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# Global Objectives | |
The Global Objectives library provides TensorFlow loss functions that optimize | |
directly for a variety of objectives including AUC, recall at precision, and | |
more. The global objectives losses can be used as drop-in replacements for | |
TensorFlow's standard multilabel loss functions: | |
`tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits` and `tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy`. | |
Many machine learning classification models are optimized for classification | |
accuracy, when the real objective the user cares about is different and can be | |
precision at a fixed recall, precision-recall AUC, ROC AUC or similar metrics. | |
These are referred to as "global objectives" because they depend on how the | |
model classifies the dataset as a whole and do not decouple across data points | |
as accuracy does. | |
Because these objectives are combinatorial, discontinuous, and essentially | |
intractable to optimize directly, the functions in this library approximate | |
their corresponding objectives. This approximation approach follows the same | |
pattern as optimizing for accuracy, where a surrogate objective such as | |
cross-entropy or the hinge loss is used as an upper bound on the error rate. | |
## Getting Started | |
For a full example of how to use the loss functions in practice, see | | | |
Briefly, global objective losses can be used to replace | |
`tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits` by providing the relevant | |
additional arguments. For example, | |
``` python | |
tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=logits) | |
``` | |
could be replaced with | |
``` python | |
global_objectives.recall_at_precision_loss( | |
labels=labels, | |
logits=logits, | |
target_precision=0.95)[0] | |
``` | |
Just as minimizing the cross-entropy loss will maximize accuracy, the loss | |
functions in were written so that minimizing the loss will | |
maximize the corresponding objective. | |
The global objective losses have two return values -- the loss tensor and | |
additional quantities for debugging and customization -- which is why the first | |
value is used above. For more information, see | |
[Visualization & Debugging](#visualization-debugging). | |
## Binary Label Format | |
Binary classification problems can be represented as a multi-class problem with | |
two classes, or as a multi-label problem with one label. (Recall that multiclass | |
problems have mutually exclusive classes, e.g. 'cat xor dog', and multilabel | |
have classes which are not mutually exclusive, e.g. an image can contain a cat, | |
a dog, both, or neither.) The softmax loss | |
(`tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`) is used for multi-class problems, | |
while the sigmoid loss (`tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits`) is used for | |
multi-label problems. | |
A multiclass label format for binary classification might represent positives | |
with the label [1, 0] and negatives with the label [0, 1], while the multilbel | |
format for the same problem would use [1] and [0], respectively. | |
All global objectives loss functions assume that the multilabel format is used. | |
Accordingly, if your current loss function is softmax, the labels will have to | |
be reformatted for the loss to work properly. | |
## Dual Variables | |
Global objectives losses (except for `roc_auc_loss`) use internal variables | |
called dual variables or Lagrange multipliers to enforce the desired constraint | |
(e.g. if optimzing for recall at precision, the constraint is on precision). | |
These dual variables are created and initialized internally by the loss | |
functions, and are updated during training by the same optimizer used for the | |
model's other variables. To initialize the dual variables to a particular value, | |
use the `lambdas_initializer` argument. The dual variables can be found under | |
the key `lambdas` in the `other_outputs` dictionary returned by the losses. | |
## Loss Function Arguments | |
The following arguments are common to all loss functions in the library, and are | |
either required or very important. | |
* `labels`: Corresponds directly to the `labels` argument of | |
`tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits`. | |
* `logits`: Corresponds directly to the `logits` argument of | |
`tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits`. | |
* `dual_rate_factor`: A floating point value which controls the step size for | |
the Lagrange multipliers. Setting this value less than 1.0 will cause the | |
constraint to be enforced more gradually and will result in more stable | |
training. | |
In addition, the objectives with a single constraint (e.g. | |
`recall_at_precision_loss`) have an argument (e.g. `target_precision`) used to | |
specify the value of the constraint. The optional `precision_range` argument to | |
`precision_recall_auc_loss` is used to specify the range of precision values | |
over which to optimize the AUC, and defaults to the interval [0, 1]. | |
Optional arguments: | |
* `weights`: A tensor which acts as coefficients for the loss. If a weight of x | |
is provided for a datapoint and that datapoint is a true (false) positive | |
(negative), it will be counted as x true (false) positives (negatives). | |
Defaults to 1.0. | |
* `label_priors`: A tensor specifying the fraction of positive datapoints for | |
each label. If not provided, it will be computed inside the loss function. | |
* `surrogate_type`: Either 'xent' or 'hinge', specifying which upper bound | |
should be used for indicator functions. | |
* `lambdas_initializer`: An initializer for the dual variables (Lagrange | |
multipliers). See also the Dual Variables section. | |
* `num_anchors` (precision_recall_auc_loss only): The number of grid points used | |
when approximating the AUC as a Riemann sum. | |
## Hyperparameters | |
While the functional form of the global objectives losses allow them to be | |
easily substituted in place of `sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits`, model | |
hyperparameters such as learning rate, weight decay, etc. may need to be | |
fine-tuned to the new loss. Fortunately, the amount of hyperparameter re-tuning | |
is usually minor. | |
The most important hyperparameters to modify are the learning rate and | |
dual_rate_factor (see the section on Loss Function Arguments, above). | |
## Visualization & Debugging | |
The global objectives losses return two values. The first is a tensor | |
representing the numerical value of the loss, which can be passed to an | |
optimizer. The second is a dictionary of tensors created by the loss function | |
which are not necessary for optimization but useful in debugging. These vary | |
depending on the loss function, but usually include `lambdas` (the Lagrange | |
multipliers) as well as the lower bound on true positives and upper bound on | |
false positives. | |
When visualizing the loss during training, note that the global objectives | |
losses differ from standard losses in some important ways: | |
* The global losses may be negative. This is because the value returned by the | |
loss includes terms involving the Lagrange multipliers, which may be negative. | |
* The global losses may not decrease over the course of training. To enforce the | |
constraints in the objective, the loss changes over time and may increase. | |
## More Info | |
For more details, see the [Global Objectives paper]( | |
## Maintainers | |
* Mariano Schain | |
* Elad Eban | |
* [Alan Mackey]( | |