YA Dystopia, teenage girl with clock in wrist This teenage girl might have been called Anna, and I remember her sitting in a bathroom checking the time on her wrist. There may have been a love interest? And I think she either was working or at school in some big house. Not much to go off I m afraid but I remember getting it from the library probably between 2003 2009 ETA an orphanage?!!
post apocalyptic YA novel about finding relics under the ice I read this book in high school, and I believe it was new or new ish when I read it, so it most likely came out between 2010 2015. It was about a society that lives on after a new ice age, and searches under the ice for relics of the past. They believe that people used to worship a god symbolized by an apple with a bite taken from it (apple products) and think laptops were used as altars. The main character finds a laptop, gets it to work, and I believe learns about the life of a girl in nyc who wants to be a dancer, something like that. I remember loving this book but can't think of the name or author, but I desperately want to re read it. I remember the cover being very white and plain, I think it was an ice landscape. the edition I read was a unique one, it had typos and mistakes in it. Edit Solved! Its Relic by Heather Terrell
Book about a group of kids who live in an orphanage (?) and each have a power like YA X men. I read this series years ago and all I can remember is the cover had weird elongated faces and that a character could make lightbulbs explode. Any ideas??
90's Choose your own adventure book where hero could not touch metal. When I was a kid I was big into choose your own adventure books. There was one, I think it was set in medieval times where the protagonist had a curse and could not touch metal objects... Wasn't really a kids book either from what I can remember... was maybe a D amp D licensed book? Anyone have any ideas?
Children s book about aliens and a thermos. I remember when I was a child I read this kids book. It was about these aliens who landed in some child s backyard and were asking them questions. The aliens were looking for a device that kept hot things hit and cold things cold. After finding a thermos, the aliens leave the house and the earth. I have been searching for months and cannot find the name of this. Any help is appreciated!
Girl who works at catering place has a super smart boyfriend. He goes to college, they break up, she meets some other guy. book about a girl who has a super smart boyfriend and he goes away to a college but she doesn t want him to go, he doesn t know that, they email a lot but she s kind of tired of him, they break up, she works at a catering place and then she meets this guy (possibly named will) they hit it off, her ex finds out and gets upset and that s all i remember. i know it s not much but i loved these books in middle school and i can t think of any of the book titles or even the author, if you can help that would be very much appreciated! lt 3
Sea green walls with glitter Literally all I remember about this book is that the main character painted her walls sea green but mixed glitter into the paint and it was my goal as a kid. Date 2002 2009 or so?
Teacher shows students how to turn into animals, one girl turns into a swallow bird to run away from her life Read this book years ago, I think it was a young adult or teen, and it has stayed with me for years. EXCEPT FOR THE NAME. amp x200B The book follows the perspective of the student. So this particular year, this teacher shows the class how to turn into animals. However, they need to bring something personal to them so if they need help turning back into a human, the teacher can pull out the personal item and coax them back into being humans. One student who is this quieter girl from an abusive family. Her animal is a swallow bird. Description of why she picked the bird was something about the freedom and happiness they exhibit when they're dipping around the water. At the end of the day lesson? the teacher and class turn back into humans, except for the abused girl. The main character student goes to open her handkerchief? and discovers that the quiet, abused girl had left hers empty as her intention was to not return to her life. I think the ending had the girl eventually turn back into a human and the main student and she became friends, but this has haunted the way I look at swallows for my entire life.
Scifi short, mid 60s, psychic alien steals human's senses. I read this in a magazine around 1965 6. The alien was apparently composed of mental energy. It was separate from its own kind and starving. It found a human alone in a spaceship and fed on him, specifically by intercepting his sensory inputs, rendering him deaf and blind. But he manages to defeat the creature, by tricking it into going after the ship's computer, which having no real mental activity provided no nourishment. But the human had been changed, converted into a creature like the alien, and now he was hungry. The last line in the story was "his jagged cannibal pattern contracted"
Book about a boy who goes to Kenya, Africa and learns from a native how to survive What I remember about this book A teenage boy's parents leave something happened to them. He then takes their jewelry, valuables, etc. and sells them at a pawn shop to make enough money to get a flight to Africa. I think he took his bike with him? Or he pawned it? amp x200B In Africa he learns from a native how to move so quietly the elephants can't hear him and disguise himself with camoflage. This person he met was adult male, said a line that stayed with me my whole life "Always look at the world with new eyes." He went blind towards the end of the book... I think it was snake venom? He did this ritual at the very end, a kind of rain ritual, and he was in a trance for several days. The main character (the teenage boy) encountered some ivory hunters or something, elephant poachers, they were going to kill the elephants for their ivory, so the boy told them he could get them the ivory without killing them. They gave him a time limit to do it in, he crept up, tranquilized an elephant I think? Trimmed the ivory tusks with a wire (i think), and right when he had finished the elephant poachers drove up behind him, he was shocked because he thought he had more time than that. amp x200B I read this book when I was very very little, elementary school I think, I think about it all the time but I can't remember the title or the author, length, age group, anything really. Anybody know?
Kids book about a boy who eats a plum at breakfast and buries the put under the kitchen floor and a tree grows through the floor. At the end of the day his mum turns the clock hands around backwards and the tree ungrows and the day goes back to the beginning. Give or take on the details, here. It's been 20 odd years since I've read it. But I remember it had wonderful illustrations, and I would love to find it again if anyone has a clue.
Science Fiction Psionics powers I am trying to find a book that I read when I was younger ( maybe around 2013). I dont really remember too much about it. What I do remember was that it was about people with powers, but they had to focus on an object or token. The main character gets so good he does not need a token any more. I think eventually the main character creates a tornado ? If anyone knows what book Im talking about please let me know, all suggestions are welcomed.
Fantasy kids book written as journal The book was in English about 10 years ago. It was about a boy who got lost on an island with creatures and other fantasy things. The entire book series is written as a journal. Not just in the language used but in the font as well. There would be like goo splatters and rips on the book. The boy is about 11 and he does leave the island during the series. There are people in the book series with him like pirates.
Trying to find a book about a polymorph Hi there, had no luck trying to find a book I've remembered recently. I can't remember much details but what I do remember are parts such as 1. The main character is a young boy who finds (I believe?) A dead or injured wizard at the bottom of a cliff? 2. He either gets an item off of him or learns magic from him that allows him to polymorph 3. I think the wizard might polymorph into a stick at some point? 4. The boy polymorphs into a river and almost loses his sense of self That's about as much as I can remember but any help would be appreciated thanks
Book about a guy with alternate versions of himself teaming up? I believe it was called something like else worlds or somethin. And I think there was scale for the different reality one with more science then magic and more magic then science. I think the main character was set up to be the most powerful among his alternate reality versions. I believe they were being hunted and killed as well. Name was max maybe? Can t remember been about 10 years
Disturbing short story featuring a talking decapitated dog? My brother and I both remember this story featuring a dog that was decapitated on train tracks or something? The dog spoke to the protagonist after death and he encountered some disturbing themes. Any ideas? EDIT to add it was in a horror anthology collection with a load of other stories and I believe it's pre 2000s
young adult and no fantasy in this story, very much a slice of life type of fiction it was a young adult novel and nothing about it was fantasy it was normal fiction. i remember the first page or atleast like the page that gives you a glimpse of what s inside and was through the point of view of a girl and she was dying her friends hair who was a boy and it was green dye. she mentions that she likes him i think but he has a girlfriend that s all i remember
Kids book where each page has photographs of objects of the same colour on it It was a square book, as far as I remember its pages were thicker than paper. On each page opening there was a whole page full of small images (not overlapping) of things of the same colour. E.g. soap, gum boots, fruit etc. No writing describing the objects. I was born 1997, but it could ve been from earlier than that. Its not my little book of colours though is similar.
Can you ID a book by the art? Group of black owls, single black cat, person in black owl costume all staring down a white owl. Some have told me the art I own is from a book, no one knows what book. I bought an original piece of illustrative art from an estate sale. The artist's name is in pencil and I haven't been able to figure it out. A few people said the art came from an old children's book, none of them can remember what book. Estate sale was for a woman who collected art and came from Chicago to Florida in the 1970s. Art Any help is appreciated!
late 80's or early 90's scifi Horn there were two such novels. both about a police detective who got screwed ovoer and severely injured. he lost a knee and an arm. the department paid for garbage prosthetics, but he went and got illegal ones called emods, his being made out of parts from a russian satellite. he eventually goes to mars on a case. I remember his name, Horn, being on the cover. I do not remember the author.
Children s book involving dolls Me again, sorry! I read a book as a young child in primary school about a girl staying at her grandmas? House with her male cousin. He had the top floor and loved marbles, there was an old lady who lived there too maybe her great aunt? The house has three floors but it turns out there was a fourth floor but that was removed after the great aunts sister fell from the window. The girl finds the door to the fourth floor and meets an old lady who makes a doll in the exact replica of the girl and she dies in the end after falling from the fourth floor. The cover had a picture of a window with a moon in the background with the doll the girl got from the great aunt originally which was a replication of the first girl (great aunts sister) that died. It also had something like always watching, always waiting too. If anyone can understand my garble and help I would really appreciate it Solved
Christian? YA modern day fiction set in California Right I know this is going to be a long shot as it has been years and i can only remember the bare minimum!! I'll appreciate any help you guys can offer From what I remember it is about a girl (from California) who has to learn the balance of friends, love and faith, you know your typical coming of age story. From what I remember what happens in it is that her and her love intrest go on a date to San Deigo Disneyworld and he gets her a mickey mouse jumper. Her and her friends wpuld always meet at the same diner. Then her friends are kind of starting to go down the dark path of drinking and drugs and she ends up at a party and decides its not really her scene. Feel like the ending is where she got to chose between her faith and her friends and then leaves it at a cliffhanger for the next book. One of the characters may have been called Christine or the author was as that name seems to be stuck in my head. I think the front cover had her and her friends laughing and the title was diagonally across the top in a swirly font. I was gifted this book from my Sunday school about 10 12years ago but the book could be older! I made the mistake of letting a friend borrow it and never return it. Definitely part of a series as the reason my friend borrowed it is she was gifted another one in the series!!
Fairly recent book late 2010s? Thriller melodrama. Father hides the fact that his college aged daughter was killed in a plane crash so he will not ruin his wife's birthday. I read this about 3 years ago and have googled but can't find it for the life of me now ... The basic plot was that a middle aged woman is having a big birthday party. Her daughter, now studying in Australia is supposed to fly back for the party. The protagonist's husband hears on the news that a plane from Australia crashed, he believes (though can't confirm) it's his daughter's plane but doesn't tell anyone so he won't ruin the party for his wife. Meanwhile, his wife has recently found out that their daughter is pregnant after an affair with her husband's friend, but does not want to tell him until after the party. There's lots of dithering back and forth and changes of POV as the couple angst over keeping their respective secrets. We find out right at the end that the daughter was indeed killed in a plane crash and the story just kind of abruptly ends there
Girl accidentally dyes her skin green in bath, fictional period piece type YA? I read this book around 2006 but it seemed older. I remember the cover being very plain, no pictures. I've googled the few details I can remember to death with no solution. 2 sisters and their father move to an abandoned or empty for some reason castle, I think the mother joins them later Protagonist accidentally dyes her skin green when she decides to take a bath in the water left over from dyeing or washing a dress, neighbor guy walks in and laughs at her Two brothers are their neighbors at the castle Protagonist and her sister convince neighbor guy to shave his beard in a bet during a dinner party, I think this brother ends up proposing to the protagonist I'm sorry I can't remember more! I borrowed this book off the shelf at a residential treatment center when I was in middle school and forgot about it for a while. I read a million books during my stay there but this one is literally keeping me up at night!
Young women has a sexual relationship with old intelligent man. Before bed he has a long list of things he has to do. She goes to the bodega routinely to get ice cream throughout their relationship. Read in 2019. The writing style reminds me of Normal People or A Man Called Ove. There s a part in the book where he explains how the older he gets, the more things he has to do before bed. Now that he s old, it s 100. Believe it was set in New York City. The man gets sick at the end but she continues to have a sexual relationship with him. Can t remember if he dies in the end. SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED! Thank you u sensorama
Fantasy book about a cursed girl in a mask? OK, I unfortunately have very limited details of this book because I read a ton of fantasy books all in a row (in the early 2000s) and some of them kind of mushed together in my head. Things I know It was a fantasy story, but not entirely for children. The copy I had was hardback and oldish, I want to say printed in the 70s but I may be wrong on that. There was a young girl, held captive by a witch. The girl always wore a cloth mask because the witch had cursed her with horrible ugliness. The witch had a magic stick that she sometimes enchanted and took to bed with her. The girl runs away and meets some other people who she travels with. At some point her mask falls off and her companions tell her she's not actually ugly, the witch only made her think she was cursed to keep her under control. Thanks for any help! It's been bugging me for ages!
Scary children's book similar to Edward Gorey's style The book was illustrated in black and white, similar to edward goreys style (but i dont think he was the author) and every page was a gruesome story about a monster. There was one story about a monster that lived in a hole and disguised it so that children would fall in for him to eat, one about a vampire, one in detail about how a monster picked apart kids piece by piece and ate them, and i think there was one about a zombie or something creeping up to the end of the bed. pretty vague but i read the book in 2nd or 3rd grade. If i had to guess i would say it's a 90s or early 2000s book
Supernatural Horror Thriller involving "Aztec Maya Inca" gods Read this book, oh, must be close to twenty years ago at this point, which means the pertinent details have of course been lost. Plot wise, the book follows a woman and her family husband and two teens, a boy and a girl during Mysterious and Spooky events. From what I remember, it focuses mainly on the woman, and there might be an aspect of "is she imagining all these events, or have unknown and powerful forces truly targeted her " Turns out that oops, yes, they are real, she's just had sex with several Central South American gods (unfortunately I don't remember which particular pantheon they came from), and now she's pregnant with their children reincarnations. The books ends with the woman stepping away from the world through a portal with the gods, while her children either come to the horrifying realization that her claims were true OR look on in confusion. Google is shockingly less than helpful with search terms as vague as this.
A Science Fiction book with a really powerful quote on the nature of death. A while back I was scrolling through Reddit and somebody mentioned a quote from a book that I found immensely powerful at the time. I was wondering if anybody could help me locate the book quote. It was a science fiction book (a really famous one, I thought Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy, but I can t find the quote online). The nature of the quote was Species see death differently than we humans do. Where we see somebody s death as something to mourn because we will never see them again, species see death as a different state of being. The experiences that we have had with that person are still living in our minds, so they never really died. Any help would be immensely appreciated! EDIT my inquiry has been solved, thanks to u jfscats ! I appreciate all the responses.
Looking for a children's YA book series released in the 2000s I recall it having a very similar cover style to a Series of Unfortunate Events. I recall two specific things. One was in one of the book they traveled to a place called the Stone Gardens. I also recall in that book they traveled into a forest where the spores of some plants there made them sleepy and dreamy. It is fantasy adventure genre, I recall there being a boy and a girl, and possible one older person but I am not sure. amp x200B HELP! and TIA!
Fantasy, possibly YA? Wizard apprenticed to grandfather, elements of cooking The book centers on a wizard. He originates as the bastard child of a noble and a peasant healer. He eventually apprentices to a wizard (his grandfather), learns of of wizardry, plus about cooking. The big bad nation invades, killing his grandfather, but the MC escapes, going across the mountains to the only nation which can withstand the big bad. amp x200B Right before he encounters the nation which can withstand the big bad, he fights some scouts and takes their cloaks (He's cold), upon arrival he's arrested under suspicion of being a spy. He's exonerated, but meets prisoners who will eventually become his comrades in arms, including ("Tiny", a big guy who doesn't speak much), and a former sergeant in some military. After his exoneration, he volunteers for the army, saving the day a couple of times, then meets a princess in disguise who's acting as a healer for the army while gathering intel. amp x200B That's what I know for sure, what I think happens in later books The wife of the grandfather he apprentices to is Fae, and somehow his fae aunt winds up owing him favors. He eventually marries his princess in disguise, but she winds up bound to his grandmother for a year to serve her apprenticeship in magic, his fae aunt takes her place in the mundane world...but constantly attacks him to keep his guard up. Also...something about vampires? Really not sure I'm on target, but he maybe gates to a dimension inhabited by (trolls) and trades an insufficient amount of beer for their urine (a vital spell casting component.)
A book about a military member that plays in some sort of life or death game Hello all! I m coming to you as I have completely forgotten what the title of this book is called. I was only able to read the first 10 15 pages, and remember that the main character was a US military member, and that he would eventually become involved in a life or death game (think Hunger Games ish, but more adult). The book itself is red and has some sort of game piece or chess piece on the cover. The title also may start with the letter A. If you re able to help me, I d greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!
Penguin Vintage Yellow cover mustard yellow cover cat illustration, holding a moon, or partially behind it. part of the penguin vintage classics, with the red spine. cat and moon look to be similar to Japanese water colour paintings. I was on the train today and there was a man reading this book, he looked to be about 25, and because of the size of the book (400ish pages) i assume it is adult fiction.
Young adult normal girl trolls in mountain Is a YA novel about a girl who ends up captured(?) and taken to this ancient mountain. They go through a maze and end up in this troll town. The royal troll family is in a fit about her but eventually she ends up with the prince. She s the key to trolls leaving the mountain breaking the curse. Thanks in advance!
Trying to find a sci fi book where a man goes to another planet and the people there are enslaved like cattle. I'm trying to find a book I read in the 5th grade where there was a man who went to another planet or dimension through some machine I think, I don't remember. When he gets there the people greet him and serve him fruit and I vaguely remember a purple one that was shaped like a spring or something. He also learns and speaks a bit of their language. Then there's a deep hole or well in the ground which the people stay away from, and it turns out there are these demon like creatures that dwell underneath and keep the people on top as cattle or slaves.
Hearthcat in a sci fi short story This is a story I read in an anthology, I think. The narrator is some kind of traveling businessman or salesman and he visits a family that has a hearthcat, a cat that s been genetically modified or selectively bred to have no limbs, so it literally sits immobile on the hearth or the owner s lap purring.
I think it was like a scary book but not cause i wasnt scared just a little paranoid okay okay so in like 11th grade, i just graduated, i read this book. i cant remember the title or the name but i never finished the book and i want to finish it. about the book this family moves from one city to another and the city they moved into was almost a ghost town. it was in the middle of nowhere and the house they lived in, the previous familys daughter went missing and was still missing (i think presumed dead) and she was taken by this witch who had this pig named bones and well he was massive and made of bones, anyways the daughter of the new family is taken and the other daughter returned. heavily traumatized. but she hadnt aged at all. the girl who was taken had a doll that she had been talking to and it seemed to reply but when the old daughter was returned she took a liking to the doll. and they found the shack the daughters were being kept in but it was bewitched and yea. there's probably more but im really tired. if someone could help that would be great. on the cover it had like a light bulb hanging (i think)
Creepy 90s Scholastic Book There was this book I read when I was young about a girl who was getting anonymous notes in her locker, strange phone calls, and I think she had to fight off an intruder while babysitting. It was a scholastic book that I got in the late 90s or early 2000s. It was set in a small town and the main characters were in their late teens. I remember the cover was a picture of a house with one light on at night. I don't think it was I Know What You Did Last Summer but the cover looks similar. I don't remember any murders taking place. Does anyone here know the book that I'm talking about?
Fantasy kid goes into library, finds book, goes on adventure using machines and objects from different kinds of books So i remember this kid, and hes reading in a library? And he finds a special book. And he reads it. I forget the rest, but there was this vault, and in this vault there are a bunch of things from books that shouldnt exist, like the sub, and the time machine from hg wells. They all were things that existed in books. I forget what happens, but at the end the main character gets his own key to the vault that he can open.
Post Apocalyptic and Sad Short Manga Webtoon I m trying to find the name of a book I read a while back. I remember that it was led by pictures in some sort of manga or webtoon fashion. It was about a small boy and girl who met each other at a bus when the world was basically barren of people. I think the girl was on the bus because everybody else had left slowly over time due to coming in contact with some disease. The two just followed this one road to see where it went as there was nothing else to do. I remember it being extremely sad and I think a lot of people died. I also remember that in the end the boy was alone but had grown to be an old man now who lived on a beach. I think he may have come into contact with a couple as well who gave him fruits or something?? I really wanted to introduce this book to my friend, so if anyone can help me find it, I would gladly appreciate it!!!
Book about mute girl. The title had something to do with planes The book was about a girl who was a selective mute. Before she was mute there was a boy in her class who liked her. She didn t like Him back, she thought he was annoying. One day he had brought her a big slice of golden raspberry pie. She didn t want to accept it but her mother made her take it. The next morning her friend calls her saying that the boy was dead. He had died in his sleep. Ever since then she had been mute. Present day, the story takes place on the last day of school where their teacher says that the class has a sub. But, the sub doesn t show up all the kids are on their own. Then I believe by the end of the book the girl speaks. I read this in elementary school by the way.
A time travel romance about a woman researcher who falls in love with a prehistoric man Hello, this is driving me crazy. I read this book as a young adult, so it was published in the 1990s or earlier. I don t remember if it is actually a young adult book or not (I was a precocious reader so it might have been an adult book). Here s what I remember protagonist is a woman researcher (a scientist or archaeologist or something?) from the future, a time when we have time travel technology and can therefore travel back and forth to do like historical research (I think) she falls in love with someone from the past, a prehistoric or otherwise ancient man...a cave man? A Scottish highlander? she becomes very close to this man and his clan tribe and so it becomes increasingly harder to travel back and forth between his time and the present for her research there s some issue going on with aspirin or other painkillers...as in she gives the ancient people painkillers from the future and they become overly reliant on them she is a larger woman and she feels out of place in her own time, because modern men want skinny women, but in ancient times, her love interest appreciates her size full figure (It s obviously not outlander and it s also not Transcendence by Shay savage ) HELP. I m starting to think I dreamed it up
YA, girl accidentally pushes trapped witch out of tunnel with a yew branch, chaos ensues Read in the mid 90s but I think written earlier. Think it's set in England. Girl has to walk through a creepy train tunnel and she navigates by running a branch along the wall. On one instance she uses a yew branch, which pushes out a trapped witch who then causes all sorts of trouble. I seem to remember a lot of weather disturbance, it turns into winter, snow. Only other detail I remember is the description of how difficult it becomes to move as she walks with the yew branch and has to fight against the force that is trapping the witch. Cheers!
Novel where female main character has a brother with OCD I'm trying to find a book I read a few years ago. I dont remember anything about it other than it was most likely a YA book and the main character's brother has OCD and an eating disorder (?). The main character kind of resents her brother because growing up, his mental issues were pretty severe and so all of their parent's attention went towards him. I'm also pretty sure the female main starts dating somebody new. The brother is hospitalized sometime during the book. The book ends with the brother getting better and the main character no longer harboring negative feelings towards him.
Autobiography about a Chinese girl and her stepmother. SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED It was an autobiograph, the cover was a Chinese girl in black and white. So basically when the girl was two weeks old her mother died, she was the 5th youngest of the family. Her dad remarried when she was 1. I remember when the step mother had one boy and one girl. The step mother treated the girl very poorly, and so did her dad. One of the main things was when the girl got a duckling as a pet, and one day the dad decided to test the family dog so he used her duckling. The duckling sadly died, I think the duckling was called xiao bao bei. The book was a good 200 pages or so. I read it about 6 years ago. The cover was very smooth. And I think it s for young adults? Though I don t really know.
Children's Fantasy with Invisible String SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED! I read a fantasy book when I was around 8 years old that I got from my third grade teacher's in class library. I remember very little about it but certain scenes made an impression on me and I'd love to find and read it again as an adult. I remember the main character was a young girl who was able to feel a thread that was almost impossible to see and she would run her fingers along the thread to follow it. The thread would lead her to important things and adventures. She met an oldish woman who had her take a bath in her deep bathtub. When the girl got in the bath she sank so far down into the water that she felt as if she was floating in space. That's it, I hope someone knows what I'm talking about an can help me. I read the book in English in 1995 and was living in California if that helps anyone.
Thriller with Peter Pan Play Hey Everyone! About 10 years ago I read a thriller in which a woman returns to the town that I think she grew up in. She spends time with a couple she was childhood friends with, though there's tension because she was into the husband back when they were all kids. There's an unresolved mystery involving the disappearance of her childhood best friend, the sister of the husband in the couple. Told in first person, the story jumps back and forth between present day and the past. The narrator and her best friend want to grow up to be dancers and they hang off of monkey bars upside down because they think it will make them taller. They play games on the beach with the older brother and decide to put on a Peter Pan play. The sister is going to play Hook and she takes the role really seriously and stops participating in any basic hygiene. We later learn this is actually because she is being molested by a family member. That family member gets murdered by the kids except the narrator and the sister disappears to start a new life. I can't for the life of me find this book even though I remember so many details!
Boy meets a wise man who is actually him from another universe Read this when I was in middle school. So like 2006 2008. It starts with this boy who meets this guy described as a monk. It turns out he can dimension hop. And the monk is actually him. Alternate versions of him protect the multiverse from some big bad. After a few altercations the monk dies. The kid stays at this place where he learns about his duties. What really stuck in my mind was how no one liked him at this place. All of them were different versions of him and were super upset that he had indirectly caused the monk to die. It was a chapter book, might of been YA (before ya became mostly romance). The cover had different figures on it (maybe a girl maybe a monkey). All the figures on the cover had red hair. Such a good book if anyone could help me out that d be great. Thank you so much!
post apocalyptic matriarchal nonviolent city Years ago (I don't recall how long ago, but I'm 48 this year), I read a book, in which there had been a (thing war disaster) and the remaining members of humanity were ruled in a matriarchy. Women, girls, boys to the age of 12, and nonviolent men all lived inside a city, and the men who liked violence lived outside the city walls. When boys reached the age of 12, they were sent outside the city to live with the fighters for a year. They then decided if they wanted to stay with the fighters, or come back into the city. Once a year, women would meet up with the fighters to get impregnated. The daughter of the city ruler discovers that her mother, and the other rulers, were intentionally impregnating themselves from the men within the city, in attempts to breed out the violence from the fighters. I can't swear this is the plot precisely, but it's what I remember reading. I probably read this back when I was still in school, so prior to 1991, possibly 1993.
A technothriller with a cat eye on the cover about a creature found underground The book was about a creature found underground that had dna matching all life on earth, the scientists study it and things start taking a turn for the worse as it wakes up and starts talking to the researchers
Young boy (possibly girl) saves a dog from drowning in the sea lake behind their family s home I read this book in middle school. Some of the details might be altered, so bear with me, but it s about a boy (MC might be a girl I honestly can t remember) who suffers the death of a sibling? Or a close friend? And it follows the life of the family before during after the death. At some point the city finds an old structure (I believe it s a ship) buried under the ground in their backyard or something? And at another point the MC sees a dog drowning in the lake sea behind their house and saves it! And he describes the dog as being really dirty and it takes some convincing before he s allowed to keep it inside. Please let me know anything that rings a bell!
Book where death is separated from the characters so they become immortal The characters somehow have their death separated from them and it becomes like a shadow that follows them. Kinda YA and bad but it's been stuck in my head for ages. The main character is a girl who at the start sees her brother die then come back to life.
Old unsolved posts you're still wondering about, post 2 It's been four months since the post about unsolved posts, so I was wondering if anyone else had any more old posts they've been thinking about. We were able to solve several last time, and I hope we will be able to do the same this time. Here is the link to the original post, made by u selticidae. There are several comments about still unsolved posts in that thread if you want to give those a shot too. Please provide a link to the post you're talking about!
Children's book about author and his friends getting into mischief (in the 30s? America). I listened to this book on as audio book on cassette as a kid(90s), it was read by the author. Details I remember Getting pickels for a nickel from a barrel at the local fuel station. Making a slingshot from an inter tube and a broken tree. Melting ice tunnels with people's water heater water. They had a tree house. Blinding people with flash bulbs on Halloween. Making houses from newspaper and burning them (Hitler house?)
Book series focusing on children young adults who lived in a city protected by a dome due to nuclear war I think The book series focuses on three children. Two boys and a girl. They live in a domed city in the United States I think. There are multiple domed cities, I think due to nuclear war. Eventually I think they get exiled to an island due to some sort of behavior, perhaps exiting the city. One of the boys is extremely smart and the protagonist is more relatable. They end up having a love triangle with their female friend. I read it so so long ago and I m wanting to revisit!
YA trilogy about a girl in some sort of monastery library with hidden rooms filled with monsters that she has to vanquish This has been bothering me for years! I'm pretty sure there are three books. The main character is an orphan(?) and is living in a library school. She's given keys to the entire place and she explores different rooms where she inevitably stumbles upon monsters that were locked away long ago. One scene starts with her finding a room seemingly filled with an idyllic summers day when she goes to lay down on a flat glass surface she accidentally cracks the glass and releases a monster with scythes for hands
Still require help finding book about a known hunter who goes to the Himalayas to catch animals. Here's my original post I remember there also being something about a yeti abominable snowman and a panda, it's such a vague memory in my head now. I swear it has a tiger on the front of the book. It's not by Roy Chapman Andrews. Any help is appreciated.
Cover of girl crying blood. I saw the cover 18 years ago when I was a kid. She might have been sitting by a lake, but the only thing I really remember is blood around her eyes. I know it's not a lot, but do your magic.
Superhero esque book about a guy who has the power to swap places with someone but only when they are in life threatening danger. He also has no control over when this happens. I cant remember the name of this book and I've scrolled through dozens of amazon kindle pages but it seems like just a dream now. The plot of the book is a guy who has the ability to swap places with people whose lives are in life threatening danger. He is taken in by a group of superpowered individuals and eventually he swaps bodies with someone who is being chased by monsters and this keeps happening over and over. He finds out it's a young girl who is being hunted and he decides to take his "hero" training seriously so he can keep her alive at least. Some side characters a girl who resembles a rat or has ratlike powers, a guy who can stop time but his time keeps going when he does, and an arrogant superman like guy who is the top hero. The cover at the time also had the outline of a guy in front of a dark lake.
Fictional kids book following 2 young boys in ww2 I read the book in primary school back in about 2009 but it was likely far from new, I remember it being about 2 boys who might have been brothers and their town had just been hit by a bomb. During the story they find a big scruffy dog trapped in the rubble of a home (may have been in the wine cellar since I know that they are in one during the story but not sure if it's where they found the dog). The dog was previously owned by an old lady who's son was in the RAF, this is the reason given in the book for why the dog is called Raf. That's as far as my memory unfortunately serves me, if it helps anyone identify what I'm looking for some pages had these colourless, scratchy sketchy illustrations on and if you can find those or the cover I should recognize that them, it's a great read and I couldn't put it down!
What's that one book about video game economics... It's sort of a dystopian future but not that far into the future. The 8 (maybe 7) largest economies are in video games. The story follows a couple of different people from different walks of life. One of the games involves killing zombies with mechs? Sorry, that's all I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated. SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED
Romance novel based in the 20th century. I believe the cover was a young girl in black and white and her lips were red tinted. Please help me with the name author if anyone knows. I m looking for a romance novel based in the 20th century about a young girl who is just hitting her preteen teen phase and is becoming more interested in her looks. Her mother is described as this beautiful, curvy, confident woman who she wishes she could look like. She ends up falling in love with an older man and goes on dates with him and I believe the older man knows her father somehow. She ends up heartbroken finding out that her mother is having an affair with the same man she loves. I have been searching everywhere and can t find this book.
Looking for book that takes place in San Fran Cisco... I think takes place in 1920s 30s. Haha let me know if you know this book. I vaguely remember some guys life getting threatened. I think the description on the back was something about nightlife San Francisco. Cover is in art style with a girl in a sexy dress, may or may not be with a guy I don t remember, the girl is in a studio I think and it s night and the moonlight is streaming in (the cover is mostly blue, i think her dress might be red...). Thanks people!
Man and woman go on a vacation in a utopian future. I read this in the 2000's but I believe it was published in the 1800's and I think it was originally written in Italian. I got a paperback copy from the library but I do not remember much about the cover. I would have been late teens when I read this. It's a piece of Utopian literature where a man and his girlfriend or wife are traveling to a conference in the Himalayas, where the capital city of Earth has been built and the planet is governed by scientists. At the end, it turns out the conference is honoring the man who has developed some sort of major scientific advancement. I think they were traveling from Italy and I remember along the way they stopped in Ceylon where there was a rule that if you could find enough people, you could found your own society with a any government type you wanted and build a collective. The author described a lot of inventions of the future that I don't believe were real at the time (air travel, etc.).
YA book about an orphan girl who discovers her parents were nobility I read this book in my teens in the late 2000 early 2010s at my local library. I remember that the title and or the plot had something to do with a special flower that may be something like amarantine . (I remember trying to search for it when the library moved the book off of a display and only being able to find the Enya song). It may have been a Cinderella trope. There was definitely a ball that she had to travel to in a carriage and had to leave get back. I think there was something her fathers books.
A childrens mystery book series about a group of girls solving the mystery of how ghosts they encounter at their work died??? Hi so recently I've been thinking about books I used to read when I was younger, and this book series came to mind I only ever read 2 of them in the series but I remember really liking them. It was this mystery series that starts with a school class doing project of some sort that means the class has to work for the local funeral home. While they're there the main group of about 4 or 5 girls find out that ghosts are real and they can talk to them but the ghosts can't move on until they solve their unfinished business, and the girls solve the mystery of how the ghosts died to help them. Now this is where it gets a bit blurry for me bit I remember in the 1st book of the series the ghost they were helping was a bride(?) Who's fiance died in a duel and the 2nd book had something to do with a ballet dancer. I also remember a couple side characters like there was the daughter of the people who owned the funeral home who was a bit older and the main characters thought was cool, there was a spoiled rich(?) Girl in their class who was a bit if a bully and they didn't like and then I think there was a romantic subplot with one of the main girls and 2(?) Of the guys in the class. I also remember that somewhere in the funeral home the words "Memento mori" are carved and there's somewhere else in the funeral home with a similar latin quote but I can't remember what it is. If anyone can help me figure out what book series this is that would be greatly appreciated D
A scifi Fantasy novel about a man who woke up in a world long destroyed where people believe they are fictional and historical characters like robin hood and joan of arc and the bad guy is a kid named vlad. I randomly remembered this insane book i read years ago in my youth andaside from some story points i cant remember anything at all.. i know the man went to work and he had a black out. when he came too the building was in great disrepair and the world was like post apocalyptic. he got out of the building and i believe he ran intoa man claiming to be robin hood. like he genuinly believed he was him and his merry men were this band of people who thought they were other characters. i remember a red riding hood and a joan of arc and a small kid named Vlad. now that kid was super important. because as the story goes on you find out the kid is like some kind of god over this place and can do a bunch of crazy stuff and he ends up being the bad guy.. i cant remember much at all but i feel like i remember this was all in the mans head.. maybe n a coma or maybe he was dying.. idr its been ages. but i do remember allot of people dying and the book not being shy about poof they are dead now. being chased by these machines. if you can help id owe you a huge debt of gratitude i couldnt repay as i have an unkillable urge to read this fever dream again.
Beauty and the Beast Retelling??? I read a book that was a Beauty and the Beast retelling where the protagonist is born with translucent skin that she is made fun of for, but is later considered beautiful. She also has a cool horse?
Modern Fantasy YA LGBTQ book Looking for this book I read roughly around 2015 2016 ish which I believe is also when it came out, but not entirely sure. It was recommended to me by a librarian and was about this guy who is working in a coffee shop. When he was younger, he was said to be the "chosen one" but he was too scared to defeat the big bad and this other guy, who was known to be top of the class, defeated it instead. So now that guy is working for like a hero agency while the main character is working at a coffee shop. Stuff happens and the two meet again by chance, and the main character wants to avoid this guy. I can't really remember what happens after that other than the main character ends up meeting the son of a famous villainess and starts dating him, and the villainess tries to use him to go against the hero guy. The hero guy confronts the main character in his house and the main character mistakes the hero guy looking out for his wellbeing as being against him being gay (for which the hero guy gets very confused and is like wait you're gay, I support you...wait that's not what I'm saying) And at the end the hero guy, the main character, and the villainess' son(?) work together to take down the villainess. The ending of the book is the villainess' son and the main character meeting in like a park or something for a date. If I remember correctly, the cover was like white and blue, with the main character (all I remember is dark hair) looking up from one edge of the book, and the hero guy (iirc dark skin and shaved head?) is looking up but upside down on the opposite corner of the book. Thanks for any help you guys can give me!
A graphic novel about a boy or two and their lives There's this graphic novel about a boy and maybe another boy with him, they're friends? I don't remember much but the colours are very blue and yellow ish sometimes. One of the boys starts visiting an older woman's house and I think inappropriate things happen between them? Her husband is dead or gone or divorced?? They might be in a coastal city... I think that's all I remember. Please help!!!!!!!! It's a coming of age story I think, pretty realistic and I don't remember any fictional things. (I might be confusing this graphic novel with another one, but just in case I think it starts with one of the boys moving with his dad to a new place)
Fantasy book, please help?? I posted to r fantasy but trying this subreddit as well. I've been searching and searching the internet for the name of a book I read in high school, the only details I can remember are very blurry and I was hoping some of you could help! It's a book about a castle with a town and land, all the names of the characters and places seemed very European like (I'm pretty sure it was more Nordic though but I could be wrong), I think there were dragons also, and the cover depicted a landscape but I'm not sure if there was anything else on it, I remember it was hardcover and it had a map inside.. It also didn't seem like a popular book and it was written before 2000s. I'm sorry I can't provide any other info but I'm crossing my fingers that someone in this community knows, but if not that's okay, I just can't figure it out and I've tried for so long. Thank you for all of your help!
YA book about a young girl who has died and now exists in some kind of purgatorial space I read this book so long ago and I ve been thinking about it for years but I can t find it or anything about it anywhere. I can remember that in the book the main character is dead and the book is about her experience after her death. She doesn t know where she is and doesn t have a concept to describe it so she calls the place Is. She also doesn t know her name or who she is so she calls herself Am because she knows she s real at least. Throughout the book the details surrounding her life and death are revealed to her slowly but surely through memories I believe. Not in any particular order. I think this book may be about acceptance and moving on. I don t know what it is about this book that made it stick in the back of my mind for all of these years but I would love to find out! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Children's chapter book series about a family living on a mountain with a quirky guest This was a chapter book series (probably middle grade) about a family that lived on the top of a mountain. There was a town at the bottom of the mountain, but the family lived at the top. There were several children, but I don't remember how many. The premise of the series surrounded a quirky woman who came to visit them. I feel like the name of this woman started with an "I." Possibly "Irma" or "Imma." The woman was older than most of the kids and was possibly an older teenager. She was a babysitter like character and was "quirky." I believe she spoke in an unpolished way and was stronger and better at sports than all the male children. It vaguely reminded me of an older Amelia Bedelia but for an older audience. I came across it around 15 years ago.
Book about a (i think, purple) dragon and a girl I read this book probably six years ago and can t remember the title and the characters names. I only remember somethings, like that they went to a mountain and had a village, where (if I remember correctly) the girl worked on a tavern (or something like that). amp x200B Thanks for helping.
YA romance, something loosely around mermaids and some virgin guy Back in high school (2014) I read a book about some dude who moves to a town with his dad and brother, apparently the main character is a virgin and all the women in town are mermaids that can t return to the sea unless they take some dudes virginity. I d offer more information but that s all I can remember
Biography about Mary Shelley and another woman Hello! I m looking for a book that was a biography on the (amorous?) lives of Mary Shelley and another woman. The cover was really similar to the one of My year of rest and relaxation with the title highlighted in pink and an old painting on it. Thank you!
Book where a time traveller gets drunk with the guy who designed the tower of Pisa so he drew it crooked I remember reading it as a kid and loving the book, but I only remember that one scene now. Please help me find out if it was a fever dream
Scarecrow, Apple cider, Orchard, Witch, Zombies and people turning into apples Can anyone help me with the name of this book I read a long time ago with a witch seeking revenge and turns the people of the town into apples and has a scarecrow who in fact is a man. The kids are turned into zombies and this cycle repeats every few years. The scarecrow was a child from the previous cycle.
Help in Finding a French Book Hey guys, My friend and I were at a book fair and she came across this French Book that she seemed really interested in but couldn't pick it up at the time. I don't remember much about the book but I know these details. 1) It's French 2) It's a one word title 3) It's a children's book. Could anyone direct me to a search engine where I could easily narrow it down? Google is not helping at all.
ya or childrens book where a girl is the attendant of a princess who's married off to or kidnaped by an evil old guy i literally only remember that at one point the evil guy tells the princess she has eyes like a cows. also the main character, who works for her and is like either traded or kidnaped with her, thinks that the princess is like, stupid as hell. it had a pretty serious tone actually
Fantasy book featuring young talented master blacksmith I read it 2 3 years ago I think and it was relatively new. First in a series. It was SO GOOD. I really want to see if another has come out. It features a young talented blacksmith apprentice as a protagonist. He ends up becoming a master blacksmith by forging a challenging sword with some rare magical sand or something like that. He ends up having to move from his master's shop and give up blacksmithing IIRC. I could have some of the details wrong, it's been a while o
Horror book where sex is had with a succubus incubus amp I think catholic school plays a role? fiction. I can barely remember the plot because this was in 2003 when I read it, not sure when the book was released but it scared me lol amp I just remember character(s) having sex with succubus incubus. I thought it was called the Book of Shadows but it appears not. I thought it was The Book of something and I thought the author had James in his name but since I can t find anything like that, I guess I m wrong. It was a thick black big hardcover book that was very long. Black and witchy looking, almost like in Hocus Pocus. I can t remember if it was set in modern day or like the early 20s maybe, but I m just guessing. I read it in 2003, I was 14 and it definitely wasn t age appropriate, but then again I went to private Christian school so it was a crazy book for me. Seemed adult geared. Very r x rated sex scenes. I borrowed it from the most Gothic girl at my school lol.
Please help! A trail of crumbs for you.... Ok. So. I remember reading this series of YA books around 2003. I would get it from my library. The covers were pretty distinct, I believe they had gold or metalic trim accents, lots of "sparkle". Very celestial, and totally trying to sell sexy. The content was very ...magical teenagers, lots of drama, Witches, etc. Honestly the covers have really stuck in my mind more than the content. Sorry its not a lot of information. I appreciate any suggestions!!
Fiction kid's book about a girl and a boy who think there is a witch's house and a witch in the woods. One or both of the kids may have moved to the area and started exploring the forest by their house. They routinely investigate the area, getting more and more clues, until they see the witch one day. Though it turns out the witch is just an old woman and I think she is friendly to the kids when she learns of what was happening. I read this maybe 15 20 years ago and I think there was a reoccurring pendant or wish catcher like item that the girl found by the witch s house. I remember it being very creepy when I read it as a child and was relieved when the witch just turned out to be an old woman.
A book with a teenager with bright blue lips on the cover... There was a book I read a few years ago, the cover had a pale girl with blue lipstick on and it was a closeup of her lips. The story was about a teenage guy that wrote comics and meets a emo teenage girl that romance and drama evolves between them. I think the guy wrote comics and used her as a character maybe? I haven't read it in like 6 or more years but would really like to find it again!
Romance Novel, similar to The Hating Game in the aspect of enemies to lovers Basically its a Romance enemies to lovers novel, it was narrated by the female protagonist, whom either live puzzles or worked it something related puzzles, she and the male lead are rivals, with similar jobs, as in power. I don t particularly remember if the worked at the same company or it rival companies but they for some reason had to work together or compete with each other, also at the start of the book if im not wrong there was a meeting at a restaurant, and they may work in developing apps, programs or marketing but not 100 sure about that. This is a very vague description so if no one knows the name its fine, but any random names that may pop in you head works so thanks.
It was a book about understanding women written by an ex pickup artist The cover of the book was white with a red tie on it. It talked about how being authentic is the most attractive feature and one chapter was designated to dressing well. Written sometime in the past decade.
Bizaar plot about a witch who impregnates a man repeatedly... I read this book a while ago and from what I remember it had a sort of Hansel and Gretel feel to it but it is set in the modern day. This guy ends up at this house where he is kept prisoner and the witch gets him pregnant, waits for him to give birth and then she eats the babies (he has quite a few of them). Does anyone have any idea what this book is called?! Thank you!
A book about two kids going into other worlds using an old man's "keys" As I remember, the book is mostly about the two kids world traveling by use of these "keys" that an old man let them use. The keys vary on what item they are, I think one of them was a vial of water that transported them to an underwater kingdom, and there was one dimension that had edible clouds and some sort of buffulo bee type creature. and the last dimension, one of the dangerous ones was some sort of volcanic hellscape with fire monsters. (The last one is where the parents of the kids and the old man get involved) I also think there was one dimension with a bunch of talking walking plants, pretty sure a baobab tree was one of them. I think they had a certain time limit on how long they could use a "key" before going back to the real world. I do know that the title included the old man's name which I only remember started with a W and had the Mr. prefix. It might have also had something similar to "The wonderful adventures of" or something similar. If anyone can help me find this I'll be very grateful, I bought it when I was younger and the author wasn't too well known. I think this was one of few if not the only book he wrote.
Children's chapter book with a character named Connie! Possibly involving fairies! Hello! I read this a longgg time ago but here is what I remember It was a children's fiction chapter book that I read when I was in middle school (like 11 13 years old). I remember there were two main characters, girls, and one was named Connie. They may have been sisters. I remember a specific scene where Connie eats a cupcake, which may have been magical. I believe the book had something to do with fairies? No memory of whether it was hardcover softcover or what the cover of the book looked like. I'm sorry that this is not a lot to go on, but I really can't remember anything else! Thank you in advance for any help this has been driving me crazy!
Book for Preteens about a girl and a ghost (Found it, City of ghosts by Victoria Schwab ) A fiction book about a girl who fell off a bridge and drowned but was still half alive and became (as the book says,) an inbetween and a boy who was a ghost followed her everywhere and became friends. Later she finds out she can go to the ghost realm and stop this lady in red from kidnapping kids and eating them or something. And every human in the book has a life thread and if you eat it you gain that person s lifespan and they die. I can t remember the names of the characters other than the antagonist was called the lady in red and she sang at a grave yard (the last chapter of the book was also called the lady in red) the genre was probably adventure and had maybe a little over 100 150 pages. I think the book cover was red or blue, there is a second book of it (I did not read it) and the second one has a drawing of a girl and a cat in a tunnel. The book was in English. I read it when I was in like the 4th grade and it was my favorite book (I just finished 7th grade, USA schooling system to clarify) so I was around like 9, definitely did not feel like it was made for 9 year olds tho. I got the book from my school library in elementary school (ACUSD California, Sutter creek elementary school) I think it was new when I read it because the second book was released the next year. It was for maybe kids preteens 10 13. I ve been thinking about this book A LOT but I can t remember the name and I would love it if someone could find it. Also sorry my English is terrible, I m not very good at putting my words out.
YA, boarding school, video game Young adult novel about a young boy who goes to a boarding school or something similar. Somehow he realizes he has to win this video game or virtual reality world to save his friends lives, I think. It was a darker storyline for sure. I feel like the title was directly related to the video game he plays (which I don t think is a video game in real life), like his username or the games name. I must ve read this in mid to late 2000s. I remember really enjoying this book, but I was young and haven t been able to pinpoint it for years.
A book about some monster and a tower in fantasy setting I dont remember a lot about this one. There is only one detail that Im perfectly sure of and that is that the cover was solid grey silver (not gray. silver as in shiny silver. Kind of like the color of really dull steel) with text title in black color. Other details that I barely remember are There is some tower or some castle defended by some kind of flying monster. I remember that someone is kept captive in there by the monster and the story is told by 2 perspectives, one from the perspective of the captured person and the other from the rescuer's perspective. Im not too sure about the relationship between the person rescuing and one getting rescued but one of them was a girl and other was a boy. (Most probably were siblings). I think the book started with the monster killing some random person so we got like description of the monster first, though Im really not too sure. Extremely sorry if Im vague but for some reason I am unable to recollect anything about this book except its cover when usually I atleast remember a few key plot points.
Two children are escorted to their new home by some vampire esque creepy guy. I remember reading this back in grade school. I have a few other details They stop at a old hostel One of their friends dies from a venomous monster in a triangular arena, in a city full of similar vampire like folks. The book had some black and white illustrations that were rather good (or so I remember, they might have been trash) They fight some monster. From what I remember, it was like a man on a horse, but it was just the man's upper half fused to the horse's back, and the fellow had a long, deformed face. Both the vampire ish guy and the creepy horse fellow could extend thin blades from their fingers.
Book that is in two person s point of view. The pov s are of a girl and boy. The girl is upper class in a place similar to India. She is married off to the sultan as one of his many wives. The boy is an orphan living in the streets. He later discovers he has the power to manipulate water and is taken to a school that teaches how to control water. I read the book in high school around 2006 2007. I found it in the school library. It was hard covered at the time.
Searching for Post Apocalyptic Book I wanted to share a book with a friend and can t remember the title for the life of me. Plot CIA officer contractor flies to Iran and sets off a device that leads to global economic collapse. Gets a warning from his colleague and flees to the south (Alabama, Louisiana, or thereabouts) and sets up a bunker on his old family ranch property in the woods). Key things I remember was a gyrocopter with solar charged batteries. To keep it going he salvages railroad crossing sign solar panels. Any helps appreciated!
Book about girl who can see portals blue (?) doors Please help me! My mom read this book and loved it, but cannot for the life of her find it on google or remember the name. Here is vaguely what she remembers There s a girl who can see portals doors that others cannot, growing up in a house with an eccentric rich man who her father works for and is always away trying to find artifacts for. There s more that she remembers but won t tell me bc she doesn t want to spoil it in case I read it, so if you need more information I can get it, hoping that someone recognizes it as is
Realistic fiction book that had a bunch of different character s stories that are somehow connected I saw the book in a bookstore and had to leave before I could get it the cover was blue and green with a patter ink blot like design. I believe one of the stories took place in a hotel? It also is probably either relatively new or well known as it was towards the front of the store.
Children's Mystery Book A lake, a spooky house and two sisters solving a mysterious drowning In 2012, a teacher read my 6th grade class a chapter book about two sisters who I believe work to solve the mystery of their dad who drowned in the lake behind his house. It might not be their dad, but if not its the man who lived in this old house they are staying at. They work with a boy similar to their age (maybe 10 12), and they look through old newspapers in the library to find out what happened and more about the lake. I think I recall them finding out he was a star swimmer and this makes his drowning even more suspicious. I half way remember a lake monster being involved (but that could be wrong). I think the cover had an image of the house on it, with the lake in the background. From my searching, it doesn't have the word "lake" or "drowning" in it. I also recall the title being a bit long. I'm going to keep trying to remember details but I'm having trouble past what I have here. Thanks!
Man looses identity and is kept like a slave on a ship. He escapes but is captured and brought back to the ship. Book is about 50 years old. Anyone know this plot line and book? Regards. Rope