# Data Preparation |
## Preprocessing |
The directory should be orgainized as |
``` |
Video-3D-LLM # project root |
├── data |
│ ├── scannet |
│ │ ├── scans |
│ │ ├── posed_images |
│ │ ├── pcd_with_object_aabbs |
│ │ └── mask |
│ ├── embodiedscan |
│ │ ├── embodiedscan_infos_train.pkl |
│ │ ├── embodiedscan_infos_val.pkl |
│ │ └── embodiedscan_infos_test.pkl |
│ ├── metadata |
│ │ ├── scannet_select_frames.json |
│ │ ├── pcd_discrete_0.1.pkl |
│ │ ├── scannet_train_gt_box.json |
│ │ └── scannet_val_pred_box.json |
│ ├── prcoessed |
│ │ ├── multi3drefer_train_llava_style.json |
│ │ ├── multi3drefer_val_llava_style.json |
│ │ ├── ... |
``` |
### ScanNet v2 |
1. Download the ScanNet v2 dataset [here](http://www.scan-net.org/). The folder of ScanNet should look like |
``` |
Video-3D-LLM # project root |
├── data |
│ ├── scannet |
│ │ ├── scans |
│ │ │ ├── [scene_id] |
│ │ │ │ ├── [scene_id]_vh_clean_2.ply |
│ │ │ │ ├── [scene_id]_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json |
│ │ │ │ ├── [scene_id].aggregation.json |
│ │ │ │ ├── [scene_id].txt |
│ │ │ │ └── [scene_id].sens |
``` |
2. Extract color images, depth images and camera parameter using the following script, which is modified from [EmbodiedScan](https://github.com/OpenRobotLab/EmbodiedScan/blob/main/embodiedscan/converter/generate_image_scannet.py). |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/generate_image_scannet.py --fast |
``` |
3. Extract point clouds for each scene. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/extract_scannet_pcd.py |
``` |
This will generate the point clouds and object bounding boxes for each scan. |
### EmbodiedScan |
Download EmbodiedScan data at this [link](https://github.com/OpenRobotLab/EmbodiedScan/tree/main/data). You need to fill out the [official form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUXEDTksGiqHZp31j7Zp7zlCNV7p_08uViwP_Nbzfn3g6hhw/viewform) to get the access to the dataset. Decompress the embodiedscan and the directory should be orgainized as |
``` |
├── data |
│ ├── metadata |
│ │ ├── embodiedscan |
│ │ │ ├── embodiedscan_infos_train.pkl |
│ │ │ ├── embodiedscan_infos_val.pkl |
│ │ │ └── embodiedscan_infos_test.pkl |
``` |
### Meta Information |
1. Prepare the object proposals. For training set, we directly use the ground truth via the following command. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/extract_gt_box.py |
``` |
For the validation set, we utilize the object proposals detected by Mask3D. LEO provided the corresponding annotation results [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/huangjy-pku/LEO_data/blob/main/mask.zip). We place it at `data/scannet/mask` and process it using the following script. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/extract_pred_box.py |
``` |
2. Prepare the maximum coverage sampling. Firstly we need to preprocess the voxel for each scan for maximum coverage sampling. The results will be saved at `data/metadata/pcd_discrete_0.1.pkl`. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/convert_pcd_to_voxel.py |
``` |
And then we perform the maximum coverage sampling offiline, and the results will be saved at `data/metadata/scannet_select_frames.json`. |
``` |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/max_coverage_sampling.py |
``` |
### Downstream Benchmarks |
1. SQA3D: Download the [SQA3D](https://github.com/SilongYong/SQA3D?tab=readme-ov-file) and convert the annotation to the LLaVA format using the following script. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/process_sqa3d.py |
``` |
2. ScanQA: Download the [ScanQA](https://github.com/ATR-DBI/ScanQA/blob/main/docs/dataset.md) and convert the annotation using the following script. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/process_scanqa.py |
``` |
3. ScanRefer: Download the [ScanRefer](https://daveredrum.github.io/ScanRefer/), and then run the following command. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/process_scanrefer.py |
``` |
4. Scan2Cap: Convert the annotation of ScanRefer to Scan2Cap. |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/process_scan2cap.py |
``` |
5. Multi3DRefer: Download the [Multi3DRefer](https://github.com/3dlg-hcvc/M3DRef-CLIP). |
```bash |
python scripts/3d/preprocessing/process_multi3drefer.py |
``` |