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Shqiponja-59 V1


This is an untrained experimental 59B merged model.

Picked these two models specifically to compliment each others strengths.

Models Merged

  • NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Yi-34B
  • jondurbin/nontoxic-bagel-34b-v0.2 Merged using the Undi95 style passthrough merge method.

The secret sauce

The following YAML configuration was used to produce this model:

dtype: bfloat16
merge_method: passthrough
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 52]
    model: /home/admin/nv1/nontoxic-bagel-34b-v0.2
- sources:
  - layer_range: [8, 60]
    model: /home/admin/nv1/Nous-Hermes-2-Yi-34B

License MIT - Enjoy

Downloads last month
Model size
58.9B params
Tensor type
Inference API
Input a message to start chatting with nisten/shqiponja-59b-v1.
Model is too large to load in Inference API (serverless). To try the model, launch it on Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Finetuned from