abs = obj.R_rel*parent.R_abs obj.v0 = parent.v0 + parent.R_abs'*(freeMotion.v + cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel)) obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(freeMotion.a + cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel) + cross(parent.w, cross(parent.w, obj.r_rel))) obj.w = parent.R_abs*parent.w + freeMotion.w obj.z = parent.R_abs*parent.z + freeMotion.z else error("Bug in Modia3D/src/Composition/specifics/specifics.jl (computeKinematics!): jointKind = $jointKind is not known") end end return nothing end """ computeKinematics_for_leq_mode_pos!(scene::Scene, tree::Vector{Object3D}, time) Compute accelerations that are only a function of qdd, but not of q and qd. of the Object3Ds that are connected in form of a tree. """ function computeKinematics_for_leq_mode_pos!(scene::Scene, tree::Vector{Object3D}, time)::Nothing for obj in tree parent = obj.parent jointKind = obj.jointKind if jointKind == FixTranslationKind obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel)) obj.z = parent.z elseif jointKind == FixKind obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel)) obj.z = obj.R_rel*parent.z elseif jointKind == RevoluteKind revolute = scene.revolute[obj.jointIndex] obj.a0 = parent.a0 z_rel = Frames.axisValue(revolute.posAxis, revolute.posMovement, revolute.a) obj.z = obj.R_rel*(parent.z + z_rel) elseif jointKind == PrismaticKind prismatic = scene.prismatic[obj.jointIndex] eAxis = prismatic.posMovement ? prismatic.posAxis : -prismatic.posAxis a_rel = prismatic.eAxis*prismatic.a obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(a_rel + cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel)) obj.z = parent.z elseif jointKind == AbsoluteFreeMotionKind freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] obj.a0 = freeMotion.a obj.z = freeMotion.z elseif jointKind == FreeMotionKind freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] obj.a0 = parent.a0 + parent.R_abs'*(freeMotion.a + cross(parent.z, obj.r_rel)) obj.z = parent.R_abs*parent.z + freeMotion.z else error("Bug in Modia3D/src/Composition/specifics/specifics.jl (computeKinematics_for_leq_mode_pos!): jointKind = $jointKind is not known") end end return nothing end """ computeForcesTorquesAndResiduals!(scene::Scene, tree::Vector{Object3D}, time) Compute forces/torques and residuals in a backward recursion from tree[end] to tree[1]. Variable `tree` contains the Object3Ds in a traversal order (e.g. pre-order traversal). It is assumed that all force/torque variables are initialized (e.g. to zero), including tree[1].parent. """ function computeForcesTorquesAndResiduals!(scene::Scene, tree::Vector{Object3D}, time)::Nothing for i = length(tree):-1:1 obj = tree[i] parent = obj.parent jointKind = obj.jointKind if jointKind == FixTranslationKind parent.f += obj.f parent.t += obj.t + cross(obj.r_rel, obj.f) elseif jointKind == FixKind parent.f += obj.R_rel'*obj.f parent.t += obj.R_rel'*obj.t + cross(obj.r_rel, obj.f) elseif jointKind == RevoluteKind revolute = scene.revolute[obj.jointIndex] parent.f += obj.R_rel'*obj.f parent.t += obj.R_rel'*obj.t obj.f = -obj.f obj.t = -obj.t revolute.residue = -revolute.tau + (revolute.posMovement ? obj.t[revolute.posAxis] : -obj.t[revolute.posAxis]) elseif jointKind == PrismaticKind prismatic = scene.prismatic[obj.jointIndex] parent.f += obj.f parent.t += obj.t + cross(obj.r_rel, obj.f) obj.f = -obj.f obj.t = -obj.t prismatic.residue = -prismatic.f + dot(prismatic.eAxis,obj.f) elseif jointKind == AbsoluteFreeMotionKind || jointKind == FreeMotionKind freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] freeMotion.residue_f = obj.f freeMotion.residue_t = obj.t else error("Bug in Modia3D/src/Composition/specifics/specifics.jl (computeForcesTorquesAndResiduals!): jointKind = $jointKind is not known") end end return nothing end """ setJointVariables!(scene::Scene, objects::Vector{Object3D}, args, qdd, startIndex, ndof) Copy specific variables into the corresponding Object3Ds. """ function setJointVariables!(scene::Scene, objects::Vector{Object3D}, args, qdd, startIndex, ndof)::Nothing for (i,obj) in enumerate(objects) jointKind = obj.jointKind args_i = args[i] beg = startIndex[i] if jointKind == RevoluteKind @assert(ndof[i] == 1) revolute = scene.revolute[obj.jointIndex] revolute.phi = args_i[1] revolute.w = args_i[2] revolute.a = qdd[beg] revolute.tau = args_i[3] elseif jointKind == PrismaticKind @assert(ndof[i] == 1) prismatic = scene.prismatic[obj.jointIndex] prismatic.s = args_i[1] prismatic.v = args_i[2] prismatic.a = qdd[beg] prismatic.f = args_i[3] elseif jointKind == AbsoluteFreeMotionKind || jointKind == FreeMotionKind @assert(ndof[i] == 6) freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] freeMotion.r = SVector{3,Float64}(args_i[1]) freeMotion.rot = SVector{3,Float64}(args_i[2]) freeMotion.v = SVector{3,Float64}(args_i[3]) freeMotion.w = SVector{3,Float64}(args_i[4]) freeMotion.a = qdd[beg+0:beg+2] freeMotion.z = qdd[beg+3:beg+5] else error("Bug in Modia3D/src/Composition/specifics/specifics.jl (setJointVariables!): jointKind = $jointKind is not known") end end return nothing end """ getJointResiduals_for_leq_mode_0!(scene::Scene, objects::Vector{Object3D}, residuals, startIndex::Int, ndof::Int, cache_h) Copy specific variables into their objects for leq_mode = 0. """ function getJointResiduals_for_leq_mode_0!(scene::Scene, objects::Vector{Object3D}, residuals, startIndex::Vector{Int}, ndof::Vector{Int}, cache_h)::Nothing for (i,obj) in enumerate(objects) jointKind = obj.jointKind beg = startIndex[i] if jointKind == RevoluteKind @assert(ndof[i] == 1) revolute = scene.revolute[obj.jointIndex] cache_h[ beg] = revolute.residue + revolute.tau residuals[beg] = revolute.residue elseif jointKind == PrismaticKind @assert(ndof[i] == 1) prismatic = scene.prismatic[obj.jointIndex] cache_h[ beg] = prismatic.residue + prismatic.f residuals[beg] = prismatic.residue elseif jointKind == AbsoluteFreeMotionKind || jointKind == FreeMotionKind @assert(ndof[i] == 6) freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] cache_h[ beg+0:beg+2] = freeMotion.residue_f cache_h[ beg+3:beg+5] = freeMotion.residue_t residuals[beg+0:beg+2] = freeMotion.residue_f residuals[beg+3:beg+5] = freeMotion.residue_t else error("Bug in Modia3D/src/Composition/specifics/specifics.jl (getJointResiduals_for_leq_mode_0!): jointKind = $jointKind is not known") end end return nothing end """ getJointResiduals_for_leq_mode_pos!(scene::Scene, objects::Vector{Object3D}, residuals, startIndex::Int, ndof::Int, cache_h) Copy specific variables into their objects for leq_mode > 0. """ function getJointResiduals_for_leq_mode_pos!(scene::Scene, objects::Vector{Object3D}, residuals, startIndex::Vector{Int}, ndof::Vector{Int}, cache_h)::Nothing for (i,obj) in enumerate(objects) jointKind = obj.jointKind beg = startIndex[i] if jointKind == RevoluteKind @assert(ndof[i] == 1) residuals[beg] = scene.revolute[obj.jointIndex].residue + cache_h[beg] elseif jointKind == PrismaticKind @assert(ndof[i] == 1) residuals[beg] = scene.prismatic[obj.jointIndex].residue + cache_h[beg] elseif jointKind == AbsoluteFreeMotionKind || jointKind == FreeMotionKind @assert(ndof[i] == 6) freeMotion = scene.freeMotion[obj.jointIndex] residuals[beg+0:beg+2] = freeMotion.residue_f + cache_h[beg+0:beg+2] residuals[beg+3:beg+5] = freeMotion.residue_t + cache_h[beg+3:beg+5] else error("Bug in Modia3D/src/Composition/specifics/specifics.jl (getJointResiduals_for_leq_mode_0!): jointKind = $jointKind is not known") end end return nothing end # For backwards compatibility (do not use for new models) function setAngle!(revolute::Revolute, phi::Float64) obj = revolute.obj2 revolute.phi = phi obj.R_rel = Frames.rotAxis(revolute.posAxis, revolute.posMovement, phi) obj.R_abs = obj.R_rel*obj.parent.R_abs return revolute end # For backwards compatibility (do not use for new models) function setDistance!(prismatic::Prismatic, s::Float64) obj = prismatic.obj2 prismatic.s = s obj.r_rel = prismatic.eAxis*s obj.r_abs = parent.r_abs + parent.R_abs'*obj.r_rel return prismatic end
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using Test, Random import Flux: activations @testset "basic" begin @testset "helpers" begin @testset "activations" begin dummy_model = Chain(x->x.^2, x->x .- 3, x -> tan.(x)) x = randn(10) @test activations(dummy_model, x)[1] == x.^2 @test activations(dummy_model, x)[2] == (x.^2 .- 3) @test activations(dummy_model, x)[3] == tan.(x.^2 .- 3) @test activations(Chain(), x) == () @test activations(Chain(identity, x->:foo), x)[2] == :foo # results include `Any` type end end @testset "Chain" begin @test_nowarn Chain(Dense(10, 5, σ), Dense(5, 2))(randn(10)) @test_throws DimensionMismatch Chain(Dense(10, 5, σ),Dense(2, 1))(randn(10)) # numeric test should be put into testset of corresponding layer end @testset "Activations" begin c = Chain(Dense(3,5,relu), Dense(5,1,relu)) X = Float32.([1.0; 1.0; 1.0]) @test_nowarn gradient(()->Flux.activations(c, X)[2][1], params(c)) end @testset "Dense" begin @testset "constructors" begin @test size(Dense(10, 100).W) == (100, 10) @test Dense(rand(100,10), rand(10)).σ == identity @test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 10.5) @test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 10.5, tanh) end @testset "dimensions" begin @test length(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10))) == 5 @test_throws DimensionMismatch Dense(10, 5)(randn(1)) @test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 5)(1) # avoid broadcasting @test_throws MethodError Dense(10, 5).(randn(10)) # avoid broadcasting @test size(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10))) == (5,) @test size(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10,2))) == (5,2) @test size(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10,2,3))) == (5,2,3) @test size(Dense(10, 5)(randn(10,2,3,4))) == (5,2,3,4) end @testset "zeros" begin @test Dense(10, 1, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,1)) == 10*ones(1, 1) @test Dense(10, 1, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,2)) == 10*ones(1, 2) @test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)(ones(10,1)) == 10*ones(2, 1) @test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, initb = zeros)([ones(10,1) 2*ones(10,1)]) == [10 20; 10 20] @test Dense(10, 2, identity, initW = ones, bias = false)([ones(10,1) 2*ones(10,1)]) == [10 20; 10 20] end end @testset "Diagonal" begin @test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(10))) == 10 @test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(1)) == 10 @test length(Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(1))) == 10 @test_throws DimensionMismatch Flux.Diagonal(10)(randn(2)) @test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1 2]) == [1 2; 1 2] @test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1,2]) == [1,2] @test Flux.Diagonal(2)([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 2; 3 4] @test Flux.Diagonal(2)(rand(2,3,4)) |> size == (2, 3, 4) @test Flux.Diagonal(2,3)(rand(2,3,4)) |> size == (2, 3, 4) @test Flux.Diagonal(2,3,4)(rand(2,3,4)) |> size == (2, 3, 4) @test Flux.Diagonal(2,3)(rand(2,1,4)) |> size == (2, 3, 4) end @testset "Maxout" begin # Note that the normal common usage of Maxout is as per the docstring # These are abnormal constructors used for testing purposes @testset "Constructor" begin mo = Maxout(() -> identity, 4) input = rand(40) @test mo(input) == input end @testset "simple alternatives" begin mo = Maxout((x -> x, x -> 2x, x -> 0.5x)) input = rand(40) @test mo(input) == 2*input end @testset "complex alternatives" begin mo = Maxout((x -> [0.5; 0.1]*x, x -> [0.2; 0.7]*x)) input = [3.0 2.0] target = [0.5, 0.7].*input @test mo(input) == target end @testset "params" begin mo = Maxout(()->Dense(32, 64), 4) ps = params(mo) @test length(ps) == 8 #4 alts, each with weight and bias end end @testset "SkipConnection" begin @testset "zero sum" begin input = randn(10, 10, 10, 10) @test SkipConnection(x -> zeros(size(x)), (a,b) -> a + b)(input) == input end @testset "concat size" begin input = randn(10, 2) @test size(SkipConnection(Dense(10,10), (a,b) -> cat(a, b, dims = 2))(input)) == (10,4) end end @testset "Parallel" begin @testset "zero sum" begin input = randn(10, 10, 10, 10) @test Parallel(+, x -> zeros(size(x)), identity)(input) == input end @testset "concat size" begin input = randn(10, 2) @test size(Parallel((a, b) -> cat(a, b; dims=2), Dense(10, 10), identity)(input)) == (10, 4) end @testset "vararg input" begin inputs = randn(10), randn(5), randn(4) @test size(Parallel(+, Dense(10, 2), Dense(5, 2), Dense(4, 2))(inputs)) == (2,) end end end
[ 3500, 6208, 11, 14534, 198, 11748, 1610, 2821, 25, 1753, 602, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 35487, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 16794, 364, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 15791, 602, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 31548, 62, 19849, 796, 21853, 7, 87, 3784, 87, 13, 61, 17, 11, 2124, 3784, 87, 764, 12, 513, 11, 2124, 4613, 25706, 12195, 87, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 940, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1753, 602, 7, 67, 13513, 62, 19849, 11, 2124, 38381, 16, 60, 6624, 2124, 13, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1753, 602, 7, 67, 13513, 62, 19849, 11, 2124, 38381, 17, 60, 6624, 357, 87, 13, 61, 17, 764, 12, 513, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1753, 602, 7, 67, 13513, 62, 19849, 11, 2124, 38381, 18, 60, 6624, 25706, 12195, 87, 13, 61, 17, 764, 12, 513, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1753, 602, 7, 35491, 22784, 2124, 8, 6624, 7499, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1753, 602, 7, 35491, 7, 738, 414, 11, 2124, 3784, 25, 21943, 828, 2124, 38381, 17, 60, 6624, 1058, 21943, 1303, 2482, 2291, 4600, 7149, 63, 2099, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 35491, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 2197, 1501, 21853, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 11, 18074, 225, 828, 360, 1072, 7, 20, 11, 362, 4008, 7, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 34024, 44, 1042, 963, 21853, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 11, 18074, 225, 828, 35, 1072, 7, 17, 11, 352, 4008, 7, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35575, 1332, 815, 307, 1234, 656, 1332, 2617, 286, 11188, 7679, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 25526, 602, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 21853, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 18, 11, 20, 11, 260, 2290, 828, 360, 1072, 7, 20, 11, 16, 11, 260, 2290, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 48436, 2624, 12195, 58, 16, 13, 15, 26, 352, 13, 15, 26, 352, 13, 15, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 2197, 1501, 31312, 7, 3419, 3784, 37, 22564, 13, 15791, 602, 7, 66, 11, 1395, 38381, 17, 7131, 16, 4357, 42287, 7, 66, 4008, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 35, 1072, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 41571, 669, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 1802, 737, 54, 8, 6624, 357, 3064, 11, 838, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 360, 1072, 7, 25192, 7, 3064, 11, 940, 828, 43720, 7, 940, 29720, 38392, 6624, 5369, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 11789, 12331, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 838, 13, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 11789, 12331, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 838, 13, 20, 11, 25706, 71, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 27740, 5736, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 220, 4129, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 22305, 6624, 642, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 34024, 44, 1042, 963, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 11789, 12331, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 16, 8, 1303, 3368, 22978, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 11789, 12331, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 737, 7, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 4008, 1303, 3368, 22978, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 22305, 6624, 357, 20, 35751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 11, 17, 22305, 6624, 357, 20, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 11, 17, 11, 18, 22305, 6624, 357, 20, 11, 17, 11, 18, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 642, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 22305, 6624, 357, 20, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 9107, 418, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 352, 11, 5369, 11, 2315, 54, 796, 3392, 11, 2315, 65, 796, 1976, 27498, 5769, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 838, 9, 1952, 7, 16, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 352, 11, 5369, 11, 2315, 54, 796, 3392, 11, 2315, 65, 796, 1976, 27498, 5769, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 17, 4008, 6624, 838, 9, 1952, 7, 16, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 362, 11, 5369, 11, 2315, 54, 796, 3392, 11, 2315, 65, 796, 1976, 27498, 5769, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 838, 9, 1952, 7, 17, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 362, 11, 5369, 11, 2315, 54, 796, 3392, 11, 2315, 65, 796, 1976, 27498, 5769, 58, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 16, 8, 362, 9, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 16, 8, 12962, 6624, 685, 940, 1160, 26, 838, 1160, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 362, 11, 5369, 11, 2315, 54, 796, 3392, 11, 10690, 796, 3991, 5769, 58, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 16, 8, 362, 9, 1952, 7, 940, 11, 16, 8, 12962, 6624, 685, 940, 1160, 26, 838, 1160, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 18683, 27923, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 37, 22564, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 940, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 940, 22305, 6624, 838, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 37, 22564, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 940, 5769, 16, 4008, 6624, 838, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 37, 22564, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 940, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 16, 22305, 6624, 838, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 34024, 44, 1042, 963, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 940, 5769, 25192, 77, 7, 17, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 5769, 58, 16, 362, 12962, 6624, 685, 16, 362, 26, 352, 362, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 5769, 58, 16, 11, 17, 12962, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 5769, 58, 16, 362, 26, 513, 604, 12962, 6624, 685, 16, 362, 26, 513, 604, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 5769, 25192, 7, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 4008, 930, 29, 2546, 6624, 357, 17, 11, 513, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 11, 18, 5769, 25192, 7, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 4008, 930, 29, 2546, 6624, 357, 17, 11, 513, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 5769, 25192, 7, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 4008, 930, 29, 2546, 6624, 357, 17, 11, 513, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1610, 2821, 13, 18683, 27923, 7, 17, 11, 18, 5769, 25192, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 19, 4008, 930, 29, 2546, 6624, 357, 17, 11, 513, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 11518, 448, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5740, 326, 262, 3487, 2219, 8748, 286, 5436, 448, 318, 355, 583, 262, 2205, 8841, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2312, 389, 18801, 5678, 669, 973, 329, 4856, 4959, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 42316, 273, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 796, 5436, 448, 7, 3419, 4613, 5369, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 43720, 7, 1821, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 6941, 7, 15414, 8, 6624, 5128, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 36439, 14693, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 796, 5436, 448, 19510, 87, 4613, 2124, 11, 2124, 4613, 362, 87, 11, 2124, 4613, 657, 13, 20, 87, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 43720, 7, 1821, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 6941, 7, 15414, 8, 6624, 362, 9, 15414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 41887, 14693, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 796, 5436, 448, 19510, 87, 4613, 685, 15, 13, 20, 26, 657, 13, 16, 60, 9, 87, 11, 2124, 4613, 685, 15, 13, 17, 26, 657, 13, 22, 60, 9, 87, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 685, 18, 13, 15, 362, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2496, 796, 685, 15, 13, 20, 11, 657, 13, 22, 4083, 9, 15414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 6941, 7, 15414, 8, 6624, 2496, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 37266, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 796, 5436, 448, 7, 3419, 3784, 35, 1072, 7, 2624, 11, 5598, 828, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26692, 796, 42287, 7, 5908, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 862, 8, 6624, 807, 220, 1303, 19, 435, 912, 11, 1123, 351, 3463, 290, 10690, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 50232, 32048, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 22570, 2160, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 940, 11, 838, 11, 838, 11, 838, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 32214, 32048, 7, 87, 4613, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 87, 36911, 357, 64, 11, 65, 8, 4613, 257, 1343, 275, 5769, 15414, 8, 6624, 5128, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 1102, 9246, 2546, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 940, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 50232, 32048, 7, 35, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 940, 828, 357, 64, 11, 65, 8, 4613, 3797, 7, 64, 11, 275, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 362, 4008, 7, 15414, 4008, 6624, 357, 940, 11, 19, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 10044, 29363, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 22570, 2160, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 940, 11, 838, 11, 838, 11, 838, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 42945, 7, 28200, 2124, 4613, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 87, 36911, 5369, 5769, 15414, 8, 6624, 5128, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 1102, 9246, 2546, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 940, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 10044, 29363, 19510, 64, 11, 275, 8, 4613, 3797, 7, 64, 11, 275, 26, 5391, 82, 28, 17, 828, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 838, 828, 5369, 5769, 15414, 4008, 6624, 357, 940, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 7785, 853, 5128, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17311, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 940, 828, 43720, 77, 7, 20, 828, 43720, 77, 7, 19, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 10044, 29363, 7, 28200, 360, 1072, 7, 940, 11, 362, 828, 360, 1072, 7, 20, 11, 362, 828, 360, 1072, 7, 19, 11, 362, 4008, 7, 15414, 82, 4008, 6624, 357, 17, 35751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
""" ``` augment_states(m::AnSchorfheide, TTT::Matrix{T}, RRR::Matrix{T}, CCC::Matrix{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} ``` ### Arguments -`m`: the m object -`TTT`, `RRR`, and `CCC`: matrices of the state transition equation ### Return values - `TTT_aug`, `RRR_aug`, and `CCC_aug`: extend the corresponding input matrices to include jobservables which are growth rates. ### Description Some observables in the model are growth rates, which are calculated as a linear combination of a present and lagged state (which is not yet accounted for in the `TTT`, `RRR`,and `CCC` matrices). To improve the performance of `gensys`, these additional states are added after the model is solved. `augment_states` assigns an index to each lagged state, and extends the input `TTT`, `RRR`, and `CCC` matrices to accommodate the additional states and capture the lagged state value in the current state vector. `RRR` and `CCC` are mostly augmented with zeros. The diagram below shows how `TTT` is extended to `TTT_aug`. TTT_aug (m.endogenous_states_additional x m.endogenous_states_additional) _________________________________ | | | | TTT | endog_ | | (endogenous_states | states_ | | x | augmented | | endogenous_states) | | |_____________________| | | | | endogenous_states_augmented | |_________________________________| """ function augment_states(m::AnSchorfheide, TTT::Matrix{T}, RRR::Matrix{T}, CCC::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} return TTT, RRR, CCC end
[ 37811, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 559, 5154, 62, 27219, 7, 76, 3712, 2025, 14874, 24263, 258, 485, 11, 309, 15751, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 5512, 371, 21095, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 5512, 327, 4093, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 198, 21017, 20559, 2886, 198, 198, 12, 63, 76, 63, 25, 262, 285, 2134, 198, 12, 63, 15751, 51, 47671, 4600, 21095, 49, 47671, 290, 4600, 46361, 63, 25, 2603, 45977, 286, 262, 1181, 6801, 16022, 198, 198, 21017, 8229, 3815, 198, 198, 12, 4600, 15751, 51, 62, 7493, 47671, 4600, 21095, 49, 62, 7493, 47671, 290, 4600, 46361, 62, 7493, 63, 25, 9117, 262, 11188, 5128, 2603, 45977, 284, 2291, 198, 220, 1693, 3168, 2977, 543, 389, 3349, 3965, 13, 198, 198, 21017, 12489, 198, 198, 4366, 3799, 2977, 287, 262, 2746, 389, 3349, 3965, 11, 543, 389, 10488, 355, 257, 14174, 6087, 198, 1659, 257, 1944, 290, 300, 14655, 1181, 357, 4758, 318, 407, 1865, 17830, 329, 287, 262, 4600, 15751, 51, 47671, 4600, 21095, 49, 47671, 392, 4600, 46361, 63, 198, 6759, 45977, 737, 1675, 2987, 262, 2854, 286, 4600, 70, 641, 893, 47671, 777, 3224, 2585, 389, 2087, 706, 198, 1169, 2746, 318, 16019, 13, 4600, 559, 5154, 62, 27219, 63, 46974, 281, 6376, 284, 1123, 300, 14655, 1181, 11, 290, 14582, 262, 198, 15414, 4600, 15751, 51, 47671, 4600, 21095, 49, 47671, 290, 4600, 46361, 63, 2603, 45977, 284, 15550, 262, 3224, 2585, 290, 8006, 262, 198, 75, 14655, 1181, 1988, 287, 262, 1459, 1181, 15879, 13, 4600, 21095, 49, 63, 290, 4600, 46361, 63, 389, 4632, 30259, 351, 198, 9107, 418, 13, 198, 198, 464, 16362, 2174, 2523, 703, 4600, 15751, 51, 63, 318, 7083, 284, 4600, 15751, 51, 62, 7493, 44646, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 309, 15751, 62, 7493, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 76, 13, 437, 27897, 62, 27219, 62, 2860, 1859, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 13, 437, 27897, 62, 27219, 62, 2860, 1859, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10221, 62, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 309, 15751, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 886, 519, 62, 220, 220, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 357, 437, 27897, 62, 27219, 220, 930, 2585, 62, 220, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 30259, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 47064, 62, 27219, 8, 930, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 4841, 29343, 91, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 220, 220, 220, 47064, 62, 27219, 62, 559, 5154, 276, 220, 930, 198, 220, 220, 220, 930, 10221, 62, 91, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 35016, 62, 27219, 7, 76, 3712, 2025, 14874, 24263, 258, 485, 11, 309, 15751, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 5512, 371, 21095, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 327, 4093, 3712, 38469, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 309, 15751, 11, 371, 21095, 11, 327, 4093, 198, 437, 198 ]
###################################################### # Jacobian of `f(::AbstractArray...)::AbstractArray` # ###################################################### """ ReverseDiff.jacobian(f, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(input)) If `input` is an `AbstractArray`, assume `f` has the form `f(::AbstractArray{<:Real})::AbstractArray{<:Real}` and return `J(f)(input)`. If `input` is a tuple of `AbstractArray`s, assume `f` has the form `f(::AbstractArray{<:Real}...)::AbstractArray{<:Real}` (such that it can be called as `f(input...)`) and return a `Tuple` where the `i`th element is the Jacobian of `f` w.r.t. `input[i].` Note that `cfg` can be preallocated and reused for subsequent calls. If possible, it is highly recommended to use `ReverseDiff.JacobianTape` to prerecord `f`. Otherwise, this method will have to re-record `f`'s execution trace for every subsequent call. """ function jacobian(f, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(input)) tape = JacobianTape(f, input, cfg) isa(input, TrackedArray) && empty!(input.tape) result = jacobian!(tape, input) empty!(tape.tape) return result end """ ReverseDiff.jacobian!(result, f, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(input)) Returns `result`. This method is exactly like `ReverseDiff.jacobian(f, input, cfg)`, except it stores the resulting Jacobian(s) in `result` rather than allocating new memory. `result` can be an `AbstractArray` or a `Tuple` of `AbstractArray`s. The `result` (or any of its elements, if `isa(result, Tuple)`), can also be a `DiffResults.DiffResult`, in which case the primal value `f(input)` (or `f(input...)`, if `isa(input, Tuple)`) will be stored in it as well. """ function jacobian!(result, f, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(input)) tape = JacobianTape(f, input, cfg) isa(input, TrackedArray) && empty!(input.tape) jacobian!(result, tape, input) empty!(tape.tape) return result end ######################################################### # Jacobian of `f!(::AbstractArray, ::AbstractArray...)` # ######################################################### """ ReverseDiff.jacobian(f!, output, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(output, input)) Exactly like `ReverseDiff.jacobian(f, input, cfg)`, except the target function has the form `f!(output::AbstractArray{<:Real}, input::AbstractArray{<:Real}...)`. """ function jacobian(f!, output, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(output, input)) tape = JacobianTape(f!, output, input, cfg) isa(input, TrackedArray) && empty!(input.tape) result = jacobian!(tape, input) extract_result_value!(output, output_hook(tape)) empty!(tape.tape) return result end """ ReverseDiff.jacobian!(result, f!, output, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(output, input)) Exactly like `ReverseDiff.jacobian!(result, f, input, cfg)`, except the target function has the form `f!(output::AbstractArray{<:Real}, input::AbstractArray{<:Real}...)`. """ function jacobian!(result, f!, output, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(output, input)) tape = JacobianTape(f!, output, input, cfg) isa(input, TrackedArray) && empty!(input.tape) jacobian!(result, tape, input) extract_result_value!(output, output_hook(tape)) empty!(tape.tape) return result end ########################### # Executing JacobianTapes # ########################### """ ReverseDiff.jacobian!(tape::Union{JacobianTape,CompiledJacobian}, input) If `input` is an `AbstractArray`, assume `tape` represents a function of the form `f(::AbstractArray{<:Real})::AbstractArray{<:Real}` or `f!(::AbstractArray{<:Real}, ::AbstractArray{<:Real})` and return `tape`'s Jacobian w.r.t. `input`. If `input` is a tuple of `AbstractArray`s, assume `tape` represents a function of the form `f(::AbstractArray{<:Real}...)::AbstractArray{<:Real}` or `f!(::AbstractArray{<:Real}, ::AbstractArray{<:Real}...)` and return a `Tuple` where the `i`th element is `tape`'s Jacobian w.r.t. `input[i].` Note that if `tape` represents a function of the form `f!(output, input...)`, you can only execute `tape` with new `input` values. There is no way to re-run `tape`'s tape with new `output` values; since `f!` can mutate `output`, there exists no stable "hook" for loading new `output` values into the tape. """ function jacobian!(tape::Union{JacobianTape,CompiledJacobian}, input) result = construct_result(output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape)) jacobian!(result, tape, input) return result end """ ReverseDiff.jacobian!(result, tape::Union{JacobianTape,CompiledJacobian}, input) Returns `result`. This method is exactly like `ReverseDiff.jacobian!(tape, input)`, except it stores the resulting Jacobian(s) in `result` rather than allocating new memory. `result` can be an `AbstractArray` or a `Tuple` of `AbstractArray`s. The `result` (or any of its elements, if `isa(result, Tuple)`), can also be a `DiffResults.DiffResult`, in which case the primal value of the target function will be stored in it as well. """ function jacobian!(result, tape::Union{JacobianTape,CompiledJacobian}, input) seeded_forward_pass!(tape, input) seeded_reverse_pass!(result, tape) return result end ################################################## # unused (but faster) versions of the above code # ################################################## #= These commented-out versions of `jacobian` are faster than the ones we're actually using above, because they avoid a redundant forward pass. This extra forward pass should be unneccesary - since no input values are changing, the record pass should be sufficient on its own. However, for some unknown reason, getting rid of the superfluous forward pass breaks nested differentation. =# # function jacobian(f, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(input)) # tape = JacobianTape(f, input, cfg) # result = construct_result(output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape)) # seeded_reverse_pass!(result, output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape), tape.tape) # empty!(tape.tape) # return result # end # # function jacobian!(result, f, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(input)) # tape = JacobianTape(f, input, cfg) # seeded_reverse_pass!(result, output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape), tape.tape) # empty!(tape.tape) # return result # end # # function jacobian(f!, output, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(output, input)) # tape = JacobianTape(f!, output, input, cfg) # result = construct_result(output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape)) # seeded_reverse_pass!(result, output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape), tape.tape) # extract_result_value!(output, output_hook(tape)) # empty!(tape.tape) # return result # end # # function jacobian!(result, f!, output, input, cfg::JacobianConfig = JacobianConfig(output, input)) # tape = JacobianTape(f!, output, input, cfg) # seeded_reverse_pass!(result, output_hook(tape), input_hook(tape), tape.tape) # extract_result_value!(output, output_hook(tape)) # empty!(tape.tape) # return result # end
[ 29113, 14468, 4242, 2235, 198, 2, 12806, 666, 286, 4600, 69, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 986, 2599, 25, 23839, 19182, 63, 1303, 198, 29113, 14468, 4242, 2235, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31849, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 15414, 4008, 198, 198, 1532, 4600, 15414, 63, 318, 281, 4600, 23839, 19182, 47671, 7048, 4600, 69, 63, 468, 262, 1296, 198, 63, 69, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 2599, 25, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 63, 290, 1441, 4600, 41, 7, 69, 5769, 15414, 8, 44646, 198, 198, 1532, 4600, 15414, 63, 318, 257, 46545, 286, 4600, 23839, 19182, 63, 82, 11, 7048, 4600, 69, 63, 468, 262, 1296, 198, 63, 69, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 986, 2599, 25, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 63, 357, 10508, 326, 340, 460, 307, 1444, 355, 198, 63, 69, 7, 15414, 23029, 63, 8, 290, 1441, 257, 4600, 51, 29291, 63, 810, 262, 4600, 72, 63, 400, 5002, 318, 262, 220, 12806, 666, 286, 4600, 69, 63, 266, 13, 81, 13, 83, 13, 198, 63, 15414, 58, 72, 4083, 63, 198, 198, 6425, 326, 4600, 37581, 63, 460, 307, 662, 439, 10533, 290, 46823, 329, 8840, 3848, 13, 198, 198, 1532, 1744, 11, 340, 318, 4047, 7151, 284, 779, 4600, 49, 964, 325, 28813, 13, 46751, 666, 51, 1758, 63, 284, 662, 22105, 4600, 69, 44646, 198, 48059, 11, 428, 2446, 481, 423, 284, 302, 12, 22105, 4600, 69, 63, 6, 82, 9706, 12854, 329, 790, 8840, 198, 13345, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 474, 330, 672, 666, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 15414, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 64, 7, 15414, 11, 833, 6021, 19182, 8, 11405, 6565, 0, 7, 15414, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 11, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31849, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 15414, 4008, 198, 198, 35561, 4600, 20274, 44646, 770, 2446, 318, 3446, 588, 4600, 49, 964, 325, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 47671, 2845, 198, 270, 7000, 262, 7186, 12806, 666, 7, 82, 8, 287, 4600, 20274, 63, 2138, 621, 477, 27123, 649, 4088, 13, 198, 198, 63, 20274, 63, 460, 307, 281, 4600, 23839, 19182, 63, 393, 257, 4600, 51, 29291, 63, 286, 4600, 23839, 19182, 63, 82, 13, 383, 4600, 20274, 63, 357, 273, 597, 198, 1659, 663, 4847, 11, 611, 4600, 9160, 7, 20274, 11, 309, 29291, 8, 63, 828, 460, 635, 307, 257, 4600, 28813, 25468, 13, 28813, 23004, 47671, 287, 543, 198, 7442, 262, 43750, 1988, 4600, 69, 7, 15414, 8, 63, 357, 273, 4600, 69, 7, 15414, 23029, 47671, 611, 4600, 9160, 7, 15414, 11, 309, 29291, 8, 63, 8, 481, 307, 8574, 198, 259, 340, 355, 880, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 15414, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 64, 7, 15414, 11, 833, 6021, 19182, 8, 11405, 6565, 0, 7, 15414, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 9154, 11, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 14468, 7804, 2, 198, 2, 12806, 666, 286, 4600, 69, 0, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 7904, 23839, 19182, 23029, 63, 1303, 198, 29113, 14468, 7804, 2, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31849, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 4008, 198, 198, 47173, 588, 4600, 49, 964, 325, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 47671, 2845, 262, 2496, 2163, 468, 262, 198, 687, 4600, 69, 0, 7, 22915, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 5128, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 23029, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 474, 330, 672, 666, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 64, 7, 15414, 11, 833, 6021, 19182, 8, 11405, 6565, 0, 7, 15414, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 11, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7925, 62, 20274, 62, 8367, 0, 7, 22915, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31849, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 4008, 198, 198, 47173, 588, 4600, 49, 964, 325, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 47671, 2845, 262, 2496, 2163, 468, 262, 198, 687, 4600, 69, 0, 7, 22915, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 5128, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 23029, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 64, 7, 15414, 11, 833, 6021, 19182, 8, 11405, 6565, 0, 7, 15414, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 9154, 11, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7925, 62, 20274, 62, 8367, 0, 7, 22915, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 14468, 7804, 21017, 198, 2, 8393, 15129, 12806, 666, 51, 7916, 1303, 198, 14468, 7804, 21017, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31849, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 3712, 38176, 90, 46751, 666, 51, 1758, 11, 7293, 3902, 46751, 666, 5512, 5128, 8, 198, 198, 1532, 4600, 15414, 63, 318, 281, 4600, 23839, 19182, 47671, 7048, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 6870, 257, 2163, 286, 262, 1296, 198, 63, 69, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 2599, 25, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 63, 393, 4600, 69, 0, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 198, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 30072, 63, 290, 1441, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 6, 82, 12806, 666, 266, 13, 81, 13, 83, 13, 4600, 15414, 44646, 198, 198, 1532, 4600, 15414, 63, 318, 257, 46545, 286, 4600, 23839, 19182, 63, 82, 11, 7048, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 6870, 257, 2163, 286, 262, 1296, 198, 63, 69, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 986, 2599, 25, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 63, 393, 4600, 69, 0, 7, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 198, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 23029, 63, 290, 1441, 257, 4600, 51, 29291, 63, 810, 262, 4600, 72, 63, 400, 5002, 318, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 6, 82, 12806, 666, 198, 86, 13, 81, 13, 83, 13, 4600, 15414, 58, 72, 4083, 63, 198, 198, 6425, 326, 611, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 6870, 257, 2163, 286, 262, 1296, 4600, 69, 0, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 23029, 47671, 345, 460, 691, 198, 41049, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 351, 649, 4600, 15414, 63, 3815, 13, 1318, 318, 645, 835, 284, 302, 12, 5143, 4600, 83, 1758, 63, 6, 82, 9154, 351, 649, 198, 63, 22915, 63, 3815, 26, 1201, 4600, 69, 0, 63, 460, 4517, 378, 4600, 22915, 47671, 612, 7160, 645, 8245, 366, 25480, 1, 329, 11046, 198, 3605, 4600, 22915, 63, 3815, 656, 262, 9154, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 3712, 38176, 90, 46751, 666, 51, 1758, 11, 7293, 3902, 46751, 666, 5512, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 5678, 62, 20274, 7, 22915, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 9154, 11, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31849, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 9154, 3712, 38176, 90, 46751, 666, 51, 1758, 11, 7293, 3902, 46751, 666, 5512, 5128, 8, 198, 198, 35561, 4600, 20274, 44646, 770, 2446, 318, 3446, 588, 4600, 49, 964, 325, 28813, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 11, 5128, 8, 47671, 2845, 340, 198, 43409, 262, 7186, 12806, 666, 7, 82, 8, 287, 4600, 20274, 63, 2138, 621, 477, 27123, 649, 4088, 13, 198, 198, 63, 20274, 63, 460, 307, 281, 4600, 23839, 19182, 63, 393, 257, 4600, 51, 29291, 63, 286, 4600, 23839, 19182, 63, 82, 13, 383, 4600, 20274, 63, 357, 273, 597, 198, 1659, 663, 4847, 11, 611, 4600, 9160, 7, 20274, 11, 309, 29291, 8, 63, 828, 460, 635, 307, 257, 4600, 28813, 25468, 13, 28813, 23004, 47671, 287, 543, 198, 7442, 262, 43750, 1988, 286, 262, 2496, 2163, 481, 307, 8574, 287, 340, 355, 880, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 9154, 3712, 38176, 90, 46751, 666, 51, 1758, 11, 7293, 3902, 46751, 666, 5512, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 48453, 62, 11813, 62, 6603, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 11, 5128, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 48453, 62, 50188, 62, 6603, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 9154, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 14468, 2235, 198, 2, 21958, 357, 4360, 5443, 8, 6300, 286, 262, 2029, 2438, 1303, 198, 29113, 14468, 2235, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 4711, 16476, 12, 448, 6300, 286, 4600, 30482, 672, 666, 63, 389, 5443, 621, 262, 3392, 356, 821, 198, 37739, 1262, 2029, 11, 780, 484, 3368, 257, 30806, 2651, 1208, 13, 770, 3131, 198, 11813, 1208, 815, 307, 555, 710, 535, 274, 560, 532, 1201, 645, 5128, 3815, 389, 5609, 11, 198, 1169, 1700, 1208, 815, 307, 6751, 319, 663, 898, 13, 2102, 11, 329, 617, 6439, 198, 41181, 11, 1972, 5755, 286, 262, 48713, 516, 2651, 1208, 9457, 28376, 198, 39799, 341, 13, 198, 46249, 198, 198, 2, 2163, 474, 330, 672, 666, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 15414, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 5678, 62, 20274, 7, 22915, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48453, 62, 50188, 62, 6603, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 9154, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2163, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 15414, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48453, 62, 50188, 62, 6603, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 9154, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2163, 474, 330, 672, 666, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 5678, 62, 20274, 7, 22915, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48453, 62, 50188, 62, 6603, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 9154, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7925, 62, 20274, 62, 8367, 0, 7, 22915, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2163, 474, 330, 672, 666, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 277, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 3712, 46751, 666, 16934, 796, 12806, 666, 16934, 7, 22915, 11, 5128, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9154, 796, 12806, 666, 51, 1758, 7, 69, 28265, 5072, 11, 5128, 11, 30218, 70, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48453, 62, 50188, 62, 6603, 0, 7, 20274, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 5128, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 828, 9154, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7925, 62, 20274, 62, 8367, 0, 7, 22915, 11, 5072, 62, 25480, 7, 83, 1758, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 83, 1758, 13, 83, 1758, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198 ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.12.6 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ de7a5e8a-1ee4-11eb-2bbf-0f0eb3e489ec using Pkg, DrWatson # ╔═╡ e4eeb13a-1ee4-11eb-0113-91f9a9c3b659 begin @quickactivate "StatisticsWithJuliaPlutoNotebooks" using Random, StatsBase, Combinatorics, DataFrames Random.seed!(1) end # ╔═╡ ac3ceabe-1ee4-11eb-3935-313e96aafd62 md"## Listing 2.8" # ╔═╡ c4bef1a4-1ee9-11eb-0b58-8be033f6fbad function bruteSetsProbabilityAllMiss(n) omega = collect(permutations(1:n)) matchEvents = [] for i in 1:n event = [] for p in omega if p[i] == i push!(event,p) end end push!(matchEvents,event) end noMatch = setdiff(omega,union(matchEvents...)) return length(noMatch)/length(omega) end # ╔═╡ e9f9616e-1eeb-11eb-177d-2fa9d0c18b13 formulaCalcAllMiss(n) = sum([(-1)^k/factorial(k) for k in 0:n]) # ╔═╡ e9f99800-1eeb-11eb-3333-59c96cd555d4 function mcAllMiss(n,N) function envelopeStuffer() envelopes = Random.shuffle!(collect(1:n)) return sum([envelopes[i] == i for i in 1:n]) == 0 end data = [envelopeStuffer() for _ in 1:N] return sum(data)/N end # ╔═╡ e9fa266e-1eeb-11eb-2630-59930c474ed3 begin N = 10^6 df = DataFrame() for n in 1:6 bruteForce = bruteSetsProbabilityAllMiss(n) fromFormula = formulaCalcAllMiss(n) fromMC = mcAllMiss(n,N) append!(df, DataFrame( :bruteForce => round(bruteForce,digits=4), :fromFormula => round(fromFormula,digits=4), :fromMC => round(fromMC,digits=4), :asymptotic => round(1/MathConstants.e,digits=4)) ) end df end # ╔═╡ ea086874-1eeb-11eb-2cb0-4186697d4294 md"## End of listing 2.8" # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╟─ac3ceabe-1ee4-11eb-3935-313e96aafd62 # ╠═de7a5e8a-1ee4-11eb-2bbf-0f0eb3e489ec # ╠═e4eeb13a-1ee4-11eb-0113-91f9a9c3b659 # ╠═c4bef1a4-1ee9-11eb-0b58-8be033f6fbad # ╠═e9f9616e-1eeb-11eb-177d-2fa9d0c18b13 # ╠═e9f99800-1eeb-11eb-3333-59c96cd555d4 # ╠═e9fa266e-1eeb-11eb-2630-59930c474ed3 # ╟─ea086874-1eeb-11eb-2cb0-4186697d4294
[ 21017, 317, 32217, 13, 20362, 20922, 44386, 198, 2, 410, 15, 13, 1065, 13, 21, 198, 198, 3500, 2940, 2902, 198, 3500, 21365, 18274, 4487, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 390, 22, 64, 20, 68, 23, 64, 12, 16, 1453, 19, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 17, 11848, 69, 12, 15, 69, 15, 1765, 18, 68, 35890, 721, 198, 3500, 350, 10025, 11, 1583, 54, 13506, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 19, 1453, 65, 1485, 64, 12, 16, 1453, 19, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 486, 1485, 12, 6420, 69, 24, 64, 24, 66, 18, 65, 36445, 198, 27471, 198, 197, 31, 24209, 39022, 366, 48346, 3152, 16980, 544, 3646, 9390, 6425, 12106, 1, 198, 197, 3500, 14534, 11, 20595, 14881, 11, 955, 8800, 1352, 873, 11, 6060, 35439, 198, 197, 29531, 13, 28826, 0, 7, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 936, 18, 344, 11231, 12, 16, 1453, 19, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 2670, 2327, 12, 25838, 68, 4846, 64, 1878, 67, 5237, 198, 9132, 1, 2235, 7343, 278, 362, 13, 23, 1, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 269, 19, 65, 891, 16, 64, 19, 12, 16, 1453, 24, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 15, 65, 3365, 12, 23, 1350, 44427, 69, 21, 69, 14774, 198, 8818, 33908, 50, 1039, 2964, 65, 1799, 3237, 17140, 7, 77, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37615, 796, 2824, 7, 16321, 32855, 7, 16, 25, 77, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2872, 37103, 796, 17635, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1785, 796, 17635, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 279, 287, 37615, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 279, 58, 72, 60, 6624, 1312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 15596, 11, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 15699, 37103, 11, 15596, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 645, 23850, 796, 900, 26069, 7, 462, 4908, 11, 24592, 7, 15699, 37103, 986, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4129, 7, 3919, 23850, 20679, 13664, 7, 462, 4908, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 24, 69, 4846, 1433, 68, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 22413, 67, 12, 17, 13331, 24, 67, 15, 66, 1507, 65, 1485, 198, 687, 4712, 9771, 66, 3237, 17140, 7, 77, 8, 796, 2160, 26933, 32590, 16, 8, 61, 74, 14, 22584, 5132, 7, 74, 8, 329, 479, 287, 657, 25, 77, 12962, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 24, 69, 2079, 7410, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 24840, 12, 3270, 66, 4846, 10210, 31046, 67, 19, 198, 8818, 36650, 3237, 17140, 7, 77, 11, 45, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 22878, 1273, 13712, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16441, 274, 796, 14534, 13, 1477, 18137, 0, 7, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 77, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2160, 26933, 268, 1091, 274, 58, 72, 60, 6624, 1312, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 77, 12962, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 796, 685, 268, 1091, 68, 1273, 13712, 3419, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 45, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2160, 7, 7890, 20679, 45, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 24, 13331, 25540, 68, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 2075, 1270, 12, 43452, 1270, 66, 38652, 276, 18, 198, 27471, 198, 197, 45, 796, 838, 61, 21, 198, 197, 7568, 796, 6060, 19778, 3419, 628, 197, 1640, 299, 287, 352, 25, 21, 198, 197, 197, 1671, 1133, 10292, 796, 33908, 50, 1039, 2964, 65, 1799, 3237, 17140, 7, 77, 8, 198, 197, 197, 6738, 8479, 4712, 796, 10451, 9771, 66, 3237, 17140, 7, 77, 8, 198, 197, 197, 6738, 9655, 796, 36650, 3237, 17140, 7, 77, 11, 45, 8, 198, 197, 197, 33295, 0, 7, 7568, 11, 6060, 19778, 7, 198, 197, 197, 197, 25, 1671, 1133, 10292, 5218, 2835, 7, 1671, 1133, 10292, 11, 12894, 896, 28, 19, 828, 198, 197, 197, 197, 25, 6738, 8479, 4712, 5218, 2835, 7, 6738, 8479, 4712, 11, 12894, 896, 28, 19, 828, 198, 197, 197, 197, 25, 6738, 9655, 5218, 2835, 7, 6738, 9655, 11, 12894, 896, 28, 19, 828, 198, 197, 197, 197, 25, 4107, 76, 457, 6210, 5218, 2835, 7, 16, 14, 37372, 34184, 1187, 13, 68, 11, 12894, 896, 28, 19, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 8, 198, 197, 437, 198, 197, 7568, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 64, 2919, 3104, 4524, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 17, 21101, 15, 12, 39667, 2791, 5607, 67, 11785, 19, 198, 9132, 1, 2235, 5268, 286, 13487, 362, 13, 23, 1, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 12440, 1502, 25, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 330, 18, 344, 11231, 12, 16, 1453, 19, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 2670, 2327, 12, 25838, 68, 4846, 64, 1878, 67, 5237, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 2934, 22, 64, 20, 68, 23, 64, 12, 16, 1453, 19, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 17, 11848, 69, 12, 15, 69, 15, 1765, 18, 68, 35890, 721, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 68, 19, 1453, 65, 1485, 64, 12, 16, 1453, 19, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 486, 1485, 12, 6420, 69, 24, 64, 24, 66, 18, 65, 36445, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 66, 19, 65, 891, 16, 64, 19, 12, 16, 1453, 24, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 15, 65, 3365, 12, 23, 1350, 44427, 69, 21, 69, 14774, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 68, 24, 69, 4846, 1433, 68, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 22413, 67, 12, 17, 13331, 24, 67, 15, 66, 1507, 65, 1485, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 68, 24, 69, 2079, 7410, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 24840, 12, 3270, 66, 4846, 10210, 31046, 67, 19, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 68, 24, 13331, 25540, 68, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 2075, 1270, 12, 43452, 1270, 66, 38652, 276, 18, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 18213, 2919, 3104, 4524, 12, 16, 1453, 65, 12, 1157, 1765, 12, 17, 21101, 15, 12, 39667, 2791, 5607, 67, 11785, 19, 198 ]
# Autogenerated wrapper script for CUDA_Toolkit_jll for x86_64-w64-mingw32-cuda+10.0 export libcublas, libcudadevrt, libcufft, libcupti, libcurand, libcusolver, libcusparse, libdevice, libnvtoolsext, libnvvm, nvdisasm, nvlink, ptxas JLLWrappers.@generate_wrapper_header("CUDA_Toolkit") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libcublas, "cublas64_100.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_file_product(libcudadevrt) JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libcufft, "cufft64_100.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libcupti, "cupti64_100.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libcurand, "curand64_100.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libcusolver, "cusolver64_100.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libcusparse, "cusparse64_100.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_file_product(libdevice) JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libnvtoolsext, "nvToolsExt64_1.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_library_product(libnvvm, "nvvm64_33_0.dll") JLLWrappers.@declare_executable_product(nvdisasm) JLLWrappers.@declare_executable_product(nvlink) JLLWrappers.@declare_executable_product(ptxas) function __init__() JLLWrappers.@generate_init_header() JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libcublas, "bin\\cublas64_100.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_file_product( libcudadevrt, "lib\\cudadevrt.lib", ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libcufft, "bin\\cufft64_100.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libcupti, "bin\\cupti64_100.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libcurand, "bin\\curand64_100.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libcusolver, "bin\\cusolver64_100.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libcusparse, "bin\\cusparse64_100.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_file_product( libdevice, "share\\libdevice\\libdevice.10.bc", ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libnvtoolsext, "bin\\nvToolsExt64_1.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_library_product( libnvvm, "bin\\nvvm64_33_0.dll", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND, ) JLLWrappers.@init_executable_product( nvdisasm, "bin\\nvdisasm.exe", ) JLLWrappers.@init_executable_product( nvlink, "bin\\nvlink.exe", ) JLLWrappers.@init_executable_product( ptxas, "bin\\ptxas.exe", ) JLLWrappers.@generate_init_footer() end # __init__()
[ 2, 5231, 519, 877, 515, 29908, 4226, 329, 29369, 5631, 62, 25391, 15813, 62, 73, 297, 329, 2124, 4521, 62, 2414, 12, 86, 2414, 12, 2229, 86, 2624, 12, 66, 15339, 10, 940, 13, 15, 198, 39344, 9195, 66, 549, 21921, 11, 9195, 66, 463, 671, 85, 17034, 11, 9195, 66, 1648, 83, 11, 9195, 27399, 457, 72, 11, 9195, 22019, 392, 11, 9195, 9042, 14375, 11, 9195, 9042, 29572, 11, 9195, 25202, 11, 9195, 48005, 25981, 325, 742, 11, 9195, 48005, 14761, 11, 299, 85, 6381, 8597, 11, 299, 85, 8726, 11, 279, 17602, 292, 198, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 8612, 378, 62, 48553, 62, 25677, 7203, 43633, 5631, 62, 25391, 15813, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 66, 549, 21921, 11, 366, 66, 549, 21921, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 7753, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 66, 463, 671, 85, 17034, 8, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 66, 1648, 83, 11, 366, 66, 1648, 83, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 27399, 457, 72, 11, 366, 27399, 457, 72, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 22019, 392, 11, 366, 22019, 392, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 9042, 14375, 11, 366, 9042, 14375, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 9042, 29572, 11, 366, 9042, 29572, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 7753, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 25202, 8, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 48005, 25981, 325, 742, 11, 366, 48005, 33637, 11627, 2414, 62, 16, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 8019, 48005, 14761, 11, 366, 48005, 14761, 2414, 62, 2091, 62, 15, 13, 12736, 4943, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 18558, 18187, 62, 11167, 7, 48005, 6381, 8597, 8, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 18558, 18187, 62, 11167, 7, 48005, 8726, 8, 198, 41, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 32446, 533, 62, 18558, 18187, 62, 11167, 7, 457, 87, 292, 8, 198, 8818, 11593, 15003, 834, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 8612, 378, 62, 15003, 62, 25677, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 66, 549, 21921, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 66, 549, 21921, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 7753, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 66, 463, 671, 85, 17034, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8019, 6852, 66, 463, 671, 85, 17034, 13, 8019, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 66, 1648, 83, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 66, 1648, 83, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 27399, 457, 72, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 27399, 457, 72, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 22019, 392, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 22019, 392, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 9042, 14375, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 9042, 14375, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 9042, 29572, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 9042, 29572, 2414, 62, 3064, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 7753, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 25202, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 20077, 6852, 8019, 25202, 6852, 8019, 25202, 13, 940, 13, 15630, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 48005, 25981, 325, 742, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 48005, 33637, 11627, 2414, 62, 16, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 32016, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9195, 48005, 14761, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 48005, 14761, 2414, 62, 2091, 62, 15, 13, 12736, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11923, 11163, 62, 13534, 57, 56, 930, 11923, 11163, 62, 35, 35238, 33, 12115, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 18558, 18187, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 85, 6381, 8597, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 48005, 6381, 8597, 13, 13499, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 18558, 18187, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 85, 8726, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 48005, 8726, 13, 13499, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 15003, 62, 18558, 18187, 62, 11167, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 17602, 292, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 8800, 6852, 457, 87, 292, 13, 13499, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 449, 3069, 36918, 11799, 13, 31, 8612, 378, 62, 15003, 62, 5898, 263, 3419, 198, 437, 220, 1303, 11593, 15003, 834, 3419, 198 ]
module TensorProductQuadraturesTests using Gridap.Integration using Test degrees = (2,2) quad = TensorProductQuadrature(degrees) test_quadrature(quad) @test sum(get_weights(quad)) ≈ 1 D = 2 degree = 3 quad = TensorProductQuadrature{D}(degree) test_quadrature(quad) @test sum(get_weights(quad)) ≈ 1 end # module
[ 21412, 309, 22854, 15667, 4507, 41909, 6691, 51, 3558, 198, 198, 3500, 24846, 499, 13, 34500, 1358, 198, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 13500, 6037, 796, 357, 17, 11, 17, 8, 198, 47003, 796, 309, 22854, 15667, 4507, 41909, 1300, 7, 13500, 6037, 8, 198, 9288, 62, 421, 41909, 1300, 7, 47003, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 2160, 7, 1136, 62, 43775, 7, 47003, 4008, 15139, 230, 352, 198, 198, 35, 796, 362, 198, 16863, 796, 513, 198, 47003, 796, 309, 22854, 15667, 4507, 41909, 1300, 90, 35, 92, 7, 16863, 8, 198, 9288, 62, 421, 41909, 1300, 7, 47003, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 2160, 7, 1136, 62, 43775, 7, 47003, 4008, 15139, 230, 352, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
<filename>src/distances/edit.jl<gh_stars>100-1000 """ Hamming() Creates the Hamming distance The Hamming distance is defined as the number of characters that do not match """ struct Hamming <: StringMetric end function (dist::Hamming)(s1, s2; max_dist::Union{Integer, Nothing} = nothing) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing out = abs(length(s2) - length(s1)) for (ch1, ch2) in zip(s1, s2) out += ch1 != ch2 if max_dist !== nothing out > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1) end end return out end """ Jaro() Creates the Jaro distance The Jaro distance is defined as ``1 - (m / |s1| + m / |s2| + (m - t) / m) / 3`` where ``m`` is the number of matching characters and ``t`` is half the number of transpositions. """ struct Jaro <: StringSemiMetric end ## function (dist::Jaro)(s1, s2) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2) if len1 > len2 s1, s2 = s2, s1 len1, len2 = len2, len1 end # If both iterators empty, formula in Wikipedia gives 1, but it makes more sense to set it to s1 == s2 len2 > 0 || return Float64(s1 == s2) d = max(0, div(len2, 2) - 1) flag = fill(false, len2) ch1_match = Vector{eltype(s1)}() for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1) for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2) # for each character in s1, greedy search of matching character in s2 within a distance d i2 >= i1 - d || continue i2 <= i1 + d || break if ch1 == ch2 && !flag[i2] flag[i2] = true push!(ch1_match, ch1) break end end end if isempty(ch1_match) return 1.0 else # m counts number matching characters m = length(ch1_match) # t/2 counts number transpositions t = 0 i1 = 0 for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2) if flag[i2] i1 += 1 @inbounds t += ch2 != ch1_match[i1] end end return 1 - (m / len1 + m / len2 + (m - 0.5 * t) / m) / 3 end end """ JaroWinkler(;p = 0.1, threshold = 0.3, maxlength = 4) Creates the JaroWinkler distance The JaroWinkler distance is defined as the Jaro distance, which is multiplied by ``(1-min(l, maxlength) * p)`` as long as it is lower than `threshold`, and where `l` denotes the length of the common prefix. """ struct JaroWinkler <: StringSemiMetric p::Float64 # scaling factor. Default to 0.1 threshold::Float64 # boost limit. Default to 0.3 maxlength::Integer # max length of common prefix. Default to 4 end JaroWinkler(; p = 0.1, threshold = 0.3, maxlength = 4) = JaroWinkler(p, threshold, maxlength) ## function (dist::JaroWinkler)(s1, s2) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing out = Jaro()(s1, s2) if out <= dist.threshold l = common_prefix(s1, s2)[1] out = (1 - min(l, dist.maxlength) * dist.p) * out end return out end """ Levenshtein() Creates the Levenshtein distance The Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of operations (consisting of insertions, deletions, substitutions of a single character) required to change one string into the other. """ struct Levenshtein <: StringMetric end ## Source: # Return max_dist + 1 if distance higher than max_dist # to differentiate distance equal to max_dist or not, which is important for find fctions. function (dist::Levenshtein)(s1, s2; max_dist::Union{Integer, Nothing} = nothing) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2) if len1 > len2 s1, s2 = s2, s1 len1, len2 = len2, len1 end if max_dist !== nothing len2 - len1 > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1) end # prefix common to both strings can be ignored k = common_prefix(s1, s2) k == len1 && return len2 - k # first row of matrix set to distance between "" and s2[1:i] v = collect(1:(len2-k)) current = 0 for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1) i1 > k || continue left = current = i1 - k - 1 if max_dist !== nothing value_lb = left - 1 end for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2) i2 > k || continue above = current # cost on diagonal (substitution) current = left @inbounds left = v[i2 - k] if ch1 != ch2 # minimum between substitution, deletion and insertion current = min(current + 1, above + 1, left + 1) end if max_dist !== nothing value_lb = min(value_lb, left) end @inbounds v[i2 - k] = current end if max_dist !== nothing value_lb > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1) end end if max_dist !== nothing current > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1 ) end return current end """ OptimalStringAlignement() Creates the OptimalStringAlignement distance (also known ad the unrestricted DamerauLevenshtein distance). It is the minimum number of operations (consisting of insertions, deletions or substitutions of a single character, or transposition of two adjacent characters) required to change one string into the other. The distance differs slightly from the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm by imposing the restriction that no substring is edited more than once. So for example, "CA" to "ABC" has an edit distance of 2 by a complete application of Damerau-Levenshtein, but a distance of 3 by this method that uses the optimal string alignment algorithm. In particular, the restricted distance does not satisfy the triangle inequality. """ struct OptimalStringAlignement <: StringSemiMetric end ## # Return max_dist + 1 if distance higher than max_dist function (dist::OptimalStringAlignement)(s1, s2; max_dist::Union{Integer, Nothing} = nothing) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2) if len1 > len2 s1, s2 = s2, s1 len1, len2 = len2, len1 end if max_dist !== nothing len2 - len1 > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1) end k = common_prefix(s1, s2) k == len1 && return len2 - k v = collect(1:(len2 - k)) w = similar(v) prevch1, prevch2 = first(s1), first(s2) if max_dist !== nothing i2_start = 0 i2_end = max_dist end current = 0 for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1) i1 > k || (prevch1 = ch1 ; continue) left = i1 - k - 1 current = i1 - k nextTransCost = 0 if max_dist !== nothing i2_start += i1 - k - 1 + len2 - len1 > max_dist i2_end += i2_end < len2 end for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2) i2 > k || (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue) # no need to look beyond window of lower right diagonal - max distance cells # lower right diag is i1 - (len2 - len1)) and the upper left diagonal + max_dist cells (upper left is i1) if max_dist !== nothing (k + i2_start < i2 < 1 + k + i2_end) || (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue) end above = current thisTransCost = nextTransCost @inbounds nextTransCost = w[i2 - k] @inbounds w[i2 - k] = current = left @inbounds left = v[i2 - k] if ch1 != ch2 # minimum between substitution, deletion and insertion current = min(current + 1, above + 1, left + 1) if i1 > k + 1 && i2 > k + 1 && ch1 == prevch2 && prevch1 == ch2 thisTransCost += 1 current = min(current, thisTransCost) end end @inbounds v[i2 - k] = current prevch2 = ch2 end if max_dist !== nothing v[i1 - k + len2 - len1] > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1) end prevch1 = ch1 end if max_dist !== nothing current > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1) end return Int(current) end """ DamerauLevenshtein() Creates the DamerauLevenshtein distance The DamerauLevenshtein distance is the minimum number of operations (consisting of insertions, deletions or substitutions of a single character, or transposition of two adjacent characters) required to change one string into the other. """ struct DamerauLevenshtein <: StringMetric end #–Levenshtein_distance # # Compared to Levenshtein & Restricted distance, cannot get by with only two vectors since transposition can be global function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2) if len1 > len2 s1, s2 = s2, s1 len1, len2 = len2, len1 end k = common_prefix(s1, s2) k == len1 && return len2 - k # da[ch1] will store last spotted position of ch1 in s1 da = Dict{eltype(s1), UInt32}() sizehint!(da, len1 - k) # distm[i1+1, i2+1] will store the distance between first i1 elements of s1 and first i2 elements of s2 distm = zeros(UInt32, len1 + 1 - k, len2 + 1 - k) distm[:, 1] = 0:(len1-k) distm[1, :] = 0:(len2-k) for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1) i1 > k || continue # j2 is last spotted position of ch1 in s2 # j1 will be last spotted position of ch2 in s1 j2 = 0 for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2) i2 > k || continue if ch1 == ch2 @inbounds distm[i1 + 1 - k, i2 + 1 - k] = distm[i1 - k, i2 - k] j2 = i2 else # minimum between substitution, deletion and insertion @inbounds pre = min(distm[i1 - k, i2 - k] + one(UInt32), distm[i1 + 1 - k, i2 - k] + one(UInt32), distm[i1 - k, i2 + 1 - k] + one(UInt32)) # minimum wrt transposition --- avoid lookup if we know transposition won't be chosen # either because we're treating first character of s1 or because ch1 has not been spotted in s2 yet j1 = (i1 == k + 1 || j2 == 0) ? 0 : get(da, ch2, 0) if j1 > 0 @inbounds pre = min(pre, distm[j1 - k, j2 - k] + (i1 - j1 - 1) + 1 + (i2 - j2 - 1)) end @inbounds distm[i1 + 1 - k, i2 + 1 - k] = pre end end da[ch1] = i1 end return Int(distm[end, end]) end """ RatcliffObershelp() Creates the RatcliffObershelp distance The distance between two strings is defined as one minus the number of matching characters divided by the total number of characters in the two strings. Matching characters are those in the longest common subsequence plus, recursively, matching characters in the unmatched region on either side of the longest common subsequence. """ struct RatcliffObershelp <: StringSemiMetric end function (dist::RatcliffObershelp)(s1, s2) (s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2) n_matched = length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, 1, len1, len2) len1 + len2 == 0 ? 0.0 : 1 - 2 * n_matched / (len1 + len2) end function length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, start1::Integer, start2::Integer, end1::Integer, end2::Integer) # p is just a storage vector which will be reused p = zeros(Int, max(end1 - start1, end2 - start2) + 1) length_matching_blocks!(p, s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2) end function length_matching_blocks!(p::Vector{Int}, s1, s2, start1::Integer, start2::Integer, end1::Integer, end2::Integer) end1 >= start1 || return 0 end2 >= start2 || return 0 j1, j2, len = longest_common_pattern!(p, s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2) # exit if there is no common substring len == 0 && return 0 return len + length_matching_blocks!(p, s1, s2, start1, start2, j1 - 1, j2 - 1) + length_matching_blocks!(p, s1, s2, j1 + len, j2 + len, end1, end2) end function longest_common_pattern!(p, s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2) if end1 - start1 > end2 - start2 j2, j1, len = longest_common_pattern!(p, s2, s1, start2, start1, end2, end1) else j1, j2, len = 0, 0, 0 fill!(p, 0) # p[i2-start2+1] stores the startingindex of the longest # common pattern up to i2 with prevch1 as last matching character for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1) i1 >= start1 || continue i1 <= end1 || break oldj2 = 0 for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2) i2 >= start2 || continue i2 <= end2 || break if ch1 != ch2 newj2 = 0 else newj2 = oldj2 > 0 ? oldj2 : i2 newlen = i2 - newj2 + 1 if newlen > len j1, j2, len = i1 - newlen + 1, newj2, newlen end end p[i2 - start2 + 1], oldj2 = newj2, p[i2 - start2 + 1] end end end return j1, j2, len end
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0, 7, 79, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 279, 58, 72, 17, 12, 9688, 17, 10, 16, 60, 7000, 262, 3599, 9630, 286, 262, 14069, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2219, 3912, 510, 284, 1312, 17, 351, 8654, 354, 16, 355, 938, 12336, 2095, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 16, 11, 442, 16, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 82, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 16, 18189, 923, 16, 8614, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 16, 19841, 886, 16, 8614, 2270, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1468, 73, 17, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 17, 11, 442, 17, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 82, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 17, 18189, 923, 17, 8614, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 17, 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1343, 352, 11, 649, 73, 17, 11, 649, 11925, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 58, 72, 17, 532, 923, 17, 1343, 352, 4357, 1468, 73, 17, 796, 649, 73, 17, 11, 279, 58, 72, 17, 532, 923, 17, 1343, 352, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 474, 16, 11, 474, 17, 11, 18896, 198, 437 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 module Testing using ..NodalDG using Test VX = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0] EToV = [1 2; 2 3; 3 4] g = NodalDG.Grid1D(NodalDG.Mesh1D(VX, EToV), NodalDG.gaussLobatto1D(2)) println(g.vmapM, g.vmapP) # Test based on p58/9 in book. Note errata on website EToV = [1 2; 2 3; 3 5; 5 4] end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 21412, 23983, 198, 198, 3500, 11485, 45, 375, 282, 35, 38, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 53, 55, 796, 685, 15, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 11, 513, 13, 15, 60, 198, 36, 2514, 53, 796, 685, 16, 362, 26, 362, 513, 26, 513, 604, 60, 198, 198, 70, 796, 399, 375, 282, 35, 38, 13, 41339, 16, 35, 7, 45, 375, 282, 35, 38, 13, 37031, 16, 35, 7, 53, 55, 11, 412, 2514, 53, 828, 399, 375, 282, 35, 38, 13, 4908, 1046, 43, 672, 45807, 16, 35, 7, 17, 4008, 198, 198, 35235, 7, 70, 13, 85, 8899, 44, 11, 308, 13, 85, 8899, 47, 8, 628, 198, 2, 6208, 1912, 319, 279, 3365, 14, 24, 287, 1492, 13, 5740, 11454, 1045, 319, 3052, 198, 36, 2514, 53, 796, 685, 16, 362, 26, 362, 513, 26, 513, 642, 26, 642, 604, 60, 628, 198, 437, 628 ]
import RowEchelon import LinearAlgebra #= Homework 7 Section 3.2 Problems 26 =# # Create a matrix with the vectors as columns A = [3 2 -2 0 ; 5 -6 -1 0 ; -6 0 3 0 ; 4 7 0 -3] # Find the detA detA = LinearAlgebra.det(A) println("Original Matrix:") println(A) println("Determinate:") println(detA) # See if the Determine was 0 # Dont forget floating point error if (detA > 0.000001 || detA < -0.000001) println("Hence the original matrix is invertable, and its columns form a linearly independent set.") else println("Hence the original matrix is NOT invertable, and its columns form a linearly dependent set.") end
[ 11748, 11314, 36, 2395, 14995, 198, 11748, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 28718, 6433, 767, 198, 16375, 513, 13, 17, 198, 2964, 22143, 2608, 198, 46249, 198, 198, 2, 13610, 257, 17593, 351, 262, 30104, 355, 15180, 198, 32, 796, 685, 18, 362, 532, 17, 657, 2162, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 642, 532, 21, 532, 16, 657, 2162, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 21, 657, 513, 657, 2162, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 604, 767, 657, 532, 18, 60, 198, 198, 2, 9938, 262, 1062, 32, 198, 15255, 32, 796, 44800, 2348, 29230, 13, 15255, 7, 32, 8, 198, 198, 35235, 7203, 20556, 24936, 25, 4943, 198, 35235, 7, 32, 8, 198, 35235, 7203, 35, 13221, 378, 25, 4943, 198, 35235, 7, 15255, 32, 8, 198, 198, 2, 4091, 611, 262, 45559, 3810, 373, 657, 198, 2, 360, 756, 6044, 12462, 966, 4049, 198, 361, 357, 15255, 32, 1875, 657, 13, 2388, 486, 8614, 1062, 32, 1279, 532, 15, 13, 2388, 486, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 39, 594, 262, 2656, 17593, 318, 287, 1851, 540, 11, 290, 663, 15180, 1296, 257, 9493, 11458, 4795, 900, 19570, 198, 17772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 39, 594, 262, 2656, 17593, 318, 5626, 287, 1851, 540, 11, 290, 663, 15180, 1296, 257, 9493, 11458, 10795, 900, 19570, 198, 437, 198 ]
<filename>test/test_vlen_lowlevel.jl import NCDatasets filename = tempname() dimlen = 10 T = Int32 data = Vector{Vector{T}}(undef,dimlen) for i = 1:length(data) data[i] = T.(collect(1:i) .+ 100 * i) end ncdata = Vector{NCDatasets.nc_vlen_t{T}}(undef,dimlen) for i = 1:length(data) ncdata[i] = NCDatasets.nc_vlen_t{T}(length(data[i]), pointer(data[i])) end varname = "varname" vlentypename = "name-vlen" ncid = NCDatasets.nc_create(filename,NCDatasets.NC_CLOBBER | NCDatasets.NC_NETCDF4) dimid = NCDatasets.nc_def_dim(ncid, "casts", dimlen) typeid = NCDatasets.nc_def_vlen(ncid, vlentypename, NCDatasets.ncType[T]) varid = NCDatasets.nc_def_var(ncid, varname, typeid, [dimid]) for i = 1:dimlen NCDatasets.nc_put_var1(ncid, varid, [i-1], data[i]) end typeids = NCDatasets.nc_inq_typeids(ncid) typeid = typeids[1] name2,datum_size2,base_nc_type2 = NCDatasets.nc_inq_vlen(ncid,typeid) @test name2 == vlentypename @test NCDatasets.jlType[base_nc_type2] == T NCDatasets.nc_close(ncid) # Reopen ncid = NCDatasets.nc_open(filename,NCDatasets.NC_NOWRITE) varid = NCDatasets.nc_inq_varid(ncid,varname) typeids = NCDatasets.nc_inq_typeids(ncid) #@show typeids xtype = NCDatasets.nc_inq_vartype(ncid,varid) @test xtype == typeids[1] if xtype >= NCDatasets.NC_FIRSTUSERTYPEID #@show xtype,NCDatasets.NC_VLEN typename,shape,base_nc_type,numfields,class = NCDatasets.nc_inq_user_type(ncid,xtype) #@show typename,shape,base_nc_type,numfields,class @test base_nc_type == NCDatasets.NC_INT T2 = NCDatasets.jlType[base_nc_type] @test T == T2 if class == NCDatasets.NC_VLEN data2 = Vector{Vector{T}}(undef,dimlen) NCDatasets.nc_get_var!(ncid,varid,data2) @test data == data2 for i = 1:dimlen tmp2 = NCDatasets.nc_get_var1(Vector{T},ncid,varid,[i-1]) @test data[i] == tmp2 end end end NCDatasets.nc_close(ncid)
[ 27, 34345, 29, 9288, 14, 9288, 62, 85, 11925, 62, 9319, 5715, 13, 20362, 198, 11748, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 198, 198, 34345, 796, 20218, 3672, 3419, 198, 198, 27740, 11925, 796, 838, 628, 198, 51, 796, 2558, 2624, 198, 7890, 796, 20650, 90, 38469, 90, 51, 11709, 7, 917, 891, 11, 27740, 11925, 8, 198, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 7890, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 58, 72, 60, 796, 309, 12195, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 72, 8, 764, 10, 1802, 1635, 1312, 8, 220, 198, 437, 198, 198, 10782, 7890, 796, 20650, 90, 7792, 27354, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 85, 11925, 62, 83, 90, 51, 11709, 7, 917, 891, 11, 27740, 11925, 8, 198, 198, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 7890, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 66, 7890, 58, 72, 60, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 85, 11925, 62, 83, 90, 51, 92, 7, 13664, 7, 7890, 58, 72, 46570, 17562, 7, 7890, 58, 72, 60, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 85, 1501, 480, 796, 366, 85, 1501, 480, 1, 198, 19279, 3787, 3617, 480, 796, 366, 3672, 12, 85, 11925, 1, 198, 198, 10782, 312, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 17953, 7, 34345, 11, 7792, 27354, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 5097, 9864, 13246, 930, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 12884, 34, 8068, 19, 8, 198, 198, 27740, 312, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 4299, 62, 27740, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 366, 40924, 1600, 5391, 11925, 8, 198, 198, 4906, 312, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 4299, 62, 85, 11925, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 410, 75, 3787, 3617, 480, 11, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 6030, 58, 51, 12962, 198, 7785, 312, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 4299, 62, 7785, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 1401, 3672, 11, 2099, 312, 11, 685, 27740, 312, 12962, 628, 198, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 11925, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 1996, 62, 7785, 16, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 1401, 312, 11, 685, 72, 12, 16, 4357, 1366, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 4906, 2340, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 259, 80, 62, 4906, 2340, 7, 10782, 312, 8, 198, 4906, 312, 796, 2099, 2340, 58, 16, 60, 198, 3672, 17, 11, 19608, 388, 62, 7857, 17, 11, 8692, 62, 10782, 62, 4906, 17, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 259, 80, 62, 85, 11925, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 4906, 312, 8, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 1438, 17, 6624, 410, 75, 3787, 3617, 480, 198, 31, 9288, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 20362, 6030, 58, 8692, 62, 10782, 62, 4906, 17, 60, 6624, 309, 198, 198, 7792, 27354, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 19836, 7, 10782, 312, 8, 628, 198, 2, 797, 9654, 198, 198, 10782, 312, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 9654, 7, 34345, 11, 7792, 27354, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 45669, 49, 12709, 8, 198, 198, 7785, 312, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 259, 80, 62, 7785, 312, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 85, 1501, 480, 8, 198, 198, 4906, 2340, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 259, 80, 62, 4906, 2340, 7, 10782, 312, 8, 198, 2, 31, 12860, 2099, 2340, 198, 198, 742, 2981, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 259, 80, 62, 85, 433, 2981, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 7785, 312, 8, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 220, 742, 2981, 6624, 2099, 2340, 58, 16, 60, 198, 198, 361, 220, 742, 2981, 18189, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 39776, 2257, 29904, 25216, 2389, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 31, 12860, 220, 742, 2981, 11, 7792, 27354, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 47468, 1677, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2170, 12453, 11, 43358, 11, 8692, 62, 10782, 62, 4906, 11, 22510, 25747, 11, 4871, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 259, 80, 62, 7220, 62, 4906, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 742, 2981, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 31, 12860, 2170, 12453, 11, 43358, 11, 8692, 62, 10782, 62, 4906, 11, 22510, 25747, 11, 4871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2779, 62, 10782, 62, 4906, 6624, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 12394, 628, 220, 220, 220, 309, 17, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 20362, 6030, 58, 8692, 62, 10782, 62, 4906, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 309, 6624, 309, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1398, 6624, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 7792, 62, 47468, 1677, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 17, 796, 20650, 90, 38469, 90, 51, 11709, 7, 917, 891, 11, 27740, 11925, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 1136, 62, 7785, 0, 7, 10782, 312, 11, 7785, 312, 11, 7890, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1366, 6624, 1366, 17, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 11925, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 45218, 17, 796, 399, 8610, 265, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 1136, 62, 7785, 16, 7, 38469, 90, 51, 5512, 10782, 312, 11, 7785, 312, 17414, 72, 12, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1366, 58, 72, 60, 6624, 45218, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7792, 27354, 292, 1039, 13, 10782, 62, 19836, 7, 10782, 312, 8, 628, 198 ]
<filename>test/faraday.jl using LaserTypes, Test using Unitful using StaticArrays using UnitfulAtomic using LinearAlgebra import PhysicalConstants.CODATA2018: c_0 @testset "$laser" for laser in [GaussLaser, LaguerreGaussLaser] units = [:SI_unitful, :atomic_unitful, :SI, :atomic] x_si = SVector{4}(uconvert(u"μm", c_0*0u"s"), 0u"μm",0u"μm",1u"μm") x = (x_si, auconvert.(x_si), ustrip.(x_si), ustrip.(auconvert.(x_si))) @testset "$unit" for (unit, xᵢ) in zip(units, x) s = setup_laser(laser, unit, profile=ConstantProfile()) F = Fμν(xᵢ,s) c = s.constants.c if unit ∈ [:SI_unitful, :atomic_unitful] @test all(dimension.(F) .== Ref(dimension(u"T"))) end @test size(F) == (4, 4) @test det(F) ≈ 1/c^2 * (E(xᵢ[2:4], xᵢ[1]/c, s) ⋅ B(xᵢ[2:4], xᵢ[1]/c, s))^2 end end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 9288, 14, 16370, 43593, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 23222, 31431, 11, 6208, 198, 3500, 11801, 913, 198, 3500, 36125, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 11801, 913, 2953, 10179, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 11748, 16331, 34184, 1187, 13, 34, 3727, 13563, 7908, 25, 269, 62, 15, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 17971, 75, 6005, 1, 329, 12855, 287, 685, 35389, 1046, 43, 6005, 11, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 35389, 1046, 43, 6005, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4991, 796, 685, 25, 11584, 62, 20850, 913, 11, 1058, 47116, 62, 20850, 913, 11, 1058, 11584, 11, 1058, 47116, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 13396, 796, 20546, 9250, 90, 19, 92, 7, 84, 1102, 1851, 7, 84, 1, 34703, 76, 1600, 269, 62, 15, 9, 15, 84, 1, 82, 12340, 657, 84, 1, 34703, 76, 1600, 15, 84, 1, 34703, 76, 1600, 16, 84, 1, 34703, 76, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 796, 357, 87, 62, 13396, 11, 35851, 1102, 1851, 12195, 87, 62, 13396, 828, 334, 36311, 12195, 87, 62, 13396, 828, 334, 36311, 12195, 559, 1102, 1851, 12195, 87, 62, 13396, 22305, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 17971, 20850, 1, 329, 357, 20850, 11, 2124, 39611, 95, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 41667, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 9058, 62, 75, 6005, 7, 75, 6005, 11, 4326, 11, 7034, 28, 3103, 18797, 37046, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 376, 796, 376, 34703, 26180, 7, 87, 39611, 95, 11, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 264, 13, 9979, 1187, 13, 66, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4326, 18872, 230, 685, 25, 11584, 62, 20850, 913, 11, 1058, 47116, 62, 20850, 913, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 46156, 12195, 37, 8, 764, 855, 6524, 7, 46156, 7, 84, 1, 51, 1, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 37, 8, 6624, 357, 19, 11, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1062, 7, 37, 8, 15139, 230, 352, 14, 66, 61, 17, 1635, 357, 36, 7, 87, 39611, 95, 58, 17, 25, 19, 4357, 2124, 39611, 95, 58, 16, 60, 14, 66, 11, 264, 8, 2343, 233, 227, 347, 7, 87, 39611, 95, 58, 17, 25, 19, 4357, 2124, 39611, 95, 58, 16, 60, 14, 66, 11, 264, 4008, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>0 ### Instructions for adding a new version of the Go toolchain # # * find the latest stable releases at, update the `version` # variable and the SHA256 hash of the release tarball in the sources, the # expected checksum is provided in the download page. # * To deploy the shard and automatically update your BinaryBuilderBase's # `Artifacts.toml`, use the `--deploy` flag to the `build_tarballs.jl` script. # You can build & deploy by running: # # julia build_tarballs.jl --debug --verbose --deploy # using BinaryBuilder include("../common.jl") name = "Go" version = v"1.17.7" sources = [ ArchiveSource( "$(version).linux-amd64.tar.gz", "02b111284bedbfa35a7e5b74a06082d18632eff824fd144312f6063943d49259", ) ] # Bash recipe for building across all platforms script = raw""" mv ${WORKSPACE}/srcdir/go ${prefix}/ """ # We only build for host platform: x86_64-linux-musl platforms = [ host_platform, ] # Dependencies that must be installed before this package can be built dependencies = [] # The products that we will ensure are always built products = [ ExecutableProduct("go", :go, "go/bin"), ExecutableProduct("gofmt", :gofmt, "go/bin"), ] # Build the tarballs, and possibly a `build.jl` as well. ndARGS, deploy_target = find_deploy_arg(ARGS) build_info = build_tarballs(ndARGS, name, version, sources, script, platforms, products, dependencies; skip_audit=true) if deploy_target !== nothing upload_and_insert_shards(deploy_target, name, version, build_info) end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 21017, 27759, 329, 4375, 257, 649, 2196, 286, 262, 1514, 2891, 7983, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1635, 1064, 262, 3452, 8245, 10050, 379, 3740, 1378, 2188, 13, 7959, 14, 25404, 47454, 4296, 262, 4600, 9641, 63, 198, 2, 220, 220, 7885, 290, 262, 25630, 11645, 12234, 286, 262, 2650, 13422, 1894, 287, 262, 4237, 11, 262, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2938, 8794, 388, 318, 2810, 287, 262, 4321, 2443, 13, 198, 2, 1635, 1675, 6061, 262, 427, 446, 290, 6338, 4296, 534, 45755, 32875, 14881, 338, 198, 2, 220, 220, 4600, 8001, 37199, 13, 39532, 75, 47671, 779, 262, 4600, 438, 2934, 1420, 63, 6056, 284, 262, 4600, 11249, 62, 18870, 21591, 13, 20362, 63, 4226, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 921, 460, 1382, 1222, 6061, 416, 2491, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 474, 43640, 1382, 62, 18870, 21591, 13, 20362, 1377, 24442, 1377, 19011, 577, 1377, 2934, 1420, 198, 2, 198, 198, 3500, 45755, 32875, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 40720, 11321, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 3672, 796, 366, 5247, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 410, 1, 16, 13, 1558, 13, 22, 1, 198, 198, 82, 2203, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20816, 7416, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 5450, 1378, 2188, 13, 7959, 14, 25404, 14, 2188, 3, 7, 9641, 737, 23289, 12, 28745, 2414, 13, 18870, 13, 34586, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 2999, 65, 1157, 1065, 5705, 3077, 65, 13331, 2327, 64, 22, 68, 20, 65, 4524, 64, 41322, 6469, 67, 25096, 2624, 14822, 23, 1731, 16344, 1415, 3559, 1065, 69, 33206, 2670, 3559, 67, 2920, 25191, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 60, 198, 198, 2, 15743, 8364, 329, 2615, 1973, 477, 9554, 198, 12048, 796, 8246, 37811, 198, 76, 85, 25597, 33249, 4303, 11598, 92, 14, 10677, 15908, 14, 2188, 25597, 40290, 92, 14, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 775, 691, 1382, 329, 2583, 3859, 25, 2124, 4521, 62, 2414, 12, 23289, 12, 14664, 75, 198, 24254, 82, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2583, 62, 24254, 11, 198, 60, 198, 198, 2, 37947, 3976, 326, 1276, 307, 6589, 878, 428, 5301, 460, 307, 3170, 198, 45841, 3976, 796, 17635, 198, 198, 2, 383, 3186, 326, 356, 481, 4155, 389, 1464, 3170, 198, 29498, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8393, 18187, 15667, 7203, 2188, 1600, 1058, 2188, 11, 366, 2188, 14, 8800, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8393, 18187, 15667, 7203, 70, 1659, 16762, 1600, 1058, 70, 1659, 16762, 11, 366, 2188, 14, 8800, 12340, 198, 60, 198, 198, 2, 10934, 262, 13422, 21591, 11, 290, 5457, 257, 4600, 11249, 13, 20362, 63, 355, 880, 13, 198, 358, 1503, 14313, 11, 6061, 62, 16793, 796, 1064, 62, 2934, 1420, 62, 853, 7, 1503, 14313, 8, 198, 11249, 62, 10951, 796, 1382, 62, 18870, 21591, 7, 358, 1503, 14313, 11, 1438, 11, 2196, 11, 4237, 11, 4226, 11, 9554, 11, 3186, 11, 20086, 26, 14267, 62, 3885, 270, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 198, 361, 6061, 62, 16793, 5145, 855, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9516, 62, 392, 62, 28463, 62, 1477, 1371, 7, 2934, 1420, 62, 16793, 11, 1438, 11, 2196, 11, 1382, 62, 10951, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Random using PyCall using ArviZ: attributes try ArviZ.initialize_bokeh() catch @info "bokeh backend not available. bokeh tests will be skipped." end py""" class PyNullObject(object): def __init__(self): pass """ function create_model(seed=10) rng = MersenneTwister(seed) J = 8 nchains = 4 ndraws = 500 data = Dict( "J" => J, "y" => [28.0, 8.0, -3.0, 7.0, -1.0, 1.0, 18.0, 12.0], "sigma" => [15.0, 10.0, 16.0, 11.0, 9.0, 11.0, 10.0, 18.0], ) posterior = Dict( "mu" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws), "tau" => abs.(randn(rng, nchains, ndraws)), "eta" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, J), "theta" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, J), ) posterior_predictive = Dict("y" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, J)) sample_stats = Dict( "energy" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws), "diverging" => (randn(rng, nchains, ndraws) .> 0.90), "max_depth" => (randn(rng, nchains, ndraws) .> 0.90), "log_likelihood" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, J), ) prior = Dict( "mu" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws) / 2, "tau" => abs.(randn(rng, nchains, ndraws)) / 2, "eta" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, data["J"]) / 2, "theta" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, data["J"]) / 2, ) prior_predictive = Dict("y" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws, J) / 2) sample_stats_prior = Dict( "energy" => randn(rng, nchains, ndraws), "diverging" => Int.(randn(rng, nchains, ndraws) .> 0.95), ) model = from_dict(; posterior=posterior, posterior_predictive=posterior_predictive, sample_stats=sample_stats, prior=prior, prior_predictive=prior_predictive, sample_stats_prior=sample_stats_prior, observed_data=Dict("y" => data["y"]), dims=Dict("y" => ["obs_dim"], "log_likelihood" => ["obs_dim"]), coords=Dict("obs_dim" => 1:J), ) return model end models() = (model_1=create_model(10), model_2=create_model(11)) function noncentered_schools_data() return Dict( "J" => 8, "y" => [28.0, 8.0, -3.0, 7.0, -1.0, 1.0, 18.0, 12.0], "sigma" => [15.0, 10.0, 16.0, 11.0, 9.0, 11.0, 10.0, 18.0], ) end function check_multiple_attrs(test_dict, parent) failed_attrs = [] for (dataset_name, attributes) in test_dict if Symbol(dataset_name) ∈ propertynames(parent) dataset = getproperty(parent, Symbol(dataset_name)) for attribute in attributes if Symbol(attribute) ∉ propertynames(dataset) push!(failed_attrs, (dataset_name, attribute)) end end else push!(failed_attrs, dataset_name) end end return failed_attrs end dimsizes(ds) = ds._dims convertindex(x::AbstractArray) = x convertindex(o::PyObject) = o.array.values vardict(ds) = Dict(k => convertindex(v._data) for (k, v) in ds._variables) dimdict(ds) = Dict(k => v._dims for (k, v) in ds._variables) function test_namedtuple_data( idata, group, names, nchains, ndraws; library="MyLib", coords=Dict(), dims=Dict() ) @test idata isa InferenceData @test group in ArviZ.groupnames(idata) ds = getproperty(idata, group) sizes = dimsizes(ds) @test length(sizes) == 2 + length(coords) vars = vardict(ds) for name in string.(names) @test name in keys(vars) dim = get(dims, name, get(dims, Symbol(name), [])) s = (x -> length(get(coords, x, get(coords, Symbol(x), [])))).(dim) @test size(vars[name]) == (nchains, ndraws, s...) end @test "inference_library" in keys(attributes(ds)) @test attributes(ds)["inference_library"] == library return nothing end
[ 3500, 14534, 198, 3500, 9485, 14134, 198, 3500, 943, 8903, 57, 25, 12608, 198, 198, 28311, 198, 220, 220, 220, 943, 8903, 57, 13, 36733, 1096, 62, 65, 2088, 71, 3419, 198, 40198, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 10951, 366, 65, 2088, 71, 30203, 407, 1695, 13, 1489, 365, 71, 5254, 481, 307, 26684, 526, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9078, 37811, 198, 4871, 9485, 35067, 10267, 7, 15252, 2599, 198, 220, 220, 825, 11593, 15003, 834, 7, 944, 2599, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1208, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 8818, 2251, 62, 19849, 7, 28826, 28, 940, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 782, 796, 337, 364, 29727, 5080, 1694, 7, 28826, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 796, 807, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 38861, 796, 604, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 19334, 82, 796, 5323, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 41, 1, 5218, 449, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 88, 1, 5218, 685, 2078, 13, 15, 11, 807, 13, 15, 11, 532, 18, 13, 15, 11, 767, 13, 15, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 1248, 13, 15, 11, 1105, 13, 15, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 82, 13495, 1, 5218, 685, 1314, 13, 15, 11, 838, 13, 15, 11, 1467, 13, 15, 11, 1367, 13, 15, 11, 860, 13, 15, 11, 1367, 13, 15, 11, 838, 13, 15, 11, 1248, 13, 15, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34319, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 30300, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 83, 559, 1, 5218, 2352, 12195, 25192, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 17167, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 11, 449, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 1169, 8326, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 11, 449, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34319, 62, 79, 17407, 425, 796, 360, 713, 7203, 88, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 11, 449, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6291, 62, 34242, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 22554, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 67, 1428, 2667, 1, 5218, 357, 25192, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 8, 764, 29, 657, 13, 3829, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 9806, 62, 18053, 1, 5218, 357, 25192, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 8, 764, 29, 657, 13, 3829, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 6404, 62, 2339, 11935, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 11, 449, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3161, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 30300, 1, 5218, 43720, 77, 7, 81, 782, 11, 299, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 8, 1220, 362, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 83, 559, 1, 5218, 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220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4686, 1045, 318, 64, 554, 4288, 6601, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1448, 287, 943, 8903, 57, 13, 8094, 14933, 7, 312, 1045, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 82, 796, 651, 26745, 7, 312, 1045, 11, 1448, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10620, 796, 5391, 82, 4340, 7, 9310, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 82, 4340, 8, 6624, 362, 1343, 4129, 7, 1073, 3669, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 945, 796, 410, 446, 713, 7, 9310, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1438, 287, 4731, 12195, 14933, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1438, 287, 8251, 7, 85, 945, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 796, 651, 7, 67, 12078, 11, 1438, 11, 651, 7, 67, 12078, 11, 38357, 7, 3672, 828, 17635, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 357, 87, 4613, 4129, 7, 1136, 7, 1073, 3669, 11, 2124, 11, 651, 7, 1073, 3669, 11, 38357, 7, 87, 828, 17635, 22305, 737, 7, 27740, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 85, 945, 58, 3672, 12962, 6624, 357, 77, 38861, 11, 299, 19334, 82, 11, 264, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 366, 259, 4288, 62, 32016, 1, 287, 8251, 7, 1078, 7657, 7, 9310, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 12608, 7, 9310, 8, 14692, 259, 4288, 62, 32016, 8973, 6624, 5888, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198 ]
<filename>test/runtests.jl using RAFF using Test using DelimitedFiles using Distributed using Random using SharedArrays using Logging include("test_raff.jl") include("test_solvers.jl") include("test_utils.jl") include("test_generator.jl") include("test_parallel.jl") include("test_multivariate.jl") include("test_integration.jl")
[ 27, 34345, 29, 9288, 14, 81, 2797, 3558, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 17926, 5777, 198, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 3500, 4216, 320, 863, 25876, 198, 3500, 4307, 6169, 198, 3500, 14534, 198, 3500, 39403, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 5972, 2667, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 430, 487, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 34453, 690, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 26791, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 8612, 1352, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 1845, 29363, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 16680, 42524, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 9288, 62, 18908, 1358, 13, 20362, 4943, 198 ]
<reponame>thalesfr/MagnusCorrection<filename>SNAP/fig6bc.jl using LinearAlgebra using StaticArrays using Plots; pyplot() using FFTW using FastClosures using NPZ using LaTeXStrings include("/Users/tfiguei/Work/Magnus/MagnusExpansion.jl") include("AuxFunctions.jl") include("HarmonicCorrectionSnap.jl") include("snap.jl") σ = pauli_matrices() χ_GHz = (-8281.0, 0.0, 0.0)#(-8281.0, 48.8, 0.5) χ = χ_GHz./abs(χ_GHz[1]) N = 10 levels = SA[0, 4]#collect(0:1:9) α = (pi/2, pi/3)#pi*(rand(10) .- 0.5) tf = 50.0 Ncorr = 10 system_params = Dict("chi"=>χ, "N"=>N, "levels"=>levels, "alpha"=>α, "tf"=>tf, "Ncorr"=>Ncorr) UI = U(system_params, σ; ideal_dynamics=false, frame="interaction", matrix=true) Identity = Matrix{Complex{Float64}}(I, 2*N, 2*N) println(1 - fidelity(UI, Identity, 2*N)) Uideal = U(system_params, σ; ideal_dynamics=true, matrix=true) Ur = U(system_params, σ; ideal_dynamics=false, matrix=true) println(1 - fidelity(Ur, Uideal, 2*N)) # "First" order correction magnus_order = 1 max_order = 2 coeffs = get_coeffs(magnus_order, max_order, Ncorr, system_params) println("---") Ucorr = U(system_params, σ, coeffs, max_order; frame="qubit", matrix=true) println(1 - fidelity(Ucorr, Uideal, 2*N)) # "Second" order correction magnus_order = 2 coeffs2 = get_coeffs(coeffs, magnus_order, max_order, Ncorr, system_params) println("---") coeffs2 = coeffs + coeffs2 Ucorr = U(system_params, σ, coeffs2, max_order; frame="qubit", matrix=true) println(1 - fidelity(Ucorr, Uideal, 2*N)) # In the lab frame println("Results in the lab frame") Uideal = U(system_params, σ; frame="lab", ideal_dynamics=true, matrix=true) Unideal = U(system_params, σ; frame="lab", ideal_dynamics=false, matrix=true) Ucorr = U(system_params, σ, coeffs2, max_order; frame="lab", matrix=true) println(1 - fidelity(Unideal, Uideal, 2*N)) println(1 - fidelity(Ucorr, Uideal, 2*N)) #FFT results Npoints = 1000 data = zeros(Npoints, 5) for i = 1: Npoints t = (i-1)*tf/(Npoints-1) data[i,1] = t data[i, 2: 3] .= pulse_envelope(t, tf, χ, levels, α) data[i, 4: 5] .= data[i, 2: 3] data[i, 4: 5] .+= correction_pulse_envelope(t, tf, χ, coeffs2, max_order, Ncorr) end x = data[:, 1] y = data[:, [2, 4]] p1 = plot(x, y, linewidth = 2, labels = ["Initial\npulse" "Corrected\npulse"], layout = (2, 1), title = ["x quadrature" " "]) plot!(xlim=(0, tf), tickfont = font(12, "Serif"), xlabel = "time "*L"t/t_\mathrm{f}", ylabel = "pulse "*L"\times |\chi|^{-1}", guidefont = font(14, "Serif"), legendfont = font(12, "Serif"), margin = x = data[:, 1] y = data[:, [3, 5]] p2 = plot(x, y, linewidth = 2, labels = ["Initial\npulse" "Corrected\npulse"], layout = (2, 1), title = ["y quadrature" " "]) plot!(xlim=(0, tf), tickfont = font(12, "Serif"), xlabel = "time "*L"t/t_\mathrm{f}", ylabel = "pulse "*L"\times |\chi|^{-1}", guidefont = font(14, "Serif"), legendfont = font(12, "Serif"), background_color_legend = false, margin = plot(p1, p2, layout=(1,2), size = (800, 800)) savefig("pulse.pdf") # Add padding to the pulse data = vcat(zeros(Npoints, 5), data, zeros(Npoints, 5)) fft_data = zeros(size(data)) fft_data[:, 1] = fftfreq(size(data)[1], tf/(Npoints-1)) for i = 2: 5 fft_pulse = fft(data[:, i]) fft_data[:, i] = abs.(fft_pulse) end a = div(size(data)[1], 2) x = fft_data[1: a, 1] y = fft_data[1: a, [2, 4]] p1 = plot(x, y, linewidth = 2, labels = ["Initial\npulse" "Corrected\npulse"], linestyle = [:solid :dash]) plot!(xlim=(0, 10), tickfont = font(12, "Serif"), xlabel = "Frequency "*L"\omega/|\chi|", ylabel = L"|S_x(x)|", guidefont = font(14, "Serif"), legendfont = font(12, "Serif"), background_color_legend = false, margin = x = fft_data[1: a, 1] y = fft_data[1: a, [3, 5]] p2 = plot(x, y, linewidth = 2, labels = ["Initial\npulse" "Corrected\npulse"], linestyle = [:solid :dash]) plot!(xlim=(0, 10), tickfont = font(12, "Serif"), xlabel = "Frequency "*L"\omega/|\chi|", ylabel = L"|S_y(x)|", guidefont = font(14, "Serif"), legendfont = font(12, "Serif"), background_color_legend = false, margin = plot(p1, p2, layout=(1,2), size = (800, 400)) npzwrite("fft.npy", fft_data[1: div(Npoints,2), :]) savefig("fft.pdf")
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 400, 2040, 8310, 14, 48017, 385, 43267, 27, 34345, 29, 15571, 2969, 14, 5647, 21, 15630, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 3500, 36125, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 1345, 1747, 26, 12972, 29487, 3419, 198, 3500, 376, 9792, 54, 198, 3500, 12549, 2601, 16091, 198, 3500, 28498, 57, 198, 3500, 4689, 49568, 13290, 654, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 14, 14490, 14, 83, 5647, 518, 72, 14, 12468, 14, 48017, 385, 14, 48017, 385, 16870, 5487, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 32, 2821, 24629, 2733, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 39, 1670, 9229, 43267, 43826, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 45380, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 38392, 796, 279, 2518, 72, 62, 6759, 45977, 3419, 198, 139, 229, 62, 23741, 796, 13841, 23, 30368, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 8, 2, 32590, 23, 30368, 13, 15, 11, 4764, 13, 23, 11, 657, 13, 20, 8, 198, 139, 229, 796, 18074, 229, 62, 23741, 19571, 8937, 7, 139, 229, 62, 23741, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 45, 796, 838, 198, 46170, 796, 14719, 58, 15, 11, 604, 60, 2, 33327, 7, 15, 25, 16, 25, 24, 8, 198, 17394, 796, 357, 14415, 14, 17, 11, 31028, 14, 18, 8, 2, 14415, 9, 7, 25192, 7, 940, 8, 764, 12, 657, 13, 20, 8, 198, 27110, 796, 2026, 13, 15, 198, 45, 10215, 81, 796, 838, 198, 198, 10057, 62, 37266, 796, 360, 713, 7203, 11072, 1, 14804, 139, 229, 11, 366, 45, 1, 14804, 45, 11, 366, 46170, 1, 14804, 46170, 11, 366, 26591, 1, 14804, 17394, 11, 198, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 366, 27110, 1, 14804, 27110, 11, 366, 45, 10215, 81, 1, 14804, 45, 10215, 81, 8, 198, 198, 10080, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 26, 7306, 62, 67, 4989, 873, 28, 9562, 11, 5739, 2625, 3849, 2673, 1600, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 7390, 26858, 796, 24936, 90, 5377, 11141, 90, 43879, 2414, 11709, 7, 40, 11, 362, 9, 45, 11, 362, 9, 45, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 16, 532, 37744, 7, 10080, 11, 27207, 11, 362, 9, 45, 4008, 198, 198, 52, 485, 282, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 26, 7306, 62, 67, 4989, 873, 28, 7942, 11, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 16692, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 26, 7306, 62, 67, 4989, 873, 28, 9562, 11, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 16, 532, 37744, 7, 16692, 11, 471, 485, 282, 11, 362, 9, 45, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 366, 5962, 1, 1502, 17137, 198, 76, 4660, 385, 62, 2875, 796, 352, 198, 9806, 62, 2875, 796, 362, 198, 1073, 14822, 82, 796, 651, 62, 1073, 14822, 82, 7, 76, 4660, 385, 62, 2875, 11, 3509, 62, 2875, 11, 399, 10215, 81, 11, 1080, 62, 37266, 8, 198, 35235, 7203, 6329, 4943, 198, 52, 10215, 81, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 11, 763, 14822, 82, 11, 3509, 62, 2875, 26, 5739, 2625, 421, 2545, 1600, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 16, 532, 37744, 7, 52, 10215, 81, 11, 471, 485, 282, 11, 362, 9, 45, 4008, 198, 2, 366, 12211, 1, 1502, 17137, 198, 76, 4660, 385, 62, 2875, 796, 362, 198, 1073, 14822, 82, 17, 796, 651, 62, 1073, 14822, 82, 7, 1073, 14822, 82, 11, 7842, 385, 62, 2875, 11, 3509, 62, 2875, 11, 399, 10215, 81, 11, 1080, 62, 37266, 8, 198, 35235, 7203, 6329, 4943, 198, 1073, 14822, 82, 17, 796, 763, 14822, 82, 1343, 763, 14822, 82, 17, 198, 52, 10215, 81, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 11, 763, 14822, 82, 17, 11, 3509, 62, 2875, 26, 5739, 2625, 421, 2545, 1600, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 16, 532, 37744, 7, 52, 10215, 81, 11, 471, 485, 282, 11, 362, 9, 45, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 554, 262, 2248, 5739, 198, 35235, 7203, 25468, 287, 262, 2248, 5739, 4943, 198, 52, 485, 282, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 26, 5739, 2625, 23912, 1600, 7306, 62, 67, 4989, 873, 28, 7942, 11, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 3118, 485, 282, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 26, 5739, 2625, 23912, 1600, 7306, 62, 67, 4989, 873, 28, 9562, 11, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 52, 10215, 81, 796, 471, 7, 10057, 62, 37266, 11, 18074, 225, 11, 763, 14822, 82, 17, 11, 3509, 62, 2875, 26, 5739, 2625, 23912, 1600, 17593, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 16, 532, 37744, 7, 3118, 485, 282, 11, 471, 485, 282, 11, 362, 9, 45, 4008, 198, 35235, 7, 16, 532, 37744, 7, 52, 10215, 81, 11, 471, 485, 282, 11, 362, 9, 45, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 5777, 51, 2482, 198, 45, 13033, 796, 8576, 198, 7890, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 45, 13033, 11, 642, 8, 198, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 399, 13033, 198, 197, 83, 796, 357, 72, 12, 16, 27493, 27110, 29006, 45, 13033, 12, 16, 8, 198, 197, 7890, 58, 72, 11, 16, 60, 796, 256, 198, 197, 7890, 58, 72, 11, 362, 25, 513, 60, 764, 28, 19445, 62, 268, 1091, 68, 7, 83, 11, 48700, 11, 18074, 229, 11, 2974, 11, 26367, 8, 198, 197, 7890, 58, 72, 11, 604, 25, 642, 60, 764, 28, 1366, 58, 72, 11, 362, 25, 513, 60, 198, 197, 7890, 58, 72, 11, 604, 25, 642, 60, 764, 47932, 17137, 62, 79, 9615, 62, 268, 1091, 68, 7, 83, 11, 48700, 11, 18074, 229, 11, 763, 14822, 82, 17, 11, 3509, 62, 2875, 11, 399, 10215, 81, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 87, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 352, 60, 198, 88, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 685, 17, 11, 604, 11907, 198, 79, 16, 796, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 331, 11, 198, 197, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 11, 198, 197, 14722, 796, 14631, 24243, 59, 37659, 9615, 1, 366, 42779, 276, 59, 37659, 9615, 33116, 198, 197, 12461, 796, 357, 17, 11, 352, 828, 198, 197, 3670, 796, 14631, 87, 15094, 81, 1300, 1, 366, 366, 12962, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 87, 2475, 16193, 15, 11, 48700, 828, 198, 197, 220, 4378, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 2124, 18242, 796, 366, 2435, 366, 9, 43, 1, 83, 14, 83, 62, 59, 11018, 26224, 90, 69, 92, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 331, 18242, 796, 366, 79, 9615, 366, 9, 43, 1, 59, 22355, 930, 59, 11072, 91, 36796, 12, 16, 92, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5698, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1415, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 8177, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 10330, 796, 642, 3646, 1747, 13, 3020, 8, 198, 198, 87, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 352, 60, 198, 88, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 685, 18, 11, 642, 11907, 198, 79, 17, 796, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 331, 11, 198, 197, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 11, 198, 197, 14722, 796, 14631, 24243, 59, 37659, 9615, 1, 366, 42779, 276, 59, 37659, 9615, 33116, 198, 197, 12461, 796, 357, 17, 11, 352, 828, 198, 197, 3670, 796, 14631, 88, 15094, 81, 1300, 1, 366, 366, 12962, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 87, 2475, 16193, 15, 11, 48700, 828, 198, 197, 220, 4378, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 2124, 18242, 796, 366, 2435, 366, 9, 43, 1, 83, 14, 83, 62, 59, 11018, 26224, 90, 69, 92, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 331, 18242, 796, 366, 79, 9615, 366, 9, 43, 1, 59, 22355, 930, 59, 11072, 91, 36796, 12, 16, 92, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 5698, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1415, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 8177, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 4469, 62, 8043, 62, 1455, 437, 796, 3991, 11, 198, 197, 220, 10330, 796, 642, 3646, 1747, 13, 3020, 8, 198, 29487, 7, 79, 16, 11, 279, 17, 11, 12461, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 828, 2546, 796, 357, 7410, 11, 10460, 4008, 198, 21928, 5647, 7203, 79, 9615, 13, 12315, 4943, 198, 2, 3060, 24511, 284, 262, 19445, 198, 7890, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 45, 13033, 11, 642, 828, 1366, 11, 1976, 27498, 7, 45, 13033, 11, 642, 4008, 198, 198, 487, 83, 62, 7890, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 7890, 4008, 198, 487, 83, 62, 7890, 58, 45299, 352, 60, 796, 277, 701, 19503, 80, 7, 7857, 7, 7890, 38381, 16, 4357, 48700, 29006, 45, 13033, 12, 16, 4008, 198, 1640, 1312, 796, 362, 25, 642, 198, 197, 487, 83, 62, 79, 9615, 796, 277, 701, 7, 7890, 58, 45299, 1312, 12962, 198, 197, 487, 83, 62, 7890, 58, 45299, 1312, 60, 796, 2352, 12195, 487, 83, 62, 79, 9615, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 64, 796, 2659, 7, 7857, 7, 7890, 38381, 16, 4357, 362, 8, 198, 87, 796, 277, 701, 62, 7890, 58, 16, 25, 257, 11, 352, 60, 198, 88, 796, 277, 701, 62, 7890, 58, 16, 25, 257, 11, 685, 17, 11, 604, 11907, 198, 79, 16, 796, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 331, 11, 198, 197, 197, 220, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 11, 198, 197, 197, 220, 14722, 796, 14631, 24243, 59, 37659, 9615, 1, 366, 42779, 276, 59, 37659, 9615, 33116, 198, 197, 197, 220, 9493, 10992, 796, 685, 25, 39390, 1058, 42460, 12962, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 87, 2475, 16193, 15, 11, 838, 828, 198, 197, 220, 4378, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 2124, 18242, 796, 366, 37, 28707, 366, 9, 43, 1, 59, 462, 4908, 14, 91, 59, 11072, 91, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 331, 18242, 796, 406, 1, 91, 50, 62, 87, 7, 87, 14726, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 5698, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1415, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 8177, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 4469, 62, 8043, 62, 1455, 437, 796, 3991, 11, 198, 197, 220, 10330, 796, 642, 3646, 1747, 13, 3020, 8, 198, 198, 87, 796, 277, 701, 62, 7890, 58, 16, 25, 257, 11, 352, 60, 198, 88, 796, 277, 701, 62, 7890, 58, 16, 25, 257, 11, 685, 18, 11, 642, 11907, 198, 79, 17, 796, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 331, 11, 198, 197, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 11, 198, 197, 14722, 796, 14631, 24243, 59, 37659, 9615, 1, 366, 42779, 276, 59, 37659, 9615, 33116, 198, 197, 9493, 10992, 796, 685, 25, 39390, 1058, 42460, 12962, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 87, 2475, 16193, 15, 11, 838, 828, 198, 197, 220, 4378, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 2124, 18242, 796, 366, 37, 28707, 366, 9, 43, 1, 59, 462, 4908, 14, 91, 59, 11072, 91, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 331, 18242, 796, 406, 1, 91, 50, 62, 88, 7, 87, 14726, 1600, 198, 197, 220, 5698, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1415, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 8177, 10331, 796, 10369, 7, 1065, 11, 366, 7089, 361, 12340, 198, 197, 220, 4469, 62, 8043, 62, 1455, 437, 796, 3991, 11, 198, 197, 220, 10330, 796, 642, 3646, 1747, 13, 3020, 8, 198, 198, 29487, 7, 79, 16, 11, 279, 17, 11, 12461, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 828, 2546, 796, 357, 7410, 11, 7337, 4008, 198, 198, 37659, 89, 13564, 7203, 487, 83, 13, 77, 9078, 1600, 277, 701, 62, 7890, 58, 16, 25, 2659, 7, 45, 13033, 11, 17, 828, 1058, 12962, 198, 21928, 5647, 7203, 487, 83, 13, 12315, 4943, 198 ]
<reponame>mehalter/Catlab.jl<gh_stars>1-10 module TestWiringDiagramCore using Test using Catlab.WiringDiagrams.WiringDiagramCore import Catlab.WiringDiagrams.WiringDiagramCore: validate_ports # For testing purposes, check equality of port symbols. function validate_ports(source_port::Symbol, target_port::Symbol) if source_port != target_port error("Source port $source_port does not equal target port $target_port") end end A, B, C, D = [:A], [:B], [:C], [:D] f = Box(:f, A, B) g = Box(:g, B, C) h = Box(:h, C, D) # Imperative interface ###################### # Operations on boxes d = WiringDiagram(A, C) @test nboxes(d) == 0 @test_throws KeyError box(d,input_id(d)) @test_throws KeyError box(d,output_id(d)) fv = add_box!(d, f) @test nboxes(d) == 1 @test box(d, fv).value == :f @test box(d, fv) == f rem_box!(d, fv) @test nboxes(d) == 0 fv = add_box!(d, f) gv = add_box!(d, g) hv = add_box!(d, h) @test nboxes(d) == 3 @test [b.value for b in boxes(d)] == [:f,:g,:h] @test boxes(d) == [f,g,h] rem_boxes!(d, [fv,hv]) @test nboxes(d) == 1 @test boxes(d) == [g] # Operations on ports d = WiringDiagram(A, C) fv = add_box!(d, f) gv = add_box!(d, g) @test input_ports(d, fv) == A @test output_ports(d, fv) == B @test input_ports(d, output_id(d)) == C @test output_ports(d, input_id(d)) == A @test_throws ErrorException input_ports(d, input_id(d)) @test_throws ErrorException output_ports(d, output_id(d)) @test port_value(d, Port(input_id(d),OutputPort,1)) == :A @test port_value(d, Port(output_id(d),InputPort,1)) == :C @test port_value(d, Port(fv,InputPort,1)) == :A @test port_value(d, Port(fv,OutputPort,1)) == :B # Operations on wires @test nwires(d) == 0 @test !has_wire(d, fv, gv) @test !has_wire(d, (fv,1) => (gv,1)) add_wire!(d, (input_id(d),1) => (fv,1)) add_wire!(d, (fv,1) => (gv,1)) add_wire!(d, (gv,1) => (output_id(d),1)) @test nwires(d) == 3 @test has_wire(d, fv, gv) @test has_wire(d, (fv,1) => (gv,1)) @test_throws ErrorException add_wire!(d, (gv,1) => (fv,1)) @test wires(d) == map(Wire, [ (input_id(d),1) => (fv,1), (fv,1) => (gv,1), (gv,1) => (output_id(d),1), ]) # Shallow copies. d_copy = copy(d) rem_boxes!(d_copy, [fv,gv]) @test nboxes(d) == 2 @test nwires(d) == 3 # Graph properties. @test Set(all_neighbors(d, fv)) == Set([input_id(d),gv]) @test Set(all_neighbors(d, gv)) == Set([fv,output_id(d)]) @test neighbors(d, fv) == [gv] @test outneighbors(d, fv) == [gv] @test inneighbors(d, gv) == [fv] @test wires(d, input_id(d)) == [ Wire((input_id(d),1) => (fv,1)) ] @test wires(d, fv) == map(Wire, [ ((input_id(d),1) => (fv,1)), ((fv,1) => (gv,1)) ]) @test out_wires(d, fv) == [ Wire((fv,1) => (gv,1)) ] @test out_wires(d, Port(fv,OutputPort,1)) == [ Wire((fv,1) => (gv,1)) ] @test in_wires(d, gv) == [ Wire((fv,1) => (gv,1)) ] @test in_wires(d, Port(gv,InputPort,1)) == [ Wire((fv,1) => (gv,1)) ] rem_wires!(d, fv, gv) @test nwires(d) == 2 @test !has_wire(d, fv, gv) rem_wire!(d, (input_id(d),1) => (fv,1)) @test wires(d) == [ Wire((gv,1) => (output_id(d),1)) ] # Induced subgraph. d = WiringDiagram(A,D) fv, gv, hv = add_box!(d, f), add_box!(d, g), add_box!(d, h) add_wires!(d, Pair[ (input_id(d),1) => (fv,1), (fv,1) => (gv,1), (gv,1) => (hv,1), (hv,1) => (output_id(d),1), ]) sub = WiringDiagram(A, D) fv, gv = add_box!(sub, f), add_box!(sub, g) add_wires!(sub, Pair[ (input_id(sub),1) => (fv,1), (fv,1) => (gv,1), ]) @test induced_subdiagram(d, [fv, gv]) == sub # Substitution ############## sub = WiringDiagram(B,D) gv = add_box!(sub, g) hv = add_box!(sub, h) add_wires!(sub, Pair[ (input_id(sub),1) => (gv,1), (gv,1) => (hv,1), (hv,1) => (output_id(sub),1), ]) d0 = WiringDiagram(A,D) fv = add_box!(d0, f) subv = add_box!(d0, sub) add_wires!(d0, Pair[ (input_id(d0),1) => (fv,1), (fv,1) => (subv,1), (subv,1) => (output_id(d0),1), ]) @test boxes(d0) == [ f, sub ] @test boxes(sub) == [ g, h ] d = substitute(d0, subv) @test nboxes(d) == 3 @test boxes(d) == [f, g, h] box_map = Dict(box(d,v).value => v for v in box_ids(d)) @test nwires(d) == 4 @test Set(wires(d)) == Set(map(Wire, [ (input_id(d),1) => (box_map[:f],1), (box_map[:f],1) => (box_map[:g],1), (box_map[:g],1) => (box_map[:h],1), (box_map[:h],1) => (output_id(d),1), ])) # Encapsulation ############### d0 = WiringDiagram(A,D) fv = add_box!(d0, f) gv = add_box!(d0, g) hv = add_box!(d0, h) add_wires!(d0, Pair[ (input_id(d),1) => (fv,1), (fv,1) => (gv,1), (gv,1) => (hv,1), (hv,1) => (output_id(d),1) ]) d = encapsulate(d0, [fv,gv]) @test nboxes(d) == 2 @test sum(isa(b, WiringDiagram) for b in boxes(d)) == 1 @test nwires(d) == 3 sub = first(b for b in boxes(d) if isa(b, WiringDiagram)) @test nboxes(sub) == 2 @test boxes(sub) == [f, g] box_map = Dict(box(sub,v).value => v for v in box_ids(sub)) @test Set(wires(sub)) == Set(map(Wire, [ (input_id(sub),1) => (box_map[:f],1), (box_map[:f],1) => (box_map[:g],1), (box_map[:g],1) => (output_id(sub),1), ])) d = encapsulate(d0, [fv,gv], discard_boxes=true, value=:e) @test boxes(d) == [ Box(:e, A, C), h ] box_map = Dict(box(d,v).value => v for v in box_ids(d)) @test Set(wires(d)) == Set(map(Wire, [ (input_id(d),1) => (box_map[:e],1), (box_map[:e],1) => (box_map[:h],1), (box_map[:h],1) => (output_id(d),1), ])) d0 = WiringDiagram(A,B) v1 = add_box!(d0, f) v2 = add_box!(d0, f) add_wires!(d0, Pair[ (input_id(d),1) => (v1,1), (input_id(d),1) => (v2,1), (v1,1) => (output_id(d),1), (v2,1) => (output_id(d),1), ]) d = encapsulate(d0, [v1,v2]) @test nboxes(d) == 1 @test nwires(d) == 2 sub = first(boxes(d)) @test sub == d0 end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 1326, 14201, 353, 14, 21979, 23912, 13, 20362, 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 21412, 6208, 54, 3428, 18683, 6713, 14055, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 3500, 5181, 23912, 13, 54, 3428, 18683, 6713, 82, 13, 54, 3428, 18683, 6713, 14055, 198, 11748, 5181, 23912, 13, 54, 3428, 18683, 6713, 82, 13, 54, 3428, 18683, 6713, 14055, 25, 26571, 62, 3742, 198, 198, 2, 1114, 4856, 4959, 11, 2198, 10537, 286, 2493, 14354, 13, 198, 8818, 26571, 62, 3742, 7, 10459, 62, 634, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 2496, 62, 634, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 198, 220, 611, 2723, 62, 634, 14512, 2496, 62, 634, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 7416, 2493, 720, 10459, 62, 634, 857, 407, 4961, 2496, 2493, 720, 16793, 62, 634, 4943, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 32, 11, 347, 11, 327, 11, 360, 796, 685, 25, 32, 4357, 685, 25, 33, 4357, 685, 25, 34, 4357, 685, 25, 35, 60, 198, 69, 796, 8315, 7, 25, 69, 11, 317, 11, 347, 8, 198, 70, 796, 8315, 7, 25, 70, 11, 347, 11, 327, 8, 198, 71, 796, 8315, 7, 25, 71, 11, 327, 11, 360, 8, 198, 198, 2, 28185, 876, 7071, 198, 14468, 4242, 2235, 198, 198, 2, 16205, 319, 10559, 198, 67, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 327, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 31, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 7383, 12331, 3091, 7, 67, 11, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 7383, 12331, 3091, 7, 67, 11, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 198, 69, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 277, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 352, 198, 31, 9288, 3091, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 737, 8367, 6624, 1058, 69, 198, 31, 9288, 3091, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 277, 198, 2787, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 198, 69, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 277, 8, 198, 70, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 308, 8, 198, 71, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 289, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 513, 198, 31, 9288, 685, 65, 13, 8367, 329, 275, 287, 10559, 7, 67, 15437, 6624, 685, 25, 69, 11, 25, 70, 11, 25, 71, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 685, 69, 11, 70, 11, 71, 60, 198, 2787, 62, 29305, 0, 7, 67, 11, 685, 69, 85, 11, 71, 85, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 352, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 685, 70, 60, 198, 198, 2, 16205, 319, 14090, 198, 67, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 327, 8, 198, 69, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 277, 8, 198, 70, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 308, 8, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 5128, 62, 3742, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 317, 198, 31, 9288, 5072, 62, 3742, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 347, 198, 31, 9288, 5128, 62, 3742, 7, 67, 11, 5072, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 6624, 327, 198, 31, 9288, 5072, 62, 3742, 7, 67, 11, 5128, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 6624, 317, 198, 31, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 13047, 16922, 5128, 62, 3742, 7, 67, 11, 5128, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 13047, 16922, 5072, 62, 3742, 7, 67, 11, 5072, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2493, 62, 8367, 7, 67, 11, 4347, 7, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 26410, 13924, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 1058, 32, 198, 31, 9288, 2493, 62, 8367, 7, 67, 11, 4347, 7, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 20560, 13924, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 1058, 34, 198, 31, 9288, 2493, 62, 8367, 7, 67, 11, 4347, 7, 69, 85, 11, 20560, 13924, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 1058, 32, 198, 31, 9288, 2493, 62, 8367, 7, 67, 11, 4347, 7, 69, 85, 11, 26410, 13924, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 1058, 33, 198, 198, 2, 16205, 319, 19474, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 31, 9288, 5145, 10134, 62, 21809, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 11, 308, 85, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 5145, 10134, 62, 21809, 7, 67, 11, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 2860, 62, 21809, 0, 7, 67, 11, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 2860, 62, 21809, 0, 7, 67, 11, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 2860, 62, 21809, 0, 7, 67, 11, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 513, 198, 31, 9288, 468, 62, 21809, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 11, 308, 85, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 468, 62, 21809, 7, 67, 11, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 62, 400, 8516, 13047, 16922, 751, 62, 21809, 0, 7, 67, 11, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 19474, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 3975, 7, 29451, 11, 685, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 828, 198, 12962, 198, 198, 2, 911, 12154, 9088, 13, 198, 67, 62, 30073, 796, 4866, 7, 67, 8, 198, 2787, 62, 29305, 0, 7, 67, 62, 30073, 11, 685, 69, 85, 11, 70, 85, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 513, 198, 198, 2, 29681, 6608, 13, 198, 31, 9288, 5345, 7, 439, 62, 710, 394, 32289, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 4008, 6624, 5345, 26933, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 70, 85, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 5345, 7, 439, 62, 710, 394, 32289, 7, 67, 11, 308, 85, 4008, 6624, 5345, 26933, 69, 85, 11, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 8, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 12020, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 685, 70, 85, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 503, 710, 394, 32289, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 685, 70, 85, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 287, 710, 394, 32289, 7, 67, 11, 308, 85, 8, 6624, 685, 69, 85, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 19474, 7, 67, 11, 5128, 62, 312, 7, 67, 4008, 6624, 685, 14712, 19510, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 2361, 198, 31, 9288, 19474, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 3975, 7, 29451, 11, 685, 198, 220, 14808, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 36911, 198, 220, 14808, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 503, 62, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 8, 6624, 685, 14712, 19510, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 2361, 198, 31, 9288, 503, 62, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 11, 4347, 7, 69, 85, 11, 26410, 13924, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 685, 14712, 19510, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 2361, 198, 31, 9288, 287, 62, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 11, 308, 85, 8, 6624, 685, 14712, 19510, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 2361, 198, 31, 9288, 287, 62, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 11, 4347, 7, 70, 85, 11, 20560, 13924, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 685, 14712, 19510, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 2361, 198, 198, 2787, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 11, 308, 85, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 31, 9288, 5145, 10134, 62, 21809, 7, 67, 11, 277, 85, 11, 308, 85, 8, 198, 2787, 62, 21809, 0, 7, 67, 11, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 19474, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 685, 14712, 19510, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 4008, 2361, 198, 198, 2, 1423, 19513, 850, 34960, 13, 198, 67, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 35, 8, 198, 69, 85, 11, 308, 85, 11, 289, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 277, 828, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 308, 828, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 11, 289, 8, 198, 2860, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 67, 11, 39645, 58, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 71, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 71, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 828, 198, 12962, 198, 7266, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 360, 8, 198, 69, 85, 11, 308, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 7266, 11, 277, 828, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 7266, 11, 308, 8, 198, 2860, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 7266, 11, 39645, 58, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 7266, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 18268, 62, 7266, 10989, 6713, 7, 67, 11, 685, 69, 85, 11, 308, 85, 12962, 6624, 850, 198, 198, 2, 24944, 2738, 198, 7804, 4242, 2235, 198, 198, 7266, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 33, 11, 35, 8, 198, 70, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 7266, 11, 308, 8, 198, 71, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 7266, 11, 289, 8, 198, 2860, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 7266, 11, 39645, 58, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 7266, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 71, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 71, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 7266, 828, 16, 828, 198, 12962, 198, 67, 15, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 35, 8, 198, 69, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 277, 8, 198, 7266, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 850, 8, 198, 2860, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 39645, 58, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 15, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 7266, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 7266, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 15, 828, 16, 828, 198, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 67, 15, 8, 6624, 685, 277, 11, 850, 2361, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 7266, 8, 6624, 685, 308, 11, 289, 2361, 198, 67, 796, 15373, 7, 67, 15, 11, 850, 85, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 513, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 685, 69, 11, 308, 11, 289, 60, 198, 3524, 62, 8899, 796, 360, 713, 7, 3524, 7, 67, 11, 85, 737, 8367, 5218, 410, 329, 410, 287, 3091, 62, 2340, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 604, 198, 31, 9288, 5345, 7, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 4008, 6624, 5345, 7, 8899, 7, 29451, 11, 685, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 69, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 69, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 70, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 70, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 71, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 71, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 828, 198, 60, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 14711, 1686, 1741, 198, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 198, 67, 15, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 35, 8, 198, 69, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 277, 8, 198, 70, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 308, 8, 198, 71, 85, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 289, 8, 198, 2860, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 39645, 58, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 69, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 70, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 71, 85, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 71, 85, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 198, 12962, 198, 198, 67, 796, 32652, 5039, 7, 67, 15, 11, 685, 69, 85, 11, 70, 85, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 31, 9288, 2160, 7, 9160, 7, 65, 11, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 8, 329, 275, 287, 10559, 7, 67, 4008, 6624, 352, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 513, 198, 7266, 796, 717, 7, 65, 329, 275, 287, 10559, 7, 67, 8, 611, 318, 64, 7, 65, 11, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 7266, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 7266, 8, 6624, 685, 69, 11, 308, 60, 198, 3524, 62, 8899, 796, 360, 713, 7, 3524, 7, 7266, 11, 85, 737, 8367, 5218, 410, 329, 410, 287, 3091, 62, 2340, 7, 7266, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 5345, 7, 86, 2387, 7, 7266, 4008, 6624, 5345, 7, 8899, 7, 29451, 11, 685, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 7266, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 69, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 69, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 70, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 70, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 7266, 828, 16, 828, 198, 60, 4008, 198, 198, 67, 796, 32652, 5039, 7, 67, 15, 11, 685, 69, 85, 11, 70, 85, 4357, 27537, 62, 29305, 28, 7942, 11, 1988, 28, 25, 68, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 10559, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 685, 8315, 7, 25, 68, 11, 317, 11, 327, 828, 289, 2361, 198, 3524, 62, 8899, 796, 360, 713, 7, 3524, 7, 67, 11, 85, 737, 8367, 5218, 410, 329, 410, 287, 3091, 62, 2340, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 5345, 7, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 4008, 6624, 5345, 7, 8899, 7, 29451, 11, 685, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 68, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 68, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 71, 4357, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 3524, 62, 8899, 58, 25, 71, 4357, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 828, 198, 60, 4008, 198, 198, 67, 15, 796, 370, 3428, 18683, 6713, 7, 32, 11, 33, 8, 198, 85, 16, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 277, 8, 198, 85, 17, 796, 751, 62, 3524, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 277, 8, 198, 2860, 62, 86, 2387, 0, 7, 67, 15, 11, 39645, 58, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 85, 16, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 15414, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 85, 17, 11, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 85, 16, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 828, 198, 220, 357, 85, 17, 11, 16, 8, 5218, 357, 22915, 62, 312, 7, 67, 828, 16, 828, 198, 12962, 198, 67, 796, 32652, 5039, 7, 67, 15, 11, 685, 85, 16, 11, 85, 17, 12962, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 29305, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 352, 198, 31, 9288, 299, 86, 2387, 7, 67, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 7266, 796, 717, 7, 29305, 7, 67, 4008, 198, 31, 9288, 850, 6624, 288, 15, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 module Sigmoid using LoopVectorization function func!(output_matrix::Array{Float32}, value_matrix::Array{Float32}) @avxt for i in eachindex(value_matrix) value_matrix[i] = ifelse(value_matrix[i]>3.0f38, 3.0f38, value_matrix[i]) value_matrix[i] = ifelse(value_matrix[i]<-3.0f38, -3.0f38, value_matrix[i]) output_matrix[i] = ifelse(value_matrix[i]>=0, 1/(1+exp(-value_matrix[i])), exp(value_matrix[i])/(1+exp(value_matrix[i]))) end end function get_∇biases!(∇biases::Array{Float32}, value_matrix::Array{Float32}, δ::Array{Float32}) @avxt for i in eachindex(value_matrix) ∇biases[i] = exp(-value_matrix[i])/(1+exp(-value_matrix[i]))^2*δ[i] end end function get_name() return "Sigmoid" end end # Source:
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 21412, 311, 17225, 1868, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 26304, 38469, 1634, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 25439, 0, 7, 22915, 62, 6759, 8609, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 5512, 1988, 62, 6759, 8609, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 615, 742, 329, 1312, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 796, 611, 17772, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 29, 18, 13, 15, 69, 2548, 11, 513, 13, 15, 69, 2548, 11, 1988, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 796, 611, 17772, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 27, 12, 18, 13, 15, 69, 2548, 11, 532, 18, 13, 15, 69, 2548, 11, 1988, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5072, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 796, 611, 17772, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 29, 28, 15, 11, 352, 29006, 16, 10, 11201, 32590, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 12962, 828, 1033, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 12962, 29006, 16, 10, 11201, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 651, 62, 24861, 229, 8482, 1386, 0, 7, 24861, 229, 8482, 1386, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 5512, 1988, 62, 6759, 8609, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 5512, 7377, 112, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 615, 742, 329, 1312, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18872, 229, 8482, 1386, 58, 72, 60, 796, 1033, 32590, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 12962, 29006, 16, 10, 11201, 32590, 8367, 62, 6759, 8609, 58, 72, 60, 4008, 61, 17, 9, 138, 112, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 651, 62, 3672, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 50, 17225, 1868, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 8090, 25, 3740, 1378, 16514, 85, 494, 8704, 13, 12567, 13, 952, 14, 14036, 14, 7353, 14, 4967, 14, 2999, 14, 1157, 14, 11201, 12, 11265, 1096, 12, 2213, 624, 14, 198 ]
<filename>test/test_beta.jl using MicrobiomeAnalysis using Microbiome # , SummarizedExperiments using Test @testset "MicrobiomeAnalysis.jl" begin se = SummarizedExperiments.exampleobject(40, 20) samps = MicrobiomeSample.([samples for samples in]) taxa = [Taxon("$taxa", :species) for taxa in] mat = assay(se, "bar") comm = CommunityProfile(mat, taxa, samps) microjack = Microbiome.jaccard(comm) miajack = MicrobiomeAnalysis.jaccard(se, "bar") @test microjack == miajack microbray = Microbiome.braycurtis(comm) miabray = MicrobiomeAnalysis.braycurtis(se, "bar") @test microbray == miabray microhell = Microbiome.hellinger(comm) miahell = MicrobiomeAnalysis.hellinger(se, "bar") @test microhell == miahell end # MicrobiomeAnalysis.jl: Error During Test at /Users/giuliobene3000/Desktop/Projects/JuliaProjects/MicrobiomeAnalysis.jl/test/test_beta.jl:5 # Got exception outside of a @test # MethodError: no method matching pairwise(::Distances.BrayCurtis, ::Array{Float32, 3}, ::Array{Float32, 3}; dims=2) # Closest candidates are: # pairwise(::Distances.PreMetric, ::Any, ::Any) at ~/.julia/packages/Distances/6E33b/src/generic.jl:340 got unsupported keyword argument "dims" # pairwise(::Any, ::Any, ::Any; symmetric, skipmissing) at ~/.julia/packages/StatsBase/pJqvO/src/pairwise.jl:282 got unsupported keyword argument "dims" # pairwise(::Distances.PreMetric, ::Any) at ~/.julia/packages/Distances/6E33b/src/generic.jl:347 got unsupported keyword argument "dims"
[ 27, 34345, 29, 9288, 14, 9288, 62, 31361, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 4527, 8482, 462, 32750, 198, 3500, 4527, 8482, 462, 1303, 837, 5060, 3876, 1143, 20468, 6800, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 13031, 8482, 462, 32750, 13, 20362, 1, 2221, 628, 220, 220, 220, 384, 796, 5060, 3876, 1143, 20468, 6800, 13, 20688, 15252, 7, 1821, 11, 1160, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 264, 9430, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 36674, 12195, 58, 82, 12629, 329, 8405, 287, 384, 13, 36673, 1045, 13, 3672, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1687, 64, 796, 685, 27017, 261, 7203, 3, 19290, 64, 1600, 1058, 35448, 8, 329, 1687, 64, 287, 384, 13, 3986, 1045, 13, 3672, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2603, 796, 40575, 7, 325, 11, 366, 5657, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 725, 796, 8108, 37046, 7, 6759, 11, 1687, 64, 11, 264, 9430, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 4580, 19650, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 13, 73, 4134, 446, 7, 9503, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 544, 19650, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 32750, 13, 73, 4134, 446, 7, 325, 11, 366, 5657, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4580, 19650, 6624, 285, 544, 19650, 628, 220, 220, 220, 4580, 1671, 323, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 13, 1671, 323, 66, 3325, 271, 7, 9503, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21504, 397, 2433, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 32750, 13, 1671, 323, 66, 3325, 271, 7, 325, 11, 366, 5657, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4580, 1671, 323, 6624, 21504, 397, 2433, 628, 220, 220, 220, 4580, 12758, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 13, 258, 2680, 263, 7, 9503, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 544, 12758, 796, 4527, 8482, 462, 32750, 13, 258, 2680, 263, 7, 325, 11, 366, 5657, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4580, 12758, 6624, 285, 544, 12758, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 4527, 8482, 462, 32750, 13, 20362, 25, 13047, 5856, 6208, 379, 1220, 14490, 14, 12397, 32176, 672, 1734, 23924, 14, 36881, 14, 16775, 82, 14, 16980, 544, 16775, 82, 14, 13031, 8482, 462, 32750, 13, 20362, 14, 9288, 14, 9288, 62, 31361, 13, 20362, 25, 20, 198, 2, 220, 220, 11853, 6631, 2354, 286, 257, 2488, 9288, 198, 2, 220, 220, 11789, 12331, 25, 645, 2446, 12336, 5166, 3083, 7, 3712, 20344, 1817, 13, 33, 2433, 34, 3325, 271, 11, 7904, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 11, 513, 5512, 7904, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 11, 513, 19629, 5391, 82, 28, 17, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 1012, 418, 395, 5871, 389, 25, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5166, 3083, 7, 3712, 20344, 1817, 13, 6719, 9171, 1173, 11, 7904, 7149, 11, 7904, 7149, 8, 379, 39763, 73, 43640, 14, 43789, 14, 20344, 1817, 14, 21, 36, 2091, 65, 14, 10677, 14, 41357, 13, 20362, 25, 23601, 1392, 24222, 21179, 4578, 366, 67, 12078, 1, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5166, 3083, 7, 3712, 7149, 11, 7904, 7149, 11, 7904, 7149, 26, 23606, 19482, 11, 14267, 45688, 8, 379, 39763, 73, 43640, 14, 43789, 14, 29668, 14881, 14, 79, 41, 44179, 46, 14, 10677, 14, 24874, 3083, 13, 20362, 25, 32568, 1392, 24222, 21179, 4578, 366, 67, 12078, 1, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5166, 3083, 7, 3712, 20344, 1817, 13, 6719, 9171, 1173, 11, 7904, 7149, 8, 379, 39763, 73, 43640, 14, 43789, 14, 20344, 1817, 14, 21, 36, 2091, 65, 14, 10677, 14, 41357, 13, 20362, 25, 30995, 1392, 24222, 21179, 4578, 366, 67, 12078, 1, 198 ]
using BlackBoxOptim # bbo is now extended to support not only AbstractVector{Float64} represetations of solutions, but all AbstractVector{<:Real} solution types. # To illustrate this you here find a variant with binary representations through UInt8, instead of the default (Individual = Vector{Float64}). # The toy problem implemented below is maxone, which maximizes the amount of ones in a binary array (as a proof of concept). # The example uses a new optimizer, a Genetic Algorithm (GA), which by default uses the newly implemented operators BinaryFlipMutation and MultiPointCrossover. # fitness function maxones(genotype::AbstractVector{<:Integer})::Float64 = sum(genotype) # search space with unsigned integers ss = RectSearchSpace(1000, (0x00, 0x01), UInt8) bboptimize(maxones; SearchSpace = ss, MaxTime = 10, FitnessScheme = MaximizingFitnessScheme, Method = :ga) # Per default, the MultiPointCrossover uses 2-point crossover and a mutation rate of 1%, which has the algorithm converge slowly. Below we set the number of points to 50 and mutation rate to .1 % to speed-up convergence. using BlackBoxOptim: MultiPointCrossover, BinaryFlipMutation bboptimize(maxones; CrossoverOperator = MultiPointCrossover(50), MutationOperator = BinaryFlipMutation(.001), SearchSpace = ss, MaxTime = 10, FitnessScheme = MaximizingFitnessScheme, Method = :ga)
[ 3500, 2619, 14253, 27871, 320, 198, 198, 2, 275, 2127, 318, 783, 7083, 284, 1104, 407, 691, 27741, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 1128, 42503, 602, 286, 8136, 11, 475, 477, 27741, 38469, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 4610, 3858, 13, 198, 2, 1675, 19418, 428, 345, 994, 1064, 257, 15304, 351, 13934, 24612, 832, 471, 5317, 23, 11, 2427, 286, 262, 4277, 357, 35392, 796, 20650, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 737, 198, 2, 383, 13373, 1917, 9177, 2174, 318, 3509, 505, 11, 543, 12991, 4340, 262, 2033, 286, 3392, 287, 257, 13934, 7177, 357, 292, 257, 6617, 286, 3721, 737, 198, 2, 383, 1672, 3544, 257, 649, 6436, 7509, 11, 257, 42295, 978, 42289, 357, 9273, 828, 543, 416, 4277, 3544, 262, 8308, 9177, 12879, 45755, 7414, 541, 44, 7094, 290, 15237, 12727, 34, 23954, 13, 198, 198, 2, 13547, 2163, 198, 9806, 1952, 7, 5235, 8690, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 27, 25, 46541, 92, 2599, 25, 43879, 2414, 796, 2160, 7, 5235, 8690, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2989, 2272, 351, 22165, 37014, 198, 824, 796, 48599, 18243, 14106, 7, 12825, 11, 357, 15, 87, 405, 11, 657, 87, 486, 828, 471, 5317, 23, 8, 198, 198, 11848, 40085, 1096, 7, 9806, 1952, 26, 11140, 14106, 796, 37786, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5436, 7575, 796, 838, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 34545, 27054, 1326, 796, 38962, 2890, 37, 3659, 27054, 1326, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11789, 796, 1058, 4908, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2448, 4277, 11, 262, 15237, 12727, 34, 23954, 3544, 362, 12, 4122, 27668, 290, 257, 15148, 2494, 286, 352, 7441, 543, 468, 262, 11862, 47873, 6364, 13, 10383, 356, 900, 262, 1271, 286, 2173, 284, 2026, 290, 15148, 2494, 284, 764, 16, 4064, 284, 2866, 12, 929, 40826, 13, 198, 3500, 2619, 14253, 27871, 320, 25, 15237, 12727, 34, 23954, 11, 45755, 7414, 541, 44, 7094, 198, 198, 11848, 40085, 1096, 7, 9806, 1952, 26, 327, 23954, 18843, 1352, 796, 15237, 12727, 34, 23954, 7, 1120, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 337, 7094, 18843, 1352, 796, 45755, 7414, 541, 44, 7094, 7, 13, 8298, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11140, 14106, 796, 37786, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5436, 7575, 796, 838, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 34545, 27054, 1326, 796, 38962, 2890, 37, 3659, 27054, 1326, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11789, 796, 1058, 4908, 8, 198 ]
export stationdensity_selection """ stationdensity_selection(InputDict::Dict) return stationlist which is density-averaged over space. """ function stationdensity_selection(InputDict::Dict) starttime = InputDict["starttime"] endtime = InputDict["endtime"] kmlfile = InputDict["kmlfile"] studyarea = InputDict["studyarea"] includenet = InputDict["includenet"] priority = InputDict["priority"] TotalNumofStation = InputDict["TotalNumofStation"] nx = InputDict["nx"] ny = InputDict["ny"] IsPlotFigure = InputDict["IsPlotFigure"] # parse kml station file println("---Parse KML file---") xdoc = parse_file(kmlfile); xroot = LightXML.root(xdoc); ces = collect(child_elements(xroot)); itmp = 1 stid = 0 while true itmp if !isempty(ces[itmp]["name"]) stid = itmp break; end itmp += 1 if itmp > 100 error("Station network is more than 100. abort.") end end s1 = ces[stid:end] stationnum = length(s1) stationlist = [] # 1. read station info for i = 1:stationnum stationname = content(s1[i]["name"][1]) stationloc = content(s1[i]["Point"][1]["coordinates"][1]) coord_lon = parse.(Float64, split(stationloc, ","))[1] coord_lat = parse.(Float64, split(stationloc, ","))[2] # find operating range txt = string(s1[i]["Style"][1]["BalloonStyle"][1]["text"]) tl =split(string(txt), ";") operatingtime =tl[findfirst(occursin.("Operating Range", tl))] startoptime = DateTime(split(operatingtime)[3][1:10]) endoptime = DateTime(split(operatingtime)[5][1:10]) datacentertxt =tl[findfirst(occursin.("Data Center", tl))] if (startoptime <= starttime && endtime <= endoptime && any(occursin.(stationname[1:2], includenet))) # take only stations which is operated over study time. st = Dict("stationname" => stationname, "coord_lon" => coord_lon, "coord_lat" => coord_lat) push!(stationlist, st) end end # 2. plot location if IsPlotFigure pyplot() fodir = "./fig" if !ispath(fodir) mkpath(fodir); end px = [stationlist[x]["coord_lon"] for x in 1:length(stationlist)] py = [stationlist[x]["coord_lat"] for x in 1:length(stationlist)] text = [stationlist[x]["stationname"] for x in 1:length(stationlist)] Plots.plot(bg=:white) p1 = Plots.scatter!(px, py, markershape = :dtriangle, markersize = 12, label="", size=(1200,1200), xlabel = "lon", xlims = (studyarea[4], studyarea[2]), ylabel = "lat", ylims = (studyarea[3], studyarea[1]), aspect_ratio=:equal) Plots.savefig(p1, fodir*"/"*InputDict["figname"]) end # 3. compute station density println("---Compute station density---") dx = (studyarea[2] - studyarea[4])/nx dy = (studyarea[1] - studyarea[3])/ny NG = nx * ny grid = [] for i=1:nx for j=1:ny xl = (i-1) * dx + studyarea[4] xr = (i) * dx + studyarea[4] yb = (j-1) * dy + studyarea[3] yt = (j) * dy + studyarea[3] xm = (xl+xr)/2 ym = (yb+yt)/2 gridtmp = Dict("xm"=>xm, "ym"=>ym, "xl"=>xl, "xr"=>xr, "yb"=>yb, "yt"=>yt) push!(grid, gridtmp) end end stationidlist = [] for gid = 1:NG xl = grid[gid]["xl"] xr = grid[gid]["xr"] yb = grid[gid]["yb"] yt = grid[gid]["yt"] numstationpergrid=0 stationid=Int[] for i = 1:length(stationlist) x1 = stationlist[i]["coord_lon"] y1 = stationlist[i]["coord_lat"] if insquare(x1, y1, xl, xr, yb, yt, edgeinclude=true) numstationpergrid += 1 push!(stationid, i) end end grid[gid]["numstationpergrid"] = numstationpergrid push!(stationidlist, stationid) end # 4. reduce the station density # - sort from higher num of station # - remove one of pairs with closest distance and priority println("---Averaging station density---") r_grid= deepcopy(grid) r_stationlist = deepcopy(stationlist) r_stationidlist = deepcopy(stationidlist) removestations!(TotalNumofStation, r_grid, r_stationlist, r_stationidlist, includenet, priority) r_stationlist = [stationlist[x] for x in collect(Iterators.flatten(r_stationidlist))] if IsPlotFigure px = [r_stationlist[x]["coord_lon"] for x in 1:length(r_stationlist)] py = [r_stationlist[x]["coord_lat"] for x in 1:length(r_stationlist)] text = [r_stationlist[x]["stationname"] for x in 1:length(r_stationlist)] Plots.plot(bg=:white) p2 = Plots.scatter!(px, py, markershape = :dtriangle, markersize = 12, label="", size=(1200,1200), xlabel = "lon", xlims = (studyarea[4], studyarea[2]), ylabel = "lat", ylims = (studyarea[3], studyarea[1]), aspect_ratio=:equal) Plots.savefig(p2, fodir*"/"*"densityaveraged_"*InputDict["figname"]) end #=== save for SeisDownload input file ===# fofiledir = "./files" if !ispath(fofiledir) mkpath(fofiledir); end stationlistfoname = fofiledir*"/input_stationlist.jld2" jldopen(stationlistfoname, "w") do file file["stationlist"] = stationlist; end #=== # save stationlist for gmt ===# # gather network name networks = Dict() println("---Station networks---") for i = 1:length(stationlist) networkname = split(stationlist[i]["stationname"], ".")[1] if !haskey(networks, networkname) println(networkname) #add this network to dict networks["$(networkname)"] = Array[] end end for i = 1:length(stationlist) stationname = stationlist[i]["stationname"] coord_lon = stationlist[i]["coord_lon"] coord_lat = stationlist[i]["coord_lat"] # Here, elevation is not included because no elevetion in IRIS kml file. # However, you can find elevation when analysing dv/v as CorrData has the elevation of stations. for key = keys(networks) if occursin(stationname[1:3], "$(key).", ) push!(networks["$(key)"], [coord_lon, coord_lat]) end end end #save as jld2 jldopen(fofiledir*"/gmt_stationcoords.jld2", "w") do file for key = keys(networks) file["$(key)"] = networks["$(key)"] end end return nothing end """ insquare(x1, y1, xl, xr, yb, yt; edgeinclude::Bool=true) return if x1, y1 is in square """ function insquare(x1, y1, xl, xr, yb, yt; edgeinclude::Bool=true) if edgeinclude if x1 >= xl && x1 <= xr && y1 >= yb && y1 <= yt return true else return false end else if x1 > xl && x1 < xr && y1 > yb && y1 < yt return true else return false end end end """ removestations!(TotalNumofStation::Int, r_grid::Array{Any,1}, r_stationlist::Array{Any,1}, r_stationidlist::Array{Any,1}, includenet::Array{String,1}, priority::Array{String,1}) remove stations with averaging density in grid """ function removestations!(TotalNumofStation::Int, r_grid::Array{Any,1}, r_stationlist::Array{Any,1}, r_stationidlist::Array{Any,1}, includenet::Array{String,1}, priority::Array{String,1}) NG = length(r_grid) r_numstlistsort = [r_grid[x]["numstationpergrid"] for x in 1:NG] r_sortid = sortperm(r_numstlistsort, rev=true) icount = 1 while true if sum(r_numstlistsort) <= TotalNumofStation break elseif sum(r_numstlistsort) == 0 error("All station is removed from list. abort.") elseif icount > 10000 error("iteration number exceeds 10000. too many station removal. abort.") end r_gid = first(r_sortid) # remove from this grid st = r_stationidlist[r_gid] # compute distance with eachother rdist = 1e12 r_ii = -1 r_jj = -1 r_netii = "" r_netjj = "" for i = 1:length(st)-1 for j = i+1:length(st) ii = st[i] jj = st[j] id1 = r_stationlist[ii]["stationname"] id2 = r_stationlist[jj]["stationname"] net1 = string(split(id1, ".")[1]) net2 = string(split(id2, ".")[1]) x1 = r_stationlist[ii]["coord_lon"] y1 = r_stationlist[ii]["coord_lat"] x2 = r_stationlist[jj]["coord_lon"] y2 = r_stationlist[jj]["coord_lat"] trial_dist = norm([(x2-x1), (y2-y1)]) # decide if we remove this if @isdefined includenet if any(occursin.(includenet, net1)) || any(occursin.(includenet, net2)) continue; end end if trial_dist < rdist #update potential removal station r_ii = ii r_jj = jj r_netii = net1 r_netjj = net2 rdist = trial_dist end end end if r_ii == -1 || r_jj == -1 error("no station is chosen. abort.") end #evaluate removing either r_ii or r_jj if !@isdefined priority priority = [] end ri1 = findfirst(x -> x==r_netii, priority) ri2 = findfirst(x -> x==r_netjj, priority) if isnothing(ri1) || isnothing(ri2) removedid = r_ii #no priority elseif ri1 >= ri2 removedid = r_ii else removedid = r_jj end # pop out removedid from list r_grid[r_gid]["numstationpergrid"] = r_numstlistsort[r_gid] - 1 filter!(e -> e != removedid, r_stationidlist[r_gid]) r_numstlistsort = [r_grid[x]["numstationpergrid"] for x in 1:NG] r_sortid = sortperm(r_numstlistsort, rev=true) icount += 1 end end
[ 39344, 4429, 43337, 62, 49283, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 17529, 43337, 62, 49283, 7, 20560, 35, 713, 3712, 35, 713, 8, 198, 7783, 4429, 4868, 543, 318, 12109, 12, 8770, 1886, 625, 2272, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 4429, 43337, 62, 49283, 7, 20560, 35, 713, 3712, 35, 713, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 923, 2435, 220, 220, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 9688, 2435, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 2435, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 437, 2435, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10571, 1652, 576, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 13276, 1652, 576, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2050, 20337, 220, 220, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 44517, 20337, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 846, 268, 316, 220, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 259, 758, 268, 316, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8475, 220, 220, 220, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 49336, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7472, 33111, 1659, 12367, 796, 23412, 35, 713, 14692, 14957, 33111, 1659, 12367, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 87, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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<filename>src/utils/base.jl export nframes, frame_type, select_last_dim, select_last_frame, consecutive_view, find_all_max, huber_loss, huber_loss_unreduced, discount_rewards, discount_rewards!, discount_rewards_reduced, generalized_advantage_estimation, generalized_advantage_estimation!, logitcrossentropy_unreduced, flatten_batch, unflatten_batch using StatsBase nframes(a::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = size(a, N) frame_type(::Array{T,N}) where {T,N} = Array{T,N - 1} frame_type(::Vector{T}) where {T} = T select_last_dim(xs::AbstractArray{T,N}, inds) where {T,N} = @views xs[ntuple(_ -> (:), N - 1)..., inds] select_last_frame(xs::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = select_last_dim(xs, size(xs, N)) """ flatten_batch(x::AbstractArray) Merge the last two dimension. # Example ```julia-repl julia> x = reshape(1:12, 2, 2, 3) 2×2×3 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 2, 2, 3) with eltype Int64: [:, :, 1] = 1 3 2 4 [:, :, 2] = 5 7 6 8 [:, :, 3] = 9 11 10 12 julia> flatten_batch(x) 2×6 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 2, 6) with eltype Int64: 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 4 6 8 10 12 ``` """ flatten_batch(x::AbstractArray) = reshape(x, (size(x) |> reverse |> Base.tail |> Base.tail |> reverse)..., :) # much faster than `reshape(x, size(x)[1:end-2]..., :)` unflatten_batch(x::AbstractArray, i::Int...) = reshape(x, (size(x) |> reverse |> Base.tail |> reverse)..., i...) consecutive_view( cb::AbstractArray, inds::Vector{Int}; n_stack = nothing, n_horizon = nothing, ) = consecutive_view(cb, inds, n_stack, n_horizon) consecutive_view(cb::AbstractArray, inds::Vector{Int}, ::Nothing, ::Nothing) = select_last_dim(cb, inds) consecutive_view(cb::AbstractArray, inds::Vector{Int}, n_stack::Int, ::Nothing) = select_last_dim( cb, reshape([i for x in inds for i in x-n_stack+1:x], n_stack, length(inds)), ) consecutive_view(cb::AbstractArray, inds::Vector{Int}, ::Nothing, n_horizon::Int) = select_last_dim( cb, reshape([i for x in inds for i in x:x+n_horizon-1], n_horizon, length(inds)), ) consecutive_view(cb::AbstractArray, inds::Vector{Int}, n_stack::Int, n_horizon::Int) = select_last_dim( cb, reshape( [j for x in inds for i in x:x+n_horizon-1 for j in i-n_stack+1:i], n_stack, n_horizon, length(inds), ), ) function find_all_max(x) v = maximum(x) v, findall(==(v), x) end function find_all_max(x, mask::AbstractVector{Bool}) v = maximum(view(x, mask)) v, [k for (m, k) in zip(mask, keys(x)) if m && x[k] == v] end # !!! watch Base.findmax(f, domain) = mapfoldl(x -> (f(x), x), _rf_findmax, domain) _rf_findmax((fm, m), (fx, x)) = isless(fm, fx) ? (fx, x) : (fm, m) # !!! type piracy Base.findmax(A::AbstractVector, mask::AbstractVector{Bool}) = findmax(i -> A[i], view(keys(A), mask)) function logitcrossentropy_unreduced(logŷ::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat) return vec(-sum(y .* logsoftmax(logŷ), dims = 1)) end """ huber_loss_unreduced(labels, predictions; δ = 1.0f0) Similar to [`huber_loss`](@ref), but it doesn't do the `mean` operation in the last step. """ function huber_loss_unreduced(labels, predictions; δ = 1.0f0) abs_error = abs.(predictions .- labels) quadratic = min.(abs_error, δ) linear = abs_error .- quadratic 0.5f0 .* quadratic .* quadratic .+ δ .* linear end """ huber_loss(labels, predictions; δ = 1.0f0) See [Huber loss]( """ huber_loss(labels, predictions; δ = 1.0f0) = huber_loss_unreduced(labels, predictions; δ = δ) |> mean const VectorOrMatrix = Union{AbstractMatrix,AbstractVector} """ discount_rewards(rewards::VectorOrMatrix, γ::Number;kwargs...) Calculate the gain started from the current step with discount rate of `γ`. `rewards` can be a matrix. # Keyword argments - `dims=:`, if `rewards` is a `Matrix`, then `dims` can only be `1` or `2`. - `terminal=nothing`, specify if each reward follows by a terminal. `nothing` means the game is not terminated yet. If `terminal` is provided, then the size must be the same with `rewards`. - `init=nothing`, `init` can be used to provide the the reward estimation of the last state. # Example """ function discount_rewards(rewards::VectorOrMatrix, γ::T; kwargs...) where {T<:Number} res = similar(rewards, promote_type(eltype(rewards), T)) discount_rewards!(res, rewards, γ; kwargs...) res end discount_rewards!(new_rewards, rewards, γ; terminal = nothing, init = nothing, dims = :) = _discount_rewards!(new_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init, dims) function _discount_rewards!( new_rewards::AbstractMatrix, rewards::AbstractMatrix, γ, terminal::Nothing, init::Nothing, dims::Int, ) dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 for (r′, r) in zip(eachslice(new_rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(rewards, dims = dims)) _discount_rewards!(r′, r, γ, nothing, nothing) end end function _discount_rewards!( new_rewards::AbstractMatrix, rewards::AbstractMatrix, γ, terminal::Nothing, init, dims::Int, ) dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 for (i, (r′, r)) in enumerate(zip(eachslice(new_rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(rewards, dims = dims))) _discount_rewards!(r′, r, γ, nothing, init[i]) end end function _discount_rewards!( new_rewards::AbstractMatrix, rewards::AbstractMatrix, γ, terminal, init::Nothing, dims::Int, ) dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 for (r′, r, t) in zip( eachslice(new_rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(terminal, dims = dims), ) _discount_rewards!(r′, r, γ, t, nothing) end end function _discount_rewards!( new_rewards::AbstractMatrix, rewards::AbstractMatrix, γ, terminal, init, dims::Int, ) dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 for (i, (r′, r, t)) in enumerate(zip( eachslice(new_rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(terminal, dims = dims), )) _discount_rewards!(r′, r, γ, t, init[i]) end end _discount_rewards!( new_rewards::AbstractVector, rewards::AbstractVector, γ, terminal, init, dims::Colon, ) = _discount_rewards!(new_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init) "assuming rewards and new_rewards are Vector" _discount_rewards!(new_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init::Nothing) = _discount_rewards!(new_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, zero(eltype(new_rewards))) function _discount_rewards!(new_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init) gain = init for i in length(rewards):-1:1 is_continue = isnothing(terminal) ? true : (!terminal[i]) gain = rewards[i] + γ * gain * is_continue new_rewards[i] = gain end new_rewards end discount_rewards_reduced(rewards::AbstractVector, γ; terminal = nothing, init = nothing) = _discount_rewards_reduced(rewards, γ, terminal, init) function discount_rewards_reduced( rewards::AbstractMatrix, γ::T; terminal = nothing, init = nothing, dims, ) where {T<:Number} dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 res = Array{promote_type(eltype(rewards), T)}(undef, size(rewards, dims)) _discount_rewards_reduced!(res, rewards, γ, terminal, init, dims) res end _discount_rewards_reduced(rewards, γ, terminal, init::Nothing) = _discount_rewards_reduced(rewards, γ, terminal, zero(eltype(rewards))) function _discount_rewards_reduced(rewards, γ, terminal, init) gain = init for i in length(rewards):-1:1 is_continue = isnothing(terminal) ? true : (!terminal[i]) gain = rewards[i] + γ * gain * is_continue end gain end discount_rewards_reduced!( reduced_rewards::AbstractVector, rewards::AbstractMatrix, γ; terminal = nothing, init = nothing, dims, ) = _discount_rewards_reduced!(reduced_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init, dims) function _discount_rewards_reduced!( reduced_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal::Nothing, init::Nothing, dims::Int, ) for (i, r) in enumerate(eachslice(rewards, dims = dims)) reduced_rewards[i] = _discount_rewards_reduced(r, γ, nothing, nothing) end end function _discount_rewards_reduced!( reduced_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal::Nothing, init, dims::Int, ) for (i, r) in enumerate(eachslice(rewards, dims = dims)) reduced_rewards[i] = _discount_rewards_reduced(r, γ, nothing, init[i]) end end function _discount_rewards_reduced!( reduced_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init::Nothing, dims::Int, ) for (i, (r, t)) in enumerate(zip(eachslice(rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(terminal, dims = dims))) reduced_rewards[i] = _discount_rewards_reduced(r, γ, t, nothing) end end function _discount_rewards_reduced!(reduced_rewards, rewards, γ, terminal, init, dims::Int) for (i, (r, t)) in enumerate(zip(eachslice(rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(terminal, dims = dims))) reduced_rewards[i] = _discount_rewards_reduced(r, γ, t, init[i]) end end """ generalized_advantage_estimation(rewards::VectorOrMatrix, values::VectorOrMatrix, γ::Number, λ::Number;kwargs...) Calculate the generalized advantage estimate started from the current step with discount rate of `γ` and a lambda for GAE-Lambda of 'λ'. `rewards` and 'values' can be a matrix. # Keyword argments - `dims=:`, if `rewards` is a `Matrix`, then `dims` can only be `1` or `2`. - `terminal=nothing`, specify if each reward follows by a terminal. `nothing` means the game is not terminated yet. If `terminal` is provided, then the size must be the same with `rewards`. # Example """ function generalized_advantage_estimation( rewards::VectorOrMatrix, values::VectorOrMatrix, γ::T, λ::T; kwargs..., ) where {T<:Number} res = similar(rewards, promote_type(eltype(rewards), T)) generalized_advantage_estimation!(res, rewards, values, γ, λ; kwargs...) res end generalized_advantage_estimation!( advantages, rewards, values, γ, λ; terminal = nothing, dims = :, ) = _generalized_advantage_estimation!(advantages, rewards, values, γ, λ, terminal, dims) function _generalized_advantage_estimation!( advantages::AbstractMatrix, rewards::AbstractMatrix, values::AbstractMatrix, γ, λ, terminal::Nothing, dims::Int, ) dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 for (r′, r, v) in zip( eachslice(advantages, dims = dims), eachslice(rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(values, dims = dims), ) _generalized_advantage_estimation!(r′, r, v, γ, λ, nothing) end end function _generalized_advantage_estimation!( advantages::AbstractMatrix, rewards::AbstractMatrix, values::AbstractMatrix, γ, λ, terminal, dims::Int, ) dims = ndims(rewards) - dims + 1 for (r′, r, v, t) in zip( eachslice(advantages, dims = dims), eachslice(rewards, dims = dims), eachslice(values, dims = dims), eachslice(terminal, dims = dims), ) _generalized_advantage_estimation!(r′, r, v, γ, λ, t) end end _generalized_advantage_estimation!( advantages::AbstractVector, rewards::AbstractVector, values::AbstractVector, γ, λ, terminal, dims::Colon, ) = _generalized_advantage_estimation!(advantages, rewards, values, γ, λ, terminal) "assuming rewards and advantages are Vector" function _generalized_advantage_estimation!(advantages, rewards, values, γ, λ, terminal) gae = 0 for i in length(rewards):-1:1 is_continue = isnothing(terminal) ? true : (!terminal[i]) delta = rewards[i] + γ * values[i+1] * is_continue - values[i] gae = delta + γ * λ * is_continue * gae advantages[i] = gae end advantages end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 26791, 14, 8692, 13, 20362, 198, 39344, 299, 37805, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5739, 62, 4906, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 14535, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12785, 62, 1177, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1064, 62, 439, 62, 9806, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 18478, 62, 22462, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 18478, 62, 22462, 62, 403, 445, 19513, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 28265, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 38284, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 38284, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 28265, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 270, 19692, 298, 28338, 62, 403, 445, 19513, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27172, 268, 62, 43501, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42880, 41769, 62, 43501, 198, 198, 3500, 20595, 14881, 198, 198, 77, 37805, 7, 64, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 796, 2546, 7, 64, 11, 399, 8, 198, 14535, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 796, 15690, 90, 51, 11, 45, 532, 352, 92, 198, 14535, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 38469, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 309, 198, 198, 19738, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 7, 34223, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 5512, 773, 82, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 33571, 2124, 82, 58, 429, 29291, 28264, 4613, 357, 25, 828, 399, 532, 352, 26513, 11, 773, 82, 60, 198, 198, 19738, 62, 12957, 62, 14535, 7, 34223, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 796, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 7, 34223, 11, 2546, 7, 34223, 11, 399, 4008, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27172, 268, 62, 43501, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 8, 198, 198, 13102, 469, 262, 938, 734, 15793, 13, 198, 198, 2, 17934, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 43640, 12, 35666, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 2124, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 1065, 11, 362, 11, 362, 11, 513, 8, 198, 17, 12906, 17, 12906, 18, 27179, 1758, 7, 3712, 26453, 17257, 90, 5317, 2414, 5512, 362, 11, 362, 11, 513, 8, 351, 1288, 4906, 2558, 2414, 25, 198, 58, 45299, 1058, 11, 352, 60, 796, 198, 352, 220, 513, 198, 362, 220, 604, 198, 198, 58, 45299, 1058, 11, 362, 60, 796, 198, 642, 220, 767, 198, 718, 220, 807, 198, 198, 58, 45299, 1058, 11, 513, 60, 796, 198, 220, 860, 220, 1367, 198, 838, 220, 1105, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 27172, 268, 62, 43501, 7, 87, 8, 198, 17, 12906, 21, 27179, 1758, 7, 3712, 26453, 17257, 90, 5317, 2414, 5512, 362, 11, 718, 8, 351, 1288, 4906, 2558, 2414, 25, 198, 352, 220, 513, 220, 642, 220, 767, 220, 220, 860, 220, 1367, 198, 362, 220, 604, 220, 718, 220, 807, 220, 838, 220, 1105, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 2704, 41769, 62, 43501, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27179, 1758, 7, 87, 11, 357, 7857, 7, 87, 8, 930, 29, 9575, 930, 29, 7308, 13, 13199, 930, 29, 7308, 13, 13199, 930, 29, 9575, 26513, 11, 14373, 220, 1303, 881, 5443, 621, 220, 4600, 3447, 1758, 7, 87, 11, 2546, 7, 87, 38381, 16, 25, 437, 12, 17, 60, 986, 11, 14373, 63, 198, 198, 403, 2704, 41769, 62, 43501, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 1312, 3712, 5317, 23029, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27179, 1758, 7, 87, 11, 357, 7857, 7, 87, 8, 930, 29, 9575, 930, 29, 7308, 13, 13199, 930, 29, 9575, 26513, 11, 1312, 23029, 198, 198, 1102, 4552, 425, 62, 1177, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 65, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 82, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 19629, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 62, 25558, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 62, 17899, 8637, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 8, 796, 12785, 62, 1177, 7, 21101, 11, 773, 82, 11, 299, 62, 25558, 11, 299, 62, 17899, 8637, 8, 198, 1102, 4552, 425, 62, 1177, 7, 21101, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 773, 82, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 5512, 7904, 18465, 11, 7904, 18465, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 7, 21101, 11, 773, 82, 8, 198, 1102, 4552, 425, 62, 1177, 7, 21101, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 773, 82, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 5512, 299, 62, 25558, 3712, 5317, 11, 7904, 18465, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 65, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27179, 1758, 26933, 72, 329, 2124, 287, 773, 82, 329, 1312, 287, 2124, 12, 77, 62, 25558, 10, 16, 25, 87, 4357, 299, 62, 25558, 11, 4129, 7, 521, 82, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 1102, 4552, 425, 62, 1177, 7, 21101, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 773, 82, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 5512, 7904, 18465, 11, 299, 62, 17899, 8637, 3712, 5317, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 65, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27179, 1758, 26933, 72, 329, 2124, 287, 773, 82, 329, 1312, 287, 2124, 25, 87, 10, 77, 62, 17899, 8637, 12, 16, 4357, 299, 62, 17899, 8637, 11, 4129, 7, 521, 82, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 1102, 4552, 425, 62, 1177, 7, 21101, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 773, 82, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 5512, 299, 62, 25558, 3712, 5317, 11, 299, 62, 17899, 8637, 3712, 5317, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2922, 62, 12957, 62, 27740, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 65, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27179, 1758, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 73, 329, 2124, 287, 773, 82, 329, 1312, 287, 2124, 25, 87, 10, 77, 62, 17899, 8637, 12, 16, 329, 474, 287, 1312, 12, 77, 62, 25558, 10, 16, 25, 72, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 62, 25558, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 62, 17899, 8637, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 521, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 198, 8818, 1064, 62, 439, 62, 9806, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 796, 5415, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 11, 1064, 439, 7, 855, 7, 85, 828, 2124, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1064, 62, 439, 62, 9806, 7, 87, 11, 9335, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 33, 970, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 796, 5415, 7, 1177, 7, 87, 11, 9335, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 11, 685, 74, 329, 357, 76, 11, 479, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 27932, 11, 8251, 7, 87, 4008, 611, 285, 11405, 2124, 58, 74, 60, 6624, 410, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 220, 10185, 2342, 3740, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 43, 648, 14, 73, 43640, 14, 31216, 14, 33319, 1433, 2, 21949, 23893, 12, 21, 24909, 27728, 3865, 198, 14881, 13, 19796, 9806, 7, 69, 11, 7386, 8, 796, 3975, 11379, 75, 7, 87, 4613, 357, 69, 7, 87, 828, 2124, 828, 4808, 41871, 62, 19796, 9806, 11, 7386, 8, 198, 62, 41871, 62, 19796, 9806, 19510, 38353, 11, 285, 828, 357, 21373, 11, 2124, 4008, 796, 318, 1203, 7, 38353, 11, 277, 87, 8, 5633, 357, 21373, 11, 2124, 8, 1058, 357, 38353, 11, 285, 8, 198, 198, 2, 220, 10185, 2099, 30955, 198, 14881, 13, 19796, 9806, 7, 32, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 9335, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 33, 970, 30072, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1064, 9806, 7, 72, 4613, 317, 58, 72, 4357, 1570, 7, 13083, 7, 32, 828, 9335, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 2604, 270, 19692, 298, 28338, 62, 403, 445, 19513, 7, 6404, 88, 136, 224, 3712, 23839, 53, 721, 5574, 19044, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 53, 721, 5574, 19044, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 43030, 32590, 16345, 7, 88, 764, 9, 2604, 4215, 9806, 7, 6404, 88, 136, 224, 828, 5391, 82, 796, 352, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 18478, 62, 22462, 62, 403, 445, 19513, 7, 23912, 1424, 11, 16277, 26, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 13, 15, 69, 15, 8, 198, 198, 18925, 284, 685, 63, 13415, 527, 62, 22462, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 828, 475, 340, 1595, 470, 466, 262, 4600, 32604, 63, 4905, 287, 262, 938, 2239, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 289, 18478, 62, 22462, 62, 403, 445, 19513, 7, 23912, 1424, 11, 16277, 26, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 13, 15, 69, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2352, 62, 18224, 796, 2352, 12195, 28764, 9278, 764, 12, 14722, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15094, 81, 1512, 796, 949, 12195, 8937, 62, 18224, 11, 7377, 112, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14174, 796, 2352, 62, 18224, 764, 12, 15094, 81, 1512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 20, 69, 15, 764, 9, 15094, 81, 1512, 764, 9, 15094, 81, 1512, 764, 10, 7377, 112, 764, 9, 14174, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 18478, 62, 22462, 7, 23912, 1424, 11, 16277, 26, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 13, 15, 69, 15, 8, 198, 198, 6214, 685, 39, 18478, 2994, 16151, 5450, 1378, 268, 13, 31266, 13, 2398, 14, 15466, 14, 39, 18478, 62, 22462, 8, 198, 37811, 198, 13415, 527, 62, 22462, 7, 23912, 1424, 11, 16277, 26, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 13, 15, 69, 15, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 18478, 62, 22462, 62, 403, 445, 19513, 7, 23912, 1424, 11, 16277, 26, 7377, 112, 796, 7377, 112, 8, 930, 29, 1612, 198, 198, 9979, 20650, 5574, 46912, 796, 4479, 90, 23839, 46912, 11, 23839, 38469, 92, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 7, 260, 2017, 3712, 38469, 5574, 46912, 11, 7377, 111, 3712, 15057, 26, 46265, 22046, 23029, 198, 198, 9771, 3129, 378, 262, 4461, 2067, 422, 262, 1459, 2239, 351, 9780, 2494, 286, 4600, 42063, 44646, 198, 63, 260, 2017, 63, 460, 307, 257, 17593, 13, 198, 198, 2, 7383, 4775, 1822, 902, 198, 198, 12, 4600, 67, 12078, 28, 25, 47671, 611, 4600, 260, 2017, 63, 318, 257, 4600, 46912, 47671, 788, 4600, 67, 12078, 63, 460, 691, 307, 4600, 16, 63, 393, 4600, 17, 44646, 198, 12, 4600, 23705, 282, 28, 22366, 47671, 11986, 611, 1123, 6721, 5679, 416, 257, 12094, 13, 4600, 22366, 63, 1724, 262, 983, 318, 407, 23083, 1865, 13, 1002, 4600, 23705, 282, 63, 318, 2810, 11, 788, 262, 2546, 1276, 307, 262, 976, 351, 4600, 260, 2017, 44646, 198, 12, 4600, 15003, 28, 22366, 47671, 4600, 15003, 63, 460, 307, 973, 284, 2148, 262, 262, 6721, 31850, 286, 262, 938, 1181, 13, 198, 198, 2, 17934, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 7, 260, 2017, 3712, 38469, 5574, 46912, 11, 7377, 111, 3712, 51, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15057, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 2092, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 7719, 62, 4906, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 260, 2017, 828, 309, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 411, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 198, 437, 198, 198, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 26, 12094, 796, 2147, 11, 2315, 796, 2147, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 14373, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 11, 5391, 82, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 27379, 48369, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 1123, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 2147, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 357, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 4008, 287, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27056, 378, 7, 13344, 7, 27379, 48369, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 1123, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 2147, 11, 2315, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 256, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 23705, 282, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 256, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 357, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 256, 4008, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 13344, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 23705, 282, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15306, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 256, 11, 2315, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 62, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5216, 261, 11, 198, 8, 796, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 8, 198, 198, 1, 32935, 11530, 290, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 389, 20650, 1, 198, 62, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 3712, 18465, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 6632, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 22305, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 0, 7, 3605, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4461, 796, 2315, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 4129, 7, 260, 2017, 2599, 12, 16, 25, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 43043, 796, 318, 22366, 7, 23705, 282, 8, 5633, 2081, 1058, 22759, 23705, 282, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4461, 796, 11530, 58, 72, 60, 1343, 7377, 111, 1635, 4461, 1635, 318, 62, 43043, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 58, 72, 60, 796, 4461, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 62, 260, 2017, 198, 437, 198, 198, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 7377, 111, 26, 12094, 796, 2147, 11, 2315, 796, 2147, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 9780, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 3712, 51, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 11, 198, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15057, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 15690, 90, 16963, 1258, 62, 4906, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 260, 2017, 828, 309, 38165, 7, 917, 891, 11, 2546, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 411, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 11, 5391, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 198, 437, 198, 198, 62, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 3712, 18465, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 6632, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 260, 2017, 22305, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4461, 796, 2315, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 4129, 7, 260, 2017, 2599, 12, 16, 25, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 43043, 796, 318, 22366, 7, 23705, 282, 8, 5633, 2081, 1058, 22759, 23705, 282, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4461, 796, 11530, 58, 72, 60, 1343, 7377, 111, 1635, 4461, 1635, 318, 62, 43043, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4461, 198, 437, 198, 198, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 11, 198, 8, 796, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 445, 19513, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 11, 5391, 82, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 374, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 27379, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 58, 72, 60, 796, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 81, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 2147, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 374, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 27379, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 58, 72, 60, 796, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 81, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 2147, 11, 2315, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 357, 81, 11, 256, 4008, 287, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27056, 378, 7, 13344, 7, 27379, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 1123, 48369, 7, 23705, 282, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 58, 72, 60, 796, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 81, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 256, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 0, 7, 445, 19513, 62, 260, 2017, 11, 11530, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 12094, 11, 2315, 11, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 357, 81, 11, 256, 4008, 287, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27056, 378, 7, 13344, 7, 27379, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 1123, 48369, 7, 23705, 282, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 62, 260, 2017, 58, 72, 60, 796, 4808, 15410, 608, 62, 260, 2017, 62, 445, 19513, 7, 81, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 256, 11, 2315, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 38284, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 7, 260, 2017, 3712, 38469, 5574, 46912, 11, 3815, 3712, 38469, 5574, 46912, 11, 7377, 111, 3712, 15057, 11, 7377, 119, 3712, 15057, 26, 46265, 22046, 23029, 198, 198, 9771, 3129, 378, 262, 38284, 4621, 8636, 2067, 422, 262, 1459, 2239, 351, 9780, 2494, 286, 4600, 42063, 63, 290, 257, 37456, 329, 402, 14242, 12, 43, 4131, 6814, 286, 705, 39377, 4458, 198, 63, 260, 2017, 63, 290, 705, 27160, 6, 460, 307, 257, 17593, 13, 198, 198, 2, 7383, 4775, 1822, 902, 198, 198, 12, 4600, 67, 12078, 28, 25, 47671, 611, 4600, 260, 2017, 63, 318, 257, 4600, 46912, 47671, 788, 4600, 67, 12078, 63, 460, 691, 307, 4600, 16, 63, 393, 4600, 17, 44646, 198, 12, 4600, 23705, 282, 28, 22366, 47671, 11986, 611, 1123, 6721, 5679, 416, 257, 12094, 13, 4600, 22366, 63, 1724, 262, 983, 318, 407, 23083, 1865, 13, 1002, 4600, 23705, 282, 63, 318, 2810, 11, 788, 262, 2546, 1276, 307, 262, 976, 351, 4600, 260, 2017, 44646, 198, 198, 2, 17934, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38284, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 38469, 5574, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3815, 3712, 38469, 5574, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 3712, 51, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 3712, 51, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 198, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15057, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 2092, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 7719, 62, 4906, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 260, 2017, 828, 309, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 38284, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 411, 11, 11530, 11, 3815, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 7377, 119, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 198, 437, 198, 198, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13391, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3815, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 1058, 11, 198, 8, 796, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 13461, 1095, 11, 11530, 11, 3815, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 12094, 11, 5391, 82, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13391, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3815, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 3712, 18465, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 410, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 13461, 1095, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 27160, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 410, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13391, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3815, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5317, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 260, 2017, 8, 532, 5391, 82, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 410, 11, 256, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 13461, 1095, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 260, 2017, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 27160, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1123, 48369, 7, 23705, 282, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 5391, 82, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 81, 17478, 11, 374, 11, 410, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 62, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13391, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11530, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3815, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12094, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 3712, 5216, 261, 11, 198, 8, 796, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 13461, 1095, 11, 11530, 11, 3815, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 12094, 8, 628, 198, 1, 32935, 11530, 290, 13391, 389, 20650, 1, 198, 8818, 4808, 24622, 1143, 62, 13461, 496, 62, 395, 18991, 0, 7, 13461, 1095, 11, 11530, 11, 3815, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 12094, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 3609, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 4129, 7, 260, 2017, 2599, 12, 16, 25, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 43043, 796, 318, 22366, 7, 23705, 282, 8, 5633, 2081, 1058, 22759, 23705, 282, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 796, 11530, 58, 72, 60, 1343, 7377, 111, 1635, 3815, 58, 72, 10, 16, 60, 1635, 318, 62, 43043, 532, 3815, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 308, 3609, 796, 25979, 1343, 7377, 111, 1635, 7377, 119, 1635, 318, 62, 43043, 1635, 308, 3609, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 13391, 58, 72, 60, 796, 308, 3609, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13391, 198, 437, 198 ]
############################################################################### # # Calculate SIF fluxes # ############################################################################### """ SIF_fluxes!(leaves::Array{LeafBios{FT},1}, can_opt::CanopyOpticals{FT}, can_rad::CanopyRads{FT}, can::Canopy4RT{FT}, soil::SoilOpticals{FT}, wls::WaveLengths{FT}, rt_con::RTCache{FT}, rt_dim::RTDimensions; photon::Bool = true ) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} Computes 2-stream diffusive radiation transport for SIF radiation (calls [`diffusive_S!`] internally). Layer reflectance and transmission is computed from SW optical properties, layer sources from absorbed light and SIF efficiencies. Boundary conditions are zero SIF incoming from atmosphere or soil. - `leaves` Array of [`LeafBios`](@ref) type struct - `can_opt` [`CanopyOpticals`](@ref) type struct - `can_rad` [`CanopyRads`](@ref) type struct - `can` [`Canopy4RT`](@ref) type struct - `soil` [`SoilOpticals`](@ref) type struct - `wls` [`WaveLengths`](@ref) type struct - `rt_con` [`RTCache`](@ref) type cache - `rt_dim` [`RTDimensions`](@ref) type struct - `photon` If true, use photon unit in the matrix conversion """ function SIF_fluxes!( leaves::Array{LeafBios{FT},1}, can_opt::CanopyOpticals{FT}, can_rad::CanopyRads{FT}, can::Canopy4RT{FT}, soil::SoilOpticals{FT}, wls::WaveLengths{FT}, rt_con::RTCache{FT}, rt_dim::RTDimensions; photon::Bool = true ) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} # unpack variables from structures @unpack LAI, lidf, nLayer, Ω = can; @unpack a, absfo, absfs, absfsfo, cosΘ_l, cos2Θ_l, fo, fs, fsfo, Po, Ps, Pso, sigb, vb, vf = can_opt; @unpack E_down, E_up, ϕ_shade, ϕ_sun = can_rad; @unpack ρ_SW_SIF = soil; @unpack dWL_iWLE, iWLE, iWLF, WLE, WLF = wls; sf_con = rt_con.sf_con; # 1. define some useful parameters iLAI = LAI * Ω / nLayer; # 2. calculate some useful parameters sf_con.τ_dd .= 1 .- view(a, iWLF, :) .* iLAI; sf_con.ρ_dd .= view(sigb, iWLF, :) .* iLAI; # 3. Compute mid layer Ps,Po,Pso # Qso = (Pso[1:nLayer] + Pso[2:nLayer+1]) / 2; # Qs = ( Ps[1:nLayer] + Ps[2:nLayer+1]) / 2; # Qo = ( Po[1:nLayer] + Po[2:nLayer+1]) / 2; Qso = view(Pso, 1:nLayer); Qs = view(Ps , 1:nLayer); Qo = view(Po , 1:nLayer); # 4. reflectance, transmittance factors in a thin layer the following are # vectors with length [nl,nWL] sf_con.sun_dwl_iWlE .= view(can_opt.Es_, iWLE, 1) .* dWL_iWLE; if photon sf_con.sun_dwl_iWlE .*= WLE .* _FAC(FT) end; @inbounds for i=1:nLayer if length(leaves)>1 Mb = leaves[i].Mb; Mf = leaves[i].Mf; else Mb = leaves[1].Mb; Mf = leaves[1].Mf; end sf_con.M⁺ .= (Mb .+ Mf) ./ 2; sf_con.M⁻ .= (Mb .- Mf) ./ 2; # Need to normalize incoming radiation bin # change from mSCOPE to enable different WL grids! mul!(sf_con.M⁻_sun, sf_con.M⁻, sf_con.sun_dwl_iWlE); mul!(sf_con.M⁺_sun, sf_con.M⁺, sf_con.sun_dwl_iWlE); sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .= view(E_down, iWLE, i) .* dWL_iWLE; if photon sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .*= WLE .* _FAC(FT) end; mul!(sf_con.M⁺⁻, sf_con.M⁺, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .= view(E_up, iWLE, i+1) .* dWL_iWLE; if photon sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .*= WLE .* _FAC(FT) end; mul!(sf_con.M⁺⁺, sf_con.M⁺, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .= view(E_up, iWLE, i+1) .* dWL_iWLE; if photon sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .*= WLE .* _FAC(FT) end; mul!(sf_con.M⁻⁺, sf_con.M⁻, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .= view(E_down, iWLE, i) .* dWL_iWLE; if photon sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .*= WLE .* _FAC(FT) end; mul!(sf_con.M⁻⁻, sf_con.M⁻, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); # Here comes the tedious part: # TODO move them to a seprate function sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* cosΘ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); sunCos = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= ϕ_shade[i] .* cosΘ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); shadeCos = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* cos2Θ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); sunCos2 = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= ϕ_shade[i] .* cos2Θ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); shadeCos2 = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i)', lidf); sunLidf = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); shadeLidf = mean(lidf) * ϕ_shade[i]; sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* absfsfo; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_absfsfo = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* fsfo; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_fsfo = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.wfEs .= _mean_absfsfo .* sf_con.M⁺_sun .+ _mean_fsfo .* sf_con.M⁻_sun; sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* absfs; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_absfs = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* fs .* cosΘ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_fs = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.sfEs .= _mean_absfs .* sf_con.M⁺_sun .- _mean_fs .* sf_con.M⁻_sun; sf_con.sbEs .= _mean_absfs .* sf_con.M⁺_sun .+ _mean_fs .* sf_con.M⁻_sun; sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= ϕ_shade[i] .* absfo; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_absfo = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= ϕ_shade[i] .* fo .* cosΘ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_fo = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.vfEplu_shade .= _mean_absfo .* sf_con.M⁺⁺ .- _mean_fo .* sf_con.M⁻⁺; sf_con.vbEmin_shade .= _mean_absfo .* sf_con.M⁺⁻ .+ _mean_fo .* sf_con.M⁻⁻; sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* absfo; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_absfo = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ .= view(ϕ_sun, :, :, i) .* fo .* cosΘ_l; mul!(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf, adjoint(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ), lidf); _mean_fo = mean(sf_con.ϕ_cosΘ_lidf); sf_con.vfEplu_sun .= _mean_absfo .* sf_con.M⁺⁺ .- _mean_fo .* sf_con.M⁻⁺; sf_con.vbEmin_sun .= _mean_absfo .* sf_con.M⁺⁻ .+ _mean_fo .* sf_con.M⁻⁻; sf_con.sigfEmin_shade .= shadeLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁻ .- shadeCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁻; sf_con.sigbEmin_shade .= shadeLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁻ .+ shadeCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁻; sf_con.sigfEmin_sun .= sunLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁻ .- sunCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁻; sf_con.sigbEmin_sun .= sunLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁻ .+ sunCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁻; sf_con.sigfEplu_shade .= shadeLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁺ .- shadeCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁺; sf_con.sigbEplu_shade .= shadeLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁺ .+ shadeCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁺; sf_con.sigfEplu_sun .= sunLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁺ .- sunCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁺; sf_con.sigbEplu_sun .= sunLidf .* sf_con.M⁺⁺ .+ sunCos2 .* sf_con.M⁻⁺; # Fluxes: # sunlit for each layer # shade leaf for each layer # Eq. 29a for sunlit leaf # Eq. 29b for sunlit leaf # Eq. 29a for shade leaf # Eq. 29b for shade leaf sf_con.piLs[:,i] .= sf_con.wfEs .+ sf_con.vfEplu_sun .+ sf_con.vbEmin_sun; sf_con.piLd[:,i] .= sf_con.vbEmin_shade .+ sf_con.vfEplu_shade; sf_con.Fsmin[:,i] .= sf_con.sfEs .+ sf_con.sigfEmin_sun .+ sf_con.sigbEplu_sun; sf_con.Fsplu[:,i] .= sf_con.sbEs .+ sf_con.sigbEmin_sun .+ sf_con.sigfEplu_sun; sf_con.Fdmin[:,i] .= sf_con.sigfEmin_shade .+ sf_con.sigbEplu_shade; sf_con.Fdplu[:,i] .= sf_con.sigbEmin_shade .+ sf_con.sigfEplu_shade; # Total weighted fluxes _qs_iLAI = Qs[i] * iLAI; _1_qs_iLAI = (1 - Qs[i]) * iLAI; sf_con.S⁻[:,i] .= _qs_iLAI .* view(sf_con.Fsmin, :, i) .+ _1_qs_iLAI .* view(sf_con.Fdmin, :, i); sf_con.S⁺[:,i] .= _qs_iLAI .* view(sf_con.Fsplu, :, i) .+ _1_qs_iLAI .* view(sf_con.Fdplu, :, i); sf_con.Femo[:,i] .= _qs_iLAI .* view(sf_con.piLs , :, i) .+ _1_qs_iLAI .* view(sf_con.piLd , :, i); end # 5. Compute diffusive fluxes within canopy # Use Zero SIF fluxes as top and bottom boundary: # TODO pre-allocate these! diffusive_S!(sf_con, soil, rt_dim); # 6. Save in output structures! # direct Sunlit leaves # direct shaded leaves _iLAI_pi = iLAI / FT(pi); # why this step is so slow? sf_con.tmp_1d_nLayer .= Qso .* _iLAI_pi; mul!(can_rad.SIF_obs_sunlit, sf_con.piLs, sf_con.tmp_1d_nLayer); sf_con.tmp_1d_nLayer .= (Qo .- Qso) .* _iLAI_pi; mul!(can_rad.SIF_obs_shaded, sf_con.piLd, sf_con.tmp_1d_nLayer); # 7. SIF from scattered internally and soil contribution sf_con.tmp_2d_nWlF_nLayer .= view(vb, iWLF, :) .* view(sf_con.F⁻, :, 1:nLayer) .+ view(vf, iWLF, :) .* view(sf_con.F⁺, :, 1:nLayer); mul!(can_rad.SIF_obs_scattered, sf_con.tmp_2d_nWlF_nLayer, Qo); can_rad.SIF_obs_scattered .= can_rad.SIF_obs_scattered .* _iLAI_pi; can_rad.SIF_obs_soil .= ( ρ_SW_SIF .* view(sf_con.F⁻, :, nLayer+1) ) .* Po[end] ./ FT(pi); can_rad.SIF_hemi .= view(sf_con.F⁺, :, 1); can_rad.SIF_obs .= can_rad.SIF_obs_sunlit .+ can_rad.SIF_obs_shaded .+ can_rad.SIF_obs_scattered .+ can_rad.SIF_obs_soil; # can_rad.SIF_sum[:] = sum(sf_con.S⁻ + sf_con.S⁺, dims=2); @inbounds for j in eachindex(can_rad.SIF_sum) can_rad.SIF_sum[j] = sum( view(sf_con.S⁻, j, :) ) + sum( view(sf_con.S⁺, j, :) ); end if photon can_rad.SIF_obs ./= WLF .* _FAC(FT); end; return nothing end """ SIF_fluxes!(leaf::LeafBios{FT}, in_rad::IncomingRadiation{FT}, wls::WaveLengths{FT}, rt_con::RTCache{FT}, fqe::FT = FT(0.01); photon::Bool = true ) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} Leaf level SIF, given - `leaf` [`LeafBios`](@ref) type struct - `in_rad` [`IncomingRadiation`](@ref) type struct - `wls` [`WaveLengths`](@ref) type struct - `rt_con` [`RTCache`](@ref) type cache - `fqe` Fluorescence quantum yield (default at 1%) - `photon` If true, use photon unit in the matrix conversion Note that `in_rad` assumes direct light with zenith angle of 0, and a zenith angle correction needs to be made before passing it to this function. The up- and down-ward SIF are stored in `sf_con` as `M⁻_sun` and `M⁺_sun`. """ function SIF_fluxes!( leaf::LeafBios{FT}, in_rad::IncomingRadiation{FT}, wls::WaveLengths{FT}, rt_con::RTCache{FT}, fqe::FT = FT(0.01); photon::Bool = true ) where {FT<:AbstractFloat} # unpack the values @unpack Mb, Mf = leaf; @unpack dWL_iWLE, iWLE, WLE, WLF = wls; sf_con = rt_con.sf_con; sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .= (view(in_rad.E_direct , iWLE, 1) .+ view(in_rad.E_diffuse, iWLE, 1)) .* dWL_iWLE; if photon sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE .*= WLE .* _FAC(FT); end; # calculate the SIF spectra for direct light # sf_con.M⁺ .= (Mb .+ Mf) ./ 2; # sf_con.M⁻ .= (Mb .- Mf) ./ 2; # mul!(sf_con.M⁺_sun, sf_con.M⁺, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); # mul!(sf_con.M⁻_sun, sf_con.M⁻, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); mul!(sf_con.M⁺_sun, Mb, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); mul!(sf_con.M⁻_sun, Mf, sf_con.tmp_dwl_iWlE); if photon sf_con.M⁺_sun ./= WLF .* _FAC(FT); sf_con.M⁻_sun ./= WLF .* _FAC(FT); end; # divide by pi to account for scattering sf_con.M⁻_sun .*= fqe / pi; sf_con.M⁺_sun .*= fqe / pi; return nothing end
[ 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 2, 198, 2, 27131, 378, 311, 5064, 28462, 274, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 5064, 62, 69, 22564, 274, 0, 7, 293, 3080, 3712, 19182, 90, 3123, 1878, 33, 4267, 90, 9792, 5512, 16, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 8738, 3712, 6090, 11081, 27871, 20155, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 3712, 6090, 11081, 49, 5643, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 460, 3712, 6090, 11081, 19, 14181, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9260, 3712, 2396, 346, 27871, 20155, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 7278, 3712, 39709, 24539, 82, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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1303, 362, 13, 15284, 617, 4465, 10007, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 32830, 62, 1860, 764, 28, 352, 764, 12, 1570, 7, 64, 11, 1312, 54, 43, 37, 11, 14373, 764, 9, 1312, 13534, 40, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 33643, 62, 1860, 764, 28, 1570, 7, 82, 328, 65, 11, 1312, 54, 43, 37, 11, 14373, 764, 9, 1312, 13534, 40, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 513, 13, 3082, 1133, 3095, 7679, 33610, 11, 18833, 11, 47, 568, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 1195, 568, 796, 357, 47, 568, 58, 16, 25, 77, 49925, 60, 1343, 350, 568, 58, 17, 25, 77, 49925, 10, 16, 12962, 1220, 362, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 1195, 82, 220, 796, 357, 33610, 58, 16, 25, 77, 49925, 60, 1343, 220, 33610, 58, 17, 25, 77, 49925, 10, 16, 12962, 1220, 362, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 1195, 78, 220, 796, 357, 7695, 58, 16, 25, 77, 49925, 60, 1343, 220, 7695, 58, 17, 25, 77, 49925, 10, 16, 12962, 1220, 362, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1195, 568, 796, 1570, 7, 47, 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9, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 46256, 118, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 69, 36, 489, 84, 62, 19155, 220, 220, 764, 28, 4252, 43, 312, 69, 220, 220, 764, 9, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 46256, 118, 764, 12, 4252, 36734, 17, 220, 220, 764, 9, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 46256, 118, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 65, 36, 489, 84, 62, 19155, 220, 220, 764, 28, 4252, 43, 312, 69, 220, 220, 764, 9, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 46256, 118, 764, 10, 4252, 36734, 17, 220, 220, 764, 9, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 46256, 118, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1610, 2821, 274, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 4252, 18250, 329, 1123, 7679, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 17979, 12835, 329, 1123, 7679, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 412, 80, 13, 2808, 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23041, 764, 10, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 69, 36, 1084, 62, 19155, 764, 10, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 65, 36, 489, 84, 62, 19155, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 22018, 84, 58, 45299, 72, 60, 764, 28, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 36299, 23041, 764, 10, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 65, 36, 1084, 62, 19155, 764, 10, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 69, 36, 489, 84, 62, 19155, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 67, 1084, 58, 45299, 72, 60, 764, 28, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 69, 36, 1084, 62, 1477, 671, 764, 10, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 65, 36, 489, 84, 62, 1477, 671, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 67, 489, 84, 58, 45299, 72, 60, 764, 28, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 65, 36, 1084, 62, 1477, 671, 764, 10, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 82, 328, 69, 36, 489, 84, 62, 1477, 671, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7472, 26356, 28462, 274, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 220, 220, 796, 1195, 82, 58, 72, 60, 1635, 1312, 13534, 40, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 16, 62, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 796, 357, 16, 532, 1195, 82, 58, 72, 12962, 1635, 1312, 13534, 40, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 50, 46256, 119, 58, 45299, 72, 60, 220, 220, 764, 28, 4808, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 42388, 1084, 11, 1058, 11, 1312, 8, 764, 10, 4808, 16, 62, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 67, 1084, 11, 1058, 11, 1312, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 50, 46256, 118, 58, 45299, 72, 60, 220, 220, 764, 28, 4808, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 22018, 84, 11, 1058, 11, 1312, 8, 764, 10, 4808, 16, 62, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 67, 489, 84, 11, 1058, 11, 1312, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 41903, 58, 45299, 72, 60, 764, 28, 4808, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 14415, 43, 82, 837, 1058, 11, 1312, 8, 764, 10, 4808, 16, 62, 48382, 62, 72, 13534, 40, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 14415, 43, 67, 837, 1058, 11, 1312, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 642, 13, 3082, 1133, 814, 11350, 28462, 274, 1626, 39418, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 5765, 12169, 311, 5064, 28462, 274, 355, 1353, 290, 4220, 18645, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 16926, 46, 662, 12, 439, 13369, 777, 0, 198, 220, 220, 220, 814, 11350, 62, 50, 0, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 11, 9260, 11, 374, 83, 62, 27740, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 718, 13, 12793, 287, 5072, 8573, 0, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 1277, 3825, 18250, 5667, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 1277, 427, 5286, 5667, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 72, 13534, 40, 62, 14415, 796, 1312, 13534, 40, 1220, 19446, 7, 14415, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1521, 428, 2239, 318, 523, 3105, 30, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 16, 67, 62, 77, 49925, 764, 28, 1195, 568, 764, 9, 4808, 72, 13534, 40, 62, 14415, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35971, 0, 7, 5171, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 19155, 18250, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 14415, 43, 82, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 16, 67, 62, 77, 49925, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 16, 67, 62, 77, 49925, 764, 28, 357, 48, 78, 764, 12, 1195, 568, 8, 764, 9, 4808, 72, 13534, 40, 62, 14415, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35971, 0, 7, 5171, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 1477, 5286, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 14415, 43, 67, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 16, 67, 62, 77, 49925, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 767, 13, 311, 5064, 422, 16830, 20947, 290, 9260, 10156, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 17, 67, 62, 77, 54, 75, 37, 62, 77, 49925, 764, 28, 1570, 7, 85, 65, 11, 1312, 54, 43, 37, 11, 14373, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 46256, 119, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 25, 77, 49925, 8, 764, 10, 1570, 7, 85, 69, 11, 1312, 54, 43, 37, 11, 14373, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 46256, 118, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 25, 77, 49925, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35971, 0, 7, 5171, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 1416, 10228, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 17, 67, 62, 77, 54, 75, 37, 62, 77, 49925, 11, 1195, 78, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 1416, 10228, 764, 28, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 1416, 10228, 764, 9, 4808, 72, 13534, 40, 62, 14415, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 568, 346, 764, 28, 357, 18074, 223, 62, 17887, 62, 50, 5064, 764, 9, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 46256, 119, 11, 1058, 11, 299, 49925, 10, 16, 8, 1267, 764, 9, 7695, 58, 437, 60, 24457, 19446, 7, 14415, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 4411, 72, 764, 28, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 37, 46256, 118, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 220, 764, 28, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 19155, 18250, 764, 10, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 1477, 5286, 764, 10, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 1416, 10228, 764, 10, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 62, 568, 346, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 16345, 58, 47715, 220, 796, 2160, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 50, 46256, 119, 1343, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 50, 46256, 118, 11, 5391, 82, 28, 17, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 329, 474, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 5171, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 16345, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 16345, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2160, 7, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 50, 46256, 119, 11, 474, 11, 14373, 1267, 1343, 2160, 7, 1570, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 50, 46256, 118, 11, 474, 11, 14373, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 48190, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 460, 62, 6335, 13, 50, 5064, 62, 8158, 24457, 28, 370, 43, 37, 764, 9, 4808, 37, 2246, 7, 9792, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 628, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 5064, 62, 69, 22564, 274, 0, 7, 33201, 3712, 3123, 1878, 33, 4267, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 287, 62, 6335, 3712, 818, 4976, 15546, 3920, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 7278, 3712, 39709, 24539, 82, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 83, 62, 1102, 3712, 49, 4825, 4891, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 80, 68, 3712, 9792, 796, 19446, 7, 15, 13, 486, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48190, 3712, 33, 970, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 810, 1391, 9792, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 198, 198, 3123, 1878, 1241, 311, 5064, 11, 1813, 198, 12, 4600, 33201, 63, 685, 63, 3123, 1878, 33, 4267, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 2099, 2878, 198, 12, 4600, 259, 62, 6335, 63, 685, 63, 818, 4976, 15546, 3920, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 2099, 2878, 198, 12, 4600, 86, 7278, 63, 685, 63, 39709, 24539, 82, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 2099, 2878, 198, 12, 4600, 17034, 62, 1102, 63, 685, 63, 49, 4825, 4891, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 2099, 12940, 198, 12, 4600, 69, 80, 68, 63, 34070, 48699, 14821, 7800, 357, 12286, 379, 352, 4407, 198, 12, 4600, 746, 18970, 63, 1002, 2081, 11, 779, 48190, 4326, 287, 262, 17593, 11315, 198, 198, 6425, 326, 4600, 259, 62, 6335, 63, 18533, 1277, 1657, 351, 1976, 268, 342, 9848, 286, 657, 11, 290, 257, 1976, 268, 342, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9848, 17137, 2476, 284, 307, 925, 878, 6427, 340, 284, 428, 2163, 13, 383, 198, 220, 220, 220, 510, 12, 290, 866, 12, 904, 311, 5064, 389, 8574, 287, 4600, 28202, 62, 1102, 63, 355, 4600, 44, 46256, 119, 62, 19155, 63, 290, 4600, 44, 46256, 118, 62, 19155, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 311, 5064, 62, 69, 22564, 274, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12835, 3712, 3123, 1878, 33, 4267, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 287, 62, 6335, 3712, 818, 4976, 15546, 3920, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 7278, 3712, 39709, 24539, 82, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 83, 62, 1102, 3712, 49, 4825, 4891, 90, 9792, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 80, 68, 3712, 9792, 796, 19446, 7, 15, 13, 486, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48190, 3712, 33, 970, 796, 2081, 198, 8, 810, 1391, 9792, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 555, 8002, 262, 3815, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 403, 8002, 40001, 11, 337, 69, 796, 12835, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 403, 8002, 288, 54, 43, 62, 72, 54, 2538, 11, 1312, 54, 2538, 11, 370, 2538, 11, 370, 43, 37, 796, 266, 7278, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 796, 374, 83, 62, 1102, 13, 28202, 62, 1102, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 67, 40989, 62, 72, 54, 75, 36, 220, 764, 28, 357, 1177, 7, 259, 62, 6335, 13, 36, 62, 12942, 837, 1312, 54, 2538, 11, 352, 8, 764, 10, 1570, 7, 259, 62, 6335, 13, 36, 62, 26069, 1904, 11, 1312, 54, 2538, 11, 352, 4008, 764, 9, 288, 54, 43, 62, 72, 54, 2538, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 48190, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 67, 40989, 62, 72, 54, 75, 36, 764, 9, 28, 370, 2538, 764, 9, 4808, 37, 2246, 7, 9792, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 15284, 262, 311, 5064, 5444, 430, 329, 1277, 1657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 764, 28, 357, 44, 65, 764, 10, 337, 69, 8, 24457, 362, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 764, 28, 357, 44, 65, 764, 12, 337, 69, 8, 24457, 362, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35971, 0, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 62, 19155, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 67, 40989, 62, 72, 54, 75, 36, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35971, 0, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 62, 19155, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 67, 40989, 62, 72, 54, 75, 36, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35971, 0, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 62, 19155, 11, 40001, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 67, 40989, 62, 72, 54, 75, 36, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35971, 0, 7, 28202, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 62, 19155, 11, 337, 69, 11, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 22065, 62, 67, 40989, 62, 72, 54, 75, 36, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 48190, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 62, 19155, 24457, 28, 370, 43, 37, 764, 9, 4808, 37, 2246, 7, 9792, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 62, 19155, 24457, 28, 370, 43, 37, 764, 9, 4808, 37, 2246, 7, 9792, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 14083, 416, 31028, 284, 1848, 329, 45765, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 119, 62, 19155, 764, 9, 28, 277, 80, 68, 1220, 31028, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 69, 62, 1102, 13, 44, 46256, 118, 62, 19155, 764, 9, 28, 277, 80, 68, 1220, 31028, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 # # interp/sparse.jl -- # # Implement sparse linear interpolator. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is part of the LinearInterpolators package licensed under the MIT # "Expat" License. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016, <NAME>, <NAME> & <NAME>. # Copyright (C) 2016-2021, <NAME>. # # All code is in a module to "hide" private methods. module SparseInterpolators export SparseInterpolator, SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator using InterpolationKernels using LazyAlgebra using LazyAlgebra.Foundations import LazyAlgebra: apply, apply!, vcreate, output_size, input_size import Base: axes, eltype, size import SparseArrays: sparse using ..LinearInterpolators using ..LinearInterpolators: limits, getcoefs import ..LinearInterpolators.Meta import ..LinearInterpolators: coefficients, columns, rows, fit, regularize, regularize! abstract type AbstractSparseInterpolator{T<:AbstractFloat} <: LinearMapping end eltype(A::AbstractSparseInterpolator) = eltype(typeof(A)) eltype(::Type{<:AbstractSparseInterpolator{T}}) where {T} = T struct SparseInterpolator{T<:AbstractFloat,S,N} <: AbstractSparseInterpolator{T} C::Vector{T} J::Vector{Int} nrows::Int ncols::Int dims::Dims{N} # dimensions of result function SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}(C::Vector{T}, J::Vector{Int}, dims::Dims{N}, ncols::Int) where {T,S,N} @assert S ≥ 1 @assert minimum(dims) ≥ 1 nrows = prod(dims) nvals = S*nrows # number of non-zero coefficients @assert length(C) == nvals @assert length(J) == nvals new{T,S,N}(C, J, nrows, ncols, dims) end end # Interpolator can be used as a function. (A::SparseInterpolator)(x::AbstractVector) = apply(A, x) output_size(A::SparseInterpolator) = A.dims input_size(A::SparseInterpolator) = (A.ncols,) width(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} = S coefficients(A::SparseInterpolator) = A.C columns(A::SparseInterpolator) = A.J function rows(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} nrows = A.nrows nvals = S*nrows # number of non-zero coefficients @assert length(A.C) == nvals @assert length(A.J) == nvals I = Array{Int}(undef, nvals) k0 = 0 for i in 1:nrows for s in 1:S k = k0 + s @inbounds I[k] = i end k0 += S end return I end # Convert to a sparse matrix. sparse(A::SparseInterpolator) = sparse(rows(A), columns(A), coefficients(A), A.nrows, A.ncols) """ A = SparseInterpolator{T=eltype(ker)}(ker, pos, grd) yields a sparse linear interpolator suitable for interpolating with kernel `ker` at positions `pos` a function sampled on the grid `grd`. Optional parameter `T` is the floating-point type of the coefficients of the operator `A`. Call `eltype(A)` to query the type of the coefficients of the sparse interpolator `A`. Then `y = apply(A, x)` or `y = A(x)` or `y = A*x` yield the result of interpolation array `x`. The shape of `y` is the same as that of `pos`. Formally, this amounts to computing: y[i] = sum_j ker((pos[i] - grd[j])/step(grd))*x[j] with `step(grd)` the (constant) step size between the nodes of the grid `grd` and `grd[j]` the `j`-th position of the grid. """ SparseInterpolator(ker::Kernel{T}, args...) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = SparseInterpolator{T}(ker, args...) @deprecate SparseInterpolator(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, ker::Kernel, args...) SparseInterpolator{T}(ker, args...) SparseInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel, args...) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = SparseInterpolator{T}(T(ker), args...) function SparseInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel{T}, pos::AbstractArray{<:Real}, grd::AbstractRange) where {T<:AbstractFloat} SparseInterpolator{T}(ker, fractional_index(T, pos, grd), CartesianIndices(axes(pos)), length(grd)) end function SparseInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel{T}, pos::AbstractArray{<:Real}, len::Integer) where {T<:AbstractFloat} SparseInterpolator{T}(ker, fractional_index(T, pos), CartesianIndices(axes(pos)), len) end function SparseInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel{T,S}, f::Function, R::CartesianIndices{N}, ncols::Integer) where {T<:AbstractFloat,S,N} C, J = _sparsecoefs(R, Int(ncols), ker, f) return SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}(C, J, size(R), ncols) end @generated function _sparsecoefs(R::CartesianIndices{N}, ncols::Int, ker::Kernel{T,S}, f::Function) where {T,S,N} J_ = [Symbol(:j_,s) for s in 1:S] C_ = [Symbol(:c_,s) for s in 1:S] code = (Meta.generate_getcoefs(J_, C_, :ker, :lim, :x), [:( J[k+$s] = $(J_[s]) ) for s in 1:S]..., [:( C[k+$s] = $(C_[s]) ) for s in 1:S]...) quote lim = limits(ker, ncols) nvals = S*length(R) J = Array{Int}(undef, nvals) C = Array{T}(undef, nvals) k = 0 @inbounds for i in R x = convert(T, f(i)) $(code...) k += S end return C, J end end function _check(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, out::AbstractArray{T,N}, inp::AbstractVector{T}) where {T,S,N} nvals = S*A.nrows # number of non-zero coefficients J, ncols = A.J, A.ncols length(A.C) == nvals || error("corrupted sparse interpolator (bad number of coefficients)") length(J) == nvals || error("corrupted sparse interpolator (bad number of indices)") length(inp) == ncols || error("bad vector length (expecting $(A.ncols), got $(length(inp)))") size(out) == A.dims || error("bad output array size (expecting $(A.dims), got $(size(out)))") length(out) == A.nrows || error("corrupted sparse interpolator (bad number of \"rows\")") @inbounds for k in 1:nvals 1 ≤ J[k] ≤ ncols || error("corrupted sparse interpolator (out of bound indices)") end end function vcreate(::Type{Direct}, A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, x::AbstractVector{T}, scratch::Bool=false) where {T,S,N} return Array{T}(undef, output_size(A)) end function vcreate(::Type{Adjoint}, A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, x::AbstractArray{T,N}, scratch::Bool=false) where {T,S,N} return Array{T}(undef, input_size(A)) end function apply!(α::Real, ::Type{Direct}, A::SparseInterpolator{Ta,S,N}, x::AbstractVector{Tx}, scratch::Bool, β::Real, y::AbstractArray{Ty,N}) where {Ta,Tx<:Real, Ty<:AbstractFloat,S,N} _check(A, y, x) if α == 0 vscale!(y, β) else T = float(promote_type(Ta, Tx)) alpha = convert(T, α) nrows, ncols = A.nrows, A.ncols C, J = coefficients(A), columns(A) k0 = 0 if β == 0 @inbounds for i in 1:nrows sum = zero(T) @simd for s in 1:S k = k0 + s j = J[k] sum += C[k]*x[j] end y[i] = alpha*sum k0 += S end else beta = convert(Ty, β) @inbounds for i in 1:nrows sum = zero(T) @simd for s in 1:S k = k0 + s j = J[k] sum += C[k]*x[j] end y[i] = alpha*sum + beta*y[i] k0 += S end end end return y end function apply!(α::Real, ::Type{Adjoint}, A::SparseInterpolator{Ta,S,N}, x::AbstractArray{Tx,N}, scratch::Bool, β::Real, y::AbstractVector{Ty}) where {Ta,Tx<:Real, Ty<:AbstractFloat,S,N} _check(A, x, y) vscale!(y, β) if α != 0 T = float(promote_type(Ta, Tx)) alpha = convert(T, α) nrows, ncols = A.nrows, A.ncols C, J = coefficients(A), columns(A) k0 = 0 @inbounds for i in 1:nrows c = alpha*x[i] if c != 0 @simd for s in 1:S k = k0 + s j = J[k] y[j] += C[k]*c end end k0 += S end end return y end """ `AtWA(A,w)` yields the matrix `A'*W*A` from a sparse linear operator `A` and weights `W = diag(w)`. """ function AtWA(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, w::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,S,N} ncols = A.ncols AtWA!(Array{T}(undef, ncols, ncols), A, w) end """ `AtA(A)` yields the matrix `A'*A` from a sparse linear operator `A`. """ function AtA(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} ncols = A.ncols AtA!(Array{T}(undef, ncols, ncols), A) end # Build the `A'*A` matrix from a sparse linear operator `A`. function AtA!(dst::AbstractArray{T,2}, A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}) where {T,S,N} nrows, ncols = A.nrows, A.ncols @assert size(dst) == (ncols, ncols) fill!(dst, zero(T)) C, J = coefficients(A), columns(A) k0 = 0 @assert length(J) == length(C) @inbounds for i in 1:nrows for s in 1:S k = k0 + s 1 ≤ J[k] ≤ ncols || error("corrupted interpolator table") end for s1 in 1:S k1 = k0 + s1 j1, c1 = J[k1], C[k1] @simd for s2 in 1:S k2 = k0 + s2 j2, c2 = J[k2], C[k2] dst[j1,j2] += c1*c2 end end k0 += S end return dst end # Build the `A'*W*A` matrix from a sparse linear operator `A` and weights `W`. function AtWA!(dst::AbstractArray{T,2}, A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, wgt::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,S,N} nrows, ncols = A.nrows, A.ncols @assert size(dst) == (ncols, ncols) @assert size(wgt) == output_size(A) fill!(dst, zero(T)) C, J = coefficients(A), columns(A) k0 = 0 @assert length(J) == length(C) @inbounds for i in 1:nrows for s in 1:S k = k0 + s 1 ≤ J[k] ≤ ncols || error("corrupted interpolator table") end w = wgt[i] for s1 in 1:S k1 = k0 + s1 j1 = J[k1] wc1 = w*C[k1] @simd for s2 in 1:S k2 = k0 + s2 j2 = J[k2] dst[j1,j2] += C[k2]*wc1 end end k0 += S end return dst end # Default regularization levels. const RGL_EPS = 1e-9 const RGL_MU = 0.0 """ fit(A, y [, w]; epsilon=1e-9, mu=0.0) -> x performs a linear fit of `y` by the model `A*x` with `A` a linear interpolator. The returned value `x` minimizes: sum(w.*(A*x - y).^2) where `w` are given weights. If `w` is not specified, all weights are assumed to be equal to one; otherwise `w` must be an array of nonnegative values and of same size as `y`. Keywords `epsilon` and `mu` may be specified to regularize the solution and minimize: sum(w.*(A*x - y).^2) + rho*(epsilon*norm(x)^2 + mu*norm(D*x)^2) where `D` is a finite difference operator, `rho` is the maximum diagonal element of `A'*diag(w)*A` and `norm` is the Euclidean norm. """ function fit(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, y::AbstractArray{T,N}, w::AbstractArray{T,N}; epsilon::Real = RGL_EPS, mu::Real = RGL_MU) where {T,S,N} @assert size(y) == output_size(A) @assert size(w) == size(y) # Compute RHS vector A'*W*y with W = diag(w). rhs = A'*(w.*y) # Compute LHS matrix A'*W*A with W = diag(w). lhs = AtWA(A, w) # Regularize a bit. regularize!(lhs, epsilon, mu) # Solve the linear equations. cholfact!(lhs,:U,Val{true})\rhs end function fit(A::SparseInterpolator{T,S,N}, y::AbstractArray{T,N}; epsilon::Real = RGL_EPS, mu::Real = RGL_MU) where {T,S,N} @assert size(y) == output_size(A) @assert size(w) == size(y) # Compute RHS vector A'*y. rhs = A'*y # Compute LHS matrix A'*W*A with W = diag(w). lhs = AtA(A) # Regularize a bit. regularize!(lhs, epsilon, mu) # Solve the linear equations. cholfact!(lhs,:U,Val{true})\rhs end """ regularize(A, ϵ, μ) -> R regularizes the symmetric matrix `A` to produce the matrix: R = A + ρ*(ϵ*I + μ*D'*D) where `I` is the identity, `D` is a finite difference operator and `ρ` is the maximum diagonal element of `A`. """ regularize(A::AbstractArray{T,2}, args...) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = regularize!(copyto!(Array{T}(undef, size(A)), A), args...) """ regularize!(A, ϵ, μ) -> A stores the regularized matrix in `A` (and returns it). This is the in-place version of [`LinearInterpolators.SparseInterpolators.regularize`]. """ function regularize!(A::AbstractArray{T,2}, eps::Real = RGL_EPS, mu::Real = RGL_MU) where {T<:AbstractFloat} regularize!(A, T(eps), T(mu)) end function regularize!(A::AbstractArray{T,2}, eps::T, mu::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} local rho::T @assert eps ≥ zero(T) @assert mu ≥ zero(T) @assert size(A,1) == size(A,2) n = size(A,1) if eps > zero(T) || mu > zero(T) rho = A[1,1] for j in 2:n d = A[j,j] rho = max(rho, d) end rho > zero(T) || error("we have a problem!") end if eps > zero(T) q = eps*rho for j in 1:n A[j,j] += q end end if mu > zero(T) q = rho*mu if n ≥ 2 r = q + q A[1,1] += q A[2,1] -= q for i in 2:n-1 A[i-1,i] -= q A[i, i] += r A[i+1,i] -= q end A[n-1,n] -= q A[n, n] += q elseif n == 1 A[1,1] += q end end return A end # Yields a function that takes an index and returns the corresponding # interpolation position as fractional index into the source array. function fractional_index(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, pos::AbstractArray{<:Real}, grd::AbstractRange) # Use the central position of the grid to minimize rounding errors. c = (convert(T, first(grd)) + convert(T, last(grd)))/2 q = 1/convert(T, step(grd)) r = convert(T, 1 + length(grd))/2 return i -> q*(convert(T, pos[i]) - c) + r end function fractional_index(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, pos::AbstractArray{<:Real}) return i -> T(pos[i]) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T<:AbstractFloat,S,D} <: AbstractSparseInterpolator{T} * `T` is the floating-point type of the coefficients, * `S` is the size of the kernel (number of nodes to combine for a single interpolator) * `D` is the dimension of interpolation. """ struct SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T<:AbstractFloat,S,D} <: AbstractSparseInterpolator{T} nrows::Int # number of rows ncols::Int # number of columns C::Vector{T} # coefficients along the dimension of interpolation J::Vector{Int} # columns indices along the dimension of interpolation end (A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator)(x) = apply(A, x) interp_dim(::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T,S,D}) where {T,S,D} = D coefficients(A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator) = A.C columns(A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator) = A.J size(A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator) = (A.nrows, A.ncols) size(A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator, i::Integer) = (i == 1 ? A.nrows : i == 2 ? A.ncols : error("out of bounds dimension")) """ SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T=eltype(ker)}(ker, d, pos, grd) yields a linear mapping which interpolates the `d`-th dimension of an array with kernel `ker` at positions `pos` along the dimension of interpolation `d` and assuming the input array has grid coordinates `grd` along the the `d`-th dimension of interpolation. Argument `pos` is a vector of positions, argument `grd` may be a range or the length of the dimension of interpolation. Optional parameter `T` is the floating-point type of the coefficients of the operator. This kind of interpolator is suitable for separable multi-dimensional interpolation with precomputed interpolation coefficients. Having precomputed coefficients is mostly interesting when the operator is to be applied multiple times (for instance in iterative methods). Otherwise, separable operators which compute the coefficients *on the fly* may be preferable. A combination of instances of `SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator` can be built to achieve sperable multi-dimensional interpolation. For example: using LinearInterpolators ker = CatmullRomSpline() n1, n2 = 70, 50 x1 = linspace(1, 70, 201) x2 = linspace(1, 50, 201) A1 = SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator(ker, 1, x1, 1:n1) A2 = SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator(ker, 2, x2, 1:n2) A = A1*A2 """ SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator(ker::Kernel{T}, args...) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(ker, args...) @deprecate SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, ker::Kernel, args...) SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(ker, args...) SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel, args...) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(T(ker), args...) function SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel{T}, d::Integer, pos::AbstractVector{<:Real}, len::Integer) where {T<:AbstractFloat} len ≥ 1 || throw(ArgumentError("invalid dimension length")) return SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(ker, d, pos, 1:Int(len)) end # FIXME: not type-stable function SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T}(ker::Kernel{T,S}, d::Integer, pos::AbstractVector{<:Real}, grd::AbstractRange ) where {T<:AbstractFloat,S} SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T,S,Int(d)}(ker, pos, grd) end function SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T,S,D}(ker::Kernel{T,S}, pos::AbstractVector{<:Real}, grd::AbstractRange ) where {D,T<:AbstractFloat,S} isa(D, Int) || throw(ArgumentError("invalid type for dimension of interpolation")) D ≥ 1 || throw(ArgumentError("invalid dimension of interpolation")) nrows = length(pos) ncols = length(grd) C, J = _sparsecoefs(CartesianIndices((nrows,)), ncols, ker, fractional_index(T, pos, grd)) return SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T,S,D}(nrows, ncols, C, J) end function vcreate(::Type{Direct}, A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator, x::AbstractArray, scratch::Bool=false) nrows, ncols = size(A) return _vcreate(nrows, ncols, A, x) end function vcreate(::Type{Adjoint}, A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator, x::AbstractArray, scratch::Bool=false) nrows, ncols = size(A) return _vcreate(ncols, nrows, A, x) end function _vcreate(ny::Int, nx::Int, A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{Ta,S,D}, x::AbstractArray{Tx,N}) where {Ta,Tx<:Real,S,D,N} xdims = size(x) 1 ≤ D ≤ N || throw(DimensionMismatch("out of range dimension of interpolation")) xdims[D] == nx || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimension $D of `x` must be $nx")) Ty = float(promote_type(Ta, Tx)) ydims = [(d == D ? ny : xdims[d]) for d in 1:N] return Array{Ty,N}(undef, ydims...) end function apply!(α::Real, ::Type{Direct}, A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{Ta,S,D}, x::AbstractArray{Tx,N}, scratch::Bool, β::Real, y::AbstractArray{Ty,N}) where {Ta<:AbstractFloat, Tx<:Real, Ty<:AbstractFloat,S,D,N} # Check arguments. _check(A, N) xdims = size(x) ydims = size(y) nrows, ncols = size(A) xdims[D] == ncols || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimension $D of `x` must be $ncols")) ydims[D] == nrows || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimension $D of `y` must be $nrows")) for k in 1:N k == D || xdims[k] == ydims[k] || throw(DimensionMismatch("`x` and `y` have incompatible dimensions")) end # Apply operator. if α == 0 vscale!(y, β) else C = coefficients(A) J = columns(A) I_pre = CartesianIndices(xdims[1:D-1]) I_post = CartesianIndices(xdims[D+1:N]) T = promote_type(Ta,Tx) alpha = convert(T, α) if β == 0 _apply_direct!(T, Val{S}, C, J, alpha, x, y, I_pre, nrows, I_post) else beta = convert(Ty, β) _apply_direct!(T, Val{S}, C, J, alpha, x, beta, y, I_pre, nrows, I_post) end end return y end function apply!(α::Real, ::Type{Adjoint}, A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{Ta,S,D}, x::AbstractArray{Tx,N}, scratch::Bool, β::Real, y::AbstractArray{Ty,N}) where {Ta<:AbstractFloat, Tx<:Real, Ty<:AbstractFloat,S,D,N} # Check arguments. _check(A, N) xdims = size(x) ydims = size(y) nrows, ncols = size(A) xdims[D] == nrows || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimension $D of `x` must be $nrows")) ydims[D] == ncols || throw(DimensionMismatch("dimension $D of `y` must be $ncols")) for k in 1:N k == D || xdims[k] == ydims[k] || throw(DimensionMismatch("`x` and `y` have incompatible dimensions")) end # Apply adjoint operator. vscale!(y, β) if α != 0 T = promote_type(Ta,Tx) _apply_adjoint!(Val{S}, coefficients(A), columns(A), convert(T, α), x, y, CartesianIndices(xdims[1:D-1]), nrows, CartesianIndices(xdims[D+1:N])) end return y end # The 3 following private methods are needed to achieve type invariance and win # a factor ~1000 in speed! Also note the way the innermost loop is written # with a constant range and an offset k0 which is updated; this is critical for # saving a factor 2-3 in speed. # # The current version takes ~ 4ms (7 iterations of linear conjugate gradients) # to fit a 77×77 array of weights interpolated by Catmull-Rom splines to # approximate a 256×256 image. function _apply_direct!(::Type{T}, ::Type{Val{S}}, C::Vector{<:AbstractFloat}, J::Vector{Int}, α::AbstractFloat, x::AbstractArray{<:Real,N}, y::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat,N}, I_pre::CartesianIndices{N_pre}, len::Int, I_post::CartesianIndices{N_post} ) where {T<:AbstractFloat,S,N,N_post,N_pre} @assert N == N_post + N_pre + 1 @inbounds for i_post in I_post for i_pre in I_pre k0 = 0 for i in 1:len sum = zero(T) @simd for s in 1:S k = k0 + s sum += C[k]*x[i_pre,J[k],i_post] end y[i_pre,i,i_post] = α*sum k0 += S end end end end function _apply_direct!(::Type{T}, ::Type{Val{S}}, C::Vector{<:AbstractFloat}, J::Vector{Int}, α::AbstractFloat, x::AbstractArray{<:Real,N}, β::AbstractFloat, y::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat,N}, I_pre::CartesianIndices{N_pre}, len::Int, I_post::CartesianIndices{N_post} ) where {T<:AbstractFloat,S,N,N_post,N_pre} @assert N == N_post + N_pre + 1 @inbounds for i_post in I_post for i_pre in I_pre k0 = 0 for i in 1:len sum = zero(T) @simd for s in 1:S k = k0 + s sum += C[k]*x[i_pre,J[k],i_post] end y[i_pre,i,i_post] = α*sum + β*y[i_pre,i,i_post] k0 += S end end end end function _apply_adjoint!(::Type{Val{S}}, C::Vector{<:AbstractFloat}, J::Vector{Int}, α::AbstractFloat, x::AbstractArray{<:Real,N}, y::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat,N}, I_pre::CartesianIndices{N_pre}, len::Int, I_post::CartesianIndices{N_post} ) where {S,N,N_post,N_pre} @assert N == N_post + N_pre + 1 @inbounds for i_post in I_post for i_pre in I_pre k0 = 0 for i in 1:len c = α*x[i_pre,i,i_post] @simd for s in 1:S k = k0 + s y[i_pre,J[k],i_post] += C[k]*c end k0 += S end end end end function _check(A::SparseUnidimensionalInterpolator{T,S,D}, N::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat,S,D} 1 ≤ D ≤ N || throw(DimensionMismatch("out of range dimension of interpolation")) nrows, ncols = size(A) nvals = S*nrows C = coefficients(A) J = columns(A) length(C) == nvals || throw(DimensionMismatch("array of coefficients must have $nvals elements (has $(length(C)))")) length(J) == nvals || throw(DimensionMismatch("array of indices must have $nvals elements (has $(length(C)))")) for k in eachindex(J) 1 ≤ J[k] ≤ ncols || throw(ErrorException("out of bounds indice(s)")) end end end # module
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# --- # title: 75. Sort Colors # id: problem75 # author: <NAME> # date: 2020-10-31 # difficulty: Medium # categories: Array, Two Pointers, Sort # link: <> # hidden: true # --- # # Given an array `nums` with `n` objects colored red, white, or blue, sort them # **[in-place]( **so that # objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, # white, and blue. # # Here, we will use the integers `0`, `1`, and `2` to represent the color red, # white, and blue respectively. # # **Follow up:** # # * Could you solve this problem without using the library's sort function? # * Could you come up with a one-pass algorithm using only `O(1)` constant space? # # # # **Example 1:** # # # # Input: nums = [2,0,2,1,1,0] # Output: [0,0,1,1,2,2] # # # **Example 2:** # # # # Input: nums = [2,0,1] # Output: [0,1,2] # # # **Example 3:** # # # # Input: nums = [0] # Output: [0] # # # **Example 4:** # # # # Input: nums = [1] # Output: [1] # # # # # **Constraints:** # # * `n == nums.length` # * `1 <= n <= 300` # * `nums[i]` is `0`, `1`, or `2`. # # ## @lc code=start using LeetCode ## add your code here: ## @lc code=end
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__precompile__() module AnimalBreedingTools using Printf using Statistics using LinearAlgebra using Base.Threads using StatsBase using Jacobi struct AnimalBreedingDataSetRaw pedlist::Matrix{Int} genid::Vector{Int} G::Matrix{Float64} y::Vector{Float64} X::Matrix{Float64} end export get_design_matrix, get_interaction_matrix, directsum, solve_pcg, approximate_trace_of_inverse export v2r, c2r, r2v, r2c, vech, bending, bending2 export AnimalBreedingDataSetRaw, load_data_set export chol_symtrid, ldlt_symtrid, takahashi_ldlt_symtrid! export normalized_legendre, normalized_legendre_matrix, hrv_class export disp include("designmatrix.jl") include("solver.jl") include("tools.jl") include("data.jl") include("polynomials.jl") include("io.jl") end
[ 834, 3866, 5589, 576, 834, 3419, 198, 198, 21412, 13792, 12679, 8228, 33637, 198, 198, 3500, 12578, 69, 198, 3500, 14370, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 3500, 7308, 13, 16818, 82, 198, 3500, 20595, 14881, 198, 3500, 12806, 72, 198, 198, 7249, 13792, 12679, 8228, 6601, 7248, 27369, 198, 220, 220, 7190, 4868, 3712, 46912, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 220, 2429, 312, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 220, 402, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 331, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 1395, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 39344, 651, 62, 26124, 62, 6759, 8609, 11, 651, 62, 3849, 2673, 62, 6759, 8609, 11, 1277, 16345, 11, 8494, 62, 14751, 70, 11, 27665, 62, 40546, 62, 1659, 62, 259, 4399, 198, 39344, 410, 17, 81, 11, 269, 17, 81, 11, 374, 17, 85, 11, 374, 17, 66, 11, 1569, 354, 11, 30808, 11, 30808, 17, 198, 39344, 13792, 12679, 8228, 6601, 7248, 27369, 11, 3440, 62, 7890, 62, 2617, 198, 39344, 442, 349, 62, 37047, 2213, 312, 11, 300, 67, 2528, 62, 37047, 2213, 312, 11, 256, 461, 993, 12144, 62, 335, 2528, 62, 37047, 2213, 312, 0, 198, 39344, 39279, 62, 1455, 437, 260, 11, 39279, 62, 1455, 437, 260, 62, 6759, 8609, 11, 39436, 85, 62, 4871, 198, 39344, 4596, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 26124, 6759, 8609, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 82, 14375, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 31391, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 7890, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 35428, 26601, 8231, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 952, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
<reponame>giordano/RegistryCI.jl function meets_compat_for_all_deps(working_directory::AbstractString, pkg, version) deps = Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(working_directory, uppercase(pkg[1:1]), pkg, "Deps.toml")) compat = Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(working_directory, uppercase(pkg[1:1]), pkg, "Compat.toml")) # First, we construct a Dict in which the keys are the package's # dependencies, and the value is always false. dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound = Dict{String, Bool}() @debug("We always have julia as a dependency") dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound["julia"] = false for version_range in keys(deps) if version in Pkg.Types.VersionRange(version_range) for name in keys(deps[version_range]) if (!is_jll_name(name)) & (!is_julia_stdlib(name)) @debug("Found a new (non-stdlib non-JLL) dependency: $(name)") dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound[name] = false end end end end # Now, we go through all the compat entries. If a dependency has a compat # entry with an upper bound, we change the corresponding value in the Dict # to true. for version_range in keys(compat) if version in Pkg.Types.VersionRange(version_range) for compat_entry in compat[version_range] name = compat_entry[1] value = compat_entry[2] if value isa Vector if !isempty(value) value_ranges = Pkg.Types.VersionRange.(value) each_range_has_upper_bound = _has_upper_bound.(value_ranges) if all(each_range_has_upper_bound) @debug("Dependency \"$(name)\" has compat entries that all have upper bounds") dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound[name] = true end end else value_range = Pkg.Types.VersionRange(value) if _has_upper_bound(value_range) @debug("Dependency \"$(name)\" has a compat entry with an upper bound") dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound[name] = true end end end end end meets_this_guideline = all(values(dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound)) if meets_this_guideline return true, "" else bad_dependencies = Vector{String}() for name in keys(dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound) if !(dep_has_compat_with_upper_bound[name]) @error("Dependency \"$(name)\" does not have a compat entry that has an upper bound") push!(bad_dependencies, name) end end sort!(bad_dependencies) message = string("The following dependencies ", "do not have a ", "compat entry that has ", "an upper bound: ", join(bad_dependencies, ", "), ". You may find ", "[CompatHelper]", "( ", "helpful for keeping ", "your compat entries ", "up-to-date.", "Note: If your package works for the current version `x.y.z` of a dependency `foo`, ", "then a compat entry `foo = x.y.z` implies a compatibility upper bound ", "for packages following semver. You can additionally include earlier versions ", "your package is compatible with. ", "See for details.") return false, message end end function meets_patch_release_does_not_narrow_julia_compat(pkg::String, new_version::VersionNumber; registry_head::String, registry_master::String) old_version = latest_version(pkg, registry_master) julia_compats_for_old_version = julia_compat(pkg, old_version, registry_master) julia_compats_for_new_version = julia_compat(pkg, new_version, registry_head) if Set(julia_compats_for_old_version) == Set(julia_compats_for_new_version) return true, "" end meets_this_guideline = range_did_not_narrow(julia_compats_for_old_version, julia_compats_for_new_version) if meets_this_guideline return true, "" else if (old_version >= v"1") || (new_version >= v"1") msg = string("A patch release is not allowed to narrow the ", "supported ranges of Julia versions. ", "The ranges have changed from ", "$(julia_compats_for_old_version) ", "(in $(old_version)) ", "to $(julia_compats_for_new_version) ", "(in $(new_version)).") return false, msg else @info("Narrows Julia compat, but it's OK since package is pre-1.0") return true, "" end end end function meets_name_length(pkg) meets_this_guideline = length(pkg) >= 5 if meets_this_guideline return true, "" else return false, "Name is not at least five characters long" end end function meets_normal_capitalization(pkg) meets_this_guideline = occursin(r"^[A-Z]\w*[a-z]\w*[0-9]?$", pkg) if meets_this_guideline return true, "" else return false, "Name does not meet all of the following: starts with an uppercase letter, ASCII alphanumerics only, not all letters are uppercase.**" end end function meets_repo_url_requirement(pkg::String; registry_head::String) url = Pkg.TOML.parsefile(joinpath(registry_head, uppercase(pkg[1:1]), pkg, "Package.toml"))["repo"] meets_this_guideline = url_has_correct_ending(url, pkg) if meets_this_guideline return true, "" else return false, "Repo URL does not end with /name.jl.git, where name is the package name" end end function _invalid_sequential_version(reason::AbstractString) return false, "Does not meet sequential version number guideline: $reason", :invalid end function _valid_change(old_version::VersionNumber, new_version::VersionNumber) diff = difference(old_version, new_version) @debug("Difference between versions: ", old_version, new_version, diff) if diff == v"0.0.1" return true, "", :patch elseif diff == v"0.1.0" return true, "", :minor elseif diff == v"1.0.0" return true, "", :major else return _invalid_sequential_version("increment is not one of: 0.0.1, 0.1.0, 1.0.0") end end function meets_sequential_version_number(existing::Vector{VersionNumber}, ver::VersionNumber) always_assert(!isempty(existing)) if ver in existing return _invalid_sequential_version("version $ver already exists") end issorted(existing) || (existing = sort(existing)) idx = searchsortedlast(existing, ver) idx > 0 || return _invalid_sequential_version("version $ver less than least existing version $(existing[1])") prv = existing[idx] always_assert(ver != prv) nxt = thismajor(ver) != thismajor(prv) ? nextmajor(prv) : thisminor(ver) != thisminor(prv) ? nextminor(prv) : nextpatch(prv) ver <= nxt || return _invalid_sequential_version("version $ver skips over $nxt") return _valid_change(prv, ver) end function _has_no_prerelease_data(version) result = version.prerelease == () return result end function _has_no_build_data(version) result = == () return result end _has_prerelease_data(version) = !( _has_no_prerelease_data(version) ) _has_build_data(version) = !( _has_no_build_data(version) ) _has_prerelease_andor_build_data(version) = _has_prerelease_data(version) || _has_build_data(version) function meets_sequential_version_number(pkg::String, new_version::VersionNumber; registry_head::String, registry_master::String) if _has_prerelease_andor_build_data(new_version) return false, "Version number is not allowed to contain prerelease or build data", :invalid end _all_versions = all_versions(pkg, registry_master) return meets_sequential_version_number(_all_versions, new_version) end function meets_standard_initial_version_number(version) if _has_prerelease_andor_build_data(version) return false, "Version number is not allowed to contain prerelease or build data" end meets_this_guideline = version == v"0.0.1" || version == v"0.1.0" || version == v"1.0.0" || _is_x_0_0(version) if meets_this_guideline return true, "" else return false, "Version number is not 0.0.1, 0.1.0, 1.0.0, or X.0.0" end end function _is_x_0_0(version::VersionNumber) if _has_prerelease_andor_build_data(version) return false end result = (version.major >= 1) && (version.minor == 0) && (version.patch == 0) return result end function _generate_pkg_add_command(pkg::String, version::VersionNumber)::String return "Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(name=\"$(pkg)\", version=v\"$(string(version))\"));" end function meets_version_can_be_pkg_added(working_directory::String, pkg::String, version::VersionNumber; registry_deps::Vector{<:AbstractString} = String[]) pkg_add_command = _generate_pkg_add_command(pkg, version) _registry_deps = convert(Vector{String}, registry_deps) code = """ import Pkg; Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.RegistrySpec(path=\"$(working_directory)\")); _registry_deps = $(_registry_deps); for regdep in _registry_deps Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.RegistrySpec(url = regdep)) end @info("Attempting to `Pkg.add` package..."); $(pkg_add_command) @info("Successfully `Pkg.add`ed package"); """ before_message = "Attempting to `Pkg.add` the package" success_message = "Successfully `Pkg.add`ed the package" success_return_1 = true success_return_2 = "" failure_message = "Was not able to successfully `Pkg.add` the package" failure_return_1 = false failure_return_2 = string("I was not able to install the package ", "(i.e. `Pkg.add(\"$(pkg)\")` failed). ", "See the CI logs for details.") return _run_pkg_commands(working_directory, pkg, version; code = code, before_message = before_message, success_message = success_message, success_return_1 = success_return_1, success_return_2 = success_return_2, failure_message = failure_message, failure_return_1 = failure_return_1, failure_return_2 = failure_return_2) end function meets_version_can_be_imported(working_directory::String, pkg::String, version::VersionNumber; registry_deps::Vector{<:AbstractString} = String[]) pkg_add_command = _generate_pkg_add_command(pkg, version) _registry_deps = convert(Vector{String}, registry_deps) code = """ import Pkg; Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.RegistrySpec(path=\"$(working_directory)\")); _registry_deps = $(_registry_deps); for regdep in _registry_deps Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.RegistrySpec(url = regdep)) end @info("Attempting to `Pkg.add` package..."); $(pkg_add_command) @info("Successfully `Pkg.add`ed package"); @info("Attempting to `import` package"); import $(pkg); @info("Successfully `import`ed package"); """ before_message = "Attempting to `import` the package" success_message = "Successfully `import`ed the package" success_return_1 = true success_return_2 = "" failure_message = "Was not able to successfully `import` the package" failure_return_1 = false failure_return_2 = string("I was not able to load the package ", "(i.e. `import $(pkg)` failed). ", "See the CI logs for details.") return _run_pkg_commands(working_directory, pkg, version; code = code, before_message = before_message, success_message = success_message, success_return_1 = success_return_1, success_return_2 = success_return_2, failure_message = failure_message, failure_return_1 = failure_return_1, failure_return_2 = failure_return_2) end function _run_pkg_commands(working_directory::String, pkg::String, version::VersionNumber; code, before_message, success_message, success_return_1, success_return_2, failure_message, failure_return_1, failure_return_2) original_directory = pwd() tmp_dir_1 = mktempdir() tmp_dir_2 = mktempdir() atexit(() -> rm(tmp_dir_1; force = true, recursive = true)) atexit(() -> rm(tmp_dir_2; force = true, recursive = true)) cd(tmp_dir_1) # We need to be careful with what environment variables we pass to the child # process. For example, we don't want to pass an environment variable containing # our GitHub token to the child process. Because if the Julia package that we are # testing has malicious code in its __init__() function, it could try to steal # our token. So we only pass four environment variables: # 1. PATH. If we don't pass PATH, things break. And PATH should not contain any # sensitive information. # 2. PYTHON. We set PYTHON to the empty string. This forces any packages that use # PyCall to install their own version of Python instead of using the system # Python. # 3. JULIA_DEPOT_PATH. We set JULIA_DEPOT_PATH to the temporary directory that # we created. This is because we don't want the child process using our # real Julia depot. So we set up a fake depot for the child process to use. # 4. R_HOME. We set R_HOME to "*". cmd = Cmd(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -e $(code)`; env = Dict("PATH" => ENV["PATH"], "PYTHON" => "", "JULIA_DEPOT_PATH" => tmp_dir_2, "R_HOME" => "*")) # GUI toolkits may need a display just to load the package xvfb = Sys.which("xvfb-run") @info("xvfb: ", xvfb) if xvfb !== nothing pushfirst!(cmd.exec, "-a") pushfirst!(cmd.exec, xvfb) end @info(before_message) cmd_ran_successfully = success(pipeline(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)) cd(original_directory) rm(tmp_dir_1; force = true, recursive = true) rm(tmp_dir_2; force = true, recursive = true) if cmd_ran_successfully @info(success_message) return success_return_1, success_return_2 else @error(failure_message) return failure_return_1, failure_return_2 end end url_has_correct_ending(url, pkg) = endswith(url, "/$(pkg).jl.git")
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 12397, 585, 5733, 14, 8081, 4592, 25690, 13, 20362, 198, 8818, 11185, 62, 5589, 265, 62, 1640, 62, 439, 62, 10378, 82, 7, 16090, 62, 34945, 3712, 23839, 10100, 11, 279, 10025, 11, 2196, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 390, 862, 796, 350, 10025, 13, 51, 2662, 43, 13, 29572, 7753, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 16090, 62, 34945, 11, 334, 39921, 589, 7, 35339, 58, 16, 25, 16, 46570, 279, 10025, 11, 366, 12156, 82, 13, 39532, 75, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8330, 796, 350, 10025, 13, 51, 2662, 43, 13, 29572, 7753, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 16090, 62, 34945, 11, 334, 39921, 589, 7, 35339, 58, 16, 25, 16, 46570, 279, 10025, 11, 366, 40073, 13, 39532, 75, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3274, 11, 356, 5678, 257, 360, 713, 287, 543, 262, 8251, 389, 262, 5301, 338, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 20086, 11, 290, 262, 1988, 318, 1464, 3991, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1207, 62, 10134, 62, 5589, 265, 62, 4480, 62, 45828, 62, 7784, 796, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 347, 970, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 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<gh_stars>0 # const status_codes = Dict( 100 => "Continue", 101 => "Switching Protocols", 102 => "Processing", 103 => "Early Hints", 200 => "OK", 201 => "Created", 202 => "Accepted", 203 => "Non-Authoritative Information", 204 => "No Content", 205 => "Reset Content", 206 => "Partial Content", 207 => "Multi-Status", 208 => "Already Reported", 226 => "IM Used", 300 => "Multiple Choices", 301 => "Moved Permanently", 302 => "Found", 303 => "See Other", 304 => "Not Modified", 305 => "Use Proxy", 307 => "Temporary Redirect", 308 => "Permanent Redirect", 400 => "Bad Request", 401 => "Unauthorized", 402 => "Payment Required", 403 => "Forbidden", 404 => "Not Found", 405 => "Method Not Allowed", 406 => "Not Acceptable", 407 => "Proxy Authentication Required", 408 => "Request Timeout", 409 => "Conflict", 410 => "Gone", 411 => "Length Required", 412 => "Precondition Failed", 413 => "Payload Too Large", 414 => "URI Too Long", 415 => "Unsupported Media Type", 416 => "Range Not Satisfiable", 417 => "Expectation Failed", 418 => "I'm a teapot", 421 => "Misdirected Request", 422 => "Unprocessable Entity", 423 => "Locked", 424 => "Failed Dependency", 425 => "Too Early", 426 => "Upgrade Required", 428 => "Precondition Required", 429 => "Too Many Requests", 431 => "Request Header Fields Too Large", 451 => "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", 500 => "Internal Server Error", 501 => "Not Implemented", 502 => "Bad Gateway", 503 => "Service Unavailable", 504 => "Gateway Time-out", 505 => "HTTP Version Not Supported", 506 => "Variant Also Negotiates", 507 => "Insufficient Storage", 508 => "Loop Detected", 509 => "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded", 510 => "Not Extended", 511 => "Network Authentication Required" )
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using QuasinormalModes using RootsAndPoles # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1. Setting up Schwarzschild black hole data structure for # computing the QNMs numerically. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct NSchwarzschildData{N,T} <: NumericAIMProblem{N,T} nIter::N x0::T l::N s::N end function NSchwarzschildData(nIter::N, x0::T, l::N, s::N) where {N,T} return NSchwarzschildData{N,T}(nIter, x0, l, s) end QuasinormalModes.λ0(::NSchwarzschildData{N,T}) where {N,T} = (x,ω) -> (-1 + (2*im)*ω + x*(4 - 3*x + (4*im)*(-2 + x)*ω))/((-1 + x)^2*x) QuasinormalModes.S0(d::NSchwarzschildData{N,T}) where {N,T} = (x,ω) -> (d.l + d.l^2 + (-1 + d.s^2)*(-1 + x) + (4*im)*(-1 + x)*ω + 4*(-2 + x)*ω^2)/((-1 + x)^2*x) QuasinormalModes.get_niter(d::NSchwarzschildData{N,T}) where {N,T} = d.nIter QuasinormalModes.get_x0(d::NSchwarzschildData{N,T}) where {N,T} = d.x0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2. Benchmark # ------------------------------------------------------------------ """ bench_iter(iter_start, iter_end, x0, l, s, xt, ft, nls_iter, reference_ωr, reference_ωi, repeat) Measures the time required to compute a pair of quasinormal frequencies as a function of the number of AIM iterations performed. The result is also compared with a know result in order to provide a error measurement. # Input - `iter_start`: First number of iterations to perform. - `iter_end`: Last number of iterations. - `x0`: The point around which AIM functions will be Taylor expanded. - `l`: The l value of the sought mode. - `s`: The s value of the sought mode. - `xt`: The `xtol` value passed to NLSolve. - `ft`: The `ftol` value passed to NLSolve. - `nls_iter`: The number of iterations that NLSolve will perform. - `reference_ωr`: The reference value for the real QNM frequency. - `reference_ωi`: The reference value for the imaginary QNM frequency. - `repeat`: The amount of times to repeat the operation. # Output nothing """ function bench_iter(iter_start, iter_end, x0, l, s, xt, ft, nls_iter, reference_ωr, reference_ωi, repeat) for i in 1:repeat println("Benchmark iteration ", i, ":") file = open("run_$(i).dat", "w") println(file, "# 1:time(ns) 2:iter 3:x0 4:l 5:s 6:xt 7:ft 8:w_r 9:w_i 10:error in w_r 11:error in w_i") for iter in iter_start:iter_end println(" AIM iteration ", iter) p_num = NSchwarzschildData(iter, x0, l, s); c_num = AIMCache(p_num) t0 = time_ns(); ev = computeEigenvalues(Threaded(), p_num, c_num, typeof(x0)(reference_ωr, reference_ωi), nls_xtol = xt, nls_ftol = ft, nls_iterations = nls_iter) elapsed_time = time_ns() - t0 if(ev.x_converged || ev.f_converged) println(file, elapsed_time, " ", iter, " ", convert(Float64, x0), " ", l, " ", s, " ", convert(Float64, xt), " ", convert(Float64, ft), " ",[1], " ",[2], " ",[1] - reference_ωr, " ",[2] - reference_ωi ) flush(file) end end close(file) end end # We call the function once and discard the results in order so that the compilation time does not get included in the benchmark. bench_iter(0x00001, 0x00064, Complex(big"0.39", big"0.0"), 0x00000, 0x00000, big"1.0e-55", big"1.0e-55", 5000000, big"0.2209098781608393", big"-0.2097914341737619", 1) bench_iter(0x00001, 0x00064, Complex(big"0.39", big"0.0"), 0x00000, 0x00000, big"1.0e-55", big"1.0e-55", 5000000, big"0.2209098781608393", big"-0.2097914341737619", 20)
[ 3500, 2264, 47337, 6636, 44, 4147, 198, 3500, 34341, 1870, 47, 4316, 198, 198, 2, 16529, 438, 198, 2, 352, 13, 25700, 510, 34835, 35058, 2042, 7604, 1366, 4645, 329, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 14492, 262, 1195, 45, 10128, 5470, 1146, 13, 198, 2, 16529, 438, 198, 198, 7249, 10896, 354, 5767, 89, 35058, 6601, 90, 45, 11, 51, 92, 1279, 25, 399, 39223, 32, 3955, 40781, 90, 45, 11, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 29993, 3712, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 15, 3712, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 3712, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 3712, 45, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 10896, 354, 5767, 89, 35058, 6601, 7, 77, 29993, 3712, 45, 11, 2124, 15, 3712, 51, 11, 300, 3712, 45, 11, 264, 3712, 45, 8, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 10896, 354, 5767, 89, 35058, 6601, 90, 45, 11, 51, 92, 7, 77, 29993, 11, 2124, 15, 11, 300, 11, 264, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 4507, 47337, 6636, 44, 4147, 13, 39377, 15, 7, 3712, 8035, 354, 5767, 89, 35058, 6601, 90, 45, 11, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 51, 92, 796, 357, 87, 11, 49535, 8, 4613, 13841, 16, 1343, 357, 17, 9, 320, 27493, 49535, 1343, 2124, 9, 7, 19, 532, 513, 9, 87, 1343, 357, 19, 9, 320, 27493, 32590, 17, 1343, 2124, 27493, 49535, 4008, 14, 19510, 12, 16, 1343, 2124, 8, 61, 17, 9, 87, 8, 198, 4507, 47337, 6636, 44, 4147, 13, 50, 15, 7, 67, 3712, 8035, 354, 5767, 89, 35058, 6601, 90, 45, 11, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 51, 92, 796, 357, 87, 11, 49535, 8, 4613, 357, 67, 13, 75, 1343, 288, 13, 75, 61, 17, 1343, 13841, 16, 1343, 288, 13, 82, 61, 17, 27493, 32590, 16, 1343, 2124, 8, 1343, 357, 19, 9, 320, 27493, 32590, 16, 1343, 2124, 27493, 49535, 1343, 604, 9, 32590, 17, 1343, 2124, 27493, 49535, 61, 17, 20679, 19510, 12, 16, 1343, 2124, 8, 61, 17, 9, 87, 8, 198, 198, 4507, 47337, 6636, 44, 4147, 13, 1136, 62, 77, 2676, 7, 67, 3712, 8035, 354, 5767, 89, 35058, 6601, 90, 45, 11, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 51, 92, 796, 288, 13, 77, 29993, 198, 4507, 47337, 6636, 44, 4147, 13, 1136, 62, 87, 15, 7, 67, 3712, 8035, 354, 5767, 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13, 15, 12340, 657, 87, 20483, 11, 657, 87, 20483, 11, 1263, 1, 16, 13, 15, 68, 12, 2816, 1600, 1263, 1, 16, 13, 15, 68, 12, 2816, 1600, 642, 10535, 11, 1263, 1, 15, 13, 17572, 44675, 23, 3695, 1433, 2919, 26007, 1600, 1263, 26793, 15, 13, 22567, 3720, 1415, 2682, 1558, 32128, 1129, 1600, 352, 8, 198, 26968, 62, 2676, 7, 15, 87, 2388, 16, 11, 657, 87, 830, 2414, 11, 19157, 7, 14261, 1, 15, 13, 2670, 1600, 1263, 1, 15, 13, 15, 12340, 657, 87, 20483, 11, 657, 87, 20483, 11, 1263, 1, 16, 13, 15, 68, 12, 2816, 1600, 1263, 1, 16, 13, 15, 68, 12, 2816, 1600, 642, 10535, 11, 1263, 1, 15, 13, 17572, 44675, 23, 3695, 1433, 2919, 26007, 1600, 1263, 26793, 15, 13, 22567, 3720, 1415, 2682, 1558, 32128, 1129, 1600, 1160, 8, 198 ]
module FluxMNIST using Flux, Flux.Data.MNIST, Statistics using Flux: onehotbatch, onecold, crossentropy, throttle, @epochs import Flux: glorot_uniform using Base.Iterators: repeated, partition using BSON: @save using Dates # using CuArrays include("util.jl") #= Initialization is from He et al., 2015, Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification =# kaiming(::Type{T}, h, w, i, o) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = T(sqrt(2 / (w * h * o))) .* randn(T, h, w, i, o) glorot_uniform(::Type{T}, dims...) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = (rand(T, dims...) .- T(0.5)) .* sqrt(T(24.0)/(sum(dims))) # Classify MNIST digits with a convolutional network function loadMNIST(::Type{T}, batch_size::Int = 1000) where {T<:AbstractFloat} imgs = MNIST.images() labels = onehotbatch(MNIST.labels(), 0:9) _train = BatchProducer(T.(cat((cat(float.(imgs[idxs])..., dims = 4) for idxs in partition(1:60_000, batch_size))..., dims=4)), labels, batch_size, true) train = (gpu.(minibatch) for minibatch in _train) # Prepare test set (first 1,000 images) tX = T.(cat(float.(MNIST.images(:test)[1:batch_size])..., dims = 4)) |> gpu tY = onehotbatch(MNIST.labels(:test)[1:batch_size], 0:9) |> gpu return (train, tX, tY) end # for Float32 and kaiming initialization (::Type{Conv})(::Type{T}, k::NTuple{N,Integer}, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ = identity; init = kaiming, stride = 1, pad = 0, dilation = 1) where {T<:AbstractFloat, N} = Conv(param(init(T, k..., ch...)), param(zeros(T, ch[2])), σ, stride = stride, pad = pad, dilation = dilation) function (::Type{Dense})(::Type{T}, in::Integer, out::Integer, σ = identity; initW = glorot_uniform, initb = zeros) where {T<:AbstractFloat} return Dense(param(initW(T, out, in)), param(initb(T, out)), σ) end # Model mutable struct Model{T,M} m::M (::Type{Model{T}})() where {T<:AbstractFloat} = new{T,Chain}(Chain( Conv(T, (5, 5), 1=>32, relu), x -> maxpool(x, (2, 2)), Conv(T, (5, 5), 32=>64, relu), x -> maxpool(x, (2, 2)), x -> reshape(x, :, size(x, 4)), Dense(T, 1024, 1024, relu), Dropout(0.5), Dense(T, 1024, 10), softmax) |> gpu ) end # loss(x, y) = crossentropy(m(x), y) mutable struct Loss{M} <: Function m::M end (loss::Loss)(x, y) = crossentropy(loss.m(x), y) # accuracy(x, y) = mean(onecold(m(x)) .== onecold(y)) mutable struct Accuracy{M} <:Function m::M end (accuracy::Accuracy)(x, y) = mean(onecold(accuracy.m(x)) .== onecold(y)) # train! function train!(m::Model, traindata; epochs = 10, cb = identity) loss = Loss(m.m) opt = ADAM(params(m.m)) # TODO: patameterize @epochs epochs Flux.train!(loss, traindata, opt; cb=cb) end # save Model (weights only) function savemodel(m::Model{Float32}) ts = Dates.format(now(), dateformat"yyyymmddHHMMSS") savemodel(m, "model-flux-f32_$(ts).bson") end function savemodel(m::Model) ts = Dates.format(now(), dateformat"yyyymmddHHMMSS") savemodel(m, "model-flux-f64_$(ts).bson") end function savemodel(m::Model, filename::AbstractString) weights = @save filename weights end end # module
[ 21412, 1610, 2821, 39764, 8808, 198, 198, 3500, 1610, 2821, 11, 1610, 2821, 13, 6601, 13, 39764, 8808, 11, 14370, 198, 3500, 1610, 2821, 25, 530, 8940, 43501, 11, 530, 36673, 11, 3272, 298, 28338, 11, 29976, 11, 2488, 538, 5374, 82, 198, 11748, 1610, 2821, 25, 26996, 313, 62, 403, 6933, 198, 3500, 7308, 13, 29993, 2024, 25, 5100, 11, 18398, 198, 3500, 347, 11782, 25, 2488, 21928, 198, 3500, 44712, 198, 2, 1262, 14496, 3163, 20477, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 22602, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 24243, 1634, 318, 422, 198, 1544, 2123, 435, 1539, 1853, 11, 198, 13856, 1075, 10766, 656, 48599, 13350, 25, 4198, 6603, 278, 5524, 12, 4971, 15193, 319, 7412, 7934, 40984, 198, 5450, 1378, 283, 87, 452, 13, 2398, 14, 8937, 14, 8628, 17, 13, 29159, 4309, 198, 46249, 198, 74, 1385, 278, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 289, 11, 266, 11, 1312, 11, 267, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 796, 309, 7, 31166, 17034, 7, 17, 1220, 357, 86, 1635, 289, 1635, 267, 22305, 764, 9, 43720, 77, 7, 51, 11, 289, 11, 266, 11, 1312, 11, 267, 8, 198, 70, 4685, 313, 62, 403, 6933, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 5391, 82, 23029, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 796, 357, 25192, 7, 51, 11, 5391, 82, 23029, 764, 12, 309, 7, 15, 13, 20, 4008, 764, 9, 19862, 17034, 7, 51, 7, 1731, 13, 15, 20679, 7, 16345, 7, 67, 12078, 22305, 198, 198, 2, 5016, 1958, 29060, 8808, 19561, 351, 257, 3063, 2122, 282, 3127, 198, 8818, 3440, 39764, 8808, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 15458, 62, 7857, 3712, 5317, 796, 8576, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 545, 14542, 796, 29060, 8808, 13, 17566, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 14722, 796, 530, 8940, 43501, 7, 39764, 8808, 13, 23912, 1424, 22784, 657, 25, 24, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 27432, 796, 347, 963, 11547, 2189, 7, 51, 12195, 9246, 19510, 9246, 7, 22468, 12195, 9600, 82, 58, 312, 34223, 12962, 986, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4686, 34223, 287, 18398, 7, 16, 25, 1899, 62, 830, 11, 15458, 62, 7857, 4008, 986, 11, 5391, 82, 28, 19, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14722, 11, 15458, 62, 7857, 11, 2081, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4512, 796, 357, 46999, 12195, 1084, 571, 963, 8, 329, 949, 571, 963, 287, 4808, 27432, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 43426, 1332, 900, 357, 11085, 352, 11, 830, 4263, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 55, 796, 309, 12195, 9246, 7, 22468, 12195, 39764, 8808, 13, 17566, 7, 25, 9288, 38381, 16, 25, 43501, 62, 7857, 12962, 986, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 604, 4008, 930, 29, 308, 19944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 56, 796, 530, 8940, 43501, 7, 39764, 8808, 13, 23912, 1424, 7, 25, 9288, 38381, 16, 25, 43501, 62, 7857, 4357, 657, 25, 24, 8, 930, 29, 308, 19944, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 27432, 11, 256, 55, 11, 256, 56, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 329, 48436, 2624, 290, 479, 1385, 278, 37588, 198, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 3103, 85, 92, 5769, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 479, 3712, 11251, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 46541, 5512, 442, 3712, 47, 958, 90, 27, 25, 46541, 11, 27, 25, 46541, 5512, 18074, 225, 796, 5369, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 796, 479, 1385, 278, 11, 33769, 796, 352, 11, 14841, 796, 657, 11, 288, 10520, 796, 352, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 11, 399, 92, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34872, 7, 17143, 7, 15003, 7, 51, 11, 479, 986, 11, 442, 23029, 828, 5772, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 51, 11, 442, 58, 17, 12962, 828, 18074, 225, 11, 33769, 796, 33769, 11, 14841, 796, 14841, 11, 288, 10520, 796, 288, 10520, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 357, 3712, 6030, 90, 35, 1072, 92, 5769, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 287, 3712, 46541, 11, 503, 3712, 46541, 11, 18074, 225, 796, 5369, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 54, 796, 26996, 313, 62, 403, 6933, 11, 2315, 65, 796, 1976, 27498, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 360, 1072, 7, 17143, 7, 15003, 54, 7, 51, 11, 503, 11, 287, 36911, 5772, 7, 15003, 65, 7, 51, 11, 503, 36911, 18074, 225, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 9104, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 9104, 90, 51, 11, 44, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 3712, 44, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 3712, 6030, 90, 17633, 90, 51, 11709, 8, 3419, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 92, 796, 649, 90, 51, 11, 35491, 92, 7, 35491, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 34872, 7, 51, 11, 357, 20, 11, 642, 828, 352, 14804, 2624, 11, 823, 84, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 4613, 3509, 7742, 7, 87, 11, 357, 17, 11, 362, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 34872, 7, 51, 11, 357, 20, 11, 642, 828, 3933, 14804, 2414, 11, 823, 84, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 4613, 3509, 7742, 7, 87, 11, 357, 17, 11, 362, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 4613, 27179, 1758, 7, 87, 11, 1058, 11, 2546, 7, 87, 11, 604, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 1072, 7, 51, 11, 28119, 11, 28119, 11, 823, 84, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14258, 448, 7, 15, 13, 20, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 1072, 7, 51, 11, 28119, 11, 838, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2705, 9806, 8, 930, 29, 308, 19944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2994, 7, 87, 11, 331, 8, 796, 3272, 298, 28338, 7, 76, 7, 87, 828, 331, 8, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 22014, 90, 44, 92, 1279, 25, 15553, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 3712, 44, 198, 437, 198, 7, 22462, 3712, 43, 793, 5769, 87, 11, 331, 8, 796, 3272, 298, 28338, 7, 22462, 13, 76, 7, 87, 828, 331, 8, 198, 198, 2, 9922, 7, 87, 11, 331, 8, 796, 1612, 7, 505, 36673, 7, 76, 7, 87, 4008, 764, 855, 530, 36673, 7, 88, 4008, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 33222, 90, 44, 92, 1279, 25, 22203, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 3712, 44, 198, 437, 198, 7, 4134, 23843, 3712, 17320, 23843, 5769, 87, 11, 331, 8, 796, 1612, 7, 505, 36673, 7, 4134, 23843, 13, 76, 7, 87, 4008, 764, 855, 530, 36673, 7, 88, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 4512, 0, 198, 8818, 4512, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 17633, 11, 4512, 7890, 26, 36835, 82, 796, 838, 11, 269, 65, 796, 5369, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2994, 796, 22014, 7, 76, 13, 76, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2172, 796, 5984, 2390, 7, 37266, 7, 76, 13, 76, 4008, 220, 1303, 16926, 46, 25, 1458, 321, 2357, 1096, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 538, 5374, 82, 36835, 82, 1610, 2821, 13, 27432, 0, 7, 22462, 11, 4512, 7890, 11, 2172, 26, 269, 65, 28, 21101, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 3613, 9104, 357, 43775, 691, 8, 198, 8818, 3613, 19849, 7, 76, 3712, 17633, 90, 43879, 2624, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 796, 44712, 13, 18982, 7, 2197, 22784, 3128, 18982, 1, 22556, 22556, 3020, 1860, 16768, 12038, 5432, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 19849, 7, 76, 11, 366, 19849, 12, 69, 22564, 12, 69, 2624, 62, 3, 7, 912, 737, 1443, 261, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 3613, 19849, 7, 76, 3712, 17633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 796, 44712, 13, 18982, 7, 2197, 22784, 3128, 18982, 1, 22556, 22556, 3020, 1860, 16768, 12038, 5432, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 19849, 7, 76, 11, 366, 19849, 12, 69, 22564, 12, 69, 2414, 62, 3, 7, 912, 737, 1443, 261, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 3613, 19849, 7, 76, 3712, 17633, 11, 29472, 3712, 23839, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 19590, 796, 26885, 13, 7890, 12195, 37266, 7, 76, 13, 76, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 21928, 29472, 19590, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
using Flux using Zygote import Zygote:gradient gradient(f, ::Val{:Zygote}, args...) = gradient(f, args...) Zygote.@adjoint argmax(xs; dims = :) = argmax(xs;dims=dims), _ -> nothing # ??? can safely removed now Zygote.@adjoint function Base.broadcasted(::typeof(relu), x::Array{T}) where T<:Real y = relu.(x) return y, Δ -> begin res = similar(Δ) for i in 1:length(res) if y[i] > 0 res[i] = Δ[i] else res[i] = zero(T) end end (nothing, res) end end
[ 3500, 1610, 2821, 198, 3500, 1168, 35641, 1258, 198, 198, 11748, 1168, 35641, 1258, 25, 49607, 198, 198, 49607, 7, 69, 11, 7904, 7762, 90, 25, 57, 35641, 1258, 5512, 26498, 23029, 796, 31312, 7, 69, 11, 26498, 23029, 198, 198, 57, 35641, 1258, 13, 31, 41255, 1563, 1822, 9806, 7, 34223, 26, 5391, 82, 796, 14373, 796, 1822, 9806, 7, 34223, 26, 67, 12078, 28, 67, 12078, 828, 4808, 4613, 2147, 198, 198, 2, 34913, 460, 11512, 4615, 783, 198, 57, 35641, 1258, 13, 31, 41255, 1563, 2163, 7308, 13, 36654, 2701, 276, 7, 3712, 4906, 1659, 7, 260, 2290, 828, 2124, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 309, 27, 25, 15633, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 796, 823, 84, 12195, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 331, 11, 37455, 4613, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 2092, 7, 138, 242, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 411, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 331, 58, 72, 60, 1875, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 58, 72, 60, 796, 37455, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 58, 72, 60, 796, 6632, 7, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 22366, 11, 581, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437 ]
<gh_stars>100-1000 ### Extensible system for multimedia display of Python objects const PYSHOW_RULES = Function[] function pyshow_add_rule(rule::Function) push!(PYSHOW_RULES, rule) return end function pyshow(io::IO, mime::MIME, x) x_ = Py(x) for rule in PYSHOW_RULES rule(io, string(mime), x_) && return end throw(MethodError(show, (io, mime, x_))) end function pyshowable(mime::MIME, x) x_ = Py(x) for rule in PYSHOW_RULES rule(devnull, string(mime), x_) && return true end return false end ### Particular rules # x._repr_mimebundle_() function pyshow_rule_mimebundle(io::IO, mime::String, x::Py) try ans = x._repr_mimebundle_(include=pylist((mime,))) if pyisinstance(ans, pybuiltins.tuple) data = ans[0][mime] else data = ans[mime] end data = pyconvert(Union{String,Vector{UInt8}}, data) if mime == "text/html" data = String(data) if occursin("altair-viz-", data) && occursin("document.currentScript.previousElementSibling", data) # unsatisfactory hack to get altair plots to display properly in pluto # TODO: fix this upstream (in altair or pluto??) data = replace(data, "document.currentScript.previousElementSibling" => "((document.currentScript || {}).previousElementSibling || {})") end end write(io, data) return true catch exc if exc isa PyException return false else rethrow() end end end const MIME_TO_REPR_METHOD = Dict( "text/plain" => "__repr__", "text/html" => "_repr_html_", "text/markdown" => "_repr_markdown_", "text/json" => "_repr_json_", "text/latex" => "_repr_latex_", "application/javascript" => "_repr_javascript_", "application/pdf" => "_repr_pdf_", "image/jpeg" => "_repr_jpeg_", "image/png" => "_repr_png_", "image/svg+xml" => "_repr_svg_", ) # x._repr_FORMAT_() function pyshow_rule_repr(io::IO, mime::String, x::Py) method = get(MIME_TO_REPR_METHOD, mime, "") isempty(method) && return false try ans = pygetattr(x, method)() if pyisinstance(ans, pybuiltins.tuple) data = ans[0] else data = ans end write(io, pyconvert(Union{String,Vector{UInt8}}, data)) return true catch exc if exc isa PyException return false else rethrow() end end end const MIME_TO_MATPLOTLIB_FORMAT = Dict( "image/png" => "png", "image/jpeg" => "jpeg", "image/tiff" => "tiff", "image/svg+xml" => "svg", "application/pdf" => "pdf", ) # x.savefig() # Requires x to be a matplotlib.pyplot.Figure, or x.figure to be one. # Closes the underlying figure. function pyshow_rule_savefig(io::IO, mime::String, x::Py) format = get(MIME_TO_MATPLOTLIB_FORMAT, mime, "") isempty(format) && return false pyhasattr(x, "savefig") || return false try plt = pysysmodule.modules["matplotlib.pyplot"] Figure = plt.Figure fig = x while !pyisinstance(fig, Figure) fig = fig.figure end buf = pyimport("io").BytesIO() x.savefig(buf, format=format) data = pyconvert(Vector{UInt8}, buf.getvalue()) write(io, data) plt.close(fig) return true catch exc if exc isa PyException return false else rethrow() end end end function init_pyshow() pyshow_add_rule(pyshow_rule_mimebundle) pyshow_add_rule(pyshow_rule_repr) pyshow_add_rule(pyshow_rule_savefig) end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 3064, 12, 12825, 198, 21017, 5683, 27339, 1080, 329, 40162, 3359, 286, 11361, 5563, 198, 198, 9979, 350, 56, 9693, 3913, 62, 49, 6239, 1546, 796, 15553, 21737, 198, 198, 8818, 279, 893, 4919, 62, 2860, 62, 25135, 7, 25135, 3712, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 47, 56, 9693, 3913, 62, 49, 6239, 1546, 11, 3896, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 279, 893, 4919, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 285, 524, 3712, 44, 12789, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 796, 9485, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 3896, 287, 350, 56, 9693, 3913, 62, 49, 6239, 1546, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3896, 7, 952, 11, 4731, 7, 76, 524, 828, 2124, 62, 8, 11405, 1441, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 17410, 12331, 7, 12860, 11, 357, 952, 11, 285, 524, 11, 2124, 62, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 279, 893, 4919, 540, 7, 76, 524, 3712, 44, 12789, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 796, 9485, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 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# # Sequential Simulations with [PowerSimulations.jl]( # **Originally Contributed by**: <NAME> # ## Introduction # PowerSimulations.jl supports simulations that consist of sequential optimization problems # where results from previous problems inform subsequent problems in a variety of ways. This # example demonstrates some of these capabilities to represent electricity market clearing. # ## Dependencies # Since the `OperatiotnsProblem` is the fundamental building block of a sequential # simulation in PowerSimulations, we will build on the [OperationsProblem example](../../notebook/3_PowerSimulations_examples/1_operations_problems.ipynb) # by sourcing it as a dependency. using SIIPExamples pkgpath = dirname(dirname(pathof(SIIPExamples))) include( joinpath(pkgpath, "test", "3_PowerSimulations_examples", "01_operations_problems.jl"), ) # ### 5-Minute system # We had already created a `sys::System` from hourly RTS data in the OperationsProblem example. # The RTS data also includes 5-minute resolution time series data. So, we can create another # `System`: sys_RT = System(rawsys; time_series_resolution = Dates.Minute(5)) transform_single_time_series!(sys_RT, 12, Hour(1)) # ## `OperationsProblemTemplate`s define `Stage`s # Sequential simulations in PowerSimulations are created by defining `OperationsProblems` # that represent `Stages`, and how information flows between executions of a `Stage` and # between different `Stage`s. # # Let's start by defining a two stage simulation that might look like a typical day-Ahead # and real-time electricity market clearing process. # ### Define the reference model for the day-ahead unit commitment devices = Dict( :Generators => DeviceModel(ThermalStandard, ThermalStandardUnitCommitment), :Ren => DeviceModel(RenewableDispatch, RenewableFullDispatch), :Loads => DeviceModel(PowerLoad, StaticPowerLoad), :HydroROR => DeviceModel(HydroDispatch, FixedOutput), :Hydro => DeviceModel(HydroEnergyReservoir, HydroDispatchRunOfRiver), :RenFx => DeviceModel(RenewableFix, FixedOutput), ) template_uc = template_unit_commitment(devices = devices) # ### Define the reference model for the real-time economic dispatch devices = Dict( :Generators => DeviceModel(ThermalStandard, ThermalDispatch), :Ren => DeviceModel(RenewableDispatch, RenewableFullDispatch), :Loads => DeviceModel(PowerLoad, StaticPowerLoad), :HydroROR => DeviceModel(HydroDispatch, FixedOutput), :Hydro => DeviceModel(HydroEnergyReservoir, HydroDispatchRunOfRiver), :RenFx => DeviceModel(RenewableFix, FixedOutput), ) template_ed = template_economic_dispatch(devices = devices) # ### Define the `Stage`s # Stages define models. The actual problem will change as the stage gets updated to represent # different time periods, but the formulations applied to the components is constant within # a stage. In this case, we want to define two stages with the `OperationsProblemTemplate`s # and the `System`s that we've already created. stages_definition = Dict( "UC" => Stage(GenericOpProblem, template_uc, sys, solver), "ED" => Stage( GenericOpProblem, template_ed, sys_RT, solver, balance_slack_variables = true, ), ) # Note that the "ED" stage has a `balance_slack_variables = true` argument. This adds slack # variables with a default penalty of 1e6 to the nodal energy balance constraint and helps # ensure feasibility with some performance impacts. # ### `SimulationSequence` # Similar to an `OperationsProblemTemplate`, the `SimulationSequence` provides a template of # how to execute a sequential set of operations problems. #nb # print_struct(SimulationSequence) # Let's review some of the `SimulationSequence` arguments. # ### Chronologies # In PowerSimulations, chronologies define where information is flowing. There are two types # of chronologies. # - inter-stage chronologies: Define how information flows between stages. e.g. day-ahead # solutions are used to inform economic dispatch problems # - intra-stage chronologies: Define how information flows between multiple executions of a # single stage. e.g. the dispatch setpoints of the first period of an economic dispatch problem # are constrained by the ramping limits from setpoints in the final period of the previous problem. # # Let's define an inter-stage chronology that synchronizes information from 24 periods of # the first stage with a set of executions of the second stage: feedforward_chronologies = Dict(("UC" => "ED") => Synchronize(periods = 24)) # ### `FeedForward` and `Cache` # The definition of exactly what information is passed using the defined chronologies is # accomplished with `FeedForward` and `Cache` objects. Specifically, `FeedForward` is used # to define what to do with information being passed with an inter-stage chronology. Let's # define a `FeedForward` that affects the semi-continuous range constraints of thermal generators # in the economic dispatch problems based on the value of the unit-commitment variables. feedforward = Dict( ("ED", :devices, :Generators) => SemiContinuousFF( binary_source_stage = PSI.ON, affected_variables = [PSI.ACTIVE_POWER], ), ) # ### Sequencing # The stage problem length, look-ahead, and other details surrounding the temporal Sequencing # of stages are controlled using the `order`, `horizons`, and `intervals` arguments. # - order::Dict(Int, String) : the hierarchical order of stages in the simulation # - horizons::Dict(String, Int) : defines the number of time periods in each stage (problem length) # - intervals::Dict(String, Dates.Period) : defines the interval with which stage problems # advance after each execution. e.g. day-ahead problems have an interval of 24-hours # # So, to define a typical day-ahead - real-time sequence, we can define the following: # - Day ahead problems should represent 48 hours, advancing 24 hours after each execution (24-hour look-ahead) # - Real time problems should represent 1 hour (12 5-minute periods), advancing 1 hour after each execution (no look-ahead) order = Dict(1 => "UC", 2 => "ED") horizons = Dict("UC" => 24, "ED" => 12) intervals = Dict("UC" => (Hour(24), Consecutive()), "ED" => (Hour(1), Consecutive())) # Finally, we can put it all together: DA_RT_sequence = SimulationSequence( step_resolution = Hour(24), order = order, horizons = horizons, intervals = intervals, ini_cond_chronology = InterStageChronology(), feedforward_chronologies = feedforward_chronologies, feedforward = feedforward, ) # ## `Simulation` # Now, we can build and execute a simulation using the `SimulationSequence` and `Stage`s # that we've defined. sim = Simulation( name = "rts-test", steps = 1, stages = stages_definition, stages_sequence = DA_RT_sequence, simulation_folder = rts_dir, ) # ### Build simulation build!(sim) # ### Execute simulation # the following command returns the status of the simulation (0: is proper execution) and # stores the results in a set of HDF5 files on disk. execute!(sim) # ## Results # To access the results, we need to load the simulation result metadata and then make # requests to the specific data of interest. This allows you to efficiently access the # results of interest without overloading resources. results = SimulationResults(sim); uc_results = get_stage_results(results, "UC"); # UC stage result metadata ed_results = get_stage_results(results, "ED"); # ED stage result metadata # Now we can read the specific results of interest for a specific stage, time window (optional), # and set of variables, duals, or parameters (optional) read_variables(uc_results, names = [:P__ThermalStandard, :P__RenewableDispatch]) # Or if we want the result of just one variable, parameter, or dual (must be defined in the # stage definition), we can use: read_parameter( ed_results, :P__max_active_power__RenewableFix, initial_time = DateTime("2020-01-01T06:00:00"), count = 5, ) # * note that this returns the results of each execution step in a separate dataframe * # If you want the realized results (without lookahead periods), you can call `read_realized_*`: read_realized_variables(uc_results, names = [:P__ThermalStandard, :P__RenewableDispatch]) # ## Plotting # Take a look at the examples in [the plotting folder.](../../notebook/3_PowerSimulations_examples/Plotting)
[ 2, 1303, 24604, 1843, 3184, 5768, 351, 685, 13434, 8890, 5768, 13, 20362, 16151, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 45, 16448, 12, 50, 3978, 47, 14, 13434, 8890, 5768, 13, 20362, 8, 198, 198, 2, 12429, 22731, 2345, 6169, 416, 1174, 25, 1279, 20608, 29, 198, 198, 2, 22492, 22395, 198, 198, 2, 4333, 8890, 5768, 13, 20362, 6971, 27785, 326, 3473, 286, 35582, 23989, 2761, 198, 2, 810, 2482, 422, 2180, 2761, 4175, 8840, 2761, 287, 257, 4996, 286, 2842, 13, 770, 198, 2, 1672, 15687, 617, 286, 777, 9889, 284, 2380, 8744, 1910, 17304, 13, 198, 198, 2, 22492, 37947, 3976, 198, 2, 4619, 262, 4600, 18843, 265, 5151, 5907, 40781, 63, 318, 262, 7531, 2615, 2512, 286, 257, 35582, 198, 2, 18640, 287, 4333, 8890, 5768, 11, 356, 481, 1382, 319, 262, 685, 18843, 602, 40781, 1672, 16151, 40720, 40720, 11295, 2070, 14, 18, 62, 13434, 8890, 5768, 62, 1069, 12629, 14, 16, 62, 3575, 602, 62, 1676, 22143, 13, 541, 2047, 65, 8, 198, 2, 416, 47015, 340, 355, 257, 20203, 13, 198, 3500, 311, 3978, 47, 27730, 198, 35339, 6978, 796, 26672, 3672, 7, 15908, 3672, 7, 6978, 1659, 7, 50, 3978, 47, 27730, 22305, 198, 17256, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4654, 6978, 7, 35339, 6978, 11, 366, 9288, 1600, 366, 18, 62, 13434, 8890, 5768, 62, 1069, 12629, 1600, 366, 486, 62, 3575, 602, 62, 1676, 22143, 13, 20362, 12340, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 642, 12, 9452, 1133, 1080, 198, 2, 775, 550, 1541, 2727, 257, 4600, 17597, 3712, 11964, 63, 422, 30160, 371, 4694, 1366, 287, 262, 16205, 40781, 1672, 13, 198, 2, 383, 371, 4694, 1366, 635, 3407, 642, 12, 11374, 6323, 640, 2168, 1366, 13, 1406, 11, 356, 460, 2251, 1194, 198, 2, 4600, 11964, 63, 25, 198, 198, 17597, 62, 14181, 796, 4482, 7, 1831, 17597, 26, 640, 62, 25076, 62, 29268, 796, 44712, 13, 9452, 1133, 7, 20, 4008, 198, 35636, 62, 29762, 62, 2435, 62, 25076, 0, 7, 17597, 62, 14181, 11, 1105, 11, 19123, 7, 16, 4008, 198, 2, 22492, 4600, 18843, 602, 40781, 30800, 63, 82, 8160, 4600, 29391, 63, 82, 198, 2, 24604, 1843, 27785, 287, 4333, 8890, 5768, 389, 2727, 416, 16215, 4600, 18843, 602, 2964, 22143, 63, 198, 2, 326, 2380, 4600, 1273, 1095, 47671, 290, 703, 1321, 15623, 1022, 30632, 286, 257, 4600, 29391, 63, 290, 198, 2, 1022, 1180, 4600, 29391, 63, 82, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 3914, 338, 923, 416, 16215, 257, 734, 3800, 18640, 326, 1244, 804, 588, 257, 7226, 1110, 12, 32, 2256, 198, 2, 290, 1103, 12, 2435, 8744, 1910, 17304, 1429, 13, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 2896, 500, 262, 4941, 2746, 329, 262, 1110, 12, 38204, 4326, 7901, 198, 42034, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 8645, 2024, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 35048, 7617, 23615, 11, 41590, 23615, 26453, 6935, 270, 434, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 26764, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 26764, 413, 540, 49354, 11, 29479, 540, 13295, 49354, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 8912, 82, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 13434, 8912, 11, 36125, 13434, 8912, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 40436, 305, 16411, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 40436, 305, 49354, 11, 10832, 26410, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 40436, 305, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 40436, 305, 28925, 4965, 712, 10840, 11, 32116, 49354, 10987, 5189, 42204, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 26764, 37, 87, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 26764, 413, 540, 22743, 11, 10832, 26410, 828, 198, 8, 198, 28243, 62, 1229, 796, 11055, 62, 20850, 62, 41509, 434, 7, 42034, 796, 4410, 8, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 2896, 500, 262, 4941, 2746, 329, 262, 1103, 12, 2435, 3034, 27965, 198, 42034, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 8645, 2024, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 35048, 7617, 23615, 11, 41590, 49354, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 26764, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 26764, 413, 540, 49354, 11, 29479, 540, 13295, 49354, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 8912, 82, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 13434, 8912, 11, 36125, 13434, 8912, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 40436, 305, 16411, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 40436, 305, 49354, 11, 10832, 26410, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 40436, 305, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 40436, 305, 28925, 4965, 712, 10840, 11, 32116, 49354, 10987, 5189, 42204, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 26764, 37, 87, 5218, 16232, 17633, 7, 26764, 413, 540, 22743, 11, 10832, 26410, 828, 198, 8, 198, 28243, 62, 276, 796, 11055, 62, 17079, 62, 6381, 17147, 7, 42034, 796, 4410, 8, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 2896, 500, 262, 4600, 29391, 63, 82, 198, 2, 520, 1095, 8160, 4981, 13, 383, 4036, 1917, 481, 1487, 355, 262, 3800, 3011, 6153, 284, 2380, 198, 2, 1180, 640, 9574, 11, 475, 262, 49971, 5625, 284, 262, 6805, 318, 6937, 1626, 198, 2, 257, 3800, 13, 554, 428, 1339, 11, 356, 765, 284, 8160, 734, 9539, 351, 262, 4600, 18843, 602, 40781, 30800, 63, 82, 198, 2, 290, 262, 4600, 11964, 63, 82, 326, 356, 1053, 1541, 2727, 13, 198, 198, 301, 1095, 62, 46758, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 9598, 1, 5218, 15371, 7, 46189, 18257, 40781, 11, 11055, 62, 1229, 11, 25064, 11, 1540, 332, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 1961, 1, 5218, 15371, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 42044, 18257, 40781, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11055, 62, 276, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 25064, 62, 14181, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1540, 332, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5236, 62, 6649, 441, 62, 25641, 2977, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 8, 198, 2, 5740, 326, 262, 366, 1961, 1, 3800, 468, 257, 4600, 20427, 62, 6649, 441, 62, 25641, 2977, 796, 2081, 63, 4578, 13, 770, 6673, 30740, 198, 2, 9633, 351, 257, 4277, 7389, 286, 352, 68, 21, 284, 262, 18666, 282, 2568, 5236, 32315, 290, 5419, 198, 2, 4155, 40460, 351, 617, 2854, 12751, 13, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 4600, 8890, 1741, 44015, 594, 63, 198, 2, 11014, 284, 281, 4600, 18843, 602, 40781, 30800, 47671, 262, 4600, 8890, 1741, 44015, 594, 63, 3769, 257, 11055, 286, 198, 2, 703, 284, 12260, 257, 35582, 900, 286, 4560, 2761, 13, 198, 198, 2, 46803, 1303, 3601, 62, 7249, 7, 8890, 1741, 44015, 594, 8, 198, 198, 2, 3914, 338, 2423, 617, 286, 262, 4600, 8890, 1741, 44015, 594, 63, 7159, 13, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 8750, 5823, 198, 2, 554, 4333, 8890, 5768, 11, 16199, 5823, 8160, 810, 1321, 318, 17609, 13, 1318, 389, 734, 3858, 198, 2, 286, 16199, 5823, 13, 198, 2, 220, 532, 987, 12, 14247, 16199, 5823, 25, 2896, 500, 703, 1321, 15623, 1022, 9539, 13, 304, 13, 70, 13, 1110, 12, 38204, 198, 2, 8136, 389, 973, 284, 4175, 3034, 27965, 2761, 198, 2, 220, 532, 23422, 12, 14247, 16199, 5823, 25, 2896, 500, 703, 1321, 15623, 1022, 3294, 30632, 286, 257, 198, 2, 2060, 3800, 13, 304, 13, 70, 13, 262, 27965, 900, 13033, 286, 262, 717, 2278, 286, 281, 3034, 27965, 1917, 198, 2, 389, 31070, 416, 262, 10454, 278, 7095, 422, 900, 13033, 287, 262, 2457, 2278, 286, 262, 2180, 1917, 13, 198, 2, 198, 198, 2, 3914, 338, 8160, 281, 987, 12, 14247, 16199, 1435, 326, 18305, 4340, 1321, 422, 1987, 9574, 286, 198, 2, 262, 717, 3800, 351, 257, 900, 286, 30632, 286, 262, 1218, 3800, 25, 198, 198, 12363, 11813, 62, 11413, 5823, 796, 360, 713, 7, 7203, 9598, 1, 5218, 366, 1961, 4943, 5218, 16065, 11413, 1096, 7, 41007, 82, 796, 1987, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 4600, 18332, 39746, 63, 290, 4600, 30562, 63, 198, 2, 383, 6770, 286, 3446, 644, 1321, 318, 3804, 1262, 262, 5447, 16199, 5823, 318, 198, 2, 13013, 351, 4600, 18332, 39746, 63, 290, 4600, 30562, 63, 5563, 13, 22426, 11, 4600, 18332, 39746, 63, 318, 973, 198, 2, 284, 8160, 644, 284, 466, 351, 1321, 852, 3804, 351, 281, 987, 12, 14247, 16199, 1435, 13, 3914, 338, 198, 2, 8160, 257, 4600, 18332, 39746, 63, 326, 10975, 262, 10663, 12, 18487, 5623, 2837, 17778, 286, 18411, 27298, 198, 2, 287, 262, 3034, 27965, 2761, 1912, 319, 262, 1988, 286, 262, 4326, 12, 41509, 434, 9633, 13, 198, 198, 12363, 11813, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5855, 1961, 1600, 1058, 42034, 11, 1058, 8645, 2024, 8, 5218, 35525, 17875, 5623, 5777, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 13934, 62, 10459, 62, 14247, 796, 6599, 40, 13, 1340, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5676, 62, 25641, 2977, 796, 685, 3705, 40, 13, 10659, 9306, 62, 47, 36048, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 24604, 9532, 198, 2, 383, 3800, 1917, 4129, 11, 804, 12, 38204, 11, 290, 584, 3307, 7346, 262, 21964, 24604, 9532, 198, 2, 286, 9539, 389, 6856, 1262, 262, 4600, 2875, 47671, 4600, 17899, 29457, 47671, 290, 4600, 3849, 12786, 63, 7159, 13, 198, 2, 220, 532, 1502, 3712, 35, 713, 7, 5317, 11, 10903, 8, 1058, 262, 38958, 1502, 286, 9539, 287, 262, 18640, 198, 2, 220, 532, 3076, 29457, 3712, 35, 713, 7, 10100, 11, 2558, 8, 1058, 15738, 262, 1271, 286, 640, 9574, 287, 1123, 3800, 357, 45573, 4129, 8, 198, 2, 220, 532, 20016, 3712, 35, 713, 7, 10100, 11, 44712, 13, 5990, 2101, 8, 1058, 15738, 262, 16654, 351, 543, 3800, 2761, 198, 2, 5963, 706, 1123, 9706, 13, 304, 13, 70, 13, 1110, 12, 38204, 2761, 423, 281, 16654, 286, 1987, 12, 24425, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1406, 11, 284, 8160, 257, 7226, 1110, 12, 38204, 532, 1103, 12, 2435, 8379, 11, 356, 460, 8160, 262, 1708, 25, 198, 2, 220, 532, 3596, 4058, 2761, 815, 2380, 4764, 2250, 11, 19988, 1987, 2250, 706, 1123, 9706, 357, 1731, 12, 9769, 804, 12, 38204, 8, 198, 2, 220, 532, 6416, 640, 2761, 815, 2380, 352, 1711, 357, 1065, 642, 12, 11374, 9574, 828, 19988, 352, 1711, 706, 1123, 9706, 357, 3919, 804, 12, 38204, 8, 198, 198, 2875, 796, 360, 713, 7, 16, 5218, 366, 9598, 1600, 362, 5218, 366, 1961, 4943, 198, 17899, 29457, 796, 360, 713, 7203, 9598, 1, 5218, 1987, 11, 366, 1961, 1, 5218, 1105, 8, 198, 3849, 12786, 796, 360, 713, 7203, 9598, 1, 5218, 357, 43223, 7, 1731, 828, 1482, 4552, 425, 3419, 828, 366, 1961, 1, 5218, 357, 43223, 7, 16, 828, 1482, 4552, 425, 3419, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 9461, 11, 356, 460, 1234, 340, 477, 1978, 25, 198, 198, 5631, 62, 14181, 62, 43167, 796, 41798, 44015, 594, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2239, 62, 29268, 796, 19123, 7, 1731, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1502, 796, 1502, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3076, 29457, 796, 3076, 29457, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20016, 796, 20016, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 287, 72, 62, 17561, 62, 11413, 1435, 796, 4225, 29391, 1925, 1313, 1435, 22784, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3745, 11813, 62, 11413, 5823, 796, 3745, 11813, 62, 11413, 5823, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3745, 11813, 796, 3745, 11813, 11, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2, 22492, 4600, 8890, 1741, 63, 198, 2, 2735, 11, 356, 460, 1382, 290, 12260, 257, 18640, 1262, 262, 4600, 8890, 1741, 44015, 594, 63, 290, 4600, 29391, 63, 82, 198, 2, 326, 356, 1053, 5447, 13, 198, 198, 14323, 796, 41798, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 796, 366, 81, 912, 12, 9288, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4831, 796, 352, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9539, 796, 9539, 62, 46758, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9539, 62, 43167, 796, 17051, 62, 14181, 62, 43167, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18640, 62, 43551, 796, 374, 912, 62, 15908, 11, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 10934, 18640, 198, 198, 11249, 0, 7, 14323, 8, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 8393, 1133, 18640, 198, 2, 262, 1708, 3141, 5860, 262, 3722, 286, 262, 18640, 357, 15, 25, 318, 1774, 9706, 8, 290, 198, 2, 7000, 262, 2482, 287, 257, 900, 286, 5572, 37, 20, 3696, 319, 11898, 13, 198, 41049, 0, 7, 14323, 8, 198, 198, 2, 22492, 15691, 198, 2, 1675, 1895, 262, 2482, 11, 356, 761, 284, 3440, 262, 18640, 1255, 20150, 290, 788, 787, 198, 2, 7007, 284, 262, 2176, 1366, 286, 1393, 13, 770, 3578, 345, 284, 18306, 1895, 262, 198, 2, 2482, 286, 1393, 1231, 625, 25138, 4133, 13, 198, 43420, 796, 41798, 25468, 7, 14323, 1776, 198, 1229, 62, 43420, 796, 651, 62, 14247, 62, 43420, 7, 43420, 11, 366, 9598, 15341, 1303, 14417, 3800, 1255, 20150, 198, 276, 62, 43420, 796, 651, 62, 14247, 62, 43420, 7, 43420, 11, 366, 1961, 15341, 1303, 8392, 3800, 1255, 20150, 198, 198, 2, 2735, 356, 460, 1100, 262, 2176, 2482, 286, 1393, 329, 257, 2176, 3800, 11, 640, 4324, 357, 25968, 828, 198, 2, 290, 900, 286, 9633, 11, 10668, 82, 11, 393, 10007, 357, 25968, 8, 198, 198, 961, 62, 25641, 2977, 7, 1229, 62, 43420, 11, 3891, 796, 685, 25, 47, 834, 35048, 7617, 23615, 11, 1058, 47, 834, 26764, 413, 540, 49354, 12962, 198, 198, 2, 1471, 611, 356, 765, 262, 1255, 286, 655, 530, 7885, 11, 11507, 11, 393, 10668, 357, 27238, 307, 5447, 287, 262, 198, 2, 3800, 6770, 828, 356, 460, 779, 25, 198, 198, 961, 62, 17143, 2357, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1225, 62, 43420, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 47, 834, 9806, 62, 5275, 62, 6477, 834, 26764, 413, 540, 22743, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4238, 62, 2435, 796, 7536, 7575, 7203, 42334, 12, 486, 12, 486, 51, 3312, 25, 405, 25, 405, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 954, 796, 642, 11, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2, 1635, 3465, 326, 428, 5860, 262, 2482, 286, 1123, 9706, 2239, 287, 257, 4553, 1366, 14535, 1635, 198, 2, 1002, 345, 765, 262, 6939, 2482, 357, 19419, 804, 38204, 9574, 828, 345, 460, 869, 4600, 961, 62, 5305, 1143, 62, 9, 63, 25, 198, 198, 961, 62, 5305, 1143, 62, 25641, 2977, 7, 1229, 62, 43420, 11, 3891, 796, 685, 25, 47, 834, 35048, 7617, 23615, 11, 1058, 47, 834, 26764, 413, 540, 49354, 12962, 198, 198, 2, 22492, 28114, 889, 198, 2, 7214, 257, 804, 379, 262, 6096, 287, 685, 1169, 29353, 9483, 8183, 7, 40720, 40720, 11295, 2070, 14, 18, 62, 13434, 8890, 5768, 62, 1069, 12629, 14, 43328, 889, 8, 198 ]
<filename>src/aggregate.jl using Feather using DataFrames using LightGraphs using GraphIO using ParserCombinator data = joinpath("experiments", "test_run_grid", "agents", "adata.feather") ) graph = LightGraphs.loadgraph( joinpath("experiments", "test_run_grid", "graphs", "rep_01.gml"), GraphIO.GML.GMLFormat() ) connected_comps = LightGraphs.connected_components(graph) connected_comps_by_size = [length(i) for i in connected_comps] # SizeBiggestComponent maximum(connected_comps_by_size) # SeperateComponents length(connected_comps) data # StubbornCount in data # NetworkType in data # UniqueCultures -> aggregate from Culture # SeperateComponents # ExcessZeros -> aggregate from Culture function aggregate() end function read_raw_data() end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 9460, 49373, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 34501, 198, 3500, 6060, 35439, 198, 3500, 4401, 37065, 82, 198, 3500, 29681, 9399, 198, 3500, 23042, 263, 20575, 20900, 198, 198, 7890, 796, 34501, 13, 961, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4654, 6978, 7203, 23100, 6800, 1600, 366, 9288, 62, 5143, 62, 25928, 1600, 366, 49638, 1600, 366, 14706, 13, 5036, 1032, 4943, 198, 8, 198, 198, 34960, 796, 4401, 37065, 82, 13, 2220, 34960, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4654, 6978, 7203, 23100, 6800, 1600, 366, 9288, 62, 5143, 62, 25928, 1600, 366, 34960, 82, 1600, 366, 7856, 62, 486, 13, 70, 4029, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 29681, 9399, 13, 38, 5805, 13, 38, 5805, 26227, 3419, 198, 8, 628, 198, 15236, 62, 785, 862, 796, 4401, 37065, 82, 13, 15236, 62, 5589, 3906, 7, 34960, 8, 198, 15236, 62, 785, 862, 62, 1525, 62, 7857, 796, 685, 13664, 7, 72, 8, 329, 1312, 287, 5884, 62, 785, 862, 60, 198, 2, 12849, 12804, 3495, 21950, 198, 47033, 7, 15236, 62, 785, 862, 62, 1525, 62, 7857, 8, 198, 2, 1001, 30052, 7293, 3906, 198, 13664, 7, 15236, 62, 785, 862, 8, 198, 198, 7890, 198, 198, 2, 41135, 6286, 12332, 287, 1366, 198, 2, 7311, 6030, 287, 1366, 198, 2, 30015, 34, 586, 942, 4613, 19406, 422, 17346, 198, 2, 1001, 30052, 7293, 3906, 198, 2, 1475, 919, 57, 27498, 4613, 19406, 422, 17346, 198, 198, 8818, 19406, 3419, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1100, 62, 1831, 62, 7890, 3419, 198, 437, 198 ]
<reponame>longhua8800w/GeometricFlux.jl<filename>src/layers/pool.jl samesize_float = Dict(Int8=>Float16, UInt8=>Float16, Int16=>Float16, UInt16=>Float16, Int32=>Float32, UInt32=>Float32, Int64=>Float64, UInt64=>Float64) # GlobalPool(x, aggr, batch, size=nothing) # aggr=sum, mean, max # # TopKPool() # struct MaxPool # # end # # function MaxPool(adj::AbstractMatrix, ch::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, σ = identity) # MaxPool() # end # # (m::MaxPool)(X::AbstractMatrix) = maxpool(m.cluster, X) # # # # struct MeanPool # # end # # (m::MeanPool)(X::AbstractMatrix) = meanpool(m.cluster, X) function sumpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) Y = zeros(T, dims..., c) scatter_add!(Y, X, cluster) Y end function subpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) Y = zeros(T, dims..., c) scatter_sub!(Y, X, cluster) Y end function prodpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) Y = ones(T, dims..., c) scatter_mul!(Y, X, cluster) Y end function divpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) FT = (T <: Integer) ? samesize_float[T] : T Y = ones(FT, dims..., c) scatter_div!(Y, FT.(X), cluster) Y end function maxpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) Y = fill(typemin(T), dims..., c) scatter_max!(Y, X, cluster) Y end function minpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) Y = fill(typemax(T), dims..., c) scatter_min!(Y, X, cluster) Y end function meanpool(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dims = _pooling_dim_check(cluster, X) c = length(Set(cluster)) FT = (T <: Integer) ? samesize_float[T] : T Y = zeros(FT, dims..., c) scatter_mean!(Y, FT.(X), cluster) Y end function _pooling_dim_check(cluster::Array{Int}, X::Array{T}) where {T<:Real} dim_c = size(cluster) d = length(dim_c) dim_X = size(X) n = length(dim_X) - d @assert n > 0 "X must have more dimensions than cluster." @assert dim_c == dim_X[n+1:end] "X must have the same latter dimension with cluster." dim_X[1:n] end pool(op::Symbol, cluster::Array, X::Array) = pool(Val(op), cluster, X) pool(::Val{:add}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = sumpool(cluster, X) pool(::Val{:sub}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = subpool(cluster, X) pool(::Val{:mul}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = prodpool(cluster, X) pool(::Val{:div}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = divpool(cluster, X) pool(::Val{:max}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = maxpool(cluster, X) pool(::Val{:min}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = minpool(cluster, X) pool(::Val{:mean}, cluster::Array, X::Array) = meanpool(cluster, X)
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 14995, 456, 6413, 3459, 405, 86, 14, 10082, 16996, 37, 22564, 13, 20362, 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 75, 6962, 14, 7742, 13, 20362, 198, 82, 1047, 1096, 62, 22468, 796, 360, 713, 7, 5317, 23, 14804, 43879, 1433, 11, 471, 5317, 23, 14804, 43879, 1433, 11, 2558, 1433, 14804, 43879, 1433, 11, 471, 5317, 1433, 14804, 43879, 1433, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2558, 2624, 14804, 43879, 2624, 11, 471, 5317, 2624, 14804, 43879, 2624, 11, 2558, 2414, 14804, 43879, 2414, 11, 471, 5317, 2414, 14804, 43879, 2414, 8, 198, 198, 2, 8060, 27201, 7, 87, 11, 556, 2164, 11, 15458, 11, 2546, 28, 22366, 8, 1303, 556, 2164, 28, 16345, 11, 1612, 11, 3509, 198, 2, 198, 2, 5849, 42, 27201, 3419, 198, 198, 2, 2878, 5436, 27201, 198, 2, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2163, 5436, 27201, 7, 41255, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 442, 3712, 47, 958, 90, 27, 25, 46541, 11, 27, 25, 46541, 5512, 18074, 225, 796, 5369, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5436, 27201, 3419, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 198, 2, 357, 76, 3712, 11518, 27201, 5769, 55, 3712, 23839, 46912, 8, 796, 3509, 7742, 7, 76, 13, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 2, 198, 2, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2878, 22728, 27201, 198, 2, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 198, 2, 357, 76, 3712, 5308, 272, 27201, 5769, 55, 3712, 23839, 46912, 8, 796, 1612, 7742, 7, 76, 13, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 628, 198, 198, 8818, 264, 931, 970, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 51, 11, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 2860, 0, 7, 56, 11, 1395, 11, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 850, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 51, 11, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 7266, 0, 7, 56, 11, 1395, 11, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 40426, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 3392, 7, 51, 11, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 76, 377, 0, 7, 56, 11, 1395, 11, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 2659, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 19446, 796, 357, 51, 1279, 25, 34142, 8, 5633, 264, 1047, 1096, 62, 22468, 58, 51, 60, 1058, 309, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 3392, 7, 9792, 11, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 7146, 0, 7, 56, 11, 19446, 12195, 55, 828, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3509, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 6070, 7, 28004, 14857, 7, 51, 828, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 9806, 0, 7, 56, 11, 1395, 11, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 949, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 6070, 7, 28004, 368, 897, 7, 51, 828, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 1084, 0, 7, 56, 11, 1395, 11, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1612, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 82, 796, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 4129, 7, 7248, 7, 565, 5819, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 19446, 796, 357, 51, 1279, 25, 34142, 8, 5633, 264, 1047, 1096, 62, 22468, 58, 51, 60, 1058, 309, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 9792, 11, 5391, 82, 986, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 62, 32604, 0, 7, 56, 11, 19446, 12195, 55, 828, 13946, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 7742, 278, 62, 27740, 62, 9122, 7, 565, 5819, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 1395, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 62, 66, 796, 2546, 7, 565, 5819, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 796, 4129, 7, 27740, 62, 66, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 62, 55, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 4129, 7, 27740, 62, 55, 8, 532, 288, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 299, 1875, 657, 366, 55, 1276, 423, 517, 15225, 621, 13946, 526, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 5391, 62, 66, 6624, 5391, 62, 55, 58, 77, 10, 16, 25, 437, 60, 366, 55, 1276, 423, 262, 976, 6846, 15793, 351, 13946, 526, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5391, 62, 55, 58, 16, 25, 77, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7742, 7, 404, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 5933, 7, 7762, 7, 404, 828, 13946, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 2860, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 264, 931, 970, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 7266, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 850, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 76, 377, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 40426, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 7146, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 2659, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 9806, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 3509, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 1084, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 949, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 7742, 7, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 32604, 5512, 13946, 3712, 19182, 11, 1395, 3712, 19182, 8, 796, 1612, 7742, 7, 565, 5819, 11, 1395, 8, 198 ]
<reponame>pulsipher/InfiniteOpt.jl ################################################################################ # DATATYPES ################################################################################ # Extend addchild to take the root of another graph as input function _LCRST.addchild(parent::_LCRST.Node{T}, newc::_LCRST.Node{T}) where T # copy the new node if it is not a root # otherwise, we are just merging 2 graphs together if !_LCRST.isroot(newc) newc = copy(newc) end # add it on to the tree newc.parent = parent prevc = parent.child if prevc == parent parent.child = newc else prevc = _LCRST.lastsibling(prevc) prevc.sibling = newc end return newc end # Extend addchild with convenient nothing dispatch for empty previous child function _LCRST.addchild( parent::_LCRST.Node{T}, oldc::Nothing, newc::_LCRST.Node{T} ) where T return _LCRST.addchild(parent, newc) end # Extend addchild to efficiently add multiple children if the previous is known function _LCRST.addchild( parent::_LCRST.Node{T}, prevc::_LCRST.Node{T}, data::T ) where T # add it on to the tree newc = _LCRST.Node(data, parent) prevc.sibling = newc return newc end # Extend addchild to efficiently add multiple children if the previous is known function _LCRST.addchild( parent::_LCRST.Node{T}, prevc::_LCRST.Node{T}, newc::_LCRST.Node{T} ) where T # check if the prev is actually a child of the parent @assert prevc.parent === parent "Previous child doesn't belong to parent." # copy the new node if it is not a root # otherwise, we are just merging 2 graphs together if !_LCRST.isroot(newc) newc = copy(newc) end # add it on to the tree newc.parent = parent prevc.sibling = newc return newc end # Map a LCRST tree based by operating each node with a function function _map_tree(map_func::Function, node::_LCRST.Node) new_node = map_func(node) prev = nothing for child in node prev = _LCRST.addchild(new_node, prev, _map_tree(map_func, child)) end return new_node end # Extend copying for graph nodes function Base.copy(node::_LCRST.Node) return _map_tree(n -> _LCRST.Node(, node) end # Replace a node with its only child if it only has 1 child function _merge_parent_and_child(node::_LCRST.Node) if _LCRST.islastsibling(node.child) child = node.child = for n in child n.parent = node end node.child = child.child child.child = child child.parent = child end return node end # This is ambiguous but faster than the concrete alternatives tested so far # Even better than using Node{Any}... """ NodeData A `DataType` for storing values in an expression tree that is used in a [`NLPExpr`](@ref). Acceptable value types include: - `Real`: Constants - `GeneralVariableRef`: Optimization variables - `JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}`: Affine expressions - `JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}`: Quadratic expressions - `Symbol`: Registered NLP function name. **Fields** - `value`: The stored value. """ struct NodeData value end # Getter function for the node value (so it is easy to change later on if needed) function _node_value(data::NodeData) return data.value end # Recursively determine if node is effectively zero function _is_zero(node::_LCRST.Node{NodeData}) raw = _node_value( if isequal(raw, 0) return true elseif _LCRST.isleaf(node) return false elseif raw in (:+, :-) && all(_is_zero(n) for n in node) return true elseif raw == :* && any(_is_zero(n) for n in node) return true elseif raw in (:/, :^) && _is_zero(node.child) return true elseif all(_is_zero(n) for n in node) && iszero(get(_NativeNLPFunctions, (raw, length(collect(node))), (i...) -> true)((0.0 for n in node)...)) return true else return false end end # Prone any nodes that are effectively zero function _drop_zeros!(node::_LCRST.Node{NodeData}) if _LCRST.isleaf(node) return node elseif _is_zero(node) = NodeData(0.0) _LCRST.makeleaf!(node) return node end raw = _node_value( if raw == :+ for n in node if _is_zero(n) _LCRST.prunebranch!(n) end end _merge_parent_and_child(node) elseif raw == :- if _is_zero(node.child) _LCRST.prunebranch!(node.child) elseif _is_zero(node.child.sibling) _LCRST.prunebranch!(node.child.sibling) _merge_parent_and_child(node) end end for n in node _drop_zeros!(n) end return node end # Extend Base.isequal for our node types function Base.isequal(n1::_LCRST.Node{NodeData}, n2::_LCRST.Node{NodeData}) isequal(_node_value(, _node_value( || return false count(i -> true, n1) != count(i -> true, n2) && return false for (c1, c2) in zip(n1, n2) if !isequal(c1, c2) return false end end return true end """ NLPExpr <: JuMP.AbstractJuMPScalar A `DataType` for storing scalar nonlinear expressions. It stores the expression algebraically via an expression tree where each node contains [`NodeData`](@ref) that can store one of the following: - a registered function name (stored as a `Symbol`) - a constant - a variable - an affine expression - a quadratic expression. Specifically, it employs a left-child right-sibling tree (from `LeftChildRightSiblingTrees.jl`) to represent the expression tree. **Fields** - `tree_root::LeftChildRightSiblingTrees.Node{NodeData}`: The root node of the expression tree. """ struct NLPExpr <: JuMP.AbstractJuMPScalar tree_root::_LCRST.Node{NodeData} # Constructor function NLPExpr(tree_root::_LCRST.Node{NodeData}) return new(tree_root) end end # Extend basic functions Base.broadcastable(nlp::NLPExpr) = Ref(nlp) Base.copy(nlp::NLPExpr) = NLPExpr(copy(nlp.tree_root)){NLPExpr}) = NLPExpr(_LCRST.Node(NodeData(0.0))){NLPExpr}) = NLPExpr(_LCRST.Node(NodeData(1.0))) function Base.isequal(nlp1::NLPExpr, nlp2::NLPExpr) return isequal(nlp1.tree_root, nlp2.tree_root) end """ JuMP.drop_zeros!(nlp::NLPExpr)::NLPExpr Removes the zeros (possibly introduced by deletion) from an nonlinear expression. Note this only uses a few simple heuristics and will not remove more complex relationships like `cos(π/2)`. **Example** ```julia-repl julia> expr = x^2.3 * max(0, zero(NLPExpr)) - exp(1/x + 0) x^2.3 * max(0, 0) - exp(1 / x + 0) julia> drop_zeros!(expr) -exp(1 / x) ``` """ function JuMP.drop_zeros!(nlp::NLPExpr) _drop_zeros!(nlp.tree_root) # uses a basic simplification scheme return nlp end # Extend JuMP.isequal_canonical (uses some heuristics but is not perfect) function JuMP.isequal_canonical(nlp1::NLPExpr, nlp2::NLPExpr) n1 = _drop_zeros!(copy(nlp1.tree_root)) n2 = _drop_zeros!(copy(nlp2.tree_root)) return isequal(n1, n2) end # Print the tree structure of the expression tree function print_expression_tree(io::IO, nlp::NLPExpr) return AbstractTrees.print_tree(io, nlp.tree_root) end print_expression_tree(io::IO, expr) = println(io, expr) """ print_expression_tree(nlp::NLPExpr) Print a tree representation of the nonlinear expression `nlp`. **Example** ```julia-repl julia> expr = (x * sin(x)^3) / 2 (x * sin(x)^3) / 2 julia> print_expression_tree(expr) / ├─ * │ ├─ x │ └─ ^ │ ├─ sin │ │ └─ x │ └─ 3 └─ 2 ``` """ print_expression_tree(nlp::NLPExpr) = print_expression_tree(stdout::IO, nlp) # Convenient expression alias const AbstractInfOptExpr = Union{ NLPExpr, JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, GeneralVariableRef } ## Dispatch function for ast mapping # Constant function _ast_process_node(map_func::Function, c) return c end # Variable function _ast_process_node(map_func::Function, v::GeneralVariableRef) return map_func(v) end # AffExpr function _ast_process_node(map_func::Function, aff::JuMP.GenericAffExpr) ex = Expr(:call, :+) for (v, c) in aff.terms if isone(c) push!(ex.args, map_func(v)) else push!(ex.args, Expr(:call, :*, c, map_func(v))) end end if !iszero(aff.constant) push!(ex.args, aff.constant) end return ex end # QuadExpr function _ast_process_node(map_func::Function, quad::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr) ex = Expr(:call, :+) for (xy, c) in quad.terms if isone(c) push!(ex.args, Expr(:call, :*, map_func(xy.a), map_func(xy.b))) else push!(ex.args, Expr(:call, :*, c, map_func(xy.a), map_func(xy.b))) end end append!(ex.args, _ast_process_node(map_func, quad.aff).args[2:end]) return ex end # Map an expression tree to a Julia AST tree that is compatible with JuMP function _tree_map_to_ast(map_func::Function, node::_LCRST.Node) if _LCRST.isleaf(node) return _ast_process_node(map_func, _node_value( else ex = Expr(:call, _node_value( # will be function symbol name append!(ex.args, (_tree_map_to_ast(map_func, n) for n in node)) return ex end end """ map_nlp_to_ast(map_func::Function, nlp::NLPExpr)::Expr Map the nonlinear expression `nlp` to a Julia AST expression where each variable is mapped via `map_func` and is directly interpolated into the AST expression. This is intended as an internal method that can be helpful for developers that wish to map a `NLPExpr` to a Julia AST expression that is compatible with `JuMP.add_NL_expression`. """ function map_nlp_to_ast(map_func::Function, nlp::NLPExpr) return _tree_map_to_ast(map_func, nlp.tree_root) end ################################################################################ # EXPRESSION CREATION HELPERS ################################################################################ ## Make convenient dispatch methods for raw child input # NLPExpr function _process_child_input(nlp::NLPExpr) return nlp.tree_root end # An InfiniteOpt expression (not general nonlinear) function _process_child_input(v::AbstractInfOptExpr) return NodeData(v) end # Function symbol function _process_child_input(f::Symbol) return NodeData(f) end # A constant function _process_child_input(c::Union{Real, Bool}) return NodeData(c) end # Fallback function _process_child_input(v) error("Unrecognized algebraic expression input `$v`.") end # Generic graph builder function _call_graph(func::Symbol, arg1, args...) root = _LCRST.Node(NodeData(func)) prevc = _LCRST.addchild(root, _process_child_input(arg1)) for a in args prevc = _LCRST.addchild(root, prevc, _process_child_input(a)) end return root end ################################################################################ # SUMS AND PRODUCTS ################################################################################ ## Define helper functions for sum reductions # Container of NLPExprs function _reduce_by_first(::typeof(sum), first_itr::NLPExpr, itr) root = _LCRST.Node(NodeData(:+)) prevc = _LCRST.addchild(root, first_itr.tree_root) for ex in itr prevc = _LCRST.addchild(root, prevc, _process_child_input(ex)) end return NLPExpr(root) end # Container of InfiniteOpt exprs function _reduce_by_first( ::typeof(sum), first_itr::JuMP.AbstractJuMPScalar, itr ) result = first_itr for i in itr result = _MA.operate!(_MA.add_mul, result, i) end return result end # Fallback function _reduce_by_first(::typeof(sum), first_itr, itr; kw...) return isempty(itr) ? first_itr : first_itr + sum(identity, itr; kw...) end # Hyjack Base.sum for better efficiency on iterators --> this is type piracy... function Base.sum(itr::Base.Generator; kw...) isempty(itr) && return sum(identity, itr; kw...) itr1, new_itr = Iterators.peel(itr) return _reduce_by_first(sum, itr1, new_itr; kw...) end # Extend Base.sum for container of NLPExprs function Base.sum(arr::AbstractArray{<:NLPExpr}; init = zero(NLPExpr)) isempty(arr) && return init itr1, new_itr = Iterators.peel(arr) return _reduce_by_first(sum, itr1, new_itr) end # Extend Base.sum for container of InfiniteOpt exprs function Base.sum( arr::AbstractArray{<:AbstractInfOptExpr}; init = zero(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}) ) isempty(arr) && return init result = _MA.Zero() for i in arr result = _MA.operate!(_MA.add_mul, result, i) end return result end ## Define helper functions for reducing products # Container of InfiniteOpt exprs function _reduce_by_first(::typeof(prod), first_itr::AbstractInfOptExpr, itr) root = _LCRST.Node(NodeData(:*)) prevc = _LCRST.addchild(root, _process_child_input(first_itr)) for ex in itr prevc = _LCRST.addchild(root, prevc, _process_child_input(ex)) end return NLPExpr(root) end # Fallback function _reduce_by_first(::typeof(prod), first_itr, itr; kw...) return first_itr * prod(identity, itr; kw...) end # Hyjack for better efficiency on iterators --> this is type piracy... function; kw...) isempty(itr) && return prod(identity, itr; kw...) itr1, new_itr = Iterators.peel(itr) return _reduce_by_first(prod, itr1, new_itr; kw...) end # Extend for container of InfiniteOpt exprs function{<:AbstractInfOptExpr}; init = one(NLPExpr)) isempty(arr) && return init itr1, new_itr = Iterators.peel(arr) return _reduce_by_first(prod, itr1, new_itr) end ################################################################################ # MULTIPLICATION OPERATORS ################################################################################ # TODO more intelligently operate with constants # QuadExpr * expr function Base.:*( quad::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, expr::AbstractInfOptExpr ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, quad, expr)) end # expr * QuadExpr function Base.:*( expr::AbstractInfOptExpr, quad::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, expr, quad)) end # QuadExpr * QuadExpr function Base.:*( quad1::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, quad2::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, quad1, quad2)) end # NLPExpr * QuadExpr function Base.:*( nlp::NLPExpr, quad::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, nlp, quad)) end # QuadExpr * NLPExpr function Base.:*( quad::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, nlp::NLPExpr ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, quad, nlp)) end # NLPExpr * expr/constant function Base.:*(nlp::NLPExpr, expr::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, nlp, expr)) end # expr/constant * NLPExpr function Base.:*(expr::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, nlp::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, expr, nlp)) end # NLPExpr * NLPExpr function Base.:*(nlp1::NLPExpr, nlp2::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, nlp1, nlp2)) end # expr * expr * expr ... function Base.:*( expr1::AbstractInfOptExpr, expr2::AbstractInfOptExpr, expr3::AbstractInfOptExpr, exprs::Vararg{AbstractInfOptExpr} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:*, expr1, expr2, expr3, exprs...)) end # *NLPExpr function Base.:*(nlp::NLPExpr) return nlp end ################################################################################ # DIVISION OPERATORS ################################################################################ # expr/constant / expr function Base.:/( expr1::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, expr2::AbstractInfOptExpr ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:/, expr1, expr2)) end # NLPExpr / constant function Base.:/(nlp::NLPExpr, c::Real) if iszero(c) error("Cannot divide by zero.") elseif isone(c) return nlp else return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:/, nlp, c)) end end ################################################################################ # POWER OPERATORS ################################################################################ # expr ^ Integer function Base.:^(expr::AbstractInfOptExpr, c::Integer) if iszero(c) return one(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}) elseif isone(c) return expr elseif c == 2 return expr * expr else return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:^, expr, c)) end end # expr ^ Real function Base.:^(expr::AbstractInfOptExpr, c::Real) if iszero(c) return one(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}) elseif isone(c) return expr elseif c == 2 return expr * expr else return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:^, expr, c)) end end # NLPExpr ^ Integer function Base.:^(expr::NLPExpr, c::Integer) if iszero(c) return one(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}) elseif isone(c) return expr else return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:^, expr, c)) end end # NLPExpr ^ Real function Base.:^(expr::NLPExpr, c::Real) if iszero(c) return one(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}) elseif isone(c) return expr else return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:^, expr, c)) end end # expr/constant ^ expr function Base.:^( expr1::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, expr2::AbstractInfOptExpr ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:^, expr1, expr2)) end ################################################################################ # SUBTRACTION OPERATORS ################################################################################ # TODO more intelligently operate with constants # NLPExpr - expr/constant function Base.:-(nlp::NLPExpr, expr::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:-, nlp, expr)) end # expr/constant - NLPExpr function Base.:-(expr::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, nlp::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:-, expr, nlp)) end # NLPExpr - NLPExpr function Base.:-(nlp1::NLPExpr, nlp2::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:-, nlp1, nlp2)) end # -NLPExpr function Base.:-(nlp::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:-, nlp)) end # Var - Var (to avoid using v == v) function Base.:-(lhs::V, rhs::V) where {V<:GeneralVariableRef} if isequal(lhs, rhs) return zero(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64,V}) else return JuMP.GenericAffExpr(0.0, DataStructures.OrderedDict(lhs => 1.0, rhs => -1.0)) end end ################################################################################ # ADDITION OPERATORS ################################################################################ # TODO more intelligently operate with constants # NLPExpr + expr/constant function Base.:+(nlp::NLPExpr, expr::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:+, nlp, expr)) end # expr/constant + NLPExpr function Base.:+(expr::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, nlp::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:+, expr, nlp)) end # NLPExpr + NLPExpr function Base.:+(nlp1::NLPExpr, nlp2::NLPExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:+, nlp1, nlp2)) end # +NLPExpr function Base.:+(nlp::NLPExpr) return nlp end ################################################################################ # MUTABLE ARITHMETICS ################################################################################ # Define NLPExpr as a mutable type for MA _MA.mutability(::Type{NLPExpr}) = _MA.IsMutable() # Extend MA.promote_operation for bettered efficiency for type in (:Real, :GeneralVariableRef, :(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}), :(JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef})) @eval begin function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(+),typeof(-),typeof(*),typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{<:$type}, ::Type{NLPExpr} ) return NLPExpr end function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(+),typeof(-),typeof(*),typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{NLPExpr}, ::Type{<:$type} ) return NLPExpr end end end function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(+),typeof(-),typeof(*),typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{NLPExpr}, ::Type{NLPExpr} ) return NLPExpr end for type in (:GeneralVariableRef, :(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef})) @eval begin function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(*),typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{<:$type}, ::Type{JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}} ) return NLPExpr end function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(*),typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}}, ::Type{<:$type} ) return NLPExpr end end end function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(*),typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{<:JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}}, ::Type{<:JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}} ) return NLPExpr end for type in (:GeneralVariableRef, :(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}), :(JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef})) @eval begin function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{<:$type} ) return NLPExpr end end end for type in (:GeneralVariableRef, :(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef})) @eval begin function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{GeneralVariableRef}, ::Type{<:$type} ) return NLPExpr end end end for type in (:GeneralVariableRef, :(JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef})) @eval begin function _MA.promote_operation( ::Union{typeof(/),typeof(^)}, ::Type{JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}}, ::Type{<:$type} ) return NLPExpr end end end # Extend MA.scaling in case an NLPExpr needs to be converted to a number function _MA.scaling(nlp::NLPExpr) c = _node_value( if !(c isa Real) error("Cannot convert `$nlp` to `$Float64`.") end return _MA.scaling(c) end # Extend MA.mutable_Copy to avoid unnecessary copying function _MA.mutable_copy(nlp::NLPExpr) return nlp # we don't need to copy since we build from the leaves up end # Extend MA.mutable_operate! as required function _MA.mutable_operate!( op::Union{typeof(zero), typeof(one)}, ::NLPExpr ) return op(NLPExpr) # not actually mutable for safety and efficiency end function _MA.mutable_operate!( op::Union{typeof(+), typeof(-), typeof(*), typeof(/), typeof(^)}, nlp::NLPExpr, v ) return op(nlp, v) end function _MA.mutable_operate!( op::Union{typeof(+), typeof(-), typeof(*), typeof(/), typeof(^)}, v, nlp::NLPExpr ) return op(v, nlp) end function _MA.mutable_operate!( op::typeof(+), v::Union{JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}}, nlp::NLPExpr ) return op(v, nlp) end function _MA.mutable_operate!( op::typeof(-), v::Union{JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}, JuMP.GenericQuadExpr{Float64, GeneralVariableRef}}, nlp::NLPExpr ) return op(v, nlp) end function _MA.mutable_operate!( op::Union{typeof(+), typeof(-), typeof(*), typeof(/), typeof(^)}, nlp1::NLPExpr, nlp2::NLPExpr ) return op(nlp1, nlp2) end function _MA.mutable_operate!(op::_MA.AddSubMul, nlp::NLPExpr, args...) return _MA.add_sub_op(op)(nlp, *(args...)) end # TODO maybe extend _MA.add_mul/_MA_.sub_mul as well ################################################################################ # NATIVE NLP FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ # Store all of the native registered functions const _NativeNLPFunctions = Dict{Tuple{Symbol, Int}, Function}( (:-, 2) => -, (:/, 2) => /, (:^, 2) => ^ ) # List of 1 argument base functions to register const _Base1ArgFuncList = ( :sqrt => sqrt, :cbrt => cbrt, :abs => abs, :abs2 => abs2, :inv => inv, :log => log, :log10 => log10, :log2 => log2, :log1p => log1p, :exp => exp, :exp2 => exp2, :expm1 => expm1, :sin => sin, :cos => cos, :tan => tan, :sec => sec, :csc => csc, :cot => cot, :sind => sind, :cosd => cosd, :tand => tand, :secd => secd, :cscd => cscd, :cotd => cotd, :asin => asin, :acos => acos, :atan => atan, :asec => asec, :acsc => acsc, :acot => acot, :asind => asind, :acosd => acosd, :atand => atand, :asecd => asecd, :acscd => acscd, :acotd => acotd, :sinh => sinh, :cosh => cosh, :tanh => tanh, :sech => sech, :csch => csch, :coth => coth, :asinh => asinh, :acosh => acosh, :atanh => atanh, :asech => asech, :acsch => acsch, :acoth => acoth, :deg2rad => deg2rad, :rad2deg => rad2deg ) # Setup the base 1 argument functions for (name, func) in _Base1ArgFuncList # add it to the main storage dict _NativeNLPFunctions[(name, 1)] = func # make an expression constructor @eval begin function Base.$name(v::AbstractInfOptExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v)) end end end # Setup the Base functions with 2 arguments for (name, func) in (:min => min, :max => max) # add it to the main storage dict _NativeNLPFunctions[(name, 2)] = func # make an expression constructor @eval begin function Base.$name( v1::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, v2::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v1, v2)) end end end # Setup the ifelse function _NativeNLPFunctions[(:ifelse, 3)] = Core.ifelse """ InfiniteOpt.ifelse(cond::NLPExpr, v1::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, v2::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real})::NLPExpr A symbolic version of `Core.ifelse` that can be used to establish symbolic expressions with logic conditions. Note that is must be written `InfiniteOpt.ifelse` since it conflicts with `Core.ifelse`. **Example** ```julia julia> InfiniteOpt.ifelse(x >= y, 0, y^3) ifelse(x >= y, 0, y^3) ``` """ function ifelse( cond::NLPExpr, v1::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, v2::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:ifelse, cond, v1, v2)) end function ifelse( cond::Bool, v1::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real}, v2::Union{AbstractInfOptExpr, Real} ) return cond ? v1 : v2 end # Setup the Base comparison functions for (name, func) in (:< => Base.:(<), :(==) => Base.:(==), :> => Base.:(>), :<= => Base.:(<=), :>= => Base.:(>=)) # add it to the main storage dict _NativeNLPFunctions[(name, 2)] = func # make an expression constructor @eval begin function Base.$name(v::AbstractInfOptExpr, c::Real) return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v, c)) end function Base.$name(c::Real, v::AbstractInfOptExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), c, v)) end function Base.$name(v1::AbstractInfOptExpr, v2::AbstractInfOptExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v1, v2)) end if $(quot(name)) in (:<, :>) function Base.$name(v1::GeneralVariableRef, v2::GeneralVariableRef) if isequal(v1, v2) return false else return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v1, v2)) end end else function Base.$name(v1::GeneralVariableRef, v2::GeneralVariableRef) if isequal(v1, v2) return true else return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v1, v2)) end end end end end # Setup the Base logical functions (we cannot extend && and || directly) _NativeNLPFunctions[(:&&, 2)] = Base.:& _NativeNLPFunctions[(:||, 2)] = Base.:| # Logical And function Base.:&(v::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}, c::Bool) return c ? v : false end function Base.:&(c::Bool, v::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}) return c ? v : false end function Base.:&( v1::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}, v2::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr} ) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:&&, v1, v2)) end # Logical Or function Base.:|(v::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}, c::Bool) return c ? true : v end function Base.:|(c::Bool, v::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}) return c ? true : v end function Base.:|( v1::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}, v2::Union{GeneralVariableRef, NLPExpr}) return NLPExpr(_call_graph(:||, v1, v2) ) end const _Special1ArgFuncList = ( :erf => SpecialFunctions.erf, :erfinv => SpecialFunctions.erfinv, :erfc => SpecialFunctions.erfc, :erfcinv => SpecialFunctions.erfcinv, :erfi => SpecialFunctions.erfi, :gamma => SpecialFunctions.gamma, :lgamma => SpecialFunctions.lgamma, :digamma => SpecialFunctions.digamma, :invdigamma => SpecialFunctions.invdigamma, :trigamma => SpecialFunctions.trigamma, :airyai => SpecialFunctions.airyai, :airybi => SpecialFunctions.airybi, :airyaiprime => SpecialFunctions.airyaiprime, :airybiprime => SpecialFunctions.airybiprime, :besselj0 => SpecialFunctions.besselj0, :besselj1 => SpecialFunctions.besselj1, :bessely0 => SpecialFunctions.bessely0, :bessely1 => SpecialFunctions.bessely1, :erfcx => SpecialFunctions.erfcx, :dawson => SpecialFunctions.dawson ) # Setup the SpecialFunctions 1 argument functions for (name, func) in _Special1ArgFuncList # add it to the main storage dict _NativeNLPFunctions[(name, 1)] = func # make an expression constructor @eval begin function SpecialFunctions.$name(v::AbstractInfOptExpr) return NLPExpr(_call_graph($(quot(name)), v)) end end end ################################################################################ # USER FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ """ RegisteredFunction{F <: Function, G <: Union{Function, Nothing}, H <: Union{Function, Nothing}} A type for storing used defined registered functions and their information that is needed by JuMP for build an `NLPEvaluator`. The constructor is of the form: ```julia RegisteredFunction(name::Symbol, num_args::Int, func::Function, [gradient::Function, hessian::Function]) ``` **Fields** - `name::Symbol`: The name of the function that is used in `NLPExpr`s. - `num_args::Int`: The number of function arguments. - `func::F`: The function itself. - `gradient::G`: The gradient function if one is given. - `hessian::H`: The hessian function if one is given. """ struct RegisteredFunction{F <: Function, G, H} name::Symbol num_args::Int func::F gradient::G hessian::H # Constructors function RegisteredFunction( name::Symbol, num_args::Int, func::F ) where {F <: Function} return new{F, Nothing, Nothing}(name, num_args, func, nothing, nothing) end function RegisteredFunction( name::Symbol, num_args::Int, func::F, gradient::G ) where {F <: Function, G <: Function} if isone(num_args) && !hasmethod(gradient, Tuple{Real}) error("Invalid gradient function form, see the docs for details.") elseif !isone(num_args) && !hasmethod(gradient, Tuple{AbstractVector{Real}, ntuple(_->Real, num_args)...}) error("Invalid multi-variate gradient function form, see the docs for details.") end return new{F, G, Nothing}(name, num_args, func, gradient, nothing) end function RegisteredFunction( name::Symbol, num_args::Int, func::F, gradient::G, hessian::H ) where {F <: Function, G <: Function, H <: Function} if isone(num_args) && !hasmethod(gradient, Tuple{Real}) error("Invalid gradient function form, see the docs for details.") elseif isone(num_args) && !hasmethod(hessian, Tuple{Real}) error("Invalid hessian function form, see the docs for details.") end return new{F, G, H}(name, num_args, func, gradient, hessian) end end # Helper function for @register function _register( _error::Function, call_mod::Module, model::InfiniteModel, name::Symbol, num_args::Int, funcs... ) if !all(f -> f isa Function, funcs) _error("Gradient and/or hessian must be functions.") elseif haskey(_NativeNLPFunctions, (name, num_args)) || haskey(model.func_lookup, (name, num_args)) _error("A function with name `$name` and $num_args arguments is already " * "registered. Please use a function with a different name.") elseif !hasmethod(funcs[1], NTuple{num_args, Real}) _error("The function `$name` is not defined for arguments of type `Real`.") elseif length(unique!([m.module for m in methods(funcs[1])])) > 1 || first(methods(funcs[1])).module !== call_mod _error("Cannot register function names that are used by packages. Try " * "wrapping `$(funcs[1])` in a user-defined function.") end push!(model.registrations, RegisteredFunction(name, num_args, funcs...)) model.func_lookup[name, num_args] = funcs[1] return end # Helper function to check the inputs of created functions function _check_function_args(model::InfiniteModel, f_name, args...) for a in args m = _model_from_expr(a) if m !== nothing && m !== model error("`$f_name` is a registered function in a different model than " * "`$a` belongs to. Try registering `$f_name` to the current " * "model.") end end return end """ @register(model::InfiniteModel, func_expr, [gradient::Function], [hessian::Function]) Register a user-defined function in accordance with `func_expr` such that it can be used in `NLPExpr`s that are used with `model` without being traced. **Argument Information** Here `func_expr` is of the form: `myfunc(a, b)` where `myfunc` is the function name and the number of arguments are given symbolically. Note that the choice of argument symbols is arbitrary. Each function argument must support anything of type `Real` to specified. Here we can also specify a gradient function `gradient` which for 1 argument functions must taken in the 1 argument and return its derivative. For multi-argument functions the gradient function must be of the form: ```julia function gradient(g::AbstractVector{T}, args::T...) where {T <: Real} # fill g vector with the gradient of the function end ``` For 1 argument functions we can also specify a hessian function with takes that argument and return the 2nd derivative. Hessians can ge specified for multi-argument functions, but `JuMP` backends do not currently support this. If no gradient and/or hessian is given, the automatic differentation capabilities of the backend (e.g., `JuMP`) will be used to determine them. Note that the `JuMP` backend does not use Hessian's for user-defined multi-argument functions. **Notes** - When possible, tracing is preferred over registering a function (see [Function Tracing](@ref) for more info). - Only user-defined functions can be specified. If the function is used by a package then it can not be used directly. However, we can readily wrap it in a new function `newfunc(a) = pkgfunc(a)`. - We can only register functions in the same scope that they are defined in. - Registered functions can only be used in or below the scope in which they are registered. For instance, if we register some function inside of another function then we can only use it inside that function (not outside of it). - A function with a given name and number of arguments can only be registered once in a particular model. **Examples** ```julia-repl julia> @variable(model, x) x julia> f(a) = a^3; julia> f(x) # user-function gets traced x^3 julia> @register(model, f(a)) # register function f (generic function with 2 methods) julia> f(x) # function is no longer traced and autodifferentiation will be used f(x) julia> f2(a) = a^2; g2(a) = 2 * a; h2(a) = 2; julia> @register(model, f2(a), g2, h2) # register with explicit gradient and hessian f2 (generic function with 2 methods) julia> f2(x) f2(x) julia> f3(a, b) = a * b^2; julia> function g3(v, a, b) v[1] = b^2 v[2] = 2 * a * b return end; julia> @register(model, f3(a, b), g3) # register multi-argument function f3 (generic function with 4 methods) julia> f3(42, x) f3(42, x) ``` """ macro register(model, f, args...) # define error message function _error(str...) = _macro_error(:register, (f, args...), __source__, str...) # parse the arguments and check pos_args, extra_kwargs, _, _ = _extract_kwargs(args) if !isempty(extra_kwargs) _error("Keyword arguments were given, but none are accepted.") elseif length(pos_args) > 2 _error("Too many position arguments given, should be of form " * "`@register(myfunc(a), [gradient], [hessian])` where " * "`gradient` and `hessian` are optional arguments.") end # process the function input if isexpr(f, :call) && all(a -> a isa Symbol, f.args) f_name = f.args[1] f_args = f.args[2:end] num_args = length(f_args) else _error("Unexpected function format, should be of form `myfunc(a, b)`.") end # start creating the register code and register code = Expr(:block) push!(code.args, quote $model isa InfiniteModel || $_error("Expected an `InfiniteModel`.") end) calling_mod = __module__ # get the module the macro is being called from push!(code.args, quote InfiniteOpt._register($_error, $calling_mod, $model, $(quot(f_name)), $num_args, $(f_name), $(args...)) end) # define the function overloads needed to create expressions Ts = [Real, AbstractInfOptExpr] type_combos = vec(collect(Iterators.product(ntuple(_->Ts, num_args)...))) filter!(ts -> !all(T -> T == Real, ts), type_combos) # remove combo with only Reals annotype(name, T) = :($name :: $T) set_args(xs, vs) = (xs = map(annotype, xs, vs); xs) for ts in type_combos push!(code.args, quote function $(f_name)($(set_args(f_args, ts)...)) InfiniteOpt._check_function_args($model, $(quot(f_name)), $(f_args...)) return NLPExpr(InfiniteOpt._call_graph($(quot(f_name)), $(f_args...))) end end) end # return the code return esc(code) end """ name_to_function(model::InfiniteModel, name::Symbol, num_args::Int)::Union{Function, Nothing} Return the registered function that corresponds to `name` with `num_args`. Returns `nothing` if no such registered function exists. This helps retrieve the functions of function names stored in `NLPExpr`s. """ function name_to_function(model::InfiniteModel, name::Symbol, num_args::Int) if name == :+ return + elseif name == :* return * else return get(_NativeNLPFunctions, (name, num_args), get(model.func_lookup, (name, num_args), nothing)) end end """ all_registered_functions(model::InfiniteModel)::Vector{Function} Retrieve all the functions that are currently registered to `model`. """ function all_registered_functions(model::InfiniteModel) funcs = append!(collect(values(_NativeNLPFunctions)), (+, *)) return append!(funcs, values(model.func_lookup)) end """ user_registered_functions(model::InfiniteModel)::Vector{RegisteredFunction} Return all the functions (and their associated information) that the user has registered to `model`. Each is stored as a [`RegisteredFunction`](@ref). """ function user_registered_functions(model::InfiniteModel) return model.registrations end ## Define helper function to add registered functions to JuMP # No gradient or hessian function _add_func_data_to_jump( model::JuMP.Model, data::RegisteredFunction{F, Nothing, Nothing} ) where {F <: Function} JuMP.register(model,, data.num_args, data.func, autodiff = true) return end # Only gradient information function _add_func_data_to_jump( model::JuMP.Model, data::RegisteredFunction{F, G, Nothing} ) where {F <: Function, G <: Function} JuMP.register(model,, data.num_args, data.func, data.gradient, autodiff = isone(data.num_args)) return end # Gradient and hessian information function _add_func_data_to_jump(model::JuMP.Model, data::RegisteredFunction) if data.num_args > 1 error("JuMP does not support hessians for multi-argument registered " * "functions.") end JuMP.register(model,, data.num_args, data.func, data.gradient, data.hessian) return end """ add_registered_to_jump(opt_model::JuMP.Model, inf_model::InfiniteModel)::Nothing Add the user registered functions in `inf_model` to a `JuMP` model `opt_model`. This is intended as an internal method, but it is provided for developers that extend `InfiniteOpt` to use other optimizer models. """ function add_registered_to_jump(opt_model::JuMP.Model, inf_model::InfiniteModel) for data in user_registered_functions(inf_model) _add_func_data_to_jump(opt_model, data) end return end ################################################################################ # LINEAR ALGEBRA ################################################################################ # Extend for increased efficiency, rhs::AbstractInfOptExpr) = lhs * rhs, rhs::Real) = lhs * rhs, rhs::AbstractInfOptExpr) = lhs * rhs # Implement promote_rule to help build better containers function Base.promote_rule(::Type{NLPExpr}, ::Type{<:Real}) return NLPExpr end function Base.promote_rule(::Type{NLPExpr}, ::Type{GeneralVariableRef}) return NLPExpr end function Base.promote_rule(::Type{NLPExpr}, ::Type{<:JuMP.GenericAffExpr}) return NLPExpr end function Base.promote_rule(::Type{NLPExpr}, ::Type{<:JuMP.GenericQuadExpr}) return NLPExpr end # TODO make proper MA extensions to enable efficient definition ################################################################################ # PRINTING ################################################################################ # Define better printing for NodeData function, data::NodeData) return print(io, string(_node_value(data))) end # Map operators to their respective precedence (largest is highest priority) const _Precedence = (; :^ => 6, Symbol("+u") => 5, Symbol("-u") => 5, :* => 4, :/ => 4, :+ => 3, :- => 3, :(==) => 2, :<= => 2, :>= => 2, :> => 2, :< => 2, :&& => 1, :|| => 1) ## Make functions to determine the precedence of a leaf # AffExpr function _leaf_precedence(aff::JuMP.GenericAffExpr) has_const = !iszero(JuMP.constant(aff)) itr = JuMP.linear_terms(aff) num_terms = length(itr) if iszero(num_terms) # we have only a constant return 10 # will always have precedence elseif has_const || num_terms > 1 # we have an expr with multiple terms return 3 elseif isone(first(itr)[1]) # we have a single variable return 10 # will always have precedence elseif first(itr)[1] == -1 # we have a single unary negative variable return 5 else # we have a single variable multiplied by some coefficient return 4 end end # QuadExpr function _leaf_precedence(quad::JuMP.GenericQuadExpr) has_aff = !iszero(quad.aff) itr = JuMP.quad_terms(quad) num_terms = length(itr) if iszero(num_terms) # we have an affine expression return _leaf_precedence(quad.aff) elseif has_aff || num_terms > 1 # we have a general quadratic expression return 3 else # we only have a single quadratic term return 4 end end # Other function _leaf_precedence(v) return 10 end # Recursively build an expression string, starting with a root node function _expr_string( node::_LCRST.Node{NodeData}, str::String = ""; prev_prec = 0, prev_comm = false ) # prepocess the raw value raw_value = _node_value( is_op = raw_value isa Symbol && haskey(_Precedence, raw_value) data_str = _string_round(raw_value) # make a string according to the node structure if _LCRST.isleaf(node) && _leaf_precedence(raw_value) > prev_prec # we have a leaf that doesn't require parentheses return str * data_str elseif _LCRST.isleaf(node) # we have a leaf that requires parentheses return str * string("(", data_str, ")") elseif is_op && !_LCRST.islastsibling(node.child) # we have a binary operator curr_prec = _Precedence[raw_value] has_prec = curr_prec > prev_prec || (prev_comm && curr_prec == prev_prec) if !has_prec str *= "(" end op_str = data_str == "^" ? data_str : string(" ", data_str, " ") is_comm = raw_value == :* || raw_value == :+ for child in node str = string(_expr_string(child, str, prev_prec = curr_prec, prev_comm = is_comm), op_str) end str = str[1:prevind(str, end, length(op_str))] return has_prec ? str : str * ")" elseif is_op # we have a unary operator curr_prec = _Precedence[Symbol(raw_value, :u)] has_prec = curr_prec > prev_prec if !has_prec str *= "(" end str *= string(data_str, _expr_string(node.child, str, prev_prec = curr_prec)) return has_prec ? str : str * ")" else # we have a function str *= string(data_str, "(") for child in node str = _expr_string(child, str) str *= ", " end return str[1:prevind(str, end, 2)] * ")" end end # Extend JuMP.function_string for nonlinear expressions function JuMP.function_string(mode, nlp::NLPExpr) return _expr_string(nlp.tree_root) end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 79, 5753, 10803, 14, 18943, 9504, 27871, 13, 20362, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 1404, 1404, 48232, 1546, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 46228, 751, 9410, 284, 1011, 262, 6808, 286, 1194, 4823, 355, 5128, 198, 8818, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 2860, 9410, 7, 8000, 3712, 62, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 90, 51, 5512, 649, 66, 3712, 62, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 309, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4866, 262, 649, 10139, 611, 340, 318, 407, 257, 6808, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4306, 11, 356, 389, 655, 35981, 362, 28770, 1978, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 62, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 271, 15763, 7, 3605, 66, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 66, 796, 4866, 7, 3605, 66, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 751, 340, 319, 284, 262, 5509, 198, 220, 220, 220, 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14881, 13, 30073, 7, 21283, 79, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 796, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 7, 30073, 7, 21283, 79, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 4008, 198, 14881, 13, 22570, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 30072, 796, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 28264, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 7, 19667, 6601, 7, 15, 13, 15, 22305, 198, 14881, 13, 505, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 30072, 796, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 28264, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 7, 19667, 6601, 7, 16, 13, 15, 22305, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 786, 13255, 7, 21283, 79, 16, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 11, 299, 34431, 17, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 318, 40496, 7, 21283, 79, 16, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 11, 299, 34431, 17, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 14781, 62, 9107, 418, 0, 7, 21283, 79, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 2599, 25, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 198, 198, 8413, 5241, 262, 1976, 27498, 357, 39363, 5495, 416, 39948, 8, 422, 281, 1729, 29127, 5408, 13, 220, 198, 6425, 428, 691, 3544, 257, 1178, 2829, 339, 333, 3969, 290, 481, 407, 4781, 517, 3716, 220, 198, 39468, 5748, 588, 4600, 6966, 7, 46582, 14, 17, 8, 44646, 220, 198, 198, 1174, 16281, 1174, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 43640, 12, 35666, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 44052, 796, 2124, 61, 17, 13, 18, 1635, 3509, 7, 15, 11, 6632, 7, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 4008, 532, 1033, 7, 16, 14, 87, 1343, 657, 8, 198, 87, 61, 17, 13, 18, 1635, 3509, 7, 15, 11, 657, 8, 532, 1033, 7, 16, 1220, 2124, 1343, 657, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 4268, 62, 9107, 418, 0, 7, 31937, 8, 198, 12, 11201, 7, 16, 1220, 2124, 8, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 12585, 7378, 13, 14781, 62, 9107, 418, 0, 7, 21283, 79, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 14781, 62, 9107, 418, 0, 7, 21283, 79, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 8, 1303, 3544, 257, 4096, 7106, 2649, 7791, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 299, 34431, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 46228, 12585, 7378, 13, 786, 13255, 62, 49883, 605, 357, 2664, 617, 339, 333, 3969, 475, 318, 407, 2818, 8, 198, 8818, 12585, 7378, 13, 786, 13255, 62, 49883, 605, 7, 21283, 79, 16, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 11, 299, 34431, 17, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 16, 796, 4808, 14781, 62, 9107, 418, 0, 7, 30073, 7, 21283, 79, 16, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 17, 796, 4808, 14781, 62, 9107, 418, 0, 7, 30073, 7, 21283, 79, 17, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 318, 40496, 7, 77, 16, 11, 299, 17, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 12578, 262, 5509, 4645, 286, 262, 5408, 5509, 198, 8818, 3601, 62, 38011, 62, 21048, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 299, 34431, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 27741, 51, 6037, 13, 4798, 62, 21048, 7, 952, 11, 299, 34431, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 8, 198, 437, 198, 4798, 62, 38011, 62, 21048, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 44052, 8, 796, 44872, 7, 952, 11, 44052, 8, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 62, 38011, 62, 21048, 7, 21283, 79, 3712, 45, 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4479, 90, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 11, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 46189, 4507, 324, 3109, 1050, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 3611, 43015, 8134, 5512, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 46189, 35191, 3109, 1050, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 3611, 43015, 8134, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3611, 43015, 8134, 198, 92, 198, 198, 2235, 35934, 2163, 329, 6468, 16855, 220, 198, 2, 20217, 220, 198, 8818, 4808, 459, 62, 14681, 62, 17440, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 11, 269, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 35748, 198, 8818, 4808, 459, 62, 14681, 62, 17440, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 11, 410, 3712, 12218, 43015, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3975, 62, 20786, 7, 85, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 6708, 3109, 1050, 198, 8818, 4808, 459, 62, 14681, 62, 17440, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 11, 1527, 3712, 33018, 7378, 13, 46189, 35191, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 409, 796, 1475, 1050, 7, 25, 13345, 11, 1058, 28988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 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12585, 7378, 198, 8818, 4808, 21048, 62, 8899, 62, 1462, 62, 459, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 11, 10139, 3712, 62, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 20919, 1878, 7, 17440, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 459, 62, 14681, 62, 17440, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 11, 4808, 17440, 62, 8367, 7, 17440, 13, 7890, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 409, 796, 1475, 1050, 7, 25, 13345, 11, 4808, 17440, 62, 8367, 7, 17440, 13, 7890, 4008, 1303, 481, 307, 2163, 6194, 1438, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 1069, 13, 22046, 11, 44104, 21048, 62, 8899, 62, 1462, 62, 459, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 11, 299, 8, 329, 299, 287, 10139, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 409, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3975, 62, 21283, 79, 62, 1462, 62, 459, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 11, 299, 34431, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 2599, 25, 3109, 1050, 198, 198, 13912, 262, 1729, 29127, 5408, 4600, 21283, 79, 63, 284, 257, 22300, 29273, 5408, 810, 1123, 7885, 220, 198, 271, 27661, 2884, 4600, 8899, 62, 20786, 63, 290, 318, 3264, 39555, 515, 656, 262, 29273, 5408, 13, 220, 198, 1212, 318, 5292, 355, 281, 5387, 2446, 326, 460, 307, 7613, 329, 6505, 326, 220, 198, 86, 680, 284, 3975, 257, 4600, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 63, 284, 257, 22300, 29273, 5408, 326, 318, 11670, 351, 220, 198, 63, 33018, 7378, 13, 2860, 62, 32572, 62, 38011, 44646, 220, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3975, 62, 21283, 79, 62, 1462, 62, 459, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 11, 299, 34431, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 21048, 62, 8899, 62, 1462, 62, 459, 7, 8899, 62, 20786, 11, 299, 34431, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7788, 32761, 2849, 29244, 6234, 49944, 4877, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2235, 6889, 11282, 27965, 5050, 329, 8246, 1200, 5128, 198, 2, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 198, 8818, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 21283, 79, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 299, 34431, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 1052, 22380, 27871, 5408, 357, 1662, 2276, 1729, 29127, 8, 198, 8818, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 85, 3712, 23839, 18943, 27871, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 19081, 6601, 7, 85, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 15553, 6194, 198, 8818, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 69, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 19081, 6601, 7, 69, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 317, 6937, 198, 8818, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 66, 3712, 38176, 90, 15633, 11, 347, 970, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 19081, 6601, 7, 66, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 7218, 1891, 198, 8818, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 85, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3118, 26243, 1143, 37139, 291, 5408, 5128, 4600, 3, 85, 63, 19570, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 42044, 4823, 27098, 198, 8818, 4808, 13345, 62, 34960, 7, 20786, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 1822, 16, 11, 26498, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6808, 796, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 7, 19667, 6601, 7, 20786, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8654, 66, 796, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 2860, 9410, 7, 15763, 11, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 853, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 257, 287, 26498, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8654, 66, 796, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 2860, 9410, 7, 15763, 11, 8654, 66, 11, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6808, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 13558, 5653, 5357, 41458, 50, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2235, 2896, 500, 31904, 5499, 329, 2160, 20691, 220, 198, 2, 43101, 286, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 82, 198, 8818, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 3712, 4906, 1659, 7, 16345, 828, 717, 62, 270, 81, 3712, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 11, 340, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6808, 796, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 19667, 7, 19667, 6601, 7, 25, 10, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8654, 66, 796, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 2860, 9410, 7, 15763, 11, 717, 62, 270, 81, 13, 21048, 62, 15763, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 409, 287, 340, 81, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8654, 66, 796, 4808, 5639, 49, 2257, 13, 2860, 9410, 7, 15763, 11, 8654, 66, 11, 4808, 14681, 62, 9410, 62, 15414, 7, 1069, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 7, 15763, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 43101, 286, 22380, 27871, 1033, 3808, 198, 8818, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7904, 4906, 1659, 7, 16345, 828, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 717, 62, 270, 81, 3712, 33018, 7378, 13, 23839, 33018, 7378, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 340, 81, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 717, 62, 270, 81, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 340, 81, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 4808, 5673, 13, 3575, 378, 0, 28264, 5673, 13, 2860, 62, 76, 377, 11, 1255, 11, 1312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 7218, 1891, 198, 8818, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 3712, 4906, 1659, 7, 16345, 828, 717, 62, 270, 81, 11, 340, 81, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 318, 28920, 7, 270, 81, 8, 5633, 717, 62, 270, 81, 1058, 717, 62, 270, 81, 1343, 2160, 7, 738, 414, 11, 340, 81, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 6707, 19650, 7308, 13, 16345, 329, 1365, 9332, 319, 11629, 2024, 14610, 428, 318, 2099, 30955, 986, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 16345, 7, 270, 81, 3712, 14881, 13, 8645, 1352, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 28920, 7, 270, 81, 8, 11405, 1441, 2160, 7, 738, 414, 11, 340, 81, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 796, 40806, 2024, 13, 431, 417, 7, 270, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 16345, 11, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 46228, 7308, 13, 16345, 329, 9290, 286, 399, 19930, 3109, 1050, 82, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 16345, 7, 3258, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 19629, 2315, 796, 6632, 7, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 28920, 7, 3258, 8, 11405, 1441, 2315, 198, 220, 220, 220, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 796, 40806, 2024, 13, 431, 417, 7, 3258, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 16345, 11, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 46228, 7308, 13, 16345, 329, 9290, 286, 22380, 27871, 1033, 3808, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 16345, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5240, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 23839, 18943, 27871, 3109, 1050, 19629, 220, 198, 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62, 270, 81, 796, 40806, 2024, 13, 431, 417, 7, 270, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 1676, 67, 11, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 46228, 7308, 13, 1676, 67, 329, 9290, 286, 22380, 27871, 1033, 3808, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1676, 67, 7, 3258, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 23839, 18943, 27871, 3109, 1050, 19629, 2315, 796, 530, 7, 45, 19930, 3109, 1050, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 28920, 7, 3258, 8, 11405, 1441, 2315, 198, 220, 220, 220, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 796, 40806, 2024, 13, 431, 417, 7, 3258, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 445, 7234, 62, 1525, 62, 11085, 7, 1676, 67, 11, 340, 81, 16, 11, 649, 62, 270, 81, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 337, 16724, 4061, 43, 2149, 6234, 43521, 1404, 20673, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 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ipopt_optimizer = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "tol" => 1e-6, "print_level" => 0) fast_ipopt_optimizer = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes( Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0, "max_cpu_time" => 5.0, ) # use default print_level = 5 # set to 0 to disable GLPK_optimizer = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(GLPK.Optimizer) Cbc_optimizer = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Cbc.Optimizer) OSQP_optimizer = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(OSQP.Optimizer, "verbose" => false, "max_iter" => 50000) fast_lp_optimizer = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Cbc.Optimizer, "seconds" => 3.0) scs_solver = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes( SCS.Optimizer, "max_iters" => 100000, "eps" => 1e-4, "verbose" => 0, )
[ 541, 8738, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 40, 79, 8738, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 366, 83, 349, 1, 5218, 352, 68, 12, 21, 11, 366, 4798, 62, 5715, 1, 5218, 657, 8, 198, 7217, 62, 541, 8738, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 314, 79, 8738, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 4798, 62, 5715, 1, 5218, 657, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 9806, 62, 36166, 62, 2435, 1, 5218, 642, 13, 15, 11, 198, 8, 198, 2, 779, 4277, 3601, 62, 5715, 796, 642, 1303, 900, 284, 657, 284, 15560, 198, 8763, 40492, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 8763, 40492, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 8, 198, 34, 15630, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 34, 15630, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 8, 198, 2640, 48, 47, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 2640, 48, 47, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 366, 19011, 577, 1, 5218, 3991, 11, 366, 9806, 62, 2676, 1, 5218, 642, 2388, 8, 198, 7217, 62, 34431, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 34, 15630, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 366, 43012, 1, 5218, 513, 13, 15, 8, 198, 1416, 82, 62, 82, 14375, 796, 12585, 7378, 13, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6374, 50, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 9806, 62, 270, 364, 1, 5218, 1802, 830, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 25386, 1, 5218, 352, 68, 12, 19, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 19011, 577, 1, 5218, 657, 11, 198, 8, 198 ]
<gh_stars>10-100 # This file was generated by the Julia Swagger Code Generator # Do not modify this file directly. Modify the swagger specification instead. @doc raw"""Represents storage that is managed by an external CSI volume driver (Beta feature) IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource(; controllerExpandSecretRef=nothing, controllerPublishSecretRef=nothing, driver=nothing, fsType=nothing, nodePublishSecretRef=nothing, nodeStageSecretRef=nothing, readOnly=nothing, volumeAttributes=nothing, volumeHandle=nothing, ) - controllerExpandSecretRef::IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference : ControllerExpandSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI ControllerExpandVolume call. This is an alpha field and requires enabling ExpandCSIVolumes feature gate. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. - controllerPublishSecretRef::IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference : ControllerPublishSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI ControllerPublishVolume and ControllerUnpublishVolume calls. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. - driver::String : Driver is the name of the driver to use for this volume. Required. - fsType::String : Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. \&quot;ext4\&quot;, \&quot;xfs\&quot;, \&quot;ntfs\&quot;. - nodePublishSecretRef::IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference : NodePublishSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI NodePublishVolume and NodeUnpublishVolume calls. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. - nodeStageSecretRef::IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference : NodeStageSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI NodeStageVolume and NodeStageVolume and NodeUnstageVolume calls. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed. - readOnly::Bool : Optional: The value to pass to ControllerPublishVolumeRequest. Defaults to false (read/write). - volumeAttributes::Dict{String, String} : Attributes of the volume to publish. - volumeHandle::String : VolumeHandle is the unique volume name returned by the CSI volume plugin’s CreateVolume to refer to the volume on all subsequent calls. Required. """ mutable struct IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource <: SwaggerModel controllerExpandSecretRef::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference } # spec name: controllerExpandSecretRef controllerPublishSecretRef::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference } # spec name: controllerPublishSecretRef driver::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, String } # spec name: driver fsType::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, String } # spec name: fsType nodePublishSecretRef::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference } # spec name: nodePublishSecretRef nodeStageSecretRef::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference } # spec name: nodeStageSecretRef readOnly::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, Bool } # spec name: readOnly volumeAttributes::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, Dict{String, String} } # spec name: volumeAttributes volumeHandle::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, String } # spec name: volumeHandle function IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource(;controllerExpandSecretRef=nothing, controllerPublishSecretRef=nothing, driver=nothing, fsType=nothing, nodePublishSecretRef=nothing, nodeStageSecretRef=nothing, readOnly=nothing, volumeAttributes=nothing, volumeHandle=nothing) o = new() validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("controllerExpandSecretRef"), controllerExpandSecretRef) setfield!(o, Symbol("controllerExpandSecretRef"), controllerExpandSecretRef) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("controllerPublishSecretRef"), controllerPublishSecretRef) setfield!(o, Symbol("controllerPublishSecretRef"), controllerPublishSecretRef) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("driver"), driver) setfield!(o, Symbol("driver"), driver) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("fsType"), fsType) setfield!(o, Symbol("fsType"), fsType) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("nodePublishSecretRef"), nodePublishSecretRef) setfield!(o, Symbol("nodePublishSecretRef"), nodePublishSecretRef) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("nodeStageSecretRef"), nodeStageSecretRef) setfield!(o, Symbol("nodeStageSecretRef"), nodeStageSecretRef) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("readOnly"), readOnly) setfield!(o, Symbol("readOnly"), readOnly) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("volumeAttributes"), volumeAttributes) setfield!(o, Symbol("volumeAttributes"), volumeAttributes) validate_property(IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource, Symbol("volumeHandle"), volumeHandle) setfield!(o, Symbol("volumeHandle"), volumeHandle) o end end # type IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource const _property_map_IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource = Dict{Symbol,Symbol}(Symbol("controllerExpandSecretRef")=>Symbol("controllerExpandSecretRef"), Symbol("controllerPublishSecretRef")=>Symbol("controllerPublishSecretRef"), Symbol("driver")=>Symbol("driver"), Symbol("fsType")=>Symbol("fsType"), Symbol("nodePublishSecretRef")=>Symbol("nodePublishSecretRef"), Symbol("nodeStageSecretRef")=>Symbol("nodeStageSecretRef"), Symbol("readOnly")=>Symbol("readOnly"), Symbol("volumeAttributes")=>Symbol("volumeAttributes"), Symbol("volumeHandle")=>Symbol("volumeHandle")) const _property_types_IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource = Dict{Symbol,String}(Symbol("controllerExpandSecretRef")=>"IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference", Symbol("controllerPublishSecretRef")=>"IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference", Symbol("driver")=>"String", Symbol("fsType")=>"String", Symbol("nodePublishSecretRef")=>"IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference", Symbol("nodeStageSecretRef")=>"IoK8sApiCoreV1SecretReference", Symbol("readOnly")=>"Bool", Symbol("volumeAttributes")=>"Dict{String, String}", Symbol("volumeHandle")=>"String") Base.propertynames(::Type{ IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource }) = collect(keys(_property_map_IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource)) Swagger.property_type(::Type{ IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource }, name::Symbol) = Union{Nothing,eval(Base.Meta.parse(_property_types_IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource[name]))} Swagger.field_name(::Type{ IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource }, property_name::Symbol) = _property_map_IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource[property_name] function check_required(o::IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource) (getproperty(o, Symbol("driver")) === nothing) && (return false) (getproperty(o, Symbol("volumeHandle")) === nothing) && (return false) true end function validate_property(::Type{ IoK8sApiCoreV1CSIPersistentVolumeSource }, name::Symbol, val) end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 940, 12, 3064, 198, 2, 770, 2393, 373, 7560, 416, 262, 22300, 2451, 7928, 6127, 35986, 198, 2, 2141, 407, 13096, 428, 2393, 3264, 13, 3401, 1958, 262, 1509, 7928, 20855, 2427, 13, 628, 198, 31, 15390, 8246, 37811, 6207, 6629, 6143, 326, 318, 5257, 416, 281, 7097, 49911, 6115, 4639, 357, 43303, 3895, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 7, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10444, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4639, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43458, 6030, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1100, 10049, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6115, 29021, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6115, 37508, 28, 22366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 532, 10444, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 3712, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1058, 22741, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 318, 257, 4941, 284, 262, 3200, 2134, 7268, 8564, 1321, 284, 1208, 284, 262, 49911, 4639, 284, 1844, 262, 49911, 22741, 16870, 392, 31715, 869, 13, 770, 318, 281, 17130, 2214, 290, 4433, 15882, 49368, 7902, 3824, 349, 8139, 3895, 8946, 13, 770, 2214, 318, 11902, 11, 290, 743, 307, 6565, 611, 645, 3200, 318, 2672, 13, 1002, 262, 3200, 2134, 4909, 517, 621, 530, 3200, 11, 477, 13141, 389, 3804, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 3712, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1058, 22741, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 318, 257, 4941, 284, 262, 3200, 2134, 7268, 8564, 1321, 284, 1208, 284, 262, 49911, 4639, 284, 1844, 262, 49911, 22741, 14876, 1836, 31715, 290, 22741, 3118, 12984, 1836, 31715, 3848, 13, 770, 2214, 318, 11902, 11, 290, 743, 307, 6565, 611, 645, 3200, 318, 2672, 13, 1002, 262, 3200, 2134, 4909, 517, 621, 530, 3200, 11, 477, 13141, 389, 3804, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 4639, 3712, 10100, 1058, 12434, 318, 262, 1438, 286, 262, 4639, 284, 779, 329, 428, 6115, 13, 20906, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 43458, 6030, 3712, 10100, 1058, 13283, 6781, 2099, 284, 3817, 13, 12039, 307, 257, 29905, 2099, 4855, 416, 262, 2583, 5361, 1080, 13, 1475, 13, 3467, 5, 421, 313, 26, 2302, 19, 59, 5, 421, 313, 26, 11, 3467, 5, 421, 313, 26, 87, 9501, 59, 5, 421, 313, 26, 11, 3467, 5, 421, 313, 26, 429, 9501, 59, 5, 421, 313, 26, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 3712, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1058, 19081, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 318, 257, 4941, 284, 262, 3200, 2134, 7268, 8564, 1321, 284, 1208, 284, 262, 49911, 4639, 284, 1844, 262, 49911, 19081, 14876, 1836, 31715, 290, 19081, 3118, 12984, 1836, 31715, 3848, 13, 770, 2214, 318, 11902, 11, 290, 743, 307, 6565, 611, 645, 3200, 318, 2672, 13, 1002, 262, 3200, 2134, 4909, 517, 621, 530, 3200, 11, 477, 13141, 389, 3804, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 3712, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1058, 19081, 29391, 23725, 8134, 318, 257, 4941, 284, 262, 3200, 2134, 7268, 8564, 1321, 284, 1208, 284, 262, 49911, 4639, 284, 1844, 262, 49911, 19081, 29391, 31715, 290, 19081, 29391, 31715, 290, 19081, 3118, 14247, 31715, 3848, 13, 770, 2214, 318, 11902, 11, 290, 743, 307, 6565, 611, 645, 3200, 318, 2672, 13, 1002, 262, 3200, 2134, 4909, 517, 621, 530, 3200, 11, 477, 13141, 389, 3804, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 1100, 10049, 3712, 33, 970, 1058, 32233, 25, 383, 1988, 284, 1208, 284, 22741, 14876, 1836, 31715, 18453, 13, 2896, 13185, 284, 3991, 357, 961, 14, 13564, 737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 6115, 29021, 3712, 35, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 10903, 92, 1058, 49213, 286, 262, 6115, 284, 7715, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 6115, 37508, 3712, 10100, 1058, 14701, 37508, 318, 262, 3748, 6115, 1438, 4504, 416, 262, 49911, 6115, 13877, 447, 247, 82, 13610, 31715, 284, 3522, 284, 262, 6115, 319, 477, 8840, 3848, 13, 20906, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 1279, 25, 2451, 7928, 17633, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10444, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 10444, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4639, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 10903, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 4639, 198, 220, 220, 220, 43458, 6030, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 10903, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 43458, 6030, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1100, 10049, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 347, 970, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 1100, 10049, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6115, 29021, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 10903, 92, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 6115, 29021, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6115, 37508, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 10903, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 6115, 37508, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 7, 26, 36500, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 4639, 28, 22366, 11, 43458, 6030, 28, 22366, 11, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 28, 22366, 11, 1100, 10049, 28, 22366, 11, 6115, 29021, 28, 22366, 11, 6115, 37508, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 267, 796, 649, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 36500, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10444, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 36500, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10444, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 36500, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 36500, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10444, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 26230, 12340, 4639, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 26230, 12340, 4639, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 9501, 6030, 12340, 43458, 6030, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 9501, 6030, 12340, 43458, 6030, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 17440, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 17440, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10139, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 17440, 29391, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 17440, 29391, 23725, 8134, 12340, 10139, 29391, 23725, 8134, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 961, 10049, 12340, 1100, 10049, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 961, 10049, 12340, 1100, 10049, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 29048, 29021, 12340, 6115, 29021, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 29048, 29021, 12340, 6115, 29021, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 11, 38357, 7203, 29048, 37508, 12340, 6115, 37508, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 29048, 37508, 12340, 6115, 37508, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 1303, 2099, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 198, 198, 9979, 4808, 26745, 62, 8899, 62, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 796, 360, 713, 90, 13940, 23650, 11, 13940, 23650, 92, 7, 13940, 23650, 7203, 36500, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 36500, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 12340, 38357, 7203, 36500, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 36500, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 12340, 38357, 7203, 26230, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 26230, 12340, 38357, 7203, 9501, 6030, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 9501, 6030, 12340, 38357, 7203, 17440, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 17440, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 12340, 38357, 7203, 17440, 29391, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 17440, 29391, 23725, 8134, 12340, 38357, 7203, 961, 10049, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 961, 10049, 12340, 38357, 7203, 29048, 29021, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 29048, 29021, 12340, 38357, 7203, 29048, 37508, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 29048, 37508, 48774, 198, 9979, 4808, 26745, 62, 19199, 62, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 796, 360, 713, 90, 13940, 23650, 11, 10100, 92, 7, 13940, 23650, 7203, 36500, 16870, 392, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 1, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1600, 38357, 7203, 36500, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 1, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1600, 38357, 7203, 26230, 4943, 14804, 1, 10100, 1600, 38357, 7203, 9501, 6030, 4943, 14804, 1, 10100, 1600, 38357, 7203, 17440, 14876, 1836, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 1, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1600, 38357, 7203, 17440, 29391, 23725, 8134, 4943, 14804, 1, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 23725, 26687, 1600, 38357, 7203, 961, 10049, 4943, 14804, 1, 33, 970, 1600, 38357, 7203, 29048, 29021, 4943, 14804, 1, 35, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 10903, 92, 1600, 38357, 7203, 29048, 37508, 4943, 14804, 1, 10100, 4943, 198, 14881, 13, 26745, 14933, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 32092, 796, 2824, 7, 13083, 28264, 26745, 62, 8899, 62, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 4008, 198, 10462, 7928, 13, 26745, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 8964, 1438, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 796, 4479, 90, 18465, 11, 18206, 7, 14881, 13, 48526, 13, 29572, 28264, 26745, 62, 19199, 62, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 58, 3672, 60, 4008, 92, 198, 10462, 7928, 13, 3245, 62, 3672, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 8964, 3119, 62, 3672, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 796, 220, 4808, 26745, 62, 8899, 62, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 58, 26745, 62, 3672, 60, 198, 198, 8818, 2198, 62, 35827, 7, 78, 3712, 40, 78, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 1136, 26745, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 26230, 48774, 24844, 2147, 8, 11405, 357, 7783, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 1136, 26745, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 29048, 37508, 48774, 24844, 2147, 8, 11405, 357, 7783, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2081, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 27853, 42, 23, 82, 32, 14415, 14055, 53, 16, 7902, 4061, 364, 7609, 31715, 7416, 8964, 1438, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 1188, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
mutable struct Eggbox_Ensemble <: GMC_NS_Ensemble path::String model_initλ::Function models::Vector{Eggbox_Record} contour::Float64 log_Li::Vector{Float64} log_Xi::Vector{Float64} log_wi::Vector{Float64} log_Liwi::Vector{Float64} log_Zi::Vector{Float64} Hi::Vector{Float64} obs::Nothing priors::Vector{<:Distribution} constants::Vector{<:Real} box::Matrix{Float64} sample_posterior::Bool posterior_samples::Vector{Eggbox_Record} GMC_Nmin::Int64 GMC_τ_death::Float64 GMC_init_τ::Float64 GMC_tune_μ::Int64 GMC_tune_α::Float64 GMC_tune_PID::NTuple{3,Float64} GMC_timestep_η::Float64 GMC_reflect_η::Float64 GMC_exhaust_σ::Float64 GMC_chain_κ::Int64 t_counter::Int64 end Eggbox_Ensemble(path::String, no_models::Integer, prior, box, GS_settings...; sample_posterior::Bool=true) = Eggbox_Ensemble( path, construct_eggbox_model, assemble_EMs(path, no_models, prior, box, Vector{Real}())..., [-Inf], #L0 = 0 [0.], #X0 = 1 [-Inf], #w0 = 0 [-Inf], #Liwi0 = 0 [-Inf], #Z0 = 0 [0.], #H0 = 0, nothing, length(prior)==1 ? ([GMC_NS.marginals(prior)...]) : (prior), Vector{Real}(), length(prior)==1 ? (to_unit_ball.(box,[GMC_NS.marginals(prior)...])) : (to_unit_ball.(box,prior)), sample_posterior, Vector{Eggbox_Record}(), GS_settings..., no_models+1) function, e::Eggbox_Ensemble; progress=true) x1o=[0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 0.0,0.4,0.8,0.2,0.6,1.0] x2o=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8,1.0, 1.0, 1.0] x1m=[m.pos[1] for m in e.models] x2m=[m.pos[2] for m in e.models] x1m.+=1.; x2m.+=1. x1m./=2.; x2m./=2 plt=scatterplot(x1o,x2o,title="Eggbox Ensemble: Contour $(round(e.contour,digits=2))",color=:green,name="Optima") scatterplot!(plt, x1m, x2m, color=:magenta, name="Model Particles") show(io, plt) println() (progress && return 19) end function assemble_EMs(path::String, no_trajectories::Integer, prior, box, constants) ensemble_records = Vector{Eggbox_Record}() !isdir(path) && mkpath(path) length(prior)==1 ? (marginals=[GMC_NS.marginals(prior)...]) : (marginals=prior) box=to_unit_ball.(box,marginals) @showprogress 1 "Assembling Normal Model ensemble..." for trajectory_no in 1:no_trajectories model_path = string(path,'/',trajectory_no,'.',1) if !isfile(model_path) proposal=[rand.(prior)...] pos=to_unit_ball.(proposal,marginals) box_bound!(pos,box) θvec=to_prior.(pos,marginals) model = construct_eggbox_model(trajectory_no, 1, θvec, pos, [0.], nothing, constants...; v_init=true) serialize(model_path, model) #save the model to the ensemble directory push!(ensemble_records, Eggbox_Record(trajectory_no,1,pos,model_path,model.log_Li)) else #interrupted assembly pick up from where we left off model = deserialize(model_path) push!(ensemble_records, Eggbox_Record(trajectory_no,1,model.pos,model_path,model.log_Li)) end end return ensemble_records, minimum([record.log_Li for record in ensemble_records]) end
[ 76, 18187, 2878, 14562, 3524, 62, 4834, 15140, 1279, 25, 6951, 34, 62, 8035, 62, 4834, 15140, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3108, 3712, 10100, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 62, 15003, 39377, 3712, 22203, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4981, 3712, 38469, 90, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 23739, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 542, 454, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 62, 32304, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 62, 42528, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 62, 37686, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 62, 43, 14246, 72, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 62, 57, 72, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15902, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 10201, 3712, 18465, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1293, 669, 3712, 38469, 90, 27, 25, 20344, 3890, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 38491, 3712, 38469, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3091, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6291, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 3712, 33, 970, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34319, 62, 82, 12629, 3712, 38469, 90, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 23739, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 45, 1084, 3712, 5317, 2414, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 32830, 62, 22595, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 15003, 62, 32830, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 83, 1726, 62, 34703, 3712, 5317, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 83, 1726, 62, 17394, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 83, 1726, 62, 47, 2389, 3712, 11251, 29291, 90, 18, 11, 43879, 2414, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 16514, 395, 538, 62, 138, 115, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 35051, 62, 138, 115, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 1069, 42456, 62, 38392, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6951, 34, 62, 7983, 62, 43000, 3712, 5317, 2414, 628, 220, 220, 220, 256, 62, 24588, 3712, 5317, 2414, 198, 437, 198, 198, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 4834, 15140, 7, 6978, 3712, 10100, 11, 645, 62, 27530, 3712, 46541, 11, 3161, 11, 3091, 11, 26681, 62, 33692, 986, 26, 6291, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 3712, 33, 970, 28, 7942, 8, 796, 198, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 4834, 15140, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3108, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5678, 62, 33856, 3524, 62, 19849, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25432, 62, 3620, 82, 7, 6978, 11, 645, 62, 27530, 11, 3161, 11, 3091, 11, 20650, 90, 15633, 92, 3419, 26513, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25915, 18943, 4357, 1303, 43, 15, 796, 657, 198, 197, 58, 15, 13, 4357, 1303, 55, 15, 796, 352, 198, 197, 58, 12, 18943, 4357, 1303, 86, 15, 796, 657, 198, 197, 58, 12, 18943, 4357, 1303, 43, 14246, 72, 15, 796, 657, 198, 197, 58, 12, 18943, 4357, 1303, 57, 15, 796, 657, 198, 197, 58, 15, 13, 4357, 1303, 39, 15, 796, 657, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2147, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 3448, 273, 8, 855, 16, 5633, 29565, 38, 9655, 62, 8035, 13, 30887, 6897, 7, 3448, 273, 26513, 12962, 1058, 357, 3448, 273, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20650, 90, 15633, 92, 22784, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 3448, 273, 8, 855, 16, 5633, 357, 1462, 62, 20850, 62, 1894, 12195, 3524, 17414, 38, 9655, 62, 8035, 13, 30887, 6897, 7, 3448, 273, 8, 22345, 4008, 1058, 357, 1462, 62, 20850, 62, 1894, 12195, 3524, 11, 3448, 273, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6291, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20650, 90, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 23739, 92, 22784, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26681, 62, 33692, 986, 11, 198, 197, 3919, 62, 27530, 10, 16, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 304, 3712, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 4834, 15140, 26, 4371, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 16, 78, 41888, 15, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 19, 11, 657, 13, 23, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 21, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 19, 11, 657, 13, 23, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 21, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 11, 15, 13, 19, 11, 15, 13, 23, 11, 15, 13, 17, 11, 15, 13, 21, 11, 16, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 17, 78, 41888, 15, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 19, 11, 657, 13, 19, 11, 657, 13, 19, 11, 657, 13, 21, 11, 657, 13, 21, 11, 657, 13, 21, 11, 657, 13, 23, 11, 657, 13, 23, 11, 657, 13, 23, 11, 16, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 16, 76, 41888, 76, 13, 1930, 58, 16, 60, 329, 285, 287, 304, 13, 27530, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 17, 76, 41888, 76, 13, 1930, 58, 17, 60, 329, 285, 287, 304, 13, 27530, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 16, 76, 13, 47932, 16, 15089, 2124, 17, 76, 13, 47932, 16, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 16, 76, 19571, 28, 17, 15089, 2124, 17, 76, 19571, 28, 17, 628, 220, 220, 220, 458, 83, 28, 1416, 1436, 29487, 7, 87, 16, 78, 11, 87, 17, 78, 11, 7839, 2625, 36, 1130, 3524, 2039, 15140, 25, 2345, 454, 29568, 744, 7, 68, 13, 3642, 454, 11, 12894, 896, 28, 17, 4008, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 14809, 11, 3672, 2625, 27871, 8083, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 29487, 0, 7, 489, 83, 11, 2124, 16, 76, 11, 2124, 17, 76, 11, 3124, 28, 25, 19726, 29188, 11, 1438, 2625, 17633, 2142, 2983, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 905, 7, 952, 11, 458, 83, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 357, 33723, 11405, 1441, 678, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 25432, 62, 3620, 82, 7, 6978, 3712, 10100, 11, 645, 62, 9535, 752, 1749, 3712, 46541, 11, 3161, 11, 3091, 11, 38491, 8, 198, 197, 1072, 11306, 62, 8344, 3669, 796, 20650, 90, 36, 1130, 3524, 62, 23739, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 9409, 343, 7, 6978, 8, 11405, 33480, 6978, 7, 6978, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 3448, 273, 8, 855, 16, 5633, 357, 30887, 6897, 41888, 38, 9655, 62, 8035, 13, 30887, 6897, 7, 3448, 273, 26513, 12962, 1058, 357, 30887, 6897, 28, 3448, 273, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3091, 28, 1462, 62, 20850, 62, 1894, 12195, 3524, 11, 30887, 6897, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 33723, 352, 366, 1722, 4428, 1359, 14435, 9104, 34549, 9313, 329, 22942, 62, 3919, 287, 352, 25, 3919, 62, 9535, 752, 1749, 198, 197, 197, 19849, 62, 6978, 796, 4731, 7, 6978, 4032, 14, 3256, 9535, 752, 652, 62, 3919, 4032, 2637, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 4468, 576, 7, 19849, 62, 6978, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6961, 41888, 25192, 12195, 3448, 273, 8, 22345, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1426, 28, 1462, 62, 20850, 62, 1894, 12195, 1676, 40007, 11, 30887, 6897, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3091, 62, 7784, 0, 7, 1930, 11, 3524, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 116, 35138, 28, 1462, 62, 3448, 273, 12195, 1930, 11, 30887, 6897, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 5678, 62, 33856, 3524, 62, 19849, 7, 9535, 752, 652, 62, 3919, 11, 352, 11, 7377, 116, 35138, 11, 1426, 11, 685, 15, 13, 4357, 2147, 11, 38491, 986, 26, 410, 62, 15003, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 197, 46911, 1096, 7, 19849, 62, 6978, 11, 2746, 8, 1303, 21928, 262, 2746, 284, 262, 34549, 8619, 198, 197, 197, 197, 14689, 0, 7, 1072, 11306, 62, 8344, 3669, 11, 14562, 3524, 62, 23739, 7, 9535, 752, 652, 62, 3919, 11, 16, 11, 1930, 11, 19849, 62, 6978, 11, 19849, 13, 6404, 62, 32304, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 17772, 1303, 46037, 10474, 2298, 510, 422, 810, 356, 1364, 572, 198, 197, 197, 197, 19849, 796, 748, 48499, 1096, 7, 19849, 62, 6978, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 14689, 0, 7, 1072, 11306, 62, 8344, 3669, 11, 14562, 3524, 62, 23739, 7, 9535, 752, 652, 62, 3919, 11, 16, 11, 19849, 13, 1930, 11, 19849, 62, 6978, 11, 19849, 13, 6404, 62, 32304, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 437, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 7783, 34549, 62, 8344, 3669, 11, 5288, 26933, 22105, 13, 6404, 62, 32304, 329, 1700, 287, 34549, 62, 8344, 3669, 12962, 198, 437 ]
<filename>src/PolyhedralOmega.jl module PolyhedralOmega using LinearAlgebra, IterTools, MultivariatePolynomials, TypedPolynomials, AbstractAlgebra, TaylorSeries #using LazySet include("SymbolicCone.jl") include("./SmithNormalForm/src/SmithNormalForm.jl") function macmahon(A::Matrix{Int64}, b::Vector{Int64}) sizeA = size(A) Id = Matrix(1I, sizeA[2], sizeA[2]) V = vcat(Id, A) q = append!(zeros(Float64, sizeA[2]), -b) #o = zeros(Bool, size(q,1)) o = zeros(Bool, sizeA[2]) return SymbolicCone(V, q, o) end function flip(C::SymbolicCone) V = C.V s = 1 for i = 1:size(V, 2) for j = 1:size(V, 1) if (V[j, i] != 0) forward = (sign(V[j, i]) == 1) if (!forward) s = s * (-1) V[:, i] = (-1) * V[:, i] C.o[i] = xor(C.o[i], true) end break end end end C.sign = s return C end function elimLastCoordinate(C::SymbolicCone) V = C.V n = size(V, 1) k = size(V, 2) q = C.q o = C.o res = [] II = [] Iplus = filter(x -> V[n, x] > 0, Vector(1:k)) #one of them should have zero eq or not? Iminus = filter(x -> V[n, x] < 0, Vector(1:k)) #if (q[n] > 0 || (q[n] == 0 && size(Iplus, 1) <= size(Iminus, 1) && size(Iplus, 1) >= 1) ) #if (q[n] == 0) # println("Iequal") # return [SymbolicCone(prim(V[1:n-1, :]), q[1:n-1], o[1:k])] #end if (q[n] < 0) #res = [SymbolicCone(prim(V[1:n-1, :]), q[1:n-1], o[1:k])] println("Iplus") II = Iplus else println("Iminus") II = Iminus res = [SymbolicCone(prim(V[1:n-1, :]), q[1:n-1], o[1:k])] end #Cprime if q[n] is zero println("II: ", II) sgnq = q[n] for j in II L = [] for i in 1:k if i == j push!(L, (sgnq >= 0 ? -1 : 1)*V[:,j]) else push!(L, (sgnq >= 0 ? 1 : -1)*( (V[n,i] * V[:,j]) + (-V[n,j]*V[:,i]) )) end end println("L: ", L) new_o = o[j] != false ? vcat(o[1:j-1], false, o[j+1:end]) : deepcopy(o) new_V = prim(hcat(L...)) new_V = new_V[1:(size(new_V, 1)-1),:] new_q = map(+, q, (-q[n] / (V[n, j])) * V[:, j]) new_q = new_q[1:n-1] new_cone = SymbolicCone(new_V, new_q, new_o) print("\nnew cone:") println(new_cone) flip_res = flip(new_cone) push!(res, flip_res) print("\nflip:") println(flip_res) end return res end function prim_v(v::Array{Int64}) d = abs(gcd(v)) if (d == 1) return v else return reduce(vcat, map(vi -> floor(Int, vi / d), v)) end end function prim(V::Matrix{Int64}) return Matrix{Int64}(transpose(reduce(hcat, map(i -> prim_v(V[i, :]), Vector(1:size(V, 1)))))) end function eliminateCoordinates(C::SymbolicCone, k::Int) res = elimLastCoordinate(C) innerres = [] println("first elc: ", res) for i = 1:(k-1)#becuse we call eliminate last coordinate before for j = 1:length(res) eres = elimLastCoordinate(res[j]) append!(innerres, eres) println("j: ", j, " eres: ", eres) end res = innerres innerres = [] end return res end function enumerateFundamentalParallelePiped(C::SymbolicCone) SMFRes = SmithNormalForm.smith(C.V) S = SmithNormalForm.diagm(SMFRes) Uinv = inv(SMFRes.S) Winv = inv(SMFRes.T) dimension = size(C.V, 2) # num of rows ambientDimension = size(C.V, 1) # num of cols #println("C.V: ", C.V) #println("\nUinv: ", Uinv, "\nWinv: ", Winv) #println("size 1: ", size(S,1), "\nsize 2: ", size(S,2)) diagonals = Int64[] for i in 1:dimension if(i <= size(S,1) && i <= size(S,2)) #println("i: ", i) push!(diagonals, S[i,i]) end end #println("Diagonals: ", diagonals) lastDiagonal = diagonals[end] # sprime = [Integer(sk / si) for si in s] primeDiagonals = Int64[] for d in diagonals push!(primeDiagonals, Int64(lastDiagonal/d)) end #println("Prime diagonals: ", primeDiagonals) # qhat = Uinv * q apex = C.q #println("q: ", apex, "\nV: ", C.V) qhat = Uinv*apex #println("qhat: ", qhat) # Wprime Wprime = [Winv[j,i]*primeDiagonals[i] for i = 1:dimension, j = 1:dimension] #Winv * primeDiagonals #println("wprime: ", Wprime) tmpWprime = deepcopy(Wprime) #println("ftmpwprime: ", tmpWprime) for i in 1:dimension tmpWprime[dimension-i+1,:] = Wprime[i,:] end #println("tmpwprime: ", tmpWprime) #Wprime = tmpWprime # qtrans qtrans = [sum([-Wprime[j,i] * qhat[i] for i = 1:dimension]) for j = 1:dimension] #println("qtrans: ", qtrans) #qfrac qfrac = [qtrans[i] - floor.(Int, qtrans[i]) for i = 1:dimension] #println("qfrac: ", qfrac) #qint qint = [ floor.(Int, qi) for qi in qtrans ] #println("qint: ", qint) #qsummand qsummand = [Int64(qi) for qi in (lastDiagonal*apex + C.V*qfrac) ] #println("qsummand", qsummand) #println("dim: ", dimension, " adim: ", ambientDimension) #println("o: ", C.o, " qfrac: ", qfrac) #openness openness = [ (qfrac[j] == 0 ? C.o[j] : 0) for j in 1:ambientDimension] #println("openness: ", openness) #bigP #res1 = [[1:1:diagonals[i];] for i= 1:dimension] #println("res1: ", res1) # CartesianProduct( *[xrange(s[i]) for i in 1:k] ) L = [] P = [] for v in IterTools.product([1:diagonals[i] for i in 1:dimension]...) push!(P, v) innerRes = [] j = 1 for qj in qint inner = 0 i = 1 for vi in v inner += Wprime[i,j] * vi i += 1 end inner += qj inner = inner % lastDiagonal if inner == 0 && C.o[j] inner = lastDiagonal end append!(innerRes, inner) j += 1 end #println("inneerres: ", innerRes) outerRes = [] for l in 1:ambientDimension outer = 0 j = 1 for innerResi in innerRes outer += C.V[l,j] * innerResi j += 1 end append!(outerRes, outer) # outerRes is an integral vector end #println("outerRes: ", outerRes) #push!(L, tuple(collect( ((ai + bi) / lastDiagonal) for (ai,bi) in collect(zip(outerRes, qsummand)) ))) push!(L, collect( Int64((ai + bi) / lastDiagonal) for (ai,bi) in collect(zip(outerRes, qsummand)) )) end C.fp = L end function computeRationalFunction(C::SymbolicCone) numOfVars = size(C.q,1) VV = [string("x_",i) for i in 1:numOfVars] S, X = PolynomialRing(QQ, VV, ordering=:deglex) num = 0 #println("VV: ", VV, "\nQQ: ", QQ, "\nS: ", S, "\nX: ", X, "\n") for p in C.fp tmp = 1 for i in 1:length(p) tmp *=X[i]^p[i] end num += tmp end #println("Numerator:", num) den = 1 for j in 1:size(C.V,2) tmp = 1 for i in 1:size(C.V,1) tmp *=X[i]^C.V[:,j][i] end den *= 1 - tmp end #println("Denominator:", den) ratfun = num//den #println("ratfun:", ratfun) C.ratfun = ratfun end function solve(A::Matrix{Int64}, b::Vector{Int64}) @polyvar RationalFunctions ratfun = 0 C = macmahon(A, b) print("MacMahon cone: ") println(C) ListOfSymbolicCones = eliminateCoordinates(C, size(C.V, 1) - size(C.V, 2)) #println("eliminate coordinates: ", ListOfSymbolicCones) println("Result Cones: ") for cone in ListOfSymbolicCones #enumerateFundamentalParallelePiped(cone) #computeRationalFunction(cone) #ratfun += cone.sign*cone.ratfun println(cone) #println("fp: ", cone.fp) #println("ratfun: ", cone.ratfun) #println() end return ratfun end end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 34220, 21962, 46, 13731, 13, 20362, 198, 21412, 12280, 21962, 46, 13731, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 11, 40806, 33637, 11, 7854, 42524, 34220, 26601, 8231, 11, 17134, 276, 34220, 26601, 8231, 11, 27741, 2348, 29230, 11, 8121, 27996, 198, 2, 3500, 406, 12582, 7248, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 13940, 2022, 4160, 34, 505, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7, 1911, 14, 17919, 26447, 8479, 14, 10677, 14, 17919, 26447, 8479, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 8818, 8352, 76, 30491, 7, 32, 3712, 46912, 90, 5317, 2414, 5512, 275, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 2414, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 32, 796, 2546, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5121, 796, 24936, 7, 16, 40, 11, 2546, 32, 58, 17, 4357, 2546, 32, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 569, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 7390, 11, 317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 796, 24443, 0, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 2546, 32, 58, 17, 46570, 532, 65, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 78, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 33, 970, 11, 2546, 7, 80, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 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35235, 7203, 59, 77, 52, 16340, 25, 33172, 471, 16340, 11, 37082, 77, 54, 16340, 25, 33172, 7178, 85, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 7857, 352, 25, 33172, 2546, 7, 50, 11, 16, 828, 37082, 5907, 1096, 362, 25, 33172, 2546, 7, 50, 11, 17, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2566, 1840, 874, 796, 2558, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 46156, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 7, 72, 19841, 2546, 7, 50, 11, 16, 8, 11405, 1312, 19841, 2546, 7, 50, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 72, 25, 33172, 1312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 10989, 1840, 874, 11, 311, 58, 72, 11, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 18683, 1840, 874, 25, 33172, 2566, 1840, 874, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 938, 18683, 27923, 796, 2566, 1840, 874, 58, 437, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7500, 524, 796, 685, 46541, 7, 8135, 1220, 33721, 8, 329, 33721, 287, 264, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6994, 18683, 1840, 874, 796, 2558, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 288, 287, 2566, 1840, 874, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 35505, 18683, 1840, 874, 11, 2558, 2414, 7, 12957, 18683, 27923, 14, 67, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 26405, 2566, 1840, 874, 25, 33172, 6994, 18683, 1840, 874, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 10662, 5183, 796, 471, 16340, 1635, 10662, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40167, 796, 327, 13, 80, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 80, 25, 33172, 40167, 11, 37082, 77, 53, 25, 33172, 327, 13, 53, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 5183, 796, 471, 16340, 9, 1758, 87, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 80, 5183, 25, 33172, 10662, 5183, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 370, 35505, 198, 220, 220, 220, 370, 35505, 796, 685, 54, 16340, 58, 73, 11, 72, 60, 9, 35505, 18683, 1840, 874, 58, 72, 60, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 46156, 11, 474, 796, 352, 25, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5589, 1133, 49, 864, 22203, 7, 49180, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 10366, 12543, 15853, 27763, 13, 12683, 9, 49180, 13, 10366, 12543, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7, 49180, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 46428, 25, 33172, 27763, 13, 46428, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 10366, 12543, 25, 33172, 27763, 13, 10366, 12543, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4227, 12543, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
<filename>src/ELF/ELFHandle.jl # Export Datatypes export ELFHandle # Import Base methods import Base: start, getindex """ ELFHandle An `ObjectHandle` subclass for ELF files, this is the primary object by which client applications will interact with ELF files. """ struct ELFHandle{T<:IO} <: ObjectHandle # Backing IOS and start point within the IOStream of this ELF object io::T start::Int # Elf Internal data such as endianness, version, OS ABI, etc... ei::ELFInternal # The parsed-out header of the ELF object header::ELFHeader # The path of the file this was created with path::String end ## Define creation methods function readmeta(io::IO, ::Type{H}) where {H <: ELFHandle} # This is the magic that we know we must find elven_magic = UInt8['\177', 'E', 'L', 'F'] # Save the starting position of `io` start = position(io) # Check for magic bytes magic = [read(io, UInt8) for idx in 1:4] if any(magic .!= elven_magic) msg = """ Magic Number 0x$(join(hex.(magic),"")) does not match expected ELF magic number 0x$(join("", hex.(elven_magic))) """ throw(MagicMismatch(replace(strip(msg), "\n", " "))) end # Read the ELF Internal data, then skip its padding ei = unpack(io, ELFInternal) skip(io, 7) # Build different Header objects for 32 or 64-bit ELF header_type = elf_internal_is64bit(ei) ? ELFHeader64{H} : ELFHeader32{H} # Unpack the header, but pretend we didn't by rewinding `io` header = unpack(io, header_type, elf_internal_endianness(ei)) seek(io, start) # Construct our ELFHandle, pilfering the filename from the IOStream return ELFHandle(io, start, ei, header, path(io)) end ## IOStream-like operations: start(oh::ELFHandle) = oh.start iostream(oh::ELFHandle) = ## Format-specific properties: header(oh::ELFHandle) = oh.header endianness(oh::ELFHandle) = elf_internal_endianness(oh.ei) is64bit(oh::ELFHandle) = elf_internal_is64bit(oh.ei) isrelocatable(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_type == ET_REL isexecutable(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_type == ET_EXEC islibrary(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_type == ET_DYN mangle_section_name(oh::ELFHandle, name::AbstractString) = string(".", name) mangle_symbol_name(oh::ELFHandle, name::AbstractString) = name format_string(::Type{H}) where {H <: ELFHandle} = "ELF" # Section information section_header_offset(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_shoff section_header_size(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_shentsize function section_header_type(oh::H) where {H <: ELFHandle} if is64bit(oh) return ELFSection64{H} else return ELFSection32{H} end end # Segment information (Note this is NOT a part of the generic ObjectFile API, # this is an ELF-only extension) """ segment_header_offset(oh::ELFHandle) Return the offset of the segment header table within the given ELF object. """ segment_header_offset(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_phoff """ segment_header_offset(oh::ELFHandle) Return the size of a segment header within the given ELF object. """ segment_header_size(oh::ELFHandle) = header(oh).e_phentsize """ segment_header_type(oh::ELFHandle) Return the type of a segment header within the given ELF object. E.g. within a 64-bit ELF object, this will return `ELFSegment64`. """ function segment_header_type(oh::H) where {H <: ELFHandle} if is64bit(oh) return ELFSegment64{H} else return ELFSegment32{H} end end # Symbol information symtab_entry_offset(oh::ELFHandle) = section_offset(Symbols(oh).section_ref) symtab_entry_size(oh::ELFHandle) = sizeof(symtab_entry_type(oh)) function symtab_entry_type(oh::H) where {H <: ELFHandle} if is64bit(oh) return ELFSymtabEntry64{H} else return ELFSymtabEntry32{H} end end # Dynamic Linkage information function dyn_entry_type(oh::H) where {H <: ELFHandle} if is64bit(oh) return ELFDynEntry64{H} else return ELFDynEntry32{H} end end ## Misc. operations path(oh::ELFHandle) = oh.path
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 37738, 14, 37738, 37508, 13, 20362, 198, 2, 36472, 16092, 265, 9497, 198, 39344, 17852, 37, 37508, 198, 198, 2, 17267, 7308, 5050, 198, 11748, 7308, 25, 923, 11, 651, 9630, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17852, 37, 37508, 198, 198, 2025, 4600, 10267, 37508, 63, 47611, 329, 17852, 37, 3696, 11, 428, 318, 262, 4165, 2134, 416, 543, 198, 16366, 5479, 481, 9427, 351, 17852, 37, 3696, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 17852, 37, 37508, 90, 51, 27, 25, 9399, 92, 1279, 25, 9515, 37508, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5157, 278, 314, 2640, 290, 923, 966, 1626, 262, 24418, 12124, 286, 428, 17852, 37, 2134, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33245, 3712, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 923, 3712, 5317, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 19067, 18628, 1366, 884, 355, 886, 666, 1108, 11, 2196, 11, 7294, 317, 3483, 11, 3503, 986, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 72, 3712, 37738, 37693, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 383, 44267, 12, 448, 13639, 286, 262, 17852, 37, 2134, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13639, 3712, 37738, 39681, 628, 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#= The following code is modified from with the original license: > The MIT License (MIT) > Copyright (c) 2013 billmclean > Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy > of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal > in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights > to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell > copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is > furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: > The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in > all copies or substantial portions of the Software. > THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR > IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, > FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE > AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER > LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, > OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE > SOFTWARE. =# # October 2013 by <NAME>, School of Maths and Stats, # The University of New South Wales. # # Based on earlier Fortran codes # # gaussq.f original version 20 Jan 1975 from Stanford # gaussq.f modified 21 Dec by <NAME> # gaussquad.f95 Nov 2005 by <NAME> # # This module provides functions to compute the abscissae x[j] and # weights w[j] for the classical Gauss quadrature rules, including # the Radau and Lobatto variants. Thus, the sum # # n # ∑ w[j] f(x[j]) # j=1 # # approximates # # hi # ∫ f(x) w(x) dx # lo # # where the weight function w(x) and interval lo < x < hi are as shown # in the table below. # # Name Interval Weight Function # # Legendre -1 < x < 1 1 # Chebyshev (first kind) -1 < x < 1 1 / sqrt(1-x²) # Chebyshev (second kind) -1 < x < 1 sqrt(1-x²) # Jacobi -1 < x < 1 (1-x)ᵅ (1+x)ᵝ # Laguerre 0 < x < ∞ xᵅ exp(-x) # Hermite -∞ < x < ∞ exp(-x²) # # In addition to these classical rules, the module generates Gauss rules # for logarithmic weights of the form # # w(x) = x^ρ log(1/x) for 0 < x < 1. # # For the Jacobi and Laguerre rules we require α > -1 and # β > -1, so that the weight function is integrable. Likewise, for # log weight we require ρ > -1. # # Use the endpoint argument to include one or both of the end points # of the interval of integration as an abscissa in the quadrature # rule, as follows. # # endpoint = NeitherEndPoint() Default lo < x[j] < hi, j = 1:n. # endpoint = LeftEndPoint() Left Radau lo = x[1] < x[j] < hi, j = 2:n. # endpoint = RightEndPoint() Right Radau lo < x[j] < x[n] = hi, j = 1:n-1. # endpoint = BothEndPoint() Lobatto lo = x[1] < x[j] < x[n] = hi, j = 2:n-1. # # # The code uses the Golub and Welsch algorithm, in which the abscissae # x[j] are the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix whose # entries depend on the coefficients in the 3-term recurrence relation # for the othonormal polynomials generated by the weighted inner product. # # References: # # 1. <NAME>., and <NAME>., Calculation of Gaussian # quadrature rules, Mathematics of Computation 23 (April, # 1969), pp. 221-230. # 2. <NAME>., Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems, # Siam Review 15 (april, 1973), pp. 318-334 (section 7). # 3. <NAME>, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice- # Hall, <NAME>., 1966. # Enumeration type used to specify which endpoints of the integration # interval should be included amongst the quadrature points: neither, # left, right, or both. abstract type EndPoint end struct NeitherEndPoint <: EndPoint end struct LeftEndPoint <: EndPoint end struct RightEndPoint <: EndPoint end struct BothEndPoint <: EndPoint end """ x, w = legendregauss(T, n, endpoint::EndPoint=Bennu.NeitherEndPoint()) Returns points `x` and weights `w` for the `n`-point Gauss-Legendre rule for the interval `-1 < x < 1` with weight function `w(x) = 1`. Use `endpoint=LeftEndPoint()`, `RightEndPoint() ` or `BothEndPoints()` for the left Radau, right Radau, or Lobatto rules, respectively. """ function legendregauss(::Type{T}, n, endpoint=NeitherEndPoint()) where {T} @assert n ≥ 1 a, b = legendrecoefficients(T, n) return gaussrule(-one(T), one(T), a, b, endpoint) end """ x, w = legendregauss(n, endpoint::EndPoint=Bennu.NeitherEndPoint()) Convenience function with type `T = Float64`: """ legendregauss(n, endpoint::EndPoint=NeitherEndPoint()) = legendregauss(Float64, n, endpoint) """ x, w = legendregausslobatto(T, n) Returns points `x` and weights `w` for the `n`-point Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto rule for the interval `-1 ≤ x ≤ 1` with weight function `w(x) = 1`. """ function legendregausslobatto(::Type{T}, n) where {T} return legendregauss(T, n, BothEndPoint()) end """ x, w = legendregausslobatto(n) Convenience function with type `T = Float64`: """ legendregausslobatto(n) = legendregausslobatto(Float64, n) function legendrecoefficients(::Type{T}, n) where {T} a = zeros(T, n) b = zeros(T, n + 1) b[1] = sqrt(convert(T, 2)) for k in 2:(n + 1) b[k] = (k - 1) / sqrt(convert(T, (2k - 1) * (2k - 3))) end return a, b end """ x, w = gaussrule(lo, hi, a, b, endpoint, maxiterations=100) Generates the points `x` and weights `w` for a Gauss rule with weight function `w(x)` on the interval `lo < x < hi`. The arrays `a` and `b` hold the coefficients (as given, for instance, by `legendrecoefficients`) in the three-term recurrence relation for the monic orthogonal polynomials `p(0,x)`, `p(1,x)`, `p(2,x)`, ... , that is, p(k, x) = (x-a[k]) p(k-1, x) - b[k]² p(k-2, x), k ≥ 1, where `p(0, x) = 1` and, by convention, `p(-1, x) = 0` with hi b[1]^2 = ∫ w(x) dx. lo Thus, `p(k, x) = xᵏ + lower degree terms` and hi ∫ p(j, x) p(k, x) w(x) dx = 0 if j ≠ k. lo """ function gaussrule(lo, hi, a, b, endpoint::EndPoint, maxiterations=100) T = promote_type(typeof(lo), typeof(hi), eltype(a), eltype(b)) n = length(a) @assert length(b) == n + 1 if endpoint isa LeftEndPoint if n == 1 a[1] = lo else a[n] = tridiagonalshiftsolve(n, lo, a, b) * b[n]^2 + lo end elseif endpoint isa RightEndPoint if n == 1 a[1] = hi else a[n] = tridiagonalshiftsolve(n, hi, a, b) * b[n]^2 + hi end elseif endpoint isa BothEndPoint if n == 1 error("Must have at least two points for both ends.") end g = tridiagonalshiftsolve(n, lo, a, b) t1 = (hi - lo) / (g - tridiagonalshiftsolve(n, hi, a, b)) b[n] = sqrt(t1) a[n] = lo + g * t1 end w = zero(a) tridiagonaleigenproblem!(a, b, w, maxiterations) for i in 1:n w[i] = (b[1] * w[i])^2 end idx = sortperm(a) # Ensure end point values are exact. if endpoint isa LeftEndPoint || endpoint isa BothEndPoint a[idx[1]] = lo elseif endpoint isa RightEndPoint || endpoint isa BothEndPoint a[idx[n]] = hi end return a[idx], w[idx] end function tridiagonalshiftsolve(n, shift, a, b) where {T} # # Perform elimination to find the nth component s = delta[n] # of the solution to the nxn linear system # # ( J_n - shift I_n ) delta = e_n, # # where J_n is the symmetric tridiagonal matrix with diagonal # entries a[i] and off-diagonal entries b[i], and e_n is the nth # standard basis vector. # t = a[1] - shift for i in 2:(n - 1) t = a[i] - shift - b[i]^2 / t end return one(t) / t end function tridiagonaleigenproblem!(d, e, z, maxiterations) # # Finds the eigenvalues and first components of the normalised # eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the implicit # QL method. # # d[i] On entry, holds the ith diagonal entry of the matrix. # On exit, holds the ith eigenvalue. # # e[i] On entry, holds the [i,i-1] entry of the matrix for # i = 2, 3, ..., n. (The value of e[1] is not used.) # On exit, e is overwritten. # # z[i] On exit, holds the first component of the ith normalised # eigenvector associated with d[i]. # # maxiterations The maximum number of QL iterations. # # Martin and Wilkinson, Numer. Math. 12: 377-383 (1968). # Dubrulle, Numer. Math. 15: 450 (1970). # Handbook for Automatic Computation, Vol ii, Linear Algebra, # pp. 241-248, 1971. # # This is a modified version of the Eispack routine imtql2. # T = promote_type(eltype(d), eltype(e), eltype(z)) n = length(z) z[1] = one(T) z[2:n] .= zero(T) e[n + 1] = zero(T) if n == 1 # Nothing to do for a 1x1 matrix. return end for l in 1:n for j in 1:maxiterations # Look for small off-diagonal elements. m = n for i in l:(n - 1) if abs(e[i + 1]) <= eps(T) * (abs(d[i]) + abs(d[i + 1])) m = i break end end p = d[l] if m == l continue end if j == maxiterations msg = string("No convergence after ", j, " iterations", " (try increasing maxiterations)") error(msg) end # Form shift g = (d[l + 1] - p) / (2 * e[l + 1]) r = hypot(g, one(T)) g = d[m] - p + e[l + 1] / (g + copysign(r, g)) s = one(T) c = one(T) p = zero(T) for i in (m - 1):-1:l f = s * e[i + 1] b = c * e[i + 1] if abs(f) < abs(g) s = f / g r = hypot(s, one(T)) e[i + 2] = g * r c = one(T) / r s *= c else c = g / f r = hypot(c, one(T)) e[i + 2] = f * r s = one(T) / r c *= s end g = d[i + 1] - p r = (d[i] - g) * s + 2 * c * b p = s * r d[i + 1] = g + p g = c * r - b # Form first component of vector. f = z[i + 1] z[i + 1] = s * z[i] + c * f z[i] = c * z[i] - s * f end d[l] -= p e[l + 1] = g e[m + 1] = zero(T) end end return end
[ 2, 28, 198, 464, 1708, 2438, 318, 9518, 422, 198, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 35546, 76, 27773, 14, 35389, 1046, 4507, 41909, 1300, 13, 20362, 351, 262, 2656, 5964, 25, 198, 198, 29, 383, 17168, 13789, 357, 36393, 8, 198, 198, 29, 15069, 357, 66, 8, 2211, 2855, 76, 27773, 198, 198, 29, 2448, 3411, 318, 29376, 7520, 11, 1479, 286, 3877, 11, 284, 597, 1048, 16727, 257, 4866, 198, 29, 286, 428, 3788, 290, 3917, 10314, 3696, 357, 1169, 366, 25423, 12340, 284, 1730, 198, 29, 287, 262, 10442, 1231, 17504, 11, 1390, 1231, 17385, 262, 2489, 198, 29, 284, 779, 11, 4866, 11, 13096, 11, 20121, 11, 7715, 11, 14983, 11, 850, 43085, 11, 290, 14, 273, 3677, 198, 29, 9088, 286, 262, 10442, 11, 290, 284, 8749, 6506, 284, 4150, 262, 10442, 318, 198, 29, 30760, 284, 466, 523, 11, 2426, 284, 262, 1708, 3403, 25, 198, 198, 29, 383, 2029, 6634, 4003, 290, 428, 7170, 4003, 2236, 307, 3017, 287, 198, 29, 477, 9088, 393, 8904, 16690, 286, 262, 10442, 13, 198, 198, 29, 3336, 47466, 3180, 36592, 2389, 1961, 366, 1921, 3180, 1600, 42881, 34764, 56, 3963, 15529, 509, 12115, 11, 7788, 32761, 6375, 198, 29, 8959, 49094, 11, 47783, 2751, 21728, 5626, 40880, 5390, 3336, 34764, 11015, 3963, 34482, 3398, 1565, 5603, 25382, 11, 198, 29, 376, 46144, 7473, 317, 16652, 2149, 37232, 33079, 48933, 5357, 44521, 1268, 10913, 2751, 12529, 13, 3268, 8005, 49261, 50163, 3336, 198, 29, 37195, 20673, 6375, 27975, 38162, 9947, 367, 15173, 4877, 9348, 43031, 19146, 7473, 15529, 47666, 3955, 11, 29506, 25552, 6375, 25401, 198, 29, 43031, 25382, 11, 7655, 2767, 16879, 3268, 3537, 40282, 3963, 27342, 10659, 11, 309, 9863, 6375, 25401, 54, 24352, 11, 5923, 1797, 2751, 16034, 11, 198, 29, 16289, 3963, 6375, 3268, 7102, 45, 24565, 13315, 3336, 47466, 6375, 3336, 23210, 6375, 25401, 5550, 1847, 20754, 3268, 3336, 198, 29, 47466, 13, 198, 46249, 198, 198, 2, 3267, 2211, 416, 1279, 20608, 22330, 3961, 286, 16320, 82, 290, 20595, 11, 198, 2, 383, 2059, 286, 968, 2520, 11769, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 13403, 319, 2961, 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220, 22660, 11, 329, 198, 2, 2604, 3463, 356, 2421, 18074, 223, 1875, 532, 16, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 5765, 262, 36123, 4578, 284, 2291, 530, 393, 1111, 286, 262, 886, 2173, 198, 2, 286, 262, 16654, 286, 11812, 355, 281, 450, 1416, 13808, 287, 262, 15094, 81, 1300, 198, 2, 3896, 11, 355, 5679, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 36123, 796, 16126, 12915, 12727, 3419, 220, 220, 15161, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2376, 1279, 2124, 58, 73, 60, 1279, 23105, 11, 474, 796, 352, 25, 77, 13, 198, 2, 36123, 796, 9578, 12915, 12727, 3419, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9578, 5325, 559, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 2124, 58, 16, 60, 1279, 2124, 58, 73, 60, 1279, 23105, 11, 474, 796, 362, 25, 77, 13, 198, 2, 36123, 796, 6498, 12915, 12727, 3419, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6498, 5325, 559, 220, 2376, 1279, 2124, 58, 73, 60, 1279, 2124, 58, 77, 60, 796, 23105, 11, 474, 796, 352, 25, 77, 12, 16, 13, 198, 2, 36123, 796, 5747, 12915, 12727, 3419, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 32684, 45807, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2376, 796, 2124, 58, 16, 60, 1279, 2124, 58, 73, 60, 1279, 2124, 58, 77, 60, 796, 23105, 11, 474, 796, 362, 25, 77, 12, 16, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 198, 2, 383, 2438, 3544, 262, 26849, 549, 290, 370, 1424, 354, 11862, 11, 287, 543, 262, 450, 1416, 747, 3609, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 73, 60, 389, 262, 304, 9324, 27160, 286, 257, 23606, 19482, 491, 19830, 27923, 17593, 3025, 198, 2, 12784, 4745, 319, 262, 44036, 287, 262, 513, 12, 4354, 664, 33928, 8695, 198, 2, 329, 262, 267, 400, 261, 6636, 745, 6213, 296, 8231, 7560, 416, 262, 26356, 8434, 1720, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 31458, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 352, 13, 220, 1279, 20608, 29, 1539, 290, 1279, 20608, 29, 1539, 2199, 14902, 286, 12822, 31562, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 15094, 81, 1300, 3173, 11, 39448, 286, 22476, 341, 2242, 357, 16784, 11, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16450, 828, 9788, 13, 31566, 12, 19214, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 362, 13, 220, 1279, 20608, 29, 1539, 2773, 9518, 17593, 304, 9324, 8367, 2761, 11, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 311, 1789, 6602, 1315, 357, 499, 22379, 11, 15674, 828, 9788, 13, 39320, 12, 31380, 357, 5458, 767, 737, 198, 2, 220, 220, 513, 13, 220, 1279, 20608, 22330, 12822, 31562, 20648, 81, 1300, 5178, 25283, 11, 350, 20098, 12, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4789, 11, 1279, 20608, 29, 1539, 19322, 13, 198, 198, 2, 2039, 6975, 341, 2099, 973, 284, 11986, 543, 886, 13033, 286, 262, 11812, 198, 2, 16654, 815, 307, 3017, 12077, 262, 15094, 81, 1300, 2173, 25, 6159, 11, 198, 2, 1364, 11, 826, 11, 393, 1111, 13, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 5268, 12727, 886, 198, 7249, 16126, 12915, 12727, 1279, 25, 5268, 12727, 886, 198, 7249, 9578, 12915, 12727, 1279, 25, 5268, 12727, 886, 198, 7249, 6498, 12915, 12727, 1279, 25, 5268, 12727, 886, 198, 7249, 5747, 12915, 12727, 1279, 25, 5268, 12727, 886, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 11, 266, 796, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 7, 51, 11, 299, 11, 36123, 3712, 12915, 12727, 28, 33, 1697, 84, 13, 27270, 12915, 12727, 28955, 198, 198, 35561, 2173, 4600, 87, 63, 290, 19590, 4600, 86, 63, 329, 262, 4600, 77, 63, 12, 4122, 12822, 1046, 12, 21351, 260, 3896, 198, 1640, 262, 16654, 4600, 12, 16, 1279, 2124, 1279, 352, 63, 351, 3463, 2163, 4600, 86, 7, 87, 8, 796, 352, 44646, 198, 198, 11041, 4600, 437, 4122, 28, 18819, 12915, 12727, 3419, 47671, 4600, 11028, 12915, 12727, 3419, 4600, 393, 4600, 10265, 12915, 40710, 3419, 63, 329, 262, 198, 9464, 5325, 559, 11, 826, 5325, 559, 11, 393, 32684, 45807, 3173, 11, 8148, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 299, 11, 36123, 28, 27270, 12915, 12727, 28955, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 299, 26870, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 11, 275, 796, 8177, 260, 1073, 41945, 7, 51, 11, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 31986, 1046, 25135, 32590, 505, 7, 51, 828, 530, 7, 51, 828, 257, 11, 275, 11, 36123, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 11, 266, 796, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 7, 77, 11, 36123, 3712, 12915, 12727, 28, 33, 1697, 84, 13, 27270, 12915, 12727, 28955, 198, 198, 3103, 574, 1240, 2163, 351, 2099, 4600, 51, 796, 48436, 2414, 63, 25, 198, 37811, 198, 1455, 437, 2301, 64, 1046, 7, 77, 11, 36123, 3712, 12915, 12727, 28, 27270, 12915, 12727, 28955, 796, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 11, 36123, 8, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 11, 266, 796, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 75, 672, 45807, 7, 51, 11, 299, 8, 198, 198, 35561, 2173, 4600, 87, 63, 290, 19590, 4600, 86, 63, 329, 262, 4600, 77, 63, 12, 4122, 9883, 260, 12, 35389, 1046, 12, 43, 672, 45807, 3896, 198, 1640, 262, 16654, 4600, 12, 16, 41305, 2124, 41305, 352, 63, 351, 3463, 2163, 4600, 86, 7, 87, 8, 796, 352, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 75, 672, 45807, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 299, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 7, 51, 11, 299, 11, 5747, 12915, 12727, 28955, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 11, 266, 796, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 75, 672, 45807, 7, 77, 8, 198, 198, 3103, 574, 1240, 2163, 351, 2099, 4600, 51, 796, 48436, 2414, 63, 25, 198, 37811, 198, 1455, 437, 2301, 64, 1046, 75, 672, 45807, 7, 77, 8, 796, 8177, 2301, 64, 1046, 75, 672, 45807, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 8177, 260, 1073, 41945, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 299, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 51, 11, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 51, 11, 299, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 58, 16, 60, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 1102, 1851, 7, 51, 11, 362, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 287, 362, 37498, 77, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 275, 58, 74, 60, 796, 357, 74, 532, 352, 8, 1220, 19862, 17034, 7, 1102, 1851, 7, 51, 11, 357, 17, 74, 532, 352, 8, 1635, 357, 17, 74, 532, 513, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 257, 11, 275, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 11, 266, 796, 31986, 1046, 25135, 7, 5439, 11, 23105, 11, 257, 11, 275, 11, 36123, 11, 3509, 2676, 602, 28, 3064, 8, 198, 198, 8645, 689, 262, 2173, 4600, 87, 63, 290, 19590, 4600, 86, 63, 329, 257, 12822, 1046, 3896, 351, 3463, 198, 8818, 4600, 86, 7, 87, 8, 63, 319, 262, 16654, 4600, 5439, 1279, 2124, 1279, 23105, 44646, 198, 198, 464, 26515, 4600, 64, 63, 290, 4600, 65, 63, 1745, 262, 44036, 357, 292, 1813, 11, 329, 4554, 11, 416, 198, 63, 1455, 437, 260, 1073, 41945, 63, 8, 287, 262, 1115, 12, 4354, 664, 33928, 8695, 329, 262, 937, 291, 198, 1506, 519, 20996, 745, 6213, 296, 8231, 4600, 79, 7, 15, 11, 87, 8, 47671, 4600, 79, 7, 16, 11, 87, 8, 47671, 4600, 79, 7, 17, 11, 87, 8, 47671, 2644, 837, 326, 318, 11, 628, 220, 220, 220, 279, 7, 74, 11, 2124, 8, 796, 357, 87, 12, 64, 58, 74, 12962, 279, 7, 74, 12, 16, 11, 2124, 8, 532, 275, 58, 74, 60, 31185, 279, 7, 74, 12, 17, 11, 2124, 828, 220, 220, 220, 479, 26870, 352, 11, 198, 198, 3003, 4600, 79, 7, 15, 11, 2124, 8, 796, 352, 63, 290, 11, 416, 9831, 11, 4600, 79, 32590, 16, 11, 2124, 8, 796, 657, 63, 351, 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198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 58, 72, 60, 796, 357, 65, 58, 16, 60, 1635, 266, 58, 72, 12962, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 3297, 16321, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 48987, 886, 966, 3815, 389, 2748, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 36123, 318, 64, 9578, 12915, 12727, 8614, 36123, 318, 64, 5747, 12915, 12727, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 257, 58, 312, 87, 58, 16, 11907, 796, 2376, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 36123, 318, 64, 6498, 12915, 12727, 8614, 36123, 318, 64, 5747, 12915, 12727, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 257, 58, 312, 87, 58, 77, 11907, 796, 23105, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 257, 58, 312, 87, 4357, 266, 58, 312, 87, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 491, 19830, 1840, 22114, 19265, 6442, 7, 77, 11, 6482, 11, 257, 11, 275, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35006, 21472, 284, 1064, 262, 299, 400, 7515, 264, 796, 25979, 58, 77, 60, 198, 220, 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198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 9938, 82, 262, 304, 9324, 27160, 290, 717, 6805, 286, 262, 3487, 1417, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 304, 9324, 303, 5217, 286, 257, 23606, 19482, 491, 19830, 27923, 17593, 416, 262, 16992, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1195, 43, 2446, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 288, 58, 72, 60, 220, 220, 1550, 5726, 11, 6622, 262, 340, 71, 40039, 5726, 286, 262, 17593, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1550, 8420, 11, 6622, 262, 340, 71, 304, 9324, 8367, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 304, 58, 72, 60, 220, 220, 1550, 5726, 11, 6622, 262, 685, 72, 11, 72, 12, 16, 60, 5726, 286, 262, 17593, 329, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 362, 11, 513, 11, 2644, 11, 299, 13, 220, 357, 464, 1988, 286, 304, 58, 16, 60, 318, 407, 973, 2014, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1550, 8420, 11, 304, 318, 6993, 9108, 13, 198, 220, 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# SLAMinDB service functions using Dates function getcredentials(;nparticles=true, drawdepth=true, multisession=false, drawedges=true) cloudGraph, addrdict = standardcloudgraphsetup(nparticles=nparticles, drawdepth=drawdepth, drawedges=drawedges, multisession=multisession) return addrdict end function slamindbsavejld(fgl::G, session::AbstractString, itercount::Int) where G <: AbstractDFG dt = filenamejld = "$(session)_$(Dates.format(dt, "dduyy-HH:MM:SS"))_slamindb_$(itercount).jld" println("------Save fg to file: $(filenamejld)------") savejld(fgl,file=filenamejld) nothing end """ $(SIGNATURES) Runs SlamInDb for given number of iterations against a specific session. """ function runSlamInDbOnSession( caesarConfig::CaesarConfig, cloudGraph::CloudGraph, userId::String, robotId::String, sessionId::String, iterations::Int64, isRecursiveSolver::Bool, solverStatus::SolverStatus, iterationCompleteCallback)::Nothing # N = caesarConfig.numParticles # TODO: Constants to refactor drawbayestree = false # Update the status parameters solverStatus.isAttached = true solverStatus.attachedSessionTimestamp = string(unix2datetime(time())) solverStatus.userId = userId solverStatus.robotId = robotId solverStatus.sessionId = sessionId solverStatus.result = "IN PROGRESS" itercount = 0 while ((iterations > 0 || iterations == -1) && solverStatus.isAttached) iterationStats = IterationStatistics() try iterations = iterations == -1 ? iterations : iterations-1 # stop at 0 or continue indefinitely if -1 startns = time_ns() solverStatus.iteration = itercount println("===================CONVERT===================") solverStatus.currentStep = "Prep_Convert" fg = initfg(sessionname=sessionId, robotname=robotId, username=userId, cloudgraph=cloudGraph) updatenewverts!(fg, N=N) println() println("=============ENSURE INITIALIZED==============") solverStatus.currentStep = "Prep_EnsureInitialized" ensureAllInitialized!(fg) println() println("================MULTI-SESSION================") solverStatus.currentStep = "Prep_MultiSession" rmInstMultisessionPriors!(cloudGraph, session=sessionId, robot=robotId, user=userId, multisessions=caesarConfig.multiSession) println() println("====================SOLVE====================") solverStatus.currentStep = "Init_Solve" fg = initfg(sessionname=sessionId, robotname=robotId, username=userId, cloudgraph=cloudGraph) setBackendWorkingSet!(cloudGraph.neo4j.connection, sessionId, robotId, userId) println("Get local copy of graph") solverStatus.currentStep = "Init_LocalGraphCopy" if fullLocalGraphCopy!(fg) iterationStats.numNodes = length(fg.IDs) + length(fg.fIDs) #Variables and factors # (savejlds && itercount == 0) ? slamindbsavejld(fg, sessionId, itercount) : nothing itercount += 1 println("-------------Ensure Initialization-----------") solverStatus.currentStep = "Solve_EnsureInitialized" ensureAllInitialized!(fg) println("------------Bayes (Junction) Tree------------") solverStatus.currentStep = "Solve_BuildBayesTree" tree = wipeBuildNewTree!(fg,drawpdf=drawbayestree) solverStatus.currentStep = "Solve_InferOverTree" if !isRecursiveSolver inferOverTree!(fg, tree, N=N) else inferOverTreeR!(fg, tree, N=N) end else sleep(0.2) end # Notify iteration update. solverStatus.lastIterationDurationSeconds = (time_ns() - startns) / 1e9 solverStatus.currentStep = "Idle" iterationStats.result = "GOOD" solverStatus.result = "GOOD" catch ex io = IOBuffer() showerror(io, ex, catch_backtrace()) err = String(take!(io)) msg = "ERROR\r\n$err" iterationStats.result = msg solverStatus.result = msg finally iterationStats.endTimestamp = iterationCompleteCallback(iterationStats) end end solverStatus.isAttached = false solverStatus.detachedSessionTimestamp = string(unix2datetime(time())) solverStatus.userId = "" solverStatus.robotId = "" solverStatus.sessionId = "" return nothing end """ $(SIGNATURES) Low-level call to iterate the SlamInDb solver for given number of iterations against a specific session and keyword parameters. """ function runDbSolver(cloudGraph::CloudGraphs.CloudGraph, robotId::A, sessionId::A, userId::A; N::Int=100, loopctrl::Vector{Bool}=Bool[true], iterations::Int=-1, multisession::Vector{A}=Sting[""], savejlds::Bool=false, recursivesolver::Bool=false, drawbayestree::Bool=false ) where {A <: AbstractString} itercount = 0 while loopctrl[1] && (iterations > 0 || iterations == -1) # loopctrl for future use iterations = iterations == -1 ? iterations : iterations-1 # stop at 0 or continue indefinitely if -1 println("===================CONVERT===================") fgl = initfg(sessionname=sessionId, robotname=robotId, username=userId, cloudgraph=cloudGraph) updatenewverts!(fgl, N=N) println() println("=============ENSURE INITIALIZED==============") ensureAllInitialized!(fgl) println() println("================MULTI-SESSION================") rmInstMultisessionPriors!(cloudGraph, session=sessionId, robot=robotId, user=userId, multisessions=multisession) println() println("====================SOLVE====================") fgl = initfg(sessionname=sessionId, robotname=robotId, username=userId, cloudgraph=cloudGraph) setBackendWorkingSet!(cloudGraph.neo4j.connection, sessionId, robotId, userId) println("get local copy of graph") if fullLocalGraphCopy!(fgl) (savejlds && itercount == 0) ? slamindbsavejld(fgl, sessionName, itercount) : nothing itercount += 1 println("-------------Ensure Initialization-----------") ensureAllInitialized!(fgl) println("------------Bayes (Junction) Tree------------") tree = wipeBuildNewTree!(fgl,drawpdf=drawbayestree) if !recursivesolver inferOverTree!(fgl, tree, N=N) else inferOverTreeR!(fgl, tree, N=N) end savejlds ? slamindbsavejld(fgl, sessionName, itercount) : nothing else sleep(0.2) end end end """ Manually call the SLAMinDB solver to perform inference on a specified session given the keyword parameter settings. """ function slamindb(;addrdict=nothing, N::Int=-1, loopctrl::Vector{Bool}=Bool[true], iterations::Int=-1, multisession::Bool=false, savejlds::Bool=false, recursivesolver::Bool=false, drawbayestree::Bool=false ) nparticles = false if N > 0 addrdict["num particles"] = string(N) else nparticles = true end cloudGraph, addrdict = standardcloudgraphsetup(addrdict=addrdict, nparticles=nparticles, multisession=multisession) N = parse(Int, addrdict["num particles"]) session = addrdict["session"] robot = addrdict["robot"] user = addrdict["user"] if !haskey(addrdict, "multisession") addrdict["multisession"]=String[] end runDbSolver(cloudGraph, addrdict["robotId"], session, N=N, loopctrl=loopctrl, iterations=iterations, multisession=addrdict["multisession"], savejlds=savejlds, recursivesolver=recursivesolver, drawbayestree=drawbayestree) nothing end function convertdb(;addrdict=nothing, N::Int=-1 ) # nparticles = false if N > 0 addrdict["num particles"] = string(N) else nparticles = true end cloudGraph, addrdict = standardcloudgraphsetup(addrdict=addrdict, nparticles=nparticles) N = parse(Int, addrdict["num particles"]) fg = initfg(sessionname=addrdict["session"], cloudgraph=cloudGraph) updatenewverts!(fg, N=N) end function resetconvertdb(;addrdict=nothing) cloudGraph, addrdict = standardcloudgraphsetup(addrdict=addrdict) println("Clearing slamindb data, leaving front-end data, session: $(addrdict["session"])") resetentireremotesession(cloudGraph.neo4j.connection, addrdict["session"]) end #
[ 2, 12419, 2390, 259, 11012, 2139, 5499, 198, 3500, 44712, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 66, 445, 14817, 7, 26, 77, 3911, 2983, 28, 7942, 11, 3197, 18053, 28, 7942, 11, 1963, 271, 2521, 28, 9562, 11, 3197, 276, 3212, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 6279, 37065, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 796, 3210, 17721, 34960, 40406, 7, 77, 3911, 2983, 28, 77, 3911, 2983, 11, 3197, 18053, 28, 19334, 18053, 11, 3197, 276, 3212, 28, 19334, 276, 3212, 11, 1963, 271, 2521, 28, 16680, 271, 2521, 8, 198, 220, 1441, 751, 4372, 713, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 21158, 521, 1443, 1015, 73, 335, 7, 69, 4743, 3712, 38, 11, 6246, 3712, 23839, 10100, 11, 340, 2798, 608, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 402, 1279, 25, 27741, 8068, 38, 198, 220, 288, 83, 796, 7308, 13, 35, 689, 13, 2197, 3419, 198, 220, 29472, 73, 335, 796, 17971, 7, 29891, 8, 62, 3, 7, 35, 689, 13, 18982, 7, 28664, 11, 366, 67, 646, 22556, 12, 16768, 25, 12038, 25, 5432, 48774, 62, 82, 2543, 521, 65, 62, 3, 7, 2676, 9127, 737, 73, 335, 1, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 23031, 16928, 277, 70, 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4731, 7, 45, 8, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 3911, 2983, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 6279, 37065, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 796, 3210, 17721, 34960, 40406, 7, 2860, 4372, 713, 28, 2860, 4372, 713, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 3911, 2983, 28, 77, 3911, 2983, 11, 1963, 271, 2521, 28, 16680, 271, 2521, 8, 628, 220, 399, 796, 21136, 7, 5317, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 22510, 13166, 8973, 8, 198, 220, 6246, 796, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 29891, 8973, 198, 220, 9379, 796, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 305, 13645, 8973, 198, 220, 2836, 796, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 7220, 8973, 628, 220, 611, 5145, 10134, 2539, 7, 2860, 4372, 713, 11, 366, 16680, 271, 2521, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 16680, 271, 2521, 8973, 28, 10100, 21737, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1057, 43832, 50, 14375, 7, 17721, 37065, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 305, 13645, 7390, 33116, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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220, 1267, 198, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 299, 3911, 2983, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 611, 399, 1875, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 22510, 13166, 8973, 796, 4731, 7, 45, 8, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 3911, 2983, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 6279, 37065, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 796, 3210, 17721, 34960, 40406, 7, 2860, 4372, 713, 28, 2860, 4372, 713, 11, 299, 3911, 2983, 28, 77, 3911, 2983, 8, 198, 220, 399, 796, 21136, 7, 5317, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 22510, 13166, 8973, 8, 198, 220, 277, 70, 796, 2315, 40616, 7, 29891, 3672, 28, 2860, 4372, 713, 14692, 29891, 33116, 6279, 34960, 28, 17721, 37065, 8, 198, 220, 2325, 36686, 413, 24040, 0, 7, 40616, 11, 399, 28, 45, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13259, 1102, 1851, 9945, 7, 26, 2860, 4372, 713, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 220, 6279, 37065, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 796, 3210, 17721, 34960, 40406, 7, 2860, 4372, 713, 28, 2860, 4372, 713, 8, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 34349, 1723, 21158, 521, 65, 1366, 11, 4305, 2166, 12, 437, 1366, 11, 6246, 25, 29568, 2860, 4372, 713, 14692, 29891, 8973, 8, 4943, 198, 220, 13259, 298, 557, 2787, 6421, 2521, 7, 17721, 37065, 13, 710, 78, 19, 73, 13, 38659, 11, 751, 4372, 713, 14692, 29891, 8973, 8, 198, 437, 628, 628, 628, 628, 628, 628, 628, 628, 628, 628, 198, 2, 198 ]
include("BinDeps.jl") using .BinDeps @static if Base.VERSION < v"1.3-" || (Sys.iswindows() && Sys.WORD_SIZE == 32) @BinDeps.setup() using Libdl function validate_libz_version(name, handle) f = Libdl.dlsym_e(handle, "zlibVersion") f == C_NULL && return false ver = VersionNumber(unsafe_string(ccall(f, Cstring, ()))) println("Version Libz is: $ver") # Version 1.2.8 or above return ver >= v"1.2.8" end function validate_openssl_version(name, handle) f = Libdl.dlsym_e(handle, "OpenSSL_version_num") f == C_NULL && return false v = ccall(f, Culong, ()) println("Version OpenSSL is: $(string(v, base=16))") # Version 1.1.0 or above return v >= 0x1010000f end libz = library_dependency("libz", aliases=["libz", "libzlib", "zlib1"], validate=validate_libz_version) libcrypto = library_dependency("libcrypto", aliases=["libcrypto", "libcrypto-1_1-x64", "libcrypto-1_1"], validate=validate_openssl_version) prefix = joinpath(@__DIR__, "usr") if !Sys.iswindows() provides(Sources, URI(""), libz, unpacked_dir="zlib-1.2.11") provides(SimpleBuild, (@build_steps begin GetSources(libz) @build_steps begin ChangeDirectory(joinpath(BinDeps.depsdir(libz), "src", "zlib-1.2.11")) `./configure --prefix=$prefix` `make` `make install` end end), libz, os = :Unix) osslver = "1_1_0k" osslfn = "OpenSSL_$(osslver)" ossldir = "openssl-$(osslfn)" osslpkg = "$(osslfn).tar.gz" provides(Sources, URI("$(osslpkg)"), libcrypto, unpacked_dir="$(ossldir)") provides(SimpleBuild, (@build_steps begin GetSources(libcrypto) @build_steps begin ChangeDirectory(joinpath(BinDeps.depsdir(libcrypto), "src", "$(ossldir)")) `./config --prefix=$prefix` `make depend` `make install` end end), libcrypto, os = :Unix) else zlib_bn = "zlib-1.2.11-win$(Sys.WORD_SIZE)-mingw" zlib_fn = "$(zlib_bn).zip" zlib_uri = "$(zlib_fn)" provides(Binaries, URI(zlib_uri), libz, filename="$(zlib_fn)", unpacked_dir="$(zlib_bn)") openssl_bn = "openssl-1.1.0i-win$(Sys.WORD_SIZE)-mingw" openssl_fn = "$(openssl_bn).zip" openssl_uri = "$(openssl_fn)" provides(Binaries, URI(openssl_uri), libcrypto, filename="$(openssl_fn)", unpacked_dir="$(openssl_bn)") end @BinDeps.install Dict([:libz => :libz, :libcrypto => :libcrypto]) end
[ 17256, 7203, 33, 259, 12156, 82, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 3500, 764, 33, 259, 12156, 82, 198, 198, 31, 12708, 611, 7308, 13, 43717, 1279, 410, 1, 16, 13, 18, 21215, 8614, 357, 44387, 13, 271, 28457, 3419, 11405, 311, 893, 13, 54, 12532, 62, 33489, 6624, 3933, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 33, 259, 12156, 82, 13, 40406, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 7980, 25404, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 26571, 62, 8019, 89, 62, 9641, 7, 3672, 11, 5412, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 7980, 25404, 13, 25404, 37047, 62, 68, 7, 28144, 11, 366, 89, 8019, 14815, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 6624, 327, 62, 33991, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3326, 796, 10628, 15057, 7, 13271, 8635, 62, 8841, 7, 535, 439, 7, 69, 11, 327, 8841, 11, 32865, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 14815, 7980, 89, 318, 25, 720, 332, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 10628, 352, 13, 17, 13, 23, 393, 2029, 198, 220, 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7, 44813, 6649, 62, 9374, 8, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 33, 259, 12156, 82, 13, 17350, 360, 713, 26933, 25, 8019, 89, 5218, 1058, 8019, 89, 11, 1058, 8019, 29609, 78, 5218, 1058, 8019, 29609, 78, 12962, 198, 437, 198 ]
function feedforward!(net::Network,input::Vector{Float64})::Vector{Float64} net.layers[1] = input # a^(l+1) = σ(w^l*a^l + b^1) for i=1:(length(net.layers)-1) net.z[i] = net.weights[i]*net.neurons[i] + net.biases[i] net.neurons[i+1] = net.z[i].net.act() end return net.neurons[end] end
[ 8818, 3745, 11813, 0, 7, 3262, 3712, 26245, 11, 15414, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 2599, 25, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2010, 13, 75, 6962, 58, 16, 60, 796, 5128, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 257, 61, 7, 75, 10, 16, 8, 796, 18074, 225, 7, 86, 61, 75, 9, 64, 61, 75, 1343, 275, 61, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 37498, 13664, 7, 3262, 13, 75, 6962, 13219, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2010, 13, 89, 58, 72, 60, 796, 2010, 13, 43775, 58, 72, 60, 9, 3262, 13, 710, 333, 684, 58, 72, 60, 1343, 2010, 13, 8482, 1386, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2010, 13, 710, 333, 684, 58, 72, 10, 16, 60, 796, 2010, 13, 89, 58, 72, 4083, 3262, 13, 529, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2010, 13, 710, 333, 684, 58, 437, 60, 198, 437, 198 ]
#========================================================================================# """ QuBits Module QuBits: My Very Own Quantum Computer Author: <NAME>, 03/05/22 """ module QuBits # Externally available names: export Tensor, ⊗, kron, ⊚, kpow, isclose, ishermitian, isunitary export State, qubit, ampl, phase, prob, maxprob, nbits # Imports: import Base:kron using LinearAlgebra #========================================================================================# # Tensor definitions: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Tensor Tensor is a synonym for AbstractArray. """ Tensor = AbstractArray #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Kronecker product ⊗ Define ⊗ as an infix operator for the Kronecker product of two Tensors """ ⊗ = kron #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tensor methods: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ kpow( t::Tensor, n::Int) Kronecker the Tensor t n times with itself. """ function kpow( t::Tensor, n::Int) if n==0 # Base case: return 1.0 end # Build Kronecker product: tn = t for _ in 1:(n-1) tn = tn ⊗ t end tn end # Use circled ring as operator for kpow: ⊚ = kpow #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ isclose( t::Tensor, u::Tensor, atol::Float64=1e-6) Check whether all elements of the Tensor t are close to those of the Tensor u. """ function isclose( t, u, atol::Float64=1e-6) all(abs.(t.-u) .< atol) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ ishermitian( t::Tensor) Check whether the Tensor t is hermitian. """ function ishermitian( t::Tensor) sz = size(t) if length(sz) != 2 || sz[1] != sz[2] return false end isclose(t,t') end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ isunitary( t::Tensor) Check whether the Tensor t is unitary. """ function isunitary( t::Tensor) sz = size(t) if length(sz) != 2 || sz[1] != sz[2] return false end isclose(t*t',Matrix(I,size(t))) end #========================================================================================# # State definitions: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ State A State is a collection of one or more qubits: a wrapper for Vector{Complex}. """ struct State <: AbstractVector{Complex} amp::Vector{Complex} # The State amplitudes function State(amp::Vector) if isclose(amp,0.0) error("State vectors must be non-zero") end new(amp/norm(amp)) end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Delegated methods: Base.length(s::State) = length(s.amp) Base.size(s::State) = size(s.amp) Base.setindex(s::State,i) = setindex(s.amp,i) Base.getindex(s::State,i) = getindex(s.amp,i) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ kron( s1::State, s2::State) Return Kronecker product of two States. """ function kron( s1::State, s2::State) State(kron(s1.amp,s2.amp)) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ ampl( s::State, bits::BitVector) Return amplitude for qubit indexed by bits. """ function ampl( s::State, bits::BitVector) s.amp[1+bits2dec(bits)] # Add 1 to index because bits counts from 0 end ampl( s::State, bits...) = ampl(s,BitVector(bits)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ phase( s::State, bits::BitVector) Return phase of the amplitude of the qubit indexed by bits. """ function phase( s::State, bits::BitVector) angle(ampl(s,bits)) end phase( s::State, bits...) = phase(s,BitVector(bits)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ prob( s::State, bits::BitVector) Return probability for qubit indexed by bits. """ function prob( s::State, bits::BitVector) amp = ampl(s,bits) # Retrieve own amplitude real(amp'*amp) # Calculate its squared norm end prob( s::State, bits...) = prob(s,BitVector(bits)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ normalise( s::State) Normalise the state s (but throw an error if it's a zero state). """ function normalise(s::State) nrm = norm(s) if isclose(nrm,0.0) error("Attempting to normaise zero-probability state.") end s /= nrm end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ qubit( alpha::Complex, beta::Complex) Create a single qubit State from the given amplitudes. """ function qubit( alpha::Number, beta=nothing) if beta===nothing beta = sqrt(1.0 - alpha'*alpha) end #= if !isclose( alpha'*alpha+beta'*beta, 1.0) error("Qubit probabilities do not add up to 1.") end=# State([alpha,beta]) end function qubit(; alpha=nothing, beta=nothing) if alpha === beta === nothing # Neither amplitude is given: error("alpha, beta or both are required.") end if alpha === nothing # alpha not given: alpha = sqrt(1.0 - beta'*beta) end qubit(alpha,beta) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ nbits( stt::State) Return number of qubits in this state. """ function nbits( s::State) Int(log2(length(s))) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ maxprob( stt::State) Return tuple (bitindex,prob) of highest probability qubit in this State. """ function maxprob( s::State) mxbindex, mxprob = BitVector([]), 0.0 for bindex in bitprod(nbits(s)) thisprob = prob(s,bindex) if thisprob > mxprob mxbindex, mxprob = bindex, thisprob end end (mxbindex, mxprob) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ s::State) Display the given State. """ function io::IO, s::State) print( io, "State{", nbits(s), "}[") for i in 1:length(s)-1 print( round(s[i],digits=4), ", ") end print( io, round(s[end],digits=4), "]") end #========================================================================================# # Helper methods: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ bits2dec( bits::BitVector) Compute decimal representation of a BitVector. """ function bits2dec( bits::BitVector) s = 0; v = 1 for i in view(bits,length(bits):-1:1) s += v*i v <<= 1 end s end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ dec2bits( dec::Int, nbits::Int) Compute a hi2lo nbit binary representation of a decimal value. """ function dec2bits( dec::Int, nbits::Int) BitVector(reverse( digits(dec, base=2, pad=nbits))) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ bitprod( nbits::Int) Construct in numerical order a list of all binary numbers containing nbits. """ function bitprod( nbits::Int) [dec2bits(i,nbits) for i in 0:2^nbits-1] end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function demo() p1 = qubit(alpha=rand()) x1 = qubit(beta=rand()) psi = p1 ⊗ x1 println( isclose( psi'*psi, 1.0)) println( isclose( p1'*p1*x1'*x1, 1.0)) println( ampl(psi,1,0)) println( prob(psi,1,0)) end end # ... of module QuBits
[ 2, 23926, 4770, 2559, 2, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 4507, 33, 896, 198, 198, 26796, 2264, 33, 896, 25, 2011, 9576, 11744, 29082, 13851, 198, 198, 13838, 25, 1279, 20608, 22330, 7643, 14, 2713, 14, 1828, 198, 37811, 198, 21412, 2264, 33, 896, 198, 198, 2, 1475, 30262, 1695, 3891, 25, 198, 39344, 309, 22854, 11, 2343, 232, 245, 11, 479, 1313, 11, 2343, 232, 248, 11, 479, 79, 322, 11, 318, 19836, 11, 318, 372, 2781, 666, 11, 318, 403, 9331, 198, 39344, 1812, 11, 627, 2545, 11, 12306, 11, 7108, 11, 1861, 11, 3509, 1676, 65, 11, 299, 9895, 198, 198, 2, 1846, 3742, 25, 198, 11748, 7308, 25, 74, 1313, 198, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 198, 2, 23926, 4770, 2559, 2, 198, 2, 309, 22854, 17336, 25, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 51, 22854, 198, 198, 51, 22854, 318, 257, 6171, 5177, 329, 27741, 19182, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 51, 22854, 796, 27741, 19182, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 42, 33171, 15280, 1720, 2343, 232, 245, 198, 198, 7469, 500, 2343, 232, 245, 355, 281, 1167, 844, 10088, 329, 262, 13685, 505, 15280, 1720, 286, 734, 40280, 669, 198, 37811, 198, 158, 232, 245, 796, 479, 1313, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 2, 309, 22854, 5050, 25, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 74, 79, 322, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 11, 299, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 198, 42, 33171, 15280, 262, 309, 22854, 256, 299, 1661, 351, 2346, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 479, 79, 322, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 11, 299, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 197, 361, 299, 855, 15, 198, 197, 197, 2, 7308, 1339, 25, 198, 197, 197, 7783, 352, 13, 15, 198, 197, 437, 198, 197, 198, 197, 2, 10934, 13685, 505, 15280, 1720, 25, 198, 197, 34106, 796, 256, 198, 197, 1640, 4808, 287, 352, 37498, 77, 12, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 34106, 796, 256, 77, 2343, 232, 245, 256, 198, 197, 437, 198, 197, 34106, 198, 437, 198, 2, 5765, 48149, 5858, 355, 10088, 329, 479, 79, 322, 25, 198, 158, 232, 248, 796, 479, 79, 322, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 271, 19836, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 11, 334, 3712, 51, 22854, 11, 379, 349, 3712, 43879, 2414, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 8, 198, 198, 9787, 1771, 477, 4847, 286, 262, 309, 22854, 256, 389, 1969, 284, 883, 286, 262, 309, 22854, 334, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 318, 19836, 7, 256, 11, 334, 11, 379, 349, 3712, 43879, 2414, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 8, 198, 197, 439, 7, 8937, 12195, 83, 7874, 84, 8, 764, 27, 379, 349, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 4828, 2781, 666, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 8, 198, 198, 9787, 1771, 262, 309, 22854, 256, 318, 607, 2781, 666, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 318, 372, 2781, 666, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 8, 198, 197, 82, 89, 796, 2546, 7, 83, 8, 198, 197, 361, 4129, 7, 82, 89, 8, 14512, 362, 8614, 264, 89, 58, 16, 60, 14512, 264, 89, 58, 17, 60, 198, 197, 197, 7783, 3991, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 271, 19836, 7, 83, 11, 83, 11537, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 271, 403, 9331, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 8, 198, 198, 9787, 1771, 262, 309, 22854, 256, 318, 4326, 560, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 318, 403, 9331, 7, 256, 3712, 51, 22854, 8, 198, 197, 82, 89, 796, 2546, 7, 83, 8, 198, 197, 361, 4129, 7, 82, 89, 8, 14512, 362, 8614, 264, 89, 58, 16, 60, 14512, 264, 89, 58, 17, 60, 198, 197, 197, 7783, 3991, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 271, 19836, 7, 83, 9, 83, 3256, 46912, 7, 40, 11, 7857, 7, 83, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 23926, 4770, 2559, 2, 198, 2, 1812, 17336, 25, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 9012, 198, 198, 32, 1812, 318, 257, 4947, 286, 530, 393, 517, 627, 9895, 25, 257, 29908, 329, 20650, 90, 5377, 11141, 27422, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 1812, 1279, 25, 27741, 38469, 90, 5377, 11141, 92, 198, 197, 696, 3712, 38469, 90, 5377, 11141, 92, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 2, 383, 1812, 12306, 10455, 628, 197, 8818, 1812, 7, 696, 3712, 38469, 8, 198, 197, 197, 361, 318, 19836, 7, 696, 11, 15, 13, 15, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 18224, 7203, 9012, 30104, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 22570, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 437, 198, 197, 197, 3605, 7, 696, 14, 27237, 7, 696, 4008, 198, 197, 437, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 2, 1024, 1455, 515, 5050, 25, 198, 14881, 13, 13664, 7, 82, 3712, 9012, 8, 796, 4129, 7, 82, 13, 696, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 7857, 7, 82, 3712, 9012, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 82, 13, 696, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 2617, 9630, 7, 82, 3712, 9012, 11, 72, 8, 796, 900, 9630, 7, 82, 13, 696, 11, 72, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 82, 3712, 9012, 11, 72, 8, 796, 651, 9630, 7, 82, 13, 696, 11, 72, 8, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 74, 1313, 7, 264, 16, 3712, 9012, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 13685, 505, 15280, 1720, 286, 734, 1829, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 479, 1313, 7, 264, 16, 3712, 9012, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 197, 9012, 7, 74, 1313, 7, 82, 16, 13, 696, 11, 82, 17, 13, 696, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 321, 489, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 37188, 329, 627, 2545, 41497, 416, 10340, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 12306, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 197, 82, 13, 696, 58, 16, 10, 9895, 17, 12501, 7, 9895, 15437, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 2, 3060, 352, 284, 6376, 780, 10340, 9853, 422, 657, 198, 437, 198, 198, 321, 489, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 23029, 796, 12306, 7, 82, 11, 13128, 38469, 7, 9895, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 40715, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 7108, 286, 262, 37188, 286, 262, 627, 2545, 41497, 416, 10340, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 7108, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 197, 9248, 7, 321, 489, 7, 82, 11, 9895, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 40715, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 23029, 796, 7108, 7, 82, 11, 13128, 38469, 7, 9895, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 1676, 65, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 12867, 329, 627, 2545, 41497, 416, 10340, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1861, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 197, 696, 796, 12306, 7, 82, 11, 9895, 8, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 2, 4990, 30227, 898, 37188, 198, 197, 5305, 7, 696, 6, 9, 696, 8, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 2, 27131, 378, 663, 44345, 2593, 198, 437, 198, 198, 1676, 65, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 11, 10340, 23029, 796, 1861, 7, 82, 11, 13128, 38469, 7, 9895, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 11265, 786, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 198, 26447, 786, 262, 1181, 264, 357, 4360, 3714, 281, 4049, 611, 340, 338, 257, 6632, 1181, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3487, 786, 7, 82, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 197, 77, 26224, 796, 2593, 7, 82, 8, 198, 197, 361, 318, 19836, 7, 77, 26224, 11, 15, 13, 15, 8, 198, 197, 197, 18224, 7203, 37177, 278, 284, 2593, 64, 786, 6632, 12, 1676, 65, 1799, 1181, 19570, 198, 197, 437, 198, 197, 82, 1220, 28, 299, 26224, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 421, 2545, 7, 17130, 3712, 5377, 11141, 11, 12159, 3712, 5377, 11141, 8, 198, 198, 16447, 257, 2060, 627, 2545, 1812, 422, 262, 1813, 12306, 10455, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 627, 2545, 7, 17130, 3712, 15057, 11, 12159, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 197, 361, 12159, 18604, 22366, 198, 197, 197, 31361, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 16, 13, 15, 532, 17130, 6, 9, 26591, 8, 198, 197, 437, 198, 198, 2, 28, 197, 361, 5145, 271, 19836, 7, 17130, 6, 9, 26591, 10, 31361, 6, 9, 31361, 11, 352, 13, 15, 8, 198, 197, 197, 18224, 7203, 48, 549, 270, 39522, 466, 407, 751, 510, 284, 352, 19570, 198, 197, 437, 46249, 628, 197, 9012, 26933, 26591, 11, 31361, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 627, 2545, 7, 26, 17130, 28, 22366, 11, 12159, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 197, 361, 17130, 24844, 12159, 24844, 2147, 198, 197, 197, 2, 16126, 37188, 318, 1813, 25, 198, 197, 197, 18224, 7203, 26591, 11, 12159, 393, 1111, 389, 2672, 19570, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 361, 17130, 24844, 2147, 198, 197, 197, 2, 17130, 407, 1813, 25, 198, 197, 197, 26591, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 16, 13, 15, 532, 12159, 6, 9, 31361, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 421, 2545, 7, 26591, 11, 31361, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 77, 9895, 7, 336, 83, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 1271, 286, 627, 9895, 287, 428, 1181, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 299, 9895, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 197, 5317, 7, 6404, 17, 7, 13664, 7, 82, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 9806, 1676, 65, 7, 336, 83, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 46545, 357, 2545, 9630, 11, 1676, 65, 8, 286, 4511, 12867, 627, 2545, 287, 428, 1812, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3509, 1676, 65, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 197, 76, 30894, 9630, 11, 285, 87, 1676, 65, 796, 4722, 38469, 7, 21737, 828, 657, 13, 15, 198, 197, 1640, 275, 9630, 287, 1643, 1676, 67, 7, 77, 9895, 7, 82, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 5661, 1676, 65, 796, 1861, 7, 82, 11, 65, 9630, 8, 198, 197, 197, 361, 428, 1676, 65, 1875, 285, 87, 1676, 65, 198, 197, 197, 197, 76, 30894, 9630, 11, 285, 87, 1676, 65, 796, 275, 9630, 11, 428, 1676, 65, 198, 197, 197, 437, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 7, 76, 30894, 9630, 11, 285, 87, 1676, 65, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 14881, 13, 12860, 7, 264, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 198, 23114, 262, 1813, 1812, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 33245, 3712, 9399, 11, 264, 3712, 9012, 8, 198, 197, 4798, 7, 33245, 11, 366, 9012, 90, 1600, 299, 9895, 7, 82, 828, 366, 92, 58, 4943, 198, 197, 1640, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 82, 13219, 16, 198, 197, 197, 4798, 7, 2835, 7, 82, 58, 72, 4357, 12894, 896, 28, 19, 828, 33172, 366, 8, 198, 197, 437, 198, 197, 4798, 7, 33245, 11, 2835, 7, 82, 58, 437, 4357, 12894, 896, 28, 19, 828, 366, 60, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 23926, 4770, 2559, 2, 198, 2, 5053, 525, 5050, 25, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 9895, 17, 12501, 7, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 198, 7293, 1133, 32465, 10552, 286, 257, 4722, 38469, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 10340, 17, 12501, 7, 10340, 3712, 13128, 38469, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 657, 26, 410, 796, 352, 198, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 1570, 7, 9895, 11, 13664, 7, 9895, 2599, 12, 16, 25, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 15853, 410, 9, 72, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 410, 9959, 28, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 12501, 17, 9895, 7, 875, 3712, 5317, 11, 299, 9895, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 198, 7293, 1133, 257, 23105, 17, 5439, 299, 2545, 13934, 10552, 286, 257, 32465, 1988, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 875, 17, 9895, 7, 875, 3712, 5317, 11, 299, 9895, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4722, 38469, 7, 50188, 7, 19561, 7, 12501, 11, 2779, 28, 17, 11, 14841, 28, 77, 9895, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 37811, 198, 197, 2545, 1676, 67, 7, 299, 9895, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 198, 42316, 287, 29052, 1502, 257, 1351, 286, 477, 13934, 3146, 7268, 299, 9895, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1643, 1676, 67, 7, 299, 9895, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 12501, 17, 9895, 7, 72, 11, 77, 9895, 8, 329, 1312, 287, 657, 25, 17, 61, 77, 9895, 12, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10097, 22369, 12, 198, 8818, 13605, 3419, 198, 197, 79, 16, 796, 627, 2545, 7, 26591, 28, 25192, 28955, 198, 197, 87, 16, 796, 627, 2545, 7, 31361, 28, 25192, 28955, 198, 197, 862, 72, 796, 279, 16, 2343, 232, 245, 2124, 16, 628, 197, 35235, 7, 318, 19836, 7, 46231, 6, 9, 862, 72, 11, 352, 13, 15, 4008, 198, 197, 35235, 7, 318, 19836, 7, 279, 16, 6, 9, 79, 16, 9, 87, 16, 6, 9, 87, 16, 11, 352, 13, 15, 4008, 198, 197, 35235, 7, 12306, 7, 862, 72, 11, 16, 11, 15, 4008, 198, 197, 35235, 7, 1861, 7, 862, 72, 11, 16, 11, 15, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 197, 197, 2, 2644, 286, 8265, 2264, 33, 896 ]
<filename>src/univariate/continuous/lognormal.jl<gh_stars>0 doc""" LogNormal(μ,σ) The *log normal distribution* is the distribution of the exponential of a [`Normal`](:func:`Normal`) variate: if $X \sim \operatorname{Normal}(\mu, \sigma)$ then $\exp(X) \sim \operatorname{LogNormal}(\mu,\sigma)$. The probability density function is $f(x; \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{x \sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp \left( - \frac{(\log(x) - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right), \quad x > 0$ ```julia LogNormal() # Log-normal distribution with zero log-mean and unit scale LogNormal(mu) # Log-normal distribution with log-mean mu and unit scale LogNormal(mu, sig) # Log-normal distribution with log-mean mu and scale sig params(d) # Get the parameters, i.e. (mu, sig) meanlogx(d) # Get the mean of log(X), i.e. mu varlogx(d) # Get the variance of log(X), i.e. sig^2 stdlogx(d) # Get the standard deviation of log(X), i.e. sig ``` External links * [Log normal distribution on Wikipedia]( """ immutable LogNormal <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution μ::Float64 σ::Float64 LogNormal(μ::Real, σ::Real) = (@check_args(LogNormal, σ > zero(σ)); new(μ, σ)) LogNormal(μ::Real) = new(μ, 1.0) LogNormal() = new(0.0, 1.0) end @distr_support LogNormal 0.0 Inf #### Parameters params(d::LogNormal) = (d.μ, d.σ) #### Statistics meanlogx(d::LogNormal) = d.μ varlogx(d::LogNormal) = abs2(d.σ) stdlogx(d::LogNormal) = d.σ mean(d::LogNormal) = ((μ, σ) = params(d); exp(μ + 0.5 * σ^2)) median(d::LogNormal) = exp(d.μ) mode(d::LogNormal) = ((μ, σ) = params(d); exp(μ - σ^2)) function var(d::LogNormal) (μ, σ) = params(d) σ2 = σ^2 (exp(σ2) - 1.0) * exp(2.0 * μ + σ2) end function skewness(d::LogNormal) σ2 = varlogx(d) e = exp(σ2) (e + 2.0) * sqrt(e - 1.0) end function kurtosis(d::LogNormal) σ2 = varlogx(d) e = exp(σ2) e2 = e * e e3 = e2 * e e4 = e3 * e e4 + 2.0 * e3 + 3.0 * e2 - 6.0 end function entropy(d::LogNormal) (μ, σ) = params(d) 0.5 * (1.0 + log(twoπ * σ^2)) + μ end #### Evalution pdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) = normpdf(d.μ, d.σ, log(x)) / x function logpdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) if !insupport(d, x) return -Inf else lx = log(x) return normlogpdf(d.μ, d.σ, lx) - lx end end cdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) = x > 0.0 ? normcdf(d.μ, d.σ, log(x)) : 0.0 ccdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) = x > 0.0 ? normccdf(d.μ, d.σ, log(x)) : 1.0 logcdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) = x > 0.0 ? normlogcdf(d.μ, d.σ, log(x)) : -Inf logccdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) = x > 0.0 ? normlogccdf(d.μ, d.σ, log(x)) : 0.0 quantile(d::LogNormal, q::Float64) = exp(norminvcdf(d.μ, d.σ, q)) cquantile(d::LogNormal, q::Float64) = exp(norminvccdf(d.μ, d.σ, q)) invlogcdf(d::LogNormal, lq::Float64) = exp(norminvlogcdf(d.μ, d.σ, lq)) invlogccdf(d::LogNormal, lq::Float64) = exp(norminvlogccdf(d.μ, d.σ, lq)) function gradlogpdf(d::LogNormal, x::Float64) (μ, σ) = params(d) x > 0.0 ? - ((log(x) - μ) / (σ^2) + 1.0) / x : 0.0 end # mgf(d::LogNormal) # cf(d::LogNormal) #### Sampling rand(d::LogNormal) = exp(randn() * d.σ + d.μ) ## Fitting function fit_mle{T <: Real}(::Type{LogNormal}, x::AbstractArray{T}) lx = log(x) μ, σ = mean_and_std(lx) LogNormal(μ, σ) end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 403, 42524, 14, 18487, 5623, 14, 75, 2360, 6636, 13, 20362, 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 15390, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5972, 26447, 7, 34703, 11, 38392, 8, 198, 198, 464, 1635, 6404, 3487, 6082, 9, 318, 262, 6082, 286, 262, 39682, 286, 257, 685, 63, 26447, 63, 16151, 25, 20786, 25, 63, 26447, 63, 8, 5553, 378, 25, 611, 720, 55, 3467, 14323, 3467, 3575, 265, 1211, 480, 90, 26447, 92, 38016, 30300, 11, 3467, 82, 13495, 8, 3, 788, 39280, 11201, 7, 55, 8, 3467, 14323, 3467, 3575, 265, 1211, 480, 90, 11187, 26447, 92, 38016, 30300, 11, 59, 82, 13495, 8, 35307, 383, 12867, 12109, 2163, 318, 198, 198, 3, 69, 7, 87, 26, 3467, 30300, 11, 3467, 82, 13495, 8, 796, 3467, 31944, 90, 16, 18477, 87, 3467, 31166, 17034, 90, 17, 3467, 14415, 3467, 82, 13495, 61, 17, 11709, 198, 59, 11201, 3467, 9464, 7, 532, 3467, 31944, 90, 38016, 6404, 7, 87, 8, 532, 3467, 30300, 8, 61, 17, 18477, 17, 3467, 82, 13495, 61, 17, 92, 3467, 3506, 828, 198, 59, 47003, 2124, 1875, 657, 3, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 43640, 198, 11187, 26447, 3419, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5972, 12, 11265, 6082, 351, 6632, 2604, 12, 32604, 290, 4326, 5046, 198, 11187, 26447, 7, 30300, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5972, 12, 11265, 6082, 351, 2604, 12, 32604, 38779, 290, 4326, 5046, 198, 11187, 26447, 7, 30300, 11, 43237, 8, 220, 220, 1303, 5972, 12, 11265, 6082, 351, 2604, 12, 32604, 38779, 290, 5046, 43237, 198, 198, 37266, 7, 67, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3497, 262, 10007, 11, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 357, 30300, 11, 43237, 8, 198, 32604, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3497, 262, 1612, 286, 2604, 7, 55, 828, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 38779, 198, 7785, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3497, 262, 24198, 286, 2604, 7, 55, 828, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 43237, 61, 17, 198, 19282, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3497, 262, 3210, 28833, 286, 2604, 7, 55, 828, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 43237, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 198, 41506, 6117, 198, 198, 9, 685, 11187, 3487, 6082, 319, 15312, 16151, 4023, 1378, 268, 13, 31266, 13, 2398, 14, 15466, 14, 11187, 12, 11265, 62, 17080, 3890, 8, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8608, 18187, 5972, 26447, 1279, 25, 45012, 3118, 42524, 20344, 3890, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 3712, 43879, 2414, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5972, 26447, 7, 34703, 3712, 15633, 11, 18074, 225, 3712, 15633, 8, 796, 4275, 9122, 62, 22046, 7, 11187, 26447, 11, 18074, 225, 1875, 6632, 7, 38392, 18125, 649, 7, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5972, 26447, 7, 34703, 3712, 15633, 8, 796, 649, 7, 34703, 11, 352, 13, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5972, 26447, 3419, 796, 649, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 17080, 81, 62, 11284, 5972, 26447, 657, 13, 15, 4806, 628, 198, 4242, 40117, 198, 198, 37266, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 357, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 8, 198, 198, 4242, 14370, 198, 198, 32604, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 288, 13, 34703, 198, 7785, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 2352, 17, 7, 67, 13, 38392, 8, 198, 19282, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 288, 13, 38392, 198, 198, 32604, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 14808, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 8, 796, 42287, 7, 67, 1776, 1033, 7, 34703, 1343, 657, 13, 20, 1635, 18074, 225, 61, 17, 4008, 198, 1150, 666, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 8, 198, 14171, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 14808, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 8, 796, 42287, 7, 67, 1776, 1033, 7, 34703, 532, 18074, 225, 61, 17, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 1401, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 8, 796, 42287, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 17, 796, 18074, 225, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 11201, 7, 38392, 17, 8, 532, 352, 13, 15, 8, 1635, 1033, 7, 17, 13, 15, 1635, 18919, 1343, 18074, 225, 17, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 6146, 675, 408, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 17, 796, 1401, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 796, 1033, 7, 38392, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 68, 1343, 362, 13, 15, 8, 1635, 19862, 17034, 7, 68, 532, 352, 13, 15, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 479, 3325, 5958, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 17, 796, 1401, 6404, 87, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 796, 1033, 7, 38392, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 17, 796, 304, 1635, 304, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 18, 796, 304, 17, 1635, 304, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 19, 796, 304, 18, 1635, 304, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 19, 1343, 362, 13, 15, 1635, 304, 18, 1343, 513, 13, 15, 1635, 304, 17, 532, 718, 13, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 40709, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 8, 796, 42287, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 20, 1635, 357, 16, 13, 15, 1343, 2604, 7, 11545, 46582, 1635, 18074, 225, 61, 17, 4008, 1343, 18919, 198, 437, 628, 198, 4242, 26439, 1009, 198, 198, 12315, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 2593, 12315, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 2604, 7, 87, 4008, 1220, 2124, 198, 8818, 2604, 12315, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 1040, 84, 4926, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 532, 18943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 87, 796, 2604, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2593, 6404, 12315, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 300, 87, 8, 532, 300, 87, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 2124, 1875, 657, 13, 15, 5633, 2593, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 2604, 7, 87, 4008, 1058, 657, 13, 15, 198, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 2124, 1875, 657, 13, 15, 5633, 2593, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 2604, 7, 87, 4008, 1058, 352, 13, 15, 198, 6404, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 2124, 1875, 657, 13, 15, 5633, 2593, 6404, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 2604, 7, 87, 4008, 1058, 532, 18943, 198, 6404, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 2124, 1875, 657, 13, 15, 5633, 2593, 6404, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 2604, 7, 87, 4008, 1058, 657, 13, 15, 198, 198, 40972, 576, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 10662, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 27237, 16340, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 10662, 4008, 198, 66, 40972, 576, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 10662, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 27237, 16340, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 10662, 4008, 198, 16340, 6404, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 300, 80, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 27237, 16340, 6404, 66, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 300, 80, 4008, 198, 16340, 6404, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 300, 80, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 27237, 16340, 6404, 535, 7568, 7, 67, 13, 34703, 11, 288, 13, 38392, 11, 300, 80, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 3915, 6404, 12315, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 11, 2124, 3712, 43879, 2414, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 8, 796, 42287, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 1875, 657, 13, 15, 5633, 532, 14808, 6404, 7, 87, 8, 532, 18919, 8, 1220, 357, 38392, 61, 17, 8, 1343, 352, 13, 15, 8, 1220, 2124, 1058, 657, 13, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10527, 69, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 198, 2, 30218, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 628, 198, 4242, 3409, 11347, 198, 198, 25192, 7, 67, 3712, 11187, 26447, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 25192, 77, 3419, 1635, 288, 13, 38392, 1343, 288, 13, 34703, 8, 198, 198, 2235, 376, 2535, 198, 198, 8818, 4197, 62, 76, 293, 90, 51, 1279, 25, 6416, 92, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 11187, 26447, 5512, 2124, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 51, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 87, 796, 2604, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 11, 18074, 225, 796, 1612, 62, 392, 62, 19282, 7, 75, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5972, 26447, 7, 34703, 11, 18074, 225, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 using JLD using DiffPrecTest using LaTeXStrings include("../qq_plot.jl") pArr = [100, 200] elemArr = [(5,5), (8, 7), (50, 25)] methodArr = ["Sym-N", "Asym-N", "YinXia", "Sym-B", "Asym-B", "O-Sym-N", "O-Asym-N", "O-Sym-B", "O-Asym-B"] ## qq-plots fig_num = 0 fig = figure(figsize=(7.08661, 4.72441), dpi=1000) for ip=1:2 for iElem=1:3 global fig_num res = load("results/sim1_res_$(ip)_$(iElem).jld", "results") fig_num += 1 qq_my = [res[1, i].p / res[1, i].std for i=1:1000] qq_oracle = [res[6, i].p / res[6, i].std for i=1:1000] ax = subplot(2, 3, fig_num) qqplot(qq_oracle, color="grey") qqplot(qq_my) title( latexstring("p = $(pArr[ip]), \\Delta_{$(elemArr[iElem][1]),$(elemArr[iElem][2])} = 0"), size="small" ) ax[:tick_params]("both", labelsize="xx-small", length=2, pad=2) end end tight_layout() savefig("qq_plot_sim1.pdf") close(fig) ## hist-plots fig_num = 0 x = range(-3.290, stop=3.290, length=100) y = pdf.(Normal(), x) fig = figure(figsize=(7.08661, 4.72441), dpi=1000) for ip=1:2 for iElem=1:3 global fig_num res = load("results/sim1_res_$(ip)_$(iElem).jld", "results") fig_num += 1 ax = subplot(2, 3, fig_num) plt[:hist]([res[1, i].p / res[1, i].std for i=1:1000], 100, density=true) plot(x,y) xlim(-3.290,3.290) title( latexstring("p = $(pArr[ip]), \\Delta_{$(elemArr[iElem][1]),$(elemArr[iElem][2])} = 0"), size="small" ) ax[:tick_params]("both", labelsize="xx-small", length=2, pad=2) end end tight_layout() savefig("hist_plot_sim1.pdf") close(fig) ## irina plots
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 3500, 449, 11163, 198, 3500, 10631, 6719, 66, 14402, 198, 3500, 4689, 49568, 13290, 654, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 40720, 38227, 62, 29487, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 79, 3163, 81, 796, 685, 3064, 11, 939, 60, 198, 68, 10671, 3163, 81, 796, 47527, 20, 11, 20, 828, 357, 23, 11, 767, 828, 357, 1120, 11, 1679, 15437, 198, 24396, 3163, 81, 796, 14631, 43094, 12, 45, 1600, 366, 1722, 4948, 12, 45, 1600, 366, 56, 259, 55, 544, 1600, 366, 43094, 12, 33, 1600, 366, 1722, 4948, 12, 33, 1600, 366, 46, 12, 43094, 12, 45, 1600, 366, 46, 12, 1722, 4948, 12, 45, 1600, 366, 46, 12, 43094, 12, 33, 1600, 366, 46, 12, 1722, 4948, 12, 33, 8973, 198, 198, 2235, 10662, 80, 12, 489, 1747, 198, 198, 5647, 62, 22510, 796, 657, 198, 198, 5647, 796, 3785, 7, 5647, 7857, 16193, 22, 13, 2919, 47159, 11, 604, 13, 22, 1731, 3901, 828, 288, 14415, 28, 12825, 8, 198, 1640, 20966, 28, 16, 25, 17, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 36, 10671, 28, 16, 25, 18, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 2336, 62, 22510, 628, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 3440, 7203, 43420, 14, 14323, 16, 62, 411, 62, 3, 7, 541, 8, 62, 3, 7, 72, 36, 10671, 737, 73, 335, 1600, 366, 43420, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2336, 62, 22510, 15853, 352, 628, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 80, 62, 1820, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 685, 411, 58, 16, 11, 1312, 4083, 79, 1220, 581, 58, 16, 11, 1312, 4083, 19282, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 12825, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 80, 62, 273, 6008, 796, 685, 411, 58, 21, 11, 1312, 4083, 79, 1220, 581, 58, 21, 11, 1312, 4083, 19282, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 12825, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7877, 796, 850, 29487, 7, 17, 11, 513, 11, 2336, 62, 22510, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 80, 29487, 7, 38227, 62, 273, 6008, 11, 3124, 2625, 49502, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 80, 29487, 7, 38227, 62, 1820, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3670, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47038, 8841, 7203, 79, 796, 29568, 79, 3163, 81, 58, 541, 46570, 26867, 42430, 23330, 3, 7, 68, 10671, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 36, 10671, 7131, 16, 46570, 3, 7, 68, 10671, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 36, 10671, 7131, 17, 12962, 92, 796, 657, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 2625, 17470, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7877, 58, 25, 42298, 62, 37266, 60, 7203, 16885, 1600, 14722, 1096, 2625, 5324, 12, 17470, 1600, 4129, 28, 17, 11, 14841, 28, 17, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 33464, 62, 39786, 3419, 198, 21928, 5647, 7203, 38227, 62, 29487, 62, 14323, 16, 13, 12315, 4943, 198, 19836, 7, 5647, 8, 198, 198, 2235, 1554, 12, 489, 1747, 198, 198, 5647, 62, 22510, 796, 657, 198, 198, 87, 796, 2837, 32590, 18, 13, 24369, 11, 2245, 28, 18, 13, 24369, 11, 4129, 28, 3064, 8, 198, 88, 796, 37124, 12195, 26447, 22784, 2124, 8, 198, 198, 5647, 796, 3785, 7, 5647, 7857, 16193, 22, 13, 2919, 47159, 11, 604, 13, 22, 1731, 3901, 828, 288, 14415, 28, 12825, 8, 198, 1640, 20966, 28, 16, 25, 17, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 36, 10671, 28, 16, 25, 18, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 2336, 62, 22510, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 3440, 7203, 43420, 14, 14323, 16, 62, 411, 62, 3, 7, 541, 8, 62, 3, 7, 72, 36, 10671, 737, 73, 335, 1600, 366, 43420, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2336, 62, 22510, 15853, 352, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7877, 796, 850, 29487, 7, 17, 11, 513, 11, 2336, 62, 22510, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 458, 83, 58, 25, 10034, 16151, 58, 411, 58, 16, 11, 1312, 4083, 79, 1220, 581, 58, 16, 11, 1312, 4083, 19282, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 12825, 4357, 1802, 11, 12109, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 2475, 32590, 18, 13, 24369, 11, 18, 13, 24369, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3670, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47038, 8841, 7203, 79, 796, 29568, 79, 3163, 81, 58, 541, 46570, 26867, 42430, 23330, 3, 7, 68, 10671, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 36, 10671, 7131, 16, 46570, 3, 7, 68, 10671, 3163, 81, 58, 72, 36, 10671, 7131, 17, 12962, 92, 796, 657, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 2625, 17470, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7877, 58, 25, 42298, 62, 37266, 60, 7203, 16885, 1600, 14722, 1096, 2625, 5324, 12, 17470, 1600, 4129, 28, 17, 11, 14841, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 33464, 62, 39786, 3419, 198, 21928, 5647, 7203, 10034, 62, 29487, 62, 14323, 16, 13, 12315, 4943, 198, 19836, 7, 5647, 8, 628, 198, 2235, 4173, 1437, 21528 ]
<reponame>ranocha/PartitionedArrays.jl using LinearAlgebra using SparseArrays using PartitionedArrays using Test using IterativeSolvers function test_fdm(parts) u(x) = x[1]+x[2] f(x) = zero(x[1]) lx = 2.0 ls = (lx,lx,lx) nx = 10 ns = (nx,nx,nx) n = prod(ns) h = lx/(nx-1) points = [(0,0,0),(-1,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,-1,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,-1),(0,0,1)] coeffs = [-6,1,1,1,1,1,1]/(h^2) stencil = [ (coeff,CartesianIndex(point)) for (coeff,point) in zip(coeffs,points) ] #lx = 2.0 #ls = (lx,lx) #nx = 4 #ns = (nx,nx) #n = prod(ns) #h = lx/(nx-1) #points = [(0,0),(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)] #coeffs = [-4,1,1,1,1]/(h^2) #stencil = [ (coeff,CartesianIndex(point)) for (coeff,point) in zip(coeffs,points) ] # Use a Cartesian partition if possible if ndims(parts) == length(ns) rows = PRange(parts,ns) else rows = PRange(parts,n) end # We don't need the ghost layer for the rhs # So, it can be allocated right now. b = PVector{Float64}(undef,rows) # We don't need the ghost layer for the exact solution # So, it can be allocated right now. x̂ = similar(b) # Loop over (owned) rows, fill the coo-vectors, rhs, and the exact solution # In this case, we always touch local rows, but arbitrary cols. # Thus, row ids can be readily stored in local numbering so that we do not need to convert # them later. I,J,V = map_parts(rows.partition,b.values,x̂.values) do rows,b,x̂ cis = CartesianIndices(ns) lis = LinearIndices(cis) I = Int[] J = Int[] V = Float64[] for lid in rows.oid_to_lid i = rows.lid_to_gid[lid] ci = cis[i] xi = (Tuple(ci) .- 1) .* h x̂[lid] = u(xi) boundary = any(s->(1==s||s==nx),Tuple(ci)) if boundary push!(I,lid) push!(J,i) push!(V,one(eltype(V))) b[lid] = u(xi) else for (v,dcj) in stencil cj = ci + dcj j = lis[cj] push!(I,lid) push!(J,j) push!(V,-v) end b[lid] = f(xi) end end I,J,V end # TODO fill b and x̂ while add_gids is communicating values. # Build a PRange taking the owned ids in rows plus ghost ids from the touched cols cols = add_gids(rows,J) # Now we can convert J to local numbering, I is already in local numbering. to_lids!(J,cols) # Build the PSparseMatrix from the coo-vectors (in local numbering) # and the data distribution described by rows and cols. A = PSparseMatrix(I,J,V,rows,cols;ids=:local) # The initial guess needs the ghost layer (that why we take cols) # in other to perform the product A*x in the cg solver. # We also need to set the boundary values x0 = PVector(0.0,cols) map_parts(x0.values,x0.rows.partition) do x,rows for lid in rows.oid_to_lid cis = CartesianIndices(ns) i = rows.lid_to_gid[lid] ci = cis[i] xi = (Tuple(ci) .- 1) .* h boundary = any(s->(1==s||s==nx),Tuple(ci)) if boundary x[lid] = u(xi) end end end # When this call returns, x has the correct answer only in the owned values. # The values at ghost ids can be recovered with exchange!(x) x = copy(x0)!(x,A,b,verbose=i_am_main(parts)) # This compares owned values, so we don't need to exchange! @test norm(x-x̂) < 1.0e-5 end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 2596, 5374, 64, 14, 7841, 653, 276, 3163, 20477, 13, 20362, 198, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 3500, 1338, 17208, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 2142, 653, 276, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 3500, 40806, 876, 36949, 690, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 16344, 76, 7, 42632, 8, 628, 220, 334, 7, 87, 8, 796, 2124, 58, 16, 48688, 87, 58, 17, 60, 198, 220, 277, 7, 87, 8, 796, 6632, 7, 87, 58, 16, 12962, 628, 220, 300, 87, 796, 362, 13, 15, 198, 220, 43979, 796, 357, 75, 87, 11, 75, 87, 11, 75, 87, 8, 198, 220, 299, 87, 796, 838, 198, 220, 36545, 796, 357, 77, 87, 11, 77, 87, 11, 77, 87, 8, 198, 220, 299, 796, 40426, 7, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 289, 796, 300, 87, 29006, 77, 87, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 2173, 796, 47527, 15, 11, 15, 11, 15, 828, 32590, 16, 11, 15, 11, 15, 828, 7, 16, 11, 15, 11, 15, 828, 7, 15, 12095, 16, 11, 15, 828, 7, 15, 11, 16, 11, 15, 828, 7, 15, 11, 15, 12095, 16, 828, 7, 15, 11, 15, 11, 16, 15437, 198, 220, 763, 14822, 82, 796, 25915, 21, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 29006, 71, 61, 17, 8, 198, 220, 45219, 2856, 796, 685, 357, 1073, 14822, 11, 43476, 35610, 15732, 7, 4122, 4008, 329, 357, 1073, 14822, 11, 4122, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 1073, 14822, 82, 11, 13033, 8, 2361, 628, 220, 1303, 75, 87, 796, 362, 13, 15, 198, 220, 1303, 7278, 796, 357, 75, 87, 11, 75, 87, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 77, 87, 796, 604, 198, 220, 1303, 5907, 796, 357, 77, 87, 11, 77, 87, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 77, 796, 40426, 7, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 71, 796, 300, 87, 29006, 77, 87, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 13033, 796, 47527, 15, 11, 15, 828, 32590, 16, 11, 15, 828, 7, 16, 11, 15, 828, 7, 15, 12095, 16, 828, 7, 15, 11, 16, 15437, 198, 220, 1303, 1073, 14822, 82, 796, 25915, 19, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 29006, 71, 61, 17, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 26400, 2856, 796, 685, 357, 1073, 14822, 11, 43476, 35610, 15732, 7, 4122, 4008, 329, 357, 1073, 14822, 11, 4122, 8, 287, 19974, 7, 1073, 14822, 82, 11, 13033, 8, 2361, 628, 220, 1303, 5765, 257, 13690, 35610, 18398, 611, 1744, 198, 220, 611, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 42632, 8, 6624, 4129, 7, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15274, 796, 4810, 858, 7, 42632, 11, 5907, 8, 220, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15274, 796, 4810, 858, 7, 42632, 11, 77, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1303, 775, 836, 470, 761, 262, 10905, 7679, 329, 262, 9529, 82, 198, 220, 1303, 1406, 11, 340, 460, 307, 19171, 826, 783, 13, 198, 220, 275, 796, 31392, 9250, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 8516, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 775, 836, 470, 761, 262, 10905, 7679, 329, 262, 2748, 4610, 198, 220, 1303, 1406, 11, 340, 460, 307, 19171, 826, 783, 13, 198, 220, 2124, 136, 224, 796, 2092, 7, 65, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 26304, 625, 357, 11990, 8, 15274, 11, 6070, 262, 763, 78, 12, 303, 5217, 11, 9529, 82, 11, 290, 262, 2748, 4610, 198, 220, 1303, 554, 428, 1339, 11, 356, 1464, 3638, 1957, 15274, 11, 475, 14977, 951, 82, 13, 198, 220, 1303, 6660, 11, 5752, 220, 2340, 460, 307, 14704, 8574, 287, 1957, 47622, 523, 326, 356, 466, 407, 761, 284, 10385, 198, 220, 1303, 606, 1568, 13, 198, 220, 314, 11, 41, 11, 53, 796, 3975, 62, 42632, 7, 8516, 13, 3911, 653, 11, 65, 13, 27160, 11, 87, 136, 224, 13, 27160, 8, 466, 15274, 11, 65, 11, 87, 136, 224, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33325, 796, 13690, 35610, 5497, 1063, 7, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 271, 796, 44800, 5497, 1063, 7, 66, 271, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 314, 796, 2558, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 796, 2558, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 569, 796, 48436, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 19789, 287, 15274, 13, 1868, 62, 1462, 62, 75, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 15274, 13, 75, 312, 62, 1462, 62, 70, 312, 58, 75, 312, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 72, 796, 33325, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 72, 796, 357, 51, 29291, 7, 979, 8, 764, 12, 352, 8, 764, 9, 289, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 136, 224, 58, 75, 312, 60, 796, 334, 7, 29992, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18645, 796, 597, 7, 82, 3784, 7, 16, 855, 82, 15886, 82, 855, 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357, 5562, 1521, 356, 1011, 951, 82, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 287, 584, 284, 1620, 262, 1720, 317, 9, 87, 287, 262, 269, 70, 1540, 332, 13, 198, 220, 1303, 775, 635, 761, 284, 900, 262, 18645, 3815, 198, 220, 2124, 15, 796, 31392, 9250, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 4033, 82, 8, 198, 220, 3975, 62, 42632, 7, 87, 15, 13, 27160, 11, 87, 15, 13, 8516, 13, 3911, 653, 8, 466, 2124, 11, 8516, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 19789, 287, 15274, 13, 1868, 62, 1462, 62, 75, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33325, 796, 13690, 35610, 5497, 1063, 7, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 15274, 13, 75, 312, 62, 1462, 62, 70, 312, 58, 75, 312, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 72, 796, 33325, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 72, 796, 357, 51, 29291, 7, 979, 8, 764, 12, 352, 8, 764, 9, 289, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18645, 796, 597, 7, 82, 3784, 7, 16, 855, 82, 15886, 82, 855, 77, 87, 828, 51, 29291, 7, 979, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 18645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 58, 75, 312, 60, 796, 334, 7, 29992, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1303, 1649, 428, 869, 5860, 11, 2124, 468, 262, 3376, 3280, 691, 287, 262, 6898, 3815, 13, 198, 220, 1303, 383, 3815, 379, 10905, 220, 2340, 460, 307, 11911, 351, 5163, 0, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 2124, 796, 4866, 7, 87, 15, 8, 198, 220, 40806, 876, 36949, 690, 13, 66, 70, 0, 7, 87, 11, 32, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 72, 62, 321, 62, 12417, 7, 42632, 4008, 628, 220, 1303, 770, 23008, 6898, 3815, 11, 523, 356, 836, 470, 761, 284, 5163, 0, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2593, 7, 87, 12, 87, 136, 224, 8, 1279, 352, 13, 15, 68, 12, 20, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
function transit_orb(t,x,dt,nsub) # Computes a transit lightcurve, normalized to unity, as a # function of time, t, usually in HJD or BJD. # # Input parameters (x) are: # x[1] = P (units of day) # x[2] = inc = inclination angle # x[3] = p = R_p/R_* = radius of planet in units of radius of star # x[4] = t0 = mid-point of transit # x[5] = u1 = linear limb-darkening coefficient # x[6] = u2 = quadratic limb-darkening coefficient # x[7] = f0 = uneclipsed flux # x[8] = a/R_* = semi-major axis divided by R_* # x[9] = e = eccentricity # x[10] = omega = longitude of pericentre # Compute time of pericentre passage: # The true anomaly at the time of transit: f1=1.5*pi-x[10]*pi/180.0 ecc=x[9] tp=(x[4]+x[1]*sqrt(1.0-ecc^2)/2.0/pi*(ecc*sin(f1)/(1.0+ecc*cos(f1)) -2.0/sqrt(1.0-ecc^2)*atan2(sqrt(1.0-ecc^2)*tan(0.5*f1),1.0+ecc))) fluxoft = 0.0 for j=1:nsub tsub = t-dt/2.0+dt*(j-0.5)/nsub m=2.0*pi/x[1]*(tsub-tp) f=kepler(m,ecc) radius=x[8]*(1.0-ecc^2)/(1.0+ecc*cos(f)) # Now compute sky separation: z0=radius*sqrt(1.0-(sin(x[2]*pi/180.0)*sin(x[10]*pi/180.0+f))^2) if (sin(x[10]*pi/180.0+f) < 0.0) && (z0 <= (1.0+x[3])) if x[3] < 1.0 fluxoft += occultquad(z0,x[5],x[6],x[3]) else # We'll assume that the smaller object is not limb-darkened: fluxoft += occultquad(z0, 0., 0.,x[3]) end else fluxoft += 1.0 end end # Take mean of flux over sub-time steps: flux = fluxoft*x[7]/nsub return flux end
[ 8818, 11168, 62, 27688, 7, 83, 11, 87, 11, 28664, 11, 5907, 549, 8, 198, 2, 3082, 1769, 257, 11168, 1657, 22019, 303, 11, 39279, 284, 14111, 11, 355, 257, 198, 2, 2163, 286, 640, 11, 256, 11, 3221, 287, 367, 37882, 393, 347, 37882, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 23412, 10007, 357, 87, 8, 389, 25, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 16, 60, 796, 350, 220, 357, 41667, 286, 1110, 8, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 17, 60, 796, 753, 796, 36793, 9848, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 18, 60, 796, 279, 796, 371, 62, 79, 14, 49, 62, 9, 796, 16874, 286, 5440, 287, 4991, 286, 16874, 286, 3491, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 19, 60, 796, 256, 15, 796, 3095, 12, 4122, 286, 11168, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 20, 60, 796, 334, 16, 796, 14174, 25035, 12, 21953, 3101, 35381, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 21, 60, 796, 334, 17, 796, 15094, 81, 1512, 25035, 12, 21953, 3101, 35381, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 22, 60, 796, 277, 15, 796, 17809, 31945, 276, 28462, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 23, 60, 796, 257, 14, 49, 62, 9, 796, 10663, 12, 22478, 16488, 9086, 416, 371, 62, 9, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 24, 60, 796, 304, 796, 29303, 414, 198, 2, 2124, 58, 940, 60, 796, 37615, 796, 890, 3984, 286, 583, 36712, 260, 198, 2, 3082, 1133, 640, 286, 583, 36712, 260, 10066, 25, 198, 2, 383, 2081, 32172, 379, 262, 640, 286, 11168, 25, 198, 69, 16, 28, 16, 13, 20, 9, 14415, 12, 87, 58, 940, 60, 9, 14415, 14, 15259, 13, 15, 198, 68, 535, 28, 87, 58, 24, 60, 198, 34788, 16193, 87, 58, 19, 48688, 87, 58, 16, 60, 9, 31166, 17034, 7, 16, 13, 15, 12, 68, 535, 61, 17, 20679, 17, 13, 15, 14, 14415, 9, 7, 68, 535, 9, 31369, 7, 69, 16, 20679, 7, 16, 13, 15, 10, 68, 535, 9, 6966, 7, 69, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 532, 17, 13, 15, 14, 31166, 17034, 7, 16, 13, 15, 12, 68, 535, 61, 17, 27493, 39036, 17, 7, 31166, 17034, 7, 16, 13, 15, 12, 68, 535, 61, 17, 27493, 38006, 7, 15, 13, 20, 9, 69, 16, 828, 16, 13, 15, 10, 68, 535, 22305, 198, 69, 22564, 11205, 796, 657, 13, 15, 198, 1640, 474, 28, 16, 25, 5907, 549, 198, 220, 256, 7266, 796, 256, 12, 28664, 14, 17, 13, 15, 10, 28664, 9, 7, 73, 12, 15, 13, 20, 20679, 5907, 549, 198, 220, 285, 28, 17, 13, 15, 9, 14415, 14, 87, 58, 16, 60, 9, 7, 912, 549, 12, 34788, 8, 198, 220, 277, 28, 365, 20053, 7, 76, 11, 68, 535, 8, 198, 220, 16874, 28, 87, 58, 23, 60, 9, 7, 16, 13, 15, 12, 68, 535, 61, 17, 20679, 7, 16, 13, 15, 10, 68, 535, 9, 6966, 7, 69, 4008, 198, 2, 2735, 24061, 6766, 14139, 25, 198, 220, 1976, 15, 28, 42172, 9, 31166, 17034, 7, 16, 13, 15, 30420, 31369, 7, 87, 58, 17, 60, 9, 14415, 14, 15259, 13, 15, 27493, 31369, 7, 87, 58, 940, 60, 9, 14415, 14, 15259, 13, 15, 10, 69, 4008, 61, 17, 8, 198, 220, 611, 357, 31369, 7, 87, 58, 940, 60, 9, 14415, 14, 15259, 13, 15, 10, 69, 8, 1279, 657, 13, 15, 8, 11405, 357, 89, 15, 19841, 357, 16, 13, 15, 10, 87, 58, 18, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2124, 58, 18, 60, 1279, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 28462, 11205, 15853, 31587, 47003, 7, 89, 15, 11, 87, 58, 20, 4357, 87, 58, 21, 4357, 87, 58, 18, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 2, 775, 1183, 7048, 326, 262, 4833, 2134, 318, 407, 25035, 12, 21953, 2945, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 28462, 11205, 15853, 31587, 47003, 7, 89, 15, 11, 220, 657, 1539, 220, 657, 1539, 87, 58, 18, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 220, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 28462, 11205, 15853, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 2, 7214, 1612, 286, 28462, 625, 850, 12, 2435, 4831, 25, 198, 69, 22564, 796, 28462, 11205, 9, 87, 58, 22, 60, 14, 5907, 549, 198, 7783, 28462, 198, 437, 198 ]
using DashBootstrapComponents, DashHtmlComponents button_groups = html_div([ dbc_buttongroup( [dbc_button("Left"), dbc_button("Middle"), dbc_button("Right")], size = "lg", className = "me-1", ), dbc_buttongroup( [dbc_button("Left"), dbc_button("Middle"), dbc_button("Right")], size = "md", className = "me-1", ), dbc_buttongroup( [dbc_button("Left"), dbc_button("Middle"), dbc_button("Right")], size = "sm", ), ]);
[ 3500, 16189, 36476, 26418, 7293, 3906, 11, 16189, 39, 20369, 7293, 3906, 198, 198, 16539, 62, 24432, 796, 27711, 62, 7146, 26933, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 15630, 62, 43059, 506, 3233, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 9945, 66, 62, 16539, 7203, 18819, 12340, 288, 15630, 62, 16539, 7203, 34621, 12340, 288, 15630, 62, 16539, 7203, 11028, 4943, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 796, 366, 75, 70, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1398, 5376, 796, 366, 1326, 12, 16, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 15630, 62, 43059, 506, 3233, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 9945, 66, 62, 16539, 7203, 18819, 12340, 288, 15630, 62, 16539, 7203, 34621, 12340, 288, 15630, 62, 16539, 7203, 11028, 4943, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 796, 366, 9132, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1398, 5376, 796, 366, 1326, 12, 16, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 15630, 62, 43059, 506, 3233, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 9945, 66, 62, 16539, 7203, 18819, 12340, 288, 15630, 62, 16539, 7203, 34621, 12340, 288, 15630, 62, 16539, 7203, 11028, 4943, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 796, 366, 5796, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 36563, 198 ]
<filename>src/bond_hamiltonian/concrete_bond_hopping_hamiltonian_dict.jl<gh_stars>0 ################################################################################ # # ABSTRACT TYPE # # BondHoppingHamiltonianDict <: AbstractBondHamiltonian{L,1} # --> L is the label type of bonds # --> N is the dimension the bond term matrix (NxN matrix) # # FILE CONTAINS # - abstract type definition # - interface definition # - generator function # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # ABSTRACT TYPE DEFINITION # ################################################################################ mutable struct BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L} <: AbstractBondHamiltonian{L,1} # coupling couplings :: Dict{L,Float64} end # export the type export BondHoppingHamiltonianDict ################################################################################ # # INTERFACING / ACCESSING BOND HAMILTONIANS # (functions have to be overwritten by concrete types) # ################################################################################ # get bond term of Hamiltonian function bondterm( h :: BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}, b :: AbstractBond{L,NB} ) :: Float64 where {N,L,NB,NS} # return the matching coupling and 0.0 if not found return get(h.couplings, label(b), 0.0) end # export the function export bondterm # set a couplint within the dictonary of couplings and add it if not present yet function setCoupling( h :: BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}, coupling :: L, coupling_strength :: Real ) where {L} # add the coupling to the dictonary h.couplings[coupling] = coupling_strength end function setCoupling( h :: BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}, bond :: B, coupling_strength :: Real ) where {L,NB,B<:AbstractBond{L,NB}} # add the coupling to the dictonary h.couplings[label(bond)] = coupling_strength end # export the function export setCoupling function getHoppingHamiltonianDict( unitcell :: U ) :: BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L} where {L,NB,S,B<:AbstractBond{L,NB},U<:AbstractUnitcell{S,B}} # just create a new hamiltonian return BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}(Dict{L,Float64}()) end function getHoppingHamiltonianDict( unitcell :: U, couplings :: Dict{L,<:Real} ) :: BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L} where {L,NB,S,B<:AbstractBond{L,NB},U<:AbstractUnitcell{S,B}} # just create a new hamiltonian hb = BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}(Dict{L,Float64}()) # set all copulings for c in keys(couplings) setCoupling(hb, c, couplings[c]) end # return the bond hamiltonian return hb end export getHoppingHamiltonianDict function getBondHamiltonianType( ::Val{:BondHoppingHamiltonianDict} ) # return the type return BondHoppingHamiltonianDict end function saveBondHamiltonian( hb :: HB, fn :: AbstractString, group :: AbstractString = "bond_hamiltonian" ; append :: Bool = false ) where {L,HB<:BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}} # determine the mode based on if one wants to append stuff if append mode = "r+" else mode = "w" end # open the file in mode h5open(fn, mode) do file # create the group in which the bonds are saved group_hb = g_create(file, group) # save the type identifier attrs(group_hb)["type"] = "BondHoppingHamiltonianDict" # save the parameters attrs(group_hb)["N"] = 1 attrs(group_hb)["L"] = string(L) # save the labels if L <: Number group_hb["labels"] = [p[1] for p in hb.couplings] else group_hb["labels"] = [string(p[1]) for p in hb.couplings] end # save the Float64 couplings group_hb["couplings"] = [p[2] for p in hb.couplings] end # return nothing return nothing end function loadBondHamiltonian( ::Type{HB}, fn :: AbstractString, group :: AbstractString = "bond_hamiltonian" ) where {LI,HB<:Union{BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{LI},BondHoppingHamiltonianDict}} # read attribute data attr_data = h5readattr(fn, group) # determine D based on this L = Meta.eval(Meta.parse(attr_data["L"])) N = attr_data["N"] # load coupling couplings = h5read(fn, group*"/couplings") # load label labels = L.(h5read(fn, group*"/labels")) # return the new bond hamiltonian return BondHoppingHamiltonianDict{L}(Dict([(labels[i], couplings[i]) for i in 1:length(labels)])) end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 65, 623, 62, 2763, 9044, 666, 14, 1102, 38669, 62, 65, 623, 62, 8873, 2105, 62, 2763, 9044, 666, 62, 11600, 13, 20362, 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 197, 6242, 18601, 10659, 41876, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 1279, 25, 27741, 33, 623, 45405, 666, 90, 43, 11, 16, 92, 198, 2, 220, 220, 14610, 406, 318, 262, 6167, 2099, 286, 13100, 198, 2, 220, 220, 14610, 399, 318, 262, 15793, 262, 6314, 3381, 17593, 357, 45, 87, 45, 17593, 8, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 45811, 7102, 5603, 20913, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 12531, 2099, 6770, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 7071, 6770, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 17301, 2163, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 628, 628, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 9564, 18601, 10659, 41876, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 43, 92, 1279, 25, 27741, 33, 623, 45405, 666, 90, 43, 11, 16, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 40204, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2284, 47093, 7904, 360, 713, 90, 43, 11, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10784, 262, 2099, 198, 39344, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 628, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 197, 41358, 37, 2246, 2751, 1220, 15859, 7597, 2751, 347, 18672, 48079, 4146, 11357, 40, 15037, 198, 2, 197, 7, 12543, 2733, 423, 284, 307, 6993, 9108, 416, 10017, 3858, 8, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 628, 198, 198, 2, 651, 6314, 3381, 286, 11582, 666, 198, 8818, 6314, 4354, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 289, 7904, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 43, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 275, 7904, 27741, 33, 623, 90, 43, 11, 32819, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 7904, 48436, 2414, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 43, 11, 32819, 11, 8035, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1441, 262, 12336, 40204, 290, 657, 13, 15, 611, 407, 1043, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 651, 7, 71, 13, 66, 280, 47093, 11, 6167, 7, 65, 828, 657, 13, 15, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10784, 262, 2163, 198, 39344, 6314, 4354, 628, 198, 2, 900, 257, 2284, 489, 600, 1626, 262, 8633, 261, 560, 286, 2284, 47093, 290, 751, 340, 611, 407, 1944, 1865, 198, 8818, 900, 34, 280, 11347, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 289, 7904, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 43, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40204, 7904, 406, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40204, 62, 41402, 7904, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 810, 1391, 43, 92, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 751, 262, 40204, 284, 262, 8633, 261, 560, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 13, 66, 280, 47093, 58, 66, 280, 11347, 60, 796, 40204, 62, 41402, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 900, 34, 280, 11347, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 289, 7904, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 43, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6314, 7904, 347, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40204, 62, 41402, 7904, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 810, 1391, 43, 11, 32819, 11, 33, 27, 25, 23839, 33, 623, 90, 43, 11, 32819, 11709, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 751, 262, 40204, 284, 262, 8633, 261, 560, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 13, 66, 280, 47093, 58, 18242, 7, 65, 623, 15437, 796, 40204, 62, 41402, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 10784, 262, 2163, 198, 39344, 900, 34, 280, 11347, 628, 198, 8818, 651, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4326, 3846, 7904, 471, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 7904, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 43, 92, 810, 1391, 43, 11, 32819, 11, 50, 11, 33, 27, 25, 23839, 33, 623, 90, 43, 11, 32819, 5512, 52, 27, 25, 23839, 26453, 3846, 90, 50, 11, 33, 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3613, 262, 48436, 2414, 2284, 47093, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1448, 62, 71, 65, 14692, 66, 280, 47093, 8973, 220, 220, 796, 685, 79, 58, 17, 60, 329, 279, 287, 289, 65, 13, 66, 280, 47093, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1441, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3440, 33, 623, 45405, 666, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7904, 6030, 90, 32886, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24714, 7904, 27741, 10100, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1448, 7904, 27741, 10100, 796, 366, 65, 623, 62, 2763, 9044, 666, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 810, 1391, 31271, 11, 32886, 27, 25, 38176, 90, 33, 623, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 31271, 5512, 33, 623, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 11709, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1100, 11688, 1366, 198, 220, 220, 220, 708, 81, 62, 7890, 796, 289, 20, 961, 35226, 7, 22184, 11, 1448, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5004, 360, 1912, 319, 428, 198, 220, 220, 220, 406, 796, 30277, 13, 18206, 7, 48526, 13, 29572, 7, 35226, 62, 7890, 14692, 43, 8973, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 796, 708, 81, 62, 7890, 14692, 45, 8973, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3440, 40204, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2284, 47093, 220, 796, 289, 20, 961, 7, 22184, 11, 1448, 9, 1, 14, 66, 280, 47093, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3440, 6167, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14722, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 406, 12195, 71, 20, 961, 7, 22184, 11, 1448, 9, 1, 14, 23912, 1424, 48774, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1441, 262, 649, 6314, 8891, 9044, 666, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 12812, 28900, 2105, 45405, 666, 35, 713, 90, 43, 92, 7, 35, 713, 26933, 7, 23912, 1424, 58, 72, 4357, 2284, 47093, 58, 72, 12962, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 23912, 1424, 15437, 4008, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>10-100 benchmarks = [ Dict( :name => "Modified LV for testing", :ode => @ODEmodel( x1'(t) = (a + b) * x1(t) - c * x1(t) * x2(t), x2'(t) = -a * b * x2(t) + d * x1(t) * x2(t), y1(t) = x1(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "SIWR original", :ode => @ODEmodel( S'(t) = mu - bi * S(t) * I(t) - bw * S(t) * W(t) - mu * S(t) + a * R(t), I'(t) = bw * S(t) * W(t) + bi * S(t) * I(t) - (gam + mu) * I(t), W'(t) = xi * (I(t) - W(t)), R'(t) = gam * I(t) - (mu + a) * R(t), y(t) = k * I(t) ), :skip => false ), Dict( :name => "SIWR with extra output", :ode => @ODEmodel( S'(t) = mu - bi * S(t) * I(t) - bw * S(t) * W(t) - mu * S(t) + a * R(t), I'(t) = bw * S(t) * W(t) + bi * S(t) * I(t) - (gam + mu) * I(t), W'(t) = xi * (I(t) - W(t)), R'(t) = gam * I(t) - (mu + a) * R(t), y(t) = k * I(t), y2(t) = S(t) + I(t) + R(t) ), :skip => false ), Dict( :name => "Pharm", :ode => @ODEmodel( x0'(t) = a1 * (x1(t) - x0(t)) - (ka * n * x0(t)) / (kc * ka + kc * x2(t) + ka * x0(t)), x1'(t) = a2 * (x0(t) - x1(t)), x2'(t) = b1 * (x3(t) - x2(t)) - (kc * n * x2(t)) / (kc * ka + kc * x2(t) + ka * x0(t)), x3'(t) = b2 * (x2(t) - x3(t)), y1(t) = x0(t) ), :skip => false ), Dict( :name => "SEAIJRC Covid model", :ode => @ODEmodel( S'(t) = -b * S(t) * (I(t) + J(t) + q * A(t)) * Ninv(t), E'(t) = b * S(t) * (I(t) + J(t) + q * A(t)) * Ninv(t) - k * E(t), A'(t) = k * (1 - r) * E(t) - g1 * A(t), I'(t) = k * r * E(t) - (alpha + g1) * I(t), J'(t) = alpha * I(t) - g2 * J(t), C'(t) = alpha * I(t), Ninv'(t) = 0, y(t) = C(t), y2(t) = Ninv(t) ), :skip => false ), Dict( :name => "MAPK model (5 outputs)", :ode => @ODEmodel( KS00'(t) = -a00 * K(t) * S00(t) + b00 * KS00(t) + gamma0100 * FS01(t) + gamma1000 * FS10(t) + gamma1100 * FS11(t), KS01'(t) = -a01 * K(t) * S01(t) + b01 * KS01(t) + c0001 * KS00(t) - alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) + beta01 * FS01(t) + gamma1101 * FS11(t), KS10'(t) = -a10 * K(t) * S10(t) + b10 * KS10(t) + c0010 * KS00(t) - alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) + beta10 * FS10(t) + gamma1110 * FS11(t), FS01'(t) = -alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) + beta11 * FS11(t) + c0111 * KS01(t) + c1011 * KS10(t) + c0011 * KS00(t), FS10'(t) = a00 * K(t) * S00(t) - (b00 + c0001 + c0010 + c0011) * KS00(t), FS11'(t) = a01 * K(t) * S01(t) - (b01 + c0111) * KS01(t), K'(t) = a10 * K(t) * S10(t) - (b10 + c1011) * KS10(t), F'(t) = alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) - (beta01 + gamma0100) * FS01(t), S00'(t) = alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) - (beta10 + gamma1000) * FS10(t), S01'(t) = alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) - (beta11 + gamma1101 + gamma1110 + gamma1100) * FS11(t), S10'(t) = -a00 * K(t) * S00(t) + (b00 + c0001 + c0010 + c0011) * KS00(t) - a01 * K(t) * S01(t) + (b01 + c0111) * KS01(t) - a10 * K(t) * S10(t) + (b10 + c1011) * KS10(t), S11'(t) = -alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) + (beta01 + gamma0100) * FS01(t) - alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) + (beta10 + gamma1000) * FS10(t) - alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) + (beta11 + gamma1101 + gamma1110 + gamma1100) * FS11(t), y1(t) = F(t), y2(t) = S00(t), y3(t) = S01(t), y4(t) = S10(t), y5(t) = S11(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "MAPK model (5 outputs bis)", :ode => @ODEmodel( KS00'(t) = -a00 * K(t) * S00(t) + b00 * KS00(t) + gamma0100 * FS01(t) + gamma1000 * FS10(t) + gamma1100 * FS11(t), KS01'(t) = -a01 * K(t) * S01(t) + b01 * KS01(t) + c0001 * KS00(t) - alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) + beta01 * FS01(t) + gamma1101 * FS11(t), KS10'(t) = -a10 * K(t) * S10(t) + b10 * KS10(t) + c0010 * KS00(t) - alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) + beta10 * FS10(t) + gamma1110 * FS11(t), FS01'(t) = -alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) + beta11 * FS11(t) + c0111 * KS01(t) + c1011 * KS10(t) + c0011 * KS00(t), FS10'(t) = a00 * K(t) * S00(t) - (b00 + c0001 + c0010 + c0011) * KS00(t), FS11'(t) = a01 * K(t) * S01(t) - (b01 + c0111) * KS01(t), K'(t) = a10 * K(t) * S10(t) - (b10 + c1011) * KS10(t), F'(t) = alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) - (beta01 + gamma0100) * FS01(t), S00'(t) = alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) - (beta10 + gamma1000) * FS10(t), S01'(t) = alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) - (beta11 + gamma1101 + gamma1110 + gamma1100) * FS11(t), S10'(t) = -a00 * K(t) * S00(t) + (b00 + c0001 + c0010 + c0011) * KS00(t) - a01 * K(t) * S01(t) + (b01 + c0111) * KS01(t) - a10 * K(t) * S10(t) + (b10 + c1011) * KS10(t), S11'(t) = -alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) + (beta01 + gamma0100) * FS01(t) - alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) + (beta10 + gamma1000) * FS10(t) - alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) + (beta11 + gamma1101 + gamma1110 + gamma1100) * FS11(t), y0(t) = K(t), y1(t) = F(t), y2(t) = S00(t), y3(t) = S01(t) + S10(t), y4(t) = S11(t) ), :skip => false ), Dict( :name => "MAPK model (6 outputs)", :ode => @ODEmodel( KS00'(t) = -a00 * K(t) * S00(t) + b00 * KS00(t) + gamma0100 * FS01(t) + gamma1000 * FS10(t) + gamma1100 * FS11(t), KS01'(t) = -a01 * K(t) * S01(t) + b01 * KS01(t) + c0001 * KS00(t) - alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) + beta01 * FS01(t) + gamma1101 * FS11(t), KS10'(t) = -a10 * K(t) * S10(t) + b10 * KS10(t) + c0010 * KS00(t) - alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) + beta10 * FS10(t) + gamma1110 * FS11(t), FS01'(t) = -alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) + beta11 * FS11(t) + c0111 * KS01(t) + c1011 * KS10(t) + c0011 * KS00(t), FS10'(t) = a00 * K(t) * S00(t) - (b00 + c0001 + c0010 + c0011) * KS00(t), FS11'(t) = a01 * K(t) * S01(t) - (b01 + c0111) * KS01(t), K'(t) = a10 * K(t) * S10(t) - (b10 + c1011) * KS10(t), F'(t) = alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) - (beta01 + gamma0100) * FS01(t), S00'(t) = alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) - (beta10 + gamma1000) * FS10(t), S01'(t) = alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) - (beta11 + gamma1101 + gamma1110 + gamma1100) * FS11(t), S10'(t) = -a00 * K(t) * S00(t) + (b00 + c0001 + c0010 + c0011) * KS00(t) - a01 * K(t) * S01(t) + (b01 + c0111) * KS01(t) - a10 * K(t) * S10(t) + (b10 + c1011) * KS10(t), S11'(t) = -alpha01 * F(t) * S01(t) + (beta01 + gamma0100) * FS01(t) - alpha10 * F(t) * S10(t) + (beta10 + gamma1000) * FS10(t) - alpha11 * F(t) * S11(t) + (beta11 + gamma1101 + gamma1110 + gamma1100) * FS11(t), y0(t) = K(t), y1(t) = F(t), y2(t) = S00(t), y3(t) = S01(t), y4(t) = S10(t), y5(t) = S11(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "<NAME>", :ode => @ODEmodel( x1'(t) = -b * x1(t) + 1 / (c + x4(t)), x2'(t) = alpha * x1(t) - beta * x2(t), x3'(t) = gama * x2(t) - delta * x3(t), x4'(t) = sigma * x4(t) * (gama * x2(t) - delta * x3(t)) / x3(t), y(t) = x1(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "HIV", :ode => @ODEmodel( x'(t) = lm - d * x(t) - beta * x(t) * v(t), y'(t) = beta * x(t) * v(t) - a * y(t), v'(t) = k * y(t) - u * v(t), w'(t) = c * x(t) * y(t) * w(t) - c * q * y(t) * w(t) - b * w(t), z'(t) = c * q * y(t) * w(t) - h * z(t), y1(t) = w(t), y2(t) = z(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "<NAME>", :ode => @ODEmodel( s'(t) = mu - mu * s(t) - b0 * (1 + b1 * x1(t)) * i(t) * s(t) + g * r(t), i'(t) = b0 * (1 + b1 * x1(t)) * i(t) * s(t) - (nu + mu) * i(t), r'(t) = nu * i(t) - (mu + g) * r(t), x1'(t) = -M * x2(t), x2'(t) = M * x1(t), y1(t) = i(t), y2(t) = r(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "<NAME>", :ode => @ODEmodel( EGFR'(t) = EGFR_turnover * pro_EGFR(t) + EGF_EGFR(t) * reaction_1_k2 - EGFR(t) * EGFR_turnover - EGF_EGFR(t) * reaction_1_k1, pEGFR'(t) = EGF_EGFR(t) * reaction_9_k1 - pEGFR(t) * reaction_4_k1 + pEGFR_Akt(t) * reaction_2_k2 + pEGFR_Akt(t) * reaction_3_k1 - Akt(t) * pEGFR(t) * reaction_2_k1, pEGFR_Akt'(t) = Akt(t) * pEGFR(t) * reaction_2_k1 - pEGFR_Akt(t) * reaction_3_k1 - pEGFR_Akt(t) * reaction_2_k2, Akt'(t) = pAkt(t) * reaction_7_k1 + pEGFR_Akt(t) * reaction_2_k2 - Akt(t) * pEGFR(t) * reaction_2_k1, pAkt'(t) = pAkt_S6(t) * reaction_5_k2 - pAkt(t) * reaction_7_k1 + pAkt_S6(t) * reaction_6_k1 + pEGFR_Akt(t) * reaction_3_k1 - S6(t) * pAkt(t) * reaction_5_k1, S6'(t) = pAkt_S6(t) * reaction_5_k2 + pS6(t) * reaction_8_k1 - S6(t) * pAkt(t) * reaction_5_k1, pAkt_S6'(t) = S6(t) * pAkt(t) * reaction_5_k1 - pAkt_S6(t) * reaction_6_k1 - pAkt_S6(t) * reaction_5_k2, pS6'(t) = pAkt_S6(t) * reaction_6_k1 - pS6(t) * reaction_8_k1, EGF_EGFR'(t) = EGF_EGFR(t) * reaction_1_k1 - EGF_EGFR(t) * reaction_9_k1 - EGF_EGFR(t) * reaction_1_k2, y1(t) = a1 * (pEGFR(t) + pEGFR_Akt(t)), y2(t) = a2 * (pAkt(t) + pAkt_S6(t)), y3(t) = a3 * pS6(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "CD8 T cell differentiation", :ode => @ODEmodel( N'(t) = - N(t) * mu_N - N(t) * P(t) * delta_NE, E'(t) = N(t) * P(t) * delta_NE - E(t)^2 * mu_EE - E(t) * delta_EL + E(t) * P(t) * rho_E, S'(t) = S(t) * delta_EL - S(t) * delta_LM - S(t)^2 * mu_LL - E(t) * S(t) * mu_LE, M'(t) = S(t) * delta_LM - mu_M * M(t), P'(t) = P(t)^2 * rho_P - P(t) * mu_P - E(t) * P(t) * mu_PE - S(t) * P(t) * mu_PL, y1(t) = N(t), y2(t) = E(t) + S(t), y3(t) = M(t) ) ), Dict( :name => "Chemical reaction network", :ode => @ODEmodel( x1'(t) = -k1 * x1(t) * x2(t) + k2 * x4(t) + k4 * x6(t), x2'(t) = -k1 * x1(t) * x2(t) + k2 * x4(t) + k3 * x4(t), x3'(t) = k3 * x4(t) + k5 * x6(t) - k6 * x3(t) * x5(t), x4'(t) = k1 * x1(t) * x2(t) - k2 * x4(t) - k3 * x4(t), x5'(t) = k4 * x6(t) + k5 * x6(t) - k6 * x3(t) * x5(t), x6'(t) = -k4 * x6(t) - k5 * x6(t) + k6 * x3(t) * x5(t), y1(t) = x3(t), y2(t) = x2(t) ) ) ] # the NFkB example ode = @ODEmodel( x1'(t) = k_prod - k_deg * x1(t) - k1 * x1(t) * u(t), x2'(t) = -k3 * x2(t) - k_deg * x2(t) - a2 * x2(t) * x10(t) + t1 * x4(t) - a3 * x2(t) * x13(t) + t2 * x5(t) + (k1 * x1(t) - k2 * x2(t) * x8(t)) * u(t), x3'(t) = k3 * x2(t) - k_deg * x3(t) + k2 * x2(t) * x8(t) * u(t), x4'(t) = a2 * x2(t) * x10(t) - t1 * x4(t), x5'(t) = a3 * x2(t) * x13(t) - t2 * x5(t), x6'(t) = c6a * x13(t) - a1 * x6(t) * x10(t) + t2 * x5(t) - i1 * x6(t), x7'(t) = i1 * kv * x6(t) - a1 * x11(t) * x7(t), x8'(t) = c4 * x9(t) - c5 * x8(t), x9'(t) = c2 - c1 * x7(t) - c3 * x9(t), x10'(t) = -a2 * x2(t) * x10(t) - a1 * x10(t) * x6(t) + c4a * x12(t) - c5a * x10(t) - i1a * x10(t) + e1a * x11(t), x11'(t) = -a1 * x11(t) * x7(t) + i1a * kv * x10(t) - e1a * kv * x11(t), x12'(t) = c2a + c1a * x7(t) - c3a * x12(t), x13'(t) = a1 * x10(t) * x6(t) - c6a * x13(t) - a3 * x2(t) * x13(t) + e2a * x14(t), x14'(t) = a1 * x11(t) * x7(t) - e2a * kv * x14(t), x15'(t) = c2c + c1c * x7(t) - c3c * x15(t), y1(t) = x7(t), y2(t) = x10(t) + x13(t), y3(t) = x9(t), y4(t) = x1(t) + x2(t) + x3(t), y5(t) = x2(t), y6(t) = x12(t) ) QQ = StructuralIdentifiability.Nemo.QQ ode = set_parameter_values(ode, Dict( a1 => QQ(1, 2), a2 => QQ(1, 5), a3 => QQ(1), c1a => QQ(5, 10^(7)), c2a => QQ(0), c5a => QQ(1, 10^(4)), c6a => QQ(2, 10^(5)), c1 => QQ(5, 10^(7)), c2 => QQ(0), c3 => QQ(4, 10^(4)), c4 => QQ(1, 2), kv => QQ(5), e1a => QQ(5, 10^(4)), c1c => QQ(5, 10^(7)), c2c => QQ(0), c3c => QQ(4, 10^(4)) )) push!( benchmarks, Dict( :name => "NFkB", :ode => ode, :skip => true ) )
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 940, 12, 3064, 198, 26968, 14306, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 3672, 5218, 366, 5841, 1431, 24981, 329, 4856, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 1098, 5218, 2488, 16820, 19849, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 16, 6, 7, 83, 8, 796, 357, 64, 1343, 275, 8, 1635, 2124, 16, 7, 83, 8, 532, 269, 1635, 2124, 16, 7, 83, 8, 1635, 2124, 17, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 17, 6, 7, 83, 8, 796, 532, 64, 1635, 275, 1635, 2124, 17, 7, 83, 8, 1343, 288, 1635, 2124, 16, 7, 83, 8, 1635, 2124, 17, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 331, 16, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 16, 7, 83, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 220, 220, 220, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 3672, 5218, 366, 11584, 18564, 2656, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 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8, 1635, 2124, 1485, 7, 83, 8, 1343, 304, 17, 64, 1635, 2124, 1415, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 1415, 6, 7, 83, 8, 796, 257, 16, 1635, 2124, 1157, 7, 83, 8, 1635, 2124, 22, 7, 83, 8, 532, 304, 17, 64, 1635, 479, 85, 1635, 2124, 1415, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 1314, 6, 7, 83, 8, 796, 269, 17, 66, 1343, 269, 16, 66, 1635, 2124, 22, 7, 83, 8, 532, 269, 18, 66, 1635, 2124, 1314, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 16, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 22, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 17, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 940, 7, 83, 8, 1343, 2124, 1485, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 18, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 24, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 19, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 16, 7, 83, 8, 1343, 2124, 17, 7, 83, 8, 1343, 2124, 18, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 20, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 17, 7, 83, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 21, 7, 83, 8, 796, 2124, 1065, 7, 83, 8, 198, 8, 198, 198, 48, 48, 796, 32112, 1523, 33234, 361, 12455, 13, 45, 41903, 13, 48, 48, 198, 198, 1098, 796, 900, 62, 17143, 2357, 62, 27160, 7, 1098, 11, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 16, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 16, 11, 362, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 17, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 16, 11, 642, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 18, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 16, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 16, 64, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 20, 11, 838, 61, 7, 22, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 17, 64, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 15, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 20, 64, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 16, 11, 838, 61, 7, 19, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 21, 64, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 17, 11, 838, 61, 7, 20, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 16, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 20, 11, 838, 61, 7, 22, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 17, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 15, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 18, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 19, 11, 838, 61, 7, 19, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 19, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 16, 11, 362, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 479, 85, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 20, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 304, 16, 64, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 20, 11, 838, 61, 7, 19, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 16, 66, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 20, 11, 838, 61, 7, 22, 36911, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 17, 66, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 15, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 18, 66, 5218, 1195, 48, 7, 19, 11, 838, 61, 7, 19, 4008, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 4008, 198, 198, 14689, 0, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31747, 11, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 3672, 5218, 366, 21870, 38841, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 1098, 5218, 267, 2934, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1058, 48267, 5218, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 8, 198 ]
<reponame>d9w/Spark.jl using JSON using Spark function start(worker::Worker) server = listen(IPv4(0), worker.port) println("Starting worker") while sock = accept(server) @async while try line = readline(sock) result = handle(worker, line) println(sock, json({"result" => result})) catch e showerror(STDERR, e) break end end end end function handle(worker::Worker, line::ASCIIString) # General format of a message: # {:call => "funcname", :args => {anything}} # this is dispatched to any function call - fine since we're assuming # a private non-adversarial network. msg = JSON.parse(strip(line)) r = false if "call" in keys(msg) r = eval(Expr(:call, symbol(msg["call"]), worker, msg["args"])) end return r end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 67, 24, 86, 14, 4561, 668, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 19449, 198, 3500, 17732, 198, 198, 8818, 923, 7, 28816, 3712, 12468, 263, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4382, 796, 6004, 7, 4061, 85, 19, 7, 15, 828, 8383, 13, 634, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 8383, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 8383, 13, 5275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 32263, 796, 2453, 7, 15388, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 292, 13361, 981, 8383, 13, 5275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1627, 796, 1100, 1370, 7, 82, 735, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 5412, 7, 28816, 11, 1627, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7, 82, 735, 11, 33918, 7, 4895, 20274, 1, 5218, 1255, 92, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 304, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14643, 1472, 7, 2257, 49643, 11, 304, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2270, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 5412, 7, 28816, 3712, 12468, 263, 11, 1627, 3712, 42643, 3978, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3611, 5794, 286, 257, 3275, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 46110, 13345, 5218, 366, 20786, 3672, 1600, 1058, 22046, 5218, 1391, 49459, 11709, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 428, 318, 26562, 284, 597, 2163, 869, 532, 3734, 1201, 356, 821, 13148, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 257, 2839, 1729, 12, 324, 690, 36098, 3127, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 31456, 796, 19449, 13, 29572, 7, 36311, 7, 1370, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 366, 13345, 1, 287, 8251, 7, 19662, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 5418, 7, 3109, 1050, 7, 25, 13345, 11, 6194, 7, 19662, 14692, 13345, 8973, 828, 8383, 11, 31456, 14692, 22046, 8973, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 374, 198, 437, 198 ]
<filename>src/figures.jl """ Figure(workstation::Tuple{Float64, Float64}, plots::Vector{PlotObject}) Return a new figure, defined by: * **`workstation`**: a `Tuple{Float64, Float64}` with the width and height of the overall plot container (workstation), in pixels. * **`plots`**: a vector of [`PlotObject`](@ref) elements, which contain the information of the individual plots included in the figure. """ struct Figure workstation::Tuple{Float64, Float64} plots::Vector{PlotObject} end const EMPTYFIGURE = Figure((0.0, 0.0), [PlotObject()]) const CURRENTFIGURE = Ref(EMPTYFIGURE) """ gcf() gcf(fig::Figure) Get the global current figure, or set it to be `fig`. """ gcf() = (CURRENTFIGURE[] == EMPTYFIGURE) ? Figure() : CURRENTFIGURE[] gcf(fig::Figure) = (CURRENTFIGURE[] = fig) """ Figure([figsize::Tuple{Float64, Float64}, units::String]) Create a new figure of a given size. The figure size is defined by `figsize` (a 2-tuple with the target width and height), and `units` (a string with the abbreviation of the units: "px" for pixels, "in" for inches, "cm" for centimeters or "m" for meters). The default dimensions used by `Figure()` with no arguments is 600×450 pixels — or a proportional increased size, if the detected display resolution is high. This constructor also sets the "current figure" to the one that has just been created.. """ function Figure(figsize=(600,450), units::String="px") # Calculate the display resolution (dpi) mwidth, mheight, width, height = GR.inqdspsize() dpi = width / mwidth * 0.0254 # Transform figsize to pixels sizepx = Tuple(float(s) for s in figsize) if units == "px" # keep it as is elseif units == "in" sizepx = figsize .* dpi elseif units == "cm" sizepx = figsize .* (dpi / 2.54) elseif units == "m" sizepx = figsize .* (dpi / 0.0254) end # increase dimensions if dpi is too big (the figure would be tiny) w, h = (dpi > 200) ? Tuple(s * dpi / 100 for s in sizepx) : sizepx # Workstation size wssize = mwidth / width * w ratio = (w > h) ? (1.0, float(h)/w) : (float(w)/h, 1.0) workstation = (wssize * ratio[1], wssize * ratio[2]) plots = [PlotObject()] CURRENTFIGURE[] = Figure(workstation, plots) end function Base.Multimedia.display(fig::Figure) output = draw(fig) output isa Nothing && return nothing display(output) return nothing end # Caution! This depends on GR internals # Base.showable(::MIME"image/svg+xml", ::Figure) = GR.mime_type[] == "svg" # Base.showable(::MIME"image/png", ::Figure) = GR.mime_type[] == "png" Base.showable(::MIME"text/html", ::Figure) = GR.mime_type[] ∈ ("mov", "mp4", "webm") #, mime::M, fig::Figure) where { # M <: Union{MIME"image/svg+xml", MIME"image/png", MIME"text/html"} # } = show(io, mime, draw(fig)), mime::MIME"text/html", fig::Figure) = show(io, mime, draw(fig)) for (mime, fmt) in ( "image/png" => "png", "image/svg+xml" => "svg" ) @eval function, mime::MIME{Symbol($mime)}, fig::Figure) gr_mime = GR.isinline() ? string(GR.mime_type[]) : "" GR.inline($fmt) try show(io, mime, draw(fig)) catch err throw(err) finally resetmime(gr_mime) end end end """ currentplot([fig::Figure]) Get the "current plot", i.e. the target of the next plotting operations in the (optionally) given figure `fig`. If no figure is given, the "current figure" is used (cf. [`gcf`](@ref)). """ currentplot(f::Figure=gcf()) = f.plots[end] # Normalized width and height of a figure'w workstation wswindow(f::Figure) = f.workstation ./ maximum(f.workstation) ## Subplots function subplot!(f::Figure, nr, nc, p, replace=true) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 for i in collect(p) r = nr - div(i-1, nc) c = (i-1) % nc + 1 xmin = min(xmin, (c-1)/nc) xmax = max(xmax, c/nc) ymin = min(ymin, (r-1)/nr) ymax = max(ymax, r/nr) end coords = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] po = PlotObject(; subplot = coords) if replace po = replaceplot!(f.plots, po) end push!(f.plots, po) return po end """ subplot(num_rows, num_columns, indices[, replace]) Set a subplot in the current figure. By default, the current plot covers the whole window. To display more than one plot, the window can be split into a number of rows and columns, with each plot covering one or more cells in the resulting grid. Subplot indices are one-based and start at the upper left corner, with a new row starting after every `num_cols` subplots. The arguments `num_rows` and `num_cols` indicate the number of rows and columns of the grid of plots into which the figure is meant to be divided, and `indices` is an integer or a collection of integers that identify a group of cells in that grid. This function returns a plot with the minimum size that spans over all those cells, and appends it to the array of plots of the figure, such that it becomes its current plot. If the viewport of the new subplot coincides with the viewport of an existing plot, by default the older one is moved to the first plane, and taken as the "current plot"; but if there is only a partial overlap between the new subplot and other plots, the overlapping plots are removed. To override this behavior and keep all previous plots without changes, set the optional argument `replace` to false. # Examples ```julia $(_example("subplot")) ``` """ subplot(args...) = subplot!(gcf(), args...) function replaceplot!(plotcollection, p) # If subplot is not specified in p, empty the whole collection if !haskey(p.attributes, :subplot) empty!(plotcollection) else coords = p.attributes[:subplot] i = 1 while i ≤ length(plotcollection) # Check intersection coords_i = get(plotcollection[i].attributes, :subplot, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) bottomleft = (max(coords[1], coords_i[1]), max(coords[3], coords_i[3])) topright = (min(coords[2], coords_i[2]), min(coords[4], coords_i[4])) if all(bottomleft .< topright) (coords ≈ coords_i) && (p = plotcollection[i]) deleteat!(plotcollection, i) else i += 1 end end end return p end function draw(f::Figure) GR.clearws() w, h = f.workstation GR.setwsviewport(0.0, w, 0.0, h) ratio_w, ratio_h = wswindow(f) GR.setwswindow(0.0, ratio_w, 0.0, ratio_h) drawn = false for p in f.plots drawn = draw(p) || drawn end GR.updatews() if GR.isinline() && drawn return else return end end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 5647, 942, 13, 20362, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11291, 7, 1818, 17529, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 48436, 2414, 5512, 21528, 3712, 38469, 90, 43328, 10267, 30072, 198, 198, 13615, 257, 649, 3785, 11, 5447, 416, 25, 198, 198, 9, 12429, 63, 1818, 17529, 63, 1174, 25, 257, 4600, 51, 29291, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 48436, 2414, 92, 63, 351, 262, 9647, 290, 6001, 286, 262, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4045, 7110, 9290, 357, 1818, 17529, 828, 287, 17848, 13, 198, 9, 12429, 63, 489, 1747, 63, 1174, 25, 257, 15879, 286, 685, 63, 43328, 10267, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 4847, 11, 543, 3994, 262, 1321, 286, 198, 220, 220, 220, 262, 1981, 21528, 3017, 287, 262, 3785, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 11291, 198, 220, 220, 220, 670, 17529, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 48436, 2414, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21528, 3712, 38469, 90, 43328, 10267, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9979, 38144, 9936, 16254, 11335, 796, 11291, 19510, 15, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 828, 685, 43328, 10267, 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329, 17848, 11, 198, 1, 259, 1, 329, 8331, 11, 366, 11215, 1, 329, 48829, 393, 366, 76, 1, 329, 10700, 737, 198, 464, 4277, 15225, 973, 416, 4600, 11337, 3419, 63, 351, 645, 7159, 318, 10053, 12906, 17885, 17848, 198, 960, 393, 257, 27111, 3220, 2546, 11, 611, 262, 12326, 3359, 6323, 318, 1029, 13, 198, 1212, 23772, 635, 5621, 262, 366, 14421, 3785, 1, 284, 262, 530, 326, 468, 655, 587, 198, 25598, 492, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 11291, 7, 5647, 7857, 16193, 8054, 11, 17885, 828, 4991, 3712, 10100, 2625, 8416, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 27131, 378, 262, 3359, 6323, 357, 67, 14415, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 10394, 11, 285, 17015, 11, 9647, 11, 6001, 796, 10863, 13, 259, 80, 9310, 862, 1096, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 14415, 796, 9647, 1220, 285, 10394, 1635, 657, 13, 15, 24970, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 26981, 2336, 7857, 284, 17848, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 528, 538, 87, 796, 309, 29291, 7, 22468, 7, 82, 8, 329, 264, 287, 2336, 7857, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4991, 6624, 366, 8416, 1, 1303, 1394, 340, 355, 318, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 4991, 6624, 366, 259, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 528, 538, 87, 796, 2336, 7857, 764, 9, 288, 14415, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 4991, 6624, 366, 11215, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 528, 538, 87, 796, 2336, 7857, 764, 9, 357, 67, 14415, 1220, 362, 13, 4051, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 4991, 6624, 366, 76, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 528, 538, 87, 796, 2336, 7857, 764, 9, 357, 67, 14415, 1220, 657, 13, 15, 24970, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2620, 15225, 611, 288, 14415, 318, 1165, 1263, 357, 1169, 3785, 561, 307, 7009, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 11, 289, 796, 357, 67, 14415, 1875, 939, 8, 5633, 309, 29291, 7, 82, 1635, 288, 14415, 1220, 1802, 329, 264, 287, 264, 528, 538, 87, 8, 1058, 264, 528, 538, 87, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5521, 17529, 2546, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 824, 1096, 796, 285, 10394, 1220, 9647, 1635, 266, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8064, 796, 357, 86, 1875, 289, 8, 5633, 357, 16, 13, 15, 11, 12178, 7, 71, 20679, 86, 8, 1058, 357, 22468, 7, 86, 20679, 71, 11, 352, 13, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 670, 17529, 796, 357, 86, 824, 1096, 1635, 8064, 58, 16, 4357, 266, 824, 1096, 1635, 8064, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21528, 796, 685, 43328, 10267, 3419, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 327, 39237, 16254, 11335, 21737, 796, 11291, 7, 1818, 17529, 11, 21528, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 15205, 20626, 13, 13812, 7, 5647, 3712, 11337, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5072, 796, 3197, 7, 5647, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5072, 318, 64, 10528, 11405, 1441, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 7, 22915, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 6488, 1009, 0, 770, 8338, 319, 10863, 1788, 874, 198, 2, 7308, 13, 12860, 540, 7, 3712, 44, 12789, 1, 9060, 14, 21370, 70, 10, 19875, 1600, 7904, 11337, 8, 796, 10863, 13, 76, 524, 62, 4906, 21737, 6624, 366, 21370, 70, 1, 198, 2, 7308, 13, 12860, 540, 7, 3712, 44, 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11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 2824, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 299, 81, 532, 2659, 7, 72, 12, 16, 11, 299, 66, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 357, 72, 12, 16, 8, 4064, 299, 66, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 1084, 796, 949, 7, 87, 1084, 11, 357, 66, 12, 16, 20679, 10782, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 9806, 796, 3509, 7, 87, 9806, 11, 269, 14, 10782, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 331, 1084, 796, 949, 7, 88, 1084, 11, 357, 81, 12, 16, 20679, 48624, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 331, 9806, 796, 3509, 7, 4948, 897, 11, 374, 14, 48624, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 763, 3669, 796, 685, 87, 1084, 11, 2124, 9806, 11, 331, 1084, 11, 331, 9806, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 745, 796, 28114, 10267, 7, 26, 850, 29487, 796, 763, 3669, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6330, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 745, 796, 6330, 29487, 0, 7, 69, 13, 489, 1747, 11, 745, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 69, 13, 489, 1747, 11, 745, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 745, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 850, 29487, 7, 22510, 62, 8516, 11, 997, 62, 28665, 82, 11, 36525, 58, 11, 6330, 12962, 198, 198, 7248, 257, 850, 29487, 287, 262, 1459, 3785, 13, 198, 198, 3886, 4277, 11, 262, 1459, 7110, 8698, 262, 2187, 4324, 13, 1675, 3359, 517, 198, 14813, 530, 7110, 11, 262, 4324, 460, 307, 6626, 656, 257, 1271, 286, 15274, 290, 15180, 11, 198, 4480, 1123, 7110, 9505, 530, 393, 517, 4778, 287, 262, 7186, 10706, 13, 198, 198, 7004, 29487, 36525, 389, 530, 12, 3106, 290, 923, 379, 262, 6727, 1364, 5228, 11, 351, 257, 198, 3605, 5752, 3599, 706, 790, 4600, 22510, 62, 4033, 82, 63, 850, 489, 1747, 13, 198, 198, 464, 7159, 4600, 22510, 62, 8516, 63, 290, 4600, 22510, 62, 4033, 82, 63, 7603, 262, 1271, 286, 15274, 290, 15180, 198, 1659, 262, 10706, 286, 21528, 656, 543, 262, 3785, 318, 4001, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 10863, 13, 12860, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
<reponame>anupam-mitra/ITensors.jl using ITensors using ProfileView # Examples of optimizing simple chained matrix multiplications, # useful for getting an idea for the overhead. function main(d=100) i = Index(d, "i") A = randomITensor(i', dag(i)) # # 2 tensors # println("\n2 tensors") # Simple pair contraction @btime $A' * $A # # 3 tensors # println("\n3 tensors") println("Pick an optimal sequence explicitly") ITensors.disable_contraction_sequence_optimization() @show ITensors.using_contraction_sequence_optimization() @btime $A'' * $A' * $A # Alternative syntax #@btime $A'' * ($A' * $A) #@btime contract([$A'', $A', $A]; sequence = "right_associative") #@btime contract([$A'', $A', $A]; sequence = "left_associative") #@btime contract([$A'', $A', $A]; sequence = $([[1, 2], 3])) #@btime contract([$A'', $A', $A]; sequence = $([[2, 3], 1])) println("Pick a bad sequence explicitly") @btime $A'' * $A * $A' # Alternative syntax #@btime contract([$A'', $A', $A]; sequence = $([[1, 3], 2])) println("Let it optimize") ITensors.enable_contraction_sequence_optimization() @show ITensors.using_contraction_sequence_optimization() # Already starting from an optimal sequence, there # is still overhead to checking if there isn't a better sequence println("Starting from optimal sequence") @btime $A'' * $A' * $A # Find a better sequence println("Starting from non-optimal sequence") @btime $A'' * $A * $A' f(A, N) = for _ in 1:N A'' * A' * A end @profview f(A, 1e6) ITensors.disable_contraction_sequence_optimization() # # 4 tensors # println("\n4 tensors") println("Pick an optimal sequence explicitly") ITensors.disable_contraction_sequence_optimization() @show ITensors.using_contraction_sequence_optimization() @btime $A''' * $A'' * $A' * $A # Alternative syntax #@btime $A''' * ($A'' * ($A' * $A)) #@btime contract([$A''', $A'', $A', $A]; sequence = $([[[1, 2], 3], 4])) println("Pick a bad sequence explicitly") @btime $A'' * $A * $A''' * $A' println("Let it optimize") ITensors.enable_contraction_sequence_optimization() @show ITensors.using_contraction_sequence_optimization() println("Starting from optimal sequence") @btime $A''' * $A'' * $A' * $A println("Starting from non-optimal sequence") @btime $A'' * $A * $A''' * $A' # # 5 tensors # println("\n5 tensors") println("Pick an optimal sequence explicitly") ITensors.disable_contraction_sequence_optimization() @show ITensors.using_contraction_sequence_optimization() @btime $A'''' * $A''' * $A'' * $A' * $A println("Pick a bad sequence explicitly") @btime $A'' * $A * $A''' * $A' * $A'''' println("Let it optimize") ITensors.enable_contraction_sequence_optimization() @show ITensors.using_contraction_sequence_optimization() println("Starting from optimal sequence") @btime $A'''' * $A''' * $A'' * $A' * $A println("Starting from non-optimal sequence") @btime $A'' * $A'''' * $A * $A''' * $A' return ITensors.disable_contraction_sequence_optimization() end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 272, 929, 321, 12, 2781, 430, 14, 2043, 641, 669, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 7283, 641, 669, 198, 3500, 13118, 7680, 198, 198, 2, 21066, 286, 45780, 2829, 40682, 17593, 15082, 3736, 11, 198, 2, 4465, 329, 1972, 281, 2126, 329, 262, 16965, 13, 198, 8818, 1388, 7, 67, 28, 3064, 8, 198, 220, 1312, 796, 12901, 7, 67, 11, 366, 72, 4943, 198, 220, 317, 796, 4738, 2043, 22854, 7, 72, 3256, 48924, 7, 72, 4008, 628, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 1303, 362, 11192, 669, 198, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 59, 77, 17, 11192, 669, 4943, 628, 220, 1303, 17427, 5166, 36246, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 628, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 1303, 513, 11192, 669, 198, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 59, 77, 18, 11192, 669, 4943, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 31686, 281, 16586, 8379, 11777, 4943, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 40223, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 220, 2488, 12860, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 3500, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 198, 220, 1303, 27182, 15582, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 7198, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 2775, 26933, 3, 32, 6, 3256, 720, 32, 3256, 720, 32, 11208, 8379, 796, 366, 3506, 62, 562, 1733, 876, 4943, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 2775, 26933, 3, 32, 6, 3256, 720, 32, 3256, 720, 32, 11208, 8379, 796, 366, 9464, 62, 562, 1733, 876, 4943, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 2775, 26933, 3, 32, 6, 3256, 720, 32, 3256, 720, 32, 11208, 8379, 796, 720, 26933, 58, 16, 11, 362, 4357, 513, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 2775, 26933, 3, 32, 6, 3256, 720, 32, 3256, 720, 32, 11208, 8379, 796, 720, 26933, 58, 17, 11, 513, 4357, 352, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 31686, 257, 2089, 8379, 11777, 4943, 628, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 198, 220, 1303, 27182, 15582, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 2775, 26933, 3, 32, 6, 3256, 720, 32, 3256, 720, 32, 11208, 8379, 796, 720, 26933, 58, 16, 11, 513, 4357, 362, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 5756, 340, 27183, 4943, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 21633, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 220, 2488, 12860, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 3500, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 1303, 27511, 3599, 422, 281, 16586, 8379, 11, 612, 198, 220, 1303, 318, 991, 16965, 284, 10627, 611, 612, 2125, 470, 257, 1365, 8379, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 422, 16586, 8379, 4943, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 198, 220, 1303, 9938, 257, 1365, 8379, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 422, 1729, 12, 8738, 4402, 8379, 4943, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 628, 220, 277, 7, 32, 11, 399, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 317, 7061, 1635, 317, 6, 1635, 317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2488, 5577, 1177, 277, 7, 32, 11, 352, 68, 21, 8, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 40223, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 1303, 604, 11192, 669, 198, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 59, 77, 19, 11192, 669, 4943, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 31686, 281, 16586, 8379, 11777, 4943, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 40223, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 220, 2488, 12860, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 3500, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 198, 220, 1303, 27182, 15582, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 7198, 32, 7061, 1635, 7198, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 4008, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 65, 2435, 2775, 26933, 3, 32, 7061, 3256, 720, 32, 6, 3256, 720, 32, 3256, 720, 32, 11208, 8379, 796, 720, 26933, 30109, 16, 11, 362, 4357, 513, 4357, 604, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 31686, 257, 2089, 8379, 11777, 4943, 628, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 5756, 340, 27183, 4943, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 21633, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 220, 2488, 12860, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 3500, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 422, 16586, 8379, 4943, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 422, 1729, 12, 8738, 4402, 8379, 4943, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 628, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 1303, 642, 11192, 669, 198, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 59, 77, 20, 11192, 669, 4943, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 31686, 281, 16586, 8379, 11777, 4943, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 40223, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 220, 2488, 12860, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 3500, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 39115, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 31686, 257, 2089, 8379, 11777, 4943, 628, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 39115, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 5756, 340, 27183, 4943, 628, 220, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 21633, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 220, 2488, 12860, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 3500, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 422, 16586, 8379, 4943, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 39115, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 22851, 422, 1729, 12, 8738, 4402, 8379, 4943, 198, 220, 2488, 65, 2435, 720, 32, 7061, 1635, 720, 32, 39115, 1635, 720, 32, 1635, 720, 32, 7061, 6, 1635, 720, 32, 6, 628, 220, 1441, 7283, 641, 669, 13, 40223, 62, 3642, 7861, 62, 43167, 62, 40085, 1634, 3419, 198, 437, 198 ]
# """ # Function applies the transformations for loading a parameter to # fp = (quote end).args # sp = (quote end).args # M == param_length == 0 => scalar # """ function load_transformations!( fp, sp, b::Bounds{T}, out, shape::Vector{Int}, partial::Bool, logjac::Bool, sptr::Union{Symbol,Nothing}, m::Module = DistributionParameters, θ = Symbol("##θparameter##"), ∂θ = Symbol("##∂θparameter##"), exportparam::Bool = false ) where {T} maybe_align = x -> exportparam ? x : VectorizationBase.align(x) N = length(shape) scalar = iszero(N) M = prod(shape) if !scalar X = similar(shape); X[1] = 1 for n in 2:N X[n] = X[n-1] * shape[n-1] end end use_sptr = sptr isa Symbol outinit = if scalar quote end elseif use_sptr if N == 1 quote $out = $m.PtrVector{$(first(shape)),$T}(pointer($sptr, $T)) $sptr += $(maybe_align(sizeof(T)*M)) end else quote $out = $m.PtrArray{$(Tuple{shape...}),$T,$N,$(Tuple{X...}),$M,true}(pointer($sptr, $T)) $sptr += $(maybe_align(sizeof(T)*M)) end end else quote # Do we want to pad these? $out = $m.FixedSizeArray{$(Tuple{shape...}),$T,$N,$(Tuple{X...}),$M}(undef) end end outlifestart = if !scalar && !exportparam && use_sptr push!(outinit.args, :($m.lifetime_start!($out))) true else false end adjout = ReverseDiffExpressionsBase.adj(out) if isunbounded(b) if scalar push!(fp, :($out = $m.VectorizationBase.load($θ))) elseif exportparam isym = gensym(:i) loop_quote = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $m for $isym ∈ 1:$M $out[$isym] = $θ[$isym] end end copy_q = quote $outinit $(macroexpand(m, loop_quote)) end push!(fp, copy_q) else push!(fp, :($out = $m.PtrArray{$(Tuple{shape...}),$T,$N,$(Tuple{X...}),$M,true}(pointer($θ)))) end elseif islowerbounded(b) logout = gensym(Symbol(:log_, out)) if scalar outdef = (( == zero(T)) && !exportparam ) ? :(RealFloat{$(Bounds(zero(T),typemax(T))),$T,$T}(Base.exp($logout),$logout)) : :(exp($logout) + $(T( load_expr = quote $logout = $m.VectorizationBase.load($θ) $out = $outdef end logjac && push!(load_expr.args, :(target = $m.vadd(target, $logout))) else outdef = ( == zero(T)) ? :(exp($logout)) : :(exp($logout) + $(T( isym = gensym(:i) loopbody = quote $logout = $θ[$isym] $out[$isym] = $outdef end logjac && push!(loopbody.args, :(target = $m.vadd(target, $logout))) loop_quote = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $m for $isym ∈ 1:$M $loopbody end end if == zero(T) && !exportparam && sptr !== nothing outinit = quote $out = $m.RealArray{$(Tuple{shape...}),$(Bounds(zero(T),typemax(T))),$T,$N,$(Tuple{X...}),$M,Ptr{$T}}(pointer($sptr, $T),pointer($θ)) $sptr += $(maybe_align(sizeof(T)*M)) end end load_expr = quote $outinit $(macroexpand(m, loop_quote)) end end push!(fp, load_expr) # (exportparam || scalar) || push!(fp, load_expr) if partial if scalar # push!(sp, :($!($∂θ, muladd($adjout, $out, one($T))))) push!(sp, :($!($adjout, muladd($m.VectorizationBase.load($adjout), $out, one($T))))) else isym = gensym(:i) storeloop = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $m for $isym ∈ 1:$M $adjout[$isym] = $m.SIMDPirates.vmuladd($adjout[$isym], $out[$isym], one($T)) end end push!(sp, macroexpand(m, storeloop)) end end outlifestart && push!(sp, :($m.lifetime_end!($out))) elseif isupperbounded(b) logout = gensym(Symbol(:log_, out)) outdef = ((b.ub == zero(T)) && !exportparam) ? :(- exp($logout)) : :($(T(b.ub)) - exp($logout)) if scalar load_expr = quote $logout = $m.VectorizationBase.load($θ) $out = $outdef end logjac && push!(load_expr.args, :(target = $m.vadd(target, $logout))) else isym = gensym(:i) loopbody = quote $logout = $θ[$isym] $out[$isym] = $outdef end logjac && push!(loopbody.args, :(target = $m.vadd(target, $logout))) loop_quote = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $m for $isym ∈ 1:$M $loopbody end end load_expr = quote $outinit $(macroexpand(m, loop_quote)) end end push!(fp, load_expr) if partial if scalar push!(sp, :($!($adjout, $m.SIMDPirates.vfnmadd($m.VectorizationBase.load($adjout), $out, one($T))))) else isym = gensym(:i) storeloop = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $m for $isym ∈ 1:$M $adjout[$isym] = $m.SIMDPirates.vfnmadd($adjout[$isym], $out[$isym], one($T)) end end push!(sp, macroexpand(m, storeloop)) end end outlifestart && push!(sp, :($m.lifetime_end!($out))) elseif isbounded(b) scale = b.ub - invlogit = gensym(:invlogit) ninvlogit = gensym(:ninvlogit) ∂invlogit = gensym(:∂invlogit) if scalar if == 0 && b.ub == 1 unconstrained = gensym(:unconstrained) q = quote $unconstrained = $m.VectorizationBase.load($θ) $ninvlogit = one($T) / (one($T) + exp($unconstrained)) $invlogit = one($T) - $ninvlogit $out = RealFloat{$(Bounds(zero(T),one(T))),$T,$T}($invlogit, $unconstrained) $∂invlogit = $invlogit * $ninvlogit end else q = quote $ninvlogit = one($T) / (one($T) + exp($m.VectorizationBase.load($θ))) $invlogit = one($T) - $ninvlogit $out = $( == zero(T) ? (scale == one(T) ? invlogit : :($scale * $invlogit)) : (scale == one(T) ? :($( + $invlogit) : :(muladd($scale, $invlogit, $( $∂invlogit = $invlogit * $ninvlogit end end logjac && push!(q.args, :( target = $m.vadd(target, $∂invlogit))) push!(fp, q) if partial ∂q = quote!( $adjout, @fastmath one($T) - $(T(2)) * $invlogit + $m.VectorizationBase.load($adjout) * $(scale == one(T) ? ∂invlogit : :($scale * $∂invlogit)) ) end push!(sp, macroexpand(m, ∂q)) #Expand the fastmath? Why not Base.FastMath.add_fast / mul_fast directly? end else isym = gensym(:i) if == 0 && b.ub == 1 outinit = quote $out = $m.RealArray{$(Tuple{shape...}),$(Bounds(zero(T),one(T))),$T,$N,$(Tuple{X...}),$M,Ptr{$T}}(pointer($sptr, $T), pointer($θ)) $sptr += $(maybe_align(sizeof(T)*M)) end outlifestart && push!(outinit.args, :($m.lifetime_start!($out))) end if partial invlogitinits = if use_sptr quote $outinit $invlogit = $m.PtrVector{$M,$T}(pointer($sptr,$T)) $sptr += $(maybe_align(M*sizeof(T))) $∂invlogit = $m.PtrVector{$M,$T}(pointer($sptr,$T)) $sptr += $(maybe_align(M*sizeof(T))) end else quote $outinit $invlogit = FixedSizeVector{$M,$T}(undef) $∂invlogit = FixedSizeVector{$M,$T}(undef) end end if outlifestart push!(invlogitinits.args, :($m.lifetime_start!($invlogit))) push!(invlogitinits.args, :($m.lifetime_start!($∂invlogit))) end push!(fp, invlogitinits) ilt = gensym(:ilt) ∂ilt = gensym(:∂ilt) loop_body = quote $ninvlogit = one($T) / (one($T) + $m.SLEEFPirates.exp($θ[$isym])) $ilt = one($T) - $ninvlogit $invlogit[$isym] = $ilt $∂ilt = $ilt * $ninvlogit $∂invlogit[$isym] = $∂ilt $out[$isym] = $( == zero(T) ? (scale == one(T) ? ilt : :($scale * $ilt)) : (scale == one(T) ? :($( + $ilt) : :($m.SIMDPirates.vmuladd($scale, $ilt, $( end logjac && push!(loop_body.args, :(target = $m.vadd(target, $m.SLEEFPirates.log($∂ilt)))) loop_quote = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $((m)) for $isym ∈ 1:$M $loop_body end end push!(fp, macroexpand(m, loop_quote)) storeloop = quote LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $((m)) for $isym ∈ 1:$M $adjout[$isym] = one($T) - $(T(2)) * $invlogit[$isym] + ($adjout)[$isym] * $(scale == one(T) ? :($∂invlogit[$isym]) : :($∂invlogit[$isym] * $scale)) end end push!(sp, macroexpand(m, storeloop)) if outlifestart push!(sp, :($m.lifetime_end!($invlogit))) push!(sp, :($m.lifetime_end!($∂invlogit))) end else loop_body = quote $ninvlogit = one($T) / (one($T) + $m.SLEEFPirates.exp($θ[$isym])) $invlogit = one($T) - $ninvlogit $out[$isym] = $( == zero(T) ? (scale == one(T) ? invlogit : :($scale * $invlogit)) : (scale == one(T) ? :($( + $invlogit) : :($m.SIMDPirates.vmuladd($scale, $invlogit, $( end logjac && push!(loop_body.args, :(target = $m.vadd(target, $m.SLEEFPirates.log($invlogit * $ninvlogit)))) loop_quote = quote $outinit LoopVectorization.@vvectorize_unsafe $T $((m)) for $isym ∈ 1:$M $loop_body end end push!(fp, macroexpand(m, loop_quote)) end outlifestart && push!(sp, :($m.lifetime_end!($out))) end end if partial if scalar push!(fp, :($adjout = $∂θ)) else push!(fp, :($adjout = $m.PtrArray{$(Tuple{shape...}),$T,$N,$(Tuple{X...}),$M,true}(pointer($∂θ)))) end end if exportparam && scalar push!(fp, :($!(pointer($sptr, $T), convert($T, $out)); $sptr += $(sizeof(T)))) end push!(fp, :($θ += $M)) partial && push!(fp, :($∂θ += $M)) nothing end
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<reponame>AlexandreChern/CIS561_Proj2<filename>src/vec.jl<gh_stars>1-10 export PetscVec, VecSetType, VecSetValues, VecAssemblyBegin, VecAssemblyEnd, VecSetSizes, VecGetSize, VecGetLocalSize, VecNorm, VecGetValues, VecGetOwnershipRange, VecGetArray, VecRestoreArray, VecGetArrayRead, VecRestoreArrayRead, VecSet, VecSqrtAbs, VecLog, VecExp, VecAbs, VecMax, VecMin, VecCopy, VecDuplicate, VecAXPY, VecAXPBY, VecAYPX, VecWAXPY, VecMAXPY, VecAXPBYPCZ, VecScale, VecDot, VecTDot, VecSum, VecSwap, VecReciprocal, VecShift, VecPointwiseMult, VecPointwiseDivide export getLocalIndices """ Petsc Vector type. Not a subtype of `AbstractArray` because Petsc vectors do not conform to that API. """ type PetscVec pobj::Ptr{Void} """ Constructor **Inputs** * comm: MPI Communicator """ function PetscVec(comm::MPI_Comm) # comm = PETSC_COMM_SELF(); vec = Array{Ptr{Void}}(1) err = ccall(( :VecCreate, libpetsclocation ), PetscErrorCode,(comm_type,Ptr{Void}),comm,vec); vec = new(vec[1]) # finalizer(vec,PetscDestroy) # does not seem to be called immediately when vec is no longer visible, is it called later during garbage collection? - yes return vec end """ Constructor from existing pointer to a Petsc Vec **Inputs** pobj: a Ptr{Void} to an existing Petsc object """ function PetscVec(pobj::Ptr{Void}) # default constructor return new(pobj) end end """ Union{AbstractVector, PetscVec} """ const AllVectors = Union{AbstractVector, PetscVec} """ Free a Petsc vec. Safe to call multiple times """ function PetscDestroy(vec::PetscVec) if (vec.pobj != 0) err = ccall(( :VecDestroy, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Ptr{Void}},), &vec.pobj); end vec.pobj = 0 # unnecessary? vec no longer has any references to it # println("VecDestroy called") end """ VecSetType """ function VecSetType(vec::PetscVec,name) err = ccall((:VecSetType, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void}, Cstring), vec.pobj,name); end #TODO: make this better: use VecFromArray function PetscVec(array::Array{PetscScalar}) vec = PetscVec() err = ccall(( :VecSetType, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},Cstring), vec.pobj,"seq"); err = ccall( (:VecSetSizes, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void}, PetscInt, PetscInt), vec.pobj,length(array),length(array)); # want a PetscInt array so build it ourselves idx = Array{PetscInt}(length(array)); for i=1:length(array); idx[i] = i-1; end err = ccall( ( :VecSetValues, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscInt, Ptr{PetscInt},Ptr{PetscScalar},Int32), vec.pobj,length(idx),idx,array,INSERT_VALUES); err = ccall( ( :VecAssemblyBegin, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},), vec.pobj); err = ccall( ( :VecAssemblyEnd, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void},), vec.pobj); return vec end """ VecSetValues """ function VecSetValues(vec::PetscVec,idx::Array{PetscInt},array::Array{PetscScalar},flag::Integer) err = ccall( ( :VecSetValues, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void},PetscInt ,Ptr{PetscInt},Ptr{PetscScalar},Int32), vec.pobj,length(idx), idx,array,flag); return err end """ VecSetValues method that implicitly uses `INSERT_VALUES` """ function VecSetValues(vec::PetscVec,idx::Array{PetscInt},array::Array{PetscScalar}) VecSetValues(vec,idx,array,INSERT_VALUES) end #= function VecSetValues(vec::PetscVec,array::Array{PetscScalar}) idx = Array{PetscInt}(ength(array)) for i=1:length(array); idx[i] = i-1; end VecSetValues(vec,idx,array,INSERT_VALUES) end =# """ VecAssemblyBegin """ function VecAssemblyBegin(obj::PetscVec) err = ccall( ( :VecAssemblyBegin, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void},), obj.pobj); end """ VecAssemblyEnd """ function VecAssemblyEnd(obj::PetscVec) err = ccall( ( :VecAssemblyEnd, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},), obj.pobj); end """ Convenience function for calling VecAssemblyBegin, and VecAssemblyEnd, in one go. """ function VecAssemble(obj::PetscVec) VecAssemblyBegin(obj) VecAssemblyEnd(obj) end """ VecSetSizes """ function VecSetSizes(vec::PetscVec,n::Integer, N::Integer) err = ccall( ( :VecSetSizes, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void}, PetscInt, PetscInt), vec.pobj,n,N); end """ PetscView for Petsc vector """ function PetscView(obj::PetscVec,viewer) err = ccall( ( :VecView, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void},Int64),obj.pobj,0); end """ VeGetSize **Inputs** * vec: a Petsc vector **Outputs** * the size """ function VecGetSize(obj::PetscVec) n = Array{PetscInt}(1) err = ccall( ( :VecGetSize, libpetsclocation), PetscErrorCode, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{PetscInt}), obj.pobj,n); return n[1] end """ VecGetLocalSize **Inputs** * vec: a Petsc vector **Outputs** * the size """ function VecGetLocalSize(arg1::PetscVec) arg2 = Ref{PetscInt}() ccall((:VecGetLocalSize,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{PetscInt}),arg1.pobj,arg2) return arg2[] end """ VecNorm **Inputs** * obj: Petsc vector * normtype: the Petsc enum for the norm type **Output** * the norm value """ function VecNorm(obj::PetscVec,normtype::Integer) n = Array{PetscReal}() err = ccall( ( :VecNorm, libpetsclocation), PetscScalar, (Ptr{Void},Int32,Ptr{PetscReal}), obj.pobj,normtype, n); return n[1] end #= function VecNorm(obj::PetscVec) return VecNorm(obj,PETSC_NORM_2) end =# """ VecGetValues """ function VecGetValues(vec::PetscVec, ni::Integer, ix::AbstractArray{PetscInt,1}, y::AbstractArray{PetscScalar,1}) # need indices to be PetscInt # ix_local = Array{PetscInt}(ni) # for i=1:ni # ix_local[i] = ix[i] # end err = ccall((:VecGetValues,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscInt,Ptr{PetscInt},Ptr{PetscScalar}),vec.pobj, ni, ix, y) return nothing end """ VecGetValues with length of idx inferred from idx **Inputs** * vec: the Petsc vector * idx: array of PetscInt indices * y: array of PetscScalar values """ function VecGetValues(vec::PetscVec,idx::AbstractArray{PetscInt,1}, y::AbstractArray{PetscScalar, 1}) VecGetValues(vec, length(idx), idx, y) end """ VecGetOwnershipRange **Inputs** * vec: Petsc vector **Outputs** * low: lowest index (zero-based) that is owned * high: highest index + 1 that is owned """ function VecGetOwnershipRange(vec::PetscVec) low = Array{PetscInt}(1) high = Array{PetscInt}(1) ccall((:VecGetOwnershipRange,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{PetscInt},Ptr{PetscInt}),vec.pobj, low, high) return low[1], high[1] end # new functions """ VecGetArray. Users must call `VecRestoreArray` when finished. **Inputs** * vec: the Petsc vector **Outputs** * arr: a Julia Array{PetscScalar, 1} """ function VecGetArray(vec::PetscVec) # gets a pointer to the data underlying a Petsc vec, turns it into a Julia # array # ptr_arr must be passed into PetscVecRestoreArray ptr_arr = Array{Ptr{PetscScalar}}(1) ccall((:VecGetArray,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Ptr{PetscScalar}}),vec.pobj, ptr_arr) first, last = VecGetOwnershipRange(vec) len = last - first arr = unsafe_wrap(Array, ptr_arr[1], len) return arr end """ VecRestoreArray. Users must not access the array after calling this function. **Inputs** * vec: the PetscVector passed into `VecGetArray` * arr: the array returned by `VecGetArray """ function VecRestoreArray(vec::PetscVec, arr::Array{PetscScalar, 1}) ptr_arr = Ref{Ptr{PetscScalar}}(pointer(arr)) ccall((:VecRestoreArray,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Ptr{PetscScalar}}),vec.pobj, ptr_arr) end """ Similar to `VecGetArray`, but produces the array must not be written to. """ function VecGetArrayRead(vec::PetscVec) ptr_arr = Array{Ptr{PetscScalar}}(1) ccall((:VecGetArrayRead,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Ptr{PetscScalar}}),vec.pobj, ptr_arr) first, last = VecGetOwnershipRange(vec) len = last - first arr = unsafe_wrap(Array, ptr_arr[1], len) return arr end """ Similar to `VecRestoreArray`, but corresponds to `VecGetArrayRead` """ function VecRestoreArrayRead(vec::PetscVec, arr::Array{PetscScalar, 1}) ptr_arr = Ref{Ptr{PetscScalar}}(pointer(arr)) ccall((:VecRestoreArrayRead,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Ptr{PetscScalar}}),vec.pobj, ptr_arr) # ccall((:VecRestoreArrayRead,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Vec,Ptr{Ptr{PetscScalar}}),arg1,arg2) end """ VecSet """ function VecSet(vec::PetscVec, val::PetscScalar) ccall((:VecSet,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar), vec.pobj, val) end """ VecSqrtAbs """ function VecSqrtAbs(vec::PetscVec) ccall((:VecSqrtAbs,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},), vec.pobj) end """ VecLog """ function VecLog(vec::PetscVec) ccall((:VecLog,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},),vec.pobj) end """ VecExp """ function VecExp(vec::PetscVec) ccall((:VecExp,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},),vec.pobj) end function VecAbs(vec::PetscVec) ccall((:VecAbs,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},),vec.pobj) end """ VecMax **Inputs** * vec: PetscVec **Output** * r: the maximum value * idx: the (zero-based) index of the maximum value """ function VecMax(vec::PetscVec) r = Array{PetscReal}(1) # max value idx = Array{PetscInt}(1) # index of max value ccall((:VecMax,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{PetscInt},Ptr{PetscReal}), vec.pobj, idx, r) return r[1], idx[1] end """ VecMin. Same interface as `VecMax` """ function VecMin(vec::PetscVec) r = Array{PetscReal}(1) # min value idx = Array{PetscInt}(1) # index of min value ccall((:VecMin,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{PetscInt},Ptr{PetscReal}), vec.pobj, idx, r) return r[1], idx[1] end """ VecReciprocal """ function VecReciprocal(vec::PetscVec) ccall((:VecReciprocal,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},),vec.pobj) end """ VecShift """ function VecShift(vec::PetscVec, a::PetscScalar) ccall((:VecShift,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar), vec.pobj, a) end """ VecPointwiseMult """ function VecPointwiseMult(w::PetscVec, x::PetscVec,y::PetscVec) ccall((:VecPointwiseMult,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), w.pobj, x.pobj, y.pobj) end """ VecPointwiseDivide """ function VecPointwiseDivide(w::PetscVec, x::PetscVec, y::PetscVec) ccall((:VecPointwiseDivide,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), w.pobj, x.pobj, y.pobj) end """ VecCopy """ function VecCopy(vec::PetscVec , vec2::PetscVec) ccall((:VecCopy,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), vec.pobj, vec2.pobj) end """ VecDulicate """ function VecDuplicate( vec::PetscVec) ptr_arr = Array{Ptr{Void}}(1) ccall((:VecDuplicate,petsc),PetscErrorCode,( Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Ptr{Void}}), vec.pobj, ptr_arr) return PetscVec(ptr_arr[1]) end # Some vector linear algebra """ VecAXPY """ function VecAXPY( vec1::PetscVec, a::PetscScalar, vec2::PetscVec) ccall((:VecAXPY,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar,Ptr{Void}), vec1.pobj, a, vec2.pobj) end """ VecAXPBY """ function VecAXPBY(vec1::PetscVec, a::PetscScalar, b::PetscScalar, vec2::PetscVec) ccall((:VecAXPBY,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar,PetscScalar,Ptr{Void}),vec1.pobj, a, b, vec2.pobj) end """ VecMAXPY """ function VecMAXPY(vec1::PetscVec, n::Integer, a::AbstractArray{PetscScalar, 1}, x::AbstractArray{Ptr{Void}, 1}) # the vector x must contains the pointers from the PetscVec objects, not the PetscVec objects themselves ccall((:VecMAXPY,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscInt,Ptr{PetscScalar},Ptr{Ptr{Void}}),vec1.pobj, n, a, x) end """ VecAYPX """ function VecAYPX(vec1::PetscVec, a::PetscScalar, vec2::PetscVec) ccall((:VecAYPX,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar,Ptr{Void}),vec1.pobj, a, vec2.pobj) end """ VecWAXPY """ function VecWAXPY(w::PetscVec, a::PetscScalar, x::PetscVec, y::PetscVec) ccall((:VecWAXPY,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar,Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void}), w.pobj, a, x.pobj, y.pobj) end """ VecAXPBYPCZ """ function VecAXPBYPCZ(z::PetscVec, alpha::PetscScalar, beta::PetscScalar, gamma::PetscScalar, x::PetscVec, y::PetscVec) ccall((:VecAXPBYPCZ,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar,PetscScalar,PetscScalar,Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void}), z.pobj, alpha,beta, gamma, x.pobj, y.pobj) end """ VecScale """ function VecScale(vec::PetscVec, a::PetscScalar) ccall((:VecScale,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},PetscScalar), vec.pobj, a) end """ VecDot """ function VecDot(x::PetscVec, y::PetscVec) r = Array{PetscScalar}(1) err = ccall((:VecDot,petsc),PetscErrorCode,( Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{PetscScalar}), x.pobj, y.pobj, r) println("PetscVecDot error code = ", err) return r[1] end """ VecTDot """ function VecTDot(x::PetscVec, y::PetscVec) r = Array{PetscScalar}(1) ccall((:VecTDot,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void},Ptr{PetscScalar}), x.pobj, y.pobj, r) return r[1] end """ VecSum """ function VecSum(vec::PetscVec) r = Array{PetscScalar}(1) ccall((:VecSum,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{PetscScalar}),vec.pobj, r) return r[1] end """ VecSwap """ function VecSwap(x::PetscVec, y::PetscVec) ccall((:VecSwap,petsc),PetscErrorCode,(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), x.pobj, y.pobj) end include("vec_interface.jl")
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43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 9503, 62, 4906, 11, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 9503, 11, 35138, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 43030, 796, 649, 7, 35138, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 2457, 7509, 7, 35138, 11, 47, 1039, 66, 49174, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 857, 407, 1283, 284, 307, 1444, 3393, 618, 43030, 318, 645, 2392, 7424, 11, 318, 340, 1444, 1568, 1141, 15413, 4947, 30, 532, 3763, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 43030, 628, 220, 886, 628, 220, 37227, 198, 220, 220, 220, 28407, 273, 422, 4683, 17562, 284, 257, 43578, 66, 38692, 628, 220, 220, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 26801, 25, 257, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 284, 281, 4683, 43578, 66, 2134, 198, 220, 37227, 198, 220, 2163, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 7, 79, 26801, 3712, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 30072, 220, 1303, 4277, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 649, 7, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 38176, 90, 23839, 38469, 11, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 92, 198, 37811, 198, 9979, 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10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 327, 8841, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 3672, 1776, 198, 437, 628, 220, 1303, 51, 3727, 46, 25, 787, 428, 1365, 25, 779, 38692, 4863, 19182, 198, 8818, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 7, 18747, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 30072, 198, 220, 43030, 796, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 3419, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 1058, 53, 721, 7248, 6030, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 34, 8841, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 553, 41068, 15341, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 25, 53, 721, 7248, 50, 4340, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 43578, 66, 5317, 11, 43578, 66, 5317, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 13664, 7, 18747, 828, 13664, 7, 18747, 18125, 198, 220, 1303, 765, 257, 43578, 66, 5317, 7177, 523, 1382, 340, 6731, 198, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 13664, 7, 18747, 18125, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 18747, 1776, 220, 4686, 87, 58, 72, 60, 796, 1312, 12, 16, 26, 220, 886, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 7248, 40161, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 11, 350, 2213, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 5512, 5317, 2624, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 13664, 7, 312, 87, 828, 312, 87, 11, 18747, 11, 20913, 17395, 62, 23428, 35409, 1776, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 49670, 44140, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 1776, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 49670, 12915, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 1776, 198, 220, 1441, 43030, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 38692, 7248, 40161, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 7248, 40161, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 312, 87, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 18747, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 5512, 32109, 3712, 46541, 8, 628, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 7248, 40161, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 837, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 5512, 5317, 2624, 828, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 13664, 7, 312, 87, 828, 4686, 87, 11, 18747, 11, 32109, 1776, 198, 220, 1441, 11454, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 7248, 40161, 2446, 326, 31821, 3544, 4600, 20913, 17395, 62, 23428, 35409, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 7248, 40161, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 312, 87, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 18747, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 30072, 198, 220, 38692, 7248, 40161, 7, 35138, 11, 312, 87, 11, 18747, 11, 20913, 17395, 62, 23428, 35409, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 8818, 38692, 7248, 40161, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 18747, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 30072, 198, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 3286, 7, 18747, 4008, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 18747, 1776, 220, 4686, 87, 58, 72, 60, 796, 1312, 12, 16, 26, 220, 886, 198, 220, 38692, 7248, 40161, 7, 35138, 11, 312, 87, 11, 18747, 11, 20913, 17395, 62, 23428, 35409, 8, 198, 437, 198, 46249, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 49670, 44140, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 49670, 44140, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 49670, 44140, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 26181, 13, 79, 26801, 1776, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 49670, 12915, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 49670, 12915, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 49670, 12915, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 26181, 13, 79, 26801, 1776, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 1482, 574, 1240, 2163, 329, 4585, 38692, 49670, 44140, 11, 290, 38692, 49670, 12915, 11, 287, 198, 220, 530, 467, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 1722, 15140, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 38692, 49670, 44140, 7, 26801, 8, 198, 220, 38692, 49670, 12915, 7, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 7248, 50, 4340, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 7248, 50, 4340, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 77, 3712, 46541, 11, 399, 3712, 46541, 8, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 7248, 50, 4340, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 43578, 66, 5317, 11, 43578, 66, 5317, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 77, 11, 45, 1776, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 43578, 66, 7680, 329, 43578, 66, 15879, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 43578, 66, 7680, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 1177, 263, 8, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 7680, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 5317, 2414, 828, 26801, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 15, 1776, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 8016, 3855, 10699, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 257, 43578, 66, 15879, 628, 220, 12429, 26410, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 262, 2546, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 10699, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 299, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 3855, 10699, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 828, 26181, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 77, 1776, 198, 220, 1441, 299, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 3855, 14565, 10699, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 257, 43578, 66, 15879, 628, 220, 12429, 26410, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 262, 2546, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 14565, 10699, 7, 853, 16, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 1822, 17, 796, 6524, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 3855, 14565, 10699, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 828, 853, 16, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 853, 17, 8, 198, 220, 1441, 1822, 17, 21737, 198, 437, 628, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 35393, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 26181, 25, 43578, 66, 15879, 198, 220, 220, 1635, 2593, 4906, 25, 262, 43578, 66, 33829, 329, 262, 2593, 2099, 628, 220, 12429, 26410, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 262, 2593, 1988, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 35393, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 27237, 4906, 3712, 46541, 8, 198, 220, 299, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 15633, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 7, 357, 1058, 53, 721, 35393, 11, 220, 9195, 79, 1039, 565, 5040, 828, 43578, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 5317, 2624, 11, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 15633, 92, 828, 26181, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 27237, 4906, 11, 299, 1776, 198, 220, 1441, 299, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 8818, 38692, 35393, 7, 26801, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 1441, 38692, 35393, 7, 26801, 11, 47731, 6173, 62, 35510, 44, 62, 17, 8, 198, 437, 198, 46249, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 3855, 40161, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 40161, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 37628, 3712, 46541, 11, 220, 844, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 11, 16, 5512, 331, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 16, 30072, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 761, 36525, 284, 307, 43578, 66, 5317, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 844, 62, 12001, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 8461, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 8461, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 844, 62, 12001, 58, 72, 60, 796, 220, 844, 58, 72, 60, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 3855, 40161, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 11, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 37628, 11, 220, 844, 11, 331, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 3855, 40161, 351, 4129, 286, 4686, 87, 41240, 422, 4686, 87, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 262, 43578, 66, 15879, 198, 220, 220, 1635, 4686, 87, 25, 7177, 286, 43578, 66, 5317, 36525, 198, 220, 220, 1635, 331, 25, 7177, 286, 43578, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 3815, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 40161, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 312, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 11, 16, 5512, 331, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 352, 30072, 628, 220, 38692, 3855, 40161, 7, 35138, 11, 4129, 7, 312, 87, 828, 4686, 87, 11, 331, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 3855, 23858, 49437, 17257, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 43578, 66, 15879, 628, 220, 12429, 26410, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 1877, 25, 9016, 6376, 357, 22570, 12, 3106, 8, 326, 318, 6898, 198, 220, 220, 1635, 1029, 25, 4511, 6376, 1343, 352, 326, 318, 6898, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 23858, 49437, 17257, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1877, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1029, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 3855, 23858, 49437, 17257, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 1877, 11, 1029, 8, 628, 220, 1441, 1877, 58, 16, 4357, 1029, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 649, 5499, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 3855, 19182, 13, 220, 18987, 1276, 869, 4600, 53, 721, 19452, 382, 19182, 63, 618, 5201, 13, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 262, 43578, 66, 15879, 628, 220, 12429, 26410, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 5240, 25, 257, 22300, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 352, 92, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 19182, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 2, 3011, 257, 17562, 284, 262, 1366, 10238, 257, 43578, 66, 43030, 11, 4962, 340, 656, 257, 22300, 198, 2, 7177, 198, 2, 50116, 62, 3258, 1276, 307, 3804, 656, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 19452, 382, 19182, 198, 220, 220, 220, 50116, 62, 3258, 796, 15690, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 3855, 19182, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 717, 11, 938, 796, 38692, 3855, 23858, 49437, 17257, 7, 35138, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18896, 796, 938, 532, 717, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5240, 796, 21596, 62, 37150, 7, 19182, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 58, 16, 4357, 18896, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 5240, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 19452, 382, 19182, 13, 220, 18987, 1276, 407, 1895, 262, 7177, 706, 4585, 428, 2163, 13, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 262, 43578, 66, 38469, 3804, 656, 4600, 53, 721, 3855, 19182, 63, 198, 220, 220, 1635, 5240, 25, 262, 7177, 4504, 416, 4600, 53, 721, 3855, 19182, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 19452, 382, 19182, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 5240, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 352, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 50116, 62, 3258, 796, 6524, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 7, 29536, 7, 3258, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 19452, 382, 19182, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 11014, 284, 4600, 53, 721, 3855, 19182, 47671, 475, 11073, 262, 7177, 1276, 407, 307, 3194, 284, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 3855, 19182, 5569, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 50116, 62, 3258, 796, 15690, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 3855, 19182, 5569, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 717, 11, 938, 796, 38692, 3855, 23858, 49437, 17257, 7, 35138, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18896, 796, 938, 532, 717, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5240, 796, 21596, 62, 37150, 7, 19182, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 58, 16, 4357, 18896, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 5240, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 11014, 284, 4600, 53, 721, 19452, 382, 19182, 47671, 475, 24866, 284, 4600, 53, 721, 3855, 19182, 5569, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 19452, 382, 19182, 5569, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 5240, 3712, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 352, 30072, 628, 220, 220, 220, 50116, 62, 3258, 796, 6524, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 7, 29536, 7, 3258, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 19452, 382, 19182, 5569, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 19452, 382, 19182, 5569, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 53, 721, 11, 46745, 90, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11709, 828, 853, 16, 11, 853, 17, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 7248, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 7248, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 1188, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 7248, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 1188, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 50, 80, 17034, 24849, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 50, 80, 17034, 24849, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 50, 80, 17034, 24849, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 11187, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 11187, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 11187, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 16870, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 16870, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 16870, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 38692, 24849, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 24849, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 11518, 628, 220, 12429, 20560, 82, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 43030, 25, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 628, 220, 12429, 26410, 1174, 628, 220, 220, 1635, 374, 25, 262, 5415, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 1635, 4686, 87, 25, 262, 357, 22570, 12, 3106, 8, 6376, 286, 262, 5415, 1988, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 11518, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 15633, 92, 7, 16, 8, 1303, 3509, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 16, 8, 220, 1303, 6376, 286, 3509, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 11518, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 15633, 92, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 4686, 87, 11, 374, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 374, 58, 16, 4357, 4686, 87, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 9452, 13, 16766, 7071, 355, 4600, 53, 721, 11518, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 9452, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 15633, 92, 7, 16, 8, 1303, 949, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 92, 7, 16, 8, 220, 1303, 6376, 286, 949, 1988, 198, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 9452, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 15633, 92, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 4686, 87, 11, 374, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 374, 58, 16, 4357, 4686, 87, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 6690, 541, 43270, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 6690, 541, 43270, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 6690, 541, 43270, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 33377, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 33377, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 257, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 33377, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 257, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 12727, 3083, 15205, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 12727, 3083, 15205, 7, 86, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 2124, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 88, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 12727, 3083, 15205, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 266, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 12727, 3083, 24095, 485, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 12727, 3083, 24095, 485, 7, 86, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 2124, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 331, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 12727, 3083, 24095, 485, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 266, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 628, 628, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 29881, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 29881, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 837, 43030, 17, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 29881, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 43030, 17, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 35, 377, 5344, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 35660, 489, 5344, 7, 43030, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 50116, 62, 3258, 796, 15690, 90, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 11709, 7, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 35660, 489, 5344, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 11709, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 50116, 62, 3258, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 7, 20692, 62, 3258, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 2773, 15879, 14174, 37139, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 25922, 47, 56, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 25922, 47, 56, 7, 43030, 16, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 257, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 43030, 17, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 25922, 47, 56, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 43030, 16, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 257, 11, 43030, 17, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 25922, 47, 17513, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 25922, 47, 17513, 7, 35138, 16, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 257, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 275, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 43030, 17, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 25922, 47, 17513, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 35138, 16, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 257, 11, 275, 11, 43030, 17, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 22921, 47, 56, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 22921, 47, 56, 7, 35138, 16, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 299, 3712, 46541, 11, 257, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 352, 5512, 2124, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 352, 30072, 198, 2, 262, 15879, 2124, 1276, 4909, 262, 32007, 422, 262, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 5563, 11, 407, 262, 43578, 66, 53, 721, 5563, 2405, 628, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 22921, 47, 56, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 5317, 11, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 5512, 46745, 90, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 11709, 828, 35138, 16, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 299, 11, 257, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 4792, 47, 55, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 4792, 47, 55, 7, 35138, 16, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 257, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 43030, 17, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 4792, 47, 55, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 35138, 16, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 257, 11, 43030, 17, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 15543, 27481, 56, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 15543, 27481, 56, 7, 86, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 257, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 2124, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 331, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 15543, 27481, 56, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 266, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 257, 11, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 25922, 47, 17513, 5662, 57, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 25922, 47, 17513, 5662, 57, 7, 89, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 17130, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 12159, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 34236, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 2124, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 331, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 25922, 47, 17513, 5662, 57, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 11, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 1976, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 17130, 11, 31361, 11, 34236, 11, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 29990, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 29990, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 257, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 29990, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 828, 43030, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 257, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 35, 313, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 35, 313, 7, 87, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 331, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 35, 313, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 828, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 374, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 35, 313, 4049, 2438, 796, 33172, 11454, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 374, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 21016, 313, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 21016, 313, 7, 87, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 331, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 21016, 313, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 828, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 374, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 374, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 13065, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 13065, 7, 35138, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 15690, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 7, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 13065, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 46745, 90, 47, 1039, 66, 3351, 282, 283, 92, 828, 35138, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 374, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 374, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 38692, 10462, 499, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 38692, 10462, 499, 7, 87, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 11, 331, 3712, 47, 1039, 66, 53, 721, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 53, 721, 10462, 499, 11, 79, 1039, 66, 828, 47, 1039, 66, 12331, 10669, 11, 7, 46745, 90, 53, 1868, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 53, 1868, 92, 828, 2124, 13, 79, 26801, 11, 331, 13, 79, 26801, 8, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 35138, 62, 39994, 13, 20362, 4943, 198 ]
# ********************************************************************************* # REopt, Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ********************************************************************************* """ add_electric_tariff_results(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, p::REoptInputs, d::Dict; _n="") Adds the ElectricTariff results to the dictionary passed back from `run_reopt` using the solved model `m` and the `REoptInputs` for node `_n`. Note: the node number is an empty string if evaluating a single `Site`. ElectricTariff results: - `lifecycle_energy_cost_after_tax` lifecycle cost of energy from the grid in present value, after tax - `year_one_energy_cost_before_tax` cost of energy from the grid over the first year, before considering tax benefits - `lifecycle_demand_cost_after_tax` lifecycle cost of power from the grid in present value, after tax - `year_one_demand_cost_before_tax` cost of power from the grid over the first year, before considering tax benefits - `lifecycle_fixed_cost_after_tax` lifecycle fixed cost in present value, after tax - `year_one_fixed_cost_before_tax` fixed cost over the first year, before considering tax benefits - `lifecycle_min_charge_adder_after_tax` lifecycle minimum charge in present value, after tax - `year_one_min_charge_adder_before_tax` minimum charge over the first year, before considering tax benefits - `year_one_bill_before_tax` sum of `year_one_energy_cost_before_tax`, `year_one_demand_cost_before_tax`, `year_one_fixed_cost_before_tax`, `year_one_min_charge_adder_before_tax`, and `year_one_coincident_peak_cost_before_tax` - `lifecycle_export_benefit_after_tax` lifecycle export credits in present value, after tax - `year_one_export_benefit_before_tax` export credits over the first year, before considering tax benefits - `lifecycle_coincident_peak_cost_after_tax` lifecycle coincident peak charge in present value, after tax - `year_one_coincident_peak_cost_before_tax` coincident peak charge over the first year """ function add_electric_tariff_results(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, p::REoptInputs, d::Dict; _n="") r = Dict{String, Any}() m[Symbol("Year1UtilityEnergy"*_n)] = p.hours_per_time_step * sum(m[Symbol("dvGridPurchase"*_n)][ts, tier] for ts in p.time_steps, tier in 1:p.s.electric_tariff.n_energy_tiers) r["lifecycle_energy_cost_after_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalEnergyChargesUtil"*_n)]) * (1 -, digits=2) r["year_one_energy_cost_before_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalEnergyChargesUtil"*_n)]) / p.pwf_e, digits=2) r["lifecycle_demand_cost_after_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalDemandCharges"*_n)]) * (1 -, digits=2) r["year_one_demand_cost_before_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalDemandCharges"*_n)]) / p.pwf_e, digits=2) r["lifecycle_fixed_cost_after_tax"] = round(m[Symbol("TotalFixedCharges"*_n)] * (1 -, digits=2) r["year_one_fixed_cost_before_tax"] = round(m[Symbol("TotalFixedCharges"*_n)] / p.pwf_e, digits=0) r["lifecycle_min_charge_adder_after_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("MinChargeAdder"*_n)]) * (1 -, digits=2) r["year_one_min_charge_adder_before_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("MinChargeAdder"*_n)]) / p.pwf_e, digits=2) r["lifecycle_export_benefit_after_tax"] = -1 * round(value(m[Symbol("TotalExportBenefit"*_n)]) * (1 -, digits=2) r["year_one_export_benefit_before_tax"] = -1 * round(value(m[Symbol("TotalExportBenefit"*_n)]) / p.pwf_e, digits=0) r["lifecycle_coincident_peak_cost_after_tax"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalCPCharges"*_n)]) * (1 -, digits=2) r["year_one_coincident_peak_cost_before_tax"] = round(r["lifecycle_coincident_peak_cost_after_tax"] / p.pwf_e, digits=2) r["year_one_bill_before_tax"] = r["year_one_energy_cost_before_tax"] + r["year_one_demand_cost_before_tax"] + r["year_one_fixed_cost_before_tax"] + r["year_one_min_charge_adder_before_tax"] + r["year_one_coincident_peak_cost_before_tax"] d["ElectricTariff"] = r nothing end function add_electric_tariff_results(m::JuMP.AbstractModel, p::MPCInputs, d::Dict; _n="") r = Dict{String, Any}() m[Symbol("energy_purchased"*_n)] = p.hours_per_time_step * sum(m[Symbol("dvGridPurchase"*_n)][ts] for ts in p.time_steps) r["energy_cost"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalEnergyChargesUtil"*_n)]), digits=2) r["demand_cost"] = round(value(m[Symbol("TotalDemandCharges"*_n)]), digits=2) r["export_benefit"] = -1 * round(value(m[Symbol("TotalExportBenefit"*_n)]), digits=0) d["ElectricTariff"] = r nothing end
[ 2, 41906, 17174, 8412, 9, 198, 2, 4526, 8738, 11, 15069, 357, 66, 8, 13130, 12, 42334, 11, 10302, 329, 45276, 6682, 11, 11419, 13, 198, 2, 1439, 2489, 10395, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2297, 396, 3890, 290, 779, 287, 2723, 290, 13934, 5107, 11, 351, 393, 1231, 17613, 11, 198, 2, 389, 10431, 2810, 326, 262, 1708, 3403, 389, 1138, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2297, 396, 2455, 507, 286, 2723, 2438, 1276, 12377, 262, 2029, 6634, 4003, 11, 428, 1351, 198, 2, 286, 3403, 290, 262, 1708, 37592, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2297, 396, 2455, 507, 287, 13934, 1296, 1276, 22919, 262, 2029, 6634, 4003, 11, 428, 198, 2, 1351, 286, 3403, 290, 262, 1708, 37592, 287, 262, 10314, 290, 14, 273, 584, 198, 2, 5696, 2810, 351, 262, 6082, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 16126, 262, 1438, 286, 262, 6634, 15762, 4249, 262, 3891, 286, 663, 20420, 743, 307, 198, 2, 973, 284, 11438, 393, 7719, 3186, 10944, 422, 428, 3788, 1231, 2176, 198, 2, 3161, 3194, 7170, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 12680, 47466, 3180, 36592, 2389, 1961, 11050, 3336, 27975, 38162, 9947, 367, 15173, 4877, 5357, 27342, 9865, 3843, 20673, 366, 1921, 3180, 1, 5357, 198, 2, 15529, 7788, 32761, 6375, 8959, 49094, 34764, 11015, 11, 47783, 2751, 11, 21728, 5626, 40880, 5390, 11, 3336, 8959, 49094, 198, 2, 34764, 11015, 3963, 34482, 3398, 1565, 5603, 25382, 5357, 376, 46144, 7473, 317, 16652, 2149, 37232, 33079, 48933, 15986, 13954, 48778, 1961, 13, 198, 2, 3268, 8005, 49261, 50163, 3336, 27975, 38162, 9947, 49707, 14418, 6375, 27342, 9865, 3843, 20673, 9348, 43031, 19146, 7473, 15529, 42242, 11, 198, 2, 3268, 17931, 23988, 11, 19387, 25256, 1847, 11, 38846, 11, 7788, 3620, 6489, 13153, 11, 6375, 7102, 5188, 10917, 3525, 12576, 29506, 25552, 357, 1268, 39149, 2751, 11, 198, 2, 21728, 5626, 40880, 5390, 11, 41755, 11335, 10979, 3963, 28932, 2257, 2043, 37780, 21090, 50, 6375, 49254, 26, 406, 18420, 3963, 23210, 11, 198, 2, 42865, 11, 6375, 4810, 19238, 29722, 26, 6375, 43949, 44180, 23255, 49, 8577, 24131, 8, 29630, 36, 5959, 7257, 2937, 1961, 5357, 6177, 15529, 3336, 15513, 3963, 198, 2, 43031, 25382, 11, 7655, 2767, 16879, 3268, 27342, 10659, 11, 19269, 18379, 43031, 25382, 11, 6375, 309, 9863, 357, 1268, 39149, 2751, 399, 7156, 43, 3528, 18310, 198, 2, 6375, 25401, 54, 24352, 8, 5923, 1797, 2751, 3268, 15529, 34882, 16289, 3963, 3336, 23210, 3963, 12680, 47466, 11, 45886, 16876, 5984, 29817, 1961, 198, 2, 3963, 3336, 28069, 11584, 25382, 3963, 13558, 3398, 29506, 11879, 13, 198, 2, 41906, 17174, 8412, 9, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 751, 62, 31067, 62, 18870, 733, 62, 43420, 7, 76, 3712, 33018, 7378, 13, 23839, 17633, 11, 279, 3712, 2200, 8738, 20560, 82, 11, 288, 3712, 35, 713, 26, 4808, 77, 2625, 4943, 198, 198, 46245, 262, 13944, 47079, 733, 2482, 284, 262, 22155, 3804, 736, 422, 4600, 5143, 62, 260, 8738, 63, 1262, 262, 16019, 2746, 4600, 76, 63, 290, 262, 4600, 2200, 8738, 20560, 82, 63, 329, 10139, 4600, 62, 77, 44646, 198, 6425, 25, 262, 10139, 1271, 318, 281, 6565, 4731, 611, 22232, 257, 2060, 4600, 29123, 44646, 198, 198, 44132, 47079, 733, 2482, 25, 198, 12, 4600, 36195, 47510, 62, 22554, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 63, 3868, 47510, 1575, 286, 2568, 422, 262, 10706, 287, 1944, 1988, 11, 706, 1687, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 22554, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 1575, 286, 2568, 422, 262, 10706, 625, 262, 717, 614, 11, 878, 6402, 1687, 4034, 198, 12, 4600, 36195, 47510, 62, 28550, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 63, 3868, 47510, 1575, 286, 1176, 422, 262, 10706, 287, 1944, 1988, 11, 706, 1687, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 28550, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 1575, 286, 1176, 422, 262, 10706, 625, 262, 717, 614, 11, 878, 6402, 1687, 4034, 198, 12, 4600, 36195, 47510, 62, 34021, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 63, 3868, 47510, 5969, 1575, 287, 1944, 1988, 11, 706, 1687, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 34021, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 5969, 1575, 625, 262, 717, 614, 11, 878, 6402, 1687, 4034, 198, 12, 4600, 36195, 47510, 62, 1084, 62, 10136, 62, 26676, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 63, 3868, 47510, 5288, 3877, 287, 1944, 1988, 11, 706, 1687, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1084, 62, 10136, 62, 26676, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 5288, 3877, 625, 262, 717, 614, 11, 878, 6402, 1687, 4034, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 35546, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 2160, 286, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 22554, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 47671, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 28550, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 47671, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 34021, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 47671, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1084, 62, 10136, 62, 26676, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 47671, 290, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 198, 12, 4600, 36195, 47510, 62, 39344, 62, 48649, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 63, 3868, 47510, 10784, 10824, 287, 1944, 1988, 11, 706, 1687, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 39344, 62, 48649, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 10784, 10824, 625, 262, 717, 614, 11, 878, 6402, 1687, 4034, 198, 12, 4600, 36195, 47510, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 63, 3868, 47510, 11194, 738, 9103, 3877, 287, 1944, 1988, 11, 706, 1687, 198, 12, 4600, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 63, 11194, 738, 9103, 3877, 625, 262, 717, 614, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 751, 62, 31067, 62, 18870, 733, 62, 43420, 7, 76, 3712, 33018, 7378, 13, 23839, 17633, 11, 279, 3712, 2200, 8738, 20560, 82, 11, 288, 3712, 35, 713, 26, 4808, 77, 2625, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 4377, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 17688, 16, 18274, 879, 28925, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 796, 279, 13, 24425, 62, 525, 62, 2435, 62, 9662, 1635, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 67, 85, 41339, 47651, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 7131, 912, 11, 14249, 60, 329, 40379, 287, 279, 13, 2435, 62, 20214, 11, 14249, 287, 352, 25, 79, 13, 82, 13, 31067, 62, 18870, 733, 13, 77, 62, 22554, 62, 83, 3183, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 22554, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 28925, 36970, 18274, 346, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1635, 357, 16, 532, 279, 13, 82, 13, 46921, 13, 2364, 30157, 62, 19290, 62, 79, 310, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 22554, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 28925, 36970, 18274, 346, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1220, 279, 13, 79, 86, 69, 62, 68, 11, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 28550, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 42782, 36970, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1635, 357, 16, 532, 279, 13, 82, 13, 46921, 13, 2364, 30157, 62, 19290, 62, 79, 310, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 28550, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 42782, 36970, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1220, 279, 13, 79, 86, 69, 62, 68, 11, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 34021, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 13715, 36970, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 1635, 357, 16, 532, 279, 13, 82, 13, 46921, 13, 2364, 30157, 62, 19290, 62, 79, 310, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 34021, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 13715, 36970, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 1220, 279, 13, 79, 86, 69, 62, 68, 11, 19561, 28, 15, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 1084, 62, 10136, 62, 26676, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 9452, 50044, 2782, 1082, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1635, 357, 16, 532, 279, 13, 82, 13, 46921, 13, 2364, 30157, 62, 19290, 62, 79, 310, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1084, 62, 10136, 62, 26676, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 9452, 50044, 2782, 1082, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1220, 279, 13, 79, 86, 69, 62, 68, 11, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 39344, 62, 48649, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 532, 16, 1635, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 43834, 42166, 270, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1635, 357, 16, 532, 279, 13, 82, 13, 46921, 13, 2364, 30157, 62, 19290, 62, 79, 310, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 39344, 62, 48649, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 532, 16, 1635, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 43834, 42166, 270, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1220, 279, 13, 79, 86, 69, 62, 68, 11, 19561, 28, 15, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 8697, 36970, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 12962, 1635, 357, 16, 532, 279, 13, 82, 13, 46921, 13, 2364, 30157, 62, 19290, 62, 79, 310, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 81, 14692, 36195, 47510, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 8499, 62, 19290, 8973, 1220, 279, 13, 79, 86, 69, 62, 68, 11, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 35546, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 796, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 22554, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 1343, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 28550, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 1343, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 34021, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 220, 1343, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1084, 62, 10136, 62, 26676, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 1343, 374, 14692, 1941, 62, 505, 62, 1073, 1939, 738, 62, 36729, 62, 15805, 62, 19052, 62, 19290, 8973, 628, 220, 220, 220, 288, 14692, 44132, 47079, 733, 8973, 796, 374, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 751, 62, 31067, 62, 18870, 733, 62, 43420, 7, 76, 3712, 33018, 7378, 13, 23839, 17633, 11, 279, 3712, 44, 5662, 20560, 82, 11, 288, 3712, 35, 713, 26, 4808, 77, 2625, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 4377, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 22554, 62, 79, 2575, 839, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 796, 279, 13, 24425, 62, 525, 62, 2435, 62, 9662, 1635, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 67, 85, 41339, 47651, 1, 9, 62, 77, 8, 7131, 912, 60, 329, 40379, 287, 279, 13, 2435, 62, 20214, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 22554, 62, 15805, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 28925, 36970, 18274, 346, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 28550, 62, 15805, 8973, 796, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 42782, 36970, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 828, 19561, 28, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 14692, 39344, 62, 48649, 8973, 796, 532, 16, 1635, 2835, 7, 8367, 7, 76, 58, 13940, 23650, 7203, 14957, 43834, 42166, 270, 1, 9, 62, 77, 15437, 828, 19561, 28, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 14692, 44132, 47079, 733, 8973, 796, 374, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2147, 198, 437 ]
# Compressor Codec # ================ struct ZstdCompressor <: TranscodingStreams.Codec cstream::CStream level::Int end function, codec::ZstdCompressor) print(io, summary(codec), "(level=$(codec.level))") end # Same as the zstd command line tool (v1.2.0). const DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 3 """ ZstdCompressor(;level=$(DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)) Create a new zstd compression codec. Arguments --------- - `level`: compression level (1..$(MAX_CLEVEL)) """ function ZstdCompressor(;level::Integer=DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL) if !(1 ≤ level ≤ MAX_CLEVEL) throw(ArgumentError("level must be within 1..$(MAX_CLEVEL)")) end return ZstdCompressor(CStream(), level) end const ZstdCompressorStream{S} = TranscodingStream{ZstdCompressor,S} where S<:IO """ ZstdCompressorStream(stream::IO; kwargs...) Create a new zstd compression stream (see `ZstdCompressor` for `kwargs`). """ function ZstdCompressorStream(stream::IO; kwargs...) x, y = splitkwargs(kwargs, (:level,)) return TranscodingStream(ZstdCompressor(;x...), stream; y...) end # Methods # ------- function TranscodingStreams.initialize(codec::ZstdCompressor) code = initialize!(codec.cstream, codec.level) if iserror(code) zstderror(codec.cstream, code) end return end function TranscodingStreams.finalize(codec::ZstdCompressor) if codec.cstream.ptr != C_NULL code = free!(codec.cstream) if iserror(code) zstderror(codec.cstream, code) end codec.cstream.ptr = C_NULL end return end function TranscodingStreams.startproc(codec::ZstdCompressor, mode::Symbol, error::Error) code = reset!(codec.cstream, 0 #=unknown source size=#) if iserror(code) error[] = ErrorException("zstd error") return :error end return :ok end function TranscodingStreams.process(codec::ZstdCompressor, input::Memory, output::Memory, error::Error) cstream = codec.cstream cstream.ibuffer.src = input.ptr cstream.ibuffer.size = input.size cstream.ibuffer.pos = 0 cstream.obuffer.dst = output.ptr cstream.obuffer.size = output.size cstream.obuffer.pos = 0 if input.size == 0 code = finish!(cstream) else code = compress!(cstream) end Δin = Int(cstream.ibuffer.pos) Δout = Int(cstream.obuffer.pos) if iserror(code) error[] = ErrorException("zstd error") return Δin, Δout, :error else return Δin, Δout, input.size == 0 && code == 0 ? :end : :ok end end
[ 2, 3082, 44292, 39298, 198, 2, 796, 25609, 18604, 198, 198, 7249, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 1279, 25, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 82, 13, 43806, 721, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 3712, 34, 12124, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1241, 3712, 5317, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 40481, 3712, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 10638, 7, 19815, 721, 828, 30629, 5715, 43641, 7, 19815, 721, 13, 5715, 4008, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 16766, 355, 262, 1976, 19282, 3141, 1627, 2891, 357, 85, 16, 13, 17, 13, 15, 737, 198, 9979, 5550, 38865, 62, 9858, 32761, 2849, 62, 2538, 18697, 796, 513, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 7, 26, 5715, 43641, 7, 7206, 38865, 62, 9858, 32761, 2849, 62, 2538, 18697, 4008, 198, 198, 16447, 257, 649, 1976, 19282, 19794, 40481, 13, 198, 198, 28100, 2886, 198, 45537, 198, 12, 4600, 5715, 63, 25, 19794, 1241, 357, 16, 492, 3, 7, 22921, 62, 29931, 18697, 4008, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 7, 26, 5715, 3712, 46541, 28, 7206, 38865, 62, 9858, 32761, 2849, 62, 2538, 18697, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 7, 16, 41305, 1241, 41305, 25882, 62, 29931, 18697, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 28100, 1713, 12331, 7203, 5715, 1276, 307, 1626, 352, 492, 3, 7, 22921, 62, 29931, 18697, 16725, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 7, 34, 12124, 22784, 1241, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9979, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 12124, 90, 50, 92, 796, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 90, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 11, 50, 92, 810, 311, 27, 25, 9399, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 12124, 7, 5532, 3712, 9399, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 198, 16447, 257, 649, 1976, 19282, 19794, 4269, 357, 3826, 4600, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 63, 329, 4600, 46265, 22046, 63, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1168, 19282, 7293, 44292, 12124, 7, 5532, 3712, 9399, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 11, 331, 796, 6626, 46265, 22046, 7, 46265, 22046, 11, 357, 25, 5715, 11, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 7, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 7, 26, 87, 986, 828, 4269, 26, 331, 23029, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 25458, 198, 2, 35656, 198, 198, 8818, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 82, 13, 36733, 1096, 7, 19815, 721, 3712, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 41216, 0, 7, 19815, 721, 13, 66, 5532, 11, 40481, 13, 5715, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 18224, 7, 8189, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 301, 1082, 1472, 7, 19815, 721, 13, 66, 5532, 11, 2438, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 82, 13, 20311, 1096, 7, 19815, 721, 3712, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 40481, 13, 66, 5532, 13, 20692, 14512, 327, 62, 33991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 1479, 0, 7, 19815, 721, 13, 66, 5532, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 18224, 7, 8189, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 301, 1082, 1472, 7, 19815, 721, 13, 66, 5532, 11, 2438, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40481, 13, 66, 5532, 13, 20692, 796, 327, 62, 33991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 82, 13, 9688, 36942, 7, 19815, 721, 3712, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 11, 4235, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 4049, 3712, 12331, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 13259, 0, 7, 19815, 721, 13, 66, 5532, 11, 657, 1303, 28, 34680, 2723, 2546, 46249, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 18224, 7, 8189, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 21737, 796, 13047, 16922, 7203, 89, 19282, 4049, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1058, 18224, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1058, 482, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3602, 66, 7656, 12124, 82, 13, 14681, 7, 19815, 721, 3712, 57, 19282, 7293, 44292, 11, 5128, 3712, 30871, 11, 5072, 3712, 30871, 11, 4049, 3712, 12331, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 796, 40481, 13, 66, 5532, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 13, 571, 13712, 13, 10677, 796, 5128, 13, 20692, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 13, 571, 13712, 13, 7857, 796, 5128, 13, 7857, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 13, 571, 13712, 13, 1930, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 13, 672, 13712, 13, 67, 301, 796, 5072, 13, 20692, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 13, 672, 13712, 13, 7857, 796, 5072, 13, 7857, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 5532, 13, 672, 13712, 13, 1930, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5128, 13, 7857, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 5461, 0, 7, 66, 5532, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 27413, 0, 7, 66, 5532, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 259, 796, 2558, 7, 66, 5532, 13, 571, 13712, 13, 1930, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 448, 796, 2558, 7, 66, 5532, 13, 672, 13712, 13, 1930, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 18224, 7, 8189, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 21737, 796, 13047, 16922, 7203, 89, 19282, 4049, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 37455, 259, 11, 37455, 448, 11, 1058, 18224, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 37455, 259, 11, 37455, 448, 11, 5128, 13, 7857, 6624, 657, 11405, 2438, 6624, 657, 5633, 1058, 437, 1058, 1058, 482, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
<reponame>shamazmazum/CorrelationFunctions.jl<gh_stars>1-10 extract_edge(array :: AbstractArray, mode :: Symbol) = extract_edge(array, Val(mode)) extract_edge(array :: AbstractArray, :: Val{:Sobel}) = let norm(x) = sqrt.(sum(map(x -> x.^2, x))) norm(imgradients(array, Kernel.sobel)) end extract_edge(array :: AbstractArray, :: Val{:distance_map}) = let distances = Bool.(array) |> feature_transform |> distance_transform Float64.(distances .== 1.0) end """ surfsurf(array, phase[; len][, directions][, plans,] periodic = false, edgemode = :Sobel) surfsurf(array, χ[; len][, directions][, plans,] periodic = false, edgemode = :Sobel) Calculate surface-surface correlation function for one-, two- or three-dimensional multiphase system. Surface-surface CF equals to probability that corner elements of a line segment with the length `x` cut from the array belong to the boundary of a cluster with the phase `phase`. This implementation calculates surface-surface function for all `x`s in the range from `1` to `len` which defaults to half of the minimal dimension of the array. You can chose how an edge between phases are selected by passing `edgemode` argument which can be either `:Sobel` or `:distance_map`. Usually, `:Sobel` gives much better results. You can specify a custom indicator function `χ(x)` instead of `phase`. An argument `plans` can be used to support precomputed FFT plans which can be helpful if you call `surfsurf` often with the array of the same size. Plans can be computed with `S2FTPlans` constructor. See also: [`direction1Dp`](@ref), [`direction2Dp`](@ref), [`direction3Dp`](@ref), [`S2FTPlans`](@ref). """ function surfsurf end surfsurf(array :: AbstractArray, phase; len :: Integer = (array |> size |> minimum) ÷ 2, directions :: Vector{Symbol} = array |> default_directions, periodic :: Bool = false, plans :: S2FTPlans = S2FTPlans(array, periodic), edgemode :: Symbol = :Sobel) = surfsurf(array, x -> x == phase; len = len, directions = directions, periodic = periodic, plans = plans, edgemode = edgemode) function surfsurf(array :: AbstractArray, χ :: Function; len :: Integer = (array |> size |> minimum) ÷ 2, directions :: Vector{Symbol} = array |> default_directions, periodic :: Bool = false, plans :: S2FTPlans = S2FTPlans(array, periodic), edgemode :: Symbol = :Sobel) ph = map(χ, array) edge = extract_edge(ph, edgemode) return s2(edge, SeparableIndicator(identity); len = len, directions = directions, periodic = periodic, plans = plans) end """ surfvoid(array, phase[; len][, directions][, plans,] periodic = false, edgemode = :Sobel) surfvoid(array, χ[; len][, directions][, plans,] periodic = false, edgemode = :Sobel) Calculate surface-void correlation function for one-, two- or three-dimensional multiphase system. Surface-void CF equals to probability that one corner of a line segment with the length `x` cut from the array belongs to the boundary of a cluster with the phase `phase` and the other belongs to the void phase `0`. This implementation calculates surface-void function for all `x`s in the range from `1` to `len` which defaults to half of the minimal dimension of the array. You can chose how an edge between phases are selected by passing `edgemode` argument which can be either `:Sobel` or `:distance_map`. Usually, `:Sobel` gives much better results. You can specify a custom indicator function `χ(x)` instead of `phase`. An argument `plans` can be used to support precomputed FFT plans which can be helpful if you call `surfvoid` often with the array of the same size. Plans can be computed with `S2FTPlans` constructor. See also: [`direction1Dp`](@ref), [`direction2Dp`](@ref), [`direction3Dp`](@ref), [`S2FTPlans`](@ref). """ function surfvoid end surfvoid(array :: AbstractArray, phase; len :: Integer = (array |> size |> minimum) ÷ 2, directions :: Vector{Symbol} = array |> default_directions, periodic :: Bool = false, plans :: S2FTPlans = S2FTPlans(array, periodic), edgemode :: Symbol = :Sobel) = surfvoid(array, x -> x == phase; len = len, directions = directions, periodic = periodic, plans = plans, edgemode = edgemode) function surfvoid(array :: AbstractArray, χ :: Function; len :: Integer = (array |> size |> minimum) ÷ 2, directions :: Vector{Symbol} = array |> default_directions, periodic :: Bool = false, plans :: S2FTPlans = S2FTPlans(array, periodic), edgemode :: Symbol = :Sobel) ph = map(χ, array) edge = extract_edge(ph, edgemode) χ1(x) = array[x] == 0 χ2(x) = edge[x] return s2(CartesianIndices(array), SeparableIndicator(χ1, χ2); len = len, directions = directions, periodic = periodic, plans = plans) end # Frequency analisys of an input data (helps to check how an input is # suitable for correlation functions which work with the surface). """ normalized_fft(a) Perform FFT on `a` which preserves the norm of `a`. """ function normalized_fft(a :: AbstractArray) f = fft(a) n1 = norm(a) n2 = norm(f) return f .* (n1/n2) end """ cut_from_center(a, fraction) Return a slice from the center of `a`. A slice will have dimensions `fraction*size(a)`. """ function cut_from_center(a :: AbstractArray, fraction :: Float64) start = ((1 - fraction)*x÷2 |> Int for x in size(a)) stop = ((1 + fraction)*x÷2 |> Int for x in size(a)) ranges = (start+1:stop+1 for (start, stop) in zip(start, stop)) return a[ranges...] end @doc raw""" lowfreq_energy_ratio(array, fraction = 0.5) Calculate a ratio $E_a/E$ where $E$ is a total energy of a signal `array` and $E_a$ is the energy concentrated in frequencies $[0, af/2]$ where $f$ is the sampling rate and $a$ is set via parameter `fraction`. `mean(array)` is subtracted from the array before calculations. This function can be helpful in estimating if `array` is suitable for calculating surface-surface or surface-void function. An empirical criterion is that if this function returns a value greater than `0.95`, the array is good. """ function lowfreq_energy_ratio(array :: AbstractArray, fraction :: Float64 = 0.5) f = normalized_fft(array .- mean(array)) total_energy = f |> norm highfreq_energy = cut_from_center(f, 1 - fraction) |> norm return (total_energy - highfreq_energy) / total_energy end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 1477, 45983, 76, 1031, 388, 14, 10606, 49501, 24629, 2733, 13, 20362, 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 2302, 974, 62, 14907, 7, 18747, 7904, 27741, 19182, 11, 4235, 7904, 38357, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7925, 62, 14907, 7, 18747, 11, 3254, 7, 14171, 4008, 198, 198, 2302, 974, 62, 14907, 7, 18747, 7904, 27741, 19182, 11, 7904, 3254, 90, 25, 50, 672, 417, 30072, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1309, 2593, 7, 87, 8, 796, 19862, 17034, 12195, 16345, 7, 8899, 7, 87, 4613, 2124, 13, 61, 17, 11, 2124, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2593, 7, 320, 9744, 2334, 7, 18747, 11, 32169, 13, 568, 6667, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 198, 2302, 974, 62, 14907, 7, 18747, 7904, 27741, 19182, 11, 7904, 3254, 90, 25, 30246, 62, 8899, 30072, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1309, 18868, 796, 347, 970, 12195, 18747, 8, 930, 29, 3895, 62, 35636, 930, 29, 5253, 62, 35636, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 48436, 2414, 12195, 17080, 1817, 764, 855, 352, 13, 15, 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module MIMEBundles export MIMEBundle, mimerepr, stringmime using JSON include("./mimerepr.jl") include("./mimes.jl") struct MIMEBundle data::Dict{MIME, Union{String, JSONText}} metadata::Dict{Any, Any} end function MIMEBundle(obj) data = Dict{MIME, Any}() metadata = Dict() for mime in MIMEOrVec[DEFAULT_MIMES..., extramimes(obj)...] mime, result = mimerepr(mime, obj) if result !== nothing if isjsonmime(mime) result = JSONText(result) end data[mime] = result end end return MIMEBundle(data, metadata) end end # module
[ 21412, 337, 12789, 33, 917, 829, 198, 198, 39344, 337, 12789, 33, 31249, 11, 285, 524, 260, 1050, 11, 4731, 76, 524, 198, 198, 3500, 19449, 198, 198, 17256, 7, 1911, 14, 76, 524, 260, 1050, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7, 1911, 14, 76, 999, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 7249, 337, 12789, 33, 31249, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 3712, 35, 713, 90, 44, 12789, 11, 4479, 90, 10100, 11, 19449, 8206, 11709, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20150, 3712, 35, 713, 90, 7149, 11, 4377, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 337, 12789, 33, 31249, 7, 26801, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 796, 360, 713, 90, 44, 12789, 11, 4377, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20150, 796, 360, 713, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 285, 524, 287, 337, 3955, 4720, 81, 53, 721, 58, 7206, 38865, 62, 44, 3955, 1546, 986, 11, 1070, 859, 999, 7, 26801, 8, 22345, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 524, 11, 1255, 796, 285, 524, 260, 1050, 7, 76, 524, 11, 26181, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1255, 5145, 855, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 17752, 76, 524, 7, 76, 524, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 19449, 8206, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 58, 76, 524, 60, 796, 1255, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 337, 12789, 33, 31249, 7, 7890, 11, 20150, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
include("Shape.jl") """ morph_to(to_func::Function; object=:stroke) A closure for the [`_morph_to`](@ref) function. This makes it easier to write the function inside an `Object`. Currently morphing is quite simple and only works for basic shapes. It especially does not work with functions which produce more than one polygon or which produce filled polygons. Blending between fills of polygons is definitely coming at a later stage. **Important:** The functions itself should not draw the polygon i.e. use `circle(Point(100,100), 50)` instead of `circle(Point(100,100), 50, :stroke)` # Arguments - `to_func::Function`: Same as `from_func` but it defines the "result" polygon, which will be displayed at the end of the Object # Keywords - `do_action::Symbol` defines whether the object has a fill or just a stroke. Defaults to `:stroke`. # Example This creates a star that morphs into a circle and back. ``` astar(args...; do_action=:stroke) = star(O, 50, 5, 0.5, 0, do_action) acirc(args...; do_action=:stroke) = circle(Point(100,100), 50, do_action) video = Video(500, 500) back = Background(1:20, ground) star_obj = Object(1:10, astar) act!(star_obj, Action(linear(), morph_to(acirc))) circle_obj = Object(11:20, acirc) act!(circle_obj, Action(:same, morph_to(astar))) ``` """ function morph_to(to_func::Function; do_action = :stroke) return (video, object, action, frame) -> _morph_to(video, object, action, frame, to_func; do_action = do_action) end """ _morph_to(video::Video, object::Object, action::Action, frame, to_func::Function; do_action=:stroke) Internal version of [`morph_to`](@ref) but described there. """ function _morph_to( video::Video, object::Object, action::Action, frame, to_func::Function; do_action = :stroke, ) newpath() object.func(video, object, frame; do_action = :none) closepath() from_polys = pathtopoly() newpath() to_func(video, object, frame; do_action = :none) closepath() to_polys = pathtopoly() return morph_between(video, action, frame, from_polys, to_polys; do_action = do_action) end """ morph_between(video::Video, action::Action, frame, from_polys::Vector{Vector{Point}}, to_polys::Vector{Vector{Point}}; do_action=:stroke) Internal version of [`morph_to`](@ref) after the from poly is defined. """ function morph_between( video::Video, action::Action, frame, from_polys::Vector{Vector{Point}}, to_polys::Vector{Vector{Point}}; do_action = :stroke, ) cs = get_current_setting() cs.show_object = false # computation of the polygons and the best way to morph in the first frame if frame == first(get_frames(action)) save_morph_polygons!(action, from_polys, to_polys) end # obtain the computed polygons. These polygons have the same number of points. number_of_shapes = length(action.defs[:from_shape]) bool_move = ones(Bool, number_of_shapes) bool_appear = zeros(Bool, number_of_shapes) for si in 1:number_of_shapes from_shape = action.defs[:from_shape][si] to_shape = action.defs[:to_shape][si] inter_shape = action.defs[:inter_shape][si] if isempty(from_shape) || isempty(to_shape) if isempty(to_shape) action.defs[:inter_shape][si] = from_shape else action.defs[:inter_shape][si] = to_shape bool_appear[si] = true end bool_move[si] = false continue end # compute the interpolation variable `t` for the current frame t = get_interpolation(action, frame) interpolate_shape!(inter_shape, from_shape, to_shape, t) draw_shape(inter_shape, do_action) end # let new paths appear t = get_interpolation(action, frame) setopacity(t) shape_ids = [si for si in 1:number_of_shapes if (!bool_move[si] && bool_appear[si])] shapes = action.defs[:inter_shape][shape_ids] draw_shape.(shapes, do_action) # let old paths disappear t = get_interpolation(action, frame) setopacity(1 - t) shape_ids = [si for si in 1:number_of_shapes if (!bool_move[si] && !bool_appear[si])] shapes = action.defs[:inter_shape][shape_ids] draw_shape.(shapes, do_action) setopacity(1) end """ match_num_points(poly_1::Vector{Point}, poly_2::Vector{Point}) This is a helper function for [`morph_to`](@ref). Given two polygons `poly_1` and `poly_2` points are added to the polygon with less points until both polygons have the same number of points. The polygon with less points gets mutated during this process. # Arguments - `poly_1::Vector{Point}`: The points which define the first polygon - `poly_2::Vector{Point}`: The points which define the second polygon """ function match_num_points(poly_1::Vector{Point}, poly_2::Vector{Point}) l1 = length(poly_1) l2 = length(poly_2) # if both have the same number of points => we are done l1 == l2 && return poly_1, poly_2 new_poly_1 = simplify(poly_1) new_poly_2 = simplify(poly_2) l1 = length(new_poly_1) l2 = length(new_poly_2) # poly_1 should have less points than poly_2 so we flip if this is not the case flipped = false if l1 > l2 new_poly_1, new_poly_2 = new_poly_2, new_poly_1 l1, l2 = l2, l1 flipped = true end # the difference of the length of points missing_nodes = l2 - l1 add_points!(new_poly_1, missing_nodes) if flipped new_poly_1, new_poly_2 = new_poly_2, new_poly_1 end @assert length(new_poly_1) == length(new_poly_2) return new_poly_1, new_poly_2 end """ add_points!(poly, missing_nodes) Add #`missing_nodes` to poly. """ function add_points!(poly, missing_nodes) pdists = polydistances(poly) every_dist = pdists[end] / missing_nodes pdiffs = diff(pdists) ct = 0.0 poly_orig = copy(poly) npi = 1 for pi in 1:length(poly_orig) add_nodes = convert(Int, round(pdiffs[pi] / every_dist)) t = pdiffs[pi] / (add_nodes + 1) ct_local = ct for i in 1:add_nodes ct_local += t new_point = get_polypoint_at(poly_orig, ct_local / pdists[end]; pdist = pdists) npi += 1 insert!(poly, npi, new_point) end npi += 1 missing_nodes -= add_nodes ct += pdiffs[pi] every_dist = (pdists[end] - ct) / missing_nodes end end """ save_morph_polygons!(action::Action, from_func::Vector{Vector{Point}}, to_func::Vector{Vector{Point}}) Calls the functions to polygons and calls [`match_num_points`](@ref) such that both polygons have the same number of points. This is done once inside [`_morph_to`](@ref). Saves the two polygons inside `action.defs[:from_poly]` and `action.defs[:to_poly]`. **Assumption:** Both functions create the same number of polygons. """ function save_morph_polygons!( action::Action, from_polys::Vector{Vector{Point}}, to_polys::Vector{Vector{Point}}, ) # delete polygons with less than 2 points for i in length(from_polys):-1:1 length(from_polys[i]) <= 1 && splice!(from_polys, i) end for i in length(to_polys):-1:1 length(to_polys[i]) <= 1 && splice!(to_polys, i) end if length(from_polys) != length(to_polys) try_merge_polygons(from_polys) try_merge_polygons(to_polys) end from_shapes = create_shapes(from_polys) to_shapes = create_shapes(to_polys) if length(from_shapes) > 1 from_shapes, to_shapes = reorder_match(from_shapes, to_shapes) end action.defs[:from_shape] = Vector{Shape}() action.defs[:to_shape] = Vector{Shape}() action.defs[:inter_shape] = Vector{Shape}() counter = 0 for (from_shape, to_shape) in zip(from_shapes, to_shapes) counter += 1 if isempty(from_shape) || isempty(to_shape) if isempty(from_shape) push!(action.defs[:from_shape], EmptyShape()) push!(action.defs[:to_shape], to_shape) push!( action.defs[:inter_shape], Shape( length(to_shape.points), [length(subpath) for subpath in to_shape.subpaths], ), ) else push!(action.defs[:from_shape], from_shape) push!(action.defs[:to_shape], EmptyShape()) push!( action.defs[:inter_shape], Shape( length(from_shape.points), [length(subpath) for subpath in from_shape.subpaths], ), ) end else from_shape, to_shape = prepare_to_interpolate(from_shape, to_shape) push!(action.defs[:from_shape], from_shape) push!(action.defs[:to_shape], to_shape) push!( action.defs[:inter_shape], Shape( length(from_shape.points), [length(subpath) for subpath in from_shape.subpaths], ), ) end end end """ try_merge_polygons(polys) Try to merge polygons together to match the number of polygons that get morphed. The only example I encountered is that the `[` of a 3xY matrix consists of 3 parts which are merged together. """ function try_merge_polygons(polys) for pi in 1:length(polys) !ispolyclockwise(polys[pi]) && continue for pj in 1:length(polys) pi >= pj && continue !ispolyclockwise(polys[pj]) && continue smallest_dist = Inf found_Ap = O found_Bp = O start_with_A = true for (pA, pointA1, pointA2) in zip(1:length(polys[pi]), polys[pi], circshift(polys[pi], -1)) for (pB, pointB1, pointB2) in zip(1:length(polys[pj]), polys[pj], circshift(polys[pj], -1)) dist1 = distance(pointA1, pointB2) dist2 = distance(pointA2, pointB1) if dist1 <= 3 && dist2 <= 3 if isinside((pointB1 + pointB2) / 2, polys[pi]; allowonedge = true) pB1 = pB + 1 <= length(polys[pj]) ? pB + 1 : 1 polys[pj][pB1] = pointA1 - (pointB2 - pointA1) polys[pj][pB] = pointA2 - (pointB1 - pointA2) pointB2 = polys[pj][pB1] pointB1 = polys[pj][pB] end if ispolyclockwise([pointA1, pointA2, pointB1, pointB2]) start_with_A = false smallest_dist = dist1 found_Ap = pA found_Bp = pB + 1 <= length(polys[pj]) ? pB + 1 : 1 else start_with_A = true smallest_dist = dist2 found_Ap = pA + 1 <= length(polys[pi]) ? pA + 1 : 1 found_Bp = pB + 1 end end end end if smallest_dist <= 3 if start_with_A tmp_polyA = circshift(polys[pi], length(polys[pi]) - found_Ap + 1) tmp_polyB = circshift(polys[pj], length(polys[pj]) - found_Bp) polys[pi] = vcat(tmp_polyA, tmp_polyB[1:(end - 1)]) polys[pj] = Point[] else tmp_polyB = circshift(polys[pj], length(polys[pj]) - found_Bp + 1) tmp_polyA = circshift(polys[pi], length(polys[pi]) - found_Ap) polys[pi] = vcat(tmp_polyB, tmp_polyA) polys[pj] = Point[] end end end end for pi in length(polys):-1:1 if isempty(polys[pi]) splice!(polys, pi) end end end """ compute_shortest_morphing_dist(from_poly::Vector{Point}, to_poly::Vector{Point}) Rotates `from_poly` internally to check which mapping produces the smallest morphing distance. It returns the start index of the rotation of `from_poly` as well as the smallest distance. """ function compute_shortest_morphing_dist(from_poly::Vector{Point}, to_poly::Vector{Point}) # find the smallest morphing distance to match the points in a more natural way # smallest_i holds the best starting point of from_path smallest_i = 1 smallest_distance = typemax(Float64) for i in 1:length(from_poly) overall_distance = 0.0 for j in 1:length(from_poly) p1 = from_poly[mod1(j + i - 1, length(from_poly))] p2 = to_poly[j] overall_distance += distance(p1, p2) end if overall_distance < smallest_distance smallest_distance = overall_distance smallest_i = i end end return smallest_i, smallest_distance end """ reorder_match(from_shapes::Vector{Shape}, to_shapes::Vector{Shape}) Computes the similiarty of the shapes and finds the best mapping such that the sum of similiarty is maximized. Additionally it creates empty shapes when needed such that `reordered_from` and `reordered_to` contain the same number of shapes. # Returns - `reordered_from::Vector{Shape}` - `reordered_to::Vector{Shape}` """ function reorder_match(from_shapes::Vector{Shape}, to_shapes::Vector{Shape}) num_shapes = max(length(from_shapes), length(to_shapes)) similiarity_matrix = zeros(length(from_shapes), length(to_shapes)) for fi in 1:length(from_shapes) from_shape = from_shapes[fi] for ti in 1:length(to_shapes) to_shape = to_shapes[ti] similiarity_matrix[fi, ti] = -get_similarity(from_shape, to_shape) end end assignment, cost = hungarian(similiarity_matrix) new_from_shapes = Vector{Shape}(undef, num_shapes) for i in 1:num_shapes new_from_shapes[i] = EmptyShape() end new_to_shapes = Vector{Shape}(undef, num_shapes) for i in 1:num_shapes if i <= length(to_shapes) new_to_shapes[i] = to_shapes[i] else new_to_shapes[i] = EmptyShape() end end ptr = length(to_shapes) + 1 for i in 1:length(from_shapes) if assignment[i] == 0 new_from_shapes[ptr] = from_shapes[i] ptr += 1 else new_from_shapes[assignment[i]] = from_shapes[i] end end return new_from_shapes, new_to_shapes end
[ 17256, 7203, 33383, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17488, 62, 1462, 7, 1462, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 26, 2134, 28, 25, 30757, 8, 198, 198, 32, 16512, 329, 262, 685, 63, 62, 24503, 62, 1462, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 2163, 13, 198, 1212, 1838, 340, 4577, 284, 3551, 262, 2163, 2641, 281, 4600, 10267, 44646, 198, 198, 21327, 38837, 722, 318, 2407, 2829, 290, 691, 2499, 329, 4096, 15268, 13, 198, 1026, 2592, 857, 407, 670, 351, 5499, 543, 4439, 517, 621, 530, 7514, 14520, 198, 273, 543, 4439, 5901, 25052, 684, 13, 198, 3629, 1571, 1022, 23816, 286, 25052, 684, 318, 4753, 2406, 379, 257, 1568, 3800, 13, 198, 198, 1174, 33796, 25, 1174, 383, 5499, 2346, 815, 407, 3197, 262, 7514, 14520, 198, 72, 13, 68, 13, 779, 4600, 45597, 7, 12727, 7, 3064, 11, 3064, 828, 2026, 8, 63, 2427, 286, 4600, 45597, 7, 12727, 7, 3064, 11, 3064, 828, 2026, 11, 1058, 30757, 8, 63, 198, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 198, 12, 4600, 1462, 62, 20786, 3712, 22203, 63, 25, 16766, 355, 4600, 6738, 62, 20786, 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<reponame>isaacsas/ReactionNetworkImporters.jl module ReactionNetworkImporters using DataStructures, Symbolics, SymbolicUtils, Catalyst, SparseArrays # creates a ModelingToolkit function-like Symbol # can then do stuff like # @parameters t # S₁ = funcsym(S,1) # u = S₁(t) function funcsym(S::Symbol, t, args...) S = Symbol(S,args...) (@variables $(S)(t))[1] end abstract type NetworkFileFormat end # exported data types #struct RSSANetwork <: NetworkFileFormat end struct BNGNetwork <: NetworkFileFormat end struct MatrixNetwork <: NetworkFileFormat end struct ParsedReactionNetwork "Catalyst Network" rn::ReactionSystem "Initial Conditions" u₀ "Parameters" p "Expressions for the Parameters" paramexprs "Dict from `Variable` in species(rn) to full string for species name" varstonames "Dict from lumped species name (as string) to group of species ids" groupstoids end ParsedReactionNetwork(rn::ReactionSystem, u₀; p=nothing, paramexprs=nothing, varstonames=nothing, groupstoids=nothing) = ParsedReactionNetwork(rn, u₀, p, paramexprs, varstonames, groupstoids) export RSSANetwork, BNGNetwork, MatrixNetwork, ParsedReactionNetwork # parsers #include("parsing_routines_rssafiles.jl") include("parsing_routines_bngnetworkfiles.jl") include("parsing_routines_matrixnetworks.jl") export loadrxnetwork end # module
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 9160, 16436, 292, 14, 3041, 2673, 26245, 3546, 1819, 1010, 13, 20362, 198, 21412, 39912, 26245, 3546, 1819, 1010, 198, 198, 3500, 6060, 44909, 942, 11, 41327, 19615, 11, 41327, 4160, 18274, 4487, 11, 48238, 11, 1338, 17208, 3163, 20477, 198, 198, 2, 8075, 257, 9104, 278, 25391, 15813, 2163, 12, 2339, 38357, 198, 2, 460, 788, 466, 3404, 588, 198, 2, 2488, 17143, 7307, 256, 198, 2, 311, 158, 224, 223, 796, 25439, 37047, 7, 50, 11, 16, 8, 198, 2, 334, 796, 311, 158, 224, 223, 7, 83, 8, 198, 8818, 25439, 37047, 7, 50, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 256, 11, 26498, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 38357, 7, 50, 11, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4275, 25641, 2977, 29568, 50, 5769, 83, 4008, 58, 16, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 7311, 8979, 26227, 886, 198, 198, 2, 29050, 1366, 3858, 198, 2, 7249, 25012, 1565, 316, 1818, 1279, 25, 7311, 8979, 26227, 886, 198, 7249, 347, 10503, 26245, 1279, 25, 7311, 8979, 26227, 886, 198, 7249, 24936, 26245, 1279, 25, 7311, 8979, 26227, 886, 198, 198, 7249, 23042, 276, 3041, 2673, 26245, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 21979, 21470, 7311, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 77, 3712, 3041, 2673, 11964, 628, 220, 220, 220, 366, 24243, 27617, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 334, 158, 224, 222, 628, 220, 220, 220, 366, 48944, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 628, 220, 220, 220, 366, 38839, 507, 329, 262, 40117, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1582, 480, 87, 1050, 82, 628, 220, 220, 220, 366, 35, 713, 422, 4600, 43015, 63, 287, 4693, 7, 35906, 8, 284, 1336, 4731, 329, 4693, 1438, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1401, 3743, 1047, 628, 220, 220, 220, 366, 35, 713, 422, 23844, 276, 4693, 1438, 357, 292, 4731, 8, 284, 1448, 286, 4693, 220, 2340, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1448, 301, 10994, 198, 198, 437, 198, 47, 945, 276, 3041, 2673, 26245, 7, 35906, 3712, 3041, 2673, 11964, 11, 334, 158, 224, 222, 26, 279, 28, 22366, 11, 1582, 480, 87, 1050, 82, 28, 22366, 11, 1401, 3743, 1047, 28, 22366, 11, 1448, 301, 10994, 28, 22366, 8, 796, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23042, 276, 3041, 2673, 26245, 7, 35906, 11, 334, 158, 224, 222, 11, 279, 11, 1582, 480, 87, 1050, 82, 11, 1401, 3743, 1047, 11, 1448, 301, 10994, 8, 198, 198, 39344, 25012, 1565, 316, 1818, 11, 347, 10503, 26245, 11, 24936, 26245, 11, 23042, 276, 3041, 2673, 26245, 198, 198, 2, 13544, 364, 198, 2, 17256, 7203, 79, 945, 278, 62, 81, 448, 1127, 62, 42216, 1878, 2915, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 79, 945, 278, 62, 81, 448, 1127, 62, 65, 782, 27349, 16624, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 79, 945, 278, 62, 81, 448, 1127, 62, 6759, 8609, 3262, 5225, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 39344, 3440, 40914, 27349, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
<reponame>JuliaTagBot/OrthogonalPolynomials.jl module OrthogonalPolynomials # 0. Our mission # Dear codes, should you choose to accept it, is to learn and implement the following # mathematical in Julia, whilst learning the magic of multiple dispatch as a design # paradigm. Ready? Steady? Go! # If you are a beginner and this code just looks like squiggles, worry not! # There is a video tutorial online at my youtube channel, BrainRPG. # Happy Hacking! # - <NAME> # # 1. First design - Laguerre only # Note the _names with underscore are used as convention for package internals. _d(n, α=0) = binomial(n+α, n) _b(n, m) = n-m+1 _c(α, m) = m*(α+m) _k(n, α=0) = [-_b(n,i)*inv(_c(α, i)) for i in 1:n] _f(x) = x _α = 0 _a(x, n, ks = _k(n,α), i=0) = i == n ? :(1) : return :(muladd( $(ks[i+1]*_f(x)), $((_a)(x, n, ks, i+1)) , 1)) # 2. Macro function as a for loop macro _a(x,n,ks=k(n,α)) ex = 1 for i in n-1 : -1 : 0 ex = :(muladd( $(ks[i+1]*_f(x)), $ex, 1)) end return :($ex) end # 2. Second design, now with dispatching on types. # 2.1 FIRST, we will define all the infrastructure for dispatching for Laguerre. # 2.2 THEN, we will extend that design by adding dispatches for the Hermite case. # 2.3 LAST, we will extend for all the other cases. # 2.1 FIRST, the Laguerre case. abstract type OP end struct Laguerre{α,n} <: OP end params(a :: T) where T = Tuple(T.parameters) # Credit to @yingboma Laguerre(α, n :: Int) = Laguerre{α, n}() Laguerre(n :: Int) = n >= 0 ? Laguerre{0,n}() : throw("The degree n must be non-negative.") # Generalized binomial, useful too in the Jacobi case. function Base.binomial(α :: T,k :: Int) where T<:AbstractFloat res = 1 for i in 0:k-1 res = res * (α - i) end return res/factorial(k) end d(p :: T, x) where T<:Laguerre = d(p) function d(p :: T) where T<:Laguerre α,n = params(p) return binomial(α + n, n) end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:Laguerre α,n = params(p) return n-m+1 end function c(p :: T, m) where T<:Laguerre α, n = params(p) return m*(α + m) end f(p :: T, x) where T<:Laguerre = x # This now works for all Orthogonal Polynomials! function k(p :: T, x) where T<:OP n = params(p)[end] return [-b(p, i)*inv(c(p, i)) for i in 1:n] end # Notice this works for all types Orthogonal Polynomials! # Note: It doesn't return a specialized function yet - try to run it with @code_llvm # We will make this specialized in the Third stage of design, after we add all the dispatches # for all the polynomials. function a(p :: T, x, m = params(p)[end]) where T<:OP res = oneunit(x) ks = k(p, x) for i in m-1: -1 : 0 res = muladd(res, ks[i+1]*f(p, x),1) end return res * d(p, x) end # function a(p :: T, x, i= # 2.2 SECOND - add a little abstract type machinery to handle dispatches for even/odd cases. abstract type EvenOP <: OP end abstract type OddOP <: OP end struct Hermite{n} <: OP end struct HermiteEven{n} <: EvenOP end struct HermiteOdd{n} <: OddOP end Hermite{n}() where n = iseven(n) ? HermiteEven{n ÷ 2}() : HermiteOdd{(n-1) ÷ 2}() Hermite(n) = n>= 0 ? Hermite{n}() : throw("The degree n must be non-negative.") #Heven function d(p :: T, x) where T<:HermiteEven n = params(p)[1] return (-1) ^ n * (factorial(2n)/factorial(n)) end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:HermiteEven n = params(p)[1] return 2*(n - m + 1) end # This now covers half the cases! c(p :: T, m) where T<:EvenOP = m*(2m - 1) # This catches almost every case! f(p :: T, x) where T<:OP = x^2 #Hodd function d(p :: T, x) where T<:HermiteOdd n = params(p)[1] return (-1) ^ n * (factorial(2n +1)/factorial(n))*2x end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:HermiteOdd n = params(p)[1] return 2*(n - m + 1) end # This catches almost every case left over! We are only missing the Jacobi case. c(p :: T, m) where T<:OddOP = m * (2m + 1) # 2.3 THIRD, we now add dispatches to all the other cases. struct Legendre{n} <: OP end struct LegendreEven{n} <: EvenOP end struct LegendreOdd{n} <: OddOP end Legendre{n}() where n = iseven(n) ? LegendreEven{n ÷ 2}() : LegendreOdd{(n-1) ÷ 2}() Legendre(n :: Int) = n>=0 ? Legendre{n}() : throw("The degree n must be non-negative.") # PEven # Note! We only have to define two functions per case here, because the other cases already got caught by # some adequate planning and dispatching. function d(p :: T, x) where T<:LegendreEven n = params(p)[1] return (-1/4)^n * binomial(2n,n) end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:LegendreEven n = params(p)[1] return (n - m + 1) * (2n + 2m -1) end # POdd function d(p :: T, x) where T<:LegendreOdd n = params(p)[1] return (-1/4)^n * binomial(2n+1,n) * (n+1) * x end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:LegendreOdd n = params(p)[1] return (n - m + 1) * (2n + 2m + 1) end # TEven struct ChebyshevFirstKind{n} <: OP end struct ChebyshevFirstKindEven{n} <: EvenOP end struct ChebyshevFirstKindOdd{n} <: OddOP end ChebyshevFirstKind{n}() where n = iseven(n) ? ChebyshevFirstKindEven{n ÷ 2}() : ChebyshevFirstKindOdd{(n-1) ÷ 2}() ChebyshevFirstKind(n :: Int) = n>=0 ? ChebyshevFirstKind{n}() : throw("The degree n must be non-negative") function d(p :: T, x) where T<:ChebyshevFirstKindEven n = params(p)[1] return (-1)^n end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:ChebyshevFirstKindEven n = params(p)[1] return 2(n-m+1)*(n+m-1) end # TOdd function d(p :: T, x) where T<: ChebyshevFirstKindOdd n = params(p)[1] return (-1^n)*(2n+1)*x end function b(p ::T, m) where T<: ChebyshevFirstKindOdd n = params(p)[1] return 2*(n-m+1)*(n+m) end # UEven struct ChebyshevSecondKind{n} <: OP end struct ChebyshevSecondKindEven{n} <: EvenOP end struct ChebyshevSecondKindOdd{n} <: OddOP end ChebyshevSecondKind{n}() where n = iseven(n) ? ChebyshevSecondKindEven{n ÷ 2}() : ChebyshevSecondKindOdd{(n-1) ÷ 2}() ChebyshevSecondKind(n :: Int) = n>=0 ? ChebyshevSecondKind{n}() : throw("The degree n must be non-negative") function d(p :: T, x) where T<:ChebyshevSecondKindEven n = params(p)[1] return (-1)^n end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:ChebyshevSecondKindEven n = params(p)[1] return 2*(n-m+1)*(n+m) end # UOdd function d(p :: T, x) where T<:ChebyshevSecondKindOdd n = params(p)[1] return (-1)^n * 2(n+1)*x end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:ChebyshevSecondKindOdd n = params(p)[1] return 2*(n-m+1)*(n+m) end # CEven struct Gegenbauer{α, n} <: OP end struct GegenbauerEven{α, n} <: EvenOP end struct GegenbauerOdd{α, n} <: OddOP end function Gegenbauer(α, n :: Int) n >= 0 && α >= 0 ? nothing : throw("The degree n must be non-negative") iseven(n) ? GegenbauerEven{α, n ÷ 2}() : GegenbauerOdd{α, (n-1) ÷ 2}() end Gegenbauer(n :: Int) = Gegenbauer(0, n) # We need to define a pochhammer symbol here! function poch(a,::Val{N}) where N res = a; for i in Base.OneTo(N-1) res = res * (a+i) end return res end poch(a, ::Val{0}) = one(a) poch(a, ::Val{1}) = a function d(p :: T, x = 0) where T<:GegenbauerEven α, n = params(p) return (-1)^n * (poch(α,Val(n))/factorial(n)) end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:GegenbauerEven α, n = params(p) return 2*(n-m+1)*(α+n+m-1) end # COdd function d(p :: T, x) where T<:GegenbauerOdd α, n = params(p) return (-1)^n * (poch(α,Val(n+1))/factorial(n))*2x end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:GegenbauerOdd α, n = params(p) return 2*(n-m+1)*(α + n + m) end # Jacobi struct Jacobi{α, β, n} <: OP end Jacobi(α, β, n :: Int) = α >= 0 && β >= 0 && n >= 0 ? Jacobi{α, β, n}() : throw("The parameters must be non-negative") function d(p :: T, x) where T<:Jacobi α, β, n = params(p) return binomial(n + α, n) end function b(p :: T, m) where T<:Jacobi α, β, n = params(p) return (n - m + 1) * (α + β + n + m) end function c(p :: T, m) where T<:Jacobi α, β, n = params(p) return 2m * (α + m) end function f(p :: T, x) where T<:Jacobi return 1 - x end # Pass: Laguerre, ChebyFE, ChebySE, # Check Jacobi-binomial, HermiteEven, HermiteOdd, LegendreE, LegendreO, ChebySO, ChebyFO, GegenbauerE, GegenbauerO # Strat, look at the a(j,2,0) and k(j,.5) methods export d,b,c,k,f,a export Jacobi # J(α,β,n) export GegenbauerEven, GegenbauerOdd, Gegenbauer # C(α,n) export ChebyshevSecondKindEven, ChebyshevSecondKindOdd, ChebyshevSecondKind # U(n) export ChebyshevFirstKindEven, ChebyshevFirstKindOdd, ChebyshevFirstKind # T(n) export Legendre # L(n) export HermiteOdd, HermiteEven, Hermite # H(n) export Laguerre end # module
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 16980, 544, 24835, 20630, 14, 5574, 400, 519, 20996, 34220, 26601, 8231, 13, 20362, 198, 21412, 47664, 519, 20996, 34220, 26601, 8231, 198, 198, 2, 657, 13, 3954, 4365, 198, 2, 23420, 12416, 11, 815, 345, 3853, 284, 2453, 340, 11, 318, 284, 2193, 290, 3494, 262, 1708, 198, 2, 18069, 287, 22300, 11, 14590, 4673, 262, 5536, 286, 3294, 27965, 355, 257, 1486, 198, 2, 23457, 13, 23432, 30, 45445, 88, 30, 1514, 0, 198, 2, 1002, 345, 389, 257, 31516, 290, 428, 2438, 655, 3073, 588, 2809, 6950, 829, 11, 5490, 407, 0, 198, 2, 1318, 318, 257, 2008, 11808, 2691, 379, 616, 35116, 6518, 11, 14842, 46954, 13, 198, 2, 14628, 367, 5430, 0, 198, 2, 532, 1279, 20608, 29, 198, 2, 2638, 1378, 15332, 13, 11018, 13, 82, 20942, 13, 6888, 14, 93, 66, 20475, 14, 64, 1746, 14, 7700, 62, 40401, 13, 9479, 198, 198, 2, 352, 13, 3274, 1486, 532, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 691, 198, 2, 5740, 262, 4808, 14933, 351, 44810, 389, 973, 355, 9831, 329, 5301, 1788, 874, 13, 198, 62, 67, 7, 77, 11, 26367, 28, 15, 8, 796, 9874, 49070, 7, 77, 10, 17394, 11, 299, 8, 198, 62, 65, 7, 77, 11, 285, 8, 796, 299, 12, 76, 10, 16, 198, 62, 66, 7, 17394, 11, 285, 8, 796, 285, 9, 7, 17394, 10, 76, 8, 198, 62, 74, 7, 77, 11, 26367, 28, 15, 8, 796, 25915, 62, 65, 7, 77, 11, 72, 27493, 16340, 28264, 66, 7, 17394, 11, 1312, 4008, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 77, 60, 198, 62, 69, 7, 87, 8, 796, 2124, 198, 62, 17394, 796, 657, 198, 198, 62, 64, 7, 87, 11, 299, 11, 479, 82, 796, 4808, 74, 7, 77, 11, 17394, 828, 1312, 28, 15, 8, 796, 1312, 6624, 299, 5633, 36147, 16, 8, 1058, 1441, 36147, 76, 377, 2860, 7, 29568, 591, 58, 72, 10, 16, 60, 9, 62, 69, 7, 87, 36911, 720, 19510, 62, 64, 5769, 87, 11, 299, 11, 479, 82, 11, 1312, 10, 16, 4008, 837, 352, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 362, 13, 42755, 2163, 355, 257, 329, 9052, 198, 20285, 305, 4808, 64, 7, 87, 11, 77, 11, 591, 28, 74, 7, 77, 11, 17394, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 409, 796, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 299, 12, 16, 1058, 532, 16, 1058, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 409, 796, 36147, 76, 377, 2860, 7, 29568, 591, 58, 72, 10, 16, 60, 9, 62, 69, 7, 87, 36911, 720, 1069, 11, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1058, 16763, 1069, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 362, 13, 5498, 1486, 11, 783, 351, 4596, 19775, 319, 3858, 13, 198, 2, 362, 13, 16, 31328, 11, 356, 481, 8160, 477, 262, 6884, 329, 4596, 19775, 329, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 13, 198, 2, 362, 13, 17, 42243, 11, 356, 481, 9117, 326, 1486, 416, 4375, 4596, 20981, 329, 262, 18113, 578, 1339, 13, 198, 2, 362, 13, 18, 41894, 11, 356, 481, 9117, 329, 477, 262, 584, 2663, 13, 198, 198, 2, 362, 13, 16, 31328, 11, 262, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 1339, 13, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 90, 17394, 11, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 37266, 7, 64, 7904, 309, 8, 810, 309, 796, 309, 29291, 7, 51, 13, 17143, 7307, 8, 1303, 10504, 284, 2488, 1112, 65, 6086, 198, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 7, 17394, 11, 299, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 90, 17394, 11, 299, 92, 3419, 198, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 7, 77, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 299, 18189, 657, 5633, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 90, 15, 11, 77, 92, 3419, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 4922, 299, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 19570, 198, 2, 3611, 1143, 9874, 49070, 11, 4465, 1165, 287, 262, 12806, 72, 1339, 13, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 8800, 49070, 7, 17394, 7904, 309, 11, 74, 7904, 2558, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 23839, 43879, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 657, 25, 74, 12, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 581, 1635, 357, 17394, 532, 1312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 581, 14, 22584, 5132, 7, 74, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 67, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 796, 288, 7, 79, 8, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 77, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 9874, 49070, 7, 17394, 1343, 299, 11, 299, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 77, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 299, 12, 76, 10, 16, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 269, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 285, 9, 7, 17394, 1343, 285, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 69, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 796, 2124, 198, 198, 2, 770, 783, 2499, 329, 477, 47664, 519, 20996, 12280, 26601, 8231, 0, 198, 8818, 479, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 3185, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 437, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 25915, 65, 7, 79, 11, 1312, 27493, 16340, 7, 66, 7, 79, 11, 1312, 4008, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 77, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 17641, 428, 2499, 329, 477, 3858, 47664, 519, 20996, 12280, 26601, 8231, 0, 198, 2, 5740, 25, 632, 1595, 470, 1441, 257, 16976, 2163, 1865, 532, 1949, 284, 1057, 340, 351, 2488, 8189, 62, 297, 14761, 198, 2, 775, 481, 787, 428, 16976, 287, 262, 10467, 3800, 286, 1486, 11, 706, 356, 751, 477, 262, 4596, 20981, 198, 2, 329, 477, 262, 745, 6213, 296, 8231, 13, 198, 8818, 257, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 11, 285, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 437, 12962, 810, 309, 27, 25, 3185, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 530, 20850, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 479, 82, 796, 479, 7, 79, 11, 2124, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 285, 12, 16, 25, 532, 16, 1058, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 35971, 2860, 7, 411, 11, 479, 82, 58, 72, 10, 16, 60, 9, 69, 7, 79, 11, 2124, 828, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 581, 1635, 288, 7, 79, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2163, 257, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 11, 1312, 28, 198, 198, 2, 362, 13, 17, 10729, 18672, 532, 751, 257, 1310, 12531, 2099, 20230, 284, 5412, 4596, 20981, 329, 772, 14, 5088, 2663, 13, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 3412, 3185, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 20664, 3185, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 18113, 578, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 18113, 578, 6104, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 3412, 3185, 886, 198, 7249, 18113, 578, 46, 1860, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 20664, 3185, 886, 198, 198, 48523, 578, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 810, 299, 796, 318, 10197, 7, 77, 8, 5633, 18113, 578, 6104, 90, 77, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 1058, 18113, 578, 46, 1860, 90, 7, 77, 12, 16, 8, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 198, 48523, 578, 7, 77, 8, 796, 220, 299, 29, 28, 657, 5633, 18113, 578, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 4922, 299, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 19570, 198, 198, 2, 1544, 574, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 48523, 578, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 10563, 299, 1635, 357, 22584, 5132, 7, 17, 77, 20679, 22584, 5132, 7, 77, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 48523, 578, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 220, 362, 9, 7, 77, 532, 285, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 770, 783, 8698, 2063, 262, 2663, 0, 198, 66, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 6104, 3185, 796, 285, 9, 7, 17, 76, 532, 352, 8, 198, 198, 2, 770, 17591, 2048, 790, 1339, 0, 198, 69, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 3185, 796, 2124, 61, 17, 198, 198, 2, 39, 5088, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 48523, 578, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 10563, 299, 1635, 357, 22584, 5132, 7, 17, 77, 1343, 16, 20679, 22584, 5132, 7, 77, 4008, 9, 17, 87, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 48523, 578, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 220, 362, 9, 7, 77, 532, 285, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 770, 17591, 2048, 790, 1339, 1364, 625, 0, 775, 389, 691, 4814, 262, 12806, 72, 1339, 13, 198, 66, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 46, 1860, 3185, 796, 285, 1635, 357, 17, 76, 1343, 352, 8, 628, 198, 2, 362, 13, 18, 2320, 46833, 11, 356, 783, 751, 4596, 20981, 284, 477, 262, 584, 2663, 13, 198, 7249, 9883, 260, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 9883, 260, 6104, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 3412, 3185, 886, 198, 7249, 9883, 260, 46, 1860, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 20664, 3185, 886, 198, 21351, 260, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 810, 299, 796, 318, 10197, 7, 77, 8, 5633, 9883, 260, 6104, 90, 77, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 1058, 9883, 260, 46, 1860, 90, 7, 77, 12, 16, 8, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 198, 21351, 260, 7, 77, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 299, 29, 28, 15, 5633, 9883, 260, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 4922, 299, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 19570, 198, 198, 2, 350, 6104, 198, 2, 5740, 0, 775, 691, 423, 284, 8160, 734, 5499, 583, 1339, 994, 11, 780, 262, 584, 2663, 1541, 1392, 4978, 416, 198, 2, 617, 12872, 5410, 290, 4596, 19775, 13, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 21351, 260, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 14, 19, 8, 61, 77, 1635, 9874, 49070, 7, 17, 77, 11, 77, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 21351, 260, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 77, 532, 285, 1343, 352, 8, 1635, 357, 17, 77, 1343, 362, 76, 532, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 19922, 1860, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 21351, 260, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 14, 19, 8, 61, 77, 1635, 9874, 49070, 7, 17, 77, 10, 16, 11, 77, 8, 1635, 357, 77, 10, 16, 8, 1635, 2124, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 21351, 260, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 77, 532, 285, 1343, 352, 8, 1635, 357, 17, 77, 1343, 362, 76, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 309, 6104, 198, 7249, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 6104, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 3412, 3185, 886, 198, 7249, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 46, 1860, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 20664, 3185, 886, 198, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 810, 299, 796, 318, 10197, 7, 77, 8, 5633, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 6104, 90, 77, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 1058, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 46, 1860, 90, 7, 77, 12, 16, 8, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 198, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 7, 77, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 299, 29, 28, 15, 5633, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 4922, 299, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 4943, 198, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 61, 77, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 362, 7, 77, 12, 76, 10, 16, 27493, 7, 77, 10, 76, 12, 16, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 5390, 1860, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 61, 77, 27493, 7, 17, 77, 10, 16, 27493, 87, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 51, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 5962, 35854, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 220, 362, 9, 7, 77, 12, 76, 10, 16, 27493, 7, 77, 10, 76, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 471, 6104, 198, 7249, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 6104, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 3412, 3185, 886, 198, 7249, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 46, 1860, 90, 77, 92, 1279, 25, 20664, 3185, 886, 198, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 810, 299, 796, 318, 10197, 7, 77, 8, 5633, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 6104, 90, 77, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 1058, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 46, 1860, 90, 7, 77, 12, 16, 8, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 198, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 7, 77, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 299, 29, 28, 15, 5633, 2580, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 90, 77, 92, 3419, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 4922, 299, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 4943, 198, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 61, 77, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 362, 9, 7, 77, 12, 76, 10, 16, 27493, 7, 77, 10, 76, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 471, 46, 1860, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 61, 77, 1635, 362, 7, 77, 10, 16, 27493, 87, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 12211, 35854, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 362, 9, 7, 77, 12, 76, 10, 16, 27493, 7, 77, 10, 76, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 327, 6104, 198, 7249, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 90, 17394, 11, 299, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 7249, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 6104, 90, 17394, 11, 299, 92, 1279, 25, 3412, 3185, 886, 198, 7249, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 46, 1860, 90, 17394, 11, 299, 92, 1279, 25, 20664, 3185, 886, 198, 8818, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 7, 17394, 11, 299, 7904, 2558, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 18189, 657, 11405, 26367, 18189, 657, 5633, 2147, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 4922, 299, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 10197, 7, 77, 8, 5633, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 6104, 90, 17394, 11, 299, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 1058, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 46, 1860, 90, 17394, 11, 357, 77, 12, 16, 8, 6184, 115, 362, 92, 3419, 198, 437, 198, 38, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 7, 77, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 402, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 7, 15, 11, 299, 8, 198, 198, 2, 775, 761, 284, 8160, 257, 745, 354, 17980, 6194, 994, 0, 198, 8818, 745, 354, 7, 64, 11, 3712, 7762, 90, 45, 30072, 810, 399, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 257, 26, 329, 1312, 287, 7308, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 45, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 581, 1635, 357, 64, 10, 72, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 581, 198, 437, 198, 79, 5374, 7, 64, 11, 7904, 7762, 90, 15, 30072, 796, 530, 7, 64, 8, 198, 79, 5374, 7, 64, 11, 7904, 7762, 90, 16, 30072, 796, 257, 198, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 796, 657, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 38, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 299, 220, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 61, 77, 1635, 357, 79, 5374, 7, 17394, 11, 7762, 7, 77, 4008, 14, 22584, 5132, 7, 77, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 38, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 6104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 362, 9, 7, 77, 12, 76, 10, 16, 27493, 7, 17394, 10, 77, 10, 76, 12, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 7375, 1860, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 38, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13841, 16, 8, 61, 77, 1635, 357, 79, 5374, 7, 17394, 11, 7762, 7, 77, 10, 16, 4008, 14, 22584, 5132, 7, 77, 4008, 9, 17, 87, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 38, 1533, 268, 65, 16261, 46, 1860, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 220, 362, 9, 7, 77, 12, 76, 10, 16, 27493, 7, 17394, 1343, 299, 1343, 285, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 12806, 72, 198, 7249, 12806, 72, 90, 17394, 11, 27169, 11, 299, 92, 1279, 25, 13349, 886, 198, 28821, 13411, 7, 17394, 11, 27169, 11, 299, 7904, 2558, 8, 796, 26367, 18189, 657, 11405, 27169, 18189, 657, 11405, 299, 18189, 657, 5633, 12806, 72, 90, 17394, 11, 27169, 11, 299, 92, 3419, 1058, 3714, 7203, 464, 10007, 1276, 307, 1729, 12, 31591, 4943, 198, 198, 8818, 288, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 28821, 13411, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 27169, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 9874, 49070, 7, 77, 1343, 26367, 11, 299, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 275, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 28821, 13411, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 27169, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 77, 532, 285, 1343, 352, 8, 1635, 357, 17394, 1343, 27169, 1343, 299, 1343, 285, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 269, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 285, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 28821, 13411, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 11, 27169, 11, 299, 796, 42287, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 362, 76, 1635, 357, 17394, 1343, 285, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 277, 7, 79, 7904, 309, 11, 2124, 8, 810, 309, 27, 25, 28821, 13411, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 352, 532, 2124, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 6251, 25, 406, 11433, 263, 260, 11, 2580, 1525, 15112, 11, 2580, 1525, 5188, 11, 198, 2, 6822, 12806, 72, 12, 8800, 49070, 11, 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<filename>test/feature_transform.jl @testset "feature_transform" begin function ind2cart(F) s = CartesianIndices(axes(F)) return map(i -> CartesianIndex(s[i]), F) end @testset "Square Images" begin # (1) A = [true false; false true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1; 1 4]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0 1; 1 0] # (2) A = [true true; false true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 3; 1 4]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0 0; 1 0] # (3) A = [false false; false true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([4 4; 4 4]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D ≈ [sqrt(2) 1.0; 1.0 0.0] # (4) A = [true false true; false true false; true true false] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1 7; 1 5 5; 3 6 6]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 0 1] # (5) A = [false false true; true true false; true true true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([2 5 7; 2 5 5; 3 6 9]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [1 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 0] # (6) A = [ true false true true false true false false false true true false true false false false ] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1 9 13; 1 6 6 13; 4 7 11 11; 4 4 11 11]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D ≈ [0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0; 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0; 0.0 1.0 1.0 sqrt(2)] end @testset "Rectangular Images" begin # (1) A = [true false true; false true false] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1 5; 1 4 4]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0 1 0; 1 0 1] # (2) A = [true false; false false; false true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1; 1 6; 6 6]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0 1; 1 1; 1 0] # (3) A = [ true false false true false false false true true true true true false true false ] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1 1; 2 2 13; 2 8 13; 4 9 14; 4 10 10]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0.0 1.0 2.0; 0.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0; 1.0 0.0 1.0] @test feature_transform(Gray.(A)) == F end @testset "Corner Case Images" begin null1 = CartesianIndex((typemin(Int),)) null2 = CartesianIndex((typemin(Int), typemin(Int))) # (1) A = [false] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == [null1] D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [Inf] # (2) A = [true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0] # (3) A = [true false] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1 1]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0 1] # (4) A = [false; false] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == [null1; null1] D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [Inf; Inf] # (5) A = [true; true] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1; 2]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0; 0] # (6) A = [true; true; false] F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart([1; 2; 2]) D = distance_transform(F) @test D == [0; 0; 1] # (7) A = falses(3, 3) F = feature_transform(A) @test all(x -> x == null2, F) D = distance_transform(F) @test all(x -> x == Inf, D) # (8) A = trues(4, 2, 3) F = feature_transform(A) @test F == ind2cart(reshape(1:length(A), size(A))) D = distance_transform(F) @test all(x -> x == 0, D) # (9) A = falses(4, 2, 3) A[3, 1, 2] = true @test all(==(CartesianIndex(3, 1, 2)), feature_transform(A)) end @testset "Anisotropic images" begin A, w = [false false; false true], (3, 1) F = feature_transform(A; weights=w) @test F == ind2cart([4 4; 4 4]) D = distance_transform(F, w) @test D ≈ [sqrt(10) 3.0; 1.0 0.0] A, w = [false false; false true], (1, 3) F = feature_transform(A; weights=w) @test F == ind2cart([4 4; 4 4]) D = distance_transform(F, w) @test D ≈ [sqrt(10) 1.0; 3.0 0.0] A, w = [true false; false true], (3, 1) F = feature_transform(A; weights=w) @test F == ind2cart([1 1; 4 4]) D = distance_transform(F, w) @test D == [0 1; 1 0] A, w = [true false; false true], (1, 3) F = feature_transform(A; weights=w) @test F == ind2cart([1 4; 1 4]) D = distance_transform(F, w) @test D == [0 1; 1 0] end end nothing
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<filename>src/EPOCHInput.jl module EPOCHInput export parse_input using Unitful using PhysicalConstants.CODATA2018: c_0, ε_0, μ_0, m_e, e using BangBang include("parse.jl") include("constant.jl") include("control.jl") include("no_globals.jl") include("no_parsing.jl") include("output.jl") end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 8905, 46, 3398, 20560, 13, 20362, 198, 21412, 14724, 46, 3398, 20560, 198, 198, 39344, 21136, 62, 15414, 198, 198, 3500, 11801, 913, 198, 3500, 16331, 34184, 1187, 13, 34, 3727, 13563, 7908, 25, 269, 62, 15, 11, 7377, 113, 62, 15, 11, 18919, 62, 15, 11, 285, 62, 68, 11, 304, 198, 3500, 9801, 43984, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 29572, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 9979, 415, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 13716, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 3919, 62, 4743, 672, 874, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 3919, 62, 79, 945, 278, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 22915, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
module TimedTests export @timedtestset, TimedTestSet import Test using Test: AbstractTestSet, DefaultTestSet, Broken, Fail, Error, Pass, TestSetException import Test: record, finish, print_test_errors, print_test_results, print_counts, get_testset, get_testset_depth,get_test_counts, get_alignment, filter_errors macro timedtestset(ex...) if length(ex) == 2 name = ex[1] testset = ex[2] else name = "timed test set" testset = ex[1] end timedtestsetvar = gensym() # for some reason, you cannot do @testset TestExtras.TimedTests.TimedTestSet begin ... # instead we do: var = TestExtras.TimedTests.TimedTestSet; @testset var begin ... return esc(Expr(:block, Expr(:(=), timedtestsetvar, :($TimedTestSet)), Expr(:macrocall, Symbol("@testset"), __source__, timedtestsetvar, name, testset))) end @nospecialize mutable struct TimedTestSet <: AbstractTestSet description::AbstractString results::Vector n_passed::Int anynonpass::Bool ti::Float64 tf::Float64 TimedTestSet(desc) = new(desc, [], 0, false, time()) end # For a broken result, simply store the result Test.record(ts::TimedTestSet, t::Broken) = (push!(ts.results, t); t) # For a passed result, do not store the result since it uses a lot of memory record(ts::TimedTestSet, t::Pass) = (ts.n_passed += 1; t) # For the other result types, immediately print the error message # but do not terminate. Print a backtrace. function record(ts::TimedTestSet, t::Union{Fail, Error}) if Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] printstyled(ts.description, ": ", color=:white) # don't print for interrupted tests if !(t isa Error) || t.test_type !== :test_interrupted print(t) # don't print the backtrace for Errors because it gets printed in the show # method if !isa(t, Error) Base.show_backtrace(stdout, Test.scrub_backtrace(backtrace())) end println() end end push!(ts.results, t) t, isa(t, Error) || backtrace() end # When a TimedTestSet finishes, it records itself to its parent # testset, if there is one. This allows for recursive printing of # the results at the end of the tests record(ts::TimedTestSet, t::AbstractTestSet) = push!(ts.results, t) @specialize function print_test_errors(ts::TimedTestSet) for t in ts.results if isa(t, Error) || isa(t, Fail) println("Error in testset $(ts.description):") show(t) println() elseif isa(t, TimedTestSet) print_test_errors(t) end end end function print_test_results(ts::TimedTestSet, depth_pad=0) # Calculate the overall number for each type so each of # the test result types are aligned passes, fails, errors, broken, c_passes, c_fails, c_errors, c_broken = get_test_counts(ts) total_pass = passes + c_passes total_fail = fails + c_fails total_error = errors + c_errors total_broken = broken + c_broken dig_pass = total_pass > 0 ? ndigits(total_pass) : 0 dig_fail = total_fail > 0 ? ndigits(total_fail) : 0 dig_error = total_error > 0 ? ndigits(total_error) : 0 dig_broken = total_broken > 0 ? ndigits(total_broken) : 0 total = total_pass + total_fail + total_error + total_broken dig_total = total > 0 ? ndigits(total) : 0 # For each category, take max of digits and header width if there are # tests of that type pass_width = dig_pass > 0 ? max(length("Pass"), dig_pass) : 0 fail_width = dig_fail > 0 ? max(length("Fail"), dig_fail) : 0 error_width = dig_error > 0 ? max(length("Error"), dig_error) : 0 broken_width = dig_broken > 0 ? max(length("Broken"), dig_broken) : 0 total_width = dig_total > 0 ? max(length("Total"), dig_total) : 0 # Calculate the alignment of the test result counts by # recursively walking the tree of test sets align = max(get_alignment(ts, 0), length("Test Summary:")) # Print the outer test set header once pad = total == 0 ? "" : " " printstyled(rpad("Test Summary:", align, " "), " |", pad; bold=true, color=:white) if pass_width > 0 printstyled(lpad("Pass", pass_width, " "), " "; bold=true, color=:green) end if fail_width > 0 printstyled(lpad("Fail", fail_width, " "), " "; bold=true, color=Base.error_color()) end if error_width > 0 printstyled(lpad("Error", error_width, " "), " "; bold=true, color=Base.error_color()) end if broken_width > 0 printstyled(lpad("Broken", broken_width, " "), " "; bold=true, color=Base.warn_color()) end if total_width > 0 printstyled(lpad("Total", total_width, " "); bold=true, color=Base.info_color()) end printstyled(" Time: "; bold = true, color = Base.info_color()) printstyled(string(round(; sigdigits=3)); color = Base.info_color()) println() # Recursively print a summary at every level print_counts(ts, depth_pad, align, pass_width, fail_width, error_width, broken_width, total_width) end # Called at the end of a @testset, behaviour depends on whether # this is a child of another testset, or the "root" testset function finish(ts::TimedTestSet) # If we are a nested test set, do not print a full summary # now - let the parent test set do the printing = time() if get_testset_depth() != 0 # Attach this test set to the parent test set parent_ts = get_testset() record(parent_ts, ts) return ts end passes, fails, errors, broken, c_passes, c_fails, c_errors, c_broken = get_test_counts(ts) total_pass = passes + c_passes total_fail = fails + c_fails total_error = errors + c_errors total_broken = broken + c_broken total = total_pass + total_fail + total_error + total_broken if Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] print_test_results(ts) end # Finally throw an error as we are the outermost test set if total != total_pass + total_broken # Get all the error/failures and bring them along for the ride efs = filter_errors(ts) throw(TestSetException(total_pass, total_fail, total_error, total_broken, efs)) end # return the testset so it is returned from the @testset macro ts end # Recursive function that finds the column that the result counts # can begin at by taking into account the width of the descriptions # and the amount of indentation. If a test set had no failures, and # no failures in child test sets, there is no need to include those # in calculating the alignment function get_alignment(ts::TimedTestSet, depth::Int) # The minimum width at this depth is ts_width = 2*depth + length(ts.description) # If all passing, no need to look at children !ts.anynonpass && return ts_width # Return the maximum of this width and the minimum width # for all children (if they exist) isempty(ts.results) && return ts_width child_widths = map(t->get_alignment(t, depth+1), ts.results) return max(ts_width, maximum(child_widths)) end # Recursive function that fetches backtraces for any and all errors # or failures the testset and its children encountered function filter_errors(ts::TimedTestSet) efs = [] for t in ts.results if isa(t, Union{TimedTestSet,DefaultTestSet}) append!(efs, filter_errors(t)) elseif isa(t, Union{Fail, Error}) append!(efs, [t]) end end efs end # Recursive function that counts the number of test results of each # type directly in the testset, and totals across the child testsets function get_test_counts(ts::TimedTestSet) passes, fails, errors, broken = ts.n_passed, 0, 0, 0 c_passes, c_fails, c_errors, c_broken = 0, 0, 0, 0 for t in ts.results isa(t, Fail) && (fails += 1) isa(t, Error) && (errors += 1) isa(t, Broken) && (broken += 1) if isa(t, Union{TimedTestSet,DefaultTestSet}) np, nf, ne, nb, ncp, ncf, nce , ncb = get_test_counts(t) c_passes += np + ncp c_fails += nf + ncf c_errors += ne + nce c_broken += nb + ncb end end ts.anynonpass = (fails + errors + c_fails + c_errors > 0) return passes, fails, errors, broken, c_passes, c_fails, c_errors, c_broken end # Recursive function that prints out the results at each level of # the tree of test sets function print_counts(ts::TimedTestSet, depth, align, pass_width, fail_width, error_width, broken_width, total_width) # Count results by each type at this level, and recursively # through any child test sets passes, fails, errors, broken, c_passes, c_fails, c_errors, c_broken = get_test_counts(ts) subtotal = passes + fails + errors + broken + c_passes + c_fails + c_errors + c_broken # Print test set header, with an alignment that ensures all # the test results appear above each other print(rpad(string(" "^depth, ts.description), align, " "), " | ") np = passes + c_passes if np > 0 printstyled(lpad(string(np), pass_width, " "), " ", color=:green) elseif pass_width > 0 # No passes at this level, but some at another level print(lpad(" ", pass_width), " ") end nf = fails + c_fails if nf > 0 printstyled(lpad(string(nf), fail_width, " "), " ", color=Base.error_color()) elseif fail_width > 0 # No fails at this level, but some at another level print(lpad(" ", fail_width), " ") end ne = errors + c_errors if ne > 0 printstyled(lpad(string(ne), error_width, " "), " ", color=Base.error_color()) elseif error_width > 0 # No errors at this level, but some at another level print(lpad(" ", error_width), " ") end nb = broken + c_broken if nb > 0 printstyled(lpad(string(nb), broken_width, " "), " ", color=Base.warn_color()) elseif broken_width > 0 # None broken at this level, but some at another level print(lpad(" ", broken_width), " ") end if np == 0 && nf == 0 && ne == 0 && nb == 0 printstyled("No tests", color=Base.info_color()) else printstyled(lpad(string(subtotal), total_width, " "), color=Base.info_color()) end println() # Only print results at lower levels if we had failures if np + nb != subtotal for t in ts.results if isa(t, Union{TimedTestSet,DefaultTestSet}) print_counts(t, depth + 1, align, pass_width, fail_width, error_width, broken_width, total_width) end end end end end
[ 21412, 5045, 276, 51, 3558, 198, 39344, 2488, 16514, 276, 9288, 2617, 11, 5045, 276, 14402, 7248, 198, 198, 11748, 6208, 198, 3500, 6208, 25, 27741, 14402, 7248, 11, 15161, 14402, 7248, 11, 22607, 11, 18448, 11, 13047, 11, 6251, 11, 6208, 7248, 16922, 198, 11748, 6208, 25, 1700, 11, 5461, 11, 3601, 62, 9288, 62, 48277, 11, 3601, 62, 9288, 62, 43420, 11, 3601, 62, 9127, 82, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 9288, 2617, 11, 651, 62, 9288, 2617, 62, 18053, 11, 1136, 62, 9288, 62, 9127, 82, 11, 651, 62, 282, 16747, 11, 8106, 62, 48277, 628, 198, 20285, 305, 28805, 9288, 2617, 7, 1069, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4129, 7, 1069, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 796, 409, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1332, 2617, 796, 409, 58, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 796, 366, 16514, 276, 1332, 900, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1332, 2617, 796, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 75, 15636, 7203, 33172, 5445, 62, 10394, 828, 366, 220, 366, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 45941, 6624, 657, 11405, 299, 69, 6624, 657, 11405, 497, 6624, 657, 11405, 299, 65, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7203, 2949, 5254, 1600, 3124, 28, 14881, 13, 10951, 62, 8043, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 75, 15636, 7, 8841, 7, 7266, 23350, 828, 2472, 62, 10394, 11, 366, 366, 828, 3124, 28, 14881, 13, 10951, 62, 8043, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5514, 3601, 2482, 379, 2793, 2974, 611, 356, 550, 15536, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 45941, 1343, 299, 65, 14512, 13284, 4997, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 256, 287, 40379, 13, 43420, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 64, 7, 83, 11, 4479, 90, 14967, 276, 14402, 7248, 11, 19463, 14402, 7248, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 62, 9127, 82, 7, 83, 11, 6795, 1343, 352, 11, 10548, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1208, 62, 10394, 11, 2038, 62, 10394, 11, 4049, 62, 10394, 11, 5445, 62, 10394, 11, 2472, 62, 10394, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
<filename>test/test_VolterraIntegral-MonKernel.jl using ApproxFun, BandedMatrices, BlockBandedMatrices, LinearAlgebra, BlockArrays, MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials, Test using SparseVolterraExamples ############################# ## Tests for Volterra integral operator ## with non-Clenshaw monomial expansion of the kernel. #### ## Includes tests for 1 to x and 1 to 1-x limits of integration. ############################# @testset "Volterra Integral operator testing, no kernel" begin N=15; S = Jacobi(0,1,0..1); g = Fun(x -> 1-sin(x)^2+x*exp(x^3), S); V = triVolterraFunP01(g,[1.,0.],N,false)(0); @test V ≈ triNoKernelDirect(g,1.); end @testset "Volterra Integral operator testing, with kernel" begin N=15; S = Jacobi(0,1,0..1); g = Fun(x -> 1-sin(x)^2, S); # K given in monomial basis K = [1.,0.,2.,1.]; # = K(x,y)=1+2*x+x*y val=0.4; Kfval = Fun(y -> 1+2*val+val*y, S); @test triVolterraFunP01(g,K,N,false)(val) ≈ triNoKernelDirect(Kfval*g,1.0-val); ######################################################################### N=15; S = Jacobi(0,1,0..1); g = Fun(x -> 1-sin(x)^2, S); # K given in monomial basis K = [2.3,0.33,2.1,1.2,7.6]; # = K(x,y)=2.3+0.33*y+2.1*x+1.2*x*y+7.6*y^2 val=0.6; Kfval = Fun(y -> 2.3+0.33*y+2.1*val+1.2*val*y+7.6*y^2, S); @test triVolterraFunP01(g,K,N,false)(val) ≈ triNoKernelDirect(Kfval*g,1.0-val); end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 9288, 14, 9288, 62, 16598, 353, 430, 34500, 1373, 12, 9069, 42, 7948, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 2034, 13907, 24629, 11, 10243, 276, 19044, 45977, 11, 9726, 33, 12249, 19044, 45977, 11, 44800, 2348, 29230, 11, 9726, 3163, 20477, 11, 7854, 42524, 5574, 400, 519, 20996, 34220, 26601, 8231, 11, 6208, 198, 3500, 1338, 17208, 16598, 353, 430, 27730, 198, 198, 14468, 7804, 4242, 2, 198, 2235, 30307, 329, 4709, 353, 430, 19287, 10088, 198, 2235, 351, 1729, 12, 2601, 641, 26615, 937, 49070, 7118, 286, 262, 9720, 13, 198, 4242, 198, 2235, 29581, 5254, 329, 352, 284, 2124, 290, 352, 284, 352, 12, 87, 7095, 286, 11812, 13, 198, 14468, 7804, 4242, 2, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 16598, 353, 430, 15995, 1373, 10088, 4856, 11, 645, 9720, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 28, 1314, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 12806, 72, 7, 15, 11, 16, 11, 15, 492, 16, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 796, 11138, 7, 87, 4613, 352, 12, 31369, 7, 87, 8, 61, 17, 10, 87, 9, 11201, 7, 87, 61, 18, 828, 311, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 569, 796, 1333, 16598, 353, 430, 24629, 47, 486, 7, 70, 17414, 16, 1539, 15, 13, 4357, 45, 11, 9562, 5769, 15, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 569, 15139, 230, 1333, 2949, 42, 7948, 13470, 7, 70, 11, 16, 13, 1776, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 16598, 353, 430, 15995, 1373, 10088, 4856, 11, 351, 9720, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 28, 1314, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 12806, 72, 7, 15, 11, 16, 11, 15, 492, 16, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 796, 11138, 7, 87, 4613, 352, 12, 31369, 7, 87, 8, 61, 17, 11, 311, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 509, 1813, 287, 937, 49070, 4308, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 796, 685, 16, 1539, 15, 1539, 17, 1539, 16, 8183, 26, 1303, 796, 509, 7, 87, 11, 88, 47505, 16, 10, 17, 9, 87, 10, 87, 9, 88, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 28, 15, 13, 19, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 69, 2100, 796, 11138, 7, 88, 4613, 352, 10, 17, 9, 2100, 10, 2100, 9, 88, 11, 311, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1333, 16598, 353, 430, 24629, 47, 486, 7, 70, 11, 42, 11, 45, 11, 9562, 5769, 2100, 8, 15139, 230, 1333, 2949, 42, 7948, 13470, 7, 42, 69, 2100, 9, 70, 11, 16, 13, 15, 12, 2100, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 29113, 29113, 7804, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 28, 1314, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 12806, 72, 7, 15, 11, 16, 11, 15, 492, 16, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 796, 11138, 7, 87, 4613, 352, 12, 31369, 7, 87, 8, 61, 17, 11, 311, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 509, 1813, 287, 937, 49070, 4308, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 796, 685, 17, 13, 18, 11, 15, 13, 2091, 11, 17, 13, 16, 11, 16, 13, 17, 11, 22, 13, 21, 11208, 1303, 796, 509, 7, 87, 11, 88, 47505, 17, 13, 18, 10, 15, 13, 2091, 9, 88, 10, 17, 13, 16, 9, 87, 10, 16, 13, 17, 9, 87, 9, 88, 10, 22, 13, 21, 9, 88, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 28, 15, 13, 21, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 69, 2100, 796, 11138, 7, 88, 4613, 362, 13, 18, 10, 15, 13, 2091, 9, 88, 10, 17, 13, 16, 9, 2100, 10, 16, 13, 17, 9, 2100, 9, 88, 10, 22, 13, 21, 9, 88, 61, 17, 11, 311, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1333, 16598, 353, 430, 24629, 47, 486, 7, 70, 11, 42, 11, 45, 11, 9562, 5769, 2100, 8, 15139, 230, 1333, 2949, 42, 7948, 13470, 7, 42, 69, 2100, 9, 70, 11, 16, 13, 15, 12, 2100, 1776, 198, 437, 198 ]
<filename>wind_mixing/train_NDE_triples.jl using Flux using WindMixing using JLD2 using FileIO using OceanParameterizations using OrdinaryDiffEq using Random using GalacticOptim using LinearAlgebra BLAS.set_num_threads(1) # Training data # train_files = [ # "wind_-1e-3_heating_-4e-8", # "wind_-5e-4_cooling_4e-8", # ] train_files = [ "-1e-3" ] 𝒟train =, scale_type=ZeroMeanUnitVarianceScaling, enforce_surface_fluxes=false) PATH = pwd() OUTPUT_PATH = joinpath(PATH, "training_output") OUTPUT_PATH = "D:\\University Matters\\MIT\\CLiMA Project\\OceanParameterizations.jl\\training_output" EXTRACTED_OUTPUT_PATH = joinpath(PATH, "extracted_training_output") # FILE_PATH = joinpath(OUTPUT_PATH, "NDE_training_mpp_3sim_-1e-3_-8e-4_-5e-4_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_weights_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_1e-2_rate_2e-4.jld2") # @assert !isfile(FILE_PATH) # FILE_PATH_uw = joinpath(PATH, "extracted_training_output", "uw_NN_training_1sim_-1e-3_extracted.jld2") # FILE_PATH_vw = joinpath(PATH, "extracted_training_output", "vw_NN_training_1sim_-1e-3_extracted.jld2") # FILE_PATH_wT = joinpath(PATH, "extracted_training_output", "wT_NN_training_1sim_-1e-3_extracted.jld2") # uw_file = jldopen(FILE_PATH_uw, "r") # vw_file = jldopen(FILE_PATH_vw, "r") # wT_file = jldopen(FILE_PATH_wT, "r") # uw_NN = uw_file["neural_network"] # vw_NN = vw_file["neural_network"] # wT_NN = wT_file["neural_network"] N_inputs = 96 hidden_units = 400 N_outputs = 31 weights, re = Flux.destructure(Chain(Dense(N_inputs, hidden_units, relu), Dense(hidden_units, N_outputs))) uw_NN = re(weights ./ 1f5) vw_NN = re(weights ./ 1f5) wT_NN = re(weights ./ 1f5) task_id = parse(Int,ARGS[1]) + 1 num_tasks = parse(Int,ARGS[2]) task_id = 1 FILE_NAME = ["NDE_training_mpp_2sim_windcooling_MS_windheating_SS_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_5e-3_rate_1e-4", "NDE_training_mpp_2sim_windcooling_MS_windheating_SS_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_1e-2_rate_1e-4", "NDE_training_mpp_2sim_windcooling_MS_windheating_SS_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_1.5e-2_rate_1e-4", "NDE_training_mpp_2sim_windcooling_MS_windheating_SS_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_2e-2_rate_1e-4", ][task_id] FILE_PATH = joinpath(OUTPUT_PATH, "$(FILE_NAME).jld2") @assert !isfile(FILE_PATH) EXTRACTED_FILE_NAME = "$(FILE_NAME)_extracted" EXTRACTED_FILE_PATH = joinpath(EXTRACTED_OUTPUT_PATH, "$EXTRACTED_FILE_NAME.jld2") # FILE_NAME_NN = ["NDE_training_mpp_5sim_-1e-3_-9e-4_-8e-4_-7e-4_-5e-4_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_weights_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_5e-3_rate_1e-4_extracted.jld2", # "NDE_training_mpp_5sim_-1e-3_-9e-4_-8e-4_-7e-4_-5e-4_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_weights_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_5e-3_rate_2e-4_extracted.jld2", # "NDE_training_mpp_5sim_-1e-3_-9e-4_-8e-4_-7e-4_-5e-4_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_weights_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_1e-2_rate_1e-4_extracted.jld2", # "NDE_training_mpp_5sim_-1e-3_-9e-4_-8e-4_-7e-4_-5e-4_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_weights_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_1e-2_rate_2e-4_extracted.jld2" # ][task_id] # FILE_NAME_NN = "NDE_training_mpp_9sim_windcooling_diffusivity_1e-1_Ri_1e-1_weights_divide1f5_gradient_smallNN_scale_5e-3_rate_1e-4_extracted.jld2" # FILE_PATH_NN = joinpath(EXTRACTED_OUTPUT_PATH, FILE_NAME_NN) # @assert isfile(FILE_PATH_NN) # file = jldopen(FILE_PATH_NN, "r") # uw_NN = file["neural_network/uw"] # vw_NN = file["neural_network/vw"] # wT_NN = file["neural_network/wT"] # close(file) gradient_scaling = [5f-3, 1f-2, 1.5f-2, 2f-2][task_id] train_parameters = Dict("ν₀" => 1f-4, "ν₋" => 0.1f0, "Riᶜ" => 0.25f0, "ΔRi" => 1f-1, "Pr" => 1f0, "κ" => 10f0, "modified_pacanowski_philander" => true, "convective_adjustment" => false, "smooth_profile" => false, "smooth_NN" => false, "smooth_Ri" => false, "train_gradient" => true, "zero_weights" => true, "unscaled" => false, "gradient_scaling" => gradient_scaling) # train_epochs = [1] # train_tranges = [1:9:1153] # train_iterations = [600] # # train_optimizers = [[[ADAM(1e-4)]], [[ADAM(2e-4)]], [[ADAM(1e-4)]], [[ADAM(2e-4)]], [[ADAM(1e-4)]], [[ADAM(2e-4)]], [[ADAM(1e-4)]], [[ADAM(2e-4)]]][task_id] # train_optimizers = [[ADAM(1e-4)]] train_epochs = [1] train_tranges = [1:35:200] train_iterations = [3] train_optimizers = [[ADAM(2e-4)]] # train_tranges = [1:10:100, 1:10:200, 1:20:500, 1:30:700, 1:30:800, 1:30:900, 1:35:1153] # train_epochs = [1 for i in 1:length(train_tranges)] # train_iterations = [50, 50, 100, 30, 20, 50, 150] # train_optimizers = [[ADAM(0.1), ADAM(0.01)], [ADAM(0.01)], [ADAM(0.01)], [ADAM(0.01)], [ADAM(0.01)], [ADAM(0.01)], [ADAM(0.01), ADAM(0.001), ADAM(5e-4), ADAM(2e-4)]] # train_tranges = [1:10:100, 1:10:200, 1:20:500, 1:20:800, 1:35:1153] # train_epochs = [1 for i in 1:length(train_tranges)] # train_iterations = [30, 30, 50, 30, 200] # train_optimizers = [[[ADAM(0.01)] for i in 1:6]; [[ADAM(0.01), ADAM(1e-3)]]] # # train_optimizers = [[ADAM(1e-5)] for i in 1:6] timestepper = Rosenbrock23() # train_optimizers = [[ADAM(2e-4), ADAM(1e-4), ADAM(5e-5), RMSProp(1e-4)]] # train_optimizers=[[ADAM(5e-4)]] function train(FILE_PATH, train_files, train_epochs, train_tranges, train_parameters, train_optimizers, train_iterations, uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, timestepper, unscaled) write_metadata_NDE_training(FILE_PATH, train_files, train_epochs, train_tranges, train_parameters, train_optimizers, uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN) if unscaled for i in 1:length(train_epochs) @info "iteration $i/$(length(train_epochs)), time range $(train_tranges[i])" # uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN = train_NDE_convective_adjustment(uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, train_tranges[i], timestepper, train_optimizers[i], train_epochs[i], FILE_PATH, 1, 1, 10f0, 5) if train_parameters["modified_pacanowski_philander"] uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN = train_NDE_unscaled(uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, train_tranges[i], timestepper, train_optimizers[i], train_epochs[i], FILE_PATH, i, n_simulations=length(train_files), maxiters=train_iterations[i], modified_pacanowski_philander=train_parameters["modified_pacanowski_philander"], convective_adjustment=train_parameters["convective_adjustment"], ν₀=train_parameters["ν₀"], ν₋=train_parameters["ν₋"], ΔRi=train_parameters["ΔRi"], Riᶜ=train_parameters["Riᶜ"], κ=train_parameters["κ"], smooth_profile=train_parameters["smooth_profile"], smooth_NN=train_parameters["smooth_NN"], smooth_Ri=train_parameters["smooth_Ri"], train_gradient=train_parameters["train_gradient"], gradient_scaling=train_parameters["gradient_scaling"]) else uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN = train_NDE_unscaled(uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, train_tranges[i], timestepper, train_optimizers[i], train_epochs[i], FILE_PATH, i, n_simulations=length(train_files), maxiters=train_iterations[i], modified_pacanowski_philander=train_parameters["modified_pacanowski_philander"], convective_adjustment=train_parameters["convective_adjustment"], κ=train_parameters["κ"], smooth_profile=train_parameters["smooth_profile"], smooth_NN=train_parameters["smooth_NN"], smooth_Ri=train_parameters["smooth_Ri"], train_gradient=train_parameters["train_gradient"], gradient_scaling=train_parameters["gradient_scaling"]) end end else for i in 1:length(train_epochs) @info "iteration $i/$(length(train_epochs)), time range $(train_tranges[i])" # uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN = train_NDE_convective_adjustment(uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, train_tranges[i], timestepper, train_optimizers[i], train_epochs[i], FILE_PATH, 1, 1, 10f0, 5) if train_parameters["modified_pacanowski_philander"] uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN = train_NDE(uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, train_tranges[i], timestepper, train_optimizers[i], train_epochs[i], FILE_PATH, i, n_simulations=length(train_files), maxiters=train_iterations[i], modified_pacanowski_philander=train_parameters["modified_pacanowski_philander"], convective_adjustment=train_parameters["convective_adjustment"], ν₀=train_parameters["ν₀"], ν₋=train_parameters["ν₋"], ΔRi=train_parameters["ΔRi"], Riᶜ=train_parameters["Riᶜ"], κ=train_parameters["κ"], smooth_profile=train_parameters["smooth_profile"], smooth_NN=train_parameters["smooth_NN"], smooth_Ri=train_parameters["smooth_Ri"], train_gradient=train_parameters["train_gradient"], zero_weights = train_parameters["zero_weights"], gradient_scaling=train_parameters["gradient_scaling"]) else uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN = train_NDE(uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, train_tranges[i], timestepper, train_optimizers[i], train_epochs[i], FILE_PATH, i, n_simulations=length(train_files), maxiters=train_iterations[i], modified_pacanowski_philander=train_parameters["modified_pacanowski_philander"], convective_adjustment=train_parameters["convective_adjustment"], κ=train_parameters["κ"], smooth_profile=train_parameters["smooth_profile"], smooth_NN=train_parameters["smooth_NN"], smooth_Ri=train_parameters["smooth_Ri"], train_gradient=train_parameters["train_gradient"], zero_weights = train_parameters["zero_weights"], gradient_scaling=train_parameters["gradient_scaling"]) end end end return uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN end # uw_NN_res, vw_NN_res, wT_NN_res = train(FILE_PATH, train_files, train_epochs, train_tranges, train_parameters, train_optimizers, train_iterations, uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, timestepper, train_parameters["unscaled"]) uw_NN_res, vw_NN_res, wT_NN_res = train(FILE_PATH, train_files, train_epochs, train_tranges, train_parameters, train_optimizers, train_iterations, uw_NN, vw_NN, wT_NN, 𝒟train, timestepper, train_parameters["unscaled"]) extract_NN(FILE_PATH, EXTRACTED_FILE_PATH, "NDE") test_files = train_files animate_training_results(test_files, FILE_NAME, trange=1:1:1153) OCEANANIGANS_OUTPUT_DIR = joinpath(pwd(), "NDE_output_oceananigans", FILE_NAME) animate_training_results_oceananigans(test_files, 60, FILE_NAME, OCEANANIGANS_OUTPUT_DIR)
[ 27, 34345, 29, 7972, 62, 19816, 278, 14, 27432, 62, 45, 7206, 62, 28461, 2374, 13, 20362, 198, 3500, 1610, 2821, 198, 3500, 3086, 35608, 278, 198, 3500, 449, 11163, 17, 198, 3500, 9220, 9399, 198, 3500, 10692, 36301, 4582, 198, 3500, 14230, 3219, 28813, 36, 80, 198, 3500, 14534, 198, 3500, 23509, 27871, 320, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 198, 9148, 1921, 13, 2617, 62, 22510, 62, 16663, 82, 7, 16, 8, 198, 198, 2, 13614, 1366, 198, 2, 4512, 62, 16624, 796, 685, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 7972, 22955, 16, 68, 12, 18, 62, 258, 803, 22955, 19, 68, 12, 23, 1600, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 7972, 22955, 20, 68, 12, 19, 62, 24494, 278, 62, 19, 68, 12, 23, 1600, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2361, 198, 198, 27432, 62, 16624, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27444, 16, 68, 12, 18, 1, 198, 60, 198, 198, 47728, 240, 253, 27432, 796, 3086, 35608, 278, 13, 7890, 7, 27432, 62, 16624, 11, 5046, 62, 4906, 28, 28667, 5308, 272, 26453, 23907, 590, 3351, 4272, 11, 4605, 62, 42029, 62, 69, 22564, 274, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 198, 34219, 796, 279, 16993, 3419, 198, 198, 2606, 7250, 3843, 62, 34219, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 34219, 11, 366, 34409, 62, 22915, 4943, 198, 2606, 7250, 3843, 62, 34219, 796, 366, 35, 25, 6852, 21009, 30587, 6852, 36393, 6852, 5097, 72, 5673, 4935, 6852, 46607, 36301, 4582, 13, 20362, 6852, 34409, 62, 22915, 1, 198, 198, 6369, 5446, 38542, 62, 2606, 7250, 3843, 62, 34219, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 34219, 11, 366, 2302, 20216, 62, 34409, 62, 22915, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 45811, 62, 34219, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 2606, 7250, 3843, 62, 34219, 11, 366, 45, 7206, 62, 34409, 62, 76, 381, 62, 18, 14323, 22955, 16, 68, 12, 18, 22955, 23, 68, 12, 19, 22955, 20, 68, 12, 19, 62, 26069, 385, 3458, 62, 16, 68, 12, 16, 62, 49, 72, 62, 16, 68, 12, 16, 62, 43775, 62, 7146, 485, 16, 69, 20, 62, 49607, 62, 17470, 6144, 62, 9888, 62, 16, 68, 12, 17, 62, 4873, 62, 17, 68, 12, 19, 13, 73, 335, 17, 4943, 198, 2, 2488, 30493, 5145, 4468, 576, 7, 25664, 62, 34219, 8, 628, 198, 2, 45811, 62, 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403, 1416, 3021, 8973, 8, 198, 198, 2302, 974, 62, 6144, 7, 25664, 62, 34219, 11, 7788, 5446, 38542, 62, 25664, 62, 34219, 11, 366, 45, 7206, 4943, 198, 198, 9288, 62, 16624, 796, 4512, 62, 16624, 198, 198, 45685, 62, 34409, 62, 43420, 7, 9288, 62, 16624, 11, 45811, 62, 20608, 11, 491, 858, 28, 16, 25, 16, 25, 1157, 4310, 8, 198, 198, 4503, 36, 1565, 1565, 3528, 15037, 62, 2606, 7250, 3843, 62, 34720, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 79, 16993, 22784, 366, 45, 7206, 62, 22915, 62, 78, 5829, 272, 34090, 1600, 45811, 62, 20608, 8, 198, 45685, 62, 34409, 62, 43420, 62, 78, 5829, 272, 34090, 7, 9288, 62, 16624, 11, 3126, 11, 45811, 62, 20608, 11, 440, 5222, 1565, 1565, 3528, 15037, 62, 2606, 7250, 3843, 62, 34720, 8 ]
""" Load and plot simulations results on confidence bands' coverages """ #region import and models using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") Pkg.instantiate() using DrWatson using DataFrames using PyPlot pygui(true) using JLD2 using ScoreDrivenERGM using ScoreDrivenERGM.DynNets using Statistics using Logging using SharedArrays using LinearAlgebra using ProjUtilities #endregion @elapsed dfEst = collect_results( datadir("sims", "dgp&FIl_est")) dfEst["modelTag"] = string.(dfEst["model"]) @elapsed df = dfEst # @elapsed dfConf = collect_results( datadir("sims", "dgp&FIl_conf")) # dfConf["modelTag"] = string.(dfConf["model"]) # @elapsed df = antijoin(dfEst, dfConf, on = [:allParDgpT, :modelTag]) df.dgpSettings begin # limitSample = 10 limitSample = nothing # listParUncMethod = ["PB-MVN"] #"WHITE-MLE" winsorProp=0 listParUncMethod = ["WHITE-MLE"] #listParUncMethod = ["PB-MVN"] #"WHITE-MLE" # m = listParUncMethod[1] # estResRow = collect(eachrow(df))[1] for estResRow in eachrow(df) processFlag = false if (estResRow.N in [100]) & (estResRow.T in [300, 3000]) & (estResRow.model.scoreScalingType == "FISH_D") & (estResRow.dgpSettings.type == "AR") if estResRow.dgpSettings.opt.B[1] == 1 processFlag = true if haskey(estResRow.model.options, "integrated") if estResRow.model.options["integrated"] end end end end if processFlag for m in listParUncMethod if winsorProp!=0 m = "$m$winsorProp" end timeConf = @elapsed avgCover, constInds, errInds, allConfBandsFiltPar, allConfBandsPar, allmvSDUnParEstCovWhite = average_coverages(estResRow, m; limitSample = limitSample, winsorProp=winsorProp) coverDict = (;m, avgCover, constInds, errInds, allConfBandsFiltPar, allConfBandsPar, allmvSDUnParEstCovWhite) |>DrWatson.ntuple2dict |> DrWatson.tostringdict coverDict = merge(DrWatson.tostringdict(estResRow), coverDict) delete!(coverDict, "path") delete!(coverDict, "modelTag") coverDict["dgp"] = coverDict["dgpSettings"] delete!(coverDict, "dgpSettings") coverDict["S"] = coverDict["nSample"] delete!(coverDict, "nSample") # loadPath = estResRow.path saveName = replace.( savename(coverDict, "jld2"; allowedtypes = (Real, String, Symbol, NamedTuple, Tuple, ScoreDrivenERGM.DynNets.SdErgm) ), r"[\"]" => "") #loadPath[findlast("\\", loadPath)[end]+1:end] timeSave = save( datadir("sims", "dgp&FIl_conf", saveName), coverDict) Logging.@info(" errRatio = $(mean(errInds)) , time = $timeConf") end end end end # T = 100 # N = 100 # nSample = 100 # modelTag = string(DynNets.SdErgmDirBin0Rec0_pmle("HESS_D")) # dgpSetting = DynNets.list_example_dgp_settings(DynNets.SdErgmDirBin0Rec0_mle()).dgpSetSDhigh # res = filter([:modelTag, :T, :N, :dgpSettings, :nSample] => (m,t,n, d, s) -> all((m==modelTag, t==T, n==N, d == dgpSetting, s == nSample)), df)[1,:] # res.allvEstSdResPar # vEstSdUnParBootDist = mapslices(x -> DynNets.unrestrict_all_par(res.model, x), res.allvEstSdResPar, dims=1) # # @show res.allvEstSdResPar # covParBoot = cov(Utilities.drop_bad_un_estimates(vEstSdUnParBootDist)') # covParBoot, minEigenVal = Utilities.make_pos_def(covParBoot) # mvSDUnParEstCov = Symmetric(covParBoot)
[ 37811, 198, 8912, 290, 7110, 27785, 2482, 319, 6628, 11760, 6, 3002, 1095, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 36996, 1330, 290, 4981, 198, 3500, 350, 10025, 198, 47, 10025, 13, 39022, 7203, 19570, 220, 198, 47, 10025, 13, 8625, 415, 9386, 3419, 220, 198, 3500, 1583, 54, 13506, 198, 3500, 6060, 35439, 198, 3500, 9485, 43328, 198, 9078, 48317, 7, 7942, 8, 198, 3500, 449, 11163, 17, 198, 3500, 15178, 20564, 574, 1137, 15548, 198, 3500, 15178, 20564, 574, 1137, 15548, 13, 35, 2047, 45, 1039, 198, 3500, 14370, 198, 3500, 5972, 2667, 198, 3500, 39403, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 3500, 1041, 73, 18274, 2410, 198, 198, 2, 437, 36996, 628, 198, 198, 31, 417, 28361, 47764, 22362, 796, 2824, 62, 43420, 7, 4818, 324, 343, 7203, 82, 12078, 1600, 366, 67, 31197, 5, 11674, 75, 62, 395, 48774, 220, 198, 7568, 22362, 14692, 19849, 24835, 8973, 796, 4731, 12195, 7568, 22362, 14692, 19849, 8973, 8, 220, 198, 198, 31, 417, 28361, 47764, 796, 47764, 22362, 198, 198, 2, 2488, 417, 28361, 47764, 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<filename>src/solvers/structured/progressivehedging/MOI_wrapper.jl # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2018 <NAME> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ Optimizer(; <keyword arguments>) Return a progressive-hedging optimizer. ... # Arguments - `subproblem_optimizer::AbstractOptimizer`: MathOptInterface solver capable of solving quadratic programs. - `penalty::AbstractPenalizer = Fixed()`: Specify penalty update procedure (Fixed, Adaptive) - `execution::AbstractExecuter = Serial`: Specify how algorithm should be executed (Serial, Synchronous, Asynchronous). Distributed variants requires worker cores. - `penaltyterm::PenaltyTerm = Quadratic`: Specify penaltyterm variant ([`Quadratic`](@ref), [`Linearized`](@ref), [`InfNorm`](@ref), [`ManhattanNorm`][@ref]) - <keyword arguments>: Algorithm specific parameters, consult individual docstrings (see above list) for list of possible arguments and default values. ... """ mutable struct Optimizer <: AbstractStructuredOptimizer subproblem_optimizer sub_params::Dict{MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute, Any} execution::AbstractExecution penalizer::AbstractPenalizer penaltyterm::AbstractPenaltyTerm parameters::ProgressiveHedgingParameters{Float64} status::MOI.TerminationStatusCode primal_status::MOI.ResultStatusCode dual_status::MOI.ResultStatusCode raw_status::String solve_time::Float64 progressivehedging::Union{AbstractProgressiveHedging, Nothing} function Optimizer(; subproblem_optimizer = nothing, execution::AbstractExecution = nworkers() == 1 ? Serial() : Synchronous(), penalty::AbstractPenalizer = Fixed(), penaltyterm::AbstractPenaltyTerm = Quadratic(), kw...) return new(subproblem_optimizer, Dict{MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute, Any}(), execution, penalty, penaltyterm, ProgressiveHedgingParameters{Float64}(; kw...), MOI.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED, MOI.NO_SOLUTION, MOI.NO_SOLUTION, "Progressive-hedging optimizer has not been run.", NaN, nothing) end end # Interface # # ========================== # function supports_structure(optimizer::Optimizer, ::ScenarioDecompositionStructure) return true end function default_structure(::UnspecifiedInstantiation, optimizer::Optimizer) if optimizer.execution isa Serial && nworkers() == 1 return ScenarioDecomposition() else return DistributedScenarioDecomposition() end end function check_loadable(optimizer::Optimizer, ::ScenarioDecompositionStructure) if optimizer.subproblem_optimizer === nothing msg = "Subproblem optimizer not set. Consider setting `SubProblemOptimizer` attribute." throw(UnloadableStructure{Optimizer, ScenarioDecompositionStructure}(msg)) end return nothing end function ensure_compatible_execution!(optimizer::Optimizer, ::ScenarioDecompositionStructure{2, 1, <:Tuple{ScenarioProblems}}) if !(optimizer.execution isa Serial) @warn "Distributed execution policies are not compatible with a single-core scenario-decomposition structure. Switching to `Serial` execution by default." MOI.set(optimizer, Execution(), Serial()) end return nothing end function ensure_compatible_execution!(optimizer::Optimizer, ::ScenarioDecompositionStructure{2, 1, <:Tuple{DistributedScenarioProblems}}) if optimizer.execution isa Serial @warn "Serial execution not compatible with distributed scenario-decomposition structure. Switching to `Synchronous` execution by default." MOI.set(optimizer, Execution(), Synchronous()) end return nothing end function load_structure!(optimizer::Optimizer, structure::ScenarioDecompositionStructure, x₀::AbstractVector) # Sanity check check_loadable(optimizer, structure) # Restore structure if optimization has been run before restore_structure!(optimizer) # Ensure that execution policy is compatible ensure_compatible_execution!(optimizer, structure) # Set subproblem optimizers set_subproblem_optimizer!(structure, optimizer.subproblem_optimizer) # Set subproblem optimizer attributes for (attr, value) in optimizer.sub_params MOI.set(scenarioproblems(structure), attr, value) end # Create new progressive-hedging algorithm optimizer.progressivehedging = ProgressiveHedgingAlgorithm(structure, x₀, optimizer.execution, optimizer.penalizer, optimizer.penaltyterm; type2dict(optimizer.parameters)...) return nothing end function restore_structure!(optimizer::Optimizer) if optimizer.progressivehedging !== nothing restore_subproblems!(optimizer.progressivehedging) end return nothing end function MOI.optimize!(optimizer::Optimizer) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(StochasticProgram.UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end # Run progressive-hedging procedure optimizer.status = optimizer.progressivehedging() # Check if optimal if optimizer.status == MOI.OPTIMAL optimizer.primal_status = MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT optimizer.dual_status = MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT optimizer.raw_status = "Progressive-hedging procedure converged to optimal solution." end # Extract solve time optimizer.solve_time = optimizer.progressivehedging.progress.tlast - optimizer.progressivehedging.progress.tinit return nothing end function num_iterations(optimizer::Optimizer) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return num_iterations(optimizer.progressivehedging) end function optimizer_name(optimizer::Optimizer) return "$(str(optimizer.execution))Progressive-hedging with $(str(optimizer.penalizer))" end # MOI # # ========================== # function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.Silent) return !MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("log")) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::MOI.Silent, flag::Bool) MOI.set(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("log"), !flag) optimizer.sub_params[attr] = flag return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, param::MOI.RawParameter) name = Symbol( if !(name in fieldnames(ProgressiveHedgingParameters)) error("Unrecognized parameter name: $(name).") end return getfield(optimizer.parameters, name) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, param::MOI.RawParameter, value) name = Symbol( if !(name in fieldnames(ProgressiveHedgingParameters)) error("Unrecognized parameter name: $(name).") end setfield!(optimizer.parameters, name, value) return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.TimeLimitSec) limit = MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("time_limit")) return isinf(limit) ? nothing : limit end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.TimeLimitSec, limit::Union{Real, Nothing}) limit = limit === nothing ? Inf : limit MOI.set(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("time_limit"), limit) return end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::PrimalTolerance) return MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("ϵ₁")) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::PrimalTolerance, limit::Real) MOI.set(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("ϵ₁"), limit) return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::DualTolerance) return MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("ϵ₂")) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::DualTolerance, limit::Real) MOI.set(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("ϵ₂"), limit) return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MasterOptimizer) return MOI.get(optimizer, SubProblemOptimizer()) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::SubProblemOptimizer) if optimizer.subproblem_optimizer === nothing return MOI.get(optimizer, MasterOptimizer()) end return MOI.OptimizerWithAttributes(optimizer.subproblem_optimizer, collect(optimizer.sub_params)) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::SubProblemOptimizer, optimizer_constructor) optimizer.subproblem_optimizer = optimizer_constructor # Clear any old parameters empty!(optimizer.sub_params) return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::SubProblemOptimizerAttribute, attr::MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute) if !haskey(optimizer.sub_params, attr) error("Subproblem optimizer attribute $(attr) has not been set.") end return optimizer.sub_params[attr] end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::SubProblemOptimizerAttribute, attr::MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute, value) optimizer.sub_params[attr] = value return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, param::RawSubProblemOptimizerParameter) moi_param = MOI.RawParameter( if !haskey(optimizer.sub_params, moi_param) error("Subproblem optimizer attribute $( has not been set.") end return optimizer.sub_params[moi_param] end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, param::RawSubProblemOptimizerParameter, value) moi_param = MOI.RawParameter( optimizer.sub_params[moi_param] = value return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::Execution) return optimizer.execution end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::Execution, execution::AbstractExecution) optimizer.execution = execution return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::Penalizer) return optimizer.penalizer end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::Penalizer, penalizer::AbstractPenalizer) optimizer.penalizer = penalizer return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::PenaltyTerm) return optimizer.penaltyterm end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, ::PenaltyTerm, penaltyterm::AbstractPenaltyTerm) optimizer.penaltyterm = penaltyterm return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, param::ExecutionParameter) return MOI.get(optimizer.execution, param) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, param::ExecutionParameter, value) MOI.set(optimizer.execution, param, value) return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, param::PenalizationParameter) return MOI.get(optimizer.penalizer, param) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, param::PenalizationParameter, value) MOI.set(optimizer.penalizer, param, value) return nothing end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.TerminationStatus) return optimizer.status end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.PrimalStatus) return optimizer.primal_status end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.DualStatus) return optimizer.dual_status end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.RawStatusString) return optimizer.raw_status end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.VariablePrimal, index::MOI.VariableIndex) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(StochasticProgram.UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return decision(optimizer.progressivehedging, index) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.ConstraintPrimal, ci::MOI.ConstraintIndex) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(StochasticProgram.UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return scalar_subproblem_reduction(optimizer.progressivehedging) do subproblem return MOI.get(subproblem.optimizer, MOI.ConstraintPrimal(), ci) end end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.ConstraintDual, ci::MOI.ConstraintIndex) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(StochasticProgram.UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return scalar_subproblem_reduction(optimizer.progressivehedging) do subproblem return MOI.get(subproblem.optimizer, MOI.ConstraintDual(), ci) end end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveValue) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(StochasticProgram.UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return objective_value(optimizer.progressivehedging) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.DualObjectiveValue) if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(StochasticProgram.UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end if optimizer.status == MOI.OPTIMAL return objective_value(optimizer.progressivehedging) elseif optimizer.status == MOI.INFEASIBLE sense = MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, MOI.ObjectiveSense()) return sense == MOI.MAX_SENSE ? Inf : -Inf elseif optimizer.status == MOI.DUAL_INFEASIBLE sense = MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, MOI.ObjectiveSense()) return sense == MOI.MAX_SENSE ? -Inf : Inf else return NaN end end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.SolveTime) return optimizer.solve_time end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::Union{MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute, MOI.AbstractModelAttribute}) # Fallback to through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::MOI.AbstractConstraintAttribute, ci::MOI.ConstraintIndex) # Fallback to first-stage optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, ci) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::Union{MOI.AbstractOptimizerAttribute, MOI.AbstractModelAttribute}, value) # Fallback to first-stage optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.set(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, value) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::MOI.AbstractVariableAttribute, index::MOI.VariableIndex, value) # Fallback to first-stage optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.set(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, index, value) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::MOI.AbstractConstraintAttribute, ci::MOI.ConstraintIndex, value) # Fallback to first-stage optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.set(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, ci, value) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::ScenarioDependentModelAttribute) # Fallback to subproblem optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::ScenarioDependentVariableAttribute, index::MOI.VariableIndex) # Fallback to subproblem optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, index) end function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::ScenarioDependentConstraintAttribute, ci::MOI.ConstraintIndex) # Fallback to subproblem optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.get(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, ci) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::ScenarioDependentModelAttribute, value) # Fallback to subproblem optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.set(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, value) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::ScenarioDependentVariableAttribute, index::MOI.VariableIndex, value) # Fallback to subproblem optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.set(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, index, value) end function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, attr::ScenarioDependentConstraintAttribute, ci::MOI.ConstraintIndex, value) # Fallback to subproblem optimizer through structure if optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing throw(UnloadedStructure{Optimizer}()) end return MOI.set(optimizer.progressivehedging.structure, attr, ci, value) end function MOI.is_empty(optimizer::Optimizer) return optimizer.progressivehedging === nothing end MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.Silent) = true MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.TimeLimitSec) = true MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.RawParameter) = true MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::AbstractStructuredOptimizerAttribute) = true MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::RelativeTolerance) = false MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::RawInstanceOptimizerParameter) = true MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::AbstractProgressiveHedgingAttribute) = true # High-level attribute setting # # ========================== # """ get_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, name::String) Return the value associated with the penalization-specific attribute named `name` in `stochasticprogram`. See also: [`set_penalization_attribute`](@ref), [`set_penalization_attributes`](@ref). """ function get_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, name::String) return return MOI.get(optimizer(stochasticprogram), RawPenalizationParameter(name)) end """ set_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, name::Union{Symbol, String}, value) Sets the penalization-specific attribute identified by `name` to `value`. """ function set_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, name::Union{Symbol, String}, value) return set_optimizer_attribute(stochasticprogram, RawPenalizationParameter(String(name)), value) end """ set_penalization_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...) Given a list of `attribute => value` pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls `set_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value)` for each pair. """ function set_penalization_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...) for (name, value) in pairs set_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram, name, value) end end function set_penalization_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram; kw...) for (name, value) in kw set_penalization_attribute(stochasticprogram, name, value) end end
[ 27, 34345, 29, 10677, 14, 34453, 690, 14, 7249, 1522, 14, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 14, 11770, 40, 62, 48553, 13, 20362, 198, 2, 17168, 13789, 198, 2, 198, 2, 15069, 357, 66, 8, 2864, 1279, 20608, 29, 198, 2, 198, 2, 2448, 3411, 318, 29376, 7520, 11, 1479, 286, 3877, 11, 284, 597, 1048, 16727, 257, 4866, 198, 2, 286, 428, 3788, 290, 3917, 10314, 3696, 357, 1169, 366, 25423, 12340, 284, 1730, 198, 2, 287, 262, 10442, 1231, 17504, 11, 1390, 1231, 17385, 262, 2489, 198, 2, 284, 779, 11, 4866, 11, 13096, 11, 20121, 11, 7715, 11, 14983, 11, 850, 43085, 11, 290, 14, 273, 3677, 198, 2, 9088, 286, 262, 10442, 11, 290, 284, 8749, 6506, 284, 4150, 262, 10442, 318, 198, 2, 30760, 284, 466, 523, 11, 2426, 284, 262, 1708, 3403, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 383, 2029, 6634, 4003, 290, 428, 7170, 4003, 2236, 307, 3017, 287, 477, 198, 2, 9088, 393, 8904, 16690, 286, 262, 10442, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 3336, 47466, 3180, 36592, 2389, 1961, 366, 1921, 3180, 1600, 42881, 34764, 56, 3963, 15529, 509, 12115, 11, 7788, 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19741, 39, 276, 2667, 48944, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3118, 26243, 1143, 11507, 1438, 25, 29568, 3672, 8, 19570, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 17143, 7307, 11, 1438, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 7575, 39184, 6558, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4179, 796, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7203, 2435, 62, 32374, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 318, 10745, 7, 32374, 8, 5633, 2147, 1058, 4179, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 7575, 39184, 6558, 11, 4179, 3712, 38176, 90, 15633, 11, 10528, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4179, 796, 4179, 24844, 2147, 5633, 4806, 1058, 4179, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7203, 2435, 62, 32374, 12340, 4179, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 23828, 282, 51, 37668, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7203, 139, 113, 158, 224, 223, 48774, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 23828, 282, 51, 37668, 11, 4179, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7203, 139, 113, 158, 224, 223, 12340, 4179, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 36248, 51, 37668, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7203, 139, 113, 158, 224, 224, 48774, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 36248, 51, 37668, 11, 4179, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7203, 139, 113, 158, 224, 224, 12340, 4179, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 18254, 27871, 320, 7509, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 3834, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 28955, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 7004, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 7266, 45573, 62, 40085, 7509, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 11, 5599, 27871, 320, 7509, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 3152, 29021, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 7266, 45573, 62, 40085, 7509, 11, 2824, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 7004, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 6436, 7509, 62, 41571, 273, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6436, 7509, 13, 7266, 45573, 62, 40085, 7509, 796, 6436, 7509, 62, 41571, 273, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 11459, 597, 1468, 10007, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6565, 0, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 7004, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 10134, 2539, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 11, 708, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 7004, 45573, 6436, 7509, 11688, 29568, 35226, 8, 468, 407, 587, 900, 19570, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 58, 35226, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 7004, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6436, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 58, 35226, 60, 796, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 5772, 3712, 27369, 7004, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 36301, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 72, 62, 17143, 796, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7, 17143, 13, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 10134, 2539, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 11, 6941, 72, 62, 17143, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 7004, 45573, 6436, 7509, 11688, 29568, 17143, 13, 3672, 8, 468, 407, 587, 900, 19570, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 58, 5908, 72, 62, 17143, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 5772, 3712, 27369, 7004, 40781, 27871, 320, 7509, 36301, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 72, 62, 17143, 796, 13070, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 7, 17143, 13, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6436, 7509, 13, 7266, 62, 37266, 58, 5908, 72, 62, 17143, 60, 796, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 23002, 1009, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 18558, 1009, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 23002, 1009, 11, 9706, 3712, 23839, 23002, 1009, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6436, 7509, 13, 18558, 1009, 796, 9706, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 25553, 282, 7509, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 3617, 282, 7509, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 25553, 282, 7509, 11, 23634, 7509, 3712, 23839, 25553, 282, 7509, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6436, 7509, 13, 3617, 282, 7509, 796, 23634, 7509, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 25553, 6017, 40596, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 3617, 6017, 4354, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 25553, 6017, 40596, 11, 7389, 4354, 3712, 23839, 25553, 6017, 40596, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6436, 7509, 13, 3617, 6017, 4354, 796, 7389, 4354, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 5772, 3712, 23002, 1009, 36301, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 18558, 1009, 11, 5772, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 5772, 3712, 23002, 1009, 36301, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 18558, 1009, 11, 5772, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 5772, 3712, 25553, 282, 1634, 36301, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 3617, 282, 7509, 11, 5772, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 5772, 3712, 25553, 282, 1634, 36301, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 3617, 282, 7509, 11, 5772, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 15156, 17928, 19580, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 13376, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 23828, 282, 19580, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 1050, 4402, 62, 13376, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 36248, 19580, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 646, 282, 62, 13376, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 27369, 19580, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 1831, 62, 13376, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 43015, 23828, 282, 11, 6376, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 43015, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 13, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2551, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 11, 6376, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 23828, 282, 11, 269, 72, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 13, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 16578, 283, 62, 7266, 45573, 62, 445, 8110, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 8, 466, 850, 45573, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 7266, 45573, 13, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 23828, 282, 22784, 269, 72, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 36248, 11, 269, 72, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 13, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 16578, 283, 62, 7266, 45573, 62, 445, 8110, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 8, 466, 850, 45573, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 7266, 45573, 13, 40085, 7509, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 36248, 22784, 269, 72, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 10267, 425, 11395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 13, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 9432, 62, 8367, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 36248, 10267, 425, 11395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 13, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 13376, 6624, 13070, 40, 13, 3185, 51, 3955, 1847, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 9432, 62, 8367, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 6436, 7509, 13, 13376, 6624, 13070, 40, 13, 1268, 15112, 1921, 34563, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2565, 796, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 10267, 425, 41166, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2565, 6624, 13070, 40, 13, 22921, 62, 50, 24290, 5633, 4806, 1058, 532, 18943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 6436, 7509, 13, 13376, 6624, 13070, 40, 13, 35, 25620, 62, 1268, 15112, 1921, 34563, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2565, 796, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 10267, 425, 41166, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2565, 6624, 13070, 40, 13, 22921, 62, 50, 24290, 5633, 532, 18943, 1058, 4806, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 11013, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 50, 6442, 7575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 82, 6442, 62, 2435, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 38176, 90, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 23839, 17633, 33682, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 3103, 2536, 2913, 33682, 11, 269, 72, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 717, 12, 14247, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 269, 72, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 38176, 90, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 11, 13070, 40, 13, 23839, 17633, 33682, 5512, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 717, 12, 14247, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 43015, 33682, 11, 6376, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 43015, 15732, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 717, 12, 14247, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 6376, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 23839, 3103, 2536, 2913, 33682, 11, 269, 72, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 15732, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 717, 12, 14247, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 269, 72, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 3351, 39055, 35, 8682, 17633, 33682, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 850, 45573, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 3351, 39055, 35, 8682, 43015, 33682, 11, 6376, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 43015, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 850, 45573, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 6376, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 3351, 39055, 35, 8682, 3103, 2536, 2913, 33682, 11, 269, 72, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 850, 45573, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 269, 72, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 3351, 39055, 35, 8682, 17633, 33682, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 850, 45573, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 3351, 39055, 35, 8682, 43015, 33682, 11, 6376, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 43015, 15732, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 850, 45573, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 6376, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 708, 81, 3712, 3351, 39055, 35, 8682, 3103, 2536, 2913, 33682, 11, 269, 72, 3712, 11770, 40, 13, 3103, 2536, 2913, 15732, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7218, 1891, 284, 850, 45573, 6436, 7509, 832, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 3118, 14578, 1273, 5620, 90, 27871, 320, 7509, 92, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 2617, 7, 40085, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 13, 301, 5620, 11, 708, 81, 11, 269, 72, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13070, 40, 13, 271, 62, 28920, 7, 40085, 7509, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6436, 7509, 13, 1676, 19741, 704, 2667, 24844, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 15086, 298, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 7575, 39184, 6558, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 11770, 40, 13, 27369, 36301, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 23839, 44909, 1522, 27871, 320, 7509, 33682, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 6892, 876, 51, 37668, 8, 796, 3991, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 27369, 33384, 27871, 320, 7509, 36301, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 11770, 40, 13, 18608, 2096, 7, 3712, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 7904, 23839, 2964, 19741, 39, 276, 2667, 33682, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 198, 2, 3334, 12, 5715, 11688, 4634, 1303, 198, 2, 36658, 2559, 28, 1303, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 11, 1438, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 262, 1988, 3917, 351, 262, 23634, 1634, 12, 11423, 11688, 3706, 4600, 3672, 63, 287, 4600, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 44646, 198, 198, 6214, 635, 25, 685, 63, 2617, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 828, 685, 63, 2617, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 1078, 7657, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 11, 1438, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1441, 13070, 40, 13, 1136, 7, 40085, 7509, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 828, 16089, 25553, 282, 1634, 36301, 7, 3672, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 11, 1438, 3712, 38176, 90, 13940, 23650, 11, 10903, 5512, 1988, 8, 198, 198, 50, 1039, 262, 23634, 1634, 12, 11423, 11688, 5174, 416, 4600, 3672, 63, 284, 4600, 8367, 44646, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 11, 1438, 3712, 38176, 90, 13940, 23650, 11, 10903, 5512, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 900, 62, 40085, 7509, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 11, 16089, 25553, 282, 1634, 36301, 7, 10100, 7, 3672, 36911, 1988, 8, 198, 437, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 11, 14729, 3712, 47, 958, 23029, 198, 198, 15056, 257, 1351, 286, 4600, 42348, 5218, 1988, 63, 14729, 393, 257, 4947, 286, 21179, 7159, 11, 3848, 198, 63, 2617, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 11, 11688, 11, 1988, 8, 63, 329, 1123, 5166, 13, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 11, 14729, 3712, 47, 958, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 3672, 11, 1988, 8, 287, 14729, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 11, 1438, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 3712, 1273, 5374, 3477, 15167, 26, 479, 86, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 3672, 11, 1988, 8, 287, 479, 86, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 3617, 282, 1634, 62, 42348, 7, 301, 5374, 3477, 23065, 11, 1438, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
function draw!(camera::CameraModel, scene::AbstractScene) optical_center = Point3f0(camera.𝐜) image_width = camera.image_width image_height = camera.image_height f = camera.focal_length 𝐞₁ = camera.𝐞₁ 𝐞₂ = camera.𝐞₂ 𝐞₃ = camera.𝐞₃ bottom_right = optical_center + Point3f0((image_width/2) * 𝐞₁ + (image_height/2) * 𝐞₂ + f*𝐞₃) top_right = optical_center + Point3f0((image_width/2) * 𝐞₁ + (-image_height/2) * 𝐞₂ + f*𝐞₃) top_left = optical_center + Point3f0((-image_width/2) * 𝐞₁ + (-image_height/2) * 𝐞₂ + f*𝐞₃) bottom_left = optical_center + Point3f0((-image_width/2) * 𝐞₁ + (image_height/2) * 𝐞₂ + f*𝐞₃) centroid2film = [ optical_center => bottom_right; optical_center => top_right; optical_center => top_left; optical_center => bottom_left; ] film = [ bottom_right => top_right; top_right => top_left; top_left => bottom_left; bottom_left => bottom_right; ] scale = 20.0f0 coordinate_system = [ optical_center => optical_center + Point3f0(scale*𝐞₁); optical_center => optical_center + Point3f0(scale*𝐞₂); optical_center => optical_center + Point3f0(scale*𝐞₃); ] linesegments!(scene, centroid2film, color = :black, linewidth = 2) linesegments!(scene, film, color = :black, linewidth = 2) linesegments!(scene, coordinate_system, color = [:red, :green, :blue ], linewidth = 2) end
[ 8818, 3197, 0, 7, 25695, 3712, 35632, 17633, 11, 3715, 3712, 23839, 36542, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 796, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 7, 25695, 13, 47728, 238, 250, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2939, 62, 10394, 796, 4676, 13, 9060, 62, 10394, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2939, 62, 17015, 796, 4676, 13, 9060, 62, 17015, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 4676, 13, 69, 4374, 62, 13664, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 796, 4676, 13, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 796, 4676, 13, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 796, 4676, 13, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4220, 62, 3506, 796, 18480, 62, 16159, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 19510, 9060, 62, 10394, 14, 17, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 1343, 357, 9060, 62, 17015, 14, 17, 8, 220, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 1343, 277, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1353, 62, 3506, 796, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 220, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 19510, 9060, 62, 10394, 14, 17, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 1343, 13841, 9060, 62, 17015, 14, 17, 8, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 1343, 277, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1353, 62, 9464, 796, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 19510, 12, 9060, 62, 10394, 14, 17, 8, 220, 220, 220, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 1343, 13841, 9060, 62, 17015, 14, 17, 8, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 1343, 277, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4220, 62, 9464, 796, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 19510, 12, 9060, 62, 10394, 14, 17, 8, 220, 220, 220, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 1343, 357, 9060, 62, 17015, 14, 17, 8, 220, 1635, 220, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 1343, 277, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1247, 3882, 17, 26240, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 5218, 4220, 62, 3506, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 5218, 1353, 62, 3506, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 5218, 1353, 62, 9464, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 220, 220, 5218, 4220, 62, 9464, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2361, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2646, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4220, 62, 3506, 5218, 1353, 62, 3506, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1353, 62, 3506, 5218, 1353, 62, 9464, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1353, 62, 9464, 5218, 4220, 62, 9464, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4220, 62, 9464, 5218, 220, 4220, 62, 3506, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2361, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5046, 796, 1160, 13, 15, 69, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20435, 62, 10057, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 5218, 18480, 62, 16159, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 7, 9888, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 223, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 5218, 18480, 62, 16159, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 7, 9888, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 224, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18480, 62, 16159, 5218, 18480, 62, 16159, 1343, 6252, 18, 69, 15, 7, 9888, 9, 47728, 238, 252, 158, 224, 225, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2361, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3951, 1533, 902, 0, 7, 29734, 11, 1247, 3882, 17, 26240, 11, 3124, 796, 1058, 13424, 11, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3951, 1533, 902, 0, 7, 29734, 11, 2646, 11, 3124, 796, 1058, 13424, 11, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3951, 1533, 902, 0, 7, 29734, 11, 20435, 62, 10057, 11, 3124, 796, 685, 25, 445, 11, 1058, 14809, 11, 1058, 17585, 16589, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 362, 8, 628, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>0 # LSL.jl: Julia interface for Lab Streaming Layer # Copyright (C) 2019 <NAME> # test/streaminfo.jl: test stream information functions @testset "StreamInfo" begin info = StreamInfo(name="testname", type="testtype", channel_count=2, nominal_srate=10, channel_format=Float64, source_id="testid") @test name(info) == "testname" @test type(info) == "testtype" @test channel_count(info) == 2 @test nominal_srate(info) == 10 @test channel_format(info) == Float64 @test source_id(info) == "testid" @test version(info) == protocol_version() channels = append_child(desc(info), "channels") for label in ["C3", "C4", "Cz", "FPz", "POz", "CPz", "O1", "O2"] ch = append_child(channels, "channel") append_child_value(ch, "label", label) append_child_value(ch, "unit", "microvolts") append_child_value(ch, "type", "EEG") end append_child_value(desc(info), "manufacturer", "SCCN") cap = append_child(desc(info), "cap") append_child_value(cap, "name", "EasyCap") append_child_value(cap, "size", "54") append_child_value(cap, "labelscheme", "10-20") end # Force cleanup GC.gc()
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 2, 406, 8634, 13, 20362, 25, 22300, 7071, 329, 3498, 43124, 34398, 198, 2, 15069, 357, 34, 8, 13130, 1279, 20608, 29, 198, 198, 2, 1332, 14, 5532, 10951, 13, 20362, 25, 1332, 4269, 1321, 5499, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 12124, 12360, 1, 2221, 198, 198, 10951, 796, 13860, 12360, 7, 3672, 2625, 9288, 3672, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 2625, 9288, 4906, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6518, 62, 9127, 28, 17, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26934, 62, 82, 4873, 28, 940, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6518, 62, 18982, 28, 43879, 2414, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2723, 62, 312, 2625, 9288, 312, 4943, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 1438, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 366, 9288, 3672, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 2099, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 366, 9288, 4906, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 6518, 62, 9127, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 31, 9288, 26934, 62, 82, 4873, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 838, 198, 31, 9288, 6518, 62, 18982, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 48436, 2414, 198, 31, 9288, 2723, 62, 312, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 366, 9288, 312, 1, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2196, 7, 10951, 8, 6624, 8435, 62, 9641, 3419, 198, 198, 354, 8961, 796, 24443, 62, 9410, 7, 20147, 7, 10951, 828, 366, 354, 8961, 4943, 198, 1640, 6167, 287, 14631, 34, 18, 1600, 366, 34, 19, 1600, 366, 34, 89, 1600, 366, 5837, 89, 1600, 366, 16402, 89, 1600, 366, 8697, 89, 1600, 366, 46, 16, 1600, 366, 46, 17, 8973, 198, 220, 442, 796, 24443, 62, 9410, 7, 354, 8961, 11, 366, 17620, 4943, 198, 220, 24443, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 354, 11, 366, 18242, 1600, 6167, 8, 198, 220, 24443, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 354, 11, 366, 20850, 1600, 366, 24055, 10396, 912, 4943, 198, 220, 24443, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 354, 11, 366, 4906, 1600, 366, 6500, 38, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 33295, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 20147, 7, 10951, 828, 366, 48119, 15051, 1600, 366, 50, 4093, 45, 4943, 198, 11128, 796, 24443, 62, 9410, 7, 20147, 7, 10951, 828, 366, 11128, 4943, 198, 33295, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 11128, 11, 366, 3672, 1600, 366, 28406, 15610, 4943, 198, 33295, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 11128, 11, 366, 7857, 1600, 366, 4051, 4943, 198, 33295, 62, 9410, 62, 8367, 7, 11128, 11, 366, 18242, 15952, 1326, 1600, 366, 940, 12, 1238, 4943, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 5221, 27425, 198, 15916, 13, 36484, 3419, 628, 198 ]
<gh_stars>1-10 function intersectingvertices(S1, S2; tol::Float64 = 1/10^10) # Dimension n = size(S1, 1) # Centroid and radii c1, c2 = Circumsphere(S1)[2:n+1], Circumsphere(S2)[2:n+1] r1, r2 = Circumsphere(S1)[1], Circumsphere(S2)[1] # Orientation of simplices orientation_S1 = det([ones(1, n + 1); S1]) orientation_S2 = det([ones(1, n + 1); S2]) if abs(orientation_S1) < tol || abs(orientation_S2) < tol return Array{Float64, 2}(undef, 0, 0) end # Set volume to zero initially. Change only if there is intersection IntVol = 0.0 # ------------------------------------- # Simplices intersect in some way # ------------------------------------- # If the (distance between centroids)^2-(sum of radii)^2 < 0, # then the simplices intersect in some way. dist_difference::Float64 = (transpose(c1 - c2) * (c1 - c2) - (r1 + r2)^2)[1] if dist_difference < 0 #@show "The simplices intersect in some way (possibly only along a boundary, with zero volume intersection)" # Find the number of points of each simplex contained within the # circumsphere of the other simplex vertices1InCircum2 = SomeVertexInCircumsphere(S1, r2, c2) vertices2InCircum1 = SomeVertexInCircumsphere(S2, r1, c1) if vertices1InCircum2 + vertices2InCircum1 >= 1 βs1in2, βs2in1, ordered_vertices1, ordered_vertices2, numof1in2, numof2in1 = BarycentricCoordinates(S1,S2,orientation_S1,orientation_S2,tol) # Trivial intersections TriviallyContained = heaviside0([numof1in2 numof2in1] .- (n+1)) IsSomeContained = sum(TriviallyContained, dims=2)[1] if IsSomeContained == 2.0 # The simplices coincide #@show "The simplices coincide" return copy(transpose(S1)) elseif IsSomeContained == 1.0 # One simplex is contained in the other if TriviallyContained[1] == 1.0 # Simplex1 is contained in Simplex2 #@show "Simplex 1 is contained in simplex 2" return copy(transpose(S1)) else # Simplex2 is contained in Simplex1 #@show "Simplex 2 is contained in simplex 1" return copy(transpose(S2)) end else # No simplex contains the other #@show "No simplex contains the other" Ncomm, ordered_vertices1, ordered_vertices2 = SharedVertices(βs1in2,ordered_vertices1,ordered_vertices2,numof1in2,numof2in1) # Is there any shared face? if Ncomm == n #@show "The simplices share a face" IntVol = SharedFaceVolume(S2, βs1in2, ordered_vertices1, ordered_vertices2) return transpose(SharedFaceVertices(S2, βs1in2, ordered_vertices1, ordered_vertices2)) else # The simplices do not share a face. #@show "The simplices do not share a face" IntVert, ConvexExpIntVert = IntersectionOfBoundaries_NoStorage(S1,S2,βs1in2,βs2in1, ordered_vertices1, ordered_vertices2, numof1in2, numof2in1, Ncomm, tol) if !isempty(IntVert) IntVert,ConvexExpIntVert = PolytopeGeneratingVertices(S1,S2,IntVert,ConvexExpIntVert,βs1in2,βs2in1,ordered_vertices1,ordered_vertices2,numof1in2,numof2in1,Ncomm); IntVol = VolumeComputation(IntVert, ConvexExpIntVert) return IntVert else return Array{Float64, 2}(undef, 0, 0) end end end else IntVert = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, 0, 0) end else IntVert = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, 0, 0) end return IntVert end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 16, 12, 940, 198, 8818, 36177, 278, 1851, 1063, 7, 50, 16, 11, 311, 17, 26, 284, 75, 3712, 43879, 2414, 796, 352, 14, 940, 61, 940, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 34024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 16, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1979, 3882, 290, 2511, 4178, 198, 197, 269, 16, 11, 269, 17, 796, 7672, 388, 2777, 1456, 7, 50, 16, 38381, 17, 25, 77, 10, 16, 4357, 7672, 388, 2777, 1456, 7, 50, 17, 38381, 17, 25, 77, 10, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 197, 374, 16, 11, 374, 17, 796, 7672, 388, 2777, 1456, 7, 50, 16, 38381, 16, 4357, 7672, 388, 2777, 1456, 7, 50, 17, 38381, 16, 60, 628, 220, 220, 197, 1303, 35275, 341, 286, 7106, 1063, 198, 220, 220, 197, 12852, 62, 50, 16, 796, 1062, 26933, 1952, 7, 16, 11, 299, 1343, 352, 1776, 311, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 197, 12852, 62, 50, 17, 796, 1062, 26933, 1952, 7, 16, 11, 299, 1343, 352, 1776, 311, 17, 12962, 628, 220, 220, 197, 611, 2352, 7, 13989, 341, 62, 50, 16, 8, 1279, 284, 75, 8614, 2352, 7, 13989, 341, 62, 50, 17, 8, 1279, 284, 75, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 15690, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 362, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 657, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 197, 886, 628, 220, 220, 197, 2, 5345, 6115, 284, 6632, 7317, 13, 9794, 691, 611, 612, 318, 16246, 198, 220, 220, 197, 2558, 16598, 796, 657, 13, 15, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 20368, 30934, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 45157, 1063, 36177, 287, 617, 835, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 20368, 30934, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1002, 262, 357, 30246, 1022, 1247, 305, 2340, 8, 61, 17, 30420, 16345, 286, 2511, 4178, 8, 61, 17, 1279, 657, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 788, 262, 7106, 1063, 36177, 287, 617, 835, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1233, 62, 26069, 1945, 3712, 43879, 2414, 796, 357, 7645, 3455, 7, 66, 16, 532, 269, 17, 8, 1635, 357, 66, 16, 532, 269, 17, 8, 532, 357, 81, 16, 1343, 374, 17, 8, 61, 17, 38381, 16, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1233, 62, 26069, 1945, 1279, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 31, 12860, 366, 464, 7106, 1063, 36177, 287, 617, 835, 357, 39363, 691, 1863, 257, 18645, 11, 351, 6632, 6115, 16246, 16725, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 9938, 262, 1271, 286, 2173, 286, 1123, 2829, 87, 7763, 1626, 262, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4456, 2777, 1456, 286, 262, 584, 2829, 87, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9421, 1063, 16, 818, 31560, 388, 17, 796, 2773, 13414, 16886, 818, 31560, 388, 2777, 1456, 7, 50, 16, 11, 374, 17, 11, 269, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9421, 1063, 17, 818, 31560, 388, 16, 796, 2773, 13414, 16886, 818, 31560, 388, 2777, 1456, 7, 50, 17, 11, 374, 16, 11, 269, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 9421, 1063, 16, 818, 31560, 388, 17, 1343, 9421, 1063, 17, 818, 31560, 388, 16, 18189, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 82, 16, 259, 17, 11, 27169, 82, 17, 259, 16, 11, 6149, 62, 1851, 1063, 16, 11, 6149, 62, 1851, 1063, 17, 11, 997, 1659, 16, 259, 17, 11, 997, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2558, 42369, 796, 15690, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 362, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 657, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2558, 42369, 796, 15690, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 362, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 657, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2558, 42369, 198, 437, 198 ]
using eFEMpart, JLD using LinearAlgebra # for condition number calculation function main() function computeNorms(N,order) start = time() # load mesh mesh = squareMesh([-2,2,0,1],N,order) OperatorType = :AdvDiffAS Pe = 2.3 windX(x,y) = -x^4*y^2 + 5.9; windY(x,y) = x^3*y^3 wx = [windX.(mesh.xy[i].x,mesh.xy[i].y) for i=1:length(mesh.xy)] wy = [windY.(mesh.xy[i].x,mesh.xy[i].y) for i=1:length(mesh.xy)] param = AdvDiffParam(wx,wy,Pe*ones(length(mesh.xy))) dNodes = Dirichlet(:left,:right,:top,:bottom) dBCf = Dirichlet((x,y) -> x^4*y^4) ff = Forcing((x,y) -> 4*5.9*x^3*y^4 - 4/Pe*x^2*y^2*(4*x^2 + 3*y^2)) Nodes = [dNodes] bcfun = [dBCf,ff] prob = Problem(mesh,Nodes,bcfun,OperatorType) sol = solve(prob,mesh,param) elapsed = time() - start # compute condition number of operator matrix #LinOp = GenerateSystem(mesh,prob,param) #ApplyBC!(LinOp,mesh,prob,param,OperatorType) #κ = cond(Array(LinOp.Op),2) κ = 0.5 # compute mesh h h = hCalc(mesh) # generate exact solution Uexact(x,y) = dBCf.f(x,y) UexactArr = [Uexact.(mesh.xy[i].x,mesh.xy[i].y) for i=1:length(mesh.xy)] # compute difference err = sol.u - UexactArr # compute Li norm L1 = DomainNorm(mesh.xy,,err;normID="1") L2 = DomainNorm(mesh.xy,,err;normID="2") Linf = DomainNorm(mesh.xy,,err;normID="Inf") return κ,h,L1,L2,Linf,elapsed end Narr = [8,8,16,32]#,64]#,128]#,256] order = [1,2] N = length(Narr) κarr = zeros(N,2) harr = zeros(N,2) L1arr = zeros(N,2) L2arr = zeros(N,2) LInfarr = zeros(N,2) timearr = zeros(N,2) for i=1:N for j=1:2 n = Narr[i] o = order[j] κarr[i,j],harr[i,j],L1arr[i,j],L2arr[i,j],LInfarr[i,j],timearr[i,j] = computeNorms(n,o) println("completed N=$(n), order=$(o)") end end κarr = κarr[2:end,:] harr = harr[2:end,:] L1arr = L1arr[2:end,:] L2arr = L2arr[2:end,:] LInfarr = LInfarr[2:end,:] timearr = timearr[2:end,:] # export output to *.jld file run(`mkdir -p data`) save("data/TEMP_advdiffAS_validation.jld", "harr",harr[:,1], "o1L1arr", L1arr[:,1], "o1L2arr", L2arr[:,1], "o1LInfarr",LInfarr[:,1], "o1timearr",timearr[:,1], "o2L1arr", L1arr[:,2], "o2L2arr", L2arr[:,2], "o2LInfarr",LInfarr[:,2], "o2timearr",timearr[:,2], "κarr",κarr[:,2]) nothing end main()
[ 3500, 304, 37, 3620, 3911, 11, 449, 11163, 198, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 1303, 329, 4006, 1271, 17952, 198, 198, 8818, 1388, 3419, 198, 220, 2163, 24061, 35393, 82, 7, 45, 11, 2875, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 923, 796, 640, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3440, 19609, 198, 220, 220, 220, 19609, 796, 6616, 37031, 26933, 12, 17, 11, 17, 11, 15, 11, 16, 4357, 45, 11, 2875, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35946, 6030, 796, 1058, 22856, 28813, 1921, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2631, 796, 362, 13, 18, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2344, 55, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 796, 532, 87, 61, 19, 9, 88, 61, 17, 1343, 642, 13, 24, 26, 2344, 56, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 796, 2124, 61, 18, 9, 88, 61, 18, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 87, 796, 685, 7972, 55, 12195, 76, 5069, 13, 5431, 58, 72, 4083, 87, 11, 76, 5069, 13, 5431, 58, 72, 4083, 88, 8, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 76, 5069, 13, 5431, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 88, 796, 685, 7972, 56, 12195, 76, 5069, 13, 5431, 58, 72, 4083, 87, 11, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 78, 17, 16514, 451, 81, 1600, 16514, 451, 81, 58, 45299, 17, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 43000, 3258, 1600, 43000, 3258, 58, 45299, 17, 12962, 628, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 12417, 3419, 198 ]
<gh_stars>0 using StaticArrays struct Member{Tval, Tid} val::Tval id::Tid end import Base.isless function isless(a::Member{Tval, Tid}, b::Member{Tval, Tid}) where{Tval, Tid} return isless((a.val,, (b.val, end struct Family{Tval, Tid} n_columns::MVector{1, Tid} n_nz ::MVector{1, Tid} n_buffer::MVector{1, Tid} # This array gives for contains the ordering. The i-th parent in the #daycare has id P[i] P::Vector{Tid} # This array gives for contains the inverse ordering. revP::Vector{Tid} # The array that contains the first "child" for every parent colptr::Vector{Tid} # The array that contains the global id-s of the children rowval::Vector{Member{Tval,Tid}} # parents[id] contains a member struct specifying the distance of id to its parent and the position in the ordering of the parent parents::Vector{Member{Tval,Tid}} end function Family{Tval,Tid}(dofs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractDOF}) where {Tval,Tid} N = length(dofs) return Family{Float64, Int64}(MVector(zero(Tid)), MVector(zero(Tid)), MVector(N), zeros(Tid, N), zeros(Tid, N), zeros(Tid, N + one(Tid)), Vector{Member{Tval, Tid}}(undef, N), Vector{Member{Tval, Tid}}(undef, N)) end function Family(dofs::AbstractArray{Point{d,Tval}}) where {d, Tval} return Family{Tval, Int}(dofs) end #Function that begins a new parent aka column in daycare function new_column!(f::Family, Id) f.n_columns[1] += 1 f.P[f.n_columns[1]] = Id f.revP[Id] = f.n_columns[1] f.colptr[f.n_columns[1]] = f.n_nz[1] + 1 f.colptr[f.n_columns[1] + 1] = f.n_nz[1] + 1 end function new_child!(f::Family, new_child) # If the buffer is flowing over, increase it if f.n_nz[1] >= f.n_buffer[1] if f.n_nz[1] <= 1e6 f.n_buffer[1] = 2 * f.n_buffer[1] else f.n_buffer[1] = f.n_buffer[1] + 1e6 end resize!( f.rowval, f.n_buffer[1] ) end f.n_nz[1] += 1 f.colptr[f.n_columns[1] + 1] += 1 f.rowval[f.n_nz[1]] = new_child end function new_children!(f::Family, new_children) # If the buffer is flowing over, increase it while f.n_nz[1] + size(new_children,1) >= f.n_buffer[1] - 1 if f.n_nz[1] <= 1e6 f.n_buffer[1] = 2 * f.n_buffer[1] else f.n_buffer[1] = f.n_buffer[1] + 1e6 end resize!(f.rowval, f.n_buffer[1]) end f.n_nz[1] += size(new_children,1) f.colptr[f.n_columns[1] + 1] += size(new_children,1) f.rowval[f.n_nz[1] - size(new_children,1) + 1 : f.n_nz[1]] .= new_children end function column_iterator(f, column_index) return f.colptr[column_index] : (f.colptr[column_index + 1] - 1) end
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 15, 198, 3500, 36125, 3163, 20477, 198, 198, 7249, 10239, 90, 51, 2100, 11, 48957, 92, 198, 220, 1188, 3712, 51, 2100, 198, 220, 4686, 3712, 51, 312, 198, 437, 198, 198, 11748, 7308, 13, 271, 1203, 198, 8818, 318, 1203, 7, 64, 3712, 27608, 90, 51, 2100, 11, 48957, 5512, 275, 3712, 27608, 90, 51, 2100, 11, 48957, 30072, 810, 90, 51, 2100, 11, 48957, 92, 198, 220, 1441, 318, 1203, 19510, 64, 13, 2100, 11, 257, 13, 312, 828, 357, 65, 13, 2100, 11, 275, 13, 312, 4008, 198, 437, 220, 198, 198, 7249, 7884, 90, 51, 2100, 11, 48957, 92, 198, 220, 299, 62, 28665, 82, 3712, 44, 38469, 90, 16, 11, 48957, 92, 198, 220, 299, 62, 27305, 7904, 44, 38469, 90, 16, 11, 48957, 92, 198, 220, 299, 62, 22252, 3712, 44, 38469, 90, 16, 11, 48957, 92, 628, 220, 1303, 770, 7177, 3607, 329, 4909, 262, 16216, 13, 383, 1312, 12, 400, 2560, 287, 262, 220, 198, 220, 1303, 820, 6651, 468, 4686, 350, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 350, 3712, 38469, 90, 51, 312, 92, 628, 220, 1303, 770, 7177, 3607, 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77, 62, 27305, 58, 16, 60, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 277, 13, 4033, 20692, 58, 69, 13, 77, 62, 28665, 82, 58, 16, 60, 1343, 352, 60, 796, 277, 13, 77, 62, 27305, 58, 16, 60, 1343, 352, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 649, 62, 9410, 0, 7, 69, 3712, 24094, 11, 649, 62, 9410, 8, 220, 198, 220, 1303, 1002, 262, 11876, 318, 17609, 625, 11, 2620, 340, 198, 220, 611, 277, 13, 77, 62, 27305, 58, 16, 60, 18189, 277, 13, 77, 62, 22252, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 277, 13, 77, 62, 27305, 58, 16, 60, 19841, 352, 68, 21, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 13, 77, 62, 22252, 58, 16, 60, 796, 362, 1635, 277, 13, 77, 62, 22252, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 13, 77, 62, 22252, 58, 16, 60, 796, 277, 13, 77, 62, 22252, 58, 16, 60, 1343, 352, 68, 21, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47558, 0, 7, 277, 13, 808, 2100, 11, 277, 13, 77, 62, 22252, 58, 16, 60, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 277, 13, 77, 62, 27305, 58, 16, 60, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 277, 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<filename>src/Bijectors.jl module Bijectors #= NOTE: Codes below are adapted from The Mamba.jl package is licensed under the MIT License: > Copyright (c) 2014: <NAME> and other contributors: > > > > Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining > a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the > "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including > without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, > distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to > permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to > the following conditions: > > The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be > included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. > > THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, > EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF > MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. > IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY > CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, > TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE > SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =# using Reexport, Requires @reexport using Distributions using StatsFuns using LinearAlgebra using MappedArrays using Base.Iterators: drop using LinearAlgebra: AbstractTriangular import Functors import NonlinearSolve import ChainRulesCore export TransformDistribution, PositiveDistribution, UnitDistribution, SimplexDistribution, PDMatDistribution, link, invlink, logpdf_with_trans, isclosedform, transform, forward, logabsdetjac, logabsdetjacinv, Bijector, ADBijector, Inverse, Composed, compose, Stacked, stack, Identity, bijector, transformed, UnivariateTransformed, MultivariateTransformed, logpdf_with_jac, logpdf_forward, PlanarLayer, RadialLayer, CouplingLayer, InvertibleBatchNorm if VERSION < v"1.1" using Compat: eachcol end const DEBUG = Bool(parse(Int, get(ENV, "DEBUG_BIJECTORS", "0"))) _debug(str) = @debug str _eps(::Type{T}) where {T} = T(eps(T)) _eps(::Type{Real}) = eps(Float64) _eps(::Type{<:Integer}) = eps(Float64) function _clamp(x, a, b) T = promote_type(typeof(x), typeof(a), typeof(b)) ϵ = _eps(T) clamped_x = ifelse(x < a, convert(T, a), ifelse(x > b, convert(T, b), x)) DEBUG && _debug("x = $x, bounds = $((a, b)), clamped_x = $clamped_x") return clamped_x end function mapvcat(f, args...) out = map(f, args...) init = vcat(out[1]) return reshape(reduce(vcat, drop(out, 1); init = init), size(out)) end function maphcat(f, args...) out = map(f, args...) init = reshape(out[1], :, 1) return reduce(hcat, drop(out, 1); init = init) end function eachcolmaphcat(f, x1, x2) out = [f(x1[:,i], x2[i]) for i in 1:size(x1, 2)] init = reshape(out[1], :, 1) return reduce(hcat, drop(out, 1); init = init) end function eachcolmaphcat(f, x) out = map(f, eachcol(x)) init = reshape(out[1], :, 1) return reduce(hcat, drop(out, 1); init = init) end function sumeachcol(f, x1, x2) # Using a view below for x1 breaks Tracker return sum(f(x1[:,i], x2[i]) for i in 1:size(x1, 2)) end # Distributions link(d::Distribution, x) = bijector(d)(x) invlink(d::Distribution, y) = inv(bijector(d))(y) function logpdf_with_trans(d::Distribution, x, transform::Bool) if ispd(d) return pd_logpdf_with_trans(d, x, transform) elseif isdirichlet(d) l = logpdf(d, x .+ eps(eltype(x))) else l = logpdf(d, x) end if transform return l - logabsdetjac(bijector(d), x) else return l end end ## Univariate const TransformDistribution = Union{ T, Truncated{T}, } where T <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution const PositiveDistribution = Union{ BetaPrime, Chi, Chisq, Erlang, Exponential, FDist, Frechet, Gamma, InverseGamma, InverseGaussian, Kolmogorov, LogNormal, NoncentralChisq, NoncentralF, Rayleigh, Weibull, } const UnitDistribution = Union{Beta, KSOneSided, NoncentralBeta} function logpdf_with_trans(d::UnivariateDistribution, x, transform::Bool) if transform return map(x -> logpdf(d, x), x) - logabsdetjac(bijector(d), x) else return map(x -> logpdf(d, x), x) end end ## Multivariate const SimplexDistribution = Union{Dirichlet} isdirichlet(::SimplexDistribution) = true isdirichlet(::Distribution) = false ########### # ∑xᵢ = 1 # ########### function link( d::Dirichlet, x::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, proj::Bool = true, ) return SimplexBijector{proj}()(x) end function link_jacobian( d::Dirichlet, x::AbstractVector{T}, proj::Bool = true, ) where {T<:Real} return jacobian(SimplexBijector{proj}(), x) end function invlink( d::Dirichlet, y::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, proj::Bool = true ) return inv(SimplexBijector{proj}())(y) end function invlink_jacobian( d::Dirichlet, y::AbstractVector{T}, proj::Bool = true ) where {T<:Real} return jacobian(inv(SimplexBijector{proj}()), y) end ## Matrix ##################### # Positive definite # ##################### const PDMatDistribution = Union{MatrixBeta, InverseWishart, Wishart} ispd(::Distribution) = false ispd(::PDMatDistribution) = true function logpdf_with_trans( d::MatrixDistribution, X::AbstractArray{<:AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}, transform::Bool, ) return map(X) do x logpdf_with_trans(d, x, transform) end end function pd_logpdf_with_trans(d, X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, transform::Bool) T = eltype(X) Xcf = cholesky(X, check = false) if !issuccess(Xcf) Xcf = cholesky(X + max(eps(T), eps(T) * norm(X)) * I) end lp = getlogp(d, Xcf, X) if transform && isfinite(lp) U = Xcf.U d = dim(d) lp += sum((d .- (1:d) .+ 2) .* log.(diag(U))) lp += d * log(T(2)) end return lp end function getlogp(d::MatrixBeta, Xcf, X) n1, n2 = params(d) p = dim(d) return ((n1 - p - 1) / 2) * logdet(Xcf) + ((n2 - p - 1) / 2) * logdet(I - X) + d.logc0 end function getlogp(d::Wishart, Xcf, X) return 0.5 * ((d.df - (dim(d) + 1)) * logdet(Xcf) - tr(d.S \ X)) + d.logc0 end function getlogp(d::InverseWishart, Xcf, X) Ψ = Matrix(d.Ψ) return -0.5 * ((d.df + dim(d) + 1) * logdet(Xcf) + tr(Xcf \ Ψ)) + d.logc0 end include("utils.jl") include("interface.jl") include("chainrules.jl") # Broadcasting here breaks Tracker for some reason maporbroadcast(f, x::AbstractArray{<:Any, N}...) where {N} = map(f, x...) maporbroadcast(f, x::AbstractArray...) = f.(x...) # optional dependencies function __init__() @require LazyArrays = "5078a376-72f3-5289-bfd5-ec5146d43c02" begin function maporbroadcast(f, x1::LazyArrays.BroadcastArray, x...) return copy(f.(x1, x...)) end function maporbroadcast(f, x1, x2::LazyArrays.BroadcastArray, x...) return copy(f.(x1, x2, x...)) end function maporbroadcast(f, x1, x2, x3::LazyArrays.BroadcastArray, x...) return copy(f.(x1, x2, x3, x...)) end end @require ForwardDiff="f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210" include("compat/forwarddiff.jl") @require Tracker="9f7883ad-71c0-57eb-9f7f-b5c9e6d3789c" include("compat/tracker.jl") @require Zygote="e88e6eb3-aa80-5325-afca-941959d7151f" include("compat/zygote.jl") @require ReverseDiff="37e2e3b7-166d-5795-8a7a-e32c996b4267" include("compat/reversediff.jl") @require DistributionsAD="ced4e74d-a319-5a8a-b0ac-84af2272839c" include("compat/distributionsad.jl") end end # module
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1441, 279, 67, 62, 6404, 12315, 62, 4480, 62, 7645, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 11, 6121, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 318, 15908, 488, 1616, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 796, 2604, 12315, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 764, 10, 304, 862, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 87, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 796, 2604, 12315, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6121, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 300, 532, 2604, 8937, 15255, 30482, 7, 8482, 752, 273, 7, 67, 828, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 300, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2235, 791, 42524, 198, 198, 9979, 26981, 20344, 3890, 796, 4479, 90, 198, 220, 220, 220, 309, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 833, 19524, 515, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 92, 810, 309, 1279, 25, 45012, 3118, 42524, 20344, 3890, 198, 9979, 33733, 20344, 3890, 796, 4479, 90, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17993, 26405, 11, 21380, 11, 609, 271, 80, 11, 5256, 17204, 11, 5518, 35470, 11, 376, 20344, 11, 4848, 20043, 11, 43595, 11, 554, 4399, 34777, 2611, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 554, 4399, 35389, 31562, 11, 25910, 76, 519, 273, 709, 11, 5972, 26447, 11, 8504, 31463, 1925, 271, 80, 11, 8504, 31463, 37, 11, 7760, 42342, 11, 775, 571, 724, 11, 198, 92, 198, 9979, 11801, 20344, 3890, 796, 4479, 90, 43303, 11, 34172, 3198, 50, 1384, 11, 8504, 31463, 43303, 92, 198, 198, 8818, 2604, 12315, 62, 4480, 62, 7645, 7, 67, 3712, 3118, 42524, 20344, 3890, 11, 2124, 11, 6121, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6121, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3975, 7, 87, 4613, 2604, 12315, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 828, 2124, 8, 532, 2604, 8937, 15255, 30482, 7, 8482, 752, 273, 7, 67, 828, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3975, 7, 87, 4613, 2604, 12315, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 828, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2235, 7854, 42524, 198, 198, 9979, 3184, 11141, 20344, 3890, 796, 4479, 90, 35277, 488, 1616, 92, 198, 9409, 343, 488, 1616, 7, 3712, 8890, 11141, 20344, 3890, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 9409, 343, 488, 1616, 7, 3712, 20344, 3890, 8, 796, 3991, 198, 198, 7804, 21017, 198, 2, 18872, 239, 87, 39611, 95, 796, 352, 1303, 198, 7804, 21017, 198, 198, 8818, 2792, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 3712, 35277, 488, 1616, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 3712, 23839, 53, 721, 5574, 19044, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 386, 73, 3712, 33, 970, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3184, 11141, 23286, 752, 273, 90, 1676, 73, 92, 3419, 7, 87, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 2792, 62, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 3712, 35277, 488, 1616, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 386, 73, 3712, 33, 970, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 474, 330, 672, 666, 7, 8890, 11141, 23286, 752, 273, 90, 1676, 73, 92, 22784, 2124, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 800, 8726, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 3712, 35277, 488, 1616, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 3712, 23839, 53, 721, 5574, 19044, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 386, 73, 3712, 33, 970, 796, 2081, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 800, 7, 8890, 11141, 23286, 752, 273, 90, 1676, 73, 92, 3419, 5769, 88, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 800, 8726, 62, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 3712, 35277, 488, 1616, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 386, 73, 3712, 33, 970, 796, 2081, 198, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 474, 330, 672, 666, 7, 16340, 7, 8890, 11141, 23286, 752, 273, 90, 1676, 73, 92, 3419, 828, 331, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2235, 24936, 198, 198, 14468, 4242, 2, 198, 2, 33733, 21892, 1303, 198, 14468, 4242, 2, 198, 198, 9979, 14340, 19044, 20344, 3890, 796, 4479, 90, 46912, 43303, 11, 554, 4399, 54, 680, 433, 11, 23447, 433, 92, 198, 8802, 67, 7, 3712, 20344, 3890, 8, 796, 3991, 198, 8802, 67, 7, 3712, 5760, 19044, 20344, 3890, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 198, 8818, 2604, 12315, 62, 4480, 62, 7645, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 3712, 46912, 20344, 3890, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 23839, 46912, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6121, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3975, 7, 55, 8, 466, 2124, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2604, 12315, 62, 4480, 62, 7645, 7, 67, 11, 2124, 11, 6121, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 279, 67, 62, 6404, 12315, 62, 4480, 62, 7645, 7, 67, 11, 1395, 3712, 23839, 46912, 90, 27, 25, 15633, 5512, 6121, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 309, 796, 1288, 4906, 7, 55, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 12993, 796, 442, 4316, 2584, 7, 55, 11, 2198, 796, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 747, 84, 1591, 7, 55, 12993, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 12993, 796, 442, 4316, 2584, 7, 55, 1343, 3509, 7, 25386, 7, 51, 828, 304, 862, 7, 51, 8, 1635, 2593, 7, 55, 4008, 1635, 314, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 79, 796, 651, 6404, 79, 7, 67, 11, 1395, 12993, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6121, 11405, 318, 69, 9504, 7, 34431, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 471, 796, 1395, 12993, 13, 52, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 288, 796, 5391, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 79, 15853, 2160, 19510, 67, 764, 12, 357, 16, 25, 67, 8, 764, 10, 362, 8, 764, 9, 2604, 12195, 10989, 363, 7, 52, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 79, 15853, 288, 1635, 2604, 7, 51, 7, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 300, 79, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 651, 6404, 79, 7, 67, 3712, 46912, 43303, 11, 1395, 12993, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 16, 11, 299, 17, 796, 42287, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 796, 5391, 7, 67, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 14808, 77, 16, 532, 279, 532, 352, 8, 1220, 362, 8, 1635, 2604, 15255, 7, 55, 12993, 8, 1343, 14808, 77, 17, 532, 279, 532, 352, 8, 1220, 362, 8, 1635, 2604, 15255, 7, 40, 532, 1395, 8, 1343, 288, 13, 6404, 66, 15, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 651, 6404, 79, 7, 67, 3712, 54, 680, 433, 11, 1395, 12993, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 657, 13, 20, 1635, 14808, 67, 13, 7568, 532, 357, 27740, 7, 67, 8, 1343, 352, 4008, 1635, 2604, 15255, 7, 55, 12993, 8, 532, 491, 7, 67, 13, 50, 3467, 1395, 4008, 1343, 288, 13, 6404, 66, 15, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 651, 6404, 79, 7, 67, 3712, 818, 4399, 54, 680, 433, 11, 1395, 12993, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 101, 796, 24936, 7, 67, 13, 138, 101, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 532, 15, 13, 20, 1635, 14808, 67, 13, 7568, 1343, 5391, 7, 67, 8, 1343, 352, 8, 1635, 2604, 15255, 7, 55, 12993, 8, 1343, 491, 7, 55, 12993, 3467, 7377, 101, 4008, 1343, 288, 13, 6404, 66, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 26791, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 39994, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 7983, 38785, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 32250, 994, 9457, 26885, 329, 617, 1738, 198, 8899, 27688, 6344, 2701, 7, 69, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 27, 25, 7149, 11, 399, 92, 23029, 810, 1391, 45, 92, 796, 3975, 7, 69, 11, 2124, 23029, 198, 8899, 27688, 6344, 2701, 7, 69, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 19182, 23029, 796, 277, 12195, 87, 23029, 198, 198, 2, 11902, 20086, 198, 8818, 11593, 15003, 834, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 46115, 406, 12582, 3163, 20477, 796, 366, 1120, 3695, 64, 32128, 12, 4761, 69, 18, 12, 20, 27693, 12, 65, 16344, 20, 12, 721, 20, 20964, 67, 3559, 66, 2999, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 3975, 27688, 6344, 2701, 7, 69, 11, 2124, 16, 3712, 43, 12582, 3163, 20477, 13, 30507, 2701, 19182, 11, 2124, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4866, 7, 69, 12195, 87, 16, 11, 2124, 986, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 3975, 27688, 6344, 2701, 7, 69, 11, 2124, 16, 11, 2124, 17, 3712, 43, 12582, 3163, 20477, 13, 30507, 2701, 19182, 11, 2124, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4866, 7, 69, 12195, 87, 16, 11, 2124, 17, 11, 2124, 986, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 3975, 27688, 6344, 2701, 7, 69, 11, 2124, 16, 11, 2124, 17, 11, 2124, 18, 3712, 43, 12582, 3163, 20477, 13, 30507, 2701, 19182, 11, 2124, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4866, 7, 69, 12195, 87, 16, 11, 2124, 17, 11, 2124, 18, 11, 2124, 986, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 46115, 19530, 28813, 2625, 69, 21, 30803, 69, 1157, 12, 3324, 2091, 12, 3365, 1959, 12, 4846, 1731, 12, 1495, 5066, 7252, 2154, 4761, 940, 1, 2291, 7203, 5589, 265, 14, 11813, 26069, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 46115, 26885, 2625, 24, 69, 22, 49287, 324, 12, 4869, 66, 15, 12, 3553, 1765, 12, 24, 69, 22, 69, 12, 65, 20, 66, 24, 68, 21, 67, 2718, 4531, 66, 1, 2291, 7203, 5589, 265, 14, 2213, 10735, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 46115, 1168, 35641, 1258, 2625, 68, 3459, 68, 21, 1765, 18, 12, 7252, 1795, 12, 4310, 1495, 12, 1878, 6888, 12, 5824, 45403, 67, 22, 24309, 69, 1, 2291, 7203, 5589, 265, 14, 7357, 70, 1258, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 46115, 31849, 28813, 2625, 2718, 68, 17, 68, 18, 65, 22, 12, 23055, 67, 12, 3553, 3865, 12, 23, 64, 22, 64, 12, 68, 2624, 66, 38565, 65, 19, 25674, 1, 2291, 7203, 5589, 265, 14, 260, 690, 276, 733, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 46115, 46567, 507, 2885, 2625, 771, 19, 68, 4524, 67, 12, 64, 35175, 12, 20, 64, 23, 64, 12, 65, 15, 330, 12, 5705, 1878, 24403, 2078, 2670, 66, 1, 2291, 7203, 5589, 265, 14, 17080, 2455, 507, 324, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
<reponame>JobJob/GymWrappers.jl module GymWrappers using OpenAIGym import OpenAIGym: AbstractGymEnv, actionset import Reinforce: reward, total_reward abstract type AbstractGymWrapper <: AbstractGymEnv end export AbstractGymEnv, AbstractGymWrapper, gymenv, getwrapper, maybe_wrap # other exports in included files # Defaults for fn in [:state, :reset!, :finished, :actions, :step!, :reward, :total_reward] @eval Reinforce.$fn(wrapped_env::AbstractGymWrapper, args...; kwargs...) = Reinforce.$fn(wrapped_env.env, args...; kwargs...) end # for fn in [:render] # @eval OpenAIGym.$fn(wrapped_env::AbstractGymWrapper; kwargs...) = # OpenAIGym.$fn(wrapped_env.env; kwargs...) # end # With multiple wraps, eventually this will get to the actual GymEnv getwrapper{WrapType <: AbstractGymEnv}(::Type{WrapType}, wrpenv::AbstractGymWrapper) = getwrapper(WrapType, wrpenv.env) # recurses down the wrappers # If the env is of the right type, return it getwrapper{WrapType <: AbstractGymWrapper}(::Type{WrapType}, env::WrapType) = env # Special case when looking for a GymEnv, to win the method specialisation race getwrapper(::Type{GymEnv}, env::GymEnv) = env # If we're here we looked through all the wrappers and there weren't any `WrapType` wrappers getwrapper{WrapType <: AbstractGymEnv}(::Type{WrapType}, env::GymEnv) = error("env is not wrapped with a wrapper of type $WrapType") # short syntax for getting the gym env gymenv(env::AbstractGymEnv) = getwrapper(GymEnv, env) # The Business """ `maybe_wrap(env::AbstractGymEnv; wrapper_specs=default_wrapper_specs, wrap_deepmind=true)` Wrap an environment using the wrapper_specs in `wrapper_specs[gamename]`, where `gamename` is "Breakout" for ` == "BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4"`. If `!haskey(wrapper_specs, gamename)` then the `env` is returned unwrapped. Example wrapper spec: ``` default_wrapper_specs = Dict( "Pong"=>[ActionSetWrapper=>([2, 3],), GreyMeanWrapper=>(false,)] ) ``` Which will call `ActionSetWrapper(env, [2,3])`, `GreyMeanWrapper(env, false)` """ function maybe_wrap(env::AbstractGymEnv; wrapper_specs=default_wrapper_specs, wrap_deepmind=true) gamename, gamever =, env.ver replace(gamename, r"(NoFrameskip|Deterministic)","") wrapped_env = env all_wrappers = get(wrapper_specs, gamename, []) wrap_deepmind && append!(all_wrappers, wrapper_specs["deepmind_defaults"]) for wrapper_spec in all_wrappers wrapper, args = wrapper_spec wrapped_env = wrapper(wrapped_env, args...) end wrapped_env end include("misc_utils.jl") include("reward_wrappers.jl") include("observation_wrappers.jl") include("action_wrappers.jl") include("episode_wrappers.jl") # -------------------------------- # Default Wrappers # -------------------------------- default_wrapper_specs = Dict{String, Vector{Pair{Type{T} where T <: AbstractGymWrapper, Tuple}}}( "deepmind_defaults"=>[ # wrappers applied from inner most (top) -> outer most (bottom) EpisodicLifeWrapper=>(), GreyMeanWrapper=>(), # GreyChanWrapper=>(2,), DownsizeWrapper=>(84, 84), # (210, 160) -> (84, 84) MaxAndSkipWrapper=>(4,), # repeat action for 4 frames MultiFrameWrapper=>(4,), # stack last 4 frames ] ) # -------------------------------- # Tests # -------------------------------- #--- # envname = "Pong-v0" # env = GymEnv(envname) |> maybe_wrap # #--- # gryimg = OpenAIGym.render(env; mode="rgb_array") # #--- # colorview(Gray, (env.env.env.state[:,:,3] ./ 255)) == gryimg # #--- # imshow(gryimg) # #--- # OpenAIGym.render(env) # should call imshow automatically # #--- # actions(env) #--- end
[ 27, 7856, 261, 480, 29, 33308, 33308, 14, 38, 4948, 36918, 11799, 13, 20362, 198, 21412, 31187, 36918, 11799, 198, 198, 3500, 4946, 32, 3528, 4948, 198, 11748, 4946, 32, 3528, 4948, 25, 27741, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 11, 4028, 316, 198, 11748, 22299, 3174, 25, 6721, 11, 2472, 62, 260, 904, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 27741, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 1279, 25, 27741, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 886, 198, 198, 39344, 27741, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 11, 27741, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 11, 21486, 3653, 85, 11, 651, 48553, 11, 3863, 62, 37150, 198, 2, 584, 15319, 287, 3017, 3696, 198, 198, 2, 2896, 13185, 198, 1640, 24714, 287, 685, 25, 5219, 11, 1058, 42503, 28265, 1058, 43952, 11, 1058, 4658, 11, 1058, 9662, 28265, 1058, 260, 904, 11, 1058, 23350, 62, 260, 904, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 18206, 22299, 3174, 48082, 22184, 7, 29988, 1496, 62, 24330, 3712, 23839, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 11, 26498, 986, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 22299, 3174, 48082, 22184, 7, 29988, 1496, 62, 24330, 13, 24330, 11, 26498, 986, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 329, 24714, 287, 685, 25, 13287, 60, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 18206, 4946, 32, 3528, 4948, 48082, 22184, 7, 29988, 1496, 62, 24330, 3712, 23839, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4946, 32, 3528, 4948, 48082, 22184, 7, 29988, 1496, 62, 24330, 13, 24330, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 2, 886, 198, 198, 2, 2080, 3294, 27521, 11, 4191, 428, 481, 651, 284, 262, 4036, 31187, 4834, 85, 198, 1136, 48553, 90, 54, 2416, 6030, 1279, 25, 27741, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 92, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 54, 2416, 6030, 5512, 1319, 3617, 85, 3712, 23839, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 48553, 7, 54, 2416, 6030, 11, 1319, 3617, 85, 13, 24330, 8, 1303, 664, 46998, 866, 262, 7917, 11799, 198, 198, 2, 1002, 262, 17365, 318, 286, 262, 826, 2099, 11, 1441, 340, 198, 1136, 48553, 90, 54, 2416, 6030, 1279, 25, 27741, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 92, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 54, 2416, 6030, 5512, 17365, 3712, 54, 2416, 6030, 8, 796, 17365, 198, 198, 2, 6093, 1339, 618, 2045, 329, 257, 31187, 4834, 85, 11, 284, 1592, 262, 2446, 2041, 5612, 3234, 198, 1136, 48553, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 5512, 17365, 3712, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 8, 796, 17365, 198, 198, 2, 1002, 356, 821, 994, 356, 3114, 832, 477, 262, 7917, 11799, 290, 612, 6304, 470, 597, 4600, 54, 2416, 6030, 63, 7917, 11799, 198, 1136, 48553, 90, 54, 2416, 6030, 1279, 25, 27741, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 92, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 54, 2416, 6030, 5512, 17365, 3712, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 24330, 318, 407, 12908, 351, 257, 29908, 286, 2099, 720, 54, 2416, 6030, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 1790, 15582, 329, 1972, 262, 11550, 17365, 198, 1360, 3653, 85, 7, 24330, 3712, 23839, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 8, 796, 651, 48553, 7, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 11, 17365, 8, 198, 198, 2, 383, 7320, 198, 37811, 198, 63, 25991, 62, 37150, 7, 24330, 3712, 23839, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 26, 29908, 62, 4125, 6359, 28, 12286, 62, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 11, 14441, 62, 22089, 10155, 28, 7942, 8, 63, 198, 198, 54, 2416, 281, 2858, 1262, 262, 29908, 62, 4125, 6359, 287, 4600, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 58, 28483, 12453, 60, 47671, 810, 198, 63, 28483, 12453, 63, 318, 366, 31737, 448, 1, 329, 4600, 24330, 13, 3672, 6624, 366, 31737, 448, 2949, 35439, 74, 541, 12, 85, 19, 1, 44646, 198, 198, 1532, 4600, 0, 10134, 2539, 7, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 11, 9106, 12453, 8, 63, 788, 262, 4600, 24330, 63, 318, 4504, 7379, 430, 1496, 13, 198, 16281, 29908, 1020, 25, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 12286, 62, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 47, 506, 1, 14804, 58, 12502, 7248, 36918, 2848, 14804, 26933, 17, 11, 513, 4357, 828, 13980, 5308, 272, 36918, 2848, 14804, 7, 9562, 11, 15437, 198, 8, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 198, 13828, 481, 869, 4600, 12502, 7248, 36918, 2848, 7, 24330, 11, 685, 17, 11, 18, 12962, 47671, 4600, 49141, 5308, 272, 36918, 2848, 7, 24330, 11, 3991, 8, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3863, 62, 37150, 7, 24330, 3712, 23839, 38, 4948, 4834, 85, 26, 29908, 62, 4125, 6359, 28, 12286, 62, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14441, 62, 22089, 10155, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9106, 12453, 11, 983, 332, 796, 17365, 13, 3672, 11, 17365, 13, 332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6330, 7, 28483, 12453, 11, 374, 18109, 2949, 35439, 74, 541, 91, 35, 2357, 49228, 8, 2430, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12908, 62, 24330, 796, 17365, 198, 220, 220, 220, 477, 62, 29988, 11799, 796, 651, 7, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 11, 9106, 12453, 11, 685, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14441, 62, 22089, 10155, 11405, 24443, 0, 7, 439, 62, 29988, 11799, 11, 29908, 62, 4125, 6359, 14692, 22089, 10155, 62, 12286, 82, 8973, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 29908, 62, 16684, 287, 477, 62, 29988, 11799, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 29908, 11, 26498, 796, 29908, 62, 16684, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12908, 62, 24330, 796, 29908, 7, 29988, 1496, 62, 24330, 11, 26498, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12908, 62, 24330, 198, 437, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 44374, 62, 26791, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 260, 904, 62, 29988, 11799, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 672, 3168, 341, 62, 29988, 11799, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 2673, 62, 29988, 11799, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 38668, 62, 29988, 11799, 13, 20362, 4943, 628, 198, 2, 20368, 198, 2, 15161, 27323, 11799, 198, 2, 20368, 198, 12286, 62, 48553, 62, 4125, 6359, 796, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 20650, 90, 47, 958, 90, 6030, 90, 51, 92, 810, 309, 1279, 25, 27741, 38, 4948, 36918, 2848, 11, 309, 29291, 42535, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 22089, 10155, 62, 12286, 82, 1, 14804, 58, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7917, 11799, 5625, 422, 8434, 749, 357, 4852, 8, 4613, 12076, 749, 357, 22487, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4551, 271, 29512, 14662, 36918, 2848, 14804, 22784, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 13980, 5308, 272, 36918, 2848, 14804, 22784, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 13980, 48407, 36918, 2848, 14804, 7, 17, 11, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5588, 7857, 36918, 2848, 14804, 7, 5705, 11, 9508, 828, 1303, 357, 21536, 11, 13454, 8, 4613, 357, 5705, 11, 9508, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5436, 1870, 50232, 36918, 2848, 14804, 7, 19, 11, 828, 1303, 9585, 2223, 329, 604, 13431, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 15237, 19778, 36918, 2848, 14804, 7, 19, 11, 828, 1303, 8931, 938, 604, 13431, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2361, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2, 20368, 198, 2, 30307, 198, 2, 20368, 198, 2, 6329, 198, 2, 17365, 3672, 796, 366, 47, 506, 12, 85, 15, 1, 198, 2, 17365, 796, 31187, 4834, 85, 7, 24330, 3672, 8, 930, 29, 3863, 62, 37150, 198, 2, 1303, 6329, 198, 2, 308, 563, 9600, 796, 4946, 32, 3528, 4948, 13, 13287, 7, 24330, 26, 4235, 2625, 81, 22296, 62, 18747, 4943, 198, 2, 1303, 6329, 198, 2, 3124, 1177, 7, 46130, 11, 357, 24330, 13, 24330, 13, 24330, 13, 5219, 58, 45299, 45299, 18, 60, 24457, 14280, 4008, 6624, 308, 563, 9600, 198, 2, 1303, 6329, 198, 2, 545, 12860, 7, 70, 563, 9600, 8, 198, 2, 1303, 6329, 198, 2, 4946, 32, 3528, 4948, 13, 13287, 7, 24330, 8, 1303, 815, 869, 545, 12860, 6338, 198, 2, 1303, 6329, 198, 2, 4028, 7, 24330, 8, 198, 2, 6329, 198, 437, 198 ]
""" CSV.write(file::Union{String, IO}, file; kwargs...) => file table |> CSV.write(file::Union{String, IO}; kwargs...) => file Write a [Tables.jl interface input]( to a csv file, given as an `IO` argument or String representing the file name to write to. Keyword arguments include: * `delim::Union{Char, String}=','`: a character or string to print out as the file's delimiter * `quotechar::Char='"'`: character to use for quoting text fields that may contain delimiters or newlines * `openquotechar::Char`: instead of `quotechar`, use `openquotechar` and `closequotechar` to support different starting and ending quote characters * `escapechar::Char='\\'`: character used to escape quote characters in a text field * `missingstring::String=""`: string to print * `dateformat=Dates.default_format(T)`: the date format string to use for printing out Date & DateTime columns * `append=false`: whether to append writing to an existing file/IO, if `true`, it will not write column names by default * `writeheader=!append`: whether to write an initial row of delimited column names, not written by default if appending * `header`: pass a list of column names (Symbols or Strings) to use instead of the column names of the input table """ function write end _seekstart(p::Base.Process) = return _seekstart(io::IO) = seekstart(io) function with(f::Function, io::IO, append) !append && _seekstart(io) f(io) end function with(f::Function, file::String, append) open(file, append ? "a" : "w") do io f(io) end end const VALUE_BUFFERS = [IOBuffer()] function _reset(io::IOBuffer) io.ptr = 1 io.size = 0 end function bufferedwrite(io, val::Number, df) print(io, val) return false end getvalue(x, df) = x getvalue(x::T, df) where {T <: Dates.TimeType} = Dates.format(x, df === nothing ? Dates.default_format(T) : df) function bufferedwrite(io, val, df) VALUE_BUFFER = VALUE_BUFFERS[Threads.threadid()] _reset(VALUE_BUFFER) print(VALUE_BUFFER, getvalue(val, df)) return true end function bufferedescape(io, delim, oq, cq, e) VALUE_BUFFER = VALUE_BUFFERS[Threads.threadid()] n = position(VALUE_BUFFER) n == 0 && return needtoescape, needtoquote = check(n, delim, oq, cq) seekstart(VALUE_BUFFER) if needtoquote if needtoescape Base.write(io, oq) buf = for i = 1:n @inbounds b = buf[i] if b === cq || b === oq Base.write(io, e, b) else Base.write(io, b) end end Base.write(io, cq) else Base.write(io, oq, VALUE_BUFFER, cq) end else Base.write(io, VALUE_BUFFER) end return end function check(n, delim::Char, oq, cq) needtoescape = false buf = VALUE_BUFFERS[Threads.threadid()].data @inbounds needtoquote = buf[1] === oq d = delim % UInt8 @simd for i = 1:n @inbounds b = buf[i] needtoquote |= (b === d) | (b === UInt8('\n')) | (b === UInt8('\r')) needtoescape |= b === cq end return needtoescape, needtoquote end function check(n, delim::String, oq, cq) needtoescape = false buf = VALUE_BUFFERS[Threads.threadid()].data @inbounds needtoquote = buf[1] === oq @simd for i = 1:n @inbounds b = buf[i] needtoquote |= (b === UInt8('\n')) | (b === UInt8('\r')) needtoescape |= b === cq end needtoquote |= occursin(delim, String(buf[1:n])) return needtoescape, needtoquote end write(file::Union{String, IO}; kwargs...) = x->write(file, x; kwargs...) function write(file::Union{String, IO}, itr; kwargs...) rows = Tables.rows(itr) sch = Tables.schema(rows) return write(sch, rows, file; kwargs...) end function printheader(io, header, delim, oq, cq, e, df) cols = length(header) for (col, nm) in enumerate(header) bufferedwrite(io, string(nm), nothing) && bufferedescape(io, delim, oq, cq, e) Base.write(io, ifelse(col == cols, UInt8('\n'), delim)) end return end function write(sch::Tables.Schema{schema_names}, rows, file::Union{String, IO}; delim::Union{Char, String}=',', quotechar::Char='"', openquotechar::Union{Char, Nothing}=nothing, closequotechar::Union{Char, Nothing}=nothing, escapechar::Char='\\', missingstring::AbstractString="", dateformat=nothing, append::Bool=false, writeheader::Bool=!append, header::Vector=String[], kwargs...) where {schema_names} oq, cq = openquotechar !== nothing ? (openquotechar % UInt8, closequotechar % UInt8) : (quotechar % UInt8, quotechar % UInt8) e = escapechar % UInt8 names = isempty(header) ? schema_names : header cols = length(names) with(file, append) do io writeheader && printheader(io, names, delim, oq, cq, escapechar, dateformat) for row in rows Tables.eachcolumn(sch, row) do val, col, nm bufferedwrite(io, coalesce(val, missingstring), dateformat) && bufferedescape(io, delim, oq, cq, e) Base.write(io, ifelse(col == cols, UInt8('\n'), delim)) end end end return file end # handle unknown schema case function write(::Nothing, rows, file::Union{String, IO}; delim::Union{Char, String}=',', quotechar::Char='"', openquotechar::Union{Char, Nothing}=nothing, closequotechar::Union{Char, Nothing}=nothing, escapechar::Char='\\', missingstring::AbstractString="", dateformat=nothing, append::Bool=false, writeheader::Bool=!append, header::Vector=String[], kwargs...) oq, cq = openquotechar !== nothing ? (openquotechar % UInt8, closequotechar % UInt8) : (quotechar % UInt8, quotechar % UInt8) e = escapechar % UInt8 state = iterate(rows) if state === nothing if writeheader && !isempty(header) with(file, append) do io printheader(io, header, delim, oq, cq, escapechar, dateformat) end end return file end row, st = state names = isempty(header) ? propertynames(row) : header sch = Tables.Schema(names, nothing) cols = length(names) with(file, append) do io writeheader && printheader(io, names, delim, oq, cq, escapechar, dateformat) while true Tables.eachcolumn(sch, row) do val, col, nm bufferedwrite(io, coalesce(val, missingstring), dateformat) && bufferedescape(io, delim, oq, cq, e) Base.write(io, ifelse(col == cols, UInt8('\n'), delim)) end state = iterate(rows, st) state === nothing && break row, st = state end end return file end
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44189, 13, 13564, 7, 7753, 3712, 38176, 90, 10100, 11, 24418, 5512, 2393, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 5218, 2393, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3084, 930, 29, 44189, 13, 13564, 7, 7753, 3712, 38176, 90, 10100, 11, 24418, 19629, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 5218, 2393, 198, 198, 16594, 257, 685, 51, 2977, 13, 20362, 7071, 5128, 16151, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 6601, 14, 51, 2977, 13, 20362, 8, 284, 257, 269, 21370, 2393, 11, 1813, 355, 281, 4600, 9399, 63, 4578, 393, 10903, 10200, 262, 2393, 1438, 284, 3551, 284, 13, 198, 198, 9218, 4775, 7159, 2291, 25, 198, 9, 4600, 12381, 320, 3712, 38176, 90, 12441, 11, 10903, 92, 28, 41707, 63, 25, 257, 2095, 393, 4731, 284, 3601, 503, 355, 262, 2393, 338, 46728, 2676, 198, 9, 4600, 22708, 10641, 3712, 12441, 11639, 30543, 63, 25, 2095, 284, 779, 329, 28411, 2420, 7032, 326, 743, 3994, 46728, 270, 364, 393, 649, 6615, 198, 9, 4600, 9654, 22708, 10641, 3712, 12441, 63, 25, 2427, 286, 4600, 22708, 10641, 47671, 779, 4600, 9654, 22708, 10641, 63, 290, 4600, 19836, 22708, 10641, 63, 284, 1104, 1180, 3599, 290, 7464, 9577, 3435, 198, 9, 4600, 41915, 10641, 3712, 12441, 11639, 6852, 6, 63, 25, 2095, 973, 284, 6654, 9577, 3435, 287, 257, 2420, 2214, 198, 9, 4600, 45688, 8841, 3712, 10100, 33151, 63, 25, 4731, 284, 3601, 220, 198, 9, 4600, 4475, 18982, 28, 35, 689, 13, 12286, 62, 18982, 7, 51, 8, 63, 25, 262, 3128, 5794, 4731, 284, 779, 329, 13570, 503, 7536, 1222, 7536, 7575, 15180, 198, 9, 4600, 33295, 28, 9562, 63, 25, 1771, 284, 24443, 3597, 284, 281, 4683, 2393, 14, 9399, 11, 611, 4600, 7942, 47671, 340, 481, 407, 3551, 5721, 3891, 416, 4277, 198, 9, 4600, 13564, 25677, 28, 0, 33295, 63, 25, 1771, 284, 3551, 281, 4238, 5752, 286, 46728, 863, 5721, 3891, 11, 407, 3194, 416, 4277, 611, 598, 1571, 198, 9, 4600, 25677, 63, 25, 1208, 257, 1351, 286, 5721, 3891, 357, 13940, 2022, 10220, 393, 4285, 654, 8, 284, 779, 2427, 286, 262, 5721, 3891, 286, 262, 5128, 3084, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3551, 886, 198, 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33220, 13, 27379, 28665, 7, 20601, 11, 5752, 8, 466, 1188, 11, 951, 11, 28642, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6940, 1068, 13564, 7, 952, 11, 46064, 344, 7, 2100, 11, 4814, 8841, 828, 3128, 18982, 8, 11405, 6940, 1068, 41915, 7, 952, 11, 46728, 11, 267, 80, 11, 269, 80, 11, 304, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7308, 13, 13564, 7, 952, 11, 611, 17772, 7, 4033, 6624, 951, 82, 11, 471, 5317, 23, 10786, 59, 77, 33809, 46728, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1181, 796, 11629, 378, 7, 8516, 11, 336, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1181, 24844, 2147, 11405, 2270, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5752, 11, 336, 796, 1181, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2393, 198, 437, 198 ]
<gh_stars>10-100 # todo: ^, fma, muladd, div, fld, cld, rem, mod, mod1, fld1 Base.:+(x::T) where {T<:InfExtendedReal} = T(+x.val) Base.:-(x::T) where {T<:InfExtendedReal} = T(-x.val) Base.:+(x::T, y::T) where {T<:InfExtendedReal} = isinf(x) ? isinf(y) ? T(x.val+y.val) : x : isinf(y) ? y : T(x.val+y.val) Base.:-(x::T, y::T) where {T<:InfExtendedReal} = isinf(x) ? isinf(y) ? T(x.val-y.val) : x : isinf(y) ? -y : T(x.val-y.val) Base.:*(x::T, y::T) where {T<:InfExtendedReal} = if isinf(x) if isinf(y) T(x.val * y.val) else iszero(y) ? throw(DivideError()) : T(Infinite(signbit(x) ⊻ signbit(y))) end else if isinf(y) iszero(x) ? throw(DivideError()) : T(Infinite(signbit(x) ⊻ signbit(y))) else T(x.val * y.val) end end @generated Base.:/(x::InfExtendedReal{T}, y::InfExtendedReal{T}) where {T<:Real} = :(convert($(InfExtendedReal(typeof(one(T)/one(T)))), if isinf(x) if isinf(y) throw(DivideError()) else Infinite(signbit(x) ⊻ signbit(y)) end else if isinf(y) zero(T) else x.val / y.val end end)) Base.abs(x::InfExtendedReal{T}) where {T<:Real} = InfExtendedReal{T}(abs(x.val)) @generated Base.:(//)(x::InfExtendedReal{T}, y::InfExtendedReal{S}) where {T<:Real,S<:Real} = :(convert($(InfExtendedReal(typeof(one(T)//one(S)))), if isinf(x) if isinf(y) throw(DivideError()) else Infinite(signbit(x) ⊻ signbit(y)) end else if isinf(y) zero(T) else x.val // y.val end end)) Base.:(//)(x::InfExtendedReal, y::Real) = //(promote(x,y)...) Base.:(//)(x::Real, y::InfExtendedReal) = //(promote(x,y)...)
[ 27, 456, 62, 30783, 29, 940, 12, 3064, 198, 2, 284, 4598, 25, 10563, 11, 277, 2611, 11, 35971, 2860, 11, 2659, 11, 277, 335, 11, 269, 335, 11, 816, 11, 953, 11, 953, 16, 11, 277, 335, 16, 198, 14881, 11207, 33747, 87, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 92, 796, 309, 7, 10, 87, 13, 2100, 8, 198, 198, 14881, 11207, 30420, 87, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 92, 796, 309, 32590, 87, 13, 2100, 8, 198, 198, 14881, 11207, 33747, 87, 3712, 51, 11, 331, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 92, 796, 318, 10745, 7, 87, 8, 5633, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 5633, 309, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 10, 88, 13, 2100, 8, 1058, 2124, 1058, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 5633, 331, 1058, 309, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 10, 88, 13, 2100, 8, 198, 198, 14881, 11207, 30420, 87, 3712, 51, 11, 331, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 92, 796, 318, 10745, 7, 87, 8, 5633, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 5633, 309, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 12, 88, 13, 2100, 8, 1058, 2124, 1058, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 5633, 532, 88, 1058, 309, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 12, 88, 13, 2100, 8, 198, 198, 14881, 11207, 9, 7, 87, 3712, 51, 11, 331, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 92, 796, 198, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 309, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 1635, 331, 13, 2100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 22570, 7, 88, 8, 5633, 3714, 7, 24095, 485, 12331, 28955, 1058, 309, 7, 18943, 9504, 7, 12683, 2545, 7, 87, 8, 2343, 232, 119, 1051, 2545, 7, 88, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 22570, 7, 87, 8, 5633, 3714, 7, 24095, 485, 12331, 28955, 1058, 309, 7, 18943, 9504, 7, 12683, 2545, 7, 87, 8, 2343, 232, 119, 1051, 2545, 7, 88, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 309, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 1635, 331, 13, 2100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 198, 31, 27568, 7308, 11207, 29006, 87, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 90, 51, 5512, 331, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 796, 36147, 1102, 1851, 16763, 7, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 7, 4906, 1659, 7, 505, 7, 51, 20679, 505, 7, 51, 22305, 828, 198, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 24095, 485, 12331, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 22380, 7, 12683, 2545, 7, 87, 8, 2343, 232, 119, 1051, 2545, 7, 88, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6632, 7, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 13, 2100, 1220, 331, 13, 2100, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 4008, 198, 198, 14881, 13, 8937, 7, 87, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 796, 4806, 11627, 1631, 15633, 90, 51, 92, 7, 8937, 7, 87, 13, 2100, 4008, 198, 198, 31, 27568, 7308, 11207, 7, 1003, 5769, 87, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 90, 51, 5512, 331, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 90, 50, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15633, 11, 50, 27, 25, 15633, 92, 796, 36147, 1102, 1851, 16763, 7, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 7, 4906, 1659, 7, 505, 7, 51, 8, 1003, 505, 7, 50, 22305, 828, 198, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 24095, 485, 12331, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 22380, 7, 12683, 2545, 7, 87, 8, 2343, 232, 119, 1051, 2545, 7, 88, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10745, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6632, 7, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 13, 2100, 3373, 331, 13, 2100, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 4008, 198, 14881, 11207, 7, 1003, 5769, 87, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 11, 331, 3712, 15633, 8, 796, 3373, 7, 16963, 1258, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 23029, 198, 14881, 11207, 7, 1003, 5769, 87, 3712, 15633, 11, 331, 3712, 18943, 11627, 1631, 15633, 8, 796, 3373, 7, 16963, 1258, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 23029, 198 ]