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ولا أعلم هل توفي الدولابي في العرج الأولى أم الثانية، وباليمن بلد آخر يقال له سوق العرج ، والله أعلم.
I do not know in which of these two places al-Dulabi died. There is also a place in Yemen called Stik al-Arj.
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You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
أبو عبيد الله محمدبن عمران بن موسى بن سعيد بن عبيد الله، الكاتب المرزباني الخراساني الأصل البغدادي المولد، صاحب التصانيف المشهورة والمجاميع الغربية؛ كان راوية للأدب صاحب أخبار، وتواليفه كثيرة،
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Imran Ibn Musa Ibn Saied Ibn Obaid Allah al-Katib al-Marzubani was born at Baghdad, but his family belonged to Khorasan. Besides drawing up numerous works and curious compilations, which are well known, he delivered orally a great deal of literary and historical information.
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وكان ثقة في الحديث ومائلا إلى التشيع في المذهب، حدث عن عبد الله بن محمد البغوي وأبي بكر ابن داود السجستاني في آخرين.
As a transmitter of Traditions, he bore the character of a sure authority, but in his religious belief he leant towards the Shiite doctrines. He gave his Traditions on the authority of Abd Allah Ibn Muhammad al-Baghawi, Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawud al-Sijistani, and other masters.
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وهو أول من جمع ديوان يزيد بن معاوية بن أبي سفيان الأموي واعتنى به، وهو صغير الحجم يدخل في مقدار ثلاث كراريس، وقد جمعه من بعده جماعة وزادوا فيه أشياء كثيرة ليست له
It was he who first collected and revised the poetical works of the Omaiyide, Yazid the son of Muawiya, the son of Abu Sofian; they form a small volume of about sixty pages. After him, other persons undertook the same task, but they inserted in the collection a great number of pieces which were not Yazid’s.
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وكنت حفظت جميع ديوان يزيد لشدة غرامي به، وذلك في سنة ثلاث وثلاثين وستمائة بمدينة دمشق وعرفت صحيحه من المنسوب إليه الذي ليس له، وتتبعته حتى ظفرت بصاحب كل أبيات، ولولا خوف التطويل لبينت ذلك.
I conceived so great an admiration for Yazid’s poetry, that, in the year 633 (A. D. 1235-6), being then at Damascus, I learned it all by heart, and succeeded in distinguishing the genuine pieces from those which were falsely ascribed to him. I exa- mined also the latter with attention, and was enabled, by my researches, to discover by whom each of them was composed; these results I should set forth here were I not apprehensive of lengthening this article too much.
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وشعر يزيد، مع قلته، في نهاية الحسن، ومن أطايب شعره الأبيات العينية التي منها: إذا رمت من ليلى على البعد نظرة… تطفي جوى بين الحشا والأضالع تقول نساء الحي تطمع أن ترى… محاسن ليلى مت بداء المطامع
The poems of this prince, though not numerous, are highly beautiful; one of his sweetest passages is that contained in the piece rhyming in Ain, where he says: Separated from Laila, I longed for a glimpse of her figure, thinking that the flame which raged within my bosom would be calmed at her aspect; but the females of the tribe said: “You hope to see the charms of Laila I die of the [lingering) malady of hope
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وكيف ترى ليلى بعين ترى بها… سواها وما طهرتها بالمدامع وتلتذ منها بالحديث بالحديث وقد جرى… حديث سواها في خروق المسامع أجلك ياليلى عن العين إنما… أراك بقلب خاشع لك خاضع
How could thou look on Laila, whilst the eyes which you cast on other women are not yet purified by tears? How can you hope to enjoy her discourse, since your ears have hearkened to the voice of strangers? O Laila! thou art too noble to be seen! he only can see thee whose heart is humble and submissive.”
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وكانت ولادة المرزباني المذكور في جمادى الآخرة سنة سبع وتسعين ومائتين، وقيل سنة ست وتسعين. وتوفي يوم الجمعة ثاني شوال سنة أربع وثمانين
Al-Marzubani was born in the month of the latter Jumada, A. H. 297 (Feb.-March, A. D. 910); — some say, 296 — and he died on Friday, the 2nd of Shawwal, A. H. 384 (9th November, A. D.)
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وقيل سنة ثمان وسبعين وثلثمائة، والأول أصح، رحمه الله تعالى، وصلى عليه الفقيه أبو بكر الخوارزمي ودفن في داره بشارع عمرو الرومي ببغداد في الجانب الشرقي.
His death has been placed erroneously in the year three hundred and seventy eight. The funeral service was said over him by the doctor Abu Bakr al-Khwarizmi. He was interred in his house, situated in the shari of Amr the Greek (Amr al-Rumi), a street in that quarter of Baghdad which lies on the east side of the river.
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وروى عن أبي القاسم البغدادي وأبي بكر ابن دريد وأبي بكر ابن الأنباري، وروى عنه أبو عبد الله الصيمري وأبو القاسم التنوخي وأبو محمد الجوهري وغيرهم.
He delivered traditional information on the authority of Abu al-Kasim al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr Ibn Duraid, and Abu Bakr Ibn al-Anbari; his own authority was cited by Abu Abd Allah al-Saimari, Abu al-Kasim al-Tanukhi, Abu Muhammad al-Jauhari, and others.
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والمرزباني: بفتح الميم وسكون الراء وضم الزاي وفتح الباء الموحدة وبعد الألف نون، هذه النسبة إلى بعض أجداده، وكان اسمه المرزبان، وهذا الاسم لايطلق عند العجم إلا على الرجل المقدم العظيم القدر، وتفسيره بالعربية حافظ الحد، قاله ابن الجواليقي في كتابه”المعرب”.
He received the surname of al- Marzubani because one of his ancestors bore the name of al-Marzuban, a designation applied by the Persians to great and powerful men only. This word signifies guardian of the frontier, as we learn from Ibn al-Jawaliki’s work, entitled al-Muarrab.
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أبو بكر الصولي
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أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن عبد الله بن العباس بن محمد بن وصول تكين الكاتب، المعروف بالصولي الشطرنجي؛ كان أحد الأدباء الفضلاء المشاهير،
The katib Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Abd Allah Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Muhammad Ibn Wasul Tikin, generally known by the appellation of al-Suli al-Shatranji (al-Suli the chess-player), bore a high reputation as a man of talent and an accomplished scholar.
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روى عن أبي داود السجستاني وأبي العباس ثعلب وأبي العباس المبرد وغيرهم، وروى عنه أبو الحسن الدارقطني الحافظ، وأبو عبيد الله المرزباني المذكور قبله وغيرهما. ونادم الراضي، وكان أولا يعلمه ثم نادم المقتدر، ونادم قبله المكتفي.
He delivered traditional information on the authority of Abu Dawud al-Sijistani, Abu al-Abbas Thalab, Abu al-Abbas al-Mubarrad, and other great masters; Abu al-Hasan al-Darakutni, Abu Abd Allah al-Marzubani, see the preceding article, and others have transmitted down the information which he imparted. He became one of (the caliph) al-Radi’s companions, after having been his preceptor; the caliph al-Muktaidir and al-Muktafi received him also into their intimacy an account of his convivial talents.
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وله التصانيف المشهورة منها كتاب الوزراء وكتاب الورقة وكتاب أدب الكاتب وكتاب الأنواع وكتاب أخبار أبي تمام وكتاب أخبار القرامطة وكتاب الغرر وكتاب أخبار أبي عمرو بن العلاء وكتاب ”العبادة” وكتاب أخبار ابن هرمة وكتاب أخبار السيد الحميري وكتاب أخبار إسحاق بن إبراهيم، وجمع أخبار جماعة من الشعراء، ورتبه على حروف المعجم، وكلهم من الشعراء المحدثين، وغير ذلك.
He composed a number of celebrated works, such as the Kitab al-Wuzraa (book of ministers), the Kitab al-Waraka (book of the paper)? the Adab al-Katib (the knowledge require for a katib)? tike Kitab al-Anwaa (hook of species)? History of Abu Tammam, the History of The Karmats, the Kitab al-Ghurar (book of brilliancies), the History of Abu Amr Ibn al-Alaa, the Kitab al-Ibada (book of devotion), the History of Ibn Harms, tike History of al- Sayed al-Himyari, the History of Ishak Ibn Ibrahim, a biographical dictionary of modern poets, etc.
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وكان ينادم الخلفاء، وكان أغلب فنونه أخبار الناس، وله رواية واسعة ومحفوظات كثيرة، وكان حسن الاعتقاد جميل الطريقة مقبول القول، وكان أوحد وقته في لعب الشطرنج، لم يكن في عصره مثله في معرفته. والناس إلى الآن يضربون به المثل في ذلك فيقولون لمن يبالغون في حسن لعبه ”فلان يلعب الشطرنج مثل الصولي”.
The science which he chiefly. cultivated was biography, but he knew by heart and transmitted down a great number of literary productions Sincere in his religious belief and virtuous in his conduct, he merited the confidence which was always placed in his word. As a chess-player he remained without an equal, and, even So the present day, it is said proverbially of a player whose abilities are intended So be extolled, that much a one plays at chess like al-Suli.
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ورأيت خلقا كثيرا يعتقدون أن الصولي المذكور هو الذي وضع الشطرنج، وهو غلط، فإن الذي وضعه صصه بن داهر الهندي، واسم الملك الذي وضعه له شهرام، بكسر الشين المعجمة.
I have met a great number of persons who believed that al-Suli was the inventor of chess but this is an erroneous opinion, that game having been imagined by Sissah Ibn Daher the Indian, for the amusement of king Shahram.
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وكان أردشير ابن بابك أول ملوك الفرس الأخيرة قد وضع النرد، ولذلك قيل له النردشير لأنهم نسبوه إلى واضعه المذكور، وجعله مثالا للدنيا وأهلها ، فرتب الرقعة اثني عشر بيتا بعدد شهور السنة، وجعل القطع ثلاثين قطعة بعدد أيام كل شهر، وجعل الفصوص مثل القدر وتقلبه بأهل الدنيا.
Ardashir Ibn Babek the founder of the last Persian dynasty, invested the game of nard (tables), wish was, therefore, called nardashir. He designed it as an image of the world and its inhabitants, and, therefore, divided the hoard into twelve squares to represent the months of the year; the thirty pieces (or men) represented the days of the month and the dice were the emblems of fate and the vicissitudes through which it conducts the people of the world.
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وبالجملة فالكلام في هذا يطول ويخرج عما نحن بصدده؛ فافتخرت الفرس بوضع النرد وكان ملك الهند يومئذ بلهيت، فوضع له صصه المذكور الشطرنج، فقضت حكماء ذلك العصر بترجيحه على النرد لأمور يطول شرحها.
But, to expatiate on these points would lead us too far, and make us digress from the subject in which we are now engaged. The Persians count the game of nerd as one of the inventions which did honor to their nation. Balhait was at that tame king of India, and for him Sissah invented the game of chess. The sages of the time declared it superior to the game of nerd and that for reasons too Wig to be explained.
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ويقال إن صصه لما وضع الشطرنج وعرضه على الملك شهرام المذكور أعجبه وفرح به كثيرا، وأمر أن يكون في بيوت الديانة، ورآه أفضل ما علم لأنه آلة للحرب وعز للدين والدنيا وأساس لكل عدل،
It is said that, when Sissah invented the game of chess and presented it to Shahram the latter was struck with, admiration and filled with joy; he ordered chess-boards to be placed in the houses, and considered that game as the best thing that could be learned in as much as it served to (the art of) war as an honor to religion and the world and as the foundation of all justice.
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وأظهر الشكر والسرور على ما أنعم عليه في ملكه منه، وقال لصصه: اقترح علي ما تشتهي، فقال له: اقترحت أن تضع حبة قمح في البيت الأول، ولا تزال تضعها حتى تنتهي إلى آخرها، فمهما بلغ تعطيني،
He manifested also his gratitude and satisfaction for the favor which heaven had gifted him in his reign by such an invention, and he said to Sissah. Ask me for whatever you desire.” I then demand,” replied Sissah, “that a grain of wheat be placed in the first square of the chess-board, two in the second, and that the number of grains be progressively doubled till the last square is attained: whatever this quantity may to be, I ask you to bestow it on me.”
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فاستصغر الملك ذلك، وأنكر عليه كونه قابله بالنزر اليسير، وكان قد أضمر له شيئا كثيرا، فقال: ما أريد إلاهذا، فراده فيه وهو مصر عليه فأجابه إلى مطلوبه وتقدم له به، فلما قل لأرباب الديوان حسبوه فقالوا ما عندنا قمح يفي بهذا ولا بما يقاربه،
The king, who meant to make him a present of something considerable, exclaimed that such a recompense would be too little, and reproached Sissah for asking so inadequate a reward. Sissah declared that he desired nothing but what he had mentioned, and, heedless of the king’s remonstrances, he persisted in his demand. The king, at length, consented, and ordered that quantity of wheat to be given him. When the chiefs of the government office received orders to that effect, they calculated the amount, and answered that they did not possess near so much wheat as was required.
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فلما قيل للملك استنكر هذه المقالة، وأحضر أرباب الديوان وسألهم فقالوا له: لو جمع كل قمح في الدنيا ما بلغ هذا القدر، فطالبهم بإقامة البرهان على ذلك، فقعدوا وحسبوه، فظهر له صدق ذلك ، فقال الملك لصصه: أنت في اقتراحك ما اقترحت أعجب حالا من وضعك الشطرنج.
These words were reported to the king, and he, being unable to credit them, ordered the chiefs to be brought before him. Having questioned them on the subject, they replied that all the wheat in the world would be insufficient to make up the quantity. He ordered them to prove what they said, and, by a series of multiplications and reckonings, they demonstrated to him that such was the fact. On this, the king said to Sissah: Your ingenuity in imagining such a request is yet more admirable than your talent in inventing the game of chess.”
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وطريق هذا التضعيف ان يضع الحاسب في البيت الأول حبة وفي الثاني حبتين وفي الثالث أربع حبات وفي الرابع ثماني حبات، وهكذا إلى آخره، كلما انتقل إلى بيت ضاعف ما قبله وأثبته فيه.
The way in which this doubling of the grains is to be done consists in the calculator’s placing one grain in the first square, two in the second, four in the third, eight in the fourth, and so on, till he comes to the last square; placing in each square the double of what is contained in the preceding one.
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ولقد كان في نفسي من هذه المبالغة شيء حتى اجتمع بي بعض حساب الإسكندرية، وذكر لي طريقا تبين لي صحة ماذكروه، وأحضر لي ورقة بصورة ذلك، وهو أنه ضاعف الأعداد إلى البيت السادس عشر فأثبت فيه اثنين وثلاثين ألفا وسبعمائة وثمانيا وستين حبة،
I was doubtful that the amount could be so great as what is said, but having met one of the accountants employed at Alexandria, I received from him a demonstration which convinced me that their declaration was true: he placed before me a sheet of paper in which he had doubled the numbers up to the sixteenth square, and obtained thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight grains.
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وقال: نجعل هذه الجملة مقدار قدح، وقد اعتبرتها فكانت كذلك، والعهدة عليه في هذا النقل، ثم ضاعف القدح في البيت السابع عشر، وهكذا حتى بلغ ويبة في البيت العشرين ثم انتقل إلى الويبات، ومنها إلى الأرادب، ولم يزل يضاعفها حتى انتهى في بيت الأربعين إلى مائة ألف إردب أربعة وسبعين ألف إردب وسبعمائة واثنين وستين إردبا وثلثين،
“Now,” said he, “let us consider this quantity to be the contents of a pint measure, and this I know by experiment to be true;” these are the accountant’s words, so let him bear the responsibility then let the pint be doubled in the seventeenth square, and so on progressively. In the twentieth square it will become a waiba [peck], the waibas will then become an irdabb (bushel), and in the fortieth square we shall have one hundred and seventy-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-two irdabbs.
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فقال تجعل هذه الجملة في شونه فإن الشونة لايكون فيها أكثر من هذا، ثم ضاعف الشون إلى بيت الخمسين فكانت الجملة ألفا وأربعا وعشرين شونة، فقال: تجعل هذه في مدينة، فإن المدينة لايكون فيها أكثر من هذه الشون، وأي مدينة يكون فيها هذه الجملة من الشون ثم ضاعف المدن حتى انتهى في البيت الرابع والستين – وهو آخر أبيات رقعة الشطرنج – إلى ستة عشر ألف وثلثمائة وأربع وثمانين مدينة،
Let us suppose this to be the contents of a corn store, and no corn store contains more than that; then doubled to the fiftieth square we shall have the contents of one thousand and twenty four stores; suppose these to be one city and no city can have more than that number off stores or even so many we shall them et find that the sixty-fourth and last square gives sixteen (thousand three hundred and eighty-four cities.
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وقال: تعلم أنه ليس في الدنيا مدن أكثر من هذا العدد، فإن دور كرة الأرض معلوم بطريق الهندسة، وهو ثمانية آلاف فرسخ، بحيث لو وضعنا طرف حبل على أي موضع كان من الأرض وأدرنا الحبل على كرة الأرض حتى انتهينا بالطرف الآخر إلى ذلك الموضع من الأرض والتقى الطرفان فإذا مسحنا ذلك الحبل كان طوله أربعة وعشرين ألف ميل، وهي ثمانية آلاف فرسخ، وهو قطعي لاشك فيه، ولولا خوف التطويل والخروج عن المقصود لبينت ذلك – وسأذكره إن شاء الله تعالى في ترجمة بني موسى –
Now, as you know that there is not in the world a greater number of cities than that, for geometry informs us that the reference of the globe is eight thousand; parasangs so that, if the end of a cord were laid on any part off the earth, and the cord passed round it till both ends met, we should find that it is length off the cord to be twenty-four thousand miles, which is equal to eight thousand parasangs So This (demonstration) is decisive and indubitable. Were l not apprehensive of extending this article too much and being led away from my subject, I should fender this evident, but, in my notice on the sons of Musa, I shall touch again on the subject.
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وتعلم ما في الأرض من المعمور وهو مقدار ربع الكرة بطريق التقريب.
You know also that the inhabited portion of the earth forms about one quarter of its surface.
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وقد انتشر الكلام وخرجنا عن المقصود، لكنه ماخلا عن فائدة، فإن هذه الطريقة غريبة، فأحببت إثباتها ليقف عليها من يستنكر ما قالوه في تضعيف رقعة الشطرنج ويعلم أن ذلك حق، وأن هذه الطريقة سهلة الاطلاع على حقيقة ما ذكروه.
These observations have caused us to digress, but as they convey some useful information and a curious piece of reckoning,’ I decided on inserting them so that they might come under the notice of such persons as treat with incredulity in result obtained by doubling the squares off the chess-board, and oblige them to acknowledge its exactitude; the demonstration here given clearly proves the truth of what has been said on the subject.
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ولنرجع إلى حديث الصولي: حكى المسعودي في كتاب ”مروج الذهب” أن الإمام الراضي بالله أتى في بعض منتزهاته بستانا مونقا رائقا، فقال لمن حضره ممن كان أتى ندمائه: هل رأيتم منظرا أحسن من هذا فكل أثنى، وذهب فيه إلى مدحه ووصف محاسنه، وأنها لايفي بها شيء من زهرات الدنيا، فقال الراضي لعب الصولي بالشطرنج أحسن من هذا، ومن كل ما تصفون.
Let us return to al-Suli. Al-Masudi relates, in his Muruj al-Dahab that the imam (or caliph) al-Radi billah went to a delightful garden filled with flowers, at one of his country seats, and asked the boon companions who accompanied him if they ever saw a finer sight. They all began to-extol it and describe its beauties, declaring that nothing in the world could surpass it; on which al-Radi said Al-Suli’s manner of playing chess is better sight and surpasses all join could describe.
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ثم قال المسعودي: وقد ذكر أن الصولي في بدء دخوله على الإمام المكتفي، وقد كان ذكر له تخرجه في اللعب بالشطرنج، وكان الماوردي اللاعب متقدما عنده، متمكنا من قلبه معجبا به للعبه، فلما لعبا جميعا بحضرة المكتفي حمل المكتفي حسن رأيه في الماوردي وتقدم الحرمة في الألفة على نصرته وتشجيعه وتنبيهه حتى أدهش ذلك الصولي في أول وهلة،
It is related, says the same author, that when (the caliph) al-Muktafi [billah) first heard of al-Suli is extraordinary talent in that game, he had already taken into his favor a chess-player named al-Mawardi, whose manner of playing had excited his admiration. When al-Suli and al-Mawardi were got to play in the presence of al-Muktafi, the caliph yielded to his partiality for the latter, and led away by the friendly feelings which for a long time had established between them, he prompted him and encourage him so that al-Suli felt at first embarrassed and confused.
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فلما اتصل اللعب بينهما وجمع له الصولي متانته وقصد قصده غلبه غلبا لايكاد يرد عليه شيئا، وتبين حسن لعب الصولي للمكتفي، فعدل عن هواه ونصرة الماوردي، وقال له: عاد ماء وردك بولا.
However, as the game went on, he recovered his self-possession and vanquished his adversary so completely that al-Suli could gains it. Al-Muktafi being convinced off his talent, lost all his partiality for al-Mawardi and said to him: “Your maa Wardak (rose ft water) is turned into urine.”
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وأخبارالصولي ونوادره كثيرة، وما جراياته أكثر من أن تحصى. ومع فضائله والاتفاق على تفننه في العلوم وخلاعته وظرافته ما خلا من منتقص هجاه هجوا لطيفا، وهو أبو سعيد العقيلي، فإنه رأى له بيتا مملوءا كتبا قد صفها وجلودها مختلفة الألوان،
Innumerable anecdotes are told of al-Suli and his adventures; yet, with all his talent, his acknowledged learning, humor, and elegant taste, he met with a depreciator in Abu Saied al-Okaili, who attacked him, but not severely, in a satire: al-Suli had a room filled with works composed by himself and all in differently colored bindings.
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وكان يقول: هذه كلها سماعي، وإذا احتاج إلى معاودة شيء منها قال: ياغلام هات الكتاب الفلاني، فقال أبو سعيد المذكور هذه الأبيات:
these he used to call the fruits of his studies, and, when he had occasion to refer to any of them, he would tell his boy to bring him such and such a book. This led Abu Saied to compose the following lines.
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إنما الصولي شيخ… أعلم الناس خزانه إن سالناه بعلم… طلبا منه إبانه قال يا غلمان هاتوا… رزمة العلم فلانه
Of all men, al-Suli possesses the most learning in his library. If we ask him for an explanation on a point of science, he answers: “Boys! bring here such and such a packet of science.
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وتوفي الصولي المذكور سنة خمس – وقيل ست – وثلاثين وثلثمائة بالبصرة مستترا، لأنه روى خبرا في حق علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه، فطلبته الخاصة والعامة لتقتله فلم تقدر عليه، وكان قد أخرج من بغداد لإضاقه لحقته.
Al-Suli died at Basra, A. H. three hundred and thirty five (A. D. nine hundred and forty six or nine hundred and forty seven), or three hundred and thirty six; he had sought concealment there to avoid the active search which people of all ranks were making after him with the intention of putting him to death. The crime imputed to him was his publishing a certain Tradition relative to [the rights of) Ali, the son of Abu Talib. Sometime previously, he had been obliged, by straitened circumstances, to leave Baghdad.
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وقد سبق الكلام على الصولي في ترجمة إبراهيم بن العباس الصولي، وهو عم والدأبي بكر المذكور، فليطلب هناك.
We have already spoken of the word Suli in the life of Ibrahim Ibn al-Abbas al-Suli, the uncle of Abu Bakr’s father.
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وصصه: بصادين مهملتين الأولى منهما مكسورة والثانية مشددة مفتوحة وفي الآخر هاء ساكنة.
Sissah is to be pronounced with an i followed by a double s and then an h.
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وداهر: بدال مهملة وبعد الألف هاء مكسورة ثم راء.
Daher is pronounced with an I in the second syllable.
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وأردشير: بفتح الهمزة وسكون الراء وفتح الدال المهملة وكسر الشين المعجمة وسكون الياء المثناة من تحتها وفي آخرها راء؛ هكذا قاله الحافظ الدارقطني [وقال غير الدارقطني: هذا لفظ عجمي، وتفسيره بالعربي دقيق وحليب، فأرد: دقيق، وشير: حليب، وقيل دقيق وحلاوة، وقيل إنه بالزاي لا بالراء، والله أعلم]
Ardashir is thus spelled by al-Darakutni; another author says that it is a Persian word signifying flour and milk; ard means flour, and shir, milk. Some say that Ardashir means flour and sweetness, and others state that it should be written Azdashir.
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وهو الذي أباد ملوك الطوائف، ومهد الملك لنفسه، واستولى على الممالك، وهو جد ملوك الفرس الذين آخرهم يزدجر، وكان انقراض ملكهم في خلافة عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه اثنتين وثلاثين من الهجرة، وأخبارهم مشهورة
It was this prince who overthrew the provincial kings [Muluk al-Tawaif) and formed, out of their empires, a kingdom for himself. He was the ancestor of that Persian dynasty which ended in Yazdajird (Yazdegerd) and was overthrown in the thirty-second year of the Hijra, in the caliphate of Othman Ibn Affan. Their history is well known.
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[وهؤلاء غير ملوك الفرس الأوائل الذين آخرهم دار بن دارا الذي قتله الإسكندر، ورتب في البلاد ملوك الطوائف وسماهم بذلك لأن كل ملك يحكم على طائفة مخصوصة، بعد أن كانت الممالك لرجل واحد،
This dynasty must not be confounded with the first series of the Persian kings which terminated in Dara (Darius)t the son of Dara, him who was slain by Alexander. This conqueror established provincial kings throughout the country, and he gave them this name because each of them had a different people under his rule; these states had previously belonged to a single man.
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وكان أردشير من ملوك الطوائف، ثم استقل بالجميع كالعادة الأولى، وكانت مدة مملكة ملوك الطوائف أربعمائة سنة، ومدة مملكة ملوك الفرس الأواخر أربعمائة سنة].
Ardashir was one of the provincial kings, but he succeeded in subduing the others and establishing this empire in his primitive unity. The country had remained under the provincial kings during four hundred years The last Persian dynasty subsisted for She same period.
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وأما بلهيت ملك الهند فلا أتحقق ضبطه، غير أني وجدته مضبوطا بخط الناسخ، وقد فتح الباء الموحدة وسكن اللام وفتح الهاء وسكن الياء المثناة من تحتها وبعدها تاء مثناة من فوقها، والله أعلم بصحة ذلك من سقمه.
I am unable to fix with certainty the orthography of Balhait, the name of the king of India, but I found it thus written, with the vowels, by the copyist of the book which I consulted. lit may or it may root be correct.
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أبو علي محمد بن الحسن بن المظفر، الكاتب اللغوي البغدادي المعروف بالحاتم؛ أحد الأعلام المشاهير المطلعين المكثرين، أخذ الأدب عن أبي عمر الزاهد غلام ثعلب – وقد تقدم ذكره – وروى عنه أخبارا وأملاها في مجالس الأدب، وروى عن غيره أيضا،
Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn al-Muzaffar, surnamed al-Hatimi, a native of Baghdad, a katib and a philologer, was one of the most eminent among those learned men who had attained celebrity by their extensive information and numerous productions. He studied the belles-letters under Abu Omar al-Zaher, and dictated historical information on his authority at literary assemblies.
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وأخذ عنه جماعة من النبلاء: منهم القاضي أبو القاسم التنوخي – المقدم ذكره – وغيره، وله الرسالة الحاتمية التي شرح فيها ما جرى ينه وبين أبي الطيب المتنبي من إظهار سرقاته وإبانة عيوب شعره، ولقد دلت على غزارة مادته وتوفر اطلاعه.
He gave also some pieces on the authority of other masters. The kadi Abu al-Kasim al- Tanukhi and a number of other eminent men transmitted down information received from him. Al-Hatimi composed an epistle called al-Resalt al-Hatimiya (the Hatimian epistle), in which he related his interview with al-Mutanabbi, and the manner in which he exposed, on that occasion, the plagiarisms and defects which occur in that poet’s compositions. This treatise is a proof of the extensive acquirements and vast information possessed by its author.
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وحكى في أول الرسالة السبب الحامل له على ذلك فقال: لما ورد أحمد بن الحسين المتنبي مدينة السلام منصرفا عن مصر ومتعرضا للوزير أبي محمد المهلبي، بالتخييم عليه والمقام لديه، التحف رداء الكبر وأذال ذيول التيه،
In commencing, he explains the motive which led him to [write it), and he then says: “When Ahmad Ibn al Husain al-Mutanabbi arrived at Madinat al-Salam [Baghdad), on his return from Egypt, with the project of fixing his abode at the court of the vizir Abu Muhammad al-Muhallabi, he folded himself up in the cloak of pride and swept along with the train of his ostentation, whilst his haughty mien and lofty gait displayed his arrogance and vain presumption; from every person whom he met he turned away in disdain, and spoke of none but with insidious calumnies.
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ونأى بجانبه استكبارا وثنى عطفيه جبرية وازورارا، فكان لايلاقي أحد إلا أعرض عنه تيها وزخرف القول عليه تمويها، تخيل عجبا إليه أن الأدب مقصور عليه، وأن الشعر بحر لم يرد نمير مائة غيره وروض لم يرد نواره سواه، فهو يجني جناه ويقطف قطوفه دون من تعاطاه، وكل مجر في الخلاء يسر ولكل نبأ مستقر،
Deluded by self-admiration, he imagined that all literary talent pertained to him alone; he thought that poetry was an ocean to whose pure waters none but himself had a right to approach, and a garden whose blooming flowers he alone was entitled to gather and whose nose gays were to be culled by him alone, to the exclusion of all others. It is easy for any man to strut about when in solitude, but every reputation requires a basis to support it.
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فغبر جاريا على هذه الوتيرة مدة مديدة أجررته رسن البغي فيها، فظل يمرح في تيهه حتى إذا تخيل أنه السابق الذي لا يجارى في مضمار ولا يساوي عذاره بعذار، وأنه رب الكلام ومقتض عذارى الألفاظ، ومالك زق الفصاحة نثرا ونظما وقريع دهره الذي لا يقارع فضلا وعلما،
For a length of time, he continued to run in this path, and I allowed his insolence to roam even to the full extent of its tether; he strode about in his vanity, thinking that he was the unrivalled courser of the hippodrome, the steed which never yet had found another to run with it neck and neck, the sole master of the language, the only deflowerer of virgin phrases, the sovereign lord of eloquence in prose and verse, the unequalled hero of the age in talent and in learning.
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وثقلت وطأته على كثير مما وسم نفسه بميسم الأدب، وأنبط من مائه أعذب مشرب، فطأطأ بعض رأسه وخفض بعض جناحه وطامن على التسليم له طرفه،
His heavy tread bore down many of those who had distinguished themselves by the insignia of the belles-lettres and had forced out from the soil of literature springs of the sweetest water. Some hung down their heads before him, others drooped the wing, testifying by their looks humble submission.
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وساء معز الدولة أحمد بن بويه – المقدم ذكره – وقد صورت حاله، أن يرد حضرته مهي دار الخلافة ومستقر العز وبيضة الملك رجل صدر عن حضرة سيف الدولة بن حمدان – وقد تقدم ذكره أيضا – وكان عدوا مباينا لمعز الدولة، فلا يلقى أحدا بمملكته يساويه في صناعته،
But Muzz al-Dawlat Ahmad Ibn Buwaih I have already traced his history saw with displeasure that his capital, the abode of the caliphate, the seat of glory, the pearl of the empire, should be visited by a man who had just left the court of Saif al-Dawlat Ibn Hamdan I have also spoken of this prince the open enemy of Muzz al-Dawlat, and that he should not find in his kingdom a person able to compete with the new comer in his art.
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وهو ذو النفس الأبية والعزيمة الكسروية، والهمة التي لو همت بالدهر لما تصرفت بالأحرار صروفه ودارت عليهم دوائره، وتخيل الوزير المهلبين رجما بالغيب، أن أحدا لا يستطيع مساجلته ولا يرى نفسه كفؤا له ولا يضطلع بأعبائه فضلا عن التعلق بشيء من معانيه،
For that monarch had a lofty soul, an imperial resolution, and a will which, if directed towards the conduct held by fortune, would have prevented her vicissitudes from sporting with worthy men and her changes from revolving over them. As for the vizir al-Muhallabi, he was led by mere supposition to imagine that none could cope with al-Mutanabbi, that he himself could not equal him nor attain to the height of any of his thoughts, much less lift the burden of talent which tire poet bore so lightly.
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وللرؤساء مذاهب في تعظيم من يعظمونه وتفخيم من يفخمونه وتكرمة من يراعونه ويكرمونه، وربما حالت بهم الحال وأوشكوا عن هذه الخليقة الانتقال، وتلك صورة الوزير المهلبي في عودة عن رأيه هذا فيه، ولم ولم يكن هناك مزية يتميز بها أبو الطيب عن الهجين الجذع من أبناء الأدب فضلا عن العتيق القارح إلا الشعر، ولعمري إن أفنانه كانت فيه رطبة ومجانية عذبة،
Great men have various ways of exalting, extolling and honoring those whom they think fit; but their sentiments sometimes alter, and then they promptly abandon their former line of conduct. This was the case with the vizir al-Muhallabi in the change which his opinion underwent respecting the man whom he patronized; for, in reality, Abu al-Tayeb had no other merit to distinguish him from the vulgar herd of literary men (not to speak of the noble leaders of the flock), but a talent for poetry. Herein, I avow, his various productions were brilliant, and the flowers he culled were full of sweetness.
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فنهدت له متتبعا عواره ومقلما أظفاره ومذيعا أسراره، وناشرا مطاويه ومنتقدا من نظمه ما تسمح فيه، ومتحنيا أن تجمعنا دار يشار إلى ربها فأجري أنا وهو في مضمار يعرف به السابق من المسبوق واللاحق من المقصر عن اللحوق،
I, therefore, undertook to seek out his faults, pare his nails, publish his secrets, disclose to view what he kept folded up, and put to the test the negligence of his compositions, till such lime as the palace of some distinguished man should unite us, so that l and he might race in the same hippodrome and make known who was the vanquisher, who the vanquished, who reached the goal, and who was distanced.
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وكنت إذ ذاك ذا سحاب مدرار وزند في كل فضيلة وار، وطبع يناسب صفو العقار إذا وشيت بالحباب ووشت بها سرائر الأكواب، هذا وغدير الصبا صاف ورداؤه ضاف، وديباجة العيش غضة وأرواحه معتلة وغمائمة منهلة،
I then possessed a talent copious as the rain-cloud, a mind which, in all accomplishments, flashed forth a sparkling radiance, and a genius like the pure wine which is crowned with bubbles and betrays the secret confided to the wine-jar. Besides this, the lake of my youth was translucent and its raiment ample, the stuff of my life was glossy, its zephyrs mild, and its clouds dropping genial rain.
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وللشبيبة شره وللاقبال من الدهر غرة، والخيل تجري في يوم الرهان بإقبال أربابها لا بعروقها ونصابها، ولكل امرئ حظ من مواتاه زمانه، يقضى في ظله أرب ويدرك مطلب ويتوسع مراد ومذهب، حتى إذا عدت عن اجتماعنا عواد من الأيام قصدت مستقره وتحتي بغلة سفواء تنظر عن عيني باز وتتشوف بمثل قادمتي نسر،
But my youth, ardent though it was, had to await the harbinger of a fitting lime; for horses run not on the day of trial by means of their nerves and vigor, but by the impulse of their riders. However, each man obtains in his day a moment wherein he may accomplish his wishes, satisfy his desires, and, though great his expectations, the path to their fulfilment opens wide. But, at length, I had the pleasure of passing over the days which intervened between our meeting, and l set out for his dwelling-place, having underneath me a quick-paced, hawk-eyed mule, its head towering as if borne on the wing of an eagle.
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وهي مركب رائع، وكأنني كوكب وقاد من تحته غمامة يقتادها زمام الجنوب، وبين يدي عدة من الغلمان الروقة مماليك وأحرار يتهافتون تهافت فريد الدر عن أسلاكه.
It was really a magnificent conveyance, and I seemed like a blazing star mounted on a cloud conducted by the south wind; whilst before me a number of handsome pages, some free-born, some slaves, ran in succession, as pearls run off the siring. I mention this, not through ostentation and boasting,
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ولم أورد هذا متبجحا ولا متكثرا بذكره، بل ذكرته لأن أبا الطيب شاهد جميعه في الحال، ولم ترعه روعته ولا استعطفه زبرجه، ولا زادته تلك الجملة الجميلة التي ملأت أتهمه طرفه وقلبه إلا عجبا بنفسه وإعراضا عني بوجهه،
but because Abu al-Tayeb himself saw it all; its beauty did not, however, excite his admiration, neither did its splendor attract his attention; that brilliant troop, which, as I suspect, filled his eyes and heart [with wonder), served only to increase his self-love and make him turn his face away from me.
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وكان قد أقام هناك سوقا عند أغيلمة لم ترضهم العلماء ولاعركتهم رحى النظراء، ولا أنضوا أفكار في مدرسة الأدب، ولا فرقوا بين حلو الكلام ومره وسهله ووعره، وإنما غاية أحدهم مطالعة شعر أبي تمام وتعاطي الكلام على نبذ من معانيه، وعلى ما تعلقت الرواة مما يجوز فيه، فألفيت هناك فتية تأخذ عنه شيئا من شعره.
He had opened a shop[school), in that place and uttered his literary wares to some youths who had never received a learned education, nor whetted their talents in debate, nor trained their minds in the study of literature; unable to distinguish between the beauties of language and its faults, between its facilities and its difficulties; their utmost desire being to read the poems of Abu Tammam, to discourse on some of his original ideas, and to cite some of the readings which the editors of his works had written down as authorized. I found there a company of young men, learning from al-Mutanabbi passages of his poetry.
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فحين أوذن بحضوري واستؤذن عليه لدخولي، نهض من مجلسه مسرعا ووارى شخصه عني مستخفيا، وأعجلته نازلا عن البغلة وهو يراني لانتهائي بها إلى حيث أخذها طرفة، ودخلت فأعظمت الجماعة قدري وأجلستني في مجلسه وإذا تحته أخلاق عباءة قد ألحت عليها الحوادث رسوم دائرة وأسلاك متناثرة،
but, when my arrival was announced and permission asked for me to enter, he sprung up from his seat and hastened to hide from my sight. I had however anticipated his departure by dismounting from my mule, and he saw me full well, for I had ridden up to a spot where his eyes could not fail to light upon me. On entering the assembly, I was received with profound respect by all, and sealed in al-Mutanabbi’s own place. I then perceived that his seat was covered with an old cloak which, though the persistence of lime, had become a tattered remnant, a collection of loose shreds.
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فلم يكن إلا ريثما جلست، فنهضت، فوفيته حق السلام غير مشاح له في القيام، لأنه إنما اعتمد بنهوضه عن الموضع ألا ينهض إلي، والغرض كان في لقائه غير ذلك، وحين لقيته تمثلت بقول الشاعر: وفي الممشى إليك علي عار… ولكن الهوى منع القرارا
I had scarcely time to sit down, when he entered; I rose and saluted him politely, though he deserved it not, for he had left his place to avoid rising up on my entrance; but I, in going to see him, had another object in view. When I met him, I applied to myself the words of the poet: It was a disgrace for me to visit thee, but my desire to see thee prevented my retreat.
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فتمثل بقوله الآخر: يشقى رجال ويشقى آخرون بهم… ويسعد الله أقواما بأقوام وليس رزق الفتى من فضل حيلته… لكن جدود وأرزاق بأقسام كالصيد يحرمه الرامي المجيد وقد… يرمي فيحرزه من ليس بالرامي
And he [might well have) applied to his own case these words of another poet: Some men render others as wretched as themselves; and God permits that some make others happy. Man obtains not his subsistence by superior cunning; wealth and subsistence are portions (distributed by fate). This is thus the skillful archer sometimes misses the deer, and one who is no archer strikes it.
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وإذا به لابس سبعة أقبية كل قباء منها لون، وكنا في وغرة القيظ وجمرة الصيف وفي يوم تكاد ودائع الهامات تسيل فيه، فجلست مستوفزا وجلس متحفزا، وأعرض عني لاهيا وأعرضت عنه ساهيا، أؤنب نفسي في قصده وأستخف رأيها في تكلف ملاقاته،
And behold! he had put on seven vests, each of a different color; and yet we were in the burning heat oil summer, and the day was warm enough to melt the contents of the skull. I sat down, ready to rise up if necessary; he sat down in a kneeling posture and averted his head, as if he saw me not. I then turned from him negligently, reproaching myself with my folly in coming to see him and the trouble II had taken in setting out to meet him.
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فغبر هنية ثانيا عطفه لا يعيرني طرفة، وأقبل على تلك الزعنفة التي بين يديه، وكل يومي إليه ويوحي بلحظة ويشير إلى مكاني بيديه، ويوقظه من سنته وجهله،
He remained for some time, his face averted and not deigning Ho lend me a glance of his eye, whilst every one of fi the band assembled before him was making signs to him and pointing towards me, endeavoring to arouse him from his torpor and rudeness.
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ويأبى إلا ازورارا ونفارا وعتوا واستكبارا، ثم رأى أن يثني جانبه إلي ويقبل بعض الإقبال علي، فأقسمت بالوفاء والكرم، فأنهما من محاسن القسم، أنه لم يزد على أن قال: أيش خبرك، فقلت: بخير أنا لولا ما جنيته على نفسي من قصدك ووسمت به قدري من ميسم الذل بزيارتك وجشمت رأيي من السعي إلى مثلك، ممن لم تهذبه تجربة ولا أدبته بصيرة.
Their efforts served only to augment his indifference, insolence, and pride; but be, at length, thought at proper to turn towards me and show me a certain degree of politeness; and I declare upon my honor, and that is the best of oaths, that the only words he said are were: How are you? I replied s Well; were it not for the wrong I did to myself in coming to see you, the degradation which my dignity has incurred in making yon this visit, and the determination which led me reluctantly to one who, like you, has never profited by the lessons of experience and prudence.
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ثم تحدرت عليه تحدر السيل إلى قرارة الوادي وقلت له: أبن لي مم تيهك وخيلاؤك وعجبك وكبرياؤك وما الذي يوجب ما أنت عليه من الذهاب بنفسك والرمي بهمتك إلى حيث يقصر عنه باعك ولا تطول إليه ذراعك هل ها هنا نسب انتسب إلى المجد بهظ أو شرف علقت بأذياله أو سلطان تسلطت بعزة أو علم تقع الإشارة إليك به إنك لو قدرت نفسك بقدرها أو وزنتها بميزانها ولم يذهب بك التيه مذهبا لما عدوت أن تكون شاعرا مكتسبا،
I then fell upon him as the torrent falls upon the depths of the valley, Tell me,’ said I, whence come your pride and presumption, your self-conceit and haughtiness? What motive have you to aspire to a height which you can never attain, to aim at a butt which you cannot reach? Have you ancestry to ennoble you to honor to exalt you, a sultan to patronize you, or learning to distinguish you? Had you judged rightly of your own worth, had you weighed your merits In a just balance, vanity would never have seduced you, and you would have remained what you always were, a mere poet, rhyming for a livelihood.’
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فامتقع لونه وغص بريقه، وجعل يلين في الاعتذار ويرغب في الصفح والاغتفار، ويكرر الأيمان أنه لم يثبتني، ولا اعتمد التقصير بي، فقلت: ياهذا إن قصدك شريف في نسبه تجاهلت نسبه، أو عظيم في أدبه صغرت أدبه، أو متقدم عند سلطانه خفضت منزلته، فهل المجد تراث لك دون غيرك كلا والله، لكنك مددت الكبر سترا على نقصك وضربته رواقا حائلا دون مباحثتك، فعاود الاعتذار فقلت: لا عذر لك مع الاصرار.
At this invective, his color changed, his respiration became embarrassed, and he commenced making humble excuses, and asked for pardon and indulgence, swearing repeatedly that he had not recognized me, and that it was not his intention to insult me. He replied, Nay sir! if your visitor be a man nobly born, you appear ignorant of his descent; if an accomplished scholar, you seem not to perceive his learning; and if a favorite of the sultan, you refuse him the place of honor, Are you then the sole heir of every glory? No, Allah I but you have taken pride as a veil to hide your inferiority, and have made it an antechamber, that you may avoid being questioned. he again uttered excuses, but I only made answer: There is no excuse for you; entreaties are useless.
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وأخذت الجماعة في الرغبة إلي في مياسرته وقبول عذره، واستعمال الأناة التي تستعملها الحزمة عند الحفيظة، وأنا على شاكلة واحدة في تقريعه وتوبيخه وذم خليقته، وهو يؤكد القسم أنه لم يعرفني معرفة ينتهز معها الفرصة في قضاء حقي، فأقول: ألم أستأذن عليك باسمي ونسبي
The assembly then began to request me to spare him and accept his excuses, and to show that moderation which offended dignity employs in its own defense; but I still continued to reprimand him in the same strain and to reproach him with his despicable character, whilst he persisted in declaring that he had not recognized me in time to do me fitting honor. ‘Did I not send in to you,’ said I, ‘my name and surname when I applied for permission to enter?
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أما كان في هذه الجماعة من كان يعرفني لو كنت جهلتني وهب أن كذلك، ألم تر شارتي أما شممت عطر نشري ألم أتميز في نفسك عن غيري وهو في أثناء ما أخاطبه وقد ملأت سمعه تأنيبا وتفنيدا يقول:
If you recognized me not, were there not persons in this assembly who did? and even were the case as you say, did you not remark my aspect? did you not scent the odor of my superiority? did you not feel that I was a man apart? ’ Whilst I was thus filling his ears with taunts and invectives, he continued to exclaim.
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خفض عليك، اكفف من غربك، اردد من سورتك ، استأن فإن الأناة من شيم مثلك، فأصحب حينئذ جانبي له ولانت عريكتي في يده، واستحيت من تجاوز الغاية التي انتهيت إليها في معاتبته، وذلك بعد أن رضته رياضة الصعب من الإبل، وأقبل علي معظما وتوسع في تفريطي مفخما، وأقسم أنه ينازع منذ ورد العراق ملاقاتي ويعد نفسه بالاجتماع معي ويسوفها التعلق بأسباب مودتي.
‘Be calm! moderate your passion I restrain your impetuosity I have patience I patience is the characteristic of persons so respectable as you.’ I, at length, resumed my affability and softened towards him, regretting to have passed the bounds in reprimanding him; but I had already broken him in as you would take a young and restive camel. He then began to extol my merits and praise me, swearing that, since his arrival in Iraq, he had ardently longed to see me, and was always promising to himself the satisfaction of meeting me and gaining my friendship.
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فحين استوفى القول في هذا المعنى استأذن عليه فتى من فتيان الطالبين الكوفيين، فأذن له، فإذا حدث مرهف تميل به نشوة الصبا، فتكلم فأعرب عن نفسه، فإذا لفظ رخيم ولسان حلو وأخلاق فكهة وجواب حاضر وثغر باسم، في أناة الكهول، ووقار المشايخ، فأعجبني ما شاهدته من شمائله وملكني ما تبينته من فضله، فجاراه أبياتا.
He had just ended his declarations, when a young student from Kufa, a descendant of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, requested permission to enter: he ordered him to be introduced, and in came a boy of an active form, moving with all the grace and vivacity of youth, who explained the object of his visit with a gentle voice, a sweet tongue, a moral humor, a ready answer, a smiling mouth, the gravity and dignity of old age. I was struck at the aspect of such endowments and captivated by the talents he displayed. Al-Mutanabbi then made him repeal some verses.”
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ومن ها هنا كان افتتاح الكلام بينهما في إظهار سرقاته ومعايب شعره؛ وقد طال الكلام لكنه لزم بعضه بعضا فما أمكن قطعه.
Here the author commences the relation of his discourse with al-Mutanabbi relative to the plagiarisms and faults in that poet’s compositions. The preceding extract is very long, but the passages were so closely connected that it was impossible to make suppressions.
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وهذه الرسالة تشتمل على فوائد جمة، فإن كان كما ذكر أنه أبان له جميعها في ذلك المجلس فما هذا إلا اطلاع عظيم، وقد سماها الموضحة وهي كبيرة تدخل في اثنتي عشرة كراسة شهدت لصاحبها بالفضل الباهر، مع سرعة الاستحضار وإقامة الشاهد.
The epistle itself contains amass of information, and if, as the author states, he pointed out to the poet, in one sitting, all the faults he there mentions, such a feat must be considered as a proof of prodigious information. He entitled this work al-Mwadiha (the expositor); it is of a considerable size, filling, as it does, thirteen quires (two hundred and sixty pages), and it serves as a testimony of the eminent talent possessed by the author, of his presence of mind, and of the readiness with which he adduced his numerous proofs.
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وله كتاب حلية المحاضرة يدخل في مجلدين، وفيه أدب كثير أيضا.
The Hilyat al-Muhadara (ornaments of conversation), another work of his, forms two volumes and contains a great quantity off literary matter.
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وتوفي الحاتمي المذكور يوم الأربعاء لثلاث بقين من شهر ربيع الآخر سنة ثمان وثمانين وثلثمائة، رحمه الله تعالى.
AI-Hatimi died on Wednesday, the twenty sixth of the latter Rabi, A. H. three hundred and eighty eight (April, A. D. nine hundred and ninety eight).
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والحاتمي: بفتح الحاء المهملة وبعد الألف تاء مثناة من فوقها مكسورة وبعدها ميم،هذه النسبة إلى بعض أجداده اسمه حاتم.
He received the surname of al-Hatimi because one of his ancestors bore the name of Hatim.
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ابن القوطية
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أبو بكر محمد بن عمر بن عبد العزيز بن إبراهيم بن عيسى بن مزاحم، المعروف بابن القوطية، الأندلسي الإشبيلي الأصل القرطبي المولد والدار؛ سمع بإشبيلية من محمد بن عبد الله ابن القوق، وحسن بن عبد الله الزبيدي، وسعيد بن جابر وغيرهم، وسمع بقرطبة من طاهر بن عبد العزيز وابن أبي الوليد الأعرج ومحمد بن عبد الوهاب ابن مغيث وغيرهم.
Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Omar Ibn Abd al Aziz Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Isa Ibn Muzahim, generally known by the name of Ibn al-Kutiya [son of the Gothic woman), was born in Cordova and resided in that city, but his family belonged to Seville. And the latter place he received lessons from Mohammad Ibn Abd Allah Ibn al-Kuk, Hasan Ibn Abd Allah al-Zubeidi, Said Ibn Jabir, and other masters; in Cordova he studied under Tahir Ibn Abd al-Aziz, Ibn Abi I-Walid al-Aaraj, Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab Ibn Mughith, and others.
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كان من أعلم أهل زمانه باللغة العربية، وكان مع ذلك حافظا للحديث والفقه والخبر والنادر، وأروى الناس للأشعار وأدركهم للآثار، لايلحق شأوه ولا يشق غباره،
He was one of the best philologers and grammarians of the age and possessed extensive information in the Traditions, juris- prudence and history; he also knew by heart a fund of curious anecdotes, and, by the quantity of poetical pieces which he transmitted downs and of historical facts ‘which he discovered, he outstripped every competitor.
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وكان مضطلعا بأخبار الأندلس مليا برواية سير أمرائها وأحوال فقائها وشعرائها، يملي ذلك عن ظهر قلب، وكانت كتب اللغة أكثر ما تقرأ عليه وتؤخذ عنه، ولم يكن بالضابط لروايته في الحديث والفقه ولا كانت له أصول يرجع إليها،
In the history of Spain he displayed the highest acquirements, and was so fully acquainted with the biography of the emirs, jurisconsults, and poets who flourished in that country, that he used to dictate, from memory, all the facts concerning them. The works which treat on philology formed the principal subject of his lessons, and their contents were taken down under his dictation; but, in transmitting Traditions and maxims of jurisprudence, he was by no means correct, not having the original works to refer to.
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وكان ما يسمع عليه من ذلك إنما يحمل على المعنى لا على اللفظ، وكان كثيرا ما يقرأ عليه مالا رواية به على جهة التصحيح، وطال عمره فسمع الناس منه طبقة بعد طبقة، وروى عنه الشيوخ والكهول؛ وكان قد لقي مشايخ عصره بالأندلس وأخذ عنهم وأكثر من النقل من فوائدهم.
It, therefore, resulted that the texts delivered by him on these subjects were appreciated for their meaning only, not for their literal accuracy, and it frequently happened that, under his tuition, students read over works the contents of which, as far as implies correctness, he could not repeat from memory. He lived to an advanced age and gave lessons to successive generations; sheikhs and old men cited passages which they had learned from him, and, as he himself had met with and studied under all the eminent masters who then lived in Spain, lie transmitted down a great quantity of instructive observations which they had communicated to him.
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وصنف الكتب المفيدة في اللغة، منها كتاب ”تصاريف الأفعال” وهو الذي فتح هذا الباب فجاء من بعده ابن القطاع وتبعه – كما سبق في ترجمته – وله كتاب المقصور والممدود جمع فيه مالا يحد ولا يوصف، ولقد أعجز من يأتي بعده وفاق من تقدمه.
Amongst the useful works composed by him on the Arabic language may be noticed the Kitab Tasarif al-Afaal (on the conjugations of verbs); this was the first treatise ever composed on the subject, that of Ibn al-Kattaa having been drawn up in imitation of it. His treatise on the words which terminate in a long or in a short alif, contains an immense quantity of information not to be found elsewhere, and surpasses all the imitations made by later writers as much as it surpassed all the former productions on the same subject.
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وكان أبو علي القالي لما دخل الأندلس اجتمع به، وكان يبالغ في تعظيمه حتى قال له الحكم بن الناصر لدين الله عبد الرحمن صاحب الأندلس يومئذ: من أنبل من رأيته ببلدنا هذا في اللغة فقال: محمد ابن القوطية،
When Abu Ali al-Kali went to Spain, he frequented the society of Ibn al-Kutiya and always spoke of his talents in the highest terms: being asked by the reigning sovereign of Spain, al-Hakam, the son of al-Nasir lidin illah Abd al-Rahman, who was the ablest philologist whom he had met in that country? he replied: Muhammad Ibn al-Kutiya.
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وكان مع هذه الفضائل من العباد النساك، وكان جيد الشعر صحيح الألفاظ واضح المعاني حسن المطالع والمقاطع، إلا أنه ترك ذلك ورفضه.
The eminent abilities of Ibn al-Kutiya were accompanied by a spirit of profound piety and an assiduous attachment to the practices of devotion; he displayed also considerable talent as a poet, but he afterwards renounced that occupation, although his poetical compositions were remarkable for correctness of style, perspicuity of thought, the beauty of the exordiums and the grace of the transitions.
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حكى الأديب الشاعر أبو بكر يحيى بن هذيل التميمي أنه توجه يوما إلى ضيعة له بسفح جبل قرطبة، وهي من بقاع الأرض الطيبة المونقة، فصادف أبا بكر ابن القوطية المذكور صادرا عنها، وكانت له أيضا هناك ضيعة،
The accomplished scholar and poet Abu Bakr Yahya Ibn Hudail al-Tamimi relates that as he was going, one day, to a country-house which he had at the foot of the Cordova mountain, in one of the most delightful spots on earth, he met Ibn al-Kutiya returning from a country-seat which he possessed in the same neighborhood.
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قال فلما رآني عرج علي واستبشر بلقائي، فقلت له على البديهة مداعبا له: من أين أقبلت يا من لا شبيه له… ومن هو الشمس والدنيا له فلك
“On seeing me,” said Ibn Hudail, “he reined (his mule) over to me and expressed great pleasure at our meeting. I then, in a sportive mood, recited extempore this verse: Whence comes thou, memorable man? thou who art the sun and whose sphere is the world.
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قال: فتبسم وأجاب بسرعة: من منزل يعجب النساك خلوته… وفيه ستر على الفتاك إن فتكوا قال: فما تمالكت أن قبلت يده إذ كان شيخي، ومجدته ودعوت له.
“On hearing these words, he smiled and answered with great promptitude: “I come from a hermitage where the devotee can enjoy solitude, and where sinners may transgress in secret. Its I was so highly delighted with his reply, that I could not forbear kissing his hand and praising him, and invoking God’s blessing on him; he was moreover to my old master, and, therefore, deserved these marks of respect.
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وتوفي أبو بكر المذكور يوم الثلاثاء لسبع بقين من شهر ربيع الأول سنة سبع وستين وثلثمائة بمدينة قرطبة، ودفن يوم الأربعاء وقت صلاة العصر بمقبرة قريش رحمه الله تعالى، وقيل إنه توفي في رجب من السنة المذكورة، والأول أصح.
Abu Bakr Ibn al-Kutiya died at Cordova on Tuesday, the twenty third of the first Rabi, A. H. three hundred and seven (the eighth of November, A. D. nine hundred and seventy seven); he was interred the following day in the Quraish cemetery, at the hour of the evening prayer. Some persons place his death in the month of Rajab of the year just mentioned, but the former date is more correct.
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والقوطية: بضم القاف وسكون الواو وكسر الطاء المهملة وتشديد الياء المثناة من تحتها وبعدها هاء ساكنة، هذه النسبة إلى قوط بن حام بن نوح عليه السلام، نسب إليه جده أبي بكر المذكور، وقوط أبو السودان والهند والسند، وهي أم إبراهيم بن عيسى بن مزاحم جد أبي بكر المذكور، وهي ابنة وبة بن غيطشة،
Kutiya [the Gothic woman) is derived from Kut [Goth); who was the son of Ham, the son of Noah, and from him the Sudan [the negroes), the Indians, and the natives of Sind draw their origin. Al-Kutiya was the mother of Ibrahim, the son of Isa Ibn Muzahim, from whom this Abu Bakr was descended, and the daughter of Obba (Oppas), the son of Guitisha (Witiza).
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وكان من ملوك الأندلس، وعلي وعلى أخويه أرطباس قومس الأندلس وسيدة افتتح طارق مولى موسى بن نصير مع المسلمين بلاد الأندلس،
Her father was king of Spain, and from him it was and from his brothers, Artabas (Ardabast), count of Spain, and Sida, that Tarik Ibn Nusair, at the head of the Muslims, took the cities of Spain.
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وكانت القوطية المذكورة وفدت على هشام بن عبد الملك متظلمة من عمها أرطباس المذكور فتزوجها بالشام عيسى بن مزتحم المذكور، وهو من موالي عمر بن عبد العزيز الأموي رضي الله عنه، وسافر معها إلى الأندلس فكان ذلك سبب انتقال عيسى بن مزاحم إلى الأندلس وإنساله بها،
Al Kutiya went to [the caliph) Hisham Ibn Abd al-Malik to complain of the injustice with which she had been treated by her uncle Artabas, and, when in Syria, she married Isa Ibn Muzahim, a mawla of the Omaiyide (caliph) Omar Ibn Abd al-Aziz This induced her husband Ibn Muzahim, to accompany her back to Spain, in which country his descendants continued to reside.
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وجاءت القوطية بكتاب هشام إلى الخطاب الشعبي الكلبي، وكان عامله على الأندلس، بالوصاة عليها فكف عمها عنها وأنصفها مما كان لها قبله ورعى حرمتها وتمادت بها الحال
She returned with a letter of recommendation addressed by Hisham to Abu al-Khattab al- Shaabi al-Kalbi, the chief to whom he had entrusted the government of Spain. Abu al-Khattab put a stop to the persecutions which she suffered from-her uncle, rendered full justice to all her claims against him, and treated her with marked respect.
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وطالت حياتها إلى أيام الأمير عبد الرحمن بن معاوية بن هشام بن عبد الملك الداخل إلى الأندلس من بني أمية، فكانت تدخل عليه وتقضي حاجتها ، وغلب اسمها على ذريتها وعرفوا بها إلى اليوم.
She lived to an advanced age and saw the vicissitudes of fortune establish the Omaiyide prince, the emir Abd al- Rahman Ibn Muawiya Ibn Hisham Ibn Abd al-Malik, surnamed al-Dakhil [the new Comer), on the throne of Spain. She sometimes went to see him and he granted whatever requests she had to make. Her posterity have continued to bear the name of the Sons of the Gothic woman, even to the present day.
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ذكر ذلك في كتاب الاحتفال في أعلام الرجال مما انتخبه وألفه في أخبار الفقهاء والعلماء المتأخرين من أهل قرطبة الفقيه أبو عمر أحمد بن محمد بن عفيف التاريخي بما بسطه ونمقه من ذلك الفقيه أبو بكر الحسن ابن محمد بن مفرج بن عبد الله بن مفرج المعافري القرطبي المعروف بالقبشي حامله عنه،
the statement made (by Abu Bakr al-Kubbashi) in the enlarged and embellished extract from the jurisconsult Abu Omar Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Afif al-Tarikhi’s work, entitled, Kitab al-Ihtifal fi Alam al-Rijal (the careful remembrancer of eminent men), which is a compilation of notices on the jurisconsults and learned men of Cordova who flourished in later times. Abu Bakr al-Kubbashi, whose full names were Abu Bakr al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mufarrij Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Maafiri, a member of the tribe of al-Maafir and a native of Cordova, transmitted down al-Tarikhi’s work from memory.
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قال أبو محمد الرشاطي في كتاب الأنساب: عين قبش في الريض الغربي من قرطبة، ينسب بذلك أبو عبد الله محمد بن مفرج المعافري القبشي. وتوفي ليلة الجمعة خامس شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وسبعين وثلثمائة.
Abu Muhammad Ibn al-Rushati says, in his Ansab, that Ain Kubbash, a spring of water in the western suburb of Cordova, gave the title of al-Kubbashi to Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Mufarrij al-Maafiri al-Kubbashi, who died on the eve of Friday, the fifth of Ramadan, A. H. three hundred and seventy one (the fourth of March, A. D. nine hundred and eighty two).
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
قلت: وهذا المذكور والد أبي بكر الحسن بن محمد المذكور قبله، والله أعلم.
I may here observe that this person was the father of the Abu Bakr al-Hasan just mentioned.
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
أبو بكر الزبيدي