Book with a monastery and some sort of clear liquid that exploded when exposed to air. I only have incredibly vague recollections of this book. Probably read it about 10 years ago. I'll try to listen down as many details as I can. It was fiction, I guess a YA novel. Set in a middle agesish time i.e low no technology There was a martial arts based power some people had, there was some sort of brainwashing you had to go through though that made them forget their families etc. Some opposing force discovered how to make a liquid that exploded when exposed to air. There was a scene where some of this liquid was out inside a feather pen and some one broke it and it caused a small explosion for dramatic effect, kind of a 'the pen is mightier than the sword type thing'. There was a character that could see auras around people and it made it easier to get them to work together. The main character turned out to have been a 'chosen one' of sorts with the martial arts power thing. I think there was some kind of monastery where the martial arts brainwashing stuff happened and the people with the exploding liquid where trying to destroy it. If anyone has any ideas that would be amazing, going a little crazy here wondering if this book was a real thing.
Space travel novel about a rich guy that builds his own space warship because no one believes him that aliens are about to invade. Just as the title says, I'm looking for a book about a particularly rich character discovering an alien space craft heading toward the solar system, or maybe a picture gets published and he's the only one who thinks it's a space craft, either way. He recruits a naval captain and builds this ship, but the government tries to stop them and they launch without permission. Then they go to the edge of the solar system and, long story short, the entire crew dies but takes the alien ship with them (I think?) and the government builds a whole bunch of the ships to fight the aliens. I really appreciate any help you can give me with this.
Fantasy novel, bad magician becomes super powerful and there is a talking bird. There were a couple of books in this series so I m probably gonna mesh them all together. This dude comes from a long line of nine magical person but is a bit of a genetic throw back and is born with magic. He ends up being involved in what I can only call a magical explosion which somehow turns him into mega mage (but that happens later). He goes to work for a king, turns his car into a lion. King turns out to me a douche bag and somewhere at the end he turns a lizard into a dragon. There is a talking bird, like a falcon, that talks like some Disney British nanny. Well, well, we ll, Ducky is actual dialogue. At one point he ends up in an alternative reality where he turns evil. I didn t finish the series, but it s annoying me that I can t remember the nane and I want to know if the books were continued to be published.
Stephen King book with a character named Bubba and a high school yacht trip I came across this book so very long ago, probably around 2001, and I only read about a page or two before a teacher took it out of my hands because I was too young to be reading it (I was definitely too young to be reading it) so this might not be enough details but they have stuck with me for so long and I just need to make sure I didn't imagine it. It was from the point of view of a girl about to graduate high school and her class was organising a yacht trip to celebrate graduation. She runs into a guy from her class (I think at a fast food restaurant where he worked) named Bubba (I am 100 on this detail) and I think she was raising funds for the trip and he insisted on signing her yearbook. What he wrote was verrrry creepy and suggestive about what he wanted to do with her on the yacht using the phrase "we'll have our cake and eat it too". That's it, that's all I read, but that phrase has had very creepy connotations in my head for nigh on 20 years now so it would be great to clear it up.
Looking for a particular edition of Dracula Hello fellow book lovers I have a memory lodged in my brain of a version of Dracula that I used to own..I'm relatively certain it was paperback. However, as the title indicates, I can't find any copies or proof it ever existed. The artwork on the cover was of the title character laying in a bed of rose thorns...and that's all I can remember. Help me sleuths of the internet! You're my only hope!
A 28 year old female PI that lives with her family. I don t remember much of this book but I remember really enjoying it and connecting with the characters so I d love to read it again. What I remember The main character was a 28 year old female PI who lived with her family. Her family consisted of her parents and a 14 year old little sister. I ll try to update with more information if I remember anything. SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED, thank you!
A YA book about a half fairy girl (a changeling maybe?) I only remember one scene vividly from this book and it s bothering me. I read it around 2007 2012. Basically the main character likes to collect stuff and she s diving under water to collect this old horse from a carousel. And they describe things as being green a lot. I don t remember why I only remember that scene but I DO remember she was a fairy or a changeling. I think the cover had a pair of green wings on it? I hope this isn t too vague?
Help me find this Fiction, psychological thriller please.. I read it a few years ago. It was about two girls who were kidnapped. They had a fear of being kidnapped and even had a list of sorts to avoid this happening. I can't remember how long they were held captive for, but one of them escaped and years later she's living her life as a super paranoid woman who doesn't leave her apartment much. Until the police ask her to help out with the case. We come to find out that the friend she was kidnapped with(who she believed died) is now actually helping the kidnapper to abduct girls. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Middle grade sci fi with boy living in an Arc habitat (from the 90s) This was a kid's middle grade book that I read sometime around 1998. Here's what I remember A boy is living in a community inside this closed sterile environment called the Arc. Everyone in there is healthy, never allowed to go outside, bald from some chemical inside. He somehow ends up outside (an accident?) and meets up with a tribe of people surviving out there. He tries to run back to the Arc and takes their only two good knives at first, gets caught, they're not happy that he's taking their best resources, he apologizes and stays. He adapts to living there, makes friends, grows hair and gets tanned I remember it was a big deal for him when that grew in. After a few months, he decides to go back and try to break open the Arc somehow (can't remember if this is to liberate the people inside or make them give supplies to the people outside). He gets back in, hair is shaved or otherwise removed. He meets up with his dad, I think? There may be a sequel starring a girl in the same world, but I'm not sure.
What the title of this children s fantasy book I read? I read this one book that I just cannot remember the title of. I read it in around 2018, it was probably for children teens. I borrowed it from my 11 year old niece who said it wasn t too bad to read for her. Fantasy, maybe comedic, little bit of mystery. Very colourful softcover with the mcs on the front. It was about a girl who had no colour (she had white hair, eyes, skin etc) in a world where being colourful (dark skin, unnatural hair colours) meant you were more powerful. Her dad left or wasn t around and she was trying to look for him. I also remember this competition where kids would show off their powers and win something. She entered and I don t exactly remember the outcome but since colour power and she had very little, she probably lost. She knew this boy that made fun of her in school or something and she bit him and got in trouble (maybe expelled). In this world you can buy powers at the market but her family is very poor so she could only buy one, and when she was younger saved all her money for the ability to never be lied too she can detect if someone is lying to her as long as she doesn t lie herself. But I remember that she told so many little lies half truths that she lost the power years ago but never noticed since she convinced herself that they didn t count. She wants to go past her towns borders in search of her dad. The previously mentioned boy (the on she attacked) came along with her, although I don t remember how she convinced him to come with. We realize that she lost her ability when he lies about knowing her dad, or something like that. Then he gets all happy knowing that she lost her power and he can lie to her after she believes him. This was all in the start middle of the book. I don t remember what happened in between but they go to a far off place and look for the father, the two main characters become closer (though they were very young so I doubt it was in a romantic way) and that s all I remember from the middle. Near the end they meet people who are really nice at first but turn out to be cannibals(I think?) evil so they run away from them then right before they give up they find this cabin or something and the dad was there and we was like a painter or something? Sorry that this is so vague I barely remember it. I just remember it was good. TL DR Colourless, powerless girl and colourful powerful boy go on trip to fine girls lost dad. Read the whole thing if you recognize this.
Fantasy Male protagonist runs away from village, is enslaved by elves, and forced to fight humans form other elven lands tribes Spoilers Ahead I read this book in the last 2 3 years (2018 2020). The book features a young male protagonist who lives on a farm with his parents. He has a girlfriend and is in love. Her mother seduces him and he gets her pregnant. I think he gets into a fight with a town bully after that and runs away, or is forced to leave. He gets captured by human hunters (the term might be wardens) who take him into a forest with very large trees that the humans are afraid of. The wardens turn him over to elves who enslave him (he actually gets "rescued" by a female elf, but she still takes him as a slave). He is forced to fight other humans from other elven lands. Gradually he learns to control magic. The magic that he has access to is strange he draws shapes in the ground and can form magic around those shapes (like shields). He tattoos his arms so that he has permanent shapes to form the magic around. He forms blades on his arms and can fight with those. He gets stronger and stronger and is able to easily beat any foe they pit against him. They increase the number of foes and he still wins. In the end, they force him to fight an elf. The elves have access to magic that is way beyond his own, meaning it's certain death. Unbeknownst to all, he figures out a better pattern of tattoos which make his blades even stronger allowing him to cut through the elven magic. Randomly, he is able to call lightning out of the sky in this last fight. He wins, of course. And then it fast forwards to the current day. A man was telling this story to the children about the first human who stood against the elves. One of the children asks if he became an arch mage (I believe that was the term). End of story. No amount of Googling any or all of the above gives me anything at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
Children's sci fi book dystopia Hello folks I'm trying to remember a children's paperback possibly UK, publihsed by Puffin Armada Armada Lion in mid 80s. About a dystopian future where books are banned and this young boy visits his grandad who has books hidden in a trunk. The only other thing I can remember from the book is that there were moving pavements everywhere.
recent Fantasy novel about keeping memory as empire kingdom falls This was a cover I saw a while ago (alas I didn't save it anywhere I can find), had a castle or such on the cover, I think it was an orange red cover, with a winding staircase walls around the castle. The plot blurb was about the main character being tasked with being the keeper of the memories documents materials of the empire as the empire is falling being defeated. I remember part of it also was that main character had to lie to people couldn't trust people. I tried looking at Tor, Orbit, and other publishers' websites catalogs to see if I would recognize it by title. I remember it having been published in the last few years, so probably 2018 2020. amp x200B Thanks for any ideas, I have been trying to remember where I saw it for while to no avail.
Fantasy Teenager finds a portal while walking a trail and is transported to the realm of the Fae Sylvan This is a fiction fantasy book that I when I was very young, sometime in the early to mid 2000s, although the book itself could be much older from my father's collection. I vaguely remember some details, but the book itself has eluded me for sometime. The thing(s) I do remember are that it's about a teenager (and possibly his little brother). It's set in a rural town of modern times. The older brother discovers a portal while walking along a trail, and somehow he gets transported through to this fantasy world. There he is captured by elve fae and must complete 3 challenges. I think one of them was a foot race? Those details I'm pretty sure of, but now to the very vague ones. Warning The following details may be wrong, or from entirely other books. There is a wizard involved somehow, the elves take the protagonist to him. The protagonist is special in some way, possibly a king wizard. The main character's little brother is kidnapped and that is why they had to travel to the fae realm. The main character has a pickup truck and there is a scene where they have to travel over a little bridge that crosses a small stream (this is significant somehow?).
Book Series on historical events written in the form of a diary from various different Perspectives It's a series of novellas written about various events like the first one was called Pompeii I think which is written from the POV if a young girl living in Pompeii just before the Eruption of the Volcano. There's also one following the D Day landings written in the POV of a young soldier. The cover pages had the picture of the narrator up to the neck on a white background with golden Text for the title. I read this book series about 10 years ago and I occasionally think about it and I ve tried actively searching for it but I can't seem to find it. I even remember the Book Covers and Book titles. Please does anyone recognize it?
Children s novel about a tiny forest boy, goes on adventure with old father and female friend The cover is the tiny boy sitting on either a mushroom or a leaf and I m pretty sure the name of the book is his name, I thought it was Tad or something but I ve relentlessly searched and nothing came up. There was something to do with humans or evil creatures and a sewage plant they had to sneak into... I think. I borrowed it from the library in 2008 2009
Book about queen of hearts backstory? Hello, a while ago I saw some people talking about this one book which involves sad love story about the queen of hearts from alice the wonderland, and there was some other main character named jack? Does anyone know maybe
A romance novel that was probably already old when I read it in 2002 SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED!!! Ghost Fox by James Houston... I was talking to my cousin about it this afternoon and she goes "I remember it. You gave it to me. It's on my shelf!" It's now wending its way to me via USPS. Sorry for any formatting issues, I'm on mobile. I was 12 or so when I read it, and very definitely too young but I don't think my mom realized what it was (I didn't when I bought it. The cover didn't have the typical couple romance novels come with. It was shades of brown, I believe.) What I remember A girl or young woman is kidnapped from her settlement by natives during a raid. Family members are left scalped. One of the tribe members took pity on her and decided to take her in as a slave She's taken to the tribe and the chief assigns her to a family Eventually the son of the family falls in love with her Smallpox or some other illness destroys the tribe and she and her baby are found by raiders from a nearby settlement. They're confused as to why a white woman is with the tribe. I believe she and baby eventually die as well. It was a very violent, very graphic book. I think it had something like "fox" in the title. Any help would be appreciated!
YA dystopian(?) boy fails a test and was sent to die but was saved to attend a school that teaches magic, his powers relate to painting and art in this world magic is banned. he also has a brother, but he passed the test. the brother is being trained for a war. also i remember the objects being able to speak, for example a buzzing board that has reminders and messages. the boy later mutes it as hes trying to avoid everyone.
Kids cloud story from the 90s For the life of me I can t remember the title of a book that was read to us as kids (around 1994), I think it was about making friends but for sure the main character s name was Cloudaby (or Cloudby). I ve tried googling, and of course stuff like general cloud books or cloud baby or Tommy de Paola s book come up, but this was a story about a cloud named Cloudaby. Halp! TIA!
Book about woman who swims, loses weight, amp gets pregnant by older man. I read this book in the mid 2000 s. Probably between 2005 and 2009. I can remember the story but not the title. This woman swims and swims. Loses weight. She meets an older gentleman at the pool and she gets pregnant but he stays with his wife. It was along the lines of books by Jane Green or Jennifer Weiner but neither of them wrote this one. Thanks!
Book where instead of heaven, they are uploaded to VR and then after years of monotony, they get bored and turn totally evil just for something to do Fiction, scifi I assume The title is literally the only thing I have to go on, as someone recommended the book to me. They provided no other details, and based on the plot, it sounds really interesting. I'm so sorry I couldn't provide more, any help is greatly appreciated
Horror(or sci fi)novel where historical and fictional characters have been transported to a violent land where they are fighting for survival. Pretty sure a real person was falling in love with Alice in wonderland s Alice. So, the characters are a mix of real people from history and fictional characters fighting in a gritty otherworld with no knowledge of why they were summoned there or what is truly going on. I m pretty sure they had guns. Someone real (might have been Louis Carrol himself) was falling for the fictional Alice, she seemed older than she was in the book though. The book opens with them hiding in a building discussing the predicament in a way that made it seem like it may have been the second book in a series, some of the party had already brutally been killed. I found this book in the late 90 s in a second hand shop in Portland and only read the first chapter so I don t have much plot to give. Looked like an older book. Hardcover book with a full color illustration of a vague battle like scene. I was very young so my parents wouldn t buy me something so gory and it s haunted me ever since!
Realistic Fiction Girl protag is on a roadtrip with her Native American grandparents So, the girl protag is on a roadtrip across America with her Native American grandparents. Most of the story is flashbacks, but there are also a lot of present day scenes. In one of these, they visit Mount Rushmore, where they exchange pleasantries with another Native American person. Sometime after this, the grandma gets bit by a poisonous snake. She is hospitalized and later dies.
Dragon Monster Picture Book FANCY ILLUSTRATIONS This may be an obscure one I don't remember seeing it anywhere else besides our house when I was growing up, and I haven't seen it for 15 20 years. I cannot for the life of me remember the title, let alone the author illustrator... What I CAN remember The book was about a group of dragons, or possibly just monsters, or a similar type of creature. I'm going with dragons for the sake of this post because that's what I think of them as. In the book they were listed off one by one. So, not really a plot to speak of, just kind of a cool dragon posse. The nature of the dragons themselves was probably the most notable part, and the reason I want to find this book again so badly picture the most dragony dragon you can think of, and these were decidedly NOT that. Some had more human facial features, or looked like other animals entirely. I remember one looking more like an elephant than anything else (though decidedly NOT an elephant, either.) The illustration style was highly detailed yet whimsical surreal the artist clearly wasn't going for a realistic shading blending style, but it also didn't resemble a typical brightly colored children's book (I apologize for so much of what I remember being about what this book ISN'T, lol). The colors were somewhat desaturated, and may have been done with colored pencil. I remember there being lots of texture to the drawings. It was something like 12 14 dragons in total. The exact number may have been part of the title, but googling hasn't yielded me any results. Each one was radically different from the next. I THINK the title was something simple like "imaginary dragons" or "parade of dragons" (again, may have had a number) but I could be completely off here. Again, googling and checking my local library database has been less than successful because of the genericness of the topic. The cover had one of the dragons on the front (I believe just the head) on a mostly white background. Possibly had a thin frame border. Cover was squarish in shape, maybe 10" on a side. I don't know if it was paperback or hardcover. The book itself wasn't long only about 30 pages, if that. It's NOT one of those "Dragonology" type of books, or in that sort of encyclopedia style. To my knowledge, this book wasn't part of any larger series, either. Each page spread was dedicated to one of the dragons, with a stark white background and very little else going on. Likewise, there was minimal text, from what I remember. Just like... a short description of the pictures dragon and its habits and hobbies. (It was mostly about the visuals.) I think each dragon was numbered, like it was like a countdown (though I remember it as counting UP), and it ended with all of them together at the end? Gosh, I hope this sounds familiar to someone!!! I have a feeling I'll know it when I see it if you can show me the cover and or some of the inside pages. Thanks in advance! I'll draw the person that helps me find the title author a dragon!
Kids picture book about a fat cow that was hungry I read this book between 2003 2010. I think the plot was something like a cow was really hungry so it ate everything, then in space it barfed everything back up again? I'm sorry this is vague but I can't remember anything else and my friends think I'm mad. If anyone knows what I'm on about I would be forever grateful!
"If you can see it, you can be it!" Was watching the Oprah interview of Meghan Harry and she mentioned reading a book to Archie with the said quote. I thought it was super cute and would like to get it for my niece. Any idea where it could be from? Most likely a children's book.
Book about twins, a boy and a girl that switched places It's a series I think and the girl was supposed to go to a convent or finishing school to learn how to behave and the boy was supposed to go to train to be a knight. They switch places and the boy goes to learn magic, while the girl pretends to be a man (think pre teen Mulan) and trains to be a knight.
Kindle Unlimited Romance Thriller based in Colorado I read in 2020 A young woman gets married to an older man and he has a lot of money. Her family neighbors are judgmental of the relationship because of the age gap. She s a stay at home wife and she s bored, she goes to Pilates (maybe?) and makes friends with another wealthy stay at home wife. She lives in a nice ski town in Colorado. She ends up getting a letter or something that leads her to believe she has a stalker. She takes self defense classes with the hot local police officer. She eventually has an affair with the police officer but covers it up to her husband that he s helping her find her stalker (which he is). The police officer ends up kidnapping her and he was the stalker all along. He takes her to cabin and locks her up and barely feeds her and believes that they ll be together. She is also pregnant at this time. Thank you!!
Y A Australian Post Apocalyptic disaster book Read this book in school when I was in junior high or high school. Its about kids being left alone during a crisis the end of the world. The only scene I can recall was a boy making sausage with rancid meat because he could not smell anything.
Book that alternated chapters of science fiction and science fact RE POST I still haven't found this book perhaps the third time's the charm? Time period publication info Got it from a public library in the U.S. in the late 1990s or early 2000s. May have been published in the 80s or 90s. I think it was a hardcover book. Format The book alternated fiction and nonfiction chapters. There would be a science fiction story followed by a chapter about how the events of the story would work in light of what we really know about science (or maybe vice versa). Stories I remember Story 1 Kind of like the movie "Passengers," where people were traveling asleep in pods and one of them woke up. I think he she tried to re freeze herself in an extra pod but it didn't work and he she died. Story 2 People were on a spaceship on their way to colonize Mars(?). There was a couple who wanted to have kids, but the generations on the ship had to be spaced out a certain number of years...but they were hoping they would get permission to reproduce once they reached whatever colony they were heading for. At one point the man "traced his finger down her spine" or something like that, which young me thought was pretty weird...but Googling that phrase just shows me that a lot of writers have written similar phrases. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure this out! ) Update for 2021 I found a few of the previously suggested books and none of them were it. Books I have ruled out The Endless Frontier by Jerry Pournelle (though I still need to look at The Endless Frontier vol. 2 ) Science Fiction, Science Fact, and You by Lia Lowenherz When It Changed Science into Fiction by Geoff Ryman The Science of Discworld by Terry Pratchett And it's probably not an Isaac Asimov book.
Novel about a necrophiliac killer. This is super vague but the main character in it was a woman. Not sure if she was a detective or anything. The killer was a necrophiliac and I'm almost certain he was obsessed with Baudelaire or Voltaire? The main character was in the shower getting steamy with the killer and suddenly realised that he was in fact the killer. Cannot remember anything else except maybe there was a grocery store involved but I really don't know! Probably read this back in the early 00s as it was one of my mam's collection but I can't find it now!
Romance novel about a woman living on an island with really bad anxiety who falls in love with her neighbor Hi! I'm looking for a fictional adult romance I read maybe 3 years ago on kindle unlimited about a woman who's living on an island managing vacation rentals. She suffers from really bad anxiety and I believe has ovarian cysts or some kind of similar problem. I remember at the beginning of the book she finds someone dead in a vacation rental and it gives her an anxiety attack. She has a series of routines in place to help manage her anxiety but falls in love with a man who comes to vacation on the island in the house nextdoor to hers. I believe at the end she gets pregnant and her love interest must give up city life to live on the island with her because she doesn't do well with her anxiety in the city. Also something about her home getting destroyed in a storm. Please help!!
Kid lives in a burnt out tree with a bird A kid runs away or similar to live in the woods. Lives in a tree trunk that he hollowed out by burning it. Kills a deer and makes his own clothes. He has a bird. I remember very little else but it was required reading in elementary school so I think it isn t that obscure. I just can t remember!
Kid's book in the 70's about a tree in a park that was sometimes an old man The main character girl in the book would go to the park and sometimes there would be a big tree there to climb in and sometimes instead there was an old man feeding birds with squirrels living in his coat pocket. As I remember it he would never quite admit to being a tree. I can't remember if she had a friend that went there with her. And maybe the old man was there only when it was just them there? I think there was a hollow in the tree she (they?) used to climb in and she was scared once wondering what would happen if the tree changed into the old man when someone or something was in there.
Fantasy you don t adult novel boy lives alone in a dystopian medieval time Boy finds out he has magic Something to do with a magic cat n rats maybe? Something about dust or copper dust smthn like that
College kids at university that make up a game and it fucks their lives up I cannot remember the name of this book for the life of me. It s written half first person perspective, from the point of view of a guy who is a recluse and never goes outside. He talks about his time in college where he and his friends make up a game where they challenge each other to do fucked up things and whoever backs out won t win the pot of money. Sound familiar to anyone?
Girl goes to a new boarding school, where the dead are "alive" but they need to find the person that has their soul and kiss them to get it back. I really can't remember what the name of this book is, but I plot is that the main girl goes to a new boarding school, where the dead are "alive" but they need to find the person that has their soul and kiss them to get it back and then they are Alive in that sense, when she goes there one of the boys there is dead who turns out she has his soul in her boy. I know that her friend dies when the basement when it floods and she come back. I don't know why I really want to read this again but I do, so any help would be great. Edit. I forgot to say that this is book one of series
Weird alien creature cyclists? I remember reading a book many years ago when I was a young teenager about cyclists that would turn into creatures. It was a post apocalyptic world and they would somehow get stuck to their bikes. I might be nuking this but I definitely remember the cover of the book showed a figure with a head that had the shape of a bike helmet. Thank you in advance!
A horror book about taxidermied bodies of parents From what I can remember it begins with a girl talking about how she always wanted to go into this certain room because her mom never let her. When she finally does she finds the taxidermied body of her grandmother. Her mom takes her to this family graveyard, and she notices something weird about it. Her mom never told her who her father was, and she finds out her father was a pharmacist across the street that has a twin brother. Her mom then dies and she ends up taxidermying her to keep her around after death because she misses her. And then she uh.... Decides to have a baby with one of the twin brother pharmacists to keep the family alive but she doesn't actually know which one is her father so she just hopes she chose the right one. Uh yeah..... It's really weird but it was a good book and I wanna know the title so I can share with people how weird this book was haha. I'm sorry if it's a bit vague, I don't have the best memory. I tried my best to remember everything. But if someone knows the book it would be greatly appreciated because Google is no help so far. Thank you for your time.
A family trying to escape war book? I read this book either in 4th or 5th grade which was in 2008 2009. So I was around 11. I'm in the United States. I'm pretty sure it was a scholastic book. It was a fiction book about a girl, her brother and their mother. If I remember correctly they were trying to escape a war. This takes place before modern technology. Their mother ends up getting sick and can't go on the ship with the kids. The daughter starts writing letters to her mom each day after they arrive in the new country. She hopes when her mother finally arrives they'll be able to read them together. The girl also made a friend in the new country that is teaching her the language. Eventually her and her brother get into a fight and he tells her that their mother died. I'm pretty sure he found out because people on the ship were talking about them. I think the book cover had two of the characters faces on it and the title was only one word.
Children's picture book about food falling from the sky No, it's not Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! There was picture book that had full color illustrations of beautiful landscapes and giant food sitting in it, as if it had fallen from above. By the end of the story, it was shown to be giant alien chefs who were dropping the food accidentally. I cannot for the life of me find any information about this book. Thanks for your help!
YA Book about a boy who does wargames with little figures that he can't touch or they die I'm pretty sure there's a girl he that he's playing against during these games. He also always knows what time it is. It's a scifi book that's at least 20 years old.
Appalachian Herbalism Chapter Book One of my library patrons is looking for the following book Contemporary fiction, she thinks she read it between 1973 early 1976 but it could have been published in the '60s. Set in Appalachia a girl moves in with her grandmother after her parents die in a car accident. Grandmother is an herbalist possible environmental themes in the book On the other side of town is a mine the mine owner has a (romantic?) history with the grandmother There is an accident in the mine. The cover art may have been done in ink line drawing Author's last name may begin with an M or N? She read it as a child but we aren't sure it was actually published as a children's book. Thanks!
Postapocalyptic book about a bunch of children. Title was a number. I don't remember much of the book but I know that it was about children who were trying to survive in a postapocalyptic world. There was some kind of virus or parasite or something that affected almost all humans on the planet, only they remained unharmed. The percentage of people who weren't affected by the virus is the title of the book. In the end, the infected people used cables to connect to each other and form a giant creature that attacked them.
Legal thriller(?) set in ivy league law school with chess piece on the cover I am looking for a fiction book I began reading about 3 or 4 years ago (2017 2018). The protagonist of the book is a law professor who is probably in his 30s. He teaches law, and I believe most of the book was set in the law school. The law school was very prestigious I think it was meant to be ivy league, but it was a fictional school, not a real one. I do not remember much of the plot as I never got far in the book, but I think it could have been a legal thriller or mystery (not 100 sure of this though). I believe the relationship between the protagonist and his father was a large aspect of the novel. There's a line that I vaguely remember the protagonist would sometimes get frustrated with his students but remember that most of them were only like "five years out of high school." I feel like the protagonist was black, but that could just be in my head. I believe it was told in first person point of view. I want to say it is a fairly modern book and was a contemporary time period. I want to say the book is aimed toward adults. The cover of the book was hard cover, mostly white, with a large black chess piece at the forefront.
Book about a new street drug called god(?) where the consumers swears to meet god, and within a time kills themself Several years since I read the book so the details might be somewhat off. The book s name I believe is something in the realm of super pill It s about a new drug hitting the streets called god (?) who ever consumes the drug swears they might god. Eventually they end up killing them self. Edit Thank you all for the help. I found the book thanks to gregorygee in the comment section. The books name is afterparty by Daryl Gregory
Young Sorcerer summons shadow demon that hunts him forever Read in middle school early 2000s I can't remember the cover. Maybe gray blue with a lone figure. It was about a young sorcerer to be, or maybe he wasn't training to be a sorcerer until after the incident. He casts a spell that summons a shadow monster that permanently scars his face, and it hunts him until he learns it's true name which was his own name. He might have trained with a Merlin type character that taught him in order to control something you had to know it's real name. Thank you in advance. I've been thinking about this one for years.
YA Teen adventure book series centered around finding treasure and pirates I read this 4 book series back in 2012 and can't find it anywhere. The plot kinda reminded me of the Goonies. I know the cover was a black and white picture of 4 kids. The spines were a different color for each book and I know for sure one was blue and one was orange. Please help me. I couldn't find anything on Google.
Astro A50 gen4 wireless headset and base set up gaming audio issue I am not gaming savvy and have zero knowledge of how to set the headset up...I have followed the instructions but can t seem to get game audio only chat. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A20 audio keeps cutting out for seconds at a time repeatedly So as the title states my headset audio keeps cutting out while I m playing games on my PS4 and this has been happening for awhile but tonight it got so severe where I could barely play a game. I have tried to trouble shoot it before to no avail. Any solutions? This is so frustrating and I have been tempted to break it into a million pieces because of this.
A50 gen 4 not working on command centre or xbox series x Hello I have a set of A50 gen 4's xbox version I am trying to get to work on my xbox series x. I have dolby purchased and installed on the XbX and the head set are not detected on the xbox. I am trying to connect my base station to the PC to do a firmware update and the command centre program cannot recognise the head set base station or head set. I have tried connecting from the pc to head phones then tried pc to base station. I have tried a hard reset on the head phones as well (Dolby and volume button together) I have also tried different cables. I have uninstalled the program and downloaded directly from the Astro website also. Can someone please help as to what to try next?
Astro a50 gen3 Latest Firmware Update? I have a pair of Astro a50 gen 3s i use on my xbox. ive tried looking around at all the places (even here on reddit) i cant seem to find the ACTUAL file for it. ive seen other post leading to this place but it's no luck. The hyperlink for gen 3 base station and headset dont work. im not even getting a connection too Update.astrogaming.com If anyone can help me actually get the file for the latest firmware up date that would be amazingly swell!
Is it possible to have the USB connected to my pc and talk on my xbox a50 gen 4 Is it possible to have the USB connected to my pc and the other cable (ir cable I think it is) connected to my xbox and talk on my xbox
A40 TR Mixamp Pro TR GEN4 ringing noise no pc audio Hi, 3 weeks ago I made the 'upgrade' for my Astro A40's TR mixamp pro TR gen 3 to the gen 4 (both headset and mixamp). The reason for the switch to the newer gen was because there is always a ringing noise whenever I have the mixamp connected to my pc as well. When I disconnect the aux from the mixamp to the pc, the ringing noise is gone. I use the mixamp through my Elgato HD60S for my PS4. I've bought many new aux cables because I thought that might've been the issue but sadly it didn't solve anything so I decided to buy the gen 4 to solve this. Sadly, I had to come to the conclusion that it only made the ringing noise worse than before, it is extremely loud now. The only way to get rid of it is turn the game voice knob all the way down to game, the more voice is added to the mix or the higher the volume knob is, the louder the ringing noise. (Side note this only worked on my gen 4 and not on gen 3) or either take out the aux that is connected to my pc. Is there a way to get rid of this noise? It is really annoying and obnoxious and makes me not want to use it. Besides this problem, I also can t hear my pc audio anymore through my Astro s since the upgrade. The annoying ringing noise is now also in my pc s headphones whenever I turn on my PS4. I use an audio Y splitter so I can use normal headphones whenever I don t use my PS4 without having to switch cables all the time. This worked perfect with my gen 3. Taking out the splitter and connecting the mixamp directly with an aux to my pc doesn t work either, there is still no pc audio. Mixamp is up to date with software. The ringing noise is also there on a different pc, so my pc is not the problem.
Buying Astro A40 tr with mixamp for ps5 Hi everyone I have a super important question to ask before I buy Astro A40 with mixamp for my ps5. So since I play in the living room on my ps5 my question is does the mixamp connect to the ps5 and the headset only connects to the controller right? Because since I will be gaming from my couch I don t want to be sitting up close to my tv because of the wires.
Using the a50 on xbox one X So, I currently have my default speakers hooked up using optic cables, and I want to keep those available while also being able to use this new headset. I saw the newest firmware allows the Xbox Series X S to output audio through just the USB port. Does this firmware allow this on the One X as well, or will have to stick to using an optical connection to use my headset?
Hdmi adapter for ps5 causing Screen Tearing how to solve? Since I started using Astro s hdmi adapter I m experiencing some screen tearing that I ve never experienced before. I own a LG27GN950 b monitor, so a really high end monitor, I already tried to switch between different cables 2.1 2.0b but nothing changed the problem is still there. I ve tried also to change the video transfer rate of 4K on ps5 but yep the problem is still there. What am I supposed to do to solve it?
Mixamp TR stuck in bootloader mode When pluggning in my mixamp in the computer it only flashes red and im receiving error message that its stuck in bootloader mode. No other light is on not even the PC Xbox indicator is lit. Ive tried reinstalling both versions of ACC but nothing helps. Anyone now what the problem Might be and how to solve?
ASTRO Tips and Tricks More Than Gaming! amp x200B Sometimes, we all like to take a break from gaming to chill out and watch TV or movies. But what if it's late at night and you don't want to disturb your family or neighbours, or your TV speakers are just not up to the task of delivering that high fidelity surround sound audio? Great news! Most of the ASTRO products you already own should be up to the job, and we'll take a quick dive into some setups you can try at home to get even more out of your setup. Our ASTRO Gaming products split into two categories. We have the A40 TR Headset and MixAmp Pro TR and the A50 Wireless and Base Station, which are optical receiver products and can natively pull Dolby Digital or stereo audio from any source with an optical output. Our other products, such as the A20 Wireless Headset, A10 Headset, and A03 IEM, are console designed to connect through the controller or the console's USB port. We have a few solutions for those, too, so stick around. Cable or Satellite Most people in their home will own a cable or satellite box capable of receiving HD channels which usually includes a Dolby Digital signal when viewing sports or movies. If you look at the back of the box, it should have an optical output similar to your console that you can connect directly to the MixAmp Pro TR or A50 Base Station to feed audio. You may need to power your ASTRO receiver using a console USB port, but you should hear audio from the programming instantly without changing any settings. We would suggest looking into the cable or satellite box audio settings to see if there is an option to change from Linear PCM or stereo to Dolby Digital to ensure you are gaining surround sound from supported titles. If your cable or satellite box does not have an optical output. Don't fear! Have a check on the back of your TV instead, as it may feature an optical passthrough to route audio from the HDMI input. In most cases, you should automatically hear audio through your headset. However, you will need to check both the audio settings on your cable or satellite box and the TV to ensure you're routing Dolby Digital correctly if supported. Streaming Services If you own an Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, or similar, chances are it won't contain an optical output due to its size not being able to accommodate one. Like the above, have a check on the back of your TV instead, as it may feature an optical passthrough to route audio from the HDMI input. In most cases, you should automatically hear audio through your headset. However, you will need to check both the audio settings on your cable or satellite box and the TV to ensure you're routing Dolby Digital correctly from supported applications such as Netflix. Consoles The Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, and PlayStation 5 are amongst the best UHD Blu ray players on the market, and you probably own one of these. They also double up because they support most streaming services such as Netflix and Disney to hear Dolby Digital surround sound audio. Our MixAmp Pro TR and A50 Base Station can directly connect through an optical connection to receive Dolby Digital from any Blu Ray or compatible streaming service. If you own any other headset such as our A20 Wireless Headset, A10 Headset, or A03 IEM, you will still benefit from high quality stereo audio playback through the controller or the USB port on the console. Gaming on Xbox? Even better! All of our products are compatible with Dolby Atmos for Headphones. Enable it through your console settings, and any Blu ray or streaming application with support for Dolby Atmos should play 3D spatial sound through your headset. Adventure On These are just a few ways to connect your products to alternative platforms to expand the use of your ASTRO headset, and with the knowledge, it's easy to try other sources that you may have in the home. It's all trial and error, but as long as it has an optical output and supports either Stereo or Dolby Digital, it should work fine.
One Side Not Working on A10 I just got the A10 and plugged the 3.5 cable but only one side worked. Then I plugged the cable vice versa and only the other side worked. I can only hear through one side. Any fixes? Does any one else have this?
Astro A50 Gen 4 Dolby Atmos vs. Dolby Digital Hello all, does anyone know which one to use for the Series X? I ve been loving the Atmos but not sure if I should be keeping it on Dolby Digital. Any help or insight would be great, thank you!
C40 left analog moves on its own So every 10 minutes to every hour my Astro C40 controller will move my character down and to the right for one second. I notice it mostly happening when I play Final Fantasy 14 but then again it s all I really play. I ve looked and tried everything I can think of. Anyone have any experience with this issue? It can really screw me up during raids. Otherwise I love this controller and don t want to switch to another. Please help.
Question about my mix amp on Xbox s series I recently upgraded from an Xbox one to an Xbox S series. I had to update my mix amp because the new Xbox does not have a optical cable but the sound does is not as good as it was on the Xbox one. Am I missing something ? I went in the command center made sure everything was right I even increased volume there but i still can t hear any footsteps like I could on my old Xbox. Is this normal? Or do I have to change something else?? I have Astro a40s TRD. Plz help
Astro Gaming Controller Ps5? Hey guys, Does someone know if astro is working on a new ps5 elite Controller or will be able to update a full compatibility for the ps5? I dont know if its worth to buy one
A10 volume cord coming to Australia? Long story short my cat bit my A10's volume cable in half and I was wondering when a volume cable will be released for purchase on the Australian Astro Gaming website. As seen on other Astro websites they have access to the volume cable so I was wondering when Australia will be able to purchase one. Another question Is it worth the wait until the cable comes into stock or should I just buy a new headset? Or should I buy a third party volume cable? Does anyone know any trusted third party cables? Sorry for so many questions, just curious PS I've had my headset for a year and a bit
Astro command centre update failing. unable to use A50's when the headset is plugged in it will not connect and is constantly showing the loading icon. After the headset is reset it will connect to the base station but still not able to be used. When attempting to update the firmware today it fails everytime and I cant find a manual install for the latest firmware anywhere. any tips from anyone who has experienced this. I rlly cant afford to be waiting for it to die as this is my only headset.
people can hear me when my mic is muted I have the A40's and people in my xbox party can hear me when my mic is muted, how can I fix this
PS5 Gen2(?) Astro A40 TR setup Hi all. So in a nutshell my question is this with the PS5 and the Gen 2 TR's, my mixamp only works with chat game if i have "chat only" set in the output section of my PS5. Which cuts out a great deal of sound in my games (mainly Siege). when I set it to "all sound", then my mixer is basically a secondary volume knob. How do I resolve this? So I don't have the Astro HDMI extractor, I bought this. I've updated the firmware and my PS5 is up to date. TIA ) Edit forgot the 'm' in "my" .
Settings for Astro HDMI adapter (Xbox Series X)? Hey, just got the adapter, plugged everything where it should be but I'm not sure about which sound settings to put it? (Bitstream, dolby atmos, etc) Help is more than welcomed!
Quiet Volume Getting kicked from games Finally received my replacement mix amp for my A40 mix amp pros. The game volume is just so low no matter what Dolby app setting I use. I play on Xbox series x. I m redlining the volume knob and the chat is all the way down. Game volume is so low no matter what custom pre made mix I use in the Dolby app. When I go to change between presets it kicks me from any online game I m on. Anyone have either of these issues and find a fix? The reason I was getting a replacement was because of the volume issue. Probably just stuck with it until I get a monitor with an optical port.
Customer service issue communication issue Hi, amp x200B I ordered a HDMI receiver a month ago. The package finally arrived today, box was damaged and was retaped . When I opened it, the HDMI receiver was not in box. Just packin slip and bubble bag for packing. amp x200B I emailed Astro customer service, but I am unable to communicate my issue to them, being that I received my parcel but it did not include the item I payed for. can somebody please help with this? amp x200B thanks, JB
There needs to be a manual way to reconnect the Astro A50's to the Xbox. Just randomly lost my connection to the Astros on my Xbox Series X. It doesn't do the Headset Assigned notification. So I unplug the power from the base station, switch between PC and Xbox (Gen 3) or turn on and off the headset until some random miracle happens and it reconnects. But it's difficult to reproduce on command. If it's plugged in there needs to be some options in the settings that allows you to actually connect the two.
Astro please reply to your support emails I reached to you about my Astro A50 Gen 4 which I bought last december about a static sound that is persistent and haven t received any follow up. I know your support team must be flooded with emails, but I genuinely enjoy my Astros and this static noise is really getting in the way of fully appreciating them. Thank you
Series X Astro a50 gen 4 Optical Anybody else having to turn up the headset volume when connected thru optical to tv?
Just not the same... a40 TR on XSX I know I m not alone here and I hate to be just another unheard voice but I have to get this off my chest. My setup XSX 1440p DELL S2721DGF 120hz FreeSync enabled (no optical out) Astro A40 TR w Gen 3 Mixamp I consider myself an audiophile, not a professional but one who has a very high threshold for attention to detail. I game nearly every day, mostly playing call of duty or assassin s creed. I LOVED my Astro s up until this point, I would have recommended them to anyone. I finally got to upgrade from my OG Xbox One Elite to a series X this weekend and so I had done my research on how to update the firmware on the mixamp to support audio over USB. First impression tin can. So onto Reddit I went. For HOURS AND HOURS. I quickly learned that Astro pushes Dolby s Access app for Atmos so I m thinking great, this should fix the problem (even bought Atmos as it was on sale). After playing with the EQ s for several more hours and testing it with a few very familiar tracks to me, I thought I had finally honed in on what my A40 s had originally sounded like pre XSX... I was wrong. The moment I got back into the games everything had gone out the window. I had previously used studio reference (flat eq) in modern warfare warzone s audio options so it was an easy static to my experiment. So my next thought was maybe I can buy the Astro HDMI adapter... Well the truth is, I can and it would probably work to get my old sound quality back. But at the cost of sacrificing my VRR 120hz 1440p? No thanks, not a chance. So my question is this Why should anyone have to sacrifice video quality for audio quality or vice versa? Obviously Xbox dropped the ball by not including an optical port but seriously, I can t even stomach using my Astro s for gaming anymore. Now we are blessed with horrible volume balance (gunshots vs footsteps, in match vs menu, etc.), lack of hardware based eq, not to mention the most irritating of all LAG. It has ruined the experience of the new console and it shouldn t take an audio engineer from a consumer standpoint to make them sound good again. People get all pumped up claiming that audio quality over HDMI has more bandwidth than optical and they re not wrong... However, I know very well what my headset used to sound like via optical, and it s JUST NOT THE SAME. By a mile. At least.
Astro a50 gen 2 audio help Just got a pc that doesnt have an optical audio port how can i connect my astro a50 gen 2's without it....
Does the A50 adapter for PS5 increase input lag ? I ve been putting off buying A50s for my ps5 because I can t find much info on the adapter. Could someone please advise and I ll buy straight away. Thanks )
PS5, is it an option yet with a50s? Hi folks, was fully intending and quite happy to carry on with PS4 Pro and my a50 s till all the big issues had been sorted but have through some offer been given the chance to have a PS5 reserved for me, so this changes things for me but......from several posts throughout the AstroGaming sub am I to understand there is a huge issue with the compatibility of the a50s on PS5 if so would waiting a bit longer probably till next year now after recent Sony announcements make more sense? Thanks in advance for any feedback
A couple of questions regarding A50s Gen 4 and Xbox Series X Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing fine. As mentioned on the title, I have a couple of questions regarding my new A50s Gen 4 and my Xbox Series X. I've been reading many great posts here and the general consensus is that I should use optical (better quality and having the ability to use the EQ), so I have it a try with my TV optical out port and, luckily, it does not have any delay. Of course, USB is plugged in into the console for chat audio. So far so good ) So here are my questions (just to clarify, I want to have the spatial audio) 1. Should I use Atmos at all? Or set it to anything else under the console Settings? 2. If I should use Atmos, for what I've read, I have to set the base to star mode, which I understood is bypass . Is that right? And if not using Atmos, which mode should I use for spatial audio? 3. Again, if using Atmos, should I use the Atmos EQ or the base EQ? Thanks for reading so far! Looking forward to hearing from you )
Astro A50 on PS5 with or without Optical cable? Hi guys, im a bit of a newbie here, i've been running my new Astro a50's on my ps5 with just USB, works well as far as i can tell, but would it help to use the Optical cable? (directly in to my tv)? Do I need to amend a setting to get that benefit OR is it a case of i need the additional adapter for the real benefits? View Poll
Astro a50 ps4 stuck on bootloader mode when I try to update title says all. I have looked over the previous posts with the same issue as me. I have tried the windows version and the astro website version of the updater app. When I click yes to update it gives me the firmware version etc... then it just stays on step 0 out of 4. On the base station itself I have an LED that flashes white then red. amp x200B I have only just open them out of the box and this is what I get. Shame really (
Astro A50 Gen 4 Xbox series X footsteps best setting for warzone? I ve purchased some Astro A50 Gen 4 and I m not sure whether to give them back or not yet! First question is are these headsets working as they should for Xbox series X if you connect to the TV optical cable? I ve connected the astros up and I can t hear footsteps whatsoever on warzone? People are sneaking up behind me and I don t even realise. The gun noises are quite loud though so not sure if the sounds are muffled or not. Not sure whether to use stereo uncompressed or Dolby Atmos? Anyone point me in the right direction that would be great.
Lost voice chat on A40s (Xbox One). Help? EDIT RESOLVED. Thanks in advance if anyone can solve this one I'm playing on Xbox One with a pair of A40s with a mixamp. A few days ago I was playing XBL with a friend, who commented my voice was really quiet. When we played again the next day he said he cannot hear me at all. I looked at my party chat, and my voice isn't being recognized by the xbox at all. (it doesn't highlight when I talk). Of note, I hear him just fine, and my game audio works fine too I just can't speak. A few things I've tried 1. I checked if my cable was muting me (duh). Not the case. 2. I've also tried hard resetting my xbox, but that didn't do anything. Switching controllers also didn't do anything. 3. I plugged the just the headset cable directly into my macbook, and voice chat works fine on Discord, so that should eliminate those. I then plugged my mixamp into my macbook, and voice chat also works. Based on this, my working theory is that the cable that connects to my controller is broken. Can someone confirm offer additional insight? If so, it looks like I can pick up a cheap replacement cable off ebay. SOLUTION I initially bought a new astro controller cable, but that didn't fix the issue Turns out the problem was the 2.5 1.5mm separate cable to connect to an xbox controller. Bought one of these and it fixed the issue
Is there a way to Balance AUX in Volume on A50 Gen 4? I'm feeding my console volume into the Base on the Gen 4 through an AUX cable, and while I do hear the audio I'm not able to balance how loud it is compared to my PC sound. Gen 1 A50s I was able to do this by adjust Voice and Game, but on the Gen 4 is just equally increases or decreases the volume for both. Could not find anything in the Command Center either aside from Stream port, but I'm not streaming directly from the console so unsure how that works. Anyone know if this feature was removed from Gen 1 to Gen 4? Or am I missing something obvious?
Thinking of buying this headset stand with usb charging for my A50 Gen3's, what do you guys think? As we all know the base station charging is finicky and sometimes you have to place it on again to pair it to the base station after charging. I'm thinking instead of dealing with all that I'm going to set it on this headset stand when I'm not using it and remembering to plug it in overnight. That way I don't wake up to a non charged headset because I didn't make sure it was on the base station before walking away. The headset stand also has cool blue LED and an extra usb port for charging something else so I figure it's more convenient. Thoughts?
Is it possible to listen to ps5 audio while talking on discord with the Astro mixamp? So basically i switched from pc COD to ps5 because of hackers etc. Crossplay party audio is horrible on that game so we would like to talk on discord. I know back in the day it was possible to connect the ps4 to the pc but the ps5 does not have optical audio. any solution for this? So long story short i want to talk on discord while hearing ps5 audio. amp x200B please let me know
No sound from Astro Mixamp Pro Game? Hi guys! I just bought my first astro headset (Astro A40 TR with pro mixamp) for pc gaming and music listening. I managed to connect everything as i am supposed to but, after searching online for a while i have an issue and i don't know if i'm getting any advantage with my mixamp. I watched several tutorials where the guy in the video is saying that in pc, sound, playback, i need to set as default device the device "Astro mixamp pro game" and not "Astro mixamp pro voice". Unfortunately if i set astro mixamp pro game as default i have no sound in my headset, but if i switch the default device to the voice one, there is audio. The sound quality is great and the mixamp does its job, but i don't understand why i get no sound from the "game" thing. Everything is connected in the right way, optical cable to pc, usb power cable, the PS4 PC switch is on pc so i don't know and the worst thing is that i don't actually know if i'm using the real power of this headset and this bothers me a lot. Did some of you face the same problems? Thank you for your attention!
Did Astro ever resolve the issues with next gen consoles? Hi all, Current owner of an A50 headset and I just replaced it under an extended warranty. The replacement product shows Xbox series X on it, and I know when they first came out the surround sound was a big issue without the optical cable. I ran an optical cable from my TV into the base station and wasn't having surround issues anymore, but figured I'd ask since I'm going to set the new unit up later. Do I still need the optical cable? Or can it all go through the USB cable now?
Astro A40 TR vs A50 Sound Quality (Review ish Discussion) (PC) I had the Astro A50 Gen 2 for years and years now. Mine was falling apart, pieces fell off, cracking on the mic rubber, terrible battery life, headset turns off automatically, etc, they were very old so it wasn't a big deal. I wanted to buy new Astros and Best Buy had a sale on Astro A40s Gen 4 for 200 so I decided to buy them. The setup for the A40s was very simple but had major trouble updating them. When I tried to update them through the Microsoft Store Astro Command Center the update failed multiple times and left me constantly in a "Bootloader Mode" that was never able to fix itself get out of it. Only til I found a post somewhere saying to uninstall the Microsoft Store version and install the .msi non Microsoft store version and try to update to the latest software was I able to get them to work properly. Other than this the headset itself felt better than I remember to be brand new A50s (my Gen 2s). There was a MAJOR difference when using them though. The sound quality. Now if I were to have only heard the A40s I would think that the sound quality was decent good but nothing out of this world. But from what I know to be my Gen 2 A50s the sound quality is SO much better. Especially when listening to music the A50 sounds like a decent pair of studio headphones that can get loud, very loud, great bass, and great sound quality no matter the volume. The A40s on the other hand I can't exactly say the same. This headset does not get very loud and gives a decent amount of white noise at larger volumes, unlike the A50s. I understand that the A40s are cheaper than the A50s but for a 50 difference and there's that much change, it kinda blows my mind (I understand that these are gaming headsets not specifically for music but I was just using music as an example). I am considering returning my A40s just to spent the extra 100 (because they were on sale) to buy A50s Gen 4. I just want to share this wondering if maybe I am just too used to my A50s sound and considering I'm a bit obsessive with audio quality But, has anyone had any similar experiences like this with a MAJOR quality change from the A50s to A40s, or am I just overthinking all of this being the amature audiophile that I am? I have also seen people talking about how on PC with the A40 and how it's only USB (with console it being optical cable and USB) the quality on console is much better, but my A50s were also USB only so idk...
A50 volume adjustment just isn't working for game and chat volumes I couldn't get the game chat to be loud enough then I've come back on to use it and now it's the reverse and the side buttons don't seem to change anything at all
Buying used A50s bad idea? I'm looking at buying a pair of gen 3 A50s for 150CAD ( 125USD). They're 2 years old, and other than some scratches on the earcups there don't seem to be any issues with them. How long do A50s last? Can I expect to get some decent wear out of these even after 2 years? Is buying used a bad idea? I'm in Canada so I can't access the refurbished program.
Zalias presets XBSX A50 G4 I used to use these presets and were amazing but for some reason disappeared! I can t remember which ones I used for general gaming like RE cinematic type games. I usually like it to be louder vocals. Anyone have some suggestions please? Tia
Question about Dolby Atmos with Astro A50s on Xbox Series X So I've just got this headset today and I've setup all my presets through the Astro command centre on my computer. When I turn on Dolby Atmos will it use these presets or will it use the presets in the Dolby access app? If anyone has any tips or advice for this headset too please put them forward. Thanks
Astro a50 gen 2 , can only hear party chat when xbox controller is dosconnected So ive been having this issue for awhile now , i can hear in game audio and party can hear me, ...... but i cant hear party chat unless i disconnect the controller, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP
Astro A50 Gen 2 beeping when Headset get s tilted? Hey, i have some issues with my Astro A50 atm. It looks like when i move to much, or tilt the Headset, it beeps 2 time in a pretty high tone and i don t know why. If i tap with my finger on the Device,no matter where (so that the Device get s some vibration), i can reproduce this sound anytime. I noticed that the Headset turns itself off if you put it on the desk, could this have to do with this mechanic? Lately it happens very often that i get random beeps on my ears because of that, and i can t find anything related to this.
My Astro A50 s for my Series X are really quiet in a party chat while playing a game. Anyone have a solution? I ve messed with the settings on the the actual headset and I ve had no luck. They worked a lot better on my One X when it came to part chat. They deliver when it comes to the actual game play, but I d like to hear my party better while playing.
Can somebody help me with my A50 4 gen? OS Windows 10 (19022)Since yesterday after a firmware update on ACC my astro A50 4 gen stopped working the base lights keep flashing and the headset doesn't light up in any way after that and will only turn on after a "hard reset" and even then it will not be in sync with the base and the base will continue to flash the charging lights, i tried everything i found online, tried both ACC software from the site and windows store, made multiple "hard resets" on and off the base, tried when i could manually update the firmware with no success, let him charge on the astro provided USB overnight and nothing helped. any suggestions?
is the ASTRO A40 worth it without the mixamp? I'm thinking of buying it to use with my ps5, and I didn't find any other headset that is as comfortable and does not heat up the ears as much as the A40 Is it worth it or should I buy another headset? Edit the mic doesn t matter to me, I already have a dedicated mic If I said anything wrong in English I'm sorry, it's not my main language
Astro C40 Controller malfunction I can't get my controller to enter pairing mode. When I switch from wired to wireless no light shows up at all. I hold the playstation button until it flashes white and it then hold it for a second and it'll blink orange, then I hold the share and options button and nothing happens. I stuck to wired to play for the meantime and it started to make funny noises through my headset when I pressed certain buttons. Also when I would hit the share button during game play it would clip my game. I have a button binded to my keyboard that I hit to clip stuff through the "Medal" app and have no idea how it was doing it through my controller. I've tried to reset and had no luck, not really sure what's going on.