Say what you want about MGS4, but so many things happen in it... Solid Snake is old we can control little Metal Gear Raiden becomes cyborg ninja Otacon fucks Naomi Johnny marries Meryl we get to use railgun we get to CONTROL METAL GEAR REX EVA is Snake's mom MGS3 characters are founders of Patriots Big Boss returns we get to revisit Shadow Moses amp x200B ... etc...
Do you want to see MGS1 get remade with updated graphics in the future? For example, Bluepoint Games could remake it in a similar way to Shadow of the Colossus. I know that Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes exists, but it isn't really a faithful, or even good, remake. Plus, it's only available on the Nintendo GameCube which greatly limits its accessibility. I was just wondering if people would be excited if something like this was revealed to be in the works. I would love to know people's thoughts on this.
I made a MGS4 trophy tracker to help players track their progress towards the platinum trophy I made this excel spreadsheet today after realising just how many moving parts there are to getting the platinum for MGS4 there are. It tracks different requirements and helps users identify what they need to work on as they play a run. The idea is that hopefully it prevents missing something and having to backtrack. I figured that I should share it as maybe it will help someone else out. Hopefully it helps someone. Download Please bear in mind that this is the first version so there may be a few mistakes. Credit to ZOLANTON ( at PSNProfiles as I wrote this based on his guide which I highly recommend. UPDATE I just polished the tracker quite a bit, please continue to give feedback if something needs changed. UPDATE2 Corrected some big problems I noticed in the emblem list and order, details can be found in the version history tab in the spreadsheet. I'm now confident there are very very few, if any more corrections to be made. Only use v1.12 and please update to the latest spreadsheet if you have already started using this.
State of the Subreddit General mod catch up Your feedback Hi all If you've been a long time subscriber you're probably well aware the subreddit isn't really what it used to be, and if you've joined in the last couple of years you're probably wondering why mods are posting. We've seen a bit of chatter here and there about how things are and wanted to let people know we are still active, and why we have taken a back seat in terms of subreddit content. This subreddit used to be pretty discussion heavy and based around a strong community, with more active moderation designed to prevent things sliding into a generic MGS flavoured meme subreddit. Whereas these days it's a generic MGS flavoured meme subreddit. Here's the reality in no particular order There's nothing new to talk about. Every topic has been done to death, and the only "news" is from c grade rumour mongering websites and twitter accounts who gin up 'rumours' about remakes to take advantage of a fanbase desperate for news. The fanbase has been fractured Any discussion about MGSV almost immediately descends into bickering about various theories and rumours about it's production. Stricter moderation works best (and really only works) with the consent of and on behalf of the community. There's no point trying to fight a moderation war when the majority of submitters dont want discussion and do want image macros, it's an uphill battle and defeats the point of a subreddit in the first place. So with all those things considered together, we've basically completely eased back on the "No low effort repetitive content" rule which I'm sure you've noticed. We do try and trim the absolute bottom of the heap in terms of quality (faceapp memes etc) but mostly rely on reports for this and only do so where we can be confident we are being consistent. This has resulted in a lot less of the heavier discussion posts (since it's harder to get visibility compared to a spongebob screen cap with s caption) so there's a bit of a feedback loop there. Another thing that has happened (right around the time of the Oscar Isaac movie casting announcement) is that activity spiked upwards and we also had a huge uptick in posts removed by reddit as spam. We've stepped up our activity to try and make sure your posts get through. And yet you'd still be surprised by the number of people who message us and say "did my post get removed? it has no upvotes" and we have to politely explain that in fact it just didn't get any upvotes. Anywho this is where we're sitting right now, just wanted to let everyone know and more importantly get your feedback. If actual news came out we'd come back to the community and rethink things, but right now are you getting what you need from an MGS subreddit? It's my personal opinion that there's no point trying to force the community into something it doesn't want, and there's no point trying to recreate or preserve some vision of the golden days (if MGS has warned against anything it's that). So please let us know in the comments here what you reckon. The subreddit right now is a reflection of what you've made, which is the way things should be, but mods have tools to help shape things in ways that a mass of people cannot, so that should be our job along with janitorial work. Right now we pretty much remove reddit rule breaking stuff (sadly yes this includes links to emulation files) as well as enforce our policy on exclusionary language and behaviour, which is not up for debate.
The beginning of MGSV shows just how good Kojima is at bringing nightmares to life. Seriously, Silent Hill demo aside, the opening to that game is the most I've ever been genuinely unnerved within a Kojima game. You're thrown into a mass shooting minutes after waking up from a coma, having to come to terms with having only one arm, also having to come to terms with the fact that you were unconscious for nine years. Barely able to stand, you're led by a mysterious man through a hospital full of innocent doctors and patients being killed indiscriminately (unknowingly because of you) and helplessly. You don't know why this is happening, or much of what's happening at all. I might have my gripes with MGSV, but it has probably the best (even if it drags on at points) intro sequence to a single player game, aside from RDR2 imo. It's one hell of an experience, with imagery and tension you could only find in a nightmare. It's incredible.
MGRR Can I get the DLC for PS Now? I just got myself PS Now for the Metal Gear games and I wondered if I can play the DLC on PS Now. Until now I haven't found them if it's possible. Does anyone of you know?
I'm about to replay the whole saga starting from MG1! I'm planning to get all the platinum trophies available on the PS3 (and MGSV with PS4) but I need to know if Peace Walker servers are still up I already checked on the amazing onlinetrophies.com and PW and TPP are the only games out of the whole series that have online mode demanding trophies. Now, I know I'll have plenty of time to get those MGSV trophies on the PS4, but I'm not sure if I can still even get PW platinum. Does the game's online mode still works on the PS3?
How can I play pre v1.05 of MGSV TPP ? I need to check something in Mission 3 that I think is a bug that has since been patched. I tried using steam comand line "download depot 287700 287701 7393967644472233689" but it returns "Depot download failed Manifest not available", it only works with the latest manifest, so it looks like earlier versions of the game are no longer available and I don't own a PS3 PS4 to play the physical copy of the game and prevent the game from downloading its updates. Does anyone have any idea how I could play v1.01 or v1.02 of this game ?
Upgrading locked Diamond Dogs MGSV So I have done quite a bit of research and found that the 6 guys who are locked and have really bad stats is something that irritates many. And I have figured it seems there is definitely no way to get rid of them permanently, but is there a way, even painstakingly, to upgrade any of them. I seem unable to deploy as them.
Does Kojima even like video games? Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the man but it seems he always wanted and still wants to be a movie director (and he's a gigantic movie fan) Most his games pre Metal Gear (Snatcher and Policenauts) are basically movies anime with some interactivity thrown in there to make it a "game" (although I love both of them) Metal Gear Solid, I think has a great balance between story and gameplay (and it actually has solid mechanics). Does anyone know how involved he was with designing the gameplay? I honestly think he didn't do much except maybe review some of the cutscenes (although he is credited as a designer for all of them) I'm just wondering if he even likes playing or making games since he couldn't make it in the movie industry and it would be impossible to change his profession now?
Does the medal gear solid hd collection contain all the games needed to understand 5? So I a total virgin when it comes to metal gear solid game recently picked up 5 and subsequently discovered that this was a mistake to do so without playing the others. So before I start this game I planned to play the original games as to get context and discovered on ps now the mgs hd collection.. Upon Looking into it it doesn't appear to contain Metal gear solid 1 (maybe I'm wrong) so I'm wondering are the other games on this collection enough to get me ready for 5? For clarification I don't have a PC or ps3 I only have a ps4
Complete the following sentence Complete Ocelot voice from MGSV MR.kojima GET Down !! ..........
Anytime I think about Phantom Pain, my heart breaks when I remember the ending of Guns of the Patriots... Just think how different things could have gone if Big Boss had woken up. And considering how he ends his life and Zero s thinking he grew power hungry, it bums me out every time. But then I also wonder who is recording his visit to the hospital and why didn t Venom Snake give it to Big Boss and my head starts to hurt.
I'm slowly turning into Revolver Ocelot.. i can't stop spinning my gun i guess i'm becoming addicted, i already learned a lot of ways of spinning a gun, and know what? i'm thinking of growing a mustache!
Convince me to play Peace Walker I got about an hour or two into it but felt a little turned off by the lack of CGI cutscenes in favor of Manga style (I do like manga comics). Not being able to crawl hit me the wrong way, menus felt cheap, felt like I got my fill of fulton staff management in MGSV, and the graphics looked to me like an awkward mix of to different generation of consoles. Overall, it felt like I was playing a dumbed down version of a Metal Gear Solid game. I ve played every MGS and the old MGs, so I would like to get through PW to complete the collection. I m sure I ll enjoy it once I get the ball rolling, but I just need some motivation to power through my discomfort.
How can I play this series again? Hey all, MGS is my fave series of all time and I ve been wanting to get back to playing it again. However, I m looking for a way to do that. I currently own a PS4 and a ps5 but can t find anything that can allow me to play mgs 1,2,3. Any recommendations?
Why didn't they let us use the cassette player on fobs? This was done when the fobs were first introduced meaning it was a design choice by kojiprob,like why so I can't use African lullaby on one guard at a time. This is so stupid that the actual main attraction of the game doesn't allow you to listen to your own custom beats when you are either slaying or infiltrating a fob. Probably could have had so many funny moments with defenders and intruders too,really wish someone had made a mod to fix it.
How far am I through mgs 3 I just fought pain in the cave and haven t gone through that base yet, how much would you say I have left of the game?
CANONICALLY, what happens to Eli and Sahelanthropus? Yes, I know Mission 51 is the answer to this. Or rather, would have been the answer. But in the process of everything that happened, it got cut, and if you only played the standard version of MGSV, with no further outside context of the collectors editions or leaked cutscenes on YouTube, you are left with a huge gap in which canonically you don t know what happens with Eli and Sahelanthropus, regardless of what the intent was initially with mission 51. This honestly may be a case of no one can say for certain, but what do y all think?
Why konami? Why? Online Resources gone ps4 Now I cant even play offline anymore and will have to start a new file after investing so much time. They couldve at least announced they were removing online services. What a bunch of bs.
I just realized that the peacewalker battle was an homage to space odyssey I mean Huey and Strangelove did mention HAL and Space Odyssey a ton of times in the codec and in the dialogues but I somehow didn't realize it till now amp x200B Dave pulling out HAL's disks to stop it Snake pulling out peacewalker's disks to stop it HAL's speech is impaired as the disks are pulled out Peacewalker's speech is impaired as the diskes are pulled out HAL sings at the end as he dies Peacewalker sings at the end as she dies
Does anyone else feel like Peace Walker MGS V ruined Big Boss? MGS3 is one of my all time favorite games. Big Boss' relationship with the boss, and seeing how he dealt with the betrayal of his country made sense to see how he turned into a guy who hated America and you could see how he was a villain in MG1 and 2. Peace Walker comes along and now he hates the Boss, because she sacrificed herself? He has a tremendous hard on for war all of a sudden, and this is only furthered in V with Kaz completely losing his mind and egging him on.