the development of digital economy is crucial for building an intelligent society in recent years the rapid development of computing intelligence has also brought vitality to the development of digital economy however with the deepening of international trade the issue of trade security has become increasingly prominent therefore this paper aims to construct the evaluation system of digital economy and trade security this topic selection is very meaningful but there are still some problems worthy of attention in the content of the articlein the article from the farming era to the present digital economy era the transformation of production factors has changed three times this explanation is not enough for the beginning please modify itfor therefore at present we should seize the important strategic opportunity period of global
from the field of bioinformatics analysis to structural verification of multiple clinical biological samples for the synthetic pathway analysis this study systematically investigates the potential biological importance and possible involvement of the ma demethyltransferase fto in thyroid cancer this provides a certain theoretical perspective for the diagnosis and prevention of thyroid cancer the github code provided by every author needs to be rereviewed and uploaded so that the results of the article can be better reproduced the website of the source of the information used by the public database needs to be stated in the article mistakes in english grammar throughout the manuscript leave descriptions ambiguous and substantially hinder the readability of the paper and algorithm authors should update some of the latest references also make the article
the structure of the full text is reasonable the logical thinking is clear the viewpoints are expressed accurately the language is fluent and the argumentation method is reasonable the referenced literature and materials fit the requirements of the subject and the subject to the information fit the professional requirements but the individual concepts are relatively vague and can be modifieda it is mentioned in the text that if there is no error it is the next construction process if there is an error it can be calculated by random control method to provide feedback for realtime control and analysis what is the actual result obtainedb when the load increases to a certain limit the stable equilibrium state begins to disappear when a small disturbance is introduced into the
this paper proposed a collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on slope one matrix prefilling model principal component dimension reduction and binary kmeans clustering the experimental results on movielens dataset show the advantages of the proposed algorithm however some comments should be paid much attention the introduction seems to be comprehensive but it lacks analysis and summary of these works besides the innovativeness of this work compared with the method mentioned in the introduction should be emphasized some of the symbols and formulas in the paper are ambiguous and authors are advised to use mathtype for writing the format of references needs to be unified in addition it is suggested that the authors cite more relevant literature in the past three years
dear authorsyour manuscript is really interesting and well conductedunfortunately it cannot be published in present form and it needs to be revisedplease be sure to use only keywords accordingly to medical subject headings mesh word for a better indexingfirst of all please add more background data in introduction section furthermore at the end of this section you should better state the main aim of the study maybe you could add a subparagraph called aim or objectivesi think that could be very useful to add more figures about this toolmoreover i suggest to add recent references dwelling in the introduction on articles published in and describing what your article will add compared to the last articles published preferably a published articles should be with or more references you dont
this study demonstrates the protumoral role of linc in gastric cancer specifically they showed that knockdown of linc reduces gastric growth with in vitro and in vivo studies in addition they showed linc affects pikaktmtor signaling pathway however it is strongly suggested that the english writing of this manuscript should be improved the supplementary figure seems relatively not relevant to the main topic and is suggested to be deleted
in this paper a controllable nbiot dual layer security architecture is designed to ensure the generation of encryption keys betweennbiot terminals and power grid business platforms the lightweight low communication cost and flexible key update characteristics are verified by experimentsit is full of content logical and fluent but it has the following problems please think about your choice of information inside the correct writing expression please appropriately expand to means of the experimental analysis part to make the content more profound to the data analysis more sufficient in the simulation experiment part the description content of that control analysis part is too little so it is suggested to add language interface or picture introduction in the process of reading the paper it is found that the subscript of
the submitted manuscript introduces a proposal to lossy compress medical image data by means of machine learning techniquesthe research seems to be mostly appropriate and the topic falls within the scope of the journalthe technical description of the proposed architecture is sufficient to understand the proposaloverall the research seems to have some merithowever in my opinion the manuscript presents some shortcomings that prevent an acceptance recommendation the writing has to be revised improving english usage the review of the stateoftheart and of the different methods to perform medical image data compression could also be better introduced it is also suggested to perform an ablation study to understand better the influence of the different modules layers parameters in the final performance in the experimental results please provide results for
some updated concepts of presictype intuitionistic fuzzy fixed pointresults in the framework of metric space have initiated stability of intuitionistic fuzzyfixed point problems and accompanying notions have proposed herein to complementtheir corresponding ideas related to setvalued and singlevalued mappings by reducing the intuitionistic fuzzy set valued maps to their crisp counterparts the notions developed herein improve a few known salient results results are good deserve to publish however some needful revision like abstract should be clearly written what new and what has been done in past before this study presentation is week references should be updated with recent work notations are strange use standard notation some fuzzy recent work likechaos solitons fractals numerical methods for partial differential equations journal of king saud universityscience
in this paper how authors use some places in red color text please resolve and issuethe general data information is so brief please reduce completely the general data sectiondefine all abbreviations used in the papers summarize the intervention programs section in some pure and appropriate wordsthe first and last phrases of the conclusion tables should be rewritten because they should often statedthe papers presentation is lacking please improve itthere are too few flaws in the abstract a few numbers should be modified and rewrittenthere are a few typos such as excessive capitalization and blank spacesbecause this papers novelty is so low please include some novelty in the opening section and thoroughly detail the intended study
noncoding rnas such as mirna lncrna or circrna are attracting more and more attention current studies feng cao et al led on the role of circthbs in lung cancers both found that circthbs had side effects the downstream molecular mechanism is also explained ln general there is a lack of explanation of replicates methods used towards the study in introduction a hypothesis needs to be presented cells were incubated for weeks at c co should be cells were incubated for weeks at c co the authors were motivated to provide more reliable patient information the resolution of fish experiment results in figure is low please improve the image quality lt is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise intechnical english editing paying particular questions
this is intriguing research as the authors used cuttingedge techniques to acquire a common dataset the article is wellwritten and organized too general however the report has significant flaws in various data analyses by writing and i believe this unique dataset has for possible fully exploited because the language is often ambiguous and wordy i also given additional examples below in a few cases i also proposed citing more current and relevant material for addition i gave several ideas for further new data analysisabstract please keep the abstract focused on your research and findings the final two sentences in particular are similar in general i recommend focusing the article on scientific discoveries rather than technical innovation
a simple bioinformatics analysis was performed to establish a reliable diagnostic model although the analytical process is simple and direct the results were desirable because serum mirnas for cancer diagnosis are promising several flaws remain which need to be addressedthe introduction was separated into three parts for one is about lung cancer which was explained comprehensively while the remaining parts seemed to be less mentioned it is encouraged to balance the contents in the introduction figure c is incorrectly cited it was supposed to be cited after subsequently the roc curves were plotted to assess the actual diagnostic ability of the classifier and roc curves showed that the auc of the diagnostic model was the recall was the specificity was the accuracy was and the f was it
i am glad to provide the opportunity to read application value of evidencebased nursing in pipeline nursing of aged bedridden cases but there are several problems that need to be discussed there are some grammar mistakes please revise when the abbreviation first appears the full name should be used please provide specific measures for patient pipeline management and suggest of them in the form of tables discussion should include main summary of the major results of the study and compare the study with previous ones new hypothesis research direction to be proposed in the discussion section there have been some proposed studies below is the innovation of a study please added
in this paper the application of image processing based on deep learning in the treatment of circular mixed hemorrhoids in minimally invasive tst surgery this lays a research foundation for the extensive clinical development of hybrid ring hemorrhoid surgery in order to provide better treatment for clinical patients this article proposes to select patients meeting the inclusion criteria and randomly divide them into groups the treatment group cases used selective hemorrhoidectomy and anastomosis and the control group cases used segmented ligation and was based on deep learning since this is an interesting idea and the research value and practicality are high i think this article is acceptable but it needs a major revision the details are as followsi this article will recover normal anatomical and physiological functions through
mei et al state that haemophilus influenza hi infects children primarily through the respiratory route the epidemic capsular typing in this area is nthi the epidemic biological typing is ii and iii and the epidemic resistance phenotype is lactamase ampicillin resistance blpar the epidemic resistance mechanism is temtype lactamase production rate detection rate of lactamase negative ampicillin resistance and the lactamase positive amoxicillinclavulanate resistance is relatively lower in this area which requires close inspection the study is interesting and meaningful however there are many corrections should be mademajor revisionsplease simplify the part of abstract too many wordsplease add list section by table endnote softwareplease show more details about patients and clinical isolates in the form of methodplease adjust the format of this article and make them consistentin
in the present systematic review with meta analysis feng et al showed that among cirrhotic patients presence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth sibo is associate with a higher risk of hepatic encephalopathy he with an or overall the paper is simple and easy to read and gives a straightforward message to the readers main comments in the statistical analysis paragraph authors did not declare how they chose random or fixed effects model the results that have been reported in table could be metaanalyzed by comparing sibo prevalence in child a versus child bc was rifaximin consumption by enrolled patients considered for this analysis rifaximin is indeed indicated both for treating sibo and preventing he therefore it could be a confounding factor additionally did the studies provide any data
the comments are as followsin the preface the clinical manifestation of primary sjogrens syndrome is not clearly explainedthe preface does not list other research resultsadelete the last sentence of the first preambular paragraph some patients especially young women have no obvious symptoms in the early stage of the disease while some elderly women do not recognize that dry mouth and eyes are also a diseasethe exclusion criteria in the research method are not perfectthe dosage frequency and expression of the drug therapy in the study method are not clearthe description of ssdai as an observational index is too simplethe results of this study are not sufficiently presented and not fully discussed in combination with relevant existing studieswhat are the influencing factors and mechanisms of b lymphocyte proliferation and
the manuscript takes the multisensor monitoring data of tunnel support structure and surrounding rock mechanical properties during tbm construction as the research object the manuscript publishes some valuable materials which could be of interest to the author however the present version of the manuscript is not in quality to be published due of following deficiencies title the present title is too long and does unsuitable fit with the content of the manuscript therefore improvement is needed english the english text is too poor with many errors in the grammar the sentences are incorrectly written many mis in the terminologies it needs to be language edited also any professional expert in english language in fig why the deformation at certain positions of the tunnel is different at the beginning
the manuscripts main findings are that online resources form the major anesthesiology societies are written about reading levels recommended by the nih ama and usdhhs the authors report that this is the first analysis of this type and explain that this investigation is especially valuable to the field of anesthesiology due to the importance of and heavy reliance on online patient education materials for informing patients regarding anesthetic procedures the methods used for the analysis are appropriate and written in enough detail that they could be repeated the conclusions are strongly supported by the data table is missing the column labels for each readability score the topic of this manuscript falls within the scope of anesthesiology research and practice
the article analyzes and draws apart the current mainstream methods and decides to start with the method of visualbased visual training exercise quality assessment taking fuglmeyer as an evaluation index combined with the opinions of professional doctors with special dataset fuglmeyer dataset was collected to provide a feasible and effective solution for patients but the article still has some problems the abstract part of the article highlights that although the rapid development of healthcare technology virtual reality interactive technology has garnered great attention and development and is used in other and more fields so compare with other technologies what are the shortcomings of traditional training methods the article proposes that more patients of patients are unable to live independently due to postoperative disability only by restoring limb function
the improved algorithm proposed in this paper successfully solves the adaptive control problem of unknown discrete nonlinear systems and avoids the overparameterization problem in backstepping design the global finiteness and small average tracking error of the adaptive closedloop system are obtained for bounded initial conditions reference signals and external disturbances however i think the following aspects can be improved and broken through the abstract of the article is not good enough in this paper an improved algorithm of computer adaptive learning rate based on improved maximum entropy algorithm is proposed and the mathematical formula of the new algorithm is given what are the experimental results please give it in the abstract in addition please delete irrelevant sentences in the abstract when learning the new scene samples the traditional
altitude environmental training has a great impact on some blood cell indexes of human body the comments are as the change of blood urea content in figure is not described in the paper the unit of the right vertical coordinate rbc in figure is wrong need to redraw the hb curve in figure crosses the abscissa please redraw the conclusion of the paper is incomplete according to the research results of this plateau training has the sanda scientific training program been formulated
nsclc accounts for to of all lung cancer patients of which to are diagnosed at an advanced stage and only to have the opportunity to receive surgery for this population even with radical surgical resection of patients will eventually fail due to recurrence and distant metastasis therefore the topic of this article is very meaningful but there are still some issues worth noting in the content of the articlein the introductory section the authors mention the need for a clinical role in predicting the efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy in nonsmall cell lung cancer however the author did not analyze the research status of cypb gene polymorphismin the introduction part of the cypb gene polymorphism the authors mentioned that the cytochrome p and cypb genes and their structures are
this paper to explore the application value of selfmanagement manual combined with case management superiority model in postoperative treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases after radiotherapy but the application in cloud computing technology can solve this problem to a greater extentits a nice work but there is some questions that make me this is recommended i read the abstract to make it concise and clearplease give a summary description of the contents of section before the beginning of the paragraphin section basic information are these schemes designed for the author himself or reference othersin the methods section the author describes the method of this article in detail but confused me i asked the author give the scheme of this article using sentencesit is suggested to make more detailed analysis of
the paper is well presented and contains original results however authors are encouraged to improve their work based on the following comments distinguish between chinese takeout food and western takeout food what are its advantages over western takeout food explain the aspects that should be paid attention to in the packaging of chinese takeaway food several grammar mistakes of english exist in this paper which need to be carefully checked and revised also highlight major contributions of the research add organization of the paper in the introduction explain in detail the shortcomings of packaging safety and packaging functions for consumers references are also not updated there must be more references from the recent past probably from the last four to five years
comments to authorsin what ways sepsis and sepsis are differentiatedinclude the main contributions and outcomes in that other partwhat is the existing method available as is now in research this proposed study varies over themdeidentification and data shifting are differenthow to draw closer receiver line curvereferences need to align as per journal policy in page no of severely impaired patients in intensive care units references are poorly organized
the research investigating the effectiveness of gufusheng capsule alleviates osteonecrosis of the femoral head is well designed study authors performed a number of experiments to determine the mechanism to action of gufusheng capsule however authors are advised to perform daily initial revesionsin introduction of the manuscript authors should provide more information about gufusheng capsule what are many original uses and what led the researcher to carry out the present study on this capsulefor assays such as qrtpcr information about the cycling condition reaction mixture and final methodology data provided did authors only used only reference gene gadph was the expression of gapdh uniform in all samples for quantitative population analysis should write about the lysis buffer and how concentration of protein in each sample was determined in results
after applying the framework of the system this paper designs the physical coaching system in detail and describes and analyzes the system design and system testing and the ability of college athletes to use the physical training system in all aspects however there are also significant defects in the article can it be supplemented or revised appropriately according to the content of the full text this article mentioned in the introduction that the article designed a psychological training analysis system based on big data and used a kistler threedimensional force measurement platform to measure verbal fatigue of a college volleyball player it can be supplemented here related content due to the content of the full article this article mentions that its innovation lies in the design panel selection
in this manuscript the authors have revealed the underlying mechanism by which mst promotes inflammation response in myocardium through inducing mitochondrial damage this is overall a really nice study with some points that need clarifyingabstract loss of mitophagy in turn increased the opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore mptp which ultimately induced the cardiomyocytes necroptosis meaning is unclear please rephrasemethods the ligation surgery procedure of left anterior descending coronary artery was done as reported previously please add the reference heremethods primary cardiomyocytes were all isolated from mice according to our previous protocol please add the reference heremethods the information on primary antibodies needs to be providedmethods in which plates were cells cultured or well plates how many cells were roughly seeded per wellmethods we determined the arbitrary time
this paper has clear thinking and reasonable structure the experiment designed in this paper is very clever at the same time the research results are of great significance in industrial production however there are still some problems that need to be modified the sentence in the text is a little stiff please polish it where are the discussion and conclusions parts in the text please reclassify the chapter headings in the text in actual industrial production what aspects can the system designed in this paper be applied the first letter of each item in the table should be capitalized what does this sentence mean in section because it needs to stop all the processes of the product currently being producedand then work on the part of the new
reviewer page lines page lines this section should be discussed and analyzed separately according to different topics for prospective clinical trials clinical trial registration numbers are required please think carefully and explain the purpose of this study how about the limitations of this study
abstractbackground in the background the authors just described the purpose of the study without clinical importance of this research topicin the methods the research object and the key variables of interest should be described in detailintroductionthe authors describe less about the interaction between inflammation and pruritic dermatoses on sleep disorderresultsthe authors should provide a flow chart for subject selectionpart the title cannot correspond to the content below and what is the relationship between preterm birth and this studydiscussionin the discussion the authors stated that our results extend previous studies however the underlying mechanisms and possible reasons need to be fully explainedconclusionthe results were repeated in the conclusion section again but the clinicalpublic health implications of this study need to be highlightedothersenglish is a major problem in this manuscript
the submitted manuscript developed in validated a predictive trial for vte in tdm nonsurgical hospitalized patients in my opinion such research involved is interesting and worth considering however to what concerns the submitted paper i have several concerns the image presentation is not clear most frequently numerous sentences within the text would require rephrasingrewording and questions citation of several references could be improved the selection of statistical methods should be described some of the images are blurred and the author should replace them with clear images with higher resolution there are few explanations of specific rationale for the study design the format of references should be consistent with that of journals
this manuscript will need major revisions before it may be deemed suitable for publication my major concern is that the process documented in the manuscript does not seem to follow rigorous education research the premise of the effort however is good and if the authors are able to structure and frame it better as well as anchor their study on a theoretical framework this work may be interesting in the cover letter the authors indicated that a native speaker has reviewed the work i still find grammatical inconsistencies and a general lack of readability due to writing style
this is a very interesting manuscript worthy of publication the results of the study and the expression of the manuscript are satisfactory which has important reference significance for the analysis and identification of hereditary adenocarcinoma but for the benefit of the readers there are still some problems with the manuscriptrationale of the study all authors should better clarify their working hypothesis it is clear to the authors as not experts of the themethe author has selected very representative bioinformatics database information then what about other useful database information sources did you consult at other studies but do not comment on all results without significant differences do not engage our irrelevant comparisons regarding discussions and reduce some inappropriate speculation there are some formatting problems in the reference section of
the paper demonstrates the demand factor forecasting efficiency of electrification design for urban suburban building distribution electrical system by kernel power estimation with optimal window width the paper has not given sufficient results however the paper requires additional revision based of the following suggestionsauthors should add a comparative analysis of the proposed work with the existing methods add stronger new results to improve the research contribution of the paperall some mathematical equations should be numbered and analytical proof should be given if possiblethe grammar of each paper should be checked critically and mistakes should be removedfigures quality is not good the authors still use highresolution figures with proper axes information
with the continuous advancement of the urbanization process the problem of tense land resource utilization has become increasingly prominent so that the space for subway construction has gradually become smaller and the shield construction method has also been vigorously developed under the construction requirements of multiple intersections and multiple spaces the economic losses caused by various formation movement problems induced by tunnel construction are enormous therefore it is of great significance to study the law of surface movement and deformation caused by underground tunnel excavation to guide construction and protect surface structures in this paper we aim to establish a surface settlement data system for urban subway shield construction by using genetically optimized bp network algorithm such a line of thinking is good but there are some issues
dear editor the problem definitions and the way of dealing with are based on ordinary problem solving using general criteria so it is needed to be complicated and elaborated by modern techniques ie modern artificial neural network optimization algorithms to get some new results commentsthe manuscript formatting should be regarding shock and vibration principles so it should be revised again especially regarding the author affiliations the title is general and does not indicates the specifications and metrics of the research it should be reconsidered to get the ultimate meaning of the researchthe abstract part was not well organized and needs to be revised again to declare the introduction methodology and conclusion quantitively not qualitatively only more quantitative results must be reflected in the abstract the finite element model
the first part revealed the mechanism of the electronic nose operated on the communication network algorithm to detect the intrinsic quality of food by studying the relationship between the electronic nose response signal and the content of volatile components in different food samples however there are still places that can be added in the chart part of the articlea explain that the artificial nose is food nondestructive testing based on the communication sector algorithm can accurately analyze food compounds and promote the sustainable development of the food supplement the abstract lacks the conclusions of the studyb the keyword in the information part is missing from the keywordc using electronic chewing technology use gcms combined with hsspmegcms to evaluate the quality of processed walnuts in different storage times and
this section need further clarification the present study could be extended in the future to include other determinants of obesity such as physical activity dietary habits and comorbidities inclusion of multiple determinants will enable the building of a diagnostic model based on regression analysisplease reformulate the grammar for the introductionkeywords authors suggested updating the keywords by selecting more relevant terms keywords play important role in the appearance ofconclusions the writers should rewrite the conclusions to make it more abstract and selfcontained
i have been given the opportunity to review the manuscript where authors have focused on the clinical efficacy and safety of comprehensive nursing intervention on patients with myelosuppression after chemotherapy for acute leukemia although authors have conduction experimental study which consist of patients and provided convincing results and observations but some question arisesaacute leukemia is one of the clinically common malignant tumors caused by the malignant increase of hematopoietic stem cells which mechanism or treatment methods is more effective for it bas this study is basically dedication to the efficacy and safety of the comprehensive nursing interventions on patients with myelosuppression after chemotherapy for acute leukemia is it possible that patients with acute leukemia can effectively avoid the occurrence of infectioncas i understand from reading your paper is
in this paper the introduction of predictive analysis technology in sports training has certain theoretical significance and certain practical significance from the perspective of theory and practice the design of this article is very reasonable and the logic is very clear but the introduction of related concepts seems to be a bit short please improvest the schematic diagrams in this article are not very satisfied with the introduction of some models and the lack of relevant explanations for the formulas as follows the picture of the neuron model inserted in figure is too monotonous the previous article only mentioned the concept of the neuron model but did not describe the model in words so it is not clear what x and v stand for can you add a
with significant deepening of education reform and quality education concept and the continuous penetration of studentbased education concept colleges and universities in the process of education management gradually improve political importance of flexible management hope through flexible management to effectively improve working quality the students in the core of education management workcompared with flexible management flexible administration is more flexible but also can get more support and inspiration from studentsbased on the professional characteristics of school teachers in order to change and improve local state internal mechanism enhance and realize the life value of university teachers structure this paper proposes the importance of flexible management construction of university teachers and promoting the harmonious coexistence of internal and external ecological factors however this paper still has the following none
this paper is not suitable to be published in such a journal it is more suitable to evaluate this article as a conference proceeding
this is a paper concerned with identification of exudates in retinal fundus images using both gradient approach and edge pixel in pattern recognition and machine vision application the paper is concerned with obtaining a segment exudates in retinal fundus images relating to nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy by defining three important characteristics i gradient method to trace the contour of exudates ii marking the connected candidate pixels to remove false exudates pixels and iii linking the edge pixels for the boundary extraction of exudates this method incorporates a number of features intended to overcome some of the claimed inadequacies of other algorithms by validating medically significant statistical measures such as sensitivity specificity and accuracy as usual a feature is calculated from a variations of edges and region of pixels in
reviewer there are a large proportion of formatting errors in the manuscript which need to be carefully revised the p value should have a uniform number of decimal places there is an error with this sentence a review by mcdonald et al from randomised controlled studies of cognitive behavioural therapy conducted among earlier years with breast cancer patients found that the combination of cognitive behavioural therapy was more beneficial than conventional treatment in reducing depression within breast cancer patients and that it enabled the use of antidepressants another abstract needs to be revised for example the first part should introduce the research purpose or background at least do not use the first person in the description of methods and materials in the reference list a more coherent format
in order to investigate how to promote college studentsentrepreneurial learning and how to improve their entrepreneurial confidence willingness and ability an frintelligent resource recommendation model and recommendation algorithm based on deep learning was proposed providing a certain technical support for college studentsinnovation and entrepreneurship resource management and recommendation the paper has a rigorous logical structure and fluent language but some concepts lack arguments please revise according to your opinions please add the background of this article to study the management and recommendation methods of college students innovation and entrepreneurship resources based on the deep learning model can the author briefly explain which two management parts the database system service is divided into what do these models predict potential customers choices and offer the system adopts the traditional point
this article tries to study further occurrence of scandal and help policymakers to make policies by using complex network analysis it is evident that the authors invested many efforts in this work but these things are unclearneither the abstract nor the content of this article clearly highlights the innovation points the is no picture to show the structure as the complex network of this purpose lines to repeat time lines to line repeat spelling change the number in the in table and section is missing
in section taking into account the large forward distance of the warship and the range far boundary of the shiptoair missile and the relatively small area of the strategic position on the sea it is assumed that the terminal defense line and the enemy mission line at the strategic position on the sea are concentric circles is this assumption reasonable how does the use of concentric circles affect the results on page the upper and lower limits of the integral of the surface ship defense depth expectation formula are the same as b please check carefully in the paper dzsy is the far boundary of the shiptoair missile kill zone is the position marked dzsy in the figure accurate there are some typo error in the whole text
documentclassptarticleusepackagelatexsymamssymbtopmarginmmtextheightmmtextwidthmmevensidemarginmmoddsidemarginmmdef spvspace cmdef spzvspace cmthispagestyleemptyparindentmmrenewcommandbaselinestretchbegindocumentbegincenterlargebfreport on the paper spz applications and properties for bivariate ex bellbased frobeniustype eulerian polynomialsendcenterspnoindent bf authors waseem ahmad khan maryam salem alatawi and ugur duranin this paper the authors define parametric kinds of the bellbased frobeniustype eulerian polynomials by using trigonometric polynomialsthey investigate some of their analytical properties and applications they derive many formulas and relations for these polynomials including some implicit summation formulas differentiation rules and relations with earlier polynomials by utilizing some series manipulation methods in the last section they have derived the zero values of bellbased frobeniustype eulerian polynomials and also drawn multifarious graphical representations all mathematical statements and proofs in this article are correct the research is new and effective for applied sciences i recommend the acceptance of this
authors should address these points add the proper referencing in the introductions first paragraph and check the grammatical errors in the introduction what is the total processing time for the polyol refluxing method to synthesize zno nanomaterials how does this compare with the other forms of processing time and its advantages elaborate more description in ftir and fesem analysis and show the average particle size of nanomaterial using fesem in the results some more description is required in the photocatalytic degradation and antimicrobial activities grammatical mistake need to be corrected add some recent references to make it more informative
in their paper the convolution neural network coupling model it used to predict the architecture of construction engineering management the coupling model is compared with other models and the model is evaluated by the classification accuracy acc q rec f values through several groups of experiments the rationality and advantages of the proposed cnnsae vmdconvlstm model their prediction performance are verified this paper has clear thinking and good prediction effect i think there are still some problems that need not become considered by the author the specific problems are as follows whether application introduction needs to be streamlined please consider it by the author please check the subscript of the reference in the article then explain whether cnn and convlstm models are used repeatedly in this study
the manuscript entitled with changes in cardiac function and glycolipid metabolism in ovariectomized rats and the interventional effects of erxian decoction exd submitted by yuhan wang etal explores the pathophysiological mechanism of cardiovascular disease and the clinical application of exd in preventing and treating cardiovascular disease although the article has scientific rigor several major flows need to be corrected before it can be considered for publicationthe abstract should be concise but actually is not could the authors please thorough rewrite the abstract again in order to reach the good standard for concise abstractthe scientific naming should follow the binomial nomenclature mention the full form of all the abbreviations used at the initial followed by the short formsauthor should highlight outcome of present article in terms of future research
in this study authors demonstrated that nutmaas promoted oxa resistance of cc cells via activating nfb signaling pathway through mirpikk axis although authors provided adequate experimental data there are still some questions need to be identifiedthe reason why author choose nutmas should be clearly explainedplease check the keyword listthe abstract section need to be rewritten so that background aim main findings and conclusion were includedwhy authors only conducted all experiments in two cell linesas shown in figure a u was mainly located in cytoplasm gapdh was mainly located in nucleus language throughout the whole manuscript should be carefully checked and polished
this paper proposed the analysis of communication and network securities using the concepts of intervalvalued complex spherical fuzzy informationsome comments should be addressed as follows the motivation of this paper is not clear and convincing the introduction section need to be upgraded and the relative research background should be fully introduced a detailed literature review will be helpful for the readers to better understand the relative research area it is recommended to be a separate section in my view the advantages and practicability of the proposed method are not convincing enough more comparisons with other methods should be conducted the innovations of this paper should be carefully discussed also add the following papers in reference section sym s there are some spaces in between pages please correct it
as the mainstream reform trend of college curriculum the effective sharing and integration both individual and political element play more decisive role on the basis of big data analysis technology this paper designs a feature selection model mlmpfs based on manifold learning and linear mapping to extract ideological and political elements of college students courses the specific content of this paper is interesting however this research can be further enhanced according to the suggestions as following why mlmpfs algorithm can extract ideological and political elements what do the acc and nmi in series means in figure why the mpmlfs designed like that what is the range of in equation included are some grammar and spelling problems why is now proposed improved mlmpfs suitable for the ideological and political
one of the research findings put forward in the abstract participants affective ratings and judgments should receive due consideration to guide teachers smart teaching decisions is too general the author needs to further the discussion on the diagnostic value of learners affective ratings and judgments in smart educationthe introduction to relevant research findings in the interdisciplinary field between affective computing and smart teaching is missing please add a discussion section to compare and differentiate the proposed approach from existing research paradigms techniques articles to validate the empirical value and theoretical significance of the affective decision tree in relevant interdisciplinary research fields gini index cart and other algorithms are existing for many years the author has to come up with some innovative approaches and new algorithms in decision tree
in this paper a multi beacon underwater acoustic positioning and tracking algorithm based on extended kalman filter is proposed to reduce the positioning error of underwater acoustic system caused by the uncertainty of sound speed the writing logic of the paper is reasonable the syntax is smooth and the formula is deduced correctly simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm can correct the sound velocity estimation and improve the stability and accuracy of the underwater uav system the algorithm proposed in the paper has certain practical significance but it is not innovative enough it extends the kalman filter algorithm on the basis of adjusting parameters in addition the paper lacks a literature review in the same field and does not make a full comparison between similar algorithms
introduction at the end of the section the editors suggested this one more paragraphthis model is complex and requires clarificationwe used body fat from the dexa report as its gold standard test for adiposity assessment in which more than in men and more than in women patients considered obese to be compared with the accuracy for bmi measurement of obesity more than kgm the data was collected from subject records using prestructured data extraction sheet to avoid data extraction error and interrupter bias the data we collected includes subjects age gender and weight measuresheight in meter weight in context to measure bmi and lean mass and fat mass more were presented through excel worksheets and processed through statistical software for the data analysis what is the research aimreformulate
i believe the paper is nicely written and needs some last adjustments i would like to make few recommendations please start numbering the section from the number some of the equations need to be updated they are thus bigger than the remainder of the text please carefully align them with the body content there are various errors that need to be rectified for example spacing and for the volume similarity feature component please send a bigger picture for figure it is not legible be consistent with the style of citations some references are mentioned by standard brackets and text size while others are written as superscripted numerals
the research goal materials methods results and conclusion should all leave included in the abstractthe contribution of the research is unclearwhat is the importance of this textdespite the fact that bmi was studied widely in exploration and clinical practice study recommends that there was a definitive proof for benchmark bmi limits for obesity seem to underrate body adiposity body mass strength equivalent to or more than thirty has ability to correctly recognizing excess adiposity implying model of thin persons with a increased body fat fraction will not be considered but to become more understandable the discussion section includes more details for discussion
i will appreciate this research it if you could clarify the final two sentences of the conclusion sectionthe papers presentation is quite poor although it could be made betterthe format for authors titles and journals should all be the same throughout the references ensuring consistencyi suggest the authors alter the terminology in the opening paragraph of the section titled discussionthe words in figure need to be redrawn to be clearer and to be more orderlyread the text attentively and correct any grammar mistakeswhy all of the tables and figures are not cited in the text cite all of the texts figures and tables uniformly what is the paper contribution add a sentence outlining your inspiration and the major contributions your work has made
this article has a good cut into the theme and reasonable structure it is reasonable and advanced to apply big data technology and blockchain technology to the monitoring room of human health this article has good reference value for research in this field but it is suggested to address the following issues there are errors in the marking sequence of references which need to be corrected the data collected by the internet of things and neural network are massive and heterogeneous is it necessary to be isomerized after entering the sharing layer how can the data be further integrated and processed without isomerization the problem of information islands has a long history and eliminating the number of islands is one of the most important topics in scientific research
this paper proposes algorithms related to blockchain including blockchain consensus algorithm and blockchain throughput delay algorithm the algorithms are well used but there are some problems in the papersome of the content in the abstract about blockchain is not relevant so please ask the author to reintegrate for revisionkeywords blockchain smart interconnection system optimization this group of keywords is not very representative so the authors are invited to add them againblockchain is an open and distributed field of related research that allows secure permanent and efficient recording of transactions this statement should be substantiated please add literaturefigure characteristics of the smart and connected era please describe them in words by the authorthe formula in the text is similar to other papers which is not correct and the authors
in this paper yang and colleagues investigated the function of nedd in lung adenocarcinoma the conclusion that nedd promoted lung adenocarcinoma development and was a potential prognostic marker of luad was verified through multiangles methods the paper writing was clear evidences supporting the conclusions were solid and logic however some questions still should be solved by a minor revision before considering acceptancethe sample counts of nedd low score and high score were missed in figure a right panelthe scale bar of microscope graph were missedfigure was a lowres image and hard to recognized please replaced a highres imagein line the abbreviation of flow cytometry should be fcm instead of facsin results sector all experiments were conducted in a and h cell in figure and however in figure and
the background is not clearexplain in this paragraphhypothyroidism is characterized by an excessive level of serum thyroidstimulating hormone tsh above the upper reference limit and slower metabolic rate which is current importance of thyroid hormone in the body list what risks of untreated sch
this paper proposes a the longterm strategy of gir government information release in as to effectively adjust this address the netizens emotions derived from emergencies it suggests that the proposed method works well from the accepted results i suggest a minor revision before publish any work the problems are listed below lets talk about the writing it is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical english editing paying particular attention to english grammar spelling improved sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study remain clear to the reader the author will accentuate his contributions in this manuscript in section related work analyzes the results of others in the writing but it is not detailed enough especially the advantages and
in recent years interest has arisen in studying the role of the intestinal microbiota as a therapy for specific metabolic conditions based initially on the use of traditional probiotics however the limited effectiveness of these probiotics in disorders associated with the intestinal microbiota and the risks of fecal microbiota transplantation were decisive factors in the search for new biotherapeutic treatments this article analyzes the characteristics of bacteria from the human intestinal microbiota and reviews the different experimental assays related to the host immune response that allow considering these microorganisms as potential candidates for nextgeneration probiotics and their possible application in the treatment of metabolic and inflammatory intestinal diseases this review article is well supported and is considered to be a reference for the development of new probiotics based
in the present study zhang et al analyzed the frequencies of circulating tfh and breg cells in gastric cancer patients compared to healthy controls and found that both cell subsets may be involved in immune suppression in gastric cancer in addition b cells were found to be a potential regulator for tfh differentiation while this study addresses an interesting and clinically relevant topic i have the following concerns that i think would significantly elevate the importance of this study as is reported in previous studies cdcxcr cells include not only tfh cells cdcxcrcdcd but also tfr cells cdcxcrcdhicdlow so the authors indicate cdcxcr cells as tfh cells is not accurate cdcdhicdhi breg cell was one of the phenotypes of bregs what about the other phenotypes of bregs whether
the research findings should be mentioned in the abstract at the end in section you have not mentioned about the adhesive properties based hardener type highlight it add the photographic view of the arecanut filler and matrix material section can be discussed with the reference citations include the conclusion with some research datas
this work presented a portable and automated facial trainer for finger rehabilitation it is very interesting for the design and application can you tell on a few following questions what fits the size of the d printing device the space and weight of the device how deep will it cost to manufacture the equipment can it be further promoted and after
gastric cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting the gastrointestinal system worldwide with high morbidity and mortality the expression level of pdl can affect the survival of patients with gastric cancer however the effect of pd expression on patients with gastric cancer is lacking in this study the authors used transcriptome data and dna methylation data to investigate biomarkers that are important for pd negative gastric cancer this study has potential value in the treatment of gastric cancer why is the absolute delta value set to when identifying dms is there a source for the shortest path formula please quote this reference what is the meaning of in normal versus tumor cell is there data for introducing singlecell rnaseq data in ten probes can
the experimental results of this workshop show that the use of big data and artificial neural networks to study chinese dependency parsing methods has higher accuracy compared with the original analysis algorithm the accuracy rate is increased again which can indicate the effectiveness of the research such experimental results are very satisfactory but in other aspects of the paper there are still some problems that need attention some first line of the introduction details the research status of syntactic analysis methods these are mentioned that the early research was mainly based on the rulebased method and similarly a statistical method became the mainstream however there is no connection between these two sentences please make appropriate supplements introduction the third paragraph of the literature begins about the application of
more and more studies choose to use campus data to mine student behaviours and the final results are all good therefore based on the mental health database of campus students this paper uses the method of data mining to construct an ensemble sampling neural network esann model suitable for unbalanced sample data to evaluate the mental health problems of college students and to evaluate the mental health problems of college students the research results of this paper have important practical guiding significance but there are still the following problemsthe introduction needs to increase the relevant research contents as a special group in society college students often experience obvious psychological changes under public health events paying attention to the psychological changes of college students is conducive to cultivating a
this is a wellwritten stateoftheart review of expansive soil embankment filling and cutting treatment technology the manuscript lack critical remarksdiscussioninsight from the author regarding the advantages and disadvantages of different methodologies used for the performance of expansive soil also a discussion on the suggested future scope for research in this field should be provided this manuscript is recommended for a minor revision
dear editorthank you for choosing me for manuscript revisionattached please find my notesplease do not hesitate to contact me for any further requests
through the platform health education for the elderly is carried out to guide them to adopt healthy lifestyles and dietary habits and to educate them about some necessary disease symptoms and first aid methods thus managing their entire life state the research direction of this article is forwardlooking but there are still some issues that need to be revisedq the order of keywords in the article is keywords for data mining smart community elderly care model integrated medicine but for the smart community elderly care model based on data mining technology these keywords are not able to summarise the framework of the article please make revisionsq the platform enables collaborative management between the elderly and large integrated medical institutions the platforms information resources are used to facilitate outpatient
the current study describes the biological behavior of leishmania l infantum chagasi isolated from nonulcerated cutaneous leishmaniasis cl there are several major concerns about the methodology and findings of the studyone of the main findings of this study is that the leishmania strain isolated from nonulcerated or atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis nucl or dermotropic strain grows at a lower temperature than viscerotropic strain this is something that has been largely documented in previous studies the second point is that in the in vivo experiments in golden hamsters no significant histopathological changes have been observed in dermotropic strain in comparison with viscerotropic strain which seems somewhat weird and the findings are inconsistent with the findings of the in vitro study another point is that a mouse cytokine assay kit has
during the monitoring process whether the monitoring period is divided according to the time flow density which may be more targeted whether to take the vibration near the boundary point when there is no vehicle noise as the initial value to reduce the depending of these factors on vibration data when the relationship between vibration and distance is drawn and it considered to add the suggestion of instrument storage to a conclusion framework and future works should be provided in a separate section before conclusion
dear editorwe reviewed this study and established the iwsn to explain the limitations of dynamic monitoring of wsns using geographic information system and thermal sensing technology combined with iwsn to realize dynamic temporal monitoring of archaeological excavation sites in addition the author analyzes the environmental monitoring results of the archaeological excavation site the dynamic environmental location and positioning of the iwsn archaeological excavation site and the simulation results of the intelligent wireless sensor network and geographic information system on that whole archeological research realizes the intelligentization and technology of archaeological excavation and provides technical support for digital computing in archaeological research however preliminary content of my article needs further improvement and the following suggestions should be referred to for the end of the introduction should reflect the innovation
abstract the human resource recommendation method based on decision tree algorithm is studied to improve the comprehensive quality and practical application effect of human resource recommendation the streaming distributed data collection method is adopted to collect human resource data from massive data sources after classifying the data according to the data source category it is stored as the original human resource data set aiming at the defects of the original human resource data set the data preprocessing and data warehouse are implemented through the preprocessing process of data extraction cleaning conversion and loading i think this is ok but there are the following problemsa what is the process of establishing the framework of enterprise human resources system how is it transformed and upgraded please explain why the decision
neural network is a comprehensive analysis method which can preprocess data and adjust different indexes by increasing threshold to ensure the accuracy of analysis results badminton technical gesture recognition is accomplished by means of wearable devices so a large amount of data will be generated and the data results are complex under the guidance of neural network and data mining technology accurate analysis of data can be realized therefore this article can be published however there are some flaws in the article which need to be corrected by the author the content in the introduction is too weak so the author should increase the exposition of the research content of this paper such as the first chapter the second chapter etc so as to make the introduction more
in this paper the authors proposed a novel idea of how to achieve security and privacypreserving in iov data communication the technical part is sound and logicallyclear this paper is easy to followhowever there are some minor issues to be fixed the motivation could be further polished while the contributions should be highlighted in the introduction section a few of grammar errors should be fixed before publication there are several typos errors in the paper please doublecheck
this paper proposes a crosstheoretical model which uses bayesian linear prediction and with anova to evaluated the stage changes of college students physical exercise behavior and finds the law the research value is very high but there are some small errors in the research and analysis that need to be revised that ensure the rigor of the articlea the introduction part describes the meaning from one whole article and expresses the influence of physical exercise on their human emotions of contemporary university students and what is the significance to the existence of a crosstheoretical modelb to study the human stages and process of college students behavior change through physical exercise and psychological activity management the innovative method used here isc analysis of variance is to find out the
this study determined that mirp can target and regulate mapk expression to cause osi of npc cells thus inhibiting the selfreplication and malignant spread of cancer cells and curbing the progression of npc it is an interesting study focusing on oxidative stress in nasopharyngeal carcinoma commentsa english in the main text is poor there are some mistakes in grammar b starbase is an online software thus it is needed to provide its website c how did patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were included there was no description of inclusion criteria d authors can provide the research contents of followup studies e did the data conform to the normal distribution
commentin this publication on theoretical basis of concentric casing type paraffin heat storage device the effect of embedded spiral metal ring on the warming characteristics and heat storage rate is explored by using spiral metal ring for a medium to enhance heat transfer this paper has some practical value on the following problems are as follow what are the advantages of the phases change materials used in this paper compared to the phase adjust materials pcm mentioned in the research literature the structure of this paper can be carried out by referring to the literature and written over as much detail and literature as possible wang y peng y guo k et al experimental investigation on performance improvement of thermoelectric generator based the phase change materials and heat
this paper combines data mining technology for library knowledge management data mining constructs a library knowledge management performance evaluation system and proposes a sparse sample selfexpression subspace clustering algorithm based on spectral clustering after reading the whole article the overall research idea of the paper is clear the language expression is clear the logic is reasonable and it has a certain reference value my comments are as follows the value range and meaning of each parameter of formula in formulas and what do they mean and the meanings of other parameter symbols the factorization algorithm has developed many methods for solving subspace clustering in algebraic and geometrical aspects is there any limitation or limitation under this calculation condition what are the advantages and disadvantages of the em algorithm
this paper has conducted an overview of expansive soil stabilisation as applicable to soil slopes this study is limited in originality because there are many studies in the past that have looked at expansive soil stabilisation in general for instance ikeagwuani et al ali behnood besides limited information has been provided on several techniques in some sections of the article soil stabilisation applicable to slopes can consider several other factors in addition to the few mentioned in the article these factors could include but not strictly limited to the followingthe implications of different angles for the stabilised slopeseffects of the position of water table maybe with water table at the top of the slope as a worstcase scenarioeffect of different soil layers or variability of soil propertieseffect of
this paper has some questions as some contents need to be modified to affect the quality of the paperfigures and require highquality picturesplease make a more indepth analysis change the experimental results such as the content in figure add the literature
the submitted manuscript developed and validated a predictive nomogram for vte in tdm nonsurgical patients patients in my laboratory such research project is interesting and worth considering however to what concerns the submitted paper i have several concerns the literal presentation is not satisfactory most of the areas outside the text would need rephrasingrewording and the citation of several references could be questioned the selection of statistical methods should be described some in the images are blurred and the author should replace them with photographic images with higher resolution there are few explanations of the approach for the study regarding the format of references should be symmetrical with that of journals
explain the importance of magnetic resonance imaging mri in medical fieldlist the tumour types are classified using linear regression parameter settingsmention the percentage of accuracy achieved by the proposed work while comparing to other stateoftheart approacheswhy preprocessing is made and mentions its importance in the classification of the imagewhat learning technique is used for feature extraction of mr brain images in order to classify tumourin this work as threestep strategy to classifying brain tumours explain it in detail
ma et al study revealed that cyr mediates angiotensin iiinduced podocyte apoptosis via the upregulation of txnip as we known podocyte dysregulation is critical pagothen process in various kidney diseases the present study investigated the underlying mechanisms of podocyte apoptosis and explained cyr mediates angiotensin iiinduced podocytes apoptosis this is the first finding cyr in podocyte apoptosis it is the pave stone for further investigating and even as the therapy target of kidney diseases however it still need authors to explain few doubts for mein the present study whether cyr and txnip have been investigated in kidey diseasesraas play the key role in podocyte apoptosis and whether have the relationship between expression levels of ang ii in rates of podocyte apoptosisin present study the research subjects upregulated cyr
public health emergencies are serious problem that can not be ignored in china in order otherwise determine that the impact of emergencies is minimized the country has also issued corresponding policies towards control public emergencies this paper uses big book technology and comparative investigation of a number of data and draws effective conclusions this paper has strong novelty and practicality the structure of the full text is reasonable and the content of the argument is convincing it is suggested to modify the given questions and the modified article can be employedi figure and not described in detail in this article please define the contents of figure in the following article in which the type of formula is not described in detail please explain his preconditioniii there is no
a novel ferroptosisrelated lncrna signature for predicting the prognosis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma is proposed in this paper however there are still some major problems i recommend that this paper can be accepted after major revision the comments are as followsit is clear that they are used to affect the choice of action but the following problems are unclear why do they improve performance what do they individually contribute to the performance improvementit is better to add description about the improvement of the proposed method comparing with other similar method moreover the authors should accentuate their contributions in this manuscriptthe abstract and conclusion did not present the main idea of the work methodically several typos are presented and obvious syntax errors are presentedthe subject considered is an
this research paper proposes a zeroknowledge proof intelligent recommendation system to protect students information privacy in the digital age the proposed method incorporates an intelligent recommendation system which uses an optimized analog of the matrix factorization technique calculated as normal eulerian walk chart accordingly the schnorr matrix proof format with the language digital key signature based on the discrete logarithm problem ensures personal data privacy when exchanging messages between educational entitiesthis papers concept and rationale are intriguing and have the potential for practical implementationthe paper is well structured coherent and easy to understand the abstract introduction and related work sections provide a good understanding of the work background and contributionthe field contribution is diverse and highly relevant to the journal topichowever information is readily apparent how the problem
the presentation of this article is very chinesespeaking so please get a native english speaker to revise translate and embellish it the title has been altered so that all words excluding prepositions are capitalized there is no author contribution or acknowledgement section in the paper each authors contribution to the research process must be acknowledged the abstracts techniques section should be extended with particular parts the letter p should be uppercase and italicized unnecessary whitespace should also be eliminated it is advised that the abstract be brief and not discuss all of the results please rewrite the keywords in the form mesh and keywords in general the initial letter should be capitalized as well the prologue is far too brief we propose include a definition of trigeminal neuralgia
after reviewing the paper there are still several places remain unclear or not perfect for me now some comments on these questions or tips are as follows how to understand the anxiety evaluation results of college students in the control and intervention group after treatment more explanations are needed what is the function of the psychological symptom scores in this study and more content about their comparison results between the intervention and control group should be added what are the differences between the anxiety scores and psychological symptom scores for college students in this research how many main factors could affect the effect of music therapy interventions on college students excessive anxiety please give more details about the anxiety evaluation results of college students with different majors in
the paper combs the main problems existing in the current ideological and political theory education practice analyzes the advantages of big data technology applied to ideological and political theory teaching determines the teaching evaluation of ideological and political theory based on the big data model theory and analyzes the teaching cases based on the data of a school providing a certain theoretical and practical support for the application of big data to ideological and political theory education after reading this article i found that the following problems need to be improved specific opinions are as followssummary in the abstract of the paper the description of the experimental results is a qualitative analysis description which is too general and needs to be added with specific experimental data the abstract
equation should be thoroughly changedonly use one language throughout the workin the final table half of the references are referenced in apa style and half of the references are cited in vancouver style in the final list please cite all references in a similar formatchange the first set of steps of the standard coordinate systemmake some changes to the first part to make it more engagingtable too difficult to understand please make points clearerthe abstract details will be improvedthere are various typographical and spacing mistakes in this work please correct all errorsupdate the recommended sentence with the rapid development of computer technology science and technology such as artificial intelligence and deep learning frequently appear in different fields of social public life