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Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: La présente invention concerne un appareil d'affichage qui confère une fonctionnalité de visualisation multiface à un système d'ordinateur portatif.
English: The present invention provides a display apparatus for providing multi-sided viewing functionality to a portable computer system. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The technique is based on the recognition that there are traits of electromagnetic signals that are dependent on topography, the receiver, the location of the transmitter, and other factors.
French: Cette technique se base sur la reconnaissance qu'il existe des caractéristiques de signaux électromagnétiques qui dépendent de la topographie, du récepteur, de l'emplacement de l'émetteur ainsi que d'autres facteurs. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Изобретение относитс к электротехнике и может быть использовано дл управлени электроприводом буровой лебедки.
English: The invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used to control an electric winch drive. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le troisième étage fusionne les données respectives et les cycles d'horloge respectifs de chacun de la pluralité de seconds étages afin de fournir un signal de données fusionné et un signal d'horloge de retour.
English: The third stage merges the respective data and the respective clock cycles from each of the plurality of second stages to provide a merged data signal and a return clock signal. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本发明实施例公开了一种数据传输方法及装置,属于互联网技术领域。
English: Disclosed are a data transmission method and apparatus. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本发明涉及种对由热塑性材料构成的预制坯件(1)进行调温的方法,所述预制坯件围绕其纵向轴线旋转对称并且具有标准螺纹,其中,预制坯件(1)设置用于吹塑成型为在横向于容器纵向轴线(58)的剖面中具有非圆形的横截面的容器(2)并且被加热用于温度预处理,其中,预制坯件(1)在加热过程中沿着周向设有温度曲线,所述温度曲线通过如下方式产生,在预制坯件(1)的径向的周向方向上对区域进行不同的加热,其中,在对所提及的区域进行不同的加热之前,将预制坯件(1)的螺纹(62)定向到预定的额定向置上,其特征在于,为了将所述预制坯件定向而使所述预制坯件(1)转动,并且使定向元件(140,150)与所述标准螺纹(62)配合,并且旦定向元件(140,150)贴靠到所述标准螺纹(62)中预定的贴靠面(143,171,172),就阻止预制坯件(1)继续转动。
English: The invention relates to a method for controlling the temperature of preforms (1) which are rotationally symmetric about their longitudinal axis and have a standard thread, and which are made of a thermoplastic material, wherein the preforms (1) are provided for blow-molding shaping into containers (2) having a non-circular cross-section with a cut that is transverse relative to the longitudinal axis of the container (58), and are heated for temperature conditioning, wherein the preform (1) is provided with a temperature profile along a circumference during the heating process, which temperature profile is generated such that areas are differentially heated in the radial direction of the circumference of the preform (1), wherein the thread (62) of the preform (1) is aligned in a predefinedtarget position before said areas are differentially heated, characterized in that the preform (1) is set in rotation for the alignment thereof, and an alignment element (140, 150) engages in the standard thread (62) and prevents the preform (1) from rotating further as soon as the aligning element (140, 150) comes in contact with a predetermined contact surface (143, 171, 172) in the standard thread (62). |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The excess surfactant is initially required to form the dispersion, but it is not needed to maintain the stability of the dispersion.
French: Le tensioactif en excès sert initialement à former la dispersion, mais n'est pas nécessaire au maintien de la stabilité de celle-ci. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Korean.
English: The present invention relates to an enclosed net cultivation system, and more specifically, to an enclosed net cultivation system which includes a solid cultivation enclosure in water to promote the stable cultivation of the fry without obstacles of growth due to waves, water temperature, and red tide; and lift the solid cultivation enclosure to the water surface when the cultivation of the fry in water is completed, so that a user can easily capture the fully grown cultivated fish inside the solid cultivation enclosure.
Korean: 본 발명은 가두리 양식시스템에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 고형의 가두리 함체를 수중에 입수시켜 파도나 수온, 및 적조 등에 의한 생육의 장애 요인 없이 치어의 안정된 양식을 도모하고, 수중에서 치어들의 양식이 완료되면 가두리 함체를 수면으로 부상시켜서 수상 작업을 통해 가두리 함체 내에서 양식된 성어를 간편하게 포집하도록 하는 해저 가두리 양식 시스템에 관한 것이다. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本发明公开了一种基于定子电阻观测器的电动机动/稳态阶段参数辨识方法,对于电动机动态阶段的参数识别,在仍然采用现有的MRAS方法基础上,引入定子电阻T-S模糊观测器获取定子电阻的实测值,根据定子电阻实测值对转速参考模型和电阻参考模型进行动态修正;对于稳态阶段的参数识别,转子转速的识别方法采用与动态阶段相同的“MRAS方法+定子电阻T-S模糊观测器”,转子电阻的识别方法采用简单的换算获取;本发明的有益技术效果是:解决了参考模型不精确的问题,使电动机的低速运行性能得到改善;避免了采用注入电流法,省去了注入电流设备,降低了系统的复杂度,以及引入转矩脉动等一系列问题。
English: The electromotor dynamic/stable stage parameter identification method based on the stator resistance observer has the beneficial technical effects that the problem of inaccurate reference models is solved, the low-speed operating performance of the electromotor can be improved, the adoption of a current injection method is avoided, the current injection equipment is saved, the complexity of a system is lowered, the introduction of torque ripple is avoided, and the like. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A process for the microbial synthesis of migalastat, specifically a process for the production of migalastat comprising culturing a microorganism under conditions such that at least one imino sugar is produced and detecting and/or isolating an imino sugar produced by said microorganism, and the microorganisms used in this process.
French: Cette invention concerne un procédé de synthèse microbienne de migalastat, plus spécifiquement un procédé de production de migalastat comprenant la culture d'un micro-organisme dans des conditions telles qu'au moins un sucre imino est produit et la détection et/ou l'isolement d'un sucre imino produit par ledit micro-organisme, et les micro-organismes utilisés dans ce procédé. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Selon un mode de réalisation de l'invention revendiquée, un système de batterie à flux redox métal/air (100) comprend une électrode négative (108), un séparateur (110) adjacent à l'électrode négative (108), une électrode positive (112) séparée de l'électrode négative (108) par le séparateur (110), l'électrode positive (112) comprenant une entrée d'électrode et une sortie d'électrode, un électrolyte (160) comprenant environ 5 LiOH molaires, situé dans l'électrode positive (112), et une première pompe (126) ayant une première entrée de pompe en communication fluidique avec la sortie d'électrode et une première sortie de pompe en communication fluidique avec l'entrée d'électrode et commandée de telle sorte que la première pompe reçoit l'électrolyte à partir de la sortie d'électrode et décharge l'électrolyte vers l'entrée d'électrode durant à la fois une charge et une décharge du système de batterie.
English: In one embodiment of the claimed invention, a metal/air redox flow battery system (100) includes a negative electrode (108), a separator (110) adjacent to the negative electrode (108), a positive electrode (112) separated from the negative electrode (108) by the separator (110), the positive electrode (112) including an electrode inlet and an electrode outlet, an electrolyte (160) including about 5 molar LiOH located within the positive electrode (112), and a first pump (126) having a first pump inlet in fluid communication with the electrode outlet and a first pump outlet in fluid communication with the electrode inlet and controlled such that the first pump receives the electrolyte from the electrode outlet and discharges the electrolyte to the electrode inlet during both charge and discharge of the battery system. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: A DEVICE FOR REPAIRING A CIRCULAR COLSHNA, including a hollow core, at the lower end of which a head is fixed with a Dorniruch head with an expanding cone, a profile pipe with an upper stop, and installed measles above it, the cavity between which is connected to the cavity of the core, characterized in that, in order to simplify the Construction and increase its efficiency by eliminating the cause of the casing string.
Russian: УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕМОНТА ОБСАДНОЙ КОЛСЖНЫ, включающее полый сердечник, на нижней конце которого закреплена дорнирукхца головка с расшир ющим конусом, профильную трубу с верхним упором и устаноЕЕленный над ним корь, состо щий из верхнего и нижнего кожухов, полость между которыми сообщена с полост1 ю сердечника, отличающеес тем, что, с целью упрощени Конструкции и повышени эффективности его работы за счет исключени по еждени обсадной колонны корем последний . |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The pair of memristors comprises a first and a second memristor, each memristor of the pair in turn comprises a top electrode (TE), a bottom electrode (BE) and an intermediate layer (SL) adapted to switch resistance in response to predetermined voltage values applied between the top electrode and the bottom electrode.
French: La paire de memristances comprend une première et une seconde memristance, chaque memristance de la paire comprend à son tour une électrode supérieure (TE), une électrode inférieure (BE) et une couche intermédiaire (SL) conçue pour commuter la résistance à la suite de valeurs de tension prédéterminées appliquées entre l'électrode supérieure et l'électrode inférieure. |
Here is the parallel text in French and Spanish.
French: Il s'agit d'une machine électronique, qui se combine à l'électromécanique et à l'électrochimie, pour produire de l'électricité de manière émancipée. Dans ces combinaisons des forces se transmettent et le déplacement est sujet à la loi de levier. Il s'agit d'un engin qui transmet de l'énergie électromécanique combinée majoritairement à des transistors et des transformateurs réducteurs. A leur tour, ils s'unissent de manière à obtenir des bénéfices nets d'ampérages et de tensions électriques; produisant intérieurement une tension flottante intense, parallèle à la tension électrique effective de l'électrochimie. Cette tension flottante sur l'électrochimie se prévaut de l'électronique de puissance. Avec cet objectif interne, il produit de l'énergie électrique alternative hyper-efficiente. La machine utilise le système de transmission mécanique (à poulies et pignons), pour amplifier significativement le couple de l'axe d'une magnéto de courant de basse révolution. Pour conclure, il s'agit d'un régime électronique, électromécanique et électrochimique conjugué, qui produit du courant alternatif en basse tension et adaptable à n'importe quelle fréquence, soutenu par son propre engin.
Spanish: Es una máquina electrónica, que se combina con la electromecánica y la electroquímica, para generar electricidad de manera emancipada. En dichas combinaciones se transmiten fuerzas y desplazamiento sujetos a la ley de palanca. Es un artilugio que trasmite energía electromecánica combinada mayoritariamente con transistores y con transformadores reductores. A su vez, se enlazan de manera de lograr ganancias netas de amperajes y voltajes; internamente producen una intensa tensión flotante, paralela al voltaje efectivo de la electroquímica. Esa tensión flotante sobre la electroquímica es aprovechada por la electrónica de potencia. Que con ese objetivo interno, produce energía eléctrica alterna híper-eficiente. La máquina utiliza el sistema de trasmisión mecánica (con poleas y piñones), para amplificar significativamente el torque del eje de un magneto de corriente de baja revolución. En síntesis, es un régimen electrónico, electromecánico y electroquímico conjugado, que produce corriente alterna en baja tensión y adaptable a cualquier frecuencia, sostenido por su propio artilugio. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 본 개시에 따른 아날로그/디지털 컨버터는, 아날로그 입력신호를 수신하고, 샘플 모드(sample mode) 및 홀드 모드(hold mode) 동작을 통해 샘플신호를 생성하는 S/H 회로(Sample/Hold Circuit) 및 상기 S/H 회로로부터 생성된 상기 샘플 신호를 디지털 신호로 변환하는 신호 변환기를 포함하고, 상기 S/H 회로는, 상기 샘플 모드 및 상기 홀드 모드에 따른 제어신호를 제어 단자를 통해 수신하고, 아날로그 입력신호를 제 1 단자를 통해 수신하는 트랜지스터 및 상기 트랜지스터의 제어 단자 및 상기 트랜지스터의 제 1 단자와 전기적으로 연결되고, 상기 샘플 모드시에, 상기 아날로그 입력신호에 의해서 조절되는 전원으로부터의 전류 패스(Current Path)를 형성하고, 상기 전류 패스에 기초하여 상기 트랜지스터의 제어 단자 전압을 부스트하는 부트스트랩 스위치(bootstrap switch)를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.
English: The S/H circuit comprises: a transistor for receiving a control signal in accordance with the sample mode and the hold mode through a control terminal, and receiving an analog input signal through a first terminal; and a bootstrap switch electrically connected to the control terminal of the transistor and the first terminal of the transistor, generating a current path from electrical power adjusted by the analog input signal in the sample mode, and boosting a control terminal voltage of the transistor on the basis of the current path. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 본 발명은 집전체와, 상기 집전체 상에 전기적 접촉을 유지하는 상태에서 형성된 전자 전도성의 다공체층을 가지고, 또한 다공체층에는 전자 전도성을 갖는 탄소 재료로 이루어지는 다공체 입자와 다공체 입자를 결착 가능한 바인더가 적어도 포함되어 있는 전기 화학 커패시터용 전극의 제조 방법으로, 플라즈마 가스 분위기 중에 있어서, 원료에 대하여 고주파 열 플라즈마 처리를 실시함으로써 다공체 입자를 얻는 플라즈마 처리 공정을 갖고 있고, 플라즈마 처리 공정 후에 있어서의 모든 제조 공정을 불활성 가스 분위기 속에서 행한다.
English: The present invention relates to a honeycomb structure having a current collector and an electron conductive porous body layer formed in a state of maintaining electrical contact on the current collector body, wherein the porous body layer includes a porous body particle made of a carbon material having electron conductivity and a binder capable of binding porous body particles A method for producing an electrode for electrochemical capacitors at least comprising a plasma processing step of obtaining a porous body particle by subjecting a raw material to a high frequency thermal plasma treatment in a plasma gas atmosphere, Is performed in an inert gas atmosphere. |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: All metallic parts are made of galvanised sheet iron.
German: Sämtliche metallische Teile bestehen aus verzinktem Blech. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The connecting device comprises a highly tensile material such as spring steel and has a spring-elastic disc.
French: Ces brides sont reliées élastiquement dans la direction axiale par un dispositif de liaison (7). |
Here is the parallel text in English and Czech.
English: A completely biodegradable and / or compostable composite material that is soft to the touch, comprising one or more layers of a biodegradable and / or compostable plastic film and one or more layers of a biodegradable and / or compostable nonwoven fabric, wherein the composite material has an incremental the elongated portions of substantially the entire length and width and all of its depth to form a soft feel of the composite material. The method of producing a biodegradable and / or compostable composite material that is soft to the touch, where a biodegradable and / or compostable composition is formed to form a plastic film, and then the mixture is extruded to form a film, the film laminating to a completely biodegradable and or a compostable nonwoven fabric to form a fully biodegradable and / or compostable laminate, and then the portions of the laminate extend incrementally over its length and width and across its depth.
Czech: Biologicky zcela degradovatelný a/nebo kompostovatelný kompozitní materiál, který je na omak jemný,obsahující jednu nebo více vrstev biologicky zcela degradovatelného a/nebo kompostovatelného plastického filmu a jednu nebo více vrstev biologicky zcela degradovatelné a/nebo kompostovatelné netkané textilie, pricemz kompozitní materiál má prírustkove protazené cásti v podstate po celé délce a sírce a na celou svou hloubku pro vytvorení jemného omaku kompozitního materiálu. Zpusob výroby biologicky zcela degradovatelného a/nebo kompostovatelnéhokompozitního materiálu, který je na omak jemný, kde se vytvorí biologicky zcela degradovatelná a/nebo kompostovatelná smes pro vytvorení plastického filmu a pak se tato smes vytlací pro vytvorení filmu, film se prilaminuje k biologicky zcela degradovatelné a/nebo kompostovatelné netkané textilii k vytvorení biologicky zcela degradovatelného a/nebokompostovatelného laminátu, a potom se cásti tohoto laminátu prírustkove protahují po jeho délce a sírce a po jeho celé hloubce. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: А-модуль синергетической очистки воды AQUA-U-SYNERGY.163-A, который состоит из последовательно установленных трубопровода подачи воды на очистку, сорбционного реактора-смесителя с устройством ввода биореагента-сорбента и системой перемешивания-аэрации, прояснителя воды, комплекса сооружений гелио- биоплато с высшими водными растениями-макрофитами, фильтрационного блока, отдельного блока обеззараживания воды, резервуара чистой воды, трубопровода отвода очищенной воды, сорбционный реактор-смеситель и прояснитель воды гидравлически связаны с рециркуляционно-регенерационной системой биореагента-сорбента, которая состоит из циркуляционного агрегата и смесителя биореагента-сорбента с высокодисперсной суспензией AQUA-10, которая содержит препарат бактериальный типа ТМ "МИКРОЗИМ" и/или ТМ "БАЙКАЛ, и/или ТМ "ТАМИР", и/или регенерированный активный ил и природный минерал клиноптилолит, и/или молотый брусит типа ТМ "АКВАМАГ", при этом комплекс сооружений гелио- биоплато выполнен в виде автономного фитоблок-бокса, частично или полностью заполненного минеральной сыпучей загрузкой, в которой высажены высшие водные растения-макрофиты и/или плавающие высшие водные растения-макрофиты типа эйхорния (Eichhornia crassipes), кроме того, фильтрационный блок включает обособленную секцию предварительной почвенно-фильтрационной очистки воды, расположенную внутри фильтрационной насыпи, заполненную сыпучей фильтрационной загрузкой и в которой устроены отдельные водонагнетающщие и водозаборные дренажные скважины и/или каптажи, которые диаметрально отделены между собой, при этом фильтрационный блок оборудован системой ввода обеззараживающего агента и включает узел генерации-смешивания озона и/или устройство для електроионизации серебра.
English: A-module of synergetic water treatment Aqua-U-Synergy.163-A, which consist of installed in series a water supply pipeline for cleaning, sorption reactor-mixer with input bioreagent-sorbent device and aeration-stirring system, water purifier, complex of helio- bioplato structures with higher water plants macrophytes, filtration unit, separate water disinfection unit, reservoir with clean water, purified water outlet pipeline, sorption reactor-mixer and water purifier hydraulically connected to the recirculating-regenerative bioreagents-sorbent system, which consists of a circulating unit and mixer of bioreagent-sorbent with AQUA-10 fine suspension, which contains a bacterial drug type TM "Microzim" and/or TM "Baikal, and/or TM" Tamyr ", and/or regenerated active or natural mineral clinoptilolite, and/or milled brucite type TM "Akvamah", at the same time complex of helio- bioplato structures is designed as a autonomous phytoblock-box, either partially or completely filled with loose mineral loading, which planted by higher aquatic plants macrophytes and/or floating higher aquatic plants macrophytes such as eichhornia (Eichhornia crassipes), moreover, the filter unit includes an isolated section of the preliminary soil-filter water purification, disposed within a filtration mound, filled with granular filter loading and and where is the individual injection and intake water drainage wells and/or catchments, are diametrically separated each other, herewith the filtration unit is equipped with disinfecting agent input system and includes ozone mix-generating unit and/or a device for silver electroionization. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: Particularly preferred compounds of Formula (I) are 2-tridecanone and 2-undecanone.
French: Les composés particulièrement préférés de formule (I) sont 2-tridécanone et 2-undécanone. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: In this manner, an inexpensive chemical composition is provided in particular as an iteratively functioning long-term adsorbent for pollutants in liquid, gaseous, and solid milieu.
French: Cela permet d'obtenir, en particulier, une composition chimique peu coûteuse en tant qu'absorbant long terme à action itérative pour des substances toxiques dans un milieu liquide, gazeux et solide. |
Here is the parallel text in German and French.
German: Schienenbefestigungssystem (1) zur kraftschlüssig-elastischen Befestigung einer Schiene (2) auf einer Schwelle (3) einer Gleisanlage, umfassend mindestens eine an der Schwelle (3) mit mindestens einem einen Schaft (12) aufweisenden Befestigungselement (4) festlegbare Winkelführungsplatte (5) und mindestens eine Spannklemme (6), wobei die Winkelführungsplatte (5) ausgebildet ist, um die Spannklemme (6) in einer Vormontageposition (I) und in einer Endmontageposition (II) zu halten, wobei auf oder in der Winkelführungsplatte (5) und/oder in einem mit der Winkelführungsplatte (5) zu verbindenden Bauteil (13) ein Dichtungselement (17) angeordnet ist, das sowohl in der Vormontageposition (I) als auch in der Endmontageposition (II) mit mindestens einer ersten Dichtfläche (8) dichtend am Schaft (12) des Befestigungselements (4) und mit mindestens einer zweiten Dichtfläche (9) an der Winkelführungsplatte (5) und/oder an dem mit der Winkelführungsplatte (5) zu verbindenden Bauteil (13) anliegt.
French: L'invention concerne un système de fixation de rail (1) pour la fixation élastique à force d'un rail (2) sur une traverse (3) d'une voie ferrée, comprenant au moins une plaque de guidage angulaire (5) pouvant être fixée sur la traverse (3) par au moins un élément de fixation (4) présentant une tige (12) et au moins une attache de serrage (6), la plaque de guidage angulaire (5) étant conçue pour maintenir l'attache de serrage (6) dans une position de prémontage (I) et dans une position de montage finale (II), un élément d'étanchéité (17) étant disposé dans la plaque de guidage angulaire (5) et/ou dans un élément (13) à relier à la plaque de guidage angulaire (5) et reposant tant dans la position de prémontage (I) que dans la position de montage finale (II) avec au moins une première surface d'étanchéité (8) de manière étanche contre la tige (12) de l'élément de fixation (4) et avec au moins une deuxième surface d'étanchéité (9) contre la plaque de guidage angulaire (5) et/ou contre l'élément (13) à relier à la plaque de guidage angulaire (5). |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 用于工业机器人的加工头(10),其包括:含有工具(10)的主轴(11),所述主轴(11)可滑动地安装在头部支撑件(14)上;与所述主轴(11)相连的蜗杆(26),且其被设置成使得主轴(11)在进给方向(X‑X)上移动。
English: A working head (10) for industrial robots comprises: a spindle (11) including a tool (20), said spindle (11) being slidably mounted on a head support (14), and a worm screw (26) connected to the spindle (11) and arranged to make it move in a feed direction (X-X). |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The stoma adapter has collapsing, expanding, flexible and reinforced designs.
French: L'adaptateur de stomie présente une conception pliante, expansible, flexible et renforcée. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 所述管道安装通道的开口处加工为圆弧倒角,所述管道安装通道内分为第一阶通道和第二阶通道。
English: The center of the flange body is provided with a pipe mounting passage. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Cette invention concerne un article manufacturé.
English: An article-of-manufacture is provided. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Des jetons de longueur fixe ou variable sont inclus dans un flux de données comprimées pour indiquer les changements de méthode de codage utilisés pour générer le flux de données comprimées.
English: Fixed or variable length tokens are included in a compressed data stream to indicate changes in encoding methods used to generate the compressed data stream. |
Here is the parallel text in French and German.
French: Au moins un canal d"alimentation en poudre (28, 29, 22, 23, 24, 25, 1, 12, 9, 10) s"étend dans le boîtier (1) et débouche au niveau de l"avant de ce dernier.
German: Durch das Gehäuse (1) ist mindestens ein Pulverzuführkanal (28, 29, 22, 23, 24, 25, 1, 12, 9, 10) geführt, der an der Vorderseite des Gehäuses (1) ausmündet. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: このモニタ106上でプリントし たい画像の選択が行われ、コインマシン122に課金要 求された現金が投入されると、プリントエンジン120 によって選択された画像がプリント出力される。
English: When the image to be printed is selected on the monitor 106, and charged cash is inputted to a coin machine 122, the selected image is outputted by a print engine 120. |
Here is the parallel text in Slovenian and English.
Slovenian: Opisuje sa spôsob, pri ktorom sa minerálne vlákna doplnené spojivom rozrežú a podrobia sa peletizačnému procesu na vytvorenie guľových alebo valcovitých peliet, pričom sa pri procese peletizácie privádzajú časovo po sebe minerálne vlákna s rozdielnym obsahom množstva spojiva v rozmedzí 1 až 10 % hmotn., vztiahnuté na celkovú hmotu, minerálne vlákna sa peletizujú na rozmery 3 až 15 mm a pelety sa privedú na vytvrdenie spojiva a ďalšie spracovanie. Tvarované telesá z minerálnej vlny a iné produkty z minerálnej vlny slúžia všeobecne na tepelnú a zvukovú izoláciu budov, priemyselných zariadení, diaľkových potrubí na zásobovanie teplom.ŕ
English: Mineral wool shaped bodies and other mineral wool products are generally used for the heat and sound insulation of buildings, industrial plants, remote heat carriers, etc.. In a method by means of which novel uses and applications for mineral wool can be developed, mineral fibres which are mixed with binders in amounts of approximately 1 to 10 wt.% relative to the total weight are reduced to lengths of a few millimetres; these mineral fibres mixed with binders are subjected to a pelletising process to form spherical or cylindrical pellets approximately 3 to 15 mm in size; and the pellets are subjected to further processing and hardening of the binder. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: L'invention concerne un dispositif de fabrication de glace pour un réfrigérateur, installé dans un espace de stockage du réfrigérateur pour fabriquer de la glace à l'aide d'air froid circulant dans l'espace de stockage.
English: The present invention provides an ice making device for a refrigerator, which is installed in a storage space of the refrigerator to make ice by cold air circulating through the storage space. |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: In order to improve the passage of magnetic flux and to reduce hysteresis losses, the invention proposes mounting the armature piston (7) in a bearing tube or a bearing sleeve (9) such that it can be displaced axially, wherein the bearing tube or the bearing sleeve (9) ends at one end within the pole core (3) or within the mating armature piece (5) of the pole core (3) and, at the other end, reaches as far as over the yoke, in particular up to the transverse wall there of the housing (2), and, in the case of the design as a bearing sleeve, has the sleeve base at this end.
German: Zur Verbesserung des magnetischen Flussdurchganges und zur Reduzierung von Hystereseverlusten wird vorgeschlagen, dass der Ankerkolben (7) in einem Lagerrohr oder einer Lagerhülse (9) axial verschiebbar gelagert ist, wobei das Lagerrohr oder die Lagerhülse (9) einenends innerhalb des Polkerns (3) oder innerhalb des Ankergegenstückes (5) des Polkernes (3) endet und anderenends bis über das Joch, insbesondere bis an die dortige Querwand des Gehäuses (2) reicht, sowie an diesem Ende im Falle der Ausbildung als Lagerhülse den Hülsenboden aufweist. |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: It creates an interim processing specification (19) from data (8, 10, 12) or from data (8, 10, 12) and at least one combination definition (14, 16).
German: Sie erstellt eine Zwischenverarbeitungsvorschrift (19) aus Daten (8, 10, 12) oder aus Daten (8, 10, 12) und wenigstens einer Verknüpfungsdefinition (14, 16). |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Ledit système d'arme comprend une carcasse et un groupe de commande.
English: The weapon system includes a receiver and an operating group. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 재활용 페트칩을 이용한 경량 블록 제조 방법은, 재활용 페트칩을 준비하는 단계와; 재활용 페트칩에 탄소섬유 및 유리섬유를 혼합하는 단계와; 탄소섬유 및 유리섬유가 혼합된 재활용 페트칩에 소성가공을 수행하는 단계와; 소성가공된 경량 재료를 건조하는 단계와; 건조된 경량 재료를 이용하여 경량 블록을 제조하는 단계를 포함한다.
English: A method of manufacturing a lightweight block using a recycled PET chip includes the steps of preparing a recycled PET chip; Mixing carbon fiber and glass fiber into a recycled PET chip; Performing plastic working on a recycled PET chip in which carbon fibers and glass fibers are mixed; Drying the calcined lightweight material; And manufacturing a lightweight block using the dried lightweight material. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The cornea is printed such that white is used as a basis with red capillaries distributed throughout.
French: La cornée est imprimée en blanc comme base avec des capillaires rouges répartis sur son ensemble. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 帯域外除去フィルタ部は、ミキサ部でダウンコンバートされたIF周波数信号から受信所望チャンネルの上側1チャンネル以上の隣接チャンネル信号と、下側1チャンネル以上の隣接チャンネル信号とを除去し、受信所望の1チャンネル信号を抜き取る。
English: A mixer unit uses the local frequency signal to down-convert an RF frequency signal, which has been extracted by a first filter unit, to an IF frequency signal. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish.
English: 1, 2 and 3) through which the axis (C, Fig.
Spanish: 1, 2 y 3) por donde sale el eje (C, fig. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【目的】 非制動時にはサーボバルブの入力ポートをリ ザーバに開放してサーボバルブの油圧ロックを防止する こと、並びに油圧供給源等の故障時にはマスタシリンダ の出力油圧により車輪ブレーキを直接作動させるマニュ アル作動を可能にすることを、1個の電磁切換弁により 達成する。
English: PURPOSE: To provide a braking device at low cost, which can prevent the hydraulic lock of a servo valve and which can secure the fail safe, by interposing a solenoid switching valve between a master cylinder, an oil pressure supplying source and a reservoir, each wheel brake, and a servo valve. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: According to the invention a rotary device (48) is provided, by means of which the pipeline internal centering device (10) is rotatable about the longitudinal axis (L) thereof.
French: Selon l'invention, il est prévu un dispositif de rotation (48) au moyen duquel le dispositif de centrage intérieur de conduite tubulaire (10) peut être entraîné en rotation autour de son axe longitudinal (L). |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The invention provides a wearable walking aid device for lower extremity exoskeleton.
Chinese: 本发明提供了一种穿戴式下肢外骨骼助行装置,其具有行走模式和坐具模式。 |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 광학 렌즈는 λ > 700 nm, NA1 > 0.65 및 t1 < t2 의 식을 만족하며, 여기서 λ는 파장, NA1은 개구수, t1 및 t2는 제1 정보 기록 매체 및 제2 정보 기록 매체의 투명 기판의 두께이다.
English: On the other hand, when a DVD is used, there is a danger that in the case of the light of a wavelength λ exceeding 700 nm, a light quantity necessary for information recording or reproducing becomes short. |
Here is the parallel text in Spanish and English.
Spanish: Para ello está equipado de unos rodillos que llevan las ruedas dentadas en sus extremos, y en su superficie va una muesca y una cuña que realizan la función de sellado y corte.
English: For this purpose, the invention comprises rollers with toothed wheels at the ends thereof, the surface being provided with a notch and a wedge for sealing and cutting. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le dispersant est choisi dans le groupe comprenant des copolymères et des phosphates cycliques.
English: The dispersant is selected from the group comprising copolymers and cyclic phosphates. |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: Following separation of mother lye in a centrifuge 7 the resulting crystallisate is usually dried in a dryer 8, then the unwanted fines are separated on a sieving plant 9.
German: Nach Abtrennung von Mutterlauge in einer Zentrifuge 7 wird das gewonnene Kristallisat üblicherweise in einem Trockner 8 getrocknet, anschließend wird das unerwünschte Unterkorn auf einer Siebanlage 9 abgetrennt. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: An operating stem (76) extending from the closure element is gripped solely by an O-ring (88) positioned at a distance from the closure element, whereby the stem is free to pivot in planes perpendicular to the O-ring.
French: Une tige (76) s'étendant depuis l'élément de fermeture est saisie uniquement par un joint torique (88) placé à distance de l'élément de fermeture, ce qui rend la tige libre de pivoter dans des plans perpendiculaires au joint torique. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【解決手段】一端に第1〜第3かしめ部21〜23を備えた第1〜第3板部材11〜13を用意する工程と、第1板部材11の第1かしめ部21を略L字に曲げる工程と、この略L字に曲げた第1かしめ部21の根本を根本部31、先端を先端部32と呼ぶときに、これらの根本部31と先端部32とで形成する凹部コーナ33に第2かしめ部22を位置決めする工程と、この第2かしめ部22に先端部32を巻締めする工程と、巻締めした先端部32を内側にして根本部31及び第2かしめ部22の略中央から略垂直に曲げることで、先端部32、根本部31及び第2かしめ部22で構成する垂直部35を形成する工程と、この垂直部53の垂直凹部コーナ36に第3かしめ部23を位置決めする工程と、第3かしめ部23に垂直部35を巻締めする工程と、から構成した。
English: The plate member fastening method by seaming further includes: a process for forming a vertical part 35 composed of the front end part 32, the root part 31, and the 2nd caulked part 22, by bending the root part 31 and the 2nd caulked part 22 nearly vertically about at the center of the parts with the seamed front end part 32 inside; a process for positioning the 3rd caulked part 23 at the vertical recess corner 36 of the vertical part 35; and a process for seaming the vertical part 35 to the 3rd caulked part 23. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: L'interface est destinée à détecter une connexion à une imprimante 3D et une connexion à un composant d'alimentation en poudre/post-traitement.
English: The interface is to detect a connection to a 3D printer and a connection to a powder supply/post-processing component. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: That is, radii R1, R2 of the concentric circles at which the centers of the lenses 112 are arranged are larger than the radii r1, r2 of the concentric circles at which the LEDs 111 are arranged.
Japanese: 各発光部110は、発光ダイオード(LED)111と、レンズ112とによって構成されており、各発光部110において、LED111及びレンズ112は、LED111の中心に対して、レンズ112の中心が同心円の半径方向外側にずれるように配置される。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The driving board comprises multimedia hardware with the video display and audio output functions and has a built-in Linux operation system.
Chinese: 当客户的兑奖操作时,主机可将中奖结果发送给客显装置,客显装置将显示中奖结果,并以声音提示的方式告知购彩者。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Un dispositif hydraulique permettant de tendre automatiquement les chenilles de dispositifs de roulement chenillés équipés de deux, quatre ou huit bras oscillants comprend principalement deux vérins de tension (1.1 et 2.2) et plusieurs soupapes (3).
English: A hydraulic track tensioner for automatically tensioning tracks with two, four or eight-wheel cranks essentially consists of two tensioning cylinders (1.1 and 1.2) and several valves (3). |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: L'invention est caractérisée en ce que le plateau collecteur (4) peut coulisser par rapport au cylindre de transport (2) le long du plan (7) des éléments d'enlèvement (5), dans le sens de transport des pièces plates (3, 3').
English: The inventive stacking table (4) can be displaced relative to the conveying cylinder (2) along the plane (7) of the stripping means (5), in the direction of travel of the flat workpieces (3, 3'). |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: En outre, l'invention concerne des procédés de préparation des produits alimentaires de l'invention.
English: Further, methods are provided for preparing the food products of the invention. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【解決手段】複数の電池12の各電極端子12aと、各電極端子12aから離間して配置される板状のバスバー本体部24aとをヒューズ50を介して連結する電池用の正極バスバー24であって、ヒューズ50は、1巻きから2巻きの螺旋形状であるとともに、バスバー本体部24aと電池12との相対移動を許容する弾性を有する。
English: The fuse 50 has a spiral shape with the number of turns of 1-2, and has elasticity allowing a relative movement between the bus bar body 24a and the batteries 12.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 4 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: If the worm wheel 6 needs to be quickly relocated, then the cuff 8 will be switched to the first wheel 9. silt i CO SD about 4 CO about
Russian: Если требуетс быстрое пере.мещение черв чного колеса 6, то ку.чачковую .муфту 8 переключают на з бча- тое колесо 9. ил. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【目的】 缶水電気伝導度又はPH値の変動幅を小さく して所定値または所定の範囲に維持することができるボ イラーの自動ブロー制御装置を提供すること。
English: The electric conductivity or pH value of boiler water is measured based on the output of the sensor 2 at a certain cycle. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: The amorphous fibers 3 to be used may include a Co-based amorphous magnetic wire with a thickness of 1 to 10 μm and length of approximately 20 to 30 mm.
Japanese: 【解決手段】 使い棄てコップ状容器であって、該容器 1の適所に電磁ビームに対し固有の磁気共鳴による特定 周波数の振動波を発生する磁気情報媒体3を有すること を特徴とする。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: L'invention concerne de nouvelles compositions pharmaceutiques orales de rétinoïde en tant que principe actif.
English: The invention relates to novel oral pharmaceutical compositions of retinoid as an active ingredient. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【課題】容器ホルダーと物入れ部とが併設されているコンソールにおいて、コンソールの大型化を避けつつ、物入れ部を本来の物入れ用またはドリンクホルダー用へと変更してコンソールの使用における多様化を図る。
English: The respective slide plates have opening parts 40b, 50b having the same shape as an opening part 10b of the container holder. |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Zur Erreichung des gezielten Einleitens einer Härtungsreaktion zu einem beliebigen Zeitpung wird ein Reaktionklebstoff mit mindesten einer mikroverkapselten Komponente, enthaltend mindestens ein Harz, mindestens einen Härten, mindestens ein Additiv sowie Nanopartikeln mit kristallinen Strukturen mit ferromagnetischen, ferrimagnetischen, superparamagnetischen oder piezoelektrischen Eigenshaften, offenbart.
English: In order to specifically initiate a hardening reaction at any particular time, a chemically reactive adhesive, comprising at least one micro encapsulated component, containing at least one resin, at least one hardener, at least one additive in addition to nano particles with crystalline structures having ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, super paramagnetic or piezoelectric properties, is disclosed. |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Die Materialschicht bildet einen wirksamen und bestaendigen Schutz der Verbindungselemente des Kuehlers vor Zerstoerungen.
English: The layer of material provides effective and consistent protection of the connectors of the refrigerator from damage. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: At least one cable having a plurality of conductorless dielectric cores is coupled to the feed point of the dielectric antenna, wherein electromagnetic waves that are guided by differing ones of the plurality of conductorless dielectric cores to the dielectric antenna result in differing ones of a plurality of antenna beam patterns.
French: Au moins un câble ayant une pluralité d'âmes diélectriques sans conducteur est couplé au point d'alimentation de l'antenne diélectrique, des ondes électromagnétiques qui sont guidées par différentes âmes diélectriques conductrices de la pluralité d'âmes diélectriques sans conducteur vers l'antenne diélectrique aboutissant dans différents motifs d'une pluralité de motifs de faisceau d'antenne. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Снарядоформирующий заряд (СФЗ) относится к устройствам формирования поражающих элементов и может быть использован в различных боеприпасах, предназначенных для поражения целей высокоскоростными поражающими элементами (ПЭ).
English: SUBSTANCE: missile-forming charge (MFC) refers to devices for damaging elements formation and can be used in various ammunitions destined for destruction of targets by high-speed damaging elements (DE). |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Dans certains aspects, l'adjuvant peut également contenir des composants modificateurs hydrosolubles supplémentaires.
English: In some aspects, the additive may also contain additional water- soluble modifier components. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 따라서, 본 발명은 이더넷 콘트롤러에서 플로우 콘트롤의 중지 프레임을 무시할 수 있는 기능을 가지므로써 과도한 트래픽이 집중되는 특정 노드로 인해 네트워크 시스템이 교착상태로 들어가는 것을 방지할 수 있다.
English: The host computer completes an operation of the data transmission pause, and transmits data frame. |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Durch ein Überlappen der Enden (14, 15) des Hohlprofils (12) wird ein umlaufender Einklemmschutz erreicht.
English: Peripheral anti-jamming is achieved by an overlapping of the ends (14, 15) of the hollow profile (12). |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【解決手段】本発明の追突被害軽減装置10は、制御シナリオ策定処理部11eが、後続車の車種および運動エネルギー、自車の車種および運動エネルギー、自車の前方の存在物の有無、自車の前方に存在する障害物への追突を容認するか否かの決定、追突を容認する場合に発生しうる2次損害の決定、追突を容認する場合に発生しうる2次損害の回避の決定、追突を回避する場合に前方へ自車が移動することによって発生する代替損害の決定などの制御シナリオの策定をおこない、自車の走行を自動制御するために必要な制御パラメータを決定する。
English: A control scenario performance control part 11f automatically controls travel of the one's own vehicle so as to comprehensively reduce the total damage quantity of primary damage, the secondary damage and the substitute damage in the rear-end collision of the succeeding vehicle to the one's own vehicle based on this control parameter. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A material including zirconium basic sulfate produced by the process of the invention also is disclosed.
French: La présente invention concerne également un matériau comprenant le sulfate basique de zirconium produit selon le procédé de cette invention. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: Each pixel is formed of respective red, green and blue solid state light emitting diodes that can form any color on that portion of a CIE curve that falls within a triangle whose sides are formed by a line on the CIE curve between 430 nm and 660 nm, a line between 660 nm and a point between 500 and 530 nm, and a line between the 500-530 nm point and 430 nm.
French: Chaque pixel est constitué de diodes électroluminescentes transistorisées, respectivement rouges, vertes et bleues, capables de former toute couleur dans la partie de la courbe CIE s'inscrivant dans un triangle dont les côtés sont une ligne de la courbe CIE située entre 430 nm et 660 nm, une ligne entre 660 nm et un point entre 500 et 530 nm, et une ligne entre le point 500 - 530 nm et 430 nm. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: For this, the device is equipped with a grid 4 installed in each slot 3 of the matrix mating with its working surfaces 1, 2 with a cell size of not more than 1.5 mm 2.
Russian: Дл этого устройство снабжено установленной в каждом пазу 3 матрицы сопр гающейс с ее рабочими поверхност ми 1, 2 сеткой 4 с размером чеек не более 1,5 мм 2. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: Each of the low-level indoor MFCs performs a low-level optimization to generate optimal indoor setpoints for one or more indoor VRF units of the corresponding indoor subsystem.
French: Chacun des MFC intérieurs de faible niveau réalise une optimisation de faible niveau de manière à générer des points de consigne intérieurs optimaux pour une ou plusieurs unités VRF intérieures du sous-système intérieur correspondant. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: Such articles include retroreflective sheeting, structured abrasive articles, adhesive articles suitable for use in personal care products, and the like.
Japanese: その物品の例として、再帰反射シート材、構造化された研磨物品、パーソナルケア製品での使用に適した接着物品などが挙げられる。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and Japanese.
French: Le couvercle de colonne de direction (20) possède : une première partie de paroi latérale (23) qui délimite l'intervalle (4) ; un premier trou d'insertion (24) qui est ménagé dans la première partie de paroi latérale (23) et dans lequel le connecteur rotatif (10) est inséré.
Japanese: ステアリングロアカバー(30)は、第1側壁部(23)に対向配置され且つ第1側壁部(23)と共に間隙部(4)を画定する第2側壁部(34)と、第2側壁部(34)に設けられ且つ回転コネクタ(10)が挿通された第2挿通孔(35)とを有している。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: Thus, it is possible to prevent this touch type detection switch 10 from being affected by any electromagnetic noise, and to prevent it from erroneously operating due to vibration.
Japanese: 光センサ18の配置位置は、LED16から発光されてタッチ部12を透過し、タッチ部12に触れている指Fで反射されてタッチ部12を透過した反射光を受光できる位置にされている。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: 3 cl, 3 dwg
Russian: ф-лы, 3 ил. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: La forme de la fenêtre de récepteur est obtenue en ajoutant avec chevauchement un segment de réponse impulsionnelle de canal d'une partie du symbole remplie par des zéros au début du symbole, et en ajoutant avec chevauchement une deuxième partie du précédent symbole rempli par des zéros (provenant de la même bande de fréquences) à la fin du symbole.
English: The receiver window is shaped by overlapping and adding a channel impulse response segment from a zero-padded portion of the symbol to the beginning of the symbol and overlapping and adding a second portion from the previous zero-padded symbol (from the same frequency band) to the end of the symbol. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: In part, the disclosure relates to methods of treating fibrotic cancers by administering one or more Serum Amyloid Protein (SAP) agonists.
French: L'invention concerne en partie des méthodes de traitement de cancers fibreux par administration d'un ou plusieurs agonistes de protéine amyloïde sérique (SAP). |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 转送引擎依据预设流程表的匹配条件比对封包,且于符合匹配条件时执行对应的处理动作。
English: Each packet flow table includes a matching condition and action. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: Between the spring-loaded pegs 23 and 24 there is a chamber 9 O (L
Russian: Между прдпружиненными крьт- ками 23 и 24 размещен патронник 9 О (Л |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: The method of calling fluid inflow from the reservoir, which consists in creating a depression in the reservoir by carbonating a liquid column in the well, characterized in that, in order to increase the efficiency of the inflow call, hydrogen obtained directly in the well by the interaction of an acid or alkali solution with active metal.2.
Russian: Способ вызова притока флюида из пласта, заключающийся в создании депрессии на пласты путем газирования столба жидкости в скважине, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности вызова притока, в качестве газообразной среды используют водород, получаемый непосредственно в скважине взаимодействием раствора кислоты или щелочи с активным металлом.2. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: В шасси может быть смонтировано множество независимых модульных блоков питания постоянного тока, каждый из которых имеет форм-фактор, позволяющий ему быть вставленным в один из слотов шасси.
English: In the chassis, plurality of independent modular DC power supplies can be mounted, each of which has form factor allowing it to be inserted into one of the chassis slots. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: An electrically energized hand drill (10) that incorporates a hand, wrist and forearm support (50).
French: Une perceuse à main électrique (10) comporte un support (50) pour avant-bras, poignet et main. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: L'invention concerne un appareil de traitement de son comprenant une unité (401) d'analyse d'un signal sonore sous forme d'un certain nombre de bandes de fréquence et une unité (403) d'application indépendante du gain variable à chaque bande de fréquence.
English: In one embodiment an apparatus for processing sound includes a means (401) for analysing a sound signal into a number of frequency bands and a means (403) for applying variable gain to each frequency band independently. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The first layer (1 ) is formed of a substantially homogeneous and continuous base material, which is chemically and mechanically inert to the other layers (2, 3, 4) to define a universal anchoring base adaptable to surfaces of any shape and size.
Chinese: 待施加到任何活动和/或固定载体外表面上用于吸收光辐射并将其转换为电能的多层光伏复合物,以下列次序包含:至少一个设计为粘合到载体(T)的表面(S)上的第一层(1),至少一个限定电极的导电材料的第二层(2),至少一个设计为吸收光子并将它们转换为电能的第三光电子活性层(3),至少一个限定反电极的导电材料的第四层(4)。 |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Es zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Produktivität sowie Ausbeute und Reinheit an abzutrennendem Albumin aus.
English: The method is characterized by high productivity and yields of high-purity albumin to be separated. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: SOLUTION: This shell is constituted of a cylindrical bore part 11, a flange part 12 for mounting, a butterfly valve shaft receiving boss part 13, a hole 14 for inserting mounting bolt, a stopper (closed) 15, a stopper (opened) 16 and a spring mounting seat 17.
Japanese: 【解決手段】 円筒状ボア部と取付用フランジ部とより 構成された内燃機関の吸入空気制御装置の殻であって、 この殻(ハウジング)を樹脂材料により構成し、かつ、 取付用フランジ部の外周形状を、円形または円形に近い 形状としたことを特徴とする。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A rubberized conveyor belt fastener (16) is provided including a plate portion (12) and elastomeric material (14) that extends beyond lateral sides (22, 24) of the plate (12) so that gaps between adjacent plate portions (12) in a conveyor belt splice can be minimized.
French: L'invention porte sur une attache de transporteur à courroie en caoutchouc dotée d'une partie de plaque et d'un matériau élastomère qui s'étend au-delà des côtés latéraux de la plaque de manière que les espaces entre les parties de plaque adjacentes d'une jonction de transporteur à courroie puissent être minimisés. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A programmable logic controller with enhanced and extended capabilities.
French: L'invention concerne un automate programmable à possibilités améliorées et étendues. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The invention relates to the use of an amine base as a neutralisation agent for polymer dispersions, characterised in that the amine base used corresponds to formula (I), where R 1 represents C 1 -C 4 alkyl, CH 2 CH 2 OH, or CH 2 CH(CH 3 )OH.
French: L'invention est caractérisée en ce que la base amine utilisée correspond à la formule (I) dans laquelle R 1 représente un alkyle C 1 -C 4 , CH 2 CH 2 OH ou CH 2 CH(CH 3 )OH. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 センサ座標からロボット座標への座標変換を 行うための両者の相対位置関係を随時かつ容易に求める ことができ、これによって常に高精度な倣い制御をする ことが可能なアーク溶接装置を提供する。
English: By teaching the standard point P by the tip part of a welding torch, the position A of the standard point P on the robot coordinates is obtained. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: SUBSTANCE: invention describes method of combined synthesis of 1-ethyl-3,6-dialkylcycloheptaoxalanes of the formula (1) and 1-ethyl-3,5- dialkylcycloheptaoxalanes of the formula (2) where R means n-C 4 H 9 , n-C 6 H 13 ; R' means n-C 3 H 7 , i-C 3 H 7 , n-C 5 H 11 , characterized by that α-olefins of the formula where R is given above are subjected for interaction with triethylaluminium (AlEt i ) in the presence of zirconacene dichloride (Cp 2 ZrCl 2 ) as catalyst taken in the mole ratio : AlEt 3 : Cp 2 ZrCl 2 = 10 : (10-14) : (0.3-0.7), respectively, in argon atmosphere for 8 h followed by hexane addition, cooling reaction mass to 10 C and addition of copper monochloride (CuCl) as catalyst and aldehyde of the formula R'-CHO where R' is given above taken in the mole ratio CuCl : R'-CHO = (0.8-1.2) : (10-14), respectively, and reaction mass is stirred for 6-10 h at the room temperature under normal pressure.
Russian: Описывается способ совместного получения 1-этил-3,6-диалкилциклогептаоксаланов формулы 1 и 1-этил-3,5- диалкилциклогептаоксаланов формулы (2), где R= н-C 4 H 9, н-C 6 H 13 ; R'=н-C 3 H 17 , i-C 3 H 7 , н-C 5 H 11 , отличающийся тем, что α-олефины формулы , где R, как определено выше, подвергают взаимодействию с триэтилалюминием (AlEt 3 ) в присутствии катализатора цирконацендихлорида (Cp 2 ZrCl 2 ) в мольном соотношении в атмосфере аргона в течение 8 часов с последующим добавлением гексана, охлаждением реакционной массы до -10 o С и добавлением катализатора однохлористой меди (CuCl) и альдегида формулы R'-CHO, где R', как определено выше, в мольном соотношении CuCl:R'CHO= (0,8-1,2): (10-14) и перемешиванием реакционной массы в течение 6-10 ч при комнатной температуре и нормальном давлении. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: The distortion waveform applied on the steel material should be a both-sided waveform where tension and compression are alternated from evaluating the repeated softening amount of the steel material.
Japanese: ここで、組織の割合は顕微鏡観察し たときの組織割合、つまり、面積率のことをいい、応力 比とは負荷波形の制御量である歪みについて、最小歪み 値を最大歪み値で除した値をいう。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The box includes a power supply, a generator board, a transformer and a grid load resistance detector.
French: Le boîtier comprend une alimentation électrique, une carte de générateur, un transformateur et un détecteur de résistance de charge de grille. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 바람직하게 광원은 LED 열(row) 세트로써 각 열은 도파관(1)의 서로 다른 영역 위로 빠져 나오도록 서로 다른 각도 배열로 광을 주사하게 된다.
English: Preferably the light source is a set of rows of LEDs, each row injecting light at a different range of angles so that it emerges over different areas of the waveguide 1. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The line inlet mold base on the drawbench has the advantages of being simple in structure and stable in steel wires inlet.
Chinese: 本实用新型所述的拉丝机上的进线模座结构简单,钢丝进线稳定;并且本实用新型所述的进线模座采用特殊的穿线嘴结构,使钢丝四周的受力均匀,不会造成钢丝的弯曲。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Les mouvements de chaque actionneur sont commandés pour déplacer le mobile (12) selon un algorithme de modification des angles de base de proche en proche entre des valeurs adjacentes dans au moins une table de valeurs prédéterminées associant une valeur de l'angle de base de chaque chaîne cinématique à la position du mobile (12), ledit algorithme étant choisi de façon à imposer une trajectoire de déplacement du mobile située dans le domaine de pointage du mobile.
English: The movements of the actuators are controlled so as to move the moving part (12) in accordance with an algorithm modifying the base angles one after the other between adjacent values in at least one table of predetermined values which associates one value of the base angle of every kinematic linkage with the position of the moving part (12), said algorithm being selected such as to impose on the moving part a trajectory situated in the pointing domain of said moving part. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Изобретение позволяет упростить технологический процесс, сократить стадии и время процесса, обеспечить технологическую и экологическую безопасность производства.
English: EFFECT: invention simplifies the process, reduces stages and time of the process, provides technological and environmental safety of production. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本实用新型具有有效的避免操作手柄的误操作,从而保证了井下生产安全等优点。
English: The lower part of the operation handle is sleeved in the sleeve. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The method further includes visually displaying the composite image data.
French: Le procédé consiste également à afficher visuellement les données d'images composites. |
Subsets and Splits