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# S5: Simplified State Space Layers for Sequence Modeling
This repository provides the implementation for the
paper: Simplified State Space Layers for Sequence Modeling. The preprint is available [here](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04933).
<p style="text-align: center;">
Figure 1: S5 uses a single multi-input, multi-output linear state-space model, coupled with non-linearities, to define a non-linear sequence-to-sequence transformation. Parallel scans are used for efficient offline processing.
The S5 layer builds on the prior S4 work ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00396)). While it has departed considerably, this repository originally started off with much of the JAX implementation of S4 from the
Annotated S4 blog by Rush and Karamcheti (available [here](https://github.com/srush/annotated-s4)).
## Requirements & Installation
To run the code on your own machine, run either `pip install -r requirements_cpu.txt` or `pip install -r requirements_gpu.txt`. The GPU installation of JAX can be tricky, and so we include requirements that should work for most people, although further instructions are available [here](https://github.com/google/jax#installation).
Run from within the root directory `pip install -e .` to install the package.
## Data Download
Downloading the raw data is done differently for each dataset. The following datasets require no action:
- Text (IMDb)
- Image (Cifar black & white)
- Cifar (Color)
The remaining datasets need to be manually downloaded. To download _everything_, run `./bin/download_all.sh`. This will download quite a lot of data and will take some time.
Below is a summary of the steps for each dataset:
- ListOps: run `./bin/download_lra.sh` to download the full LRA dataset.
- Retrieval (AAN): run `./bin/download_aan.sh`
- Pathfinder: run `./bin/download_lra.sh` to download the full LRA dataset.
- Path-X: run `./bin/download_lra.sh` to download the full LRA dataset.
- Speech commands 35: run `./bin/download_sc35.sh` to download the speech commands data.
*With the exception of SC35.* When the dataset is used for the first time, a cache is created in `./cache_dir`. Converting the data (e.g. tokenizing) can be quite slow, and so this cache contains the processed dataset. The cache can be moved and specified with the `--dir_name` argument (i.e. the default is `--dir_name=./cache_dir`) to avoid applying this preprocessing every time the code is run somewhere new.
SC35 is slightly different. SC35 doesn't use `--dir_name`, and instead requires that the following path exists: `./raw_datasets/speech_commands/0.0.2/SpeechCommands` (i.e. the directory `./raw_datasets/speech_commands/0.0.2/SpeechCommands/zero` must exist). The cache is then stored in `./raw_datasets/speech_commands/0.0.2/SpeechCommands/processed_data`. This directory can then be copied (preserving the directory path) to move the preprocessed dataset to a new location.
## Repository Structure
Directories and files that ship with GitHub repo:
s5/ Source code for models, datasets, etc.
dataloading.py Dataloading functions.
layers.py Defines the S5 layer which wraps the S5 SSM with nonlinearity, norms, dropout, etc.
seq_model.py Defines deep sequence models that consist of stacks of S5 layers.
ssm.py S5 SSM implementation.
ssm_init.py Helper functions for initializing the S5 SSM .
train.py Training loop code.
train_helpers.py Functions for optimization, training and evaluation steps.
dataloaders/ Code mainly derived from S4 processing each dataset.
utils/ Range of utility functions.
bin/ Shell scripts for downloading data and running example experiments.
requirements_cpu.txt Requirements for running in CPU mode (not advised).
requirements_gpu.txt Requirements for running in GPU mode (installation can be highly system-dependent).
run_train.py Training loop entrypoint.
Directories that may be created on-the-fly:
raw_datasets/ Raw data as downloaded.
cache_dir/ Precompiled caches of data. Can be copied to new locations to avoid preprocessing.
wandb/ Local WandB log files.
## Experiments
The configurations to run the LRA and 35-way Speech Commands experiments from the paper are located in `bin/run_experiments`. For example,
to run the LRA text (character level IMDB) experiment, run `./bin/run_experiments/run_lra_imdb.sh`.
To log with W&B, adjust the default `USE_WANDB, wandb_entity, wandb_project` arguments.
Note: the pendulum
regression dataloading and experiments will be added soon.
## Citation
Please use the following when citing our work:
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2208.04933},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04933},
author = {Smith, Jimmy T. H. and Warrington, Andrew and Linderman, Scott W.},
keywords = {Machine Learning (cs.LG), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
title = {Simplified State Space Layers for Sequence Modeling},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}
Please reach out if you have any questions.
-- The S5 authors.