[ 9, 12, 23 ]
math.CA math.AP math.FA
Buerling Ahlfors Commutators on Weighted Morrey Spaces and Applications to Beltrami Equations. Let p in(1, infty) , kappa in(0, 1) and w in A p( mathbb C). In this article, the authors obtain a boundedness (resp., compactness) characterization of the Buerling Ahlfors commutator mathcal B, b on the weighted Morrey space L w p, , kappa ( mathbb C) via mathrm BMO ( mathbb C) resp., mathrm CMO ( mathbb C) , where mathcal B denotes the Buerling Ahlfors transform and b in mathrm BMO ( mathbb C) resp., mathrm CMO ( mathbb C) . Moreover, an application to the Beltrami equation is also given.
[ 48 ]
KRW Composition Theorems via Lifting. One of the major open problems in complexity theory is proving super logarithmic lower bounds on the depth of circuits (i.e., mathbf P not subseteq mathbf NC 1 ). Karchmer, Raz, and Wigderson (Computational Complexity 5(3 4), 1995) suggested to approach this problem by proving that depth complexity behaves "as expected" with respect to the composition of functions f diamond g . They showed that the validity of this conjecture would imply that mathbf P not subseteq mathbf NC 1 . Several works have made progress toward resolving this conjecture by proving special cases. In particular, these works proved the KRW conjecture for every outer function f , but only for few inner functions g . Thus, it is an important challenge to prove the KRW conjecture for a wider range of inner functions. In this work, we extend significantly the range of inner functions that can be handled. First, we consider the textit monotone version of the KRW conjecture. We prove it for every monotone inner function g whose depth complexity can be lower bounded via a query to communication lifting theorem. This allows us to handle several new and well studied functions such as the s textbf t connectivity, clique, and generation functions. In order to carry this progress back to the textit non monotone setting, we introduce a new notion of textit semi monotone composition, which combines the non monotone complexity of the outer function f with the monotone complexity of the inner function g . In this setting, we prove the KRW conjecture for a similar selection of inner functions g , but only for a specific choice of the outer function f .
[ 15, 47 ]
math.AT cs.IT math.IT
Hyperharmonic analysis for the study of high order information theoretic signals. Network representations often cannot fully account for the structural richness of complex systems spanning multiple levels of organisation. Recently proposed high order information theoretic signals are well suited to capture synergistic phenomena that transcend pairwise interactions however, the exponential growth of their cardinality severely hinders their applicability. In this work, we combine methods from harmonic analysis and combinatorial topology to construct efficient representations of high order information theoretic signals. The core of our method is the diagonalisation of a discrete version of the Laplace de Rham operator, that geometrically encodes structural properties of the system. We capitalise on these ideas by developing a complete workflow for the construction of hyperharmonic representations of high order signals, which is applicable to a wide range of scenarios.
[ 72, 17 ]
cs.DC cs.PF
Towards Co execution on Commodity Heterogeneous Systems Optimizations for Time Constrained Scenarios. Heterogeneous systems are present from powerful supercomputers, to mobile devices, including desktop computers, thanks to their excellent performance and energy consumption. The ubiquity of these architectures in both desktop systems and medium sized service servers allow enough variability to exploit a wide range of problems, such as multimedia workloads, video encoding, image filtering and inference in machine learning. Due to the heterogeneity, some efforts have been done to reduce the programming effort and preserve performance portability, but these systems include a set of challenges. The context in which applications offload the workload along with the management overheads introduced when doing co execution, penalize the performance gains under time constrained scenarios. Therefore, this paper proposes optimizations for the EngineCL runtime to reduce the penalization when co executing in commodity systems, as well as algorithmic improvements when load balancing. An exhaustive experimental evaluation is performed, showing optimization improvements of 7.5 and 17.4 for binary and ROI based offloading modes, respectively. Thanks to all the optimizations, the new load balancing algorithm is always the most efficient scheduling configuration, achieving an average efficiency of 0.84 under a pessimistic scenario.
[ 0, 1, 28 ]
cs.CV cs.CG cs.LG
It's All Around You Range Guided Cylindrical Network for 3D Object Detection. Modern perception systems in the field of autonomous driving rely on 3D data analysis. LiDAR sensors are frequently used to acquire such data due to their increased resilience to different lighting conditions. Although rotating LiDAR scanners produce ring shaped patterns in space, most networks analyze their data using an orthogonal voxel sampling strategy. This work presents a novel approach for analyzing 3D data produced by 360 degree depth scanners, utilizing a more suitable coordinate system, which is aligned with the scanning pattern. Furthermore, we introduce a novel notion of range guided convolutions, adapting the receptive field by distance from the ego vehicle and the object's scale. Our network demonstrates powerful results on the nuScenes challenge, comparable to current state of the art architectures. The backbone architecture introduced in this work can be easily integrated onto other pipelines as well.
[ 1, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.LG
SHE A Fast and Accurate Deep Neural Network for Encrypted Data. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is one of the most promising security solutions to emerging Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS). Leveled HE (LHE) enabled Convolutional Neural Networks (LHECNNs) are proposed to implement MLaaS to avoid large bootstrapping overhead. However, prior LHECNNs have to pay significant computing overhead but achieve only low inference accuracy, due to their polynomial approximation activations and poolings. Stacking many polynomial approximation activation layers in a network greatly reduces inference accuracy, since the polynomial approximation activation errors lead to a low distortion of the output distribution of the next batch normalization layer. So the polynomial approximation activations and poolings have become the obstacle to a fast and accurate LHECNN model. In this paper, we propose a Shift accumulation based LHE enabled deep neural network (SHE) for fast and accurate inferences on encrypted data. We use the binary operation friendly Leveled Fast Homomorphic Encryption over Torus (LTFHE) encryption scheme to implement ReLU activations and max poolings. We also adopt the logarithmic quantization to accelerate inferences by replacing expensive LTFHE multiplications with cheap LTFHE shifts. We propose a mixed bitwidth accumulator to accelerate accumulations. Since the LTFHE ReLU activations, max poolings, shifts and accumulations have small multiplicative depth overhead, SHE can implement much deeper network architectures with more convolutional and activation layers. Our experimental results show SHE achieves the state of the art inference accuracy and reduces the inference latency by 76.21 94.23 over prior LHECNNs on MNIST and CIFAR 10. The source code of SHE is available at https github.com qianlou SHE.
[ 0, 41, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI cs.RO
Category Level Articulated Object Pose Estimation. This project addresses the task of category level pose estimation for articulated objects from a single depth image. We present a novel category level approach that correctly accommodates object instances previously unseen during training. We introduce Articulation aware Normalized Coordinate Space Hierarchy (ANCSH) a canonical representation for different articulated objects in a given category. As the key to achieve intra category generalization, the representation constructs a canonical object space as well as a set of canonical part spaces. The canonical object space normalizes the object orientation,scales and articulations (e.g. joint parameters and states) while each canonical part space further normalizes its part pose and scale. We develop a deep network based on PointNet that predicts ANCSH from a single depth point cloud, including part segmentation, normalized coordinates, and joint parameters in the canonical object space. By leveraging the canonicalized joints, we demonstrate 1) improved performance in part pose and scale estimations using the induced kinematic constraints from joints 2) high accuracy for joint parameter estimation in camera space.
[ 21 ]
Generalised Voltage Graphs. A graph with a semiregular group of automorphisms can be thought of as the derived cover arising from a voltage graph. Since its inception, the theory of voltage graphs and their derived covers has been a powerful tool used in the study of graphs with a significant degree of symmetry. We generalise this theory to graphs with a group of automorphisms that is not necessarily semiregular, and we generalise several well known results of the classical theory of voltage graphs to this broader setting.
[ 9, 23 ]
math.AP math.FA
Operator splitting for abstract Cauchy problems with dynamical boundary condition. In this work we study operator splitting methods for a certain class of coupled abstract Cauchy problems, where the coupling is such that one of the problems prescribes a "boundary type" extra condition for the other one. The theory of one sided coupled operator matrices provides an excellent framework to study the well posedness of such problems. We show that with this machinery even operator splitting methods can be treated conveniently and rather efficiently. We consider three specific examples the Lie (sequential), the Strang and the weighted splitting, and prove the convergence of these methods along with error bounds under fairly general assumptions.
[ 40, 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI cs.IR
Learning Transferrable Parameters for Long tailed Sequential User Behavior Modeling. Sequential user behavior modeling plays a crucial role in online user oriented services, such as product purchasing, news feed consumption, and online advertising. The performance of sequential modeling heavily depends on the scale and quality of historical behaviors. However, the number of user behaviors inherently follows a long tailed distribution, which has been seldom explored. In this work, we argue that focusing on tail users could bring more benefits and address the long tails issue by learning transferrable parameters from both optimization and feature perspectives. Specifically, we propose a gradient alignment optimizer and adopt an adversarial training scheme to facilitate knowledge transfer from the head to the tail. Such methods can also deal with the cold start problem of new users. Moreover, it could be directly adaptive to various well established sequential models. Extensive experiments on four real world datasets verify the superiority of our framework compared with the state of the art baselines.
[ 17 ]
Move Fast and Meet Deadlines Fine grained Real time Stream Processing with Cameo. Resource provisioning in multi tenant stream processing systems faces the dual challenges of keeping resource utilization high (without over provisioning), and ensuring performance isolation. In our common production use cases, where streaming workloads have to meet latency targets and avoid breaching service level agreements, existing solutions are incapable of handling the wide variability of user needs. Our framework called Cameo uses fine grained stream processing (inspired by actor computation models), and is able to provide high resource utilization while meeting latency targets. Cameo dynamically calculates and propagates priorities of events based on user latency targets and query semantics. Experiments on Microsoft Azure show that compared to state of the art, the Cameo framework i) reduces query latency by 2.7X in single tenant settings, ii) reduces query latency by 4.6X in multi tenant scenarios, and iii) weathers transient spikes of workload.
[ 0 ]
Cross modal Center Loss. Cross modal retrieval aims to learn discriminative and modal invariant features for data from different modalities. Unlike the existing methods which usually learn from the features extracted by offline networks, in this paper, we propose an approach to jointly train the components of cross modal retrieval framework with metadata, and enable the network to find optimal features. The proposed end to end framework is updated with three loss functions 1) a novel cross modal center loss to eliminate cross modal discrepancy, 2) cross entropy loss to maximize inter class variations, and 3) mean square error loss to reduce modality variations. In particular, our proposed cross modal center loss minimizes the distances of features from objects belonging to the same class across all modalities. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the retrieval tasks across multi modalities, including 2D image, 3D point cloud, and mesh data. The proposed framework significantly outperforms the state of the art methods on the ModelNet40 dataset.
[ 3, 59, 39 ]
cs.SI cs.CL cs.CY
Embeddings Based Clustering for Target Specific Stances The Case of a Polarized Turkey. On June 24, 2018, Turkey conducted a highly consequential election in which the Turkish people elected their president and parliament in the first election under a new presidential system. During the election period, the Turkish people extensively shared their political opinions on Twitter. One aspect of polarization among the electorate was support for or opposition to the reelection of Recep Tayyip Erdo u g an. In this paper, we present an unsupervised method for target specific stance detection in a polarized setting, specifically Turkish politics, achieving 90 precision in identifying user stances, while maintaining more than 80 recall. The method involves representing users in an embedding space using Google's Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based multilingual universal sentence encoder. The representations are then projected onto a lower dimensional space in a manner that reflects similarities and are consequently clustered. We show the effectiveness of our method in properly clustering users of divergent groups across multiple targets that include political figures, different groups, and parties. We perform our analysis on a large dataset of 108M Turkish election related tweets along with the timeline tweets of 168k Turkish users, who authored 213M tweets. Given the resultant user stances, we are able to observe correlations between topics and compute topic polarization.
[ 32, 17, 72, 7 ]
physics.comp-ph cs.DC cs.DS cs.PF
Heterogeneous Parallelization and Acceleration of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in GROMACS. The introduction of accelerator devices such as graphics processing units (GPUs) has had profound impact on molecular dynamics simulations and has enabled order of magnitude performance advances using commodity hardware. To fully reap these benefits, it has been necessary to reformulate some of the most fundamental algorithms, including the Verlet list, pair searching and cut offs. Here, we present the heterogeneous parallelization and acceleration design of molecular dynamics implemented in the GROMACS codebase over the last decade. The setup involves a general cluster based approach to pair lists and non bonded pair interactions that utilizes both GPUs and CPU SIMD acceleration efficiently, including the ability to load balance tasks between CPUs and GPUs. The algorithm work efficiency is tuned for each type of hardware, and to use accelerators more efficiently we introduce dual pair lists with rolling pruning updates. Combined with new direct GPU GPU communication as well as GPU integration, this enables excellent performance from single GPU simulations through strong scaling across multiple GPUs and efficient multi node parallelization.
[ 11 ]
Effect of the Thickness on the Fracturing Behavior of Discontinuous Fiber Composite Structures. In this study, we investigate experimentally and numerically the mode I intra laminar fracture and size effect of Discontinuous Fiber Composites (DFCs) as a function of the structure thicknesses. By testing geometrically scaled Single Edge Notch Tension (SENT) specimens a notable structure size effect on the nominal strength of DFCs is identified. As the specimen size increases, the nominal strength decreases. For small specimens, we find a limited size effect with enhanced pseudo ductility and a strong divergence from Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). For sufficiently large specimen sizes, the scaling of the nominal strength follows closely LEFM with a strong brittle failure. As the thickness increases, the size effect decreases. We identify the fracture energy and the effective size of the fracture process zone as a function of the thickness of the structure. To do so, we integrate equivalent fracture mechanics and stochastic finite element modeling. Experimentally, we collect the nominal strength of geometrically scaled Single Edge Notch Tension (SENT) specimens. The numerical stochastic model captures the complex, inhomogeneous mesostructure of DFCs by explicitly generating the platelets. From the integrated analysis, it is found that the fracture energy depends significantly on the structure thickness. It is shown to increase gradually up to 2 mm and saturates after 3 mm to a value of 57.77 N mm, which is 4.81 times larger than a typical aluminum alloy.
[ 0 ]
Unsupervised Domain Attention Adaptation Network for Caricature Attribute Recognition. Caricature attributes provide distinctive facial features to help research in Psychology and Neuroscience. However, unlike the facial photo attribute datasets that have a quantity of annotated images, the annotations of caricature attributes are rare. To facility the research in attribute learning of caricatures, we propose a caricature attribute dataset, namely WebCariA. Moreover, to utilize models that trained by face attributes, we propose a novel unsupervised domain adaptation framework for cross modality (i.e., photos to caricatures) attribute recognition, with an integrated inter and intra domain consistency learning scheme. Specifically, the inter domain consistency learning scheme consisting an image to image translator to first fill the domain gap between photos and caricatures by generating intermediate image samples, and a label consistency learning module to align their semantic information. The intra domain consistency learning scheme integrates the common feature consistency learning module with a novel attribute aware attention consistency learning module for a more efficient alignment. We did an extensive ablation study to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. And the proposed method also outperforms the state of the art methods by a margin. The implementation of the proposed method is available at https github.com KeleiHe DAAN.
[ 21 ]
Complexity yardsticks for f vectors of polytopes and spheres. We consider geometric and computational measures of complexity for sets of integer vectors, asking for a qualitative difference between f vectors of simplicial and general d polytopes, as well as flag f vectors of d polytopes and regular CW (d 1) spheres, for d ge 4 .
[ 43 ]
Analysis of Indexing Structures for Immutable Data. In emerging applications such as blockchains and collaborative data analytics, there are strong demands for data immutability, multi version accesses, and tamper evident controls. This leads to three new index structures for immutable data, namely Merkle Patricia Trie (MPT), Merkle Bucket Tree (MBT), and Pattern Oriented Split Tree (POS Tree). Although these structures have been adopted in real applications, there is no systematic evaluation of their pros and cons in the literature. This makes it difficult for practitioners to choose the right index structure for their applications, as there is only a limited understanding of the characteristics of each index. To alleviate the above deficiency, we present a comprehensive analysis of the existing index structures for immutable data, evaluating both their asymptotic and empirical performance. Specifically, we show that MPT, MBT, and POS Tree are all instances of a recently proposed framework, dubbed my Structurally Invariant and Reusable Indexes (SIRI) . We propose to evaluate the SIRI instances based on five essential metrics their efficiency for four index operations (i.e., lookup, update, comparison, and merge), as well as their my deduplication ratios (i.e., the size of the index with deduplication over the size without deduplication). We establish the worst case guarantees of each index in terms of these five metrics, and we experimentally evaluate all indexes in a large variety of settings. Based on our theoretical and empirical analysis, we conclude that POS Tree is a favorable choice for indexing immutable data.
[ 26 ]
The Modular Temperley Lieb Algebra. We investigate the representation theory of the Temperley Lieb algebra, TL n( delta) , defined over a field of positive characteristic. The principle question we seek to answer is the multiplicity of simple modules in cell modules for TL n over arbitrary rings. This provides us with the decomposition numbers for this algebra, as well as the dimensions of all simple modules. We obtain these results from diagrammatic principles, without appealing to realisations of TL n as endomorphism algebras of U q( mathfrak sl 2) modules. Our results strictly generalise the known characteristic zero theory of the Temperley Lieb algebras.
[ 3 ]
LSTM Easy first Dependency Parsing with Pre trained Word Embeddings and Character level Word Embeddings in Vietnamese. In Vietnamese dependency parsing, several methods have been proposed. Dependency parser which uses deep neural network model has been reported that achieved state of the art results. In this paper, we proposed a new method which applies LSTM easy first dependency parsing with pre trained word embeddings and character level word embeddings. Our method achieves an accuracy of 80.91 of unlabeled attachment score and 72.98 of labeled attachment score on the Vietnamese Dependency Treebank (VnDT).
[ 0 ]
Revising FUNSD dataset for key value detection in document images. FUNSD is one of the limited publicly available datasets for information extraction from document im ages. The information in the FUNSD dataset is defined by text areas of four categories ("key", "value", "header", "other", and "background") and connectivity between areas as key value relations. In specting FUNSD, we found several inconsistency in labeling, which impeded its applicability to thekey value extraction problem. In this report, we described some labeling issues in FUNSD and therevision we made to the dataset. We also reported our implementation of for key value detection onFUNSD using a UNet model as baseline results and an improved UNet model with Channel InvariantDeformable Convolution.
[ 46 ]
Incident rational curves. We study families of rational curves on an algebraic variety satisfying incidence conditions. We prove an analogue of bend and break that is, we show that under suitable conditions, such a family must contain reducibles. In the case of curves in P n incident to certain complete intersections, we prove the family is irreducible.
[ 77 ]
The logic induced by effect algebras. Effect algebras form an algebraic formalization of the logic of quantum mechanics. For lattice effect algebras E we investigate a natural implication and prove that the implication reduct of E is term equivalent to E. Then we present a simple axiom system in Gentzen style in order to axiomatize the logic induced by lattice effect algebras. For effect algebras which need not be lattice ordered we introduce a certain kind of implication which is everywhere defined but whose result need not be a single element. Then we study effect implication algebras and prove the correspondence between these algebras and effect algebras satisfying the Ascending Chain Condition. We present an axiom system in Gentzen style also for not necessarily lattice ordered effect algebras and prove that it is an algebraic semantics for the logic induced by finite effect algebras.
[ 81, 17, 1 ]
cs.DC cs.LG cs.MS
HeAT a Distributed and GPU accelerated Tensor Framework for Data Analytics. To cope with the rapid growth in available data, the efficiency of data analysis and machine learning libraries has recently received increased attention. Although great advancements have been made in traditional array based computations, most are limited by the resources available on a single computation node. Consequently, novel approaches must be made to exploit distributed resources, e.g. distributed memory architectures. To this end, we introduce HeAT, an array based numerical programming framework for large scale parallel processing with an easy to use NumPy like API. HeAT utilizes PyTorch as a node local eager execution engine and distributes the workload on arbitrarily large high performance computing systems via MPI. It provides both low level array computations, as well as assorted higher level algorithms. With HeAT, it is possible for a NumPy user to take full advantage of their available resources, significantly lowering the barrier to distributed data analysis. When compared to similar frameworks, HeAT achieves speedups of up to two orders of magnitude.
[ 3 ]
ACUTE EVAL Improved Dialogue Evaluation with Optimized Questions and Multi turn Comparisons. While dialogue remains an important end goal of natural language research, the difficulty of evaluation is an oft quoted reason why it remains troublesome to make real progress towards its solution. Evaluation difficulties are actually two fold not only do automatic metrics not correlate well with human judgments, but also human judgments themselves are in fact difficult to measure. The two most used human judgment tests, single turn pairwise evaluation and multi turn Likert scores, both have serious flaws as we discuss in this work. We instead provide a novel procedure involving comparing two full dialogues, where a human judge is asked to pay attention to only one speaker within each, and make a pairwise judgment. The questions themselves are optimized to maximize the robustness of judgments across different annotators, resulting in better tests. We also show how these tests work in self play model chat setups, resulting in faster, cheaper tests. We hope these tests become the de facto standard, and will release open source code to that end.
[ 32, 68, 48, 21, 28 ]
cs.CG cs.CC cs.DM cs.DS math.CO
A Universality Theorem for Nested Polytopes. In a nutshell, we show that polynomials and nested polytopes are topological, algebraic and algorithmically equivalent. Given two polytops A subseteq B and a number k , the Nested Polytope Problem (NPP) asks, if there exists a polytope X on k vertices such that A subseteq X subseteq B . The polytope A is given by a set of vertices and the polytope B is given by the defining hyperplanes. We show a universality theorem for NPP. Given an instance I of the NPP, we define the solutions set of I as V'(I) (x 1, ldots,x k) in mathbb R k cdot n A subseteq text conv (x 1, ldots,x k) subseteq B . As there are many symmetries, induced by permutations of the vertices, we will consider the emph normalized solution space V(I) . Let F be a finite set of polynomials, with bounded solution space. Then there is an instance I of the NPP, which has a rationally equivalent normalized solution space V(I) . Two sets V and W are rationally equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism f V rightarrow W such that both f and f 1 are given by rational functions. A function f V rightarrow W is a homeomorphism, if it is continuous, invertible and its inverse is continuous as well. As a corollary, we show that NPP is exists mathbb R complete. This implies that unless exists mathbb R NP, the NPP is not contained in the complexity class NP. Note that those results already follow from a recent paper by Shitov. Our proof is geometric and arguably easier.
[ 9, 25, 23 ]
math.FA math.AP math.PR
Convergence to equilibrium for hypoelliptic non symmetric Ornstein Uhlenbeck type operators. We study a generalized curvature dimension inequality which is suitable for subelliptic Ornstein Uhlenbeck type operators and deduce convergence to equilibrium in the L 2 and entropic sense. The main difficulty is that the operators we consider may not be symmetric. Our results apply in particular to Ornstein Uhlenbeck operators on two step Carnot groups.
[ 21 ]
Counterexamples to conjectures by Gross, Mansour and Tucker on partial dual genus polynomials of ribbon graphs. Gross, Mansour and Tucker introduced the partial dual orientable genus polynomial and the partial dual Euler genus polynomial. They computed these two partial dual genus polynomials of four families of ribbon graphs, posed some research problems and made some conjectures. In this paper, we introduce the notion of signed sequences of bouquets and obtain the partial dual Euler genus polynomials for all ribbon graphs with the number of edges less than 4 and the partial dual orientable genus polynomials for all orientable ribbon graphs with the number of edges less than 5 in terms of signed sequences. We check all the conjectures and find a counterexample to the Conjecture 3.1 in their paper There is no orientable ribbon graph having a non constant partial dual genus polynomial with only one non zero coefficient. Motivated by this counterexample, we further find an infinite family of counterexamples to the conjecture. Moreover, we find a counterexample to the Conjecture 5.3 in their paper The partial dual Euler genus polynomial for any non orientable ribbon graph is interpolating.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
On the fixed volume discrepancy of the Fibonacci sets in the integral norms. This paper is devoted to the study of a discrepancy type characteristic the fixed volume discrepancy of the Fibonacci point set in the unit square. It was observed recently that this new characteristic allows us to obtain optimal rate of dispersion from numerical integration results. This observation motivates us to thoroughly study this new version of discrepancy, which seems to be interesting by itself. The new ingredient of this paper is the use of the average over the shifts of hat functions instead of taking the supremum over the shifts. We show that this change in the setting results in an improvement of the upper bound for the smooth fixed volume discrepancy, similarly to the well known results for the usual L p discrepancy. Interestingly, this shows that bad boxes'' for the usual discrepancy cannot be too small''. The known results on smooth discrepancy show that the obtained bounds cannot be improved in a certain sense.
[ 21 ]
Proper 3 orientations of bipartite planar graphs with minimum degree at least 3. We show that every bipartite planar graph with minimum degree at least 3 has proper orientation number at most 3.
[ 2, 43 ]
cs.DB cs.AI
Datalog Reasoning over Compressed RDF Knowledge Bases. Materialisation is often used in RDF systems as a preprocessing step to derive all facts implied by given RDF triples and rules. Although widely used, materialisation considers all possible rule applications and can use a lot of memory for storing the derived facts, which can hinder performance. We present a novel materialisation technique that compresses the RDF triples so that the rules can sometimes be applied to multiple facts at once, and the derived facts can be represented using structure sharing. Our technique can thus require less space, as well as skip certain rule applications. Our experiments show that our technique can be very effective when the rules are relatively simple, our system is both faster and requires less memory than prominent state of the art RDF systems.
[ 2 ]
Emotion in Future Intelligent Machines. Over the past decades, research in cognitive and affective neuroscience has emphasized that emotion is crucial for human intelligence and in fact inseparable from cognition. Concurrently, there has been a significantly growing interest in simulating and modeling emotion in robots and artificial agents. Yet, existing models of emotion and their integration in cognitive architectures remain quite limited and frequently disconnected from neuroscientific evidence. We argue that a stronger integration of emotion in robot models is critical for the design of intelligent machines capable of tackling real world problems. Drawing from current neuroscientific knowledge, we provide a set of guidelines for future research in artificial emotion and intelligent machines more generally.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Optimization of Power Transfer Efficiency and Energy Efficiency for Wireless Powered Systems with Massive MIMO. Massive MIMO is attractive for wireless information and energy transfer due to its ability to focus energy towards desired spatial locations. In this paper, the overall power transfer efficiency (PTE) and the energy efficiency (EE) of a wireless powered massive MIMO system is investigated where a multi antenna base station (BS) uses wireless energy transfer to charge single antenna energy harvesting users on the downlink. The users may exploit the harvested energy to transmit information to the BS on the uplink. The overall system performance is analyzed while accounting for the nonlinear nature of practical energy harvesters. First, for wireless energy transfer, the PTE is characterized using a scalable model for the BS circuit power consumption. The PTE optimal number of BS antennas and users are derived. Then, for wireless energy and information transfer, the EE performance is characterized. The EE optimal BS transmit power is derived in terms of the key system parameters such as the number of BS antennas and the number of users. As the number of antennas becomes large, increasing the transmit power improves the energy efficiency for moderate to large number of antennas. Simulation results suggest that it is energy efficient to operate the system in the massive antenna regime.
[ 53 ]
Mathematical Foundations of Regression Methods for the approximation of the Forward Initial Margin. Abundant literature has been published on approximation methods for the forward initial margin. The most popular ones being the family of regression methods. This paper describes the mathematical foundations on which these regression approximation methods lie. We introduce mathematical rigor to show that in essence, all the methods propose variations of approximations for the conditional expectation function, which is interpreted as an orthogonal projection on Hilbert spaces. We show that each method is simply choosing a different functional form to numerically estimate the conditional expectation. We cover in particular the most popular methods in the literature so far, Polynomial approximation, Kernel regressions and Neural Networks.
[ 1, 52 ]
cs.MA cs.LG
Scalable Reinforcement Learning Policies for Multi Agent Control. We develop a Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) method to learn scalable control policies for target tracking. Our method can handle an arbitrary number of pursuers and targets we show results for tasks consisting up to 1000 pursuers tracking 1000 targets. We use a decentralized, partially observable Markov Decision Process framework to model pursuers as agents receiving partial observations (range and bearing) about targets which move using fixed, unknown policies. An attention mechanism is used to parameterize the value function of the agents this mechanism allows us to handle an arbitrary number of targets. Entropy regularized off policy RL methods are used to train a stochastic policy, and we discuss how it enables a hedging behavior between pursuers that leads to a weak form of cooperation in spite of completely decentralized control execution. We further develop a masking heuristic that allows training on smaller problems with few pursuers targets and execution on much larger problems. Thorough simulation experiments, ablation studies, and comparisons to state of the art algorithms are performed to study the scalability of the approach and robustness of performance to varying numbers of agents and targets.
[ 32, 64, 59 ]
cs.DS cs.SI physics.soc-ph
Seedless Graph Matching via Tail of Degree Distribution for Correlated Erdos Renyi Graphs. The network alignment (or graph matching) problem refers to recovering the node to node correspondence between two correlated networks. In this paper, we propose a network alignment algorithm which works without using a seed set of pre matched node pairs or any other auxiliary information (e.g., node or edge labels) as an input. The algorithm assigns structurally innovative features to nodes based on the tail of empirical degree distribution of their neighbor nodes. Then, it matches the nodes according to these features. We evaluate the performance of proposed algorithm on both synthetic and real networks. For synthetic networks, we generate Erdos Renyi graphs in the regions of Theta( log(n) n) and Theta( log 2 (n) n) , where a previous work theoretically showed that recovering is feasible in sparse Erdos Renyi graphs if and only if the probability of having an edge between a pair of nodes in one of the graphs and also between the corresponding nodes in the other graph is in the order of Omega( log(n) n) , where n is the number of nodes. Experiments on both real and synthetic networks show that it outperforms previous works in terms of probability of correct matching.
[ 3 ]
Multi Granularity Self Attention for Neural Machine Translation. Current state of the art neural machine translation (NMT) uses a deep multi head self attention network with no explicit phrase information. However, prior work on statistical machine translation has shown that extending the basic translation unit from words to phrases has produced substantial improvements, suggesting the possibility of improving NMT performance from explicit modeling of phrases. In this work, we present multi granularity self attention (Mg Sa) a neural network that combines multi head self attention and phrase modeling. Specifically, we train several attention heads to attend to phrases in either n gram or syntactic formalism. Moreover, we exploit interactions among phrases to enhance the strength of structure modeling a commonly cited weakness of self attention. Experimental results on WMT14 English to German and NIST Chinese to English translation tasks show the proposed approach consistently improves performance. Targeted linguistic analysis reveals that Mg Sa indeed captures useful phrase information at various levels of granularities.
[ 38 ]
Big principal series, p adic families and L invariants. In earlier work, the first named author generalized the construction of Darmon style mathcal L invariants to cuspidal automorphic representations of semisimple groups of higher rank, which are cohomological with respect to the trivial coefficient system and Steinberg at a fixed prime. In this paper, assuming that the Archimedean component of the group has discrete series we show that these automorphic mathcal L invariants can be computed in terms of derivatives of Hecke eigenvalues in p adic families. Our proof is novel even in the case of modular forms, which was established by Bertolini, Darmon, and Iovita. The main new technical ingredient is the Koszul resolution of locally analytic principal series representations by Kohlhaase and Schraen. As an application of our results we settle a conjecture of Spie ss we show that automorphic mathcal L invariants of Hilbert modular forms of parallel weight 2 are independent of the sign character used to define them. Moreover, we show that they are invariant under Jacquet Langlands transfer and, in fact, equal to the Fontaine Mazur mathcal L invariant of the associated Galois representation. Under mild assumptions, we also prove the equality of automorphic and Fontaine Mazur mathcal L invariants for representations of definite unitary groups of arbitrary rank. Finally, we study the case of Bianchi modular forms to show how our methods, given precise results on eigenvarieties, can also work in the absence of discrete series representations.
[ 1, 3, 59 ]
cs.CL cs.LG cs.SI
Toxic Language Detection in Social Media for Brazilian Portuguese New Dataset and Multilingual Analysis. Hate speech and toxic comments are a common concern of social media platform users. Although these comments are, fortunately, the minority in these platforms, they are still capable of causing harm. Therefore, identifying these comments is an important task for studying and preventing the proliferation of toxicity in social media. Previous work in automatically detecting toxic comments focus mainly in English, with very few work in languages like Brazilian Portuguese. In this paper, we propose a new large scale dataset for Brazilian Portuguese with tweets annotated as either toxic or non toxic or in different types of toxicity. We present our dataset collection and annotation process, where we aimed to select candidates covering multiple demographic groups. State of the art BERT models were able to achieve 76 macro F1 score using monolingual data in the binary case. We also show that large scale monolingual data is still needed to create more accurate models, despite recent advances in multilingual approaches. An error analysis and experiments with multi label classification show the difficulty of classifying certain types of toxic comments that appear less frequently in our data and highlights the need to develop models that are aware of different categories of toxicity.
[ 35 ]
Actions of Small Groups on Two Dimensional Artin Schelter Regular Algebras. In commutative invariant theory, a classical result due to Auslander says that if R Bbbk x 1, dots, x n and G is a finite subgroup of text Aut text gr (R) cong text GL (n, Bbbk) which contains no reflections, then there is a natural graded isomorphism R hspace 1pt hspace 1pt G cong text End R G (R) . In this paper, we show that a version of Auslander's Theorem holds if we replace R by an Artin Schelter regular algebra A of global dimension 2, and G by a finite subgroup of text Aut text gr (A) which contains no quasi reflections. This extends work of Chan Kirkman Walton Zhang. As part of the proof, we classify all such pairs (A,G) , up to conjugation of G by an element of text Aut text gr (A) . In all but one case, we also write down explicit presentations for the invariant rings A G , and show that they are isomorphic to factors of AS regular algebras.
[ 14, 39 ]
cs.CY cs.HC
Fairness Issues in AI Systems that Augment Sensory Abilities. Systems that augment sensory abilities are increasingly employing AI and machine learning (ML) approaches, with applications ranging from object recognition and scene description tools for blind users to sound awareness tools for d Deaf users. However, unlike many other AI enabled technologies, these systems provide information that is already available to non disabled people. In this paper, we discuss unique AI fairness challenges that arise in this context, including accessibility issues with data and models, ethical implications in deciding what sensory information to convey to the user, and privacy concerns both for the primary user and for others.
[ 11 ]
Demonstrating Delay based Reservoir Computing Using a Compact Photonic Integrated Chip. Photonic delay based reservoir computing (RC) has gained considerable attention lately, as it allows for simple technological implementations of the RC concept that can operate at high speed. In this paper, we discuss a practical, compact and robust implementation of photonic delay based RC, by integrating a laser and a 5.4cm delay line on an InP photonic integrated circuit. We demonstrate the operation of this chip with 23 nodes at a speed of 0.87GSa s, showing performances that are similar to previous non integrated delay based setups. We also investigate two other post processing methods to obtain more nodes in the output layer. We show that these methods improve the performance drastically, without compromising the computation speed.
[ 74, 23 ]
math.FA math.OA
Generalized Crofoot Transform and Matrix Valued Asymmetric Truncated Toeplitz Operators. Matrix valued asymmetric truncated Toeplitz operator are compression of multiplication operators acting between two model spaces. These are the generalization of matrix valued truncated Toeplitz operators. In this paper we use generalized Crofoot transform to characterize symbol of matrix valued asymmetric truncated Toeplitz operator equal to zero operator.
[ 0 ]
Robust Template Matching via Hierarchical Convolutional Features from a Shape Biased CNN. Finding a template in a search image is an important task underlying many computer vision applications. Recent approaches perform template matching in a deep feature space, produced by a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is found to provide more tolerance to changes in appearance. In this article we investigate if enhancing the CNN's encoding of shape information can produce more distinguishable features that improve the performance of template matching. This investigation results in a new template matching method that produces state of the art results on a standard benchmark. To confirm these results we also create a new benchmark and show that the proposed method also outperforms existing techniques on this new dataset. Our code and dataset is available at https github.com iminfine Deep DIM.
[ 0 ]
Domain Specific Mappings for Generative Adversarial Style Transfer. Style transfer generates an image whose content comes from one image and style from the other. Image to image translation approaches with disentangled representations have been shown effective for style transfer between two image categories. However, previous methods often assume a shared domain invariant content space, which could compromise the content representation power. For addressing this issue, this paper leverages domain specific mappings for remapping latent features in the shared content space to domain specific content spaces. This way, images can be encoded more properly for style transfer. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms previous style transfer methods, particularly on challenging scenarios that would require semantic correspondences between images. Code and results are available at https acht7111020.github.io DSMAP demo .
[ 28 ]
On the edge length ratio of 2 trees. We study planar straight line drawings of graphs that minimize the ratio between the length of the longest and the shortest edge. We answer a question of Lazard et al. Theor. Comput. Sci. 770 (2019), 88 94 and, for any given constant r , we provide a 2 tree which does not admit a planar straight line drawing with a ratio bounded by r . When the ratio is restricted to adjacent edges only, we prove that any 2 tree admits a planar straight line drawing whose edge length ratio is at most 4 varepsilon for any arbitrarily small varepsilon 0 , hence the upper bound on the local edge length ratio of partial 2 trees is 4 .
[ 18 ]
Surgery and Excision for Furuta Ohta invariants on Homology S 1 times S 3 . We prove a surgery formula and an excision formula for the Furuta Ohta invariant lambda FO defined on homology S 1 times S 3 , which provides more evidence on its equivalence with the Casson Seiberg Witten invariant lambda SW . These formulae are applied to compute lambda FO of certain families of manifolds obtained as mapping tori under diffeomorphisms of 3 manifolds. In the course of the proof, we give a complete description of the degree zero moduli space of ASD instantons on 4 manifolds of homology H (D 2 times T 2 mathbb Z ) with a cylindrical end modeled on 0, infty) times T 3 .
[ 11 ]
Photonic nanobeam cavities with nano pockets for efficient integration of fluorescent nanoparticles. Integrating fluorescent nanoparticles with high Q, small mode volume cavities is indispensable for nanophotonics and quantum technologies. To date, nanoparticles have largely been coupled to evanescent fields of cavity modes, which limits the strength of the interaction. Here, we developed both a cavity design and a fabrication method that enable efficient coupling between a fluorescent nanoparticle and a cavity optical mode. The design consists of a fishbone shaped, one dimensional photonic crystal cavity with a nano pocket located at the electric field maximum of the fundamental optical mode. Furthermore, the presence of a nanoparticle inside the pocket reduces the mode volume substantially and induces subwavelength light confinement. Our approach opens exciting pathways to achieve strong light confinement around fluorescent nanoparticles for applications in energy, sensing, lasing and quantum technologies.
[ 9 ]
Approximation and optimal control of dissipative solutions to the Ericksen Leslie system. We analyze the Ericksen Leslie system equipped with the Oseen Frank energy in three space dimensions. Recently, the author introduced the concept of dissipative solutions. These solutions show several advantages in comparison to the earlier introduced measure valued solutions. In this article, we argue that dissipative solutions can be numerically approximated by a relative simple scheme, which fulfills the norm restriction on the director in every step. We introduce a semi discrete scheme and derive an approximated version of the relative energy inequality for solutions of this scheme. Passing to the limit in the semi discretization, we attain dissipative solutions. Additionally, we introduce an optimal control scheme, show the existence of an optimal control and a possible approximation strategy. We prove that the cost functional is lower semi continuous with respect to the convergence of this approximation and argue that an optimal control is attained in the case that there exists a solution admitting additional regularity.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
A Benchmark Dataset for Understandable Medical Language Translation. In this paper, we introduce MedLane a new human annotated Medical Language translation dataset, to align professional medical sentences with layperson understandable expressions. The dataset contains 12,801 training samples, 1,015 validation samples, and 1,016 testing samples. We then evaluate one naive and six deep learning based approaches on the MedLane dataset, including directly copying, a statistical machine translation approach Moses, four neural machine translation approaches (i.e., the proposed PMBERT MT model, Seq2Seq and its two variants), and a modified text summarization model PointerNet. To compare the results, we utilize eleven metrics, including three new measures specifically designed for this task. Finally, we discuss the limitations of MedLane and baselines, and point out possible research directions for this task.
[ 7 ]
Influence of Topology and Porosity on Size Effects in Stripes of Cellular Material with Honeycomb Structure under Shear, Tension and Bending. Cellular solids are known to exhibit size effects, i.e., differences in the apparent effective elastic moduli, when the specimen size becomes comparable to the cell size. The present contribution employs direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the mesostructure to investigate the influences of porosity, shape of pores, and thus material distribution along the struts, and orientation of loading on the size effects and effective moduli of regular honeycomb structures. Beam models are compared to continuum models for simple shear, uniaxial loading and pure bending of strips of finite width. It is found that the honeycomb structure exhibits a considerable anisotropy of the size effects and that honeycomb structures with circular pores exhibit considerably stronger size effects than those with hexagonal pores (and thus straight struts). Positive (stiffening) size effects are observed under simple shear and negative (softening) size effects under bending and uniaxial loading. The negative size effects are interpreted in terms of the stress gradient theory.
[ 9 ]
Ginzburg Landau relaxation for harmonic maps on planar domains into a general compact vacuum manifold. We study the asymptotic behaviour, as a small parameter varepsilon tends to zero, of minimisers of a Ginzburg Landau type energy with a nonlinear penalisation potential vanishing on a compact submanifold mathcal N and with a given mathcal N valued Dirichlet boundary data. We show that minimisers converge up to a subsequence to a singular mathcal N valued harmonic map, which is smooth outside a finite number of points around which the energy concentrates and whose singularities' location minimises a renormalised energy, generalising known results by Bethuel, Brezis and H 'elein for the circle mathbb S 1 . We also obtain Gamma convergence results and uniform Marcinkiewicz weak L 2 or Lorentz L 2 estimates on the derivatives. We prove that solutions to the corresponding Euler Lagrange equation converge uniformly to the constraint and converge to harmonic maps away from singularities.
[ 0 ]
Fine Grained Segmentation Networks Self Supervised Segmentation for Improved Long Term Visual Localization. Long term visual localization is the problem of estimating the camera pose of a given query image in a scene whose appearance changes over time. It is an important problem in practice, for example, encountered in autonomous driving. In order to gain robustness to such changes, long term localization approaches often use segmantic segmentations as an invariant scene representation, as the semantic meaning of each scene part should not be affected by seasonal and other changes. However, these representations are typically not very discriminative due to the limited number of available classes. In this paper, we propose a new neural network, the Fine Grained Segmentation Network (FGSN), that can be used to provide image segmentations with a larger number of labels and can be trained in a self supervised fashion. In addition, we show how FGSNs can be trained to output consistent labels across seasonal changes. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that integrating the fine grained segmentations produced by our FGSNs into existing localization algorithms leads to substantial improvements in localization performance.
[ 65, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.NI
The Impact of DNS Insecurity on Time. We demonstrate the first practical off path time shifting attacks against NTP as well as against Man in the Middle (MitM) secure Chronos enhanced NTP. Our attacks exploit the insecurity of DNS allowing us to redirect the NTP clients to attacker controlled servers. We perform large scale measurements of the attack surface in NTP clients and demonstrate the threats to NTP due to vulnerable DNS.
[ 65, 15 ]
cs.IT cs.NI math.IT
Closed Form Analysis of Non Linear Age of Information in Status Updates with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter. Timely status updates are crucial to enabling applications in massive Internet of Things (IoT). This paper measures the data freshness performance of a status update system with an energy harvesting transmitter, considering the randomness in information generation, transmission and energy harvesting. The performance is evaluated by a non linear function of age of information (AoI) that is defined as the time elapsed since the generation of the most up to date status information at the receiver. The system is formulated as two queues with status packet generation and energy arrivals both assumed to be Poisson processes. With negligible service time, both First Come First Served (FCFS) and Last Come First Served (LCFS) disciplines for arbitrary buffer and battery capacities are considered, and a method for calculating the average penalty with non linear penalty functions is proposed. The average AoI, the average penalty under exponential penalty function, and AoI's threshold violation probability are obtained in closed form. When the service time is assumed to follow exponential distribution, matrix geometric method is used to obtain the average peak AoI. The results illustrate that under the FCFS discipline, the status update frequency needs to be carefully chosen according to the service rate and energy arrival rate in order to minimize the average penalty.
[ 46 ]
Smooth profinite groups, III the Smoothness Theorem. Let p be a prime. The goal of this article is to prove the Smoothness Theorem 5.1 (Theorem D), which notably asserts that a (1, infty) cyclotomic pair is (n,1) cyclotomic, for all n geq 1 . In the particular case of Galois cohomology, the Smoothness Theorem provides a new proof of the Norm Residue Isomorphism Theorem. Using the formalism of smooth profinite groups, this proof presents it as a consequence of Kummer theory for fields.
[ 12 ]
Averages Along the Primes Improving and Sparse Bounds. Consider averages along the prime integers mathbb P given by begin equation mathcal A N f (x) N 1 sum p in mathbb P p leq N ( log p) f (x p). end equation These averages satisfy a uniform scale free ell p improving estimate. For all 1 p 2 , there is a constant C p so that for all integer N and functions f supported on 0,N , there holds begin equation N 1 p' lVert mathcal A N f rVert ell p' leq C p N 1 p lVert f rVert ell p . end equation The maximal function mathcal A ast f sup N lvert mathcal A N f rvert satisfies (p,p) sparse bounds for all 1 p 2 . The latter are the natural variants of the scale free bounds. As a corollary, mathcal A ast is bounded on ell p (w) , for all weights w in the Muckenhoupt A p class. No prior weighted inequalities for mathcal A ast were known.
[ 74 ]
Strong sums of projections in type rm II factors. Let M be a type rm II factor and let tau be the faithful positive semifinite normal trace, unique up to scalar multiples in the type rm II infty case and normalized by tau(I) 1 in the type rm II 1 case. Given A in M , we denote by A (A I) chi A(1, A the excess part of A and by A (I A) chi A(0,1) the defect part of A . V. Kaftal, P. Ng and S. Zhang provided necessary and sufficient conditions for a positive operator to be the sum of a finite or infinite collection of projections (not necessarily mutually orthogonal) in type rm I and type rm III factors. For type rm II factors, V. Kaftal, P. Ng and S. Zhang proved that tau(A ) geq tau(A ) is a necessary condition for an operator A in M which can be written as the sum of a finite or infinite collection of projections and also sufficient if the operator is "diagonalizable". In this paper, we prove that if A in M and tau(A ) geq tau(A ) , then A can be written as the sum of a finite or infinite collection of projections. This result answers affirmatively a question raised by V. Kaftal, P. Ng and S. Zhang.
[ 94 ]
A physical investigation on the phenomenon of the Dancing Coin. When a coin is placed on the neck of a cold bottle, the coin will move cyclically. This is caused by the expansion of the gas inside the bottle warming up, which will cause the coin to rise when the internal pressure is large enough to overcome the weight of the coin. This problem, widely used to qualitatively demonstrate several laws of thermodynamics, has no quantitative solution in the literature. For this we use the ideal gas model and Newton's law of cooling combined with computational numerical simulations and systematic experimental measures to confront our theoretical model, including equations for the evolution of temperature, pressure and behaviour of the coins in the system.
[ 8 ]
Shaping caustics into propagation invariant light. Structured light has revolutionized optical particle manipulation and nano scale material processing. In particular, propagation invariant structured light fields, such as Bessel beams, have enabled applications that require robust intensity distributions. Their self healing nature facilitates imaging with enhanced resolution e.g. in light sheet microscopy. The prominent high intensity features of propagation invariant fields such as Airy, Bessel, and Mathieu beams can be understood in terms of caustics. While these beams have found many applications in material processing and trapping, these technologies would greatly benefit from structured, controllable intensities in a variety of shapes well beyond the standard families of propagation invariant beams. Here we generalize propagation invariant beams by tailoring their caustics through two different methods. We illustrate these approaches by implementing various tailored propagation invariant beams experimentally, whose patterns range from simple geometric shapes to complex configurations such as words. This approach clarifies that the known solutions are a small subset of a far more general set of propagation invariant fields with intensity maxima concentrated around any desired curve.
[ 0, 1, 2, 4 ]
cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG cs.NE
Towards Real Time Automatic Portrait Matting on Mobile Devices. We tackle the problem of automatic portrait matting on mobile devices. The proposed model is aimed at attaining real time inference on mobile devices with minimal degradation of model performance. Our model MMNet, based on multi branch dilated convolution with linear bottleneck blocks, outperforms the state of the art model and is orders of magnitude faster. The model can be accelerated four times to attain 30 FPS on Xiaomi Mi 5 device with moderate increase in the gradient error. Under the same conditions, our model has an order of magnitude less number of parameters and is faster than Mobile DeepLabv3 while maintaining comparable performance. The accompanied implementation can be found at url https github.com hyperconnect MMNet .
[ 0, 1, 4 ]
cs.LG cs.CV cs.NE
Multinomial Distribution Learning for Effective Neural Architecture Search. Architectures obtained by Neural Architecture Search (NAS) have achieved highly competitive performance in various computer vision tasks. However, the prohibitive computation demand of forward backward propagation in deep neural networks and searching algorithms makes it difficult to apply NAS in practice. In this paper, we propose a Multinomial Distribution Learning for extremely effective NAS,which considers the search space as a joint multinomial distribution, i.e., the operation between two nodes is sampled from this distribution, and the optimal network structure is obtained by the operations with the most likely probability in this distribution. Therefore, NAS can be transformed to a multinomial distribution learning problem, i.e., the distribution is optimized to have a high expectation of the performance. Besides, a hypothesis that the performance ranking is consistent in every training epoch is proposed and demonstrated to further accelerate the learning process. Experiments on CIFAR10 and ImageNet demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. On CIFAR 10, the structure searched by our method achieves 2.55 test error, while being 6.0x (only 4 GPU hours on GTX1080Ti) faster compared with state of the art NAS algorithms. On ImageNet, our model achieves 75.2 top1 accuracy under MobileNet settings (MobileNet V1 V2), while being 1.2x faster with measured GPU latency. Test code with pre trained models are available at https github.com tanglang96 MDENAS
[ 78 ]
The weak Lefschetz property for Artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension three. We study the weak Lefschetz property of a class of graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension three associated in a natural way to the Ap 'ery set of a numerical semigroup generated by four natural numbers. We show that these algebras have the weak Lefschetz property whenever the initial degree of their defining ideal is small.
[ 25 ]
Measure representation of evolving genealogies. We study evolving genealogies, i.e. processes that take values in the space of (marked) ultra metric measure spaces and satisfy some sort of "consistency" condition. This condition is based on the observation that the genealogical distance of two individuals who do not have common ancestors up to a time h in the past is completely determined by the genealogical distance of the respective ancestors at that time h in the past. Now the idea is to color all possible ancestors at time h in the past and measure the relative number of their descendants. The resulting collection of measure valued processes (the construction is possible for all h ) is called a measure representation. As a main result we give a tightness criterion of evolving genealogies in terms of their measure representation. We then apply our theory to study a finite system scheme for tree valued interacting Fleming Viot processes.
[ 65, 1 ]
cs.NI cs.LG
Softwarization, Virtualization, Machine Learning For Intelligent Effective V2X Communications. The concept of the fifth generation (5G) mobile network system has emerged in recent years as telecommunication operators and service providers look to upgrade their infrastructure and delivery modes to meet the growing demand. Concepts such as softwarization, virtualization, and machine learning will be key components as innovative and flexible enablers of such networks. In particular, paradigms such as software defined networks, software defined perimeter, cloud edge computing, and network function virtualization will play a major role in addressing several 5G networks' challenges, especially in terms of flexibility, programmability, scalability, and security. In this work, the role and potential of these paradigms in the context of V2X communication is discussed. To do so, the paper starts off by providing an overview and background of V2X communications. Then, the paper discusses in more details the various challenges facing V2X communications and some of the previous literature work done to tackle them. Furthermore, the paper describes how softwarization, virtualization, and machine learning can be adapted to tackle the challenges of such networks.
[ 4 ]
Improved Fitness Dependent Optimizer Algorithm. The fitness dependent optimizer (FDO) algorithm was recently introduced in 2019. An improved FDO (IFDO) algorithm is presented in this work, and this algorithm contributes considerably to refining the ability of the original FDO to address complicated optimization problems. To improve the FDO, the IFDO calculates the alignment and cohesion and then uses these behaviors with the pace at which the FDO updates its position. Moreover, in determining the weights, the FDO uses the weight factor (wf), which is zero in most cases and one in only a few cases. Conversely, the IFDO performs wf randomization in the 0 1 range and then minimizes the range when a better fitness weight value is achieved. In this work, the IFDO algorithm and its method of converging on the optimal solution are demonstrated. Additionally, 19 classical standard test function groups are utilized to test the IFDO, and then the FDO and three other well known algorithms, namely, the particle swarm algorithm (PSO), dragonfly algorithm (DA), and genetic algorithm (GA), are selected to evaluate the IFDO results. Furthermore, the CECC06 2019 Competition, which is the set of IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation benchmark test functions, is utilized to test the IFDO, and then, the FDO and three recent algorithms, namely, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA), DA and whale optimization algorithm (WOA), are chosen to gauge the IFDO results. The results show that IFDO is practical in some cases, and its results are improved in most cases. Finally, to prove the practicability of the IFDO, it is used in real world applications.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Neural Network Approximation. Neural Networks (NNs) are the method of choice for building learning algorithms. Their popularity stems from their empirical success on several challenging learning problems. However, most scholars agree that a convincing theoretical explanation for this success is still lacking. This article surveys the known approximation properties of the outputs of NNs with the aim of uncovering the properties that are not present in the more traditional methods of approximation used in numerical analysis. Comparisons are made with traditional approximation methods from the viewpoint of rate distortion. Another major component in the analysis of numerical approximation is the computational time needed to construct the approximation and this in turn is intimately connected with the stability of the approximation algorithm. So the stability of numerical approximation using NNs is a large part of the analysis put forward. The survey, for the most part, is concerned with NNs using the popular ReLU activation function. In this case, the outputs of the NNs are piecewise linear functions on rather complicated partitions of the domain of f into cells that are convex polytopes. When the architecture of the NN is fixed and the parameters are allowed to vary, the set of output functions of the NN is a parameterized nonlinear manifold. It is shown that this manifold has certain space filling properties leading to an increased ability to approximate (better rate distortion) but at the expense of numerical stability. The space filling creates a challenge to the numerical method in finding best or good parameter choices when trying to approximate.
[ 36 ]
Theoretical Characterization of Photoactive Molecular Systems Based on BODIPY Derivatives for the Design of Organic Solar Cells. To search for high efficiency narrow band donor materials to improve the short circuit current density ( J sc ) of organic solar cells, a series of small molecules based in Bodipy Triphenylamine were characterized using density functional theory (DFT) and time dependent (TD DFT) calculations. According to the energy of the exciton driving force they have the appropriate energy levels to match textbf textit PC 61 BM . The properties affecting the open circuit voltage ( V oc ), J sc and the fill factor ( FF ) were investigated by calculating the geometric structures, the boundary molecular orbital energy levels, absorption spectra, light collection efficiencies, chare transfer rates, and exciton binding energies. The results show that the textbf textit BTPA III system has a lower LUMO level, high absorption efficiency, and exction dissociation than other molecular systems, facilitating the improvement of V oc , J sc and FF . Finally, textbf textit BTPA III would be the most promising of this series of donors and further increase the efficiency of the device.
[ 47 ]
Effective computation of degree bounded minimal models for GCDA's. Given a finitely presented Graded Commutative Differential Algebra (GCDA), we present a method to compute its minimal model, together with a map that is a quasi isomorphism up to a given degree. The method works by adding generators one by one. We also provide a specific implementation of the method. We also provide two criteria for i formality, one necessary and one sufficient.
[ 0 ]
DeepHMap Combined Projection Grouping and Correspondence Learning for Full DoF Pose Estimation. In recent years, estimating the 6D pose of object instances with convolutional neural network (CNN) has received considerable attention. Depending on whether intermediate cues are used, the relevant literature can be roughly divided into two broad categories direct methods and two stage pipelines. For the latter, intermediate cues, such as 3D object coordinates, semantic keypoints, or virtual control points instead of pose parameters are regressed by CNN in the first stage. Object pose can then be solved by correspondence constraints constructed with these intermediate cues. In this paper, we focus on the postprocessing of a two stage pipeline and propose to combine two learning concepts for estimating object pose under challenging scenes projection grouping on one side, and correspondence learning on the other. We firstly employ a local patch based method to predict projection heatmaps which denote the confidence distribution of projection of 3D bounding box's corners. A projection grouping module is then proposed to remove redundant local maxima from each layer of heatmaps. Instead of directly feeding 2D 3D correspondences to the perspective n point (PnP) algorithm, multiple correspondence hypotheses are sampled from local maxima and its corresponding neighborhood and ranked by a correspondence evaluation network. Finally, correspondences with higher confidence are selected to determine object pose. Extensive experiments on three public datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms several state of the art methods.
[ 78 ]
Tilting Modules Over Gorensetein T n d Injective Gorensetein T n d flat Modules. Let T be a tilting module.In this paper, some relative Gorenstein projective and Gortenstein injective modules are studied.
[ 9 ]
Reconstruction of piecewise constant layered conductivities in electrical impedance tomography. This work presents a new constructive uniqueness proof for Calder 'on's inverse problem of electrical impedance tomography, subject to local Cauchy data, for a large class of piecewise constant conductivities that we call "piecewise constant layered conductivities" (PCLC). The resulting reconstruction method only relies on the physically intuitive monotonicity principles of the local Neumann to Dirichlet map, and therefore the method lends itself well to efficient numerical implementation and generalization to electrode models. Several direct reconstruction methods exist for the related problem of inclusion detection, however they share the property that "holes in inclusions" or "inclusions within inclusions" cannot be determined. One such method is the monotonicity method of Harrach, Seo, and Ullrich, and in fact the method presented here is a modified variant of the monotonicity method which overcomes this problem. More precisely, the presented method abuses that a PCLC type conductivity can be decomposed into nested layers of positive and or negative perturbations that, layer by layer, can be determined via the monotonicity method. The conductivity values on each layer are found via basic one dimensional optimization problems constrained by monotonicity relations.
[ 21, 38 ]
math.CO math.NT
A subexponential upper bound for van der Waerden numbers W(3,k). We show an improved upper estimate for van der Waerden number W(3,k) there is an absolute constant c 0 such that if 1, dots,N X cup Y is a partition such that X does not contain any arithmetic progression of length 3 and Y does not contain any arithmetic progression of length k then N le exp(O(k 1 c )) ,.
[ 9 ]
A monotonicity result under symmetry and Morse index constraints in the plane. This paper deals with solutions of semilinear elliptic equations of the type left begin array ll Delta u f( x , u) qquad text in Omega, u 0 text on partial Omega, end array right. where Omega is a radially symmetric domain of the plane that can be bounded or unbounded. We consider solutions u that are invariant by rotations of a certain angle theta and which have a bound on their Morse index in spaces of functions invariant by these rotations. We can prove that or u is radial, or, else, there exists a direction e in mathcal S such that u is symmetric with respect to e and it is strictly monotone in the angular variable in a sector of angle frac theta 2 . The result applies to least energy and nodal least energy solutions in spaces of functions invariant by rotations and produces multiplicity results.
[ 18 ]
Algebraic hull of maximal measurable cocycles of surface groups into Hermitian Lie groups. Following the work of Burger, Iozzi and Wienhard for representations, in this paper we introduce the notion of maximal measurable cocycles of a surface group. More precisely, let mathbf G be a semisimple algebraic mathbb R group such that G mathbf G ( mathbb R ) circ is of Hermitian type. If Gamma leq L is a torsion free lattice of a finite connected covering of text PU (1,1) , given a standard Borel probability Gamma space ( Omega, mu Omega) , we introduce the notion of Toledo invariant for a measurable cocycle sigma Gamma times Omega rightarrow G . The Toledo remains unchanged along G cohomology classes and its absolute value is bounded by the rank of G . This allows to define maximal measurable cocycles. We show that the algebraic hull mathbf H of a maximal cocycle sigma is reductive and the centralizer of H mathbf H ( mathbb R ) circ is compact. If additionally sigma admits a boundary map, then H is of tube type and sigma is cohomologous to a cocycle stabilizing a unique maximal tube type subdomain. This result is analogous to the one obtained for representations. In the particular case G text PU (n,1) maximality is sufficient to prove that sigma is cohomologous to a cocycle preserving a complex geodesic. We conclude with some remarks about boundary maps of maximal Zariski dense cocycles.
[ 32 ]
Group Fairness for Knapsack Problems. We study the knapsack problem with group fairness constraints. The input of the problem consists of a knapsack of bounded capacity and a set of items, each item belongs to a particular category and has and associated weight and value. The goal of this problem is to select a subset of items such that all categories are fairly represented, the total weight of the selected items does not exceed the capacity of the knapsack,and the total value is maximized. We study the fairness parameters such as the bounds on the total value of items from each category, the total weight of items from each category, and the total number of items from each category. We give approximation algorithms for these problems. These fairness notions could also be extended to the min knapsack problem. The fair knapsack problems encompass various important problems, such as participatory budgeting, fair budget allocation, advertising.
[ 9 ]
Vanishing relaxation time dynamics of the Jordan Moore Gibson Thompson equation arising in nonlinear acoustics. The (third order in time) JMGT equation cite Jordan2,HCP is a nonlinear (quasi linear) Partial Differential Equation (PDE) model introduced to describe a nonlinear propagation of sound in an acoustic medium. The important feature is that the model avoids the infinite speed of propagation paradox associated with a classical second order in time equation referred to as Westervelt equation. Replacing Fourier's law by Maxwell Cattaneo's law gives rise to the third order in time derivative scaled by a small parameter tau 0 , the latter represents the thermal relaxation time parameter and is intrinsic to the medium where the dynamics occur. In this paper we provide an asymptotic analysis of the third order model when tau rightarrow 0 . It is shown that the corresponding solutions converge it in a strong topology of the phase space to a limit which is the solution of Westervelt equation. In addition, rate of convergence is provided for solutions displaying higher order regularity. This addresses an open question raised in cite kaltev2 , where a related JMGT equation has been studied and it weak star convergence of the solutions when tau rightarrow 0 has been established. Thus, our main contribution is showing it strong convergence on infinite time horizon, along with related rates of convergence valid on a finite time horizon. The key to unlocking the difficulty owns to a tight control and propagation of the "smallness" of the initial data in carrying the estimates at three different topological levels. The rate of convergence allows one then to estimate the relaxation time needed for the signal to reach the target. The interest in studying this type of problems is motivated by a large array of applications arising in engineering and medical sciences.
[ 64 ]
Gravitational and Autoregressive Analysis Spatial Diffusion of COVID 19 in Hubei Province, China. The spatial diffusion of epidemic disease follows distance decay law in geography, but different diffusion processes may be modeled by different mathematical functions under different spatio temporal conditions. This paper is devoted to modeling spatial diffusion patterns of COVID 19 stemming from Wuhan city to Hubei province. The methods include gravity and spatial auto regression analyses. The local gravity model is derived from allometric scaling and global gravity model, and then the parameters of the local gravity model are estimated by observational data and linear regression. The main results are as below. The local gravity model based on power law decay can effectively describe the diffusion patterns and process of COVID 19 in Hubei Province, and the goodness of fit of the gravity model based on negative exponential decay to the observation data is not satisfactory. Further, the goodness of fit of the model to data entirely became better and better over time, the size elasticity coefficient increases first and then decreases, and the distance attenuation exponent decreases first and then increases. Moreover, the significance of spatial autoregressive coefficient in the model is low, and the confidence level is less than 80 . The conclusions can be reached as follows. (1) The spatial diffusion of COVID 19 of Hubei bears long range effect, and the size of a city and the distance of the city to Wuhan affect the total number of confirmed cases. (2) Wuhan direct transmission is the main process in the spatial diffusion of COVID 19 in Hubei at the early stage, and the horizontal transmission between regions is not significant. (3) The effect of spatial isolation measures taken by Chinese government against the transmission of COVID 19 is obvious. This study suggests that the role of gravity should be taken into account to prevent and control epidemic disease.
[ 49, 42 ]
math.OC math.DG
Degenerate elastic networks. We minimize a linear combination of the Willmore and the length functional among networks in mathbb R d belonging to a given class determined by the number of curves, the order of the junctions and the angles between curves at the junctions. Since this class lacks compactness, we characterize the set of limits of sequences of networks bounded in energy, providing an explicit representation of the relaxed problem. This is expressed in terms of the new notion of degenerate elastic networks that, rather surprisingly, involves only the properties of the given class, without reference to the curvature. In the case of d 2 we also give an equivalent description of degenerate elastic networks by means of a combinatorial definition easy to validate by a finite algorithm. Moreover we provide examples, counterexamples, and additional results that motivate our study and show the sharpness of our characterization.
[ 9, 13, 25 ]
math.DS math.AP math.PR
Stochastic Cahn Hilliard equation in higher space dimensions The motion of bubbles. We study the stochastic motion of a droplet in a stochastic Cahn Hilliard equation in the sharp interface limit for sufficiently small noise. The key ingredient in the proof is a deterministic slow manifold, where we show its stability for long times under small stochastic perturbations. We also give a rigorous stochastic differential equation for the motion of the center of the droplet.
[ 65 ]
Characterizing Smart Home IoT Traffic in the Wild. As the smart home IoT ecosystem flourishes, it is imperative to gain a better understanding of the unique challenges it poses in terms of management, security, and privacy. Prior studies are limited because they examine smart home IoT devices in testbed environments or at a small scale. To address this gap, we present a measurement study of smart home IoT devices in the wild by instrumenting home gateways and passively collecting real world network traffic logs from more than 200 homes across a large metropolitan area in the United States. We characterize smart home IoT traffic in terms of its volume, temporal patterns, and external endpoints along with focusing on certain security and privacy concerns. We first show that traffic characteristics reflect the functionality of smart home IoT devices such as smart TVs generating high volume traffic to content streaming services following diurnal patterns associated with human activity. While the smart home IoT ecosystem seems fragmented, our analysis reveals that it is mostly centralized due to its reliance on a few popular cloud and DNS services. Our findings also highlight several interesting security and privacy concerns in smart home IoT ecosystem such as the need to improve policy based access control for IoT traffic, lack of use of application layer encryption, and prevalence of third party advertising and tracking services. Our findings have important implications for future research on improving management, security, and privacy of the smart home IoT ecosystem.
[ 26, 35, 69 ]
math.RT math.QA math.RA
BGG category for the quantum Schr "odinger algebra. In this paper, we study the BGG category mathcal O for the quantum Schr "o dinger algebra U q( mathfrak s ) , where q is a nonzero complex number which is not a root of unity. If the central charge dot z neq 0 , using the module B dot z over the quantum Weyl algebra H q , we show that there is an equivalence between the full subcategory mathcal O dot z consisting of modules with the central charge dot z and the BGG category mathcal O ( mathfrak sl 2) for the quantum group U q( mathfrak sl 2) . In the case that dot z 0 , we study the subcategory mathcal A consisting of finite dimensional U q( mathfrak s ) modules of type 1 with zero action of Z . Motivated by the ideas in cite DLMZ, Mak , we directly construct an equivalent functor from mathcal A to the category of finite dimensional representations of an infinite quiver with some quadratic relations. As a corollary, we show that the category of finite dimensional U q( mathfrak s ) modules is wild.
[ 40 ]
Los perfiles de investigaci 'on y su implantaci 'on en la Universidad Publica de Navarra. This work aims to monitor and control the presence of UPNA research staff in the main research profiles platforms, not only in the most obvious ones such as Google Scholar Citation, Researcher ID, Scopus ID and ORCID, but also in other services that, in practice, they function as research profiles, such as Mendeley, Linkedin, ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Academica e. We also find it interesting to analyze that presence and see how it responds to a variables, such as the department, gender, job category, research group. In this study we have excluded some platforms for different reasons. Dialnet profiles are entered from the UPNA library (BUPNA), which means that all those who meet the requirements for inclusion would be there, so their analysis does not make much sense, since it depends on factors outside the will of the researcher himself. The same is the case with the UPNA Scientific Production Portal (PPC) the data is entered from the Vicerrectorado de Investigaci 'on and should include all members of the UPNA PDI. Using as a base the census of university research staff provided by the Vicerrectorado de Investigaci 'on, it has been verified, for each author, the existence or not of a profile in the different services studied. The results have been tabulated in an Excel file to be able to analyze them later. The data has been collected in March 2018 for Orcid, ResearcherID, ScopusID, Google Scholar Citations and Mendeley. In November 2018, data from Academica e, Academia.edu, ResearchGate and Linkedin were taken. For each of the profiles, a search by institutional affiliation was used, when possible, to obtain a first list of UPNA research personnel with that profile. Subsequently, a search was carried out, person by person, of the rest of the research staff that did not appear in that first list.
[ 72, 17, 43, 1 ]
cs.DB cs.DC cs.LG cs.PF
Data Warehouse and Decision Support on Integrated Crop Big Data. In recent years, precision agriculture is becoming very popular. The introduction of modern information and communication technologies for collecting and processing Agricultural data revolutionise the agriculture practises. This has started a while ago (early 20th century) and it is driven by the low cost of collecting data about everything from information on fields such as seed, soil, fertiliser, pest, to weather data, drones and satellites images. Specially, the agricultural data mining today is considered as Big Data application in terms of volume, variety, velocity and veracity. Hence it leads to challenges in processing vast amounts of complex and diverse information to extract useful knowledge for the farmer, agronomist, and other businesses. It is a key foundation to establishing a crop intelligence platform, which will enable efficient resource management and high quality agronomy decision making and recommendations. In this paper, we designed and implemented a continental level agricultural data warehouse (ADW). ADW is characterised by its (1) flexible schema (2) data integration from real agricultural multi datasets (3) data science and business intelligent support (4) high performance (5) high storage (6) security (7) governance and monitoring (8) consistency, availability and partition tolerant (9) cloud compatibility. We also evaluate the performance of ADW and present some complex queries to extract and return necessary knowledge about crop management.
[ 72, 17, 15 ]
cs.PF cs.DC cs.IT math.IT
Download Time Analysis for Distributed Storage Codes with Locality and Availability. The paper presents techniques for analyzing the expected download time in distributed storage systems that employ systematic availability codes. These codes provide access to hot data through the systematic server containing the object and multiple recovery groups. When a request for an object is received, it can be replicated (forked) to the systematic server and all recovery groups. We first consider the low traffic regime and present the close form expression for the download time. By comparison across systems with availability, maximum distance separable (MDS), and replication codes, we demonstrate that availability codes can reduce download time in some settings but are not always optimal. In the high traffic regime, the system consists of multiple inter dependent Fork Join queues, making exact analysis intractable. Accordingly, we present upper and lower bounds on the download time, and an M G 1 queue approximation for several cases of interest. Via extensive numerical simulations, we evaluate our bounds and demonstrate that the M G 1 queue approximation has a high degree of accuracy.
[ 0 ]
Style transfer GANs for bridging the domain gap in synthetic pose estimator training. Given the dependency of current CNN architectures on a large training set, the possibility of using synthetic data is alluring as it allows generating a virtually infinite amount of labeled training data. However, producing such data is a non trivial task as current CNN architectures are sensitive to the domain gap between real and synthetic data. We propose to adopt general purpose GAN models for pixel level image translation, allowing to formulate the domain gap itself as a learning problem. The obtained models are then used either during training or inference to bridge the domain gap. Here, we focus on training the single stage YOLO6D object pose estimator on synthetic CAD geometry only, where not even approximate surface information is available. When employing paired GAN models, we use an edge based intermediate domain and introduce different mappings to represent the unknown surface properties. Our evaluation shows a considerable improvement in model performance when compared to a model trained with the same degree of domain randomization, while requiring only very little additional effort.
[ 0, 1, 19, 39 ]
cs.LG cs.CR cs.CV cs.CY
On Attribution of Deepfakes. Progress in generative modelling, especially generative adversarial networks, have made it possible to efficiently synthesize and alter media at scale. Malicious individuals now rely on these machine generated media, or deepfakes, to manipulate social discourse. In order to ensure media authenticity, existing research is focused on deepfake detection. Yet, the adversarial nature of frameworks used for generative modeling suggests that progress towards detecting deepfakes will enable more realistic deepfake generation. Therefore, it comes at no surprise that developers of generative models are under the scrutiny of stakeholders dealing with misinformation campaigns. At the same time, generative models have a lot of positive applications. As such, there is a clear need to develop tools that ensure the transparent use of generative modeling, while minimizing the harm caused by malicious applications. Our technique optimizes over the source of entropy of each generative model to probabilistically attribute a deepfake to one of the models. We evaluate our method on the seminal example of face synthesis, demonstrating that our approach achieves 97.62 attribution accuracy, and is less sensitive to perturbations and adversarial examples. We discuss the ethical implications of our work, identify where our technique can be used, and highlight that a more meaningful legislative framework is required for a more transparent and ethical use of generative modeling. Finally, we argue that model developers should be capable of claiming plausible deniability and propose a second framework to do so this allows a model developer to produce evidence that they did not produce media that they are being accused of having produced.
[ 49 ]
Primal dual subgradient method for constrained convex optimization problems. This paper considers a general convex constrained problem setting where functions are not assumed to be differentiable nor Lipschitz continuous. Our motivation is in finding a simple first order method for solving a wide range of convex optimization problems with minimal requirements. We study the method of weighted dual averages (Nesterov, 2009) in this setting and prove that it is an optimal method.
[ 36 ]
Environmental effects with Frozen Density Embedding in Real Time Time Dependent Density Functional Theory using localized basis functions. Frozen Density Embedding (FDE) represents a versatile embedding scheme to describe the environmental effect on the electron dynamics in molecular systems. The extension of the general theory of FDE to the real time time dependent Kohn Sham method has previously been presented and implemented in plane waves and periodic boundary conditions (Pavanello et al. J. Chem. Phys. 142, 154116, 2015). In the current paper, we extend our recent formulation of real time time dependent Kohn Sham method based on localized basis set functions and developed within the Psi4NumPy framework (De Santis et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, 16, 2410) to the FDE scheme. The latter has been implemented in its "uncoupled" flavor (in which the time evolution is only carried out for the active subsystem, while the environment subsystems remain at their ground state), using and adapting the FDE implementation already available in the PyEmbed module of the scripting framework PyADF. The implementation was facilitated by the fact that both Psi4NumPy and PyADF, being native Python API, provided an ideal framework of development using the Python advantages in terms of code readability and reusability. We demonstrate that the inclusion of the FDE potential does not introduce any numerical instability in time propagation of the density matrix of the active subsystem and in the limit of weak external field, the numerical results for low lying transition energies are consistent with those obtained using the reference FDE calculations based on the linear response TDDFT. The method is found to give stable numerical results also in the presence of strong external field inducing non linear effects.
[ 32 ]
Counting solutions to random CNF formulas. We give the first efficient algorithm to approximately count the number of solutions in the random k SAT model when the density of the formula scales exponentially with k . The best previous counting algorithm for the permissive version of the model was due to Montanari and Shah and was based on the correlation decay method, which works up to densities (1 o k(1)) frac 2 log k k , the Gibbs uniqueness threshold for the model. Instead, our algorithm harnesses a recent technique by Moitra to work for random formulas. The main challenge in our setting is to account for the presence of high degree variables whose marginal distributions are hard to control and which cause significant correlations within the formula.
[ 33 ]
Examining Directional Strain Sensitivity of Shaped Optical Fibre Embedded in Polyurethane Strip. Distributed strain sensing using a straight optical fibre cable suffers from a decreased strain senstivity away from the fibre's axis. In this study, the directional senstivity is enhanced via sinusoidally shaping the fibre that is embedded in a polyurethane strip. First, the directional senstivity is quantified via a relatively simple analytical model. Second, static strain measurements using a Brillouin Optical Frequency Domain Analysis (BOFDA) system are carried out on a physical sample of the strip. Two different directions are examined, namely in line and broadside orientations. The former involves deforming parallel to the plane where the fibre is sinusoidally embedded, whereas the latter means deforming the plane normal to it. It can be observed that the response to the deformation in these orientations is opposite, i.e. the fibre experiences negative strain, so shortening, an in line deformation, and a positive strain, so stretching, for a broadside deformation. It can be found that the fibre is slightly more senstive in the in line direction which agrees with the behaviour as predicted by the model. Also, we see that the measured strain along the optical fibre is mainly influenced by the elastic properties of the embedding material due to, most importantly, the Poisson's ratio as well as the geometrical parameters of the sinusoidally shaped fibre.
[ 25 ]
Simulation of Conditioned Diffusions on the Flat Torus. Diffusion processes are fundamental in modelling stochastic dynamics in natural sciences. Recently, simulating such processes on complicated geometries has found applications for example in biology, where toroidal data arises naturally when studying the backbone of protein sequences, creating a demand for efficient sampling methods. In this paper, we propose a method for simulating diffusions on the flat torus, conditioned on hitting a terminal point after a fixed time, by considering a diffusion process in R 2 which we project onto the torus. We contribute a convergence result for this diffusion process, translating into convergence of the projected process to the terminal point on the torus. We also show that under a suitable change of measure, the Euclidean diffusion is locally a Brownian motion.
[ 0 ]
Adversarial collision attacks on image hashing functions. Hashing images with a perceptual algorithm is a common approach to solving duplicate image detection problems. However, perceptual image hashing algorithms are differentiable, and are thus vulnerable to gradient based adversarial attacks. We demonstrate that not only is it possible to modify an image to produce an unrelated hash, but an exact image hash collision between a source and target image can be produced via minuscule adversarial perturbations. In a white box setting, these collisions can be replicated across nearly every image pair and hash type (including both deep and non learned hashes). Furthermore, by attacking points other than the output of a hashing function, an attacker can avoid having to know the details of a particular algorithm, resulting in collisions that transfer across different hash sizes or model architectures. Using these techniques, an adversary can poison the image lookup table of a duplicate image detection service, resulting in undefined or unwanted behavior. Finally, we offer several potential mitigations to gradient based image hash attacks.
[ 66 ]
A novel combination of theoretical analysis and data driven method for reconstruction of structural defects. Ultrasonic guided wave technology has played a significant role in the field of non destructive testing as it employs acoustic waves that have advantages of high propagation efficiency and low energy consumption during the inspect process. However, theoretical solutions to guided wave scattering problems using assumptions such as Born approximation, have led to the poor quality of the reconstructed results. To address this issue, a novel approach to quantitative reconstruction of defects using the integration of data driven method with the guided wave scattering analysis has been proposed in this paper. Based on the geometrical information of defects and initial results by the theoretical analysis of defect reconstructions, a deep learning neural network model is built to reveal the physical relationship between defects and the received signals. This data driven model is then applied to quantitatively assess and characterize defect profiles in structures, reduce the inaccuracy of the theoretical modelling and eliminate the impact of noise pollution in the process of inspection. To demonstrate advantages of the developed approach to reconstructions of defects with complex profiles, numerical examples including basic defect profiles and a defect with the noisy fringe have been examined. Results show that this approach has greater accuracy for reconstruction of defects in structures as compared with the analytical method and provides a valuable insight into the development of artificial intelligence assisted inspection systems with high accuracy and efficiency in the field of non destructive testing.
[ 1, 2, 19, 22, 56 ]
cs.LO cs.AI cs.CR cs.LG cs.SE
An Epistemic Approach to the Formal Specification of Statistical Machine Learning. We propose an epistemic approach to formalizing statistical properties of machine learning. Specifically, we introduce a formal model for supervised learning based on a Kripke model where each possible world corresponds to a possible dataset and modal operators are interpreted as transformation and testing on datasets. Then we formalize various notions of the classification performance, robustness, and fairness of statistical classifiers by using our extension of statistical epistemic logic (StatEL). In this formalization, we show relationships among properties of classifiers, and relevance between classification performance and robustness. As far as we know, this is the first work that uses epistemic models and logical formulas to express statistical properties of machine learning, and would be a starting point to develop theories of formal specification of machine learning.
[ 0 ]
MonoRec Semi Supervised Dense Reconstruction in Dynamic Environments from a Single Moving Camera. In this paper, we propose MonoRec, a semi supervised monocular dense reconstruction architecture that predicts depth maps from a single moving camera in dynamic environments. MonoRec is based on a multi view stereo setting which encodes the information of multiple consecutive images in a cost volume. To deal with dynamic objects in the scene, we introduce a MaskModule that predicts moving object masks by leveraging the photometric inconsistencies encoded in the cost volumes. Unlike other multi view stereo methods, MonoRec is able to reconstruct both static and moving objects by leveraging the predicted masks. Furthermore, we present a novel multi stage training scheme with a semi supervised loss formulation that does not require LiDAR depth values. We carefully evaluate MonoRec on the KITTI dataset and show that it achieves state of the art performance compared to both multi view and single view methods. With the model trained on KITTI, we further demonstrate that MonoRec is able to generalize well to both the Oxford RobotCar dataset and the more challenging TUM Mono dataset recorded by a handheld camera. Code and related materials will be available at https vision.in.tum.de research monorec.
[ 0 ]
Generative Adversarial Data Programming. The paucity of large curated hand labeled training data forms a major bottleneck in the deployment of machine learning models in computer vision and other fields. Recent work (Data Programming) has shown how distant supervision signals in the form of labeling functions can be used to obtain labels for given data in near constant time. In this work, we present Adversarial Data Programming (ADP), which presents an adversarial methodology to generate data as well as a curated aggregated label, given a set of weak labeling functions. More interestingly, such labeling functions are often easily generalizable, thus allowing our framework to be extended to different setups, including self supervised labeled image generation, zero shot text to labeled image generation, transfer learning, and multi task learning.
[ 0, 1, 17 ]
cs.LG cs.CV cs.DC
Distributed Bayesian Matrix Decomposition for Big Data Mining and Clustering. Matrix decomposition is one of the fundamental tools to discover knowledge from big data generated by modern applications. However, it is still inefficient or infeasible to process very big data using such a method in a single machine. Moreover, big data are often distributedly collected and stored on different machines. Thus, such data generally bear strong heterogeneous noise. It is essential and useful to develop distributed matrix decomposition for big data analytics. Such a method should scale up well, model the heterogeneous noise, and address the communication issue in a distributed system. To this end, we propose a distributed Bayesian matrix decomposition model (DBMD) for big data mining and clustering. Specifically, we adopt three strategies to implement the distributed computing including 1) the accelerated gradient descent, 2) the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), and 3) the statistical inference. We investigate the theoretical convergence behaviors of these algorithms. To address the heterogeneity of the noise, we propose an optimal plug in weighted average that reduces the variance of the estimation. Synthetic experiments validate our theoretical results, and real world experiments show that our algorithms scale up well to big data and achieves superior or competing performance compared to other distributed methods.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.app-ph physics.optics
Graphene epsilon near zero plasmonic crystals. Plasmonic crystals are a class of optical metamaterials that consist of engineered structures at the sub wavelength scale. They exhibit optical properties that are not found under normal circumstances in nature, such as negative refractive index and epsilon near zero (ENZ) behavior. Graphene based plasmonic crystals present linear, elliptical, or hyperbolic dispersion relations that exhibit ENZ behavior, normal or negative index diffraction. The optical properties can be dynamically tuned by controlling the operating frequency and the doping level of graphene. We propose a construction approach to expand the frequency range of the ENZ behavior. We demonstrate how the combination of a host material with an optical Lorentzian response in combination with a graphene conductivity that follows a Drude model leads to an ENZ condition spanning a large frequency range.
[ 1, 2 ]
cs.AI cs.LG
Smart Grid A Survey of Architectural Elements, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications and Future Directions. The Smart grid (SG), generally known as the next generation power grid emerged as a replacement for ill suited power systems in the 21st century. It is in tegrated with advanced communication and computing capabilities, thus it is ex pected to enhance the reliability and the efficiency of energy distribution with minimum effects. With the massive infrastructure it holds and the underlying communication network in the system, it introduced a large volume of data that demands various techniques for proper analysis and decision making. Big data analytics, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) plays a key role when it comes to the analysis of this massive amount of data and generation of valuable insights. This paper explores and surveys the Smart grid architectural elements, machine learning, and deep learning based applications and approaches in the context of the Smart grid. In addition in terms of machine learning based data an alytics, this paper highlights the limitations of the current research and highlights future directions as well.