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Certificates of Participation will be awarded to participants, subject to completion of all modules and quizzes, successful submission of exercises and assignments, and full participation in all live online sessions and discussion forums for each topic covered in the course. 33 This four-day course combines substantive interventions on the concept of sustainable development and approaches to institutional and policy coherence in the context of the 2030 Agenda.
It includes expert inputs on a diversity of related topics such as stakeholder engagement, policy advocacy and partnerships with immersive sessions of a Sustainable Development Policy Simulation, exploring policy choices for sustainability in a political economy context Introduction The policy simulation is a flagship product that the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development developed to support country-contextual needs, taking into account the role of the Centre of Government, multiple stakeholders, as well as the United Nations System in an integrated and holistic way.
The simulation is designed to foster longer-term strategic policy thinking, considering possible synergies, spin-offs and trade-offs across sustainable development dimensions that policy choices will trigger. The SD Policy Simulation is expected to foster self-reflection and consider current practices while helping to foster and undertake new approaches.
During the course, simulation sessions will alternate with de-briefing and knowledge exchange sessions, allowing discussing real life applicability of the situations encountered during the simulation from multiple stakeholder perspectives and with a particular focus on concrete policy choices.
Sessions will include topics related to the vision and principles of sustainable development, context analysis, stakeholder engagement and consensus building, partnerships, policy advocacy as well as the political economy of sustainable development.
Policy Simulation for Sustainable Development OPEN 34 Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will: • Have increased understanding of key concepts and substantive focus areas of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, as well as related normative frameworks and institutional arrangements; • Be better equipped to analyse the role of the UN as well as other stakeholders in supporting national implementation of the 2030 Agenda; • Have a better understanding of sustainable development as an ongoing process of negotiation and consensus building among stakeholders with diverse economic, environmental and social interests and values; • Have a better understanding of the principles of policy coherence for sustainable development and its applicability to the five P’s (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership) of sustainable development goals; • Have a better understanding of how the shift from funding to financing will require stronger partnerships among UN entities and external stakeholders; • Have a better understanding of the importance of examining sustainable development through the lens of political economy.
Course Methodology The course is interactive in nature and will use the policy simulation exercise in different phases to offer opportunities to participants to learn discuss and debate critical elements of the programme. Through its plenary sessions, expert inputs and innovative discussions, the programme will promote knowledge sharing focused on actionable solutions and foster a culture of practical understanding among participants.
Contents  Day 1: Overview of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals, principles of policy coherence; UN Reform and UN country support to governments; Introduction to the policy simulation;  Day 2: Context analysis and policy advocacy, ownership and communications; First round of the policy simulation;  Day 3: Partnerships, stakeholder engagement and consensus building; Second round of the policy simulation;  Day 4: The political economy of sustainable development; Way forward and conclusions.
Target Audience UN staff from country or regional teams, government representatives, development practitioners as well as members of civil society, academia and foundations.
35 Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Four days of training with a balance of presentations and simulation activity on country profiles and policy coherence; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course.
36 A course that explores effective and innovative approaches to country programming and equips UN staff with an enhanced knowledge of UN programming tools and instruments, with a view to support national efforts in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda more effectively Introduction The UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development has adapted this long-running course to enable participants to better support the work of UN Country Teams within the context of the 2030 Agenda, and address the challenges of localising the Sustainable Development Goals.
The course offers a mix of knowledge and skills for advancing UN coherence and strengthening the quality of programming at the country level. Participants gain enhanced knowledge of UN programming tools and instruments (UNDAF guidance, MAPS approach and guides) and their practical application in UN development projects. This course is designed in close cooperation with the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UN DOCO).
Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will: • Demonstrate a common understanding of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement and their implications for the UN System’s effective country-level interventions; • Be able to use the 2017 UNDAF Guidance, tools and instruments to assist UN Country Teams to effectively support national efforts in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; • Have exchanged country experiences, innovations, good practices and knowledge.
UN Country Programming in the Context of the 2030 Agenda 37 Course Methodology The course is interactive in nature and will use real-life examples and exercises to offer opportunities for participants to learn and internalise critical elements of the training programme. It uses a blended format of instructional sessions, experience-sharing and peer-to-peer learning. Contents  Day 1: Global context, imperatives of the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement.
Implications on country programming;  Day 2: Different elements and steps of country programming: integrated approach to programming, common country analysis, UN Vision 2030;  Day 3: Different elements and steps of country programming: RBM and Theory of Change, strategic prioritisation, implementation, essential elements of financing;  Day 4: Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) in a nutshell. M&E and Reporting for Results. Communication and Advocacy.
Communication and Advocacy. Target Audience Regional and Country Office staff, field level managers, UN strategic planners, Chairs/members of UNDAF groups/task teams and UN Coordination officers/advisors.
Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Four days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course. 38 PARTNER We help the UN and partners to better engage in constructive partnerships to become genuine catalysts for sustainable development 39 This course is designed to strengthen knowledge and understanding regarding the imperatives for building partnerships and to offer key elements of partnering.
The course also serves as a platform for cross-fertilisation and knowledge and experience sharing among partnership practitioners Introduction Within the context of a rapidly evolving development (cooperation) environment, it is critical to examine ways to strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships.
The UN is increasingly interacting with new, emerging and ‘non-traditional’ development cooperation partners, such as philanthropic foundations, the private sector, academia and civil society who are jointly taking responsibility to shape the 2030 Agenda and implement the Paris Agreement.
During the interactive introductory partnership course and based on inputs from subject matter experts, participants reflect on the specific modalities of working with different partners to achieve development effectiveness.
With the intention to strengthen participants’ knowledge and understanding about imperatives for building partnerships, the course explores key elements of partnering such as ethics, due diligence, rules of engagement, biases and stereotypes, conflicts of interest, as well as partnership frameworks and cases. This foundational partnership course is designed and delivered in collaboration with the Pyxera Global, Partnerships Resource Centre, and representatives from the private sector.
Building Partnerships for Sustainable Development 40 Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will: • Understand why multi-stakeholder partnerships are crucial for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement; • Have reflected upon challenges and opportunities regarding partnership development; • Be familiarised with policies, guidance and tools that facilitate partnerships between the UN and other stakeholders; • Be cognisant of the drive and different roles of different development actors; • Have enhanced the knowledge and skills to build substantive and sustainable partnerships.
Course Methodology The course builds on interactive methodologies as well as the expertise from subject matter experts and participants representing different sectors. It also features application through the use of real-life case studies and practical exercises. The training programme promotes intellectual and practical knowledge sharing, and fosters a culture of understanding and cross-fertilisation among participants.
It offers a venue for networking among participants of various organisations aiming at fruitful collaborations and partnerships. Contents  Day 1: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Ethics and Reputational Risks. Partnership and Due Diligence;  Day 2: The Concept of “Partnering” and Partnering with the Private Sector (Tri-Sector and Cross-Sector Partnerships);  Day 3: Partnership Frameworks and Cases;  Day 4: Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Partnering with Foundations. Way Forward.
Way Forward. Target Audience UN staff Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Four days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts.
41 Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course. Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course.
42 A course that will equip you with knowledge and skills for assessing, engaging and convening multi-stakeholder partnerships and initiatives Introduction Designed and delivered in partnership with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI), this course provides an in-depth overview of strategies for assessing, designing and convening multi-stakeholder partnerships and initiatives.
Through case studies and realistic simulations, participants will deepen their skills in:  Framing sustainable development goals (SDGs and others) in ways that motivate constructive stakeholder engagement;  Identifying and assessing key stakeholders on sustainable development issues, and understanding how to leverage areas of potential agreement and address possible conflicts;  Joint fact finding and analysis to resolve disputed facts and projections, clarify interactions among economic, environmental and social drivers, and model the possible economic, social and environmental impacts of proposed policies and actions;  Interest-based negotiation and mediation to resolve conflicting interests;  Dialogue, trust and relationship building strategies to address underlying conflicts in values, identities and historical legacies.
Participants will also apply frameworks and tools directly to their own current and ongoing challenges, with faculty and peer feedback.
Stakeholder Engagement and Consensus Building for Sustainable Development OPEN 43 Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Understand sustainable development as an ongoing process of negotiation, consensus building and partnership building among stakeholders with diverse economic, environmental and social interests and values;  Have examined the SDGs as an unprecedented opportunity and challenge for consensus building and partnership;  Have an understanding of principles, strategies and tools for goal framing and stakeholder assessment through interactive cases, role plays and exercises;  Have practised applying stakeholder assessment and engagement strategies to their own ongoing work;  Have an understanding of and practised principles for mutual gains negotiation and their application to sustainable development issues;  Be aware of opportunities for continuing their learning and peer exchange on stakeholder engagement and consensus building for sustainable development, as part of a community of practice supported by UNSSC and CBI.
Course Methodology The training programme will offer a mix of knowledge and skills for assessing, designing and convening multi-stakeholder partnerships and initiatives. The course will adopt a blended format of instructional sessions, experience sharing and peer-to-peer learning.
Contents  Day 1: Sustainable Development as partnership building; Framing sustainable development goals and stakeholder assessment;  Day 2: Developing stakeholder engagement strategy; Mutual Gains negotiation;  Day 3: Complex sustainable development negotiations and partnership approaches. Target Audience For UN participants: UN regional and country programme staff who are working directly with diverse stakeholders on challenging national and regional sustainable development issues.
For Non-UN participants: Professionals who are working directly on challenging national and regional sustainable development issues.
44 Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Three days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course.
45 This course equips you with a sound understanding of the key principles of South-South and Triangular Cooperation, as well as the tools and methods to mobilise partnerships in the context of the 2030 Agenda Introduction In view of the growing relevance of South-South Cooperation within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development offers this course in close cooperation with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), with additional faculty from the Islamic Development Bank and the South Centre.
The course builds a common understanding of the theory and practice of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SS&TC) as a means of development cooperation. It equips participants with the key principles, tools and methods needed to comprehend the challenges and opportunities inherent in the approach, as well as to better understand the roles of different actors involved and to mobilise relevant partnerships.
It explores the catalytic role the UN can play in helping to further promote the South-South Cooperation agendas of its member states and development partners as a whole. The course expands its coverage beyond individual UN staff and UN Country Team members to governments and institutional focal points on South-South and Triangular Cooperation.
Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Understand the foundations and the modalities of the South-South & Triangular Cooperation (SS&TC) approach in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;  Be familiar with the most recent tools and methods in the area of SS&TC; UN Catalytic Support to South-South & Triangular Cooperation OPEN 46  Be able to effectively apply SS&TC in advancing national development priorities and implementation of the 2030 Agenda in their respective host countries.
Course Methodology Through interactive and participatory sessions, combined with inputs from subject matter experts from around the world, participants will share practices and explore ways to enhance political, economic, social and technical collaboration across the three pillars of sustainable development and to mobilise relevant partnerships. Contents  Day 1: Understanding SS&TC in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement;  Day 2: National stock-taking.
Building practical SS&TC programmes in support to national priorities;  Day 3: SS&TC initiatives in the field. Way Forward. Target Audience UN staff and development practitioners.
Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Three days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Co-certification in the form of Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College and UN Office for South-South Cooperation will be awarded to participants who complete the course. 47 This course introduces participants to the different types of private sector entities and demonstrates how strategically engaging with these entities can help implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
It introduces participants to tools to identify common objectives to create shared value and emphasises the importance of mitigating risk. The course also reinforces the need for participants to advocate for placing sustainable development at the core of businesses and investing. Introduction The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is unprecedented in its scope and ambition. The UN and governments have neither the reach nor the resources to implement it alone.
Engagement, especially with the private sector, is imperative for the 2030 Agenda to succeed. The private sector with its unparalleled reach has the capacity to be a key driver to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and in some cases is already performing this role. The UN and its member states must seize the opportunity of forming strategic partnerships with private sector entities and advocating for businesses to embrace sustainable development in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Benefit from an in-depth understanding of the imperative to engage with the private sector for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the concept of shared value;  Understand that the private sector is not a monolithic entity and how it can be engaged at every level, international, national and local; Unleashing the Power of the Private Sector in Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development OPEN 48  Demonstrate an understanding of frameworks to design and tools to develop partnerships with the private sector;  Demonstrate an improved understanding of the importance of due diligence before pursuing engagements;  Be able to articulate the need for and advocate for more private sector engagement in achieving the 2030 Agenda.
Course Methodology In contrast to the less collaborative format of traditional Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), UNSSC online courses combine tutored components with synchronous and asynchronous activities, comprising knowledge acquisition, knowledge application to real-life and training scenarios, as well as group work and collaboration with peers.
In addition to engaging in self-paced learning, participants in UNSSC online courses also benefit from live webinars with renowned experts from the UN, the private sector and academia, allowing real-time virtual interaction between the instructors and participants. The instructor-led webinars for this course will take place every week between 2.00pm – 4.00pm CET or 8.00am – 10.00am EST.
These live sessions are conducted on the WebEx platform with toll and toll- free numbers and/or ability to connect via the internet for the audio component; no special software is required. Contents  Week 1: How partnerships are vital to the 2030 Agenda.  Week 2: The role of the private sector in implementing the 2030 Agenda.  Week 3: How to pursue partnerships with the private sector: frameworks for action.  Week 4: Due Diligence: protecting against reputational risk.
 Week 5: Engaging with the private sector: way forward. Target Audience UN staff, especially partnership specialists and officers. Development practitioners from governments, civil society, academia and the private sector.
Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Unlimited access to course materials (video and key readings), recording of webinars and speakers’ presentations; • Participation in live webinars with renowned experts from the UN, the private sector and academia; 49 • Exposure to peer-to-peer learning process through group work and online asynchronous activities; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues.
Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants, subject to completion of all modules and quizzes, successful submission of exercises and assignments, and full participation in all live online sessions and discussion forums for each topic covered in the course.
50 MEASURE We recognize the importance of a coherent measurement language in the pursuit of the 2030 Agenda, which is reflected in our learning offerings 51 A training programme designed to strengthen the skills of UN staff and development practitioners in selecting, creating, using and interpreting data in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Introduction The course aims to help practitioners and policy-makers develop and implement Big Data innovation projects, policies, and partnerships in support of sustainable development objectives.
Through a blend of teaching formats, including traditional instructor-led teaching, keynote speakers, and interactive and hands-on technical sessions, participants will learn the foundations of Big Data in the context of sustainable development and explore how to engage with Big Data in their daily work and life. The broader and longer term objective is incentivising and enabling participants to contribute to a people-centred Big Data revolution—i.e.
shape and leverage emerging Big Data ecosystem in ways that reflect and foster social progress and citizen empowerment across the globe, especially those of poor and vulnerable segments of societies.
Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Heightened awareness of and interest in the main applications and implications of the most recent debates and advances in Big Data and sustainable development;  An increased understanding and capacity to actively and constructively engage in and with Big Data in their work; Leveraging Big Data for Sustainable Development OPEN 52  Motivation and ability to create partnerships with various stakeholders within and outside of their organisation to develop effective, sustainable solutions using Big Data sources and methodologies;  Skills to help apply course lessons and key concepts towards policy implementation and project development through session activities and adaptation of the Big Data and sustainable development course toolkit.
Course Methodology Through guided activities and interactive project labs, participants will have the opportunity to design data-driven sustainable development projects and discuss the implications and impact of Big Data projects for the SDGs. Contents  Day 1: Contexts and Concepts. Understanding the foundations of Big Data for the development ecosystem;  Day 2: Methods and Tools.
Identifying Big Data methods and tools to translate sustainable development challenges to specific data questions;  Day 3: Design and Strategy. Operationalising Big Data partnerships and policies by engaging stakeholders and communities through ethical practices and effective storytelling. Target Audience The course is open to UN and non-UN participants with an interest in Big Data and sustainable development-related issues and innovation.
The course is designed primarily to the needs of project management professionals and staff with introductory to intermediate skills in statistics in economics. Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Three days of training with a balance of presentations, full group and small group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to online resources on Big Data and Development; • All course materials, resources and contacts.
In addition, thanks to the generous support of the Hewlett Foundation and in order to promote inclusive and multi-stakeholder participation, Data-Pop Alliance offers Fellowships covering the costs of the course to selected professionals from institutions in the public sector, civil society, and academia. If you meet this qualification, letters of interest in the course and what you hope to gain are welcome to trainings@datapopalliance.org.
53 All participants are expected to cover all travel and accommodation expenses associated with the course. Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College and Data-Pop Alliance will be awarded to participants who complete the course.
54 A tutored online course designed for UN and UN-affiliated staff that will enhance your competencies in designing, monitoring and evaluating projects and programmes for effective results-based management (RBM) Introduction Designed and delivered in collaboration with the ROI Institute (USA), this course enables effective results-based management (RBM) in UN system organisations by enhancing staff competencies in designing, monitoring and evaluating projects and programmes.
It complements other UNSSC initiatives on RBM and evaluation by providing more in-depth, technical and skills-building learning on one of the key elements of RBM strategies: performance measurement. Through a mix of theoretical learning, practical exercises and UN case studies, participants build skills in development measures, collecting and analysing data, reporting results, and using data to manage performance.
Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Have gained an in-depth understanding of the relationship between measurement and effective RBM as well as the RBM process;  Be able to identify stakeholder data needs and be able to develop performance measures/indicators reflective of stakeholder needs, as well as measurable programme objectives that reflect the intended performance measures/indicators;  Be familiar with data analysis procedures and be able to select the appropriate procedure given the level of measurement and type of measure; Measurements for Effective Results-Based Management 55  Have learned how to communicate results of an evaluation project in practical terms;  Have enhanced their knowledge and skills to use measurement results to improve programmes and make informed decisions.
Course Methodology This UNSSC course is delivered entirely online in both synchronous and asynchronous modes combining exercises and offline assignments. The course includes self-paced components and live webinar discussions on WebEx. While being responsible for their own learning, participants will benefit from feedback and support from UNSSC and ROI institute throughout the duration of the course.
The live instructor-led online sessions will take place once a week from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm CET or 8.00 am – 10.00 am EST.
This course is delivered by UNSSC staff, along with: • Dr Patti Phillips, President and CEO, ROI Institute • Mr Jean Quesnel, ENAP Québec and Carleton University and former Director of Evaluation at UNICEF, IADB and CIDA • Mr Tim Brock, ROI Institute Contents  Week 1: The first week gives participants a general overview of RBM and the imperatives for it, discussing the basic concepts and theories underpinning RBM.
It includes the five paradigms of RBM and sheds light on RBM at project and programme level;  Week 2: In week two, the course continues to explore the characteristics of RBM in more depth at the institutional and policy level;  Week 3: The third week focuses on programme alignment introducing the results-based framework and explaining how to develop sound objectives and indicators;  Week 4: This week looks at the indicators of achievement and the logical framework approach;  Week 5: Once the indicators and objectives are set, the course continues, in week five, to address the issue of data collection, data analysis and the reporting of results;  Week 6: The different learning modules are concluded in the last week with a session on UNDAF monitoring and evaluation.
At the end of the course, all the different aspects are brought together to summarise how to develop a measurement plan and ensure effective results-based management for projects and programmes. Target Audience UN and UN-affiliated staff involved in project/programme management, including design, monitoring and evaluation.
56 Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Unlimited access to course materials (video and key readings), recording of webinars and speakers’ presentations; • Participation in live webinars with renowned subject matter experts on sustainable development; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues.
Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants subject to the completion of all modules and quizzes, successful submission of exercises and assignments, and full participation in all live online sessions and discussion forums for each topic covered in the course.
57 A comprehensive training programme to equip UN staff with the knowledge and skills to apply results-based management (RBM) principles in supporting UN programming processes Introduction To respond to the needs of the 2030 Agenda for increased accountability to support implementation, this course offers a mix of knowledge and skills for advancing the implementation of RBM, enhancing UN coherence, and strengthening the quality of UN common programming at the country level.
Participants will become fully knowledgeable about RBM and its practical application, innovative ways and approaches to support the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of UN sustainable development strategies and frameworks.
This four-day workshop focuses on the implementation of RBM’s contribution on harmonising UN business practices, contributing to national efforts for achieving development results while implementing a common framework for interagency collaboration to support countries in programme design, implementation and management for results for sustainable development. Using case studies from UN programming processes around the world, it offers participants an opportunity to practise and internalise the approach.
Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Have a common understanding of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the UN Reform and their implications for the UN System effective country-level interventions;  Define UN System approach to results-based management; Results-Focused Programming 58  Be able to use specific RBM tools (theory of change, results frameworks) in planning, project/programme proposal drafting, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation.
Course Methodology The course will adopt a blended format of instructional sessions and practical application. Participants will complete mini-RBM projects starting from identifying a development challenge, elaborating its theory of change, risks and assumptions, creating its results framework, formulating results, targets and indicators to strengthen learning retention and application.
Course enrolment will be limited to 25 participants to maximise interaction with the course instructors and derive the most benefits out of small group work.
Contents  Day 1: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UN Reform, UN Integrated Programming and Overview of RBM;  Day 2: Theory of Change (from problem tree to solution pathway), RBM for strategic planning;  Day 3: Results chain, Risks and Assumptions, Indicators, Results-based budgeting;  Day 4: Managing for Results, Results Reporting;  Day 5: Monitoring and Evaluation.
Target Audience • UN strategic planners • Chairs/members of UNDAF groups/results groups/task teams • UN Coordination officers/advisors • UN staff involved in project/programme management Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Five days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts.
Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course. Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course.
59 LEAD We create a space where leaders across sectors can hone their craft, becoming more effective and strategic facilitators, implementers, and leaders of transformational change 60 This executive five-day programme is designed for senior UN officials from UN Country Teams to engage with concepts and practices for an integrated approach to UN country support in the context of the 2030 Agenda.
The course will build key skills and capabilities required for UN Leaders to drive the transformative Agenda, particularly communication and consensus building skills Introduction In direct response to the call by UN Secretary-General António Guterres to reposition the UN development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and to work towards “a new generation of Country Teams that are tailored to the specific needs of each country,” this course will enable senior UN officials of UN Country Teams to become strong sustainable development advocates and to meet the ambition of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in line with national priorities and needs.
Participants will deepen their knowledge, share practices and acquire key skills to drive the transformative 2030 Agenda. They will engage with relevant approaches to integrated policy support and cross-sectoral programming to adapt the country support their UN entities provide to enhance the delivery of nationally owned results.
This programme builds negotiation, consensus building and communications skills, and presents concrete ways to apply these skills and capabilities in highly demanding country contexts. A field trip to illustrate practical approaches to sustainable development, as well as a high profile media training at the professional studios of the German broadcaster DW, will complement the intense training programme.
UN Country Teams (UNCT) Leadership Skills Course: Leveraging UN Country Teams for the 2030 Agenda 61 Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will:  Demonstrate a better understanding of the vision and principles underlying the 2030 Agenda and understand consequences for implementation, including through practical approaches to sustainable development;  Demonstrate a better understanding of conceptual approaches to integrated policy support and programming;  Demonstrate improved consensus building and negotiation skills;  Apply the art of effective communication to improve the quality of dialogue with partners and stakeholders, increase advocacy and highlight results achieved by the UN and partners in the context of the 2030 Agenda.
Course Methodology This face-to-face course combines inputs and lectures by subject matter experts and senior UN staff with opportunities for knowledge sharing and participatory exercises. Participants are led to apply their learning through ‘real-life’ UN case studies, team discussions and dialogues with the speakers.
Contents Sustainable Development Vision and Principles; Challenges and opportunities of repositioning the UN System; Improving political acumen & negotiation skills; Strengthening communications and advocacy skills. Target Audience UN Country Team members at the level of P5 and above.
Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Five days of training, including a field trip to illustrate practical approaches to sustainable development challenges; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course. 62 COMMUNICATE We facilitate learning on effective communication and advocacy for sustainable development and engage alumni and the larger community in continuous discussions through diverse knowledge management platforms and training formats 63 This course equips UN staff with tools and methods to communicate for results in the context of the 2030 Agenda.
It will strengthen your outreach and advocacy skills, as well as your capacity to highlight the results achieved by the UN at the country level Introduction Designed in coordination with the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UN DOCO), this course focuses on the Communicating as One pillar, which is part of the Standard Operating Procedures for Delivering as One.
It will help deepen the understanding of the 2030 Agenda, adjustments in UN programming principles and the resulting changes in communication requirements in different contexts. It also provides lessons on how to effectively communicate progress made on the implementation and results of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. A second focus of the course lies in strengthening communication skills and competencies, through interactive modules led by journalists and media professionals.
Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will:  Demonstrate a better understanding of the concept of sustainable development, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the Paris Agreement and related communication and outreach requirements;  Be familiar with the Communicating as One pillar of the Standard Operating Procedures for Delivering as One, as well as the latest guidance on the development of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework; Communicating as One 64  Understand the potential implications of the UN Secretary-General’s report on repositioning the United Nations development system;  Have enhanced their communication skills with regards to traditional and new media and will have identified concrete areas for personal improvement as well as a trajectory to address any shortcomings.
Course Methodology The training programme will offer a mix of knowledge and skills for communicating effectively the progress made on the implementation and results of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. The course will adopt a blended format of instructional sessions, experience sharing and peer-to-peer learning.
Contents  Day 1: Overview of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement; Delivering as One and Standard Operating Procedures in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: What is new? ; Repositioning the UN development system: what is it about?
; Strategic communication and partnership building;  Day 2: Joint communication strategy and communication techniques: putting theory into practice; Communication with traditional and new media: interactive exercises and experience sharing; Perfecting your communication skills;  Day 3: New approaches and tools to outreach and advocacy: visualization and use of accessible language; Use of social media within the parameters of the UN; Action planning.
Target Audience UN staff in communication and advocacy related positions. Cost of Participation The course fee covers the following: • Three days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • All course materials, resources and contacts.
Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course. Certificates of Attendance from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants who complete the course.
65 Learning Events 66 An engaging five-day programme that fosters rich interaction on issues relevant to the work of the UN and its partners in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement through panel discussions, solution oriented workshops, excursions and a share fair Introduction Leveraging the presence of 19 UN entities in Bonn, as well as numerous leading institutions in international development, the UN Summer Academy provides an exclusive opportunity for dialogue with professionals and thought leaders who are currently working towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement on a daily basis.