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We, mortals, are composed of two great schools Enlightened knaves or else religious fools.” By The same token, Shakespeare demonstrates that humans have to compromise since they cannot challenge the current tide, and hence their tragedy.
In Love's Labor's Lost Berowne, one of the men of the court adopts this pragmatic conclusion, which expresses the morality of the play as a whole: “Let us once lose our oaths to find ourselves, Or else we lose ourselves to keep our oaths.” Is it not pitiable that the real tragedy of humans should be related to their inability to realize themselves without having to sacrifice their ideals? Is it not most unfair that humans have to lose themselves to achieve a so-called acceptable life to satisfy society?
What existence is it if we cannot reconcile ourselves to our pledges!? All these questions make Shakespeare realize that humans have to limit their ambition and accept bitter reality.
Moreover, the tragedy of existence is particularly embodied in humans' fear of the destructive power of time which is willy-nilly annihilating them and gradually stifling their spirit: “Against my love shall be as I am now, With time's injurious hand crush'd and o'erworn...” Nature, circumstances, and 'fate' are forces bent on destroying humans' life and putting an end to their ambitions and aspirations.
In Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers are always thwarted by circumstances that they can neither control nor understand: “A great power than we can contradict Hath thwarted our intents” The death of Romeo and Juliet at the end represents humans' real tragedy and their inability to confront a ruthless destiny. The question is how can humans realize themselves and respond to their environment within these limitations?
More difficult still is the consciousness of humans which enables them to see the dimensions of everything around themselves, particularly the bitter reality which points to boredom and vacuum. Shakespeare comes to the same conclusion of the Arab poet Abu At-tayeb Al-Mutanabi that “The mindful person suffers even if he lives in paradise for using his logic, while the ignorant one enjoys the hardest kind of life!” AL-MA'ARI AND SHAKESPEARE Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 86 In the sense that the more knowledgeable and conscious humans are the unhappier they are bound to be, Shakespeare portrays Gloucester, the blind man, to symbolically embody this idea in King Lear: “I have no way, and therefore want not eyes; I stumbled when I saw.” The vision here is a penetration into the essence of everything and a realization of the ultimate truth about humans' nature, their limitations, weakness, and susceptibility to depravity.
It is the same stunning vision of Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness that forces him to cry at the last moment of his life, "The horror! The horror!" since he can have a glimpse of the truth and humans' dark heart. Likewise, al-Ma'ari characterizes life as utterly evil and he deplores the helpless situation of humans.
His vision is, consequently, deterministic and he sees the humans' will as constrained or stifled a plethora of powers beyond their control: “My birth is not my choice, nor is so my old age or life, am I still able of drawing a choice? ” Moreover, al-Ma'ari believes that humans inherit their irredeemable evil nature: “We are trapped by evil nature that is beyond reform, it's rarely that a good person may break the rule!
We haven't ourselves chosen to spoil our ethics; it is rather a fate that has determined everything! If our origin is evil, the offspring is bound to follow suit! How to expect loyalty from the son if the father is treacherous?” In addition to heredity which makes humans prone to depravity, Al-Ma'ari illustrates human life under the mercy of a tyrannical environment which further prompts them for evil and exploitation.
Perhaps the corrupt society in which Al-Ma'ari lives may partly be responsible for this pessimistic outlook. Political life, in particular, is hopeless and dominated by dictatorship: “What a horrible stay! How many times do I have to live among people led by corrupt rulers!
They abuse people and allow themselves to deceive them, and exploit their resources while presumably they're appointed to serve them!” No less corrupt are men of religion who impose on others rules which they permit themselves to violate: “Hang on! You are deceived by an imposter preaching women!
You are deceived by an imposter preaching women! He forbids you to seduce the beauty in the morning, while he devours her in the evening!” The real issue now is: what is the use of human values within such a limited human nature which is surrounded by inside evil? What can people like al-Ma'ari and Shakespeare do within a chaotic and corrupt world? Is withdrawal from active life the right solution, or should humans confront the challenges of existence?
As for al-Ma'ari he prefers to withdraw from active social life. However, this attitude is not negative; he tries to reform society in his way. His attack against the world of politics and the corruption of men of religion and the people around him is a kind of constructive criticism the aim of which is to modify people's attitudes, if not to change them radically. One feels that al-Ma'ari implies that, although human nature is corrupt, humans can, and should, control their evil.
Al-Ma'ari's personal life is a demonstration of his serious attempt to refine nature and cultivate his garden. His ambition is not related to the world of politics or to wealth accumulation as is the case, for example, with al-Mutanabbi, but rather to the legitimate sphere of literature. Certainly, al-Ma'ari realizes that too much involvement is something risky and he does not usually rush where angels fear to tread.
One main reason for this attitude is his doubt whether this life has any teleology at all. Thus, when one thinks deeply of the 'noise' of life one concludes that 'singing' and 'weeping' are alike: “It's pointless in my belief whether one weeps or sings! Likewise, it's the same whether that dove weeps or sings on the shaky branch!” Why should one bother about anything if there is no ultimate meaning for this life? why should one weep or AL-MA'ARI AND SHAKESPEARE Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 87 sing or have any attitude if life is absurd and our endeavor is in vain? Meanwhile, humans cannot refrain from action even though they realize the emptiness of everything. The real dilemma of humans is that they can never accept to bury themselves alive and give up their whole humanity. Al-Ma'ari expresses his predicament in many emotional outbursts and his somewhat contradictory attitude towards religion and God.
All these puzzling issues are dealt with by Shakespeare throughout his works which he crystallizes in Hamlet's well-known dilemma: "To be or not to be, that is the question" What can Hamlet do when he is uncertain about anything, not even his real motivation for revenge which might be marred by the Oedipus complex. That is why he wonders: “The world is out of joint, oh cursed spite That ever I was born to set it right” Furthermore, he is surrounded by a corrupt society blinded by greed and authority.
Worse still: what does he achieve when he decides to act? Has he rescued the world or perhaps made it messier? If that is the case, is it justifiable to refrain from action and accept a somewhat negative existence? the implication Is, although Hamlet cannot change the world he has to act and insist on human action to realize himself, for without some sort of commitment there is no self-realization. Humans are not skeletons and the moment they visualize themselves as such they cease to be.
There is no doubt that wise people do not give themselves totally to instinct and greed, but this does not mean that they have to freeze themselves and declare their bankruptcy. Most existentialists, especially Sartre, believe in commitment, even if it is related to their individuality. Both al-Ma'ari and Shakespeare realize fully the question of commitment even if it is personal or related to the world of literature.
In other words, they advocate a balance between the hell of self-communion which inevitably leads to despondency and despair, and between the hell of a fully active social life which usually leads to avarice and lust. If al-Ma'ari and Shakespeare sometimes express a desire for oblivion, it is merely an expression of human frustration or emotional outbursts as a result of internal and external pressure.
Even those Shakespearean protagonists who die at the end like Hamlet do so after having fulfilled their moral obligation and responded to the challenges of life. Despite everything, King Lear realizes that the only solution for humans is to respond fully to life and accept it on its terms. Shakespeare himself writes with full conviction that it is possible, at least poetically, to change or modify certain social attitudes and this is one reason for writing.
He is a prolific writer who knows that his writing is a kind of mission for all humanity to interact with life and contemplate the truth of existence without any rashness. Both al-Ma'ari and Shakespeare do not want humans to be mere spectators on the stage of life, although some of their writings may appear to urge withdrawal.
Neither do they desire humans to do anything at the expense of their integrity by giving themselves totally to active life which may tempt them to exploit others and blind them to see the reality of everything! AI-Ma'ari and Shakespeare are not politicians, economists, or sociologists but rather poets who are pained to see that humans are so selfish and utilitarian by nature, that if they are let loose, they may end up not only destroying their fellow human beings but also themselves.
Rarely do we find the likes of al-Ma'ari and Shakespeare who have shaken in their immortal works the human conscience to establish a well-balanced life that should leave everlasting human marks on existence. AL-MA'ARI AND SHAKESPEARE Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 88 References: ? Al-Haidari, Dr. Nabeel, Al-Ma'ari a Revolutionary: From Politics to Isolation. Beirut: Dar Al-Arab, 2016. ? Barkooki, Abdulrahman, Sharh Diwan Almutanabbi, Qafiyatulmeem.
Egypt: Hindawi Foundation for Education and Culture, 2014. ? Canning, Patricia. “'For I Must Nothing Be': Kings, Idols, and the Double-Body of the Sign in Early Modern England.” Critical Survey, vol. 24, no. 3, 2012. ? JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/42751003. Accessed 16 Mar. 2021. ? Flynn, Thomas, Existentialism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press 2006. ? Greenblatt, Stephen. Will in The World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare Paperback April 24, 2014. ?
Grigoryan, Sona, P o etics o f A m b iv a len ce o f a l- M a 'a r rî's L u z û m îy â t a n d th e Q u estio n o f F reeth in k in g , Central European University, Budapest, 2018. ? Hussein, Taha. Renewal of Abilala's Memory, Cairo: Darilma'arif, 1963 ? Larkin, Philip, "Wants," in The Less Deceived, London, London: The Marvell Press, 1977. ? Salloum, Habeeb, “Abu Al- 'Ala' Al-Ma'arri: Arab Poet and Philosopher Extraordinaire”, in Arab America, AUG 16, 2017. ?
Shakespeare, Tom, Al Ma'arri: visionary free thinker, https://farmerofthoughts.co.uk/article/al- maarri-visionary-free-thinker/ ? Shakespeare, William, Richard II. Charles R. Forker ed. the Arden Shakespeare, 2002. ? Shakespeare, William, Macbeth. eds. Dr. Barbara A. Mowat & Paul Werstine. Folger Shakespeare Library: Mass Market Paperback July 1, 2003. ? Shakespeare, William, Love's Labour's Lost. ed. H. R. Woudhuysen. The Arden Shakespeare. 1998. ?
H. R. Woudhuysen. The Arden Shakespeare. 1998. ? Shakespeare, William, Sonnet LXIII: “Against My Love Shall Be As I Am Now” in Katherine Duncan-Jones ed., Shakespeare's Sonnets. The Arden Shakespeare, 1998. ? Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet. Yale University Press. 2004. ? Shakespeare, William, The Tragedy of King Lear. Ed. Jay L Halio. Cambridge University Press, 1992/2005. ? Shakespeare, William, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Ed. Sylvan Barnet.
Ed. Sylvan Barnet. USA: Chamberlain Bross, 1963. ? Traversi, Derek, "The Young Dramatist and Poet", in The Pelican Guide to English Literature: The Age of Shakespeare, Ed. Boris Ford, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1982. ? Traversi Derek, Shakespeare: From Richard II to Henry V. Stanford University Press, 1961. AL-MA'ARI AND SHAKESPEARE Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 18 THE 'TESS OF THE D URBERVILLES' BY THOMAS HARDY'S VIEW OF WOMEN ON “TESS” Dr. Basavaraju.
B, Assistant Professor of English, Govt. RC College of Com. & Mgt., Palace Road, Bengaluru-01 Abstract: This paper is critical analysis of Thomas hardy novel “Tess of The D urbervilles” and focus on one of his characters, namely Tess. Hardy sets the novel in Victorian England, a time when the country was very prosperous. Moreover, society was male dominated by a rigid social hierarchy. Victorian women were treated as second class citizen and marginalized.
their identities that roles in the family, such as wife. mother, daughters and widow, Hardy character examined in this regard to how the functions according to these roles. The women view according to Hardy's novels can be placed in three groups. The first groups should include are full length Tess, Sue, Eustacia, Bathsheba, and Elizabeth. Second group may cover Elfried, Ethelbert, Grace, Vivette, and Anne.
Third group is also a mixed one this group Paula, Marty, Arabella, Tamsie, Lucetta, Picotte Tabitha, Matilda, Fanny Robin, Charlotte, Mrs,Yeobright, Mrs.Swancourt Mrs.Melbury. Susan Henchard and few others. Key words: Pure and chastity Women 'Tess', Patriarchy, Pastoral life, Exploitation, Oppression, Empowerment, Victorian society. Tess is a perfect picture of ideal womanhood. She is an embodiment of the whole nature of women.
She is an embodiment of the whole nature of women. She belongs to the class of Shakespeare tragic heroines like Desdemona and cardelia. She is a child of nature. she is daughter of mother earth. She comes before us as a simple country girl. She behaves like a living figure. She is round character, for she grows from a simple young girl of sixteen into a complex in four of five years only. This is because of her creator. This tragic figure is a lady and his feeling and nature.
This is because of her firsthand experience of the world and its people. Indeed, she is a master piece of her creator. This tragic figure, she crosses the stage in all the pomp of exquisite and distress and with sorrows full of dignity. She is a women more sinned against than sinning. Thomas Hardy is great painter of female character. This point is quite clear from the Wessex novels in general and Tess of the d urbervilles in particular. Hardy is a genius in the characterization of women.
His women are superior to his men in many ways. The present paper illustrates these point very well. This novel shows to us how hardy excels in the portrayal of passionate, emotional types, chiefly women who predominate in Wessex novels in general and the present one in particular. the character of Tess bears an ample testimony to this thing. Tess comes before us as a vessel of emotion rather than of reason. Her creator reveals her soul to us. She is an innocent maiden.
She is an innocent maiden. She suffers at the hands of cruel society. Fate works against her chance of happiness. Alec brings about her physical ruin similarly Clare cause her spiritual tragedy. Heredity and environment also play their parts in effecting this tragedy. Tess is a breathing image of beauty. She is a lovely woman. with her bewitching and bright eyes, she can fill a man heart with delight. She is aware of her beautiful looks. She has inherited her mother, prettiness.
She has inherited her mother, prettiness. Alec D Urberville is almost maddened with the luxuriance of her aspect. He is bewitched by her large, expressive, fascinating eyes. This dairymaid is fresh daughter of nature. She is a poetic figure embodying the visionary essence of natural women. Alec gives up preaching when he sees her again. 89 Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) www.literaryendeavour.org Angel Clare runs to her takes her into is arms passionately.
Many casual lovers pay compliments to her beautiful looks in the way. One of them takes her on the cart some distance. Tess is an obedient daughter and wife. She is a loving sister and mother. She is a selfless girl. She suffers and dies for the sake of her parents, brother and sisters. She tries to solve the economic problem of her family. That is why she goes to Tantridge and loses her physical purity and chastity.
She has to surrender her body to Alec again save her family, when the family horse dies, she realizes her duty. She works very hard at FlintcomAsh to save her family. She is a loving mother to sorrow, the undesired, she is very anxious for baptizing him before giving him a Christian burial. she visits the grave of her dead son when she comes back to Marlott. She is ready to die for the sake of Clare love or happiness. Hardy creation of the Tess character is kind and compassionate girl.
She is modest and humble by nature. it's out of her modesty that she puts all blame upon herself for the death of prince after her moral trouble and reluctant affairs with Alec D urbervilles, she feels that she is figure polluting the surrounding in which she moves. She looks upon herself as figure of guilt intruding into the haunts of innocents. It is her sense of humility that makes her write to Angel Clare that he is just in giving her punishment.
She says that she deserves the punishments he has given her. she says so even when he does her injustice. She is so kind that she has never hurt a fly or a worm also. The sight of bird in the cage makes her cry. When she sees the pheasants writhing in pain or agony after being wounded by the hunters for sport, she takes compassion them. she breaks their necks to relieve them of this pain with easy death, she calls them poor darlings. Tess is a vessel of emotion rather than reason.
Tess is a vessel of emotion rather than reason. She has a heart which overflows with milk of true love. She is passionate and faithful lover. She is faithful in love throughout a long period of the sufferings and privation. She resists against the temptation which Alec holds out to her. She is willing to die for the happiness of her husband. Izz tells Angel Clare that she can lay down her life for his sake.
She possesses in her character something of the faithful love which the Indian wife has for her man. Nothing can separate her from Angel Clare. But fate works against her. She is forced to sell her soulness body to the villain. She stabs Alec to death when she is realizing that he has dishonored her husband with his bitter taunts. she loves Angel Clare with her soul. Its due to her emotional nature that she stabs Alec to death Clare with her soul.
it is due to her emotional nature that she Alec to death all of a sudden. She has in her something of the emotional nature of poet. The letters which she writes to Angel Clare show her highly passionate and emotional nature. Though it cannot be said of him that he had no heroes, only heroines, Hardy is almost a specialist in women, the general run of portrait but like a transcendental phrenologist. Almost all his character belongs to Wessex and to the low strata of society.
Hardy range includes not great ladies or great men. Only focused on oppressed women. He is in an unchallenged master; he has created immortal characters. And however great the play of an external fate, the life or motive which is at the center of each plot is essentially psychological. Every novel is answer to the question given certain character in certain circumstances, what will happen what will become of women life, he is mind reader women world. Tess is a philosophic and thinking girl.
Tess is a philosophic and thinking girl. The long sufferings and experiences of the world have turned her into a brooding philosopher. That is why she likes herself to the poor queen of Bathsheba. She wonders why the sun shines on the just and the unjust like. She sees all the tomorrows in a line. The first of them seems to be the biggest and clearest of all. The others get smaller as they stand farther away. Every one of them is fierce and cruel, so it seems to say to her. I am coming beware of me.
I am coming beware of me. At times she thinks of life beyond death also. She tells Abraham that he lives on one of the blighted stars. Like a good thinker she believes not in the dogma, but in the spirit of sermon on the mount. She is into her something of his own poetic quality. This country girl talks in a philosophic vein and deals with the serious problems of life. She speaks of the general bitterness and tragedy of life to Angel Clare.
She complaints to Joan Durbeyfield of the wicked ways of the cunning immoral people of the world. she laments the lack of opportunities to real 90 THE 'TESS OF THE D URBERVILLES' BY THOMAS HARDY'S VIEW OF WOMEN ON “TESS” Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) love stories. Tess has a poetic mind. Her body breaths poetry. She is a kind of celestial person owing her being to poetry. Like the good poet she has taste of music also.
Like the good poet she has taste of music also. She is the true daughter of her ballad singing mother. She feels what the paper – poets express in words. At times she feels that soul leaves the body and wanders up to the stars. She does so only because of her imaginative mind. Tess has got the remarkable powers of suffering and endurance. She suffers so much even then she does lose her moral fiber. She puts up with the shame heroically. She does painful. Hard work at Flintcomb- Ash.
She does painful. Hard work at Flintcomb- Ash. She behaves like a great heroine when she is deserted by Angel Clare. She suffers bravely at the hands of the cruelty of lust and of the fragility of love. She is a dignified figure in her bearing. She is full of pride. She is too proud to accept any help from Alec D urbervilles. She stands against his cruel persuasion for many long months. She does not so because of her pride. She does not write to Mr. And Mrs. Clare for her help.
She is proud of her beauty. Due to this pride she is not jealous of the three chambers maids who love Angel Clare. She believes that she can hook any man with her beautiful looks, personal charms and bewitchingly innocent eyes. Hardy Tess is to be pure women even when she has had a reluctant affair with Alec D Urberville. Thomas hardy himself calls her a pure woman. According to him Tess of the D urbervilles is the story of pure woman. There are people who judge her with their conventionally morality.
They say that without her physical purity she cannot and should not be called a pure woman. They call her sinner of the sinning for they say that she admits a few advances of Alec D'Urberville. The point out that Tess is impure also because she goes to live with him as a mistress at sandBourne. She is a married woman. She should not have done so. If we excised our reason. It so clear to us that her first affair with Alec is done reluctantly when she is not herself due to sleep and fatigue.
During the later period of her dissipation with Alec she is again not herself. Her mind is drugged and dead with weariness, pain despair. She is crushed under the dead weight of poverty. She is forced by fate and circumstances to become a mistress. She is a pure woman in heart or soul. She is so if we consider the aim and tendency of her whole life. She is honest and true, sincere with faithful in her love for Angel Clare.
This purity of heart together with the nobility of her nature make as call her really great woman. As a critic say her story is a plea for charity, for larger tolerance. For a repudiation of social hypocrisy. Its intense moving power something soft and yielding about her nature. She suffers for the tractability or docility of her nature also. Her personal charms and devotion to the family are also responsible for her suffering and death.
She is not initiated into the ways of and emotional nature is also one of the cause of her tragedy. She has a weakness for sleep. It is this weakness which causes the death of prince. It is this sleep which destroys her physical purity. She is arrested while she is found sleeping at Stonehenge. All these things combine together to bring about her tragic end. Conclusion Tess Durbeyfield is to linger in our memory as a great woman.
we are to cherish her memory along with that of sweet Desdemona and gentle Cordelia. We admire her for her devotion to the family. For her faithfulness in love. for her endurance and fortitude. The adverse circumstances of her life break her into pieces. They drive her to her doom. But she gives a good battle to all powerful fate and its forces. She impresses us with the courage which she shows in the face of her fate.
She suffers like Prometheus for having brought fire of light to the people of the world. she teaches us to judge woman from a new sympathetic viewpoint. References: 1. Tess of the Urbervilles Graphic xliv July Dec 1891. 2. Kramer Dale 1991 Hardy Tess of the D urbervilles Cambridge university press 1991. 3. Hardy Thomas Tess of the D urberville New York w w Norton &company. 91 THE 'TESS OF THE D URBERVILLES' BY THOMAS HARDY'S VIEW OF WOMEN ON “TESS” Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 92 4. Elizabeth Martha Brown The inspiration for Thomas hardy Tess of the D urbervilles Capital punishment U k retrieved !2 April 2018. 5. Hardy Thomas (14 August 2008) Tess of the D urbervilles Oxford university press sept retrieved 2019. 6. Hardy Thomas; the world of his novels London Frances Lincon Limited .2013. 7. Jacobs Mary (1976) Tess's purity, Essay in criticism xxvi (4); 318. 8. Tess of the D urbervilles internet Broadway Database. 2015.
2015. THE 'TESS OF THE D URBERVILLES' BY THOMAS HARDY'S VIEW OF WOMEN ON “TESS” Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 93 19 PORTRAYAL OF RELIGIOUS ETHOS IN CHAUDHURI'S WRITINGS Manjunatha S, Assistant professor of English, Government First Grade College, Magadi Abstract: The present research paper is modest attempt to study religious ethos in the select writings of Nirad C. Chaudhuri.
He is especially known for his famous autobiography entitled The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian published in 1951. His love – hate relationship with India and her culture is debatable topic. He was familiar not only with English literature but also with Sanskrit literature. His attitude towards Indian culture and religion is fraught with controversy.
He strongly believed that “all that was good and living within us was made, shaped, and quickened by the same British rule.” His portrayal of religious ethos is most important aspect of his writing. Key Words: Religion, ethos, controversy, colonial, british. Nirad C. Chaudhuri was one of the most important Indian English writers. His contribution to Indian English literature is noteworthy. He wrote on almost every aspect of India.
He wrote on almost every aspect of India. His portrayal of Indian politics, religion, culture, joint family system, economy, Indian English language and many others are most important aspects of his writings. His major works include The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian (1951), Thy Hand, Great Anarch (1987), Three Horsemen of the New Apocalypse (1997). The Continent of Circe: An Essay on the Peoples of lndian (1966), The Intellectual in India (1967) and To Live or Not to Live (1970).
His biography of Clive, Robert Clive of India, is overwhelmingly favourable to this Nabob, who enriched himself through loot. Chaudhuri attempts to justify Clive's rapacity on the grounds that “The acceptance of gift was not contrary to the regulations then in force” (Clive, pp.260-61). Scholar Extraordinary: The Life of Professor, the Rt.
Hon Friedrich Max Muller (1974) is generally considered Chaudhuri's best book, and won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1975. th Nirad C. Chaudhuri, 20 Century prize writer talks about the maladies of the country. He has also Very critically looked at the way: in which the religion and religious sentiments have been responsible for such a situation. In his book, 'The Hinduism Omnibus' published in the year 2003, Nirad C. Chaudhuri makes a few observations on Hinduism.
He gives emphasis to the religious psychology and behaviour of the Hindus. According to Chaudhuri, Hinduism is a great religion of a particular kind. An account of it might lead to better, understanding of the religious urge in man, which is innate. He feels that no one can deal with India or understand the social and cultural life of the people of the country, without the knowledge of Hinduism, which has influenced the behaviour of even non-Hindus.
Chaudhuri says that, ritualistic worship is the practical discharge on the part of the Hindus, for a mutual help. He quotes, for examples; Goats, sheep and buffaloes are sacrificed to the goddess Durga et her annual; worship, and the goat is told: The Goddess will be pleased to receive your flesh mixed with blood.
When the head has been cut off, it is taken to the image of the Goddess with blood, and "the Goddess "is apostrophized: "Thou who art fond off sacrificial meat, O great Goddess accept the blood of this beast with its flesh." The same procedure -is followed with the buffalo and it is told before the head is cut off: Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) www.literaryendeavour.org 94 "Om!
O hero, forgive the pain which you will feel from the stroke of the scimitar, for you will attain heaven." Since the Goddess has been given the due, the priest on behalf of the worshipper feels entitled to utter this prayer: "Om! Give me long life; give me fame, O Goddess! Give me good fortune. Give me sons, give me wealth give me all things desirable." After discharging all his obligations to the Gods in order to get what he wants, the Hindu will offer renewed offerings when he has got it.
For instance, if a child is ill the mother will take this vow: "O! Mother!' Save my child and I will sacrifice a pair of goats to you." And she will most conscientiously fulfil it if the child recovers. Gratitude is expressed to a god or goddess even if any kind of property is acquired by a man solely by his own efforts. The Hindus are also capable of feeling resentment against their gods if they failed to perform their part of the contract.
Hindus generally blame themselves instead of the gods and assume that if they have not got what they wanted, that was due to some fault of their own, not perceived by them. Hindu Gods could give their worshippers what the world contained, but had no part to play in maintaining the existence of the world, nor were they responsible for the moral behaviour of men. In fact, help from religion was sought for all purposes, moral or immoral. Religion and morality ran along parallel courses.
Religion and morality ran along parallel courses. He even quotes that in India even thieves and robbers worshipped their special deity for success in their ventures. According to Chaudhuri, in Hinduism, the relationship with their cattle contains an element of coercion, which is very much like that which exists between a modern democratic state and its citizens. But Hindus never felt this coercion any human sense.
They not only spent money for religious purposes voluntarily, but regarded the acceptance of their gifts by the gods as a favour-'Prasada' of the god as they called it. While commenting on the god-man relationship in Hinduism, Chaudhuri says that in Hinduism, there is benignity on one side and devotion on the other. He writes: No Hindu god or goddess, except a minor and local goddess of third rank, has been represented as pursuing any human being with the vindictiveness of Hera, Athena or Aphrodite.
Indira, the only god who is known in Hindu mythology as a lecher seducing the wives of the sages, lost the status of a sons, give me wealth give me all the things desirable. Hinduism appeared. Siva Is the god of destruction /in mythology, but in worship he is the god who guarantees Welfare and safety and is easily pleased. Kali, so terrifying in her image as a killer of demons is a mother full of love and mercy.
In Thy Hand, Great Anarch, Chaudhuri says about his first book that, “In spite of its title, the book was not truly an autobiography. It was a picture of the society in which I was born and grew up.” Chaudhuri is quite clear about his purpose in writing Unknown Indian: The story I want to tell is the story of the struggle of a civilization with a hostile environment, in which the destiny of the British Empire in India became necessarily involved.
My main intention is thus historical, and since I have written the account with the utmost honesty and accuracy of which I am capable, the intention in my mind has become mingled with the hope that the book may be regarded as a contribution to contemporary history. He states his target audience: I have written this book with the conscious object of reaching the English-speaking world. PORTRAYAL OF RELIGIOUS ETHOS IN CHAUDHURI'S WRITINGS Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol.
XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021) 95 Perhaps this intended readership is responsible for Chaudhuri always using similes from European art, literature and history. Both the preface and the prefatory note to the first section are in the style typical of the book: there are long, involved sentences, and a liberal sprinkling of words from European languages. There are many situations where only the French or Latin quotation would do. But Chaudhuri seems to use foreign phrases even if English equivalents exist.
The common reader may not be fully conversant with these phrases, and pausing to find out the meaning provides a needless break in the reading experience. Here are two sentences from the second paragraph of Unknown Indian: These recollections of mine are in no sense des memoires d'outre-tomhe.
If anyone so chooses he may call them memoires d'outre-Manche in a figurative sense, in the sense that, retreating before the panzers of the enemy who has seized my past life, I have decided to put between him and me, between apparent defeat and acceptance of defeat, a narrow but uncrossable strip of salt water. In short, Nirad C. Chaudhuri succeeds to capture Indian religious ethos in his writings. His attitude towards Indian religion is controversial and debatable.
He is one of the few Indian English writers who have used the language for non-fictional purposes alone--earlier writers like Vivekanand, Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru have been orators, who made speeches because they were social reformers and statesmen; later writers like Vikram Seth and Amitav Ghosh have written fiction and poetry. Almost all of his ten books have received critical attention and sometimes substantial praise.
His biography of Max Muller won the Sahitya Akademi Award, and has become the standard work. The Continent of Circe won the Duff Cooper literary award. His Life of Robert Clive is quite provocative. We may not agree with his basic philosophy of preferring a dead empire to the lively chaos of modern India, but his books cannot be ignored by any serious student of Indian culture and literature. References: 1. Nirad C. Chaudhuri. A Passage to England. London: Macmillan, 1859. 2. ________________.
London: Macmillan, 1859. 2. ________________. Clive of India. London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1 975. 3. ________________. Hinduism: A Religion to Live By. London: Chatto R Windus, 1979. 4. _______________. Scholar Extraordinary: The Life of Professor the Rt. Hon. Frederich Max Mullrr. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1974. 5. _______________. The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, Bombay: Jaico, 1969. 6. _______________. The Continent of Circe. London: Chatto & Widus, 1960. 7.
London: Chatto & Widus, 1960. 7. _______________. The Intellectual in India. New Delhi: Associated Publishing House. 1967. 8. Dasgupta, Swapan. Ed. Nirad C. Chawlhuri: First Hundred Years: A Celebration. New Delhi: Harper Publishers India, 1997. 9. Kamani, Chdzm; Nirad C. Chaudhuri. Boston: Twyne Publishers. 1980. 10. Kaul, R.K., Nirad C. Chaudhuri: The Renaissance Man. Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 1998. 11. Naik, M.K. Ed. Perspectives on Indian Prose in English.
Ed. Perspectives on Indian Prose in English. New Delhi: Abhinav, 1982. 12. Naikar, Basavaraj S. Critical Articles on Nirad C. Chauduri. Dharwad: Shivaranjani Publications, 1985. PORTRAYAL OF RELIGIOUS ETHOS IN CHAUDHURI'S WRITINGS Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X) : Vol. XII : Issue: 1 (January, 2021)
UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .\GENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 ft EftA UniledSUfss Offi f P t'"d P o rK ~~~~mMtnIPf()tl!ttloo· Ice 0 es lei e rO!Jrams June 20, 2008 Kevin D. Harms Colony Pool Services, Inc. 5107 Governor Printz Blvd. Wilmington, DE ·19809 Subject: COL-CHLOR (Sodium Hypochlorite) EPA Registration No.
41846-20001 Application Date: March 18, 2008 Receipt Date: March 24, 2008 Dear Mr. Harms: p~ It 11 The following amendment submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, is accepted with conditions. Conditions 1. Revise the Ingredient Statement as follows: Active Ingredient: Sodium Hypochlorite ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.5% Other Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 87.5% Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100.00/0 Available Chlorine: xxo/o 2. Provide the correct amount of available chlorine: beneath ingredient statement (see above). 3. Remove bullets from the "First Aid" statement Ileading. 4. The proximity between the term deodorant and the Swimming Pool dkections for use are not adequate.
Please move the deodorant claim to the left. ( 5. Modify the re-entry language under "Swimming POOl, Water Disinfection" to read: "Re-entry into treated pools is prohibited at levels above 4 ppm due to risk of bodily harm." 6. A Master Label with all proposed use patterns/sites and directions for use should be provided. The technical bulletins can be referenced on the master label with all required information. General Comments When you provide the Master Label, the surface!
; (porous, hard non- porous, etc.) must be identified and the re-entry language for Spas and Hot Tubs must be modified. The Spa, Hot Tub language should read: "Re-entry into treated Spas and Hot Tubs is prohibited at levels above 5 ppm due to risk of bodily harm." A stamped copy of the labeling accepted with conditions is enclosed. Submit one copy of your final printed labeling before distributing or selling the product bearing the revised labeling.
Should you have any questions or comments concerning this tetter, please call Wanda Henson at (703) 308-6345. sp~ ar~1, J,;,. Emily H. Mitc~ () - Product Manager - Team 32 Regulatory Manclgement Branch II Antimicrobials Division (7510C) PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT HAZARDOUS TO HUMANS AND: DOMESTIC ANIMALS DANGER; Corrosive, may cause severe skin and eye irritation or chemical burns to broken skin. Causes eye.damage. May be fatal if swallowed. Avoid breathing vapors.
Avoid breathing vapors. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Wear goggles or faye ! ?hield and rubber gloves when handling this product. \I\I~s~:;~ands after handling. Vacate poorly ventilated areas as soon- ~s ·possible. Do not return until odors have dissipated. . ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: This pesticide is toxic to fish. Keep out of lakes, streams or ponds. Treated efflu,ent cannot be discharged into lakes, streams, ponds or p~blic waters unless a discharge permit is obtained.
For guidan_ce; contact the regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS: Mix only with water according to label directions. Mixing this product with gross filth such as feces, urine, etc., or with ammonia, acids, detergents or other chemicals will release hazardous gases irritating to the eyes, lungs and mucous membranes. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution degrades with age.
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution degrades with age. If used later than ten (10) days after packaging, use a chlorine test kit to insure that the solution will provide the amount of available chlorine desired. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Store this product in a cool dry area, away from direct sunlight and heat to avoid deterioration. In case of spill, flood areas with large quantities of water. Product or rinsat~s that cannot be used should be diluted with water before disposal in a sanitary sewer.
Do not contaminate food or feed by storage, disposal or cleaning of equipment. Rinse empty container thoroughly with water and either return to manufacturer or discard by placing this container in trash collection or burying in an approved landfill. COLuCHlOR (Sodium Hypochlorite) ACTIVE INGREDIENT: SODIUM HVPOCHLORITE ••.•••.•• 12.5% INERT INGREDIENTS ....................................................... 87.5% DISINFECTANT BACTERICIDE DEODORANT "FOR SWIMMING POOL CHLORINATION AND SANrnZlNG."
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN' DANGER STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT (FIRST AID) IF 'CONTACT WITH EYES OCCURS, flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Get prompt medical attention. IF CONTACT WITH SKIN OCCURS, wash with plenty of soap and water. IF SWALLOWED, drink large quantities of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Call a phYSician or poison control center immediately.
IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABELING re-packaged by COLONY POOL SERVICE, INC. 5107 GOVERNOR PRINTZ BLVD. WILMINGTON, DE 19809 (302) 762-2250 EPA REG. NO. 41846-20001 NET CONTENTS: EPA EST. NO. 41846-DE-Ol GALLONS DIRECTIONS FOF& tI$': I3tJH~ .' _ SWIMMING POOL WATH,' i)ISIS"FE~TION· 3 ~ .. -" _. - For a new pool or spring start-up, super~t:!C':i~atfS with 52 Jo 1(~" oz.
of product for each 10,000 gallons of water to yielt;l5 to 10 ppm available chlorine .by weight Check the level of available chlorine with a test kit Adjust and maintain pool water pH to between 7.2 and 7.6. Adjust and maintain the alkalinity of the pool to between 50 to 100 ppm. To maintain the pool, add manually or by a feeder device 11 oz. of this product for each 10,000 gallons of water to yield an. available chlorine residual between 0.6 to 1.0 ppm· by weight.
Stabilized pools should maintain a residual of 1.0 to 1.5 ppm available chlorine. Test the pH, available chlorine residual and alkalinity of the water frequently with appropriate test kits. Frequency of. water treatment will depend upon temperature and number of swimmers. DIRECTIONS FOR USE GENERAL CLASSIFICATION MARKETING OF PRODUCTS LABELED FOR USES SHOWN BELOW IS PERMITTED FOR SPECIFIC USE DIRECTIONS SEE COLONY POOL SERVICE, INC. TECHNICAL BULLETIN FOR EACH PARTICULAR APPLICATION .
TECHNICAL BULLETIN CC-l: Sanitizers of surfaces (e.g. wooden butcher blocks, stainless steel tops, concrete floors, tile walls) .
TECHNICAL BULLETIN CC-2: Sanitizers of commercial laundry TECHNICAL BULLETIN CC-3: Agents to wash or assist in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables (sodium hypochlorite only) Agents to help control microorganisms on mushrooms (pins), potatoes, sweet potatoes (post harvest) I Agents to help control microorganisms on eggs for human consumption TECHNICAL BULLETIN CC-4: Disinfectants of human drinking water), (emergency/publiclindividual), swimming pool water, hubbard/, !