def _lookup_style(element, names): ''' Lookup style by either element name or the list of classes ''' return _STYLES.get('_'+element, '') + \ ''.join([_STYLES.get(name, '') for name in names])
def _generate_html_table(data, out, level=0, extra_style=''): ''' Generate a single table of data ''' print('<table style="{0}">'.format( _lookup_style('table', ['table' + six.text_type(level)])), file=out) firstone = True row_style = 'row' + six.text_type(level) cell_style = 'cell' + six.text_type(level) for subdata in data: first_style = 'first_first' if firstone else 'notfirst_first' second_style = 'first' if firstone else 'other' if isinstance(subdata, dict): if '__style__' in subdata: new_extra_style = subdata['__style__'] del subdata['__style__'] else: new_extra_style = extra_style if len(subdata) == 1: name, value = next(six.iteritems(subdata)) print('<tr style="{0}">'.format( _lookup_style('tr', [row_style]) ), file=out) print('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>'.format( _lookup_style( 'td', [cell_style, first_style, 'name', new_extra_style] ), name ), file=out) if isinstance(value, list): print('<td style="{0}">'.format( _lookup_style( 'td', [ cell_style, second_style, 'container', new_extra_style ] ) ), file=out) _generate_html_table( value, out, level + 1, new_extra_style ) print('</td>', file=out) else: print('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>'.format( _lookup_style( 'td', [ cell_style, second_style, 'value', new_extra_style ] ), cgi.escape(six.text_type(value)) ), file=out) print('</tr>', file=out) elif isinstance(subdata, list): print('<tr style="{0}">'.format( _lookup_style('tr', [row_style]) ), file=out) print('<td style="{0}">'.format( _lookup_style( 'td', [cell_style, first_style, 'container', extra_style] ) ), file=out) _generate_html_table(subdata, out, level + 1, extra_style) print('</td>', file=out) print('</tr>', file=out) else: print('<tr style="{0}">'.format( _lookup_style('tr', [row_style]) ), file=out) print('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>'.format( _lookup_style( 'td', [cell_style, first_style, 'value', extra_style] ), cgi.escape(six.text_type(subdata)) ), file=out) print('</tr>', file=out) firstone = False print('</table>', file=out)
def _generate_html(data, out): ''' Generate report data as HTML ''' print('<html>', file=out) print('<body>', file=out) _generate_html_table(data, out, 0) print('</body>', file=out) print('</html>', file=out)
def _dict_to_name_value(data): ''' Convert a dictionary to a list of dictionaries to facilitate ordering ''' if isinstance(data, dict): sorted_data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda s: s[0]) result = [] for name, value in sorted_data: if isinstance(value, dict): result.append({name: _dict_to_name_value(value)}) else: result.append({name: value}) else: result = data return result
def _generate_states_report(sorted_data): ''' Generate states report ''' states = [] for state, data in sorted_data: module, stateid, name, function = state.split('_|-') module_function = '.'.join((module, function)) result = data.get('result', '') single = [ {'function': module_function}, {'name': name}, {'result': result}, {'duration': data.get('duration', 0.0)}, {'comment': data.get('comment', '')} ] if not result: style = 'failed' else: changes = data.get('changes', {}) if changes and isinstance(changes, dict): single.append({'changes': _dict_to_name_value(changes)}) style = 'changed' else: style = 'unchanged' started = data.get('start_time', '') if started: single.append({'started': started}) states.append({stateid: single, '__style__': style}) return states
def _generate_report(ret, setup): ''' Generate report dictionary ''' retdata = ret.get('return', {}) sorted_data = sorted( retdata.items(), key=lambda s: s[1].get('__run_num__', 0) ) total = 0 failed = 0 changed = 0 duration = 0.0 # gather stats for _, data in sorted_data: if not data.get('result', True): failed += 1 total += 1 try: duration += float(data.get('duration', 0.0)) except ValueError: pass if data.get('changes', {}): changed += 1 unchanged = total - failed - changed log.debug('highstate total: %s', total) log.debug('highstate failed: %s', failed) log.debug('highstate unchanged: %s', unchanged) log.debug('highstate changed: %s', changed) # generate report if required if setup.get('report_everything', False) or \ (setup.get('report_changes', True) and changed != 0) or \ (setup.get('report_failures', True) and failed != 0): report = [ {'stats': [ {'total': total}, {'failed': failed, '__style__': 'failed'}, {'unchanged': unchanged, '__style__': 'unchanged'}, {'changed': changed, '__style__': 'changed'}, {'duration': duration} ]}, {'job': [ {'function': ret.get('fun', '')}, {'arguments': ret.get('fun_args', '')}, {'jid': ret.get('jid', '')}, {'success': ret.get('success', True)}, {'retcode': ret.get('retcode', 0)} ]}, {'states': _generate_states_report(sorted_data)} ] if failed: function = setup.get('failure_function', None) else: function = setup.get('success_function', None) if function: func_result = __salt__[function]() report.insert( 0, {'extra': [{function: _dict_to_name_value(func_result)}]} ) else: report = [] return report, failed
def _produce_output(report, failed, setup): ''' Produce output from the report dictionary generated by _generate_report ''' report_format = setup.get('report_format', 'yaml') log.debug('highstate output format: %s', report_format) if report_format == 'json': report_text = salt.utils.json.dumps(report) elif report_format == 'yaml': string_file = StringIO() salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump(report, string_file, default_flow_style=False) string_file.seek(0) report_text = string_file.read() else: string_file = StringIO() _generate_html(report, string_file) string_file.seek(0) report_text = string_file.read() report_delivery = setup.get('report_delivery', 'file') log.debug('highstate report_delivery: %s', report_delivery) if report_delivery == 'file': output_file = _sprinkle(setup.get('file_output', '/tmp/test.rpt')) with salt.utils.files.fopen(output_file, 'w') as out: out.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(report_text)) else: msg = MIMEText(report_text, report_format) sender = setup.get('smtp_sender', '') recipients = setup.get('smtp_recipients', '') host = setup.get('smtp_server', '') port = int(setup.get('smtp_port', 25)) tls = setup.get('smtp_tls') username = setup.get('smtp_username') password = setup.get('smtp_password') if failed: subject = setup.get('smtp_failure_subject', 'Installation failure') else: subject = setup.get('smtp_success_subject', 'Installation success') subject = _sprinkle(subject) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = sender msg['To'] = recipients log.debug('highstate smtp port: %d', port) smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=host, port=port) if tls is True: smtp.starttls() log.debug('highstate smtp tls enabled') if username and password: smtp.login(username, password) log.debug('highstate smtp authenticated') smtp.sendmail( sender, [x.strip() for x in recipients.split(',')], msg.as_string()) log.debug('highstate message sent.') smtp.quit()
def returner(ret): ''' Check highstate return information and possibly fire off an email or save a file. ''' setup = _get_options(ret) log.debug('highstate setup %s', setup) report, failed = _generate_report(ret, setup) if report: _produce_output(report, failed, setup)
def out_format(data, out='nested', opts=None, **kwargs): ''' Return the formatted outputter string for the Python object. data The JSON serializable object. out: ``nested`` The name of the output to use to transform the data. Default: ``nested``. opts Dictionary of configuration options. Default: ``__opts__``. kwargs Arguments to sent to the outputter module. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' out.out_format "{'key': 'value'}" ''' if not opts: opts = __opts__ return salt.output.out_format(data, out, opts=opts, **kwargs)
def string_format(data, out='nested', opts=None, **kwargs): ''' Return the outputter formatted string, removing the ANSI escape sequences. data The JSON serializable object. out: ``nested`` The name of the output to use to transform the data. Default: ``nested``. opts Dictionary of configuration options. Default: ``__opts__``. kwargs Arguments to sent to the outputter module. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' out.string_format "{'key': 'value'}" out=table ''' if not opts: opts = __opts__ return salt.output.string_format(data, out, opts=opts, **kwargs)
def html_format(data, out='nested', opts=None, **kwargs): ''' Return the formatted string as HTML. data The JSON serializable object. out: ``nested`` The name of the output to use to transform the data. Default: ``nested``. opts Dictionary of configuration options. Default: ``__opts__``. kwargs Arguments to sent to the outputter module. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' out.html_format "{'key': 'value'}" out=yaml ''' if not opts: opts = __opts__ return salt.output.html_format(data, out, opts=opts, **kwargs)
def installed(name, config='buildout.cfg', quiet=False, parts=None, user=None, env=(), buildout_ver=None, test_release=False, distribute=None, new_st=None, offline=False, newest=False, python=sys.executable, debug=False, verbose=False, unless=None, onlyif=None, use_vt=False, loglevel='debug', **kwargs): ''' Install buildout in a specific directory It is a thin wrapper to modules.buildout.buildout name directory to execute in quiet do not output console & logs config buildout config to use (default: buildout.cfg) parts specific buildout parts to run user user used to run buildout as .. versionadded:: 2014.1.4 env environment variables to set when running buildout_ver force a specific buildout version (1 | 2) test_release buildout accept test release new_st Forcing use of setuptools >= 0.7 distribute use distribute over setuptools if possible offline does buildout run offline python python to use debug run buildout with -D debug flag onlyif Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0 unless Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0 newest run buildout in newest mode verbose run buildout in verbose mode (-vvvvv) use_vt Use the new salt VT to stream output [experimental] loglevel loglevel for buildout commands ''' ret = {} if 'group' in kwargs: log.warning("Passing 'group' is deprecated, just remove it") output_loglevel = kwargs.get('output_loglevel', None) if output_loglevel and not loglevel: log.warning("Passing 'output_loglevel' is deprecated," ' please use loglevel instead') try: test_release = int(test_release) except ValueError: test_release = None func = __salt('buildout.buildout') kwargs = dict( directory=name, config=config, parts=parts, runas=user, env=env, buildout_ver=buildout_ver, test_release=test_release, distribute=distribute, new_st=new_st, offline=offline, newest=newest, python=python, debug=debug, verbose=verbose, onlyif=onlyif, unless=unless, use_vt=use_vt, loglevel=loglevel ) ret.update(_ret_status(func(**kwargs), name, quiet=quiet)) return ret
def version(*names, **kwargs): ''' Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ... ''' if len(names) == 1: vers = __proxy__['dummy.package_status'](names[0]) return vers[names[0]] else: results = {} for n in names: vers = __proxy__['dummy.package_status'](n) results.update(vers) return results
def set_user_perm(obj, perm, sid): ''' Set an object permission for the given user sid ''' info = ( win32security.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION ) sd = win32security.GetUserObjectSecurity(obj, info) dacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() ace_cnt = dacl.GetAceCount() found = False for idx in range(0, ace_cnt): (aceType, aceFlags), ace_mask, ace_sid = dacl.GetAce(idx) ace_exists = ( aceType == ntsecuritycon.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE and ace_mask == perm and ace_sid == sid ) if ace_exists: # If the ace already exists, do nothing break else: dacl.AddAccessAllowedAce(dacl.GetAclRevision(), perm, sid) sd.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, dacl, 0) win32security.SetUserObjectSecurity(obj, info, sd)
def grant_winsta_and_desktop(th): ''' Grant the token's user access to the current process's window station and desktop. ''' current_sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th, win32security.TokenUser)[0] # Add permissions for the sid to the current windows station and thread id. # This prevents windows error 0xC0000142. winsta = win32process.GetProcessWindowStation() set_user_perm(winsta, WINSTA_ALL, current_sid) desktop = win32service.GetThreadDesktop(win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()) set_user_perm(desktop, DESKTOP_ALL, current_sid)
def enumerate_tokens(sid=None, session_id=None, privs=None): ''' Enumerate tokens from any existing processes that can be accessed. Optionally filter by sid. ''' for p in psutil.process_iter(): if p.pid == 0: continue try: ph = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, p.pid) except win32api.error as exc: if exc.winerror == 5: log.debug("Unable to OpenProcess pid=%d name=%s", p.pid, p.name()) continue raise exc try: access = ( win32security.TOKEN_DUPLICATE | win32security.TOKEN_QUERY | win32security.TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | win32security.TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY ) th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ph, access) except Exception as exc: log.debug("OpenProcessToken failed pid=%d name=%s user%s", p.pid, p.name(), p.username()) continue try: process_sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th, win32security.TokenUser)[0] except Exception as exc: log.exception("GetTokenInformation pid=%d name=%s user%s", p.pid, p.name(), p.username()) continue proc_sid = win32security.ConvertSidToStringSid(process_sid) if sid and sid != proc_sid: log.debug("Token for pid does not match user sid: %s", sid) continue if session_id and win32security.GetTokenInformation(th, win32security.TokenSessionId) != session_id: continue def has_priv(tok, priv): luid = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(None, priv) for priv_luid, flags in win32security.GetTokenInformation(tok, win32security.TokenPrivileges): if priv_luid == luid: return True return False if privs: has_all = True for name in privs: if not has_priv(th, name): has_all = False if not has_all: continue yield dup_token(th)
def impersonate_sid(sid, session_id=None, privs=None): ''' Find an existing process token for the given sid and impersonate the token. ''' for tok in enumerate_tokens(sid, session_id, privs): tok = dup_token(tok) elevate_token(tok) if win32security.ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(tok) == 0: raise WindowsError("Impersonation failure") # pylint: disable=undefined-variable return tok raise WindowsError("Impersonation failure")
def dup_token(th): ''' duplicate the access token ''' # TODO: is `duplicate_token` the same? sec_attr = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() sec_attr.bInheritHandle = True return win32security.DuplicateTokenEx( th, win32security.SecurityImpersonation, win32con.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, win32security.TokenPrimary, sec_attr, )
def elevate_token(th): ''' Set all token priviledges to enabled ''' # Get list of privileges this token contains privileges = win32security.GetTokenInformation( th, win32security.TokenPrivileges) # Create a set of all privileges to be enabled enable_privs = set() for luid, flags in privileges: enable_privs.add((luid, win32con.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)) # Enable the privileges if win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(th, 0, enable_privs) == 0: raise WindowsError(win32api.FormatMessage(win32api.GetLastError()))
def make_inheritable(token): '''Create an inheritable handle''' return win32api.DuplicateHandle( win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), token, win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), 0, 1, win32con.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS )
def present( name, config, tags, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, ): ''' Ensure the CloudFront distribution is present. name (string) Name of the CloudFront distribution config (dict) Configuration for the distribution tags (dict) Tags to associate with the distribution region (string) Region to connect to key (string) Secret key to use keyid (string) Access key to use profile (dict or string) A dict with region, key, and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains such a dict. Example: .. code-block:: yaml Manage my_distribution CloudFront distribution: boto_cloudfront.present: - name: my_distribution - config: Comment: 'partial config shown, most parameters elided' Enabled: True - tags: testing_key: testing_value ''' ret = { 'name': name, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}, } res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distribution']( name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, ) if 'error' in res: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Error checking distribution {0}: {1}'.format( name, res['error'], ) return ret old = res['result'] if old is None: if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'Distribution {0} set for creation.'.format(name) ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': name} return ret res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.create_distribution']( name, config, tags, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, ) if 'error' in res: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Error creating distribution {0}: {1}'.format( name, res['error'], ) return ret ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Created distribution {0}.'.format(name) ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': name} return ret else: full_config_old = { 'config': old['distribution']['DistributionConfig'], 'tags': old['tags'], } full_config_new = { 'config': config, 'tags': tags, } diffed_config = __utils__['dictdiffer.deep_diff']( full_config_old, full_config_new, ) def _yaml_safe_dump(attrs): ''' Safely dump YAML using a readable flow style ''' dumper_name = 'IndentedSafeOrderedDumper' dumper = __utils__['yaml.get_dumper'](dumper_name) return __utils__['yaml.dump']( attrs, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=dumper) changes_diff = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff( _yaml_safe_dump(full_config_old).splitlines(True), _yaml_safe_dump(full_config_new).splitlines(True), )) any_changes = bool('old' in diffed_config or 'new' in diffed_config) if not any_changes: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Distribution {0} has correct config.'.format( name, ) return ret if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = '\n'.join([ 'Distribution {0} set for new config:'.format(name), changes_diff, ]) ret['changes'] = {'diff': changes_diff} return ret res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.update_distribution']( name, config, tags, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, ) if 'error' in res: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Error updating distribution {0}: {1}'.format( name, res['error'], ) return ret ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Updated distribution {0}.'.format(name) ret['changes'] = {'diff': changes_diff} return ret
def _fix_quantities(tree): ''' Stupidly simple function to fix any Items/Quantity disparities inside a DistributionConfig block before use. Since AWS only accepts JSON-encodable data types, this implementation is "good enough" for our purposes. ''' if isinstance(tree, dict): tree = {k: _fix_quantities(v) for k, v in tree.items()} if isinstance(tree.get('Items'), list): tree['Quantity'] = len(tree['Items']) if not tree['Items']: tree.pop('Items') # Silly, but AWS requires it.... return tree elif isinstance(tree, list): return [_fix_quantities(t) for t in tree] else: return tree
def distribution_present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs): ''' Ensure the given CloudFront distribution exists in the described state. The implementation of this function, and all those following, is orthagonal to that of :py:mod:`boto_cloudfront.present <salt.states.boto_cloudfront.present>`. Resources created with :py:mod:`boto_cloudfront.present <salt.states.boto_cloudfront.present>` will not be correctly managed by this function, as a different method is used to store Salt's state signifier. This function and those following are a suite, designed to work together. As an extra bonus, they correctly process updates of the managed resources, so it is recommended to use them in preference to :py:mod:`boto_cloudfront.present <salt.states.boto_cloudfront.present>` above. Note that the semantics of DistributionConfig (below) are rather arcane, and vary wildly depending on whether the distribution already exists or not (e.g. is being initially created, or being updated in place). Many more details can be found here__. .. __: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/distribution-overview-required-fields.html name (string) Name of the state definition. Name (string) Name of the resource (for purposes of Salt's idempotency). If not provided, the value of ``name`` will be used. DistributionConfig (dict) Configuration for the distribution. Notes: - The CallerReference field should NOT be provided - it will be autopopulated by Salt. - A large number of sub- (and sub-sub-) fields require a ``Quantity`` element, which simply COUNTS the number of items in the ``Items`` element. This is bluntly stupid, so as a convenience, Salt will traverse the provided configuration, and add (or fix) a ``Quantity`` element for any ``Items`` elements of list-type it encounters. This adds a bit of sanity to an otherwise error-prone situation. Note that for this to work, zero-length lists must be inlined as ``[]``. - Due to the unavailibity of a better way to store stateful idempotency information about Distributions, the Comment sub-element (as the only user-settable attribute without weird self-blocking semantics, and which is available from the core ``get_distribution()`` API call) is utilized to store the Salt state signifier, which is used to determine resource existence and state. That said, to enable **some** usability of this field, only the value up to the first colon character is taken as the signifier, with everything afterward free-form, and ignored (but preserved) by Salt. Tags (dict) Tags to associate with the distribution. region (string) Region to connect to. key (string) Secret key to use. keyid (string) Access key to use. profile (dict or string) Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid. Example: .. code-block:: yaml plt-dev-spaapi-cf-dist-cf_dist-present: boto_cloudfront.distribution_present: - Name: plt-dev-spaapi-cf-dist - DistributionConfig: Comment: SPA Logging: Enabled: false Prefix: '' Bucket: '' IncludeCookies: false WebACLId: '' Origins: Items: - S3OriginConfig: OriginAccessIdentity: the-SPA-OAI OriginPath: '' CustomHeaders: Items: [] Id: S3-hs-backend-srpms DomainName: hs-backend-srpms.s3.amazonaws.com PriceClass: PriceClass_All DefaultRootObject: '' Enabled: true DefaultCacheBehavior: ViewerProtocolPolicy: allow-all TrustedSigners: Items: [] Enabled: false SmoothStreaming: false TargetOriginId: S3-hs-backend-srpms FieldLevelEncryptionId: '' ForwardedValues: Headers: Items: [] Cookies: Forward: none QueryStringCacheKeys: Items: [] QueryString: false MaxTTL: 31536000 LambdaFunctionAssociations: Items: [] DefaultTTL: 86400 AllowedMethods: CachedMethods: Items: - HEAD - GET Items: - HEAD - GET MinTTL: 0 Compress: false IsIPV6Enabled: true ViewerCertificate: CloudFrontDefaultCertificate: true MinimumProtocolVersion: TLSv1 CertificateSource: cloudfront Aliases: Items: - bubba-hotep.bodhi-dev.io HttpVersion: http2 - Tags: Owner: dev_engrs ''' ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('_')} authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile} Name = kwargs.pop('Name', name) Tags = kwargs.pop('Tags', None) DistributionConfig = kwargs.get('DistributionConfig', {}) ## Sub-element munging on config data should go in here, before we proceed: # For instance, origin access identities must be of the form # `origin-access-identity/cloudfront/ID-of-origin-access-identity`, but we can't really # know that ID apriori, so any OAI state names inside the config data must be resolved # and converted into that format before submission. Be aware that the `state names` of # salt managed OAIs are stored in their Comment fields for lack of any better place... for item in range(len(DistributionConfig.get('Origins', {}).get('Items', []))): oai = DistributionConfig['Origins']['Items'][item].get('S3OriginConfig', {}).get('OriginAccessIdentity', '') if oai and not oai.startswith('origin-access-identity/cloudfront/'): res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment']( Comment=oai, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if res is None: # An error occurred, bubble it up... log.warning('Error encountered while trying to determine the Resource ID of' ' CloudFront origin access identity `%s`. Passing as-is.', oai) elif not res: log.warning('Failed to determine the Resource ID of CloudFront origin access' ' identity `%s`. Passing as-is.', oai) elif len(res) > 1: log.warning('Failed to find unique Resource ID for CloudFront origin access' ' identity `%s`. Passing as-is.', oai) else: # One unique OAI resource found -- deref and replace it... new = 'origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{}'.format(res[0]['Id']) DistributionConfig['Origins']['Items'][item]['S3OriginConfig']['OriginAccessIdentity'] = new # Munge Name into the Comment field... DistributionConfig['Comment'] = '{}:{}'.format(Name, DistributionConfig['Comment']) \ if DistributionConfig.get('Comment') else Name # Fix up any missing (or wrong) Quantity sub-elements... DistributionConfig = _fix_quantities(DistributionConfig) kwargs['DistributionConfig'] = DistributionConfig # Current state of the thing? res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distributions_by_comment'](Comment=Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if res is None: msg = 'Error determining current state of distribution `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if len(res) > 1: msg = 'Multiple CloudFront distibutions matched `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret # Luckily, the `DistributionConfig` structure returned by `get_distribution()` (as a sub- # element of `Distribution`) is identical to that returned by `get_distribution_config(), # and as a bonus, the ETag's are ALSO compatible... # Since "updates" are actually "replace everything from scratch" events, this implies that # it's enough to simply determine SOME update is necessary to trigger one, rather than # exhaustively calculating all changes needed - this makes life MUCH EASIER :) # Thus our workflow here is: # - check if the distribution exists # - if it doesn't, create it fresh with the requested DistributionConfig, and Tag it if needed # - if it does, grab its ETag, and TWO copies of the current DistributionConfig # - merge the requested DistributionConfig on top of one of them # - compare the copy we just merged against the one we didn't # - if they differ, send the merged copy, along with the ETag we got, back as an update # - lastly, verify and set/unset any Tags which may need changing... exists = bool(res) if not exists: if 'CallerReference' not in kwargs['DistributionConfig']: kwargs['DistributionConfig']['CallerReference'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` would be created.'.format(Name) new = {'DistributionConfig': kwargs['DistributionConfig']} new.update({'Tags': Tags}) if Tags else None ret['pchanges'] = {'old': None, 'new': new} return ret kwargs.update(authargs) comments = [] res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.create_distribution_v2'](**kwargs) if res is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error occurred while creating distribution `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret new = {'DistributionConfig': res['Distribution']['DistributionConfig']} comments += ['Created distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)] newARN = res.get('Distribution', {}).get('ARN') tagged = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.tag_resource'](Tags=Tags, **authargs) if tagged is False: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error occurred while tagging distribution `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) comments += [msg] ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) return ret comments += ['Tagged distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)] new['Tags'] = Tags ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': new} return ret else: currentId = res[0]['Id'] current = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distribution_v2'](Id=currentId, **authargs) # Insanely unlikely given that we JUST got back this Id from the previous search, but.... if not current: msg = 'Failed to lookup CloudFront distribution with Id `{}`.'.format(currentId) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret currentDC = current['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'] currentARN = current['Distribution']['ARN'] currentETag = current['ETag'] currentTags = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.list_tags_for_resource'](Resource=currentARN, **authargs) copyOne = copy.deepcopy(currentDC) copyTwo = copy.deepcopy(currentDC) copyTwo.update(kwargs['DistributionConfig']) correct = __utils__['boto3.json_objs_equal'](copyOne, copyTwo) tags_correct = (currentTags == Tags) comments = [] old = {} new = {} if correct and tags_correct: ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` is in the correct state.'.format(Name) return ret if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None if not correct: comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` config would be updated.'.format(Name)] old['DistributionConfig'] = copyOne new['DistributionConfig'] = copyTwo if not tags_correct: comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` Tags would be updated.'.format(Name)] old['Tags'] = currentTags new['Tags'] = Tags ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) ret['pchanges'] = {'old': old, 'new': new} return ret if not correct: kwargs = {'DistributionConfig': copyTwo, 'Id': currentId, 'IfMatch': currentETag} kwargs.update(authargs) log.debug('Calling `boto_cloudfront.update_distribution_v2()` with **kwargs ==' ' %s', kwargs) res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.update_distribution_v2'](**kwargs) if res is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error occurred while updating distribution `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret old['DistributionConfig'] = copyOne new['DistributionConfig'] = res['Distribution']['DistributionConfig'] comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` config updated.'.format(Name)] if not tags_correct: tagged = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.enforce_tags'](Resource=currentARN, Tags=Tags, **authargs) if tagged is False: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error occurred while updating Tags on distribution `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) comments += [msg] ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) return ret comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` Tags updated.'.format(Name)] old['Tags'] = currentTags new['Tags'] = Tags ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) ret['changes'] = {'old': old, 'new': new} return ret
def oai_bucket_policy_present(name, Bucket, OAI, Policy, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None): ''' Ensure the given policy exists on an S3 bucket, granting access for the given origin access identity to do the things specified in the policy. name The name of the state definition Bucket The S3 bucket which CloudFront needs access to. Note that this policy is exclusive - it will be the only policy definition on the bucket (and objects inside the bucket if you specify such permissions in the policy). Note that this likely SHOULD reflect the bucket mentioned in the Resource section of the Policy, but this is not enforced... OAI The value of `Name` passed to the state definition for the origin access identity which will be accessing the bucket. Policy The full policy document which should be set on the S3 bucket. If a ``Principal`` clause is not provided in the policy, one will be automatically added, and pointed at the correct value as dereferenced from the OAI provided above. If one IS provided, then this is not done, and you are responsible for providing the correct values. region (string) Region to connect to. key (string) Secret key to use. keyid (string) Access key to use. profile (dict or string) Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid. Example: .. code-block:: yaml my_oai_s3_policy: boto_cloudfront.oai_bucket_policy_present: - Bucket: the_bucket_for_my_distribution - OAI: the_OAI_I_just_created_and_attached_to_my_distribution - Policy: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: s3:GetObject Resource: arn:aws:s3:::the_bucket_for_my_distribution/* ''' ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} oais = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment']( Comment=OAI, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if len(oais) > 1: msg = 'Multiple origin access identities matched `{}`.'.format(OAI) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if not oais: msg = 'No origin access identities matched `{}`.'.format(OAI) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret canonical_user = oais[0].get('S3CanonicalUserId') oai_id = oais[0].get('Id') if isinstance(Policy, six.string_types): Policy = json.loads(Policy) for stanza in range(len(Policy.get('Statement', []))): if 'Principal' not in Policy['Statement'][stanza]: Policy['Statement'][stanza]['Principal'] = {"CanonicalUser": canonical_user} bucket = __salt__['boto_s3_bucket.describe'](Bucket=Bucket, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if not bucket or 'bucket' not in bucket: msg = 'S3 bucket `{}` not found.'.format(Bucket) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret curr_policy = bucket['bucket'].get('Policy', {}).get('Policy', {}) # ?!? dunno, that's just how it gets returned... curr_policy = json.loads(curr_policy) if isinstance(curr_policy, six.string_types) else curr_policy # Sooooo, you have to SUBMIT Principals of the form # Principal: {'S3CanonicalUserId': someCrazyLongMagicValueAsDerivedAbove} # BUT, they RETURN the Principal as something WILDLY different # Principal: {'AWS': arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity E30ABCDEF12345} # which obviously compare different on every run... So we fake it thusly. fake_Policy = copy.deepcopy(Policy) for stanza in range(len(fake_Policy.get('Statement', []))): # Warning: unavoidable hardcoded magic values HO! fake_Policy['Statement'][stanza].update({'Principal': {'AWS': 'arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity {}'.format(oai_id)}}) if __utils__['boto3.json_objs_equal'](curr_policy, fake_Policy): msg = 'Policy of S3 bucket `{}` is in the correct state.'.format(Bucket) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Policy on S3 bucket `{}` would be updated.'.format(Bucket) ret['result'] = None ret['changes'] = {'old': curr_policy, 'new': fake_Policy} return ret res = __salt__['boto_s3_bucket.put_policy'](Bucket=Bucket, Policy=Policy, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if 'error' in res: ret['comment'] = 'Failed to update policy on S3 bucket `{}`: {}'.format(Bucket, res['error']) ret['return'] = False return ret ret['comment'] = 'Policy on S3 bucket `{}` updated.'.format(Bucket) ret['changes'] = {'old': curr_policy, 'new': fake_Policy} return ret
def route53_alias_present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs): ''' Ensure a Route53 Alias exists and is pointing at the given CloudFront distribution. An ``A`` record is always created, and if IPV6 is enabled on the given distribution, an ``AAAA`` record will be created as well. Also be aware that Alias records for CloudFront distributions are only permitted in non-private zones. name The name of the state definition. Distribution The name of the CloudFront distribution. Defaults to the value of ``name`` if not provided. HostedZoneId Id of the Route53 hosted zone within which the records should be created. DomainName The domain name associated with the Hosted Zone. Exclusive with HostedZoneId. ResourceRecordSet A Route53 Record Set (with AliasTarget section, suitable for use as an ``Alias`` record, if non-default settings are needed on the Alias) which should be pointed at the provided CloudFront distribution. Note that this MUST correlate with the Aliases set within the DistributionConfig section of the distribution. Some notes *specifically* about the ``AliasTarget`` subsection of the ResourceRecordSet: - If not specified, the ``DNSName`` sub-field will be populated by dereferencing ``Distribution`` above to the value of its ``DomainName`` attribute. - The HostedZoneId sub-field should not be provided -- it will be automatically populated with a ``magic`` AWS value. - The EvaluateTargetHealth can only be False on a CloudFront Alias. - The above items taken all together imply that, for most use-cases, the AliasTarget sub-section can be entirely omitted, as seen in the first code sample below. Lastly, note that if you set ``name`` to the desired ResourceRecordSet Name, you can entirely omit this parameter, as shown in the second example below. .. code-block:: yaml Add a Route53 Alias for my_distribution: boto_cloudfront.present: - Distribution: my_distribution - DomainName: saltstack.org. - ResourceRecordSet: Name: the-alias.saltstack.org. # This is even simpler - it uses the value of `name` for ResourceRecordSet.Name another-alias.saltstack.org.: boto_cloudfront.present: - Distribution: my_distribution - DomainName: saltstack.org. ''' MAGIC_CLOUDFRONT_HOSTED_ZONEID = 'Z2FDTNDATAQYW2' ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} Distribution = kwargs['Distribution'] if 'Distribution' in kwargs else name ResourceRecordSet = kwargs.get('ResourceRecordSet', {}) Name = ResourceRecordSet.get('Name', name) ResourceRecordSet['Name'] = Name res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distributions_by_comment'](Comment=Distribution, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if res is None: msg = 'Error resolving CloudFront distribution `{}` to a Resource ID.'.format(Distribution) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if len(res) > 1: msg = 'Multiple CloudFront distibutions matched `{}`.'.format(Distribution) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if not res: msg = 'No CloudFront distibutions matching `{}` found.'.format(Distribution) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret dist = res[0] Types = ('A', 'AAAA') if dist.get('IsIPV6Enabled', False) else ('A',) DNSName = dist.get('DomainName', '') Aliases = dist.get('Aliases', {}).get('Items', []) # AWS annoyance #437: # Route53 "FQDNs" (correctly!) REQUIRE trailing periods... # while CloudFront "FQDNs" don't PERMIT trailing periods... Aliases += [(a if a.endswith('.') else '{}.'.format(a)) for a in Aliases] if Name not in Aliases: msg = ('Route53 alias `{}` requested which is not mirrored in the `Aliases`' ' sub-section of the DistributionConfig.'.format(Name)) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret changes = {'old': [], 'new': []} comments = [] # Now mock out a route53 state def, and use the route53 rr_exists state to enforce it... AliasTarget = ResourceRecordSet.get('AliasTarget', {}) AliasTarget['DNSName'] = AliasTarget['DNSName'] if 'DNSName' in AliasTarget else DNSName AliasTarget['DNSName'] += '' if AliasTarget['DNSName'].endswith('.') else '.' # GRRRR! AliasTarget['HostedZoneId'] = MAGIC_CLOUDFRONT_HOSTED_ZONEID AliasTarget['EvaluateTargetHealth'] = False # Route53 limitation ResourceRecordSet['name'] = Name ResourceRecordSet['AliasTarget'] = AliasTarget ResourceRecordSet['PrivateZone'] = False # Route53 limitation ResourceRecordSet['DomainName'] = kwargs.get('DomainName') ResourceRecordSet['HostedZoneId'] = kwargs.get('HostedZoneId') ResourceRecordSet.update({'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile}) for Type in Types: ResourceRecordSet['Type'] = Type # Checking for `test=True` will occur in the called state.... log.debug('Calling state function `boto3_route53.rr_present()` with args: `%s`', ResourceRecordSet) res = __states__['boto3_route53.rr_present'](**ResourceRecordSet) ret['result'] = res['result'] comments += [res['comment']] if ret['result'] not in (True, None): break changes['old'] += [res['changes']['old']] if res['changes'].get('old') else [] changes['new'] += [res['changes']['new']] if res['changes'].get('new') else [] ret['changes'].update({'old': changes['old']}) if changes.get('old') else None ret['changes'].update({'new': changes['new']}) if changes.get('new') else None ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) return ret
def distribution_absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs): ''' Ensure a distribution with the given Name tag does not exist. Note that CloudFront does not allow directly deleting an enabled Distribution. If such is requested, Salt will attempt to first update the distribution's status to Disabled, and once that returns success, to then delete the resource. THIS CAN TAKE SOME TIME, so be patient :) name (string) Name of the state definition. Name (string) Name of the CloudFront distribution to be managed. If not provided, the value of ``name`` will be used as a default. The purpose of this parameter is only to resolve it to a Resource ID, so be aware that an explicit value for ``Id`` below will override any value provided, or defaulted, here. Id (string) The Resource ID of a CloudFront distribution to be managed. region (string) Region to connect to key (string) Secret key to use keyid (string) Access key to use profile (dict or string) Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid. Example: .. code-block:: yaml Ensure a distribution named my_distribution is gone: boto_cloudfront.distribution_absent: - Name: my_distribution ''' Name = kwargs['Name'] if 'Name' in kwargs else name Id = kwargs.get('Id') ref = kwargs['Id'] if 'Id' in kwargs else Name ret = {'name': Id if Id else Name, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}, 'result': True} authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile} if not Id: res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distributions_by_comment'](Comment=Name, **authargs) if res is None: msg = 'Error dereferencing CloudFront distribution `{}` to a Resource ID.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if len(res) > 1: msg = ('Multiple CloudFront distibutions matched `{}`, no way to know which to' ' delete.`.'.format(Name)) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if not res: msg = 'CloudFront Distribution `{}` already absent.'.format(Name) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = True return ret Id = res[0]['Id'] if not __salt__['boto_cloudfront.distribution_exists'](Id=Id, **authargs): msg = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` already absent.'.format(ref) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret old = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distribution_v2'](Id=Id, **authargs) if old is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error getting state of CloudFront distribution `{}`.'.format(ref) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret currETag = old['ETag'] Enabled = old['DistributionConfig']['Enabled'] if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` would be {}deleted.'.format(ref, ('disabled and ' if Enabled else '')) ret['pchanges'] = {'old': old, 'new': None} return ret comments = [] if Enabled: disabled = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.disable_distribution'](Id=Id, **authargs) if disabled is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error disabling CloudFront distribution `{}`'.format(ref) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` disabled.'.format(ref)] currETag = disabled['ETag'] deleted = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.delete_distribution'](Id=Id, IfMatch=currETag, **authargs) if deleted is False: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error deleting CloudFront distribution `{}`'.format(ref) comments += [msg] log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) return ret msg = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` deleted.'.format(ref) comments += [msg] log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = ' '.join(comments) ret['changes'] = {'old': old, 'new': None} return ret
def origin_access_identity_present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs): ''' Ensure a given CloudFront Origin Access Identity exists. .. note:: Due to the unavailibity of ANY other way to store stateful idempotency information about Origin Access Identities (including resource tags), the Comment attribute (as the only user-settable attribute without weird self-blocking semantics) is necessarily utilized to store the Salt state signifier, which is used to determine resource existence and state. That said, to enable SOME usability of this field, only the value up to the first colon character is taken as the signifier, while anything afterward is free-form and ignored by Salt. name (string) Name of the state definition. Name (string) Name of the resource (for purposes of Salt's idempotency). If not provided, the value of `name` will be used. Comment Free-form text description of the origin access identity. region (string) Region to connect to key (string) Secret key to use keyid (string) Access key to use profile (dict or string) Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid. Example: .. code-block:: yaml my_OAI: boto_cloudfront.origin_access_identity_present: - Comment: Simply ensures an OAI named my_OAI exists ''' ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('_')} authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile} Name = kwargs.get('Name', name) # Munge Name into the Comment field... Comment = '{}:{}'.format(Name, kwargs['Comment']) if kwargs.get('Comment') else Name # Current state of the thing? res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment']( Comment=Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile) if res is None: msg = 'Error determining current state of origin access identity `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if len(res) > 1: msg = 'Multiple CloudFront origin access identities matched `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret exists = bool(res) if not exists: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig = {'Comment': Comment, 'CallerReference': str(uuid.uuid4())} if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` would be created.'.format(Name) new = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig} ret['pchanges'] = {'old': None, 'new': new} return ret kwargs = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig} kwargs.update(authargs) res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](**kwargs) if res is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Failed to create CloudFront origin access identity `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret ret['comment'] = 'Created CloudFrong origin access identity`{}`.'.format(Name) ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': res} return ret else: currentId = res[0]['Id'] current = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](Id=currentId, **authargs) currentETag = current['ETag'] currentOAIC = current['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity']['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig'] new = copy.deepcopy(currentOAIC) new.update({'Comment': Comment}) # Currently the only updatable element :-/ if currentOAIC == new: msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` is in the correct state.'.format(Name) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` would be updated.'.format(Name) ret['pchanges'] = {'old': currentOAIC, 'new': new} return ret kwargs = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': new, 'Id': currentId, 'IfMatch': currentETag} kwargs.update(authargs) res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](**kwargs) if res is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error occurred while updating origin access identity `{}`.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` config updated.'.format(Name) ret['changes'] = {'old': currentOAIC, 'new': new} return ret
def origin_access_identity_absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs): ''' Ensure a given CloudFront Origin Access Identity is absent. name The name of the state definition. Name (string) Name of the resource (for purposes of Salt's idempotency). If not provided, the value of ``name`` will be used. Id (string) The Resource ID of a CloudFront origin access identity to be managed. region (string) Region to connect to key (string) Secret key to use keyid (string) Access key to use profile (dict or string) Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid. Example: .. code-block:: yaml Ensure an origin access identity named my_OAI is gone: boto_cloudfront.origin_access_identity_absent: - Name: my_distribution ''' Name = kwargs['Name'] if 'Name' in kwargs else name Id = kwargs.get('Id') ref = kwargs['Id'] if 'Id' in kwargs else Name ret = {'name': Id if Id else Name, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}, 'result': True} authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile} current = None if not Id: current = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment']( Comment=Name, **authargs) if current is None: msg = 'Error dereferencing origin access identity `{}` to a Resource ID.'.format(Name) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if len(current) > 1: msg = ('Multiple CloudFront origin access identities matched `{}`, no way to know' ' which to delete.`.'.format(Name)) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = False return ret if not current: msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` already absent.'.format(Name) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['result'] = True return ret Id = current[0]['Id'] if not __salt__['boto_cloudfront.cloud_front_origin_access_identity_exists'](Id=Id, **authargs): msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` already absent.'.format(ref) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret old = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](Id=Id, **authargs) if old is None: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error getting state of CloudFront origin access identity `{}`.'.format(ref) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` would be deleted.'.format(ref) ret['pchanges'] = {'old': old, 'new': None} return ret deleted = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](Id=Id, IfMatch=old['ETag'], **authargs) if deleted is False: ret['result'] = False msg = 'Error deleting CloudFront origin access identity `{}`'.format(ref) log.error(msg) ret['comment'] = msg return ret msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` deleted.'.format(ref) log.info(msg) ret['comment'] = msg ret['changes'] = {'old': old, 'new': None} return ret
def install(pkg, channel=None, refresh=False): ''' Install the specified snap package from the specified channel. Returns a dictionary of "result" and "output". pkg The snap package name channel Optional. The snap channel to install from, eg "beta" refresh : False If True, use "snap refresh" instead of "snap install". This allows changing the channel of a previously installed package. ''' args = [] ret = {'result': None, 'output': ""} if refresh: cmd = 'refresh' else: cmd = 'install' if channel: args.append('--channel=' + channel) try: # Try to run it, merging stderr into output ret['output'] = subprocess.check_output([SNAP_BINARY_NAME, cmd, pkg] + args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) ret['result'] = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: ret['output'] = e.output ret['result'] = False return ret
def remove(pkg): ''' Remove the specified snap package. Returns a dictionary of "result" and "output". pkg The package name ''' ret = {'result': None, 'output': ""} try: ret['output'] = subprocess.check_output([SNAP_BINARY_NAME, 'remove', pkg]) ret['result'] = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: ret['output'] = e.output ret['result'] = False
def versions_installed(pkg): ''' Query which version(s) of the specified snap package are installed. Returns a list of 0 or more dictionaries. pkg The package name ''' try: # Try to run it, merging stderr into output output = subprocess.check_output([SNAP_BINARY_NAME, 'list', pkg], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return [] lines = output.splitlines()[1:] ret = [] for item in lines: # If fields contain spaces this will break. i = item.split() # Ignore 'Notes' field ret.append({ 'name': i[0], 'version': i[1], 'rev': i[2], 'tracking': i[3], 'publisher': i[4] }) return ret
def create(path, venv_bin=None, system_site_packages=False, distribute=False, clear=False, python=None, extra_search_dir=None, never_download=None, prompt=None, pip=False, symlinks=None, upgrade=None, user=None, use_vt=False, saltenv='base', **kwargs): ''' Create a virtualenv path The path to the virtualenv to be created venv_bin The name (and optionally path) of the virtualenv command. This can also be set globally in the pillar data as ``venv_bin``. Defaults to ``pyvenv`` or ``virtualenv``, depending on what is installed. system_site_packages : False Passthrough argument given to virtualenv or pyvenv distribute : False Passthrough argument given to virtualenv pip : False Install pip after creating a virtual environment. Implies ``distribute=True`` clear : False Passthrough argument given to virtualenv or pyvenv python : None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv extra_search_dir : None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv never_download : None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv if True prompt : None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv if not None symlinks : None Passthrough argument given to pyvenv if True upgrade : None Passthrough argument given to pyvenv if True user : None Set ownership for the virtualenv .. note:: On Windows you must also pass a ``password`` parameter. Additionally, the user must have permissions to the location where the virtual environment is being created runas : None Set ownership for the virtualenv .. deprecated:: 2014.1.0 ``user`` should be used instead use_vt : False Use VT terminal emulation (see output while installing) .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 saltenv : 'base' Specify a different environment. The default environment is ``base``. .. versionadded:: 2014.1.0 .. note:: The ``runas`` argument is deprecated as of 2014.1.0. ``user`` should be used instead. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' virtualenv.create /path/to/new/virtualenv ''' if venv_bin is None: # Beginning in 3.6, pyvenv has been deprecated # in favor of "python3 -m venv" if sys.version_info >= (3, 6): venv_bin = ['python3', '-m', 'venv'] else: venv_bin = __pillar__.get('venv_bin') or __opts__.get('venv_bin') if not isinstance(venv_bin, list): cmd = [venv_bin] else: cmd = venv_bin if 'pyvenv' not in venv_bin: # ----- Stop the user if pyvenv only options are used ---------------> # If any of the following values are not None, it means that the user # is actually passing a True or False value. Stop Him! if upgrade is not None: raise CommandExecutionError( 'The `upgrade`(`--upgrade`) option is not supported ' 'by \'{0}\''.format(venv_bin) ) elif symlinks is not None: raise CommandExecutionError( 'The `symlinks`(`--symlinks`) option is not supported ' 'by \'{0}\''.format(venv_bin) ) # <---- Stop the user if pyvenv only options are used ---------------- # Virtualenv package try: import virtualenv version = getattr(virtualenv, '__version__', virtualenv.virtualenv_version) virtualenv_version_info = tuple( [int(i) for i in version.split('rc')[0].split('.')] ) except ImportError: # Unable to import?? Let's parse the version from the console version_cmd = [venv_bin, '--version'] ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all']( version_cmd, runas=user, python_shell=False, **kwargs ) if ret['retcode'] > 0 or not ret['stdout'].strip(): raise CommandExecutionError( 'Unable to get the virtualenv version output using \'{0}\'. ' 'Returned data: {1}'.format(version_cmd, ret) ) virtualenv_version_info = tuple( [int(i) for i in ret['stdout'].strip().split('rc')[0].split('.')] ) if distribute: if virtualenv_version_info >= (1, 10): log.info( 'The virtualenv \'--distribute\' option has been ' 'deprecated in virtualenv(>=1.10), as such, the ' '\'distribute\' option to `virtualenv.create()` has ' 'also been deprecated and it\'s not necessary anymore.' ) else: cmd.append('--distribute') if python is not None and python.strip() != '': if not salt.utils.path.which(python): raise CommandExecutionError( 'Cannot find requested python ({0}).'.format(python) ) cmd.append('--python={0}'.format(python)) if extra_search_dir is not None: if isinstance(extra_search_dir, string_types) and \ extra_search_dir.strip() != '': extra_search_dir = [ e.strip() for e in extra_search_dir.split(',') ] for entry in extra_search_dir: cmd.append('--extra-search-dir={0}'.format(entry)) if never_download is True: if (1, 10) <= virtualenv_version_info < (14, 0, 0): log.info( '--never-download was deprecated in 1.10.0, but reimplemented in 14.0.0. ' 'If this feature is needed, please install a supported virtualenv version.' ) else: cmd.append('--never-download') if prompt is not None and prompt.strip() != '': cmd.append('--prompt=\'{0}\''.format(prompt)) else: # venv module from the Python >= 3.3 standard library # ----- Stop the user if virtualenv only options are being used -----> # If any of the following values are not None, it means that the user # is actually passing a True or False value. Stop Him! if python is not None and python.strip() != '': raise CommandExecutionError( 'The `python`(`--python`) option is not supported ' 'by \'{0}\''.format(venv_bin) ) elif extra_search_dir is not None and extra_search_dir.strip() != '': raise CommandExecutionError( 'The `extra_search_dir`(`--extra-search-dir`) option is not ' 'supported by \'{0}\''.format(venv_bin) ) elif never_download is not None: raise CommandExecutionError( 'The `never_download`(`--never-download`) option is not ' 'supported by \'{0}\''.format(venv_bin) ) elif prompt is not None and prompt.strip() != '': raise CommandExecutionError( 'The `prompt`(`--prompt`) option is not supported ' 'by \'{0}\''.format(venv_bin) ) # <---- Stop the user if virtualenv only options are being used ------ if upgrade is True: cmd.append('--upgrade') if symlinks is True: cmd.append('--symlinks') # Common options to virtualenv and pyvenv if clear is True: cmd.append('--clear') if system_site_packages is True: cmd.append('--system-site-packages') # Finally the virtualenv path cmd.append(path) # Let's create the virtualenv ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, runas=user, python_shell=False, **kwargs) if ret['retcode'] != 0: # Something went wrong. Let's bail out now! return ret # Check if distribute and pip are already installed if salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): venv_python = os.path.join(path, 'Scripts', 'python.exe') venv_pip = os.path.join(path, 'Scripts', 'pip.exe') venv_setuptools = os.path.join(path, 'Scripts', 'easy_install.exe') else: venv_python = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'python') venv_pip = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'pip') venv_setuptools = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'easy_install') # Install setuptools if (pip or distribute) and not os.path.exists(venv_setuptools): _install_script( 'https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/raw/default/ez_setup.py', path, venv_python, user, saltenv=saltenv, use_vt=use_vt ) # clear up the distribute archive which gets downloaded for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, 'distribute-*.tar.gz*')): os.unlink(fpath) if ret['retcode'] != 0: # Something went wrong. Let's bail out now! return ret # Install pip if pip and not os.path.exists(venv_pip): _ret = _install_script( 'https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py', path, venv_python, user, saltenv=saltenv, use_vt=use_vt ) # Let's update the return dictionary with the details from the pip # installation ret.update( retcode=_ret['retcode'], stdout='{0}\n{1}'.format(ret['stdout'], _ret['stdout']).strip(), stderr='{0}\n{1}'.format(ret['stderr'], _ret['stderr']).strip(), ) return ret
def get_site_packages(venv): ''' Return the path to the site-packages directory of a virtualenv venv Path to the virtualenv. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' virtualenv.get_site_packages /path/to/my/venv ''' bin_path = _verify_virtualenv(venv) ret = __salt__['cmd.exec_code_all']( bin_path, 'from distutils import sysconfig; ' 'print(sysconfig.get_python_lib())' ) if ret['retcode'] != 0: raise CommandExecutionError('{stdout}\n{stderr}'.format(**ret)) return ret['stdout']
def get_distribution_path(venv, distribution): ''' Return the path to a distribution installed inside a virtualenv .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 venv Path to the virtualenv. distribution Name of the distribution. Note, all non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to dashes. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' virtualenv.get_distribution_path /path/to/my/venv my_distribution ''' _verify_safe_py_code(distribution) bin_path = _verify_virtualenv(venv) ret = __salt__['cmd.exec_code_all']( bin_path, 'import pkg_resources; ' "print(pkg_resources.get_distribution('{0}').location)".format( distribution ) ) if ret['retcode'] != 0: raise CommandExecutionError('{stdout}\n{stderr}'.format(**ret)) return ret['stdout']
def get_resource_path(venv, package=None, resource=None): ''' Return the path to a package resource installed inside a virtualenv .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 venv Path to the virtualenv package Name of the package in which the resource resides .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 resource Name of the resource of which the path is to be returned .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' virtualenv.get_resource_path /path/to/my/venv my_package my/resource.xml ''' _verify_safe_py_code(package, resource) bin_path = _verify_virtualenv(venv) ret = __salt__['cmd.exec_code_all']( bin_path, 'import pkg_resources; ' "print(pkg_resources.resource_filename('{0}', '{1}'))".format( package, resource ) ) if ret['retcode'] != 0: raise CommandExecutionError('{stdout}\n{stderr}'.format(**ret)) return ret['stdout']
def list_nodes(call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs id (str) image (str) size (str) state (str) private_ips (list) public_ips (list) ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes function must be called ' 'with -f or --function.' ) providers = __opts__.get('providers', {}) ret = {} providers_to_check = [_f for _f in [cfg.get('libvirt') for cfg in six.itervalues(providers)] if _f] for provider in providers_to_check: conn = __get_conn(provider['url']) domains = conn.listAllDomains() for domain in domains: data = { 'id': domain.UUIDString(), 'image': '', 'size': '', 'state': VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP[domain.state()[0]], 'private_ips': [], 'public_ips': get_domain_ips(domain, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE)} # TODO: Annoyingly name is not guaranteed to be unique, but the id will not work in other places ret[domain.name()] = data return ret
def list_nodes_select(call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes_select function must be called ' 'with -f or --function.' ) selection = __opts__.get('query.selection') if not selection: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'query.selection not found in /etc/salt/cloud' ) # TODO: somewhat doubt the implementation of cloud.list_nodes_select return salt.utils.cloud.list_nodes_select( list_nodes_full(), selection, call, )
def create(vm_): ''' Provision a single machine ''' clone_strategy = vm_.get('clone_strategy') or 'full' if clone_strategy not in ('quick', 'full'): raise SaltCloudSystemExit("'clone_strategy' must be one of quick or full. Got '{0}'".format(clone_strategy)) ip_source = vm_.get('ip_source') or 'ip-learning' if ip_source not in ('ip-learning', 'qemu-agent'): raise SaltCloudSystemExit("'ip_source' must be one of qemu-agent or ip-learning. Got '{0}'".format(ip_source)) validate_xml = vm_.get('validate_xml') if vm_.get('validate_xml') is not None else True log.info("Cloning '%s' with strategy '%s' validate_xml='%s'", vm_['name'], clone_strategy, validate_xml) try: # Check for required profile parameters before sending any API calls. if vm_['profile'] and config.is_profile_configured(__opts__, __active_provider_name__ or 'libvirt', vm_['profile']) is False: return False except AttributeError: pass # TODO: check name qemu/libvirt will choke on some characters (like '/')? name = vm_['name'] __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'starting create', 'salt/cloud/{0}/creating'.format(name), args=__utils__['cloud.filter_event']('creating', vm_, ['name', 'profile', 'provider', 'driver']), sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) key_filename = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'private_key', vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ) if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( 'The defined key_filename \'{0}\' does not exist'.format( key_filename ) ) vm_['key_filename'] = key_filename # wait_for_instance requires private_key vm_['private_key'] = key_filename cleanup = [] try: # clone the vm base = vm_['base_domain'] conn = __get_conn(vm_['url']) try: # for idempotency the salt-bootstrap needs -F argument # script_args: -F clone_domain = conn.lookupByName(name) except libvirtError as e: domain = conn.lookupByName(base) # TODO: ensure base is shut down before cloning xml = domain.XMLDesc(0) kwargs = { 'name': name, 'base_domain': base, } __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'requesting instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/requesting'.format(name), args={ 'kwargs': __utils__['cloud.filter_event']('requesting', kwargs, list(kwargs)), }, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) log.debug("Source machine XML '%s'", xml) domain_xml = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) domain_xml.find('./name').text = name if domain_xml.find('./description') is None: description_elem = ElementTree.Element('description') domain_xml.insert(0, description_elem) description = domain_xml.find('./description') description.text = "Cloned from {0}".format(base) domain_xml.remove(domain_xml.find('./uuid')) for iface_xml in domain_xml.findall('./devices/interface'): iface_xml.remove(iface_xml.find('./mac')) # enable IP learning, this might be a default behaviour... # Don't always enable since it can cause problems through libvirt-4.5 if ip_source == 'ip-learning' and iface_xml.find("./filterref/parameter[@name='CTRL_IP_LEARNING']") is None: iface_xml.append(ElementTree.fromstring(IP_LEARNING_XML)) # If a qemu agent is defined we need to fix the path to its socket # <channel type='unix'> # <source mode='bind' path='/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channel/target/domain-<dom-name>/org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/> # <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/> # <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='2'/> # </channel> for agent_xml in domain_xml.findall("""./devices/channel[@type='unix']"""): # is org.qemu.guest_agent.0 an option? if agent_xml.find("""./target[@type='virtio'][@name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0']""") is not None: source_element = agent_xml.find("""./source[@mode='bind']""") # see if there is a path element that needs rewriting if source_element and 'path' in source_element.attrib: path = source_element.attrib['path'] new_path = path.replace('/domain-{0}/'.format(base), '/domain-{0}/'.format(name)) log.debug("Rewriting agent socket path to %s", new_path) source_element.attrib['path'] = new_path for disk in domain_xml.findall("""./devices/disk[@device='disk'][@type='file']"""): # print "Disk: ", ElementTree.tostring(disk) # check if we can clone driver = disk.find("./driver[@name='qemu']") if driver is None: # Err on the safe side raise SaltCloudExecutionFailure("Non qemu driver disk encountered bailing out.") disk_type = driver.attrib.get('type') log.info("disk attributes %s", disk.attrib) if disk_type == 'qcow2': source = disk.find("./source").attrib['file'] pool, volume = find_pool_and_volume(conn, source) if clone_strategy == 'quick': new_volume = pool.createXML(create_volume_with_backing_store_xml(volume), 0) else: new_volume = pool.createXMLFrom(create_volume_xml(volume), volume, 0) cleanup.append({'what': 'volume', 'item': new_volume}) disk.find("./source").attrib['file'] = new_volume.path() elif disk_type == 'raw': source = disk.find("./source").attrib['file'] pool, volume = find_pool_and_volume(conn, source) # TODO: more control on the cloned disk type new_volume = pool.createXMLFrom(create_volume_xml(volume), volume, 0) cleanup.append({'what': 'volume', 'item': new_volume}) disk.find("./source").attrib['file'] = new_volume.path() else: raise SaltCloudExecutionFailure("Disk type '{0}' not supported".format(disk_type)) clone_xml = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(ElementTree.tostring(domain_xml)) log.debug("Clone XML '%s'", clone_xml) validate_flags = libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_DEFINE_VALIDATE if validate_xml else 0 clone_domain = conn.defineXMLFlags(clone_xml, validate_flags) cleanup.append({'what': 'domain', 'item': clone_domain}) clone_domain.createWithFlags(libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_START_FORCE_BOOT) log.debug("VM '%s'", vm_) if ip_source == 'qemu-agent': ip_source = libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_AGENT elif ip_source == 'ip-learning': ip_source = libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_ADDRESSES_SRC_LEASE address = salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_ip( get_domain_ip, update_args=(clone_domain, 0, ip_source), timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value('wait_for_ip_timeout', vm_, __opts__, default=10 * 60), interval=config.get_cloud_config_value('wait_for_ip_interval', vm_, __opts__, default=10), interval_multiplier=config.get_cloud_config_value('wait_for_ip_interval_multiplier', vm_, __opts__, default=1), ) log.info('Address = %s', address) vm_['ssh_host'] = address # the bootstrap script needs to be installed first in /etc/salt/cloud.deploy.d/ # salt-cloud -u is your friend ret = __utils__['cloud.bootstrap'](vm_, __opts__) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'created instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/created'.format(name), args=__utils__['cloud.filter_event']('created', vm_, ['name', 'profile', 'provider', 'driver']), sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) return ret except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except do_cleanup(cleanup) # throw the root cause after cleanup raise e
def do_cleanup(cleanup): ''' Clean up clone domain leftovers as much as possible. Extra robust clean up in order to deal with some small changes in libvirt behavior over time. Passed in volumes and domains are deleted, any errors are ignored. Used when cloning/provisioning a domain fails. :param cleanup: list containing dictonaries with two keys: 'what' and 'item'. If 'what' is domain the 'item' is a libvirt domain object. If 'what' is volume then the item is a libvirt volume object. Returns: none .. versionadded: 2017.7.3 ''' log.info('Cleaning up after exception') for leftover in cleanup: what = leftover['what'] item = leftover['item'] if what == 'domain': log.info('Cleaning up %s %s', what, item.name()) try: item.destroy() log.debug('%s %s forced off', what, item.name()) except libvirtError: pass try: item.undefineFlags(libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE+ libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_SNAPSHOTS_METADATA+ libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_NVRAM) log.debug('%s %s undefined', what, item.name()) except libvirtError: pass if what == 'volume': try: item.delete() log.debug('%s %s cleaned up', what, item.name()) except libvirtError: pass
def destroy(name, call=None): """ This function irreversibly destroys a virtual machine on the cloud provider. Before doing so, it should fire an event on the Salt event bus. The tag for this event is `salt/cloud/<vm name>/destroying`. Once the virtual machine has been destroyed, another event is fired. The tag for that event is `salt/cloud/<vm name>/destroyed`. Dependencies: list_nodes @param name: @type name: str @param call: @type call: @return: True if all went well, otherwise an error message @rtype: bool|str """ log.info("Attempting to delete instance %s", name) if call == 'function': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The destroy action must be called with -d, --destroy, ' '-a or --action.' ) found = [] providers = __opts__.get('providers', {}) providers_to_check = [_f for _f in [cfg.get('libvirt') for cfg in six.itervalues(providers)] if _f] for provider in providers_to_check: conn = __get_conn(provider['url']) log.info("looking at %s", provider['url']) try: domain = conn.lookupByName(name) found.append({'domain': domain, 'conn': conn}) except libvirtError: pass if not found: return "{0} doesn't exist and can't be deleted".format(name) if len(found) > 1: return "{0} doesn't identify a unique machine leaving things".format(name) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'destroying instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/destroying'.format(name), args={'name': name}, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) destroy_domain(found[0]['conn'], found[0]['domain']) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'destroyed instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/destroyed'.format(name), args={'name': name}, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] )
def output(data, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument ''' Print out via pretty print ''' if isinstance(data, Exception): data = six.text_type(data) if 'output_indent' in __opts__ and __opts__['output_indent'] >= 0: return pprint.pformat(data, indent=__opts__['output_indent']) return pprint.pformat(data)
def get_size(vm_): ''' Return the VM's size object ''' vm_size = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'fixed_instance_size', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) sizes = avail_sizes() if not vm_size: size = next((item for item in sizes if item['name'] == 'S'), None) return size size = next((item for item in sizes if item['name'] == vm_size or item['id'] == vm_size), None) if size: return size raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified size, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format(vm_size) )
def get_image(vm_): ''' Return the image object to use ''' vm_image = config.get_cloud_config_value('image', vm_, __opts__).encode( 'ascii', 'salt-cloud-force-ascii' ) images = avail_images() for key, value in six.iteritems(images): if vm_image and vm_image in (images[key]['id'], images[key]['name']): return images[key] raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified image, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format(vm_image) )
def avail_locations(conn=None, call=None): ''' List available locations/datacenters for 1&1 ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_locations function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-locations option' ) datacenters = [] if not conn: conn = get_conn() for datacenter in conn.list_datacenters(): datacenters.append({datacenter['country_code']: datacenter}) return {'Locations': datacenters}
def create_block_storage(kwargs=None, call=None): ''' Create a block storage ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The create_block_storage function must be called with ' '-f or --function' ) conn = get_conn() # Assemble the composite block storage object. block_storage = _get_block_storage(kwargs) data = conn.create_block_storage(block_storage=block_storage) return {'BlockStorage': data}
def _get_block_storage(kwargs): ''' Construct a block storage instance from passed arguments ''' if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} block_storage_name = kwargs.get('name', None) block_storage_size = kwargs.get('size', None) block_storage_description = kwargs.get('description', None) datacenter_id = kwargs.get('datacenter_id', None) server_id = kwargs.get('server_id', None) block_storage = BlockStorage( name=block_storage_name, size=block_storage_size) if block_storage_description: block_storage.description = block_storage_description if datacenter_id: block_storage.datacenter_id = datacenter_id if server_id: block_storage.server_id = server_id return block_storage
def _get_ssh_key(kwargs): ''' Construct an SshKey instance from passed arguments ''' ssh_key_name = kwargs.get('name', None) ssh_key_description = kwargs.get('description', None) public_key = kwargs.get('public_key', None) return SshKey( name=ssh_key_name, description=ssh_key_description, public_key=public_key )
def create_ssh_key(kwargs=None, call=None): ''' Create an ssh key ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The create_ssh_key function must be called with ' '-f or --function' ) conn = get_conn() # Assemble the composite SshKey object. ssh_key = _get_ssh_key(kwargs) data = conn.create_ssh_key(ssh_key=ssh_key) return {'SshKey': data}
def _get_firewall_policy(kwargs): ''' Construct FirewallPolicy and FirewallPolicy instances from passed arguments ''' fp_name = kwargs.get('name', None) fp_description = kwargs.get('description', None) firewallPolicy = FirewallPolicy( name=fp_name, description=fp_description ) fpr_json = kwargs.get('rules', None) jdata = json.loads(fpr_json) rules = [] for fwpr in jdata: firewallPolicyRule = FirewallPolicyRule() if 'protocol' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['protocol'] = fwpr['protocol'] if 'port_from' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['port_from'] = fwpr['port_from'] if 'port_to' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['port_to'] = fwpr['port_to'] if 'source' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['source'] = fwpr['source'] if 'action' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['action'] = fwpr['action'] if 'description' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['description'] = fwpr['description'] if 'port' in fwpr: firewallPolicyRule.rule_set['port'] = fwpr['port'] rules.append(firewallPolicyRule) return {'firewall_policy': firewallPolicy, 'firewall_policy_rules': rules}
def create_firewall_policy(kwargs=None, call=None): ''' Create a firewall policy ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The create_firewall_policy function must be called with ' '-f or --function' ) conn = get_conn() # Assemble the composite FirewallPolicy and FirewallPolicyRule[] objects. getFwpResult = _get_firewall_policy(kwargs) data = conn.create_firewall_policy( firewall_policy=getFwpResult['firewall_policy'], firewall_policy_rules=getFwpResult['firewall_policy_rules'] ) return {'FirewallPolicy': data}
def avail_images(conn=None, call=None): ''' Return a list of the server appliances that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_images function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-images option' ) if not conn: conn = get_conn() ret = {} for appliance in conn.list_appliances(): ret[appliance['name']] = appliance return ret
def avail_baremetal_images(conn=None, call=None): ''' Return a list of the baremetal server appliances that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_baremetal_images function must be called with ' '-f or --function' ) if not conn: conn = get_conn() ret = {} for appliance in conn.list_appliances(q='BAREMETAL'): ret[appliance['name']] = appliance return ret
def avail_sizes(call=None): ''' Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider with relevant data. ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_sizes function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-sizes option' ) conn = get_conn() sizes = conn.fixed_server_flavors() return sizes
def baremetal_models(call=None): ''' Return a dict of all available baremetal models with relevant data. ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The baremetal_models function must be called with ' '-f or --function' ) conn = get_conn() bmodels = conn.list_baremetal_models() return bmodels
def list_nodes(conn=None, call=None): ''' Return a list of VMs that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function.' ) if not conn: conn = get_conn() ret = {} nodes = conn.list_servers() for node in nodes: public_ips = [] private_ips = [] ret = {} size = node.get('hardware').get('fixed_instance_size_id', 'Custom size') if node.get('private_networks'): for private_ip in node['private_networks']: private_ips.append(private_ip) if node.get('ips'): for public_ip in node['ips']: public_ips.append(public_ip['ip']) server = { 'id': node['id'], 'image': node['image']['id'], 'size': size, 'state': node['status']['state'], 'private_ips': private_ips, 'public_ips': public_ips } ret[node['name']] = server return ret
def list_nodes_full(conn=None, call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes_full function must be called with -f or ' '--function.' ) if not conn: conn = get_conn() ret = {} nodes = conn.list_servers() for node in nodes: ret[node['name']] = node return ret
def _get_server(vm_): ''' Construct server instance from cloud profile config ''' description = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'description', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) ssh_key = load_public_key(vm_) server_type = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'server_type', vm_, __opts__, default='cloud', search_global=False ) vcore = None cores_per_processor = None ram = None fixed_instance_size_id = None baremetal_model_id = None if 'fixed_instance_size' in vm_: fixed_instance_size = get_size(vm_) fixed_instance_size_id = fixed_instance_size['id'] elif 'vm_core' in vm_ and 'cores_per_processor' in vm_ and 'ram' in vm_ and 'hdds' in vm_: vcore = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'vcore', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) cores_per_processor = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'cores_per_processor', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) ram = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'ram', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) elif 'baremetal_model_id' in vm_ and server_type == 'baremetal': baremetal_model_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'baremetal_model_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) else: raise SaltCloudConfigError("'fixed_instance_size' or 'vcore', " "'cores_per_processor', 'ram', and 'hdds' " "must be provided for 'cloud' server. " "For 'baremetal' server, 'baremetal_model_id'" "must be provided.") appliance_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'appliance_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) password = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'password', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) firewall_policy_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'firewall_policy_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) ip_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'ip_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) load_balancer_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'load_balancer_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) monitoring_policy_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'monitoring_policy_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) datacenter_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'datacenter_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) private_network_id = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'private_network_id', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) power_on = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'power_on', vm_, __opts__, default=True, search_global=False ) public_key = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'public_key_ids', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # Contruct server object return Server( name=vm_['name'], description=description, fixed_instance_size_id=fixed_instance_size_id, vcore=vcore, cores_per_processor=cores_per_processor, ram=ram, appliance_id=appliance_id, password=password, power_on=power_on, firewall_policy_id=firewall_policy_id, ip_id=ip_id, load_balancer_id=load_balancer_id, monitoring_policy_id=monitoring_policy_id, datacenter_id=datacenter_id, rsa_key=ssh_key, private_network_id=private_network_id, public_key=public_key, server_type=server_type, baremetal_model_id=baremetal_model_id )
def _get_hdds(vm_): ''' Construct VM hdds from cloud profile config ''' _hdds = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'hdds', vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) hdds = [] for hdd in _hdds: hdds.append( Hdd( size=hdd['size'], is_main=hdd['is_main'] ) ) return hdds
def create(vm_): ''' Create a single VM from a data dict ''' try: # Check for required profile parameters before sending any API calls. if (vm_['profile'] and config.is_profile_configured(__opts__, (__active_provider_name__ or 'oneandone'), vm_['profile']) is False): return False except AttributeError: pass data = None conn = get_conn() hdds = [] # Assemble the composite server object. server = _get_server(vm_) if not bool(server.specs['hardware']['fixed_instance_size_id'])\ and not bool(server.specs['server_type'] == 'baremetal'): # Assemble the hdds object. hdds = _get_hdds(vm_) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'requesting instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/requesting'.format(vm_['name']), args={'name': vm_['name']}, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) try: data = conn.create_server(server=server, hdds=hdds) _wait_for_completion(conn, get_wait_timeout(vm_), data['id']) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=W0703 log.error( 'Error creating %s on 1and1\n\n' 'The following exception was thrown by the 1and1 library ' 'when trying to run the initial deployment: \n%s', vm_['name'], exc, exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG ) return False vm_['server_id'] = data['id'] password = data['first_password'] def __query_node_data(vm_, data): ''' Query node data until node becomes available. ''' running = False try: data = show_instance(vm_['name'], 'action') if not data: return False log.debug( 'Loaded node data for %s:\nname: %s\nstate: %s', vm_['name'], pprint.pformat(data['name']), data['status']['state'] ) except Exception as err: log.error( 'Failed to get nodes list: %s', err, # Show the trackback if the debug logging level is enabled exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG ) # Trigger a failure in the wait for IP function return False running = data['status']['state'].lower() == 'powered_on' if not running: # Still not running, trigger another iteration return vm_['ssh_host'] = data['ips'][0]['ip'] return data try: data = salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_ip( __query_node_data, update_args=(vm_, data), timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value( 'wait_for_ip_timeout', vm_, __opts__, default=10 * 60), interval=config.get_cloud_config_value( 'wait_for_ip_interval', vm_, __opts__, default=10), ) except (SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudExecutionFailure) as exc: try: # It might be already up, let's destroy it! destroy(vm_['name']) except SaltCloudSystemExit: pass finally: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(six.text_type(exc.message)) log.debug('VM is now running') log.info('Created Cloud VM %s', vm_) log.debug('%s VM creation details:\n%s', vm_, pprint.pformat(data)) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'created instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/created'.format(vm_['name']), args={ 'name': vm_['name'], 'profile': vm_['profile'], 'provider': vm_['driver'], }, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) if 'ssh_host' in vm_: vm_['password'] = password vm_['key_filename'] = get_key_filename(vm_) ret = __utils__['cloud.bootstrap'](vm_, __opts__) ret.update(data) return ret else: raise SaltCloudSystemExit('A valid IP address was not found.')
def destroy(name, call=None): ''' destroy a server by name :param name: name given to the server :param call: call value in this case is 'action' :return: array of booleans , true if successfully stopped and true if successfully removed CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -d vm_name ''' if call == 'function': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The destroy action must be called with -d, --destroy, ' '-a or --action.' ) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'destroying instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/destroying'.format(name), args={'name': name}, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) conn = get_conn() node = get_node(conn, name) conn.delete_server(server_id=node['id']) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'destroyed instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/destroyed'.format(name), args={'name': name}, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) if __opts__.get('update_cachedir', False) is True: __utils__['cloud.delete_minion_cachedir']( name, __active_provider_name__.split(':')[0], __opts__ ) return True
def reboot(name, call=None): ''' reboot a server by name :param name: name given to the machine :param call: call value in this case is 'action' :return: true if successful CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a reboot vm_name ''' conn = get_conn() node = get_node(conn, name) conn.modify_server_status(server_id=node['id'], action='REBOOT') return True
def get_node(conn, name): ''' Return a node for the named VM ''' for node in conn.list_servers(per_page=1000): if node['name'] == name: return node
def load_public_key(vm_): ''' Load the public key file if exists. ''' public_key_filename = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'ssh_public_key', vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ) if public_key_filename is not None: public_key_filename = os.path.expanduser(public_key_filename) if not os.path.isfile(public_key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( 'The defined ssh_public_key \'{0}\' does not exist'.format( public_key_filename ) ) with salt.utils.files.fopen(public_key_filename, 'r') as public_key: key = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(public_key.read().replace('\n', '')) return key
def _wait_for_completion(conn, wait_timeout, server_id): ''' Poll request status until resource is provisioned. ''' wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout while wait_timeout > time.time(): time.sleep(5) server = conn.get_server(server_id) server_state = server['status']['state'].lower() if server_state == "powered_on": return elif server_state == 'failed': raise Exception('Server creation failed for {0}'.format(server_id)) elif server_state in ('active', 'enabled', 'deploying', 'configuring'): continue else: raise Exception( 'Unknown server state {0}'.format(server_state)) raise Exception( 'Timed out waiting for server create completion for {0}'.format(server_id) )
def _load_result(response, ret): ''' format the results of listing functions ''' #were we able to connect? if response['code'] is None: ret['comment'] = response['content'] #forbidden? elif response['code'] == 401: ret['comment'] = '401 Forbidden: Authentication required!' #Not found? elif response['code'] == 404: ret['comment'] = response['content']['message'] #200? elif response['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Listing Current Configuration Only. ' \ 'Not action or changes occurred during the execution of this state.' ret['changes'] = response['content'] #something bad else: ret['comment'] = response['content']['message'] return ret
def _strip_key(dictionary, keyword): ''' look for a certain key within a dictionary and nullify ti's contents, check within nested dictionaries and lists as well. Certain attributes such as "generation" will change even when there were no changes made to the entity. ''' for key, value in six.iteritems(dictionary): if key == keyword: dictionary[key] = None elif isinstance(value, dict): _strip_key(value, keyword) elif isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, dict): _strip_key(item, keyword) return dictionary
def _check_for_changes(entity_type, ret, existing, modified): ''' take an existing entity and a modified entity and check for changes. ''' ret['result'] = True #were there any changes? generation always changes, remove it. if isinstance(existing, dict) and isinstance(modified, dict): if 'generation' in modified['content'].keys(): del modified['content']['generation'] if 'generation' in existing['content'].keys(): del existing['content']['generation'] if modified['content'] == existing['content']: ret['comment'] = '{entity_type} is currently enforced to the desired state. No changes made.'.format(entity_type=entity_type) else: ret['comment'] = '{entity_type} was enforced to the desired state. Note: Only parameters specified ' \ 'were enforced. See changes for details.'.format(entity_type=entity_type) ret['changes']['old'] = existing['content'] ret['changes']['new'] = modified['content'] else: if modified == existing: ret['comment'] = '{entity_type} is currently enforced to the desired state. No changes made.'.format(entity_type=entity_type) else: ret['comment'] = '{entity_type} was enforced to the desired state. Note: Only parameters specified ' \ 'were enforced. See changes for details.'.format(entity_type=entity_type) ret['changes']['old'] = existing ret['changes']['new'] = modified return ret
def create_node(hostname, username, password, name, address): ''' Create a new node if it does not already exist. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to create address The address of the node ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'create', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'address': address } ) #is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_node'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'A node by this name currently exists. No change made.' # if it doesn't exist elif existing['code'] == 404: response = __salt__['bigip.create_node'](hostname, username, password, name, address) ret['result'] = True ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = response['content'] ret['comment'] = 'Node was successfully created.' # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def manage_node(hostname, username, password, name, address, connection_limit=None, description=None, dynamic_ratio=None, logging=None, monitor=None, rate_limit=None, ratio=None, session=None, node_state=None): ''' Manages a node of a given bigip device. If the node does not exist it will be created, otherwise, only the properties which are different than the existing will be updated. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to manage. address The address of the node connection_limit [integer] description [string] dynam c_ratio: [integer] logging [enabled | disabled] monitor [[name] | none | default] rate_limit [integer] ratio [integer] session [user-enabled | user-disabled] node_state (state) [user-down | user-up ] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'manage', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'address': address, 'connection_limit': connection_limit, 'description': description, 'dynamic_ratio': dynamic_ratio, 'logging': logging, 'monitor': monitor, 'rate_limit': rate_limit, 'ratio': ratio, 'session': session, 'state:': node_state } ) #is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_node'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing['code'] == 200: # ensure the address is the same, we don't want to modify a different node than what # we think we are managing if existing['content']['address'] != address: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'A node with this name exists but the address does not match.' modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_node'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=node_state) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: ret = _check_for_changes('Node', ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # not found, attempt to create it elif existing['code'] == 404: new = __salt__['bigip.create_node'](hostname, username, password, name, address) # were we able to create it? if new['code'] == 200: # try modification modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_node'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=node_state) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Node was created and enforced to the desired state. Note: Only parameters specified ' \ 'were enforced. See changes for details.' ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = modified['content'] # roll it back else: deleted = __salt__['bigip.delete_node'](hostname, username, password, name) # did we get rid of it? if deleted['code'] == 200: ret['comment'] = 'Node was successfully created but an error occurred during modification. ' \ 'The creation of the node has been rolled back. Message is as follows:\n' \ '{message}'.format(message=modified['content']['message']) # something bad happened else: ret['comment'] = 'Node was successfully created but an error occurred during modification. ' \ 'The creation of the node was not able to be rolled back. Message is as follows:' \ '\n {message}\n{message_two}'.format(message=modified['content']['message'], message_two=deleted['content']['message']) # unable to create it else: ret = _load_result(new, ret) # an error occurred else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def modify_node(hostname, username, password, name, connection_limit=None, description=None, dynamic_ratio=None, logging=None, monitor=None, rate_limit=None, ratio=None, session=None, node_state=None): ''' Modify an existing node. Only a node which already exists will be modified and only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the node to modify connection_limit [integer] description [string] dynamic_ratio [integer] logging [enabled | disabled] monitor [[name] | none | default] rate_limit [integer] ratio [integer] session [user-enabled | user-disabled] node_state (state) [user-down | user-up ] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'modify', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'connection_limit': connection_limit, 'description': description, 'dynamic_ratio': dynamic_ratio, 'logging': logging, 'monitor': monitor, 'rate_limit': rate_limit, 'ratio': ratio, 'session': session, 'state:': node_state } ) #is this node currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_node'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing['code'] == 200: modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_node'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=node_state) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: ret = _check_for_changes('Node', ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # not found, attempt to create it elif existing['code'] == 404: ret['comment'] = 'A node with this name was not found.' # an error occurred else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def create_pool(hostname, username, password, name, members=None, allow_nat=None, allow_snat=None, description=None, gateway_failsafe_device=None, ignore_persisted_weight=None, ip_tos_to_client=None, ip_tos_to_server=None, link_qos_to_client=None, link_qos_to_server=None, load_balancing_mode=None, min_active_members=None, min_up_members=None, min_up_members_action=None, min_up_members_checking=None, monitor=None, profiles=None, queue_depth_limit=None, queue_on_connection_limit=None, queue_time_limit=None, reselect_tries=None, service_down_action=None, slow_ramp_time=None): ''' Create a new node if it does not already exist. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to create members List of members to be added to the pool allow_nat [yes | no] allow_snat [yes | no] description [string] gateway_failsafe_device [string] ignore_persisted_weight [enabled | disabled] ip_tos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] ip_tos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] load_balancing_mode [dynamic-ratio-member | dynamic-ratio-node | fastest-app-response | fastest-node | least-connections-members | least-connections-node | least-sessions | observed-member | observed-node | predictive-member | predictive-node | ratio-least-connections-member | ratio-least-connections-node | ratio-member | ratio-node | ratio-session | round-robin | weighted-least-connections-member | weighted-least-connections-node] min_active_members [integer] min_up_members [integer] min_up_members_action [failover | reboot | restart-all] min_up_members_checking [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] profiles [none | profile_name] queue_depth_limit [integer] queue_on_connection_limit [enabled | disabled] queue_time_limit [integer] reselect_tries [integer] service_down_action [drop | none | reselect | reset] slow_ramp_time [integer] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'create', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'members': members, 'allow_nat': allow_nat, 'allow_snat': allow_snat, 'description': description, 'gateway_failsafe_device': gateway_failsafe_device, 'ignore_persisted_weight': ignore_persisted_weight, 'ip_tos_client:': ip_tos_to_client, 'ip_tos_server': ip_tos_to_server, 'link_qos_to_client': link_qos_to_client, 'link_qos_to_server': link_qos_to_server, 'load_balancing_mode': load_balancing_mode, 'min_active_members': min_active_members, 'min_up_members': min_up_members, 'min_up_members_checking': min_up_members_checking, 'monitor': monitor, 'profiles': profiles, 'queue_depth_limit': queue_depth_limit, 'queue_on_connection_limit': queue_on_connection_limit, 'queue_time_limit': queue_time_limit, 'reselect_tries': reselect_tries, 'service_down_action': service_down_action, 'slow_ramp_time': slow_ramp_time } ) #is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'A pool by this name currently exists. No change made.' # if it doesn't exist elif existing['code'] == 404: response = __salt__['bigip.create_pool'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, members=members, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time) if response['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = response['content'] ret['comment'] = 'Pool was successfully created.' else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def manage_pool(hostname, username, password, name, allow_nat=None, allow_snat=None, description=None, gateway_failsafe_device=None, ignore_persisted_weight=None, ip_tos_to_client=None, ip_tos_to_server=None, link_qos_to_client=None, link_qos_to_server=None, load_balancing_mode=None, min_active_members=None, min_up_members=None, min_up_members_action=None, min_up_members_checking=None, monitor=None, profiles=None, queue_depth_limit=None, queue_on_connection_limit=None, queue_time_limit=None, reselect_tries=None, service_down_action=None, slow_ramp_time=None): ''' Create a new pool if it does not already exist. Pool members are managed separately. Only the parameters specified are enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to create allow_nat [yes | no] allow_snat [yes | no] description [string] gateway_failsafe_device [string] ignore_persisted_weight [enabled | disabled] ip_tos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] ip_tos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_client [pass-through | [integer]] link_qos_to_server [pass-through | [integer]] load_balancing_mode [dynamic-ratio-member | dynamic-ratio-node | fastest-app-response | fastest-node | least-connections-members | least-connections-node | least-sessions | observed-member | observed-node | predictive-member | predictive-node | ratio-least-connections-member | ratio-least-connections-node | ratio-member | ratio-node | ratio-session | round-robin | weighted-least-connections-member | weighted-least-connections-node] min_active_members [integer] min_up_members [integer] min_up_members_action [failover | reboot | restart-all] min_up_members_checking [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] profiles [none | profile_name] queue_depth_limit [integer] queue_on_connection_limit [enabled | disabled] queue_time_limit [integer] reselect_tries [integer] service_down_action [drop | none | reselect | reset] slow_ramp_time [integer] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'manage', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'allow_nat': allow_nat, 'allow_snat': allow_snat, 'description': description, 'gateway_failsafe_device': gateway_failsafe_device, 'ignore_persisted_weight': ignore_persisted_weight, 'ip_tos_client:': ip_tos_to_client, 'ip_tos_server': ip_tos_to_server, 'link_qos_to_client': link_qos_to_client, 'link_qos_to_server': link_qos_to_server, 'load_balancing_mode': load_balancing_mode, 'min_active_members': min_active_members, 'min_up_members': min_up_members, 'min_up_members_checking': min_up_members_checking, 'monitor': monitor, 'profiles': profiles, 'queue_depth_limit': queue_depth_limit, 'queue_on_connection_limit': queue_on_connection_limit, 'queue_time_limit': queue_time_limit, 'reselect_tries': reselect_tries, 'service_down_action': service_down_action, 'slow_ramp_time': slow_ramp_time } ) #is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing['code'] == 200: modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_pool'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: #remove member listings and self-links del existing['content']['membersReference'] del modified['content']['membersReference'] del existing['content']['selfLink'] del modified['content']['selfLink'] ret = _check_for_changes('Pool', ret, existing, modified) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) # if it doesn't exist elif existing['code'] == 404: new = __salt__['bigip.create_pool'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, allow_nat=allow_nat, allow_snat=allow_snat, description=description, gateway_failsafe_device=gateway_failsafe_device, ignore_persisted_weight=ignore_persisted_weight, ip_tos_to_client=ip_tos_to_client, ip_tos_to_server=ip_tos_to_server, link_qos_to_client=link_qos_to_client, link_qos_to_server=link_qos_to_server, load_balancing_mode=load_balancing_mode, min_active_members=min_active_members, min_up_members=min_up_members, min_up_members_action=min_up_members_action, min_up_members_checking=min_up_members_checking, monitor=monitor, profiles=profiles, queue_depth_limit=queue_depth_limit, queue_on_connection_limit=queue_on_connection_limit, queue_time_limit=queue_time_limit, reselect_tries=reselect_tries, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=slow_ramp_time) # were we able to create it? if new['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Pool was created and enforced to the desired state. Note: Only parameters specified ' \ 'were enforced. See changes for details.' ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = new['content'] # unable to create it else: ret = _load_result(new, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def delete_pool(hostname, username, password, name): ''' Delete an existing pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool which will be deleted ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'delete', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, } ) #is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing['code'] == 200: deleted = __salt__['bigip.delete_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) # did we get rid of it? if deleted['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Pool was successfully deleted.' ret['changes']['old'] = existing['content'] ret['changes']['new'] = {} # something bad happened else: ret = _load_result(deleted, ret) # not found elif existing['code'] == 404: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'This pool already does not exist. No changes made.' ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def manage_pool_members(hostname, username, password, name, members): ''' Manage the members of an existing pool. This function replaces all current pool members. Only the parameters specified are enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to modify members list of pool members to manage. ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'manage', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'members': members } ) #is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists if existing['code'] == 200: #what are the current members? current_members = existing['content']['membersReference']['items'] modified = __salt__['bigip.replace_pool_members'](hostname, username, password, name, members) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: #re-list the pool with new membership new_listing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) #just in case something happened... if new_listing['code'] != 200: ret = _load_result(new_listing, ret) ret['comment'] = 'modification of the pool was successful but an error occurred upon retrieving new' \ ' listing.' return ret new_members = new_listing['content']['membersReference']['items'] #remove generation keys and create new lists indexed by integers for current_member in current_members: del current_member['generation'] for new_member in new_members: del new_member['generation'] #anything changed? ret = _check_for_changes('Pool Membership', ret, current_members, new_members) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) #pool does not exists elif existing['code'] == 404: ret['comment'] = 'A pool with this name was not found.' else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def add_pool_member(hostname, username, password, name, member): ''' A function to connect to a bigip device and add a new member to an existing pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to modify member The member to add to the pool ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'add', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'members': member } ) #is this pool member currently configured? existing_pool = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) if existing_pool['code'] == 200: # for some reason iControl REST doesn't support listing a single pool member. # the response from GET for listing a member will return 200 even if it doesn't exists. # because of this we have to do some rather "unnecessary" searching within a pool. #what are the current members? current_members = existing_pool['content']['membersReference']['items'] #loop through them exists = False for current_member in current_members: if current_member['name'] == member['name']: exists = True break if exists: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Member: {name} already exists within this pool. No changes made.'.format(name=member['name']) ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = {} else: new_member = __salt__['bigip.add_pool_member'](hostname, username, password, name, member) if new_member['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Member: {name} has been successfully added to the pool.'.format(name=member['name']) ret['changes']['old'] = {} #look up the member again... pool_listing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) if pool_listing['code'] != 200: ret = _load_result(new_member, ret) return ret members = pool_listing['content']['membersReference']['items'] #loop through them for current_member in members: if current_member['name'] == member['name']: added_member = current_member break ret['changes']['new'] = added_member # member wasn't added else: ret = _load_result(new_member, ret) #pool does not exists elif existing_pool['code'] == 404: ret['comment'] = 'A pool with this name was not found.' else: ret = _load_result(existing_pool, ret) return ret
def modify_pool_member(hostname, username, password, name, member, connection_limit=None, description=None, dynamic_ratio=None, inherit_profile=None, logging=None, monitor=None, priority_group=None, profiles=None, rate_limit=None, ratio=None, session=None, member_state=None): ''' A function to connect to a bigip device and modify a member of an existing pool. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to modify member The member modify connection_limit [integer] description [string] dynamic_ratio [integer] inherit_profile [enabled | disabled] logging [enabled | disabled] monitor [name] priority_group [integer] profiles [none | profile_name] rate_limit [integer] ratio [integer] session [user-enabled | user-disabled] member_state (state) [ user-up | user-down ] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'modify', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'members': member } ) #is this pool member currently configured? existing_pool = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) if existing_pool['code'] == 200: # for some reason iControl REST doesn't support listing a single pool member. # the response from GET for listing a member will return 200 even if it doesn't exists. # because of this we have to do some rather "unnecessary" searching within a pool. #what are the current members? current_members = existing_pool['content']['membersReference']['items'] #loop through them exists = False for current_member in current_members: if current_member['name'] == member: exists = True existing_member = current_member break if exists: #modify the pool member modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_pool_member'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, member=member, connection_limit=connection_limit, description=description, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, inherit_profile=inherit_profile, logging=logging, monitor=monitor, priority_group=priority_group, profiles=profiles, rate_limit=rate_limit, ratio=ratio, session=session, state=member_state) #re-list the pool new_pool = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) if modified['code'] == 200 and modified['code'] == 200: #what are the new members? new_members = new_pool['content']['membersReference']['items'] #loop through them for new_member in new_members: if new_member['name'] == member: modified_member = new_member break #check for changes old = {'content': existing_member} new = {'content': modified_member} ret = _check_for_changes('Pool Member: {member}'.format(member=member), ret, old, new) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) else: ret['comment'] = 'Member: {name} does not exists within this pool. No changes made.'.format(name=member['name']) #pool does not exists elif existing_pool['code'] == 404: ret['comment'] = 'A pool with this name was not found.' else: ret = _load_result(existing_pool, ret) return ret
def delete_pool_member(hostname, username, password, name, member): ''' Delete an existing pool member. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the pool to be modified member The name of the member to delete from the pool ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'delete', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'members': member } ) #is this pool currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_pool'](hostname, username, password, name) # if it exists by name if existing['code'] == 200: #what are the current members? current_members = existing['content']['membersReference']['items'] #loop through them exists = False for current_member in current_members: if current_member['name'] == member: exists = True existing_member = current_member break if exists: deleted = __salt__['bigip.delete_pool_member'](hostname, username, password, name, member) # did we get rid of it? if deleted['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Pool Member: {member} was successfully deleted.'.format(member=member) ret['changes']['old'] = existing_member ret['changes']['new'] = {} # something bad happened else: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'This pool member already does not exist. No changes made.' ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = {} else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def list_virtual(hostname, username, password, name): ''' A function to list a specific virtual. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to list ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'list', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name } ) response = __salt__['bigip.list_virtual'](hostname, username, password, name) return _load_result(response, ret)
def manage_virtual(hostname, username, password, name, destination, pool=None, address_status=None, auto_lasthop=None, bwc_policy=None, cmp_enabled=None, connection_limit=None, dhcp_relay=None, description=None, fallback_persistence=None, flow_eviction_policy=None, gtm_score=None, ip_forward=None, ip_protocol=None, internal=None, twelve_forward=None, last_hop_pool=None, mask=None, mirror=None, nat64=None, persist=None, profiles=None, policies=None, rate_class=None, rate_limit=None, rate_limit_mode=None, rate_limit_dst=None, rate_limit_src=None, rules=None, related_rules=None, reject=None, source=None, source_address_translation=None, source_port=None, virtual_state=None, traffic_classes=None, translate_address=None, translate_port=None, vlans=None): ''' Manage a virtual server. If a virtual does not exists it will be created, otherwise only the parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to create destination [ [virtual_address_name:port] | [ipv4:port] | [ipv6.port] ] pool [ [pool_name] | none] address_status [yes | no] auto_lasthop [default | enabled | disabled ] bwc_policy [none] | string] cmp_enabled [yes | no] dhcp_relay [yes | no} connection_limit [integer] description [string] state [disabled | enabled] fallback_persistence [none | [profile name] ] flow_eviction_policy [none | [eviction policy name] ] gtm_score [integer] ip_forward [yes | no] ip_protocol [any | protocol] internal [yes | no] twelve_forward(12-forward) [yes | no] last_hop-pool [ [pool_name] | none] mask { [ipv4] | [ipv6] } mirror { [disabled | enabled | none] } nat64 [enabled | disabled] persist [list] profiles [none | default | list ] policies [none | default | list ] rate_class [name] rate_limit [integer] rate_limit-mode [destination | object | object-destination | object-source | object-source-destination | source | source-destination] rate_limit-dst [integer] rate_limit-src [integer] rules [none | list ] related_rules [none | list ] reject [yes | no] source { [ipv4[/prefixlen]] | [ipv6[/prefixlen]] } source_address_translation [none | snat:pool_name | lsn | automap | dictionary ] source_port [change | preserve | preserve-strict] state [enabled | disabled] traffic_classes [none | default | list ] translate_address [enabled | disabled] translate_port [enabled | disabled] vlans [none | default | dictionary] vlan_ids [ list] enabled [ true | false ] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'manage', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'destination': destination, 'pool': pool, 'address_status': address_status, 'auto_lasthop': auto_lasthop, 'bwc_policy': bwc_policy, 'cmp_enabled': cmp_enabled, 'connection_limit': connection_limit, 'dhcp_relay': dhcp_relay, 'description': description, 'fallback_persistence': fallback_persistence, 'flow_eviction_policy': flow_eviction_policy, 'gtm_score': gtm_score, 'ip_forward': ip_forward, 'ip_protocol': ip_protocol, 'internal': internal, 'twelve_forward': twelve_forward, 'last_hop_pool': last_hop_pool, 'mask': mask, 'mirror': mirror, 'nat64': nat64, 'persist': persist, 'profiles': profiles, 'policies': policies, 'rate_class': rate_class, 'rate_limit': rate_limit, 'rate_limit_mode': rate_limit_mode, 'rate_limit_dst': rate_limit_dst, 'rate_limit_src': rate_limit_src, 'rules': rules, 'related_rules': related_rules, 'reject': reject, 'source': source, 'source_address_translation': source_address_translation, 'source_port': source_port, 'virtual_state': virtual_state, 'traffic_classes': traffic_classes, 'translate_address': translate_address, 'translate_port': translate_port, 'vlans': vlans } ) existing = __salt__['bigip.list_virtual'](hostname, username, password, name) # does this virtual exist? if existing['code'] == 200: # modify modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_virtual'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: #relist it to compare relisting = __salt__['bigip.list_virtual'](hostname, username, password, name) if relisting['code'] == 200: relisting = _strip_key(relisting, 'generation') existing = _strip_key(existing, 'generation') ret = _check_for_changes('Virtual', ret, existing, relisting) else: ret = _load_result(relisting, ret) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) elif existing['code'] == 404: #create it virtual = __salt__['bigip.create_virtual'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans) #were we able to create it? if virtual['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = virtual['content'] ret['comment'] = 'Virtual was successfully created and enforced to the desired state.' else: ret = _load_result(virtual, ret) else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def modify_virtual(hostname, username, password, name, destination, pool=None, address_status=None, auto_lasthop=None, bwc_policy=None, cmp_enabled=None, connection_limit=None, dhcp_relay=None, description=None, fallback_persistence=None, flow_eviction_policy=None, gtm_score=None, ip_forward=None, ip_protocol=None, internal=None, twelve_forward=None, last_hop_pool=None, mask=None, mirror=None, nat64=None, persist=None, profiles=None, policies=None, rate_class=None, rate_limit=None, rate_limit_mode=None, rate_limit_dst=None, rate_limit_src=None, rules=None, related_rules=None, reject=None, source=None, source_address_translation=None, source_port=None, virtual_state=None, traffic_classes=None, translate_address=None, translate_port=None, vlans=None): ''' Modify an virtual server. modify an existing virtual. Only parameters specified will be enforced. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password name The name of the virtual to create destination [ [virtual_address_name:port] | [ipv4:port] | [ipv6.port] ] pool [ [pool_name] | none] address_status [yes | no] auto_lasthop [default | enabled | disabled ] bwc_policy [none] | string] cmp_enabled [yes | no] dhcp_relay [yes | no} connection_limit [integer] description [string] state [disabled | enabled] fallback_persistence [none | [profile name] ] flow_eviction_policy [none | [eviction policy name] ] gtm_score [integer] ip_forward [yes | no] ip_protocol [any | protocol] internal [yes | no] twelve_forward(12-forward) [yes | no] last_hop-pool [ [pool_name] | none] mask { [ipv4] | [ipv6] } mirror { [disabled | enabled | none] } nat64 [enabled | disabled] persist [list] profiles [none | default | list ] policies [none | default | list ] rate_class [name] rate_limit [integer] rate_limit-mode [destination | object | object-destination | object-source | object-source-destination | source | source-destination] rate_limit_dst [integer] rate_limit_src [integer] rules [none | list ] related_rules [none | list ] reject [yes | no] source { [ipv4[/prefixlen]] | [ipv6[/prefixlen]] } source_address_translation [none | snat:pool_name | lsn | automap | dictionary ] source_port [change | preserve | preserve-strict] state [enabled | disabled] traffic_classes [none | default | list ] translate_address [enabled | disabled] translate_port [enabled | disabled] vlans [none | default | dictionary ] vlan_ids [ list] enabled [ true | false ] ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'modify', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'name': name, 'destination': destination, 'pool': pool, 'address_status': address_status, 'auto_lasthop': auto_lasthop, 'bwc_policy': bwc_policy, 'cmp_enabled': cmp_enabled, 'connection_limit': connection_limit, 'dhcp_relay': dhcp_relay, 'description': description, 'fallback_persistence': fallback_persistence, 'flow_eviction_policy': flow_eviction_policy, 'gtm_score': gtm_score, 'ip_forward': ip_forward, 'ip_protocol': ip_protocol, 'internal': internal, 'twelve_forward': twelve_forward, 'last_hop_pool': last_hop_pool, 'mask': mask, 'mirror': mirror, 'nat64': nat64, 'persist': persist, 'profiles': profiles, 'policies': policies, 'rate_class': rate_class, 'rate_limit': rate_limit, 'rate_limit_mode': rate_limit_mode, 'rate_limit_dst': rate_limit_dst, 'rate_limit_src': rate_limit_src, 'rules': rules, 'related_rules': related_rules, 'reject': reject, 'source': source, 'source_address_translation': source_address_translation, 'source_port': source_port, 'virtual_state': virtual_state, 'traffic_classes': traffic_classes, 'translate_address': translate_address, 'translate_port': translate_port, 'vlans': vlans } ) existing = __salt__['bigip.list_virtual'](hostname, username, password, name) # does this virtual exist? if existing['code'] == 200: # modify modified = __salt__['bigip.modify_virtual'](hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, name=name, destination=destination, description=description, pool=pool, address_status=address_status, auto_lasthop=auto_lasthop, bwc_policy=bwc_policy, cmp_enabled=cmp_enabled, connection_limit=connection_limit, dhcp_relay=dhcp_relay, fallback_persistence=fallback_persistence, flow_eviction_policy=flow_eviction_policy, gtm_score=gtm_score, ip_forward=ip_forward, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, internal=internal, twelve_forward=twelve_forward, last_hop_pool=last_hop_pool, mask=mask, mirror=mirror, nat64=nat64, persist=persist, profiles=profiles, policies=policies, rate_class=rate_class, rate_limit=rate_limit, rate_limit_mode=rate_limit_mode, rate_limit_dst=rate_limit_dst, rate_limit_src=rate_limit_src, rules=rules, related_rules=related_rules, reject=reject, source=source, source_address_translation=source_address_translation, source_port=source_port, state=virtual_state, traffic_classes=traffic_classes, translate_address=translate_address, translate_port=translate_port, vlans=vlans) #was the modification successful? if modified['code'] == 200: #relist it to compare relisting = __salt__['bigip.list_virtual'](hostname, username, password, name) if relisting['code'] == 200: relisting = _strip_key(relisting, 'generation') existing = _strip_key(existing, 'generation') ret = _check_for_changes('Virtual', ret, existing, relisting) else: ret = _load_result(relisting, ret) else: ret = _load_result(modified, ret) elif existing['code'] == 404: ret['comment'] = 'A Virtual with this name was not found.' # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def create_monitor(hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs): ''' A function to connect to a bigip device and create a monitor. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password monitor_type The type of monitor to create name The name of the monitor to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: params = { 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'monitor_type': monitor_type, 'name': name } for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): params[key] = value return _test_output(ret, 'create', params) #is this monitor currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_monitor'](hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name) # if it exists if existing['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'A monitor by this name currently exists. No change made.' # if it doesn't exist elif existing['code'] == 404: response = __salt__['bigip.create_monitor'](hostname, username, password, monitor_type, name, **kwargs) if response['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = response['content'] ret['comment'] = 'Monitor was successfully created.' else: ret = _load_result(response, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def create_profile(hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs): r''' A function to connect to a bigip device and create a profile. hostname The host/address of the bigip device username The iControl REST username password The iControl REST password profile_type The type of profile to create name The name of the profile to create kwargs [ arg=val ] ... Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each profile type. Typically, tmsh arg names are used. Special Characters ``|``, ``,`` and ``:`` must be escaped using ``\`` when used within strings. ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: return _test_output(ret, 'create', params={ 'hostname': hostname, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'profile_type': profile_type, 'name': name }) #is this profile currently configured? existing = __salt__['bigip.list_profile'](hostname, username, password, profile_type, name) # if it exists if existing['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'A profile by this name currently exists. No change made.' # if it doesn't exist elif existing['code'] == 404: response = __salt__['bigip.create_profile'](hostname, username, password, profile_type, name, **kwargs) if response['code'] == 200: ret['result'] = True ret['changes']['old'] = {} ret['changes']['new'] = response['content'] ret['comment'] = 'Profile was successfully created.' else: ret = _load_result(response, ret) # else something else was returned else: ret = _load_result(existing, ret) return ret
def avail_images(call=None): ''' Return a list of the images that are on the provider. ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_images function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-images option' ) items = query(method='images', root='marketplace_root') ret = {} for image in items['images']: ret[image['id']] = {} for item in image: ret[image['id']][item] = six.text_type(image[item]) return ret
def list_nodes(call=None): ''' Return a list of the BareMetal servers that are on the provider. ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function.' ) items = query(method='servers') ret = {} for node in items['servers']: public_ips = [] private_ips = [] image_id = '' if node.get('public_ip'): public_ips = [node['public_ip']['address']] if node.get('private_ip'): private_ips = [node['private_ip']] if node.get('image'): image_id = node['image']['id'] ret[node['name']] = { 'id': node['id'], 'image_id': image_id, 'public_ips': public_ips, 'private_ips': private_ips, 'size': node['volumes']['0']['size'], 'state': node['state'], } return ret
def list_nodes_full(call=None): ''' Return a list of the BareMetal servers that are on the provider. ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'list_nodes_full must be called with -f or --function' ) items = query(method='servers') # For each server, iterate on its parameters. ret = {} for node in items['servers']: ret[node['name']] = {} for item in node: value = node[item] ret[node['name']][item] = value return ret
def get_image(server_): ''' Return the image object to use. ''' images = avail_images() server_image = six.text_type(config.get_cloud_config_value( 'image', server_, __opts__, search_global=False )) for image in images: if server_image in (images[image]['name'], images[image]['id']): return images[image]['id'] raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified image, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format(server_image) )
def create_node(args): ''' Create a node. ''' node = query(method='servers', args=args, http_method='POST') action = query( method='servers', server_id=node['server']['id'], command='action', args={'action': 'poweron'}, http_method='POST' ) return node
def create(server_): ''' Create a single BareMetal server from a data dict. ''' try: # Check for required profile parameters before sending any API calls. if server_['profile'] and config.is_profile_configured(__opts__, __active_provider_name__ or 'scaleway', server_['profile'], vm_=server_) is False: return False except AttributeError: pass __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'starting create', 'salt/cloud/{0}/creating'.format(server_['name']), args=__utils__['cloud.filter_event']('creating', server_, ['name', 'profile', 'provider', 'driver']), sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) log.info('Creating a BareMetal server %s', server_['name']) access_key = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'access_key', get_configured_provider(), __opts__, search_global=False ) commercial_type = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'commercial_type', server_, __opts__, default='C1' ) key_filename = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'ssh_key_file', server_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ) if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( 'The defined key_filename \'{0}\' does not exist'.format( key_filename ) ) ssh_password = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'ssh_password', server_, __opts__ ) kwargs = { 'name': server_['name'], 'organization': access_key, 'image': get_image(server_), 'commercial_type': commercial_type, } __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'requesting instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/requesting'.format(server_['name']), args={ 'kwargs': __utils__['cloud.filter_event']('requesting', kwargs, list(kwargs)), }, sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) try: ret = create_node(kwargs) except Exception as exc: log.error( 'Error creating %s on Scaleway\n\n' 'The following exception was thrown when trying to ' 'run the initial deployment: %s', server_['name'], exc, # Show the traceback if the debug logging level is enabled exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG ) return False def __query_node_data(server_name): ''' Called to check if the server has a public IP address. ''' data = show_instance(server_name, 'action') if data and data.get('public_ip'): return data return False try: data = salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_ip( __query_node_data, update_args=(server_['name'],), timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value( 'wait_for_ip_timeout', server_, __opts__, default=10 * 60), interval=config.get_cloud_config_value( 'wait_for_ip_interval', server_, __opts__, default=10), ) except (SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudExecutionFailure) as exc: try: # It might be already up, let's destroy it! destroy(server_['name']) except SaltCloudSystemExit: pass finally: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(six.text_type(exc)) server_['ssh_host'] = data['public_ip']['address'] server_['ssh_password'] = ssh_password server_['key_filename'] = key_filename ret = __utils__['cloud.bootstrap'](server_, __opts__) ret.update(data) log.info('Created BareMetal server \'%s\'', server_['name']) log.debug( '\'%s\' BareMetal server creation details:\n%s', server_['name'], pprint.pformat(data) ) __utils__['cloud.fire_event']( 'event', 'created instance', 'salt/cloud/{0}/created'.format(server_['name']), args=__utils__['cloud.filter_event']('created', server_, ['name', 'profile', 'provider', 'driver']), sock_dir=__opts__['sock_dir'], transport=__opts__['transport'] ) return ret
def query(method='servers', server_id=None, command=None, args=None, http_method='GET', root='api_root'): ''' Make a call to the Scaleway API. ''' if root == 'api_root': default_url = 'https://cp-par1.scaleway.com' else: default_url = 'https://api-marketplace.scaleway.com' base_path = six.text_type(config.get_cloud_config_value( root, get_configured_provider(), __opts__, search_global=False, default=default_url )) path = '{0}/{1}/'.format(base_path, method) if server_id: path += '{0}/'.format(server_id) if command: path += command if not isinstance(args, dict): args = {} token = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'token', get_configured_provider(), __opts__, search_global=False ) data = salt.utils.json.dumps(args) request = __utils__["http.query"](path, method=http_method, data=data, status=True, decode=True, decode_type='json', data_render=True, data_renderer='json', headers=True, header_dict={'X-Auth-Token': token, 'User-Agent': "salt-cloud", 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if request['status'] > 299: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'An error occurred while querying Scaleway. HTTP Code: {0} ' 'Error: \'{1}\''.format( request['status'], request['error'] ) ) # success without data if request['status'] == 204: return True return salt.utils.json.loads(request['body'])
def script(server_): ''' Return the script deployment object. ''' return salt.utils.cloud.os_script( config.get_cloud_config_value('script', server_, __opts__), server_, __opts__, salt.utils.cloud.salt_config_to_yaml( salt.utils.cloud.minion_config(__opts__, server_) ) )
def present( name, user, enc='ssh-rsa', comment='', source='', options=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', fingerprint_hash_type=None, **kwargs): ''' Verifies that the specified SSH key is present for the specified user name The SSH key to manage user The user who owns the SSH authorized keys file to modify enc Defines what type of key is being used; can be ed25519, ecdsa, ssh-rsa or ssh-dss comment The comment to be placed with the SSH public key source The source file for the key(s). Can contain any number of public keys, in standard "authorized_keys" format. If this is set, comment and enc will be ignored. .. note:: The source file must contain keys in the format ``<enc> <key> <comment>``. If you have generated a keypair using PuTTYgen, then you will need to do the following to retrieve an OpenSSH-compatible public key. 1. In PuTTYgen, click ``Load``, and select the *private* key file (not the public key), and click ``Open``. 2. Copy the public key from the box labeled ``Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file``. 3. Paste it into a new file. options The options passed to the key, pass a list object config The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/authorized_keys". Token expansion %u and %h for username and home path supported. fingerprint_hash_type The public key fingerprint hash type that the public key fingerprint was originally hashed with. This defaults to ``sha256`` if not specified. ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''} if source == '': # check if this is of form {options} {enc} {key} {comment} sshre = re.compile(r'^(.*?)\s?((?:ssh\-|ecds)[\w-]+\s.+)$') fullkey = sshre.search(name) # if it is {key} [comment] if not fullkey: key_and_comment = name.split(None, 1) name = key_and_comment[0] if len(key_and_comment) == 2: comment = key_and_comment[1] else: # if there are options, set them if fullkey.group(1): options = fullkey.group(1).split(',') # key is of format: {enc} {key} [comment] comps = fullkey.group(2).split(None, 2) enc = comps[0] name = comps[1] if len(comps) == 3: comment = comps[2] if __opts__['test']: ret['result'], ret['comment'] = _present_test( user, name, enc, comment, options or [], source, config, fingerprint_hash_type) return ret # Get only the path to the file without env referrences to check if exists if source != '': source_path = __salt__['cp.get_url']( source, None, saltenv=__env__) if source != '' and not source_path: data = 'no key' elif source != '' and source_path: key = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__env__) filehasoptions = False # check if this is of form {options} {enc} {key} {comment} sshre = re.compile(r'^(ssh\-|ecds).*') key = key.rstrip().split('\n') for keyline in key: filehasoptions = sshre.match(keyline) if not filehasoptions: data = __salt__['ssh.set_auth_key_from_file']( user, source, config=config, saltenv=__env__, fingerprint_hash_type=fingerprint_hash_type) else: # Split keyline to get key and comment keyline = keyline.split(' ') key_type = keyline[0] key_value = keyline[1] key_comment = keyline[2] if len(keyline) > 2 else '' data = __salt__['ssh.set_auth_key']( user, key_value, enc=key_type, comment=key_comment, options=options or [], config=config, fingerprint_hash_type=fingerprint_hash_type) else: data = __salt__['ssh.set_auth_key']( user, name, enc=enc, comment=comment, options=options or [], config=config, fingerprint_hash_type=fingerprint_hash_type) if data == 'replace': ret['changes'][name] = 'Updated' ret['comment'] = ('The authorized host key {0} for user {1} was ' 'updated'.format(name, user)) return ret elif data == 'no change': ret['comment'] = ('The authorized host key {0} is already present ' 'for user {1}'.format(name, user)) elif data == 'new': ret['changes'][name] = 'New' ret['comment'] = ('The authorized host key {0} for user {1} was added' .format(name, user)) elif data == 'no key': ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = ('Failed to add the ssh key. Source file {0} is ' 'missing'.format(source)) elif data == 'fail': ret['result'] = False err = sys.modules[ __salt__['test.ping'].__module__ ].__context__.pop('ssh_auth.error', None) if err: ret['comment'] = err else: ret['comment'] = ('Failed to add the ssh key. Is the home ' 'directory available, and/or does the key file ' 'exist?') elif data == 'invalid' or data == 'Invalid public key': ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Invalid public ssh key, most likely has spaces or invalid syntax' return ret
def absent(name, user, enc='ssh-rsa', comment='', source='', options=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', fingerprint_hash_type=None): ''' Verifies that the specified SSH key is absent name The SSH key to manage user The user who owns the SSH authorized keys file to modify enc Defines what type of key is being used; can be ed25519, ecdsa, ssh-rsa or ssh-dss comment The comment to be placed with the SSH public key options The options passed to the key, pass a list object source The source file for the key(s). Can contain any number of public keys, in standard "authorized_keys" format. If this is set, comment, enc and options will be ignored. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 config The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/authorized_keys". Token expansion %u and %h for username and home path supported. fingerprint_hash_type The public key fingerprint hash type that the public key fingerprint was originally hashed with. This defaults to ``sha256`` if not specified. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.7 ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['result'], ret['comment'] = _absent_test( user, name, enc, comment, options or [], source, config, fingerprint_hash_type) return ret # Extract Key from file if source is present if source != '': key = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__env__) filehasoptions = False # check if this is of form {options} {enc} {key} {comment} sshre = re.compile(r'^(ssh\-|ecds).*') key = key.rstrip().split('\n') for keyline in key: filehasoptions = sshre.match(keyline) if not filehasoptions: ret['comment'] = __salt__['ssh.rm_auth_key_from_file'](user, source, config, saltenv=__env__, fingerprint_hash_type=fingerprint_hash_type) else: # Split keyline to get key keyline = keyline.split(' ') ret['comment'] = __salt__['ssh.rm_auth_key'](user, keyline[1], config=config, fingerprint_hash_type=fingerprint_hash_type) else: # Get just the key sshre = re.compile(r'^(.*?)\s?((?:ssh\-|ecds)[\w-]+\s.+)$') fullkey = sshre.search(name) # if it is {key} [comment] if not fullkey: key_and_comment = name.split(None, 1) name = key_and_comment[0] if len(key_and_comment) == 2: comment = key_and_comment[1] else: # if there are options, set them if fullkey.group(1): options = fullkey.group(1).split(',') # key is of format: {enc} {key} [comment] comps = fullkey.group(2).split() enc = comps[0] name = comps[1] if len(comps) == 3: comment = comps[2] ret['comment'] = __salt__['ssh.rm_auth_key'](user, name, config=config, fingerprint_hash_type=fingerprint_hash_type) if ret['comment'] == 'User authorized keys file not present': ret['result'] = False return ret elif ret['comment'] == 'Key removed': ret['changes'][name] = 'Removed' return ret
def manage( name, ssh_keys, user, enc='ssh-rsa', comment='', source='', options=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', fingerprint_hash_type=None, **kwargs): ''' .. versionadded:: Neon Ensures that only the specified ssh_keys are present for the specified user ssh_keys The SSH key to manage user The user who owns the SSH authorized keys file to modify enc Defines what type of key is being used; can be ed25519, ecdsa, ssh-rsa or ssh-dss comment The comment to be placed with the SSH public key source The source file for the key(s). Can contain any number of public keys, in standard "authorized_keys" format. If this is set, comment and enc will be ignored. .. note:: The source file must contain keys in the format ``<enc> <key> <comment>``. If you have generated a keypair using PuTTYgen, then you will need to do the following to retrieve an OpenSSH-compatible public key. 1. In PuTTYgen, click ``Load``, and select the *private* key file (not the public key), and click ``Open``. 2. Copy the public key from the box labeled ``Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file``. 3. Paste it into a new file. options The options passed to the keys, pass a list object config The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/authorized_keys". Token expansion %u and %h for username and home path supported. fingerprint_hash_type The public key fingerprint hash type that the public key fingerprint was originally hashed with. This defaults to ``sha256`` if not specified. ''' ret = {'name': '', 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''} all_potential_keys = [] for ssh_key in ssh_keys: # gather list potential ssh keys for removal comparison # options, enc, and comments could be in the mix all_potential_keys.extend(ssh_key.split(' ')) existing_keys = __salt__['ssh.auth_keys'](user=user).keys() remove_keys = set(existing_keys).difference(all_potential_keys) for remove_key in remove_keys: if __opts__['test']: remove_comment = '{0} Key set for removal'.format(remove_key) ret['comment'] = remove_comment ret['result'] = None else: remove_comment = absent(remove_key, user)['comment'] ret['changes'][remove_key] = remove_comment for ssh_key in ssh_keys: run_return = present(ssh_key, user, enc, comment, source, options, config, fingerprint_hash_type, **kwargs) if run_return['changes']: ret['changes'].update(run_return['changes']) else: ret['comment'] += '\n' + run_return['comment'] ret['comment'].strip() if run_return['result'] is None: ret['result'] = None elif not run_return['result']: ret['result'] = False return ret
def _action(action='get', search=None, one=True, force=False): ''' Multi action helper for start, stop, get, ... ''' vms = {} matched_vms = [] client = salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__['conf_file']) ## lookup vms try: vmadm_args = {} vmadm_args['order'] = 'uuid,alias,hostname,state' if '=' in search: vmadm_args['search'] = search for cn in client.cmd_iter('G@virtual:physical and G@os:smartos', 'vmadm.list', kwarg=vmadm_args, tgt_type='compound'): if not cn: continue node = next(six.iterkeys(cn)) if not isinstance(cn[node], dict) or \ 'ret' not in cn[node] or \ not isinstance(cn[node]['ret'], dict): continue for vm in cn[node]['ret']: vmcfg = cn[node]['ret'][vm] vmcfg['node'] = node vms[vm] = vmcfg except SaltClientError as client_error: pass ## check if we have vms if not vms: return {'Error': 'No vms found.'} ## simple search if '=' not in search: loop_pass = 0 while loop_pass < 3: ## each pass will try a different field if loop_pass == 0: field = 'uuid' elif loop_pass == 1: field = 'hostname' else: field = 'alias' ## loop vms and try to match for vm in vms: if field == 'uuid' and vm == search: matched_vms.append(vm) break # exit for on uuid match (max = 1) elif field in vms[vm] and vms[vm][field] == search: matched_vms.append(vm) ## exit on match(es) or try again if matched_vms: break else: loop_pass += 1 else: for vm in vms: matched_vms.append(vm) ## check if we have vms if not matched_vms: return {'Error': 'No vms matched.'} ## multiple allowed? if one and len(matched_vms) > 1: return { 'Error': 'Matched {0} vms, only one allowed!'.format(len(matched_vms)), 'Matches': matched_vms } ## perform action ret = {} if action in ['start', 'stop', 'reboot', 'get']: for vm in matched_vms: vmadm_args = { 'key': 'uuid', 'vm': vm } try: for vmadm_res in client.cmd_iter(vms[vm]['node'], 'vmadm.{0}'.format(action), kwarg=vmadm_args): if not vmadm_res: continue if vms[vm]['node'] in vmadm_res: ret[vm] = vmadm_res[vms[vm]['node']]['ret'] except SaltClientError as client_error: ret[vm] = False elif action in ['is_running']: ret = True for vm in matched_vms: if vms[vm]['state'] != 'running': ret = False break return ret
def nodes(verbose=False): ''' List all compute nodes verbose : boolean print additional information about the node e.g. platform version, hvm capable, ... CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-run vmadm.nodes salt-run vmadm.nodes verbose=True ''' ret = {} if verbose else [] client = salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__['conf_file']) ## get list of nodes try: for cn in client.cmd_iter('G@virtual:physical and G@os:smartos', 'grains.items', tgt_type='compound'): if not cn: continue node = next(six.iterkeys(cn)) if not isinstance(cn[node], dict) or \ 'ret' not in cn[node] or \ not isinstance(cn[node]['ret'], dict): continue if verbose: ret[node] = {} ret[node]['version'] = {} ret[node]['version']['platform'] = cn[node]['ret']['osrelease'] if 'computenode_sdc_version' in cn[node]['ret']: ret[node]['version']['sdc'] = cn[node]['ret']['computenode_sdc_version'] ret[node]['vms'] = {} if 'computenode_vm_capable' in cn[node]['ret'] and \ cn[node]['ret']['computenode_vm_capable'] and \ 'computenode_vm_hw_virt' in cn[node]['ret']: ret[node]['vms']['hw_cap'] = cn[node]['ret']['computenode_vm_hw_virt'] else: ret[node]['vms']['hw_cap'] = False if 'computenode_vms_running' in cn[node]['ret']: ret[node]['vms']['running'] = cn[node]['ret']['computenode_vms_running'] else: ret.append(node) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "{0}".format(client_error) if not verbose: ret.sort() return ret
def list_vms(search=None, verbose=False): ''' List all vms search : string filter vms, see the execution module verbose : boolean print additional information about the vm CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-run vmadm.list salt-run vmadm.list search='type=KVM' salt-run vmadm.list verbose=True ''' ret = OrderedDict() if verbose else [] client = salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__['conf_file']) try: vmadm_args = {} vmadm_args['order'] = 'uuid,alias,hostname,state,type,cpu_cap,vcpus,ram' if search: vmadm_args['search'] = search for cn in client.cmd_iter('G@virtual:physical and G@os:smartos', 'vmadm.list', kwarg=vmadm_args, tgt_type='compound'): if not cn: continue node = next(six.iterkeys(cn)) if not isinstance(cn[node], dict) or \ 'ret' not in cn[node] or \ not isinstance(cn[node]['ret'], dict): continue for vm in cn[node]['ret']: vmcfg = cn[node]['ret'][vm] if verbose: ret[vm] = OrderedDict() ret[vm]['hostname'] = vmcfg['hostname'] ret[vm]['alias'] = vmcfg['alias'] ret[vm]['computenode'] = node ret[vm]['state'] = vmcfg['state'] ret[vm]['resources'] = OrderedDict() ret[vm]['resources']['memory'] = vmcfg['ram'] if vmcfg['type'] == 'KVM': ret[vm]['resources']['cpu'] = "{0:.2f}".format(int(vmcfg['vcpus'])) else: if vmcfg['cpu_cap'] != '': ret[vm]['resources']['cpu'] = "{0:.2f}".format(int(vmcfg['cpu_cap'])/100) else: ret.append(vm) except SaltClientError as client_error: return "{0}".format(client_error) if not verbose: ret = sorted(ret) return ret
def reboot(search, one=True, force=False): ''' Reboot one or more vms search : string filter vms, see the execution module. one : boolean reboot only one vm force : boolean force reboot, faster but no graceful shutdown .. note:: If the search parameter does not contain an equal (=) symbol it will be assumed it will be tried as uuid, hostname, and alias. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-run vmadm.reboot 91244bba-1146-e4ec-c07e-e825e0223aa9 salt-run vmadm.reboot search='alias=marije' salt-run vmadm.reboot search='type=KVM' one=False ''' return _action('reboot', search, one, force)
def _xml_to_dict(xmltree): ''' Convert an XML tree into a dict ''' if sys.version_info < (2, 7): children_len = len(xmltree.getchildren()) else: children_len = len(xmltree) if children_len < 1: name = xmltree.tag if '}' in name: comps = name.split('}') name = comps[1] return {name: xmltree.text} xmldict = {} for item in xmltree: name = item.tag if '}' in name: comps = name.split('}') name = comps[1] if name not in xmldict: if sys.version_info < (2, 7): children_len = len(item.getchildren()) else: children_len = len(item) if children_len > 0: xmldict[name] = _xml_to_dict(item) else: xmldict[name] = item.text else: if not isinstance(xmldict[name], list): tempvar = xmldict[name] xmldict[name] = [] xmldict[name].append(tempvar) xmldict[name].append(_xml_to_dict(item)) return xmldict
def optimize_providers(providers): ''' Return an optimized list of providers. We want to reduce the duplication of querying the same region. If a provider is using the same credentials for the same region the same data will be returned for each provider, thus causing un-wanted duplicate data and API calls to EC2. ''' tmp_providers = {} optimized_providers = {} for name, data in six.iteritems(providers): if 'location' not in data: data['location'] = DEFAULT_LOCATION if data['location'] not in tmp_providers: tmp_providers[data['location']] = {} creds = (data['id'], data['key']) if creds not in tmp_providers[data['location']]: tmp_providers[data['location']][creds] = {'name': name, 'data': data, } for location, tmp_data in six.iteritems(tmp_providers): for creds, data in six.iteritems(tmp_data): _id, _key = creds _name = data['name'] _data = data['data'] if _name not in optimized_providers: optimized_providers[_name] = _data return optimized_providers
def _wait_for_spot_instance(update_callback, update_args=None, update_kwargs=None, timeout=10 * 60, interval=30, interval_multiplier=1, max_failures=10): ''' Helper function that waits for a spot instance request to become active for a specific maximum amount of time. :param update_callback: callback function which queries the cloud provider for spot instance request. It must return None if the required data, running instance included, is not available yet. :param update_args: Arguments to pass to update_callback :param update_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to update_callback :param timeout: The maximum amount of time(in seconds) to wait for the IP address. :param interval: The looping interval, i.e., the amount of time to sleep before the next iteration. :param interval_multiplier: Increase the interval by this multiplier after each request; helps with throttling :param max_failures: If update_callback returns ``False`` it's considered query failure. This value is the amount of failures accepted before giving up. :returns: The update_callback returned data :raises: SaltCloudExecutionTimeout ''' if update_args is None: update_args = () if update_kwargs is None: update_kwargs = {} duration = timeout while True: log.debug( 'Waiting for spot instance reservation. Giving up in ' '00:%02d:%02d', int(timeout // 60), int(timeout % 60) ) data = update_callback(*update_args, **update_kwargs) if data is False: log.debug( 'update_callback has returned False which is considered a ' 'failure. Remaining Failures: %s', max_failures ) max_failures -= 1 if max_failures <= 0: raise SaltCloudExecutionFailure( 'Too many failures occurred while waiting for ' 'the spot instance reservation to become active.' ) elif data is not None: return data if timeout < 0: raise SaltCloudExecutionTimeout( 'Unable to get an active spot instance request for ' '00:{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format( int(duration // 60), int(duration % 60) ) ) time.sleep(interval) timeout -= interval if interval_multiplier > 1: interval *= interval_multiplier if interval > timeout: interval = timeout + 1 log.info('Interval multiplier in effect; interval is ' 'now %ss', interval)