Convincing Indictment Bruce Tap's, book may force the reader to rethink the benefits of the North's partisan political system. Historian Mark Neely has also questioned how partisanship benefited the war's prosecution.The CCW was a highly partisan commission that investigated northern military failures and scandals. Tap exposes how the committee's leaders Ben Wade and Zachariah Chandler tried to purge the Union army of all conservative elements, believing that only antislavery Republicans could win the War. While the committee did help expose racial atrocities and minor corruption, the total lack of military knowledge on the CCW more often than not impeded the war's prosecution. Pressure for a general advance may have contributed to the disaster at Fredericksburg. It is telling that the committee's favorite generals seemed to have been Ben Butler, John C. Fremont, Joe Hooker, Ambrose Burnside, and John Pope. A Must read for all Civil War nuts.
Should be on the bookshelf I enjoyed this even handed depiction of the Lincoln era and its behind the scene workings of the Committee on the Conduct of the War.The Radical Republicans and the control they wielded actually impacted military decision making in some instances.Tap brings to light the attitudes, so much different than today, of politicians and their views of the still "young" institution of West Point.Tap reveals the treatment West Point Democratic Generals received in the Radically Repubican run Federal government.A good addition to your bookshelf.
cartoon mockery of SG-1 i havent bought this title yet but have seen the episodes off the TV. I have to say unless your a die-hard stargate fan, akid with a real imagination or realy bored then dont buy this! Since im a fan of stargate then i will be buying this ;), basically its a cartoon mockery of Sg1 and the producers of sg1 has said this is not worthy of our stargate franchise. FOREVER STARGATE! and ATLANTIS SOON !1/5
shocking I was pleased and disturbed at the same time by Helen Zahavi's "Dirty Weekend".Thrilled that yes finally a woman takes control of the abuse she suffers at the hands of men. She lets us know how we take for granted the fact that we can't go outdoors at night alone, how we are unspoken prisoner's of our homes and then not even safe there.Disturbed by the graphic violence, yes. I would like to see more books where women take charge but not in such a violent way.I think there is a Bella in all of us and hopefully we don't get battered enough that she has to come out.
Why????? This book had no purpose and I personally hated it. Did anyone who has read this book enjoy it or get what the message was suppose to be. It certainly not pleasure reading.
Bella's Revenge The female protagonist in this book totally makes up for all of the books and movies where the women are portrayed as wimpy little ankle sprainers who need strong men for protection. Over sexed men who treat women as sex objects would be well advised to steer clear of our Bella.For lovers of black humor only. That includes me. Great book.
An obnoxious writing style gets in the way of the story This book was alternately published as The Weekend: A Novel of Revenge in its first printing.I like dark comedies, and I thought I'd give this one a try, because I was hooked by the first page. But the narrative declines quickly. Some readers complain about the novel's graphic and violent imagery. I don't mind extreme violence that is obviously intended as a joke. And I generally enjoy the strut and swagger of noir prose, but the style in this book is over the top. Almost every action and thought is reexamined and retold before moving on to the next one. An example: "She laughed, and her laughter was a terrible sin. It was sinful laughter." The entire book is written this way. You can literally skip two in three sentences (and this is the only way to get through the text) and still get the complete story. I could never get into the story because of the irritating style.American Psycho is a far superior dark comedy of manners. Read that instead.
Good book but dated style I used the book for my graduate level class in Numerical Methods. The book explains numerical concepts well but there are very few worked out examples. The algorithms are presented as pseudocode which is a very very archaic style of presenting. The authors should realize that the best way to explain is to actually work out some examples. Thats why I give this book three stars.
Taboo cool This was purchased as a gift and was received very happily. The segments are so interesting and really great to watch with a group. Everyone's responses are different and its a great convo starter.
Equanimity... This is a superior holistic workout that leaves you feeling very calm.As usual Ana and Ravi's attention to detail is perfect, music is brilliant, and Ana together with Ravi's instruction enables you to execute each move and, (importantly) understand why the position is good for you!The most notable outcome after completing an Ana and Ravi workout is no food cravings! Staying emotionally balanced all day and maintaining energy levels are an added bonus.Again, I would recommend without hesitation.
Not for me I would like to say that I LOVE Ana Brett and Ravi Singh... and I am in no way saying that this is a "bad" DVD, it just wasn't for me. I teach Hatha and vinyasa yoga and I love to practice Kundalini yoga to add some variety in my practice, I like each style of yoga separately but I didn't think the mix worked well here.This is what I didn't like about the DVD, and again this is just my opinon:1. In the intro they claim this is a mix between Hatha/power/kundalini yoga, but there wasn't any power yoga in it2. The back ground music during the "tune in"... distracting3. The segments individually are good, but they don't flow nicely one after the other4. The "sun salutaion" segment lacked sun salutations5. I liked the meditation at the end however the chanting\background music was distracting. I like them each individual but not togetherThis is what I did like:1. Tom Carden's music2. Ravi Singh's soothing voice3. The hamstring section
Not the best Ana & Ravi have done I am a huge fan of Ana and Ravi's. I find when I switch my workouts to more weight or even cardio intensive with less kundalini yoga, I miss their workouts and have to change my routine around again to fit in more! Maybe this routine is better for beginners who really do need a slower pace. After any of the other Ravi/Ana workouts, I feel like I've had a really challenging workout. This is the only one where I just don't feel that way. I don't feel particularly stretched, strengthened or challenged.I like Ana's singing, but I do find it distracting during the meditations-- especially when I'm supposed to be focusing on my pulse.If you're looking for a more energetic practice, I wouldn't recommend this one. I am a big fan of their original For Beginners and Beyond, Bliss Hips, & Fat Free Yoga.
Chet, all his songs in his best voice. Chet Baker was, in the 50's, first known as a "Cool" or "West Coast" jazz trumpeter with the appearance of a movie star.Then he sang "My Funny Valentine" and it became a huge hit. He alternated between playing and singing. This set contains the a collection of his best singing (and some trumpet).His voice can be an acquire taste. People either love it or hate it. His voice is a thin, high tenor. Those who like it feel he is terribly romantic, sensative, sad, fragile, and melancholy. Full of emotion.Those who don't say he sounds effete and epicene.Both agree he does not sound macho. The "After Midnight" title seems to have been invented for these torch songs.This is the best he ever sang, before the drugs ruined his voice and his ablity to sing on-key. These CDs can be bought together in this set or separately.
Daughter enjoys it My daughter picked this out when spending grandma's birthday gift last year and has enjoyed tremendously. It is one of her favorite items and she is getting to the age where dolls are not a high priority toy, so I would recommend this product to anyone who has children who enjoys dolls.
Starfish drawer knobs Great decorative knob for a dresser at our beach home. Beware however that these knobs are very dark, almost black. I was expecting something more pewter colored so I gave each a quick spray with silver spray before installing.
com"YULE"ation Cleric : Green & Gold... fal,la,la Tradition. That`s what makes the Green Bay Packers special. The fans and the team go hand in hand as the only major publicly-owned franchise and a non-profit corporation. With the team`s rich history it has become a unquie part of the American culture. After the Glory years, we all knew that someday the Pack would be back.Wisconsin Winter Sundays for me always meant coming home from church to watch the Packers and if the weather turned nasty so much the better. "Christmas Carols For Green Bay Fans" honors this team`s past, gives cheer for the present, and helps lighten the look into the future.~~Merrily Mix~ 4th and 6 at the 12~along with just a`bout all others~~ Post Script: O Come All Ye Faithful, O Come As They Score Touchdowns ***Farve`n***
Same old same ol This political propoganda speaks nothing to the limited lives of the suburban youth that listen to this band. The lyrics are the same text book rage and the music is the same sound as the last album. Tom's guitar work is the only redeeming quality this album has.
great sounding adaptation of Christmas and other songs This CD has great arrangements, talented performers and is very easy to listen to. There are some cool modern adaptations of classic Christmas songs as well as other great compositions covering various styles such as swing/rockabilly, alternative, rock, pop and dance. 2 thumbs up.
Not a bad energy supplement They seemed to work for about a month, then I couldn't really feel a difference. They are really cheap for a pack of 3. Worth giving a try if you plan to use them short term. Long term, I think they stop working.
interesting, but too little variety I liked that this book was easy to read and largely free of jargon and academic talk. There was a lot of topics covered from urban paranoia to consumer behavior, but most of these topics dealt with New York as their sole example. True there were chapters on Disney and Berkshires, but I would have liked to see more variety of locales as most cities have different "shared cultures" than New York and it would be nice to see some of these differences reflected in her book.
Yoga Video The DVD skips a ton and sometimes freezes. Very frustrating when trying to have a yoga session. I like the moves in this DVD but the narration is a bit weird.
not as good as the others I have like 10 of ana and Ravi's dvds. MY most fav are the fat free and the ultimate stretch. I really liked the push ups in this and the abdominal exercise, wow I felt that for 2 days but I didnt like the cardio moves in this dvd but I love Ana and Ravi's kundalini Yoga. Please keep on bringing new moves and exercises. Thanks
Got The Chops, Get Out of the Rut Two outstanding songs grace this talented artists cd. J.B. and the Drifters have some spunk, they're not self-involved whiners with questionable vocal talents, which seperates them from other wacked out dullards in their musical category. Then to fill out the cd, there's the same song, five different ways with different lyrics. But I'll take those two great songs and be happy with it. You find them for yourself.Willard Hock
Too Small The ring itself is attractive and looks to be well made, but it is very small - much smaller than the picture makes it look. It looks like it is for a child. I have returned it.
Never arrived I bought this as part of a planned birthday gift, however, it never arrived. It's very disappointing to open your amazon package in the mail and there be an item missing that I already paid for. Packing slip lied.
Weird and confusing rules Good luck trying to figure out how this game works. The rules are not clear on a few things including transposition of pieces from board to board. It's almost like the variant Alice Chess but it isn't. When a king is in check, I just don't get how he gets out of check or to which board? Good luck, that's all I can say.
Strato chess This game is awesome. Read the rules carefully, it takes a little getting use to but it is a lot of fun. Pieces are small and not a lot of weight to them, kinda wish there was a wee bit more space betwixt the planes. I had to use a couple pieces of hardware of my own fore a couple screws were no tapped properly. Once assembled though it is quite sturdy. I got one for my brother as well and we e-mail moves to each other, we constantly have a time going and can stay at our own homes.All in all I am happy with this purchase and product. Amazons service was great too. Product showed up on time and undamaged.
Really disappointed I have loved allot of Carolyn Myss's work in the past, but this one is just a real disappointment. She brings up allot of very good points in the program, but falls short in addressing them. She either does not completely address a paticular point or she just goes on a rant that totally takes away from the point she was originally trying to make. There is so much overly opinionated commentary on her part that you begin to tune out her voice. I hope this is not what we can continue to expect from her future work.
incomplete packaging When I opened the box there was a notice saying that if there was any missing pieces please notify the company and they would replace the pieces immediately. I looked and there were missing pieces so I emailed the company. They got back to me in a timley manner but said that I gave them incomplete information. I gave them every number, company name that was written on or in the box, but still they said they needed more. To make a long story short they will not give you the missing pieces you'll have to buy them yourself. They disguise themselves as helpful, but they aren't. I was very unhappy. I do not reccomend this product.
Not as bad as you would think. I mainly ordered this because I wanted my girlfriend to here "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". I was actually surprised to find some of the spoken word tracks to be interesting and Nimoy can actually hold a tune. I am not saying these tracks are under-rated. There is nothing here worthy of a Grammy, and the back up band on most of the Shatner tracks sounds like the same bunch that did the music for the original Star Trek show, but you may find yourself listening to it several times. The two stars of the show are definitely Shatner's renditions of "Lucy" and "Mr. Tambourine Man." Both of which are un-believably awful. The sample tracks provide a pretty good idea of what you are getting. Enjoy but don't expect to laugh yourself into tears of every track.
Space Girls are Easy! I bought the CD as a joke gift. I'm sure it's some of Kirk's and Spock's best work. I just wish they were backed by the wall of sound studios of Phil Spector. I didn't even listen to it, but I'd recommend the Spock solos - live long & prosper!
After reading these reviews... I've already been laughing for the past 45 minutes, and Ijust ordered the album - it hasn't arrived yet. I think Amazonis missing a marketing opportunity by not charging people toread these reviews, because they're hysterical!
Looks like the item for the job Received the item well packaged and on time (actually 1 day early) seeing that it had to travel to Ireland.The cooler came with all the parts necessary to fit it to my vehicle. I have not fitted it yet as I am in the middle of a restoration project so I cannot comment on how well it functions. I have no doubt that it will perform as expected.Installation looks easy enough for the average DIY mechanic with a basic toolkit.
Great high-fiber flour addition I've used it to compensate for using agave nectar instead of sugar. It really sucks up the liquid in a recipe, so even if you substitute just 1/2 cup of ap flour for the coconut flour, it does some great things for the recipe. It lends such a nice richness, without extra fat, to cookies and cakes. And, it makes the house smell terrific when I'm baking.
Taste like eating sand only grittier! To say this stuff was awful tasting would be kind. If you are looking for a carb substitute go with TVP instead.Should have a negative star rating.
Wow! Clear, comprehensive and unbiased info Sitting in your doctor's waiting room is usually not the most productive way to spend one's time. However, I had a good 45 minutes in my homeopath's office to peruse "The Complete Family Guide to Alternative Medicine," and found it to contain a wealth of answers to questions I had asked myself on numerous occasions. For example, I've felt that I could use some bodywork training -- this book's descriptions of Alexander, Feldenkrais, and all the others helped me see quickly that Alexander will best suit my needs. Homeopathic, aromatherapy, flower essences, all forms of meditation and psychotherapy, chiropractic -- virtually everything is there, with attractive photographs, beautiful layouts, and handy sidebars that clearly list the ailments for which any given alternative therapy could be expected to provide benefits. I was so impressed, I copied down the name of the book and came straight home to go online and see if Amazon had it. Highly recommended
Not quite what I was looking for. This book contains a wealth of information and can be quite useful, but it did not however contain the specific information that I was looking for at the time of purchase. Still it does have its uses.
Not sure I would love to review the book, but that's hard to do when the supplier mails you the wrong book. Instead of Once and Future City I got some random novel that I've never seen before in my life let alone ordered.
Don't waste your money My four month old cries in the car, so I hunted this toy down, hoping it might entertain him. He loves it...but sadly, the clips are not large enough to attach to the car seat. I ended up attaching the clips to the retractable hood on the car seat, which somewhat works, but even then the arch is so short that the toys hang right in front of his chest.At that close range, my son can easily pull on the toys hard enough to completely pull the arch off.This is a great concept, but the arch needs to be extendable, the clips more adaptable and sturdier (maybe with rubber lining), and it might even be better for the toys to be on springy cloth attachments to make them more "pull" friendly.I wish I hadn't so hastily cut off the tags...
Fun, stroller toy I did not use this with my son's infant seat. I used the Fisher Price bugs (great product!) I bought this item for his stroller. So far, so good. He enjoys playing with it when we are out and about. The toys kept him entertained for a while, I guess a few months. I recently bought the Tiny love trio to switch out the other toys with and now he is playing with it again. Now that he is older he does pull it off the stroller, but he is still enjoying it and I haven't lost any toys. Overall, fun stroller toy.
Cute but not for a Britax carseat I bought this because on the package it said that you could use it on all car seats, strollers and infant carriers. However, I have a Britax Marathon with very thick padding and curved sides and couldn't find a way to make it work. Too bad because it's very cute and the colors are beautiful.
Doesn't clip to the car seat The toys on this arch are very cute. My son loves them. However, it does not clip on very well to the car seat (Graco Snug Ride). Sometimes I can get it to stay on for a few minutes, but then it pops off. If the fit was better it would be excellent, but as is it is useless as a car toy. We take the dangling toys off and use them with the Gymini or to play with separately, but you could find other toys that are cheaper to suit this purpose. I would not recommend buying this if you want something to clip to the car seat.
Does not stay attached to car seat My 3 month old loves playing with this toy when he is in his car seat, but he can now grab the toys and pull them. When he does this the arch comes off the car seat and it has already it him twice on the head. I wish that this product was designed better because my son really does love it.
a lifesaver - don't think twice! This activity arch has been fantastic. Our baby has loved looking at it since he was only a couple of months old. Now, at 9 months, we clip it to his carseat all of the time. It keeps him well occupied (batting at the toys, watching them, etc.)We know that if we take him out to run errands and he's asleep that he'll be happy when he wakes up and his arch is clipped to his seat waiting for him.This would be a GREAT (and very USEFUL) gift too!
Great Workout!! This is a challenging yet rewarding work out. With classics like jumping jacks,scissors,and knee bends done ala Kundalini. Wonderful meditations at the end and as with all the Ravi/Ana Dvd's great music.
Great Workout I own and love several of Ana & Ravi's videos, and I wasn't disappointed at all with this new one. I especially enjoyed the new mantras and the variety of excercises.(My one complaint would be than Ana's new blond hair and various style changes during the video can be a little distracting.)
disappointed I looked forward to the release of Ana and Ravi's new titles very much, but have to say I am disappointed.The workout is still a good one, but like what another reviewer had said, the background was very distracting and so was the inconsistent and roving camera. I also found the music too loud and the pace too fast.
there may be better places to look than mogwai although this is an interesting ep with some beautifully put together moments, on the whole, i think there are much better cds for everything that they do. tortoise seems to create a better sound on the whole than does mogwai and arab strap is better than mogwai at allowing you to live in misery for a bit. neither of these bands do incredibly similar things to mogwai's quiet, introspective sound, so if you want a cd that is almost as good as tortoise and almost as depressing as arab strap, then this could be a good buy. all in all, however, i don't want to be too critical because this album definitely has a relatively innovative sound, specializing more in dealing with creating an emotional atmosphere rather than coming out and bluntly dealing with their motivating factors for making music.
I stopped using it I got this thinking that it would work with any charge cable. It does not, it only works with the cheap cable that you get with it. The cable plugs into the black part shown in the picture.I was very disappointed with the cable and also disappointed that it did not work with normal 360 play n' charge cables. When the cable broke (which only took a few weeks) I couldn't use the battery anymore and had no way to charge it. I would not buy this again.
Good for the price This is an alternative to the play and charge kit. I had an official play and charge kit a few years ago and it broke rather fast. I have been using batteries ever since. This item here has changed that. Although it does not hold a very long charge, it works if you plug it in while playing. It will work up to a few hours if it is charged up, but it does not hold a charge very well. If you're looking to stop wasting batteries and do not mind playing while it is plugged in, this is the item for you. And let me note that the length of the cord to the battery is not very long; it's probably a little more than four feet. So it is not idle for anyone who will be sitting far away from their console.It does not have the same problem as the play and charge kit. The wire plugs directly into the battery pack, not the top of the controller, so I doubt it will break.
cheaper doesn't mean better The product charges the battery but sometimes it doesn't charge it fully. The green indicator light comes on even though the battery is 3 bars out of 4 charged. The biggest most annoying thing is that while you play, the charge and play cord easily comes off the controller. I have the genuine Microsoft charge kit, and it's very difficult to disconnect the cord. In this case in the middle of the game you have to watch your cord or it will come off. Besides that, I guess next time I will buy genuine accessories.
Silence singles = fail Firstly the tracklist for this single does not match up with the cover art picture shown for the listing, the same goes for the part 1 single listed on amazon.So if your buying this cd based on this cover you are getting the 2 track single.In regards to the tracks listed for this item (silence, tanglin and butterfly) if you do not like country music you will not like tanglin. Butterfly is very similar to blind on the other silence single, slow, dull and not worth a listen.Overall both of these singles stink, only worth getting for the completist. Also these songs are found on Five Men in a Hut.
More of the same old stuff. This was not what i thought I was getting, it is more of the same old films and does not come up with anything new. I watched once and put it away and will sell at the next yard sale. Not much here to recommend and I would not purchase it again.
IF I COULD RATE THIS MORE THAN 5 STAR, I WOULD!!!!!! Hai! This CDs da BomB!!!!!!!!! I love playing this when I'm driving 160 KMH on the freeway in TOKYO!!!!!!! FUEL gives you that feeling. Metallica fans, get this! It may cost a bit more because it's an Import Japanese Single but, it's definitely worth it!!!!!!
The Devil Inside Charlie Rush's The Devil's Chessboard, except for all the hacking and slashing, was a great little Civil War "cozy" mystery. Don't get me wrong--the hacking and slashing are central to the story, and needed, and it is set during the Civil War, where war is hell, and murder set within your own ranks, worse. Charlie has a great sense of history, and did his research. You feel as though you're back in 1862, living out the mystery along with the characters in his tale. I like how he also included snippets of data at the beginning of his chapters. Nice touch. As his dedication tells you, one of his three great-grandfathers, Private John W. Allen, served under Hood's Texas brigade, and you can sense Charlie's pride for the Confederate forces, and Texas in particular. Texas, it seems is a state of mind, not just a state.
Would not stay on the track. We returned this train because it would not stay on the track at any corner.We had the jet engine prior to this until it was broken by improper use. We will probably get that one again. It always drove pretty well around the tracks.
Poorly made I bought 2 of these. The first one stopped working after about 30 minutes (seller replaced, which was nice). But, now the 2nd one broke (purple one) after only a few months. Given that these are not inexpensive and a 'name brand', I expected them to last. Alas, as with most things these days, these do not appear to be well made. I have not contacted the seller regarding the 2nd one, and I plan to seek out a more durable brand. Sorry, Thomas!
My sons love it. My sons love to play with it.So, they don't need to push the trains around.It is powerful enough to tow along 10+ trains.The motor can easily be broken, if your kids like to push them.We have two broken already, and we bought the replacement because my sons love them so much.We also have the Thomas version.The Thomas has 2 more wheels, and they make the train more easily to get stuck or run out of track.So, the Percy runs better.
No what we expected! We purchased this thinking it would be like the Thomas that we received as a hand me down. The Thomas is at least 5 years old and I'm not sure if it's just made differently, but this one does not have the automatic stop when it is stuck. It continues to run despite the fact that it's stuck and the push button on top is a lot more stiff. Perhaps with toys being more cheaply made these days, quality is not what it used to be.
Nice Series These trains are extremely sturdy and well designed (they'll take a lickin' and keep on tickin'), but they're not very fast if that's what you're looking for. I think the speed they're designed for is more a function of track design (If they were much faster, they'd probably come off the curved tracks more frequently). The one thing I'd probably suggest to the designers apart from a little more speed is a sound element. The age of the children this is made for, well they want to interact and play with the trains, and they would love to hear the trains go "Choo-choo" or say "Hi, I'm Percy, here I goooooo..." or some such simple thing. I'd like to think that such a design element is not technologically beyond these companies that make so much money off of us parents because these shows and characters are so well marketed.
Wish I had skipped this one. Went off track easily and stopped working within a week. The wheels lock when the train is not powered and thus was a bit disappointment to my nephew. The on off switch was too hard for him to depress, and then it stopped working all together.
Not bad, but needs to be refined. Not bad, not good. Needs better blade and an improved length setting system. It was a little difficult to get into the lower areas with its shape.
GOOD FOR SCHOOL USE The concept of the Underground Railroad is difficult for most children to grasp, and they first think it is similar to the subway. I used this book with elementary students in a small rural school in North Carolina where there are very few minority students; they loved it. For the first time they were able to understand the horrors of slavery and what the slaves and "conductors" alike risked for freedom in the North. The author does an excellent job of making this dark and complex chapter in our history understandable the students. The wanted to read it again and again.
Useful for new and other turners I'm a new turner and found the explanations and guides useful in becoming familiar with tools and use in becoming at east at the lather
Great book I bought this book because of the recommendation of other woodworkers. I needed a book that would give me a good basic foundation in wood turning since I knew absolutely nothing about a lathe or turning.This book delivered exactly what I was looking for in an uncomplicated manner, from explaining the different tools to actual turning projects.This is a great book and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn about wood turning/lathe/turning tools.
pulp as bad ass as this sounds this is the biggest tease,....dont spend money on buying this item cause i dosent even work...or find out the hard way..............sincerly isaac coustemer since 2002pulp fan since 1998.............
Angels on the Roof a great book! Angels on the Roof, by Martha Moore is about a girl named Shelby and her mother who is a little bit crazy. She has moved around many times in her life and is very sick of it. She goes to Red Valley with her mother to find out about her father. By the end of the book she figures out who her father is and she is very upset about it. In the end Shelby realizes that she doesn't need a father and that her mother is enough. I recomend this book to young teens because it is very interesting and is teaches you a lot about life. I realized by this book that family is very important and you shouldn't take them for granted. The reason I liked this novel so much is because it keeps you interested throught the whole book it never gets boring. I think that anyone who likes to read mysteries would love this book!
Very disappointing This was such a disappointment. First, the age discrepancy between the earl and Josie in the series - she gets older but he doesn't? Josie was a major disappointment. Where was the sharp wit and intelligence? At the end she tries to drug Mayne and have him dragged to a boat. Really? Ms. James also tries too hard with Josie's physical attributes. Okay, she is not a slim heroine but the way she carries on makes me think that Josie is more like a sausage than voluptuous. I really liked Mayne in the earlier books and hoped for a better development when his own story came around. This is definitely not a keeper.
Love this CD We use this CD to relax at night before going to bed. The chants are mono-tones and are very soothing.
Nice, but small I really loved the way it looked when it arrived. The design was beautiful and the quality of the pearl and the diamond were as advertised. But be sure you take a ruler out and actually look at how small this is before you order it. It was kinda a surprise when I opened the box.
The Voice With such songs as Going Back. Dont Stop. Elkie Brooks shows her ability to sing any type of song, with power!!
good for the money It is well made, has sufficient compartments. the one problem I have is that the bottom of the bag has very little support, just a flimsy removable plastic piece.
Come on MAN!! First, I want to start off by saying that I a huge fan of the series. Why the reason for the low score? Dont know if I got a bad copy of a DVD, but the picture suck!! I saw small lines going up and down the screen through out the entire movie!! That really piss me off cause I am seen the Jap. version and I don't remember all these lines in it. Secondly, they change the english voice actors. I am still trying to get use to them, but I feel that it not the same. The 86 driver voice, he doesn't put the same emotion or firer, like the old voice. I don't feel the connect to well. I also got the 4th Stage Eng. The picture it much cleaner and no lines, so I would rate that 4 out of 5.If you can get pass through two things, then it is really a good movie. Thats my honest feelings. I wish funumation would have done a better job in releasing this last piece of the series.
4 Stars when it works - Mine only last 15 months I had a Samsung LTM225W for 15 months and then it just went bad. (I replaced the power convertor to no avail). I'm now dealing with Samsung's extremely poor 12 month warranty offering. I've had TV last 20 years on me and now the most expensive TV I've ever bought didn't last 2 years! I'm very frustrated. If you buy Samsung products, consider getting an extended warranty plan since Samsung doesn't stand very firmly behind their products.
Replacement Belt Terrible product. Both belts in the package lasted less than a minute.Eureka 61120b Extended Life Replacement Belt Style "U"
Still breaks frequently I bought three belts to replace the broken one in my Eureka vacuum. The first one lasted two hours, and the second one two weeks. I'm on the third of three now -- if it breaks, I might just replace the vacuum with one that's of higher quality. That said, the belts haven't impressed me.
Danze Faucet 1 star.... I renovated my bathroom in April 2009-down to the stud. I used the Danze faucet ($$$$) and unfortunately the handle is already peeling Sept '10. I must say, my previous bathroom faucet was 15+ years old and held up better than this product. Very disappointed. I will post further details once I get in contact with CS.
Any questions? The answers are here! This CD of mostly originals by Deanna Witkowski is quite spectacular in most respects. The overall sound of the album is excellent, and the ensembles are tight, with ambitious arrangements and complicated time/feel changes that are navigated smoothly. Most of the cuts are sophisticated and satisfying. The opposite of background music, or "smooth jazz", this is an intelligent CD that needs your attention to be fully appreciated!Deanna's light, airy vocals are a perfect fit for the hip, changing grooves on the first track, which also features passionate solos in a tune slightly reminiscent of Urszula Dudziak's work. Deanna's piano work is astounding overall - she plays with mastery, whimsy, humor and finesse - sounding a bit like Bill Evans on BLAME IT ON MY YOUTH, and swinging solidly on I'M ALL SMILES. The latter song reveals her vocal limitations, however - the only reason for 4 stars, and not 5!
2 pack vs. 2 insoles I'm disappointed with this product because of the way it is advertised-BEWARE: although it clearly states 2-Pack, only 1 pack of two insoles come with each order. I think the advertising is deceptive as I, along with other people who ordered this product expected to receive 2 sets of insoles. Amazon should really consider changing what is stated in the ad. Not cool.
Thought Provoking and Biased Overall a good book but made me question historical accuracies. The book says that scicence oppressed certain scientific discoveries which I thought were oppressed by certain established religions of history. Good book and worth a read, especially if you like science history.
Questionable and Off-Target I read this as a middle-school student as part of a faith-based curriculum, and I largely feel that it is off-target and questionable in terms of its historical accuracy. Considering that modern society has defined ``truth'' in terms of that which is attainable by the scientific method, the title of the book ``When Science Fails'' is largely a contradiction: The questionable historical accounts given in the book could better be considered examples of ``When Humans Fail'' rather than profound criticisms of the scientific method itself.Read this book if: You do not understand the scientific method; you do not want to understand the scientific method; and you want to read historical allegories of why it is wrong.Do not read this book if: You value your time or money.
Fair to Poor A friend recommended this book to me. The best thing about the book is that it is short. Frankly, I did not find it all that inspirational, and thought the characters were fairly boring. I don't think that I could recommend to others.
The Skier's Edge This is a great book for the seasoned skier wanting to understand more on how the body-skis-works together on snow when applying different movements, pressure and so on. Good insights comparing racing techniques to recreational skiing. As a ski instructor I can use this book as a reference guide.
If i could give a zero i would my 2 year old is absolutely in love with Yo Gabba Gabba! Purchased this dvd for him, and he was sooo excited! Went to put it in the dvd player, and realized it was cracked... Wouldn't even work. Never had the chance to watch it. Such a rip off. I was so disappointed in this purchase.
I think it works great. If you're looking for a miracle...this isn't it. But, it is a great product. I have used it for about a month, usually twice a day. The one thing I do every time I use it, is really massage it in. I did not use the patches, or the serum.I can't say there is a 100% improvement, but I would say it's about 75%. I am happy with the product, and will purchase again.I think the key here, as with most products, is to have realistic expectations.
As long as you're using lotion... I'm in week 4, and I still have the dreaded dimples. They are not as bad as they were, but defintely haven't said 'goodbye' yet. But, as long as you are using a lotion, you may as well use this for the minimal effects. Works better than a regular lotion. It smells great, spreads very well, and is quite affordable. My skin is extremely soft where I use it. I recommend this product because I am an especially difficult case; I have more than the little 'area' to tackle, so I didn't expect miracles. Definitely get the PATCHES, they work best for 'relief'. If you have to choose between patches and gel cream, go for the patches if you can afford it. It's a small price to pay for a little self assurance in those shorts and skirts.
Does NOT work! Total waste of money. I have used this product twice a day for a month and I see ZERO difference in the appearance of cellulite. I really wanted it to work but it did NOT work at all! I think the good reviews on this product must be fake. I am better off just using cheap lotion instead. Do not waste your money on this.
Work my A................ after seeing the show on Tyra Banks, ran out and bought one at cvs. used up a whole tube already and still, nada.total waste of $15.
Very Detailed Book On Sausage Making I am just getting started in sausage making and was looking for a guide for making sausage at home. After reading all the reviews here, I purchased this book. It is a fairly large volume and includes a lot of detail on equipment, meat selection, meat handling, spices, recipes and techniques. There are many recipes for most of the types of sausages that readers would be interested in. The batch sizes are pretty large for the home sausage maker but can be scaled. There is a lot of detail on smoking and smoking equipment. The reason that I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 is that in my opinion, it is a bit too detailed for the average home sausage maker. Much of the book deals with details that a meat processor may need to know but not needed for the average home sausage maker that is only going to process a couple of pounds of meat at a time. That being said, the recipes are straightforward and should be easy enough for anyone to follow.
not for the home sausage maker This book would be fine if your goal was to make tons of sausage. The home sausage maker would not generally have the tools, the equipment or be able to find the cuts of meat that are used in the book. If your goal is to make 10-25lbs of sausage at a time and to know all the laws dealing with meat processing then you may find this book helpful
Not worth it I puchased this book a few weeks ago and it did not live up to what I thought it was going to be.
Bulb only lasted a week or two The bulb only lasted a week or two. I don't know whether the bulb or the fixture was the cause of the problem, but my best guess is that it was the bulb.
Soul Surfer DVD This book was a great book and inspirational story. The DVD is a little disappointing. It seems to be a low budget DVD and lacks depth. I was hoping for more of her story.
Better than the originals? Generally I'm not a fan of remakes or remixes, but Me First and the Gimme Gimmes changed my mind. The best track in my opinion is "I Believe I Can Fly", however, my best friend swears by "Mona Lisa". The secret to this appeal is that MF&tGG have genuine talent. They're worth the money.
Great Buy I purchased Meet the Sight Words 1,2,&3 DVDs for my 5 year old son. He has caught on really quick and can pick out almost all the sight words from the 1st DVD. Once we complete DVDs 2 & 3 he should be able to read a short story. This was a great investment and I wish I would have learned about it earlier.
Not very comfortable These bunion relievers are stiff and they rub against my skin when worn. I prefer the soft gel type toe separators.
Much too stiff These are much too stiff for my toes. These hurt my feet when I wear them. I like the soft, clear ones much better.
Lousy drawings Many of the drawings are very difficult to study. Some are faint, some are drawn with very thick ink lines, and some are so small as to be virtually useless. Don't buy this book unless you can see it in a B&M store and determine if the drawings you are interested in can even be seen
Simple and amusing Really enjoyed it. quick moving and entertaining . glad i picked this one. short enough to read in one day.