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أبو عبد الله محمد بن العباس بن محمد اليزيدي النحوي – وسيأتي ذكر جده أبي محمد يحيى بن المبارك العدوي اليزيدي إن شاء الله تعالى -؛ كان محمد المذكور إماما في النحو والأدب ونقل النوادر وكلام العرب.
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abi Muhammad al- Yazidi, a mawla to the tribe of Adi Ibn Abd Manat [al-Adawi), was a grammarian and philologer of the highest rank, a transmitter of anecdotes and a the phraseology current among the Arabs of the desert. We shall give the life of his ancestor Abu Muhammad Yahya Ibn Al-Mubarak.
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ومما رواه أن أعرابيا هوي أعرابية فأهدى إليها ثلاثين شاة وزقا من خمر مع عبد له أسود فأخذ العبد شاة في الطريق فذبحها وأكل منها وشرب بعض الزق،
One of the anecdotes told by him was the following: An Arab of the desert loved a female of the same region and sent her, by a negro slave, a present of thirty sheep and a skin filled with wine. On the way, the slave killed one of the sheep and ale a portion of it, and drank part of the contents of to be wine-skin.
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فلما جاءها بالباقي عرفت أنه خانها في الهدية، فلما عزم على الانصراف سألها: هل لك من حاجة فأرادت إعلام سيده بما فعله في الطريق فقالت له:
When he brought the rest to her, she perceived the trick, and on the slave’s asking her, when about to return, if she had any message to send back, she resolved on acquainting the master with the fellow’s conduct, and answered:
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اقرأ عليه السلام وقل له: إن الشهر كان عندنا محاقا، وإن سحيما راعي غنمنا جاء مرثوما، فلم يعلم العبد ما أرادت بهذه الكناية، فلما عاد إلى مولاه أخبره برسالتها ففطن لما أرادته، فدعا له بالهراوة وقال:
“Give him my salutation, and tell him that our month was mahac, and that Suhaim, “the keeper of our sheep, came here with a bloody nose (marthum).” The slave, not knowing what she intended by these expressions, bore them back to his master, who immediately perceived their drift, and calling for a cudgel, said to the messenger:
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لتصدقني وإلا ضربتك بهذه ضربا مبرحا، فأخبره الخبر، فعفا عنه، وهذه من لطائف الكنايات وأحلى الإشارات.
Tell me the truth, or I shall give you a sound drubbing.” The slave confessed his fault and obtained pardon. This message contained a most subtle and elegant allusion to what the slave had done.
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والمرثوم: بفتح الميم وسكون الراء وضم الثاء المثلثة، المكسور الألف الملطخ بالدم، والرثم: البياض في جحفلة الفرس العليا، وهو في الزق مستعمل على سبيل الاستعارة.
The word marthum means one whose nose is broken and bleeds; ratham, another derivative of the same root, means a while spot on the upper-lip of a horse. Marthum is employed metaphorically to designate a wine or water-skin.
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وله تصانيف، فمن ذلك كتاب ”الخيل” وكتاب ”مناقب بني العباس” وكتاب أخبار اليزيدين وله مختصر في النحو. وكان قد استدعي في آخر عمره إلى تعليم أولاد المقتدر بالله فلزمهم مدة، ولقيه بعض أصحابه بعد اتصاله بالخليفة فسأله أن يقرئه فقال: أنا في شغل عن ذلك.
He left some works, such as the Kitab al-Khail [book of horses), the Manakib Bani al-Abbas (merits of the Abbasides), the Akhbar al-Yazidyin (history of the Yazid family), and a compendious treatise on grammar. Having been employed, towards the close of his life, as preceptor to the children of al-Muktadir billah, he filled that office for some time. Soon after his entrance into the caliph’s service, one of his friends met him and asked his protection, but he replied: “I am too busy for that.”
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
وتوفي أبو عبد الله المذكور ليلة الأحد أول الليل لاثنتي عشرة ليلة بقيت من جمادى الآخرة سنة عشر وثلثمائة، وعمره اثنتان وثمانون سنة وثلاثة أشهر، رحمه الله تعالى.
Abu Abd Allah al-Yazidi died on the eve of Monday, the eighteenth of the latter Jumada, A. H. three hundred and ten (October, A. D. nine hundred and twenty two), at the age of eighty-two years and three months.
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واليزيدي:نسبة إلى يزيد بن منصور – وسيأتي الكلام على ذلك في ترجمة جده أبي محمد يحيى بن المبارك، إن شاء الله تعالى.
Yazidi here means related to Yazid Ibn Mansur; of this we shall again speak, in the life of his ancestor Abu Muhammad Yahya Ibn al- Mubarak.
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أبو بكر ابن السراج النحوي
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أبو بكر محمد بن السري بن سهل النحوي المعروف بابن السراج؛ كان أحد الأئمة المشاهير، المجمع على فضله ونبله وجلالة قدره في النحو والآداب، أخذ الأدب عن أبي العباس المبرد – المقدم ذكره – وغيره،
Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn al-Sari Ibn Sahl the grammarian, generally known by the name of Ibn al-Sarraj, was one of the most distinguished masters in that science, and his high abilities in it and in philology are universally acknowledged. Amongst the persons from whom he acquired his philological information was Abu al-Abbas al- Mubarrad.
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وأخذ عنه جماعة من الأعيان منهم: أبو سعيد السيرافي وعلي بن عيسى الرماني وغيرهما، ونقل عنه الجوهري في كتاب الصحاح في مواضع عديدة.
and some eminent masters, such as Abu Saied al- Sirafi, and Ali Ibn Isa al-Rummani, studied it under his tuition. Al-Jauhari, in his Sahah, cites his authority in a number of articles.
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وله التصانيف المشهورة في النحو: منها كتاب الأصول وهو من أجود الكتب المصنفة في هذا الشأن، وإليه المرجع عند اضطراب النقل واختلافه، وكتاب جمل الأصول وكتاب الموجز صغير، وكتاب الاشتقاق وكتابشرح كتاب سيبويه وكتاب احتجاج القراء وكتاب الشعر والشعراء وكتاب الرياح والهواء والنار وكتاب الجمل وكتاب ”المواصلات”.
Ibn al-Sarraj composed some grammatical works of great repute, and his Kitab al-Osul (principles), one of the best treatises on the subject, is always referred to when the traditional information on any grammatical point is uncertain or contradictory. His other works are the Jumal al-Osul (the collected principles), a short treatise called the Mujaz (compendium); the Kitab al-Ishtikak (on etymology), a commentary on Sibawaih’s Kitab, the Ihtijaj al-Kurraa (appreciation of the motives which influenced Quran-Readers in their readings), the Book of the Poets and of Poetry, the Book of the Winds, the Air, and Fire; the Book of the Camel, and the Kitab al-Muwasilat (book of loving unions, or book of gifts).
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
وكان يلثغ في الراء فيجعلها غينا، فأملى يوما كلاما فيه لفظة بالراء، فكتبوها عنه بالغين، فقال: لا، بالغاء، لا بالغاء يريد بالراء، وجعل يكررها على هذه الصورة.
He pronounced the letter R incorrectly, giving it the sound of GH, and happening, one day, to dictate a word in which this letter occurred, and perceiving that his disciple wrote it with a ghain, he exclaimed: “No, no! with a ghaa!”
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ورأيت في بعض المجاميع أبياتا منسوبة إليه ولا أتحقق صحتها، وهي سائرة بين الناس في جارية كان يهواها، وهي: ميزت بين جمالها وفعالها… فإذا الملاحة بالخيانة لا تفي حلفت لنا أن لاتخون عهودنا… فكأنما حلفت لنا أان لا تفي والله لا كلمتها ولو أنها… كالبدر أو كالشمس أو كالمكتفي
I found in an anthology some verses attributed to him, but am unable to ascertain whether they are really his or not. They relate to a girl whom the poet loved and are familiar to most persons. The lines to which I allude are these: I compared her beauty with her conduct, and found that her charms did not counterbalance her perfidy. She swore to me never to be false, but ’twas as if she had sworn never to be true. By Allah shall never speak to her again, even though she resembled in beauty the full moon, or the sun, or al-Muktafi!
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وبعد الفراغ من هذه الترجمة وجدت هذه الأبيات له، ولها قصة عجيبة، وهي أن أبا بكر المذكور كان يهوى جارية فجفته، فاتفق وصول الإمام المكتفي في تلك الأيام من الرقة، فاجتمع الناس لرؤيته، فلما رآه أبو بكر استحسنه، وأنشد لأصحابه الأبيات المذكورة،
This article was already terminated when I discovered that these verses are certainly his, and a curious anecdote is connected with them. The author, Abu Bakr, loved a young girl, but she treated him with marked disdain: it happened at that time that the imam (caliph) al-Muktafi returned from al-Rakka, and, when the people assembled to witness his entry into the city, Abu Bakr was so much struck with his beauty that he recited these verses to his companions.
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ثم إن أبا عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل بن زنجي الكاتب أنشدها لأبي العباس ابن الفرات، وقال: هي لابن المعتز، وأنشدها أبو العباس للقاسم بن عبيد الله الوزير،
Sometime after, the katib Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Zenji repeated them to Abu al-Abbas Ibn al-Furat, saying that they were composed by Ibn al-Mutazz, and Abu al-Abbas communicated them to the vizir al-Kasim Ibn Obaid Allah.
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فاجتمع الوزير بالمكتفي وأنشده إياها فقال لمن هي، فقال لعبيد الله بن عبد الله بن طاهر، فأمر له بألف دينار، فوصلت إليه فقال ابن زنجي: ما أعجب هذه القصة! يعمل أبو بكر ابن السراج أبياتا تكون سببا لوصول الرزق إلى عبيد الله بن عبد الله بن طاهر.
The latter then went to the caliph and recited the verses to him, adding that they were by Obaid Allah Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Tahir, to whom al- Muktadir immediately ordered a present of one thousand dinars. “How very strange,” said Ibn Zenji, “that Abu Bakr Ibn al-Sarraj should compose verses which ‘were to procure a donation to Obaid Allah Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Tahir.”
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توفي أبو بكر المذكور يوم الأحد لثلاث ليال بقين من ذي الحجة سنة ست عشرة وثلثمائة، رحمه الله تعالى.
Abu Bakr died on Sunday, the twenty seventh of Zi al-Hijja, A. H. three hundred and sixteen (February, A. D. nine hundred and twenty nine).
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والسراج: بفتح السين المهملة والراء المشددة وبعد الألف جيم، هذه النسبة إلى عمل السروج.
Sarraj means a saddler.
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أبو بكر ابن الأنباري
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أبو بكر محمد بن أبي محمد القاسم بن محمد بن بشار بن الحسن بن بيان بن سماعة ابن فروة بن قطن بن دعامة الأنباري النحوي صاحب التصانيف في النحو والأدب؛ كان علامة وقته في الآداب وأكثر الناس حفظا لها،
Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Abi Muhammad al-Kasim Ibn Muhammad Ibn Bashar Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Bayan Ibn Sama’a Ibn Farwa Ibn Katan Ibn Diama al-Anbari, the grammarian and author of several well-known treatises on grammar and philology, was the most learned man of his time in the different branches of general literature, and their superior also by the quantity of literary matter which he knew by heart.
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وكان صدوقا ثقة دينا خيرا من أهل السنة، وصنف كتبا كثيرة في علوم القرآن وغريب الحديث والمشكل والوقف والابتداء والرد على من خالف مصحف العامة وكتاب الزاهر. ذكره الخطيب في ”تاريخ بغداد” وأثنى عليه وقال: بلغني أنه كتب عنه وأبوه حي، وكان يملي ناحية من المسجد وأبوه في ناحية أخرى.
He was veracious and trust-worthy, pious, virtuous, and a strict follower of the Sunna. Amongst his numerous works were treatises on the different Quranic sciences, on the rare and the obscure expressions occurring in the Quran and the Traditions, on the pause, on the commencement of phrases, a refutation of those who impugn the edition of the Quran in general use, and a book called al-Zahir (the blooming). High praise is bestowed on him by the Khatib in his History of Baghdad; this author says: I have been informed that Abu Bakr made dictations even in his father’s life-time, each of them teaching in a different part of the same mosque.
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وكان أبوه عالما بالأدب موثقا في الرواية صدوقا أمينا سكن بغداد وروى عنه جماعة من العلماء، وروى عنه ولده المذكور، وله تصانيف فمن ذلك كتاب خلق الإنسان وكتاب خلق الفرس وكتاب الأمثال وكتاب المقصور والممدود وكتاب المؤنث والمذكر وكتاب غريب الحديث.
His father was learned in philology, and an exact, veracious, and trust-worthy transmitter of pieces preserved by tradition. He inhabited Baghdad. A number of learned men and his own son delivered pieces on his authority. He composed a treatise on the (names of the parts of the) human frame, a treatise on the frame of the horse, a book of proverbs, a treatise on the long and the short final a life a treatise on the genders, a treatise on the uncommon expressions occurring in the Traditions and other works.”
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وقال أبو علي القالي: كان أبو بكر ابن الأنباري يحفظ فيما ذكر ثلثمائة ألف بيت شاهد في القرآن الكريم، وقيل له: قد أكثر الناس من محفوظاتك فكم تحفظ فقال: أحفظ ثلاثة عشر صندوقا، وقيل إنه كان يحفظ مائة وعشرين تفسيرا للقرآن بأسانيدها.
Abu Ali al-Kali says: It is stated that Abu Bakr Ibn al-Anbari knew by heart three hundred thousand verses illustrative of expressions occurring in the Quran, and that a person having said to him: The great quantity of pieces which you know by heart is often spoken of; how much do you really know?’ he answered: I have in my memory (as much as would fill) thirteen chests.” It is mentioned that he knew by heart one hundred and twenty commentaries of the Quran with their isnads.
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وحكى أبو الحسن الدارقطني أنه حضر في مجلس إملائه يوم جمعة فصحف اسما أورده في إسناد حديث إما كان حيان فقال حبان أو حبان فقال حيان، قال الدارقطني:
Abu al-Hasan al-Darakutni relates that, on a certain Friday, he happened to be present at one of the sittings held by Ibn al-Anbari for the purpose of making dictations, and that he gave a wrong pronunciation to a name occurring in the isnad of a Tradition. He said Haiyan’ relates al-Darakutni, instead of Habban or Habban instead of Haiyan.
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فأعظمت أن يحمل عن مثله في فضله وجلالته وهم، وهبت أن أوقفه على ذلك، فلما انقضى الإملاء تقدمت إلى المستملي فذكرت له وهمه وعرفته صواب القول فيه،
I thought it would be a pity that an error of this kind should be adopted and propagated on the authority of so able and so eminent a man as Ibn al-Anbari, but, not daring to acquaint him with his mistake, I waited till the lesson was over, and approached the disciple to whom the dictations were directly addressed, pointing out the error of the master and informing him of the true reading.
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وانصرفت ثم حضرت الجمعة الثانية مجلسه، فقال أبوبكر: عرف جماعة الحاضرين أنا صحفنا الاسم الفلاني لما أملينا حديث كذا في الجمعة الماضية، ونبهنا ذلك الشاب على الصواب، وهو كذا، وعرف ذلك الشاب أنا رجعنا إلى الأصل فوجدناه كما قال.
I then retired. The following Friday, I attended the next sitting, and Abu Bakr said: ‘Let it be known to all here present, that, last Friday, in dictating a certain Tradition, I gave a wrong pronunciation to a name, and that youth indicated the true one; and let that youth know that I referred to the source whence I derived the Tradition and found the word written as he said.’
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
ومن جملة تصانيفه غريب الحديث قيل إنه خمسة وأربعون ألف ورقة، وكتابشرح الكافي وهو نحو ألف ورقة، وكتاب الهاءات نحو ألف ورقة، وكتاب الأضداد وكتاب الجاهليات وهو سبعمائة ورقة، والمذكر والمؤنث ما عمل احد أتم منه، و” رسالة المشكل” رد فيها على ابن قتيبة وأبي حاتم.
Amongst Ibn al-Anbari’s works may be noticed his Gharib al-Hadith (unusual terms occurring in the Traditions), filling, it is said, forty-five thousand leaves; a commentary on the grammatical treatise the Kafi, filling about one thousand leaves; a treatise on the final h, in about one thousand leaves; a list of words each of which bears two contrary significations, the Kitab al-Jahiliyat), filling seven hundred leaves, a treatise on the genders, the most complete over composed; the Risalat al-Mushkil, in which he refutes Ibn Kutaiba and Abu Hatim.
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وكانت ولادته يوم الأحد لإحدى عشرة ليلة خلت من رجب سنة إحدى وسبعين ومائتين. وتوفي ليلة عيد النحر سنة ثمان وعشرين، وقيل سنة سبع وعشرين وثلثمائة.
He was born on Sunday, the eleventh of Rajab, A. H. two hundred and seventy one (the fourth of January, A. D. eight hundred and eighty five), and he died on the eve of the Festival of the Sacrifice, A. H. three hundred and twenty eight (the sixteenth of September, A. D. nine hundred and forty); some say, A. H. three hundred and twenty seven.
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وتوفي أبوه القاسم سنة أربع وثلثمائة ببغداد، وقيل في صفر سنة خمس وثلثمائة، رحمه الله تعالى. وقد تقدم الكلام على الأنباري في ترجمة عبد الرحمن الأنباري النحوي.
His father al-Kasim died at Baghdad, A. H. three hundred and four (A. D. nine hundred and sixteen or nine hundred and seventeen); some say, in the month of Safar, A. H. three hundred and five. We have explained the meaning of the word Anbari.
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وأملى أبو بكر المذكور في بعض أماليه لبعض العرب: فهلا منعتم إذ منعتم كلامها… خيالا يوافيني على النأي هاديا سقى الله أطلالا بأكثبة الحمى… وإن كن قد أبدين للناس حاليا منازل لو مرت بهن جنازتي… لقال الصدى ياصاحبي انزلا بيا
At one of his dictations he quoted the following verses by a Bedouin Arab: When you hindered her from speaking to me, why did you not hinder her image from leaving the distant region where she now resides and visiting my slumbers in its unerring course? May God shed his favor on a certain dwelling, in the sands of the tribe’s reserved grounds, although the aspect of its ruins made me betray the passion I concealed. Were my corpse borne on its bier past these abodes, the very owl which dwells therein would say: “O my friend! come and stay with me.”
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وأملى أيضا في مجلس آخر: وبالعرصة البيضاء إن زرت أهلها… مها مهملات ما عليهن سائس خرجن لحب اللهو من غير ريبة… عفائف باغي اللهو منهن آيس
At another sitting, he dictated these lines: In the white regions of al-Orsa, if you visit its people, you will see fair gazelles roaming at liberty without a keeper. They go forth for the pleasure of encountering danger, and incur no jealous suspicions; chaste they are, and he who wishes to sport with them may despair.
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أبو العيناء
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أبو عبد الله محمد بن القاسم بن خلاد بن ياسر بن سليمان، الهاشمي بالولاء، الضرير، مولى أبي جعفر المنصور، المعروف بأبي العيناء صاحب النوادر والشعر والأدب؛ أصله من اليمامة ومولده بالأهواز ومنشؤه بالبصرة،
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn al-Kasim Ibn Khallad Ibn Yasir Ibn Suleiman al-Hashemi (a member, by enfranchisement, of the Hashim family), surnamed Abu al-Ainaa, was a mawla to [the caliph) Abu Jaafar al-Mansur. The family of Abu al-Ainaa, who was a blind man, remarkable for his repartees, verses, and literary knowledge, belonged to [the province of) al-Yamama [in Arabia), but he himself was born at al-Ahwaz and bred at Basra.
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وبها طلب الحديث وكسب الأدب، وسمع من أبي عبيدة والأصمعي وأبي زيد الأنصاري والعتبي وغيرهم، وكان من أحفظ الناس وأفصحهم لسانا، وكان من ظرفاء العالم، وفيه من اللسن وسرعة الجواب والذكاء ما لم يكن أحد من نظرائه، وله أخبار حسان وأشعار ملاح مع أبي علي الضرير.
He there learned Traditions and cultivated literature, having taken lessons from Abu Obaida, al-Asma’i, Abu Zaid al- Ansari, al-Otbi, and other masters. He was an excellent hafiz and spoke with great elegance; fluent in his discourse, prompt in his repartees, and surpassing in penetration and sharpness all his contemporaries, he ranked among the most brilliant wits of the age. Numerous amusing anecdotes are related of what passed between him and Abu Ali al-Darer, and of the charming pieces of verse which he composed on those occasions.
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فقال له أبو العيناء: فلم لا يكذب الوراقون عليك أيها الوزير فسكت الوزير، وعجب الحاضرون من إقدامه عليه.
Abu al-Ainaa immediately replied: “And why then do book-makers not relate such fables of you, O vizir? The vizir remained silent, and the company were struck with astonishment at Abu al-Ainaa’s boldness.”
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وشكا إلى عبيد الله بن سليمان بن وهب الوزير سوء الحال، فقال له: أليس قد كتبنا إلى إبراهيم في أمرك قال: نعم، قد كتبت إلى رجل قد قصر من همته طول الفقر، وذل الأسر، ومعاناة الدهر، فاخفق سعيي وخابت طلبتي، فقال عبيد الله: أنت اخترته،
Having one day complained of his distressed circumstances to Obaid Allah Ibn Suleiman Ibn Wahb, the latter replied: “Did I not write in your favor to Ibrahim Ibn al-Mudabbar?” “It is true,” said Abu al-Ainaa; “but you wrote to a man prevented from satisfying his generous inclinations by the protraction of poverty, the humiliation of captivity, and the cruelty of fortune; so my efforts were frustrated and my hopes disappointed.” “But,” said the vizir, it was you yourself who made choice of him.”
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فقال: وما علي أيها الوزير في ذلك وقد اختار موسى قومه سبعين رجلا فما كان فيهم رشيد، واختار النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، عبد الله بن سعد بن أبي سرح كاتبا فرجع إلى المشركين مرتدا، واختار علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه أبا موسى الأشعري حاكما له فحكم عليه.
O vizir!” replied Abu al-Ainaa, I am not to be blamed for that; Moses chose (out of) his people seventy men, and there was not a prudent man among them; the blessed Prophet chose for secretary Abd Allah Ibn Saad Ibn Abi Sarh, and he fell into apostacy and joined the infidels; and Ali, the son of Abu Talib, chose for arbitrator Abu Musa al-Ashari, and he decided against him.”
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وإنما قال ذل الأسر لأن إبراهيم المذكور كان قد أسره علي بن محمد صاحب الزنج بالبصرة وسجنه فنقب السجن وهرب.
By the words humiliation of captivity, Abu al-Ainaa alluded to the circumstance of Ibrahim Ibn al-Mudabbar’s having been imprisoned at Basra by Ali Ibn Muhammad, chief of the Zenj. Ibrahim effected his escape by breaking through the prison wall.
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ودخل على أبي الصقر إسماعيل بن بلبل الوزير يوما فقال له ما الذي أخرك عنا يا أبا العيناء فقال: سرق حماري، فقال: وكيف سرق قال: لم أكن مع اللص فأخبرك، قال: فهلا أتيتنا على غيره، قال: قعد بي عن الشراء قلة يساري وكرهت ذلة المكاري، ومنة العواري.
Abu al-Ainaa having one day gone to visit Abu al-Sakr Ismail Ibn Bulbul, that vizir said to him: What has kept you away from us so long, Abu al-Ainaa!” My ass was stolen from me.” How was it stolen?” was not with the thief, sol cannot say.” Why then not ride to visit us on another?” My poverty prevented me from buying; my pride, from hiring; and my independence, from borrowing.”
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
وخاصم علويا فقال له العلوي: تخاصمني وأنت تقول كل يوم: اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد، فقال: لكني أقول: الطيبين الطاهرين، ولست منهم. ووقف عليه رجل من العامة فلما أحس به قال: من هذا قال: رجل من بني آدم، فقال ابو العيناء: مرحبا بك أطال الله بقاءك، ماكنت أظن هذا النسل إلا قد انقطع.
He one day had a dispute with a descendant of Ali, and his adversary said to him: You attack me, and yet you say in your prayers: Almighty God! bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.” Yes,” replied Abu al-Ainaa, but I add: who are virtuous and pure.” A common fellow having stood in his way, he perceived it and said: “What is that?” A man of the sons of Adam, was the reply. “Welcome, welcome! ’’exclaimed Abu al-Ainaa, God grant you long life! I thought that all his sons were dead.”
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وصار يوما إلى باب صاعد بن مخلد فاستأذن عليه، فقيل هو مشغول بالصلاة، فقال: لكل جديدة لذة، وكان صاعد قبل الوزارة نصرانيا.
Having gone one day to the door Said Ibn Makhlad and asked permission to enter, he was told that the vizir was engaged in prayer. Ah!” exclaimed Abu al-Ainaa, there is a pleasure in novelty.” It must be here observed that Said had been a Christian before his appointment to the vizirate.
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ومر بباب عبد الله ابن منصور وهو مريض وقد صلح، فقال لغلامه: كيف خبره فقال: كما تحبن فقال: ما لي لا أسمع الصراخ عليه ودعا سائلا ليعيشه فلم يدع شيئا إلا أكله، فقال: يا هذا دعوتك رحمة فتركتني رحمة.
Happening to pass by the door of Abd Allah Ibn Mansur, who was then recovering from an attack of sickness, he asked the servant how he was. Just as you could wish, was the answer. “Why then,” replied Abu al-Ainaa, do I not hear the funeral cry?” A mendicant whom he invited to partake of his supper having eaten it all up, he said to him: I asked you through charity, and it will be a charity in you to leave me.”
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested.
ولقيه بعض أصحابه في السحر، فجعل يتعجب من بكورة، فقال أبو العيناء: أراك تشركني في الفعل، وتفردني بالتعجب.
One of his friends met him at an early hour of the morning and expressed his astonishment at his being out so soon: You do as I do,” replied Abu al-Ainaa, and yet you wonder at me.”
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وذكر له أن المتوكل قال: لولا أنه ضرير لنادمناه، فقال: إن أعفاني من رؤية الأهلة وقراءة نقوش الفصوص فأنا أصلح للمنادمة.
Having been informed that al-Mutawakil had said of him: “Were he not blind, I should take him for a boon companion;” he said: “Provided the caliph dispense me from watching for the new moon” [which is the duty of a muezzin) “and from reading the inscriptions on seals” [which is the duty of a katib), “I should make a good boon companion.”
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وقيل له: إلى متى تمدح وتهجو فقال: ما دام المحسن محسنا والمسيء مسيئا، بل أعوذ بالله أن أكون كالعقرب التي تلسب النبي والذمي.
Being asked how long he would continue to praise some and satirize others, he replied: As long as the virtuous do good and the wicked do evil; but God forbid that I should be as the scorpion which stings equally the Prophet and the infidel.”
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وكان بينه وبين ابن مكرم مداعبات، فسمع ابن مكرم رجلا يقول: من ذهب بصره قلت حيلته، فقال: ما أغفلك عن أبي العيناء! ذهب بصره فعظمت حيلته.
Ibn al-Mukarram, with whom he frequently engaged in playful dispute, having heard a man observe that lie who loses his sight loses his shrewdness, he said: “What makes you forget Abu al-Ainaa? “he has lost his sight and gained immensely in shrewdness.”
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وسمع ابن مكرم أبا العيناء يقول في بعض دعائه: يارب سائلك، فقال يا ابن الفاعلة، ومن لست سائله. وقال له ابن مكرم يوما يعرض به: كم عدد المكدين بالبصرة فقال له: مثل عدد البغائين ببغداد.
The same Ibn al- Mukarram heard him say one day, in his prayers: (O Lord, hearken to thy petitioner!” on which he exclaimed: “You son of a prostitute! whom have you not petitioned?” The same person once asked Abu al-Ainaa maliciously, how many liars there were at Basra, and obtained for answer: “As many as there are reprobates at Baghdad.”
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ودخل على ابن ثوابة عقيب كلام جرى بينه وبين أبي الصقر أربى ابن ثوابة عليه فيه، فقال له: بلغني ماجرى بينك وبين أبي الصقر، وما منعه من استقصاء الجواب إلا أنه لم يجد عزا فيضيعه، ولا مجدا فينقصه، وبعد فإنه عاف لحمك أن يأكل، وسهك دمك أن يسفكه،
Having gone to see Ibn Thawaba, who had got the better of Abu al-Sakr in a dispute, he said to him: “I have learned what passed between you and Abu al-Sakr, and if he did not make you a full reply, it was because he could find no pride in you to humble, and no honor to blast; and moreover he detested your flesh too much to devour it, and despised your blood too much to think it worth spilling.”
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فقال ابن ثوابة: وما أنت والدخول بيني وبين هؤلاء يامكدي فقال: لاتنكر على ابن ثمانين قد ذهب بصره وجفاه سلطانه أن يعول على إخوانه فيأخذ من أموالهم، ولكن أشد من هذا من يستنزل الماء من أصلاب الرجال فيستفرغه في جوفه، فيقطع أنسابهم ويعظم أوزارهم،
And what business have you,” exclaimed Ibn Thawaba, “to thrust yourself into my affairs and those of people in his station? beggar that you are!” “Blame not a man of fourscore,” replied Abu al-Ainaa, a man who has lost his sight and who is ill-treated by his prince, if he has recourse to the charity of his brethren; that is a better occupation than the trade of a catamite, hindering men to have progeny and increasing the burden of their crimes.”
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فقال ابن ثوابة: ماتساب اثنان إلا غلب ألأمهما، فقال أبو العيناء: وبها غلبت أبا الصقر بالأمس، فأسكته.
“When two persons rail at each other,” said Ibn Thawaba, “it is the vilest who gains the day.” “Right!” retorted Abu al-Ainaa, “and you gained the day over Abu al-Sakr, and silenced him yesterday.”
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ودخل على المتوكل في قصره المعروف بالجعفري سنة ست وأربعين ومائتين فقال له: ما تقول في دارنا هذه فقال: إن الناس بنوا الدور في الدنيا وأنت بنيت الدنيا في دارك، فاستحسن كلامه، ثم قال: كيف شربك للخمر قال: أعجز عن قليله وأفتضح عنده كثيره،
Happening, in the year two hundred and forty six (A. D. eight hundred and sixty or eight hundred and sixty one), to enter into the presence of al-Mutawakil, who was then in his palace called al-Jaafari, that caliph said to him: “What thinks thou of this our dwelling-house to which he made this reply: “Others have built houses in the world, but you have built a world in your house.” Al-Mutawakil expressed his satisfaction at the answer, and then asked him how he stood wine. The other replied: I cannot resist a small quantity, and I disgrace myself if I take much.
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فقال له: دع هذا عنك ونادمنا، فقال: أنا رجل مكفوف، وكل من في مجلسك يخدمك، وأنا أحتاج أن أخدم ولست آمن من أن تنظر إلي بعين راض، وقلبك علي غضبان، أو بعين غضبان وقلبك راض، ومتى لم أميز بين هذين هلكت، فأختار العافية على التعرض للبلاء، فقال: بلغنا عنك بذاء في لسانك،
Come!’’ said the caliph, do not say so, but be our boon companion. “I am a sightless man,” replied Abu al-Ainaa; all who sit in your company are ready to serve you, and I require a person to serve me; neither am I free from the apprehension that you may look at me with the eye of one who is well pleased whilst your heart is wrath, or that your eye may express wrath whilst your heart is well-pleased; and if I cannot distinguish these two signs, it may cost me my life. So I shall prefer safety to risky” I am told,” said the caliph, “that thou hast an evil tongue.”
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فقال: ياأمير المؤمنين، قد مدح الله تعالى وذم، فقال ”نعم العبد إنه أواب” – ص:44 – وقال عز وجل (هماز مشاء بنميم مناع للخير معتد أثيم) (القلم:11)
“Commander of the faithful!” replied Abu al-Ainaa, the Almighty himself has uttered praise and satire; he has said: How excellent a servant for he frequently turned himself unto God, and: a defamer, going about with slander, a preventer of a good, a transgressor, a wicked wretch.
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وقال الشاعر: إذا أنا بالمعروف لم أثن صادقا… ولم أشتم النكس اللئيم المذمما ففيم عرفت الخير والشر باسمه… وشق لي الله المسامع والفما
And a poet hath said: “If praise not the honest man and revile not the sordid, the despicable, and base, why should have the power of saying, That is good, and this is bad? and why should God have opened (men’s) ears and my mouth?”
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قال: فمن أين أنت، قال: من البصرة، قال: فما تقول فيها قال ماؤها أجاج وحرها عذاب، وتطيب في الوقت الذي تطيب فيه جهنم.
What place are you from?” said the caliph. “From Basra.” What hast thou to say of it?” Its water is hitter; its heal is a torment, and it is pleasant ben bell is pleasant.”
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ولما سلم نجاح بن سلمة إلى موسى بن عبد الله الأصبهاني ليستأدي ما عليه من الأموال عاقبه فتلف في مطالبته،
When Najjah Ibn Salama was delivered over to Musa Ibn Abd Allah al-Ispahani, who had been commissioned to exact from him the sums which he owed (to government), the cruel tortures to which the prisoner was subjected caused his death.
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وذلك في يوم الاثنين لثمان بقين من ذي القعدة سنة خمس وأربعين ومائتين، وفي تلك الليلة بلغ المعتز بالله ابن المتوكل الخبر ، فاجتمع بعض الرؤساء بأبي العيناء، فقال له: ما عندك من خبر نجاح ابن سلمة فقال أبو العيناء ”فوكزه موسى فقضى عليه” – القصص:15 –
This happened on Monday, the twenty second of Zu al-Kaada, A. H. two hundred and forty five, The same evening, al-Mutazz billah, the son of al- Mutawakil, attained the age of puberty, and some persons of high rank were assembled at Abu al-Ainaa’s. One of them having asked him if he had any news of Najah Ibn Salama, he answered (in the words of the Quran, Surat the stories (al-Qasas),: Moses (Musa) struck him and killed him.”
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فبلغت كلمته موسى فلقيه في الطريق فتهدده، فقال له أبو العيناء ”أتريد أن تقتلني كما قتلت نفسا بالأمس” – القصص:19.
Those words came to the ears of Musa, who, soon after; met Abu al-Ainaa in the street and threatened him, on which the latter said (in the words of the same chapter) Dost thou intend to kill me, as thou killed a man yesterday?”
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وكتب إلى بعض الرؤساء وقد وعده بشيء فلم ينجزه: ثقتي بك تمنعني من استبطائك، وعلمي بشغلك يدعوني إلى إذكارك، ولست آمن، مع استحكام ثقتي بطولك والمعرفة بعلو همتك، اخترام الأجل، فإن الآجال آفات الآمال، فسح الله في أجلك، وبلغك منتهى أملك، والسلام.
A certain great man having made him a promise which he did not fulfil, Abu al-Ainaa wrote to him in these terms: The confidence have in your word prevents me from complaining of your delay; and the knowledge I have of your constant occupations induces me to awaken your recollection. Yet, persuaded as I am of your magnanimity, and convinced of your generous spirit “I dread lest death overtake me, and death is the destroyer of hope. May God increase your days and make you attain the term of your wishes. Adieu.”
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وأحواله ونوادره كثيرة.
The anecdotes told of Abu al-Ainaa are very numerous.
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وروي عنه أنه قال: كنت يوما جالسا عند أبي الحكم إذ أتاه رجل فقال له: وعدتني وعدا فإن رأيت أن تنجزه، فقال: ما أذكره، فقال: إن لم تذكره فلأن من تعده مثلي كثير، وأنا لا أنساه، لأن من أسأله مثلك قليل، فقال: أحسنت لله أبوك، وقضى حاجته.
the following one is stated to have been related by himself: “I was one day sitting with Abi al-Hakam, when a man came in and said to him: You made me a promise, and it depends on your kindness to fulfil it.’ Abu al-Hakam answered that he did not recollect it, and the other replied: If you do not recollect it, ’tis because the persons like me to whom you make promises are numerous; and if I remember it, it’s because the persons like you to whom I may confidently address a request are few.’ Well said I “blessings on your father I exclaimed Abu al-Hakam, and the promise was immediately fulfilled.
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وكانت ولادته سنة إحدى وتسعين ومائة بالأهواز – كما تقدم، ونشأ بالبصرة وكف بصره وقد بلغ أربعين سنة.
Abu al-Ainaa was born A. H. one hundred and ninety one (A. D. eight hundred and six or eight hundred and seven) at al-Ahwaz, as we have already said; he passed his early youth at Basra; on attaining his fortieth year, he lost his sight.
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وسكن بغداد مدة وعاد إلى البصرة، وتوفي بها في جمادى الآخرة سنة ثلاث وثمانين، وقيل اثنتين وثمانين ومائتين.
and having resided for a time at Baghdad, he returned to Basra, and died there in the month of the latter Jumada, A. H. two hundred and eighty three (July-August, A. D. eight hundred and ninety six); some say, two hundred and eighty two.
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وقال ابنه جعفر: توفي أبي لعشر ليال خلون من جمادى الأولى، ومولده سنة تسعين ومائة، والله أعلم، رحمه الله تعالى.
His son Jaafar says that his death took place on the tenth of the first Jumada, and his birth in A. H. one hundred and ninety; God best knows which of these statements is the more correct.
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ولقب بأبي العيناء لأنه قال لأبي زيد الأنصاري: كيف تصغر عينا فقال: عيينا ياأبا العيناء، فبقي عليه.
He received the surname of Abu al-Ainaa (father large-eye) from the circumstance of his having asked Abu Zaid al-Ansari how he formed the diminutive of the word Ainaa large-eyed female), to which he received this answer: “Oyaina, O Abu al-Ainaa which nickname stuck to him ever after.
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وخلاد: بفتح الخاء المعجمة وتشديد اللام ألف. وقد تقدم الكلام على اليمامة والأهواز فأغنى عن الإعادة.
The name Khallad takes a double L. We have already spoken of al-Yamama and al-Ahwaz.
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أبو عبد الله محمد بن عمر بن واقد الواقدي المدني مولى بني هاشم، وقيل مولى بني سهم بن أسلم؛ كان إماما عالما له التصانيف في المغازي وغيرها، وله كتاب الردة ذكر فيه ارتداد العرب بعد وفاة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ومحاربة الصحابة رضي الله عنهم، لطليحة بن خويلد الأزدي والأسود العنسي ومسيلمة الكذاب، وما أقصر فيه.
Abu AM Allah Muhammad Ibn Omar Ibn Wakid al-Wakidi al-Madani and a mawla to like Hashim family or, according to some, to Sahm of Aslam family. he was imam and learning man, and he had some of well-known works on the conquests of the Muslims and other subjects. His Kitab al-Ridda (history of the apostacy), a work of no inferior merit, contains an account of the apostacy of the Arabs on the death of the Prophet, and of the wars between the Companions and Tulaiha Ibn Khuwaylid al-Azdi, al-Aswad al-Ansi and Musailama al-Kazzab (the liar).
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سمع من أبي ذئب ومعمر بن راشد ومالك بن أنس والثوري وغيرهم. وروى عنه كاتبه محمد بن سعد – المذكور عقيبة إن شاء الله تعالى – وجماعة من الأعيان، وتولى القضاء بشرقي بغداد، وولاه المأمون القضاء بعسكر المهدي. وضعفوه في الحديث وتكلموا فيه.
He received traditional information from Ibn Abi Dib, Mamar Ibn Rashid, Malik Ibn Anas, al-Thawri, and others; his secretary Muhammad Ibn Saad, whose life comes immediately after this, and a number of other distinguished men delivered traditional information on his authority. He held the post of kadi in the eastern quarter of Baghdad, and was appointed by al-Mamun to fill the same office at Askar al-Mahdi. The Traditions received from him are considered of feeble authority, and doubts have been expressed on the subject of his (veracity).
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وكان المأمون يكرم جانبه ويبالغ في رعايته، وكتب إليه مرة يشكو ضائقة لحقته وركبه بسببها دين، وعين مقداره في قصته، فوقع المأمون فيها بخطه: فيك خلتان سخاء وحياء، فالسخاء أطلق يديك بتبذي ماملكت، والحياء حملك أن ذكرت لنا بعض دينك،
Al-Mamun testified a high respect for him and treated him with marked honor. Al-Wakidi once wrote to him, complaining that straitened circumstances had burdened him with debts, and specified the amount of what he owed. On this memorial al-Mamun inscribed the following answer: “You possess the qualities of liberality and modesty: “liberality allows your hand to disperse freely what you possess, and modesty induces you to mention only a part of your debts.
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وقد أمرنا لك بضعف ما سألت، وإن كن قصرنا عن بلوغ حاجتك فبجنايتك على نفسك، وإن كنا بلغنا بغيتك فزد في بسطة يدك، فإن خزائن الله مفتوحة ويده بالخير مبسوطة، وأنت حدثتني حين كنت على قضاء الرشيد أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال للزبير:
We have, therefore, ordered you the double of what you ask; if this be not sufficient, the fault is your own; and if it answer your expectations, be yet more liberal than before, for the treasures of God are open, and bis hand is stretched forth to do good. When you acted as kadi to al-Rashid, you told me that the blessed Prophet said to al-Zubair.
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يا زبير إن مفاتيح الرزق بإزاء العرش، ينزل الله سبحانه للعباد أرزاقهم على قدر نفقاتهم، فمن كثر كثر له، ومن قلل قلل عليه، قال الواقدي وكنت نسيت الحديث، فكانت مذكراته إياي أعجب إلي من صلته.
‘O Zubair! the keys of the provision which God grants to his creatures are placed before his throne; He bestows on them in proportion to their expenditure; if they spend much, He gives much, and if they spend little, He gives little.” I had completely forgotten this Tradition, observed al-Wakidi, and I derived more pleasure from his reminding me of it than from the present he made me.
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وروى عنه بشر الحافي – المقدم ذكره – رضي الله عنه، حكاية واحدة، وهي أنه سمعه يقول: ما يكتب للحمى، يؤخذ [ثلاث] ورقات زيتون تكتب يوم السبت وأنت على طهارة على واحدة منها جهنم غرثيو على الأخرى جهنم عطشى وعلى الأخرى جهنم مقرورة ثم تجعل في خرقة وتشد على عضد المحموم الأيسر،
Bishr al-Hafi related one single fact relative to al-Wakidi, which was that he heard him say: “How to write a charm to cure fevers. Take some olive leaves, and, on a Saturday, being yourself in a state of purity, write on one of these leaves: Hell is hungry, on another, Hell is thirsty, and on the third, Hell is refreshed. Put them into a rag and bind them on the left arm of the person suffering from fever.
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قال الواقدي المذكور جربته فوجدته نافعا، هكذا نقل هذه الحكاية أبو الفرج ابن الجوزي في كتابه الذي وضعه في أخبار بشر الحافي.
I made the experiment myself, said al-Wakidi, and found it successful.” Such is the relation given by Abu al-Faraj Ibn al-Jauzi in the book which he composed on the Life of Bishr al-Hafi.
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وروى المسعودي في كتاب ”مروج الذهب” أن الواقدي المذكور قال: كان لي صديقان أحدهما هاشمي، وكنا كنفس واحدة، فنالتني ضائقة شديدة، وحضر العيد فقالت امرأتي:
Al-Masudi mentions, in his Muruj al-Dahab, that al-Wakidi related the following anecdote: I had two friends, one of whom belonged to the family of Hashim, and we were all as if animated by one soul. Poverty then came upon me, and I was reduced to deep distress, when my wife said to me, as the great Festival was drawing near.
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أما نحن في أنفسنا فنصبر على البؤس والشدة، وأما صبياننا هؤلاء فقد قطعوا قلبي رحمة لهم، لأنهم يرون صبيان الجيران قد تزينوا في عيدهم وأصلحوا ثيابهم وهم على هذه الحال من الثياب الرثة، فلو احتلت في شيء تصرفه في كسوتهم، قال:
As for ourselves, we can support in patience our misery and affliction; but there are our children, and it cuts me to the heart to think that they will see the neighbors children dressed out and adorned for the Festival, whilst ours must continue as they now are, in their worn-out clothes. Could you contrive to procure the means of clothing them?.
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فكتبت إلى صديق لي وهو الهاشمي أسأله التوسعة علي بما حضر، فوجه إلي كيسا مختوما ذكر أن فيه ألف درهم، فما استقر قراري حتى كتب إلي الصديق الآخر يشكو مثل ما شكوت إلى صاحبي الهاشمي، فوجهت إليه الكيس بحاله،
I immediately wrote to my friend, the Hashemite, requesting him to let me have whatever sum he could dispose of, and he sent me a purse sealed up, and containing, he said, one thousand dirhems. I had hardly recovered from the joy I experienced, when I received a note from my other friend, wherein he made a complaint similar to that which I had addressed to the Hashemite; I immediately sent him the purse without even breaking the seal,
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وخرجت إلى المسجد فأقمت فيه ليلتي مستحييا من امرأتي، فلما دخلت عليها استحسنت ما كان مني ولم تعنفني عليه، فبينا أنا كذلك إذ وافى صديقي الهاشمي ومعه الكيس كهيئته، فقال لي: اصدقني عما فعلته فيما وجهت به إليك، فعرفته الخبر على وجهه،
and, being then ashamed of appearing before my wife, I went to the mosque and remained there till morning. “When I returned home, instead of being reproached for what I had done, I had the satisfaction of receiving her full approbation and, just at that moment, the Hashemite came in, with the purse sealed up as before. Tell me sincerely,’ said he, how you disposed of what I sent you.’ I told him the plain fact.
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فقال لي: إنك وجهت إلي وما أملك على الأرض إلا ما بعثت به إليك، وكتبت إلى صديقنا أسأله المواساة، فوجه كيسي بخاتمي، قال الواقدي: فتواسينا ألف درهم فيما بيننا، ثم إنا أخرجنا للمرأة مائة درهم قبل ذلك،
Well, said he, when you applied to me, I sent you all I possessed on earth, and having then written to my friend requesting him to share with me what he had, I received from him my own purse, sealed with my signet.’ We then decided on making an equal partition of the thousand dirhems, having first taken out one hundred for my wife.
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ونمي الخبر إلى المأمون، فدعاني وسألني، فشرحت له الخبر، فامر لنا بسبعة آلاف دينار، لكل واحد منا ألفا دينار وللمرأة ألف دينار. وقد ذكر الخطيب في ”تاريخ بغداد” هذه الحكاية وبينها وبين ماذكرناه ها هنا اختلاف يسير.
Al-Mamun having heard of the circumstance, sent for me and made me relate what had passed; he then ordered us a present of seven thousand dinars, two thousand dinars for each of us, and one thousand for my wife.’ The Khatib relates this anecdote, with some slight difference, in his History of Baghdad.
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وكانت ولادة الواقدي في أول سنة ثلاثين ومائة. وتوفي عشية يوم الاثنين حادي عشر ذي الحجة سنة سبع ومائتين، وهو يومئذ قاض ببغداد في الجانب الغربي، كذا قاله ابن قتيبة.
Al-Wakidi was born in the beginning of A. H. one hundred and thirty (Sept., A. D. seven hundred and forty seven) he died on the eve of Monday, the eleventh of Zi al-Hijja, A. H. two hundred and seven (the twenty seventh of April, A. D. eight hundred and twenty three), being then kadi of the quarter of Baghdad situated on the western side of the Tigris. Such is the statement made by Ibn Kutaiba.
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وقال السمعاني: كان قاضيا بالجانب الشرقي كما تقدم، والله أعلم. وصلى عليه محمد بن سماعة التميمي ودفن في مقابر الخيزران، وقيل مات سنة تسع، وقيل سنة ست ومائتين، والأول أصح،
but al-Samaani says that he was kadi of the eastern quarter of Baghdad, as we have already mentioned. The funeral service was said over him by Muhammad Ibn Sama’a al-Tamimi, and he was interred in the Khaizuran cemetery. Some place his death in two hundred and nine or two hundred and six, but the date we have given is the true one.
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وقال الخطيب فيتاريخ بغداد في أول ترجمة الواقدي: إنه توفي في ذي القعدة، وقال في آخر الترجمة: إنه مات في ذي الحجة، والله أعلم، رحمه الله تعالى [ورأيت بخطي في مسوداتي أن الواقدي مات وعمره ثماني وسبعون سنة].
The Khatib says, in his History of Baghdad, towards the beginning of his notice on al-Wakidi, that he died in the month of Zu al-Kaada, but towards the end of the article, he places his death in Zi al-Hijja. I found among my rough notes, and in my own hand-writing, that al-Wakidi died at the age of seventy-eight years.
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والواقدي: بفتح الواو وبعد الألف قاف مكسورة ثم دال مهملة، هذه النسبة إلى واقد وهو جده المذكور. وقد تقدم الكلام على المدني.
Wakidi means descended from Wakid; one of his ancestors bore this name. Of al-Madani we have already spoken.
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وعسكر المهدي هي المحلة المعروفة اليوم بالرصافة في الجانب الشرقي من بغداد، عمرها أبو جعفر المنصور لولده المهدي فنسب إليه، وهذا يؤيد أن الواقدي كان قاضي الجانب الشرقي لاالغربي، والله أعلم.
Askar al-Mahdi (al-Mahdi’s camp), a place now known by the name of al-Rusafa, is situated in the eastern quarter of Baghdad. It was built by Abu Jaafar al-Mansur for his son al-Mahdi, after whom it was called. This confirms the statement that al-Wakidi was kadi of the eastern quarter of the city, not of the western.
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محمد بن سعد كاتب الواقدي
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أبو عبد الله محمد بن سعد بن منيع، الزهري البصري كاتب الواقدي؛ كان أحد الفضلاء النبلاء الأجلاء، صحب الواقدي المذكور قبله زمانا وكتب له فعرف به، وسمع سفيان بن عيينة وأنظاره، وروى عنه أبو بكر ابن أبي الدنيا وأبو محمد الحارث بن أبي أسامة التميمي وغيرهما
Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Saad Ibn Mani al-Zuhri, was a man of the highest talents, merit, and eminence. He lived for some time with al-Wakidi (see the preceding article) in the character of a secretary, and for this reason he became known lay the appellations of katib al-Wakidi. Amongst the masters under whom he studied was Sofian Ibn Oyaina; traditional information was delivered on his own authority by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi al-Dunia and Abu Muhammad al-Harith Ibn Abi Osama al-Tamimi.
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وصنف كتابا كبيرا في طبقات الصحابة والتابعين والخلفاء إلى وقته، فأجاد فيه وأحسن، وهو يدخل في خمس عشرة مجلدة، وله طبقات أخرى صغرى، وكان صدوقا ثقة.
He composed an excellent works in fifteen Volumes, m the different classes (Tabakat) of Muhammad’s companions and of the Tabi’s; it contains also an history of the caliphs brought down to his own time. He left also a smaller Tabakat. His character as a veracious and trust-worthy historian is universally admitted.
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ويقال اجتمعت كتب الواقدي عند أربعة أنفس: أولهم كاتبه محمد بن سعد المذكور، وكان كثير العلم غزير الحديث والرواية كثير الكتبة ، كتب الحديث والفقه وغيرهما.
It is said that the complete collection off al-Wakidi’s works stemmed in the possession of four persons, the first of whom was his secretary Muhammad Ibn Saad. This distinguished writer displayed great acquirements in the sciences, the Traditions, amid traditional literature; most of his books treat of the Traditions and law.
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وقال الحافظ أبو بكر الخطيب صاحب ”تاريخ بغداد” في حقه: ومحمد بن سعد عندنا من أهل العدالة وحديثه يدل على صدقه فإنه يتحرى في كثير من رواياته، وهو من موالي الحسين بن عبد الله بن عبيد الله بن العباس بن عبد المطلب.
The al-Khatib Abu Bakr, author of the History of Baghdad, ‘speaks of him in these terms: We consider Muhammad Ibn Saad as a ma; of unimpeached integrity, and the Traditions which he delivered are a proof of his veracity, for in the greater part off the information handed down by him, we find him discussing it, passage by passage. He was a mawla al-Husain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Obaid Allah Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib.
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وتوفي يوم الأحد لأربع خلون من جمادى الآخرة، سنة ثلاثين ومائتين ببغداد. ودفن في مقبرة باب الشام، وهو ابن اثنتين وستين سنة، رحمه الله تعالى.
He died at Baghdad, on Sunday the fourth of the latter Jumada, A. H. two hundred and three, at the age of sixty-two years, and was interred in the cemetery outside the Damascus gate (Bab al-Sham).
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أبو بشر محمد بن أحمد بن حماد بن سعد، الأنصاري بالولاء، الوراق الرازي الدولابي؛ كان عالما بالحديث والأخبار والتواريخ، سمع الأحاديث بالعراق والشام وروى عن محمد بن بشار وأحمد بن عبد الجبار العطاردي وخلق كثير؛
Abu Bishr Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hammad Ibn Saad al-Amari al-Dulabi (Native of Dulab) was allied by adoption, to the Ansar. The surname of al-Warrak al-Razi [the tribe of Rai) was borne by him (because he was originally from the province of Rai and copied or sold), Al-Dulabi displayed great learning in the Traditions historical narrations and general history; he learned the Traditions in Syria and Iraq from Muhammad Ibn Bashar, Ahmad Ibn Abd al-Jabbar al-Ataridi, and a great number of other teachers.
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وروى عنه الطبراني وأبوحاتم ابن حبان البستي. وله تصانيف مفيدة في التاريخ ومواليد العلماء ووفياتهم، واعتمد عليه أرباب هذا الفن في النقل وأخبروا عنه في كتبهم ومصنفاتهم المشهورة.
His own authority was cited for Traditions by al-Tabarani and Abu Hatim Ibn Habban al-Busti. He left some useful works on history and on the dates of the births and deaths of the learned; these productions are so correct that persons who cultivate such branches of knowledge place full reliance on the information they derive from them, and his statements may be found quoted in works of the highest repute.
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وبالجملة فقد كان من الأعلام في هذا الشأن وممن يرجع إليه، وكان حسن التصنيف. وتوفي سنة عشرين وثلثمائة بالعرج، رحمه الله تعالى.
In a word, he was one of the first masters on these subjects, and an authority to whom constant reference is made. His productions are drawn up with great care. He died at al-Arj, A. H. three hundred and twenty (A. D. nine hundred and thirty two).
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وروي عنه أنه كان ينشد لعروة بن حزام العذري [حيث قال]: إذا رام قلبي هجرها حال دونه… شفيعان من قلبي لها جدلان إذا قال: لا، قالا: بلى، ثم أصبحوا… جميعا على الرأي الذي يريان
It is related that he gave the following lines as the production of Orwa Ibn Hizam al-Ozri and used to repeat them very often: When my heart designed to abandon her, it found its project opposed by two strenuous intercessors (love and remembrance established) in my bosom. When it said No, they said Yes; but all were soon unanimous, for they prevailed.
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والدولابي: بضم الدال المهملة وفتحها – قال السمعاني: والفتح أصح – وسكون الواو وبعد اللام الف باء موحدة، هذه النسبة إلى الدولاب، وهي قرية من أعمال الري، وبالأهواز قرية يقال لها الدولاب، وبها كانت الوقعة المشهورة للأزارقة، وبشرقي بغداد موضع آخر يقال له الدولاب، ودولاب الجار أيضا موضع آخر، والدولاب الذي يدار ويستعمل بضم الدال وفتحها.
Dulabi, or Daulabi, which last is considered by al-Samaani as the correct pronunciation, means belonging to al-Dulab, a village in the province of Rai. Another village of the same name lies in the province of al-Ahwaz, and near it was fought the celebrated battle against the Azarika. Another Dulab is situated to the east of Baghdad, and a fourth place of this name is Dulab al-Jar. Dulab, pronounced also Daulab, means anything which turns round (a water-wheel, for instance).
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والعرج: بفتح العين المهملة وسكون الراء وبعدها جيم، وهي عقبة بين مكة والمدينة على جادة الحاج. والعرج أيضا: قرية جامعة من نواحي الطائف إليها ينسب العرجي الشاعر، وهو عبد الله [بن عمرو] بن عمر بن عثمان بن عفان، رضي الله عنه.
Al-Arj is a steep mountain pass on the pilgrim road from Mecca to Medina. In the territory of Taif is a populous village called al-Arj, the native place of al-Arji the poet, whose real names were: Abd Allah Ibn Omar Ibn Amr Ibn Othman Ibn Affan.