import json | |
import dash | |
from dash import dcc, html, Input, Output | |
import as px | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import pandas as pd | |
# ----------------------------------------- | |
# Load and Prepare Data | |
# ----------------------------------------- | |
df = pd.read_csv("./data/megawatt_demand_2024.csv") # Replace with your actual filename | |
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['UTC Timestamp (Interval Ending)']) | |
load_columns = [ | |
"Connecticut Actual Load (MW)", | |
"Maine Actual Load (MW)", | |
"New Hampshire Actual Load (MW)", | |
"Northeast Massachusetts Actual Load (MW)", | |
"Rhode Island Actual Load (MW)", | |
"Southeast Massachusetts Actual Load (MW)", | |
"Vermont Actual Load (MW)", | |
"Western/Central Massachusetts Actual Load (MW)" | |
] | |
df_melted = df.melt( | |
id_vars=['timestamp'], | |
value_vars=load_columns, | |
var_name='region', | |
value_name='load_mw' | |
) | |
# Clean region names | |
df_melted['region'] = df_melted['region'].str.replace(' Actual Load \(MW\)', '', regex=True) | |
# Compute daily aggregates | |
df_melted['date'] = df_melted['timestamp'] | |
daily_agg = df_melted.groupby(['region', 'date']).agg( | |
daily_avg=('load_mw', 'mean'), | |
daily_min=('load_mw', 'min'), | |
daily_max=('load_mw', 'max') | |
).reset_index() | |
print(df_melted.head()) | |
print(daily_agg.head()) | |
# Load GeoJSON | |
with open('./data/new_england_geojson.json') as f: | |
geojson = json.load(f) | |
# Define a color map for the regions | |
region_colors = { | |
"Connecticut": "#1f77b4", | |
"Maine": "#ff7f0e", | |
"New Hampshire": "#2ca02c", | |
"Northeast Massachusetts": "#d62728", | |
"Rhode Island": "#9467bd", | |
"Southeast Massachusetts": "#8c564b", | |
"Vermont": "#e377c2", | |
"Western/Central Massachusetts": "#7f7f7f" | |
} | |
# Get unique dates for slider (daily granularity) | |
unique_dates = sorted(daily_agg['date'].unique()) | |
# Identify month start dates | |
month_starts = [(i, d) for i, d in enumerate(unique_dates) if == 1] | |
# Create marks only for the first of each month | |
date_marks = {i: d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for i, d in month_starts} | |
# Initial state: use the full range of dates | |
start_idx = 0 | |
end_idx = len(unique_dates) - 1 | |
start_date = unique_dates[start_idx] | |
end_date = unique_dates[end_idx] | |
# Create initial figures | |
latest_time = df_melted['timestamp'].max() | |
df_latest = df_melted[df_melted['timestamp'] == latest_time] | |
df_avg = df_melted.groupby('region').mean().reset_index() | |
print(df_avg.head()) | |
# Create a weekly-peak load by region chart for before clickthrough | |
df_melted['week'] = df_melted['timestamp'].dt.to_period('W').apply(lambda r: r.start_time) | |
fig_map = px.choropleth_mapbox( | |
df_avg, | |
geojson=geojson, | |
locations='region', | |
featureidkey='properties.NAME', | |
color='load_mw', | |
color_continuous_scale="Viridis", | |
mapbox_style="carto-positron", | |
zoom=5, | |
center={"lat": 43.5, "lon": -71.5}, # Approx center of New England | |
opacity=0.7, | |
hover_name='region' | |
) | |
fig_map.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}, template='plotly_dark') | |
# Initial line plot: all regions | |
fig_line_all = px.line( | |
df_melted, | |
x='timestamp', | |
y='load_mw', | |
color='region', | |
title='Load Over Time', | |
labels={'load_mw':'Load (MW)', 'timestamp':'Time'}, | |
template='plotly_dark', | |
color_discrete_map=region_colors | |
) | |
fig_line_all.update_layout(hovermode="x unified") | |
# Initial daily aggregates plot (blank or show all) | |
# Initialize daily load figure | |
fig_daily = go.Figure(layout={"template":"plotly_dark"}) | |
fig_daily.update_layout(title="Daily Aggregate Load", xaxis_title=None, yaxis_title="Load (MW)") | |
# ----------------------------------------- | |
# Dash App | |
# ----------------------------------------- | |
app = dash.Dash(__name__) | |
# Expose the Flask server instance | |
server = app.server | |
app.layout = html.Div( | |
style={"backgroundColor": "#333", "color": "#fff", "padding": "20px"}, # Dark background | |
children=[ | |
html.H1("ISO-New England Grid Loading, 2024", style={"textAlign": "center"}), | |
html.Div([ | |
html.Div([ | |
html.H4('Average Load by ISO-NE Region'), | |
html.P("Click to filter by region"), | |
dcc.Graph(id='map', figure=fig_map, style={"height": "60vh"}), | |
#Markdown descriptor | |
dcc.Markdown( | |
""" | |
**ISO-New England Load by Region:** | |
This dashboard provides an interactive visualization of electricity | |
usage across New England states and Massachusetts sub-regions. | |
Use the date range slider and map to filter and explore trends in grid demand over time. | |
[Data from ISO-NE]( | |
""", | |
style={"margin-top": "20px", "height": "30vh", "overflowY": "auto"} | |
) | |
], style={"width": "40%", "display": "inline-block", "vertical-align": "top"}), | |
html.Div([ | |
dcc.Graph(id='timeseries', figure=fig_line_all, style={"height": "60vh"}), | |
dcc.Graph(id='daily_timeseries', figure=fig_daily, style={"height": "60vh", "marginTop":"20px"}) | |
], style={"width": "58%", "display": "inline-block", "padding-left":"2%", "vertical-align": "top"}) | |
]), | |
html.Div([ | |
dcc.RangeSlider( | |
id='date-range-slider', | |
min=0, | |
max=len(unique_dates)-1, | |
value=[275, 306], #Month of Oct. | |
marks=date_marks, | |
step=1, | |
tooltip=None | |
), | |
], style={"margin-bottom":"20px"}) | |
] | |
) | |
def update_charts(clickData, slider_value): | |
start_idx, end_idx = slider_value | |
start_date = unique_dates[start_idx] | |
end_date = unique_dates[end_idx] | |
df_map_day = df_melted[(df_melted['date'] >= start_date) & (df_melted['date'] <= end_date)].groupby( | |
'region' | |
).mean().reset_index() | |
df_line = df_melted[(df_melted['date'] >= start_date) & (df_melted['date'] <= end_date)] | |
df_line_daily = daily_agg[(daily_agg['date'] >= start_date) & (daily_agg['date'] <= end_date)] | |
#Weekly max | |
weekly_max = df_melted[ | |
(df_melted['date'] >= start_date) & (df_melted['date'] <= end_date) | |
].groupby(['region', 'week']).agg(weekly_max=('load_mw', 'max')).reset_index() | |
if clickData is None: | |
# No region clicked: show all regions | |
fig_map = px.choropleth_mapbox( | |
df_map_day, | |
geojson=geojson, | |
locations='region', | |
featureidkey='properties.NAME', | |
color='load_mw', | |
color_continuous_scale="Viridis", | |
mapbox_style="carto-positron", | |
zoom=5, | |
center={"lat": 43.5, "lon": -71.5}, | |
opacity=0.7, | |
hover_name='region' | |
) | |
fig_map.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}, template='plotly_dark') | |
fig_line = px.line( | |
df_line, x='timestamp', y='load_mw', color='region', | |
title='Load Over Time (Selected Date Range)', | |
labels={'load_mw':'Load (MW)', 'timestamp':'Time'}, | |
template='plotly_dark', | |
color_discrete_map=region_colors | |
) | |
fig_line.update_layout(hovermode="x unified", xaxis_title=None) | |
fig_weekly_max = go.Figure(layout={"template":"plotly_dark"}) | |
fig_weekly_max.update_layout( | |
title="Weekly Max Load by Region", | |
xaxis_title=None, | |
yaxis_title="Load (MW)", | |
hovermode="x unified" | |
) | |
for region in weekly_max['region'].unique(): | |
dff = weekly_max[weekly_max['region'] == region] | |
region_color = region_colors.get(region, "white") | |
fig_weekly_max.add_trace( | |
go.Scatter( | |
x=dff['week'], y=dff['weekly_max'], | |
mode='lines+markers', | |
line=dict(color=region_color, width=2), | |
marker=dict(color=region_color, size=6), | |
name=f"{region} Weekly Max" | |
) | |
) | |
return fig_map, fig_line, fig_weekly_max | |
# Region clicked | |
clicked_region = clickData['points'][0]['location'] | |
dff = df_line[df_line['region'] == clicked_region] | |
dff_daily = df_line_daily[df_line_daily['region'] == clicked_region] | |
fig_map = px.choropleth_mapbox( | |
df_map_day, | |
geojson=geojson, | |
locations='region', | |
featureidkey='properties.NAME', | |
color='load_mw', | |
color_continuous_scale="Viridis", | |
mapbox_style="carto-positron", | |
zoom=5, | |
center={"lat": 43.5, "lon": -71.5}, | |
opacity=0.7, | |
hover_name='region' | |
) | |
fig_map.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}, template='plotly_dark') | |
fig_line = px.line( | |
dff, x='timestamp', y='load_mw', color='region', | |
title=f'Load Over Time: {clicked_region} ({start_date} to {end_date})', | |
labels={'load_mw':'Load (MW)', 'timestamp':'Time'}, | |
template='plotly_dark', | |
color_discrete_map=region_colors | |
) | |
fig_line.update_layout(hovermode="x unified") | |
fig_daily = go.Figure(layout={"template":"plotly_dark"}) | |
region_color = region_colors.get(clicked_region, "white") | |
if not dff_daily.empty: | |
fig_daily.add_trace(go.Scatter( | |
x=dff_daily['date'], y=dff_daily['daily_max'], | |
mode='lines', line_color=region_color, | |
name='Daily Max' | |
)) | |
fig_daily.add_trace(go.Scatter( | |
x=dff_daily['date'], y=dff_daily['daily_min'], | |
fill='tonexty', mode='lines', line_color=region_color, | |
name='Daily Min' | |
)) | |
fig_daily.add_trace(go.Scatter( | |
x=dff_daily['date'], y=dff_daily['daily_avg'], | |
mode='lines+markers', line_color='white', name='Daily Avg' | |
)) | |
fig_daily.update_layout( | |
title=f"Daily Load Summary: {clicked_region}", | |
xaxis_title="Date", | |
yaxis_title="Load (MW)", | |
hovermode="x unified" | |
) | |
return fig_map, fig_line, fig_daily | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
app.run_server(host='', port=8050, debug=False) |