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16 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Aldrin (CAS: 309-00-2) Listing of all importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 Aldrin CAS: 309-00-2 ANGOLA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent AUSTRALIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent BAHRAIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent BANGLADESH Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent BARBADOS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent BELIZE Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent BENIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent BHUTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent BOLIVIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent BRAZIL Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Need more time to reach final decision.
Conditions for Import: Importation is only permitted when the product is registered with IBAMA exclusively for treatment of wood. It is not permitted for public and domestic health campaigns. All agricultural uses banned. BULGARIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Use forbidden since 1969. BURKINA FASO Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent Remarks: Need more time.
BURUNDI Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent CAMEROON Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent CANADA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent CAPE VERDE Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent CENTRAL AFRICAN Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent REPUBLIC CHAD Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent CHILE Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Resolution SAG No. 2003 of 22/11/1988.
2003 of 22/11/1988. CHINA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent COLOMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Importation, production and use prohibited by Decree 305 of 1988 and Resolution 10255 of 1993. CONGO, Democratic Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Republic of 17 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Aldrin (CAS: 309-00-2) CONGO, Republic of Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Remarks: Need more time.
COOK ISLANDS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent COSTA RICA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent CUBA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent CYPRUS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent DOMINICA Final decision on import Published: 01/1996 no consent DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent ECUADOR Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent EL SALVADOR Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent ETHIOPIA Interim decision on import Published: 07/1994 consent Remarks: Use as termiticide only.
Legislation pending. Conditions for Import: Permit from Ministry of Agriculture. European Union Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 Prohibit for plant protection use Member States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Conditions for Import: For uses other than plant protection written Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, authorization is required for import into Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands and Spain.
United Kingdom Members of the EEA Agreement ICELAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 Prohibit for plant protection use LIECHTENSTEIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NORWAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent FIJI Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent GABON Interim decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: additional time is needed for a final decision GAMBIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent GUATEMALA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent GUINEA Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent Remarks: Legislation to be implemented.
HONDURAS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent HUNGARY Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent INDIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent INDONESIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent JAMAICA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
18 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Aldrin (CAS: 309-00-2) JAPAN Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 consent Remarks: Decision is based on the "Law concerning the Examination and Regulation on Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substances", the "Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law"and the "Agriculture Chemicals Regulation Law". Currently not registered.
Currently not registered. Conditions for Import: Registration with the Minister of Health and Welfare or Prefectural Governor as an importer required. For uses other than agricultural chemical, permission from the Minister of International Trade and Industry are required. However, so far no permission has been granted. Registration with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries required for sale as an agricultural chemical. Restriction on sale for sale as an agricultural chemical.
JORDAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent KAZAKSTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent KENYA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered. KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Final decision on import Published: 01/1997 no consent Remarks: Banned because of residue in 1972. IRAQ Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent KUWAIT Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Decree No. 95/1995.
Decree No. 95/1995. LAO PEOPLE'S Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LEBANON Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MADAGASCAR Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Decree N. 6225/93 of 30 November 1993. Use of all aldrin-based products discontinued. MALAYSIA Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Remarks: Used as termiticide.
MALTA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MAURITIUS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent MEXICO Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MONGOLIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: Not included in the approved list for pesticides 1994-2000. MOROCCO Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MOZAMBIQUE Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Import, production and use banned.
NEPAL Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Remarks: Need more time.
NEW ZEALAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NICARAGUA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent 19 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Aldrin (CAS: 309-00-2) NIGER Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NIGERIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent PAKISTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent PANAMA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
PARAGUAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent PERU Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent PHILIPPINES Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent QATAR Final decision on import Published: 01/1996 no consent RWANDA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SAINT LUCIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SAMOA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent SLOVAKIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
All uses banned. SLOVENIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. SRI LANKA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 consent Remarks: Agricultural use restricted to control in coconut nurseries. Alternative for chlordane and dieldrin as structural termiticide. Conditions for Import: Written approval by Registrar. SUDAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Remarks: Restricted for control of termites.
SURINAME Interim decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Ministry of Agriculture has not granted imported licenses for aldrin since 1988. Final decision on import is pending. SWITZERLAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent TANZANIA, UNITED Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent REPUBLIC OF Remarks: For emergency cases in limited amounts.
THAILAND Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent Remarks: Aldrin has been banned according to notification of Ministry of industry issued under the Hazardous Substances Act B.E. 2535 (1992) which has been effective since 2 May 1995. TOGO Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Interim decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent Remarks: Termiticide use only. Additional time needed.
TURKEY Final decision on import Published: 07/1997 no consent 20 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Aldrin (CAS: 309-00-2) UGANDA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent URUGUAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent VANUATU Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: These chemicals are currently not registered nor approved under the national legislative act (Pesticide Control Act No.
11 of 1993). VENEZUELA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 consent Remarks: Vector control in public health; limited uses permitted by Ministry of Agriculture. Conditions for Import: Permission from Ministry of Health or Agriculture. VIET NAM Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent ZAMBIA Interim decision on import Published: 12/1999 consent Remarks: A final decision is under active consideration.
Conditions for Import: restricted use ZIMBABWE Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 consent Remarks: Use as termaticide only. Importation not permitted for agricultural purposes.
21 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Aldrin (CAS: 309-00-2) Case of failure to transmit a response Aldrin CAS: 309-00-2 Albania, Algeria, Antigua And Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Botswana, Comoros, Cote D’ivoire, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Haiti, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Myanmar, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Tonga, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan.
22 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Binapacryl (CAS: 485-31-4) Listing of all importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 Binapacryl CAS: 485-31-4 GAMBIA Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent LAO PEOPLE'S Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC MAURITIUS Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent NIGER Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent TURKEY Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent 23 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Captafol (CAS: 2425-06-1) Listing of all importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 Captafol CAS: 2425-06-1 ANGOLA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent AUSTRALIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent BURUNDI Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent CANADA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent CHAD Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Final decision pending passage of pesticide control decree.
CHILE Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Registration cancelled by manufacturer. CHINA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent COLOMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: ICA Resolution 5053/89 prohibits the importation and sale of this product.
COSTA RICA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent CUBA Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent CYPRUS Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Banned as agricultural pesticide. Pest Control Products Board decision 31/3/1989. ESTONIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Compound has not been submitted for registration. NORWAY Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Decision 23/81 of 31 March 1981.
GABON Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Ministerial decrees have been introduced for the application of Law 7/77 to regulate the import, trade and use of various phytopharmaceutical products. Need more time to reach final decision. GAMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: It has never been registered. HONDURAS Response did not address Published: 01/1998 importation Remarks: Additional time is needed to reach a final decision.
No longer imported. HUNGARY Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Withdrawal documents of Ministry of Agriculture: 22984/1984; 22983/1984; 22792/1984. Reason for withdrawal: the unacceptable toxic effect of the active substances. 24 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Captafol (CAS: 2425-06-1) INDIA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Captafol shall be used only as a seed dresser. Use as foliar spray is banned.
Use as foliar spray is banned. Conditions for Import: General conditions apply. INDONESIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. JAMAICA Interim decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered. No application for registration has been received. JAPAN Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 consent Remarks: Decision is based on the "Agriculture Chemicals Regulation Law".
Registration for agricultural use made invalid Conditions for Import: Registration with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries required for sale as an agricultural chemical. KAZAKSTAN Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent KENYA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Other pesticides available for similar use.
Other pesticides available for similar use. IRAQ Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Banned in 1993 because of carcinogenicity. KUWAIT Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Decree No. 95/1995.
95/1995. LAO PEOPLE'S Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LATVIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Compound has not been submitted for registration. MADAGASCAR Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: No request for registration. Use practically abandoned. Need more time to reach final decision.
Need more time to reach final decision. MALAYSIA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Import and manufacture of all pesticides are controlled under the Pesticides Act 1974 through a registration scheme. The Act is implemented by the Pesticides Board of Malaysia. After current registrations expire, no captafol will be permitted to be imported, manufactured, sold or used in the country. Conditions for Import: General conditions apply.
Conditions for Import: General conditions apply. Only those products that are registered with the Pesticides Board of Malaysia can be imported and manufactured by their respective registrants. MALTA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent MAURITIUS Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent MEXICO Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Conditions for Import: General conditions apply.
NEW ZEALAND Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: All captafol-based pesticides intended for use on food crops de-registered in 1990 and last non-food product (tree wound dressing) withdrawn at manufacturer's request in 1995 and no import or sale permitted. 25 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Captafol (CAS: 2425-06-1) NIGER Interim decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. A final decision will be taken in 1998.
A final decision will be taken in 1998. NIGERIA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Conditions for Import: Chemical is under severe restriction to be used only in seed dressing. Importation allowed only by permit from FEPA and NAFDAC pending phase-out. PAKISTAN Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Agricultural Pesticide Ordinance 1971. Agricultural Pesticide Rules 1971.
Agricultural Pesticide Rules 1971. PANAMA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent PARAGUAY Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Requests technical assistance to reach final decision.
PERU Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent PHILIPPINES Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent SAMOA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent SLOVAKIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Act No 285 of November 20 1995 of the National Council of Slovak Republic on phytosanitary care and list of registered pesticides. SLOVENIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 consent Remarks: Prohibited for plant protection use.
Not registered. SUDAN Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: The Pesticides and Plant Protection Materials Act, 1994; the National Council for Pesticides. Not registered. SURINAME Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 consent Conditions for Import: Approval from Ministry of Agriculture required.
SWITZERLAND Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent Remarks: No products and formulations containing Captafol are authorized in the Index of Plant protection Products 1998. SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent TANZANIA, UNITED Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent REPUBLIC OF Remarks: Product banned since 1986.
THAILAND Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Captafol was banned according to notification of Ministry of Industry issued under the Hazardous Substance Act B.E.2535 (1992) which has been effective since 2 May 1995. TOGO Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Law 96-007/PR of 3 July 1996 concerning plant protection in Conditions for Import: For scientific experiments.
TURKEY Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Banned by Ministry of Agriculture in 1978.
UGANDA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered 26 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Captafol (CAS: 2425-06-1) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent URUGUAY Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Resolution of 21 November 1990 (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) prohibits registration, importation and use.
VANUATU Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: These chemicals are currently not registered nor approved under the national legislative act (Pesticide Control Act No. 11 of 1993).
VIET NAM Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent 27 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Captafol (CAS: 2425-06-1) Case of failure to transmit a response Captafol CAS: 2425-06-1 Albania, Algeria, Antigua And Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo Democratic Republic, Congo Republic, Cook Islands, Cote D’ivoire, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, European Union, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad And Tobago, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
28 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordane (CAS: 57-74-9) Listing of all importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 Chlordane CAS: 57-74-9 ANGOLA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent AUSTRALIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent BAHRAIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent BANGLADESH Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: This product was registered in Bangladesh.
The manufacturer has withdrawn its registration. Conditions for Import: Restricted use on sugar cane. BARBADOS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent BELIZE Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent BOLIVIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: Not registered. BRAZIL Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Need more time to reach final decision. Conditions for Import: Use for public and domestic health campaigns not permitted.
No chlordane-based formulation for agricultural use has ever been registered. BULGARIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Not registered. BURKINA FASO Interim decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Need more time. Not registered. BURUNDI Interim decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Pending passing of pesticide law. Chlorpyrifos-ethyl used for termite control.
Chlorpyrifos-ethyl used for termite control. CAMEROON Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Not registered. CANADA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent CHAD Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent CHILE Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Resolution No. 2142 of 18/10/1987. CHINA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent Remarks: Is manufactured in country.
COLOMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Importation, production and use prohibited by Decree 305 of 1988 and Resolution 10255 of 1993. Registration cancelled.
CONGO, Democratic Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Republic of 29 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordane (CAS: 57-74-9) CONGO, Republic of Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent COOK ISLANDS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent COSTA RICA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent CUBA Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 consent Conditions for Import: Small quantities less than 1 MT per year of wettable powder of 75% or other technical material for formulating in the country substances for control of ants with less than 0.75% active ingredient.
CYPRUS Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent DOMINICA Final decision on import Published: 01/1996 no consent DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent ECUADOR Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent EL SALVADOR Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent ETHIOPIA Interim decision on import Published: 07/1994 consent Remarks: Use as termiticide only. Legislation pending. Conditions for Import: Permit from Ministry of Agriculture.
European Union Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 Prohibit for plant protection use Member States: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Conditions for Import: For uses other than plant protection written Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, authorization is required for import into Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Netherlands and Spain.
Kingdom FINLAND Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent SWEDEN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent Members of the EEA Agreement ICELAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 Prohibit for plant protection use LIECHTENSTEIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NORWAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent FIJI Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent GABON Interim decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: additional time is needed for a final decision GAMBIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent GUATEMALA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent GUINEA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent HONDURAS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent HUNGARY Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent INDIA Interim decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent INDONESIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1996 no consent JAMAICA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
30 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordane (CAS: 57-74-9) JAPAN Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 consent Remarks: Decision is based on the "Law concerning the Examination and Regulation on Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substances", the "Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law" and the "Agriculture Chemicals Regulation Law". Currently not registered.
Currently not registered. Conditions for Import: Registration with the Minister of Health and Welfare or Prefectural Governor as an importer required. For uses other than agricultural chemical, permission from the Minister of International Trade and Industry are required. However, so far no permission has been granted. Registration with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries required for sale as an agricultural chemical.
JORDAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent KAZAKSTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent KENYA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Other pesticides available for similar use. KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Final decision on import Published: 01/1997 no consent Remarks: Chlordane has never been registered in Korea.
IRAQ Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent KUWAIT Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Decree No. 95/1995. LAO PEOPLE'S Interim decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Remarks: A final decision is under active consideration. Approximate time needed before a final decision can be reached - one year.
LEBANON Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MADAGASCAR Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Decree N. 6225/93 of 30 November 1993. Use almost non-existent. MALAYSIA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent Remarks: Pending identification of alternative termiticides.
MALTA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent MAURITIUS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MEXICO Interim decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent Remarks: Manufactured in country. Use as termiticide only. MONGOLIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: Not on approved list of pesticides for 1994-2000.
MOROCCO Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent MOZAMBIQUE Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Import, production and use banned.
NEPAL Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent NEW ZEALAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NICARAGUA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent 31 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordane (CAS: 57-74-9) NIGER Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent NIGERIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent OMAN Interim decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Remarks: Use as termiticide only.
PAKISTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent PANAMA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Prohibited for use in agriculture. PARAGUAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Resolution 447/93. PERU Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent PHILIPPINES Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: No additional importation allowed since December 31, 1996.
Phase-out for its use by December 1998. QATAR Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent RWANDA Response did not address Published: 01/1998 importation SAINT LUCIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SAMOA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SLOVAKIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. SLOVENIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
SRI LANKA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 consent Remarks: Agricultural uses withdrawn in 1980; restricted uses as termiticide in soil, timber protectant. Conditions for Import: Approval letter for import from registrar. SUDAN Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent Remarks: Use as termiticide only. SURINAME Interim decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Ministry of Agriculture has not granted imported licenses for chlordane since 1984/85.
Final decision on import is pending. SWITZERLAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent TANZANIA, UNITED Interim decision on import Published: 01/1995 consent REPUBLIC OF Conditions for Import: For restricted and supervised soil use against grubs, termites, ants and crickets.
THAILAND Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 consent Remarks: Use only for termite control in the production of sugar cane, pine apple, para rubber and oil palm. 32 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordane (CAS: 57-74-9) TOGO Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Interim decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent Remarks: Termiticide use only.
TURKEY Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent UGANDA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent URUGUAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent VANUATU Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: These chemicals are currently not registered nor approved under the national legislative act (Pesticide Control Act No. 11 of 1993).
VIET NAM Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent ZIMBABWE Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent 33 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordane (CAS: 57-74-9) Case of failure to transmit a response Chlordane CAS: 57-74-9 Albania, Algeria, Antigua And Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Botswana, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Comoros, Cote D’ivoire, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Haiti, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands Tajikistan, Tonga, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia.
34 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordimeform (CAS: 6164-98-3) Listing of all importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 Chlordimeform CAS: 6164-98-3 ANGOLA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent AUSTRALIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: All uses cancelled in 1988. BAHRAIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent BANGLADESH Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Not registered.
BARBADOS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent BELIZE Interim decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: Additional time required. BOLIVIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent BRAZIL Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Need more time to reach final decision. Conditions for Import: Use for public and domestic health campaigns not permitted. No chlordimeform-based formulation for agricultural use has ever been registered.
BULGARIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Use forbidden since 1984. BURKINA FASO Interim decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Need more time. Not registered. BURUNDI Interim decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Remarks: Pending passing of pesticide law. Product used against cotton bollworm is cyfluthrin.
CANADA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent CHAD Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent CHILE Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent CHINA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent COLOMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Importation, production and use prohibited by Resolution 19408 of 1987 (Ministry of Health).
Registration cancelled by Resolution 47 of CONGO, Democratic Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent Republic of CONGO, Republic of Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent COOK ISLANDS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent COSTA RICA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent 35 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordimeform (CAS: 6164-98-3) CUBA Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Prohibited by resolution 268 of Ministry of Public Health.
Galecron earlier withdrawn. CYPRUS Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent DOMINICA Final decision on import Published: 01/1996 no consent DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent ECUADOR Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent EL SALVADOR Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent ETHIOPIA Interim decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: Never used in Ethiopia. Legislation pending.
Legislation pending. European Union Published: 07/1995 Remarks: National authorization schemes apply. AUSTRIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 Prohibit for plant protection use BELGIUM Final decision on import consent Conditions for Import: Written authorization required. DENMARK Response did not address importation FINLAND Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent Conditions for Import: Advance approval required.
FRANCE Final decision on import consent Remarks: Non-registered plant protection product. Conditions for Import: For plant protection use, written authorization is required. GERMANY Final decision on import Prohibit for plant protection use GREECE Final decision on import no consent IRELAND Final decision on import consent Conditions for Import: Prior authorization required.
ITALY Final decision on import no consent LUXEMBOURG Response did not address importation NETHERLANDS Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent PORTUGAL Final decision on import consent Conditions for Import: For plant protection use, written authorization SPAIN Final decision on import consent SWEDEN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Conditions for Import: Advance approval is required.
UNITED KINGDOM Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Conditions for Import: Written authorization is required. Members of the EEA Agreement ICELAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 consent Conditions for Import: Written authorization required.
LIECHTENSTEIN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NORWAY Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent FIJI Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent GABON Interim decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: additional time is needed for a final decision GAMBIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent GUATEMALA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent 36 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordimeform (CAS: 6164-98-3) GUINEA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Except for small quantities for research uses through import HONDURAS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent HUNGARY Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent INDIA interim decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: No application for registration.
INDONESIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent JAMAICA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered. JAPAN Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 consent Remarks: Decision is based on the "Agriculture Chemicals Regulation Law". Registration for agricultural use made invalid Conditions for Import: Registration with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries required for sale as an agricultural chemical.
JORDAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent KAZAKSTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1996 no consent KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Final decision on import Published: 01/1997 no consent Remarks: The use of chlordimeform was banned because of carcinogenicity in 1977. IRAQ Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. KUWAIT Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Decree No. 95/1995.
Decree No. 95/1995. LAO PEOPLE'S Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LEBANON Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent MADAGASCAR Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: The product has never been used, at least on a large scale, in the country. Need more time to reach final decision.
Need more time to reach final decision. MALAYSIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent Remarks: Except for small quantities for research/ educational uses through import permit. MALTA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent MAURITIUS Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent MEXICO Final decision on import Published: 01/1997 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
MONGOLIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: Not included in approved list of pesticides for 1994-2000. MOROCCO Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent Remarks: No request for registration. 37 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordimeform (CAS: 6164-98-3) MOZAMBIQUE Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Import, production and use banned.
NEPAL Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: No record of use.
NEW ZEALAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NICARAGUA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent NIGER Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent NIGERIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent OMAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent PAKISTAN Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent PANAMA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. Prohibited for use in agriculture.
Prohibited for use in agriculture. PARAGUAY Response did not address Published: 01/1998 importation Remarks: No registered use in the country.
PERU Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent PHILIPPINES Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent QATAR Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent RWANDA Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 consent SAINT LUCIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SAMOA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SLOVAKIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Never registered.
SLOVENIA Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. SRI LANKA Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent SUDAN Final decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent SURINAME Interim decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent Remarks: Not registered. There have been no imports of chlordimeform and no import licences will be granted in the future. SWITZERLAND Final decision on import Published: 01/1995 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent TANZANIA, UNITED Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent REPUBLIC OF Remarks: Product not registered. 38 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordimeform (CAS: 6164-98-3) THAILAND Final decision on import Published: 07/1993 no consent TOGO Interim decision on import Published: 07/1994 consent Remarks: Product not included in inventory of pesticides in Togo for past 10 years.
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Interim decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent Remarks: Need more time. TURKEY Final decision on import Published: 07/1994 no consent UGANDA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Final decision on import Published: 07/1995 no consent URUGUAY Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Conditions for Import: General conditions apply.
VANUATU Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: These chemicals are currently not registered nor approved under the national legislative act (Pesticide Control Act No. 11 of 1993). VIET NAM Interim decision on import Published: 01/1994 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
ZIMBABWE Final decision on import Published: 07/1998 no consent 39 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlordimeform (CAS: 6164-98-3) Case of failure to transmit a response Chlordimeform CAS: 6164-98-3 Albania, Algeria, Antigua And Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Botswana, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chile, Comoros, Cote D’ivoire, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Haiti, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Tonga, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia.
40 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlorobenzilate (CAS: 510-15-6) Listing of all importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 Chlorobenzilate CAS: 510-15-6 ANGOLA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent AUSTRALIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: This chemical has never been used in Australia.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent BURUNDI Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent CANADA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent CHAD Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Final decision pending passage of pesticide control decree.
CHILE Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent CHINA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent COLOMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Resolution 447/94 (Ministry of Agriculture) prohibits the use and sale of chlorinated insecticides for tobacco. Resolution 29/78 restricts organochlorine insecticide use to application on coffee trees. COSTA RICA Final decision on import Published: 06/1999 no consent Remarks: Not registered.
CUBA Final decision on import Published: 12/1999 no consent CYPRUS Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Pesticides Law 1(I(/93. Total banned as an agricultural pesticide. Pest Control Products Board decision on 23/5/1997. ESTONIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Compound has not been submitted for registration. NORWAY Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Never approved in Norway.
GABON Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Ministerial decrees have been introduced for the application of Law 7/77 to regulate the import, trade and use of various phytopharmaceutical products. Need more time to reach final decision. GAMBIA Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: It has never been registered. HONDURAS Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: Product never registered nor imported.
HUNGARY Final decision on import Published: 01/1998 no consent Remarks: No official statement / no regulation is expected in this year concerning the banned chemicals in the country. The active ingredient and its formulations not registered. No intention of acceptance of any application. 41 Importing country responses as of 30 November 1999 -Chlorobenzilate (CAS: 510-15-6) INDIA Interim decision on import Published: 01/1998 consent Remarks: Chlorbenzilate is banned for use in agriculture.