करते हैं गए अगर आप लोग भी महसूम को यूज करते हैं और आप लोग के भी मेट्री में कोई प्रॉब्लम आ रहे दो आपके क्या है कि जो है क्षीन में भी कर से बात किया तो फिर बने साथ इस इस वीडियो में आज इस्ताब में आप लोग में वताओंगा कि भी करके क्षम कि उनका नंबर क्या है और वहां पर आप लोग उस नंबर से आप लोग क्योंकि विद्धि का सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए कौन-कौन से इनपुट आप लोग को यूज करने तो चलिए फिर वीडियो की स्टार्ट कर लेते वीडियो में आगे बढ़ने से पहले मेरा नाम जा लीजिए मेरा नाम है शुआनू कुछ बात और आप भी लोगों का हमारे चैनल में फिर से बहुत-बहुत स्वागत पर चलिए शुरू करते हैं आज के वीडियो गए सबसे पहले आप लोग अपने फोन के डालर फैनल पर आ जाना होगा और यहां पर आप लोगों को डायल करना होगा 18000 120 1740 यह जो ग्रेस ट्रेस्ट बनने सिम कार्ड मैं योपी एस को डाईल कर देता हूं सिन बनने हमारा जो सिम कार्ड ओभी में इसे लिंक है और इसको में है फ्री कर देता हूं यह लोग सुनिए यहां पर ध्यान से मिंग कॉल सेंटर में आपका स्वागत है दो दबाएं तो नहीं मुझे करने कंप्लेंट एक दबाएं जो भी समझ्से है द्यान से सुनिये एक दबाएं तो मेरा तो यही सिम कार्ड है तो मैं यह दबाएं देता हूँ तो यहाँ पर आप लोगों को जो भी प्रॉवलम है तो ट्रेजेक्शन ID आप लोगों को यहाँ पर दर्ज कर दीजिए तो तो मैं डाल देता हूँ यह नंबर है वह जिरा थ्री शेवर वह जिरा फाइव जिरा जिरा थ्री नाइन थ्री नंबर और यह दबा देता हूं हम आपके खप्तें रश्क कर ली है कई आतुमेंट का इसपेक्शन कैसे ने आपके रकुट करें ओपा नंबर कई आज सीएच लिखे लेगिए और यह आप लोगों को सारी के सारी जो टेटिबल से यहां मिल जाए आ जाना होगा रहा पर आप लोगों को जो गूगल पर टाइप करना होगा बीम कस्टमर सपोर्ट ठीक है कस्टमर ए शोपोर्ट ए प्रॉब्लम ए ट्रांजेक्शन related है बिल पेमेंट से रिलेटेड है भीम कैसे रिलेटेड है जो भी आप लोग की जैसी प्रॉब्लम है यहां पर इसमें या लॉग इन अदर्स जो भी है वह लोग यहां स्लैक्ट करके अपनी प्रॉब्लम सॉल्व करवा सकते हैं वाकि यहां से आप लोग को फीडवेक देने का भी ऑप्शन मिल जाते हैं तो यहां से फीडवेक दे सकते हैं और यहां पर आप लोग की जो प्रॉब्लम आ रही है वाली जीवें से रिलेटेड या यह अकाउंट से रिलेटेड तो वह लोग स्लैक्ट कर लीजिए हेलो कि यह प्लस टू होता है तो यहां पर मैं देता हूं यहां पर और इसके बाद आप यह सबमेट कर देना होगा और यहां पर आप लोग को कंप्लेंट लग जाएगी और यह आप जो नियुक्त है और वह सब्सक्राइब और दो लोग नमर से कंटैक करके भी भी आप लोगी प्रॉब्लम जो है मैंने लिंग सॉल्व करवा सकते हैं और बाकी का भी कस्टमर सपोर्ड जो आप लोगों से खुद ही बात करेंगे और यहां पर आप लोगों के पास कुछ खॉल करेंगे घस्त सबसे कि आ जाती है तो आपने मुझे कमेंट करके पूछ लेना मैं आप लोगों को रिप्लाई दे दूंगा तो वह अभी फिलाल के लिए बस नहीं मिलता हूं आप लोगों को नेक्स्ट वीडियो में तब तक बनाई ख्याल लगना टेक किया बाइट अ
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I'm still waiting on money. NexFan is a very horrible company to deal with. No one from NexFan company has contacted me or my family about it. It's a very horrible company. Please do not deal with NexFan. It's a very horrible company and the customer service is terrible. First of all, I'm a customer, but I have got a NexFan card from the HEB to prepay and load stuff on my card. I used it for my tax refund, which they give you that option. They advertise you can use it for your tax refund. You can get your tax refund back within two days faster and all that. I actually used the NexFan card a few times before I had it. They sent me a card out with my name, personalized it and everything. I had been using it to pay like a something I had, another loan I had or whatever. My income tax came. They put the money in my account, but all of a sudden it wasn't there. It was there for me to get it. I had the option to get it. Then not even an hour later, I went to the Walmart to pull the money off and I couldn't. It was a lot. I'm just thinking, okay, it's a lot. I give them a call. They unlock it and we can go on and purchase items. Mind it, this is a crisis right now. We got all kinds of things going on. I needed my money, my family. It's just me, my fiance, and my son. It's a crisis going on. I needed my money. That was over $5,000 they locked up. We talked to me and my fiance both to make sure we was getting the correct understanding. They told us that the money will be re-sent to me. They will send the money back to me in 12 to 15 days because my account wasn't. They had to verify the account to make sure it was me, which is crazy because this is a state check. Nobody's giving you a fake tax check these days. IRS, that's crazy. I'm like, okay. I kind of dealt with that. That already was like 12 days. 12 days later, they didn't give me an option. It was like, okay, that was the only option. It was nothing else they went on to try to do to help me in this situation or nothing. 12 days later, it came nothing in the mail. Every time I called them, everybody I talked to giving me a totally different answer. One person telling me they sending it back to the bank. They can't verify my account. Money's there. The money's not there. Nobody can tell me official answer, which is crazy. At this point, they have my money. It's locked up. It's on hold. I can't receive no money. This is like 12 to 15 days later. They have over $5,000. Nobody can tell me what about my money. Then after the 15 days later, they telling me it can take three weeks for me to get my money back. Then they also have my stimulus check now that they got sent to their bank at this point, which is another $1,200. That's all I got. I'm like, okay, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this. Almost $7,000 that is in the air. It's like there's nothing they can do about it. It's a crisis. That's crazy because it's just me and my family down here. It's not me. I go on the website and I see this happens all the time. They always have complaints about this. If you try to use a large amount, your account is getting locked up. They're talking about they got to verify you. All that's done at the beginning. The verification and all that is prepaid. This is your money. They're not giving you anything. At the end of the day, I have received the check. now, which has been 20 days later. They simply gave it to me, but they lied to me telling me that they sent it back to the IRS, which wasn't true. They lied to me telling me that the IRS called and contacted them. The IRS called and contacted them. I have this on recording and everything, which is a lie. They just lied to their customers and told them to send my check back. That was not true. They never sent my check back to the IRS. They had the check. I feel like they're doing some kind of scam within the company because they sent me a check from their company. Then they charged me for sending me a check to their company. They charged me for sending me out a check. They took more money from me to send me out a check. It had been 20 some days before I even received the check. Then I still have a $1,200 check that I still haven't never gotten. They said the IRS had it. It's just up in the air. They told me the IRS had the $5,000 check, which they lied because I ended up receiving it a couple of days ago and it came from them. It's been way horrible. I had a kid in this process. I almost went homeless getting through this situation. It was crazy because there's no work. I depended on that. It was like $500. That was over $7,000. I'm still missing $1,200 and they still took my money. My fiance, we've been going through this for the longest and it's been crazy. We contacted the office. We contacted the headquarters. We contacted everybody, the president. Nobody helped us. The president of Netspan. Nobody helped us to resolve the issue. Nobody really told us anything. Except one lady, which was Kelly Knudsen. Kelly. Yeah, my fiance can speak on it a little more. That's the other person with the interview because she also talked to it because she helped me because we were together. She talked to Kelly Knudsen. That's the only person that actually reached out to us. It really wasn't nothing that they did. I mean, because everything was still a lie. I'm still missing money. I still have $1,200 out here that they're telling me the IRS has and they don't have it. It's unfair. Have you contacted anybody? Anybody who would experience the same problem? Do you know somebody else? I haven't directly contacted anybody, but my fiance, Naveena Kelly, she has experienced the same problems with Netspan. They kicked out her account. They locked her up. She can't get an account. This is prepaid. There's no reason they should be kicking you out of a prepaid account. They're locking your accounts up. She's one person. And just overall, I look on the internet, it's a hundred people over there that has complaints with them. But my fiance, Naveena Kelly, she has complaints with them also. What should they do? What should Netspan do to regain your trust? I mean, honestly, they should lock up my money. And I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal, but it's like a crisis. And I still have money out there. I have a kid and family. Like, I could have lost my car. Like, just from them even reaching out or even giving a thanks or understanding the customer service, you can't understand them because they're not speaking English. So their language is not that you can't understand anything they're saying. Like, even if they could have smiled. Am I supposed to let them compete? Like, even if they didn't really shout, like, okay, cool to hear this guy. You're like great, but I just Eenie Meenie Spee. I mean, do them while Adam and Evee was hanging on their shelf. They don't have no flawless point of view. I mean, they have no siblings. don't you can't get through them don't use them like they're really a horrible you on hold with them you can't then they close early at like 9 so like if you are working person like you can't really contact them throughout the day like they are horrible company a horrible service to deal with and that is crazy living in today like you'll think as much better is prepaid like you give them money to deal with your money because you don't want money extra money on you and to keep your money safe and it's like they taking your money and they giving it to you whenever and that's totally unfair so please do not deal with next door why did you decide to share your story on our website because it's hard money to help other people is like oh it's a lot of things like I did it happened within that I just let go by but like this was crazy this is a crisis and I was able to get through it but other people can't like I seem to wear people and put their money in it and they can't feed their kids like I have that same situation I have a three-year-old and I have a three-year-old and I have a three-year-old and I have a three-year-old a fiance and it was almost to that point to where I couldn't pay my car no to feed my son because I couldn't go out to work because these people are really holding on to my money like it really got that serious so it's crazy so I needed to report this and get this out like I'm tired of people just going by messing over citizens with their money like we work hard for this and stuff so I'm tired of it like that's not fair for them to be able to do this so I need to get this out and if I have to be divorced me and my fiance and my family have to be divorced we will be divorced to get this out so do not go with next fit anywhere and I would like if they compensate me and my family for this crisis
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You should seek the advice of a financial advisor. Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Primerica, Voya, just to name a few, all these representatives can help you. Asking your peers and people that are not in that industry is probably not gonna lead towards success. And what we can do as mortgage professionals, we can help you fund whatever path you choose to take with that financial advisor. You can utilize your equity to fund your retirement. Have a great day.
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may be the card for you. It is a super reliable card with excellent benefits for an extremely low annual fee. The Chase Sapphire Preferred card has an annual fee of $95, has excellent rewards through the Chase Travel Portal, worldwide card acceptance for pay, and has travel insurance in case anything happens while traveling. Let's jump into the reasons why you would want this card. The first thing you're going to see when signing up for this card is a pretty sweet signup bonus. It offers 60,000 points when you spend $4,000 in the first three months, and that equates to about $750 when you redeem it through Chase's Ultimate Rewards program. You also get bonuses towards travel, select streaming services, online grocery shopping, and dining. The card gets you three points per dollar when dining, using select streaming services, and on select online grocery shopping stores. You can earn five points per dollar when booking travel through Chase's Travel Portal, and two points per dollar on every other travel booked outside of Chase. And anything you want to do to save money, you can do it through Chase's Ultimate Rewards program. You also get a 10% bonus each year on your account anniversary, and that means that if you were to spend $10,000, you get 1,000 points every single anniversary year. And probably the biggest reason why people love this card is when you are redeeming your points through Chase's Travel Portal with this card, you're going to get a value of 1.2% on your account. So, if you're going to be redeeming your points, you're going to get a value of 1.25% per point. That's about an extra $25 for every $100 that you redeem. The Sapphire Preferred also includes a $50 annual hotel credit that you get each year when booking through Chase's Travel Portal, and a complimentary DoorDash Pass, which is great if you want to eliminate some of those fees when you're ordering food to your house. Also, if you already have other Chase cards, you can combine all your points and use them through Chase Sapphire Preferred and the Chase Travel Portal to be able to maximize your point value. There is also an abundance of insurances that come when using this card for booking travel. For example, you can get reimbursed up to $10,000 per person and $20,000 per trip for prepaid non-refundable trips that may need to be canceled due to sickness or poor weather or any other condition that Chase may allow within their guidelines. I personally have had this card for over three years now and have used it to book multiple trips through the Chase Travel Portal, and it's super easy to use and it's definitely worth it. I would probably say this is the best all-around travel rewards card currently on the credit card market. If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to my channel, and if you want to see more videos like this, please leave a thumbs up and subscribe. Comment down below if you're thinking about getting the Chase Sapphire Preferred, and I'll see you in the next video.
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हाँ हाँ, टेंशन मत करो, मैं आपके पैसे नहीं खाने वाली, जल्दी से लिंक बेज दो बाद मुझे अपने पैसे वापिसे दे दो, जैसे आप इस लिंक पर इंटेज करेंगे, आपको लगेगा, तो ऐसा ही कि आपने गूगल पर या फिर फोन पर ओपन किया है, पर ये एक स्काम वेबसाइट होती है, जहांपे आपकी डिटेल्स जालती है, आपका सारा सारा बां प्रस्तुति प्रस्तुति
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all the way out to 10 years. And when I say CDs, I'm referring to certificate of deposits, which are offering just over 6% today. There are several different types of CDs, which I'll be discussing, and I'll provide the highest rates that are available in each of those types and timeframes. And it's due to the feedback from viewers like you that led me to provide this video with CD rates going out all the way to 10 years. And since some of you may be new to my channel, I'm going to be covering the basics of CDs, and then I'll jump right in with the best rates today. And as a reminder, CDs are a savings product that are offered from banks and credit unions, which provide a higher rate than a savings account because they require you to keep your money invested in the CD for a set period of time. CDs have an upper hand of the savings account with regards to the rate because it is a locked in rate for the entire timeframe that you own it. Unlike a savings account where the interest rate can go up or down at a moment's notice. The biggest downside to CDs is that you're typically locked in for a long time. And that's because you're not able to save money. For the set time period, and you don't have as much access to your cash like you would with a savings account. However, you can cash in your CD early, but it has a tendency to have a fee that's associated with withdrawing it early. The penalty is typical anywhere from giving up one to two months worth of interest. But if you need your cash in a hurry, you can take the penalty and you can cash them in. But I'm going to discuss an option that skirts that penalty altogether. And you can also purchase your CDs from a brokerage site like Schwab, Fidelity or TD Ameritrade. And these CDs are still savings products that are being sold from specific banks and the credit unions. The brokerage site is just a moderator that's connecting the clients with the banks. Overall, this means that the FDIC coverage up to 250,000 is still offered on CDs purchased on a brokerage site. And buying new CDs from a large broker like these don't typically have any fees associated with it, but always make certain to read the fine print because they can change their fees and their terms at any time. I often hear from viewers that use a local broker where they're often being charged fees for purchasing CDs and CD ladders. Always do your homework to understand your fees and your options from your specific broker. And another question that I often get is, can you buy CDs within an IRA? And the answer is, yes, you can, but you need to review the details and any purchase limits of your IRA. A big difference between a brokerage site versus a bank is that you don't have early withdrawal fees. Instead, they have the option to sell the CDs on the secondary market. I cover the brokerage site CD process in depth in this video right here. If you are interested in learning the fine details of purchasing them on a brokerage site, then I highly suggest that you watch this video. Brokered CDs is far too much information for me to cover today, but I will state that there is a fee for buying and selling used CDs from a broker, and it's usually around 0.1%. Next, I need to speak about the taxes on CDs where you're going to be given a 1099 IMT form. On a CD, the taxes is based on when you earn it, not when you withdraw it. So if you have a three year CD, you'll pay taxes in year one, you'll pay taxes in year two, and you'll pay taxes in year two. Even if you keep the interest compounding and growing in the CD. Now, I also want to talk about the duration of CDs and how they interact with your payout based on your APY. The annual percentage yield or APY is basically how much money you can expect to make in a year from your investment. Even if your CD is only for six months, the APY is calculated as if you kept it for the full year. This helps keep things consistent across different investments. Sort of an apples to apples discussion. Here's an example. If you have a 12 month CD with a 12% APY without any compounding interest, it means you'll be earning 1% each month. But if you also have a six month CD with a 12% APY, you still earn 1% each month. So even though the CDs have different durations, they're both earning the same rate on a monthly basis, which equates to exactly 12% APY. In short, the rate of return APY is the same for both CDs, but the duration happens to be different. It's important to understand this so that you can make informed investment decisions on things like CDs, T-bills, and other items that are not in the same rate. So if you have a 12% APY, that have varying dates of maturity. All right, let's get started with the best three month CD rates today. And as a heads up, I will have a link to a spreadsheet in the description below that's going to list all the links to all the banks that are offering these CDs. And I'll kick it off with the best regular CD today being from a website called Raisin. And it's for Ponce Bank at 5.15%. And if you're not aware, Raisin is like a mediator that brings savings products like CDs and bank accounts from all different types of banks. And then they offer to them all in one location, sort of a one stop shop. And I will state that they are an affiliate link for me, but I am only listing them in this video where they have the best rate. And a feature that I do like about Raisin is that their minimum deposit is only $1. And you're not going to get that really from any other bank. And I also want to make it overtly clear that every CD that I list today is insured either by FDIC or NCUA. As for the best three month brokered CD, it is at 5.3% from TBK Bank. And I'll kick it off with a list of the best three month CDs that are offering these CDs. And I am only listing brokered CDs that are call protected. There are higher rates that are available, but they aren't call protected. And honestly, for my opinion, that is not worth showing. And for those of you that want the maximum liquidity possible, I'm also listing the top no penalty CD at 4.9% from American First, but it is on the Raisin website I just mentioned prior. I'll also point out that Raisin is the only site that I found with the best rates on no penalty CDs. But hey, if you do find one better, please share it in the comments, and I'll see you in the next video. Now onto the six month regular CD with Old Point National Bank at an incredible 6.02% with a $500 minimum deposit. I have to show a picture of their website to ensure that you can all see this for yourself. Seriously, this is one of the highest rates that I've seen all year. If you want this, I highly suggest that you jump on it now before it's gone. It's not uncommon for a bank to have a limit or a quota on what they're willing to sell. And then they simply turn it off once they hit their number, which is also a very good reminder that you can't just buy a CD at a rate that's not even worth the money. So I'll leave that to you guys for now. Now I'll move on to the best brokered CD at 5.3% from Bank of California. It seems ridiculous to even show this next to the 6.02% from Old Point, but hey, it's still a good comparison for all of you to see. And lastly, we have the no penalty CD at 4.92% from MPH Bank that is also on Raisin. Alright, let's keep this rolling with the best one year CD from Evergreen Bank at 5.35%. But technically, it's a 13 month CD. Now, this is a very steep deposit in order to hit this rate. And me personally, I don't really love it when banks offer these promotional CDs at these odd time intervals because most CDs are set to auto roll back into another CD at a lower rate once they mature. And when it's an odd month like this, it's pretty easy to miss your grace period for cashing it in at maturity. And then it's rolled in and you're stuck at a lower rate. So kind of keep that in mind. Moving on to the best brokered CD. It happened to be from Bank of California. It's a 10,000 dollar CD. And it's from Goldman Sachs at 4.9% with a minimum deposit of $100. And for a brokered CD, this is unusually low for a deposit because the minimum is typically around $1,000. On Fidelity, they now offer fractional shares, but the site doesn't easily inform you of this. You can see that the quantity field states that a one is equal to $1,000, but the price lists 100. So you can enter 0.1 and it will sell it to you for exactly $100. I just want to bring it up. So you can see that the price list is pretty good. And now for the no penalty CD at 4.9% with FVC Bank from Raisin. This no penalty CD is at such a high rate that I'm shocked because it's providing the best liquidity for a guaranteed rate. Now moving on to the best two-year regular CD, which is at 5.05% from Itabel Bank, which is also listed on Raisin, where the minimum deposit once again is only $1. This is one where it's such a good rate at the two-year mark. It's a good rate to be able to get a good deal. And it's a good that I'm not really certain how long it's going to be there. So just be warned in advance. And now for the best brokered CD, it happens to be from First Foundation at 4.9%. And it's offered as a fractional CD at $100. I need to take a quick pause and point out that in my prior videos on CDs, the yield curve had been horribly inverted, where the long-term CDs had extremely low rates. And as you're starting to see from these two-year CDs, that the yield curve is now beginning to flatten out. Now I'm going to reel it back in and I'm going to go to the three-year regular, CD from Popular Direct at 4.6%. But the deposit is at a whopping $10,000. This is definitely a product for a very particular person. But as I mentioned at the beginning, it was requested to show the rates much further out. And that's exactly what I'm doing. And I need to state that from this point on, I really couldn't find any more penalty CDs. And most of the brokered CDs were not call protected. So I'm not going to list them if they aren't. With that said, I'm going to move on to the four-year mark where I have GTE Financial at 4.85%, with only a $500 deposit. And this one surprises me for a very different reason, because it has a better rate than the three-year CD. And honestly, I have not seen that happen in over a year. I also want to share that the GTE Financial also has a jumbo CD option at the four-year, with a rate of 5.12% if you have a minimum deposit of $100,000. This also happens to be one of the best jumbo rates that I've seen in over a year. Now onto the five-year CD from Popular Direct at 4.53%, with their $100,000 deposit. And I'm going to go ahead and show you the five-year deposit typically the rates at the five-year mark for the past year haven't even been available. And if they are, they're only at around 2%. And now I'll move on to the best 10-year CD offering that I could possibly find. And it is from Discover Bank at 3.8%. This one seemed like it was completely out of left field for me because Discover is a big name brand. And it was one of the only ones I could find at the 10-year mark that was above 1.5%. And I'm going to go ahead and show you the five-year CD offering that I could find at the 10-year mark. And it was one of the only ones I could find at the 10-year mark. And it was one of the only ones I could find at the 10-year mark. In my opinion, they're a great company with very strong financials to support themselves. And it's one of the only big name banks on this list today. Along with this, I was also surprised to find a brokered CD with call protection from Farmers Merchant Bank via Fidelity at 3.9% with a minimum of $1,000. As you can tell, I try to listen to your comments the best I can. And I've tried my best to track down the best CD rates starting from three months, going out all the way to 10 years. I hope you got some value out of today's video and thanks for watching.
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A home equity line of credit, oftentimes people use that home equity line of credit to consolidate debt, to do an addition to their house, to use those funds to pay tuition or some other type of longer-term borrowing need. The problem with the line of credit is the line of credit is meant to be used for short-term borrowing, not long-term. Most home equity lines of credit have a variable interest rate, which means that as you see, let's say, the prime rate change, which most of these loans are tied to, your cost to borrow goes up. Look at what the Fed's done with the prime rate over the course of the last 18 months. It's done nothing but go up. Home equity lines of credit are typically interest-only payments on a monthly basis, so that keeps your payment low, but it also means your balance never gets paid off. What most people don't realize is the home equity line of credit has a draw period, and then it has a period that the loan is termed out for. Now, for most folks, that draw period is anywhere from five to 10 years. At the end of that five to 10 years, you can't draw it against them anymore. You have to actually start to pay the balance back. Now, depending on where you got your line of credit, you may have to pay that balance back in an accelerated period of time, which drives up your monthly payment, and what it does is it puts your house at risk. So if you have a need for a long-term purpose, meaning let's say you're going to do an addition or something like that, be careful with the home equity line of credit. You can end up hosing yourself in the end and potentially losing your house.
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bank से related कोई भी OTP password कभी भी किसी शेयर ना करें ऐसा करने से आपके bank account में fraud हो सकता है लेकिन क्या यदि आप किसी से भी कोई information ना share करें फिर भी आपके bank account में बहुत सारे information ना share करें तो यदि आपके साथ में बगवान ना करें कभी ऐसा हो या कभी भी किसी customer के साथ में कोई bank fraud हो जाता है जिसमें customer की कोई fault नहीं है उस case में यदि customer तीन दिनों के अंदर bank को information देता है उस fraud की तो RBI के according उस customer की zero liability होगी पूरी liability bank उठाएगा जी हाँ दोस्तों तो इस वीडियो को जा से लाइक करें और share करें जिसलिए की हर जरूरत में रखते ही तक ये वीडियो पहुंच सके और ऐसे ही information वीडियो के लिए हमें subscribe करना ना भूलें
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I wanted to work with a company that was knowledgeable and caused me no headache whatsoever. And has fully delivered. First of all, Jeremy was great to deal with and he's a real straight shooter. He does what he says he's going to do and he always follows through. He answers all my questions, concerns, is always there to help and he's just a really friendly guy. I only had to sign a short term agreement and there were no monthly fees plus free online monitoring, which was great for offsite ATM operations because I could keep tabs on my ATMs and know exactly how much money I was making. Additionally, the funds from the ATM were deposited back into the bank the very next business day and they're professionally installed and it's been a really fantastic investment. maintains a staff that is very knowledgeable and experienced. I haven't asked a question yet that they couldn't answer in a timely manner and what can I say? does everything they say. They're a great company to work with and for these reasons, I highly recommend them and they've got a customer for life. Thank you very much and take care.
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You've paid your principal balance now down to a balance of $110,000. In that same time, the market has appreciated giving this property a current value of $200,000. So you have $90,000 of equity to your name. Now let's assume we want to tap into this equity. So banks feel happy when they only loan out 80% of that value. If we took a loan out for $160,000, we would have 80% LTV. So your $110,000 mortgage does stay in place for HELOC. So you basically take your 80% LTV and minus what you already owe. We have $160,000 minus $110,000 here. And that would give you $50,000 that you could potentially get a HELOC. For in this example.
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पर इसका ये UPI स्कैम बहुत तेज़े से बढ़ रहा है ओरे मामा मेरे UPI पर 10,000 रुपे आई किसी के क्या? 10,000? प्लीज आप भी बेशता हूँ बिचारा अबे ओ तु जो कोई भी हो मैं ये पैसे तुझे नहीं बेशने माला सर मैं आपकी कंप्लेंट पॉलिस टेशन में कर दूँगा आजा फिर उदर ही देख लूँगा तुझे बाम आप पैसी इंसान हो यार बिचारी के मां की इलज की पैसी थी है अरे भाँजे ये स्क्याम है जिसमें ये खुछ से तुम्हे पैसे बैशते है बाद में एक लिंक बेशकर तुम्हे उस लिंक से पैसे रिफ़ंड करने की मांग करते है और अगर तुमने उस link से उन्हें पैसे भेजे तो तुमारी पूरी bank की details उनके पास चली जाती है जाने मेरा bank account खाली होती होती बच गया पर इतना सब आपको कैसे पता money matrix संकित को follow करने से smartness तो बढ़ जाती है
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You guys have been asking me to review this credit card for a while now, so I'll be doing just that today. So to begin with, this card has no annual fee, so it's 100% free to own. At the time of recording this video, this card is offering 3% unlimited cash back when you check out with PayPal. This includes shopping online, at a store, or anywhere PayPal is accepted as a form of payment. Additionally, you can earn 3% cash back when you send money to other PayPal users through your PayPal account. So if you're in the PayPal ecosystem, then this credit card is almost a no-brainer. Plus, you'll earn 2% cash back on all other purchases where MasterCard is accepted. And considering the large number of merchants and places that accept PayPal, as well as MasterCard, this credit card gives you the ability to easily earn that 3% cash back on all of your purchases, making this 2% flat rate cash back credit card. This is a great way to make sure that your credit card stands out when compared to other 2% cash back cards on the market. Now, in order to apply for this credit card and redeem your cash back, you're going to need to have a PayPal account, which is free to open. You can open your account through or using my link down in the description if you want to earn $10 after you spend $5. Moving on, the cash back you earn with this card may be redeemed in any amount you like because there's no minimum redemption requirement. Plus, there's no cap on how much you can earn. The amount of money you're going to spend is calculated and earned daily, giving you the freedom to do whatever you want with it. Now to redeem your cash back rewards, you'll need to transfer them to your PayPal account. If you have a PayPal balance account, you'll be able to use your rewards to make payments, make purchases, send money to other PayPal users, or transfer the cash back to your bank account or the debit card that's linked to your PayPal account. And if you don't have a PayPal balance account, then your cash back can only be transferred to your bank account or a debit card linked to your PayPal account. account. In addition to cash back, this credit card is currently offering a $100 welcome bonus after you spend $500 within 90 days of opening your account now through August 31st. So if you're interested in signing up for this card or if you have any big expenses coming up, you could easily earn $100 if you make those purchases with this card. Now since this card is on the MasterCard network, it comes with MasterCard benefits including ID theft protection, zero liability protection, global services, airport concierge services, and much more. Because you can get purchase protection when you shop with PayPal through PayPal's purchase protection program. The program states that when you buy something from a seller who accepts PayPal, you may be eligible for a refund on the full purchase price of the item plus shipping costs if it applies. Another thing I wanted to add is that you can add up to six authorized users to your PayPal cashback MasterCard. Each person you add to your card will get their own card, be able to build credit, plus earn 2% cash back on other purchases as well. Now fees wise, like I mentioned earlier, this card has no annual fee, but it does have a 3% foreign transaction fee. So this might not be the best credit card to travel with, but hey, we can't have it all, right? It also has a very high APR ranging from 16.49% to 28.49%, which is very dangerous for those who carry or plan to carry big balances. Lastly, there are two ways you can maximize your earnings. First, you can use the MasterCard to get a free credit card. You can use the MasterCard to get a free credit card. You can use the MasterCard to get a free credit card. You can use be an issue with over 1 million merchants accepting PayPal as a payment method like Target, Apple, Nike, Best Buy, Walmart,, Home Depot, and many, many other places. And two is by simply making it your 2% flat rate credit card. So wherever you see this PayPal button or PayPal QR code, you can pay with PayPal and earn 3% cash back on all your purchases. So make sure you do make sure to keep an eye out while shopping if you want to maximize your rewards with this credit card. Finally, you can apply for this card through If you don't have a PayPal account, you'll need to create one first. Once you do that, you'll then be asked to confirm your name, address, phone number, date of birth, annual income, and the last four digits of your social security number in order to apply for the card. Once you're approved, your PayPal Cashback MasterCard account will automatically be linked to your PayPal account and you'll see it as a payment option when you check out with PayPal. You can also use the MasterCard to get a free credit card. annual fee and for those who frequently use PayPal as a payment method because you can earn an unlimited 3% across all purchases, which could result in huge returns. On the other hand, if you're looking for a credit card with no foreign transaction fees, a higher signup bonus, intro offers on balance transfers or purchases, other redemption options such as travel partners, and if you don't use or care to use PayPal, as your payment method on all purchases, then this credit card may not be the best fit for you. The good news is that there's a bunch of alternatives to this card, like the Citi Double Cash Card for instance, which offers a $200 signup bonus, 2% cashback on all purchases, zero intro APR and balance transfers for 18 months, plus no annual fees. Or the SoFi Credit Card, my personal favorite, which offers up to a $325 signup bonus, 3% cashback for a year with qualifying direct deposit, 2% cashback on limited credit card, and $325 cashback for a year with watching this video next. Anyways, I want to know how you guys feel about the PayPal Cashback Master Card, so please comment down below and let me know. Also, if you guys are interested in other credit card offers with great signup bonuses, or if you want to earn some extra cash back when you shop online with Rakuten, make sure to check out my links down in the description. It's actually the best way to help support my channel. Having said that, that's going to be the end of this video. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did, please like the video, subscribe, and turn on those post notifications so you don't miss out on any future uploads. I'll catch you guys on the next one.
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बैंक में कैश जमा करता हूँ तो बैंक कैशेर मुझसे कैश लेने के बाद बैंक के सिस्टम में मेरे अकाउंट के अगेंस्ट 1,00,000 रुपे की क्रेडिट एंट्री करेगा और जो कैश मैंने कैशेर को दिया है वो उस cash को bank की treasury में रख देगा लेकिन recently ओडिसा में ICICI bank के एक employee ने 1 करोड 85 लाख रुपे का fraud कर दिया अब जो भी customer bank में cash जमा करवाने आता ये employee उससे cash ले लेता था और bank के system में ली ओए cash की entry भी कर देता था लेकिन उस cash को bank की treasury में रखने की बजाए अपने साथ घर ले जाता था ऐसा करके धीरे धीरे इस employee ने 1 करोड 85 लाख रुपे अपने घर में जमा कर लिये और फिर bank से resign कर दिया लेकिन कुछ टाइम बाद bank audit में जैसे ही cash mismatch मिला तो bank staff ने police complaint करवाई और finally police ने बड़ी मशकत के साथ इस poster को arrest कर लिया
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মেসেজ আস্ছে আবার কখন হয়ত তাও আস্ছে না এবার দেখতো যাছে এফডি একাউন থিকে টাকা হা঵া হয়াছে প্রায় গন টাকা নকের মদে লা কাটনা যাছে কাটনা বালিযানে ভোপালপুরের বাসিন্দায় পেছাই শিক্ষক কোছে বুলুর মাঝি ও তার বুঝুর মাঝি প্রিশিক জিওর একাউন ছ তারা কিনতে জনাই মেসেজ কোলি বা কোনো অবিভুহ তারা কাছে নিকাস পক্তো কিনতে এই আবে টাকা গায়েবের গরেনা গরেছে এই কিনতে সাবাদে আমারা বাগনান ভাইবের ব্যাক সেই ব্যাক্তো সেকানো অবিভুহ দায়ের করায়েছে আমার বাগনান সাবাদে অভিভুহ দায়ের কর করিনি ওটিপি আস্ছে আমি দেখে পাছে কিন্তু কোন ওটিপি সেয়ের করিনি কোন কোল আসেনে পরজন্তো তালে সেকানে আমি কি ভাবে কি মেসেজ আসে তো তাকন দেখেনি তার থিক দুখান তার মাথায় আবার পতোকোল ওটিপি আসে এবং তার পড়ি মেসেজ আসে পন্চাজাজার পন্চাজা পন্চাজাজার পন্চাজার
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Uh, excuse me? Yes? I've always wondered why rich people use a credit card to make payments. I mean, you do have big bank balance. Because this is free money for me. What do you mean? So once I swipe my credit card, I have 30 days to make the payment. Till then, I'll invest the money I have and earn from it. But this purchase is going to cost you interest. No, I make all my credit card bill payments on time. Also, reward points from these credit cards help me with free launch access and 2-3% discounts on merchant outlets. Very smart, sir.
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This is an especially good option for people that want a card with a relatively lengthy intro APR window for both new purchases and balance transfers. So we'll cover that in this video. We do have a full review on our website, so before you go out and get the card or any card for that matter, you should definitely check out and the full review will have even more details than this overview video. So let's start with the main attractive quality of this card, and that is that intro APR period. So as I mentioned, it applies to both the new purchases you make on the card, which is great if you need to finance a larger purchase or pay for an unexpected bill, and then also to balance transfers, which can be helpful if you already have credit card debt and you need to find a way to reduce that debt load. In either case, though, the introductory APR is 0% for the first 20 billing cycles, and after that, your intro APR expires, the rate goes back to the normal APR, which you can see here on the screen, and just as a reminder, it is variable. All things considered, that's a relatively lengthy intro period, which obviously can be helpful if you're dealing with credit card debt. But there are a few things that I want to point out in particular for balance transfers, though. One thing is that there's no guaranteeing that your existing credit card debt that you're trying to transfer to this card will match the credit limit on this new card, so there is a chance that you won't be able to transfer all of your existing credit card debt and take advantage of that intro APR. On top of that, if you do initiate a balance transfer, there is a balance transfer fee that will apply. It's $5 or 3% of the amount that's transferred, whichever is higher. This is a really standard fee. A lot of balance transfer credit cards, I would even venture to say the majority of balance transfer credit cards do have a balance transfer fee. It's just something to be mindful of, though, because it technically adds to the amount that you have to pay back. So for instance, let's say you transfer over a $5,000 credit card debt. You have to pay back $4,120 because of that balance transfer fee. Also, in order to take advantage of that 0% intro APR offer for balance transfers, you need to make sure those transfers are initiated within the first 60 days of account opening. And since we're already on the topic of fees, let's cover some of the other fees with the card. The big one is the annual fee, which is $0, so it's not costing you anything to keep the card in your wallet year to year, which is great. It does, however, charge foreign transaction fees. They're 3% of the transaction amount. So if you travel outside of the United States, let's say you go to Mexico, you end up spending $100 on the card, you'll be assessed $3 in foreign transaction fees because it's 3% of every single transaction you make. I don't think this is surprising. A lot of cards that are not travel-oriented do charge foreign transaction fees, but you know, something to keep in mind. So, if you're looking to get a card that's not a $100 card, My guess is that most people don't care about that with this particular card because it's not really the draw of the card. It's mainly about that intro APR offer. On the bright side, though, the card does come with some additional perks. You can see some of those here on the screen, or you can dig in by visiting our full review. But that's about it for the video. Just a very brief overview of the card. The story here is really simple. If you want to take advantage of a pretty lengthy intro APR offer, that's why you would be seriously considering this card. But whenever you're looking for a credit card, you should be looking for multiple cards. You should be shopping around, so to speak. And that's why exists. So make sure to check out our website. Have a great day. Thanks for watching.
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Unfortunately, what has happened is that the supporters are only talking about the pros, that the GDP will go up, the inflation will go down, simplification of taxes will take place, one single market will be created. But I think there's a flip side also to the GST, which is that if you raise taxes, indirect taxes to about 18%, and that's roughly what the revenue neutral rate is being talked about, then there'll be a massive inflation because services taxes would have gone up from 12% to 18%, so all kinds of services will go up. Similarly, other excise duties and sales taxes, which will be now at the rate of 18% in terms of central GST and state GST, they will also increase. Now, if prices increase, then GDP cannot go up. Second point I want to make is that a single market benefits the large-scale industry, but not the small-scale industry, which is low. So what could happen is that the large-scale industry would benefit at the expense of the small-scale industry, and therefore employment would be hit and the output could be hit. So I think we need to balance out between what are the pros and what are the cons of the GST. I think Mr. Khan, the origin of the AIG and K1s will come in as well. As the Congress spokesperson says, it's better to go for direct taxes than for indirect taxes. So we should try and get that. We should get the direct tax code in as soon as possible so that we can collect more from direct taxes and reduce the indirect taxes under GST. All right. More suggestions coming in over here. Thank you.
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I don't know what trading is. Where do I start? Practical advice. Don't worry about it. Put money into, if you're in the UK, into stocks and shares ISA, which is a savings account, or in America, your Roth IRA or 401k. And if you can invest money, invest it into a stock market index fund. Basically, what that means is that instead of buying one company like Apple or Microsoft or Tesla or Google, you're buying a stake in the top 500 companies in America, which would just so happen like if you put 100 quid in something called the S&P 500, three pounds would go to Apple and you'd own three pounds of Apple. And that means you can invest in the stock market without worrying about trying to cherry pick individual stocks, which doesn't work for anyone unless you're like a very, very, very professional hedge fund manager. And even then, for those guys, picking stocks doesn't really work. That would be my advice to people. I think it does help to have a first principles understanding of what the stock market is and how that kind of stuff works.
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Safeway and others. It will cost you around $4. When you buy this reloadable MyVanilla card you can deposit anywhere between $20 and $500. But this card cannot carry more than 10 grand. It has a daily spending limit of $5,000. And you cannot deposit more than $2,500. Interested? Hi, I am Slava. Welcome back to my channel about money. Initially you will buy this starter MyVanilla card at your local retail store. There are two options Visa and MasterCard. To get this card you don't need anything except cash and personal information. You can also buy this card at the local retail store. You can also buy this card can call their phone number. After activation you can set up direct deposit. I wouldn't recommend doing this. Too much risk to lock down a good chunk of money. Customer support for MyVanilla card is quite poor. So you have to know what you are doing. Your permanent card should arrive in 2 weeks. There is a MyVanilla mobile application. Where you can track what you need to do. You can track your bank account, You can reload this card with Vanilla Reload. It will cost you $4. Another way to deposit cash is using Rapid Reload at Walmart. Rapid Reload will cost you around $4. And you can deposit anywhere between $20 and $500. There is a mobile check deposit feature. So you can deposit paycheck without staying in line to cash it out and leaving money on the cashier's table. Just take a picture of the check you received. Keep in mind it can take up to a week for the deposit to be fully available. Checks with pre-printed signatures are faster. Checks that are written manually on napkin can take a lot more time. You can use this card anywhere MasterCard or Visa cards are accepted. If you pay for gas at the pump, gas station will put a hold on your funds. Around $100 for up to 7 days. If you don't want the hold, pay inside of the gas station and risk to get a coronavirus. Using this card you can pay bills online. You can also use it for online shopping. The monthly fee of this card is $0. There is no monthly fee on this card. On the other hand, each purchase will cost you $0.95 more. What? It is not as bad as some other cards with $1.50 per purchase. But the fee per purchase is not ok. You can withdraw cash at MoneyPass ATMs. You can find the ATMs on the map. Using out of network ATMs will cost you around $2 per transaction. My Vanilla has an inactivity fee. If you don't use your account for 90 days. I don't know. I don't know. There will be around $4 monthly fee. So if you want to buy this card and keep it for savings, it is a better idea. Inactivity fee will eat your savings. The customer support for this card is very poor. Something around 1 star. As a next step you should watch my video about way better prepaid card. American Express Surf. You can also check my video about Green Dot prepaid card. Bye. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you liked it, please subscribe.
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and many say it looks like a scam and comes with too many fees. Yeah now others say it puts their personal information at risk so they came to 7 on your side's Michael Finney for some answers. Yeah a lot of people are talking to us and they're saying they're wary because they have to give six digits of their social security number in order to activate the card. Now that sets up an account at a New York bank as well as getting the card going. The card companies in Wisconsin, the customer service is in Georgia. So who exactly has your information and what's happening to it? What do I do with this card? Al Ginsberg got his middle-class tax refund loaded on a debit card but he refused to activate it. And it tells you to call this number and give away six digits of your social security number. Al says a scammer could use those six digits to steal his identity. And even a cave person. can figure out how to do that. So that's unsafe. Activating the card automatically opens an account at New York Community Bank which sent this notice saying it does share information. They're going to get our purchasing history as we use these cards. This is all big business back there. Who made the decision they couldn't find a decent bank in California? The Franchise Tax Board is paying $25 million to Money Network of Wisconsin to provide debit cards to the New York Community Bank. The New York Community Bank is the only bank in the state that has a credit card for up to 13 million Californians. The New York Bank issues the cards with customer service in Georgia. I mean we don't know where this information and purchasing behavior is going to end up. Al vowed not to provide the six digits of his social security number. However, he was shocked when we pointed out the companies already had his social security number. They also had his name, address and refund amount. How did they get all that personal information? Who gave it to them? The state of California turned over data for millions of Californians so the companies could issue the cards and mail them out. The state of California, my government. Money Network requires you to punch in six digits to verify you are the real cardholder, not a scammer. This thing is absolutely a bonfire. Who authorized this? The Franchise Tax Board says debit cards are by far the fastest way to send money to millions of residents. Checks could take six months longer. As for privacy concerns, the contract says the companies will not use your personal information for marketing purposes despite the standard privacy notice saying New York Bank can share it. Al took no chances. He called Money Network, which canceled his card, and is sending a check. Tell them you're not a robot and you're not a moron and you want a paper check. Ah, and that is in the fine print. You can call Money Network to cancel the card and it will send you a check. Now, it takes a few weeks to get it, but if you have issues with your debit card, let me know about it. Now you can contact me by going to slash 7 on your side. Read the fine print.
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People need a break, and we want people to know that we're there for them. When it comes to the mortgage misery that people are feeling right now, I want you to know that we're here for you. We understand that's a problem, and that's why we're fighting for more relief so that you can actually keep your homes. We want people to know that New Democrats have used our power at the federal level to deliver concrete things for people. Unlike the Conservatives that have made a lot of noise in the background, they haven't delivered anything despite having over 100 MPs and being the official opposition. New Democrats have delivered. We've delivered dental care, more to come for seniors and children under 18. We've delivered legislation to guarantee that the child care funding is permanent and prioritizes not-for-profit and public spaces that are better for our kids. We've delivered concrete things, and we're going to continue to deliver those things. And I'm hoping that people here in Windsor, a place that I grew up in, a place that I know really well, a place that I have a deep connection to, they know that I'm going to continue to fight for the people of Windsor and the Essex County, that I understand the struggles and I understand the worries, and we're going to deliver real. We'll help give people a break, make sure people can get by and build a good life for themselves and their family. Sure. Taylor Campbell. Hey there. Why talk about mortgage rates in Windsor? Why bring this message here? Well, we know that people are feeling this across the country, and people are feeling this here in Windsor. I've spoken to people. They're saying, what do we do? The mortgage rates or the interest rates have gone up so quickly and so rapidly in such a short period of time. We are struggling right now. And I gave that example. If you were a family, in the past couple of years, that has a 25-year variable mortgage, you're looking at your mortgage payments and seeing an increase of over $1,700. How is a family supposed to come up with an additional $1,700 when grocery prices are up, when gas prices are up, when everything is more expensive, what are families to do? And the relief offered by the Liberals is just not good enough. And it's not surprisingly because they're not in connect. They're out of touch with what people are really going through. And the concern is, the Conservatives are not proposing any solutions immediately right now to give people relief. They don't care. They're not actually talking about that. We're talking about what we can do right now to give people relief. There's a lot of countries that are looking at real solutions to give people a bit of break who are struggling with the cost of their mortgage. We want to see those aggressive steps being taken here in Canada. Steps like Spain has taken to force banks to give lower interest rates to families that are struggling. Like Portugal has put in a subsidy for people that can't pay their mortgage right now. We need to see some aggressive, aggressive measures put in place to give people some relief, to give people a break so they don't lose their homes. We've been hearing from local developers that there have been perhaps unintended consequences of people being driven racist. Housing development has stopped in the region. What can you tell us about those unintended consequences? Yeah, and let's talk about those. We're in a housing shortage. And with the rapid and in the short period of time, massive increase in interest rates, building houses has stalled. And that is the exact problem that we have. We don't have enough houses and the solution is now stalled. I mean, this is really problematic. We need to be building more houses. We need to be building them faster than ever before. We need to be building more rental units, building more non-market housing. And now because the massive increase of interest rates and the mortgage misery that people are experiencing, we're seeing less building. I mean, that's a massive problem. It's compounding the already existing problems. So we need to see a government, a government that understands that this is something we need to respond to. We've talked about incentives to encourage developers to build privately. We also need incentives to build more rental units that are purpose-built for rent because there's not very much available in Canada and people need a place to rent as well. For some families, you need to start off with rental, save up money before you buy, and there's just no options. And we also need to build and invest in non-market housing. People need to know that there's an option for them where they're not subject to the increasing rates of the market. They need to know that there's an affordable, affordable place for them that they and their family can afford that's not subject to the massive increases of the market. We need all of that to happen, and right now, it's not happening. Hi, Marina, Blackburn News. You know, you mentioned that Liberals aren't doing enough. You've used your partnership with them in the past to bring in things like dental care and things like that. What kind of pressure can you be putting on them with that partnership to make sure that you can send it to Dr. Lomoto for you being implemented? Well, that's what we're doing today. What we found is that, we have to fight every step of the way to force this government to do anything. Even what we've got in the agreement, even the dental care that we've got written black and white on paper, we have to force this government, fight with them, push them to deliver things, and we're going to continue to do that. And on this file, when it comes to mortgage relief, we're going to continue to use our pressure, use the power that we have in Parliament to give people real concrete results. One example of what we're able to do is, outside of the agreement, we were able to double the GST rebate. That put some more money in people's pockets, and it gave people some relief. That was not a part of our agreement, but we were able to achieve that. And this year, it's called the grocery rebate. We were able to get that into people's pockets. Similarly, we're going to use our power to get more relief for people. People are struggling with their mortgages. It hurts. When you're looking at your mortgage payment, you're looking at the cost of groceries, you're looking at all your other bills, people are saying, what do we do? They're feeling desperate. They're feeling hopeless. I want people to know we're going to fight for you. We're going to make sure we get some relief. And we're going to use our power to influence this government to deliver that relief.
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लेकिन hospital ने cashless देने से मना कर दिया insurance company ने cashless treatment देने से मना कर दिया और आपको पैसे देने पड़े और आपने बाद में insurance company से reimbursement कराई ऐसे 8 reasons हैं जो हम बात करेंगे जिसकी विज़े से आपको cashless claim नहीं मिलता यह reason आपके लिए जरूरी है ताकि आपका अगर next time कोई claim आता है तो वो cashless में ही approve हो जाए वीडियो के अंटक बने रहेगा काफ़ी useful वीडियो होने वाली है वीडियो स्टार्ट करने से पहले आपने आपको introduce करना चाहूँगी हर insurance company के cashless network tie up hospital list होती है मतलब insurance company hospital से tie up करते हैं ताकि आपको cashless treatment दे पाएं आप किसी hospital में गए वो insurance company की list में नहीं है तो cashless treatment नहीं होगा और यह list permanent नहीं है मानलीज़े आज एक ex hospital आपकी cashless hospital list में दिख रहा है जिस insurance company से आपने policy लिए बट future में हो सकता है वो cashless hospital list में ना हो वो hospital D list हो गया हो उनकी list में ना हो उनका tie up revision में हो तो आप जब भी hospital जाएं उस time पे आपको check करना ज़रूरी है कि current latest list क्या है बेस्ट होता है कि हर एक insurance company की application पे आपके nearest hospitals mentioned होते हैं या जिस particular hospital में आप जाना चाहें उसका नाम search कर लें और check कर लें कि वो cashless list में है के नहीं है दूसरा reason blacklisted hospital अब ये क्या बला है non-network hospital तो समझ गए कि network में नहीं है tie up नहीं है इसलिए cashless नहीं देंगे blacklisted होता है जहाँ पे claim देंगे ही नहीं मतलब आप अगर blacklisted hospital में चले गए गलती से वहाँ पे ना आपको cashless मिलेगा और ना ही reimbursement मिलेगा ये चीज का बहुत बहुत बहुत ध्यान रखिए because कई बारी हम ध्यान नहीं देते हम कौन से hospital जा रहे हैं या हमें लगता है कि वो cashless में नहीं है तो हम reimbursement तो करवा ही लेंगे but अगर blacklisted है तो reimbursement भी नहीं हो पाएगा so reimbursement नहीं हो पाएगा तो आपको claim मिलेगा ही नहीं तो आपको blacklisted hospital, delisted hospital, unrecognized service providers पे नहीं जाना है कहां से देखेंगे इसकी list भी available होती है insurance companies की website पे insurance companies की application पे तो जाने से पहले quickly एक बार नजन मार ले या अपने insurance agent से पूछ ले या insurance company के customer support पे call करके पूछ ले अब ये क्या बला है hospital तो गए justified कैसे नहीं है so hospital was not justified का मतलब है कि जो आप treatment ले रहे हैं वो या तो आपका OPD में हो सकता था मतलब उसमें अगर आपको doctor oral medicines भी देते और घर पे treatment करने के लिए बोलते तो वो भी चलता उसके लिए hospitalization जरूरी नहीं थी मतलब अगर आपको hospital में रखे आपके सारे vital सही है आपके मतलब सारे test report सही आ रही है कुछ diagnosis नहीं है लेकिन hospital में रखा है under evaluation और investigation सिर्फ आपके test करने हैं और आपको evaluation के लिए रखा है तो भी as per insurance company claim payable नहीं है hospitalization justified नहीं है तो ये दोनों reasons हो सकते हैं जहाँ पे insurance company कह सकती है कि आप admit हुए merely for the purpose of investigation and evaluation insurance company liable नहीं है claim pay करने के लिए ये policy clause है 5.1.4 अगर आप admit होते हैं तो सिर्फ और diagnostic test और evaluation हो रहे हैं मतलब आपके test करके पता लगा रहे हैं कि problem कहाँ पे प्रॉब्लम नहीं है कुछ भी सारे test ठीक हा रहे हैं कोई दिक्कत नहीं है तो उस case में insurance company claim नहीं देगी for example आपको false alarm हुआ कि हो सकते हार्ट अटाक हो आप admit हो गए hospital में जाके उन्होंने आपकी ECG की, TMT करी, ECO करी और उन्होंने बोला test report तो सारी सही है तो insurance company claim नहीं देगी because there is no line of treatment तो cashless claim नहीं मिलेगा आप reimbursement के लिए fight कर सकते हैं आप reimbursement के लिए आ सकते हैं ये चीज़ ध्यान रखिए मतलब हमेशा denial of cashless claim is not the denial of the entire claim ऐसा नहीं है कि cashless मना कर दिया तो बाद में भी नहीं देंगे आप reimbursement में try कर सकते हैं बहुत बारी ऐसा हुआ है कि cashless में नहीं claim मिला लेकिन reimbursement में मिल गया तो आप reimbursement के लिए definitely आ सकते हैं किसी भी condition में except blacklisted hospital वहाँ पर reimbursement भी नहीं मिलेगा fourth reason specific exclusions इसको slow growing illnesses भी कहते हैं मतलब माल लीजिए आज आपने policy ली and within one year आप admit होगे for stone जो कि mostly insurance companies का specific exclusions में आता है मतलब slow growing illness है stone अगर stone से related कोई surgery आप करा रहे हैं within one year of the policy that will not be covered तो वो cashless में भी नहीं मिलेगा आपको reimbursement में भी नहीं मिलेगा because वो policy terms and conditions के हिसाब से covered नहीं है तो इसके लिए आपको जानना ज़रूरी है कि आपकी policy में क्या included है क्या excluded है इसलिए आपको कहते हैं कि अपनी policy wording अपना brochure अपनी due diligence कर लें policy लेने से पहले so that आपको claim के time पर यह ना लगे कि जब मुझे ज़रूरत ही मुझे insurance company ने claim नहीं दिया आपको अगर अपनी terms and conditions आपको पता होगा कि what is payable and what is not payable तो claims के time पर disappointment नहीं होगी fifth जो सबसे बड़ा reason है cashless claim ना मिलने का कई बार ही आपने सुना होगा कि जब आप admit होते हैं तो वहाँ पे आता है कि chronicity of the illness cannot be determined right now so we will not be able to settle the claim in cashless इसका मतलब क्या है किसी चीज के लिए आप admit हुए और वहाँ पे insurance company को लग रहा है कि आपके documents इनफ नहीं है जो आप documents दे रहे हैं वो इनफ नहीं है ये prove करने के लिए कि पहले की problem नहीं है या clearly दिख रहा है कि non-disclosure है मतलब आपने policy में disclose नहीं करा लेकिन hospitalization के time पे वो illness सामने निकल के आई जिसकी वज़े से insurance company लाइबल नहीं है claim के लिए तो यहाँ पे cashless तो definitely नहीं मिलेगा because कहीं पे भी अगर insurance company को suspicion हो गया कोई भी ऐसा red flag दिग गया तो वो claim नहीं देंगे आप reimburse में जरूर fight कर सकते हैं with valid documents आप सारे अपने documents अब अपने evidence सारे proofs दे सकते हैं जिसके basis पे claim settle हो सकता है और हुआ भी है अगर आपका genuine claim है तो definitely insurance company देगी तो basically वो cashless में उनके पास time होता है 2 घंटा 3 घंटे में उनको claim settle करना है they cannot go beyond that लेकिन जब reimburse में आते हैं तो उनके पास time है for investigation और verification तो वो reimburse में generally ऐसे claim settle हो जाते हैं but अगर फिर से ध्यान रखें जब भी आप policy ले रहे हैं non-disclosure पे policy मत लीजिए बहुत बारी आप सबका यही question आता है कि मैं नहीं बताऊंगा तो insurance company को कहां से पता लगेगा पता लगता है लोगों के claim decline होते हैं और उस time पे लोग कुछ नहीं कर पाते हैं they are just helpless तो it's better कि सही चीज बता के insurance company से policy ले जाता से जादा क्या होगा आपको कुछ waiting period serve करना पड़ जाएगा आपको कुछ loading लग जाएगी premium extra लग जाएगा that's it but non-disclosure पे policy लेना is not advisable और सबसे जादा claims cashless में decline भी उसी reason की वज़े से होते हैं या तो non-disclosure है या insurance company establish नहीं कर पा रही है कितनी पुरानी problem है they need to further investigate और उस time पे cashless claim approve नहीं होता तो आपकी pocket में एक savings में dent पड़ जाता है उस time तो आपको दो तीन लाख रुपे जो भी bill है वो देना hospital को उसके बाद आप reimburse करते रहें which may take around 30-35 days also so be careful and disclose all the material information while buying the policy seventh reason थोड़ा uncommon reason है लेकिन होता है मान लीजिए आपने policy ली zone 2 के premiums है यहाँ पे मैं बताना चाहूँगी कि जो country है वो divided है different zones में on the basis of their treatment cost तो zone 1 में generally Delhi, NCR, Mumbai, Gujarat ये cities आती हैं और बाकी cities zone 2, zone 3 और जैसे जैसे insurance company zones divide करती है वैसे आती है तो यहाँ पे मान लीजिए आपने कोई भी city जो zone 2 में आती है आपने वहाँ का premium देके policy ली थी insurance company ने policy लेते टाइम आपसे तो address proof नहीं मांगा आपको policy दे दी but claim के time पे वह आपसे address proof मांगेंगे and जब आप address proof देंगे identity proof देंगे वहाँ पे अगर address let's say आपका zone 1 का है तो वहाँ पे clash हो जाएगा कि आप zone 1 में रहते हो आपने zone 2 का premium क्यों दिया इसका मतलब आपने cheating करी insurance company के साथ या आपने zone 2 पे policy ली थी in between आप shift हो गए zone 1 में तो insurance company को intimate करना बहुत ज़रूरी है अपना address policy में change कराना बहुत ज़रूरी है क्योंकि यहाँ पे cashless में clash हो जाएगा और insurance company cashless हो सकता है deny भी कर रहे यह कह सकती है कि आप यह पहले आप बताईए कि आप zone 2 का premium देके zone 1 के address proof के साथ कैसे आ रहे हैं there is no objection, there is no problem अगर आपकी zone 2 का address proof है आप zone 2 में ही रहते हैं और आप zone 1 में treatment कराने है वो आपकी choice है company आपको मना नहीं कर सकती but बहुत बार यह ऐसा हुआ है कि zone 1 के address proof वलों ने भी zone 2 की कुछ भी address दिखा के policy लिए हैं और वहाँ पे problems आई हैं cashless claims में तो zonal co-payment के बारे में और जानने के लिए हमारी detail में video available है आप वो भी refer कर सकते हैं और इस चीज़ का बहुत ध्यान रखें uncommon है लेकिन होता है एट्स point है deductible जहाँ पे आपकी insurance policy में deductible आ जाता है मानलीजिए आप दो insurance policies use कर रहे हैं let's say base है 5 lakhs का और top up है 95 lakhs का तो 5 lakhs किसी और company से है 95 lakhs किसी और company से है आपका bill exceed कर जाता है 5 lakhs से तो जो 5 lakhs जिस company से आपने policy लिए हैं उनको claim settlement letter देना ज़रूरी है to the super top up वली policy तो 5 lakhs पे जो claim settlement letter देंगे और वहाँ पे हो सकता है क्योंकि दो companies involved हैं तो delay हो जाए claim settlement letter देने में और जो उपर वाला claim है वो आपका cashless में ना हो पाए because there is a time to it तो अगर वहाँ से delay होगा तो वो reimbursement में जाएगा उपर वाला claim तो इसलिए base और super top up policy कोशिश कीजिए same ही insurance company से लीजिए so that claims के time पे ये दो policies की hassle आपको ना उठानी पड़े और easily आपका smoothly cashless claim हो जाए आपको reimbursement में ना जाना पाए so ये थे मेरी तरफ से points कि cashless claims आपके क्यों reject होते हैं अगर इसके लावा आपने कुछ और face किया हो कभी आपका कोई experience हो cashless claim rejection का apart from these points तो mention कीजेगा comment section में I'm sure बाकी लोगों को भी help मिलेगी और learning मिलेगी ताकि वो ये mistake ना करें और उनका easily cashless claim settlement हो जाए hassle free thank you so much and जाने से पहले quick reminder अगर अभी तक आपने हमारे channel को subscribe नहीं किया कर लेजिए so that you get the right information at the right time मिलते हैं next video में तब तक stay safe take care bye bye
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It's Richard. I got this email from Kathy and she's asking me about overdraft protection. A whole bunch of questions, I'm not going to get into them right now. Let's just talk about overdraft protection as a general concept. First of all, let me just read you an excerpt from their website, from a bank's website that talks about how they sell overdraft protection, what it's all about. Overdraft protection helps cover shortfalls in your checking account, blah, blah, blah, blah, up to the limit, even if you don't have sufficient funds in your account, blah, blah, blah, blah. It helps you manage your finances by allowing you to complete a transaction. Let me read that again. It helps you manage your finances by allowing you ... You're doing me a favor by allowing me to complete a transaction. All right. First of all, overdraft protection. Who the fuck are they protecting me from? Myself? You don't need overdraft protection. This is one of their little tiny upsells that they give you or they try to sell you because they want you to get into debt. They want you to pay that. You know what the interest rate is at my bank in overdraft? It's 21%. Payday loan companies in Canada, throughout most of Canada, charge around 23%, I think. It's barely under the payday loan interest rate. I don't understand. Why are people transferring their wealth to the banks and credit card companies? Keep it in your pocket. Let me teach you a little secret that I learned a long time ago so you don't have to use a bank account. You've got these great no-fee bank accounts now in Canada with PC Financial, ING Direct, stuff like that. Before that came along, there are fee-for-service bank accounts. There's usually a line in the sand somewhere that all banks have where they say, if you have a minimum balance of this, you won't get charged anything. At my bank, it's $1,000. If I keep at least $1,000 in my bank account, everything above that, there's no charges on my monthly transactions. Below that, you might have a small $5 penalty for a contract. No big deal. At least it's not 21% interest. Use that line in the sand. Use that in your head. If you're really thinking about overdraft and do I need this, use that as your overdraft. Yourself. You are your own overdraft. You are protecting yourself. You don't need protection from the bank. The only protection you need from the bank is not using their dumb products. Line in the sand. Let's say it's $1,000. Better yet, make it $2,000. $2,000. You keep at least a grand in your account. Everything above that, it's all yours. All day long. No transaction fees. You pay your visa off in full every month. There's no extra service fees from the bank. Let's say once a year you might dip below that down to $892 and change. You have a small service fee. Fine. No big deal. You've protected yourself. You haven't paid 21% interest on that. You are covering your own butt. Don't rely on these silly products like insurance and credit card loss, critical illness. I've lost my job insurance on credit cards and overdraft protection. Stop it. People have got to stop the madness. Stop sending your family's wealth to the banks and credit card companies. Keep it in your own pocket. That's my summary on overdraft protection. Again, if you like these videos, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Throw some comments in there if you've got some more questions. Always shoot me an email if you want. I'll never reveal your identity. Got any more questions? Ask them. Done. That's it on overdraft protection. Later.
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the Central Bank of Nigeria came up with some policy decisions, and I hope that you know that those decisions affect you and I and your businesses. First, now, let's understand what those decisions are. First, the monetary policy rate was set at 18.75%. This is the benchmark interest rate used by Central Bank to control inflation and economic growth. A higher rate indicates a more restrictive policy aiming to curb inflation but potentially slowing down economic activity. And we've seen the Central Bank on this road for the past one year and a half. Secondly, the cash reserve ratio was kept at 32.5%. This represents the portion of deposits that banks are required to keep with the Central Bank. For example, if a bank has 100,000 Naira, the bank will keep 32,500 Naira, in this case, which is 32.5%. With the Central Bank of Nigeria. So it means that a higher ratio means that banks will have less money available to lend to you and I, leading to interest rates that are higher for borrowers and reduce liquidity in the economy. Lastly, the liquidity ratio was set at 30%. What that means is that it specifies the minimum amount of liquid assets that banks must hold relative to their total deposits. It ensures that banks can meet short-term obligations without facing liquidity issues. Now, let's explore the impact on various stakeholders. For businesses, high interest rates can increase your borrowing costs, potentially limiting investment and your expansion plans. For banks, cash reserve and liquidity ratios may reduce their ability to lend freely to you. For small businesses, they might face challenges in accessing credit, hindering their growth prospects. For savers, you might benefit from a higher interest rate. In this case, now, savings rate will be 5.6%. So the overall policy measures can influence economic activity. But in conclusion, the job of a central bank also is to find the right balance between these policy tools that is crucial for promoting economic activity as well as taming inflation. I will see you all again on our next video. Follow for more videos like this. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Moneyline with Nancy Tewi
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You are the head of strategy. What should we do? Sir, I have this revolutionary idea, sir. I'm listening. So I was talking to my friend at Lotec Bank. So they were saying since our customers are finding it difficult to pay around 1 lakh rupees for our iPhones, they'll give loans. But customers don't like paying interest, right? Exactly. So we will pay the interest on the customer's behalf. So Lotec Bank will pay us 90,000 rupees for our iPhone and collect the 1 lakh MRP price from the customer. What? Our profit margins will reduce, buddy. What kind of strategy is this? Sir, but our volume, number of iPhones sold, will increase. And our overall profit will increase. Well, I'll be damned. Let's call this zero cost EMI. Sir, but according to the GST laws in India, we still have to collect 18% GST on the interest component from the customer. And we also have to charge about 200 rupees for processing fees. Let's put that in the fine print somewhere. Don't tell anybody. Done, done, sir. You don't worry. No one will know. Hey, what a recording. Recording. Recording.
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which locked up and left thousands of people unable to access their paychecks. KGNI Consumer Reporter John Mattarese has an important caution about these popular cards so you don't waste your money. Problems with a popular prepaid debit card the past few weeks should be a warning to everyone who uses them. While prepaid cards can be a great alternative to traditional bank accounts, one woman learned you can be left without rent or food money if something goes wrong. Remember the Kardashian card? It was gone in 60 seconds. How about the Biebs card? But the granddaddy of prepaid celebrity cards is the Rush card, founded by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons. It's had a good 10-year track record till now. They were saying that they were having scheduled maintenance last Monday and everything should be fixed by 8 a.m. Tuesday morning. But it wasn't. And Chelsea Miller, like many other Rush card holders, were still having problems accessing their money more than a week later. My deposit was finally reflecting, but my card was not working at a store or the ATM or anything. Prepaid debit cards have soared in popularity because they're convenient, don't require a credit check, and in many cases you can get a cash advance on your paycheck. That's why I signed up for the card originally, because they guaranteed two-day. Two-day early pay period. Simmons has issued a personal apology. He says the problems are due to an update. And he says all frozen accounts are back online or will be soon. But Time magazine says this highlights a downside with prepaid cards. Time says these cards come with high fees and says online banks have lower costs and fewer problems. Chelsea says she's going to look at other options. Prepaid debit cards can be fine, but you may not want to put your entire financial life onto just one card. And if you have problems getting a paycheck, ask your employer to issue you a new one so you don't waste your money. I'm John Mattries, KGUN9, on your side.
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दोस्तों जैसे India Post Payment Bank के लिए IPVP mobile banking आप है उसी तरह post office saving account के लिए post office net banking है दोस्तों post office net banking में सभी post office service को आप use कर सकते हैं जैसे balance inquiry, transaction history, TD, RD and सभी banking service को आप manage कर सकते हैं और यहाँ पर आप money transfer भी कर सकते हैं आप अपना post office saving account से किसी दूसरे bank में भी money transfer कर सकते हैं लेकिन इसके लिए पहल आपको अपना post office account को net banking के लिए activate करना होगा और activate करने के लिए आपको nearest post office में जाना होगा और एक form fill up करना होगा net banking activation के लिए अपना account detail, aadhar card, pan card, mobile number, email id यह सब detail को देना होगा और यह form को fill up करके submit करना होगा तो 24 जंटे के अंदर आपका account net banking के लिए activate हो जाएगा और एसेक SMS मिलेगा दोस्तो यह जो net banking activation यह free of cost है इसके लिए कोई भी charges नहीं है उसके बाद post office net banking page में आईए net banking page का link description पे है link पे click करके आप इस page में आ सकते हैं तो इसके बाद login का page आईए दोस्तो पहले हमें net banking में register करना होगा उसके बाद login करेंगे तो register करने के लिए निचे new user activation का option है इसके उपर click कीजिए उसके बाद यहाँ पे अपना post office saving account का account number and customer ID आनी CIF ID को देके continue के उपर click कीजिए यह CIF ID और account number आपके post office saving account का passbook में मिल जाएगा तो आपके register mobile number पर एक OTP आएगा उस OTP को देके continue के उपर click कीजिए उसके बाद internet login password and transition password को देना होगा साइड पे यह दोनो box है उसको select कीजिए और दोनो password को दीजिए दोनो login password and transition password अलग होना चाहिए दोनो different password को देके continue के उपर click कीजिए पासवर्ड successfully set हो जाएगा अब यह आपको login करना होगा तो login के लिए user id and password चाहिए तो आप user id में आप अपना cif id को दीजिए यहाँ पर आप account number को मत दीजिए आपके post office saving account का cif id को दीजिए और नीचे जो capture code है उसी capture code को देके login के उपर click कीजिए फिर seaweed login password को देके login के उपर click कीजिए आपने जो तरफ से देंगे दिया था उसी login password को देखे login के उपर click कीजिए उसके बाद आपके register mobile number पर yes Οटीपी और journalists फिर से ओटीपी आएगा उस ओटीपी को देके continue के ऊपर click कीजिए अब यह आपको security के लिए नीचे दिवा कुछ question का answer देना होगा आपको minimum 5 question का answer देना होगा कोई भी 5 question का answer देके register के ऊपर click कीजिए then एसाइट पेज आएगा यहाँ पर आपको message यहाँ पर लिखना होगा यहाँ पर आपको कोई भी number या कोई भी letter यहाँ पर लिख सकते हैं यह सिर्फ account security के लिए है यहाँ पर कुछ भी लिख के update के ऊपर click कीजिए लेकिन क्या लिखा है आपको यह याद होना चाहिए future में ज़रूरत पर सकती है password change के लिए या account recovery के लिए security question की ज़रूरत पर सकती है फिर से password को change करना होगा पहले जो password दिया था आपको अभी new password देना होगा यहाँ पर पूराने password को दीजे और नीचे एक new password को दीजे और ok को ऊपर click कीजे उसके बाद आपका net banking account open हो जाएगा और आप सभी banking service को online use कर सकते हैं और आप अभी जो new password बना है उसको and user id को देके यानि cf id को देके आप account को login कर सकते हैं अभी पूराने password की कोई जरूरत नहीं है new password and cf id को देके आप account को login कर सकते हैं तो इस तरह आप post up इस net banking को activate कर सकते हैं तो यह वीडियो कैसा लग आपने comment पे बताएए और अच्छा लगे तुम्हां like, share and subscribe करना thank you for watching
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So a quick update on this stupidest Forex card which is called Neo Global card. Now the Neo Global FD card. Now there have been lot of questions which has been happening and if you have seen my earlier videos I have said that I am going to do a kind of an experiment that will tell you whether this card is really worth it or not because currently we are in Bali and we thought that we will take you through the entire exercise of using this card. See the next part. Okay so the Neo Global card. So we are in Velasti beach. There are separate videos available, please go and see them. If not already available, it will be available soon. Depends what time we load this video. So back to Neo Global card. Now I was really apprehensive and if you have seen my earlier video I have been telling that I am really not too sure how this will work. Hence I have taken and booked my Forex card as I come here along with my Neo Global card. Now the problem is that while yeah Neo Global card I gave it on Air Asia flight to buy something. It did work. I gave it on where? On KL airport. It was there for some time. It did work. I gave it in couple of places but in Bali it didn't work. I didn't get it. So that's how the usage pattern is concerned. That's one. The second part is that see the whole essence wise it's a money blocking exercise. I will tell you why. Thing is that you open up this card and you get a physical card by doing a minimum FD of 5000 rupees. All fine till now. The card will reach you and everything. So the problem will start once you start using that card. Now while yes sorry I am just trying to fix the place. So while yes you will be using this card and what will happen is that they will say for example if you have an FD balance of 5000 rupees. You will be allowed to use till 5000 rupees. That's number one. Good till now. Here what happens after this. You will be then suddenly told on 31st of the month there is a bill which is getting raised. So I asked these guys what does this bill you are talking about because I have a 5000 FD and you guys told me that I can use it against people. So I asked them what is the FD balance and they said no. This 5000 rupees remain as my FD balance. In order to clear off my so called bill of say 5000 that I have spent or 4500 I have spent. They will need another further payment which means that 5000 rupees that you have already created the FD remains blocked. And the whole essence of having a typical forex based card is not to create an FD. I really don't need an SBM bank or a new global card. I can manage FD from somewhere else and get a better rate of interest also. So here what happens is that essentially you are blocking your money. That 5000 rupees remain blocked and you have to pay one more payment in order to release the block. So what I have done of course is that you will see some screen shot if I find I will put it here. I have cancelled the card and I have taken out all the FD. It will take around 5 to 7 days to reflect in my account. So my whole idea is that. Thankfully I had kept a lesser amount of money into this. Else a larger section would have got hurt because that would have again been blocked and I will lose some blocking fees. So what happens is that you cancelled your card and the money comes back to you after 5 to 7 days. So you lose interest of that part also right. You ought to earn money from that. So that's how it is. Strictly strictly avoid. A clear verdict is to strictly avoid new global card for the time being. Especially the FD wala card for the time being. And maybe latch into book my forex. I have been using book my forex and I really didn't have too much of problem at all on this. So yeah that's how it is. If you have liked this video give a thumbs up. Look into our Malaysia transit series. Look into our Indonesia series. And I am sure you will find something or the other that is worthwhile. Stay safe.
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पर हमेशे साधान रहिए और आपको फर्क पता होना चाहिए पे और रिक्वेस वेमेंट ऑप्शन में अ झाल
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There are a bunch of debit cards that are coming out with credit card like benefits. One of the most recent and unique cards is this one right here. Let me break down the benefits and features right now. But first we gotta thank our sponsor, Cheese. No no no no no. As much as I love cheese, I'm talking about the debit card in my hand. The Cheese debit card. Oh this is like a legitimate sponsor? Yeah they actually sponsored my review of their card. If you stick around to the end I'll share their special sign up bonus just for you. I didn't even get this bonus. This is how special it is. Just wait till you hear the pretty unique promo code. With that out of the way, let's get into some of my favorite benefits of this card. Unboxing. Dun dun dun. First off, this is a debit card with cash back. Debit card means that you can't acquire debt, of which I am a huge fan. Getting that sweet cash back makes expenses just a little less painful. Now the cash back can be acquired from 10,000 different stores and restaurants. Some online, some brick and mortar. That's a ton of stores and the majority of the ones that qualify around us are at 5% cash back which is awesome. But the cash back can get all the way up to 10% depending on which store you're shopping. Here are some examples. Adidas you can get 5% back. Walmart Plus 10% back. Costco membership you can get $20 off. Childbus 5%. Say We 3%. Uber Eats 2% and Instacart 2%. Now the cash back isn't provided everywhere you shop just to be clear. But it's easy to find the cash back locations in the app. This is a little bit of Los Angeles. Just plug in your zip code and it'll show you all the stores and restaurants nearby that will provide cash back when you use your card. Next, no fees. Which is possibly the greatest part of the cheese card. No fees but you can still get cash back on certain purchases. Another great benefit is that cheese provides not only a physical card but also a virtual card. Now they still have the same number on the back but you can use your virtual card immediately after signing up as opposed to having to wait for the physical card to arrive in the mail. At least you can get some of that early Christmas shopping done online. Whoa it's August slow down. An added benefit is that you get 0.3% APY deposit bonus. It's not going to make you rich but every little bit is nice. And I haven't seen this with any other checking account. Another extra is if you pay for your phone bill using your cheese card then you get $500 in phone protection. I mean it's got its limits obviously. You can't purposefully drop your phone in queso just so you can receive insurance money for it. Trying to stick to the cheese thing here. Here's another unique benefit. When you sign up for a bank account the bank has to use your social security number in order to verify your identity. But with cheese you can also apply for their debit card using a passport, visa, and a US residential address. That's a great benefit because if you've come here from another country for education or whatever. You can still apply for an account. Then we've just got some features that will give you some extra peace of mind. Zero liability protection, one click card freeze, and they're FDIC insured up to $250,000. One more benefit is if you set up direct deposit you can get your paycheck up to two days early with cheese. Now I can understand the benefit of this one. Many people are itching for Friday because they need money to pay their bills. And this could legitimately help. But remember if you're living paycheck to paycheck you're living Friday to Friday. If you get your pay up to two days early that may just shift the day that you're anxiously waiting for money. Then Wednesday to Wednesday is the new waiting period. It just shifted. The up to two days early paycheck won't change your financial life but it might help. There's literally no way for you to come out behind on this account monetarily which I like. I can't complain about fees because there are none. Now here's my one complaint with the cheese debit card. What I don't like is that at the moment you can't put anyone else on your cheese account with you. So low account baby. I can't put my wife on my account and I also can't put her as a beneficiary just in case something bad happens to me. Now I'm confident that Bailey could get the money as the bank follows the legal process. For passing off the money to the next closest relative. But I don't like that she can't access it immediately. And that's my only complaint. I like the cheese card so far. I used it the other night to pay for Bailey's and my dinner just to see how that cash back works. So we just used the cheese card and I got an immediate notification that we got a dollar and 48 cents back in immediate cash back. So if I open my cheese account then I can look at cash back. It shows me exactly what I have current and it shows me what my pending is. And it really seems like cheese cares about people. As they have a dedicated give back fund for Asian nonprofits, communities and businesses. Having said all that here's the offer just for you all that made it to the end of this video. Normally cheese will give you a $5 sign up bonus when you fund your account. Hey that's a classic footlong. But if you sign up with my referral link down below and use my promo code tiny desk you'll get a $15 sign up bonus. $10 when you sign up and $5 when you actually fund your account. That's three foot longs. And yeah I used promo code tiny desk because I wanted something unique to the channel. Full transparency. I do get a kick back when you sign up. But rest assured all proceeds will probably go towards buying a chocolate cow so that we have a constant supply of chocolate milk. You guys know I'm a fan of rewards debit cards because they provide a lot of the benefits of credit cards without the option for debt. Well the cheese card is a great one. Cash back at over 10,000 stores and restaurants and no fees. So check it out in the description down below and get your free deposit bonus using my code tiny desk. Alright if you like cheese the card or actual cheese. Give this video a like because it'll help me out. And if you want to see my playlist about budgeting tips you can check that out down here.
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So I recently took a loan of 1 crore rupee in order to buy a villa in Goa. On this video, I am going to help you understand the math behind why I have taken that loan. What benefits am I going to derive out of taking that loan? More specifically, I will tell you how am I going to forex my investment almost in the next 10 years using this loan. I will show you the math behind it. In the second half of the video, I will help you understand how you can benefit by taking loans yourself. Please understand that this is a dangerous game. Please watch this video entirely. Only then you will be able to understand the concept. This is not an entertainment video. You are putting your hard-earned money on the line. So please understand the concept behind it. And I will speak from very practical experiences. If you like the content, please press the like button. It would allow these type of videos to reach out to more people. In fact, do press the like button and we will get started. Also, this video has been brought to you by Upgrad. More about them subsequently on the video. So let me take you to my whiteboard and start explaining the context. So I have recently purchased a villa in Goa. Now, what do I own? Let me give you a very quick understanding. So I own a villa. It's a constructed villa. I own the land and it has a running business on it. What is the running business? It's Airbnb and the property is already listed on Airbnb and it is already generating rental income. So this is the nature of the investment that I have made. Now, how have I been able to finance this? So I have taken a loan of one crore rupee. I have invested. Right off the bat, 90 lakhs as down payment. Now, for this one crore rupee, I am paying an EMI of 80,000 rupees monthly. And how much money am I making through this Airbnb rental business? I am making roughly 81,000 rupees. So net net, what is my outflow on every month basis? It is close to zero because I am making 81,000 rupees and I am paying an EMI of approximately 80,000-81,000 rupees. So it gets nullified and my investment amount comes out to be 90 lakh rupees. So I hope all of us. Are aligned up until this point. Now you will have a set of natural questions that hey Akshat, how are you making 81,000 rupees? Are you not investing your time running Airbnb business? That itself is a full time headache. So, okay, let me give a very quick context there. So there is an Airbnb manager whom I have hired. He will be paying me 81,000 rupees. So I am in a way sub renting it. Now you will naturally say that, hey, how are you making like 81,000 rupees? So I will show you all the documents when I give you a property tour. But for the time being, let us assume that I'm able to make 81,000 rupees. So now let us move to 23,000 rupees. And let us assume that I get a horrible return on this property. So what is the absolute worst case return that I will get? Absolute worst case can be zero. But let us talk about a slightly more realistic number. Let's assume a 2X growth in the next ten years. This is almost equal to a fixed deposit return. Then at what price will I be able to sell this? I will be able to sell it at roughly 4 Cr. Now here is the magical thing that my investment amount was 90 lakh. Now I'm able to flip this property at 4 Cr. So what is the amount of return that I'm making? I am. I'm almost 4X my gain in the next ten years by investing in a slightly more safer instrument. For example, a well protected land on which a running business is already there. It is relatively safe. It is not as if that someone will do kabza on it. So by investing in a sensible instrument, I have been able to 4X my money, assuming a really bad rate of return. You might have a natural question for me that, hey, why did you not outright buy this? Why did you decide to take a loan on the property? Multiple reasons. Number one, when you take a bank loan, while purchasing a property, the bank itself does the verification of your property. So you are safe. You are not getting into some disputed property. This is reason one. Number two, the interest rate environment right now is favorable for taking a loan. So right now I'm getting this interest rate at roughly 7.5%-8%. In the future, it might go up to 10% also. So I am taking a fixed loan on it, not a floating loan. Number three, I will be able to claim tax benefit on the interest. Number four, I will be able to show a little bit of it as a business expense. So there are a lot of things at play. Therefore, I have taken a loan. I have not outright purchased it. Fifth and final, very important point is that I can keep on playing this game. For example, if I can identify 10 such more properties, then I need to have the capability to make this down payment. Right. With this equation out of the way, let me now systematically help you understand under what circumstances you should also take loan and how you should go about playing this game. So first and foremost, when you're taking a loan, you must have a very clear understanding whether you are taking that loan or not. You must have a clear understanding of the taking that loan for purchasing liabilities. Now, the definition of asset and liabilities itself differs from person to person. For example, if you call up a CA and check with him or her that is car and asset or a liability, the CA might say that it is an asset. But according to finance people like me, a car is a liability. In fact, it is a very big liability. Many of you might be taking EMIs on purchasing iPhones or iPhone. 14 has come. I'm going to buy it on the first day and take an EMI on my head or this credit card is giving me like 50 rupees cash back, so I'll go and spend like 50,000 rupees on taking like some kind of loan. So please understand that you should generally avoid taking loans for liabilities. So let me just put some context. If you're a regular viewer of my channel, you would already understand the difference between asset and liability. But a very quick explanation there. So assets are things that put money into your pocket. For example, the villa that I'm purchasing. How is it putting money into my pocket? I will be getting a cash flow in terms of my rent and the renters, I will pick that cash flow and I will service my loan. So that becomes an asset purchase for me. On the flip side, if you're purchasing iPhone 14, then what is happening? Whether you are getting a zero cost EMI, whether you are getting 1% EMI or whatever EMI you are getting, you are still purchasing a liability. Why? Because this takes money out of your pocket every single month. That EMI is something that you pay month on month. So then comes second point that what type of asset you should purchase? And the natural response here is purchase good assets. So what is the definition of good assets? These are assets whose value is likely to continue going up in time. That is how I would define good assets. A classic case in point would be the land versus flat debate. For example, land is finite amount. If you're purchasing land, most likely scenario is that it will go up in value. But on the flip side, there is a very high probability that the value of a flat will go down with time. Why is that the case? Let me quickly, quickly explain it. Now here is the supply and demand curve of flats. Now, who do you think controls the supply of flat? Who decides that 100 more units of flat should be added? It is the builder. If they have financing, if they have already procured a land, they can easily create 100 more units. So understand this from an example that it's 2022. You purchase a flat worth two crore rupee. Now there is some kind of recession. All the construction has been stopped. You will be very happy that the supply of flats is not going up. You will be able to sell your stuff. OK, when you go out to sell your flat, what will happen? That there will not be much demand because there is a recession underway or there is some kind of economic issue. OK, then assume an optimistic scenario that OK, recession is out. Everything. is out now. The economy is getting back on track. Then what would happen? Builders would start constructing a lot of flats. So they will be able to move the supply. So no matter how you look at it, when you purchase a flat, you are getting a bad deal. I'm not saying that you cannot sell a flat for profit. Of course, you can sell it if there is boom in that particular region, et cetera, et cetera. But it's harder to sell a flat profitably compared to a land. So systematically speaking, which is a better asset? A land is a much better asset. Now, another way of judging a good asset is to compute the ROI of that asset and then you can earn on investment. So let us pick a couple of examples. So the first example is of upscaling. For example, let's say that you're spending 20 lakh rupees in order to complete your MBA. Your pre MBA salary is 5 lakh rupee. And after your MBA, you get a package of 10 lakh rupees. Then should you be taking a loan to do this MBA? The answer is yes, you should definitely do it. Why? Because the ROI computation tells you that this asset is good. Similarly, please check some of the best courses that I've curated from UpGrad. It is there in the description box. According to me, if you do these type of good courses, you will get a good rate. that the ROI of your investment is going to be positive. Now comes second good asset. For example, if you're taking a loan to create a business and if you take a 10 lakh rupee loan and after taking a loan, you are able to make a profit of 3 lakh rupee a year. Should you take that loan? The answer most likely again would be a yes. It depends on a lot of things. But yes, if you have the confidence that you will be able to turn your business positive and that loan helps you, then you should definitely do it. Now, can I give you some kind of a general rule as to how to do this assessment that, okay, 10 lakh loan, 3 lakh profit. Is it good or bad? Or 20 lakh investment, 5 lakh rupee salary jump. Is that good or bad? So for this, you need to calculate the payback period. So payback period means that you are taking 20 lakh loan and your salary jump is 5 lakh rupees. So what becomes your payback period in a way? It becomes four years. What is the payback period here? 10 lakh divided by three. It becomes 3.33. So generally it is seen that if the payback period is less than four to five years, then it is considered to be a good asset. Now, this is not the only definition of a good asset. You have to consider your own personal circumstances. Let me give you an example. So, for example, let's say that I'm 34 years old. Now I'm trying to make this decision that, hey, if I invest 20 lakhs in my MBA and I'll get a salary jump of 5 lakhs, should I do it? Should I not do it? Okay, from a finance point of view, it might make sense to do it. But from a personal circumstance point of view that I have a young son to take care of. I have a family to take care of. I already might be in a good job. So I have to do what? I have to do a risk assessment of my decision. So I hope you get this picture. Now let me explain you the third key point about taking loans. So this third key point is called as over leveraging because you will get super enticed by looking at the thumbnail of the video that Akshat is able to turn his money into forex into a sensible asset. Let me also try to do it. Okay, please understand this point of being over leveraged. What is the meaning of over leveraged? Adani companies. No, I'm just kidding. Let me give you a proper example. So the general rule is that if the EMI that you have to pay every month, calculate the EMI of all the loans that you have taken. And if that number comes out to be more than 30% of your salary, then in general, it would be said that you are over leveraged. So let's say that you have one lakh rupee cash flow, which is coming in form of salary. You are paying 30K EMI by purchasing iPhone, by purchasing a house, etc. etc. Then are you in a good situation? The answer is yes. That this situation is fine. But you have a salary of one lakh and you are paying an EMI of 90,000. Is that a sensible decision? The answer is absolutely not. Now, why is that the case? Simply because of the viewpoint that if you are dependent on one or maybe even two, three sources of income. And if something happens to you, for example, you might have some kind of a health crisis, your business might not do well or you might get fired from the job. Then what would happen is that you might struggle to pay that EMI for two, three months. And then that becomes a big headache for you. A related point here is that I get so many questions that, hey, should I be taking a loan in order to invest in the stock market? The answer is no, you should not be doing it. This brings us to the fourth and final concept of volatility. So here is a very quick explanation of volatility and volatility means certainty of cash flow. That is what it means. For example, here are three assets, for example, is stock an asset? Yes, because if you invest, the chances are that it will go up. Generally, that is what has been seen. What about house rent that you purchase a flat and you rent it out to someone? The chances are that you are going to make money. What about gold? Is it certain that you will make return from gold? Yes, it is almost certain that you will make returns from gold. But the cycle of return is very, very long. It might happen that you purchase gold in 2022 and till 2028, you get zero return out of it or negative returns. Then in 2030, you suddenly get like 10% return on it. So gold generally has a fairly long cycle. When it comes to stock, the cycle is usually around two to three years. When it comes to gold, the cycle is around ten years. With house rent, the cycle may be a few months, depending on your ability to rent out your house. For example, you might be able to rent out your house for 12 months. Then the person will vacate the house. Then it might take you another six months to find a new tenant and rent them out. So the cycle becomes what? The cycle becomes six months. So I hope you get the perspective that as the asset becomes more and more volatile, you should be considerate in terms of taking loans for it. For example, the cycle for stock is fairly long. The cycle for gold is fairly long. So please do not take loans and invest in it. It is completely okay to take a loan for a house. It is completely okay to take a loan for a MBA. It is completely okay to take a business loan. It is completely okay to take a loan to start your digital business, etc. I hope you get all these finer points. It all comes from practical experiences. And let me now very quickly give you a recap of the entire video. So here are three most important points that you should remember from this video. Number one. Taking a loan is not evil. It is completely okay to take loans as long as you are purchasing a loan to take an asset. This is point number two that you should purchase good assets. You should not purchase too many liabilities. What are good assets? Those are growth oriented assets which fit with your personal situation and meet your risk appetite. Third and final point that please do not be over leveraged. Just because you like the debt game does not mean that you become over leveraged and ruin your financial well-being. I hope you enjoyed this video. Do check out some of the courses on UpGrad and I will see you soon.
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और इस तरह से आप बैंक में बिना लाइन लगाए या फिर गए आप घर बैठे ही अपना फिक्स डिपोजिट कर पाएंगे तो यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं यह मेरा पंजाम नेशनल बैंक का मॉबाइल बैंकिंग एप्लिकेशन PNB1 खोला हुआ है मैंने और इसी के माध्यम से मैं FD यानि टर्म डिपोजिट करके दिखाऊंगा FD को टर्म डिपोजिट भी कहते हैं पंजाम नेशनल बैंक में FD का जो रेट है काफी बढ़िया चल रहा है फिलाल में और यह आप देख सकते हैं माउंट मैं आपको दिखाऊंगा यह वाला रहा है और उसके बाद देख सकते हैं यहां पर तीन लाइन दिया हुआ है यहां पर एक बाету क्लिक करेंगे क्लिक करने के बाद यहां पर बहुत सव आवसान आ जाता है नाम के साथ ऊपर मेरा नाम है और यहां पर देख सकते है चौसे नंबर पर ओपन फिक्स डिपोजिट जो दिखा रहा है तो इसके ऊपर आपको क्लिक कर देना है यहां पर ठीक है ऑनलाइन आप एप्टी खोलेंगे और यहां पर मेरा अकाउंट नंबर दिखा रहा है अगर आपके कस्टमर आईडी पर सेविंग और करेंट दो अकाउंट होंगे तो यहां पर दो अकाउंट दिखाएगा लेकिन आपका मेरा एक ही दिखा रहा है क्योंकि मैंने पास ही सेविंग्स अकाउंट है और इसमें कितना बैलेंस वहां पर दिखा रहा है उसके बाद यहां पर डिपोजिट अमाउंट के भी पहले से क्लोज नहीं कर पाएंगे बिना 5 वर्ष से पहले अगर पैसों की जरूरत पड़ जाती है तब तो मैं नॉर्मल के ऊपर ही छोड़ देता हूं नॉर्मल के ऊपर क्लिक करके मैं आपको एक वर्ष का एफडी करके दिखाऊंगा उसके नीचे यहां पर देख सकते हैं इनवेश्टमेंट प्लान दिखा रहा है बेस्ट प्लान और कस्टमाइज प्लान बेस्ट कलाज में पेंञे का सबसे बेस्ट प्लान अभी चल रहा है 606 दिनों का जो कि 17 deceased दे रहा है लेकिन मुझे बेस्ट प्लान देगा कि कितना आपका रेट दे रहा है और यहां पर मैचुरिटी अमाउंट कितना होगा देख सकते हैं दो लाख तीरा जार नौ सो इक्याउन रुपया होगा जब यह साल भर के बाद मेचुर होगा चार अपलेल दो हजार चौबीस को अगर आप एफडी कैलकुलेटर कार्यक्षिक करना चाहते हैं नियुक्तों यहां पर क्लिक करके कर सकते हैं फीनएप्पी कमेंटर मोबाइल में भी बहुत ही अच्छा चलता है काफी असान इस् Character किला करना लेकिन यह पहले ही बता दिया तो मेरा रेडियॉ टिक चल रहा है 6.8 का जो कि SBI का भी चल रहा है इतना उसके बाद यहां पर भी फ्रेंड रेस्ट रेट चार्ट का ऑप्शन है इसके ऊपर क्लिक करेंगे तो यह इसके वेबसाइट पर लेकर जाएगा और आप टोटल रेट इसका देख सकते हैं एफडी का डेमोस्टिक टरम डिपोजिट यहां पर ऑप्शन है क्लिक करेंगे एक बार और उसके बाद यहां पर देख सकते हैं डिमेंस्टिक टरम डिपोजिट वेलो 2 करोड़ रुपए के ऊपर क्लिक कर देना है मतलब हमारा जो मांग 2 करोड़ के अमाउंट से कम है तो यह बाला अभी हमारा जो रेट होगा वह लगू होगा तो यहां पर देख सकते हैं एक वर्ष का 6.75 यह पहले था अभी 6.8 चल रहा है जो कि थोड़ा सा हाइलाइट करके यह दिखा रहा है ठीक तो चलिए चलते हैं पेन भी वन ऐप पर तो अभी आटो रिनुव की ऊपर रखूंगा तो मेरा जो एक साल का जो टर्म है वह जो ही पूरा होगा अपने आप यह फिर दूसरा एफडी बन जाएगा लेकिन मुझे दूसरा एफडी नहीं बनाना है जब मैं आटो क्लोज के ऊपर क्लिक कर दूंगा तो जो मेरा एक साल पूरा हो जाएगा तो मेरे सेविंग्स अकाउंट में मेरा मैं प्रिंसिपल अमाउंट और बयाज होगा था सब्सक्राइब कर सकता या फिर जो चाहे वह कर सकता हूं उसके बाद यहां पर एक पेमेंट ऑप्शन है तो मेचूरिटी compounding का फायदा मिलता है तो मैं ये maturity पर ही इसका ब्याज लूँगा मेरा ठीक है अगर आपकी इच्छा है monthly लेना तो यहाँ पर click करेंगे तिमाही लेना चाहते हैं तो यहाँ पर click करेंगे लेकिन मैं maturity पर ही लूँगा तो यहाँ पर maturity के उपर click करके छोड़ देता हूँ उसके बाद यहाँ पर नीचे ओप्सन है retain nominee details for selected debit account यानि कि अगर आप अपना savings account वाला nominee इस FD account के लिए रखना चाहते हैं तो यहाँ पर click कर देता हूँ मैंने सब कुछ fill कर दिया है एक बार यहाँ पर confirm करने के लिए आएगा देख सकते हैं मेरा 2 लाख रुपे का FD हो रहा है 10 यूर यहाँ पर 1 वर्स debit account मेरा savings account है PNB वाला rate दिखा रहा है और maturity amount दिखा रहा है maturity date दिखा रहा है 4 अप्रेल 2024 को confirm के ऊपर click कर देता हूँ अपना transaction pin डालूंगा जो कि मैंने mobile banking PNB 1 बनाते समय डाला था तो डाल देता हूँ यहाँ पर मैंने डाल दिया है अब मेरा OTP आएगा registered mobile number पर जो कि इसी में है इसी mobile में OTP आ चुका है कॉपी कर लेता हूं और इसे मैं पेस्ट कर देता हूं कंफर्म के ऊपर क्लिक करूंगा और मेरा FD सक्सेस फुली खुल जाएगा घर बैठे ही तो यहां पर देख सकते हैं मेरा जो FD है वह खुल चुका है घर रहे बैंक जाने की तो आवश्यकता ही नहीं पड़ी और ना ही से प्लोज कराने जाने की आवश्यकता पड़ेगी चार अप्रैल दो हजार 24 को प्लोज होगा तो अटोमेटिक मेरे सेविंग्स अकाउंट में सारे पैसे आ जाएंगे व्याज सहीत यहां पर SMS भी आ चुका है पीएंबी का यहां पर देख सकते हैं और मैं से प्लोज करना नहीं बताऊंगा दोस्तों क्योंकि मुझे यह रियल में एफडी रखना है एक वर्ष का तो यह देख सकते हैं अगर आप इसका रिसेप्ट डाउनलोड करना चाहेंगे तो यहां पर मैं फिर से होम पेज पर आ चुका हूं और मैंने एक बार लोग आउट करके इसे लॉग इन किया है तो देख सकते हैं अभी मेरा सेविंग्स अकाउंट से 2 लाख रुपया गायब हो चुका है ठीक है और यहां पर यह बगल में आ गया यह पहले था डिपोजिट अकाउंट शो कर रहा है यहां पर क्लिक करूंगा तो अभी यहां पर 2 लाख रुपया यह शो करने लग गया है ठीक है एक नया अकाउंट नंबर खुल जाता है जब आप एफडी करते हैं ओपन न्यूएफडी के ऊपर नीचे ऑप्शन है देख सकते हैं रेक्टर के नया एफडी भी खोल सकते हैं लेकिन मैं नहीं कर रहा अभी यहां पर जो भी बैज मिलेगा टोटल डिटेल यहां पर आप क्लिक करके देख पाएंगे जैसे कि यहां पर देख सकते हैं अकाउंट का सॉमरी दिखा रहा है मैचिरिटी अमाउंट और कब होगा, कब खुला है, टोटल डिटेल दिखा रहा है अगर आप यहां से FD Advice डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं तो बगल में देख सकते हैं, Download FD Advice का उप्सन है क्लिक करके डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं इसका ब्याज जैसे जैसे मिलता जाएगा तो नीचे भी यहाँ पर statement में शो करता जाएगा ठीक है, जैसे कि अभी 2 लाक रुपया आ चुका है अगर इसका ब्याज मिलता है, 3-4 महिने के बाद थोड़ा सा तो वो भी यहाँ पर शो करेगा Maturity पर Total ब्याज आपको यहाँ पर शो करेगा अकाउंट में आ जाएगा, अपने से आ जाएगा Close करने की अवस्थकता नहीं पड़ेगी तो दोस्तों देखा आपने कितनी असानी से आप PNB में घर बेटे ही अपना FD खोल पाएंगे वीडियो देखने के लिए आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद
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मेरे क्लाइंट ने मुझे UPI ID बेजा, मैंने उस पे अमाउंट ट्रांसवर कर दिया, उनसे पूछा तो उन्हें अमाउंट ही रिसीव नहीं हुआ, बाद में पता चला मुझे सुनील पे पैसे डालने थे और मैंने सुनील पे डाल दिये। फिर उन्होंने वो मेल सामने वाली बैंक को भेजा, फिर सेंटरल बैंक ने ये रिप्लाई करके बता है कि ट्रांजेक्शन हुआ है और उस परसन ने वो पैसे अब तक निकाले नहीं है। और फिर उन्होंने उस amount को hold पे डाल दिया, फिर मेरे relationship manager ने मुझे एक e-mandate form भराया और सामने वाली बैंक को भेजा और फिर सेंटरल बैंक ने उस person से consent लिया और finally within 24 hours में मेरे पैसे मेरे account में आ गया।
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प्रॉब्लम गांज अभी एक बार मोबाइल को स्टॉप कर लीजिए यह ऐसा भी है और आपने मोबाइल को स्टॉप भी कर लिया फिर पर आपको एक प्रॉब्लम देखने को मिल रही यह गाइस बीए बैंक का सैफा डाउन है गाइस बैंक कि सर्वर डाउन प्रश्न प्रश्न
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CVS, 7-Eleven and others. It will cost you around $3 and you will have to make the initial deposit of $20 or more. But you cannot order the Green Dot Prepaid Card online. To activate the Green Dot Visa Debit Card download Green Dot App and activate the Prepaid Card there. The process is pretty simple. Here are some facts that you should know before you open the Green Dot Visa Debit Card. First is that you can escape the monthly fee if you have a direct deposit of $500. Without the direct deposit monthly fee is $8. Next benefit is the free network of ATMs and 3 free cash deposits per day. Deposits can be made at the same stores where you can buy the Green Dot Visa Debit Card. Green Dot Bank not only issues cards but also operates the deposit network in retail stores. That is why it can offer free cash deposits. You will have to use Green Dot mobile app to generate a special security code. Then show it to the cashier, swipe your prepaid card and give some cash for deposit. Each cash reload deposit is limited to $500. The deposit is $100. The deposit fee can be up to $5. It depends on the store where you make your deposit. If you are paid with cash, such a deposit is quite a good thing. SAP Direct Deposit should make your salary a day or two earlier. Sometimes it can be helpful. Another feature that you may enjoy is the mobile check deposit. You can use it to deposit paper checks with your mobile phone. Keep in mind that it will work only after a month. After you open the account you will find a valid check. You can set aside cash for emergencies and future purchases. Your balance in the Money Vault doesn't turn interest. What a hack. There are no overdrafts by default, but you can turn them on if you have a direct deposit. Additionally, you cannot use this card for international or foreign transactions. Can you transfer money from Green Dot to bank account? Yes. Green Dot has routing number and account number, so you can transfer money from Green Dot to bank account and back from bank account to Green Dot. Can I transfer money from Green Dot to Cash App? Yes, you can transfer money. Just add Green Dot as a bank to your Cash App. The Green Dot cards have a shady terms, so you will have to carefully inspect the cardholder agreement for hidden tricks that Green Dot can play with you. Overall, I wouldn't recommend using the Green Dot prepaid card.
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तो बैंक कैशियर मुझसे कैश लेने के बाद बैंक के सिस्टम में मेरे अकाउंट के अगेंज्ट 1 लाख रुपे की क्रेडिट एंट्री करेगा और जो कैश मैंने कैशियर को दिया है उस cash को bank treasury में रख देगा लेकिन recently ओडिसा में ICICI bank के एक employee ने 1.85 crore रुपे का fraud कर दिया अब जो भी customer bank में cash जमा कराने आता ये employee उसे cash ले लेता था और bank के system में लिए हुए cash की entry भी कर देता था लेकिन उस cash को bank की treasury में रखने की बजाए अपने साथ घर ले जाता था ऐसा करके धीरे धीरे इस employee ने 1.85 crore रुपे अपने घर में जमा कर लिये और फिर bank से design कर दिया लेकिन कुछ टाइम बाद bank audit में जैसे ही इस cash का mismatch मिला तो bank staff ने police complaint करवाई और finally police ने बड़ी मशकत के साथ इस fraudster को arrest कर लिया
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It's really simple because they all work seamlessly together. So there's two credit cards with Chase. One is the Chase Freedom Unlimited, which is your everyday spender, and then the Chase Sapphire Preferred card. With the combination of both of those cards, you unlock the Chase Travel Portal, which allows you to move your points into mileage partners or hotel loyalty programs, so then you can travel hack better. So you get those two cards, and now you complete your Chase Duo. The other two cards are with American Express. So you get the American Express Gold card, so you can earn four times points on restaurants and groceries, namely. And then you also get the Platinum card. You want to spend your money on the Amex Gold card and the Chase Freedom Unlimited, but you want to have the Sapphire Preferred and the American Express Platinum, so you can get the travel benefits. You unlock the portals for both of them, and you can actually move your points where you want them to go. If you're a traveler, if you travel more than, I would say, once or twice every couple months, then I think you should get that card. Otherwise, you don't need that one, but the other three, everybody should have.
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काफी सारी वीडियो मैंने देखी, बहुत सारे लोगों ने बताय हुआ है कि ओनलाइन घर बैठे बैठे आप Indian Post Payment Bank में अपना savings account ओपन कर सकते हो कोई भी फीस नहीं है, zero balance savings account है, कोई भी आपको चार्ज देने के जूरत नहीं है lifetime zero balance savings account है, ठीक है, सारी चीज़े ठीक है लेकिन काफी लोग इस चीज़ में confused हो जाते हैं लोगों को लगता है कि यह जो IPPB अकाउंट है, यानि यह जो Indian Post Payment Bank का अकाउंट है यही अकाउंट है जो post office में open होते है, दोनों अलग-अलग है यह है Indian Post Payment Bank, और दूसरा होता है post office savings account जैसे हम देखते हैं हमारे घर के आसपास post office है, काफी लोगों को post offices के उपर trust है लोगों को लगता है यह 100% गवर्वर्मेंट है, लोगों को यह लगता है कि अगर हम इसमें अपना पैसा रखेंगे तो हमारा पैसा 100% सेफ है अब यह जो IPPB है, यानि Indian Post Payment Bank है, यह भी 100% गवर्वर्मेंट है, लेकिन यह post office savings account से बिलकुल अलग है देखो payment bank सबसे पहले आप समझो, payment bank होते क्या है, देखो जो भी ऐसा bank, अगर हम payment banks की बात करें तो आज की रेट में इंडिया में सिर्फ 6 payment banks हैं, जिसमें से Indian Post Payment Bank भी एक पार्ट है अब यहाँ पे RBI ने payment bank के ऊपर एक restriction लगाई हुई है, एक safety के लिए, कि यह जो banks हैं, यह 2 लाक उर्पे से जादा किसी भी customer का deposit नहीं ले सकते, यानि अगर मैं Indian Post Payment Bank की भी बात करूँ, तो इस case में भी किसी भी point of time पर मैं 2 लाक उर्पे से जादा balance अपने account में maintain नहीं कर स सकता, दूसरी बात, अब यह जो Indian Post Payment Bank का account है, यह मुझे open करना पड़ेगा online, online open करने के लिए process क्या है, कि आपको Google Play Store पर जा करके, Indian Post Payment Bank की mobile banking application को activate करना होगा, यानि install करके जब आप activate करोगे, उसके बाद कुछ अपनी basic details enter करोगे, कोई video KYC का option यह देते नहीं है, आपको अ post office का savings account यह open कर लो, अब दूसरी बात, जब तक आपकी KYC complete नहीं होगी, उस time तक सिरफ और सिरफ ज़ादा से ज़ादा आपके account में, एक लाग से ज़ादा आप किसी भी point of time पर balance नहीं रख सकते, जब KYC complete होगी, उसके बाद ही 2 लाग रुपे maximum balance maintain कर सकते, दूसरी तरफ यह post office savings account है, यह normal savings account है, जैसे हम open करते हैं, state bank of India में, HDFC में, access bank में, normal savings account, इसमें आप कितना मरजी पैसा रखो, कितनी मरजी transactions करो, यह normal savings account है, दूसरा, एक मैं आपको इसका बहुत बड़ा advantage बताता हूँ, जो Indian post payment bank है, पहले यह savings account पर हमें interest देता था, 2.25%, वो भी इसने घटा के अब सिरफ 2% का rate of interest देता है savings account पर, Indian post payment bank, आप market में किसी भी bank को उठा के देख लो, कोई भी bank इतना कम rate of interest तो नहीं देता, किसी भी bank को उठा के देख लो, दूसरी तरफ, अगर आप post office का regular savings account ओपन करोगे, तो इसमें आपको 4% का rate of interest मिलेगा, यानि एक ही organization है, एक ही post office है, एक तरफ, Indian post payment bank आता है, एक तरफ, post office का regular savings account आता है, बहुत सारी videos बनी हुई है, बेधडली videos बनी हुई है, सभी लोग बना रहे हैं, कि यहाँ पे आप Indian post payment bank का account online ओपन कर लो, घर बैठे बैठे, लोगों लगते है post office में account ओपन हो रहे है, लेकिन ये post office का direct account नहीं है, ये Indian post payment bank का account है, post office का अगर आपको account ओपन करना है, पहली बात, online आप account ओपन ही नहीं कर सकते, दूसरी बात, आपको account ओपन करने के लिए post office ही visit करना पड़ेगा, लेकिन यहाँ पे rate of interest भी देखो, यहाँ पे सारी facilities भी मिल रही हैं आपको, यानि regular savings account है, कितनी भी transaction करो, दूसरी � बात, आपको savings account में भी 4% का rate of interest मिल रहा है, अब एक बार इस वीडियो में हम दोनों ही accounts को comparison कर लेते हैं, कि किस-किस field में यह accounts अलग है, एक तरफ हम compare करेंगे Indian Post Payment Bank के account को, और दूसरी तरफ हम compare करेंगे post office के regular savings account को, अब यहाँ पर Indian Post Payment Bank का जो यह account है, यह तीन parts में basically आते हैं, आपको कौन सा account open करना है, पहला यह दिखाएगा BSBD account, यह बेसिक savings account, जिसे हम जंधन खाते ही बोलते हैं, उसका कोई benefit नहीं है, यहाँ बहुत limited ही transactions आप कर सकते हो, दूसरा यह दिखाएगा open your digital savings account, यहाँ आपको उसी account को ही open करना पड़ेगा, digital savings account को, उसमें यह होता है, zero balance account है, online घर बैठे बैठे, बिना video KYC के आपका account open हो जाएगा, KYC pending रह जाएगी, जब आप branch visit करोगे, या जब आप post office visit करोगे, उसके बाद आपकी KYC complete होईगी, KYC complete जैसे ही होईगे ना, तो यह digital savings account आपका convert हो जाएगा, post office, या इन्डियन post payment bank के regular savings account, यानि जो यह digital savings account था, बिना KYC के, इसमें maximum आप एक लाफ रुपे रख सकते थे, जब यह convert हो जाएगा, regular savings account में, तो इसमें maximum आप फिर दो लाफ रुपे रख पाओगे, दूसरी दरफ post office savings account, जैसे कि मैंने आपको बताया, कि इसमें आप कितना भी पैसा रखो, यह normal और regular savings account के तरह है, इधर Indian post payment bank में, minimum balance आपको zero रखना है, और initially जब आप account open करते हो, तब भी आपको zero रुपीज ही maintain करना है, यह नहीं, कोई maintenance नहीं है, और कोई भी initial funding नहीं है, दूसरी दरफ post office savings account की बात करूँ, तो account opening के लिए, आपको कम से कम, 500 पे गी initial funding करना ज़रूरी है, और account में 500 पे ही आपको maintain करना भी ज़रूरी है, यह नहीं, इसका जो monthly average balance है, वो 500 पे maintain करना आपको ज़रूरी है, बहुत कम है, आप even SBI और किसी दूसरे bank को भी देखोगे, SBI तो चलो आज की date में zero balance दे रहा है, लेकिन किसी भी दूसरे bank को देख लो, तो काफी सारा आपको monthly average balance maintain करना बढ़ता है, क्योंकि यहाँ पे zero rupees ही आपको maintain करना है, लेकिन अगर हम post office की बात करें, इसमें अगर आपने 500 पे maintain नहीं किये, तो आपके उपर सालाना 100 पे की penalty ले गई, अब यहाँ पे इस case में, जो आपका interest है, वो quarterly आपको मिल जाएगा, यानि हर 3 महिने में आपको interest मिलेगा, लेकिन post office savings bank account की हम बात करें, तो इसका जो interest है, यह पूरे साल का interest एक बार आपको 31 मार्च को credit हो, यानि जो post office का account है, जो हम post office visit करके open करते हैं, इसके account का interest, यानि आप लगबग आज की date में हर bank को देखोगे, तो हर bank आपको 3 महिने में एक बार interest देता है, लेकिन post office का यह जो account है, य प्रोफीट कार्ड नहीं मिलेगा, सिर्फ एक QR कोड मिलेगा, जिसे scan करके आप अपनी transactions कर सकते हो, बाकि आपको सिर्फ virtual debit card मिलेगा, जिसकी fee से 25 रुपे, तो इस case में online physical debit card नहीं मिलने की वज़े से, आप किसी भी ATM में जाके cash withdraw नहीं कर सकते, उसमें काफी आपको दिक्कत पर पर्वाशन बैंक में और post office savings bank account में, safe 100% ये भी है, 100% ये भी है, दोनों ये 100% government है, इस case में बस मेरा ये वीडियो बनाने का मकसद ये था, कि बहुत लोग यही सोचते हैं, कि ये जो Indian post payment bank है, ये ही post office का account है, दोनों अलग-अलग है, क्योंकि काफी लोगों को open कराना होत दोनों की payment bank क्या होते हैं, उसे आप पढ़ सकते हो easily अपनी knowledge के लिए, बाकि payment banks की बहुत restrictions हैं, ये उमीद करता हूँ, आपको समझ आ गई हैं, अभी के लिए this is the end of the video, thanks for listening and thank you.
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home equity lines of credit, right? So what happens is during 2008, 2009, when the housing market crashed, home equity lines of credit got frozen, right? A lot of banks froze the lines of credit because let's face it, I mean, they just they can't keep offering them when the market's in a tailspin, right? And so the challenge in relying on that as your only strategy is when the market does take a spin and start to go down, you are not necessarily guaranteed to be able to access that capital for opportunity.
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Invest in assets, not liabilities. What is the worst financial advice you've ever received? The way to build wealth is saving your money. So true. What is something you used to value that you don't anymore? Material things. What is something that you think people think is important when it comes to money, but you realize that's not really the right focus? Net worth is a crap indicator of real success.
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whether or not they should do an equity line of credit. They had done some landscaping and stuff like that and they're just wondering if they should do an equity line of credit. I just wanted to read my response to them so you can get some insight into what my thoughts are on it. So I said, hey, I hope you guys are doing great. I would always advise having an equity line on the property, even if it's just for liquidity sake. So I have a $300,000 equity lines on my home just sitting there. If you don't borrow against it, you don't pay any payment. It's just for liquidity. What I'm not saying is go take out a loan and put a bunch of money on it for no reason. I'm just telling you that from a liquidity standpoint, it's good just to have it for my sake, from my standpoint. So here are the upsides of an equity line. You only pay on what you owe. In a sense, it's kind of like a big fat credit card with better terms than a credit card. So you only pay on what you owe. So if you don't owe anything, you don't pay anything. It's relatively flexible and gives you access to liquidity, to capital if you need it, and emergency capital if you need it to invest in something or if you want to use it for investment property or that kind of thing. And if you go through a kind of a typical bank, generally they're free. So you're not going to want to go through, in most cases, you're not going to want to go through a lender like me because they're different than first mortgages. In first mortgages, what happens is they're sold on the secondary market and we can cover some of your costs because we have some revenue to it. With equity lines, the banks hold them on their line at their portfolio then. We don't. So what ends up happening is we would have to charge you an appraisal. We would have to charge you title. We'd have to charge you all that stuff, whereas a bank would just do it for free. So here are the downsides that I got. They are adjustable in interest only. So you definitely do not want to put them out there and just leave them alone. You want a plan to pay them off. Also, right now, as the Fed raises rates, those rates are going to increase. They're adjustable based on the Fed funds rate. So as the Fed funds rate goes up, your rates are going to increase and therefore your payment is going to increase. So you have to be really careful of that. And when you do go through a bank as opposed to go through someone like us, they're not as inclined to walk you through stuff and talk you through stuff. So the process can be really arduous and long and a pain in the butt more so than working with us. It's just it doesn't make sense to pay us title and insurance and all that stuff and pay us to do it when the bank will do it for free. So you kind of just want to endure that pain for that game. So here's what I would say about whether or not you should get an equity line. Number one, yes, it's a good idea to get to an equity line, regardless of whether you use it or not. Access to liquidity is key, especially in uncertain economic times. Even if it's just for safety or an emergency fund or something, you don't necessarily want to use it as a piggy bank for sure. You may not want to use it for repairs if you could pay cash otherwise and you don't want to pay that interest and you don't have a plan to pay it down. But it's a good idea just to have just in case. From my standpoint, it's better to go to a bank or a credit union or some of you bank with as opposed to using a lender like myself or any other lenders that specialize in first mortgages. Because our specialization in first mortgages, we have an ability to monetize that by being almost like getting a contractor discount going to those rates. So in essence, when you go to a lender like me, you're going to a contractor who can buy the paint for much less than you can pay the paint and hopefully give you better service than going back, going to the paint seller directly. So we're not going to the same rate. We can earn that through how we do that. With equity lines, there's no mechanism like that really. So we'd have to charge you for a bunch of stuff that you don't have to pay for if you go to the bank where they're just going to hold on to it and make the interest over time. So I would also, the last thing I would say is I would get the biggest line you can possibly get based on your loan to value and based on your income and everything. Again, you're going to think I'm crazy because what I'm, but what I'm not saying is run that line up to like 100%. I'm saying take out the biggest line that you can, the biggest limit. That means if you take on only a tiny, if you take out a $300,000 equity line and you only take, and you only borrow 10,000 at a time, you're never going to incur any expense for that 300. But what's going to happen? Number one, you're going to have a large amount of flexibility. Let's say a rental property comes out. That's a great rental property. You can pay cash for it. Refinance it. Payback. But more so than that, a lot of times when you do a bigger line, they'll give you a lower interest rate on all of it. So it's a bit of a hack in the sense that, that if you take it an equity line for $20,000, they can only make so much on $20,000. So they're going to charge you a higher interest rate if your limit is 20,000, because they don't feel like it's even worth paying the cost to do that. So they have to raise their rate to cover their costs. If you take out a. $300,000 equity line and you have the ability to borrow that much, but you only borrow 20, you're kind of hacking the system in the sense that they're going to lower your rate because they think that ultimately you have the capacity to borrow up to 300,000 and pay interest on that. But if you just pretend you took the 20,000 out and you never go above that, you pay a lower interest rate on the lower amount. And last thing is, you know, it's an installment in most cases, but there's also less likelihood that your credit is going to have wild swings if you max it out. So if you leave the limit up here and your credit is and you're only kind of operating in the lower echelon of that and paying it off and using it and paying it off, if you're using it at all, if you manage it the right way, that's not going to swing your credit heavily, but it's the same as credit cards. If you have a credit card with a $20,000 limit and you only put $1,000 on it, your credit's not going to swing. If you have a $1,000 limit and you're maxing it out over and over, your credit's going to go wild. So hopefully that gives you some insights into equity lines and what my advice would be as it relates to taking out equity lines. I think they're a good tool, especially right now when it really doesn't make sense to refinance because the rates are so high. They could be a good access to capital point, but you're going to want a way to pay them off in the short term because they're adjustable, they're interest only and they're tied to the Fed funds rate. So be careful of that and hope you guys have a good day. Thanks for listening. I'll see you next time.
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the capacity of escaping taxes and fraud has to be undertaken. So today, no decision was taken, data was presented, many problems with the data in my view, but we will digest and we hopefully will have another meeting and come back. What does the center's data show? What's the shortfall like? What's the trend like? Well, basically the shortfall that they are looking at, by February next year, it appears from their projection, there'll be no appropriate money for compensation. Our own feeling is, if the leakage can be stopped, the fraud can be stopped, and point by point analysis of the kind of tax structure we've created can be understood, we can... We can handle this, but will the government of India have the will to do it, capacity to do it? We'll talk about that when the hearing is over, right now. Thank you Hello everybody and thank you, and also thank you to all my З такую Yes, everyone encore es And also, don't forget to say thanks Thank you alle
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Today I'm going to show you how to do a smart empty on our Bitcoin ATM machine. First thing you want to do is log into your machine. Secret code up here. Tap 10 times. Type in your secret password. Now on the configuration screen you can see initiate smart empty. And out comes your receipt which will show you what's in the machine. If you come down here you can see that the light's blinking, the machine's starting to make noise. It means your smart empty's working. Once the machine has stopped making noise and the light stopped blinking, check your screen and we're good to go. So now we're going to open our machine. Come down here with me. Okay. Insert the lock. Push the button. Swing the arm back. Voila. Now we have to unlock our cash box. Very simply, pull this out. Get the correct key. Alright. There's your cash. And now we're going to open our machine. Repeat the process in reverse. Now the key to putting your cash box in, come here. You want to hear this sound when you push it all the way in. That's how you know. Make sure it's flush. Shut the door. Lock it. Good to go. We're good to go. Close the door. You swing your arm back down. Push that button. It has to make sure it's locked. And that's how you do a smart empty.
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and there, you paid in less than two seconds. It's faster than, hold on, this, and safer than this. That quick exchange is thanks, in large part, to these, just a few little wires that make contactless payments possible. Here's a look inside the tech that makes those payments both quick and secure, and why tap-to-pay has taken so long to gain traction in the US. This is the tech behind tap-to-pay. At the heart of tap-to-pay is a technology called NFC, or near field communication, which itself is a specific form of RFID, or radio frequency identification. You might be familiar with it as a way to unlock your hotel room, for example. NFC relies on those little wires which are actually antennas. The antenna kind of looks like a racetrack, and it's sort of a coil of different wires, and that's what's used to basically transmit the radio frequency on both sides. This is Mike McLennan. He's the general manager of hardware at Square, a company that makes card readers, and he cracked one open to show us exactly how a tap-to-pay transaction works. Reminds me a lot of opening oysters. Card readers also have those antennas. This is the card reader. This is the NFC antenna. So this is the magic of what makes NFC transactions work. And you can see once we pull it off how thin the NFC antenna is. The card and the reader are what he calls passive and active connections. The reader is active because it has power and can initiate radio communication on its own. And the card is passive because it doesn't have power and needs to be near an active source to initiate that communication. Tapping your phone works the same way, because your phone emulates the radio. What's happening right now is the coil in here is active, and it's looking for a card basically anywhere within this sort of region up here. It's doing that using a radio frequency specific to NFC devices, which only works at a very short range, a maximum of about four centimeters. And when the reader finds the card, it requests the information needed for payment. That information is stored here in your card's chip. One thing it stores is what's known as static data, meaning information that's the same every time you use your card. That's things like the account number and expiration date. It's what's sent from your card's magnetic stripe when you swipe. But your chip doesn't just send that static data when you tap. It also sends something called a cryptogram, a unique string of numbers the issuers use to verify that your card is valid. What the card is doing is it's collecting information from the reader about the transaction, about the reader specifically, and it's collecting data. Combining that with the card information, using its cryptographic key to create a unique number for that transaction. That's what makes it really hard to replicate a card fraudulently, is because the card needs to have a cryptographic key that lets them generate that secret code. That information is fed through this, the payment board, which sorts through the data that it needs from the card and puts it all into an encrypted package. That package then gets sent off to the main board, which then... Sends that on to our servers, which then send it on to the networks like Visa, MasterCard, Amex, which then send it on to the issuer and then back with the approval message. Once you get to this board, it's all encrypted and protected information. And so anything beyond this will have a high degree of security involved in it. All of that happens in just a few seconds, faster than inserting your chip. So when you insert a chip, a chip card into a reader, there's a few back and forths in that communication. Whereas in contactless, there's just fewer back and forths. It was just built as a more efficient, more streamlined, only the bare necessities kind of information being passed back and forth. Card networks and security experts say that this is also more secure than other ways you can use your card. Unlike swiping, your static data is better protected during that communication. And because it doesn't have contact with the reader, it's not susceptible to malware, that can affect chip insert transactions on rare occasions. This tap to pay technology has taken off in the last few years, in part because of the push for contactless during the pandemic. Square says such payments tripled between the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2022. While other countries like the UK have had contactless integrated into public transportation for years, it's taken the US more than a decade to get here. For a whole new way to pay, MasterCard introduces PayPass. The US first started issuing tap to pay cards in the 2000s. Peter Rudiger is a Wall Street Journal reporter who covers payments and financial technology. Different banks thought it was a cool new technology and thought their consumers would really flock to it. Didn't really work out just because there were a few businesses that were set up to accept tap to pay. US retailers have been slow to replace payment systems, in part because they're expensive to change. In 2022, about 55% of the world's public transportation system, said they accepted tap to pay, with others saying they were planning on implementing it. Consumer behaviors are also difficult to change, and the switch to contactless didn't feel urgent. It's just often been described as a solution in search of a problem. Yes, it might be convenient and yes, it might be safe, but that's not usually enough for people to switch their behavior. The tech still has room to grow, and the push to integrate it into more parts of everyday life is working in its favor. In New York, for example, subway riders can now tap to pay at turnstiles. So you have this big push to get tap to pay into more transportation systems and get people used to using it every day. And if you're going to use tap to pay to get on and off the subway at least twice a day, maybe you'll also use it for your coffee, your lunch, your drinks. At least that's the idea that the credit card companies hope happens. Square and other companies have also recently released the functionality to use the NFC antenna in your phone as the active connection, essentially putting a reader in your pocket, which could make it easier for small retailers to accept card payments. This is showing you where it wants you to tap. And so the NFC antenna on your phone is right behind this. And so when I take my NFC enabled credit card and I hold it over there. Done. Transaction complete.
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Wait, that can't be right, can it? But it is! According to a recent survey from Time Magazine's NextAdvisor, just 21% of adults with bank accounts have a high-yield savings account, and 35% of people put money directly into low-yield savings accounts at a traditional brick-and-mortar bank. I'll back up those survey results. It seems that almost weekly, I have a conversation with someone about finances, and I ask, do you have a high-yield savings account? And the answer is no. My goal in 2023 is to fix that. In this video, we're going to talk about the pros and cons of opening a high-yield savings account. But first, let's make sure we understand what a high-yield savings account is. If you have a checking account at your local bank, you likely have a savings account there too. Because for decades, that's what you did. That's what your parents did. That's what your grandparents did. But when the financial crisis hit in 2008, traditional brick-and-mortar banks stopped paying interest and never started again, even as interest rates rose back up. A high-yield savings account is a type of savings account that typically offers a higher interest rate than a traditional savings account. But most often, these savings accounts are only available at online banks. And that makes sense. A traditional bank like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or Chase has thousands of physical branches all over the country, and that costs money. Real estate costs, labor costs, insurance costs, just lots of costs. And these banks figured out that they could save money, cover these costs, and increase earnings if they just stopped paying interest to customers and kept it for themselves. Brilliant, Wall Street analysts said. And so it began. But this is where online banks saw opportunity. These newer banks are almost 100% online. You can't go into a local branch. You have to jump hoops to talk to a human being. But because of this, the operational costs of these banks are much lower, so they can pass on these savings to customers in the form of higher interest rates. In many cases, 10 times more than normal. Traditional bank savings accounts consistently hover around the world. And so they can save money. But the real problem is that these banks are only paying 0.01% and 0.05%. That is literally pennies. Currently, many high-yield savings accounts are paying north of 3%, and some are paying 4%. And because these savings accounts often compound interest daily, you're earning interest each day. And you don't have to start with that much to save over time. Let's say you've set aside $25,000 in your emergency fund and kept it at your local brick-and-mortar bank. Because that's what you've always done. Well, your annual interest hovers between $25 and $125. What if instead you decided to open an online high-yield savings account and deposit it there? At a current rate of 3.3% compounded daily, you would earn $838. That is a massive difference and is basically free money just waiting for you. That money could go pay down debt, go towards a vacation, help you with your business, or even just go to a bank. You could also save up to $3,000 in your college fund. So what if you had $100,000 in savings? That is $3,354 a year that you are missing out on. And there are even more benefits than that. But before we get into those, this is a perfect spot to point out important disclosures. The information in this video is for educational purposes. This is not specific financial planning, health insurance, or investment advice. This is just a general piece of advice. Whether you are just starting to save or you are a season saver, a high-yield savings account is a great option to help you reach your financial goals and grow your savings. Another significant benefit of high-yield savings accounts is the security. You aren't risking your hard-earned savings in any investment, and high-yield savings accounts are a great way to save money. High-yield savings accounts offer FDIC insurance against loss from fraud or bank failure, up to $250,000 for an individual and up to $500,000 for joint accounts. For funds you are saving for a short-term goal or emergency fund that shouldn't be at risk, high-yield savings are often a perfect spot. You know I love flexibility, and this account maintains it. The funds in your high-yield savings are accessible if you ever need to tap into them. High-yield savings accounts are great for an emergency fund. According to federal law, high-yield savings accounts allow you to withdraw or transfer your cash out of the account up to 6 times per month without paying any fees. There aren't any penalties or additional costs, like monthly fees that some brick and mortar banks charge on their accounts. Most high-yield savings accounts have low or no minimum deposits or minimum balance requirements. The ease of use for these accounts is typical for high-yield savings accounts. an advantage as long as you're comfortable online these banking apps are typically some of the most intuitive out there you can make a transfer or check a balance in less than a minute with a click of a few buttons on your phone tablet or computer so where do you compare high-yield savings accounts to determine the best one for you typically I go to bank rate comm I click on the button that says high-yield savings here you can scroll to see the offers from different banks and if you click on the show more button you can see more and more offers before choosing the one you like the best I think the bank rate comm is one of the easiest comparison tools out there and updates their data very regularly while there are a lot of upsides to putting your money into a high-yield savings account there are a few downsides to keep in mind while some online savings accounts offer ATM cards for easy cash withdrawals not all online banks are going to be able to do that so I think it's important to keep in mind to do that so I think it's important to keep in mind while some online savings do many times if you need cold hard cash in your hands you would need to transfer some of your online savings to a brick-and-mortar bank to use an ATM withdrawal interest rates on high-yield savings accounts are variable and they can fluctuate at any time so while a bank may advertise a high interest rate when you apply it is subject to change depending upon the current interest rate environment while the convenience of online access is a perk for many people the fact that most online savings accounts offer ATM cards for easy cash withdrawals because they come with PSUiss advance is a horribly less expensive change rate the fixed light is too bulky at the fixed Simone bank so they're commonly bucked to a very compact format and you need a cheaper version because of the relatively high defaulted and so is the nayımario so anytime you are in the cash flow you might have found that even though it's an e bert VND account it may not be in your bank itself if you are in one of those banks encryption available. Dual factor authentication often adds an extra layer of security. Another thing to consider is that while you can grow your money daily and take on zero risk with high yield savings, they are not the best way to grow your wealth long term. Once you've stockpiled a nice emergency fund and save for your goals, you should probably look at different investment strategies for excess funds. Fortunately for you, you're in the right place because on this channel, I discuss a lot of different strategies you can use once your emergency fund is in place. You should check out this video next in order to supercharge your financial life and don't forget to subscribe. It really helps the channel grow and educate. You can do that right now.
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Account takeover fraud. It steals your money and all you can do is sit back and watch it disappear. It's one more reason to take steps to protect yourself from identity theft. Consumer investigator Hank Winchester in Plymouth tonight with what to watch out for. Hey Hank. And Jason, this could happen at any bank in any community. We just happen to be in Plymouth live tonight, but you know, it's not about these high tech thieves making their way into the bank and out with your money. They don't even have to have your cards in their possession. Take a look at how this high tech scam plays out. Who's taking this money out? We aren't. Alyssa and Wayne want to know how someone nearly drained their checking account. $5,000 gone overnight. They can get $5,000 every single time they use a card. And they have 20 cards. It's a lot of money. Secret service agents tell us it's a classic case of what they call a bank account takeover. And it's happening more often all over the country. Account takeover is just, it's identity theft. It's not so much, are you going to be a victim? It's when you're going to be a victim, what do you do? In this case, someone used Wayne's debit card and PIN number. Two withdrawals were made inside of Chase Bank. Just for me. And they were 10 minutes apart. The PIN code was authorized. How did this person know and get the PIN? How did they get the PIN? We do have one big clue. The bank told Alyssa someone ordered a new ATM card and had it overnighted. According to this UPS proof of delivery, something was dropped off at the home about 30 minutes before the first withdrawal. But the couple says they never requested a replacement card and never picked up any mail from the bank. They're just thankful they signed up for text alerts and they knew about the large withdrawal right away. Without the alerts, they estimate their account would have been completely wiped out in a matter of days. Everyone's vulnerable to identity theft or account takeovers. That's why it's so important for you to be cognizant of what you have in your account. We went to the Secret Service field office in Detroit for advice on how to best protect yourself from these bank account takeovers. We're going to be talking to a lot of people who are in the business of monitoring and checking your financial statements, billing statements every month, whenever they get in. Make sure that you're using best practices when you're on the computer. And that means, obviously, strong passwords, antivirus, firewall. Back out here live in Plymouth again. These high tech thieves, they don't need your actual ATM card or the PIN number. They're getting this information. And as you saw in this particular case and as we've seen play out over and over again, they're not going to be able to get the PIN. They can clean out your account in just a matter of minutes. We're live here tonight in Plymouth. Hank Winchester, help me Hank, Local 4. Which is always terrifying to even think about. And Hank, we heard strong passwords, constantly monitoring your account. Any other steps we can take from this to protect us from this fraud? Yeah, Jason, and the Secret Service really wants to hammer home the point about us on the Internet. You have to make sure that the Wi-Fi you're using, that you're using the internet. That's especially important if you are traveling, if you're at a hotel, a restaurant. You just don't want to be using any Wi-Fi signal because that's when those hackers can get in there and get your personal information. We're going to post this story on the Help Me Hank page at so you can share it with your friends and family members. Jason Vacchi. A lot of good safety tips, Hank. We appreciate it.
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UPI Payments के लिए एक बहुत बड़ा अपडेट आया है, जो के आज इस वीडियो में बताने वाला हूँ. और अगर वो transaction दो हजार हुपे के उपर का है, तो आपको चार घंटे का वेट करना पड़ेगा. पाइदा तो यह है कि अगर आपने कोई गलत transaction कर दिया, आपने जादा पैसा गलती से भेज दिया, या गलत UPI ID पे भेज दिया, तो आप चार घंटे के अंदर खुद ही उस transaction को cancel कर पाएंगे. लेकिन नुकसान यह है कि अगर आप शूपिंग करने जाती हैं, तो वहाँ पर भी आप direct पैसा transfer नहीं कर पाएंगे, तो आपको या तो चार घंटे का वेट करना पड़ेगा, या तो आपको हमेशा cash carry करना पड़ेगा.
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Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, 7-Eleven and others. You cannot order the Green Dot Prepaid Card online. To activate the Green Dot Pay As You Go Debit Card download Green Dot app and activate the card there. The process is pretty simple. What are the benefits of the Debit Card? First is that the Prepaid Card has no monthly fee at all. No need for direct deposit. But there is one issue. You have to pay a fee every time you use the card to pay. The fee is $1.50. What the heck? This is not a card you want to keep in your wallet. Keep it at home. But there is another issue here. If you will not use the card for 90 days there is an inactivity fee of $10. There is no free network of ATMs and ATM fee is $3. You can make deposits at the same retail stores where you can buy the Green Dot card. Interesting fact. Green Dot Bank not only issues cards but also operates the deposit network in retail stores. But this Pay As You Go card in contrast with other Green Dot cards has no free cash deposit. Every deposit will cost you a flat $5 fee. Each cash reload deposit is limited to $500. A separate green card is available in the same retail stores. Sometimes it can be helpful. Another feature that you may enjoy is the mobile check deposit. You can use it to deposit paper checks with your mobile phone. But keep in mind that it will work only after a month after you open the account. For savers there is a special feature called Money Vault. You can set aside cash for emergencies and future purchases. You can also use it to deposit cash for emergencies and future purchases. The Money Vault doesn't turn any interest. There are no overdrafts by default, but you can turn them on if you have a direct deposit. Overall I wouldn't recommend using this Green Dot prepaid card.
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does my mango card expire? And the answer is no. In fact, you will probably expire before your mango card expires. I'm only kidding folks. But here's the deal, because we don't have annual fees like in a case of a Visa or MasterCard, we don't have to worry about the mango card expiring. We don't have to worry about your account being closed. We don't have to worry about any of those things that you might have to worry about with a normal bank card. And that's why mango is better than cash. It's better than cash because you don't have to worry about whether it expires at any time or not. So here's what I want you to do. I want you to go down, and remember our local top up is 10 dollars, to make sure that the mango ... That's the minimum, 10 dollars. I want you to go down and remember our local top up is 10 dollars, to make sure that the mango, that's the minimum, If you want to have lunch somewhere today, you want to buy gas somewhere else, you want to do something else, you can use the Mango card for all of these. So go down, I want you to go down, I want you to put some funds on your Mango card at one of our top-up locations. Remember, our locations are places like Super Value, which is all over the place, Omni, which is on Frederick Street downtown, or even Universal Beauty Supplies, which is on East Street. I'll talk to you soon.
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हां लोन तो लेना चाहता हूं आप पार्ट लाख का लोन चाहिए मुझे कैसे होगा जाएगा अपना अधार कार्ड चेन कार्ड एक सेलफी फोटो बैंक का पासबुक का फोटो वाटसप कीजिए वाटसप कीजिए किस नंबर पर वाटसप नंबर पर सर फील्म नंबर पर जी सर हां आपको वाटसप मिला मेरा जी
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इस स्कैम में सबसे पहले स्कैमस्टर आपके पास 10 या 20 रुपए की एक अमाउंट भेजेंगे और फिर उनका आपके पास फोन आएगा कि वो अमाउंट वोने गलती से भेज दिया आप प्लीज उसको वापिस कर दीजिए।
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मेरे क्लाइंट ने मुझे UPI ID बेजा, मैंने उस पे अमाउंट ट्रांसवर कर दिया, उनसे पूछा तो उन्हें अमाउंट ही रिसीव नहीं हुआ, बाद में पता चला मुझे सुनील पे पैसे डालने थे और मैंने सुनील पे डाल दिये। फिर उन्होंने वो मेल सामने वाली बैंक को भेजा, फिर सेंटरल बैंक ने ये रिप्लाई करके बता है कि ट्रांजेक्शन हुआ है और उस परसन ने वो पैसे अब तक निकाले नहीं है। और फिर उन्होंने उस amount को hold पे डाल दिया, फिर मेरे relationship manager ने मुझे एक e-mandate form भराया और सामने वाली बैंक को भेजा और फिर सेंटरल बैंक ने उस person से consent लिया और finally within 24 hours में मेरे पैसे मेरे account में आ गया।
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NHS backlogs. We're reaching the point where millions of people are anchorsly waiting for the treatment that they desperately need. Energy bills doubling. Inflation at a 40-year high. Everyone poorer. Levelling up is at the heart of everything that this government does. This chancellor has raised taxes to the highest rate for 70 years. Right. Millions of families across the country at the moment are grappling with rising bills in food, filling up your car and everything else. You were chancellor until a few weeks ago. UK growth is set to be the worst in the G20 besides Russia. Another study says we will go from 18th to 31st out of 38 OECD countries. Members here see their pounds shrinking probably as fast as they see their high streets closing. Levelling up is at the heart of everything that this government does. It's important because it's about families. Because it was clear we were heading for a... painful cost of living crisis early this year. You could see it coming. You could see it coming at the end of last year. But the taxes you chose to raise, national insurance and freezing income tax thresholds, they reduced people's take-home pay and made the cost of living crisis even worse. I also chose to raise taxes on the largest companies in this country. Well, you're not doing that till next year. Well, levelling up is at the heart of everything that this government does. You have dragged very low earners into the 20% tax bracket and before they didn't pay any tax. That way to raise money is undoubtedly objectively progressive. Well, that's one hell of a party political broadcast.
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to cover themselves for a very specific period of time. There are a lot of pros of term life insurance, but there's also a few cons of term life insurance as well. So in this video, we're going to go over the pros and the cons of term life insurance and if it is the right option for you. What's up, guys? For those who do not know me, my name is Philip Sutter. I'm the founder and CEO of Affinity Life, where we've helped hundreds of Canadians find the right life insurance coverage at the right price, all from the comfort of their own home. So if that sounds interesting to you, I'll put the link in the description below and you can check it out. But without further ado, let's get right into the video. So just to give you guys a little bit of basics of life insurance here in Canada, we have term life insurance and we have permanent life insurance. So like I mentioned, term life insurance is a really good option for the majority of Canadians that are just looking to cover themselves for a specific period of time. Maybe they just had kids, maybe they bought a house, maybe they have a partner now and they have a job and they have some debt that they want to take care of if they were to pass away. Term life insurance is a very good option for that. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, is meant to cover you until death. Term life insurance is a what if. Permanent life insurance is a when. It's guaranteed to pay out eventually, whether that be during your life, if something were to happen. Maybe you were 50. Or 55 or guaranteed at the end. Maybe that's 85 or 90. Now, we have two different types of permanent life insurance here in Canada. We have whole life insurance and universal life insurance. And I've made several other videos on these topics. So if you're interested in whole life or universal life, just drop a comment below asking for permanent life insurance here in Canada and I will send that to you. However, that's a really good option for people that are now looking towards estate planning. Maybe they're looking past in some to the next generation, maybe to their kids or maybe to their grandkids. Maybe they have a second home like a vacation property or a cottage and they know there's going to be a lot of people that are going to be looking for a second home. down. Well, permanent life insurance is a very good option for that. However, in this video, we're not talking about permanent life insurance. We're talking about term life insurance. So first, let's go over the pros of term life insurance. The first pro of term life insurance is that it's affordable with locked in rates. And so what do I mean by that? Well, number one, I mean, it's incredibly affordable. So if you're in your 20s or your 30s or your 40s or even your 50s, term life insurance is the most inexpensive option. And by the way, you can check out Affinity Life to instantly see quotes to see what your term life insurance would cost. that your premium is not going to increase. You're going to lock that in for whatever term you pick. Now, you can pick different terms. Maybe you want a term 10, a term 20 or a term 30. And so during that period, whatever you pick, if you pick 20 years, your term is going to be fixed for that duration. So if it's $20 a month, it's going to be $20 a month for 20 years. The second pro is that it's suitable for a lot of different stages in life and you can layer it as well. And so what do I mean by this? Well, here's the thing. Maybe you just started a family. Maybe you're 24. Five or 30. You just got married and maybe you have a kid. Maybe you have a couple of kids. You got a job. You have a mortgage of a house. OK, that's great. We can get a term life insurance product at that point. However, you can get in other stages of your life as well and you can layer it on. So maybe you just needed half a million at that point. However, as you went through life, maybe you're now in your 40s. You need an additional policy. Maybe you started a business. Maybe you started something else. Your need for life insurance has increased. Well, you can very easily just go and layer on another policy. So it's suitable for a variety of different stages in life. And you can layer it on as you go. So you can find what your need is at this current time. Get that need. And then down the road, if you need more, you can get more. If you need less, you can reduce the amount of coverage that you have. The third pro is that it's a temporary expense. So what I mean by that? Well, it's not going to be something that you pay for the rest of your life. You're really only meant to use this to cover you for a specific period of time. So maybe that's from age 20 or 25 or 30 and maybe around age 55 or 60. Your need for life insurance is zero or it's decreased because now you're. Kids are out of the house. Maybe your mortgage is paid off. Maybe your partner is more financially independent on their own. And the need for life insurance just isn't as high at this point. And you can cancel it and go on your way. So it's not something that you need to pay for for your entirety of your life. You use it for that specific period of time and then you cancel it. You wouldn't pay for car insurance if you don't have a car. So there's no need paying for life insurance if you don't have a need for life insurance. Number four, it's a tax free benefit. Life insurance here in Canada is not taxable. Ninety nine point nine nine percent of the time. And by the way, if you're interested for that other point, one percent where it is taxable, comment below and ask for the is life insurance taxable. I made another video and where there is one unique scenario in which life insurance can be taxable. But term life insurance for individuals is not taxable. And number five pro is it's incredibly flexible. Like I mentioned, you can layer it on. You can pick so many different terms. That's really the benefit of term life insurances. You pick for what you need. If you need it for 10 years, get a term 10. If you need it for 20, get a term 20. There's some companies that do something known as pick a term where you can pick whatever you want. You need it for 17 years. You can get it for 17 years. You need it for 23 years. You can get it for. So it's an incredibly flexible plan. It's incredibly inexpensive. And for the vast majority of Canadians, it's a good idea. However, there are some cons to term life insurance. So let's get into those. Number one is the coverage is eventually going to end. So term life insurance, like I mentioned, is just for a specific period of time and it will end. And so what happens when term life insurance ends? Well, you really have three options at that point. Number one, you could cancel it and then you could go out and get another contract, maybe at a cheaper price than what the renewal would be, depending on your health conditions, or you just cancel it altogether because you no longer. You need life insurance. Number two, you can renew it. And essentially what that means is you're renewing it for another duration of the term. So if you pick the 10 year term, it would renew for 10 years. If you pick 20, it would renew for 20 years. And you can do this regardless of your health conditions. And number three, you could convert it into a permanent life insurance policy. But depending on how old you are, it may be expensive. It might not be. Now, again, this is regardless of how your medical condition is at that point. However, term life insurance will end eventually, whether that be at maybe 65 or 75. Eventually it's going to end. So if you are looking for a lifelong coverage. That's not a good option. Which leads me to my second con is there is a max age to obtain term life insurance. Usually it's 65 or 75, depending on what company you go to. And unfortunately at that point, it can get very expensive if you're in your sixties or you're in your seventies and also depends on your health condition. So if you're trying to get life insurance later on in life, maybe in your sixties or seventies term life insurance is a very bad option. I would start looking more at permanent life insurance policies at that point, which leads me to the last con. Number three is the renewals can be very pricey. So like I mentioned, you can renew your term at the end of the term. Now, the way that the insurance company has this built in, and by the way, this renewability feature isn't in every single insurance company. It's in most of them. So make sure if this is important to you that you make sure the contract has this. However, it is usually quite pricey. And so why is it quite pricey? It's because the insurance company is factoring in that there may be some health conditions that arise. Cause remember what I said, you can renew it regardless of your health condition. However, if you're still in good health, I would say renewing your policy is probably not the best idea. Yeah. point because the renewals can be quite pricey. So who's term life insurance right for? Well, I would say it is very right for those families that are just growing up. They have kids, they have a house. Now they have partners, they might have debt. And if something were to happen to them, their loved ones would be very financially impacted. Term life insurance is the best option for that. If you're looking for lifelong coverage, you're looking for something to last, maybe to pass something down to the next generation, to your kids or grandkids, or maybe a charity, if that's important to you. Permanent life insurance is a much better option. As well, if you have disabled children, maybe, or one child, and you know that you need to be financially responsible for them for the rest of your life. Again, permanent life insurance is a very good option, pardon me, for that individual. Now where it gets a little bit complicated is where you start looking at permanent life insurance as an investment. Now this is where it gets complicated for a lot of Canadians as they say, well, you know, I need life insurance and my advisor told me that I could save this and I could use it as an investment. I could use it during my retirement. I would say this very quickly. That's not a good option for the majority of Canadians that already haven't maxed out their RRSP. Or their TFSA and they still have high interest credit card debt. It can be a good option for the high income earners that are looking at other tax strategies to supplement their income. Now, I made another lengthy video where I discuss this apples to apples and I compare it to an RRSP so you can see exactly how this works and how it breaks down compared to traditional other investments. And if you're interested in that video, just drop a comment below asking for the investing in life insurance video and I will send it to you. However, again, it's not a great idea for the vast majority of Canadians. I hope that answered all your questions about the pros and cons of term life insurance. If you guys have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below. And if you guys are enjoying this content, all I ask is that you give it a thumbs up and I'll see you guys in the next one.
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For people that really desire privacy, you have to go with the best and fuck the rest. People bring up Mimble Wimble. Guys, at the Crypto Vigilante, think about it this way. If I was your nutritional coach, I won't tell you to settle for McDonald's. It's still food, but that's what Mimble Wimble is to me when it comes to privacy. Don't fucking touch that. Anything that is not the best, put it aside. Because you're talking about your survival. Privacy coins are not a place to hedge a bet or play the market. No, privacy coins are necessary to survive any type of tyrannical event. And as we're seeing, these tyrannical events are just exploding all over the world.
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bank accounts. Do you keep your finances separate or do you merge everything? Maybe it's best to do a combination, but in this video we'll take a deep dive into the joint bank account pros and cons. Use the benefits and drawbacks to help you make the money moves that are right for you and your partner. After all, the goal isn't to duplicate another couple's exact money moves anyway. Instead, you want to build the financial plan that's right for your family. Hey everyone, this is Andy Hill from Marriage, Kids & Money, a channel dedicated to helping you strengthen your family tree so you can live financially free. If you like what you hear today, please consider giving me the YouTube triple thanks. That's hitting the like button, subscribing to the channel, and then commenting something cool down below. Maybe your thoughts on the pros and cons of joint bank accounts. Thanks. All right, what is a joint bank account? Joint bank accounts are accounts that are shared between two individuals. They're actually made up of a set of two accounts. The first account is your Typically, these joint accounts will be savings accounts or checking accounts. That way, both people can use the account to cover expenses, pay bills, or save for certain financial goals . A joint checking account works the same way as an individual checking account. You can write checks and make purchases with a debit card. Both people on the account should be able to access the funds with checks, a debit card, and by making bank deposits or withdrawals. Additionally, you can set up direct deposit for both people's paychecks if you choose. A joint savings account works just like an individual savings account. This account is appropriate for setting money aside for short-term and medium-term goals. These accounts are FDIC insured, which means they keep your money safe. They also often offer interest so you can make money by just keeping your funds in the account. Both account holders can make deposits to and withdrawals from the account. For our purposes in this video, we'll review two accounts. First, we'll review joint account pros and cons for couples. But it's worth noting that joint bank accounts can also be created for aging parents and their adult children or business partners. In fact, joint accounts can be created for any two adults. However, it is crucial to ensure that the person you open a joint account with is someone you trust. According to the joint bank account rules, both account holders have total access to the account and all the funds inside of the account. Before you and your partner rush to open a joint bank account, it's worth exploring the joint bank account pros and cons. Then you want to consider your financial goals and the unique needs of your relationship together. Let's start with the benefits of joint bank accounts first. Transparency. Financial transparency can be difficult to achieve and maintain if you and your partner only have separate accounts. Of course, there are other ways to share your financial progress. For example, if you have a partner who has a separate account, you can share your financial But there's no denying that joint accounts make financial transparency incredibly easy to achieve. Since both partners have access to joint accounts at all times, there's no guessing the account balances or spending or saving. Also, you have simplicity. By working from a shared account, you and your partner are on the same page. When you have money meetings, budget reviews, and other things like that, you can work from There's no need to worry about how often your financial findings will manifest themselves. While it's certainly not impossible to have money dates if you and your partner only have separate accounts, it's just gonna add a few more steps to each budgeting review session you're looking at. There's also goal setting as a benefit. In addition to streamlining the money date, two of the three examples remove some of the So your benefits increase, you do boost your financial intelligence , the company is quickly spot overspending, allowing you to both course correct mid-month instead of waiting for a surprise at the end of the month budget review. When you have a month where you both kick your savings into overdrive, you can celebrate sooner. Another benefit, cost savings. Combined finances result in higher account balances. This makes it easier to meet minimum balance requirements and other thresholds or activity requirements. Doing so can give you access to premium accounts and help you dodge maintenance and activity fees you see with some banks. Also, easy to use tools. One old criticism of joint accounts was that it could be difficult to combine your money together. Thankfully, there's an app for that now. In fact, there are many different fintech options like Zeta that will help you and your partner merge your money in a stress-free way. Zeta is a joint account that's designed specifically for families. Zeta remembers when you're busy. They recommend autosaving plans for goals and they tell you how much money is available to spend. Check out Zeta, this video's sponsor, by clicking the link in our video description. Also, another benefit, meet your goals sooner. Yes, meet your collective goals sooner. Many couples say that their favorite part about joint accounts is the motivation they offer. Your balance is higher than it is with separate accounts. Whether you're chasing your first comma or looking to join the double comma, you're going to have a lot of motivation. A joint account can certainly ramp up the motivation. Now let's talk about the drawbacks to joint accounts. There's pros and cons to everything. That's why we like to do these videos. There are many perks to joint accounts, but maybe you've heard someone argue that joint accounts are bad. We think that joint accounts can add a lot of value to a partnership, but it is worth knowing some of the drawbacks that come with having a joint account. The first one, joint responsibility. The first one, joint responsibility. Joint accounts come with joint access and joint responsibility. If one person in your relationship is the saver and another is the spender, it's important to remember that joint accounts grant equal access. Either individual can access the money at any time. If an account goes into overdraft, both people are responsible for the fees. Joint accounts can also be seized by the government. If this is a second marriage for either partner and one of you owes spares, you can also be If you have a spouse or child support, a joint account can be tapped to cover those expenses. Also, another thing to think about is lack of privacy. We would never advise you to hide anything significant from your partner. In fact, we believe financial transparency is one of the keys to making your relationship shine. However, it's worth noting that it's much harder to hide birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and Valentine's Day presents if you and your partner only use joint accounts. Life stages. Another consideration to make when weighing the pros and cons of joint bank accounts is where you and your partner are in life. A couple who's just starting out with a small net worth may have a much simpler time combining most or all of their finances together in a joint account. However, if you and your partner set up multiple financial accounts and built a more significant net worth before you actually met. It might also make sense to keep some of those accounts. Even with a pre-nup, it's never fun to try to separate assets in the event of a breakup, but if you and your partner open a joint account before you're married, it can be complicated to separate out your money if the relationship ends before you tie the knot. Financial abuse While we certainly hope all the couples in our marriage, kids, and money community are in healthy relationships, it's important that penny, it can make leaving an abusive situation virtually impossible. Also, retirement account rules. Not every account should or even can be a joint account. For instance, an IRA or a Roth IRA is an individual retirement account. It's in the name. While you can certainly identify a beneficiary, you cannot create a joint account. This is also true for workplace retirement accounts. So while managing joint checking and savings accounts can certainly make things easier in your relationship, you are ultimately also likely to have to manage some separate accounts for retirement. So what are some other money pros say about joint bank account pros and cons? Well, we've asked many different money and relationship experts their thoughts on combining finance. Some money experts like Rachel Cruz view joint accounts really favorably as a way to manage money and relationship. But some money experts say that it's favorably. In fact, Cruz says that a joint bank account signifies unity in a marriage. Here's Cruz. So when you combine your finances, you're not losing your identity, but you are saying, yeah, I trust you enough as my spouse that we're going to work together as a team and vice versa, that your spouse needs to look at you and say, yeah, I trust you enough that we are going to work together as a team. And the moment you can't trust the money going on, again, there are other things down there that you have got to dig out as a married couple. Other relationship experts don't take a firm stance. Instead, they try to address the source of money conflict in the first place. Virginia-based psychiatrist Dr. Laura Dabney works with couples to help them navigate difficult money situations. She argues that joint accounts can be very helpful, especially in terms of transparency. But the bigger issue is teaching couples how to talk about money on both intellectual and emotional levels. Here's Dr. Dabney. So if you start with the feeling, if you can get comfortable with the feeling and say, I really get anxious, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do that. When you make a big purchase, that person's going to want to soothe your pain. The person's not going to want to not buy a boat because you've declared it's wrong. It's because there's nothing wrong with it. But they're going to want to help you if you talk about your pain and they love you. Adam Cole, a couples financial counselor, also believes that it is essential for couples to proactively address money issues. In fact, he believes that couples can stop money fights before they start. While he doesn't necessarily prefer joint bankings, he believes that couples can stop money fights before they start. He says that it's key for couples to be realistic, set a budget together, and work toward their financial goals as a team. Joint bank accounts can certainly help facilitate some of this work. Here's Cole. If this is a person that you want to be with, then that's why this matters, right? So keep that in mind. Have your commitment to them at the forefront and feel free to say that. I mean, sometimes I'll have clients just say, you know, money's been kind of stressful for me and I'm sorry, I've waited to bring it up. I should have brought it up sooner, but I really care about the money. And I'm like, well, I don't know. I don't know the future of our relationship and I love you. And I think that this can make our life easier if we got on the same page. So, you know, when's a good time to talk about it? In the end, like most all marriage and money topics, there are pros and cons to joint accounts. Perhaps you want to use one joint account for all of your finances. Maybe you want to use a combination of separate and joint accounts. No matter how you co-mingle your money, realize that your situation is unique and your plan may be different from others out there. And that's okay. To make the joint account process easier, see how Zeta might be able to help you and your partner get on the same page financially. Zeta allows you to pay bills, save for goals, and track shared spending together all in one place. Plus, Zeta works seamlessly alongside your existing accounts, if that's how you and your partner roll. To learn how to set up your Zeta joint account in just five minutes, click the link in our video description. You'll be supporting our sponsor and this channel. Well, enough from our side, everyone. We want to hear from you. What do you think of a joint bank account in your relationship? I know this is different for every couple out there. So what do you think about these pros and cons we went through? Do the pros outweigh the cons for you? Please let us know in the comments below. This is Andy Hill from Marriage, Kids, and Money signing off. Carpe diem. .
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अरे सर वो TDS कट होता है जो आपको ITR फाइल करने के बाद रिफ़ांड मिल जाएगा वो सब मैं नहीं जानता अब से मेरा एक रुपे भी कट नहीं होना चाहिए क्यों इंकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट वाले आपके चाचा है? नहीं लेकिन मैं फिनोन को फॉलो करता हूँ इसलिए ये लीजिये फॉर्म 15G और अब से मेरा TDS कट नहीं होना चाहिए क्योंकि मेरी टैक्सेवल इंकम धाई लाग रुपे की लिमिट से कम है अरे वा फिनोन वाले तो लोगों को बहुत जागरूप कर रहे हैं लगता है फॉलो करना पड़ेगा हाँ और आप लोग कमेंट करके पूछो अगर कोई सवाल है इस वीडियो को हर जगा सेर करो जो लोग FD कराते हैं क्योंकि ये बहुत ज़रूरी रूल है
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account. I asked for 30,000 rupees from my father when everything had gone south. That was the debt I had to pay because credit card company was actually making my life hell. They were calling me ridiculously every single day and night. Yes, you read the title right. I was actually going to give up. But something stopped me. Here this video, watch this video right till the end. And I promise it is going to have an impact on you. If you are about to give up, or if you are struggling through something right now. This is a very honest account of my own life of the past two years of my life. And I feel this is a very inspirational story. I am a YouTuber today, people know me, and I am a YouTuber. So I am going to give up. But something stopped me. Here this video, watch this video, watch this video. So I am going to give up. But something stopped me. And I am going to give up. And I am an educator. Students know me. But I was none of this. A few months ago, I was none of this. And I was working very hard to become this. But I was not there. I was working from years and years and years. I had started off with a business of mine. We are not going to get into that what it wasn't what was it all about no nothing like that all i just want to say here is that i started with it and it failed and i was down by at least 10 12 lakh rupees which i had borrowed so there was a debt and more than the debt there was this emotional burden of failing and this was all happening after me clearing ca so many people think that if you have a strong degree in your hand nothing wrong can happen to you and your life is sorted forever that's not true that's not really true coming back my business failed and i wasn't doing anything else i had no job i had no money and i can tell you exactly how much i had when i started again i had 4200 rupees in my account and i you may feel that i'm rich but trust me guys i'm not i was not i am not i don't know because now i earn but i wasn't i wasn't rich i come from a very humble middle class family and i was not rich and i was not in a situation to ask for money but i did ask i asked for 30 000 rupees from my father when everything had gone south and there was no other option i had to begin somewhere again and that is when i asked for my i asked my dad for 30 000 rupees that is how i started again and that was again i mean this is like four years ago this is not recent this is four years ago or no three years ago or so okay and then again i started working and things weren't working out by the way i took and i borrowed money to pay off my credit card stuff um you may be thinking i mean why how come 30 000 is the only debt she had to take care of no that was the urgent debt that was the debt i had to pay because credit card company was actually making my life hell they were calling me ridiculously every single day and night and my living had become difficult so i had to give them something to set them off for some time so that is why i borrowed that money and i was working but i wasn't making anything much and that is how things were going on and they went on that way for almost two and a half or three years or so and this is going to be my third year on youtube but in the first two years nothing was happening i barely could cross 10 000 subscribers after one and a half years of my youtube journey which is a lot of money and i was not able to make any money which is not a very big number by the way so it started off that way and um uh for almost two years no youtube happening and people were treating me not in a good way because they knew that somewhere this girl needs needs the help so they could figure it out probably i was very needy and i showed myself needy and they could see it and when people know that they take i um they they don't pay you well when they find that out about you so that was something that was really really hard for me i worked with me i worked with many many many people during those two years two three years and none of them were paying me well i was being terribly underpaid and the reason was that i wanted to do something again of my own i could have entered a normal job but i did not want to do that i had a ca degree in my hand but i did not want to do that because i knew that if i go back to that life i will never be able to come out of it and that was not something that i wanted to do i kept on trying i kept on trying i worked for almost i don't know some 10 12 15 people during those two years i was working with so many people one after the other because something or the other used to always go wrong sometimes they would not pay me sometimes they would hold my checks back and sometimes they would just blame me for some poor performance or something a lot of stuff happened a lot of things happened so anyway uh this was december 2019 my sister was getting married and i remember a chat with my other sister the one who was not getting married and i told her that i'm deeply insecure and i don't know if i am doing anything at all right with my life nothing was working out i was gaining age and i of course i mean you don't you want to be successful as early as possible and of course as time passes none of us are going to be successful and none of us are getting younger right and uh so so that is something that i discussed with her i asked her am i doing anything right here i mean is it gonna really work for me ever and that was something i asked her and uh she said this to me i remember she said that uh you know what bhaji she calls me bhaji she said she says a very nice thing which i did realize about myself later on she said that bhaji you are a person who takes very courageous decisions but then the the courage that you need to follow through your decision when you've taken a decision and now you are executing your decision that courage you don't have you lack that courage so either you decide on doing something or you don't decide on doing something i mean you decide on not doing something and then you stick to it why are you so jumpy why are you always this and that if you've taken a decision you've taken a bold decision you've got to stick to it if you've taken a decision you've got to stick to it if you've taken a decision just do it you've got to be call nåd it. That is what she told me, which actually hit me. It hit me hard and probably she's watching my video because she's a subscriber of my channel. She often watches my videos by the way. So I open up because that was something that I did realize about myself. I did realize that about myself, but nobody had ever told that to me. And because of which I probably wanted, I probably needed not wanted, but needed to hear that from someone to give myself a little assurance. And when she said this to me, I did agree that, yeah, my decisions are courageous. I've taken bold steps in life and now I need some more courage to follow through my decisions. And then that is what I did. 2019 December, nothing was working out, had no money. I was, I was, I will not say paycheck to paycheck because I was blessed to be living in my own house. I did not have rent to pay, but had I had rent to pay, I don't know how I would have managed. That. So that was 2019 December. And I, I, this is slightly, um, what do you call it? Superstitious or probably you will feel that this is a small fantasy she's having, but really I do feel this way that something changed with my God. I think he saw it. He saw it that this girl is about to give up. And if I don't listen to her now, if I don't answer her prayers now, she's going to break and whatever we have in store for her, really, I do believe that I'm really, really, really saying this to you. He had so much to give me so much to give me, but I was about to give up. And because I was about to give up, he could have never been able to give it to me. So he had bigger plans for me. Getting my point. He had huge plans for me, but I think. Okay. We don't talk. You see only I talk. He listens. He doesn't talk back. So I don't know, but this is my heart saying this to me. I think, um, something changed in him. He said that if I don't give her now, probably we are going to lose a gem because I'm a gem. I do believe that I have a beautiful heart and I don't need to hear this from anyone. I know that about myself. I have a beautiful heart and if I will do anything good in my life, I'm going to share that joy. I'm not going to only, and only keep it to myself. So probably that was one thing that changed my God and he decided to finally break it free. And then suddenly from, I don't know from where there was this video of mine that I shot in June or I don't remember. I shot it in June. I believe somewhere in March, April or June. I don't remember. But that was in the first half of 2020 during the COVID times, my video picked up. Okay. That video went viral and there were, um, some 1 million views or so within the first two, three months, suddenly my channel, it went from 25,000 subscribers. And now you watch the number, the count over there. So this is all the count that I have gathered in the last, uh, eight or nine, seven or eight months, nine months, maybe. So my video is it's not been a year. I'm pretty sure it's not been a year. It's been seven, eight months. And from 25,000 subscribers, it, the channel picked up and it went from 25,000 to 5,000,000, 45,000. Can you believe that 5,000,000 45,000 it's unbelievable. Yes. It's unbelievable. But I was not, I was not an overnight success. This has taken me seven, six or seven years. People do believe that about me sometimes, but I'm telling you, it has been a very long journey. The point of this video is that I just wanted to share this with you that when I was about to give up, that is when things changed for me and they changed so beautifully for me today. I am so grateful. Okay. I don't want to say a lot because I feel a little scared talking about it. It's like a dream. It's like a dream. So I just want to share this with you. And I just want to say this to you. If you are somewhere indecisive, you are scared. You don't know where your life is going. Probably wait a little longer because had I not waited, had I not tried harder, I would have never gotten here. Okay. So let's talk clip two. Some of the things I'm going to tell in the video are mine. But the first two things I'm going to share with you are my way of showing gratitude, Norm, and my hidden reputation as либо or whatever I may call it. And some of them were very posted from YouTube at some point . So I worked there, I wrote a little bit of a song in terms of my brand. It is my hard work. I don't care what people say. It is my hard work. And I'm so proud of myself. So proud of myself. Till the time the success lasts. I don't know till when it is going to last. Till the time it lasts, I am enjoying it. I am just living it. I'm enjoying it. And I urge you to do that for yourself. This is one life you've got. Pamper yourself with some hard work. Pamper your dreams with some sweat and blood. You don't know where the results are going to come in from. But the day they come, your life is going to be so awesome. That is all that I wanted to say to you. And I'm so excited sharing this video with you. Can't wait to upload it. Alright guys, thank you very much. Just wanted to bring this small little, little, what do you call it? I've said the word message. I don't know how many times but wanted to bring this small idea to you. That when you are about to give up, that is the moment you have to push yourself harder. Try a little harder. And just don't give up. Don't give up because if you're a dreamer, you deserve good things. Let them come to you. Let your God feel that you know, ab nahi diya na toh ye chali jayegi. Ye hamare haath se nikal jayegi. Don't let that. I mean, don't let that thing stop you. Okay. And I believe I strongly believe that my God actually taught that, that if I don't reward her now, I'm gonna lose her. And I'm gonna just let her go. And she's so important. Stop her. Alright, bye. Take care.
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a 2000 rupee UPI transaction. Well, let me clear that out for you. Essentially, NPCI will charge an interchange fee of 1.1% whenever a transaction is made using UPI's PPI system and this charge will be applicable only to the merchant, which means you won't be charged any rupee whatsoever. Whether you're paying from your wallet to merchant's UPI, which is something new that is going to come really soon, or if you're adding money to your wallet, there is literally no charge. But note this, since the merchant is going to be charged 1.1%, there is one thing that they will have to start doing and that is notice where the payments are coming from, whether it's coming directly from the bank or from the wallet UPI, which is an extra step and they could get really irritated with it. And there is a possibility that they could start transferring that 1.1% fee like they do for credit card payments to the end consumer. I hope this clears the confusion and if you have any more doubts, comment below so we can try to address them. For more such useful information, please visit our website at For more such useful information, subscribe to Trackday Take English.
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versions of this story. Often your bank is calling. They tell you someone has transferred a lot of money out of your account through a money app like Zelle. Well, this now has happened to a family in Aurora. They've lost everything now. Well, consumer investigator Jacqueline Allen got to work to get answers from their bank. Hello, this is Ryan Ryan Graham practices what he preaches. Choose happy, but for this Aurora music pastor sometimes having faith is harder than others. We feel pretty embarrassed that we were scammed. His wife Cassie got a call from the number for Chase Bank security this month. Somebody is trying to make a Zelle payment for $2000. No, I didn't make a payment. I'm going to jump in here with the grams don't know it yet, but that number is not really chased. This isn't new, but scammers are getting really good at spoofing or faking real numbers. Just because your phone tells you it's chase. It might not be the grams were suspicious, so they did the right thing. They called Chase Bank on another line to confirm the other caller was legit, but instead of being told to hang up, they were somehow reassured and they kept going. Did they tell you hang up the phone? No, they did not. First of all, we could barely understand them. It wasn't very good English. So it was. It was a little bit of a challenge to communicate. Alright, so here's the newer twist. The scammer then tells them they can stop. The Zelle transfer through a wire transfer reversal. That's not really a thing. It's just another way for the bad guys to convince you to transfer your money from your accounts to theirs, and in this case it was the grams life savings. I'm unfortunately at 35,000 was transferred from my business account. 23,000 of our personal savings. So 58,000 altogether. I hadn't really let it set in that. Wouldn't get it back. They realized their mistake, but they were so scared. Eventually we're just told file a forgery claim, which Chase denied. Now, similar banking scams involving Zelle and money transfers are so rampant that federal lawmakers are calling for more consumer protections. The banks are well aware of these scams, but have done little to enhance Zelle's security or reimburse defrauded consumers. In some cases, people do quietly get their money back. Like when contact Denver 7 had a call with the bank and said, hey, we're going to transfer money to you. Something they've been trying to do over the last while, but the bank says enough is enough so the justo Bank would not ask customers to wire money or to send the money to anyone to prevent fraud, including to themselves. But the Gram say they have since gotten a call that the investigation is being escalated. We'll keep you posted, while they hope to get their money back, they still haven't bought any official property weit believe in a higher plan. I believe God is good and that he's gonna take care of us but I know this world is broken and and people get taken advantage of all the time and if we can help prevent that from happening again then I hope that's the story helps. Here's the takeaway you get a call about money it's okay to hang up look at your account yourself call the number on the back of your bank card and set up account alerts so you know if large amounts have been transferred don't let anyone scare or pressure you into doing something with your money. For Contact Inverse 7 I'm Jacqueline Allen.
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while digital gold offers benefits ranging from safety, purity and low ticket size, there are a couple of charges that you as an investor should know. The first charge is GST and a one-time GST of 3% applies at the time of purchase. But the bigger charge is the buy-sell spread, that is the difference in the buying and selling price that can go up to 6% at time. Let me take an example here. So I tried one of the apps offering digital gold and the buy price for one gram of gold, including the 3% GST was shown as 6,173 rupees. At exactly the same time, the same one gram of gold was being sold by the app at 5,773 rupees, a difference of exactly 400 rupees. But in percentage terms, it's a spread of 6.4%, which is extremely high. And that's the hidden charge of digital gold that none of these companies are telling you about.
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A CD is a little bit more complex in that it is kind of like a locked box savings account. So you put the money in like one lump sum and then the account gets locked and you get to set the amount of time it's locked for. So that's your CD term. Generally, the standard terms are about three months to five years, but the extremes are one month to 10 years. You're just basically waiting for that money to grow in interest and a bank or credit union. That means compounding interest, which is definitely a very helpful aspect. And then the other thing is that if you do need that money early for most CDs, if you withdraw early, you're going to have a penalty. And that penalty is going to dip into the interest that you've earned. But also it could be interest you might have earned as well as possibly even the principal, which is the amount that you put in initially. So that is something to be aware of. Personal
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Coming in at just a $95 annual fee, it caters to a wider audience than the CSR, which has a $550 annual fee. Now before I get into all the benefits of the Sapphire Preferred card, I want to remind you to sign up for a Webull account using the link that I have down in the description below. Right now if you sign up using my link, you automatically get two free stocks valued between $300 and $300, but if you make a deposit into the new account of even just one cent, you can get between four and ten additional free stocks, and all those will be valued between $7,000 and $3,000. Meaning if you deposit just one cent, you will get a bare minimum $34 worth of free stocks, but you could get as much as $30,600, which is absolutely insane. But now let's quickly transition into everything that you need to know about the Sapphire Preferred card. Right now the current welcome offer on the Sapphire Preferred card is 60,000 Chase Ultimate Reward points after you spend $4,000 on purchases within the first three months of card membership. And do keep in mind that you are only eligible for that bonus once every 48 months. Now this bonus is actually not all that. At times in the recent past, Chase has elevated that offer up to 80,000 and even 100,000 Chase Ultimate Reward points. So if you are in desperate need of Chase Ultimate Reward points, I would suggest being patient and waiting just a little bit to see if Chase offers an elevated offer. But if you plan on doing some traveling over the fall or into the holiday seasons, then the 60,000 bonus points can be redeemed for travel on the Chase Travel Portal at 1.25 cents per point, so that's $750 worth of value. And that can most likely cover the cost of some hotel stays or some flights. But now let's talk about the multiplier's offer. With this card, you'll earn 5X. On travel booked to be Trace Travel Portal. 5X on Lyft, 3X on dining, online grocery stores and select streaming services, 2X on general travel purchases and 1X on everything else. Now these multipliers are actually not all that competitive. Why Chase decided to make the 3X on grocery store purchases only for online grocery store purchases? I'll truly never understand. Also 3X on dining is the same as the no fee, flex and unlimited versions and also the same as the $550 Chase Sapphire reserve card. And also 2X on dinner is the same as the no fee, flex and unlimited versions. on general travel again is not that competitive because the city premier card offers 3x and it actually comes in at the same $95 annual fee. So overall, if I were to grade the Chase Sapphire preferred multipliers, I'm going to have to give it a D. But even though the multipliers aren't that great at all, I still have this card and I never plan on canceling. So let's get into why that is. CSP offers a $50 hotel statement credit each account anniversary year for hotel stays booked through the Chase travel portal. Now right there is a pretty awesome benefit and one that's not typically seen on a mid tier travel card at that $95 price point. And also this next benefit that I want to talk about, I briefly mentioned earlier in this video. Having a CSP makes your ultimate reward points 1.25x more valuable when you use your points to redeem for travel via the Chase travel portal. And also the same 1.25x boost is given to your Chase points when you use Chase pay yourself back. Quite possibly the biggest benefit of the Chase Sapphire card is the fact that it unlocks access to Chase's transfer partners. Here on the screen I have all the partners listed so all of the Chase UR points that you earn on any of your UR point earning cards can be transferred to the CSP. A few of the most popular partners are going to be Southwest, United, and Hype. And there are also a few partner benefits that I want to take some time to mention. With your CSP you get $10 per month in GoPuff credits. GoPuff is a delivery service that can deliver drinks, snacks, and other household items to your doorstep. And also you get a complimentary DashPass subscription which includes a membership to Caviar and that will allow you to pay $0 in delivery fees and lower service fees on eligible orders. Now since the Sapphire preferred card is a Visa Signature card, with that it's going to come with some excellent travel benefits. So if you're looking to get a Visa Signature card, you can travel and purchase protections. There is trip cancellation and eruption insurance, so if your trip is canceled or cut short by sickness, severe weather, and other covered situations, you can be reimbursed up to $10,000 per person and $20,000 per trip. There's also an auto rental collision damage waiver, so just be sure to decline the car rental company's collision insurance and charge the entire rental cost to your car. This coverage is primary and provides reimbursement up to the actual cash value of the vehicle for theft and collision damage for most rental cars in the US and abroad. There's baggage delay insurance which reimburses you for essential accessories and clothing for baggage delays over 6 hours by passenger carrier up to $100 a day for 5 days. There's AAA reimbursement if your common carrier travel is delayed more than 12 hours or requires an overnight stay, you and your family are covered for unreimbursed expenses such as meals and lodging up to $500 per ticket. And there's also travel and emergency assistance services, so if you run into a problem away from home, call the benefit administrator for legal and medical referrals or other travel and emergency assistance. And now onto the purchase side of things, there's also some pretty good protections over here as well. The purchase protection covers your new purchases for 120 days against damage or theft up to $500 per claim and $50,000 per account. Along with that, there's extended warranty protection which extends the time period of the US manufacturer's warranty by an additional year on eligible warranties of 3 years or less. So all in all, for just $95, this card easily pays for itself. Pair this card with the Freedom Flex and Unlimited and for just $95, you have a ridiculously powerful setup. But now I want to know what you think about this CSP. Be sure to let me know all of your thoughts down in the comments below. And I'll see you in the next video. And if you're interested in getting a Sapphire Preferred card of your own, down in the description, I have a link to my website which then navigates to and from there you can apply for any credit card and by doing so you are directly supporting myself and this channel. And if instead you'd rather learn about the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, well then click on this video right now. Thank you so much for watching all the way until the end of this video, it really does mean a lot to me. Hope that you have a fantastic day and with all that being said, I'll see you next time.
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Well, I'm building my credit and it's going to save me thousands of dollars later. Don't you mean it's going to put you thousands of dollars in debt? I only pay for things that I can afford and I pay it off before every billing cycle. I still don't know how that's going to save you thousands of dollars. Well, once I get my credit score above 740, I'm going to qualify for the best rates when it comes to mortgages, car loans, and even car insurance rates. I mean, it's probably only a couple percentage points. Why does that even matter? Think of it this way. Let's say you took out a mortgage of $600,000 and you got a 3% interest rate versus a 5%. You're going to save $250,000 over the course of that loan. Dang, I didn't know that. Where'd you learn this from? I learned this from the Legacy Investing Show here and on YouTube.
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website. So I clicked on it and saw these beautiful dresses. The dress online was a mustard colored dress with a flower print on it. This is what I received. It was not anything close to what I ordered. What I received was maybe material that was put together to look like a shirt. I can't even bring myself to use it as a cleaning cloth. The lowest of quality. It just was nothing close to what was the picture that I had clicked on and ordered. The reviews were bad and sadly I did not read the reviews before I ordered my dresses. I spent probably about $60. They said that they would refund my purchase. They never refunded my purchase. Lesson learned is read reviews. Only shop at reputable sites.
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Good Morning Sir. Please take a seat. How can I help you? Ma'am, I want to open an account in your bank. Sure Sir. What is your profession? I am a student. Okay. What is your income source? Ma'am, I do part time job and also get money for educational purpose from my parents. Alright. Then you need to open a saving bank account with a minimum opening balance of Rs. 500. Okay. Ma'am, please let me know the procedure for this. First you have to fill up a form and submit it along with necessary documents. What are the documents I have to attach with the application form? One passport size photo and Xerox of your Aadhaar card will be required. Okay. Ma'am, what else do I need to do? That is all. Now please go to counter number 1 and take the form. Thank you for your help Ma'am. You're welcome.
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तो बैंक कैशियर मुझसे कैश लेने के बाद बैंक के सिस्टम में मेरे अकाउंट के अगेंज्ड 1,00,000 रुपे की क्रेडिट एंट्री करेगा और जो कैश मैंने कैशियर को दिया है वो उस cash को bank treasury में रख देगा लेकिन उडीसा में ICICI bank के cashier और deputy branch manager ने मिलकर 1.85 crore रुपे का fraud कर दिया अब जो भी customer bank में cash जमा करने आता ये cashier उससे cash ले लेता था और bank के system में लिये होए cash की entry भी कर देता था लेकिन उस cash को bank की treasury में रखने की बजाए अपने साथ घर ले जाता था ऐसा करके धीरे धीरे इन तीन employees ने 1.85 crore रुपे अपने घर में जमा कर लिये और फिर bank से resign कर दिया लेकिन कुछ time बाद bank audit में जैसे ही cash mismatch मिला तो bank staff ने police complaint करवाई और finally police ने बड़ी मशकत के साथ इन fraudsters को arrest कर लिया
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मैसेज आता कि मेरे अकाउंट से 94 पाउंट यानि कि लंडन पर ट्रांजेक्शन हो गया है यह फ्रॉट राजिटीट किस विजय मुझे मेरे पैसा वापस मिले चलिए पता करते हैं सबसे पहले मैंने अपनी बैंक के हेल्प नंबर पर कॉल किया यह बताया कि मेरा ट्रांजेक्शन फ्रॉट था उनसे स्पेसिफिकली जो रिपोर्टिंग करिए उसका सर्विस नंबर लिया ताकि रिक्वेस्ट नंबर मेरे पास रिकॉर्ड हो जाए रिक्वेस्ट नंबर और यह सारी कॉनवर्जेशन में रिकॉर्ड करा था अपने इंट्रूफ के लिए नेक्स्ट मैंने अपने क्रेड कार्ट को ब्लॉक करवा दिया ताकि और कोई ट्रांजेक्शन ना हो सके आरीबा का रूल कहता है कि अगर आपने विधिन तीन दिन अपना ट्रांजेक्शन बैंक को रिपोर्ट कर दिया कि फ्रॉट झाल
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to trade gold, porcelain, spices, and silks around the globe. But running this massive operation wasn't cheap. In order to fund their expensive voyages, the company turned to private citizens, individuals who could invest money to support the trip in exchange for a share of the ship's profits. This practice allowed the company to afford even grander voyages, increasing profits for both themselves and their savvy investors. Selling these shares in coffeehouses and shipping ports across the continent, the Dutch East India Company unknowingly invented the world's first stock market. Since then, companies have been collecting funds from willing investors to support all kinds of businesses. And today, the stock market has schools, careers, and even whole television channels dedicated to understanding it. But the modern stock market is significantly more complicated than its original incarnation. So how do companies and investors use the market today? Let's imagine a new coffee company that decides to launch on the market. First, the company will advertise itself to big investors. If they think the company is a good idea, they get the first crack at investing and then sponsor the company's initial public offering, or the company's first public offering. This launches the company onto the official public market, where any company or individual who believes the business could be profitable might buy a stock. Buying stocks makes those investors partial owners in the business. Their investment helps the company to grow, and as it becomes more successful, more buyers may see potential and start buying stocks. As demand for those stocks increases, so does their price, increasing the cost for prospective buyers and raising the value of the company's business. The stock market is a good example of how the company's stocks people already own. For the company, this increased interest helps fund new initiatives and also boosts its overall market value by showing how many people are willing to invest in their idea. However, if for some reason a company starts to seem less profitable, the reverse can also happen. If investors think their stock value is going to decline, they'll sell their stocks with the hopes of making a profit before the company loses more value. As stocks are sold and demand for the same, the stock goes down, the stock price falls, and with it, the company's market value. This can leave investors with big losses, unless the company starts to look profitable again. This seesaw of supply and demand is influenced by many factors. Companies are under the unavoidable influence of market forces, such as the fluctuating price of materials, changes in production technology, and the shifting costs of labor. Investors may be worried about changes in leadership, bad publicity, or larger factors like new laws and trade policies. And of course, plenty of investors are simply ready to sell valuable stocks and pursue personal interests. All these variables cause day-to-day noise in the market, which can make companies appear more or less successful. And in the stock market, appearing to lose value often leads to losing investors, and in turn, losing actual value. Human confidence in the market has the power to trigger everything from economic booms to financial crises. And this difficult-to-track variable is why most professionals promote reliable long-term investing over trying to make quick cash. However, experts are constantly building tools in efforts to increase their chances of success in this highly unpredictable system. But the stock market is not just for the rich and powerful. With the dawn of the Internet, everyday investors can buy stocks in many of the exact same ways a large investor would. And as more people buy, people educate themselves about this complex system. They too can trade stocks, support the businesses they believe in, and pursue their financial goals. The first step is getting invested. And that's life in ancient Mesopotamia.
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The Morning Insiders. When you lose your debit card, you usually get a replacement within the mail with your money still on the card. But a Calumet City woman says that's not the case for her. She says a company with a history of problems has held on to her money for months. Morning Insider Tim McNicholas took her problems to the company. She's actually going to say the same thing. That all of them say. Danina Moody doesn't have a crystal ball. But by now, she can predict what the Rushcard customer service reps will send to her in this chat. She's going to say she doesn't see anything, that they have not received the documents. Documents like copies of her ID and social security number as she tries to get a replacement for a prepaid debit card she lost with more than $200 on it. They sent her this new card to use, but it doesn't have any of her funds on it. Moody says she's already sent the information about five times since April. She even showed us a fax receipt from earlier this month. That's my money and I need it. You know, my living situation is not good at all. I want to fix income already. Just as she predicted, the rep told her they don't have her documents. Another rep told her the same thing earlier in June and asked her to either fax or mail them again. Moody has no car and no fax machine, so she's been walking nearly two miles and spending her own money on the faxes. This is a person's livelihood, you know, and that's nothing to play with. Prepaid debit cards like Rushcard are a draw for people whose credit history or income disqualifies them from a traditional bank account. Moody, for example, says she's struggling financially after dealing with heart problems, diabetes and other health issues. This shouldn't happen. Kimberly Palmer works for the personal finance website NerdWallet. She says Moody's story isn't the only red flag for Rushcard. It has higher fees than a lot of other banks. It's a lot of similar cards make it a lot cheaper to use. And so with Rushcard, you're actually paying a monthly fee. You're also paying a fee any time you use an out-of-network ATM. And also the first time you load money onto the card, you're paying a fee. Federal regulators fined Rushcard $13 million for a 2015 outage that cut people off from their money for days while customers said they were struggling to pay for food and bills. The company was founded by Russell Simmons. But he is now out after Green Dot bought Rushcard in 2017. Today, most of the pictures on Rushcard's website show black or brown people. I do think they were targeting black people. They were. So it's a card that's convenient for people of minority with meager means. It is. And it's sad that they are treating us like this. Now Moody is left with a useless card and her money in limbo. Tim McNicholas, News 8 News. CBS 2 News. We reached out to the Green Dot organization and Rushcard to ask what's going on exactly. Both said someone would contact Moody to try to figure it out. Green Dot tells us faxing is not a requirement for a lost card but couldn't tell us why Moody had to fax documents repeatedly. And the company failed to answer the other questions that were raised in our story.
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[ 1 ]
Today we are talking about Robinhood and its new product that it is offering customers, retirement accounts. You see, retirement accounts are such an important piece when it comes to building wealth for financial independence, but also for just general retirement. And so for Robinhood, a company that has focused more on trading, which is a very short term type of thing, for them to be introducing a long term investment product like retirement accounts, I think we must talk about this because there are some pros and there are some cons related to this new product. And something else that is very interesting about this is that Robinhood is promoting that they will be matching contributions to these retirement accounts. You see, for a lot of people that don't have a traditional employer that provides that match to, let's say, a four-year retirement account, they will be matching contributions to a newsworthy and requires a deeper look. So for those of you that aren't familiar with Robinhood, it's a brokerage firm. And traditionally, it has allowed people to invest in a standard brokerage account and to buy and sell different investments commission free. But now they are expanding their products and they're allowing people to invest in individual retirement accounts, also known as IRAs within the Robinhood. Now, Robinhood was a major disruptor in the financial industry when it first hit the scene because it was allowing people to buy and sell stocks commission free. This was something that was not offered before Robinhood came along. Now it's pretty much standard across most brokerages. You can buy and sell, you can trade equities commission free. And if it was not for Robinhood, many of these brokerages today would not be doing this. And another thing about Robinhood, at the time that it first began its platform, was that it became very accessible for people to invest. You could download their app onto your phone. You could open up your account on your phone, look at all of your different investments. So it really introduced investing to a lot of people. A lot of younger investors began investing simply because of Robinhood. Now, this accessibility was wonderful at first, but it eventually became a very dark aspect of using Robinhood to invest in. The stock market. You see, as Robinhood grew, it began to expand its offerings to other types of investments that were a lot more riskier, like options trading, like investing in crypto. And Robinhood's marketing also took on a different tone. You see, Robinhood has been criticized with the gamification of how it's done investing. That's right. So because investing was so accessible, it's so easy to find different investments on your phone. Robinhood was also pushing different alerts, different trades, and different ways to get your money. And so, Robinhood entrepreneur needs to be responsible for this too. And the third shock to investing as a out how toWE risk a lot of money together. conversions from a tip to the topмотрите. exciting with all of these notifications, with the way the screen looked. It looked like a video game. And so for a lot of young investors that were always on their phone, for them to see these notifications, it caused them to want to take action on those trades. And what happens when you are trading all the time? Well, one, you make mistakes by jumping in and out of the market. The second thing that is really bad about trading all the time is that there are tax implications when you are constantly doing this type of thing. And third, let's not forget the impact of emotional investing. When you're seeing all of these alerts about investing in different trades and you're seeing them constantly, you become more of an emotional investor. We always say that you should really have your investments set up so that they run in the background. You're not constantly checking your balances as the market fluxes. But for many people that invest with Robinhood, because of these constant alerts, they're more likely to check their accounts and make emotional decisions based off of their investments. And those emotions also involve a level of stress. There are so many people that because they have money on this app, they are constantly under stress by looking at this app. Seeing their balances go up and down, it can be something that for a lot of people, the stress can be overwhelming. Now we say this to share the downsides of Robinhood, but this is not based solely on our opinion. The federal government actually investigated Robinhood and imposed one of its largest fines on a financial company based off of the fact that Robinhood was misleading customers and encouraging risky trades. They fined Robinhood $70 million because of its practices. Now we say all this, the pros and the cons, to set the stage for what Robinhood has introduced recently. Retirement accounts. And so for anyone out there that is considering growing their retirement accounts with Robinhood, these are things that you must take into consideration. This is the company that you are going to be giving your nest egg to, the money that you expect to live off of in your golden years. So you should recognize what type of company you are investing in. With that said, let's talk about Robinhood's retirement accounts and our opinions on them, pros and cons. So let's first start off with the two types of retirement accounts offered by Robinhood now. It's a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA. Now it's important to recognize that there are other types of IRAs that people can invest in, but with Robinhood, these are the only two IRAs offered. So very quickly, let's discuss the difference between a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA. So with a traditional IRA, you are contributing pre-tax dollars and the money in that traditional IRA, once it grows, it's growing. Now with a Roth IRA, you're actually contributing after-tax dollars. That means the money that grows in your Roth IRA is actually growing tax-free. So when you go to take that money out from your Roth IRA, you're not paying taxes on it. Now one thing to keep in mind about the difference between a Roth and a traditional IRA also is about accessing the money. Now with a traditional IRA, you typically cannot pay taxes on it. You cannot access that money until you turn 59 and a half unless you want to pay significant penalties. Now with a Roth IRA, it's a little bit different. Because you're using after-tax dollars to contribute to this type of account, you can actually pull out your contributions at any time. But the growth of that account, you actually can't access penalty-free until you turn 59 and a half. Now there are certainly exceptions to this rule, but it's very important to understand accessibility when you're really deciding on whether you want to contribute to that account or not. So you can't just say, I'm going to contribute to a Roth IRA or to a traditional IRA. So now that you know the difference between a traditional and Roth IRA, let's talk about some of the pros of opening up these accounts with Robinhood. And the first very big one that Robinhood is touting is that they are now offering a 1% match for those that are opening up a Roth or a traditional IRA with Robinhood. Now one of the cool things is that this match does not count against your annual contribution limitations to these accounts. So in 2022, you're going to be able to pay tax-free. So in 2022, the maximum is $6,000. So you can contribute that $6,000 and Robinhood will contribute an additional 60 bucks because of the 1% match. Now Robinhood touts this match as something that is one of a kind that has not been done before. And this is true. We have not seen any brokerage firm do a match like this. The other thing that's good about these accounts is that Robinhood is making a point to educate its investors on retirement. And the brokerage firm is making a point to educate its investors on retirement. And the brokerage firm is making a point to educate its investors on retirement. And all of these it will guarantee becomes Zombie de Ponty. And all of these it will guarantee becomes Zombie de Ponty. But because this is Robinhood and Robinhood has a track record of doing some things that haven't been in the best interest of their customers, we must approach these accounts with a bit of skepticism. And so Christina and I, we want to talk about some of the cons and concerns that we have noticed about these accounts at Robinhood. So the first con or concern that we have is in the way Robinhood has been marketing these accounts to self-employed gig employees, the entrepreneur. You see, we said earlier that it was a pro that people are being introduced to new retirement accounts by Robinhood. But the fact is these retirement accounts have always been around, but at other brokerages. I mean, Charles Schwab, Vanguard, you name it, they have had traditional and Roth IRA accounts. So the first con or concern that we have is in the way Robinhood has been marketing these accounts to self-employed gig employees, the entrepreneur. So the fact that Robinhood is now selling these means that they are doing something that everyone else has already been doing. The other concern that we have is that because Robinhood only provides these two types of retirement accounts, they are really emphasizing these as really the best and only option to people that don't have access to a traditional 401k. But the fact is there are other retirement accounts for entrepreneurs that are a lot better. And some of those are not. And some of those include the SEP IRA or the Solo 401k. You see, with both of those accounts, you can actually contribute a lot more money annually to those accounts. And because you can contribute a lot more, you see a lot more tax advantages with these other accounts. The next con or concern that we have is with the 1% match. You see, Robinhood has said that they are matching 1% of your annual contribution. And that sounds wonderful on the surface. But the reality is that if you contribute. $6,000 annually, which is the 2022 maximum contribution, Robinhood is giving you 60 bucks. And that is not a lot of money. That is actually not a lot of money when you take into account the fact that Robinhood has already been fined $70 million for misleading customers and encouraging customers to make risky trades. When you think about the $60 that you can get, but the amount of money that you can lose because you've been misled or because you're doing risky trades. The payoff just doesn't make sense. Now, some of you may look at this 60 bucks as a bonus as a sign up bonus. But in order to benefit from that 60 bucks annually or from that 1% contribution, you must stay with Robinhood for five years after that contribution has been made. That is a long time to stay with the company if you're only looking for a bonus. Now, bonuses are offered by a lot of brokerages. In fact, they are a lot bigger than the 60 bucks. Let me tell you. So if you are looking for the bonus money, there are better places to look. The next con that we have actually has to do with the type of investments that Robinhood offers to its investors. As an investor with Robinhood, you cannot invest in mutual funds, which also include index funds. You also can't invest in bonds. So when people are thinking about developing their portfolio for retirement. A lot of people have at least a small percentage of bonds in their portfolio. Robinhood does not offer that. The next concern is with the customer service at Robinhood. Now over the years, Robinhood has done some things to improve upon its customer service. I know when the brokerage first opened, there was no customer service line for you to call someone and talk to a real person. Now that option is available, but it's still relatively difficult to get good customer service at Robinhood. On the other hand, some of the other brokerages like Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab. You can call up a person and have a real conversation with them about your investment accounts, about your retirement accounts. The next con is that even though Robinhood has been expanding its offerings, it's not a brokerage company that someone could grow with. And what I mean by this is as you start to accumulate more wealth, as your personal finance situation becomes more and more complex. Robinhood does not have the other accounts in place to help support that. So what we mean, for example, is that you can't open a custodial account with Robinhood. You can't open 529s with Robinhood. There's just different limitations because of the offerings that Robinhood has that it really makes it difficult for people to grow their wealth there and then continue to grow their wealth there. Many times when people grow their money to such great lengths, they have to step outside of Robinhood. And begin investing with a more traditional low-cost brokerage firm. And this brings us to our last point about Robinhood. For us, Robinhood still feels like a game. The gamification of investing. And for anyone that is building long-term wealth, especially for retirement, you don't want to have an interface that feels like a video game. You don't want to have your retirement account at your fingertips that you can tinker with. This is something that you want to create some depth. You want to create some distance with. And so we think for anyone that is opening a Robinhood account to invest for retirement, this will be a serious con because many people may fall prey to the gamification of investing. So those are our pros and our cons when it comes to the new accounts that Robinhood is offering. What we encourage everyone to do is do their own research. And remember that when you start investing, you must be investing with a plan. And a part of that plan involves picking a brokerage that you feel that you can grow your wealth with. If this video has given you food for thought, as we always try to do, please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel, and join the journey.
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Some want to share their horrific experience with CNA to warn others about online job scams. According to these two victims who wanted to remain anonymous, they were sold four times from one crime syndicate to another. After they were beaten into submission, the syndicate would hand them different scamming modules from love scam to job scam. Although traumatized, they were remorseful and regretted every bit of their actions. As the scourge of online job scams spreads, enforcement agencies across the region have vowed to tighten cooperation through sharing of intelligence. Efforts are also being stepped up to raise public awareness to prevent more from falling prey to infuriate the public. International crime syndicates. Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah, who oversaw some of the rescue operations, has urged the public to be wary of online scams. We want Malaysians, especially the young ones, to be extra careful. Please make sure that those offers are real and we can help you check.
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जब पाँच लोगों ने एक फेक कमपनी ओपन की लीविंग इंटीरिय डिजाइन के नाम से अब इस फेक कमपनी के 53 एमप्लोईज बनाए और इन सभी एमप्लोईज का अकाउंट आईसेइसे बेंक की हाइदराबाद बेस ब्रांच में ओपन किया गया अब ये सभी फेक एमप्लोईज हाइदराबाद के आसपास के विलेजिस से थे जिनने ये बोलकर सेविंग्स अकाउंट खुलवाया गया कि उन्हें सस्ते रेट ओफ इंटरस्ट पर बेंक से लोन मिलेगा अब ये सेविंग्स अकाउंट का सारा एकसेस इन पाँच लोगों ने अपने पास रख लिया ये बिल्कुल बेंक कार्ड्स में से 1 करोड 33 लाख रुपए एकजोस्ट कर दिये
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You buy gold coins because the dollar is going to go down. I don't trust the dollar. For most of my life, I've saved gold and silver. Everybody can buy a $20 silver piece. Everybody can afford $20. Will they do it? No. They'll be at Starbucks sucking it down instead.
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
तो आप अपने पैसे रिकवर करने के लिए ये स्टेप्स फॉलो कर सकते हैं. आपने जिस भी आपके थूँ UPI ट्रांसपर किया है, आप उसके सपट सेक्शन में जाके इशू रेिस कर सकते हैं. या फिर आप भीम के ट्रोल फ्री नमबर पे भी कॉल कर सकते हैं. कॉल करके, आप ट्रांसक्शन की सब ही डीटेल्स बता के कंप्लेन ग्रेस कर सकते हैं. इसके बाद आप अपने बांक में जाके, ये branch manager से पैसे reverse करवाने के लिए request कर सकते हैं. ऐसे में bank एक facilitator की तरह काम करेगा और unintended beneficiary से contact करेगा. और कुछ भी काम ना करे, तो आप NPCI के dispute redressal mechanism portal के जापके complaint भी register कर सकते हैं. आप ये सभी steps follow तो जरूर कर सकते हैं, लेकिन payment करने से पहले सभी details अच्छे से verify करना आपकी responsibility है. ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों के साथ share कीजिए. बाबाई.
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It may not be the smartest place to keep them. CBS Money Watch dot com senior editor at large Jill Schlesinger joins us with the details. It's very kind of exotic isn't it? You go into the room in the box but maybe not a great idea. Yeah, you know here's the problem that even though banks have great 24 hour security and all of that, you know what we're worried about is if one of them fails because the contents of a safe deposit box are rarely insured. Now remember items in your home, they are covered by your homeowner's or renter's insurance policy. Some people, I won't name names, think that cash in a safe deposit box is covered by FDIC insurance but the FDIC only insures deposits in accounts, not the contents of a safe deposit box. Also, safe deposit boxes are only accessible during branch operating hours. Lots of people don't know that. So, if you have documents that you may need access to, you need them whenever. Whether it's a health care proxy or a will or a power of attorney, you don't want to wait until someone's there at the bank to get them. I think this is going to surprise a lot of people because it is not insured. So really, what's the alternative then? Well, you know what, I think buying a fireproof safe. A fireproof safe for your home and you know what you put in it? Passports, original birth certificates, social security cards, copies of your important legal documents, wills and health care proxies. Also, you know what you might want to do? Insurance policies, the actual policy, important investment information. Not the statements but maybe passwords and things like that. Maybe your valuables, jewelry, cash, spare keys and titles to all of your vehicles. Anything that you really want to have access to but you really would be hard to replace if you lost it. But space is limited so that's the only problem. Well, yes, and there you have it. And so here's my last tip for you. On, we have a great list of all the things you can do. We have a great list of financial data that you need to keep and what you can toss. What you need to get that shredder out, pour yourself a glass of wine and get it out of there. Purge, baby. That's right. All right, Jill, great to see you. Thanks so much.
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अगर आपको भी इस तरीके से प्रॉब्लम आ रही है तो आपको इसको कैसे सॉल्व करना है आज मैं आपको इस वीडियो में यही बताऊंगा तो सबसे पहले आप यहां से कट करेंगे और यहां से आप सबसे पहले अपने गूगल पेसे बाहर में सबसे पहले में यह अगर आपको यहां से क्लिक करना और ही स्टॉप करना है और होगा या इस तरीके से मैंने कर दिया अब यहां पर आपको यह सब करने के बाद क्या करना है यहां से आपको विचल एन है यहां पर आपको फोन का जो सर्वर है वह आपको चेक करना है सही से आ रहा है कि नहीं और आए ठीक है तो कभी-कभी कह होता है इंटरनेट कैप लुट भाई आपको यह प्रॉब्लम करने के लिए अतियोगी ठीगे तो यहां पर आपको चेक करना है और उसके बाद आपको उन्हें फोन का जो पा� victory वाला बटन है उसे आपको दवाना है दबाने के बाद फॉर्म को सिर्फ करके ओन करना है वहीं देख दAST ठीक है रू� Pro और आपको मैं दिखाता हूं 90 फ्री से आ गया है अब यहां पर यह Google पर बना रहा है अब देखें कि कि मोड़ पर इन रूप में क्लिक करता हूं कि provciplesuddly ले ये करो सकते हैं जो मुझे नंबर को मैं पिंक बिल चिप में का था भू यूग भी एंच है ठीक है वहीं बन समय आईएट तो यहां पर दो रूप स्टर होगे ठीक है तो यह क्वाइड पर करूंगा और एक पर मैं अपना loan डालूंगा ताओ इस वीडियो में विदा जय हिंद
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I've opened up 40 credit cards, so you won't have to. Just keep following for more credit card hacks. As a beginner, here are three things to consider when getting a card. One, it must not have an annual fee. Two, it must have some sort of cashback earning. And three, some sort of sign of bonus. The most important thing you do, pay on time and in full. So one day you can get cards like these. Three, the Chase Freedom family. $200 sign of bonus for both. This gives 5% cashback bonus on rotating quarterly categories. This gives 1.5% cashback everywhere. Two, the Discover It. This gives a 5% cashback category that rotates every quarter. And it doubles your cashback in the first year. So effectively, 10%. One, Capital One Quicksilver. $200 sign of bonus, 1.5% cashback everywhere. And no foreign transaction fee. I love it as one because it's probably one of the easier ones to get approved for in this entire list. If you're interested in any cards, tap the link in bio.
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In this case, it's a man with a Visa gift card who discovered he has a whole lot less to spend than he first thought. Here's Sean O'Shea now with a buyer beware story for everyone. This is the first time I had this and probably the last. Bill Patterson's frustration is mounting by the day, all because of this retirement gift, a $250 prepaid vanilla Visa gift card. Not a bad gift, except six months after getting it and going to register it online, a surprise. I punched in all the numbers. I said I had $2.50 left. Patterson's card had somehow been almost entirely used up before he opened it, even though it had been in a sealed package. So he called the phone number on the vanilla Visa card. You feel that you've been getting run around? Let me go ahead and take a look. Look at the status here. After waiting on hold multiple times, he was repeatedly assured he'd be sent a new vanilla Visa with the correct credit. But with each phone call and every promise of making it right, nothing. They don't tell you the truth. They keep you running around. Keep you gussing. Not the way it's supposed to be in vanilla Visa's slick online how-to guide. It might be the easiest way to spend money. Prepaid cards like vanilla Visa have been under scrutiny for years. We've seen almost a Wild West mentality when it comes to the pricing of these. Last fall the federal government put in regulations on prepaid credit cards. They can no longer have expiry dates and companies are supposed to be more transparent when it comes to hidden costs. But those regulations do nothing to help a consumer like Bill Patterson. Instead of spending what should be a $250 balance. $250. He's spending time on the phone trying to get a new card that can be used. Easier said than done. I stay away from it because you don't know what you're getting. The issuing bank People's Trust in Vancouver says it's going to look into the case. The company that markets vanilla Visa says the case is untypical. Still six weeks after Bill Patterson started phoning asking for a fix. Still waiting for that $250 credit. We'll check back to see if vanilla Visa comes through. And we'd like to hear from anybody who's had a similar problem. Ann Leslie back to you.
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एबिल टू पेज एम आईएस फॉर यह वो टो पॉइंट लाइन यह चौनी अच्छी ने प्रियोप्रूव लिमिट प्लस यू ओनली पे इंट्रेस्ट ऑन थे अमाउंट एंड एक्शन यूटलाइज और रिपेइमेंट का क्या सीन होगा यार आईएव होट इट इस डिफि डिफिनेटली है वरी पेमेंट फ्लेक्सिपिलिटी यू कैंड रिपे एस पर यह फिनांचियल कंडिशन आई होब आई डोंट है वह लोट पेपर वॉक फॉर ऑल विद इस सीट यूजिली टेक्स टाइम बट विद प्रिवो क्रेडिट लाइट इस चौस अफ टू टैप् प्रिवो क्लेव कोईंस एंड फॉल्वर्स फॉर मोर
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concluded that his whole tirade about being debanked is a completely fruitless endeavour. The FCA were unable to uncover a single incident of a politician being debanked because of their political views. Even though the government, aided by Farage, the ultimate grifter, got worked up into an absolute frenzy about it earlier on in the year. Thankfully, there have been some morsels of common sense kicking around throughout this whole debate. Here's banking analyst Francis Coppola confidently predicting this outcome months ago. The report makes it clear that the reason they closed his account was that Nigel paid off his mortgage and the house was released as a security and that brought him below the criteria for an account at that bank, which we should remember is a specialist provider of private banking services to very rich people. Banks do have to, and particularly private banks like this, do have to look at the profiles of the people they're doing business with. They have a requirement to know your customer, to do anti-money laundering. They need to know who they're doing business with. So actually, this is something they do in order to manage their risks. It's clear from the report that they made the decision some time ago not to continue the relationship when the mortgage came to an end. But they wanted Father Jesse... What they said was in that report, and read... I did. ...pages 3 and 10 of that report, and it's available in the mail online to any viewer of this programme that wishes to see it. They say he is, and they say it three times, a financially viable account. But we don't like what he stands for. He conflicts with the values of this organisation. He conflicts, and goodness knows what it means, with our diversity agenda, and when the mortgage ends, we won't renew it and get rid of him. If I may... That was not... Hang on. If I may... That was not a commercial decision. If I may... Three times they said it was a commercially viable account. Frances Coppola. OK. On page 10, it says that when the mortgage comes to an end, what's called the EC, which is the commercial viability of the account, will fall, and they made the decision to terminate the relationship on that basis. So... So your account was commercially viable while you had that mortgage, but once it was paid off, it was no longer commercially viable. But that is what the report says. Hang on. What about all of them? No, no, no. They're all woke. What kind? They're all remainer. They're all globals. No, but what... Banks, which are commercial enterprises, who they do business with is their decision in a free market. So is Rishi Sunak right to have an inquiry into this? It's going to ask the FCA to look at it. I confidently predict that the FCA will look at this and say, nothing to look at here. Thank you. Thank you very much.
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हैं और आपको गूगल पर यूज करने में दिक्कत आ रही है जैसे कि आपके सामने कोई एरर आ रहा है आया फिर आप है से ट्रांस्फर नहीं कर पा रहा है फिर आपके पैसे से फस गए हैं तो इस प्रॉब्लम को आखिर हम किस तरीके से ठीक कर सकते हैं आज की स्विंट इसमें मैं आपको यह कंप्लीट प्रोसेस बताने वाला हूं तो सबसे पहले तो मैं मैं आपको वीडियो में बेहने हुए में आपको यह होता है, कि उद्ध करने के बारे में, बहुत बदल ओर महज़ाना तुमने मैंने चीज करके घृणिया कि यह चुकान नहीं पर होता है. है और ना तो हमारे अकाउंट से हाला कि कट जाता है तो ऐसी स्थिति में आपको यहां पर इंतजार करना है 24 घंटे तक ठीक है आप यहां पर गूगल पर जो कि कस्टूमर के अर्थ से बात भी कर सकते हैं तो आपकी यह प्रॉब्लम तो दूर होगी रही बात सर्वर व्यस्त की वगैरह की तो वह चलिए मैं आपको बता देता हूं उस प्रॉब्लम को आखिर आप किस तरीके से ठीक कर सकते हैं ठीक है तो मैंने यहां पर अपने फोन से डिलीट कर दिया है और ठीक है क्योंकि मेरे सामने कई बार इस तरह की प्रॉब्लम हाय थी एर्स रिलीट मैंने उस प्रॉब्लम को यहां पर ठीक कर लिया था आप फिर से वही प्रॉब्लम आ रही है आपको चलिए मैं आपको बता देता हूं जैसे कि मैं यहां पर गुगल पर लिंग देता तो गूगल पर है वह पूरी तरीके से चलू है कि नहीं है क्योंकि कुछदेशन में आफ ही भी जिब गूगल पर है वह यहां पर बंद कर दिया गया कुछ सुभदा वहां पर चालू है ठीक है और जाने कि पूरी तरीके से गूगल पर सुरू यह नहीं है क्योंकि गुग्री कंपनी है वह कुछ नया लांच कर रही है और उसी के हgli आप सारे काम कर पाICK ठीक है तो इसलिए यह जल्द ही बंद कर दिया जाएगा पूरी तरीके से ठीक है और आने वाले समय में गूगल पर ही आप सारे काम कर पाएंगे ठीक है तो मैं यहां पर इससे पहले तो इनइस्टॉल कर लेता हूं तो हमारा यह इन डिक्स्टोल हो जाया क्योंकि यहां पर स्वीड़ का भी अच्छी है तो देखते देखते यहां पर डाउनलोड हो जाता है एप्लीकेशन सही या फिर कुछ भी मूवी वगैरा कुछ भी सही ठीक है तो मैं यहाँ पर सिंपली ओपन करता हूँ ओपन करने के बाद में हमारे सामने कुछ इस तरीके से इंटरफेस आ जाएगा यहाँ पर अपने मौल नंबर से हम लॉगिन कर लेंगे तो चलिए मैं यहाँ पर अपना मोबाइल नंबर डालता हूँ लॉगिन कर लेता हूँ उसके बाद में आपको यहां पर कुछ एक बात को और ध्यान रखना है जो आपकी email ID पहले थी वह email ID आपको यहां पर change कर देना है ठीक है तो चलिए मैं यहां पर अपनी email ID change कर देता हूं क्योंकि कई बार यह देखने को मिला है जब आपकी email ID में किसी पर यारी कोई दिक्कत ह होती है ठीक है या फिर आपने उसी email ID से दूसरे फोन में login करा रखा हुआ होता है और आप इस फोन में भी कर रहा है तब भी आपको यहां पर जैसे कि error की दिक्कत देखने को मिल जाती है ठीक है तो आप अपनी email ID यहां पर change कर ली है उसके बाद में मैं यहां पर accept and continue पर simply click करता हूं और जो OTP है मेरे mobile number पर चला गया है और देखते हैं हाला कि यहां पर आ जाता है tomato ही यहां पर verify कर लेता है तो हम कुछ second यहां पर wait करते हैं देख सकते हैं हमारा यहां पर tomato इसने पकड़ लिया है और यहां पर verify यह हो गया है ठीक है उसके बाद में हमारे सामने कुछ इस तरीके से यहां पर interface आ जाएगा गो इट पर हम सिंपली क्लिक करेंगे आपको इन सारे ऑप्शन के बारे में Qatar एक थीुए टॉम यहां पर मेरे दोनों भी बैंक आ चौना चुके है तो यहां पर सिंपली कंटीन वक्त क्लिक कर देता हूं परमिसीशन को अलाव कर देता हूं ऐसेमस परमिसीशन को भी मैं यहां पर अलाव कर देता हूं है उसके बाद में यह आपसे पूछ रहा है कि आप अपना यूपीआई जो पिन है बोस्त क्या सेट करना चाहते हैं हमारा पहले है तो इसे हमें करने की जरूरत नहीं है नेट पर पर सिंपली क्लिक कर देते हैं अब यहां पर यह कह रहा है कि यूपीआई पेमेंट से लेने की कुछ टर्म कंडीशन है वह आपको यहां पर एक्सप्ट करनी होंगी तब आप गूगल पे को यूज कर पाएंगे कहने का मतलब है 5000 से अधिक आप 24 घंटे में पैसे नहीं निकाल सकते हैं करें कि यह 24 घंटे तक आप 5000 रुपए निकाल सकते हैं उससे अधिक नहीं निकाल सकते हैं ठीक है क्योंकि यह इनकी एक प्राइबेसी है कि कोई भी अगर आपका फोन ले लेता है फिर अपना नंबर डाले अपने फोन में लॉगिन कर लेता तो वह 5000 रुपए निकाल पाएगा 24 घंटे तक ठीक है तो हम चलिए कंटीनर पर सिंपली क्लिक कर देते हैं क्योंकि इनकी प्राइबेसी है तो यह तो हमें मानने ही पड़ेगी उसकी बाद में हम यहां पर चेक बैलेंस पर सिंपली क्लिक करते हैं हो सकता है अब आपको यहां पर जो स्क्रीन है ब्लैक दिखाई देती हो ठीक है तो अपना यूपी आई पिन डाल देता हूं और वे बैलेंस है वह देख सकते हैं मेरा यहां पर सो हो गया है बिना चिक चिक किए हुए ठीक है तो इस तरीके प्रॉब्लम है आप सॉल्व कर सकते हुए हैं कि सच में अगर आप बैकअकॉंट दूसरा खाना चाहते हैं तो आपको करना किया है ट्राफाइल पर सिंपली क्लिक करेंगे उसके बाद में बैंक आकॉंट पर कैसे मिलिंग करेंगे यूपी आपका बैंक आकॉंट है बुंदाब पेयर अक्टिवेट कर कर लेंगे ठीक है इसी के साथ में आप न्यू बैंक अकाउंट भी ऐड कर सकते हैं इसमें ठीक है तो मैं यहां पर चलिए सिंपली क्लिक करता हूं और मैं आपको एक परमिशन और बताऊंगा जो कि आपको चेक कर लेनी है अगर नहीं हो गया तब धीं कि तुम्हें या पर सबसे पहले ना ना पर सिंपली क्लिक कर देता हूं और बैक कर देते हैं और हम यहां पर चैक बैक वॉइस ट्री का स्फर्म सिंपली क्लिक करेंगे और हम यहां पर सिंकली क्लिक कर देते हैं अपना यूपीआई पिन एंटर कर देते हैं जैसे हम यह पर सिंपली क्लिक करते हैं तो हमारा बैलेंस वह यहां पर सो हो चुका है और इस तरीके से हम अपनी प्रॉब्लम को सॉल्व कर सकते हैं इसी के साथ में अब मैं आपको चलिए बात देता हूं कि आपको कहां से प्रमिसिii वह चalter ने sk ficar noisy 2 सबसे पहले हम अपनी फोन की सेटिंग्स जाएंगे सेटिंग्स जाने के बाद आपको यहां पर लिख देना है ऐप मैनेजर ठीक है या फिर 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channel is, Jake, which investment bank is best for me? Charles Schwab, Fidelity, or Vanguard? The upfront answer is you can't go wrong with any one of these three banks. All three of them, in my opinion, are excellent. I recommend all three. But in this video, we're going to cover the differences between these three so that you can choose which investment bank is best for you. And I got to give a quick disclaimer that the policies of these banks do change over time. Stuff that I am saying in this video is accurate as of today. However, if you're watching this video years in the future, potentially some of the policies of these banks might have changed over time. So we're going to start by comparing all three of these banks and talk about what do these three investment banks do correctly. The first one is they all allow for zero commission trades. So if you want to buy and sell individual stocks or ETFs on their platform, you can do that entirely for free. If you're still paying to make trades, you should definitely switch your brokerage account. Next, there are no trade minimums and no account minimums, meaning if you want to buy and sell, it doesn't matter how much. This is true 100% for Schwab or Fidelity. If you want to buy into one of their mutual funds for even a dollar, you can do that. With Vanguard, they do have select funds where there's a $3,000 minimum buy-in, but they still allow you to buy ETFs one share at a time. But if you're still paying to make trades, you should definitely switch your brokerage account. Of course, to open an account for all three, you don't have to have a minimum initial deposit. And for all three of these banks, they have zero annual account maintenance fees. If your brokerage account is charging you a percentage of your portfolio or a dollar amounts per year, just change banks. The only asterisk I have to give is that Vanguard does have a $20 annual maintenance fee if you do not sign up for electronic delivery of their documents, but you can easily avoid that. And all three of these banks are, cost you nothing to have year to year. The customer service for all three of these banks is excellent. There's a telephone number that you can call and you can talk to a real person if you have a question or need help with your account. Schwab is the only one that actually has 24 seven phone operator access. The other two you have to call between the hours of like eight in the morning and eight o'clock at night. And then most important, when you buy into one of their ETFs or mutual funds, they have the lowest expense ratios in the area. So if you're buying a lot of funds, you're going to have to pay a lot of money to get into one of these banks. So Fidelity right now is offering zero expense ratio funds, but for Schwab, you can get ETFs at as cheap as 0.02%. With Vanguard, you can get ETFs for as cheap as 0.03%. These expense ratios are virtually nothing. You will not feel the difference in my opinion. So when you partner with one of these banks and you buy their products, I'm guaranteeing you that you're getting the lowest costs in the industry. So that's a great checklist of what these banks are doing well. Let's talk about now how they slightly differ. And to understand how these banks are different, you have to understand how they're structured. Charles Schwab is publicly traded, publicly owned. Fidelity is privately owned. And Vanguard is actually investor owned. And this is going, how they're structured pretty much shapes all the decisions that these companies make. So for Charles Schwab, their founder, Charles Schwab, at some point offered an IPO in order to make the company, publicly traded. So you can buy shares of Charles Schwab on the New York Stock Exchange. It's important to remember that this company, the primary objective is to earn a profit for their shareholders. In order to have voting rights to select the board of directors for this company, you have to be one of the largest share owners of Charles Schwab stock. So there's nothing wrong with that, but it is important to remember the primary motive of this company is to increase the market share of Charles Schwab. And Fidelity is privately owned. And it's owned by the Johnson family. The CEO is Abigail Johnson, and she's a billionaire. Some people like that it is a female CEO. And the Johnson family, collectively, their net worth is between like 20 and 30 billion dollars. Fidelity is an excellent company, but you've got to remember this is a privately held company, and the objective of this company is to earn a profit for their owners. And then, finally, we have Vanguard and their former CEO, Jack Bogle, pretty much invented the low-cost simple index fund back in the 1970s. And he structured the company so that it was actually investor-owned. So the objective of this company is not to maximize profits for shareholders or the owners. It is to reduce costs and pass those on as much as possible to the real owners, the investors who own the Vanguard products and services. And for that reason, Vanguard has been the go-to king of low-cost, simple, no-BS investing for decades. And I feel like their market share was gaining so much. They're the largest mutual fund bank and second largest ETF bank after BlackRock. And I feel like Schwab and Fidelity saw the tide turning, and they had to change their business model. So Schwab and Fidelity are offering lower expense ratios, lower fees to draw in new customers, and they're offering lower fees to brokerage account, usually they're going to just keep investing with that company the rest of their life. So Schwab and Fidelity are really in a position where they need to be more competitive in order to take market share away from Vanguard. So now that you understand how these three banks are structured differently, you'll kind of understand why they're different in some ways. The first difference is Charles Schwab and Fidelity offer trading contracts that are not in the market share category. So they're not in the market share category. They're trading platform software in real time. So of course, you can buy and sell on their mobile device. You can buy and sell on their web platform. But with Schwab, you can download trading software. It's called StreetSmart Edge. And if you want to be more active, maybe a day trader, if you want to get in and out of positions without any delay or lag, you can use StreetSmart Edge. With Fidelity, they offer ActiveTrader Pro. Neither one of these platforms are as well known as TD Ameritrade's Thinkorswim, but they're still pretty good. Whereas Vanguard does not have any trading software available to their customers, and they haven't made any announcements or plans to offer any. Schwab and Fidelity also started offering fractional shares. Younger, small dollar investors really like fractional shares. And with Fidelity, you can buy any stock or ETF. With Charles Schwab, you can just purchase fractional shares of S&P 500 companies, but they're probably going to expand that to small caps and ETFs. So that's a big difference. So I think that's a big difference. And with Vanguard, they don't offer fractional shares. They've made no announcement in the future of offering fractional shares. If you're watching this in the future, potentially they've rolled out this service. Fidelity and Schwab also have physical in-branch locations that you can walk into and talk to a person face-to-face. I don't know how many locations Fidelity have. It looks like a lot. But Schwab has, I think, close to 400. So this is just A through C. And these are all of the branch locations. And they're not offering fractional shares. So I think that's a big difference. If you want to go talk to somebody in person when investing with Schwab, Vanguard has four locations, just North Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and D.C. Once again, the objective of Vanguard is to keep their operating costs as low as possible to pass that savings on to their customers. So at this point, you might be seeing the pattern here of the difference between Fidelity and Schwab and Vanguard, but there's more. Schwab and Fidelity offer credit cards. So the Fidelity Visa Rewards is actually a fantastic credit card. It's a 2% cash back on all purchases. It then auto-invests that into a brokerage account or any Fidelity account, for that matter, if you want. Schwab similarly has a no annual fee investor credit card, but they also have the co-branded American Express Platinum card, which I think is pretty good if you're interested in a high annual fee credit card. Schwab and Fidelity also have checking accounts. You can get a cash back on a cash management account with a debit card, and then you can pull money out of your account whenever you want. And at this time, Vanguard does not offer those additional services, such as checking accounts, debit cards, or credit cards. So at this point, you might be wondering, how do these banks make money if they have no annual fees and very low expense ratios? One of the biggest ways is they offer margin trading. If you're not familiar with margin trading, you basically can borrow against the equity of the stocks you own with that brokerage account. So if you're not able to borrow against the equity of that brokerage account, those financing exchange rates or value experts want to get magistrates or sauce helps to convince them to pay a dose of change and they need to be paid a but reduction fee. 8.3%, 8.5%. If you have a net worth in your account of over a million dollars, so here's Vanguard, a million dollars, they're offering an effective interest rate of 4.75%. Fidelity, it's actually the cheapest if, once again, if you're a millionaire, so only 4%. So the more money you hold with the brokerage, the cheaper it is to borrow money from them. And of course, they love it when you borrow money from them. This is basically a no-risk investment for the bank. So they're earning that APR on whatever you borrow from them. The next big way that these banks make money off their customers is that they will invest your uninvested cash in your brokerage account. What does this mean? If you were to deposit $5,000 into your Schwab account and you then didn't buy something with it, Schwab is going to take that money and invest it for you, and they're going to keep that money. So with Schwab and Fidelity, they're only going to give you a small 4%. And if you're a millionaire, you're going to have to pay a little bit more. 0.08%. Vanguard is the only one that will invest your uninvested cash and then pay you what it's worth. Because interest rates with the Fed are so low right now, Vanguard is only paying something like 0.7%. But once again, this goes back to the mentality of the company. The objective of Vanguard is to increase profit. And if you're a millionaire, you're going to have to pay a little bit more. So if you have uninvested cash in your brokerage account, Vanguard will help you make money on that. Schwab and Fidelity are going to keep that money for themselves. Additionally, if you partner with Schwab or Fidelity, they are going to sell your information to third-party people. So if you were to plop $10 million into your brokerage account, this would set off all kinds of alarms, and you separately managed asset managers. These are called SMAs. And these are people who are going to try and sell you their services, mainly actively managed mutual funds. Now on my channel, I'm never going to recommend an actively managed fund because they have really high expense ratios. They also have a lot of hidden fees sometimes. Now, with SMAs, anybody who partners with Fidelity or Schwab, these are good people who have, they're trying to help you. However, they're not going to you earn greater than just a simple low-cost index fund. But once again on my channel I'm never gonna recommend you go with these people, but just know that when you're with a for-profit company they have to find other ways to make money and partnering with these SMAs, if these SMAs can sell you on their services then Schwab and Fidelity will get a kickback for partnering with them and allowing them on their platform. But you're watching this video so you know the tips and tricks. Basically if you go with a for-profit investment bank like Schwab or Fidelity don't leave a lot of uninvested cash in there, you know, transfer that to a high-interest savings account if you want to hold cash, and don't ever participate in actively traded funds. I personally just don't think that their returns justify their costs. The final point we have to cover is the user experience when visiting their website or using their mobile app. This is part of the reason why Robinhood is so popular. Their app is easy to use, fun to use. With Schwab, Fidelity, and Vanguard I've made complete platform tutorials and mobile tutorials for all three of these companies. You can check out these videos if you want to see exactly what they're like, but I have to be critical of Vanguard here. Their website looks like it was designed in 2006 and it has not been updated since then. I really just don't enjoy using Vanguard's web platform or mobile app, and this is a huge, huge problem for me because I'm trying to be more active with my investments. And to go on to this website, it's just kind of clunky and not intuitive, and it's just not a good user experience in my opinion. Fidelity is a little bit better if you don't mind seeing all that green everywhere, but hands down the best user experience in my opinion is Charles Schwab. Just the black text on a white background with a little bit of blue here and there. I feel like Schwab's platform and mobile device gives the best user experience, so when comparing all three of these, I just give them a slight edge over Fidelity. And obviously Fidelity and Schwab are way better than Vanguard. So which is the best brokerage account or retirement account for you? Well, if you're a buy-and-hold investor and you don't want any of the gimmicks or extra thrills or BS, go with Vanguard. Vanguard has your best interests at heart, and this is a company that's basically made for the high-end market. So if you're looking for a brokerage account, Fidelity is definitely never going to change. This company is going to keep doing what it's been doing basically for 40 years. If you're a buy-and-hold investor and you want the extras, you want branch locations, you want a checking account, debit card, active TraderPro software, then go with Fidelity. If you're not using their website every day, I think Fidelity is an amazing option. However, if you want to be more active, if you want to be more than just a buy-and-hold investor and you want the extras, then I think Charles Schwab might be the best option for you. And of course, a quick disclaimer that all three of these banks are fantastic. You can't go wrong with any one of them. However, these banks do change their policies and services over time, so if you're watching this in the future, just do a little bit more research to make sure that the bank you go with is the best for you. Okay guys, if you enjoyed this video, give me a thumbs up so the algorithm knows it's good. In addition, consider subscribing if you haven't already. I'll see you in the next video. Bye! I've also made a playlist of tutorial videos for all three of these companies, so definitely check those out if you're interested in specifically one of them. And if you have any comments or questions, leave me one down below. I'll try to help you if I can. And until the next video, take care.
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Well, it turns out they may not be as safe as you think. Lisa Guerrero explains what you need to ask to make sure your stuff is really protected. You see it in movies. A bank heist and the thieves are targeting safe deposit boxes. Diamonds! Diamonds! But it also happens in real life. These bad guys are hauling trash bins full of jewels and other valuables from a safe deposit vault in England last year. This is what the vault looked like after they walked off with $400 million in contraband. Here in America, there are a dozen or so safe deposit box heists a year. One victim was Kathy Ann Tully from New Jersey. We put our precious belongings there. Thinking that they were safe. Thinking that that was a safe place to put them. Inside the box were savings bonds, cash, jewelry, and irreplaceable family heirlooms. It's not the material dollar value of those items. It's more the history behind it. What she didn't know is that safe deposit boxes, unlike cash, are not FDIC insured. Meaning if yours is looted, you don't get reimbursed unless you have personal insurance. So is a safe deposit box really the safest place for you to store your valuables? Dave McGuinn is a safe deposit box expert. If I'm looking for a place to rent a safe deposit box, what are some of the things I need to look for? You need to go in and ask some questions. First, make sure there are two keys needed to open the box. One for you and one for the bank. Second, are the locks changed each time a safe deposit box is rented out? You don't want a spare key for your box floating around. Third, does the vault look secure, like this one? Often, a visual deterrent is enough to scare off thieves. Finally, McGuinn suggests renting a box at the top of the vault. There is not a waterproof vault in the entire United States. Believe it or not, flooding is a much bigger risk than theft. Paper, documents. Paper, your will, your pictures of your great-grandfather, whatever. Seal those things. And if the water fills up to here, those things are going to float inside your box. Even so, McGuinn says it's still the safest way to store your valuables. We've got steel, we've got alarms, we've got big vault doors, we've got concrete walls, we've got things that you don't have at your house.
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why it is so underrated, and why you should consider adding it to your wallet. Similar to some of the higher end cards like the Chase Inc. Business Preferred, this is a Chase Inc. Business card and I really haven't heard too many people talking about this card. It's really a fantastic card to add to your portfolio, especially if you already have a Chase Ultimate Rewards card. Let's jump into some of the benefits of this card. The Chase Inc. Business Cash comes with a sign up bonus of $500 cash back whenever you spend $3,000 within the first three months. This bonus literally doubles in value if you have a Chase Ultimate Rewards card like the Chase Sapphire Reserve or the Chase Inc. Business Preferred. These Chase Ultimate Rewards points are really great and that's why you hear people talking about them so much. If you have multiple Chase cards along with a Chase Ultimate Rewards card, you can get a $500 bonus for each of the three months. This bonus is a great way to get a chance to redeem all of your points. Ultimately, your Chase Inc. Business Cash will become a Chase Ultimate Rewards card. Chase Ultimate Rewards points can be redeemed at $0.02 per point, which is one of the highest redemptions available. The $500 you're getting with the Chase Inc. Business Cash, once again if you do have a Rewards card to go along with it, is now worth an impressive $50,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards points. If you're redeeming these cents at $0.02 per point, you can get a $50,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards point. This $50,000 is worth $1,000 in travel. This is why the Chase Inc. Business Cash is such a great card to add to your portfolio, especially if you have an Ultimate Rewards card already. I really think one of the reasons the Chase Inc. Business Cash is so overlooked is because nobody's taking its true value into account when it's paired with one of these Rewards cards. Oftentimes when we're applying to new credit cards, we're often looking for those huge point signup bonuses, and this is $500 cash back on Chase's site, but nobody's taking into account that this can be $1,000 whenever you pair it with a Rewards card. Perhaps the best perk of the Chase Inc. Business Cash is that it has absolutely no annual fee. So this is a card that you can keep in your wallet for years and not have to reevaluate it every time you're going to be charged again. Another reason to consider the Chase Inc. Business Cash card is that you'll earn 5% on the first $25,000 back on office supply stores, phone, landline, internet, and cable services. You'll also earn 2% cash back on the first $25,000 you spend at gas stations and restaurants each account anniversary year. For everything else, you'll get an unlimited 1% cash back. When you max out each of these bonus categories for 5% and 2% cash back, you can earn a total of $1,750 cash back each account anniversary year. If you're pairing this with a Rewards card, this cash back is going to double. So this $1,750 turns into $3,500 of redeemed point value. Applying for this card is going to be pretty much the exact same process as applying for the Chase Inc. Business Preferred. I do have a video of how to apply for the Chase Inc. Business Preferred on my channel, so if you haven't seen that, I will link that below. If you have already applied for the Chase Inc. Business Preferred, the process is going to be even simpler because you can just apply for this new card and select your business instead of filling out all of its information again. Similar to the other Chase business cards, you need to be under 524 to apply for this card, but this card does not count towards your 524. If you don't know what 524 is, this essentially means that Chase isn't going to approve your application if you've gotten five credit cards in the past 24 months. And this is why if you're starting out on your credit card rewards points journey, it's a really good idea to start with the Chase cards first because there's a lot of stipulations that come with those. Thank you all so much for watching. I hope this video was useful in pointing out some of the benefits of the Chase Inc. Business Cash. Please like and subscribe if you haven't already, and I'll see you in the next
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I had purchased a Green Dot Money Pack reload pack to load onto my debit card and I had loaded $225 on it. I had took it home, scratched off the back of the card, went on the Money Pack website, did a login, created a login and everything. And then when I put in the Money Pack number, it says it was already in use. But I had just purchased it. I had the receipt and everything. So when I called the number, they said I did it again. So I went back into it again. And tried it again. And it said the number has already been used. I was like, I just bought this. How has it already been used? Yeah, so they said to request a refund. Or they told me that I had to enter in everything from the receipt, take a picture of the receipt, take a picture of the card, email that to Green Dot. Once I did that, I got one email response back from them saying that they found the money and they're going to issue me a refund check. It's been interesting. It's been two months. I have not gotten no, it's been two months. I haven't gotten no email. I haven't got a refund check. And there's nobody that you can talk to. Did you consider anybody else before you chose this company? Yes. So the bank that I bank with is Vero Bank. Vero Bank, I can go to Walmart and load my card. Or I can go and get a Money Pack. And load pre-paid. Load my card. It's a pre-paid debit card, which is actually a checking account. Usually I would go into the 7-Eleven and just hand them my card and tell them how much money I want to add on to it. And they would do it that way. This day, this particular day, the system was down. So I had to go to Family Dollar and get the Money Pack. Now, how did you contact, which way did you use to contact Green Dot Money Pack? On the back of the Green Dot Money Pack card, there's a 1-866 number. I contacted, I called that number. And it's no live person. It's just an automated system. And then you put in the number of the Money Card, the Money Pack that you have. And it'll tell you if the money's been used or if it's available. And it said the number, they said the number was invalid. It's already been used. So they said I had to request a refund. And it takes 15 days for the refund. It'll take 7 to 10 business days for the refund to come to me in the mail. I have not received the refund yet. I have not received the e-mail. And I feel like they just basically stole my $225. So what would you say makes you the most upset about these people? Is it the money, the emotions? What is it? I would say the money. I'm on a fixed income. I'm on disability. I'm on Social Security. So that $225, that not being on my card, I lost my apartment. Because that was supposed to go towards my rent. I lost my apartment. I was homeless. And I ended up having to move back home to stay with my godmother again. Why did you decide to go online with this? With your story? What was your motivation for that? Well, I was looking at the seeds. I looked up And that's when they brought me to your website. And I was reading everybody, all the other consumers. And I was like, this sounds exactly like what happened with me. This is what I've cooked and green i joke.
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Travel credit cards are actually really helpful. As long as you want to catch free flights, enjoy great deals on stays, get low markup fees on foreign exchange and also access to airport lounges. So here are my top 5 recommendations. Number 1. City Premier Miles Credit Card which gives you 10,000 miles as a welcome gift. Also, you can earn 10 miles for every 100 rupees spent. Intermiles HDFC Signature Credit Card offers 10% discount on booking business class tickets and up to 5% on booking economy class tickets. With Axis Bank Vistara Signature Credit Card, you can enjoy complimentary premium economy tickets, Club Vistara Silver Membership and travel insurance protection. Every 1 mycash earned on MMT ICICI Bank Signature Credit Card is equivalent to 1 rupee which can be redeemed to make bookings on MMT. And number 5. The HDFC Diners Club Privileged Credit Card offers access to 1,000 plus airport lounges across the globe. So that's it for today's video. If you found this useful, subscribe to our channel.
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talk a lot about personal finance and credit cards and today we'll be reviewing the Chase Inc. Business Unlimited card. But before we dive into that, if you could all do me a huge favor and smash that like button and subscribe, it's a free way of supporting this channel. It'll help me out tremendously with the YouTube algorithm and also if you want two free stocks on Webull, I have my link down in the description below. So like I said earlier, we'll be reviewing the Chase Inc. Business Unlimited card. Now this is one of three of the Chase Inc. cards and this is I would say like the entry level for the Inc. cards. Now starting off, it's a zero annual fee card and as of July of 2021, there's a signup bonus of $750 cash back after you spend $7,500 within the first three months of opening your account. Now keep in mind for this cash back signup bonus, if you're wondering how you'll be receiving that, whether it be like a statement credit, you're actually going to be receiving it in points. So you'll be getting 75,000 points on it and Chase just markets it as a $750 cash back because that's going to be roughly equivalent to how much points it will be. So good news is if you have like the Chase Sapphire Preferred card or the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, you'll be able to transfer those points over to that card and then you can get a better value for your points if you're going to be using the Travel Portal, for example. Now when it comes to rewards offering, you'll receive 1.5% cash back on all purchases coming out of행inrc���? Now just like the signup bonus, you're receiving back in points is just marketed like that by Chase and if you're wondering what the breakdown is from points to dollar is $1% percent. So if you spend a dollar, you'll be getting a hundred points back. And because this is a business credit card, there are no fees for any authorized users. So if you're a small business owner, for example, this is a great option for you to give your employees a company credit card to use to make their purchases and transactions. But just in case, you want to use that card and not bc down it's not a f. Now, just like the signup bonus you're receiving back in points, it's just marketed like that by Chase. And if you're wondering what the breakdown is from points to dollar, it's one point per cent. So if you spend a dollar, you'll be getting 100 points back. And because this is a business credit card, there are no fees for any authorized users. So if you're a small business owner, for example, this is a great option for you to give your employees a company credit card to use to make their purchases and transactions. But just keep in mind that you are responsible for any transactions that go through on this account. Assuming they're not fraudulent transactions, obviously. But just keep that in mind and you might be only giving this to trusted employees. Now, when it comes to benefits for this card, there's not a whole lot of benefits, but there are a few. And that includes a purchase protection. So from the original date of purchase, you have 120 days to file a claim and $10,000 per claim and up to $50,000 per account. And it also comes with a one year extended warranty plan from the original manufacturer's warranty. Now, for any traveling benefits, there are no. Trip insurance or a trip cancellation insurance, but it does come with a baggage claim insurance. So if you have a delayed baggage of a minimum of six hours, you can get $100 per day up to three days for this account. Now, some things worth mentioning with business credit cards in general is that there's usually a higher spending limit required in order to hit a signup bonus. So if you're getting this card solely for the signup bonus, you just want to make sure that you have maybe some bigger purchases planned ahead of time. So that's easier for you to hit that. Bonus. Now I can't guarantee this to you guys because chase themselves don't even acknowledge the existence of the 524 rule, but through numerous articles and personal testimonies, I can say that if you apply for an ink card, it won't raise your own 524 rule. So you should be safe when applying for these cards. Now, a common question I get when people want to apply for business credit cards. Is do I need to have a business? And obviously the short answer is yes. But however, business is a very general term use. Now, whether you're selling on Amazon, eBay, doing your own craft business on the side, or even doing something very small as selling cookies or reselling shoes that counts as a business. And when it comes to the application part for the form, you can register it as a sole proprietorship. And for the business tax ID, you can use your social security number for that section. So if you're wondering if you need to set up an LLC or an escort for your side business, you don't need to do any of that. It's not necessary when applying for a business credit card. It's very similar and simple as in just applying for a regular credit card. Now, in closing, although this is a plain card with not a whole lot of benefits, I still think it's a pretty solid card to get, especially if you have a side business going on and want to keep your business transactions separate from your personal transactions. I think it's a great idea to get this card. And for me. Personally, I see myself getting this card maybe in the near future because you get that $750 cashback bonus. And on top of that, like I said earlier, you can transfer those points out to another card such as the preferred or the reserve. So I think it's a great card to get. But let me know down in the comments what you guys think of this card. And if you're already a user, I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on if you like it or dislike it. But I will be reviewing the other Chase Inc. cards. So subscribe and stay tuned for that. But until next time, guys. Shoots!
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अब अगर पहली बार किसी को दे रहे हो यूपी आई से पेमेंट तो आपको मिलेगा चार घंटे का मौका उस टांजेक्शन को बदलने या रथ करने का चीटिंग का रिस्ट खत्म हो गया यह सिर्फ तभी काम करेगा जब आप पहली बार यूपी आई कर रहे हो यूजर सिफ्टी के लिए लिमिट रखी गई है कम से कम 2000 रुपए दोस्तों यह सब अभी फाइनल नहीं हुआ है वर्मेंट आर बी आई गूगल रेजर के सब मिलकर सोच रहे हैं इस पर जिसकी वजह है 30,000 करोड़ रुपए का रिपोर्टेड ऑनलाइन फ्रॉट जो सिर्फ दो हजाते ही में हुआ इंडिया में लेकिन सुनने में यह बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है मीदेगो में और कस्टमर से लड़ने का सलूशन इसमें भी शामिल करें आपका इस बारे में क्या सोचना है कमेंट में जरूर बताना फॉलो कर लो अपने भाई दंधा वजह देश को
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The traditional IRA allows you to deduct from your gross income all of your contributions, which allows you to pay less in taxes right now in exchange for paying later in retirement. The Roth IRA is the inverse of that where you're paying taxes now, but all those earnings that you're getting through your investments is going to be tax-free when it comes to retirement. Which one you choose is up to you. For most people, the maximum contribution is going to be $6,000 for Tax Year 2021. But watch the latest video on YouTube to learn more and follow for more financial tips.
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एक लंबी अविधि तक अगर आपने अपना लॉकर को नहीं खोला है तो बैंक आपका लॉकर तोड़ सकते हैं जी हां भले ही शालाना किराई के सौ गुना पैसे देने होंगे वहीं भुकाम बाढ़ जैसी प्राकृतिक आवधाओं की कारण अगर लॉकर को नुकसान होता है तो बैंक इस तरह के नुकसान के लिए जिम्मदार नहीं होगा आप देख रहे हैं जी निउस मैं हूँ दिपाली से हम
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I'd like to personally welcome you to 5-Minute Finance. 5-Minute Finance is our quick hit video series focusing on important financial matters. No, each video is not 5 minutes, but they're short, usually under 5 minutes. We'll try not to get too deep into the weeds on any topic, but give you a brief overview. When you find a topic that you're more interested in, you can dig in. If you come across a topic that you're not interested in learning about, you know without giving up a significant part of your life. Otherwise, you can become Cliff Clavin of financial information by knowing a little bit about everything. If there are topics you'd like addressed, shoot us an email at info at, and we'll see what we can do. Thank you. Thank you, and enjoy. Thank you.
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And this is going to sound repetitive because I always mention them, but Navy Fed with the auto loans, man, they're giving out these auto loans like crazy. They're being very generous right now. Especially if you built up a relationship with Navy Fed, right? You're most definitely going to get an auto loan with them. And the reason why y'all want to go to a credit union for an auto loan is because low APR, right? Compared to, you know, a big bank because that's the way they compete. That's the way credit unions compete with big banks. And also, you don't got to put no down payment on a car, right? A lot of y'all be going, you know, thinking, oh, I got to spend three bands, five bands to, you know, the car dealership. You don't got to put no down payment, okay? So, yeah, y'all go hit up Navy Fed. I'm gone.
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ब्रो नाया फोन लेना है मुझे तो पुराने फोन के लिए एक बायर मिल गया है जो पुरे 50,000 रुपे दे रहा है मुझे फोन के लिए शैंकी आप एक UPI स्कैन में फस रहे हो QR कोड स्कैन कर रहे हैं कभी पैसे मिलते हैं ब्रो धियान से ने QR कोड में लिखा है न रिसीव मनी और इसने मुझे पहले एक रुपे की टेस्ट ट्रांजाक्शन भी करके दिखाई थी और मेरे अकाउंट में पैसे अक्चुली में आये थे ब्रो एक रुपे की ट्रांजाक्शन जैसे ही तूने करी वैसे ही तेरे अकाउंट में एक रुपे डाल दिये तू अर्न यौर ट्रस्ट तूझे लास्ट मेसेज इसलिए क्रेडिट का दिखाओगा ब्रो तूने बताया नहीं होता तो अभी मेरे साथ तो फ्रॉड हो जाता है और इसलिए मैं तूझे हमेशा बोलता हूँ कि अपनी मेन अकाउंट को डेली ट्रांजाक्शन के लिए मत यूज़ क्या कर लो और आन पाने आद को सब्सक्राइब कर लो
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पुछ के आगे लिखा होता है सिर्फ bank वही कुछ के आगे लिखा होता है small finance bank नहीं तो payments bank नहीं तो corporative banks ऐसा क्यों? और most importantly इनमेंसे किस bank में आपका अपना deposit रखना चाहिए? तो ये चारो अलग अलग तरह के bank है बैंक लिखा होता है वो कहलाते है कॉमर्शियल बैंक जो इंडिविजुअल एंड बिजनेसेस को विराइटी आफ फर्वेसेस देते हैं डिपॉजिट्स एफ़टी लोन एक्सेक्टर अगर इन बैंक में मिजॉरिटी होल्डिंग गवर्नेंट की है तो प्रिवेट जैसे इसी बार नहीं दे सकता पेमेंट बैंक न्यू एज ऑनलाइन बैंक जैसे पेटीएम पेमेंट बैंक यह कस्टमर से दो लाख रुपए से ज्यादा डिपॉजिट नहीं ले सकते और लोन भी नहीं दे सकते यह कस्टमर का पैसा गवर्न बॉंड या सिक्योरिटी में ही इनवेस्ट कर सकते हैं यह तीनों भी बैंक आर्बीआई के द्वारा रेग्यूलेटेड लास्ट टाइप है कॉपरेटिव या सहकारी बैंक इन वैसे बनाया जाता है नॉट फॉर प्रॉफिट परपोसेस के लिए या फार्मर्स और झाल
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I got involved with a church that was slightly, like I would say, apostolic light. Very similar to a lot of the stuff that you're seeing right now. None of the faith healing or anything like that, but no speaking in tongues, but a lot of the similar things of demanding a lot of your time, wanting all of your money, telling you that if you give them more money, God will bless you more, more constantly asking for money to the extent that one of the last times we went to the church, the pastor told us if we gave more than 10%, God would for sure give us more grace in heaven. And that was kind of like the end for us. But the church was very inclusive, and it was very cult-like. So we were involved in that heavily for three years, and when I came out of that, I felt like, oh my God, how did I get involved in something like this? So it was a church that was in the kind of an offshoot of the assembly, which is what we're talking about today. So I do have experience in this sort of genre because my old church was like this, though not as extreme. So some of these churches take things to very deep extremes. I'd say the most famous of this world is Jim Jones. So that's the other thing that has compelled me to be about this. But true story, I was born the same week that Jim Jones murdered almost 1,000. So when I was born, the People's Temple mass murder happened the same week. And my entire life, my mom had a baby's book, like a baby book that had all of my milestones. And so growing up, the clippings from the newspaper were all about this mass murder. And I think that also kind of resonated with me. I was like, whoa. Every time I went into my baby book, I saw discussions about Jim Jones. So it's definitely been something that's been important. And then my ex-boyfriend was in the Jehovah's Witnesses, and I got involved in an apostolic group. So...
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लेकिन कई बार ऐसा होता है जब आप अपने phone pay, paytm या google pay का इस्तमाल करते हैं तो गलती से by mistake आप पैसे किसी को transfer कर रहे होते हैं वो पैसे किसी और को transfer हो जाते हैं फिर आपको डर सताता है कि पता नहीं वो पैसे आपको वापस refund होंगे या नहीं और उसमें options select करें incorrectly transferred to the wrong person इसे select करने के बाद जो जो details आपसे पूछे गए हैं आपका नाम, आपने कितने पैसे send की है, क्या आपका account का number है, कौन से bank account है ये सारे details आप बड़ी ही साफधानी से एक एक details को fill करें और इसे submit करें उसके बाद आपको कुछ नहीं करना, आपका bank खुद आपका पैसा आपको refund करेगा और 100% आपके
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Okay, आपका registration complete हो गया Hello madam, हमारा account से 50,000 रुपे निकाल दियो Siam Lal, लेकिन sir आपके account में तो पैसे ही नहीं है आपने कुछ दिन पहले आधार कार्ड से निकाल लिये हैं इक कबू, हम तो लूट गए, हम नहीं निकाल रहे हैं पैसे अभी जो आपने देखा, यह बहुत बड़ा स्कैम है, यह आपके साथ भी हो सकता है इंडिया में यह बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रहा है AAPS आधार इनेवल्ड पेमेंट सिस्टम है, एक ऐसा सिस्टम है जहांपे सिर्फ आधार कार्ट की डिटेल्स और फिंगर पिंट से बैंक अकॉंट से बिना किसी OTP के पैसे निकाले जा सकते हैं इसी का फायदा स्कैमर उठा रहे हैं और स्कैमर गब्मेंड रेस्टी वेबसाइट, ओफिसेस और अलग अलग जगा से लोगों के आधार कार्ट की डिटेल्स, उनके फिंगर पिंट को कॉपी करके बैंक अकॉंट से पैसे निकाल रहे हैं इसी लिए सिर्फ जरूरत पढ़ने पे ही आपको फिंगर पिंट का इस्तमाल करना है जरूरत ना हो तो आधार के वेबसाइट पे इसे लोग कर लें सो देट कि आप सेफ रह सकें इस वीडियो को पूरे इंडिया में सेर कीजिए
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