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import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn import MSELoss, SmoothL1Loss, L1Loss
from pytorch3dunet.unet3d.utils import expand_as_one_hot
def compute_per_channel_dice(input, target, epsilon=1e-6, weight=None):
Computes DiceCoefficient as defined in https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.04797 given a multi channel input and target.
Assumes the input is a normalized probability, e.g. a result of Sigmoid or Softmax function.
input (torch.Tensor): NxCxSpatial input tensor
target (torch.Tensor): NxCxSpatial target tensor
epsilon (float): prevents division by zero
weight (torch.Tensor): Cx1 tensor of weight per channel/class
# input and target shapes must match
assert input.size() == target.size(), "'input' and 'target' must have the same shape"
input = flatten(input)
target = flatten(target)
target = target.float()
# compute per channel Dice Coefficient
intersect = (input * target).sum(-1)
if weight is not None:
intersect = weight * intersect
# here we can use standard dice (input + target).sum(-1) or extension (see V-Net) (input^2 + target^2).sum(-1)
denominator = (input * input).sum(-1) + (target * target).sum(-1)
return 2 * (intersect / denominator.clamp(min=epsilon))
class _MaskingLossWrapper(nn.Module):
Loss wrapper which prevents the gradient of the loss to be computed where target is equal to `ignore_index`.
def __init__(self, loss, ignore_index):
super(_MaskingLossWrapper, self).__init__()
assert ignore_index is not None, 'ignore_index cannot be None'
self.loss = loss
self.ignore_index = ignore_index
def forward(self, input, target):
mask = target.clone().ne_(self.ignore_index)
mask.requires_grad = False
# mask out input/target so that the gradient is zero where on the mask
input = input * mask
target = target * mask
# forward masked input and target to the loss
return self.loss(input, target)
class SkipLastTargetChannelWrapper(nn.Module):
Loss wrapper which removes additional target channel
def __init__(self, loss, squeeze_channel=False):
super(SkipLastTargetChannelWrapper, self).__init__()
self.loss = loss
self.squeeze_channel = squeeze_channel
def forward(self, input, target):
assert target.size(1) > 1, 'Target tensor has a singleton channel dimension, cannot remove channel'
# skips last target channel if needed
target = target[:, :-1, ...]
if self.squeeze_channel:
# squeeze channel dimension if singleton
target = torch.squeeze(target, dim=1)
return self.loss(input, target)
class _AbstractDiceLoss(nn.Module):
Base class for different implementations of Dice loss.
def __init__(self, weight=None, normalization='sigmoid'):
super(_AbstractDiceLoss, self).__init__()
self.register_buffer('weight', weight)
# The output from the network during training is assumed to be un-normalized probabilities and we would
# like to normalize the logits. Since Dice (or soft Dice in this case) is usually used for binary data,
# normalizing the channels with Sigmoid is the default choice even for multi-class segmentation problems.
# However if one would like to apply Softmax in order to get the proper probability distribution from the
# output, just specify `normalization=Softmax`
assert normalization in ['sigmoid', 'softmax', 'none']
if normalization == 'sigmoid':
self.normalization = nn.Sigmoid()
elif normalization == 'softmax':
self.normalization = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
self.normalization = lambda x: x
def dice(self, input, target, weight):
# actual Dice score computation; to be implemented by the subclass
raise NotImplementedError
def forward(self, input, target):
# get probabilities from logits
input = self.normalization(input)
# compute per channel Dice coefficient
per_channel_dice = self.dice(input, target, weight=self.weight)
# average Dice score across all channels/classes
return 1. - torch.mean(per_channel_dice)
class DiceLoss(_AbstractDiceLoss):
"""Computes Dice Loss according to https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.04797.
For multi-class segmentation `weight` parameter can be used to assign different weights per class.
The input to the loss function is assumed to be a logit and will be normalized by the Sigmoid function.
def __init__(self, weight=None, normalization='sigmoid'):
super().__init__(weight, normalization)
def dice(self, input, target, weight):
return compute_per_channel_dice(input, target, weight=self.weight)
class GeneralizedDiceLoss(_AbstractDiceLoss):
"""Computes Generalized Dice Loss (GDL) as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.03237.pdf.
def __init__(self, normalization='sigmoid', epsilon=1e-6):
super().__init__(weight=None, normalization=normalization)
self.epsilon = epsilon
def dice(self, input, target, weight):
assert input.size() == target.size(), "'input' and 'target' must have the same shape"
input = flatten(input)
target = flatten(target)
target = target.float()
if input.size(0) == 1:
# for GDL to make sense we need at least 2 channels (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.03237.pdf)
# put foreground and background voxels in separate channels
input = torch.cat((input, 1 - input), dim=0)
target = torch.cat((target, 1 - target), dim=0)
# GDL weighting: the contribution of each label is corrected by the inverse of its volume
w_l = target.sum(-1)
w_l = 1 / (w_l * w_l).clamp(min=self.epsilon)
w_l.requires_grad = False
intersect = (input * target).sum(-1)
intersect = intersect * w_l
denominator = (input + target).sum(-1)
denominator = (denominator * w_l).clamp(min=self.epsilon)
return 2 * (intersect.sum() / denominator.sum())
class BCEDiceLoss(nn.Module):
"""Linear combination of BCE and Dice losses"""
def __init__(self, alpha, beta):
super(BCEDiceLoss, self).__init__()
self.alpha = alpha
self.bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
self.beta = beta
self.dice = DiceLoss()
def forward(self, input, target):
return self.alpha * self.bce(input, target) + self.beta * self.dice(input, target)
class WeightedCrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
"""WeightedCrossEntropyLoss (WCE) as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.03237.pdf
def __init__(self, ignore_index=-1):
super(WeightedCrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__()
self.ignore_index = ignore_index
def forward(self, input, target):
weight = self._class_weights(input)
return F.cross_entropy(input, target, weight=weight, ignore_index=self.ignore_index)
def _class_weights(input):
# normalize the input first
input = F.softmax(input, dim=1)
flattened = flatten(input)
nominator = (1. - flattened).sum(-1)
denominator = flattened.sum(-1)
class_weights = Variable(nominator / denominator, requires_grad=False)
return class_weights
class PixelWiseCrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, class_weights=None, ignore_index=None):
super(PixelWiseCrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__()
self.register_buffer('class_weights', class_weights)
self.ignore_index = ignore_index
self.log_softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, input, target, weights):
assert target.size() == weights.size()
# normalize the input
log_probabilities = self.log_softmax(input)
# standard CrossEntropyLoss requires the target to be (NxDxHxW), so we need to expand it to (NxCxDxHxW)
target = expand_as_one_hot(target, C=input.size()[1], ignore_index=self.ignore_index)
# expand weights
weights = weights.unsqueeze(1)
weights = weights.expand_as(input)
# create default class_weights if None
if self.class_weights is None:
class_weights = torch.ones(input.size()[1]).float().cuda()
class_weights = self.class_weights
# resize class_weights to be broadcastable into the weights
class_weights = class_weights.view(1, -1, 1, 1, 1)
# multiply weights tensor by class weights
weights = class_weights * weights
# compute the losses
result = -weights * target * log_probabilities
# average the losses
return result.mean()
class WeightedSmoothL1Loss(nn.SmoothL1Loss):
def __init__(self, threshold, initial_weight, apply_below_threshold=True):
self.threshold = threshold
self.apply_below_threshold = apply_below_threshold
self.weight = initial_weight
def forward(self, input, target):
l1 = super().forward(input, target)
if self.apply_below_threshold:
mask = target < self.threshold
mask = target >= self.threshold
l1[mask] = l1[mask] * self.weight
return l1.mean()
def flatten(tensor):
"""Flattens a given tensor such that the channel axis is first.
The shapes are transformed as follows:
(N, C, D, H, W) -> (C, N * D * H * W)
# number of channels
C = tensor.size(1)
# new axis order
axis_order = (1, 0) + tuple(range(2, tensor.dim()))
# Transpose: (N, C, D, H, W) -> (C, N, D, H, W)
transposed = tensor.permute(axis_order)
# Flatten: (C, N, D, H, W) -> (C, N * D * H * W)
return transposed.contiguous().view(C, -1)
def get_loss_criterion(config):
Returns the loss function based on provided configuration
:param config: (dict) a top level configuration object containing the 'loss' key
:return: an instance of the loss function
assert 'loss' in config, 'Could not find loss function configuration'
loss_config = config['loss']
name = loss_config.pop('name')
ignore_index = loss_config.pop('ignore_index', None)
skip_last_target = loss_config.pop('skip_last_target', False)
weight = loss_config.pop('weight', None)
if weight is not None:
weight = torch.tensor(weight)
pos_weight = loss_config.pop('pos_weight', None)
if pos_weight is not None:
pos_weight = torch.tensor(pos_weight)
loss = _create_loss(name, loss_config, weight, ignore_index, pos_weight)
if not (ignore_index is None or name in ['CrossEntropyLoss', 'WeightedCrossEntropyLoss']):
# use MaskingLossWrapper only for non-cross-entropy losses, since CE losses allow specifying 'ignore_index' directly
loss = _MaskingLossWrapper(loss, ignore_index)
if skip_last_target:
loss = SkipLastTargetChannelWrapper(loss, loss_config.get('squeeze_channel', False))
if torch.cuda.is_available():
loss = loss.cuda()
return loss
def _create_loss(name, loss_config, weight, ignore_index, pos_weight):
if name == 'BCEWithLogitsLoss':
return nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=pos_weight)
elif name == 'BCEDiceLoss':
alpha = loss_config.get('alphs', 1.)
beta = loss_config.get('beta', 1.)
return BCEDiceLoss(alpha, beta)
elif name == 'CrossEntropyLoss':
if ignore_index is None:
ignore_index = -100 # use the default 'ignore_index' as defined in the CrossEntropyLoss
return nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weight, ignore_index=ignore_index)
elif name == 'WeightedCrossEntropyLoss':
if ignore_index is None:
ignore_index = -100 # use the default 'ignore_index' as defined in the CrossEntropyLoss
return WeightedCrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=ignore_index)
elif name == 'PixelWiseCrossEntropyLoss':
return PixelWiseCrossEntropyLoss(class_weights=weight, ignore_index=ignore_index)
elif name == 'GeneralizedDiceLoss':
normalization = loss_config.get('normalization', 'sigmoid')
return GeneralizedDiceLoss(normalization=normalization)
elif name == 'DiceLoss':
normalization = loss_config.get('normalization', 'sigmoid')
return DiceLoss(weight=weight, normalization=normalization)
elif name == 'MSELoss':
return MSELoss()
elif name == 'SmoothL1Loss':
return SmoothL1Loss()
elif name == 'L1Loss':
return L1Loss()
elif name == 'WeightedSmoothL1Loss':
return WeightedSmoothL1Loss(threshold=loss_config['threshold'],
apply_below_threshold=loss_config.get('apply_below_threshold', True))
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported loss function: '{name}'")