Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The invention is characterized in that the distillation is carried out at an overhead temperature of between 160 and 250 °C. French: Ledit procédé est caractérisé en ce que la distillation est effectuée à une température de tête comprise entre 160 et 250 °C.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 减小通信协议中的分组大小。 English: Reducing packet size in communication protocol.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: 12 cl, 4 dwg Russian: ф-лы, 4 ил.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: This kind of positioning tube connected ware with aluminium alloy ex -trusions preparation be small, and light in weight has simplified the process of manufacturing of support owner, vice staple bolt greatly, has improved production efficiency, has stopped the part moreover by rain erosion and rusty phenomenon. Chinese: 本实用新型提供了一种铝合金型材定位管连接器,包括主抱箍和副抱箍,主、副抱箍上端是半圆环,半圆环的上环端设置卡板和卡钩相互扣合,半圆环的下环端设置有向下延伸的立板,立板上设置有螺栓连接孔和销钉孔,主抱箍和副抱箍均采用铝合金型材切割而成。
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: The device is characterized by the aiming arrangement projecting on the X-ray receiver a figure that is independent of the location of the X-ray source and receiver, and by the fact that the connecting line between the X-ray source and the centre of the projected figure always extends through a fixed point in space outside the aiming arrangement. German: Die erfindungsgemäße Vorrichtung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, daß die Zieleinrichtung derart ausgebildet ist, daß ihre Projektion auf dem Röntgenempfänger eine vom Ort der Röntgenquelle und des Röntgenempfängers unabhängige Figur ist, und daß die Verbindungslinie zwischen Röntgenquelle und der Mitte der projizierten Figur stets durch einen raumfesten Punkt außerhalb der Zieleinrichtung verläuft.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 一种列车动态重联的方法,包括:目标ETBN节点接收主机发送的节点编号信息(101);目标ETBN节点根据编号信息,依次获得第一方向的各ETBN节点的MAC地址和子网标识和第二方向的各ETBN节点的MAC地址和子网标识(102);目标ETBN节点对第一方向的各ETBN节点和第二方向的各ETBN节点进行节点编号排序(103);目标ETBN节点根据排序关联存储每个ETBN节点的编号和对应的子网标识到逻辑拓扑列表中,以根据物理拓扑列表和所述逻辑拓扑列表实现列车的重联(104),从而实现了列车各编组之间的自动识别以及非固定编组之间的列车重联。 English: A method for dynamic reconnection of trains comprises: a target ETBN node receives node number information sent by a host computer (101); the target ETBN node obtains the MAC address and the subnet identifier of each ETBM node in the first and the second directions in turn according to the number information (102); the target ETBN node sequences the node number of each ETBN node in the first and the second directions in numerical order (103); the target ETBN node associatively stores the number of each ETBN node and the corresponding subnet identifier in a logical topology list according to the sequence, in order to realize the reconnection of trains according to the physical topology list and the logical topology list (104), thereby realizing the automatic identification among the marshalling of trains, and the reconnection of trains among ambulatory marshalling.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: If the result from the built-in self test is a fail, the DCC circuit controller's DCC control bits setting is incremented to a next setting and the self-test is performed again. French: Si le résultat de l'essai automatique intégré est un échec, le réglage de bits de contrôle de DCC du contrôleur de circuit DCC est incrémenté jusqu'à un réglage suivant et l'essai automatique est exécuté à nouveau.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: In the case of friction or jamming due to debris, the lower plate (7) starts to rotate to expel the debris by centrifugal effect. French: En cas de frottement ou de coincement dû à des débris, la plaque inférieure (7) se met à tourner afin d'expulser les débris par effet centrifuge.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: et/ou comme source métallique et/ou région de drain (ou une partie de celles-ci) dans un transistor à effet de champ (FET). English: and/or as a metal source and/or drain region (or a portion thereof) in a field effect transistor (FET).
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Erfindungsgemaess erfolgt bei jedem Arbeitshub des Kalibrierstempels zwangslaeufig eine Beschickung des Kugelmagazins und die Versorgung der Kalibrierkugeln mit Gleitmittel, so dass Leerhuebe und Qualitaetsminderungen in bisher ueblicher Art vermieden werden. English: According to the invention, a loading of the ball magazine and the supply of the calibration balls with lubricant, so that Leerhuebe and quality reductions are avoided in heretofore usual way during each stroke of the Kalibrierstempels inevitably.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: Methods and systems for controlling an internal combustion engine are provided. Chinese: 本发明涉及的发动机系统,具有能够关闭从进气通路至发动机的汽缸的气流的进气阀。
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: SOLUTION: A telephone set is provided with a mixing circuit 13 that mixes transmitter side digital data with receiver side digital data, a memory 15 that records digital voice signal data, an interface circuit 14 that writes the digital data to the memory 15, and a control section 12 that controls write to the memory 15 and controls read from the memory, and records/reproduces the 2way conversion content during a speech. Japanese: 【解決手段】 送信側デジタルデータと受信側デジタル データとのミキシングを行うミキシング回路13と、音 声信号のデジタルデータを記録するメモリ15と、この メモリにディジタルデータを書き込むためのインターフ ェイス回路14と、前記メモリ15への書き込みを制御 するとともに、このメモリからの読み出しを制御する制 御部12とを備え、通話中の双方向の会話内容を録音再 生できるようにした。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Un couvercle à débris peut être fonctionnellement relié à une surface avant du cadre, une partie du couvercle à débris étant positionnée au-dessus d'au moins une partie de la glissière de manière à empêcher des morceaux individuels de matériau en balle d'entrer en contact avec l'ensemble rabat et/ou la glissière. English: A debris cover may be operatively connected to a front surface of the frame, with a portion of the debris cover positioned above at least a portion of the track so as to inhibit individual pieces of baled material from contacting the flap assembly and/or the track.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: Based on the Boolean values, a shape of a body having the characteristic(s) defined by the Boolean function can be constructed in a layered manner. French: En fonction des valeurs booléennes, une forme d'un corps présentant la/les caractéristique(s) définie(s) par la fonction booléenne peut être construite par stratification.
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: Oxidation colorants which contain a mixture of at least two components A and B as alkalisation agents, of which A is selected from amino-acids and oligo-peptides with at least one amino group and at least one -COOH- or SO3H- group, the 2.5 % solution of which in water has a pH of over 9.0, and B is selected from the group formed by monoethanol amine, monoisopropanol amine, 2-amino-2-methyl propanol, 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propane diol, 2-amino-2-ethyl-1,3 propane diol and 2-amino-2-methyl butanol, are highly stable. German: Oxidationsfärbemittel, die als Alkalisierungsmittel eine Mischung aus mindestens zwei Bestandteilen A und B enthalten, von denen A ausgewählt ist aus Aminosäuren und Oligopeptiden mit mindestens einer Aminogruppe und mindestens einer -COOH- oder -SO3H-Gruppe, deren 2,5-%ige Lösung in Wasser einen pH-Wert von größer 9,0 aufweist, und B ausgewählt ist aus der Gruppe, die von Monoethanolamin, Monoisopropanolamin, 2-Amino-2-methyl-propanol, 2-Amino-2-methyl-1,3-propandiol, 2-Amino-2-ethyl-1,3-propandiol und 2-Amino-2-methylbutanol gebildet wird, weisen eine hohe Stabilität auf.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: The projecting front ends of the lateral shaft parts 4 are inclined. Japanese: 合成樹脂製の側板2の 端部に該側板2と一体に一対の横軸部4を同軸上に隙間 を介して対向して設ける。
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Das Verfahren ist zur Herstellung von Betonwaren verwendbar. English: Said method can be used in the production of concrete articles.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To exactly grasp the number of customers inside a pachinko shop, etc., and to manage attendants as well. Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 パチンコ店等における店内の客数を正確に把 握でき、かつ係員の管理もできる入退場者数管理装置お よび方法を提供する。
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 本实用新型提供用户可以在GSM与CDMA之间自由切换,且具有结构简单的优点。 English: Besides, the dual-mode digital mobile phone has the advantage of a simple structure.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention concerne l'isolation électrique de microcircuits (3) regroupés, avant leur collage (9, 13) unitaire. English: The invention concerns electrical insulation of assembled chips (2), before being bonded into a single unit (9, 13).
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Une première trajectoire de capture d'image du premier ensemble caméra croise une seconde trajectoire de capture d'image du second ensemble caméra. English: A first image capture path of the first camera assembly intersects a second image capture path of the second camera assembly.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Un bloc de retour des petites fractions de la matière consiste en un guide arqué (29) monté à proximité immédiate d'une ouverture (30), pratiquée dans la paroi (6) de la chambre (2), au moyen de laquelle la chambre (2) est reliée à un tuyau (4) pour le chargement de la matière première (5). English: A unit for returning the small fractions of the material consists of an arcuate guide (29) mounted in the immediate vicinity of an opening (30), made in the side wall (6) of the chamber (2), by means of which the chamber (2) is connected to a pipe (4) for charging the raw material (5).
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: By modifying the drive frequency of the drive signal SDR so that the phase difference approaches the target phase difference according to the comparison result, it is possible to realize effective drive of the piezoelectric actuator (A) without depending on the drive voltage. French: En modifiant la fréquence d’attaque du signal d’attaque SDR de façon à ce que la différence de phase se rapproche de la différence de phase cible en fonction du résultat de la comparaison, il est possible de réaliser une attaque efficace de l’actionneur piézoélectrique (A) indépendamment de la tension d’attaque.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: Insulator with internal channel is fitted between windings. Russian: Между обмотками расположен диэлектрик, в котором выполнен внутренний канал.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 本发明配备了除尘装置、净化装置,以实现整个工艺过程中的粉尘、废气的回收收集,此外,本系统还设置了消防系统,用于系统应急消防处理,保护了人员、设备的安全。 English: In addition, the system is provided with a fire extinguishing system used for emergent firefighting of the system, so that the safety of personnel and equipment is protected.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le système de store peut être conçu de sorte que des extrémités opposées du tube d'enroulement soient réglables par rapport au logement. English: The shading system may be configured such that opposed ends of the roller tube are adjustable relative to the housing.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: FIELD: bullets of fowling-piece cartridges designed for fire from rifled weapon for killing of animals with mass of 100-150 kg. Russian: Изобретение относится к пулям охотничьих патронов, предназначенных для стрельбы из нарезного оружия для отстрела животных массой 100-500 кг.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 酸素飽和度が変化してもその影響を受けず、 精度良く血中吸光物質濃度を測定すること。 English: In this case, the beam of the wavelength λ1 is absorbed by indigocarmine, oxidized hemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin.
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: 1 ил., 1 табл. English: 1 Il., 1 tab.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention concerne un procédé de préparation d'une composition réticulable par RMA comprenant au moins un composant réticulable comprenant des composants réactifs A et B comprenant chacun au moins 2 groupes réactifs, lesdits au moins 2 groupes réactifs du composant A étant des protons acides C-H dans du méthylène activé ou des groupes méthine et lesdits au moins 2 groupes réactifs du composé B étant des groupes insaturés activés C=C et un catalyseur basique C et un ou plusieurs composants D de modération de la réactivité contenant des groupes N-H qui sont également des donneurs d'addition de Michael susceptibles de réagir avec le composant B sous l'action du catalyseur C, ladite composition étant caractérisée en ce que ledit ou lesdits composants D de modération de la réactivité ont une température de fusion supérieure à 60 °C et sont d'abord dissous dans un ou plusieurs composants réticulables comprenant les composants réactifs A ou B et le produit pré-dissous obtenu est ensuite mélangé aux autres composants de la composition réticulable par RMA. English: The invention relates to a process for the preparation of a RMA crosslinkable composition comprising at least one crosslinkable component comprising reactive components A and B each comprising at least 2 reactive groups wherein the at least 2 reactive groups of component A are acidic protons C-H in activated methylene or methine groups and the at least 2 reactive groups of component B are activated unsaturated groups C=C and base catalyst C and one or more N-H group containing reactivity moderating component D that are also a Michael addition donor reactable with component B under the action of catalyst C, characterized in that the one or more reactivity moderating components D have a melting temperature above 60°C and is first dissolved in one or more crosslinkable components comprising reactive components A or B and the obtained pre-dissolved product is later mixed with other components of the RMA crosslinkable composition.
Here is the parallel text in French and German. French: Les éléments détecteurs du deuxième réseau de détecteurs sont également disposés de manière adjacente les uns aux autres dans la première direction. German: Die Detektorelemente des zweiten Detektorarrays sind ebenfalls in der ersten Richtung benachbart zueinander angeordnet.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: Method of preparing thermoplastic vulcanizate composition involves mixing, in any order, the two composition components and subsequent dynamic vulcanization of rubber in presence of curing agent. Russian: Способ приготовления термопластичной вулканизатной композиции включает смешение в любом порядке А) и Б) и динамическую вулканизацию каучука в присутствии вулканизующего вещества после смешения А) с Б).
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Обеспечивается повышение надежности и долговечности штанги и подвески. English: Higher reliability and durability of rod and suspension is provided.
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Способ производства ароматизированного яконо-яблочного напитка предусматривает экстрагирование базилика жидким азотом с отделением соответствующей мисцеллы, резку, сушку в поле СВЧ при заданных параметрах процесса якона и яблок, обжарку якона, конвективную досушку яблок, смешивание якона и яблок, пропитку полученной смеси отделенной мисцеллой с одновременным повышением давления, сброс давления до атмосферного с одновременным замораживанием смеси и ее криоизмельчение в среде выделившегося азота. English: SUBSTANCE: method of production of flavoured yacon-apple drink provides for extraction of basil by liquid nitrogen with corresponding miscella separation, cutting, drying of yacon and apples in microwave field at preset process parametres, roasting of yacon, drying up of apples by convective method, mixing of yacon and apples, impregnation of obtained mixture by separated miscella is performed with simultaneous pressure boost and depressurisation till atmosphere pressure with simultaneous freezing of mixture and its cryomilling in medium of evolved nitrogen.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The controlling unit electrically connects the power source device and the drive sources by way of controlling the switching unit to be in the conductive state in response to the generated current being detected. French: L'unité de commande connecte électriquement le dispositif source d'alimentation et la source d'entraînement par commande de l'unité de commutation pour qu'elle se trouve dans l'état conducteur en réponse à la détection du courant généré.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le dispositif de fermeture (12) comporte un dispositif de libération de pression permettant de mettre à l'air libre le récipient et donc de libérer la pression appliquée sur le joint (16), ceci afin de pouvoir retirer plus facilement le dispositif de fermeture du goulot (6) du récipient. English: The closure (12) has pressure release means for venting the vessel (2) in order to release the pressure on the seal (16), and so allow the closure (12) to be more readily removed from the mouth (6) of the vessel.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】リードフレーム10は、表面13a、裏面13bおよび外側面13cを含む枠体13と、枠体13内に多面付けで配置され、各々が、半導体素子21を載置するダイパッド25と、ダイパッド25から離間したリード部26と、を有する複数の単位リードフレーム14と、を備えている。 English: The outer side surface 13c of the frame body 13 has a front surface side region 15 and a rear surface side region 16 that extend in the peripheral edge direction.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 本实用新型公开了一种多层聚丙烯管材,包括至少两层聚丙烯层。 English: The utility model discloses a multilayer polypropylene pipe which comprises at least two polypropylene layers.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The method comprises the following steps: 1. mixing of flour and water; 2. formation of the dough; 3. extrusion of the dough; 4. drawing of the dough; 5. drying; the method envisages that prior to the extrusion step (3) a step for measuring-out and pre-blending a portion of flour and a mixture containing Omega 3, such as linseed oil or gluten- free vegetable flour containing Omega 3, in a percentage ranging from 1% to 40% of the quantity of flour used in this measuring-out step. French: Le procédé comprend les étapes suivantes, consistant à : 1. mélanger de la farine et de l'eau ; 2. former la pâte ; 3. extruder la pâte ; 4. tirer la pâte ; 5. sécher ; le procédé envisage, avant l'étape d'extrusion (3), une étape pour mesurer et pré-mélanger une partie de farine et d'un mélange contenant des Oméga 3, par exemple de l'huile de graine de lin ou une farine végétale sans gluten contenant des Oméga 3, sous un pourcentage compris entre 1 % et 40 % de la quantité de farine utilisée dans cette étape de mesure.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention consiste à positionner une douille fixée dans le pot afin d'y installer un tuteur. English: The holder can be fixed to the base of the pot or fitted detachable onto a projection on the pot base.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The invention relates to a chip card having at least one application for which an implementation (4) and an entry (5) that refers to the implementation (4) are provided on said chip card (1). French: L'invention concerne une carte à puce comportant au moins une application, pour laquelle il est prévu, sur la carte à puce (1), une implémentation (4) et un enregistrement (5) se référant à l'implémentation (4).
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO Japanese: 【選択図】    図2
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 一种用于检测自由活塞式线性压缩机的电动机中的活塞碰撞的无传感器的方法和装置。 English: A sensorless method and apparatus for detecting piston collisions in a free piston linear compressor motor.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der relativen Position und Ausrichtung von Kameras (A, B) auf Basis der folgenden zur Verfügung stehenden Bilddaten: - mit den feststehenden Kameras (A, B) aufgenommene Bilder (4) sowie, - eine Bildsequenz mit einer Anzahl von Videobildern (5) die zumindest Teile des jeweiligen Sichtfeldes einer oder mehrerer der feststehenden Kameras zeigen, wobei für jedes aufgenommene Bild (4) zumindest ein weiteres Videobild (5) vorliegt, bei dessen Aufnahme das Sichtfeld der mobilen Kamera (2) mit dem Sichtfeld der jeweiligen feststehenden Kamera (A, B) überlappt, wobei in den mit der mobilen Videokamera (2) hintereinander aufgenommenen Videobildern markante Bildpunkte (X) gesucht werden und wobei für jede der feststehenden Kameras (A, B) das aufgenommene Bild (4) einer feststehenden Kamera (A, B) mit den Videobildern (5) verglichen wird, im Bild (4) der feststehenden Kamera (A, B) und in dem jeweiligen, zugeordneten Videobild (5) markante Bildpunkte (X, W) ermittelt werden, eine Zuordnung zwischen den markanten Bildpunkten (W) und den durch das Rekonstruktionsverfahren erzeugten Raumpunkten (Z) vorgenommen wird und basierend auf der Zuordnung zwischen den markanten Punkten (X) in den Bildern (4) der jeweiligen feststehenden Kamera (A, B) und den Raumpunkten (Z) das Verfahren des räumlichen Rückwärtsschnitts durchgeführt wird. English: The invention relates to a method for determining the relative position and orientation of cameras (A, B) on the basis the following image data available: - images (4) captured by the stationary cameras (A, B), and - an image sequence comprising a number of video images (5) which show at least parts of the respective field of view of one or more of the stationary cameras, wherein for each captured image (4) at least one further video image (5) is present, during the capture of which the field of view of the mobile camera (2) overlaps the field of view of the respective stationary camera (A, B), wherein prominent pixels (X) are sought in the video images successively captured by the mobile video camera (2), and wherein for each of the stationary cameras (A, B) the captured image (4) of a stationary camera (A, B) is compared with the video images (5), prominent pixels (X, W) are determined in the image (4) of the stationary camera (A, B) and in the respective assigned video image (5), an assignment between the prominent pixels (W) and the spatial points (Z) generated by the reconstruction method is performed and the method of spatial resection is carried out on the basis of the assignment between the prominent points (X) in the images (4) and the respective stationary camera (A, B) and the spatial points (Z).
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Передняя и задняя полурамы связаны между собой узлом сочленения сварной конструкции. English: Front and rear half-frames are interconnected by welded joint.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: The peripheral-circuit transistors are formed into a structure in which there is no charge storage layer. Japanese: メモリセル部42には、複数のメモリセル50−1が形成され、周辺回路部43にも、複数の周辺回路トランジスタ60が形成されている。
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The scene mode is determined when the first image is captured or when image data corresponding to the user-selected scene is received. French: Le mode de scène est déterminé lorsque la première image est capturée ou lorsque des données d'image correspondant à la scène sélectionnée par l'utilisateur sont reçues.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a computer system (System or Return System) that is configured and programmed to provide online stores with a fast, simple, convenient way for e-commerce customers of an online store to return merchandise purchased from that store from within that online store. Japanese: 【課題】オンライン・ストアに、オンライン・ストアのe−コマース・顧客が、そのオンライン・ストア内のそのストアから購入した商品を返品するための迅速、単純、かつ便利な方法を提供するべく構成ならびにプログラムが行われたコンピュータ・システム(「システム」または「返品システム」)を提供する。
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English. Korean: 본 발명에 따른 발뒤꿈치보호용 탄성 보호대가 부착된 신발은, 탄력성이 좋은 우레탄으로 사출성형되고, 신발의 굳은 경질의 뒤꿈치의 상단부의 내피와 외피의 사이에 봉재 또는 접착으로 고정되게 신발의 상단의 가장자리를 따라 하부에 횡방향으로 연장되게 형성된 봉재 고정부와, 상기 봉재 고정부의 상부에 일체로 형성되며 신발의 가장자리로 돌출되게 형성된 상부 돌출쿠션부를 포함하여, 새로운 신발을 신을 때 발생되는 발뒤꿈치 부위의 통증을 수반한 손상을 방지하기 위한 방편으로 신발착용자의 발뒤꿈치부위와 마찰접촉하는 신발의 딱딱한 뒤꿈치 갑피의 내면에 보호용 탄성 보호대를 봉재하여 고정시켜서 착용자의 발뒤꿈치가 부드러운 재질의 마찰접촉성이 양호한 탄성 보호대에 접촉하도록 하여 항상 신발을 처음에 신더라도 뒤꿈치부위가 편안하게 되고, 부착된 발뒤꿈치보호용 탄성 보호대가 사용 후에 낡게 되면 낡은 발뒤꿈치보호용 탄성 보호대를 뜯고 다시 새로운 발뒤꿈치보호용 탄성 보호대를 부착시키면 다른 부위가 양호한 고가의 신발를 착용할 수가 있게 되어 신발의 오랜기간의 착용이 가능하게 된다. English: In order to prevent the damage accompanied by pain of the heel caused by wearing new shoes, the elastic pad is sewed and fixed to an inner surface of the hard upper of the shoe, which is in frictional contact with the heal of a wearer, so that the heel of the wearer is brought in contact with the elastic pad formed of a smooth material and having good frictional contact capability, and thus the wearer has a comfortable feeling with respect to the shoe even when the wears a new shoe.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le plugiciel (160) requiert l’enregistrement d'un dispositif pris en charge (200). English: The plug-in (160) requires a supported device to be registered (200).
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 所述透镜构件(12)以模制工艺制造,其中,所述第模具嵌件和所述第二模具嵌件并排设置,所述模具嵌件分别具有个菲涅尔透镜模具,其中,所述第和第二模具嵌件选择性地分别转动过0°或180°地设置,并且这样设置的所述模具嵌件在模制时形成用于所述透镜构件(12)的发射器透镜(16)和接收器透镜(18)的阴模。 English: In this way, a modular system for producing optical rain sensors (10) having lens components (12) is generated in a plurality of different configurations, which differ from one another with regard to the distance of the center points (MS, ME) of the transmitter lens (16) and the receiver lens (18).
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kapsel zur Verwendung in einer Extraktionsmaschine, mit einem Boden (41), einer Seitenwand (31) und einem Deckel (21), die zusammen eine Kammer (13) für ein Extraktionsgut bilden. English: The invention relates to a capsule for use in an extraction machine, comprising a base (41), a side wall (31) and a cover (21), which together form a chamber (13) for an extraction material.
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: A locking means (20) is provided which blocks the rotational body in end positions (E, E') of the translatory movement of the winding body. German: Eine Arretierung (20) ist vorgesehen, die in Endlagen (E, E') der translatorischen Bewegung des Wickelkörpers den Rotationskörper arretiert.
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Шиберная пластина установлена в корпусе отдельно от плашек, выполнена с возможностью перпендикулярного перемещения относительно направления перемещения плашек и имеет форму плоского клина, наклонные грани которого находятся в силовом контакте с ответными наклонными гранями корпуса превентора в положении “закрыто”. English: Roller-vane plate is mounted in body separately from screw-thread dies, and is made with possible perpendicular displacement relatively to direction of screw-thread dies displacement and has shape if flat wedge, slanting sides of which are in forced contact with response slanting sides of body of preventer on closed position.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: A light for headgear includes a shroud plate having a shell configured to receive a goggle mount, the shell having a periphery generally conforming to a contour of the headgear; and a lighting system on the shell having at least one light. French: L'invention concerne un éclairage pour un casque comprenant une plaque de protection ayant une enveloppe conçue pour recevoir une monture de lunettes, l'enveloppe ayant une périphérie se conformant généralement à un contour du casque ; et un système d'éclairage sur l'enveloppe ayant au moins un éclairage.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Un panneau corporel arrière comprend des côtés latéraux opposés reliés aux côtés latéraux opposés du panneau corporel avant, de manière à former une couture latérale. English: A rear body panel comprises opposite side edges that are joined to the opposite side edges of the front body panel to form a side seam.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】電解コンデンサの陽極箔は、95℃以上の純水中に60分間浸漬後の耐電圧の上昇時間を測定する純水ボイル劣化試験が5秒以下であり、 駆動用電解液は、純水とエチレングリコール15.0〜18.0重量%とからなる混合溶媒に、アジピン酸若しくはそのアンモニウム塩、およびギ酸若しくはそのアンモニウム塩と、ニトロ化合物と、マンニットと、オルトリン酸と、クエン酸またはそのアンモニウム塩とを溶解してなることを特徴としている。 English: The elctrolytic solution for driving comprises a mixed solvent of the purified water and 15.0 to 18.0 % ethylene glycol by weight disolved by adipic acid or its ammonium salt, formic acid or its ammonium salt, nitro compound, mannitol, orthophosphoric acid, citric acid or their ammonium salt.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The utility model discloses an aquatic lamp capable of adjusting multi-directionally angles, which is composed of a clamp base, a movable support arm and a lamp cover base, wherein both ends of the movable support arm are respectively connected and combined with the clamp base and the lamp cover base. Chinese: 本实用新型公开了一种可多向调整角度的水族灯,其由一夹座、一活动支臂及一灯罩座所组成,该活动支臂的两端分别与夹座及灯罩座承接结合,本实用新型特别在活动支臂的选定一端或是两端设有一具有外螺纹的锁合部,该锁合部的端面呈一弧面槽,而于夹座与灯罩座其中至少一者的承接端固设一球形部,该球形部预先贯穿一锁合盖,使球形部可与锁合部的弧面槽形成匹配,以利用锁合盖的松放锁紧而达到水族灯多向调整角度的功能,便于控制水族灯具的照明方向。
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: このように、本発明の方法で得られる生麺は低加水であ るため流通過程において安定であり、かつそれから乾麺 等を製造する際に、乾燥を短時間で行うことができる等 の利点を有する。 English: Since the obtained raw noodle has low water-content, it is stable during distribution and dry noodle, etc., can be prepared therefrom in short drying time.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Un deuxième bras (15) est raccordé en pivotement au premier bras (12). English: A second arm (15) is pivotally connected to the first arm (12).
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 嵌合筒45には、摘み被着軸19の鍵穴に係合して摘み被着軸19との相対回転を不能にする合鍵41を有し、摘みリング47と嵌合筒45とには、摘みリング47が軸線方向に移動されることによって相互に係合して摘みリング47と嵌合筒45との相対回転を不能にするクラッチ手段63が設けられる。 English: The picking ring 47 and the fitting cylinder 45 are provided with a clutch means 63 for engaging them mutually by moving the picking ring 47 in the direction of axial line and preventing relative rotation of the picking ring 47 and the fitting cylinder 45.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: La valve n'étant jamais complètement ouverte, il ne circulera que soit aucun fluide, soit une quantité insignifiante de fluide lorsqu'elle sera utilisée dans des procédures chirurgicales ou interventionnelles. English: Because the valve is never fully opened, either no fluids or an insignificant amount of fluids will flow when used in surgical or interventional procedures.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 为了克服现有高压气体焖压实验装置不能提供恒定不变高压力的不足,本实用新型提供一种简易的高压气体焖压实验装置,该实验装置不仅能提供工程或实验设计所需的高压力要求,而且能保证压力不随时间的变化而变化。 English: It includes the gas cylinder, constant voltage constant speed pump, high pressure vessel, a piston container, B piston container, pond, manometer, valve and pipeline.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Après le premier niveau, tous les affluents à un niveau supérieur de multiplexage sont synchronisés. English: After the first stage, all the tributaries at higher level multiplexing are synchronized.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention porte sur un procédé et un système de maintien de la cohérence de mémoire cache dans un système multiprocesseur (600) à mémoire partagée distribuée (DSM). English: The present invention is directed to a method and a system for maintaining cache coherence in a distributed shared memory (DSM) multiprocessor system (600).
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: This invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used in collector electric machines. Russian: Изобретение относитс  к электротехнике и может быть использовано в коллекторных электрических машинах.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: According to the method of break stone and gravel preparing providing their washing with successive drying, upon washing with water there is performed conditioning of break stone and gravel during 0.5-24 h in solution of the following composition, wt %: hydrogen peroxide 20-30, potassium dichromate 1-2, sulphuric acid 1-2, and water - the rest. Russian: По способу подготовки щебня и гравия, предусматривающему его промывку с последующей сушкой, после промывки водой осуществляют выдержку щебня и гравия в течение 0,5-24 ч в растворе следующего состава, мас.%: перекись водорода 20-30; бихромат калия 1-2; серная кислота 1-2; вода - остальное.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: Disclosed are a method and apparatus for frequency adjustment, which is to be applied to an insulation resistance detecting device in a DC power system, the method comprising: respectively sampling, at at least three moments, sampling voltages of a sampling point (300); determining a voltage frequency adjustment mode, according to the sampling voltages at the at least three moments obtained by means of sampling (301); and adjusting the voltage frequency of a power source according to the determined voltage frequency adjustment mode (302). French: L'invention concerne un procédé et un appareil de réglage de fréquence, qui doit être appliqué à un dispositif de détection de résistance d'isolation dans un système d'alimentation électrique en courant continu, le procédé consistant à : échantillonner respectivement, à au moins trois moments, des tensions d'échantillonnage d'un point d'échantillonnage (300) ; déterminer un mode de réglage de fréquence de tension, selon les tensions d'échantillonnage auxdits au moins trois moments obtenus par échantillonnage (301) ; et régler la fréquence de tension d'une source d'alimentation selon le mode de réglage de fréquence de tension déterminé (302).
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: Said device for cleaning a baking tray uses only a small amount of space in a kitchen and is easy to handle. German: Damit wird eine Vorrichtung zum Reinigen eines Backbleches geschaffen, welche in der Küche platzsparend und zugleich einfach in der Handhabung ist.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le système comprend un processeur, un dispositif d'affichage et un premier dispositif d'interaction. English: The system comprises a processor, a display, and a first interaction device.
Here is the parallel text in English and Korean. English: PURPOSE: Provided is a monodisperse crystalline carbon nanofiber and nanotube, which have improved purity and uniformity in their mass production. Korean: 본 발명은 균일한 단분산성의 금속 나노입자 촉매를 제조하고, 이를 이용한 촉매 열분해법을 통해 제조되는 고결정성 탄소 나노섬유와 탄소 나노튜브에 관한 것이다.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: A system and method for rapidly correcting the time difference between two signals is disclosed. French: Système et procédé pour corriger rapidement la différence de temps entre deux signaux.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】ラムノース異化作用を欠失しており、かつ異種RNAポリメラーゼのオープンリーディングフレームに作用可能に連結したラムノース誘導プロモーターを含む組換えDNA分子を有する組換え宿主細胞を、ラムノース、及び、対象のDNA配列に作用可能に連結した異種RNAポリメラーゼのプロモーターを含む発現ベクターに接触させるステップを含む、対象のDNA配列の発現を宿主細胞中で誘導する方法。 English: SOLUTION: The method for inducing expression of a target DNA sequence in a host cell comprising a step of bringing a recombinant host cell deleting rhamnose catabolism and having a recombinant DNA molecule comprising rhamnose inducing promoter operably linked with an open reading frame of a heterologous RNA polymerase into contact with rhamnose, and an expression vector comprising a promoter of a heterologous RNA polymerase operably linked to the target DNA sequence.
Here is the parallel text in German and French. German: Zur Fixierung der Treibrolle (4) am Lagerbereich (7) weist der Treiber (1) einen Fixierungsmechanismus auf. French: Pour fixer le rouleau d'entraînement (4) sur la région de support (7), le dispositif d'entraînement (1) présente un mécanisme de fixation.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Les particules peuvent être éliminées du système par activation sélective du distributeur pour rincer par écoulement inverse le tamis et éliminer les particules solides de la zone de collecte sans démonter le système. English: Particles can be flushed from the system- by selectively activating the distributor to back flush the screen assembly and sweep the collection area free of solid particles without disassembling the system.
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish. English: As part of the method, the boot is first placed in a mould. Spanish: Como pate del método la caja primero se coloca en un molde.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Sur instruction émanant du dispositif de support de refuge, l'ascenseur à cabines superposées effectue une opération de refuge qui renvoie la cabine de couplage entre l'étage de secours et l'étage refuge. English: The double deck elevator performs refuge operation for reciprocating the coupling cage between the rescue floor and the refuge floor based on an instruction from the refuge support device.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To enable a medium access control (MAC) architecture to allow an scheduling entity to start new transmission at any time, and to restart previously unsuccessful transmission at any time. Japanese: 【課題】メディアアクセス制御(MAC)アーキテクチャにより、スケジューリングエンティティを、いつでも新たな伝送を開始できるようにし、前に不成功であった伝送を任意の時点で再び開始することができるようにする。
Here is the parallel text in German and French. German: An der Oberkante mindestens einer Zargenseite (2) ist eine Dichtlippe (6) angelenkt und leicht nach innen abgelenkt. French: Sur le bord supérieur d'au moins un côté du corps intérieur (2), est articulée une lèvre d'étanchéité (6) qui est légèrement repliée vers l'intérieur.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: A laser welding method and system join portions of two workpieces (20, 21) of thermoplastic material by clamping together the portions of the workpieces (20, 21) to be joined, against a baseplate (23) engraved or etched to form an image to be replicated in the joined portions of the workpieces (20, 21), and applying laser radiation to the portions of the clamped workpieces (20, 21) to be joined, to melt those portions of the clamped workpieces (20, 21) to be joined and to replicate the image in the joined portions of the clamped workpieces (20, 21) when the material solidifies. French: L'invention concerne un procédé et un système de soudage au laser joignant des parties de deux pièces de travail (20, 21) de matériau thermoplastique par serrage conjoint des parties des pièces de travail (20, 21) à joindre, contre une plaque de base (23) gravée ou attaquée chimiquement pour former une image à reproduire dans les parties jointes des pièces de travail (20, 21) et application d'un rayonnement laser sur les parties des pièces de travail serrées (20, 21) à joindre, pour faire fondre les parties des pièces de travail serrées (20, 21) à joindre et reproduire l'image dans les parties jointes des pièces de travail serrées (20, 21) lorsque le matériau se solidifie.
Here is the parallel text in Spanish and English. Spanish: En sus sistemas internos permite regular tres variantes fundamentales que son: impedancia de línea, ángulo de fase y flujo de potencia reactiva. English: In its internal systems, three fundamental variants can be regulated, namely: line impedance, phase angle and reactive power flow.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: The sheet base material 3 is peeled along the cutting lines 7 to expose the rear surface of the printing paper 5, by which the printing of the rear surface of the printing paper 5 is made possible. Japanese: こ れにより、シート基材3に接着された状態で印刷用紙5 の表面に印刷することができ、切断線7に沿ってシート 基材3を剥離して、印刷用紙5の裏面を露呈することに より、印刷用紙5の裏面に印刷することができる。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention concerne un appareil (210) qui peut comprendre un circuit d'interface (305) configuré pour recevoir un paramètre de fonctionnement et un circuit de commande (310) couplé au circuit d'interface (305) et configuré pour stocker le paramètre de fonctionnement. English: An apparatus (210) can include an interface circuit (305) configured to receive an operating parameter and a control circuit (310) coupled to the interface circuit (305) and configured to store the operating parameter.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】本発明オマイクロアレイは、それぞれ特異 な反応物を含む細管あるいはロッドの束を薄切りしてこ のアレイを作製すると、同じアレイを大量に製造するこ とができる。 English: SOLUTION: In the microarrays, it is possible to manufacture a large number of the same arrays by preparing the arrays by slicing a bundle of capillaries or rods each containing a specific reactant.
Here is the parallel text in German and French. German: Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Zünden eines Lichtbogens (16) sowie eine Anordnung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens. French: L'invention concerne un procédé permettant d'amorcer un arc (16), ainsi qu'un dispositif permettant de mettre ledit procédé en oeuvre.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: As a result, shift register 21 is clocked through the element And 15 pulses from the sensors, and the element 16 writes to the register 21 information from the sensor 1. Russian: В результате регистр 21 сдвига тактируетс  через элемент И 15 импульсами с датчиков, а элемент И 16 записывает в регистр 21 информацию с датчика 1.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: En d'autres termes, une similitude restante entre le signal résiduel impliqué dans le codage prédictif de la vue de référence est utilisée pour prédire le signal résiduel impliqué dans le codage prédictif de la vue dépendante. English: In other words, a remaining similarity between the residual signal involved with predictively coding the reference view is used in order to predict the residual signal involved with predictively coding the dependent view.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 故本技术实用新型经济效益及社会效益十分突出。 English: 4 soon and connecing hose no.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Fig. English: Fig.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The embodiments of the invention can enable UE to perform demodulation using a supplementary CRS on a symbol that was only be able to be demodulated by CRS extrapolation in the prior art, by providing the supplementary CRS in the resource block, thereby enhancing demodulation performance. Chinese: 在短TTI传输的条件下,由于第CRS布局对于资源块上的些数据部分只能通过CRS的外插进行解调从而解调性能较差,本发明实施例可通过在资源块内布局补充CRS使得UE对这类通过CRS的外插进行解调的符号能够通过补充CRS进行解调,从而提高解调性能。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Ainsi, les effets de la roue motrice (2) et de la chaîne (22) sur le bras oscillant (1), qui ont tendance à ouvrir et à fermer le bras oscillant, sont réduits. English: The effects of the driving wheel (2) and of the chain (22) on the swivelling arm (1), which tend to open and close said swivelling arm, are reduced.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】収納紙袋への開口部を通じた被収納物の出し入 れの際に、収納紙袋の開口端に指先等の皮膚が接触する ことによって皮膚が傷つくおそれのない収納紙袋を提供 する。 English: In both sides of the upper paper 2 and lower paper 3, marginal punch areas 4, in which holes 4a for feeding are arranged at specific intervals, are formed.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Un film au moins partiellement réfléchissant (2) est pris en sandwich dans une position inclinée dans un espace situé entre une première plaque (3) et une seconde plaque (4). English: An at least partially reflecting foil (2), is sandwiched in a slanted position in a space between a first plate (3) and a second plate(4).
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The pusher (20) is provided with a pipe cavity (6) and a lock hole (7) communicated with the pipe cavity. Chinese: 所述控制丝(4)的一端与所述控制部件(21)连接,另一端在所述控制部件的驱动下可移动地收容于所述推送器的管腔(6)中。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention porte sur un système de diagnostic d'un objet, lequel système comprend une prédéfinition d'un objet, une représentation visuelle associée à un ou plusieurs sous-objets d'au moins une partie de l'objet, et un module d'analyse de la représentation visuelle applicable. English: A system for diagnosing an object that includes a preset of an object, a visual representation associated with one or more sub objects of at least part of the object, and a module to analyze the applicable visual representation.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: SUBSTANCE: method involves injecting aqueous hydrochloric acid solution; supplying aqueous surfactant solution; injecting aqueous oxygen-containing agent solution and performing time delay; supplying aqueous surfactant solution; injecting aqueous hydrochloric acid solution; executing time delay and developing well. Russian: Изобретение относится к области нефтедобывающей промышленности, в частности к способам увеличения продуктивности нефтяных и увеличению приемистости нагнетательных скважин путем разглинизации призабойной зоны пласта скважины, представленной низкопроницаемыми терригенными глинистыми коллекторами и/или снизившим свою продуктивность вследствие кольматации пор глинистым материалом.
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Раны на шее ушивают. English: Wounds on the neck are sutured.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 本发明解决的技术问题在于克服现有的腹膜透析机输液系统结构复杂、加工的精度要求高、操作复杂的缺点,提供一种结构简单、易于加工且操作便捷的腹膜透析治疗装置及其操作方法。 English: The peritoneal dialysis treatment device and the operation method thereof overcome the disadvantages of complex transfusion system structure, high processing precision requirement and complex operation of the existing peritoneal dialysis machine and have advantages of simple structure, easiness in processing and convenience in operation.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【効果】 膀胱収縮力にほとんど影響することなく排尿 間隔の延長効果および排尿域値圧の上昇効果があり、頻 尿あるいは尿失禁などの排尿障害の治療予防に有効であ る。 English: 3,7- dehydro-3-methyl-1-(5-oxohexyl)-7-propyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione as an active ingredient.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Cette unité de commande (38) comprend un récepteur permettant de recevoir des publicités ainsi qu'un processeur (78) destiné à modifier ces publicités. English: The controller (38) has a receiver operable to receive advertisements and a processor (78) operable to modify the advertisements.