""" newtonroot(f[, f']; x0 = 0.8, tolerance = 1.e-13, maxiter = 1000) This function computes the local root of a univariate smooth function `f(x)` using the Newton's Method. This method starts with a `x_0` guess, a function `f(x)` and the first-derivative `f'(x)`. The algorithm follows: `` x^{n+1} = x^n - f(x^n)/f'(x^n) `` until `` |x^{n+1} - x^n|`` is below the tolerance level. ... # Arguments - `f(x)::Function`: the function you are trying to solve. - `f'(x)::Function`: the first derivative of the function you are trying to solve. If it is not given the program estimate `f'(x)` using ForwardDiff. - `x0::Float64`: the initial value for the algorithm. The default value is 0.8. - `tolerance::Float64` : the minimum tolerance for the algorithm to converge. The default value is 1.0e-13. - `maxiter::Int64`: the maximum number of iterations allowed. The default value is 1000. --- # Examples ```julia-repl julia> f(x) = (x - 2)^2 f (generic function with 1 method) julia> df(x) = 2(x - 2) df (generic function with 1 method) julia> newtonroot(f,df) (value = 1.9999999999999318, normdiff = 6.816769371198461e-14, iter = 45) julia> a = newtonroot(f)[1] 1.9999999999999318 julia> newtonroot(f)[1] ≈ 2 true ``` ... """ function newtonroot(f, f_prime; x0=0.8, tolerance=1.0E-13, maxiter=1000) # Initial values v_old = x0 normdiff = Inf iter = 1 # Running the algorithm while (normdiff > tolerance) && (iter < maxiter) if !(f_prime(v_old) == 0) v_new = v_old - (f(v_old) / f_prime(v_old)) normdiff = norm(v_new - v_old) # replace and continue v_old = v_new iter = iter + 1 else return(value = nothing, normdiff = nothing, iter = nothing) end end if (iter < maxiter) return(value = v_old, normdiff = normdiff, iter = iter) else return(value = nothing, normdiff = nothing, iter = nothing) end end function newtonroot(f; x0=0.8, tolerance=1.0E-13, maxiter=1000) # Initial values v_old = x0 normdiff = Inf iter = 1 # Taking the derivative D(f) = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x) f_prime = D(f) # Running the algorithm while (normdiff > tolerance) && (iter < maxiter) if !(f_prime(v_old) == 0) v_new = v_old - (f(v_old) / f_prime(v_old)) normdiff = norm(v_new - v_old) # replace and continue v_old = v_new iter = iter + 1 else return(value = nothing, normdiff = nothing, iter = nothing) end end if (iter < maxiter) return(value = v_old, normdiff = normdiff, iter = iter) else return(value = nothing, normdiff = nothing, iter = nothing) end end
[ 198, 37811, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 1122, 15763, 7, 69, 58, 11, 277, 6, 11208, 2124, 15, 796, 657, 13, 23, 11, 15621, 796, 352, 13, 68, 12, 1485, 11, 3509, 2676, 796, 8576, 8, 628, 198, 1212, 2163, 552, 1769, 262, 1957, 6808, 286, 257, 555, 42524, 7209, 2163, 4600, 69, 7, 87, 8, 63, 1262, 262, 17321, 338, 11789, 13, 770, 2446, 4940, 351, 257, 220, 4600, 87, 62, 15, 63, 4724, 11, 257, 2163, 4600, 69, 7, 87, 8, 63, 290, 262, 717, 12, 1082, 452, 876, 220, 4600, 69, 6, 7, 87, 8, 44646, 383, 11862, 5679, 25, 7559, 2124, 36796, 77, 10, 16, 92, 796, 2124, 61, 77, 532, 277, 7, 87, 61, 77, 20679, 69, 6, 7, 87, 61, 77, 8, 7559, 1566, 7559, 930, 87, 36796, 77, 10, 16, 92, 532, 2124, 61, 77, 91, 15506, 318, 2174, 262, 15621, 1241, 13, 198, 220, 198, 986, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 198, 12, 4600, 69, 7, 87, 2599, 25, 22203, 63, 25, 262, 2163, 345, 389, 2111, 284, 8494, 13, 198, 12, 4600, 69, 6, 7, 87, 2599, 25, 22203, 63, 25, 262, 717, 27255, 286, 262, 2163, 345, 389, 2111, 284, 8494, 13, 1002, 340, 318, 407, 1813, 262, 1430, 8636, 4600, 69, 6, 7, 87, 8, 63, 1262, 19530, 28813, 13, 198, 12, 4600, 87, 15, 3712, 43879, 2414, 63, 25, 262, 4238, 1988, 329, 262, 11862, 13, 383, 4277, 1988, 318, 657, 13, 23, 13, 198, 12, 4600, 83, 37668, 3712, 43879, 2414, 63, 1058, 262, 5288, 15621, 329, 262, 11862, 284, 47873, 13, 383, 4277, 1988, 318, 352, 13, 15, 68, 12, 1485, 13, 198, 12, 4600, 9806, 2676, 3712, 5317, 2414, 63, 25, 262, 5415, 1271, 286, 34820, 3142, 13, 383, 4277, 1988, 318, 8576, 13, 198, 6329, 198, 2, 21066, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 43640, 12, 35666, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 277, 7, 87, 8, 220, 796, 220, 357, 87, 532, 362, 8, 61, 17, 198, 69, 357, 41357, 2163, 351, 352, 2446, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 47764, 7, 87, 8, 796, 362, 7, 87, 532, 362, 8, 198, 7568, 357, 41357, 2163, 351, 352, 2446, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 649, 1122, 15763, 7, 69, 11, 7568, 8, 198, 7, 8367, 796, 352, 13, 24214, 24214, 24214, 6052, 1507, 11, 2593, 26069, 796, 718, 13, 23, 21940, 3388, 2718, 16315, 23, 40652, 68, 12, 1415, 11, 11629, 796, 4153, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 257, 796, 649, 1122, 15763, 7, 69, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 16, 13, 24214, 24214, 24214, 6052, 1507, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 649, 1122, 15763, 7, 69, 38381, 16, 60, 15139, 230, 362, 198, 7942, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 986, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 649, 1122, 15763, 7, 69, 11, 277, 62, 35505, 26, 2124, 15, 28, 15, 13, 23, 11, 15621, 28, 16, 13, 15, 36, 12, 1485, 11, 3509, 2676, 28, 12825, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 20768, 3815, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 62, 727, 796, 2124, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2593, 26069, 796, 4806, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11629, 796, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 18162, 262, 11862, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 357, 27237, 26069, 1875, 15621, 8, 220, 11405, 357, 2676, 1279, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 7, 69, 62, 35505, 7, 85, 62, 727, 8, 6624, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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220, 220, 220, 410, 62, 3605, 796, 410, 62, 727, 532, 357, 69, 7, 85, 62, 727, 8, 1220, 277, 62, 35505, 7, 85, 62, 727, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2593, 26069, 796, 2593, 7, 85, 62, 3605, 532, 410, 62, 727, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6330, 290, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 410, 62, 727, 796, 410, 62, 3605, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11629, 796, 11629, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 7, 8367, 796, 2147, 11, 2593, 26069, 796, 2147, 11, 11629, 796, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 2676, 1279, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 7, 8367, 796, 410, 62, 727, 11, 2593, 26069, 796, 2593, 26069, 11, 11629, 796, 11629, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 7, 8367, 796, 2147, 11, 2593, 26069, 796, 2147, 11, 11629, 796, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
#=win.jl - replay the game fromstart to finish, at every step checking if the game is won. If the game is won, print ”B” for Black winning, and ”W” for white winning. If black resigned, print ”R”. If white resigned, print ”r”. If the game is on, print ”?”. If the game is a draw, print ”D”. Accepts 1 command line argument,<filename> => database =# include("board.jl") include("dParse.jl") module win using BM using SQLite function winner() database = ARGS[1] #/path/to/database/file {string} db = SQLite.DB(database) #Opens the database gamefile board = BM.startGame("standard") state = board.state res = "?" maxMove = parse(get(SQLite.query(db, """SELECT max(move_number) from moves;""")[1,1])) for x in 1:maxMove #iterates through each row of the database dataMove = SQLite.query(db, """SELECT move_number, move_type, targetx, targety,sourcex,sourcey FROM moves WHERE "move_number" = '$x'""") move_type = get(dataMove[1,2]) if !isnull(dataMove[1,3]) targetx = parse(get(dataMove[1,3])) targety = parse(get(dataMove[1,4])) end #Case 1: Resigned if move_type == "resign" if iseven(x) == true res="r" else #x is odd res="R" end #Case 2: Win #Game is won on the move that captures a king #I implemented win where, if the target X Y location of the current move is a king, it means the king is captpured so the other team wins elseif ( get(state,(targetx,targety),('x','x'))[1] == 'k') #uses function from spuare.jl if (get(state,(targetx,targety),('x','x'))[2] == 'b') res = "W" else #board[targetx][targety].team == "w" res = "B" end end if !(isnull(dataMove[1,5])) #type:move sourcex=parse(get(dataMove[1,5])) sourcey=parse(get(dataMove[1,6])) state[(targetx,targety)] = deepcopy(state[(sourcex,sourcey)]) #Updates the board before next move delete!(state,(sourcex,sourcey)) end end return res end #End function res = winner() println(res) end
[ 2, 28, 5404, 13, 20362, 532, 24788, 262, 983, 422, 9688, 284, 5461, 11, 379, 790, 2239, 10627, 611, 262, 983, 198, 271, 1839, 13, 1002, 262, 983, 318, 1839, 11, 3601, 564, 251, 33, 447, 251, 329, 2619, 5442, 11, 290, 564, 251, 54, 447, 251, 329, 2330, 5442, 13, 1002, 2042, 16542, 11, 198, 4798, 564, 251, 49, 447, 251, 13, 1002, 2330, 16542, 11, 3601, 564, 251, 81, 447, 251, 13, 1002, 262, 983, 318, 319, 11, 3601, 564, 251, 30, 447, 251, 13, 1002, 262, 983, 318, 257, 3197, 11, 3601, 198, 447, 251, 35, 447, 251, 13, 198, 38855, 82, 352, 3141, 1627, 4578, 11, 27, 34345, 29, 5218, 6831, 198, 46249, 198, 17256, 7203, 3526, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 67, 10044, 325, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 21412, 1592, 198, 3500, 29944, 198, 220, 1262, 16363, 578, 198, 198, 8818, 8464, 3419, 198, 220, 6831, 796, 5923, 14313, 58, 16, 60, 1303, 14, 6978, 14, 1462, 14, 48806, 14, 7753, 1391, 8841, 92, 198, 220, 20613, 796, 16363, 578, 13, 11012, 7, 48806, 8, 220, 1303, 18257, 641, 262, 6831, 983, 7753, 198, 220, 3096, 796, 29944, 13, 9688, 8777, 7203, 20307, 4943, 198, 220, 1181, 796, 3096, 13, 5219, 198, 220, 581, 796, 366, 1701, 198, 220, 3509, 21774, 796, 21136, 7, 1136, 7, 17861, 578, 13, 22766, 7, 9945, 11, 37227, 46506, 3509, 7, 21084, 62, 17618, 8, 422, 6100, 26, 15931, 4943, 58, 16, 11, 16, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 329, 2124, 287, 352, 25, 9806, 21774, 220, 1303, 2676, 689, 832, 1123, 5752, 286, 262, 6831, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 21774, 796, 16363, 578, 13, 22766, 7, 9945, 11, 37227, 46506, 1445, 62, 17618, 11, 1445, 62, 4906, 11, 2496, 87, 11, 2496, 88, 11, 10459, 87, 11, 10459, 88, 16034, 6100, 33411, 366, 21084, 62, 17618, 1, 796, 705, 3, 87, 6, 15931, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1445, 62, 4906, 796, 651, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 17, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 271, 8423, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 18, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2496, 87, 796, 21136, 7, 1136, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 18, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2496, 88, 796, 21136, 7, 1136, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 19, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 20448, 352, 25, 1874, 3916, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1445, 62, 4906, 6624, 366, 411, 570, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 10197, 7, 87, 8, 6624, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 2625, 81, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 1303, 87, 318, 5629, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 2625, 49, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 20448, 362, 25, 7178, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 8777, 318, 1839, 319, 262, 1445, 326, 23007, 257, 5822, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 40, 9177, 1592, 810, 11, 611, 262, 2496, 1395, 575, 4067, 286, 262, 1459, 1445, 318, 257, 5822, 11, 340, 1724, 262, 5822, 318, 3144, 79, 1522, 523, 262, 584, 1074, 7864, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 357, 651, 7, 5219, 11, 7, 16793, 87, 11, 83, 853, 2963, 828, 10786, 87, 41707, 87, 6, 4008, 58, 16, 60, 6624, 705, 74, 11537, 1303, 2664, 2163, 422, 599, 84, 533, 13, 20362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 1136, 7, 5219, 11, 7, 16793, 87, 11, 83, 853, 2963, 828, 10786, 87, 41707, 87, 6, 4008, 58, 17, 60, 6624, 705, 65, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 366, 54, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 1303, 3526, 58, 16793, 87, 7131, 83, 853, 2963, 4083, 15097, 6624, 366, 86, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 366, 33, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5145, 7, 271, 8423, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 20, 60, 4008, 1303, 4906, 25, 21084, 198, 197, 220, 220, 220, 2723, 87, 28, 29572, 7, 1136, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 20, 60, 4008, 198, 197, 220, 220, 220, 2723, 88, 28, 29572, 7, 1136, 7, 7890, 21774, 58, 16, 11, 21, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1181, 58, 7, 16793, 87, 11, 83, 853, 2963, 15437, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 5219, 58, 7, 10459, 87, 11, 10459, 88, 8, 12962, 1303, 4933, 19581, 262, 3096, 878, 1306, 1445, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12233, 0, 7, 5219, 11, 7, 10459, 87, 11, 10459, 88, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 581, 198, 437, 1303, 12915, 2163, 198, 411, 796, 8464, 3419, 198, 35235, 7, 411, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
module BuildBasis export buildbasisfunc using TypesParticles, TypesBasis @doc raw""" buildbasisfunction(atomicsystem::SystemOfAtoms,basis::Basis) Returns atom-centered basis functions and number of electrons. Description: This function will take the system information and create the basis functions that are atomically centered. Each basis function will contain the parameters for the Gaussian functions that when linearly combined make up the basis function. Note that the actual basis function is not yet constructed here, i.e., we are not taking the summation of Gaussians. Depends on datatypes in TypesParticles.jl and TypesBasis.jl """ function buildbasisfunc(atomicsystem::SystemOfAtoms,basis::Basis) natoms = atomicsystem.natoms; nelectrons = 0; #Closed-shell system only for i=1:natoms nelectrons += atomicsystem.atoms[i].Z end nbasis = basis.nbasisfunc; basisfunc = Array{GaussOrbitals,2}(undef,natoms,nbasis); #Assign each atom-centered basis functions #ie = 1; #total electron counter for a=1:natoms #For each gaussian store 5 values: c,alpha,xo,yo,zo #For Z=1 n-basis per atom is 1 so basisfunc length equal num atoms. for j=1:nbasis #6-31 type basis set if basis.basisfunc[j].info == "6-31" basisfunc[a,j] = GaussOrbitals(atomicsystem.atoms[a],basis.basisfunc[j]) end end # nbasis end # atomicsystem.atoms return basisfunc,nelectrons end #buildbasisfunction end #BuildBasis
[ 21412, 10934, 15522, 271, 198, 198, 39344, 1382, 12093, 4468, 19524, 198, 198, 3500, 24897, 7841, 2983, 11, 24897, 15522, 271, 628, 198, 31, 15390, 8246, 37811, 198, 11249, 12093, 4468, 4575, 7, 265, 31994, 6781, 3712, 11964, 5189, 2953, 3150, 11, 12093, 271, 3712, 15522, 271, 8, 198, 198, 35561, 22037, 12, 38050, 4308, 5499, 290, 1271, 286, 28722, 13, 220, 198, 198, 11828, 25, 770, 2163, 481, 1011, 262, 1080, 1321, 290, 2251, 262, 4308, 5499, 198, 5562, 389, 22037, 1146, 19254, 13, 5501, 4308, 2163, 481, 3994, 262, 10007, 329, 262, 12822, 31562, 198, 12543, 2733, 326, 618, 9493, 11458, 5929, 787, 510, 262, 4308, 2163, 13, 5740, 326, 262, 4036, 4308, 220, 198, 8818, 318, 407, 1865, 12006, 994, 11, 1312, 13, 68, 1539, 356, 389, 407, 2263, 262, 30114, 341, 286, 12822, 1046, 1547, 13, 220, 198, 198, 12156, 2412, 319, 4818, 265, 9497, 287, 24897, 7841, 2983, 13, 20362, 290, 24897, 15522, 271, 13, 20362, 198, 198, 37811, 2163, 1382, 12093, 4468, 19524, 7, 265, 31994, 6781, 3712, 11964, 5189, 2953, 3150, 11, 12093, 271, 3712, 15522, 271, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34664, 3150, 796, 22037, 873, 6781, 13, 32353, 3150, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 497, 801, 12212, 796, 657, 26, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2601, 1335, 12, 29149, 1080, 691, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 32353, 3150, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 497, 801, 12212, 15853, 22037, 873, 6781, 13, 265, 3150, 58, 72, 4083, 57, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 12093, 271, 796, 4308, 13, 77, 12093, 4468, 19524, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4308, 20786, 796, 15690, 90, 35389, 1046, 5574, 2545, 874, 11, 17, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 32353, 3150, 11, 77, 12093, 271, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 8021, 570, 1123, 22037, 12, 38050, 4308, 5499, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 494, 796, 352, 26, 1303, 23350, 11538, 3753, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 257, 28, 16, 25, 32353, 3150, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1890, 1123, 31986, 31562, 3650, 642, 3815, 25, 269, 11, 26591, 11, 87, 78, 11, 8226, 11, 10872, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1890, 1168, 28, 16, 299, 12, 12093, 271, 583, 22037, 318, 352, 523, 4308, 20786, 4129, 4961, 997, 23235, 13, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 28, 16, 25, 77, 12093, 271, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 21, 12, 3132, 2099, 4308, 900, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4308, 13, 12093, 4468, 19524, 58, 73, 4083, 10951, 6624, 366, 21, 12, 3132, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4308, 20786, 58, 64, 11, 73, 60, 796, 220, 12822, 1046, 5574, 2545, 874, 7, 265, 31994, 6781, 13, 265, 3150, 58, 64, 4357, 12093, 271, 13, 12093, 4468, 19524, 58, 73, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 1303, 299, 12093, 271, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 1303, 22037, 873, 6781, 13, 265, 3150, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4308, 20786, 11, 710, 801, 12212, 198, 437, 1303, 11249, 12093, 4468, 4575, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 15580, 15522, 271, 198 ]
module JellyFish using Libdl: find_library export jaro_winkler, jaro_distance, hamming_distance, levenshtein_distance, damerau_levenshtein_distance, soundex, metaphone, match_rating_codex, match_rating_comparison, nysiis const _jellyfishlib = find_library(["jellyfish"], [joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps")]) macro _calls1s2type(func, returntype, s1, s2) :(ccall(($(esc(func)), _jellyfishlib), $(esc(returntype)), (Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cchar}), $(esc(s1)), $(esc(s2)))) end function jaro_winkler(s1::String, s2::String) ccall((:jaro_winkler, _jellyfishlib), Cdouble, (Ptr{Cchar}, Ptr{Cchar}, Bool), s1, s2, false) end function jaro_distance(s1::String, s2::String) @_calls1s2type(:jaro_distance, Cdouble, s1, s2) end function hamming_distance(s1::String, s2::String) convert(Int, @_calls1s2type(:hamming_distance, Csize_t, s1, s2)) end function levenshtein_distance(s1::String, s2::String) @_calls1s2type(:levenshtein_distance, Cint, s1, s2) end function damerau_levenshtein_distance(s1::String, s2::String) @_calls1s2type(:damerau_levenshtein_distance, Cint, s1, s2) end # for some reason doesn't work: function _callstr(func::Symbol, s::String) r = ccall((func, _jellyfishlib), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar},), s) unsafe_string(r) end function soundex(s::String) # _callstr(:soundex, s) r = ccall((:soundex, _jellyfishlib), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar},), s) unsafe_string(r) end function metaphone(s::String) # _callstr(:metaphone, s) r = ccall((:metaphone, _jellyfishlib), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar},), s) unsafe_string(r) end function match_rating_codex(s::String) # _callstr(:match_rating_codex, s) r = ccall((:match_rating_codex, _jellyfishlib), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar},), s) unsafe_string(r) end function match_rating_comparison(s1::String, s2::String) @_calls1s2type(:match_rating_comparison, Bool, s1, s2) end function nysiis(s::String) # _callstr(:nysiis, s) r = ccall((:nysiis, _jellyfishlib), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar},), s) unsafe_string(r) end end
[ 21412, 37152, 39428, 198, 197, 3500, 7980, 25404, 25, 1064, 62, 32016, 628, 197, 39344, 474, 12022, 62, 86, 676, 1754, 11, 474, 12022, 62, 30246, 11, 8891, 2229, 62, 30246, 11, 220, 198, 197, 197, 293, 574, 1477, 22006, 62, 30246, 11, 1801, 263, 559, 62, 293, 574, 1477, 22006, 62, 30246, 11, 2128, 1069, 11, 13738, 505, 11, 220, 198, 197, 197, 15699, 62, 8821, 62, 19815, 1069, 11, 2872, 62, 8821, 62, 785, 1845, 1653, 11, 299, 893, 72, 271, 198, 197, 9979, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 796, 1064, 62, 32016, 7, 14692, 73, 6148, 11084, 33116, 685, 22179, 6978, 7, 31, 834, 34720, 834, 11, 366, 492, 1600, 366, 10378, 82, 4943, 12962, 628, 197, 20285, 305, 4808, 66, 5691, 16, 82, 17, 4906, 7, 20786, 11, 1005, 333, 429, 2981, 11, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 8, 198, 197, 197, 37498, 535, 439, 7, 16763, 7, 3798, 7, 20786, 36911, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 29568, 3798, 7, 1186, 333, 429, 2981, 36911, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 92, 828, 29568, 3798, 7, 82, 16, 36911, 29568, 3798, 7, 82, 17, 35514, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 474, 12022, 62, 86, 676, 1754, 7, 82, 16, 3712, 10100, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 535, 439, 19510, 25, 9491, 78, 62, 86, 676, 1754, 11, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 327, 23352, 11, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 347, 970, 828, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 474, 12022, 62, 30246, 7, 82, 16, 3712, 10100, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 31, 62, 66, 5691, 16, 82, 17, 4906, 7, 25, 9491, 78, 62, 30246, 11, 327, 23352, 11, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 8891, 2229, 62, 30246, 7, 82, 16, 3712, 10100, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 1102, 1851, 7, 5317, 11, 2488, 62, 66, 5691, 16, 82, 17, 4906, 7, 25, 2763, 2229, 62, 30246, 11, 327, 7857, 62, 83, 11, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 4008, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 443, 574, 1477, 22006, 62, 30246, 7, 82, 16, 3712, 10100, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 31, 62, 66, 5691, 16, 82, 17, 4906, 7, 25, 293, 574, 1477, 22006, 62, 30246, 11, 327, 600, 11, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 1801, 263, 559, 62, 293, 574, 1477, 22006, 62, 30246, 7, 82, 16, 3712, 10100, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 31, 62, 66, 5691, 16, 82, 17, 4906, 7, 25, 67, 2382, 559, 62, 293, 574, 1477, 22006, 62, 30246, 11, 327, 600, 11, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 2, 329, 617, 1738, 1595, 470, 670, 25, 198, 197, 8818, 4808, 13345, 2536, 7, 20786, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 264, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 81, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 20786, 11, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 828, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 13271, 8635, 62, 8841, 7, 81, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 2128, 1069, 7, 82, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 2, 4808, 13345, 2536, 7, 25, 23661, 1069, 11, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 81, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 23661, 1069, 11, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 828, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 13271, 8635, 62, 8841, 7, 81, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 13738, 505, 7, 82, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 2, 4808, 13345, 2536, 7, 25, 4164, 6570, 505, 11, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 81, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 4164, 6570, 505, 11, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 828, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 13271, 8635, 62, 8841, 7, 81, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 2872, 62, 8821, 62, 19815, 1069, 7, 82, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 2, 4808, 13345, 2536, 7, 25, 15699, 62, 8821, 62, 19815, 1069, 11, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 81, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 15699, 62, 8821, 62, 19815, 1069, 11, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 828, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 13271, 8635, 62, 8841, 7, 81, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 2872, 62, 8821, 62, 785, 1845, 1653, 7, 82, 16, 3712, 10100, 11, 264, 17, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 31, 62, 66, 5691, 16, 82, 17, 4906, 7, 25, 15699, 62, 8821, 62, 785, 1845, 1653, 11, 347, 970, 11, 264, 16, 11, 264, 17, 8, 198, 197, 437, 628, 197, 8818, 299, 893, 72, 271, 7, 82, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 197, 197, 2, 4808, 13345, 2536, 7, 25, 77, 893, 72, 271, 11, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 81, 796, 269, 13345, 19510, 25, 77, 893, 72, 271, 11, 4808, 73, 6148, 11084, 8019, 828, 350, 2213, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 357, 46745, 90, 34, 10641, 5512, 828, 264, 8, 198, 197, 197, 13271, 8635, 62, 8841, 7, 81, 8, 198, 197, 437, 198, 437, 198 ]
import Pkg; Pkg.activate("../../") println("Loading libraries ...") include("PreProcess.jl") import CSV import DataFrames; const DF = DataFrames println("Finished loading libraries.") data_dir = "../data" path_to_data = "$(data_dir)/cb_transformed.csv" function separatesamples(Y) sample_ids = sort(unique(Y.sample_id)) return Matrix.([Y.sample_id .== i, :], DF.Not(:sample_id)) for i in sample_ids) end # Read transformed CB data into Y as a data frame. # Replace `missing` with `NaN`. Y = coalesce.(, NaN) markernames = filter(x -> x != :sample_id, names(Y)) y = separatesamples(Y) isgoodmarker = PreProcess.preprocess!(y, maxNanOrNegProp=.9, maxPosProp=.9, rowThresh=-6.0) includedmarkers = Symbol[] excludedmarkers = Symbol[] for j in 1:length(isgoodmarker) marker = markernames[j] if isgoodmarker[j] append!(includedmarkers, [marker]) else append!(excludedmarkers, [marker]) end end # Concatenate y and convert to data frame Y_reduced = DF.DataFrame(vcat(y...), includedmarkers) # Convert NaN to missing Y_reduced = ifelse.(isnan.(Y_reduced), missing, Y_reduced) # Append a column for sample_id Y_reduced[!, :sample_id] = vcat([fill(i, size(y[i], 1)) for i in 1:length(y)]...) # Path to reduced data path_to_reduced_data = "$(data_dir)/cb_transformed_reduced.csv" # Write reduced data to disk. println("Writing reduced-and-transformed CB data to: ") println(path_to_reduced_data) CSV.write(path_to_reduced_data, Y_reduced) println("Done!")
[ 11748, 350, 10025, 26, 350, 10025, 13, 39022, 7203, 40720, 40720, 4943, 198, 198, 35235, 7203, 19031, 12782, 35713, 8, 198, 17256, 7203, 6719, 18709, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 11748, 44189, 198, 11748, 6060, 35439, 26, 1500, 36323, 796, 6060, 35439, 198, 35235, 7203, 18467, 1348, 11046, 12782, 19570, 198, 198, 7890, 62, 15908, 796, 366, 40720, 7890, 1, 198, 6978, 62, 1462, 62, 7890, 796, 17971, 7, 7890, 62, 15908, 20679, 21101, 62, 7645, 12214, 13, 40664, 1, 198, 198, 8818, 31555, 12629, 7, 56, 8, 198, 220, 6291, 62, 2340, 796, 3297, 7, 34642, 7, 56, 13, 39873, 62, 312, 4008, 198, 220, 1441, 24936, 12195, 8068, 13, 19738, 7, 56, 58, 56, 13, 39873, 62, 312, 764, 855, 1312, 11, 1058, 4357, 36323, 13, 3673, 7, 25, 39873, 62, 312, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 6291, 62, 2340, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 4149, 14434, 10078, 1366, 656, 575, 355, 257, 1366, 5739, 13, 198, 2, 40177, 4600, 45688, 63, 351, 4600, 26705, 45, 44646, 198, 56, 796, 46064, 344, 12195, 7902, 53, 13, 961, 7, 6978, 62, 1462, 62, 7890, 828, 11013, 45, 8, 198, 4102, 1142, 1047, 796, 8106, 7, 87, 4613, 2124, 14512, 1058, 39873, 62, 312, 11, 3891, 7, 56, 4008, 198, 88, 796, 31555, 12629, 7, 56, 8, 198, 271, 11274, 4102, 263, 796, 3771, 18709, 13, 3866, 14681, 0, 7, 88, 11, 3509, 45, 272, 5574, 32863, 24331, 28, 13, 24, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3509, 21604, 24331, 28, 13, 24, 11, 5752, 817, 3447, 10779, 21, 13, 15, 8, 198, 198, 259, 10341, 4102, 364, 796, 38357, 21737, 198, 1069, 10341, 4102, 364, 796, 38357, 21737, 198, 198, 1640, 474, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 271, 11274, 4102, 263, 8, 198, 220, 18364, 796, 1317, 1142, 1047, 58, 73, 60, 198, 220, 611, 318, 11274, 4102, 263, 58, 73, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 259, 10341, 4102, 364, 11, 685, 4102, 263, 12962, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 1069, 10341, 4102, 364, 11, 685, 4102, 263, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 1482, 9246, 268, 378, 331, 290, 10385, 284, 1366, 5739, 198, 56, 62, 445, 19513, 796, 36323, 13, 6601, 19778, 7, 85, 9246, 7, 88, 986, 828, 3017, 4102, 364, 8, 628, 198, 2, 38240, 11013, 45, 284, 4814, 198, 56, 62, 445, 19513, 796, 611, 17772, 12195, 271, 12647, 12195, 56, 62, 445, 19513, 828, 4814, 11, 575, 62, 445, 19513, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2034, 437, 257, 5721, 329, 6291, 62, 312, 198, 56, 62, 445, 19513, 58, 28265, 1058, 39873, 62, 312, 60, 796, 410, 9246, 26933, 20797, 7, 72, 11, 2546, 7, 88, 58, 72, 4357, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 88, 15437, 23029, 198, 198, 2, 10644, 284, 5322, 1366, 198, 6978, 62, 1462, 62, 445, 19513, 62, 7890, 796, 17971, 7, 7890, 62, 15908, 20679, 21101, 62, 7645, 12214, 62, 445, 19513, 13, 40664, 1, 198, 198, 2, 19430, 5322, 1366, 284, 11898, 13, 198, 35235, 7203, 33874, 5322, 12, 392, 12, 7645, 12214, 10078, 1366, 284, 25, 366, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 6978, 62, 1462, 62, 445, 19513, 62, 7890, 8, 198, 198, 7902, 53, 13, 13564, 7, 6978, 62, 1462, 62, 445, 19513, 62, 7890, 11, 575, 62, 445, 19513, 8, 198, 198, 35235, 7203, 45677, 2474, 8, 198 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: ipynb,jl:light # text_representation: # extension: .jl # format_name: light # format_version: '1.5' # jupytext_version: 1.4.2 # kernelspec: # display_name: Julia 1.4.0 # language: julia # name: julia-1.4 # --- # # Strong Landau Damping # # Electrostatic example of strong Landau damping # $$ # f(x,v) =\frac{1}{2\pi\sigma^2} \exp # \Big( - \frac{v_1^2 + v_2^2}{2\sigma^2} \Big) # ( 1+\alpha \cos(k x)􏰁), # $$ # using ProgressMeter, Plots using CSV, Dates, FFTW using GEMPIC using Sobol using Random using Distributions using JLD2 using FileIO function main_sample!( pg :: ParticleGroup{1,1}, ps :: ParticleSampler, df :: GEMPIC.CosSumGaussianSpin, mesh :: Mesh ) s = zeros( pg.n_spin ) theta = 0.0 phi = 0.0 n_rnds = 0 if df.params.n_gaussians > 1 n_rnds = 1 end δ = zeros(df.params.n_gaussians) for i_v=1:df.params.n_gaussians δ[i_v] = sum(df.params.δ[1:i_v]) end n_rnds += 2 rdn = zeros(3) if ps.sampling_type == :sobol rng_sobol = SobolSeq(1) end rng_random = MersenneTwister(ps.seed) d = Normal() for i_part = 1:(pg.n_particles) if ps.sampling_type == :sobol x = mesh.xmin[1] +!(rng_sobol)[1] * mesh.Lx[1] else x = mesh.xmin[1] + rand(rng_random) * mesh.Lx[1] end v = rand(rng_random, d) # For multiple Gaussian, draw which one to take rnd_no = rdn[3] i_gauss = 1 while( rnd_no > δ[i_gauss] ) i_gauss += 1 end v = v * df.params.σ[i_gauss] + df.params.μ[i_gauss] #for a peaked initial condition in the s direction s = [0, 0, 1] #for a uniformly distributed initial condition on the sphere # for tt = 1:10 # s[1] = randn() # s[2] = randn() # s[3] = randn() # if norm(s) > 10^(-4) # break # end # end # s .= s./norm(s) # Set weight according to value of perturbation w = GEMPIC.eval_x_density(df, x) * prod(mesh.Lx) # Copy the generated numbers to the particle GEMPIC.set_x(pg, i_part, x[1]) GEMPIC.set_v(pg, i_part, v) GEMPIC.set_spin(pg, i_part, 1, s[1]) GEMPIC.set_spin(pg, i_part, 2, s[2]) GEMPIC.set_spin(pg, i_part, 3, s[3]) # Set weights. GEMPIC.set_weights(pg, i_part, w) end end # + function run( steps :: Int64) σ, μ = 0.02, 0.0 kx, α = 1.004355, 0.001 xmin, xmax = 0, 2π/kx nx = 32 #NC 1024 n_particles = 1000 #NC 100000 mesh = Mesh( xmin, xmax, nx) spline_degree = 3 df = GEMPIC.CosSumGaussianSpin([[kx]], [α], [[σ]], [[μ]] ) particle_group2 = ParticleGroup{1,1}( n_particles, n_spin=3) sampler = ParticleSampler{1,1}( :sobol, n_particles) main_sample!(particle_group2, sampler, df, mesh) particle_group = ParticleGroup{1,1}( n_particles, n_spin=3) for i_part = 1:n_particles x = zeros( 1 ) v = zeros( 1 ) s = zeros( 3 ) w = zeros( 1 ) x = GEMPIC.get_x(particle_group2, i_part) v = GEMPIC.get_v(particle_group2, i_part) s1 = GEMPIC.get_spin(particle_group2, i_part, 1) s2 = GEMPIC.get_spin(particle_group2, i_part, 2) s3 = GEMPIC.get_spin(particle_group2, i_part, 3) w = GEMPIC.get_weights(particle_group2, i_part) GEMPIC.set_x(particle_group, i_part, x[1]) GEMPIC.set_v(particle_group, i_part, v[1]) GEMPIC.set_spin(particle_group, i_part, 1, s1) GEMPIC.set_spin(particle_group, i_part, 2, s2) GEMPIC.set_spin(particle_group, i_part, 3, s3) GEMPIC.set_weights(particle_group, i_part, w[1]) end kernel_smoother2 = ParticleMeshCoupling( mesh, n_particles, spline_degree-2, :galerkin) kernel_smoother1 = ParticleMeshCoupling( mesh, n_particles, spline_degree-1, :galerkin) kernel_smoother0 = ParticleMeshCoupling( mesh, n_particles, spline_degree, :galerkin) rho = zeros(Float64, nx) efield_poisson = zeros(Float64, nx) # Init!ialize the field solver maxwell_solver = Maxwell1DFEM(mesh, spline_degree) # efield by Poisson solve_poisson!( efield_poisson, particle_group, kernel_smoother0, maxwell_solver, rho ) # Initialize the arrays for the spline coefficients of the fields k0 = 12.0523 E0 = 10 ww = 12.104827940833333 #Test 1 with only Ey and Ay (and with HH=0) Ey(x) = E0*cos(k0*x) Ez(x) = 0.0*E0*sin(k0*x) Ay(x) = -E0/ww*sin(k0*x) Az(x) = 0.0*E0/ww*cos(k0*x) efield_dofs = [efield_poisson, zeros(Float64, nx), zeros(Float64, nx)] afield_dofs = [zeros(Float64, nx), zeros(Float64, nx)] l2projection!( efield_dofs[2], maxwell_solver, Ey, spline_degree) l2projection!( efield_dofs[3], maxwell_solver, Ez, spline_degree) l2projection!( afield_dofs[1], maxwell_solver, Ay, spline_degree) l2projection!( afield_dofs[2], maxwell_solver, Az, spline_degree) propagator = HamiltonianSplittingSpin( maxwell_solver, kernel_smoother0, kernel_smoother1, kernel_smoother2, particle_group, efield_dofs, afield_dofs) efield_dofs_n = propagator.e_dofs thdiag = TimeHistoryDiagnosticsSpin( particle_group, maxwell_solver, kernel_smoother0, kernel_smoother1 ); # mode = zeros(ComplexF64,steps,nx) th_modes = Vector{ComplexF64}[] elec_tmp = zeros(Float64,nx) Δt = 0.002 @showprogress 1 for jstep = 1:steps # loop over time # Strang splitting strang_splitting!(propagator, Δt, 1) solve_poisson!( efield_poisson, particle_group, kernel_smoother0, maxwell_solver, rho) write_step!(thdiag, jstep * Δt, spline_degree, efield_dofs, afield_dofs, efield_dofs_n, efield_poisson, propagator) #diagnostics #store particles at some specific times if (jstep % 1000 == 0) "save_particles", jstep, particle_group) end #Fourier modes of the longitudinal electric field for i = 1:nx elec_tmp[i] = GEMPIC.evaluate(thdiag.kernel_smoother_1, (i-1)*propagator.delta_x[1], efield_dofs[1]) end push!(th_modes,fft(elec_tmp)) end, th_modes end # + thdiag, th_modes = run(100) # choose number of steps CSV.write("thdiag-$(now()).csv", thdiag) file="th_modes" #datafile = @sprintf("%s.jld2", file)"th_modes.jld2", Dict("modes" => th_modes)) # -
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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 796, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 1136, 62, 87, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 17, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 410, 796, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 1136, 62, 85, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 17, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 16, 796, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 1136, 62, 39706, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 17, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 17, 796, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 1136, 62, 39706, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 17, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 18, 796, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 1136, 62, 39706, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 17, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 513, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 1136, 62, 43775, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 17, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 2617, 62, 87, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 2124, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 2617, 62, 85, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 410, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 2617, 62, 39706, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 352, 11, 264, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 2617, 62, 39706, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 362, 11, 264, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 2617, 62, 39706, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 513, 11, 264, 18, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39494, 2149, 13, 2617, 62, 43775, 7, 3911, 1548, 62, 8094, 11, 1312, 62, 3911, 11, 266, 58, 16, 12962, 628, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 9720, 62, 5796, 31724, 17, 796, 2142, 1548, 37031, 34, 280, 11347, 7, 19609, 11, 299, 62, 3911, 2983, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 12, 17, 11, 1058, 13528, 263, 5116, 8, 220, 198, 220, 220, 9720, 62, 5796, 31724, 16, 796, 2142, 1548, 37031, 34, 280, 11347, 7, 19609, 11, 299, 62, 3911, 2983, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 12, 16, 11, 1058, 13528, 263, 5116, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 9720, 62, 5796, 31724, 15, 796, 2142, 1548, 37031, 34, 280, 11347, 7, 19609, 11, 299, 62, 3911, 2983, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 11, 1058, 13528, 263, 5116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 374, 8873, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 304, 3245, 62, 7501, 30927, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 1303, 44707, 0, 498, 1096, 262, 2214, 1540, 332, 198, 220, 220, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 796, 28276, 16, 8068, 3620, 7, 76, 5069, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 8, 198, 220, 220, 1303, 304, 3245, 416, 7695, 30927, 198, 220, 220, 8494, 62, 7501, 30927, 0, 7, 304, 3245, 62, 7501, 30927, 11, 18758, 62, 8094, 11, 9720, 62, 5796, 31724, 15, 11, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 11, 374, 8873, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 1303, 20768, 1096, 262, 26515, 329, 262, 4328, 500, 44036, 286, 262, 7032, 198, 220, 220, 479, 15, 796, 1105, 13, 2713, 1954, 220, 198, 220, 220, 412, 15, 796, 838, 198, 220, 220, 266, 86, 796, 1105, 13, 940, 2780, 26050, 26200, 2091, 20370, 628, 220, 220, 1303, 14402, 352, 351, 691, 21566, 290, 13709, 357, 392, 351, 47138, 28, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 21566, 7, 87, 8, 796, 412, 15, 9, 6966, 7, 74, 15, 9, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 21034, 7, 87, 8, 796, 657, 13, 15, 9, 36, 15, 9, 31369, 7, 74, 15, 9, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 13709, 7, 87, 8, 796, 532, 36, 15, 14, 1383, 9, 31369, 7, 74, 15, 9, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 7578, 7, 87, 8, 796, 657, 13, 15, 9, 36, 15, 14, 1383, 9, 6966, 7, 74, 15, 9, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 304, 3245, 62, 67, 1659, 82, 796, 685, 891, 1164, 62, 7501, 30927, 11, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 87, 828, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 87, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 257, 3245, 62, 67, 1659, 82, 796, 685, 9107, 418, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 87, 828, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 299, 87, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 300, 17, 16302, 295, 0, 7, 304, 3245, 62, 67, 1659, 82, 58, 17, 4357, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 11, 21566, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 8, 198, 220, 220, 300, 17, 16302, 295, 0, 7, 304, 3245, 62, 67, 1659, 82, 58, 18, 4357, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 11, 21034, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 8, 198, 220, 220, 300, 17, 16302, 295, 0, 7, 257, 3245, 62, 67, 1659, 82, 58, 16, 4357, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 11, 13709, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 8, 198, 220, 220, 300, 17, 16302, 295, 0, 7, 257, 3245, 62, 67, 1659, 82, 58, 17, 4357, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 11, 7578, 11, 4328, 500, 62, 16863, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 8928, 1352, 796, 11582, 666, 26568, 2535, 4561, 259, 7, 3509, 4053, 62, 82, 14375, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9720, 62, 5796, 31724, 15, 11, 220, 198, 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#= Modela diferentes tipos de anemômetros =# """ HWSensor(I, E, R, T) Condições de operação do sensor de um anemômetro de fio quente. """ struct HWSensor "Corrente passando no sensor" I::Float64 "Tenão no sensor" E::Float64 "Resistência do sensor" R::Float64 "Temmperatura do sensor" T::Float64 "Potência dissipada no sensor" P::Float64 HWSensor(I, E, R, T) = new(I, E, R, T, I*E) end """ const_current(mA, R::Thermistor, U=5.0, d=3.0, Ta=20.0, Pa=101.3, dterr=1e-6, nmax=20000) Modela um anemômetro trabalhando a corrente constante. Não simula circuitos elétricos. Utiliza um esquema iterativo. Argumentos: * `mA` Corrente em mA * `R` Objeto que modela o termistor * `U` Velocidade em m/s * `d` Diâmetro em mm * `Ta` Temperatura ao longe em °C * `Pa` Pressão atmosférica em kPa * `dterr` Erro admissível para convergência da temperatura. * `nmax` Número máximo de iterações. ```jldoctest julia> R = Thermistor(5e3, 3200, 20) THW.Thermistor(5000.0, 3200.0, 293.15) julia> const_current(20, R, 5.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.02, 9.395209322307162, 469.7604661153581, 101.07772779650266, 0.18790418644614323) julia> const_current(20, R, 1.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.02, 5.872996120670518, 293.64980603352586, 122.8352988426391, 0.11745992241341036) julia> const_current(20, R, 10.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.02, 11.70131737284239, 585.0658686421194, 91.71177677466494, 0.2340263474568478) julia> const_current(20, R, 10.0, 10.0) THW.HWSensor(0.02, 44.971641701710844, 2248.582085085542, 43.15632417996514, 0.8994328340342169) ``` """ function const_current(mA, R::Thermistor, U=5.0, d=3.0, Ta=20.0, Pa=101.3, dterr=1e-6, nmax=20000) I = mA/1000 D = d/1000 r = D/2 A = 4π*r^2 Tw = Ta + 0.01 i = 0 P = 0.0 for i = 1:nmax h = hconvect(U, D, Tw, Ta, Pa) #println(h) P = R(Tw)*I^2 Tw1 = P/(h*A) + Ta dt = Tw1-Tw if abs(dt) < dterr Tw = Tw1 break end Tw = Tw + 0.4*dt end res = R(Tw) E = res*I return HWSensor(I, E, res, Tw) end """ const_temperature(Tw, R::Thermistor, U=5.0, d=3.0, Ta=20.0, Pa=101.3) Modela um anemômetro trabalhando a temperatura constante. Não simula circuitos elétricos. Argumentos: * `Tw` Temperatura de operação do sensor * `R` Objeto que modela o termistor * `U` Velocidade em m/s * `d` Diâmetro em mm * `Ta` Temperatura ao longe em °C * `Pa` Pressão atmosférica em kPa ```jldoctest julia> R = Thermistor(5e3, 3200, 20) THW.Thermistor(5000.0, 3200.0, 293.15) julia> const_temperature(100.0, R, 5.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.019627341883449854, 9.45069202339691, 481.50646580247894, 100.0, 0.18549196337840362) julia> const_temperature(100.0, R, 1.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.01383013241982859, 6.65929818305195, 481.50646580247894, 100.0, 0.09209897569473241) julia> const_temperature(100.0, R, 10.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.023241402160834233, 11.190885414757389, 481.50646580247894, 100.0, 0.26009186846019067) julia> const_temperature(100.0, R, 20.0, 2.0) THW.HWSensor(0.027741857167247384, 13.357883599398457, 481.50646580247894, 100.0, 0.3705724988712284) julia> const_temperature(100.0, R, 20.0, 3.0) THW.HWSensor(0.037797691428912955, 18.19983281542853, 481.50646580247894, 100.0, 0.6879116648153717) ``` """ function const_temperature(Tw, R::Thermistor, U=5.0, d=3.0, Ta=20.0, Pa=101.3) D = d/1000 r = D/2 A = 4π*r^2 Rw = R(Tw) h = hconvect(U, D, Tw, Ta, Pa) i = sqrt(h*A*(Tw-Ta)/Rw) return HWSensor(i, Rw*i, Rw, Tw) end function const_temperature_cyl(Tw, R::AbstractResistor, U=5.0, d=5.0, l=3, Ta=20.0, Pa=101.325) D = d/1e6 L = l / 1000 r = D/2 A = L * π * D Rw = R(Tw) h = hconvectcyl(U, D, Tw, Ta, Pa) i = sqrt(h*A*(Tw-Ta)/Rw) return i*1000 end
[ 2, 28, 198, 198, 5841, 10304, 288, 361, 9100, 274, 8171, 418, 390, 281, 368, 27083, 4164, 4951, 198, 198, 46249, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 367, 19416, 22854, 7, 40, 11, 412, 11, 371, 11, 309, 8, 198, 198, 25559, 72, 16175, 127, 113, 274, 390, 27296, 16175, 28749, 466, 12694, 390, 23781, 281, 368, 27083, 4164, 305, 390, 277, 952, 627, 21872, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 367, 19416, 22854, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 10606, 1156, 68, 1208, 25440, 645, 12694, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 314, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 24893, 28749, 645, 12694, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 412, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 4965, 396, 25792, 10782, 544, 466, 12694, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 371, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 12966, 76, 525, 2541, 64, 466, 12694, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 309, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 25396, 25792, 10782, 544, 32008, 4763, 645, 12694, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 367, 19416, 22854, 7, 40, 11, 412, 11, 371, 11, 309, 8, 796, 649, 7, 40, 11, 412, 11, 371, 11, 309, 11, 314, 9, 36, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 62, 14421, 7, 42646, 11, 371, 3712, 35048, 76, 32380, 11, 471, 28, 20, 13, 15, 11, 288, 28, 18, 13, 15, 11, 11940, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 11243, 28, 8784, 13, 18, 11, 288, 353, 81, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 11, 299, 9806, 28, 2167, 405, 8, 198, 198, 5841, 10304, 23781, 281, 368, 27083, 4164, 305, 491, 44349, 4993, 78, 257, 1162, 1156, 68, 6937, 68, 13, 399, 28749, 985, 4712, 10349, 418, 1288, 25125, 1173, 418, 13, 220, 198, 18274, 346, 23638, 23781, 1658, 421, 19687, 11629, 265, 23593, 13, 628, 198, 28100, 1713, 418, 25, 198, 1635, 4600, 42646, 63, 2744, 1156, 68, 795, 285, 32, 198, 1635, 4600, 49, 63, 38764, 27206, 8358, 2746, 64, 267, 3381, 32380, 198, 1635, 4600, 52, 63, 17378, 420, 312, 671, 795, 285, 14, 82, 198, 1635, 4600, 67, 63, 6031, 22940, 4164, 305, 795, 8085, 198, 1635, 4600, 38586, 63, 48125, 2541, 64, 257, 78, 300, 14220, 795, 22074, 34, 198, 1635, 4600, 28875, 63, 4332, 28749, 379, 16785, 69, 2634, 30997, 795, 479, 28875, 198, 1635, 4600, 67, 353, 81, 63, 5256, 305, 512, 3927, 8836, 626, 31215, 6718, 70, 25792, 10782, 544, 12379, 4124, 2541, 64, 13, 198, 1635, 4600, 77, 9806, 63, 399, 21356, 647, 78, 285, 6557, 87, 25147, 390, 340, 8607, 16175, 127, 113, 274, 13, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 335, 38441, 395, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 371, 796, 12634, 76, 32380, 7, 20, 68, 18, 11, 513, 2167, 11, 1160, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 35048, 76, 32380, 7, 27641, 13, 15, 11, 513, 2167, 13, 15, 11, 37224, 13, 1314, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 14421, 7, 1238, 11, 371, 11, 642, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 2999, 11, 860, 13, 31010, 1238, 6052, 1828, 22996, 25061, 11, 604, 3388, 13, 22, 31916, 2791, 15363, 2327, 6659, 11, 8949, 13, 2998, 3324, 1983, 3720, 17544, 25540, 11, 657, 13, 1507, 3720, 3023, 1507, 2414, 3510, 21139, 1954, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 14421, 7, 1238, 11, 371, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 2999, 11, 642, 13, 5774, 1959, 4846, 1065, 3312, 34801, 1507, 11, 37224, 13, 33300, 1795, 1899, 27326, 1495, 4521, 11, 19409, 13, 23, 2327, 1959, 40353, 2075, 37710, 11, 657, 13, 17657, 2231, 2079, 24137, 19880, 940, 2623, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 14421, 7, 1238, 11, 371, 11, 838, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 2999, 11, 1367, 13, 22, 30273, 1558, 2718, 30336, 23516, 11, 642, 5332, 13, 15, 38431, 3104, 2414, 2481, 22913, 11, 10495, 13, 22, 1157, 3324, 40179, 3510, 2414, 5824, 11, 657, 13, 1954, 1821, 2075, 30995, 2231, 3104, 29059, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 14421, 7, 1238, 11, 371, 11, 838, 13, 15, 11, 838, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 2999, 11, 5846, 13, 5607, 23237, 1558, 29326, 15711, 2598, 11, 362, 23045, 13, 3365, 21315, 33042, 2816, 3682, 11, 5946, 13, 1314, 5066, 1731, 1558, 2079, 2996, 1415, 11, 657, 13, 44093, 3559, 2078, 23601, 2682, 20666, 24, 8, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1500, 62, 14421, 7, 42646, 11, 371, 3712, 35048, 76, 32380, 11, 471, 28, 20, 13, 15, 11, 288, 28, 18, 13, 15, 11, 11940, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 11243, 28, 8784, 13, 18, 11, 288, 353, 81, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 11, 299, 9806, 28, 2167, 405, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 314, 796, 285, 32, 14, 12825, 628, 220, 220, 220, 360, 796, 288, 14, 12825, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 360, 14, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 604, 46582, 9, 81, 61, 17, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1815, 796, 11940, 1343, 657, 13, 486, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 796, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 77, 9806, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 289, 796, 289, 1102, 303, 310, 7, 52, 11, 360, 11, 1815, 11, 11940, 11, 11243, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 35235, 7, 71, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 350, 796, 371, 7, 5080, 27493, 40, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1815, 16, 796, 350, 29006, 71, 9, 32, 8, 1343, 11940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 288, 83, 796, 1815, 16, 12, 5080, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2352, 7, 28664, 8, 1279, 288, 353, 81, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1815, 796, 1815, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2270, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1815, 796, 1815, 1343, 657, 13, 19, 9, 28664, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 371, 7, 5080, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 412, 796, 581, 9, 40, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 367, 19416, 22854, 7, 40, 11, 412, 11, 581, 11, 1815, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 5080, 11, 371, 3712, 35048, 76, 32380, 11, 471, 28, 20, 13, 15, 11, 288, 28, 18, 13, 15, 11, 11940, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 11243, 28, 8784, 13, 18, 8, 198, 198, 5841, 10304, 23781, 281, 368, 27083, 4164, 305, 491, 44349, 4993, 78, 257, 4124, 2541, 64, 6937, 68, 13, 399, 28749, 985, 4712, 10349, 418, 1288, 25125, 1173, 418, 13, 220, 628, 198, 28100, 1713, 418, 25, 198, 1635, 4600, 5080, 63, 48125, 2541, 64, 390, 27296, 16175, 28749, 466, 12694, 198, 1635, 4600, 49, 63, 38764, 27206, 8358, 2746, 64, 267, 3381, 32380, 198, 1635, 4600, 52, 63, 17378, 420, 312, 671, 795, 285, 14, 82, 198, 1635, 4600, 67, 63, 6031, 22940, 4164, 305, 795, 8085, 198, 1635, 4600, 38586, 63, 48125, 2541, 64, 257, 78, 300, 14220, 795, 22074, 34, 198, 1635, 4600, 28875, 63, 4332, 28749, 379, 16785, 69, 2634, 30997, 795, 479, 28875, 628, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 335, 38441, 395, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 371, 796, 12634, 76, 32380, 7, 20, 68, 18, 11, 513, 2167, 11, 1160, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 35048, 76, 32380, 7, 27641, 13, 15, 11, 513, 2167, 13, 15, 11, 37224, 13, 1314, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 3064, 13, 15, 11, 371, 11, 642, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 486, 4846, 1983, 2682, 1507, 5999, 2598, 4089, 4051, 11, 860, 13, 17885, 3388, 1238, 1954, 2670, 49541, 11, 4764, 16, 13, 1120, 2414, 2996, 1795, 1731, 3695, 5824, 11, 1802, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 21652, 2920, 25272, 2091, 3695, 1821, 35667, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 3064, 13, 15, 11, 371, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 486, 2548, 18938, 33916, 22337, 2078, 3270, 11, 718, 13, 36445, 27728, 1507, 22515, 22186, 11, 4764, 16, 13, 1120, 2414, 2996, 1795, 1731, 3695, 5824, 11, 1802, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 2931, 1238, 42520, 2425, 3388, 37804, 28872, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 3064, 13, 15, 11, 371, 11, 838, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 45310, 1731, 1415, 2999, 1433, 2919, 2682, 25429, 11, 1367, 13, 1129, 46556, 4051, 1415, 39251, 29769, 11, 4764, 16, 13, 1120, 2414, 2996, 1795, 1731, 3695, 5824, 11, 1802, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 2075, 28694, 1507, 3104, 3510, 486, 3829, 3134, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 3064, 13, 15, 11, 371, 11, 1160, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 44698, 4524, 1507, 3553, 21940, 23753, 22842, 11, 1511, 13, 27277, 3459, 2327, 2079, 31952, 33032, 11, 4764, 16, 13, 1120, 2414, 2996, 1795, 1731, 3695, 5824, 11, 1802, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 20167, 3553, 21626, 46660, 1065, 30336, 8, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 3064, 13, 15, 11, 371, 11, 1160, 13, 15, 11, 513, 13, 15, 8, 198, 4221, 54, 13, 39, 19416, 22854, 7, 15, 13, 15, 2718, 44673, 3388, 1415, 27693, 18741, 2816, 11, 1248, 13, 21113, 34256, 21526, 2078, 4310, 11, 4764, 16, 13, 1120, 2414, 2996, 1795, 1731, 3695, 5824, 11, 1802, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 3104, 3720, 18298, 34287, 1314, 2718, 1558, 8, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 7, 5080, 11, 371, 3712, 35048, 76, 32380, 11, 471, 28, 20, 13, 15, 11, 288, 28, 18, 13, 15, 11, 11940, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 11243, 28, 8784, 13, 18, 8, 628, 628, 220, 220, 220, 360, 796, 288, 14, 12825, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 360, 14, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 604, 46582, 9, 81, 61, 17, 628, 220, 220, 220, 31641, 796, 371, 7, 5080, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 796, 289, 1102, 303, 310, 7, 52, 11, 360, 11, 1815, 11, 11940, 11, 11243, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 71, 9, 32, 9, 7, 5080, 12, 38586, 20679, 49, 86, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 367, 19416, 22854, 7, 72, 11, 31641, 9, 72, 11, 31641, 11, 1815, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 1500, 62, 11498, 21069, 62, 38801, 7, 5080, 11, 371, 3712, 23839, 4965, 32380, 11, 471, 28, 20, 13, 15, 11, 288, 28, 20, 13, 15, 11, 300, 28, 18, 11, 11940, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 11243, 28, 8784, 13, 26582, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 360, 796, 288, 14, 16, 68, 21, 198, 220, 220, 220, 406, 796, 300, 1220, 8576, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 360, 14, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 406, 1635, 18074, 222, 1635, 360, 628, 220, 220, 220, 31641, 796, 371, 7, 5080, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 289, 796, 289, 1102, 303, 310, 38801, 7, 52, 11, 360, 11, 1815, 11, 11940, 11, 11243, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 71, 9, 32, 9, 7, 5080, 12, 38586, 20679, 49, 86, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1312, 9, 12825, 198, 437, 628 ]
function avgfilter1d_constprop_setup(n, w = 3) xs = rand(SVector{w,UInt8}, n) ys = zero(xs) return (; ys, xs) end @inline function avg_at(xs0, i, N) @static if USE_ALIASSCOPE xs = Const(xs0) else xs = xs0 end s = zero(eltype(xs)) for k in 1:N s = s .+ @inbounds xs[i + k - 1] end return s .÷ N end @inline function avgfilter1d_constprop_seq!(ys, xs, N = 4) @assert axes(ys) == axes(xs) for i0 in 0:length(xs) - N i = firstindex(xs) + i0 @inbounds ys[i] = avg_at(xs, i, N) end return ys end @inline function avgfilter1d_constprop_threads!(ys, xs, N = 4) @assert axes(ys) == axes(xs) Threads.@threads for i0 in 0:length(xs) - N i = firstindex(xs) + i0 @inbounds ys[i] = avg_at(xs, i, N) end return ys end # Using `@inline` to nudge that the 3-arg method sees the constant 4 set by the # "outer" 2-arg function. @inline function avgfilter1d_constprop_tapir_dac!(ys, xs, N = 4) @assert axes(ys) == axes(xs) Tapir.@par dac for i0 in 0:length(xs) - N i = firstindex(xs) + i0 @inbounds ys[i] = avg_at(xs, i, N) @grainsize 131072 end return ys end @inline function avgfilter1d_constprop_tapir_seq!(ys, xs, N = 4) @assert axes(ys) == axes(xs) Tapir.@par seq for i0 in 0:length(xs) - N i = firstindex(xs) + i0 @inbounds ys[i] = avg_at(xs, i, N) @grainsize 131072 end return ys end
[ 8818, 42781, 24455, 16, 67, 62, 9979, 22930, 62, 40406, 7, 77, 11, 266, 796, 513, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 82, 796, 43720, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 86, 11, 52, 5317, 23, 5512, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 82, 796, 6632, 7, 34223, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 26, 331, 82, 11, 2124, 82, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 42781, 62, 265, 7, 34223, 15, 11, 1312, 11, 399, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 12708, 611, 23210, 62, 1847, 43429, 6173, 32135, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 82, 796, 4757, 7, 34223, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 82, 796, 2124, 82, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 6632, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 34223, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 264, 764, 10, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 2124, 82, 58, 72, 1343, 479, 532, 352, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 264, 764, 127, 115, 399, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 42781, 24455, 16, 67, 62, 9979, 22930, 62, 41068, 0, 7, 893, 11, 2124, 82, 11, 399, 796, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 34197, 7, 893, 8, 6624, 34197, 7, 34223, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 15, 287, 657, 25, 13664, 7, 34223, 8, 532, 399, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 717, 9630, 7, 34223, 8, 1343, 1312, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 331, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 42781, 62, 265, 7, 34223, 11, 1312, 11, 399, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 331, 82, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 42781, 24455, 16, 67, 62, 9979, 22930, 62, 16663, 82, 0, 7, 893, 11, 2124, 82, 11, 399, 796, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 34197, 7, 893, 8, 6624, 34197, 7, 34223, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14122, 82, 13, 31, 16663, 82, 329, 1312, 15, 287, 657, 25, 13664, 7, 34223, 8, 532, 399, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 717, 9630, 7, 34223, 8, 1343, 1312, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 331, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 42781, 62, 265, 7, 34223, 11, 1312, 11, 399, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 331, 82, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 8554, 4600, 31, 45145, 63, 284, 299, 12587, 326, 262, 513, 12, 853, 2446, 7224, 262, 6937, 604, 900, 416, 262, 198, 2, 366, 39605, 1, 362, 12, 853, 2163, 13, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 42781, 24455, 16, 67, 62, 9979, 22930, 62, 44335, 343, 62, 67, 330, 0, 7, 893, 11, 2124, 82, 11, 399, 796, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 34197, 7, 893, 8, 6624, 34197, 7, 34223, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16880, 343, 13, 31, 1845, 288, 330, 329, 1312, 15, 287, 657, 25, 13664, 7, 34223, 8, 532, 399, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 717, 9630, 7, 34223, 8, 1343, 1312, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 331, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 42781, 62, 265, 7, 34223, 11, 1312, 11, 399, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2164, 1299, 1096, 1511, 940, 4761, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 331, 82, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 42781, 24455, 16, 67, 62, 9979, 22930, 62, 44335, 343, 62, 41068, 0, 7, 893, 11, 2124, 82, 11, 399, 796, 604, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 34197, 7, 893, 8, 6624, 34197, 7, 34223, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16880, 343, 13, 31, 1845, 33756, 329, 1312, 15, 287, 657, 25, 13664, 7, 34223, 8, 532, 399, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 717, 9630, 7, 34223, 8, 1343, 1312, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 331, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 42781, 62, 265, 7, 34223, 11, 1312, 11, 399, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 2164, 1299, 1096, 1511, 940, 4761, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 331, 82, 198, 437, 198 ]
srand(1) a = mapweight(grid2(20),x->1/(rand(1)[1])); la = lap(a) n = size(la)[1] b = randn(n) b = b - mean(b); d = diag(la) pre = (x)->(x ./ d) x = pcg(la,b,pre,maxits=2000,maxtime=1,verbose=true); x = Laplacians.pcgBLAS(la,b,pre,maxits=2000,maxtime=1,verbose=true); x = Laplacians.pcgSlow(la,b,pre,maxits=2000,maxtime=1,verbose=true); x = pcg(la,b,pre,maxits=2000,verbose=true); x = Laplacians.pcgBLAS(la,b,pre,maxits=2000,verbose=true); x = Laplacians.pcgSlow(la,b,pre,maxits=2000,verbose=true); x = Laplacians.pcgBLAS(la,b,pre,tol=1e-2); x = Laplacians.pcgSlow(la,b,pre,tol=1e-2); x = pcg(la,b,pre,tol=1e-2); x = cg(la,b,verbose=true,maxtime=1,maxits=1000); x = Laplacians.cgBLAS(la,b,verbose=true,maxtime=1,maxits=1000); x = Laplacians.cgSlow(la,b,verbose=true,maxtime=1,maxits=1000); x = cg(la,b,verbose=true,maxits=2000); x = Laplacians.cgBLAS(la,b,verbose=true,maxits=2000); x = Laplacians.cgSlow(la,b,verbose=true,maxits=2000); x = cg(la,b,verbose=true,tol=0.5); x = Laplacians.cgBLAS(la,b,verbose=true,tol=0.5); x = Laplacians.cgSlow(la,b,verbose=true,tol=0.5); n = 100 a = wtedChimera(n,3) la = lap(a) f = cgSolver(la,verbose=false) b = randn(n) b = b - mean(b) x = f(b) norm(la*x-b) x = f(b,maxits=15,verbose=true, maxtime=1) d = diagm(1./diag(la)) pre = x -> d*x x = pcg(la, b, diagm(diag(la)),maxits=10) x = pcg(la, b, pre,maxits=10,verbose=true) f = pcgSolver(la, diagm(diag(la)) ,maxits=10,verbose=true) x = f(b) f = pcgSolver(la,pre,maxits=10,verbose=false) x = f(b,verbose=true, maxits=1000, maxtime = 2)
[ 82, 25192, 7, 16, 8, 198, 64, 796, 3975, 6551, 7, 25928, 17, 7, 1238, 828, 87, 3784, 16, 29006, 25192, 7, 16, 38381, 16, 12962, 1776, 198, 5031, 796, 14779, 7, 64, 8, 198, 77, 796, 2546, 7, 5031, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 65, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 77, 8, 198, 65, 796, 275, 532, 1612, 7, 65, 1776, 198, 198, 67, 796, 2566, 363, 7, 5031, 8, 198, 3866, 796, 357, 87, 8, 3784, 7, 87, 24457, 288, 8, 198, 198, 87, 796, 40653, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 11, 2611, 742, 524, 28, 16, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 14751, 70, 9148, 1921, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 11, 2611, 742, 524, 28, 16, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 14751, 70, 36423, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 11, 2611, 742, 524, 28, 16, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 40653, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 14751, 70, 9148, 1921, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 14751, 70, 36423, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 14751, 70, 9148, 1921, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 83, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 17, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 14751, 70, 36423, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 83, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 17, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 40653, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 3866, 11, 83, 349, 28, 16, 68, 12, 17, 1776, 198, 198, 87, 796, 269, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 2611, 742, 524, 28, 16, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 12825, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 66, 70, 9148, 1921, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 2611, 742, 524, 28, 16, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 12825, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 66, 70, 36423, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 2611, 742, 524, 28, 16, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 12825, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 269, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 66, 70, 9148, 1921, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 66, 70, 36423, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 11024, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 269, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 83, 349, 28, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 66, 70, 9148, 1921, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 83, 349, 28, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 198, 87, 796, 4689, 489, 330, 1547, 13, 66, 70, 36423, 7, 5031, 11, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 83, 349, 28, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 628, 628, 198, 77, 796, 1802, 198, 64, 796, 266, 1513, 1925, 320, 8607, 7, 77, 11, 18, 8, 198, 5031, 796, 14779, 7, 64, 8, 198, 198, 69, 796, 269, 70, 50, 14375, 7, 5031, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 65, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 77, 8, 198, 65, 796, 275, 532, 1612, 7, 65, 8, 198, 87, 796, 277, 7, 65, 8, 198, 27237, 7, 5031, 9, 87, 12, 65, 8, 198, 198, 87, 796, 277, 7, 65, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 1314, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 17266, 742, 524, 28, 16, 8, 198, 198, 67, 796, 2566, 363, 76, 7, 16, 19571, 10989, 363, 7, 5031, 4008, 198, 3866, 796, 2124, 4613, 288, 9, 87, 198, 198, 87, 796, 40653, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 275, 11, 2566, 363, 76, 7, 10989, 363, 7, 5031, 36911, 9806, 896, 28, 940, 8, 198, 87, 796, 40653, 70, 7, 5031, 11, 275, 11, 662, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 940, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 69, 796, 40653, 70, 50, 14375, 7, 5031, 11, 2566, 363, 76, 7, 10989, 363, 7, 5031, 4008, 837, 9806, 896, 28, 940, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 87, 796, 277, 7, 65, 8, 198, 69, 796, 40653, 70, 50, 14375, 7, 5031, 11, 3866, 11, 9806, 896, 28, 940, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 87, 796, 277, 7, 65, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 3509, 896, 28, 12825, 11, 17266, 742, 524, 796, 362, 8, 198 ]
using Plots using Colors pyplot() include("N_plots.jl") # Model and Objective N = 51 model, obj = Dynamics.dubinscar_parallelpark obj_uncon = UnconstrainedObjective(obj) opts = SolverOptions() opts.verbose = false opts.cost_tolerance = 1e-6 opts.cost_tolerance_intermediate = 1e-5 opts.constraint_tolerance = 1e-4 opts.resolve_feasible = false opts.outer_loop_update_type = :default opts.penalty_scaling = 200 opts.penalty_initial = .1 opts.R_infeasible = 20 dircol_options = Dict("tol"=>opts.cost_tolerance,"constr_viol_tol"=>opts.constraint_tolerance) #### UNCONSTRAINED ##### solver = Solver(model, obj_uncon, N=N, opts=opts) n,m,N = get_sizes(solver) U0 = ones(m,N) X0 = line_trajectory(solver) X0_rollout = rollout(solver,U0) res_i, stats_i = solve(solver,U0) stats_i["iterations"] stats_i["runtime"] evals(solver,:f) / stats_i["iterations"] res_p, stats_p = solve_dircol(solver,X0_rollout,U0) stats_p["iterations"] evals(solver,:f)/stats_p["iterations"] stats_p["runtime"] Ns = [101,201,301,401] group = "parallelpark/unconstrained" run_step_size_comparison(model, obj_uncon, U0, group, Ns, opts=opts, integrations=[:rk3,:ipopt],benchmark=true) plot_stat("runtime",group,legend=:bottomright,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Unconstrained Parallel Park") plot_stat("iterations",group,legend=:bottom,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Unconstrained Parallel Park") plot_stat("error",group,yscale=:log10,legend=:right,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Unconstrained Parallel Park") plot_stat("std",group,yscale=:log10,legend=:right,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Unconstrained Parallel Park") #### CONSTRAINED #### solver = Solver(model, obj, N=N, opts=opts) n,m,N = get_sizes(solver) U0 = ones(m,N) X0 = line_trajectory(solver) X0_rollout = rollout(solver,U0) res_i, stats_i = solve(solver,U0) res_p, stats_p = solve_dircol(solver,X0_rollout,U0) stats_i["iterations"] stats_i["runtime"] evals(solver,:f) / stats_i["iterations"] stats_p["iterations"] evals(solver,:f)/stats_p["iterations"] stats_p["runtime"] Ns = [101,201,301,401] group = "parallelpark/constrained" run_step_size_comparison(model, obj, U0, group, Ns, opts=opts, integrations=[:rk3,:ipopt],benchmark=true) plot_stat("runtime",group,legend=:bottomright,["rk3","ipopt",""],title="Constrained Parallel Park",color=[:blue :darkorange2]) savefig(joinpath(IMAGE_DIR,"ppark_runtime.eps")) plot_stat("iterations",group,legend=:bottom,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Constrained Parallel Park",color=[:blue :darkorange2]) savefig(joinpath(IMAGE_DIR,"ppark_iterations.eps")) plot_stat("error",group,yscale=:log10,legend=:right,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Constrained Parallel Park") Plots.eps(joinpath(IMAGE_DIR,"ppark_runtime")) # Constraint vs time (Newton tail) # using TrajectoryOptimization: gen_usrfun_newton, NewtonVars, gen_newton_functions, newton_projection # t_start = time_ns() # V_ = newton_projection(solver,res_i,eps=1e-8,verbose=false) # res_ = ConstrainedVectorResults(solver,V_.Z.X,V_.Z.U) # backwardpass!(res_,solver) # rollout!(res_,solver,0.0) # max_violation(res_) # t_newton = float(time_ns()-t_start)/1e9 # # t_i = 0.469548 # from running @btime # t_p = 0.659831 # from running @btime # t_2 = 11.325 # from running @btime # time_i = collect(range(0,stop=t_i,length=stats_i["iterations"])) # time_p = range(0,stop=t_p,length=stats_p["iterations"]) # p = plot(time_p,stats_p["c_max"][2:end],yscale=:log10,label="Ipopt",color=:blue,width=2, # markershape=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:blue) # c_max = [stats_i["c_max"]; max_violation(res_)] # push!(time_i,t_i+t_newton) # plot!(time_i,c_max,label="ALTRO*",color=:green,width=2,markershape=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:green, # xlabel="runtime (s)",ylabel="max constraint violation") # plot_vertical_lines!(p,[t_i]) # time_2 = range(0,step=time_i[2]-time_i[1],length=stats_2["iterations"]) # plot!(time_2,stats_2["c_max"],label="ALTRO",width=2,color=:darkorange2, # markershape=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:darkorange2,xlim=[0,1.5],size=(500,250)) # savefig(p,joinpath(IMAGE_DIR,"ppark_newton.eps")) # Constraint vs Iteration (Newton tail) using TrajectoryOptimization: gen_usrfun_newton, NewtonVars, gen_newton_functions, newton_projection t_start = time_ns() solver.opts.iterations = 25 solver.opts.constraint_tolerance = 1e-2 res_i, stats_i = solve(solver,U0) max_violation(res_i) plot(stats_i["c_max"],yscale=:log10) V_ = newton_projection(solver,res_i,eps=1e-8,verbose=false) res_ = ConstrainedVectorResults(solver,V_.Z.X,V_.Z.U) backwardpass!(res_,solver) rollout!(res_,solver,0.0) max_violation(res_) t_newton = float(time_ns()-t_start)/1e9 t_i = 0.469548 # from running @btime t_p = 0.659831 # from running @btime t_2 = 11.325 # from running @btime time_i = collect(range(0,stop=t_i,length=stats_i["iterations"])) time_p = range(0,stop=t_p,length=stats_p["iterations"]) p = plot(time_p,stats_p["c_max"][2:end],yscale=:log10,label="Ipopt",color=:blue,width=2, markershape=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:blue) c_max = [stats_i["c_max"]; max_violation(res_)] push!(time_i,t_i+t_newton) plot!(time_i,c_max,label="ALTRO*",color=:green,width=2,markershape=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:green, xlabel="runtime (s)",ylabel="max constraint violation") plot_vertical_lines!(p,[t_i]) time_2 = range(0,step=time_i[2]-time_i[1],length=stats_2["iterations"]) plot!(time_2,stats_2["c_max"],label="ALTRO",width=2,color=:darkorange2, markershape=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:darkorange2,xlim=[0,1.5],size=(500,250)) savefig(p,joinpath(IMAGE_DIR,"ppark_newton.eps")) # #### INFEASIBLE #### # opts = SolverOptions() # opts.verbose = false # opts.cost_tolerance = 1e-6 # opts.cost_tolerance_intermediate = 1e-3 # opts.cost_tolerance_infeasible = 1e-4 # opts.constraint_tolerance = 1e-4 # opts.resolve_feasible = false # opts.outer_loop_update_type = :default # opts.use_nesterov = true # opts.penalty_scaling = 200 # opts.penalty_initial = 10 # opts.R_infeasible = 10 # opts.square_root = true # opts.constraint_decrease_ratio = 0.25 # opts.penalty_update_frequency = 2 # # solver = Solver(model, obj, N=101, opts=opts) # n,m,N = get_sizes(solver) # U0 = ones(m,N) # X0 = line_trajectory(solver) # X0_rollout = rollout(solver,U0) # # solver.opts.verbose = false # solver.opts.resolve_feasible = true # solver.opts.cost_tolerance_infeasible = 1e-5 # @time res_i, stats_i = solve(solver,X0,U0) # stats_i["iterations"] # res_i.U[1] # stats_i["runtime"] # stats_i["iterations (infeasible)"] # @time res_p, stats_p = solve_dircol(solver,X0_rollout,U0) # # res_s, stats_s = solve_dircol(solver,X0_rollout,U0,nlp=:snopt) # # # import TrajectoryOptimization: _solve, get_feasible_trajectory # # results = copy(res_i) # # solver.state.infeasible = true # # results_feasible = get_feasible_trajectory(results, solver) # # results_feasible.λ_prev[1] # # # solver.state.infeasible # # res, stats = _solve(solver,to_array(results_feasible.U),prevResults=results_feasible); stats["iterations"] # # res, stats = _solve(solver,to_array(results_feasible.U)); stats["iterations"] # # res, stats = _solve(solver,to_array(results_feasible.U),λ=results_feasible.λ); stats["iterations"] # # res, stats = _solve(solver,to_array(results_feasible.U),λ=results_feasible.λ,μ=results_feasible.μ); stats["iterations"] # # # # constraint_plot(solver,X0,U0) # # Ns = [101,201,301,401] # group = "parallelpark/infeasible" # run_step_size_comparison(model, obj, U0, group, Ns, opts=opts, integrations=[:rk3,:ipopt],benchmark=true, infeasible=true) # plot_stat("runtime",group,legend=:bottomright,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Constrained Parallel Park (infeasible)",ylim=[0,1.5]) # plot_stat("iterations",group,legend=:bottom,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Constrained Parallel Park (infeasible)") # plot_stat("error",group,yscale=:log10,legend=:right,["rk3","ipopt"],title="Constrained Parallel Park (infeasible)") # # # # Combined Plot group = "parallelpark/constrained" Ns, data = load_data("runtime","ipopt","parallelpark/constrained") Ns, err = load_data("std","ipopt","parallelpark/constrained") p1 = plot(Ns,data,yerr=err,label="DIRCOL",color=:blue,marker=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:blue,ylabel="runtime",markersize=6) Ns, data = load_data("runtime","rk3","parallelpark/constrained") Ns, err = load_data("std","rk3","parallelpark/constrained") plot!(Ns,data,yerr=err,label="ALTRO",color=:darkorange2,marker=:circle,markerstrokecolor=:darkorange2,markersize=6,ylim=(0,1.9)) Ns, data = load_data("runtime","rk3","parallelpark/infeasible") Ns, err = load_data("std","rk3","parallelpark/infeasible") plot!(Ns,data,yerr=err,label="ALTRO (inf)",color=:darkorange2,style=:dash, marker=:utriangle,markerstrokecolor=:darkorange2,markersize=8, title="Constrained",titlefontsize=10) Ns, err = load_data("std","rk3","parallelpark/infeasible") Ns, data = load_data("runtime",["rk3","ipopt"],"parallelpark/unconstrained") Ns, err = load_data("std",["rk3","ipopt"],"parallelpark/unconstrained") p2 = plot(Ns,data[2],yerr=err[2],color=:blue,style=:dot,label="DIRCOL", width=1.5, marker=:square,markerstrokecolor=:blue,legend=:topleft,markersize=4,ylim=ylims(p1)) plot!(Ns,data[1],yerr=err[1],color=:darkorange2,style=:dot,label="ALTRO",width=1.5, marker=:square,markerstrokecolor=:darkorange2,markersize=4, title="Unconstrained",titlefontsize=10) plot(p1,p2,layout=(1,2),size=(500,300),dpi=400,xlabel="Knot points",ylabel="Runtime") savefig(joinpath(IMAGE_DIR,"ppark_runtime.png"))
[ 3500, 1345, 1747, 198, 3500, 29792, 198, 9078, 29487, 3419, 198, 17256, 7203, 45, 62, 489, 1747, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 9104, 290, 37092, 198, 45, 796, 6885, 198, 19849, 11, 26181, 796, 33806, 13, 67, 549, 1040, 7718, 62, 1845, 29363, 20928, 198, 26801, 62, 403, 1102, 796, 791, 1102, 2536, 1328, 10267, 425, 7, 26801, 8, 198, 198, 404, 912, 796, 4294, 332, 29046, 3419, 198, 404, 912, 13, 19011, 577, 796, 3991, 198, 404, 912, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 796, 352, 68, 12, 21, 198, 404, 912, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 62, 3849, 13857, 796, 352, 68, 12, 20, 198, 404, 912, 13, 1102, 2536, 2913, 62, 83, 37668, 796, 352, 68, 12, 19, 198, 404, 912, 13, 411, 6442, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 3991, 198, 404, 912, 13, 39605, 62, 26268, 62, 19119, 62, 4906, 796, 1058, 12286, 198, 404, 912, 13, 3617, 6017, 62, 1416, 4272, 796, 939, 198, 404, 912, 13, 3617, 6017, 62, 36733, 796, 764, 16, 198, 404, 912, 13, 49, 62, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 1160, 198, 67, 1980, 349, 62, 25811, 796, 360, 713, 7203, 83, 349, 1, 14804, 404, 912, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 553, 1102, 2536, 62, 17069, 62, 83, 349, 1, 14804, 404, 912, 13, 1102, 2536, 2913, 62, 83, 37668, 8, 198, 198, 4242, 4725, 10943, 2257, 3861, 1268, 1961, 46424, 198, 82, 14375, 796, 4294, 332, 7, 19849, 11, 26181, 62, 403, 1102, 11, 399, 28, 45, 11, 2172, 82, 28, 404, 912, 8, 198, 77, 11, 76, 11, 45, 796, 651, 62, 82, 4340, 7, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 52, 15, 796, 3392, 7, 76, 11, 45, 8, 198, 55, 15, 796, 1627, 62, 9535, 752, 652, 7, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 55, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 796, 38180, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 198, 411, 62, 72, 11, 9756, 62, 72, 796, 8494, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 43282, 8973, 198, 1990, 874, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 25, 69, 8, 1220, 9756, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 198, 411, 62, 79, 11, 9756, 62, 79, 796, 8494, 62, 67, 1980, 349, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 55, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 1990, 874, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 25, 69, 20679, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 43282, 8973, 198, 198, 47503, 796, 685, 8784, 11, 1264, 11, 18938, 11, 21844, 60, 198, 8094, 796, 366, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 403, 1102, 2536, 1328, 1, 198, 5143, 62, 9662, 62, 7857, 62, 785, 1845, 1653, 7, 19849, 11, 26181, 62, 403, 1102, 11, 471, 15, 11, 1448, 11, 399, 82, 11, 2172, 82, 28, 404, 912, 11, 4132, 9143, 41888, 25, 81, 74, 18, 11, 25, 541, 8738, 4357, 26968, 4102, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 43282, 1600, 8094, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 22487, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3118, 1102, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 4943, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 2676, 602, 1600, 8094, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 22487, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3118, 1102, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 4943, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 18224, 1600, 8094, 11, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3118, 1102, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 4943, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 19282, 1600, 8094, 11, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3118, 1102, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 4943, 198, 198, 4242, 7102, 2257, 3861, 1268, 1961, 1303, 21017, 198, 82, 14375, 796, 4294, 332, 7, 19849, 11, 26181, 11, 399, 28, 45, 11, 2172, 82, 28, 404, 912, 8, 198, 77, 11, 76, 11, 45, 796, 651, 62, 82, 4340, 7, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 52, 15, 796, 3392, 7, 76, 11, 45, 8, 198, 55, 15, 796, 1627, 62, 9535, 752, 652, 7, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 55, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 796, 38180, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 198, 411, 62, 72, 11, 9756, 62, 72, 796, 8494, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 411, 62, 79, 11, 9756, 62, 79, 796, 8494, 62, 67, 1980, 349, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 55, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 198, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 43282, 8973, 198, 1990, 874, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 25, 69, 8, 1220, 9756, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 198, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 1990, 874, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 25, 69, 20679, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 43282, 8973, 198, 198, 47503, 796, 685, 8784, 11, 1264, 11, 18938, 11, 21844, 60, 198, 8094, 796, 366, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 1102, 2536, 1328, 1, 198, 5143, 62, 9662, 62, 7857, 62, 785, 1845, 1653, 7, 19849, 11, 26181, 11, 471, 15, 11, 1448, 11, 399, 82, 11, 2172, 82, 28, 404, 912, 11, 4132, 9143, 41888, 25, 81, 74, 18, 11, 25, 541, 8738, 4357, 26968, 4102, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 43282, 1600, 8094, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 22487, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 2430, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 1600, 8043, 41888, 25, 17585, 1058, 21953, 43745, 17, 12962, 198, 21928, 5647, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 3955, 11879, 62, 34720, 553, 381, 668, 62, 43282, 13, 25386, 48774, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 2676, 602, 1600, 8094, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 22487, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 1600, 8043, 41888, 25, 17585, 1058, 21953, 43745, 17, 12962, 198, 21928, 5647, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 3955, 11879, 62, 34720, 553, 381, 668, 62, 2676, 602, 13, 25386, 48774, 198, 29487, 62, 14269, 7203, 18224, 1600, 8094, 11, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 4943, 198, 3646, 1747, 13, 25386, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 3955, 11879, 62, 34720, 553, 381, 668, 62, 43282, 48774, 198, 198, 2, 1482, 2536, 2913, 3691, 640, 357, 3791, 1122, 7894, 8, 198, 2, 1262, 4759, 752, 652, 27871, 320, 1634, 25, 2429, 62, 14629, 12543, 62, 3605, 1122, 11, 17321, 53, 945, 11, 2429, 62, 3605, 1122, 62, 12543, 2733, 11, 649, 1122, 62, 16302, 295, 198, 2, 256, 62, 9688, 796, 640, 62, 5907, 3419, 198, 2, 569, 62, 796, 649, 1122, 62, 16302, 295, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 411, 62, 72, 11, 25386, 28, 16, 68, 12, 23, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 2, 581, 62, 796, 1482, 2536, 1328, 38469, 25468, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 53, 44807, 57, 13, 55, 11, 53, 44807, 57, 13, 52, 8, 198, 2, 19528, 6603, 0, 7, 411, 62, 11, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 2, 38180, 0, 7, 411, 62, 11, 82, 14375, 11, 15, 13, 15, 8, 198, 2, 3509, 62, 17069, 341, 7, 411, 62, 8, 198, 2, 256, 62, 3605, 1122, 796, 12178, 7, 2435, 62, 5907, 3419, 12, 83, 62, 9688, 20679, 16, 68, 24, 198, 2, 198, 2, 256, 62, 72, 796, 657, 13, 19, 37381, 2780, 220, 1303, 422, 2491, 2488, 65, 2435, 198, 2, 256, 62, 79, 796, 657, 13, 2996, 4089, 3132, 220, 1303, 422, 2491, 2488, 65, 2435, 198, 2, 256, 62, 17, 796, 1367, 13, 26582, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 422, 2491, 2488, 65, 2435, 198, 2, 640, 62, 72, 796, 2824, 7, 9521, 7, 15, 11, 11338, 28, 83, 62, 72, 11, 13664, 28, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 4008, 198, 2, 640, 62, 79, 796, 2837, 7, 15, 11, 11338, 28, 83, 62, 79, 11, 13664, 28, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 8, 198, 2, 279, 796, 7110, 7, 2435, 62, 79, 11, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 1, 7131, 17, 25, 437, 4357, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 11, 18242, 2625, 40, 79, 8738, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 11, 10394, 28, 17, 11, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 19736, 71, 1758, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 2, 269, 62, 9806, 796, 685, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 8973, 26, 3509, 62, 17069, 341, 7, 411, 62, 15437, 198, 2, 4574, 0, 7, 2435, 62, 72, 11, 83, 62, 72, 10, 83, 62, 3605, 1122, 8, 198, 2, 7110, 0, 7, 2435, 62, 72, 11, 66, 62, 9806, 11, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 9, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 14809, 11, 10394, 28, 17, 11, 4102, 364, 71, 1758, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 14809, 11, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 18242, 2625, 43282, 357, 82, 42501, 2645, 9608, 2625, 9806, 32315, 8747, 4943, 198, 2, 7110, 62, 1851, 605, 62, 6615, 0, 7, 79, 17414, 83, 62, 72, 12962, 198, 2, 640, 62, 17, 796, 2837, 7, 15, 11, 9662, 28, 2435, 62, 72, 58, 17, 45297, 2435, 62, 72, 58, 16, 4357, 13664, 28, 34242, 62, 17, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 8, 198, 2, 7110, 0, 7, 2435, 62, 17, 11, 34242, 62, 17, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 33116, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 1600, 10394, 28, 17, 11, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 19736, 71, 1758, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 87, 2475, 41888, 15, 11, 16, 13, 20, 4357, 7857, 16193, 4059, 11, 9031, 4008, 198, 2, 3613, 5647, 7, 79, 11, 22179, 6978, 7, 3955, 11879, 62, 34720, 553, 381, 668, 62, 3605, 1122, 13, 25386, 48774, 198, 198, 2, 1482, 2536, 2913, 3691, 40806, 341, 357, 3791, 1122, 7894, 8, 198, 3500, 4759, 752, 652, 27871, 320, 1634, 25, 2429, 62, 14629, 12543, 62, 3605, 1122, 11, 17321, 53, 945, 11, 2429, 62, 3605, 1122, 62, 12543, 2733, 11, 649, 1122, 62, 16302, 295, 198, 83, 62, 9688, 796, 640, 62, 5907, 3419, 198, 82, 14375, 13, 404, 912, 13, 2676, 602, 796, 1679, 198, 82, 14375, 13, 404, 912, 13, 1102, 2536, 2913, 62, 83, 37668, 796, 352, 68, 12, 17, 198, 411, 62, 72, 11, 9756, 62, 72, 796, 8494, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 9806, 62, 17069, 341, 7, 411, 62, 72, 8, 198, 198, 29487, 7, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 33116, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 8, 198, 198, 53, 62, 796, 649, 1122, 62, 16302, 295, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 411, 62, 72, 11, 25386, 28, 16, 68, 12, 23, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 411, 62, 796, 1482, 2536, 1328, 38469, 25468, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 53, 44807, 57, 13, 55, 11, 53, 44807, 57, 13, 52, 8, 198, 1891, 904, 6603, 0, 7, 411, 62, 11, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 2487, 448, 0, 7, 411, 62, 11, 82, 14375, 11, 15, 13, 15, 8, 198, 9806, 62, 17069, 341, 7, 411, 62, 8, 198, 83, 62, 3605, 1122, 796, 12178, 7, 2435, 62, 5907, 3419, 12, 83, 62, 9688, 20679, 16, 68, 24, 198, 198, 83, 62, 72, 796, 657, 13, 19, 37381, 2780, 220, 1303, 422, 2491, 2488, 65, 2435, 198, 83, 62, 79, 796, 657, 13, 2996, 4089, 3132, 220, 1303, 422, 2491, 2488, 65, 2435, 198, 83, 62, 17, 796, 1367, 13, 26582, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 422, 2491, 2488, 65, 2435, 198, 2435, 62, 72, 796, 2824, 7, 9521, 7, 15, 11, 11338, 28, 83, 62, 72, 11, 13664, 28, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 4008, 198, 2435, 62, 79, 796, 2837, 7, 15, 11, 11338, 28, 83, 62, 79, 11, 13664, 28, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 8, 198, 79, 796, 7110, 7, 2435, 62, 79, 11, 34242, 62, 79, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 1, 7131, 17, 25, 437, 4357, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 11, 18242, 2625, 40, 79, 8738, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 11, 10394, 28, 17, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 19736, 71, 1758, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 66, 62, 9806, 796, 685, 34242, 62, 72, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 8973, 26, 3509, 62, 17069, 341, 7, 411, 62, 15437, 198, 14689, 0, 7, 2435, 62, 72, 11, 83, 62, 72, 10, 83, 62, 3605, 1122, 8, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 2435, 62, 72, 11, 66, 62, 9806, 11, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 9, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 14809, 11, 10394, 28, 17, 11, 4102, 364, 71, 1758, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 14809, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 18242, 2625, 43282, 357, 82, 42501, 2645, 9608, 2625, 9806, 32315, 8747, 4943, 198, 29487, 62, 1851, 605, 62, 6615, 0, 7, 79, 17414, 83, 62, 72, 12962, 198, 2435, 62, 17, 796, 2837, 7, 15, 11, 9662, 28, 2435, 62, 72, 58, 17, 45297, 2435, 62, 72, 58, 16, 4357, 13664, 28, 34242, 62, 17, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 8, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 2435, 62, 17, 11, 34242, 62, 17, 14692, 66, 62, 9806, 33116, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 1600, 10394, 28, 17, 11, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 19736, 71, 1758, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 87, 2475, 41888, 15, 11, 16, 13, 20, 4357, 7857, 16193, 4059, 11, 9031, 4008, 198, 21928, 5647, 7, 79, 11, 22179, 6978, 7, 3955, 11879, 62, 34720, 553, 381, 668, 62, 3605, 1122, 13, 25386, 48774, 198, 198, 2, 1303, 21017, 3268, 15112, 1921, 34563, 1303, 21017, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 796, 4294, 332, 29046, 3419, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 19011, 577, 796, 3991, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 796, 352, 68, 12, 21, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 62, 3849, 13857, 796, 352, 68, 12, 18, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 62, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 352, 68, 12, 19, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 1102, 2536, 2913, 62, 83, 37668, 796, 352, 68, 12, 19, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 411, 6442, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 3991, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 39605, 62, 26268, 62, 19119, 62, 4906, 796, 1058, 12286, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 1904, 62, 2516, 353, 709, 796, 2081, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 3617, 6017, 62, 1416, 4272, 796, 939, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 3617, 6017, 62, 36733, 796, 838, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 49, 62, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 838, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 23415, 62, 15763, 796, 2081, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 1102, 2536, 2913, 62, 12501, 260, 589, 62, 10366, 952, 796, 657, 13, 1495, 198, 2, 2172, 82, 13, 3617, 6017, 62, 19119, 62, 35324, 796, 362, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1540, 332, 796, 4294, 332, 7, 19849, 11, 26181, 11, 399, 28, 8784, 11, 2172, 82, 28, 404, 912, 8, 198, 2, 299, 11, 76, 11, 45, 796, 651, 62, 82, 4340, 7, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 2, 471, 15, 796, 3392, 7, 76, 11, 45, 8, 198, 2, 1395, 15, 796, 1627, 62, 9535, 752, 652, 7, 82, 14375, 8, 198, 2, 1395, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 796, 38180, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1540, 332, 13, 404, 912, 13, 19011, 577, 796, 3991, 198, 2, 1540, 332, 13, 404, 912, 13, 411, 6442, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 2081, 198, 2, 1540, 332, 13, 404, 912, 13, 15805, 62, 83, 37668, 62, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 352, 68, 12, 20, 198, 2, 2488, 2435, 581, 62, 72, 11, 9756, 62, 72, 796, 8494, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 55, 15, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 2, 9756, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 2, 581, 62, 72, 13, 52, 58, 16, 60, 198, 2, 9756, 62, 72, 14692, 43282, 8973, 198, 2, 9756, 62, 72, 14692, 2676, 602, 357, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 8, 8973, 198, 2, 2488, 2435, 581, 62, 79, 11, 9756, 62, 79, 796, 8494, 62, 67, 1980, 349, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 55, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 2, 1303, 581, 62, 82, 11, 9756, 62, 82, 796, 8494, 62, 67, 1980, 349, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 55, 15, 62, 2487, 448, 11, 52, 15, 11, 21283, 79, 28, 25, 16184, 8738, 8, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1303, 1330, 4759, 752, 652, 27871, 320, 1634, 25, 4808, 82, 6442, 11, 651, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 62, 9535, 752, 652, 198, 2, 1303, 2482, 796, 4866, 7, 411, 62, 72, 8, 198, 2, 1303, 1540, 332, 13, 5219, 13, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 2081, 198, 2, 1303, 2482, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 796, 651, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 62, 9535, 752, 652, 7, 43420, 11, 1540, 332, 8, 198, 2, 1303, 2482, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 39377, 62, 47050, 58, 16, 60, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1303, 1540, 332, 13, 5219, 13, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 198, 2, 1303, 581, 11, 9756, 796, 4808, 82, 6442, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 1462, 62, 18747, 7, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 52, 828, 47050, 25468, 28, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 1776, 9756, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 2, 1303, 581, 11, 9756, 796, 4808, 82, 6442, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 1462, 62, 18747, 7, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 52, 18125, 9756, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 2, 1303, 581, 11, 9756, 796, 4808, 82, 6442, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 1462, 62, 18747, 7, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 52, 828, 39377, 28, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 39377, 1776, 9756, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 2, 1303, 581, 11, 9756, 796, 4808, 82, 6442, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 1462, 62, 18747, 7, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 52, 828, 39377, 28, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 39377, 11, 34703, 28, 43420, 62, 5036, 292, 856, 13, 34703, 1776, 9756, 14692, 2676, 602, 8973, 198, 2, 1303, 198, 2, 198, 2, 32315, 62, 29487, 7, 82, 14375, 11, 55, 15, 11, 52, 15, 8, 198, 2, 198, 2, 399, 82, 796, 685, 8784, 11, 1264, 11, 18938, 11, 21844, 60, 198, 2, 1448, 796, 366, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 1, 198, 2, 1057, 62, 9662, 62, 7857, 62, 785, 1845, 1653, 7, 19849, 11, 26181, 11, 471, 15, 11, 1448, 11, 399, 82, 11, 2172, 82, 28, 404, 912, 11, 4132, 9143, 41888, 25, 81, 74, 18, 11, 25, 541, 8738, 4357, 26968, 4102, 28, 7942, 11, 1167, 30412, 856, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 2, 7110, 62, 14269, 7203, 43282, 1600, 8094, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 22487, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 357, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 42501, 88, 2475, 41888, 15, 11, 16, 13, 20, 12962, 198, 2, 7110, 62, 14269, 7203, 2676, 602, 1600, 8094, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 22487, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 357, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 8, 4943, 198, 2, 7110, 62, 14269, 7203, 18224, 1600, 8094, 11, 28349, 1000, 28, 25, 6404, 940, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 3506, 11, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 33116, 7839, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 42945, 3250, 357, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 8, 4943, 198, 2, 198, 2, 198, 2, 198, 2, 32028, 28114, 198, 8094, 796, 366, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 1102, 2536, 1328, 1, 198, 47503, 11, 1366, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 43282, 2430, 541, 8738, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 1102, 2536, 1328, 4943, 198, 47503, 11, 11454, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 19282, 2430, 541, 8738, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 1102, 2536, 1328, 4943, 198, 79, 16, 796, 7110, 7, 47503, 11, 7890, 11, 88, 8056, 28, 8056, 11, 18242, 2625, 34720, 25154, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 11, 4102, 263, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 11, 2645, 9608, 2625, 43282, 1600, 4102, 364, 1096, 28, 21, 8, 198, 47503, 11, 1366, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 43282, 2430, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 1102, 2536, 1328, 4943, 198, 47503, 11, 11454, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 19282, 2430, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 1102, 2536, 1328, 4943, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 47503, 11, 7890, 11, 88, 8056, 28, 8056, 11, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 4102, 263, 28, 25, 45597, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 4102, 364, 1096, 28, 21, 11, 88, 2475, 16193, 15, 11, 16, 13, 24, 4008, 198, 47503, 11, 1366, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 43282, 2430, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 4943, 198, 47503, 11, 11454, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 19282, 2430, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 4943, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 47503, 11, 7890, 11, 88, 8056, 28, 8056, 11, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 357, 10745, 42501, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 7635, 28, 25, 42460, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18364, 28, 25, 315, 380, 9248, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 4102, 364, 1096, 28, 23, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3670, 2625, 3103, 2536, 1328, 1600, 7839, 10331, 7857, 28, 940, 8, 198, 198, 47503, 11, 11454, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 19282, 2430, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 259, 5036, 292, 856, 4943, 198, 198, 47503, 11, 1366, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 43282, 1600, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 34171, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 403, 1102, 2536, 1328, 4943, 198, 47503, 11, 11454, 796, 3440, 62, 7890, 7203, 19282, 1600, 14692, 81, 74, 18, 2430, 541, 8738, 34171, 1845, 29363, 20928, 14, 403, 1102, 2536, 1328, 4943, 198, 79, 17, 796, 7110, 7, 47503, 11, 7890, 58, 17, 4357, 88, 8056, 28, 8056, 58, 17, 4357, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 11, 7635, 28, 25, 26518, 11, 18242, 2625, 34720, 25154, 1600, 9647, 28, 16, 13, 20, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18364, 28, 25, 23415, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 11, 1455, 437, 28, 25, 83, 643, 701, 11, 4102, 364, 1096, 28, 19, 11, 88, 2475, 28, 88, 2475, 82, 7, 79, 16, 4008, 198, 29487, 0, 7, 47503, 11, 7890, 58, 16, 4357, 88, 8056, 28, 8056, 58, 16, 4357, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 7635, 28, 25, 26518, 11, 18242, 2625, 1847, 5446, 46, 1600, 10394, 28, 16, 13, 20, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18364, 28, 25, 23415, 11, 4102, 263, 30757, 8043, 28, 25, 21953, 43745, 17, 11, 4102, 364, 1096, 28, 19, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3670, 2625, 3118, 1102, 2536, 1328, 1600, 7839, 10331, 7857, 28, 940, 8, 198, 29487, 7, 79, 16, 11, 79, 17, 11, 39786, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 16193, 4059, 11, 6200, 828, 67, 14415, 28, 7029, 11, 87, 18242, 2625, 42, 1662, 2173, 1600, 2645, 9608, 2625, 41006, 4943, 198, 198, 21928, 5647, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 3955, 11879, 62, 34720, 553, 381, 668, 62, 43282, 13, 11134, 48774, 198 ]
@inline function generate_compat_entry(v::VersionNumber)::String if v.major == 0 && v.minor == 0 return "0.0.$(v.patch)" else return "$(v.major).$(v.minor)" end end # The `_remove_trailing_zeros` function is based on # the `compat_version` function from: # @inline function _remove_trailing_zeros(v::VersionNumber)::String if v.patch == 0 if v.minor == 0 if v.major == 0 # v.major is 0, v.minor is 0, v.patch is 0 throw(DomainError("0.0.0 is not a valid input")) else # v.major is nonzero and v.minor is 0 and v.patch is 0 return "$(v.major)" end else # v.minor is nonzero, v.patch is 0 return "$(v.major).$(v.minor)" end else # v.patch is nonzero return "$(v.major).$(v.minor).$(v.patch)" end end # @inline function MajorMinorVersion(version::VersionNumber) # major = version.major::Base.VInt # minor = version.minor::Base.VInt # result = MajorMinorVersion(major, minor) # return result # end # @inline MajorMinorVersion(::Nothing) = nothing # @inline function VersionNumber(x::MajorMinorVersion) # major = x.major::Base.VInt # minor = x.minor::Base.VInt # result = VersionNumber(x, y)::VersionNumber # return result # end # @inline function Base.isless(a::MajorMinorVersion, b::MajorMinorVersion) # a_versionnumber = VersionNumber(a)::VersionNumber # b_versionnumber = VersionNumber(b)::VersionNumber # result = Base.isless(a_versionnumber, b_versionnumber) # return result # end
[ 31, 45145, 2163, 7716, 62, 5589, 265, 62, 13000, 7, 85, 3712, 14815, 15057, 2599, 25, 10100, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 410, 13, 22478, 6624, 657, 11405, 410, 13, 1084, 273, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 15, 13, 15, 48082, 7, 85, 13, 17147, 16725, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 17971, 7, 85, 13, 22478, 737, 3, 7, 85, 13, 1084, 273, 16725, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 383, 4600, 62, 28956, 62, 9535, 4386, 62, 9107, 418, 63, 2163, 318, 1912, 319, 198, 2, 262, 4600, 5589, 265, 62, 9641, 63, 2163, 422, 25, 198, 2, 3740, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 259, 574, 544, 14, 47, 10025, 12966, 17041, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 9866, 14, 10677, 14, 37390, 14, 16302, 62, 7753, 13, 20362, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 4808, 28956, 62, 9535, 4386, 62, 9107, 418, 7, 85, 3712, 14815, 15057, 2599, 25, 10100, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 410, 13, 17147, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 410, 13, 1084, 273, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 410, 13, 22478, 6624, 657, 1303, 410, 13, 22478, 318, 657, 11, 410, 13, 1084, 273, 318, 657, 11, 410, 13, 17147, 318, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 43961, 12331, 7203, 15, 13, 15, 13, 15, 318, 407, 257, 4938, 5128, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 1303, 410, 13, 22478, 318, 1729, 22570, 290, 410, 13, 1084, 273, 318, 657, 290, 410, 13, 17147, 318, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 17971, 7, 85, 13, 22478, 16725, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 1303, 410, 13, 1084, 273, 318, 1729, 22570, 11, 410, 13, 17147, 318, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 17971, 7, 85, 13, 22478, 737, 3, 7, 85, 13, 1084, 273, 16725, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 1303, 410, 13, 17147, 318, 1729, 22570, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 17971, 7, 85, 13, 22478, 737, 3, 7, 85, 13, 1084, 273, 737, 3, 7, 85, 13, 17147, 16725, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2488, 45145, 2163, 8386, 39825, 14815, 7, 9641, 3712, 14815, 15057, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1688, 796, 2196, 13, 22478, 3712, 14881, 13, 53, 5317, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4159, 796, 2196, 13, 1084, 273, 3712, 14881, 13, 53, 5317, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 8386, 39825, 14815, 7, 22478, 11, 4159, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198, 198, 2, 2488, 45145, 8386, 39825, 14815, 7, 3712, 18465, 8, 796, 2147, 198, 198, 2, 2488, 45145, 2163, 10628, 15057, 7, 87, 3712, 24206, 39825, 14815, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1688, 796, 2124, 13, 22478, 3712, 14881, 13, 53, 5317, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4159, 796, 2124, 13, 1084, 273, 3712, 14881, 13, 53, 5317, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 10628, 15057, 7, 87, 11, 331, 2599, 25, 14815, 15057, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198, 198, 2, 2488, 45145, 2163, 7308, 13, 271, 1203, 7, 64, 3712, 24206, 39825, 14815, 11, 275, 3712, 24206, 39825, 14815, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 257, 62, 9641, 17618, 796, 10628, 15057, 7, 64, 2599, 25, 14815, 15057, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 275, 62, 9641, 17618, 796, 10628, 15057, 7, 65, 2599, 25, 14815, 15057, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 7308, 13, 271, 1203, 7, 64, 62, 9641, 17618, 11, 275, 62, 9641, 17618, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1255, 198, 2, 886, 198 ]
module Orekit import Dates using Pkg.Artifacts using JavaCall using Reexport function init() JavaCall.addClassPath(joinpath(artifact"jars", "orekit-artifacts-10.2", "*.jar")) JavaCall.init() end include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "gen", "OrekitWrapper", "OrekitWrapper.jl")) include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "gen", "HipparchusWrapper", "HipparchusWrapper.jl")) include("Time.jl") @reexport using .Time end # module
[ 21412, 22452, 15813, 198, 198, 11748, 44712, 198, 3500, 350, 10025, 13, 8001, 37199, 198, 198, 3500, 7349, 14134, 198, 3500, 797, 39344, 198, 198, 8818, 2315, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7349, 14134, 13, 2860, 9487, 15235, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 433, 29660, 1, 73, 945, 1600, 366, 382, 15813, 12, 50179, 12, 940, 13, 17, 1600, 366, 24620, 9491, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7349, 14134, 13, 15003, 3419, 198, 437, 198, 198, 17256, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 31, 834, 34720, 834, 11, 366, 492, 1600, 366, 5235, 1600, 366, 41543, 15813, 36918, 2848, 1600, 366, 41543, 15813, 36918, 2848, 13, 20362, 48774, 198, 17256, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 31, 834, 34720, 834, 11, 366, 492, 1600, 366, 5235, 1600, 366, 39, 3974, 998, 385, 36918, 2848, 1600, 366, 39, 3974, 998, 385, 36918, 2848, 13, 20362, 48774, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 7575, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 31, 631, 87, 634, 1262, 764, 7575, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
# UnitCommitment.jl: Optimization Package for Security-Constrained Unit Commitment # Copyright (C) 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC. All rights reserved. # Released under the modified BSD license. See for more details. struct DotDict inner::Dict end DotDict() = DotDict(Dict()) function Base.setproperty!(d::DotDict, key::Symbol, value) setindex!(getfield(d, :inner), value, key) end function Base.getproperty(d::DotDict, key::Symbol) (key == :inner ? getfield(d, :inner) : d.inner[key]) end function Base.getindex(d::DotDict, key::Int64) d.inner[Symbol(key)] end function Base.getindex(d::DotDict, key::Symbol) d.inner[key] end function Base.keys(d::DotDict) keys(d.inner) end function Base.values(d::DotDict) values(d.inner) end function Base.iterate(d::DotDict) iterate(values(d.inner)) end function Base.iterate(d::DotDict, v::Int64) iterate(values(d.inner), v) end function Base.length(d::DotDict) length(values(d.inner)) end function, d::DotDict) print(io, "DotDict with $(length(keys(d.inner))) entries:\n") count = 0 for k in keys(d.inner) count += 1 if count > 10 print(io, " ...\n") break end print(io, " :$(k) => $(d.inner[k])\n") end end function recursive_to_dot_dict(el) if typeof(el) == Dict{String, Any} return DotDict(Dict(Symbol(k) => recursive_to_dot_dict(el[k]) for k in keys(el))) else return el end end export recursive_to_dot_dict
[ 2, 11801, 6935, 270, 434, 13, 20362, 25, 30011, 1634, 15717, 329, 4765, 12, 3103, 2536, 1328, 11801, 35910, 434, 198, 2, 15069, 357, 34, 8, 12131, 11, 471, 25705, 49974, 710, 11, 11419, 13, 1439, 2489, 10395, 13, 198, 2, 28728, 739, 262, 9518, 347, 10305, 5964, 13, 4091, 27975, 45761, 13, 9132, 329, 517, 3307, 13, 198, 198, 7249, 22875, 35, 713, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8434, 3712, 35, 713, 198, 437, 198, 198, 35, 313, 35, 713, 3419, 796, 22875, 35, 713, 7, 35, 713, 28955, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 2617, 26745, 0, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 11, 1994, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 9630, 0, 7, 1136, 3245, 7, 67, 11, 1058, 5083, 828, 1988, 11, 1994, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 26745, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 11, 1994, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 2539, 6624, 1058, 5083, 5633, 651, 3245, 7, 67, 11, 1058, 5083, 8, 1058, 288, 13, 5083, 58, 2539, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 11, 1994, 3712, 5317, 2414, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 13, 5083, 58, 13940, 23650, 7, 2539, 15437, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 11, 1994, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 13, 5083, 58, 2539, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 13083, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8251, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 27160, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3815, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 2676, 378, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11629, 378, 7, 27160, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 2676, 378, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 11, 410, 3712, 5317, 2414, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11629, 378, 7, 27160, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 828, 410, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 13664, 7, 67, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 27160, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 288, 3712, 35, 313, 35, 713, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 366, 35, 313, 35, 713, 351, 29568, 13664, 7, 13083, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 22305, 12784, 7479, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 954, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 287, 8251, 7, 67, 13, 5083, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 954, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 954, 1875, 838, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 2644, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2270, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 1058, 3, 7, 74, 8, 5218, 29568, 67, 13, 5083, 58, 74, 12962, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 45115, 62, 1462, 62, 26518, 62, 11600, 7, 417, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2099, 1659, 7, 417, 8, 6624, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 4377, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 22875, 35, 713, 7, 35, 713, 7, 13940, 23650, 7, 74, 8, 5218, 45115, 62, 1462, 62, 26518, 62, 11600, 7, 417, 58, 74, 12962, 329, 479, 287, 8251, 7, 417, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1288, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 39344, 45115, 62, 1462, 62, 26518, 62, 11600 ]
# packaged version of align.jl. Run align_prep.jl or prep_full.jl first. include("../src/NMRCalibrate.jl") import .NMRCalibrate import NLopt import PlotlyJS using Plots; plotly() PyPlot.close("all") fig_num = 1 Random.seed!(25) PyPlot.matplotlib["rcParams"][:update](["font.size" => 22, "" => "serif"]) save_BSON_flag = true N_d = sum( NMRCalibrate.getNd(Bs[n]) for n = 1:length(Bs) ) N_β = sum( NMRCalibrate.getNβ(κs_β_DOFs[n], Bs[n]) for n = 1:length(Bs) ) shift_lb = -ones(N_d) shift_ub = ones(N_d) Es = collect( NMRSpectraSimulator.καFIDModelType(Bs[i]) for i = 1:length(Bs) ) a_setp, b_setp, minxs, rets = NMRCalibrate.setupitpab(0.1, 10, 0.7; optim_algorithm = :LN_BOBYQA) # w = ones(Float64, length(As)) #LS_inds = 1:length(U_cost) loop_range = 1:length(cost_inds_set) println("Timing:") @time obj_funcs, minfs, minxs, rets = NMRCalibrate.aligncompoundκ(y, U_y, P_y, As, Bs, Es, fs, SW, Δsys_cs, a_setp, b_setp, κs_β_DOFs, κs_β_orderings, shift_lb, shift_ub, cost_inds_set; loop_range = loop_range, w = w, N_starts = 100, #N_starts = 500, # ethanol region 1. local_optim_algorithm = NLopt.LN_BOBYQA, #xtol_rel = 1e-3, xtol_rel = 1e-9, maxeval = 50, maxtime = Inf, β_optim_algorithm = :GN_DIRECT_L, κ_lb_default = 1e-2, κ_ub_default = 1e2, β_max_iters = 500, #β_max_iters = 1000, β_xtol_rel = 1e-9, β_ftol_rel = 1e-9, β_maxtime = Inf); dummy = 1 if save_BSON_flag save_path = joinpath(project_folder, "alignment_results.bson") BSON.bson(save_path, region_min_dist = region_min_dist, minfs = minfs, minxs = minxs, rets = rets) end function plotregion(P, U, q_U, P_y, y, P_cost, y_cost, display_threshold_factor, display_reduction_factor, save_folder, title_string, file_name; save_plot_flag = true, display_plot_flag = true, canvas_size = (1000, 400)) # # reduce the plotting positions for low signal regions. Otherwise the plot store size will be too large, and the time to load the plot will be long. # inds, _ = NMRSpectraSimulator.prunelowsignalentries(q_U, display_threshold_factor, display_reduction_factor) # P_display = P[inds] # U_display = U[inds] # q_U_display = q_U[inds] P_display = P U_display = U q_U_display = q_U # plot. isdir(save_folder) || mkpath(save_folder) plots_save_path = joinpath(save_folder, file_name) #title_string = "$(project_name) alignment results, region $(r), real part" plot_obj = Plots.plot( P_display, real.(q_U_display), title = title_string, label = "model", seriestype = :line, ticks = :native, xlims = (P_display[1],P_display[end]), hover = P_display, linewidth = 4, xlabel = "ppm", ylabel = "real part of spectrum", xflip = true, size = canvas_size) Plots.plot!(plot_obj, P_y, real.(y), label = "full data", seriestype = :line, linestyle = :dot, xflip = true, linewidth = 4) Plots.plot!(plot_obj, P_cost, real.(y_cost), label = "fit data", markershape = :circle, seriestype = :scatter, xflip = true) if save_plot_flag Plots.savefig(plot_obj, plots_save_path) end if display_plot_flag display(plot_obj) end return nothing end function plotalignmentresults(As, Es, w, save_folder, P_y, y, region_min_dist, obj_funcs, minfs, minxs, rets, display_reduction_factor, display_threshold_factor, cost_inds_set, loop_range; canvas_size = (1000, 400), display_flag = false, save_plot_flag = true, N_viz = 50000) U = LinRange(u_min, u_max, N_viz) P = hz2ppmfunc.(U) U_rad = U .* (2*π) for r in loop_range y_cost = y[cost_inds_set[r]] P_cost = P_y[cost_inds_set[r]] q2 = uu->NMRSpectraSimulator.evalitpproxymixture(uu, As, Es; w = w) obj_funcs[r](minxs[r]) # # debug. # N_κ, N_κ_singlets = NMRCalibrate.countκ(Es) # N_κ_vars = N_κ + N_κ_singlets # NMRCalibrate.parseκ!(Es, ones(N_κ_vars)) # # q_U = q2.(U_rad) file_name = "results_real_$(r).html" title_string = "$(project_name) alignment results, region $(r), real part" plotregion(P, U, q_U, P_y, y, P_cost, y_cost, display_threshold_factor, display_reduction_factor, save_folder, title_string, file_name; save_plot_flag = save_plot_flag, display_plot_flag = display_flag, canvas_size = canvas_size) end return nothing end #### visualize. # minxs[1][1] = 0.000 # minxs[2][1] = 0.000 display_reduction_factor = 100 display_threshold_factor = 0.05/10 if "L-Isoleucine" in molecule_names display_reduction_factor = 1 display_threshold_factor = 0.001/10 end save_plot_flag = true display_flag = true plotalignmentresults(As, Es, w, project_folder, P_y, y, region_min_dist, obj_funcs, minfs, minxs, rets, display_reduction_factor, display_threshold_factor, cost_inds_set, loop_range; canvas_size = (1000, 400), display_flag = display_flag, save_plot_flag = save_plot_flag, N_viz = 50000) for r in loop_range println("region $(r):") println("objective: $(minfs[r]), return status: $(rets)") println("shift variable:") display(minxs) println() end
[ 2, 25555, 2196, 286, 10548, 13, 20362, 13, 5660, 10548, 62, 46012, 13, 20362, 393, 3143, 62, 12853, 13, 20362, 717, 13, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 40720, 10677, 14, 32755, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 11748, 764, 32755, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 198, 198, 11748, 22879, 8738, 198, 11748, 28114, 306, 20120, 198, 3500, 1345, 1747, 26, 7110, 306, 3419, 198, 198, 20519, 43328, 13, 19836, 7203, 439, 4943, 198, 5647, 62, 22510, 796, 352, 198, 198, 29531, 13, 28826, 0, 7, 1495, 8, 198, 20519, 43328, 13, 6759, 29487, 8019, 14692, 6015, 10044, 4105, 1, 7131, 25, 19119, 16151, 14692, 10331, 13, 7857, 1, 5218, 2534, 11, 366, 10331, 13, 17989, 1, 5218, 366, 2655, 361, 8973, 8, 198, 198, 21928, 62, 4462, 1340, 62, 32109, 796, 2081, 198, 198, 45, 62, 67, 796, 2160, 7, 28692, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 1136, 45, 67, 7, 37000, 58, 77, 12962, 329, 299, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 37000, 8, 1267, 198, 45, 62, 26638, 796, 2160, 7, 28692, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 1136, 45, 26638, 7, 43000, 82, 62, 26638, 62, 18227, 42388, 58, 77, 4357, 347, 82, 58, 77, 12962, 329, 299, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 37000, 8, 1267, 198, 198, 30846, 62, 23160, 796, 532, 1952, 7, 45, 62, 67, 8, 198, 30846, 62, 549, 796, 3392, 7, 45, 62, 67, 8, 198, 198, 23041, 796, 2824, 7, 28692, 6998, 806, 430, 8890, 8927, 13, 43000, 17394, 37, 2389, 17633, 6030, 7, 37000, 58, 72, 12962, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 37000, 8, 1267, 198, 198, 64, 62, 2617, 79, 11, 275, 62, 2617, 79, 11, 949, 34223, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 302, 912, 796, 28692, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 40406, 270, 79, 397, 7, 15, 13, 16, 11, 838, 11, 657, 13, 22, 26, 6436, 62, 282, 42289, 796, 1058, 43, 45, 62, 8202, 17513, 48, 32, 8, 198, 2, 198, 198, 86, 796, 3392, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 4129, 7, 1722, 4008, 198, 2, 6561, 62, 521, 82, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 52, 62, 15805, 8, 198, 26268, 62, 9521, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 15805, 62, 521, 82, 62, 2617, 8, 198, 198, 35235, 7203, 14967, 278, 25, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 26181, 62, 12543, 6359, 11, 949, 9501, 11, 949, 34223, 11, 302, 912, 796, 28692, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 31494, 5589, 633, 43000, 7, 88, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 471, 62, 88, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 62, 88, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 82, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8678, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 43458, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12672, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 17597, 62, 6359, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 62, 2617, 79, 11, 275, 62, 2617, 79, 11, 7377, 118, 82, 62, 26638, 62, 18227, 42388, 11, 7377, 118, 82, 62, 26638, 62, 2875, 654, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6482, 62, 23160, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6482, 62, 549, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1575, 62, 521, 82, 62, 2617, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9052, 62, 9521, 796, 9052, 62, 9521, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 266, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 62, 301, 5889, 796, 1802, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 45, 62, 301, 5889, 796, 5323, 11, 1303, 28829, 3814, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1957, 62, 40085, 62, 282, 42289, 796, 22879, 8738, 13, 43, 45, 62, 8202, 17513, 48, 32, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 742, 349, 62, 2411, 796, 352, 68, 12, 18, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 742, 349, 62, 2411, 796, 352, 68, 12, 24, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3509, 18206, 796, 2026, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17266, 742, 524, 796, 4806, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 62, 40085, 62, 282, 42289, 796, 1058, 16630, 62, 17931, 23988, 62, 43, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 118, 62, 23160, 62, 12286, 796, 352, 68, 12, 17, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 118, 62, 549, 62, 12286, 796, 352, 68, 17, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 62, 9806, 62, 270, 364, 796, 5323, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 26638, 62, 9806, 62, 270, 364, 796, 8576, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 62, 742, 349, 62, 2411, 796, 352, 68, 12, 24, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 62, 701, 349, 62, 2411, 796, 352, 68, 12, 24, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 62, 2611, 742, 524, 796, 4806, 1776, 198, 198, 67, 13513, 796, 352, 628, 198, 361, 3613, 62, 4462, 1340, 62, 32109, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 6978, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 16302, 62, 43551, 11, 366, 282, 16747, 62, 43420, 13, 1443, 261, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 11782, 13, 1443, 261, 7, 21928, 62, 6978, 11, 3814, 62, 1084, 62, 17080, 796, 3814, 62, 1084, 62, 17080, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 949, 9501, 796, 949, 9501, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 949, 34223, 796, 949, 34223, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 302, 912, 796, 302, 912, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 7110, 36996, 7, 47, 11, 471, 11, 10662, 62, 52, 11, 350, 62, 88, 11, 331, 11, 350, 62, 15805, 11, 331, 62, 15805, 11, 3359, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 11, 3359, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 43551, 11, 3670, 62, 8841, 11, 2393, 62, 3672, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21978, 62, 7857, 796, 357, 12825, 11, 7337, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1303, 4646, 262, 29353, 6116, 329, 1877, 6737, 7652, 13, 15323, 262, 7110, 3650, 2546, 481, 307, 1165, 1588, 11, 290, 262, 640, 284, 3440, 262, 7110, 481, 307, 890, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 773, 82, 11, 4808, 796, 28692, 6998, 806, 430, 8890, 8927, 13, 1050, 403, 417, 1666, 570, 282, 298, 1678, 7, 80, 62, 52, 11, 3359, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 11, 3359, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 350, 62, 13812, 796, 350, 58, 521, 82, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 471, 62, 13812, 796, 471, 58, 521, 82, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 10662, 62, 52, 62, 13812, 796, 10662, 62, 52, 58, 521, 82, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 62, 13812, 796, 350, 198, 220, 220, 220, 471, 62, 13812, 796, 471, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 62, 52, 62, 13812, 796, 10662, 62, 52, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7110, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 15908, 7, 21928, 62, 43551, 8, 8614, 33480, 6978, 7, 21928, 62, 43551, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 21528, 62, 21928, 62, 6978, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 21928, 62, 43551, 11, 2393, 62, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7839, 62, 8841, 796, 17971, 7, 16302, 62, 3672, 8, 19114, 2482, 11, 3814, 29568, 81, 828, 1103, 636, 1, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7110, 62, 26801, 796, 1345, 1747, 13, 29487, 7, 350, 62, 13812, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 12195, 80, 62, 52, 62, 13812, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3670, 796, 3670, 62, 8841, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6167, 796, 366, 19849, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1055, 6386, 2981, 796, 1058, 1370, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 36066, 796, 1058, 30191, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 2475, 82, 796, 357, 47, 62, 13812, 58, 16, 4357, 47, 62, 13812, 58, 437, 46570, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 20599, 796, 350, 62, 13812, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 604, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 18242, 796, 366, 381, 76, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 331, 18242, 796, 366, 5305, 636, 286, 10958, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 2704, 541, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 796, 21978, 62, 7857, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1345, 1747, 13, 29487, 0, 7, 29487, 62, 26801, 11, 350, 62, 88, 11, 1103, 12195, 88, 828, 6167, 796, 366, 12853, 1366, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1055, 6386, 2981, 796, 1058, 1370, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9493, 10992, 796, 1058, 26518, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 2704, 541, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9493, 413, 5649, 796, 604, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1345, 1747, 13, 29487, 0, 7, 29487, 62, 26801, 11, 350, 62, 15805, 11, 1103, 12195, 88, 62, 15805, 828, 6167, 796, 366, 11147, 1366, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 19736, 71, 1758, 796, 1058, 45597, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1055, 6386, 2981, 796, 1058, 1416, 1436, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 2704, 541, 796, 2081, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1345, 1747, 13, 21928, 5647, 7, 29487, 62, 26801, 11, 21528, 62, 21928, 62, 6978, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 3359, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 7, 29487, 62, 26801, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 458, 4997, 16747, 43420, 7, 1722, 11, 8678, 11, 266, 11, 3613, 62, 43551, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 62, 88, 11, 331, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3814, 62, 1084, 62, 17080, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26181, 62, 12543, 6359, 11, 949, 9501, 11, 949, 34223, 11, 302, 912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 11, 3359, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1575, 62, 521, 82, 62, 2617, 11, 9052, 62, 9521, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21978, 62, 7857, 796, 357, 12825, 11, 7337, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 32109, 796, 3991, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 2081, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 62, 85, 528, 796, 642, 2388, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 471, 796, 5164, 17257, 7, 84, 62, 1084, 11, 334, 62, 9806, 11, 399, 62, 85, 528, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 796, 289, 89, 17, 381, 76, 20786, 12195, 52, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 471, 62, 6335, 796, 471, 764, 9, 357, 17, 9, 46582, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 374, 287, 9052, 62, 9521, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 331, 62, 15805, 796, 331, 58, 15805, 62, 521, 82, 62, 2617, 58, 81, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 350, 62, 15805, 796, 350, 62, 88, 58, 15805, 62, 521, 82, 62, 2617, 58, 81, 11907, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 17, 796, 334, 84, 3784, 32755, 6998, 806, 430, 8890, 8927, 13, 18206, 270, 381, 13907, 4948, 9602, 7, 12303, 11, 1081, 11, 8678, 26, 266, 796, 266, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26181, 62, 12543, 6359, 58, 81, 16151, 1084, 34223, 58, 81, 12962, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1303, 14257, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 399, 62, 43000, 11, 399, 62, 43000, 62, 12215, 5289, 796, 28692, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 9127, 43000, 7, 23041, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 399, 62, 43000, 62, 85, 945, 796, 399, 62, 43000, 1343, 399, 62, 43000, 62, 12215, 5289, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 28692, 7397, 282, 2889, 378, 13, 29572, 43000, 0, 7, 23041, 11, 3392, 7, 45, 62, 43000, 62, 85, 945, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 62, 52, 796, 10662, 17, 12195, 52, 62, 6335, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2393, 62, 3672, 796, 366, 43420, 62, 5305, 62, 3, 7, 81, 737, 6494, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3670, 62, 8841, 796, 17971, 7, 16302, 62, 3672, 8, 19114, 2482, 11, 3814, 29568, 81, 828, 1103, 636, 1, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7110, 36996, 7, 47, 11, 471, 11, 10662, 62, 52, 11, 350, 62, 88, 11, 331, 11, 350, 62, 15805, 11, 331, 62, 15805, 11, 3359, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 11, 3359, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 43551, 11, 3670, 62, 8841, 11, 2393, 62, 3672, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 3359, 62, 32109, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21978, 62, 7857, 796, 21978, 62, 7857, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 628, 198, 4242, 38350, 13, 198, 2, 949, 34223, 58, 16, 7131, 16, 60, 796, 657, 13, 830, 198, 2, 949, 34223, 58, 17, 7131, 16, 60, 796, 657, 13, 830, 198, 13812, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 796, 1802, 198, 13812, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 796, 657, 13, 2713, 14, 940, 198, 361, 366, 43, 12, 40, 6753, 1229, 500, 1, 287, 27756, 62, 14933, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 796, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 796, 657, 13, 8298, 14, 940, 198, 437, 198, 21928, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 2081, 198, 13812, 62, 32109, 796, 2081, 198, 198, 489, 4997, 16747, 43420, 7, 1722, 11, 8678, 11, 266, 11, 1628, 62, 43551, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 62, 88, 11, 331, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3814, 62, 1084, 62, 17080, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26181, 62, 12543, 6359, 11, 949, 9501, 11, 949, 34223, 11, 302, 912, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 445, 8110, 62, 31412, 11, 3359, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 31412, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1575, 62, 521, 82, 62, 2617, 11, 9052, 62, 9521, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21978, 62, 7857, 796, 357, 12825, 11, 7337, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 62, 32109, 796, 3359, 62, 32109, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 796, 3613, 62, 29487, 62, 32109, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 62, 85, 528, 796, 642, 2388, 8, 198, 198, 1640, 374, 287, 9052, 62, 9521, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 36996, 29568, 81, 2599, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 15252, 425, 25, 29568, 1084, 9501, 58, 81, 46570, 1441, 3722, 25, 29568, 8004, 8, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 30846, 7885, 25, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3359, 7, 1084, 34223, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 3419, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Swagger using Test # set the current julia executable to be used henceforth ("JULIA" in keys(ENV)) || (ENV["JULIA"] = joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "julia")) const gencmd = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__()), "petstore", "") println("Generating petstore using $gencmd") run(`$gencmd`) println("Running petstore tests...") include("petstore/runtests.jl")
[ 3500, 2451, 7928, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 2, 900, 262, 1459, 474, 43640, 28883, 284, 307, 973, 12891, 25718, 198, 7203, 41, 6239, 3539, 1, 287, 8251, 7, 1677, 53, 4008, 8614, 357, 1677, 53, 14692, 41, 6239, 3539, 8973, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 44387, 13, 33, 12115, 4663, 11, 366, 73, 43640, 48774, 198, 198, 9979, 2429, 28758, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 15908, 3672, 7, 31, 834, 25664, 834, 3419, 828, 366, 6449, 8095, 1600, 366, 8612, 378, 13, 1477, 4943, 198, 35235, 7203, 8645, 803, 4273, 8095, 1262, 720, 5235, 28758, 4943, 198, 5143, 7, 63, 3, 5235, 28758, 63, 8, 198, 198, 35235, 7203, 28768, 4273, 8095, 5254, 9313, 8, 198, 17256, 7203, 6449, 8095, 14, 81, 2797, 3558, 13, 20362, 4943, 198 ]
# --- # title: 765. Couples Holding Hands # id: problem765 # author: Indigo # date: 2021-02-14 # difficulty: Hard # categories: Greedy, Union Find, Graph # link: <> # hidden: true # --- # # N couples sit in 2N seats arranged in a row and want to hold hands. We want to # know the minimum number of swaps so that every couple is sitting side by side. # A _swap_ consists of choosing **any** two people, then they stand up and # switch seats. # # The people and seats are represented by an integer from `0` to `2N-1`, the # couples are numbered in order, the first couple being `(0, 1)`, the second # couple being `(2, 3)`, and so on with the last couple being `(2N-2, 2N-1)`. # # The couples' initial seating is given by `row[i]` being the value of the # person who is initially sitting in the i-th seat. # # **Example 1:** # # # # Input: row = [0, 2, 1, 3] # Output: 1 # Explanation: We only need to swap the second (row[1]) and third (row[2]) person. # # # **Example 2:** # # # # Input: row = [3, 2, 0, 1] # Output: 0 # Explanation: All couples are already seated side by side. # # # **Note:** # # 1. `len(row)` is even and in the range of `[4, 60]`. # 2. `row` is guaranteed to be a permutation of `0...len(row)-1`. # # ## @lc code=start using LeetCode function min_swaps_couples(row::Vector{Int}) len, ps, res = length(row), length(row) ÷ 2, 0 grp = [Set{Int}() for i in 1:ps] for i in 1:2:len l, r = row[i] ÷ 2 + 1, row[i + 1] ÷ 2 + 1 (l != r) && (push!(grp[l], r); push!(grp[r], l)) end visited = fill(false, ps) q = Queue{Int}() for i in 1:ps visited[i] && continue enqueue!(q, i) visited[i] = true cnt = 0 while !isempty(q) frt = dequeue!(q) cnt += 1 for neighbor in grp[frt] visited[neighbor] && continue enqueue!(q, neighbor) visited[neighbor] = true end end res += cnt - 1 end res end ## @lc code=end
[ 2, 11420, 198, 2, 3670, 25, 767, 2996, 13, 15062, 2374, 31703, 22237, 198, 2, 4686, 25, 1917, 29143, 198, 2, 1772, 25, 40673, 198, 2, 3128, 25, 33448, 12, 2999, 12, 1415, 198, 2, 8722, 25, 6912, 198, 2, 9376, 25, 11955, 4716, 11, 4479, 9938, 11, 29681, 198, 2, 2792, 25, 1279, 5450, 1378, 293, 316, 8189, 13, 785, 14, 1676, 22143, 14, 66, 280, 2374, 12, 19216, 12, 43365, 14, 11213, 15913, 198, 2, 7104, 25, 2081, 198, 2, 11420, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 399, 11886, 1650, 287, 362, 45, 8632, 14921, 287, 257, 5752, 290, 765, 284, 1745, 2832, 13, 775, 765, 284, 198, 2, 760, 262, 5288, 1271, 286, 43997, 523, 326, 790, 3155, 318, 5586, 1735, 416, 1735, 13, 198, 2, 317, 4808, 2032, 499, 62, 10874, 286, 11236, 12429, 1092, 1174, 734, 661, 11, 788, 484, 1302, 510, 290, 198, 2, 5078, 8632, 13, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 383, 661, 290, 8632, 389, 7997, 416, 281, 18253, 422, 4600, 15, 63, 284, 4600, 17, 45, 12, 16, 47671, 262, 198, 2, 11886, 389, 25840, 287, 1502, 11, 262, 717, 3155, 852, 4600, 7, 15, 11, 352, 8, 47671, 262, 1218, 198, 2, 3155, 852, 4600, 7, 17, 11, 513, 8, 47671, 290, 523, 319, 351, 262, 938, 3155, 852, 4600, 7, 17, 45, 12, 17, 11, 362, 45, 12, 16, 8, 44646, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 383, 11886, 6, 4238, 24800, 318, 1813, 416, 4600, 808, 58, 72, 60, 63, 852, 262, 1988, 286, 262, 198, 2, 1048, 508, 318, 7317, 5586, 287, 262, 1312, 12, 400, 5852, 13, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 12429, 16281, 352, 25, 1174, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23412, 25, 5752, 796, 685, 15, 11, 362, 11, 352, 11, 513, 60, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 25235, 25, 352, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 50125, 341, 25, 775, 691, 761, 284, 16075, 262, 1218, 357, 808, 58, 16, 12962, 290, 2368, 357, 808, 58, 17, 12962, 1048, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 12429, 16281, 362, 25, 1174, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23412, 25, 5752, 796, 685, 18, 11, 362, 11, 657, 11, 352, 60, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 25235, 25, 657, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 50125, 341, 25, 1439, 11886, 389, 1541, 21639, 1735, 416, 1735, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 12429, 6425, 25, 1174, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 220, 220, 352, 13, 4600, 11925, 7, 808, 8, 63, 318, 772, 290, 287, 262, 2837, 286, 4600, 58, 19, 11, 3126, 60, 44646, 198, 2, 220, 220, 362, 13, 4600, 808, 63, 318, 11462, 284, 307, 257, 9943, 7094, 286, 4600, 15, 986, 11925, 7, 808, 13219, 16, 44646, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2, 220, 198, 2235, 2488, 44601, 2438, 28, 9688, 198, 3500, 1004, 316, 10669, 198, 198, 8818, 949, 62, 2032, 1686, 62, 66, 280, 2374, 7, 808, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18896, 11, 26692, 11, 581, 796, 4129, 7, 808, 828, 4129, 7, 808, 8, 6184, 115, 362, 11, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1036, 79, 796, 685, 7248, 90, 5317, 92, 3419, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 862, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 17, 25, 11925, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 11, 374, 796, 5752, 58, 72, 60, 6184, 115, 362, 1343, 352, 11, 5752, 58, 72, 1343, 352, 60, 6184, 115, 362, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 75, 14512, 374, 8, 11405, 357, 14689, 0, 7, 2164, 79, 58, 75, 4357, 374, 1776, 4574, 0, 7, 2164, 79, 58, 81, 4357, 300, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8672, 796, 6070, 7, 9562, 11, 26692, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 796, 4670, 518, 90, 5317, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 862, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8672, 58, 72, 60, 11405, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 551, 36560, 0, 7, 80, 11, 1312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8672, 58, 72, 60, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 429, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 981, 5145, 271, 28920, 7, 80, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1216, 83, 796, 390, 36560, 0, 7, 80, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 429, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4780, 287, 1036, 79, 58, 8310, 83, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8672, 58, 710, 394, 2865, 60, 11405, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 551, 36560, 0, 7, 80, 11, 4780, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8672, 58, 710, 394, 2865, 60, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 15853, 269, 429, 532, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 198, 437, 198, 2235, 2488, 44601, 2438, 28, 437, 198 ]
# NOTE: These tests are not part of the active test suite, because they require Distributions.jl. # DO NOT INCORPORATE INTO runtests.jl. using Distributions using LightGraphs using StatsBase using Test import Random import Base: - import LightGraphs: randbn import StatsBase: SummaryStats function -(s::SummaryStats, t::SummaryStats) return SummaryStats(s.mean - t.mean, s.min - t.min, s.q25 - t.q25, s.median - t.median, s.q75 - t.q75, s.max - t.max) end function binomial_test(n, p, s) drand = rand(Binomial(n, p), s) lrand = Int64[randbn(n, p) for i in 1:s] ds = @show summarystats(drand) ls = @show summarystats(lrand) dσ = @show std(drand) lσ = @show std(lrand) summarydiff = @show ds - ls @test abs(summarydiff.mean) / ds.mean < .10 @test abs(summarydiff.median) / ds.median < .10 @test abs(summarydiff.q25) / ds.q25 < .10 @test abs(summarydiff.q75) / ds.q75 < .10 @show dσ - lσ @test abs(dσ - lσ) / dσ < .10 end seed!(1234) n = 10000 p = 0.3 s = 100000 for (n, p, s) in [(100, 0.3, 1000), (1000, 0.8, 1000), (10000, 0.25, 1000)] binomial_test(n, p, s) end
[ 2, 24550, 25, 2312, 5254, 389, 407, 636, 286, 262, 4075, 1332, 18389, 11, 780, 484, 2421, 46567, 507, 13, 20362, 13, 198, 2, 8410, 5626, 19387, 1581, 44680, 6158, 39319, 1057, 41989, 13, 20362, 13, 198, 198, 3500, 46567, 507, 198, 3500, 4401, 37065, 82, 198, 3500, 20595, 14881, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 11748, 14534, 198, 198, 11748, 7308, 25, 532, 198, 11748, 4401, 37065, 82, 25, 43720, 9374, 198, 11748, 20595, 14881, 25, 21293, 29668, 198, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 82, 3712, 22093, 29668, 11, 256, 3712, 22093, 29668, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 21293, 29668, 7, 82, 13, 32604, 532, 256, 13, 32604, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 1084, 532, 256, 13, 1084, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 80, 1495, 532, 256, 13, 80, 1495, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 1150, 666, 532, 256, 13, 1150, 666, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 80, 2425, 532, 256, 13, 80, 2425, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 9806, 532, 256, 13, 9806, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 9874, 49070, 62, 9288, 7, 77, 11, 279, 11, 264, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1553, 392, 796, 43720, 7, 33, 259, 49070, 7, 77, 11, 279, 828, 264, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 25192, 796, 2558, 2414, 58, 25192, 9374, 7, 77, 11, 279, 8, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 82, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 288, 82, 796, 2488, 12860, 10638, 34242, 7, 7109, 392, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 796, 2488, 12860, 10638, 34242, 7, 14050, 392, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 38392, 796, 2488, 12860, 14367, 7, 7109, 392, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 38392, 796, 2488, 12860, 14367, 7, 14050, 392, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 10638, 26069, 796, 2488, 12860, 288, 82, 532, 43979, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2352, 7, 49736, 26069, 13, 32604, 8, 1220, 288, 82, 13, 32604, 1279, 764, 940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2352, 7, 49736, 26069, 13, 1150, 666, 8, 1220, 288, 82, 13, 1150, 666, 1279, 764, 940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2352, 7, 49736, 26069, 13, 80, 1495, 8, 1220, 288, 82, 13, 80, 1495, 1279, 764, 940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2352, 7, 49736, 26069, 13, 80, 2425, 8, 1220, 288, 82, 13, 80, 2425, 1279, 764, 940, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 288, 38392, 532, 300, 38392, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2352, 7, 67, 38392, 532, 300, 38392, 8, 1220, 288, 38392, 1279, 764, 940, 198, 437, 198, 28826, 0, 7, 1065, 2682, 8, 198, 77, 796, 33028, 198, 79, 796, 657, 13, 18, 198, 82, 796, 1802, 830, 198, 198, 1640, 357, 77, 11, 279, 11, 264, 8, 287, 47527, 3064, 11, 657, 13, 18, 11, 8576, 828, 357, 12825, 11, 657, 13, 23, 11, 8576, 828, 357, 49388, 11, 657, 13, 1495, 11, 8576, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9874, 49070, 62, 9288, 7, 77, 11, 279, 11, 264, 8, 198, 437, 628 ]
module Classical using LinearAlgebra #using StaticArrays """ visco() Implements a power-law dependence for the viscosity ν on the surface density Σ, ν = ν₀(Σ/Σ₀)ᵝ following Grätz, Seiß & Spahn (2018). """ function visco(Σrel,β) THRESH = 0.01 # Thresholding allows us to use β<0, which would otherwise lead to infinities. threshold(Σ) = Σ > THRESH ? Σ : THRESH Σr = threshold.(Σrel) return Diagonal(Σr.^β) end """ Potentially confusing terminology: a planetary particulate disk is called a "ring", not a disk. """ mutable struct ring # α::Float64 # Δx::Float64 # Δt::Float64 # xi, xf ::Float64 N::Integer β::Float64 ΔtMAX::Float64 # Defined on nodes: X_::Array{Float64,1} ΔX_::Array{Float64,1} U_::Array{Float64,1} # Defined on cells: x_::Array{Float64,1} σ_::Array{Float64,1} Gᵐ::Any # Tridiagonal # μ_::Array{Float64,1} # νᵐ::Any end function ring(N=5;β=0,xf=3.0,xi=0.01)#10*xf/N) xtemp_ = collect(range(xi,xf,length=N+1)) X_ = xtemp_[2:end] U_ = 1.0 ./ X_.^4 ΔX_ = diff(xtemp_) x_ = 0.5*(xtemp_[1:end-1]+xtemp_[2:end]) # midpoints σ_ = ones(N) νᵐ = visco(σ_,β) Mᵐ = Diagonal(ΔX_) Mⁱᵐ= Diagonal(1.0./ΔX_) Kdiag = [1.0 ./ diff(x_)..., 0.0] Ksuper = -Kdiag[1:end-1] Ksub = zeros(N-1) Kᵐ = Tridiagonal(Ksub,Kdiag,Ksuper) Dᵐ = Tridiagonal(ones(N-1),-ones(N),zeros(N-1)) Gᵐ = 3 * Dᵐ * Kᵐ * νᵐ μ_ = Mᵐ * σ_ # mass (per azimuthal length) in annulus ΔtVN = 0.5 * minimum(diff(X_).^2 ./ diag(νᵐ)[1:end-1] ) ΔtADV = minimum(ΔX_ ./ U_) ΔtMAX = min(ΔtVN,ΔtADV) return ring(N,β,ΔtMAX,X_,ΔX_,U_,x_,σ_,Gᵐ)#,μ_) end function adjust!(r::ring) νᵐ = visco(r.σ_,r.β) Kdiag = [1.0 ./ diff(r.x_)..., 0.0] Ksuper = -Kdiag[1:end-1] Ksub = zeros(r.N-1) Kᵐ = Tridiagonal(Ksub,Kdiag,Ksuper) Dᵐ = Tridiagonal(ones(r.N-1),-ones(r.N),zeros(r.N-1)) Gᵐ = 3 * Dᵐ * Kᵐ * νᵐ r.Gᵐ = Gᵐ end function advect!(r::ring;Δt=r.ΔtMAX) σ = r.σ_; U = r.U_;; ΔX = r.ΔX_ σ[2:end] += Δt .* (σ[1:end-1] .* U[1:end-1] ./ ΔX[2:end] ) σ[1:end] -= Δt .* (σ[1:end] .* U[1:end] ./ ΔX[1:end] ) end function diffuse!(r::ring;Δt=r.ΔtMAX,α=0.5) Gᵐ = r.Gᵐ N = r.N Aᵐ = I(N) - α * Δt * Gᵐ Bᵐ = I(N) + (1-α) * Δt * Gᵐ # Solve: r.σ_ = Aᵐ \ (Bᵐ * r.σ_) # r.σ_[1] = 0.0 r.σ_[end] = 1.0 end function iterate!(r::ring;Δt=r.ΔtMAX,α=0.5) adjust!(r) diffuse!(r;Δt=Δt,α=α) advect!(r;Δt=Δt) end end#module
[ 21412, 43680, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 2, 3500, 36125, 3163, 20477, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 4703, 1073, 3419, 198, 198, 3546, 1154, 902, 257, 1176, 12, 6270, 21403, 329, 262, 1490, 6966, 414, 7377, 121, 319, 262, 4417, 12109, 7377, 96, 11, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 121, 796, 7377, 121, 158, 224, 222, 7, 138, 96, 14, 138, 96, 158, 224, 222, 8, 39611, 251, 198, 198, 27780, 278, 1902, 11033, 22877, 11, 1001, 72, 39683, 1222, 1338, 15386, 357, 7908, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 1490, 1073, 7, 138, 96, 2411, 11, 26638, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2320, 19535, 39, 796, 657, 13, 486, 1303, 536, 10126, 278, 3578, 514, 284, 779, 27169, 27, 15, 11, 543, 561, 4306, 1085, 284, 1167, 259, 871, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11387, 7, 138, 96, 8, 796, 7377, 96, 1875, 2320, 19535, 39, 5633, 7377, 96, 1058, 2320, 19535, 39, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 96, 81, 796, 11387, 12195, 138, 96, 2411, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6031, 27923, 7, 138, 96, 81, 13, 61, 26638, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 25396, 3746, 15337, 29191, 25, 257, 27047, 1344, 5039, 11898, 318, 1444, 257, 366, 1806, 1600, 198, 1662, 257, 11898, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 5858, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 87, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 83, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 72, 11, 2124, 69, 7904, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 3712, 46541, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 83, 22921, 3712, 43879, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2896, 1389, 319, 13760, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 62, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 55, 62, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 471, 62, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2896, 1389, 319, 4778, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 62, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39611, 238, 3712, 7149, 1303, 833, 19830, 27923, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 62, 3712, 19182, 90, 43879, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 121, 39611, 238, 3712, 7149, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 5858, 7, 45, 28, 20, 26, 26638, 28, 15, 11, 26152, 28, 18, 13, 15, 11, 29992, 28, 15, 13, 486, 8, 2, 940, 9, 26152, 14, 45, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 742, 45787, 62, 796, 2824, 7, 9521, 7, 29992, 11, 26152, 11, 13664, 28, 45, 10, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 62, 796, 220, 742, 45787, 62, 58, 17, 25, 437, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 471, 62, 796, 352, 13, 15, 24457, 1395, 44807, 61, 19, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 55, 62, 796, 814, 7, 742, 45787, 62, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 796, 657, 13, 20, 9, 7, 742, 45787, 62, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 48688, 742, 45787, 62, 58, 17, 25, 437, 12962, 1303, 3095, 13033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 62, 796, 3392, 7, 45, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 121, 39611, 238, 796, 1490, 1073, 7, 38392, 62, 11, 26638, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 39611, 238, 796, 6031, 27923, 7, 138, 242, 55, 62, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 46256, 109, 39611, 238, 28, 6031, 27923, 7, 16, 13, 15, 19571, 138, 242, 55, 62, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 10989, 363, 796, 685, 16, 13, 15, 24457, 814, 7, 87, 62, 26513, 11, 657, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 16668, 796, 532, 42, 10989, 363, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 7266, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 45, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 39611, 238, 796, 833, 19830, 27923, 7, 42, 7266, 11, 42, 10989, 363, 11, 42, 16668, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 360, 39611, 238, 796, 833, 19830, 27923, 7, 1952, 7, 45, 12, 16, 828, 12, 1952, 7, 45, 828, 9107, 418, 7, 45, 12, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39611, 238, 796, 513, 1635, 360, 39611, 238, 1635, 509, 39611, 238, 1635, 7377, 121, 39611, 238, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 62, 796, 337, 39611, 238, 1635, 18074, 225, 62, 1303, 2347, 357, 525, 35560, 320, 1071, 282, 4129, 8, 287, 1529, 23515, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 83, 53, 45, 796, 657, 13, 20, 1635, 5288, 7, 26069, 7, 55, 62, 737, 61, 17, 24457, 2566, 363, 7, 26180, 39611, 238, 38381, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 60, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 83, 2885, 53, 796, 5288, 7, 138, 242, 55, 62, 24457, 471, 62, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 83, 22921, 796, 949, 7, 138, 242, 83, 53, 45, 11, 138, 242, 83, 2885, 53, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 5858, 7, 45, 11, 26638, 11, 138, 242, 83, 22921, 11, 55, 62, 11, 138, 242, 55, 62, 11, 52, 62, 11, 87, 62, 11, 38392, 62, 11, 38, 39611, 238, 8, 2, 11, 34703, 62, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 4532, 0, 7, 81, 3712, 1806, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 121, 39611, 238, 796, 1490, 1073, 7, 81, 13, 38392, 62, 11, 81, 13, 26638, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 10989, 363, 796, 685, 16, 13, 15, 24457, 814, 7, 81, 13, 87, 62, 26513, 11, 657, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 16668, 796, 532, 42, 10989, 363, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 7266, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 81, 13, 45, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 39611, 238, 796, 833, 19830, 27923, 7, 42, 7266, 11, 42, 10989, 363, 11, 42, 16668, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 360, 39611, 238, 796, 833, 19830, 27923, 7, 1952, 7, 81, 13, 45, 12, 16, 828, 12, 1952, 7, 81, 13, 45, 828, 9107, 418, 7, 81, 13, 45, 12, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39611, 238, 796, 513, 1635, 360, 39611, 238, 1635, 509, 39611, 238, 1635, 7377, 121, 39611, 238, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 13, 38, 39611, 238, 796, 402, 39611, 238, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 512, 303, 310, 0, 7, 81, 3712, 1806, 26, 138, 242, 83, 28, 81, 13, 138, 242, 83, 22921, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 796, 374, 13, 38392, 62, 26, 471, 796, 374, 13, 52, 62, 7665, 37455, 55, 796, 374, 13, 138, 242, 55, 62, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 58, 17, 25, 437, 60, 220, 220, 15853, 37455, 83, 764, 9, 357, 38392, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 60, 764, 9, 471, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 60, 24457, 37455, 55, 58, 17, 25, 437, 60, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 58, 16, 25, 437, 60, 48185, 37455, 83, 764, 9, 357, 38392, 58, 16, 25, 437, 60, 764, 9, 471, 58, 16, 25, 437, 60, 24457, 37455, 55, 58, 16, 25, 437, 60, 1267, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 42864, 0, 7, 81, 3712, 1806, 26, 138, 242, 83, 28, 81, 13, 138, 242, 83, 22921, 11, 17394, 28, 15, 13, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 402, 39611, 238, 796, 374, 13, 38, 39611, 238, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 796, 374, 13, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 39611, 238, 796, 314, 7, 45, 8, 532, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 220, 1635, 37455, 83, 1635, 402, 39611, 238, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 39611, 238, 796, 314, 7, 45, 8, 1343, 357, 16, 12, 17394, 8, 1635, 37455, 83, 1635, 402, 39611, 238, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4294, 303, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 13, 38392, 62, 796, 317, 39611, 238, 3467, 357, 33, 39611, 238, 1635, 374, 13, 38392, 62, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 374, 13, 38392, 62, 58, 16, 60, 220, 220, 796, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 13, 38392, 62, 58, 437, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 11629, 378, 0, 7, 81, 3712, 1806, 26, 138, 242, 83, 28, 81, 13, 138, 242, 83, 22921, 11, 17394, 28, 15, 13, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4532, 0, 7, 81, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42864, 0, 7, 81, 26, 138, 242, 83, 28, 138, 242, 83, 11, 17394, 28, 17394, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 512, 303, 310, 0, 7, 81, 26, 138, 242, 83, 28, 138, 242, 83, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 2, 21412, 198 ]
let x = zeros(150, 150) carts = [] mutable struct Cart dir::Int coord::Tuple{Int, Int} offset::Tuple{Int, Int} end #9 d = Dict('^' => (0,1), 'v' => (0,-1), '<' => (-1,0), '>' => (1,0)) mdirs = [(x, y) -> (y, -x), (x, y) -> (x, y), (x, y) -> (-y, x)] for (j, line) in eachline("day13.e") |> enumerate for (i, val) in split(line, "") |> enumerate val[1] in ['/' '\\' '+' '-' '|'] && (x[i,j] = 1) val[1] in ['^' 'v' '<' '>'] && push!(carts, Cart(3, (i, j), d[val[1]])) end end; while true; sort!(carts, by = x -> x.coord[2]) for c in carts; @info c hasint = sum(x[max(1, c.coord[1] - 1): min(150, c.coord[1] + 1), max(1, c.coord[2] - 1): min(150, c.coord[2] + 1)]) > 3 if hasint c.dir += 1; c.dir > 3 && (c.dir = 1) c.offset = mdirs[c.dir](c.offset...) else nc = c.coord .+ c.offset; if any(nc .> 150) || any(nc .< 1) || x[nc...] == 0; @info "here" for (z, i) in enumerate(mdirs); ncc = c.coord .+ i(c.offset...); (any(ncc .> 150) || any(ncc .< 1)) && continue x[ncc...] == 1 && (c.offset = i(c.offset...)) end end end c.coord = c.coord .+ c.offset for cc in carts all(c.coord .== cc.coord) && c.offset != cc.offset && error(c.coord) end end end end
[ 1616, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 8628, 11, 6640, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44355, 796, 17635, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4517, 540, 2878, 13690, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26672, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6349, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11, 2558, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11677, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11, 2558, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 24, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 288, 796, 360, 713, 10786, 61, 6, 5218, 357, 15, 11, 16, 828, 705, 85, 6, 5218, 357, 15, 12095, 16, 828, 705, 27, 6, 5218, 13841, 16, 11, 15, 828, 705, 29, 6, 5218, 357, 16, 11, 15, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 15908, 82, 796, 47527, 87, 11, 331, 8, 4613, 357, 88, 11, 532, 87, 828, 357, 87, 11, 331, 8, 4613, 357, 87, 11, 331, 828, 357, 87, 11, 331, 8, 4613, 13841, 88, 11, 2124, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 73, 11, 1627, 8, 287, 1123, 1370, 7203, 820, 1485, 13, 68, 4943, 930, 29, 27056, 378, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 1188, 8, 287, 6626, 7, 1370, 11, 366, 4943, 930, 29, 27056, 378, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 58, 16, 60, 287, 685, 26488, 6, 705, 6852, 6, 705, 10, 6, 705, 19355, 705, 91, 20520, 11405, 357, 87, 58, 72, 11, 73, 60, 796, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 58, 16, 60, 287, 37250, 61, 6, 705, 85, 6, 705, 27, 6, 705, 29, 20520, 11405, 4574, 0, 7, 66, 5889, 11, 13690, 7, 18, 11, 357, 72, 11, 474, 828, 288, 58, 2100, 58, 16, 11907, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 981, 2081, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3297, 0, 7, 66, 5889, 11, 416, 796, 2124, 4613, 2124, 13, 37652, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 269, 287, 44355, 26, 2488, 10951, 269, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 468, 600, 796, 2160, 7, 87, 58, 9806, 7, 16, 11, 269, 13, 37652, 58, 16, 60, 532, 352, 2599, 949, 7, 8628, 11, 269, 13, 37652, 58, 16, 60, 1343, 352, 828, 3509, 7, 16, 11, 269, 13, 37652, 58, 17, 60, 532, 352, 2599, 949, 7, 8628, 11, 269, 13, 37652, 58, 17, 60, 1343, 352, 8, 12962, 1875, 513, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 468, 600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13, 15908, 15853, 352, 26, 269, 13, 15908, 1875, 513, 11405, 357, 66, 13, 15908, 796, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13, 28968, 796, 285, 15908, 82, 58, 66, 13, 15908, 16151, 66, 13, 28968, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 66, 796, 269, 13, 37652, 764, 10, 269, 13, 28968, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 597, 7, 10782, 764, 29, 6640, 8, 8614, 597, 7, 10782, 764, 27, 352, 8, 8614, 2124, 58, 10782, 22345, 6624, 657, 26, 2488, 10951, 366, 1456, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 89, 11, 1312, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 9132, 17062, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 535, 796, 269, 13, 37652, 764, 10, 1312, 7, 66, 13, 28968, 986, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 1092, 7, 77, 535, 764, 29, 6640, 8, 8614, 597, 7, 77, 535, 764, 27, 352, 4008, 11405, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 58, 77, 535, 22345, 6624, 352, 11405, 357, 66, 13, 28968, 796, 1312, 7, 66, 13, 28968, 986, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13, 37652, 796, 269, 13, 37652, 764, 10, 269, 13, 28968, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 36624, 287, 44355, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 477, 7, 66, 13, 37652, 764, 855, 36624, 13, 37652, 8, 11405, 269, 13, 28968, 14512, 36624, 13, 28968, 11405, 4049, 7, 66, 13, 37652, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198 ]
export permanent """ permanent(A) Compute the permanent of the square matrix `A`. Works best if `A` is relatively sparse. For a dense matrix, this will be slow. """ function permanent(A::Matrix{T}) where {T<:Number} r, c = size(A) if r != c error("Matrix must be square") end if r == 0 return zero(T) end allow = [findall((x) -> x != 0, A[i, :]) for i = 1:r] PG = PermGen(allow) try first(PG) # make sure PG is not empty return sum(prod(A[i, p[i]] for i = 1:r) for p in PG) catch return zero(T) end end
[ 39344, 7748, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7748, 7, 32, 8, 198, 198, 7293, 1133, 262, 7748, 286, 262, 6616, 17593, 4600, 32, 44646, 10933, 1266, 611, 4600, 32, 63, 198, 271, 5365, 29877, 13, 1114, 257, 15715, 17593, 11, 428, 481, 307, 3105, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 7748, 7, 32, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 27, 25, 15057, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 11, 269, 796, 2546, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 374, 14512, 269, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 46912, 1276, 307, 6616, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 374, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6632, 7, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1249, 796, 685, 19796, 439, 19510, 87, 8, 4613, 2124, 14512, 657, 11, 317, 58, 72, 11, 1058, 12962, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 81, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23842, 796, 2448, 76, 13746, 7, 12154, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 717, 7, 6968, 8, 220, 1303, 787, 1654, 23842, 318, 407, 6565, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2160, 7, 1676, 67, 7, 32, 58, 72, 11, 279, 58, 72, 11907, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 81, 8, 329, 279, 287, 23842, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 6632, 7, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
############################################################################# #Copyright (c) 2016 Charles Le Losq # #The MIT License (MIT) # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the #Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, #modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, #and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the #following conditions: # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, #INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################# function rameau(paths::Tuple,switches::Tuple;input_properties=('\t',0),prediction_coef=[0.0059;0.0005],temperature=23.0,laser=532.0,lb_break=1600.,hb_start=2600.,basetype="gcvspline") # some function definition calibration_model(x, p) = p[1].*x baseline_lfmodel(x, p) = p[1].*x + p[2].*x.^2 + p[3].*x.^3 if switches[1] == "internal" scale = 1 liste=readcsv(paths[1], skipstart=1) names = liste[:,1] water = Array{Float64}(liste[:,3]) smo_lf = Array{Float64}(liste[:,4]) smo_hf = Array{Float64}(liste[:,5]) roi = ones(Int((size(liste,2)-5)/2),2,size(liste,1)) for j = 1:size(liste,1) roi[:,1,j] = (liste[j,6:2:end]) roi[:,2,j] = (liste[j,7:2:end]) end rws = ones(size(liste,1),3) for i = 1:size(liste,1) spectra = readdlm(string(paths[2],names[i]),input_properties[1],skipstart=input_properties[2]) if spectra[end,1] < spectra[1,1] spectra = flipdim(spectra,1) end x = spectra[:,1] spectra[:,2] = spectra[:,2] - minimum(spectra[:,2]) y = spectra[:,2]./maximum(spectra[:,2]).*scale + 0.1# area normalisation, and we avoid any 0 ratio_bkg = minimum(y)/maximum(y) # to keep a record of the ratio of maximum signal intensity over minimum background intensity #### PRELIMINARY STEP: FIRST WE GRAB THE GOOD SIGNAL IN THE ROI interest_index::Array{Int64} = find(roi[1,1,i] .<= x[:,1] .<= roi[1,2,i]) if size(roi)[1] > 1 for j = 2:size(roi)[1] interest_index = vcat(interest_index, find(roi[j,1,i] .<= x[:,1] .<= roi[j,2,i])) end end interest_x = x[interest_index,1] interest_y = y[interest_index,1] if switches[3] == "yes" # if user asks for the experimental baseline if switches[4] == "yes" x, y_long, ~ = tlcorrection([x[:] y[:]],temperature,laser) # Long correction y_long=y_long./maximum(y_long).*scale ### THE FOLLOWING IS PURELY EXPERIMENTAL lb = roi[:,1,i] hb = roi[:,2,i] roi_hf = [lb[hb.>hb_start] hb[hb.>hb_start]] roi_lf = [lb[hb.<lb_break] hb[hb.<lb_break]] y_hf = y_long[x.>hb_start] y_lf = y_long[x.<lb_break] # A first linear baseline in signals between ~1300 and ~ 2000 cm-1 #y_calc_hf, baseline_hf = baseline(x,y_long,[2600. 3100.;3775. 3900.],"gcvspline",p=smo_hf[i]) #y_calc_hf, baseline_hf = baseline(x,y_long,[roi_hf[end-1,1] roi_hf[end-1,2];roi_hf[end,1] roi_hf[end,2]],"poly",p=3.0) y_calc_hf, baseline_hf = baseline(x,y_long,[3000. 3100;3750. 3800.],"poly",p=1.0) x_fit = [x[0 .< x .< 150];x[1250. .< x .< 1500]] y_fit = [y_long[0 .< x .< 150];y_long[1250. .< x .< 1500.]] #sss = size(x_fit,1) #mod = Model(solver=IpoptSolver()) #@variable(mod, k1 >= 0.0,start=1.0) #@variable(mod, k2 >= 0.0, start = 1.0) #@NLexpression(mod, base[k=1:sss],k1*x_fit[k] + k2*x_fit[k]*x_fit[k]) #@NLobjective(mod,Min,sum{(base[k] - y_fit[k])^2,k=sss}) #status = solve(mod) #p1 = getvalue(k1) #p2 = getvalue(k2) #fit_bas = curve_fit(baseline_lfmodel, , [y_long[0 .< x .< 100];y_long[1250. .< x .< 1500.]], [0.5,0.5,0.5]) #coef_bas = fit_bas.param #baseline_lf = baseline_lfmodel(x,[p1;p2]) #y_calc_lf = y_long - baseline_lf y_calc_lf, baseline_lf = baseline(x,y_long,[0. 150;1250. 1600.],"poly",p=3.0) #y_calc_lf, baseline_lf = baseline(x,y_long,roi[:,:,i],basetype,p=smo_lf[i]) y_calc2 = [y_calc_lf[x.<=1600.];y_calc_hf[x.>1600.]] bas2 = [baseline_lf[x.<=1600.];baseline_hf[x.>1600.]] #y_calc2 = y_calc2[:,1]./trapz(x[:],y_calc2[:,1]).*scale # area normalisation figure(figsize=(20,20)) suptitle("Baseline sub. with Long corr., sp. $(names[i])") subplot(3,2,(1,2)) plot(x,y,"black",label="Raw sp.") plot(x,y_long,"blue",label="Long corr. sp.") scatter(interest_x,y_long[interest_index,1],s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") # the ROI signals after first baseline and long correction plot(x,bas2,"red",label="Baseline") legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") subplot(3,2,3) plot(x[x.<1500],y_long[x.<1500],"blue",label="Long corr. sp.") scatter(interest_x[interest_x.<1500],y_long[interest_index[interest_x.<1500],1],s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") # the ROI signals after first baseline and long correction plot(x[x.<1500],bas2[x.<1500],"red",label="Baseline") xlim(0,1500) legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") subplot(3,2,4) plot(x[x.>2800],y_long[x.>2800],"blue",label="Long corr. sp.") scatter(interest_x[interest_x.>2800],y_long[interest_index[interest_x.>2800],1],s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") # the ROI signals after first baseline and long correction plot(x[x.>2800],bas2[x.>2800],"red",label="Baseline") xlim(2800,4000) legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") subplot(3,2,(5,6)) plot(x,y_calc2,"cyan",label="Final sp.") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$") ylabel("Intensity, area normalised") legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") else # ALSO FULLY EXPERIMENTAL!!!! IT DOES NOT WORK! y_hf = y[x.>hb_start] y_lf = y[x.<lb_break] # A first linear baseline in signals between ~1300 and ~ 2000 cm-1 y_calc_hf, baseline_hf = baseline(x,y,[2600. 2900.;3775. 3900.],"poly",p=3.0) #A first linear baseline in signals between ~1300 and ~ 2000 cm-1 y_calc1_part1, baseline1 = baseline(x,y,[1300 1800.],"poly",p=1.0) # we get a mean signal for background below 1300 cm-1 X_low_lf = x[y .== minimum(y[100 .<x.<1400])] b_low_lf = mean(y[X_low_lf[1]-10 .< x .< X_low_lf[1]+10]) baseline1[x.<1250.] = b_low_lf y_calc1_part1 = y - baseline1 bas2 = [baseline1[x.<lb_break];baseline_hf[x.>lb_break]] y_calc2 = [y_calc1_part1[x.<lb_break];y_calc_hf[x.>lb_break]] figure() plot(x,y,color="black") plot(x,baseline_hf,color="red") plot(x,y_calc2,color="blue") end else # only a single baseline treatment is asked # we test if thre Long correction is asked, and react accordingly for baseline substraction if switches[4] == "yes" x, y_long, ~ = tlcorrection([x[:] y[:]],temperature,laser) # Long correction y_long=y_long./maximum(y_long).*scale y_calc2, bas2 = baseline(x,y_long,roi[:,:,i],basetype,p=smo_lf[i]) y_calc2 = y_calc2[:,1]./trapz(x[:],y_calc2[:,1]).*(scale./10) # area normalisation figure(figsize=(20,20)) suptitle("LL2012 method, sp. $(names[i])") subplot(3,2,(1,2)) plot(x,y,"black",label="Raw sp.") plot(x,y_long,"blue",label="Long corr. sp.") scatter(interest_x,y_long[interest_index,1],s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") # the ROI signals after first baseline and long correction plot(x,bas2,"red",label="Baseline") legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") ylabel("Intensity,a. u.",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") subplot(3,2,3) plot(x[x.<1500],y_long[x.<1500],"blue",label="Long corr. sp.") scatter(interest_x[interest_x.<1500],y_long[interest_index[interest_x.<1500],1],s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") # the ROI signals after first baseline and long correction plot(x[x.<1500],bas2[x.<1500],"red",label="Baseline") xlim(0,1500) legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") ylabel("Intensity,a. u.",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") subplot(3,2,4) plot(x[x.>2800],y_long[x.>2800],"blue",label="Long corr. sp.") scatter(interest_x[interest_x.>2800],y_long[interest_index[interest_x.>2800],1],s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") # the ROI signals after first baseline and long correction plot(x[x.>2800],bas2[x.>2800],"red",label="Baseline") xlim(2600,4000) legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") ylabel("Intensity,a. u.",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") subplot(3,2,(5,6)) plot(x,y_calc2,"cyan",label="Final sp.") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$") ylabel("Intensity, area normalised") legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") ylabel("Intensity,a. u.",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") else y_calc2, bas2 = baseline(x,y,roi[:,:,i],basetype,p=smo_lf[i]) y_calc2 = y_calc2[:,1]./trapz(x[:],y_calc2[:,1]).*scale # area normalisation figure() plot(x,y.*10,"black",label="Raw sp.") scatter(interest_x,interest_y.*10,s=10.,color="red",label="ROI") plot(x,bas2.*10,"red",label="Baseline") plot(x,y_calc2,"cyan",label="Final sp.") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$") ylabel("Intensity, area normalised") title("Baseline sub., NO Long corr.") legend(loc="best",fancybox="true") end end # saving the corrected spectrum writecsv(string(paths[3],names[i]),[x y_calc2 bas2]) #Saving the generated figure (specified directory should exist) savefig(string(paths[4],"baseline_",names[i],".pdf")) close() if switches[3] == "yes" # calc=ulating the areas under silicate and water bands if switches[4] == "yes" As = (trapz(x[150 .<x.<600],y_calc2[150 .<x.<600])+trapz(x[1000 .<x.<1250],y_calc2[1000 .<x.<1250])) Aw = trapz(x[3100 .< x .<3750],y_calc2[3100 .< x .<3750]) else #idx1a = find(y[400 .<x.<600] .== maximum(y[400 .<x.<600])) #idx1b = find(y[600 .<x.<1000] .== minimum(y[600 .<x.<1000])) #idx2a = find( y[900 .<x.<1250] .== maximum(y[900 .<x.<1250])) #idx2b = find( y[1000 .<x.<1250] .== minimum(y[1000 .<x.<1250])) #idx3a = find( y[3000 .<x.<3700] .== maximum(y[3000 .<x.<3700])) #idx3b = find( y[3700 .<x.<3800] .== minimum(y[3700 .<x.<3800])) #As = mean(y[(idx1a[1]-4):(idx1a[1]+4),1]) - mean(y[(idx1b[1]-4):(idx1b[1]+4),1]) + mean(y[(idx2a[1]-4):(idx2a[1]+4),1]) - mean(y[(idx2b[1]-4):(idx2b[1]+4),1]) #Aw = mean(y[idx3a[1]-4 : idx3a[1]+4,1]) - mean(y[idx3b[1]-4 : idx3b[1]+4,1]) As = maximum(y[400 .<x.<600]) - minimum(y[600 .<x.<1000]) + maximum(y[900 .<x.<1250]) - minimum(y[1000 .<x.<1250]) Aw = maximum(y[3000 .<x.<3700]) - minimum(y[3700 .<x.<3800]) end else # calc=ulating the areas under silicate and water bands As = trapz(x[150 .< x .<1300],y_calc2[150 .< x .<1300]) Aw = trapz(x[2800 .< x .<3750],y_calc2[2800 .< x .<3750]) end # recording them rws[i,1] = As; rws[i,2] = Aw; rws[i,3] = Aw./(As); println("Spectrum $(names[i]), the rws is $(rws[i,3])") end if switches[2] == "yes" fit = curve_fit(calibration_model, rws[:,3], water[:]./(100.-water[:]), [0.5]) coef = fit.param sigma = estimate_errors(fit, 0.95) rws_calibration = collect(0:0.01:round(maximum(rws[:,3]),2)) water_ratio_calibration = calibration_model(rws_calibration,coef) water_compare = 100.*calibration_model(rws[:,3],coef)./(calibration_model(rws[:,3],coef)+1) # eq. 3 Le Losq et al. (2012) rmse_calibration = sqrt(1./(size(rws,1)-1).*sum((water_compare-water).^2)) rmse_ratio_ws = rmse_calibration/100*(rmse_calibration/(100-rmse_calibration)+1) figure() scatter(rws[:,3],water[:]./(100.-water[:])) plot(rws_calibration,water_ratio_calibration,color="red",linewidth=2.0) plot(rws_calibration,water_ratio_calibration+rmse_ratio_ws,color="red",linestyle="--",linewidth=1.0) plot(rws_calibration,water_ratio_calibration-rmse_ratio_ws,color="red",linestyle="--",linewidth=1.0) plot(rws_calibration,water_ratio_calibration,color="red") xlim(0,maximum(rws_calibration)+1./4*maximum(rws_calibration)) ylim(0,maximum(water_ratio_calibration)+1./4*maximum(water_ratio_calibration)) xlabel(L"A$_{water}$/A$_{silicates}$, area ratio",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") ylabel("Water/Glass, weight ratio",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") annotate(L"R$_{ws}$=",xy=(0.3,0.9),xycoords="axes fraction",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial",horizontalalignment="center") annotate("$(round(coef[1],5)) +/- $(round(sigma[1],5))",xy=(0.3,0.8),xycoords="axes fraction",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial",horizontalalignment="center") annotate("Standard deviation\n= $(round(rmse_calibration,2)) wt%",xy=(0.7,0.3),xycoords="axes fraction",horizontalalignment="center",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") savefig(paths[6]) writecsv(string(paths[5]), ["spectrum" "product" "Rws" "Water input" "Water Raman";liste[:,1] liste[:,2] rws[:,3] water water_compare]) #return [rws[:,3] water water_compare] else water_predicted = 100.*(rws[:,3].*prediction_coef[1]./(rws[:,3].*prediction_coef[1]+1)) water_predicted_high = 100.*(rws[:,3].*sum(prediction_coef)./(rws[:,3].*sum(prediction_coef)+1)) writecsv(string(paths[5]), ["spectrum" "product" "Rws" "Water Raman" "Error";liste[:,1] liste[:,2] rws[:,3] water_predicted water_predicted_high-water_predicted]) #return [rws[:,3] water_predicted] end elseif switches[1] == "external" liste=readcsv(paths[1], skipstart=1) reference = liste[:,1] # reference product names are in first column for record reference_density = liste[:,3] reference_water = liste[:,4] sample = liste[:,5] # sample product names are in column 6 for record sample_density = liste[:,7] water = ones(size(liste,1),1) # the array to record water content for i = 1:size(liste,1) #importing data reference_sp = readdlm(string(paths[2],reference[i]),input_properties[1],skipstart=input_properties[2]) sample_sp = readdlm(string(paths[2],sample[i]),input_properties[1],skipstart=input_properties[2]) if reference_sp[end,1] < reference_sp[1,1] reference_sp = flipdim(reference_sp,1) end if sample_sp[end,1] < sample_sp[1,1] sample_sp = flipdim(sample_sp,1) end # temperature - excitation line correction with the Hehlen formula x_ref, reference_sp_long, ~ = tlcorrection(reference_sp,temperature,laser,correction="hehlen",normalisation="no",density=reference_density[i]) x_sp, sample_sp_long, ~ = tlcorrection(sample_sp,temperature,laser,correction="hehlen",normalisation="no",density=sample_density[i]) # Linear baseline subtraction roi_hf = [3000. 3100.; 3800. 3900.] # the region where the basline is constrained reference_sp_corr2, reference_baseline = baseline(x_ref,reference_sp_long,roi_hf,"poly",p=1.0) sample_sp_corr2, sample_baseline = baseline(x_sp,sample_sp_long,roi_hf,"poly",p=1.0) # Area calculation between 3100 and 3800 cm-1 Area_reference = trapz(x_ref[3100. .<x_ref[:,1].<3800.],reference_sp_corr2[3100. .<x_ref[:,1].<3800.]) Area_sample = trapz(x_sp[3100. .<x_sp[:,1].<3800.],sample_sp_corr2[3100. .<x_sp[:,1].<3800.]) # With the intensity Intensity_reference = maximum(reference_sp_corr2[3100. .<x_ref[:,1].<3800]) Intensity_sample = maximum(sample_sp_corr2[3100. .<x_ref[:,1].<3800]) # Water calculation water[i] = (reference_water[i]./1.8*reference_density[i]) .*Area_sample./Area_reference # water is in mol/L #water[i] = (reference_water[i]./1.8*reference_density[i]) .*Intensity_sample./Intensity_reference # water is in mol/L water[i] = water[i] *1.8./sample_density[i] # water converted in wt% figure(figsize=(7.5,15)) subplot(311) title("External calibration: $(round(water[i],2)) wt% water,\n sp. $(sample[i]) with ref. $(reference[i]) ") plot(reference_sp[:,1],reference_sp[:,2],color="black",label="Reference") plot(sample_sp[:,1],sample_sp[:,2],color="blue",label="Sample") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") legend(loc="best",frameon=false) subplot(312) plot(x_ref[:],reference_sp_long[:],color="black",label=L"T-$\nu$ corrected reference") plot(x_ref[:],reference_baseline,color="grey",label="Reference baseline") plot(x_sp[:],sample_sp_long[:],color="blue",label=L"T-$\nu$ corrected sample") plot(x_sp[:],sample_baseline,color="cyan",label="Sample baseline") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") ylabel("Normalized intensity, a. u.",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") legend(loc="best",frameon=false) subplot(313) plot(x_ref,reference_sp_corr2,color="black",label="Ref. spectrum") plot(x_sp,sample_sp_corr2,color="blue",label="Sample spectrum") xlabel(L"Raman shift, cm$^{-1}$",fontsize=18,fontname="Arial") legend(loc="best",frameon=false) tight_layout() # saving the water content writecsv(string(paths[5]), ["Spectrum" "Sample Name" "Estimated water content";liste[:,5] liste[:,6] water]) #Saving the generated figure (specified directory should exist) savefig(string(paths[4],"Internal_Std_",sample[i],".pdf")) end else # or error message error("the first switch indicates if you want to use an internal or external calibration mode. Please choose between both.") end end
[ 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 2, 198, 2, 15269, 357, 66, 8, 1584, 7516, 1004, 5401, 80, 198, 2, 198, 2, 464, 17168, 13789, 357, 36393, 8, 198, 2, 198, 2, 5990, 3411, 318, 29376, 7520, 11, 1479, 286, 3877, 11, 284, 597, 1048, 16727, 257, 4866, 286, 428, 3788, 290, 3917, 10314, 3696, 357, 1169, 366, 25423, 12340, 284, 1730, 287, 262, 1303, 25423, 1231, 17504, 11, 1390, 1231, 17385, 262, 2489, 284, 779, 11, 4866, 11, 1303, 4666, 1958, 11, 20121, 11, 7715, 11, 14983, 11, 850, 43085, 11, 290, 14, 273, 3677, 9088, 286, 262, 10442, 11, 1303, 392, 284, 8749, 6506, 284, 4150, 262, 10442, 318, 30760, 284, 466, 523, 11, 2426, 284, 262, 1303, 27780, 278, 3403, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 464, 2029, 6634, 4003, 290, 428, 7170, 4003, 2236, 307, 3017, 287, 477, 9088, 393, 8904, 16690, 286, 262, 10442, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 10970, 47466, 3180, 36592, 2389, 1961, 366, 1921, 3180, 1600, 42881, 34764, 56, 3963, 15529, 509, 12115, 11, 7788, 32761, 6375, 8959, 49094, 11, 1303, 1268, 39149, 2751, 21728, 5626, 40880, 5390, 3336, 34764, 11015, 3963, 34482, 3398, 1565, 5603, 25382, 11, 376, 46144, 7473, 317, 16652, 2149, 37232, 33079, 48933, 5357, 44521, 1268, 10913, 2751, 12529, 13, 3268, 8005, 49261, 50163, 3336, 37195, 20673, 6375, 27975, 38162, 9947, 367, 15173, 4877, 9348, 43031, 19146, 7473, 15529, 47666, 3955, 11, 29506, 25552, 6375, 25401, 43031, 25382, 11, 7655, 2767, 16879, 3268, 3537, 40282, 3963, 27342, 10659, 11, 309, 9863, 6375, 25401, 54, 24352, 11, 5923, 1797, 2751, 16034, 11, 16289, 3963, 6375, 3268, 7102, 45, 24565, 13315, 3336, 47466, 6375, 3336, 23210, 6375, 25401, 5550, 1847, 20754, 3268, 3336, 47466, 13, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 2, 198, 198, 8818, 374, 480, 559, 7, 6978, 82, 3712, 51, 29291, 11, 2032, 9249, 3712, 51, 29291, 26, 15414, 62, 48310, 28, 10786, 59, 83, 3256, 15, 828, 28764, 2867, 62, 1073, 891, 41888, 15, 13, 405, 3270, 26, 15, 13, 830, 20, 4357, 11498, 21069, 28, 1954, 13, 15, 11, 75, 6005, 28, 20, 2624, 13, 15, 11, 23160, 62, 9032, 28, 36150, 1539, 71, 65, 62, 9688, 28, 2075, 405, 1539, 12093, 2963, 431, 2625, 36484, 14259, 489, 500, 4943, 198, 197, 198, 197, 2, 617, 2163, 6770, 198, 197, 9948, 571, 1358, 62, 19849, 7, 87, 11, 279, 8, 796, 279, 58, 16, 4083, 9, 87, 198, 197, 12093, 4470, 62, 1652, 19849, 7, 87, 11, 279, 8, 796, 279, 58, 16, 4083, 9, 87, 1343, 279, 58, 17, 4083, 9, 87, 13, 61, 17, 1343, 279, 58, 18, 4083, 9, 87, 13, 61, 18, 198, 197, 198, 197, 361, 18225, 58, 16, 60, 6624, 366, 32538, 1, 198, 197, 198, 197, 198, 197, 197, 9888, 796, 352, 198, 197, 198, 197, 197, 4868, 68, 28, 961, 40664, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 16, 4357, 14267, 9688, 28, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 14933, 796, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 16, 60, 198, 197, 197, 7050, 796, 15690, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 7, 4868, 68, 58, 45299, 18, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 5796, 78, 62, 1652, 796, 15690, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 7, 4868, 68, 58, 45299, 19, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 5796, 78, 62, 71, 69, 796, 15690, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 7, 4868, 68, 58, 45299, 20, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 305, 72, 796, 3392, 7, 5317, 19510, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 17, 13219, 20, 20679, 17, 828, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 1640, 474, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 305, 72, 58, 45299, 16, 11, 73, 60, 796, 357, 4868, 68, 58, 73, 11, 21, 25, 17, 25, 437, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 305, 72, 58, 45299, 17, 11, 73, 60, 796, 357, 4868, 68, 58, 73, 11, 22, 25, 17, 25, 437, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 437, 628, 197, 197, 81, 18504, 796, 3392, 7, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 16, 828, 18, 8, 198, 197, 198, 197, 197, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 16, 8, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 197, 4443, 430, 796, 1100, 25404, 76, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 17, 4357, 14933, 58, 72, 46570, 15414, 62, 48310, 58, 16, 4357, 48267, 9688, 28, 15414, 62, 48310, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 197, 361, 5444, 430, 58, 437, 11, 16, 60, 1279, 5444, 430, 58, 16, 11, 16, 60, 198, 197, 197, 197, 197, 4443, 430, 796, 14283, 27740, 7, 4443, 430, 11, 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8636, 62, 48277, 7, 11147, 11, 657, 13, 3865, 8, 628, 197, 197, 197, 81, 18504, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 796, 2824, 7, 15, 25, 15, 13, 486, 25, 744, 7, 47033, 7, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 46570, 17, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7050, 62, 10366, 952, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 796, 36537, 62, 19849, 7, 81, 18504, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 11, 1073, 891, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7050, 62, 5589, 533, 796, 220, 1802, 15885, 9948, 571, 1358, 62, 19849, 7, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 4357, 1073, 891, 737, 29006, 9948, 571, 1358, 62, 19849, 7, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 4357, 1073, 891, 47762, 16, 8, 1303, 37430, 13, 513, 1004, 5401, 80, 2123, 435, 13, 357, 6999, 8, 628, 197, 197, 197, 26224, 325, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 16, 19571, 7, 7857, 7, 81, 18504, 11, 16, 13219, 16, 737, 9, 16345, 19510, 7050, 62, 5589, 533, 12, 7050, 737, 61, 17, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 197, 26224, 325, 62, 10366, 952, 62, 18504, 796, 42721, 325, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 14, 3064, 9, 7, 26224, 325, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 29006, 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62, 10366, 952, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 11, 8043, 2625, 445, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 2475, 7, 15, 11, 47033, 7, 81, 18504, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 47762, 16, 19571, 19, 9, 47033, 7, 81, 18504, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 197, 88, 2475, 7, 15, 11, 47033, 7, 7050, 62, 10366, 952, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 47762, 16, 19571, 19, 9, 47033, 7, 7050, 62, 10366, 952, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 18242, 7, 43, 1, 32, 3, 23330, 7050, 92, 3, 14, 32, 3, 23330, 18217, 16856, 92, 47113, 1989, 8064, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2645, 9608, 7203, 19184, 14, 47698, 11, 3463, 8064, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 34574, 378, 7, 43, 1, 49, 3, 23330, 18504, 92, 3, 28, 1600, 5431, 16193, 15, 13, 18, 11, 15, 13, 24, 828, 5431, 1073, 3669, 2625, 897, 274, 13390, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 1600, 17899, 38342, 282, 16747, 2625, 16159, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 34574, 378, 7203, 3, 7, 744, 7, 1073, 891, 58, 16, 4357, 20, 4008, 29694, 29568, 744, 7, 82, 13495, 58, 16, 4357, 20, 4008, 1600, 5431, 16193, 15, 13, 18, 11, 15, 13, 23, 828, 5431, 1073, 3669, 2625, 897, 274, 13390, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 1600, 17899, 38342, 282, 16747, 2625, 16159, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 34574, 378, 7203, 23615, 28833, 59, 77, 28, 29568, 744, 7, 26224, 325, 62, 9948, 571, 1358, 11, 17, 4008, 266, 83, 4, 1600, 5431, 16193, 15, 13, 22, 11, 15, 13, 18, 828, 5431, 1073, 3669, 2625, 897, 274, 13390, 1600, 17899, 38342, 282, 16747, 2625, 16159, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 21928, 5647, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 21, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 197, 13564, 40664, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 20, 46570, 14631, 4443, 6582, 1, 366, 11167, 1, 366, 49, 18504, 1, 366, 19184, 5128, 1, 366, 19184, 7431, 272, 8172, 4868, 68, 58, 45299, 16, 60, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 17, 60, 374, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 60, 1660, 1660, 62, 5589, 533, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 7783, 685, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 60, 1660, 1660, 62, 5589, 533, 60, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 17772, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7050, 62, 28764, 5722, 796, 1802, 15885, 7, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 4083, 9, 28764, 2867, 62, 1073, 891, 58, 16, 4083, 29006, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 4083, 9, 28764, 2867, 62, 1073, 891, 58, 16, 48688, 16, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7050, 62, 28764, 5722, 62, 8929, 796, 1802, 15885, 7, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 4083, 9, 16345, 7, 28764, 2867, 62, 1073, 891, 737, 29006, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 4083, 9, 16345, 7, 28764, 2867, 62, 1073, 891, 47762, 16, 4008, 220, 198, 197, 197, 197, 13564, 40664, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 20, 46570, 14631, 4443, 6582, 1, 366, 11167, 1, 366, 49, 18504, 1, 366, 19184, 7431, 272, 1, 366, 12331, 8172, 4868, 68, 58, 45299, 16, 60, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 17, 60, 374, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 60, 1660, 62, 28764, 5722, 1660, 62, 28764, 5722, 62, 8929, 12, 7050, 62, 28764, 5722, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 7783, 685, 81, 18504, 58, 45299, 18, 60, 1660, 62, 28764, 5722, 60, 198, 197, 197, 437, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 198, 197, 17772, 361, 18225, 58, 16, 60, 6624, 366, 22615, 1, 198, 197, 197, 4868, 68, 28, 961, 40664, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 16, 4357, 14267, 9688, 28, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 35790, 796, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 16, 60, 198, 197, 197, 2, 4941, 1720, 3891, 389, 287, 717, 5721, 329, 1700, 198, 197, 197, 35790, 62, 43337, 796, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 18, 60, 198, 197, 197, 35790, 62, 7050, 796, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 19, 60, 198, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 39873, 796, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 20, 60, 198, 197, 197, 2, 6291, 1720, 3891, 389, 287, 5721, 718, 329, 1700, 198, 197, 197, 39873, 62, 43337, 796, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 22, 60, 198, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 7050, 796, 3392, 7, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 16, 828, 16, 8, 1303, 262, 7177, 284, 1700, 1660, 2695, 198, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 4868, 68, 11, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 11748, 278, 1366, 198, 197, 197, 197, 35790, 62, 2777, 796, 1100, 25404, 76, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 17, 4357, 35790, 58, 72, 46570, 15414, 62, 48310, 58, 16, 4357, 48267, 9688, 28, 15414, 62, 48310, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 39873, 62, 2777, 796, 1100, 25404, 76, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 17, 4357, 39873, 58, 72, 46570, 15414, 62, 48310, 58, 16, 4357, 48267, 9688, 28, 15414, 62, 48310, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 361, 4941, 62, 2777, 58, 437, 11, 16, 60, 1279, 4941, 62, 2777, 58, 16, 11, 16, 60, 198, 197, 197, 197, 197, 35790, 62, 2777, 796, 14283, 27740, 7, 35790, 62, 2777, 11, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 437, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 361, 6291, 62, 2777, 58, 437, 11, 16, 60, 1279, 6291, 62, 2777, 58, 16, 11, 16, 60, 198, 197, 197, 197, 197, 39873, 62, 2777, 796, 14283, 27740, 7, 39873, 62, 2777, 11, 16, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 437, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 5951, 532, 2859, 3780, 1627, 17137, 351, 262, 679, 71, 11925, 10451, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 62, 5420, 11, 4941, 62, 2777, 62, 6511, 11, 5299, 796, 256, 75, 10215, 8243, 7, 35790, 62, 2777, 11, 11498, 21069, 11, 75, 6005, 11, 10215, 8243, 2625, 258, 71, 11925, 1600, 11265, 5612, 2625, 3919, 1600, 43337, 28, 35790, 62, 43337, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 62, 2777, 11, 6291, 62, 2777, 62, 6511, 11, 5299, 796, 256, 75, 10215, 8243, 7, 39873, 62, 2777, 11, 11498, 21069, 11, 75, 6005, 11, 10215, 8243, 2625, 258, 71, 11925, 1600, 11265, 5612, 2625, 3919, 1600, 43337, 28, 39873, 62, 43337, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 44800, 14805, 13284, 7861, 198, 197, 197, 197, 305, 72, 62, 71, 69, 796, 685, 23924, 13, 513, 3064, 15089, 4353, 405, 13, 5014, 405, 8183, 1303, 262, 3814, 810, 262, 1615, 1370, 318, 31070, 198, 197, 197, 197, 35790, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 11, 4941, 62, 12093, 4470, 796, 14805, 7, 87, 62, 5420, 11, 35790, 62, 2777, 62, 6511, 11, 305, 72, 62, 71, 69, 553, 35428, 1600, 79, 28, 16, 13, 15, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 39873, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 11, 6291, 62, 12093, 4470, 796, 14805, 7, 87, 62, 2777, 11, 39873, 62, 2777, 62, 6511, 11, 305, 72, 62, 71, 69, 553, 35428, 1600, 79, 28, 16, 13, 15, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 9498, 17952, 1022, 513, 3064, 290, 4353, 405, 12067, 12, 16, 198, 197, 197, 197, 30547, 62, 35790, 796, 12840, 89, 7, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 18, 3064, 13, 764, 27, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 45299, 16, 4083, 27, 2548, 405, 13, 4357, 35790, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 58, 18, 3064, 13, 764, 27, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 45299, 16, 4083, 27, 2548, 405, 8183, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 30547, 62, 39873, 796, 12840, 89, 7, 87, 62, 2777, 58, 18, 3064, 13, 764, 27, 87, 62, 2777, 58, 45299, 16, 4083, 27, 2548, 405, 13, 4357, 39873, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 58, 18, 3064, 13, 764, 27, 87, 62, 2777, 58, 45299, 16, 4083, 27, 2548, 405, 8183, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 2080, 262, 12245, 198, 197, 197, 197, 5317, 6377, 62, 35790, 796, 5415, 7, 35790, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 58, 18, 3064, 13, 764, 27, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 45299, 16, 4083, 27, 2548, 405, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 5317, 6377, 62, 39873, 796, 5415, 7, 39873, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 58, 18, 3064, 13, 764, 27, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 45299, 16, 4083, 27, 2548, 405, 12962, 628, 197, 197, 197, 2, 5638, 17952, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7050, 58, 72, 60, 796, 357, 35790, 62, 7050, 58, 72, 4083, 14, 16, 13, 23, 9, 35790, 62, 43337, 58, 72, 12962, 764, 9, 30547, 62, 39873, 19571, 30547, 62, 35790, 1303, 1660, 318, 287, 18605, 14, 43, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 7050, 58, 72, 60, 796, 357, 35790, 62, 7050, 58, 72, 4083, 14, 16, 13, 23, 9, 35790, 62, 43337, 58, 72, 12962, 764, 9, 5317, 6377, 62, 39873, 19571, 5317, 6377, 62, 35790, 1303, 1660, 318, 287, 18605, 14, 43, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7050, 58, 72, 60, 796, 1660, 58, 72, 60, 1635, 16, 13, 23, 19571, 39873, 62, 43337, 58, 72, 60, 1303, 1660, 11513, 287, 266, 83, 4, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 26875, 7, 5647, 7857, 16193, 22, 13, 20, 11, 1314, 4008, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7266, 29487, 7, 36244, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7839, 7203, 41506, 36537, 25, 29568, 744, 7, 7050, 58, 72, 4357, 17, 4008, 266, 83, 4, 1660, 11, 59, 77, 599, 13, 29568, 39873, 58, 72, 12962, 351, 1006, 13, 29568, 35790, 58, 72, 12962, 366, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 35790, 62, 2777, 58, 45299, 16, 4357, 35790, 62, 2777, 58, 45299, 17, 4357, 8043, 2625, 13424, 1600, 18242, 2625, 26687, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 39873, 62, 2777, 58, 45299, 16, 4357, 39873, 62, 2777, 58, 45299, 17, 4357, 8043, 2625, 17585, 1600, 18242, 2625, 36674, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 18242, 7, 43, 1, 49, 10546, 6482, 11, 12067, 3, 36796, 12, 16, 92, 3, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 1455, 437, 7, 17946, 2625, 13466, 1600, 14535, 261, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7266, 29487, 7, 27970, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 25, 4357, 35790, 62, 2777, 62, 6511, 58, 25, 4357, 8043, 2625, 13424, 1600, 18242, 28, 43, 1, 51, 22799, 59, 28803, 3, 19267, 4941, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 87, 62, 5420, 58, 25, 4357, 35790, 62, 12093, 4470, 11, 8043, 2625, 49502, 1600, 18242, 2625, 26687, 14805, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 87, 62, 2777, 58, 25, 4357, 39873, 62, 2777, 62, 6511, 58, 25, 4357, 8043, 2625, 17585, 1600, 18242, 28, 43, 1, 51, 22799, 59, 28803, 3, 19267, 6291, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 87, 62, 2777, 58, 25, 4357, 39873, 62, 12093, 4470, 11, 8043, 2625, 948, 272, 1600, 18242, 2625, 36674, 14805, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 18242, 7, 43, 1, 49, 10546, 6482, 11, 12067, 3, 36796, 12, 16, 92, 3, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2645, 9608, 7203, 26447, 1143, 12245, 11, 257, 13, 334, 33283, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 1455, 437, 7, 17946, 2625, 13466, 1600, 14535, 261, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 7266, 29487, 7, 25838, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 87, 62, 5420, 11, 35790, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 11, 8043, 2625, 13424, 1600, 18242, 2625, 8134, 13, 10958, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 29487, 7, 87, 62, 2777, 11, 39873, 62, 2777, 62, 10215, 81, 17, 11, 8043, 2625, 17585, 1600, 18242, 2625, 36674, 10958, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 87, 18242, 7, 43, 1, 49, 10546, 6482, 11, 12067, 3, 36796, 12, 16, 92, 3, 1600, 10331, 7857, 28, 1507, 11, 10331, 3672, 2625, 32, 4454, 4943, 198, 197, 197, 197, 1455, 437, 7, 17946, 2625, 13466, 1600, 14535, 261, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 33464, 62, 39786, 3419, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 8914, 262, 1660, 2695, 198, 197, 197, 197, 13564, 40664, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 20, 46570, 14631, 49738, 6582, 1, 366, 36674, 6530, 1, 366, 22362, 15655, 1660, 2695, 8172, 4868, 68, 58, 45299, 20, 60, 1351, 68, 58, 45299, 21, 60, 1660, 12962, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 197, 2, 50, 2703, 262, 7560, 3785, 357, 23599, 8619, 815, 2152, 8, 198, 197, 197, 197, 21928, 5647, 7, 8841, 7, 6978, 82, 58, 19, 17241, 37693, 62, 1273, 67, 62, 1600, 39873, 58, 72, 17241, 13, 12315, 48774, 198, 197, 197, 197, 198, 197, 197, 437, 198, 197, 197, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 197, 220, 220, 220, 198, 197, 17772, 1303, 393, 4049, 3275, 198, 197, 197, 18224, 7203, 1169, 717, 5078, 9217, 611, 345, 765, 284, 779, 281, 5387, 393, 7097, 36537, 4235, 13, 4222, 3853, 1022, 1111, 19570, 198, 197, 437, 198, 437, 628 ]
using NPZ using JuMP using Ipopt using LinearAlgebra using .Threads using WoodburyMatrices using Statistics using UnicodePlots function main(B) X1 = npzread("Kernels/G1.npy") X2 = npzread("Kernels/G2.npy") X3 = npzread("Kernels/G3.npy") nfactor = npzread("Testing/nfactor.npy") n = size(X3, 1) ndas = size(X1, 1) T = Float64 ϵ = 1.0 λ = 100.0 α = 100.0 X = [X3 zeros(T, size(X3)); zeros(T, size(X3)) X3; nfactor*X1 nfactor*X2] Xn = maximum(sqrt.(sum(X.^2, dims=2))) #Xn = sqrt.(sum(X.^2, dims=2)) #normalize all rows to be 1? X ./= Xn v, V = eigen(X'*X + ϵ*I) #eigtol = 5#quantile(v, 0.99) n_eigs = 5#sum(v.>=eigtol) Γ = V[:, (end-n_eigs+1):end] μ_init = ones(n) ./ n .* B μn = sum(μ_init)/B μ_init ./= μn U_init = copy(Γ) function Ml(μ, X, ϵ) M = ϵ*I + X'*Diagonal(μ)*X Mc = cholesky(Hermitian(M)) return (M, Mc) end Ml(μ) = Ml(μ, X, ϵ) function subproblem_sμ(μ_init, u, X, λ, B, maxiter=1000) function f(μ, u, λ) M, Mc = Ml(μ) return -logdet(M) + λ*tr(u'*(Mc\u)) end f(μ) = f(μ, u, λ) jump_wrapper_f(x...) = f(vcat([x[i] for i in 1:length(x)], [x[i] for i in 1:length(x)], ones(T, ndas))) function gi(i, Mc, μ, u, λ) ld_term = @views -X[i,:]'*(Mc\X[i,:]) tmp_A = SymWoodbury(Mc, X[i,:], -μ[i]) tmp_b = @views tmp_A \ X[i,:] #tmp_1 = (u'*tmp_b)^2 tmp_1 = sum((u'*tmp_b).^2) # think that this should be correct for tr(U'MU) for matrix U but need to check tmp_d = @views X[i,:]'*tmp_b tmp_den = (1+μ[i]*tmp_d)^2 eig_term = ((1+μ[i]*tmp_d)*tmp_1 - μ[i]*tmp_1*tmp_d) / tmp_den return ld_term - λ*eig_term #apparently need a -ve sign here, work out why end function g!(gvec, μ, X, u, λ, n) M, Mc = Ml(μ) @threads for i = 1:n g1 = gi(i, Mc, μ, u, λ) # in respect to x component g2 = gi(i+n, Mc, μ, u, λ) # in respect to y component gvec[i] = g1 + g2 end end g!(gvec, μ) = g!(gvec, μ, X, u, λ, n) jump_wrapper_g!(gvec, x...) = g!(gvec, vcat([x[i] for i in 1:length(x)], [x[i] for i in 1:length(x)], ones(T, ndas))) model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "max_iter"=>maxiter, "tol"=>1e-4/B)) JuMP.register(model, :f, n, jump_wrapper_f, jump_wrapper_g!) @variable(model, 0.0<=x[1:n]<= 1.0) set_start_value.(x, μ_init) @NLconstraint(model, +(x...) <= B) @NLobjective(model, Min, f(x...)) optimize!(model) return (value.(x), vcat(value.(x), value.(x), ones(T, ndas)), objective_value(model)) end function subproblem_sO(u_init, μ, γ, X, λ, α, maxiter=1000) _, Mc = Ml(μ) f(u) = α*sum((u.-γ).^2) + λ*tr(u'*(Mc\u)) function g!(gvec, u) gvec .= 2*α*(u-γ) + 2*λ*(Mc\u) end jump_wrapper_f(x...) = f([x[i] for i in 1:length(x)]) jump_wrapper_g!(gvec, x...) = g!(gvec, [x[i] for i in 1:length(x)]) sumsquares(x...) = sum(x[i]^2 for i in 1:length(x)) function sumsquares_grad!(gvec, x...) for i in 1:length(x) gvec[i] = 2*x[i] end end model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "max_iter"=>maxiter)) JuMP.register(model, :f, length(γ), jump_wrapper_f, jump_wrapper_g!) JuMP.register(model, :sumsquares, length(γ), sumsquares, sumsquares_grad!) @variable(model, x[1:length(γ)]) set_start_value.(x, u_init) @NLconstraint(model, sumsquares(x...) == 1) @NLobjective(model, Min, f(x...)) optimize!(model) return (value.(x), objective_value(model)) end function subproblem_sO(U_init, μ, Γ, X, λ, α, m, n, maxiter=1000) _, Mc = Ml(μ) f(U) = α*sum((U.-Γ).^2) + λ*tr(U'*(Mc\U)) function g!(gvec, U, m, n) @threads for i = 1:n @views gvec[((i-1)*m+1):i*m] .= 2*α*(U[1:m, i].-Γ[1:m, i]) .+ 2*λ*(Mc\U[1:m, i]) end end L = LinearIndices((m, n)) jump_wrapper_f(x...) = f([x[L[i,j]] for i in 1:m, j in 1:n]) jump_wrapper_g!(gvec, x...) = g!(gvec, [x[L[i,j]] for i in 1:m, j in 1:n], m, n) sumprod(x...) = sum(x[i]*x[i+m] for i in 1:m) function sumprod_grad!(gvec, x...) for i in 1:m gvec[i] = x[i+m] gvec[i+m] = x[i] end end model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "max_iter"=>maxiter)) JuMP.register(model, :f, m*n, jump_wrapper_f, jump_wrapper_g!) JuMP.register(model, :sumprod, 2*m, sumprod, sumprod_grad!) @variable(model, x[1:m, 1:n]) set_start_value.(x, U_init) for i = 1:n for j = i:n x_i = x[1:m, i] x_j = x[1:m, j] @NLconstraint(model, sumprod(x_i..., x_j...) == ((i==j) ? 1 : 0)) end end @NLobjective(model, Min, f(x...)) optimize!(model) return (value.(x), objective_value(model)) # want to have all of the x here as a matrix end function optimize_spectral(μ_init, u_init, iters, γ, X, λ, α, B) μ = copy(μ_init) u = copy(u_init) ob1l = Float64[] ob2l = Float64[] for iter in 1:iters μ, μl, ob1 = subproblem_sμ(μ, u, X, λ, B) u, ob2 = subproblem_sO(u, μl, γ, X, λ, α) push!(ob1l, ob1) push!(ob2l, ob2) end μ, μl, ob1 = subproblem_sμ(μ, u, X, λ, B) push!(ob1l, ob1) return (μ, u, ob1l, ob2l) end function optimize_spectral(μ_init, U_init, iters, Γ, X, λ, α, B, m, n) μ = copy(μ_init) U = copy(U_init) ob1l = Float64[] ob2l = Float64[] for iter in 1:iters μ, μl, ob1 = subproblem_sμ(μ, U, X, λ, B) U, ob2 = subproblem_sO(U, μl, Γ, X, λ, α, m, n) push!(ob1l, ob1) push!(ob2l, ob2) end μ, μl, ob1 = subproblem_sμ(μ, U, X, λ, B) push!(ob1l, ob1) return (μ, U, ob1l, ob2l) end μ, U_res, ob1l, ob2l = optimize_spectral(μ_init, U_init, 5, Γ, X, λ, α, B, size(Γ)...) M, _ = Ml(vcat(μ,μ, ones(ndas))) vμ, Vμ = eigen(M) npzwrite("SpectralResults/res_spectral_$B.npy", μ) lineplot(ob1l) lineplot(ob2l) end for i in [4,8,16,32,64,128,256] main(i) end #yeh
[ 3500, 28498, 57, 198, 3500, 12585, 7378, 198, 3500, 314, 79, 8738, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 3500, 764, 16818, 82, 198, 3500, 5326, 10711, 19044, 45977, 198, 3500, 14370, 198, 3500, 34371, 3646, 1747, 628, 198, 8818, 1388, 7, 33, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 16, 796, 45941, 89, 961, 7203, 42, 44930, 14, 38, 16, 13, 77, 9078, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 17, 796, 45941, 89, 961, 7203, 42, 44930, 14, 38, 17, 13, 77, 9078, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 18, 796, 45941, 89, 961, 7203, 42, 44930, 14, 38, 18, 13, 77, 9078, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 31412, 796, 45941, 89, 961, 7203, 44154, 14, 77, 31412, 13, 77, 9078, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 18, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 67, 292, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 16, 11, 352, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 309, 796, 48436, 2414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 113, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 796, 1802, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26367, 796, 1802, 13, 15, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 685, 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796, 9104, 7, 40085, 7509, 62, 4480, 62, 1078, 7657, 7, 40, 79, 8738, 13, 27871, 320, 7509, 11, 366, 9806, 62, 2676, 1, 14804, 9806, 2676, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 30238, 7, 19849, 11, 1058, 69, 11, 285, 9, 77, 11, 4391, 62, 48553, 62, 69, 11, 4391, 62, 48553, 62, 70, 8133, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12585, 7378, 13, 30238, 7, 19849, 11, 1058, 82, 931, 14892, 11, 362, 9, 76, 11, 264, 931, 14892, 11, 264, 931, 14892, 62, 9744, 8133, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 45286, 7, 19849, 11, 2124, 58, 16, 25, 76, 11, 352, 25, 77, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 9688, 62, 8367, 12195, 87, 11, 471, 62, 15003, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 1312, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 72, 796, 2124, 58, 16, 25, 76, 11, 1312, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 73, 796, 2124, 58, 16, 25, 76, 11, 474, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 32572, 1102, 2536, 2913, 7, 19849, 11, 264, 931, 14892, 7, 87, 62, 72, 986, 11, 2124, 62, 73, 23029, 6624, 14808, 72, 855, 73, 8, 5633, 352, 1058, 657, 4008, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 32572, 15252, 425, 7, 19849, 11, 1855, 11, 277, 7, 87, 986, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27183, 0, 7, 19849, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 8367, 12195, 87, 828, 9432, 62, 8367, 7, 19849, 4008, 1303, 765, 284, 423, 477, 286, 262, 2124, 994, 355, 257, 17593, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 27183, 62, 4443, 1373, 7, 34703, 62, 15003, 11, 334, 62, 15003, 11, 340, 364, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 26367, 11, 347, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 796, 4866, 7, 34703, 62, 15003, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 796, 4866, 7, 84, 62, 15003, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 909, 16, 75, 796, 48436, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 909, 17, 75, 796, 48436, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 11629, 287, 352, 25, 270, 364, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 11, 18919, 75, 11, 909, 16, 796, 850, 45573, 62, 82, 34703, 7, 34703, 11, 334, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 347, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 11, 909, 17, 796, 850, 45573, 62, 82, 46, 7, 84, 11, 18919, 75, 11, 7377, 111, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 26367, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 672, 16, 75, 11, 909, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 672, 17, 75, 11, 909, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 11, 18919, 75, 11, 909, 16, 796, 850, 45573, 62, 82, 34703, 7, 34703, 11, 334, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 347, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 672, 16, 75, 11, 909, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 34703, 11, 334, 11, 909, 16, 75, 11, 909, 17, 75, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 27183, 62, 4443, 1373, 7, 34703, 62, 15003, 11, 471, 62, 15003, 11, 340, 364, 11, 7377, 241, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 26367, 11, 347, 11, 285, 11, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 796, 4866, 7, 34703, 62, 15003, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 471, 796, 4866, 7, 52, 62, 15003, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 909, 16, 75, 796, 48436, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 909, 17, 75, 796, 48436, 2414, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 11629, 287, 352, 25, 270, 364, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 11, 18919, 75, 11, 909, 16, 796, 850, 45573, 62, 82, 34703, 7, 34703, 11, 471, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 347, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 471, 11, 909, 17, 796, 850, 45573, 62, 82, 46, 7, 52, 11, 18919, 75, 11, 7377, 241, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 26367, 11, 285, 11, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 672, 16, 75, 11, 909, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 672, 17, 75, 11, 909, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 11, 18919, 75, 11, 909, 16, 796, 850, 45573, 62, 82, 34703, 7, 34703, 11, 471, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 347, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 672, 16, 75, 11, 909, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 34703, 11, 471, 11, 909, 16, 75, 11, 909, 17, 75, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 18919, 11, 471, 62, 411, 11, 909, 16, 75, 11, 909, 17, 75, 796, 27183, 62, 4443, 1373, 7, 34703, 62, 15003, 11, 471, 62, 15003, 11, 642, 11, 7377, 241, 11, 1395, 11, 7377, 119, 11, 26367, 11, 347, 11, 2546, 7, 138, 241, 8, 23029, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 11, 4808, 796, 337, 75, 7, 85, 9246, 7, 34703, 11, 34703, 11, 3392, 7, 358, 292, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 34703, 11, 569, 34703, 796, 304, 9324, 7, 44, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 45941, 89, 13564, 7203, 49738, 1373, 25468, 14, 411, 62, 4443, 1373, 62, 3, 33, 13, 77, 9078, 1600, 18919, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1627, 29487, 7, 672, 16, 75, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1627, 29487, 7, 672, 17, 75, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 1640, 1312, 287, 685, 19, 11, 23, 11, 1433, 11, 2624, 11, 2414, 11, 12762, 11, 11645, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1388, 7, 72, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 5948, 71 ]
using OED using jInv.Utils using jInv.ForwardShare using Base.Test using jInv.Mesh n = 100 nrhs = 5 A = sdiag(1./linspace(1,n,n).^4) A = A[1:2:end,:] N = size(A,1) x = rand(n,nrhs); x[4:7,:] = 1; D = A*x + 1e-8* randn(N,nrhs)/1e3 OEDparamA = OEDTypeAParam(A,D,zeros(0,0)) # setup OED type B param r = 20; l = 2; Mimg = getRegularMesh([-1 1 -1 1.],[10,10]) Mgrid = getRegularMesh([-1.2 2.4 -1.6 1.4],[20,20]) OEDparamB = getOEDTypeBParam(r,l,x,Mimg,Mgrid,noiseLevel=0.) OEDparamC = getOEDTypeCParam(r,l,x,Mimg,Mgrid,noiseLevel=0.) L = 1e-1*speye(n) pForA = UnconstrainedOEDParam(OEDparamA,L,[],[]) pForB = UnconstrainedOEDParam(OEDparamB,L,[],[]) pForC = UnconstrainedOEDParam(OEDparamC,0*L,[],[]) pFors = (pForA,pForB,pForC) println("\n\t---test OED with unconstrained lower-level problem---") for k=1:3 display(pFors[k]) np = getNumberOfDesignParameters(pFors[k].Design) p0 = rand(np) println("\t\tcheck reconstruction") xr, = getData(p0,pFors[k]) println("\t\t\trel.error: $(norm(xr-x)/norm(x))") print("\t\tcheckDerivative...") pass, = checkDerivative(p0,pFors[k]) @test pass print("passed!\n") print("\t\tadjoint test...") (nw,nv) = getSensMatSize(pFors[k]) w = rand(nw) v = rand(nv) t1 = dot(w,getSensMatVec(v,p0,pFors[k])) t2 = dot(v,getSensTMatVec(w,p0,pFors[k])) @test norm(t1-t2)/norm(t1)<1e-10 print("passed!\n") end println("\t---least squares IP: sensitivities OK ---")
[ 3500, 440, 1961, 198, 3500, 474, 19904, 13, 18274, 4487, 198, 3500, 474, 19904, 13, 39746, 11649, 198, 3500, 7308, 13, 14402, 198, 3500, 474, 19904, 13, 37031, 198, 198, 77, 796, 1802, 198, 48624, 11994, 796, 642, 198, 198, 32, 796, 264, 10989, 363, 7, 16, 19571, 21602, 10223, 7, 16, 11, 77, 11, 77, 737, 61, 19, 8, 198, 32, 796, 317, 58, 16, 25, 17, 25, 437, 11, 47715, 198, 45, 796, 2546, 7, 32, 11, 16, 8, 198, 87, 796, 43720, 7, 77, 11, 48624, 11994, 1776, 2124, 58, 19, 25, 22, 11, 47715, 796, 352, 26, 198, 35, 796, 317, 9, 87, 220, 1343, 352, 68, 12, 23, 9, 43720, 77, 7, 45, 11, 48624, 11994, 20679, 16, 68, 18, 198, 46, 1961, 17143, 32, 796, 440, 1961, 6030, 2969, 41158, 7, 32, 11, 35, 11, 9107, 418, 7, 15, 11, 15, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 9058, 440, 1961, 2099, 347, 5772, 198, 81, 796, 1160, 26, 198, 75, 796, 362, 26, 198, 44, 9600, 220, 796, 651, 40164, 37031, 26933, 12, 16, 352, 532, 16, 352, 13, 38430, 940, 11, 940, 12962, 198, 44, 25928, 796, 651, 40164, 37031, 26933, 12, 16, 13, 17, 362, 13, 19, 532, 16, 13, 21, 352, 13, 19, 38430, 1238, 11, 1238, 12962, 198, 46, 1961, 17143, 33, 796, 651, 46, 1961, 6030, 33, 22973, 7, 81, 11, 75, 11, 87, 11, 44, 9600, 11, 44, 25928, 11, 3919, 786, 4971, 28, 15, 2014, 198, 46, 1961, 17143, 34, 796, 651, 46, 1961, 6030, 8697, 41158, 7, 81, 11, 75, 11, 87, 11, 44, 9600, 11, 44, 25928, 11, 3919, 786, 4971, 28, 15, 2014, 628, 198, 43, 796, 352, 68, 12, 16, 9, 4125, 5948, 7, 77, 8, 198, 79, 1890, 32, 796, 791, 1102, 2536, 1328, 46, 1961, 22973, 7, 46, 1961, 17143, 32, 11, 43, 17414, 38430, 12962, 198, 79, 1890, 33, 796, 791, 1102, 2536, 1328, 46, 1961, 22973, 7, 46, 1961, 17143, 33, 11, 43, 17414, 38430, 12962, 198, 79, 1890, 34, 796, 791, 1102, 2536, 1328, 46, 1961, 22973, 7, 46, 1961, 17143, 34, 11, 15, 9, 43, 17414, 38430, 12962, 198, 198, 79, 37, 669, 796, 357, 79, 1890, 32, 11, 79, 1890, 33, 11, 79, 1890, 34, 8, 198, 198, 35235, 7203, 59, 77, 59, 83, 6329, 9288, 440, 1961, 351, 21254, 2536, 1328, 2793, 12, 5715, 1917, 6329, 4943, 198, 1640, 479, 28, 16, 25, 18, 198, 197, 13812, 7, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 12962, 198, 197, 37659, 220, 796, 220, 651, 15057, 5189, 23067, 48944, 7, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 4083, 23067, 8, 198, 197, 79, 15, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 43720, 7, 37659, 8, 628, 197, 35235, 7203, 59, 83, 59, 83, 9122, 25056, 4943, 198, 197, 87, 81, 11, 796, 651, 6601, 7, 79, 15, 11, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 12962, 198, 197, 35235, 7203, 59, 83, 59, 83, 59, 83, 2411, 13, 18224, 25, 29568, 27237, 7, 87, 81, 12, 87, 20679, 27237, 7, 87, 4008, 4943, 198, 197, 198, 197, 4798, 7203, 59, 83, 59, 83, 9122, 28532, 452, 876, 9313, 8, 198, 197, 198, 197, 6603, 11, 796, 2198, 28532, 452, 876, 7, 79, 15, 11, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 12962, 198, 197, 31, 9288, 1208, 198, 197, 4798, 7203, 6603, 276, 0, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 197, 198, 197, 4798, 7203, 59, 83, 59, 83, 41255, 1563, 1332, 9313, 8, 198, 197, 7, 47516, 11, 48005, 8, 796, 651, 50, 641, 19044, 10699, 7, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 12962, 198, 197, 86, 796, 43720, 7, 47516, 8, 198, 197, 85, 796, 43720, 7, 48005, 8, 198, 197, 83, 16, 796, 16605, 7, 86, 11, 1136, 50, 641, 19044, 53, 721, 7, 85, 11, 79, 15, 11, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 60, 4008, 198, 197, 83, 17, 796, 16605, 7, 85, 11, 1136, 50, 641, 15972, 265, 53, 721, 7, 86, 11, 79, 15, 11, 79, 37, 669, 58, 74, 60, 4008, 198, 197, 31, 9288, 2593, 7, 83, 16, 12, 83, 17, 20679, 27237, 7, 83, 16, 8, 27, 16, 68, 12, 940, 198, 197, 4798, 7203, 6603, 276, 0, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 35235, 7203, 59, 83, 6329, 293, 459, 24438, 6101, 25, 44752, 28720, 7477, 11420, 4943, 198 ]
This is the JLL package corresponding to the `ReSHOP.jl` Julia package. The Julia code is based on the one produced by `BinaryBuilder.jl` and has been manually edited.
[ 1212, 318, 262, 449, 3069, 5301, 11188, 284, 262, 4600, 3041, 9693, 3185, 13, 20362, 63, 22300, 5301, 13, 198, 198, 464, 22300, 2438, 318, 1912, 319, 262, 530, 4635, 416, 4600, 33, 3219, 32875, 13, 20362, 63, 290, 468, 587, 14500, 13012, 13, 198 ]
using Persa using Test using DatasetsCF using ModelBasedCF dataset = DatasetsCF.MovieLens() @testset "Random Model Tests" begin model = ModelBasedCF.RandomModel(dataset) Persa.train!(model, dataset) @test !isnan(model[1,1]) end @testset "Factorization Matrix Models Tests" begin @testset "Baseline Tests" begin model = ModelBasedCF.Baseline(dataset) Persa.train!(model, dataset, max_epochs = 1) @test !isnan(model[1,1]) end @testset "RSVD Tests" begin model = ModelBasedCF.RSVD(dataset, 1) Persa.train!(model, dataset, max_epochs = 1) @test !isnan(model[1,1]) end @testset "IRSVD Tests" begin model = ModelBasedCF.IRSVD(dataset, 1) Persa.train!(model, dataset, max_epochs = 1) @test !isnan(model[1,1]) end end
[ 3500, 9467, 64, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 3500, 16092, 292, 1039, 22495, 198, 198, 3500, 9104, 15001, 22495, 198, 198, 19608, 292, 316, 796, 16092, 292, 1039, 22495, 13, 25097, 49479, 3419, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 29531, 9104, 30307, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 9104, 15001, 22495, 13, 29531, 17633, 7, 19608, 292, 316, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 64, 13, 27432, 0, 7, 19849, 11, 27039, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 5145, 271, 12647, 7, 19849, 58, 16, 11, 16, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 41384, 1634, 24936, 32329, 30307, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 15522, 4470, 30307, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 9104, 15001, 22495, 13, 15522, 4470, 7, 19608, 292, 316, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 64, 13, 27432, 0, 7, 19849, 11, 27039, 11, 3509, 62, 538, 5374, 82, 796, 352, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 5145, 271, 12647, 7, 19849, 58, 16, 11, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 6998, 8898, 30307, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 9104, 15001, 22495, 13, 6998, 8898, 7, 19608, 292, 316, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 64, 13, 27432, 0, 7, 19849, 11, 27039, 11, 3509, 62, 538, 5374, 82, 796, 352, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 5145, 271, 12647, 7, 19849, 58, 16, 11, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 4663, 50, 8898, 30307, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 9104, 15001, 22495, 13, 4663, 50, 8898, 7, 19608, 292, 316, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 64, 13, 27432, 0, 7, 19849, 11, 27039, 11, 3509, 62, 538, 5374, 82, 796, 352, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 5145, 271, 12647, 7, 19849, 58, 16, 11, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437 ]
using DiskArrays using DiskArrays: ReshapedDiskArray, PermutedDiskArray using Test #Define a data structure that can be used for testing struct _DiskArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N}} <: AbstractDiskArray{T,N} getindex_count::Ref{Int} setindex_count::Ref{Int} parent::A chunksize::NTuple{N,Int} end _DiskArray(a;chunksize=size(a)) = _DiskArray(Ref(0),Ref(0),a,chunksize) Base.size(a::_DiskArray) = size(a.parent) DiskArrays.haschunks(::_DiskArray) = DiskArrays.Chunked() DiskArrays.eachchunk(a::_DiskArray) = DiskArrays.GridChunks(a,a.chunksize) getindex_count(a::_DiskArray) = a.getindex_count[] setindex_count(a::_DiskArray) = a.setindex_count[] trueparent(a::_DiskArray) = a.parent getindex_count(a::ReshapedDiskArray) = getindex_count(a.parent) setindex_count(a::ReshapedDiskArray) = setindex_count(a.parent) trueparent(a::ReshapedDiskArray) = trueparent(a.parent) getindex_count(a::PermutedDiskArray) = getindex_count(a.a.parent) setindex_count(a::PermutedDiskArray) = setindex_count(a.a.parent) trueparent(a::PermutedDiskArray{T,N,<:PermutedDimsArray{T,N,perm,iperm}}) where {T,N,perm,iperm} = permutedims(trueparent(a.a.parent),perm) function DiskArrays.readblock!(a::_DiskArray,aout,i::AbstractUnitRange...) ndims(a) == length(i) || error("Number of indices is not correct") all(r->isa(r,AbstractUnitRange),i) || error("Not all indices are unit ranges") #println("reading from indices ", join(string.(i)," ")) a.getindex_count[] += 1 aout .= a.parent[i...] end function DiskArrays.writeblock!(a::_DiskArray,v,i::AbstractUnitRange...) ndims(a) == length(i) || error("Number of indices is not correct") all(r->isa(r,AbstractUnitRange),i) || error("Not all indices are unit ranges") #println("Writing to indices ", join(string.(i)," ")) a.setindex_count[] += 1 view(a.parent,i...) .= v end function test_getindex(a) @test a[2,3,1] == 10 @test a[2,3] == 10 @test a[2,3,1,1] == 10 @test a[:,1] == [1, 2, 3, 4] @test a[1:2, 1:2,1,1] == [1 5; 2 6] @test a[2:2:4,1:2:5] == [2 10 18; 4 12 20] @test a[end:-1:1,1,1] == [4,3,2,1] @test a[[1,3,4],[1,3],1] == [1 9; 3 11; 4 12] # Test bitmask indexing m = falses(4,5,1) m[2,:,1] .= true @test a[m] == [2,6,10,14,18] # Test linear indexing @test a[11:15] == 11:15 @test a[20:-1:9] == 20:-1:9 @test a[[3, 5, 8]] == [3, 5, 8] @test a[2:4:14] == [2,6,10,14] #Test that readblock was called exactly onces for every getindex @test getindex_count(a) == 13 end function test_setindex(a) a[1,1,1] = 1 a[1,2] = 2 a[1,3,1,1] = 3 a[2,:] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] a[3, 3:4,1,1] = [3,4] # Test bitmask indexing m = falses(4,5,1) m[4,:,1] .= true a[m] = [10,11,12,13,14] #Test that readblock was called exactly onces for every getindex @test setindex_count(a) == 6 @test trueparent(a)[1,1:3,1] == [1,2,3] @test trueparent(a)[2,:,1] == [1,2,3,4,5] @test trueparent(a)[3,3:4,1] == [3,4] @test trueparent(a)[4,:,1] == [10,11,12,13,14] a[1:2:4,1:2:5,1] = [1 2 3; 5 6 7] @test trueparent(a)[1:2:4,1:2:5,1] == [1 2 3; 5 6 7] @test setindex_count(a) == 7 a[[2,4],1:2,1] = [1 2; 5 6] @test trueparent(a)[[2,4],1:2,1] == [1 2; 5 6] @test setindex_count(a) == 8 end function test_view(a) v = view(a,2:3,2:4,1) v[1:2,1] = [1,2] v[1:2,2:3] = [4 4; 4 4] @test v[1:2,1] == [1,2] @test v[1:2,2:3] == [4 4; 4 4] @test trueparent(a)[2:3,2] == [1,2] @test trueparent(a)[2:3,3:4] == [4 4; 4 4] @test getindex_count(a) == 2 @test setindex_count(a) == 2 end function test_reductions(af) data = rand(10,20,2) for f in (minimum,maximum,sum, (i,args...;kwargs...)->all(j->j>0.1,i,args...;kwargs...), (i,args...;kwargs...)->any(j->j<0.1,i,args...;kwargs...), (i,args...;kwargs...)->mapreduce(x->2*x,+,i,args...;kwargs...)) a = af(data) @test isapprox(f(a),f(data)) @test getindex_count(a) <= 10 #And test reduction along dimensions a = _DiskArray(data,chunksize=(5,4,2)) @test all(isapprox.(f(a,dims=2),f(data,dims=2))) #The minimum and maximum functions do some initialization, which will increase #the number of reads @test f in (minimum, maximum) || getindex_count(a) <= 12 a = _DiskArray(data,chunksize=(5,4,2)) @test all(isapprox.(f(a,dims=(1,3)),f(data,dims=(1,3)))) @test f in (minimum, maximum) || getindex_count(a) <= 12 end end function test_broadcast(a_disk1) a_disk2 = _DiskArray(rand(1:10,1,9), chunksize=(1,3)) a_mem = reshape(1:2,1,1,2); s = a_disk1 .+ a_disk2 .* Ref(2) ./ (2,) #Test lazy broadcasting @test s isa DiskArrays.BroadcastDiskArray @test s === DiskArrays.BroadcastDiskArray(s.bc) @test getindex_count(a_disk1)==0 @test setindex_count(a_disk1)==0 @test getindex_count(a_disk2)==0 @test setindex_count(a_disk2)==0 @test size(s)==(10,9,2) @test eltype(s) == Float64 #Lets merge another broadcast s2 = s ./ a_mem @test s isa DiskArrays.BroadcastDiskArray @test getindex_count(a_disk1)==0 @test getindex_count(a_disk2)==0 @test size(s)==(10,9,2) @test eltype(s) == Float64 #And now do the computation with Array as a sink aout = zeros(10,9,2) aout .= s2 .* 2 ./ Ref(2) #Test if the result is correct @test aout == (trueparent(a_disk1) .+ trueparent(a_disk2))./a_mem @test getindex_count(a_disk1)==6 @test getindex_count(a_disk2)==6 #Now use another DiskArray as the output aout = _DiskArray(zeros(10,9,2),chunksize=(5,3,2)) aout .= s ./ a_mem @test trueparent(aout) == (trueparent(a_disk1) .+ trueparent(a_disk2))./a_mem @test setindex_count(aout)==6 @test getindex_count(a_disk1)==12 @test getindex_count(a_disk2)==12 #Test reduction of broadcasted expression r = sum(s2, dims=(1,2)) @test all(isapprox.(sum((trueparent(a_disk1) .+ trueparent(a_disk2))./a_mem,dims=(1,2)),r)) @test getindex_count(a_disk1)==18 @test getindex_count(a_disk2)==18 end @testset "Index interpretation" begin import DiskArrays: DimsDropper, Reshaper a = zeros(3,3,1) @test interpret_indices_disk(a, (:,2,:)) == ((Base.OneTo(3), 2:2, Base.OneTo(1)), DimsDropper{Tuple{Int}}((2,))) @test interpret_indices_disk(a, (1,2,:)) == ((1:1, 2:2, Base.OneTo(1)), DimsDropper{Tuple{Int,Int}}((1, 2))) @test interpret_indices_disk(a, (1,2,2,1)) == ((1:1, 2:2, 2:2), DimsDropper{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}((1, 2, 3))) @test interpret_indices_disk(a, (1,2,2,1)) == ((1:1, 2:2, 2:2), DimsDropper{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}((1, 2, 3))) @test interpret_indices_disk(a, (:,1:2)) == ((Base.OneTo(3), 1:2, 1:1), DimsDropper{Tuple{Int}}((3,))) @test interpret_indices_disk(a, (:,)) == ((Base.OneTo(3), Base.OneTo(3), Base.OneTo(1)), DiskArrays.Reshaper{Int}(9)) end @testset "AbstractDiskArray getindex" begin a = _DiskArray(reshape(1:20,4,5,1)) test_getindex(a) end @testset "AbstractDiskArray setindex" begin a = _DiskArray(zeros(Int,4,5,1)) test_setindex(a) end @testset "Zerodimensional" begin a = _DiskArray(zeros(Int)) @test a[] == 0 @test a[1] == 0 a[] = 5 @test a[] == 5 a[1] = 6 @test a[] == 6 end @testset "Views" begin a = _DiskArray(zeros(Int,4,5,1)) test_view(a) end # The remaing tests only work for Julia >= 1.3 if VERSION >= v"1.3.0" import Statistics: mean @testset "Reductions" begin a = data -> _DiskArray(data,chunksize=(5,4,2)) test_reductions(a) end @testset "Broadcast" begin a_disk1 = _DiskArray(rand(10,9,2), chunksize=(5,3,2)) test_broadcast(a_disk1) end @testset "Broadcast with length 1 final dim" begin a_disk1 = _DiskArray(rand(10,9,1), chunksize=(5,3,1)) a_disk2 = _DiskArray(rand(1:10,1,9), chunksize=(1,3)) s = a_disk1 .+ a_disk2 @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(s) isa DiskArrays.GridChunks{3} @test size(collect(s)) == (10, 9, 1) end @testset "Reshape" begin a = reshape(_DiskArray(reshape(1:20,4,5)),4,5,1) test_getindex(a) a = reshape(_DiskArray(zeros(Int,4,5)),4,5,1) test_setindex(a) a = reshape(_DiskArray(zeros(Int,4,5)),4,5,1) test_view(a) a = data -> reshape(_DiskArray(data,chunksize=(5,4,2)),10,20,2,1) test_reductions(a) a = reshape(_DiskArray(reshape(1:20,4,5)),4,5,1) @test ReshapedDiskArray(a.parent, a.keepdim, a.newsize) === a end import Base.PermutedDimsArrays.invperm @testset "Permutedims" begin p = (3,1,2) ip = invperm(p) a = permutedims(_DiskArray(permutedims(reshape(1:20,4,5,1),ip)),p) test_getindex(a) a = permutedims(_DiskArray(zeros(Int,5,1,4)),p) test_setindex(a) a = permutedims(_DiskArray(zeros(Int,5,1,4)),p) test_view(a) a = data -> permutedims(_DiskArray(permutedims(data,ip),chunksize=(4,2,5)),p) test_reductions(a) a_disk1 = permutedims(_DiskArray(rand(9,2,10), chunksize=(3,2,5)),p) test_broadcast(a_disk1) @test PermutedDiskArray(a_disk1.a) === a_disk1 end @testset "Unchunked String arrays" begin a = reshape(1:200000,200,1000) b = string.(a) c = collect(Union{Int,Missing},a) DiskArrays.default_chunk_size[] = 100 DiskArrays.fallback_element_size[] = 100 @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(a) == (200,1000) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(a) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(a,(200,1000)) @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(b) == (200,1000) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(b) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(b,(200,1000)) @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(c) == (200,1000) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(c) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(c,(200,1000)) DiskArrays.default_chunk_size[] = 1 @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(a) == (200,625) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(a) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(a,(200,625)) @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(b) == (200,50) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(b) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(b,(200,50)) @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(c) == (200,625) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(c) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(c,(200,625)) DiskArrays.fallback_element_size[] = 1000 @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(a) == (200,625) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(a) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(a,(200,625)) @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(b) == (200,5) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(b) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(b,(200,5)) @test DiskArrays.estimate_chunksize(c) == (200,625) @test DiskArrays.eachchunk(c) == DiskArrays.GridChunks(c,(200,625)) end end
[ 3500, 31664, 3163, 20477, 198, 3500, 31664, 3163, 20477, 25, 1874, 71, 5813, 40961, 19182, 11, 2448, 76, 7241, 40961, 19182, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 2, 7469, 500, 257, 1366, 4645, 326, 460, 307, 973, 329, 4856, 198, 7249, 4808, 40961, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 11, 32, 27, 25, 23839, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 11709, 1279, 25, 27741, 40961, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 220, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 3712, 8134, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 3712, 8134, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 2560, 3712, 32, 198, 220, 22716, 1096, 3712, 11251, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 5317, 92, 198, 437, 198, 62, 40961, 19182, 7, 64, 26, 354, 14125, 1096, 28, 7857, 7, 64, 4008, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 8134, 7, 15, 828, 8134, 7, 15, 828, 64, 11, 354, 14125, 1096, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 7857, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 64, 13, 8000, 8, 198, 40961, 3163, 20477, 13, 10134, 354, 14125, 7, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 1925, 2954, 276, 3419, 198, 40961, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 64, 11, 64, 13, 354, 14125, 1096, 8, 198, 1136, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 257, 13, 1136, 9630, 62, 9127, 21737, 198, 2617, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 257, 13, 2617, 9630, 62, 9127, 21737, 198, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 257, 13, 8000, 198, 1136, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 3712, 4965, 71, 5813, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 13, 8000, 8, 198, 2617, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 3712, 4965, 71, 5813, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 13, 8000, 8, 198, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 3712, 4965, 71, 5813, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 13, 8000, 8, 198, 1136, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 3712, 5990, 76, 7241, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 13, 64, 13, 8000, 8, 198, 2617, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 3712, 5990, 76, 7241, 40961, 19182, 8, 796, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 13, 64, 13, 8000, 8, 198, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 3712, 5990, 76, 7241, 40961, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 11, 27, 25, 5990, 76, 7241, 35, 12078, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 11, 16321, 11, 9346, 76, 11709, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 11, 16321, 11, 9346, 76, 92, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 7, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 13, 64, 13, 8000, 828, 16321, 8, 198, 8818, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 961, 9967, 0, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 11, 64, 448, 11, 72, 3712, 23839, 26453, 17257, 23029, 198, 220, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 4129, 7, 72, 8, 8614, 4049, 7203, 15057, 286, 36525, 318, 407, 3376, 4943, 198, 220, 477, 7, 81, 3784, 9160, 7, 81, 11, 23839, 26453, 17257, 828, 72, 8, 8614, 4049, 7203, 3673, 477, 36525, 389, 4326, 16069, 4943, 198, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 25782, 422, 36525, 33172, 4654, 7, 8841, 12195, 72, 27267, 366, 4008, 198, 220, 257, 13, 1136, 9630, 62, 9127, 21737, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 257, 448, 764, 28, 257, 13, 8000, 58, 72, 22345, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 13564, 9967, 0, 7, 64, 3712, 62, 40961, 19182, 11, 85, 11, 72, 3712, 23839, 26453, 17257, 23029, 198, 220, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 4129, 7, 72, 8, 8614, 4049, 7203, 15057, 286, 36525, 318, 407, 3376, 4943, 198, 220, 477, 7, 81, 3784, 9160, 7, 81, 11, 23839, 26453, 17257, 828, 72, 8, 8614, 4049, 7203, 3673, 477, 36525, 389, 4326, 16069, 4943, 198, 220, 1303, 35235, 7203, 33874, 284, 36525, 33172, 4654, 7, 8841, 12195, 72, 27267, 366, 4008, 198, 220, 257, 13, 2617, 9630, 62, 9127, 21737, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 1570, 7, 64, 13, 8000, 11, 72, 23029, 764, 28, 410, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 1136, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 17, 11, 18, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 838, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 17, 11, 18, 60, 6624, 838, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 17, 11, 18, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 838, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 45299, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 362, 11, 513, 11, 604, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 16, 25, 17, 11, 352, 25, 17, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 642, 26, 362, 718, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 17, 25, 17, 25, 19, 11, 16, 25, 17, 25, 20, 60, 6624, 685, 17, 838, 1248, 26, 604, 1105, 1160, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 437, 21912, 16, 25, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 19, 11, 18, 11, 17, 11, 16, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 30109, 16, 11, 18, 11, 19, 38430, 16, 11, 18, 4357, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 860, 26, 513, 1367, 26, 604, 1105, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 6208, 1643, 27932, 6376, 278, 198, 220, 285, 796, 27807, 274, 7, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 285, 58, 17, 11, 45299, 16, 60, 764, 28, 2081, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 76, 60, 6624, 685, 17, 11, 21, 11, 940, 11, 1415, 11, 1507, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 6208, 14174, 6376, 278, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 1157, 25, 1314, 60, 6624, 1367, 25, 1314, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 1238, 21912, 16, 25, 24, 60, 6624, 1160, 21912, 16, 25, 24, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 30109, 18, 11, 642, 11, 807, 11907, 6624, 685, 18, 11, 642, 11, 807, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 17, 25, 19, 25, 1415, 60, 6624, 685, 17, 11, 21, 11, 940, 11, 1415, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 14402, 326, 1100, 9967, 373, 1444, 3446, 319, 728, 329, 790, 651, 9630, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 1511, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 2617, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 58, 16, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 796, 352, 198, 220, 257, 58, 16, 11, 17, 60, 796, 362, 198, 220, 257, 58, 16, 11, 18, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 796, 513, 198, 220, 257, 58, 17, 11, 47715, 796, 685, 16, 11, 362, 11, 513, 11, 604, 11, 642, 60, 198, 220, 257, 58, 18, 11, 513, 25, 19, 11, 16, 11, 16, 60, 796, 685, 18, 11, 19, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 6208, 1643, 27932, 6376, 278, 198, 220, 285, 796, 27807, 274, 7, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 285, 58, 19, 11, 45299, 16, 60, 764, 28, 2081, 198, 220, 257, 58, 76, 60, 796, 685, 940, 11, 1157, 11, 1065, 11, 1485, 11, 1415, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 14402, 326, 1100, 9967, 373, 1444, 3446, 319, 728, 329, 790, 651, 9630, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 718, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 16, 11, 16, 25, 18, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 17, 11, 45299, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 11, 20, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 18, 11, 18, 25, 19, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 18, 11, 19, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 19, 11, 45299, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 940, 11, 1157, 11, 1065, 11, 1485, 11, 1415, 60, 198, 220, 257, 58, 16, 25, 17, 25, 19, 11, 16, 25, 17, 25, 20, 11, 16, 60, 796, 685, 16, 362, 513, 26, 642, 718, 767, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 16, 25, 17, 25, 19, 11, 16, 25, 17, 25, 20, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 362, 513, 26, 642, 718, 767, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 767, 198, 220, 257, 30109, 17, 11, 19, 4357, 16, 25, 17, 11, 16, 60, 796, 685, 16, 362, 26, 642, 718, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 8, 30109, 17, 11, 19, 4357, 16, 25, 17, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 362, 26, 642, 718, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 807, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 1177, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 410, 796, 1570, 7, 64, 11, 17, 25, 18, 11, 17, 25, 19, 11, 16, 8, 628, 220, 410, 58, 16, 25, 17, 11, 16, 60, 796, 685, 16, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 410, 58, 16, 25, 17, 11, 17, 25, 18, 60, 796, 685, 19, 604, 26, 604, 604, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 410, 58, 16, 25, 17, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 410, 58, 16, 25, 17, 11, 17, 25, 18, 60, 6624, 685, 19, 604, 26, 604, 604, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 17, 25, 18, 11, 17, 60, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 38381, 17, 25, 18, 11, 18, 25, 19, 60, 6624, 685, 19, 604, 26, 604, 604, 60, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 445, 20847, 7, 1878, 8, 198, 220, 1366, 796, 43720, 7, 940, 11, 1238, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 329, 277, 287, 357, 39504, 11, 47033, 11, 16345, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 72, 11, 22046, 986, 26, 46265, 22046, 23029, 3784, 439, 7, 73, 3784, 73, 29, 15, 13, 16, 11, 72, 11, 22046, 986, 26, 46265, 22046, 986, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 72, 11, 22046, 986, 26, 46265, 22046, 23029, 3784, 1092, 7, 73, 3784, 73, 27, 15, 13, 16, 11, 72, 11, 22046, 986, 26, 46265, 22046, 986, 828, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 72, 11, 22046, 986, 26, 46265, 22046, 23029, 3784, 8899, 445, 7234, 7, 87, 3784, 17, 9, 87, 11, 28200, 72, 11, 22046, 986, 26, 46265, 22046, 986, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 6580, 7, 7890, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 69, 7, 64, 828, 69, 7, 7890, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 19841, 838, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1870, 1332, 7741, 1863, 15225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 7890, 11, 354, 14125, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 19, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 271, 1324, 13907, 12195, 69, 7, 64, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 17, 828, 69, 7, 7890, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 17, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 464, 5288, 290, 5415, 5499, 466, 617, 37588, 11, 543, 481, 2620, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1169, 1271, 286, 9743, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 277, 287, 357, 39504, 11, 5415, 8, 8614, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 19841, 1105, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 7890, 11, 354, 14125, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 19, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 271, 1324, 13907, 12195, 69, 7, 64, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 18, 36911, 69, 7, 7890, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 18, 35514, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 277, 287, 357, 39504, 11, 5415, 8, 8614, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 8, 19841, 1105, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 36654, 2701, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 198, 220, 257, 62, 39531, 17, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 25192, 7, 16, 25, 940, 11, 16, 11, 24, 828, 22716, 1096, 16193, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 257, 62, 11883, 220, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 17, 11, 16, 11, 16, 11, 17, 1776, 628, 220, 264, 796, 257, 62, 39531, 16, 764, 10, 257, 62, 39531, 17, 764, 9, 6524, 7, 17, 8, 24457, 357, 17, 35751, 198, 220, 1303, 14402, 16931, 22978, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 264, 318, 64, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 30507, 2701, 40961, 19182, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 264, 24844, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 30507, 2701, 40961, 19182, 7, 82, 13, 15630, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 855, 15, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 855, 15, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 8, 855, 15, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 8, 855, 15, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 82, 8, 855, 7, 940, 11, 24, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 1288, 4906, 7, 82, 8, 6624, 48436, 2414, 198, 220, 1303, 43, 1039, 20121, 1194, 7025, 198, 220, 264, 17, 796, 264, 24457, 257, 62, 11883, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 264, 318, 64, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 30507, 2701, 40961, 19182, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 855, 15, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 8, 855, 15, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 82, 8, 855, 7, 940, 11, 24, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 1288, 4906, 7, 82, 8, 6624, 48436, 2414, 198, 220, 1303, 1870, 783, 466, 262, 29964, 351, 15690, 355, 257, 14595, 198, 220, 257, 448, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 940, 11, 24, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 257, 448, 764, 28, 264, 17, 764, 9, 362, 24457, 6524, 7, 17, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 14402, 611, 262, 1255, 318, 3376, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 448, 6624, 357, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 764, 10, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 29720, 14, 64, 62, 11883, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 855, 21, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 8, 855, 21, 198, 220, 1303, 3844, 779, 1194, 31664, 19182, 355, 262, 5072, 198, 220, 257, 448, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 940, 11, 24, 11, 17, 828, 354, 14125, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 18, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 257, 448, 764, 28, 264, 24457, 257, 62, 11883, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 448, 8, 6624, 357, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 764, 10, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 29720, 14, 64, 62, 11883, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 900, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 448, 8, 855, 21, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 855, 1065, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 8, 855, 1065, 198, 220, 1303, 14402, 7741, 286, 7025, 276, 5408, 198, 220, 374, 796, 2160, 7, 82, 17, 11, 5391, 82, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 271, 1324, 13907, 12195, 16345, 19510, 7942, 8000, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 764, 10, 2081, 8000, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 29720, 14, 64, 62, 11883, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 36911, 81, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 855, 1507, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 651, 9630, 62, 9127, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 17, 8, 855, 1507, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 15732, 10794, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 1330, 31664, 3163, 20477, 25, 360, 12078, 35442, 2848, 11, 1874, 71, 2136, 198, 220, 257, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 18, 11, 18, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 6179, 62, 521, 1063, 62, 39531, 7, 64, 11, 357, 45299, 17, 11, 25, 4008, 6624, 14808, 14881, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 18, 828, 362, 25, 17, 11, 7308, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 16, 36911, 360, 12078, 35442, 2848, 90, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11709, 19510, 17, 11, 22305, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 6179, 62, 521, 1063, 62, 39531, 7, 64, 11, 357, 16, 11, 17, 11, 25, 4008, 6624, 14808, 16, 25, 16, 11, 362, 25, 17, 11, 7308, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 16, 36911, 360, 12078, 35442, 2848, 90, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11, 5317, 11709, 19510, 16, 11, 362, 22305, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 6179, 62, 521, 1063, 62, 39531, 7, 64, 11, 357, 16, 11, 17, 11, 17, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 14808, 16, 25, 16, 11, 362, 25, 17, 11, 362, 25, 17, 828, 360, 12078, 35442, 2848, 90, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11, 5317, 11, 5317, 11709, 19510, 16, 11, 362, 11, 513, 22305, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 6179, 62, 521, 1063, 62, 39531, 7, 64, 11, 357, 16, 11, 17, 11, 17, 11, 16, 4008, 6624, 14808, 16, 25, 16, 11, 362, 25, 17, 11, 362, 25, 17, 828, 360, 12078, 35442, 2848, 90, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11, 5317, 11, 5317, 11709, 19510, 16, 11, 362, 11, 513, 22305, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 6179, 62, 521, 1063, 62, 39531, 7, 64, 11, 357, 45299, 16, 25, 17, 4008, 6624, 14808, 14881, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 18, 828, 352, 25, 17, 11, 352, 25, 16, 828, 360, 12078, 35442, 2848, 90, 51, 29291, 90, 5317, 11709, 19510, 18, 11, 22305, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 6179, 62, 521, 1063, 62, 39531, 7, 64, 11, 357, 45299, 4008, 6624, 14808, 14881, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 18, 828, 7308, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 18, 828, 7308, 13, 3198, 2514, 7, 16, 36911, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 4965, 71, 2136, 90, 5317, 92, 7, 24, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 23839, 40961, 19182, 651, 9630, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 1238, 11, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 1136, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 23839, 40961, 19182, 900, 9630, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 11, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 2617, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 57, 263, 375, 16198, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 21737, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 58, 16, 60, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 257, 21737, 796, 642, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 21737, 6624, 642, 198, 220, 257, 58, 16, 60, 796, 718, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 257, 21737, 6624, 718, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 7680, 82, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 11, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 1177, 7, 64, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 383, 816, 64, 278, 5254, 691, 670, 329, 22300, 18189, 352, 13, 18, 198, 361, 44156, 2849, 18189, 410, 1, 16, 13, 18, 13, 15, 1, 198, 11748, 14370, 25, 1612, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 7738, 20847, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 1366, 4613, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 7890, 11, 354, 14125, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 19, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 445, 20847, 7, 64, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 30507, 2701, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 62, 39531, 16, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 25192, 7, 940, 11, 24, 11, 17, 828, 22716, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 18, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 36654, 2701, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 30507, 2701, 351, 4129, 352, 2457, 5391, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 62, 39531, 16, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 25192, 7, 940, 11, 24, 11, 16, 828, 22716, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 18, 11, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 257, 62, 39531, 17, 796, 4808, 40961, 19182, 7, 25192, 7, 16, 25, 940, 11, 16, 11, 24, 828, 22716, 1096, 16193, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 264, 796, 257, 62, 39531, 16, 764, 10, 257, 62, 39531, 17, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 82, 8, 318, 64, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 90, 18, 92, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 33327, 7, 82, 4008, 6624, 357, 940, 11, 860, 11, 352, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 4965, 71, 1758, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 27179, 1758, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 1238, 11, 19, 11, 20, 36911, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 1136, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 27179, 1758, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 11, 19, 11, 20, 36911, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 2617, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 27179, 1758, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 11, 19, 11, 20, 36911, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 1177, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 1366, 4613, 27179, 1758, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 7890, 11, 354, 14125, 1096, 16193, 20, 11, 19, 11, 17, 36911, 940, 11, 1238, 11, 17, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 445, 20847, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 27179, 1758, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 1238, 11, 19, 11, 20, 36911, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 1874, 71, 5813, 40961, 19182, 7, 64, 13, 8000, 11, 257, 13, 14894, 27740, 11, 257, 13, 3605, 7857, 8, 24844, 257, 198, 437, 198, 198, 11748, 7308, 13, 5990, 76, 7241, 35, 12078, 3163, 20477, 13, 16340, 16321, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 5990, 76, 7241, 12078, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 279, 796, 357, 18, 11, 16, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 20966, 796, 800, 16321, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 16321, 7241, 12078, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 1238, 11, 19, 11, 20, 11, 16, 828, 541, 36911, 79, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 1136, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 11, 20, 11, 16, 11, 19, 36911, 79, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 2617, 9630, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 5317, 11, 20, 11, 16, 11, 19, 36911, 79, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 1177, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 796, 1366, 4613, 9943, 7241, 12078, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 16321, 7241, 12078, 7, 7890, 11, 541, 828, 354, 14125, 1096, 16193, 19, 11, 17, 11, 20, 36911, 79, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 445, 20847, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 257, 62, 39531, 16, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 28264, 40961, 19182, 7, 25192, 7, 24, 11, 17, 11, 940, 828, 22716, 1096, 16193, 18, 11, 17, 11, 20, 36911, 79, 8, 198, 220, 1332, 62, 36654, 2701, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 2448, 76, 7241, 40961, 19182, 7, 64, 62, 39531, 16, 13, 64, 8, 24844, 257, 62, 39531, 16, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 3118, 354, 2954, 276, 10903, 26515, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 257, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 16, 25, 33470, 11, 2167, 11, 12825, 8, 198, 220, 275, 796, 4731, 12195, 64, 8, 198, 220, 269, 796, 2824, 7, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 43730, 5512, 64, 8, 628, 220, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 12286, 62, 354, 2954, 62, 7857, 21737, 796, 1802, 198, 220, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 7207, 1891, 62, 30854, 62, 7857, 21737, 796, 1802, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 12825, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 64, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 12825, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 65, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 12825, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 65, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 65, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 12825, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 66, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 12825, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 66, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 66, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 12825, 4008, 198, 220, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 12286, 62, 354, 2954, 62, 7857, 21737, 796, 352, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 26704, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 64, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 26704, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 65, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 1120, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 65, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 65, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 1120, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 66, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 26704, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 66, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 66, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 26704, 4008, 198, 220, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 7207, 1891, 62, 30854, 62, 7857, 21737, 796, 8576, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 26704, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 64, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 64, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 26704, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 65, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 20, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 65, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 65, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 20, 4008, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 395, 1920, 62, 354, 14125, 1096, 7, 66, 8, 6624, 357, 2167, 11, 26704, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 9288, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 27379, 354, 2954, 7, 66, 8, 6624, 31664, 3163, 20477, 13, 41339, 1925, 14125, 7, 66, 11, 7, 2167, 11, 26704, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
function reliability(t::Vector{Float64}, Φ::Matrix{Float64}, dists::Dict) P = zeros(size(t)) for index in CartesianIndices(Φ) p = ones(size(t)) for k = 1:length(size(Φ)) mk = size(Φ)[k] - 1 lk = index[k] - 1 Fk = dists[k] p .*= binomial(mk, lk) .* (cdf.(Fk, t) .^ (mk - lk)) .* ((1 .- cdf.(Fk, t)) .^ lk) end P .+= Φ[index] .* p end return P end function reliability( t::Vector{Float64}, Φ::Matrix{Float64}, types::Dict{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}, failures::Matrix{Float64}, ) idx = map_failures_to_type(failures, types) Φ_f = map_types_to_signature(idx, Φ, types) sort!(failures, dims = 2) P = zeros(size(t)) for (r_i, r) ∈ enumerate(eachrow(failures)) @inbounds P[t.<r[1]] .+= 1 for c_i ∈ 1:length(r)-1 if Φ_f[r_i, c_i] === 0.0 break end @inbounds P[r[c_i].<=t.<r[c_i+1]] .+= Φ_f[r_i, c_i] end if Φ_f[r_i, end] > 0.0 @inbounds P[t.>=r[end]] .+= Φ_f[r_i, end] end end return P ./ size(failures, 1) end function map_failures_to_type(f, types::Dict{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}) type_map = Dict{Int64,Int64}() for n ∈ vcat(values(types)...) for (type, components) ∈ types n ∈ components && (type_map[n] = type; break) end end idx = zeros(size(f)) for i ∈ 1:size(f, 1) @views idx[i, :] = map(x -> type_map[x], sortperm(f[i, :])) end return Int.(idx) end function map_types_to_signature(idx, Φ, types) F = ones(Int64, size(idx, 1), size(idx, 2), length(types)) for (type, components) ∈ types F[:, :, type] += length(components) .- cumsum(idx .== type, dims = 2) end Φ_f = zeros(size(idx)) for j = 1:size(F, 2) for i = 1:size(F, 1) Φ_f[i, j] = Φ[(F[i, j, :])...] end end return Φ_f end
[ 8818, 17843, 7, 83, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 7377, 99, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 288, 1023, 3712, 35, 713, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 350, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 83, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 6376, 287, 13690, 35610, 5497, 1063, 7, 138, 99, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 796, 3392, 7, 7857, 7, 83, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 7857, 7, 138, 99, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33480, 796, 2546, 7, 138, 99, 38381, 74, 60, 532, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 74, 796, 6376, 58, 74, 60, 532, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 376, 74, 796, 288, 1023, 58, 74, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 764, 9, 28, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9874, 49070, 7, 28015, 11, 300, 74, 8, 764, 9, 357, 66, 7568, 12195, 37, 74, 11, 256, 8, 764, 61, 357, 28015, 532, 300, 74, 4008, 764, 9, 14808, 16, 764, 12, 269, 7568, 12195, 37, 74, 11, 256, 4008, 764, 61, 300, 74, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 350, 764, 47932, 7377, 99, 58, 9630, 60, 764, 9, 279, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 350, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 17843, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 99, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3858, 3712, 35, 713, 90, 5317, 2414, 11, 19182, 90, 5317, 2414, 11, 16, 92, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15536, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 3975, 62, 32165, 942, 62, 1462, 62, 4906, 7, 32165, 942, 11, 3858, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 796, 3975, 62, 19199, 62, 1462, 62, 12683, 1300, 7, 312, 87, 11, 7377, 99, 11, 3858, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 3297, 0, 7, 32165, 942, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 362, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 350, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 83, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 81, 62, 72, 11, 374, 8, 18872, 230, 27056, 378, 7, 27379, 808, 7, 32165, 942, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 350, 58, 83, 29847, 81, 58, 16, 11907, 764, 47932, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 269, 62, 72, 18872, 230, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 81, 13219, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 58, 81, 62, 72, 11, 269, 62, 72, 60, 24844, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2270, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 350, 58, 81, 58, 66, 62, 72, 4083, 27, 28, 83, 29847, 81, 58, 66, 62, 72, 10, 16, 11907, 764, 47932, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 58, 81, 62, 72, 11, 269, 62, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 58, 81, 62, 72, 11, 886, 60, 1875, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 350, 58, 83, 13, 29, 28, 81, 58, 437, 11907, 764, 47932, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 58, 81, 62, 72, 11, 886, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 350, 24457, 2546, 7, 32165, 942, 11, 352, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3975, 62, 32165, 942, 62, 1462, 62, 4906, 7, 69, 11, 3858, 3712, 35, 713, 90, 5317, 2414, 11, 19182, 90, 5317, 2414, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 62, 8899, 796, 360, 713, 90, 5317, 2414, 11, 5317, 2414, 92, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 299, 18872, 230, 410, 9246, 7, 27160, 7, 19199, 8, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 4906, 11, 6805, 8, 18872, 230, 3858, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 18872, 230, 6805, 11405, 357, 4906, 62, 8899, 58, 77, 60, 796, 2099, 26, 2270, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 87, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 69, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 18872, 230, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 69, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 33571, 4686, 87, 58, 72, 11, 1058, 60, 796, 3975, 7, 87, 4613, 2099, 62, 8899, 58, 87, 4357, 3297, 16321, 7, 69, 58, 72, 11, 1058, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2558, 12195, 312, 87, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3975, 62, 19199, 62, 1462, 62, 12683, 1300, 7, 312, 87, 11, 7377, 99, 11, 3858, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 376, 796, 3392, 7, 5317, 2414, 11, 2546, 7, 312, 87, 11, 352, 828, 2546, 7, 312, 87, 11, 362, 828, 4129, 7, 19199, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 4906, 11, 6805, 8, 18872, 230, 3858, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 376, 58, 45299, 1058, 11, 2099, 60, 15853, 4129, 7, 5589, 3906, 8, 764, 12, 269, 5700, 388, 7, 312, 87, 764, 855, 2099, 11, 5391, 82, 796, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 7857, 7, 312, 87, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 37, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 37, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 796, 7377, 99, 58, 7, 37, 58, 72, 11, 474, 11, 1058, 12962, 22345, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 7377, 99, 62, 69, 198, 437, 198 ]
# ============================================================ # Structs of Initial & Boundary Conditions # ============================================================ """ mutable struct IB{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function bc::T end Initial & boundary conditions with no distribution function """ mutable struct IB{T<:Union{Function,AbstractArray}} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function bc::T end function IB(fw, gas::Scalar) γ = gas.a bc = function (args...) w = fw(args...) return ifelse(γ == 0, conserve_prim(w), conserve_prim(w, γ)) end return IB{typeof(bc)}(fw, bc) end function IB(fw, gas::AbstractGas) bc = function (args...) w = fw(args...) prim = begin if ndims(w) == 1 conserve_prim(w, gas.γ) else mixture_conserve_prim(w, gas.γ) end end return prim end return IB{typeof(bc)}(fw, bc) end """ mutable struct IB1F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function bc::T end Initial & boundary condition with 1 distribution function """ mutable struct IB1F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function bc::T end function IB1F(fw, vs::AbstractVelocitySpace, gas::AbstractProperty) bc = function (args...) w = fw(args...) prim = begin if ndims(w) == 1 conserve_prim(w, gas.γ) else mixture_conserve_prim(w, gas.γ) end end return prim end ff = function (args...) prim = bc(args...) M = begin if !isdefined(vs, :v) if ndims(prim) == 1 maxwellian(vs.u, prim) else mixture_maxwellian(vs.u, prim) end elseif !isdefined(vs, :w) if ndims(prim) == 1 maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, prim) else mixture_maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, prim) end else if ndims(prim) == 1 maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, vs.w, prim) else mixture_maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, vs.w, prim) end end end return M end return IB1F{typeof(bc)}(fw, ff, bc) end """ mutable struct IB2F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function bc::T end Initial & boundary condition with 2 distribution functions """ mutable struct IB2F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function bc::T end function IB2F(fw, vs::AbstractVelocitySpace, gas::AbstractProperty) bc = function (args...) w = fw(args...) prim = begin if ndims(w) == 1 conserve_prim(w, gas.γ) else mixture_conserve_prim(w, gas.γ) end end return prim end ff = function (args...) prim = bc(args...) if !isdefined(vs, :v) if ndims(prim) == 1 H = maxwellian(vs.u, prim) B = H .* gas.K / 2 / prim[end] else H = mixture_maxwellian(vs.u, prim) B = zero(H) for j in axes(B, 2) B[:, j] = H[:, j] * gas.K / (2.0 * prim[end, j]) end end elseif !isdefined(vs, :w) if ndims(prim) == 1 H = maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, prim) B = H .* gas.K / 2 / prim[end] else H = mixture_maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, prim) B = zero(H) for j in axes(B, 3) B[:, :, j] = H[:, :, j] * gas.K / (2.0 * prim[end, j]) end end else if ndims(prim) == 1 H = maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, vs.w, prim) B = H .* gas.K / 2 / prim[end] else H = mixture_maxwellian(vs.u, vs.v, vs.w, prim) B = zero(H) for j in axes(B, 4) B[:, :, :, j] = H[:, :, :, j] * gas.K / (2.0 * prim[end, j]) end end end return H, B end return IB2F{typeof(bc)}(fw, ff, bc) end """ mutable struct IB3F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function fE::Function fB::Function fL::Function bc::T end Initial & boundary condition with 3 distribution functions """ mutable struct IB3F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function fE::Function fB::Function fL::Function bc::T end """ mutable struct IB4F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function fE::Function fB::Function fL::Function bc::T end Initial & boundary condition with 4 distribution functions """ mutable struct IB4F{T} <: AbstractCondition fw::Function ff::Function fE::Function fB::Function fL::Function bc::T end
[ 2, 46111, 4770, 2559, 18604, 198, 2, 32112, 82, 286, 20768, 1222, 30149, 560, 27617, 198, 2, 46111, 4770, 2559, 18604, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4517, 540, 2878, 34782, 90, 51, 92, 1279, 25, 27741, 48362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 86, 3712, 22203, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47125, 3712, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 198, 24243, 1222, 18645, 3403, 351, 645, 6082, 2163, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 34782, 90, 51, 27, 25, 38176, 90, 22203, 11, 23839, 19182, 11709, 1279, 25, 27741, 48362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 86, 3712, 22203, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47125, 3712, 51, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 34782, 7, 44482, 11, 3623, 3712, 3351, 282, 283, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 111, 796, 3623, 13, 64, 628, 220, 220, 220, 47125, 796, 2163, 357, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 277, 86, 7, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 611, 17772, 7, 42063, 6624, 657, 11, 45075, 62, 19795, 7, 86, 828, 45075, 62, 19795, 7, 86, 11, 7377, 111, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 34782, 90, 4906, 1659, 7, 15630, 38165, 7, 44482, 11, 47125, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 34782, 7, 44482, 11, 3623, 3712, 23839, 39699, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47125, 796, 2163, 357, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 277, 86, 7, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2684, 796, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 86, 8, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 45075, 62, 19795, 7, 86, 11, 3623, 13, 42063, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 11710, 62, 5936, 3760, 62, 19795, 7, 86, 11, 3623, 13, 42063, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 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using Test using PolynomialBasis using ImplicitDomainQuadrature using CartesianMesh # using Revise using HDGElasticity function allapprox(v1,v2) return all(v1 .≈ v2) end function allequal(v1,v2) return all(v1 .== v2) end function allapprox(v1,v2,atol) @assert length(v1) == length(v2) return all([isapprox(v1[i],v2[i],atol=atol) for i = 1:length(v1)]) end function plane_distance_function(coords,n,x0) return [n'*(coords[:,idx]-x0) for idx in 1:size(coords)[2]] end facequads = [[1,2],[],[1,2,3],[]] solverid = HDGElasticity.face_to_solverid(facequads) @test allequal(solverid,[1,0,2,0]) vbasis = TensorProductBasis(2,1) mesh = UniformMesh([0.,0.],[1.,1.],[2,1]) coords = HDGElasticity.nodal_coordinates(mesh,vbasis) NF = HDGElasticity.number_of_basis_functions(vbasis) coeffs = reshape(plane_distance_function(coords,[1.,0.],[0.4,0.]),NF,:) poly = InterpolatingPolynomial(1,vbasis) dgmesh = HDGElasticity.DGMesh(mesh,coeffs,poly) ufs = HDGElasticity.UniformFunctionSpace(dgmesh,1,4,coeffs,poly) l1,m1 = (1.,2.) l2,m2 = (2.,3.) D1 = sqrt(HDGElasticity.plane_strain_voigt_hooke_matrix_2d(l1,m1)) D2 = sqrt(HDGElasticity.plane_strain_voigt_hooke_matrix_2d(l2,m2)) stabilization = 1.0 cellmap = HDGElasticity.CellMap(dgmesh.domain[1]) solveridx = HDGElasticity.cell_to_solver_index(dgmesh.cellsign) testsolveridx = [3 1 4 0] @test allequal(solveridx,testsolveridx) cellsolvers = HDGElasticity.CellSolvers(dgmesh,ufs,D1,D2,stabilization) @test length(cellsolvers.localsolvers) == 4 @test allapprox(cellsolvers.stiffness[1],D1) @test allapprox(cellsolvers.stiffness[2],D2) @test cellsolvers.stabilization ≈ stabilization update!(ufs.imap,ufs.icoeffs[1,1]) LL1 = HDGElasticity.local_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.vquads[1,1],ufs.fquads[1,1], dgmesh.facemaps,ufs.iquad,ufs.imap,-ufs.inormals[1],D1,stabilization,cellmap) fLH1 = HDGElasticity.local_hybrid_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.sbasis,ufs.fquads[1,1], dgmesh.facemaps,ufs.fnormals,D1,stabilization,cellmap) iLH1 = HDGElasticity.local_hybrid_operator_on_interface(ufs.vbasis,ufs.sbasis, ufs.iquad,ufs.imap,-ufs.inormals[1],D1,stabilization,cellmap) LH1 = [hcat(fLH1...) iLH1] @test allapprox(cellsolvers[1,1].LL,LL1) @test allapprox(cellsolvers[1,1].LH,LH1) @test allequal(cellsolvers[1,1].facetosolverid,[1,2,3,0,4]) LL2 = HDGElasticity.local_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.vquads[2,1],ufs.fquads[2,1], dgmesh.facemaps,ufs.iquad,ufs.imap,ufs.inormals[1],D2,stabilization,cellmap) fLH2 = HDGElasticity.local_hybrid_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.sbasis,ufs.fquads[2,1], dgmesh.facemaps,ufs.fnormals,D2,stabilization,cellmap) iLH2 = HDGElasticity.local_hybrid_operator_on_interface(ufs.vbasis,ufs.sbasis, ufs.iquad,ufs.imap,ufs.inormals[1],D2,stabilization,cellmap) LH2 = [hcat(fLH2...) iLH2] @test allapprox(cellsolvers[2,1].LL,LL2) @test allapprox(cellsolvers[2,1].LH,LH2) @test allapprox(cellsolvers[2,1].facetosolverid,[1,0,2,3,4]) uLL1 = HDGElasticity.local_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.vtpq,ufs.ftpq, dgmesh.facemaps,D1,stabilization,cellmap) ufLH1 = HDGElasticity.local_hybrid_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.sbasis,ufs.ftpq, dgmesh.facemaps,ufs.fnormals,D1,stabilization,cellmap) uLH1 = hcat(ufLH1...) @test allapprox(cellsolvers.localsolvers[1].LL,uLL1) @test allapprox(cellsolvers.localsolvers[1].LH,uLH1) @test allequal(cellsolvers.localsolvers[1].facetosolverid,[1,2,3,4]) uLL2 = HDGElasticity.local_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.vtpq,ufs.ftpq, dgmesh.facemaps,D2,stabilization,cellmap) ufLH2 = HDGElasticity.local_hybrid_operator(ufs.vbasis,ufs.sbasis,ufs.ftpq, dgmesh.facemaps,ufs.fnormals,D2,stabilization,cellmap) uLH2 = hcat(ufLH2...) @test allapprox(cellsolvers.localsolvers[2].LL,uLL2) @test allapprox(cellsolvers.localsolvers[2].LH,uLH2) @test allequal(cellsolvers.localsolvers[2].facetosolverid,[1,2,3,4])
[ 3500, 6208, 198, 3500, 12280, 26601, 498, 15522, 271, 198, 3500, 34347, 3628, 43961, 4507, 41909, 1300, 198, 3500, 13690, 35610, 37031, 198, 2, 1262, 5416, 786, 198, 3500, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 198, 198, 8818, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 85, 16, 11, 85, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 477, 7, 85, 16, 764, 35705, 230, 410, 17, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 28654, 13255, 7, 85, 16, 11, 85, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 477, 7, 85, 16, 764, 855, 410, 17, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 85, 16, 11, 85, 17, 11, 265, 349, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 4129, 7, 85, 16, 8, 6624, 4129, 7, 85, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 477, 26933, 271, 1324, 13907, 7, 85, 16, 58, 72, 4357, 85, 17, 58, 72, 4357, 265, 349, 28, 265, 349, 8, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 85, 16, 8, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 6614, 62, 30246, 62, 8818, 7, 1073, 3669, 11, 77, 11, 87, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 685, 77, 6, 9, 7, 1073, 3669, 58, 45299, 312, 87, 45297, 87, 15, 8, 329, 4686, 87, 287, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 1073, 3669, 38381, 17, 11907, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2550, 421, 5643, 796, 16410, 16, 11, 17, 38430, 38430, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 38430, 11907, 198, 82, 14375, 312, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 2550, 62, 1462, 62, 82, 14375, 312, 7, 2550, 421, 5643, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 28654, 13255, 7, 82, 14375, 312, 17414, 16, 11, 15, 11, 17, 11, 15, 12962, 198, 198, 85, 12093, 271, 796, 309, 22854, 15667, 15522, 271, 7, 17, 11, 16, 8, 198, 76, 5069, 796, 35712, 37031, 26933, 15, 1539, 15, 13, 38430, 16, 1539, 16, 13, 38430, 17, 11, 16, 12962, 198, 1073, 3669, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 77, 375, 282, 62, 37652, 17540, 7, 76, 5069, 11, 85, 12093, 271, 8, 198, 21870, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 17618, 62, 1659, 62, 12093, 271, 62, 12543, 2733, 7, 85, 12093, 271, 8, 198, 1073, 14822, 82, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 14382, 62, 30246, 62, 8818, 7, 1073, 3669, 17414, 16, 1539, 15, 13, 38430, 15, 13, 19, 11, 15, 8183, 828, 21870, 11, 25, 8, 198, 35428, 796, 4225, 16104, 803, 34220, 26601, 498, 7, 16, 11, 85, 12093, 271, 8, 198, 198, 67, 39870, 5069, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 35, 15548, 5069, 7, 76, 5069, 11, 1073, 14822, 82, 11, 35428, 8, 198, 3046, 82, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 3118, 6933, 22203, 14106, 7, 67, 39870, 5069, 11, 16, 11, 19, 11, 1073, 14822, 82, 11, 35428, 8, 198, 198, 75, 16, 11, 76, 16, 796, 357, 16, 1539, 17, 2014, 198, 75, 17, 11, 76, 17, 796, 357, 17, 1539, 18, 2014, 198, 35, 16, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 10227, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 14382, 62, 2536, 391, 62, 13038, 328, 83, 62, 8873, 2088, 62, 6759, 8609, 62, 17, 67, 7, 75, 16, 11, 76, 16, 4008, 198, 35, 17, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 10227, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 14382, 62, 2536, 391, 62, 13038, 328, 83, 62, 8873, 2088, 62, 6759, 8609, 62, 17, 67, 7, 75, 17, 11, 76, 17, 4008, 198, 301, 14991, 1634, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 3846, 8899, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 28780, 13912, 7, 67, 39870, 5069, 13, 27830, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 198, 82, 14375, 312, 87, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 3846, 62, 1462, 62, 82, 14375, 62, 9630, 7, 67, 39870, 5069, 13, 3846, 12683, 8, 198, 41989, 14375, 312, 87, 796, 685, 18, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 604, 657, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 28654, 13255, 7, 82, 14375, 312, 87, 11, 41989, 14375, 312, 87, 8, 198, 198, 3846, 34453, 690, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 28780, 36949, 690, 7, 67, 39870, 5069, 11, 3046, 82, 11, 35, 16, 11, 35, 17, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 4129, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 8, 6624, 604, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 301, 733, 1108, 58, 16, 4357, 35, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 301, 733, 1108, 58, 17, 4357, 35, 17, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 4778, 349, 690, 13, 301, 14991, 1634, 15139, 230, 43200, 198, 198, 19119, 0, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 320, 499, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 291, 2577, 487, 82, 58, 16, 11, 16, 12962, 198, 3069, 16, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 421, 5643, 58, 16, 11, 16, 4357, 3046, 82, 13, 69, 421, 5643, 58, 16, 11, 16, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 1557, 324, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 320, 499, 12095, 3046, 82, 13, 259, 579, 874, 58, 16, 4357, 35, 16, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 69, 43, 39, 16, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 12114, 10236, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 82, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 69, 421, 5643, 58, 16, 11, 16, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 22184, 579, 874, 11, 35, 16, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 72, 43, 39, 16, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 12114, 10236, 62, 46616, 62, 261, 62, 39994, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 82, 12093, 271, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 334, 9501, 13, 1557, 324, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 320, 499, 12095, 3046, 82, 13, 259, 579, 874, 58, 16, 4357, 35, 16, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 43, 39, 16, 796, 685, 71, 9246, 7, 69, 43, 39, 16, 23029, 1312, 43, 39, 16, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 58, 16, 11, 16, 4083, 3069, 11, 3069, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 58, 16, 11, 16, 4083, 43, 39, 11, 43, 39, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 28654, 13255, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 58, 16, 11, 16, 4083, 69, 23253, 418, 14375, 312, 17414, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 15, 11, 19, 12962, 198, 198, 3069, 17, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 421, 5643, 58, 17, 11, 16, 4357, 3046, 82, 13, 69, 421, 5643, 58, 17, 11, 16, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 1557, 324, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 320, 499, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 259, 579, 874, 58, 16, 4357, 35, 17, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 69, 43, 39, 17, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 12114, 10236, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 82, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 69, 421, 5643, 58, 17, 11, 16, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 22184, 579, 874, 11, 35, 17, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 72, 43, 39, 17, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 12114, 10236, 62, 46616, 62, 261, 62, 39994, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 82, 12093, 271, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 334, 9501, 13, 1557, 324, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 320, 499, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 259, 579, 874, 58, 16, 4357, 35, 17, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 43, 39, 17, 796, 685, 71, 9246, 7, 69, 43, 39, 17, 23029, 1312, 43, 39, 17, 60, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 58, 17, 11, 16, 4083, 3069, 11, 3069, 17, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 58, 17, 11, 16, 4083, 43, 39, 11, 43, 39, 17, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 58, 17, 11, 16, 4083, 69, 23253, 418, 14375, 312, 17414, 16, 11, 15, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 12962, 198, 198, 84, 3069, 16, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 34788, 80, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 701, 79, 80, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 35, 16, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 3046, 43, 39, 16, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 12114, 10236, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 82, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 701, 79, 80, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 22184, 579, 874, 11, 35, 16, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 84, 43, 39, 16, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 3046, 43, 39, 16, 23029, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 58, 16, 4083, 3069, 11, 84, 3069, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 58, 16, 4083, 43, 39, 11, 84, 43, 39, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 28654, 13255, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 58, 16, 4083, 69, 23253, 418, 14375, 312, 17414, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 12962, 198, 198, 84, 3069, 17, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 34788, 80, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 701, 79, 80, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 35, 17, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 3046, 43, 39, 17, 796, 5572, 8264, 75, 3477, 414, 13, 12001, 62, 12114, 10236, 62, 46616, 7, 3046, 82, 13, 85, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 82, 12093, 271, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 701, 79, 80, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 39870, 5069, 13, 38942, 368, 1686, 11, 3046, 82, 13, 22184, 579, 874, 11, 35, 17, 11, 301, 14991, 1634, 11, 3846, 8899, 8, 198, 84, 43, 39, 17, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 3046, 43, 39, 17, 23029, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 58, 17, 4083, 3069, 11, 84, 3069, 17, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 1324, 13907, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 58, 17, 4083, 43, 39, 11, 84, 43, 39, 17, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 28654, 13255, 7, 3846, 34453, 690, 13, 17946, 874, 349, 690, 58, 17, 4083, 69, 23253, 418, 14375, 312, 17414, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 12962, 198 ]
using Printf """ Represents the time of day. fields: hour, minute, second """ struct MyTime hour minute second end # Exercise 16-1 function printtime(t::MyTime) @printf("%02d:%02d:%02d", t.hour, t.minute, t.second) end t = MyTime(23, 10, 58) # printtime(t) # Exercise 16-2 function isafter(t1::MyTime, t2::MyTime) return (t1.hour, t1.minute, t1.second) > (t2.hour, t2.minute, t2.second) end # Exercise 16-3 function increment!(time, seconds) time.second += seconds dmin, time.second = divrem(time.second, 60) time.minute += dmin dhour, time.minute = divrem(time.minute, 60) time.hour += dhour time.hour %= 24 nothing end # Exercise 16-4 function increment(time, seconds) nsecond = time.second + seconds dmin, nsecond = divrem(nsecond, 60) nminute = time.minute + dmin dhour, nminute = divrem(nminute, 60) nhour = time.hour + dhour nhour %= 24 return MyTime(nhour, nminute, nsecond) end # Exercise 16-5 function timetoint(time) minutes = time.hour * 60 + time.minute seconds = minutes * 60 + time.second end function inttotime(seconds) (minutes, second) = divrem(seconds, 60) hour, minute = divrem(minutes, 60) MyTime(hour, minute, second) end function increment(time, seconds) return inttotime(timetoint(time) + seconds) end # Exercise 16-6 function multime(time::MyTime, x::Number) return inttotime(timetoint(time) * x) end # println(multime(t, 3)) function timepermile(time::MyTime, dist::Number) return multime(time, 1/dist) end # println(timepermile(t, 3)) # Exercise 16-7 using Dates td = today() println(td) println(dayofweek(td)) println(dayname(td)) function age(bday) td = today() td - bday dyear = year(td) - year(bday) dmonth = month(td) - month(bday) dday = day(td) - day(bday) if dmonth < 0 dyear -= 1 elseif dmonth == 0 && dday < 0 dyear -= 1 end println("Age: $dyear") next_bday = bday + Year(dyear + 1) println("Next birthday: $next_bday") nextdiff = DateTime(next_bday) - now() timeleft = canonicalize(Dates.CompoundPeriod(nextdiff)) println("Time to next birthday: $timeleft") end # age(Date(1995, 11, 02)) function doubleday(d1, d2) @assert(d2 > d1, "d2 should be later than d1") return d2 - d1 + d2 end d1 = Date(2000, 1, 2) d2 = Date(2005, 6, 24) # println(doubleday(d1, d2)) function n_day(d1, d2, n) @assert(d2 > d1, "d2 should be later than d1") diff = d2 - d1 age1, age2 = diff.value, 0 while age2 * n != age1 if age2 * n > age1 error("Impossible combination of inputs") end age1 += 1 age2 += 1 end return d1 + Day(age1) end # println(n_day(d1, d2, 2)) # println(n_day(d1, d2, 3)) # println(n_day(d1, d2, 6))
[ 3500, 12578, 69, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 6207, 6629, 262, 640, 286, 1110, 13, 198, 198, 25747, 25, 1711, 11, 5664, 11, 1218, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 2011, 7575, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1711, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5664, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1218, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 16, 198, 8818, 3601, 2435, 7, 83, 3712, 3666, 7575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 37435, 7203, 4, 2999, 67, 25, 4, 2999, 67, 25, 4, 2999, 67, 1600, 256, 13, 9769, 11, 256, 13, 11374, 11, 256, 13, 12227, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 83, 796, 2011, 7575, 7, 1954, 11, 838, 11, 7618, 8, 198, 2, 3601, 2435, 7, 83, 8, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 17, 198, 8818, 318, 8499, 7, 83, 16, 3712, 3666, 7575, 11, 256, 17, 3712, 3666, 7575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 83, 16, 13, 9769, 11, 256, 16, 13, 11374, 11, 256, 16, 13, 12227, 8, 1875, 357, 83, 17, 13, 9769, 11, 256, 17, 13, 11374, 11, 256, 17, 13, 12227, 8, 220, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 18, 198, 8818, 18703, 0, 7, 2435, 11, 4201, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 640, 13, 12227, 15853, 4201, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 1084, 11, 640, 13, 12227, 796, 2659, 2787, 7, 2435, 13, 12227, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 640, 13, 11374, 15853, 288, 1084, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 9769, 11, 640, 13, 11374, 796, 2659, 2787, 7, 2435, 13, 11374, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 640, 13, 9769, 15853, 288, 9769, 198, 220, 220, 220, 640, 13, 9769, 4064, 28, 1987, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 19, 198, 8818, 18703, 7, 2435, 11, 4201, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 12227, 796, 640, 13, 12227, 1343, 4201, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 1084, 11, 299, 12227, 796, 2659, 2787, 7, 77, 12227, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 11374, 796, 640, 13, 11374, 1343, 288, 1084, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 9769, 11, 299, 11374, 796, 2659, 2787, 7, 77, 11374, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 9769, 796, 640, 13, 9769, 1343, 288, 9769, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 9769, 4064, 28, 1987, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2011, 7575, 7, 77, 9769, 11, 299, 11374, 11, 299, 12227, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 20, 198, 8818, 35732, 1563, 7, 2435, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2431, 796, 640, 13, 9769, 1635, 3126, 1343, 640, 13, 11374, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4201, 796, 2431, 1635, 3126, 1343, 640, 13, 12227, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 493, 83, 313, 524, 7, 43012, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 1084, 1769, 11, 1218, 8, 796, 2659, 2787, 7, 43012, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1711, 11, 5664, 796, 2659, 2787, 7, 1084, 1769, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2011, 7575, 7, 9769, 11, 5664, 11, 1218, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 18703, 7, 2435, 11, 4201, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 493, 83, 313, 524, 7, 16514, 316, 1563, 7, 2435, 8, 1343, 4201, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 21, 198, 8818, 1963, 524, 7, 2435, 3712, 3666, 7575, 11, 2124, 3712, 15057, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 493, 83, 313, 524, 7, 16514, 316, 1563, 7, 2435, 8, 1635, 2124, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 44872, 7, 16680, 524, 7, 83, 11, 513, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 640, 16321, 576, 7, 2435, 3712, 3666, 7575, 11, 1233, 3712, 15057, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1963, 524, 7, 2435, 11, 352, 14, 17080, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 44872, 7, 2435, 16321, 576, 7, 83, 11, 513, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 32900, 1467, 12, 22, 198, 3500, 44712, 198, 198, 8671, 796, 1909, 3419, 198, 35235, 7, 8671, 8, 198, 35235, 7, 820, 1659, 10464, 7, 8671, 4008, 198, 35235, 7, 820, 3672, 7, 8671, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 2479, 7, 65, 820, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41560, 796, 1909, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 41560, 532, 275, 820, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 1941, 796, 614, 7, 8671, 8, 532, 614, 7, 65, 820, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 8424, 796, 1227, 7, 8671, 8, 532, 1227, 7, 65, 820, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 820, 796, 1110, 7, 8671, 8, 532, 1110, 7, 65, 820, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 288, 8424, 1279, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 288, 1941, 48185, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 288, 8424, 6624, 657, 11405, 288, 820, 1279, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 288, 1941, 48185, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 23396, 25, 720, 67, 1941, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1306, 62, 65, 820, 796, 275, 820, 1343, 6280, 7, 67, 1941, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 10019, 10955, 25, 720, 19545, 62, 65, 820, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1306, 26069, 796, 7536, 7575, 7, 19545, 62, 65, 820, 8, 532, 783, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 640, 9464, 796, 40091, 1096, 7, 35, 689, 13, 7293, 633, 5990, 2101, 7, 19545, 26069, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 7575, 284, 1306, 10955, 25, 720, 2435, 9464, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2479, 7, 10430, 7, 21908, 11, 1367, 11, 7816, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 15229, 323, 7, 67, 16, 11, 288, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 7, 67, 17, 1875, 288, 16, 11, 366, 67, 17, 815, 307, 1568, 621, 288, 16, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 288, 17, 532, 288, 16, 1343, 288, 17, 198, 437, 198, 198, 67, 16, 796, 7536, 7, 11024, 11, 352, 11, 362, 8, 198, 67, 17, 796, 7536, 7, 14315, 11, 718, 11, 1987, 8, 198, 2, 44872, 7, 67, 280, 9342, 323, 7, 67, 16, 11, 288, 17, 4008, 198, 198, 8818, 299, 62, 820, 7, 67, 16, 11, 288, 17, 11, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 7, 67, 17, 1875, 288, 16, 11, 366, 67, 17, 815, 307, 1568, 621, 288, 16, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 814, 796, 288, 17, 532, 288, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2479, 16, 11, 2479, 17, 796, 814, 13, 8367, 11, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 2479, 17, 1635, 299, 14512, 2479, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2479, 17, 1635, 299, 1875, 2479, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 26950, 4733, 6087, 286, 17311, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2479, 16, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2479, 17, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 288, 16, 1343, 3596, 7, 496, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 44872, 7, 77, 62, 820, 7, 67, 16, 11, 288, 17, 11, 362, 4008, 198, 2, 44872, 7, 77, 62, 820, 7, 67, 16, 11, 288, 17, 11, 513, 4008, 198, 2, 44872, 7, 77, 62, 820, 7, 67, 16, 11, 288, 17, 11, 718, 4008 ]
######### StanSample example ########### using StanSample, Test bernoulli_model = " data { int<lower=1> N; array[N] int<lower=0,upper=1> y; } parameters { real<lower=0,upper=1> theta; } model { theta ~ beta(1,1); y ~ bernoulli(theta); } "; bernoulli_data = [ Dict("N" => 10, "y" => [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]), Dict("N" => 10, "y" => [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]), Dict("N" => 10, "y" => [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]), Dict("N" => 10, "y" => [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]), ] sm = SampleModel("bernoulli", bernoulli_model) rc = stan_sample(sm; data=bernoulli_data, delta=0.85, num_threads=1) if success(rc) # Fetch the same output in the `sdf` ChainDataFrame sdf = read_summary(sm) @test sdf[sdf.parameters .== :theta, :mean][1] ≈ 0.33 rtol=0.05 end
[ 7804, 2, 7299, 36674, 1672, 220, 1303, 7804, 2235, 198, 198, 3500, 7299, 36674, 11, 6208, 198, 198, 33900, 280, 15516, 62, 19849, 796, 366, 198, 7890, 1391, 220, 198, 220, 493, 27, 21037, 28, 16, 29, 399, 26, 220, 198, 220, 7177, 58, 45, 60, 493, 27, 21037, 28, 15, 11, 45828, 28, 16, 29, 331, 26, 198, 92, 220, 198, 17143, 7307, 1391, 198, 220, 1103, 27, 21037, 28, 15, 11, 45828, 28, 16, 29, 262, 8326, 26, 198, 92, 220, 198, 19849, 1391, 198, 220, 262, 8326, 5299, 12159, 7, 16, 11, 16, 1776, 198, 220, 331, 5299, 275, 1142, 280, 15516, 7, 1169, 8326, 1776, 198, 92, 198, 8172, 198, 198, 33900, 280, 15516, 62, 7890, 796, 685, 198, 220, 360, 713, 7203, 45, 1, 5218, 838, 11, 366, 88, 1, 5218, 685, 15, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 46570, 198, 220, 360, 713, 7203, 45, 1, 5218, 838, 11, 366, 88, 1, 5218, 685, 15, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 46570, 198, 220, 360, 713, 7203, 45, 1, 5218, 838, 11, 366, 88, 1, 5218, 685, 15, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 11, 657, 46570, 198, 220, 360, 713, 7203, 45, 1, 5218, 838, 11, 366, 88, 1, 5218, 685, 15, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 11, 657, 11, 657, 11, 352, 46570, 198, 60, 198, 198, 5796, 796, 27565, 17633, 7203, 33900, 280, 15516, 1600, 275, 1142, 280, 15516, 62, 19849, 8, 198, 6015, 796, 336, 272, 62, 39873, 7, 5796, 26, 1366, 28, 33900, 280, 15516, 62, 7890, 11, 25979, 28, 15, 13, 5332, 11, 997, 62, 16663, 82, 28, 16, 8, 198, 361, 1943, 7, 6015, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 376, 7569, 262, 976, 5072, 287, 262, 4600, 82, 7568, 63, 21853, 6601, 19778, 198, 220, 264, 7568, 796, 1100, 62, 49736, 7, 5796, 8, 628, 220, 2488, 9288, 264, 7568, 58, 82, 7568, 13, 17143, 7307, 764, 855, 1058, 1169, 8326, 11, 1058, 32604, 7131, 16, 60, 15139, 230, 657, 13, 2091, 374, 83, 349, 28, 15, 13, 2713, 198, 220, 220, 198, 437 ]
using Core.Compiler: AbstractInterpreter, CodeInstance, MethodInstance, WorldView, NativeInterpreter using InteractiveUtils function infer_function(interp, tt) # Find all methods that are applicable to these types mthds = _methods_by_ftype(tt, -1, typemax(UInt)) if mthds === false || length(mthds) != 1 error("Unable to find single applicable method for $tt") end mtypes, msp, m = mthds[1] # Grab the appropriate method instance for these types mi = Core.Compiler.specialize_method(m, mtypes, msp) # Construct InferenceResult to hold the result, result = Core.Compiler.InferenceResult(mi) # Create an InferenceState to begin inference, give it a world that is always newest world = Core.Compiler.get_world_counter() frame = Core.Compiler.InferenceState(result, #=cached=# true, interp) # Run type inference on this frame. Because the interpreter is embedded # within this InferenceResult, we don't need to pass the interpreter in. Core.Compiler.typeinf(interp, frame) # Give the result back return (mi, result) end struct ExtractingInterpreter <: Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter code::Dict{MethodInstance, CodeInstance} native_interpreter::NativeInterpreter msgs::Vector{Tuple{MethodInstance, Int, String}} optimize::Bool end ExtractingInterpreter(;optimize=false) = ExtractingInterpreter( Dict{MethodInstance, Any}(), NativeInterpreter(), Vector{Tuple{MethodInstance, Int, String}}(), optimize ) import Core.Compiler: InferenceParams, OptimizationParams, get_world_counter, get_inference_cache, code_cache, WorldView, lock_mi_inference, unlock_mi_inference, InferenceState InferenceParams(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = InferenceParams(ei.native_interpreter) OptimizationParams(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = OptimizationParams(ei.native_interpreter) get_world_counter(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = get_world_counter(ei.native_interpreter) get_inference_cache(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = get_inference_cache(ei.native_interpreter) # No need to do any locking since we're not putting our results into the runtime cache lock_mi_inference(ei::ExtractingInterpreter, mi::MethodInstance) = nothing unlock_mi_inference(ei::ExtractingInterpreter, mi::MethodInstance) = nothing code_cache(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = ei.code Core.Compiler.get(a::Dict, b, c) = Base.get(a,b,c) Core.Compiler.get(a::WorldView{<:Dict}, b, c) = Base.get(a.cache,b,c) Core.Compiler.haskey(a::Dict, b) = Base.haskey(a, b) Core.Compiler.haskey(a::WorldView{<:Dict}, b) = Core.Compiler.haskey(a.cache, b) Core.Compiler.setindex!(a::Dict, b, c) = setindex!(a, b, c) Core.Compiler.may_optimize(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = ei.optimize Core.Compiler.may_compress(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = false Core.Compiler.may_discard_trees(ei::ExtractingInterpreter) = false function Core.Compiler.add_remark!(ei::ExtractingInterpreter, sv::InferenceState, msg) @show msg push!(ei.msgs, (sv.linfo, sv.currpc, msg)) end macro code_typed_nocache(ex0...) esc(:(@InteractiveUtils.code_typed interp=$(ExtractingInterpreter)() $(ex0...))) end export @code_typed_nocache
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
function bob(stimulus) # 1) Checar si la cadena esta vacia # 2) Checar si la cadena tiene un signo de interrogacion (?) # 3) Checar si la cadena es toda en mayusculas # 4) Cualquier otra cosa regresa "Whatever." nospace = strip(stimulus) if isempty(nospace) return "Fine. Be that way!" elseif uppercase(stimulus) == stimulus if endswith(stimulus, "?") return "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" else return "Whoa, chill out!" end else if endswith(stimulus, "?") return "Sure." end end return "Whatever." end
[ 8818, 29202, 7, 42003, 23515, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 352, 8, 2580, 7718, 33721, 8591, 20603, 8107, 1556, 64, 6658, 544, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 362, 8, 2580, 7718, 33721, 8591, 20603, 8107, 46668, 1734, 555, 1051, 78, 390, 15054, 49443, 357, 10091, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 513, 8, 2580, 7718, 33721, 8591, 20603, 8107, 1658, 284, 6814, 551, 743, 385, 3129, 292, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 604, 8, 327, 723, 421, 959, 267, 9535, 269, 8546, 842, 14625, 366, 21875, 526, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 24912, 796, 10283, 7, 42003, 23515, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 28920, 7, 77, 24912, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 34389, 13, 1355, 326, 835, 2474, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 334, 39921, 589, 7, 42003, 23515, 8, 6624, 19819, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 886, 2032, 342, 7, 42003, 23515, 11, 366, 1701, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 9771, 76, 866, 11, 314, 760, 644, 314, 1101, 1804, 2474, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 8241, 64, 11, 20493, 503, 2474, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 886, 2032, 342, 7, 42003, 23515, 11, 366, 1701, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 19457, 526, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 366, 21875, 526, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Distributions using Test, Random @test rand(Bernoulli()) isa Bool @test rand(Bernoulli(), 10) isa Vector{Bool}
[ 3500, 46567, 507, 198, 3500, 6208, 11, 14534, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 43720, 7, 23927, 280, 15516, 28955, 318, 64, 347, 970, 198, 31, 9288, 43720, 7, 23927, 280, 15516, 22784, 838, 8, 318, 64, 20650, 90, 33, 970, 92, 198 ]
A = [1 2 ; 3 4] B = [10, 10] sum!(B, A) sum!(A, B) using ReverseDiffSource Nn = [20,10,1] function ann(l1, l2, x1) x2 = l1 * x1 x2 = max(0., x2) #relu x3 = l2 * x2 x3 = (max(0., x3[1]))^2 #relu end # ls = Array[] ls = init(Nn) dann = rdiff(ann, (ls..., ones(20) )) out = dann(ls..., ones(20) ) nn = S.NN((ls[1], ls[2]), (S.Relu(), S.Relu())) ts2 = S.cycle(nn, ones(20), zeros(1)) out[2] ts2.dws[1] out[3] ts2.dws[2] ts2.ds[end] out[3] ./ ts2.dws[2] r1 = S.calc(nn, ones(20))[1] # 1.16217 r2 = ann(ls..., ones(20)) r1-r2 ls[1][9,1] += 1e-10 (ann(ls..., ones(20)) - r1) * 1e10 # -0.8600[1][9,1] += 1e-10 (S.calc(nn, ones(20)) - r2) * 1e10 # -0.8600 reload("SimpleNeuralNets"); S=SimpleNeuralNets nn = S.NN([10,10,10,10,1], [ S.Tanh(), S.Tanh()] ) ts = S.TrainState(nn, 10) size(nn) size(ts) ts2 = S.cycle(nn, ones(20,10), ones(5,10)) S.cycle!(ts, nn, ones(10,10), ones(1,10)) S.depth(nn) s0 = S.calc(nn, rand(20)) copy!([1], ones(20)) S.compatible(nn, s0) S.calc!(nn, s0) s0 = S.calc(nn, rand(20,10)) copy!([1], ones(20)) S.compatible(nn, s0) S.calc!(nn, s0) a = (1,2,3) typeof(a) a[1] a[1] = 2 nn = S.NN((randn(1,1),), (S.Relu(),)) S.calc(nn, [1.]) nn = S.NN((randn(1,1),), (S.SoftRelu(),)) S.calc(nn, [1.]) ########### ANN3 #################################" import Bokeh # using ReverseDiffSource reload("SimpleNeuralNets"); s = SimpleNeuralNets f(x) = exp(-(x-1)^2/5)*cos(x)*sign(x) xs = collect(-5:0.001:5) X = Float64[ x for x in xs ]' Y = Float64[ f(x) for x in xs ]' nn = s.NN([1,10,10,10,1], [ s.Relu(), s.Tanh()] ) ts = s.TrainingSet(X, Y) any(ts.weights .!= 1.0) λ0, μ = 1e-3, 0.9 s.sgd(nn, ts, λ0, μ, freq=200, steps=1000) ts2 = s.TrainingSet(X, Y, SqEuclidean(), rand(size(X,2))) s.sgd(nn, ts2, λ0, μ, freq=200, steps=1000) s.colwise(a,b,c) length(a.weights) px = s.calc(nn, X) sum(s.colwise(ts2.metric, px, ts2.Y)) λ0, μ = 1e-3, 0.9 s.sgd(nn, λ0, μ, X, Y, freq=200, steps=10000) λ0, μ = 1e-5, 0.999 s.sgd(nn, λ0, μ, X, Y, freq=200, steps=10000) Bokeh.hold(true) Bokeh.plot(f, -5:5, "k-") px = collect(-5:0.01:5) py = s.calc(nn, px')' Bokeh.plot(px, py, "b-") Bokeh.showplot("/tmp/plot.html") Bokeh.hold(false) nn = s.NN([1,10,10,10,1], [ s.SoftRelu(), s.Tanh()] ) λ0, μ = 1e-3, 0.9 s.sgd(nn, λ0, μ, X, Y, freq=200, steps=10000) λ0, μ = 1e-3, 0. s.sgd(nn, λ0, μ, X, Y, freq=1000, steps=10000) Bokeh.hold(true) Bokeh.plot(f, -5:5, "k-") px = collect(-4:0.1:4) py = s.calc(nn, px')' Bokeh.plot(px, py, "b-") Bokeh.showplot("/tmp/plot.html") Bokeh.hold(false)
[ 628, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 685, 16, 362, 2162, 513, 604, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 796, 685, 940, 11, 838, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 0, 7, 33, 11, 317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 0, 7, 32, 11, 347, 8, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 31849, 28813, 7416, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 399, 77, 796, 685, 1238, 11, 940, 11, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 1529, 7, 75, 16, 11, 300, 17, 11, 2124, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 17, 796, 300, 16, 1635, 2124, 16, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 17, 796, 3509, 7, 15, 1539, 2124, 17, 8, 1303, 260, 2290, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 18, 796, 300, 17, 1635, 2124, 17, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 18, 796, 357, 9806, 7, 15, 1539, 2124, 18, 58, 16, 60, 4008, 61, 17, 1303, 260, 2290, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 43979, 796, 15690, 58, 299, 77, 13, 18504, 22345, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 796, 2315, 7, 45, 77, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 288, 1236, 796, 374, 26069, 7, 1236, 11, 357, 7278, 986, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 8, 15306, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 503, 796, 288, 1236, 7, 7278, 986, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 8, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 796, 311, 13, 6144, 19510, 7278, 58, 16, 4357, 43979, 58, 17, 46570, 357, 50, 13, 6892, 84, 22784, 311, 13, 6892, 84, 3419, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 17, 796, 311, 13, 13696, 7, 20471, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 828, 1976, 27498, 7, 16, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 503, 58, 17, 60, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 17, 13, 67, 18504, 58, 16, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 503, 58, 18, 60, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 17, 13, 67, 18504, 58, 17, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 17, 13, 9310, 58, 437, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 503, 58, 18, 60, 24457, 40379, 17, 13, 67, 18504, 58, 17, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 16, 796, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 4008, 58, 16, 60, 1303, 352, 13, 1433, 24591, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 17, 796, 1529, 7, 7278, 986, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 16, 12, 81, 17, 628, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 58, 16, 7131, 24, 11, 16, 60, 15853, 352, 68, 12, 940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 1236, 7, 7278, 986, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 4008, 532, 374, 16, 8, 1635, 352, 68, 940, 220, 1303, 532, 15, 13, 4521, 405, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 13, 18504, 58, 16, 7131, 24, 11, 16, 60, 15853, 352, 68, 12, 940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 50, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 4008, 532, 374, 17, 8, 1635, 352, 68, 940, 220, 1303, 532, 15, 13, 4521, 405, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18126, 7203, 26437, 8199, 1523, 45, 1039, 15341, 311, 28, 26437, 8199, 1523, 45, 1039, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 796, 311, 13, 6144, 26933, 940, 11, 940, 11, 940, 11, 940, 11, 16, 4357, 685, 311, 13, 45557, 71, 22784, 311, 13, 45557, 71, 3419, 60, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 796, 311, 13, 44077, 9012, 7, 20471, 11, 838, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 7, 20471, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2546, 7, 912, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 17, 796, 311, 13, 13696, 7, 20471, 11, 3392, 7, 1238, 11, 940, 828, 3392, 7, 20, 11, 940, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 13696, 0, 7, 912, 11, 299, 77, 11, 3392, 7, 940, 11, 940, 828, 3392, 7, 16, 11, 940, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 18053, 7, 20471, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 264, 15, 796, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 43720, 7, 1238, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4866, 0, 7, 82, 15, 13, 824, 58, 16, 4357, 3392, 7, 1238, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 38532, 7, 20471, 11, 264, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 0, 7, 20471, 11, 264, 15, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 264, 15, 796, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 43720, 7, 1238, 11, 940, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4866, 0, 7, 82, 15, 13, 824, 58, 16, 4357, 3392, 7, 1238, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 38532, 7, 20471, 11, 264, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 0, 7, 20471, 11, 264, 15, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 357, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1659, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 58, 16, 60, 796, 362, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 796, 311, 13, 6144, 19510, 25192, 77, 7, 16, 11, 16, 828, 828, 357, 50, 13, 6892, 84, 22784, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 685, 16, 8183, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 796, 311, 13, 6144, 19510, 25192, 77, 7, 16, 11, 16, 828, 828, 357, 50, 13, 18380, 6892, 84, 22784, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 685, 16, 8183, 8, 198, 198, 7804, 21017, 40126, 18, 1303, 29113, 1, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1330, 347, 2088, 71, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1262, 31849, 28813, 7416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18126, 7203, 26437, 8199, 1523, 45, 1039, 15341, 264, 796, 17427, 8199, 1523, 45, 1039, 628, 220, 220, 220, 277, 7, 87, 8, 796, 1033, 7, 30420, 87, 12, 16, 8, 61, 17, 14, 20, 27493, 6966, 7, 87, 27493, 12683, 7, 87, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 82, 796, 2824, 32590, 20, 25, 15, 13, 8298, 25, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 48436, 2414, 58, 2124, 329, 2124, 287, 2124, 82, 2361, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 48436, 2414, 58, 277, 7, 87, 8, 329, 2124, 287, 2124, 82, 2361, 6, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 796, 264, 13, 6144, 26933, 16, 11, 940, 11, 940, 11, 940, 11, 16, 4357, 685, 264, 13, 6892, 84, 22784, 264, 13, 45557, 71, 3419, 60, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 796, 264, 13, 44357, 7248, 7, 55, 11, 575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 597, 7, 912, 13, 43775, 764, 0, 28, 352, 13, 15, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 796, 352, 68, 12, 18, 11, 657, 13, 24, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 82, 21287, 7, 20471, 11, 40379, 11, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 11, 2030, 80, 28, 2167, 11, 4831, 28, 12825, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 40379, 17, 796, 264, 13, 44357, 7248, 7, 55, 11, 575, 11, 311, 80, 36, 36616, 485, 272, 22784, 43720, 7, 7857, 7, 55, 11, 17, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 82, 21287, 7, 20471, 11, 40379, 17, 11, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 11, 2030, 80, 28, 2167, 11, 4831, 28, 12825, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 4033, 3083, 7, 64, 11, 65, 11, 66, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 64, 13, 43775, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 279, 87, 796, 264, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 7, 82, 13, 4033, 3083, 7, 912, 17, 13, 4164, 1173, 11, 279, 87, 11, 40379, 17, 13, 56, 4008, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 796, 352, 68, 12, 18, 11, 657, 13, 24, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 82, 21287, 7, 20471, 11, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 11, 2030, 80, 28, 2167, 11, 4831, 28, 49388, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 796, 352, 68, 12, 20, 11, 657, 13, 17032, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 82, 21287, 7, 20471, 11, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 11, 2030, 80, 28, 2167, 11, 4831, 28, 49388, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 2946, 7, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 29487, 7, 69, 11, 532, 20, 25, 20, 11, 366, 74, 12, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 87, 796, 2824, 32590, 20, 25, 15, 13, 486, 25, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12972, 796, 264, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 279, 87, 11537, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 29487, 7, 8416, 11, 12972, 11, 366, 65, 12, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 12860, 29487, 7203, 14, 22065, 14, 29487, 13, 6494, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 2946, 7, 9562, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 77, 796, 264, 13, 6144, 26933, 16, 11, 940, 11, 940, 11, 940, 11, 16, 4357, 685, 264, 13, 18380, 6892, 84, 22784, 264, 13, 45557, 71, 3419, 60, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 796, 352, 68, 12, 18, 11, 657, 13, 24, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 82, 21287, 7, 20471, 11, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 11, 2030, 80, 28, 2167, 11, 4831, 28, 49388, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 796, 352, 68, 12, 18, 11, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13, 82, 21287, 7, 20471, 11, 7377, 119, 15, 11, 18919, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 11, 2030, 80, 28, 12825, 11, 4831, 28, 49388, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 2946, 7, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 29487, 7, 69, 11, 532, 20, 25, 20, 11, 366, 74, 12, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 87, 796, 2824, 32590, 19, 25, 15, 13, 16, 25, 19, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12972, 796, 264, 13, 9948, 66, 7, 20471, 11, 279, 87, 11537, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 29487, 7, 8416, 11, 12972, 11, 366, 65, 12, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 12860, 29487, 7203, 14, 22065, 14, 29487, 13, 6494, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 2088, 71, 13, 2946, 7, 9562, 8 ]
import Blosc: compress, decompress function parallel_density_grid{T}(C::Matrix{T}, width::T, d::Int, σ::T, ϵ::T = 1e-4, num_workers::Int = nworkers()) num_points = size(C, 2) num_points_per_worker = fill(fld(num_points, num_workers), num_workers) num_points_per_worker[1:mod(num_points, num_workers)] += 1 start_indices = unshift!(cumsum(num_points_per_worker), 0) .+ 1 pop!(start_indices) params = map(zip(start_indices, num_points_per_worker)) do r C[:, range(r[1], r[2])], width, d, σ, ϵ end #ρs_compressed = pmap(params, pids = collect(take(workers(), num_workers))) do p ρs_compressed = pmap(params) do p compress(density_grid(p...), level = 9, shuffle = true, itemsize = sizeof(T)) end ρ = mapreduce(.+, zeros(T, d^3), ρs_compressed) do ρ_compressed decompress(T, ρ_compressed) end return reshape(ρ, d, d, d) end function density_grid{T}(C::Matrix{T}, width::T, d::Int, σ::T, ϵ::T= 1e-4) hw = width / 2 ρ = zeros(T, d, d, d) num_points = size(C, 2) r_max_sq = max(0, -σ^2 * log(ϵ)) r_max = sqrt(r_max_sq) b = floor(Int, d * r_max / width) + 1 g = collect(linspace(-hw, hw, d)) @inbounds for i in 1:num_points ix = floor(Int, d * (C[1, i] + hw) / width) + 1 iy = floor(Int, d * (C[2, i] + hw) / width) + 1 iz = floor(Int, d * (C[3, i] + hw) / width) + 1 x_min = max(1, ix - b) y_min = max(1, iy - b) z_min = max(1, iz - b) x_max = min(d, ix + b) y_max = min(d, iy + b) z_max = min(d, iz + b) for jx in x_min:x_max, jy in y_min:y_max, jz in z_min:z_max r_sq = (C[1, i] - g[jx])^2 + (C[2, i] - g[jy])^2 + (C[3, i] - g[jz])^2 if r_sq < r_max_sq ρ[jx, jy, jz] += exp(-r_sq / σ^2) end end end return ρ end function density_grid{T}(x::Array{T, 3}, y::Array{T, 3}, z::Array{T, 3}, C::Matrix{T}, σ::T, ϵ::T = 1e-4) D = size(x) ρ = zeros(T, D) num_points = size(C, 2) R = CartesianRange(size(ρ)) I_min, I_max = first(R), last(R) x_spread = x[I_max] - x[I_min] y_spread = y[I_max] - y[I_min] z_spread = z[I_max] - z[I_min] r_max_sq = max(0, -σ^2 * log(ϵ)) r_max = sqrt(r_max_sq) dx = floor(Int, D[1] * r_max / x_spread) + 1 dy = floor(Int, D[2] * r_max / y_spread) + 1 dz = floor(Int, D[3] * r_max / z_spread) + 1 B = CartesianIndex((dx, dy, dz)) @inbounds for i in 1:num_points ix = floor(Int, D[1] * (C[1, i] - x[I_min]) / x_spread) + 1 iy = floor(Int, D[2] * (C[2, i] - y[I_min]) / y_spread) + 1 iz = floor(Int, D[3] * (C[3, i] - z[I_min]) / z_spread) + 1 I = CartesianIndex((ix, iy, iz)) for J in CartesianRange(max(I_min, I - B), min(I_max, I + B)) r_sq = (C[1, i] - x[J])^2 + (C[2, i] - y[J])^2 + (C[3, i] - z[J])^2 if r_sq < r_max_sq ρ[J] += exp(-r_sq / σ^2) end end end return ρ end function density_grid_stats{T}(width::T, d::Int, σ::T, ϵ::T) r_max = sqrt(max(0, -σ^2 * log(ϵ))) b = floor(Int, r_max / (width / d)) + 1 num_blocks = (2b + 1)^3 println("Max radius: $(r_max)") println("Blocks per dimension: $b") println("Total blocks: $(num_blocks)") flush(STDOUT) end
[ 11748, 1086, 17500, 25, 27413, 11, 38237, 601, 198, 198, 8818, 10730, 62, 43337, 62, 25928, 90, 51, 92, 7, 34, 3712, 46912, 90, 51, 5512, 9647, 3712, 51, 11, 288, 3712, 5317, 11, 18074, 225, 3712, 51, 11, 18074, 113, 3712, 51, 796, 352, 68, 12, 19, 11, 997, 62, 22896, 3712, 5317, 796, 299, 22896, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 997, 62, 13033, 796, 2546, 7, 34, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 997, 62, 13033, 62, 525, 62, 28816, 796, 6070, 7, 69, 335, 7, 22510, 62, 13033, 11, 997, 62, 22896, 828, 997, 62, 22896, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 997, 62, 13033, 62, 525, 62, 28816, 58, 16, 25, 4666, 7, 22510, 62, 13033, 11, 997, 62, 22896, 15437, 15853, 352, 628, 220, 220, 220, 923, 62, 521, 1063, 796, 555, 30846, 0, 7, 66, 5700, 388, 7, 22510, 62, 13033, 62, 525, 62, 28816, 828, 657, 8, 764, 10, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1461, 0, 7, 9688, 62, 521, 1063, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42287, 796, 3975, 7, 13344, 7, 9688, 62, 521, 1063, 11, 997, 62, 13033, 62, 525, 62, 28816, 4008, 466, 374, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 327, 58, 45299, 2837, 7, 81, 58, 16, 4357, 374, 58, 17, 12962, 4357, 9647, 11, 288, 11, 18074, 225, 11, 18074, 113, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 33643, 82, 62, 5589, 2790, 796, 279, 8899, 7, 37266, 11, 279, 2340, 796, 2824, 7, 20657, 7, 22896, 22784, 997, 62, 22896, 22305, 466, 279, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 223, 82, 62, 5589, 2790, 796, 279, 8899, 7, 37266, 8, 466, 279, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27413, 7, 43337, 62, 25928, 7, 79, 986, 828, 1241, 796, 860, 11, 36273, 796, 2081, 11, 3709, 1096, 796, 39364, 7, 51, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 223, 796, 3975, 445, 7234, 7, 13, 28200, 1976, 27498, 7, 51, 11, 288, 61, 18, 828, 18074, 223, 82, 62, 5589, 2790, 8, 466, 18074, 223, 62, 5589, 2790, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 38237, 601, 7, 51, 11, 18074, 223, 62, 5589, 2790, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 27179, 1758, 7, 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11, 18074, 113, 3712, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 62, 9806, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 9806, 7, 15, 11, 532, 38392, 61, 17, 1635, 2604, 7, 139, 113, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 796, 4314, 7, 5317, 11, 374, 62, 9806, 1220, 357, 10394, 1220, 288, 4008, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 997, 62, 27372, 796, 357, 17, 65, 1343, 352, 8, 61, 18, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 11518, 16874, 25, 29568, 81, 62, 9806, 8, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 45356, 583, 15793, 25, 720, 65, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 14957, 7021, 25, 29568, 22510, 62, 27372, 8, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24773, 7, 36886, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
struct Involute{T} <: JointType{T} i::SVector{3, T} j::SVector{3, T} k::SVector{3, T} ρ::T ρ_inv::T function Involute{T}(b_axis::AbstractVector,n_axis::AbstractVector,ρ::T) where {T} j, k = map(axis -> normalize(SVector{3}(axis)), (n_axis, b_axis)) @assert isapprox(k ⋅ j, 0; atol = 100 * eps(T)) @assert ρ > 0 new{T}(j × k, j, k, ρ, inv(ρ)) end end @propagate_inbounds function joint_transform(jt::Involute, frame_after::CartesianFrame3D, frame_before::CartesianFrame3D, q::AbstractVector) rot = RotMatrix(AngleAxis(jt.ρ_inv*q[1],jt.k[1],jt.k[2],jt.k[3],false)) trans = rot*(jt.ρ*jt.j+q[1]*jt.i) Transform3D(frame_after,frame_before,rot,trans) end @propagate_inbounds function joint_twist(jt::Involute, frame_after::CartesianFrame3D, frame_before::CartesianFrame3D, q::AbstractVector, v::AbstractVector) angular = jt.ρ_inv*jt.k*v[1] linear = jt.ρ_inv*q[1]*jt.j*v[1] Twist(frame_after, frame_before, frame_after, angular, linear) end @propagate_inbounds function joint_spacial_acceleration(jt::Involute, frame_after::CartesianFrame3D, frame_before::CartesianFrame3D, q::AbstractVector, v::AbstractVector, vd::AbstractVector) S = promote_eltype(jt, q, v, vd) angular = jt.ρ_inv*jt.k*vd[1] linear = (jt.ρ_inv*q[1]*jt.j)*vd[1] + (jt.j-jt.ρ_inv*q[1]*jt.i)*jt.ρ_inv*v[1]^2 SpatialAcceleration{S}(frame_after, frame_before, frame_after, angular, linear) end @propagate_inbounds function bias_acceleration(jt::Involute, frame_after::CartesianFrame3D, frame_before::CartesianFrame3D, q::AbstractVector, v::AbstractVector) S = promote_eltype(jt, q, v) linear = zero(SVector{3,S}) angular = (jt.j-jt.ρ_inv*q[1]*jt.i)*jt.ρ_inv*v[1]^2 SpatialAcceleration{S}(frame_after, frame_before, frame_after, angular,linear) end @propagate_inbounds function joint_torque!(τ::AbstractVector, jt::Involute, q::AbstractVector, joint_wrench::Wrench) R = RotMatrix(AngleAxis(-jt.ρ_inv*q[1],jt.k[1],jt.k[2],jt.k[3],false)) τ[1] = jt.ρ_inv*q[1]*jt.j'*linear(joint_wrench) + ρ_inv*k'*angular(joint_wrench) nothing end @inline function motion_subspace(jt::Involute, frame_after::CartesianFrame3D, frame_before::CartesianFrame3D, q::AbstractVector) S = promote_eltype(jt, q) angular = hcat(zero(SMatrix{3,2,S}),jt.k) linear = hcat(zero(SVector{3,S}),jt.j,zero(SVector{3,S})) GeometricJacobian(frame_after, frame_before, frame_after, angular, linear) end @inline function constraint_wrench_subspace(jt::Involute, joint_transform::Transform3D) S = promote_eltype(jt, joint_transform) angular = hcat(jt.i, jt.j, zero(SVector{3, S})) linear = hcat(jt.i, zero(SVector{3, S}), jt.k ) WrenchMatrix(joint_transform.from, angular, linear) end
[ 7249, 10001, 3552, 90, 51, 92, 1279, 25, 16798, 6030, 90, 51, 92, 198, 197, 72, 3712, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 309, 92, 198, 197, 73, 3712, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 309, 92, 198, 197, 74, 3712, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 309, 92, 198, 197, 33643, 3712, 51, 198, 197, 33643, 62, 16340, 3712, 51, 628, 197, 8818, 10001, 3552, 90, 51, 92, 7, 65, 62, 22704, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 77, 62, 22704, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 33643, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 197, 197, 73, 11, 479, 796, 3975, 7, 22704, 4613, 3487, 1096, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 92, 7, 22704, 36911, 357, 77, 62, 22704, 11, 275, 62, 22704, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 74, 2343, 233, 227, 474, 11, 657, 26, 379, 349, 796, 1802, 1635, 304, 862, 7, 51, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 18074, 223, 1875, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 90, 51, 92, 7, 73, 13958, 479, 11, 474, 11, 479, 11, 18074, 223, 11, 800, 7, 33643, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 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60, 1343, 357, 73, 83, 13, 73, 12, 73, 83, 13, 33643, 62, 16340, 9, 80, 58, 16, 60, 9, 73, 83, 13, 72, 27493, 73, 83, 13, 33643, 62, 16340, 9, 85, 58, 16, 60, 61, 17, 198, 197, 4561, 34961, 12832, 7015, 341, 90, 50, 92, 7, 14535, 62, 8499, 11, 5739, 62, 19052, 11, 5739, 62, 8499, 11, 32558, 11, 14174, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 22930, 37861, 62, 259, 65, 3733, 2163, 10690, 62, 330, 7015, 341, 7, 73, 83, 3712, 19904, 3552, 11, 5739, 62, 8499, 3712, 43476, 35610, 19778, 18, 35, 11, 5739, 62, 19052, 3712, 43476, 35610, 19778, 18, 35, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 410, 3712, 23839, 38469, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 7719, 62, 417, 4906, 7, 73, 83, 11, 10662, 11, 410, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14174, 796, 6632, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 50, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 32558, 796, 357, 73, 83, 13, 73, 12, 73, 83, 13, 33643, 62, 16340, 9, 80, 58, 16, 60, 9, 73, 83, 13, 72, 27493, 73, 83, 13, 33643, 62, 16340, 9, 85, 58, 16, 60, 61, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1338, 34961, 12832, 7015, 341, 90, 50, 92, 7, 14535, 62, 8499, 11, 5739, 62, 19052, 11, 5739, 62, 8499, 11, 32558, 11, 29127, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 22930, 37861, 62, 259, 65, 3733, 2163, 6466, 62, 13165, 4188, 0, 7, 32830, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 474, 83, 3712, 19904, 3552, 11, 10662, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 6466, 62, 86, 3532, 3712, 54, 3532, 8, 198, 197, 49, 796, 18481, 46912, 7, 13450, 293, 31554, 271, 32590, 73, 83, 13, 33643, 62, 16340, 9, 80, 58, 16, 4357, 73, 83, 13, 74, 58, 16, 4357, 73, 83, 13, 74, 58, 17, 4357, 73, 83, 13, 74, 58, 18, 4357, 9562, 4008, 198, 197, 32830, 58, 16, 60, 796, 474, 83, 13, 33643, 62, 16340, 9, 80, 58, 16, 60, 9, 73, 83, 13, 73, 6, 9, 29127, 7, 73, 1563, 62, 86, 3532, 8, 1343, 18074, 223, 62, 16340, 9, 74, 6, 9, 21413, 7, 73, 1563, 62, 86, 3532, 8, 198, 197, 22366, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 6268, 62, 7266, 13200, 7, 73, 83, 3712, 19904, 3552, 11, 5739, 62, 8499, 3712, 43476, 35610, 19778, 18, 35, 11, 5739, 62, 19052, 3712, 43476, 35610, 19778, 18, 35, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10662, 3712, 23839, 38469, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 7719, 62, 417, 4906, 7, 73, 83, 11, 10662, 8, 198, 197, 21413, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 22570, 7, 12310, 265, 8609, 90, 18, 11, 17, 11, 50, 92, 828, 73, 83, 13, 74, 8, 198, 197, 29127, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 22570, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 50, 92, 828, 73, 83, 13, 73, 11, 22570, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 50, 92, 4008, 198, 197, 10082, 16996, 46751, 666, 7, 14535, 62, 8499, 11, 5739, 62, 19052, 11, 5739, 62, 8499, 11, 32558, 11, 14174, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 32315, 62, 86, 3532, 62, 7266, 13200, 7, 73, 83, 3712, 19904, 3552, 11, 6466, 62, 35636, 3712, 41762, 18, 35, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 7719, 62, 417, 4906, 7, 73, 83, 11, 6466, 62, 35636, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 32558, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 73, 83, 13, 72, 11, 474, 83, 13, 73, 11, 6632, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 311, 92, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14174, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 73, 83, 13, 72, 11, 6632, 7, 50, 38469, 90, 18, 11, 311, 92, 828, 474, 83, 13, 74, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 370, 3532, 46912, 7, 73, 1563, 62, 35636, 13, 6738, 11, 32558, 11, 14174, 8, 198, 437 ]
@testset "DataMatrix" begin a = @data [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] v_a = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] b = @data eye(3, 3) m_b = eye(3, 3) # # Transposes # @test all(a' .== v_a') @test all(a'' .== v_a'') @test all(b' .== m_b') @test all(b'' .== m_b'') # # DataVector * DataMatrix # # TODO: Get indexing for b[1, :] to work # @test all(a * b[1, :] .== v_a * m_b[1, :]) # # DataMatrix * DataVector # @test all(b * a .== m_b * v_a) @test all(convert(Array, b * a) .== m_b * v_a) # # DataMatrix * DataMatrix # @test all(b * b .== m_b * m_b) # # DataVector * DataMatrix w/ missings # b[1, 1] = missing res = a * b[1:1, :] @test all(ismissing.(res[:, 1])) @test all(.!(ismissing.(res[:, 2]))) @test all(.!(ismissing.(res[:, 3]))) res = a * b[2:2, :] @test all(.!(ismissing.(res))) # # DataMatrix w missings * DataVector # res = b * a @test ismissing.(res[1]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3])) # # DataMatrix * DataMatrix # res = b * b # 3x3 Float64 DataMatrix: # missing missing missing # missing 1.0 0.0 # missing 0.0 1.0 @test ismissing.(res[1, 1]) @test ismissing.(res[1, 2]) @test ismissing.(res[1, 3]) @test ismissing.(res[2, 1]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 3])) @test ismissing.(res[3, 1]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 3])) res = b * @data eye(3) # 3x3 Float64 DataMatrix: # missing missing missing # 0.0 1.0 0.0 # 0.0 0.0 1.0 @test ismissing.(res[1, 1]) @test ismissing.(res[1, 2]) @test ismissing.(res[1, 3]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 1])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 3])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 1])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 3])) res = (@data eye(3)) * b # julia> dataeye(3) * b # 3x3 Float64 DataMatrix: # missing 0.0 0.0 # missing 1.0 0.0 # missing 0.0 1.0 @test ismissing.(res[1, 1]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[1, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[1, 3])) @test ismissing.(res[2, 1]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[2, 3])) @test ismissing.(res[3, 1]) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 2])) @test .!(ismissing.(res[3, 3])) # Test row operations dm = @data eye(6, 2) # rowmeans(dm) # Test column operations dm = @data eye(6, 2) # colmeans(dm) # Test linear algebra du, dd, dv = svd((@data eye(3, 3))) u, d, v = svd(eye(3, 3)) @test all(du .== u) @test all(dd .== d) @test all(dv .== v) # Test elementary functions dm = -(@data eye(5, 5)) @test all(abs(dm) .== eye(5, 5)) end
[ 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 6601, 46912, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 796, 2488, 7890, 685, 16, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 11, 513, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 62, 64, 796, 685, 16, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 11, 513, 13, 15, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 275, 796, 2488, 7890, 4151, 7, 18, 11, 513, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 62, 65, 796, 4151, 7, 18, 11, 513, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3602, 4832, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 64, 6, 764, 855, 410, 62, 64, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 64, 7061, 764, 855, 410, 62, 64, 7061, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 65, 6, 764, 855, 285, 62, 65, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 65, 7061, 764, 855, 285, 62, 65, 7061, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6060, 38469, 1635, 6060, 46912, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 16926, 46, 25, 3497, 6376, 278, 329, 275, 58, 16, 11, 1058, 60, 284, 670, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 64, 1635, 275, 58, 16, 11, 1058, 60, 764, 855, 410, 62, 64, 1635, 285, 62, 65, 58, 16, 11, 1058, 12962, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6060, 46912, 1635, 6060, 38469, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 65, 1635, 257, 764, 855, 285, 62, 65, 1635, 410, 62, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 1102, 1851, 7, 19182, 11, 275, 1635, 257, 8, 764, 855, 285, 62, 65, 1635, 410, 62, 64, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6060, 46912, 1635, 6060, 46912, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 65, 1635, 275, 764, 855, 285, 62, 65, 1635, 285, 62, 65, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6060, 38469, 1635, 6060, 46912, 266, 14, 2051, 654, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 275, 58, 16, 11, 352, 60, 796, 4814, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 257, 1635, 275, 58, 16, 25, 16, 11, 1058, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 45299, 352, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 13, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 45299, 362, 60, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 13, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 45299, 513, 60, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 257, 1635, 275, 58, 17, 25, 17, 11, 1058, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 13, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 22305, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6060, 46912, 266, 2051, 654, 1635, 6060, 38469, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 275, 1635, 257, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6060, 46912, 1635, 6060, 46912, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 275, 1635, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 513, 87, 18, 48436, 2414, 6060, 46912, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 4814, 220, 220, 4814, 220, 220, 4814, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 4814, 220, 352, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 4814, 220, 657, 13, 15, 220, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 362, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 513, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 275, 1635, 2488, 7890, 4151, 7, 18, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 513, 87, 18, 48436, 2414, 6060, 46912, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 4814, 220, 220, 4814, 220, 220, 4814, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 657, 13, 15, 220, 352, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 657, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 15, 220, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 362, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 513, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 352, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 352, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 581, 796, 4275, 7890, 4151, 7, 18, 4008, 1635, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 474, 43640, 29, 1366, 25379, 7, 18, 8, 1635, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 513, 87, 18, 48436, 2414, 6060, 46912, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 4814, 220, 657, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 4814, 220, 352, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 220, 4814, 220, 657, 13, 15, 220, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 16, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 17, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 45688, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 362, 60, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 764, 0, 7, 1042, 747, 278, 12195, 411, 58, 18, 11, 513, 60, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6208, 5752, 4560, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 76, 796, 2488, 7890, 4151, 7, 21, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5752, 1326, 504, 7, 36020, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6208, 5721, 4560, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 76, 796, 2488, 7890, 4151, 7, 21, 11, 362, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 951, 1326, 504, 7, 36020, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6208, 14174, 37139, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7043, 11, 49427, 11, 288, 85, 796, 264, 20306, 19510, 31, 7890, 4151, 7, 18, 11, 513, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 334, 11, 288, 11, 410, 796, 264, 20306, 7, 25379, 7, 18, 11, 513, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 646, 764, 855, 334, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 1860, 764, 855, 288, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 67, 85, 764, 855, 410, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6208, 19823, 5499, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 76, 796, 532, 7, 31, 7890, 4151, 7, 20, 11, 642, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 8937, 7, 36020, 8, 764, 855, 4151, 7, 20, 11, 642, 4008, 198, 437, 198 ]
immutable PersistentQueue{T} in::AbstractList{T} out::AbstractList{T} length::Int PersistentQueue(in::AbstractList{T}, out::AbstractList{T}, length::Int) = new(in, out, length) PersistentQueue() = new(EmptyList{T}(), EmptyList{T}(), 0) end PersistentQueue{T}(v::AbstractVector{T}) = PersistentQueue{T}(EmptyList{T}(), reverse(PersistentList(v)), length(v)) queue = PersistentQueue Base.length(q::PersistentQueue) = q.length Base.isempty(q::PersistentQueue) = is(q.length, 0) peek(q::PersistentQueue) = isempty(q.out) ? head(reverse( : head(q.out) pop{T}(q::PersistentQueue{T}) = if isempty(q.out) PersistentQueue{T}(EmptyList{T}(), tail(reverse(, length(q) - 1) else PersistentQueue{T}(, tail(q.out), length(q) - 1) end enq{T}(q::PersistentQueue{T}, val) = if isempty( && isempty(q.out) PersistentQueue{T}(, val..EmptyList{T}(), 1) else PersistentQueue{T}(, q.out, length(q) + 1) end Base.start(q::PersistentQueue) = (, q.out) Base.done{T}(::PersistentQueue{T}, state::(@compat Tuple{EmptyList{T}, EmptyList{T}})) = true Base.done(::PersistentQueue, state) = false function{T}(::PersistentQueue{T}, state::(@compat Tuple{AbstractList{T}, PersistentList{T}})) in, out = state (head(out), (in, tail(out))) end function{T}(q::PersistentQueue{T}, state::(@compat Tuple{PersistentList{T}, EmptyList{T}})) in, out = state next(q, (EmptyList{T}(), reverse(in))) end
[ 8608, 18187, 9467, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 287, 3712, 23839, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 503, 3712, 23839, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 3712, 5317, 628, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 7, 259, 3712, 23839, 8053, 90, 51, 5512, 503, 3712, 23839, 8053, 90, 51, 5512, 4129, 3712, 5317, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 7, 259, 11, 503, 11, 4129, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 3419, 796, 649, 7, 40613, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 22784, 33523, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 22784, 657, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 30946, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 7, 85, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 51, 30072, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 7, 40613, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 22784, 9575, 7, 30946, 7609, 8053, 7, 85, 36911, 4129, 7, 85, 4008, 198, 198, 36560, 796, 9467, 7609, 34991, 198, 198, 14881, 13, 13664, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 8, 796, 10662, 13, 13664, 198, 14881, 13, 271, 28920, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 8, 796, 318, 7, 80, 13, 13664, 11, 657, 8, 198, 198, 431, 988, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 8, 796, 318, 28920, 7, 80, 13, 448, 8, 5633, 1182, 7, 50188, 7, 80, 13, 259, 4008, 1058, 1182, 7, 80, 13, 448, 8, 198, 198, 12924, 90, 51, 92, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 30072, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 28920, 7, 80, 13, 448, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 7, 40613, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 22784, 7894, 7, 50188, 7, 80, 13, 259, 36911, 4129, 7, 80, 8, 532, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 7, 80, 13, 259, 11, 7894, 7, 80, 13, 448, 828, 4129, 7, 80, 8, 532, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 198, 268, 80, 90, 51, 92, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 5512, 1188, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 28920, 7, 80, 13, 259, 8, 11405, 318, 28920, 7, 80, 13, 448, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 7, 80, 13, 259, 11, 1188, 492, 40613, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 22784, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 92, 7, 2100, 492, 80, 13, 259, 11, 10662, 13, 448, 11, 4129, 7, 80, 8, 1343, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 198, 14881, 13, 9688, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 8, 796, 357, 80, 13, 259, 11, 10662, 13, 448, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 28060, 90, 51, 92, 7, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 5512, 1181, 3712, 7, 31, 5589, 265, 309, 29291, 90, 40613, 8053, 90, 51, 5512, 33523, 8053, 90, 51, 11709, 4008, 796, 2081, 198, 14881, 13, 28060, 7, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 11, 1181, 8, 796, 3991, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 19545, 90, 51, 92, 7, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 5512, 1181, 3712, 7, 31, 5589, 265, 309, 29291, 90, 23839, 8053, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9467, 7609, 8053, 90, 51, 11709, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 287, 11, 503, 796, 1181, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 2256, 7, 448, 828, 357, 259, 11, 7894, 7, 448, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 19545, 90, 51, 92, 7, 80, 3712, 30946, 7609, 34991, 90, 51, 5512, 1181, 3712, 7, 31, 5589, 265, 309, 29291, 90, 30946, 7609, 8053, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33523, 8053, 90, 51, 11709, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 287, 11, 503, 796, 1181, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1306, 7, 80, 11, 357, 40613, 8053, 90, 51, 92, 22784, 9575, 7, 259, 22305, 198, 437, 198 ]
# m5.3.As.jl using Pkg, DrWatson using MonteCarloMeasurements using StanSample using StatisticalRethinking # ### snippet 5.1 df ="WaffleDivorce.csv"), DataFrame); scale!(df, [:Marriage, :MedianAgeMarriage, :Divorce]) # Define the Stan language model stan5_3_A = " data { int N; vector[N] divorce_s; vector[N] marriage_s; vector[N] medianagemarriage_s; } parameters { real a; real bA; real bM; real aM; real bAM; real<lower=0> sigma; real<lower=0> sigma_M; } model { // A -> D <- M vector[N] mu = a + bA * medianagemarriage_s + bM * marriage_s; a ~ normal( 0 , 0.2 ); bA ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 ); bM ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 ); sigma ~ exponential( 1 ); divorce_s ~ normal( mu , sigma ); // A -> M vector[N] mu_M = aM + bAM * medianagemarriage_s; aM ~ normal( 0 , 0.2 ); bAM ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 ); sigma_M ~ exponential( 1 ); marriage_s ~ normal( mu_M , sigma_M ); } "; # Define the SampleModel m5_3_As = SampleModel("m5.3_A", stan5_3_A); # Input data m5_3_A_data = Dict( "N" => size(df, 1), "divorce_s" => df[:, :Divorce_s], "marriage_s" => df[:, :Marriage_s], "medianagemarriage_s" => df[:, :MedianAgeMarriage_s] ); # Sample using cmdstan's sampling option rc5_3_As = stan_sample(m5_3_As, data=m5_3_A_data); if success(rc5_3_As) # Describe the draws part5_3_As = read_samples(m5_3_As, :particles) part5_3_As |> display end # End of m5.3.As.jl
[ 2, 285, 20, 13, 18, 13, 1722, 13, 20362, 198, 198, 3500, 350, 10025, 11, 1583, 54, 13506, 198, 198, 3500, 22489, 9914, 5439, 47384, 902, 198, 3500, 7299, 36674, 198, 3500, 34931, 49, 2788, 8040, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 39442, 642, 13, 16, 198, 198, 7568, 796, 44189, 13, 961, 7, 27891, 62, 19608, 324, 343, 7203, 54, 30697, 24095, 8387, 13, 40664, 12340, 6060, 19778, 1776, 198, 9888, 0, 7, 7568, 11, 685, 25, 7676, 4087, 11, 1058, 9921, 666, 23396, 7676, 4087, 11, 1058, 24095, 8387, 12962, 198, 198, 2, 2896, 500, 262, 7299, 3303, 2746, 198, 198, 14192, 20, 62, 18, 62, 32, 796, 366, 198, 7890, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 493, 399, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15879, 58, 45, 60, 13609, 62, 82, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15879, 58, 45, 60, 4845, 62, 82, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15879, 58, 45, 60, 14288, 363, 368, 283, 4087, 62, 82, 26, 198, 92, 198, 17143, 7307, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 257, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 275, 32, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 275, 44, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 257, 44, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 275, 2390, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 27, 21037, 28, 15, 29, 264, 13495, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1103, 27, 21037, 28, 15, 29, 264, 13495, 62, 44, 26, 198, 92, 198, 19849, 1391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3373, 317, 4613, 360, 24293, 337, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15879, 58, 45, 60, 38779, 796, 257, 1343, 275, 32, 1635, 14288, 363, 368, 283, 4087, 62, 82, 1343, 275, 44, 1635, 4845, 62, 82, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 5299, 3487, 7, 657, 837, 657, 13, 17, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 32, 5299, 3487, 7, 657, 837, 657, 13, 20, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 44, 5299, 3487, 7, 657, 837, 657, 13, 20, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13495, 5299, 39682, 7, 352, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13609, 62, 82, 5299, 3487, 7, 38779, 837, 264, 13495, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3373, 317, 4613, 337, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15879, 58, 45, 60, 38779, 62, 44, 796, 257, 44, 1343, 275, 2390, 1635, 14288, 363, 368, 283, 4087, 62, 82, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 44, 5299, 3487, 7, 657, 837, 657, 13, 17, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 2390, 5299, 3487, 7, 657, 837, 657, 13, 20, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 13495, 62, 44, 5299, 39682, 7, 352, 5619, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4845, 62, 82, 5299, 3487, 7, 38779, 62, 44, 837, 264, 13495, 62, 44, 5619, 198, 92, 198, 8172, 198, 198, 2, 2896, 500, 262, 27565, 17633, 198, 76, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 796, 27565, 17633, 7203, 76, 20, 13, 18, 62, 32, 1600, 336, 272, 20, 62, 18, 62, 32, 1776, 198, 198, 2, 23412, 1366, 198, 198, 76, 20, 62, 18, 62, 32, 62, 7890, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 45, 1, 5218, 2546, 7, 7568, 11, 352, 828, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 7146, 8387, 62, 82, 1, 5218, 47764, 58, 45299, 1058, 24095, 8387, 62, 82, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 45394, 62, 82, 1, 5218, 47764, 58, 45299, 1058, 7676, 4087, 62, 82, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 1150, 666, 363, 368, 283, 4087, 62, 82, 1, 5218, 47764, 58, 45299, 1058, 9921, 666, 23396, 7676, 4087, 62, 82, 60, 220, 198, 1776, 198, 198, 2, 27565, 1262, 23991, 14192, 338, 19232, 3038, 198, 198, 6015, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 796, 336, 272, 62, 39873, 7, 76, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 11, 1366, 28, 76, 20, 62, 18, 62, 32, 62, 7890, 1776, 198, 198, 361, 1943, 7, 6015, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 39373, 4892, 262, 14293, 628, 220, 220, 220, 636, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 796, 1100, 62, 82, 12629, 7, 76, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 11, 1058, 3911, 2983, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 636, 20, 62, 18, 62, 1722, 930, 29, 3359, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 5268, 286, 285, 20, 13, 18, 13, 1722, 13, 20362 ]
""" plot(net::HybridNetwork, method::Symbol) Plot a network using R graphics. `method` should be `:R` (actually, any symbol would do, for now!). optional arguments, shared with the Gadfly-based plot function: - useEdgeLength: if true, the tree edges and major hybrid edges are drawn proportionally to their length. Minor hybrid edges are not, however. Note that edge lengths in coalescent units may scale very poorly with time. - showTipLabel: if true, taxon labels are shown. You may need to zoom out to see them. - showNodeNumber: if true, nodes are labelled with the number used internally. - showEdgeLength: if true, edges are labelled with their length (above) - showGamma: if true, hybrid edges are labelled with their heritability (below) - edgeColor: color for tree edges. black by default. - majorHybridEdgeColor: color for major hybrid edges - minorHybridEdgeColor: color for minor hybrid edges - showEdgeNumber: if true, edges are labelled with the number used internally. - showIntNodeLabel: if true, internal nodes are labelled with their names. Useful for hybrid nodes, which do have tags like 'H1'. - edgeLabel: dataframe with two columns: the first with edge numbers, the second with labels (like bootstrap values) to annotate edges. empty by default. - nodeLabel: dataframe with two columns: the first with node numbers, the second with labels (like bootstrap values for hybrid relationships) to annotate nodes. empty by default. optional arguments specific to this function: - xlim, ylim: array of 2 values - tipOffset: to offset tip labels Note that `plot` actually modifies some (minor) attributes of the network, as it calls `directEdges!`, `preorder!` and `cladewiseorder!`. If hybrid edges cross tree and major edges, you may choose to rotate some tree edges to eliminate crossing edges, using `rotate!` (in [`PhyloNetworks`](!)). **Alternative**: a tree or network can be exported with [`sexp`](@ref) and then displayed with R's "plot" and all its options. """ function plot(net::HybridNetwork, method::Symbol; useEdgeLength=false::Bool, mainTree=false::Bool, showTipLabel=true::Bool, showNodeNumber=false::Bool, showEdgeLength=false::Bool, showGamma=false::Bool, edgeColor="black"::String, majorHybridEdgeColor="deepskyblue4"::String, minorHybridEdgeColor="deepskyblue"::String, showEdgeNumber=false::Bool, showIntNodeLabel=true::Bool, edgeLabel=DataFrame()::DataFrame, nodeLabel=DataFrame()::DataFrame, xlim=Float64[]::Array{Float64,1}, ylim=Float64[]::Array{Float64,1}, tipOffset=0.0::Float64, tipcex=1.0::Float64) (edge_xB, edge_xE, edge_yB, edge_yE, node_x, node_y, node_yB, node_yE, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = getEdgeNodeCoordinates(net, useEdgeLength) labelnodes, nodeLabel = checkNodeDataFrame(net, nodeLabel) ndf = prepareNodeDataFrame(net, nodeLabel, showNodeNumber, showIntNodeLabel, labelnodes, node_x, node_y) if (showTipLabel || showNodeNumber || showIntNodeLabel || labelnodes) expfac = 0.1 # force 10% more space to show tip/node/root name expfacy = 0.5 # additive expansion for y axis xmin -= (xmax-xmin)*expfac xmax += (xmax-xmin)*expfac ymin -= expfacy ymax += expfacy end xmax += tipOffset if length(xlim)==2 xmin=xlim[1]; xmax=xlim[2] end if length(ylim)==2 ymin=ylim[1]; ymax=ylim[2] end leaves = [n.leaf for n in net.node] eCol = fill(edgeColor, length(net.edge)) eCol[ [ e.hybrid for e in net.edge] ] .= majorHybridEdgeColor eCol[ [!e.isMajor for e in net.edge] ] .= minorHybridEdgeColor R""" plot($(node_x[leaves]), $(node_y[leaves]), type='n', xlim=c($xmin,$xmax), ylim=c($ymin,$ymax), axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='') segments($edge_xB, $edge_yB, $edge_xE, $edge_yE, col=$eCol) segments($node_x, $node_yB, $node_x, $node_yE, col=$edgeColor) """ if showTipLabel R"text"(node_x[leaves] .+ tipOffset, node_y[leaves], tipLabels(net), adj=0, font=3, cex=tipcex) end if showIntNodeLabel R"text"(ndf[.!ndf[!,:lea],:x], ndf[.!ndf[!,:lea],:y], ndf[.!ndf[!,:lea],:name], font=3, cex=tipcex, adj=[.5,0]) end if showNodeNumber R"text"(ndf[!,:x], ndf[!,:y], ndf[!,:num], adj=1) end if labelnodes R"text"(ndf[!,:x], ndf[!,:y], ndf[!,:lab], adj=1) end labeledges, edf = prepareEdgeDataFrame(net, edgeLabel, mainTree, edge_xB, edge_xE, edge_yB, edge_yE) if labeledges R"text"(edf[!,:x], edf[!,:y], edf[!,:lab], adj=[.5,0]) end if showEdgeLength R"text"(edf[!,:x], edf[!,:y], edf[!,:len], adj=[.5,1.]) end if (showGamma && net.numHybrids>0) im = edf[!,:hyb] .& edf[!,:min] iM = edf[!,:hyb] .& .!edf[!,:min] R"text"(edf[im,:x], edf[im,:y], edf[im,:gam], adj=[.5,1], col=minorHybridEdgeColor) R"text"(edf[iM,:x], edf[iM,:y], edf[iM,:gam], adj=[.5,1], col=majorHybridEdgeColor) end if showEdgeNumber R"text"(edf[!,:x], edf[!,:y], edf[!,:num], adj=[.5,0]) end return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, node_x, node_y, node_yB, node_yE, edge_xB, edge_xE, edge_yB, edge_yE, ndf, edf) end
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7110, 7, 3262, 3712, 21217, 10236, 26245, 11, 2446, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 198, 198, 43328, 257, 3127, 1262, 371, 9382, 13, 198, 63, 24396, 63, 815, 307, 4600, 25, 49, 63, 357, 37739, 11, 597, 6194, 561, 466, 11, 329, 783, 19588, 198, 198, 25968, 7159, 11, 4888, 351, 262, 20925, 12254, 12, 3106, 7110, 2163, 25, 198, 12, 779, 37021, 24539, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 262, 5509, 13015, 290, 1688, 14554, 13015, 389, 198, 220, 7428, 9823, 453, 284, 511, 4129, 13, 15367, 14554, 13015, 389, 407, 11, 2158, 13, 198, 220, 5740, 326, 5743, 20428, 287, 46064, 1087, 4991, 743, 5046, 845, 13455, 351, 640, 13, 198, 12, 905, 28434, 33986, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 1687, 261, 14722, 389, 3402, 13, 921, 743, 761, 284, 19792, 503, 284, 766, 606, 13, 198, 12, 905, 19667, 15057, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 13760, 389, 30538, 351, 262, 1271, 973, 20947, 13, 198, 12, 905, 37021, 24539, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 13015, 389, 30538, 351, 511, 4129, 357, 29370, 8, 198, 12, 905, 34777, 2611, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 14554, 13015, 389, 30538, 351, 511, 607, 34147, 357, 35993, 8, 198, 12, 5743, 10258, 25, 3124, 329, 5509, 13015, 13, 2042, 416, 4277, 13, 198, 12, 1688, 21217, 10236, 37021, 10258, 25, 3124, 329, 1688, 14554, 13015, 198, 12, 4159, 21217, 10236, 37021, 10258, 25, 3124, 329, 4159, 14554, 13015, 198, 12, 905, 37021, 15057, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 13015, 389, 30538, 351, 262, 1271, 973, 20947, 13, 198, 12, 905, 5317, 19667, 33986, 25, 611, 2081, 11, 5387, 13760, 389, 30538, 351, 511, 3891, 13, 198, 220, 49511, 329, 14554, 13760, 11, 543, 466, 423, 15940, 588, 705, 39, 16, 4458, 198, 12, 5743, 33986, 25, 1366, 14535, 351, 734, 15180, 25, 262, 717, 351, 5743, 3146, 11, 262, 1218, 351, 14722, 198, 220, 357, 2339, 6297, 26418, 3815, 8, 284, 24708, 378, 13015, 13, 6565, 416, 4277, 13, 198, 12, 10139, 33986, 25, 1366, 14535, 351, 734, 15180, 25, 262, 717, 351, 10139, 3146, 11, 262, 1218, 351, 14722, 198, 220, 357, 2339, 6297, 26418, 3815, 329, 14554, 6958, 8, 284, 24708, 378, 13760, 13, 6565, 416, 4277, 13, 198, 198, 25968, 7159, 2176, 284, 428, 2163, 25, 198, 12, 2124, 2475, 11, 331, 2475, 25, 7177, 286, 362, 3815, 198, 12, 8171, 34519, 25, 284, 11677, 8171, 14722, 198, 198, 6425, 326, 4600, 29487, 63, 1682, 953, 6945, 617, 357, 1084, 273, 8, 12608, 286, 262, 3127, 11, 198, 292, 340, 3848, 4600, 12942, 7407, 3212, 0, 47671, 4600, 3866, 2875, 0, 63, 290, 4600, 29853, 413, 786, 2875, 0, 44646, 198, 198, 1532, 14554, 13015, 3272, 5509, 290, 1688, 13015, 11, 345, 743, 3853, 284, 23064, 617, 5509, 198, 276, 3212, 284, 11005, 12538, 13015, 11, 1262, 4600, 10599, 378, 0, 63, 198, 7, 259, 685, 63, 2725, 2645, 78, 7934, 5225, 63, 16151, 4023, 1378, 66, 3808, 75, 19, 13, 12567, 13, 952, 14, 2725, 2645, 78, 7934, 5225, 13, 20362, 14, 42861, 14, 8019, 14, 11377, 31113, 2725, 2645, 78, 7934, 5225, 13, 10599, 378, 8133, 737, 198, 198, 1174, 49788, 1174, 25, 257, 5509, 393, 3127, 460, 307, 29050, 351, 685, 63, 8044, 79, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 198, 392, 788, 9066, 351, 371, 338, 366, 29487, 1, 290, 477, 663, 3689, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 7110, 7, 3262, 3712, 21217, 10236, 26245, 11, 2446, 3712, 13940, 23650, 26, 779, 37021, 24539, 28, 9562, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1388, 27660, 28, 9562, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 905, 28434, 33986, 28, 7942, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 905, 19667, 15057, 28, 9562, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 905, 37021, 24539, 28, 9562, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 905, 34777, 2611, 28, 9562, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5743, 10258, 2625, 13424, 1298, 25, 10100, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1688, 21217, 10236, 37021, 10258, 2625, 22089, 15688, 17585, 19, 1298, 25, 10100, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4159, 21217, 10236, 37021, 10258, 2625, 22089, 15688, 17585, 1298, 25, 10100, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 905, 37021, 15057, 28, 9562, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 905, 5317, 19667, 33986, 28, 7942, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5743, 33986, 28, 6601, 19778, 33529, 25, 6601, 19778, 11, 10139, 33986, 28, 6601, 19778, 33529, 25, 6601, 19778, 11, 198, 220, 220, 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1225, 69, 58, 28265, 25, 1084, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 44, 796, 1225, 69, 58, 28265, 25, 12114, 65, 60, 764, 5, 764, 0, 276, 69, 58, 28265, 25, 1084, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 371, 1, 5239, 18109, 276, 69, 58, 320, 11, 25, 87, 4357, 1225, 69, 58, 320, 11, 25, 88, 4357, 1225, 69, 58, 320, 11, 25, 28483, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9224, 41888, 13, 20, 11, 16, 4357, 951, 28, 1084, 273, 21217, 10236, 37021, 10258, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 371, 1, 5239, 18109, 276, 69, 58, 72, 44, 11, 25, 87, 4357, 1225, 69, 58, 72, 44, 11, 25, 88, 4357, 1225, 69, 58, 72, 44, 11, 25, 28483, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9224, 41888, 13, 20, 11, 16, 4357, 951, 28, 22478, 21217, 10236, 37021, 10258, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 905, 37021, 15057, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 371, 1, 5239, 18109, 276, 69, 58, 28265, 25, 87, 4357, 1225, 69, 58, 28265, 25, 88, 4357, 1225, 69, 58, 28265, 25, 22510, 4357, 9224, 41888, 13, 20, 11, 15, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 87, 1084, 11, 2124, 9806, 11, 331, 1084, 11, 331, 9806, 11, 10139, 62, 87, 11, 10139, 62, 88, 11, 10139, 62, 88, 33, 11, 10139, 62, 88, 36, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5743, 62, 87, 33, 11, 5743, 62, 87, 36, 11, 5743, 62, 88, 33, 11, 5743, 62, 88, 36, 11, 299, 7568, 11, 1225, 69, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
using EVQueues, PGFPlots lambda=120.0; mu=1.0; gamma=0.5; #C=80.0; C=60.0; Tfinal=100.0; edf = ev_edf(lambda,mu,gamma,Tfinal,C,snapshots=[Tfinal]) llf = ev_llf(lambda,mu,gamma,Tfinal,C,snapshots=[Tfinal]) llr = ev_llr(lambda,mu,gamma,Tfinal,C,snapshots=[Tfinal]) #compute_statistics!(sim) fig = Axis([ Plots.Linear([ev.requestedEnergy for ev in edf.EVs][6000:10:end],[ev.requestedEnergy-ev.departureWorkload for ev in edf.EVs][6000:10:end], style="solid,only marks=true,blue", legendentry="EDF"), Plots.Linear([ev.requestedEnergy for ev in llf.EVs][6000:10:end],[ev.requestedEnergy-ev.departureWorkload for ev in llf.EVs][6000:10:end], style="solid,only marks=true,red", legendentry="LLF"), Plots.Linear([ev.requestedEnergy for ev in llr.EVs][6000:10:end],[ev.requestedEnergy-ev.departureWorkload for ev in llr.EVs][6000:10:end], style="solid,only marks=true,green", legendentry="LLR"), ], legendPos="north west", xlabel="Requested Service (\$S\$)", ylabel="Attained Service (\$S_r\$)", xmin=0, xmax=3, ymin=0, ymax=3, width="0.7\\columnwidth", height="0.4\\columnwidth" ); save("/tmp/sigma_compare.tex",fig,include_preamble=false)
[ 3500, 8696, 15681, 947, 11, 350, 21713, 3646, 1747, 198, 198, 50033, 28, 10232, 13, 15, 26, 198, 30300, 28, 16, 13, 15, 26, 198, 28483, 2611, 28, 15, 13, 20, 26, 198, 2, 34, 28, 1795, 13, 15, 26, 198, 34, 28, 1899, 13, 15, 26, 198, 198, 51, 20311, 28, 3064, 13, 15, 26, 628, 198, 276, 69, 796, 819, 62, 276, 69, 7, 50033, 11, 30300, 11, 28483, 2611, 11, 51, 20311, 11, 34, 11, 45380, 20910, 41888, 51, 20311, 12962, 198, 297, 69, 796, 819, 62, 297, 69, 7, 50033, 11, 30300, 11, 28483, 2611, 11, 51, 20311, 11, 34, 11, 45380, 20910, 41888, 51, 20311, 12962, 198, 297, 81, 796, 819, 62, 297, 81, 7, 50033, 11, 30300, 11, 28483, 2611, 11, 51, 20311, 11, 34, 11, 45380, 20910, 41888, 51, 20311, 12962, 198, 198, 2, 5589, 1133, 62, 14269, 3969, 0, 7, 14323, 8, 198, 198, 5647, 796, 38349, 26933, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1345, 1747, 13, 14993, 451, 26933, 1990, 13, 25927, 276, 28925, 329, 819, 287, 1225, 69, 13, 20114, 82, 7131, 43434, 25, 940, 25, 437, 38430, 1990, 13, 25927, 276, 28925, 12, 1990, 13, 10378, 433, 495, 12468, 2220, 329, 819, 287, 1225, 69, 13, 20114, 82, 7131, 43434, 25, 940, 25, 437, 4357, 3918, 2625, 39390, 11, 8807, 8849, 28, 7942, 11, 17585, 1600, 8177, 13000, 2625, 1961, 37, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1345, 1747, 13, 14993, 451, 26933, 1990, 13, 25927, 276, 28925, 329, 819, 287, 32660, 69, 13, 20114, 82, 7131, 43434, 25, 940, 25, 437, 38430, 1990, 13, 25927, 276, 28925, 12, 1990, 13, 10378, 433, 495, 12468, 2220, 329, 819, 287, 32660, 69, 13, 20114, 82, 7131, 43434, 25, 940, 25, 437, 4357, 3918, 2625, 39390, 11, 8807, 8849, 28, 7942, 11, 445, 1600, 8177, 13000, 2625, 3069, 37, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1345, 1747, 13, 14993, 451, 26933, 1990, 13, 25927, 276, 28925, 329, 819, 287, 32660, 81, 13, 20114, 82, 7131, 43434, 25, 940, 25, 437, 38430, 1990, 13, 25927, 276, 28925, 12, 1990, 13, 10378, 433, 495, 12468, 2220, 329, 819, 287, 32660, 81, 13, 20114, 82, 7131, 43434, 25, 940, 25, 437, 4357, 3918, 2625, 39390, 11, 8807, 8849, 28, 7942, 11, 14809, 1600, 8177, 13000, 2625, 3069, 49, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16589, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8177, 21604, 2625, 43588, 7421, 1600, 2124, 18242, 2625, 18453, 276, 4809, 357, 59, 3, 50, 59, 3, 42501, 331, 18242, 2625, 8086, 1328, 4809, 357, 59, 3, 50, 62, 81, 59, 3, 42501, 2124, 1084, 28, 15, 11, 2124, 9806, 28, 18, 11, 331, 1084, 28, 15, 11, 331, 9806, 28, 18, 11, 9647, 2625, 15, 13, 22, 6852, 28665, 10394, 1600, 6001, 2625, 15, 13, 19, 6852, 28665, 10394, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5619, 198, 198, 21928, 7203, 14, 22065, 14, 82, 13495, 62, 5589, 533, 13, 16886, 1600, 5647, 11, 17256, 62, 79, 1476, 903, 28, 9562, 8, 198 ]
#= """ Let’s consider an infinite number of dice, which we roll one after the other until we see a six for the first time. What is the probability of stopping after n dice? The first die is always rolled, those with higher numbers D are only rolled if the previous roll did not stop the process. """ Cf dice_6_throws.jl ~/blog/ ~/psi/rolling_dice4.psi ~/webppl/rolling_dice4.wppl Theoretical values (1:50) 1:0.16666666666666666 2:0.1388888888888889 3:0.11574074074074076 4:0.09645061728395063 5:0.08037551440329219 6:0.06697959533607684 7:0.05581632944673069 8:0.04651360787227558 9:0.038761339893562986 10:0.032301116577969156 11:0.02691759714830763 12:0.022431330956923026 13:0.018692775797435855 14:0.015577313164529882 15:0.012981094303774901 16:0.010817578586479085 17:0.009014648822065905 18:0.0075122073517215875 19:0.006260172793101323 20:0.005216810660917769 21:0.0043473422174314744 22:0.003622785181192896 23:0.0030189876509940797 24:0.002515823042495067 25:0.002096519202079222 26:0.0017470993350660188 27:0.0014559161125550157 28:0.0012132634271291797 29:0.0010110528559409832 30:0.0008425440466174861 31:0.0007021200388479051 32:0.0005851000323732542 33:0.0004875833603110452 34:0.00040631946692587105 35:0.00033859955577155923 36:0.0002821662964762994 37:0.00023513858039691615 38:0.00019594881699743015 39:0.0001632906808311918 40:0.0001360755673593265 41:0.00011339630613277208 42:9.449692177731006e-5 43:7.874743481442506e-5 44:6.562286234535421e-5 45:5.468571862112852e-5 46:4.5571432184273776e-5 47:3.797619348689481e-5 48:3.164682790574568e-5 49:2.63723565881214e-5 50:2.19769638234345e-5 The values found by this model (run_model(0)) 1.00000 => 6631 (0.165775) 2.00000 => 5661 (0.141525) 3.00000 => 4593 (0.114825) 4.00000 => 3867 (0.096675) 5.00000 => 3215 (0.080375) 6.00000 => 2700 (0.067500) 7.00000 => 2210 (0.055250) 8.00000 => 1845 (0.046125) 9.00000 => 1515 (0.037875) 10.00000 => 1282 (0.032050) 11.00000 => 1137 (0.028425) 12.00000 => 881 (0.022025) 13.00000 => 728 (0.018200) 14.00000 => 567 (0.014175) 15.00000 => 505 (0.012625) 16.00000 => 459 (0.011475) 17.00000 => 364 (0.009100) 18.00000 => 301 (0.007525) 19.00000 => 245 (0.006125) 20.00000 => 225 (0.005625) 22.00000 => 163 (0.004075) 21.00000 => 154 (0.003850) 23.00000 => 126 (0.003150) 24.00000 => 117 (0.002925) 25.00000 => 83 (0.002075) 26.00000 => 65 (0.001625) 27.00000 => 54 (0.001350) 30.00000 => 48 (0.001200) 28.00000 => 45 (0.001125) 29.00000 => 36 (0.000900) 31.00000 => 36 (0.000900) 32.00000 => 27 (0.000675) 34.00000 => 22 (0.000550) 33.00000 => 20 (0.000500) 35.00000 => 12 (0.000300) 37.00000 => 9 (0.000225) 38.00000 => 7 (0.000175) 39.00000 => 6 (0.000150) 42.00000 => 5 (0.000125) 40.00000 => 5 (0.000125) 36.00000 => 5 (0.000125) 46.00000 => 4 (0.000100) 41.00000 => 4 (0.000100) 44.00000 => 3 (0.000075) 47.00000 => 3 (0.000075) 48.00000 => 3 (0.000075) 57.00000 => 2 (0.000050) 49.00000 => 1 (0.000025) 45.00000 => 1 (0.000025) 50.00000 => 1 (0.000025) 43.00000 => 1 (0.000025) 72.00000 => 1 (0.000025) =# using Turing, StatsPlots, DataFrames include("jl_utils.jl") # Closed form of the probability function theoretical_prob(n) return (1/6.0) * ((5/6.0)^(n-1)) end # For val = 0: show the full distribution of the length (len) # otherwise show the probability of len == val @model function dice_6_throws(val=0) max_len = 100 function throws(a) if length(a) > max_len return a end # For some reason, this don't work: it just generates the same number repeatedly. # t ~ DiscreteUniform(1,6) t = rand(DiscreteUniform(1,6)) # This works. # If we see a 6 then we stop if t == 6 return vcat(a,t) else return throws(vcat(a,t)) end end len ~ DiscreteUniform(0,max_len) # a = throws(TArray{Int64}(undef,0)) a = throws(Int64[]) len = length(a) if val == 0 return len else return len == val end end function run_model(len=0) model = dice_6_throws(len) num_chains = 4 # chains = sample(model, Prior(), 10_000) # chains = sample(model, MH(), MCMCThreads(), 100_000, num_chains) chains = sample(model, MH(), MCMCThreads(), 10_000, num_chains) # chains = sample(model, MH(), 10_000) # chains = sample(model, MH(), 1_000) # chains = sample(model, PG(15), MCMCThreads(), 1_000, num_chains) # chains = sample(model, SMC(1000), MCMCThreads(), 10_000, num_chains) # chains = sample(model, SMC(1000), 10_000) # chains = sample(model, IS(), 10_000) # # display(chains) # show_var_dist_pct(chains,:len,1000) println("prob return value:") genq = generated_quantities(model, chains) show_var_dist_pct(genq,1000) if len > 0 println("\ntheoretical_prob($len): ", theoretical_prob(len)) end end for val in 0:10 println("\nval:$val") run_model(val) end println("\nval:25") run_model(25) println("\nTheoretical values for 1:50") for i in 1:50 println("$i:", theoretical_prob(i)) end
[ 2, 28, 628, 220, 3740, 1378, 28664, 1872, 13, 6359, 13, 74, 2261, 84, 574, 13, 1350, 14, 1676, 14036, 14, 83, 44917, 14, 35487, 14, 3070, 62, 67, 501, 13, 6494, 198, 220, 37227, 198, 220, 3914, 447, 247, 82, 2074, 281, 15541, 1271, 286, 17963, 11, 543, 356, 4836, 530, 706, 262, 584, 1566, 356, 766, 257, 198, 220, 2237, 329, 262, 717, 640, 13, 1867, 318, 262, 12867, 286, 12225, 706, 299, 17963, 30, 383, 717, 4656, 318, 1464, 11686, 11, 198, 220, 883, 351, 2440, 3146, 360, 389, 691, 11686, 611, 262, 2180, 4836, 750, 407, 2245, 262, 1429, 13, 198, 220, 37227, 628, 220, 43216, 17963, 62, 21, 62, 400, 8516, 13, 20362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47795, 14036, 14, 18886, 62, 67, 501, 19, 13, 14036, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47795, 862, 72, 14, 18886, 62, 67, 501, 19, 13, 862, 72, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47795, 12384, 381, 75, 14, 18886, 62, 67, 501, 19, 13, 86, 381, 75, 628, 220, 383, 9997, 605, 3815, 357, 16, 25, 1120, 8, 198, 16, 25, 15, 13, 1433, 41977, 19060, 27310, 198, 17, 25, 15, 13, 1485, 3459, 3459, 3459, 3459, 3459, 3459, 4531, 198, 18, 25, 15, 13, 1157, 3553, 30120, 30120, 30120, 1821, 4304, 198, 19, 25, 15, 13, 2931, 2414, 35638, 1558, 2078, 2670, 1120, 5066, 198, 20, 25, 15, 13, 33057, 22318, 47396, 31552, 1959, 28896, 198, 21, 25, 15, 13, 15, 36657, 3720, 35124, 2091, 1899, 30610, 19, 198, 22, 25, 15, 13, 2713, 3365, 24136, 1959, 2598, 3134, 1270, 3388, 198, 23, 25, 15, 13, 3023, 2996, 1485, 1899, 41019, 1828, 2425, 3365, 198, 24, 25, 15, 13, 15, 2548, 4304, 1485, 2670, 4531, 32066, 1959, 4521, 198, 940, 25, 15, 13, 3070, 1954, 486, 1157, 2996, 3324, 38819, 21599, 198, 1157, 25, 15, 13, 15, 26276, 1558, 43239, 18294, 1270, 49641, 198, 1065, 25, 15, 13, 2999, 1731, 25838, 1270, 3865, 3388, 19214, 2075, 198, 1485, 25, 15, 13, 29159, 3388, 1983, 2425, 3720, 4524, 31128, 2816, 198, 1415, 25, 15, 13, 486, 2816, 3324, 25838, 1433, 2231, 1959, 42980, 198, 1314, 25, 15, 13, 486, 27728, 940, 5824, 1270, 26514, 2920, 486, 198, 1433, 25, 15, 13, 486, 2919, 1558, 38907, 3365, 2414, 3720, 2919, 20, 198, 1558, 25, 15, 13, 28694, 28645, 2414, 3459, 17572, 36445, 2713, 198, 1507, 25, 15, 13, 405, 2425, 1065, 22745, 2327, 23628, 21273, 2425, 198, 1129, 25, 15, 13, 28041, 2075, 29326, 26050, 3132, 30273, 1954, 198, 1238, 25, 15, 13, 405, 4309, 14656, 15801, 31751, 22413, 3388, 198, 2481, 25, 15, 13, 22914, 30995, 2682, 1828, 1558, 3559, 20198, 2598, 198, 1828, 25, 15, 13, 405, 2623, 1828, 41172, 1507, 16315, 2078, 4846, 198, 1954, 25, 15, 13, 11245, 29159, 4089, 4304, 1120, 2079, 1821, 44673, 198, 1731, 25, 15, 13, 405, 1495, 1314, 6469, 21288, 21626, 1120, 3134, 198, 1495, 25, 15, 13, 405, 22567, 2996, 40454, 1238, 3720, 23148, 198, 2075, 25, 15, 13, 405, 22985, 2154, 2079, 2091, 1120, 2791, 486, 3459, 198, 1983, 25, 15, 13, 405, 1415, 38605, 1433, 14686, 31046, 486, 3553, 198, 2078, 25, 15, 13, 405, 1065, 1485, 2075, 2682, 1983, 18741, 1558, 5607, 198, 1959, 25, 15, 13, 8298, 486, 13348, 2078, 38605, 1821, 4089, 2624, 198, 1270, 25, 15, 13, 830, 5705, 24970, 26429, 2791, 1558, 2780, 5333, 198, 3132, 25, 15, 13, 830, 2154, 21777, 405, 30460, 31714, 2713, 16, 198, 2624, 25, 15, 13, 830, 3365, 4349, 830, 32637, 4790, 1495, 3682, 198, 2091, 25, 15, 13, 830, 2780, 38569, 2091, 1899, 3132, 940, 37730, 198, 2682, 25, 15, 13, 830, 1821, 5066, 22913, 36657, 1495, 5774, 13348, 198, 2327, 25, 15, 13, 830, 2091, 5332, 2079, 31046, 3324, 1314, 3270, 1954, 198, 2623, 25, 15, 13, 830, 2078, 20666, 48602, 2414, 4304, 1959, 5824, 198, 2718, 25, 15, 13, 830, 22370, 1485, 5332, 1795, 2670, 3388, 1433, 1314, 198, 2548, 25, 15, 13, 18005, 24, 3270, 33646, 1433, 39647, 3559, 25150, 198, 2670, 25, 15, 13, 18005, 5066, 1959, 3312, 28362, 3132, 1129, 1507, 198, 1821, 25, 15, 13, 18005, 15277, 38172, 3134, 2327, 6052, 22980, 198, 3901, 25, 15, 13, 18005, 1485, 34107, 20548, 1485, 27019, 21315, 198, 3682, 25, 24, 13, 31911, 3388, 24591, 46871, 3064, 21, 68, 12, 20, 198, 3559, 25, 22, 13, 5774, 38652, 28978, 1415, 3682, 35638, 68, 12, 20, 198, 2598, 25, 21, 13, 3980, 1828, 4521, 1954, 2231, 32182, 2481, 68, 12, 20, 198, 2231, 25, 20, 13, 38472, 3553, 25096, 2481, 12762, 4309, 68, 12, 20, 198, 3510, 25, 19, 13, 41948, 1415, 2624, 22883, 1983, 2718, 4304, 68, 12, 20, 198, 2857, 25, 18, 13, 3720, 4304, 1129, 28978, 40523, 40271, 68, 12, 20, 198, 2780, 25, 18, 13, 23237, 3104, 26050, 43526, 2231, 3104, 68, 12, 20, 198, 2920, 25, 17, 13, 21, 2718, 22370, 2996, 3459, 1065, 1415, 68, 12, 20, 198, 1120, 25, 17, 13, 24991, 38205, 2548, 1954, 3559, 2231, 68, 12, 20, 628, 198, 220, 383, 3815, 1043, 416, 428, 2746, 357, 5143, 62, 19849, 7, 15, 4008, 198, 220, 352, 13, 20483, 5218, 220, 220, 220, 7930, 3132, 220, 357, 15, 13, 1433, 3553, 2425, 8, 198, 17, 13, 20483, 5218, 220, 220, 220, 642, 47159, 220, 357, 15, 13, 1415, 1314, 1495, 8, 198, 18, 13, 20483, 5218, 220, 220, 220, 604, 49051, 220, 357, 15, 13, 1157, 2780, 1495, 8, 198, 19, 13, 20483, 5218, 220, 220, 220, 4353, 3134, 220, 357, 15, 13, 2931, 2791, 2425, 8, 198, 20, 13, 20483, 5218, 220, 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437, 198 ]
using Gurobi using Mosek # train adversarial method with kernel using constraint generation function train_adv_kernel_cg(X::Matrix, y::Vector, C::Real=1.0, kernel::Symbol=:linear, kernel_params::Vector=[]; perturb::Real=0.0, tol::Real=1e-6, psdtol::Real=1e-6, obj_reltol::Real=0.0, log::Real=0, n_thread::Int=0, solver::Symbol=:gurobi, verbose::Bool=true) n = length(y) # add one X1 = [ones(n) X]' # transpose m = size(X1, 1) # number of class n_c = maximum(y) n_f = n_c * m # number of features alpha = zeros(0) # array of tuple constraints = Tuple{Integer, Vector}[] # prepare saved vars idmi = map(i -> idi(m, i), collect(1:n_c)) # kernel kernel_func = linear_kernel if kernel == :gaussian kernel_func = gaussian_kernel elseif kernel == :polynomial kernel_func = polynomial_kernel end # precompute kernel K = [( i >= j ? kernel_func(X1[:,i], X1[:,j], kernel_params...) : 0.0 )::Float64 for i=1:n, j=1:n] K = [( i >= j ? K[i,j] : K[j,i] )::Float64 for i=1:n, j=1:n] if solver == :gurobi # gurobi solver # gurobi environtment env = Gurobi.Env() # Method : 0=primal simplex, 1=dual simplex, 2=barrier ; default for QP: barrier # Threads : default = 0 (use all threads) setparams!(env, PSDTol=psdtol, LogToConsole=log, Method=2, Threads=n_thread) elseif solver == :mosek # mosek environtment env = makeenv() end # params for Gurobi Q = zeros(0,0) nu = zeros(0) A = spzeros(n, 0) # sparse matrix b = ones(n) * C Q_prev = zeros(0,0) nu_prev = zeros(0) A_prev = spzeros(n, 0) # sparse matrix # save lambda dot psi_i n_lps = n * n_c LPsi = zeros(n_lps, 0) LPsi_prev = zeros(n_lps, 0) iter = 0 dual_obj = 0.0 dual_obj_prev = 0.0 while true iter += 1 if verbose println("Iteration : ", iter) tic(); end # previous constraints const_prev = copy(constraints) # previous alpha alpha_prev = copy(alpha) ## add to constraints const_added = Tuple{Integer, Vector}[] # find constraint for each sample for i=1:n psis = psi_list_dual(alpha, LPsi, i, n_c) psis_id, val = best_psis(psis) # most violated constraints # current xi_i id_i = find(x -> x[1] == i, constraints) xi_i_list = map(x -> x[2], constraints[id_i]) max_xi_i = 0 for j = 1:length(xi_i_list) a = calc_const(psis::Vector, xi_i_list[j]) if a > max_xi_i max_xi_i = a end end if val > max_xi_i cs = (i, sort!(psis_id)) if findfirst(constraints .== cs) == 0 push!(constraints, cs) push!(const_added, cs) end end end # if no constraints added if length(const_added) == 0 break end n_const = length(constraints) #### Start QP ### if verbose println(">> Start QP") toc(); tic(); end n_prev = length(const_prev) n_added = length(const_added) # init alpha with previous iteration alpha = zeros(n_const) alpha[1:n_prev] = alpha_prev Q_aug = [ ( calc_dot((const_prev[i][1], const_prev[i][2], const_added[j][1], const_added[j][2]), K, y) )::Float64 for i=1:n_prev, j=1:n_added] Q_aug_diag = [ ( i >= j ? calc_dot((const_added[i][1], const_added[i][2], const_added[j][1], const_added[j][2]), K, y) : 0.0 )::Float64 for i=1:n_added, j=1:n_added] Q_aug_diag = [ (i >= j ? Q_aug_diag[i,j] : Q_aug_diag[j,i] )::Float64 for i=1:n_added, j=1:n_added ] Q = [ ( (i <= n_prev && j <= n_prev) ? Q_prev[i, j] : ( i <= n_prev ? Q_aug[i, j-n_prev] : ( j <= n_prev ? Q_aug[j, i-n_prev] : Q_aug_diag[i-n_prev, j-n_prev] ) ) )::Float64 for i=1:n_const, j=1:n_const] nu_aug = [ ( calc_cconst(const_added[i][2]) )::Float64 for i=1:n_added ] nu = [ ( i <= n_prev ? nu_prev[i] : nu_aug[i-n_prev] )::Float64 for i=1:n_const] A_aug = spzeros(n, n_added) for j = 1:n_added A_aug[const_added[j][1], j] = 1.0 end A = [A_prev A_aug] # update LPsi LPsi_aug = [ ( calc_dot((ceil(Int64, i/n_c), [(i%n_c==0)? n_c:i%n_c], const_added[j][1], const_added[j][2]), K, y) )::Float64 for i=1:n_lps, j=1:n_added] LPsi = [LPsi_prev LPsi_aug] ## add perturbation for i=1:n_const Q[i,i] = Q[i,i] + perturb end if verbose toc(); tic(); end if solver == :gurobi if verbose println(">> Optim :: Gurobi") end ## init model model = gurobi_model(env, sense = :minimize, H = Q, f = -nu, A = A, b = b, lb = zeros(n_const) ) # Print the model to check correctness # print(model) # Solve with Gurobi Gurobi.optimize(model) if verbose toc(); println("<< End QP") end dual_obj = -get_objval(model) # Solution if verbose println("Objective value: ", dual_obj) end # get alpha alpha = get_solution(model) # println("alpha = ", alpha) # # println("constraints = ", constraints) if verbose println("n constraints = ", length(constraints)) end ### end QP ### elseif solver == :mosek if verbose println(">> Optim :: Mosek") end task = maketask(env) # set params putintparam(task, Mosek.MSK_IPAR_LOG, 1) putintparam(task, Mosek.MSK_IPAR_LOG_CHECK_CONVEXITY, 1) putdouparam(task, Mosek.MSK_DPAR_CHECK_CONVEXITY_REL_TOL, psdtol) # variables appendvars(task, n_const) # bound on var for i::Int32 = 1:n_const putbound(task, Mosek.MSK_ACC_VAR, i, Mosek.MSK_BK_RA, 0.0, C) end # objective putobjsense(task, Mosek.MSK_OBJECTIVE_SENSE_MINIMIZE) qi = zeros(Int32, (n_const * (n_const+1)) ÷ 2 ) qj = zeros(Int32, (n_const * (n_const+1)) ÷ 2 ) qv = zeros(Float64, (n_const * (n_const+1)) ÷ 2 ) ix = 1 for j::Int32 = 1:n_const for i::Int32 = j:n_const qi[ix] = i qj[ix] = j qv[ix] = Q[i,j] ix += 1 end end putqobj(task, qi, qj, qv) putclist(task, collect(1:n_const), -nu) # constraints ## sparse array appendcons(task, n) for i::Int32 = 1:n_const id_nz = A[:,i].nzind putacol(task, i, id_nz, ones(length(id_nz))) end for i::Int32 = 1:n putbound(task, Mosek.MSK_ACC_CON, i, Mosek.MSK_BK_RA, 0.0, C) end if verbose toc(); tic(); end Mosek.optimize(task) if verbose toc(); println("<< End QP") end # Solution dual_obj, _ = getsolutioninfo(task, Mosek.MSK_SOL_ITR) if verbose println("Objective value: ", -dual_obj) end # get alpha alpha = getxx(task, Mosek.MSK_SOL_ITR) if verbose println("n constraints = ", length(constraints)) end end if obj_reltol > 0.0 if (dual_obj - dual_obj_prev) / dual_obj_prev < obj_reltol && iter > 1 if verbose println((dual_obj - dual_obj_prev) / dual_obj_prev) println(">> Iteration STOPPED | Objective relative tolerance : ", obj_reltol) end break end end if verbose println() end Q_prev = Q nu_prev = nu A_prev = A LPsi_prev = LPsi dual_obj_prev = dual_obj end # finalizing losses gv_aug = zeros(n) gv_01 = zeros(n) l_adv = zeros(n) l_01 = zeros(n) for i=1:n psis = psi_list_dual(alpha, LPsi, i, n_c) psis_id, val = best_psis(psis) # most violated constraints n_ps = length(psis_id) gv_aug[i] = val # compute probs p_hat = zeros(n_c) p_check = zeros(n_c) for j=1:n_c if j in psis_id p_hat[j] = ( (n_ps-1.0)*psis[j] - sum(psis[psis_id[psis_id .!= j]]) + 1.0 ) / n_ps p_check[j] = 1.0 / n_ps else p_hat[j] = 0.0 p_check[j] = 0.0 end end C01 = 1 - eye(n_c) # 01 loss matrix v = p_hat' * C01 * p_check # the result is vector size 1 not a number gv_01[i] = v[1] # ## training loss l_adv[i] = 1.0 - p_hat[y[i]] l_01[i] = 1.0 - round(Int, indmax(p_hat) == y[i]) end game_value_01 = mean(gv_01) game_value_augmented = mean(gv_aug) # create model adv_model = KernelMultiAdversarialModel(kernel, kernel_params, alpha, constraints, n_c, game_value_01, game_value_augmented, mean(l_adv), mean(l_01)) return adv_model::KernelMultiAdversarialModel end function predict_adv_kernel(model::KernelMultiAdversarialModel, X_test::Matrix, X_train::Matrix, y_train::Vector) alpha = model.alpha n_c = model.n_class n = size(X_test, 1) constraints = model.constraints n_const = length(alpha) X1 = [ones(n) X_test]' # transpose m = size(X1, 1) # training data n_tr = size(X_train, 1) X1_tr = [ones(n_tr) X_train]' # transpose # kernel kernel = model.kernel kernel_params = model.kernel_params # kernel function kernel_func = linear_kernel if kernel == :gaussian kernel_func = gaussian_kernel elseif kernel == :polynomial kernel_func = polynomial_kernel end # compute Kernel K = [ kernel_func(X1_tr[:,i], X1[:,j], kernel_params...)::Float64 for i=1:n_tr, j=1:n] prob = zeros(n, n_c) pred = zeros(n) for i=1:n psis = zeros(n_c) for j = 1:n_const psis -= alpha[j] * calc_dotlphi( (constraints[j][1], constraints[j][2], i), K, y_train, n_c) end psis_id, val = best_psis(psis) # most violated constraints n_ps = length(psis_id) for j=1:n_c if j in psis_id prob[i,j] = ( (n_ps-1.0)*psis[j] - sum(psis[psis_id[psis_id .!= j]]) + 1.0 ) / n_ps else prob[i,j] = 0.0 end end pred[i] = indmax(psis) end return prob::Matrix{Float64}, pred::Vector{Float64} end function test_adv_kernel(model::KernelMultiAdversarialModel, X_test::Matrix, y_test::Vector, X_train::Matrix, y_train::Vector) n = size(X_test, 1) y_prob, y_pred = predict_adv_kernel(model, X_test, X_train, y_train) # calculate testing loss losses = zeros(n) losses01 = zeros(n) for i=1:n losses[i] = 1.0 - y_prob[i, y_test[i]] losses01[i] = 1.0 - round(Int, y_pred[i] == y_test[i]) end loss = sum(losses) / n loss01 = sum(losses01) / n return loss::Float64, losses::Vector{Float64}, loss01::Float64, losses01::Vector{Float64}, y_prob::Matrix{Float64}, y_pred::Vector{Float64} end
[ 3500, 402, 1434, 8482, 198, 3500, 337, 577, 74, 198, 198, 2, 4512, 16907, 36098, 2446, 351, 9720, 1262, 32315, 5270, 198, 8818, 4512, 62, 32225, 62, 33885, 62, 66, 70, 7, 55, 3712, 46912, 11, 331, 3712, 38469, 11, 327, 3712, 15633, 28, 16, 13, 15, 11, 198, 220, 9720, 3712, 13940, 23650, 28, 25, 29127, 11, 9720, 62, 37266, 3712, 38469, 41888, 11208, 198, 220, 22146, 5945, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 284, 75, 3712, 15633, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 11, 279, 21282, 83, 349, 3712, 15633, 28, 16, 68, 12, 21, 11, 26181, 62, 2411, 83, 349, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 198, 220, 2604, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 11, 299, 62, 16663, 3712, 5317, 28, 15, 11, 1540, 332, 3712, 13940, 23650, 28, 25, 70, 1434, 8482, 11, 15942, 577, 3712, 33, 970, 28, 7942, 8, 628, 220, 299, 796, 4129, 7, 88, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 751, 530, 198, 220, 1395, 16, 796, 685, 1952, 7, 77, 8, 1395, 49946, 220, 220, 1303, 1007, 3455, 198, 220, 285, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 16, 11, 352, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 1271, 286, 1398, 198, 220, 299, 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66, 8, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5534, 2994, 17593, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 796, 279, 62, 5183, 6, 1635, 327, 486, 1635, 279, 62, 9122, 220, 220, 1303, 262, 1255, 318, 15879, 2546, 352, 407, 257, 1271, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 85, 62, 486, 58, 72, 60, 796, 410, 58, 16, 60, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 628, 220, 220, 220, 22492, 3047, 2994, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 62, 32225, 58, 72, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 532, 279, 62, 5183, 58, 88, 58, 72, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 62, 486, 58, 72, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 532, 2835, 7, 5317, 11, 773, 9806, 7, 79, 62, 5183, 8, 6624, 331, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 983, 62, 8367, 62, 486, 796, 1612, 7, 70, 85, 62, 486, 8, 198, 220, 983, 62, 8367, 62, 559, 5154, 276, 796, 1612, 7, 70, 85, 62, 7493, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 2251, 2746, 198, 220, 1354, 62, 19849, 796, 32169, 29800, 2782, 690, 36098, 17633, 7, 33885, 11, 9720, 62, 37266, 11, 17130, 11, 17778, 11, 299, 62, 66, 11, 983, 62, 8367, 62, 486, 11, 983, 62, 8367, 62, 559, 5154, 276, 11, 1612, 7, 75, 62, 32225, 828, 1612, 7, 75, 62, 486, 4008, 628, 220, 1441, 1354, 62, 19849, 3712, 42, 7948, 29800, 2782, 690, 36098, 17633, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4331, 62, 32225, 62, 33885, 7, 19849, 3712, 42, 7948, 29800, 2782, 690, 36098, 17633, 11, 1395, 62, 9288, 3712, 46912, 11, 1395, 62, 27432, 3712, 46912, 11, 331, 62, 27432, 3712, 38469, 8, 628, 220, 17130, 796, 2746, 13, 26591, 198, 220, 299, 62, 66, 796, 2746, 13, 77, 62, 4871, 198, 220, 299, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 62, 9288, 11, 352, 8, 628, 220, 17778, 796, 2746, 13, 1102, 2536, 6003, 198, 220, 299, 62, 9979, 796, 4129, 7, 26591, 8, 628, 220, 1395, 16, 796, 685, 1952, 7, 77, 8, 1395, 62, 9288, 49946, 220, 220, 1303, 1007, 3455, 198, 220, 285, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 16, 11, 352, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 3047, 1366, 198, 220, 299, 62, 2213, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 62, 27432, 11, 352, 8, 198, 220, 1395, 16, 62, 2213, 796, 685, 1952, 7, 77, 62, 2213, 8, 1395, 62, 27432, 49946, 220, 220, 1303, 1007, 3455, 628, 220, 1303, 9720, 198, 220, 9720, 796, 2746, 13, 33885, 198, 220, 9720, 62, 37266, 796, 2746, 13, 33885, 62, 37266, 198, 220, 1303, 9720, 2163, 198, 220, 9720, 62, 20786, 796, 14174, 62, 33885, 198, 220, 611, 9720, 6624, 1058, 4908, 31562, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9720, 62, 20786, 796, 31986, 31562, 62, 33885, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 9720, 6624, 1058, 35428, 26601, 498, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9720, 62, 20786, 796, 745, 6213, 49070, 62, 33885, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1303, 24061, 32169, 198, 220, 509, 796, 685, 9720, 62, 20786, 7, 55, 16, 62, 2213, 58, 45299, 72, 4357, 1395, 16, 58, 45299, 73, 4357, 9720, 62, 37266, 986, 2599, 25, 43879, 2414, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 77, 62, 2213, 11, 474, 28, 16, 25, 77, 60, 628, 220, 1861, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 77, 11, 299, 62, 66, 8, 198, 220, 2747, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 77, 8, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 77, 628, 220, 220, 220, 279, 13429, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 77, 62, 66, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 352, 25, 77, 62, 9979, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 13429, 48185, 17130, 58, 73, 60, 1635, 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220, 2747, 58, 72, 60, 796, 773, 9806, 7, 862, 271, 8, 628, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1441, 1861, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 2747, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 62, 32225, 62, 33885, 7, 19849, 3712, 42, 7948, 29800, 2782, 690, 36098, 17633, 11, 1395, 62, 9288, 3712, 46912, 11, 331, 62, 9288, 3712, 38469, 11, 1395, 62, 27432, 3712, 46912, 11, 331, 62, 27432, 3712, 38469, 8, 198, 220, 299, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 62, 9288, 11, 352, 8, 628, 220, 331, 62, 1676, 65, 11, 331, 62, 28764, 796, 4331, 62, 32225, 62, 33885, 7, 19849, 11, 1395, 62, 9288, 11, 1395, 62, 27432, 11, 331, 62, 27432, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 15284, 4856, 2994, 198, 220, 9089, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 77, 8, 198, 220, 9089, 486, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 77, 8, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9089, 58, 72, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 532, 331, 62, 1676, 65, 58, 72, 11, 331, 62, 9288, 58, 72, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9089, 486, 58, 72, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 532, 2835, 7, 5317, 11, 331, 62, 28764, 58, 72, 60, 6624, 331, 62, 9288, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2994, 796, 2160, 7, 22462, 274, 8, 1220, 299, 198, 220, 2994, 486, 796, 2160, 7, 22462, 274, 486, 8, 1220, 299, 628, 220, 1441, 2994, 3712, 43879, 2414, 11, 9089, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 2994, 486, 3712, 43879, 2414, 11, 9089, 486, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 331, 62, 1676, 65, 3712, 46912, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 331, 62, 28764, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 92, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # proj 2D let method = ME_MAX_POL biom_ider = iJR.BIOMASS_IDER ps_pool = Dict() for exp in EXPS datfile = ME_INDEX[method, :DFILE, exp] dat = deserialize(datfile) model = dat[:model] for Hd_ider in FLX_IDERS # 2D Projection p = plot(;title = string("Heerden2013, exp", exp), xlabel = string(biom_ider), ylabel = string(Hd_ider), legend = :right ) proj = DAT[method, :ep, :proj, Hd_ider, exp] ChP.plot_projection2D!(p, proj; l = 50) # bounds lb, ub = DAT[method, :bounds, :flx, Hd_ider, exp] hline!(p, [lb]; lw = 3, label = "fva lb", color = :blue, ls = :solid ) hline!(p, [ub]; lw = 3, label = "fva ub", color = :red, ls = :solid ) # EXPERIMENTAL FLXS exp_biom = DAT[method, :Hd, :flx, biom_ider, exp] exp_exch = DAT[method, :Hd, :flx, Hd_ider, exp] scatter!(p, [exp_biom], [exp_exch]; m = 8, color = :red, label = "exp" ) # MAXENT FLXS ep_biom = DAT[method, :ep, :flx, biom_ider, exp] ep_biom_err = DAT[method, :eperr, :flx, biom_ider, exp] ep_exch = DAT[method, :ep, :flx, Hd_ider, exp] ep_exch_err = DAT[method, :eperr, :flx, Hd_ider, exp] scatter!(p, [ep_biom], [ep_exch]; xerr = [ep_biom_err], yerr = [ep_exch_err], m = 8, color = :blue, label = "maxent" ) # mysavefig(p, "polytope"; Hd_ider, exp, method) ps_pool[(exp, Hd_ider)] = deepcopy(p) end end # collect for exp in EXPS ps = Plots.Plot[ps_pool[(exp, Hd_ider)] for Hd_ider in FLX_IDERS] mysavefig(ps, "polytope"; exp, method) end for Hd_ider in FLX_IDERS ps = Plots.Plot[ps_pool[(exp, Hd_ider)] for exp in EXPS] mysavefig(ps, "polytope"; Hd_ider, method) end end
[ 198, 2235, 16529, 10541, 198, 2, 386, 73, 362, 35, 198, 1616, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2446, 796, 11948, 62, 22921, 62, 45472, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27488, 62, 1304, 796, 1312, 44817, 13, 3483, 2662, 10705, 62, 41237, 628, 220, 220, 220, 26692, 62, 7742, 796, 360, 713, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1033, 287, 7788, 3705, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4818, 7753, 796, 11948, 62, 12115, 6369, 58, 24396, 11, 1058, 8068, 41119, 11, 1033, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4818, 796, 748, 48499, 1096, 7, 19608, 7753, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 4818, 58, 25, 19849, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 287, 9977, 55, 62, 2389, 4877, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 362, 35, 4935, 295, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 796, 7110, 7, 26, 7839, 796, 4731, 7203, 1544, 263, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 62, 8482, 296, 796, 360, 1404, 58, 24396, 11, 1058, 39, 67, 11, 1058, 2704, 87, 11, 27488, 62, 1304, 11, 1033, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 62, 1069, 354, 796, 360, 1404, 58, 24396, 11, 1058, 39, 67, 11, 1058, 2704, 87, 11, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 11, 1033, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41058, 0, 7, 79, 11, 685, 11201, 62, 8482, 296, 4357, 685, 11201, 62, 1069, 354, 11208, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 796, 807, 11, 3124, 796, 1058, 445, 11, 6167, 796, 366, 11201, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 25882, 3525, 9977, 55, 50, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2462, 62, 8482, 296, 796, 360, 1404, 58, 24396, 11, 1058, 538, 11, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 796, 807, 11, 3124, 796, 1058, 17585, 11, 6167, 796, 366, 9806, 298, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 616, 21928, 5647, 7, 79, 11, 366, 35428, 83, 3008, 8172, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 11, 1033, 11, 2446, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26692, 62, 7742, 58, 7, 11201, 11, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 15437, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 79, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2824, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1033, 287, 7788, 3705, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26692, 796, 1345, 1747, 13, 43328, 58, 862, 62, 7742, 58, 7, 11201, 11, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 15437, 329, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 287, 9977, 55, 62, 2389, 4877, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 616, 21928, 5647, 7, 862, 11, 366, 35428, 83, 3008, 8172, 1033, 11, 2446, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 287, 9977, 55, 62, 2389, 4877, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26692, 796, 1345, 1747, 13, 43328, 58, 862, 62, 7742, 58, 7, 11201, 11, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 15437, 329, 1033, 287, 7788, 3705, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 616, 21928, 5647, 7, 862, 11, 366, 35428, 83, 3008, 8172, 367, 67, 62, 1304, 11, 2446, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437 ]
using Base.Iterators abstract type Part1 end abstract type Part2 end function update!(::Type{Part1}, grid::AbstractMatrix{Char}) previous = copy(grid) updated = false for j in 1:size(grid, 2), i in 1:size(grid, 1) middle = previous[i, j] switch = true numoccupied = 0 for (δj, δi) in product([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]) δi == δj == 0 && continue try neighbor = previous[i + δi, j + δj] if neighbor == '#' middle == 'L' && (switch = false) middle == '#' && (numoccupied += 1) end catch end end middle == 'L' && switch && (grid[i, j] = '#'; updated = true) middle == '#' && numoccupied ≥ 4 && (grid[i, j] = 'L'; updated = true) end updated end const Site = Tuple{Int, Int} function visibility(init::AbstractMatrix{Char}) N, M = size(init) visible = Dict{Site, Vector{Site}}() for j in 1:M, i in 1:N if init[i, j] != '.' for (δj, δi) in product([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]) δi == δj == 0 && continue u, v = i + δi, j + δj try while init[u, v] == '.' u += δi v += δj end if haskey(visible, (i, j)) push!(visible[(i, j)], (u, v)) else visible[(i, j)] = [(u, v)] end catch end end end end visible end function update!(::Type{Part2}, grid::AbstractMatrix{Char}, visible) previous = copy(grid) updated = false for (i, j) in keys(visible) if previous[i, j] == 'L' switch = true for (u, v) in visible[(i, j)] if previous[u, v] == '#' switch = false end end switch && (grid[i, j] = '#'; updated = true) elseif previous[i, j] == '#' numoccupied = 0 for (u, v) in visible[(i, j)] if previous[u, v] == '#' numoccupied += 1 end end numoccupied ≥ 5 && (grid[i, j] = 'L'; updated = true) end end updated end function part1(grid) while update!(Part1, grid) end sum(grid .== '#') end function part2(grid) visible = visibility(grid) while update!(Part2, grid, visible) end sum(grid .== '#') end let init = hcat(collect.(readlines("input.txt"))...) @info "Solution" part1(init) part2(init) end
[ 3500, 7308, 13, 29993, 2024, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 2142, 16, 886, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 2142, 17, 886, 198, 198, 8818, 4296, 0, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 7841, 16, 5512, 10706, 3712, 23839, 46912, 90, 12441, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2180, 796, 4866, 7, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6153, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 287, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 25928, 11, 362, 828, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 25928, 11, 352, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3504, 796, 2180, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5078, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 997, 28756, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 138, 112, 73, 11, 7377, 112, 72, 8, 287, 1720, 26933, 12, 16, 11, 657, 11, 352, 4357, 25915, 16, 11, 657, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 112, 72, 6624, 7377, 112, 73, 6624, 657, 11405, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4780, 796, 2180, 58, 72, 1343, 7377, 112, 72, 11, 474, 1343, 7377, 112, 73, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4780, 6624, 705, 2, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3504, 6624, 705, 43, 6, 11405, 357, 31943, 796, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3504, 6624, 705, 2, 6, 11405, 357, 22510, 28756, 15853, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3504, 6624, 705, 43, 6, 11405, 5078, 11405, 357, 25928, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 796, 705, 2, 17020, 6153, 796, 2081, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3504, 6624, 705, 2, 6, 11405, 997, 28756, 26870, 604, 11405, 357, 25928, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 796, 705, 43, 17020, 6153, 796, 2081, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6153, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9979, 14413, 796, 309, 29291, 90, 5317, 11, 2558, 92, 198, 198, 8818, 20742, 7, 15003, 3712, 23839, 46912, 90, 12441, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 11, 337, 796, 2546, 7, 15003, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7424, 796, 360, 713, 90, 29123, 11, 20650, 90, 29123, 11709, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 287, 352, 25, 44, 11, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2315, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 14512, 705, 2637, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 138, 112, 73, 11, 7377, 112, 72, 8, 287, 1720, 26933, 12, 16, 11, 657, 11, 352, 4357, 25915, 16, 11, 657, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 112, 72, 6624, 7377, 112, 73, 6624, 657, 11405, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 11, 410, 796, 1312, 1343, 7377, 112, 72, 11, 474, 1343, 7377, 112, 73, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 981, 2315, 58, 84, 11, 410, 60, 6624, 705, 2637, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 15853, 7377, 112, 72, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 410, 15853, 7377, 112, 73, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 468, 2539, 7, 23504, 11, 357, 72, 11, 474, 4008, 198, 220, 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46912, 90, 12441, 5512, 7424, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2180, 796, 4866, 7, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6153, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 72, 11, 474, 8, 287, 8251, 7, 23504, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2180, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 6624, 705, 43, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5078, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 84, 11, 410, 8, 287, 7424, 58, 7, 72, 11, 474, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2180, 58, 84, 11, 410, 60, 6624, 705, 2, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5078, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5078, 11405, 357, 25928, 58, 72, 11, 474, 60, 796, 705, 2, 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437, 198, 198, 8818, 636, 16, 7, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 4296, 0, 7, 7841, 16, 11, 10706, 8, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 7, 25928, 764, 855, 705, 2, 11537, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 636, 17, 7, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7424, 796, 20742, 7, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 4296, 0, 7, 7841, 17, 11, 10706, 11, 7424, 8, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 7, 25928, 764, 855, 705, 2, 11537, 198, 437, 198, 198, 1616, 2315, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 33327, 12195, 961, 6615, 7203, 15414, 13, 14116, 48774, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 10951, 366, 46344, 1, 636, 16, 7, 15003, 8, 636, 17, 7, 15003, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
set_global_client() @testset "Pipeline - Basic" begin pipe = Pipeline() @test length(pipe.resp) == 0 for _ in 1:1000 lrange("nothing", 0, -1; client=pipe) end @test length(pipe.resp) == 1000 result = execute(pipe) @test result == fill([], 1000) @test length(pipe.resp) == 0 end @testset "Pipeline - Do Block" begin result = pipeline() do pipe for _ in 1:1000 lrange("nothing", 0, -1; client=pipe) end end @test result == fill([], 1000) end @testset "Pipeline - MULTI/EXEC" begin no_filter_result = pipeline(; filter_multi_exec=false) do pipe multi(; client=pipe) for _ in 1:1000 lrange("nothing", 0, -1; client=pipe) end exec(; client=pipe) end @test length(no_filter_result) == 1002 @test no_filter_result[1] == "OK" @test no_filter_result[2:length(no_filter_result)-1] == fill("QUEUED", 1000) @test no_filter_result[end] == fill([], 1000) filter_result = pipeline(; filter_multi_exec=true) do pipe multi_exec(; client=pipe) do for _ in 1:1000 lrange("nothing", 0, -1; client=pipe) end end end @test length(filter_result) == 1 @test filter_result[1] == fill([], 1000) end flushall()
[ 2617, 62, 20541, 62, 16366, 3419, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 47, 541, 4470, 532, 14392, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12656, 796, 37709, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 34360, 13, 4363, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 12825, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 9521, 7203, 22366, 1600, 657, 11, 532, 16, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 34360, 13, 4363, 8, 6624, 8576, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 12260, 7, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1255, 6624, 6070, 26933, 4357, 8576, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 34360, 13, 4363, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 47, 541, 4470, 532, 2141, 9726, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 11523, 3419, 466, 12656, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 12825, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 9521, 7203, 22366, 1600, 657, 11, 532, 16, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1255, 6624, 6070, 26933, 4357, 8576, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 47, 541, 4470, 532, 337, 16724, 40, 14, 6369, 2943, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 645, 62, 24455, 62, 20274, 796, 11523, 7, 26, 8106, 62, 41684, 62, 18558, 28, 9562, 8, 466, 12656, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5021, 7, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 12825, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 9521, 7203, 22366, 1600, 657, 11, 532, 16, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2452, 7, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 3919, 62, 24455, 62, 20274, 8, 6624, 1802, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 645, 62, 24455, 62, 20274, 58, 16, 60, 6624, 366, 11380, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 645, 62, 24455, 62, 20274, 58, 17, 25, 13664, 7, 3919, 62, 24455, 62, 20274, 13219, 16, 60, 6624, 6070, 7203, 48, 8924, 52, 1961, 1600, 8576, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 645, 62, 24455, 62, 20274, 58, 437, 60, 6624, 6070, 26933, 4357, 8576, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 8106, 62, 20274, 796, 11523, 7, 26, 8106, 62, 41684, 62, 18558, 28, 7942, 8, 466, 12656, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5021, 62, 18558, 7, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 466, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4808, 287, 352, 25, 12825, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 9521, 7203, 22366, 1600, 657, 11, 532, 16, 26, 5456, 28, 34360, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 4129, 7, 24455, 62, 20274, 8, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 8106, 62, 20274, 58, 16, 60, 6624, 6070, 26933, 4357, 8576, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 25925, 439, 3419 ]
#== # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Description # # Tests related to IAU-2006 precession-nutation algorithm. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # References # # [1] Vallado, D. A (2013). Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications. # Microcosm Press, Hawthorn, CA, USA. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ==# # File: ./src/transformations/precession_nutation_iau2006.jl # ========================================================== # Function precession_nutation_iau2006 # ------------------------------------ ################################################################################ # Test Results ################################################################################ # # Scenario 01 # =========== # # Example 3-14: Performing an IAU-2000 reduction [1, p. 220] # # According to this example, using JD_TT = 2453101.828154745, one gets: # # X = 80.531880" # Y = 7.273921" # s = -0.003027" # ################################################################################ @testset "Function precession_nutation_iau2006" begin JD_TT = 2453101.828_154_745 X,Y,s = precession_nutation_iau2006(JD_TT) @test X*180/pi*3600 ≈ 80.531880 atol = 5e-5 @test Y*180/pi*3600 ≈ 7.273921 atol = 5e-5 @test s*180/pi*3600 ≈ -0.003027 atol = 1e-6 end
[ 2, 855, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 198, 2, 198, 2, 12489, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 30307, 3519, 284, 314, 26830, 12, 13330, 662, 43914, 12, 77, 7094, 11862, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 198, 2, 198, 2, 31458, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 685, 16, 60, 46929, 4533, 11, 360, 13, 317, 357, 6390, 737, 7557, 3263, 874, 286, 8304, 14892, 4989, 873, 290, 26622, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4527, 6966, 76, 4332, 11, 41457, 1211, 11, 7257, 11, 4916, 13, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 6624, 2, 198, 198, 2, 9220, 25, 24457, 10677, 14, 35636, 602, 14, 3866, 43914, 62, 77, 7094, 62, 544, 84, 13330, 13, 20362, 198, 2, 46111, 4770, 2559, 28, 198, 198, 2, 15553, 662, 43914, 62, 77, 7094, 62, 544, 84, 13330, 198, 2, 20368, 650, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6208, 15691, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 1446, 39055, 5534, 198, 2, 796, 2559, 855, 198, 2, 198, 2, 17934, 513, 12, 1415, 25, 2448, 15464, 281, 314, 26830, 12, 11024, 7741, 685, 16, 11, 279, 13, 15629, 60, 198, 2, 198, 2, 4784, 284, 428, 1672, 11, 1262, 28591, 62, 15751, 796, 29637, 3132, 486, 13, 23, 2078, 1314, 2857, 2231, 11, 530, 3011, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 4019, 13, 4310, 1507, 1795, 1, 198, 2, 220, 220, 575, 796, 220, 767, 13, 1983, 2670, 2481, 1, 198, 2, 220, 220, 264, 796, 532, 15, 13, 405, 1270, 1983, 1, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 22203, 662, 43914, 62, 77, 7094, 62, 544, 84, 13330, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 28591, 62, 15751, 796, 29637, 3132, 486, 13, 23, 2078, 62, 21526, 62, 50150, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 11, 56, 11, 82, 796, 662, 43914, 62, 77, 7094, 62, 544, 84, 13330, 7, 37882, 62, 15751, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1395, 9, 15259, 14, 14415, 9, 2623, 405, 15139, 230, 4019, 13, 4310, 1507, 1795, 379, 349, 796, 642, 68, 12, 20, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 575, 9, 15259, 14, 14415, 9, 2623, 405, 15139, 230, 220, 767, 13, 1983, 2670, 2481, 379, 349, 796, 642, 68, 12, 20, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 264, 9, 15259, 14, 14415, 9, 2623, 405, 15139, 230, 532, 15, 13, 405, 1270, 1983, 379, 349, 796, 352, 68, 12, 21, 198, 437, 198 ]
### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.18.4 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 3e14817e-85f8-4d5b-8a8f-075d1799ed27 using AbstractTrees, PlutoUI, Random, Wordlegames # ╔═╡ ed649770-a53a-11ec-0434-1bbbc561f8cb # hideall title = "Wordle games as a tree"; # ╔═╡ 021364a8-f40b-49fe-9a02-406c0044c9ed """ +++ title = "$title" +++ """ |> Base.Text # ╔═╡ c49e1040-67c8-4386-a6ce-bbbeace8bc90 md""" # $title As described in the previous tutorial, strategies such as maximizing the entropy or minimizing the expected pool size for the next stage can be used to select guesses automatically in Wordle or related games. When doing so the possible games can be represented in a data structure called a [tree]( Some of the terminology used with these structures is based on concepts of a family tree. First attach some packages that will be used """ # ╔═╡ cec480d3-7348-4d14-9628-007893713a07 md"and create an instance of `wordle` where the guesses are chosen to maximize the entropy, which is the default criterion." # ╔═╡ 9586bcbd-16aa-4598-8faa-8220755566e6 begin datadir = joinpath(pkgdir(Wordlegames), "data") wordle = GamePool(collect(readlines(joinpath(datadir, "Wordletargets.txt")))) end; # ╔═╡ ddc457c3-f207-4ed1-8a8a-7f1c4cfdaed7 md"Finally, we create a tree from the games for a random selection of 25 targets." # ╔═╡ 52ed4682-a0d7-44cf-b878-27f1cf9cc91d gametree25 = tree(wordle, Random.seed!(1234321), 25); # ╔═╡ 86d0bb82-ed8f-4b03-b90c-31c55e556bae md""" ## The AbstractTrees package The [AbstractTrees]( package provides many methods for working with tree data structures. One of the most useful is `print_tree` which, as the name suggests, prints the tree in a special format. (Because the content for these tutorials is generated as [Pluto]( notebooks, we need to wrap the call to `print_tree` in `with_terminal() do ... end` to have the output displayed. Outside of Pluto this is not necessary. """ # ╔═╡ 30ba17b1-9c0c-4fd6-9f40-3c3c1c986e93 with_terminal() do print_tree(gametree25; maxdepth=8) end # ╔═╡ 384abc84-3fda-4ba3-b52e-2d46052b8ce6 md""" Each guess in a game constitutes a `"node"` in the tree. The initial guess in any of the games is `"raise"`, which is the `"root"` node for the tree. A node can have zero or more `"children"` which are its immediate descendents. The nodes in this tree are each a `GameNode` struct with a `"children"` field. """ # ╔═╡ 0c24b1ca-b36a-46f6-9da7-e5c3e3670d29 typeof(gametree25) # ╔═╡ 68f9375f-31af-4916-933f-fb41905819f8 fieldnames(GameNode) # ╔═╡ e1735528-469e-4a17-8b8a-d95dca03f46c length(gametree25.children) # number of children of the root node # ╔═╡ 112b0452-7ae4-49b4-bbdd-54fb00ff8bdb md""" The `score` field of a `GameNode` is similar to the elements of the `guesses` field of a `GamePool` object but with one important difference. In a `GameNode` the `score` and `sc` fields are the score that will produce the guess, as opposed to the score for the guess, That is, the first child of `"raise"` is `"pilot"` which is the next guess in a game in which `"raise"` returns a score of `"🟫🟫🟨🟫🟫"` as tiles or 9 as a decimal number. """ # ╔═╡ f8f1521c-fbbb-4648-af9c-0a15c7e787ff first(gametree25.children).score # ╔═╡ 1dd5c9fb-820f-41c6-b796-494d68479f1c md""" The 16 children of the root node from these 25 games are """ # ╔═╡ 8302e26a-53ae-4f9f-9579-26a1c839c865 [child.score.guess for child in gametree25.children] # ╔═╡ 7f4a7f14-fe77-43fa-b2dd-37ba70cf9da3 md""" Some of these children have many descendents. When generating the tree the children of a node are ordered according to the size of the tree rooted at that node. Because a subtree is exactly the same type of structure as a tree, we can print a subtree with `print_tree`. """ # ╔═╡ 088ca1f6-44c3-4d0d-a68b-c71881813410 with_terminal() do print_tree(first(gametree25.children)) end # ╔═╡ 785fe89b-4008-437a-ac73-2bdaa26e7cf6 md""" We see that the size of the tree rooted at `"pilot"` is 10. """ # ╔═╡ 8d83a193-aed2-4c1d-8bc5-614a81d16548 md""" The "leaves" of a tree are the terminal nodes, i.e. the nodes that do not have children. """ # ╔═╡ 576d0904-3f3e-49e8-9ce7-ccdd8767bf1b [leaf.score.guess for leaf in Leaves(gametree25)] # ╔═╡ 144a9d04-f971-48d9-ace4-dd0156f591c2 md""" It happens in this case that all of the targets that generated the tree are leaves in this tree, but that is not necessarily the case. """ # ╔═╡ 105a0522-729a-49ea-b0a5-62b868ba5e45 length(collect(Leaves(gametree25))) # ╔═╡ efcb3473-6ea1-459c-9995-32b0a407a2f4 md""" ## Creating the tree structure As a language Julia gets high marks for "composability" - the ability to adapt one package to use concepts from another package. The use of generic functions and multiple dispatch is central to this enhanced compositibility. All that is necessary to use many of the functions in `AbstractTrees.jl` on the trees created from a collection of games using a particular `GamePool` is to define the `GameNode` struct, the method of generating the tree, and methods for `AbstractTrees.children`, `AbstractTrees.nodetype` and `AbstractTrees.printnode` """ # ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 PLUTO_PROJECT_TOML_CONTENTS = """ [deps] AbstractTrees = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c" PlutoUI = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8" Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c" Wordlegames = "1cb69566-e1cf-455f-a587-fd79a2e00f5a" [compat] AbstractTrees = "~0.3.4" PlutoUI = "~0.7.38" Wordlegames = "~0.3.0" """ # ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 PLUTO_MANIFEST_TOML_CONTENTS = """ # This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised julia_version = "1.8.0-beta3" manifest_format = "2.0" project_hash = "2c8800ff06b3096b67485eb059a224666198ba30" [[deps.AbstractPlutoDingetjes]] deps = ["Pkg"] git-tree-sha1 = "8eaf9f1b4921132a4cff3f36a1d9ba923b14a481" uuid = "6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150" version = "1.1.4" [[deps.AbstractTrees]] git-tree-sha1 = "03e0550477d86222521d254b741d470ba17ea0b5" uuid = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c" version = "0.3.4" [[deps.ArgTools]] uuid = "0dad84c5-d112-42e6-8d28-ef12dabb789f" version = "1.1.1" [[deps.Artifacts]] uuid = "56f22d72-fd6d-98f1-02f0-08ddc0907c33" [[deps.Base64]] uuid = "2a0f44e3-6c83-55bd-87e4-b1978d98bd5f" [[deps.ColorTypes]] deps = ["FixedPointNumbers", "Random"] git-tree-sha1 = "024fe24d83e4a5bf5fc80501a314ce0d1aa35597" uuid = "3da002f7-5984-5a60-b8a6-cbb66c0b333f" version = "0.11.0" [[deps.Compat]] deps = ["Base64", "Dates", "DelimitedFiles", "Distributed", "InteractiveUtils", "LibGit2", "Libdl", "LinearAlgebra", "Markdown", "Mmap", "Pkg", "Printf", "REPL", "Random", "SHA", "Serialization", "SharedArrays", "Sockets", "SparseArrays", "Statistics", "Test", "UUIDs", "Unicode"] git-tree-sha1 = "96b0bc6c52df76506efc8a441c6cf1adcb1babc4" uuid = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20" version = "3.42.0" [[deps.CompilerSupportLibraries_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] uuid = "e66e0078-7015-5450-92f7-15fbd957f2ae" version = "0.5.2+0" [[deps.Crayons]] git-tree-sha1 = "249fe38abf76d48563e2f4556bebd215aa317e15" uuid = "a8cc5b0e-0ffa-5ad4-8c14-923d3ee1735f" version = "4.1.1" [[deps.DataAPI]] git-tree-sha1 = "cc70b17275652eb47bc9e5f81635981f13cea5c8" uuid = "9a962f9c-6df0-11e9-0e5d-c546b8b5ee8a" version = "1.9.0" [[deps.DataFrames]] deps = ["Compat", "DataAPI", "Future", "InvertedIndices", "IteratorInterfaceExtensions", "LinearAlgebra", "Markdown", "Missings", "PooledArrays", "PrettyTables", "Printf", "REPL", "Reexport", "SortingAlgorithms", "Statistics", "TableTraits", "Tables", "Unicode"] git-tree-sha1 = "ae02104e835f219b8930c7664b8012c93475c340" uuid = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0" version = "1.3.2" [[deps.DataStructures]] deps = ["Compat", "InteractiveUtils", "OrderedCollections"] git-tree-sha1 = "3daef5523dd2e769dad2365274f760ff5f282c7d" uuid = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8" version = "0.18.11" [[deps.DataValueInterfaces]] git-tree-sha1 = "bfc1187b79289637fa0ef6d4436ebdfe6905cbd6" uuid = "e2d170a0-9d28-54be-80f0-106bbe20a464" version = "1.0.0" [[deps.Dates]] deps = ["Printf"] uuid = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a" [[deps.DelimitedFiles]] deps = ["Mmap"] uuid = "8bb1440f-4735-579b-a4ab-409b98df4dab" [[deps.Distributed]] deps = ["Random", "Serialization", "Sockets"] uuid = "8ba89e20-285c-5b6f-9357-94700520ee1b" [[deps.Downloads]] deps = ["ArgTools", "FileWatching", "LibCURL", "NetworkOptions"] uuid = "f43a241f-c20a-4ad4-852c-f6b1247861c6" version = "1.6.0" [[deps.FileWatching]] uuid = "7b1f6079-737a-58dc-b8bc-7a2ca5c1b5ee" [[deps.FixedPointNumbers]] deps = ["Statistics"] git-tree-sha1 = "335bfdceacc84c5cdf16aadc768aa5ddfc5383cc" uuid = "53c48c17-4a7d-5ca2-90c5-79b7896eea93" version = "0.8.4" [[deps.Formatting]] deps = ["Printf"] git-tree-sha1 = "8339d61043228fdd3eb658d86c926cb282ae72a8" uuid = "59287772-0a20-5a39-b81b-1366585eb4c0" version = "0.4.2" [[deps.Future]] deps = ["Random"] uuid = "9fa8497b-333b-5362-9e8d-4d0656e87820" [[deps.Hyperscript]] deps = ["Test"] git-tree-sha1 = "8d511d5b81240fc8e6802386302675bdf47737b9" uuid = "47d2ed2b-36de-50cf-bf87-49c2cf4b8b91" version = "0.0.4" [[deps.HypertextLiteral]] git-tree-sha1 = "2b078b5a615c6c0396c77810d92ee8c6f470d238" uuid = "ac1192a8-f4b3-4bfe-ba22-af5b92cd3ab2" version = "0.9.3" [[deps.IOCapture]] deps = ["Logging", "Random"] git-tree-sha1 = "f7be53659ab06ddc986428d3a9dcc95f6fa6705a" uuid = "b5f81e59-6552-4d32-b1f0-c071b021bf89" version = "0.2.2" [[deps.InteractiveUtils]] deps = ["Markdown"] uuid = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240" [[deps.InvertedIndices]] git-tree-sha1 = "bee5f1ef5bf65df56bdd2e40447590b272a5471f" uuid = "41ab1584-1d38-5bbf-9106-f11c6c58b48f" version = "1.1.0" [[deps.IteratorInterfaceExtensions]] git-tree-sha1 = "a3f24677c21f5bbe9d2a714f95dcd58337fb2856" uuid = "82899510-4779-5014-852e-03e436cf321d" version = "1.0.0" [[deps.JSON]] deps = ["Dates", "Mmap", "Parsers", "Unicode"] git-tree-sha1 = "3c837543ddb02250ef42f4738347454f95079d4e" uuid = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6" version = "0.21.3" [[deps.LibCURL]] deps = ["LibCURL_jll", "MozillaCACerts_jll"] uuid = "b27032c2-a3e7-50c8-80cd-2d36dbcbfd21" version = "0.6.3" [[deps.LibCURL_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "LibSSH2_jll", "Libdl", "MbedTLS_jll", "Zlib_jll", "nghttp2_jll"] uuid = "deac9b47-8bc7-5906-a0fe-35ac56dc84c0" version = "7.81.0+0" [[deps.LibGit2]] deps = ["Base64", "NetworkOptions", "Printf", "SHA"] uuid = "76f85450-5226-5b5a-8eaa-529ad045b433" [[deps.LibSSH2_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl", "MbedTLS_jll"] uuid = "29816b5a-b9ab-546f-933c-edad1886dfa8" version = "1.10.2+0" [[deps.Libdl]] uuid = "8f399da3-3557-5675-b5ff-fb832c97cbdb" [[deps.LinearAlgebra]] deps = ["Libdl", "libblastrampoline_jll"] uuid = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" [[deps.Logging]] uuid = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568" [[deps.Markdown]] deps = ["Base64"] uuid = "d6f4376e-aef5-505a-96c1-9c027394607a" [[deps.MbedTLS_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] uuid = "c8ffd9c3-330d-5841-b78e-0817d7145fa1" version = "2.28.0+0" [[deps.Missings]] deps = ["DataAPI"] git-tree-sha1 = "bf210ce90b6c9eed32d25dbcae1ebc565df2687f" uuid = "e1d29d7a-bbdc-5cf2-9ac0-f12de2c33e28" version = "1.0.2" [[deps.Mmap]] uuid = "a63ad114-7e13-5084-954f-fe012c677804" [[deps.MozillaCACerts_jll]] uuid = "14a3606d-f60d-562e-9121-12d972cd8159" version = "2022.2.1" [[deps.NetworkOptions]] uuid = "ca575930-c2e3-43a9-ace4-1e988b2c1908" version = "1.2.0" [[deps.OpenBLAS_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "CompilerSupportLibraries_jll", "Libdl"] uuid = "4536629a-c528-5b80-bd46-f80d51c5b363" version = "0.3.20+0" [[deps.OrderedCollections]] git-tree-sha1 = "85f8e6578bf1f9ee0d11e7bb1b1456435479d47c" uuid = "bac558e1-5e72-5ebc-8fee-abe8a469f55d" version = "1.4.1" [[deps.Parsers]] deps = ["Dates"] git-tree-sha1 = "621f4f3b4977325b9128d5fae7a8b4829a0c2222" uuid = "69de0a69-1ddd-5017-9359-2bf0b02dc9f0" version = "2.2.4" [[deps.Pkg]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Dates", "Downloads", "LibGit2", "Libdl", "Logging", "Markdown", "Printf", "REPL", "Random", "SHA", "Serialization", "TOML", "Tar", "UUIDs", "p7zip_jll"] uuid = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f" version = "1.8.0" [[deps.PlutoUI]] deps = ["AbstractPlutoDingetjes", "Base64", "ColorTypes", "Dates", "Hyperscript", "HypertextLiteral", "IOCapture", "InteractiveUtils", "JSON", "Logging", "Markdown", "Random", "Reexport", "UUIDs"] git-tree-sha1 = "670e559e5c8e191ded66fa9ea89c97f10376bb4c" uuid = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8" version = "0.7.38" [[deps.PooledArrays]] deps = ["DataAPI", "Future"] git-tree-sha1 = "28ef6c7ce353f0b35d0df0d5930e0d072c1f5b9b" uuid = "2dfb63ee-cc39-5dd5-95bd-886bf059d720" version = "1.4.1" [[deps.PrettyTables]] deps = ["Crayons", "Formatting", "Markdown", "Reexport", "Tables"] git-tree-sha1 = "dfb54c4e414caa595a1f2ed759b160f5a3ddcba5" uuid = "08abe8d2-0d0c-5749-adfa-8a2ac140af0d" version = "1.3.1" [[deps.Printf]] deps = ["Unicode"] uuid = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7" [[deps.REPL]] deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "Markdown", "Sockets", "Unicode"] uuid = "3fa0cd96-eef1-5676-8a61-b3b8758bbffb" [[deps.Random]] deps = ["SHA", "Serialization"] uuid = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c" [[deps.Reexport]] git-tree-sha1 = "45e428421666073eab6f2da5c9d310d99bb12f9b" uuid = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69" version = "1.2.2" [[deps.SHA]] uuid = "ea8e919c-243c-51af-8825-aaa63cd721ce" version = "0.7.0" [[deps.Serialization]] uuid = "9e88b42a-f829-5b0c-bbe9-9e923198166b" [[deps.SharedArrays]] deps = ["Distributed", "Mmap", "Random", "Serialization"] uuid = "1a1011a3-84de-559e-8e89-a11a2f7dc383" [[deps.Sockets]] uuid = "6462fe0b-24de-5631-8697-dd941f90decc" [[deps.SortingAlgorithms]] deps = ["DataStructures"] git-tree-sha1 = "b3363d7460f7d098ca0912c69b082f75625d7508" uuid = "a2af1166-a08f-5f64-846c-94a0d3cef48c" version = "1.0.1" [[deps.SparseArrays]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Random"] uuid = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf" [[deps.Statistics]] deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"] uuid = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2" [[deps.TOML]] deps = ["Dates"] uuid = "fa267f1f-6049-4f14-aa54-33bafae1ed76" version = "1.0.0" [[deps.TableTraits]] deps = ["IteratorInterfaceExtensions"] git-tree-sha1 = "c06b2f539df1c6efa794486abfb6ed2022561a39" uuid = "3783bdb8-4a98-5b6b-af9a-565f29a5fe9c" version = "1.0.1" [[deps.Tables]] deps = ["DataAPI", "DataValueInterfaces", "IteratorInterfaceExtensions", "LinearAlgebra", "OrderedCollections", "TableTraits", "Test"] git-tree-sha1 = "5ce79ce186cc678bbb5c5681ca3379d1ddae11a1" uuid = "bd369af6-aec1-5ad0-b16a-f7cc5008161c" version = "1.7.0" [[deps.Tar]] deps = ["ArgTools", "SHA"] uuid = "a4e569a6-e804-4fa4-b0f3-eef7a1d5b13e" version = "1.10.0" [[deps.Test]] deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "Logging", "Random", "Serialization"] uuid = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40" [[deps.UUIDs]] deps = ["Random", "SHA"] uuid = "cf7118a7-6976-5b1a-9a39-7adc72f591a4" [[deps.Unicode]] uuid = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5" [[deps.Wordlegames]] deps = ["AbstractTrees", "DataFrames", "Random", "Tables"] git-tree-sha1 = "4c463de78d2f3f9447b695e241eba43cc945f866" uuid = "1cb69566-e1cf-455f-a587-fd79a2e00f5a" version = "0.3.0" [[deps.Zlib_jll]] deps = ["Libdl"] uuid = "83775a58-1f1d-513f-b197-d71354ab007a" version = "1.2.12+1" [[deps.libblastrampoline_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl", "OpenBLAS_jll"] uuid = "8e850b90-86db-534c-a0d3-1478176c7d93" version = "5.1.0+0" [[deps.nghttp2_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" version = "1.41.0+1" [[deps.p7zip_jll]] deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] uuid = "3f19e933-33d8-53b3-aaab-bd5110c3b7a0" version = "16.2.1+1" """ # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╟─ed649770-a53a-11ec-0434-1bbbc561f8cb # ╟─021364a8-f40b-49fe-9a02-406c0044c9ed # ╟─c49e1040-67c8-4386-a6ce-bbbeace8bc90 # ╠═3e14817e-85f8-4d5b-8a8f-075d1799ed27 # ╟─cec480d3-7348-4d14-9628-007893713a07 # ╠═9586bcbd-16aa-4598-8faa-8220755566e6 # ╟─ddc457c3-f207-4ed1-8a8a-7f1c4cfdaed7 # ╠═52ed4682-a0d7-44cf-b878-27f1cf9cc91d # ╟─86d0bb82-ed8f-4b03-b90c-31c55e556bae # ╠═30ba17b1-9c0c-4fd6-9f40-3c3c1c986e93 # ╟─384abc84-3fda-4ba3-b52e-2d46052b8ce6 # ╠═0c24b1ca-b36a-46f6-9da7-e5c3e3670d29 # ╠═68f9375f-31af-4916-933f-fb41905819f8 # ╠═e1735528-469e-4a17-8b8a-d95dca03f46c # ╟─112b0452-7ae4-49b4-bbdd-54fb00ff8bdb # ╠═f8f1521c-fbbb-4648-af9c-0a15c7e787ff # ╟─1dd5c9fb-820f-41c6-b796-494d68479f1c # ╠═8302e26a-53ae-4f9f-9579-26a1c839c865 # ╟─7f4a7f14-fe77-43fa-b2dd-37ba70cf9da3 # ╠═088ca1f6-44c3-4d0d-a68b-c71881813410 # ╟─785fe89b-4008-437a-ac73-2bdaa26e7cf6 # ╟─8d83a193-aed2-4c1d-8bc5-614a81d16548 # ╠═576d0904-3f3e-49e8-9ce7-ccdd8767bf1b # ╟─144a9d04-f971-48d9-ace4-dd0156f591c2 # ╠═105a0522-729a-49ea-b0a5-62b868ba5e45 # ╟─efcb3473-6ea1-459c-9995-32b0a407a2f4 # ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 # ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
[ 21017, 317, 32217, 13, 20362, 20922, 44386, 198, 2, 410, 15, 13, 1507, 13, 19, 198, 198, 3500, 2940, 2902, 198, 3500, 21365, 18274, 4487, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 513, 68, 18294, 1558, 68, 12, 5332, 69, 23, 12, 19, 67, 20, 65, 12, 23, 64, 23, 69, 12, 46396, 67, 1558, 2079, 276, 1983, 198, 3500, 27741, 51, 6037, 11, 32217, 10080, 11, 14534, 11, 9678, 1455, 1047, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 1225, 2414, 5607, 2154, 12, 64, 4310, 64, 12, 1157, 721, 12, 3023, 2682, 12, 16, 11848, 15630, 47915, 69, 23, 21101, 198, 2, 7808, 439, 198, 7839, 796, 366, 26449, 293, 1830, 355, 257, 5509, 8172, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 7816, 1485, 2414, 64, 23, 12, 69, 1821, 65, 12, 2920, 5036, 12, 24, 64, 2999, 12, 29703, 66, 405, 2598, 66, 24, 276, 198, 37811, 198, 45340, 198, 7839, 796, 17971, 7839, 1, 198, 45340, 198, 37811, 930, 29, 7308, 13, 8206, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 269, 2920, 68, 940, 1821, 12, 3134, 66, 23, 12, 19, 21734, 12, 64, 21, 344, 12, 11848, 1350, 558, 23, 15630, 3829, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 2, 720, 7839, 198, 198, 1722, 3417, 287, 262, 2180, 11808, 11, 10064, 884, 355, 48350, 262, 40709, 393, 41366, 262, 2938, 5933, 2546, 329, 262, 1306, 3800, 460, 307, 973, 284, 2922, 44774, 6338, 287, 9678, 293, 393, 3519, 1830, 13, 198, 198, 2215, 1804, 523, 262, 1744, 1830, 460, 307, 7997, 287, 257, 1366, 4645, 1444, 257, 685, 21048, 16151, 5450, 1378, 268, 13, 31266, 13, 2398, 14, 15466, 14, 27660, 41052, 7890, 62, 301, 5620, 29720, 198, 198, 4366, 286, 262, 29191, 973, 351, 777, 8573, 318, 1912, 319, 10838, 286, 257, 1641, 5509, 13, 198, 198, 5962, 10199, 617, 10392, 326, 481, 307, 973, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 269, 721, 22148, 67, 18, 12, 22, 28978, 12, 19, 67, 1415, 12, 4846, 2078, 12, 405, 40401, 2718, 1485, 64, 2998, 198, 9132, 1, 392, 2251, 281, 4554, 286, 4600, 4775, 293, 63, 810, 262, 44774, 389, 7147, 284, 20487, 262, 40709, 11, 543, 318, 262, 4277, 34054, 526, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 860, 29796, 15630, 17457, 12, 1433, 7252, 12, 2231, 4089, 12, 23, 69, 7252, 12, 6469, 1238, 2425, 2816, 2791, 68, 21, 198, 27471, 198, 197, 19608, 324, 343, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 35339, 15908, 7, 26449, 1455, 1047, 828, 366, 7890, 4943, 198, 197, 4775, 293, 796, 3776, 27201, 7, 33327, 7, 961, 6615, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 19608, 324, 343, 11, 366, 26449, 1616, 853, 1039, 13, 14116, 1, 35514, 198, 437, 26, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 288, 17896, 33032, 66, 18, 12, 69, 22745, 12, 19, 276, 16, 12, 23, 64, 23, 64, 12, 22, 69, 16, 66, 19, 12993, 6814, 276, 22, 198, 9132, 1, 11158, 11, 356, 2251, 257, 5509, 422, 262, 1830, 329, 257, 4738, 6356, 286, 1679, 6670, 526, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 6740, 276, 38472, 17, 12, 64, 15, 67, 22, 12, 2598, 12993, 12, 65, 23, 3695, 12, 1983, 69, 16, 12993, 24, 535, 6420, 67, 198, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 796, 5509, 7, 4775, 293, 11, 14534, 13, 28826, 0, 7, 1065, 32118, 2481, 828, 1679, 1776, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 9849, 67, 15, 11848, 6469, 12, 276, 23, 69, 12, 19, 65, 3070, 12, 65, 3829, 66, 12, 3132, 66, 2816, 68, 37864, 65, 3609, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 2235, 383, 27741, 51, 6037, 5301, 198, 198, 464, 685, 23839, 51, 6037, 16151, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 5216, 26448, 14, 23839, 51, 6037, 13, 20362, 8, 5301, 3769, 867, 5050, 329, 1762, 351, 5509, 1366, 8573, 13, 198, 3198, 286, 262, 749, 4465, 318, 4600, 4798, 62, 21048, 63, 543, 11, 355, 262, 1438, 5644, 11, 20842, 262, 5509, 287, 257, 2041, 5794, 13, 198, 7, 8128, 262, 2695, 329, 777, 27992, 318, 7560, 355, 685, 3646, 9390, 16151, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 69, 684, 79, 14, 3646, 9390, 13, 20362, 13, 18300, 8, 43935, 11, 356, 761, 284, 14441, 262, 869, 284, 4600, 4798, 62, 21048, 63, 287, 4600, 4480, 62, 23705, 282, 3419, 466, 2644, 886, 63, 284, 423, 262, 5072, 9066, 13, 198, 30815, 286, 32217, 428, 318, 407, 3306, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 1542, 7012, 1558, 65, 16, 12, 24, 66, 15, 66, 12, 19, 16344, 21, 12, 24, 69, 1821, 12, 18, 66, 18, 66, 16, 66, 49087, 68, 6052, 198, 4480, 62, 23705, 282, 3419, 466, 198, 197, 4798, 62, 21048, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 26, 3509, 18053, 28, 23, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 40400, 39305, 5705, 12, 18, 69, 6814, 12, 19, 7012, 18, 12, 65, 4309, 68, 12, 17, 67, 34716, 4309, 65, 23, 344, 21, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 10871, 4724, 287, 257, 983, 19300, 257, 4600, 1, 17440, 1, 63, 287, 262, 5509, 13, 198, 464, 4238, 4724, 287, 597, 286, 262, 1830, 318, 4600, 1, 40225, 1, 47671, 543, 318, 262, 4600, 1, 15763, 1, 63, 10139, 329, 262, 5509, 13, 198, 32, 10139, 460, 423, 6632, 393, 517, 4600, 1, 17197, 1, 63, 543, 389, 663, 7103, 15350, 658, 13, 198, 198, 464, 13760, 287, 428, 5509, 389, 1123, 257, 4600, 8777, 19667, 63, 2878, 351, 257, 4600, 1, 17197, 1, 63, 2214, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 657, 66, 1731, 65, 16, 6888, 12, 65, 2623, 64, 12, 3510, 69, 21, 12, 24, 6814, 22, 12, 68, 20, 66, 18, 68, 2623, 2154, 67, 1959, 198, 4906, 1659, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 8257, 69, 6052, 2425, 69, 12, 3132, 1878, 12, 2920, 1433, 12, 24, 2091, 69, 12, 21855, 45068, 2713, 23, 1129, 69, 23, 198, 3245, 14933, 7, 8777, 19667, 8, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 1558, 28567, 2078, 12, 42947, 68, 12, 19, 64, 1558, 12, 23, 65, 23, 64, 12, 67, 3865, 67, 6888, 3070, 69, 3510, 66, 198, 13664, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 13, 17197, 8, 220, 1303, 1271, 286, 1751, 286, 262, 6808, 10139, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 13539, 65, 15, 37730, 12, 22, 3609, 19, 12, 2920, 65, 19, 12, 11848, 1860, 12, 4051, 21855, 405, 487, 23, 65, 9945, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 464, 4600, 26675, 63, 2214, 286, 257, 4600, 8777, 19667, 63, 318, 2092, 284, 262, 4847, 286, 262, 4600, 5162, 44667, 63, 2214, 286, 257, 4600, 8777, 27201, 63, 2134, 475, 351, 530, 1593, 3580, 13, 198, 818, 257, 4600, 8777, 19667, 63, 262, 4600, 26675, 63, 290, 4600, 1416, 63, 7032, 389, 262, 4776, 326, 481, 4439, 262, 4724, 11, 355, 6886, 284, 262, 4776, 329, 262, 4724, 11, 198, 198, 2504, 318, 11, 262, 717, 1200, 286, 4600, 1, 40225, 1, 63, 318, 4600, 1, 79, 23439, 1, 63, 543, 318, 262, 1306, 4724, 287, 257, 983, 287, 543, 4600, 1, 40225, 1, 63, 5860, 257, 4776, 286, 4600, 1, 8582, 253, 104, 8582, 253, 104, 8582, 253, 101, 8582, 253, 104, 8582, 253, 104, 1, 63, 355, 19867, 393, 860, 355, 257, 32465, 1271, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 277, 23, 69, 1314, 2481, 66, 12, 69, 11848, 65, 12, 19, 34287, 12, 1878, 24, 66, 12, 15, 64, 1314, 66, 22, 68, 41019, 487, 198, 11085, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 13, 17197, 737, 26675, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 352, 1860, 20, 66, 24, 21855, 12, 41739, 69, 12, 3901, 66, 21, 12, 65, 41060, 12, 39449, 67, 3104, 31714, 69, 16, 66, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 464, 1467, 1751, 286, 262, 6808, 10139, 422, 777, 1679, 1830, 389, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 807, 22709, 68, 2075, 64, 12, 4310, 3609, 12, 19, 69, 24, 69, 12, 24, 41734, 12, 2075, 64, 16, 66, 23, 2670, 66, 23, 2996, 198, 58, 9410, 13, 26675, 13, 5162, 408, 329, 1200, 287, 9106, 316, 631, 1495, 13, 17197, 60, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 767, 69, 19, 64, 22, 69, 1415, 12, 5036, 3324, 12, 3559, 13331, 12, 65, 17, 1860, 12, 2718, 7012, 2154, 12993, 24, 6814, 18, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 4366, 286, 777, 1751, 423, 867, 15350, 658, 13, 198, 2215, 15453, 262, 5509, 262, 1751, 286, 257, 10139, 389, 6149, 1864, 284, 262, 2546, 286, 262, 5509, 19459, 379, 326, 10139, 13, 198, 198, 8128, 257, 13284, 631, 318, 3446, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 4645, 355, 257, 5509, 11, 356, 460, 3601, 257, 13284, 631, 351, 4600, 4798, 62, 21048, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 657, 3459, 6888, 16, 69, 21, 12, 2598, 66, 18, 12, 19, 67, 15, 67, 12, 64, 3104, 65, 12, 66, 22, 20356, 1507, 19880, 940, 198, 4480, 62, 23705, 282, 3419, 466, 198, 197, 4798, 62, 21048, 7, 11085, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 13, 17197, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 767, 5332, 5036, 4531, 65, 12, 7029, 23, 12, 43284, 64, 12, 330, 4790, 12, 17, 43444, 64, 2075, 68, 22, 12993, 21, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 1135, 766, 326, 262, 2546, 286, 262, 5509, 19459, 379, 4600, 1, 79, 23439, 1, 63, 318, 838, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 807, 67, 5999, 64, 24943, 12, 8432, 17, 12, 19, 66, 16, 67, 12, 23, 15630, 20, 12, 46841, 64, 6659, 67, 20986, 2780, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 464, 366, 293, 3080, 1, 286, 257, 5509, 389, 262, 12094, 13760, 11, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 262, 13760, 326, 466, 407, 423, 1751, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 642, 4304, 67, 2931, 3023, 12, 18, 69, 18, 68, 12, 2920, 68, 23, 12, 24, 344, 22, 12, 535, 1860, 5774, 3134, 19881, 16, 65, 198, 58, 33201, 13, 26675, 13, 5162, 408, 329, 12835, 287, 46597, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 15437, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 20224, 64, 24, 67, 3023, 12, 69, 24, 4869, 12, 2780, 67, 24, 12, 558, 19, 12, 1860, 486, 3980, 69, 48952, 66, 17, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 1026, 4325, 287, 428, 1339, 326, 477, 286, 262, 6670, 326, 7560, 262, 5509, 389, 5667, 287, 428, 5509, 11, 475, 326, 318, 407, 6646, 262, 1339, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 13343, 64, 2713, 1828, 12, 48555, 64, 12, 2920, 18213, 12, 65, 15, 64, 20, 12, 5237, 65, 23, 3104, 7012, 20, 68, 2231, 198, 13664, 7, 33327, 7, 3123, 3080, 7, 28483, 316, 631, 1495, 22305, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 304, 16072, 65, 2682, 4790, 12, 21, 18213, 16, 12, 33459, 66, 12, 2079, 3865, 12, 2624, 65, 15, 64, 30120, 64, 17, 69, 19, 198, 9132, 37811, 198, 2235, 30481, 262, 5509, 4645, 198, 198, 1722, 257, 3303, 22300, 3011, 1029, 8849, 329, 366, 785, 1930, 1799, 1, 532, 262, 2694, 284, 6068, 530, 5301, 284, 779, 10838, 422, 1194, 5301, 13, 198, 464, 779, 286, 14276, 5499, 290, 3294, 27965, 318, 4318, 284, 428, 13105, 552, 7434, 2247, 13, 198, 198, 3237, 326, 318, 3306, 284, 779, 867, 286, 262, 5499, 287, 4600, 23839, 51, 6037, 13, 20362, 63, 319, 262, 7150, 2727, 422, 257, 4947, 286, 1830, 1262, 257, 1948, 4600, 8777, 27201, 63, 318, 284, 8160, 262, 4600, 8777, 19667, 63, 2878, 11, 262, 2446, 286, 15453, 262, 5509, 11, 290, 5050, 329, 4600, 23839, 51, 6037, 13, 17197, 47671, 4600, 23839, 51, 6037, 13, 77, 375, 2963, 431, 63, 290, 4600, 23839, 51, 6037, 13, 4798, 17440, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 27551, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 8269, 18005, 198, 6489, 3843, 46, 62, 31190, 23680, 62, 51, 2662, 43, 62, 37815, 15365, 796, 37227, 198, 58, 10378, 82, 60, 198, 23839, 51, 6037, 796, 366, 1314, 1238, 344, 1415, 12, 1899, 66, 16, 12, 20, 69, 1795, 12, 11848, 66, 22, 12, 2816, 891, 6659, 65, 3365, 2327, 66, 1, 198, 3646, 9390, 10080, 796, 366, 22, 69, 24, 3023, 67, 5036, 12, 65, 5332, 68, 12, 19, 487, 21, 12, 65, 38380, 12, 67, 3609, 23539, 1954, 4846, 64, 23, 1, 198, 29531, 796, 366, 24, 64, 18, 69, 23, 30336, 12, 64, 17, 66, 24, 12, 20, 69, 2999, 12, 24, 64, 1157, 12, 23, 33459, 1795, 64, 16, 16344, 20, 66, 1, 198, 26449, 1455, 1047, 796, 366, 16, 21101, 37381, 2791, 12, 68, 16, 12993, 12, 30505, 69, 12, 64, 44617, 12, 16344, 3720, 64, 17, 68, 405, 69, 20, 64, 1, 198, 198, 58, 5589, 265, 60, 198, 23839, 51, 6037, 796, 366, 93, 15, 13, 18, 13, 19, 1, 198, 3646, 9390, 10080, 796, 366, 93, 15, 13, 22, 13, 2548, 1, 198, 26449, 1455, 1047, 796, 366, 93, 15, 13, 18, 13, 15, 1, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 27551, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 8269, 34215, 198, 6489, 3843, 46, 62, 10725, 5064, 6465, 62, 51, 2662, 43, 62, 37815, 15365, 796, 37227, 198, 2, 770, 2393, 318, 4572, 12, 27568, 532, 12857, 340, 3264, 318, 407, 13030, 198, 198, 73, 43640, 62, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 23, 13, 15, 12, 31361, 18, 1, 198, 805, 8409, 62, 18982, 796, 366, 17, 13, 15, 1, 198, 16302, 62, 17831, 796, 366, 17, 66, 3459, 405, 487, 3312, 65, 1270, 4846, 65, 3134, 32642, 1765, 46712, 64, 24137, 27310, 22337, 7012, 1270, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 23839, 3646, 9390, 35, 278, 316, 73, 274, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 47, 10025, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 23, 68, 1878, 24, 69, 16, 65, 2920, 21895, 2624, 64, 19, 66, 487, 18, 69, 2623, 64, 16, 67, 24, 7012, 24, 1954, 65, 1415, 64, 40271, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 21, 68, 38205, 66, 4761, 12, 2996, 3682, 12, 1238, 3134, 12, 22, 22980, 12, 3682, 22136, 66, 2425, 5333, 1120, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 16, 13, 19, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 23839, 51, 6037, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 3070, 68, 2713, 1120, 32883, 67, 4521, 1828, 1495, 2481, 67, 24970, 65, 22, 3901, 67, 27790, 7012, 1558, 18213, 15, 65, 20, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 1314, 1238, 344, 1415, 12, 1899, 66, 16, 12, 20, 69, 1795, 12, 11848, 66, 22, 12, 2816, 891, 6659, 65, 3365, 2327, 66, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 18, 13, 19, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 28100, 33637, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 15, 47984, 5705, 66, 20, 12, 67, 14686, 12, 3682, 68, 21, 12, 23, 67, 2078, 12, 891, 1065, 67, 6485, 40401, 69, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 16, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 8001, 37199, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 3980, 69, 1828, 67, 4761, 12, 16344, 21, 67, 12, 4089, 69, 16, 12, 2999, 69, 15, 12, 2919, 1860, 66, 2931, 2998, 66, 2091, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 14881, 2414, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 17, 64, 15, 69, 2598, 68, 18, 12, 21, 66, 5999, 12, 2816, 17457, 12, 5774, 68, 19, 12, 65, 37950, 67, 4089, 17457, 20, 69, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 10258, 31431, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 13715, 12727, 49601, 1600, 366, 29531, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 40839, 5036, 1731, 67, 5999, 68, 19, 64, 20, 19881, 20, 16072, 28256, 486, 64, 33638, 344, 15, 67, 16, 7252, 2327, 43239, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 18, 6814, 21601, 69, 22, 12, 3270, 5705, 12, 20, 64, 1899, 12, 65, 23, 64, 21, 12, 66, 11848, 2791, 66, 15, 65, 20370, 69, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 1157, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 40073, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 14881, 2414, 1600, 366, 35, 689, 1600, 366, 13856, 320, 863, 25876, 1600, 366, 20344, 6169, 1600, 366, 9492, 5275, 18274, 4487, 1600, 366, 25835, 38, 270, 17, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 1600, 366, 14993, 451, 2348, 29230, 1600, 366, 9704, 2902, 1600, 366, 44, 8899, 1600, 366, 47, 10025, 1600, 366, 18557, 69, 1600, 366, 2200, 6489, 1600, 366, 29531, 1600, 366, 37596, 1600, 366, 32634, 1634, 1600, 366, 2484, 1144, 3163, 20477, 1600, 366, 50, 11603, 1600, 366, 50, 29572, 3163, 20477, 1600, 366, 48346, 1600, 366, 14402, 1600, 366, 52, 27586, 82, 1600, 366, 3118, 291, 1098, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 4846, 65, 15, 15630, 21, 66, 4309, 7568, 4304, 35638, 891, 66, 23, 64, 39710, 66, 21, 12993, 16, 324, 21101, 16, 65, 39305, 19, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2682, 6814, 17, 21652, 12, 65, 1959, 65, 12, 20, 66, 1485, 12, 65, 15, 66, 22, 12, 330, 69, 1558, 1495, 1485, 67, 1238, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 18, 13, 3682, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 7293, 5329, 15514, 43, 11127, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 68, 2791, 68, 405, 3695, 12, 22, 25150, 12, 4051, 1120, 12, 5892, 69, 22, 12, 1314, 69, 17457, 24, 3553, 69, 17, 3609, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 20, 13, 17, 10, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 34, 2433, 684, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 21626, 5036, 2548, 397, 69, 4304, 67, 2780, 46572, 68, 17, 69, 2231, 3980, 1350, 17457, 23349, 7252, 34125, 68, 1314, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 64, 23, 535, 20, 65, 15, 68, 12, 15, 487, 64, 12, 20, 324, 19, 12, 23, 66, 1415, 12, 24, 1954, 67, 18, 1453, 1558, 2327, 69, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 19, 13, 16, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 6601, 17614, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 535, 2154, 65, 1558, 23195, 43193, 1765, 2857, 15630, 24, 68, 20, 69, 23, 1433, 2327, 4089, 16, 69, 1485, 344, 64, 20, 66, 23, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 24, 64, 4846, 17, 69, 24, 66, 12, 21, 7568, 15, 12, 1157, 68, 24, 12, 15, 68, 20, 67, 12, 66, 49489, 65, 23, 65, 20, 1453, 23, 64, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 24, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 6601, 35439, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 40073, 1600, 366, 6601, 17614, 1600, 366, 29783, 1600, 366, 818, 13658, 5497, 1063, 1600, 366, 37787, 39317, 11627, 5736, 1600, 366, 14993, 451, 2348, 29230, 1600, 366, 9704, 2902, 1600, 366, 17140, 654, 1600, 366, 27201, 276, 3163, 20477, 1600, 366, 35700, 51, 2977, 1600, 366, 18557, 69, 1600, 366, 2200, 6489, 1600, 366, 3041, 39344, 1600, 366, 50, 24707, 2348, 7727, 907, 1600, 366, 48346, 1600, 366, 10962, 15721, 896, 1600, 366, 51, 2977, 1600, 366, 3118, 291, 1098, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 3609, 2999, 13464, 68, 23, 2327, 69, 28896, 65, 4531, 1270, 66, 4304, 2414, 65, 23, 30206, 66, 24, 2682, 2425, 66, 23601, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 64, 6052, 66, 21, 69, 405, 12, 68, 3553, 67, 12, 20, 41580, 12, 65, 22, 65, 21, 12, 67, 23, 24943, 69, 18, 68, 3510, 66, 15, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 18, 13, 17, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 6601, 44909, 942, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 40073, 1600, 366, 9492, 5275, 18274, 4487, 1600, 366, 35422, 1068, 5216, 26448, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 18, 6814, 891, 2816, 1954, 1860, 17, 68, 22, 3388, 47984, 1954, 2996, 28857, 69, 40761, 487, 20, 69, 32568, 66, 22, 67, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 39570, 276, 65, 18, 65, 12, 2079, 535, 12, 20, 68, 2425, 12, 23, 67, 17, 67, 12, 23, 1959, 21101, 15, 64, 24, 66, 5036, 23, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 1507, 13, 1157, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 6601, 11395, 9492, 32186, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 65, 16072, 1157, 5774, 65, 3720, 2078, 4846, 2718, 13331, 15, 891, 21, 67, 2598, 2623, 1765, 67, 5036, 3388, 2713, 66, 17457, 21, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 68, 17, 67, 17279, 64, 15, 12, 24, 67, 2078, 12, 4051, 1350, 12, 1795, 69, 15, 12, 15801, 65, 1350, 1238, 64, 44578, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 15, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 35, 689, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 18557, 69, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 671, 17, 6888, 2154, 12, 2548, 6420, 12, 3270, 2231, 12, 4089, 21855, 12, 17896, 15, 42691, 2624, 68, 3312, 64, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 13856, 320, 863, 25876, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 44, 8899, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 11848, 1415, 1821, 69, 12, 2857, 2327, 12, 41734, 65, 12, 64, 19, 397, 12, 29416, 65, 4089, 7568, 19, 67, 397, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 20344, 6169, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 29531, 1600, 366, 32634, 1634, 1600, 366, 50, 11603, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 7012, 4531, 68, 1238, 12, 26279, 66, 12, 20, 65, 21, 69, 12, 24, 27277, 12, 24, 2857, 22544, 1238, 1453, 16, 65, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 10002, 82, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 28100, 33637, 1600, 366, 8979, 10723, 278, 1600, 366, 25835, 34, 21886, 1600, 366, 26245, 29046, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 69, 3559, 64, 28872, 69, 12, 66, 1238, 64, 12, 19, 324, 19, 12, 23, 4309, 66, 12, 69, 21, 65, 1065, 2857, 4521, 16, 66, 21, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 21, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 8979, 10723, 278, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 22, 65, 16, 69, 1899, 3720, 12, 22, 2718, 64, 12, 3365, 17896, 12, 65, 23, 15630, 12, 22, 64, 17, 6888, 20, 66, 16, 65, 20, 1453, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 13715, 12727, 49601, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 48346, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 27326, 65, 16344, 344, 4134, 5705, 66, 20, 66, 7568, 1433, 64, 324, 66, 30610, 7252, 20, 1860, 16072, 20, 34741, 535, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 4310, 66, 2780, 66, 1558, 12, 19, 64, 22, 67, 12, 20, 6888, 17, 12, 3829, 66, 20, 12, 3720, 65, 3695, 4846, 1453, 64, 6052, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 23, 13, 19, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 26227, 889, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 18557, 69, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 23, 29626, 67, 39132, 3559, 23815, 69, 1860, 18, 1765, 38431, 67, 4521, 66, 24, 2075, 21101, 32568, 3609, 4761, 64, 23, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 3270, 2078, 3324, 4761, 12, 15, 64, 1238, 12, 20, 64, 2670, 12, 65, 6659, 65, 12, 1485, 2791, 38905, 1765, 19, 66, 15, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 19, 13, 17, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 29783, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 29531, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 24, 13331, 23, 38073, 65, 12, 20370, 65, 12, 20, 35667, 12, 24, 68, 23, 67, 12, 19, 67, 15, 37466, 68, 23, 3695, 1238, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 49926, 364, 6519, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 14402, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 23, 67, 41647, 67, 20, 65, 23, 1065, 1821, 16072, 23, 68, 37397, 1954, 4521, 1270, 2075, 2425, 65, 7568, 32883, 2718, 65, 24, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2857, 67, 17, 276, 17, 65, 12, 2623, 2934, 12, 1120, 12993, 12, 19881, 5774, 12, 2920, 66, 17, 12993, 19, 65, 23, 65, 6420, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 15, 13, 19, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 38197, 5239, 43, 270, 1691, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 17, 65, 2998, 23, 65, 20, 64, 47007, 66, 21, 66, 15, 34107, 66, 39761, 940, 67, 5892, 1453, 23, 66, 21, 69, 27790, 67, 23721, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 330, 16315, 17, 64, 23, 12, 69, 19, 65, 18, 12, 19, 65, 5036, 12, 7012, 1828, 12, 1878, 20, 65, 5892, 10210, 18, 397, 17, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 24, 13, 18, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 40, 4503, 2373, 495, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 11187, 2667, 1600, 366, 29531, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 69, 22, 1350, 44468, 3270, 397, 3312, 1860, 66, 4089, 2414, 2078, 67, 18, 64, 24, 67, 535, 3865, 69, 21, 13331, 21, 34801, 64, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 65, 20, 69, 6659, 68, 3270, 12, 35916, 17, 12, 19, 67, 2624, 12, 65, 16, 69, 15, 12, 66, 2998, 16, 65, 46821, 19881, 4531, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 17, 13, 17, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 9492, 5275, 18274, 4487, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 9704, 2902, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 65, 3324, 68, 15, 64, 19, 66, 12, 67, 33551, 12, 3553, 64, 15, 12, 3829, 68, 23, 12, 23, 9945, 1495, 64, 1983, 64, 16102, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 818, 13658, 5497, 1063, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 20963, 20, 69, 16, 891, 20, 19881, 2996, 7568, 3980, 65, 1860, 17, 68, 1821, 2598, 2425, 3829, 65, 29807, 64, 20, 38339, 69, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 3901, 397, 1314, 5705, 12, 16, 67, 2548, 12, 20, 11848, 69, 12, 24, 15801, 12, 69, 1157, 66, 21, 66, 3365, 65, 2780, 69, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 16, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 37787, 39317, 11627, 5736, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 64, 18, 69, 1731, 40179, 66, 2481, 69, 20, 65, 1350, 24, 67, 17, 64, 45722, 69, 3865, 67, 10210, 3365, 31496, 21855, 2078, 3980, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 2078, 33438, 940, 12, 2857, 3720, 12, 20, 28645, 12, 23, 4309, 68, 12, 3070, 68, 43690, 12993, 36453, 67, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 15, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 40386, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 35, 689, 1600, 366, 44, 8899, 1600, 366, 47, 945, 364, 1600, 366, 3118, 291, 1098, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 18, 66, 5999, 2425, 3559, 1860, 65, 44087, 1120, 891, 3682, 69, 2857, 2548, 30995, 34229, 69, 31027, 3720, 67, 19, 68, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 43950, 66, 3312, 64, 15, 12, 2934, 21, 64, 12, 4051, 397, 12, 64, 23726, 12, 66, 23, 65, 16, 12993, 3720, 66, 2934, 21, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 2481, 13, 18, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 25835, 34, 21886, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 25835, 34, 21886, 62, 73, 297, 1600, 366, 44, 8590, 5049, 34, 2246, 861, 82, 62, 73, 297, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 65, 20233, 2624, 66, 17, 12, 64, 18, 68, 22, 12, 1120, 66, 23, 12, 1795, 10210, 12, 17, 67, 2623, 9945, 21101, 16344, 2481, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 21, 13, 18, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 25835, 34, 21886, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 5432, 39, 17, 62, 73, 297, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 1600, 366, 44, 3077, 51, 6561, 62, 73, 297, 1600, 366, 57, 8019, 62, 73, 297, 1600, 366, 77, 456, 29281, 17, 62, 73, 297, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2934, 330, 24, 65, 2857, 12, 23, 15630, 22, 12, 3270, 3312, 12, 64, 15, 5036, 12, 2327, 330, 3980, 17896, 5705, 66, 15, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 22, 13, 6659, 13, 15, 10, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 25835, 38, 270, 17, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 14881, 2414, 1600, 366, 26245, 29046, 1600, 366, 18557, 69, 1600, 366, 37596, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 4304, 69, 23, 4051, 1120, 12, 20, 24909, 12, 20, 65, 20, 64, 12, 23, 68, 7252, 12, 49721, 324, 40350, 65, 42117, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 25835, 5432, 39, 17, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 1600, 366, 44, 3077, 51, 6561, 62, 73, 297, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 27728, 1433, 65, 20, 64, 12, 65, 24, 397, 12, 49489, 69, 12, 24, 2091, 66, 12, 276, 324, 1507, 4521, 7568, 64, 23, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 940, 13, 17, 10, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 25835, 25404, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 69, 28771, 6814, 18, 12, 2327, 3553, 12, 3980, 2425, 12, 65, 20, 487, 12, 21855, 23, 2624, 66, 5607, 21101, 9945, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 14993, 451, 2348, 29230, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 25835, 25404, 1600, 366, 8019, 39806, 81, 696, 14453, 62, 73, 297, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2718, 68, 17, 68, 3510, 67, 12, 69, 4531, 67, 12, 20, 2670, 67, 12, 65, 19, 1453, 12, 23, 2548, 69, 535, 535, 24, 66, 23, 68, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 11187, 2667, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 3980, 1860, 65, 27037, 12, 23, 3553, 65, 12, 4051, 68, 16, 12, 65, 5999, 67, 12, 9945, 19, 67, 3365, 9945, 2816, 3104, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 9704, 2902, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 14881, 2414, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 67, 21, 69, 19, 32128, 68, 12, 64, 891, 20, 12, 31654, 64, 12, 4846, 66, 16, 12, 24, 66, 44698, 34626, 31980, 64, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 44, 3077, 51, 6561, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 66, 23, 487, 67, 24, 66, 18, 12, 26073, 67, 12, 3365, 3901, 12, 65, 3695, 68, 12, 2919, 1558, 67, 22, 18781, 13331, 16, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 17, 13, 2078, 13, 15, 10, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 17140, 654, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 6601, 17614, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 19881, 21536, 344, 3829, 65, 21, 66, 24, 2308, 2624, 67, 1495, 9945, 66, 3609, 16, 1765, 66, 47372, 7568, 2075, 5774, 69, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 68, 16, 67, 1959, 67, 22, 64, 12, 11848, 17896, 12, 20, 12993, 17, 12, 24, 330, 15, 12, 69, 1065, 2934, 17, 66, 2091, 68, 2078, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 15, 13, 17, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 44, 8899, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 64, 5066, 324, 16562, 12, 22, 68, 1485, 12, 1120, 5705, 12, 48372, 69, 12, 5036, 30206, 66, 40179, 36088, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 44, 8590, 5049, 34, 2246, 861, 82, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 1415, 64, 15277, 21, 67, 12, 69, 1899, 67, 12, 43918, 68, 12, 24, 19244, 12, 1065, 67, 24, 4761, 10210, 23, 19707, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 1238, 1828, 13, 17, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 26245, 29046, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 6888, 36189, 45418, 12, 66, 17, 68, 18, 12, 3559, 64, 24, 12, 558, 19, 12, 16, 68, 24, 3459, 65, 17, 66, 1129, 2919, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 17, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 11505, 9148, 1921, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 7293, 5329, 15514, 43, 11127, 62, 73, 297, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2231, 32459, 1959, 64, 12, 66, 49351, 12, 20, 65, 1795, 12, 17457, 3510, 12, 69, 1795, 67, 4349, 66, 20, 65, 35447, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 18, 13, 1238, 10, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 35422, 1068, 5216, 26448, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 5332, 69, 23, 68, 2996, 3695, 19881, 16, 69, 24, 1453, 15, 67, 1157, 68, 22, 11848, 16, 65, 18781, 2414, 2327, 31714, 67, 2857, 66, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 65, 330, 40486, 68, 16, 12, 20, 68, 4761, 12, 20, 1765, 66, 12, 23, 39071, 12, 11231, 23, 64, 42947, 69, 2816, 67, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 19, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 47, 945, 364, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 35, 689, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 21, 2481, 69, 19, 69, 18, 65, 2920, 3324, 26582, 65, 24, 12762, 67, 20, 69, 3609, 22, 64, 23, 65, 2780, 1959, 64, 15, 66, 1828, 1828, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 3388, 2934, 15, 64, 3388, 12, 16, 1860, 67, 12, 20, 29326, 12, 24, 30743, 12, 17, 19881, 15, 65, 2999, 17896, 24, 69, 15, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 17, 13, 17, 13, 19, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 47, 10025, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 35, 689, 1600, 366, 10002, 82, 1600, 366, 25835, 38, 270, 17, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 1600, 366, 11187, 2667, 1600, 366, 9704, 2902, 1600, 366, 18557, 69, 1600, 366, 2200, 6489, 1600, 366, 29531, 1600, 366, 37596, 1600, 366, 32634, 1634, 1600, 366, 51, 2662, 43, 1600, 366, 47079, 1600, 366, 52, 27586, 82, 1600, 366, 79, 22, 13344, 62, 73, 297, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2598, 66, 5036, 3865, 64, 12, 16, 1765, 17, 12, 4309, 18213, 12, 65, 43864, 12, 68, 17, 1878, 7568, 3388, 65, 3695, 69, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 23, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 3646, 9390, 10080, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 23839, 3646, 9390, 35, 278, 316, 73, 274, 1600, 366, 14881, 2414, 1600, 366, 10258, 31431, 1600, 366, 35, 689, 1600, 366, 49926, 364, 6519, 1600, 366, 38197, 5239, 43, 270, 1691, 1600, 366, 40, 4503, 2373, 495, 1600, 366, 9492, 5275, 18274, 4487, 1600, 366, 40386, 1600, 366, 11187, 2667, 1600, 366, 9704, 2902, 1600, 366, 29531, 1600, 366, 3041, 39344, 1600, 366, 52, 27586, 82, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 43798, 68, 38605, 68, 20, 66, 23, 68, 26492, 9395, 2791, 13331, 24, 18213, 4531, 66, 5607, 69, 940, 32128, 11848, 19, 66, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 22, 69, 24, 3023, 67, 5036, 12, 65, 5332, 68, 12, 19, 487, 21, 12, 65, 38380, 12, 67, 3609, 23539, 1954, 4846, 64, 23, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 22, 13, 2548, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 27201, 276, 3163, 20477, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 6601, 17614, 1600, 366, 29783, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 2078, 891, 21, 66, 22, 344, 33319, 69, 15, 65, 2327, 67, 15, 7568, 15, 67, 3270, 1270, 68, 15, 67, 2998, 17, 66, 16, 69, 20, 65, 24, 65, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 17, 7568, 65, 5066, 1453, 12, 535, 2670, 12, 20, 1860, 20, 12, 3865, 17457, 12, 44980, 19881, 46712, 67, 23906, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 19, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 35700, 51, 2977, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 34, 2433, 684, 1600, 366, 26227, 889, 1600, 366, 9704, 2902, 1600, 366, 3041, 39344, 1600, 366, 51, 2977, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 7568, 65, 4051, 66, 19, 68, 37309, 6888, 64, 35124, 64, 16, 69, 17, 276, 38314, 65, 14198, 69, 20, 64, 18, 1860, 66, 7012, 20, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2919, 11231, 23, 67, 17, 12, 15, 67, 15, 66, 12, 3553, 2920, 12, 324, 13331, 12, 23, 64, 17, 330, 15187, 1878, 15, 67, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 18, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 18557, 69, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 3118, 291, 1098, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2934, 2919, 3365, 6814, 12, 21, 22572, 12, 20, 68, 3134, 12, 5774, 2598, 12, 4349, 6048, 1453, 1765, 23, 67, 22, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 2200, 6489, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 9492, 5275, 18274, 4487, 1600, 366, 9704, 2902, 1600, 366, 50, 11603, 1600, 366, 3118, 291, 1098, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 18, 13331, 15, 10210, 4846, 12, 68, 891, 16, 12, 20, 42548, 12, 23, 64, 5333, 12, 65, 18, 65, 31360, 23, 11848, 487, 65, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 29531, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 37596, 1600, 366, 32634, 1634, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 24, 64, 18, 69, 23, 30336, 12, 64, 17, 66, 24, 12, 20, 69, 2999, 12, 24, 64, 1157, 12, 23, 33459, 1795, 64, 16, 16344, 20, 66, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 3041, 39344, 11907, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 2231, 68, 40173, 3682, 23055, 1899, 4790, 68, 397, 21, 69, 17, 6814, 20, 66, 24, 67, 26717, 67, 2079, 11848, 1065, 69, 24, 65, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23362, 64, 2548, 3134, 12, 1270, 1120, 12, 4309, 6814, 12, 64, 23, 2623, 12, 68, 30005, 7012, 3829, 397, 3388, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 17, 13, 17, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 37596, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 18213, 23, 68, 24, 1129, 66, 12, 26660, 66, 12, 4349, 1878, 12, 3459, 1495, 12, 46071, 5066, 10210, 22, 2481, 344, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 22, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 32634, 1634, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 24, 68, 3459, 65, 3682, 64, 12, 69, 23, 1959, 12, 20, 65, 15, 66, 12, 65, 1350, 24, 12, 24, 68, 24, 1954, 22337, 23055, 65, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 2484, 1144, 3163, 20477, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 20344, 6169, 1600, 366, 44, 8899, 1600, 366, 29531, 1600, 366, 32634, 1634, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 16, 64, 8784, 16, 64, 18, 12, 5705, 2934, 12, 38605, 68, 12, 23, 68, 4531, 12, 64, 1157, 64, 17, 69, 22, 17896, 34741, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 50, 11603, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2414, 5237, 5036, 15, 65, 12, 1731, 2934, 12, 3980, 3132, 12, 23, 40035, 12, 1860, 24, 3901, 69, 3829, 2934, 535, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 50, 24707, 2348, 7727, 907, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 6601, 44909, 942, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 65, 2091, 5066, 67, 4524, 1899, 69, 22, 67, 2931, 23, 6888, 2931, 1065, 66, 3388, 65, 2919, 17, 69, 2425, 26704, 67, 15426, 23, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 64, 17, 1878, 1157, 2791, 12, 64, 2919, 69, 12, 20, 69, 2414, 12, 23, 3510, 66, 12, 5824, 64, 15, 67, 18, 344, 69, 2780, 66, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 15, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 50, 29572, 3163, 20477, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 14993, 451, 2348, 29230, 1600, 366, 29531, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 17, 69, 486, 22883, 68, 12, 68, 1828, 65, 12, 20, 7568, 20, 12, 3609, 5066, 12, 67, 6052, 1765, 397, 3388, 68, 1878, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 48346, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 14993, 451, 2348, 29230, 1600, 366, 50, 29572, 3163, 20477, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 15982, 2231, 65, 1433, 12, 3720, 344, 12, 1157, 68, 23, 12, 1157, 69, 24, 12, 22, 67, 1485, 324, 2624, 64, 18, 65, 17, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 51, 2662, 43, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 35, 689, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 13331, 25674, 69, 16, 69, 12, 1899, 2920, 12, 19, 69, 1415, 12, 7252, 4051, 12, 2091, 65, 1878, 3609, 16, 276, 4304, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 15, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 10962, 15721, 896, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 37787, 39317, 11627, 5736, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 66, 3312, 65, 17, 69, 20, 2670, 7568, 16, 66, 21, 891, 64, 3720, 2598, 4521, 397, 21855, 21, 276, 1238, 18182, 5333, 64, 2670, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 2718, 5999, 65, 9945, 23, 12, 19, 64, 4089, 12, 20, 65, 21, 65, 12, 1878, 24, 64, 12, 47372, 69, 1959, 64, 20, 5036, 24, 66, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 15, 13, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 51, 2977, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 6601, 17614, 1600, 366, 6601, 11395, 9492, 32186, 1600, 366, 37787, 39317, 11627, 5736, 1600, 366, 14993, 451, 2348, 29230, 1600, 366, 35422, 1068, 5216, 26448, 1600, 366, 10962, 15721, 896, 1600, 366, 14402, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 20, 344, 3720, 344, 25096, 535, 30924, 11848, 65, 20, 66, 20, 48564, 6888, 2091, 3720, 67, 16, 1860, 3609, 1157, 64, 16, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 17457, 30803, 1878, 21, 12, 64, 721, 16, 12, 20, 324, 15, 12, 65, 1433, 64, 12, 69, 22, 535, 4059, 23, 25948, 66, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 22, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 47079, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 28100, 33637, 1600, 366, 37596, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 64, 19, 68, 20, 3388, 64, 21, 12, 68, 36088, 12, 19, 13331, 19, 12, 65, 15, 69, 18, 12, 68, 891, 22, 64, 16, 67, 20, 65, 1485, 68, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 940, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 14402, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 9492, 5275, 18274, 4487, 1600, 366, 11187, 2667, 1600, 366, 29531, 1600, 366, 32634, 1634, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 7568, 276, 46841, 12, 68, 1828, 66, 12, 20, 68, 2919, 12, 5332, 68, 16, 12, 2996, 66, 20, 24409, 69, 15, 65, 1821, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 52, 27586, 82, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 29531, 1600, 366, 37596, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 12993, 22, 16817, 64, 22, 12, 3388, 4304, 12, 20, 65, 16, 64, 12, 24, 64, 2670, 12, 22, 324, 66, 4761, 69, 48952, 64, 19, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 3118, 291, 1098, 11907, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 19, 721, 15, 64, 5999, 68, 12, 43134, 68, 12, 1120, 68, 17, 12, 65, 24, 330, 12, 23, 69, 4761, 330, 69, 20, 64, 23, 69, 20, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 26449, 1455, 1047, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 23839, 51, 6037, 1600, 366, 6601, 35439, 1600, 366, 29531, 1600, 366, 51, 2977, 8973, 198, 18300, 12, 21048, 12, 26270, 16, 796, 366, 19, 66, 38380, 2934, 3695, 67, 17, 69, 18, 69, 24, 34825, 65, 37381, 68, 28872, 1765, 64, 3559, 535, 24, 2231, 69, 42240, 1, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 16, 21101, 37381, 2791, 12, 68, 16, 12993, 12, 30505, 69, 12, 64, 44617, 12, 16344, 3720, 64, 17, 68, 405, 69, 20, 64, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 15, 13, 18, 13, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 57, 8019, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 25835, 25404, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 2718, 2425, 64, 3365, 12, 16, 69, 16, 67, 12, 48645, 69, 12, 65, 24991, 12, 67, 50055, 4051, 397, 25816, 64, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 17, 13, 1065, 10, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 8019, 39806, 81, 696, 14453, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 1600, 366, 11505, 9148, 1921, 62, 73, 297, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 68, 25764, 65, 3829, 12, 4521, 9945, 12, 20, 2682, 66, 12, 64, 15, 67, 18, 12, 1415, 3695, 24096, 66, 22, 67, 6052, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 20, 13, 16, 13, 15, 10, 15, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 77, 456, 29281, 17, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 23, 68, 25764, 18654, 12, 30610, 23, 12, 20, 29626, 12, 64, 2998, 66, 12, 22709, 330, 67, 17, 64, 1878, 23, 67, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 16, 13, 3901, 13, 15, 10, 16, 1, 198, 198, 30109, 10378, 82, 13, 79, 22, 13344, 62, 73, 297, 11907, 198, 10378, 82, 796, 14631, 8001, 37199, 1600, 366, 25835, 25404, 8973, 198, 12303, 312, 796, 366, 18, 69, 1129, 68, 24, 2091, 12, 2091, 67, 23, 12, 4310, 65, 18, 12, 7252, 397, 12, 17457, 4349, 940, 66, 18, 65, 22, 64, 15, 1, 198, 9641, 796, 366, 1433, 13, 17, 13, 16, 10, 16, 1, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 242, 28670, 22880, 94, 12440, 1502, 25, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 276, 2414, 5607, 2154, 12, 64, 4310, 64, 12, 1157, 721, 12, 3023, 2682, 12, 16, 11848, 15630, 47915, 69, 23, 21101, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 2999, 1485, 2414, 64, 23, 12, 69, 1821, 65, 12, 2920, 5036, 12, 24, 64, 2999, 12, 29703, 66, 405, 2598, 66, 24, 276, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 66, 2920, 68, 940, 1821, 12, 3134, 66, 23, 12, 19, 21734, 12, 64, 21, 344, 12, 11848, 1350, 558, 23, 15630, 3829, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 18, 68, 18294, 1558, 68, 12, 5332, 69, 23, 12, 19, 67, 20, 65, 12, 23, 64, 23, 69, 12, 46396, 67, 1558, 2079, 276, 1983, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 344, 66, 22148, 67, 18, 12, 22, 28978, 12, 19, 67, 1415, 12, 4846, 2078, 12, 405, 40401, 2718, 1485, 64, 2998, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 24, 29796, 15630, 17457, 12, 1433, 7252, 12, 2231, 4089, 12, 23, 69, 7252, 12, 6469, 1238, 2425, 2816, 2791, 68, 21, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 1860, 66, 33032, 66, 18, 12, 69, 22745, 12, 19, 276, 16, 12, 23, 64, 23, 64, 12, 22, 69, 16, 66, 19, 12993, 6814, 276, 22, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 4309, 276, 38472, 17, 12, 64, 15, 67, 22, 12, 2598, 12993, 12, 65, 23, 3695, 12, 1983, 69, 16, 12993, 24, 535, 6420, 67, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 4521, 67, 15, 11848, 6469, 12, 276, 23, 69, 12, 19, 65, 3070, 12, 65, 3829, 66, 12, 3132, 66, 2816, 68, 37864, 65, 3609, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 1270, 7012, 1558, 65, 16, 12, 24, 66, 15, 66, 12, 19, 16344, 21, 12, 24, 69, 1821, 12, 18, 66, 18, 66, 16, 66, 49087, 68, 6052, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 22842, 39305, 5705, 12, 18, 69, 6814, 12, 19, 7012, 18, 12, 65, 4309, 68, 12, 17, 67, 34716, 4309, 65, 23, 344, 21, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 15, 66, 1731, 65, 16, 6888, 12, 65, 2623, 64, 12, 3510, 69, 21, 12, 24, 6814, 22, 12, 68, 20, 66, 18, 68, 2623, 2154, 67, 1959, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 3104, 69, 6052, 2425, 69, 12, 3132, 1878, 12, 2920, 1433, 12, 24, 2091, 69, 12, 21855, 45068, 2713, 23, 1129, 69, 23, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 68, 1558, 28567, 2078, 12, 42947, 68, 12, 19, 64, 1558, 12, 23, 65, 23, 64, 12, 67, 3865, 67, 6888, 3070, 69, 3510, 66, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 14686, 65, 15, 37730, 12, 22, 3609, 19, 12, 2920, 65, 19, 12, 11848, 1860, 12, 4051, 21855, 405, 487, 23, 65, 9945, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 69, 23, 69, 1314, 2481, 66, 12, 69, 11848, 65, 12, 19, 34287, 12, 1878, 24, 66, 12, 15, 64, 1314, 66, 22, 68, 41019, 487, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 16, 1860, 20, 66, 24, 21855, 12, 41739, 69, 12, 3901, 66, 21, 12, 65, 41060, 12, 39449, 67, 3104, 31714, 69, 16, 66, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 23, 22709, 68, 2075, 64, 12, 4310, 3609, 12, 19, 69, 24, 69, 12, 24, 41734, 12, 2075, 64, 16, 66, 23, 2670, 66, 23, 2996, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 22, 69, 19, 64, 22, 69, 1415, 12, 5036, 3324, 12, 3559, 13331, 12, 65, 17, 1860, 12, 2718, 7012, 2154, 12993, 24, 6814, 18, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 46556, 6888, 16, 69, 21, 12, 2598, 66, 18, 12, 19, 67, 15, 67, 12, 64, 3104, 65, 12, 66, 22, 20356, 1507, 19880, 940, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 41172, 5036, 4531, 65, 12, 7029, 23, 12, 43284, 64, 12, 330, 4790, 12, 17, 43444, 64, 2075, 68, 22, 12993, 21, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 23, 67, 5999, 64, 24943, 12, 8432, 17, 12, 19, 66, 16, 67, 12, 23, 15630, 20, 12, 46841, 64, 6659, 67, 20986, 2780, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 37452, 67, 2931, 3023, 12, 18, 69, 18, 68, 12, 2920, 68, 23, 12, 24, 344, 22, 12, 535, 1860, 5774, 3134, 19881, 16, 65, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 18444, 64, 24, 67, 3023, 12, 69, 24, 4869, 12, 2780, 67, 24, 12, 558, 19, 12, 1860, 486, 3980, 69, 48952, 66, 17, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 254, 28670, 13348, 64, 2713, 1828, 12, 48555, 64, 12, 2920, 18213, 12, 65, 15, 64, 20, 12, 5237, 65, 23, 3104, 7012, 20, 68, 2231, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 891, 21101, 2682, 4790, 12, 21, 18213, 16, 12, 33459, 66, 12, 2079, 3865, 12, 2624, 65, 15, 64, 30120, 64, 17, 69, 19, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 8269, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 8269, 18005, 198, 2, 2343, 243, 253, 7280, 8269, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 2388, 12, 8269, 34215, 198 ]
@doc doc"Abstract Boolean Types: {{true},{false}.{true,false}}" -> immutable AbstractBool <: Domain{Bool} v::UInt8 AbstractBool(v::UInt8) = (@assert v == 0x1 || v == 0x2 || v== 0x3; new(v)) end const t = AbstractBool(0x1) const f = AbstractBool(0x2) const tf = AbstractBool(0x3) promote_rule(::Type{Bool}, ::Type{AbstractBool}) = AbstractBool convert(::Type{AbstractBool}, b::Bool) = if b t else f end ## AbstractBool Set Operations ## =========================== subsumes(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) = x === tf || x === y subsumes(x::AbstractBool, y::Bool) = subsumes(x,convert(AbstractBool, y)) isintersect(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) = !((x === t && y === f) || (x === f && y === t)) isintersect(x::AbstractBool, y::Bool) = isintersect(x,convert(AbstractBool, y)) isintersect(x::Bool, y::AbstractBool) = isintersect(convert(AbstractBool, x),y) isrelational(::Type{AbstractBool}) = false isabstract(c::Type{Bool}, a::Type{AbstractBool}) = true isequal(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) = x.v == y.v domaineq(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) = x.v == y.v ⊔(a::AbstractBool) = a ⊔(a::AbstractBool, b::AbstractBool) = a === b ? a : tf ⊔(a::Bool, b::AbstractBool) = ⊔(convert(AbstractBool,a),b) ⊔(a::AbstractBool, b::Bool) = ⊔(a,convert(AbstractBool,b)) ⊔(a::Bool, b::Bool) = a === b ? convert(AbstractBool,a) : tf ## ========================= ## Lifted Boolean Arithmetic function !(b::AbstractBool) if b === t f elseif b === f t elseif b === tf tf end end (==)(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) = x === tf || y === tf ? tf : x === t && y === t || x === f && y === f function (==)(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) if x === tf || y === tf tf elseif x === t && y === t t elseif x === f && y === f t else f end end (==)(x::AbstractBool, y::Bool) = (==)(promote(x,y)...) (==)(y::Bool,x::AbstractBool) = (==)(promote(y,x)...) function (|)(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) if x === t || y === t t elseif x === tf || y === tf tf else f end end |(x::AbstractBool, y::Bool) = |(x,convert(AbstractBool,y)) |(y::Bool, x::AbstractBool) = |(convert(AbstractBool,y), x) function (&)(x::AbstractBool, y::AbstractBool) if x === f || y === f f elseif x === tf || y === tf tf else t end end (&)(x::AbstractBool, y::Bool) = x & convert(AbstractBool, y) (&)(y::Bool, x::AbstractBool) = convert(AbstractBool, y) & x # When condition is TF we need to evaluate both branches # and merge with ⊔ function ifelse(c::AbstractBool, x, y) if c === t x elseif c === f y elseif c === tf ⊔(x,y) end end ## Printing ## ======== string(x::AbstractBool) = ["{true}","{false}","{true,false}"][x.v] print(io::IO, x::AbstractBool) = print(io, string(x)) show(io::IO, x::AbstractBool) = print(io, string(x)) showcompact(io::IO, x::AbstractBool) = print(io, string(x))
[ 31, 15390, 2205, 1, 23839, 41146, 24897, 25, 22935, 7942, 5512, 90, 9562, 27422, 90, 7942, 11, 9562, 11709, 1, 4613, 198, 8608, 18187, 27741, 33, 970, 1279, 25, 20021, 90, 33, 970, 92, 198, 220, 410, 3712, 52, 5317, 23, 198, 220, 27741, 33, 970, 7, 85, 3712, 52, 5317, 23, 8, 796, 4275, 30493, 410, 6624, 657, 87, 16, 8614, 410, 6624, 657, 87, 17, 8614, 410, 855, 657, 87, 18, 26, 649, 7, 85, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9979, 256, 796, 27741, 33, 970, 7, 15, 87, 16, 8, 198, 9979, 277, 796, 27741, 33, 970, 7, 15, 87, 17, 8, 198, 9979, 48700, 796, 27741, 33, 970, 7, 15, 87, 18, 8, 198, 198, 16963, 1258, 62, 25135, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 33, 970, 5512, 7904, 6030, 90, 23839, 33, 970, 30072, 796, 27741, 33, 970, 198, 1102, 1851, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 23839, 33, 970, 5512, 275, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 796, 611, 275, 256, 2073, 277, 886, 628, 198, 2235, 27741, 33, 970, 5345, 16205, 198, 2235, 36658, 2559, 855, 198, 7266, 82, 8139, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 2124, 24844, 48700, 8614, 2124, 24844, 331, 198, 7266, 82, 8139, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 796, 6352, 8139, 7, 87, 11, 1102, 1851, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 4008, 198, 198, 271, 3849, 8831, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 5145, 19510, 87, 24844, 256, 11405, 331, 24844, 277, 8, 8614, 357, 87, 24844, 277, 11405, 331, 24844, 256, 4008, 198, 271, 3849, 8831, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 796, 318, 3849, 8831, 7, 87, 11, 1102, 1851, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 4008, 198, 271, 3849, 8831, 7, 87, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 318, 3849, 8831, 7, 1102, 1851, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 2124, 828, 88, 8, 198, 198, 271, 2411, 864, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 23839, 33, 970, 30072, 796, 3991, 198, 271, 397, 8709, 7, 66, 3712, 6030, 90, 33, 970, 5512, 257, 3712, 6030, 90, 23839, 33, 970, 30072, 796, 2081, 198, 198, 786, 13255, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 2124, 13, 85, 6624, 331, 13, 85, 198, 3438, 5718, 80, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 2124, 13, 85, 6624, 331, 13, 85, 198, 198, 158, 232, 242, 7, 64, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 257, 198, 158, 232, 242, 7, 64, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 275, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 257, 24844, 275, 5633, 257, 1058, 48700, 198, 158, 232, 242, 7, 64, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 275, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 2343, 232, 242, 7, 1102, 1851, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 64, 828, 65, 8, 198, 158, 232, 242, 7, 64, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 275, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 796, 2343, 232, 242, 7, 64, 11, 1102, 1851, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 65, 4008, 198, 158, 232, 242, 7, 64, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 275, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 796, 257, 24844, 275, 5633, 10385, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 64, 8, 1058, 48700, 628, 198, 2235, 36658, 2559, 198, 2235, 21073, 1513, 41146, 943, 29848, 198, 198, 8818, 5145, 7, 65, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 198, 220, 611, 275, 24844, 256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 275, 24844, 277, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 275, 24844, 48700, 198, 220, 220, 220, 48700, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7, 855, 5769, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 198, 220, 2124, 24844, 48700, 8614, 331, 24844, 48700, 5633, 48700, 1058, 2124, 24844, 256, 11405, 331, 24844, 256, 8614, 2124, 24844, 277, 11405, 331, 24844, 277, 198, 198, 8818, 357, 855, 5769, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 198, 220, 611, 2124, 24844, 48700, 8614, 331, 24844, 48700, 48700, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 2124, 24844, 256, 11405, 331, 24844, 256, 256, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 2124, 24844, 277, 11405, 331, 24844, 277, 256, 198, 220, 2073, 277, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 7, 855, 5769, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 3712, 33, 970, 8, 796, 357, 855, 5769, 16963, 1258, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 23029, 198, 7, 855, 5769, 88, 3712, 33, 970, 11, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 357, 855, 5769, 16963, 1258, 7, 88, 11, 87, 8, 23029, 198, 198, 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10385, 7, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 331, 8, 1222, 2124, 198, 198, 2, 1649, 4006, 318, 24958, 356, 761, 284, 13446, 1111, 13737, 198, 2, 290, 20121, 351, 2343, 232, 242, 198, 8818, 611, 17772, 7, 66, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 11, 2124, 11, 331, 8, 198, 220, 611, 269, 24844, 256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 269, 24844, 277, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 269, 24844, 48700, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2343, 232, 242, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2235, 44118, 198, 2235, 29335, 18604, 198, 8841, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 14631, 90, 7942, 92, 2430, 90, 9562, 92, 2430, 90, 7942, 11, 9562, 36786, 7131, 87, 13, 85, 60, 198, 4798, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 4731, 7, 87, 4008, 198, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 4731, 7, 87, 4008, 198, 12860, 5589, 529, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 33, 970, 8, 796, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 4731, 7, 87, 4008, 198 ]
""" ArcSwift() Arc-Swift transition system for dependency parsing. Described in [Qi & Manning 2017]( """ struct ArcSwift <: AbstractTransitionSystem end initconfig(::ArcSwift, graph::DependencyTree) = ArcSwiftConfig(graph) initconfig(::ArcSwift, words) = ArcSwiftConfig(words) transition_space(::ArcSwift, labels=[]; max_k=5) = isempty(labels) ? [LeftArc.(1:max_k)..., RightArc.(1:max_k)..., Shift()] : [[LeftArc(k, l) for k in 1:max_k for l in labels]..., [RightArc(k, l) for k in 1:max_k for l in labels]..., Shift()] projective_only(::ArcSwift) = true struct ArcSwiftConfig <: AbstractParserConfiguration σ::Vector{Int} β::Vector{Int} A::Vector{Token} end function ArcSwiftConfig(words) σ = [0] β = collect(1:length(words)) A = Token.(words) ArcSwiftConfig(σ, β, A) end function ArcSwiftConfig(gold::DependencyTree) σ = [0] β = collect(1:length(gold)) A = [Token(t, head=-1) for t in gold] ArcSwiftConfig(σ, β, A) end stack(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig) = cfg.σ buffer(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig) = cfg.β tokens(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig) = cfg.A tokens(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig, is) = [token(cfg, i) for i in is if 0 <= i <= length(cfg.A)] function leftarc(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig, k::Int, args...; kwargs...) # Assert a head-dependent relation between the word at the front # of the input buffer and the word at the top of the stack; pop # the stack. i = length(cfg.σ) - k + 1 s, b = cfg.σ[i], cfg.β[1] A = copy(cfg.A) if s > 0 A[s] = Token(A[s]; head=b, kwargs...) end ArcSwiftConfig(cfg.σ[1:i-1], cfg.β, A) end function rightarc(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig, k::Int, args...; kwargs...) # Assert a head-dependent relation between the word on the top of # the σ and the word at front of the input buffer; shift the # word at the front of the input buffer to the stack. i = length(cfg.σ) - k + 1 s, b = cfg.σ[i], cfg.β[1] A = copy(cfg.A) A[b] = Token(A[b]; head=s, kwargs...) ArcSwiftConfig([cfg.σ[1:i] ; b], cfg.β[2:end], A) end function shift(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig) # Remove the word from the front of the input buffer and push it # onto the stack. ArcSwiftConfig([cfg.σ ; cfg.β[1]], cfg.β[2:end], cfg.A) end isfinal(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig) = all(t -> all(h >= 0 for h in t.head), cfg.A) #&& length(cfg.σ) > 0 && length(cfg.β) > 0 """ static_oracle(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig, tree, arc) Oracle function for arc-swift dependency parsing. Described in [Qi & Manning 2017]( """ function static_oracle(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig, gold, arc=untyped) S = length(cfg.σ) if S >= 1 && length(cfg.β) >= 1 b = cfg.β[1] for k in 1:S i = S - k + 1 s = cfg.σ[i] has_arc(gold, b, s) && return LeftArc(k, arc(gold[s])...) has_arc(gold, s, b) && return RightArc(k, arc(gold[b])...) end end return Shift() end ==(cfg1::ArcSwiftConfig, cfg2::ArcSwiftConfig) = cfg1.σ == cfg2.σ && cfg1.β == cfg2.β && cfg1.A == cfg2.A # TODO function possible_transitions(cfg::ArcSwiftConfig, graph::DependencyTree, arc=untyped) TransitionOperator[static_oracle(cfg, graph, arc)] end function, c::ArcSwiftConfig) A = join(["$i $(t.form) $(t.head)" for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens(c))], ", ") print(io, "ArcSwiftConfig($(c.σ),$(c.β),$A)") end
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10173, 10462, 2135, 3419, 198, 198, 24021, 12, 10462, 2135, 6801, 1080, 329, 20203, 32096, 13, 198, 198, 24564, 8725, 287, 685, 48, 72, 1222, 15281, 2177, 16151, 5450, 1378, 21283, 79, 13, 14192, 3841, 13, 15532, 14, 12984, 82, 14, 40603, 5539, 5605, 2032, 2135, 13, 12315, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 10173, 10462, 2135, 1279, 25, 27741, 8291, 653, 11964, 886, 198, 198, 15003, 11250, 7, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 11, 4823, 3712, 35, 2690, 1387, 27660, 8, 796, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 34960, 8, 198, 15003, 11250, 7, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 11, 2456, 8, 796, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 10879, 8, 198, 198, 7645, 653, 62, 13200, 7, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 11, 14722, 41888, 11208, 3509, 62, 74, 28, 20, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 28920, 7, 23912, 1424, 8, 5633, 685, 18819, 24021, 12195, 16, 25, 9806, 62, 74, 26513, 11, 6498, 24021, 12195, 16, 25, 9806, 62, 74, 26513, 11, 15576, 3419, 60, 1058, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16410, 18819, 24021, 7, 74, 11, 300, 8, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 9806, 62, 74, 329, 300, 287, 14722, 60, 986, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 685, 11028, 24021, 7, 74, 11, 300, 8, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 9806, 62, 74, 329, 300, 287, 14722, 60, 986, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 15576, 3419, 60, 198, 198, 16302, 425, 62, 8807, 7, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 8, 796, 2081, 198, 198, 7249, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 1279, 25, 27741, 46677, 38149, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 3712, 38469, 90, 30642, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 10879, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 796, 685, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 796, 2824, 7, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 10879, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 29130, 12195, 10879, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 38392, 11, 27169, 11, 317, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 24267, 3712, 35, 2690, 1387, 27660, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18074, 225, 796, 685, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27169, 796, 2824, 7, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 24267, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 685, 30642, 7, 83, 11, 1182, 10779, 16, 8, 329, 256, 287, 3869, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 38392, 11, 27169, 11, 317, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 25558, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 220, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 38392, 198, 22252, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 198, 198, 83, 482, 641, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 32, 198, 83, 482, 641, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 318, 8, 796, 685, 30001, 7, 37581, 11, 1312, 8, 329, 1312, 287, 318, 611, 657, 19841, 1312, 19841, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 32, 15437, 198, 198, 8818, 1364, 5605, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 479, 3712, 5317, 11, 26498, 986, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2195, 861, 257, 1182, 12, 21186, 8695, 1022, 262, 1573, 379, 262, 2166, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 286, 262, 5128, 11876, 290, 262, 1573, 379, 262, 1353, 286, 262, 8931, 26, 1461, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 262, 8931, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 38392, 8, 532, 479, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 11, 275, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 38392, 58, 72, 4357, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 4866, 7, 37581, 13, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 264, 1875, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 317, 58, 82, 60, 796, 29130, 7, 32, 58, 82, 11208, 1182, 28, 65, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 7, 37581, 13, 38392, 58, 16, 25, 72, 12, 16, 4357, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 11, 317, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 826, 5605, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 479, 3712, 5317, 11, 26498, 986, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2195, 861, 257, 1182, 12, 21186, 8695, 1022, 262, 1573, 319, 262, 1353, 286, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 262, 18074, 225, 290, 262, 1573, 379, 2166, 286, 262, 5128, 11876, 26, 6482, 262, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1573, 379, 262, 2166, 286, 262, 5128, 11876, 284, 262, 8931, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 38392, 8, 532, 479, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 11, 275, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 38392, 58, 72, 4357, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 4866, 7, 37581, 13, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 58, 65, 60, 796, 29130, 7, 32, 58, 65, 11208, 1182, 28, 82, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 26933, 37581, 13, 38392, 58, 16, 25, 72, 60, 2162, 275, 4357, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 58, 17, 25, 437, 4357, 317, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 6482, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 17220, 262, 1573, 422, 262, 2166, 286, 262, 5128, 11876, 290, 4574, 340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4291, 262, 8931, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10173, 10462, 2135, 16934, 26933, 37581, 13, 38392, 2162, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 58, 16, 60, 4357, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 58, 17, 25, 437, 4357, 30218, 70, 13, 32, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 4468, 1292, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 477, 7, 83, 4613, 477, 7, 71, 18189, 657, 329, 289, 287, 256, 13, 2256, 828, 30218, 70, 13, 32, 8, 1303, 25226, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 38392, 8, 1875, 657, 11405, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 26638, 8, 1875, 657, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9037, 62, 273, 6008, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 5509, 11, 10389, 8, 198, 198, 48625, 2163, 329, 10389, 12, 2032, 2135, 20203, 32096, 13, 198, 198, 24564, 8725, 287, 685, 48, 72, 1222, 15281, 2177, 16151, 5450, 1378, 21283, 79, 13, 14192, 3841, 13, 15532, 14, 12984, 82, 14, 40603, 5539, 5605, 2032, 2135, 13, 12315, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 9037, 62, 273, 6008, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 3869, 11, 10389, 28, 403, 774, 9124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 796, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 38392, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 311, 18189, 352, 11405, 4129, 7, 37581, 13, 26638, 8, 18189, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 275, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 26638, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 50, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 796, 311, 532, 479, 1343, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 30218, 70, 13, 38392, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 468, 62, 5605, 7, 24267, 11, 275, 11, 264, 8, 11405, 1441, 9578, 24021, 7, 74, 11, 10389, 7, 24267, 58, 82, 12962, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 468, 62, 5605, 7, 24267, 11, 264, 11, 275, 8, 11405, 1441, 6498, 24021, 7, 74, 11, 10389, 7, 24267, 58, 65, 12962, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 15576, 3419, 198, 437, 628, 198, 855, 7, 37581, 16, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 30218, 70, 17, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30218, 70, 16, 13, 38392, 6624, 30218, 70, 17, 13, 38392, 11405, 30218, 70, 16, 13, 26638, 6624, 30218, 70, 17, 13, 26638, 11405, 30218, 70, 16, 13, 32, 6624, 30218, 70, 17, 13, 32, 198, 198, 2, 16926, 46, 198, 8818, 1744, 62, 7645, 1756, 7, 37581, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 11, 4823, 3712, 35, 2690, 1387, 27660, 11, 10389, 28, 403, 774, 9124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40658, 18843, 1352, 58, 12708, 62, 273, 6008, 7, 37581, 11, 4823, 11, 10389, 15437, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 269, 3712, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 4654, 7, 14692, 3, 72, 29568, 83, 13, 687, 8, 29568, 83, 13, 2256, 16725, 329, 357, 72, 11, 83, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 83, 482, 641, 7, 66, 4008, 4357, 33172, 366, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 366, 24021, 10462, 2135, 16934, 16763, 7, 66, 13, 38392, 828, 3, 7, 66, 13, 26638, 828, 3, 32, 8, 4943, 198, 437, 198 ]
include("SSA.jl") function addSim(sys::System, tauVar::TauVar, n::Int64) ens = newEnsemble(sys, n) npoints = length( if sys.routine.ssa == :Direct for i in 2:npoints if i == 2 && sys.routine.shoot reShoot!(sys, ens, i-1) end _sim!(sys, ens, i) for k in eachindex(ens) for xx in ens[k].x push!(ens[k].xa,xx) end push!(ens[k].ta,sys.times[i]) end end elseif sys.routine.ssa == :Tau for i in 2:npoints if i == 2 && sys.routine.shoot reShoot!(sys, ens, i-1) end _sim!(sys, ens, i, tauVar) for k in eachindex(ens) for xx in ens[k].x push!(ens[k].xa,xx) end push!(ens[k].ta,sys.times[i]) end end end ens end function sim(sys::System, θ::Vector{Float64}, σ2::Vector{Float64}, n::Int64) sys.state.θ = θ sys.state.σ2 = diagm(σ2) tauVar = preAllocTauVar(sys) ens = Ensemble() append!(ens, addSim(sys, tauVar, n)) ens end
[ 17256, 7203, 50, 4090, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 8818, 751, 8890, 7, 17597, 3712, 11964, 11, 256, 559, 19852, 3712, 51, 559, 19852, 11, 299, 3712, 5317, 2414, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3140, 796, 649, 4834, 15140, 7, 17597, 11, 299, 8, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 13033, 796, 4129, 7, 17597, 13, 7890, 13, 1860, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 25064, 13, 81, 28399, 13, 824, 64, 6624, 1058, 13470, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 362, 25, 77, 13033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1312, 6624, 362, 11405, 25064, 13, 81, 28399, 13, 30408, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 302, 2484, 1025, 0, 7, 17597, 11, 3140, 11, 1312, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 14323, 0, 7, 17597, 11, 3140, 11, 1312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 641, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 31383, 287, 3140, 58, 74, 4083, 87, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 641, 58, 74, 4083, 27865, 11, 5324, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 641, 58, 74, 4083, 8326, 11, 17597, 13, 22355, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 25064, 13, 81, 28399, 13, 824, 64, 6624, 1058, 51, 559, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 362, 25, 77, 13033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1312, 6624, 362, 11405, 25064, 13, 81, 28399, 13, 30408, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 302, 2484, 1025, 0, 7, 17597, 11, 3140, 11, 1312, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4808, 14323, 0, 7, 17597, 11, 3140, 11, 1312, 11, 256, 559, 19852, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 641, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 31383, 287, 3140, 58, 74, 4083, 87, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 641, 58, 74, 4083, 27865, 11, 5324, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 641, 58, 74, 4083, 8326, 11, 17597, 13, 22355, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3140, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 985, 7, 17597, 3712, 11964, 11, 7377, 116, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 18074, 225, 17, 3712, 38469, 90, 43879, 2414, 5512, 299, 3712, 5317, 2414, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25064, 13, 5219, 13, 138, 116, 796, 7377, 116, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25064, 13, 5219, 13, 38392, 17, 796, 2566, 363, 76, 7, 38392, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 19852, 796, 662, 3237, 420, 51, 559, 19852, 7, 17597, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3140, 796, 2039, 15140, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 641, 11, 751, 8890, 7, 17597, 11, 256, 559, 19852, 11, 299, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3140, 198, 437, 198 ]
using CSV using LinearAlgebra: dot, I using CairoMakie using naumer_Dimensionality_2022 const Σ = [1.0 0.1 0.1; 0.1 1.0 0.1; 0.1 0.1 1.0] const v = [1.0/sqrt(3), 1.0/sqrt(3), 1.0/sqrt(3)] const σ² = 1 f(x) = abs2(dot(v, Σ * x)) / (dot(x, Σ * x) + σ² * dot(x, x)) # Helper function to compute extra coordinate function getZ(x,y) if abs2(x) + abs2(y) > 1 - 10*eps() return NaN end return sqrt(1 - abs2(x) - abs2(y)) end function rewardPositive(x,y) return f([x,y,getZ(x,y)]) end function rewardNegative(x,y) return f([x,y,-getZ(x,y)]) end state = zeros(3,100) state[3,1] = 1 for i in 2:100 state[:,i] .= actiongradientstep_1DApprox(state[:,i-1], v, Σ, σ², 0.1) end rewards = zeros(100) for i in 1:100 rewards[i] = f(state[:,i]) end # Sample Circle x = -1.1:0.01:1.1 y = -1.1:0.01:1.1 noto_sans = "./resources/NotoSans-Regular.ttf" noto_sans_bold = "./resources/NotoSans-Bold.ttf" tickfontsize = 26 labelfontsize = 28 basewidth = 2 fig = Figure(font=noto_sans, resolution=(1000,500), figure_padding=40) ax1 = Axis( fig[1,1], xticklabelsize=tickfontsize, yticklabelsize=tickfontsize, yticklabelpad=2, xlabel="x", ylabel = "y", xlabelsize=labelfontsize, ylabelsize=labelfontsize, titlesize=labelfontsize, ratio=AxisAspect(1)) hm = heatmap!(ax1,x,y,rewardPositive) lines!(ax1, state[1,:], state[2,:], color=:black, linewidth=3) ax2 = Axis( fig[1,3], xticklabelsize=tickfontsize, yticklabelsize=tickfontsize, yticklabelpad=2, xlabel="Iteration", ylabel = "Objective", xlabelsize=labelfontsize, ylabelsize=labelfontsize, titlesize=labelfontsize, ratio=AxisAspect(1), xminorticksvisible = true, xminorgridvisible = true, xminorticks = IntervalsBetween(10), yminorticksvisible = true, yminorgridvisible = true, yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(5)) lines!(ax2,1:100, rewards, color=:black, width=2) xlims!(ax2,(0,100)) Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm, ticklabelsize=tickfontsize) colgap!(fig.layout,2,80) Label(fig[1,1,TopLeft()], "A", font=noto_sans_bold, textsize = 36, halign=:left, valign=:bottom, padding=(25,0,10,0)) Label(fig[1,3,TopLeft()], "B", font=noto_sans_bold, textsize = 36, halign=:left, valign=:bottom, padding=(25,0,10,0)) save("out/OptDescent.pdf",fig)
[ 3500, 44189, 198, 3500, 44800, 2348, 29230, 25, 16605, 11, 314, 198, 3500, 23732, 44, 461, 494, 198, 3500, 12385, 6975, 62, 29271, 3004, 1483, 62, 1238, 1828, 198, 198, 9979, 7377, 96, 796, 685, 16, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 16, 220, 657, 13, 16, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 16, 220, 352, 13, 15, 220, 657, 13, 16, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 16, 220, 657, 13, 16, 220, 352, 13, 15, 60, 198, 198, 9979, 410, 796, 685, 16, 13, 15, 14, 31166, 17034, 7, 18, 828, 352, 13, 15, 14, 31166, 17034, 7, 18, 828, 352, 13, 15, 14, 31166, 17034, 7, 18, 15437, 198, 9979, 18074, 225, 31185, 796, 352, 198, 198, 69, 7, 87, 8, 796, 2352, 17, 7, 26518, 7, 85, 11, 7377, 96, 1635, 2124, 4008, 1220, 357, 26518, 7, 87, 11, 7377, 96, 1635, 2124, 8, 1343, 18074, 225, 31185, 1635, 16605, 7, 87, 11, 2124, 4008, 628, 198, 2, 5053, 525, 2163, 284, 24061, 3131, 20435, 198, 8818, 651, 57, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2352, 17, 7, 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16, 11, 16, 11, 9126, 18819, 3419, 4357, 366, 32, 1600, 10369, 28, 1662, 78, 62, 82, 504, 62, 36575, 11, 2420, 7857, 796, 4570, 11, 10284, 570, 28, 25, 9464, 11, 1188, 570, 28, 25, 22487, 11, 24511, 16193, 1495, 11, 15, 11, 940, 11, 15, 4008, 198, 33986, 7, 5647, 58, 16, 11, 18, 11, 9126, 18819, 3419, 4357, 366, 33, 1600, 10369, 28, 1662, 78, 62, 82, 504, 62, 36575, 11, 2420, 7857, 796, 4570, 11, 10284, 570, 28, 25, 9464, 11, 1188, 570, 28, 25, 22487, 11, 24511, 16193, 1495, 11, 15, 11, 940, 11, 15, 4008, 628, 198, 21928, 7203, 448, 14, 27871, 5960, 1087, 13, 12315, 1600, 5647, 8, 198 ]
export load_model, get_device, seisdata2torch, slide, detect, trigger_onset export get_picks, load_test_data """ load_model(phase;device=nothing) Load generalized-phase-detection model onto device. # Arguments - `phase::String`: Seismic phase to load - "P" or "S". # Keywords - `device::Union{PyObject,Nothing}`: Pytorch device - specify "gpu" or "cpu". """ function load_model(phase::String;device::Union{PyObject,Nothing}=nothing) # check phase input if uppercase(phase) ∉ ["P","S"] error("Only available models are 'P' and 'S'.") end # get correct model model_dir = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__),"..","deps","downloads") modelP = joinpath(model_dir,"") modelS = joinpath(model_dir,"") model_file = uppercase(phase) == "P" ? modelP : modelS # load model if isa(device,Nothing) device = get_device() end model = UNet(3,1).to(device) checkpoint = torch.load(model_file, map_location=device) # load state dictionary state_dict = Dict() for key in keys(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) if occursin("tracked",key) continue end state_dict[key] = checkpoint["model_state_dict"][key] end model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.eval() return model end """ get_device() Returns current PyTorch device. """ get_device() = torch.device(torch.cuda.is_available() ? "cuda" : "cpu") """ seisdata2torch(S) Convert 3 component `SeisData` struct `S` into Torch tensor. # Arguments - `S::SeisData`: 3-component `SeisData` for detection. - `window_samples::Int`: Number of samples per detection window. """ function seisdata2torch(S::SeisData,window_samples::Int) # check only 3 channels in SeisChannel @assert S.n == 3 # create sliding windows X = cat([slide(S[ii].x,window_samples) for ii = 1:S.n]...,dims=3) X ./= maximum(abs.(X),dims=(1,3)) return torch.from_numpy(X).float().permute(1,2,0) end """ slide(A,window_samples) Split vector `A` into non-overlapping windows of length `window_samples`. # Arguments - `S::SeisData`: 3-component `SeisData` for detection. - `window_samples::Int`: Number of samples per detection window. """ function slide(A::AbstractVector, window_samples::Int) N = size(A,1) if N % window_samples == 0 return Array(reshape(A,window_samples,N ÷ window_samples)) else return Array(reshape(A[1 : N - N % window_samples], window_samples, N ÷ window_samples)) end end """ detect(X,model,batch_size;device=nothing) Run generalized-phase-detection on tensor `X` in batches of size `batch_size`. # Arguments - `X::PyObject`: Torch tensor. - `model::PyObject`: Torch `UNet` model. - `batch_size::Int`: Number of windows per detection. Specifying too large a batch size will cause the GPU to run out of VRAM. # Keywords - `device::Union{PyObject,Nothing}`: Pytorch device - specify "gpu" or "cpu". """ function detect(X,model,batch_size::Int;device::Union{PyObject,Nothing}=nothing) # use default device if isa(device,Nothing) device = get_device() end # run predictions in batches Y_pred = zeros(Float32, X.size(2),X.size(0)) for ii in 1:batch_size:size(Y_pred,2) i_start = ii i_stop = min(size(Y_pred,2),ii+batch_size-1) X_test = get(X,i_start-1:i_stop-1) X_test = @pywith torch.no_grad() begin out = model(X_test) Y_pred[:,i_start:i_stop] .= out.cpu().permute(2,0,1).numpy()[:,:,1] end GC.gc(false) end return Y_pred end """ trigger_onset(charfct, thresh1, thresh2; max_len=1e99, max_len_delete=false) Calculate trigger on and off times. Given `thresh1` and `thresh2` calculate trigger on and off times from characteristic function. # Arguments - `charfct::AbstractArray`: Characteristic function of e.g. STA/LTA trigger. - `thresh1::Real`: Value above which trigger (of characteristic function) is activated (higher threshold). - `thresh2::Real`: Value below which trigger (of characteristic function) is deactivated (lower threshold). # Keywords - `max_len::Int`: Maximum length of triggered event in samples. A new event will be triggered as soon as the signal reaches again above thresh1. - `max_len_delete::Bool`: Do not write events longer than max_len into report file. """ function trigger_onset(charfct::AbstractArray, thresh1::Real, thresh2::Real; max_len::Int=10^10, max_len_delete::Bool=false, ) ind1 = findall(charfct .> thresh1) if length(ind1) == 0 return [] end ind2 = findall(charfct .> thresh2) on = [ind1[1]] off = [-1] # determine the indices where charfct falls below off-threshold ind2_ = Array{Bool}(undef,length(ind2)) ind2_[1:end-1] .= diff(ind2) .> 1 # last occurence is missed by diff, add it manually ind2_[end] = true append!(off,ind2[ind2_]) append!(on,ind1[findall(diff(ind1) .> 1) .+ 1]) # include last pick if trigger is on or drop it if max_len_delete # drop it append!(off,max_len) append!(on,on[end]) else # include it append!(off,ind2[end]) end pick = [] while on[end] > off[1] while on[1] <= off[1] deleteat!(on,1) end while off[1] < on[1] deleteat!(off,1) end if off[1] - on[1] > max_len if max_len_delete deleteat!(on,1) continue end prepend!(off,on[1] + max_len) end push!(pick,[on[1],off[1]]) end return permutedims(hcat(pick...)) end """ get_picks(S,probs,thresh1,thresh2;min_trig_dur=0.) Get picks from detection probabilities `probs` from SeisData `S`. # Arguments - `S::SeisData`: 3-component `SeisData` for detection. - `probs::AbstractArray`: Array of probabilities of phase detection per window. - `thresh1::Real`: Probability (0-1) above which trigger is activated (higher threshold). - `thresh2::Real`: Probability (0-1) below which trigger is deactivated (lower threshold). # Keywords `min_trig_dur::Real`: Minimum duration (in seconds) of trigger. """ function get_picks( S::SeisData, probs::AbstractArray, thresh1::Real, thresh2::Real; min_trig_dur::Real=0., ) @assert 0. < thresh2 < thresh1 <= 1. tt = collect(0:length(probs)-1) ./ S.fs[1] picks = Array{DateTime}(undef,0) trigs = trigger_onset(vcat(probs...),thresh1,thresh2) for ii in 1:size(trigs,1) if trigs[ii,1] == trigs[ii,2] continue end # check trigger duration trig_dur = tt[trigs[ii,2]] - tt[trigs[ii,1]] if trig_dur < min_trig_dur continue end pick = argmax(probs[trigs[ii,1]:trigs[ii,2]]) + trigs[ii,1] tstamp = u2d(S.t[1][1,2] * 1e-6+ tt[pick]) push!(picks,tstamp) end return picks, tt end """ load_test_data() Load 3-component seismic data from the 2016 Mw 5.2 Anza, California sequence. """ function load_test_data() sacfiles = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__),"..","deps","downloads","*.SAC") return read_data("sac",sacfiles) end
[ 39344, 3440, 62, 19849, 11, 651, 62, 25202, 11, 384, 271, 7890, 17, 13165, 354, 11, 10649, 11, 4886, 11, 7616, 62, 684, 316, 198, 39344, 651, 62, 79, 3378, 11, 3440, 62, 9288, 62, 7890, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 3440, 62, 19849, 7, 40715, 26, 25202, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 198, 8912, 38284, 12, 40715, 12, 15255, 3213, 2746, 4291, 3335, 13, 198, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 198, 12, 4600, 40715, 3712, 10100, 63, 25, 1001, 1042, 291, 7108, 284, 3440, 532, 366, 47, 1, 393, 366, 50, 1911, 198, 198, 2, 7383, 10879, 198, 12, 4600, 25202, 3712, 38176, 90, 20519, 10267, 11, 18465, 92, 63, 25, 9485, 13165, 354, 3335, 532, 11986, 366, 46999, 1, 393, 366, 36166, 1911, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3440, 62, 19849, 7, 40715, 3712, 10100, 26, 25202, 3712, 38176, 90, 20519, 10267, 11, 18465, 92, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 7108, 5128, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 334, 39921, 589, 7, 40715, 8, 18872, 231, 14631, 47, 2430, 50, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 10049, 1695, 4981, 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22155, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1181, 62, 11600, 796, 360, 713, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1994, 287, 8251, 7, 9122, 4122, 14692, 19849, 62, 5219, 62, 11600, 8973, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 8833, 259, 7203, 2213, 6021, 1600, 2539, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1181, 62, 11600, 58, 2539, 60, 796, 26954, 14692, 19849, 62, 5219, 62, 11600, 1, 7131, 2539, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 13, 2220, 62, 5219, 62, 11600, 7, 5219, 62, 11600, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 13, 18206, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2746, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 651, 62, 25202, 3419, 198, 198, 35561, 1459, 9485, 15884, 354, 3335, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 1136, 62, 25202, 3419, 796, 28034, 13, 25202, 7, 13165, 354, 13, 66, 15339, 13, 271, 62, 15182, 3419, 5633, 366, 66, 15339, 1, 1058, 366, 36166, 4943, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 384, 271, 7890, 17, 13165, 354, 7, 50, 8, 198, 198, 3103, 1851, 513, 7515, 4600, 4653, 271, 6601, 63, 2878, 4600, 50, 63, 656, 34868, 11192, 273, 13, 198, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 198, 12, 4600, 50, 3712, 4653, 271, 6601, 63, 25, 513, 12, 42895, 4600, 4653, 271, 6601, 63, 329, 13326, 13, 198, 12, 4600, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 3712, 5317, 63, 25, 7913, 286, 8405, 583, 13326, 4324, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 384, 271, 7890, 17, 13165, 354, 7, 50, 3712, 4653, 271, 6601, 11, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 691, 513, 9619, 287, 1001, 271, 29239, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 311, 13, 77, 6624, 513, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2251, 22292, 9168, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 3797, 26933, 6649, 485, 7, 50, 58, 4178, 4083, 87, 11, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 8, 329, 21065, 796, 352, 25, 50, 13, 77, 60, 986, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 18, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 24457, 28, 5415, 7, 8937, 12195, 55, 828, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 28034, 13, 6738, 62, 77, 32152, 7, 55, 737, 22468, 22446, 16321, 1133, 7, 16, 11, 17, 11, 15, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 10649, 7, 32, 11, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 8, 198, 198, 41205, 15879, 4600, 32, 63, 656, 1729, 12, 2502, 75, 5912, 9168, 286, 4129, 4600, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 44646, 198, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 198, 12, 4600, 50, 3712, 4653, 271, 6601, 63, 25, 513, 12, 42895, 4600, 4653, 271, 6601, 63, 329, 13326, 13, 198, 12, 4600, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 3712, 5317, 63, 25, 7913, 286, 8405, 583, 13326, 4324, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 10649, 7, 32, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 4324, 62, 82, 12629, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 796, 2546, 7, 32, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 399, 4064, 4324, 62, 82, 12629, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 15690, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 32, 11, 17497, 62, 82, 12629, 11, 45, 6184, 115, 4324, 62, 82, 12629, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 15690, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 32, 58, 16, 1058, 399, 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15633, 11, 294, 3447, 17, 3712, 15633, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3509, 62, 11925, 3712, 5317, 28, 940, 61, 940, 11, 3509, 62, 11925, 62, 33678, 3712, 33, 970, 28, 9562, 11, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 16, 796, 1064, 439, 7, 10641, 69, 310, 764, 29, 294, 3447, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4129, 7, 521, 16, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 17635, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 17, 796, 1064, 439, 7, 10641, 69, 310, 764, 29, 294, 3447, 17, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 319, 796, 685, 521, 16, 58, 16, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 572, 796, 25915, 16, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5004, 262, 36525, 810, 1149, 69, 310, 8953, 2174, 572, 12, 400, 10126, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 17, 62, 796, 15690, 90, 33, 970, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 13664, 7, 521, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 17, 62, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 60, 764, 28, 814, 7, 521, 17, 8, 764, 29, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 938, 1609, 495, 1198, 318, 6825, 416, 814, 11, 751, 340, 14500, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 17, 62, 58, 437, 60, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 2364, 11, 521, 17, 58, 521, 17, 62, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 261, 11, 521, 16, 58, 19796, 439, 7, 26069, 7, 521, 16, 8, 764, 29, 352, 8, 764, 10, 352, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2291, 938, 2298, 611, 7616, 318, 319, 393, 4268, 340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 3509, 62, 11925, 62, 33678, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4268, 340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 2364, 11, 9806, 62, 11925, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 261, 11, 261, 58, 437, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2291, 340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 0, 7, 2364, 11, 521, 17, 58, 437, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2298, 796, 17635, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 319, 58, 437, 60, 1875, 572, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 981, 319, 58, 16, 60, 19841, 572, 58, 16, 60, 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11387, 737, 198, 198, 2, 7383, 10879, 198, 63, 1084, 62, 2213, 328, 62, 67, 333, 3712, 15633, 63, 25, 26265, 9478, 357, 259, 4201, 8, 286, 7616, 13, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 79, 3378, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 311, 3712, 4653, 271, 6601, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 386, 1443, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 294, 3447, 16, 3712, 15633, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 294, 3447, 17, 3712, 15633, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 949, 62, 2213, 328, 62, 67, 333, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 1539, 198, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 657, 13, 1279, 294, 3447, 17, 1279, 294, 3447, 16, 19841, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 83, 796, 2824, 7, 15, 25, 13664, 7, 1676, 1443, 13219, 16, 8, 24457, 311, 13, 9501, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11103, 796, 15690, 90, 10430, 7575, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5192, 82, 796, 7616, 62, 684, 316, 7, 85, 9246, 7, 1676, 1443, 986, 828, 400, 3447, 16, 11, 400, 3447, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 21065, 287, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 2213, 9235, 11, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5192, 82, 58, 4178, 11, 16, 60, 6624, 5192, 82, 58, 4178, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 7616, 9478, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5192, 62, 67, 333, 796, 256, 83, 58, 2213, 9235, 58, 4178, 11, 17, 11907, 532, 256, 83, 58, 2213, 9235, 58, 4178, 11, 16, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 5192, 62, 67, 333, 1279, 949, 62, 2213, 328, 62, 67, 333, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2298, 796, 1822, 9806, 7, 1676, 1443, 58, 2213, 9235, 58, 4178, 11, 16, 5974, 2213, 9235, 58, 4178, 11, 17, 11907, 8, 1343, 5192, 82, 58, 4178, 11, 16, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 301, 696, 796, 334, 17, 67, 7, 50, 13, 83, 58, 16, 7131, 16, 11, 17, 60, 1635, 352, 68, 12, 21, 10, 256, 83, 58, 27729, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 79, 3378, 11, 83, 301, 696, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 11103, 11, 256, 83, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 3440, 62, 9288, 62, 7890, 3419, 198, 198, 8912, 513, 12, 42895, 37463, 1366, 422, 262, 1584, 337, 86, 642, 13, 17, 1052, 4496, 11, 3442, 8379, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3440, 62, 9288, 62, 7890, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5360, 16624, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 15908, 3672, 7, 31, 834, 25664, 834, 27267, 492, 2430, 10378, 82, 2430, 15002, 82, 2430, 24620, 50, 2246, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1100, 62, 7890, 7203, 30584, 1600, 30584, 16624, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
#= by Tim Holy [this has minor edits for v0.7-DEV] =# module EndpointRanges #using Compat import Base: +, -, *, /, ÷, % using Base: ViewIndex, tail, indices1 export ibegin, iend abstract type Endpoint end struct IBegin <: Endpoint end struct IEnd <: Endpoint end const ibegin = IBegin() const iend = IEnd() (::IBegin)(b::Integer, e::Integer) = b (::IEnd )(b::Integer, e::Integer) = e (::IBegin)(r::AbstractRange) = first(r) (::IEnd )(r::AbstractRange) = last(r) struct IndexFunction{F<:Function} <: Endpoint index::F end (f::IndexFunction)(r::AbstractRange) = f.index(r) for op in (:+, :-) @eval $op(x::Endpoint) = IndexFunction(r->x(r)) end for op in (:+, :-, :*, :/, :÷, :%) @eval $op(x::Endpoint, y::Endpoint) = IndexFunction(r->$op(x(r), y(r))) @eval $op(x::Endpoint, y::Number) = IndexFunction(r->$op(x(r), y)) @eval $op(x::Number, y::Endpoint) = IndexFunction(r->$op(x, y(r))) end # deliberately not <: AbstractUnitRange{Int} abstract type EndpointRange{T} end struct EndpointUnitRange{F<:Union{Int,Endpoint},L<:Union{Int,Endpoint}} <: EndpointRange{Int} start::F stop::L end struct EndpointStepRange{F<:Union{Int,Endpoint},L<:Union{Int,Endpoint}} <: EndpointRange{Int} start::F step::Int stop::L end (r::EndpointUnitRange)(s::AbstractRange) = r.start(s):r.stop(s) (r::EndpointUnitRange{Int,E})(s::AbstractRange) where {E<:Endpoint} = r.start:r.stop(s) (r::EndpointUnitRange{E,Int})(s::AbstractRange) where {E<:Endpoint} = r.start(s):r.stop (r::EndpointStepRange)(s::AbstractRange) = r.start(s):r.step:r.stop(s) (r::EndpointStepRange{Int,E})(s::AbstractRange) where {E<:Endpoint} = r.start:r.step:r.stop(s) (r::EndpointStepRange{E,Int})(s::AbstractRange) where {E<:Endpoint} = r.start(s):r.step:r.stop Base.colon(start::Endpoint, stop::Endpoint) = EndpointUnitRange(start, stop) Base.colon(start::Endpoint, stop::Int) = EndpointUnitRange(start, stop) Base.colon(start::Int, stop::Endpoint) = EndpointUnitRange(start, stop) Base.colon(start::Endpoint, step::Int, stop::Endpoint) = EndpointStepRange(start, step, stop) Base.colon(start::Endpoint, step::Int, stop::Int) = EndpointStepRange(start, step, stop) Base.colon(start::Int, step::Int, stop::Endpoint) = EndpointStepRange(start, step, stop) function Base.getindex(r::UnitRange, s::EndpointRange) getindex(r, newindex(indices1(r), s)) end function Base.getindex(r::AbstractUnitRange, s::EndpointRange) getindex(r, newindex(indices1(r), s)) end function Base.getindex(r::StepRange, s::EndpointRange) getindex(r, newindex(indices1(r), s)) end function Base.getindex(r::StepRangeLen, s::EndpointRange) getindex(r, newindex(indices1(r), s)) end function Base.getindex(r::LinRange, s::EndpointRange) getindex(r, newindex(indices1(r), s)) end @inline function Base.to_indices(A, inds, I::Tuple{Union{Endpoint, EndpointRange}, Vararg{Any}}) (newindex(inds[1], I[1]), to_indices(A, Base._maybetail(inds), Base.tail(I))...) end @inline newindices(indsA, inds) = (newindex(indsA[1], inds[1]), newindices(tail(indsA), tail(inds))...) newindices(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = () newindex(indA, i::Union{Real, AbstractArray, Colon}) = i newindex(indA, i::EndpointRange) = i(indA) newindex(indA, i::IBegin) = first(indA) newindex(indA, i::IEnd) = last(indA) end # module
[ 2, 28, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3740, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 3163, 20477, 14, 12915, 4122, 49, 6231, 13, 20362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 416, 5045, 7439, 198, 220, 220, 220, 685, 5661, 468, 4159, 31671, 329, 410, 15, 13, 22, 12, 39345, 60, 198, 46249, 198, 198, 21412, 5268, 4122, 49, 6231, 198, 198, 2, 3500, 3082, 265, 198, 198, 11748, 7308, 25, 1343, 11, 532, 11, 1635, 11, 1220, 11, 6184, 115, 11, 4064, 198, 3500, 7308, 25, 3582, 15732, 11, 7894, 11, 36525, 16, 198, 198, 39344, 24283, 1533, 259, 11, 1312, 437, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 5268, 4122, 886, 198, 7249, 314, 44140, 1279, 25, 5268, 4122, 886, 198, 7249, 314, 12915, 220, 220, 1279, 25, 5268, 4122, 886, 198, 9979, 24283, 1533, 259, 796, 314, 44140, 3419, 198, 9979, 1312, 437, 220, 220, 796, 314, 12915, 3419, 198, 198, 7, 3712, 9865, 1533, 259, 5769, 65, 3712, 46541, 11, 304, 3712, 46541, 8, 796, 275, 198, 7, 3712, 10008, 358, 220, 1267, 7, 65, 3712, 46541, 11, 304, 3712, 46541, 8, 796, 304, 198, 7, 3712, 9865, 1533, 259, 5769, 81, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 796, 717, 7, 81, 8, 198, 7, 3712, 10008, 358, 220, 1267, 7, 81, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 796, 938, 7, 81, 8, 198, 198, 7249, 12901, 22203, 90, 37, 27, 25, 22203, 92, 1279, 25, 5268, 4122, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6376, 3712, 37, 198, 437, 198, 7, 69, 3712, 15732, 22203, 5769, 81, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 796, 277, 13, 9630, 7, 81, 8, 198, 198, 1640, 1034, 287, 357, 25, 28200, 47226, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 18206, 720, 404, 7, 87, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 12901, 22203, 7, 81, 3784, 87, 7, 81, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 1640, 1034, 287, 357, 25, 28200, 1058, 20995, 1058, 25666, 1058, 47454, 1058, 127, 115, 11, 1058, 4407, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 18206, 720, 404, 7, 87, 3712, 12915, 4122, 11, 331, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 12901, 22203, 7, 81, 3784, 3, 404, 7, 87, 7, 81, 828, 331, 7, 81, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 18206, 720, 404, 7, 87, 3712, 12915, 4122, 11, 331, 3712, 15057, 8, 796, 12901, 22203, 7, 81, 3784, 3, 404, 7, 87, 7, 81, 828, 331, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 18206, 720, 404, 7, 87, 3712, 15057, 11, 331, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 12901, 22203, 7, 81, 3784, 3, 404, 7, 87, 11, 331, 7, 81, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 14593, 407, 1279, 25, 27741, 26453, 17257, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 5268, 4122, 17257, 90, 51, 92, 886, 198, 7249, 5268, 4122, 26453, 17257, 90, 37, 27, 25, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 12915, 4122, 5512, 43, 27, 25, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 12915, 4122, 11709, 1279, 25, 5268, 4122, 17257, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 923, 3712, 37, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2245, 3712, 43, 198, 437, 198, 7249, 5268, 4122, 8600, 17257, 90, 37, 27, 25, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 12915, 4122, 5512, 43, 27, 25, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 12915, 4122, 11709, 1279, 25, 5268, 4122, 17257, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 923, 3712, 37, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2239, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2245, 3712, 43, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7, 81, 3712, 12915, 4122, 26453, 17257, 5769, 82, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 796, 374, 13, 9688, 7, 82, 2599, 81, 13, 11338, 7, 82, 8, 198, 7, 81, 3712, 12915, 4122, 26453, 17257, 90, 5317, 11, 36, 92, 5769, 82, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 810, 1391, 36, 27, 25, 12915, 4122, 92, 796, 374, 13, 9688, 25, 81, 13, 11338, 7, 82, 8, 198, 7, 81, 3712, 12915, 4122, 26453, 17257, 90, 36, 11, 5317, 92, 5769, 82, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 810, 1391, 36, 27, 25, 12915, 4122, 92, 796, 374, 13, 9688, 7, 82, 2599, 81, 13, 11338, 198, 198, 7, 81, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8600, 17257, 5769, 82, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 796, 374, 13, 9688, 7, 82, 2599, 81, 13, 9662, 25, 81, 13, 11338, 7, 82, 8, 198, 7, 81, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8600, 17257, 90, 5317, 11, 36, 92, 5769, 82, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 810, 1391, 36, 27, 25, 12915, 4122, 92, 796, 374, 13, 9688, 25, 81, 13, 9662, 25, 81, 13, 11338, 7, 82, 8, 198, 7, 81, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8600, 17257, 90, 36, 11, 5317, 92, 5769, 82, 3712, 23839, 17257, 8, 810, 1391, 36, 27, 25, 12915, 4122, 92, 796, 374, 13, 9688, 7, 82, 2599, 81, 13, 9662, 25, 81, 13, 11338, 198, 198, 14881, 13, 4033, 261, 7, 9688, 3712, 12915, 4122, 11, 2245, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 5268, 4122, 26453, 17257, 7, 9688, 11, 2245, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 4033, 261, 7, 9688, 3712, 12915, 4122, 11, 2245, 3712, 5317, 8, 796, 5268, 4122, 26453, 17257, 7, 9688, 11, 2245, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 4033, 261, 7, 9688, 3712, 5317, 11, 2245, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 5268, 4122, 26453, 17257, 7, 9688, 11, 2245, 8, 198, 198, 14881, 13, 4033, 261, 7, 9688, 3712, 12915, 4122, 11, 2239, 3712, 5317, 11, 2245, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 5268, 4122, 8600, 17257, 7, 9688, 11, 2239, 11, 2245, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 4033, 261, 7, 9688, 3712, 12915, 4122, 11, 2239, 3712, 5317, 11, 2245, 3712, 5317, 8, 796, 5268, 4122, 8600, 17257, 7, 9688, 11, 2239, 11, 2245, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 4033, 261, 7, 9688, 3712, 5317, 11, 2239, 3712, 5317, 11, 2245, 3712, 12915, 4122, 8, 796, 5268, 4122, 8600, 17257, 7, 9688, 11, 2239, 11, 2245, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 81, 3712, 26453, 17257, 11, 264, 3712, 12915, 4122, 17257, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 9630, 7, 81, 11, 649, 9630, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 7, 81, 828, 264, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 81, 3712, 23839, 26453, 17257, 11, 264, 3712, 12915, 4122, 17257, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 9630, 7, 81, 11, 649, 9630, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 7, 81, 828, 264, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 81, 3712, 8600, 17257, 11, 264, 3712, 12915, 4122, 17257, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 9630, 7, 81, 11, 649, 9630, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 7, 81, 828, 264, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 81, 3712, 8600, 17257, 30659, 11, 264, 3712, 12915, 4122, 17257, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 9630, 7, 81, 11, 649, 9630, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 7, 81, 828, 264, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 81, 3712, 14993, 17257, 11, 264, 3712, 12915, 4122, 17257, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 9630, 7, 81, 11, 649, 9630, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 7, 81, 828, 264, 4008, 198, 437, 628, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 7308, 13, 1462, 62, 521, 1063, 7, 32, 11, 773, 82, 11, 314, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 38176, 90, 12915, 4122, 11, 5268, 4122, 17257, 5512, 12372, 853, 90, 7149, 11709, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 3605, 9630, 7, 521, 82, 58, 16, 4357, 314, 58, 16, 46570, 284, 62, 521, 1063, 7, 32, 11, 7308, 13557, 11261, 11181, 603, 7, 521, 82, 828, 7308, 13, 13199, 7, 40, 4008, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 649, 521, 1063, 7, 521, 82, 32, 11, 773, 82, 8, 796, 357, 3605, 9630, 7, 521, 82, 32, 58, 16, 4357, 773, 82, 58, 16, 46570, 649, 521, 1063, 7, 13199, 7, 521, 82, 32, 828, 7894, 7, 521, 82, 4008, 23029, 198, 3605, 521, 1063, 7, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 5512, 7904, 51, 29291, 90, 30072, 796, 7499, 198, 198, 3605, 9630, 7, 521, 32, 11, 1312, 3712, 38176, 90, 15633, 11, 27741, 19182, 11, 14049, 30072, 796, 1312, 198, 3605, 9630, 7, 521, 32, 11, 1312, 3712, 12915, 4122, 17257, 8, 796, 1312, 7, 521, 32, 8, 198, 3605, 9630, 7, 521, 32, 11, 1312, 3712, 9865, 1533, 259, 8, 796, 717, 7, 521, 32, 8, 198, 3605, 9630, 7, 521, 32, 11, 1312, 3712, 10008, 358, 8, 220, 220, 796, 938, 7, 521, 32, 8, 198, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
lines = readlines("input.txt") re = r"(\w+)" function main() #= Solve using frequency analysis (i.e.: for digits 0 to 9, we see segment 'a' 8 times) For 1: we need c and f, i.e. 8 + 9 = 17. for 7, a + c + f = 8 + 8 + 9 = 25 This works, because the distribution for the number of times each segment lights up for digits 0 to 9 is unique =# segmentmap = Dict( 0 => collect("abcefg"), 1 => collect("cf"), 2 => collect("acdeg"), 3 => collect("acdfg"), 4 => collect("bcdf"), 5 => collect("abdfg"), 6 => collect("abdefg"), 7 => collect("acf"), 8 => collect("abcdefg"), 9 => collect("abcdfg") ) freq = X -> Dict([(x, count(==(x), X)) for x = unique(X)]) X = freq(reduce(vcat, values(segmentmap))) numbers = Dict([(i,sum([X[c] for c = set])) for (i,set) = pairs(segmentmap)]) inverse = Dict(value => key for (key, value) = numbers) sumdigits = N -> sum(n * 10^e for (n,e) = zip(N, length(N)-1:-1:0)) Σ = 0 for line = lines input, output = split(line, '|') signals = [m.match for m = eachmatch(re, input)] X = freq(reduce(vcat, collect.(signals))) Y = [m.match for m = eachmatch(re, output)] Σ_Y = map(s -> sum([X[c] for c = collect(s)]), Y) N = map(n -> inverse[n], Σ_Y) Σ += sumdigits(N) println(sumdigits(N)) end println("====") println(Σ) end main()
[ 6615, 796, 1100, 6615, 7203, 15414, 13, 14116, 4943, 198, 260, 796, 374, 18109, 59, 86, 10, 16725, 198, 198, 8818, 1388, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 28, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4294, 303, 1262, 8373, 3781, 357, 72, 13, 68, 11207, 329, 19561, 657, 284, 860, 11, 356, 766, 10618, 705, 64, 6, 807, 1661, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1114, 352, 25, 356, 761, 269, 290, 277, 11, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 807, 1343, 860, 796, 1596, 13, 329, 767, 11, 257, 1343, 269, 1343, 277, 796, 807, 1343, 807, 1343, 860, 796, 1679, 198, 220, 220, 220, 770, 2499, 11, 780, 262, 6082, 329, 262, 1271, 286, 1661, 1123, 10618, 7588, 198, 220, 220, 220, 510, 329, 19561, 657, 284, 860, 318, 3748, 198, 220, 220, 220, 796, 2, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10618, 8899, 796, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 5218, 2824, 7203, 397, 344, 40616, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 352, 5218, 2824, 7203, 12993, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 362, 5218, 2824, 7203, 330, 13500, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 513, 5218, 2824, 7203, 330, 7568, 70, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 604, 5218, 2824, 7203, 15630, 7568, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 642, 5218, 2824, 7203, 397, 7568, 70, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 718, 5218, 2824, 7203, 397, 4299, 70, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 767, 5218, 2824, 7203, 330, 69, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 807, 5218, 2824, 7203, 39305, 4299, 70, 12340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 860, 5218, 2824, 7203, 39305, 7568, 70, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2030, 80, 796, 1395, 4613, 360, 713, 26933, 7, 87, 11, 954, 7, 855, 7, 87, 828, 1395, 4008, 329, 2124, 796, 3748, 7, 55, 8, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 2030, 80, 7, 445, 7234, 7, 85, 9246, 11, 3815, 7, 325, 5154, 8899, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3146, 796, 360, 713, 26933, 7, 72, 11, 16345, 26933, 55, 58, 66, 60, 329, 269, 796, 900, 60, 4008, 329, 357, 72, 11, 2617, 8, 796, 14729, 7, 325, 5154, 8899, 8, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34062, 796, 360, 713, 7, 8367, 5218, 1994, 329, 357, 2539, 11, 1988, 8, 796, 3146, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2160, 12894, 896, 796, 399, 4613, 2160, 7, 77, 1635, 838, 61, 68, 329, 357, 77, 11, 68, 8, 796, 19974, 7, 45, 11, 4129, 7, 45, 13219, 16, 21912, 16, 25, 15, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 96, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1627, 796, 3951, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 11, 5072, 796, 6626, 7, 1370, 11, 705, 91, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10425, 796, 685, 76, 13, 15699, 329, 285, 796, 1123, 15699, 7, 260, 11, 5128, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 2030, 80, 7, 445, 7234, 7, 85, 9246, 11, 2824, 12195, 12683, 874, 22305, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 575, 796, 685, 76, 13, 15699, 329, 285, 796, 1123, 15699, 7, 260, 11, 5072, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 96, 62, 56, 796, 3975, 7, 82, 4613, 2160, 26933, 55, 58, 66, 60, 329, 269, 796, 2824, 7, 82, 15437, 828, 575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 399, 796, 3975, 7, 77, 4613, 34062, 58, 77, 4357, 7377, 96, 62, 56, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7377, 96, 15853, 2160, 12894, 896, 7, 45, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7, 16345, 12894, 896, 7, 45, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 1421, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7, 138, 96, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 12417, 3419, 198 ]
######################################################################################################## ## Details # This file implements the MAP estimation proceedure for UQ inference problems. # Note, we convert the named tuple p.x into a vector for use in GalacticOptim. # For the conversion, we use TransformVariables. ######################################################################################################### function MAP(p :: ArbitraryDistribution{T}) where T<: AbstractFloat # Setup optimization utilities trans, x0 = namedtp_to_vec(p.x) f = distribution_wrapper(p, trans) params = p.p # Define problem g = OptimizationFunction(f, GalacticOptim.AutoForwardDiff()) prob = OptimizationProblem(g, x0, p.p) # Solve sol = solve(prob, BFGS()) # return solution xf = sol.u p.x = transform(trans, xf) return p end
[ 29113, 29113, 29113, 7804, 198, 2235, 14890, 198, 2, 770, 2393, 23986, 262, 34645, 31850, 5120, 495, 329, 471, 48, 32278, 2761, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5740, 11, 356, 10385, 262, 3706, 46545, 279, 13, 87, 656, 257, 15879, 329, 779, 287, 23509, 27871, 320, 13, 198, 2, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1114, 262, 11315, 11, 356, 779, 26981, 23907, 2977, 13, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 7804, 2, 198, 198, 8818, 34645, 7, 79, 7904, 33619, 11619, 20344, 3890, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 309, 27, 25, 27741, 43879, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 31122, 23989, 20081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1007, 11, 2124, 15, 796, 3706, 34788, 62, 1462, 62, 35138, 7, 79, 13, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 6082, 62, 48553, 7, 79, 11, 1007, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42287, 796, 279, 13, 79, 220, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2896, 500, 1917, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 796, 30011, 1634, 22203, 7, 69, 11, 23509, 27871, 320, 13, 27722, 39746, 28813, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1861, 796, 30011, 1634, 40781, 7, 70, 11, 2124, 15, 11, 279, 13, 79, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4294, 303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1540, 796, 8494, 7, 1676, 65, 11, 41646, 14313, 28955, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1441, 4610, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 69, 796, 1540, 13, 84, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 13, 87, 796, 6121, 7, 7645, 11, 2124, 69, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 279, 198, 198, 437 ]
################################################################################ # # Parent # ################################################################################ parent(a::AlgAssElem) = a.parent ################################################################################ # # Special elements # ################################################################################ zero(A::AlgAss) = A() one(A::AlgAss) = A( ################################################################################ # # Unary operations # ################################################################################ function -(a::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} coeffs = [ -a.coeffs[i] for i = 1:dim(parent(a)) ] return AlgAssElem{T}(parent(a), coeffs) end ################################################################################ # # Binary operations # ################################################################################ function +(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} parent(a) != parent(b) && error("Parents don't match.") coeffs = Array{T, 1}(dim(parent(a))) for i = 1:dim(parent(a)) coeffs[i] = a.coeffs[i] + b.coeffs[i] end return AlgAssElem{T}(parent(a), coeffs) end function -(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} parent(a) != parent(b) && error("Parents don't match.") coeffs = Array{T, 1}(dim(parent(a))) for i = 1:dim(parent(a)) coeffs[i] = a.coeffs[i] - b.coeffs[i] end return AlgAssElem{T}(parent(a), coeffs) end function *(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} parent(a) != parent(b) && error("Parents don't match.") A = parent(a) n = dim(A) c = A() t = base_ring(A)() for i = 1:n if iszero(a.coeffs[i]) continue end for j = 1:n t = a.coeffs[i]*b.coeffs[j] if iszero(t) continue end for k = 1:n c.coeffs[k] += A.mult_table[i, j, k]*t end end end return c end function mul!(c::AlgAssElem{T}, a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} A = parent(a) n = dim(A) t = base_ring(A)() s = base_ring(A)() if c === a || c === b z = parent(a)() mul!(z, a, b) return z end for k in 1:n c.coeffs[k] = zero!(c.coeffs[k]) end for i = 1:n if iszero(a.coeffs[i]) continue end for j = 1:n t = a.coeffs[i]*b.coeffs[j] if iszero(t) continue end for k = 1:n s = mul!(s, A.mult_table[i, j, k], t) c.coeffs[k] = add!(c.coeffs[k], c.coeffs[k], s) #c.coeffs[k] += A.mult_table[i, j, k]*t end end end #@assert c == a * b return c end ################################################################################ # # Ad hoc operations # ################################################################################ function *(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::T) where { T <: RingElem } return AlgAssElem{T}(parent(a), a.coeffs.*b) end *(b::T, a::AlgAssElem{T}) where { T <: RingElem } = a*b *(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::Union{Integer, fmpz}) where {T} = a*base_ring(parent(a))(b) *(b::Union{Integer, fmpz}, a::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} = a*b dot(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::T) where {T} = a*b dot(b::T, a::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} = b*a dot(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::Union{Integer, fmpz}) where {T} = a*b dot(b::Union{Integer, fmpz}, a::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} = b*a ################################################################################ # # Exponentiation # ################################################################################ function ^(a::AlgAssElem, b::Int) if b == 0 return one(parent(a)) elseif b == 1 return deepcopy(a) else if b < 0 error("Not implemented yet") #a = inv(a) #b = -b end bit = ~((~UInt(0)) >> 1) while (UInt(bit) & b) == 0 bit >>= 1 end z = deepcopy(a) bit >>= 1 while bit != 0 z = mul!(z, z, z) if (UInt(bit) & b) != 0 z = mul!(z, z, a) end bit >>= 1 end return z end end function ^(a::AlgAssElem, b::fmpz) if nbits(b) < 64 return a^Int(b) end if b < 0 error("Not implemented yet") elseif b == 0 return one(parent(a)) elseif b == 1 return deepcopy(a) elseif mod(b, 2) == 0 c = a^(div(b, 2)) return c*c elseif mod(b, 2) == 1 return a^(b - 1)*a end end ################################################################################ # # Parent object overloading # ################################################################################ (A::AlgAss{T})() where {T} = AlgAssElem{T}(A) function (A::AlgAss{T})(c::Array{T, 1}) where {T} length(c) != dim(A) && error("Dimensions don't match.") return AlgAssElem{T}(A, c) end function Base.getindex(A::AlgAss{T}, i::Int) where {T} (i < 1 || i > dim(A)) && error("Index must be in range $(1:dim(A))") n = dim(A) v = Vector{T}(n) for j in 1:n v[j] = zero(base_ring(A)) end v[i] = one(base_ring(A)) return A(v) end ################################################################################ # # String I/O # ################################################################################ function show(io::IO, a::AlgAssElem) print(io, "Element of ") print(io, parent(a)) print(io, " with coefficients ") print(io, a.coeffs) end ################################################################################ # # Deepcopy # ################################################################################ function Base.deepcopy_internal(a::AlgAssElem{T}, dict::ObjectIdDict) where {T} b = parent(a)() for x in fieldnames(a) if x != :parent && isdefined(a, x) setfield!(b, x, Base.deepcopy_internal(getfield(a, x), dict)) end end return b end ################################################################################ # # Equality # ################################################################################ function ==(a::AlgAssElem{T}, b::AlgAssElem{T}) where {T} parent(a) != parent(b) && return false return a.coeffs == b.coeffs end ################################################################################ # # Minpoly # ################################################################################ function Generic.minpoly(a::AlgAssElem) M = representation_matrix(a) R = PolynomialRing(base_ring(parent(a)), "x", cached=false)[1] return minpoly(R, M) end ################################################################################ # # Representation matrix # ################################################################################ function elem_to_mat_row!(M::MatElem{T}, i::Int, a::AlgAssElem{T}) where T for c = 1:cols(M) M[i, c] = deepcopy(a.coeffs[c]) end return nothing end function elem_from_mat_row(A::AlgAss{T}, M::MatElem{T}, i::Int) where T a = A() for c = 1:cols(M) a.coeffs[c] = deepcopy(M[i, c]) end return a end function representation_matrix(a::AlgAssElem, action::Symbol=:left) A = parent(a) M = zero_matrix(base_ring(A), dim(A), dim(A)) if action==:left for i = 1:dim(A) if iszero(a.coeffs[i]) continue end for j = 1:dim(A) for k = 1:dim(A) M[j, k] += a.coeffs[i]*A.mult_table[i, j, k] end end end elseif action==:right for i = 1:dim(A) if iszero(a.coeffs[i]) continue end for j = 1:dim(A) for k = 1:dim(A) M[j, k] += a.coeffs[i]*A.mult_table[j, i, k] end end end else error("Not yet implemented") end return M end ################################################################################ # # isone/iszero # ################################################################################ isone(a::AlgAssElem) = a == one(parent(a)) iszero(a::AlgAssElem) = all(i -> i == 0, a.coeffs)
[ 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 16774, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8000, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 8, 796, 257, 13, 8000, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 6093, 4847, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 22570, 7, 32, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 8, 796, 317, 3419, 198, 198, 505, 7, 32, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 8, 796, 317, 7, 32, 13, 505, 8, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 791, 560, 4560, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 763, 14822, 82, 796, 685, 532, 64, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 2361, 198, 220, 1441, 978, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 92, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 828, 763, 14822, 82, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 45755, 4560, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 14512, 2560, 7, 65, 8, 11405, 4049, 7203, 42969, 836, 470, 2872, 19570, 198, 220, 763, 14822, 82, 796, 15690, 90, 51, 11, 352, 92, 7, 27740, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 22305, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 763, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 1343, 275, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 978, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 92, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 828, 763, 14822, 82, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 14512, 2560, 7, 65, 8, 11405, 4049, 7203, 42969, 836, 470, 2872, 19570, 198, 220, 763, 14822, 82, 796, 15690, 90, 51, 11, 352, 92, 7, 27740, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 22305, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 763, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 532, 275, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 978, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 92, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 828, 763, 14822, 82, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 14512, 2560, 7, 65, 8, 11405, 4049, 7203, 42969, 836, 470, 2872, 19570, 628, 220, 317, 796, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 299, 796, 5391, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 269, 796, 317, 3419, 198, 220, 256, 796, 2779, 62, 1806, 7, 32, 8, 3419, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 22570, 7, 64, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 796, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 9, 65, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 73, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 22570, 7, 83, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 60, 15853, 317, 13, 16680, 62, 11487, 58, 72, 11, 474, 11, 479, 60, 9, 83, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 269, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 35971, 0, 7, 66, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 317, 796, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 299, 796, 5391, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 256, 796, 2779, 62, 1806, 7, 32, 8, 3419, 198, 220, 264, 796, 2779, 62, 1806, 7, 32, 8, 3419, 628, 220, 611, 269, 24844, 257, 8614, 269, 24844, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 796, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35971, 0, 7, 89, 11, 257, 11, 275, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1976, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 60, 796, 6632, 0, 7, 66, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 22570, 7, 64, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 796, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 9, 65, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 73, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 22570, 7, 83, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 35971, 0, 7, 82, 11, 317, 13, 16680, 62, 11487, 58, 72, 11, 474, 11, 479, 4357, 256, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 60, 796, 751, 0, 7, 66, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 4357, 269, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 4357, 264, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 66, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 74, 60, 15853, 317, 13, 16680, 62, 11487, 58, 72, 11, 474, 11, 479, 60, 9, 83, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1303, 31, 30493, 269, 6624, 257, 1635, 275, 198, 220, 1441, 269, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 1215, 39158, 4560, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 309, 1279, 25, 12569, 36, 10671, 1782, 198, 220, 1441, 978, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 92, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 828, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 15885, 65, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9, 7, 65, 3712, 51, 11, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 309, 1279, 25, 12569, 36, 10671, 1782, 796, 257, 9, 65, 198, 198, 9, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 38176, 90, 46541, 11, 277, 3149, 89, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 257, 9, 8692, 62, 1806, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 7, 65, 8, 198, 198, 9, 7, 65, 3712, 38176, 90, 46541, 11, 277, 3149, 89, 5512, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 257, 9, 65, 198, 198, 26518, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 257, 9, 65, 198, 198, 26518, 7, 65, 3712, 51, 11, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 275, 9, 64, 198, 198, 26518, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 38176, 90, 46541, 11, 277, 3149, 89, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 257, 9, 65, 198, 198, 26518, 7, 65, 3712, 38176, 90, 46541, 11, 277, 3149, 89, 5512, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 275, 9, 64, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 5518, 3471, 3920, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 10563, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 11, 275, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 611, 275, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 530, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 275, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2769, 30073, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 275, 1279, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3673, 9177, 1865, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 64, 796, 800, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 65, 796, 532, 65, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1643, 796, 5299, 19510, 93, 52, 5317, 7, 15, 4008, 9609, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 357, 52, 5317, 7, 2545, 8, 1222, 275, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1643, 9609, 28, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1643, 9609, 28, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 981, 1643, 14512, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 796, 35971, 0, 7, 89, 11, 1976, 11, 1976, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 52, 5317, 7, 2545, 8, 1222, 275, 8, 14512, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 796, 35971, 0, 7, 89, 11, 1976, 11, 257, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1643, 9609, 28, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1976, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 10563, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 11, 275, 3712, 69, 3149, 89, 8, 198, 220, 611, 299, 9895, 7, 65, 8, 1279, 5598, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 257, 61, 5317, 7, 65, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 611, 275, 1279, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3673, 9177, 1865, 4943, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 275, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 530, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 275, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2769, 30073, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 953, 7, 65, 11, 362, 8, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 269, 796, 257, 61, 7, 7146, 7, 65, 11, 362, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 269, 9, 66, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 953, 7, 65, 11, 362, 8, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 257, 61, 7, 65, 532, 352, 27493, 64, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 16774, 2134, 625, 25138, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 7, 32, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 90, 51, 30072, 3419, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 978, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 92, 7, 32, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 357, 32, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 90, 51, 92, 5769, 66, 3712, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 352, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 4129, 7, 66, 8, 14512, 5391, 7, 32, 8, 11405, 4049, 7203, 29271, 5736, 836, 470, 2872, 19570, 198, 220, 1441, 978, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 92, 7, 32, 11, 269, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 32, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 90, 51, 5512, 1312, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 357, 72, 1279, 352, 8614, 1312, 1875, 5391, 7, 32, 4008, 11405, 4049, 7203, 15732, 1276, 307, 287, 2837, 29568, 16, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 4008, 4943, 198, 220, 299, 796, 5391, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 410, 796, 20650, 90, 51, 92, 7, 77, 8, 198, 220, 329, 474, 287, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 410, 58, 73, 60, 796, 6632, 7, 8692, 62, 1806, 7, 32, 4008, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 410, 58, 72, 60, 796, 530, 7, 8692, 62, 1806, 7, 32, 4008, 198, 220, 1441, 317, 7, 85, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 10903, 314, 14, 46, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 905, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 8, 198, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 366, 20180, 286, 366, 8, 198, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 2560, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 366, 351, 44036, 366, 8, 198, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 10766, 30073, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 22089, 30073, 62, 32538, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 8633, 3712, 10267, 7390, 35, 713, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 275, 796, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 3419, 198, 220, 329, 2124, 287, 2214, 14933, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2124, 14512, 1058, 8000, 11405, 318, 23211, 7, 64, 11, 2124, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 65, 11, 2124, 11, 7308, 13, 22089, 30073, 62, 32538, 7, 1136, 3245, 7, 64, 11, 2124, 828, 8633, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 275, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 31428, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 6624, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 275, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 14512, 2560, 7, 65, 8, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 1441, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 6624, 275, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 1855, 35428, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 42044, 13, 1084, 35428, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 8, 198, 220, 337, 796, 10552, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 371, 796, 12280, 26601, 498, 39687, 7, 8692, 62, 1806, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 36911, 366, 87, 1600, 39986, 28, 9562, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 1441, 949, 35428, 7, 49, 11, 337, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 10858, 341, 17593, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 8818, 9766, 76, 62, 1462, 62, 6759, 62, 808, 0, 7, 44, 3712, 19044, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 1312, 3712, 5317, 11, 257, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 309, 198, 220, 329, 269, 796, 352, 25, 4033, 82, 7, 44, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 58, 72, 11, 269, 60, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 64, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 66, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 9766, 76, 62, 6738, 62, 6759, 62, 808, 7, 32, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 90, 51, 5512, 337, 3712, 19044, 36, 10671, 90, 51, 5512, 1312, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 309, 198, 220, 257, 796, 317, 3419, 198, 220, 329, 269, 796, 352, 25, 4033, 82, 7, 44, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 66, 60, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 44, 58, 72, 11, 269, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 257, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 10552, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 11, 2223, 3712, 13940, 23650, 28, 25, 9464, 8, 198, 220, 317, 796, 2560, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 337, 796, 6632, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 8692, 62, 1806, 7, 32, 828, 5391, 7, 32, 828, 5391, 7, 32, 4008, 198, 220, 611, 2223, 855, 25, 9464, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 22570, 7, 64, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 337, 58, 73, 11, 479, 60, 15853, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 9, 32, 13, 16680, 62, 11487, 58, 72, 11, 474, 11, 479, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 2223, 855, 25, 3506, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 22570, 7, 64, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2555, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 474, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 479, 796, 352, 25, 27740, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 337, 58, 73, 11, 479, 60, 15853, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 58, 72, 60, 9, 32, 13, 16680, 62, 11487, 58, 73, 11, 1312, 11, 479, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3673, 1865, 9177, 4943, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 337, 198, 437, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 2, 198, 2, 220, 318, 505, 14, 271, 22570, 198, 2, 198, 29113, 29113, 14468, 198, 198, 271, 505, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 8, 796, 257, 6624, 530, 7, 8000, 7, 64, 4008, 198, 198, 271, 22570, 7, 64, 3712, 2348, 70, 8021, 36, 10671, 8, 796, 477, 7, 72, 4613, 1312, 6624, 657, 11, 257, 13, 1073, 14822, 82, 8, 198 ]
using Test using MathOptInterface const MOI = MathOptInterface const MOIU = MOI.Utilities @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface") == "MOI" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.MathOptInterface") == "MOI.MOI" @test sprint( MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.Utilities.MathOptInterface", ) == "MOIU.MOI" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterfaceXXBridges") == "MOIXXBridges" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.BridgesXX") == "MOIBXX" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.Test.x") == "MOIT.x" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.x.Test") == "MOI.x.Test" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.Utilities.Test") == "MOIU.Test" @test sprint(MOIU.print_with_acronym, "MathOptInterface.Utilities.Test") == "MOIU.Test"
[ 3500, 6208, 198, 3500, 16320, 27871, 39317, 198, 9979, 13070, 40, 796, 16320, 27871, 39317, 198, 9979, 13070, 44958, 796, 13070, 40, 13, 18274, 2410, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 4943, 6624, 366, 11770, 40, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 37372, 27871, 39317, 4943, 6624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 11770, 40, 13, 11770, 40, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13070, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 18274, 2410, 13, 37372, 27871, 39317, 1600, 198, 8, 6624, 366, 11770, 44958, 13, 11770, 40, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 8051, 33, 32124, 4943, 6624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 11770, 40, 8051, 33, 32124, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 33, 32124, 8051, 4943, 6624, 366, 11770, 9865, 8051, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 14402, 13, 87, 4943, 6624, 366, 11770, 2043, 13, 87, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 87, 13, 14402, 4943, 6624, 366, 11770, 40, 13, 87, 13, 14402, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 18274, 2410, 13, 14402, 4943, 6624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 11770, 44958, 13, 14402, 1, 198, 31, 9288, 18553, 7, 11770, 44958, 13, 4798, 62, 4480, 62, 330, 1313, 4948, 11, 366, 37372, 27871, 39317, 13, 18274, 2410, 13, 14402, 4943, 6624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 11770, 44958, 13, 14402, 1, 198 ]
export PyPtr, PyObject, Py_NULL, METH_O, METH_NOARGS, METH_FASTCALL export Py_ssize_t, Addr export PyMethodDef export Py_LE, Py_LT, Py_NE, Py_EQ, Py_GE, Py_GT const Py_ssize_t = Cssize_t const Py_hash_t = Py_ssize_t const Addr = UInt64 # Ref: struct PyObject ob_refcnt::Py_ssize_t ob_type::Ptr{PyObject} end const PyPtr = Ptr{PyObject} const Py_NULL = reinterpret(PyPtr, C_NULL) const METH_VARARGS = 0x0001 const METH_KEYWORDS = 0x0002 const METH_NOARGS = 0x0004 const METH_O = 0x0008 const METH_FASTCALL = 0x0080 # Ref: mutable struct PyMethodDef ml_name::Cstring ml_meth::Ptr{Nothing} ml_flags::Cint ml_doc::Cstring # may be NULL end # Ref: struct PyGetSetDef name::Ptr{UInt8} get::Ptr{Cvoid} set::Ptr{Cvoid} # may be NULL for read-only members doc::Ptr{UInt8} # may be NULL closure::Ptr{Cvoid} # pass-through thunk, may be NULL end # (o, o) -> p # struct binaryfunc # unbox::Ptr{Nothing} # end # function (f::binaryfunc)(o1::PyPtr, o2::PyPtr) # ccall(f.unbox, PyPtr, (PyPtr, PyPtr), o1, o2) # end # DIO_ExceptCode(::binaryfunc) = Py_NULL # (o) -> p # struct unaryfunc # unbox::Ptr{Nothing} # end # function (f::unaryfunc)(o) # ccall(f.unbox, PyPtr, (PyPtr,), o) # end # DIO_ExceptCode(::unaryfunc) = Py_NULL # # (o, o, o) -> p # struct ternaryfunc # unbox::Ptr{Nothing} # end # function (f::ternaryfunc)(o1::PyPtr, o2::PyPtr, o3::PyPtr) # ccall(f.unbox, PyPtr, (PyPtr, PyPtr, PyPtr), o1, o2, o3) # end # DIO_ExceptCode(::ternaryfunc) = Py_NULL const binaryfunc = Ptr{Nothing} const unaryfunc = Ptr{Nothing} const ternaryfunc = Ptr{Nothing} # Ref: struct PyNumberMethods nb_add::binaryfunc nb_subtract::binaryfunc nb_multiply::binaryfunc nb_remainder::binaryfunc nb_divmod::binaryfunc nb_power::ternaryfunc nb_negative::unaryfunc nb_positive::unaryfunc nb_absolute::unaryfunc nb_bool::Ptr{Nothing} nb_invert::unaryfunc nb_lshift::binaryfunc nb_rshift::binaryfunc nb_and::binaryfunc nb_xor::binaryfunc nb_or::binaryfunc nb_int::unaryfunc nb_reserved::Ptr{Nothing} nb_float::unaryfunc nb_inplace_add::binaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract::binaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply::binaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder::binaryfunc nb_inplace_power::ternaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift::binaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift::binaryfunc nb_inplace_and::binaryfunc nb_inplace_xor::binaryfunc nb_inplace_or::binaryfunc nb_floor_divide::binaryfunc nb_true_divide::binaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide::binaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide::binaryfunc nb_index::unaryfunc nb_matrix_multiply::binaryfunc nb_inplace_matrix_multiply::binaryfunc end struct PyMemberDef name::Ptr{UInt8} typ::Cint offset::Int # warning: was Cint for Python <= 2.4 flags::Cint doc::Ptr{UInt8} end # Ref: mutable struct PyTypeObject # PyObject_HEAD (for non-Py_TRACE_REFS build): ob_refcnt::Py_ssize_t ob_type::PyPtr ob_size::Py_ssize_t # PyObject_VAR_HEAD # PyTypeObject fields: tp_name::Ptr{UInt8} # required, should be in format "<module>.<name>" # warning: these two were Cint for Python <= 2.4 tp_basicsize::Int # required, = sizeof(instance) tp_itemsize::Int tp_dealloc::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_vectorcall_offset :: Addr tp_getattr::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_setattr::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_as_async::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_repr::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_as_number::Ptr{PyNumberMethods} tp_as_sequence::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_as_mapping::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_hash::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_call::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_str::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_getattro::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_setattro::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_as_buffer::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_flags::Clong # Required, should default to Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT tp_doc::Ptr{UInt8} # normally set in example code, but may be NULL tp_traverse::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_clear::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_richcompare::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_weaklistoffset::Int # added in Python 2.2: tp_iter::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_iternext::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_methods::Ptr{PyMethodDef} tp_members::Ptr{PyMemberDef} tp_getset::Ptr{PyGetSetDef} tp_base::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_dict::PyPtr tp_descr_get::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_descr_set::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_dictoffset::Int tp_init::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_alloc::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_new::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_free::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_is_gc::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_bases::PyPtr tp_mro::PyPtr tp_cache::PyPtr tp_subclasses::PyPtr tp_weaklist::PyPtr tp_del::Ptr{Cvoid} # added in Python 2.6: tp_version_tag::Cuint # only used for COUNT_ALLOCS builds of Python tp_allocs::Int tp_frees::Int tp_maxalloc::Int tp_prev::Ptr{Cvoid} tp_next::Ptr{Cvoid} end const Py_LT = Cint(0) const Py_LE = Cint(1) const Py_EQ = Cint(2) const Py_NE = Cint(3) const Py_GT = Cint(4) const Py_GE = Cint(5)
[ 39344, 9485, 46745, 11, 9485, 10267, 11, 9485, 62, 33991, 11, 337, 20702, 62, 46, 11, 337, 20702, 62, 15285, 1503, 14313, 11, 337, 20702, 62, 37, 1921, 4825, 7036, 198, 39344, 9485, 62, 824, 1096, 62, 83, 11, 3060, 81, 198, 39344, 9485, 17410, 7469, 198, 39344, 9485, 62, 2538, 11, 9485, 62, 27734, 11, 9485, 62, 12161, 11, 9485, 62, 36, 48, 11, 9485, 62, 8264, 11, 9485, 62, 19555, 198, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 824, 1096, 62, 83, 796, 327, 824, 1096, 62, 83, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 17831, 62, 83, 796, 9485, 62, 824, 1096, 62, 83, 198, 9979, 3060, 81, 796, 471, 5317, 2414, 198, 198, 2, 6524, 25, 3740, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 29412, 14, 13155, 7535, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 18, 13, 23, 14, 818, 9152, 14, 15252, 13, 71, 2, 43, 13464, 198, 7249, 9485, 10267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 909, 62, 5420, 66, 429, 3712, 20519, 62, 824, 1096, 62, 83, 198, 220, 220, 220, 909, 62, 4906, 3712, 46745, 90, 20519, 10267, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9979, 9485, 46745, 796, 350, 2213, 90, 20519, 10267, 92, 198, 9979, 9485, 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220, 220, 220, 256, 79, 62, 32332, 82, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 79, 62, 69, 6037, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 79, 62, 9806, 32332, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 79, 62, 47050, 3712, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 79, 62, 19545, 3712, 46745, 90, 34, 19382, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 27734, 796, 327, 600, 7, 15, 8, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 2538, 796, 327, 600, 7, 16, 8, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 36, 48, 796, 327, 600, 7, 17, 8, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 12161, 796, 327, 600, 7, 18, 8, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 19555, 796, 327, 600, 7, 19, 8, 198, 9979, 9485, 62, 8264, 796, 327, 600, 7, 20, 8, 198 ]
# Author: Gabrio Rizzuti, # Date: September 2020 using InvertibleNetworks, LinearAlgebra, Test, Statistics, Random # Random seed Random.seed!(1); ############################################################################### # Initialization # Input nx = 28 ny = 28*2 nc = 4 n_hidden = 64 batchsize = 5 X = rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize) # Layers and initialization logdet = true N1 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N2 = ActNorm(nc; logdet=logdet) N3 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N = Composition(N1, N2, N3) ############################################################################### # Test coherency of composition and manual composition Y = copy(X) Y, l3 = N3.forward(Y) Y, l2 = N2.forward(Y) Y, l1 = N1.forward(Y) l = l1+l2+l3 Y_, l_ = N.forward(X) @test isapprox(Y, Y_; rtol=1f-3) @test isapprox(l, l_; rtol=1f-3) ############################################################################### # Test coherency of composition and ∘ # Composition with ∘ N_ = N1∘N2∘N3 Y, l = N.forward(X) Y_, l_ = N_.forward(X) @test isapprox(Y, Y_; rtol=1f-3) @test isapprox(l, l_; rtol=1f-3) ############################################################################### # Test invertibility @test isapprox(X, N.inverse(N.forward(X)[1]); rtol=1f-3) @test isapprox(X, N.forward(N.inverse(X))[1]; rtol=1f-3) ############################################################################### # Gradient Test function loss(N, X, Y) # Forward pass Y_, lgdet = N.forward(X) # Residual and function value ΔY = Y_ - Y f = 0.5f0/batchsize*norm(ΔY)^2f0-lgdet # Back propagation ΔX, _ = N.backward(ΔY./batchsize, Y_) return f, ΔX, deepcopy(get_grads(N)) end # Initializing nets N1 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N2 = ActNorm(nc; logdet=logdet) N3 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N0 = Composition(N1, N2, N3); N0.forward(rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize)) θ0 = deepcopy(get_params(N0)) N1 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N2 = ActNorm(nc; logdet=logdet) N3 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N = Composition(N1, N2, N3); N.forward(rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize)) θ = deepcopy(get_params(N)) # Inputs X = rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize) X0 = rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize) dX = rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize) Y = rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize) dθ = θ-θ0 for i = 1:length(dθ) (norm(θ0[i].data) != 0f0) && (dθ[i].data .*= norm(θ0[i].data)/norm(dθ[i].data)) end # Gradient test (input) set_params!(N0, θ0) f0, ΔX, Δθ = loss(N0, X, Y) h = 0.1f0 maxiter = 5 err1 = zeros(Float32, maxiter) err2 = zeros(Float32, maxiter) print("\nGradient test sequential network: input\n") for j=1:maxiter f = loss(N0, X+h*dX, Y)[1] err1[j] = abs(f - f0) err2[j] = abs(f - f0 - h*dot(dX, ΔX)) print(err1[j], "; ", err2[j], "\n") global h /= 2f0 end @test isapprox(err1[end] / (err1[1]/2^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1) @test isapprox(err2[end] / (err2[1]/4^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1) # Gradient test (parameters) h = 0.1f0 maxiter = 5 err3 = zeros(Float32, maxiter) err4 = zeros(Float32, maxiter) print("\nGradient test sequential network: parameters\n") for j=1:maxiter set_params!(N0, θ0+h*dθ) f = loss(N0, X, Y)[1] err3[j] = abs(f - f0) err4[j] = abs(f - f0 - h*dot(dθ, Δθ)) print(err3[j], "; ", err4[j], "\n") global h /= 2f0 end @test isapprox(err3[end] / (err3[1]/2^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1) @test isapprox(err4[end] / (err4[1]/4^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1) ################################################################################################### # Jacobian-related tests # Gradient test # Initializing nets N1 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N2 = ActNorm(nc; logdet=logdet) N3 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N0 = Composition(N1, N2, N3); N0.forward(rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize)) θ0 = deepcopy(get_params(N0)) N1 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N2 = ActNorm(nc; logdet=logdet) N3 = CouplingLayerHINT(nc, n_hidden; permute="full", logdet=logdet) N = Composition(N1, N2, N3); N.forward(rand(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize)) θ = deepcopy(get_params(N)) X = randn(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize) # Perturbation (normalized) dθ = θ-θ0; dθ .*= norm.(θ0)./(norm.(dθ).+1f-10) dX = randn(Float32, nx, ny, nc, batchsize); dX *= norm(X)/norm(dX) # Jacobian eval dY, Y, _, _ = N.jacobian(dX, dθ, X) # Test print("\nJacobian test\n") h = 0.1f0 maxiter = 5 err5 = zeros(Float32, maxiter) err6 = zeros(Float32, maxiter) for j=1:maxiter set_params!(N, θ+h*dθ) Y_loc, _ = N.forward(X+h*dX) err5[j] = norm(Y_loc - Y) err6[j] = norm(Y_loc - Y - h*dY) print(err5[j], "; ", err6[j], "\n") global h = h/2f0 end @test isapprox(err5[end] / (err5[1]/2^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1) @test isapprox(err6[end] / (err6[1]/4^(maxiter-1)), 1f0; atol=1f1) # Adjoint test set_params!(N, θ) dY, Y, _, _ = N.jacobian(dX, dθ, X) dY_ = randn(Float32, size(dY)) dX_, dθ_, _, _ = N.adjointJacobian(dY_, Y) a = dot(dY, dY_) b = dot(dX, dX_)+dot(dθ, dθ_) @test isapprox(a, b; rtol=1f-3)
[ 2, 6434, 25, 12300, 27250, 371, 6457, 47966, 11, 46307, 47966, 18, 31, 10494, 354, 13, 15532, 198, 2, 7536, 25, 2693, 12131, 198, 198, 3500, 554, 1851, 856, 7934, 5225, 11, 44800, 2348, 29230, 11, 6208, 11, 14370, 11, 14534, 198, 198, 2, 14534, 9403, 198, 29531, 13, 28826, 0, 7, 16, 1776, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 2, 20768, 1634, 198, 198, 2, 23412, 198, 77, 87, 796, 2579, 198, 3281, 796, 2579, 9, 17, 198, 10782, 796, 604, 198, 77, 62, 30342, 796, 5598, 198, 43501, 7857, 796, 642, 198, 55, 796, 43720, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 8, 198, 198, 2, 406, 6962, 290, 37588, 198, 6404, 15255, 796, 2081, 198, 45, 16, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 17, 796, 2191, 35393, 7, 10782, 26, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 18, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 796, 955, 9150, 7, 45, 16, 11, 399, 17, 11, 399, 18, 8, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 2, 6208, 763, 258, 5227, 286, 11742, 290, 10107, 11742, 198, 198, 56, 796, 4866, 7, 55, 8, 198, 56, 11, 300, 18, 796, 399, 18, 13, 11813, 7, 56, 8, 198, 56, 11, 300, 17, 796, 399, 17, 13, 11813, 7, 56, 8, 198, 56, 11, 300, 16, 796, 399, 16, 13, 11813, 7, 56, 8, 198, 75, 796, 300, 16, 10, 75, 17, 10, 75, 18, 198, 198, 56, 62, 11, 300, 62, 796, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 55, 8, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 56, 11, 575, 62, 26, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 75, 11, 300, 62, 26, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 2, 6208, 763, 258, 5227, 286, 11742, 290, 18872, 246, 198, 198, 2, 955, 9150, 351, 18872, 246, 198, 45, 62, 796, 399, 16, 24861, 246, 45, 17, 24861, 246, 45, 18, 198, 198, 56, 11, 300, 796, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 55, 8, 198, 56, 62, 11, 300, 62, 796, 399, 44807, 11813, 7, 55, 8, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 56, 11, 575, 62, 26, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 75, 11, 300, 62, 26, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 2, 6208, 287, 1851, 2247, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 55, 11, 399, 13, 259, 4399, 7, 45, 13, 11813, 7, 55, 38381, 16, 36563, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 55, 11, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 45, 13, 259, 4399, 7, 55, 4008, 58, 16, 11208, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 7804, 4242, 21017, 198, 2, 17701, 1153, 6208, 198, 198, 8818, 2994, 7, 45, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 19530, 1208, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 62, 11, 300, 70, 15255, 796, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 55, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1874, 312, 723, 290, 2163, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 56, 796, 575, 62, 532, 575, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 657, 13, 20, 69, 15, 14, 43501, 7857, 9, 27237, 7, 138, 242, 56, 8, 61, 17, 69, 15, 12, 75, 70, 15255, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5157, 43594, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37455, 55, 11, 4808, 796, 399, 13, 1891, 904, 7, 138, 242, 56, 19571, 43501, 7857, 11, 575, 62, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 11, 37455, 55, 11, 2769, 30073, 7, 1136, 62, 2164, 5643, 7, 45, 4008, 198, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 20768, 2890, 31720, 198, 45, 16, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 17, 796, 2191, 35393, 7, 10782, 26, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 18, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 15, 796, 955, 9150, 7, 45, 16, 11, 399, 17, 11, 399, 18, 1776, 399, 15, 13, 11813, 7, 25192, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 4008, 198, 138, 116, 15, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 1136, 62, 37266, 7, 45, 15, 4008, 198, 45, 16, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 17, 796, 2191, 35393, 7, 10782, 26, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 18, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 796, 955, 9150, 7, 45, 16, 11, 399, 17, 11, 399, 18, 1776, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 25192, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 4008, 198, 138, 116, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 1136, 62, 37266, 7, 45, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 23412, 82, 198, 55, 796, 43720, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 8, 198, 55, 15, 796, 43720, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 8, 198, 67, 55, 796, 43720, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 8, 198, 56, 796, 43720, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 8, 198, 67, 138, 116, 796, 7377, 116, 12, 138, 116, 15, 198, 1640, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 67, 138, 116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 27237, 7, 138, 116, 15, 58, 72, 4083, 7890, 8, 14512, 657, 69, 15, 8, 11405, 357, 67, 138, 116, 58, 72, 4083, 7890, 764, 9, 28, 2593, 7, 138, 116, 15, 58, 72, 4083, 7890, 20679, 27237, 7, 67, 138, 116, 58, 72, 4083, 7890, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 17701, 1153, 1332, 357, 15414, 8, 198, 2617, 62, 37266, 0, 7, 45, 15, 11, 7377, 116, 15, 8, 198, 69, 15, 11, 37455, 55, 11, 37455, 138, 116, 796, 2994, 7, 45, 15, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 8, 198, 71, 796, 657, 13, 16, 69, 15, 198, 9806, 2676, 796, 642, 198, 8056, 16, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 8056, 17, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 4798, 7203, 59, 77, 42731, 1153, 1332, 35582, 3127, 25, 5128, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 1640, 474, 28, 16, 25, 9806, 2676, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 2994, 7, 45, 15, 11, 1395, 10, 71, 9, 67, 55, 11, 575, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 16, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2352, 7, 69, 532, 277, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 17, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2352, 7, 69, 532, 277, 15, 532, 289, 9, 26518, 7, 67, 55, 11, 37455, 55, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 8056, 16, 58, 73, 4357, 366, 26, 33172, 11454, 17, 58, 73, 4357, 37082, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 289, 1220, 28, 362, 69, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 8056, 16, 58, 437, 60, 1220, 357, 8056, 16, 58, 16, 60, 14, 17, 61, 7, 9806, 2676, 12, 16, 36911, 352, 69, 15, 26, 379, 349, 28, 16, 69, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 8056, 17, 58, 437, 60, 1220, 357, 8056, 17, 58, 16, 60, 14, 19, 61, 7, 9806, 2676, 12, 16, 36911, 352, 69, 15, 26, 379, 349, 28, 16, 69, 16, 8, 198, 198, 2, 17701, 1153, 1332, 357, 17143, 7307, 8, 198, 71, 796, 657, 13, 16, 69, 15, 198, 9806, 2676, 796, 642, 198, 8056, 18, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 8056, 19, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 4798, 7203, 59, 77, 42731, 1153, 1332, 35582, 3127, 25, 10007, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 1640, 474, 28, 16, 25, 9806, 2676, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 37266, 0, 7, 45, 15, 11, 7377, 116, 15, 10, 71, 9, 67, 138, 116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 2994, 7, 45, 15, 11, 1395, 11, 575, 38381, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 18, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2352, 7, 69, 532, 277, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 19, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2352, 7, 69, 532, 277, 15, 532, 289, 9, 26518, 7, 67, 138, 116, 11, 37455, 138, 116, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 8056, 18, 58, 73, 4357, 366, 26, 33172, 11454, 19, 58, 73, 4357, 37082, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 289, 1220, 28, 362, 69, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 8056, 18, 58, 437, 60, 1220, 357, 8056, 18, 58, 16, 60, 14, 17, 61, 7, 9806, 2676, 12, 16, 36911, 352, 69, 15, 26, 379, 349, 28, 16, 69, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 8056, 19, 58, 437, 60, 1220, 357, 8056, 19, 58, 16, 60, 14, 19, 61, 7, 9806, 2676, 12, 16, 36911, 352, 69, 15, 26, 379, 349, 28, 16, 69, 16, 8, 628, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 21017, 198, 2, 12806, 666, 12, 5363, 5254, 198, 198, 2, 17701, 1153, 1332, 198, 198, 2, 20768, 2890, 31720, 198, 45, 16, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 17, 796, 2191, 35393, 7, 10782, 26, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 18, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 15, 796, 955, 9150, 7, 45, 16, 11, 399, 17, 11, 399, 18, 1776, 399, 15, 13, 11813, 7, 25192, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 4008, 198, 138, 116, 15, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 1136, 62, 37266, 7, 45, 15, 4008, 198, 45, 16, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 17, 796, 2191, 35393, 7, 10782, 26, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 18, 796, 15062, 11347, 49925, 39, 12394, 7, 10782, 11, 299, 62, 30342, 26, 9943, 1133, 2625, 12853, 1600, 2604, 15255, 28, 6404, 15255, 8, 198, 45, 796, 955, 9150, 7, 45, 16, 11, 399, 17, 11, 399, 18, 1776, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 25192, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 4008, 198, 138, 116, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 1136, 62, 37266, 7, 45, 4008, 198, 55, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 8, 198, 198, 2, 350, 861, 5945, 341, 357, 11265, 1143, 8, 198, 67, 138, 116, 796, 7377, 116, 12, 138, 116, 15, 26, 288, 138, 116, 764, 9, 28, 2593, 12195, 138, 116, 15, 737, 29006, 27237, 12195, 67, 138, 116, 737, 10, 16, 69, 12, 940, 8, 198, 67, 55, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 299, 66, 11, 15458, 7857, 1776, 288, 55, 1635, 28, 2593, 7, 55, 20679, 27237, 7, 67, 55, 8, 198, 198, 2, 12806, 666, 5418, 198, 67, 56, 11, 575, 11, 4808, 11, 4808, 796, 399, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 67, 55, 11, 288, 138, 116, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 198, 2, 6208, 198, 4798, 7203, 59, 77, 46751, 666, 1332, 59, 77, 4943, 198, 71, 796, 657, 13, 16, 69, 15, 198, 9806, 2676, 796, 642, 198, 8056, 20, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 8056, 21, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 3509, 2676, 8, 198, 1640, 474, 28, 16, 25, 9806, 2676, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 37266, 0, 7, 45, 11, 7377, 116, 10, 71, 9, 67, 138, 116, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 575, 62, 17946, 11, 4808, 796, 399, 13, 11813, 7, 55, 10, 71, 9, 67, 55, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 20, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2593, 7, 56, 62, 17946, 532, 575, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11454, 21, 58, 73, 60, 796, 2593, 7, 56, 62, 17946, 532, 575, 532, 289, 9, 67, 56, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 8056, 20, 58, 73, 4357, 366, 26, 33172, 11454, 21, 58, 73, 4357, 37082, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 289, 796, 289, 14, 17, 69, 15, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 8056, 20, 58, 437, 60, 1220, 357, 8056, 20, 58, 16, 60, 14, 17, 61, 7, 9806, 2676, 12, 16, 36911, 352, 69, 15, 26, 379, 349, 28, 16, 69, 16, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 8056, 21, 58, 437, 60, 1220, 357, 8056, 21, 58, 16, 60, 14, 19, 61, 7, 9806, 2676, 12, 16, 36911, 352, 69, 15, 26, 379, 349, 28, 16, 69, 16, 8, 198, 198, 2, 1215, 73, 1563, 1332, 198, 198, 2617, 62, 37266, 0, 7, 45, 11, 7377, 116, 8, 198, 67, 56, 11, 575, 11, 4808, 11, 4808, 796, 399, 13, 30482, 672, 666, 7, 67, 55, 11, 288, 138, 116, 11, 1395, 8, 198, 67, 56, 62, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 2546, 7, 67, 56, 4008, 198, 67, 55, 62, 11, 288, 138, 116, 62, 11, 4808, 11, 4808, 796, 399, 13, 41255, 1563, 46751, 666, 7, 67, 56, 62, 11, 575, 8, 198, 64, 796, 16605, 7, 67, 56, 11, 288, 56, 62, 8, 198, 65, 796, 16605, 7, 67, 55, 11, 288, 55, 62, 47762, 26518, 7, 67, 138, 116, 11, 288, 138, 116, 62, 8, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 1324, 13907, 7, 64, 11, 275, 26, 374, 83, 349, 28, 16, 69, 12, 18, 8 ]
# introduce embedding between matrices (vectors) of different dimensions """ mat_embed(X, dim; zero_pos = -1, tpin = "her", tpout = "her") This function embeds X into new dimensions dim, with the Cartesian order of the entries are preserved. Fill in zeros at zero_pos if necessary. # Arguments - `X`: a Hermitian or rectangular matrice - `dim`: target dimension, array-like [Nnew,Mnew] - `zero_pos`: an array of user specify Cartesian position for zeros. if it is -1, then use randomly generated position. - `tpin`: the type of input matrix, valid options are "her" and "rec". - `tpout`: the type of ouput matrix, valid options are "her" and "rec" # Outputs - `Xnew`: a matrix of dimension dim and the type tpin. The entries Xnew are from X, with possible extra zeros at zero_pos, """ function mat_embed(X, dim; zero_pos = -1, tpin = "her", tpout = "her") # get the original dimension X = X[:,:] N, M = size(X) # get the target dimension Nnew, Mnew = dim # check the input dimension if mat is Hermitian if (tpin == "her") & (N != M) error("Input dimension is not for a Hermitian matrix!") end # reshape X into vector according to type in if tpin == "her" in_size = N*(N + 1)/2 Xvec = [X[i,j] for i=1:N for j=i:N] elseif tpin == "rec" in_size = N*M Xvec = vec(X) end # check whether there is enough room in the target shape if tpout == "her" out_size = Int((Nnew - 1)*Nnew/2) elseif tpout == "rec" out_size = Nnew*Mnew end if out_size < in_size error("The target dimension is too small!") end # if the position of zeros are not preset, generate one if zero_pos == -1 zero_pos = sample(1:out_size, out_size - in_size, replace=false) end # Construct Xnewvec Xnewvec = zeros(out_size) Xnewvec[[i for i in 1: out_size if ~(i in zero_pos)]] = Xvec # reshape Xnewvec to Xnew if tpout == "her" k = 0 Xnew = [i < j ? (k += 1; Xnewvec[k]) : 0 for i = 1: Nnew, j = 1: Mnew] Xnew = Xnew + Xnew' elseif tpout == "rec" Xnew = reshape(Xnewvec, (Nnew, Mnew)) end return convert(Array{typeof(X[1,1]), 2}, Xnew) end
[ 2, 10400, 11525, 12083, 1022, 2603, 45977, 357, 303, 5217, 8, 286, 1180, 15225, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2603, 62, 20521, 7, 55, 11, 5391, 26, 6632, 62, 1930, 796, 532, 16, 11, 256, 11635, 796, 366, 372, 1600, 256, 79, 448, 796, 366, 372, 4943, 198, 198, 1212, 2163, 11525, 82, 1395, 656, 649, 15225, 5391, 11, 351, 262, 13690, 35610, 198, 2875, 286, 262, 12784, 389, 17232, 13, 27845, 287, 1976, 27498, 379, 6632, 62, 1930, 611, 3306, 13, 220, 220, 198, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 12, 220, 220, 4600, 55, 63, 25, 257, 2332, 2781, 666, 393, 36954, 2603, 20970, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 12, 220, 220, 4600, 27740, 63, 25, 2496, 15793, 11, 7177, 12, 2339, 685, 45, 3605, 11, 44, 3605, 60, 198, 12, 220, 220, 4600, 22570, 62, 1930, 63, 25, 281, 7177, 286, 2836, 11986, 13690, 35610, 2292, 329, 1976, 27498, 13, 611, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 340, 318, 532, 16, 11, 788, 779, 15456, 7560, 2292, 13, 198, 12, 220, 220, 4600, 83, 11635, 63, 25, 262, 2099, 286, 5128, 17593, 11, 4938, 3689, 389, 366, 372, 1, 290, 366, 8344, 1911, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 12, 220, 220, 4600, 34788, 448, 63, 25, 262, 2099, 286, 267, 929, 315, 17593, 11, 4938, 3689, 389, 366, 372, 1, 290, 366, 8344, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 2, 25235, 82, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 12, 220, 220, 4600, 55, 3605, 63, 25, 257, 17593, 286, 15793, 5391, 290, 262, 2099, 256, 11635, 13, 383, 12784, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3605, 389, 422, 1395, 11, 351, 1744, 3131, 1976, 27498, 379, 6632, 62, 1930, 11, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 2603, 62, 20521, 7, 55, 11, 5391, 26, 6632, 62, 1930, 796, 532, 16, 11, 256, 11635, 796, 366, 372, 1600, 256, 79, 448, 796, 366, 372, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 651, 262, 2656, 15793, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 796, 1395, 58, 45299, 47715, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 11, 337, 796, 2546, 7, 55, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 651, 262, 2496, 15793, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 3605, 11, 337, 3605, 796, 5391, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 262, 5128, 15793, 611, 2603, 318, 2332, 2781, 666, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 83, 11635, 6624, 366, 372, 4943, 1222, 357, 45, 14512, 337, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 20560, 15793, 318, 407, 329, 257, 2332, 2781, 666, 17593, 2474, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 27179, 1758, 1395, 656, 15879, 1864, 284, 2099, 287, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 256, 11635, 6624, 366, 372, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 287, 62, 7857, 796, 399, 9, 7, 45, 1343, 352, 20679, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 35138, 796, 685, 55, 58, 72, 11, 73, 60, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 45, 329, 474, 28, 72, 25, 45, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 256, 11635, 6624, 366, 8344, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 287, 62, 7857, 796, 399, 9, 44, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 35138, 796, 43030, 7, 55, 8, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2198, 1771, 612, 318, 1576, 2119, 287, 262, 2496, 5485, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 256, 79, 448, 6624, 366, 372, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 503, 62, 7857, 796, 2558, 19510, 45, 3605, 532, 352, 27493, 45, 3605, 14, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 256, 79, 448, 6624, 366, 8344, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 503, 62, 7857, 796, 399, 3605, 9, 44, 3605, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 503, 62, 7857, 1279, 287, 62, 7857, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 464, 2496, 15793, 318, 1165, 1402, 2474, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 611, 262, 2292, 286, 1976, 27498, 389, 407, 38266, 11, 7716, 530, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 6632, 62, 1930, 6624, 532, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6632, 62, 1930, 796, 6291, 7, 16, 25, 448, 62, 7857, 11, 503, 62, 7857, 532, 287, 62, 7857, 11, 6330, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 28407, 1395, 3605, 35138, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3605, 35138, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 448, 62, 7857, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3605, 35138, 30109, 72, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 503, 62, 7857, 611, 5299, 7, 72, 287, 6632, 62, 1930, 8, 11907, 796, 1395, 35138, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 27179, 1758, 1395, 3605, 35138, 284, 1395, 3605, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 256, 79, 448, 6624, 366, 372, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 479, 796, 657, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3605, 796, 685, 72, 1279, 474, 5633, 357, 74, 15853, 352, 26, 1395, 3605, 35138, 58, 74, 12962, 1058, 657, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 399, 3605, 11, 474, 796, 352, 25, 337, 3605, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3605, 796, 1395, 3605, 1343, 1395, 3605, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 256, 79, 448, 6624, 366, 8344, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1395, 3605, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 55, 3605, 35138, 11, 357, 45, 3605, 11, 337, 3605, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 4906, 1659, 7, 55, 58, 16, 11, 16, 46570, 362, 5512, 1395, 3605, 8, 198, 437 ]
using BayesianMixtures using Statistics n_total = 1000 # total number of MCMC sweeps to run # _____________________________________________________________________________________ # Check samplers on univariate data n = 50 x = randn(n) for mode_ in ["Normal","NormalNonoptimized"] for model_type_ in ["MFM","DPM"] # Run MCMC sampler options = BayesianMixtures.options(mode_,model_type_,x,n_total) result = BayesianMixtures.run_sampler(options) end end # _____________________________________________________________________________________ # Check samplers on multivariate data d = 3 n = 50 x = randn(n,d) x = (x .- mean(x,dims=1))./std(x,dims=1; corrected=false) x = [x[i,:] for i=1:n] for mode_ in ["MVN","MVNaaC","MVNaaN","MVNaaRJ"] for model_type_ in ["MFM","DPM"] if model_type_=="DPM" && mode_=="MVNaaRJ"; continue; end # Run MCMC sampler options = BayesianMixtures.options(mode_,model_type_,x,n_total) result = BayesianMixtures.run_sampler(options) end end # _____________________________________________________________________________________ # Check other functions using univariate data # Settings mode = "Normal" model_type = "MFM" n = 100 B = BayesianMixtures # Generate data and run sampler x = randn(n) options = B.options(mode,model_type,x,n_total) result = B.run_sampler(options) # Save and load B.save_result("temp.jld",result) result2 = B.load_result("temp.jld") B.t_running(result) B.t_posterior(result) B.k_posterior(result) B.plot_density_estimate(result) k,a,w,theta = B.sample_mixture_parameters(result,50) loglik = B.log_likelihoods(x,w,theta,mode) B.open_figure(1) B.traceplot(result.t); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.traceplot_timewise(result,1); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_t_running(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_autocorrelation(result,20); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_t_posterior(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_t_posterior_average([result]); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_k_posterior(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_k_posterior_average([result]); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_similarity_matrix(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_clusters(x,result.z[:,end]); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.rug_plot(x); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_density_estimate(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() # _____________________________________________________________________________________ # Check other functions using multivariate data # Settings mode = "MVN" model_type = "MFM" d = 2 n = 100 B = BayesianMixtures # Generate data and run sampler x = randn(n,d) x = (x .- mean(x,dims=1))./std(x,dims=1; corrected=false) x = [x[i,:] for i=1:n] options = B.options(mode,model_type,x,n_total) result = B.run_sampler(options) # Save and load B.save_result("temp.jld",result) result2 = B.load_result("temp.jld") B.t_running(result) B.t_posterior(result) B.k_posterior(result) B.plot_density_estimate(result) k,a,w,theta = B.sample_mixture_parameters(result,50) loglik = B.log_likelihoods(x,w,theta,mode) B.open_figure(1) B.traceplot(result.t); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.traceplot_timewise(result,1); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_t_running(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_autocorrelation(result,20); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_t_posterior(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_t_posterior_average([result]); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_k_posterior(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_k_posterior_average([result]); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_similarity_matrix(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_clusters(x,result.z[:,end]); P.pause(0.5); P.clf() B.plot_density_estimate(result); P.pause(0.5); P.clf()
[ 198, 198, 3500, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 198, 3500, 14370, 198, 198, 77, 62, 23350, 796, 8576, 220, 1303, 2472, 1271, 286, 13122, 9655, 46778, 284, 1057, 628, 198, 2, 220, 27193, 4841, 29343, 198, 2, 6822, 6072, 489, 364, 319, 555, 42524, 1366, 198, 198, 77, 796, 2026, 198, 87, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 77, 8, 198, 1640, 4235, 62, 287, 14631, 26447, 2430, 26447, 15419, 40085, 1143, 8973, 198, 197, 1640, 2746, 62, 4906, 62, 287, 14631, 44, 23264, 2430, 35, 5868, 8973, 198, 197, 197, 2, 5660, 13122, 9655, 6072, 20053, 198, 197, 197, 25811, 796, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 13, 25811, 7, 14171, 62, 11, 19849, 62, 4906, 62, 11, 87, 11, 77, 62, 23350, 8, 198, 197, 197, 20274, 796, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 13, 5143, 62, 37687, 20053, 7, 25811, 8, 198, 197, 437, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 220, 27193, 4841, 29343, 198, 2, 6822, 6072, 489, 364, 319, 1963, 42524, 1366, 198, 198, 67, 796, 513, 198, 77, 796, 2026, 198, 87, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 77, 11, 67, 8, 198, 87, 796, 357, 87, 764, 12, 1612, 7, 87, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 16, 29720, 14, 19282, 7, 87, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 16, 26, 19267, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 87, 796, 685, 87, 58, 72, 11, 47715, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 77, 60, 198, 1640, 4235, 62, 287, 14631, 44, 53, 45, 2430, 44, 53, 45, 7252, 34, 2430, 44, 53, 45, 7252, 45, 2430, 44, 53, 45, 7252, 49, 41, 8973, 198, 197, 1640, 2746, 62, 4906, 62, 287, 14631, 44, 23264, 2430, 35, 5868, 8973, 198, 197, 197, 361, 2746, 62, 4906, 62, 855, 1, 35, 5868, 1, 11405, 4235, 62, 855, 1, 44, 53, 45, 7252, 49, 41, 8172, 2555, 26, 886, 198, 197, 197, 2, 5660, 13122, 9655, 6072, 20053, 198, 197, 197, 25811, 796, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 13, 25811, 7, 14171, 62, 11, 19849, 62, 4906, 62, 11, 87, 11, 77, 62, 23350, 8, 198, 197, 197, 20274, 796, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 13, 5143, 62, 37687, 20053, 7, 25811, 8, 198, 197, 437, 198, 437, 628, 198, 198, 2, 220, 27193, 4841, 29343, 198, 2, 6822, 584, 5499, 1262, 555, 42524, 1366, 198, 198, 2, 16163, 198, 14171, 796, 366, 26447, 1, 198, 19849, 62, 4906, 796, 366, 44, 23264, 1, 198, 77, 796, 1802, 198, 33, 796, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 198, 198, 2, 2980, 378, 1366, 290, 1057, 6072, 20053, 198, 87, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 77, 8, 198, 25811, 796, 347, 13, 25811, 7, 14171, 11, 19849, 62, 4906, 11, 87, 11, 77, 62, 23350, 8, 198, 20274, 796, 347, 13, 5143, 62, 37687, 20053, 7, 25811, 8, 198, 198, 2, 12793, 290, 3440, 198, 33, 13, 21928, 62, 20274, 7203, 29510, 13, 73, 335, 1600, 20274, 8, 198, 20274, 17, 796, 347, 13, 2220, 62, 20274, 7203, 29510, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 198, 33, 13, 83, 62, 20270, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 33, 13, 83, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 33, 13, 74, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 43337, 62, 395, 1920, 7, 20274, 8, 628, 198, 74, 11, 64, 11, 86, 11, 1169, 8326, 796, 347, 13, 39873, 62, 76, 9602, 62, 17143, 7307, 7, 20274, 11, 1120, 8, 198, 6404, 46965, 796, 347, 13, 6404, 62, 2339, 11935, 82, 7, 87, 11, 86, 11, 1169, 8326, 11, 14171, 8, 198, 198, 33, 13, 9654, 62, 26875, 7, 16, 8, 198, 33, 13, 40546, 29487, 7, 20274, 13, 83, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 40546, 29487, 62, 16514, 413, 786, 7, 20274, 11, 16, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 83, 62, 20270, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 2306, 420, 273, 49501, 7, 20274, 11, 1238, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 83, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 83, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 62, 23913, 26933, 20274, 36563, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 74, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 74, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 62, 23913, 26933, 20274, 36563, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 38610, 414, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 565, 13654, 7, 87, 11, 20274, 13, 89, 58, 45299, 437, 36563, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 2143, 62, 29487, 7, 87, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 43337, 62, 395, 1920, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 628, 198, 198, 2, 220, 27193, 4841, 29343, 198, 2, 6822, 584, 5499, 1262, 1963, 42524, 1366, 628, 198, 2, 16163, 198, 14171, 796, 366, 44, 53, 45, 1, 198, 19849, 62, 4906, 796, 366, 44, 23264, 1, 198, 67, 796, 362, 198, 77, 796, 1802, 198, 33, 796, 4696, 35610, 44, 25506, 198, 198, 2, 2980, 378, 1366, 290, 1057, 6072, 20053, 198, 87, 796, 43720, 77, 7, 77, 11, 67, 8, 198, 87, 796, 357, 87, 764, 12, 1612, 7, 87, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 16, 29720, 14, 19282, 7, 87, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 16, 26, 19267, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 87, 796, 685, 87, 58, 72, 11, 47715, 329, 1312, 28, 16, 25, 77, 60, 198, 25811, 796, 347, 13, 25811, 7, 14171, 11, 19849, 62, 4906, 11, 87, 11, 77, 62, 23350, 8, 198, 20274, 796, 347, 13, 5143, 62, 37687, 20053, 7, 25811, 8, 198, 198, 2, 12793, 290, 3440, 198, 33, 13, 21928, 62, 20274, 7203, 29510, 13, 73, 335, 1600, 20274, 8, 198, 20274, 17, 796, 347, 13, 2220, 62, 20274, 7203, 29510, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 198, 33, 13, 83, 62, 20270, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 33, 13, 83, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 33, 13, 74, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 8, 198, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 43337, 62, 395, 1920, 7, 20274, 8, 628, 198, 74, 11, 64, 11, 86, 11, 1169, 8326, 796, 347, 13, 39873, 62, 76, 9602, 62, 17143, 7307, 7, 20274, 11, 1120, 8, 198, 6404, 46965, 796, 347, 13, 6404, 62, 2339, 11935, 82, 7, 87, 11, 86, 11, 1169, 8326, 11, 14171, 8, 628, 198, 33, 13, 9654, 62, 26875, 7, 16, 8, 198, 33, 13, 40546, 29487, 7, 20274, 13, 83, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 40546, 29487, 62, 16514, 413, 786, 7, 20274, 11, 16, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 83, 62, 20270, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 2306, 420, 273, 49501, 7, 20274, 11, 1238, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 83, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 83, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 62, 23913, 26933, 20274, 36563, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 74, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 74, 62, 79, 6197, 1504, 62, 23913, 26933, 20274, 36563, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 38610, 414, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 565, 13654, 7, 87, 11, 20274, 13, 89, 58, 45299, 437, 36563, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 198, 33, 13, 29487, 62, 43337, 62, 395, 1920, 7, 20274, 1776, 350, 13, 32125, 7, 15, 13, 20, 1776, 350, 13, 565, 69, 3419, 628, 628, 628, 628, 198 ]
function Kprec( pw_grid::PWGrid, psi::Array{ComplexF64,2} ) Ncol = size(psi)[2] G2 = pw_grid.G2 Npoints = pw_grid.Npoints Kpsi = zeros( ComplexF64, size(psi) ) for ic = 1:Ncol for ip = 1:Npoints Kpsi[ip,ic] = psi[ip,ic] / ( 1.0 + G2[ip] ) end end return Kpsi end function Kprec(psi) return psi end
[ 8818, 509, 3866, 66, 7, 279, 86, 62, 25928, 3712, 47, 54, 41339, 11, 46231, 3712, 19182, 90, 5377, 11141, 37, 2414, 11, 17, 92, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 4033, 796, 2546, 7, 862, 72, 38381, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 402, 17, 796, 279, 86, 62, 25928, 13, 38, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 399, 13033, 796, 279, 86, 62, 25928, 13, 45, 13033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 862, 72, 796, 1976, 27498, 7, 19157, 37, 2414, 11, 2546, 7, 862, 72, 8, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 14158, 796, 352, 25, 45, 4033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 20966, 796, 352, 25, 45, 13033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 509, 862, 72, 58, 541, 11, 291, 60, 796, 46231, 58, 541, 11, 291, 60, 1220, 357, 352, 13, 15, 1343, 402, 17, 58, 541, 60, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 509, 862, 72, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 509, 3866, 66, 7, 862, 72, 8, 198, 220, 1441, 46231, 198, 437, 198 ]
#!/usr/bin/env julia # test polygon simplification using Luxor using Test using Random Random.seed!(42) function sinecurves() gsave() translate(100, 100) setline(0.25) sethue(0, 0, 0) x_vals = collect(0:pi/180: 40pi) # generate array of Points plist = [Point(d * 2pi , -sin(d) * cos(20 * d) * 8 * sin(d/10)) for d in x_vals] prettypoly(plist, :stroke, () -> (gsave(); randomhue(); circle(O, 0.5, :stroke); grestore())) text("original " * string(length(plist)) * " vertices" , 0, -15) for detail in [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0] translate(0, 50) simplified = simplify(plist, detail) prettypoly(simplified, :stroke, () -> (gsave(); randomhue(); circle(O, 0.5, :stroke); grestore())) text("detail $(detail), " * string(length(simplified)) * " vertices" , 0, -15) end grestore() end function test(pagewidth, pageheight) translate(100, pageheight/2) g = GridRect(O, 0, 60) setline(0.25) sethue(0, 0, 0) x_vals = collect(0:pi/100: 4pi) polyline = [Point(d * 20pi, 5 * -sin(d) * cos(12 * d) * 8 * sin(d/10)) for d in x_vals] poly(polyline, :stroke) prettypoly(polyline) text("original " * string(length(polyline)) * " vertices" , 0, -30) for detail in [0.01, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0] gsave() translate(nextgridpoint(g)) polysimple = simplify(polyline, detail) prettypoly(polysimple, :stroke, () -> (gsave(); randomhue(); circle(O, 2, :stroke); grestore())) text(" detail ($detail), " * string(length(polysimple)) * " vertices" , 0, -20) grestore() end end function simplify_poly(fname) pagewidth = 1190.0 # points pageheight = 1684.0 # points Drawing(pagewidth, pageheight, fname) sinecurves() test(pagewidth, pageheight) @test finish() == true println("...finished test: output in $(fname)") end function simplify_square() poly = Point[Point(-1.0, 0.0), Point(-1.0, -1.0), Point(0.0, -1.0), Point(1.0, -1.0), Point(1.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 1.0), Point(0.0, 1.0), Point(-1.0, 1.0)] poly = simplify(poly, 0.01) @test poly == Point[Point(-1.0, 0.0), Point(-1.0, -1.0), Point(1.0, -1.0), Point(1.0, 1.0), Point(-1.0, 1.0)] end simplify_poly("simplify-poly.pdf") simplify_square()
[ 2, 48443, 14629, 14, 8800, 14, 24330, 474, 43640, 198, 198, 2, 1332, 7514, 14520, 7106, 2649, 198, 198, 3500, 17145, 273, 198, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 3500, 14534, 198, 29531, 13, 28826, 0, 7, 3682, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 264, 500, 22019, 1158, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 21928, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15772, 7, 3064, 11, 1802, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 1370, 7, 15, 13, 1495, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 71, 518, 7, 15, 11, 657, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 12786, 796, 2824, 7, 15, 25, 14415, 14, 15259, 25, 2319, 14415, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7716, 7177, 286, 11045, 198, 220, 220, 220, 458, 396, 796, 685, 12727, 7, 67, 1635, 362, 14415, 837, 532, 31369, 7, 67, 8, 1635, 8615, 7, 1238, 1635, 288, 8, 1635, 807, 1635, 7813, 7, 67, 14, 940, 4008, 329, 288, 287, 2124, 62, 12786, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2495, 35428, 7, 489, 396, 11, 1058, 30757, 11, 7499, 4613, 357, 14542, 1015, 9783, 4738, 71, 518, 9783, 9197, 7, 46, 11, 657, 13, 20, 11, 1058, 30757, 1776, 308, 2118, 382, 3419, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2420, 7203, 14986, 366, 1635, 4731, 7, 13664, 7, 489, 396, 4008, 1635, 366, 9421, 1063, 1, 837, 657, 11, 532, 1314, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 3703, 287, 685, 15, 13, 486, 11, 657, 13, 2713, 11, 657, 13, 16, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 20, 11, 657, 13, 2425, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 15772, 7, 15, 11, 2026, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27009, 796, 30276, 7, 489, 396, 11, 3703, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2495, 35428, 7, 14323, 489, 1431, 11, 1058, 30757, 11, 7499, 4613, 357, 14542, 1015, 9783, 4738, 71, 518, 9783, 9197, 7, 46, 11, 657, 13, 20, 11, 1058, 30757, 1776, 308, 2118, 382, 3419, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2420, 7203, 49170, 220, 29568, 49170, 828, 366, 1635, 4731, 7, 13664, 7, 14323, 489, 1431, 4008, 1635, 366, 9421, 1063, 1, 837, 657, 11, 532, 1314, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 2118, 382, 3419, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1332, 7, 79, 363, 413, 5649, 11, 2443, 17015, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 15772, 7, 3064, 11, 2443, 17015, 14, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 796, 24846, 45474, 7, 46, 11, 657, 11, 3126, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 1370, 7, 15, 13, 1495, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 71, 518, 7, 15, 11, 657, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 62, 12786, 796, 2824, 7, 15, 25, 14415, 14, 3064, 25, 604, 14415, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7514, 1370, 796, 685, 12727, 7, 67, 1635, 1160, 14415, 11, 642, 1635, 532, 31369, 7, 67, 8, 1635, 8615, 7, 1065, 1635, 288, 8, 1635, 807, 1635, 7813, 7, 67, 14, 940, 4008, 329, 288, 287, 2124, 62, 12786, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7514, 7, 35428, 1370, 11, 1058, 30757, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2495, 35428, 7, 35428, 1370, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2420, 7203, 14986, 366, 1635, 4731, 7, 13664, 7, 35428, 1370, 4008, 1635, 366, 9421, 1063, 1, 837, 657, 11, 532, 1270, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 3703, 287, 685, 15, 13, 486, 11, 657, 13, 2713, 11, 657, 13, 46396, 11, 657, 13, 16, 11, 657, 13, 17, 11, 657, 13, 20, 11, 657, 13, 2425, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 362, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 308, 21928, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 15772, 7, 19545, 25928, 4122, 7, 70, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7514, 36439, 796, 30276, 7, 35428, 1370, 11, 3703, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2495, 35428, 7, 35428, 36439, 11, 1058, 30757, 11, 7499, 4613, 357, 14542, 1015, 9783, 4738, 71, 518, 9783, 9197, 7, 46, 11, 362, 11, 1058, 30757, 1776, 308, 2118, 382, 3419, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2420, 7203, 3703, 7198, 49170, 828, 366, 1635, 4731, 7, 13664, 7, 35428, 36439, 4008, 1635, 366, 9421, 1063, 1, 837, 657, 11, 532, 1238, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 308, 2118, 382, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 30276, 62, 35428, 7, 69, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42208, 413, 5649, 220, 796, 15136, 15, 13, 15, 1303, 1849, 13033, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2443, 17015, 796, 1467, 5705, 13, 15, 1303, 2173, 198, 220, 220, 220, 40027, 7, 79, 363, 413, 5649, 11, 2443, 17015, 11, 277, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 500, 22019, 1158, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1332, 7, 79, 363, 413, 5649, 11, 2443, 17015, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 5461, 3419, 6624, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 986, 43952, 1332, 25, 5072, 287, 29568, 69, 3672, 8, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 30276, 62, 23415, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7514, 796, 6252, 58, 12727, 32590, 16, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 32590, 16, 13, 15, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 16, 13, 15, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 16, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 16, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 32590, 16, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 15437, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7514, 796, 30276, 7, 35428, 11, 657, 13, 486, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 7514, 6624, 6252, 58, 12727, 32590, 16, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 32590, 16, 13, 15, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 16, 13, 15, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 7, 16, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 828, 6252, 32590, 16, 13, 15, 11, 352, 13, 15, 15437, 198, 437, 198, 198, 14323, 489, 1958, 62, 35428, 7203, 14323, 489, 1958, 12, 35428, 13, 12315, 4943, 198, 198, 14323, 489, 1958, 62, 23415, 3419, 198 ]
using RBNF using MLStyle using PrettyPrint @as_record Token @as_record Struct_mainprogram @as_record Struct_ifstmt @as_record Struct_gate @as_record Struct_gatedecl @as_record Struct_decl @as_record Struct_barrier_ids @as_record Struct_reset @as_record Struct_measure @as_record Struct_iduop @as_record Struct_u @as_record Struct_cx @as_record Struct_h @as_record Struct_x @as_record Struct_y @as_record Struct_z @as_record Struct_s @as_record Struct_sdg @as_record Struct_t @as_record Struct_tdg @as_record Struct_rx @as_record Struct_ry @as_record Struct_rz @as_record Struct_ch @as_record Struct_crx @as_record Struct_cry @as_record Struct_crz @as_record Struct_idlist @as_record Struct_mixedlist @as_record Struct_argument @as_record Struct_explist @as_record Struct_pi @as_record Struct_fnexp @as_record Struct_neg @as_record Struct_bin function rec(ctx_tokens) function app(op, args...) args = map(rec, args) op = Symbol(op) :($op($(args...))) end @match ctx_tokens begin Struct_pi(_) => Base.pi Token{:id}(str=str) => Symbol(str) Token{:nnreal}(str=str) => parse(Float64, str) Token{:nninteger}(str=str) => parse(Int64, str) Struct_neg(value=value) => :(-$(rec(value))) Struct_bin(l=l, op=Token(str=op), r=r) => app(op, l, r) Struct_idlist(hd=Token(str=hd), tl=nothing) => [Symbol(hd)] Struct_idlist(hd=Token(str=hd), tl=tl) => [Symbol(hd), rec(tl)...] Struct_explist(hd=hd, tl=nothing) => [rec(hd)] Struct_explist(hd=hd, tl=tl) => [rec(hd), rec(tl)...] Struct_mixedlist(hd=hd, tl=nothing) => [rec(hd)] Struct_mixedlist(hd=hd, tl=tl) => [rec(hd), rec(tl)...] Struct_argument(id=Token(str=id), arg=nothing) => Symbol(id) Struct_argument(id=Token(str=id), arg=Token(str=int)) => let ind = parse(Int, int) + 1 # due to julia 1-based index :($(Symbol(id))[$ind]) end Struct_fnexp(fn = Token(str=fn), arg=arg) => let fn = @match fn begin "sin" => sin "cos" => cos "tan" => tan "exp" => exp "ln" => log "sqrt"=> sqrt _ => error("not impl yet") end app(fn, arg) end _ => nothing end end function trans_reg(ctx_tokens, qregs) function app(op, args...) args = map(rec, args) op = Symbol(op) :($op($(args...))) end @match ctx_tokens begin Struct_decl( regtype = Token(str=regtype), id = Token(str=id), int = Token(str = n) ) => let id = Symbol(id), n = parse(Int, n) return :($id = qreg($n); push!($qregs, $id)) end Struct_mainprogram( prog = stmts ) => let stmts = trans_reg.(stmts, qregs) stmts end _ => nothing end end function trans_gates(ctx_tokens, qasm_cgc, N) function app(op, args...) args = map(rec, args) op = Symbol(op) :($op($(args...))) end @match ctx_tokens begin Struct_iduop(gate_name = Token(str=gate_name), args=nothing, outs=outs) => let refs = rec(outs), gate_name = Symbol("custom_gate_"*gate_name) :($gate_name(nothing, $(refs...); qasm_cgc=$qasm_cgc, N=$N)) end Struct_iduop(gate_name = Token(str=gate_name), args=exprlist, outs=outs) => let refs = rec(outs), exprs = Expr(:tuple, rec(exprlist)...), gate_name = Symbol("custom_gate_"*gate_name) :($gate_name($exprs, $(refs...); qasm_cgc=$qasm_cgc, N=$N)) end Struct_cx(out1=out1, out2=out2) => let ref1 = rec(out1), ref2 = rec(out2) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref2), X, ($ref1))])) end Struct_ch(out1=out1, out2=out2) => let ref1 = rec(out1), ref2 = rec(out2) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref2), HadamardGate(), ($ref1))])) end Struct_u(in1=in1, in2=in2, in3=in3, out=out) => let (a, b, c) = map(rec, (in1, in2, in3)), ref = :($(rec(out))[1]) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), RzGate($a)), circuit_gate(($ref), RyGate($b)), circuit_gate(($ref), RzGate($c)),])) end Struct_x(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), X)])) end Struct_y(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), Y)])) end Struct_z(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), Z)])) end Struct_h(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), HadamardGate())])) end Struct_t(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), TGate())])) end Struct_tdg(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), TdagGate())])) end Struct_s(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), SGate())])) end Struct_sdg(out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), SdagGate())])) end Struct_rx(in=in, out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))), arg = :($(rec(in))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), RxGate($arg))])) end Struct_ry(in=in, out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))), arg = :($(rec(in))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), RyGate($arg))])) end Struct_rz(in=in, out=out) => let ref = :($(rec(out))), arg = :($(rec(in))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($ref), RzGate($arg))])) end Struct_crx(in=in, out1=out1, out2=out2) => let out = :($(rec(out2))), cntrl = :($(rec(out1))), arg = :($(rec(in))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($out), RxGate($arg), ($cntrl))])) end Struct_cry(in=in, out1=out1, out2=out2) => let out = :($(rec(out2))), cntrl = :($(rec(out1))), arg = :($(rec(in))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($out), RyGate($arg), ($cntrl))])) end Struct_crz(in=in, out1=out1, out2=out2) => let out = :($(rec(out2))), cntrl = :($(rec(out1))), arg = :($(rec(in))) :(append!($qasm_cgc, [circuit_gate(($out), RzGate($arg), ($cntrl))])) end Struct_gate( decl = Struct_gatedecl( id=Token(str=fid), args=args, outs=outs ), goplist=goplist ) => let out_ids :: Vector{Symbol} = rec(outs), fid = Symbol("custom_gate_"*fid), args = rec(args), goplist = trans_gates.(goplist, Ref(qasm_cgc), Ref(N)) if isnothing(goplist) goplist=[] end if isnothing(args) args=[] end quote function $fid(($(args...), ), $(out_ids...); qasm_cgc=$qasm_cgc, N=$N) $(goplist...) end end end # Struct_ifstmt(l=Token(str=l), r=r, gate_name=Token(str=gate_name), args=nothing, outs=outs) => # let l = Symbol(l), # r = rec(r), # refs = rec(outs), # gate_name = Symbol("custom_gate_"*gate_name) # :($gate_name(nothing, reg_check($l,$r), $(refs...); qasm_cgc=$qasm_cgc, N=$N)) # end # Struct_ifstmt(l=Token(str=l), r=r, gate_name=Token(str=gate_name), args=exprlist, outs=outs) => # let l = Symbol(l), # r = rec(r), # refs = rec(outs), # exprs = Expr(:tuple, rec(exprlist)...), # gate_name = Symbol("custom_gate_"*gate_name) # :($gate_name($exprs, reg_check($l,$r), $(refs...); qasm_cgc=$qasm_cgc, N=$N)) # end Struct_mainprogram( prog = stmts ) => let stmts = trans_gates.(stmts, qasm_cgc, N) stmts end _ => nothing end end function transform_qasm(ctx_tokens) qregs = Qaintessent.QRegister[] reg_declr = trans_reg(ctx_tokens, Ref(qregs)) eval.(reg_declr) qasm_cgc = Circuit(qregs...) N = num_wires(qasm_cgc) gates_declr = trans_gates(ctx_tokens, Ref(qasm_cgc), Ref(N)) eval.(gates_declr) qasm_cgc end """ qasm2cgc(txt::String) converts OpenQASM 2.0 text to Circuit{N} object """ function qasm2cgc(txt::String) qasmlex = lex(txt) qasmparse = parse_qasm(qasmlex) qasm_cgc = transform_qasm(qasmparse) end function Base.:(==)(dcl1::Struct_gate, dcl2::Struct_gate) dcl1.decl == dcl2.decl && dcl1.goplist == dcl2.goplist end
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using Pkg if isfile("Project.toml") && isfile("Manifest.toml") Pkg.activate(".") end
[ 3500, 350, 10025, 611, 318, 7753, 7203, 16775, 13, 39532, 75, 4943, 11405, 318, 7753, 7203, 5124, 8409, 13, 39532, 75, 4943, 350, 10025, 13, 39022, 7203, 19570, 886 ]
export time_modeling # Setup time-domain linear or nonlinear foward and adjoint modeling and interface to devito function time_modeling(model_full::Model, srcGeometry, srcData, recGeometry, recData, dm, op::Char, mode::Int64, options) # Load full geometry for out-of-core geometry containers recGeometry = Geometry(recGeometry) srcGeometry = Geometry(srcGeometry) # Reutrn directly for J*0 if op=='J' && mode == 1 if norm(dm) == 0 && options.return_array == false return judiVector(recGeometry, zeros(Float32, recGeometry.nt[1], length(recGeometry.xloc[1]))) elseif norm(dm) == 0 && options.return_array == true return vec(zeros(Float32, recGeometry.nt[1], length(recGeometry.xloc[1]))) end end # limit model to area with sources/receivers if options.limit_m == true model = deepcopy(model_full) model, dm = limit_model_to_receiver_area(srcGeometry, recGeometry, model, options.buffer_size; pert=dm) else model = model_full end # Set up Python model structure modelPy = devito_model(model, options; dm=dm) # Load shot record if stored on disk typeof(recData) == SegyIO.SeisCon && (recData = convert(Array{Float32,2}, recData[1].data)) # Remove receivers outside the modeling domain (otherwise leads to segmentation faults) recGeometry, recData = remove_out_of_bounds_receivers(recGeometry, recData, model) # Devito interface argout = devito_interface(modelPy, model, srcGeometry, srcData, recGeometry, recData, dm, options) # Extend gradient back to original model size if op=='J' && mode==-1 && options.limit_m==true argout = extend_gradient(model_full, model, argout) end return argout end # Function instance without options time_modeling(model::Model, srcGeometry::Geometry, srcData, recGeometry::Geometry, recData, perturbation, srcnum::Int64, op::Char, mode::Int64) = time_modeling(model, srcGeometry, srcData, recGeometry, recData, perturbation, srcnum, op, mode, Options())
[ 198, 39344, 640, 62, 4666, 10809, 198, 198, 2, 31122, 640, 12, 27830, 14174, 393, 1729, 29127, 277, 46138, 290, 9224, 1563, 21128, 290, 7071, 284, 1614, 10094, 198, 8818, 640, 62, 4666, 10809, 7, 19849, 62, 12853, 3712, 17633, 11, 12351, 10082, 15748, 11, 12351, 6601, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 6601, 11, 288, 76, 11, 1034, 3712, 12441, 11, 4235, 3712, 5317, 2414, 11, 3689, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 8778, 1336, 22939, 329, 503, 12, 1659, 12, 7295, 22939, 16472, 198, 220, 220, 220, 664, 10082, 15748, 796, 2269, 15748, 7, 8344, 10082, 15748, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12351, 10082, 15748, 796, 2269, 15748, 7, 10677, 10082, 15748, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 797, 315, 35906, 3264, 329, 449, 9, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1034, 855, 6, 41, 6, 11405, 4235, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2593, 7, 36020, 8, 6624, 657, 11405, 3689, 13, 7783, 62, 18747, 6624, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2553, 72, 38469, 7, 8344, 10082, 15748, 11, 1976, 27498, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 13, 429, 58, 16, 4357, 4129, 7, 8344, 10082, 15748, 13, 87, 17946, 58, 16, 60, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 2593, 7, 36020, 8, 6624, 657, 11405, 3689, 13, 7783, 62, 18747, 6624, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 43030, 7, 9107, 418, 7, 43879, 2624, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 13, 429, 58, 16, 4357, 4129, 7, 8344, 10082, 15748, 13, 87, 17946, 58, 16, 60, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4179, 2746, 284, 1989, 351, 4237, 14, 260, 344, 1191, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 3689, 13, 32374, 62, 76, 6624, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 19849, 62, 12853, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 11, 288, 76, 796, 4179, 62, 19849, 62, 1462, 62, 260, 39729, 62, 20337, 7, 10677, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 11, 2746, 11, 3689, 13, 22252, 62, 7857, 26, 22146, 28, 36020, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 796, 2746, 62, 12853, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5345, 510, 11361, 2746, 4645, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2746, 20519, 796, 1614, 10094, 62, 19849, 7, 19849, 11, 3689, 26, 288, 76, 28, 36020, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 8778, 2823, 1700, 611, 8574, 319, 11898, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1659, 7, 8344, 6601, 8, 6624, 1001, 1360, 9399, 13, 4653, 271, 3103, 11405, 357, 8344, 6601, 796, 10385, 7, 19182, 90, 43879, 2624, 11, 17, 5512, 664, 6601, 58, 16, 4083, 7890, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 17220, 19137, 2354, 262, 21128, 7386, 357, 847, 3083, 5983, 284, 10618, 341, 31025, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 664, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 6601, 796, 4781, 62, 448, 62, 1659, 62, 65, 3733, 62, 260, 344, 1191, 7, 8344, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 6601, 11, 2746, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 6245, 10094, 7071, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1822, 448, 796, 1614, 10094, 62, 39994, 7, 19849, 20519, 11, 2746, 11, 12351, 10082, 15748, 11, 12351, 6601, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 6601, 11, 288, 76, 11, 3689, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 46228, 31312, 736, 284, 2656, 2746, 2546, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1034, 855, 6, 41, 6, 11405, 4235, 855, 12, 16, 11405, 3689, 13, 32374, 62, 76, 855, 7942, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1822, 448, 796, 9117, 62, 49607, 7, 19849, 62, 12853, 11, 2746, 11, 1822, 448, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1822, 448, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 15553, 4554, 1231, 3689, 198, 2435, 62, 4666, 10809, 7, 19849, 3712, 17633, 11, 12351, 10082, 15748, 3712, 10082, 15748, 11, 12351, 6601, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 3712, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 6601, 11, 22146, 5945, 341, 11, 12351, 22510, 3712, 5317, 2414, 11, 1034, 3712, 12441, 11, 4235, 3712, 5317, 2414, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 640, 62, 4666, 10809, 7, 19849, 11, 12351, 10082, 15748, 11, 12351, 6601, 11, 664, 10082, 15748, 11, 664, 6601, 11, 22146, 5945, 341, 11, 12351, 22510, 11, 1034, 11, 4235, 11, 18634, 28955, 198 ]
type BayesTreeNodeData frontalIDs::Vector{Int} conditIDs::Vector{Int} inmsgIDs::Vector{Int} potIDs::Vector{Int} # this is likely redundant TODO -- remove potentials::Vector{Int} cliqAssocMat::Array{Bool,2} cliqMsgMat::Array{Bool,2} directvarIDs::Vector{Int} directFrtlMsgIDs::Vector{Int} msgskipIDs::Vector{Int} itervarIDs::Vector{Int} directPriorMsgIDs::Vector{Int} debug debugDwn BayesTreeNodeData() = new() BayesTreeNodeData(x...) = new(x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],x[6],x[7],x[8],x[9],x[10],x[11],x[12],x[13],x[14]) end # TODO -- this should be a constructor function emptyBTNodeData() BayesTreeNodeData(Int[],Int[],Int[], Int[],Int[],Array{Bool}(0,0), Array{Bool}(0,0),Int[],Int[], Int[],Int[],Int[], nothing, nothing) end # BayesTree declarations type BayesTree bt btid::Int cliques::Dict{Int,Graphs.ExVertex} frontals::Dict{String,Int} end function emptyBayesTree() bt = BayesTree(Graphs.inclist(Graphs.ExVertex,is_directed=true), 0, Dict{Int,Graphs.ExVertex}(), #[], Dict{AbstractString, Int}()) return bt end # create a new clique function addClique!(bt::BayesTree, fg::FactorGraph, varID::Int, condIDs::Array{Int}=Int[]) bt.btid += 1 clq = Graphs.add_vertex!(, ExVertex(bt.btid,string("Clique",bt.btid))) bt.cliques[bt.btid] = clq clq.attributes["label"] = "" # Specific data container clq.attributes["data"] = emptyBTNodeData() appendClique!(bt, bt.btid, fg, varID, condIDs) return clq end # generate the label for particular clique -- graphviz drawing function makeCliqueLabel(fgl::FactorGraph, bt::BayesTree, clqID::Int) clq = bt.cliques[clqID] flbl = "" clbl = "" for fr in clq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs flbl = string(flbl,localapi.getvertex(fgl,fr).attributes["label"], ",") #fgl.v[fr]. end for cond in clq.attributes["data"].conditIDs clbl = string(clbl, localapi.getvertex(fgl,cond).attributes["label"], ",") # fgl.v[cond]. end clq.attributes["label"] = string(flbl, ": ", clbl) end # add a conditional ID to clique function appendConditional(bt::BayesTree, clqID::Int, condIDs::Array{Int,1}) clq = bt.cliques[clqID] clq.attributes["data"].conditIDs = union(clq.attributes["data"].conditIDs, condIDs) end # Add a new frontal variable to clique function appendClique!(bt::BayesTree, clqID::Int, fg::FactorGraph, varID::Int, condIDs::Array{Int,1}=Int[]) clq = bt.cliques[clqID] var = localapi.getvertex(fg, varID) # fg.v[varID] # add frontal variable push!(clq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs,varID) # total dictionary of frontals for easy access bt.frontals[var.attributes["label"]] = clqID#bt.btid appendConditional(bt, clqID, condIDs) makeCliqueLabel(fg, bt, clqID) nothing end # instantiate a new child clique in the tree function newChildClique!(bt::BayesTree, fg::FactorGraph, CpID::Int, varID::Int, Sepj::Array{Int,1}) chclq = addClique!(bt, fg, varID, Sepj) parent = bt.cliques[CpID] # Staying with Graphs.jl for tree in first stage edge = Graphs.make_edge(, parent, chclq) Graphs.add_edge!(, edge) return chclq end # post order tree traversal and build potential functions function findCliqueFromFrontal(bt::BayesTree, frtlID::Int) for cliqPair in bt.cliques id = cliqPair[1] cliq = cliqPair[2] for frtl in cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs if frtl == frtlID return cliq end end end error("Clique with desired frontal ID not found") end # eliminate a variable for new function newPotential(tree::BayesTree, fg::FactorGraph, var::Int, prevVar::Int, p::Array{Int,1}) firvert = localapi.getvertex(fg,var) if (length(getData(firvert).separator) == 0) # warn("newPotential -- sep length is 0") if (length(tree.cliques) == 0) addClique!(tree, fg, var) else appendClique!(tree, 1, fg, var) # add to root end else Sj = getData(firvert).separator # find parent clique Cp that containts the first eliminated variable of Sj as frontal firstelim = 99999999999 for s in Sj temp = findfirst(p, s) if (temp < firstelim) firstelim = temp end end felbl = localapi.getvertex(fg, p[firstelim]).attributes["label"] CpID = tree.frontals[felbl] # look to add this conditional to the tree unFC = union(tree.cliques[CpID].attributes["data"].frontalIDs, tree.cliques[CpID].attributes["data"].conditIDs) if (sort(unFC) == sort(Sj)) appendClique!(tree, CpID, fg, var) else newChildClique!(tree, fg, CpID, var, Sj) end end end # build the whole tree in batch format function buildTree!(tree::BayesTree, fg::FactorGraph, p::Array{Int,1}) rp = flipdim(p,1) prevVar = 0 for var in rp newPotential(tree, fg, var, prevVar, p) prevVar = var end end ## Find batch belief propagation solution function prepBatchTree!(fg::FactorGraph; ordering::Symbol=:qr,drawpdf::Bool=false) p = IncrementalInference.getEliminationOrder(fg, ordering=ordering) println() fge = deepcopy(fg) println("Building Bayes net...") buildBayesNet!(fge, p) tree = emptyBayesTree() buildTree!(tree, fge, p) println("Bayes Net") # sleep(0.1) #fid = open("","w+") #write(fid,to_dot( #close(fid) # Michael reference -- x2->x1, x2->x3, x2->x4, x2->l1, x4->x3, l1->x3, l1->x4 println("Bayes Tree") if drawpdf fid = open("","w+") write(fid,to_dot( close(fid) run(`dot -Tpdf -o bt.pdf`) end # GraphViz.Graph(to_dot( #Michael reference 3sig -- x2l1x4x3 x1|x2 println("Find potential functions for each clique") cliq = tree.cliques[1] # start at the root buildCliquePotentials(fg, tree, cliq); # fg does not have the marginals as fge does # now update all factor graph vertices used for this tree for v in vertices(fg.g) dlapi.updatevertex!(fg, v) end return tree end function resetData!(vdata::VariableNodeData) vdata.eliminated = false vdata.BayesNetOutVertIDs = Int[] vdata.BayesNetVertID = 0 vdata.separator = Int[] nothing end function resetData!(vdata::FunctionNodeData) vdata.eliminated = false vdata.potentialused = false nothing end function resetFactorGraphNewTree!(fg::FactorGraph) for v in vertices(fg.g) resetData!(getData(v)) localapi.updatevertex!(fg, v) end nothing end function wipeBuildNewTree!(fg::FactorGraph; ordering=:qr,drawpdf=false) resetFactorGraphNewTree!(fg); return prepBatchTree!(fg, ordering=ordering, drawpdf=drawpdf); end function whichCliq{T <: AbstractString}(bt::BayesTree, frt::T) bt.cliques[bt.frontals[frt]] end whichCliq(bt::BayesTree, frt::Symbol) = whichCliq(bt, string(frt)) function appendUseFcts!(usefcts, lblid::Int, fct::Graphs.ExVertex, fid::Int) for tp in usefcts if tp == fct.index return nothing end end tpl = fct.index push!(usefcts, tpl ) nothing end function getCliquePotentials!(fg::FactorGraph, bt::BayesTree, cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) frtl = cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs cond = cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs allids = [frtl;cond] alldimIDs = Int[] for fid in frtl alldimIDs = [alldimIDs; getData(localapi.getvertex(fg,fid)).dimIDs] end for cid in cond alldimIDs = [alldimIDs; getData(localapi.getvertex(fg,cid)).dimIDs] end for fid in frtl usefcts = [] for fct in localapi.outneighbors(fg, localapi.getvertex(fg,fid)) if getData(fct).potentialused!=true loutn = localapi.outneighbors(fg, fct) if length(loutn)==1 appendUseFcts!(usefcts, fg.IDs[Symbol(loutn[1].label)], fct, fid) # TODO -- make update vertex call fct.attributes["data"].potentialused = true localapi.updatevertex!(fg, fct) end for sepSearch in loutn sslbl = Symbol(sepSearch.label) if (fg.IDs[sslbl] == fid) continue # skip the fid itself end sea = findmin(abs.(allids-fg.IDs[sslbl])) if sea[1]==0.0 appendUseFcts!(usefcts, fg.IDs[sslbl], fct, fid) # usefcts = [usefcts;(fg.IDs[sslbl], fct, fid)] fct.attributes["data"].potentialused = true #fct.attributes["potentialused"] = true localapi.updatevertex!(fg, fct) end end end end cliq.attributes["data"].potentials=union(cliq.attributes["data"].potentials,usefcts) end return nothing end function getCliquePotentials!(fg::FactorGraph, bt::BayesTree, chkcliq::Int) getCliquePotentials!(fg, bt.cliques[chkcliq]) end function cliqPotentialIDs(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) potIDs = Int[] for idfct in cliq.attributes["data"].potentials push!(potIDs,idfct) end return potIDs end function collectSeparators(bt::BayesTree, cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) allseps = Int[] for child in out_neighbors(cliq, allseps = [allseps; child.attributes["data"].conditIDs] end return allseps end function compCliqAssocMatrices!(fgl::FactorGraph, bt::BayesTree, cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) frtl = cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs cond = cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs inmsgIDs = collectSeparators(bt, cliq) potIDs = cliqPotentialIDs(cliq) # Construct associations matrix here # matrix has variables are columns, and messages/constraints as rows cols = [frtl;cond] cliq.attributes["data"].inmsgIDs = inmsgIDs cliq.attributes["data"].potIDs = potIDs cliqAssocMat = Array{Bool,2}(length(potIDs), length(cols)) cliqMsgMat = Array{Bool,2}(length(inmsgIDs), length(cols)) fill!(cliqAssocMat, false) fill!(cliqMsgMat, false) for j in 1:length(cols) for i in 1:length(inmsgIDs) if cols[j] == inmsgIDs[i] cliqMsgMat[i,j] = true end end for i in 1:length(potIDs) idfct = cliq.attributes["data"].potentials[i] if idfct == potIDs[i] # sanity check on clique potentials ordering for vertidx in getData(getVert(fgl, idfct, api=localapi)).fncargvID # for vertidx in getData(getVertNode(fgl, idfct)).fncargvID if vertidx == cols[j] cliqAssocMat[i,j] = true end end else prtslperr("compCliqAssocMatrices! -- potential ID ordering was lost") end end end cliq.attributes["data"].cliqAssocMat = cliqAssocMat cliq.attributes["data"].cliqMsgMat = cliqMsgMat nothing end function getCliqAssocMat(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) cliq.attributes["data"].cliqAssocMat end function getCliqMsgMat(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) cliq.attributes["data"].cliqMsgMat end function getCliqMat(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex; showmsg=true) assocMat = getCliqAssocMat(cliq) msgMat = getCliqMsgMat(cliq) mat = showmsg ? [assocMat;msgMat] : assocMat return mat end # function spyCliqMat(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex; showmsg=true) # mat = deepcopy(getCliqMat(cliq, showmsg=showmsg)) # # TODO -- add improved visualization here, iter vs skip # mat = map(Float64, mat)*2.0-1.0 # numlcl = size(getCliqAssocMat(cliq),1) # mat[(numlcl+1):end,:] *= 0.9 # mat[(numlcl+1):end,:] -= 0.1 # numfrtl1 = floor(Int,length(cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs)+1) # mat[:,numfrtl1:end] *= 0.9 # mat[:,numfrtl1:end] -= 0.1 # @show cliq.attributes["data"].itervarIDs # @show cliq.attributes["data"].directvarIDs # @show cliq.attributes["data"].msgskipIDs # @show cliq.attributes["data"].directFrtlMsgIDs # @show cliq.attributes["data"].directPriorMsgIDs # sp = Gadfly.spy(mat) # push!(sp.guides, Gadfly.Guide.title("$(cliq.attributes["label"]) || $(cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs) :$(cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs)")) # push!(sp.guides, Gadfly.Guide.xlabel("fmcmcs $(cliq.attributes["data"].itervarIDs)")) # push!(sp.guides, Gadfly.Guide.ylabel("lcl=$(numlcl) || msg=$(size(getCliqMsgMat(cliq),1))" )) # return sp # end # function spyCliqMat(bt::BayesTree, lbl::Symbol; showmsg=true) # spyCliqMat(whichCliq(bt,lbl), showmsg=showmsg) # end function countSkips(bt::BayesTree) skps = 0 for cliq in bt.cliques m = getCliqMat(cliq[2]) mi = map(Int,m) skps += sum(map(Int,sum(mi,1) .== 1)) end return skps end function skipThroughMsgsIDs(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) numfrtl1 = floor(Int,length(cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs)+1) condAssocMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqAssocMat[:,numfrtl1:end] condMsgMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqMsgMat[:,numfrtl1:end] mat = [condAssocMat;condMsgMat]; mab = sum(map(Int,mat),1) .== 1 mabM = sum(map(Int,condMsgMat),1) .== 1 mab = mab .& mabM # rang = 1:size(condMsgMat,2) msgidx = cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs[vec(collect(mab))] return msgidx end function directPriorMsgIDs(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) frtl = cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs cond = cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs cols = [frtl;cond] mat = getCliqMat(cliq, showmsg=true) singr = sum(map(Int,mat),2) .== 1 rerows = collect(1:length(singr)) b = vec(collect(singr)) rerows2 = rerows[b] sumsrAc = sum(map(Int,mat[rerows2,:]),1) sumc = sum(map(Int,mat),1) pmSkipCols = (sumsrAc - sumc) .== 0 return cols[vec(collect(pmSkipCols))] end function directFrtlMsgIDs(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) numfrtl = length(cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs) frntAssocMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqAssocMat[:,1:numfrtl] frtlMsgMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqMsgMat[:,1:numfrtl] mat = [frntAssocMat; frtlMsgMat]; mab = sum(map(Int,mat),1) .== 1 mabM = sum(map(Int,frtlMsgMat),1) .== 1 mab = mab .& mabM return cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs[vec(collect(mab))] end function directAssignmentIDs(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) # NOTE -- old version been included in iterated variable stack assocMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqAssocMat msgMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqMsgMat mat = [assocMat;msgMat]; mab = sum(map(Int,mat),1) .== 1 mabA = sum(map(Int,assocMat),1) .== 1 mab = mab .& mabA frtl = cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs cond = cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs cols = [frtl;cond] return cols[vec(collect(mab))] # also calculate how which are conditionals end function mcmcIterationIDs(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) assocMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqAssocMat msgMat = cliq.attributes["data"].cliqMsgMat mat = [assocMat;msgMat]; sum(sum(map(Int,mat),1)) == 0 ? error("mcmcIterationIDs -- unaccounted variables") : nothing mab = 1 .< sum(map(Int,mat),1) frtl = cliq.attributes["data"].frontalIDs cond = cliq.attributes["data"].conditIDs cols = [frtl;cond] # dev code # prioritize prior'ed variables, then high degree next # get all prior type rows, should be prioritized # TODO -- maybe sort according to decreasing degree # singleperrows = 1 .== sum(map(Int,mat),2) # singleperrows = collect(singleperrows) # prioredvarsum = sum(map(Int,mat[singleperrows]),1) # prioredperm = sortperm(prioredvarsum, rev=true) # decreasing count #end dev code # final output return cols[vec(collect(mab))] end function setCliqMCIDs!(cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) cliq.attributes["data"].directPriorMsgIDs = directPriorMsgIDs(cliq) # NOTE -- combined larger iter group cliq.attributes["data"].directvarIDs = directAssignmentIDs(cliq) # cliq.attributes["data"].itervarIDs = mcmcIterationIDs(cliq) # NOTE -- fix direct vs itervar issue, DirectVarIDs against Iters should also Iter usset = union(mcmcIterationIDs(cliq), directAssignmentIDs(cliq)) cliq.attributes["data"].itervarIDs = setdiff(usset, cliq.attributes["data"].directPriorMsgIDs) cliq.attributes["data"].msgskipIDs = skipThroughMsgsIDs(cliq) cliq.attributes["data"].directFrtlMsgIDs = directFrtlMsgIDs(cliq) nothing end # post order tree traversal and build potential functions function buildCliquePotentials(fg::FactorGraph, bt::BayesTree, cliq::Graphs.ExVertex) for child in out_neighbors(cliq, buildCliquePotentials(fg, bt, child) end println("Get potentials $(cliq.attributes["label"])"); getCliquePotentials!(fg, bt, cliq); compCliqAssocMatrices!(fg, bt, cliq); setCliqMCIDs!(cliq); nothing end
[ 198, 4906, 4696, 274, 27660, 19667, 6601, 198, 220, 30424, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 1779, 270, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 287, 19662, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 1787, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 1303, 428, 318, 1884, 30806, 16926, 46, 1377, 4781, 198, 220, 2785, 82, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 3712, 19182, 90, 33, 970, 11, 17, 92, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 50108, 19044, 3712, 19182, 90, 33, 970, 11, 17, 92, 198, 220, 1277, 7785, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 1277, 6732, 28781, 50108, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 31456, 48267, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 340, 712, 283, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 1277, 22442, 50108, 47954, 3712, 38469, 90, 5317, 92, 198, 220, 14257, 198, 220, 14257, 35, 675, 198, 220, 4696, 274, 27660, 19667, 6601, 3419, 796, 649, 3419, 198, 220, 4696, 274, 27660, 19667, 6601, 7, 87, 23029, 796, 649, 7, 87, 58, 16, 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18347, 312, 11, 277, 70, 11, 1401, 2389, 11, 1779, 47954, 8, 198, 220, 1441, 537, 80, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 7716, 262, 6167, 329, 1948, 537, 2350, 1377, 4823, 85, 528, 8263, 198, 8818, 787, 2601, 2350, 33986, 7, 69, 4743, 3712, 41384, 37065, 11, 275, 83, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 11, 537, 80, 2389, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 537, 80, 796, 275, 83, 13, 565, 6368, 58, 565, 80, 2389, 60, 198, 220, 781, 2436, 796, 13538, 198, 220, 537, 2436, 796, 13538, 198, 220, 329, 1216, 287, 537, 80, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 198, 220, 220, 220, 781, 2436, 796, 4731, 7, 2704, 2436, 11, 12001, 15042, 13, 1136, 332, 16886, 7, 69, 4743, 11, 8310, 737, 1078, 7657, 14692, 18242, 33116, 366, 553, 8, 1303, 69, 4743, 13, 85, 58, 8310, 4083, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 329, 1779, 287, 537, 80, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 2436, 796, 4731, 7, 565, 2436, 11, 1957, 15042, 13, 1136, 332, 16886, 7, 69, 4743, 11, 17561, 737, 1078, 7657, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 2601, 2350, 0, 7, 21048, 11, 352, 11, 277, 70, 11, 1401, 8, 1303, 751, 284, 6808, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 311, 73, 796, 651, 6601, 7, 69, 343, 1851, 737, 25512, 1352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1064, 2560, 537, 2350, 327, 79, 326, 3994, 912, 262, 717, 15254, 7885, 286, 311, 73, 355, 30424, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 717, 417, 320, 796, 860, 24214, 24214, 2079, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 264, 287, 311, 73, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 20218, 796, 1064, 11085, 7, 79, 11, 264, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 29510, 1279, 717, 417, 320, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 717, 417, 320, 796, 20218, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10756, 2436, 796, 1957, 15042, 13, 1136, 332, 16886, 7, 40616, 11, 279, 58, 11085, 417, 320, 35944, 1078, 7657, 14692, 18242, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 327, 79, 2389, 796, 5509, 13, 8534, 874, 58, 69, 417, 2436, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 804, 284, 751, 428, 26340, 284, 262, 5509, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 555, 4851, 796, 6441, 7, 21048, 13, 565, 6368, 58, 34, 79, 2389, 4083, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 11, 5509, 13, 565, 6368, 58, 34, 79, 2389, 4083, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 357, 30619, 7, 403, 4851, 8, 6624, 3297, 7, 50, 73, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 2601, 2350, 0, 7, 21048, 11, 327, 79, 2389, 11, 277, 70, 11, 1401, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 16424, 2601, 2350, 0, 7, 21048, 11, 277, 70, 11, 327, 79, 2389, 11, 1401, 11, 311, 73, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 1382, 262, 2187, 5509, 287, 15458, 5794, 198, 8818, 1382, 27660, 0, 7, 21048, 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277, 469, 11, 279, 8, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 15262, 274, 3433, 4943, 198, 220, 1303, 3993, 7, 15, 13, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 69, 312, 796, 1280, 7203, 9374, 13, 26518, 2430, 86, 10, 4943, 198, 220, 1303, 13564, 7, 69, 312, 11, 1462, 62, 26518, 7, 69, 469, 13, 9374, 4008, 198, 220, 1303, 19836, 7, 69, 312, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 3899, 4941, 1377, 2124, 17, 3784, 87, 16, 11, 2124, 17, 3784, 87, 18, 11, 2124, 17, 3784, 87, 19, 11, 2124, 17, 3784, 75, 16, 11, 2124, 19, 3784, 87, 18, 11, 300, 16, 3784, 87, 18, 11, 300, 16, 3784, 87, 19, 198, 220, 44872, 7203, 15262, 274, 12200, 4943, 198, 220, 611, 3197, 12315, 198, 220, 220, 220, 49909, 796, 1280, 7203, 18347, 13, 26518, 2430, 86, 10, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 7, 69, 312, 11, 1462, 62, 26518, 7, 21048, 13, 18347, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1969, 7, 69, 312, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1057, 7, 63, 26518, 275, 83, 13, 26518, 532, 51, 12315, 532, 78, 275, 83, 13, 12315, 63, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1303, 29681, 53, 528, 13, 37065, 7, 1462, 62, 26518, 7, 21048, 13, 18347, 4008, 198, 220, 1303, 13256, 4941, 513, 82, 328, 1377, 2124, 17, 75, 16, 87, 19, 87, 18, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 16, 91, 87, 17, 628, 220, 44872, 7203, 16742, 2785, 5499, 329, 1123, 537, 2350, 4943, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 796, 5509, 13, 565, 6368, 58, 16, 60, 1303, 923, 379, 262, 6808, 198, 220, 1382, 2601, 2350, 25396, 14817, 7, 40616, 11, 5509, 11, 537, 25011, 1776, 1303, 277, 70, 857, 407, 423, 262, 6145, 6897, 355, 277, 469, 857, 628, 220, 1303, 783, 4296, 477, 5766, 4823, 9421, 1063, 973, 329, 428, 5509, 198, 220, 329, 410, 287, 9421, 1063, 7, 40616, 13, 70, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 75, 15042, 13, 929, 67, 3587, 16886, 0, 7, 40616, 11, 410, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1441, 5509, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13259, 6601, 0, 7, 85, 7890, 3712, 43015, 19667, 6601, 8, 198, 220, 410, 7890, 13, 417, 320, 3898, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 410, 7890, 13, 15262, 274, 7934, 7975, 42369, 47954, 796, 2558, 21737, 198, 220, 410, 7890, 13, 15262, 274, 7934, 42369, 2389, 796, 657, 198, 220, 410, 7890, 13, 25512, 1352, 796, 2558, 21737, 198, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13259, 6601, 0, 7, 85, 7890, 3712, 22203, 19667, 6601, 8, 198, 220, 410, 7890, 13, 417, 320, 3898, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 410, 7890, 13, 13059, 1843, 1484, 796, 3991, 198, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 13259, 41384, 37065, 3791, 27660, 0, 7, 40616, 3712, 41384, 37065, 8, 198, 220, 329, 410, 287, 9421, 1063, 7, 40616, 13, 70, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13259, 6601, 0, 7, 1136, 6601, 7, 85, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1957, 15042, 13, 929, 67, 3587, 16886, 0, 7, 40616, 11, 410, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 19916, 15580, 3791, 27660, 0, 7, 40616, 3712, 41384, 37065, 26, 16216, 28, 25, 80, 81, 11, 19334, 12315, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 220, 13259, 41384, 37065, 3791, 27660, 0, 7, 40616, 1776, 198, 220, 1441, 3143, 33, 963, 27660, 0, 7, 40616, 11, 16216, 28, 34555, 11, 3197, 12315, 28, 19334, 12315, 1776, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 543, 2601, 25011, 90, 51, 1279, 25, 27741, 10100, 92, 7, 18347, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 11, 1216, 83, 3712, 51, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 275, 83, 13, 565, 6368, 58, 18347, 13, 8534, 874, 58, 8310, 83, 11907, 198, 437, 198, 4758, 2601, 25011, 7, 18347, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 11, 1216, 83, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 796, 543, 2601, 25011, 7, 18347, 11, 4731, 7, 8310, 83, 4008, 628, 198, 8818, 24443, 11041, 37, 310, 82, 0, 7, 1904, 69, 310, 82, 11, 300, 2436, 312, 3712, 5317, 11, 277, 310, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 11, 49909, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 329, 256, 79, 287, 779, 69, 310, 82, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 256, 79, 6624, 277, 310, 13, 9630, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 256, 489, 796, 277, 310, 13, 9630, 198, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 1904, 69, 310, 82, 11, 256, 489, 1267, 198, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 628, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2601, 2350, 25396, 14817, 0, 7, 40616, 3712, 41384, 37065, 11, 275, 83, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 11, 537, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 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1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 13059, 47954, 796, 1787, 47954, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 796, 15690, 90, 33, 970, 11, 17, 92, 7, 13664, 7, 13059, 47954, 828, 4129, 7, 4033, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 50108, 19044, 796, 15690, 90, 33, 970, 11, 17, 92, 7, 13664, 7, 259, 19662, 47954, 828, 4129, 7, 4033, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 6070, 0, 7, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 6070, 0, 7, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 329, 474, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 4033, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 259, 19662, 47954, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 951, 82, 58, 73, 60, 6624, 287, 19662, 47954, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 537, 25011, 50108, 19044, 58, 72, 11, 73, 60, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 352, 25, 13664, 7, 13059, 47954, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 69, 310, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 13059, 14817, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 4686, 69, 310, 6624, 1787, 47954, 58, 72, 60, 1303, 34182, 2198, 319, 537, 2350, 2785, 82, 16216, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 9421, 312, 87, 287, 651, 6601, 7, 1136, 42369, 7, 69, 4743, 11, 4686, 69, 310, 11, 40391, 28, 12001, 15042, 29720, 69, 10782, 853, 85, 2389, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 329, 9421, 312, 87, 287, 651, 6601, 7, 1136, 42369, 19667, 7, 69, 4743, 11, 4686, 69, 310, 29720, 69, 10782, 853, 85, 2389, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 9421, 312, 87, 6624, 951, 82, 58, 73, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 537, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 58, 72, 11, 73, 60, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 778, 912, 75, 525, 81, 7203, 5589, 2601, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 45977, 0, 1377, 2785, 4522, 16216, 373, 2626, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 50108, 19044, 198, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2601, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 651, 2601, 25011, 50108, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 651, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 26, 905, 19662, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 840, 420, 19044, 796, 651, 2601, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 198, 220, 31456, 19044, 796, 651, 2601, 25011, 50108, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 198, 220, 2603, 796, 905, 19662, 5633, 685, 562, 420, 19044, 26, 19662, 19044, 60, 1058, 840, 420, 19044, 198, 220, 1441, 2603, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 2163, 13997, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 26, 905, 19662, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2603, 796, 2769, 30073, 7, 1136, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 11, 905, 19662, 28, 12860, 19662, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 1303, 16926, 46, 1377, 751, 6596, 32704, 994, 11, 11629, 3691, 14267, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2603, 796, 3975, 7, 43879, 2414, 11, 2603, 27493, 17, 13, 15, 12, 16, 13, 15, 198, 2, 220, 220, 997, 75, 565, 796, 2546, 7, 1136, 2601, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 828, 16, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2603, 58, 7, 22510, 75, 565, 10, 16, 2599, 437, 11, 47715, 1635, 28, 657, 13, 24, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2603, 58, 7, 22510, 75, 565, 10, 16, 2599, 437, 11, 47715, 48185, 657, 13, 16, 198, 2, 220, 220, 997, 8310, 28781, 16, 796, 4314, 7, 5317, 11, 13664, 7, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 47762, 16, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2603, 58, 45299, 22510, 8310, 28781, 16, 25, 437, 60, 1635, 28, 657, 13, 24, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2603, 58, 45299, 22510, 8310, 28781, 16, 25, 437, 60, 48185, 657, 13, 16, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 270, 712, 283, 47954, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 7785, 47954, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 19662, 48267, 47954, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 6732, 28781, 50108, 47954, 198, 2, 220, 220, 2488, 12860, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 22442, 50108, 47954, 198, 2, 220, 220, 599, 796, 20925, 12254, 13, 2777, 88, 7, 6759, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 2777, 13, 5162, 1460, 11, 20925, 12254, 13, 47889, 13, 7839, 7203, 3, 7, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 18242, 8973, 8, 8614, 29568, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 8, 1058, 3, 7, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 16725, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 2777, 13, 5162, 1460, 11, 20925, 12254, 13, 47889, 13, 87, 18242, 7203, 38353, 11215, 6359, 29568, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 270, 712, 283, 47954, 16725, 4008, 198, 2, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 2777, 13, 5162, 1460, 11, 20925, 12254, 13, 47889, 13, 2645, 9608, 7203, 75, 565, 43641, 7, 22510, 75, 565, 8, 8614, 31456, 43641, 7, 7857, 7, 1136, 2601, 25011, 50108, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 828, 16, 4008, 1, 15306, 198, 2, 220, 220, 1441, 599, 198, 2, 886, 198, 2, 2163, 13997, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 18347, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 11, 300, 2436, 3712, 13940, 23650, 26, 905, 19662, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 2, 220, 220, 13997, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 4758, 2601, 25011, 7, 18347, 11, 75, 2436, 828, 905, 19662, 28, 12860, 19662, 8, 198, 2, 886, 198, 198, 8818, 954, 15739, 2419, 7, 18347, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 8, 198, 220, 1341, 862, 796, 657, 198, 220, 329, 537, 25011, 287, 275, 83, 13, 565, 6368, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 796, 651, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21504, 796, 3975, 7, 5317, 11, 76, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1341, 862, 15853, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 16345, 7, 11632, 11, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 4008, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 1341, 862, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 14267, 15046, 10128, 14542, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 997, 8310, 28781, 16, 796, 4314, 7, 5317, 11, 13664, 7, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 47762, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1779, 8021, 420, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 58, 45299, 22510, 8310, 28781, 16, 25, 437, 60, 198, 220, 1779, 50108, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 58, 45299, 22510, 8310, 28781, 16, 25, 437, 60, 198, 220, 2603, 796, 685, 17561, 8021, 420, 19044, 26, 17561, 50108, 19044, 11208, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 285, 397, 44, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 17561, 50108, 19044, 828, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 285, 397, 764, 5, 285, 397, 44, 198, 220, 1303, 28077, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 17561, 50108, 19044, 11, 17, 8, 198, 220, 31456, 312, 87, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 58, 35138, 7, 33327, 7, 76, 397, 4008, 60, 198, 220, 1441, 31456, 312, 87, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1277, 22442, 50108, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 1216, 28781, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 198, 220, 1779, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 198, 220, 951, 82, 796, 685, 8310, 28781, 26, 17561, 60, 198, 220, 2603, 796, 651, 2601, 25011, 19044, 7, 565, 25011, 11, 905, 19662, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 220, 1702, 81, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 17, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 302, 8516, 796, 2824, 7, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 12215, 81, 4008, 198, 220, 275, 796, 43030, 7, 33327, 7, 12215, 81, 4008, 198, 220, 302, 8516, 17, 796, 302, 8516, 58, 65, 60, 198, 220, 21784, 81, 12832, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 58, 260, 8516, 17, 11, 25, 46570, 16, 8, 198, 220, 2160, 66, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 16, 8, 198, 220, 9114, 50232, 5216, 82, 796, 357, 82, 5700, 81, 12832, 532, 2160, 66, 8, 764, 855, 657, 198, 220, 1441, 951, 82, 58, 35138, 7, 33327, 7, 4426, 50232, 5216, 82, 4008, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1277, 6732, 28781, 50108, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 997, 8310, 28781, 796, 4129, 7, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 8, 198, 220, 1216, 429, 8021, 420, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 58, 45299, 16, 25, 22510, 8310, 28781, 60, 198, 220, 1216, 28781, 50108, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 58, 45299, 16, 25, 22510, 8310, 28781, 60, 198, 220, 2603, 796, 685, 8310, 429, 8021, 420, 19044, 26, 1216, 28781, 50108, 19044, 11208, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 285, 397, 44, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 8310, 28781, 50108, 19044, 828, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 285, 397, 764, 5, 285, 397, 44, 198, 220, 1441, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 58, 35138, 7, 33327, 7, 76, 397, 4008, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1277, 8021, 16747, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 24550, 1377, 1468, 2196, 587, 3017, 287, 11629, 515, 7885, 8931, 198, 220, 840, 420, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 198, 220, 31456, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 198, 220, 2603, 796, 685, 562, 420, 19044, 26, 19662, 19044, 11208, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 285, 397, 32, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 562, 420, 19044, 828, 16, 8, 764, 855, 352, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 285, 397, 764, 5, 285, 397, 32, 198, 220, 1216, 28781, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 198, 220, 1779, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 198, 220, 951, 82, 796, 685, 8310, 28781, 26, 17561, 60, 198, 220, 1441, 951, 82, 58, 35138, 7, 33327, 7, 76, 397, 4008, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 635, 15284, 703, 543, 389, 4006, 874, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 285, 11215, 66, 29993, 341, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 840, 420, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 198, 220, 31456, 19044, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 565, 25011, 50108, 19044, 198, 220, 2603, 796, 685, 562, 420, 19044, 26, 19662, 19044, 11208, 198, 220, 2160, 7, 16345, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 16, 4008, 6624, 657, 5633, 4049, 7203, 76, 11215, 66, 29993, 341, 47954, 1377, 48422, 276, 9633, 4943, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 285, 397, 796, 352, 764, 27, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1216, 28781, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 8534, 282, 47954, 198, 220, 1779, 796, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 17561, 270, 47954, 198, 220, 951, 82, 796, 685, 8310, 28781, 26, 17561, 60, 198, 220, 1303, 1614, 2438, 198, 220, 1303, 32980, 3161, 6, 276, 9633, 11, 788, 1029, 4922, 1306, 198, 220, 1303, 651, 477, 3161, 2099, 15274, 11, 815, 307, 19086, 1143, 198, 220, 1303, 16926, 46, 1377, 3863, 3297, 1864, 284, 24030, 4922, 198, 220, 1303, 2060, 525, 8516, 796, 352, 764, 855, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 828, 17, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 2060, 525, 8516, 796, 2824, 7, 29762, 525, 8516, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 1293, 1850, 85, 945, 388, 796, 2160, 7, 8899, 7, 5317, 11, 6759, 58, 29762, 525, 8516, 46570, 16, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 1293, 1850, 16321, 796, 3297, 16321, 7, 3448, 1850, 85, 945, 388, 11, 2710, 28, 7942, 8, 1303, 24030, 954, 628, 220, 1303, 437, 1614, 2438, 198, 220, 1303, 2457, 5072, 198, 220, 1441, 951, 82, 58, 35138, 7, 33327, 7, 76, 397, 4008, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 900, 2601, 25011, 9655, 47954, 0, 7, 565, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 22442, 50108, 47954, 796, 1277, 22442, 50108, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 24550, 1377, 5929, 4025, 11629, 1448, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 7785, 47954, 796, 1277, 8021, 16747, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 270, 712, 283, 47954, 796, 285, 11215, 66, 29993, 341, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 24550, 1377, 4259, 1277, 3691, 340, 712, 283, 2071, 11, 4128, 19852, 47954, 1028, 314, 1010, 815, 635, 40806, 198, 220, 514, 2617, 796, 6441, 7, 76, 11215, 66, 29993, 341, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 828, 1277, 8021, 16747, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 4008, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 270, 712, 283, 47954, 796, 900, 26069, 7, 1046, 316, 11, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 22442, 50108, 47954, 8, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 19662, 48267, 47954, 796, 14267, 15046, 10128, 14542, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 198, 220, 537, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 7890, 1, 4083, 12942, 6732, 28781, 50108, 47954, 796, 1277, 6732, 28781, 50108, 47954, 7, 565, 25011, 8, 628, 198, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 628, 198, 2, 1281, 1502, 5509, 33038, 282, 290, 1382, 2785, 5499, 198, 8818, 1382, 2601, 2350, 25396, 14817, 7, 40616, 3712, 41384, 37065, 11, 275, 83, 3712, 15262, 274, 27660, 11, 537, 25011, 3712, 37065, 82, 13, 3109, 13414, 16886, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1200, 287, 503, 62, 710, 394, 32289, 7, 565, 25011, 11, 275, 83, 13, 18347, 8, 2, 21048, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1382, 2601, 2350, 25396, 14817, 7, 40616, 11, 275, 83, 11, 1200, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44872, 7203, 3855, 2785, 82, 29568, 565, 25011, 13, 1078, 7657, 14692, 18242, 8973, 8, 15341, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 2601, 2350, 25396, 14817, 0, 7, 40616, 11, 275, 83, 11, 537, 25011, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 552, 2601, 25011, 8021, 420, 19044, 45977, 0, 7, 40616, 11, 275, 83, 11, 537, 25011, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 900, 2601, 25011, 9655, 47954, 0, 7, 565, 25011, 1776, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 198 ]
function intersects_geometry(m::AbstractAccretionGeometry{T}, line_element) where {T} if in_nearby_region(m, line_element) return has_intersect(m, line_element) end false end in_nearby_region(d::AbstractAccretionGeometry{T}, line_element) where {T} = error("Not implemented for $(typeof(d))") has_intersect(d::AbstractAccretionGeometry{T}, line_element) where {T} = error("Not implemented for $(typeof(d))") # Jiménez, Segura, Feito. Computation Geometry 43 (2010) 474-492 function jsr_algorithm(V₁::T, V₂::T, V₃::T, Q₁::V, Q₂::V; ϵ = 1e-8) where {T,V} A = Q₁ .- V₃ B = V₁ .- V₃ C = V₂ .- V₃ W₁ = B × C w = A ⋅ W₁ if w > ϵ D = Q₂ .- V₃ s = D ⋅ W₁ s > ϵ && return false W₂ = A × D t = W₂ ⋅ C t < -ϵ && return false u = -W₂ ⋅ B u < -ϵ && return false w < s + t + u && return false elseif w < -ϵ return false else # w == 0 D = Q₂ .- V₃ s = D ⋅ W₁ if s > ϵ return false elseif s < -ϵ W₂ = D × A t = W₂ ⋅ C t > ϵ && return false u = -W₂ ⋅ B u > ϵ && return false -s > t + u && return false else return false end end true end
[ 198, 8818, 36177, 82, 62, 469, 15748, 7, 76, 3712, 23839, 17320, 12307, 10082, 15748, 90, 51, 5512, 1627, 62, 30854, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 287, 62, 40093, 1525, 62, 36996, 7, 76, 11, 1627, 62, 30854, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 468, 62, 3849, 8831, 7, 76, 11, 1627, 62, 30854, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3991, 198, 437, 198, 198, 259, 62, 40093, 1525, 62, 36996, 7, 67, 3712, 23839, 17320, 12307, 10082, 15748, 90, 51, 5512, 1627, 62, 30854, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3673, 9177, 329, 29568, 4906, 1659, 7, 67, 4008, 4943, 198, 10134, 62, 3849, 8831, 7, 67, 3712, 23839, 17320, 12307, 10082, 15748, 90, 51, 5512, 1627, 62, 30854, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3673, 9177, 329, 29568, 4906, 1659, 7, 67, 4008, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 5395, 2634, 710, 89, 11, 31220, 5330, 11, 5452, 10094, 13, 22476, 341, 2269, 15748, 5946, 357, 10333, 8, 604, 4524, 12, 40256, 198, 8818, 474, 27891, 62, 282, 42289, 7, 53, 158, 224, 223, 3712, 51, 11, 569, 158, 224, 224, 3712, 51, 11, 569, 158, 224, 225, 3712, 51, 11, 1195, 158, 224, 223, 3712, 53, 11, 1195, 158, 224, 224, 3712, 53, 26, 18074, 113, 796, 352, 68, 12, 23, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 53, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 1195, 158, 224, 223, 764, 12, 569, 158, 224, 225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 796, 569, 158, 224, 223, 764, 12, 569, 158, 224, 225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 327, 796, 569, 158, 224, 224, 764, 12, 569, 158, 224, 225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 370, 158, 224, 223, 796, 347, 13958, 327, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 317, 2343, 233, 227, 370, 158, 224, 223, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 266, 1875, 18074, 113, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 796, 1195, 158, 224, 224, 764, 12, 569, 158, 224, 225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 360, 2343, 233, 227, 370, 158, 224, 223, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 1875, 18074, 113, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 370, 158, 224, 224, 796, 317, 13958, 360, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 796, 370, 158, 224, 224, 2343, 233, 227, 327, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 1279, 532, 139, 113, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 796, 532, 54, 158, 224, 224, 2343, 233, 227, 347, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 1279, 532, 139, 113, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 266, 1279, 264, 1343, 256, 1343, 334, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 266, 1279, 532, 139, 113, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 1303, 1849, 86, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 360, 796, 1195, 158, 224, 224, 764, 12, 569, 158, 224, 225, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 796, 360, 2343, 233, 227, 370, 158, 224, 223, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 264, 1875, 18074, 113, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 264, 1279, 532, 139, 113, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 370, 158, 224, 224, 796, 360, 13958, 317, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 796, 370, 158, 224, 224, 2343, 233, 227, 327, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 1875, 18074, 113, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 796, 532, 54, 158, 224, 224, 2343, 233, 227, 347, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 334, 1875, 18074, 113, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 82, 1875, 256, 1343, 334, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2081, 198, 437, 198 ]
module Sodium typealias size_t Csize_t typealias uint32_t Uint32 typealias uint8_t Uint8 include("ls_exports_h.jl") include("ls_common_h.jl") include("ls_sodium_h.jl") include("ls_defines_h.jl") end
[ 21412, 47942, 198, 198, 4906, 26011, 2546, 62, 83, 327, 7857, 62, 83, 198, 4906, 26011, 20398, 2624, 62, 83, 471, 600, 2624, 198, 4906, 26011, 20398, 23, 62, 83, 471, 600, 23, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 7278, 62, 1069, 3742, 62, 71, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 7278, 62, 11321, 62, 71, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 7278, 62, 82, 12664, 62, 71, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 7278, 62, 4299, 1127, 62, 71, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Flux, Flux.Tracker using NeuralProcesses, NeuralProcesses.Experiment using Distributions using Plots using Random using PyCall @pyimport pickle function save(path, obj) out = open(path, "w") pickle.dump(obj, out) close(out) end convcnp = NeuralProcesses.untrack(best_model("models/convcnp/loglik/sawtooth.bson")) convnp = NeuralProcesses.untrack(best_model("models/convnp/loglik/sawtooth.bson")) p = Sawtooth() xt = collect(range(-2, 2, length=600)) yt = reshape(rand(p(xt, 1e-10)), :) inds = sort(randperm(length(xt))[1:7]) xc = xt[inds] yc = yt[inds] save("sawtooth/data.pickle", Dict( "xc" => xc, "yc" => yc, "xt" => xt, "yt" => yt )) xc = reshape(xc, :, 1, 1) yc = reshape(yc, :, 1, 1) xt = reshape(xt, :, 1, 1) yt = reshape(yt, :, 1, 1) # Embedding: xz = convcnp.encoder.disc(xc, xt, margin=16f0) xz, z = code(convcnp.encoder.coder[1], xc, yc, xz) inds = reshape((xz .>= -2) .& (xz .<= 2), :) plot(xz[inds, 1, 1], z[inds, 1, 1]) save("sawtooth/embedding.pickle", Dict( "xz" => xz[inds, 1, 1], "z1" => z[inds, 1, 1], "z2" => z[inds, 2, 1] )) xz, z = code(convcnp.encoder.coder[2], xz, z, xz) z = NeuralProcesses.sample(z, num_samples=1) # CNN: xz, z = code(convcnp.decoder[1], xz, z, xt) save("sawtooth/embedding_cnn.pickle", Dict( "xz" => xz[inds, 1, 1], "z1" => z[inds, 1, 1], "z2" => z[inds, 2, 1] )) xz, z = code(convcnp.decoder[2], xz, z, xt) xz, z = code(convcnp.decoder[3], xz, z, xt) xc = reshape(xc, :) yc = reshape(yc, :) xt = reshape(xt, :) yt = reshape(yt, :) μ = reshape(mean(z), :) σ = reshape(std(z), :) # Prediction: save("sawtooth/pred.pickle", Dict( "xt" => xt, "mu" => μ, "std" => σ )) # Also predict with ConvNP: _, _, _, samples = predict(convnp, xc, yc, xt; margin=16f0) save("sawtooth/pred_convnp.pickle", Dict( "xt" => xt, "samples" => samples ))
[ 3500, 1610, 2821, 11, 1610, 2821, 13, 35694, 198, 3500, 47986, 18709, 274, 11, 47986, 18709, 274, 13, 20468, 3681, 198, 3500, 46567, 507, 198, 3500, 1345, 1747, 198, 3500, 14534, 198, 3500, 9485, 14134, 198, 198, 31, 9078, 11748, 2298, 293, 198, 198, 8818, 3613, 7, 6978, 11, 26181, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 503, 796, 1280, 7, 6978, 11, 366, 86, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2298, 293, 13, 39455, 7, 26801, 11, 503, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1969, 7, 448, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 1102, 28435, 37659, 796, 47986, 18709, 274, 13, 403, 11659, 7, 13466, 62, 19849, 7203, 27530, 14, 1102, 28435, 37659, 14, 6404, 46965, 14, 43439, 1462, 849, 13, 1443, 261, 48774, 198, 42946, 37659, 796, 47986, 18709, 274, 13, 403, 11659, 7, 13466, 62, 19849, 7203, 27530, 14, 42946, 37659, 14, 6404, 46965, 14, 43439, 1462, 849, 13, 1443, 261, 48774, 198, 198, 79, 796, 19882, 1462, 849, 3419, 198, 198, 742, 796, 2824, 7, 9521, 32590, 17, 11, 362, 11, 4129, 28, 8054, 4008, 198, 20760, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 25192, 7, 79, 7, 742, 11, 352, 68, 12, 940, 36911, 14373, 198, 521, 82, 796, 3297, 7, 25192, 16321, 7, 13664, 7, 742, 4008, 58, 16, 25, 22, 12962, 198, 25306, 796, 220, 742, 58, 521, 82, 60, 198, 88, 66, 796, 331, 83, 58, 521, 82, 60, 198, 198, 21928, 7203, 43439, 1462, 849, 14, 7890, 13, 27729, 293, 1600, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 25306, 1, 5218, 2124, 66, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 88, 66, 1, 5218, 331, 66, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 742, 1, 5218, 220, 742, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 20760, 1, 5218, 331, 83, 198, 4008, 198, 198, 25306, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 25306, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 11, 352, 8, 198, 88, 66, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 88, 66, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 11, 352, 8, 198, 742, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 742, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 11, 352, 8, 198, 20760, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 20760, 11, 1058, 11, 352, 11, 352, 8, 198, 198, 2, 13302, 6048, 278, 25, 198, 87, 89, 796, 3063, 31522, 79, 13, 12685, 12342, 13, 15410, 7, 25306, 11, 220, 742, 11, 10330, 28, 1433, 69, 15, 8, 198, 87, 89, 11, 1976, 796, 2438, 7, 1102, 28435, 37659, 13, 12685, 12342, 13, 66, 12342, 58, 16, 4357, 2124, 66, 11, 331, 66, 11, 2124, 89, 8, 198, 198, 521, 82, 796, 27179, 1758, 19510, 87, 89, 764, 29, 28, 532, 17, 8, 764, 5, 357, 87, 89, 764, 27, 28, 362, 828, 14373, 198, 29487, 7, 87, 89, 58, 521, 82, 11, 352, 11, 352, 4357, 1976, 58, 521, 82, 11, 352, 11, 352, 12962, 198, 21928, 7203, 43439, 1462, 849, 14, 20521, 12083, 13, 27729, 293, 1600, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 87, 89, 1, 5218, 2124, 89, 58, 521, 82, 11, 352, 11, 352, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 89, 16, 1, 5218, 1976, 58, 521, 82, 11, 352, 11, 352, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 89, 17, 1, 5218, 1976, 58, 521, 82, 11, 362, 11, 352, 60, 198, 4008, 198, 198, 87, 89, 11, 1976, 796, 2438, 7, 1102, 28435, 37659, 13, 12685, 12342, 13, 66, 12342, 58, 17, 4357, 2124, 89, 11, 1976, 11, 2124, 89, 8, 198, 89, 796, 47986, 18709, 274, 13, 39873, 7, 89, 11, 997, 62, 82, 12629, 28, 16, 8, 198, 198, 2, 8100, 25, 198, 87, 89, 11, 1976, 796, 2438, 7, 1102, 28435, 37659, 13, 12501, 12342, 58, 16, 4357, 2124, 89, 11, 1976, 11, 220, 742, 8, 198, 21928, 7203, 43439, 1462, 849, 14, 20521, 12083, 62, 66, 20471, 13, 27729, 293, 1600, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 87, 89, 1, 5218, 2124, 89, 58, 521, 82, 11, 352, 11, 352, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 89, 16, 1, 5218, 1976, 58, 521, 82, 11, 352, 11, 352, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 89, 17, 1, 5218, 1976, 58, 521, 82, 11, 362, 11, 352, 60, 198, 4008, 198, 198, 87, 89, 11, 1976, 796, 2438, 7, 1102, 28435, 37659, 13, 12501, 12342, 58, 17, 4357, 2124, 89, 11, 1976, 11, 220, 742, 8, 198, 87, 89, 11, 1976, 796, 2438, 7, 1102, 28435, 37659, 13, 12501, 12342, 58, 18, 4357, 2124, 89, 11, 1976, 11, 220, 742, 8, 198, 198, 25306, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 25306, 11, 14373, 198, 88, 66, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 88, 66, 11, 14373, 198, 742, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 742, 11, 14373, 198, 20760, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 20760, 11, 14373, 198, 198, 34703, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 32604, 7, 89, 828, 14373, 198, 38392, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 19282, 7, 89, 828, 14373, 198, 198, 2, 46690, 25, 198, 21928, 7203, 43439, 1462, 849, 14, 28764, 13, 27729, 293, 1600, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 742, 1, 5218, 220, 742, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 30300, 1, 5218, 18919, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 19282, 1, 5218, 18074, 225, 198, 4008, 198, 198, 2, 4418, 4331, 351, 34872, 22182, 25, 198, 62, 11, 4808, 11, 4808, 11, 8405, 796, 4331, 7, 42946, 37659, 11, 2124, 66, 11, 331, 66, 11, 220, 742, 26, 10330, 28, 1433, 69, 15, 8, 198, 21928, 7203, 43439, 1462, 849, 14, 28764, 62, 42946, 37659, 13, 27729, 293, 1600, 360, 713, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 742, 1, 5218, 220, 742, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 82, 12629, 1, 5218, 8405, 198, 4008, 628 ]
__precompile__() module Configs include("utils.jl") using JSON, Memoize export getconfig, setconfig!, hasconfig, initconfig configs = nothing const configs_defaultorder = [ "default.json", "custom-environment-variables.json" ] function initconfig(;deployment_key = "DEPLOYMENT", configs_directory = "configs")::NamedTuple global configs = Dict{String, Any}() configs_order = copy(configs_defaultorder) configs_directory = parseenvkey("CONFIGS_DIRECTORY", configs_directory) deployment_key = parseenvkey("DEPLOYMENT_KEY", deployment_key) configs_files = getfiles(configs_directory) deployment = parseenvkey(deployment_key, false) deployment != false && insert!(configs_order, 2, lowercase(deployment) * ".json") filter!((file)-> file in configs_files, configs_order) for file in configs_order open(joinpath(configs_directory, file), "r") do filepath file_content = String(read(filepath)) newtree = JSON.parse(file_content) if file === "custom-environment-variables.json" parsecustomenv!(newtree) end override!(configs, newtree) end end (; configs_directory = configs_directory, deployment_key = deployment_key, configs_order = configs_order) end @memoize Dict{Tuple{String}, Any} function getconfig(path::String = "") global configs configs === nothing && initconfig() configs isa Dict && (configs = makeimmutable(configs)) path === "" && return configs epath = Meta.parse("configs.$path") try eval(epath) catch err throw(Configserror("no such config: " * path)) end end function setconfig!(path::String, value::String) try value = JSON.parse(value) catch err end value = pathtodict(path, value) setconfig!(value) end function setconfig!(path::String, value) value = pathtodict(path, value) setconfig!(value) end function setconfig!(path::String, value::Union{Tuple, AbstractArray, NamedTuple, Dict}) value = json(value) |> JSON.parse value = pathtodict(path, value) setconfig!(value) end function setconfig!(value::Dict) configs === nothing && initconfig() configs isa NamedTuple && throw(Configserror("""config is immutable. Please set all values before calling "get" """)) override!(configs, value) end function hasconfig(path::String)::Bool path === "" && throw(Configserror("a path is required to query a config")) configs === nothing && initconfig() subpaths = split(path, ".") ref = configs for i in eachindex(subpaths) subpath = Symbol(subpaths[i]) if haskey(ref, subpath) length(subpaths) === i && return true ref = ref[subpath] else return false end end end end
[ 834, 3866, 5589, 576, 834, 3419, 198, 198, 21412, 17056, 82, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2291, 7203, 26791, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 19449, 11, 4942, 78, 1096, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 220, 651, 11250, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 11250, 28265, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 468, 11250, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2315, 11250, 628, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 796, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 4566, 82, 62, 12286, 2875, 796, 685, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 12286, 13, 17752, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 23144, 12, 38986, 12, 25641, 2977, 13, 17752, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2361, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 2315, 11250, 7, 26, 2934, 1420, 434, 62, 2539, 796, 366, 7206, 6489, 21414, 10979, 1600, 4566, 82, 62, 34945, 796, 366, 11250, 82, 1, 2599, 25, 45, 2434, 51, 29291, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 4566, 82, 796, 360, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 4377, 92, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 62, 2875, 796, 4866, 7, 11250, 82, 62, 12286, 2875, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 62, 34945, 796, 1582, 15898, 85, 2539, 7203, 10943, 16254, 50, 62, 17931, 23988, 15513, 1600, 4566, 82, 62, 34945, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14833, 62, 2539, 796, 1582, 15898, 85, 2539, 7203, 7206, 6489, 21414, 10979, 62, 20373, 1600, 14833, 62, 2539, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 62, 16624, 796, 651, 16624, 7, 11250, 82, 62, 34945, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14833, 796, 1582, 15898, 85, 2539, 7, 2934, 1420, 434, 62, 2539, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14833, 14512, 3991, 11405, 7550, 0, 7, 11250, 82, 62, 2875, 11, 362, 11, 2793, 7442, 7, 2934, 1420, 434, 8, 1635, 27071, 17752, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8106, 0, 19510, 7753, 8, 3784, 2393, 287, 4566, 82, 62, 16624, 11, 4566, 82, 62, 2875, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 2393, 287, 4566, 82, 62, 2875, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1280, 7, 22179, 6978, 7, 11250, 82, 62, 34945, 11, 2393, 828, 366, 81, 4943, 466, 2393, 6978, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2393, 62, 11299, 796, 10903, 7, 961, 7, 7753, 6978, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 649, 21048, 796, 19449, 13, 29572, 7, 7753, 62, 11299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 2393, 24844, 366, 23144, 12, 38986, 12, 25641, 2977, 13, 17752, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1582, 2363, 1824, 24330, 0, 7, 3605, 21048, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 20957, 0, 7, 11250, 82, 11, 649, 21048, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 26, 4566, 82, 62, 34945, 796, 4566, 82, 62, 34945, 11, 14833, 62, 2539, 796, 14833, 62, 2539, 11, 4566, 82, 62, 2875, 796, 4566, 82, 62, 2875, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 11883, 78, 1096, 360, 713, 90, 51, 29291, 90, 10100, 5512, 4377, 92, 2163, 651, 11250, 7, 6978, 3712, 10100, 796, 366, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3298, 4566, 82, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 24844, 2147, 11405, 2315, 11250, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 318, 64, 360, 713, 11405, 357, 11250, 82, 796, 787, 8608, 18187, 7, 11250, 82, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3108, 24844, 13538, 11405, 1441, 4566, 82, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2462, 776, 796, 30277, 13, 29572, 7203, 11250, 82, 48082, 6978, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5418, 7, 538, 776, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 11454, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 16934, 2655, 1472, 7203, 3919, 884, 4566, 25, 366, 1635, 3108, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 900, 11250, 0, 7, 6978, 3712, 10100, 11, 1988, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 796, 19449, 13, 29572, 7, 8367, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 11454, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 796, 3108, 83, 375, 713, 7, 6978, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 11250, 0, 7, 8367, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 900, 11250, 0, 7, 6978, 3712, 10100, 11, 1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 796, 3108, 83, 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1988, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 468, 11250, 7, 6978, 3712, 10100, 2599, 25, 33, 970, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3108, 24844, 13538, 11405, 3714, 7, 16934, 2655, 1472, 7203, 64, 3108, 318, 2672, 284, 12405, 257, 4566, 48774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4566, 82, 24844, 2147, 11405, 2315, 11250, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 850, 6978, 82, 796, 6626, 7, 6978, 11, 366, 19570, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1006, 796, 4566, 82, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 7266, 6978, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 850, 6978, 796, 38357, 7, 7266, 6978, 82, 58, 72, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 468, 2539, 7, 5420, 11, 850, 6978, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7, 7266, 6978, 82, 8, 24844, 1312, 11405, 1441, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1006, 796, 1006, 58, 7266, 6978, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
""" function cudaAdapt_(code) Function that adapts vector declarations and math functions to CUDA. """ function cudaAdapt_(code::Expr) #Subs all math l = [i for i in names(Base.Math) if isdefined(CUDA,i) && i != :(^)] for i in l code = subs_(code,i,Meta.parse(string("CUDA.","$i"))) end #Subs power code = postwalk(x->@capture(x, a_^b_) && typeof(b) != Int ? :(Float32($a)^$b) : x, code) #Subs vectors for i in [:zeros,:ones] code = subs_(code,i,Meta.parse(string("CUDA.","$i"))) end code = subs_(code,:Array,Meta.parse(string("CUDA.CuArray"))) code = subs_(code,INT,INTCUDA) code = subs_(code,FLOAT,FLOATCUDA) return code end
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 269, 15339, 48003, 41052, 8189, 8, 198, 198, 22203, 326, 6068, 82, 15879, 31713, 290, 10688, 5499, 284, 29369, 5631, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 269, 15339, 48003, 41052, 8189, 3712, 3109, 1050, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7004, 82, 477, 10688, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 796, 685, 72, 329, 1312, 287, 3891, 7, 14881, 13, 37372, 8, 611, 318, 23211, 7, 43633, 5631, 11, 72, 8, 11405, 1312, 14512, 36147, 61, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 300, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 6352, 41052, 8189, 11, 72, 11, 48526, 13, 29572, 7, 8841, 7203, 43633, 5631, 41424, 3, 72, 1, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7004, 82, 1176, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 1281, 11152, 7, 87, 3784, 31, 27144, 495, 7, 87, 11, 257, 62, 61, 65, 62, 8, 11405, 2099, 1659, 7, 65, 8, 14512, 2558, 5633, 36147, 43879, 2624, 16763, 64, 8, 61, 3, 65, 8, 1058, 2124, 11, 2438, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 7004, 82, 30104, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 287, 685, 25, 9107, 418, 11, 25, 1952, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 6352, 41052, 8189, 11, 72, 11, 48526, 13, 29572, 7, 8841, 7203, 43633, 5631, 41424, 3, 72, 1, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 6352, 41052, 8189, 11, 25, 19182, 11, 48526, 13, 29572, 7, 8841, 7203, 43633, 5631, 13, 46141, 19182, 1, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 6352, 41052, 8189, 11, 12394, 11, 1268, 4825, 52, 5631, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2438, 796, 6352, 41052, 8189, 11, 3697, 46, 1404, 11, 3697, 46, 1404, 43633, 5631, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2438, 198, 437 ]
module LiquidsStructureGrids ### Imports using Reexport @reexport using ApproximationGrids @reexport using LiquidsStructure import ApproximationGrids: ApproximationGrid ### Exports export StructureFactorGrid ### Implemetation struct StructureFactorGrid{S <: StructureFactor, G <: ApproximationGrid} f::S grid::G end function, ::MIME"text/plain", s::StructureFactorGrid) print(io, "$(s.f),$(s.grid)") end end # module
[ 21412, 35515, 2340, 1273, 5620, 8642, 2340, 628, 198, 21017, 1846, 3742, 198, 3500, 797, 39344, 198, 31, 631, 87, 634, 1262, 2034, 13907, 18991, 8642, 2340, 198, 31, 631, 87, 634, 1262, 35515, 2340, 1273, 5620, 198, 198, 11748, 2034, 13907, 18991, 8642, 2340, 25, 2034, 13907, 18991, 41339, 628, 198, 21017, 1475, 3742, 198, 39344, 32522, 41384, 41339, 628, 198, 21017, 1846, 1154, 4164, 341, 198, 7249, 32522, 41384, 41339, 90, 50, 1279, 25, 32522, 41384, 11, 402, 1279, 25, 2034, 13907, 18991, 41339, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 3712, 50, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10706, 3712, 38, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 7904, 44, 12789, 1, 5239, 14, 25638, 1600, 264, 3712, 1273, 5620, 41384, 41339, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 952, 11, 17971, 7, 82, 13, 69, 828, 3, 7, 82, 13, 25928, 8, 4943, 198, 437, 628, 198, 437, 1303, 8265, 198 ]
""" :( """ function DryBubble_θ_liq_ice(::Type{FT}) where {FT} z_in = FT[ 25., 75., 125., 175., 225., 275., 325., 375., 425., 475., 525., 575., 625., 675., 725., 775., 825., 875., 925., 975., 1025., 1075., 1125., 1175., 1225., 1275., 1325., 1375., 1425., 1475., 1525., 1575., 1625., 1675., 1725., 1775., 1825., 1875., 1925., 1975., 2025., 2075., 2125., 2175., 2225., 2275., 2325., 2375., 2425., 2475., 2525., 2575., 2625., 2675., 2725., 2775., 2825., 2875., 2925., 2975., 3025., 3075., 3125., 3175., 3225., 3275., 3325., 3375., 3425., 3475., 3525., 3575., 3625., 3675., 3725., 3775., 3825., 3875., 3925., 3975., 4025., 4075., 4125., 4175., 4225., 4275., 4325., 4375., 4425., 4475., 4525., 4575., 4625., 4675., 4725., 4775., 4825., 4875., 4925., 4975., 5025., 5075., 5125., 5175., 5225., 5275., 5325., 5375., 5425., 5475., 5525., 5575., 5625., 5675., 5725., 5775., 5825., 5875., 5925., 5975., 6025., 6075., 6125., 6175., 6225., 6275., 6325., 6375., 6425., 6475., 6525., 6575., 6625., 6675., 6725., 6775., 6825., 6875., 6925., 6975., 7025., 7075., 7125., 7175., 7225., 7275., 7325., 7375., 7425., 7475., 7525., 7575., 7625., 7675., 7725., 7775., 7825., 7875., 7925., 7975., 8025., 8075., 8125., 8175., 8225., 8275., 8325., 8375., 8425., 8475., 8525., 8575., 8625., 8675., 8725., 8775., 8825., 8875., 8925., 8975., 9025., 9075., 9125., 9175., 9225., 9275., 9325., 9375., 9425., 9475., 9525., 9575., 9625., 9675., 9725., 9775., 9825., 9875., 9925., 9975. ] θ_liq_ice_in = FT[ 299.9834, 299.9836, 299.9841, 299.985 , 299.9864, 299.9883, 299.9907, 299.9936, 299.9972, 300.0012, 300.0058, 300.011 , 300.0166, 300.0228, 300.0293, 300.0363, 300.0436, 300.0512, 300.0591, 300.0672, 300.0755, 300.0838, 300.0921, 300.1004, 300.1086, 300.1167, 300.1245, 300.132 , 300.1393, 300.1461, 300.1525, 300.1583, 300.1637, 300.1685, 300.1726, 300.1762, 300.179 , 300.1812, 300.1826, 300.1833, 300.1833, 300.1826, 300.1812, 300.179 , 300.1762, 300.1727, 300.1685, 300.1637, 300.1584, 300.1525, 300.1461, 300.1393, 300.1321, 300.1245, 300.1167, 300.1087, 300.1005, 300.0922, 300.0838, 300.0755, 300.0673, 300.0592, 300.0513, 300.0437, 300.0364, 300.0294, 300.0228, 300.0167, 300.0111, 300.0059, 300.0013, 299.9972, 299.9937, 299.9908, 299.9884, 299.9865, 299.9851, 299.9842, 299.9837, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9835, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9836, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837, 299.9837 ] profile = Dierckx.Spline1D(z_in, θ_liq_ice_in; k = 1) return profile end """ :( """ function DryBubble_updrafts_z(::Type{FT}) where {FT} z_in = FT[ 75., 125., 175., 225., 275., 325., 375., 425., 475., 525., 575., 625., 675., 725., 775., 825., 875., 925., 975., 1025., 1075., 1125., 1175., 1225., 1275., 1325., 1375., 1425., 1475., 1525., 1575., 1625., 1675., 1725., 1775., 1825., 1875., 1925., 1975., 2025., 2075., 2125., 2175., 2225., 2275., 2325., 2375., 2425., 2475., 2525., 2575., 2625., 2675., 2725., 2775., 2825., 2875., 2925., 2975., 3025., 3075., 3125., 3175., 3225., 3275., 3325., 3375., 3425., 3475., 3525., 3575., 3625., 3675., 3725., 3775., 3825., 3875., 3925.] return z_in end """ :( """ function DryBubble_updrafts_θ_liq_ice(::Type{FT}) where {FT} z_in = DryBubble_updrafts_z(FT) θ_liq_in = FT[ 299.9882, 299.996 , 300.0063, 300.0205, 300.04 , 300.0594, 300.0848, 300.1131, 300.1438, 300.1766, 300.2198, 300.2567, 300.2946, 300.3452, 300.3849, 300.4245, 300.4791, 300.5182, 300.574 , 300.6305, 300.6668, 300.7222, 300.7771, 300.8074, 300.8591, 300.9092, 300.9574, 300.9758, 301.0182, 301.0579, 301.0944, 301.1276, 301.1572, 301.1515, 301.1729, 301.1902, 301.2033, 301.2122, 301.2167, 301.2169, 301.2127, 301.2041, 301.1913, 301.1743, 301.1533, 301.1593, 301.1299, 301.097 , 301.0606, 301.0212, 300.9788, 300.9607, 300.9125, 300.8625, 300.8108, 300.7806, 300.7256, 300.6701, 300.6338, 300.5772, 300.5212, 300.482 , 300.4272, 300.3875, 300.3354, 300.2968, 300.2587, 300.2216, 300.1782, 300.1452, 300.1143, 300.0859, 300.0603, 300.0408, 300.0211, 300.0067, 299.9963, 299.9884] profile = Dierckx.Spline1D(z_in, θ_liq_in; k = 1) return profile end """ :( """ function DryBubble_updrafts_area(::Type{FT}) where {FT} z_in = DryBubble_updrafts_z(FT) Area_in = FT[ 0.04 , 0.055, 0.07 , 0.08 , 0.085, 0.095, 0.1 , 0.105, 0.11 , 0.115, 0.115, 0.12 , 0.125, 0.125, 0.13 , 0.135, 0.135, 0.14 , 0.14 , 0.14 , 0.145, 0.145, 0.145, 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.16 , 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.15 , 0.145, 0.145, 0.145, 0.14 , 0.14 , 0.14 , 0.135, 0.135, 0.13 , 0.13 , 0.125, 0.12 , 0.115, 0.115, 0.11 , 0.105, 0.1 , 0.095, 0.085, 0.08 , 0.07 , 0.055, 0.04] profile = Dierckx.Spline1D(z_in, Area_in; k = 1) return profile end """ :( """ function DryBubble_updrafts_w(::Type{FT}) where {FT} z_in = DryBubble_updrafts_z(FT) W_in = FT[ 0.017 , 0.0266, 0.0344, 0.0417, 0.0495, 0.0546, 0.061 , 0.0668, 0.0721, 0.0768, 0.0849, 0.0887, 0.092 , 0.0996, 0.1019, 0.1037, 0.1106, 0.1114, 0.1179, 0.1243, 0.1238, 0.1297, 0.1355, 0.1335, 0.1387, 0.1437, 0.1485, 0.1448, 0.1489, 0.1527, 0.1564, 0.1597, 0.1628, 0.1565, 0.1588, 0.1609, 0.1626, 0.1641, 0.1652, 0.166 , 0.1665, 0.1667, 0.1666, 0.1662, 0.1655, 0.1736, 0.1722, 0.1706, 0.1686, 0.1664, 0.1639, 0.1698, 0.1667, 0.1634, 0.1599, 0.1641, 0.1601, 0.1559, 0.1589, 0.1543, 0.1496, 0.1514, 0.1464, 0.1475, 0.1422, 0.1425, 0.1424, 0.1419, 0.1361, 0.135 , 0.1335, 0.1316, 0.1294, 0.1302, 0.1271, 0.1264, 0.1269, 0.1256] profile = Dierckx.Spline1D(z_in, W_in; k = 1) return profile end """ :( """ function DryBubble_updrafts_T(::Type{FT}) where {FT} z_in = DryBubble_updrafts_z(FT) T_in = FT[ 299.2557, 298.775 , 298.2969, 297.8227, 297.3536, 296.8843, 296.421 , 295.9603, 295.502 , 295.0456, 294.5994, 294.1468, 293.6951, 293.2556, 292.8054, 292.3549, 291.9188, 291.4677, 291.0325, 290.5978, 290.1434, 289.7073, 289.2706, 288.81 , 288.3698, 287.928 , 287.4842, 287.0118, 286.5622, 286.1099, 285.6544, 285.1957, 284.7335, 284.2379, 283.7677, 283.2937, 282.8157, 282.3337, 281.8476, 281.3574, 280.8631, 280.3649, 279.8626, 279.3565, 278.8467, 278.362 , 277.8447, 277.3241, 276.8006, 276.2742, 275.7454, 275.2388, 274.705 , 274.1694, 273.6327, 273.1155, 272.576 , 272.0363, 271.514 , 270.9736, 270.4339, 269.9094, 269.3711, 268.8465, 268.311 , 267.7877, 267.2649, 266.7432, 266.2159, 265.698 , 265.1821, 264.6685, 264.1574, 263.6518, 263.1461, 262.6451, 262.1476, 261.6524] profile = Dierckx.Spline1D(z_in, T_in; k = 1) return profile end
[ 37811, 36147, 37227, 198, 8818, 22408, 33, 549, 903, 62, 138, 116, 62, 4528, 80, 62, 501, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 9792, 30072, 810, 1391, 9792, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 62, 259, 796, 19446, 58, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1679, 1539, 220, 220, 5441, 1539, 220, 13151, 1539, 220, 19038, 1539, 220, 18500, 1539, 220, 25829, 1539, 220, 29524, 1539, 220, 29414, 1539, 220, 36959, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 45881, 1539, 220, 45719, 1539, 220, 642, 2425, 1539, 220, 48868, 1539, 220, 718, 2425, 1539, 220, 767, 1495, 1539, 220, 767, 2425, 1539, 220, 807, 1495, 1539, 220, 807, 2425, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 860, 1495, 1539, 220, 860, 2425, 1539, 838, 1495, 1539, 838, 2425, 1539, 352, 11623, 1539, 1367, 2425, 1539, 1105, 1495, 1539, 1105, 2425, 1539, 1511, 1495, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1511, 2425, 1539, 1478, 1495, 1539, 1478, 2425, 1539, 1315, 1495, 1539, 1315, 2425, 1539, 1467, 1495, 1539, 1467, 2425, 1539, 1596, 1495, 1539, 1596, 2425, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1248, 1495, 1539, 1248, 2425, 1539, 36864, 1539, 15231, 1539, 32190, 1539, 1160, 2425, 1539, 362, 11623, 1539, 362, 17430, 1539, 2534, 1495, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 362, 23195, 1539, 2242, 1495, 1539, 2242, 2425, 1539, 1987, 1495, 1539, 1987, 2425, 1539, 1679, 1495, 1539, 1679, 2425, 1539, 2608, 1495, 1539, 2608, 2425, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2681, 1495, 1539, 2681, 2425, 1539, 2579, 1495, 1539, 2579, 2425, 1539, 2808, 1495, 1539, 2808, 2425, 1539, 1542, 1495, 1539, 1542, 2425, 1539, 513, 11623, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 513, 17430, 1539, 3933, 1495, 1539, 513, 23195, 1539, 4747, 1495, 1539, 4747, 2425, 1539, 4974, 1495, 1539, 4974, 2425, 1539, 3439, 1495, 1539, 3439, 2425, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4570, 1495, 1539, 4570, 2425, 1539, 5214, 1495, 1539, 5214, 2425, 1539, 4353, 1495, 1539, 4353, 2425, 1539, 5014, 1495, 1539, 5014, 2425, 1539, 2319, 1495, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2319, 2425, 1539, 604, 11623, 1539, 604, 17430, 1539, 5433, 1495, 1539, 604, 23195, 1539, 5946, 1495, 1539, 5946, 2425, 1539, 5846, 1495, 1539, 5846, 2425, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4153, 1495, 1539, 4153, 2425, 1539, 6337, 1495, 1539, 6337, 2425, 1539, 6298, 1495, 1539, 6298, 2425, 1539, 4764, 1495, 1539, 4764, 2425, 1539, 5125, 1495, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5125, 2425, 1539, 2026, 1495, 1539, 2026, 2425, 1539, 642, 11623, 1539, 642, 17430, 1539, 6740, 1495, 1539, 642, 23195, 1539, 7192, 1495, 1539, 7192, 2425, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7175, 1495, 1539, 7175, 2425, 1539, 5996, 1495, 1539, 5996, 2425, 1539, 7265, 1495, 1539, 7265, 2425, 1539, 7632, 1495, 1539, 7632, 2425, 1539, 7618, 1495, 1539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7618, 2425, 1539, 7863, 1495, 1539, 7863, 2425, 1539, 3126, 1495, 1539, 3126, 2425, 1539, 718, 11623, 1539, 718, 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220, 657, 13, 1433, 4521, 11, 657, 13, 1433, 2414, 11, 657, 13, 1433, 2670, 11, 657, 13, 1433, 4089, 11, 657, 13, 1433, 3134, 11, 657, 13, 1433, 2682, 11, 657, 13, 1314, 2079, 11, 657, 13, 1433, 3901, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 1433, 486, 11, 657, 13, 1314, 3270, 11, 657, 13, 1314, 4531, 11, 657, 13, 1314, 3559, 11, 657, 13, 1415, 4846, 11, 657, 13, 1314, 1415, 11, 657, 13, 1415, 2414, 11, 657, 13, 1415, 2425, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 1415, 1828, 11, 657, 13, 1415, 1495, 11, 657, 13, 1415, 1731, 11, 657, 13, 1415, 1129, 11, 657, 13, 1485, 5333, 11, 657, 13, 17059, 837, 657, 13, 1485, 2327, 11, 657, 13, 1485, 1433, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 657, 13, 1065, 5824, 11, 657, 13, 12952, 17, 11, 657, 13, 1065, 4869, 11, 657, 13, 1065, 2414, 11, 657, 13, 1065, 3388, 11, 657, 13, 1065, 3980, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7034, 796, 360, 959, 694, 87, 13, 26568, 500, 16, 35, 7, 89, 62, 259, 11, 370, 62, 259, 26, 479, 796, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 7034, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 36147, 37227, 198, 8818, 22408, 33, 549, 903, 62, 929, 35679, 82, 62, 51, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 9792, 30072, 810, 1391, 9792, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 62, 259, 796, 22408, 33, 549, 903, 62, 929, 35679, 82, 62, 89, 7, 9792, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 309, 62, 259, 796, 19446, 58, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 31011, 13, 1495, 3553, 11, 37576, 13, 34483, 837, 37576, 13, 1959, 3388, 11, 41103, 13, 23, 24403, 11, 41103, 13, 2327, 2623, 11, 41922, 13, 3459, 3559, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41922, 13, 46636, 837, 34772, 13, 24, 35642, 11, 34772, 13, 35126, 837, 34772, 13, 15, 29228, 11, 41235, 13, 20, 42691, 11, 41235, 13, 1415, 3104, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 37224, 13, 3388, 4349, 11, 37224, 13, 1495, 3980, 11, 41569, 13, 1795, 4051, 11, 41569, 13, 2327, 2920, 11, 43336, 13, 24, 20356, 11, 43336, 13, 24669, 22, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43336, 13, 3070, 1495, 11, 26481, 13, 3270, 3695, 11, 26481, 13, 1415, 2682, 11, 38902, 13, 2154, 4790, 11, 38902, 13, 1983, 3312, 11, 35419, 13, 6659, 220, 837, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 35419, 13, 2623, 4089, 11, 38721, 13, 24, 2078, 837, 38721, 13, 2780, 3682, 11, 38721, 13, 486, 1507, 11, 39697, 13, 3980, 1828, 11, 39697, 13, 940, 2079, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33015, 13, 2996, 2598, 11, 33015, 13, 1129, 3553, 11, 40654, 13, 22, 27326, 11, 40654, 13, 1954, 3720, 11, 42032, 13, 32059, 22, 11, 42032, 13, 1959, 2718, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41810, 13, 23, 18458, 11, 41810, 13, 2091, 2718, 11, 39882, 13, 23, 35435, 11, 39882, 13, 2327, 4524, 11, 21355, 13, 4521, 3132, 11, 21355, 13, 26780, 24, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 39466, 13, 4521, 2075, 11, 39466, 13, 2327, 2996, 11, 39174, 13, 5705, 3134, 11, 39174, 13, 35667, 837, 38703, 13, 23, 34825, 11, 38703, 13, 18, 28872, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 38147, 13, 7410, 21, 11, 38147, 13, 1983, 3682, 11, 25829, 13, 22, 34229, 11, 25829, 13, 1954, 3459, 11, 39768, 13, 34801, 837, 39768, 13, 1433, 5824, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 38549, 13, 5066, 1983, 11, 38549, 13, 1157, 2816, 11, 38107, 13, 37452, 837, 38107, 13, 15, 35447, 11, 33797, 13, 47396, 837, 20479, 13, 5607, 2623, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 20479, 13, 19, 29626, 11, 38249, 13, 44675, 19, 11, 38249, 13, 2718, 1157, 11, 36678, 13, 5705, 2996, 11, 36678, 13, 36244, 837, 37364, 13, 3695, 3324, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 37364, 13, 2075, 2920, 11, 37737, 13, 4524, 2624, 11, 37737, 13, 17, 19707, 11, 32090, 13, 39357, 837, 32090, 13, 1507, 2481, 11, 32158, 13, 2791, 5332, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 32158, 13, 1314, 4524, 11, 39135, 13, 2996, 1507, 11, 39135, 13, 1415, 5333, 11, 35404, 13, 21, 36330, 11, 35404, 13, 1415, 4304, 11, 39166, 13, 2996, 1731, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7034, 796, 360, 959, 694, 87, 13, 26568, 500, 16, 35, 7, 89, 62, 259, 11, 309, 62, 259, 26, 479, 796, 352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 7034, 198, 437, 198 ]
const ElectronSite = TagType"Electron" function siteinds(::ElectronSite, N::Int; kwargs...) conserve_qns = get(kwargs,:conserve_qns,false) conserve_sz = get(kwargs,:conserve_sz,conserve_qns) conserve_nf = get(kwargs,:conserve_nf,conserve_qns) conserve_parity = get(kwargs,:conserve_parity,conserve_qns) if conserve_sz && conserve_nf em = QN(("Nf",0,-1),("Sz", 0)) => 1 up = QN(("Nf",1,-1),("Sz",+1)) => 1 dn = QN(("Nf",1,-1),("Sz",-1)) => 1 ud = QN(("Nf",2,-1),("Sz", 0)) => 1 return [Index(em,up,dn,ud;tags="Site,Electron,n=$n") for n=1:N] elseif conserve_nf zer = QN("Nf",0,-1) => 1 one = QN("Nf",1,-1) => 2 two = QN("Nf",2,-1) => 1 return [Index(zer,one,two;tags="Site,Electron,n=$n") for n=1:N] elseif conserve_sz em = QN(("Sz", 0),("Pf",0,-2)) => 1 up = QN(("Sz",+1),("Pf",1,-2)) => 1 dn = QN(("Sz",-1),("Pf",1,-2)) => 1 ud = QN(("Sz", 0),("Pf",0,-2)) => 1 return [Index(em,up,dn,ud;tags="Site,Electron,n=$n") for n=1:N] elseif conserve_parity zer = QN("Pf",0,-2) => 1 one = QN("Pf",1,-2) => 2 two = QN("Pf",0,-2) => 1 return [Index(zer,one,two;tags="Site,Electron,n=$n") for n=1:N] end return [Index(4,"Site,Electron,n=$n") for n=1:N] end function state(::ElectronSite, st::AbstractString) if st == "Emp" || st == "0" return 1 elseif st == "Up" || st == "↑" return 2 elseif st == "Dn" || st == "↓" return 3 elseif st == "UpDn" || st == "↑↓" return 4 end throw(ArgumentError("State string \"$st\" not recognized for Electron site")) return 0 end function op(::ElectronSite, s::Index, opname::AbstractString)::ITensor Emp = s(1) EmpP = s'(1) Up = s(2) UpP = s'(2) Dn = s(3) DnP = s'(3) UpDn = s(4) UpDnP = s'(4) Op = emptyITensor(s',dag(s)) if opname == "Nup" Op[UpP, Up] = 1. Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = 1. elseif opname == "Ndn" Op[DnP, Dn] = 1. Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = 1. elseif opname == "Nupdn" Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = 1. elseif opname == "Ntot" Op[UpP, Up] = 1. Op[DnP, Dn] = 1. Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = 2. elseif opname == "Cup" Op[EmpP, Up] = +1. Op[DnP, UpDn] = +1. elseif opname == "Cdagup" Op[UpP, Emp] = +1. Op[UpDnP, Dn] = +1. elseif opname == "Cdn" Op[EmpP, Dn] = +1. Op[UpP, UpDn] = -1. elseif opname == "Cdagdn" Op[DnP, Emp] = +1. Op[UpDnP, Up] = -1. # Aup,Adagup,Adn,Adagdn below # are "bosonic" versions of # the creation/annihilation # C operators defined above elseif opname == "Aup" Op[EmpP, Up] = 1. Op[DnP, UpDn] = 1. elseif opname == "Adagup" Op[UpP, Emp] = 1. Op[UpDnP, Dn] = 1. elseif opname == "Adn" Op[EmpP, Dn] = 1. Op[UpP, UpDn] = 1. elseif opname == "Adagdn" Op[DnP, Emp] = 1. Op[UpDnP, Up] = 1. elseif opname=="F" || opname=="FermiPhase" || opname=="FP" Op[UpP, Up] = -1. Op[EmpP, Emp] = 1. Op[DnP, Dn] = -1. Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = 1. elseif opname == "Fup" Op[EmpP, Emp] = 1. Op[UpP, Up] = -1. Op[DnP, Dn] = 1. Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = -1. elseif opname == "Fdn" Op[EmpP, Emp] = 1. Op[UpP, Up] = 1. Op[DnP, Dn] = -1. Op[UpDnP, UpDn] = -1. elseif opname == "Sᶻ" || opname == "Sz" Op[UpP, Up] = 0.5 Op[DnP, Dn] = -0.5 elseif opname == "Sˣ" || opname == "Sx" Op[DnP, Up] = 0.5 Op[UpP, Dn] = 0.5 elseif opname=="S+" || opname=="Sp" || opname == "S⁺" || opname == "Splus" Op[UpP, Dn] = 1.0 elseif opname=="S-" || opname=="Sm" || opname == "S⁻" || opname == "Sminus" Op[DnP, Up] = 1.0 elseif opname == "Emp" || opname == "0" pEmp = emptyITensor(s) pEmp[Emp] = 1.0 return pEmp elseif opname == "Up" || opname == "↑" pU = emptyITensor(s) pU[Up] = 1.0 return pU elseif opname == "Dn" || opname == "↓" pD = emptyITensor(s) pD[Dn] = 1.0 return pD elseif opname == "UpDn" || opname == "↑↓" pUD = emptyITensor(s) pUD[UpDn] = 1.0 return pUD else throw(ArgumentError("Operator name $opname not recognized for ElectronSite")) end return Op end function has_fermion_string(::ElectronSite, s::Index, opname::AbstractString)::Bool if opname=="Cup" || opname=="Cdagup" || opname=="Cdn" || opname=="Cdagdn" return true end return false end
[ 198, 9979, 5903, 1313, 29123, 796, 17467, 6030, 1, 19453, 1313, 1, 198, 198, 8818, 2524, 521, 82, 7, 3712, 19453, 1313, 29123, 11, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 399, 3712, 5317, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 220, 45075, 62, 80, 5907, 796, 651, 7, 46265, 22046, 11, 25, 5936, 3760, 62, 80, 5907, 11, 9562, 8, 198, 220, 45075, 62, 82, 89, 796, 651, 7, 46265, 22046, 11, 25, 5936, 3760, 62, 82, 89, 11, 5936, 3760, 62, 80, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 45075, 62, 77, 69, 796, 651, 7, 46265, 22046, 11, 25, 5936, 3760, 62, 77, 69, 11, 5936, 3760, 62, 80, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 45075, 62, 1845, 414, 796, 651, 7, 46265, 22046, 11, 25, 5936, 3760, 62, 1845, 414, 11, 5936, 3760, 62, 80, 5907, 8, 198, 220, 611, 45075, 62, 82, 89, 11405, 45075, 62, 77, 69, 198, 220, 220, 220, 795, 796, 1195, 45, 7, 7203, 45, 69, 1600, 15, 12095, 16, 828, 7203, 50, 89, 1600, 657, 4008, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 510, 796, 1195, 45, 7, 7203, 45, 69, 1600, 16, 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82, 89, 198, 220, 220, 220, 795, 796, 1195, 45, 7, 7203, 50, 89, 1600, 657, 828, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 15, 12095, 17, 4008, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 510, 796, 1195, 45, 7, 7203, 50, 89, 1600, 10, 16, 828, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 16, 12095, 17, 4008, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 77, 796, 1195, 45, 7, 7203, 50, 89, 1600, 12, 16, 828, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 16, 12095, 17, 4008, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 334, 67, 796, 1195, 45, 7, 7203, 50, 89, 1600, 657, 828, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 15, 12095, 17, 4008, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 685, 15732, 7, 368, 11, 929, 11, 32656, 11, 463, 26, 31499, 2625, 29123, 11, 19453, 1313, 11, 77, 43641, 77, 4943, 329, 299, 28, 16, 25, 45, 60, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 45075, 62, 1845, 414, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 263, 796, 1195, 45, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 15, 12095, 17, 8, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 530, 796, 1195, 45, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 16, 12095, 17, 8, 5218, 362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 734, 796, 1195, 45, 7203, 47, 69, 1600, 15, 12095, 17, 8, 5218, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 685, 15732, 7, 9107, 11, 505, 11, 11545, 26, 31499, 2625, 29123, 11, 19453, 1313, 11, 77, 43641, 77, 4943, 329, 299, 28, 16, 25, 45, 60, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 685, 15732, 7, 19, 553, 29123, 11, 19453, 1313, 11, 77, 43641, 77, 4943, 329, 299, 28, 16, 25, 45, 60, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1181, 7, 3712, 19453, 1313, 29123, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 336, 3712, 23839, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 611, 336, 6624, 366, 36, 3149, 1, 8614, 336, 6624, 366, 15, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 352, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 336, 6624, 366, 4933, 1, 8614, 336, 6624, 366, 48541, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 362, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 336, 6624, 366, 35, 77, 1, 8614, 336, 6624, 366, 29705, 241, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 513, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 336, 6624, 366, 4933, 35, 77, 1, 8614, 336, 6624, 366, 48541, 29705, 241, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 604, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 3714, 7, 28100, 1713, 12331, 7203, 9012, 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11, 3205, 35, 77, 60, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 2782, 363, 929, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 4933, 47, 11, 2295, 79, 60, 220, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 4933, 35, 77, 47, 11, 360, 77, 60, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 2782, 77, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 36, 3149, 47, 11, 360, 77, 60, 220, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 4933, 47, 11, 3205, 35, 77, 60, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 2782, 363, 32656, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 35, 77, 47, 11, 2295, 79, 60, 220, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 4933, 35, 77, 47, 11, 3205, 60, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 37, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 37, 7780, 72, 35645, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 5837, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 4933, 47, 11, 3205, 60, 796, 532, 16, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 36, 3149, 47, 11, 2295, 79, 60, 796, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8670, 58, 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36, 3149, 796, 6565, 2043, 22854, 7, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 36, 3149, 58, 36, 3149, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 279, 36, 3149, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 4933, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 48541, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 52, 796, 6565, 2043, 22854, 7, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 52, 58, 4933, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 279, 52, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 35, 77, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 29705, 241, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 35, 796, 6565, 2043, 22854, 7, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 35, 58, 35, 77, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 279, 35, 198, 220, 2073, 361, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 4933, 35, 77, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 6624, 366, 48541, 29705, 241, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 8322, 796, 6565, 2043, 22854, 7, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 8322, 58, 4933, 35, 77, 60, 796, 352, 13, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 279, 8322, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3714, 7, 28100, 1713, 12331, 7203, 18843, 1352, 1438, 720, 404, 3672, 407, 8018, 329, 5903, 1313, 29123, 48774, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 8670, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 468, 62, 2232, 76, 295, 62, 8841, 7, 3712, 19453, 1313, 29123, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 264, 3712, 15732, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1034, 3672, 3712, 23839, 10100, 2599, 25, 33, 970, 198, 220, 611, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 34, 929, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 34, 67, 363, 929, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 34, 32656, 1, 8614, 1034, 3672, 855, 1, 34, 67, 363, 32656, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2081, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 3991, 198, 437, 198 ]
import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.OpenOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import accrue.cryptoerase.runtime.CryptoLibrary; public class Log { private final SimpleIRCClient parent; private static final OpenOption[] defaultOpenOptions = { StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE }; // ANNOTATION: key declaration private PrivateKey PRIVKEY(L /parent.clearHistory T){L} privkey = null; // ANNOTATION: key declaration private PublicKey PUBKEY(L /parent.clearHistory T){L} pubkey = null; // ANNOTATION: field erasure type private ArrayList{L /parent.clearHistory T} buffer; private int historyLength; public Log(SimpleIRCClient parent) { this.parent = parent; KeyPair kp = null; try { KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA"); kpg.initialize(2048); // 2048 is the keysize kp = kpg.generateKeyPair(); } catch (Exception e) {} privkey = kp.getPrivate(); pubkey = kp.getPublic(); // privkey = (PRIVKEY(L /parent.clearHistory T){L}) kp.getPrivate(); // pubkey = (PUBKEY(L /parent.clearHistory T){L}) kp.getPublic(); buffer = new ArrayList(); historyLength = 0; } public int historyLength() { return (this.historyLength < 1) ? 0 : this.historyLength - 1; } public ArrayList getScreen(int num) { try { if (num < 0 || num >= historyLength - 1) { return null; } Path file = Paths.get("irclog." + num, new String[0]); byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(file); ArrayList compressed = CryptoLibrary.decryptStrings(privkey, bytes); return CryptoLibrary.decompressStrings(compressed); } catch (Throwable e) {} return null; } public void writeLine(String line) { try { int bufferSize = 0; try { buffer.add(line); bufferSize = buffer.size(); } catch (Throwable e) {} // Declassify whether we've received more than 20 messages since the last write // ANNOTATION: declassification boolean writeOut = ({L}) bufferSize >= 20; if (writeOut) { ArrayList compressed = null; try { compressed = CryptoLibrary.compressStrings(buffer); } catch (Throwable e) {} byte[] bytes = CryptoLibrary.encryptStrings(pubkey, compressed); /* // INJECTABLE FAULT: attempt to write high data to disk byte[] bytes = new byte[100]; bytes[0] = ({H}) ((byte)42); */ Path file = Paths.get("irclog." + historyLength, new String[0]); Files.write(file, bytes, defaultOpenOptions); buffer.clear(); historyLength++; } } catch (Throwable e) {} } }
[ 11748, 20129, 13, 952, 13, 36474, 1068, 33634, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 952, 13, 40778, 19182, 20560, 12124, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 952, 13, 40778, 19182, 26410, 12124, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 952, 13, 20560, 12124, 33634, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 952, 13, 18557, 12124, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 77, 952, 13, 7753, 13, 25876, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 77, 952, 13, 7753, 13, 11505, 19722, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 77, 952, 13, 7753, 13, 15235, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 77, 952, 13, 7753, 13, 15235, 82, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 77, 952, 13, 7753, 13, 23615, 11505, 19722, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 12961, 13, 9218, 47, 958, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 12961, 13, 9218, 47, 958, 8645, 1352, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 12961, 13, 29067, 9218, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 12961, 13, 15202, 9218, 26, 198, 11748, 20129, 13, 22602, 13, 19182, 8053, 26, 198, 198, 11748, 697, 24508, 13, 29609, 78, 263, 589, 13, 43282, 13, 23919, 78, 23377, 26, 198, 198, 11377, 1398, 5972, 1391, 198, 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7975, 8, 1391, 198, 197, 197, 19182, 8053, 25388, 796, 9242, 26, 198, 197, 197, 28311, 1391, 25388, 796, 36579, 23377, 13, 5589, 601, 13290, 654, 7, 22252, 1776, 1782, 4929, 357, 39431, 540, 304, 8, 23884, 198, 197, 197, 26327, 21737, 9881, 796, 36579, 23377, 13, 12685, 6012, 13290, 654, 7, 12984, 2539, 11, 25388, 1776, 198, 197, 197, 15211, 220, 198, 197, 197, 220, 220, 3373, 3268, 41, 2943, 38148, 9677, 16724, 25, 2230, 284, 3551, 1029, 1366, 284, 11898, 198, 197, 197, 220, 220, 18022, 21737, 9881, 796, 649, 18022, 58, 3064, 11208, 198, 197, 197, 220, 220, 9881, 58, 15, 60, 796, 37913, 39, 30072, 14808, 26327, 8, 3682, 1776, 198, 197, 197, 16208, 198, 197, 197, 15235, 2393, 796, 10644, 82, 13, 1136, 7203, 343, 565, 519, 526, 1343, 2106, 24539, 11, 649, 10903, 58, 15, 36563, 198, 197, 197, 25876, 13, 13564, 7, 7753, 11, 9881, 11, 4277, 11505, 29046, 1776, 198, 197, 197, 22252, 13, 20063, 9783, 198, 197, 197, 23569, 24539, 47253, 198, 197, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 198, 197, 92, 4929, 357, 39431, 540, 304, 8, 23884, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1782, 198, 92, 198 ]
# The following is taken from StatsBase # # which is available under the following MIT license: # Copyright (c) 2012-2016: Dahua Lin, Simon Byrne, Andreas Noack, Douglas Bates, John Myles White, Simon Kornblith, and other contributors. # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. function fisher_yates_sample!(rng::AbstractRNG, a::AbstractArray, x::AbstractArray) n = length(a) k = length(x) k <= n || error("length(x) should not exceed length(a)") inds = Vector{Int}(undef, n) for i = 1:n @inbounds inds[i] = i end @inbounds for i = 1:k j = rand(rng, i:n) t = inds[j] inds[j] = inds[i] inds[i] = t x[i] = a[t] end return x end fisher_yates_sample!(a::AbstractArray, x::AbstractArray) = fisher_yates_sample!(Random.GLOBAL_RNG, a, x)
[ 2, 383, 1708, 318, 2077, 422, 20595, 14881, 198, 2, 3740, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 29668, 14, 29668, 14881, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 9866, 14, 10677, 14, 37687, 11347, 13, 20362, 198, 2, 543, 318, 1695, 739, 262, 1708, 17168, 5964, 25, 198, 198, 2, 15069, 357, 66, 8, 2321, 12, 5304, 25, 44864, 6413, 5164, 11, 11288, 38245, 11, 33728, 1400, 441, 11, 15796, 35591, 11, 1757, 2011, 829, 2635, 11, 11288, 509, 1211, 2436, 342, 11, 290, 584, 20420, 13, 198, 2, 2448, 3411, 318, 29376, 7520, 11, 1479, 286, 3877, 11, 284, 597, 1048, 16727, 257, 4866, 286, 428, 3788, 290, 3917, 10314, 3696, 357, 1169, 366, 25423, 12340, 284, 1730, 287, 262, 10442, 1231, 17504, 11, 1390, 1231, 17385, 262, 2489, 284, 779, 11, 4866, 11, 13096, 11, 20121, 11, 7715, 11, 14983, 11, 850, 43085, 11, 290, 14, 273, 3677, 9088, 286, 262, 10442, 11, 290, 284, 8749, 6506, 284, 4150, 262, 10442, 318, 30760, 284, 466, 523, 11, 2426, 284, 262, 1708, 3403, 25, 198, 2, 383, 2029, 6634, 4003, 290, 428, 7170, 4003, 2236, 307, 3017, 287, 477, 9088, 393, 8904, 16690, 286, 262, 10442, 13, 198, 2, 3336, 47466, 3180, 36592, 2389, 1961, 366, 1921, 3180, 1600, 42881, 34764, 56, 3963, 15529, 509, 12115, 11, 7788, 32761, 6375, 8959, 49094, 11, 47783, 2751, 21728, 5626, 40880, 5390, 3336, 34764, 11015, 3963, 34482, 3398, 1565, 5603, 25382, 11, 376, 46144, 7473, 317, 16652, 2149, 37232, 33079, 48933, 5357, 44521, 1268, 10913, 2751, 12529, 13, 3268, 8005, 49261, 50163, 3336, 37195, 20673, 6375, 27975, 38162, 9947, 367, 15173, 4877, 9348, 43031, 19146, 7473, 15529, 47666, 3955, 11, 29506, 25552, 6375, 25401, 43031, 25382, 11, 7655, 2767, 16879, 3268, 3537, 40282, 3963, 27342, 10659, 11, 309, 9863, 6375, 25401, 54, 24352, 11, 5923, 1797, 2751, 16034, 11, 16289, 3963, 6375, 3268, 7102, 45, 24565, 13315, 3336, 47466, 6375, 3336, 23210, 6375, 25401, 5550, 1847, 20754, 3268, 3336, 47466, 13, 628, 198, 8818, 17685, 62, 88, 689, 62, 39873, 0, 7, 81, 782, 3712, 23839, 49, 10503, 11, 257, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 19182, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 796, 4129, 7, 64, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 479, 796, 4129, 7, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 479, 19841, 299, 8614, 4049, 7203, 13664, 7, 87, 8, 815, 407, 7074, 4129, 7, 64, 8, 4943, 628, 220, 220, 220, 773, 82, 796, 20650, 90, 5317, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 299, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 77, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 773, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 1312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 74, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 474, 796, 43720, 7, 81, 782, 11, 1312, 25, 77, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 796, 773, 82, 58, 73, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 773, 82, 58, 73, 60, 796, 773, 82, 58, 72, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 773, 82, 58, 72, 60, 796, 256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2124, 58, 72, 60, 796, 257, 58, 83, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2124, 198, 437, 198, 69, 4828, 62, 88, 689, 62, 39873, 0, 7, 64, 3712, 23839, 19182, 11, 2124, 3712, 23839, 19182, 8, 796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17685, 62, 88, 689, 62, 39873, 0, 7, 29531, 13, 8763, 9864, 1847, 62, 49, 10503, 11, 257, 11, 2124, 8, 198 ]
# single line #= Multi- line comment =#
[ 2, 2060, 1627, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 29800, 12, 198, 1370, 198, 23893, 198, 46249, 198 ]
module Atmos export AtmosModel, AtmosAcousticLinearModel, AtmosAcousticGravityLinearModel, RemainderModel, AtmosLESConfiguration, AtmosGCMConfiguration using LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays using ..VariableTemplates using ..MoistThermodynamics using ..PlanetParameters import ..MoistThermodynamics: internal_energy using ..SubgridScaleParameters using GPUifyLoops using ..MPIStateArrays: MPIStateArray using ..Mesh.Grids: VerticalDirection, HorizontalDirection, min_node_distance import CLIMA.DGmethods: BalanceLaw, vars_aux, vars_state, vars_gradient, vars_diffusive, flux_nondiffusive!, flux_diffusive!, source!, wavespeed, boundary_state!, gradvariables!, diffusive!, init_aux!, init_state!, update_aux!, LocalGeometry, lengthscale, resolutionmetric, DGModel, calculate_dt, nodal_update_aux!, num_state, num_integrals, vars_integrals, vars_reverse_integrals, indefinite_stack_integral!, reverse_indefinite_stack_integral!, integral_load_aux!, integral_set_aux!, reverse_integral_load_aux!, reverse_integral_set_aux! import ..DGmethods.NumericalFluxes: boundary_state!, boundary_flux_diffusive!, NumericalFluxNonDiffusive, NumericalFluxGradient, NumericalFluxDiffusive """ AtmosModel <: BalanceLaw A `BalanceLaw` for atmosphere modeling. # Usage AtmosModel(orientation, ref_state, turbulence, moisture, radiation, source, boundarycondition, init_state) """ struct AtmosModel{FT,O,RS,T,M,P,R,S,BC,IS} <: BalanceLaw orientation::O ref_state::RS turbulence::T moisture::M precipitation::P radiation::R source::S # TODO: Probably want to have different bc for state and diffusion... boundarycondition::BC init_state::IS end function calculate_dt(grid, model::AtmosModel, Courant_number) T = 290.0 return Courant_number * min_node_distance(grid, VerticalDirection()) / soundspeed_air(T) end abstract type AtmosConfiguration end struct AtmosLESConfiguration <: AtmosConfiguration end struct AtmosGCMConfiguration <: AtmosConfiguration end function AtmosModel{FT}(::Type{AtmosLESConfiguration}; orientation::O=FlatOrientation(), ref_state::RS=HydrostaticState(LinearTemperatureProfile(FT(200), FT(280), FT(grav) / FT(cp_d)), FT(0)), turbulence::T=SmagorinskyLilly{FT}(0.21), moisture::M=EquilMoist(), precipitation::P=NoPrecipitation(), radiation::R=NoRadiation(), source::S=( Gravity(), Coriolis(), GeostrophicForcing{FT}(7.62e-5, 0, 0)), # TODO: Probably want to have different bc for state and diffusion... boundarycondition::BC=NoFluxBC(), init_state::IS=nothing) where {FT<:AbstractFloat,O,RS,T,M,P,R,S,BC,IS} @assert init_state ≠ nothing atmos = ( orientation, ref_state, turbulence, moisture, precipitation, radiation, source, boundarycondition, init_state, ) return AtmosModel{FT,typeof.(atmos)...}(atmos...) end function AtmosModel{FT}(::Type{AtmosGCMConfiguration}; orientation::O = SphericalOrientation(), ref_state::RS = HydrostaticState( LinearTemperatureProfile( FT(200), FT(280), FT(grav) / FT(cp_d)), FT(0)), turbulence::T = SmagorinskyLilly{FT}(0.21), moisture::M = EquilMoist(), precipitation::P = NoPrecipitation(), radiation::R = NoRadiation(), source::S = (Gravity(), Coriolis()), boundarycondition::BC = NoFluxBC(), init_state::IS=nothing) where {FT<:AbstractFloat,O,RS,T,M,P,R,SU,S,BC,IS} @assert init_state ≠ nothing atmos = ( orientation, ref_state, turbulence, moisture, precipitation, radiation, source, boundarycondition, init_state, ) return AtmosModel{FT,typeof.(atmos)...}(atmos...) end function vars_state(m::AtmosModel, FT) @vars begin ρ::FT ρu::SVector{3,FT} ρe::FT turbulence::vars_state(m.turbulence, FT) moisture::vars_state(m.moisture, FT) radiation::vars_state(m.radiation, FT) end end function vars_gradient(m::AtmosModel, FT) @vars begin u::SVector{3,FT} h_tot::FT turbulence::vars_gradient(m.turbulence,FT) moisture::vars_gradient(m.moisture,FT) end end function vars_diffusive(m::AtmosModel, FT) @vars begin ∇h_tot::SVector{3,FT} turbulence::vars_diffusive(m.turbulence,FT) moisture::vars_diffusive(m.moisture,FT) end end function vars_aux(m::AtmosModel, FT) @vars begin ∫dz::vars_integrals(m, FT) ∫dnz::vars_reverse_integrals(m, FT) coord::SVector{3,FT} orientation::vars_aux(m.orientation, FT) ref_state::vars_aux(m.ref_state,FT) turbulence::vars_aux(m.turbulence,FT) moisture::vars_aux(m.moisture,FT) radiation::vars_aux(m.radiation,FT) end end function vars_integrals(m::AtmosModel,FT) @vars begin radiation::vars_integrals(m.radiation,FT) end end function vars_reverse_integrals(m::AtmosModel,FT) @vars begin radiation::vars_reverse_integrals(m.radiation,FT) end end include("orientation.jl") include("ref_state.jl") include("turbulence.jl") include("moisture.jl") include("precipitation.jl") include("radiation.jl") include("source.jl") include("boundaryconditions.jl") include("linear.jl") include("remainder.jl") """ flux_nondiffusive!(m::AtmosModel, flux::Grad, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) Computes flux non-diffusive flux portion of `F` in: ``` ∂Y -- = - ∇ • (F_{adv} + F_{press} + F_{nondiff} + F_{diff}) + S(Y) ∂t ``` Where - `F_{adv}` Advective flux ; see [`flux_advective!`]@ref() - `F_{press}` Pressure flux ; see [`flux_pressure!`]@ref() - `F_{diff}` Fluxes that state gradients; see [`flux_diffusive!`]@ref() """ @inline function flux_nondiffusive!(m::AtmosModel, flux::Grad, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) ρ = state.ρ ρinv = 1/ρ ρu = state.ρu u = ρinv * ρu # advective terms flux.ρ = ρ * u flux.ρu = ρ * u .* u' flux.ρe = u * state.ρe # pressure terms p = pressure(m.moisture, m.orientation, state, aux) if m.ref_state isa HydrostaticState flux.ρu += (p-aux.ref_state.p)*I else flux.ρu += p*I end flux.ρe += u*p flux_radiation!(m.radiation, m, flux, state, aux, t) flux_moisture!(m.moisture, m, flux, state, aux, t) end function gradvariables!(atmos::AtmosModel, transform::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) ρinv = 1/state.ρ transform.u = ρinv * state.ρu transform.h_tot = total_specific_enthalpy(atmos.moisture, atmos.orientation, state, aux) gradvariables!(atmos.moisture, transform, state, aux, t) gradvariables!(atmos.turbulence, transform, state, aux, t) end function diffusive!(atmos::AtmosModel, diffusive::Vars, ∇transform::Grad, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) diffusive.∇h_tot = ∇transform.h_tot # diffusion terms required for SGS turbulence computations diffusive!(atmos.turbulence, atmos.orientation, diffusive, ∇transform, state, aux, t) # diffusivity of moisture components diffusive!(atmos.moisture, diffusive, ∇transform, state, aux, t) end @inline function flux_diffusive!(atmos::AtmosModel, flux::Grad, state::Vars, diffusive::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) ν, τ = turbulence_tensors(atmos.turbulence, state, diffusive, aux, t) D_t = (ν isa Real ? ν : diag(ν)) * inv_Pr_turb d_h_tot = -D_t .* diffusive.∇h_tot flux_diffusive!(atmos, flux, state, τ, d_h_tot) flux_diffusive!(atmos.moisture, flux, state, diffusive, aux, t, D_t) end #TODO: Consider whether to not pass ρ and ρu (not state), foc BCs reasons @inline function flux_diffusive!(atmos::AtmosModel, flux::Grad, state::Vars, τ, d_h_tot) flux.ρu += τ * state.ρ flux.ρe += τ * state.ρu flux.ρe += d_h_tot * state.ρ end @inline function wavespeed(m::AtmosModel, nM, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) ρinv = 1/state.ρ u = ρinv * state.ρu return abs(dot(nM, u)) + soundspeed(m.moisture, m.orientation, state, aux) end function update_aux!(dg::DGModel, m::AtmosModel, Q::MPIStateArray, t::Real) FT = eltype(Q) auxstate = dg.auxstate if num_integrals(m, FT) > 0 indefinite_stack_integral!(dg, m, Q, auxstate, t) reverse_indefinite_stack_integral!(dg, m, Q, auxstate, t) end nodal_update_aux!(atmos_nodal_update_aux!, dg, m, Q, t) return true end function atmos_nodal_update_aux!(m::AtmosModel, state::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) atmos_nodal_update_aux!(m.moisture, m, state, aux, t) atmos_nodal_update_aux!(m.radiation, m, state, aux, t) atmos_nodal_update_aux!(m.turbulence, m, state, aux, t) end function integral_load_aux!(m::AtmosModel, integ::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars) integral_load_aux!(m.radiation, integ, state, aux) end function integral_set_aux!(m::AtmosModel, aux::Vars, integ::Vars) integral_set_aux!(m.radiation, aux, integ) end function reverse_integral_load_aux!(m::AtmosModel, integ::Vars, state::Vars, aux::Vars) reverse_integral_load_aux!(m.radiation, integ, state, aux) end function reverse_integral_set_aux!(m::AtmosModel, aux::Vars, integ::Vars) reverse_integral_set_aux!(m.radiation, aux, integ) end # TODO: figure out a nice way to handle this function init_aux!(m::AtmosModel, aux::Vars, geom::LocalGeometry) aux.coord = geom.coord atmos_init_aux!(m.orientation, m, aux, geom) atmos_init_aux!(m.ref_state, m, aux, geom) atmos_init_aux!(m.turbulence, m, aux, geom) end """ source!(m::AtmosModel, source::Vars, state::Vars, diffusive::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) Computes flux `S(Y)` in: ``` ∂Y -- = - ∇ • F + S(Y) ∂t ``` """ function source!(m::AtmosModel, source::Vars, state::Vars, diffusive::Vars, aux::Vars, t::Real) atmos_source!(m.source, m, source, state, diffusive, aux, t) end boundary_state!(nf, m::AtmosModel, x...) = atmos_boundary_state!(nf, m.boundarycondition, m, x...) function init_state!(m::AtmosModel, state::Vars, aux::Vars, coords, t, args...) m.init_state(m, state, aux, coords, t, args...) end boundary_flux_diffusive!(nf::NumericalFluxDiffusive, atmos::AtmosModel, F, state⁺, diff⁺, aux⁺, n⁻, state⁻, diff⁻, aux⁻, bctype, t, state1⁻, diff1⁻, aux1⁻) = atmos_boundary_flux_diffusive!(nf, atmos.boundarycondition, atmos, F, state⁺, diff⁺, aux⁺, n⁻, state⁻, diff⁻, aux⁻, bctype, t, state1⁻, diff1⁻, aux1⁻) end # module
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3712, 53, 945, 11, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 814, 11350, 13, 24861, 229, 71, 62, 83, 313, 796, 18872, 229, 35636, 13, 71, 62, 83, 313, 628, 220, 1303, 44258, 2846, 2672, 329, 311, 14313, 47741, 2653, 602, 198, 220, 814, 11350, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 13, 83, 5945, 32401, 11, 379, 16785, 13, 13989, 341, 11, 814, 11350, 11, 18872, 229, 35636, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 814, 385, 3458, 286, 20160, 6805, 198, 220, 814, 11350, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 13, 5908, 396, 495, 11, 814, 11350, 11, 18872, 229, 35636, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 28462, 62, 26069, 11350, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 28462, 3712, 42731, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 814, 11350, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 7377, 121, 11, 46651, 796, 47741, 62, 83, 641, 669, 7, 265, 16785, 13, 83, 5945, 32401, 11, 1181, 11, 814, 11350, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 360, 62, 83, 796, 357, 26180, 318, 64, 6416, 5633, 7377, 121, 1058, 2566, 363, 7, 26180, 4008, 1635, 800, 62, 6836, 62, 83, 5945, 198, 220, 288, 62, 71, 62, 83, 313, 796, 532, 35, 62, 83, 764, 9, 814, 11350, 13, 24861, 229, 71, 62, 83, 313, 198, 220, 28462, 62, 26069, 11350, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 11, 28462, 11, 1181, 11, 46651, 11, 288, 62, 71, 62, 83, 313, 8, 198, 220, 28462, 62, 26069, 11350, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 13, 5908, 396, 495, 11, 28462, 11, 1181, 11, 814, 11350, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 11, 360, 62, 83, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 51, 3727, 46, 25, 12642, 1771, 284, 407, 1208, 18074, 223, 290, 18074, 223, 84, 357, 1662, 1181, 828, 2133, 11843, 82, 3840, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 28462, 62, 26069, 11350, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 28462, 3712, 42731, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 46651, 11, 288, 62, 71, 62, 83, 313, 8, 198, 220, 28462, 13, 33643, 84, 15853, 46651, 1635, 1181, 13, 33643, 198, 220, 28462, 13, 33643, 68, 15853, 46651, 1635, 1181, 13, 33643, 84, 198, 220, 28462, 13, 33643, 68, 15853, 288, 62, 71, 62, 83, 313, 1635, 1181, 13, 33643, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 9813, 39492, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 299, 44, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 18074, 223, 16340, 796, 352, 14, 5219, 13, 33643, 198, 220, 334, 796, 18074, 223, 16340, 1635, 1181, 13, 33643, 84, 198, 220, 1441, 2352, 7, 26518, 7, 77, 44, 11, 334, 4008, 1343, 2128, 12287, 7, 76, 13, 5908, 396, 495, 11, 285, 13, 13989, 341, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 4296, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 67, 70, 3712, 35, 38, 17633, 11, 285, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 1195, 3712, 7378, 40, 9012, 19182, 11, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 19446, 796, 1288, 4906, 7, 48, 8, 198, 220, 27506, 5219, 796, 288, 70, 13, 14644, 5219, 628, 220, 611, 997, 62, 18908, 30691, 7, 76, 11, 19446, 8, 1875, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35639, 62, 25558, 62, 18908, 1373, 0, 7, 67, 70, 11, 285, 11, 1195, 11, 27506, 5219, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9575, 62, 521, 891, 9504, 62, 25558, 62, 18908, 1373, 0, 7, 67, 70, 11, 285, 11, 1195, 11, 27506, 5219, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 18666, 282, 62, 19119, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 265, 16785, 62, 77, 375, 282, 62, 19119, 62, 14644, 28265, 288, 70, 11, 285, 11, 1195, 11, 256, 8, 628, 220, 1441, 2081, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 379, 16785, 62, 77, 375, 282, 62, 19119, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 77, 375, 282, 62, 19119, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 5908, 396, 495, 11, 285, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 77, 375, 282, 62, 19119, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 6335, 3920, 11, 285, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 77, 375, 282, 62, 19119, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 83, 5945, 32401, 11, 285, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 19287, 62, 2220, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 4132, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 8, 198, 220, 19287, 62, 2220, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 6335, 3920, 11, 4132, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 19287, 62, 2617, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 4132, 3712, 53, 945, 8, 198, 220, 19287, 62, 2617, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 6335, 3920, 11, 27506, 11, 4132, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 9575, 62, 18908, 1373, 62, 2220, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 4132, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 8, 198, 220, 9575, 62, 18908, 1373, 62, 2220, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 6335, 3920, 11, 4132, 11, 1181, 11, 27506, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 9575, 62, 18908, 1373, 62, 2617, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 4132, 3712, 53, 945, 8, 198, 220, 9575, 62, 18908, 1373, 62, 2617, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 6335, 3920, 11, 27506, 11, 4132, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 16926, 46, 25, 3785, 503, 257, 3621, 835, 284, 5412, 428, 198, 8818, 2315, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 4903, 296, 3712, 14565, 10082, 15748, 8, 198, 220, 27506, 13, 37652, 796, 4903, 296, 13, 37652, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 15003, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 13989, 341, 11, 285, 11, 27506, 11, 4903, 296, 8, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 15003, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 5420, 62, 5219, 11, 285, 11, 27506, 11, 4903, 296, 8, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 15003, 62, 14644, 0, 7, 76, 13, 83, 5945, 32401, 11, 285, 11, 27506, 11, 4903, 296, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2723, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 2723, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 814, 11350, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 7293, 1769, 28462, 4600, 50, 7, 56, 8, 63, 287, 25, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 24861, 224, 56, 198, 438, 796, 532, 18872, 229, 5595, 376, 1343, 311, 7, 56, 8, 198, 24861, 224, 83, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 2723, 0, 7, 76, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 2723, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 1181, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 814, 11350, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 27506, 3712, 53, 945, 11, 256, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 10459, 0, 7, 76, 13, 10459, 11, 285, 11, 2723, 11, 1181, 11, 814, 11350, 11, 27506, 11, 256, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7784, 560, 62, 5219, 0, 7, 77, 69, 11, 285, 3712, 2953, 16785, 17633, 11, 2124, 23029, 796, 198, 220, 379, 16785, 62, 7784, 560, 62, 5219, 0, 7, 77, 69, 11, 285, 13, 7784, 560, 31448, 11, 285, 11, 2124, 23029, 198, 198, 8818, 2315, 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using ApproxFun, LinearAlgebra, Test import ApproxFun: Infinity, ∞ @testset "Helper" begin @testset "interlace" begin @test ApproxFun.interlace!([-1.0],0) == [-1.0] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([1.0,2.0],0) == [2.0,1.0] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([1,2,3],0) == [2,1,3] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([1,2,3,4],0) == [3,1,4,2] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([-1.0],1) == [-1.0] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([1.0,2.0],1) == [1.0,2.0] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([1,2,3],1) == [1,3,2] @test ApproxFun.interlace!([1,2,3,4],1) == [1,3,2,4] @test ApproxFun.interlace(collect(6:10),collect(1:5)) == ApproxFun.interlace!(collect(1:10),0) @test ApproxFun.interlace(collect(1:5),collect(6:10)) == ApproxFun.interlace!(collect(1:10),1) end @testset "Iterators" begin @test cache(ApproxFun.BlockInterlacer((1:∞,[2],[2])))[1:6] == [(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(3,1),(3,2),(1,2)] @test collect(ApproxFun.BlockInterlacer(([2],[2],[2]))) == [(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2),(3,1),(3,2)] end # TODO: Tensorizer tests end @testset "Domain" begin @test 0.45-0.65im ∉ Segment(-1,1) @test reverseorientation(Arc(1,2,(0.1,0.2))) == Arc(1,2,(0.2,0.1)) @test 0.1 ∈ PeriodicSegment(2π,0) @test 100.0 ∈ PeriodicSegment(0,2π) @test -100.0 ∈ PeriodicSegment(0,2π) @test ApproxFun.AnySegment() == ApproxFun.AnySegment() @test 10.0 ∈ PeriodicLine() @test -10.0 ∈ PeriodicLine() @test -10.0+im ∉ PeriodicLine() @test ApproxFun.Vec(0,0.5) ∈ PeriodicSegment(ApproxFun.Vec(0.0,0), ApproxFun.Vec(0,1)) @test ApproxFun.dimension(Domain{Float64}) == 1 @test ApproxFun.dimension(Segment{Float64}) == 1 @test ApproxFun.dimension(ChebyshevInterval()) == 1 @test ApproxFun.dimension(ChebyshevInterval()^2) == 2 @test ApproxFun.dimension(ChebyshevInterval()^3) == 3 @test ApproxFun.Vec(1,0) ∈ Circle((0.,0.),1.) @test isambiguous(convert(ApproxFun.Point,ApproxFun.AnyDomain())) @test isambiguous(ApproxFun.Point(ApproxFun.AnyDomain())) @test_skip ApproxFun.Point(NaN) == ApproxFun.Point(NaN) end @time include("MatrixTest.jl") @time include("ClenshawTest.jl") @time include("ChebyshevTest.jl") @time include("FourierTest.jl") @time include("ComplexTest.jl") @time include("NumberTypeTest.jl") @time include("broadcastingtest.jl") @time include("OperatorTest.jl") @time include("ODETest.jl") @time include("VectorTest.jl") @time include("SingularitiesTest.jl") @time include("IntegralEquationsTest.jl") @time include("SpacesTest.jl") @time include("JacobiTest.jl") @time include("LaguerreTest.jl") @time include("HermiteTest.jl") @time include("ETDRK4Test.jl") @time include("MultivariateTest.jl") @time include("PDETest.jl") @time include("ExtrasTest.jl")
[ 3500, 2034, 13907, 24629, 11, 44800, 2348, 29230, 11, 6208, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1330, 2034, 13907, 24629, 25, 22385, 11, 18872, 252, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 47429, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 3849, 27077, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 12, 16, 13, 15, 4357, 15, 8, 6624, 25915, 16, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 16, 13, 15, 11, 17, 13, 15, 4357, 15, 8, 6624, 685, 17, 13, 15, 11, 16, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 4357, 15, 8, 6624, 685, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 4357, 15, 8, 6624, 685, 18, 11, 16, 11, 19, 11, 17, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 12, 16, 13, 15, 4357, 16, 8, 6624, 25915, 16, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 16, 13, 15, 11, 17, 13, 15, 4357, 16, 8, 6624, 685, 16, 13, 15, 11, 17, 13, 15, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 4357, 16, 8, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 18, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 26933, 16, 11, 17, 11, 18, 11, 19, 4357, 16, 8, 6624, 685, 16, 11, 18, 11, 17, 11, 19, 60, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 7, 33327, 7, 21, 25, 940, 828, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 20, 4008, 6624, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 7, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 940, 828, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 7, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 20, 828, 33327, 7, 21, 25, 940, 4008, 6624, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 3849, 27077, 0, 7, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 940, 828, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2617, 366, 29993, 2024, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 12940, 7, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 12235, 9492, 75, 11736, 19510, 16, 25, 24861, 252, 17414, 17, 38430, 17, 60, 22305, 58, 16, 25, 21, 60, 6624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47527, 16, 11, 16, 828, 7, 17, 11, 16, 828, 7, 17, 11, 17, 828, 7, 18, 11, 16, 828, 7, 18, 11, 17, 828, 7, 16, 11, 17, 15437, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2824, 7, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 12235, 9492, 75, 11736, 19510, 58, 17, 38430, 17, 38430, 17, 60, 22305, 6624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 47527, 16, 11, 16, 828, 7, 16, 11, 17, 828, 7, 17, 11, 16, 828, 7, 17, 11, 17, 828, 7, 18, 11, 16, 828, 7, 18, 11, 17, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 16926, 46, 25, 309, 22854, 7509, 5254, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 43961, 1, 2221, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 657, 13, 2231, 12, 15, 13, 2996, 320, 18872, 231, 1001, 5154, 32590, 16, 11, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 9575, 13989, 341, 7, 24021, 7, 16, 11, 17, 11, 7, 15, 13, 16, 11, 15, 13, 17, 22305, 6624, 10173, 7, 16, 11, 17, 11, 7, 15, 13, 17, 11, 15, 13, 16, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 657, 13, 16, 18872, 230, 18581, 291, 41030, 434, 7, 17, 46582, 11, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 1802, 13, 15, 18872, 230, 18581, 291, 41030, 434, 7, 15, 11, 17, 46582, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 532, 3064, 13, 15, 18872, 230, 18581, 291, 41030, 434, 7, 15, 11, 17, 46582, 8, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 7149, 41030, 434, 3419, 6624, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 7149, 41030, 434, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 838, 13, 15, 18872, 230, 18581, 291, 13949, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 532, 940, 13, 15, 18872, 230, 18581, 291, 13949, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 532, 940, 13, 15, 10, 320, 18872, 231, 18581, 291, 13949, 3419, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 53, 721, 7, 15, 11, 15, 13, 20, 8, 18872, 230, 18581, 291, 41030, 434, 7, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 53, 721, 7, 15, 13, 15, 11, 15, 828, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 53, 721, 7, 15, 11, 16, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 46156, 7, 43961, 90, 43879, 2414, 30072, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 46156, 7, 41030, 434, 90, 43879, 2414, 30072, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 46156, 7, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 9492, 2100, 28955, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 46156, 7, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 9492, 2100, 3419, 61, 17, 8, 6624, 362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 46156, 7, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 9492, 2100, 3419, 61, 18, 8, 6624, 513, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 53, 721, 7, 16, 11, 15, 8, 18872, 230, 16291, 19510, 15, 1539, 15, 12179, 16, 2014, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 4131, 29709, 7, 1102, 1851, 7, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 12727, 11, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 7149, 43961, 3419, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 318, 4131, 29709, 7, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 12727, 7, 4677, 13907, 24629, 13, 7149, 43961, 3419, 4008, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 62, 48267, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 12727, 7, 26705, 45, 8, 6624, 2034, 13907, 24629, 13, 12727, 7, 26705, 45, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 46912, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 2601, 641, 26615, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 7376, 48209, 258, 85, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 37, 280, 5277, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 5377, 11141, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 15057, 6030, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 36654, 19913, 9288, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 18843, 1352, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 3727, 2767, 395, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 38469, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 29974, 934, 871, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 34500, 1373, 23588, 602, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 4561, 2114, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 28821, 13411, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 43, 11433, 263, 260, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 48523, 578, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 2767, 7707, 42, 19, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 15205, 42524, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 5760, 2767, 395, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 31, 2435, 2291, 7203, 11627, 8847, 14402, 13, 20362, 4943, 198 ]
""" CartInd(i1, i2, is...) Represents a "scalar" index of a multidimensional associative (`Assoc`/`Arr`). """ struct CartInd{N, T <: NTuple{N,Any}} inds::T end CartInd(inds::T) where {N, T <: NTuple{N, Any}} = CartInd{N, T}(inds) CartInd{N}(inds::T) where {N, T <: NTuple{N, Any}} = CartInd{N, T}(inds) CartInd(inds...) = CartInd(inds) """ CartProd(indices1, indices2, ...) Represents the Cartesian product of the index sets `indices1`, `indices2`, ect. The elements are `CartInd(first(indices1), first(indices2), ...)` and so-on. """ struct CartProd{N, I <: CartInd{N}, T <: CartInd{N}, Inds <: NTuple{N,Any}} <: Associative{I, T} indices::Inds end # TODO constructors that `collect` on `KeyIterator`s and so-on? # The indices of a Cartesian product are another Cartesian Product. # e.g. if c = CartProd(([:a,:b,:c], 2:4)), then indices(c) = CartProd(OneTo(3), OneTo(3)) indices(c::CartProd) = CartProd(map(indices, c.indices)) IndexStyle(c::CartProd) = IndexDirect() @propagate_inbounds function getindex(c::CartProd{N}, i::CartInd{N}) CartInd(map(getindex, c.indices, i.inds)) end # Eventually this falls back to a Cartesian range start(c::CartProd{N, NTuple{N, OneTo}}) = map(start, c.indices) function next(c::CartProd{N}, inds::NTuple{N, Any}) end done(c::CartProd{N}, inds::NTuple{N, Any}) = all(map(done, c.indices, i)) # TODO CartSlice - may be a mixture of ranges and scalars, dimensions following APL rules
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13690, 5497, 7, 72, 16, 11, 1312, 17, 11, 318, 23029, 198, 198, 6207, 6629, 257, 366, 1416, 282, 283, 1, 6376, 286, 257, 1963, 312, 16198, 2570, 876, 357, 63, 8021, 420, 63, 14, 63, 3163, 81, 63, 737, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 13690, 5497, 90, 45, 11, 309, 1279, 25, 24563, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 7149, 11709, 198, 220, 220, 220, 773, 82, 3712, 51, 198, 437, 198, 43476, 5497, 7, 521, 82, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 309, 1279, 25, 24563, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 4377, 11709, 796, 13690, 5497, 90, 45, 11, 309, 92, 7, 521, 82, 8, 198, 43476, 5497, 90, 45, 92, 7, 521, 82, 3712, 51, 8, 810, 1391, 45, 11, 309, 1279, 25, 24563, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 4377, 11709, 796, 13690, 5497, 90, 45, 11, 309, 92, 7, 521, 82, 8, 198, 43476, 5497, 7, 521, 82, 23029, 796, 13690, 5497, 7, 521, 82, 8, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13690, 2964, 67, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 11, 36525, 17, 11, 2644, 8, 198, 198, 6207, 6629, 262, 13690, 35610, 1720, 286, 262, 6376, 5621, 4600, 521, 1063, 16, 47671, 4600, 521, 1063, 17, 47671, 46080, 13, 383, 4847, 198, 533, 4600, 43476, 5497, 7, 11085, 7, 521, 1063, 16, 828, 717, 7, 521, 1063, 17, 828, 2644, 8, 63, 290, 523, 12, 261, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 13690, 2964, 67, 90, 45, 11, 314, 1279, 25, 13690, 5497, 90, 45, 5512, 309, 1279, 25, 13690, 5497, 90, 45, 5512, 1423, 82, 1279, 25, 24563, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 7149, 11709, 1279, 25, 3928, 876, 90, 40, 11, 309, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 36525, 3712, 5497, 82, 198, 437, 198, 2, 16926, 46, 5678, 669, 326, 4600, 33327, 63, 319, 4600, 9218, 37787, 63, 82, 290, 523, 12, 261, 30, 198, 198, 2, 383, 36525, 286, 257, 13690, 35610, 1720, 389, 1194, 13690, 35610, 8721, 13, 198, 2, 304, 13, 70, 13, 611, 269, 796, 13690, 2964, 67, 19510, 58, 25, 64, 11, 25, 65, 11, 25, 66, 4357, 362, 25, 19, 36911, 788, 36525, 7, 66, 8, 796, 13690, 2964, 67, 7, 3198, 2514, 7, 18, 828, 1881, 2514, 7, 18, 4008, 198, 521, 1063, 7, 66, 3712, 43476, 2964, 67, 8, 796, 13690, 2964, 67, 7, 8899, 7, 521, 1063, 11, 269, 13, 521, 1063, 4008, 198, 15732, 21466, 7, 66, 3712, 43476, 2964, 67, 8, 796, 12901, 13470, 3419, 198, 31, 22930, 37861, 62, 259, 65, 3733, 2163, 651, 9630, 7, 66, 3712, 43476, 2964, 67, 90, 45, 5512, 1312, 3712, 43476, 5497, 90, 45, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13690, 5497, 7, 8899, 7, 1136, 9630, 11, 269, 13, 521, 1063, 11, 1312, 13, 521, 82, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 16178, 428, 8953, 736, 284, 257, 13690, 35610, 2837, 198, 9688, 7, 66, 3712, 43476, 2964, 67, 90, 45, 11, 24563, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 1881, 2514, 11709, 8, 796, 3975, 7, 9688, 11, 269, 13, 521, 1063, 8, 198, 8818, 1306, 7, 66, 3712, 43476, 2964, 67, 90, 45, 5512, 773, 82, 3712, 11251, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 4377, 30072, 198, 198, 437, 198, 28060, 7, 66, 3712, 43476, 2964, 67, 90, 45, 5512, 773, 82, 3712, 11251, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 4377, 30072, 796, 477, 7, 8899, 7, 28060, 11, 269, 13, 521, 1063, 11, 1312, 4008, 628, 198, 198, 2, 16926, 46, 13690, 11122, 501, 532, 743, 307, 257, 11710, 286, 16069, 290, 16578, 945, 11, 15225, 1708, 3486, 43, 3173 ]
type Subplots <: PlotWidget widget::PyObject plots::Vector{Plot} n::Int nrowsOverride::Int ncolsOverride::Int nrows::Int ncols::Int Subplots() = new(PLOT.SubplotWidget(), [], 0, 0, 0) end function updateGrid(sp::Subplots) if sp.nrowsOverride == 0 if sp.ncolsOverride == 0 sp.nrows = round(Int, sqrt(sp.n)) sp.ncols = ceil(Int, sp.n / sp.nrows) else sp.ncols = sp.ncolsOverride sp.nrows = ceil(Int, sp.n / sp.ncols) end else sp.nrows = sp.nrowsOverride sp.ncols = ceil(Int, sp.n / sp.nrows) end end function getplot(sp::Subplots, c::Int) while c > length(sp.plots) push!(sp.plots, Plot()) sp.n += 1 updateGrid(sp) end sp.plots[c] end function refresh(sp::Subplots) for plt in sp.plots refresh(plt) end widgets = reshape([[plt.widget for plt in sp.plots] ; fill(nothing, sp.nrows*sp.ncols - sp.n)], sp.ncols, sp.nrows)' sp.widget[:addFigures](widgets) nothing end subplot(y; kvs...) = subplot(; y = y, kvs...) subplot(x, y; kvs...) = subplot(; x = x, y = y, kvs...) function subplot(; kvs...) sp = Subplots() resizewidget(sp, 800, 600) moveToLastScreen(sp) d = Dict(kvs) sp.nrowsOverride = get(d, :nrows, 0) sp.ncolsOverride = get(d, :ncols, 0) if !((:show, false) in kvs) push!(kvs, (:show, true)) end oplot(sp; kvs...) sp end
[ 198, 198, 4906, 3834, 489, 1747, 1279, 25, 28114, 38300, 198, 220, 26295, 3712, 20519, 10267, 198, 220, 21528, 3712, 38469, 90, 43328, 92, 198, 220, 299, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 299, 8516, 37961, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 299, 4033, 82, 37961, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 299, 8516, 3712, 5317, 198, 220, 299, 4033, 82, 3712, 5317, 628, 220, 3834, 489, 1747, 3419, 796, 649, 7, 6489, 2394, 13, 7004, 29487, 38300, 22784, 685, 4357, 657, 11, 657, 11, 657, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4296, 41339, 7, 2777, 3712, 7004, 489, 1747, 8, 198, 220, 611, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 37961, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 37961, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 796, 2835, 7, 5317, 11, 19862, 17034, 7, 2777, 13, 77, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 796, 2906, 346, 7, 5317, 11, 599, 13, 77, 1220, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 796, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 37961, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 796, 2906, 346, 7, 5317, 11, 599, 13, 77, 1220, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 796, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 37961, 198, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 796, 2906, 346, 7, 5317, 11, 599, 13, 77, 1220, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 29487, 7, 2777, 3712, 7004, 489, 1747, 11, 269, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 981, 269, 1875, 4129, 7, 2777, 13, 489, 1747, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 2777, 13, 489, 1747, 11, 28114, 28955, 198, 220, 220, 220, 599, 13, 77, 15853, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4296, 41339, 7, 2777, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 599, 13, 489, 1747, 58, 66, 60, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 14976, 7, 2777, 3712, 7004, 489, 1747, 8, 198, 220, 329, 458, 83, 287, 599, 13, 489, 1747, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14976, 7, 489, 83, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 40803, 796, 27179, 1758, 26933, 58, 489, 83, 13, 42655, 329, 458, 83, 287, 599, 13, 489, 1747, 60, 2162, 6070, 7, 22366, 11, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 9, 2777, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 532, 599, 13, 77, 8, 4357, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 11, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 33047, 198, 220, 599, 13, 42655, 58, 25, 2860, 14989, 942, 16151, 28029, 11407, 8, 198, 220, 2147, 198, 437, 628, 198, 7266, 29487, 7, 88, 26, 479, 14259, 23029, 796, 850, 29487, 7, 26, 331, 796, 331, 11, 479, 14259, 23029, 198, 7266, 29487, 7, 87, 11, 331, 26, 479, 14259, 23029, 796, 850, 29487, 7, 26, 2124, 796, 2124, 11, 331, 796, 331, 11, 479, 14259, 23029, 198, 198, 8818, 850, 29487, 7, 26, 479, 14259, 23029, 198, 220, 599, 796, 3834, 489, 1747, 3419, 198, 220, 581, 528, 413, 17484, 7, 2777, 11, 10460, 11, 10053, 8, 198, 220, 1445, 2514, 5956, 23901, 7, 2777, 8, 198, 220, 220, 198, 220, 288, 796, 360, 713, 7, 74, 14259, 8, 198, 220, 599, 13, 77, 8516, 37961, 796, 651, 7, 67, 11, 1058, 77, 8516, 11, 657, 8, 198, 220, 599, 13, 77, 4033, 82, 37961, 796, 651, 7, 67, 11, 1058, 77, 4033, 82, 11, 657, 8, 628, 220, 611, 5145, 19510, 25, 12860, 11, 3991, 8, 287, 479, 14259, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 74, 14259, 11, 357, 25, 12860, 11, 2081, 4008, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 267, 29487, 7, 2777, 26, 479, 14259, 23029, 198, 220, 599, 198, 437, 198 ]
# This file was generated by the Julia Swagger Code Generator # Do not modify this file directly. Modify the swagger specification instead. mutable struct VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration <: SwaggerModel networkInterfaceConfigurations::Any # spec type: Union{ Nothing, Vector{VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkConfiguration} } # spec name: networkInterfaceConfigurations function VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration(;networkInterfaceConfigurations=nothing) o = new() validate_property(VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration, Symbol("networkInterfaceConfigurations"), networkInterfaceConfigurations) setfield!(o, Symbol("networkInterfaceConfigurations"), networkInterfaceConfigurations) o end end # type VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration const _property_map_VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration = Dict{Symbol,Symbol}(Symbol("networkInterfaceConfigurations")=>Symbol("networkInterfaceConfigurations")) const _property_types_VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration = Dict{Symbol,String}(Symbol("networkInterfaceConfigurations")=>"Vector{VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkConfiguration}") Base.propertynames(::Type{ VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration }) = collect(keys(_property_map_VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration)) Swagger.property_type(::Type{ VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration }, name::Symbol) = Union{Nothing,eval(Base.Meta.parse(_property_types_VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration[name]))} Swagger.field_name(::Type{ VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration }, property_name::Symbol) = _property_map_VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration[property_name] function check_required(o::VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration) true end function validate_property(::Type{ VirtualMachineScaleSetVMNetworkProfileConfiguration }, name::Symbol, val) end
[ 2, 770, 2393, 373, 7560, 416, 262, 22300, 2451, 7928, 6127, 35986, 198, 2, 2141, 407, 13096, 428, 2393, 3264, 13, 3401, 1958, 262, 1509, 7928, 20855, 2427, 13, 628, 198, 76, 18187, 2878, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 1279, 25, 2451, 7928, 17633, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3127, 39317, 16934, 20074, 3712, 7149, 1303, 1020, 2099, 25, 4479, 90, 10528, 11, 20650, 90, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 26245, 38149, 92, 1782, 1303, 1020, 1438, 25, 3127, 39317, 16934, 20074, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2163, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 7, 26, 27349, 39317, 16934, 20074, 28, 22366, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 267, 796, 649, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 11, 38357, 7203, 27349, 39317, 16934, 20074, 12340, 3127, 39317, 16934, 20074, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 3245, 0, 7, 78, 11, 38357, 7203, 27349, 39317, 16934, 20074, 12340, 3127, 39317, 16934, 20074, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 1303, 2099, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 198, 198, 9979, 4808, 26745, 62, 8899, 62, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 796, 360, 713, 90, 13940, 23650, 11, 13940, 23650, 92, 7, 13940, 23650, 7203, 27349, 39317, 16934, 20074, 4943, 14804, 13940, 23650, 7203, 27349, 39317, 16934, 20074, 48774, 198, 9979, 4808, 26745, 62, 19199, 62, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 796, 360, 713, 90, 13940, 23650, 11, 10100, 92, 7, 13940, 23650, 7203, 27349, 39317, 16934, 20074, 4943, 14804, 1, 38469, 90, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 26245, 38149, 92, 4943, 198, 14881, 13, 26745, 14933, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 32092, 796, 2824, 7, 13083, 28264, 26745, 62, 8899, 62, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 4008, 198, 10462, 7928, 13, 26745, 62, 4906, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 8964, 1438, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 796, 4479, 90, 18465, 11, 18206, 7, 14881, 13, 48526, 13, 29572, 28264, 26745, 62, 19199, 62, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 58, 3672, 60, 4008, 92, 198, 10462, 7928, 13, 3245, 62, 3672, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 8964, 3119, 62, 3672, 3712, 13940, 23650, 8, 796, 220, 4808, 26745, 62, 8899, 62, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 58, 26745, 62, 3672, 60, 198, 198, 8818, 2198, 62, 35827, 7, 78, 3712, 37725, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2081, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 26571, 62, 26745, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 15595, 37573, 29990, 7248, 15996, 26245, 37046, 38149, 8964, 1438, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 1188, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
import Base.+, Base.-, Base./, Base.*, Base.^ import SchumakerSpline.evaluate function evaluate(f::Undefined_Function, point::Union{Real,Date,DateTime,DatePeriod}) missing end function (s::Undefined_Function)(x::Union{Real,Date,DateTime,DatePeriod}) return missing end """ derivative(f::UnivariateFunction) This calculates the derivative of the function and returns it as a `UnivariateFunction`. ### Inputs * `f` - A `UnivariateFunction`. ### Returns * A `UnivariateFunction`. """ function derivative(f::Undefined_Function) return f end """ indefinite_integral(f::UnivariateFunction) This calculates the indefinite integral of a `UnivariateFunction`. ### Inputs * `f` - A `UnivariateFunction`. ### Returns * A `UnivariateFunction`. """ function indefinite_integral(f::Undefined_Function) return f end function +(f::Undefined_Function, number::Real) return f end function -(f::Undefined_Function, number::Real) return f end function *(f::Undefined_Function, number::Real) return f end function /(f::Undefined_Function, number::Real) return f end function ^(f::Undefined_Function, number::Integer) return f end function +(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return f1 end function +(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::PE_Function) return f1 end function +(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Sum_Of_Functions) return f1 end function +(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Piecewise_Function) return f1 end function +(f1::PE_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return +(f2,f1) end function +(f1::Sum_Of_Functions, f2::Undefined_Function) return +(f2,f1) end function +(f1::Piecewise_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return +(f2,f1) end function -(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return f1 end function -(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::PE_Function) return f1 end function -(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Sum_Of_Functions) return f1 end function -(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Piecewise_Function) return f1 end function -(f1::PE_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return -(f2,f1) end function -(f1::Sum_Of_Functions, f2::Undefined_Function) return -(f2,f1) end function -(f1::Piecewise_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return -(f2,f1) end function *(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return f1 end function *(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::PE_Function) return f1 end function *(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Sum_Of_Functions) return f1 end function *(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Piecewise_Function) return f1 end function *(f1::PE_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return *(f2,f1) end function *(f1::Sum_Of_Functions, f2::Undefined_Function) return *(f2,f1) end function *(f1::Piecewise_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return *(f2,f1) end function /(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return f1 end function /(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::PE_Function) return f1 end function /(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Sum_Of_Functions) return f1 end function /(f1::Undefined_Function, f2::Piecewise_Function) return f1 end function /(f1::PE_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return /(f2,f1) end function /(f1::Sum_Of_Functions, f2::Undefined_Function) return /(f2,f1) end function /(f1::Piecewise_Function, f2::Undefined_Function) return /(f2,f1) end
[ 11748, 7308, 13, 28200, 7308, 7874, 11, 7308, 19571, 11, 7308, 15885, 11, 7308, 13, 61, 198, 11748, 3059, 388, 3110, 26568, 500, 13, 49786, 198, 8818, 13446, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 966, 3712, 38176, 90, 15633, 11, 10430, 11, 10430, 7575, 11, 10430, 5990, 2101, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4814, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 357, 82, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 5769, 87, 3712, 38176, 90, 15633, 11, 10430, 11, 10430, 7575, 11, 10430, 5990, 2101, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4814, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 27255, 7, 69, 3712, 3118, 42524, 22203, 8, 198, 1212, 43707, 262, 27255, 286, 262, 2163, 290, 5860, 340, 355, 257, 4600, 3118, 42524, 22203, 44646, 198, 198, 21017, 23412, 82, 198, 9, 4600, 69, 63, 532, 317, 4600, 3118, 42524, 22203, 44646, 198, 21017, 16409, 198, 9, 317, 4600, 3118, 42524, 22203, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 27255, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35639, 62, 18908, 1373, 7, 69, 3712, 3118, 42524, 22203, 8, 198, 1212, 43707, 262, 35639, 19287, 286, 257, 4600, 3118, 42524, 22203, 44646, 198, 198, 21017, 23412, 82, 198, 9, 4600, 69, 63, 532, 317, 4600, 3118, 42524, 22203, 44646, 198, 21017, 16409, 198, 9, 317, 4600, 3118, 42524, 22203, 44646, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 35639, 62, 18908, 1373, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 1271, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 1271, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 1271, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 1271, 3712, 15633, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 10563, 7, 69, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 1271, 3712, 46541, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1343, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1343, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1343, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1343, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 532, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 532, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 532, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 532, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1635, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1635, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1635, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1635, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 16, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 11401, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1220, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 13065, 62, 5189, 62, 24629, 2733, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1220, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 1220, 7, 69, 16, 3712, 47, 8535, 3083, 62, 22203, 11, 277, 17, 3712, 31319, 18156, 62, 22203, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1220, 7, 69, 17, 11, 69, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
__precompile__(true) module cNODE # libraries using Distributed using Flux using Flux.Optimise: update!, apply! using DiffEqFlux using Zygote: gradient using MLDataPattern: eachbatch, splitobs, shuffleobs using DifferentialEquations: ODEProblem, solve, Tsit5 using Distributions: Normal, Uniform using Statistics, LinearAlgebra using SparseArrays, SharedArrays using DelimitedFiles # functions include("./module/generator.jl") export getParameters, getIC, getGLV export getSteadyState, getRewiredNetwork export generate_data include("./module/trainer.jl") export FitnessLayer export getModel export predict export loss export train_reptile include("./module/loader.jl") export import_data export split_data # Parameters for module const synthetic_data = ["Strength","Connectivity","Universality","Noise","Rewiring"] const real_data = ["Drosophila_Gut","Soil_Vitro","Soil_Vivo","Human_Gut","Human_Oral","Ocean"] const S = [.1,.15,.2] const C = [0.5,0.75,1] const U = [0.1,1,2] const E = [.001,.01,.025] const R = [.01,.1,.25] export synthetic_data, real_data export S, C, U, E, R end
[ 834, 3866, 5589, 576, 834, 7, 7942, 8, 198, 21412, 269, 45, 16820, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 12782, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 4307, 6169, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 1610, 2821, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 1610, 2821, 13, 27871, 320, 786, 25, 4296, 28265, 4174, 0, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 10631, 36, 80, 37, 22564, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 1168, 35641, 1258, 25, 31312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 10373, 6601, 47546, 25, 1123, 43501, 11, 6626, 8158, 11, 36273, 8158, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 20615, 498, 23588, 602, 25, 440, 7206, 40781, 11, 8494, 11, 13146, 270, 20, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 46567, 507, 25, 14435, 11, 35712, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 14370, 11, 44800, 2348, 29230, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 1338, 17208, 3163, 20477, 11, 39403, 3163, 20477, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1262, 4216, 320, 863, 25876, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5499, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2291, 7, 1911, 14, 21412, 14, 8612, 1352, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 651, 48944, 11, 651, 2149, 11, 651, 8763, 53, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 651, 7447, 4597, 9012, 11, 651, 30003, 1202, 26245, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 7716, 62, 7890, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2291, 7, 1911, 14, 21412, 14, 2213, 10613, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 34545, 49925, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 651, 17633, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 4331, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 2994, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 4512, 62, 260, 457, 576, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2291, 7, 1911, 14, 21412, 14, 29356, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 1330, 62, 7890, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 6626, 62, 7890, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 40117, 329, 8265, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 18512, 62, 7890, 796, 14631, 45027, 2430, 13313, 3458, 2430, 3118, 1191, 1483, 2430, 2949, 786, 2430, 30003, 3428, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 1103, 62, 7890, 796, 14631, 35, 4951, 2522, 10102, 62, 38, 315, 2430, 2396, 346, 62, 53, 270, 305, 2430, 2396, 346, 62, 53, 23593, 2430, 20490, 62, 38, 315, 2430, 20490, 62, 46, 1373, 2430, 46607, 8973, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 311, 796, 685, 13, 16, 38508, 1314, 38508, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 327, 796, 685, 15, 13, 20, 11, 15, 13, 2425, 11, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 471, 796, 685, 15, 13, 16, 11, 16, 11, 17, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 412, 796, 685, 13, 8298, 38508, 486, 38508, 36629, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 371, 796, 685, 13, 486, 38508, 16, 38508, 1495, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 18512, 62, 7890, 11, 1103, 62, 7890, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10784, 311, 11, 327, 11, 471, 11, 412, 11, 371, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
function survive(blood_type, donated_blood) # Your code goes here! return true end
[ 8818, 7866, 7, 18041, 62, 4906, 11, 15863, 62, 18041, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3406, 2438, 2925, 994, 0, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2081, 198, 437, 198 ]
function metapop() # make metapopulation mp = ZTMetaPopulation{LanguageDynamics.MomentumSelector}(7, 2.5) # add speakers for i = 1:200 inject!(LanguageDynamics.MomentumSelector(0.01, 0.02, 1.0, 4, 0.1), mp) end # Travel + rendezvous while mp.nactions < 0.5*200*100#_000 travel!(mp) rendezvous!(mp) end end
[ 8818, 1138, 499, 404, 3419, 198, 220, 1303, 787, 1138, 499, 404, 1741, 198, 220, 29034, 796, 1168, 51, 48526, 45251, 90, 32065, 35, 4989, 873, 13, 29252, 298, 388, 17563, 273, 92, 7, 22, 11, 362, 13, 20, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 751, 11636, 198, 220, 329, 1312, 796, 352, 25, 2167, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8677, 0, 7, 32065, 35, 4989, 873, 13, 29252, 298, 388, 17563, 273, 7, 15, 13, 486, 11, 657, 13, 2999, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 604, 11, 657, 13, 16, 828, 29034, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1303, 13524, 1343, 9851, 50063, 198, 220, 981, 29034, 13, 77, 4658, 1279, 657, 13, 20, 9, 2167, 9, 3064, 2, 62, 830, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3067, 0, 7, 3149, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9851, 50063, 0, 7, 3149, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
using MAVs, NLOptControl, BenchmarkTools, JLD, FileIO, DataFrames #''' #This function creates the benchmark tests #''' function bench(;baseBench::Bool=false) if baseBench name="master.jld" else name="pr.jld" master=load("master.jld", "results") m1=median(master["psMethods"]) end # create a DataFrame fname = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data.jld") df = DataFrames.DataFrame() # Define a parent BenchmarkGroup to contain our suite const suite = BenchmarkGroup() # Add some child groups to our benchmark suite. suite["psMethods"] = BenchmarkGroup(["integrationScheme","Nck"]) for scheme in (:lgrExplicit,:lgrImplicit) for Nck in ([10,8,6],[12,10,8,6]) c=defineCase(;(:mode=>:autoBench)); setMisc!(c;integrationScheme=scheme,Nck=Nck,max_cpu_time=20.0) n=initializeAutonomousControl(c); suite["psMethods"][scheme,Nck] = @benchmarkable optimize!($n) samples=10 end end paramspath = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "params.jld") if isfile(paramspath) loadparams!(suite, BenchmarkTools.load(paramspath, "suite"), :evals); else tune!(suite), "suite", params(suite)); end results=run(suite,verbose=true); # run all benchmarks, "results", results) # save results to JLD file m2=median(results["psMethods"]); # save the data file = jldopen(fname, "w") write(file, "df", df) close(file) if !baseBench return m2, judge(m2,m1) else return m2 end end paramspath = joinpath(Pkg.dir("MAVs/examples/Benchmarks/"), "params.jld") loadparams!(suite, BenchmarkTools.load(paramspath, "suite"), :evals); master=load("master.jld", "results") ########### file = joinpath(Pkg.dir("MAVs/examples/Benchmarks/"), "temp.jld") res=master; writeresults(file,res) # function writeresults(file, res) save(File(format"JLD", file), "time", time(), "trials", res) end # function readresults(file) JLD.jldopen(file,"r") do f read(f, "trials") end end #= if saveresults tosave = if promptsave print("File results of this run? (commit=$(sha[1:6]), resultsdir=$resultsdir) (Y/n) ") response = readline() |> strip response == "" || lowercase(response) == "y" else true end if tosave !isdir(resultsdir) && mkpath(resultsdir) resfile = joinpath(resultsdir, sha*".jld") writeresults(resfile, res) info("Results of the benchmark were written to $resfile") end =# #= m=median(run(suite,verbose=true,seconds=10)); save("m2.jld","m",params(m)); # compare tempDict=load("m1.jld") m_temp=get(tempDict,"m1",0) judge(m_temp,m) ##################OLD #''' # schemes=[:lgrExplicit,:lgrImplicit] # m1=benchMark(schemes[1]) # m2=benchMark(schemes[2]) # judge(m1,m2) #''' function benchMark(scheme) c=defineCase(;(:mode=>:autoBench)); setMisc!(c;integrationScheme=scheme) n=initializeAutonomousControl(c); b=@benchmark optimize!($n) samples=10 return median(b) end =#
[ 3500, 8779, 23266, 11, 399, 21982, 457, 15988, 11, 25187, 4102, 33637, 11, 449, 11163, 11, 9220, 9399, 11, 6060, 35439, 198, 198, 2, 7061, 6, 198, 2, 1212, 2163, 8075, 262, 18335, 5254, 198, 2, 7061, 6, 198, 8818, 7624, 7, 26, 8692, 44199, 3712, 33, 970, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 220, 611, 2779, 44199, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 2625, 9866, 13, 73, 335, 1, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 2625, 1050, 13, 73, 335, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4958, 28, 2220, 7203, 9866, 13, 73, 335, 1600, 366, 43420, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 16, 28, 1150, 666, 7, 9866, 14692, 862, 46202, 8973, 8, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1303, 2251, 257, 6060, 19778, 198, 220, 277, 3672, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 15908, 3672, 7, 31, 834, 25664, 834, 828, 366, 7890, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 220, 47764, 796, 6060, 35439, 13, 6601, 19778, 3419, 628, 220, 1303, 2896, 500, 257, 2560, 25187, 4102, 13247, 284, 3994, 674, 18389, 198, 220, 1500, 18389, 796, 25187, 4102, 13247, 3419, 628, 220, 1303, 3060, 617, 1200, 2628, 284, 674, 18335, 18389, 13, 198, 220, 18389, 14692, 862, 46202, 8973, 796, 25187, 4102, 13247, 7, 14692, 18908, 1358, 27054, 1326, 2430, 45, 694, 8973, 8, 198, 220, 329, 7791, 287, 357, 25, 75, 2164, 18438, 3628, 11, 25, 75, 2164, 29710, 3628, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 399, 694, 287, 29565, 940, 11, 23, 11, 21, 38430, 1065, 11, 940, 11, 23, 11, 21, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 28, 13086, 20448, 7, 26, 7, 25, 14171, 14804, 25, 23736, 44199, 18125, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 900, 44, 2304, 0, 7, 66, 26, 18908, 1358, 27054, 1326, 28, 15952, 1326, 11, 45, 694, 28, 45, 694, 11, 9806, 62, 36166, 62, 2435, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 28, 36733, 1096, 16541, 38175, 15988, 7, 66, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 18389, 14692, 862, 46202, 1, 7131, 15952, 1326, 11, 45, 694, 60, 796, 2488, 26968, 4102, 540, 27183, 0, 16763, 77, 8, 8405, 28, 940, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 5772, 2777, 776, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 15908, 3672, 7, 31, 834, 25664, 834, 828, 366, 37266, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 220, 611, 318, 7753, 7, 17143, 2777, 776, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3440, 37266, 0, 7, 2385, 578, 11, 25187, 4102, 33637, 13, 2220, 7, 17143, 2777, 776, 11, 366, 2385, 578, 12340, 1058, 1990, 874, 1776, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 14009, 0, 7, 2385, 578, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 25187, 4102, 33637, 13, 21928, 7, 17143, 2777, 776, 11, 366, 2385, 578, 1600, 42287, 7, 2385, 578, 18125, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 2482, 28, 5143, 7, 2385, 578, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 1776, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1057, 477, 31747, 198, 220, 25187, 4102, 33637, 13, 21928, 7, 3672, 11, 366, 43420, 1600, 2482, 8, 1303, 3613, 2482, 284, 449, 11163, 2393, 628, 220, 285, 17, 28, 1150, 666, 7, 43420, 14692, 862, 46202, 8973, 1776, 628, 220, 1303, 3613, 262, 1366, 198, 220, 2393, 796, 474, 335, 9654, 7, 69, 3672, 11, 366, 86, 4943, 198, 220, 3551, 7, 7753, 11, 366, 7568, 1600, 47764, 8, 198, 220, 1969, 7, 7753, 8, 628, 220, 611, 5145, 8692, 44199, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 285, 17, 11, 5052, 7, 76, 17, 11, 76, 16, 8, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 285, 17, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 17143, 2777, 776, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 47, 10025, 13, 15908, 7203, 5673, 23266, 14, 1069, 12629, 14, 44199, 14306, 14, 12340, 366, 37266, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 198, 2220, 37266, 0, 7, 2385, 578, 11, 25187, 4102, 33637, 13, 2220, 7, 17143, 2777, 776, 11, 366, 2385, 578, 12340, 1058, 1990, 874, 1776, 628, 198, 9866, 28, 2220, 7203, 9866, 13, 73, 335, 1600, 366, 43420, 4943, 198, 198, 7804, 21017, 198, 7753, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 47, 10025, 13, 15908, 7203, 5673, 23266, 14, 1069, 12629, 14, 44199, 14306, 14, 12340, 366, 29510, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 411, 28, 9866, 26, 198, 13564, 43420, 7, 7753, 11, 411, 8, 198, 2, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 25690, 14, 47, 10025, 44199, 4102, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 9866, 14, 10677, 14, 5143, 26968, 4102, 13, 20362, 198, 8818, 3551, 43420, 7, 7753, 11, 581, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3613, 7, 8979, 7, 18982, 1, 41, 11163, 1600, 2393, 828, 366, 2435, 1600, 640, 22784, 366, 28461, 874, 1600, 581, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 16980, 544, 25690, 14, 47, 10025, 44199, 4102, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 9866, 14, 10677, 14, 5143, 26968, 4102, 13, 20362, 198, 8818, 1100, 43420, 7, 7753, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 449, 11163, 13, 73, 335, 9654, 7, 7753, 553, 81, 4943, 466, 277, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1100, 7, 69, 11, 366, 28461, 874, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 28, 198, 361, 3613, 43420, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 284, 21928, 796, 611, 6152, 21928, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7203, 8979, 2482, 286, 428, 1057, 30, 357, 41509, 43641, 7, 26270, 58, 16, 25, 21, 46570, 2482, 15908, 43641, 43420, 15908, 8, 357, 56, 14, 77, 8, 366, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2882, 796, 1100, 1370, 3419, 930, 29, 10283, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2882, 6624, 13538, 8614, 2793, 7442, 7, 26209, 8, 6624, 366, 88, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 2081, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 284, 21928, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 9409, 343, 7, 43420, 15908, 8, 11405, 33480, 6978, 7, 43420, 15908, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 581, 7753, 796, 4654, 6978, 7, 43420, 15908, 11, 427, 64, 9, 1911, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 43420, 7, 411, 7753, 11, 581, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7508, 7203, 25468, 286, 262, 18335, 547, 3194, 284, 720, 411, 7753, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 46249, 198, 2, 28, 198, 76, 28, 1150, 666, 7, 5143, 7, 2385, 578, 11, 19011, 577, 28, 7942, 11, 43012, 28, 940, 18125, 198, 21928, 7203, 76, 17, 13, 73, 335, 2430, 76, 1600, 37266, 7, 76, 18125, 198, 198, 2, 8996, 198, 29510, 35, 713, 28, 2220, 7203, 76, 16, 13, 73, 335, 4943, 198, 76, 62, 29510, 28, 1136, 7, 29510, 35, 713, 553, 76, 16, 1600, 15, 8, 198, 198, 10456, 469, 7, 76, 62, 29510, 11, 76, 8, 628, 198, 14468, 2235, 15173, 198, 2, 7061, 6, 198, 2, 16546, 41888, 25, 75, 2164, 18438, 3628, 11, 25, 75, 2164, 29710, 3628, 60, 198, 2, 285, 16, 28, 26968, 9704, 7, 1416, 4411, 274, 58, 16, 12962, 198, 2, 285, 17, 28, 26968, 9704, 7, 1416, 4411, 274, 58, 17, 12962, 198, 2, 5052, 7, 76, 16, 11, 76, 17, 8, 198, 2, 7061, 6, 198, 8818, 7624, 9704, 7, 15952, 1326, 8, 198, 220, 269, 28, 13086, 20448, 7, 26, 7, 25, 14171, 14804, 25, 23736, 44199, 18125, 198, 220, 900, 44, 2304, 0, 7, 66, 26, 18908, 1358, 27054, 1326, 28, 15952, 1326, 8, 198, 220, 299, 28, 36733, 1096, 16541, 38175, 15988, 7, 66, 1776, 198, 220, 275, 28, 31, 26968, 4102, 27183, 0, 16763, 77, 8, 8405, 28, 940, 198, 220, 1441, 14288, 7, 65, 8, 198, 437, 198, 46249, 198 ]
using DelayedKalmanFilter using Documenter makedocs(; modules=[DelayedKalmanFilter], authors="Joshua Burton", repo="{commit}{path}#L{line}", sitename="DelayedKalmanFilter.jl", format=Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true", canonical="", assets=String[], ), pages=[ "Home" => "", ], ) deploydocs(; repo="", )
[ 3500, 4216, 16548, 41428, 805, 22417, 198, 3500, 16854, 263, 198, 198, 76, 4335, 420, 82, 7, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13103, 41888, 13856, 16548, 41428, 805, 22417, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7035, 2625, 47740, 27209, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 29924, 2625, 5450, 1378, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 6236, 1122, 73, 3768, 14, 13856, 16548, 41428, 805, 22417, 13, 20362, 14, 2436, 672, 14, 90, 41509, 18477, 6978, 92, 2, 43, 90, 1370, 92, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1650, 12453, 2625, 13856, 16548, 41428, 805, 22417, 13, 20362, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5794, 28, 24941, 263, 13, 28656, 7, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2495, 6371, 82, 28, 1136, 7, 1677, 53, 11, 366, 25690, 1600, 366, 9562, 4943, 6624, 366, 7942, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 40091, 2625, 5450, 1378, 6236, 1122, 73, 3768, 13, 12567, 13, 952, 14, 13856, 16548, 41428, 805, 22417, 13, 20362, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6798, 28, 10100, 58, 4357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10612, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5468, 41888, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 16060, 1, 5218, 366, 9630, 13, 9132, 1600, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16589, 198, 8, 198, 198, 2934, 1420, 31628, 7, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 29924, 2625, 12567, 13, 785, 14, 6236, 1122, 73, 3768, 14, 13856, 16548, 41428, 805, 22417, 13, 20362, 1600, 198, 8, 198 ]
# tests for the policy and coord tables types and related functions. # using Base.Test # push!(LOAD_PATH, ".") # include("includes.jl") function get_test_policy() q_table = zeros(4^7, 36) range = collect(1:4) q_grid = RectangleGrid(range, range, range, range, range, range, range) policy = PolicyTable(q_table, q_grid, 4^7) end function get_test_coordination_table() c_table = zeros(4^7) c_table[1] = 1 c_table[2] = -1 range = collect(1:4) c_grid = RectangleGrid(range, range, range, range, range, range, range) coordination_table = CoordinationTable(c_table, c_grid, 4^7) end # policy table tests function test_policy_table_constructor() get_test_policy() end function test_get_utilities() policy = get_test_policy() policy.q_table[1, 1] = 10 policy.q_table[2, 2] = 9 belief = spzeros(policy.num_states, 1) belief[1] = .5 belief[2] = .5 utilities = get_utilities(policy, belief) expected_utilities = zeros(size(policy.q_table, 2)) expected_utilities[1] = .5 * 10 expected_utilities[2] = .5 * 9 @test utilities == expected_utilities end function test_make_coordination_table() q_table = zeros(2, 36) q_table[1, 1] = 1 q_table[2, 36] = 2 q_table[2, 4] = 1 joint_actions = get_joint_actions(ACTIONS) c_table = make_coordination_table(q_table, joint_actions) @test c_table[1] == 1 end function test_get_sense_action_parameters() a1 = -10. a2 = +10. sense = get_action_sense(a1, a2) @test sense == :different_sense a1 = 0. sense = get_action_sense(a1, a2) @test sense == :neither_sense a1 = +10. sense = get_action_sense(a1, a2) @test sense == :same_sense end function test_get_sense_coord_table_parameters() c_table = get_test_coordination_table() belief = spzeros(c_table.num_states, 1) belief[1] = .6 belief[2] = .4 sense = get_coordination_sense(c_table, belief) @test sense == :same_sense belief[1] = .4 belief[2] = .6 sense = get_coordination_sense(c_table, belief) @test sense == :different_sense belief[1] = .3 belief[2] = .3 belief[3] = .4 sense = get_coordination_sense(c_table, belief) @test sense == :neither_sense end tic() # policy tests test_policy_table_constructor() test_get_utilities() # coord tests test_make_coordination_table() test_get_sense_action_parameters() test_get_sense_coord_table_parameters() toc()
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
# v0.6.0 function printlyrics() const gifts = split(""" A partridge in a pear tree. Two turtle doves Three french hens Four calling birds Five golden rings Six geese a-laying Seven swans a-swimming Eight maids a-milking Nine ladies dancing Ten lords a-leaping Eleven pipers piping Twelve drummers drumming """, '\n') const days = split(""" first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth""") for (n, day) in enumerate(days) g = gifts[n:-1:1] print("\nOn the $day day of Christmas\nMy true love gave to me:\n") if n == 1 print(join(g[1:end], '\n'), '\n') else print(join(g[1:end-1], '\n'), " and\n", g[end], '\n') end end end printlyrics()
[ 2, 410, 15, 13, 21, 13, 15, 198, 198, 8818, 3601, 306, 10466, 3419, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 13201, 796, 6626, 7203, 15931, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 636, 12818, 287, 257, 25286, 5509, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4930, 28699, 466, 1158, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7683, 48718, 339, 5907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6675, 4585, 10087, 198, 220, 220, 220, 10579, 10861, 13917, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9699, 4903, 2771, 257, 12, 75, 8369, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13723, 1509, 504, 257, 12, 2032, 27428, 198, 220, 220, 220, 18087, 25920, 82, 257, 12, 25433, 3364, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16431, 17308, 15360, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9368, 33200, 257, 12, 293, 9269, 198, 220, 220, 220, 37339, 7347, 364, 48426, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30775, 13026, 11056, 13026, 2229, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13538, 1600, 705, 59, 77, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1500, 1528, 796, 6626, 7203, 15931, 198, 220, 220, 220, 717, 1218, 2368, 5544, 8150, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11695, 14024, 16974, 19646, 24395, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9766, 20987, 665, 44659, 15931, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 77, 11, 1110, 8, 287, 27056, 378, 7, 12545, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 308, 796, 13201, 58, 77, 21912, 16, 25, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7203, 59, 77, 2202, 262, 720, 820, 1110, 286, 6786, 59, 77, 3666, 2081, 1842, 2921, 284, 502, 7479, 77, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 299, 6624, 352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 22179, 7, 70, 58, 16, 25, 437, 4357, 705, 59, 77, 33809, 705, 59, 77, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 7, 22179, 7, 70, 58, 16, 25, 437, 12, 16, 4357, 705, 59, 77, 33809, 366, 290, 59, 77, 1600, 308, 58, 437, 4357, 705, 59, 77, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 4798, 306, 10466, 3419, 198 ]
using DiffEqBase: remake, solve, ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem, EnsembleThreads #################################################################################################### # this function takes into accound a parameter passed to the vector field # Putting the options `save_start = false` seems to give bugs with Sundials function flowTimeSol(x, p, tm, pb::ODEProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) _prob = remake(pb; u0 = x, tspan = (zero(eltype(tm)), tm), p = p) # the use of concrete_solve makes it compatible with Zygote sol = solve(_prob, alg; save_everystep = false, kwargs...) return (t = sol.t[end], u = sol[end]) end # this function is a bit different from the previous one as it is geared towards parallel computing of the flow. function flowTimeSol(x::AbstractMatrix, p, tm, epb::EnsembleProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) # modify the function which asigns new initial conditions # see docs at _prob_func = (prob, ii, repeat) -> prob = remake(prob, u0 = x[:, ii], tspan = (zero(eltype(tm[ii])), tm[ii]), p = p) _epb = setproperties(epb, output_func = (sol, i) -> ((t = sol.t[end], u = sol[end]), false), prob_func = _prob_func) sol = solve(_epb, alg, EnsembleThreads(); trajectories = size(x, 2), save_everystep = false, kwargs...) # sol.u contains a vector of tuples (sol_i.t[end], sol_i[end]) return sol.u end flow(x, p, tm, pb::ODEProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) = flowTimeSol(x, p, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...).u flow(x, p, tm, pb::EnsembleProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) = flowTimeSol(x, p, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) flow(x, tm, pb::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) = flow(x, nothing, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) #################################################################################################### # function used to compute the derivative of the flow, so pb encodes the variational equation function dflow(x::AbstractVector, p, dx, tm, pb::ODEProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) n = length(x) _prob = remake(pb; u0 = vcat(x, dx), tspan = (zero(eltype(tm)), tm), p = p) # the use of concrete_solve makes it compatible with Zygote sol = solve(_prob, alg, save_everystep = false; kwargs...)[end] return (t = tm, u = sol[1:n], du = sol[n+1:end]) end # same for Parallel computing function dflow(x::AbstractMatrix, p, dx, tm, epb::EnsembleProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) N = size(x,1) _prob_func = (prob, ii, repeat) -> prob = remake(prob, u0 = vcat(x[:, ii], dx[:, ii]), tspan = (zero(eltype(tm[ii])), tm[ii]), p = p) _epb = setproperties(epb, output_func = (sol,i) -> ((t = sol.t[end], u = sol[end][1:N], du = sol[end][N+1:end]), false), prob_func = _prob_func) sol = solve(_epb, alg, EnsembleThreads(); trajectories = size(x, 2), save_everystep = false, kwargs...) return sol.u end dflow(x, dx, tspan, pb::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) = dflow(x, nothing, dx, tspan, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) #################################################################################################### # this function takes into accound a parameter passed to the vector field function dflow_fd(x, p, dx, tm, pb::ODEProblem; alg = Euler(), δ = 1e-9, kwargs...) sol1 = flow(x .+ δ .* dx, p, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) sol2 = flow(x , p, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) return (t = tm, u = sol2, du = (sol1 .- sol2) ./ δ) end function dflow_fd(x, p, dx, tm, pb::EnsembleProblem; alg = Euler(), δ = 1e-9, kwargs...) sol1 = flow(x .+ δ .* dx, p, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) sol2 = flow(x , p, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) return [(t = sol1[ii][1], u = sol2[ii][2], du = (sol1[ii][2] .- sol2[ii][2]) ./ δ) for ii = 1:size(x,2) ] end dflow_fd(x, dx, tm, pb::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}; alg = Euler(), δ = 1e-9, kwargs...) = dflow_fd(x, nothing, dx, tm, pb; alg = alg, δ = δ, kwargs...) #################################################################################################### # this gives access to the full solution, convenient for Poincaré shooting # this function takes into accound a parameter passed to the vector field and returns the full solution from the ODE solver. This is useful in Poincare Shooting to extract the period. function flowFull(x, p, tm, pb::ODEProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) _prob = remake(pb; u0 = x, tspan = (zero(tm), tm), p = p) sol = solve(_prob, alg; kwargs...) end function flowFull(x, p, tm, epb::EnsembleProblem; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) _prob_func = (prob, ii, repeat) -> prob = remake(prob, u0 = x[:, ii], tspan = (zero(eltype(tm[ii])), tm[ii]), p = p) _epb = setproperties(epb, prob_func = _prob_func) sol = solve(_epb, alg, EnsembleThreads(); trajectories = size(x, 2), kwargs...) end flowFull(x, tm, pb::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}; alg = Euler(), kwargs...) = flowFull(x, nothing, tm, pb; alg = alg, kwargs...) #################################################################################################### # Structures related to computing ODE/PDE Flows """ $(TYPEDEF) $(TYPEDFIELDS) # Simplified constructor(s) We provide a simple constructor where you only pass the vector field `F`, the flow `ϕ` and its differential `dϕ`: fl = Flow(F, ϕ, dϕ) # Simplified constructors for DifferentialEquations.jl There are some simple constructors for which you only have to pass a `prob::ODEProblem` or `prob::EnsembleProblem` (for parallel computation) from `DifferentialEquations.jl` and an ODE time stepper like `Tsit5()`. Hence, you can do for example fl = Flow(F, prob, Tsit5(); kwargs...) where `kwargs` is passed to `DiffEqBase::solve`. If your vector field depends on parameters `p`, you can define a `Flow` using fl = Flow(F, p, prob, Tsit5(); kwargs...) Finally, you can pass two `ODEProblem` where the second one is used to compute the variational equation: fl = Flow(F, p, prob1::ODEProblem, alg1, prob2::ODEProblem, alg2; kwargs...) """ @with_kw struct Flow{TF, Tf, Tts, Tff, Td, Tse, Tprob, TprobMono, Tfs} "The vector field `(x, p) -> F(x, p)` associated to a Cauchy problem," F::TF = nothing "The flow (or semigroup) associated to the Cauchy problem `(x, p, t) -> flow(x, p, t)`. Only the last time point must be returned." flow::Tf = nothing "Flow which returns the tuple (t, u(t)). Optional, mainly used for plotting on the user side. Please use `nothing` as default." flowTimeSol::Tts = nothing "The flow (or semigroup) associated to the Cauchy problem `(x, p, t) -> flow(x, p, t)`. The whole solution on the time interval [0,t] must be returned. It is not strictly necessary to provide this, mainly used for plotting on the user side. Please use `nothing` as default." flowFull::Tff = nothing "The differential `dflow` of the flow w.r.t. `x`, `(x, p, dx, t) -> dflow(x, p, dx, t)`. One important thing is that we require `dflow(x, dx, t)` to return a Named Tuple: `(t = t, u = flow(x, p, t), du = dflow(x, p, dx, t))`, the last component being the value of the derivative of the flow." dflow::Td = nothing "Serial version of dflow. Used internally when using parallel multiple shooting. Please use `nothing` as default." dfSerial::Tse = nothing "[Internal] store the ODEProblem associated to the flow of the Cauchy problem" prob::Tprob = nothing "[Internal] store the ODEProblem associated to the flow of the variational problem" probMono::TprobMono = nothing "[Internal] Serial version of the flow" flowSerial::Tfs = nothing end # constructors Flow(F, fl, df = nothing) = Flow(F = F, flow = fl, dflow = df, dfSerial = df) # callable struct (fl::Flow)(x, p, t; k...) = fl.flow(x, p, t; k...) (fl::Flow)(x, p, dx, t; k...) = fl.dflow(x, p, dx, t; k...) (fl::Flow)(::Val{:Full}, x, p, t; k...) = fl.flowFull(x, p, t; k...) (fl::Flow)(::Val{:TimeSol}, x, p, t; k...) = fl.flowTimeSol(x, p, t; k...) (fl::Flow)(::Val{:SerialTimeSol}, x, p, t; k...) = fl.flowSerial(x, p, t; k...) (fl::Flow)(::Val{:SerialdFlow}, x, p, dx, t; k...) = fl.dfSerial(x, p, dx, t; k...) """ Creates a Flow variable based on a `prob::ODEProblem` and ODE solver `alg`. The vector field `F` has to be passed, this will be resolved in the future as it can be recovered from `prob`. Also, the derivative of the flow is estimated with finite differences. """ # this constructor takes into accound a parameter passed to the vector field function Flow(F, p, prob::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}, alg; kwargs...) probserial = prob isa EnsembleProblem ? prob.prob : prob return Flow(F = F, flow = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flow(x, p, t, prob; alg = alg, kwargs..., kw2...), flowTimeSol = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flowTimeSol(x, p, t, prob; alg = alg, kwargs..., kw2...), flowFull = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flowFull(x, p, t, prob; alg = alg, kwargs..., kw2...), dflow = (x, p, dx, t; kw2...) -> dflow_fd(x, p, dx, t, prob; alg = alg, kwargs..., kw2...), # serial version of dflow. Used for the computation of Floquet coefficients dfSerial = (x, p, dx, t; kw2...) -> dflow_fd(x, p, dx, t, probserial; alg = alg, kwargs..., kw2...), flowSerial = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flowTimeSol(x, p, t, probserial; alg = alg, kwargs..., kw2...), prob = prob, probMono = nothing, ) end function Flow(F, p, prob1::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}, alg1, prob2::Union{ODEProblem, EnsembleProblem}, alg2; kwargs...) probserial1 = prob1 isa EnsembleProblem ? prob1.prob : prob1 probserial2 = prob2 isa EnsembleProblem ? prob2.prob : prob2 return Flow(F = F, flow = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flow(x, p, t, prob1, alg = alg1; kwargs..., kw2...), flowTimeSol = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flowTimeSol(x, p, t, prob1; alg = alg1, kwargs..., kw2...), flowFull = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flowFull(x, p, t, prob1, alg = alg1; kwargs..., kw2...), dflow = (x, p, dx, t; kw2...) -> dflow(x, p, dx, t, prob2; alg = alg2, kwargs..., kw2...), # serial version of dflow. Used for the computation of Floquet coefficients dfSerial = (x, p, dx, t; kw2...) -> dflow(x, p, dx, t, probserial2; alg = alg2, kwargs..., kw2...), flowSerial = (x, p, t; kw2...) -> flowTimeSol(x, p, t, probserial1; alg = alg1, kwargs..., kw2...), prob = prob1, probMono = prob2, ) end
[ 3500, 10631, 36, 80, 14881, 25, 28763, 11, 8494, 11, 440, 7206, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 16818, 82, 198, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 4242, 198, 2, 428, 2163, 2753, 656, 697, 633, 257, 11507, 3804, 284, 262, 15879, 2214, 198, 2, 39956, 262, 3689, 4600, 21928, 62, 9688, 796, 3991, 63, 2331, 284, 1577, 11316, 351, 3309, 8231, 198, 8818, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 62, 1676, 65, 796, 28763, 7, 40842, 26, 334, 15, 796, 2124, 11, 256, 12626, 796, 357, 22570, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 17209, 36911, 256, 76, 828, 279, 796, 279, 8, 198, 197, 2, 262, 779, 286, 10017, 62, 82, 6442, 1838, 340, 11670, 351, 1168, 35641, 1258, 198, 197, 34453, 796, 8494, 28264, 1676, 65, 11, 435, 70, 26, 3613, 62, 16833, 9662, 796, 3991, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 7783, 357, 83, 796, 1540, 13, 83, 58, 437, 4357, 334, 796, 1540, 58, 437, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 428, 2163, 318, 257, 1643, 1180, 422, 262, 2180, 530, 355, 340, 318, 31394, 3371, 10730, 14492, 286, 262, 5202, 13, 198, 8818, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 2462, 65, 3712, 4834, 15140, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 2, 13096, 262, 2163, 543, 355, 570, 82, 649, 4238, 3403, 198, 197, 2, 766, 34165, 379, 3740, 1378, 31628, 13, 1416, 320, 75, 13, 1872, 14, 7959, 14, 40890, 14, 1072, 11306, 31113, 5990, 15464, 12, 272, 12, 4834, 15140, 12, 8890, 1741, 12, 16, 198, 197, 62, 1676, 65, 62, 20786, 796, 357, 1676, 65, 11, 21065, 11, 9585, 8, 4613, 1861, 796, 28763, 7, 1676, 65, 11, 334, 15, 796, 2124, 58, 45299, 21065, 4357, 256, 12626, 796, 357, 22570, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 17209, 58, 4178, 12962, 828, 256, 76, 58, 4178, 46570, 279, 796, 279, 8, 198, 197, 62, 538, 65, 796, 900, 48310, 7, 538, 65, 11, 5072, 62, 20786, 796, 357, 34453, 11, 1312, 8, 4613, 14808, 83, 796, 1540, 13, 83, 58, 437, 4357, 334, 796, 1540, 58, 437, 46570, 3991, 828, 1861, 62, 20786, 796, 4808, 1676, 65, 62, 20786, 8, 198, 197, 34453, 796, 8494, 28264, 538, 65, 11, 435, 70, 11, 2039, 15140, 16818, 82, 9783, 20134, 1749, 796, 2546, 7, 87, 11, 362, 828, 3613, 62, 16833, 9662, 796, 3991, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 2, 1540, 13, 84, 4909, 257, 15879, 286, 12777, 2374, 357, 34453, 62, 72, 13, 83, 58, 437, 4357, 1540, 62, 72, 58, 437, 12962, 198, 197, 7783, 1540, 13, 84, 198, 437, 198, 198, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 737, 84, 198, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 4834, 15140, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 19629, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 220, 5202, 7, 87, 11, 2147, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 4242, 198, 2, 2163, 973, 284, 24061, 262, 27255, 286, 262, 5202, 11, 523, 279, 65, 2207, 4147, 262, 5553, 864, 16022, 198, 8818, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 38469, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 77, 796, 4129, 7, 87, 8, 198, 197, 62, 1676, 65, 796, 28763, 7, 40842, 26, 334, 15, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 87, 11, 44332, 828, 256, 12626, 796, 357, 22570, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 17209, 36911, 256, 76, 828, 279, 796, 279, 8, 198, 197, 2, 262, 779, 286, 10017, 62, 82, 6442, 1838, 340, 11670, 351, 1168, 35641, 1258, 198, 197, 34453, 796, 8494, 28264, 1676, 65, 11, 435, 70, 11, 3613, 62, 16833, 9662, 796, 3991, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 58, 437, 60, 198, 197, 7783, 357, 83, 796, 256, 76, 11, 334, 796, 1540, 58, 16, 25, 77, 4357, 7043, 796, 1540, 58, 77, 10, 16, 25, 437, 12962, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 976, 329, 42945, 14492, 198, 8818, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 46912, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 76, 11, 2462, 65, 3712, 4834, 15140, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 45, 796, 2546, 7, 87, 11, 16, 8, 198, 197, 62, 1676, 65, 62, 20786, 796, 357, 1676, 65, 11, 21065, 11, 9585, 8, 4613, 1861, 796, 28763, 7, 1676, 65, 11, 334, 15, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 87, 58, 45299, 21065, 4357, 44332, 58, 45299, 21065, 46570, 256, 12626, 796, 357, 22570, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 17209, 58, 4178, 12962, 828, 256, 76, 58, 4178, 46570, 279, 796, 279, 8, 198, 197, 62, 538, 65, 796, 900, 48310, 7, 538, 65, 11, 5072, 62, 20786, 796, 357, 34453, 11, 72, 8, 4613, 14808, 83, 796, 1540, 13, 83, 58, 437, 4357, 334, 796, 1540, 58, 437, 7131, 16, 25, 45, 4357, 7043, 796, 1540, 58, 437, 7131, 45, 10, 16, 25, 437, 46570, 3991, 828, 1861, 62, 20786, 796, 4808, 1676, 65, 62, 20786, 8, 198, 197, 34453, 796, 8494, 28264, 538, 65, 11, 435, 70, 11, 2039, 15140, 16818, 82, 9783, 20134, 1749, 796, 2546, 7, 87, 11, 362, 828, 3613, 62, 16833, 9662, 796, 3991, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 7783, 1540, 13, 84, 198, 437, 198, 198, 67, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 12626, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 19629, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 2147, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 12626, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 4242, 198, 2, 428, 2163, 2753, 656, 697, 633, 257, 11507, 3804, 284, 262, 15879, 2214, 198, 8818, 288, 11125, 62, 16344, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 68, 12, 24, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 34453, 16, 796, 5202, 7, 87, 764, 10, 7377, 112, 764, 9, 44332, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 34453, 17, 796, 5202, 7, 87, 220, 197, 197, 197, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 7783, 357, 83, 796, 256, 76, 11, 334, 796, 1540, 17, 11, 7043, 796, 357, 34453, 16, 764, 12, 1540, 17, 8, 24457, 7377, 112, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 288, 11125, 62, 16344, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 4834, 15140, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 68, 12, 24, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 34453, 16, 796, 5202, 7, 87, 764, 10, 7377, 112, 764, 9, 44332, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 34453, 17, 796, 5202, 7, 87, 220, 197, 197, 197, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 7783, 47527, 83, 796, 1540, 16, 58, 4178, 7131, 16, 4357, 334, 796, 1540, 17, 58, 4178, 7131, 17, 4357, 7043, 796, 357, 34453, 16, 58, 4178, 7131, 17, 60, 764, 12, 1540, 17, 58, 4178, 7131, 17, 12962, 24457, 7377, 112, 8, 329, 21065, 796, 352, 25, 7857, 7, 87, 11, 17, 8, 2361, 198, 437, 198, 67, 11125, 62, 16344, 7, 87, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 19629, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 7377, 112, 796, 352, 68, 12, 24, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 288, 11125, 62, 16344, 7, 87, 11, 2147, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 7377, 112, 796, 7377, 112, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 4242, 198, 2, 428, 3607, 1895, 284, 262, 1336, 4610, 11, 11282, 329, 7695, 1939, 283, 2634, 4395, 198, 2, 428, 2163, 2753, 656, 697, 633, 257, 11507, 3804, 284, 262, 15879, 2214, 290, 5860, 262, 1336, 4610, 422, 262, 440, 7206, 1540, 332, 13, 770, 318, 4465, 287, 7695, 1939, 533, 25360, 284, 7925, 262, 2278, 13, 198, 8818, 5202, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 62, 1676, 65, 796, 28763, 7, 40842, 26, 334, 15, 796, 2124, 11, 256, 12626, 796, 357, 22570, 7, 17209, 828, 256, 76, 828, 279, 796, 279, 8, 198, 197, 34453, 796, 8494, 28264, 1676, 65, 11, 435, 70, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 5202, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 76, 11, 2462, 65, 3712, 4834, 15140, 40781, 26, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 62, 1676, 65, 62, 20786, 796, 357, 1676, 65, 11, 21065, 11, 9585, 8, 4613, 1861, 796, 28763, 7, 1676, 65, 11, 334, 15, 796, 2124, 58, 45299, 21065, 4357, 256, 12626, 796, 357, 22570, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 17209, 58, 4178, 12962, 828, 256, 76, 58, 4178, 46570, 279, 796, 279, 8, 198, 197, 62, 538, 65, 796, 900, 48310, 7, 538, 65, 11, 1861, 62, 20786, 796, 4808, 1676, 65, 62, 20786, 8, 198, 197, 34453, 796, 8494, 28264, 538, 65, 11, 435, 70, 11, 2039, 15140, 16818, 82, 9783, 20134, 1749, 796, 2546, 7, 87, 11, 362, 828, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 11125, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 19629, 435, 70, 796, 412, 18173, 22784, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 796, 5202, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 2147, 11, 256, 76, 11, 279, 65, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 29113, 29113, 29113, 4242, 198, 2, 32112, 942, 3519, 284, 14492, 440, 7206, 14, 5760, 36, 1610, 1666, 198, 37811, 198, 3, 7, 9936, 47, 1961, 25425, 8, 198, 3, 7, 9936, 47, 1961, 11674, 3698, 5258, 8, 198, 198, 2, 45157, 1431, 23772, 7, 82, 8, 198, 1135, 2148, 257, 2829, 23772, 810, 345, 691, 1208, 262, 15879, 2214, 4600, 37, 47671, 262, 5202, 4600, 139, 243, 63, 290, 663, 22577, 4600, 67, 139, 243, 63, 25, 628, 197, 2704, 796, 27782, 7, 37, 11, 18074, 243, 11, 288, 139, 243, 8, 198, 198, 2, 45157, 1431, 5678, 669, 329, 20615, 498, 23588, 602, 13, 20362, 198, 198, 1858, 389, 617, 2829, 5678, 669, 329, 543, 345, 691, 423, 284, 1208, 257, 4600, 1676, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 63, 393, 4600, 1676, 65, 3712, 4834, 15140, 40781, 63, 357, 1640, 10730, 29964, 8, 422, 4600, 40341, 498, 23588, 602, 13, 20362, 63, 290, 281, 440, 7206, 640, 2876, 2848, 588, 4600, 33758, 270, 20, 3419, 44646, 16227, 11, 345, 460, 466, 329, 1672, 628, 197, 2704, 796, 27782, 7, 37, 11, 1861, 11, 13146, 270, 20, 9783, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 198, 3003, 4600, 46265, 22046, 63, 318, 3804, 284, 4600, 28813, 36, 80, 14881, 3712, 82, 6442, 44646, 1002, 534, 15879, 2214, 8338, 319, 10007, 4600, 79, 47671, 345, 460, 8160, 257, 4600, 37535, 63, 1262, 628, 197, 2704, 796, 27782, 7, 37, 11, 279, 11, 1861, 11, 13146, 270, 20, 9783, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 198, 11158, 11, 345, 460, 1208, 734, 4600, 16820, 40781, 63, 810, 262, 1218, 530, 318, 973, 284, 24061, 262, 5553, 864, 16022, 25, 628, 197, 2704, 796, 27782, 7, 37, 11, 279, 11, 1861, 16, 3712, 16820, 40781, 11, 435, 70, 16, 11, 1861, 17, 3712, 16820, 40781, 11, 435, 70, 17, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 31, 4480, 62, 46265, 2878, 27782, 90, 10234, 11, 309, 69, 11, 309, 912, 11, 309, 487, 11, 309, 67, 11, 309, 325, 11, 309, 1676, 65, 11, 309, 1676, 65, 9069, 78, 11, 309, 9501, 92, 198, 197, 1, 464, 15879, 2214, 4600, 7, 87, 11, 279, 8, 4613, 376, 7, 87, 11, 279, 8, 63, 3917, 284, 257, 327, 559, 29658, 1917, 553, 198, 197, 37, 3712, 10234, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 1, 464, 5202, 357, 273, 5026, 47875, 8, 3917, 284, 262, 327, 559, 29658, 1917, 4600, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 8, 4613, 5202, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 8, 44646, 5514, 262, 938, 640, 966, 1276, 307, 4504, 526, 198, 197, 11125, 3712, 51, 69, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 1, 37535, 543, 5860, 262, 46545, 357, 83, 11, 334, 7, 83, 29720, 32233, 11, 8384, 973, 329, 29353, 319, 262, 2836, 1735, 13, 4222, 779, 4600, 22366, 63, 355, 4277, 526, 198, 197, 11125, 7575, 36949, 3712, 51, 912, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 1, 464, 5202, 357, 273, 5026, 47875, 8, 3917, 284, 262, 327, 559, 29658, 1917, 4600, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 8, 4613, 5202, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 8, 44646, 383, 2187, 4610, 319, 262, 640, 16654, 685, 15, 11, 83, 60, 1276, 307, 4504, 13, 632, 318, 407, 14084, 3306, 284, 2148, 428, 11, 8384, 973, 329, 29353, 319, 262, 2836, 1735, 13, 4222, 779, 4600, 22366, 63, 355, 4277, 526, 198, 197, 11125, 13295, 3712, 51, 487, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 1, 464, 22577, 4600, 67, 11125, 63, 286, 262, 5202, 266, 13, 81, 13, 83, 13, 4600, 87, 47671, 4600, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 8, 4613, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 8, 44646, 1881, 1593, 1517, 318, 326, 356, 2421, 4600, 67, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 8, 63, 284, 1441, 257, 34441, 309, 29291, 25, 4600, 7, 83, 796, 256, 11, 334, 796, 5202, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 828, 7043, 796, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 4008, 47671, 262, 938, 7515, 852, 262, 1988, 286, 262, 27255, 286, 262, 5202, 526, 198, 197, 67, 11125, 3712, 51, 67, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 1, 32634, 2196, 286, 288, 11125, 13, 16718, 20947, 618, 1262, 10730, 3294, 4395, 13, 4222, 779, 4600, 22366, 63, 355, 4277, 526, 198, 197, 7568, 32634, 3712, 51, 325, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 17912, 37693, 60, 3650, 262, 440, 7206, 40781, 3917, 284, 262, 5202, 286, 262, 327, 559, 29658, 1917, 1, 198, 197, 1676, 65, 3712, 51, 1676, 65, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 17912, 37693, 60, 3650, 262, 440, 7206, 40781, 3917, 284, 262, 5202, 286, 262, 5553, 864, 1917, 1, 198, 197, 1676, 65, 9069, 78, 3712, 51, 1676, 65, 9069, 78, 796, 2147, 628, 197, 17912, 37693, 60, 23283, 2196, 286, 262, 5202, 1, 198, 197, 11125, 32634, 3712, 51, 9501, 796, 2147, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 5678, 669, 198, 37535, 7, 37, 11, 781, 11, 47764, 796, 2147, 8, 796, 27782, 7, 37, 796, 376, 11, 5202, 796, 781, 11, 288, 11125, 796, 47764, 11, 47764, 32634, 796, 47764, 8, 198, 198, 2, 869, 540, 2878, 198, 7, 2704, 3712, 37535, 5769, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 197, 197, 197, 220, 220, 197, 197, 197, 28, 781, 13, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 198, 7, 2704, 3712, 37535, 5769, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 220, 197, 220, 220, 197, 197, 197, 197, 197, 28, 781, 13, 67, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 198, 7, 2704, 3712, 37535, 5769, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 13295, 5512, 2124, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 220, 197, 220, 220, 197, 197, 28, 781, 13, 11125, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 198, 7, 2704, 3712, 37535, 5769, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 7575, 36949, 5512, 2124, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 220, 220, 197, 197, 28, 781, 13, 11125, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 198, 7, 2704, 3712, 37535, 5769, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 32634, 7575, 36949, 5512, 2124, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 220, 220, 220, 197, 28, 781, 13, 11125, 32634, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 198, 7, 2704, 3712, 37535, 5769, 3712, 7762, 90, 25, 32634, 67, 37535, 5512, 2124, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 220, 796, 781, 13, 7568, 32634, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 23029, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 16719, 274, 257, 27782, 7885, 1912, 319, 257, 4600, 1676, 65, 3712, 16820, 40781, 63, 290, 440, 7206, 1540, 332, 4600, 14016, 44646, 383, 15879, 2214, 4600, 37, 63, 468, 284, 307, 3804, 11, 428, 481, 307, 12939, 287, 262, 2003, 355, 340, 460, 307, 11911, 422, 4600, 1676, 65, 44646, 4418, 11, 262, 27255, 286, 262, 5202, 318, 6108, 351, 27454, 5400, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 2, 428, 23772, 2753, 656, 697, 633, 257, 11507, 3804, 284, 262, 15879, 2214, 198, 8818, 27782, 7, 37, 11, 279, 11, 1861, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 5512, 435, 70, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 1676, 1443, 48499, 796, 1861, 318, 64, 2039, 15140, 40781, 5633, 1861, 13, 1676, 65, 1058, 1861, 198, 197, 7783, 27782, 7, 37, 796, 376, 11, 198, 197, 197, 11125, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 11125, 7575, 36949, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 11125, 13295, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 67, 11125, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 288, 11125, 62, 16344, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 2, 11389, 2196, 286, 288, 11125, 13, 16718, 329, 262, 29964, 286, 29075, 21108, 44036, 198, 197, 197, 7568, 32634, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 288, 11125, 62, 16344, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 11, 386, 1443, 48499, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 11125, 32634, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 386, 1443, 48499, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 1676, 65, 796, 1861, 11, 1861, 9069, 78, 796, 2147, 11, 198, 197, 197, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 27782, 7, 37, 11, 279, 11, 1861, 16, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 5512, 435, 70, 16, 11, 1861, 17, 3712, 38176, 90, 16820, 40781, 11, 2039, 15140, 40781, 5512, 435, 70, 17, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 23029, 198, 197, 1676, 1443, 48499, 16, 796, 1861, 16, 318, 64, 2039, 15140, 40781, 5633, 1861, 16, 13, 1676, 65, 1058, 1861, 16, 198, 197, 1676, 1443, 48499, 17, 796, 1861, 17, 318, 64, 2039, 15140, 40781, 5633, 1861, 17, 13, 1676, 65, 1058, 1861, 17, 198, 197, 7783, 27782, 7, 37, 796, 376, 11, 198, 197, 197, 11125, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 16, 11, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 16, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 11125, 7575, 36949, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 16, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 16, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 11125, 13295, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 13295, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 16, 11, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 16, 26, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 67, 11125, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 11, 1861, 17, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 17, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 2, 11389, 2196, 286, 288, 11125, 13, 16718, 329, 262, 29964, 286, 29075, 21108, 44036, 198, 197, 197, 7568, 32634, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 288, 11125, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 44332, 11, 256, 11, 386, 1443, 48499, 17, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 17, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 11125, 32634, 796, 357, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 26, 479, 86, 17, 23029, 4613, 5202, 7575, 36949, 7, 87, 11, 279, 11, 256, 11, 386, 1443, 48499, 16, 26, 435, 70, 796, 435, 70, 16, 11, 479, 86, 22046, 986, 11, 479, 86, 17, 986, 828, 628, 197, 197, 1676, 65, 796, 1861, 16, 11, 1861, 9069, 78, 796, 1861, 17, 11, 198, 197, 197, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
# This shows how to plot a 3D seismic tomography model # The paper that describes it is: # # Zhao, L., Paul, A., Malusà, M.G., Xu, X., Zheng, T., Solarino, S., Guillot, S., Schwartz, S., Dumont, T., Salimbeni, S., Aubert, C., Pondrelli, S., Wang, Q., Zhu, R., 2016. Continuity of the Alpine slab unraveled by high-resolution P wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121, 8720–8737. doi:10.1002/2016JB013310 # # You will need to download the file `Zhao_etal_JGR_2016_Pwave_Alps_3D_k60.txt` from: # # # And make sure that you are in the same directory as the data file using DelimitedFiles, GeophysicalModelGenerator # Load data: data=readdlm("Zhao_etal_JGR_2016_Pwave_Alps_3D_k60.txt",' ',Float64,'\n', skipstart=0,header=false) lon = data[:,1]; lat = data[:,2]; depth = data[:,3]; dVp_perc = data[:,4]; # Create 3D regular grid: resolution = (length(unique(lon)), length(unique(lat)), length(unique(depth))) Lon = reshape(lon, resolution); Lat = reshape(lat, resolution); Depth = reshape(depth, resolution); dVp_perc_3D = reshape(dVp_perc, resolution); # save paraview file Data_set = GeoData(Lon,Lat,Depth,(dVp_Percentage=dVp_perc_3D,)) Write_Paraview(Data_set, "Zhao_etal_2016_dVp_percentage") # extract cross-sections Data_cross = CrossSection(Data_set, Depth_level=-100km) Write_Paraview(Data_cross, "Zhao_CrossSection_100km") Data_cross = CrossSection(Data_set, Lon_level=10) Write_Paraview(Data_cross, "Zhao_CrossSection_Lon10") Data_cross = CrossSection(Data_set, Lon_level=10, Interpolate=true) Write_Paraview(Data_cross, "Zhao_CrossSection_Lon10_interpolated"); Data_cross = CrossSection(Data_set, Start=(1.0,39), End=(18,50)) Write_Paraview(Data_cross, "Zhao_CrossSection_diagonal") # Extract a 3D subset of the data Data_subset = ExtractSubvolume(Data_set,Lon_level=(5,12), Lat_level=(40,45)) Write_Paraview(Data_subset, "Zhao_Subset") Data_subset_interp = ExtractSubvolume(Data_set,Lon_level=(5,12), Lat_level=(40,45), Interpolate=true) Write_Paraview(Data_subset, "Zhao_Subset_interp")
[ 2, 770, 2523, 703, 284, 7110, 257, 513, 35, 37463, 16667, 4867, 2746, 220, 198, 2, 383, 3348, 326, 8477, 340, 318, 25, 198, 2, 198, 2, 29436, 11, 406, 1539, 3362, 11, 317, 1539, 4434, 385, 24247, 11, 337, 13, 38, 1539, 33591, 11, 1395, 1539, 44583, 11, 309, 1539, 12347, 2879, 11, 311, 1539, 1962, 359, 313, 11, 311, 1539, 28672, 11, 311, 1539, 30933, 756, 11, 309, 1539, 4849, 320, 11722, 72, 11, 311, 1539, 40666, 4835, 11, 327, 1539, 41598, 11252, 72, 11, 311, 1539, 15233, 11, 1195, 1539, 33144, 11, 371, 1539, 1584, 13, 6389, 14834, 286, 262, 46994, 38677, 30282, 276, 416, 1029, 12, 29268, 350, 6769, 16667, 4867, 13, 4913, 286, 2269, 41789, 4992, 25, 15831, 3668, 20416, 11, 10083, 1238, 1906, 5774, 2718, 13, 23899, 25, 940, 13, 3064, 17, 14, 5304, 47858, 486, 2091, 940, 198, 2, 198, 2, 921, 481, 761, 284, 4321, 262, 2393, 4600, 57, 23778, 62, 316, 282, 62, 41, 10761, 62, 5304, 62, 47, 19204, 62, 2348, 862, 62, 18, 35, 62, 74, 1899, 13, 14116, 63, 422, 25, 198, 2, 220, 220, 3740, 1378, 325, 1878, 576, 13, 81, 34431, 13, 3262, 14, 67, 14, 64, 1120, 3459, 16, 69, 2231, 7252, 2682, 10210, 1765, 18, 66, 15, 14, 198, 2, 198, 2, 843, 787, 1654, 326, 345, 389, 287, 262, 976, 8619, 355, 262, 1366, 2393, 198, 198, 3500, 4216, 320, 863, 25876, 11, 2269, 41789, 17633, 8645, 1352, 198, 198, 2, 8778, 1366, 25, 198, 7890, 28, 961, 25404, 76, 7203, 57, 23778, 62, 316, 282, 62, 41, 10761, 62, 5304, 62, 47, 19204, 62, 2348, 862, 62, 18, 35, 62, 74, 1899, 13, 14116, 1600, 6, 46083, 43879, 2414, 4032, 59, 77, 3256, 14267, 9688, 28, 15, 11, 25677, 28, 9562, 8, 198, 14995, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 16, 11208, 198, 15460, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 17, 11208, 198, 18053, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 18, 11208, 198, 67, 53, 79, 62, 525, 66, 220, 220, 796, 1366, 58, 45299, 19, 11208, 198, 198, 2, 13610, 513, 35, 3218, 10706, 25, 198, 29268, 796, 220, 357, 13664, 7, 34642, 7, 14995, 36911, 4129, 7, 34642, 7, 15460, 36911, 4129, 7, 34642, 7, 18053, 22305, 198, 43, 261, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 14995, 11, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6323, 1776, 198, 24220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 15460, 11, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6323, 1776, 198, 48791, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 18053, 11, 220, 220, 220, 6323, 1776, 198, 67, 53, 79, 62, 525, 66, 62, 18, 35, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 67, 53, 79, 62, 525, 66, 11, 6323, 1776, 198, 198, 2, 3613, 1582, 615, 769, 2393, 198, 6601, 62, 2617, 220, 220, 220, 796, 220, 220, 32960, 6601, 7, 43, 261, 11, 24220, 11, 48791, 11, 7, 67, 53, 79, 62, 31905, 496, 28, 67, 53, 79, 62, 525, 66, 62, 18, 35, 11, 4008, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 316, 282, 62, 5304, 62, 67, 53, 79, 62, 25067, 496, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 7925, 3272, 12, 23946, 220, 198, 6601, 62, 19692, 220, 796, 220, 220, 6372, 16375, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 36350, 62, 5715, 10779, 3064, 13276, 8, 220, 220, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 19692, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 21544, 16375, 62, 3064, 13276, 4943, 198, 198, 6601, 62, 19692, 220, 796, 220, 220, 6372, 16375, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 39295, 62, 5715, 28, 940, 8, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 19692, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 21544, 16375, 62, 43, 261, 940, 4943, 198, 198, 6601, 62, 19692, 220, 796, 220, 220, 6372, 16375, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 39295, 62, 5715, 28, 940, 11, 4225, 16104, 378, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 19692, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 21544, 16375, 62, 43, 261, 940, 62, 3849, 16104, 515, 15341, 198, 198, 6601, 62, 19692, 220, 796, 220, 220, 6372, 16375, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 7253, 16193, 16, 13, 15, 11, 2670, 828, 5268, 16193, 1507, 11, 1120, 4008, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 19692, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 21544, 16375, 62, 10989, 27923, 4943, 198, 198, 2, 29677, 257, 513, 35, 24637, 286, 262, 1366, 198, 6601, 62, 7266, 2617, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 220, 220, 29677, 7004, 29048, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 43, 261, 62, 5715, 16193, 20, 11, 1065, 828, 5476, 62, 5715, 16193, 1821, 11, 2231, 4008, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 7266, 2617, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 7004, 2617, 4943, 198, 198, 6601, 62, 7266, 2617, 62, 3849, 79, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 220, 220, 29677, 7004, 29048, 7, 6601, 62, 2617, 11, 43, 261, 62, 5715, 16193, 20, 11, 1065, 828, 5476, 62, 5715, 16193, 1821, 11, 2231, 828, 4225, 16104, 378, 28, 7942, 8, 198, 16594, 62, 10044, 615, 769, 7, 6601, 62, 7266, 2617, 11, 366, 57, 23778, 62, 7004, 2617, 62, 3849, 79, 4943, 198 ]
module SSLTestTiling using SimpleSDMLayers using Test # hcat / vcat l1 = SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 1; left=0.0, right=10.0, bottom=0.0, top=10.0) l2 = SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 1; left=0.0, right=10.0, bottom=10.0, top=20.0) l3 = SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 1; left=10.0, right=20.0, bottom=0.0, top=10.0) l4 = SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 1; left=10.0, right=20.0, bottom=10.0, top=20.0) l5 = SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 1; left=0.0, right=20.0, bottom=0.0, top=20.0) ml1 = hcat(l1, l3) vl1 = vcat(l1, l2) ml2 = hcat(l2, l4) vl2 = vcat(l3, l4) vml = vcat(ml1, ml2) mvl = hcat(vl1, vl2) @test all(vml.grid == mvl.grid) for l in (vml, mvl) @test all(l.grid == l5.grid) @test size(l) == size(l5) @test stride(l) == stride(l5) @test longitudes(l) == longitudes(l5) @test latitudes(l) == latitudes(l5) @test l.left == l5.left @test l.right == l5.right @test l.bottom == l5.bottom @test == end end
[ 21412, 25952, 14402, 51, 4386, 198, 3500, 17427, 10305, 5805, 6962, 198, 3500, 6208, 198, 198, 2, 289, 9246, 1220, 410, 9246, 198, 75, 16, 796, 17427, 10305, 7378, 17407, 273, 7, 10603, 34, 2475, 11, 16024, 34, 2475, 11, 352, 26, 1364, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 826, 28, 940, 13, 15, 11, 4220, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 1353, 28, 940, 13, 15, 8, 198, 75, 17, 796, 17427, 10305, 7378, 17407, 273, 7, 10603, 34, 2475, 11, 16024, 34, 2475, 11, 352, 26, 1364, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 826, 28, 940, 13, 15, 11, 4220, 28, 940, 13, 15, 11, 1353, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 8, 198, 75, 18, 796, 17427, 10305, 7378, 17407, 273, 7, 10603, 34, 2475, 11, 16024, 34, 2475, 11, 352, 26, 1364, 28, 940, 13, 15, 11, 826, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 4220, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 1353, 28, 940, 13, 15, 8, 198, 75, 19, 796, 17427, 10305, 7378, 17407, 273, 7, 10603, 34, 2475, 11, 16024, 34, 2475, 11, 352, 26, 1364, 28, 940, 13, 15, 11, 826, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 4220, 28, 940, 13, 15, 11, 1353, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 8, 198, 75, 20, 796, 17427, 10305, 7378, 17407, 273, 7, 10603, 34, 2475, 11, 16024, 34, 2475, 11, 352, 26, 1364, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 826, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 4220, 28, 15, 13, 15, 11, 1353, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 8, 198, 198, 4029, 16, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 75, 16, 11, 300, 18, 8, 198, 19279, 16, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 75, 16, 11, 300, 17, 8, 198, 4029, 17, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 75, 17, 11, 300, 19, 8, 198, 19279, 17, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 75, 18, 11, 300, 19, 8, 198, 198, 85, 4029, 796, 410, 9246, 7, 4029, 16, 11, 25962, 17, 8, 198, 76, 19279, 796, 289, 9246, 7, 19279, 16, 11, 410, 75, 17, 8, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 477, 7, 85, 4029, 13, 25928, 6624, 285, 19279, 13, 25928, 8, 198, 198, 1640, 300, 287, 357, 85, 4029, 11, 285, 19279, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 477, 7, 75, 13, 25928, 6624, 300, 20, 13, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 2546, 7, 75, 8, 6624, 2546, 7, 75, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 33769, 7, 75, 8, 6624, 33769, 7, 75, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 890, 10455, 7, 75, 8, 6624, 890, 10455, 7, 75, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 3042, 10455, 7, 75, 8, 6624, 3042, 10455, 7, 75, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 300, 13, 9464, 6624, 300, 20, 13, 9464, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 300, 13, 3506, 6624, 300, 20, 13, 3506, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 300, 13, 22487, 6624, 300, 20, 13, 22487, 198, 220, 220, 2488, 9288, 300, 13, 4852, 6624, 300, 20, 13, 4852, 198, 437, 198, 198, 437 ]
"String for unit multiplier in option line" const unitstrings = Dict{ Float64, String }( 1e0 => "Hz", 1e3 => "kHz", 1e6 => "MHz", 1e9 => "GHz" ) "Default unit value to use in option line." const default_unit_value = 1e9 "Strings for parameter format symbols in option line." const parameterstrings = Dict{ Symbol, String }( :ScatteringParameters => "S", :AdmittanceParameters => "Y", :ImpedanceParameters => "Z", :HybridHParameters => "H", :HybridGParameters => "G", ) "Defaoult parameter format symbo to use in option line." const default_parameter_symbol = :ScatteringParameters "String for data format symbols in option line." const formatstrings = Dict{ Symbol, String }( :DecibelAngle => "dB", :MagnitudeAngle => "MA", :RealImaginary => "RI" ) "Default data format symbol to use in option line." const default_format_symbol = :MagnitudeAngle "Default characteristic iimpedance to use in option line." const default_resistance_string = "50" """ write_comment_line( comment ) Returns a comment line string for a comment. """ write_comment_line( comment ) = "!" * comment """ write_frequency_unit_option( [ value ] ) Returns an option line string for a valid frequency unit multiplier. """ write_frequency_unit_option( value = default_unit_value ) = unitstrings[ value ] """ write_parameter_option( [ symbol ] ) Returns an option line string for a valid parameter option symbol. """ write_parameter_option( symbol = default_parameter_symbol ) = parameterstrings[ symbol ] """ write_format_option( [ symbol ] ) Returns an option line string for a valid data format symbol. """ write_format_option( symbol = default_format_symbol ) = formatstrings[ symbol ] """ write_resistance_option( [ resistance ] ) Returns an option line string for the characteristic impedance. """ write_resistance_option( resistance = 50 ) = string( resistance ) """ write_option_line( [ options ] ) Returns the option line string for an option structure. """ function write_option_line( options::Options = Options() ) "# " * write_frequency_unit_option( options.unit ) * " " * write_parameter_option( options.parameter ) * " " * write_format_option( options.format ) * " " * "R " * write_resistance_option( options.resistance ) end """ compstring( z ) Returns a pair with the real and imaginary components of a complex number. """ compstring( z ) = string( real( z ) ) * " " * string( imag( z ) ) """ comp2ma( z ) Returns a pair with the linear magnitude and angle in degrees of a complex number. """ comp2ma( z ) = ( abs( z ), rad2deg( angle( z ) ) ) """ comp2da( z ) Returns a pair with the magnitude in dB and angle in degrees of a complex number. """ function comp2da( z ) m, a = comp2ma( z ) 20log10( m ), a end """ pairstring( pair ) Returns a string combining the components of a pair. """ pairstring( pair ) = string( pair[ 1 ] ) * " " * string( pair[ 2 ] ) """ mastring( z ) Returns a string in magnitude / angle format of a complex number. """ mastring( z ) = pairstring( comp2ma( z ) ) """ dastring( z ) Returns a string in dB / angle format of a complex number. """ dastring( z ) = pairstring( comp2da( z ) ) "Holds conversion functions for parameter format symbols when writing." const WriteConversions = Dict{ Symbol, Function }( :RealImaginary => compstring, :MagnitudeAngle => mastring, :DecibelAngle => dastring ) """ write_data( data, N [ options ] ) Returns a string for N-port Touchstone formated lines for a data point. """ function write_data( data::DataPoint, N::Integer, options::Options = Options() ) freqstring = string( data.frequency / options.unit ) if N == 2 paras = reshape( data.parameter, 1, 4 ) lines = 1 else paras = data.parameter lines = N end if options.parameter == :ImpedanceParameters paras = map( x -> x / options.resistance, paras ) end if options.parameter == :AdmittanceParameters paras = map( x -> x * options.resistance, paras ) end if N == 2 if options.parameter == :HybridGParameters paras[ 1 ] *= options.resistance paras[ 4 ] /= options.resistance end if options.parameter == :HybridHParameters paras[ 1 ] /= options.resistance paras[ 4 ] *= options.resistance end end strings = map( snn -> WriteConversions[ options.format ]( snn ), paras ) datastrings = ones( String, lines ) for row in 1:lines # V 1.0 not more than 4 pairs ( + freq ) in a line if N > 4 for col in 1:N if col > 0 && col % 4 == 0 strings[ row, col ] *= "\n" end end end datastrings[ row ] = replace( join( strings[ row, : ], " " ), "\n " => "\n" ) end datastrings[ 1 ] = freqstring * " " * datastrings[ 1 ] datastring = join( datastrings, "\n" ) if datastring[ end ] == "\n" return datastring else return datastring * "\n" end end function writeNoiseData( nd::NoiseDataPoint, options::Options = Options(), version = 1 ) freqstring = string( nd.frequency / options.unit ) noisefigstring = 20log10( nd.minNoiseFigure ) reflcoeffstring = mastring( nd.reflCoeff ) effnoiseresstring = version == 1 ? string( nd.effNoiseRes / options.resistance ) : string( nd.effNoiseRes ) res = "$freqstring $noisefigstring $reflcoeffstring $effnoiseresstring\n" return res end """ write_touchstone_stream( stream, ts ) Writes formated Touchstone data for a TouchstoneData structure to a stream. """ function write_touchstone_stream( stream::IO, ts::TouchstoneData ) for comment in ts.comments write( stream, write_comment_line( comment ) ) write( stream, "\n" ) end write( stream, write_option_line( ts.options ) ) write( stream, "\n" ) # # ports = -1 # if size(, 1 ) > 0 # ports = size([ 1 ].parameter, 1 ) # end # for datapoint in write( stream, write_data( datapoint, ports( ts ), ts.options ) ) end for ndp in ts.noiseData write( stream, writeNoiseData( ndp, ts.options ) ) end end """ write_touchstone_string( ts ) Returns a string with formated Touchstone data for a TouchstoneData structure. """ function write_touchstone_string( ts::TouchstoneData ) buffer = IOBuffer() write_touchstone_stream( buffer, ts ) String( take!( copy( buffer ) ) ) end """ write_touchstone_file( filename, ts ) Writes formated Touchstone data for a TouchstoneData structure to a file. """ function write_touchstone_file( filename::String, ts::TouchstoneData ) open( filename, "w" ) do io write_touchstone_stream( io, ts ) end end
[ 1, 10100, 329, 4326, 33090, 287, 3038, 1627, 1, 198, 9979, 4326, 37336, 796, 360, 713, 90, 48436, 2414, 11, 10903, 1782, 7, 198, 220, 352, 68, 15, 5218, 366, 7399, 1600, 198, 220, 352, 68, 18, 5218, 366, 44191, 1600, 198, 220, 352, 68, 21, 5218, 366, 25983, 1600, 198, 220, 352, 68, 24, 5218, 366, 23741, 1, 198, 8, 198, 1, 19463, 4326, 1988, 284, 779, 287, 3038, 1627, 526, 198, 9979, 4277, 62, 20850, 62, 8367, 796, 352, 68, 24, 198, 198, 1, 13290, 654, 329, 11507, 5794, 14354, 287, 3038, 1627, 526, 198, 9979, 11507, 37336, 796, 360, 713, 90, 38357, 11, 10903, 1782, 7, 198, 220, 1058, 3351, 16475, 48944, 220, 220, 5218, 366, 50, 1600, 198, 220, 1058, 2782, 20124, 590, 48944, 220, 220, 5218, 366, 56, 1600, 198, 220, 1058, 26950, 276, 590, 48944, 220, 220, 220, 5218, 366, 57, 1600, 198, 220, 1058, 21217, 10236, 39, 48944, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5218, 366, 39, 1600, 198, 220, 1058, 21217, 10236, 38, 48944, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5218, 366, 38, 1600, 198, 8, 198, 1, 7469, 64, 25955, 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5166, 351, 262, 1103, 290, 26726, 6805, 286, 257, 3716, 1271, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 8841, 7, 1976, 1267, 796, 4731, 7, 1103, 7, 1976, 1267, 1267, 1635, 366, 366, 1635, 4731, 7, 3590, 7, 1976, 1267, 1267, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 552, 17, 2611, 7, 1976, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 5166, 351, 262, 14174, 14735, 290, 9848, 287, 7370, 286, 257, 3716, 1271, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 17, 2611, 7, 1976, 1267, 796, 357, 2352, 7, 1976, 10612, 2511, 17, 13500, 7, 9848, 7, 1976, 1267, 1267, 1267, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 552, 17, 6814, 7, 1976, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 5166, 351, 262, 14735, 287, 30221, 290, 9848, 287, 7370, 286, 257, 3716, 1271, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 552, 17, 6814, 7, 1976, 1267, 198, 220, 285, 11, 257, 796, 552, 17, 2611, 7, 1976, 1267, 198, 220, 1160, 6404, 940, 7, 285, 10612, 257, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 14187, 667, 1806, 7, 5166, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 4731, 19771, 262, 6805, 286, 257, 5166, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8957, 667, 1806, 7, 5166, 1267, 796, 4731, 7, 5166, 58, 352, 2361, 1267, 1635, 366, 366, 1635, 4731, 7, 5166, 58, 362, 2361, 1267, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17288, 1806, 7, 1976, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 4731, 287, 14735, 1220, 9848, 5794, 286, 257, 3716, 1271, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 47616, 1806, 7, 1976, 1267, 796, 14187, 667, 1806, 7, 552, 17, 2611, 7, 1976, 1267, 1267, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 459, 1806, 7, 1976, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 4731, 287, 30221, 1220, 9848, 5794, 286, 257, 3716, 1271, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 67, 459, 1806, 7, 1976, 1267, 796, 14187, 667, 1806, 7, 552, 17, 6814, 7, 1976, 1267, 1267, 198, 198, 1, 39, 10119, 11315, 5499, 329, 11507, 5794, 14354, 618, 3597, 526, 198, 9979, 19430, 3103, 47178, 796, 360, 713, 90, 38357, 11, 15553, 1782, 7, 198, 220, 1058, 15633, 3546, 363, 3219, 220, 5218, 552, 8841, 11, 198, 220, 1058, 48017, 3984, 13450, 293, 5218, 17288, 1806, 11, 198, 220, 1058, 10707, 43837, 13450, 293, 220, 220, 5218, 288, 459, 1806, 198, 8, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 62, 7890, 7, 1366, 11, 399, 685, 3689, 2361, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 4731, 329, 399, 12, 634, 15957, 6440, 1296, 515, 3951, 329, 257, 1366, 966, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3551, 62, 7890, 7, 1366, 3712, 6601, 12727, 11, 399, 3712, 46541, 11, 3689, 3712, 29046, 796, 18634, 3419, 1267, 198, 220, 2030, 80, 8841, 796, 4731, 7, 1366, 13, 35324, 1220, 3689, 13, 20850, 1267, 198, 220, 611, 399, 6624, 362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 1366, 13, 17143, 2357, 11, 352, 11, 604, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3951, 796, 352, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 796, 1366, 13, 17143, 2357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3951, 796, 399, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 611, 3689, 13, 17143, 2357, 6624, 1058, 26950, 276, 590, 48944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 796, 3975, 7, 2124, 4613, 2124, 1220, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 11, 17850, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 611, 3689, 13, 17143, 2357, 6624, 1058, 2782, 20124, 590, 48944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 796, 3975, 7, 2124, 4613, 2124, 1635, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 11, 17850, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 611, 399, 6624, 362, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 3689, 13, 17143, 2357, 6624, 1058, 21217, 10236, 38, 48944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 58, 352, 2361, 1635, 28, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 58, 604, 2361, 1220, 28, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 3689, 13, 17143, 2357, 6624, 1058, 21217, 10236, 39, 48944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 58, 352, 2361, 1220, 28, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17850, 58, 604, 2361, 1635, 28, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 13042, 796, 3975, 7, 3013, 77, 4613, 19430, 3103, 47178, 58, 3689, 13, 18982, 2361, 7, 3013, 77, 10612, 17850, 1267, 198, 220, 4818, 459, 33173, 796, 3392, 7, 10903, 11, 3951, 1267, 198, 220, 329, 5752, 287, 352, 25, 6615, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 569, 352, 13, 15, 407, 517, 621, 604, 14729, 357, 1343, 2030, 80, 1267, 287, 257, 1627, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 399, 1875, 604, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 951, 287, 352, 25, 45, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 951, 1875, 657, 11405, 951, 4064, 604, 6624, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 13042, 58, 5752, 11, 951, 2361, 1635, 28, 37082, 77, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4818, 459, 33173, 58, 5752, 2361, 796, 6330, 7, 4654, 7, 13042, 58, 5752, 11, 1058, 16589, 366, 366, 10612, 37082, 77, 366, 5218, 37082, 77, 1, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 4818, 459, 33173, 58, 352, 2361, 796, 2030, 80, 8841, 1635, 366, 366, 1635, 4818, 459, 33173, 58, 352, 2361, 198, 220, 4818, 459, 1806, 796, 4654, 7, 4818, 459, 33173, 11, 37082, 77, 1, 1267, 198, 220, 611, 4818, 459, 1806, 58, 886, 2361, 6624, 37082, 77, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4818, 459, 1806, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4818, 459, 1806, 1635, 37082, 77, 1, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 3551, 2949, 786, 6601, 7, 299, 67, 3712, 2949, 786, 6601, 12727, 11, 3689, 3712, 29046, 796, 18634, 22784, 2196, 796, 352, 1267, 198, 220, 2030, 80, 8841, 796, 4731, 7, 299, 67, 13, 35324, 1220, 3689, 13, 20850, 1267, 198, 220, 7838, 5647, 8841, 796, 1160, 6404, 940, 7, 299, 67, 13, 1084, 2949, 786, 11337, 1267, 198, 220, 1006, 75, 1073, 14822, 8841, 796, 17288, 1806, 7, 299, 67, 13, 260, 2704, 34, 2577, 487, 1267, 198, 220, 914, 3919, 786, 411, 8841, 796, 2196, 6624, 352, 5633, 4731, 7, 299, 67, 13, 14822, 2949, 786, 4965, 1220, 3689, 13, 411, 9311, 1267, 1058, 4731, 7, 299, 67, 13, 14822, 2949, 786, 4965, 1267, 198, 220, 581, 796, 17971, 19503, 80, 8841, 720, 3919, 786, 5647, 8841, 720, 260, 2704, 1073, 14822, 8841, 720, 14822, 3919, 786, 411, 8841, 59, 77, 1, 198, 220, 1441, 581, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 5532, 7, 4269, 11, 40379, 1267, 198, 198, 20257, 274, 1296, 515, 15957, 6440, 1366, 329, 257, 15957, 6440, 6601, 4645, 284, 257, 4269, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 5532, 7, 4269, 3712, 9399, 11, 40379, 3712, 35211, 6440, 6601, 1267, 198, 220, 329, 2912, 287, 40379, 13, 15944, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 7, 4269, 11, 3551, 62, 23893, 62, 1370, 7, 2912, 1267, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 7, 4269, 11, 37082, 77, 1, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 3551, 7, 4269, 11, 3551, 62, 18076, 62, 1370, 7, 40379, 13, 25811, 1267, 1267, 198, 220, 3551, 7, 4269, 11, 37082, 77, 1, 1267, 198, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 1303, 14090, 796, 532, 16, 198, 220, 1303, 611, 2546, 7, 40379, 13, 7890, 11, 352, 1267, 1875, 657, 198, 220, 1303, 220, 220, 14090, 796, 2546, 7, 40379, 13, 7890, 58, 352, 20740, 17143, 2357, 11, 352, 1267, 198, 220, 1303, 886, 198, 220, 1303, 198, 220, 329, 4818, 499, 1563, 287, 40379, 13, 7890, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 7, 4269, 11, 3551, 62, 7890, 7, 4818, 499, 1563, 11, 14090, 7, 40379, 10612, 40379, 13, 25811, 1267, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 329, 299, 26059, 287, 40379, 13, 3919, 786, 6601, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 7, 4269, 11, 3551, 2949, 786, 6601, 7, 299, 26059, 11, 40379, 13, 25811, 1267, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 8841, 7, 40379, 1267, 198, 198, 35561, 257, 4731, 351, 1296, 515, 15957, 6440, 1366, 329, 257, 15957, 6440, 6601, 4645, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 8841, 7, 40379, 3712, 35211, 6440, 6601, 1267, 198, 220, 11876, 796, 314, 9864, 13712, 3419, 198, 220, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 5532, 7, 11876, 11, 40379, 1267, 198, 220, 10903, 7, 1011, 0, 7, 4866, 7, 11876, 1267, 1267, 1267, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 7753, 7, 29472, 11, 40379, 1267, 198, 198, 20257, 274, 1296, 515, 15957, 6440, 1366, 329, 257, 15957, 6440, 6601, 4645, 284, 257, 2393, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 7753, 7, 29472, 3712, 10100, 11, 40379, 3712, 35211, 6440, 6601, 1267, 198, 220, 1280, 7, 29472, 11, 366, 86, 1, 1267, 466, 33245, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 62, 29332, 6440, 62, 5532, 7, 33245, 11, 40379, 1267, 198, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198 ]
using Decimals using Compat.Test @testset "Decimal constructor" begin @test isa(d, Array{Decimal,1}) end
[ 3500, 4280, 320, 874, 198, 3500, 3082, 265, 13, 14402, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 2617, 366, 10707, 4402, 23772, 1, 2221, 198, 198, 31, 9288, 318, 64, 7, 67, 11, 15690, 90, 10707, 4402, 11, 16, 30072, 198, 198, 437, 198 ]
""" gcmarray{T, N} gcmarray data structure. Available constructors: ``` gcmarray{T,N}(grid::gcmgrid,f::Array{Array{T,2},N}, fSize::Array{NTuple{N, Int}},fIndex::Array{Int,1}) gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,f::Array{Array{T,2},N}) where {T,N} gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,f::Array{Array{T,N},1}) where {T,N} gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,fSize::Array{NTuple{N, Int}},fIndex::Array{Int,1}) gcmarray(<same as above>,n3::Int) gcmarray(<same as above>,n3::Int,n4::Int) gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid) gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T}) gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T},n3::Int) gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T},n3::Int,n4::Int) ``` """ struct gcmarray{T, N} <: AbstractMeshArray{T, N} grid::gcmgrid f::Array{Array{T,2},N} fSize::Array{NTuple{2, Int}} fIndex::Array{Int,1} end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,f::Array{Array{T,2},N}) where {T, N} gcmarray{T,N}(grid,f,grid.fSize,collect(1:grid.nFaces)) end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,f::Array{Array{T,N},1}) where {T, N} nFaces=grid.nFaces if N>2 n3=size(f[1],3); n4=size(f[1],4); g=Array{Array{T,2},3}(undef,nFaces,n3,n4) for I in eachindex(view(g,1:nFaces,1:n3,1:n4)) g[I]=view(f[I[1]],:,:,I[2],I[3]) end n4==1 ? g=dropdims(g,dims=3) : nothing gcmarray{T,ndims(g)}(grid,g,grid.fSize,collect(1:nFaces)) else gcmarray{T,1}(grid,f,grid.fSize,collect(1:nFaces)) end end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T}, fSize::Union{Array{NTuple{2, Int},1},NTuple{2, Int}}, fIndex::Union{Array{Int,1},Int}) where {T} nFaces=length(fIndex) f=Array{Array{T,2},1}(undef,nFaces) isa(fSize,NTuple) ? fSize=[fSize] : nothing isa(fIndex,Int) ? fIndex=[fIndex] : nothing for a=1:nFaces f[a]=Array{T}(undef,fSize[a]) end gcmarray{T,1}(grid,f,fSize,fIndex) end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T}, fSize::Union{Array{NTuple{2, Int},1},NTuple{2, Int}}, fIndex::Union{Array{Int,1},Int},n3::Int) where {T} nFaces=length(fIndex) f=Array{Array{T,2},2}(undef,nFaces,n3) isa(fSize,NTuple) ? fSize=[fSize] : nothing isa(fIndex,Int) ? fIndex=[fIndex] : nothing for a=1:nFaces; for i3=1:n3; f[a,i3]=Array{T}(undef,fSize[a]...) end; end; gcmarray{T,2}(grid,f,fSize,fIndex) end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T}, fSize::Union{Array{NTuple{2, Int},1},NTuple{2, Int}}, fIndex::Union{Array{Int,1},Int},n3::Int,n4::Int) where {T} nFaces=length(fIndex) f=Array{Array{T,2},3}(undef,nFaces,n3,n4) isa(fSize,NTuple) ? fSize=[fSize] : nothing isa(fIndex,Int) ? fIndex=[fIndex] : nothing for a=1:nFaces; for i4=1:n4; for i3=1:n3; f[a,i3,i4]=Array{T}(undef,fSize[a]...) end; end; end; gcmarray{T,3}(grid,f,fSize,fIndex) end # + function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid) nFaces=grid.nFaces fSize=grid.fSize fIndex=collect(1:grid.nFaces) T=grid.ioPrec gcmarray(grid,T,fSize,fIndex) end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T}) where {T} nFaces=grid.nFaces fSize=grid.fSize fIndex=collect(1:grid.nFaces) gcmarray(grid,T,fSize,fIndex) end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T},n3::Int) where {T} nFaces=grid.nFaces fSize=grid.fSize fIndex=collect(1:grid.nFaces) gcmarray(grid,T,fSize,fIndex,n3) end function gcmarray(grid::gcmgrid,::Type{T},n3::Int,n4::Int) where {T} nFaces=grid.nFaces fSize=grid.fSize fIndex=collect(1:grid.nFaces) gcmarray(grid,T,fSize,fIndex,n3,n4) end # - # # Interface Methods # + Base.size(A::gcmarray) = size(A.f) Base.size(A::gcmarray, dim::Integer) = size(A)[dim] # + function Base.getindex(A::gcmarray{T, N}, I::Vararg{Union{Int,Array{Int},AbstractUnitRange,Colon}, N}) where {T,N} J=1:length(A.fIndex) !isa(I[1],Colon) ? J=J[I[1]] : nothing nFaces=length(J) tmpf=A.f[I...] if isa(tmpf,Array{eltype(A),2}) tmp=tmpf else n3=Int(length(tmpf)/nFaces) K=(A.grid,eltype(A),A.fSize[J],A.fIndex[J]) n3>1 ? tmp=gcmarray(K...,n3) : tmp=gcmarray(K...) for I in eachindex(tmpf); tmp.f[I] = view(tmpf[I],:,:); end end return tmp end """ getindexetc(A::gcmarray, I::Vararg{_}) where {T,N} Same as getindex but also returns the face size and index """ function getindexetc(A::gcmarray{T, N}, I::Vararg{Union{Int,Array{Int},AbstractUnitRange,Colon}, N}) where {T,N} f=A[I...] fSize=A.fSize[I[1]] fIndex=A.fIndex[I[1]] return f,fSize,fIndex end # - function Base.setindex!(A::gcmarray{T, N}, v, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {T,N} return (A.f[I...] = v) end function Base.view(A::gcmarray{T, N}, I::Vararg{Union{Int,AbstractUnitRange,Colon}, N}) where {T,N} J=1:length(A.fIndex) !isa(I[1],Colon) ? J=J[I[1]] : nothing nFaces=length(J) tmpf=view(A.f,I...) n3=Int(length(tmpf)/nFaces) #length(tmpf)>nFaces ? n3=Int(length(tmpf)/nFaces) : n3=1 K=(A.grid,eltype(A),A.fSize[J],A.fIndex[J]) n3>1 ? tmp=gcmarray(K...,n3) : tmp=gcmarray(K...) for I in eachindex(tmpf); tmp.f[I] = view(tmpf[I],:,:); end return tmp end # ### Custom pretty-printing, similar, and broadcast function, z::gcmarray{T, N}) where {T,N} printstyled(io, " gcmarray \n",color=:normal) printstyled(io, " grid type = ",color=:normal) printstyled(io, "$(z.grid.class)\n",color=:blue) printstyled(io, " data type = ",color=:normal) printstyled(io, "$(eltype(z))\n",color=:blue) printstyled(io, " tile array = ",color=:normal) printstyled(io, "$(size(z))\n",color=:blue) printstyled(io, " tile sizes = ",color=:normal) printstyled(io, "$(size(z[1]))\n",color=:blue) for iFace=2:length(z.fIndex) printstyled(io, " ",color=:normal) printstyled(io, "$(size(z[iFace]))\n",color=:blue) end return end function Base.similar(A::gcmarray) if ndims(A)==1 B=gcmarray(A.grid,eltype(A),A.fSize,A.fIndex) else B=gcmarray(A.grid,eltype(A),A.fSize,A.fIndex,size(A,2)) end return B end # ### Customize broadcasting Base.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:gcmarray}) = Broadcast.ArrayStyle{gcmarray}() function Base.similar(bc::Broadcast.Broadcasted{Broadcast.ArrayStyle{gcmarray}}, ::Type{ElType}) where ElType # Scan the inputs for the gcmarray: A = find_gcmarray(bc) # Create the gcmarray output: if ndims(A)==1 B=gcmarray(A.grid,ElType,A.fSize,A.fIndex) else B=gcmarray(A.grid,ElType,A.fSize,A.fIndex,size(A,2)) end return B end find_gcmarray(bc::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted) = find_gcmarray(bc.args) find_gcmarray(args::Tuple) = find_gcmarray(find_gcmarray(args[1]), Base.tail(args)) find_gcmarray(x) = x find_gcmarray(a::gcmarray, rest) = a find_gcmarray(::Any, rest) = find_gcmarray(rest) #### import Base: copyto! # Specialize this method if all you want to do is specialize on typeof(dest) @inline function copyto!(dest::MeshArrays.gcmarray, bc::Broadcast.Broadcasted{Nothing}) axes(dest) == axes(bc) || throwdm(axes(dest), axes(bc)) # Performance optimization: broadcast!(identity, dest, A) is equivalent to copyto!(dest, A) if indices match if bc.f === identity && bc.args isa Tuple{AbstractArray} # only a single input argument to broadcast! A = bc.args[1] if axes(dest) == axes(A) return copyto!(dest, A) end end bc′ = Broadcast.preprocess(dest, bc) @simd for I in eachindex(bc′) #@inbounds dest[I] = bc′[I] @inbounds dest[I] = gcmarray_getindex_evalf(bc′,I) end return dest end function gcmarray_getindex_evalf(bc,I) @boundscheck checkbounds(bc, I) args = Broadcast._getindex(bc.args, I) return bc.f.(args...) end ### """ nFacesEtc(a::gcmarray) Return nFaces, n3 (1 in 2D case; >1 otherwise) """ function nFacesEtc(a::gcmarray) nFaces=length(a.fIndex) ndims(a.f)>1 ? n3=size(a.f,2) : n3=1 ndims(a.f)>2 ? n4=size(a.f,3) : n4=1 return nFaces, n3, n4 end
[ 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 92, 198, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 1366, 4645, 13, 14898, 5678, 669, 25, 198, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 45, 92, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 69, 3712, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 45, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 10699, 3712, 19182, 90, 11251, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 2558, 92, 5512, 69, 15732, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 11, 16, 30072, 198, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 69, 3712, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 45, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 69, 3712, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 5512, 16, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 69, 10699, 3712, 19182, 90, 11251, 29291, 90, 45, 11, 2558, 92, 5512, 69, 15732, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 11, 16, 30072, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 27, 31642, 355, 2029, 22330, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 27, 31642, 355, 2029, 22330, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 11, 77, 19, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 8, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 30072, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 11, 77, 19, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 92, 1279, 25, 27741, 37031, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 399, 92, 198, 220, 220, 10706, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 198, 220, 220, 277, 3712, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 45, 92, 198, 220, 220, 277, 10699, 3712, 19182, 90, 11251, 29291, 90, 17, 11, 2558, 11709, 198, 220, 220, 277, 15732, 3712, 19182, 90, 5317, 11, 16, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 69, 3712, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 45, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 399, 92, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 45, 92, 7, 25928, 11, 69, 11, 25928, 13, 69, 10699, 11, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 69, 3712, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 45, 5512, 16, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 399, 92, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 198, 220, 611, 399, 29, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 18, 28, 7857, 7, 69, 58, 16, 4357, 18, 1776, 299, 19, 28, 7857, 7, 69, 58, 16, 4357, 19, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 28, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 18, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 77, 37, 2114, 11, 77, 18, 11, 77, 19, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 314, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 1177, 7, 70, 11, 16, 25, 77, 37, 2114, 11, 16, 25, 77, 18, 11, 16, 25, 77, 19, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 308, 58, 40, 22241, 1177, 7, 69, 58, 40, 58, 16, 60, 4357, 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198, 220, 277, 28, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 16, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 198, 220, 318, 64, 7, 69, 10699, 11, 11251, 29291, 8, 5633, 277, 10699, 41888, 69, 10699, 60, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 318, 64, 7, 69, 15732, 11, 5317, 8, 5633, 277, 15732, 41888, 69, 15732, 60, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 329, 257, 28, 16, 25, 77, 37, 2114, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 58, 64, 22241, 19182, 90, 51, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 69, 10699, 58, 64, 12962, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 16, 92, 7, 25928, 11, 69, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 10699, 3712, 38176, 90, 19182, 90, 11251, 29291, 90, 17, 11, 2558, 5512, 16, 5512, 11251, 29291, 90, 17, 11, 2558, 92, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 15732, 3712, 38176, 90, 19182, 90, 5317, 11, 16, 5512, 5317, 5512, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 13664, 7, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 277, 28, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 17, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 77, 37, 2114, 11, 77, 18, 8, 198, 220, 318, 64, 7, 69, 10699, 11, 11251, 29291, 8, 5633, 277, 10699, 41888, 69, 10699, 60, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 318, 64, 7, 69, 15732, 11, 5317, 8, 5633, 277, 15732, 41888, 69, 15732, 60, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 329, 257, 28, 16, 25, 77, 37, 2114, 26, 329, 1312, 18, 28, 16, 25, 77, 18, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 58, 64, 11, 72, 18, 22241, 19182, 90, 51, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 69, 10699, 58, 64, 60, 23029, 198, 220, 886, 26, 886, 26, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 17, 92, 7, 25928, 11, 69, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 10699, 3712, 38176, 90, 19182, 90, 11251, 29291, 90, 17, 11, 2558, 5512, 16, 5512, 11251, 29291, 90, 17, 11, 2558, 92, 5512, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 15732, 3712, 38176, 90, 19182, 90, 5317, 11, 16, 5512, 5317, 5512, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 11, 77, 19, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 13664, 7, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 277, 28, 19182, 90, 19182, 90, 51, 11, 17, 5512, 18, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 77, 37, 2114, 11, 77, 18, 11, 77, 19, 8, 198, 220, 318, 64, 7, 69, 10699, 11, 11251, 29291, 8, 5633, 277, 10699, 41888, 69, 10699, 60, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 318, 64, 7, 69, 15732, 11, 5317, 8, 5633, 277, 15732, 41888, 69, 15732, 60, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 329, 257, 28, 16, 25, 77, 37, 2114, 26, 329, 1312, 19, 28, 16, 25, 77, 19, 26, 329, 1312, 18, 28, 16, 25, 77, 18, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 58, 64, 11, 72, 18, 11, 72, 19, 22241, 19182, 90, 51, 92, 7, 917, 891, 11, 69, 10699, 58, 64, 60, 23029, 198, 220, 886, 26, 886, 26, 886, 26, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 18, 92, 7, 25928, 11, 69, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 1343, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 8, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 198, 220, 277, 10699, 28, 25928, 13, 69, 10699, 198, 220, 277, 15732, 28, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 198, 220, 309, 28, 25928, 13, 952, 6719, 66, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 11, 51, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 198, 220, 277, 10699, 28, 25928, 13, 69, 10699, 198, 220, 277, 15732, 28, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 11, 51, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 198, 220, 277, 10699, 28, 25928, 13, 69, 10699, 198, 220, 277, 15732, 28, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 11, 51, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 11, 77, 18, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 3712, 70, 11215, 25928, 11, 3712, 6030, 90, 51, 5512, 77, 18, 3712, 5317, 11, 77, 19, 3712, 5317, 8, 810, 1391, 51, 92, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 198, 220, 277, 10699, 28, 25928, 13, 69, 10699, 198, 220, 277, 15732, 28, 33327, 7, 16, 25, 25928, 13, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 198, 220, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 7, 25928, 11, 51, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 11, 77, 18, 11, 77, 19, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 532, 198, 198, 2, 1303, 26491, 25458, 198, 198, 2, 1343, 198, 14881, 13, 7857, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 32, 13, 69, 8, 198, 14881, 13, 7857, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 11, 5391, 3712, 46541, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 32, 38381, 27740, 60, 198, 198, 2, 1343, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1136, 9630, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 5512, 314, 3712, 19852, 853, 90, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 23839, 26453, 17257, 11, 5216, 261, 5512, 399, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 220, 449, 28, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 5145, 9160, 7, 40, 58, 16, 4357, 5216, 261, 8, 5633, 449, 28, 41, 58, 40, 58, 16, 11907, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 13664, 7, 41, 8, 628, 220, 45218, 69, 28, 32, 13, 69, 58, 40, 22345, 198, 220, 611, 318, 64, 7, 22065, 69, 11, 19182, 90, 417, 4906, 7, 32, 828, 17, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 45218, 28, 22065, 69, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 18, 28, 5317, 7, 13664, 7, 22065, 69, 20679, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 16193, 32, 13, 25928, 11, 417, 4906, 7, 32, 828, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 58, 41, 4357, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 58, 41, 12962, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 18, 29, 16, 5633, 45218, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 42, 986, 11, 77, 18, 8, 1058, 45218, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 42, 23029, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 314, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 22065, 69, 1776, 45218, 13, 69, 58, 40, 60, 796, 1570, 7, 22065, 69, 58, 40, 4357, 45299, 25, 1776, 886, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1441, 45218, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 9630, 14784, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 11, 314, 3712, 19852, 853, 90, 62, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 198, 30556, 355, 651, 9630, 475, 635, 5860, 262, 1986, 2546, 290, 6376, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 9630, 14784, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 5512, 314, 3712, 19852, 853, 90, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 19182, 90, 5317, 5512, 23839, 26453, 17257, 11, 5216, 261, 5512, 399, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 28, 32, 58, 40, 22345, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 10699, 28, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 58, 40, 58, 16, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 15732, 28, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 58, 40, 58, 16, 11907, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 277, 11, 69, 10699, 11, 69, 15732, 198, 437, 198, 2, 532, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 2617, 9630, 0, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 5512, 410, 11, 314, 3712, 19852, 853, 90, 5317, 11, 399, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 220, 1441, 357, 32, 13, 69, 58, 40, 22345, 796, 410, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 1177, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 5512, 314, 3712, 19852, 853, 90, 38176, 90, 5317, 11, 23839, 26453, 17257, 11, 5216, 261, 5512, 399, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 220, 449, 28, 16, 25, 13664, 7, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 5145, 9160, 7, 40, 58, 16, 4357, 5216, 261, 8, 5633, 449, 28, 41, 58, 40, 58, 16, 11907, 1058, 2147, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 13664, 7, 41, 8, 628, 220, 45218, 69, 28, 1177, 7, 32, 13, 69, 11, 40, 23029, 198, 220, 299, 18, 28, 5317, 7, 13664, 7, 22065, 69, 20679, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 1303, 13664, 7, 22065, 69, 8, 29, 77, 37, 2114, 5633, 299, 18, 28, 5317, 7, 13664, 7, 22065, 69, 20679, 77, 37, 2114, 8, 1058, 299, 18, 28, 16, 628, 220, 509, 16193, 32, 13, 25928, 11, 417, 4906, 7, 32, 828, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 58, 41, 4357, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 58, 41, 12962, 198, 220, 299, 18, 29, 16, 5633, 45218, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 42, 986, 11, 77, 18, 8, 1058, 45218, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 42, 23029, 198, 220, 329, 314, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 22065, 69, 1776, 45218, 13, 69, 58, 40, 60, 796, 1570, 7, 22065, 69, 58, 40, 4357, 45299, 25, 1776, 886, 628, 220, 1441, 45218, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 8562, 2495, 12, 4798, 278, 11, 2092, 11, 290, 7025, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 12860, 7, 952, 3712, 9399, 11, 1976, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 90, 51, 11, 399, 30072, 810, 1391, 51, 11, 45, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 366, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 3467, 77, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 11265, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 10706, 2099, 220, 220, 796, 33172, 8043, 28, 25, 11265, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 17971, 7, 89, 13, 25928, 13, 4871, 19415, 77, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 1366, 2099, 220, 220, 796, 33172, 8043, 28, 25, 11265, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 17971, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 89, 4008, 59, 77, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 17763, 7177, 220, 796, 33172, 8043, 28, 25, 11265, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 17971, 7, 7857, 7, 89, 4008, 59, 77, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 17763, 10620, 220, 796, 33172, 8043, 28, 25, 11265, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 17971, 7, 7857, 7, 89, 58, 16, 60, 4008, 59, 77, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1312, 32388, 28, 17, 25, 13664, 7, 89, 13, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 366, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33172, 8043, 28, 25, 11265, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3601, 34365, 992, 7, 952, 11, 17971, 7, 7857, 7, 89, 58, 72, 32388, 60, 4008, 59, 77, 1600, 8043, 28, 25, 17585, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 38610, 7, 32, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 32, 8, 855, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 32, 13, 25928, 11, 417, 4906, 7, 32, 828, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 11, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 32, 13, 25928, 11, 417, 4906, 7, 32, 828, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 11, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 11, 7857, 7, 32, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 347, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 44386, 8562, 1096, 22978, 198, 198, 14881, 13, 30507, 2701, 21466, 7, 3712, 6030, 90, 27, 25, 36484, 3876, 2433, 30072, 796, 44244, 13, 19182, 21466, 90, 36484, 3876, 2433, 92, 3419, 198, 198, 8818, 7308, 13, 38610, 7, 15630, 3712, 30507, 2701, 13, 30507, 2701, 276, 90, 30507, 2701, 13, 19182, 21466, 90, 36484, 3876, 2433, 92, 5512, 7904, 6030, 90, 9527, 6030, 30072, 810, 2574, 6030, 198, 220, 1303, 20937, 262, 17311, 329, 262, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 25, 198, 220, 317, 796, 1064, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 15630, 8, 198, 220, 1303, 13610, 262, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 5072, 25, 198, 220, 611, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 32, 8, 855, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 32, 13, 25928, 11, 9527, 6030, 11, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 11, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 28, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 32, 13, 25928, 11, 9527, 6030, 11, 32, 13, 69, 10699, 11, 32, 13, 69, 15732, 11, 7857, 7, 32, 11, 17, 4008, 198, 220, 886, 198, 220, 1441, 347, 198, 437, 198, 198, 19796, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 15630, 3712, 14881, 13, 30507, 2701, 13, 30507, 2701, 276, 8, 796, 1064, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 15630, 13, 22046, 8, 198, 19796, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 22046, 3712, 51, 29291, 8, 796, 1064, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 19796, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 22046, 58, 16, 46570, 7308, 13, 13199, 7, 22046, 4008, 198, 19796, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 87, 8, 796, 2124, 198, 19796, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 64, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 11, 1334, 8, 796, 257, 198, 19796, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 3712, 7149, 11, 1334, 8, 796, 1064, 62, 36484, 3876, 2433, 7, 2118, 8, 198, 198, 4242, 198, 198, 11748, 7308, 25, 4866, 1462, 0, 198, 198, 2, 6093, 1096, 428, 2446, 611, 477, 345, 765, 284, 466, 318, 39868, 319, 2099, 1659, 7, 16520, 8, 198, 31, 45145, 2163, 4866, 1462, 0, 7, 16520, 3712, 37031, 3163, 20477, 13, 36484, 3876, 2433, 11, 47125, 3712, 30507, 2701, 13, 30507, 2701, 276, 90, 18465, 30072, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34197, 7, 16520, 8, 6624, 34197, 7, 15630, 8, 8614, 3714, 36020, 7, 897, 274, 7, 16520, 828, 34197, 7, 15630, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 15193, 23989, 25, 7025, 0, 7, 738, 414, 11, 2244, 11, 317, 8, 318, 7548, 284, 4866, 1462, 0, 7, 16520, 11, 317, 8, 611, 36525, 2872, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 47125, 13, 69, 24844, 5369, 11405, 47125, 13, 22046, 318, 64, 309, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 92, 1303, 691, 257, 2060, 5128, 4578, 284, 7025, 0, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 317, 796, 47125, 13, 22046, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 34197, 7, 16520, 8, 6624, 34197, 7, 32, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4866, 1462, 0, 7, 16520, 11, 317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 47125, 17478, 796, 44244, 13, 3866, 14681, 7, 16520, 11, 47125, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 14323, 67, 329, 314, 287, 1123, 9630, 7, 15630, 17478, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 31, 259, 65, 3733, 2244, 58, 40, 60, 796, 47125, 17478, 58, 40, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 259, 65, 3733, 2244, 58, 40, 60, 796, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 62, 1136, 9630, 62, 1990, 1604, 7, 15630, 17478, 11, 40, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2244, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 308, 66, 3876, 2433, 62, 1136, 9630, 62, 1990, 1604, 7, 15630, 11, 40, 8, 198, 220, 2488, 7784, 15952, 694, 2198, 65, 3733, 7, 15630, 11, 314, 8, 198, 220, 26498, 796, 44244, 13557, 1136, 9630, 7, 15630, 13, 22046, 11, 314, 8, 198, 220, 1441, 47125, 13, 69, 12195, 22046, 23029, 198, 437, 198, 198, 21017, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 36, 23047, 7, 64, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 8, 198, 198, 13615, 299, 37, 2114, 11, 299, 18, 357, 16, 287, 362, 35, 1339, 26, 1875, 16, 4306, 8, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 299, 37, 2114, 36, 23047, 7, 64, 3712, 36484, 3876, 2433, 8, 198, 220, 299, 37, 2114, 28, 13664, 7, 64, 13, 69, 15732, 8, 198, 220, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 64, 13, 69, 8, 29, 16, 5633, 299, 18, 28, 7857, 7, 64, 13, 69, 11, 17, 8, 1058, 299, 18, 28, 16, 198, 220, 299, 67, 12078, 7, 64, 13, 69, 8, 29, 17, 5633, 299, 19, 28, 7857, 7, 64, 13, 69, 11, 18, 8, 1058, 299, 19, 28, 16, 198, 220, 1441, 299, 37, 2114, 11, 299, 18, 11, 299, 19, 198, 437, 198 ]
module Variance using ValidatedNumerics; using Distributions; using Dierckx; abstract BaseEstimator function estimate(values, method::BaseEstimator) error("Unsupported method $method") end immutable byConfidenceProbability <: BaseEstimator confidence_probability :: Real end function estimate(values, method :: byConfidenceProbability) average = mean(values) count = length(values) gamma_down, gamma_up = getGammas(method.confidence_probability) quantile_down = getChiSquareQuantile(gamma_down, count) quantile_up = getChiSquareQuantile(gamma_up, count) reduced = mapreduce((x) -> (x - average)^2, +, values) @interval(reduced/quantile_down, reduced/quantile_up) end immutable byMeanAbsoluteDeviation <: BaseEstimator confidence_probability :: Real end function estimate(values, method :: byMeanAbsoluteDeviation) average = mean(values) count = length(values) quantile_down, quantile_up = getMeanAbsDeviationQuantiles(method.confidence_probability, count) mean_abs_deviation = mapreduce((x) -> abs(x - average), +, values)/count @interval(mean_abs_deviation/quantile_down, mean_abs_deviation/quantile_up)^2 end immutable byPointVariance <: BaseEstimator confidence_probability :: Real variance :: Real end function estimate(values, method::byPointVariance) count = length(values) gamma_down, gamma_up = getGammas(method.confidence_probability) quantile_down = getChiSquareQuantile(gamma_down, count) quantile_up = getChiSquareQuantile(gamma_up, count) fixed_variance = method.variance * (1 + 0.254 / (count - 1))^2 term = (count - 1) * fixed_variance @interval(term / quantile_down, term / quantile_up) end function getGammas(confidence_probability) (1 + confidence_probability) * 0.5, (1 - confidence_probability) * 0.5 end function getChiSquareQuantile(value, count) d = Chisq(count - 1) quantile(d, value) end function getMeanAbsDeviationQuantiles(confidence_probability, count) if confidence_probability == 0.90 const knots = [ 2 1.386 0.044; 3 1.276 0.166; 4 1.224 0.254; 5 1.187 0.305; 6 1.158 0.360; 7 1.135 0.394; 8 1.116 0.422; 9 1.100 0.445; 10 1.086 0.464; ] elseif confidence_probability == 0.95 const knots = [ 2 1.585 0.022; 3 1.417 0.116; 4 1.344 0.199; 5 1.292 0.260; 6 1.253 0.306; 7 1.222 0.342; 8 1.196 0.372; 9 1.175 0.396; 10 1.156 0.417; ] elseif confidence_probability == 0.99 const knots = [ 2 1.985 0.004; 3 1.703 0.073; 4 1.590 0.145; 5 1.507 0.203; 6 1.445 0.250; 7 1.397 0.287; 8 1.358 0.318; 9 1.326 0.344; 10 1.299 0.366; ] else error("Value=$confidence_probability is not allowed") end x_knots = knots[:, 1] if count > last(x_knots) error("Error $count too high") end y_down_knots = knots[:, 2] down_itp = Spline1D(x_knots, y_down_knots, k=1, bc="extrapolate") y_up_knots = knots[:, 3] up_itp = Spline1D(x_knots, y_up_knots, k=1, bc="extrapolate") evaluate(down_itp, count), evaluate(up_itp, count) end end
[ 21412, 15965, 590, 198, 3500, 3254, 41475, 45, 6975, 873, 26, 198, 3500, 46567, 507, 26, 198, 3500, 360, 959, 694, 87, 26, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 7308, 22362, 320, 1352, 198, 198, 8818, 8636, 7, 27160, 11, 2446, 3712, 14881, 22362, 320, 1352, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 3118, 15999, 2446, 720, 24396, 4943, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8608, 18187, 416, 18546, 1704, 2964, 65, 1799, 1279, 25, 7308, 22362, 320, 1352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6628, 62, 1676, 65, 1799, 7904, 6416, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 8636, 7, 27160, 11, 2446, 7904, 416, 18546, 1704, 2964, 65, 1799, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2811, 796, 1612, 7, 27160, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 954, 796, 4129, 7, 27160, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 34236, 62, 2902, 11, 34236, 62, 929, 796, 651, 34777, 5356, 7, 24396, 13, 39745, 62, 1676, 65, 1799, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5554, 576, 62, 2902, 796, 651, 1925, 72, 48011, 24915, 576, 7, 28483, 2611, 62, 2902, 11, 954, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5554, 576, 62, 929, 796, 651, 1925, 72, 48011, 24915, 576, 7, 28483, 2611, 62, 929, 11, 954, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5322, 796, 3975, 445, 7234, 19510, 87, 8, 4613, 357, 87, 532, 2811, 8, 61, 17, 11, 1343, 11, 3815, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 3849, 2100, 7, 445, 19513, 14, 40972, 576, 62, 2902, 11, 5322, 14, 40972, 576, 62, 929, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8608, 18187, 416, 5308, 272, 24849, 3552, 13603, 3920, 1279, 25, 7308, 22362, 320, 1352, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6628, 62, 1676, 65, 1799, 7904, 6416, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 8636, 7, 27160, 11, 2446, 7904, 416, 5308, 272, 24849, 3552, 13603, 3920, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2811, 796, 1612, 7, 27160, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 954, 796, 4129, 7, 27160, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5554, 576, 62, 2902, 11, 5554, 576, 62, 929, 796, 651, 5308, 272, 24849, 13603, 3920, 24915, 2915, 7, 24396, 13, 39745, 62, 1676, 65, 1799, 11, 954, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1612, 62, 8937, 62, 7959, 3920, 796, 3975, 445, 7234, 19510, 87, 8, 4613, 2352, 7, 87, 532, 2811, 828, 1343, 11, 3815, 20679, 9127, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 3849, 2100, 7, 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