Really IS and Encyclopedia For the record, let me state that I've been surfing for 20 years and got the bug, along with most others my age, watching The Endless Summer and getting captivated by the energy and beauty of the sport. This compilation, while very complete, really IS an encyclopedia...page, after page, after page. There are some useful tidbits of information strewn among the lengthy volume but a large majority of the book seems filled with fairly uninteresting, small, black and white photos, and biographies of just about anyone in the world who ever attempted to stand up on a board. Avoid this snore-fest and put your money into a nice hardcover coffee table book filled with glorious color shots of the world's tube riders...and leave all of the trivia to the wannabes.
How do you get the orginal cast recording? I am a huge fan of the song "In a Simple Way I Love You" and have been looking for a recording of the song. Does anyone know where I could possibly get an original recording of that song? The new one isn't the one I am looking for! Can anyone help?
Quite a Disappointment I bought this item after searching for quite some time to find a copy of the original off-Broadway cast album. While anticipating that this version would differ from the album I really wanted, I was rather dismayed to find that it is in all respects quite inferior. In my mind, the main problem lies with the choice of Diane Langton for the female lead. Her voice, while pleasant enough, is a poor substitute for Gretchen Cryer's. Add to that some questionable directorial choices (the a capella version of "Lonely Lady") and you have a less-than-mediocre product.
Bring back the original I also have worn out my original version of this wonderful recording, the current version is average, but cannot compete with the original. Please bring the original recording back and make it available for purchase, Ill be ordering it the second it shows up.
Cryer-ing for the Original After unsuccessfully locating the original of this wonderful show, I had to settle for this import. And settle I have - Oh where oh where is the original cast recording when you need it? For anyone who had seen this on Broadway, this is a real disappointment. I wanted so much to love it as much as the worn out vinyl copy.
Lacks the edge of the Original Off-Broadway album. The London cast album of "I'm Getting My Act Together..." simply lacks the poignant punch of the Gretchen Cryer original from Columbia Records. Gretchen MADE the show, as it was coming from her own personal experiences. The singer on the London CD just doesn't ring true.
MTBF - 6000 hours Used 2 for a laptop cooling stand and both have started to make random noises in less than 6000 hours of operation.If you can fit a Panaflo for your particular job buy it instead.
I WILL BRING YOU TO LIFE!!! I got mine a few weeks ago. So far, so good. Have had no problem with the said product whatsoever. I think the company could of made a few design changes just improve the durability of the cord connecting the power supply box [step down transformer?] just to make it less vulnerable to pinching in the future [just to avoid the potential of having to replace this product sometime down the road. But suppose as long as you treat this product with a little r-e-s-p-e-c-ttttt! you should have no worries about that. But all of that aside, if you need juice this box is the fruit. Squeeze away!!!
Not recommended as a first book There is some good information in this "pamplet" but I was disappointed that it turned out to be more of a list with very little narrative. If you already have a good understanding of this subject then it might prove to be a handy tool for additional information.
great concepts behind the photos.. At first glance, as someone who prefers open space to crowded rooms, the photographed apartments in this book appeared busy, and often gaudy. However, when I actually read it, I understood the subtle concepts behind the design choices. So while I would not personally chose to mix leopard print, neon pink, and baroque furniture in a small space, I understand what the owners were going for. (And I actually took a liking to that room. It has a lot of personality!) In the end, this book inspired me to rethink my entire living space! I am usually a visual person who prefers photo inspiration to text. But in this case, it was the little bits of writing and advice that sparked my creativity.I'd recommend it to anyone with a sense of fun about their living space, or anyone willing to look a little deeper than the photos. :)
Very Informative Guide Book This book describes the many day hikes available at Glacier National Park in Montana. It provides very descriptive information about the hikes and gives a total distance as well as fitness level guidance for those who love to hike. I am glad I purchased this book as we will have some time to hike and don't want to miss out on any of the wonders that Glacier National Park has to offer. It is only a hiking book and does not offer any insights as to lodging, or restaurants but it is what I was seeking.
Anxious to give it a try I have read the book through, but haven't had the opportunity to test it out. It has been 7 years since I have been to the park and from my personal past reference, I believe I will enjoy using this book on my next trip.If you don't already have a book for day hikes, I would highly recommend this book just by reading it.
okay product This product doesn't condition enough. But it does give the hair a slightly lightened effect.
Worth $...!!!! With a 20" viewing area, I have no problem viewing massive CAD programs on my PC. The only problem I have is a slight haziness on the corners of the PC that can cause strain to ones eyes. This is the only reason it didn't get a perfect rating. However, it can be almost completely resolved by keeping it at the default resolution (1600x1200). Get the monitor. You won't be sorry.
School of Tomorrow literature book if you student of School of TomorrowYou need to read this bookcause this book is one of literature book for SOT curriculum.
Boardbook is a condensed version I purchase the hardcover edition of this book, however Amazon sent the board book version. The board book version is not a complete version.
Amazing book! I worked in a daycare for three years and the kids loved this book! The text is great and lyrical and the illustrations are beautiful. I recently bought this for my niece and she loves it!
Not What I Expected I was expecting a clear, thin sheet or strip of plastic to protect the sides of the car in parking lots, for example. I expected that it could be left on the car and that you could drive with it on, rather than having to take it off and put it on each time you park. This door guard is thick, and not wide enough (unless you know exactly where the door of the car parking next to you is going to impact your door). Two little suction cups, one on each end, do not hold the "door guard" on over night, even with a freshly washed car door. You cannot drive with them on, obviously.
Not worth buying I was more interested in technique and tips for cooking with my new convection oven and this was a poor resource The recipes are ordinary. Personally, I wouldn't have bought it had I known how mediocre this book was.
Not enough information As there are very few convection oven cooking cook books available I sadly took a chance on this one. It did not provide me with the basic information I was looking for... how to adjust my baking for the convection oven coking mode that came with my new stove. This book appears to be more for the countertop convection oven. The recipies were mediocre at best and many were stew type cooked in a covered casserole. The recipies do list the ingredients in order of use which is nice. There are other books out there that are much better for learning how to cook in a convection oven - I'd suggest that you skip this one.
$19.99 and 4 for 3 promo At its full extension, this rod is just long enough. I would normally order the next larger size to give myself some leeway but the price after promo decided upon this option for me. This replaces a 1970s white u-rod. I already have Umbra rings in brass that I will not be replacing. The black and brass will match the Ikea black lamp with the brass detail next to the window. I'm happy with this sales purchase.
Rich, Warm, Well-Polished John Surman has made some interesting recordings over the years, but this CD with John Warren may well be his best ever. Surman plays soprano and baritone sax, alto and bass clarinet, and piano on this recording, fronting a brass choir comprising three trumpets, two trombones, and two bass trombones, supported by bass and drums, all under the direction of conductor John Warren. The musical textures that result are rich and rewarding, with Surman's reeds alternately dancing above and then blending right in with the brass. Rich, warm, well polished instruments playing rich, warm, well-polished music in rich, warm, well-polished sound. NOTE: I am reviewing the CD, not the MP3 version, which probably has less dynamic sound.
Sony VAIO Standard Lithium-Ion Battery (PCGA-BP71A) The battery which I received was not a Sony Battery. It was manufactured by a third party and did not fit well in the battery slot. The battery was not able to be charged in my laptop. The battery was returned to the seller.
Awfully Expensive & bad I purchased my Sony VAIO PCG-FX250 on September 2001, and let me tell you that I became dissapointed with it a long time ago. First thing that failed in my VAIO was the Diskette Drive before ending the first year, a few months later it was the CD-DVD/RW unit; I had to replace it, my power adaptor also had to be fixed about a year ago, and finally, my battery went belly up a couple of months ago. Now that I'm looking for a replacement I found that is awfully expensive which I don't justify, besides not being a reliable item, it doesn't even last more than a couple of hours when new.To make a long story short, the VAIO computers and accesories have goood looks, but for a device that costed me a little more than two grand at that time, I expected a much more reliable device. My next laptop won't be a SONY VAIO.
Battery Bummer I guess I feel comforted reading all these terrible reviews. My Vaio battery went kaput (after a couple of years, admittedly), and I bought two third party brand batteries, seemingly reputable. The first one worked for about a year. The one I just got worked for about a week and now it won't even take a charge! Zero! This after spending about $350 just before that to fix the software in the thing when it stopped booting up... surprise! I could have bought a new Dell, dude, for about $100 more. Like I'm going to go out now and pour more money into this machine for another battery? And forget Sony Customer service. Worthless.
A good book for students who are studying American History The book "Pike McAllister" helps to bring alive the history of the United States during the Civil War. It combines elements of slavery, the Underground Railroad, relationships between slave owners and their slaves, and family values. This would be excellent reading for students who may be studying the Civil War in American History.
Primary source material for Newman Although this book is quite pricey, as have been other recent OUP releases, this volume of Newman's Letters and Diaries is critical for seeing JHN at a critical time of his Anglican career. Here, Newman seems almost surprised by the reception of Tract 90 and it is also apparent that the Jerusalem Bishopric affair was one of the critical blows to his loss of faith in the via media. Some biographies may give us a glimpse at what was happening at the time, but here we can read Newman as he was living through it, without the benefit of hindsight.
I am ordering this kit to build "RUN-IN" sheds for our horses. I am hoping that this kit will help me to put up run-in sheds for our horses. I don't have to worry about a door! Thank goodness. I like the fact I don't have to cut anything! My hubby is going on deployment for 7 months so this will help me put up the sheds with the help of our barn manager. I will diffently let ya know how it goes!
Paper weights I bought a couple of these so my teens could build a couple of things and hopefully learn some very basic building skills. But these things are just a bunch of metal pieces that you have to put together and NOT bracket you simply slip 2x4's into. In the end it was easier to teach them just basic angle cuts, which is what I should of done in the first place. The instructions are actually more confusing than just looking at a shed and figuring it out.
Small and functional I wanted wood backing to blend and look better, but you really do not see these once the guitar is on the wall. They are small and the hanger itself is the perfect color to blend into the head of the guitar.
A good solid guitar hanger The hanger came with good quality drywall anchors which I needed because I wasn't lined up on a wall stud. It took maybe 5 minutes to put it up, and it holds the guitar firmly in place. It does hang maybe 6 inches out from the wall, so be aware. Overall a great item at a great price.
Good Hanger; Bad Screw This is a good, basic wall mount.Just be aware that the large plastic drywall anchors included aren't very sturdy: one of them broke as I was screwing it into my wall. I was able to rip off the broken bit of anchor and insert the screws to hang the mount anyway, but you may want to invest a few cents at the local hardware store in your own, sturdier anchors.The guitar mount itself is unobtrusive and does its job well.
Great Product I bought 1 hanger for my husband's Acustic Guitar. It worked out great. Turned around and bought a second 1 for his electric Guitar. Guitar's look great hanging on the wall with this hanger. Definatley was not disappointed.
disappointing colors Like everyone else here, I ordered two of these understanding the "shades may vary" and I got one that is honey colored and another that is mahogany. Sad, sad, sad that a person shipping these couldn't at least grab two that remotely looked similar. I don't want to return one since I don't know what color the replacement will be. I'm just hoping the headstock on the basses will cover the color and not look too tacky on the wall side by side.
I have used String Swing Hangers for years The only hangers I use and don't think twice about hanging a $15,000 guitar knowing it will be safe and secure. When the mood strikes to play, there's a difference between getting out a case from the closet, opening it up, taking out the guitar; or just reaching up and start playing. Plus, keeping the guitars hung in this manner help keep the necks straight and the guitars at room temperature; love this product! (Edited to reflect String Swing Hangers as a five-star product)
would not reccomend The anchors are just about impossible to install. It makes your guitar hang about 4in off of the wall so it looks weird like its floating; I wanted it up against the wall as much as possible. Also, if your guitar is a classical or has a wide neck, you will need to bend it with whatever you can to make it fit, and even then it will make your guitar hang in a really weird way. I would reccomend paying an extra $5-10 for a better looking one.
Works well enough I was a bit concerned because this is the cheapest hanger on amazon, but i was pleasantly surprised. Bought two to hang my ukuleles. Works well enough, but be warned, if you have tension tuners (Tuners that stick out the back, instead of the sides) they may get in the way. I had to use the hanger upside down, so it curved up instead of down; other than that no complaints. Be warned if you live in a dry area, your instruments WILL dry out unless you control the humidity in the room. Four out of five because it didn't adjust up and down, just by width.
Would definitely purchase again!!! This item was shipped promptly, arrived well and easy to put up. Had it up in less than 2 minutes. I used a stud finder and a phillips screw driver. VERY EASY
excellant works as expected. No issues or suprises. Vendor was fast, and was a pleasure to work with. I would buy this product agian, and use the same vendor.
Standard Hanging Bracket for a guitar I've got this one in the living room so that my toddler grand daughter can't reach it. I've got a Les Paul hanging from it (screwed into a wall stud) so it'll handle a heavy guitar. This bracket has two screws and the Y hook. I've got these with a number of different brands on them including a Martin but they are all the same, hardwood block with a threaded metal insert for the hook. It's secure and unobtrusive. A guitar that's hidden away in the case doesn't get used. I need all the practice I can get. :-)
Good for Guitars, but not Banjos. Works beautifully with my guitar- nice and sturdy, keeps it away from the wall, etc.However, it doesn't work that well with my banjo. I guess the head is too narrow and the weight rests on the tuners. It's a bit unnerving. I guess I should have bought one specifically for it....Anyway, it's a great guitar hanger at an excellent price. Buy one!
Works fine, looks good I'm not qualified to comment on how secure the included screws and anchors are for hanging a heavy guitar on drywall, but I just didn't want to risk it. I used my own long deck screws and made sure they went well into the studs.
Insane Make sure you buy this book if you want indoctrinate your children. The idea of man existing at the same time as dinosaurs goes beyond preposterous. Even reasonable religious leaders don't believe that the stories of Adam and Eve and Noah's Ark are true. WAKE UP!!!
Yuk. I recently tried Mama Mio "Mama Mio Kit), which contains 5 mini products, and this balm was 1 of them. Ii is very emollient and good for very dry skin, but I don't care for it. It smells like old castor oil and pure shea butter is much better.Anyway I also tried belli and Mustela trial kits, and the winner is by far Mustela-consistency, scent, a little goes long way and absorbs very fast, skin feels nourish and moisturized for a long time.
Very nice net Really a solid net. Seem to be very high quality, and I like how big the surface points are that hold onto the table.
Missing parts I received the cart in a timely manner, but when I went to assemble it, one part was missing. Part D, the front axle, was not included. I've been searching for a customer service email or some way to contact you regarding the replacement part, but can't find anything on the website. Please let me know how to get it replaced. Thank you.
I would not recommend this book.... I would not recommend this book....Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law: Love, Hate, Rivalry and Reconciliation.....I donated it to the library!~I bought several books with this theme....
Two in a row bad I've now had 2 in a row of these go bad .. first one failed after no less than 30 minutes .. its replacement only lasted 24 hours. I had one of the same brand before that lasted for 1.5 years (if not more).
It was alright... The movie was good to watch. Gay artist has lost his muse and finds it in his one of his bosses who happens to be a straight male (well not anymore) and is married to his other boss. Tragic love story which although has played out in many movies, I've seen played out in real life as well. The actors weren't exactly Oscar quality, but entertaining overall.
Selfish gay guy ruins a marriage The boys are cute, the filmaking OK, sex scenes hot....but once again the gay guy ruins lives... seduces a married man and thinks nothing of the wife or her feelings. All end up miserable....not a message I would hope for- no good comes of this affair.
Repetitive If you like the classic Rampage games then you'll love this one. They took Rampage to a higher level. It has some 3D look to it. Still not allowing you to Free Roam through a city like War of the Monsters does though, but it plays like the classics. Which is exactly what it was made to do. There are also 30 different monsters in the game. This is a great game to play and let out your rage. Why destroy something small in your house when you can put in Rampage and take out a whole city? I am a fan of the old Rampage games so I myself really enjoy this game.
High School Record I saw this film few days ago, it's sort of a Mockumentary film.. did enjoy it alot. loved the camera shots and the editing.great film,, makes me wanna go back to school.go and get it!!
BMW Series 3 1975-1992 Motor Racing Publications Collectors Series This book is not the book it says it is. I bought it for my 14 year old son for Christmas, when he looked at it the entire book was about E-Type Jaguars and written by a completely different author than the one on the front cover. The cover is the only mention of BMW 3-Series.
Attending to Sorrow Your child died or your spouse left you. Your parent abandoned you. Your kids are "disconnected." Grief has many faces. Stephen Levine's book was recommended by a counselor I recently saw due to some personal grief issues.There are times I got lost in the read, but this was due to the sometimes poetic nature of the writer. I just keep reading and learned about breathing, tapping, mindfulness and forgiveness. Interspersed are tidbits of wisdom from Buddhist philosophy. All positive ways to embrace your life.This books isn't written to take your pain away. Rather, it helps you to embrace your human-ness. It affirmed my belief that the inability to feel empathy, hurt and pain, is -- apathy. I prefer being human and Stephen Levine wraps you in that comfort.
Hard and bangin', good mixing, no soul This is a good filler CD into your collection of Dieselboy and Alliance and the like. The mixing is good, technically strong but there are some odd decisions for which parts of the tracks to mix into and out of. There is usually a point wherein the mix becomes really fluid and momentum builds, however this record doesn't have that. It's a good collection of a bunch of good tracks, but it never reveals its soul like other mixes can. I attribute this to odd mix-in/out points. Overall, there's nothing especially *wrong* with this one, its just not a top ten for me.
We Can Enjoy Our Audience in Person We writers are naturally introverts, shy, thoughtful, contemplative. We can get comfortable being alone at our keyboard and with our own thoughts. But we need to relate to our audience, promote our work, go to book signings, go to meet the author day at school, and teach classes. In The Shy Writer: An Introverts Guide to Writing Success, C. Hope Clark makes us realize there are positive sides to being shy. Shy people fulfill a necessary place in this world. We would never want to change who we are. Hope helps writers by giving many tricks we can use and find out what works best for tie unique people we are.
1,000 Mexican Recipes Tried this book while in Mexico and made a delicious pork stew. I bought it for myself and a friend that loves to cook.
It works, but the gas is horrible I suffer from occasional problems with being regular, so I've been enjoying the yogurt which works fine. I wanted to get rid of the calories, so I tried this.There's no doubt that it works, but THE GAS is horrible. This is my 10th day and it has NOT gone away. I'm giving it only 12 days, then I have to quit because it's just awful.The product does work, but the side effects...yikes!
Not sure... I have been taking this product for about 3 months at the recommendation of my doctor. I did not see any changes with my digestion, so I don't know if it has made any difference or not. I have stopped taking it, but I will give it the benefit of a doubt that it actually did something. For the price, I can't complain too much.
difference used sustenex for over a month now. I feel no different than I did the first day. This, for me, was a waste of money.
Sustenex saved me... I've been taking sustenex for 2 years (since July 2008) and I will be on Sustenex for the rest of my life. It has made me whole again after years of intestinal/digestive issues that were beginning to ruin my life. I love this product.
Sadly we were another "miss" in the Probiotic hit-or-miss My husband has a very sensitive stomach, and has had digestive issues most of his life, so when I saw the chance to try this out I thought maybe it would be helpful for him. He dislikes many of the dairy products that contain probiotics (yogurt, cottage cheese and string cheese to name a few) so this seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to try probiotics.Unfortunately, he hasn't noticed any change in his digestive health or sensitivities to foods. He still reported the same heartburn and upset stomachs as before. I don't think we'll bother with probiotics for him again.
Used for several years and seems to work well Recommended by our doctor to take some sort of probiotic... works much better than those nasty yogurts and is in a convenient pill form. Tied several other brands but this one seems to be the best.
Upset stomach It was on a whim that I decided to try Sustenex. Oh boy, my muse was off duty that day.I tried Sustenex for two weeks or so and I'm sorry to report I had to stop using it. My constitution did not respond well. Lots of gas, upset stomach, acid reflux, and so on--these were a few of the problems I ran into, dead center.I eat quite a bit of fiber, as I read one does need to do that with probiotics. It didn't seem to help. I'm glad it worked for others, but I'm staying away from Sustenex.
Good to combat Antibiotics? I have yet to try this product, but am currently taking a heavy duty antibiotic to combat a chronic sinus infection. Since antibiotics can kill all the healthy bacteria in the intestines, I am considering trying this product (as I'm not the biggest fan of yogurt). I've seen some negative reviews of this product and wonder a few things: 1) Are there alternatives to this product? and 2) Does this pill have to be taken once a day or can it be taken once a week? I would prefer a product that will be beneficial even if only taken once a week while I am taking an antibiotic.
Better than yogurt I've had stomach issues for the last 2 years and have yet to figure out what to do to help. I have experienced a lot of bloating and gas every time I eat, and I also get a lot of stomach pain. My doctor recommended water and fiber but that alone was not enough for me. I started eating Activia for the probiotics and it actually helped me quite a bit. However, I absolutely hate yogurt. I decided instead of trying to choke that down every day to try these probiotics. I have had good experiences with Schiff products for gas, and these were reasonably priced compared to the competition. I've only taken it for a couple of days now but I can already see a difference. The first day I had a lot more gas than usual, but it was wonderful to have it be released rather than pent up like it usually is, causing my bloating. I am really hoping that these positive effects continue. So far I am very happy. So much better than eating yogurt every day.
Fast shipping! Great deal and shipped faster than any other online company I've ever used. Ink quality is consistently good! I'll be back!
printable not wearable My first black and color cartridge was fine and worked okay (did run out of ink slightly faster than I anticipated). When I opened the next black cartridge package ink poured out of package and all over my shirt and jeans. The same happened with the next color cartridge. I have seen better deals, but I figured you get what you pay for. Not in this case. It cost me the price of this product and two pairs of jeans and two shirts. Not really worth it.
Poor design. This rolling pin was clumsy and awkward to use. It was heavier than I expected, and I struggled to roll out my dough evenly. It is very difficult to wash - the roller part isn't completely sealed to the handles (this is so it call roll across the dough, I guess) which means that if you leave it to soak in water, liquid will fall into the gaps and then collect inside the roller. Once this liquid collects, it is very very difficult to remove. I noticed this had happened to my roller when I noticed a disgusting orange liquid was coming out of the edges whilst I was rolling my dough. Suffice to say, my pastry was ruined and I fear, so is my rolling pin. Take care when washing this product. Also, because the roller and the handles aren't sealed together, the roller makes a lot of noisy clanking noises when being used. I find that the handles seem to jiggle back and forwards when I am rolling my pastry out, which also makes this product annoying to use.
Interesting idea, porrly executed I read this book after reading a number of glowing reviews here and elsewhere. I can't say I didn't enjoy it, but the writer could stand to learn a few more speech patterns. All the characters, whether younger, older, drugged up, straight, cop, psychopath, etc... all spoke the same way. The "hip" dialogue was over the top at best and juvenile at worst. I found myself rolling my eyes several times. Very distracting. Sounds like Teran's seen too many independent films and was trying to write in order to be adapted.
Is Knopf desperate for sales?? Or is Boston Teran related to the editor-in-chief? I can't think of any other reasons that a prestigious literary house would publish such dreck. Egregiously clunky prose, sentence fragments, and tv-movie dialogue abound. (Was this book copyedited? It's hard to tell.) The bad guys, moreover, are stock characters one and all. They have all the requisite signifiers: tattoos, spiky or no hair, drug use, leather clothing, etc. Admittedly, I did want to find out what happens, but only in the same way one wants to find out what happens when you round the corner to your block and find out that there are firemen standing around in front of the house next door.
Stick with the masters. Simply the latest installment in a lengthy series of average-to-absurd Chandler/Thompson/Burke wannabes. Lots of gore cannot subsitute for rich, gritty prose. Guns and violence do not make a hard-boiled novel. Atmosphere does. This book lacks any nuance to give it credibility. Too bad his talent doesn't match his ambition.
Interesting raw material in dire need of editing I don't mind music that stretches my attention span. After a few listens, it might even grow on me. I might detect new subtleties that bring color to what seemed like a bleak landscape at first. Laibach demands that kind of long-term relationship from the listener. However, there's a difference between daring minimalism and simple laziness. This album may have interesting moments, but the moments are not fused into interesting songs. It's a good novel that skipped the editing stage and sailed directly to the bookshelf. Furthermore, the endearing croak of Laibach's lead singer is absent, further alienating a Laibach stalwart like me. Oh well. I listen to this one in the background when I'm cooking sometimes. I stop clanging the dishes when I know a good passage is coming. I wouldn't even consider using other Laibach stuff as "background" music.
Cost-saving with problem Non-latex masks are hard to find. The cost is reasonable and the large quantity is great. The problem is that the elastic on most of the masks snaps off after very little use. I've tried stapling and taping but nothing holds. Not recommended.
Doesn't live up to the standard of the original or BG2. This was one of the more expensive expansion packs I've ever seen, but sadly, it was also one of the shortest. Though the story of the game is okay, there is really not much new for this, other then the graphical enhancements made in Baldur's Gate 2 that they back ported to IWD. The new monsters (actually new, not old ones with a new skin) can be counted on one hand, and other then one of them - the final boss, they are kind of boring. Unless you have money to burn, this game should be passed on...
This is the most Expensive John Wayne Movie I have ever bought because of the postage which was outrageous!!! I thought this movie is might have been different to some of his others. I think if you are a John Wayne fan as I am then you might like mto have it in your collection as I now have.
Humor at its best! If you want to laugh until you cry, then read this book! Phillip Done captures all the joys of teaching and expresses it in a way that is hilarious. As I tried to share passages with my family, I couldn't get it out because I was laughing so hard. Anyone who has taught or is starting their first year of teaching should definitely read this. You will be truly inspired!
All styles of Italian Cuisines from North to South This book has been around in numerous forms for many, many years and is well known throughout Italy as the quintessential cookbook of classic recipes.The book works its way methodically through the many courses that make up a variety of regional meals throughout italy.From antipastos, to entrees, mains and desserts, there is a diverse variety of ideas and suggestions to stimulate and inspire people looking to prepare an authentic meal.The recipes range from simple, easily prepared fare, through to technical and specialised meals that are challenging, yet rewarding when plated.If cooking Italian is your passion, this book is a necessary addition to your library.
il Libro Cosi Cosi The book is an interesting compilation of recipes however they say it is translated for American Kitchens. First of all most Americans don't make recipes according to weight so unless you have a kitchen scale you will have to estimate everything for example a pound of flower or a jigger of something. Also some recipes are things that Americans don't make like Brains.I've made a few recipes and I think that they aren't anything special they are just like Italian American food I've had but they tend to be bland. I also don't think this represents all the regions because you don't see a transformation of ingredients they are all uniform throughout and as you know just from traveling throughout the US alone cooking is very different, the same applies to Italian food.It is a good cookbook for individuals who are just learning how to cook as far as learning what basic ingredients going into things but they also need to recognize that most American cookbooks are not the same.
Interesting but one serious flaw . . . I bought this book with high expectations. . . I wanted to consult a cookbook that was written for Italians and was considered authentic. This book was translated several decades ago and "adapted for american kitchens" which means that a lot of the recipes are translated using substitute ingredients that are not authentic. There are a lot more italian cooking ingredients available in grocery stores today than when this book was translated but the revision does not take account of it.
Saveur Cooks Recipes Journal Missed Very Good By A Recipe! Saveur could have added two to three more recipes per category in the original book. I would have like to see additional "drop-ins" packages for each catergory that I could review online, select, and purchase as time goes on.
Arling & Cameron - All-In Arling & Cameron's debut album, _All-In_, managed to smoosh together Europop, techno, J-pop lounge and go-go, in one convenient package. So even if the chirpy "We Love Dancing" doesn't hit the right chord (too reminiscent of toontown techno for my tastes -- but the slowed-down version on "We Love Dub" seems okay), the jazz rolls of "Here We Go" work better. And while you may think "Voulez-Vous?" would be an ABBA cover, it turns out to be a slinky piece of sleazy listening. Similarly, "Speeding Down the Highway" is made for Barcalounger-outfitted Jaguar convertibles driven by cool cats. There's also the campy and happily cheesy "Ein Abend in Wein," replete with whistling chorus. Arling & Cameron seem content to keep the rhythms primarily to peppy breaks, which is good for jumping-up but which gets tiring after a while. The theremin on "Gershwin," however, is a nice, surprising touch. As a first shot across the bow of pop music, it's good fun.
If These Pots Could Talk This is the largest, heaviest book I own. Really! I thought it would take years to get through, but the pages are quite thick, and it's well-written. A fun book for the pottery enthusiast who is already familiar with the basics, it gives numerous insights into the detective work employed in the course of archeological research. Refreshingly personal on the part of the author. Each chapter is an appitizer that stimulates the reader's interest in another facet of (unfortunately) rarely encountered pottery. The charming cover adds to the book's appeal as a coffee-table selection, but make sure the table has sturdy legs!
Loved it I really enjoyed reading this book. The passion was so extraordinarily sweet,and reverting. Incorporating nature in the story line was awesome .
ok read i enjoyed this book only because the dialogue between the h/h was sexy and some of the best ive read but the rest of the story was totally unrealistic totally give money to sb who had a hand in killing your father ????the sister being so evil unspeakably evil throughout the book and in the end does nothing makes no sense?! also i dont understand why since the guys brother was such a great guy why that whenever he was alone with the girl we were always left to believe he was about to kiss her also the bird and quote lady got on my nerves it had the bases for a great book if it didnt have the unrealistic senarios as if someone doesnt know when he has seen a ghost!but the words spoken by the guy especially in the beginning are some the sexiest ive read so for that reason i liked the fact i read it!
Good overview - No Details Sure, Tomie De Paola is a famous author. But that doesn't mean that every book is a hit. This book is a decent overview--there are no details...i.e. (The Haggadah) "tells us the story of Passover." Nu? So where is the story? OH... second to last page, where there is one sentence "We celebrate Passover to remember when Moses led the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt." But there is no picture that shows this exciting event!If you are only going to buy one Passover board book, make it "My First Passover Board Book" by DK Publishing.... excellent pictures, details on all aspects, and real life pictures. You can adapt it to younger kids by skipping stuff... and it still makes sense.
A wonderful insite into the world of electronic music In this easy to read reference, Brent Hurtig takes you through the basic concepts and parts of the basic monophonic analogue synths of the 60's and 70's. This book is a wonderful introductory guide into the world of eletronic music and its origins. Just after reading the first few chapters out of a copy I got from the local library, I can now tell what makes an analogue synth tick. It also gives you a look at MIDI basic principles and the invention of digital synthesis.This book has sparked my imagination about electronic music and made me want to get out there and make some noise. My only negative comment is that it's a little out of date, but if your looking for information on modular synthesis, Moogs or analogue basics, this is the place.
Quick Read Breezed through this book literally within hours. Found some frustrating areas as the author did a lot of telling through character dialogue rather than showing. Some of the story line was way too predictable and felt alittle rushed. Instead of having situations unfold, the author simply had the charcter tell about about it through dialogue. There was too much character back story and not enough growth of the characters through out the book. That being said, it wasn't terrible, just not a 5 star worthy novel.
PERFECT GIFT FOR YOUR GODPARENTS What a wonderful book -- a rich, fascinating history of the role of godparents, but written with a light, even funny touch. I got this for my daughter's godparents, and for my godchildren, and for my sister to give to her kids' godparents, and so on and so on. Thank you, author Michelle DeLiso, for pulling all this history and all these facts and so much wit together into such a great package.
Just for beginners This racquet is only for your guests that don't know anything about true table tennis. It is a good, inexpensive introduction to a pips-in paddle but anyone who is looking to really learn table tennis should look at Butterfly or Killerspin paddles.
not too impressed I though this shark would be bigger. I bought the same one at a gift shop in RI for 99 cents 2 years ago.
Very Basic Very disappointed. Title is very misleading. Tactics are not covered. Whole chapter on knives is really unnecessary. Only 66 pages out of 288 are even devoted to cowboy shooting. Many Cowboy clubs listed at rear of book that may be useful. The bulk of this book is devoted to Firearms Values, and many of the guns listed are not even used in Cowboy Action. The values pages were simply copied from 'The Standard Catalog of Firearms, 15th Edition'. If you want that information, buy that book. All in all, a very disapointing book and not worth the money. Questionable if this book would even be of any use to someone wanting to get into Cowboy Action Shooting.
Terk Antenna The item was recieved quickly and after a simple install is working quite well. The price was less expensive then I saw elsewhere and am very happy with its cost and performance.
bouquets the book is ok, but the condition of this book was awful book is warped and there is a full page written message to someone on the inside.I purchased it to show to brides for ideas,but I would be embarrased to show this one
Mantra/Fiori J'aime bien ce CD. Cependant, il faut se familiariser avec les Mantras.La musique que Serge Fiori a ajoutée est intéressante. Ce CD possède laversion anglaise pour ce qui est des explications du Mantra. Il existeune version franaise; à vous de bien vérifier. Si vous cherchez d'autresversions vérifiez auprès du Centre Birla au Québec, ils sauront vous aider.
More thought into the design... would have been nice I have a Bayou Classic Single Burner (SQ 14... which is awsome by the way). So, I thought having some shelves on each side of the burner would be really nice. And when I got then I was impressed at the construction. The material was the same as the metal framing of the "burner" I have from Bayou Classic.... The only draw back is the way the shelves attach to my burner..... They just hang on, by upside-down U shaped hooks, which is nice for taking them on and off, but stability and having a level surface... not gonna happen......... with a few modifications (maybe an actual screw on design, and more shelve support) it could have been a really good thing to have.
I know the truth about BRETT FARVE FANATIC! This BrettFavrefanatic is none other than the sick son of a bitch author Michael Lane. He has ruined his credibility because he has been charged with 18 accounts of child molestation and tells about his accounts of raping the kids in his book. Do not read this book FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!!
A great escape I love this cartoon and I loved the book. It helped me catch up on some columns I missed. I really love this family. Her comments add dimension.
About what a scout manual would have. Very Basic. Not bad, but not great. Considering this book is for my children the very basic information contained in it is appropriate for someone just starting out in Wilderness Fieldcraft, Survival, or Bushcraft as the Euro's seem to like to call it. Both of Ray's books that I ordered for my boys have sparked their interest. So I gave it four stars for this reason. The writing style is clean and to the point. Easy for young teens to understand.
Musings of a fighter pilot I think if I were a fellow pilot I could better have appreciated Salter's memoir/musings. Some of this book was quite good but don't expect to learn a lot about the air war over Korea from this title. The author makes little effort to put his experiences in context or to explain any of his thoughts and emotions. That having been said, this short book is worthwhile reading as an account from someone who was there and especially for the insights into the thoughts of a fighter pilot in action.