## Train
### Training Dataset
You should prepare GazeFollow and VideoAttentionTarget for training.
* Get [GazeFollow](https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ejt9pm57ht2ed4/gazefollow_extended.zip?dl=0).
* If train with auxiliary regression, use `scripts\gen_gazefollow_head_masks.py` to generate head masks.
* Get [VideoAttentionTarget](https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ep3y1hd74wdjy5/videoattentiontarget.zip?dl=0).
Check `ViTGaze/configs/common/dataloader` to modify DATA_ROOT.
### Pretrained Model
* Get [DINOv2](https://github.com/facebookresearch/dinov2) pretrained ViT-S.
* Or you could download and preprocess pretrained weights by
cd ViTGaze
mkdir pretrained && cd pretrained
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/dinov2/dinov2_vits14/dinov2_vits14_pretrain.pth
* Preprocess the model weights with `scripts\convert_pth.py` to fit Detectron2 format.
### Train ViTGaze
You can modify configs in `configs/gazefollow.py`, `configs/gazefollow_518.py` and `configs/videoattentiontarget.py`.
bash train.sh
to train ViTGaze on the two datasets.
Training output will be saved in `ViTGaze/output/`.