A story about a mother who s 2 year old son keeps trying to kill her. I m pretty sure it was a side story in a main plot, but I just can t remember what the main plot was. The story is told from the POV of the terrified mother who is realizing that her 2 year old son is a sociopath. The one scene I remember is the son getting a hold of a knife and coming after her with it. I know that s kind of vague, but any help would be appreciated!
creepy ish book, kid drowned in a clearing in forest after falling through plants that looked like grass i read a book about 6 7 years ago and i want to read it again but all i can remember is that it was about a ghost and at the end the ghost was found to be a kid that was playing in a forest, found a clearing and fell through the grass looking plants into the water underneath and drowned, i think there was something about his mother trying to find him after that but idk
Looking for YA horror anthology (including a story about a vampire, and one about a vengeful ghost) So between these two stories I might be mixing up two anthologies, but I'm fairly sure they both came from the same YA book. I read this book in middle school (about 2005 2008 roughly). It was a somewhat short anthology of horror stories, fictional. One of them was about a dead girl who hated her "best friend" for causing her death and or not liking her back and was planning to cause her death so they could be together for eternity as ghosts. The story I most clearly remember was about an adopted girl who killed her adoptive parents so she could track down her real ones. When she tracked them down it turned out they were vampires and did not want her because she was not a vampire herself. I believe there was also a story involving a witch. The anthology was all in English, and I believe the copy I read was hardcover. Any help would be much appreciated!
Read this book yeaaaars ago about a young couple and the girl after some bdsm gone bad starts to eat her boyfriend. Tried to dispose his body in different trashbins all over the city, and in the end, she (though unwillingly) disposed his head in an airport bathroom, but kissed him before leaving. It was all about love and passion and all that. I read the book maybe sometime 2009(?) but i am sure it was published before that. The author s name was like portuguese or something... when the girl realized her boyfriend was dead she tried to find ways to dispose the body. Cutting it into pieces but then she realized that knives wouldn t do it. I also remember that she ate pieces of him daily, and she got sick because of blood poisoning. She also cleaned her apartment with tons of bleach. I remember the book started with them making love or something. I have seriously been trying to search for this book like for more than a decade now .
Old heavily illustrated children's book with a black hardcover a illustrated yellow or white moon in the upper right corner. From what I remember there was little in the way of writing and the story was mostly driven by the illustrations. The basic idea of the book was a young boy or girl traversing a dark swamp or forest using I believe the light of a full moon. The swamp forest was full of all sorts of little ghouls and demon looking figures with blue skin. It had a garden of earthly delights vibe going on in that makes sense? The painting by Hieronymus Bosch. Just tons of little interactions going on every page. I wish I had more information about the narrative but as I said I remember little writing and mostly the illustrations. I believe there was a sleeve over the hard cover but I had lost that and the hard cover itself was black with a moon on the cover. The moon was a pretty big part of the story I recall.
Dystopian book where some people have animal features and play spaceship games I remember reading this book around 2017ish. The book was probably at a middle school reading level. The plot was that the main kid was this poor child living in a city underneath another city. The people who lived above ground were rich and the people below the ground were poor. The main kid had webbed feet and his sibling had webbed hands. The main kid played this simulator where he and his teammate piloted a ship and shot down other ships. The main kid eventually wins some sort of tournament in this simulator game and the kids who are mutated have some sort of advantage in this game for some reason. This is my first time posting to this subreddit, and I appreciate any help I can get.
Repost very old children's book raccoon NOT RASCAL I read this book in approximately 1988 89. It was on a discard shelf at my elementary school library. I think the book's cover was brown and it had the sort of old fashioned clothlike binding of a book from roughly the 1950s. Could be earlier. No dust jacket. The book was aimed at what we'd now consider maybe an early chapter book audience? But I don't think it had chapters? Maybe 100 150 pages? The story was about a boy who adopted a raccoon (maybe a baby? Or hurt?) as a pet and the mischief it got into. The book wasn't particularly sentimental and the raccoon definitely didn't talk. It was text with some pictures, think of an old fashioned "picture book" like something by Marguerite d'Angeli? Lots of text compared to a contemporary "picture" book. The interior illustrations were monochrome, maybe brown or black line drawings. I think I remember an image of the raccoon getting into the family's rain barrel? Which would imply a setting in maybe the late 1800s early 1900s. I've looked up a half dozen suggestions and none has been correct. I do wonder if the raccoon was just one chapter in the book? Maybe the book was actually about pioneer life or a fictionalized biography of Daniel Boone or ??
Piano girl can t be with rich guy type book It was about a girl who played piano beautifully but she was poor and fell in love with a rich guy in like Italy or Paris and she had to hide her appearance at the end (I think she was dressed up as a nun) but her lover recognised her, balls were a thing then, she either gave or got piano lessons, I think someone tried to push her off a balcony or someone fell off one in it.
Really obscure book but basically classmates get sucked up by a tornado I vaguely read this book in middle school like 15 years ago but there was this book where this boy notices this really dark gloomy girl who people make fun of and then for some reason I think a tornado swallows them up and they travel back in time to who knows when (maybe 17th century cuz I remember something about witches). This is so not helpful but if someone can figure the book out from this description PLEASE!
fiction book, main character had a weird podcast that was underlyingly about his missing sister. I have no idea if its a dream or not...so here we go. The most I can remember is that there is a kid with a podcast, the book said 50k listeners. just so happens that a girl near him is an avid listener and also goes to the same school. also the podcast is anonymous so she doesn't know that its him. she finds out when they go to a club and he gets drunk and says his classic outro and she recognizes his voice. and the podcast has a like mystery thing but its just a tribute to his sister who moved away and he hasn't seen her since. i think the mystery thing was a date "June" or something. He also played a little guitar solo at the end of each broadcast. this has been on the tip of my tongue for months and after hours of searching, this is the last place i can think of. I read it recently, within the past 2 years. given my reading history, its probably an lgbtq book or a YA book.
Short story about a woman walking into a lake and being saved by the village doctor I read a short story years ago about this beleaguered, spinster type woman who walks into a lake, and the country doctor goes in after her and she basically coerces him into marrying her. It was really profound and I can t find it anywhere. I thought maybe DH Lawrence but apparently not.
Sci fi short story where an astronaut is sent to hunt down a monstrous alien. When he arrives on the planet a small alien gives him advice on how to find the creature, before revealing that he is the creature the astronaut was looking for and singing the astronaut into a sleep he cannot wake from Initially I think I came across this story in an English textbook when I was pretty young and I remember it being illustrated as well. I also saw a tumblr post a couple of years ago where some users were attempting to find this same story, unfortunately, I have not been able to find that tumblr post either. It s very pulpy in its style and as far as I remember the name of the alien is very pulpy as well (like Philip K Dick s Wub or Glimmung) Do y all have any ideas?
Trigger Warning A sexually abused child moves in with a Theatre(?) group When I was in middle school I found a book on my dad's shelf, prolly around '08 ish? I can't remember the cover at all though. I picked it up off my dad's shelf, and I don't believe either of us had any idea of what the book's content would actually be. (I suspect I (And he when he bought it) probably thought it was a YA fiction novel) Be forewarned, there's some heavy adult themes, and this was definitely not age appropriate for a middle schooler. In the book a young girl's mom gets drunk with men and then they 'visit' the girl at night while she's asleep. I remember her describing their 'stained teeth'. They'd throw money at her mom before leaving (Which she would buy more booze with.) The girl ends up living with a man, whom I believe is Japanese? (Though I'm not sure why I think that) Him (Who I think has a name that starts with S, but it's not a 'common american'ish name. I wanna say something like 'Sia'?) and his brother (Charlie) run a theatre drama group. I remember a scene where Charlie is on the stage hoisted with fake angel wings, and somehow they end up catching on fire, burning his back very badly. I believe this the scene the title cover references. I also vaguely remember a scene where the girl is secretly watching 'Sia' on a balcony about to do some 'adult' things with her mother, but he stops when he notices' her watching. I keep looking for something to help me figure out what it was, I even went through a 214 book strong list on goodreads of books that had 'sexually abused children' in them but I didn't find anything.
YA novel based in the future with time traveling elements SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED Thank you r Ivonava!! D Mention of rape I remember a lot of random details from the book. The two principal characters are a boy and a girl. Both are teens, I think around seventeen. The setting is a futuristic world where some (I don t believe all) can time travel. They only use this ability for educational purposes to observe history in person. The kids must use a certain type of equipment (a bracelet, I can t remember) in order that they time travel exactly where they want to, otherwise they could end up anywhere in the timeline. The whole class travels back in time to where someone is making a speech. Someone political possibly a President not sure who, but he is assassinated at this speech. The main girl (I ll call her girl 1 because there is another girl later in the story) wanted a closer look. She ended up getting too close. When the shot rang out, all the people ran in a panic, and she was trampled and died. The boy ends up time traveling without a bracelet, against the rules. He is trying to find the trampled girl s dad who disappeared in the timeline years ago. The boy ends up in a town where he meets a girl (girl 2) and ends up staying with her family. I think she looked like the girl that got trampled, or maybe she just resembled her, I m not sure. I know in the story girl 2 is at a party, and she is raped. I don t believe anyone believed her, though. But the boy that raped her ended up getting into an awful accident later in the story and might have died. One of girl 2 s friends ends up going missing, and some other girls go missing too, I think. Towards the end of the story, girl 2 is taken by the guy who is kidnapping people. She is in some shed in the woods, and she ends up escaping. I think the kidnapper dies. Girl 1 s dad appears at the very end. Girl 1 is there as well, which obviously makes no sense because she is dead. Turns out there is someone that is impersonating her. Anyway, that is all I can remember. I know there is at least a second book in the series if not more. Hopefully, my explanation was not too confusing, and that someone will know what the book is haha. Also, one word I remember them saying a lot was fure. I don t know if that was just them trying to say the f word without actually saying it or what, but it was said a lot.
Sci Fi from the late 1970s or earlier Looking for a book read to me in the late 1970s. My teacher would read to the class for 30 minutes after lunch and this was one of the books, so I have no idea of the title. Plot summary is The world is slowly being destroyed by over population, armed conflicts, pollution, reduced crop yields, etc. Influential learned people start disappearing, with no known whereabouts The main character discovers that these people are slowly dropping out of society and entering organized shelters where they will wait while civilization self destructs and the earth recovers. Seeing as this was 40 ish years ago, other details are a bit fuzzy. I believe that this was a full length novel, not a short story. The teacher also edited out "adult content and themes" since we were all impressionable 10 year olds. I believe the main character was an adolescent female. I believe that suspended animation was involved. Thanks for any help!!
90 feeling sci fi about an ancient underground city details inside Some bits I remember It's got very late 80s early mid 90s pulp contemporary sci fi, which tracks roughly with when I read it, but it may also be older. The characters are part of a science exploration team There's a hidden underground city, still inhabited by people disconnected from the world above. Various traps await the characters as they explore, indiana jones style. The most memorable for me is a trap where a character steps on a floor plate and a bunch of ropes drop out of the ceiling onto him, but they're all laced with reverse fishhooks pointing upward and then retract back into the ceiling, taking large chunks of the character with them. One of the characters mentioned being gay and a Mormon I think. The characters use a light meter to try and find their way out of the underground city. I believe it's set in a jungle environment, with generic Mayan Inca Aztez Olmec type vibes, but I might be wrong on this. Books that are not it Relic and Reliquary by Lincoln Child amp Douglas Preston, though the vibes are very similar! The Descent by Jeff Long (shares some conceptual similarity though) The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau (too new and often dominates my google keyword searches) I've been looking for this book for a long time. My dad had it in his collection of pulp paperbacks and read us excerpts as kids, then when I got a little older I read it myself. However we've been unable to find it since then, even though both my parents confirm it existed and can't remember what it was either.
Book about demons and cousin incest? Hey guys! So I am trying to remember a book I read 10 15 years ago. It was a YA novel about demons, the protagonists father died and he was moved to his cousins in an island, possibly Rhode Island? Lots of things happen, he joins a new school, fights demons with what I can remember are called talons, flirts with his cousin who is called Cecile? Or something along those lines? I can also remember a part where his little cousin watches this children s clown tv show and it actually turns out to be a demon and he is trying to spell the word JACKSON but he says M instead. I am sorry this is so erratic, but it is literally killing me that I can t remember it! Also, the author wrote 3 of the books but never finish it definitely was not a trilogy because the 3rd book ended on a cliff hanger. Thank you so much!
Kids turned into what they were dressed as for halloween Solved solved solved solved Evil house by Christopher Pike Thanks bullshque! A group of freinds go into an abandoned house on Halloween while trick or treating and when they go into the basement they end up trapped in like an alternate world. They find that all the missing kids over the years are there too and they start becoming whatever they are dressed up as (ex. One of the freinds starts to become a vampire). The whole alt world is run by a crazy boy who became a wizard and is trying to force another one of the kids that just got trapped to mary him join forced because shes a fairy princess and also has magic. I read it as a kid and I rember it having vibes similar to an r.l. Stein and sweet valley high mashup but for a somewhat young audience
SciFi Novel Students sent through a wormhole to a planet for a final exam. Wormhole collapses and they are stuck I read this book in 1974 or 75, but it was probably from the 60 s it had the feel of a Bradbury novel, but I don t think it was. It was hard bound. Story students are teleported or sent through a wormhole to a far off planet for a final exam the wormhole collapses and they are stuck having to survive for a very long time before the wormhole is reestablished. Long enough that they had children and created a society of some sort. Thanks!
Short horror story about a man training his dog I can t remember too much about this unfortunately. It was a short story, maybe 12 pages, about a man and his dog. I think a hunting dog who he was training basic commands to go kill and bring back animals. I think there was a neighbor he didn t like, and the ending was him giving a command to his dog that had him go after the neighbor to make it look like a dog attack so he could get away with murder. Any help appreciated, thank you!!
Non fiction book written around 2005 2010 about the difficulty of working a minimum wage job. I remember this book was written by a woman. In it, she goes undercover to work a series of minimum wage jobs. I remember she worked at Walmart and a maid s cleaning service. I think I read it around 2007 2012 and it had been released a little earlier. It was a book about economics, but written in a conversational tone.
Book set on an island where girls aren't allowed to look at their reflections I read this book in primary school, it was something random I picked up off the shelf that's stuck with me ever since. I've been trying to find it recently, because that book was deeply disturbing (from what I remember) and I really want to re read it. Here's all the details I remember the island was pretty religious I think, women or girls weren't allowed to look at their reflections in any sense, and girls would play a game where they'd tell other girls what they looked like. I'm pretty sure there was some bizzare ritual that involved all the children running around the woods, eating berries and being naked for one summer. Some guy washes up on the island, and I can't really remember his role in the story, but the main character falls in love with him. Girls also aren't allowed cut their hair, but the main character chops a bunch of her hair off towards the end in an act of defiance against her mother. The rest of the world is supposedly gone (which is clearly shown not to be true when some random man washes up on the island), and only men are allowed travel off the island. I might have gotten some of these details a bit off, but if you know of any books like this (apart from "the girl of ink and stars" by Kiran Hargrave, I've already checked that one out) please let me know!
Book where girl meets her dead sister online in a beach?? So, this was a YA novel that was about a girl grieving her sisters recent death. She gets a message telling her to visit a website, which takes her to a beach, and she finds her dead sister there. She finds out that dead people gather on this online beach, and she actually ends up dating one of the dead guys? I can t remember much else, and I m starting to believe I made this book up in my head. Any help would be great!
Horror book with werewolves Hello! I read this book a few years ago, but I am pretty sure it was published before 2010. The plot goes like this a family moves into a new house mansion in a village. During the book it is revealed that during America's colonisation a meteor fell, some soldier build a fort from those stones, and they starting transforming into werewolves. Somehow, the fort was destroyed, but some stones were used to build this house. In the present day, the parents start being weird and they turn into werewolves, but the kid doesn't as he was too young. The werewolves are almost immortal (the villagers make sort of a trap with a sheep and some explosives, but the werewolves regenerate missing limbs over some days). At some point, the kid hides in a safe room, while his parents are transformed and dig and bash the walls to get to him. In the end, the kid shoots the werewolves, killing them. It had something to do with him being related to them, so he could hurt them. He blacks out and wakes up in a hospital, and is told that his parents died in a cat accident. He then vows to come back to the house when he gets older, to get revenge on the villagers for not warning his parents The title has the word "Moon" in it, I am pretty sure. Or goes along the lines of The House of the Moon. Thank you all! I would love to read it again!
Fantasy book about a father and daughter that can use a bunch of different hand bells to fight stuff. Each bell has its own name and size, i think they kerp them on like a bandolier. And each bell has to be rung is a specific way to cast a spell, different hand movements and stuff? I believe its a series of books, with the daughter eventually taking over for the father.
SciFi book where character wants to get mechanical wings but I think has to hide with their extended family. I think the extended family all lived together in a flying thing. The main character wanted to get wings and fly but had to hide because the family wasn't supposed to have another child. Read it sometime between mid 70s to mid 80s. The family's grandmother was a bit of a swinger I think.
village where everyone experiences life at different speeds Title should sum it up. fantasy novel my wife read years ago. The man character randomly finds a village where every inhabitant can choose how slowly or quickly they want to experience life. for some reason Avalon comes to mind when she remembers it
Book about a toy plush that narrates the book I just remember this book my third grade teacher would read to the class about a plush, don't take my word for it but I think it may be a rabbit or something. Now, of course I tried googling it, I swear it was not The Velveteen Rabbit. I just remember the ending when the plush was in some sort of store I think, and the plush was on display and it noticed its past owner all grown up. It was sad asf because it wanted to shout and get its owners attention but the owner did not bat an eye. It eventually left the store. That was quite literally the end of the book.
Help finding the name of a YA historical romance action book EDIT BOOK IS CALLED PASSION FOR THE GAME BY SYLVIA DAY I read this book around 4 years ago (2017). It s a romance story set between the 1600s 1800s. It s about a woman who s looking for her sister who s being held hostage by a relative (I think, my memory isn t the best.) She has a companion who calls her a pet name mhuirnin (Gaelic for my little darling). She crosses paths with a man who s in charge of some sort of gang posse and they fall in love. I remember she was well versed in weaponry (i remember a scene with her wielding a dagger or rapier) she got shot at some point too. They had a very i hate you but want to eat your face at the same time relationship. I think the name followed the same meaning as the game but the word was different, something to do with scheming or plots or some other. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Book about a character learning to write as the book goes on. There was a book we read in school where the main character is writing the book but he doesn t know how to write at first. He has a teacher that slowly teaches him and each chapter he gets a little better at writing. All I can remember is one chapter he uses way too much punctuation since he just learned about it. Later on in the book for some reason he slowly regresses back into his old ways and forgets how to write. The main character may not be human...I m not sure. Thanks for the help in advance!
2000's Young Adult Sci fi novel about boy who travels to a world of robots made by dead grandfather Boy is in middle school or highschool is on a field trip where he is bullied. He finds a tree or something which sends him to a world of robots and it turns out that they were made by his grandfather who either became full robot or cyborg. Boy ends up replacing his eyes with grey robotic ones which can zoom in on stuff and take pictures when he blinks twice. Boy wakes up in the real world, more confident, and thinking robot world is a dream. Book ends, he beats bully, and when he blinks twice at his crush he's eyes take a picture
A book about a woman who has a second personality who only appears when she is asleep. That second personality is the killer she has been searching for since her friends were killed. Okay I've asked this question before and everyone said sharp objects which I read and loved but sadly it was not the book I was thinking of... The plot in pieces A women returns to the town she grew up in where she is either the sole survivor from a fire I think. Either way she swears she doesn't know who started the fire or killed the others and has no memory of what actually happened. I think strange killings begin again. I'm not sure if she's an author or a journalist but at the end of the book it turns out she was the killer but with a second personality that surfaced while she was asleep which was why she has no memory of it. At the end of book she realises the stack of papers on her desk that has been getting higher are actually the crimes she's committed and has kept record of them, turning them into the book she was meant to write. One part of the book that really stuck out in my mind was that she's in a coffee shop and see a mother pull her daughter out of the shop and child cries because the mother has dislocated the child's elbow and the author can relate to this because her mother used to do the same thing. She also doesn't have the greatest reputation in her hometown because she was the only survivor and everyone believes it was her which it turns out to be. I read this in the early 2000s. Not sure when it was published but it was a book I borrowed from a friend. Any ideas? I've read all of Gillian Flynn books so it's not one of hers. It's not a supernatural book either. Phycological thriller would be my guess. There's a male lead as well, but I don't know if he's a cop or just an interest from her younger days but he's the only one who believes she isn't the killer.
Somewhat old sci fi novel about a group of people who go underwater into a very sophisticated and progressive civilisation I could be wrong but I think it was published in the 80s or the 90s. I read it in 2009 so my recollections won't be accurate and could possibly even be way off the mark. Here are some things I remember, or at least I think I remember The protagonist was a female scientist The team of people sent to investigate the civilisation was on a submarine at the beginning of the book The people of the underwater civilisation, I'll call them Atlantians for convenience's sake, were portrayed as very hospitable and liberal in their views I think a couple of main characters were homophobic and they accidentally killed one of the male Atlantians who had been amorously interested in them, he was introduced as the friend of a female Atlantian who I believe the aforementioned characters had actually been interested in There was a chapter set in a swimming pool and those same characters were pleasantly surprised that it was customary for the Atlantians to swim fully naked for obvious reasons a male Atlantian was flirting with the protagonist, I don't remember if he was an important character though The Atlantians showed the humans a documentary that significantly challenged their ideas about the history of the world, I could be wrong but I think one of the implications was that the Atlantians had been watching studying the humans for a long time and that they had modern technology as far back as the caveman days The main characters visited some kind of facility where they were shown what happens to an Atlantian after they die from natural causes, I can't remember the exact details but there was basically a way for them to exist for eternity, I remember the protagonist becoming existential and vehemently disagreeing with their views on life and death
Animal warfare book... need help! Hiya... never done one of these before but I need your help! I read a book several years ago and I absolutely cannot recall the title. What I remember is its about animals, and the book is from the perspective of the animals. The humans all seemed to be gone and there was a fight of some king building. I'd assume its a teen book or an easy read of some kind. That's literally all I remember but I know it was an amazing book. Can anyone run with that vagueness and help me out? Thanks in advance!
Book about an African American teenager in high school who ends up in a gang The book belonged to my brother when he was in high school so about 2007. It was a black or dark Grey cover with I believe red letters. The cover had a knuckle duster in the front. The book focused on a young African American who was in high school. He ended up in a gang and eventually gets shot. I believe he dies at the end.
Book about a kid who was raised by a coproration Google isn't helping any, so maybe somebody here knows. Here's what few details I remember It's a YA book, might be considered scifi. It's about a boy who i'm pretty sure was named Hayden (or Haiden maybe). I think his parents died when he was just born, and their company took guardianship of him. The company gave him a named that was calculated to be the best choice, an he was raised and lives in an office building, his bedroom in an office. He eats at the cafeteria and loves the chefs home fries.
Distopian Fantasy where a lot of people get turned into something else... A catalyst causes the world as we know it to end. (kinda like a zombie outbreak but people are being turned into fantasy creatures instead) I think the protagonist stayed human but his girlfriend(?) turned into a fairy but it was a confusing and frightening experience that took a long time. At the end he encounters his former boss who was a modern day villain and got turned into a giant humanoid dragon thing and continued to be a villain. I want to say it was written by Terry Brooks but it wasn't. I read it about 20 years ago.
Juvenile fiction book. Coming of age tale about a skinny girl with frizzy orange hair and wore orange blush an orange lipstick. I think she was beginning to start high school and had a best friend named Jonathan who was fat and told lots of lies about himself because he was insecure. In the story I think her best friend Jonathan goes missing runs away from home. But she knows him very well and is able to find him relatively quick (Even though she told the cop she didn't have an idea where he went) but promises to keep it a secret cuz he doesn't want to go back home for some reason. I think he reveals that he has a crush on her and they kiss one time in his hideaway spot. And I remember her describing how gross and sweaty Jonathan at that moment and she would bring him snacks from her house to the hideaway spot. In the story I think they might have had pretended to be news anchors in the highway spot. I think they also called him Jonah the whale at school( or At least made fun of him for being fat), which could have been a reason why he ran away. In the story the main character's mother and grandmother are involved. But there's no father. I think she also has a crush on her neighbor whose houses directly across from her. Hopefully someone can help me figure out what book this is! I'm 25 now and I read it either in middle or elementary school. So more than a decade ago. (Solved)
Science Fiction book Marxist immortals Just found out about this sub from another post! There's been a book that's annoyed me for years I read it about 15 years ago, it was Science fiction in a loosely linked series of three. The details I remember was the protagonists were 1960's era communist marxist hippies who went through an immortality treatment in say 2030 or so. There was something to do with portals that went to other colonised worlds, and the struggle of clones cyborgs for self determination. Book 2 was about a sex bot who lead an uprising I think? In book three there's some party gathering with these same marxists who are quite famous (for doing something?), but all the attendees are very confused by their habits (particularly smoking). At some point there was an alien (or post human?) threat which came through one of the portals and was so advanced it was able to hack and sequester humans via their ocular nerves (i.e what they could see). I remember it being decent, but I've read so much sci fi over the years the name and author is just gone...
A book about a girl being kidnapped So, a long time ago I had this book, but can barely remember anything about it except the cover. On the cover there was either an old creepy looking barn or shed, but the sky was a bright orange color. I know that in the book there was a girl that had been kidnapped, and someone kept receiving phone calls about it. Please help me find it!
book about an unhappy girl who lives in an orphanage and starts a secret garden Hello, I'm looking for a book that was read to me when I was 8 9. It's about a girl, maybe 12 years old, who gets put in an orphanage. She doesn't really have any friends and she's quite unhappy. At some point, she finds a secret garden behind (?) the orphanage and starts tending it. Perhaps halfway through the book, she steals borrows hedge clippers from the orphanage gardener and uses them in her own garden, but they break and she has to find a way to replace them without letting the gardener know. I think there may have been a scene where she steals cutlery from the orphanage? She gets sick at the end, and is found by the family that owns the secret garden that she's been using. She wakes up in their care and meets the son of the family and they hit it off. And at the end, I think the family adopts her.
Book of short stories about Mars I'm looking for a collection of short stories about Mars. I don't remember all of them, but I know that one was about this guy in the last terraforming machine on Mars, and I think it ended with the machine breaking down and him maybe dying? It was written from the point of view of his daily captain's log journal. Another one was about a group of kids, and I don't really remember the plot line or how it ended, but I know that some of the kids were in a club and they were daring one of the kids to go out into the farms, which had giant cockroaches. The last one, which I remember the most clearly, was a guy being interviewed by a sort of robot journalist. He had been one of the first people sent to Mars, because he and his girlfriend were homeless (I think their options were to go to Mars or go to jail) and his girlfriend got sick when they were on Mars. One of the symptoms of her disease was that she always felt cold, so she asked him to burn her body. There wasn't enough oxygen, so he sort of exploded it instead, and that had the opposite of the intended effect her body got vaporized and made into part of the atmosphere, so there were essentially microscopic bits of her in the air every time it snowed. The story ended with him saying he was going for a walk because it was snowing.
Sci fi series about chip implants and corrupt society (also lots of debt) SOLVED and really quickly too Proxy by Alex London (forgot about the patron proxy thing) amp x200B I honestly can't remember any character's names or specific details of the story that I could search easily, but there are plenty of things I remember 1. The world is a society with highly advanced technology, to the point where people have chips installed in them that let them sort of "connect" to the internet and use AR (augmented reality). There are even patches that you can stick onto your skin that can cure cancer and other deadly diseases (as long as you keep replacing them with new ones) with ease. This means many areas of the city are crowded and full of poor communities, while the rich have people serving them (to pay off the debt). 2. The chips are expensive for many, so often people have to work off tons of debt, this is the situation of one of the male MCs. 3. The other male lead is the son of the guy who basically developed the chip technology (and his dad is one of the villains, maybe) 4. The two meet at a part (i think) and have to work together to destroy the implanted chips, or maybe the whole technology itself (for some reason) 5. Near the end of the novel they fall in love with each other (I remember this kind of came out of nowhere). 6. They succeed in the first novel, but the effects of destroying the tech lead to a "disease" spreading to people in the second book (this is revealed to be withdrawal symptoms from the cancer patches and other tech that no longer can be used) 7. One of the boys dies to stop the technology in the first book, and the second boy gets a new love interest in the second book. 8. Not sure if it was more than a two book series.
3 friends driving in a car and song play on the radio. The main character says "at that moment we felt eternal" I am wrecking my brain to remember which book was this scene from 3 friends are driving in a car truck and there is a very good description of the setting. It was night and wind blew in their hair, a song was playing on the radio. I think it was Heroes from David Bowie, but not sure. And the main character says "at that moment we felt eternal". Does this ring a bell to someone?
Pop mathematics book, possibly Martin Gardner, containing a description of tablet weaving I could have sworn this was in a Martin Gardner book, (specifically the book in which he talks about binary punch cards and braiding, which I think is New Mathematical Diversions) but I m not seeing anything online (and can t visit my parents to check their entire collection because, you know, pandemic that s assuming we didn t lose that particular book). I would have read it sometime before 2014 for certain, but probably before 2010. I m pretty sure it wasn t something I read online because if it was online there would have been pictures and videos and as a kid I misunderstood the description and, after making the cards for tablet weaving from an old cereal box (and the holes were TINY because that s the size hole punch we had for some reason), threaded all 10 ish cards I had made onto the same four strings and was very confused. Oops.
YA novel about a teen boy (late teens?) who died in skiing accident and is sent to heaven (or heaven adjacent). He's sent on some sort of mission on earth, he eats special berries (?) that turn him mortal temporarily. I'm 26, I probably read this book when I was 12 14? I can't remember much about it besides what's in the title and a few extra details. I remember the version of the afterlife in the book was interesting. When you arrive you have to watch your whole life over in a movie theater other such giant screen with a council of entities who have power in this heaven. You can watch your family and friends' lives through tvs in your heaven apartment, but its only one way. His life was cut short by a ski accident where he collided head first with a tree and died. He's sent on a mission to back down to earth and eats some... bulmi berries (I believe the berry name started with a B?) that give him a mortal body or turn him mortal for a set period of time to complete this mission. I remember something involving him riding a motorcycle and loving the motorcycle a lot. I think the mission he was given was something he was either obligated to do because of like. being a shitty person in his life? Or something he volunteered to do because he had unfinished business on earth because he died suddenly? I'm really sorry if this wasn't informative enough or too vague. It's been years since I even thought about this book. It was in English and probably a paperback? I grew up in northern Ohio, if that helps at all. Thank you so much for even reading this! EDIT not any of Neal Shusterman's books
Very large book about....everything? Included acupuncture, herbal remedies, survival techniques, etc. We had this really big book when I was a kid, it was paperback, I remember it being mostly yellow. It was a very large book and included a bunch of really useful information about just about anything you can think of. It had detailed illustrations describing acupuncture techniques and pressure points most notably. I remember there being detailed descriptions on how to do things like building shelters outdoors, building animal traps, and just a whole bunch of other shit. I'm pretty sure it was of Asian origin and if I had to guess it would probably be East Asian given thats where my family is from. I have such vivid memories about researching pressure points from this book when I was a child and my parents having really high regards for it. My mother passed away and my dad has lost a lot of his memory from when I was that young, so I truly have no way of finding this book
Fiction, book was about ego. The characters started on a farm? as workers and referred to themselves as "we" and "they" because individuality was forbidden. Protag meets a female "they", and at some point escapes the farm thing? Protag finds a book with "the forbidden word" I read this book in high school, in either late 2008 or early 2009. My English teacher had a typo "id" when he meant "is", so he ended up on a spiel about ego, superego, and id. Then he got these books for us out of pocket, and I just remembered the book now. I was 13 or 14 and I don't remember anything that jumped out as inappropriate. The teacher that got excited about it and read this story book with us was a man, possibly in his early 30s at the time. I don't think it was a new book at the time, and I'm not sure of the intended age range. Thanks for your time!
Book or short story about a guy who works at a president theme park? Hi everyone! So I recently saw a video where this guy was dressed up as one of the Founding Fathers with his friends and it gave me an instant flashback to this story or book that I once read where the main character (probably a teenage boy?) worked at a president theme park. I'm not sure if this was the main story or just a side plot, but for some reason it stuck with me! Essentially, all the workers were assigned a president to roleplay at a theme park that people would visit with their families, usually with kids. I remember that this main character really wanted to be a "cool" president (like Lincoln or Washington) but he was stuck as a minor one. For some reason I'm remembering he was someone like Van Buren or Garfield?? And I remember him saying that name of president was super stuffy and boring and none of the kids wanted to talk with him. A series of hijinks lead to him eventually taking over a role of a coworker? (Not sure) I'm relatively certain it was a YA book story or one aimed at younger audiences and had a funny snarky sarcastic tone. Though I don't remember when I read it, I would hazard a guess around sometime in the early or mid 2010s? My memory is super super fuzzy with this one and I'm not even sure if it was a book, but I'm hoping someone recognizes this president theme park concept and knows what I'm talking about!! Thank you!
Sci Fi Fantasy with sand painting For some reason, this memory of a book just popped in to my head last week. Probably because I was rereading Sacred Ground, and got the stories mixed in my head. Anywho... my vague memory is a story about a Native American detective? cop? something of the sort. She (I'm pretty sure) is investigating something and at some point in the book has to fly to Florida? A big part of the plot is sand paintings, and somehow, someone has made them high tech. I probably read this some time in the 90's or 00's. Like I said, I was reading Sacred Ground by Mercedes Lackey last week, so I know that's not it.
Dragons rule the world and a redhead must fix it all YA fiction The main character is a redhead girl with green eyes who lives in a world run by dragons. She lives with her mom and friends underground and serves the dragons like a slave. The main character is in charge of watching a special dragon egg.
Children's Series About Teleporting Into Book Being Read Please help me find this book, its driving me crazy. Its a children's book series I read nearly 15 years ago. Its about a boy who doesnt really like reading but has been given an assignment to write a book review, and so he goes to his school library to get the book, and possibly in the storage room, he comes across a broken down book scanner of sorts, and he (possibly along with a female friend of his) discovers that once a book goes through the scanner, it creates a portal that sucks him and his friend into the book, and the only way out is by finishing the book. (Usually along with a timeline) If memory serves well, and it actually doesnt, I believe one of the books in the series is where they enter the book Around the World in Eighty Days. Target Audience is meant for Young Teenagers just getting into reading I suppose. At least thats when I read it, but I dont know, nowadays people start reading at a much younger age possibly.
A book about a rape victim who is raped by her boyfriends older brother and he tries to deny it or something. The book cover is bright and writing is bold Sorry I know so little about it this is the low down.Girl has like no friends apart from one populer one I think, she meets boy at coffee shop I think, and they get together he is wealthy she goes to his apartment and they end up nearly doing a sex she is completely willing and eager to give her self to him but he breaks it up and apologized then they sleep in diffrent rooms the guys older brother comes in at night and rapes her Im pretty sure. Later on she argues with her friend who doesn't know she was sexualy assaulted. I read this a few years ago when I was 15 16 from the school library but I remember the book cover was bright and had clear bold writing on it. The book also has a sequel but I know even less about it. I've been stuck on this for days now
Graphic novel maybe? 1980s or 90s about a disappearing village town? I remember the book from when I was in first grade in 1998. It was about a girl with black hair and glasses with a boy that were traveling by walking. I think they were visiting Stonehenge.just somethjng with rock formations. It got dark so they went to an old inn. It looked weird because they wore normal 90s clothes while everyone else wore older clothes. Turns out the village was cursed and could only show up for maybe 2 days evey so often. The girl wakes up the next day outdoors. It's a series. I got the book from a garage sale. I don't really know the story since i was only 5 or 6 yrs old and kind of illiterate. I appreciate any help.
Some kind of sci fi book with a plague I read this book back in early 2000s. Unfortunately I only remember the first few chapters or so it was a really thick book. There was a guy, his wife, and they had a son(?). I think they could travel to other planets? There was a plague, incurable, the wife had it and was bedridden for a while. The husband asks her if she feels any different, she doesn t, but after a few minutes something changes and she starts to die. But right before dying she makes him promise something he didn t want to agree to, but does anyway. Then the kid comes in and asks to say I love you or something and the dad tells him to come later, mom is sleeping. Sorry this is so vague! And thanks in advance!
Some kid lit a classmates hair on fire then allegedly moved to guam Ok so I read this book multiple years ago (like maybe 6 or 7) and it's a kids book. Basically, there's a couple of kids who are good friends and one of them is a really tall girl and the other is a short boy. And then there's this transfer student who pretends to be from France, and when she meets the two friends she says something like ("you're so, how you say, high") to the tall girl, and says she could be like a model. She says stuff like ("how you say") a lot in the book, pretending to not know English 100 fluently... The tall girl becomes really good friends with the french girl and the boy becomes jealous (I don't remember if it's because he likes her or if they were friends since really young so he wants to stay her closest friend), and he overhears the french girl taking in an American accent to her mom on the phone, and he realizes she's not french. He tries to tell the tall girl but she just thinks he's jealous. I feel like the tall girls name is something like Sarah or Hannah but I could be totally off.. So then all the students at the boy and tall girl's school know of this student from another school who, while in choir or something, was holding a candle and accidentally lit the hair of the kid in front of them on fire (it was either the hair or the clothes, but I think hair) and the fire spread until like a ton of people were on fire (not in a gruesome way, it's a kids book). For some reason everyone thought the kid moved away to Guam, and it turns out the french girl was actually the Guam girl. I think this book was part of a short series, maybe, and the Guam incident came up a couple times prior? idk, but I totally forget what this book is called even though I really liked reading it when I was younger..
Thoughts finding people until they get realized I saw a video of someone talking about how and idea though is somehow conscious and finds the right person to be materialized executed and if it doesn't happen then it will go to another person and then showed a book and said the author of the book apparently met someone that told them they were going to write that a year before but they forgot... I'm sorry if this is a mess but I guess this sub could give the answer
coming of age book about a girl with aspergers? i read it probably 4 years ago so the details are a little fuzzy but it was about a girl who moved to a new town and had an alternative style and always carried a lunchbox as a pencil case. she had a special interest in music and built guitar pedals and she started a band with her neighbor who had pink hair and the cool guy who she ends up dating. the pink haired neighbor had some drug problems and ended up dying of an overdose. it was a really powerful book and didnt focus on the main character s aspergers but rather an actual plot.
A fantasy book where you have to cut off a finger every time you use magic? I have a terribly small amount of info on this book! It was maybe 5 years ago I that I read a little bit of it, and all I remember is that there were magic users who has to chop of a piece of their body to use magic? Like, for a small spell, you sliced off the end of a finger, and for a big spell you might have to lose a whole foot. I read a few pages of it waiting on a train, as it was on a book swap shelf. It didn't look super old, and it was in English. I believe the protagonist was female any help would be awesome.
Can t remember vampire literary fiction book Sometime in the last fifteen years I read a vampire book. The vampire lived in New York and was broke and life sucked for him no familiar tropes of glamorous sexy vampires I think he worked at night archiving crime photos and I believe he stumbles upon others like him through seeing these pictures. He does at the end by being pushed of a balcony (maybe in the daylight?) and his words are about the guy that pushed him (I ll call him patrick but I don t remember the name) are fucking patrick. He ruins everything.) I have spent years trying to remember the name of the book. Argh
Fantasy YA Girl inherits the healing powers of the moon from her grandmother She becomes the healer of her people. In the end her mother becomes ill injured and the girl saves her mother with her power.
book series about girl who meets immortal boy and ends up choosing to join him in later books YA series. i barely remember what they were about except that immortality played a big part and that she needed to be protected from someone something. i read this series years ago and haven t been able to find it since. he s got a big mansion or something and not everyone who s with him likes the girl bc she s not like them. if i remember correctly then the cover of the books usually has a girl on it in a long dress standing in different ways with different smokey colors around her
YA Fiction Novel, published between 2000 2010. Magic Fantasy. Hard to say if I am remembering the story stories (I remember a short series) correctly, but what I remember There are 2? Main characters, a boy and a girl. Each find a magical book on a bookshelf. This Magical book is invisible to people who do not have magical talent, and says something lame on it like "How to become a Magician." The first kid scoffs at it, but takes it because why not, and then through the book learn that they have magic. The magic of this world works, in part, with talking to things. The girl I believe was good at talking to metal, and could ask a door to unlock itself, etc. She also at some point can speaks to plants. Her father is a botanist, and I distinctly remember her talking to his rhododendron. She told her dad that the bush told her it wanted more acid in the soil. Where I begin to question my memory, is that I believe later in the series the boy and girl actually go to other planets, where other sentient beings have their own magicians that all commune together. I remember a tree alien that the girl found kinda funny because she could speak to plants and now she found a literal talking plant. But that last bit sounds like a fever dream and I am wondering of I blurred the memories together, or if that actually happened, lol.
Looking for a book about an African American family during the time of slavery and a dog under their house I remember reading a book during school in the early 2000s about a family who lived during the time of slavery. What I remember most about the book, was that they had a dog who lived under the porch of their cabin. I know there was a movie as well. I remember having to create a replica of the cabin for a school project and I placed the dog under the porch as that was significant to this book. I would love to reread this book, thanks in advance for any help!
2010 2012 YA Teen mystery novel I read this ages ago but from what I can remember it has a boy who inherits a lot of money from a grandmother great grandmother. He moves into her house and his parents basically takes the money and runs, traveling around the world and sending letters back to him every now and again. He made two friends in the nearby city and had to solve the mystery of who murdered his dead relative. I remember it was a part of a series and the books where all different colours and were printed to look like they were leather bound. I got it from my local library but because of covid I can't ask for the name of the books. No idea why I can remember so much of the plot but can't remember the name or the author.
Short story in which an old woman (white, and American I think), in kind of a loopy state of mind, suddenly realizes that an Asian man doesn't have an accent in his own language. I have a vague idea it may be by a southern writer like Flannery O'Connor or Eudora Welty, but I could be wrong. Modernist, I think. The tone of the story is wry and funny. I think there's a lot of free indirect discourse. The old woman is in some kind of altered state (drunk? feverish?) and is realizing all kinds of things, I think maybe experiencing strong feelings passions she doesn't usually let herself feel. I think she's in her garden. I think the man she is talking to is Thai but I could be wrong. I think he works for her. The realization about the language thing is not a key plot point, it's just the part I remember. I heard it read on Selected Shorts in the late 90s early 00s, I think. Thank you!
Mystery about a stay at home youngish mom in Queens, it seemed to be the first of a series but reminded me of Compromising Positions by Susan Issacs. For some reason I always think of a four leaf clover when I m trying to remember this book. I wish I could remember more. This was about 20 years ago but I m dying to read it again and this has plagued me. The author was female. The protagonist definitely had the kind of hip, wry, New Yorker mother vibe. I think I read it around the same time as I read The House on Bloodhound Lane so it must have been 1997 or later. Edit details
A young girl is separated from her parents and has to hide out in different homes during the second world war I've spent the past few hours trying to find a specific book I had read when I was in elementary school. It was a WWII centric book about a young girl. She was hiding with multiple host families throughout the book and was often living in attics, she might've been hiding with a sister or brother. Near the end, she ended up living with a nice puppeteer. Update The book was The Key Is Lost by Ida Vos, thanks u Schnauzerbutt
A fantasy book about four strangers learning from another, more mysterious stranger. First, let me preface this by saying I haven't actually read it. I've only seen this book at my local bookstore while browsing. This will be the most vague of descriptions, but I'm still hoping someone can help me find the book. On the cover are four people walking away from the camera, toward a castle or mountain. I don't remember what they were walking toward, but I distinctly remember them walking toward it, and they were spaced out, as if not friends or companions. I remember the back of the book text said something about four strangers learning from a teacher in the castle or mountain, and that they all came from different walks of life. I hope someone can help! I tried to find this book at my bookstore today but can't find it anymore.
Funeral will reading turns into a hunger game like battle for the inheritance. I believe the genre is Action adventure, but I'm unsure This is my first post on reddit. I'm not sure how this works. But I read a book(did not finish it) about 7 years ago i think. I have no idea what the title was, i don't remember the characters names. But here is what I remember it starts with a large family gathered for a funeral(all waiting to get an inheritance of a lot of money during the will reading) instead. During the reading we find out the person who died, set up a hunger games type of thing(I know people died, but I dont remember if they HAD to kill each other), the person or family (I think) that wins, gets all of the money i believe clues are left. And everyone immediately starts I know there's at least one set of twins. I feel like they all have "abilities" but I don't remember 98 sure it's a series and from a guys perspective I've never read maze runner, divergent, or hunger games, but I believe it is similar in the type of book that it is. I think the cover had a symbol on it, gold maybe. But I'm not sure.
Thriller fiction novel about a rogue us military base conducting bioweapon experiments on death row inmates I actually think i can recall the plot pretty well, but a google search with every combination of keywords i can think of turns up nothing, and the title and even author of the book evade me, so here goes A man, i believe he was of mexican descent, was sentenced to death, for a crime (i think) he didn't commit. Except instead of being executed, he's given an injection that just knocks him out, and he's transported to a military base in the southwest to be a guinea pig for a vaccine to an artificial bioweapon, one that would have a near one hundred percent fatality rate. He is the first survivor of exposure to the bioweapon, and is slated to be disposed of, before an enlisted soldier finds out what is going on in the base, and helps him escape, but the soldier dies in the escape. The survivor then tries to reach out to his lawyer while evading the police and rogue military while the rogue military unit starts ramping up its plans to deploy the bioweapon to wipe out civilization so they can be the leaders, and sole inhabitants, of a new world, free of the old one's problems. The other input i have is that i'm pretty sure it was published as a paperback, and i read it in high school or shortly thereafter, sometime during the late 2000's.
Stars swirling in a galaxy that become snow falling on water that dolphins swim through A wildly superior version of that scene was written in a book I read in the 90s. It struck me as poetry or deep metaphor at the time, and 20 or so years later the power of the words can still choke me up because the visual helped, after losing my grandfather, to feel that I was still connected to some part of him. Anyway, this is a long shot and I will be so impressed by anyone who recognizes the title!
Fantasy Magic Young Adult Romance book So I read this book about three or four years ago and I for some reason only remember the third part of the book. The important characters on the book all have some sort of abilities and are classified as chess pieces like queens rooks and stuff like that. There s romance in the book and the main character has some sort of nature ability and I remember that she was either running away or afraid of a person who had the kings ability which was something along the lines of flames.
Nonfiction book on character writing that talked about different character archetypes (the hero, the mentor, the anti hero, etc) and showed examples of characters from obscure indie series I remember reading this years ago (around 2015 2017?) from a library in London. It was a big hardback with a dark green cover but I don't remember what was actually on the cover aside from the colour. I recall it also being marketed to teens, but that could just be because at the time I had taken out a bunch of kids books alongside it. There were lots of pictures rather than just plain text! It had basic overviews of different character archetypes and their roles in stories, but then past that there were tonnes of pages filled with the characters of other people, detailing how those characters fit into their respective roles (as well as some notes on the character designs). I distinctly remember 4 pages (each section was 2 pages each) having anthro lizard characters in a semi realistic style, and one section that discussed internal conflict in writing, which used a character from a different series who was the lone survivor of the apocalypse as an example. amp x200B When I was younger I would flick through the book just for the cool character designs, but now that I'm taking writing more seriously I feel like it'd be a good read to learn more about the basics of storytelling. Thank you so much in advance! If I remember anything else then I'll edit the thread. Please also feel free to ask questions since my memory tends to works better when prompted haha
Picture book about messy little girl maybe named Alice? The cover had the girl surrounded by a bunch of items (a scarf, lipstick, broken crayons, etc) and the book was basically a day in her life. I remember some of it was about what she had in her bag and about her being a kid but acting grown up (carrying a purse, putting on her sister s lipstick maybe?). and then there was maybe a scene of her going with her mom to drop her older sister off at school and the main character getting upset that she couldn t go. Unfortunately I don t remember much else or what any of the characters names were, but I would definitely recognize it by its cover! Edit to add Read this growing up in the 90 s early 2000s!
Sci Fi short story, car hits redheaded girl on bicycle that never really existed SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED I read a few of these collections when I was younger and this is an older one, probably written and or collected in the 80s 90s. However, I am looking for a specific story, which may have existed in other collections anthologies and I would LOVE to rediscover it. So the short story is about a guy that is driving his car and hits a redheaded girl on a bicycle but when he gets out of his car to look she has disappeared. Like, poof, vanished. No girl, no bike, nothing. He is extremely shaken by the incident and starts to lose his mind over everyone else telling him this did not happen and this girl not being real. He finally goes to the police station and tries to report what happened, they do not believe him as no one is reported hurt or vanished but he eventually makes such a scene that they arrest him. The end of the story is some weird person or people with a briefcase coming to see him in jail telling him that some people really exist and some people are not real but are just background characters in the world, and he made such a fuss about this girl actually existing even thought she didn't, that he is now going to be deleted from existence as well. Would appreciate any help, this story has been a big white whale of mine for years!
Book where characters are shrank down to the size of insects and have to travel home through a park NOT HISTK Hi all! So I ve been looking for this book for years. I read it in Russia when I was a child in the late 80 s, but I m not sure if it s a Russian book or if it was simply translated into Russian. It is definitely not Honey I Shrunk the Kids . Here is what I remember about the book. There were two kids, a brother and sister. I think they were pre teens or early teens. They also had a trusted adult male with them who was an uncle or a teacher? I can t remember their connection but he was educated and was able to help them by being good at survival type stuff and having knowledge of nature. The three of them get shrunken down (I can t remember how) and have to make it home through either a park or a back yard. I believe a park because I remember there being a body of fresh water like a lake or river. I can t remember how they make it home, but here are some of the things I remember them doing eating pollen balls using the oxygen bubble of a diving spider to survive under water riding dandelion seeds like parachutes (I might be misremembering this one) making clothing out of spider webs making clothing out of grass stalks climbing a plant to see above the grass combative encounters with ants? I think? I will add more as I go, but that s all I have so far. The insects they encountered were not sentient, so it s the uncle teacher s knowledge of insects and such that helps them get home. I wish I remembered more but I ve heard this sub can do amazing things and I truly hope y all can help me find this book. Thank you! Edit Thanks u Omeganian! The book is The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya, written by Yan Larry in 1937.
Kids kidnap their parents to spend more time with them Kids or YA book from the 1990s or early 2000s. The basic plot is that the kids "kidnap" their parents by keeping them in their house for one weekend. There was a 90s movie called "House Arrest" with the same premise, but it isn't the same story. Here's all the details I remember from the book The kids parents were successful lawyers and were never home. They hired several nannies who the kids kept terrorizing into quitting. That's how the parents are forced to spend one weekend at home. They plan to work from home, but their kids convince them to spend more time with them. All of the phones and computers get put into the trunk of the parents' car. The kids did a lot of dumb things to pass the time when their parents aren't home they liked to climb up the bottom side of their staircase using sheets as rope. They played a racing game that came with a "realistic" steering wheel and accelerator brake setup. They never brushed their teeth, and when one of the boys was prompted to by his older brother, the younger boy puts the toothpaste on the wrong end of the brush. In the final act of the book, the parents have learned their lesson and decided to spend more time with their kids. BUT THEN... because the parents are hotshot lawyers, a former client or something shows up to the house with a group of dudes with guns. The family sneaks out of the house and they hear the gunmen break in. The family then flees wildly from the gunmen. They have to cross a bridge using the same technique the kids use on the stairs at home. The kid has to drive a car using the skills from the racing game. At some point, they see one of the gunmen smoking a cigarette in the dark. Nobody gets hurt in the end and there was no actual violence, despite the presence of guns. I remember the sequence of events so clearly, but every Google search I've tried has turned up nothing. I can't remember the author or the title, although I'm fairly certain it had "kidnapped our parents" or something similar. Hope y'all can help! It's driving me crazy.
Adult Fiction Book about Young Women Set in New York. The book is fiction. A young woman lives with her parents and I believe works for a magazine. Her cousin comes to live with her and is kind of gross and grungy. I think the cousin either falls in love with her or her best friend. Both her and her best friend are very snooty. Cousin is weird and is trying to write a novel. It was a hard cover book. I swear the San Remo building on central park is the cover but couldn't find anything through google. Book was reasonable contemporary. 90s at the earliest. Written by a female author. I read it in English. It was reasonably length for a novel, maybe 300 pages. I read in mid 2010s. Feels like it came out sometime since 2000. Got it from public library. It wasn't new but I feel like it was only a couple years old. Definitely geared towards adults.
Repost poem 1990s Mothering magazine I read this poem in Mothering magazine, almost certainly in an issue published before 1993, but it may have been as late as 1999. It was a female poet. Probably a reader submission and not someone well known. Naomi Shihab Nye has been suggested but I can't find a poem that matches. The poem was about the Israeli Palestinian conflict. It was from the perspective of a mother, contrasting her child or son with another mother's child or son. The last line was something like, "Her child is inspired to rebel. My child is required to obey."
YA Sci fi Fantasy, Science as Magic YA Book (I think) from my high school's library around 2011. Time travelers land in early Europe on a mission. POV alternates between a villager and a woman on the ship who accidentally makes contact with him. He thinks she's a goddess and she goes along with it to avoid messing up the timelines and all that. The book explores the relationship between magic and science in a really interesting way. I think it opens with that Arthur Clarke quote "Magic is just science we don't understand yet." Edit SOLVED! Thank you wheatpuppy!
Female Lead about to be killed gets saved by the Prince and made into his Royal Guard. This book was an amazing fiction, basically Female lead is in the opposite opposing army to the Prince. (Both names forgotten but I remember they sounded old.) I'm pretty sure she was a part of an opposing faction, but was the youngest or most disliked and essentially was sent to get married but she applied in the army. Long story short, she fights with her squad, they lose, she barely survives and requests to die honourably, the prince accepts the plea and as she's sent off to be guillotined she encounters two soldiers of the army looking to take advantage of her despite the prince wanting to give her an honourable death. She fights them off, prince is amazed and takes back the honourable death and recruits her as part of his royal guard. Then the army continues and takes control of the territory of her former faction (Names forgotten), then the people in her household are surprised to see her come in with the prince. (And that she's survived.) amp x200B That's all I can remember from memory, if you're able to find a book that sounds similar please don't hesitate to comment. (I'm pretty sure the tags were Female Lead, Fantasy and Fiction)
Children's book Magic Paintbrush European style Plain woman makes herself glamorous Thank you to those willing to help! amp x200B It isn't either of these books The Magic Paintbrush Liang and the Magic Paintbrush amp x200B Possible publish dates '88 '00 (Sorry, I am the youngest and idk if this was a hand me down book) amp x200B Synopsis of what I can remember Poor plain woman receives a magical paintbrush somehow and it can make things real. Uses the magic to make her family more wealthy, and herself more beautiful glam rich in order to get a man. The man comes to the woman looking for her former self, and when she realizes this, she breaks the brush and the magic fades. amp x200B Artwork of what I remember When the woman is "plain" she has shorter blonde hair. She paints blue or violet jewels on a napkin to show her magic. When she is the fancy version of herself, she wears blue and gives herself a beauty mark. amp x200B Again, thank you for any help!
The cover was mostly blue with a boy with red hair. I think it was fantasy. Around 2012 one of my teachers gave me a book at the end of the school year. I was probably 14 at the time. I don't think I even got halfway through the book so I don't remember much detail, but I'm pretty sure the cover was blue and the main boy on it had red hair. I think his hair colour mean that he could learn magic or something like that. He left his village with a small group of people and ended up on a ship at some point, and there was a cat on the ship named Cassiopeia.
Book about a girl who has bird wings I had this book 5 years ago but when we moved my mother made me sell a lot of my books to help pay for some expenses. I d really like to read it again. Plot girl has giant bird wings. I think she had a strained relationship with her family, and she ends up developing a found family of sorts, I think with people who also have wings. They are proportional to her body, and she wants to try to fly with them, but her new family tells her it probably won t happen because it hasn t worked for other members. Length it wasn t a very long book, I don t think more than an inch thick. From what I remember, it was geared towards middle schoolers YA but wasn t necessarily fantasy adventure. Just fantastical. Sort of coming of age, low key sad at times Cover the cover had the girl standing in a forest I think, with her brown wings partially wrapped around her. She s looking down at the ground. I think her hair is brown too. EDIT SOLVED VIA ROOMMATE, YEEHAW ( Growing Wings by Laurel Winter!)
Young adult book (probably) where an older woman takes over the body of a young girl and the girl's soul consciousness ends up trapped somewhere I think I read this in early 2000s in the UK. Probably a young adult book. I seem to remember that as the old lady got younger the young girl got older. Set in a small town suburban type setting I think.
Children's Dinosaur Book From the 90's What was that book called... There was a little girl (95 sure it was a girl) and a bunch of dinosaurs causing a ruckus in her house. She had a doll of each of the dinos and they were all sorted colors. I remember a scene in the book where one of the dinos was messing with the laundry and some were in the backyard having fun. I've been looking for this book for my daughter for years at this point. I remember reading this book as a kid in the early 90's if that helps. Some dinos I recall being in the book are a trex, stego, long neck and dick bill. Art style was cartoony but detailed and very colorful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. amp x200B Edit She had dolls of the dinos as well as the actual dinos being there.
Post Apocalyptic Book (I think) Looking for a book, and of course I might not be remembering it right. Set in a (I think) post apocalyptic world where this one woman is living by herself in a prairie like area. Not sure if she was waiting on her father or something, but possibly. A guy in a radiation suit, I assume was leaking or something, is found by her outside and he's suffering from radiation poisoning. She takes him in and helps him back to health. I think he attempts to rape her or something similar at one point when he gets stronger and that's about all I can remember. I don't remember the ending or anything else.
YA fantasy romance about a girl and her dad searching for something secret magical in the snowy mountains, they end up (being held captive) in a house, Stockholm syndrome, fantasy elements magic Hi everyone, I m trying to find a book I read about on Goodreads a few years ago and I think it came out recently or was soon to be released back then. It s a YA fantasy romance book about a girl and her dad going on a trip to the mountains in some far away isolated place in search of something secret magical. I think they were searching for ancient people creatures who were rumored to live there (I m not sure though). Eventually they end up in a house where a guy and (I think) his dad live in. And if I remember correctly, they didn t speak their language. I think the girl and her dad were also kind of being held captive and the girl would slowly develop feelings for the guy, even though she didn t like him, so there s sort of a Stockholm syndrome going on. I also remember there s fantasy elements magic in it, but I don t know what exactly anymore. The story would mostly follow the girl or you would read about how she experienced everything that happened to her. Also, the cover is quite simple and has the color blue in it. I believe this book is a standalone. I know this is probably really vague, but I hope someone can help me with this or can suggest some books that have similar elements in it, because I m not 100 sure about some of the things above. Thank you!
Dystopian sci fi with telepaths and a Nascar race climax Posted before a long time ago but still looking and adding a few more details i recall. Read the book in the 90s in highschool library but it was several years older at that time. I remember a few specifics. Dystopian future where the US has broken up to small regional dictatorships similar to Hunger Games. The telepaths were called ESPers and were mostly children which were kidnapped by the government. Main characters were an honorary Uncle type and young boy on the run from the government because of the boys telepathy which was much stronger than normal. There was an impromptu interrogation using hot pepper juice in someones eyes. The climax involves two of the main characters joining a Nascar race to escape pursuit while they wait for allies to reach them. Been looking for this one off and on for a long time and tried the normal sources wikipedia, tropes involving telepaths, etc.
Classic with the use of tea to fix everything This may be a bit random, but the other day I was getting some tea and somehow my brain remembered this book that I read in high school where every time a character had a health problem someone (not the main character) would give them a special tea, now, here is where it gets confusing, the tea meant nothing for the story and I m quite sure it was a classic, cause I believe it was for a class, it s fiction, a novel and I think either coming of age style or romance but m not sure, I don t remember the time period but it was way before technology, the character giving the tea was an old lady and the tea had a funny name. I know it s vague but it s all I remember and it s been bugging me. Thanks in advance!
2 in 1 Reversible, YA Teen Horror Novels 2000s? The special part about this book was it was two books in one, with a cover on either side and you could start reading either way. Two separate stories, it was horror fantasy genre for teens or young adults I think the books involved witchcraft (?), but was definitely darker themed. I specifically remember one of the covers had a large, empty hillside with maybe a scraggly tree and an old house at the top. I remember that story being about a young boy (when I think back on it, I get 'The Lottery' or even Edgar Allan Poe vibes). Unfortunately I cannot remember the opposite cover as well. I've been trying to remember for years and have searched endlessly with no luck. For reference, it was probably around 2004 2005 that I got them, and I think the books were fairly new then. I remember the one book clearly and think there may have been a second (maybe a set of similar books?). Book was paperback, at least 400 pages I think for both books together (it was thick as far as I remember). English. Maybe more on the teen children's that YA side but I could be wrong there. I just remembered loving the two books in one, reversible cover thing. I thought it was the coolest back then so I'm hoping they stuck out for someone else too! Thanks Reddit.
Fantasy Fiction the main character ended up joining an army of gryphon (griffin?) riders at the end of book 1. I think it was a trilogy. I read this between 12 and 20 years ago. Wide date range, but I just remember it was after I got out of the Army but before my daughter was born. I think it was a new mm paperback at the time. I don't remember much besides what I put in the title. I have an impression that the gryphon riders were posted "at the edge of the map." The main character was a young adult male, and I think a relative of his was already a gryphon rider. I thought it was a Michael Stackpole book, but now I am pretty sure that is not correct. I know that is not much to go on, but it is all I can remember.
A book about a film crew that travels to this city on a train. Some magic is involved, but not the fantasy type. The name of the book had the words 'Art of' something. The title could also have the words 'magic' or 'wonder'. But I could be wrong. Basically, these guys are a crew that shoots movies. They're on their way to some city on a train and they stay at a hotel. This one guy in the crew keeps saying that he's made a deal with the devil but no one takes him seriously until the end. I think the main focus was this one couple and when they're in the city, they keep having these experiences. They could be hallucinating or maybe not. Their experiences don't make sense. They could be high, I'm not sure, but I know they kept drinking wine. I think the city was in some European country. There were loads on mountains, some water bodies and greenery basically. The element of magic comes in the hallucinations experiences. The end of the book is all of them gathering in the lobby of the hotel or at some party in the hotel where they suddenly realise that the guy who said he made a deal with the devil was right. I can't say I can pinpoint the genre for you but I can say that this is a book that is not for children as there are some bits that are adult and also because of the the style of writing itself. I read it about 4 years ago. The book itself was a hardback copy. Sort of short and sqaure and the cover was purple, green, and pink. I think it was just colours but I could be wrong. I really really don't remember anything else, but if you have any questions, I will do my best to answer. I've been looking for this book for a bit now and I can't remember the name at all. Actually tried TOMT but didn't get a response, so I thought I'd try here.
YA thriller late 80 s early 90 s where teens are stalked, deaths related to different elements This was a YA fiction novel, read in middle school in early 90s (90 92). The book is about 3 friends who are being stalked and killed in way related to different elements (earth, fire, water, air). I think one drowns and one dies in a fire, and the main character is almost buried alive. I think the killer ends up being the brother of a classmate who died and blames these 3. TIA.
First person account of the trail of tears Read it back in high school. The most I remember about it was that the person, I believe it was a woman, was telling about the trail of tears and her experience.
Teen book about Girl who turns into cat at night SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED Im trying to remember a book i read as a teenager... the cover was a pinkish crushed velvet material and was a close up of a cats face. The story was about a girl who owned a cat and one night discovered that she could turn into one. Her and her pet cat would sneak out of the window and there was a whole society among the street cats, and i think at one point there was even a war? I remember loving it, and in the day she would go to school or something and be worrying about this secret war and how she was going to have to fight in it. Please help!! Possibly UK author but not certain.
Government hunts down one man as punishment and book ends in that man rebelliously flying a helicopter plane into a building The Book Fiction Author A man Title I remember it to be a simple title, possibly one word or two words? Plot One man, who defied the government, tries to escape all of the government officers and bounty hunters. He had been living a normal life (not wanting to attract attention, followed the rules) but had done something forbidden at the start of the novel. The punishment in this world is to be hunted down. I think it was seen as entertainment to that society but not certain on this detail. He has a certain number of hours day (?) for a head start before they started hunting him. He makes some friends but they all end up dying. His mentality throughout the whole thing is to survive but at the end, it changes into accepting his death and fighting back against society by crashing a helicopter or an airplane into a building? Or group of people? Characters I remember it was heavily focused on the main character, a middle age man, with only a few friends along the way. It was mostly just him finding ways to escape. I think there was a friend who was with him in a car and the main character thought they would make it to a safe place but the friend gets shot? Or the friend sacrifices himself for the main character? Physical book description Paperback, a little larger than a hand, simple cover design? that had the title in large letters Length of book About two inches thick Me Year that I read it Before 2015? My age when I read it In teens preteens(?) but it was meant for adults based on the language and gory imagery Where did I get it From a book sale at the local library Was it new when I read it? No it had that old book smell and yellowing pages. The author s writing style reminds me of old Stephen King books (colloquial and dark humored).
Teen series from the 80 s or 90 s set in California possibly in a diner or cafe? I read this series when I was in school so it would have been during the 80s to the 90s but definitely not after 2000. I remember it being set in California. The setting was a beach area, possibly a diner or cafe? (I remember the female teen characters father living in some art commune area on the beach front). The two main characters were dark haired (possibly Italian) male teen who worked in the diner cafe and rode a motorbike. white female teen who had to get a job at the diner cafe, I think it had something to do with her parents separating or getting a divorce? There were various other characters, school friends, beach bums surfers, I think maybe the male teen was related to whoever ran the diner cafe? I m pretty sure there were four books in the series, but the only one I remember clearly is the fourth book, because the two teens were on the male characters motobike and they ran off the road and crashed, and they thought they had gone off the edge of a cliff (I think the girl was hanging onto a branch?) They climb back up, and walk to a house but the person who lives there doesn t want to let them in so they bring their phone outside to them, and the girl calls her hippy artist father to come get them?
Woman visits her 3 adult children Older English woman, widowed?, visits her 3 adult children in turn starting with the eldest daughter, a suburban woman who seems to have fallen out with her neighbours. The middle daughter is described as a sluttish woman living in a village, Finally, she visits her son who lives in Greece with his girlfriend and it is an even worse experience than the visits to her daughters. The author was is probably female and British and the novel seemed to be set in the 1960's or early '70's. My mother got it from the public library in the mid 1970's.