# Control Systems/System Representations ## System Representations This is a table of times when it is appropriate to use each different type of system representation: +-------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ | Properties | State-Space\ | Transfer\ | Transfer\ | | | Equations | Function | Matrix | +=====================================+==============+===========+===========+ | Linear, Distributed | no | no | no | +-------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ | Linear, Lumped | yes | no | no | +-------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ | Linear, Time-Invariant, Distributed | no | yes | no | +-------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ | Linear, Time-Invariant, Lumped | yes | yes | yes | +-------------------------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+ ## General Description These are the general external system descriptions. *y* is the system output, *h* is the system response characteristic, and *x* is the system input. In the time-variant cases, the general description is also known as the convolution description. General Description ---------------------------- Time-Invariant, Non-causal Time-Invariant, Causal Time-Variant, Non-Causal Time-Variant, Causal ## State-Space Equations These are the state-space representations for a system. *y* is the system output, *x* is the internal system state, and *u* is the system input. The matrices A, B, C, and D are coefficient matrices. State-Space Equations ----------------------- Time-Invariant Time-Variant These are the digital versions of the equations listed above. All the variables have the same meanings, except that the systems are digital. State-Space Equations ----------------------- Time-Invariant Time-Variant ## Transfer Functions These are the transfer function descriptions, obtained by using the Laplace Transform or the Z-Transform on the general system descriptions listed above. *Y* is the system output, *H* is the system transfer function, and *X* is the system input. Transfer Function ------------------- $Y(s) = H(s)X(s)$ Transfer Function ------------------- $Y(z) = H(z)X(z)$ ## Transfer Matrix This is the transfer matrix system description. This representation can be obtained by taking the Laplace or Z transforms of the state-space equations. In the SISO case, these equations reduce to the transfer function representations listed above. In the MIMO case, ***Y***is the vector of system outputs,***X***is the vector of system inputs, and***H*** is the transfer matrix that relates each input X to each output Y. Transfer Matrix ---------------------------------------------- $\mathbf{Y}(s) = \mathbf{H}(s)\mathbf{X}(s)$ Transfer Matrix ---------------------------------------------- $\mathbf{Y}(z) = \mathbf{H}(z)\mathbf{X}(z)$
# Control Systems/Matrix Operations ## Laws of Matrix Algebra Matrices must be compatible sizes in order for an operation to be valid: Addition:Matrices must have the same dimensions (same number of rows, same number of columns). Matrix addition is commutative: : : $A + B = B + A$ Multiplication:Matrices must have the same inner dimensions (the number of columns of the first matrix must equal the number of rows in the second matrix). For instance, if matrix A is *n* × *m*, and matrix B is *m* × *k*, then we can multiply: : : $AB = C$ : Where C is an *n* × *k* matrix. Matrix multiplication is not commutative: $$AB \ne BA$$ : Because it is not commutative, the differentiation must be made between \"multiplication on the left\", and \"multiplication on the right\". Division:There is no such thing as division in matrix algebra, although multiplication of the matrix inverse performs the same basic function. To find an inverse, a matrix must be nonsingular, and must have a non-zero determinant. ## Transpose Matrix The transpose of a matrix, denoted by: $$X^T$$ is the matrix where the rows and columns of X are interchanged. In some instances, the transpose of a matrix is denoted by: $$X'$$ This shorthand notation is used when the superscript T applied to a large number of matrices in a single equation, and the notation would become too crowded otherwise. When this notation is used in the book, derivatives will be denoted explicitly with: $$\frac{d}{dt}X(t)$$ ## Determinant The determinant of a matrix it is a scalar value. It is denoted similarly to absolute-value in scalars: $$|X|$$ A matrix has an inverse if the matrix is square, and if the determinant of the matrix is non-zero. ## Inverse The inverse of a matrix A, which we will denote here by \"B\" is any matrix that satisfies the following equation: $$AB = BA = I$$ Matrices that have such a companion are known as \"invertible\" matrices, or \"non-singular\" matrices. Matrices which do not have an inverse that satisfies this equation are called \"singular\" or \"non-invertable\". An inverse can be computed in a number of different ways: 1. Append the matrix A with the Identity matrix of the same size. Use row-reductions to make the left side of the matrice an identity. The right side of the appended matrix will then be the inverse: $$[A|I] \to [I|B]$$ 2. The inverse matrix is given by the adjoint matrix divided by the determinant. The adjoint matrix is the transpose of the cofactor matrix. $$A^{-1} = \frac{\operatorname{adj}(A)}{|A|}$$ 3. The inverse can be calculated from the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. ## Eigenvalues The eigenvalues of a matrix, denoted by the Greek letter lambda λ, are the solutions to the characteristic equation of the matrix: $$|X - \lambda I| = 0$$ Eigenvalues only exist for square matrices. Non-square matrices do not have eigenvalues. If the matrix X is a real matrix, the eigenvalues will either be all real, or else there will be complex conjugate pairs. ## Eigenvectors The eigenvectors of a matrix are the nullspace solutions of the characteristic equation: $$(X - \lambda_i I)v_i = 0$$ There is at least one distinct eigenvector for every distinct eigenvalue. Multiples of an eigenvector are also themselves eigenvectors. However, eigenvalues that are not linearly independent are called \"non-distinct\" eigenvectors, and can be ignored. ## Left-Eigenvectors Left Eigenvectors are the right-hand nullspace solutions to the characteristic equation: $$w_i(A - \lambda_i I) = 0$$ These are also the rows of the inverse transition matrix. ## Generalized Eigenvectors In the case of repeated eigenvalues, there may not be a complete set of *n* distinct eigenvectors (right or left eigenvectors) associated with those eigenvalues. Generalized eigenvectors can be generated as follows: $$(A -\lambda I)v_{n+1} = v_n$$ Because generalized eigenvectors are formed in relation to another eigenvector or generalize eigenvectors, they constitute an ordered set, and should not be used outside of this order. ## Transformation Matrix The transformation matrix is the matrix of all the eigenvectors, or the ordered sets of generalized eigenvectors: $$T = [v_1 v_2 \cdots v_n]$$ The inverse transition matrix is the matrix of the left-eigenvectors: $$T^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix}w_1' \\ w_2' \\ \cdots \\ w_n'\end{bmatrix}$$ A matrix can be diagonalized by multiplying by the transition matrix: $$A = TDT^{-1}$$ Or: $$T^{-1}AT = D$$ If the matrix has an incomplete set of eigenvectors, and therefore a set of generalized eigenvectors, the matrix cannot be diagonalized, but can be converted into Jordan canonical form: $$T^{-1}AT = J$$ ## MATLAB The MATLAB programming environment was specially designed for matrix algebra and manipulation. The following is a brief refresher about how to manipulate matrices in MATLAB: Addition:To add two matrices together, use a plus sign (\"+\"): `C = A + B;` Multiplication:To multiply two matrices together use an asterisk (\"\*\"): `C = A * B;` : If your matrices are not the correct dimensions, MATLAB will issue an error. Transpose:To find the transpose of a matrix, use the apostrophe (\" \' \"): `C = A';` Determinant:To find the determinant, use the **det** function: `d = det(A);` Inverse:To find the inverse of a matrix, use the function **inv**: `C = inv(A);` Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors:To find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix, use the **eig** command: `[E, V] = eig(A);` : Where E is a square matrix with the eigenvalues of A in the diagonal entries, and V is the matrix comprised of the corresponding eigenvectors. If the eigenvalues are not distinct, the eigenvectors will be repeated. MATLAB will not calculate the generalized eigenvectors. Left Eigenvectors:To find the left eigenvectors, assuming there is a complete set of distinct right-eigenvectors, we can take the inverse of the eigenvector matrix: `[E, V] = eig(A);`\ `C = inv(V);` The rows of C will be the left-eigenvectors of the matrix A. For more information about MATLAB, see the wikibook MATLAB Programming.
# Control Systems/MATLAB ## MATLAB **MATLAB** is a programming language that is specially designed for the manipulation of matrices. Because of its computational power, MATLAB is a tool of choice for many control engineers to design and simulate control systems. This page is going to discuss using MATLAB for control systems design and analysis. MATLAB has a number of plugin modules called \"Toolboxes\". Nearly all the functions described below are located in the **control systems toolbox**. If your system has the control systems toolbox installed, you can get more information about the toolbox by typing `help control` at the MATLAB prompt. Also, there is an open-source competitor to MATLAB called **Octave**. Octave is similar to MATLAB, but there are also some differences. This page will focus on MATLAB, but another page could be added to focus on Octave. As of Sept 10th, 2006, all the MATLAB commands listed below have been implemented in GNU octave. This page will use the template to show MATLAB functions that can be used to perform different tasks. ### Input-Output Isolation In a MIMO system, typically it can be important to isolate a single input-output pair for analysis. Each input corresponds to a single row in the B matrix, and each output corresponds to a single column in the C matrix. For instance, to isolate the 2nd input and the 3rd output, we can create a system: `sys = ss(A, B(:,2), C(3,:), D);` This page will refer to this technique as \"input-output isolation\". ## Step Response First, let\'s take a look at the classical approach, with the following system: $$G(s) = \frac{5s + 10}{s^2 + 4s + 5}$$ This system can effectively be modeled as two vectors of coefficients, NUM and DEN: `NUM = [5, 10]`\ `DEN = [1, 4, 5]` Now, we can use the MATLAB **step** command to produce the step response to this system: `step(NUM, DEN, t);` Where t is a time vector. If no results on the left-hand side are supplied by you, the step function will automatically produce a graphical plot of the step response. If, however, you use the following format: `[y, x, t] = step(NUM, DEN, t);` Then MATLAB will not produce a plot automatically, and you will have to produce one yourself. Here is a sample screenshot: ```{=html} <center> ``` Step_screen.jpg\|Step response ```{=html} </center> ``` Now, let\'s look at the modern, state-space approach. If we have the matrices A, B, C and D, we can plug these into the step function, as shown: `step(A, B, C, D);` or, we can optionally include a vector for time, t: `step(A, B, C, D, t);` Again, if we supply results on the left-hand side of the equation, MATLAB will not automatically produce a plot for us. If we didn\'t get an automatic plot, and we want to produce our own, we type: `[y, x, t] = step(NUM, DEN, t);` And then we can create a graph using the **plot** command: `plot(t, y);` y is the output magnitude of the step response, while x is the internal state of the system from the state-space equations: $$x' = Ax + Bu$$ $$y = Cx + Du$$ ## Classical ↔ Modern MATLAB contains features that can be used to automatically convert to the state-space representation from the Laplace representation. This function, **tf2ss**, is used as follows: `[A, B, C, D] = tf2ss(NUM, DEN);` Where NUM and DEN are the coefficient vectors of the numerator and denominator of the transfer function, respectively. In a similar vein, we can convert from the Laplace domain back to the state-space representation using the **ss2tf** function, as such: `[NUM, DEN] = ss2tf(A, B, C, D);` Or, if we have more than one input in a vector u, we can write it as follows: `[NUM, DEN] = ss2tf(A, B, C, D, u);` The u parameter must be provided when our system has more than one input, but it does not need to be provided if we have only 1 input. This form of the equation produces a transfer function for each separate input. NUM and DEN become 2-D matricies, with each row being the coefficients for each different input. ## z-Domain Digital Filters Let us now consider a digital system with the following generic transfer function in the Z domain: $$H(z) = \frac{n(z)}{d(z)}$$ Where n(z) and d(z) are the numerator and denominator polynomials of the transfer function, respectively. The **filter** command can be used to apply an input vector x to the filter. The output, y, can be obtained from the following code: `y = filter(n, d, x);` The word \"filter\" may be a bit of a misnomer in this case, but the fact remains that this is the method to apply an input to a digital system. Once we have the output magnitude vector, we can plot it using our plot command: `plot(y);` To get the step response of the digital system, we must first create a step function using the **ones** command: `u = ones(1, N);` Where N is the number of samples that we want to take in our digital system (not to be confused with \"n\", our numerator coefficient). Once we have produced our unit step function, we can pass this function through our digital filter as such: `y = filter(n, d, u);` And we can plot y: `plot(y);` ## State-Space Digital Filters Likewise, we can analyze a digital system in the state-space representation. If we have the following digital state relationship: $$x[k + 1] = Ax[k] + Bu[k]$$ $$y[k] = Cx[k] + Du[k]$$ We can convert automatically to the pulse response using the **ss2tf** function, that we used above: `[NUM, DEN] = ss2tf(A, B, C, D);` Then, we can filter it with our prepared unit-step sequence vector, u: `y = filter(num, den, u)` this will give us the step response of the digital system in the state-space representation. ## Root Locus Plots MATLAB supplies a useful, automatic tool for generating the root-locus graph from a transfer function: the **rlocus** command. In the transfer function domain, or the state space domain respectively, we have the following uses of the function: `rlocus(num, den);` And: `rlocus(A, B, C, D);` These functions will automatically produce root-locus graphs of the system. However, if we provide left-hand parameters: `[r, K] = rlocus(num, den);` Or: `[r, K] = rlocus(A, B, C, D);` The function won\'t produce a graph automatically, and you will need to produce one yourself. There is also an optional additional parameter for gain, K, that can be supplied: `rlocus(num, den, K);` Or: `rlocus(A, B, C, D, K);` If K is not supplied, MATLAB will supply an automatic gain value for you. Once we have our values \[r, K\], we can plot a root locus: `plot(r);` The **rlocus** command cannot be used with MIMO systems, so if your system is a MIMO system, you must separate out your coefficient matrices to isolate each separate Input-output pair, and graph each individually. Here is a sample screenshot: ```{=html} <center> ``` Rlocus_screen.jpg\|root-locus ```{=html} </center> ``` ## Digital Root-Locus Creating a root-locus diagram for a digital system is exactly the same as it is for a continuous system. The only difference is the interpretation of the results, because the stability region for digital systems is different from the stability region for continuous systems. The same **rlocus** function can be used, in the same manner as is used above. ## Bode Plots MATLAB also offers a number of tools for examining the frequency response characteristics of a system, both using Bode plots, and using Nyquist charts. To construct a Bode plot from a transfer function, we use the following command: `[mag, phase, omega] = bode(NUM, DEN, omega);` Or: `[mag, phase, omega] = bode(A, B, C, D, u, omega);` Where \"omega\" is the frequency vector where the magnitude and phase response points are analyzed. If we want to convert the magnitude data into decibels, we can use the following conversion: `magdb = 20 * log10(mag);` This conversion should be known well enough by now that it doesn\'t require explanation. When talking about Bode plots in decibels, it makes the most sense (and is the most common occurrence) to also use a logarithmic frequency scale. To create such a logarithmic sequence in omega, we use the **logspace** command, as such: `omega = logspace(a, b, n);` This command produces n points, spaced logarithmicly, from $10^a$ up to $10^b$. If we use the bode command without left-hand arguments, MATLAB will produce a graph of the bode phase and magnitude plots automatically. The **bode** command, if used with a MIMO system, will use subplots to produce all the input-output relationship graphs on a single plot window. for a system with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, this can become difficult to see clearly. In these cases, it is typically better to separate out your coefficient matrices to isolate each individual input-output pair. Here is a sample screenshot: ```{=html} <center> ``` Bode_screen.jpg\|Bode plot (Frequency response) ```{=html} </center> ``` ## Nyquist Plots In addition to the bode plots, we can create nyquist charts by using the **nyquist** command. The nyquist command operates in a similar manner to the bode command (and other commands that we have used so far): `[real, imag, omega] = nyquist(NUM, DEN, omega);` Or: `[real, imag, omega] = nyquist(A, B, C, D, u, omega);` Here, \"real\" and \"imag\" are vectors that contain the real and imaginary parts of each point of the nyquist diagram. If we don\'t supply the right-hand arguments, the nyquist command automatically produces a nyquist plot for us. Like the **bode** command, the **nyquist** command will use subplots to display the input-output relations of MIMO systems on a single plot window. If there are multiple input-output pairs, it can be difficult to see the individual graphs. Here is a sample screenshot: ```{=html} <center> ``` Nyquist_screen.jpg\|Nyquist plot ```{=html} </center> ``` ## Lyapunov Equations ## Controllability A controllability matrix can be constructed using the **ctrb** command. The controllability gramian can be constructed using the **gram** command. ## Observability An observability matrix can be constructed using the command **obsv** ## Empirical Gramians Empirical gramians can be computed for linear and also nonlinear control systems. The empirical gramian framework **emgr** allows the computation of the controllability, observability and cross gramian; it is compatible with **MATLAB** and **OCTAVE** and does not require the *control systems toolbox*. ## Further reading - Ogata, Katsuhiko, \"Solving Control Engineering Problems with MATLAB\", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1994. - MATLAB Programming. - <http://octave.sourceforge.net/> - MATLAB Category on ControlTheoryPro.com - Empirical Gramian Framework
# Control Systems/Glossary The following is a listing of some of the most important terms from the book, along with a short definition or description. ## A, B, C Acceleration Error:The amount of steady state error of the system when stimulated by a unit parabolic input.\ Acceleration Error Constant:A system metric that determines that amount of acceleration error in the system.\ Adaptive Control:A branch of control theory where controller systems are able to change their response characteristics over time, as the input characteristics to the system change.\ Adaptive Gain: when control gain is varied depending on system state or condition, such as a disturbance\ Additivity:A system is additive if a sum of inputs results in a sum of outputs.\ Analog System:A system that is continuous in time and magnitude.\ ARMA: Autoregressive Moving Average, see 1\ ATO: Analog Timed Output. Control loop output is correlated to a timed contact closure.\ A/M: Auto-Manual. Control modes, where auto typically means output is computer-driven, calculated while manual can be field-driven or merely using a static setpoint. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Bilinear Transform: a variant of the Z-transform, see 2\ Block Diagram:A visual way to represent a system that displays individual system components as boxes, and connections between systems as arrows.\ Bode Plots:A set of two graphs, a \"magnitude\" and a \"phase\" graph, that are both plotted on log scale paper. The magnitude graph is plotted in decibels versus frequency, and the phase graph is plotted in degrees versus frequency. Used to analyze the frequency characteristics of the system.\ Bounded Input, Bounded Output:BIBO. If the input to the system is finite, then the output must also be finite. A condition for **stability**. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Cascade: When the output of a control loop is fed to/from another loop.\ Causal:A system whose output does not depend on future inputs. All physical systems must be causal.\ Classical Approach:See **Classical Controls**.\ Classical Controls:A control methodology that uses the transform domain to analyze and manipulate the **Input-Output** characteristics of a system.\ Closed Loop:a controlled system using feedback or feedforward\ Compensator:A Control System that augments the shortcomings of another system.\ Condition Number:\ Conditional Stability:A system with variable gain is conditionally stable if it is BIBO stable for certain values of gain, but not BIBO stable for other values of gain.\ Continuous-Time:A system or signal that is defined at all points t.\ Control Rate: the rate at which control is computed and any appropriate output sent. Lower bound is sample rate.\ Control System:A system or device that manages the behavior of another system or device.\ Controller:See **Control System**.\ Convolution:A complex operation on functions defined by the integral of the two functions multiplied together, and time-shifted.\ Convolution Integral:The integral form of the convolution operation.\ CQI: Control Quality Index, $=1-abs(PV-SP)/max[PVmax-SP,SP-PVmin]$, 1 being ideal.\ CV: Controlled variable ## D, E, F Damping Ratio:A constant that determines the damping properties of a system.\ Deadtime: time shift between the output change and the related effect (typ. at least one control sample). One sees \"Lag\" used for this action sometimes.\ Digital:A system that is both **discrete-time**, and **quantized**.\ Direct action: target output increase is required to bring the process variable (PV) to setpoint (SP) when PV is below SP. Thus, PV increases with output increase directly.\ Discrete magnitude:See **quantized**.\ Discrete time:A system or signal that is only defined at specific points in time.\ Distributed:A system is distributed if it has both an infinite number of states, and an infinite number of state variables. See **Lumped**.\ Dynamic:A system is called dynamic if it doesn\'t have memory. See **Instantaneous**, **Memory**. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Eigenvalues:Solutions to the characteristic equation of a matrix. If the matrix is itself a function of time, the eigenvalues might be functions of time. In this case, they are frequently called **eigenfunctions**.\ Eigenvectors:The nullspace vectors of the characteristic equation for particular eigenvalues. Used to determine state-transitions, among other things. See 3\ Euler\'s Formula:An equation that relates complex exponentials to complex sinusoids.\ Exponential Weighted Average (EWA): Apportions fractional weight to new and existing data to form a working average. Example EWA=0.70\*EWA+0.30\*latest, see Filtering.\ External Description:A description of a system that relates the input of the system to the output, without explicitly accounting for the internal states of the system. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Feedback:The output of the system is passed through some sort of processing unit H, and that result is fed into the plant as an input.\ Feedforward: whwn apriori knowledge is used to forecast at least part of the control response.\ Filtering (noise): Use of signal smoothing techniques to reject undesirable components like noise. Can be as simple as using exponential weighted averaging on the input.\ Final Value Theorem:A theorem that allows the steady-state value of a system to be determined from the transfer function.\ FOH:First order hold\ Frequency Response:The response of a system to sinusoids of different frequencies. The Fourier Transform of the impulse response.\ Fourier Transform:An integral transform, similar to the Laplace Transform, that analyzes the frequency characteristics of a system. See 4 ## G, H, I Game Theory:A branch of study that is related to control engineering, and especially **optimal control**. Multiple competing entities, or \"players\" attempt to minimize their own cost, and maximize the cost of the opponents.\ Gain:A constant multiplier in a system that is typically implemented as an amplifier or attenuator. Gain can be changed, but is typically not a function of time. Adaptive control can use time-adaptive gains that change with time.\ General Description:An external description of a system that relates the system output to the system input, the system response, and a time constant through integration. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Hendrik Wade Bode:Electrical Engineer, did work in control theory and communications. Is primarily remembered in control engineering for his introduction of the **bode plot**.\ Harry Nyquist:Electrical Engineer, did extensive work in controls and information theory. Is remembered in this book primarily for his introduction of the **Nyquist Stability Criterion**.\ Homogeniety:Property of a system whose scaled input results in an equally scaled output.\ Hybrid Systems:Systems which have both analog and digital components. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Impulse:A function denoted δ(t), that is the derivative of the unit step.\ Impulse Response:The system output when the system is stimulated by an impulse input. The Inverse Laplace Transform of the transfer function of the system.\ Initial Conditions:The conditions of the system at time $t = t_0$, where t~0~ is the first time the system is stimulated.\ Initial Value Theorem:A theorem that allows the initial conditions of the system to be determined from the Transfer function.\ Input-Output Description:See **external description**.\ Instantaneous:A system is instantaneous if the system doesn\'t have memory, and if the current output of the system is only dependent on the current input. See **Dynamic**, **Memory**.\ Integrated Absolute Error (IAE):absolute error (ideal vs actual performance) is integrated over the analysis period.\ Integrated Squared Error (ISE):squared error (ideal vs actual performance) is integrated over the analysis period.\ Integrators:A system pole at the origin of the S-plane. Has the effect of integrating the system input.\ Inverse Fourier Transform:An integral transform that converts a function from the frequency domain into the time-domain.\ Inverse Laplace Transform:An integral transform that converts a function from the S-domain into the time-domain.\ Inverse Z-Transform:An integral transform that converts a function from the Z-domain into the discrete time domain. ## J, K, L Lag: The observed process impact from an output is slower than the control rate.\ Laplace Transform:An integral transform that converts a function from the time domain into a complex frequency domain.\ Laplace Transform Domain:A complex domain where the Laplace Transform of a function is graphed. The imaginary part of **s** is plotted along the vertical axis, and the real part of **s** is plotted along the horizontal axis.\ Left Eigenvectors:Left-hand nullspace solutions to the characteristic equation of a matrix for given eigenvalues. The rows of the inverse transition matrix.\ Linear:A system that satisfies the **superposition principle**. See **Additive** and **Homogeneous**.\ Linear Time-Invariant: LTI. See **Linear**, and **Time-Invariant**.\ Low Clamp: User-applied lower bound on control output signal.\ L/R: Local/Remote operation.\ LQR: Linear Quadratic Regulator.\ Lumped:A system with a finite number of states, or a finite number of state variables. ## M, N, O Magnitude: the gain component of frequency response. This is often all that is considered in saying a discrete filter\'s response is well matched to the analog\'s. It is the DC gain at 0 frequency.\ Marginal Stability:A system has an oscillatory response, as determined by having imaginary poles or imaginary eigenvalues.\ Mason\'s Rule: see 5\ MATLAB: Commercial software having a Control Systems toolbox. Also see Octave.\ Memory:A system has memory if its current output is dependent on previous and current inputs.\ MFAC:Model Free Adaptive Control.\ MIMO:A system with multiple inputs and multiple outputs.\ Modern Approach:see **modern controls**\ Modern Controls:A control methodology that uses the state-space representation to analyze and manipulate the **Internal Description** of a system.\ Modified Z-Transform:A version of the Z-Transform, expanded to allow for an arbitrary processing delay.\ MPC: Model Predictive Control.\ MRAC: Model Reference Adaptive Control.\ MV: can denote Manipulated variable or Measured variable (not the same) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Natural Frequency:The fundamental frequency of the system, the frequency for which the system\'s frequency response is largest.\ Negative Feedback:A feedback system where the output signal is subtracted from the input signal, and the difference is input to the plant.\ The Nyquist Criteria:A necessary and sufficient condition of stability that can be derived from **Bode plots**.\ Nonlinear Control:A branch of control engineering that deals exclusively with non-linear systems. We do not cover nonlinear systems in this book. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` OCTAVE: Open-source software having a Control Systems toolbox. Also see MATLAB.\ Offset: The discrepancy between desired and actual value after settling. P-only control can give offset.\ Oliver Heaviside:Electrical Engineer, Introduced the Laplace Transform as a tool for control engineering.\ Open Loop: when the system is not closed, its behavior has a free-running component rather than controlled\ Optimal Control:A branch of control engineering that deals with the minimization of system cost, or maximization of system performance.\ Order:The order of a polynomial is the highest exponent of the independent variable in that exponent. The order of a system is the order of the Transfer Function\'s denominator polynomial.\ Output equation:An equation that relates the current system input, and the current system state to the current system output.\ Overshoot:measures the extent of system response against desired (setpoint tracking). ## P, Q, R Parabolic:A parabolic input is defined by the equation$\frac{1}{2}t^2u(t)$.\ Partial Fraction Expansion:A method by which a complex fraction is decomposed into a sum of simple fractions.\ Percent Overshoot:PO, the amount by which the step response overshoots the reference value, in percentage of the reference value.\ Phase: the directional component of frequency response, not typically well-matched between a discrete filter equivalent to the analog version, especially as frequency approaches the Nyquist limit. The final value in the limit drives system stability, and stems from the poles and zeros of the characteristic equation.\ PID:Proportional-Integral-Derivative\ Plant:A central system which has been provided, and must be analyzed or controlled.\ PLC:Programmable Logic Controller\ Pole:A value for s that causes the denominator of the transfer function to become zero, and therefore causes the transfer function itself to approach infinity.\ Pole-Zero Form:The transfer function is factored so that the locations of all the poles and zeros are clearly evident.\ Position Error:The amount of steady-state error of a system stimulated by a unit step input.\ Position Error Constant:A constant that determines the position error of a system.\ Positive Feedback:A feedback system where the system output is added to the system input, and the sum is input into the plant.\ PSD:The power spectral density which shows the distribution of power in the spectrum of a particular signal.\ Pulse Response:The response of a digital system to a unit step input, in terms of the transfer matrix.\ PV: Process variable ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Quantized:A system is quantized if it can only output certain discrete values.\ Quarter-decay: the time or number of control rates required for process overshoot to be limited to within 1/4 of the maximum peak overshoot (PO) after a SP change. If the PO is 25% at sample time N, this would be time N+k when subsequent PV remains \< SP\*1.0625, presuming the process is settling. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Raise-Lower: Output type that works from present position rather than as a completely new computed spanned output. For R/L, the % change should be applied to the working clamps i.e. 5%(hi clamp-lo clamp).\ Ramp:A ramp is defined by the function $tu(t)$.\ Reconstructors:A system that converts a digital signal into an analog signal.\ Reference Value:The target input value of a feedback system.\ Relaxed:A system is relaxed if the initial conditions are zero.\ Reverse action: target output decrease is required to bring the process variable (PV) to setpoint (SP) when PV is below SP. Thus, PV decreases with output increase.\ Rise Time:The amount of time it takes for the step response of the system to reach within a certain range of the reference value. Typically, this range is 80%.\ Robust Control:A branch of control engineering that deals with systems subject to external and internal noise and disruptions. ## S, T, U, V Samplers:A system that converts an analog signal into a digital signal.\ Sampled-Data Systems:See *Hybrid Systems*\'.\ Sampling Time:In a discrete system, the sampling time is the amount of time between samples. Reflects the lower bound for Control rate.\ SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.\ S-Domain:The domain of the Laplace Transform of a signal or system.\ Second-order System;\ Settling Time:The amount of time it takes for the system\'s oscillatory response to be damped to within a certain band of the steady-state value. That band is typically 10%.\ Signal Flow Diagram:A method of visually representing a system, using arrows to represent the direction of signals in the system.\ SISO: Single input, single output.\ Span: the designed operation region of the item,=high range-low range. Working span can be smaller if output clamps are used.\ Stability:Typically \"BIBO Stability\", a system with a well-behaved input will result in a well-behaved output. \"Well-behaved\" in this sense is arbitrary.\ Star Transform:A version of the Laplace Transform that acts on discrete signals. This transform is implemented as an infinite sum.\ State Equation:An equation that relates the future states of a system with the current state and the current system input.\ State Transition Matrix:A coefficient matrix, or a matrix function that relates how the system state changes in response to the system input. In time-invariant systems, the state-transition matrix is the matrix exponential of the system matrix.\ State-Space Equations:A set of equations, typically written in matrix form, that relates the input, the system state, and the output. Consists of the state equation and the output equation. See 6\ State-Variable:A vector that describes the internal state of the system.\ Stability:The system output cannot approach infinity as time approaches infinity. See **BIBO**, **Lyapunov Stability**.\ Step Response:The response of a system when stimulated by a unit-step input. A unit step is a setpoint change for setpoint tracking.\ Steady State:The output value of the system as time approaches infinity.\ Steady State Error:At steady state, the amount by which the system output differs from the reference value.\ Superposition:A system satisfies the condition of superposition if it is both additive and homogeneous.\ System Identification: method of trying to identify the system characterization , typically through least squares analysis of input,output and noise data vectors. May use ARMA type framework.\ System Type:The number of ideal integrators in the system. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Time-Invariant:A system is time-invariant if an input time-shifted by an arbitrary delay produces an output shifted by that same delay.\ Transfer Function:The ratio of the system output to its input, in the S-domain. The Laplace Transform of the function\'s impulse response.\ Transfer Function Matrix:The Laplace transform of the state-space equations of a system, that provides an external description of a MIMO system. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Uniform Stability:Also \"Uniform BIBO Stability\", a system where an input signal in the range \[0, 1\] results in a finite output from the initial time until infinite time. See 7.\ Unit Step:An input defined by $u(t)$. Practically, a setpoint change.\ Unity Feedback:A feedback system where the feedback loop element H has a transfer function of 1. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Velocity Error:The amount of steady-state error when the system is stimulated by a ramp input.\ Velocity Error Constant:A constant that determines that amount of velocity error in a system. ## W, X, Y, Z W-plane: Reference plane used in the bilinear transform.\ Wind-up: when the numerics of computed control adjustment can \"wind-up\", yielding control correction with an inappropriate component unless prevented. An example is the \"I\" contribution of PID if output has been disconnected during PID calculation ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Zero:A value for s that causes the numerator of the transfer function to become zero, and therefore causes the transfer function itself to become zero.\ Zero Input Response:The response of a system with zero external input. Relies only on the value of the system state to produce output.\ Zero State Response:The response of the system with zero system state. The output of the system depends only on the system input.\ ZOH: Zero order hold.\ Z-Transform:An integral transform that is related to the Laplace transform through a change of variables. The Z-Transform is used primarily with digital systems. See 8
# Control Systems/List of Equations The following is a list of the important equations from the text, arranged by subject. For more information about these equations, including the meaning of each variable and symbol, the uses of these functions, or the derivations of these equations, see the relevant pages in the main text. ## Fundamental Equations $$e^{j\omega} = \cos(\omega) + j\sin(\omega)$$ $$(a*b)(t) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty a(\tau)b(t - \tau)d\tau$$ $$\mathcal{L}[f(t) * g(t)] = F(s)G(s)$$ $$\mathcal{L}[f(t)g(t)] = F(s) * G(s)$$ $$|A - \lambda I| = 0$$ $$Av = \lambda v$$ $$wA = \lambda w$$ $$dB = 20 \log(C)$$ ## Basic Inputs $$u(t) = \left\{ \begin{matrix} 0, & t < 0 \\ 1, & t \ge 0 \end{matrix}\right.$$ $$r(t) = t u(t)$$ $$p(t) = \frac{1}{2}t^2 u(t)$$ ## Error Constants $$K_p = \lim_{s \to 0} G(s)$$ $$K_p = \lim_{z \to 1} G(z)$$ $$K_v = \lim_{s \to 0} s G(s)$$ $$K_v = \lim_{z \to 1} (z - 1) G(z)$$ $$K_a = \lim_{s \to 0} s^2 G(s)$$ $$K_a = \lim_{z \to 1} (z - 1)^2 G(z)$$ ## System Descriptions $$y(t) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty g(t, r)x(r)dr$$ $$y(t) = x(t) * h(t) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty x(\tau)h(t - \tau)d\tau$$ $$Y(s) = H(s)X(s)$$ $$Y(z) = H(z)X(z)$$ $$x'(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)$$ $$y(t) = C x(t) + D u(t)$$ $$C[sI - A]^{-1}B + D = \mathbf{H}(s)$$ $$C[zI - A]^{-1}B + D = \mathbf{H}(z)$$ $$\mathbf{Y}(s) = \mathbf{H}(s)\mathbf{U}(s)$$ $$\mathbf{Y}(z) = \mathbf{H}(z)\mathbf{U}(z)$$ $$M = \frac{y_{out}}{y_{in}} = \sum_{k=1}^N \frac{M_k \Delta\ _k}{ \Delta\ }$$ ## Feedback Loops $$H_{cl}(s) = \frac{KGp(s)}{1 + KGp(s)Gb(s)}$$ $$H_{ol}(s) = KGp(s)Gb(s)$$ $$F(s) = 1 + H_{ol}$$ {{-}} ## Transforms $$F(s) = \mathcal{L}[f(t)] = \int_0^\infty f(t) e^{-st}dt$$ $$f(t) = \mathcal{L}^{-1} \left\{F(s)\right\} = {1 \over {2\pi}}\int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty} e^{st} F(s)\,ds$$ $$F(j\omega) = \mathcal{F}[f(t)] = \int_0^\infty f(t) e^{-j\omega t} dt$$ $$f(t) = \mathcal{F}^{-1}\left\{F(j\omega)\right\} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^\infty F(j\omega) e^{-j\omega t} d\omega$$ $$F^*(s) = \mathcal{L}^*[f(t)] = \sum_{i = 0}^\infty f(iT)e^{-siT}$$ $$X(z) = \mathcal{Z}\left\{x[n]\right\} = \sum_{i = -\infty}^\infty x[n] z^{-n}$$ $$x[n] = Z^{-1} \{X(z) \}= \frac{1}{2 \pi j} \oint_{C} X(z) z^{n-1} dz \$$ $$X(z, m) = \mathcal{Z}(x[n], m) = \sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty} x[n + m - 1]z^{-n}$$ ## Transform Theorems $$x(\infty) = \lim_{s \to 0} s X(s)$$ $$x[\infty] = \lim_{z \to 1} (z - 1) X(z)$$ $$x(0) = \lim_{s \to \infty} s X(s)$$ ## State-Space Methods $$x(t) = e^{At-t_0}x(t_0) + \int_{t_0}^{t}e^{A(t - \tau)}Bu(\tau)d\tau$$ $$x[n] = A^nx[0] + \sum_{m=0}^{n-1}A^{n-1-m}Bu[n]$$ $$y(t) = Ce^{At-t_0}x(t_0) + C\int_{t_0}^{t}e^{A(t - \tau)}Bu(\tau)d\tau + Du(t)$$ $$y[n] = CA^nx[0] + \sum_{m=0}^{n-1}CA^{n-1-m}Bu[n] + Du[n]$$ $$x(t) = \phi(t, t_0)x(t_0) + \int_{t_0}^{t} \phi(\tau, t_0)B(\tau)u(\tau)d\tau$$ $$x[n] = \phi[n, n_0]x[t_0] + \sum_{m = n_0}^{n} \phi[n, m+1]B[m]u[m]$$ $$G(t, \tau) = \left\{\begin{matrix}C(\tau)\phi(t, \tau)B(\tau) & \mbox{ if } t \ge \tau \\0 & \mbox{ if } t < \tau\end{matrix}\right.$$ $$G[n] = \left\{\begin{matrix}CA^{k-1}N & \mbox{ if } k > 0 \\ 0 & \mbox{ if } k \le 0\end{matrix}\right.$$ ## Root Locus $$1 + KG(s)H(s) = 0$$ $$1 + K\overline{GH}(z) = 0$$ $$\angle KG(s)H(s) = 180^\circ$$ $$\angle K\overline{GH}(z) = 180^\circ$$ $$N_a = P - Z$$ $$\phi_k = (2k + 1)\frac{\pi}{P - Z}$$ $$\sigma_0 = \frac{\sum_P - \sum_Z}{P - Z}$$ $$\frac{G(s)H(s)}{ds} = 0$$ or $\frac{\overline{GH}(z)}{dz} = 0$ ## Lyapunov Stability $$MA + A^TM = -N$$ ## Controllers and Compensators $$D(s) = K_p + {K_i \over s} + K_d s$$ $$D(z) = K_p + K_i \frac{T}{2} \left[ \frac{z + 1}{z - 1} \right] + K_d \left[ \frac{z - 1}{Tz} \right]$$
# X86 Disassembly/Introduction ## What Is This Book About? This book is about the disassembly of x86 machine code into human-readable assembly, and the decompilation of x86 assembly code into human-readable C or C++ source code. Some topics covered will be common to all computer architectures, not just x86-compatible machines. ## What Will This Book Cover? This book is going to look in-depth at the disassembly and decompilation of x86 machine code and assembly code. We are going to look at the way programs are made using assemblers and compilers, and examine the way that assembly code is made from C or C++ source code. Using this knowledge, we will try to reverse the process. By examining common structures, such as data and control structures, we can find patterns that enable us to disassemble and decompile programs quickly. ## Who Is This Book For? This book is for readers at the undergraduate level with experience programming in x86 Assembly and C or C++. This book is not designed to teach assembly language programming, C or C++ programming, or compiler/assembler theory. ## What Are The Prerequisites? The reader should have a thorough understanding of x86 Assembly, C Programming, and possibly C++ Programming. This book is intended to increase the reader\'s understanding of the relationship between x86 machine code, x86 Assembly Language, and the C Programming Language. If you are not too familar with these topics, you may want to reread some of the above-mentioned books before continuing. ## What is Disassembly? Computer programs are written originally in a human readable code form, such as assembly language or a high-level language. These programs are then compiled into a binary format called **machine code**. This binary format is not directly readable or understandable by humans. Many programs \-- such as malware, proprietary commercial programs, or very old legacy programs \-- may not have the source code available to you. Programs frequently perform tasks that need to be duplicated, or need to be made to interact with other programs. Without the source code and without adequate documentation, these tasks can be difficult to accomplish. This book outlines tools and techniques for attempting to convert the raw machine code of an executable file into equivalent code in assembly language and the high-level languages C and C++. With the high-level code to perform a particular task, several things become possible: 1. Programs can be ported to new computer platforms, by compiling the source code in a different environment. 2. The algorithm used by a program can be determined. This allows other programs to make use of the same algorithm, or for updated versions of a program to be rewritten without needing to track down old copies of the source code. 3. Security holes and vulnerabilities can be identified and patched by users without needing access to the original source code. 4. New interfaces can be implemented for old programs. New components can be built on top of old components to speed development time and reduce the need to rewrite large volumes of code. 5. We can figure out what a piece of malware does. We hope this leads us to figuring out how to block its harmful effects. Unfortunately, some malware writers use self-modifying code techniques (polymorphic camouflage, XOR encryption, scrambling)`<ref>`{=html} \"How does a crypter for bypass antivirus detection work?\" ```{=html} </ref> ``` , apparently to make it difficult to even detect that malware, much less disassemble it. Disassembling code has a large number of practical uses. One of the positive side effects of it is that the reader will gain a better understanding of the relation between machine code, assembly language, and high-level languages. Having a good knowledge of these topics will help programmers to produce code that is more efficient and more secure. ## References
# X86 Disassembly/Assemblers and Compilers ## Assemblers **Assemblers "wikilink")** are significantly simpler than compilers, and are often implemented to simply translate the assembly code to binary machine code via one-to-one correspondence. Assemblers rarely optimize beyond choosing the shortest form of an instruction or filling delay slots. Because assembly is such a simple process, disassembly can often be just as simple. Assembly instructions and machine code words have a one-to-one correspondence, so each machine code word will exactly map to one assembly instruction. However, disassembly has some other difficulties which cannot be accounted for using simple code-word lookups. We will introduce assemblers here, and talk about disassembly later. ## Assembler Concepts Assemblers, on a most basic level, translate assembly instructions into machine code with a one to one correspondence. They can also translate named variables into hard-coded memory addresses and labels into their relative code addresses. Assemblers, in general, do not perform code optimization. The machine code that comes out of an assembler is equivalent to the assembly instructions that go into the assembler. Some assemblers have high-level capabilities in the form of *Macros.* Some information about the program is lost during the assembly process. First and foremost, program data is stored in the same raw binary format as the machine code instructions. This means that it can be difficult to determine which parts of the program are actually instructions. Notice that you can disassemble raw data, but the resultant assembly code will be nonsensical. Second, textual information from the assembly source code file, such as variable names, label names, and code comments are all destroyed during assembly. When you disassemble the code, the instructions will be the same, but all the other helpful information will be lost. The code will be accurate, but more difficult to read. Compilers, as we will see later, cause even more information to be lost, and decompiling is often so difficult and convoluted as to become nearly impossible to do accurately. ## Intel Syntax Assemblers Because of the pervasiveness of Intel-based IA-32 microprocessors in the home PC market, the majority of assembly work done (and the majority of assembly work considered in this wikibook) is x86-based. Many of these assemblers (or new versions of them) can handle amd64/x86_64/EMT64 code as well, although this wikibook will focus primarily on 32 bit (x86/IA-32) code examples. ### MASM MASM is Microsoft\'s assembler, an abbreviation for \"Macro Assembler.\" However, many people use it as an acronym for \"Microsoft Assembler,\" and the difference isn\'t a problem at all. MASM has a powerful macro feature, and is capable of writing very low-level syntax, and pseudo-high-level code with its macro feature. MASM 6.15 is currently available as a free-download from Microsoft, and MASM 7.xx is currently available as part of the Microsoft platform DDK. - MASM uses Intel Syntax. - MASM is used by Microsoft to implement some low-level portions of its Windows Operating systems. - MASM, contrary to popular belief, has been in constant development since 1980, and is upgraded on a needs-basis. - MASM has always been made compatible by Microsoft to the current platform, and executable file types. - MASM currently supports all Intel instruction sets, including SSE2. Many users love MASM, but many more still dislike the fact that it isn\'t portable to other systems. ### TASM TASM, Borland\'s \"Turbo Assembler,\" is a functional assembler from Borland that integrates seamlessly with Borland\'s other software development tools. Current release version is version 5.0. TASM syntax is very similar to MASM, although it has an \"IDEAL\" mode that many users prefer. TASM is not free. ### NASM NASM, the \"Netwide Assembler,\" is a free, portable, and retargetable assembler that works on both Windows and Linux. It supports a variety of Windows and Linux executable file formats, and even outputs pure binary. NASM is not as \"mature\" as either MASM or TASM, but is: - more portable than MASM - cheaper than TASM - strives to be very user-friendly NASM comes with its own disassembler `ndisasm`, and supports 64-bit (x86-64/x64/AMD64/Intel 64) CPUs. NASM is released under the LGPL. ### FASM FASM, the \"Flat Assembler\" is an open source assembler that supports x86, and IA-64 Intel architectures. ## (x86) AT&T Syntax Assemblers AT&T syntax for x86 microprocessor assembly code is not as common as Intel-syntax, but the GNU Assembler (GAS) uses it, and it is the *de facto* assembly standard on Unix and Unix-like operating systems. ### GAS The GNU Assembler (GAS) is the default back-end to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) suite. As such, GAS is as portable and retargetable as GCC is. However, GAS uses the AT&T syntax for its instructions as default, which some users find to be less readable than Intel syntax. Newer versions of gas can be switched to Intel syntax with the directive \".intel_syntax noprefix\". GAS is developed specifically to be used as the GCC backend. Because GCC always feeds it syntactically correct code, GAS often has minimal error checking. GAS is available as a part of either the GCC package or the GNU binutils package. 1 ## Other Assemblers ### HLA HLA, short for \"High Level Assembler\" is a project spearheaded by Randall Hyde to create an assembler with high-level syntax. HLA works as a front-end to other assemblers such as FASM (the default), MASM, NASM, and GAS. HLA supports \"common\" assembly language instructions, but also implements a series of higher-level constructs such as loops, if-then-else branching, and functions. HLA comes complete with a comprehensive standard library. Since HLA works as a front-end to another assembler, the programmer must have another assembler installed to assemble programs with HLA. HLA code output therefore, is as good as the underlying assembler, but the code is much easier to write for the developer. The high-level components of HLA may make programs less efficient, but that cost is often far outweighed by the ease of writing the code. HLA high-level syntax is very similar in many respects to Pascal, which in turn is itself similar in many respects to C, so many high-level programmers will immediately pick up many of the aspects of HLA. Here is an example of some HLA code: ``` cpp mov(src, dest); // C++ style comments pop(eax); push(ebp); for(mov(0, ecx); ecx < 10; inc(ecx)) do mul(ecx); endfor; ``` Some disassemblers and debuggers can disassemble binary code into HLA-format, although none can faithfully recreate the HLA macros. ## Compilers A compiler is a program that converts instructions from one language into equivalent instructions in another language. There is a common misconception that a compiler always directly converts a high level language into machine language, but this isn\'t always the case. Many compilers convert code into assembly language, and a few even convert code from one high level language into another. Common examples of compiled languages are: C/C++, Fortran, Ada, and Visual Basic. The figure below shows the common compile-time steps to building a program using the C programming language. The compiler produces object files which are linked to form the final executable: ![](C_language_building_steps.png "C_language_building_steps.png") For the purposes of this book, we will only be considering the case of a compiler that converts C or C++ into assembly code or machine language. Some compilers, such as the Microsoft C compiler, compile C and C++ source code directly into machine code. GCC on the other hand compiles C and C++ into assembly language, and an assembler is used to convert that into the appropriate machine code. From the standpoint of a disassembler, it does not matter exactly how the original program was created. Notice also that it is not possible to exactly reproduce the C or C++ code used originally to create an executable. It is, however, possible to create code that compiles identically, or code that performs the same task. C language statements do not share a one to one relationship with assembly language. Consider that the following C statements will typically all compile into the same assembly language code: ``` C *arrayA = arrayB[x++]; *arrayA = arrayB[x]; x++; arrayA[0] = arrayB[x++]; arrayA[0] = arrayB[x]; x++; ``` Also, consider how the following loop constructs perform identical tasks, and are likely to produce similar or even identical assembly language code: ``` c for(;;) { ... } while(1) { ... } do { ... } while(1) ``` ## Common C/C++ Compilers The purpose of this section is to list some of the most common C and C++ compilers in use for developing *production-level* software. There are many many C compilers in the world, but the reverser doesn\'t need to consider all cases, especially when looking at professional software. This page will discuss each compiler\'s strengths and weaknesses, its availability (download sites or cost information), and it will also discuss how to generate an assembly listing file from each compiler. ### Microsoft C Compiler The Microsoft C compiler is available from Microsoft for free as part of the Windows Server 2003 SDK. It is the same compiler and library as is used in MS Visual Studio, but doesn\'t come with the fancy IDE. The MS C Compiler has a very good optimizing engine. It compiles C and C++, and has the option to compile C++ code into MSIL (the .NET bytecode). Microsoft\'s compiler only supports Windows systems, and Intel-compatible 16/32/64 bit architectures. The Microsoft C compiler is **cl.exe** and the linker is **link.exe** #### Listing Files In this wikibook, cl.exe is frequently used to produce assembly listing files of C source code. To produce an assembly listing file yourself, use the syntax: `cl.exe /Fa``<assembly file name>`{=html}` ``<C source file>`{=html} The \"/Fa\" switch is the command-line option that tells the compiler to produce an assembly listing file. For example, the following command line: `cl.exe /FaTest.asm Test.c` would produce an assembly listing file named \"Test.asm\" from the C source file \"Test.c\". Notice that there is no space between the /Fa switch and the name of the output file. ### GNU C Compiler The GNU C compiler is part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) suite. This compiler is available for most systems and it is free software. Many people use it exclusively so that they can support many platforms with just one compiler to deal with. The GNU GCC Compiler is the *de facto* standard compiler for Linux and Unix systems. It is retargetable, allowing for many input languages (C, C++, Obj-C, Ada, Fortran, etc\...), and supporting multiple target OSes and architectures. It optimizes well, but has a non-aggressive IA-32 code generation engine. The GCC frontend program is "gcc\" ("gcc.exe" on Windows) and the associated linker is "ld" ("ld.exe" on Windows). Windows cmd searches for the programs with ".exe" extensions automatically, so you don\'t need to type the filename extension. #### Listing Files To produce an assembly listing file in GCC, use the following command line syntax: `gcc -S /path/to/sourcefile.c` For example, the following commandline: `gcc -S test.c` will produce an assembly listing file named "test.s". Assembly listing files generated by GCC will be in GAS format. On x86 you can select the syntax with `-masm=intel` or `-masm=att`. GCC listing files are frequently not as well commented and laid-out as are the listing files for cl.exe. You may add \`-g3\` flags to enable source-code-level debugging symbols so you can see the line numbers in the listing. The `-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables` flag can help eliminate some macros in the listing. ### Intel C Compiler This compiler is used only for x86, x86-64, and IA-64 code. It is available for both Windows and Linux. The Intel C compiler was written by the people who invented the original x86 architecture: Intel. Intel\'s development tools generate code that is tuned to run on Intel microprocessors, and is intended to squeeze every last ounce of speed from an application. AMD IA-32 compatible processors are not guaranteed to get the same speed boosts because they have different internal architectures. ### Metrowerks CodeWarrior This compiler is commonly used for classic MacOS and for embedded systems. If you try to reverse-engineer a piece of consumer electronics, you may encounter code generated by Metrowerks CodeWarrior. ### Green Hills Software Compiler This compiler is commonly used for embedded systems. If you attempt to reverse-engineer a piece of consumer electronics, you may encounter code generated by Green Hills C/C++.
# X86 Disassembly/Disassemblers and Decompilers ## What is a Disassembler? In essence, a **disassembler** is the exact opposite of an assembler. Where an assembler converts code written in an assembly language into binary machine code, a disassembler reverses the process and attempts to recreate the assembly code from the binary machine code. Since most assembly languages have a one-to-one correspondence with underlying machine instructions, the process of disassembly is relatively straight-forward, and a basic disassembler can often be implemented simply by reading in bytes, and performing a table lookup. Of course, disassembly has its own problems and pitfalls, and they are covered later in this chapter. Many disassemblers have the option to output assembly language instructions in Intel, AT&T, or (occasionally) HLA syntax. Examples in this book will use Intel and AT&T syntax interchangeably. We will typically not use HLA syntax for code examples, but that may change in the future. ## x86 Disassemblers Here we are going to list some commonly available disassembler tools. Notice that there are professional disassemblers (which cost money for a license) and there are freeware/shareware disassemblers. Each disassembler will have different features, so it is up to you as the reader to determine which tools you prefer to use. ### Online Disassemblers ODA: is a free, web-based disassembler for a wide variety of architectures. You can use \"Live View\" to see how code is disassembled in real time, one byte at a time, or upload a file. The site is currently in beta release but will hopefully only get better with time. : <http://www.onlinedisassembler.com> ### Commercial Windows Disassemblers IDA Pro: is a professional disassembler that is expensive, extremely powerful, and has a whole slew of features. The downside to IDA Pro is that it costs \$515 US for the standard single-user edition. As such this wikibook will not consider IDA Pro specifically because the price tag is exclusionary. Freeware versions do exist; see below. - (version 6.x) <http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/> Relyze Desktop: is an interactive software reverse engineering tool that lets you disassemble, decompile and diff x86, x64, ARM32 and ARM64 software. : <https://www.relyze.com/overview.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Hopper Disassembler: is a reverse engineering tool for the Mac, that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug 32/64bits Intel Mac executables. It can also disassemble and decompile Windows executables. : <http://www.hopperapp.com> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` OBJ2ASM: is an object file disassembler for 16 and 32 bit x86 object files in Intel OMF, Microsoft COFF format, Linux ELF or Mac OS X Mach-O format. : <http://www.digitalmars.com/ctg/obj2asm.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` PE Explorer: is a disassembler that \"focuses on ease of use, clarity and navigation.\" It isn\'t as feature-filled as IDA Pro and carries a smaller price tag to offset the missing functionality: \$130 : <http://www.heaventools.com/PE_Explorer_disassembler.htm> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` W32DASM (Win32dasm): W32DASM was an excellent 16/32 bit disassembler for Windows, it seems it is no longer developed. the latest version available is from 2003. the website went down and no replacement went up. : <http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Debuggers-Decompilers-Dissasemblers/WDASM.shtml> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Binary Ninja: Binary Ninja is a commercial, cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) reverse engineering platform with aims to offer a similar feature set to IDA at a much cheaper price point. A precursor written in python is open source and available at <https://github.com/Vector35/deprecated-binaryninja-python>. Introductory pricing is \$99 for student/non-commercial use, and \$399 for commercial use. : <https://binary.ninja/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Hiew: x86-64 disassembler & assembler. Single license pricing is \$19, and \$199 with lifetime updates. : hiew.ru ### Commercial Freeware/Shareware Windows Disassemblers OllyDbg: OllyDbg is one of the most popular disassemblers recently. It has a large community and a wide variety of plugins available. It emphasizes binary code analysis. Supports x86 instructions only (no x86_64 support for now, although it is on the way). : <http://www.ollydbg.de/> (official website) : <http://www.openrce.org/downloads/browse/OllyDbg_Plugins> (plugins) : <http://www.ollydbg.de/odbg64.html> (64 bit version) ### Free Windows Disassemblers Capstone: Capstone is an open source disassembly framework for multi-arch (including support for x86, x86_64) & multi-platform with advanced features. : <http://www.capstone-engine.org/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Zydis: Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 decoder library. It does not offer disassembler features such as linear sweep or recursive disassembling. : <https://github.com/zyantific/zydis> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Objconv: A command line disassembler supporting 16, 32, and 64 bit x86 code. Latest instruction set (SSE4, AVX, XOP, FMA, etc.), several object file formats, several assembly syntax dialects. Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac. Intelligent analysis. - <http://www.agner.org/optimize/#objconv> IDA 3.7: A DOS GUI tool that behaves very much like IDA Pro, but is considerably more limited. It can disassemble code for the Z80, 6502, Intel 8051, Intel i860, and PDP-11 processors, as well as x86 instructions up to the 486. - <http://www.simtel.net/product.php> (search for **ida37fw**) IDA Pro Freeware: Behaves almost exactly like IDA Pro, but disassembles only Intel x86 opcodes and is Windows-only. It can disassemble instructions for those processors available as of 2003. Free for non-commercial use. - (version 4.1) <http://www.themel.com/idafree.zip> - (version 4.3) <http://www.datarescue.be/idafreeware/freeida43.exe> - (version 5.0) <https://www.scummvm.org/frs/extras/IDA/idafree50.exe> - (version 7.0) <https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/download_freeware.shtml> BORG Disassembler: BORG is an excellent Win32 Disassembler with GUI. : <http://www.caesum.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HT Editor: An analyzing disassembler for Intel x86 instructions. The latest version runs as a console GUI program on Windows, but there are versions compiled for Linux as well. : <http://hte.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` diStorm64: diStorm is an open source highly optimized stream disassembler library for 80x86 and AMD64. : <http://ragestorm.net/distorm/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` crudasm: crudasm is an open source disassembler with a variety of options. It is a work in progress and is bundled with a partial decompiler. : <http://sourceforge.net/projects/crudasm9/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` BeaEngine: BeaEngine is a complete disassembler library for IA-32 and intel64 architectures (coded in C and usable in various languages : C, Python, Delphi, PureBasic, WinDev, masm, fasm, nasm, GoAsm). : <https://github.com/BeaEngine/beaengine> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Visual DuxDebugger: is a 64-bit debugger disassembler for Windows. : <http://www.duxcore.com/products.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` BugDbg: is a 64-bit user-land debugger designed to debug native 64-bit applications on Windows. : <http://www.pespin.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` DSMHELP: Disassemble Help Library is a disassembler library with single line Epimorphic assembler. Supported instruction sets - Basic,System,SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE4,SSE4A,MMX,FPU,3DNOW,VMX,SVM,AVX,AVX2,BMI1,BMI2,F16C,FMA3,FMA4,XOP. : <http://dsmhelp.narod.ru/> (in Russian) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ArkDasm: is a 64-bit interactive disassembler and debugger for Windows. Supported processor: x64 architecture (Intel x64 and AMD64) : <http://www.arkdasm.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` SharpDisam: is a C# port of the udis86 x86 / x86-64 disassembler : <http://sharpdisasm.codeplex.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` CFF Explorer: Special fields description and modification (.NET supported), utilities, rebuilder, hex editor, import adder, signature scanner, signature manager, extension support, scripting, disassembler, dependency walker etc. : ntcore.com ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` bddisasm: fast, lightweight, x86/x64 instruction decoding library. : github.com/bitdefender/bddisasm ### Unix Disassemblers Many of the Unix disassemblers, especially the open source ones, have been ported to other platforms, like Windows (mostly using MinGW or Cygwin). Some Disassemblers like otool (\[OS X) are distro-specific. Capstone: Capstone is an open source disassembly framework for multi-arch (including support for x86, x86_64) & multi-platform (including Mac OSX, Linux, \*BSD, Android, iOS, Solaris) with advanced features. : <http://www.capstone-engine.org/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Bastard Disassembler: The Bastard disassembler is a powerful, scriptable disassembler for Linux and FreeBSD. : <http://bastard.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ndisasm: NASM\'s disassembler for x86 and x86-64. Works on DOS, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and various other systems. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` udis86: Disassembler Library for x86 and x86-64 : <http://udis86.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Zydis: Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library. : <https://github.com/zyantific/zydis> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Objconv: See above. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ciasdis: The official name of ciasdis is *computer_intelligence_assembler_disassembler*. This Forth-based tool allows to incrementally and interactively build knowledge about a code body. It is unique that all disassembled code can be re-assembled to the exact same code. Processors are 8080, 6809, 8086, 80386, Pentium I en DEC Alpha. A scripting facility aids in analyzing Elf and MSDOS headers and makes this tool extendable. The Pentium I ciasdis is available as a binary image, others are in source form, loadable onto lina Forth, available from the same site. : <http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst/ciasdis.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` objdump : comes standard, and is typically used for general inspection of binaries. Pay attention to the relocation option and the dynamic symbol table option. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` gdb : comes standard, as a debugger, but is very often used for disassembly. If you have loose hex dump data that you wish to disassemble, simply enter it (interactively) over top of something else or compile it into a program as a string like so: char foo\[\] = {0x90, 0xcd, 0x80, 0x90, 0xcc, 0xf1, 0x90}; ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` lida linux interactive disassembler: an interactive disassembler with some special functions like a crypto analyzer. Displays string data references, does code flow analysis, and does not rely on objdump. Utilizes the Bastard disassembly library for decoding single opcodes. The project was started in 2004 and remains dormant to this day. : <http://lida.sourceforge.net> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` dissy : This program is a interactive disassembler that uses objdump. : <http://code.google.com/p/dissy/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` EmilPRO : replacement for the deprecated dissy disassembler. : <http://github.com/SimonKagstrom/emilpro> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` x86dis : This program can be used to display binary streams such as the boot sector or other unstructured binary files. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ldasm: LDasm (Linux Disassembler) is a Perl/Tk-based GUI for objdump/binutils that tries to imitate the \'look and feel\' of W32Dasm. It searches for cross-references (e.g. strings), converts the code from GAS to a MASM-like style, traces programs and much more. Comes along with PTrace, a process-flow-logger. Last updated in 2002, available from Tucows. : <http://www.tucows.com/preview/59983/LDasm> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` llvm: LLVM has two interfaces to its disassembler: : ```{=html} <dl> ``` ```{=html} <dt> ``` `llvm-objdump` ```{=html} </dt> ``` ```{=html} <dd> ``` Mimics GNU objdump. ```{=html} </dd> ``` ```{=html} <dt> ``` `llvm-mc` ```{=html} </dt> ``` ```{=html} <dd> ``` See the LLVM blog. Example usage: ```{=html} <div class="mw-code"> ``` \$ echo \'1 2\' \| llvm-mc -disassemble -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin9\ addl %eax, (%rdx)\ \$ echo \'0x0f 0x1 0x9\' \| llvm-mc -disassemble -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin9\ sidt (%rcx)\ \$ echo \'0x0f 0xa2\' \| llvm-mc -disassemble -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin9\ cpuid\ \$ echo \'0xd9 0xff\' \| llvm-mc -disassemble -triple=i386-apple-darwin9\ fcos\ ```{=html} </div> ``` ```{=html} </dd> ``` ```{=html} </dl> ``` ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` otool: OS X\'s object file displaying tool. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` edb: A cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger. : <https://github.com/eteran/edb-debugger> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` bddisasm: fast, lightweight, x86/x64 instruction decoding library. : github.com/bitdefender/bddisasm ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` rasm2: radare2 disassembler and assembler tool. Includes x86.nz library with support for x86/x86-64. ## Disassembler Issues As we have alluded to before, there are a number of issues and difficulties associated with the disassembly process. The two most important difficulties are the division between code and data, and the loss of text information. ### Separating Code from Data Since data and instructions are all stored in an executable as binary data, the obvious question arises: how can a disassembler tell code from data? Is any given byte a variable, or part of an instruction? The problem wouldn\'t be as difficult if data were limited to the .data section (segment) of an executable (explained in a later chapter) and if executable code were limited to the .code section of an executable, but this is often not the case. Data may be inserted directly into the code section (e.g. jump address tables, constant strings), and executable code may be stored in the data section (although new systems are working to prevent this for security reasons). AI programs, LISP or Forth compilers may not contain .text and .data sections to help decide, and have code and data interspersed in a single section that is readable, writable and executable, Boot code may even require substantial effort to identify sections. A technique that is often used is to identify the entry point of an executable, and find all code reachable from there, recursively. This is known as \"code crawling\". Many interactive disassemblers will give the user the option to render segments of code as either code or data, but non-interactive disassemblers will make the separation automatically. Disassemblers often will provide the instruction AND the corresponding hex data on the same line, shifting the burden for decisions about the nature of the code to the user. Some disassemblers (e.g. ciasdis) will allow you to specify rules about whether to disassemble as data or code and invent label names, based on the content of the object under scrutiny. Scripting your own \"crawler\" in this way is more efficient; for large programs interactive disassembling may be impractical to the point of being unfeasible. The general problem of separating code from data in arbitrary executable programs is equivalent to the halting problem. As a consequence, it is not possible to write a disassembler that will correctly separate code and data for all possible input programs. Reverse engineering is full of such theoretical limitations, although by Rice\'s theorem all interesting questions about program properties are undecidable (so compilers and many other tools that deal with programs in any form run into such limits as well). In practice a combination of interactive and automatic analysis and perseverance can handle all but programs specifically designed to thwart reverse engineering, like using encryption and decrypting code just prior to use, and moving code around in memory. ### Lost Information User defined textual identifiers, such as variable names, label names, and macros are removed by the assembly process. They may still be present in generated object files, for use by tools like debuggers and relocating linkers, but the direct connection is lost and re-establishing that connection requires more than a mere disassembler. Especially small constants may have more than one possible name. Operating system calls (like DLLs in MS-Windows, or syscalls in Unices) may be reconstructed, as their names appear in a separate segment or are known beforehand. Many disassemblers allow the user to attach a name to a label or constant based on his understanding of the code. These identifiers, in addition to comments in the source file, help to make the code more readable to a human, and can also shed some clues on the purpose of the code. Without these comments and identifiers, it is harder to understand the purpose of the source code, and it can be difficult to determine the algorithm being used by that code. When you combine this problem with the possibility that the code you are trying to read may, in reality, be data (as outlined above), then it can be even harder to determine what is going on. Another challenge is posed by modern optimising compilers; they inline small subroutines, then combine instructions over call and return boundaries. This loses valuable information about the way the program is structured. ## Decompilers Akin to Disassembly, **Decompilers** take the process a step further and actually try to reproduce the code in a high level language. Frequently, this high level language is C, because C is simple and primitive enough to facilitate the decompilation process. Decompilation does have its drawbacks, because lots of data and readability constructs are lost during the original compilation process, and they cannot be reproduced. Since the science of decompilation is still young, and results are \"good\" but not \"great\", this page will limit itself to a listing of decompilers, and a general (but brief) discussion of the possibilities of decompilation. Compared to disassemblers a decompiler generates code that doesnot require that one is familiar at the processor at hand. It may even be that the decompiled code can be compiled on a different processor, or give a reasonable starting point to reproduce the program on a different processor. ### Decompilation: Is It Possible? In the face of optimizing compilers, it is not uncommon to be asked \"Is decompilation even possible?\" To some degree, it usually is. Make no mistake, however: an optimizing compiler results in the irretrievable loss of information. An example is in-lining, as explained above, where code called is combined with its surroundings, such that the places where the original subroutine is called cannot even be identified. An optimizer that reverses that process is comparable to an artificial intelligence program that recreates a poem in a different language. So perfectly operational decompilers are a long way off. At most, current Decompilers can be used as simply an aid for the reverse engineering process leaving lots of arduous work. ### Common Decompilers Hex-Rays Decompiler: Hex-Rays is a commercial decompiler. It is made as an extension to popular IDA-Pro disassembler. It is currently the only viable commercially available decompiler which produces usable results. It supports both x86 and ARM architecture. : <http://www.hex-rays.com/products/decompiler/index.shtml> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ILSpy: ILSpy is an open source .NET assembly browser and decompiler. : <https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` DCC: DCC is likely one of the oldest decompilers in existence, dating back over 20 years. It serves as a good historical and theoretical frame of reference for the decompilation process in general (Mirrors: 12). As of 2015, DCC is an active project. Some of the latest changes include fixes for longstanding memory leaks and a more modern Qt5-based front-end. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` RetDec: The Retargetable Decompiler is a freeware web decompiler that takes in ELF/PE/COFF binaries in Intel x86, ARM, MIPS, PIC32, and PowerPC architectures and outputs C or Python-like code, plus flow charts and control flow graphs. It puts a running time limit on each decompilation. It produces nice results in most cases. : <https://github.com/avast/retdec> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Reko: a modular open-source decompiler supporting both an interactive GUI and a command-line interface. Its pluggable design supports decompilation of a variety of executable formats and processor architectures (8- , 16- , 32- and 64-bit architectures as of 2015). It also supports running unpacking scripts before actual decompilation. It performs global data and type analyses of the binary and yields its results in a subset of C++. : <http://sourceforge.net/projects/decompiler> : <https://github.com/uxmal/reko> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` C4Decompiler: C4Decompiler is an interactive, static decompiler under development (Alpha in 2013). It performs global analysis of the binary and presents the resulting C source in a Windows GUI. Context menus support navigation, properties, cross references, C/Asm mixed view and manipulation of the decompile context (function ABI). : <http://www.c4decompiler.com> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Boomerang Decompiler Project: Boomerang Decompiler is an attempt to make a powerful, retargetable decompiler. So far, it only decompiles into C with moderate success. : <http://boomerang.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Reverse Engineering Compiler (REC): REC is a powerful \"decompiler\" that decompiles native assembly code into a *C-like* code representation. The code is half-way between assembly and C, but it is much more readable than the pure assembly is. Unfortunately the program appears to be rather unstable. : <http://www.backerstreet.com/rec/rec.htm> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ExeToC: ExeToC decompiler is an interactive decompiler that boasted pretty good results in the past. : <http://sourceforge.net/projects/exetoc> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` snowman: Snowman is an open source native code to C/C++ decompiler. Supports ARM, x86, and x86-64 architectures. Reads ELF, Mach-O, and PE file formats. Reconstructs functions, their names and arguments, local and global variables, expressions, integer, pointer and structural types, all types of control-flow structures, including switch. Has a nice graphical user interface with one-click navigation between the assembler code and the reconstructed program. Has a command-line interface for batch processing. : <https://derevenets.com> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Ghidra: Ghidra is a reverse engineering package that includes a decompiler. It was written by the NSA for internal work, and apparently released because they didn\'t want to have to re-train every new person they hired. It is written in Java. ## A General view of Disassembling ### 8 bit CPU code Most embedded CPUs are 8-bit CPUs.[^1] Normally when a subroutine is finished, it returns to executing the next address immediately following the `call` instruction. However, assembly-language programmers occasionally use several different techniques that adjust the return address, making disassembly more difficult: - jump tables, - calculated jumps, and - a parameter after the call instruction. #### jump tables and other calculated jumps On 8-bit CPUs, calculated jumps are often implemented by pushing a calculated \"return\" address to the stack, then jumping to that address using the \"return\" instruction. For example, the RTS Trick uses this technique to implement jump tables (branch table). #### parameters after the call instruction Instead of picking up their parameters off the stack or out of some fixed global address, some subroutines provide parameters in the addresses of memory that follow the instruction that called that subroutine. Subroutines that use this technique adjust the return address to skip over all the constant parameter data, then return to an address many bytes after the \"call\" instruction. One of the more famous programs that used this technique is the \"Sweet 16\" virtual machine. The technique may make disassembly more difficult. A simple example of this is the `write()` procedure implemented as follows: ``` asm ; assume ds = cs, e.g like in boot sector code start: call write ; push message's address on top of stack db "Hello, world",0dh,0ah,00h ; return point ret ; back to DOS write proc near pop si ; get string address mov ah,0eh ; BIOS: write teletype w_loop: lodsb ; read char at [ds:si] and increment si or al,al ; is it 00h? jz short w_exit int 10h ; write the character jmp w_loop ; continue writing w_exit: jmp si write endp end start ``` A macro-assembler like TASM will then use a macro like this one: ``` asm _write macro message call write db message db 0 _write endm ``` From a human disassembler\'s point of view, this is a nightmare, although this is straightforward to read in the original Assembly source code, as there is no way to decide if the db should be interpreted or not from the binary form, and this may contain various jumps to real executable code area, triggering analysis of code that should never be analysed, and interfering with the analysis of the real code (e.g. disassembling the above code from 0000h or 0001h won\'t give the same results at all). However a half-decent tool with possibilities to specifiy rules, and heuristic means to identify texts will have little trouble. ### 32 bit CPU code Most 32-bit CPUs use the ARM instruction set.[^2][^3][^4] Typical ARM assembly code is a series of subroutines, with literal constants scattered between subroutines. The standard prolog and epilog for subroutines is pretty easy to recognize. ### A brief list of disassemblers - ciasdis \"an assembler where the elements opcode, operands and modifiers are all objects, that are reusable for disassembly.\" For 8080 8086 80386 Alpha 6809 and should be usable for Pentium 68000 6502 8051. - radare, the reverse engineering framework includes open-source tools to disassemble code for many processors including x86, ARM, PowerPC, m68k, etc. several virtual machines including java, msil, etc., and for many platforms including Linux, BSD, OSX, Windows, iPhoneOS, etc. - IDA, the Interactive Disassembler ( IDA Pro ) can disassemble code for a huge number of processors, including ARM Architecture (including Thumb and Thumb-2), ATMEL AVR, INTEL 8051, INTEL 80x86, MOS Technologies 6502, MC6809, MC6811, M68H12C, MSP430, PIC 12XX, PIC 14XX, PIC 18XX, PIC 16XXX, Zilog Z80, etc. - objdump, part of the GNU binutils, can disassemble code for several processors and platforms. binutils is an important part of the toolchain as it provides the linker, assembler and other utilties (like objdump) to manipulate executables on the target platform, and is available for most popular platforms. - For OS X/BSD systems, there is a rough equivalent called otool in the XCode kit. - lists a huge number of disassemblers - Program transformation wiki: disassembly lists many highly recommended disassemblers - search for \"disassemble\" at SourceForge shows many disassemblers for a variety of CPUs. - Hopper is a disassembler that runs on OS-X and disassembles 32/64-bit OS-X and windows binaries. - The University of Queensland Binary Translator (UQBT) is a reusable, component-based binary-translation framework that supports CISC, RISC, and stack-based processors. ## Further reading - <http://www.crackmes.de/> : reverse engineering challenges - \"A Challengers Handbook\" by Caesum 3 has some tips on reverse engineering programs in JavaScript, Flash Actionscript (SWF), Java, etc. - the Open Source Institute occasionally has reverse engineering challenges among its other brainteasers.4 - The Program Transformation wiki has a Reverse engineering and Re-engineering Roadmap, and discusses disassemblers, decompilers, and tools for translating programs from one high-level language to another high-level language. - Other disassemblers with multi-platform support [^1]: Jim Turley. \"The Two Percent Solution\". 2002. [^2]: [^3]: Mark Hachman. \"ARM Cores Climb Into 3G Territory\". 2002. \"Although Intel and AMD receive the bulk of attention in the computing world, ARM's embedded 32-bit architecture, \... has outsold all others.\" [^4]: Tom Krazit. \"ARMed for the living room\". \"ARM licensed 1.6 billion cores \[in 2005\]\". 2006.
# X86 Disassembly/Analysis Tools ## Debuggers **Debuggers** are programs that allow the user to execute a compiled program one step at a time. You can see what instructions are executed in which order, and which sections of the program are treated as code and which are treated as data. Debuggers allow you to analyze the program while it is running, to help you get a better picture of what it is doing. Advanced debuggers often contain at least a rudimentary disassembler, often times hex editing and reassembly features. Debuggers often allow the user to set *breakpoints* on instructions, function calls, and even memory locations. A breakpoint is an instruction to the debugger that allows program execution to be halted when a certain condition is met. For instance, when a program accesses a certain variable, or calls a certain API function, the debugger can pause program execution. ### Windows Debuggers SoftICE : A *de facto* standard for Windows debugging. SoftICE can be used for *local kernel debugging*, which is a feature that is very rare, and very valuable. SoftICE was taken off the market in April 2006. WinDbg : WinDbg is a free piece of software from Microsoft that can be used for local user-mode debugging, or even remote kernel-mode debugging. WinDbg is not the same as the better-known Visual Studio Debugger, but comes with a nifty GUI nonetheless. Available in 32 and 64-bit versions. : <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/debugger-download-tools> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` IDA Pro : The multi-processor, multi-OS, interactive disassembler by DataRescue. : <http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` OllyDbg : OllyDbg is a free and powerful Windows debugger with a built-in disassembly and assembly engine. Very useful for patching, disassembling, and debugging. : <http://www.ollydbg.de/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` x64dbg : A set of 32 and 64 bit x86 debuggers. x64dbg is the spiritual successor to the discontinued OllyDbg. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Immunity Debugger : Immunity Debugger is a branch of OllyDbg v1.10, with built-in support for Python scripting and much more. : <http://immunityinc.com/products/debugger/index.html> ### Linux Debuggers Many of the open source debuggers on Linux, again, are cross-platform. They may be available on some other Unix(-like) systems, or even Windows. Some of the debuggers may give you better experience than the old and native ones on your system. gdb : The GNU debugger, comes with any normal Linux install. It is quite powerful and even somewhat programmable, though the raw user interface is harsh. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` lldb: LLVM\'s debugger. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` emacs : The GNU editor, can be used as a front-end to gdb. This provides a powerful hex editor and allows full scripting in a LISP-like language. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ddd : The Data Display Debugger. It\'s another front-end to gdb. This provides graphical representations of data structures. For example, a linked list will look just like a textbook illustration. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` strace, ltrace, and xtrace : Lets you run a program while watching the actions it performs. With strace, you get a log of all the system calls being made. With ltrace, you get a log of all the library calls being made. With xtrace, you get a log of some of the funtion calls being made. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` valgrind : Executes a program under emulation, performing analysis according to one of the many plug-in modules as desired. You can write your own plug-in module as desired. Newer versions of valgrind also support OS X. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` NLKD : A kernel debugger. : <http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?nlkd> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` edb : A fully featured plugin-based debugger inspired by the famous OllyDbg. Project page ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` KDbg : A gdb front-end for KDE. <http://kdbg.org> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` RR0D : A Ring-0 Debugger for Linux. RR0D Project Page ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Radare2 : A debugger and reversing framework. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Winedbg: Wine "wikilink")\'s debugger. Debugs Windows executables using wine. ### Debuggers for Other Systems dbx : The standard Unix debugger on systems derived from AT&T Unix. It is often part of an optional development toolkit package which comes at an extra price. It uses an interactive command line interface. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ladebug : An enhanced debugger on Tru64 Unix systems from HP (originally Digital Equipment Corporation) that handles advanced functionality like threads better than dbx. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` DTrace : An advanced tool on Solaris that provides functions like profiling and many others on the entire system, including the kernel. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` mdb : The Modular Debugger (MDB) is a new general purpose debugging tool for the Solaris Operating Environment. Its primary feature is its extensibility. The Solaris Modular Debugger Guide describes how to use MDB to debug complex software systems, with a particular emphasis on the facilities available for debugging the Solaris kernel and associated device drivers and modules. It also includes a complete reference for and discussion of the MDB language syntax, debugger features, and MDB Module Programming API. ### Debugger Techniques #### Setting Breakpoints As previously mentioned in the section on disassemblers, a 6-line C program doing something as simple as outputting \"Hello, World!\" turns into massive amounts of assembly code. Most people don\'t want to sift through the entire mess to find out the information they want. It can be time consuming just to find the information one desires by just looking through the code. As an alternative, one can choose to set breakpoints to halt the program once it has reached a given point within the program\'s code. For instance, let\'s say that in your program you consistantly experience crashes after one particular event: immediately after closing a message box. You set breakpoints on all calls to *MessageBoxA*. You run your program with the breakpoints set, and it stops, ready to call *MessageBoxA*. Executing each line one-by-one thereafter (referred to as *stepping*) through the code, and watching the program stack, you see that a buffer overflow occurs soon after the call. ## Hex Editors **Hex editors** are able to directly view and edit the binary of a source file, and are very useful for investigating the structure of proprietary closed-format data files. There are many hex editors in existence. This section will attempt to list some of the best, some of the most popular, or some of the most powerful. HxD (Freeware): For Windows. A fast and powerful free hex, disk and RAM editor : <http://mh-nexus.de/hxd/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Freeware Hex Editor XVI32 : For Windows. A freeware hex editor. : <http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` wxHexEditor (Beta, For Windows and Linux, Free & Open Source): A fast hex editor specially for HUGE files and disk devices, allows up to hexabyte, allow size changes (inject and deletes) without creating temp file, could view files with multiple panes, has built-in disassembler, supports tags for (reverse) engineering big binaries or file systems, could view files thrug XOR encryption. : <http://wxhexeditor.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HHD Software Hex Editor Neo : For Windows. A fast file, disk, and memory editor with built-in disassembler and file structure viewer. : <http://www.hhdsoftware.com/Family/hex-editor.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Catch22 HexEdit : For Windows. his is a powerful hex editor with a slew of features. Has an excellent data structure viewer. : <http://www.catch22.net/software/hexedit.asp> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` BreakPoint Hex Workshop : For Windows. An excellent and powerful hex-editor, its usefulness is restricted by the fact that it is not free like some of the other options. : <http://www.bpsoft.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Tiny Hexer : Free and does statistics. For Windows. : <http://www.mirkes.de/files/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` frhed - free hex editor : For Windows. Free and opensource. : <http://www.kibria.de/frhed.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Cygnus Hex Editor: For Windows. A very fast and easy-to-use hex editor, available in a \'Free Edition\'. : <http://www.softcircuits.com/cygnus/fe/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Hexprobe Hex Editor : For Windows. A professional hex editor designed to include all the power to deal with hex data, particularly helpful in the areas of hex-byte editing and byte-pattern analysis. : <http://www.hexprobe.com/hexprobe/index.htm> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` UltraEdit32 : For Windows. A hex editor/text editor, won \"Application of the Year\" at 2005 Shareware Industry Awards Conference. : <http://www.ultraedit.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Hexinator (For Windows and Linux): lets you edit files of unlimited size (overwrite, insert, delete), displays text with dozens of text encodings, shows variables in little and big endian byte order. : <https://hexinator.com> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ICY Hexplorer : For Windows. A lightweight free and open source hex file editor with some nifty features, such as pixel view, structures, and disassembling. : <http://hexplorer.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` WinHex : For Windows. A powerful hex file and disk editor with advanced abilities for computer forensics and data recovery (used by governments and military). : <http://www.x-ways.net/index-m.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` 010 Editor : For Windows. A very powerful and fast hex editor with extensive support for data structures and scripting. Can be used to edit drives and processes. : <http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/> !A view of a small binary file in a 1Fh hex editor.{width="250"} 1Fh : For Windows. A free binary/hex editor which is very fast, even while working with large files. It\'s the only Windows hex editor that allows you to view files in byte code (all 256-characters). : <http://www.4neurons.com/1Fh/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HexEdit : For Windows (Open source) and shareware versions. Powerful and easy to use binary file and disk editor. : <http://www.hexedit.com/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HexToolkit : For Windows. A free hex viewer specifically designed for reverse engineering file formats. Allows data to be viewed in various formats and includes an expression evaluator as well as a binary file comparison tool. : <http://www.binaryearth.net/HexToolkit> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` FlexHex : For Windows. It Provides full support for NTFS files which are based on a more complex model than FAT32 files. Specifically, FlexHex supports Sparse files and Alternate data streams "wikilink") of files on any NTFS volume. Can be used to edit OLE compound files, flash cards, and other types of physical drives. : <http://www.heaventools.com/flexhex-hex-editor.htm> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HT Editor : For Windows. A file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables. Its goal is to combine the low-level functionality of a debugger and the usability of IDEs. : <http://hte.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HexEdit : For MacOS. A simple but reliable hex editor wher you to change highlight colours. There is also a port for Apple Classic users. : <http://hexedit.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Hex Fiend : For MacOS. A very simple hex editor, but incredibly powerful nonetheless. It\'s only 346 KB to download and takes files as big as 116 GB. : <http://ridiculousfish.com/hexfiend/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ImHex : For Windows, MacOS and Linux. Displays, decodes and analyzes binary data (+ printable ASCII chars) and allow edition of bytes. Includes data inspector with various decoding (integers, floats, char/wchar, Unicode, dates, RGBA/RGB565 color\...), search by hex bytes and string, hex diff, pattern matching, yara rules (for malware pattern detection), hash computations, graphical data statistics, disassemblers, and various extra tools from a \"content store\". Free and open-source, licensed under GPLv2. : <https://imhex.werwolv.net/> ### Linux Hex Editors only bvi: A typical three-pane hex editor, with a vi-like interface. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` emacs : Along with everything else, emacs also includes a hex editor. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` joe : Joe\'s own editor now also supports hex editing. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` bless : A very capable gtk based hex editor. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` xxd and any text editor : Produce a hex dump with xxd, freely edit it in your favorite text editor, and then convert it back to a binary file with your changes included. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` GHex : Hex editor for GNOME. : <http://directory.fsf.org/All_Packages_in_Directory/ghex.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Okteta : The well-integrated hexeditor from KDE since 4.1. Offers the traditional two-columns layout, one with numeric values (binary, octal, decicmal, hexdecimal) and one with characters (lots of charsets supported). Editing can be done in both columns, with unlimited undo/redo. Small set of tools (searching/replacing, strings, binary filter, and more). : <http://utils.kde.org/projects/okteta> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` BEYE : A viewer of binary files with built-in editor in binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes. It uses native Intel syntax for disassembly. Highlight AVR/Java/Athlon64/Pentium 4/K7-Athlon disassembler, Russian codepages converter, full preview of formats - MZ, NE, PE, NLM, coff32, elf partial - a.out, LE, LX, PharLap; code navigator and more over. ( : <http://beye.sourceforge.net/en/beye.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` BIEW : A viewer of binary files with built-in editor in binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes. It uses native Intel syntax for disassembly. Highlight AVR/Java/Athlon64/Pentium 4/K7-Athlon disassembler, Russian codepages converter, full preview of formats - MZ, NE, PE, NLM, coff32, elf partial - a.out, LE, LX, PharLap; code navigator and more over. (PROJECT RENAMED, see BEYE) : <http://biew.sourceforge.net/en/biew.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` hview : A curses based hex editor designed to work with large (600+MB) files with as quickly, and with little overhead, as possible. : <http://web.archive.org/web/20010306001713/http://tdistortion.esmartdesign.com/Zips/hview.tgz> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` HexCurse : An ncurses-based hex editor written in C that currently supports hex and decimal address output, jumping to specified file locations, searching, ASCII and EBCDIC output, bolded modifications, an undo command, quick keyboard shortcuts, etc. : <http://www.jewfish.net/description.php?title=HexCurse> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` hexedit : View and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII. : <http://rigaux.org/hexedit.html> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Data Workshop : An editor to view and modify binary data; provides different views which can be used to edit, analyze and export the binary data. : <http://www.dataworkshop.de/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` VCHE: A hex editor which lets you see all 256 characters as found in video ROM, even control and extended ASCII, it uses the /dev/vcsa\* devices to do it. It also could edit non-regular files, like hard disks, floppies, CDROMs, ZIPs, RAM, and almost any device. It comes with a ncurses and a raw version for people who work under X or remotely. : <http://www.grigna.com/diego/linux/vche/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` DHEX: DHEX is just another Hexeditor with a Diff-mode for ncurses. It makes heavy use of colors and is themeable. : <http://www.dettus.net/dhex/> {{-}} ## Other Tools for Windows ### Resource Monitors SysInternals Freeware : This page has a large number of excellent utilities, many of which are very useful to security experts, network administrators, and (most importantly to us) reversers. Specifically, check out **Process Monitor**, **FileMon**, **RegMon**, **TCPView**, and **Process Explorer**. : <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/> ### API Monitors SpyStudio Freeware : The Spy Studio software is a tool to hook into windows processes, log windows API call to DLLs, insert breakpoints and change parameters. : <http://www.nektra.com/products/spystudio/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` rohitab.com API Monitor : API Monitor is a free software that lets you monitor and control API calls made by applications and services. Features include detailed parameter information, structures, unions, enumerated/flag data types, call stack, call tree, breakpoints, custom DLLs, memory editor, call filtering, COM monitoring, 64-bit. Includes definitions for over 13,000 APIs and 1,300+ COM interfaces. : <http://www.rohitab.com/apimonitor> ### PE File Header dumpers Dumpbin : Dumpbin is a program that previously used to be shipped with MS Visual Studio, but recently the functionality of Dumpbin has been incorporated into the Microsoft Linker, link.exe. to access dumpbin, pass /dump as the first parameter to link.exe: `link.exe /dump [options]` : It is frequently useful to simply create a batch file that handles this conversion: `::dumpbin.bat`\ `link.exe /dump %*` **All examples in this wikibook that use dumpbin will call it in this manner.** : Here is a list of useful features of dumpbin 1: `dumpbin /EXPORTS         displays a list of functions exported from a library`\ `dumpbin /IMPORTS         displays a list of functions imported from other libraries`\ `dumpbin /HEADERS         displays PE header information for the executable` : <http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vccore/html/_core_dumpbin_reference.asp> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Depends : Dependency Walker is a GUI tool which will allow you to see exports and imports of binaries. It ships with many Microsoft tools including MS Visual Studio. ## GNU Tools The GNU packages have been ported to many platforms including Windows. GNU BinUtils : The GNU BinUtils package contains several small utilities that are very useful in dealing with binary files. The most important programs in the list are the GNU objdump, readelf, GAS assembler, and the GNU linker, although the reverser might find more use in addr2line, c++filt, nm, and readelf. : <http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` objdump : Dumps out information about an executable including symbols and assembly. It comes standard. It can be made to support non-native binary formats. `objdump -p               displays a list of functions imported from other libraries, exported to and miscellaneous file header information` It\'s useful to check dll dependencies from command line readelf : Like *objdump* but more specialized for ELF executables. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` size : Lists the sizes of the segments. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` nm : Lists the symbols in an ELF file. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` strings : Prints the strings from a file. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` file : Tells you what type of file it is. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` fold : Folds the results of *strings* into something pageable. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` kill : Can be used to halt a program with the sig_stop signal. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` strace : Trace system calls and signals. ## Other Tools for Linux oprofile : Can be used the find out what functions and data segments are used ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` subterfugue : A tool for playing odd tricks on an executable as it runs. The tool is scriptable in python. The user can write scripts to take action on events that occur, such as changing the arguments to system calls. : <http://subterfugue.org/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` lizard : Lets you run a program *backwards*. : <http://lizard.sourceforge.net/> ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` dprobes : Lets you work with both kernel and user code. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` biew : Both a hex editor and a disassembler. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` ltrace : Displays runtime library call information for dynamically linked executables. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` asmDIFF : Searches for functions, instructions and memory pointers in different versions of same binary by using code metrics. Supports x86, x86_64 code in PE and ELF files. : <http://duschkumpane.org/index.php/asmdiff> ## XCode Tools XCode contains some extra tools to be used under OS X with the Mach-O format. You can see more of them under `/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/`. lipo: Manages fat binaries with multiple architectures. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` otool: *Object file displaying tool*, works somehow like objdump and readelf. XCode also packs a lot of Unix tools, with many of them sharing the names (and functions) of the GNU tools. Other tools like nasm/ndisasm, lldb and GNU as can also be found.
# X86 Disassembly/Microsoft Windows ## Microsoft Windows The **Windows operating system** is a popular reverse engineering target for one simple reason: the OS itself (market share, known weaknesses), and most applications for it, are not Open Source or free. Most software on a Windows machine doesn\'t come bundled with its source code, and most pieces have inadequate, or non-existent documentation. Occasionally, the only way to know precisely what a piece of software does (or for that matter, to determine whether a given piece of software is malicious or legitimate) is to reverse it, and examine the results. ## Windows Versions Windows operating systems can be easily divided into 2 categories: Windows9x, and WindowsNT. ### Windows 9x The Windows9x kernel was originally written to span the 16bit - 32bit divide. Operating Systems based on the 9x kernel are Windows 95, Windows 96, Windows 98, and Windows Me. Windows9x Series operating systems are known to be prone to bugs and system instability. The actual OS itself was a 32 bit extension of MS-DOS, its predecessor. An important issue with the 9x line is that they were all based around using the ANSI format for storing strings, rather than Unicode. Development on the Windows9x kernel ended with the release of Windows Me. ### Windows NT The WindowsNT kernel series was originally written as enterprise-level server and network software. WindowsNT stresses stability and security far more than Windows9x kernels did (although it can be debated whether that stress was good enough). It also handles all string operations internally in Unicode, giving more flexibility when using different languages. Operating systems based on the WindowsNT kernel are: Windows NT (versions 3.1, 3.11, 3.2, 3.5, 3.51 and 4.0), Windows 2000 (NT 5.0), Windows XP (NT 5.1), Windows Server 2003 (NT 5.2), Windows Vista (NT 6.0), Windows 7 (NT 6.1), Windows 7.1 (NT 6.11), Windows 8 (NT 6.2), Windows 8.1 (NT 6.3), and Windows 10 (NT 10.0). The Microsoft Xbox and Xbox 360 also run a variant of NT, forked from Windows 2000. Most future Microsoft operating system products are based on NT in some shape or form. ## Virtual Memory Memory is organized into \"pages\" that are 4096 bytes by default. Pages not in current use by the system or any of the applications may be written to a special section on the hard disk known as the \"paging file.\" Use of the paging file may increase performance on some systems, although high latency for I/O to the HDD can actually reduce performance in some instances. 32-bit Windows NT allows for a maximum of 4 GiB of virtual memory address space per process. This is divided into 2 GiB user memory and 2 GiB kernel memory by default. In some 32-bit versions and editions, the operating system can be started with the /3GB switch which divides this into 3 GiB user memory and 1 GiB kernel memory. Only 32-bit applications that are compiled with the large memory flag can use up to 3 GiB in this mode. The /3GB switch is not supported in 64-bit Windows, but 32-bit applications with the large memory flag can access up to 4 GiB on 64-bit Windows. 64-bit applications are not restricted in this way. Starting with the Pentium Pro CPU some 32-bit versions and editions can use Physical Address Extensions (the /PAE switch) to access memory above 4 GiB up to 64 GiB. This memory can be accessed by 32-bit applications that support PAE (i.e. some versions of 32-bit Microsoft SQL Server and 32-bit Microsoft Exchange Server). Special configuration is required, however. ## System Architecture The Windows architecture is heavily layered. Function calls that a programmer makes may be redirected 3 times or more before any action is actually performed. There is an unignorable penalty for calling Win32 functions from a user-mode application. However, the upside is equally unignorable: code written in higher levels of the windows system is much easier to write. Complex operations that involve initializing multiple data structures and calling multiple sub-functions can be performed by calling only a single higher-level function. The Win32 API comprises 3 modules: KERNEL32, USER32, and GDI32. KERNEL32 is layered on top of NTDLL, and most calls to KERNEL32 functions are simply redirected into NTDLL function calls. USER32 and GDI32 are both based on WIN32K (a kernel-mode module, responsible for the Windows \"look and feel\"), although USER32 also makes many calls to the more-primitive functions in GDI32. This and NTDLL both provide an interface to the Windows NT kernel, NTOSKRNL (see further below). NTOSKRNL is also partially layered on HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer), but this interaction will not be considered much in this book. The purpose of this layering is to allow processor variant issues (such as location of resources) to be made separate from the actual kernel itself. A slightly different system configuration thus requires just a different HAL module, rather than a completely different kernel module. ## System calls and interrupts After filtering through different layers of subroutines, most API calls require interaction with part of the operating system. Services are provided via \'software interrupts\', traditionally through the \"int 0x2e\" instruction. This switches control of execution to the NT executive / kernel, where the request is handled. It should be pointed out here that the stack used in kernel mode is different from the user mode stack. This provides an added layer of protection between kernel and user. Once the function completes, control is returned back to the user application. Both Intel and AMD provide an extra set of instructions to allow faster system calls, the \"SYSENTER\" instruction from Intel and the SYSCALL instruction from AMD. ## Win32 API Both WinNT and Win9x systems utilize the Win32 API. However, the WinNT version of the API has more functionality and security constructs, as well as Unicode support. Most of the Win32 API can be broken down into 3 separate components, each performing a separate task. ### kernel32.dll Kernel32.dll, home of the KERNEL subsystem, is where non-graphical functions are implemented. Some of the APIs located in KERNEL are: The Heap API, the Virtual Memory API, File I/O API, the Thread API, the System Object Manager, and other similar system services. Most of the functionality of kernel32.dll is implemented in ntdll.dll, but in undocumented functions. Microsoft prefers to publish documentation for kernel32 and guarantee that these APIs will remain unchanged, and then put most of the work in other libraries, which are then not documented. ### gdi32.dll gdi32.dll is the library that implements the GDI subsystem, where primitive graphical operations are performed. GDI diverts most of its calls into WIN32K, but it does contain a manager for GDI objects, such as pens, brushes and device contexts. The GDI object manager and the KERNEL object manager are completely separate. ### user32.dll The USER subsystem is located in the user32.dll library file. This subsystem controls the creation and manipulation of USER objects, which are common screen items such as windows, menus, cursors, etc\... USER will set up the objects to be drawn, but will perform the actual drawing by calling on GDI (which in turn will make many calls to WIN32K) or sometimes even calling WIN32K directly. USER utilizes the GDI Object Manager. ## Native API The native API, hereby referred to as the NTDLL subsystem, is a series of undocumented API function calls that handle most of the work performed by KERNEL32. Microsoft also does not guarantee that the native API will remain the same between different versions, as Windows developers modify the software. This gives the risk of native API calls being removed or changed without warning, breaking software that utilizes it. ### ntdll.dll The NTDLL subsystem is located in ntdll.dll. This library contains many API function calls, that all follow a particular naming scheme. Each function has a prefix: Ldr, Nt, Zw, Csr, Dbg, etc\... and all the functions that have a particular prefix all follow particular rules. The \"official\" native API is usually limited only to functions whose prefix is Nt or Zw. These calls are in fact the same in user-mode: the relevant Export entries map to the same address in memory. However, in kernel-mode, the Zw\* system call stubs set the *previous mode* to kernel-mode, ensuring that certain parameter validation routines are *not* performed. The origin of the prefix \"Zw\" is unknown; this prefix was chosen due to its having no significance at all[^1]. In actual implementation, the system call stubs merely load two registers with values required to describe a native API call, and then execute a software interrupt (or the `sysenter` instruction). Most of the other prefixes are obscure, but the known ones are: - Rtl stands for \"Run Time Library\", calls which help functionality at runtime (such as RtlAllocateHeap) - Csr is for \"Client Server Runtime\", which represents the interface to the win32 subsystem located in csrss.exe - Dbg functions are present to enable debugging routines and operations - Ldr provides the ability to load, manipulate and retrieve data from DLLs and other module resources ### User Mode Versus Kernel Mode Many functions, especially Run-time Library routines, are shared between ntdll.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. Most Native API functions, as well as other kernel-mode only functions exported from the kernel are useful for driver writers. As such, Microsoft provides documentation on many of the native API functions with the Microsoft Server 2003 Platform DDK. The DDK (Driver Development Kit) is available as a free download. ## ntoskrnl.exe This module is the Windows NT \"\'Executive\'\", providing all the functionality required by the native API, as well as the kernel itself, which is responsible for maintaining the machine state. By default, all interrupts and kernel calls are channeled through ntoskrnl in some way, making it the single most important program in Windows itself. Many of its functions are exported (all of which with various prefixes, a la NTDLL) for use by device drivers. ## Win32K.sys This module is the \"Win32 Kernel\" that sits on top of the lower-level, more primitive NTOSKRNL. WIN32K is responsible for the \"look and feel\" of windows, and many portions of this code have remained largely unchanged since the Win9x versions. This module provides many of the specific instructions that cause USER and GDI to act the way they do. It\'s responsible for translating the API calls from the USER and GDI libraries into the pictures you see on the monitor. ## Win64 API With the advent of 64-bit processors, 64-bit software is a necessity. As a result, the Win64 API was created to utilize the new hardware. It is important to note that the format of many of the function calls are identical in Win32 and Win64, except for the size of pointers, and other data types that are specific to 64-bit address space. ## Windows Vista Microsoft has released a new version of its Windows operation system, named \"Windows Vista.\" Windows Vista may be better known by its development code-name \"Longhorn.\" Microsoft claims that Vista has been written largely from the ground up, and therefore it can be assumed that there are fundamental differences between the Vista API and system architecture, and the APIs and architectures of previous Windows versions. Windows Vista was released January 30th, 2007. ## Windows CE/Mobile, and other versions Windows CE is the Microsoft offering on small devices. It largely uses the same Win32 API as the desktop systems, although it has a slightly different architecture. Some examples in this book may consider WindowsCE. ## \"Non-Executable Memory\" Recent windows service packs have attempted to implement a system known as \"Non-executable memory\" where certain pages can be marked as being \"non-executable\". The purpose of this system is to prevent some of the most common security holes by not allowing control to pass to code inserted into a memory buffer by an attacker. For instance, a shellcode loaded into an overflowed text buffer cannot be executed, stopping the attack in its tracks. The effectiveness of this mechanism is yet to be seen, however. ## COM and Related Technologies COM, and a whole slew of technologies that are either related to COM or are actually COM with a fancy name, is another factor to consider when reversing Windows binaries. COM, DCOM, COM+, ActiveX, OLE, MTS, and Windows DNA are all names for the same subject, or subjects, so similar that they may all be considered under the same heading. In short, COM is a method to export Object-Oriented Classes in a uniform, *cross-platform* and *cross-language* manner. In essence, COM is .NET, version 0 beta. Using COM, components written in many languages can export, import, instantiate, modify, and destroy objects defined in another file, most often a DLL. Although COM provides cross-platform (to some extent) and cross-language facilities, each COM object is compiled to a native binary, rather than an intermediate format such as Java or .NET. As a result, COM does not require a virtual machine to execute such objects. Due to the way that COM works, a lot of the methods and data structures exported by a COM component are difficult to perceive by simply inspecting the executable file. Matters are made worse if the creating programmer has used a library such as ATL to simplify their programming experience. Unfortunately for a reverse engineer, this reduces the contents of an executable into a \"Sea of bits\", with pointers and data structures everywhere. ## Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) RPC is a generic term referring to techniques that allow a program running on one machine to make calls that actually execute on another machine. Typically, this is done by *marshalling* all of the data needed for the procedure including any state information stored on the first machine, and building it into a single data structure, which is then transmitted over some communications method to a second machine. This second machine then performs the requested action, and returns a data packet containing any results and potentially changed state information to the originating machine. In Windows NT, RPC is typically handled by having two libraries that are similarly named, one which generates RPC requests and accepts RPC returns, as requested by a user-mode program, and one which responds to RPC requests and returns results via RPC. A classic example is the print spooler, which consists of two pieces: the RPC stub spoolss.dll, and the spooler proper and RPC service provider, spoolsv.exe. In most machines, which are stand-alone, it would seem that the use of two modules communicating by means of RPC is overkill; why not simply roll them into a single routine? In networked printing, though, this makes sense, as the RPC service provider can be resident physically on a distant machine, with the remote printer, and the local machine can control the printer on the remote machine in exactly the same way that it controls printers on the local machine. [^1]: <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff565646(v=vs.85>).aspx
# X86 Disassembly/Linux ## GNU/Linux The **GNU/Linux operating system** is open source, but at the same time there is so much that constitutes \"GNU/Linux\" that it can be difficult to stay on top of all aspects of the system. Here we will attempt to boil down some of the most important concepts of the GNU/Linux Operating System, especially from a reverser\'s standpoint ## System Architecture The concept of \"GNU/Linux\" is mostly a collection of a large number of software components that are based on the GNU tools and the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux is itself broken into a number of variants called \"distros\" which share some similarities, but may also have distinct peculiarities. In a general sense, all GNU/Linux distros are based on a variant of the Linux kernel. However, since each user may edit and recompile their own kernel at will, and since some distros may make certain edits to their kernels, it is hard to proclaim any one version of any one kernel as \"the standard\". Linux kernels are generally based on the philosophy that system configuration details should be stored in aptly-named, human-readable (and therefore human-editable) configuration files. The Linux kernel implements much of the core API, but certainly not all of it. Much API code is stored in external modules (although users have the option of compiling all these modules together into a \"Monolithic Kernel\"). On top of the kernel generally runs one or more **shells**. Bash is one of the more popular shells, but many users prefer other shells, especially for different tasks. Beyond the shell, Linux distros frequently offer a GUI (although many distros do not have a GUI at all, usually for performance reasons). Since each GUI often supplies its own underlying framework and API, certain graphical applications may run on only one GUI. Some applications may need to be recompiled (and a few completely rewritten) to run on another GUI. ## Configuration Files ## Shells Here are some popular shells: Bash : An acronym for \"Bourne Again SHell.\" ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Bourne : A precursor to Bash. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Csh : C Shell ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Ksh : Korn Shell ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` TCsh : A Terminal oriented Csh. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Zsh : Z Shell ## Desktop Environments Some of the more popular desktop environments: GNOME : GNU Network Object Modeling Environment ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` KDE : K Desktop Environment ## Debuggers gdb : The GNU Debugger. It is available on most Linux distributions, and is primarily used to debug ELF executables. manpage ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` winedbg : A debugger for Wine "wikilink"), used to debug Windows executables under Linux. manpage ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` edb : A fully featured plugin-based debugger inspired by the famous OllyDbg. Project page ## File Analyzers strings : Finds printable strings in a file. When, for example, a password is stored in the binary itself (defined statically in the source), the string can then be extracted from the binary without ever needing to execute it. manpage) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` file : Determines a file type, useful for determining whether an executable has been stripped and whether it\'s been dynamically (or statically) linked. manpage) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` objdump : Disassembles object files, executables and libraries. Can list internal file structure and disassemble specific sections. Supports both Intel and AT&T syntax ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` nm : Lists symbols from executable files. Doesn\'t work on stripped binaries. Used mostly on debugging version of executables.
# X86 Disassembly/Linux Executable Files ## ELF Files The **ELF file format** (short for Executable and Linking Format) was developed by Unix System Laboratories to be a successor to previous file formats such as COFF and a.out. In many respects, the ELF format is more powerful and versatile than previous formats, and has widely become the standard on Linux, Solaris, IRIX, and FreeBSD (although the FreeBSD-derived Mac OS X uses the Mach-O format instead). ELF has also been adopted by OpenVMS for Itanium and BeOS for x86. Historically, Linux has not always used ELF; Red Hat Linux 4 was the first time that distribution used ELF; previous versions had used the a.out format. ELF Objects are broken down into different segments and/or sections. These can be located by using the ELF header found at the first byte of the object. The ELF header provides the location for both the program header and the section header. Using these data structures the rest of the ELF objects contents can be found, this includes .text and .data segments which contain code and data respectively. The GNU readelf utility, from the binutils package, is a common tool for parsing ELF objects. ### File Format !An ELF file has two views: the program header shows the *segments* used at run-time, while the section header lists the set of *sections* of the binary.{width="200"} Each ELF file is made up of one ELF header, followed by file data. The file data can include: - Program header table, describing zero or more segments - Section header table, describing zero or more sections - Data referred to by entries in the program or section header table The segments contain information that is necessary for runtime execution of the file, while sections contain important data for linking and relocation. Each byte in the entire file is taken by no more than one section at a time, but there can be orphan bytes, which are not covered by a section. In the normal case of a Unix executable one or more sections are enclosed in one segment. {{-}} ## Relocatable ELF Files Relocatable ELF files are created by compilers. They need to be linked before running. Those files are often found in `.a` archives, with a `.o` extension. ## a.out Files a.out is a very simple format consisting of a header (at offset 0) which contains the size of 3 executable sections (code, data, bss), plus pointers to additional information such as relocations (for .o files), symbols and symbols\' strings. The actual sections contents follows the header. Offsets of different sections are computed from the size of the previous section. The a.out format is now rarely used. ### File Format
# X86 Disassembly/Mac OS X ## Mach-O format overview MacOS (Previously OS X) uses the Mach-O file format to encode executables, object files, and shared libraries (.dylib files). Here, we will be looking at the 64-bit version of the Mach-O format. The majority of data in Mach-O files are \'segments\' and \'sections\', where Segments are containers for Sections, and store information about each Section. The Sections themselves are containers for data. Mach-O files have five primary structures: **Structure** Description --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Header Contains information about the purpose, and size of the file\'s structures Load Commands Declaration of all Segments and Sections Data The actual contents of the file (e.g. Data section, Text section). Symbol table Says where each symbol is located in the file String table Contains the name of each symbol Note that when each Structure is gone over, they are all an unbroken sequence of bytes, and there is no empty space between them. ## Header ### Information The header is the very first thing in the file, and it has 8 unsigned 32-bit integers: Name Purpose Endianness Typical Value ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Magic Number The File\'s magic number Big-Endian 0xFEEDFACF for 64-bit architecture CPU Type The Intended CPU type for the executable Little-Endian 0x01000007 for x86_64 CPU subtype The specific kind of CPU used Little-Endian 0x00000003 for all x64 CPUs File type The purpose of the file Little-Endian 0x00000001 for object file, 0x00000002 for executable Number of Load Commands The quantity of Load commands (does not include section headers) Little-Endian Variable Size of Load Commands The number of bytes occupied by the Load Commands Little-Endian Variable Flags Extra file information Little-Endian 0x00000000 Reserved No practical use Little-Endian 0x00000000
# X86 Disassembly/The Stack ## The Stack ![](Data_stack.svg "Data_stack.svg") Generally speaking, a **stack** is a data structure that stores data values contiguously in memory. Unlike an array, however, you access (read or write) data only at the \"top\" of the stack. To read from the stack is said \"**to pop**\" and to write to the stack is said \"**to push**\". A stack is also known as a LIFO queue (Last In First Out) since values are popped from the stack in *the reverse order* that they are pushed onto it (think of how you pile up plates on a table). Popped data disappears from the stack. All x86 architectures use a stack as a temporary storage area in RAM that allows the processor to quickly store and retrieve data in memory. The current top of the stack is pointed to by the **esp** register. The stack \"grows\" downward, from high to low memory addresses, so values recently pushed onto the stack are located in memory addresses *above* the esp pointer. No register specifically points to the bottom of the stack, although most operating systems monitor the stack bounds to detect both \"underflow\" (popping an empty stack) and \"overflow\" (pushing too much information on the stack) conditions. When a value is popped off the stack, the value remains sitting in memory until overwritten. However, you should never rely on the content of memory addresses below esp, because other functions may overwrite these values without your knowledge. Users of Windows ME, 98, 95, 3.1 (and earlier) may fondly remember the infamous \"Blue Screen of Death\" \-- that was sometimes caused by a stack overflow exception. This occurs when too much data is written to the stack, and the stack \"grows\" beyond its limits. Modern operating systems use better bounds-checking and error recovery to reduce the occurrence of stack overflows, and to maintain system stability after one has occurred. ## Push and Pop The following lines of ASM code are basically equivalent: ```{=html} <center> ``` +----------+-----------------------------+ | ``` asm | ``` asm | | push eax | sub esp, 4 | | ``` | mov DWORD PTR SS:[esp], eax | | | ``` | +----------+-----------------------------+ | ``` asm | ``` asm | | pop eax | mov eax, DWORD PTR SS:[esp] | | ``` | add esp, 4 | | | ``` | +----------+-----------------------------+ ```{=html} </center> ``` but the single command actually performs much faster than the alternative. It can be visualized that the stack grows from right to left, and esp decreases as the stack grows in size. ```{=html} <center> ``` Push Pop -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ![](ReverseEngineeringPush.JPG "ReverseEngineeringPush.JPG") ![](ReverseEngineeringPop.JPG "ReverseEngineeringPop.JPG") ```{=html} </center> ``` ## ESP In Action Let\'s say we want to quickly discard 3 items we pushed earlier onto the stack, without saving the values (in other words \"clean\" the stack). The following works (note that it overwrites the **eax** register): {{-}} ``` asm pop eax pop eax pop eax ``` However there is a faster method, that also does not affect any register but the stack pointer. We can simply perform some basic arithmetic on esp to make the pointer go \"above\" the data items, so they cannot be read anymore, and can be overwritten with the next round of **push** commands. ``` asm add esp, 12 ; 12 is 3 DWORDs (4 bytes * 3) ``` Likewise, if we want to reserve room on the stack for an item bigger than a DWORD, we can use a subtraction to artificially move esp forward. We can then access our reserved memory directly as a memory pointer, or we can access it indirectly as an offset value from esp itself. Say we wanted to create an array of byte values on the stack, 100 items long. We want to store the pointer to the base of this array in **edi**. How do we do it? Here is an example: ``` asm sub esp, 100 ; num of bytes in our array mov edi, esp ; copy address of 100 bytes area to edi ``` To destroy that array, we simply write the instruction ``` asm add esp, 100 ``` ## Reading Without Popping To read values on the stack without popping them off the stack, **esp** can be used with an offset. For instance, to read the 3 DWORD values from the top of the stack into eax (but without using a pop instruction), we would use the instructions: ``` asm mov eax, DWORD PTR SS:[esp] mov eax, DWORD PTR SS:[esp + 4] mov eax, DWORD PTR SS:[esp + 8] ``` Remember, since esp moves downward as the stack grows, data on the stack can be accessed with a positive offset. A negative offset should never be used because data \"above\" the stack cannot be counted on to stay the way you left it. The operation of reading from the stack without popping is often referred to as \"peeking\", but since this isn\'t the official term for it this wikibook won\'t use it. ## Data Allocation There are two areas in the computer memory where a program can store data. The first, the one that we have been talking about, is the stack. It is a linear LIFO buffer that allows fast allocations and deallocations, but has a limited size. The **heap** is typically a non-linear data storage area, typically implemented using linked lists, binary trees, or other more exotic methods. Heaps are slightly more difficult to interface with and to maintain than a stack, and allocations/deallocations are performed more slowly. However, heaps can grow as the data grows, and new heaps can be allocated when data quantities become too large. As we shall see, explicitly declared variables are allocated on the stack. Stack variables are finite in number, and have a definite size. Heap variables can be variable in number and in size. We will discuss these topics in more detail later.
# X86 Disassembly/Functions and Stack Frames ## Functions and Stack Frames In the execution environment, functions are frequently set up with a \"**stack frame**\" to allow access to both function parameters, and automatic local function variables. The idea behind a stack frame is that each subroutine can act independently of its location on the stack, and each subroutine can act as if it is the top of the stack. When a function is called, a new stack frame is created at the current **esp** location. A stack frame acts like a partition on the stack. All items from previous functions are higher up on the stack, and should not be modified. Each current function has access to the remainder of the stack, from the stack frame until the end of the stack page. The current function always has access to the \"top\" of the stack, and so functions do not need to take account of the memory usage of other functions or programs. ## Standard Entry Sequence For many compilers, the standard function entry sequence is the following piece of code (*X* is the total size, in bytes, of all *automatic* local variables used in the function): ``` asm push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, X ``` For example, here is a C function code fragment and the resulting assembly instructions (the code generated with ABI standards won\'t have \"sub esp, 12\" instruction due to red zones): ``` C void MyFunction() { int a, b, c; ... ``` ``` asm _MyFunction: push ebp ; save the value of ebp mov ebp, esp ; ebp now points to the top of the stack sub esp, 12 ; space allocated on the stack for the local variables ``` This means local variables can be accessed by referencing ebp. Consider the following C code fragment and corresponding assembly code: ``` C a = 10; b = 5; c = 2; ``` ``` asm mov [ebp - 4], 10 ; location of variable a mov [ebp - 8], 5 ; location of b mov [ebp - 12], 2 ; location of c ``` This all seems well and good, but what is the purpose of **ebp** in this setup? Why save the old value of ebp and then point ebp to the top of the stack, only to change the value of esp with the next instruction? The answer is *function parameters*. Consider the following C function declaration: ``` C void MyFunction2(int x, int y, int z) { ... } ``` It produces the following assembly code: ``` asm _MyFunction2: push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 0 ; no local variables, most compilers will omit this line ``` Which is exactly as one would expect. So, what exactly does **ebp** do, and where are the function parameters stored? The answer is found when we call the function. Consider the following C function call: ``` C MyFunction2(10, 5, 2); ``` This will create the following assembly code (using a Right-to-Left calling convention called CDECL, explained later): ``` asm push 2 push 5 push 10 call _MyFunction2 ``` **Note:** Remember that the **call** x86 instruction is basically equivalent to ``` asm push eip + 2 ; return address is current address + size of two instructions jmp _MyFunction2 ``` It turns out that the function arguments are all passed on the stack! Therefore, when we move the current value of the stack pointer (**esp**) into **ebp**, we are pointing ebp directly at the function arguments. As the function code pushes and pops values, ebp is not affected by esp. Remember that pushing basically does this: ``` asm sub esp, 4 ; "allocate" space for the new stack item mov [esp], X ; put new stack item value X in ``` This means that first the return address and then the old value of **ebp** are put on the stack. Therefore \[ebp\] points to the location of the old value of ebp, \[ebp + 4\] points to the return address, and \[ebp + 8\] points to the first function argument. Here is a (crude) representation of the stack at this point: `:    : `\ `|  2 | [ebp + 16] (3rd function argument)`\ `|  5 | [ebp + 12] (2nd argument)`\ `| 10 | [ebp + 8]  (1st argument)`\ `| RA | [ebp + 4]  (return address)`\ `| FP | [ebp]      (old ebp value)`\ `|    | [ebp - 4]  (1st local variable)`\ `:    :`\ `:    :`\ `|    | [ebp - X]  (esp - the current stack pointer. The use of push / pop is valid now)` The stack pointer value may change during the execution of the current function. In particular this happens when: - parameters are passed to another function; - the pseudo-function \"alloca()\" is used. \[FIXME: When parameters are passed into another function the esp changing is not an issue. When that function returns the esp will be back to its old value. So why does ebp help there. This needs better explanation. (The real explanation is here, ESP is not really needed: <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/larryosterman/fpo>)\] This means that the value of **esp** cannot be reliably used to determine (using the appropriate offset) the memory location of a specific local variable. To solve this problem, many compilers access local variables using negative offsets from the **ebp** registers. This allows us to assume that the same offset is always used to access the same variable (or parameter). For this reason, the ebp register is called the **frame pointer**, or FP. ## Standard Exit Sequence The Standard Exit Sequence must undo the things that the Standard Entry Sequence does. To this effect, the Standard Exit Sequence must perform the following tasks, in the following order: 1. Remove space for local variables, by reverting **esp** to its old value. 2. Restore the old value of **ebp** to its old value, which is on top of the stack. 3. Return to the calling function with a *ret* command. As an example, the following C code: ``` C void MyFunction3(int x, int y, int z) { int a, b, c; ... return; } ``` Will create the following assembly code: ``` asm _MyFunction3: push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 12 ; sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + sizeof(c) ;x = [ebp + 8], y = [ebp + 12], z = [ebp + 16] ;a = [ebp - 4] = [esp + 8], b = [ebp - 8] = [esp + 4], c = [ebp - 12] = [esp] mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 12 ; sizeof(x) + sizeof(y) + sizeof(z) ``` ## Non-Standard Stack Frames Frequently, reversers will come across a subroutine that doesn\'t set up a standard stack frame. Here are some things to consider when looking at a subroutine that does not start with a standard sequence: ### Using Uninitialized Registers When a subroutine starts using data in an *uninitialized* register, that means that the subroutine expects external functions to put data into that register before it gets called. Some calling conventions pass arguments in registers, but sometimes a compiler will not use a standard calling convention. ### \"static\" Functions In C, functions may optionally be declared with the **static** keyword, as such: ``` C static void MyFunction4(); ``` The **static** keyword causes a function to have only local scope, meaning it may not be accessed by any external functions (it is strictly internal to the given code file). When an optimizing compiler sees a static function that is only referenced by calls (no references through function pointers), it \"knows\" that external functions cannot possibly interface with the static function (the compiler controls all access to the function), so the compiler doesn\'t bother making it standard. ### Hot Patch Prologue Some Windows functions set up a regular stack frame as explained above, but start out with the apparently non-sensical line ``` asm mov edi, edi; ``` This instruction is assembled into 2 bytes which serve as a placeholder for future function patches. Taken as a whole such a function might look like this: ``` asm nop ; each nop is 1 byte long nop nop nop nop FUNCTION: ; <-- This is the function entry point as used by call instructions mov edi, edi ; mov edi,edi is 2 bytes long push ebp ; regular stack frame setup mov ebp, esp ``` If such a function needs to be replaced without reloading the application (or restarting the machine in case of kernel patches) it can be achieved by inserting a jump to the replacement function. A short jump instruction (which can jump +/- 127 bytes) requires 2 bytes of storage space - just the amount that the \"mov edi,edi\" placeholder provides. A jump to any memory location, in this case to our replacement function, requires 5 bytes. These are provided by the 5 no-operation bytes just preceding the function. If a function thus patched gets called it will first jump back by 5 bytes and then do a long jump to the replacement function. After the patch the memory might look like this ``` asm LABEL: jmp REPLACEMENT_FUNCTION ; <-- 5 NOPs replaced by jmp FUNCTION: jmp short LABEL ; <-- mov edi has been replaced by short jump backwards push ebp mov ebp, esp ; <-- regular stack frame setup as before ``` The reason for using a 2-byte mov instruction at the beginning instead of putting 5 nops there directly, is to prevent corruption during the patching process. There would be a risk with replacing 5 individual instructions if the instruction pointer is currently pointing at any one of them. Using a single mov instruction as placeholder on the other hand guarantees that the patching can be completed as an atomic transaction. ## Local Static Variables Local static variables cannot be created on the stack, since the value of the variable is preserved across function calls. We\'ll discuss local static variables and other types of variables in a later chapter.
# X86 Disassembly/Functions and Stack Frame Examples ## Example: Number of Parameters ``` asm _Question1: push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 4 mov eax, [ebp + 8] mov ecx, 2 mul ecx mov [esp + 0], eax mov eax, [ebp + 12] mov edx, [esp + 0] add eax, edx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret ``` The function above takes 2 4-byte parameters, accessed by offsets +8 and +12 from ebp. The function also has 1 variable created on the stack, accessed by offset +0 from esp. The function is nearly identical to this C code: ``` C int Question1(int x, int y) { int z; z = x * 2; return y + z; } ``` }} ## Example: Standard Entry Sequences ``` asm _Question2: call _SubQuestion2 mov ecx, 2 mul ecx ret ``` The function does not follow the standard entry sequence, because it doesn\'t set up a proper stack frame with ebp and esp. The function basically performs the following C instructions: ``` C int Question2() { return SubQuestion2() * 2; } ``` Although an optimizing compiler has chosen to take a few shortcuts. }}
# X86 Disassembly/Calling Conventions ## Calling Conventions **Calling conventions** are a standardized method for functions to be implemented and called by the machine. A calling convention specifies the method that a compiler sets up to access a subroutine. In theory, code from any compiler can be interfaced together, so long as the functions all have the same calling conventions. In practice however, this is not always the case. Calling conventions specify how arguments are passed to a function, how return values are passed back out of a function, how the function is called, and how the function manages the stack and its stack frame. In short, the calling convention specifies how a function call in C or C++ is converted into assembly language. Needless to say, there are many ways for this translation to occur, which is why it\'s so important to specify certain standard methods. If these standard conventions did not exist, it would be nearly impossible for programs created using different compilers to communicate and interact with one another. There are three major calling conventions that are used with the C language on 32-bit x86 processors: STDCALL, CDECL, and FASTCALL. In addition, there is another calling convention typically used with C++: THISCALL.[^1] There are other calling conventions as well, including PASCAL and FORTRAN conventions, among others. Other processors, such as AMD64 processors (also called x86-64 processors), each have their own calling convention.[^2][^3] ## Notes on Terminology There are a few terms that we are going to be using which are mostly common sense, but which are worthy of stating directly: Passing arguments : \"passing arguments\" is a way of saying that the calling function is writing data in the place where the called function will look for them. Arguments are passed before the *call* instruction is executed. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Right-to-Left and Left-to-Right : These describe the manner in which arguments are passed to the subroutine, in terms of the High-level code. For instance, the following C function call: ``` C MyFunction1(a, b); ``` will generate the following code if passed Left-to-Right: ``` asm push a push b call _MyFunction ``` and will generate the following code if passed Right-to-Left: ``` asm push b push a call _MyFunction ``` Return value : Some functions return a value, and that value must be received reliably by the function\'s caller. The called function places its return value in a place where the calling function can get it when execution returns. The called function stores the return value before executing the *ret* instruction. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Cleaning the stack : When arguments are pushed onto the stack, eventually they must be popped back off again. Whichever function, the caller or the callee, is responsible for cleaning the stack must reset the stack pointer to eliminate the passed arguments. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Calling function (the caller): The \"parent\" function that calls the subroutine. Execution resumes in the calling function directly after the subroutine call, unless the program terminates inside the subroutine. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Called function (the callee): The \"child\" function that gets called by the \"parent.\" ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Name Decoration : When C code is translated to assembly code, the compiler will often \"decorate\" the function name by adding extra information that the linker will use to find and link to the correct functions. For most calling conventions, the decoration is very simple (often only an extra symbol or two to denote the calling convention), but in some extreme cases (notably C++ \"thiscall\" convention), the names are \"mangled\" severely. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Entry sequence (the function prologue): a few instructions at the beginning of a function, which prepare the stack and registers for use within the function. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Exit sequence (the function epilogue): a few instructions at the end of a function, which restore the stack and registers to the state expected by the caller, and return to the caller. Some calling conventions clean the stack in the exit sequence. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Call sequence: a few instructions in the middle of a function (the caller) which pass the arguments and call the called function. After the called function has returned, some calling conventions have one more instruction in the call sequence to clean the stack. ## Standard C Calling Conventions The C language, by default, uses the CDECL calling convention, but most compilers allow the programmer to specify another convention via a specifier keyword. These keywords **are not** part of the ISO-ANSI C standard, so you should always check with your compiler documentation about implementation specifics. If a calling convention other than CDECL is to be used, or if CDECL is not the default for your compiler, and you want to manually use it, you must specify the calling convention keyword in the function declaration itself, and in any prototypes for the function. This is important because both the calling function and the called function need to know the calling convention. ### CDECL In the CDECL calling convention the following holds: - Arguments are passed on the stack in Right-to-Left order, and return values are passed in eax. - The *calling* function cleans the stack. This allows CDECL functions to have *variable-length argument lists* (aka variadic functions). For this reason the number of arguments is not appended to the name of the function by the compiler, and the assembler and the linker are therefore unable to determine if an incorrect number of arguments is used. Variadic functions usually have special entry code, generated by the va_start(), va_arg() C pseudo-functions. Consider the following C instructions: ``` C _cdecl int MyFunction1(int a, int b) { return a + b; } ``` and the following function call: ``` C x = MyFunction1(2, 3); ``` These would produce the following assembly listings, respectively: ``` asm _MyFunction1: push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp + 8] mov edx, [ebp + 12] add eax, edx pop ebp ret ``` and ``` asm push 3 push 2 call _MyFunction1 add esp, 8 ``` When translated to assembly code, CDECL functions are almost always prepended with an underscore (that\'s why all previous examples have used \"\_\" in the assembly code). ### STDCALL STDCALL, also known as \"WINAPI\" (and a few other names, depending on where you are reading it) is used almost exclusively by Microsoft as the standard calling convention for the Win32 API. Since STDCALL is strictly defined by Microsoft, all compilers that implement it do it the same way. - STDCALL passes arguments right-to-left, and returns the value in eax. (The Microsoft documentation erroneously claimed that arguments are passed left-to-right, but this is not the case.) - The called function cleans the stack, unlike CDECL. This means that STDCALL doesn\'t allow variable-length argument lists. Consider the following C function: ``` C _stdcall int MyFunction2(int a, int b) { return a + b; } ``` and the calling instruction: ``` C x = MyFunction2(2, 3); ``` These will produce the following respective assembly code fragments: ``` asm :_MyFunction2@8 push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp + 8] mov edx, [ebp + 12] add eax, edx pop ebp ret 8 ``` and ``` asm push 3 push 2 call _MyFunction2@8 ``` There are a few important points to note here: 1. In the function body, the *ret* instruction has an (optional) argument that indicates how many bytes to pop off the stack when the function returns. 2. STDCALL functions are name-decorated with a leading underscore, followed by an @, and then the number (in bytes) of arguments passed on the stack. This number will always be a multiple of 4, on a 32-bit aligned machine. ### FASTCALL The FASTCALL calling convention is not completely standard across all compilers, so it should be used with caution. In FASTCALL, the first 2 or 3 32-bit (or smaller) arguments are passed in registers, with the most commonly used registers being edx, eax, and ecx. Additional arguments, or arguments larger than 4-bytes are passed on the stack, often in Right-to-Left order (similar to CDECL). The calling function most frequently is responsible for cleaning the stack, if needed. Because of the ambiguities, it is recommended that FASTCALL be used only in situations with 1, 2, or 3 32-bit arguments, where speed is essential. The following C function: ``` C _fastcall int MyFunction3(int a, int b) { return a + b; } ``` and the following C function call: ``` C x = MyFunction3(2, 3); ``` Will produce the following assembly code fragments for the called, and the calling functions, respectively: ``` asm :@MyFunction3@8 push ebp mov ebp, esp ;many compilers create a stack frame even if it isn't used add eax, edx ;a is in eax, b is in edx pop ebp ret ``` and ``` asm ;the calling function mov eax, 2 mov edx, 3 call @MyFunction3@8 ``` The name decoration for FASTCALL prepends an @ to the function name, and follows the function name with \@x, where x is the number (in bytes) of arguments passed to the function. Many compilers still produce a stack frame for FASTCALL functions, especially in situations where the FASTCALL function itself calls another subroutine. However, if a FASTCALL function doesn\'t need a stack frame, optimizing compilers are free to omit it. Commonly gcc and Windows FASTCALL convention pushes parameters one and two into ecx and edx, respectively, before pushing any remaining parameters onto the stack. Calling MyFunction3 using this standard would look like: ``` asm ;the calling function mov ecx, 2 mov edx, 3 call @MyFunction3@8 ``` ## C++ Calling Convention C++ requires that non-static methods of a class be called by an instance of the class. Therefore it uses its own standard calling convention to ensure that pointers to the object are passed to the function: **THISCALL**. ### THISCALL In THISCALL, the pointer to the class object is passed in ecx, the arguments are passed Right-to-Left on the stack, and the return value is passed in eax. For instance, the following C++ instruction: ``` Cpp MyObj.MyMethod(a, b, c); ``` Would form the following asm code: ``` asm mov ecx, MyObj push c push b push a call _MyMethod ``` At least, it *would* look like the assembly code above if it weren\'t for **name mangling**. ### Name Mangling Because of the complexities inherent in function overloading, C++ functions are heavily name-decorated to the point that people often refer to the process as \"Name Mangling.\" Unfortunately C++ compilers are free to do the name-mangling differently since the standard does not enforce a convention. Additionally, other issues such as exception handling are also not standardized. Since every compiler does the name-mangling differently, this book will not spend too much time discussing the specifics of the algorithm. Notice that in many cases, it\'s possible to determine which compiler created the executable by examining the specifics of the name-mangling format. We will not cover this topic in this much depth in this book, however. Here are a few general remarks about THISCALL name-mangled functions: - They are recognizable on sight because of their complexity when compared to CDECL, FASTCALL, and STDCALL function name decorations - They sometimes include the name of that function\'s class. - They almost always include the number and type of the arguments, so that overloaded functions can be differentiated by the arguments passed to it. Here is an example of a C++ class and function declaration: ``` Cpp class MyClass { MyFunction(int a) { } }; ``` And here is the resultant mangled name: `?MyFunction@MyClass@@QAEHH@Z` ### Extern \"C\" In a C++ source file, functions placed in an `extern "C"` block are guaranteed not to be mangled. This is done frequently when libraries are written in C++, and the functions need to be exported without being mangled. Even though the program is written in C++ and compiled with a C++ compiler, some of the functions might therefore not be mangled and will use one of the ordinary C calling conventions (typically CDECL). ## Note on Name Decorations We\'ve been discussing name decorations in this chapter, but the fact is that in pure disassembled code there typically are no names whatsoever, especially not names with fancy decorations. The assembly stage removes all these readable identifiers, and replaces them with the binary locations instead. Function names really only appear in two places: 1. Listing files produced during compilation 2. In export tables, if functions are exported When disassembling raw machine code, there will be no function names and no name decorations to examine. For this reason, you will need to pay more attention to the way parameters are passed, the way the stack is cleaned, and other similar details. While we haven\'t covered optimizations yet, suffice it to say that optimizing compilers can even make a mess out of these details. Functions which are not exported do not necessarily need to maintain standard interfaces, and if it is determined that a particular function does not need to follow a standard convention, some of the details will be optimized away. In these cases, it can be difficult to determine what calling conventions were used (if any), and it is even difficult to determine where a function begins and ends. This book cannot account for all possibilities, so we try to show as much information as possible, with the knowledge that much of the information provided here will not be available in a true disassembly situation. ## Further reading - x86 Disassembly/Calling Convention Examples - Embedded Systems/Mixed C and Assembly Programming describes calling conventions on other CPUs. [^1]: Josh Lospinoso. \"Common x86 Calling Conventions\". [^2]: \"C to assembly call convention 32bit vs 64bit\". [^3]: \"ASM call conventions\".
# X86 Disassembly/Calling Convention Examples ## Microsoft C Compiler Here is a simple function in C: ``` C int MyFunction(int x, int y) { return (x * 2) + (y * 3); } ``` Using cl.exe, we are going to generate 3 separate listings for MyFunction, one with CDECL, one with FASTCALL, and one with STDCALL calling conventions. On the commandline, there are several switches that you can use to force the compiler to change the default: - `/Gd` : The default calling convention is CDECL - `/Gr` : The default calling convention is FASTCALL - `/Gz` : The default calling convention is STDCALL Using these commandline options, here are the listings: ### CDECL ``` C int MyFunction(int x, int y) { return (x * 2) + (y * 3); } ``` becomes: ``` {.asm .numberLines} PUBLIC _MyFunction _TEXT SEGMENT _x$ = 8 ; size = 4 _y$ = 12 ; size = 4 _MyFunction PROC NEAR ; Line 4 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 5 mov eax, _y$[ebp] imul eax, 3 mov ecx, _x$[ebp] lea eax, [eax+ecx*2] ; Line 6 pop ebp ret 0 _MyFunction ENDP _TEXT ENDS END ``` On entry of a function, ESP points to the return address pushed on the stack by the `call` instruction (that is, previous contents of EIP). Any argument in stack of higher address than entry ESP is pushed by caller before the call is made; in this example, the first argument is at offset +4 from ESP (EIP is 4 bytes wide), plus 4 more bytes once the EBP is pushed on the stack. Thus, at line 5, ESP points to the saved frame pointer EBP, and arguments are located at addresses ESP+8 (x) and ESP+12 (y). For CDECL, caller pushes arguments into stack in a right to left order. Because ret 0 is used, it must be the caller who cleans up the stack. As a point of interest, notice how **lea** is used in this function to simultaneously perform the multiplication (ecx \* 2), and the addition of that quantity to eax. Unintuitive instructions like this will be explored further in the chapter on unintuitive instructions. ### FASTCALL ``` C int MyFunction(int x, int y) { return (x * 2) + (y * 3); } ``` becomes: ``` asm PUBLIC @MyFunction@8 _TEXT SEGMENT _y$ = -8 ; size = 4 _x$ = -4 ; size = 4 @MyFunction@8 PROC NEAR ; _x$ = ecx ; _y$ = edx ; Line 4 push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 8 mov _y$[ebp], edx mov _x$[ebp], ecx ; Line 5 mov eax, _y$[ebp] imul eax, 3 mov ecx, _x$[ebp] lea eax, [eax+ecx*2] ; Line 6 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 0 @MyFunction@8 ENDP _TEXT ENDS END ``` This function was compiled with optimizations turned off. Here we see arguments are first saved in stack then fetched from stack, rather than be used directly. This is because the compiler wants a consistent way to use all arguments via stack access, not only one compiler does like that. There is no argument is accessed with positive offset to entry SP, it seems caller doesn't pushed in them, thus it can use ret 0. Let's do further investigation: ``` C int FastTest(int x, int y, int z, int a, int b, int c) { return x * y * z * a * b * c; } ``` and the corresponding listing: ``` asm PUBLIC @FastTest@24 _TEXT SEGMENT _y$ = -8 ; size = 4 _x$ = -4 ; size = 4 _z$ = 8 ; size = 4 _a$ = 12 ; size = 4 _b$ = 16 ; size = 4 _c$ = 20 ; size = 4 @FastTest@24 PROC NEAR ; _x$ = ecx ; _y$ = edx ; Line 2 push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 8 mov _y$[ebp], edx mov _x$[ebp], ecx ; Line 3 mov eax, _x$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _y$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _z$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _b$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp] ; Line 4 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 16 ; 00000010H ``` Now we have 6 arguments, four are pushed in by caller from right to left, and last two are passed again in cx/dx, and processed the same way as previous example. Stack cleanup is done by ret 16, which corresponding to 4 arguments pushed before call executed. For FASTCALL, compiler will try to pass arguments in registers, if not enough caller will pushed them into stack still in an order from right to left. Stack cleanup is done by callee. It is called FASTCALL because if arguments can be passed in registers (for 64bit CPU the maximum number is 6), no stack push/clean up is needed. The name-decoration scheme of the function: \@MyFunction@n, here n is stack size needed for all arguments. ### STDCALL ``` C int MyFunction(int x, int y) { return (x * 2) + (y * 3); } ``` becomes: ``` asm PUBLIC _MyFunction@8 _TEXT SEGMENT _x$ = 8 ; size = 4 _y$ = 12 ; size = 4 _MyFunction@8 PROC NEAR ; Line 4 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 5 mov eax, _y$[ebp] imul eax, 3 mov ecx, _x$[ebp] lea eax, [eax+ecx*2] ; Line 6 pop ebp ret 8 _MyFunction@8 ENDP _TEXT ENDS END ``` The STDCALL listing has only one difference than the CDECL listing that it uses \"ret 8\" for self clean up of stack. Lets do an example with more parameters: ``` C int STDCALLTest(int x, int y, int z, int a, int b, int c) { return x * y * z * a * b * c; } ``` Let\'s take a look at how this function gets translated into assembly by cl.exe: ``` asm PUBLIC _STDCALLTest@24 _TEXT SEGMENT _x$ = 8 ; size = 4 _y$ = 12 ; size = 4 _z$ = 16 ; size = 4 _a$ = 20 ; size = 4 _b$ = 24 ; size = 4 _c$ = 28 ; size = 4 _STDCALLTest@24 PROC NEAR ; Line 2 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 3 mov eax, _x$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _y$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _z$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _b$[ebp] imul eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp] ; Line 4 pop ebp ret 24 ; 00000018H _STDCALLTest@24 ENDP _TEXT ENDS END ``` Yes the only difference between STDCALL and CDECL is that the former does stack clean up in callee, the later in caller. This saves a little bit in X86 due to its \"ret n\". ## GNU C Compiler We will be using 2 example C functions to demonstrate how GCC implements calling conventions: ``` C int MyFunction1(int x, int y) { return (x * 2) + (y * 3); } ``` and ``` C int MyFunction2(int x, int y, int z, int a, int b, int c) { return x * y * (z + 1) * (a + 2) * (b + 3) * (c + 4); } ``` GCC does not have commandline arguments to force the default calling convention to change from CDECL (for C), so they will be manually defined in the text with the directives: \_\_cdecl, \_\_fastcall, and \_\_stdcall. ### CDECL The first function (MyFunction1) provides the following assembly listing: ``` asm _MyFunction1: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp movl 8(%ebp), %eax leal (%eax,%eax), %ecx movl 12(%ebp), %edx movl %edx, %eax addl %eax, %eax addl %edx, %eax leal (%eax,%ecx), %eax popl %ebp ret ``` First of all, we can see the name-decoration is the same as in cl.exe. We can also see that the ret instruction doesn\'t have an argument, so the calling function is cleaning the stack. However, since GCC doesn\'t provide us with the variable names in the listing, we have to deduce which parameters are which. After the stack frame is set up, the first instruction of the function is \"movl 8(%ebp), %eax\". One we remember (or learn for the first time) that GAS instructions have the general form: `instruction src, dest` We realize that the value at offset +8 from ebp (the last parameter pushed on the stack) is moved into eax. The leal instruction is a little more difficult to decipher, especially if we don\'t have any experience with GAS instructions. The form \"leal(reg1,reg2), dest\" adds the values in the parenthesis together, and stores the value in *dest*. Translated into Intel syntax, we get the instruction: ``` asm lea ecx, [eax + eax] ``` Which is clearly the same as a multiplication by 2. The first value accessed must then have been the last value passed, which would seem to indicate that values are passed right-to-left here. To prove this, we will look at the next section of the listing: ``` asm movl 12(%ebp), %edx movl %edx, %eax addl %eax, %eax addl %edx, %eax leal (%eax,%ecx), %eax ``` the value at offset +12 from ebp is moved into edx. edx is then moved into eax. eax is then added to itselt (eax \* 2), and then is added back to edx (edx + eax). remember though that eax = 2 \* edx, so the result is edx \* 3. This then is clearly the y parameter, which is furthest on the stack, and was therefore the first pushed. CDECL then on GCC is implemented by passing arguments on the stack in right-to-left order, same as cl.exe. ### FASTCALL ``` asm .globl @MyFunction1@8 .def @MyFunction1@8; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef @MyFunction1@8: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $8, %esp movl %ecx, -4(%ebp) movl %edx, -8(%ebp) movl -4(%ebp), %eax leal (%eax,%eax), %ecx movl -8(%ebp), %edx movl %edx, %eax addl %eax, %eax addl %edx, %eax leal (%eax,%ecx), %eax leave ret ``` Notice first that the same name decoration is used as in cl.exe. The astute observer will already have realized that GCC uses the same trick as cl.exe, of moving the fastcall arguments from their registers (ecx and edx again) onto a negative offset on the stack. Again, optimizations are turned off. ecx is moved into the first position (-4) and edx is moved into the second position (-8). Like the CDECL example above, the value at -4 is doubled, and the value at -8 is tripled. Therefore, -4 (ecx) is x, and -8 (edx) is y. It would seem from this listing then that values are passed left-to-right, although we will need to take a look at the larger, MyFunction2 example: ``` asm .globl @MyFunction2@24 .def @MyFunction2@24; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef @MyFunction2@24: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $8, %esp movl %ecx, -4(%ebp) movl %edx, -8(%ebp) movl -4(%ebp), %eax imull -8(%ebp), %eax movl 8(%ebp), %edx incl %edx imull %edx, %eax movl 12(%ebp), %edx addl $2, %edx imull %edx, %eax movl 16(%ebp), %edx addl $3, %edx imull %edx, %eax movl 20(%ebp), %edx addl $4, %edx imull %edx, %eax leave ret $16 ``` By following the fact that in MyFunction2, successive parameters are added to increasing constants, we can deduce the positions of each parameter. -4 is still x, and -8 is still y. +8 gets incremented by 1 (z), +12 gets increased by 2 (a). +16 gets increased by 3 (b), and +20 gets increased by 4 (c). Let\'s list these values then: `z = [ebp + 8]`\ `a = [ebp + 12]`\ `b = [ebp + 16]`\ `c = [ebp + 20]` c is the furthest down, and therefore was the first pushed. z is the highest to the top, and was therefore the last pushed. Arguments are therefore pushed in right-to-left order, just like cl.exe. ### STDCALL Let\'s compare then the implementation of MyFunction1 in GCC: ``` asm .globl _MyFunction1@8 .def _MyFunction1@8; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef _MyFunction1@8: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp movl 8(%ebp), %eax leal (%eax,%eax), %ecx movl 12(%ebp), %edx movl %edx, %eax addl %eax, %eax addl %edx, %eax leal (%eax,%ecx), %eax popl %ebp ret $8 ``` The name decoration is the same as in cl.exe, so STDCALL functions (and CDECL and FASTCALL for that matter) can be assembled with either compiler, and linked with either linker, it seems. The stack frame is set up, then the value at \[ebp + 8\] is doubled. After that, the value at \[ebp + 12\] is tripled. Therefore, +8 is x, and +12 is y. Again, these values are pushed in right-to-left order. This function also cleans its own stack with the \"ret 8\" instruction. Looking at a bigger example: ``` asm .globl _MyFunction2@24 .def _MyFunction2@24; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef _MyFunction2@24: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp movl 8(%ebp), %eax imull 12(%ebp), %eax movl 16(%ebp), %edx incl %edx imull %edx, %eax movl 20(%ebp), %edx addl $2, %edx imull %edx, %eax movl 24(%ebp), %edx addl $3, %edx imull %edx, %eax movl 28(%ebp), %edx addl $4, %edx imull %edx, %eax popl %ebp ret $24 ``` We can see here that values at +8 and +12 from ebp are still x and y, respectively. The value at +16 is incremented by 1, the value at +20 is incremented by 2, etc all the way to the value at +28. We can therefore create the following table: `x = [ebp + 8]`\ `y = [ebp + 12]`\ `z = [ebp + 16]`\ `a = [ebp + 20]`\ `b = [ebp + 24]`\ `c = [ebp + 28]` With c being pushed first, and x being pushed last. Therefore, these parameters are also pushed in right-to-left order. This function then also cleans 24 bytes off the stack with the \"ret 24\" instruction. ## Example: C Calling Conventions ## Example: Named Assembly Function ## Example: Unnamed Assembly Function ## Example: Another Unnamed Assembly Function ## Example: Name Mangling
# X86 Disassembly/Branches ## Branching Computer science professors tell their students to avoid jumps and **goto** instructions, to avoid the proverbial \"spaghetti code.\" Unfortunately, assembly only has jump instructions to control program flow. This chapter will explore the subject that many people avoid like the plague, and will attempt to show how the spaghetti of assembly can be translated into the more familiar control structures of high-level language. Specifically, this chapter will focus on **If-Then-Else** and **Switch** branching instructions. ## If-Then Let\'s consider a generic **if** statement in pseudo-code followed by its equivalent form using jumps: +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | `if (condition) then`\ | ![](_C_langu | | ` do_action;` | age_if.png "_C_language_if.png") | | | | | `if  | | | not (condition) then goto end;`\ | | | `  do_action;`\ | | | `end:` | | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ What does this code do? In English, the code checks the condition and performs a jump only if it is *false*. With that in mind, let\'s compare some actual C code and its Assembly translation: +-------------+--------------+ | ``` C | ``` asm | | if(x == 0) | mov eax, $x | | { | cmp eax, 0 | | x = 1; | jne end | | } | mov eax, 1 | | x++; | end: | | ``` | inc eax | | | mov $x, eax | | | ``` | +-------------+--------------+ Note that when we translate to assembly, we need to *negate* the condition of the jump because\--like we said above\--we only jump if the condition is false. To recreate the high-level code, simply negate the condition once again. Negating a comparison may be tricky if you\'re not paying attention. Here are the correct dual forms: Instruction Meaning ------------- ---------------------------------------- JNE **J**ump if **n**ot **e**qual JE **J**ump if **e**qual JG **J**ump if **g**reater JLE **J**ump if **l**ess than or **e**qual JL **J**ump if **l**ess than JGE **J**ump if **g**reater or **e**qual And here are some examples. ``` asm mov eax, $x //move x into eax cmp eax, $y //compare eax with y jg end //jump if greater than inc eax mov $x, eax //increment x end: ... ``` Is produced by these C statements: ``` C if(x <= y) { x++; } ``` As you can see, x is incremented only if it is **less than or equal to** y. Thus, if it is greater than y, it will not be incremented as in the assembler code. Similarly, the C code ``` C if(x < y) { x++; } ``` produces this assembler code: ``` asm mov eax, $x //move x into eax cmp eax, $y //compare eax with y jge end //jump if greater than or equal to inc eax move $x, eax //increment x end: ... ``` X is incremented in the C code only if it is **less than** y, so the assembler code now jumps if it\'s greater than or equal to y. This kind of thing takes practice, so we will try to include lots of examples in this section. ## If-Then-Else Let us now look at a more complicated case: the **If-Then-Else** instruction. +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | `if (condition) then`\ | ![](C_language_if_el | | `  do_action`\ | se.png "C_language_if_else.png") | | `else`\ | | | `  do_alternative_action;` | | | | | | `if not (condition) goto else;`\ | | | `  do_action;`\ | | | `  goto end;`\ | | | `else:`\ | | | `  do_alternative_action;`\ | | | `end:` | | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ Now, what happens here? Like before, the if statement only jumps to the else clause when the condition is false. However, we must also install an *unconditional* jump at the end of the \"then\" clause, so we don\'t perform the else clause directly afterwards. Now, here is an example of a real C If-Then-Else: ``` C if(x == 10) { x = 0; } else { x++; } ``` Which gets translated into the following assembly code: ``` asm mov eax, $x cmp eax, 0x0A ;0x0A = 10 jne else mov eax, 0 jmp end else: inc eax end: mov $x, eax ``` As you can see, the addition of a single unconditional jump can add an entire extra option to our conditional. ## Switch-Case **Switch-Case** structures can be very complicated when viewed in assembly language, so we will examine a few examples. First, keep in mind that in C, there are several keywords that are commonly used in a switch statement. Here is a recap: Switch : This keyword tests the argument, and starts the switch structure\ Case : This creates a label that execution will switch to, depending on the value of the argument.\ Break : This statement jumps to the end of the switch block\ Default : This is the label that execution jumps to if and only if it doesn\'t match up to any other conditions Lets say we have a general switch statement, but with an extra label at the end, as such: ``` C switch (x) { //body of switch statement } end_of_switch: ``` Now, every **break** statement will be immediately replaced with the statement ``` asm jmp end_of_switch ``` But what do the rest of the statements get changed to? The case statements can each resolve to any number of arbitrary integer values. How do we test for that? The answer is that we use a \"Switch Table\". Here is a simple, C example: ``` C int main(int argc, char **argv) { //line 10 switch(argc) { case 1: MyFunction(1); break; case 2: MyFunction(2); break; case 3: MyFunction(3); break; case 4: MyFunction(4); break; default: MyFunction(5); } return 0; } ``` And when we compile this with **cl.exe**, we can generate the following listing file: ``` asm tv64 = -4 ; size = 4 _argc$ = 8 ; size = 4 _argv$ = 12 ; size = 4 _main PROC NEAR ; Line 10 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ecx ; Line 11 mov eax, DWORD PTR _argc$[ebp] mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], eax mov ecx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp] sub ecx, 1 mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], ecx cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 3 ja SHORT $L810 mov edx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp] jmp DWORD PTR $L818[edx*4] $L806: ; Line 14 push 1 call _MyFunction add esp, 4 ; Line 15 jmp SHORT $L803 $L807: ; Line 17 push 2 call _MyFunction add esp, 4 ; Line 18 jmp SHORT $L803 $L808: ; Line 19 push 3 call _MyFunction add esp, 4 ; Line 20 jmp SHORT $L803 $L809: ; Line 22 push 4 call _MyFunction add esp, 4 ; Line 23 jmp SHORT $L803 $L810: ; Line 25 push 5 call _MyFunction add esp, 4 $L803: ; Line 27 xor eax, eax ; Line 28 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret 0 $L818: DD $L806 DD $L807 DD $L808 DD $L809 _main ENDP ``` Lets work our way through this. First, we see that line 10 sets up our standard stack frame, and it also saves ecx. Why does it save ecx? Scanning through the function, we never see a corresponding \"pop ecx\" instruction, so it seems that the value is never restored at all. In fact, the compiler isn\'t saving ecx at all, but is instead simply reserving space on the stack: it\'s creating a local variable. The original C code didn\'t have any local variables, however, so perhaps the compiler just needed some extra scratch space to store intermediate values. Why doesn\'t the compiler execute the more familiar \"sub esp, 4\" command to create the local variable? **push ecx** is just a faster instruction that does the same thing. This \"scratch space\" is being referenced by a *negative offset* from ebp. **tv64** was defined in the beginning of the listing as having the value -4, so every call to \"tv64\[ebp\]\" is a call to this scratch space. There are a few things that we need to notice about the function in general: - Label \$L803 is the end_of_switch label. Therefore, every \"jmp SHORT \$L803\" statement is a **break**. This is verifiable by comparing with the C code line-by-line. - Label \$L818 contains a list of hard-coded memory addresses, which here are labels in the code section! Remember, labels resolve to the memory address of the instruction. This must be an important part of our puzzle. To solve this puzzle, we will take an in-depth look at line 11: ``` asm mov eax, DWORD PTR _argc$[ebp] mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], eax mov ecx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp] sub ecx, 1 mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], ecx cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 3 ja SHORT $L810 mov edx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp] jmp DWORD PTR $L818[edx*4] ``` This sequence performs the following pseudo-C operation: `if( argc - 1 >= 4 )`\ `{`\ `   goto $L810;   /* the default */`\ `}`\ `label *L818[] = { $L806, $L807, $L808, $L809 };  /* define a table of jumps, one per each case */`\ `//`\ `goto L818[argc - 1];   /* use the address from the table to jump to the correct case */` Here\'s why\... ### The Setup ``` asm mov eax, DWORD PTR _argc$[ebp] mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], eax mov ecx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp] sub ecx, 1 mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], ecx ``` The value of argc is moved into eax. The value of eax is then immediately moved to the scratch space. The value of the scratch space is then moved into ecx. Sounds like an awfully convoluted way to get the same value into so many different locations, but remember: I turned off the optimizations. The value of ecx is then decremented by 1. Why didn\'t the compiler use a **dec** instruction instead? Perhaps the statement is a general statement, that in this case just happens to have an argument of 1. We don\'t know why exactly, all we know is this: - **eax = \"scratch pad\"** - **ecx = eax - 1** Finally, the last line moves the new, decremented value of ecx *back into the scratch pad*. Very inefficient. ### The Compare and Jumps ``` asm cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 3 ja SHORT $L810 ``` The value of the scratch pad is compared with the value 3, and if the *unsigned* value is above 3 (4 or more), execution jumps to label \$L810. How do I know the value is unsigned? I know because **ja** is an unsigned conditional jump. Let\'s look back at the original C code switch: ``` C switch(argc) { case 1: MyFunction(1); break; case 2: MyFunction(2); break; case 3: MyFunction(3); break; case 4: MyFunction(4); break; default: MyFunction(5); } ``` Remember, the scratch pad contains the value (argc - 1), which means that this condition is only triggered when argc \> 4. What happens when argc is greater than 4? The function goes to the default condition. Now, let\'s look at the next two lines: ``` asm mov edx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp] jmp DWORD PTR $L818[edx*4] ``` **edx** gets the value of the scratch pad (argc - 1), and then there is a very weird jump that takes place: execution jumps to a location pointed to by the value (edx \* 4 + \$L818). What is \$L818? We will examine that right now. ### The Switch Table ``` asm $L818: DD $L806 DD $L807 DD $L808 DD $L809 ``` \$L818 is a pointer, in the code section, to a list of other code section pointers. These pointers are all 32bit values (DD is a DWORD). Let\'s look back at our jump statement: ``` asm jmp DWORD PTR $L818[edx*4] ``` In this jump, \$L818 *isn\'t the offset, it\'s the base*, edx\*4 is the offset. As we said earlier, edx contains the value of (argc - 1). If argc == 1, we jump to \[\$L818 + 0\] which is \$L806. If argc == 2, we jump to \[\$L818 + 4\], which is \$L807. Get the picture? A quick look at labels \$L806, \$L807, \$L808, and \$L809 shows us exactly what we expect to see: the bodies of the **case** statements from the original C code, above. Each one of the case statements calls the function \"MyFunction\", then breaks, and then jumps to the end of the switch block. ## Ternary Operator ?: Again, the best way to learn is by doing. Therefore we will go through a mini example to explain the ternary operator. Consider the following C code program: ``` C int main(int argc, char **argv) { return (argc > 1)?(5):(0); } ``` **cl.exe** produces the following assembly listing file: ``` asm _argc$ = 8 ; size = 4 _argv$ = 12 ; size = 4 _main PROC NEAR ; File c:\documents and settings\andrew\desktop\test2.c ; Line 2 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 3 xor eax, eax cmp DWORD PTR _argc$[ebp], 1 setle al dec eax and eax, 5 ; Line 4 pop ebp ret 0 _main ENDP ``` Line 2 sets up a stack frame, and line 4 is a standard exit sequence. There are no local variables. It is clear that Line 3 is where we want to look. The instruction \"xor eax, eax\" simply sets eax to 0. For more information on that line, see the chapter on unintuitive instructions. The **cmp** instruction tests the condition of the ternary operator. The **setle** function is one of a set of x86 functions that works like a conditional move: al gets the value 1 if argc \<= 1. Isn\'t that the exact opposite of what we wanted? In this case, it is. Let\'s look at what happens when argc = 0: **al** gets the value 1. **al** is decremented (al = 0), and then eax is logically anded with 5. 5 & 0 = 0. When argc == 2 (greater than 1), the **setle** instruction doesn\'t do anything, and eax still is zero. eax is then decremented, which means that eax == -1. What is -1? In x86 processors, negative numbers are stored in **two\'s-complement** format. For instance, let\'s look at the following C code: ``` C BYTE x; x = -1; ``` At the end of this C code, **x** will have the value 11111111: all ones! When argc is greater than 1, setle sets al to zero. Decrementing this value sets every bit in eax to a logical 1. Now, when we perform the logical **and** function we get: ` ...11111111`\ `&...00000101     ;101 is 5 in binary`\ `------------`\ ` ...00000101` eax gets the value 5. In this case, it\'s a roundabout method of doing it, but as a reverser, this is the stuff you need to worry about. For reference, here is the GCC assembly output of the same ternary operator from above: ``` asm _main: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $8, %esp xorl %eax, %eax andl $-16, %esp call __alloca call ___main xorl %edx, %edx cmpl $2, 8(%ebp) setge %dl leal (%edx,%edx,4), %eax leave ret ``` Notice that GCC produces slightly different code than cl.exe produces. However, the stack frame is set up the same way. Notice also that GCC doesn\'t give us line numbers, or other hints in the code. The ternary operator line occurs after the instruction \"call \_\_main\". Let\'s highlight that section here: ``` asm xorl %edx, %edx cmpl $2, 8(%ebp) setge %dl leal (%edx,%edx,4), %eax ``` Again, **xor** is used to set edx to 0 quickly. Argc is tested against 2 (instead of 1), and dl is set if argc is *greater then or equal*. If dl gets set to 1, the **leal** instruction directly thereafter will move the value of 5 into eax (because lea (edx,edx,4) means edx + edx \* 4, i.e. edx \* 5).
# X86 Disassembly/Loops ## Loops To complete repetitive tasks, programmers often implement **loops**. There are many sorts of loops, but they can all be boiled down to a few similar formats in assembly code. This chapter will discuss loops, how to identify them, and how to \"decompile\" them back into high-level representations. ## Do-While Loops It seems counterintuitive that this section will consider **Do-While** loops first, considering that they might be the least used of all the variations in practice. However, there is method to our madness, so read on. Consider the following generic Do-While loop: +---+---+ | ` | ! | | ` | [ | | ` | ] | | | ( | | C | C | | | _ | | d | l | | o | a | | | n | | { | g | | | u | | | a | | | g | | | e | | a | _ | | c | d | | t | o | | i | _ | | o | w | | n | h | | ; | i | | | l | | } | e | | | . | | w | p | | h | n | | i | g | | l | | | e | " | | ( | C | | c | _ | | o | l | | n | a | | d | n | | i | g | | t | u | | i | a | | o | g | | n | e | | ) | _ | | ; | d | | ` | o | | ` | _ | | ` | w | | | h | | | i | | | l | | | e | | | . | | | p | | | n | | | g | | | " | | | ) | +---+---+ What does this loop do? The loop body simply executes, the condition is tested at the end of the loop, and the loop jumps back to the beginning of the loop if the condition is satisfied. Unlike **if** statements, Do-While conditions are not reversed. Let us now take a look at the following C code: ``` C do { x++; } while(x != 10); ``` Which can be translated into assembly language as such: ``` asm mov eax, $x beginning: inc eax cmp eax, 0x0A ;0x0A = 10 jne beginning mov $x, eax ``` ## While Loops **While** loops look almost as simple as a **Do-While** loop, but in reality they aren\'t as simple at all. Let\'s examine a generic while-loop: ``` C while(x) { //loop body } ``` What does this loop do? First, the loop checks to make sure that x is true. If x is not true, the loop is skipped. The loop body is then executed, followed by another check: is x still true? If x is still true, execution jumps back to the top of the loop, and execution continues. Keep in mind that there needs to be a jump at the bottom of the loop (to get back up to the top), but it makes no sense to jump back to the top, retest the conditional, and then jump *back to the bottom of the loop* if the conditional is found to be false. The while-loop then, performs the following steps: 1. check the condition. if it is false, go to the end 2. perform the loop body 3. check the condition, if it is true, jump to 2. 4. if the condition is not true, fall-through the end of the loop. Here is a while-loop in C code: ``` C while(x <= 10) { x++; } ``` And here then is that same loop translated into assembly: ``` asm mov eax, $x cmp eax, 0x0A jg end beginning: inc eax cmp eax, 0x0A jle beginning end: ``` If we were to translate that assembly code **back into C**, we would get the following code: ``` C if(x <= 10) //remember: in If statements, we reverse the condition from the asm { do { x++; } while(x <= 10) } ``` See why we covered the Do-While loop first? Because the While-loop becomes a Do-While when it gets assembled. So why can\'t the jump label occur before the test? ``` asm mov eax, $x beginning: cmp eax, 0x0A jg end inc eax jmp beginning end: mov $x, eax ``` ## For Loops What is a For-Loop? In essence, it\'s a While-Loop with an initial state, a condition, and an iterative instruction. For instance, the following generic For-Loop: +---+---+ | ` | ! | | ` | [ | | ` | ] | | | ( | | C | C | | | _ | | f | l | | o | a | | r | n | | ( | g | | i | u | | n | a | | i | g | | t | e | | i | _ | | a | f | | l | o | | i | r | | z | . | | a | p | | t | n | | i | g | | o | | | n | " | | ; | C | | | _ | | c | l | | o | a | | n | n | | d | g | | i | u | | t | a | | i | g | | o | e | | n | _ | | ; | f | | | o | | i | r | | n | . | | c | p | | r | n | | e | g | | m | " | | e | ) | | n | | | t | | | ) | | | | | | { | | | | | | | | | | | | a | | | c | | | t | | | i | | | o | | | n | | | | | | } | | | ` | | | ` | | | ` | | +---+---+ gets translated into the following pseudocode while-loop: ``` C initialization; while(condition) { action; increment; } ``` Which in turn gets translated into the following Do-While Loop: ``` C initialization; if(condition) { do { action; increment; } while(condition); } ``` Note that often in for() loops you assign an initial constant value in A (for example x = 0), and then compare that value with another constant in B (for example x \< 10). Most optimizing compilers will be able to notice that the first time x IS less than 10, and therefore there is no need for the initial if(B) statement. In such cases, the compiler will simply generate the following sequence: ``` C initialization; do { action increment; } while(condition); ``` rendering the code indistinguishable from a while() loop. ## Other Loop Types C only has Do-While, While, and For Loops, but some other languages may very well implement their own types. Also, a good C-Programmer could easily \"home brew\" a new type of loop using a series of good macros, so they bear some consideration: ### Do-Until Loop A common Do-Until Loop will take the following form: ``` C do { //loop body } until(x); ``` which essentially becomes the following Do-While loop: ``` C do { //loop body } while(!x); ``` ### Until Loop Like the Do-Until loop, the standard Until-Loop looks like the following: ``` C until(x) { //loop body } ``` which (likewise) gets translated to the following While-Loop: ``` C while(!x) { //loop body } ``` ### Do-Forever Loop A Do-Forever loop is simply an unqualified loop with a condition that is always true. For instance, the following pseudo-code: ``` C doforever { //loop body } ``` will become the following while-loop: ``` C while(1) { //loop body } ``` Which can actually be reduced to a simple unconditional jump statement: ``` asm beginning: ;loop body jmp beginning ``` Notice that some non-optimizing compilers will produce nonsensical code for this: ``` asm mov ax, 1 cmp ax, 1 jne loopend beginning: ;loop body cmp ax, 1 je beginning loopend: ``` Notice that a lot of the comparisons here are not needed since the condition is a constant. Most compilers will optimize cases like this.
# X86 Disassembly/Variables ## Variables We\'ve already seen some mechanisms to create local storage on the stack. This chapter will talk about some other variables, including **global variables**, **static variables**, variables labelled \"**const**,\" \"**register**,\" and \"**volatile**.\" It will also consider some general techniques concerning variables, including accessor and setter methods (to borrow from object-oriented terminology). This section may also talk about setting memory breakpoints in a debugger to track memory I/O on a variable. ## How to Spot a Variable Variables come in 2 distinct flavors: those that are created on the stack (local variables), and those that are accessed via a hardcoded memory address (global variables). Any memory that is accessed via a hard-coded address is usually a global variable. Variables that are accessed as an offset from esp, or ebp are frequently local variables. Hardcoded address : Anything hardcoded is a value that is stored as-is in the binary, and is not changed at runtime. For instance, the value 0x2054 is hardcoded, whereas the current value of variable X is not hard-coded and may change at runtime. Example of a hardcoded address: ``` asm mov eax, [0x77651010] ``` OR: ``` asm mov ecx, 0x77651010 mov eax, [ecx] ``` Example of a non-hardcoded (softcoded?) address: ``` asm mov ecx, [esp + 4] add ecx, ebx mov eax, [ecx] ``` In the last example, the value of ecx is calculated at run-time, whereas in the first 2 examples, the value is the same every time. RVAs are considered hard-coded addresses, even though the loader needs to \"fix them up\" to point to the correct locations. ## .BSS and .DATA sections Both .bss and .data sections contain values which can change at run-time (e.g. *variables*). Typically, variables that are initialized to a non-zero value in the source are allocated in the .data section (e.g. \"int a = 10;\"). Variables that are not initialized, or initialized with a zero value, can be allocated to the .bss section (e.g. \"int arr\[100\];\"). Because all values of .bss variables are guaranteed to be zero at the start of the program, there is no need for the linker to allocate space in the binary file. Therefore, .bss sections do not take space in the binary file, regardless of their size. ## \"Static\" Local Variables Local variables labeled **static** maintain their value across function calls, and therefore cannot be created on the stack like other local variables are. How are static variables created? Let\'s take a simple example C function: ``` C void MyFunction(int a) { static int x = 0; printf("my number: "); printf("%d, %d\n", a, x); } ``` Compiling to a listing file with **cl.exe** gives us the following code: ``` asm _BSS SEGMENT ?x@?1??MyFunction@@9@9 DD 01H DUP (?) ; `MyFunction'::`2'::x _BSS ENDS _DATA SEGMENT $SG796 DB 'my number: ', 00H $SG797 DB '%d, %d', 0aH, 00H _DATA ENDS PUBLIC _MyFunction EXTRN _printf:NEAR ; Function compile flags: /Odt _TEXT SEGMENT _a$ = 8 ; size = 4 _MyFunction PROC NEAR ; Line 4 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 6 push OFFSET FLAT:$SG796 call _printf add esp, 4 ; Line 7 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?x@?1??MyFunction@@9@9 push eax mov ecx, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp] push ecx push OFFSET FLAT:$SG797 call _printf add esp, 12 ; 0000000cH ; Line 8 pop ebp ret 0 _MyFunction ENDP _TEXT ENDS ``` Normally when assembly listings are posted in this wikibook, most of the code gibberish is discarded to aid readability, but in this instance, the \"gibberish\" contains the answer we are looking for. As can be clearly seen, this function creates a standard stack frame, and it doesn\'t create any local variables on the stack. In the interests of being complete, we will take baby-steps here, and work to the conclusion logically. In the code for Line 7, there is a call to \_printf with 3 arguments. Printf is a standard **libc** function, and it therefore can be assumed to be cdecl calling convention. Arguments are pushed, therefore, from right to left. Three arguments are pushed onto the stack before \_printf is called: - `DWORD PTR ?x@?1??MyFunction@@9@9` - `DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]` - `OFFSET FLAT:$SG797` The second one, \_a\$\[ebp\] is partially defined in this assembly instruction: `_a$ = 8` And therefore \_a\$\[ebp\] is the variable located at offset +8 from ebp, or the first argument to the function. OFFSET FLAT:\$SG797 likewise is declared in the assembly listing as such: ``` asm SG797 DB '%d, %d', 0aH, 00H ``` If you have your ASCII table handy, you will notice that 0aH = 0x0A = \'\\n\'. OFFSET FLAT:\$SG797 then is the format string to our printf statement. Our last option then is the mysterious-looking \"?x@?1??MyFunction@@9@9\", which is defined in the following assembly code section: ``` asm _BSS SEGMENT ?x@?1??MyFunction@@9@9 DD 01H DUP (?) _BSS ENDS ``` This shows that the Microsoft C compiler creates static variables in the .bss section. This might not be the same for all compilers, but the lesson is the same: local static variables are created and used in a very similar, if not the exact same, manner as global values. In fact, as far as the reverser is concerned, the two are usually interchangeable. Remember, the only real difference between static variables and global variables is the idea of \"scope\", which is only used by the compiler. ## Signed and Unsigned Variables Integer formatted variables, such as **int**, **char**, **short** and **long** may be declared signed or unsigned variables in the C source code. There are two differences in how these variables are treated: 1. Signed variables use signed instructions such as **add**, and **sub**. Unsigned variables use unsigned arithmetic instructions such as **addi**, and **subi**. 2. Signed variables use signed branch instructions such as **jge** and **jl**. Unsigned variables use unsigned branch instructions such as **jae**, and **jb**. The difference between signed and unsigned instructions is the conditions under which the various flags for greater-than or less-than (overflow flags) are set. The integer result values are exactly the same for both signed and unsigned data. ## Floating-Point Values Floating point values tend to be 32-bit data values (for **float**) or 64-bit data values (for **double**). These values are distinguished from ordinary integer-valued variables because they are used with floating-point instructions. Floating point instructions typically start with the letter *f*. For instance, **fadd**, **fcmp**, and similar instructions are used with floating point values. Of particular note are the **fload** instruction and variants. These instructions take an integer-valued variable and converts it into a floating point variable. We will discuss floating point variables in more detail in a later chapter. ## Global Variables Global variables do not have a limited scope like lexical variables do inside a function body. Since the notion of lexical scope implies the use of the system stack, and since global variables are not lexical in nature, they are typically not found on the stack. Global variables tend to exist in the program as a hard-coded memory address, a location which never changes throughout program execution. These could exist in the DATA segment of the executable, or anywhere else that a hard-coded memory address can be used to store data. In C, global variables are defined outside the body of any function. There is no \"global\" keyword. Any variable which is not defined inside a function is global. In C however, a variable which is not defined inside a function is only global to the particular source code file in which it is defined. For example, we have two files `Foo.c` and `Bar.c`, and a global variable `MyGlobalVar`: +-----------------------+------------------------+ | Foo.c | Bar.c | +=======================+========================+ | ``` c | ``` c | | int MyGlobalVar; | int GetVarBar(void) | | | { | | int GetVarFoo(void) | //wrong! | | { | return MyGlobalVar; | | //right! | } | | return MyGlobalVar; | ``` | | } | | | ``` | | +-----------------------+------------------------+ In the example above, the variable `MyGlobalVar` is visible inside the file `Foo.c`, but is not visible inside the file `Bar.c`. To make `MyGlobalVar` visible inside all project files, we need to use the `extern` keyword, which we will discuss below. ### \"`static`\" Variables The C programming language specifies a special keyword \"`static`\" to define variables which are lexical to the function (they cannot be referenced from outside the function) but they maintain their values across function calls. Unlike ordinary lexical variables which are created on the stack when the function is entered and are destroyed from the stack when the function returns, static variables are created once and are never destroyed. ``` c int MyFunction(void) { static int x; ... } ``` Static variables in C are global variables, except the compiler takes precautions to prevent the variable from being accessed outside of the parent function\'s scope. Like global variables, static variables are referenced using a hardcoded memory address, not a location on the stack like ordinary variables. However unlike globals, static variables are only used inside a single function. There is no difference between a global variable which is only used in a single function, and a static variable inside that same function. However, it\'s good programming practice to limit the number of global variables, so when disassembling, you should prefer interpreting these variables as static instead of global. ### \"`extern`\" Variables The `extern` keyword is used by a C compiler to indicate that a particular variable is global to the entire project, not just to a single source code file. Besides this distinction, and the slightly larger lexical scope of extern variables, they should be treated like ordinary global variables. In static libraries, variables marked as being extern might be available for use with programs which are linked to the library. ### Global Variables Summary Here is a table to summarize some points about global variables: -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it\'s referenced Lexical scope Notes `static` variables Hard-coded memory address, only in one function One function only In disassembly, indistinguishable from global variables except that it\'s only used in one function. A global variable is only static if it\'s never used in another function. Global variables Hard-coded memory address, only in one file One source code file only Global variables are only used in a single file. This can help you when disassembling to get a rough estimate for how the original source code was arranged. `extern` variables Hard-coded memory address, in the entire project The entire project Extern variables are available for use in all functions of a project, and in programs linked to the project (external libraries, for example). -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When disassembling, a hard-coded memory address should be considered to be an ordinary global variable unless you can determine from the scope of the variable that it is static or extern. ## Constants Variables qualified with the **const** keyword (in C) are frequently stored in the .data section of the executable. Constant values can be distinguished because they are initialized at the beginning of the program, and are never modified by the program itself. For this reasons, some compilers may choose to store constant variables (especially strings) in the .text section of the executable, thus allowing the sharing of these variables across multiple instances of the same process. This creates a big problem for the reverser, who now has to decide whether the code he\'s looking at is part of a constant variable or part of a subroutine. ## \"Volatile\" memory In C and C++, variables can be declared \"volatile,\" which tells the compiler that the memory location can be accessed from *external* or *concurrent* processes, and that the compiler should not perform any optimizations on the variable. For instance, if multiple threads were all accessing and modifying a single global value, it would be bad for the compiler to store that variable in a register sometimes, and flush it to memory infrequently. In general, Volatile memory must be flushed to memory after every calculation, to ensure that the most current version of the data is in memory when other processes come to look for it. It is not always possible to determine from a disassembly listing whether a given variable is a volatile variable. However, if the variable is accessed frequently from memory, and its value is constantly updated in memory (especially if there are free registers available), that\'s a good hint that the variable might be volatile. ## Simple Accessor Methods An Accessor Method is a tool derived from OO theory and practice. In its most simple form, an accessor method is a function that receives no parameters (or perhaps simply an offset), and returns the value of a variable. Accessor and Setter methods are ways to restrict access to certain variables. The only standard way to get the value of the variable is to use the Accessor. Accessors can prevent some simple problems, such as out-of-bounds array indexing, and using uninitialized data. Frequently, Accessors contain little or no error-checking. Here is an example: ``` asm push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ecx + 8] ;THISCALL function, passes "this" pointer in ecx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret ``` Because they are so simple, accessor methods are frequently heavily optimized (they generally don\'t need a stack frame), and are even occasionally *inlined* by the compiler. ## Simple Setter (Manipulator) Methods Setter methods are the antithesis of an accessor method, and provide a unified way of altering the value of a given variable. Setter methods will often take as a parameter the value to be set to the variable, although some methods (Initializers) simply set the variable to a pre-defined value. Setter methods often do bounds checking, and error checking on the variable before it is set, and frequently either a) return no value, or b) return a simple boolean value to determine success. Here is an example: ``` asm push ebp mov ebp, esp cmp [ebp + 8], 0 je error mov eax, [ebp + 8] mov [ecx + 0], eax mov eax, 1 jmp end :error mov eax, 0 :end mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret ```
# X86 Disassembly/Data Structures ## Data Structures Few programs can work by using simple memory storage; most need to utilize complex data objects, including **pointers**, **arrays**, **structures**, and other complicated types. This chapter will talk about how compilers implement complex data objects, and how the reverser can identify these objects. ## Arrays Arrays are simply a storage scheme for multiple data objects of the same type. Data objects are stored sequentially, often as an offset from a pointer to the beginning of the array. Consider the following C code: ``` C x = array[25]; ``` Which is identical to the following asm code: ``` asm mov ebx, $array mov eax, [ebx + 25] mov $x, eax ``` Now, consider the following example: ``` C int MyFunction1() { int array[20]; ... ``` This (roughly) translates into the following asm pseudo-code: ``` asm :_MyFunction1 push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 80 ;the whole array is created on the stack!!! lea $array, [esp + 0] ;a pointer to the array is saved in the array variable ... ``` The entire array is created on the stack, and the pointer to the bottom of the array is stored in the variable \"array\". An optimizing compiler could ignore the last instruction, and simply refer to the array via a +0 offset from esp (in this example), but we will do things verbosely. Likewise, consider the following example: ``` C void MyFunction2() { char buffer[4]; ... ``` This will translate into the following asm pseudo-code: ``` asm :_MyFunction2 push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 4 lea $buffer, [esp + 0] ... ``` Which looks harmless enough. But, what if a program inadvertantly accesses buffer\[4\]? what about buffer\[5\]? what about buffer\[8\]? This is the makings of a buffer overflow vulnerability, and (might) will be discussed in a later section. However, this section won\'t talk about security issues, and instead will focus only on data structures. ### Spotting an Array on the Stack To spot an array on the stack, look for large amounts of local storage allocated on the stack (\"sub esp, 1000\", for example), and look for large portions of that data being accessed by an offset from a different register from esp. For instance: ``` asm :_MyFunction3 push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 256 lea ebx, [esp + 0x00] mov [ebx + 0], 0x00 ``` is a good sign of an array being created on the stack. Granted, an optimizing compiler might just want to offset from esp instead, so you will need to be careful. ### Spotting an Array in Memory Arrays in memory, such as global arrays, or arrays which have initial data (remember, initialized data is created in the .data section in memory) and will be accessed as offsets from a hardcoded address in memory: ``` asm :_MyFunction4 push ebp mov ebp, esp mov esi, 0x77651004 mov ebx, 0x00000000 mov [esi + ebx], 0x00 ``` It needs to be kept in mind that structures and classes might be accessed in a similar manner, so the reverser needs to remember that all the data objects in an array are of the same type, that they are sequential, and they will often be handled in a loop of some sort. Also, (and this might be the most important part), each elements in an array may be accessed by a *variable offset from the base*. Since most times an array is accessed through a computed index, not through a constant, the compiler will likely use the following to access an element of the array: ``` asm mov [ebx + eax], 0x00 ``` If the array holds elements larger than 1 byte (for char), the index will need to be multiplied by the size of the element, yielding code similar to the following: ``` asm mov [ebx + eax * 4], 0x11223344 # access to an array of DWORDs, e.g. arr[i] = 0x11223344 ... mul eax, $20 # access to an array of structs, each 20 bytes long lea edi, [ebx + eax] # e.g. ptr = &arr[i] ``` This pattern can be used to distinguish between accesses to arrays and accesses to structure data members. ## Structures All C programmers are going to be familiar with the following syntax: ``` C struct MyStruct { int FirstVar; double SecondVar; unsigned short int ThirdVar; } ``` It\'s called a **structure** (Pascal programmers may know a similar concept as a \"record\"). Structures may be very big or very small, and they may contain all sorts of different data. Structures may look very similar to arrays in memory, but a few key points need to be remembered: structures do not need to contain data fields of all the same type, structure fields are often 4-byte aligned (not sequential), and each element in a structure has its own offset. It therefore makes no sense to reference a structure element by a variable offset from the base. Take a look at the following structure definition: ``` C struct MyStruct2 { long value1; short value2; long value3; } ``` Assuming the pointer to the base of this structure is loaded into ebx, we can access these members in one of two schemes: +---+---+ | ` | ` | | ` | ` | | ` | ` | | | | | a | a | | s | s | | m | m | | | | | ; | ; | | d | d | | a | a | | t | t | | a | a | | | | | i | i | | s | s | | | | | 3 | " | | 2 | p | | - | a | | b | c | | i | k | | t | e | | | d | | a | " | | l | | | i | [ | | g | e | | n | b | | e | x | | d | | | | + | | [ | | | e | 0 | | b | ] | | x | | | | ; | | + | v | | | a | | 0 | l | | ] | u | | | e | | ; | 1 | | v | | | a | [ | | l | e | | u | b | | e | x | | 1 | | | | + | | [ | | | e | 4 | | b | ] | | x | | | | ; | | + | v | | | a | | 4 | l | | ] | u | | | e | | ; | 2 | | v | | | a | [ | | l | e | | u | b | | e | x | | 2 | | | | + | | [ | | | e | 6 | | b | ] | | x | | | | ; | | + | v | | | a | | 8 | l | | ] | u | | | e | | ; | 3 | | v | ` | | a | ` | | l | ` | | u | | | e | | | 3 | | | ` | | | ` | | | ` | | +---+---+ The first arrangement is the most common, but it clearly leaves open an entire memory word (2 bytes) at offset +6, which is not used at all. Compilers occasionally allow the programmer to manually specify the offset of each data member, but this isn\'t always the case. The second example also has the benefit that the reverser can easily identify that each data member in the structure is a different size. Consider now the following function: ``` asm :_MyFunction push ebp mov ebp, esp lea ecx, SS:[ebp + 8] mov [ecx + 0], 0x0000000A mov [ecx + 4], ecx mov [ecx + 8], 0x0000000A mov esp, ebp pop ebp ``` The function clearly takes a pointer to a data structure as its first argument. Also, each data member is the same size (4 bytes), so how can we tell if this is an array or a structure? To answer that question, we need to remember one important distinction between structures and arrays: the elements in an array are all of the same type, the elements in a structure do not need to be the same type. Given that rule, it is clear that one of the elements in this structure is a pointer (it points to the base of the structure itself!) and the other two fields are loaded with the hex value 0x0A (10 in decimal), which is certainly not a valid pointer on any system I have ever used. We can then partially recreate the structure and the function code below: ``` C struct MyStruct3 { long value1; void *value2; long value3; } void MyFunction2(struct MyStruct3 *ptr) { ptr->value1 = 10; ptr->value2 = ptr; ptr->value3 = 10; } ``` As a quick aside note, notice that this function doesn\'t load anything into eax, and therefore it doesn\'t return a value. ## Advanced Structures Lets say we have the following situation in a function: ``` asm :MyFunction1 push ebp mov ebp, esp mov esi, [ebp + 8] lea ecx, SS:[esi + 8] ... ``` what is happening here? First, esi is loaded with the value of the function\'s first parameter (ebp + 8). Then, ecx is loaded with a pointer to the offset +8 from esi. It looks like we have 2 pointers accessing the same data structure! The function in question could easily be one of the following 2 prototypes: ``` C struct MyStruct1 { DWORD value1; DWORD value2; struct MySubStruct1 { ... ``` ``` C struct MyStruct2 { DWORD value1; DWORD value2; DWORD array[LENGTH]; ... ``` one pointer offset from another pointer in a structure often means a complex data structure. There are far too many combinations of structures and arrays, however, so this wikibook will not spend too much time on this subject. ## Identifying Structs and Arrays Array elements and structure fields are both accessed as offsets from the array/structure pointer. When disassembling, how do we tell these data structures apart? Here are some pointers: 1. Array elements are not meant to be accessed individually. Array elements are typically accessed using a variable offset 2. Arrays are frequently accessed in a loop. Because arrays typically hold a series of similar data items, the best way to access them all is usually a loop. Specifically, `for(x = 0; x < length_of_array; x++)` style loops are often used to access arrays, although there can be others. 3. All the elements in an array have the same data type. 4. Struct fields are typically accessed using constant offsets. 5. Struct fields are typically not accessed in order, and are also not accessed using loops. 6. Struct fields are not typically all the same data type, or the same data width ## Linked Lists and Binary Trees Two common structures used when programming are linked lists and binary trees. These two structures in turn can be made more complicated in a number of ways. Shown in the images below are examples of a linked list structure and a binary tree structure. +---+---+ | ! | ! | | [ | [ | | ] | ] | | ( | ( | | C | t | | _ | r | | l | e | | a | e | | n | - | | g | d | | u | a | | a | t | | g | a | | e | - | | _ | s | | l | t | | i | r | | n | u | | k | c | | e | t | | d | u | | _ | r | | l | e | | i | . | | s | s | | t | v | | . | g | | p | | | n | " | | g | t | | | r | | " | e | | C | e | | _ | - | | l | d | | a | a | | n | t | | g | a | | u | - | | a | s | | g | t | | e | r | | _ | u | | l | c | | i | t | | n | u | | k | r | | e | e | | d | . | | _ | s | | l | v | | i | g | | s | " | | t | ) | | . | { | | p | w | | n | i | | g | d | | " | t | | ) | h | | { | = | | w | " | | i | 3 | | d | 0 | | t | 0 | | h | " | | = | } | | " | | | 4 | | | 0 | | | 0 | | | " | | | } | | +---+---+ Each node in a linked list or a binary tree contains some amount of data, and a pointer (or pointers) to other nodes. Consider the following asm code example: ``` asm loop_top: cmp [ebp + 0], 10 je loop_end mov ebp, [ebp + 4] jmp loop_top loop_end: ``` At each loop iteration, a data value at \[ebp + 0\] is compared with the value 10. If the two are equal, the loop is ended. If the two are not equal, however, the pointer in ebp is updated with a pointer at an offset from ebp, and the loop is continued. This is a classic linked-loop search technique. This is analagous to the following C code: ``` c struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; struct node *x; ... while(x->data != 10) { x = x->next; } ``` Binary trees are the same, except two different pointers will be used (the right and left branch pointers).
# X86 Disassembly/Objects and Classes ## Object-Oriented Programming **Object-Oriented** (OO) programming provides for us a new unit of program structure to contend with: the **Object**. This chapter will look at disassembled classes from C++. This chapter will not deal directly with COM, but it will work to set a lot of the groundwork for future discussions in reversing COM components (Windows users only). ## Classes A basic class that has not inherited anything can be broken into two parts, the variables and the methods. The non-static variables are shoved into a simple data structure while the methods are compiled and called like every other function. When you start adding in inheritance and polymorphism, things get a little more complicated. For the purposes of simplicity, the structure of an object will be described in terms of having no inheritance. At the end, however, inheritance and polymorphism will be covered. ### Variables All static variables defined in a class resides in the static region of memory for the entire duration of the application. Every other variable defined in the class is placed into a data structure known as an object. Typically when the constructor is called, the variables are placed into the object in sequential order, see **Figure 1**. `<small>`{=html}A:`</small>`{=html} ``` cpp class ABC123 { public: int a, b, c; ABC123():a(1), b(2), c(3) {}; }; ``` `<small>`{=html}B:`</small>`{=html} ``` asm 0x00200000 dd 1 ;int a 0x00200004 dd 2 ;int b 0x00200008 dd 3 ;int c ``` ```{=html} <table width=95%> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` `<small>`{=html}**Figure 1**: An example of what an object looks like in memory`</br>`{=html} **Figure 1.A**: The definition for the class \"ABC123.\" This class has three integers, a, b, and c. The constructor sets \'a\' to equal 1, \'b\' to equal 2, and \'c\' to equal 3.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 1.B**: How the object ABC123 might be placed in memory, ordering the variables from the class sequentially. At memory address 0x00200000 there is a double word integer (32 bits) with a value of 1, representing the variable \'a\'. Memory address 0x00200004 has a double word integer with the value of 2, representing the variable \'b\'. And at memory address 0x00200008 there is a double word integer with a value of 3, representing the variable \'c\'.`</small>`{=html} ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` However, the compiler typically needs the variables to be separated into sizes that are multiples of a word (2 bytes) in order to locate them. Not all variables fit this requirement, namely char arrays; some unused bits might be used pad the variables so they meet this size requirement. This is illustrated in **Figure 2**. `<small>`{=html}A:`</small>`{=html} ``` cpp class ABC123{ public: int a; char b[3]; double c; ABC123():a(1),c(3) { strcpy(b,"02"); }; }; ``` `<small>`{=html}B:`</small>`{=html} ``` asm 0x00200000 dd 1 ;int a ; offset = abc123 + 0*word_size 0x00200004 db '0' ;b[0] = '0' ; offset = abc123 + 2*word_size 0x00200005 db '2' ;b[1] = '2' 0x00200006 db 0 ;b[2] = null 0x00200007 db 0 ;<= UNUSED BYTE 0x00200008 dd 0x00000000 ;double c, lower 32 bits ; offset = abc123 + 4*word_size 0x0020000C dd 0x40080000 ;double c, upper 32 bits ``` ```{=html} <table width=95%> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` `<small>`{=html}**Figure 2**: An example of an object having a padded variable`</br>`{=html} **Figure 2.A**: A new definition for the class \"ABC123.\" This class has one 32 bit integer, a. One 3 byte char array, b. And one 64 bit double, c. The constrictor sets \'a\' to 1, \'b\' to \"02\", and \'c\' to 3.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 2.B** Shows how ABC123 might be stored in memory. The first double word in the object is the variable \'a\' at location 0x00200000 with a value of 1. Variable \'b\' starts at the memory location 0x00200004. It\'s three bytes containing three chars, \'0\',\'2\', and the null value. The next available address, 0x00200007, is unused since it\'s not a multiple of a word. The last variable \'c\', starts at 0x00200008 and it two double words (64 bits). It contains the value 3.`</small>`{=html} ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` In order for the application to access one of these object variables, an object pointer needs to be offset to find the desired variable. The offset of every variable is known by the compiler and written into the object code wherever it\'s needed. **Figure 3** shows how to offset a pointer to retrieve variables. ``` asm ;abc123 = pointer to object mov eax, [abc123] ;eax = &a ;offset = abc123+0*word_size = abc123 mov ebx, [abc123+4] ;ebx = &b ;offset = abc123+2*word_size = abc123+4 mov ecx, [abc123+8] ;ecx = &c ;offset = abc123+4*word_size = abc123+8 ``` **Figure 3**: This shows how to offset a pointer to retrieve variables. The first line places the address of variable \'a\' into eax. The second line places the address of variable \'b\' into ebx. And the last line places the variable \'c\' into ecx. ### Methods At a low level, there is almost no difference between a function and a method. When decompiling, it can sometimes be hard to tell a difference between the two. They both reside in the text memory space, and both are called the same way. An example of how a method is called can be seen in **Figure 4**. `<small>`{=html}A:`</small>`{=html} ``` cpp //method call abc123->foo(1, 2, 3); ``` `<small>`{=html}B:`</small>`{=html} ``` asm push 3 ; int c push 2 ; int b push 1 ; int a push [ebp-4] ; the address of the object call 0x00434125 ; call to method ``` ```{=html} <table width=95%> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` `<small>`{=html}**Figure 4**: A method call.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 4.A**: A method call in the C++ syntax. abc123 is a pointer to an object that has a method, foo(). foo() is taking three integer arguments, 1, 2, and 3.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 4.B** The same method call in x86 assembly. It takes four arguments, the address of the object and three integers. The pointer to the object is at ebp-4 and the method is at address 0x00434125. `</small>`{=html} ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` A notable characteristic in a method call is the address of the object being passed in as an argument. This, however, is not a always a good indicator. **Figure 5** shows function with the first argument being an object passed in by reference. The result is function that looks identical to a method call. `<small>`{=html}A:`</small>`{=html} ``` cpp //function call foo(abc123, 1, 2, 3); ``` `<small>`{=html}B:`</small>`{=html} ``` asm push 3 ; int c push 2 ; int b push 1 ; int a push [ebp+4] ; the address of the object call 0x00498372 ; call to function ``` ```{=html} <table width=95%> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` `<small>`{=html}**Figure 5**: A function call.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 5.A:** A function call in the C++ syntax. foo() is taking four arguments, one pointer and three integer arguments.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 5.B:** The same function call in x86 assembly. It takes four arguments, the address of the object and three integers. The pointer to the object is at ebp-4 and the method is at address 0x00498372. `</small>`{=html} ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` ### Inheritance & Polymorphism Inheritance and polymorphism completely changes the structure of a class, the object no longer contains just variables, they also contain pointers to the inherited methods. This is due to the fact that polymorphism requires the address of a method or inner object to be figured out at runtime. Take **Figure 6** into consideration. How does the application know to call D::one or C::one? The answer is that the compiler figures out a convention in which to order variables and method pointers inside the object such that when they\'re referenced, the offsets are the same for any object that has inherited its methods and variables. ```{=html} <center> ``` ```{=html} <table border=0 margin=0 padding=0 width=95%> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` ``` cpp A *obj[2]; obj[0] = new C(); obj[1] = new D(); for(int i=0; i<2; i++) obj[i]->one(); ``` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` `<small>`{=html}**Figure 6**: A small C++ polymorphic loop that calls a function, one. The classes C and D both inherit an abstract class, A. The class A, for this code to work, must have a virtual method with the name, \"one.\" `</small>`{=html} ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` ```{=html} </center> ``` The abstract class A acts as a blueprint for the compiler, defining an expected structure for any class that inherits it. Every variable defined in class A and every virtual method defined in A will have the exact same offset for any of its children. **Figure 7** declares a possible inheritance scheme as well as it structure in memory. Notice how the offset to C::one is the same as D::one, and the offset to C\'s copy of A::a is the same as D\'s copy. In this, our polymorphic loop can just iterate through the array of pointers and know exactly where to find each method. `<small>`{=html}A:`</small>`{=html} ``` cpp class A{ public: int a; virtual void one() = 0; }; class B{ public: int b; int c; virtual void two() = 0; }; class C: public A{ public: int d; void one(); }; class D: public A, public B{ public: int e; void one(); void two(); }; ``` `<small>`{=html}B:`</small>`{=html} ``` asm ;Object C 0x00200000 dd 0x00423848 ; address of C::one ;offset = 0*word_size 0x00200004 dd 1 ; C's copy of A::a ;offset = 2*word_size 0x00200008 dd 4 ; C::d ;offset = 4*word_size ;Object D 0x00200100 dd 0x00412348 ; address of D::one ;offset = 0*word_size 0x00200104 dd 1 ; D's copy of A::a ;offset = 2*word_size 0x00200108 dd 0x00431255 ; address of D::two ;offset = 4*word_size 0x0020010C dd 2 ; D's copy of B::b ;offset = 6*word_size 0x00200110 dd 3 ; D's copy of B::c ;offset = 8*word_size 0x00200114 dd 5 ; D::e ;offset = 10*word_size ``` ```{=html} <table width=95%> ``` ```{=html} <tr> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` `<small>`{=html}**Figure 7**: A polymorphic inheritance scheme.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 7.A** defines the inheritance scheme. It shows that class C inherits class A, and class D inherits class A and class B.`</br>`{=html} **Figure 7.B** shows how the inheritance scheme might be structured in memory. Class C\'s object has everything that was declared in class A in the first two double words. The remainder of the object was defined by class C. Class D\'s object also has everything that was declared in class A in the first two double words. Then the next three double words is everything declared in class B. And the last double word is the variable defined by class D.`</small>`{=html} ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </tr> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` ## Classes Vs. Structs
# X86 Disassembly/Floating Point Numbers ## Floating Point Numbers This page will talk about how **floating point** numbers are used in assembly language constructs. This page will not talk about new constructs, it will not explain what the FPU instructions do, how floating point numbers are stored or manipulated, or the differences in floating-point data representations. However, this page will demonstrate briefly how floating-point numbers are used in code and data structures that we have already considered. The x86 architecture does not have any registers specifically for floating point numbers, but it does have a special stack for them. The floating point stack is built directly into the processor, and has access speeds similar to those of ordinary registers. Notice that the FPU stack is not the same as the regular system stack. ## Calling Conventions With the addition of the floating-point stack, there is an entirely new dimension for passing parameters and returning values. We will examine our calling conventions here, and see how they are affected by the presence of floating-point numbers. These are the functions that we will be assembling, using both GCC, and cl.exe: ``` C __cdecl double MyFunction1(double x, double y, float z) { return (x + 1.0) * (y + 2.0) * (z + 3.0); } __fastcall double MyFunction2(double x, double y, float z) { return (x + 1.0) * (y + 2.0) * (z + 3.0); } __stdcall double MyFunction3(double x, double y, float z) { return (x + 1.0) * (y + 2.0) * (z + 3.0); } ``` ### CDECL Here is the cl.exe assembly listing for MyFunction1: ``` asm PUBLIC _MyFunction1 PUBLIC __real@3ff0000000000000 PUBLIC __real@4000000000000000 PUBLIC __real@4008000000000000 EXTRN __fltused:NEAR ; COMDAT __real@3ff0000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@3ff0000000000000 DQ 03ff0000000000000r ; 1 CONST ENDS ; COMDAT __real@4000000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@4000000000000000 DQ 04000000000000000r ; 2 CONST ENDS ; COMDAT __real@4008000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@4008000000000000 DQ 04008000000000000r ; 3 CONST ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT _x$ = 8 ; size = 8 _y$ = 16 ; size = 8 _z$ = 24 ; size = 4 _MyFunction1 PROC NEAR ; Line 2 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 3 fld QWORD PTR _x$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@3ff0000000000000 fld QWORD PTR _y$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@4000000000000000 fmulp ST(1), ST(0) fld DWORD PTR _z$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@4008000000000000 fmulp ST(1), ST(0) ; Line 4 pop ebp ret 0 _MyFunction1 ENDP _TEXT ENDS ``` Our first question is this: are the parameters passed on the stack, or on the floating-point register stack, or some place different entirely? Key to this question, and to this function is a knowledge of what **fld** and **fstp** do. fld (Floating-point Load) pushes a floating point value onto the FPU stack, while fstp (Floating-Point Store and Pop) moves a floating point value from ST0 to the specified location, and then pops the value from ST0 off the stack entirely. Remember that **double** values in cl.exe are treated as 8-byte storage locations (QWORD), while floats are only stored as 4-byte quantities (DWORD). It is also important to remember that floating point numbers are not stored in a human-readable form in memory, even if the reader has a solid knowledge of binary. Remember, these aren\'t integers. Unfortunately, the exact format of floating point numbers is well beyond the scope of this chapter. x is offset +8, y is offset +16, and z is offset +24 from ebp. Therefore, z is pushed first, x is pushed last, and the parameters are passed right-to-left on the *regular stack* not the floating point stack. To understand how a value is returned however, we need to understand what **fmulp** does. fmulp is the \"Floating-Point Multiply and Pop\" instruction. It performs the instructions: `ST1 := ST1 * ST0`\ `FPU POP ST0` This multiplies ST(1) and ST(0) and stores the result in ST(1). Then, ST(0) is marked empty and stack pointer is incremented. Thus, contents of ST(1) are on the top of the stack. So the top 2 values are multiplied together, and the result is stored on the top of the stack. Therefore, in our instruction above, \"fmulp ST(1), ST(0)\", which is also the last instruction of the function, we can see that the last result is stored in ST0. Therefore, floating point parameters are passed on the regular stack, but floating point results are passed on the FPU stack. One final note is that MyFunction2 cleans its own stack, as referenced by the **ret 20** command at the end of the listing. Because none of the parameters were passed in registers, this function appears to be exactly what we would expect an STDCALL function would look like: parameters passed on the stack from right-to-left, and the function cleans its own stack. We will see below that this is actually a correct assumption. For comparison, here is the GCC listing: ``` asm LC1: .long 0 .long 1073741824 .align 8 LC2: .long 0 .long 1074266112 .globl _MyFunction1 .def _MyFunction1; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef _MyFunction1: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $16, %esp fldl 8(%ebp) fstpl -8(%ebp) fldl 16(%ebp) fstpl -16(%ebp) fldl -8(%ebp) fld1 faddp %st, %st(1) fldl -16(%ebp) fldl LC1 faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) flds 24(%ebp) fldl LC2 faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) leave ret .align 8 ``` This is a very difficult listing, so we will step through it (albeit quickly). 16 bytes of extra space is allocated on the stack. Then, using a combination of fldl and fstpl instructions, the first 2 parameters are moved from offsets +8 and +16, to offsets -8 and -16 from ebp. Seems like a waste of time, but remember, optimizations are off. **fld1** loads the floating point value 1.0 onto the FPU stack. **faddp** then adds the top of the stack (1.0), to the value in ST1 (\[ebp - 8\], originally \[ebp + 8\]). ### FASTCALL Here is the cl.exe listing for MyFunction2: ``` asm PUBLIC @MyFunction2@20 PUBLIC __real@3ff0000000000000 PUBLIC __real@4000000000000000 PUBLIC __real@4008000000000000 EXTRN __fltused:NEAR ; COMDAT __real@3ff0000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@3ff0000000000000 DQ 03ff0000000000000r ; 1 CONST ENDS ; COMDAT __real@4000000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@4000000000000000 DQ 04000000000000000r ; 2 CONST ENDS ; COMDAT __real@4008000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@4008000000000000 DQ 04008000000000000r ; 3 CONST ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT _x$ = 8 ; size = 8 _y$ = 16 ; size = 8 _z$ = 24 ; size = 4 @MyFunction2@20 PROC NEAR ; Line 7 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 8 fld QWORD PTR _x$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@3ff0000000000000 fld QWORD PTR _y$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@4000000000000000 fmulp ST(1), ST(0) fld DWORD PTR _z$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@4008000000000000 fmulp ST(1), ST(0) ; Line 9 pop ebp ret 20 ; 00000014H @MyFunction2@20 ENDP _TEXT ENDS ``` We can see that this function is taking 20 bytes worth of parameters, because of the \@20 decoration at the end of the function name. This makes sense, because the function is taking two **double** parameters (8 bytes each), and one **float** parameter (4 bytes each). This is a grand total of 20 bytes. We can notice at a first glance, without having to actually analyze or understand any of the code, that there is only one register being accessed here: **ebp**. This seems strange, considering that FASTCALL passes its regular 32-bit arguments in registers. However, that is not the case here: all the floating-point parameters (even z, which is a 32-bit float) are passed on the stack. We know this, because by looking at the code, there is no other place where the parameters could be coming from. Notice also that **fmulp** is the last instruction performed again, as it was in the CDECL example. We can infer then, without investigating too deeply, that the result is passed at the top of the floating-point stack. Notice also that x (offset \[ebp + 8\]), y (offset \[ebp + 16\]) and z (offset \[ebp + 24\]) are pushed in reverse order: z is first, x is last. This means that floating point parameters are passed in right-to-left order, on the stack. This is exactly the same as CDECL code, although only because we are using floating-point values. Here is the GCC assembly listing for MyFunction2: ``` asm .align 8 LC5: .long 0 .long 1073741824 .align 8 LC6: .long 0 .long 1074266112 .globl @MyFunction2@20 .def @MyFunction2@20; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef @MyFunction2@20: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $16, %esp fldl 8(%ebp) fstpl -8(%ebp) fldl 16(%ebp) fstpl -16(%ebp) fldl -8(%ebp) fld1 faddp %st, %st(1) fldl -16(%ebp) fldl LC5 faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) flds 24(%ebp) fldl LC6 faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) leave ret $20 ``` This is a tricky piece of code, but luckily we don\'t need to read it very close to find what we are looking for. First off, notice that no other registers are accessed besides **ebp**. Again, GCC passes all floating point values (even the 32-bit float, z) on the stack. Also, the floating point result value is passed on the top of the floating point stack. We can see again that GCC is doing something strange at the beginning, taking the values on the stack from \[ebp + 8\] and \[ebp + 16\], and moving them to locations \[ebp - 8\] and \[ebp - 16\], respectively. Immediately after being moved, these values are loaded onto the floating point stack and arithmetic is performed. z isn\'t loaded till later, and isn\'t ever moved to \[ebp - 24\], despite the pattern. LC5 and LC6 are constant values, that most likely represent floating point values (because the numbers themselves, 1073741824 and 1074266112 don\'t make any sense in the context of our example functions. Notice though that both LC5 and LC6 contain two **.long** data items, for a total of 8 bytes of storage? They are therefore most definitely **double** values. ### STDCALL Here is the cl.exe listing for MyFunction3: ``` asm PUBLIC _MyFunction3@20 PUBLIC __real@3ff0000000000000 PUBLIC __real@4000000000000000 PUBLIC __real@4008000000000000 EXTRN __fltused:NEAR ; COMDAT __real@3ff0000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@3ff0000000000000 DQ 03ff0000000000000r ; 1 CONST ENDS ; COMDAT __real@4000000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@4000000000000000 DQ 04000000000000000r ; 2 CONST ENDS ; COMDAT __real@4008000000000000 CONST SEGMENT __real@4008000000000000 DQ 04008000000000000r ; 3 CONST ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT _x$ = 8 ; size = 8 _y$ = 16 ; size = 8 _z$ = 24 ; size = 4 _MyFunction3@20 PROC NEAR ; Line 12 push ebp mov ebp, esp ; Line 13 fld QWORD PTR _x$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@3ff0000000000000 fld QWORD PTR _y$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@4000000000000000 fmulp ST(1), ST(0) fld DWORD PTR _z$[ebp] fadd QWORD PTR __real@4008000000000000 fmulp ST(1), ST(0) ; Line 14 pop ebp ret 20 ; 00000014H _MyFunction3@20 ENDP _TEXT ENDS END ``` x is the highest on the stack, and z is the lowest, therefore these parameters are passed from right-to-left. We can tell this because x has the smallest offset (offset \[ebp + 8\]), while z has the largest offset (offset \[ebp + 24\]). We see also from the final fmulp instruction that the return value is passed on the FPU stack. This function also cleans the stack itself, as noticed by the call *\'ret 20*. It is cleaning exactly 20 bytes off the stack which is, incidentally, the total amount that we passed to begin with. We can also notice that the implementation of this function looks exactly like the FASTCALL version of this function. This is true because FASTCALL only passes DWORD-sized parameters in registers, and floating point numbers do not qualify. This means that our assumption above was correct. Here is the GCC listing for MyFunction3: ``` asm .align 8 LC9: .long 0 .long 1073741824 .align 8 LC10: .long 0 .long 1074266112 .globl @MyFunction3@20 .def @MyFunction3@20; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef @MyFunction3@20: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $16, %esp fldl 8(%ebp) fstpl -8(%ebp) fldl 16(%ebp) fstpl -16(%ebp) fldl -8(%ebp) fld1 faddp %st, %st(1) fldl -16(%ebp) fldl LC9 faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) flds 24(%ebp) fldl LC10 faddp %st, %st(1) fmulp %st, %st(1) leave ret $20 ``` Here we can also see, after all the opening nonsense, that \[ebp - 8\] (originally \[ebp + 8\]) is value x, and that \[ebp - 24\] (originally \[ebp - 24\]) is value z. These parameters are therefore passed right-to-left. Also, we can deduce from the final fmulp instruction that the result is passed in ST0. Again, the STDCALL function cleans its own stack, as we would expect. ### Conclusions Floating point values are passed as parameters on the stack, and are passed on the FPU stack as results. Floating point values do not get put into the general-purpose integer registers (eax, ebx, etc\...), so FASTCALL functions that only have floating point parameters collapse into STDCALL functions instead. **double** values are 8-bytes wide, and therefore will take up 8-bytes on the stack. **float** values however, are only 4-bytes wide. ## Float to Int Conversions ## FPU Compares and Jumps
# X86 Disassembly/Code Optimization ## Code Optimization An **optimizing compiler** is perhaps one of the most complicated, most powerful, and most interesting programs in existence. This chapter will talk about optimizations, although this chapter will not include a table of common optimizations. ## Stages of Optimizations There are two times when a compiler can perform optimizations: first, in the intermediate representation, and second, during the code generation. ### Intermediate Representation Optimizations While in the intermediate representation, a compiler can perform various optimizations, often based on dataflow analysis techniques. For example, consider the following code fragment: ``` C x = 5; if(x != 5) { //loop body } ``` An optimizing compiler might notice that at the point of \"if (x != 5)\", the value of x is always the constant \"5\". This allows substituting \"5\" for x resulting in \"5 != 5\". Then the compiler notices that the resulting expression operates entirely on constants, so the value can be calculated now instead of at run time, resulting in optimizing the conditional to \"if (false)\". Finally the compiler sees that this means the body of the if conditional will never be executed, so it can omit the entire body of the if conditional altogether. Consider the reverse case: ``` C x = 5; if(x == 5) { //loop body } ``` In this case, the optimizing compiler would notice that the IF conditional will always be true, and it won\'t even bother writing code to test x. ### Control Flow Optimizations Another set of optimization which can be performed either at the intermediate or at the code generation level are control flow optimizations. Most of these optimizations deal with the elimination of useless branches. Consider the following code: ``` C if(A) { if(B) { C; } else { D; } end_B: } else { E; } end_A: ``` In this code, a simplistic compiler would generate a jump from the C block to end_B, and then another jump from end_B to end_A (to get around the E statements). Clearly jumping to a jump is inefficient, so optimizing compilers will generate a direct jump from block C to end_A. This unfortunately will make the code more confused and will prevent a nice recovery of the original code. For complex functions, it\'s possible that one will have to consider the code made of only if()-goto; sequences, without being able to identify higher level statements like if-else or loops. The process of identifying high level statement hierarchies is called \"code structuring\". ### Code Generation Optimizations Once the compiler has sifted through all the logical inefficiencies in your code, the code generator takes over. Often the code generator will replace certain slow machine instructions with faster machine instructions. For instance, the instruction: ``` asm beginning: ... loopnz beginning ``` operates *much* slower than the equivalent instruction set: ``` asm beginning: ... dec ecx jne beginning ``` So then why would a compiler ever use a loopxx instruction? The answer is that most optimizing compilers never use a loopxx instruction, and therefore as a reverser, you will probably never see one used in real code. What about the instruction: ``` asm mov eax, 0 ``` The mov instruction is relatively quick, but a faster part of the processor is the arithmetic unit. Therefore, it makes more sense to use the following instruction: ``` asm xor eax, eax ``` because xor operates in very few processor cycles (and saves three bytes at the same time), and is therefore faster than a \"mov eax, 0\". The only drawback of a xor instruction is that it changes the processor flags, so it cannot be used between a comparison instruction and the corresponding conditional jump. ## Loop Unwinding When a loop needs to run for a small, but definite number of iterations, it is often better to **unwind the loop** in order to reduce the number of jump instructions performed, and in many cases prevent the processor\'s branch predictor from failing. Consider the following C loop, which calls the function `MyFunction()` 5 times: ``` C for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) { MyFunction(); } ``` Converting to assembly, we see that this becomes, roughly: ``` asm mov eax, 0 loop_top: cmp eax, 5 jge loop_end call _MyFunction inc eax jmp loop_top loop_end: ``` Each loop iteration requires the following operations to be performed: 1. Compare the value in eax (the variable \"x\") to 5, and jump to the end if greater then or equal 2. Increment eax 3. Jump back to the top of the loop. Notice that we remove all these instructions if we manually repeat our call to `MyFunction()`: ``` asm call _MyFunction call _MyFunction call _MyFunction call _MyFunction call _MyFunction ``` This new version not only takes up less disk space because it uses fewer instructions, but also runs faster because fewer instructions are executed. This process is called **Loop Unwinding**. ## Inline Functions The C and C++ languages allow the definition of an `inline` type of function. Inline functions are functions which are treated similarly to macros. During compilation, calls to an inline function are replaced with the body of that function, instead of performing a `call` instruction. In addition to using the `inline` keyword to declare an inline function, optimizing compilers may decide to make other functions inline as well. Function inlining works similarly to loop unwinding for increasing code performance. A non-inline function requires a call instruction, several instructions to create a stack frame, and then several more instructions to destroy the stack frame and return from the function. By copying the body of the function instead of making a call, the size of the machine code increases, but the execution time *decreases*. It is not necessarily possible to determine whether identical portions of code were created originally as macros, inline functions, or were simply copy and pasted. However, when disassembling it can make your work easier to separate these blocks out into separate inline functions, to help keep the code straight.
# X86 Disassembly/Code Obfuscation ## Code Obfuscation **Code Obfuscation** is the act of making the assembly code or machine code of a program more difficult to disassemble or decompile. The term \"obfuscation\" is typically used to suggest a deliberate attempt to add difficulty, but many other practices will cause code to be obfuscated without that being the intention. Software vendors may attempt to obfuscate or even encrypt code to prevent reverse engineering efforts. There are many different types of obfuscations. Notice that many code optimizations (discussed in the previous chapter) have the side-effect of making code more difficult to read, and therefore optimizations act as obfuscations. ## What is Code Obfuscation? There are many things that obfuscation could be: - Encrypted code that is decrypted prior to runtime. - Compressed code that is decompressed prior to runtime. - Executables that contain Encrypted sections, and a simple decrypter. - Code instructions that are put in a hard-to read order. - Code instructions which are used in a non-obvious way. This chapter will try to examine some common methods of obfuscating code, but will not necessarily delve into methods to break the obfuscation. ## Interleaving Optimizing Compilers will engage in a process called **interleaving** to try and maximize parallelism in pipelined processors. This technique is based on two premises: 1. That certain instructions can be executed out of order and still maintain the correct output 2. That processors can perform certain pairs of tasks simultaneously. ### x86 NetBurst Architecture The Intel **NetBurst Architecture** divides an x86 processor into 2 distinct parts: the supporting hardware, and the primitive core processor. The primitive core of a processor contains the ability to perform some calculations blindingly fast, but not the instructions that you or I am familiar with. The processor first converts the code instructions into a form called \"micro-ops\" that are then handled by the primitive core processor. The processor can also be broken down into 4 components, or modules, each of which is capable of performing certain tasks. Since each module can operate separately, up to 4 separate tasks can be handled *simultaneously* by the processor core, so long as those tasks can be performed by each of the 4 modules: Port0 : Double-speed integer arithmetic, floating point load, memory store ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Port1 : Double-speed integer arithmetic, floating point arithmetic ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Port2 : memory read ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Port3 : memory write (writes to address bus) So for instance, the processor can simultaneously perform 2 integer arithmetic instructions in both Port0 and Port1, so a compiler will frequently go to great lengths to put arithmetic instructions close to each other. If the timing is just right, up to 4 arithmetic instructions can be executed in a single instruction period. Notice however that writing to memory is particularly slow (requiring the address to be sent by Port3, and the data itself to be written by Port0). Floating point numbers need to be loaded to the FPU before they can be operated on, so a floating point load and a floating point arithmetic instruction cannot operate on a single value in a single instruction cycle. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see floating point values loaded, integer values be manipulated, and then the floating point value be operated on. ## Non-Intuitive Instructions Optimizing compilers frequently will use instructions that are not intuitive. Some instructions can perform tasks for which they were not designed, typically as a helpful side effect. Sometimes, one instruction can perform a task more quickly than other specialized instructions can. The only way to know that one instruction is faster than another is to consult the processor documentation. However, knowing some of the most common substitutions is very useful to the reverser. Here are some examples. The code in the first box operates more quickly than the one in the second, but performs exactly the same tasks. **Example 1** *Fast* ``` asm xor eax, eax ``` *Slow* ``` asm mov eax, 0 ``` **Example 2** *Fast* ``` asm shl eax, 3 ``` *Slow* ``` asm push edx push 8 mul dword [esp] add esp, 4 pop edx ;# edx is not preserved by "mul" ``` Sometimes such transformations could be made to make the analysis more difficult: **Example 3** *Fast* ``` asm push $next_instr jmp $some_function $next_instr:... ``` *Slow* ``` asm call $some_function ``` **Example 4** *Fast* ``` asm pop eax jmp eax ``` *Slow* ``` asm retn ``` ### Common Instruction Substitutions lea : The lea instruction has the following form: ``` asm lea dest, (XS:)[reg1 + reg2 * x] ``` Where XS is a segment register (SS, DS, CS, etc\...), reg1 is the base address, reg2 is a variable offset, and x is a multiplicative scaling factor. What lea does, essentially, is load the memory address being pointed to in the second argument, into the first argument. Look at the following example: ``` asm mov eax, 1 lea ecx, [eax + 4] ``` Now, what is the value of ecx? The answer is that ecx has the value of (eax + 4), which is 5. In essence, lea is used to do addition and multiplication of a register and a constant that is a byte or less (-128 to +127). Now, consider: ``` asm mov eax, 1 lea ecx, [eax+eax*2] ``` Now, ecx equals 3. The difference is that lea is quick (because it only adds a register and a small constant), whereas the **add** and **mul** instructions are more versatile, but slower. lea is used for arithmetic in this fashion very frequently, even when compilers are not actively optimizing the code. xor : The xor instruction performs the bit-wise exclusive-or operation on two operands. Consider then, the following example: ``` asm mov al, 0xAA xor al, al ``` What does this do? Let\'s take a look at the binary: `    10101010 ;10101010 = 0xAA`\ `xor 10101010`\ `    --------`\ `    00000000` The answer is that \"xor reg, reg\" sets the register to 0. More importantly, however, is that \"xor eax, eax\" sets eax to 0 *faster* (and the generated code instruction is smaller) than an equivalent \"mov eax, 0\". mov edi, edi : On a 64-bit x86 system, this instruction clears the high 32-bits of the rdi register. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` shl, shr : left-shifting, in binary arithmetic, is equivalent to multiplying the operand by 2. Right-shifting is also equivalent to integer division by 2, although the lowest bit is dropped. in general, left-shifting by $N$ spaces multiplies the operand by $2^N$, and right shifting by $N$ spaces is the same as dividing by $2^N$. One important fact is that resulting number is an integer with no fractional part present. For example: ``` asm mov al, 31 ; 00011111 shr al, 1 ; 00001111 = 15, not 15.5 ``` xchg : xchg exchanges the contents of two registers, or a register and a memory address. A noteworthy point is the fact that xchg operates faster than a move instruction. For this reason, xchg will be used to move a value from a source to a destination, when the value in the source no longer needs to be saved. As an example, consider this code: ``` asm mov ebx, eax mov eax, 0 ``` Here, the value in `eax` is stored in `ebx`, and then `eax` is loaded with the value zero. We can perform the same operation, but using `xchg` and `xor` instead: ``` asm xchg eax, ebx xor eax, eax ``` It may surprise you to learn that the second code example operates significantly faster than the first one does. ## Obfuscators There are a number of tools on the market that will automate the process of code obfuscation. These products will use a number of transformations to turn a code snippet into a less-readable form, although it will not affect the program flow itself (although the transformations may increase code size or execution time). ## Code Transformations Code transformations are a way of reordering code so that it performs exactly the same task but becomes more difficult to trace and disassemble. We can best demonstrate this technique by example. Let\'s say that we have 2 functions, FunctionA and FunctionB. Both of these two functions are comprised of 3 separate parts, which are performed in order. We can break this down as such: ``` C FunctionA() { FuncAPart1(); FuncAPart2(); FuncAPart3(); } FunctionB() { FuncBPart1(); FuncBPart2(); FuncBPart3(); } ``` And we have our main program, that executes the two functions: ``` C main() { FunctionA(); FunctionB(); } ``` Now, we can rearrange these snippets to a form that is much more complicated (in assembly): ``` asm main: jmp FAP1 FBP3: call FuncBPart3 jmp end FBP1: call FuncBPart1 jmp FBP2 FAP2: call FuncAPart2 jmp FAP3 FBP2: call FuncBPart2 jmp FBP3 FAP1: call FuncAPart1 jmp FAP2 FAP3: call FuncAPart3 jmp FBP1 end: ``` As you can see, this is much harder to read, although it perfectly preserves the program flow of the original code. This code is much harder for a human to read, although it isn\'t hard at all for an automatic disassembler (such as IDA Pro) to read. ## Opaque Predicates An **Opaque Predicate** is a predicate inside the code, that cannot be evaluated during static analysis. This forces the attacker to perform a dynamic analysis to understand the result of the line. Typically this is related to a branch instruction that is used to prevent in static analysis the understanding which code path is taken. ## Code Encryption Code can be encrypted, just like any other type of data, except that code can also work to encrypt and decrypt *itself.* Encrypted programs cannot be directly disassembled. However, such a program can also not be run directly because the encrypted opcodes cannot be interpreted properly by the CPU. For this reason, an encrypted program must contain some sort of method for decrypting itself prior to operation. The most basic method is to include a small stub program that decrypts the remainder of the executable, and then passes control to the decrypted routines. ### Disassembling Encrypted Code To disassemble an encrypted executable, you must first determine how the code is being decrypted. Code can be decrypted in one of two primary ways: 1. All at once. The entire code portion is decrypted in a single pass, and left decrypted during execution. Using a debugger, allow the decryption routine to run completely, and then dump the decrypted code into a file for further analysis. 2. By Block. The code is encrypted in separate blocks, where each block may have a separate encryption key. Blocks may be decrypted before use, and re-encrypted again after use. Using a debugger, you can attempt to capture all the decryption keys and then use those keys to decrypt the entire program at once later, or you can wait for the blocks to be decrypted, and then dump the blocks individually to a separate file for analysis.
# X86 Disassembly/Debugger Detectors ## Detecting Debuggers It may come as a surprise that a running program can actually detect the presence of an attached user-mode debugger. Also, there are methods available to detect kernel-mode debuggers, although the methods used depend in large part on which debugger is trying to be detected. This subject is peripheral to the narrative of this book, and the section should be considered an optional one for most readers. ## IsDebuggerPresent API The Win32 API contains a function called \"IsDebuggerPresent\", which will return a boolean true if the program is being debugged. The following code snippet will detail a general usage of this function: ``` C if(IsDebuggerPresent()) { TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 1); } ``` Of course, it is easy to spot uses of the IsDebuggerPresent() function in the disassembled code, and a skilled reverser will simply patch the code to remove this line. For OllyDbg, there are many plugins available which hide the debugger from this and many other APIs. ## PEB Debugger Check The Process Environment Block stores the value that IsDebuggerPresent queries to determine its return value. To avoid suspicion, some programmers access the value directly from the PEB instead of calling the API function. The following code snippet shows how to access the value: ``` asm mov eax, [fs:0x30] mov al, [eax+2] test al, al jne @DebuggerDetected ``` ## Kernel Mode Debugger Check On Windows 32 and 64-bit Win \<XP?, 7,8.1 and 10. There is a structure called \_KUSER_SHARED_DATA at offset 0x2D4 it contains the field named \'KdDebuggerEnabled\' which is set to 0x03 if a KDM is active or 0x00 if not. Base address of the structure is static (0x7FFE0000) across different Windows versions even \< XP. The field is updated constantly with the last 2 bits set to \'11\' by the kernel. The following assembly instruction will work in both 32 and 64-bit applications: ``` asm cmp byte ptr ds:[7FFE02D4], 3 je @DebuggerDetected ``` This has quite a few advantages. Known Source of information. ## Timeouts Debuggers can put break points in the code, and can therefore stop program execution. A program can detect this, by monitoring the system clock. If too much time has elapsed between instructions, it can be determined that the program is being stopped and analyzed (although this is not always the case). If a program is taking too much time, the program can terminate. Notice that on preemptive multithreading systems, such as modern Windows or Linux systems will switch away from your program to run other programs. This is called thread switching. If the system has many threads to run, or if some threads are hogging processor time, your program may detect a long delay and may falsely determine that the program is being debugged. ## Detecting SoftICE SoftICE is a local kernel debugger, and as such, it can\'t be detected as easily as a user-mode debugger can be. The IsDebuggerPresent API function will not detect the presence of SoftICE. To detect SoftICE, there are a number of techniques that can be used: 1. Search for the SoftICE install directory. If SoftICE is installed, the user is probably a hacker or a reverser. 2. Detect the presence of **int 1**. SoftICE uses interrupt 1 to debug, so if interrupt 1 is installed, SoftICE is running. ## Detecting OllyDbg OllyDbg is a popular 32-bit usermode debugger. Unfortunately, the last few releases, including the latest version (v1.10) contain a vulnerability in the handling of the Win32 API function OutputDebugString(). 1 A programmer trying to prevent his program from being debugged by OllyDbg could exploit this vulnerability in order to make the debugger crash. The author has never released a fix, however there are unofficial versions and plugins available to protect OllyDbg from being exploited using this vulnerability.
# Foundations of Computer Science/Introduction Have you ever wondered what computing is and how a computer works? What exactly is computer science? Why---beyond the obvious reasons---is it important? What do computer scientists do? What types of problems do they work on? What approaches do they use to solve those problems? How, in general, do computer scientists think? **Question 1:** What do you think of when you hear \"computer science?\" Write a paragraph or list, or draw an image or diagram of what comes to mind. **Question 2:** What are the parts of computer science that are most interesting or important to you currently? Why? When you hear the term \"computer science\" perhaps you think of a specific computer. Or someone you know who works with computers. Or a particular computer use, say online games or social networks. There are many, many different aspects of computing and computer science. There are a number of reasons why it is useful and important to know something about this computer science. Computers affect many, many aspects of our lives in different ways. For many people, computers are playing or will play a significant role in the work they do, in their recreational pursuits, in how they communicate with others, in their education, in their health care, etc. Think about the many different ways you encounter computers and computing, either directly or indirectly, in your daily life. What, more specifically, will this book cover? The foremost purpose of this text is to give you a greater understanding of the fundamentals of computer science: What is computer science, anyway? Is the same as computer programming? What is a computer? For example, most people would agree that a \"laptop computer\" is a computer, as is a \"tablet computer\", but what about a smartphone? And how do computers work? For example, we can store not only numbers and text in computers, but also images, video files, and audio files; how do computers handle such disparate data? And what are some interesting and important subareas of computer science? For example, what is important to know about subareas such as computer graphics, networking, or databases? And why is any of this important? Isn\'t it sufficient for most people just to use computers, rather than have a deeper understanding of computers and computer science? These are all fundamental questions about computing, and in this book we\'ll look at them and other questions. In summary, one purpose of this book is to provide an overview of computer science that not only exposes you to computer science fundamentals---such as how a computer works on a rudimentary level---but also explores why these fundamentals are important. There are two parts of this overview that are particularly important: while the main theme is an overview of computer science, two essential subthemes are how mathematics is used in computer science and how computer science affects, and is affected by, society. Both subthemes fit well in an overview of computer science book. Computer science relies heavily on mathematics (in fact, some colleges have computer science and mathematics programs in a joint department). Certain uses of mathematics in computer science are obvious---for example, in computational tools such as spreadsheets---but there are also many less obvious ways that mathematics is essential to computer science. For example at the lowest level in a computer, data (whether that data is numeric, text, audio, video, etc.) is all represented in binary, i.e., as strings of 0\'s and 1\'s. This means that to understand something very basic about computers you need to understand binary numbers and operations. Computers also affect society in many ways, from the use of computer-generated imagery in films, to large government or commercial databases, to the multiple societal effects of the Internet. And society affects computers, for example through user behavior and through different types of regulation. While mathematics and technology and society might seem too different to be included comfortably in the same book, there are actually many computer science topics that are useful to explore from both perspectives---in a sense, these different viewpoints are \"two sides of the same coin.\" For example, one topic in the book is computer security. Mathematics plays a role in security, for example in encryption. And computer security also has many societal aspects, for example national security, infrastructure security, and individual security. Most of the topics in this text similarly have both mathematical underpinnings and societal aspects, and exploring these topics from both perspectives will result in a richer understanding. ## What this book isn\'t There are a number of different types of introductory computer science books. So, in addition to explaining what this text is, it is also useful to state what it is not. *This is not a programming book.* Programming is a central activity in computer science, but it is not the whole of computer science. Because programming is important, we\'ll spend some time on it. However, because computer science is much more than programming, and because this is an overview book, that time will be only a small part of this work. *This is not a computer applications book.* Many other books cover basic computer applications. For example, a popular choice is teaching how to use a word processor, a spreadsheet, a database management program, and presentation software. These and other applications are important parts of computer science, and so in this book you will get a chance to learn about some applications that might be new to you. However---like programming--- using applications is only part of learning about computer science, and so application use will be only a small part of this book. \'\'This is not a \"computer literacy\" or \"computer fluency\" book. There are a variety of definitions of computer literacy or computer fluency. For example, the Wikipedia definition, derived from a report from the U.S. Congress of Technology Assessment, is \"the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving.\"[^1] Parts of this book will involve using computers to gain a variety of skills. For example, you will do a variety of computer-related tasks such as performing web searches, constructing web pages, doing elementary computer programming, and working with databases. However, this is just one part, rather than the totality, of the text. So this book shares some characteristics of a computer literacy book, but overall it has a wider focus than that type of a textbook. *This is not a \"great ideas in computer science\" book.* One current trend in computer science introductory materials is to study computer science through its important, fundamental ideas.[^2] And this book does cover some key ideas. For example, an early topic we\'ll study is how all data in computers, whether those data are numeric, text, video, or others, are represented within the computer as 0\'s and 1\'s. In general, the topics in the book are fundamental to computer science. However, this text also differs from a great ideas book. It is not focused solely on ideas, but explores broadly a number of computer-related issues, subtopics, and computer skills. Moreover, this book focuses more on mathematical thinking, and on technology and society, than a typical great ideas book would. In addition to programming, applications, computer fluency, and great ideas, there are a number of other types of introductory computer science textbooks. Some survey a variety of computer science topics. Others focus on professional software development practices. Still others look at look at computing through a particular \"lens\" such as networks or computational biology. And so on. This book has some common characteristics with these other courses, but also has significant differences. In particular, the biggest difference is this book blends an overview of computer science with a strong emphasis on mathematics, and on society and technology; this is a balance of emphases that has a number of advantages, but is not usually seen in introductory computer science courses. ## What is this book about? Both mathematical thinking and technology and society are significant parts of this book. Many textbooks present an introduction to computer science though programming, or through how computers work, or through some other aspect of computing. However, there is not a suitable text that combines an overview of computer science with both sufficient mathematical and sufficient society and technology emphases. At first glance, it might seem odd that a book introducing computer science would deal with liberal education. What does computer science have to do with liberal education? Understanding computers well involves exploring them from a variety of different viewpoints. This includes understanding not only how computers work---including, for example, the mathematical underpinnings of computer science---but also how they affect, and are affected by, society. In summary, to have a good understanding of computers and computer science it is important to explore them from a variety of perspectives, including the perspectives embodied in liberal education. ### Mathematical thinking **Question 3.** What do you think of when you hear the word \"mathematics?\" Write a paragraph or list, or draw an image or diagram of what comes to mind. **Question 4.** Based on your experience with computers, write a list of some places where mathematics is used in computing. What do computers and mathematics have in common? Why is it appropriate for an overview of computer science book to require mathematical thinking? Much of the use of mathematics in this book is applying mathematical ideas and operations to solve computer science problems. There are a number of important mathematical underpinnings of computer science, and so understanding computer science involves being able to solve mathematical problems involving these underpinnings. At the same time, the different uses of mathematics in this text exemplify characteristics of mathematics as a whole, and of the close tie between the fields of mathematics and computer science. For instance, the mathematics in the book illustrates the following: - The reliance of many key ideas in computer science, such as data representation, on mathematics. - The use of special mathematics- or logic-related notation and terminology in many parts of computer science. - The ability to represent and work with many different types of data in the computer, and the related ability to represent and work with quantities in different representations using a variety of operations. - The need for rigor in solving problems, analyzing situations, or specifying computational processes. - The use of numbers and arithmetic in solving computational problems. However, rather than being simple arithmetic problems, these problems often have some special characteristics such as involving repeated operations, or involving extremely large or extremely small numbers. - The existence of a variety of different algorithms for solving such diverse problems as pattern matching, counting specified values in a table of data, or finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. Solving many of the problems in this book will involve doing some mathematics, and therefore manipulating mathematical or logical symbols. Here are a few examples: - In exploring low-level logical operations you\'ll need to manipulate binary representation and logical operators. - In studying the growth rate of algorithms you\'ll need to work with the *Ο* and *Θ* notations commonly used by computer scientists. - In specifying computational processes you\'ll need to use \"pseudocode\" or a programming language. These share many notational characteristics with mathematical or logical symbols, especially when the computational processing involves a large number of numeric computations. The level of mathematics in this book is introductory-level college mathematics. As such, the mathematics is not advanced, and there is no mathematical prerequisite for this book beyond the requirements needed for general college admission. At the same time, the mathematics in this book goes beyond high school mathematics even though many of the types of mathematics used in this text appear in some high school mathematics courses. As an example, one appearance of mathematics in this book is binary (or base 2) representation. This is a topic that often appears in high school mathematics courses, and the basics of binary representation are not complicated. In this book we review such basics as how to convert numbers between decimal (base 10) and binary representation, and how to do simple operations such as adding two binary numbers. However, we also use binary representation in additional ways that underpin the workings of computers. Here are a few examples: - We\'ll look at a few different ways to represent numbers in binary representation. For example, integers are often represented in binary not using the usual straightforward binary representation, but in \"two\'s complement\" form. So part of this book is learning not only about the \"usual\" binary representation, but also about these alternatives. - We\'ll look at various issues with binary representation, such as the number of \"bits\" used, that are important in determining the range and precision of numbers used by computers. - In addition to representing numbers, we will also look at how computers use binary representation to represent and operate on other types of data such as text, colors, and images. - In addition to basic operations such as binary addition, we will also look at other operations on binary representations. For example, logical operations are important in masking colors in image processing, and in implementing arithmetic operations in low-level computer hardware. In summary, even though many of the mathematical topics in this book appear in high school mathematics, they go beyond the usual high school treatment of those topics in breadth or depth. ### Technology and society **Question 5.** What do you think of when you hear \"technology and society?\" Write a paragraph or list, or draw an image or diagram of what comes to mind. **Question 6.** Based on your experience with computing, write a list of examples of how computing affects, and is affected by, society. The topic of this book is computers and computing. Computers have affected society in numerous and diverse ways, some of which we\'ll explore in this book. And current and future computer applications will affect society in even more ways. Through this book you should get an understanding of how computers work. This includes understanding the basics of computer hardware and computer software. More broadly, however, computer science relies on results from other areas of science, engineering, and related fields. The most prominent example of this we will see in this text is various ways that mathematics is essential in computer science. Technology affects society. However, it is not a one-way street. Society also affects technology. For example, society fosters technology by means such as government support for research. As another example, different individuals, businesses, and other organizations adopt and use technology in ways often not foreseen by the technology\'s creators. In this book we\'ll look at a variety of instances of how society affects technology. These include government funding for the early Internet, Internet regulation, how business considerations affect computing products, and societal aspects of computer security. In many topics in computers and society there are multiple stakeholders. These can include individual users, developers, companies (producers, consumers, and intermediaries), government bodies, professional organizations, and other types of organizations. These different stakeholders often have different views and different goals. In this book we will often look at technology and society issues from numerous perspectives. Sometimes we will focus on a specific perspective or the role of a specific stakeholder. However, other times we will explore issues more broadly: Who are the stakeholders? What is their role in this issue? What are their goals? One often hears conflicting views on computer and society issues. Computers are beneficial for society. Computers are harmful to society. The Internet is making it easier for people to communicate and is bringing people together. The Internet is making people more isolated. Computers and automation are robbing people of jobs. Computers and automation create jobs.[^3] In this book we\'ll often explore issues that are contentious and/or complicated. How do we avoid a superficial, one-sided understanding of such issues? How do we resolve conflicting claims about such issues? Computing technology not only has had massive effects on society, but continues to affect society. Not a day goes by without some technological advance involving computing. In many ways the \"computer revolution\" is just beginning. One goal of this book is that you\'ll learn enough about computing in general, about trends in computing, and about computing and society that you\'ll be able to evaluate new technology. Note that \"evaluate\" might mean different things in different contexts. For instance, it might mean give an informed projection about whether a new computer product will be successful or not. Or it might mean predict future computer advances in a certain area. Or it might mean analyze whether a new computer application is more likely to be more beneficial than harmful. ## Additional questions for thought and discussion Here are some additional introductory questions. **Question 7.** How do you use computers? List the most important ways. **Question 8.** Write down a list of movies in which computing plays a major role. For each movie, indicate whether computing is portrayed as beneficial, harmful, beneficial in some ways but harmful in others, or neutral. **Question 9.** Do you think computers, on the whole, have more positive effects than negative ones, more negative ones than positive, or about equal positive and negative effects? Why? **Question 10.** List some ways computers are beneficial to society. Then list some ways they are harmful. **Question 11.** Suppose you were to write a novel, play, screenplay, etc. about some aspect of computers and society. Describe what the theme or themes of your work would be. **Question 12.** What does \"technology\" mean? What are some important ways you use technology in your daily life? **Question 13.** Suppose you had to write a short essay or short story entitled \"Computers and Me.\" What would be some key points or themes in that work? **Question 14.** Suppose you had to write a short essay or short story entitled \"Technology and Me.\" What would be some key points or themes in that work? ## Notes ```{=html} <references /> ``` [^1]: See Computer literacy at the English Wikipedia. Accessed May 20, 2015. [^2]: For example, see This site organizes principles into seven categories: computation, communication, coordination, recollection, automation, evaluation, and design. There are a number of good ideas, insights, and frameworks in this and related approaches, and in fact many of the key ideas in this book will relate in some way to Denning\'s principles. [^3]: See
# Foundations of Computer Science/What is Computing ## What is Computing In this course, we try to focus on computing principles (big ideas) rather than computer technologies, which are tools and applications of the principles. Computing is defined by a set of principles or ideas, which underlies a myriad of technologies that are created based on the principles. Technologies can be complex and constantly evolving but principles stays the same. In the second half of the course, we will study various technologies to demonstrate the power of computing and how principles are applied. In addition to principles of computing and technologies there are practices of computing - what professionals do to advance computing. The chart to the right illustrates the difference between principles of computing and practices of computing. Principles underlie technologies and practices. A consumer exploits the power of computing through the applications built for them for various tasks. We believe everyone needs to know the principles of computing because such principles are widely applicable. As professionals in the field of computing we need to know the two ends and everything in the middle - the practices (activities and skills that make computing useful and effective). !This chart illustrates the difference between principles of computing and practices of computing.{width="600"} We will use the terms computing and computation interchangeably throughout the book. ### Principles of Computing Computing is fundamentally about information processes. One of the big ideas of computing is that information processes can be carried out purely mechanically via symbol manipulation. The agent that does the computing, whether a thinking human being or a machine (computer), does not matter. Toward the end of the book we will see this is true for all modern computers - digital computers manipulate two symbols (zero and one) blindly according to instructions. #### An Analogy The following analogy from the \"Thinking as Computation\" book [^1] illustrates the idea. Imagine that we have the following table of symbols. a b c d e f g h i j --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- a aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj b ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ba c ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ba bb d ad ae af ag ah ai aj ba bb bc e ae af ag ah ai aj ba bb bc bd f af ag ah ai aj ba bb bc bd be g ag ah ai aj ba bb bc bd be bf h ah ai aj ba bb bc bd be bf bg i ai aj ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh j aj ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi The symbols can be any set of symbols, we pick the letters from the English alphabet for simplicity. We can define a procedure P that takes two symbols (\'a\' through \'j\') as the input and produces two symbols in the same set as the output. Internally, the procedure uses the first input symbol to find a row that starts with the same symbol, then uses the second input symbol to find a column with the same symbol at the top, and then report/return the symbols at the cross point. It is not hard to imagine such a table lookup procedure can be done purely mechanically (blindly) by a simple agent (e.g. a device or a machine). Of course a human being can do it but this type of symbol manipulation requires no human intelligence. Two conclusions can be drawn from this thought experiment: - Symbol manipulation can be done mechanically. - The machine that performs the manipulation does not need to know the meaning of the symbols nor the purpose of the manipulation. This procedure can be meaningful if we know how to interpret the symbols. For example, if the symbols \'a\' through \'j\' represent quantities of 0 through 9 respectively, this procedure performs single decimal digit addition. For instance, p(d, f) = p(3, 5) = ai = 08, which is the correct result of 3+5. The following table is essentially the same as the previous one except that it uses symbols that are meaningful to humans. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 2 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 3 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 4 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 5 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 6 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Now that we have a simple procedure P that can instruct a simple agent to add two single digit decimal numbers, we can devise a new procedure P1 that can add three single-digit decimal numbers as shown in the following chart. !This chart illustrates a way to build a P1 procedure from a P1 procedure.{width="600"} The new procedure P1 employs three instances of procedure P to add three decimal digits and return two digits as the result. We can view the procedures as machines with inputs and outputs and the lines are pipes that allow the symbols to go from one place to another place. It is not hard to imagine that an agent that can carry out P can carry out P1 as P1 is entirely made up of P. Note that the dotted rectangle represents the new procedure P1 made up of instances of P and the answer given by P1 for the sample inputs is correct. Again the symbols used in the process can be any set of symbols because internally simple table lookups are performed. Now imagine that we could use P1 to construct more complex procedures, for example procedure P2 in the following chart. !This chart illustrates a way to build a P2 procedure from a P1 procedure.{width="600"} P2 uses P1 to add two double-digit numbers, in fact we can simply add more P1s to the design to deal with any numbers of digits. By now we can make the following observations: - Whatever machine that can perform P can perform P1, P2, and etc. - We have made procedures that perform seemingly intelligent activities by making them more complex and at the same time kept them doable by simple machines. If we follow the same line of reasoning, it is not hard to imagine we can create increasingly more complex procedures to instruct the simple machine to do progressively more intelligent things, such as - integer subtraction - compare two integers (subtraction and check the sign of the result) - integer multiplication (repeated addition) - represent fractions using a pair of integers and do arithmetic on them - use matrices of integers to represent systems of equations and solve them using matrix operations - use systems of equations to model complex physical systems and perform numerical simulations of these systems In summary, from this example we can see that simple symbolic operations can be assembled to form larger procedures to perform amazing activities through computational processes. Such activities are not limited to numerical calculations. If we can represent abstract ideas as symbols (as we represent abstract quantities as concrete numbers) and device procedures to manipulate the symbols according to the relations among the ideas we can model reasoning as computational processes. This is what computer science is fundamentally about - information processes with two essential components: representations and a sequence of rules for manipulation of the representations. Note that it has nothing to do with electronics or physics. The machine that carries out such processes does not need to know the meaning of the symbols and why the process yields correct results. The machine only needs to follow the procedures (a set of rules) blindly. As an example, you can read about a mechanical computer (difference engine) designed by Charles Babbage that can tabulate polynomial functions: !A difference engine: computing the solution to a polynomial function.jpg "A difference engine: computing the solution to a polynomial function"){width="600"} #### Another Analogy Richard Feynman used another similar analogy (file clerk) to explain how computers work from the inside out in his Computer Heuristics Lecture (1 hour 15 mins): <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKWGGDXe5MA> #### History Now that we have learned computing is, in essence, a certain manipulation of symbols. A computer\'s ability to perform amazing tasks depends on its ability to manipulate symbols according to well defined rules. In fact, digital computers only manipulate two symbols - zeros and ones. The intelligence of computing lies in the design and implementations of the rules/programs. In the future, when talking about computer machinery, we will see computers are constructed using such principles. You may wonder where the ideas come from. Many people in history made significant contributions to ideas of computing and computers. Gottfried Leibniz (1646--1716), a German philosopher, is considered the first person to dream of reducing reasoning to calculation and building a machine capable of carrying out such calculations. He observed that in arithmetic we represent abstract quantities using symbols and manipulate the symbols to get useful results according to rules. He dreamed that we could represent abstract ideas using symbols and reason with the ideas according to the logics between the ideas via similar concrete symbol manipulation as we do in arithmetic. Such manipulations give us correct results not because whoever does the manipulation is intelligent but because the rules of manipulation mirrors relationships between quantities and logics between ideas. Because of Leibniz's dream, now we have computer science and universal machines called computers. A computer is fundamentally a physical device that can manipulate symbols following very simple logic rules. Almost all computers are electronic because it happens to be cheaper and easier to build that way. Computer science is fundamentally about the information process (dealing with abstract ideas) that takes place through symbol manipulation, which follows a recipe (a set of rules). Such recipes are also known as algorithms. No wonder so many computer programming books are called cookbooks :) In computer science we study how to represent information and how to design and apply algorithms to get meaningful results. There are usually many ways to perform the same task. Comparing algorithms for evaluation purposes is called algorithm (complexity) analysis. Communicating an algorithm (recipe) to a computer is called programming/software development. The languages we use for such communication are called computer programming languages. The artifacts of programming are computer programs or software. The engineering disciplines we try to apply in the software development process to produce quality software is called software engineering. So computer science is more about problem solving than computers. Computing science is probably a more appropriate name for this discipline. ### Practices of Computing Principles are fundamental ideas that permeate all aspects of computing. Practices are not principles but are very useful to identify because they identify the central practices of computing professionals. Practices, sometimes called \"know-hows\", define someone\'s skill set and the level of competency: beginner, competent, and expert. The four core practices of computing are identified in the Great Principles of Computing project:[^2] - Programming (including multilingual programming practice) - Systems and systems thinking - Modeling, validating, testing, and measuring - Innovating Programming is an integral part of computer science because it allows us to explore abstract ideas in computer science in concrete ways. It is also an exciting creative process, which brings a great deal of satisfaction when we can make computers do useful things. In this course we will program in a very high-level graphical programming environment to explore ideas in computer science. Donald Knuth regards programming like composition: well-written programs are a pleasure for others or yourself to read. He believes that programming is triply rewarding : - beautiful code (aesthetic) - do useful work (humanitarian) - get paid (economic) Programming a computer is essentially teaching the computer how to do things. As we mentioned previously computers are simple machines that strictly follow orders. For a computer to do the right task the instructions in our program must be correct and logical. Programs that are executable on a computer are software - serving as the brain of the computer. Software with errors is called buggy (see for the history of this name) software. Testing software on an actual computer can help catch most bugs in the software. Testing provides almost immediate feedback to the quality of our programs so that we can fix bugs and improve it. Because of this, we believe programming makes us better thinkers and learners. We will see why it is hard to prove the correctness of programs. !A person interacts with a computer in a programming activity.{width="600"} ## References [^1]: Levesque, Hector,Thinking as Computation, Hector J. Levesque, [^2]: Denning, Peter, The Great Principles of Computing, <http://denninginstitute.com/pjd/GP/GP-site/welcome.html>
# Foundations of Computer Science/Information Representation ## Information Representation ### Introductory problem Computers often represent colors as a red-green-blue (RGB) set of numbers, called a \"triple\", where each of the red, green, and blue components is an integer between 0 and 255. For example, the color (255, 0, 10) has full red, no green, and a small amount of blue. Write an algorithm that takes as input the RGB components for a color, and returns a message indicating the largest component or components. For example, if the input color is (100, 255, 0), the algorithm should output \"`Largest component(s): green`\". And if the input color is (255, 255, 255), then the algorithm should output \"`Largest component(s): red, green, blue`\". ### Overview of this chapter One amazing aspect of computers is they can store so many different types of data. Of course computers can store numbers. But unlike simple calculators they can also store text, and they can store colors, and images, and audio, and video, and many other types of data. And not only can they store many different types, but they can also analyze them, and they can transmit them to other computers. This versatility is one reason why computers are so useful, and affect so many areas of our lives. To understand computers and computer science, it is important to know something about how computers deal with different types of data. Let\'s return to colors. How are colors stored in a computer? The introductory problem states one way: as an RGB triple. This is not the only possible way. RGB is just one of many color systems. For example, sometimes colors are represented as an HSV triple: by hue, saturation, and value. However, RGB is the most common color representation in computer programs. This leads to a deeper issue: how are *numbers* stored in a computer? And why is it important anyway that we understand how numbers, and other different types of data, are stored and processed in a computer? This chapter deals with these and related questions. In particular, we will look at the following: 1. Why is this an important topic? 2. How do computers represent numbers? 3. How do computers represent text? 4. How do computers represent other types of data such as images? 5. What is the binary number system and why is it important in computer science? 6. How do computers do basic operations such as addition and subtraction? ### Goals Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Be able to explain how, on the lowest level, computers represent both numeric and text data, as well as other types of data such as color data. 2. Be able to explain and use the basic terminology in this area: bit, byte, megabyte, RGB triple, ASCII, etc. 3. Be able to convert numbers and text from one representation to another. 4. Be able to convert integers from one representation to another, for example from decimal representation to two\'s complement representation. 5. Be able to add and subtract numbers written in unsigned binary or in two\'s complement representation. 6. Be able to explain how the number of bits used to represent data affects the range and precision of the representation. 7. Be able to explain in general how computers represent different types of data such as images. 8. Be able to do calculations involving amounts of memory or download times for certain datasets. ### Data representation and mathematics How is data representation related to liberal education and mathematics? As you might guess, there is a strong connection. Computers store all data in terms of binary (i.e., base 2) numbers. So to understand computers it is necessary to understand binary. Moreover, you need to understand not only binary basics, but also some of the complications such as the \"two\'s complement\" notation discussed below. Binary representation is important not only because it is how computers represent data, but also because so much of computers and computing is based on it. For example, we will see it again in the chapter on machine organization. ### Data representation and society and technology *The computer revolution*. That is a phrase you often hear used to describe the many ways computers are affecting our lives. Another phrase you might hear is the *digital revolution*. What does the digital revolution mean? Nowadays, many of our devices are digital. We have digital watches, digital phones, digital radio, digital TVs, etc. However, previously many devices were *analog*: \"data \... represented by a continuously variable physical quantity\" [^1] Think, for example, of an old watch with second, minute, and hour hands that moved continuously (although very slowly for the minute and hour hands). Compare this with many modern-day watches that shows a digital representation of the time such as 2:03:23. This example highlights a key difference between analog and digital devices: analog devices rely on a continuous phenomenon and digital devices rely on a discrete one. As a second example of this difference, an analog radio receives audio radio broadcast signals which are transmitted as radio *waves*, while a digital radio receives signals which are streams of numbers.[^2] The digital revolution refers to the many digital devices, their uses, and their effects. These devices include not only computers, but also other devices or systems that play a major role in our lives, such as communication systems. Because digital devices usually store numbers using the binary number system, a major theme in this chapter is binary representation of data. Binary is fundamental to computers and computer science: to understand how computers work, and how computer scientists think, you need to understand binary. The first part of this chapter therefore covers binary basics. The second part then builds on the first and explains how computers store different types of data. ## Representation basics ### Introduction Computing is fundamentally about information processes. Each computation is a certain manipulation of symbols, which can be done purely mechanically (blindly). If we can represent information using symbols and know how to process the symbols and interpret the results, we can access valuable new information. In this section we will study information representation in computing. The algorithms chapters discuss ways to describe a sequence of operations. Computer scientists use algorithms to specify *behavior* of computers. But for these algorithms to be useful they need data, and so computers need ways to represent data.[^3] Information is conveyed as the content of messages, which when interpreted and perceived by our senses, causes certain mental responses. Information is always encoded into some form for transmission and interpretation. We deal with information all the time. For example, we receive information when we read a book, listen to a story, watch a movie, or dream a dream. We give information when we write an email, draw a picture, act in a show or give a speech. Information is abstract but it is conveyed through concrete media. For instance, a conversation on the phone communicates information but the information is represented by sound waves and electronic signals along the way. Information is abstract/virtual and the media that carry the information must be concrete/physical. Therefore before any information can be processed or communicated it must be quantified/digitized: a process that turns information into (data) representations using symbols. People have many ways to represent even a very simple number. For example, the number four can be represented as 4 or IV or `||||` or 2 + 2, and so on. How do computers represent numbers? (Or text? Or audio files?) The way computers represent and work with numbers is different from how we do. Since early computer history, the standard has been the binary number system. Computers \"like\" binary because it is extremely easy for them. However, binary is not easy for humans. While most of the time people do not need to be concerned with the internal representations that computers use, sometimes they do. ### Why binary? Suppose you and some friends are spending the weekend at a cabin. The group will travel in two separate cars, and you all agree that the first group to arrive will leave the front light on to make it easier for the later group. When the car you are in arrives at the cabin you will be able to tell by the light if your car arrived first. The light therefore encodes two possibilities: on (the other group has already arrived) or off (the other group hasn\'t arrived yet). To convey more information you could use two lights. For example, both off could mean the first group hasn\'t arrived yet, the first light off and second on indicate the first group has arrived but left to get supplies, the first on and second off that the group arrived but left to go fishing, and both on that the group has arrived and hasn\'t left. Note the key ideas here: a light can be on or off (we don\'t allow different level of light, multiple colors, or other options), just two possibilities. But the second is that if we want to represent more than two choices we can use more lights. This \"on or off\" idea is a powerful one. There are two and only two distinct choices or states: on or off, 0 or 1, black or white, present or absent, large or small, rough or smooth, etc.---all of these are different ways of representing possibilities. One reason the two-choice idea is so powerful is it is easier to build objects---computers, cameras, CDs, and so on---where the data at the lowest level is in two possible states, either a 0 or a 1.[^4] In computer representation, a *bit* (i.e., a binary digit) can be a 0 or a 1. A collection of bits is called a *bitstring*. A bitstring that is 8 bits long is called a *byte*. Bits and bytes are important concepts in computer storage and data transmission, and later on we\'ll explain them further along with some related terminology and concepts. But first we will look at the basic question of how a computer represents numbers. ### A brief historic aside Claude Shannon is considered the father of information theory because he is the first person who studied and built mathematical models for information and communication of information. He also made many other significant contributions to computing. His seminal paper "A mathematical theory of communication" (1948) changed our view of information, laying the foundation for the information age. Shannon discovered that the fundamental unit of information is a yes or no answer to a question or one bit with two distinct states, which can be represented by only two symbols. He also founded the design theory of digital computers/circuits by proving that propositions of Boolean algebra can be used to build a \"logic machine\" capable of carrying out general computation (manipulation of two types of symbols). Data, another term closely related to information, is an abstract concept of representations of information. We will use information representations and data interchangeably. ### External and internal information representation Information can be represented on different levels. It is helpful to separate information representations into two categories: external representation and internal representation. External representation is used for communication between humans and computers. Everything we see on a computer monitor or screen, whether it is text, image, or motion picture, is a representation of certain information. Computers also represent information externally using sound and other media, such as touch pads for the blind to read text. Internally all modern computers represent information as bits. We can think of a bit as a digit with two possible values. Since a bit is the fundamental unit of information it is sufficient to represent all information. It is also the simplest representation because only two symbols are needed to represent two distinct values. This makes it easy to represent bits physically - any device capable of having two distinct states works, e.g. a toggle switch. We will see later that modern computer processors are made up of tiny switches called transistors. ### Review of the decimal number system When bits are put together into sequences they can represent numbers. We are familiar with representing quantities with numbers. Numbers are concrete symbols representing abstract quantities. With ten fingers, humans conveniently adopted the base ten (decimal) numbering system, which requires ten different symbols. We all know decimal representation and use it every day. For instance, the arabic numerals use 0 through 9. Each symbol represents a power of ten depending on the position the symbol is in. So, for example, the number one hundred and twenty-four is $(1\times100) + (2\times10) + (4\times1)$. We can emphasize this by writing the powers of 10 over the digits in 124: `10^2  10^1 10^0`\ `   1     2    4` So if we take what we know about base 10 and apply it to base 2 we can figure out binary. But first recall that a bit is a binary digit and a byte is 8 bits. In this file most of the binary numbers we talk about will be one byte long. (Computers actually use more than one byte to represent most numbers. For example, most numbers are actually represented using 32 bits (4 bytes) or 64 bits (8 bytes). The more bits, the more different values you can represent: a single bit permits 2 values, 2 bits give 4 values, 3 bits gives 8 values, \..., 8 bits give 256 values, and in general *n* bits gives $2^n$ values. However when looking at binary examples we\'ll usually use 8 bit numbers to make the examples manageable. This base ten system used for numbering is somewhat arbitrary. In fact, we commonly use other base systems to represent quantities of different nature: base 7 for days in a week, base 60 for minutes in an hour, 24 for hours in a day, 16 for ounces in a pound, and so on. It is not hard to imagine base 2 (two symbols) is the simplest base system, because with fewer than two symbols, we cannot represent change (and therefore no information). ### Unsigned binary When we talk about decimal, we deal with 10 digits---0 through 9 (that\'s where *deci*mal comes from). In binary we only have two digits, that\'s why it\'s *bi*nary. The digits in binary are 0 and 1. You will never see any 2\'s or 3\'s, etc. If you do, something is wrong. A bit will always be a 0 or 1. Counting in binary proceeds as follows: `    0     (decimal 0) `\ `    1     (decimal 1) `\ `   10     (decimal 2) `\ `   11     (decimal 3) `\ `  100     (decimal 4) `\ `  101     (decimal 5) `\ `  ...` An old joke runs, \"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don\'t.\" The next thing to think about is what values are possible in one byte. Let\'s write out the powers of two in a byte: `2^7  2^6  2^5  2^4  2^3  2^2  2^1  2^0`\ `128  64   32   16   8    4    2    1 ` As an example, the binary number 10011001 is $(1\times128) + (0\times 64) + (0\times 32) + (1\times 16) + (1\times 8) + (0\times 4) + (0\times 2) + (1\times 1) = 153.$ Note each of the 8 bits can either be a 0 or a 1. So there are two possibilities for the leftmost bit, two for the next bit, two for the bit after that, and so on: two choices for each of the 8 bits. Multiplying these possibilities together gives $2^8$ or 256 possibilities. In *unsigned binary* these possibilities represent the integers between 0 (all bits 0) to 255 (all bits 1). All base systems work in the same way: the rightmost digit represents the quantity of the base raised to the zeroth power (recall that anything raised to the 0th power results in 1), and each digit to the left represents a quantity that is base times larger than the one represented by the digit immediately to the right. The binary number 1001 represents the quantity 9 in decimal, because the rightmost 1 represents $2^0=1$, the zeroes contribute nothing at the $2^1$ and $2^2$ positions, and finally the leftmost one represents $2^3=8$. When we use different base systems it is necessary to indicate the base as the subscript to avoid confusion. For example, we write $1001_2$ to indicate the number 1001 in binary (which represents the quantity 9 in decimal). The subscript 2 means \"binary\": it tells the reader that it does *not* represent a thousand and one in decimal. This example also shows us that representations have no intrinsic meaning. The same pattern of symbols, e.g. 1001, can represent different quantities depending on the way it is interpreted. There are many other ways to represent the quantity $9_{10}$ (remember: read this as \"nine in base 10 / decimal\"); for instance, the symbol 九 represents the same quantity in Chinese. As the same quantity can be represented differently, we can often change the representation without changing the quantity it represents. As shown before, the binary representation $1001_2$ is equivalent to the decimal representation $9_{10}$ - representing exactly the same quantity. In studying computing we often need to convert between decimal representation, which we are most familiar with, and binary representation, which is used internally by computers. ### Binary to decimal conversion Converting the binary representation of a non-negative integer to its decimal representation is a straight-forward process: summing up the quantities each binary digit represents yields the result. $1001_2=1\times2^3+0\times2^2+0\times2^1+1\times2^0=8+0+0+1=9_{10}$ ### Decimal to binary conversion One task you will need to do in this book, and which computer scientists often need to do, is to convert a decimal number to or from a binary number. The last subsection showed how to convert binary to decimal: take each power of 2 whose corresponding bit is a 1, and add those powers together. Suppose we want to do a decimal to binary conversion. As an example, let\'s convert the decimal value 75 to binary. Here\'s one technique that relies on successive division by 2: `75/2   quotient=37   remainder=1`\ `37/2   quotient=18   remainder=1`\ `18/2   quotient=9    remainder=0`\ `9/2    quotient=4    remainder=1`\ `4/2    quotient=2    remainder=0`\ `2/2    quotient=1    remainder=0`\ `1/2    quotient=0    remainder=1` We then take the remainders bottom-to-top to get 1001011. Since we usually work with group of 8 bits, if it doesn\'t fill all eight bits, we add zeroes at the front until it does. So we end up with 01001011. ## Binary mathematics ### Addition of binary numbers In addition to storing data, computers also need to do operations such as addition of data. How do we add numbers in binary representation? Addition of bits has four simple rules, shown here as four vertical columns: `  0      0      1      1`\ `+ 0    + 1    + 0    + 1`\ `=========================`\ `  0      1      1      10` Now if we have a binary number consisting of multiple bits we use these four rules, plus \"carrying\". Here\'s an example: `  00110101`\ `+ 10101100`\ `==========`\ `  11100001` Here\'s the same example, but with the carried bits listed explicitly, i.e., a 0 if there is no carry, and a 1 if there is. When 1+1=10, the 0 is kept in that column\'s solution and the 1 is carried over to be added to the next column left. `  0111100`\ `  00110101`\ `+ 10101100`\ `==========`\ `  11100001` We can check binary operations by converting each number to decimal: with both binary and decimal we\'re doing the same operations on the same numbers, but with different representations. If the representations and operations are correct the results should be consistent. Let\'s look one more time at the example addition problem we just solved above. Converting $00110101_2$ to decimal produces $53_{10}$ (do the conversion on your own to verify its accuracy), and converting $10101100_2$ gives $172_{10}$. Adding these yields $225_{10}$, which, when converted back to binary is indeed $11100001_2$. But binary addition doesn\'t always work *quite* right: `  01110100`\ `+ 10011111`\ `==========`\ ` 100010011  ` Note there are 9 bits in the result, but there should only be 8 in a byte. Here is the sum in decimal: `  116`\ `+ 159 `\ `=====`\ `  275` Note 275 which is greater than 255, the maximum we can hold in an 8-bit number. This results in a condition called **overflow**. Overflow is not an issue if the computer can go to a 9-bit binary number; however, if the computer only has 8 bits set aside for the result, overflow means that a program might not run correctly or at all. ### Subtraction of binary numbers Once again, let\'s start by looking at single bits: `  0      0      1      1`\ `- 0    - 1    - 0    - 1`\ `========================`\ `  0     -1      1      0` Notice that in the `-1` case, what we often want to do is get a 1 result and borrow. So let\'s apply this to an 8-bit problem: `  10011101`\ `- 00100010`\ `==========`\ `  01111011` which is the same as (in base 10), `  157`\ `-  34`\ `======`\ `  123` Here\'s the binary subtraction again with the borrowing shown: `  1100010`\ `  10011101`\ `- 00100010`\ `==========`\ `  01111011` Most people find binary subtraction significantly harder than binary addition. ## Other representations related to binary You might have had questions about the binary representation in the last section. For example, what about negative numbers? What about numbers with a fractional part? Aren\'t all those 0\'s and 1\'s difficult for humans to work with? These are good questions. In this and a couple of other sections we\'ll look at a few other representations that are used in computer science and are related to binary. ### Hexadecimal Computers are good at binary. Humans aren\'t. Binary is hard for humans to write, hard to read, and hard to understand. But what if we want a number system that is easier to read but still is closely tied to binary in some way, to preserve some of the advantages of binary? One possibility is *hexadecimal*, i.e., base 16. But using a base greater than 10 immediately presents a problem. Specifically, we run out of digits after 0 to 9 --- we can\'t use 10, 11, or greater because those have multiple digits within them. So instead we use letters: A is 10, B is 11, C is 12, D is 13, E is 14, and F is 15. So the digits we\'re using are 0 through F instead of 0 through 9 in decimal, or instead of 0 and 1 in binary. We also have to reexamine the value of each place. In hexadecimal, each place represents a power of 16. A two-digit hexadecimal number has a 16\'s place and a 1\'s place. For example, D8 has D in the 16\'s place, and 8 in the 1\'s place: `16^1  16^0  <- hexadecimal places showing powers of 16`\ `16    1     <- value of these places in decimal (base 10)`\ `D     8     <- our sample hexadecimal number` So the hexadecimal number D8 equals $(13 \times 16) + (8 \times 1) = 216$ in decimal. Note any two digit hexadecimal number, however, can represent the same amount of information as one byte of binary. (That\'s because the largest two-digit hex number $FF_{16} = (15 \times 16) + (15 \times 1) = 255_10 = 11111111_2$, the same maximum as 8 bits of binary.) So it\'s easier for us to read or write. When working with a number, there are times when which representation is being used isn\'t clear. For example, does 10 represent the number ten (so the representation is decimal), the number two (the representation is binary), the number sixteen (hexadecimal), or some other number? Often, the representation is clear from the context. However, when it isn\'t, we use a subscript to clarify which representation is being used, for example $10_{10}$ for decimal, versus $10_2$ for binary, versus $10_{16}$ for hexadecimal. Hexadecimal numbers can have more hexadecimal digits than the two we\'ve already seen. For example, consider $FF0581A4_{16}$, which uses the following powers of 16: `16^7  16^6  16^5  16^4  16^3  16^2  16^1  16^0`\ `F     F     0     5     8     1     A     4` So in decimal this is: $(15 \times 16^7) + (15 \times 16^6) + (0 \times 16^5) + (5 \times 16^4)$ $+ (8 \times 16^3) + (1 \times 16^2) + (10 \times 16^1) + (4 \times 16^0)$ $= 4,278,550,948$ Hexadecimal doesn\'t appear often, but it is used in some places, for example sometimes to represent memory addresses (you\'ll see this in a future chapter) or colors. Why is it useful in such cases? Consider a 24-bit RGB color with 8 bits each for red, green, and blue. Since 8 bits requires 2 hexadecimal digits, a 24-bit color needs 6 hexadecimal digits, rather than 24 bits. For example, `FF0088` indicates a 24-bit color with a full red component, no green, and a mid-level blue. Now there are additional types of conversion problems: `* Decimal to hexadecimal`\ `* Hexadecimal to decimal`\ `* Binary to hexadecimal`\ `* Hexadecimal to binary` Here are a couple examples involving the last two of these. Let\'s convert the binary number 00111100 to hexadecimal. To do this, break it into two 4-bit parts: 0011 and 1100. Now convert each part to decimal and get 3 and 12. The 3 is a hexadecimal digit, but 12 isn\'t. Instead recall that C is the hexadecimal representation for 12. So the hexadecimal representation for 00111100 is 3C. Rather than going from binary to decimal (for each 4-bit segment) and then to hexadecimal digits, you could go from binary to hexadecimal directly. Hexadecimal digits and their decimal and binary equivalents: first, base 16 (hexadecimal), then base 10 (decimal), then base 2 (binary). `16 10  2 <- bases`\ `===========`\ `0  0   0000`\ `1  1   0001`\ `2  2   0010`\ `3  3   0011`\ `4  4   0100`\ `5  5   0101`\ `6  6   0110`\ `7  7   0111`\ `8  8   1000`\ `9  9   1001`\ `A  10  1010`\ `B  11  1011`\ `C  12  1100`\ `D  13  1101`\ `E  14  1110`\ `F  15  1111` Now let\'s convert the hexadecimal number D6 to binary. D is the hexadecimal representation for $13_{10}$, which is 1101 in binary. 6 in binary is 0110. Put these two parts together to get 11010110. Again we could skip the intermediate conversions by using the hexadecimal and binary columns above. ## Text representation A piece of text can be viewed as a stream of symbols can be represented/encoded as a sequence of bits resulting in a stream of bits for the text. Two common encoding schemes are ASCII code and Unicode. ASCII code use one byte (8 bits) to represent each symbol and can represent up to 256 ($2^8=256$) different symbols, which includes the English alphabet (in both lower and upper cases) and other commonly used symbols. Unicode extends ASCII code to represent a much larger number of symbols using multiple bytes. Unicode can represent any symbol from any written language and much more. ## Image, audio, and video files Images, audio, and video are other types of data. How computers represent these types of data is fascinating but complex. For example, there are perceptual issues (e.g., what types of sounds can humans hear, and how does that affect how many numbers we need to store to reliably represent music?), size issues (as we\'ll see below, these types of data can result in large file sizes), standards issues (e.g., you might have heard of JPEG or GIF image formats), and other issues. We won\'t be able to cover image, audio, and video representation in depth: the details are too complicated, and can get very sophisticated. For example, JPEG images can rely on an advanced mathematical technique called the discrete cosine transform. However, it is worth examining a few key high-level points about image, audio, and video files: 1. Computers can represent not only basic numeric and text data, but also data such as music, images, and video. 2. They do this by digitizing the data. At the lowest level the data is still represented in terms of bits, but there are higher-level representational constructs as well. 3. There are numerous ways to encode such data, and so standard encoding techniques are useful. 4. Audio, image, and video files can be large, which presents challenges in terms of storing, processing and transmitting these files. For this reason most encoding techniques use some sophisticated types of compression. ### Images A perceived image is the result of light beams physically coming into our eyes and triggering nerves to send signals to our brain. In computing, an image is simulated by a grid of dots (called *pixels*, for \"picture element\"), each of which has a particular color. This works because our eyes cannot tell the difference between the original image and the dot-based image if the resolution (number of dots used) is high enough. In fact, the computer screen itself uses such a grid of pixels to display images and text. \"The largest and most detailed photograph of our galaxy ever taken has been unveiled. The gigantic nine-gigapixel image captures more than 84 million stars at the core of the Milky Way. It was created with data gathered by the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) at the European Southern Observatory\'s Paranal Observatory in Chile. If it was printed with the resolution of a newspaper it would stretch 30 feet long and 23 feet tall, the team behind it said, and has a resolution of 108,200 by 81,500 pixels.\"[^5] While this galaxy image is obviously an extreme example, it illustrates that images (even much smaller images) can take significant computer space. Here is a more mundane example. Suppose you have an image that is 1500 pixels wide, and 1000 pixels high. Each pixel is stored as a 24-bit color. How many bytes does it take to store this image? This problem describes a straightforward but naive way to store the image: for each row, for each column, store the 24-bit color at that location. The answer is $1500\times1000$ pixels multiplied by 24 bits/pixel multiplied by 8 bits per 1 byte = 4.5 million bytes, or about 4.5MB. Note the file size. If you store a number of photographs or other images you know that images, and especially collections of images, can take up considerable storage space. You might also know that most images do not take 4.5MB. And you have probably heard of some image storage formats such as JPEG or GIF. Why are most image sizes tens or hundreds of kilobytes rather than megabytes? Most images are stored not in a direct format, but using some compression technique. For example, suppose you have a night image where the entire top half of the image is black ((0,0,0) in RGB). Rather than storing (0,0,0) as many times as there are pixels in the upper half of the image, it is more efficient to use some \"shorthand.\" For example, rather than having a file that has thousands of 0\'s in it, you could have (0,0,0) plus a number indicating how many pixels starting the image (if you read from line by line from top to bottom) have color (0,0,0). This leads to a compressed image: an image that contains all, or most, of the information in the original image, but in a more efficient representation. For example, if an original image would have taken 4MB, but the more efficient version takes 400KB, then the compression ratio is 4MB to 400KB, or about 10 to 1. Complicated compression standards, such as JPEG, use a variety of techniques to compress images. The techniques can be quite sophisticated. How much can an image be compressed? It depends on a number of factors. For many images, a compression ratio of, say, 10:1 is possible, but this depends on the image and on its use. For example, one factor is how complicated an image is. An uncomplicated image (say, as an extreme example, if every pixel is black[^6]), can be compressed a very large amount. Richer, more complicated images can be compressed less. However, even complicated images can usually be compressed at least somewhat. Another consideration is how faithful the compressed image is to the original. For example, many users will trade some small discrepancies between the original image and the compressed image for a smaller file size, as long as those discrepancies are not easily noticeable. A compression scheme that doesn\'t lose any image information is called a *lossless* scheme. One that does is called *lossy*. Lossy compression will give better compression than lossless, but with some loss of fidelity.[^7] In addition, the encoding of an image includes other metadata, such as the size of the image, the encoding standard, and the date and time when it was created. ### Video It is not hard to imagine that videos can be encoded as series of image frames with synchronized audio tracks also encoded using bits. Suppose you have a 10 minute video, 256 x 256 pixels, 24 bits per pixel, and 30 frames of the video per second. You use an encoding that stores all bits for each pixel for each frame in the video. What is the total file size? And suppose you have a 500 kilobit per second download connection; how long will it take to download the file? This problem highlights some of the challenges of video files. Note the answer to the file size question is (256x256) pixels $\times$ 24 bits/pixel $\times$ 10 minutes $\times$ 60 seconds/minute $\times$ 30 frames per second = approximately 28 Gb (Gb means giga*bits*). This is about 28/8 = 3.5 giga*bytes*. With a 500 kilobit per second download rate, this will take 28Gb/500 Kbps, or about 56,000 seconds. This is over 15 hours, longer than many people would like to wait. And the time will only increase if the number of pixels per frame is larger (e.g., in a full screen display) or the video length is longer, or the download speed is slower. So video file size can be an issue. However, it does not take 15 hours to download a ten minute video; as with image files, there are ways to decrease the file size and transmission time. For example, standards such as MPEG make use not only of image compression techniques to decrease the storage size of a single frame, but also take advantage of the fact that a scene in one frame is usually quite similar to the scene in the next frame. There\'s a wealth of information online about various compression techniques and standards, storage media, etc.[^8] ### Audio It might seem, at first, that audio files shouldn\'t take anywhere as much space as video. However, if you think about how complicated audio such as music can be, you probably won\'t be surprised that audio files can also be large. Sound is essentially vibrations, or collections of sound waves travelling through the air. Humans can hear sound waves that have frequencies of between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second.[^9] To avoid certain undesirable artifacts, audio files need to use a sample rate of twice the highest frequency. So, for example, for a CD music is usually sampled 44,100 Hz, or 44,100 times per second.[^10] And if you want a stereo effect, you need to sample on two channels. For each sample you want to store the amplitude using enough bits to give a faithful representation. CDs usually use 16 bits per sample. So a minute of music takes 44,100 samples $\times$ 16 bits/samples $\times$ 2 channels $\times$ 60 seconds/minute $\times$ 8 bits/1 byte = about 10.5MB per minute. This means a 4 minute song will take about 40MB, and an hour of music will take about 630 MB, which is (very) roughly the amount of memory a typical CD will hold.[^11] Note, however, that if you want to download a 40 MB song over a 1Mbps connection, it will take 40MB/1Mbps, which comes to about 320 seconds. This is not a long time, but it would be desirable if it could be shorter. So, not surprisingly, there are compression schemes that reduce this considerably. For example, there is an MPEG audio compression standard that will compress 4 minutes songs to about 4MB, a considerable reduction.[^12] ## Sizes and limits of representations In the last section we saw that a page of text could take a few thousand bytes to store. Images files might take tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even more bytes. Music files can take millions of bytes. Movie files can take billions. There are databases that consist of trillions or quadrillions of bytes of data. Computer science has special terminology and notation for large numbers of bytes. Here is a table of memory amounts, their powers of two, and approximate American English word. `1 kilobyte (KB) — `$2^{10}$` bytes — thousand bytes`\ `1 megabyte (MB) — `$2^{20}$` bytes — million bytes`\ `1 gigabyte (GB) — `$2^{30}$` bytes — billion bytes`\ `1 terabyte (TB) — `$2^{40}$` bytes — trillion bytes`\ `1 petabyte (PB) — `$2^{50}$` bytes — quadrillion bytes`\ `1 exabyte (EB) — `$2^{60}$` bytes — quintillion bytes` There are still higher numbers or smaller quantities of these types.[^13] Kilobytes, megabytes, and the other sizes are important enough for discussing file sizes, computer memory sizes, and so on, that you should know both the terminology and the abbreviations. One caution: file sizes are usually given in terms of *bytes* (or kilobytes, megabytes, etc.). However, some quantities in computer science are usually given in terms involving bits. For example, download speeds are often given in terms of bits per second. \"Mbps\" is an abbreviation for mega*bits* (not megabytes) per second. Notice the \'b\' in Mbps is a lower case, while the \'b\' in MB (megabytes) is capitalized. In the context of computer memory, the usual definition of kilobytes, megabytes, etc. is a power of two. For example, a kilobyte is $2^{10} = 1024$ bytes, not a thousand. In some other situations, however, a kilobyte is defined to be exactly a thousand bytes. This can obviously be confusing. For the purposes of this book, the difference will usually not matter. That is, in most problems we do, an approximation will be close enough. So, for example, if we do a calculation and find a file takes 6,536 bytes, then you can say this is approximately 6.5 KB, unless the problem statement says otherwise.[^14] All representations are limited in multiple ways. First, the number of different things we can represent is limited because the number combinations of symbols we can use is always limited by the physical space available. For instance, if you were to represent a decimal number by writing it down on a piece of paper, the size of the paper and the size of the font limit how many digits you can put down. Similarly in a computer the number of bits can be stored physically is also limited. With three binary digits we can generate $2^3=8$ different representations/patterns, namely $000_2, 001_2, 010_2, 011_2, 100_2, 101_2, 110_2, 111_2$, which conventionally represent 0 through 7 respectively. Keep in mind representations do not have intrinsic meanings. So three bits can possibly represent seven different things. With n bits we can represent $2^n$ different things because each bit can be either one or zero and $2^n$ are the total combinations we can get, which limits the amount of information we can represent. Another type of limit is due to the nature of the representations. For example, one third can never be represented precisely by a decimal format with a fractional part because there will be an infinite number of threes after the decimal point. Similarly, one third can not be represented precisely in binary format either. In other words, it is impossible to represent one third as the sum of a finite list of power of twos. However, in a base-three numbering system one third can be represented precisely as: $0.1_3$ because the one after the point represent a power of three: $3^{-1}$. ## Notes and references ```{=html} <references /> ``` [^1]: Analog at Wiktionary. [^2]: Actually, it\'s more complicated than that because some devices, including some digital radios, intermix digital and analog. For example, a digital radio broadcast might start in digital form, i.e., as a stream of numbers, then be converted into and transmitted as radio waves, then received and converted back into digital form. Technically speaking the signal was *modulated* and *demodulated*. If you have a *modem* (*mod*ulator-*dem*odulator) on your computer, it fulfills a similar function. [^3]: Actually we need not only data, but a way to represent the algorithms within the computer as well. How computers store algorithm instructions is discussed in another chapter. [^4]: Of course how a 0 or 1 is represented varies according to the device. For example, in a computer the common way to differentiate a 0 from a 1 is by electrical properties, such as using different voltage levels. In a fiber optic cable, the presence or absence of a light pulse can differentiate 0\'s from 1\'s. Optical storage devices can differentiate 0\'s and 1\'s by the presence or absence of small \"dents\" that affect the reflectivity of locations on the disk surface. [^5]: 1 [^6]: You might have seen modern art paintings where the entire work is a single color. [^7]: See, for example, 2 for examples of the interplay between compression rate and image fidelity. [^8]: For example, see 3 and the links there. [^9]: This is just a rough estimate since there is much individual variation as well as other factors that affect this range. [^10]: Hz, or *Hertz*, is a measurement of frequency. It appears in a variety of places in computer science, computer engineering, and related fields such as electrical engineering. For example, a computer monitor might have a refresh rate of 60Hz, meaning it is redrawn 60 times per second. It is also used in many other fields. As an example, in most modern day concert music, A above middle C is taken to be 440 Hz. [^11]: See, for example, 4 for more information about how CDs work. In general, there is a wealth of web sites about audio files, formats, storage media, etc. [^12]: Remember there is also an MPEG video compression standard. MPEG actually has a collection of standards: see Moving Picture Experts Group on Wikipedia. [^13]: See, for example, binary prefixes. [^14]: The difference between \"round\" numbers, such as a million, and powers of 10 is not as pronounced for smaller numbers of bytes as it is for larger. A kilobyte is $2^{10}=1024$ bytes, which is only 2.4% more than a thousand. A megabyte is $2^{20} = 1,048,576$ bytes, about 4.9% more than one million. A gigabyte is about 7.4% bytes more than a billion, and a terabyte is about 10.0% more bytes than a trillion. In most of the file size problems we do, we\'ll be interested in the approximate size, and being off by 2% or 5% or 10% won\'t matter. But of course there are real-world applications where it does matter, so when doing file size problems keep in mind we are doing approximations, not exact calculations.
# Foundations of Computer Science/Algorithms and Programs ## Algorithms and Programs An algorithm can be defined as a set of steps used to solve a specific problem. For example, a cook may use a recipe when preparing a specific type of food. Similarly, in computer science, algorithms are the conceptual solutions used to create programs. It is important to distinguish an algorithm from a program. The implementation of an algorithm is known as a program. ### Defining information processes Computer is about information processes. Once information is represented concretely using different patterns of symbols it can be processed to derive new information. We learned that computers use the binary system internally to represent everything as sequence of bits - zeros and ones. Chapter 1 of the Blown to Bits book talks about the digital explosion of bits as the result of the innovations in computing and technologies, which enable us to turn information into bits and shared them with unprecedented speed. Creating information processes is the topic of this chapter. We will learn that information processes start with conceptual solutions to problems and then can be implemented (coded) in ways understandable to machines. The conceptual solutions are called algorithms and the executable implementations are called programs. ### What is an algorithm? Algorithm is a rather fancy name for a simple idea: a step-by-step solution to a problem. Avi Wigderson once said algorithm is a common language for nature, human, and computer. The idea has been around for a long time. You are already familiar with many algorithms, such as tying your shoes, making coffee, send an email, and cooking a dish according to a recipe. Algorithms in computing are designed for computers to follow. Imagine we have built a machine that can perform the single digit addition procedure described in chapter one. Recall the procedure performs the addition using simple table lookup. If we give the machine two digits and ask it to perform the operation, it gives two digits back as the answer. Of course the numbers in the inputs and the output have to be represented (encoded) properly. Even though the machine doesn\'t understand addition, it should be able to perform the addition correctly. However, the machine will not perform the addition unless it is instructed to do so. The command (with input values) that signals the machine to perform an addition is called an instruction. We have imagined that it is not hard to use the addition procedure to create other more complex procedures that can perform more impressive activities. Before we can create such procedures we must identify a problem and find a conceptual solution to it. Often time the conceptual solution is one that can be carried out manually by a person. This conceptual solution is an algorithm. ### Why study algorithms? Algorithm is a center piece in the computer science discipline. As we discussed in chapter one, computing can be done blindly or purely mechanically by a simple device. The intelligence of any computation (information process) lies in the algorithm that defines it. For an algorithm to be useful, it must be correct - the steps must be logical and specific for machines to carry out - and efficient - it must finish in a reasonable amount of time. The correctness and efficiency of algorithms are two key issues in the study of algorithms. ### Programs are implemented algorithms Studying algorithms allows us to solve problems conceptually regardless of the machines that carry out the solutions. An algorithm must communicate a conceptual solution in a unambiguous and human understandable fashion. A notational system for describing algorithms should allow us to describe and reason with ideas on paper. Once an algorithm\'s correctness is verified on paper, it can be implemented as a program understandable to a particular machine. ### Formal definition of algorithm Alan Turing is the first person who studied algorithms mathematically by creating a universal machine model, later called Turing machine. He also proved that computation is unavoidable in circumstances - we will have to perform the computation to the result, which separates computing from mathematics (the birth of computer science). The turing machine can represent/encode information in a standard form and interpret and updates the representation according to rules (algorithms), which is part of the representation. This machine model is simple yet powerful. In fact, it is the most powerful computing model known to computer scientist. The turing machine can perform any computation done by any machine we could ever build. Turing machine equivalents is defined based on this idea. The turing machine model allows us to study algorithms in abstraction. For instance, we can view each algorithm as a state machine: an algorithm always starts with a state - represented by a data representation of the input and the internal information - and move through a number of states to its final state as the result of performing operations prescribed in the algorithm. When the number of possible initial states approach infinity the same algorithm can generate potentially infinite number of computation. This explains why it is hard to verify the correctness of an algorithm through testing as the initial states can be too many to exhaustively enumerate. ### Define algorithms An algorithm is simply a set of steps that allow us to solve a particular problem. A step is a unit of work that is unambiguous and can be done in a fixed amount of time. For example bring a pot of water to boil is a step in the tea-making process/algorithm. In computing we deal with representations of information (data), so a step can be adding two integers and storing the result to a variable. We will explain how to define and use variables later. The definition of a unit of work depends on what the agent, who performs work, can do. Algorithms in computing are necessarily informed by the capability of the computing machines. Recall that algorithms must be implemented/described in a programming language understandable to a machine before the machine can perform the task. There are many different programming languages, therefore different ways to express the same algorithm. The only language understandable to a specific machine is called the machine language. Machine languages are written in instructions consisting of zeros and ones (binary bits) because computers are fundamentally machines that can manipulate two types of symbols. Each different type of machine is designed to understand its own native language---patterns of zeros and ones---because they can have very different computing hardware. As you can imagine writing programs in machine languages can be very hard. Normally we write programs to express our algorithms in high level languages - languages that are close to our natural language, e.g. English. Then we use tools (compilers and interpreters) to translate our programs in higher level languages to machine languages, which is analogous to using a personal interpreter when we travel abroad and don\'t understand the native language. To run the same program on a different machine we can simply recompile it or use a different interpreter. High level languages hides the differences between machines to allow us to write programs in a machine independent way, which is a huge time saver. When we write programs in high level languages we use an abstraction that is supported by all computers. For instance if a high level language allows the expression of an addition we assume it can be done by all computers. Programming languages (high level or machine level) are tools for expressing algorithms to machines. When we create algorithms to solve problems conceptually we want to create them independent of the languages. A well-designed recipe ought to work for different cooks in different kitchens. So the steps or units of work must be defined in terms of a higher abstraction - a set of common data structure, operations and control structures that all languages support. By creating algorithms conceptually using abstractions allows us humans to think on a higher level closer to the problem domain we know. When an algorithm is implemented in a particular language the abstract steps can be mapped to the specific expression in the language. We are confident the chain of tools we have can translate the solution to the machine level executable code. The following diagram shows that the same algorithm can be implemented in a variety of programming languages and the result programs can be executed on different machine models (maybe after some translation). !This diagram shows that the same algorithm can be implemented in a variety of programming language and then result programs can be run on different machine models. Here are the common operations and control structures we can assume all high level languages support: - data structures: variables of single value and list of values. - operations: arithmetic operations, comparisons, and relational operations (and, or, and not) - control structures: sequential (one after another), conditional (selective on a condition), and repetition Here is an algorithm defined in pseudo code (natural language). This algorithm finds the largest number in a list of numbers with the following steps: 1. set max (a variable) to the value of the first number in the list (store and retrieve values). 2. go through the list one number at a time comparing each number to max, if the number is greater than max replace max with the number (conditional and repetition). 3. the value stored in max is the answer. We know the solution is correct because it is so simple. We know how to carry it out manually, but we would certainly not solve the problem using the process expressed in psuedo code. It is necessary to design and express the algorithm in this detailed fashion for computers. Keep in mind that computers are machines that perform computation mechanically and therefore the instructions must be specific. The psuedo code, even though in natural language, must use the aforementioned constructs (data structures, operations, and control structures) that are common to computers. You may wonder why we can not ask the computer to look at the whole list and identify the largest number as we humans do. Computers are simple machines that can not think. They are designed to perform simple operations, e.g. adding two digits via symbol manipulation. Even we, as human beings, will not be able to scan a long list, say a million numbers, and find the largest number at a glance. The algorithm we write must be expressed in terms of what a computer can do and are scalable to inputs (data sets) of arbitrary sizes. The algorithm we just studied can deal with a list of any size. In fact, it makes little difference to a computer whether the list has three numbers or three million numbers. Another way to express the same algorithm is to use a graphical notation called flow-chart. !This flow-chart shows the steps involved in finding the largest number in a list of numbers. This chart shows the logic of the solution more clearly. There are two conditionals - the checking of a condition and corresponding actions taken as the result. The top-most conditional defines a repetition (loop) because their an unconditional branching back to the conditional as expressed in the arrow with no label. Both the pseudo code and the flow chart describe the same solution to the same problem. They are different representations of the same idea. The following figure shows an implementation of the algorithm in Scratch. !This stack of blocks scratch finds the largest number in a list of numbers. As you can see, a concrete implementation of an algorithm must use the building \"blocks\" available in the particular implementation language. What is not shown in the figure is the part where the list is populated with data from a file or user input. The structure of the code resembles that of the flow-chart. In summary constructing and studying algorithms allows us to study (algorithmic) solution to problems in a language and computing environment neutral way. We could use the \"finding largest number\" algorithm as a single block to form more complex algorithms, but we need to keep in mind this block is not a unit of work as the number of steps involved depends on the input size (the length of the list). We will revisit this topic in the future when we talk about functional decomposition (to keep algorithms simple) and algorithm complexity analysis (count the cost of algorithms). Programs Each software program boils down to two components - data (structure) and algorithm. We will study some fundamental algorithms and data structures in computer science. ### Example algorithms #### Image enconding/representation Follow this <http://csunplugged.org/sites/default/files/activity_pdfs_full/unplugged-02-image_representation.pdf> image representation activity to see how images are encoded, transmitted, and reproduced in fax machines. #### Error detection Follow this <http://csunplugged.org/sites/default/files/activity_pdfs_full/unplugged-04-error_detection.pdf> error detection activity to see the algorithm works to detect and also correct single bit errors. A similar algorithm, Luhn algorithm, is used to validate credit card numbers. #### Text compression Text compression is another important task in computing. The following activity demonstrates how a compression algorithm works: <http://csunplugged.org/sites/default/files/activity_pdfs_full/unplugged-03-text_compression.pdf> #### Searching Why is searching important? We do it on a daily basis. It is good business too. Google\'s mission is to organize the world\'s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Obviously to be able to find the information we need fast is very useful and profitable. We can always find a piece of information by going through a list of them sequentially checking each one of them. Could you describe the algorithm using either the pseudo code or the flow-chart notation? Structure-wise this algorithm should resemble the \"find largest number\" algorithm. This algorithm needs two inputs: the list and the target item we are looking for. The repeated steps are fetching the next item and comparing it to target. The piece of information used in the comparison is also known as the key because it determines whether a search is successful or not. For instance, if we have a list of students we can search a student by last name, birthdate, or shoe size, which are search keys. A sequential search is straight-forward, but it can be costly if we need to perform it very often. However, if the list is ordered by the search key we can use a much better algorithm by taking advantage of this ordered property of the data. Think about the index of a book, a phone book, or a dictionary. They are all ordered somehow. For instance, home phone numbers in a phone books are usually ordered by owner\'s last names and business phone numbers are ordered by business types. Entries in a dictionary or the index of a book are ordered alphabetically. How does this orderedness help us when we search for information? It allows us to guesstimate where the search target is located. The number guessing game illustrate the idea well. If the list of numbers are random but ordered increasingly we can always guess the target number is in the middle of the search range (initially the whole list). If we are not lucky, we can eliminate half of the candidates - if the number in the middle is greater than the search target the new search range will be the first half of the previous search range, otherwise the second half. Imagine the reduction in the number of comparisons! We will study this algorithm in much detail when we discuss algorithm complexities. ### Social impact Please watch the following video How algorithms shape our world. Could you explain in what ways algorithms are shaping our world? In the world of computing, we store and process data (representations of information) by quantifying information. This quantification process reduces the world to what can be counted and measured and emphasize abstraction and efficiency (speed). We must not be fooled to believe the abstractions of reality are true reality as in abstractionism. As Frederick Brooks warns us "Models are intentional oversimplifications to help us with real-life problems that are frighteningly complicated. The map is not the terrain."
# Foundations of Computer Science/Algorithm Design ## Algorithm Design Algorithm design is a specific method to create a mathematical process in solving problems. One powerful example of algorithm design can be seen when solving a Rubik\'s cube. When solving a Rubik\'s cube (of any size), it is important to know the step by step instructions or algorithm to reach an efficient solution. This is where algorithm design comes into place. There are designs that breakdown the seemingly complex solution by addressing each layer (First, Middle, and Last and colors. Please follow the link on solving the last layer of a 3X3 Rubik\'s cube). ### Approaches to algorithm design #### Top Down The top down approach to design is starting by examining the full problem or one way to think of it is to look at the big/whole picture first. Once you have assessed the main problem then you divide the problem into smaller components or parts. The next portion of the top down approach is to begin testing. Initially, we will have portions that are missing due to focusing on the bigger picture. In situations where parts of the problem have not been solved stubs or placeholders are used to as temporary holders. One way to think about the top down approach is in a hierarchical setting such as a general command his troops. The general will breakdown a mission by assigning each soldier with a specific task to complete that in turn contributes to a critical part of the overall mission. #### Bottom Down The bottom down approach to algorithm design starts with the smallest units or parts of a problem. This approach solves the smallest units first and then gradually builds out the next layer or solution. Using this method ensures that the smallest unit has been successfully tested and therefore, when you start solving or implementing the next sub-solution that it will work due to the previous layers working successfully. One example is building a car. Each piece of the car is engineered, created, and tested piece by piece. Knowing that the smaller parts work correctly the parts are then gradually added on an assembly line. As the parts are added, you know that the smaller components work due to thoroughly testing each piece. Eventually, as you walk through this process the end result is a properly functioning car. ### Algorithm Design: Building Blocks There are basic logic structures and operations involved in algorithm design. Building blocks are necessary to decide how we want to manipulate units of work. The basis of every algorithm is steps or blocks of operations. These steps/blocks of operation can be as simple as adding two numbers together. However, these blocks of operation can also be complex, for example, finding the maximum value in a list of numbers. Logic structures in important for organizing steps into a process/solution. The following four basic logic structures describe the type of blocks used for creating algorithms: - procedure/function call - one example would be a single block in Scratch - sequence - in order to create a sequence you need a stack of blocks - alternatives - use of the if-then-else blocks to indicate alternate solutions for a particular problem - iteration - using the \"repeat\", \"for\", and \"forever\" blocks to build loops to solve problems Most languages have programming constructs for basic operations and logic structures. In order to understand programming constructs you must first learn about constructed language. According to Wikipedia, a constructed language \"is a language whose phonology, grammar, and vocabulary has been consciously devised for human or human-like communication, instead of having developed naturally\". Similarly, a programming construct is \"designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer.\"
# Foundations of Computer Science/Algorithm Complexity ## Algorithm Complexity \"An algorithm is an abstract recipe, prescribing a process that might be carried out by a human, by computer, or by other means. It thus represents a very general concept, with numerous applications.\"---David Harel, \"Algorithmics - the spirit of computing\". We have learned that algorithms are conceptual solutions to problems. Computing algorithms can be described/defined in terms of the common units of work that computers can do so that they are neutral to programming languages and the execution environment (computers). Algorithm writing is such a creative process as Francis Sullivan noted that \"for me, great algorithms are the poetry of computing. Just like verse, they can be terse, allusive, dense, and even mysterious. But once unlocked, they cast a brilliant new light on some aspects of computing.\" You have seen example algorithms documented using abstract notations such as pseudo code and flowchart. Once algorithms are implemented/coded, i.e. represented by concrete symbols, they become alive in program that embody them. Programs are executable/runnable by computers. The ability to run different programs that implements all kinds algorithms is a unique feature of computers as machines. Usually when we buy a machine, e.g. an appliance, we assume it has a set of well defined functions it can perform. For example a microwave oven is supposed to warm and cook our food and nothing more. We don\'t expect a microwave oven ever to be able to wash the clothes for us. A computing machine (a computer) is different. We expect it to perform the function whichever program makes it to do - the functionality of a computer is extensible. If we liken a computer to a car, programmers are drivers who can make the car do different things (to a certain extent) and users are like passengers taking advantage of the things the car can do. This is another reason why everyone needs to learn computer programming because it gives you the freedom to make the computer do different thing. ### Correctness of Algorithms Algorithms must be correct to be useful. We must examine our algorithms carefully to remove errors before using them to create programs. If an algorithm has errors, it is impossible to create correct programs. We often remind students that if their algorithms do not work on paper they won\'t work on a computer. So we must work out our algorithms on paper first. Even if the design of an algorithm is correct we may introduce errors during the programming process. As any natural language a programming language has its own syntax consisting of grammatical rules for using the language. When we violate such rules we introduce syntax errors in our program. This type of errors are easy to fix, in fact most modern program editors can detect and warn us about such errors. Another type of errors are logic errors, which result from the misuse of the language. In other words, our grammatically correct program doesn\'t make sense or make the wrong sense to the computer. For example, a recipe can be unclear or misleading even though all sentences are grammatically correct. You may think that computers can also make mistakes when running programs that are logically. This is true but very rarely this is the case especially with modern computers equipped with error detection mechanisms. We generally assume computers don\'t make mistakes. If the program doesn\'t generate the correct answer, it is the result of human errors. We also call logic errors software bugs. The original \"bug\" is, in fact, a hardware failure - a moth caught in a electromechanical computer. Now bugs are generally used to refer to any error/failure in computer systems, both in hardware and in software. When a computer program is buggy, it will produce erroneous results or crash as the computer may not know what to do next. Another more subtle bug may cause the computer program to never finish, known as the infinite loop, which is obviously not what we wanted. Bugs are almost inevitable as humans make mistakes. Then, how do we fix bugs to ensure the correctness of our programs? We must test our programs to verify its correctness. A test consists of a sample input to a program and the desired output from the program. We can run a test by subject the program to the sample input and collect the actual output. If the actual output matches the desired output the program passes the test, otherwise their is a bug in the program or in the test (tests can be buggy too). We usually use a set of tests (a test suite) to exercise different parts of the algorithm. This process is called debugging as expressed in the following pseudo code: `for each test in the test suite`\ `  run and compare the actual output to the desired output`\ `  if they match move on to the next test`\ `  otherwise fix the bug and repeat the whole process` Note that it is very difficult to make our tests exhaustive except for very simple programs. When a program becomes larger and more complex the number of tests need to cover all possible cases grows very fast. As Dijkstra said \"program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!\" There are techniques for proving the correctness of programs. For instance, microcode for computer processors are often proved correct via formal verification. ### \"Goodness\" of algorithms There are usually always multiple ways to solve the same problem and, therefore, multiple algorithms to make computers solve the problem for us. In addition to solving the problem correctly we want to be able to compare/evaluate algorithms that solve the same problem. We must define the criteria/measure for \"goodness\" in algorithm design. Such criteria or measures can include simplicity, ease of implementation, speed of execution, or preciseness of answers. In computing we care the most about the solution speed because a fast algorithm can solve larger problem or more problems in the same amount of time. This is also known as efficiency - an economic measure of many processes. Often time he usefulness of many programs depends on the timeliness of the results. For instance, a program that takes 24 hours to predict the next day\'s weather is almost useless. Given an algorithm how do we measure its \"speed\"? One possible approach is to implement the algorithm, run the result program, and measure its execution time - elapsed time between the start and the end of a program run. There are some challenges in this approach. First the algorithm must be implemented, which can a serious undertaking. Secondly, to run two programs to compare their execution time we must subject them to the same input (a.k.a a workload, e.g a list of one million numbers to be sorted) and the size of the input is never ideal. Thirdly, the \"speed\" of a running program is influenced by the execution environment, such as the machine\'s hardware configuration. Take a recipe for example. Different cooks will surely spend different time following it. The amount of food needed will surely magnify the difference - as we increase the amount of ingredients the lengthy recipes will take even longer to follow. But there are intrinsic characteristics of the recipes that affect the preparation time. If a recipe involves beating eggs can instruct the cook to break each egg and scramble it individually or break all eggs first and scramble them together. Obviously the first method is slower due to the additional steps involved. Algorithms in computing exhibit similar characteristics. Recall that algorithms must be defined in terms of the units of work (steps) computers can perform so that it is straightforward to implement them in programming languages. The way the steps are ordered and organized in algorithms can significantly affect the execution time of the programs implement the algorithms. Since an algorithm is a conceptual solution to a problem, we want to study their \"speed\" in an abstract sense without actually implementing them. This is known as algorithm analysis in computer science. In this approach we take an algorithm described in pseudo code or flow chart, count the number of steps (units of work), which is always a function of the input size. In the aforementioned example recipe the time it takes to follow the first method (break each egg and scramble it individually) is directly proportional to the number of eggs involved. In fact if only one egg is needed, there is no difference between the two methods. Instead of measuring the steps taken for a particular input size, we focus on the relationship function between the number of steps and the input size, which shows the pattern in which the amount of work (cost) grows as the input size increases. Such functions are also known as growth functions. Then, we apply asymptotic analysis, which compare functions as inputs approach infinity, to simplify the functions because as the input size approaches infinity the difference between the units of works disappears (we can assume breaking an egg and scrambling it take the same amount of time) and the cost of most \"complex\" part of the task will dominate (a part that repeats a step 10 time will dwarf any step that is only done once) the total cost. For example, in a recipe we have a one quick step (takes 0.0001 seconds per serving) that repeats 10 times and a slow step (takes 10 seconds per serving) doesn\'t repeat, an amount of serving of N (input size) would cost $0.0001*10*N$ total seconds on the repeated steps and would always cost 10 seconds on the slow step. When N is bigger than 10000, the repeated part would cost more than the slow part. In asymptotic analysis we can ignore the slow step because its contribution to the total cost is negligible when N approaches infinity. With simplify growth functions we can put them into categories considering algorithms in each category to have similar performance characteristics. This type of analysis is not completely precise but it can be very useful in studying the nature of algorithms and predicting their performances. We learn how to put algorithms into categories and rank their performances according to the categories they are in. We denote each category using big O notation. In summary we have discussed the following few key concepts regarding algorithm complexity analysis: - Algorithms are conceptual and abstract solutions to problems and programs are concrete executable code computers can run. We can not run algorithms on computers; we can only run programs that implement algorithms. Therefore, the performance of an algorithm is by definition abstract (can not be concretely defined or measured). - The goodness measure of an algorithm has to be an intrinsic characteristic of the algorithm itself - something that reflects the \"cleverness\" of the design regardless the implementation details and the future execution environments. - From an economic perspective we care about the cost of algorithms both in terms of time and space. We will focus only on the time cost in this course. We can not actually measure the time cost of algorithms, but we can study the relationship between the time cost and the input size, which reflects the internal complexity (or cleverness) of algorithms. We represent such relationships as growth functions with the input size as the variable and the total cost as the value. The growth functions can be simplified by keeping only the dominate term (asymptotic analysis) because other terms won\'t matter when the input becomes really large (eventually approaching infinity). Simplified growth functions are put into categories and algorithms can be rank by the categories they belong to. - Algorithms in the low complexity category will perform better than algorithms in the higher complexity categories when the input size is sufficiently large. We care about large input sizes because any algorithm can solve a small problem fast. With this algorithm analysis technique we can evaluate and compare algorithms to predict the relative performance of the programs implementing such algorithms before actually implementing any of them. - Efficiency, as another term often used, is reversely proportional to complexity. A more complex algorithm is less efficient because it makes less efficient uses of the computing resources by being more complex. ### Examples There are at least two ways to calculate the sum of all numbers between 1 and N. The following are two algorithms: - Algorithm 1: add all the numbers up manually, one by one - Algorithm 2: calculate the result using this formula $(N+1)*(N/2)$ Consider the following question: if we carry out the two algorithms manually, which one would run faster if - N = 2? - N = 100? - N = 1,000,000? Lets see how a algorithms behave (after implemented) on a computer. The following script implements algorithm 1 using a block that iterates through all the numbers in the range and adding them to the sum one at a time. !A Snap! script that adds all the numbers between two numbers. !A Snap! reporter block that adds all the numbers between two numbers and reports the sum. The same problem can be solved using algorithm 2, which use a function to calculate the result as shown in the following script and the report block. !A Snap! reporter block that calculate the sum of all numbers in range and reports the result. !A Snap! block that calculates the sum of all numbers in a range. Both scripts (programs) take the same input - two numbers that define a range. The number of numbers in the range is the input size or more properly the problem size. We assume the units of work are arithmetic operations $+-*/$, assignment operations, and report operation. Such an assumption is reasonable because in deed those operations takes the same to to perform regardless the operands. If you run the programs and try different input size you will observe that as you increase the input size the execution time of the first program increases steadily whereas the second program shows not change in execution time. Can we predict such behaviors? Lets apply algorithm analysis to these two algorithms. The first algorithm loops through the numbers to get the sum, therefore the relationship function between cost (the number of steps - additions) and the input size is $f=a+b*N$ assuming N is the input size and a and b are the cost for creating the script variable and the cost for an addition. Note that both a and b are constant because they don\'t change for a given computer. We can simply the function to $f=N$ because when N approaches infinity the constants don\'t matter anymore. We assign algorithms with this type of growth function into the leaner algorithm to the leaner this type of functions linear time category denoted by $O(N)$. The second algorithm always takes the same amount of time because it performs the same set of operations regardless of the input size. It belongs to the constant time category denoted by $O(1)$. Lets consider another problem: are numbers in a list distinct? Here is a straight forward algorithm in pseudo code: - Step 1: compare the first number with all of the other numbers in the list. If, at any point, the same number is seen, stop and answer NO. - Step 2: repeat Step 1 by taking the next number from the list and comparing it with all of the other numbers. - Step 3: after using all numbers in the list, stop and answer YES. The input size is the size of the list. The more numbers in the list the longer it takes to answer the question. According to algorithm it is possible that the first comparison find two identical numbers, which answer the questions right a way. This is good design because at that point it is unnecessary to continue with the rest of the algorithm. When we analyze algorithms we focus on worst cases because the performance of an algorithm is dependent from the actual input and we should not rely on luck! So the relationship (growth) function between the cost and the input size for this algorithm should be $f=N*(N-1)$ because in the worst case (all numbers are unique) the algorithm has to compare each number to all the other numbers in the list before it arrive at the answer. To simply the function by keeping only the largest dominating term we get $f=N^2$, which puts the algorithm in the quadratic category $O(N^2)$. If you are interested you can reproduce and run the following script (an implementation of the algorithm) to verify the predicted performance characteristics of the algorithm. !A Snap! reporter block that tests whether all the numbers in a list are unique. !A Snap! script that tests whether all the numbers in a list are unique. Lets look at an algorithm from another category: print all n-digit numbers? `For each number in 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9 `\ ` use the number for the first digit`\ ` enumerate all n-1 digit numbers`\ ` append each every n-1 digit number to the first digit to form a n digit number` This example is a little contrived but it demonstrate a new performance category and is very useful when we discuss encryption techniques. The algorithm is complex simply because the amount of output (all n digit numbers) it has to generate. So the cost of the output part will dominate the total cost. To generate all n digit numbers we must first generate all n-1 digit numbers. To generate all n-1 digit numbers we must first generate all n-2 digit numbers and so on. It is easier to study the process backward. Assuming outputting a number is the unit of work (it takes the same time output a number) the cost to generate all one digit numbers is 10. To generate all two digit numbers we have to output $10*10=10^2$ numbers. For three digit numbers the cost is $10^3$. Did you see a pattern? To generate all n digit numbers it costs $10^n$. This type of algorithms goes much faster than the quadratic ones because the input size is in the exponent. They belong to the exponential time category denoted as $O(2^N)$. The root (in this case 2) doesn\'t matter. Because all exponential functions are more similar to each other than quadratic functions or linear functions. Here is a YouTube video illustrating the performance difference between the bubble sort algorithm and the quick sort algorithm: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXXWXz5rF64>
# Foundations of Computer Science/Abstraction and Recursion ## Abstraction and Recursion Programming is easy as long as the programs are small. Inevitably our programs will grow larger and larger as we create them to solve increasingly complex problem. One technique we use to keep our algorithms and programs simple is abstraction, which is an idea widely used in many fields such as art, math and engineering. In this chapter we will study how to apply this technique is algorithm design and programming. An abstraction removes details to help us focus our attention. For instance, a car present a set of simple controls as an interface to its drivers. As long as we know how to use the interface we can drive the car without knowing how it operates under the hood. The internal working of a car is unnecessary detail to drivers unless they are race car drivers who need this type knowledges to drive the car most efficiently. This interface hasn\'t change much since when the first car was made. Abstraction also generalizes concepts by extracting common features from specific examples. This car interface extracts common car features (what a driver needs to know to drive a car) from all kinds of cars. Once you learn how to drive one car you have learned how to drive all cars of the same type. This is a powerful idea. Such abstraction also gives car makers the freedom to change the internal design of a car without affecting the users. ### Abstraction in Computing We have learned that algorithm design is an integral part of problem solving using computing and a first step in programming. The hardest part isn\'t programming/coding but the keeping track of details in large programs. There are two primary ways to keep our programs \"small\": chunking and layering, which are two metaphors for abstraction. Chunking breaks down (decompose) functionality into smaller units and let units interact with each other through a well-defined interface. For instance, in Snap! you can implement an algorithm as a block, which then can be used anywhere in your script as long as you can call the block with a proper sequence of parameters according to the interface. Layering separates the functional units (blocks) into layers to separate concerns and simply interactions patterns to make the complexity more manageable. The following figure illustrates the idea of layering. !By organizing functional units (blocks) into layers we can simply the interactions and allow concurrent development of the layers. into layers we can simply the interactions and allow concurrent development of the layers.") In the figure each layer relies on the layer below it to function and provides services to the layer above it. For example, a unit in layer one is only allowed to call units in layer 2 below it. All interactions are limited to pairs of layers that are next to each other in a stack of layers. We could replace a layer completely with a new implementation without affecting the rest of the stack, which achieves modularity. On the contrary if any arbitrary interaction is allowed we may end up with tightly coupled system as shown in the following figure. !Without any restriction any unit (block) can call any other unit. can call any other unit.") ### Abstraction Examples Using abstraction to achieve simplification and generalization is truly a powerful organizing idea. Recall the thought experiment in chapter one, in which we built a machine that can potentially solve groups of equations. The machine was built through abstraction - we construct larger building blocks using smaller (more elementary) ones and treat each block as a unit ignoring the internal details. The Snap! environment allows us to construct programs in a similar fashion. When a block is defined it becomes a new building block (user defined). The block can be arbitrarily complex, but to use it we only need to know the interface - its name and its list of parameters. The unnecessary details are hidden from the users greatly simplifying the thinking involved in programming. Lets look at a concrete example. In order to make a sprite to draw different equal-lateral shapes we can create a block for drawing each type of shapes such as triangles, squares, pentagons, and etc. A block in Snap! is an abstraction that hides details and represents a certain behavior/intention. The following block draws a square with a specific size. !This Snap! block draws a square with a specific size. To draw a triangle we can use a similar logic structure. !This Snap! block draws an equal-lateral triangle. The draw triangle block repeat three times to draw each side with a turn of 120 degrees. Do you know why the sprite has to turn 120 degrees to form a 60 angel between the two sides? I hope you have noticed that the same logic structure can be used to create blocks for drawing any equal-lateral shapes. Instead of creating a block for each shape we can generalize the task into one block that can draw any shapes. This block needs an additional piece of information - the number of sides. !The Snap! block can draw any equal-lateral shape. With the number of sides we can determines the internal angle of the shape, which is all we need to draw the shape. Please checkout this resource if you are not sure how to calculate the internal angle using the number of sides. This block can serve as an abstraction of the tasks of drawing equal-lateral shapes (polygons). You may have noticed the length of the sides is hard-coded (typed in as a constant not a parameter). What if we want to draw shapes of different size? We can further generalize the function of the block by adding anther parameter and use it to control the side length. !This Snap! block draws any equal-lateral polygon of any size. Through this example, we have demonstrated defining blocks to abstract away details of a task and generalizing a solution to solve more problems. ### Recursion Recursion is a pattern that is self-similar - the whole consists of smaller parts that are structurally similar to the whole. For example, a tree consist of branches that look like smaller trees. Similarly, a directory tree of a file system on a computer and an ancestry tree genealogy exhibit a similar pattern. The following figure shows a recursive tree. !Tree created using the Logo programming language and relying heavily on recursion. Self-similarity allows us to define concepts that exhibit such a pattern in a more concise and elegant way. A tree can be either a trunk with no branches or a trunk with a number of branches, each of which is a tree. This definition covers all possible tree structures. How would you describe the following picture? !`A visual form of recursion known as the Droste effect. The woman in this image holds an object that contains a smaller image of her holding an identical object, which in turn contains a smaller image of herself holding an identical object, and so forth.` If you were to do it by delving into finer and finer details repeatedly it never ends. Can you define the picture recursively? Another example is the definition of the factorial function in math$$1!=1$$ and for all $n>1 n! = n*(n-1)!$ This recursive definition not only defines factorial but also describes a way to calculate factorial. For example, 5! can be calculated from 4!, which is 4 times 3!, which is 3 time 2!, which is 2 times 1!, which is 1 by definition. If the problem we are solving is self-similar - solving the whole problem is a matter of solving the parts that are similar to the whole - the solution we are defining for the whole can be used to solve the subproblems(recursion). The beauty of a recursive solution is that the definition of the problem is the solution as shown in the factorial example. To design a recursive solution we practice wishful thinking - as we describe the solution to whole problem we wish it is fully defined and can be used to solve the smaller subproblems. In computer programming, this is called recursive thinking/programming. To program recursively, we describe the solution to a problem as a function/procedure/block, in which we break the bigger problems into smaller ones and use the function we defining to solve the smaller problems. If the problem is finite, eventually the smaller problems are so simple that they are directly solvable. In such cases the recursion stops. We call those cases base cases. By the time our program reaches all base cases, we would have solved the whole problem because all the subproblems are solved including the problem we start with. In any recursive function, two essential parts must exist: base cases and recursive cases. The recursive cases part breaks a bigger problem into smaller ones. The base cases stops the recursion by solving the directly solvable problems. If both parts exists and are structured properly, the algorithm (function) can solve problems of any size by asking clones of itself to solve partial problems. Recursive problem solving is a powerful idea because it simples our thinking: if you can define a problem recursively you can solve it recursively. Recursive solutions are more elegant and easy to verify, but it only lends itself to problems that can be defined recursively. Before we study some concrete examples we will introduce the concept of function, which makes recursive solutions more manageable. A block in Snap! is considered a function (similar to a math function) if it has the following properties: - a function takes an arbitrary number of inputs (zero or more) - a function always returns/reports exactly one result value - for the same input a function always reports the same result value - the execution of a function has no side effects to the environment With such restrictions functions in Snap! are blocks that performance a task in isolation (in its own world) and hand off the result to be further processed. According to the definition what blocks in the following list are functions? !Some blocks in this list are functions. ### Recursion Examples Consider the binary search algorithm: `Find an item (target) in a sorted list`\ ` if the list is empty, the target cannot be found`\ ` consider the item in the middle, if it matches the target you are done `\ ` otherwise, decide which half to search next` To search one half of the ordered list is just a smaller version/part of the overall problem so we can apply the same algorithm wishing the algorithm is fully defined. This process goes on till a list is empty or the search target is found. Clearly the base cases are - if the list is empty, then the target can be found - if target in the middle of a list, then the target is found The recursive cases are (assume the list is sorted in ascending order) - if the item in the middle of a list is smaller than the search target, continue searching in the second half of the list - otherwise, continue searching in the first half of the list
# Foundations of Computer Science/Recursion Revisited ## Recursion Revisited Recursive solutions provide another powerful way to solve self-similar problems. The example that we will examine is the binary search solution. ### How Binary Search Works? The process for identifying a target item in a sorted list. You start with the first base case which is to directly solve whether the middle item is equal to the target. If the middle item equals the target then the search is complete and the index is reported. If the list is empty then the search reports -1 or not found. Otherwise, decide if the target is greater or less than the middle item to dictate which half of the list to search. Next, if the middle item is greater than the target the first half of the list is searched, else, we search the second half of the list. This is the same problem that we originally started with making this a recursive or self-similar problem. The image below is the binary search code implementation. The base cases and recursive cases are labeled. !Binary search is used to find an item (target) in a sorted list. It consists of bases cases and recursive cases that make up the recursive solution. in a sorted list. It consists of bases cases and recursive cases that make up the recursive solution.") ### Binary Search: Abstraction Simplification One excellent way to simplify the binary search solution is using abstraction. The image previously shown uses a helper block called \"middle between\" which is used to find the middle index when given the first and last index of a sorted list (see below). !The helper block used in a binary search to find the middle index between the first and last index given as input. Another way to simplify the binary search solution is adding another level of abstraction. The helper block below shows the target and list being passed in as input into the \"binary search for\" block (see below). The actual recursive solution is implemented when the recursive search block detects the first and last index of a sorted list. The \"binary search for\" block allows users to call the recursive search without the user being required to provide the first and last indices. The user will only see the information and/or blocks necessary to start the binary search. The user will not see the recursive search or behind the scenes of the solution). !The binary search helper block that adds another level of abstraction that searches for the target in a list by calling the recursive search block. ### Binary Search: Tracing We have previously discussed simplifying our interface for the recursive search using \"binary search for\" which takes the target and a list as inputs (see example below). Then, the \"recursive search for\" is called and the first base case is immediately solved as our target, 9, is not equal to 5. Since the target 9 is greater than 5 (element at the middle index), we search the second half of the list (index 4 to index 5). The process is repeated and the list is split checking the first element at position and/or index 4. The target is greater than 7 and the recursive search is repeated again searching the second half of the list again. The base case 2 immediately solves that the target 9 is equal to 9 in the list; which located at the middle index 5. Now, since the target has been found at index 5, the recursive search reports back to the second recursive search which in turn reports back to the first recursive search. Finally, index 5 is reported back to the user at top level of the \"binary search for\" block. !This image shows how to trace the binary search when the target is equal to 9. Step by step the base case and recursive cases are used for reporting. In the event the target is not found in a list the binary search reports -1 (see below). The same recursive search calls are made, but on the last call the start index is greater than the last index which indicates the target is not found and the end of the list has occurred. !This image shows how to trace the binary search when the target is not found in the sorted list. The solution reports -1 or not found if the target is not in the list. ### Koch Curve In 1904, Helge von Koch discovered the von Koch snowflake curve, \"a continuous curve important in the study of fractal geometry\" (3). The Koch curve starts with a single line segment that is 1 unit long. Then, the segment is replaced with four new segments, each one-third the length of the original, also called the generator. The process is repeated forever and creates the Koch curve. The image below shows this process for stages 0 to 2. !This shows the generator (stage 0) and iterations of stage 1 and 2 of the Koch curve. and iterations of stage 1 and 2 of the Koch curve.") The length of the Koch curve is infinite. The curve is another interesting implementation of recursion where it is self-similar; the curve copies itself over and over. ### Koch Snowflake Using the same Koch curve generator on all three sides of an equilateral triangle we see repeated iterations eventually start to look like a snowflake (please see Koch Snowflake). The snowflake has infinite perimeter and finite area. Examining each stage of the Koch Snowflake a pattern is created for the number of segments per side, the length, and the total length of the curve as seen below. The number of segments per sides is increased four times the previous stage. The length of the segment is divided into equal thirds each time giving us the length of each segment. The original stage, an equilateral triangle, is why we take three times the number of segments per side divided by the length of a segment raised to the number of the stage currently being implemented. !The Koch Snowflake pattern can be seen by tracking the different iterations. ### Exploration Questions Studying the Koch Curve and Snowflake patterns are established and show how the same process is repeated to generate each stage. We can use the recursive process to solve abstractions of the same problem. - What would the total length of the N-th iteration be? Look at the patterns made by the numbers both before and after simplifying. - What do you expect the Koch Curve to look like? In other words, what would you expect to happen if you repeated this infinitely many times? - What is the length of the Koch Curve? - Can you estimate the area at each stage? What is the area of the final snowflake? Reviewing the previous questions we can start to observe the behavior of the Koch Curve and Koch Snowflake. 1. Based on the patterns established it is clear that the total length of the N-th iteration would be 3\*(4/3)^n^. 2. As the Koch Curve is infinitely repeated it will start to look more smooth as the lines will appear closer and closer although never touching. 3. The length of the Koch Curve is infinity (after applying the generator infinite number of times). 4. The area of the final snowflake is bounded (finite). [^1] ```{=html} <references/> ``` [^1]: Niels Fabian Helge von Koch. (2014). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/958515/Niels-Fabian-Helge-von-Koch>
# Foundations of Computer Science/Higher Order Functions ## Higher Order Functions higher order functions offer a more powerful ways to generalize solutions to problems by allowing blocks to take blocks as parameters and returning a block as a return value. All other functions are called first order functions. An example higher order function in math is the derivative function which takes a function as the input and produces another function (the derivative of the first function) as the output. In computer science, a map function takes an arbitrary function and a data set (e.g. a list) and applies the function to each and every data item in the set. Another example is the reduce (or fold) function, which takes a input function and data set and produces the aggregation of all items in the data set using the function. For instance, if the input function is the addition the reduce function returns the sum of all items in the data set as the output. If the input function is multiplication, the reduce function produces the product of all items in the data set. Higher order function also allows us to create compositions of functions using existing functions on the fly. For example, given two functions $y=f(x)$ and $y=g(x)$ and $b=f(a)$ and $c=g(b)$ we can create a function $y=fg(x)=f(g(x))$ so that $c=fg(a)$. ### Examples #### map The following script uses the built in map block/function to apply the same block/function to each and every element in a list. !The built in map block (function) is used to apply a block (function) to each and every element in a list. is used to apply a block (function) to each and every element in a list.") To apply a different function we simply need to find or implement the function and use it as the first parameter to the map block. The next example uses the multiplication function that takes two parameters. Snap! is smart enough to detect that and use each element of the list as both parameters when the function is applied. So the result list should contain the elements from the original list multiplied to themselves. !The built in map block (function) is used to apply a block (function) to each and every element in a list. Because the function passed in takes two parameters when the function is applied to a element of the list the same element is used as both parameters. is used to apply a block (function) to each and every element in a list. Because the function passed in takes two parameters when the function is applied to a element of the list the same element is used as both parameters.") This map block generalized this pattern of applying the same function to multiple data items into a block. It doesn\'t simply programming because someone has to write this map block (check the source code to see how complicated it is), but it makes programmers happier because it keeps the thinking part simpler. As programmers we are freed from worrying about the iteration of lists so that we can focus on the function that needs to be applied to the list. #### reduce The following two examples use the built-in reduce function in Snap! to calculate the sum and the product of a list of numbers. !This block applies the addition function to each and every item in the list to calculate the total. !This block uses the built-in reduce function in Snap! to calculate the product of a list of numbers. Note that the reduce (combine with) function can take any function with two input parameters to aggregate a list of values to a single value. By using higher order functions we can create generalized solutions that can be customized to solve a larger set of problems. #### return blocks as data The following block demonstrates the use of blocks as data. In this block two reporter blocks are taken in as parameters, which are then used to form the report value - a new block. The new block applies the two input report blocks to some unknown input value. Note that the \"ring\" (gray frame) around the report value is very important. Whatever enclosed in the \"ring\" will be treated as data not programs. The application of the two functions will not be evaluated but will simply be returned as data without evaluation, which is what we wanted in this higher order function. !This block takes two (reporter) blocks as input parameters and reports a new block as the output. The function of the new block is the composition of the two functions represented by the two input blocks - when the new block is called it takes the input to the new block, applies the two functions (specified when the new block is created) to the input, and reports the result. blocks as input parameters and reports a new block as the output. The function of the new block is the composition of the two functions represented by the two input blocks - when the new block is called it takes the input to the new block, applies the two functions (specified when the new block is created) to the input, and reports the result.") To use the composed function we can call the compose function with the two input functions and use the \"call\" block to execute the composed block against an input value as shown in the following script. !The compose block is called to form a composed block (function) from the two input blocks. The composed block is then applied to the input value of 3. The result of this block call is 1+2+3=6. from the two input blocks. The composed block is then applied to the input value of 3. The result of this block call is 1+2+3=6.") With this \"compose\" block we define new functions by combining existing functions on the fly - when we need them. This is a powerful way of generalization we cannot achieve without using higher order functions.
# Foundations of Computer Science/The Internet and the Web ## The Internet and the Web The Internet and the Web give us the ability to connect to countless resources and is molding the way our society utilizes technology for online storage and services. We will use principles previously learned to examine Internet and Web communication. The principles we will examine are: - information can be encoded into messages - a coordination system is a set of agents interacting with each other toward a common objective - messages can hide information ### Computer Networks A computer network is considered a communication sub-system that connects a group of computers enabling them to communicate with each other. When thinking of a computer network you must consider two parts that make it possible: **Hardware:** - network interface card (NIC) - required in order to connect to a local area network - cabling or antennas - required to carry signals for transmission - network switches - used to relay signals **Software:** - Programs - used to process information (bits) using algorithms ### Network Standard Similar to encoding procedures used for bits, the same idea of a standard must be used for networks. In order for communication to occur it requires a standard for devices, message format, and procedures of interactions. These standards provide ordered processes for communication. Once we have the standards in place we can examine what actually makes a network tick. As stated previously, a computer network is made of two parts: hardware and software. The physical hardware sets the way for communication to travel, but does not enable the network. The software (programs) are the pieces that make a computer network to allow software-to-software communication. The focus of this chapter will be on following three software standards: - the Internet protocol suite - layers of software - abstraction being used for simplification ### Background Definitions Knowing the definitions from the links provided will give you a foundation for the material in this chapter. ### Stack of Protocols When analyzing the protocols needed to allow communication over a network, we see that different protocols are layered to create levels of abstraction. These abstraction layers are used both for the upper and lower layers (see image below). !Shows the stack of network agents used to transmit a message from one computer to another. **Message Analogy** Let\'s say that Computer A wants to send a message to Computer B. Trace through the steps below to see how a message is sent via the two stacks of agents. 1. Only A4 and B4 can access the physical mailboxes to send and receive packages 2. A1 puts the message into packages 3. A2 adds sequence numbers and tracking numbers to packages 4. A3 adds address labels 5. A4 puts the packages in the outbox 6. packages arrive at B4\'s inbox 7. B3 accepts packages addressed to B 8. B2 checks use sequence numbers to put the packages in order and acknowledges the packages using the tracking numbers to A2 9. A2 re-sends a package unless acknowledged 10. B1 opens the packages to reconstruct the original message The network protocols work in the same way with A1 to A4 and B1 to B4 being software. The delivery mechanism used between A4 and B4 usually consists of metal wires, fiber optic cables, or radio waves in the air. **Delivery Mechanism** Previously, we established how information is transmitted using Computer A and Computer B. Two delivery mechanisms that are used today for communication between networks are circuit switching and packet-switching. When you think about a telephone network, this network requires a connection is established before communication can occur. For example, when you call someone, the phone rings until the other person picks up or voicemail initiates; this type of communication is known as synchronous communication. The opposite is true for computer networks which use packet-switching. When using packet-switching, each packet (which is a small package of information) is individually addressed and delivered separately. The process mimics how mail packages are delivered via shared media, i.e. trucks, trains, ships, and airplanes. For instance, when you send a letter, you do not wait until the recipient is ready. This type of communication is called asynchronous communication. ### The Internet We have seen different standards and/or protocols of the Internet.The following describes the different characteristics of the Internet which will be important when distinguishing the Internet from the Web. - An infrastructure for communication (information highway) - A global connection of computer networks using the Internet Protocol (IP) - Uses layers of communication protocols: IP,TCP, HTTP/FTP/SSH - Built on open standards: anyone can create a new internet device - Lack of centralized control (mostly) - Everyone can use it with simple, commonly available software ## The World Wide Web The World Wide Web is often confused with the Internet as it is used in conjunction with the Internet. The web is only one of the services provided through the Internet. It is important to know the characteristics of the Web (see below): - A collection of distributed web pages or documents that can be fetched using the web protocol (HTTP-Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) - A service (application) that uses the Internet as a delivery mechanism - Only one of the services that run on the Internet along with other services: email, file transfer, remote login, and etc. ### The Web There are two roles that work together to make up the web: Web servers and Web clients (browsers). **Web servers** - Software that listens for web page requests and has access to stored web pages - Apache, MS Internet Information Server (IIS) **Web clients (browsers)** - Software that fetches/displays documents fetched from web servers - Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome ### Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an identifier for the location of a page on the web. The system of URLs is hierarchical (see image below). !An example of the different pieces of a URL._example.PNG "An example of the different pieces of a URL.") - **edu**: a URL for a school (not .com or .org) - **www.sbuniv.edu**: a URL for the Southwest Baptist University (SBU) website - **www.sbuniv.edu/COBACS/CIS/index.html**: a URL to a page on SBU\'s website under the path ## Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) The language used to define web pages is known as HTML. In order to view an example, open another tab and navigate to the Southwest Baptist University CIS Department website. Once you have the page open, right click on the page and select \"View Source\", this will allow you to see the HTML code that was used to create the web page. The web page itself may content hypertext (clickable text that serves as links). A link is just a defined URL that points to another web page. Web pages and links are what combine to form the Web. ## Finding Information on the Web It is important to note how to find information on the Web. Follow the steps below to see how this process works: Use a hierarchical system (directory) to find the URLs to pages that may have the information - Use our knowledge to guess, e.g. start from apple.com to navigate to the page for iPhone 5s - Use a search engine `   -we look for information (wherever it is located) not pages`\ `   -we may find information we did not know existed` ## How a Search Engine Works One of the main sources for locating resources can be found using a search engine. However, have you ever thought about how they actually work? There is a series of steps that describe exactly what happens when a search engine is used: 1. Gather information: crawl the web 2. Keep copies: cache web pages 3. Build an index 4. Understand the query 5. Determine the relevance of each possible result to the query 6. Determine the ranking of the relevant results 7. Present the results **Measure of Important Pages** Once a search is performed relevant pages are provided. However, not all relevant pages displayed are considered important. A web page does not gain importance until it has been ranked by credible sources. One of Google\'s innovations is page rank - a measure of the "importance" of a page that takes into account the external references to it. A page is considered more important based on the number of important pages that link to that page. For example, an electronic article from the New York Times would have a higher level of importance or page rank than a personal blog due to the number of important pages linked to that online article.
# Foundations of Computer Science/Encryption ## Encryption In order to ensure secure communication takes place encryption methods must be used. Secure communication over the web is important for areas such as e-commerce. Encryption is used to encode messages ensuring no one, but the intended recipient knows the content of the message. The messages that are transferred over the Internet in the form of packets. When you think about packets, they are more like postcards than letters. The content of each packet are plaintext (exposed for all to see) as the bits are transmitted. The best way to protect these packets during transmission and after reception is using encryption techniques. Encryption is simply the process of converting information (plaintext) into unintelligible text (ciphertext) to avoid unwanted parties from intercepting the message. In order for the recipient to understand the ciphertext they must use a decryption method. Decryption reverses the process of ciphertext back into plaintext. The two parts: encryption and decryption are part of what is known as cryptography. Cryptography (secret writing) is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. It is not a new practice and has been around since early 2000 B.C.. ### Caesar Cipher The Caesar cipher is an example of a substitution cipher. This cipher uses a letter-by-letter translation to encrypt messages. A cipher is simply a method (algorithm) used to transform a message into an obscured form and reversing the transformation. An example of this particular cipher can be seen below where you replace each letter in the top row by the corresponding letter on the bottom row: !Caesar Cipher example. With the Caesar cipher there are 25 possible variations representing one for each different amount of shifting. The key to remember about the encryption and decryption rule is the amount of the shift. If we know the Caesar cipher is used then we could try all possible 25 shifts of the alphabet to decrypt the message. However, tools have been created to encrypt and decrypt messages created using this cipher. ## Substitution Ciphers Substitution ciphers are ciphers that use one symbol is substituted for another according to a uniform rule. The example below shows a substitution table that defines a rule for reordering letters in the alphabet. How many possible reordering possibilities can be performed using the example below? !Substitution cipher !Number of methods possible. These type of ciphers appear to be unbreakable, but that is not true. Frequency analysis is used to decode substitution ciphers . This technique used to break general substitution ciphers uses frequencies letters that appear in a language.The image below shows the original message with symbols. We will use frequency analysis to decode the cipher. !Original encoded ciphertext. After we have replaced the most used characters with E and T we can begin using other common symbols and sentence structure to fill in the gaps. !Process of using conjectural decoding. Finally, after replacing symbols with frequently used letters we see the entire message displayed below. !Complete ciphertext message. ### Vigenère Cipher The Vigenere cipher is similar to the Caesar cipher, but it uses multiple Caesar ciphers to encode a message. For a long time the Viegenere cipher was considered unbreakable until the 1800s when Charles Babbage discovered a way. !This table shows the key to the cipher thomasbbryan. This cipher was used by an attorney named Thomas B. Bryan in 1894 to communicate with his client. !Key description The substitution table used above encrypts and decrypts messages. We use the second column, \"thomasbbryan\", to uniquely identify the table. This key is used to specify which cipher is used. The Vigenere cipher was unbreakable until the method to decode this cipher was discovered in 1863. Although the cipher is no longer secure, it was at the time a great enhancement to secure communications. ### Vernam Cipher The weakness discovered with the Vigenere cipher is the repeated use of the same key. In order to combat this problem the Vernam cipher was created. The key is as long as the plaintext so that no repetition is needed. For example, if we wanted to use the Vernam cipher to encrypt the message the length of 100, we might use 100 Caesar ciphers extended to 100 rows. This was a one-time pad used to encrypt messages. The Vernam cipher was used widely during World War II and the Cold War. In principle, the one-time pad is as good as it gets when it comes to cryptography. This process is mathematically provable. The Vernam cipher operates in a similar fashion to the Caesar cipher. Wherein the Caesar cipher one number key is used as the shift cipher, the Vernam cipher operates through the use of many different shift ciphers being used, a unique one for each letter in the key. This is done by shifting the character according to the value of the letter it corresponds to in the alphabet. For example if the letter of the key was \'A\' that would lead to a shift of 1. When used correctly, the one-time pad is unbreakable, but it is difficult to transmit the one-time pad between the parties without interception. Another challenge is that the cipher (one-time pad) is impractical. If there is a way to transmit the message, then the person might as well send the message itself due to the length and complexity. Today, we use more innovative practices to secure communication. Sophisticated ciphers (programs) use shorter keys and these keys are sequences of bits on which both parties agree to keep secret. This process works because computers divide ASCII-coded plaintext messages into blocks. The bits that make up that block are transformed according to a specific method that depends on the secret key created. There are no known shortcuts for breaking secret key ciphers. Even using a brute-force attack is difficult because it requires guessing all possible keys but as the attack occurs the process grows exponentially in time based on the size of the key. Increasing the key length by only one bit doubles the work required to break the cipher. By creating longer keys it makes it possible to have the work outgrow the actual computing power. Due to this, breaking these ciphers is possible, but computationally infeasible, taking hundreds of years or more to crack. The challenges that come with using secret key encryption is that the number of keys required increases as the number of network members increases. For each pair of members a new shared secret key must be created. Creating unique keys becomes more complicated as more combinations are needed. Another challenge is securely establishing a secret key between two parties when a secure channel does not exist between them. ### Public Key Encryption In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman proposed the idea of public-key encryption. The idea is of two mathematically related keys a public key and a private key. The keys are paired, but computationally infeasible to connect to each other. A message encrypted using the private key can only be decrypted by the public key and vice versa. When a user picks a secret key and encrypts the message with the recipient\'s public key and sends the ciphertext to the recipient. The recipient then uses their private key to decrypt the ciphertext to get the secret key. The private keys are kept secret and never sent to the other user. The two can communicate using the secret key (also known as a session key). The confidentiality of the message is ensured due to no one except the recipient being able to decrypt the message from the initiator. The way to ensure the message is from the sender is to use digital signature schemes. Signatures should be easy for a user to produce, but difficult for anyone else to forge. Digital signatures can also be tied to the content of the message being signed. Authenticity of the message is verified due to the ciphertext only being decrypted with the intended party\'s private key.
# Foundations of Computer Science/Simulation ## Simulation Simulation can be a very powerful way to represent real-world systems, scenarios, and experiments. Simulation is the recreation of a real-world system in a prepared and controlled environment. As we study different objects and environments we see the complexity of measuring, analyzing, and emulating events such as nature. Although it is impossible to produce 100% accuracy and detail; the two are used to attempt to create an environment as close as possible to mimicking real-world systems. In order to achieve a higher level of accuracy and detail we focus on the most important aspects of the system we hope to simulate. The higher the granularity in detail the more likely we are to accurately predict what will happen in a real world environment. The three motivating factors behind using simulation instead of real world experimentation are: - **Control** - Gives us the ability to explore problems that were utterly out of reach due to our lack of control over a real world situation. For example, if we are attempting to simulate a storm or hurricane these are events we have no control over, but studying the paths could be beneficial in predicting future effects and climate changes. - **Cost** - Conducting experiments in real system can be costly both in regards to time and money. For example, instead of automotive manufacturers crashing several cars for testing they can use simulations to mimic different car crashes, angles, and scenarios without spending time and money on an actual car. - **Safety** - Certain experiments can be dangerous or harmful and simulations. Scientists are able to simulate events such as virus outbreaks, aircraft engine failure, and even testing nuclear bomb material (more info on atomic bomb simulations). ## Modeling Modeling is the process of describing how the components of a simulation looks and behaves. During this process we model the behavior and interactions of all components. Although we are using loose approximations these simulated versions can be a surprisingly accurate recreation of the real world system.
# Foundations of Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence ## Artificial Intelligence ### What is A.I.? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the idea of building a system that can mimic human intelligence. How we determine intelligence is based on how people plan, learn, natural language processing, motion and manipulation, perception, and creativity. These various areas are used in the process of engineering and developing Artificial Intelligence. ### The Turing Test & A.I. One concept that is important to note is that computers only perform algorithms and programs given, they cannot inherently create algorithms on their own. We have seen in previous chapters where algorithms can morph or change, but not without being given an algorithm. Previous chapters have breached the topic of the Turing Test. The Turing Test is used as a theoretical standard to determine whether a human judge can distinguish via a conversation with one machine and one human which is a human and which is a machine. If a machine can trick the human judge into thinking it is human then it passes the Turing Test. Although there are several innovative developments in the field of AI there are still areas that are being tested in improved. Once such example can be found with CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans apart). The CAPTCHAs are used to distinguish between human and computer. Even today, computers are unable to identify images such as those generated by CAPTCHAs as well as humans. Those developing CAPTCHAs are using these as a tool to teach computers to recognize and learn words and/or images that humans are able to identify. CAPTCHA is considered a reverse Turing test because a computer is determining whether a human user is indeed human. ### Intelligent Agent Approach The intelligent agent approach was first introduced in the quest for \"artificial flight\". The Wright brothers and others stopped their attempts to imitate birds and to instead embrace the idea of aerodynamics. The goal is not to duplicate, but to use what is known about flying and manipulate that knowledge. A major part of this approach is a rational agent, which is an an agent used to achieve the best outcome. Therein lies the connection to the intelligence test of rationality. Basically, can this machine or computer mimic the rational behavior of a human. ### History of A.I. The concept of AI began around 1943 and became a field of study in 1956 at Dartmouth. AI is not limited to the Computer Sciences disciplines, but can be seen in countless disciplines such as Mathematics, Philosophy, Economics, Neuroscience, psychology and various other areas. The areas of interest in the Computer Science and Engineering field are focused on how we can build more efficient computers. Great advancements have been made in the area of hardware and software. ### A.I. Knowledge-based Expert System An A.I. system often times will use a rule-based system to capture knowledge in the form of if-then statements. Another way to think about these rule-based systems is as decision trees. Decision trees use these preset rules to determine the decision path to follow based on input provided. An example of a decision tree or rule-based system is a single player game. In the game the player imagines an animal (real or imaginary) and answers a series of questions, which are designed for the computer to guess what the animal is assuming the player always answers the questions truthfully. ### Machine Learning There are two types of machine learning: formal and informal. The informal involves giving computers the ability to learn without explicitly programming the capability (Arthur Samuel, 1959). The formal type of machine learning is a computer program that learns from experience in respect to some task and increases performance based on that experience (Tom Mitchell, 1998). ### Supervised Learning The supervised learning is based on giving the correct answers and having the computer mapping inputs to outputs. Examples of supervised machine learning are: - United States Postal Service using computers to read zip codes on envelopes and automatically sort mail (i.e. handwritten zip codes) - Spam filters - software is trained to learn and distinguish between spam and non-spam messages (i.e. email filters) - Facial recognition- used by cameras to focus and via photo editing software to tag persons (i.e. Facebook) ### Unsupervised Learning Unsupervised learning is simply the reverse of supervised learning where the correct answers are unknown. The goal or objective of unsupervised learning is to discover structure in data, which is also known as data mining. The computer looks at data to find trends to make and/or assist in decision making. Below are examples of unsupervised learning: - Clustering algorithm - Used to find patterns in datasets and then group that data into different coherent clusters. - Market segmentation - targeting customers based off regions, likes, dislikes, when the consumer makes purchases, etc. This is considered targeted marketing. - Recommendation systems - systems or software that make recommendations to the consumer as to what they may like based off their preferences (i.e. Netflix, Hulu, etc.). - Statistical Natural Language Processing - used to guess the next word or auto-complete words based off of correcting/guessing techniques, suggesting news stories, or translating texts) ### Genetic Programming Genetic Programming is an idea that uses evolutionary process to improve algorithms. ### Future of A.I. There are many challenges in mimicking human intelligence. Humans acquire common senses that are intuitive but hard to reason rationally, e.g. the color of a blue car is blue. Deep learning is a branch A.I. that aim to create algorithms that can acquire intuition.
# Foundations of Computer Science/Limits of Computing ## Limits of Computing We have studied some big ideas of computing, which allows us to perform amazing tasks through information process. You might have gotten the impression that if we can quantify information and design an algorithm, we can solve any problem using computing. In this chapter we will study the theory about the limits of computing. There are theoretical and practical limits on what computing can do for us. ### Turing Machine Revisited When we talked about the formal definition of \"algorithm\", we introduced the Turing machine, which is a mathematical model for computation. With this model we can study the nature of computing including what it is can possibly do. Alan Turing contributed greatly to the computability theory with his model machine. He proved that Turing machine is as powerful as any computer we can ever build (Turing completeness). If we can find a problem the Turing machine cannot solve, we just proved the solution is not computable, i.e., the problem is not solvable through computing on any computer. ### Halting Problem In 1936 Alan Turing proved that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem for all possible program-input pairs cannot exist, i.e., the halting problem is unsolvable using computing. More specifically, the halting problem is undecidable because it is the simplest type of question that answers a yes or no (decision) question: whether a program will eventually halt (stop) given an input. Obviously, it is infeasible to actually run the program with the input to see whether it will halt because it may take forever if there is an infinite loop in the program. The idea is to analyze a program with given input to determine whether it will halt or not. Alan Turing proved the halting problem is undecidable by a proof technique called proof by contradiction. It would be very helpful to review some of the sample proofs on Wikipedia. Another classic example is the proof of Euclid\'s theorem in number theory, which asserts that there are infinitely many prime numbers. All proofs by contradiction start with an assumption that the proposition we are trying to proof is false, follow a logical sequence of valid steps, and arrive at a conclusion that is clearly false or contradicts, which is also false because a statement can be either true or false but never both. If we assume the halting problem is decidable/solvable we should be able to design an algorithm and implement it as a program that solve the problem for us. The program should take a program and the input to the program as input parameters and return the answer - whether the program will halt or not on the input. Such a program may sound strange because it takes a program as input, but we have seen such programs, e.g., the higher order function blocks in Snap! takes a block (program) as input and an interpreter program) takes the source code of a program as data and runs the program. Programs are data and there no intrinsic difference between the tow. The following proof shows that a program that answers the halting question cannot exist. 1. Assume such a program A exists. A(P, D) -\> whether program P halt on input data D. 2. We can create another program B that takes a program as input. Inside program B we can call program A with the given input to determine whether the input program will halt on itself as input data and if the answer is no (will not halt) we halt (return) and if the answer is yes (will halt) loop forever. ` B(P):`\ `   if A(P, P) = yes `\ `     infinite loop`\ `   else`\ `     return `\ 1. What happens if we feed program B to itself as the input? or more simply, would program B halt on itself? There are two possible outcomes of the exercise: program B halts on itself or program B runs forever when itself is the input. The actual outcome/result depends on the outcome of program A called inside program B. If program B halts on itself, according to the design of program B it should run forever because the program A with program B as both inputs should run an infinite loop. On the other hand, if program B will not halt on itself, the output from program B with itself as input should return right away. Either way it is a contradiction. 2. So far, we have made an assumption, followed a set of logically sound steps, and finally arrived at contradictions. What went wrong? The contradictions cannot be true because they are logically impossible. The steps are logically sound and the only part that could be wrong is the assumption. Therefore, the assumption cannot be true, i.e., the halting problem is not decidable. Here is a YouTube video illustrating the proof: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92WHN-pAFCs> ### Intractable Problems The Halting problem is hard because it is not solvable algorithmically even in principle. There are other hard problems that are solvable in principle but in practice they are close to being impossible to solve. As you can see, we can categorize problems by the performance of the best-known algorithms. If a problem can be solved using a fast algorithm, the problem is easy because we can use a computer to solve it fast. On the contrary if the best-known algorithm we know takes a long time to solve a problem, it is hard because computers cannot solve it fast. Using algorithm complexity theory we can put each algorithm into a particular category according to the algorithm\'s complexity. If the big-O notation of a category contains only polynomial terms, the problems solvable using algorithms in this category are called P problems (Polynomial time solutions exist), such as $O(1)$, $log_2(N)$$O(N)$, and $O(N^2)$. The P problems are the easy problems to computers. Among the problems without a polynomial time solution there are problems that if we can guess the solution it can be verified in polynomial time. For example, the integer factorization (or prime decomposition) problem has no known polynomial time solution but given an answer we can verify it very quickly by simply multiplying the factors and comparing the result to the integer. These types of problems are called NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problems. Collectively we call problems that take too long to solve intractable problems, which include problems with best algorithm in exponential time ($O(2^N)$) or those with polynomial time solutions but the exponent is too larger, e.g. $O(N^{15})$. If a problem\'s best algorithmic solution is in the $O(2^N)$, when $N=100$ and a computer does $10^{12}$ operations per second it would take $4 \times 10^{10}$ years (the age of the universe) to solve the problem on the computer. ### P v.s. NP Obviously P is a subset of NP because NP is defined only by polynomial answer verification time and being able to solve a problem in polynomial time (P) certainly qualifies for that. Whether P is a proper subset of NP or, in other words, whether $P=NP$ remains one of the open questions in computer science. Nobody knows the answer. You can win a million dollars if you can solve it as one of the Millennium Prize Problems. To attack this P v.s. NP problem theoretical computer scientist have defined another category called NP-complete problems. The relationships among the three categories are illustrated in the following figure. !Diagram of complexity classes provided that P ≠ NP. The existence of problems within NP but outside both P and NP-complete, under that assumption, was established by Ladner\'s theorem.\[1\] All problems in this category are NP problems sharing one special property - ALL other NP-complete problems can be translated/reduced to each of the NP-complete problems in polynomial time. Because of the nature of NP-completeness if we can solve ANY single problem in this category, we have proved all NP problems are solvable in polynomial time, i.e., $P=NP$. We can take any NP problem, translate it to the solved NP-complete problem, and solve the problem in polynomial time. The overall time is still polynomial because polynomial + polynomial is polynomial. Thousands of NP-complete problems have been discovered but none of them has been solved. NP-complete problems are, in a sense, the most difficult known problems. Most computer scientist believe $P \ne NP$ because the implications otherwise. The \"creative leaps\" will disappear because solving a problem is as easy as being able to recognize the right answer. Most encryption algorithms are computationally secure because breaking them are NP-problems - there is no known efficient polynomial time solution. If $P=NP$ then all encryptions are broken. There are other unsolved problems in computer science. You can find a list of such problems at <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unsolved_problems_in_computer_science>
# Foundations of Computer Science/Computing Machinery ## Computing Machinery We have studied some fundamental principles of computing and seen the power of computing demonstrated in powerful technologies that operate on these principles. At the beginning we imagined that computing can be done purely mechanically and blindly through symbol manipulation if we can build a simple device that is capable of some simple tasks. In this lesson we will study the history of the development of computers and the principles on which all modern computer hardware operate. We will see on the physical layer a computer is nothing but a simple device that follows simple rules to manipulate two symbols. ### Computer Hardware Computer hardware that can carry out computation automatically has been around for too long. There is a short history from early computers to modern computers we have today. #### Mechanical Computers Charles Babbage invented the concept of a programmable computer and designed the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century. His difference engine and analytical engine are mechanical devices designed to tabulate polynomial functions. The input to the machines are programs and data on punched cards and the output number can be pouched onto cards or directed to a printer, a curve plotter and a bell. The machines use ordinary base-10 fixed-point arithmetic. Charles Babbage\'s engine is the first design for a general-purpose computer that is Turing-complete. #### Analog Computers In early 20th century mechanical analog computers are designed to perform increasingly sophisticated computing, e.g. solving differential equations by integration. Analog computers use continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model/quantify computation, which lack the accuracy of modern digital computers. #### Digital Computers The world\'s first fully automatic digital computer is the electromechanical programmable computer Z3) made by Konrad Zuse in 1941. Z3 uses electric switches that drive mechanical relays to perform computation. It replaces the decimal system with the binary system and pioneered the use of floating point numbers. Program and data are stored on punched film. The distinction between a digital device and an analog device is whether the representations of values are discrete or continuous. For example, black and white are discrete values but their infinite number of grayish colors (a grayscale). #### Electronic Digital Computers The world\'s first electronic digital programmable computer is Colossus, built with a large number of valves (vacuum tubes) in 1943. The design was all electronic and was used to break the German Enigma code. #### Transistor Computers From 1955 vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors in computer designs resulting in smaller, more reliable and more power efficient second generation computers, giving rise to the \"second generation\" of computers. #### Integrated Circuit Computers The invention of integrated circuit in 1952 ushered in a new era of computing machinery - micro-computers. Microprocessors with integrated circuit are used to build common computing devices you see today: desktop computers, laptop computers, phones, and greeting cards. ### Principles of Digital Computing The mathematical foundation of digital computing is Boolean logic invented by George Boole. Claude Shannon proved in the 1930s that electronic circuits can compute in binary using Boolean logic, which becomes the fundamental principle/idea behind all modern computing devices. #### Boolean Algebra Boolean algebra has three operations AND, OR, and NOT on two values: true and false. The rules for evaluating the three operations are shown in the figure. !The truth table showing the rules for the three basic Boolean operations. A Boolean operation operates on Boolean values and always result in a Boolean value. For the AND operation the result is true only when both operands are true. The OR operation, on the other hand, only results in a false value if either of the two operands is false. The NOT operation takes one operand and simply negates it. We will see if we can build electronic circuits that implement the three operations we can build circuits that can perform all kinds of arithmetic and logic functions. The three boolean operations can be implemented physically using transistors. A transistor is fundamentally a tiny switch as shown in the figure. !A transistor is fundamentally a tiny switch with three pins. When a logical 1 is applied to the control pin the switch is closed connecting in to out. When a high voltage (logical 1) is applied to the control pin the switch is closed connecting the in pin directly to the out pin. Transistor operates on two voltages: high and low, which can be used to represent two different logical values: true and false or two binary values: 1 and 0. We will use a high voltage to physically represent a logical 1 and a low voltage a logical 0. #### Transistors and Logic Gates Transistors are simple devices that are tiny, but it is fundamental building block of electronic circuits. For example we can build a device called NOT gate using a single transistor as shown in the figure. !A NOT gate constructed using a single transistor. If we treat what\'s inside the red box as a unit it behaves like negator, which is known as an NOT gate in digital logic design. As shown in the truth table for this device (next to the figure) when the input is logical 1 the switch is closed connecting the output to the ground dragging the output voltage to a low signifying a logical 0. On the other hand, when the input is logical 0 the switch stays open which result in a high voltage on the output line because it is connected to the power through a resister and without a current the resister will not cause any drop in power. Once this device is built we can use it as a building block to construct more complicated circuits. Will use the following symbol to represent a NOT gate. !NOT gate With transistors and the NOT gate we can build a device that performs the AND operation. !An AND gate built using two transistors and a NOT gate. As shown in the figure the device performs exact an AND operation. The output is logical 1 (high voltage) only when both inputs are logical 1, which causes both switches to close dragging the output before the NOT gate to low. The NOT gate then negates the output to be high voltage or logical 1. Similarly we can build a device for performing the OR operation. !An OR gate built using two transistors and a NOT gate. A shown in the figure this kind of parallel structure guarantees that the output is high voltage as long as any transistor is closed. In other words, the relationship between the two inputs and the output is a OR logical function. #### Gates to Circuits With the three basic gates (AND, OR, NOT) we can build any combinational logic circuit. A circuit consists of input wires, gates connected by wires, and output wires. Once a circuit is designed it can be viewed as a black box that implements some logic mapping input to output. Here is the standard circuit construction algorithm: 1. build a truth table from the desired logic 2. build a logic expression in sum-of-products form 3. convert the expression to circuit design using gates We want to construct a circuit that test the equality of two bits. The two inputs are the two bits represented physically by a high voltage (logical 1) or a low voltage (logical 0). According to the desired logic of the circuit we can draw the following truth table: !This logic tests whether two bits are the same/equal. The first two columns enumerates all possible value combinations of the two input lines. The output is logical 1 (true) only when the two inputs are the same. Based on the truth table, we can derive the following logic expression (sum-of-products form): `(a AND b) OR ((NOT a) AND (NOT b))` To derive the sum-of-products form we check lines in the truth table with a logical 1 for the output. We know the input combinations shown in these lines are supposed to cause the output to become logical 1. We can represent each of these lines using a logic expression, for instance, (a AND b) represents the last line because when both a and b are logical 1 the expression evaluates to a logical 1 according to the definition of the AND operation. Similarly ((NOT a) AND (NOT b)) represents the first line. If we combine the two cases, we can represent the desired logic using a single expression: (a AND b) OR ((NOT a) AND (NOT b)). If we plugin the inputs for the cases in the truth table this expression should evaluate to the same desired output values for the corresponding cases. Because we know how to build the devices (gates) that implement AND, OR, and operations we can build a device that can compare whether two bits are equal. This is device will be able to perform this kind of operation purely mechanically (blindly) because it doesn\'t know the meaning of the operation. Using the same methodology we can gradually build more and more complicated circuits. For example we could build a device that can add two binary digits: one-bit adder. It is just a matter of figuring out the desired logic and construct the device using the building blocks we already know how to make. !An adder circuit that adds two binary bits.{width="400"} Once we get the sum-of-products form of the logic expression from the truth table it is straight forward for us to construct the circuit because all we need are the three types of logic gates and wire connection. The following figure shows the design of a one-bit adder (with carry-in) circuit using the three basic logic gates. !The circuit for producing the sum bit of a one bit adder.{width="400"} We can construct multi-bit adders by connecting multiple one-bit adders. The following figure shows that a two-bit adder can be formed by connecting the carry-out of the first one-bit adder to the carry-in of the second one-bit adder. !A 2-bit adder circuit constructed from two 1-bit adders.{width="400"} !A Simple Flow Chart for a Lamp Diagnosis Algorithm !A Flow Chart for the Algorithm that Computes N! (factorial of N)") Computer data storage
# Foundations of Computer Science/Parallel Processing Computing is fundamentally about information processes. On a digital computer such processes are carried out via symbol manipulations in binary logic. With the advancement in semiconducting technology we have been able to keep making computers run faster---manipulate bits at a higher speed---by cramming more transistors into computer chips. This is known as the Moore\'s law originated around 1970\'s. The trend of increase has slowed down and will eventually flatten due to limits in physics as predicted by some physicist, who also predicted potential new technologies that may replace semiconductors (silicon) in computer hardware manufacturing. In the meantime, hardware companies have tweaked their technologies to maintain the growth in hardware capacity. Multicore technology replaces one fast CPU (Central Processing Unit---the brain of a computer) with many slower ones (called cores) to avoid overheating the chip. Even though each core is a slower but we get more of them and could get more done if we can arrange the work properly. For instance, a strong worker can lift 100 bricks a minute and a normal worker can only lift 34 bricks. Three normal workers can outperform one strong worker even though they are much slower individually. This is the idea of parallel processing. Traditionally computer program has been written to describe sequential processes, which means the steps can only be carried out one at a time and one after another in a sequence. This type of program works fine on a computer with a single processor because the computer can perform one symbol manipulation at a time any ways. In fact we have been reaping the benefit of Moore\'s law: every two computer hardware double it speed causing our program run twice as fast without us doing anything. This trend has stopped. Each individual processor (core) is not getting faster but we have more of them in a computer. As a result our existing sequential program will run slower even though the hardware\'s capacity has become larger. Before the next generation of computers are invented we can parallel computing/processing to solve problems faster computationally. The idea of parallel processing is not new. For example, a car assembly line allows multiple cars to be built at the same time. Even though different parts of the car are being assembled at a given time this assembly line keeps all the workers busy increasing the throughput (number of cars built per unit time) of the whole system. We can make the workers work faster to further increase the throughput or we could add another assembly and hire more workers. This is one form of parallel processing - pipelining. Another form of parallelism divides the whole computing task into parts that can be computed simultaneously and run them physically on different CPU (computers). This is similar to putting a jigsaw puzzle together with friends. As you can imagine having some extra help will definitely help solve the puzzle faster, but do it mean the more the better. The answer is no. As the number of helpers increase the amount of coordination and communication increases faster. When you have too many people they may start stepping on each other\'s toes and competing with each other for resources (space and puzzle pieces). This is known as the overhead of parallel processing, which causes the diminishing return on investment. We can see this pattern clearly when we measure the improvement in performance as a function of the workers involved. In the context of parallel processing/computing we use a metric called speedup to measure the improvement in performance. The achieved speedup equals the solution/execution time of a program with out parallel processing divided by the execution time of the same task with parallel processing. $$S = \frac{T_{old}}{T_{new}}$$ **where:** - $S \$ is the speedup. - $T_{old} \$ is the old execution time without the parallel processing. - $T_{new} \$ is the new execution time with the parallel processing. If parallel processing makes a program run twice as fast the speedup is two (a.k.a two-fold speedup). Theoretically as we double the number of workers or resources we can expect a two-fold speed up. Practically it is hard to achieve this optimal speedup because some tasks are not always parallelizable. For example you can not usually lay the carpet before the floor of house is constructed and you cannot always add more painters to get the painting job down faster. Computational tasks often have similar dependency and resources constraints to keep us from fully utilize the parallel processing systems (e.g. multi-core computers) we have. Exercise: With a washing machine and a dryer you could work on one load of laundry at time. You wash it first and then put it into the dryer. Assume the whole task takes an hour. This works perfectly when you have only one load to do and there is nothing you can do to make it go faster. What if you have many loads of laundry to do? You can at least at one load done every hour. Can you \"speed it up\"? If the number of loads can be arbitrary larger what is shortest average per load laundry time you can achieve?
# C Programming/Why learn C? C "wikilink") is the most commonly used programming language for writing operating systems. The first operating system written in C was Unix. Later operating systems like GNU/Linux were all written in C. Not only is C the language of operating systems, it is the precursor and inspiration for almost all of the most popular high-level languages available today. In fact, Perl, PHP, Python "wikilink") and Ruby "wikilink") are all written in C. By way of analogy, let\'s say that you were going to be learning Spanish, Italian, French, or Romanian. Do you think knowing Latin would be helpful? Just as Latin was the basis of all of those languages, knowing C will enable you to understand and appreciate an entire family of programming languages built upon the traditions of C. Knowledge of C enables freedom. ### Why C and not assembly? The biggest reason to learn C over assembly is because it\'s much easier and faster to write code in C than in assembly for a given programming task. With C, you will write far fewer lines of code, complete the job much quicker, and with far less mental effort than if you wrote it in assembly. And with today\'s modern compilers, an executable file compiled from C source code will typically run faster than one written \"by hand\" using assembly. Only in rare edge cases, and only if you really know what you are doing, can assembly offer important speed advantages over C code compiled with a decent compiler. And with C, you do not have to sacrifice a lot of low level control over how your code is executed. A typical C statement translates into just a few assembly instructions. But C also provides you with a large software library to help you execute low-level tasks that you\'d rather not be bothered programming. Another huge advantage of C is portability. Different processors have different instruction sets. Having to rewrite and maintain assembly code for each computer architecture you wish to execute your code on is an onerous task. And so one of the main strengths of C is that it combines universality and portability across various computer architectures while still giving you the same kind of low level hardware control you get with assembly. This means you can write your C source code once and easily compile it into binaries for use on a wide variety of machines. For example, C programs can be compiled and run on the HP 50g calculator (ARM processor), the TI-89 calculator (68000 processor), Palm OS Cobalt smartphones (ARM processor), the original iMac (PowerPC), the Arduino (Atmel AVR), and the Intel iMac (Intel Core 2 Duo). Each of these devices has its own assembly that is completely incompatible with the assembly of any other. C makes it possible to run your code on these machines with much less effort. So is it any wonder that C is such a popular language? Like toppling dominoes, the next generation of programs follows the trend of its ancestors. Operating systems designed in C always have system libraries designed in C. Those system libraries are in turn used to create higher-level libraries (like OpenGL, or GTK), and the designers of those libraries often decide to use the language the system libraries used. Application developers use the higher-level libraries to design word processors, games, media players and the like. Many of them will choose to program in the language that the higher-level library uses. And the pattern continues on and on and on\... That said, learning assembly can be fun and worthwhile because it can give you a deep understanding of how your computer works at very low levels. And learning assembly will definitely help you become a more skilled C programmer. So, by all means, we encourage you learn assembly, but when it comes time to do real work, you\'ll definitely want to get it done with C. ### Why C, and not another language? The primary design of C is to produce portable code while maintaining performance and minimizing footprint (CPU time, memory usage, disk I/O, etc.). This is useful for operating systems, embedded systems or other programs where performance matters a lot ("high-level" interface would affect performance). With C it's relatively easy to keep a mental picture of what a given line really does, because most of the things are written explicitly in the code. C has a big codebase for low level applications. It is the "native" language of UNIX, which makes it flexible and portable. It is a stable and mature language which is unlikely to disappear for a long time and has been ported to most, if not all, platforms. One powerful reason is memory allocation. Unlike most programming languages, C allows the programmer to write directly to memory. Key constructs in C such as structs, pointers and arrays are designed to structure and manipulate memory in an efficient, machine-independent fashion. In particular, C gives control over the memory layout of data structures. Moreover dynamic memory allocation is under the control of the programmer (which also means that memory deallocation has to be done by the programmer). Languages like Java "wikilink") and Perl shield the programmer from having to manage most details of memory allocation and pointers (except for memory leaks and some other forms of excess memory usage). This can be useful since dealing with memory allocation when building a high-level program is a highly error-prone process. However, when dealing with low-level code such as the part of the OS that controls a device, C provides a uniform, clean interface. These capabilities just do not exist in most other languages. While Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby may be powerful and support many features not provided by default in C, they are not normally implemented in their own language. Rather, most such languages initially relied on being written in C (or another high-performance programming language), and would require their implementation be ported to a new platform before they can be used. As with all programming languages, whether you want to choose C over another high-level language is a matter of opinion and both technical and business requirements could dictate which language is required.
# C Programming/History The field of computing as we know it today started in 1947 with three scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories---William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen---and their groundbreaking invention: the transistor. In 1956, the first fully transistor-based computer, the TX-0, was completed at MIT. The first integrated circuit was created in 1958 by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments, but the first high-level programming language existed even before then. The Fortran project was developed in 1954 by IBM. A shortening of \"*The IBM Mathematical **For**mula **Tran**slating System*\", the project had the purpose of creating and fostering development of a procedural, imperative programming language that was especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing. It was a breakthrough in terms of productivity and programming ease (compared to assembly language) and speed (Fortran programs ran nearly as fast as, and in some cases, just as fast as, programs written in assembly). Furthermore, Fortran was written at a high-enough level (and thus was machine independent enough) to become the first widely adopted programming language. The Algorithmic Language (Algol 58) was derived from Fortran in 1958 and evolved into Algol 60 in 1960. The Combined Programming Language (CPL) was then created out of Algol 60 in 1963. In 1967, it evolved into Basic CPL (BCPL), which was the basis for *B* "wikilink"), which was created in 1971, and served as the basis of *C*. Created by Ken Thompson at Bell Labs, B was a stripped-down version of BCPL that was also a compiled language (see User\'s Reference to B) used in early internal versions of the UNIX operating system. As Dennis Ritchie noted in his *Development of the C Language* : > The B compiler on the PDP-7 did not generate machine instructions, but > instead \'threaded code\', an interpretive scheme in which the > compiler\'s output consists of a sequence of addresses of code > fragments that perform the elementary operations. The operations > typically --- in particular for B --- act on a simple stack machine. Thompson and Ritchie improved B, and called the result NB. Further extensions to NB created its logical successor, C. Most of UNIX was rewritten in NB, and then C, which resulted in a more portable operating system. The portability of UNIX was the main reason for the initial popularity of both UNIX and C. Rather than creating a new operating system for each new machine, system programmers could simply write the few system-dependent parts required for the machine, and then write a C compiler for the new system. Since most of the system utilities were thus written in C, it simply made sense to also write new utilities in C. The American National Standards Institute began work on standardizing the C language in 1983, and completed the standard in 1989. The standard, ANSI X3.159-1989 \"Programming Language C\", served as the basis for all implementations of C compilers. The standards were later updated in 1990 and 1999, allowing for features that were either in common use, or were appearing in C++. de:C-Programmierung: Grundlagen es:Programación en C/Historia de C fr:Programmation C/Introduction it:C/Linguaggio/Panoramica pt:Programar em C/História da linguagem C
# C Programming/What you need before you can learn ## Getting Started This book introduces and teaches the basics of the C programming language and touches upon some advanced topics as well. This section outlines the required skills and tools you\'ll need to get the most out of this book. ### Skills and Prior Experience You\'ll Need This book is for beginning programmers, so don\'t worry if you have no formal computer training or prior programming experience. It\'s assumed you know how to turn your computer on, start and stop applications, and perform other basic operations like installing software. It\'s also assumed you have some experience interacting with your operating system through a terminal window using its **command line interface.** If you aren\'t sure what this means, consider seeking out a tutorial for your chosen platform that can get you comfortable with getting around your computer\'s command line. At a minimum, you should know the basic commands for navigating to different directories and performing simple file management operations. This book will spell out any other commands you\'ll need to run from the command line to get your C code working on your machine. ### Software You\'ll Need No one ever became a musician just by reading sheet music. Musicians have to constantly play and practice on their instruments to get good. Similarly, the only way to become a programmer is to write and execute lots of code. To do that, you will need two different pieces of software: a **compiler** and a **text editor**. Both can be had for no cost. ###### Compilers A compiler is a sophisticated piece of software for converting the C source code you write with your text editor into the machine code[^1] that you can execute on your computer. Below is a list of some popular C compilers. Note that some of the compilers listed below come as part of an **integrated development environment (IDE).** However, if you are brand new to programming, it\'s best if you can install and run the compiler from the command line instead of through an IDE. This book uses the GNU C Compiler (GCC) in its examples so we recommend installing this compiler for use with this book. The next section in this chapter will explain how to download and install the GCC software to your machine. **Popular C compilers/IDEs include:** Name Website Platform License Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Microsoft Visual Studio Community Visual Studio Windows Proprietary, free of charge Powerful and student-friendly version of an industry standard compiler. Xcode Xcode macOS, OSX Proprietary, free of charge Available free of charge at Mac App Store. Tiny C Compiler (TCC) tinycc GNU/Linux, Windows LGPL Small, fast and simple compiler. Clang clang GNU/Linux, Windows, Unix, OS X University of Illinois/NCSA License A free, permissively licensed front-end using a LLVM backend. GNU C Compiler gcc GNU/Linux, MinGW or mingw-w64 (Windows), Unix, OS X. GPL The De facto standard. Ships with most Unix-like systems. ###### Text Editors and IDEs Aside from a compiler, the only other software requirement is a text editor for writing and saving your C code. Note that a text editor is different from a word processor, a piece of software with many features for creating visually appealing documents. Unlike word processors, text editors are primarily designed to create plain text files. On Windows, the Notepad text editor can be used but it does not offer any advanced capabilities such as syntax highlighting and code completion. There are hundreds of text editors (see List of Text Editors). Among the most popular are Notepad++ for Windows as well as Sublime Text, gedit, Vim "wikilink") and Emacs which are also available on other operating systems ("cross-platform"). These text editors come with syntax highlighting and line numbers, which makes code easier to read at a glance, and to spot syntax errors. Many text editors have features for increasing your coding speed, such as keystroke macros and code snippets, that you can take advantage of as you gain skill as a programmer. You may also be considering the use of an **integrated Development Environment** (**IDE**) to help you write code. An IDE is a suite of integrated tools and features in one convenient package, usually with a graphical user interface. These programs include a text editor and file browser and are also sometimes bundled with an easily accessible compiler. They also typically include a debugger, a tool that will enable you to do such things as step through the program you develop manually one source code line at a time, or alter data as an aid to finding and correcting programming errors. However, many IDEs do not offer a command line interface to the compiler and/or offer only graphical buttons or a menu for executing programs. So for new programmers, an IDE is not ideal. Instead, a simple text editor will suffice along with the ability to issue simple commands on the command line to help you gain a hands-on familiarity and understanding of core development tools. Of course, an IDE may still be useful to you if you have experience with one. But as a general guideline: Do not use an IDE unless you know what the IDE is doing for you! **Other popular compilers/IDEs include:** Name Website Platform License Details -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eclipse CDT "wikilink") Eclipse Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux Free/Libre and Open Source Eclipse "wikilink") IDE for C/C++ development, a popular open source IDE. Netbeans Netbeans Cross-platform CDDL and GPL 2.0 A Good comparable matured IDE to Eclipse. GNOME Builder Builder GNU/Linux GPL A feature-rich but simple IDE for the GNOME desktop environment. Anjuta Anjuta GNU/Linux GPL An extensible GTK+3 IDE for the GNOME desktop environment. Geany geany Cross-platform GPL A lightweight cross-platform GTK+ notepad based on Scintilla, with basic IDE features. KDevelop KDevelop Cross-platform GPL A cross-platform IDE for the KDE project. Little C Compiler (LCC) "wikilink") lcc Windows Open Source but not Libre Small open source compiler. Pelles C Pelles C Windows, Pocket PC Proprietary, free of charge A complete C development kit for Windows. Dev-C++ Dev C++ Windows GPL Updated version of the formerly popular Bloodshed Dev-C++. CodeLite CodeLite Cross-platform GPL 2 Free IDE for C/C++ development. Code::Blocks Code::Blocks Cross-platform GPL 3.0 Built to meet users\' most demanding needs. Very extensible and fully configurable. On **GNU/Linux**, GCC is almost always included by default. On **Microsoft Windows**, Dev-C++ is recommended for beginners because it is easy to use, free, and simple to install. Although the initial developer (Bloodshed) hasn't updated it since 2005, a new version appeared in 2011, made by an independent programmer, and is being actively developed.[^2] An alternate option for those working only in the Windows environment is the proprietary Microsoft Visual Studio Community which is free of charge and has an excellent debugger. On **Mac OS X**, the Xcode IDE provides the compilers needed to compile various source files. The newer versions do not include the command line tools. They need to be downloaded via Xcode-\>Preferences-\>Downloads. ## Footnotes pl:C/Czego potrzebujesz [^1]: Actually, GCC's (GNU C Compiler) **cc** (C Compiler) translates the input .c file to the target CPU's assembly, output is written to an .s file. Then **as** (assembler) generates a machine code file from the .s file. Pre-processing is done by another sub-program **cpp** (C PreProcessor), which is not to be confused with **c++** (a compiler for another programming language). [^2]: <http://orwelldevcpp.blogspot.com/>
# C Programming/Obtaining a compiler ## Dev-C++ {{ Wikipedia \| Dev-C++ }} Dev C++ is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C++ programming language, available from Bloodshed Software. An updated version is available at Orwell Dev-C++.\ C++ is a programming language which contains within itself most of the C language, plus extensions. Most C++ compilers will compile C programs, sometimes with a few adjustments (like invoking them with a different name or command line switch). Therefore, you can use Dev C++ for C development. However, Dev C++ is not the compiler. It is designed to use the MinGW or Cygwin versions of GCC - both of which can be obtained as part of the Dev C++ package, although they are completely different projects.\ Dev C++ simply provides an editor, syntax highlighting, some facilities for the visualisation of code (like class and package browsing) and a graphical interface to the chosen compiler. Because Dev C++ analyses the error messages produced by the compiler and attempts to distinguish the line numbers from the errors themselves, the use of other compiler software is discouraged since the format of their error messages is likely to be different. The latest version of Dev-C++ is a beta for version 5. However, it still has a significant number of bugs. All the features are there, and it is quite usable. It is considered one of the best free software C IDEs available for Windows. A version of Dev C++ for Linux is in the pipeline. It is not quite usable yet, however. Linux users already have a wealth of IDEs available. (e.g. KDevelop and Anjuta.) Most of the graphical text editors, and other common editors such as *emacs* and *vim*, support syntax highlighting. ### Windows 1. Go to <https://sourceforge.net/projects/orwelldevcpp/> and pick the download option. 2. The setup is pretty straight forward. Make sure the compiler option is ticked. 3. You can now use the environment provided by the software to write and run your code. 4. OPTIONALLY: \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dev-Cpp\\MinGW64\\bin\" can be added to the global PATH variable of the operating system to compile with GCC from a command prompt. ## GCC The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a free/libre set of compilers developed by the Free Software Foundation and can be installed on a wide variety of operating systems. GCC commands are used throughout this book to demonstrate how to compile C code so you are encouraged to take the time to install GCC on your machine. ### GNU/Linux On **GNU/Linux,** Installing the GNU C Compiler can vary in method from distribution to distribution. (Type in **cc -v** to see if it is installed already.) - For Ubuntu, install the GCC compiler (along with other necessary tools) by running `sudo ``apt`` install build-essential` in the terminal. - For Debian, install the GCC compiler (as root) by running `apt`` install gcc` in the terminal. - For Fedora "wikilink"), install the GCC compiler (as root) by running `dnf` "wikilink")` install gcc` in the terminal. - For RHEL, install the GCC compiler (as root) by running `dnf` "wikilink")` install gcc` in the terminal. - For Mandrake, install the GCC compiler (as root) by running `urpmi`` gcc` in the terminal. - For Slackware, the package is available on their website - simply download, and type `installpkg gcc-xxxxx.tgz` in the terminal. - For Gentoo, you should already have GCC installed as it will have been used when you first installed. To update it run (as root) `emerge -uav gcc` in the terminal. - For Arch Linux, install the GCC compiler (as root) by running `pacman -S gcc` in the terminal. - For Void Linux, install the GCC compiler (as root) by running `xbps-install -S gcc` in the terminal. - If you cannot become root, get the GCC tarball from <ftp://ftp.gnu.org/> and follow the instructions in it to compile and install in your home directory. Be warned though, you need a C compiler to do that - yes, GCC itself is written in C. - You can use a commercial C compiler/IDE. ### macOS The simplest method for obtaining a compiler is to install Apple\'s proprietary IDE, Xcode, available for free. Xcode comes bundled with a GCC-compatible compiler called clang which replaced GCC as Xcode\'s default C compiler a number of years ago. But because Xcode aliases the `gcc` command to the clang compiler, GCC installation isn\'t necessary to compile the example code in this book. If you prefer using the GCC compiler, the third-party package manager, Homebrew, provides an easy installation process. You\'ll first need to install Homebrew, and then issue the `brew install` command to install the desired GCC Homebrew formulae. You may want to find a recent tutorial that will step you through this process as other commands may be necessary to get GCC set up flawlessly on your system, especially if you already have Xcode installed. For hardcore computer enthusiasts, GCC can be compiled directly from the source code. We highly recommend searching out and following an up-to-date tutorial for installing GCC from source files. ### BSD Family Systems - For FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD the port of GNU GCC is available in the base system, or it could be obtained using the ports collection or pkgsrc. ### Windows There are three ways to use GCC on Windows: Cygwin, MinGW and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Applications compiled with Cygwin will not run on any computer without Cygwin, so MinGW is recommended. MinGW is simpler to install, and takes less disk space. #### MinGW 1. Go to <http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/> download and save this to your hard drive. 2. Once the download is finished, open it and follow the instructions. You can also choose to install additional compilers, or the tool Make, but these aren\'t necessary. 3. Now you need to set your PATH. Right-click on \"My computer\" and click \"Properties\". Go to the \"Advanced\" tab and click on \"Environment variables\". Go to the \"System variables\" section and scroll down until you see \"Path\". Click on it, then click \"edit\". Add \"C:\\MinGW\\bin\\\" (without the quotes) to the end. 4. To test if GCC works, open a command prompt and type \"gcc\". You should get the message \"gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated.\". If you get this message, GCC is installed correctly. #### Cygwin 1. Go to <http://www.cygwin.com> and click on the \"Install Cygwin Now\" button in the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click \"run\" in the window that pops up, and click \"next\" several times, accepting all the default settings. 3. Choose any of the Download sites (\"ftp.easynet.be\", etc.) when that window comes up; press \"next\" and the Cygwin installer should start downloading. 4. When the \"Select Packages\" window appears, scroll down to the heading \"Devel\" and click on the \"+\" by it. In the list of packages that now displays, scroll down and find the \"gcc-core\" package; this is the compiler. Click once on the word \"Skip\", and it should change to some number like \"3.4\" etc. (the version number), and an \"X\" will appear next to \"gcc-core\" and several other related packages that will now be downloaded. 5. Click \"next\" and the compiler as well as the Cygwin tools should start downloading; this could take a while. While you\'re waiting for the installation to finish, download any text-editor designed for programming. While Cygwin does include some, you may prefer doing a web search to find other alternatives. While using a stock text editor is possible, it is not ideal. 6. Once the Cygwin downloads are finished and you have clicked \"next\", etc. to finish the installation, double-click the Cygwin icon on your desktop to begin the Cygwin \"command prompt\". Your home directory will automatically be set up in the Cygwin folder, which now should be at \"C:\\cygwin\" (the Cygwin folder is in some ways like a small unix/linux computer on your Windows machine \-- not technically of course, but it may be helpful to think of it that way). 7. Type \"gcc\" at the Cygwin prompt and press \"enter\"; if \"gcc: no input files\" or something like it appears you have succeeded and now have the GCC compiler on your computer (and congratulations \-- you have also just received your first error message!). #### Windows Subsystem for Linux 1. Go to <http://aka.ms/wsldocs> and follow the steps to install WSL 2. Go to <https://aka.ms/vscode> and follow the steps to install VSCode 3. Follow the guide and choose Get Started with C++ and WSL 4. As a result you will need to install possibly Ubuntu and set-up accordingly installing GCC like the Linux guide above. The current stable (usable) version of GCC is 4.9.1 published on 2014-07-16, which supports several platforms. In fact, GCC is not only a C compiler, but a family of compilers for several languages, such as C++, Ada, Java, and Fortran. ## Embedded systems - Most CPUs are microcontrollers in embedded systems, often programmed in C, but most of the compilers mentioned above (except GCC) do not support such CPUs. For specialized compilers that do support embedded systems, see Embedded Systems/C Programming. ## Other C compilers We have a long list of C compilers in a much later section of this Wikibook. *Which of those compilers would be suitable for beginning C programmers, that we should say a few words about getting started with that particular compiler in this section of this Wikibook?* pl:C/Używanie kompilatora
# C Programming/Intro exercise ## The \"Hello, World!\" Program Tradition dictates that we begin with a program that displays a \"Hello, World!\" greeting to the screen, followed by a new line, and then exits. Below is the C source code that does just that. Type this code into your preferred text editor/IDE and save it to a file named **hello.c**. : ``` {.c .numberLines} #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello, World!\n"); return 0; } ``` ### Source code analysis Although this is a very simple program, a lot of hidden meaning is packed into the many symbols you see in the code. Though your compiler understands it, you can only guess at what the code, sprinkled with some familiar English words, might do. One of your first jobs as a new programmer will be to learn the many \"words\" and symbols of the C programming language, the language your compiler understands. Once you learn the meaning underlying the code, you will be able to \"talk to\" the compiler and give it your own orders and build any kind of program you are inventive and resourceful enough to create. But note that knowing the meanings of arcane symbols is not all there is to programming. You can\'t master another language by reading a translation dictionary. To become fluent in another language, you have to practice conversing in that language. Learning a programming language is no different. You have to practice \"talking\" to the compiler with the source code you write. So be sure to type in the code example above and feel free to experiment and alter it with your curiosity as your guide. OK, so let\'s dive in and look at the first line in our program: : ``` {.c .numberLines startFrom="1"} #include <stdio.h> ``` Before understanding what this line does, you have to know that your machine already comes pre-installed with some C software code. The code is there to save you from the drudgery of writing code that performs basic, common tasks. This reusable code is referred to as a **library.** And so our first line in our example program signals to the compiler that we\'d like to \"check out\" some code from the library and make use of it in our program. Here, we are borrowing code that will help us print text to the screen. The way we tell the C compiler to include library code into our own code is by using what\'s called a . One of the very first tasks your compiler will perform is to search through your source code for preprocessor directives which modify your source code in some way. In our case, the `#include` preprocessor directive tells the compiler to copy source code from a library and insert it directly into the code where the preprocessor directive is found. Since our directive is at the very top of the file, the library code will be inserted at the top of the source file. (Note that this all happens in the computer\'s memory, so the original file on your disk never actually gets altered.) But which library code should the compiler insert? The next bit in the line, the `<stdio.h>`, tells the compiler to copy and paste the C code from the **stdio.h** file into your code. The angle brackets surrounding the file name tell the compiler to look for the file in the standard library as opposed, to say, your own personal library of reusable code. Note that files with the **.h** extension are called **header files**. The stdio.h header file contains many **functions** related to input and output that are defined according to the C standard. Though this header file gives us access to many different functions, the only library function we are interested in from stdio.h is the `printf` function. OK, but what, exactly, is a function? Let\'s take a look at the next line in our code so we can begin to get an idea: : ``` {.c .numberLines startFrom="3"} int main(void) ``` Here we create a **function** named `main` that is the starting point for all C programs. All C programs require a function called \"main\" or they will not compile. Our function name is surrounded by two mysterious symbols, **int** and **(void)**. The \"int\" bit tells the compiler what kind of value our function will return while the \"(void)\" bit tells our compiler what kind of values we will \"pass\" into our function. We\'ll skip over what exactly this means for now as these values will be covered in more detail later in the book. The most important thing to understand right now is that together, these symbols **declare** our function to the compiler and tell it that it exists. So what is a function? In computer science, the term "function" is used a bit more loosely than in mathematics, since functions often express imperative ideas (as in the case of C) - that is, *how-to* process, instead of declarations. For now, suffice it to say, functions define a set of computer statements that work together to carry out a specific task. In C, the statements associated with a function are placed between a set of curly braces, `{ }`, which mark the beginning and end of the statements. Together, the curly braces and the statements are called a **block.** Let\'s take a look at the first line in our function\'s block: : ``` {.c .numberLines startFrom="5"} printf("Hello World!\n"); ``` This line of code is the heart of our program, the one that outputs our greeting to the user's **console** (also known as the *terminal* in the context of Unix-like operating systems), the text-based interface installed on your computer. This statement is a **function call** and has two main parts: the name of the library function used to print our greeting, **printf**, followed by the data that we will pass to the function, seen here between the pair of parentheses. The data we are passing to the function is the **string**, "Hello World!\\n". The \"\\n\" part at the end of the string is a special kind of character called an **escape sequence.** The \"\\n\" escape sequence generates the new line at the end of our text. Strings and escape sequences will be covered in more detail later. We terminate the function call statement with a semicolon so the compiler knows that it should begin looking for a new statement which it finds on the next line: : ``` {.c .numberLines startFrom="6"} return 0; ``` Here, we say that our `main` function returns an integer value using the `return` keyword. The integer value we are returning is \"0\". But what does this mean, exactly? In the specific context of the `main` function, the value we return is called the **exit status**, which we report back to the operating system to indicate whether our code ran without error. As our programs grow in complexity, we can use other integers as codes to indicate various types of errors. This style of providing exit status is a long standing convention[^1]. We will go into much more detail on return values of functions later in the book. So that\'s a lot to take in, even for such a short program. Don\'t worry if you don\'t understand all of it and don\'t worry about memorizing it. You do not learn programming by memorizing, you learn by repetition and by doing. Memorizing all the notes to Beethoven\'s 5th symphony does not make you a concert pianist, you must get on the keyboard and practice and play! Next we will show you how to take the source code you typed in and turn it into an executable file with your compiler. ### Compiling Compiling is the process we used to describe translating the orders you gave to the compiler in your source code into the machine language that can be run by your operating system and microprocessor. In this way, your C compiler is a middle-man. You talk to the compiler in a language it understands, C source code, and the compiler translates the source into machine code to save you a lot of painstaking, tedious work writing assembly code. If the compiler finds your source code confusing, it will throw an error along with a message to help you fix up your source code and clear up any confusion. You will then need to try to recompile the code and repeat the process until it compiles without error. Note that code that compiles without error doesn\'t mean it\'s free of bugs. It just means the compiler understands the instructions provided by your source code. #### Unix-like If you are using a Unix(-like) system, such as GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, or Solaris, it will probably have GCC installed, otherwise on Linux you can install it using the package manager of your distribution. Open the virtual console or a terminal emulator and enter the following (be certain your current working directory is the one containing your source code): `gcc hello.c` By default gcc will generate our executable binary with the name *a.out*. To run your new generated program type: `./a.out` You should see `Hello, World!` printed after the last prompt. To see the exit status of the last program you ran, type on your shell command: `echo $?` This shows the value the `main` function has returned, which is 0 in the above example. There are a lot of options you can use with the gcc compiler. For example, if you want the output to have a name other than a.out, you can use the -o option. The following shows a few examples: `-o`: indicates that the next parameter is the name of the resulting program (or library). If this option is not specified, the compiled program will, for historic reasons, end up in a file called \"a.out\" or \"a.exe\" (for cygwin users). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `-Wall`: indicates that gcc should warn about many types of suspicious code that are likely to be incorrect. You can use these options to create a program called \"helloworld\" instead of \"a.out\" by typing: `gcc -o helloworld hello.c -Wall` Now you can run it by typing: `./helloworld` All the options are well documented in the manual[^2] for GCC. #### On IDEs If you are using an IDE you may have to select console project, and to compile you just select build from the menu or the toolbar. The executable will appear inside the project folder, but you should have a menu button so you can just run the executable from the IDE. The process is roughly the same on all IDEs. ## References [^1]: <https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Exit-Status.html> [^2]: <https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/>
# C Programming/Preliminaries Before learning C syntax and programming constructs, it is important to learn the meaning of a few key terms that are central in understanding C. ## Block Structure, Statements, Whitespace, and Scope Next we\'ll discuss the **basic structure** of a C program. If you\'re familiar with PASCAL "wikilink"), you may have heard it referred to as a **block-structured** language. C does not have complete block structure (and you\'ll find out why when you go over functions in detail) but it is still very important to understand what blocks are and how to use them. So what is in a **block**? Generally, a block consists of executable **statements**. But before we delve into blocks, let\'s examine statements. One way to describe statements is they are the text (and surrounding whitespace) the compiler will attempt to turn into executable instructions. A simpler definition is statements are bits of code that do things. For example: ``` c int i = 6; ``` This **declares** an integer variable, which can be **accessed** with the **identifier** \'i\', and **initializes** it to the value 6. The various data types are introduced in the chapter Variables. You might have noticed the semicolon at the end of the statement. Statements in C always end with a semicolon (;). Leaving off the semicolon is a common mistake many people make, beginners and experts alike! So until it becomes second nature, be sure to double check your statements! Since C is a \"free-format\" language, several statements can share a single line in the source file, like this: ``` c /* this declares the variables 'i', 'test', 'foo', and 'bar' note that ONLY the variable named 'bar' is initialized to six! */ int i, test, foo, bar = 6; ``` There are several kinds of statements. You\'ve already seen some of them, such as the assignment (`i = 6;`). A substantial portion of this book deals with statement construction. Back to our discussion of blocks. In C, blocks begin with an opening brace `"{"` and end with a closing brace `"}"`. Blocks can contain other blocks which can contain their own blocks, and so on. Let\'s look at a block example. ``` c int main(void) { /* this is a 'block' */ int i = 5; { /* this is also a 'block', nested inside the outer block */ int j = 6; } return 0; } ``` You can use blocks with the preceding statements, such as the main function declaration (and other statements we\'ve not yet covered), but you can also use blocks by themselves. **Whitespace** refers to the tab, space and newline characters that separate the text characters that make up the source code.\ Like many things in life, it\'s hard to appreciate whitespace until it\'s gone. To a C compiler, the source code ``` c printf("Hello world"); return 0; ``` is the same as ``` c printf("Hello world"); return 0; ``` which is also the same as ``` c printf ( "Hello world") ; return 0; ``` The compiler simply ignores most whitespace (except, for example, when it separates `return` from `0`). However, it is common practice to use spaces (or tabs) to organize source code for human readability. Most of the time we do not want other functions or other programmer\'s routines accessing data we are currently manipulating, which is why it is important to understand the concept of scope. **Scope** describes the level at which a piece of data or a function is visible. There are two types of scope in C, **local** and **global**. When we speak of **global** scope, we\'re referring to something that can be seen or manipulated from anywhere in the program. **Local** scope applies to a program element that can be seen or manipulated only within the block in which it was declared. Let\'s look at some examples to get a better idea of scope. ``` c int i = 5; /* this is a 'global' variable, it can be accessed from anywhere in the program */ /* this is a function, all variables inside of it are "local" to the function. */ int main(void) { int i = 6; /* "local" 'i' is set to 6 */ printf("%d\n", i); /* prints a '6' to the screen, instead of the global variable of 'i', which is 5 */ return 0; } ``` That shows an example of local and global. But what about different scopes *inside* of functions?\ (you\'ll learn more about functions later, for now, just focus on the \"main\" part.) ``` c /* the main function */ int main(void) { /* this is the beginning of a 'block', you read about those above */ int i = 6; /* this is the first variable of this 'block', 'i' */ { /* this is a new 'block', and because it's a different block, it has its own scope */ /* this is also a variable called 'i', but in a different 'block', because it's in a different 'block' than the first variable named 'i', it doesn't affect the first one! */ int i = 5; printf("%d\n", i); /* prints a '5' onto the screen */ } /* now we're back into the first block */ printf("%d\n", i); /* prints a '6' onto the screen */ return 0; } ``` ## Basics of Using Functions **Functions** are a big part of programming. A function is a special kind of block that performs a well-defined task. If a function is well-designed, it can enable a programmer to perform a task without knowing anything about how the function works. The act of requesting a function to perform its task is called a **function call**. Many functions require a function call to hand it certain pieces of data needed to perform its task; these are called **arguments**. Many functions also return a value to the function call when they\'re finished; this is called a **return value** (the return value in the above program is **0**). The things you need to know before calling a function are: - What the function does - The data type (discussed later) of the arguments and what they mean - The data type of the return value and what it means Many functions use the return value for the result of a computation. Some functions use the return value to indicate whether they successfully completed their work. As you have seen in the intro exercise, the `main` function uses a return value to provide an exit status to the operating system. All code other than global data definitions and declarations needs to be a part of a function. Usually, you\'re free to call a function whenever you wish to. The only restriction is that every executable program needs to have one, and only one, **main** function, which is where the program begins executing. We will discuss functions in more detail in a later chapter, C Programming/Procedures and functions. ## The Standard Library In 1983, when C was in the process of becoming standardized, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed a committee to establish a standard specification of C known as \"ANSI C\". That standard specification created a basic set of functions common to each implementation of C, which is referred to as the Standard Library. The Standard Library provides functions for tasks such as input/output, string manipulation, mathematics, files, and memory allocation. The Standard Library does not provide functions that are dependent on specific hardware or operating systems, like graphics, sound, or networking. In the \"Hello, World\" program, a Standard Library function is used (`printf`) which outputs lines of text to the standard output stream. pl:C/Podstawy
# C Programming/Basics of compilation Having covered the basic concepts of C programming, we can now briefly discuss the process of *compilation*. Like any programming language, C by itself is completely incomprehensible to a microprocessor. Its purpose is to provide an intuitive way for humans to provide instructions that can be easily converted into machine code that *is* comprehensible to a microprocessor. The ***compiler*** is what translates our human-readable source code into machine code. To those new to programming, this seems fairly simple. A naive compiler might read in every source file, translate everything into machine code, and write out an executable. That could work, but has two serious problems. First, for a large project, the computer may not have enough memory to read all of the source code at once. Second, if you make a change to a single source file, you would have to recompile the *entire* application. To deal with these problems, compilers break the job into steps. For each source file (each `.c` file), the compiler reads the file, reads the files it references via the `#include` directive, and translates them to machine code. The result of this is an \"object file\" (`.o`). After all the object files are created, a \"linker\" program collects all of the object files and writes the actual executable program. That way, if you change one source file, only that file needs to be recompiled, after which, the application will need to be re-linked. Without going into details, it can be beneficial to have a superficial understanding of the compilation process. ## Preprocessor The preprocessor provides the ability for the inclusion of so called header files, macro expansions, conditional compilation and line control. These features can be accessed by inserting the appropriate preprocessor directives into your code. Before compiling the source code, a special program, called the preprocessor, scans the source code for tokens, or special strings, and replaces them with other strings or code according to specific rules. The C preprocessor is not technically part of the C language and is instead a tool offered by your compiler\'s software. All preprocessor directives begin with the hash character (#). You can see one preprocessor directive in the Hello world program. Example: ``` c #include <stdio.h> ``` This directive causes the stdio header to be included into your program. Other directives such as `#pragma` control compiler settings and macros. The result of the preprocessing stage is a text string. You can think of the preprocessor as a non-interactive text editor that modifies your code to prepare it for compilation. The language of preprocessor directives is agnostic to the grammar of C, so the C preprocessor can also be used independently to process other kinds of text files. ## Syntax Checking This step ensures that the code is valid and will sequence into an executable program. Under most compilers, you may get messages or warnings indicating potential issues with your program (such as a conditional statement "wikilink") always being true or false, etc.) When an error is detected in the program, the compiler will normally report the file name and line that is preventing compilation. ## Object Code The compiler produces a machine code equivalent of the source code that can be linked into the final program. At this point the code itself can\'t be executed, as it requires linking to do so. It\'s important to note after discussing the basics that compilation is a \"one way street\". That is, compiling a C source file into machine code is easy, but \"decompiling\" (turning machine code into the C source that creates it) is not. Decompilers for C do exist, but the code they create is hard to understand and only useful for reverse engineering. ## Linking Linking combines the separate object files into one complete program by integrating libraries and the code and producing either an executable program or a library "wikilink"). Linking is performed by a linker program, which is often part of a compiler suite. Common errors during this stage are either missing or duplicate functions. ## Automation For large C projects, many programmers choose to automate compilation, both in order to reduce user interaction requirements and to speed up the process by recompiling only modified files. Most Integrated Development Environments (IDE\'s) have some kind of project management which makes such automation very easy. However, the project management files are often usable only by users of the same integrated development environment, so anyone desiring to modify the project would need to use the same IDE. On UNIX-like systems, make and Makefiles are often used to accomplish the same. Make is traditional and flexible and is available as one of the standard developer tools on most Unix and GNU distributions. Makefiles have been extended by the GNU Autotools, composed of Automake and Autoconf for making software compilable, testable, translatable and configurable on many types of machines. Automake and Autoconf are described in detail in their respective manuals. The Autotools are often perceived to be complicated and various simpler build systems have been developed. Many components of the GNOME project now use the declarative Meson build system which is less flexible, but instead focuses on providing the features most commonly needed from a build system in a simple way. Other popular build systems for programs written in the C language include CMake and Waf. Once GCC is installed, it can be called with a list of c source files that have been written but not yet compiled. e.g. if the file main.c includes functions described in myfun.h and implemented in myfun_a.c and myfun_b.c, then it is enough to write ` gcc   main.c myfun_a.c myfun_b.c ` myfun.h is included in main.c, but if it is in a separate header file directory, then that directory can be listed after a \"-I \" switch. In larger programs, Makefiles and GNU make program can compile c files into intermediate files ending with suffix .o which can be linked by GCC. How to compile each object file is usually described in the Makefile with the object file as a label ending with a colon followed by two spaces (tabs often cause problems) followed by a list of other files that are dependencies, e.g. .c files and .o files compiled in another section, and on the next line, the invocation of GCC that is required. Typing `man make` or `info make` often gives the information needed to on how to use make, as well as GCC. Although GCC has a lot of option switches, one often used is -g to generate debugging information for gdb to allow gdb to show source code during a step-through of the machine code program. gdb has an \'h\' command that shows what it can do, and is usually started with \'gdb a.out\' if a.out is the anonymous executable machine code file that was compiled by GCC. de:C-Programmierung: Kompilierung es:Programación_en_C/Compilar_un_programa et:Programmeerimiskeel C/Kompileerimine fr:Programmation C-C%2B%2B/Modularité et compilation it:C/Compilatore e precompilatore/Compilatore pt:Programar em C/Utilizando um compilador
# C Programming/Structure and style ## C Structure and Style This is a basic introduction to good coding style in the C Programming Language. It is designed to provide information on how to effectively use indentation, comments, and other elements that will make your C code more readable. It is not a tutorial on actual C programming. As a beginning programmer, the point of creating structure in the program code might not be clear, as the compiler doesn\'t care about the difference. However, as programs become complex, chances are that writing the program has become a joint effort. (Or others might want to see how it was accomplished. Or you may have to read it again years later.) Well-written code also helps you get an overview of what the code does. In the following sections, we will attempt to explain good programming practices that will in turn make your programs clearer. ## Introduction In C, programs are composed of statements. Statements are terminated with a semi-colon, and are collected in sections known as functions. By convention, a statement should be kept on its own line, as shown in the example below: ``` c #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello, World!\n"); return 0; } ``` The following block of code is essentially the same. While it contains exactly the same code, and will compile and execute with the same result, the removal of spacing causes an essential difference: it\'s harder to read. ``` c #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {printf("Hello, World!\n");return 0;} ``` The simple use of indents and line breaks can greatly improve code readability without impacting code performance. Readable code makes it much easier to see where functions and procedures end and which lines are part of which loops and procedures. This lesson is going to focus on improving the coding style of an example piece of code which applies a formula and prints the result. Later, you\'ll see how to write code for such tasks in more detail. For now, focus on how the code looks, not what it does. ## Line Breaks and Indentation The addition of white space inside your code is arguably the most important part of good code structure. Effective use of white space can create a visual scale of how your code flows, which can be very important when returning to your code when you want to maintain it. ### Line Breaks With minimal line breaks, code is barely human-readable, and may be hard to debug or understand: ``` {.c .numberLines} #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int revenue = 80; int cost = 50; int roi; roi = (100 * (revenue - cost)) / cost; if (roi >= 0) { printf ("%d\n", roi); } return 0; } ``` Rather than putting everything on one line, it is much more readable to break up long lines so that each statement and declaration goes on its own line. After inserting line breaks, the code will look like this: ``` {.c .numberLines} #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int revenue = 80; int cost = 50; int roi; roi = (100 * (revenue - cost)) / cost; if (roi >= 0) { printf ("%d\n", roi); } return 0; } ``` ### Blank Lines Blank lines should be used to offset the main components of your code. Always use them: - After preprocessor directives. - After new variables are declared. - Use your own judgment for finding other places where components should be separated. Based on these two rules, there should now be at least two line breaks added: - After line 1, because line 1 has a preprocessor directive. - After line 5, because line 5 contains a variable declaration. This will make the code much more readable than it was before: The following lines of code have line breaks between functions, but without indentation. ``` {.c .numberLines} #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int revenue = 80; int cost = 50; int roi; roi = (100 * (revenue - cost)) / cost; if (roi >= 0) { printf ("%d\n", roi); } return 0; } ``` But it\'s still not as readable as it can be. ### Indentation Although adding simple line breaks between key blocks of code can make code easier to read, it provides no information about the block structure of the program. Using the tab key can be very helpful. Indentation visually separates paths of execution by moving their starting points to a new column. This simple practice will make it much easier to read and understand code. Indentation follows a fairly simple rule: - All code inside a new block should be indented by one tab`<ref>`{=html} Several programmers recommend \"use spaces for indentation. Do not use tabs in your code. You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key.\" 1 2 Other programmers disagree. 3 4 Regardless of whether you prefer spaces or tabs, make sure you keep it consistent within the projects you are working on. Mixing tabs and spaces can cause code to become unreadable. ```{=html} </ref> ``` more than the code in the previous path. Based on the code from the previous section, there are two blocks requiring indentation: - Lines 4 to 16 - Line 13 ``` {.c .numberLines} #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int revenue = 80; int cost = 50; int roi; roi = (100 * (revenue - cost)) / cost; if (roi >= 0) { printf ("%d\n", roi); } return 0; } ``` It is now fairly obvious as to which parts of the program fit inside which blocks. You can tell which parts of the program the coder has intended to be conditional, and which ones he or she has not. Although it might not be immediately noticeable, once many nested paths get added to the structure of the program, the use of indentation can be very important. Thus, indentation makes the structure of your program clear. It is claimed that research has shown that an indentation size between 2 to 4 characters is easier to read than 8 character indents[^1]. However, an indent of 8 characters may still be in use for some systems[^2]. ## Comments Comments in code can be useful for a variety of purposes. They provide the easiest way to set off specific parts of code (and their purpose); as well as providing a visual \"split\" between various parts of your code. Having good comments throughout your code will make it much easier to remember what specific parts of your code do. Comments in modern flavors of C (and many other languages) can come in two forms: ``` {.c .numberLines} // Single Line Comments (added by C99 standard, famously known as c++ style of comments) ``` and ``` {.c .numberLines} /* Multi-Line Comments (only form of comments supported by C89 standard)*/ ``` Note that Single line comments are a more recent addition to C, so some compilers may not support them. A recent version of GCC will have no problems supporting them. This section is going to focus on the various uses of each form of commentary. ### Single-line Comments Single-line comments are most useful for simple \'side\' notes that explain what certain parts of the code do. The best places to put these comments are next to variable declarations, and next to pieces of code that may need explanation. Comments should make clear the intention and ideas behind the corresponding code. What is immediately obvious from reading the code does not belong in a comment. Based on our previous program, there are various good places to place comments: - Line 5 and/or 6, to explain what \'int revenue\' and \'int cost\' represent, - Line 8, to explain what the variable \'roi\' is going to be used for, - Line 10, to explain the idea of the calculation, - Line 12, to explain the purpose of the \'if\'. This will make our program look something like: ``` {.c .numberLines} #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int revenue = 80; // as of 2016 int cost = 50; int roi; // return on investment in percent roi = (100 * (revenue - cost)) / cost; // formula from accounting book if (roi >= 0) { // we don't care about negative roi printf ("%d\n", roi); } return 0; } ``` ### Multi-line Comments Multi-line comments are most useful for long explanations of code. They can be used as copyright/licensing notices, and they can also be used to explain the purpose of a block of code. This can be useful for two reasons: They make your functions easier to understand, and they make it easier to spot errors in code. If you know what a block is *supposed* to do, then it is much easier to find the piece of code that is responsible if an error occurs. As an example, suppose we had a program that was designed to print \"Hello, World! \" a certain number of lines, a specified number of times. There would be many for loops in this program. For this example, we shall call the number of lines *i*, and the number of strings per line as *j*. A good example of a multi-line comment that describes \'for\' loop *i*\'s purpose would be: ``` c /* For Loop (int i) Loops the following procedure i times (for number of lines). Performs 'for' loop j on each loop, and prints a new line at end of each loop. */ ``` This provides a good explanation of what *i*\'s purpose is, whilst not going into detail of what *j* does. By going into detail over what the specific path does (and not ones inside it), it will be easier to troubleshoot the path. Similarly, you should always include a multi-line comment before each function, to explain the role, preconditions and postconditions of each function. Always leave the technical details to the individual blocks inside your program - this makes it easier to troubleshoot. A function descriptor should look something like: ``` c /* Function : int hworld (int i,int j) Input : int i (Number of lines), int j (Number of instances per line) Output : 0 (on success) Procedure: Prints "Hello, World!" j times, and a new line to standard output over i lines. */ ``` This system allows for an at-a-glance explanation of what the function should do. You can then go into detail over how each aspect of the program is achieved later on in the program. Finally, if you like to have aesthetically-pleasing source code, the multi-line comment system allows for the easy addition of comment boxes. These make the comments stand out much more than they would otherwise. They look like this: ``` c /*************************************** * This is a multi line comment * That is nearly surrounded by a * Cool, starry border! ***************************************/ ``` Applied to our original program, we can now include a much more descriptive and readable source code: ``` c #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { /************************************************************************************ * Function: int main(void) * Input : none * Output : Returns 0 on success * Procedure: Prints 2016's return on investment in percent if it is not negative. ************************************************************************************/ int revenue = 80; // as of 2016 int cost = 50; int roi; // return on investment in percent roi = (100 * (revenue - cost)) / cost; // formula from accounting book if (roi >= 0) { // we don't care about negative roi printf ("%d\n", roi); } return 0; } ``` This will allow any outside users of the program an easy way to comprehend what the code functions are and how they operate. It also inhibits uncertainty with other like-named functions. A few programmers add a column of stars on the right side of a block comment: ``` c /*************************************** * This is a multi line comment * * that is completely surrounded by a * * cool, starry border! * ***************************************/ ``` But most programmers don\'t put any stars on the right side of a block comment. They feel that aligning the right side is a waste of time. Comments written in source files can be used for documenting source code automatically by using popular tools like Doxygen.[^3][^4] ## References - Aladdin\'s C coding guidelines - A more definitive C coding guideline. - C/C++ Programming Styles GNU Coding styles & Linux Kernel Coding style et:Programmeerimiskeel C/Stiil [^1]: <http://www.oualline.com/vim/vim-cook.html#drawing> Vim cookbook [^2]: <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/coding-style.html> Linux Kernel Coding Style [^3]: \"Coding Conventions for C++ and Java\" \"all the block comments illustrated in this document have no pretty stars on the right side of the block comment. This deliberate choice was made because aligning those pretty stars is a large waste of time and discourages the maintenance of in-line comments.\", [^4]: c2:BigBlocksOfAsterisks,\"Code craft\" by Pete Goodliffe page 82,Falvotech \"C Programming Style Guide\", Fedora Directory Server Coding Style
# C Programming/Variables Like most programming languages, C uses and processes **variables**. In C, variables are human-readable names for the computer\'s memory addresses used by a running program. Variables make it easier to store, read and change the data within the computer\'s memory by allowing you to associate easy-to-remember labels for the memory addresses that store your program\'s data. The memory addresses associated with variables aren\'t determined until after the program is compiled and running on the computer. At first, it\'s easiest to imagine variables as placeholders for values, much like in mathematics. You can think of a variable as being equivalent to its assigned value. So, if you have a variable *i* that is **initialized** (set equal) to 4, then it follows that *i + 1* will equal *5*. However, a skilled C programmer is more mindful of the invisible layer of abstraction going on just under the hood: that a variable is a stand-in for the memory address where the data can be found, not the data itself. You will gain more clarity on this point when you learn about **pointers**. Since C is a relatively low-level programming language, before a C program can utilize memory to store a variable it must claim the memory needed to store the values for a variable. This is done by **declaring** variables. Declaring variables is the way in which a C program shows the number of variables it needs, what they are going to be named, and how much memory they will need. Within the C programming language, when managing and working with variables, it is important to know the *type* of variables and the *size* of these types. A type's size is the amount of computer memory required to store one value of this type. Since C is a fairly low-level programming language, the size of types can be specific to the hardware and compiler used -- that is, how the language is made to work on one type of machine can be different from how it is made to work on another. All variables in C are **typed**. That is, every variable declared must be assigned as a certain type of variable. ## Declaring, Initializing, and Assigning Variables Here is an example of declaring an integer, which we\'ve called `some_number`. (Note the semicolon at the end of the line; that is how your compiler separates one program *statement* from another.) ``` c int some_number; ``` This statement tells the compiler to create a variable called `some_number` and associate it with a memory location on the computer. We also tell the compiler the type of data that will be stored at that address, in this case an `int`eger. Note that in C we must specify the type of data that a variable will store. This lets the compiler know how much total memory to set aside for the data (on most modern machines an `int` is 4 bytes in length). We\'ll look at other data types in the next section. Multiple variables can be declared with one statement, like this: ``` c int anumber, anothernumber, yetanothernumber; ``` In early versions of C, variables had to be declared at the beginning of a block. In C99 it is allowed to mix declarations and statements arbitrarily -- but doing so is not usual, because it is rarely necessary, some compilers still don't support C99 (portability), and it may, because it is uncommon yet, irritate fellow programmers (maintainability). After declaring variables, you can assign a value to a variable later on using a statement like this: ``` c some_number = 3; ``` The assignment of a value to a variable is called *initialization*. The above statement directs the compiler to insert an integer representation of the number \"3\" into the memory address associated with `some_number`. We can save a bit of typing by declaring *and* assigning data to a memory address at the same time: ``` c int some_new_number = 4; ``` You can also assign variables to the value of other variable, like so: ``` c some_number = some_new_number; ``` Or assign multiple variables the same value with one statement: ``` c anumber = anothernumber = yetanothernumber = 8; ``` This is because the assignment `x = y` returns the value of the assignment, y. For example, `some_number = 4` returns 4. That said, `x = y = z` is really a shorthand for `x = (y = z)`. ### Naming Variables Variable names in C are made up of letters (upper and lower case) and digits. The underscore character (\"\_\") is also permitted. Names must not begin with a digit. Unlike some languages (such as Perl and some BASIC dialects), C does not use any special prefix characters on variable names. Some examples of valid (but not very descriptive) C variable names: ``` c foo Bar BAZ foo_bar _foo42 _ QuUx ``` Some examples of invalid C variable names: ``` c 2foo (must not begin with a digit) my foo (spaces not allowed in names) $foo ($ not allowed -- only letters, and _) while (language keywords cannot be used as names) ``` As the last example suggests, certain words are reserved as keywords in the language, and these cannot be used as variable names. It is not allowed to use the same name for multiple variables in the same scope. When working with other developers, you should therefore take steps to avoid using the same name for global variables or function names. Some large projects adhere to naming guidelines[^1] to avoid duplicate names and for consistency. In addition there are certain sets of names that, while not language keywords, are reserved for one reason or another. For example, a C compiler might use certain names \"behind the scenes\", and this might cause problems for a program that attempts to use them. Also, some names are reserved for possible future use in the C standard library. The rules for determining exactly what names are reserved (and in what contexts they are reserved) are too complicated to describe here, and as a beginner you don\'t need to worry about them much anyway. For now, just avoid using names that begin with an underscore character. The naming rules for C variables also apply to naming other language constructs such as function names, struct tags, and macros, all of which will be covered later. ## Literals Anytime within a program in which you specify a value explicitly instead of referring to a variable or some other form of data, that value is referred to as a **literal**. In the initialization example above, 3 is a literal. Literals can either take a form defined by their type (more on that soon), or one can use hexadecimal (hex) notation to directly insert data into a variable regardless of its type. Hex numbers are always preceded with *0x*. For now, though, you probably shouldn\'t be too concerned with hex. ## The Four Basic Data Types In Standard C there are four basic data types. They are **`int`**, **`char`**, **`float`**, and **`double`**. ### The `int` type The `int` type stores integers in the form of \"whole numbers\". An integer is typically the size of one machine word, which on most modern home PCs is 32 bits (4 octets). Examples of literals are whole numbers (integers) such as 1, 2, 3, 10, 100\... When `int` is 32 bits (4 octets), it can store any whole number (integer) between -2147483648 and 2147483647. A 32 bit word (number) has the possibility of representing any one number out of 4294967296 possibilities (2 to the power of 32). If you want to declare a new int variable, use the `int` keyword. For example: ``` c int numberOfStudents, i, j = 5; ``` In this declaration we declare 3 variables, numberOfStudents, i and j, j here is assigned the literal 5. ### The `char` type The `char` type is capable of holding any member of the execution character set. It stores the same kind of data as an `int` (i.e. integers), but typically has a size of one byte. The size of a byte is specified by the macro `CHAR_BIT` which specifies the number of bits in a char (byte). In standard C it never can be less than 8 bits. A variable of type `char` is most often used to store character data, hence its name. Most implementations use the ASCII character set as the execution character set, but it\'s best not to know or care about that unless the actual values are important. Examples of character literals are \'a\', \'b\', \'1\', etc., as well as some special characters such as \'`\0`\' (the null character) and \'`\n`\' (newline, recall \"Hello, World\"). Note that the `char` value must be enclosed within single quotations. When we initialize a character variable, we can do it two ways. One is preferred, the other way is ***bad*** programming practice. The first way is to write: ``` c char letter1 = 'a'; ``` This is *good* programming practice in that it allows a person reading your code to understand that letter1 is being initialized with the letter \'a\' to start off with. The second way, which should *not* be used when you are coding letter characters, is to write: ``` c char letter2 = 97; /* in ASCII, 97 = 'a' */ ``` This is considered by some to be extremely ***bad*** practice, if we are using it to store a character, not a small number, in that if someone reads your code, most readers are forced to look up what character corresponds with the number 97 in the encoding scheme. In the end, `letter1` and `letter2` store both the same thing -- the letter \'a\', but the first method is clearer, easier to debug, and much more straightforward. One important thing to mention is that characters for numerals are represented differently from their corresponding number, i.e. \'1\' is not equal to 1. In short, any single entry that is enclosed within \'single quotes\'. There is one more kind of literal that needs to be explained in connection with chars: the **string literal**. A string is a series of characters, usually intended to be displayed. They are surrounded by double quotations (\" \", not \' \'). An example of a string literal is the \"Hello, World!\\n\" in the \"Hello, World\" example. The string literal is assigned to a character `<b>`{=html}array`</b>`{=html}, arrays are described later. Example: ``` c const char MY_CONSTANT_PEDANTIC_ITCH[] = "learn the usage context.\n"; printf("Square brackets after a variable name means it is a pointer to a string of memory blocks the size of the type of the array element.\n"); ``` ### The `float` type `float` is short for **floating point**. It stores inexact representations of real numbers, both integer and non-integer values. It can be used with numbers that are much greater than the greatest possible `int`. `float` literals must be suffixed with F or f. Examples are: 3.1415926f, 4.0f, 6.022e+23f. It is important to note that floating-point numbers are inexact. Some numbers like 0.1f cannot be represented exactly as `float`s but will have a small error. Very large and very small numbers will have less precision and arithmetic operations are sometimes not associative or distributive because of a lack of precision. Nonetheless, floating-point numbers are most commonly used for approximating real numbers and operations on them are efficient on modern microprocessors.[^2] Floating-point arithmetic is explained in more detail on Wikipedia. `float` variables can be declared using the `float` keyword. A `float` is only one machine word in size. Therefore, it is used when less precision than a double provides is required. ### The `double` type The `double` and `float` types are very similar. The `float` type allows you to store single-precision floating point numbers, while the `double` keyword allows you to store double-precision floating point numbers -- real numbers, in other words. Its size is typically two machine words, or 8 bytes on most machines. Examples of `double` literals are 3.1415926535897932, 4.0, 6.022e+23 (scientific notation). If you use 4 instead of 4.0, the 4 will be interpreted as an `int`. The distinction between floats and doubles was made because of the differing sizes of the two types. When C was first used, space was at a minimum and so the judicious use of a float instead of a double saved some memory. Nowadays, with memory more freely available, you rarely need to conserve memory like this -- it may be better to use doubles consistently. Indeed, some C implementations use doubles instead of floats when you declare a float variable. If you want to use a double variable, use the `double` keyword. ## `sizeof` If you have any doubts as to the amount of memory actually used by any variable (and this goes for types we\'ll discuss later, also), you can use the **`sizeof`** operator to find out for sure. (For completeness, it is important to mention that `sizeof` is a unary operator, not a function.) Its syntax is: ``` c sizeof object sizeof(type) ``` The two expressions above return the size of the object and type specified, in bytes. The return type is `size_t` (defined in the header `<stddef.h>`) which is an unsigned value. Here\'s an example usage: ``` c size_t size; int i; size = sizeof(i); ``` `size` will be set to 4, assuming `CHAR_BIT` is defined as 8, and an integer is 32 bits wide. The value of `sizeof`\'s result is the number of bytes. Note that when `sizeof` is applied to a `char`, the result is 1; that is: ``` c sizeof(char) ``` always returns 1. ## Data type modifiers One can alter the data storage of any data type by preceding it with certain modifiers. **`long`** and **`short`** are modifiers that make it possible for a data type to use either more or less memory. The `int` keyword need not follow the `short` and `long` keywords. This is most commonly the case. A `short` can be used where the values fall within a lesser range than that of an `int`, typically -32768 to 32767. A `long` can be used to contain an extended range of values. It is not guaranteed that a `short` uses less memory than an `int`, nor is it guaranteed that a `long` takes up more memory than an `int`. It is only guaranteed that sizeof(short) \<= sizeof(int) \<= sizeof(long). Typically a `short` is 2 bytes, an `int` is 4 bytes, and a `long` either 4 or 8 bytes. Modern C compilers also provide `long long` which is typically an 8 byte integer. In all of the types described above, one bit is used to indicate the sign (positive or negative) of a value. If you decide that a variable will never hold a negative value, you may use the **`unsigned`** modifier to use that one bit for storing other data, effectively doubling the range of values while mandating that those values be positive. The `unsigned` specifier also may be used without a trailing `int`, in which case the size defaults to that of an `int`. There is also a **`signed`** modifier which is the opposite, but it is not necessary, except for certain uses of `char`, and seldom used since all types (except `char`) are signed by default. The `long` modifier can also be used with `double` to create a `long double` type. This floating-point type may (but is not required to) have greater precision than the `double` type. To use a modifier, just declare a variable with the data type and relevant modifiers: ``` c unsigned short int usi; /* fully qualified -- unsigned short int */ short si; /* short int */ unsigned long uli; /* unsigned long int */ ``` ## `const` qualifier When the **`const`** qualifier is used, the declared variable must be initialized at declaration. It is then not allowed to be changed. While the idea of a variable that never changes may not seem useful, there are good reasons to use `const`. For one thing, many compilers can perform some small optimizations on data when it knows that data will never change. For example, if you need the value of π in your calculations, you can declare a const variable of `pi`, so a program or another function written by someone else cannot change the value of `pi`. Note that a Standard conforming compiler must issue a warning if an attempt is made to change a `const` variable - but after doing so the compiler is free to ignore the `const` qualifier. ## Magic numbers When you write C programs, you may be tempted to write code that will depend on certain numbers. For example, you may be writing a program for a grocery store. This complex program has thousands upon thousands of lines of code. The programmer decides to represent the cost of a can of corn, currently 99 cents, as a literal throughout the code. Now, assume the cost of a can of corn changes to 89 cents. The programmer must now go in and manually change each entry of 99 cents to 89. While this is not that big a problem, considering the \"global find-replace\" function of many text editors, consider another problem: the cost of a can of green beans is also initially 99 cents. To reliably change the price, you have to look at every occurrence of the number 99. C possesses certain functionality to avoid this. This functionality is approximately equivalent, though one method can be useful in one circumstance, over another. ### Using the `const` keyword The `const` keyword helps eradicate **magic numbers**. By declaring a variable `const corn` at the beginning of a block, a programmer can simply change that const and not have to worry about setting the value elsewhere. There is also another method for avoiding magic numbers. It is much more flexible than `const`, and also much more problematic in many ways. It also involves the preprocessor, as opposed to the compiler. Behold\... ### `#define` When you write programs, you can create what is known as a *macro*, so when the computer is reading your code, it will replace all instances of a word with the specified expression. Here\'s an example. If you write ``` c #define PRICE_OF_CORN 0.99 ``` when you want to, for example, print the price of corn, you use the word `PRICE_OF_CORN` instead of the number 0.99 -- the preprocessor will replace all instances of `PRICE_OF_CORN` with 0.99, which the compiler will interpret as the literal `double` 0.99. The preprocessor performs substitution, that is, `PRICE_OF_CORN` is replaced by 0.99 so this means there is no need for a semicolon. It is important to note that `#define` has basically the same functionality as the \"find-and-replace\" function in a lot of text editors/word processors. For some purposes, `#define` can be harmfully used, and it is usually preferable to use `const` if `#define` is unnecessary. It is possible, for instance, to `#define`, say, a macro `DOG` as the number 3, but if you try to print the macro, thinking that `DOG` represents a string that you can show on the screen, the program will have an error. `#define` also has no regard for type. It disregards the structure of your program, replacing the text *everywhere* (in effect, disregarding scope), which could be advantageous in some circumstances, but can be the source of problematic bugs. You will see further instances of the `#define` directive later in the text. It is good convention to write `#define`d words in all capitals, so a programmer will know that this is not a variable that you have declared but a `#define`d macro. It is not necessary to end a preprocessor directive such as `#define` with a semicolon; in fact, some compilers may warn you about unnecessary tokens in your code if you do. ## Scope In the Basic Concepts section, the concept of scope was introduced. It is important to revisit the distinction between local types and global types, and how to declare variables of each. To declare a local variable, you place the declaration at the beginning (i.e. before any non-declarative statements) of the block to which the variable is deemed to be local. To declare a global variable, declare the variable outside of any block. If a variable is global, it can be read, and written, from anywhere in your program. Global variables are not considered good programming practice, and should be avoided whenever possible. They inhibit code readability, create naming conflicts, waste memory, and can create difficult-to-trace bugs. Excessive usage of globals is usually a sign of laziness or poor design. However, if there is a situation where local variables may create more obtuse and unreadable code, there\'s no shame in using globals. ## Other Modifiers Included here, for completeness, are more of the modifiers that standard C provides. For the beginning programmer, *static* and *extern* may be useful. *volatile* is more of interest to advanced programmers. *register* and *auto* are largely deprecated and are generally not of interest to either beginning or advanced programmers. ### static **`static`** is sometimes a useful keyword. It is a common misbelief that the only purpose is to make a variable stay in memory. When you declare a function or global variable as *static*, you cannot access the function or variable through the extern (see below) keyword from other files in your project. This is called *static linkage*. When you declare a local variable as *static*, it is created just like any other variable. However, when the variable goes out of scope (i.e. the block it was local to is finished) the variable stays in memory, retaining its value. The variable stays in memory until the program ends. While this behaviour resembles that of global variables, static variables still obey scope rules and therefore cannot be accessed outside of their scope. This is called *static storage duration*. Variables declared static are initialized to zero (or for pointers, NULL[^3][^4]) by default. They can be initialized explicitly on declaration to any *constant* value. The initialization is made just once, at compile time. You can use static in (at least) two different ways. Consider this code, and imagine it is in a file called jfile.c: ``` c #include <stdio.h> static int j = 0; void up(void) { /* k is set to 0 when the program starts. The line is then "ignored" * for the rest of the program (i.e. k is not set to 0 every time up() * is called) */ static int k = 0; j++; k++; printf("up() called. k= %2d, j= %2d\n", k , j); } void down(void) { static int k = 0; j--; k--; printf("down() called. k= %2d, j= %2d\n", k , j); } int main(void) { int i; /* call the up function 3 times, then the down function 2 times */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) up(); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) down(); return 0; } ``` The `j` variable is accessible by both up and down and retains its value. The `k` variables also retain their value, but they are two different variables, one in each of their scopes. Static variables are a good way to implement encapsulation, a term from the object-oriented way of thinking that effectively means not allowing changes to be made to a variable except through function calls. Running the program above will produce the following output: ``` c up() called. k= 1, j= 1 up() called. k= 2, j= 2 up() called. k= 3, j= 3 down() called. k= -1, j= 2 down() called. k= -2, j= 1 ``` **Features of `static` variables :** `    1. Keyword used        - `**`static`**\ `    2. Storage             - Memory`\ `    3. Default value       - Zero`\ `    4. Scope               - Local to the block in which it is declared`\ `    5. Lifetime            - Value persists between different function calls`\ `    6. Keyword optionality - Mandatory to use the keyword` ### extern **`extern`** is used when a file needs to access a variable in another file that it may not have `#include`d directly. Therefore, *extern* does not allocate memory for the new variable, it just provides the compiler with sufficient information to access a variable declared in another file. **Features of `extern` variable :** `    1. Keyword used        - `**`extern`**\ `    2. Storage             - Memory`\ `    3. Default value       - Zero`\ `    4. Scope               - Global (all over the program)`\ `    5. Lifetime            - Value persists till the program's execution comes to an end`\ `    6. Keyword optionality - Optional if declared outside all the functions` ### volatile **`volatile`** is a special type of modifier which informs the compiler that the value of the variable may be changed by external entities other than the program itself. This is necessary for certain programs compiled with optimizations -- if a variable were not defined `volatile` then the compiler may assume that certain operations involving the variable are safe to optimize away when in fact they aren\'t. *volatile* is particularly relevant when working with embedded systems (where a program may not have complete control of a variable) and multi-threaded applications. ### auto **`auto`** is a modifier which specifies an \"automatic\" variable that is automatically created when in scope and destroyed when out of scope. If you think this sounds like pretty much what you\'ve been doing all along when you declare a variable, you\'re right: all declared items within a block are implicitly \"automatic\". For this reason, the *auto* keyword is more like the answer to a trivia question than a useful modifier, and there are lots of very competent programmers that are unaware of its existence. **Features of `automatic` variables :** `    1. Keyword used        - `**`auto`**\ `    2. Storage             - Memory`\ `    3. Default value       - Garbage value (random value)`\ `    4. Scope               - Local to the block in which it is defined`\ `    5. Lifetime            - Value persists while the control remains within the block`\ `    6. Keyword optionality - Optional` ### register **`register`** is a hint to the compiler to attempt to optimize the storage of the given variable by storing it in a register of the computer\'s CPU when the program is run. Most optimizing compilers do this anyway, so use of this keyword is often unnecessary. In fact, ANSI C states that a compiler can ignore this keyword if it so desires -- and many do. Microsoft Visual C++ is an example of an implementation that completely ignores the *register* keyword. **Features of `register` variables :** `    1. Keyword used        - `**`register`**\ `    2. Storage             - CPU registers (values can be retrieved faster than from memory)`\ `    3. Default value       - Garbage value`\ `    4. Scope               - Local to the block in which it is defined`\ `    5. Lifetime            - Value persists while the control remains within the block`\ `    6. Keyword optionality - Mandatory to use the keyword` ### Concepts - Variables - Types - Data Structures - Arrays ### In this section - C variables - C arrays ## References de:C-Programmierung: Variablen und Konstanten et:Programmeerimiskeel C/Muutujad fi:C/Muuttujat fr:Programmation C/Bases du langage it:C/Variabili, operatori e costanti/Variabili ja:C言語 変数 pl:C/Zmienne pt:Programar em C/Variáveis [^1]: Examples of naming guidelines are those of the GNOME Project or the parts of the Python interpreter that are written in C. [^2]: Representations of real numbers other than floating-point numbers exist but are not fundamental data types in C. Some C compilers support fixed-point arithmetic data types, but these are not part of standard C. Libraries such as the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library offer more data types for real numbers and very large numbers. [^3]: 1 - What is NULL and how is it defined? [^4]: 2 - NULL or 0, which should you use?
# C Programming/Operators and type casting ## Operators and Assignments C has a wide range of operators that make simple math easy to handle. The list of operators grouped into precedence levels is as follows: ### Primary expressions *Identifiers* are names of things in C, and consist of either a letter or an underscore ( `_` ) optionally followed by letters, digits, or underscores. An identifier (or variable name) is a primary expression, provided that it has been declared as designating an object (in which case it is an lvalue \[a value that can be used as the left side of an assignment expression\]) or a function (in which case it is a function designator). A *constant* is a primary expression. Its type depends on its form and value. The types of constants are character constants (e.g. `' '` is a space), integer constants (e.g. `2`), floating-point constants (e.g. `0.5`), and enumerated constants that have been previously defined via `enum`. A *string literal* is a primary expression. It consists of a string of characters within double quotes ( `"` ). A parenthesized expression is a primary expression. It consists of an expression within parentheses ( `(` `)` ). Its type and value are those of the non-parenthesized expression within the parentheses. In C11, an expression that starts with `_Generic` followed by (, an initial expression, a list of values of the form *type: expression* where type is either a named type or the keyword default, and ) constitutes a primary expression. The value is the expression that follows the type of the initial expression or the default if not found. ### Postfix operators First, a primary expression is also a postfix expression. The following expressions are also postfix expressions: A postfix expression followed by a left square bracket (`[`), an expression, and a right square bracket (`]`) in sequence constitutes an invocation of the *array subscript operator*. One of the expressions shall have type \"pointer to object `<i>`{=html}type`</i>`{=html}\" and the other shall have an integer type; the result type is `<i>`{=html}type`</i>`{=html}. Successive array subscript operators designate an element of a multidimensional array. A postfix expression followed by parentheses or an optional parenthesized argument list indicates an invocation of the *function call operator*. The value of the function call operator is the return value of the function called with the provided arguments. The parameters to the function are copied on the stack **by value** (or at least the compiler acts as if that is what happens; if the programmer wanted the parameter to be copied by reference, then it is easier to pass the address of the area to be modified by value, then the called function can access the area through the respective pointer). The trend for compilers is to pass the parameters from right to left onto the stack, but this is not universal. A postfix expression followed by a dot (`.`) followed by an identifier selects a member from a structure or union; a postfix expression followed by an arrow (`->`) followed by an identifier selects a member from a structure or union who is pointed to by the pointer on the left-hand side of the expression. A postfix expression followed by the increment or decrement operators (`++` or `--` respectively) indicates that the variable is to be incremented or decremented as a side effect. The value of the expression is the value of the postfix expression *before* the increment or decrement. These operators only work on integers and pointers. ### Unary expressions First, a postfix expression is a unary expression. The following expressions are all unary expressions: The increment or decrement operators followed by a unary expression is a unary expression. The value of the expression is the value of the unary expression *after* the increment or decrement. These operators only work on integers and pointers. The following operators followed by a cast expression are unary expressions: `Operator     Meaning`\ `========     =======`\ `   &         Address-of; value is the location of the operand`\ `   *         Contents-of; value is what is stored at the location`\ `   -         Negation`\ `   +         Value-of operator`\ `   !         Logical negation ( (!E) is equivalent to (0==E) )`\ `   ~         Bit-wise complement` The keyword `sizeof` followed by a unary expression is a unary expression. The value is the size of the type of the expression in bytes. The expression is not evaluated. The keyword `sizeof` followed by a parenthesized type name is a unary expression. The value is the size of the type in bytes. ### Cast operators A unary expression is also a cast expression. A parenthesized type name followed by any expression, including literals, is a cast expression. The parenthesized type name has the effect of forcing the cast expression into the type specified by the type name in parentheses. For arithmetic types, this either does not change the value of the expression, or truncates the value of the expression if the expression is an integer and the new type is smaller than the previous type. An example of casting an int as a float: ``` C int i = 5; printf("%f\n", (float) i / 2); // Will print out: 2.500000 ``` ### Multiplicative and additive operators First, a multiplicative expression is also a cast expression, and an additive expression is also a multiplicative expression. This follows the precedence that multiplication happens before addition. In C, simple math is very easy to handle. The following operators exist: **+** (addition), **-** (subtraction), **\*** (multiplication), / (division), and **%** (modulus); You likely know all of them from your math classes - except, perhaps, modulus. It returns the **remainder** of a division (e.g. 5 % 2 = 1). (Modulus is not defined for floating-point numbers, but the *math.h* library has an *fmod* function.) Care must be taken with the modulus, because it\'s not the equivalent of the mathematical modulus: (-5) % 2 is not 1, but -1. Division of integers will return an integer, and the division of a negative integer by a positive integer will round towards zero instead of rounding down (e.g. (-5) / 3 = -1 instead of -2). However, it is always true that for all integer a and nonzero integer b, `((a / b) * b) + (a % b) == a`. There is no inline operator to do exponentiation (e.g. 5 \^ 2 is **not** 25 \[it is 7; **\^** is the exclusive-or operator\], and 5 \*\* 2 is an error), but there is a power function. The mathematical order of operations does apply. For example (2 + 3) \* 2 = 10 while 2 + 3 \* 2 = 8. Multiplicative operators have precedence over additive operators. ``` c #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i = 0, j = 0; /* while i is less than 5 AND j is less than 5, loop */ while( (i < 5) && (j < 5) ) { /* postfix increment, i++ * the value of i is read and then incremented */ printf("i: %d\t", i++); /* * prefix increment, ++j * the value of j is incremented and then read */ printf("j: %d\n", ++j); } printf("At the end they have both equal values:\ni: %d\tj: %d\n", i, j); getchar(); /* pause */ return 0; } ``` will display the following: i: 0 j: 1 i: 1 j: 2 i: 2 j: 3 i: 3 j: 4 i: 4 j: 5 At the end they have both equal values: i: 5 j: 5 ### The shift operators (which may be used to rotate bits) A shift expression is also an additive expression (meaning that the shift operators have a precedence just below addition and subtraction). Shift functions are often used in low-level I/O hardware interfacing. Shift and rotate functions are heavily used in cryptography and software floating point emulation. Other than that, shifts can be used in place of division or multiplication by a power of two. Many processors have dedicated function blocks to make these operations fast \-- see Microprocessor Design/Shift and Rotate Blocks. On processors which have such blocks, most C compilers compile shift and rotate operators to a single assembly-language instruction \-- see X86 Assembly/Shift and Rotate. #### shift left The `<<` operator shifts the binary representation to the left, dropping the most significant bits and appending it with zero bits. The result is equivalent to multiplying the integer by a power of two. #### unsigned shift right The unsigned shift right operator, also sometimes called the logical right shift operator. It shifts the binary representation to the right, dropping the least significant bits and prepending it with zeros. The `>>` operator is equivalent to division by a power of two for unsigned integers. #### signed shift right The signed shift right operator, also sometimes called the arithmetic right shift operator. It shifts the binary representation to the right, dropping the least significant bit, but prepending it with copies of the original sign bit. The `>>` operator is not equivalent to division for signed integers. In C, the behavior of the `>>` operator depends on the data type it acts on. Therefore, a signed and an unsigned right shift looks exactly the same, but produces a different result in some cases. #### rotate right Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to write C code that compiles down to the \"rotate\" assembly language instruction (on CPUs that have such an instruction). Most compilers recognize this idiom: ``` c unsigned int x; unsigned int y; /* ... */ y = (x >> shift) | (x << (32 - shift)); ``` and compile it to a single 32 bit rotate instruction. [^1] [^2] On some systems, this may be \"#define\"ed as a macro or defined as an inline function called something like \"rightrotate32\" or \"rotr32\" or \"ror32\" in a standard header file like \"bitops.h\". [^3] #### rotate left Most compilers recognize this idiom: ``` c unsigned int x; unsigned int y; /* ... */ y = (x << shift) | (x >> (32 - shift)); ``` and compile it to a single 32 bit rotate instruction. On some systems, this may be \"#define\"ed as a macro or defined as an inline function called something like \"leftrotate32\" or \"rotl32\" in a header file like \"bitops.h\". ### Relational and equality operators A relational expression is also a shift expression; an equality expression is also a relational expression. The relational binary operators `<` (less than), `>` (greater than), `<=` (less than or equal), and `>=` (greater than or equal) operators return a value of 1 if the result of the operation is true, 0 if false. The result of these operators is type `int`. The equality binary operators `==` (equals) and `!=` (not equals) operators are similar to the relational operators except that their precedence is lower. They also return a value of 1 if the result of the operation is true and 0 if it is false. One thing with floating-point numbers and equality operators: Because floating-point operations can produce approximations (e.g. 0.1 is a repeating decimal in binary, so 0.1 \* 10.0 is hardly ever 1.0), it is unwise to use the `==` operator with floating-point numbers. Instead, if a and b are the numbers to compare, compare `fabs (a - b)` to a fudge factor. ### Bitwise operators The bitwise operators are `&` (and), `^` (exclusive or) and `|` (inclusive or). The `&` operator has higher precedence than `^`, which has higher precedence than `|`. The values being operated upon must be integral; the result is integral. One use for the bitwise operators is to emulate bit flags. These flags can be set with OR, tested with AND, flipped with XOR, and cleared with AND NOT. For example: ``` c /* This code is a sample for bitwise operations. */ #define BITFLAG1 (1) #define BITFLAG2 (2) #define BITFLAG3 (4) /* They are powers of 2 */ unsigned bitbucket = 0U; /* Clear all */ bitbucket |= BITFLAG1; /* Set bit flag 1 */ bitbucket &= ~BITFLAG2; /* Clear bit flag 2 */ bitbucket ^= BITFLAG3; /* Flip the state of bit flag 3 from off to on or vice versa */ if (bitbucket & BITFLAG3) { /* bit flag 3 is set */ } else { /* bit flag 3 is not set */ } ``` ### Logical operators The logical operators are `&&` (and), and `||` (or). Both of these operators produce 1 if the relationship is true and 0 for false. Both of these operators short-circuit; if the result of the expression can be determined from the first operand, the second is ignored. The `&&` operator has higher precedence than the `||` operator. `&&` is used to evaluate expressions left to right, and returns a 1 if *both* statements are true, 0 if either of them are false. If the first expression is false, the second is not evaluated. ``` c int x = 7; int y = 5; if(x == 7 && y == 5) { ... } ``` Here, the `&&` operator checks the left-most expression, then the expression to its right. If there were more than two expressions chained (e.g. `x && y && z`), the operator would check `x` first, then y (if `x` is nonzero), then continue rightwards to z if neither x or y is zero. Since both statements return true, the `&&` operator returns true, and the code block is executed. ``` c if(x == 5 && y == 5) { ... } ``` The && operator checks in the same way as before, and finds that the first expression is false. The && operator stops evaluating as soon as it finds a statement to be false, and returns a false. `||` is used to evaluate expressions left to right, and returns a 1 if *either* of the expressions are true, 0 if both are false. If the first expression is true, the second expression is not evaluated. ``` c /* Use the same variables as before. */ if(x == 2 || y == 5) { // the || statement checks both expressions, finds that the latter is true, and returns true ... } ``` The `||` operator here checks the left-most expression, finds it false, but continues to evaluate the next expression. It finds that the next expression returns true, stops, and returns a 1. Much how the `&&` operator ceases when it finds an expression that returns false, the `||` operator ceases when it finds an expression that returns true. It is worth noting that C does not have Boolean values (true and false) commonly found in other languages. It instead interprets a 0 as false, and any nonzero value as true. ### Conditional operators The ternary `?:` operator is the conditional operator. The expression `(x ? y : z)` has the value of `y` if `x` is nonzero, `z` otherwise. Example: ``` c int x = 0; int y; y = (x ? 10 : 6); /* The parentheses are technically not necessary as assignment has a lower precedence than the conditional operator, but it's there for clarity. */ ``` The expression `x` evaluates to 0. The ternary operator then looks for the \"if-false\" value, which in this case, is 6. It returns that, so `y` is equal to six. Had `x` been a non-zero, then the expression would have returned a 10. ### Assignment operators The assignment operators are `=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `+=`, `-=`, `<<=`, `>>=`, `&=`, `^=`, and `|=` . The `=` operator stores the value of the right operand into the location determined by the left operand, which must be an lvalue (a value that has an address, and therefore can be assigned to). For the others, `x op= y` is shorthand for `x = x op (y)` . Hence, the following expressions are the same: `    1. x += y     -     x = x+y`\ `    2. x -= y     -     x = x-y`\ `    3. x *= y     -     x = x*y`\ `    4. x /= y     -     x = x/y`\ `    5. x %= y     -     x = x%y` The value of the assignment expression is the value of the left operand after the assignment. Thus, assignments can be chained; e.g. the expression `a = b = c = 0;` would assign the value zero to all three variables. ### Comma operator The operator with the least precedence is the comma operator. The value of the expression `x, y` will evaluate both `x` and `y`, but provides the value of `y`. This operator is useful for including multiple actions in one statement (e.g. within a for loop conditional). Here is a small example of the comma operator: ``` c int i, x; /* Declares two ints, i and x, in one declaration. Technically, this is not the comma operator. */ /* this loop initializes x and i to 0, then runs the loop */ for (x = 0, i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { printf("x = %d, and i = %d\n", x, i); } ``` ## References fr:Programmation C/Opérateurs pl:C/Operatory [^1]: GCC: \"Optimize common rotate constructs\" [^2]: \"Cleanups in ROTL/ROTR DAG combiner code\" mentions that this code supports the \"rotate\" instruction in the CellSPU [^3]: \"replace private copy of bit rotation routines\" \-- recommends including \"bitops.h\" and using its rol32 and ror32 rather than copy-and-paste into a new program.
# C Programming/Arrays and strings Arrays in C act to store related data under a single variable name with an index, also known as a *subscript*. It is easiest to think of an array as simply a list or ordered grouping for variables of the same type. As such, arrays often help a programmer organize collections of data efficiently and intuitively. Later we will consider the concept of a *pointer*, fundamental to C, which extends the nature of the array (array can be termed as a constant pointer). For now, we will consider just their declaration and their use. ## Arrays C arrays are declared in the following form: ``` text type name[number of elements]; ``` For example, if we want an array of six integers (or whole numbers), we write in C: ``` c int numbers[6]; ``` For a six character array called *letters*, ``` c char letters[6]; ``` and so on. You can also initialize as you declare. Just put the initial elements in curly brackets separated by commas as the initial value: ``` text type name[number of elements]={comma-separated values} ``` For example, if we want to initialize an array with six integers, with `0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0` as the initial values: ``` c int point[6]={0,0,1,0,0,0}; ``` Though when the array is initialized as in this case, the array dimension may be omitted, and the array will be automatically sized to hold the initial data: ``` c int point[]={0,0,1,0,0,0}; ``` This is very useful in that the size of the array can be controlled by simply adding or removing initializer elements from the definition without the need to adjust the dimension. If the dimension is specified, but not all elements in the array are initialized, the remaining elements will contain a value of 0. This is very useful, especially when we have very large arrays. ``` c int numbers[2000]={245}; ``` The above example sets the first value of the array to 245, and the rest to 0. If we want to access a variable stored in an array, for example with the above declaration, the following code will store a 1 in the variable `x` ``` c int x; x = point[2]; ``` Arrays in C are indexed starting at 0, as opposed to starting at 1. The first element of the array above is `point[0]`. The index to the last value in the array is the array size minus one. In the example above the subscripts run from 0 through 5. C does not guarantee bounds checking on array accesses. The compiler may not complain about the following (though the best compilers do): ``` c char y; int z = 9; char point[6] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; //examples of accessing outside the array. A compile error is not always raised y = point[15]; y = point[-4]; y = point[z]; ``` During program execution, an out of bounds array access does not always cause a run time error. Your program may happily continue after retrieving a value from point\[-1\]. To alleviate indexing problems, the sizeof() expression is commonly used when coding loops that process arrays. Many people use a macro that in turn uses sizeof() to find the number of elements in an array, a macro variously named \"lengthof()\",[^1] \"MY_ARRAY_SIZE()\" or \"NUM_ELEM()\",[^2] \"SIZEOF_STATIC_ARRAY()\",[^3] etc. ``` c int ix; short anArray[]= { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 }; for (ix=0; ix< (sizeof(anArray)/sizeof(short)); ++ix) { DoSomethingWith("%d", anArray[ix] ); } ``` Notice in the above example, the size of the array was not explicitly specified. The compiler knows to size it at 5 because of the five values in the initializer list. Adding an additional value to the list will cause it to be sized to six, and because of the sizeof expression in the `for` loop, the code automatically adjusts to this change. Good programming practice is to declare a variable `<i>`{=html}size `</i>`{=html}, and store the number of elements in the array in it. size = sizeof(anArray)/sizeof(short) C also supports multi dimensional arrays (or, rather, arrays of arrays). The simplest type is a two dimensional array. This creates a rectangular array - each row has the same number of columns. To get a char array with 3 rows and 5 columns we write in C `char two_d[3][5];` To access/modify a value in this array we need two subscripts: ``` c char ch; ch = two_d[2][4]; ``` or ``` c two_d[0][0] = 'x'; ``` Similarly, a multi-dimensional array can be initialized like this: ``` c int two_d[2][3] = {{ 5, 2, 1 }, { 6, 7, 8 }}; ``` The number of columns must be explicitly stated; however, the compiler will find the appropriate amount of rows based on the initializer list. There are also weird notations possible: ``` c int a[100]; int i = 0; if (a[i]==i[a]) { printf("Hello world!\n"); } ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a\[i\] and i\[a\] refer to the same location. (This is explained later in the next Chapter.) ## Strings !String \"Merkkijono\" stored in memory{width="300"} C has no string handling facilities built in; consequently, strings are defined as arrays of characters. C allows a character array to be represented by a character string rather than a list of characters, with the null terminating character automatically added to the end. For example, to store the string \"Merkkijono\", we would write ``` c char string[11] = "Merkkijono"; ``` or ``` c char string[11] = {'M', 'e', 'r', 'k', 'k', 'i', 'j', 'o', 'n', 'o', '\0'}; ``` In the first example, the string will have a null character automatically appended to the end by the compiler; by convention, library functions expect strings to be terminated by a null character. The latter declaration indicates individual elements, and as such the null terminator needs to be added manually. Strings do not always have to be linked to an explicit variable. As you have seen already, a string of characters can be created directly as an unnamed string that is used directly (as with the printf functions.) To create an extra long string, you will have to split the string into multiple sections, by closing the first section with a quote, and recommencing the string on the next line (also starting and ending in a quote): ``` c char string[58] = "This is a very, very long " "string that requires two lines."; ``` While strings may also span multiple lines by putting the backslash character at the end of the line, this method is deprecated. There is a useful library of string handling routines which you can use by including another header file. ``` c #include <string.h> //new header file ``` This standard string library will allow various tasks to be performed on strings, and is discussed in the Strings chapter. ## References et:Programmeerimiskeel C/Massiivid fr:Programmation C/Tableaux it:C/Vettori e puntatori/Vettori pl:C/Tablice fi:C/Taulukot [^1]: Pádraig Brady. \"C and C++ notes\". [^2]: C Programming/Pointers and arrays [^3]: MINC/Reference/MINC1-volumeio-programmers-reference
# C Programming/Program flow control Very few programs follow exactly one control path and have each instruction stated explicitly. In order to program effectively, it is necessary to understand how one can alter the steps taken by a program due to user input or other conditions, how some steps can be executed many times with few lines of code, and how programs can appear to demonstrate a rudimentary grasp of logic. C constructs known as conditionals and loops grant this power. From this point forward, it is necessary to understand what is usually meant by the word *block*. A block is a group of code statements that are associated and intended to be executed as a unit. In C, the beginning of a block of code is denoted with { (left curly), and the end of a block is denoted with }. It is not necessary to place a semicolon after the end of a block. Blocks can be empty, as in {}. Blocks can also be nested; i.e. there can be blocks of code within larger blocks. ## Conditionals There is likely no meaningful program written in which a computer does not demonstrate basic decision-making skills. It can actually be argued that there is no meaningful human activity in which some sort of decision-making, instinctual or otherwise, does not take place. For example, when driving a car and approaching a traffic light, one does not think, \"I will continue driving through the intersection.\" Rather, one thinks, \"I will stop if the light is red, go if the light is green, and if yellow go only if I am traveling at a certain speed a certain distance from the intersection.\" These kinds of processes can be simulated in C using conditionals. A conditional is a statement that instructs the computer to execute a certain block of code or alter certain data only if a specific condition has been met. The most common conditional is the If-Else statement, with conditional expressions and Switch-Case statements typically used as more shorthanded methods. Before one can understand conditional statements, it is first necessary to understand how C expresses logical relations. C treats logic as being arithmetic. The value 0 (zero) represents false, and ***all other values*** represent true. If you chose some particular value to represent true and then compare values against it, sooner or later your code will fail when your assumed value (often 1) turns out to be incorrect. Code written by people uncomfortable with the C language can often be identified by the usage of #define to make a \"TRUE\" value. [^1] Because logic is arithmetic in C, arithmetic operators and logical operators are one and the same. Nevertheless, there are a number of operators that are typically associated with logic: ### Relational and Equivalence Expressions: a \< b: 1 if **a** is less than **b**, 0 otherwise.\ a \> b: 1 if **a** is greater than **b**, 0 otherwise.\ a \<= b: 1 if **a** is less than or equal to **b**, 0 otherwise.\ a \>= b: 1 if **a** is greater than or equal to **b**, 0 otherwise.\ a == b: 1 if **a** is equal to **b**, 0 otherwise.\ a != b: 1 if **a** is not equal to **b**, 0 otherwise New programmers should take special note of the fact that the \"equal to\" operator is ==, not =. This is the cause of numerous coding mistakes and is often a difficult-to-find bug, as the expression `(a = b)` sets `a` equal to `b` and subsequently evaluates to `b`; but the expression `(a == b)`, which is usually intended, checks if `a` is equal to `b`. It needs to be pointed out that, if you confuse = with ==, your mistake will often not be brought to your attention by the compiler. A statement such as `if (c = 20) {}` is considered perfectly valid by the language, but will always assign 20 to `c` and evaluate as true. A simple technique to avoid this kind of bug (in many, not all cases) is to put the constant first. This will cause the compiler to issue an error, if == got misspelled with =. Note that C does not have a dedicated boolean type as many other languages do. 0 means false and anything else true. So the following are equivalent: ``` c if (foo()) { // do something } ``` and ``` c if (foo() != 0) { // do something } ``` Often `#define TRUE 1` and `#define FALSE 0` are used to work around the lack of a boolean type. This is bad practice, since it makes assumptions that do not hold. It is a better idea to indicate what you are actually expecting as a result from a function call, as there are many different ways of indicating error conditions, depending on the situation. ``` c if (strstr("foo", bar) >= 0) { // bar contains "foo" } ``` Here, `strstr` returns the index where the substring foo is found and -1 if it was not found. Note that this would fail with the `TRUE` definition mentioned in the previous paragraph. It would also not produce the expected results if we omitted the `>= 0`. One other thing to note is that the relational expressions do not evaluate as they would in mathematical texts. That is, an expression `myMin < value < myMax` does not evaluate as you probably think it might. Mathematically, this would test whether or not *value* is between *myMin* and *myMax*. But in C, what happens is that *value* is first compared with *myMin*. This produces either a 0 or a 1. It is this value that is compared against myMax. Example: ``` c int value = 20; /* ... */ if (0 < value < 10) { // don't do this! it always evaluates to "true"! /* do some stuff */ } ``` Because *value* is greater than 0, the first comparison produces a value of 1. Now 1 is compared to be less than 10, which is true, so the statements in the if are executed. This probably is not what the programmer expected. The appropriate code would be: ``` c int value = 20; /* ... */ if (0 < value && value < 10) { // the && means "and" /* do some stuff */ } ``` ### Logical Expressions a \|\| b: when EITHER **a** or **b** is true (or both), the result is 1, otherwise the result is 0.\ a && b: when BOTH **a** and **b** are true, the result is 1, otherwise the result is 0.\ !a: when **a** is true, the result is 0; when **a** is 0, the result is 1. Here\'s an example of a larger logical expression. In the statement: `  e = ((a && b) || (c > d));` e is set equal to 1 if a and b are non-zero, or if c is greater than d. In all other cases, e is set to 0. C uses short circuit evaluation of logical expressions. That is to say, once it is able to determine the truth of a logical expression, it does no further evaluation. This is often useful as in the following: `int myArray[12];`\ `....`\ `if (i < 12 && myArray[i] > 3) { `\ `....` In the snippet of code, the comparison of i with 12 is done first. If it evaluates to 0 (false), **i** would be out of bounds as an index to **myArray**. In this case, the program never attempts to access **myArray\[i\]** since the truth of the expression is known to be false. Hence we need not worry here about trying to access an out-of-bounds array element if it is already known that i is greater than or equal to zero. A similar thing happens with expressions involving the or \|\| operator. `while (doThis() || doThat()) ...` doThat() is never called if doThis() returns a non-zero (true) value. ### The If-Else statement If-Else provides a way to instruct the computer to execute a block of code only if certain conditions have been met. The syntax of an If-Else construct is: ``` c if (/* condition goes here */) { /* if the condition is non-zero (true), this code will execute */ } else { /* if the condition is 0 (false), this code will execute */ } ``` The first block of code executes if the condition in parentheses directly after the *if* evaluates to non-zero (true); otherwise, the second block executes. The *else* and following block of code are completely optional. If there is no need to execute code if a condition is not true, leave it out. Also, keep in mind that an *if* can directly follow an *else* statement. While this can occasionally be useful, chaining more than two or three if-elses in this fashion is considered bad programming practice. We can get around this with the Switch-Case construct described later. Two other general syntax notes need to be made that you will also see in other control constructs: First, note that there is no semicolon after *if* or *else*. There could be, but the block (code enclosed in { and }) takes the place of that. Second, if you only intend to execute one statement as a result of an *if* or *else*, curly braces are not needed. However, many programmers believe that inserting curly braces anyway in this case is good coding practice. The following code sets a variable c equal to the greater of two variables a and b, or 0 if a and b are equal. ``` c if (a > b) { c = a; } else if (b > a) { c = b; } else { c = 0; } ``` Consider this question: why can\'t you just forget about *else* and write the code like: ``` c if (a > b) { c = a; } if (a < b) { c = b; } if (a == b) { c = 0; } ``` There are several answers to this. Most importantly, if your conditionals are not mutually exclusive, *two* cases could execute instead of only one. If the code was different and the value of a or b changes somehow (e.g.: you reset the lesser of a and b to 0 after the comparison) during one of the blocks? You could end up with multiple *if* statements being invoked, which is not your intent. Also, evaluating *if* conditionals takes processor time. If you use *else* to handle these situations, in the case above assuming (a \> b) is non-zero (true), the program is spared the expense of evaluating additional *if* statements. The bottom line is that it is usually best to insert an *else* clause for all cases in which a conditional will not evaluate to non-zero (true). #### The conditional expression A conditional expression is a way to set values conditionally in a more shorthand fashion than If-Else. The syntax is: `(/* logical expression goes here */) ? (/* if non-zero (true) */) : (/* if 0 (false) */)` The logical expression is evaluated. If it is non-zero (true), the overall conditional expression evaluates to the expression placed between the ? and :, otherwise, it evaluates to the expression after the :. Therefore, the above example (changing its function slightly such that c is set to b when a and b are equal) becomes: `c = (a > b) ? a : b;` Conditional expressions can sometimes clarify the intent of the code. Nesting the conditional operator should usually be avoided. It\'s best to use conditional expressions only when the expressions for a and b are simple. Also, contrary to a common beginner belief, conditional expressions do not make for faster code. As tempting as it is to assume that fewer lines of code result in faster execution times, there is no such correlation. ### The Switch-Case statement Say you write a program where the user inputs a number 1-5 (corresponding to student grades, A(represented as 1)-D(4) and F(5)), stores it in a variable **grade** and the program responds by printing to the screen the associated letter grade. If you implemented this using If-Else, your code would look something like this: ``` c if (grade == 1) { printf("A\n"); } else if (grade == 2) { printf("B\n"); } else if /* etc. etc. */ ``` Having a long chain of if-else-if-else-if-else can be a pain, both for the programmer and anyone reading the code. Fortunately, there\'s a solution: the Switch-Case construct, of which the basic syntax is: ``` c switch (/* integer or enum goes here */) { case /* potential value of the aforementioned int or enum */: /* code */ case /* a different potential value */: /* different code */ /* insert additional cases as needed */ default: /* more code */ } ``` The Switch-Case construct takes a variable, usually an int or an enum, placed after *switch*, and compares it to the value following the *case* keyword. If the variable is equal to the value specified after *case*, the construct \"activates\", or begins executing the code after the case statement. Once the construct has \"activated\", there will be no further evaluation of *case*s. Switch-Case is syntactically \"weird\" in that no braces are required for code associated with a *case*. ***Very important***: Typically, the last statement for each case is a break statement. This causes program execution to jump to the statement following the closing bracket of the switch statement, which is what one would normally want to happen. However if the break statement is omitted, program execution continues with the first line of the next case, if any. This is called a *fall-through*. When a programmer desires this action, a comment should be placed at the end of the block of statements indicating the desire to fall through. Otherwise another programmer maintaining the code could consider the omission of the \'break\' to be an error, and inadvertently \'correct\' the problem. Here\'s an example: ``` c switch (someVariable) { case 1: printf("This code handles case 1\n"); break; case 2: printf("This prints when someVariable is 2, along with...\n"); /* FALL THROUGH */ case 3: printf("This prints when someVariable is either 2 or 3.\n" ); break; } ``` If a *default* case is specified, the associated statements are executed if none of the other cases match. A *default* case is optional. Here\'s a switch statement that corresponds to the sequence of if - else if statements above. Back to our example above. Here\'s what it would look like as Switch-Case: ``` c switch (grade) { case 1: printf("A\n"); break; case 2: printf("B\n"); break; case 3: printf("C\n"); break; case 4: printf("D\n"); break; default: printf("F\n"); break; } ``` A set of statements to execute can be grouped with more than one value of the variable as in the following example. (the fall-through comment is not necessary here because the intended behavior is obvious) ``` c switch (something) { case 2: case 3: case 4: /* some statements to execute for 2, 3 or 4 */ break; case 1: default: /* some statements to execute for 1 or other than 2,3,and 4 */ break; } ``` Switch-Case constructs are particularly useful when used in conjunction with user defined *enum* data types. Some compilers are capable of warning about an unhandled enum value, which may be helpful for avoiding bugs. ## Loops Often in computer programming, it is necessary to perform a certain action a certain number of times or until a certain condition is met. It is impractical and tedious to simply type a certain statement or group of statements a large number of times, not to mention that this approach is too inflexible and unintuitive to be counted on to stop when a certain event has happened. As a real-world analogy, someone asks a dishwasher at a restaurant what he did all night. He will respond, \"I washed dishes all night long.\" He is not likely to respond, \"I washed a dish, then washed a dish, then washed a dish, then\...\". The constructs that enable computers to perform certain repetitive tasks are called loops. ### While loops A while loop is the most basic type of loop. It will run as long as the condition is non-zero (true). For example, if you try the following, the program will appear to lock up and you will have to manually close the program down. A situation where the conditions for exiting the loop will never become true is called an infinite loop. ``` c int a = 1; while (42) { a = a * 2; } ``` Here is another example of a while loop. It prints out all the powers of two less than 100. ``` c int a = 1; while (a < 100) { printf("a is %d \n", a); a = a * 2; } ``` The flow of all loops can also be controlled by **break** and **continue** statements. A break statement will immediately exit the enclosing loop. A continue statement will skip the remainder of the block and start at the controlling conditional statement again. For example: ``` c int a = 1; while (42) { // loops until the break statement in the loop is executed printf("a is %d ", a); a = a * 2; if (a > 100) { break; } else if (a == 64) { continue; // Immediately restarts at while, skips next step } printf("a is not 64\n"); } ``` In this example, the computer prints the value of a as usual, and prints a notice that a is not 64 (unless it was skipped by the continue statement). Similar to If above, braces for the block of code associated with a While loop can be omitted if the code consists of only one statement, for example: ``` c int a = 1; while (a < 100) a = a * 2; ``` This will merely increase a until a is not less than 100. When the computer reaches the end of the while loop, it always goes back to the while statement at the top of the loop, where it re-evaluates the controlling condition. If that condition is \"true\" at that instant \-- even if it was temporarily 0 for a few statements inside the loop \-- then the computer begins executing the statements inside the loop again; otherwise the computer exits the loop. The computer does not \"continuously check\" the controlling condition of a while loop during the execution of that loop. It only \"peeks\" at the controlling condition each time it reaches the `while` at the top of the loop. It is very important to note, once the controlling condition of a While loop becomes 0 (false), the loop will not terminate until the block of code is finished and it is time to reevaluate the conditional. If you need to terminate a While loop immediately upon reaching a certain condition, consider using **break**. A common idiom is to write: ``` c int i = 5; while (i--) { printf("java and c# can't do this\n"); } ``` This executes the code in the while loop 5 times, with i having values that range from 4 down to 0 (inside the loop). Conveniently, these are the values needed to access every item of an array containing 5 elements. ### For loops For loops generally look something like this: `for (`*`initialization`*`; `*`test`*`; `*`increment`*`) {`\ `  /* code */`\ `}` The *initialization* statement is executed exactly once - before the first evaluation of the *test* condition. Typically, it is used to assign an initial value to some variable, although this is not strictly necessary. The *initialization* statement can also be used to declare and initialize variables used in the loop. The *test* expression is evaluated each time before the code in the *for* loop executes. If this expression evaluates as 0 (false) when it is checked (i.e. if the expression is not true), the loop is not (re)entered and execution continues normally at the code immediately following the FOR-loop. If the expression is non-zero (true), the code within the braces of the loop is executed. After each iteration of the loop, the *increment* statement is executed. This often is used to increment the loop index for the loop, the variable initialized in the initialization expression and tested in the test expression. Following this statement execution, control returns to the top of the loop, where the *test* action occurs. If a *continue* statement is executed within the *for* loop, the increment statement would be the next one executed. Each of these parts of the for statement is optional and may be omitted. Because of the free-form nature of the for statement, some fairly fancy things can be done with it. Often a for loop is used to loop through items in an array, processing each item at a time. ``` c int myArray[12]; int ix; for (ix = 0; ix < 12; ix++) { myArray[ix] = 5 * ix + 3; } ``` The above for loop initializes each of the 12 elements of myArray. The loop index can start from any value. In the following case it starts from 1. ``` c for (ix = 1; ix <= 10; ix++) { printf("%d ", ix); } ``` which will print **`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10`** You will most often use loop indexes that start from 0, since arrays are indexed at zero, but you will sometimes use other values to initialize a loop index as well. The *increment* action can do other things, such as *decrement*. So this kind of loop is common: ``` c for (i = 5; i > 0; i--) { printf("%d ", i); } ``` which yields **`5 4 3 2 1`** Here\'s an example where the test condition is simply a variable. If the variable has a value of 0 or NULL, the loop exits, otherwise the statements in the body of the loop are executed. ``` c for (t = list_head; t; t = NextItem(t)) { /* body of loop */ } ``` A WHILE loop can be used to do the same thing as a FOR loop, however a FOR loop is a more condensed way to perform a set number of repetitions since all of the necessary information is in a one line statement. A FOR loop can also be given no conditions, for example: ``` c for (;;) { /* block of statements */ } ``` This is called an infinite loop since it will loop forever unless there is a break statement within the statements of the for loop. The empty test condition effectively evaluates as true. It is also common to use the comma operator in for loops to execute multiple statements. ``` c int i, j, n = 10; for (i = 0, j = 0; i <= n; i++, j += 2) { printf("i = %d , j = %d \n", i, j); } ``` Special care should be taken when designing or refactoring the conditional part, especially whether using \< or \<= , whether start and stop should be corrected by 1, and in case of prefix- and postfix-notations. ( On a 100 yards promenade with a tree every 10 yards there are 11 trees. ) ``` c int i, n = 10; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d ", i); // processed n times => 0 1 2 3 ... (n-1) printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) printf("%d ", i); // processed (n+1) times => 0 1 2 3 ... n printf("\n"); for (i = n; i--;) printf("%d ", i); // processed n times => (n-1) ...3 2 1 0 printf("\n"); for (i = n; --i;) printf("%d ", i); // processed (n-1) times => (n-1) ...4 3 2 1 printf("\n"); ``` ### Do-While loops A DO-WHILE loop is a post-check while loop, which means that it checks the condition after each run. As a result, even if the condition is zero (false), it will run at least once. It follows the form of: ``` c do { /* do stuff */ } while (condition); ``` Note the terminating semicolon. This is required for correct syntax. Since this is also a type of while loop, **break** and **continue** statements within the loop function accordingly. A **continue** statement causes a jump to the test of the condition and a *break* statement exits the loop. It is worth noting that Do-While and While are functionally almost identical, with one important difference: Do-While loops are always guaranteed to execute at least once, but While loops will not execute at all if their condition is 0 (false) on the first evaluation. ## One last thing: goto **goto** is a very simple and traditional control mechanism. It is a statement used to immediately and unconditionally jump to another line of code. To use goto, you must place a label at a point in your program. A label consists of a name followed by a colon (:) on a line by itself. Then, you can type \"goto *label*;\" at the desired point in your program. The code will then continue executing beginning with *label*. This looks like: ``` c MyLabel: /* some code */ goto MyLabel; ``` The ability to transfer the flow of control enabled by gotos is so powerful that, in addition to the simple if, all other control constructs can be written using gotos instead. Here, we can let \"S\" and \"T\" be any arbitrary statements: ``` c if (''cond'') { S; } else { T; } /* ... */ ``` The same statement could be accomplished using two gotos and two labels: ``` c if (''cond'') goto Label1; T; goto Label2; Label1: S; Label2: /* ... */ ``` Here, the first goto is conditional on the value of \"cond\". The second goto is unconditional. We can perform the same translation on a loop: ``` c while (''cond1'') { S; if (''cond2'') break; T; } /* ... */ ``` Which can be written as: ``` c Start: if (!''cond1'') goto End; S; if (''cond2'') goto End; T; goto Start; End: /* ... */ ``` As these cases demonstrate, often the structure of what your program is doing can usually be expressed without using gotos. Undisciplined use of gotos can create unreadable, unmaintainable code when more idiomatic alternatives (such as if-elses, or for loops) can better express your structure. Theoretically, the goto construct does not ever *have* to be used, but there are cases when it can increase readability, avoid code duplication, or make control variables unnecessary. You should consider first mastering the idiomatic solutions, and use goto only when necessary. Keep in mind that many, if not most, C style guidelines *strictly forbid* use of **goto**, with the only common exceptions being the following examples. One use of goto is to break out of a deeply nested loop. Since **break** will not work (it can only escape one loop), **goto** can be used to jump completely outside the loop. Breaking outside of deeply nested loops without the use of the goto is always possible, but often involves the creation and testing of extra variables that may make the resulting code far less readable than it would be with **goto**. The use of **goto** makes it easy to undo actions in an orderly fashion, typically to avoid failing to free memory that had been allocated. Another accepted use is the creation of a state machine. This is a fairly advanced topic though, and not commonly needed. ## Examples ``` c #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int years; printf("Enter your age in years : "); fflush(stdout); errno = 0; if (scanf("%d", &years) != 1 || errno) return EXIT_FAILURE; printf("Your age in days is %d\n", years * 365); return 0; } ``` ## References de:C-Programmierung: Kontrollstrukturen et:Programmeerimiskeel C/Keelestruktuurid fr:Programmation C/Tests pl:C/Instrukcje sterujące pt:Programar em C/Controle de fluxo fi:C/Ohjausrakenteet [^1]: C FAQ
# C Programming/Procedures and functions In C programming, all executable code resides within a **function**. Note that other programming languages may distinguish between a \"function\", \"subroutine\", \"subprogram\", \"procedure\", or \"method\" \-- in C, these are all functions. Functions are a fundamental feature of any high level programming language and make it possible to tackle large, complicated tasks by breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces of code. At a lower level, a function is nothing more than a memory address where the instructions associated with a function reside in your computer\'s memory. In the source code, this memory address is usually given a descriptive name which programmers can use to **call** the function and execute the instructions that begin at the function\'s starting address. The instructions associated with a function are frequently referred to as a **block** of code. After the function\'s instructions finish executing, the function can return a value and code execution will resume with the instruction that immediately follows the initial call to the function. If this doesn\'t make immediate sense to you, don\'t worry. Understanding what is happening inside your computer at the lowest levels can be confusing at first, but will eventually become very intuitive as you develop your C programming skills. For now, it\'s enough to know that a function and its associated block of code is often executed (called) several times, from several different places, during a single execution of a program. As a basic example, suppose you are writing a program that calculates the distance of a given (x,y) point to the x-axis and to the y-axis. You will need to compute the absolute value of the whole numbers x and y. We could write it like this (assuming we don\'t have a predefined function for absolute value in any library): ``` c #include <stdio.h> /*this function computes the absolute value of a whole number.*/ int abs(int x) { if (x>=0) return x; else return -x; } /*this program calls the abs() function defined above twice.*/ int main() { int x, y; printf("Type the coordinates of a point in 2-plane, say P = (x,y). First x="); scanf("%d", &x); printf("Second y="); scanf("%d", &y); printf("The distance of the P point to the x-axis is %d. \n Its distance to the y-axis is %d. \n", abs(y), abs(x)); return 0; } ``` The next example illustrates the usage of a function as a procedure. It\'s a simplistic program that asks students for their grade for three different courses and tells them if they passed a course. Here, we created a function, called `check()` that can be called as many times as we need to. The function saves us from having to write the same set of instructions for each class the student has taken. ``` c #include<stdio.h> /*the 'check' function is defined here.*/ void check(int x) { if (x<60) printf("Sorry! You will need to try this course again.\n"); else printf("Enjoy your vacation! You have passed.\n"); } /*the program starts here at the main() function, which calls the check() function three times.*/ int main() { int a, b, c; printf("Type your grade in Mathematics (whole number). \n"); scanf("%d", &a); check(a); printf("Type your grade in Science (whole number). \n"); scanf("%d", &b); check(b); printf("Type your grade in Programming (whole number). \n"); scanf("%d", &c); check(c); /* this program should be replaced by something more meaningful.*/ return 0; } ``` Notice that in the program above, there is no outcome value for the \'check\' function. It only executes a procedure. This is precisely what functions are for. ## More on functions It\'s useful to conceptualize a function like a machine in a factory. On the input side of the machine, you dump in the \"raw materials,\" or the input data, that you want the machine to process. Then the machine goes to work and and spits out a finished product, the \"return value,\" to the output side of the machine which you can collect and use for other purposes. In C, you must tell the machine exactly what raw materials it is expected to process and what kind of finished product you want the machine to return to you. If you supply the machine with different raw materials than it expects, or if you try to return a product that\'s different than what you told the machine to produce, the C compiler will throw an error. Note that a function isn\'t required to take any inputs. It doesn\'t have to return anything back to us, either. If we modify the example above to ask the user for their grade inside the `check` function, there would be no need to pass the grade value into the function. And notice that the `check` doesn\'t pass a value back. The function just prints out a message to the screen. You should be familiar with some basic terminology related to functions: - A function, call it *f*, that uses another function *g*, is said to *call* *g*. For example, *f* calls *g* to print the squares of ten numbers. *f* is referred to as the *caller* function and *g* is the *callee*. - The inputs we send to a function are called its *arguments*. When we declare our function, we describe the *parameters* that determine what type of *arguments* are acceptable to pass into the function. We describe these parameters to the compiler inside a set of parentheses next to the function\'s name. - A function *g* that gives some kind of answer back to *f* is said to *return* that answer or value. For example, *g* returns the sum of its arguments. ## Writing functions in C It\'s always good to learn by example. Let\'s write a function that will return the square of a number. ``` c int square(int x) { int square_of_x; square_of_x = x * x; return square_of_x; } ``` To understand how to write such a function like this, it may help to look at what this function does as a whole. It takes in an `int`, x, and squares it, storing it in the variable square_of_x. Now this value is returned. The first int at the beginning of the function declaration is the type of data that the function returns. In this case when we square an integer we get an integer, and we are returning this integer, and so we write `int` as the return type. Next is the name of the function. It is good practice to use meaningful and descriptive names for functions you may write. It may help to name the function after what it is written to do. In this case we name the function \"square\", because that\'s what it does - it squares a number. Next is the function\'s first and only argument, an `int`, which will be referred to in the function as x. This is the function\'s *input*. In between the braces is the actual guts of the function. It declares an integer variable called square_of_x that will be used to hold the value of the square of x. Note that the variable square_of_x can **only** be used within this function, and not outside. We\'ll learn more about this sort of thing later, and we will see that this property is very useful. We then assign x multiplied by x, or x squared, to the variable square_of_x, which is what this function is all about. Following this is a `return` statement. We want to return the value of the square of x, so we must say that this function returns the contents of the variable square_of_x. Our brace to close, and we have finished the declaration. Written in a more concise manner, this code performs exactly the same function as the above: ``` c int square(int x) { return x * x; } ``` Note this should look familiar - you have been writing functions already, in fact - main is a function that is always written. ### In general In general, if we want to declare a function, we write ` `*`type`*` `*`name`*`(`*`type1`*` `*`arg1`*`, `*`type2`*` `*`arg2`*`, ...)`\ ` {`\ `   /* `*`code`*` */`\ ` } ` We\'ve previously said that a function can take no arguments, or can return nothing, or both. What do we write if we want the function to return nothing? We use C\'s `void` keyword. `void` basically means \"nothing\" - so if we want to write a function that returns nothing, for example, we write ``` c void sayhello(int number_of_times) { int i; for(i=1; i <= number_of_times; i++) { printf("Hello!\n"); } } ``` Notice that there is no `return` statement in the function above. Since there\'s none, we write `void` as the return type. (Actually, one can use the `return` keyword in a procedure to return to the caller before the end of the procedure, but one cannot return a value as if it were a function.) What about a function that takes no arguments? If we want to do this, we can write for example ``` c float calculate_number(void) { float to_return=1; int i; for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { to_return += 1; to_return = 1/to_return; } return to_return; } ``` Notice this function doesn\'t take any inputs, but merely returns a number calculated by this function. Naturally, you can combine both void return and void in arguments together to get a valid function, also. ### Recursion Here\'s a simple function that does an infinite loop. It prints a line and calls itself, which again prints a line and calls itself again, and this continues until the stack overflows and the program crashes. A function calling itself is called recursion, and normally you will have a conditional that would stop the recursion after a small, finite number of steps. ``` c // don't run this! void infinite_recursion() { printf("Infinite loop!\n"); infinite_recursion(); } ``` A simple check can be done like this. Note that ++depth is used so the increment will take place before the value is passed into the function. Alternatively you can increment on a separate line before the recursion call. If you say print_me(3,0); the function will print the line Recursion 3 times. ``` c void print_me(int j, int depth) { if(depth < j) { printf("Recursion! depth = %d j = %d\n",depth,j); //j keeps its value print_me(j, ++depth); } } ``` Recursion is most often used for jobs such as directory tree scans, seeking for the end of a linked list, parsing a tree structure in a database and factorising numbers (and finding primes) among other things. ### Static functions If a function is to be called only from within the file in which it is declared, it is appropriate to declare it as a static function. When a function is declared static, the compiler will know to compile an object file in a way that prevents the function from being called from code in other files. Example: ``` c static int compare( int a, int b ) { return (a+4 < b)? a : b; } ``` ## Using C functions We can now *write* functions, but how do we use them? When we write main, we place the function outside the braces that encompass main. When we want to use that function, say, using our `calculate_number` function above, we can write something like ``` c float f; f = calculate_number(); ``` If a function takes in arguments, we can write something like ``` c int square_of_10; square_of_10 = square(10); ``` If a function doesn\'t return anything, we can just say ``` c say_hello(); ``` since we don\'t need a variable to catch its return value. ## Functions from the C Standard Library While the C language doesn\'t itself contain functions, it is usually linked with the C Standard Library. To use this library, you need to add an #include directive at the top of the C file, which may be one of the following from C89/C90: +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---+ | - | - | - | - | | | `<assert.h | `<limits.h | [`<signal.h | [`<stdlib.h | | | >` | h "wikilink") | h "wikilink") | h "wikilink") | | | - `<ctype. | - | - | - | | | h>` | >` | h "wikilink") | h "wikilink") | | | h>` | .h>`](w:Math. | `<stddef.h | .h>` | >`](w:Stddef. | h "wikilink") | | | h>`](w:Float. | - | h "wikilink") | | | | h "wikilink") | `<setjmp.h | - [`<stdio. | | | | | >` | h "wikilink") | | | +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---+ The functions available are: +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | `<assert.h>` | `<limits.h>` | `<signal.h>` | `<stdlib.h>` | +================+================+================+================+ | - | - (constants | - int | - | | assert(int) | only) | raise(int | atof(char\*), | | | | sig). This | | | | | - void\* | atoi(char\*), | | | | signal(int | | | | | sig, void | atol(char\*) | | | | | - | | | | (\*func)(int)) | strtod(char | | | | | \* str, | | | | | char \*\* | | | | | endptr ), | | | | | | | | | | strtol(char | | | | | \*str, | | | | | char | | | | | | | | | | \*\*endptr), | | | | | | | | | | strtoul(char | | | | | \*str, | | | | | char | | | | | | | | | | \*\*endptr) | | | | | - rand(), | | | | | srand() | | | | | - m | | | | | alloc(size_t), | | | | | calloc | | | | | (size_t | | | | | elements, | | | | | size_t | | | | | | | | | | elementSize), | | | | | r | | | | | ealloc(void\*, | | | | | int) | | | | | - free | | | | | (void\*) | | | | | - exit(int), | | | | | abort() | | | | | - | | | | | atexit(void | | | | | | | | | | (\*func)()) | | | | | - getenv | | | | | - system | | | | | - qsort(void | | | | | \*, size_t | | | | | number, | | | | | size_t | | | | | size, int | | | | | (\*sor | | | | | tfunc)(void\*, | | | | | void\*)) | | | | | - abs, labs | | | | | - div, ldiv | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | `<ctype.h>` | `<locale.h>` | `<stdarg.h>` | `<string.h>` | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - isalnum, | - struct | - va_start | - memcpy, | | isalpha, | lconv\* | (va_list, | memmove | | isblank | loc | ap) | - memchr, | | - iscntrl, | aleconv(void); | - va_arg | memcmp, | | isdigit, | - char\* | (ap, | memset | | isgraph | | (type)) | - strcat, | | - islower, | setlocale(int, | - va_end | strncat, | | isprint, | const | (ap) | strchr, | | ispunct | char\*); | - va_copy | strrchr | | - isspace, | | (va_list, | - strcmp, | | isupper, | | va_list) | strncmp, | | isxdigit | | | strccoll | | - tolower, | | | - strcpy, | | toupper | | | strncpy | | | | | - strerror | | | | | - strlen | | | | | - strspn, | | | | | strcspn | | | | | - strpbrk | | | | | - strstr | | | | | - strtok | | | | | - strxfrm | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | errno.h | math.h | stddef.h | time.h | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - (errno) | - sin, cos, | - offsetof | - asctime | | | tan | macro | (struct | | | - asin, | | tm\* | | | acos, | | tmptr) | | | atan, | | - clock_t | | | atan2 | | clock() | | | - sinh, | | - char\* | | | cosh, tanh | | | | | - ceil | | ctime(const | | | - exp | | time_t\* | | | - fabs | | timer) | | | - floor | | - double | | | - fmod | | d | | | - frexp | | ifftime(time_t | | | - ldexp | | timer2, | | | - log, log10 | | time_t | | | - modf | | timer1) | | | - pow | | - struct | | | - sqrt | | tm\* | | | | | | | | | | gmtime(const | | | | | time_t\* | | | | | timer) | | | | | - struct | | | | | tm\* | | | | | | | | | | gmtime_r(const | | | | | time_t\* | | | | | timer, | | | | | struct | | | | | tm\* | | | | | result) | | | | | - struct | | | | | tm\* | | | | | l | | | | | ocaltime(const | | | | | time_t\* | | | | | timer) | | | | | - time_t | | | | | | | | | | mktime(struct | | | | | tm\* ptm) | | | | | - time_t | | | | | | | | | | time(time_t\* | | | | | timer) | | | | | - char \* | | | | | | | | | | strptime(const | | | | | char\* | | | | | buf, const | | | | | char\* | | | | | format, | | | | | struct | | | | | tm\* tptr) | | | | | - time_t | | | | | | | | | | timegm(struct | | | | | tm | | | | | | | | | | \*brokentime) | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | float.h | setjmp.h | stdio.h | | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - | - int | - fclose | - fread, | | (constants) | | - fopen, | fwrite | | | setjmp(jmp_buf | freopen | - getc, putc | | | env) | - remove | - getchar, | | | - void | - rename | putchar, | | | l | - rewind | fputchar | | | ongjmp(jmp_buf | - tmpfile | - gets, puts | | | env, int | - clearerr | - printf, | | | value) | - feof, | vprintf | | | | ferror | - fprintf, | | | | - fflush | vfprintf | | | | - fgetpos, | - sprintf, | | | | fsetpos | snprintf, | | | | - fgetc, | vsprintf, | | | | fputc | vsnprintf | | | | - fgets, | - perror | | | | fputs | - scanf, | | | | - ftell, | vscanf | | | | fseek | - fscanf, | | | | | vfscanf | | | | | - sscanf, | | | | | vsscanf | | | | | - setbuf, | | | | | setvbuf | | | | | - tmpnam | | | | | - ungetc | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ ## Variable-length argument lists Functions with variable-length argument lists are functions that can take a varying number of arguments. An example in the C standard library is the `printf` function, which can take any number of arguments depending on how the programmer wants to use it. C programmers rarely find the need to write new functions with variable-length arguments. If they want to pass a bunch of things to a function, they typically define a structure to hold all those things \-- perhaps a linked list, or an array \-- and call that function with the data in the arguments. However, you may occasionally find the need to write a new function that supports a variable-length argument list. To create a function that can accept a variable-length argument list, you must first include the standard library header `stdarg.h`. Next, declare the function as you would normally. Next, add as the last argument an ellipsis (\"\...\"). This indicates to the compiler that a variable list of arguments is to follow. For example, the following function declaration is for a function that returns the average of a list of numbers: ``` c float average (int n_args, ...); ``` Note that because of the way variable-length arguments work, we must somehow, in the arguments, specify the number of elements in the variable-length part of the arguments. In the `average` function here, it\'s done through an argument called `n_args.` In the `printf` function, it\'s done with the format codes that you specify in that first string in the arguments you provide. Now that the function has been declared as using variable-length arguments, we must next write the code that does the actual work in the function. To access the numbers stored in the variable-length argument list for our `average` function, we must first declare a variable for the list itself: ``` c va_list myList; ``` The `va_list` type is a type declared in the `stdarg.h` header that basically allows you to keep track of your list. To start actually using `myList`, however, we must first assign it a value. After all, simply declaring it by itself wouldn\'t do anything. To do this, we must call `va_start`, which is actually a macro defined in `stdarg.h.` In the arguments to `va_start`, you must provide the `va_list` variable you plan on using, as well as the name of the last variable appearing before the ellipsis in your function declaration: ``` c #include <stdarg.h> float average (int n_args, ...) { va_list myList; va_start (myList, n_args); va_end (myList); } ``` Now that `myList` has been prepped for usage, we can finally start accessing the variables stored in it. To do so, use the `va_arg` macro, which pops off the next argument on the list. In the arguments to `va_arg`, provide the `va_list` variable you\'re using, as well as the primitive data type (e.g. `int`, `char`) that the variable you\'re accessing should be: ``` c #include <stdarg.h> float average (int n_args, ...) { va_list myList; va_start (myList, n_args); int myNumber = va_arg (myList, int); va_end (myList); } ``` By popping `n_args` integers off of the variable-length argument list, we can manage to find the average of the numbers: ``` c #include <stdarg.h> float average (int n_args, ...) { va_list myList; va_start (myList, n_args); int numbersAdded = 0; int sum = 0; while (numbersAdded < n_args) { int number = va_arg (myList, int); // Get next number from list sum += number; numbersAdded += 1; } va_end (myList); float avg = (float)(sum) / (float)(numbersAdded); // Find the average return avg; } ``` By calling `average (2, 10, 20)`, we get the average of `10` and `20`, which is `15.` ## References fr:Programmation C/Fonctions et procédures it:C/Blocchi e funzioni/Funzioni pl:C/Funkcje
# C Programming/Standard libraries The **C standard library** is a standardized collection of s and library routines used to implement common operations, such as input/output and character string handling. Unlike other languages (such as COBOL, Fortran, and PL/I) C does not include built in keywords for these tasks, so nearly all C programs rely on the standard library to operate. ## History The C programming language previously did not provide any elementary functions, such as I/O operations. Over time, user communities of C shared ideas and implementations to provide those functions. These ideas became common, and were eventually incorporated into the definition of the standardized C programming language in 1989. These are now called the **C standard libraries**. Both Unix and C were created at AT&T\'s Bell Laboratories in the late 1960s and early 1970s. During the 1970s the C programming language became increasingly popular, with many universities and organizations beginning to create their own variations of the language for their own projects. By the start of the 1980s compatibility problems between the various C implementations became apparent. In 1983 the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed a committee to establish a standard specification of C known as \"ANSI C\". This work culminated in the creation of the so-called **C89** standard in 1989. Part of the resulting standard was a set of software libraries called the **ANSI C standard library**. Later revisions of the C standard have added several new required header files to the library. Support for these new extensions varies between implementations. The headers **\<iso646.h\>**, **\<wchar.h\>**, and **\<wctype.h\>** were added with Normative Addendum 1 (hereafter abbreviated as **NA1**), an addition to the C Standard ratified in 1995. The headers **\<complex.h\>**, **\<fenv.h\>**, **\<inttypes.h\>**, **\<stdbool.h\>**, **\<stdint.h\>**, and **\<tgmath.h\>** were added with **C99**, a revision to the C Standard published in 1999. ## Design The declaration of each function is kept in a header file, while the actual implementation of functions are separated into a library file. The naming and scope of headers have become common but the organization of libraries still remains diverse. The standard library is usually shipped along with a compiler. Since C compilers often provide extra functions that are not specified in ANSI C, a standard library with a particular compiler is mostly incompatible with standard libraries of other compilers. Much of the C standard library has been shown to have been well-designed. A few parts, with the benefit of hindsight, are regarded as mistakes. The string input functions `gets()` (and the use of `scanf()` to read string input) are the source of many buffer overflows, and most programming guides recommend avoiding this usage. Another oddity is `strtok()`, a function that is designed as a primitive lexical analyser but is highly \"fragile\" and difficult to use. ## ANSI Standard The ANSI C standard library consists of 24 C header files which can be included into a programmer\'s project with a single directive. Each header file contains one or more function declarations, data type definitions and macros. The contents of these header files follows. In comparison to some other languages (for example Java) the standard library is minuscule. The library provides a basic set of mathematical functions, string manipulation, type conversions, and file and console-based I/O. It does not include a standard set of \"container types\" like the C++ Standard Template Library, let alone the complete graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits, networking tools, and profusion of other functions that Java provides as standard. The main advantage of the small standard library is that providing a working ANSI C environment is much easier than it is with other languages, and consequently porting C to a new platform is relatively easy. Many other libraries have been developed to supply equivalent functions to that provided by other languages in their standard library. For instance, the GNOME desktop environment project has developed the GTK+ graphics toolkit and GLib, a library of container data structures, and there are many other well-known examples. The variety of libraries available has meant that some superior toolkits have proven themselves through history. The considerable downside is that they often do not work particularly well together, programmers are often familiar with different sets of libraries, and a different set of them may be available on any particular platform. ### ANSI C library header files ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **\<assert.h\>** Contains the assert macro, used to assist with detecting logical errors and other types of bug in debugging versions of a program. **\<complex.h\>** A set of functions for manipulating complex numbers. (New with **C99**) **\<ctype.h\>** This header file contains functions used to classify characters by their types or to convert between upper and lower case in a way that is independent of the used character set (typically ASCII or one of its extensions, although implementations utilizing EBCDIC are also known). **\<errno.h\>** For testing error codes reported by library functions. **\<fenv.h\>** For controlling floating-point environment. (New with **C99**) **\<float.h\>** Contains defined constants specifying the implementation-specific properties of the floating-point library, such as the minimum difference between two different floating-point numbers (\_EPSILON), the maximum number of digits of accuracy (\_DIG) and the range of numbers which can be represented (\_MIN, \_MAX). **\<inttypes.h\>** For precise conversion between integer types. (New with **C99**) **\<iso646.h\>** For programming in ISO 646 variant character sets. (New with **NA1**) **\<limits.h\>** Contains defined constants specifying the implementation-specific properties of the integer types, such as the range of numbers which can be represented (\_MIN, \_MAX). **\<locale.h\>** For setlocale() and related constants. This is used to choose an appropriate locale. **\<math.h\>** For computing common mathematical functions \-- see ../Further math/ or C++ Programming/Code/Standard C Library/Math for details. **\<setjmp.h\>** Declares the macros setjmp/longjmp\|setjmp and longjmp, which are used for non-local exits **\<signal.h\>** For controlling various exceptional conditions **\<stdarg.h\>** For accessing a varying number of arguments passed to functions. **\<stdbool.h\>** For a boolean data type. (New with **C99**) **\<stdint.h\>** For defining various integer types. (New with **C99**) **\<stddef.h\>** For defining several useful types and macros. **\<stdio.h\>** Provides the core input and output capabilities of the C language. This file includes the venerable `printf` function. **\<stdlib.h\>** For performing a variety of operations, including conversion, pseudo-random numbers, memory allocation, process control, environment, signalling, searching, and sorting. **\<string.h\>** For manipulating several kinds of strings. **\<tgmath.h\>** For type-generic mathematical functions. (New with **C99**) **\<time.h\>** For converting between various time and date formats. **\<wchar.h\>** For manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings using wide characters - key to supporting a range of languages. (New with **NA1**) **\<wctype.h\>** For classifying wide characters. (New with **NA1**) ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Common support libraries While not standardized, C programs may depend on a runtime library of routines which contain code the compiler uses at runtime. The code that initializes the process for the operating system, for example, before calling `main()`, is implemented in the C Run-Time Library for a given vendor\'s compiler. The Run-Time Library code might help with other language feature implementations, like handling uncaught exceptions or implementing floating point code. The C standard library only documents that the specific routines mentioned in this article are available, and how they behave. Because the compiler implementation might depend on these additional implementation-level functions to be available, it is likely the vendor-specific routines are packaged with the C Standard Library in the same module, because they\'re both likely to be needed by any program built with their toolset. Though often confused with the C Standard Library because of this packaging, the C Runtime Library is not a standardized part of the language and is vendor-specific. ## Compiler built-in functions Some compilers (for example, GCC) provide built-in versions of many of the functions in the C standard library; that is, the implementations of the functions are written into the compiled object file, and the program calls the built-in versions instead of the functions in the C library shared object file. This reduces function call overhead, especially if function calls are replaced with inline variants, and allows other forms of optimization (as the compiler knows the control-flow characteristics of the built-in variants), but may cause confusion when debugging (for example, the built-in versions cannot be replaced with instrumented variants). ## POSIX standard library POSIX, (along with the Single Unix Specification), specifies a number of routines that should be available over and above those in the C standard library proper; these are often implemented alongside the C standard library functions, with varying degrees of closeness. For example, glibc implements functions such as fork within libc.so, but before NPTL was merged into glibc it constituted a separate library with its own linker flag. Often, this POSIX-specified function will be regarded as part of the library; the C library proper may be identified as the ANSI or ISO C library. The following libraries are recognized by POSIX: ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **c** This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1-2008, with the possible exception of those interfaces listed as residing in \<aio.h\>, \<arpa/inet.h\>, \<complex.h\>, \<fenv.h\>, \<math.h\>, \<mqueue.h\>, \<netdb.h\>, \<net/if.h\>, \<netinet/in.h\>, \<pthread.h\>, \<sched.h\>, \<semaphore.h\>, \<spawn.h\>, \<sys/socket.h\>, pthread_kill(), and pthread_sigmask() in \<signal.h\>, \<trace.h\>, interfaces marked as optional in \<sys/mman.h\>, interfaces marked as ADV (Advisory Information) in \<fcntl.h\>, and interfaces beginning with the prefix clock\_ or time\_ in \<time.h\>. This option shall not be required to be present to cause a search of this library. **l** This option shall make available all interfaces required by the C-language output of lex that are not made available through the -l c option. (The flex program, a clone of lex, uses fl instead of l.) **pthread** This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in \<pthread.h\> and pthread_kill() and pthread_sigmask() referenced in \<signal.h\>. An implementation may search this library in the absence of this option. **m** This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in \<math.h\>, \<complex.h\>, and \<fenv.h\>. An implementation may search this library in the absence of this option. **rt** This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in \<aio.h\>, \<mqueue.h\>, \<sched.h\>, \<semaphore.h\>, and \<spawn.h\>, interfaces marked as optional in \<sys/mman.h\>, interfaces marked as ADV (Advisory Information) in \<fcntl.h\>, and interfaces beginning with the prefix clock\_ and time\_ in \<time.h\>. An implementation may search this library in the absence of this option. **trace** This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in \<trace.h\>. An implementation may search this library in the absence of this option. **xnet** This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in \<arpa/inet.h\>, \<netdb.h\>, \<net/if.h\>, \<netinet/in.h\>, and \<sys/socket.h\>. An implementation may search this library in the absence of this option. **y** This option shall make available all interfaces required by the C-language output of yacc that are not made available through the -l c option. (Some clones of yacc, including bison and byacc, include the entire library in the generated file, so it is not necessary to use -l y.) ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## References pl:C/Biblioteka standardowa
# C Programming/Beginning exercises ## Variables ### Naming 1. Can a variable name start with a number? 2. Can a variable name start with a typographical symbol(e.g. #, \*, \_)? 3. Give an example of a C variable name that would *not* work. Why doesn\'t it work? ### Data Types 1. List at least three data types in C 1. On your computer, how much memory does each require? 2. Which ones can be used in place of another? Why? 1. Are there any limitations on these uses? 2. If so, what are they? 3. Is it necessary to do anything special to use the alternative? 2. Can the name we use for a data type (e.g. \'int\', \'float\') be used as a variable? ### Assignment 1. How would you assign the value 3.14 to a variable called pi? 2. Is it possible to assign an *int* to a *double*? 1. Is the reverse possible? ### Referencing 1. A common mistake for new students is reversing the assignment statement. Suppose you want to assign the value stored in the variable \"pi\" to another variable, say \"pi2\": 1. What is the correct statement? 2. What is the reverse? Is this a valid C statement (even if it gives incorrect results)? 3. What if you wanted to assign a constant value (like 3.1415) to \"pi2\": : **a**. What would the correct statement look like? : **b**. Would the reverse be a valid or invalid C statement? ## Simple I/O ### String manipulation 1\. Write a program that prompts the user for a string (pick a maximum length), and prints its reverse. 2\. Write a program that prompts the user for a sentence (again, pick a maximum length), and prints each word on its own line. ### Loops 1\. Write a function that outputs a right isosceles triangle of height and width *n*, so *n = 3* would look like * ** *** 2\. Write a function that outputs a sideways triangle of height *2n-1* and width *n*, so the output for *n = 4* would be: * ** *** **** *** ** * 3\. Write a function that outputs a right-side-up triangle of height *n* and width *2n-1*; the output for *n = 6* would be: * *** ***** ******* ********* *********** ## Program Flow 1\. Build a program where control passes from main to four different functions with 4 calls. 2\. Now make a while loop in main with the function calls inside it. Ask for input at the beginning of the loop. End the while loop if the user hits Q 3\. Next add conditionals to call the functions when the user enters numbers, so 1 goes to function1, 2 goes to function 2, etc. 4\. Have function 1 call function a, which calls function b, which calls function c 5\. Draw out a diagram of program flow, with arrows to indicate where control goes ## Functions 1\. Write a function to check if an integer is negative; the declaration should look like bool is_positive(int i); 2\. Write a function to raise a floating point number to an integer power, so for example to when you use it ``` c float a = raise_to_power(2, 3); //a gets 8 float b = raise_to_power(9, 2); //b gets 81 float raise_to_power(float f, int power); //make this your declaration ``` ## Math 1\. Write a function to calculate if a number is prime. Return 1 if it is prime and 0 if it is not a prime. 2\. Write a function to determine the number of prime numbers below n. 3\. Write a function to find the square root by using Newton\'s method. 4\. Write functions to evaluate the trigonometric functions. 5\. Try to write a random number generator. 6\. Write a function to determine the prime number(s) between 2 and 100. ## Recursion #### Merge sort 1\. Write a C program to generate a random integer array with a given length n , and sort it recursively using the Merge sort algorithm. - The merge sort algorithm is a recursive algorithm . \- sorting a one element array is easy. \- sorting two one-element arrays, requires the merge operation. The merge operation looks at two sorted arrays as lists, and compares the head of the list , and which ever head is smaller, this element is put on the sorted list and the head of that list is ticked off, so the next element becomes the head of that list. This is done until one of the lists is exhausted, and the other list is then copied onto the end of the sorted list. \- the recursion occurs, because merging two one-element arrays produces one two-element sorted array, which can be merged with another two-element sorted array produced the same way. This produces a sorted 4 element array, and the same applies for another 4 element sorted array. \- so the basic merge sort, is to check the size of list to be sorted, and if it is greater than one, divide the array into two, and call merge sort again on the two halves. After wards, merge the two halves in a temporary space of equal size, and then copy back the final sorted array onto the original array. #### Binary heaps 2\. **Binary heaps** : - A binary max-heap or min-heap, is an ordered structure where some nodes are guaranteed greater than other nodes, e.g. the parent vs two children. A binary heap can be stored in an array , where , \- given a position **i** (the parent) , **i\*2** is the left child, and **i\*2+1** is the right child. \- ( C arrays begin at position 0, but 0 \* 2 = 0, and 0 \*2 + 1= 1, which is incorrect , so start the heap at position 1, or add 1 for parent-to-child calculations, and subtract 1 for child-to-parent calculations ). - try to model this using with a pencil and paper, using 10 random unsorted numbers, and inserting each of them into a \"heapsort\" array of 10 elements. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - To insert into a heap, **end-add** and **swap-parent** if higher, until parent higher. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - To delete the top of a heap, move **end-to-top**, and **defer-higher-child** or **sift-down** , until no child is higher. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - try it on a pen and paper the numbers 10, 4, 6 ,3 ,5 , 11. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - the answer was 11, 5, 10, 3, 4 , 6. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - EXERCISE: Now try removing each top element of 11, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6 , using end-to-top and sift-down ( or swap-higher-child) to get the numbers in descending order. - a priority queue allows elements to be inserted with a priority , and extracted according to priority. ( This can happen usefully, if the element has a paired structure, one part is the key, and the other part the data. Otherwise, it is just a mechanism for sorting ). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - EXERCISE: Using the above technique of insert-back/challenge-parent, and delete-front/last-to-front/defer-higher-child, implement either heap sort or a priority queue. #### Dijkstra\'s algorithm Dijkstra\'s algorithm is a searching algorithm using a priority queue. It begins with inserting the start node with a priority value of 0. All other nodes are inserted with priority values of large N. Each node has an adjacency list of other nodes, a current distance to start node, and previous pointer to previous node used to calculate current node. Alternative to an adjacency list, is an adjacency matrix, which needs n x n boolean adjacencies. The algorithm basically iterates over the priority queue, removing the front node, examining the adjacent nodes, and updating with a distance equal to the sum of the front nodes distance for each adjacent node , and the distance given by the adjacency information for an adjacent node. After each node\'s update, the extra operation **\"update priority\"** is used on that node : *while* the node\'s distance is less than it\'s parents node ( for this priority queue, parents have lesser distances than the children), the node is swapped with the parent. After this, *while* the node is greater distance than one or more of its children, it is swapped with the least distant child, so the least distant child becomes parent of its greater distant sibling, and parent to the greater distant current node. With updating the priority, the adjacent node to the current node has a back pointer changed to the current node. The algorithm ends when the target node becomes the current node removed, and the path to the start node can be recorded in an array by following back pointers, and then doing something like a quick sort partition to reverse the order of the array , to give the shortest path to target node from the start node. #### Quick sort 3\. Write a C program to recursively sort using the Quick sort partition exchange algorithm. - you can use the \"driver\", or the random number test data from Q1. on mergesort. This is \"re-use\", which is encouraged in general. \- an advantage of reuse is less writing time, debugging time, testing time. - the concept of partition exchange is that a partition element is (randomly) selected, and every thing that needs sorted is put into 3 equivalence classes : those elements less than the partition value, the partition element, and everything above (and equal to ) the partition element. - this can be done without allocating more space than one temporary element space for swapping two elements. e.g a temporary integer for integer data. - However, where the partition element should be using the original array space is not known. - This is usually implemented with putting the partition on the end of the array to be sorted, and then putting two pointers , one at the start of the array, and one at the element next to the partition element , and repeatedly scanning the left pointer right, and the right pointer left. - the left scan stops when an element equal to or greater than the partition is found, and the right scan stops for a smaller element than the partition value, and these are swapped, which uses the temporary extra space. - the left scan will always stop if it reaches the partition element , which is the last element; this means the entire array is less than partition value. - the right scan could reach the first element, if the entire array is greater than the partition , and this needs to be tested for, else the scan doesn\'t stop. - the outer loop exits when then left and right pointers cross. Testing for pointer crossing and outer loop exit should occur before swapping, otherwise the right pointer may be swapping a less-than-partition element previously scanned by the left pointer. - finally, the partition element needs to be put between the left and right partitions, once the pointers cross. - At pointer crossing, the left pointer may be stopped at the partition element\'s last position in the array, and the right pointer not progressed past the element just before the last element. This happens when all the elements are less than the partition. \- if the right pointer is chosen to swap with the partition, then an incorrect state results where the last element of the left array becomes less than the partition element value. \- if the left pointer is chosen to swap with the partition, then the left array will be less than the partition, and partition will have swapped with an element with value greater than the partition or the partition itself. - The corner case of quicksorting a 2 element `<b>`{=html}out-of-order`</b>`{=html} array has to be examined. \- The left pointer stops on the first **out of order** element. The right pointer begins on the first `<b>`{=html}out-of-order`</b>`{=html} element, but the outer loop exits because this is the leftmost element. The partition element is then swapped with the left pointer\'s first element, and the two elements are now **in order**. \- In the case of a 2 element **in order** array, the leftmost pointer skips the first element which is less than the partition, and stops on the partition. The right pointer begins on the first element and exits because it is the first position. The pointers have crossed so the outer loop exits. The partition swaps with itself, so the in-ordering is preserved. - After doing a swap, the left pointer should be incremented and right pointer decremented, so the same positions aren\'t scanned again, because an endless loop can result ( possibly when the left pointer exits when the element is equal to or greater than the partition, and the right element is equal to the partition value). One implementation, Sedgewick, starts the pointers with the left pointer minus one and right pointer the plus one the intended initial scan positions, and use the pre-increment and pre-decrement operators e.g. ( ++i, \--i) . fr:Exercices en langage C et:Programmeerimiskeel C/Harjutused pl:C/Ćwiczenia dla początkujących
# C Programming/Advanced data types In the chapter Variables we looked at the primitive data types. However *advanced* data types allow us greater flexibility in managing data in our program. ## Structs Structs are data types made of variables of other data types (possibly including other structs). They are used to group pieces of information into meaningful units, and also permit some constructs not possible otherwise. The variables declared in a struct are called \"members\". One defines a struct using the `struct` keyword. For example: ``` c struct mystruct { int int_member; double double_member; char string_member[25]; } struct_var; ``` `struct_var` is a variable of type `struct mystruct`, which we declared along with the definition of the new `struct mystruct` data type. More commonly, struct variables are declared after the definition of the struct, using the form: ``` c struct mystruct struct_var; ``` It is often common practice to make a *type synonym* so we don\'t have to type \"struct mystruct\" all the time. C allows us the possibility to do so using a `typedef` statement, which aliases a type: ``` c typedef struct { // ... } Mystruct; ``` The `struct` itself is an *incomplete* type (by the absence of a name on the first line), but it is aliased as `Mystruct`. Then the following may be used: ``` c Mystruct struct_var; ``` The members of a struct variable may be accessed using the member access operator `.` (a dot) or the indirect member access operator `->` (an arrow) if the struct variable is a pointer: ``` c struct_var.int_member = 0; struct_var->int_number = 0; // this statement is equivalent to: (*struct_var).int_number = 0; ``` (Pointers will be explained in the next chapter.) Structs may contain not only their own variables but may also contain variables pointing to other structs. This allows a recursive definition, which is very powerful when used with pointers: ``` c struct restaurant_order { char description[100]; double price; struct restaurant_order *next_order; }; ``` This is an implementation of the linked list data structure. Each node (a restaurant order) is pointing to one other node. The linked list is terminated on the last node (in our example, this would be the last order) whose `next_order` variable would be assigned to `NULL`. A recursive struct definition can be tricky when used with `typedef`. It is not possible to declare a struct variable inside its own type by using its aliased definition, since the aliased definition by `typedef` does not exist before the `typedef` statement is evaluated: ``` c typedef struct Mystruct { // ... struct Mystruct *pointer; // Mystruct *pointer; would cause a compile-time error } Mystruct; ``` The size of a struct type is at least the sum of the sizes of all its members. But a compiler is free to insert padding bytes between the struct members to align the members to certain constraints. For example, a struct containing of a char and a float will occupy 8 bytes on many 32bit architectures. ## Unions The definition of a union is similar to that of a struct. The difference between the two is that in a struct, the members occupy different areas of memory, but in a union, the members occupy the same area of memory. Thus, in the following type, for example: ``` c union { int i; double d; } u; ``` The programmer can access either `u.i` or `u.d`, but not both at the same time. Since `u.i` and `u.d` occupy the same area of memory, modifying one modifies the value of the other, sometimes in unpredictable ways. This is also the main reason that unions are rarely seen in practice. The size of a union is the size of its largest member. ## Enumerations Enumerations are artificial data types representing associations between labels and integers. Unlike structs or unions, they are not composed of other data types. An example declaration: ``` c enum color { red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, } crayon_color; ``` In the example above, red equals 0, orange equals 1, \... and so on. It is possible to assign values to labels within the integer range, but they must be a literal. Similar declaration syntax that applies for structs and unions also applies for enums. Also, one *normally* doesn\'t need to be concerned with the integers that labels represent: ``` c enum weather weather_outside = rain; ``` This peculiar property makes enums especially convenient in switch-case statements: ``` c enum weather { sunny, windy, cloudy, rain, } weather_outside; // ... switch (weather_outside) { case sunny: wear_sunglasses(); break; case windy: wear_windbreaker(); break; case cloudy: get_umbrella(); break; case rain: get_umbrella(); wear_raincoat(); break; } ``` Enums are a simplified way to emulate associative arrays in C. de:C-Programmierung: Komplexe Datentypen fr:Programmation C/Types avancés pl:C/Typy złożone
# C Programming/Pointers and arrays !Pointer *a* pointing to variable *b*. Note that *b* stores a number, whereas *a* stores the address of *b* in memory (1462)"){width="180"} A **pointer "wikilink")** is a value that designates the address (i.e., the location in memory), of some value. Pointers are variables that hold a memory location. There are four fundamental things you need to know about pointers: - How to declare them (with the address operator \'`&`\': `int *pointer = &variable;`) - How to assign to them (`pointer = NULL;`) - How to reference the value to which the pointer points (known as *dereferencing*, by using the dereferencing operator \'`*`\': `value = *pointer;`) - How they relate to arrays (the vast majority of arrays in C are simple lists, also called \"1 dimensional arrays\", but we will briefly cover multi-dimensional arrays with some pointers in a later chapter). Pointers can reference any data type, even functions. We\'ll also discuss the relationship of pointers with text strings and the more advanced concept of function pointers. ## Declaring pointers Consider the following snippet of code which declares two pointers: ``` {.c .numberLines} struct MyStruct { int m_aNumber; float num2; }; int main() { int *pJ2; struct MyStruct *pAnItem; } ``` Lines 1-4 define a structure. Line 8 declares a variable that points to an `int`, and line 9 declares a variable that points to something with structure MyStruct. So to declare a variable as something that points to some type, rather than contains some type, the asterisk (`*`) is placed before the variable name. In the following, line 1 declares `var1` as a pointer to a long and `var2` as a long and not a pointer to a long. In line 2, `p3` is declared as a pointer to a pointer to an int. ``` c long * var1, var2; int ** p3; ``` Pointer types are often used as parameters to function calls. The following shows how to declare a function which uses a pointer as an argument. Since C passes function arguments by value, in order to allow a function to modify a value from the calling routine, a pointer to the value must be passed. Pointers to structures are also used as function arguments even when nothing in the struct will be modified in the function. This is done to avoid copying the complete contents of the structure onto the stack. More about pointers as function arguments later. ``` c int MyFunction(struct MyStruct *pStruct); ``` ## Assigning values to pointers So far we\'ve discussed how to declare pointers. The process of assigning values to pointers is next. To assign the address of a variable to a pointer, the `&` or \'address of\' operator is used. ``` c int myInt; int *pPointer; struct MyStruct dvorak; struct MyStruct *pKeyboard; pPointer = &myInt; pKeyboard = &dvorak; ``` Here, pPointer will now reference myInt and pKeyboard will reference dvorak. Pointers can also be assigned to reference dynamically allocated memory. The malloc() and calloc() functions are often used to do this. ``` c #include <stdlib.h> /* ... */ struct MyStruct *pKeyboard; /* ... */ pKeyboard = malloc(sizeof *pKeyboard); ``` The malloc function returns a pointer to dynamically allocated memory (or NULL if unsuccessful). The size of this memory will be appropriately sized to contain the MyStruct structure. The following is an example showing one pointer being assigned to another and of a pointer being assigned a return value from a function. ``` c static struct MyStruct val1, val2, val3, val4; struct MyStruct *ASillyFunction( int b ) { struct MyStruct *myReturn; if (b == 1) myReturn = &val1; else if (b==2) myReturn = &val2; else if (b==3) myReturn = &val3; else myReturn = &val4; return myReturn; } struct MyStruct *strPointer; int *c, *d; int j; c = &j; /* pointer assigned using & operator */ d = c; /* assign one pointer to another */ strPointer = ASillyFunction( 3 ); /* pointer returned from a function. */ ``` When returning a pointer from a function, do not return a pointer that points to a value that is local to the function or that is a pointer to a function argument. Pointers to local variables become invalid when the function exits. In the above function, the value returned points to a static variable. Returning a pointer to dynamically allocated memory is also valid. ## Pointer dereferencing !The pointer `p` points to the variable `a`.{width="300"} To access a value to which a pointer points, the `*` operator is used. Another operator, the `->` operator is used in conjunction with pointers to structures. Here\'s a short example. ``` c int c, d; int *pj; struct MyStruct astruct; struct MyStruct *bb; c = 10; pj = &c; /* pj points to c */ d = *pj; /* d is assigned the value to which pj points, 10 */ pj = &d; /* now points to d */ *pj = 12; /* d is now 12 */ bb = &astruct; (*bb).m_aNumber = 3; /* assigns 3 to the m_aNumber member of astruct */ bb->num2 = 44.3; /* assigns 44.3 to the num2 member of astruct */ *pj = bb->m_aNumber; /* equivalent to d = astruct.m_aNumber; */ ``` The expression `bb->m_aNumber` is entirely equivalent to `(*bb).m_aNumber`. They both access the `m_aNumber` element of the structure pointed to by `bb`. There is one more way of dereferencing a pointer, which will be discussed in the following section. When dereferencing a pointer that points to an invalid memory location, an error often occurs which results in the program terminating. The error is often reported as a segmentation error. A common cause of this is failure to initialize a pointer before trying to dereference it. C is known for giving you just enough rope to hang yourself, and pointer dereferencing is a prime example. You are quite free to write code that accesses memory outside that which you have explicitly requested from the system. And many times, that memory may appear as available to your program due to the vagaries of system memory allocation. However, even if 99 executions allow your program to run without fault, that 100th execution may be the time when your \"memory pilfering\" is caught by the system and the program fails. Be careful to ensure that your pointer offsets are within the bounds of allocated memory! The declaration `void *somePointer;` is used to declare a pointer of some nonspecified type. You can assign a value to a void pointer, but you must cast the variable to point to some specified type before you can dereference it. Pointer arithmetic is also not valid with `void *` pointers. ## Pointers and Arrays Up to now, we\'ve carefully been avoiding discussing arrays in the context of pointers. The interaction of pointers and arrays can be confusing but here are two fundamental statements about it: - A variable declared as an array of some type acts as a pointer to that type. When used by itself, it points to the first element of the array. - A pointer can be indexed like an array name. The first case often is seen to occur when an array is passed as an argument to a function. The function declares the parameter as a pointer, but the actual argument may be the name of an array. The second case often occurs when accessing dynamically allocated memory. Let\'s look at examples of each. In the following code, the call to `calloc()` effectively allocates an array of struct MyStruct items. ``` c struct MyStruct { int someNumber; float otherNumber; }; float returnSameIfAnyEquals(struct MyStruct *workingArray, int size, int bb) { /* Go through the array and check if any value in someNumber is equal to bb. If * any value is, return the value in otherNumber. If no values are equal to bb, * return 0.0f. */ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (workingArray[i].someNumber == bb ) { return workingArray[i].otherNumber; } } return 0.0f; } // Declare our variables float someResult; int someSize; struct MyStruct myArray[4]; struct MyStruct *secondArray; // Notice that this is a pointer const int ArraySize = sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(*myArray); // Initialization of myArray occurs someResult = returnSameIfAnyEquals(myArray, ArraySize, 4); secondArray = calloc(someSize, sizeof(struct MyStruct)); for (int i = 0; i < someSize; i++) { /* Fill secondArray with some data */ secondArray[i].someNumber = i * 2; secondArray[i].otherNumber = 0.304f * i * i; } ``` Pointers and array names can pretty much be used interchangeably; however, there are exceptions. You cannot assign a new pointer value to an array name. The array name will always point to the first element of the array. In the function `returnSameIfAnyEquals`, you could however assign a new value to workingArray, as it is just a pointer to the first element of workingArray. It is also valid for a function to return a pointer to one of the array elements from an array passed as an argument to a function. A function should never return a pointer to a local variable, even though the compiler will probably not complain. When declaring parameters to functions, declaring an array variable without a size is equivalent to declaring a pointer. Often this is done to emphasize the fact that the pointer variable will be used in a manner equivalent to an array. ``` c /* Two equivalent function prototypes */ int LittleFunction(int *paramN); int LittleFunction(int paramN[]); ``` Now we\'re ready to discuss pointer arithmetic. You can add and subtract integer values to/from pointers. If myArray is declared to be some type of array, the expression `*(myArray+j)`, where j is an integer, is equivalent to `myArray[j]`. For instance, in the above example where we had the expression `secondArray[i].otherNumber`, we could have written that as `(*(secondArray+i)).otherNumber` or more simply `(secondArray+i)->otherNumber`. Note that for addition and subtraction of integers and pointers, the value of the pointer is not adjusted by the integer amount, but is adjusted by the amount multiplied by the size of the type to which the pointer refers in bytes. (For example, `pointer + x` can be thought of as `pointer + (x * sizeof(*type))`.) One pointer may also be subtracted from another, provided they point to elements of the same array (or the position just beyond the end of the array). If you have a pointer that points to an element of an array, the index of the element is the result when the array name is subtracted from the pointer. Here\'s an example. ``` c struct MyStruct someArray[20]; struct MyStruct *p2; int i; /* array initialization .. */ for (p2 = someArray; p2 < someArray+20; ++p2) { if (p2->num2 > testValue) break; } i = p2 - someArray; ``` You may be wondering how pointers and multidimensional arrays interact. Let\'s look at this a bit in detail. Suppose A is declared as a two dimensional array of floats (`float A[D1][D2];`) and that pf is declared a pointer to a float. If pf is initialized to point to A\[0\]\[0\], then \*(pf+1) is equivalent to A\[0\]\[1\] and \*(pf+D2) is equivalent to A\[1\]\[0\]. The elements of the array are stored in row-major order. ``` c float A[6][8]; float *pf; pf = &A[0][0]; *(pf+1) = 1.3; /* assigns 1.3 to A[0][1] */ *(pf+8) = 2.3; /* assigns 2.3 to A[1][0] */ ``` Let\'s look at a slightly different problem. We want to have a two dimensional array, but we don\'t need to have all the rows the same length. What we do is declare an array of pointers. The second line below declares A as an array of pointers. Each pointer points to a float. Here\'s some applicable code: ``` c float linearA[30]; float *A[6]; A[0] = linearA; /* 5 - 0 = 5 elements in row */ A[1] = linearA + 5; /* 11 - 5 = 6 elements in row */ A[2] = linearA + 11; /* 15 - 11 = 4 elements in row */ A[3] = linearA + 15; /* 21 - 15 = 6 elements */ A[4] = linearA + 21; /* 25 - 21 = 4 elements */ A[5] = linearA + 25; /* 30 - 25 = 5 elements */ *A[3][2] = 3.66; /* assigns 3.66 to linearA[17]; */ *A[3][-3] = 1.44; /* refers to linearA[12]; negative indices are sometimes useful. But avoid using them as much as possible. */ ``` We also note here something curious about array indexing. Suppose `myArray` is an array and `i` is an integer value. The expression `myArray[i]` is equivalent to `i[myArray]`. The first is equivalent to `*(myArray+i)`, and the second is equivalent to `*(i+myArray)`. These turn out to be the same, since the addition is commutative. Pointers can be used with pre-increment or post-decrement, which is sometimes done within a loop, as in the following example. The increment and decrement applies to the pointer, not to the object to which the pointer refers. In other words, `*pArray++` is equivalent to `*(pArray++)`. ``` c long myArray[20]; long *pArray; int i; /* Assign values to the entries of myArray */ pArray = myArray; for (i=0; i<10; ++i) { *pArray++ = 5 + 3*i + 12*i*i; *pArray++ = 6 + 2*i + 7*i*i; } ``` ## Pointers in Function Arguments Often we need to invoke a function with an argument that is itself a pointer. In many instances, the variable is itself a parameter for the current function and may be a pointer to some type of structure. The ampersand (**`&`**) character is not needed in this circumstance to obtain a pointer value, as the variable is itself a pointer. In the example below, the variable `pStruct`, a pointer, is a parameter to function `FunctTwo`, and is passed as an argument to `FunctOne`. The second parameter to `FunctOne` is an int. Since in function `FunctTwo`, `mValue` is a pointer to an int, the pointer must first be dereferenced using the \* operator, hence the second argument in the call is `*mValue`. The third parameter to function `FunctOne` is a pointer to a long. Since `pAA` is itself a pointer to a long, no ampersand is needed when it is used as the third argument to the function. ``` c int FunctOne(struct someStruct *pValue, int iValue, long *lValue) { /* do some stuff ... */ return 0; } int FunctTwo(struct someStruct *pStruct, int *mValue) { int j; long AnArray[25]; long *pAA; pAA = &AnArray[13]; j = FunctOne( pStruct, *mValue, pAA ); /* pStruct already holds the address that the pointer will point to; there is no need to get the address of anything.*/ return j; } ``` ## Pointers and Text Strings Historically, text strings in C have been implemented as arrays of characters, with the last byte in the string being a zero, or the null character \'\\0\'. Most C implementations come with a standard library of functions for manipulating strings. Many of the more commonly used functions expect the strings to be null terminated strings of characters. To use these functions requires the inclusion of the standard C header file \"string.h\". A statically declared, initialized string would look similar to the following: ``` c static const char *myFormat = "Total Amount Due: %d"; ``` The variable `myFormat` can be viewed as an array of 21 characters. There is an implied null character (\'\\0\') tacked on to the end of the string after the \'d\' as the 21st item in the array. You can also initialize the individual characters of the array as follows: ``` c static const char myFlower[] = { 'P', 'e', 't', 'u', 'n', 'i', 'a', '\0' }; ``` An initialized array of strings would typically be done as follows: ``` c static const char *myColors[] = { "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Violet" }; ``` The initialization of an especially long string can be split across lines of source code as follows. ``` c static char *longString = "Hello. My name is Rudolph and I work as a reindeer " "around Christmas time up at the North Pole. My boss is a really swell guy." " He likes to give everybody gifts."; ``` The library functions that are used with strings are discussed in a later chapter. ## Pointers to Functions C also allows you to create pointers to functions. Pointers to functions syntax can get rather messy. As an example of this, consider the following functions: ``` c static int Z = 0; int *pointer_to_Z(int x) { /* function returning integer pointer, not pointer to function */ return &Z; } int get_Z(int x) { return Z; } int (*function_pointer_to_Z)(int); // pointer to function taking an int as argument and returning an int function_pointer_to_Z = &get_Z; printf("pointer_to_Z output: %d\n", *pointer_to_Z(3)); printf("function_pointer_to_Z output: %d", (*function_pointer_to_Z)(3)); ``` Declaring a typedef to a function pointer generally clarifies the code. Here\'s an example that uses a function pointer, and a void \* pointer to implement what\'s known as a callback. The `DoSomethingNice` function invokes a caller supplied function `TalkJive` with caller data. Note that `DoSomethingNice` really doesn\'t know anything about what `dataPointer` refers to. ``` c typedef int (*MyFunctionType)( int, void *); /* a typedef for a function pointer */ #define THE_BIGGEST 100 int DoSomethingNice( int aVariable, MyFunctionType aFunction, void *dataPointer ) { int rv = 0; if (aVariable < THE_BIGGEST) { /* invoke function through function pointer (old style) */ rv = (*aFunction)(aVariable, dataPointer ); } else { /* invoke function through function pointer (new style) */ rv = aFunction(aVariable, dataPointer ); }; return rv; } typedef struct { int colorSpec; char *phrase; } DataINeed; int TalkJive( int myNumber, void *someStuff ) { /* recast void * to pointer type specifically needed for this function */ DataINeed *myData = someStuff; /* talk jive. */ return 5; } static DataINeed sillyStuff = { BLUE, "Whatcha talkin 'bout Willis?" }; DoSomethingNice( 41, &TalkJive, &sillyStuff ); ``` Some versions of C may not require an ampersand preceding the `TalkJive` argument in the `DoSomethingNice` call. Some implementations may require specifically casting the argument to the `MyFunctionType` type, even though the function signature exacly matches that of the typedef. Function pointers can be useful for implementing a form of polymorphism in C. First one declares a structure having as elements function pointers for the various operations to that can be specified polymorphically. A second base object structure containing a pointer to the previous structure is also declared. A class is defined by extending the second structure with the data specific for the class, and static variable of the type of the first structure, containing the addresses of the functions that are associated with the class. This type of polymorphism is used in the standard library when file I/O functions are called. A similar mechanism can also be used for implementing a state machine in C. A structure is defined which contains function pointers for handling events that may occur within state, and for functions to be invoked upon entry to and exit from the state. An instance of this structure corresponds to a state. Each state is initialized with pointers to functions appropriate for the state. The current state of the state machine is in effect a pointer to one of these states. Changing the value of the current state pointer effectively changes the current state. When some event occurs, the appropriate function is called through a function pointer in the current state. ### Practical use of function pointers in C Function pointers are mainly used to reduce the complexity of switch statement. Example with switch statement: ``` c #include <stdio.h> int add(int a, int b); int sub(int a, int b); int mul(int a, int b); int div(int a, int b); int main() { int i, result; int a=10; int b=5; printf("Enter the value between 0 and 3 : "); scanf("%d",&i); switch(i) { case 0: result = add(a,b); break; case 1: result = sub(a,b); break; case 2: result = mul(a,b); break; case 3: result = div(a,b); break; } } int add(int i, int j) { return (i+j); } int sub(int i, int j) { return (i-j); } int mul(int i, int j) { return (i*j); } int div(int i, int j) { return (i/j); } ``` Without using a switch statement: ``` c #include <stdio.h> int add(int a, int b); int sub(int a, int b); int mul(int a, int b); int div(int a, int b); int (*oper[4])(int a, int b) = {add, sub, mul, div}; int main() { int i,result; int a=10; int b=5; printf("Enter the value between 0 and 3 : "); scanf("%d",&i); result = operi; } int add(int i, int j) { return (i+j); } int sub(int i, int j) { return (i-j); } int mul(int i, int j) { return (i*j); } int div(int i, int j) { return (i/j); } ``` Function pointers may be used to create a struct member function: ``` c typedef struct { int (*open)(void); void (*close)(void); int (*reg)(void); } device; int my_device_open(void) { /* ... */ } void my_device_close(void) { /* ... */ } void register_device(void) { /* ... */ } device create(void) { device my_device; my_device.open = my_device_open; my_device.close = my_device_close; my_device.reg = register_device; my_device.reg(); return my_device; } ``` Use to implement this pointer (following code must be placed in library). ``` c static struct device_data { /* ... here goes data of structure ... */ }; static struct device_data obj; typedef struct { int (*open)(void); void (*close)(void); int (*reg)(void); } device; static struct device_data create_device_data(void) { struct device_data my_device_data; /* ... here goes constructor ... */ return my_device_data; } /* here I omit the my_device_open, my_device_close and register_device functions */ device create_device(void) { device my_device; my_device.open = my_device_open; my_device.close = my_device_close; my_device.reg = register_device; my_device.reg(); return my_device; } ``` ## Examples of pointer constructs Below are some example constructs which may aid in creating your pointer. ``` c int i; // integer variable 'i' int *p; // pointer 'p' to an integer int a[]; // array 'a' of integers int f(); // function 'f' with return value of type integer int **pp; // pointer 'pp' to a pointer to an integer int (*pa)[]; // pointer 'pa' to an array of integer int (*pf)(); // pointer 'pf' to a function with return value integer int *ap[]; // array 'ap' of pointers to an integer int *fp(); // function 'fp' which returns a pointer to an integer int ***ppp; // pointer 'ppp' to a pointer to a pointer to an integer int (**ppa)[]; // pointer 'ppa' to a pointer to an array of integers int (**ppf)(); // pointer 'ppf' to a pointer to a function with return value of type integer int *(*pap)[]; // pointer 'pap' to an array of pointers to an integer int *(*pfp)(); // pointer 'pfp' to function with return value of type pointer to an integer int **app[]; // array of pointers 'app' that point to pointers to integer values int (*apa[])[]; // array of pointers 'apa' to arrays of integers int (*apf[])(); // array of pointers 'apf' to functions with return values of type integer int ***fpp(); // function 'fpp' which returns a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to an int int (*fpa())[]; // function 'fpa' with return value of a pointer to array of integers int (*fpf())(); // function 'fpf' with return value of a pointer to function which returns an integer ``` ## sizeof The sizeof operator is often used to refer to the size of a static array declared earlier in the same function. To find the end of an array (example from wikipedia:Buffer overflow): ``` c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[10]; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s string\n", argv[0]); return 1; } strncpy(buffer, argv[1], sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; return 0; } ``` To iterate over every element of an array, use ``` c #define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (*(x))) for( i = 0; i < NUM_ELEM(array); i++ ) { /* do something with array[i] */ ; } ``` Note that the `sizeof` operator only works on things defined earlier in the same function. The compiler replaces it with some fixed constant number. In this case, the `buffer` was declared as an array of 10 char\'s earlier in the same function, and the compiler replaces `sizeof(buffer)` with the number 10 at compile time (equivalent to us hard-coding 10 into the code in place of `sizeof(buffer)`). The information about the length of `buffer` is not actually stored anywhere in memory (unless we keep track of it separately) and cannot be programmatically obtained at run time from the array/pointer itself. Often a function needs to know the size of an array it was given \-- an array defined in some other function. For example, ``` c /* broken.c - demonstrates a flaw */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (*(x))) int sum( int input_array[] ){ int sum_so_far = 0; int i; for( i = 0; i < NUM_ELEM(input_array); i++ ) // WON'T WORK -- input_array wasn't defined in this function. { sum_so_far += input_array[i]; }; return( sum_so_far ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int left_array[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; int right_array[] = { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; int the_sum = sum( left_array ); printf( "the sum of left_array is: %d", the_sum ); the_sum = sum( right_array ); printf( "the sum of right_array is: %d", the_sum ); return 0; } ``` Unfortunately, (in C and C++) the length of the array cannot be obtained from an array passed in at run time, because (as mentioned above) the size of an array is not stored anywhere. The compiler always replaces sizeof with a constant. This sum() routine needs to handle more than just one constant length of an array. There are some common ways to work around this fact: - Write the function to require, for each array parameter, a \"length\" parameter (which has type \"size_t\"). (Typically we use sizeof at the point where this function is called). - Use of a convention, such as a null-terminated string to mark the end of the array. - Instead of passing raw arrays, pass a structure that includes the length of the array (such as \".length\") as well as the array (or a pointer to the first element); similar to the `string` or `vector` classes in C++. ``` c /* fixed.c - demonstrates one work-around */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (*(x))) int sum( int input_array[], size_t length ){ int sum_so_far = 0; int i; for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { sum_so_far += input_array[i]; }; return( sum_so_far ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int left_array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; int right_array[] = { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; int the_sum = sum( left_array, NUM_ELEM(left_array) ); // works here, because left_array is defined in this function printf( "the sum of left_array is: %d", the_sum ); the_sum = sum( right_array, NUM_ELEM(right_array) ); // works here, because right_array is defined in this function printf( "the sum of right_array is: %d", the_sum ); return 0; } ``` It\'s worth mentioning that sizeof operator has two variations: `sizeof (``<i>`{=html}`type``</i>`{=html}`)` (for instance: `sizeof (int)` or `sizeof (struct some_structure)`) and `sizeof ``<i>`{=html}`expression``</i>`{=html} (for instance: `sizeof some_variable.some_field` or `sizeof 1`). ## External Links ```{=html} <div class="noprint"> ``` !Pointer Fun with Binky.ogg "Pointer Fun with Binky") ```{=html} </div> ``` - \"Common Pointer Pitfalls\" by Dave Marshall de:C-Programmierung: Zeiger fr:Programmation C/Pointeurs it:C/Vettori e puntatori/Interscambiabilità tra puntatori e vettori pl:C/Wskaźniki
# C Programming/Memory management In C, you have already considered creating variables for use in the program. You have created some arrays for use, but you may have already noticed some limitations: - the size of the array must be known beforehand - the size of the array cannot be changed in the duration of your program *Dynamic memory allocation* in C is a way of circumventing these problems. ## The `malloc` function ``` c #include <stdlib.h> void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); void free(void *ptr); void *malloc(size_t size); void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size); ``` The standard C function `malloc` is the means of implementing dynamic memory allocation. It is defined in stdlib.h or malloc.h, depending on what operating system you may be using. Malloc.h contains only the definitions for the memory allocation functions and not the rest of the other functions defined in stdlib.h. Usually you will not need to be so specific in your program, and if both are supported, you should use \<stdlib.h\>, since that is ANSI C, and what we will use here. The corresponding call to release allocated memory back to the operating system is `free`. When dynamically allocated memory is no longer needed, `free` should be called to release it back to the memory pool. Overwriting a pointer that points to dynamically allocated memory can result in that data becoming inaccessible. If this happens frequently, eventually the operating system will no longer be able to allocate more memory for the process. Once the process exits, the operating system is able to free all dynamically allocated memory associated with the process. Let\'s look at how dynamic memory allocation can be used for arrays. Normally when we wish to create an array we use a declaration such as ``` c int array[10]; ``` Recall `array` can be considered a pointer which we use as an array. We specify the length of this array is 10 `int`s. After `array[0]`, nine other integers have space to be stored consecutively. Sometimes it is not known at the time the program is written how much memory will be needed for some data; for example, when it depends upon user input. In this case we would want to dynamically allocate required memory after the program has started executing. To do this we only need to declare a pointer, and invoke `malloc` when we wish to make space for the elements in our array, *or*, we can tell `malloc` to make space when we first initialize the array. Either way is acceptable and useful. We also need to know how much an int takes up in memory in order to make room for it; fortunately this is not difficult, we can use C\'s builtin `sizeof` operator. For example, if `sizeof(int)` yields 4, then one `int` takes up 4 bytes. Naturally, `2*sizeof(int)` is how much memory we need for 2 `int`s, and so on. So how do we `malloc` an array of ten `int`s like before? If we wish to declare and make room in one hit, we can simply say ``` c int *array = malloc(10*sizeof(int)); ``` We only need to declare the pointer; `malloc` gives us some space to store the 10 `int`s, and returns the pointer to the first element, which is assigned to that pointer. **Important note!** `malloc` does *not* initialize the array; this means that the array may contain random or unexpected values! Like creating arrays without dynamic allocation, the programmer must initialize the array with sensible values before using it. Make sure you do so, too. (\'\'See later the function `memset` for a simple method.) It is not necessary to immediately call `malloc` after declaring a pointer for the allocated memory. Often a number of statements exist between the declaration and the call to `malloc`, as follows: ``` c int *array = NULL; printf("Hello World!!!"); /* more statements */ array = malloc(10*sizeof(int)); /* delayed allocation */ /* use the array */ ``` A more practical example of dynamic memory allocation would be the following: > Given an array of 10 integers, remove all duplicate elements from the > array, and create a new array without duplicate elements (a > set "wikilink")). A simple algorithm to remove duplicate elements: ``` {.c .numberLines} int arrl = 10; // Length of the initial array int arr[10] = {1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7}; // A sample array, containing several duplicate elements for (int x = 0; x < arrl; x++) { for (int y = x + 1; y < arrl; y++) { if (arr[x] == arr[y]) { for (int s = y; s < arrl; s++) { if (!(s + 1 == arrl)) arr[s] = arr[s + 1]; } arrl--; y--; } } } ``` Because the length of our new array depends on the input, it must be dynamically allocated: ``` c int *newArray = malloc(arrl*sizeof(int)); ``` The above array will currently contain unexpected values, so we must use `memcpy` to set our dynamically allocated memory block to the new values: ``` c memcpy(newArray, arr, arrl*sizeof(int)); ``` ### Error checking When we want to use `malloc`, we have to be mindful that the pool of memory available to the programmer is *finite*. Even if a modern PC will have at least an entire gigabyte of memory, it is still possible and conceivable to run out of it! In this case, `malloc` will return `NULL`. In order to stop the program crashing from having no more memory to use, one should always check that malloc has not returned `NULL` before attempting to use the memory; we can do this by ``` c int *pt = malloc(3 * sizeof(int)); if(pt == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory, exiting\n"); exit(1); } ``` Of course, suddenly quitting as in the above example is not always appropriate, and depends on the problem you are trying to solve and the architecture you are programming for. For example, if the program is a small, non critical application that\'s running on a desktop quitting may be appropriate. However if the program is some type of editor running on a desktop, you may want to give the operator the option of saving their tediously entered information instead of just exiting the program. A memory allocation failure in an embedded processor, such as might be in a washing machine, could cause an automatic reset of the machine. For this reason, many embedded systems designers avoid dynamic memory allocation altogether. ## The `calloc` function The `calloc` function allocates space for an array of items and initializes the memory to zeros. The call `mArray = calloc( count, sizeof(struct V))` allocates `count` objects, each of whose size is sufficient to contain an instance of the structure `struct V`. The space is initialized to all bits zero. The function returns either a pointer to the allocated memory or, if the allocation fails, `NULL`. ## The `realloc` function ``` c void * realloc ( void * ptr, size_t size ); ``` The `realloc` function changes the size of the object pointed to by `ptr` to the size specified by `size`. The contents of the object shall be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. If the new size is larger, the value of the newly allocated portion of the object is indeterminate. If `ptr` is a null pointer, the `realloc` function behaves like the `malloc` function for the specified size. Otherwise, if `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the `calloc`, `malloc`, or `realloc` function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to the `free` or `realloc` function, the behavior is undefined. If the space cannot be allocated, the object pointed to by `ptr` is unchanged. If `size` is zero and `ptr` is not a null pointer, the object pointed to is freed. The `realloc` function returns either a null pointer or a pointer to the possibly moved allocated object. ## The `free` function Memory that has been allocated using `malloc`, `realloc`, or `calloc` must be released back to the system memory pool once it is no longer needed. This is done to avoid perpetually allocating more and more memory, which could result in an eventual memory allocation failure. Memory that is not released with `free` is however released when the current program terminates on most operating systems. Calls to `free` are as in the following example. ``` c int *myStuff = malloc( 20 * sizeof(int)); if (myStuff != NULL) { /* more statements here */ /* time to release myStuff */ free( myStuff ); } ``` ### free with recursive data structures It should be noted that `free` is neither intelligent nor recursive. The following code that depends on the recursive application of free to the internal variables of a struct does not work. ``` c typedef struct BSTNode { int value; struct BSTNode* left; struct BSTNode* right; } BSTNode; // Later: ... BSTNode* temp = (BSTNode*) calloc(1, sizeof(BSTNode)); temp->left = (BSTNode*) calloc(1, sizeof(BSTNode)); // Later: ... free(temp); // WRONG! don't do this! ``` The statement \"`free(temp);`\" will **not** free `temp->left`, causing a memory leak. The correct way is to define a function that frees *every* node in the data structure: ``` c void BSTFree(BSTNode* node){ if (node != NULL) { BSTFree(node->left); BSTFree(node->right); free(node); } } ``` Because C does not have a garbage collector, C programmers are responsible for making sure there is a `free()` exactly once for each time there is a `malloc()`. If a tree has been allocated one node at a time, then it needs to be freed one node at a time. ### Don\'t free undefined pointers Furthermore, using `free` when the pointer in question was never allocated in the first place often crashes or leads to mysterious bugs further along. To avoid this problem, always initialize pointers when they are declared. Either use `malloc` at the point they are declared (as in most examples in this chapter), or set them to `NULL` when they are declared (as in the \"delayed allocation\" example in this chapter). [^1] ### Write constructor/destructor functions One way to get memory initialization and destruction right is to imitate object-oriented programming. In this paradigm, objects are constructed after raw memory is allocated for them, live their lives, and when it is time for them to be destructed, a special function called a destructor destroys the object\'s innards before the object itself is destroyed. For example: ``` c #include <stdlib.h> /* need malloc and friends */ /* this is the type of object we have, with a single int member */ typedef struct WIDGET_T { int member; } WIDGET_T; /* functions that deal with WIDGET_T */ /* constructor function */ void WIDGETctor (WIDGET_T *this, int x) { this->member = x; } /* destructor function */ void WIDGETdtor (WIDGET_T *this) { /* In this case, I really don't have to do anything, but if WIDGET_T had internal pointers, the objects they point to would be destroyed here. */ this->member = 0; } /* create function - this function returns a new WIDGET_T */ WIDGET_T * WIDGETcreate (int m) { WIDGET_T *x = 0; x = malloc (sizeof (WIDGET_T)); if (x == 0) abort (); /* no memory */ WIDGETctor (x, m); return x; } /* destroy function - calls the destructor, then frees the object */ void WIDGETdestroy (WIDGET_T *this) { WIDGETdtor (this); free (this); } /* END OF CODE */ ``` ## References - Memory Management fr:Programmation C/Gestion de la mémoire [^1]: \"Bug 478901 \... libpng-1.2.34 and earlier might free undefined pointers\"
# C Programming/Error handling C does not provide direct support for error handling (also known as exception handling). By convention, the programmer is expected to prevent errors from occurring in the first place, and test return values from functions. For example, -1 and NULL are used in several functions such as socket() (Unix socket programming) or malloc() respectively to indicate problems that the programmer should be aware about. In a worst case scenario where there is an unavoidable error and no way to recover from it, a C programmer usually tries to log the error and \"gracefully\" terminate the program. There is an external variable called \"errno\", accessible by the programs after including \<errno.h\> - that file comes from the definition of the possible errors that can occur in some Operating Systems (e.g. Linux - in this case, the definition is in include/asm-generic/errno.h) when programs ask for resources. Such variable indexes error descriptions accessible by the function \'strerror( errno )\'. The following code tests the return value from the library function malloc to see if dynamic memory allocation completed properly: ``` c #include <stdio.h> /* perror */ #include <errno.h> /* errno */ #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free, exit */ int main(void) { /* Pointer to char, requesting dynamic allocation of 2,000,000,000 * storage elements (declared as an integer constant of type * unsigned long int). (If your system has less than 2 GB of memory * available, then this call to malloc will fail.) */ char *ptr = malloc(2000000000UL); if (ptr == NULL) { perror("malloc failed"); /* here you might want to exit the program or compensate for that you don't have 2GB available */ } else { /* The rest of the code hereafter can assume that 2,000,000,000 * chars were successfully allocated... */ free(ptr); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* exiting program */ } ``` The code snippet above shows the use of the return value of the library function malloc to check for errors. Many library functions have return values that flag errors, and thus should be checked by the astute programmer. In the snippet above, a NULL pointer returned from malloc signals an error in allocation, so the program exits. In more complicated implementations, the program might try to handle the error and try to recover from the failed memory allocation. ## Preventing divide by zero errors A common pitfall made by C programmers is not checking if a divisor is zero before a division command. The following code will produce a runtime error and in most cases, exit. ``` c int dividend = 50; int divisor = 0; int quotient; quotient = (dividend/divisor); /* This will produce a runtime error! */ ``` In ordinary arithmetic division by zero is undefined. Because of this, you must check or make sure that a divisor is never zero. Alternatively, for \*nix processes, you can stop the OS from terminating your process by blocking the SIGFPE signal. The code below fixes this by checking if the divisor is zero before dividing. ``` c #include <stdio.h> /* for fprintf and stderr */ #include <stdlib.h> /* for exit */ int main( void ) { int dividend = 50; int divisor = 0; int quotient; if (divisor == 0) { /* Example handling of this error. Writing a message to stderr, and * exiting with failure. */ fprintf(stderr, "Division by zero! Aborting...\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* indicate failure.*/ } quotient = dividend / divisor; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* indicate success.*/ } ``` ## Signals In some cases, the environment may respond to a programming error in C by raising a signal. Signals are events raised by the host environment or operating system to indicate that a specific error or critical event has occurred (e.g. a division by zero, interrupt, and so on.) However, these signals are not meant to be used as a means of error catching; they usually indicate a critical event that will interfere with normal program flow. To handle signals, a program needs to use the `signal.h` header file. A signal handler will need to be defined, and the signal() function is then called to allow the given signal to be handled. Some signals that are raised to an exception within your code (e.g. a division by zero) are unlikely to allow your program to recover. These signal handlers will be required to instead ensure that some resources are properly cleaned up before the program terminates. The C Standard Library only defines six signals; Unix systems define 15 more. Each signal has a number, called a signum, associated with it. Here are a few common ones: ``` c #define SIGHUP 1 /* Hangup the process */ #define SIGINT 2 /* Interrupt the process. C standard */ #define SIGQUIT 3 /* Quit the process */ #define SIGILL 4 /* Illegal instruction. C standard.*/ #define SIGTRAP 5 /* Trace trap, for debugging. C standard.*/ #define SIGABRT 6 /* Abort. C standard. */ #define SIGFPE 8 /* Floating Point Error. C standard. */ #define SIGSEGV 11 /* Memory error. C standard. */ #define SIGTERM 15 /* Termination request. C standard. */ ``` Signals are handled with the `signal()` function, from the `signal.h` library. Its syntax is: ``` c void signal(signal_to_catch, signal_handler) ``` Signals can be raised with `raise()` or `kill()`. `raise()` sends the signal to the current process; `kill()` sends it to a specific process. *Note that `signal` is now deprecated in favor of `sigaction()`, due to a lack of portability between Unix systems and potential for unexpected behavior. However, as `sigaction()`\'s use is more complicated, we will stick with `signal()` to illustrate the concept here.* To understand how signals work, here\'s a simple example: ``` c #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> // Unix Standard library, used to import sleep() #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> void handler(int signum) { printf("Signal received %d, coming out...\n", signum); exit(1); } int main () { signal(SIGINT, handler); // attaching the handler() function to SIGINT signals; i.e, ctrl+c, keyboard interrupt. while(1) { printf("Sleeping...\n"); sleep(1000); // sleep pauses the process for a given number of seconds, or until a signal is received. } return(0); } ``` Try compiling and testing this on your machine; after you see \"Sleeping\...\", send the interrupt signal by pressing `ctrl + c`. Here\'s a more complex example. This creates a signal handler and raises the signal: ``` c #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> static void catch_function(int signal) { puts("Interactive attention signal caught."); } int main(void) { if (signal(SIGINT, catch_function) == SIG_ERR) { fputs("An error occurred while setting a signal handler.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } puts("Raising the interactive attention signal."); if (raise(SIGINT) != 0) { fputs("Error raising the signal.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } puts("Exiting."); return 0; } ``` ## setjmp The setjmp function can be used to emulate the exception handling feature of other programming languages. The first call to setjmp stores a reference point to the current execution point, and is valid as long as the function containing setjmp() doesn\'t return or exit. A call to longjmp causes the execution to return to the point of the associated setjmp call. `setjmp` takes a \`jmp_buf\` (a type that will store an execution context) as an argument, and returns `0` the first time it runs (i.e., when it sets the return point). When it runs a second time - when `longjmp` is called - it then returns the value passed to `longjmp`. `longjmp` takes a \`jmp_buf\` as an argument (one that\'s already been passed to `setjmp`), and a value to pass to `setjmp` to return. ``` c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <setjmp.h> int main(void) { int val; jmp_buf environment; val = setjmp(environment); // val is set to 0 the first time this is called if (val !=0) { printf("You returned from a longjmp call, return value is %d", val); // now, value is 1, passed from longjmp() exit(0); } puts("Calling longjmp now"); longjmp(environment, 1); return(0); } ``` Try running this with a compiler on your own machine. The values of non-volatile variables may be corrupted when setjmp returns from a longjmp call. While setjmp() and longjmp() may be used for error handling, it is generally preferred to use the return value of a function to indicate an error, if possible. setjmp() and longjmp() are most useful when errors occur in deeply nested function calls, and it would be tedious to check return values all the way back to the point you wish to return to.
# C Programming/Stream IO ## Introduction The `stdio.h` header declares a broad assortment of functions that perform input and output to files and devices such as the console. It was one of the earliest headers to appear in the C library. It declares more functions than any other standard header and also requires more explanation because of the complex machinery that underlies the functions. The device-independent model of input and output has seen dramatic improvement over the years and has received little recognition for its success. FORTRAN II was touted as a machine-independent language in the 1960s, yet it was essentially impossible to move a FORTRAN program between architectures without some change. In FORTRAN II, you named the device you were talking to right in the FORTRAN statement in the middle of your FORTRAN code. So, you said `READ INPUT TAPE 5` on a tape-oriented IBM 7090 but `READ CARD` to read a card image on other machines. FORTRAN IV had more generic `READ` and `WRITE` statements, specifying a *logical unit number* (LUN) instead of the device name. The era of device-independent I/O had dawned. Peripheral devices such as printers still had fairly strong notions about what they were asked to do. And then, *peripheral interchange* utilities were invented to handle bizarre devices. When cathode-ray tubes came onto the scene, each manufacturer of consoles solved problems such as console cursor movement in an independent manner, causing further headaches. It was into this atmosphere that Unix was born. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, the developers of Unix, deserve credit for packing any number of bright ideas into the operating system. Their approach to device independence was one of the brightest. The ANSI C `<stdio.h>` library is based on the original Unix file I/O primitives but casts a wider net to accommodate the least-common denominator across varied systems. ## Streams Input and output, whether to or from physical devices such as terminals and tape drives, or whether to or from files supported on structured storage devices, are mapped into logical data streams, whose properties are more uniform than their various inputs and outputs. Two forms of mapping are supported: text streams and binary streams. A text stream consists of one or more lines. A line in a text stream consists of zero or more characters plus a terminating new-line character. (The only exception is that in some implementations the last line of a file does not require a terminating new-line character.) Unix adopted a standard internal format for all text streams. Each line of text is terminated by a new-line character. That\'s what any program expects when it reads text, and that\'s what any program produces when it writes text. (This is the most basic convention, and if it doesn\'t meet the needs of a text-oriented peripheral attached to a Unix machine, then the fix-up occurs out at the edges of the system. Nothing in between needs to change.) The string of characters that go into, or come out of a text stream may have to be modified to conform to specific conventions. This results in a possible difference between the data that go into a text stream and the data that come out. For instance, in some implementations when a space-character precedes a new-line character in the input, the space character gets removed out of the output. In general, when the data only consists of printable characters and control characters like horizontal tab and new-line, the input and output of a text stream are equal. Compared to a text stream, a binary stream is pretty straight forward. A binary stream is an ordered sequence of characters that can transparently record internal data. Data written to a binary stream shall always equal the data that gets read out under the same implementation. Binary streams, however, may have an implementation-defined number of null characters appended to the end of the stream. There are no further conventions which need to be considered. Nothing in Unix prevents the program from writing arbitrary 8-bit binary codes to any open file, or reading them back unchanged from an adequate repository. Thus, Unix obliterated the long-standing distinction between text streams and binary streams. ## Standard Streams When a C program starts its execution the program automatically opens three standard streams named `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr`. These are attached for every C program. The first standard stream is used for input buffering and the other two are used for output. These streams are sequences of bytes. Consider the following program: ``` c /* An example program. */ int main() { int var; scanf ("%d", &var); /* use stdin for scanning an integer from keyboard. */ printf ("%d", var); /* use stdout for printing the integer that was just scanned in. */ return 0; } /* end program. */ ``` By default `stdin` points to the keyboard and `stdout` and `stderr` point to the screen. It is possible under Unix and may be possible under other operating systems to redirect input from or output to a file or both. ## Pointers to streams The `<stdio.h>` header contains a definition for a type `FILE` (usually via a `typedef`) which is capable of processing all the information needed to exercise control over a stream, including its file position indicator, a pointer to the associated buffer (if any), an error indicator that records whether a read/write error has occurred, and an end-of-file indicator that records whether the end of the file has been reached. It is considered bad form to access the contents of `FILE` directly unless the programmer is writing an implementation of `<stdio.h>` and its contents. Better access to the contents of `FILE` is provided via the functions in `<stdio.h>`. It can be said that the `FILE` type is an early example of object-oriented programming. ## Opening and Closing Files To open and close files, the `<stdio.h>` library has three functions: `fopen`, `freopen`, and `fclose`. ### Opening Files ``` c #include <stdio.h> FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode); FILE *freopen(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *stream); ``` `fopen` and `freopen` opens the file whose name is in the string pointed to by `filename` and associates a stream with it. Both return a pointer to the object controlling the stream, or, if the open operation fails, a null pointer. The error and end-of-file indicators are cleared, and if the open operation fails error is set. `freopen` differs from `fopen` in that the file pointed to by `stream` is closed first when already open and any close errors are ignored. `mode` for both functions points to a string beginning with one of the following sequences (additional characters may follow the sequences): `r           open a text file for reading`\ `w           truncate to zero length or create a text file for writing`\ `a           append; open or create text file for writing at end-of-file`\ `rb          open binary file for reading`\ `wb          truncate to zero length or create a binary file for writing`\ `ab          append; open or create binary file for writing at end-of-file`\ `r+          open text file for update (reading and writing)`\ `w+          truncate to zero length or create a text file for update`\ `a+          append; open or create text file for update`\ `r+b or rb+  open binary file for update (reading and writing)`\ `w+b or wb+  truncate to zero length or create a binary file for update`\ `a+b or ab+  append; open or create binary file for update` Opening a file with read mode (\'`r`\' as the first character in the `mode` argument) fails if the file does not exist or cannot be read. Opening a file with append mode (\'`a`\' as the first character in the `mode` argument) causes all subsequent writes to the file to be forced to the then-current end-of-file, regardless of intervening calls to the `fseek` function. In some implementations, opening a binary file with append mode (\'`b`\' as the second or third character in the above list of `mode` arguments) may initially position the file position indicator for the stream beyond the last data written, because of null character padding. When a file is opened with update mode (\'`+`\' as the second or third character in the above list of `mode` argument values), both input and output may be performed on the associated stream. However, output may not be directly followed by input without an intervening call to the `fflush` function or to a file positioning function (`fseek`, `fsetpos`, or `rewind`), and input may not be directly followed by output without an intervening call to a file positioning function, unless the input operation encounters end-of-file. Opening (or creating) a text file with update mode may instead open (or create) a binary stream in some implementations. When opened, a stream is fully buffered if and only if it can be determined not to refer to an interactive device. ### Closing Files ``` c #include <stdio.h> int fclose(FILE *stream); ``` The `fclose` function causes the stream pointed to by `stream` to be flushed and the associated file to be closed. Any unwritten buffered data for the stream are delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; any unread buffered data are discarded. The stream is disassociated from the file. If the associated buffer was automatically allocated, it is deallocated. The function returns zero if the stream was successfully closed or `EOF` if any errors were detected. ## Stream buffering functions ### The `fflush` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int fflush(FILE *stream); ``` If `stream` points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent operation was not input, the `fflush` function causes any unwritten data for that stream to be deferred to the host environment to be written to the file. The behavior of fflush is undefined for input stream. If `stream` is a null pointer, the `fflush` function performs this flushing action on all streams for which the behavior is defined above. The `fflush` functions returns `EOF` if a write error occurs, otherwise zero. The reason for having a `fflush` function is because streams in C can have buffered input/output; that is, functions that write to a file actually write to a buffer inside the `FILE` structure. If the buffer is filled to capacity, the write functions will call `fflush` to actually \"write\" the data that is in the buffer to the file. Because `fflush` is only called every once in a while, calls to the operating system to do a raw write are minimized. ### The `setbuf` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf); ``` Except that it returns no value, the `setbuf` function is equivalent to the `setvbuf` function invoked with the values `_IOFBF` for `mode` and `BUFSIZ` for `size`, or (if `buf` is a null pointer) with the value `_IONBF` for `mode`. ### The `setvbuf` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size); ``` The `setvbuf` function may be used only after the stream pointed to by `stream` has been associated with an open file and before any other operation is performed on the stream. The argument `mode` determines how the stream will be buffered, as follows: `_IOFBF` causes input/output to be fully buffered; `_IOLBF` causes input/output to be line buffered; `_IONBF` causes input/output to be unbuffered. If `buf` is not a null pointer, the array it points to may be used instead of a buffer associated by the `setvbuf` function. (The buffer must have a lifetime at least as great as the open stream, so the stream should be closed before a buffer that has automatic storage duration is deallocated upon block exit.) The argument `size` specifies the size of the array. The contents of the array at any time are indeterminate. The `setvbuf` function returns zero on success, or nonzero if an invalid value is given for `mode` or if the request cannot be honored. ## Functions that Modify the File Position Indicator The `stdio.h` library has five functions that affect the file position indicator besides those that do reading or writing: `fgetpos`, `fseek`, `fsetpos`, `ftell`, and `rewind`. The `fseek` and `ftell` functions are older than `fgetpos` and `fsetpos`. ### The `fgetpos` and `fsetpos` functions ``` c #include <stdio.h> int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos); int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos); ``` The `fgetpos` function stores the current value of the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream` in the object pointed to by `pos`. The value stored contains unspecified information usable by the `fsetpos` function for repositioning the stream to its position at the time of the call to the `fgetpos` function. If successful, the `fgetpos` function returns zero; on failure, the `fgetpos` function returns nonzero and stores an implementation-defined positive value in `errno`. The `fsetpos` function sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream` according to the value of the object pointed to by `pos`, which shall be a value obtained from an earlier call to the `fgetpos` function on the same stream. A successful call to the `fsetpos` function clears the end-of-file indicator for the stream and undoes any effects of the `ungetc` function on the same stream. After an `fsetpos` call, the next operation on an update stream may be either input or output. If successful, the `fsetpos` function returns zero; on failure, the `fsetpos` function returns nonzero and stores an implementation-defined positive value in `errno`. ### The `fseek` and `ftell` functions ``` c #include <stdio.h> int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int whence); long int ftell(FILE *stream); ``` The `fseek` function sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream`. For a binary stream, the new position, measured in characters from the beginning of the file, is obtained by adding `offset` to the position specified by `whence`. Three macros in `stdio.h` called `SEEK_SET`, `SEEK_CUR`, and `SEEK_END` expand to unique values. If the position specified by `whence` is `SEEK_SET`, the specified position is the beginning of the file; if `whence` is `SEEK_END`, the specified position is the end of the file; and if `whence` is `SEEK_CUR`, the specified position is the current file position. A binary stream need not meaningfully support `fseek` calls with a `whence` value of `SEEK_END`. For a text stream, either `offset` shall be zero, or `offset` shall be a value returned by an earlier call to the `ftell` function on the same stream and `whence` shall be `SEEK_SET`. The `fseek` function returns nonzero only for a request that cannot be satisfied. The `ftell` function obtains the current value of the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream`. For a binary stream, the value is the number of characters from the beginning of the file; for a text stream, its file position indicator contains unspecified information, usable by the `fseek` function for returning the file position indicator for the stream to its position at the time of the `ftell` call; the difference between two such return values is not necessarily a meaningful measure of the number of characters written or read. If successful, the `ftell` function returns the current value of the file position indicator for the stream. On failure, the `ftell` function returns `-1L` and stores an implementation-defined positive value in `errno`. ### The `rewind` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> void rewind(FILE *stream); ``` The `rewind` function sets the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream` to the beginning of the file. It is equivalent to `(void)fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET)` except that the error indicator for the stream is also cleared. ## Error Handling Functions ### The `clearerr` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> void clearerr(FILE *stream); ``` The `clearerr` function clears the end-of-file and error indicators for the stream pointed to by `stream`. ### The `feof` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int feof(FILE *stream); ``` The `feof` function tests the end-of-file indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream` and returns nonzero if and only if the end-of-file indicator is set for `stream`, otherwise it returns zero. ### The `ferror` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int ferror(FILE *stream); ``` The `ferror` function tests the error indicator for the stream pointed to by `stream` and returns nonzero if and only if the error indicator is set for `stream`, otherwise it returns zero. ### The `perror` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> void perror(const char *s); ``` The `perror` function maps the error number in the integer expression `errno` to an error message. It writes a sequence of characters to the standard error stream thus: first, if `s` is not a null pointer and the character pointed to by `s` is not the null character, the string pointed to by `s` followed by a colon (`:`) and a space; then an appropriate error message string followed by a new-line character. The contents of the error message are the same as those returned by the `strerror` function with the argument `errno`, which are implementation-defined. ## Other Operations on Files The `stdio.h` library has a variety of functions that do some operation on files besides reading and writing. ### The `remove` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int remove(const char *filename); ``` The `remove` function causes the file whose name is the string pointed to by `filename` to be no longer accessible by that name. A subsequent attempt to open that file using that name will fail, unless it is created anew. If the file is open, the behavior of the `remove` function is implementation-defined. The `remove` function returns zero if the operation succeeds, nonzero if it fails. ### The `rename` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int rename(const char *old_filename, const char *new_filename); ``` The `rename` function causes the file whose name is the string pointed to by `old_filename` to be henceforth known by the name given by the string pointed to by `new_filename`. The file named `old_filename` is no longer accessible by that name. If a file named by the string pointed to by `new_filename` exists prior to the call to the `rename` function, the behavior is implementation-defined. The `rename` function returns zero if the operation succeeds, nonzero if it fails, in which case if the file existed previously it is still known by its original name. ### The `tmpfile` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> FILE *tmpfile(void); ``` The `tmpfile` function creates a temporary binary file that will automatically be removed when it is closed or at program termination. If the program terminates abnormally, whether an open temporary file is removed is implementation-defined. The file is opened for update with `"wb+"` mode. The `tmpfile` function returns a pointer to the stream of the file that it created. If the file cannot be created, the `tmpfile` function returns a null pointer. ### The `tmpnam` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> char *tmpnam(char *s); ``` The `tmpnam` function generates a string that is a valid file name and that is not the name of an existing file. The `tmpnam` function generates a different string each time it is called, up to `TMP_MAX` times. (`TMP_MAX` is a macro defined in `stdio.h`.) If it is called more than `TMP_MAX` times, the behavior is implementation-defined. The implementation shall behave as if no library function calls the `tmpnam` function. If the argument is a null pointer, the `tmpnam` function leaves its result in an internal static object and returns a pointer to that object. Subsequent calls to the `tmpnam` function may modify the same object. If the argument is not a null pointer, it is assumed to point to an array of at least `L_tmpnam` characters (`L_tmpnam` is another macro in `stdio.h`); the `tmpnam` function writes its result in that array and returns the argument as its value. The value of the macro `TMP_MAX` must be at least 25. ## Reading from Files ### Character Input Functions #### The `fgetc` function ``` c #include <stdio.h> int fgetc(FILE *stream); ``` The `fgetc` function obtains the next character (if present) as an `unsigned char` converted to an `int`, from the stream pointed to by `stream`, and advances the associated file position indicator for the stream (if defined). The `fgetc` function returns the next character from the stream pointed to by `stream`. If the stream is at end-of-file or a read error occurs, `fgetc` returns `EOF` (`EOF` is a negative value defined in `<stdio.h>`, usually `(-1)`). The routines `feof` and `ferror` must be used to distinguish between end-of-file and error. If an error occurs, the global variable `errno` is set to indicate the error. #### The `fgets` function ``` C #include <stdio.h> char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream); ``` The `fgets` function reads at most one less than the number of characters specified by `n` from the stream pointed to by `stream` into the array pointed to by `s`. No additional characters are read after a new-line character (which is retained) or after end-of-file. A null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array. The `fgets` function returns `s` if successful. If end-of-file is encountered and no characters have been read into the array, the contents of the array remain unchanged and a null pointer is returned. If a read error occurs during the operation, the array contents are indeterminate and a null pointer is returned. Warning: Different operating systems may use different character sequences to represent the end-of-line sequence. For example, some filesystems use the terminator `\r\n` in text files; `fgets` may read those lines, removing the `\n` but keeping the `\r` as the last character of `s`. This expurious character should be removed in the string `s` before the string is used for anything (unless the programmer doesn\'t care about it). Unixes typically use `\n` as its end-of-line sequence, MS-DOS and Windows uses `\r\n`, and Mac OSes used `\r` before OS X. Many compilers on operating systems other than Unix or Linux map newline sequences to `\n` on input for text files; check your compiler\'s documentation to discover what it does in this situation. ``` c /* An example program that reads from stdin and writes to stdout */ #include <stdio.h> #define BUFFER_SIZE 100 int main(void) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; /* a read buffer */ while( fgets (buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin) != NULL) { printf("%s",buffer); } return 0; } /* end program. */ ``` #### The `getc` function ``` C #include <stdio.h> int getc(FILE *stream); ``` The `getc` function is equivalent to `fgetc`, except that it may be implemented as a macro. If it is implemented as a macro, the `stream` argument may be evaluated more than once, so the argument should never be an expression with side effects (i.e. have an assignment, increment, or decrement operators, or be a function call). The `getc` function returns the next character from the input stream pointed to by `stream`. If the stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set and `getc` returns `EOF` (`EOF` is a negative value defined in `<stdio.h>`, usually `(-1)`). If a read error occurs, the error indicator for the stream is set and `getc` returns `EOF`. #### The `getchar` function ``` C #include <stdio.h> int getchar(void); ``` The `getchar` function is equivalent to `getc` with the argument `stdin`. The `getchar` function returns the next character from the input stream pointed to by `stdin`. If `stdin` is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator for `stdin` is set and `getchar` returns `EOF` (`EOF` is a negative value defined in `<stdio.h>`, usually `(-1)`). If a read error occurs, the error indicator for `stdin` is set and `getchar` returns `EOF`. #### The `gets` function ``` C #include <stdio.h> char *gets(char *s); ``` The `gets` function reads characters from the input stream pointed to by `stdin` into the array pointed to by `s` until an end-of-file is encountered or a new-line character is read. Any new-line character is discarded, and a null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array. The `gets` function returns `s` if successful. If the end-of-file is encountered and no characters have been read into the array, the contents of the array remain unchanged and a null pointer is returned. If a read error occurs during the operation, the array contents are indeterminate and a null pointer is returned. This function and description is only included here for completeness. Most C programmers nowadays shy away from using `gets`, as there is no way for the function to know how big the buffer is that the programmer wants to read into. Commandment #5 of Henry Spencer\'s *The Ten Commandments for C Programmers (Annotated Edition)* reads It mentions `gets` in the annotation: Before the 2018 version of the C standard, the `gets` function was deprecated. It is hoped that programmers would use the `fgets` function instead. #### The `ungetc` function ``` C #include <stdio.h> int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream); ``` The `ungetc` function pushes the character specified by `c` (converted to an `unsigned char`) back onto the input stream pointed to by stream. The pushed-back characters will be returned by subsequent reads on that stream in the reverse order of their pushing. A successful intervening call (with the stream pointed to by `stream`) to a file-positioning function (`fseek`, `fsetpos`, or `rewind`) discards any pushed-back characters for the stream. The external storage corresponding to the stream is unchanged. One character of pushback is guaranteed. If the `ungetc` function is called too many times on the same stream without an intervening read or file positioning operation on that stream, the operation may fail. If the value of `c` equals that of the macro `EOF`, the operation fails and the input stream is unchanged. A successful call to the `ungetc` function clears the end-of-file indicator for the stream. The value of the file position indicator for the stream after reading or discarding all pushed-back characters shall be the same as it was before the characters were pushed back. For a text stream, the value of its file-position indicator after a successful call to the `ungetc` function is unspecified until all pushed-back characters are read or discarded. For a binary stream, its file position indicator is decremented by each successful call to the `ungetc` function; if its value was zero before a call, it is indeterminate after the call. The `ungetc` function returns the character pushed back after conversion, or `EOF` if the operation fails. ### EOF pitfall A mistake when using `fgetc`, `getc`, or `getchar` is to assign the result to a variable of type `char` *before* comparing it to `EOF`. The following code fragments exhibit this mistake, and then show the correct approach (using type int): ```{=html} <center> ``` +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Mistake | Correction | +================================+================================+ | ``` c | ``` c | | char c; | int c; | | while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) | while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) | | putchar(c); | putchar(c); | | ``` | ``` | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ ```{=html} </center> ``` Consider a system in which the type `char` is 8 bits wide, representing 256 different values. `getchar` may return any of the 256 possible characters, and it also may return `EOF` to indicate end-of-file, for a total of 257 different possible return values. When `getchar`\'s result is assigned to a `char`, which can represent only 256 different values, there is necessarily some loss of information---when packing 257 items into 256 slots, there must be a collision. The `EOF` value, when converted to `char`, becomes indistinguishable from whichever one of the 256 characters shares its numerical value. If that character is found in the file, the above example may mistake it for an end-of-file indicator; or, just as bad, if type `char` is unsigned, then because `EOF` is negative, it can never be equal to any unsigned `char`, so the above example will not terminate at end-of-file. It will loop forever, repeatedly printing the character which results from converting `EOF` to `char`. However, this looping failure mode does not occur if the char definition is signed (C makes the signedness of the default char type implementation-dependent),[^1] assuming the commonly used `EOF` value of -1. However, the fundamental issue remains that if the `EOF` value is defined outside of the range of the `char` type, when assigned to a `char` that value is sliced and will no longer match the full `EOF` value necessary to exit the loop. On the other hand, if `EOF` is within range of `char`, this guarantees a collision between `EOF` and a char value. Thus, regardless of how system types are defined, never use `char` types when testing against `EOF`. On systems where `int` and `char` are the same size (i.e., systems incompatible with minimally the POSIX and C99 standards), even the \"good\" example will suffer from the indistinguishability of `EOF` and some character\'s value. The proper way to handle this situation is to check `feof` and `ferror` after `getchar` returns `EOF`. If `feof` indicates that end-of-file has not been reached, and `ferror` indicates that no errors have occurred, then the `EOF` returned by `getchar` can be assumed to represent an actual character. These extra checks are rarely done, because most programmers assume that their code will never need to run on one of these \"big `char`\" systems. Another way is to use a compile-time assertion to make sure that `UINT_MAX > UCHAR_MAX`, which at least prevents a program with such an assumption from compiling in such a system. ### Direct input function: the `fread` function ``` C #include <stdio.h> size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); ``` The `fread` function reads, into the array pointed to by `ptr`, up to `nmemb` elements whose size is specified by `size`, from the stream pointed to by `stream`. The file position indicator for the stream (if defined) is advanced by the number of characters successfully read. If an error occurs, the resulting value of the file position indicator for the stream is indeterminate. If a partial element is read, its value is indeterminate. The `fread` function returns the number of elements successfully read, which may be less than `nmemb` if a read error or end-of-file is encountered. If `size` or `nmemb` is zero, `fread` returns zero and the contents of the array and the state of the stream remain unchanged. ### Formatted input functions: the `scanf` family of functions ``` C #include <stdio.h> int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...); int scanf(const char *format, ...); int sscanf(const char *s, const char *format, ...); ``` The `fscanf` function reads input from the stream pointed to by `stream`, under control of the string pointed to by `format` that specifies the admissible sequences and how they are to be converted for assignment, using subsequent arguments as pointers to the objects to receive converted input. If there are insufficient arguments for the format, the behavior is undefined. If the format is exhausted while arguments remain, the excess arguments are evaluated (as always) but are otherwise ignored. The format shall be a multibyte character sequence, beginning and ending in its initial shift state. The format is composed of zero or more directives: one or more white-space characters; an ordinary multibyte character (neither `%` or a white-space character); or a conversion specification. Each conversion specification is introduced by the character `%`. After the `%`, the following appear in sequence: - An optional assignment-suppressing character `*`. - An optional nonzero decimal integer that specifies the maximum field width. - An optional `h`, `l` (ell) or `L` indicating the size of the receiving object. The conversion specifiers `d`, `i`, and `n` shall be preceded by `h` if the corresponding argument is a pointer to `short int` rather than a pointer to `int`, or by `l` if it is a pointer to `long int`. Similarly, the conversion specifiers `o`, `u`, and `x` shall be preceded by `h` if the corresponding argument is a pointer to `unsigned short int` rather than `unsigned int`, or by `l` if it is a pointer to `unsigned long int`. Finally, the conversion specifiers `e`, `f`, and `g` shall be preceded by `l` if the corresponding argument is a pointer to `double` rather than a pointer to `float`, or by `L` if it is a pointer to `long double`. If an `h`, `l`, or `L` appears with any other format specifier, the behavior is undefined. - A character that specifies the type of conversion to be applied. The valid conversion specifiers are described below. The `fscanf` function executes each directive of the format in turn. If a directive fails, as detailed below, the `fscanf` function returns. Failures are described as input failures (due to the unavailability of input characters) or matching failures (due to inappropriate input). A directive composed of white-space character(s) is executed by reading input up to the first non-white-space character (which remains unread) or until no more characters remain unread. A directive that is an ordinary multibyte character is executed by reading the next characters of the stream. If one of the characters differs from one comprising the directive, the directive fails, and the differing and subsequent characters remain unread. A directive that is a conversion specification defines a set of matching input sequences, as described below for each specifier. A conversion specification is executed in the following steps: Input white-space characters (as specified by the `isspace` function) are skipped, unless the specification includes a `[`, `c`, or `n` specifier. (The white-space characters are not counted against the specified field width.) An input item is read from the stream, unless the specification includes an `n` specifier. An input item is defined as the longest matching sequences of input characters, unless that exceeds a specified field width, in which case it is the initial subsequence of that length in the sequence. The first character, if any, after the input item remains unread. If the length of the input item is zero, the execution of the directive fails; this condition is a matching failure, unless an error prevented input from the stream, in which case it is an input failure. Except in the case of a `%` specifier, the input item (or, in the case of a `%n` directive, the count of input characters) is converted to a type appropriate to the conversion specifier. If the input item is not a matching sequence, the execution of the directive fails; this condition is a matching failure. Unless assignment suppression was indicated by a `*`, the result of the conversion is placed in the object pointed to by the first argument following the `format` argument that has not already received a conversion result. If this object does not have an appropriate type, or if the result of the conversion cannot be represented in the space provided, the behavior is undefined. The following conversion specifiers are valid: `d` : Matches an optionally signed decimal integer, whose format is the same as expected for the subject sequence of the `strtol` function with the value 10 for the `base` argument. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to integer. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `i` : Matches an optionally signed integer, whose format is the same as expected for the subject sequence of the `strtol` function with the value 0 for the `base` argument. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to integer. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `o` : Matches an optionally signed octal integer, whose format is the same as expected for the subject sequence of the `strtoul` function with the value 8 for the `base` argument. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to unsigned integer. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `u` : Matches an optionally signed decimal integer, whose format is the same as expected for the subject sequence of the `strtoul` function with the value 10 for the `base` argument. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to unsigned integer. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `x` : Matches an optionally signed hexadecimal integer, whose format is the same as expected for the subject sequence of the `strtoul` function with the value 16 for the `base` argument. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to unsigned integer. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `e`, `f`, `g` : Matches an optionally signed floating-point number, whose format is the same as expected for the subject string of the `strtod` function. The corresponding argument will be a pointer to floating. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `s` : Matches a sequence of non-white-space characters. (No special provisions are made for multibyte characters.) The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to the initial character of an array large enough to accept the sequence and a terminating null character, which will be added automatically. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `[` : Matches a nonempty sequence of characters (no special provisions are made for multibyte characters) from a set of expected characters (the `<i>`{=html}scanset`</i>`{=html}). The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to the initial character of an array large enough to accept the sequence and a terminating null character, which will be added automatically. The conversion specifier includes all subsequent characters in the `format` string, up to and including the matching right bracket (`]`). The characters between the brackets (the `<i>`{=html}scanlist`</i>`{=html}) comprise the scanset, unless the character after the left bracket is a circumflex (`^`), in which case the scanset contains all the characters that do not appear in the scanlist between the circumflex and the right bracket. If the conversion specifier begins with `[]` or `[^]`, the right-bracket character is in the scanlist and the next right bracket character is the matching right bracket that ends the specification; otherwise, the first right bracket character is the one that ends the specification. If a `-` character is in the scanlist and is not the first, nor the second where the first character is a `^`, nor the last character, the behavior is implementation-defined. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `c` : Matches a sequence of characters (no special provisions are made for multibyte characters) of the number specified by the field width (1 if no field width is present in the directive). The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to the initial character of an array large enough to accept the sequence. No null character is added. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `p` : Matches an implementation-defined set of sequences, which should be the same as the set of sequences that may be produced by the `%p` conversion of the `fprintf` function. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to `void`. The interpretation of the input then is implementation-defined. If the input item is a value converted earlier during the same program execution, the pointer that results shall compare equal to that value; otherwise the behavior of the `%p` conversion is undefined. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `n` : No input is consumed. The corresponding argument shall be a pointer to integer into which is to be written the number of characters read from the input stream so far by this call to the `fscanf` function. Execution of a `%n` directive does not increment the assignment count returned at the completion of execution of the `fscanf` function. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `%` : Matches a single `%`; no conversion or assignment occurs. The complete conversion specification shall be `%%`. If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined. The conversion specifiers `E`, `G`, and `X` are also valid and behave the same as, respectively, `e`, `g`, and `x`. If end-of-file is encountered during input, conversion is terminated. If end-of-file occurs before any characters matching the current directive have been read (other than leading white space, where permitted), execution of the current directive terminates with an input failure; otherwise, unless execution of the current directive is terminated with a matching failure, execution of the following directive (if any) is terminated with an input failure. If conversion terminates on a conflicting input character, the offending input character is left unread in the input stream. Trailing white space (including new-line characters) is left unread unless matched by a directive. The success of literal matches and suppressed assignments is not directly determinable other than via the `%n` directive. The `fscanf` function returns the value of the macro `EOF` if an input failure occurs before any conversion. Otherwise, the `fscanf` function returns the number of input items assigned, which can be fewer than provided for, or even zero, in the event of an early matching failure. The `scanf` function is equivalent to `fscanf` with the argument `stdin` interposed before the arguments to `scanf`. Its return value is similar to that of `fscanf`. The `sscanf` function is equivalent to `fscanf`, except that the argument `s` specifies a string from which the input is to be obtained, rather than from a stream. Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to encountering the end-of-file for the `fscanf` function. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. ## Writing to Files ### Character Output Functions #### The `fputc` function `#include <stdio.h>`\ `int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);` The `fputc` function writes the character specified by `c` (converted to an `unsigned char`) to the stream pointed to by `stream` at the position indicated by the associated file position indicator (if defined), and advances the indicator appropriately. If the file cannot support positioning requests, or if the stream is opened with append mode, the character is appended to the output stream. The function returns the character written, unless a write error occurs, in which case the error indicator for the stream is set and `fputc` returns `EOF`. #### The `fputs` function `#include <stdio.h>`\ `int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream);` The `fputs` function writes the string pointed to by `s` to the stream pointed to by `stream`. The terminating null character is not written. The function returns `EOF` if a write error occurs, otherwise it returns a nonnegative value. #### The `putc` function `#include <stdio.h>`\ `int putc(int c, FILE *stream);` The `putc` function is equivalent to `fputc`, except that if it is implemented as a macro, it may evaluate `stream` more than once, so the argument should never be an expression with side effects. The function returns the character written, unless a write error occurs, in which case the error indicator for the stream is set and the function returns `EOF`. #### The `putchar` function `#include <stdio.h>`\ `int putchar(int c);` The `putchar` function is equivalent to `putc` with the second argument `stdout`. It returns the character written, unless a write error occurs, in which case the error indicator for `stdout` is set and the function returns `EOF`. #### The `puts` function `#include <stdio.h>`\ `int puts(const char *s);` The `puts` function writes the string pointed to by `s` to the stream pointed to by `stdout`, and appends a new-line character to the output. The terminating null character is not written. The function returns `EOF` if a write error occurs; otherwise, it returns a nonnegative value. ### Direct output function: the `fwrite` function `#include <stdio.h>`\ `size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);` The `fwrite` function writes, from the array pointed to by `ptr`, up to `nmemb` elements whose size is specified by `size` to the stream pointed to by `stream`. The file position indicator for the stream (if defined) is advanced by the number of characters successfully written. If an error occurs, the resulting value of the file position indicator for the stream is indeterminate. The function returns the number of elements successfully written, which will be less than `nmemb` only if a write error is encountered. ### Formatted output functions: the `printf` family of functions `#include <stdarg.h>`\ `#include <stdio.h>`\ `int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);`\ `int printf(const char *format, ...);`\ `int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...);`\ `int vfprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list arg);`\ `int vprintf(const char *format, va_list arg);`\ `int vsprintf(char *s, const char *format, va_list arg);` *Note: Some length specifiers and format specifiers are new in C99. These may not be available in older compilers and versions of the stdio library, which adhere to the C89/C90 standard. Wherever possible, the new ones will be marked with (C99).* The `fprintf` function writes output to the stream pointed to by `stream` under control of the string pointed to by `format` that specifies how subsequent arguments are converted for output. If there are insufficient arguments for the format, the behavior is undefined. If the format is exhausted while arguments remain, the excess arguments are evaluated (as always) but are otherwise ignored. The `fprintf` function returns when the end of the format string is encountered. The format shall be a multibyte character sequence, beginning and ending in its initial shift state. The format is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary multibyte characters (not `%`), which are copied unchanged to the output stream; and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching zero or more subsequent arguments, converting them, if applicable, according to the corresponding conversion specifier, and then writing the result to the output stream. Each conversion specification is introduced by the character `%`. After the `%`, the following appear in sequence: - Zero or more flags (in any order) that modify the meaning of the conversion specification. - An optional minimum field width. If the converted value has fewer characters than the field width, it is padded with spaces (by default) on the left (or right, if the left adjustment flag, described later, has been given) to the field width. The field width takes the form of an asterisk `*` (described later) or a decimal integer. (Note that 0 is taken as a flag, not as the beginning of a field width.) - An optional precision that gives the minimum number of digits to appear for the `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, and `X` conversions, the number of digits to appear after the decimal-point character for `a`, `A`, `e`, `E`, `f`, and `F` conversions, the maximum number of significant digits for the `g` and `G` conversions, or the maximum number of characters to be written from a string in `s` conversions. The precision takes the form of a period (`.`) followed either by an asterisk `*` (described later) or by an optional decimal integer; if only the period is specified, the precision is taken as zero. If a precision appears with any other conversion specifier, the behavior is undefined. Floating-point numbers are *rounded* to fit the precision; i.e. `printf("%1.1f\n", 1.19);` produces `1.2`. - An optional length modifier that specifies the size of the argument. - A conversion specifier character that specifies the type of conversion to be applied. As noted above, a field width, or precision, or both, may be indicated by an asterisk. In this case, an `int` argument supplies the field width or precision. The arguments specifying field width, or precision, or both, shall appear (in that order) before the argument (if any) to be converted. A negative field width argument is taken as a `-` flag followed by a positive field width. A negative precision argument is taken as if the precision were omitted. The flag characters and their meanings are: `-` : The result of the conversion is left-justified within the field. (It is right-justified if this flag is not specified.)\ `+` : The result of a signed conversion always begins with a plus or minus sign. (It begins with a sign only when a negative value is converted if this flag is not specified. The results of all floating conversions of a negative zero, and of negative values that round to zero, include a minus sign.)\ `<i>`{=html}space`</i>`{=html} : If the first character of a signed conversion is not a sign, or if a signed conversion results in no characters, a space is prefixed to the result. If the space and `+` flags both appear, the space flag is ignored.\ `#` : The result is converted to an \"alternative form\". For `o` conversion, it increases the precision, if and only if necessary, to force the first digit of the result to be a zero (if the value and precision are both 0, a single 0 is printed). For `x` (or `X`) conversion, a nonzero result has `0x` (or `0X`) prefixed to it. For `a`, `A`, `e`, `E`, `f`, `F`, `g`, and `G` conversions, the result always contains a decimal-point character, even if no digits follow it. (Normally, a decimal-point character appears in the result of these conversions only if a digit follows it.) For `g` and `G` conversions, trailing zeros are not removed from the result. For other conversions, the behavior is undefined.\ `0` : For `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, `X`, `a`, `A`, `e`, `E`, `f`, `F`, `g`, and `G` conversions, leading zeros (following any indication of sign or base) are used to pad to the field width; no space padding is performed. If the `0` and `-` flags both appear, the `0` flag is ignored. For `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, and `X` conversions, if a precision is specified, the `0` flag is ignored. For other conversions, the behavior is undefined. The length modifiers and their meanings are: `hh` : (C99) Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to a `signed char` or `unsigned char` argument (the argument will have been promoted according to the integer promotions, but its value shall be converted to `signed char` or `unsigned char` before printing); or that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a `signed char` argument. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `h` : Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to a `short int` or `unsigned short int` argument (the argument will have been promoted according to the integer promotions, but its value shall be converted to `short int` or `unsigned short int` before printing); or that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a `short int` argument. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `l` (ell) : Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to a `long int` or `unsigned long int` argument; that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a `long int` argument; (C99) that a following `c` conversion specifier applies to a `wint_t` argument; (C99) that a following `s` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a `wchar_t` argument; or has no effect on a following `a`, `A`, `e`, `E`, `f`, `F`, `g`, or `G` conversion specifier. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `ll` (ell-ell) : (C99) Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to a `long long int` or `unsigned long long int` argument; or that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a `long long int` argument. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `j` : (C99) Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to an `intmax_t` or `uintmax_t` argument; or that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to an `intmax_t` argument. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `z` : (C99) Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to a `size_t` or the corresponding signed integer type argument; or that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a signed integer type corresponding to `size_t` argument. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `t` : (C99) Specifies that a following `d`, `i`, `o`, `u`, `x`, or `X` conversion specifier applies to a `ptrdiff_t` or the corresponding unsigned integer type argument; or that a following `n` conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a `ptrdiff_t` argument. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `L` : Specifies that a following `a`, `A`, `e`, `E`, `f`, `F`, `g`, or `G` conversion specifier applies to a `long double` argument. If a length modifier appears with any conversion specifier other than as specified above, the behavior is undefined. The conversion specifiers and their meanings are: `d`, `i` : The `int` argument is converted to signed decimal in the style `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`<b>`{=html}`−``</b>`{=html}`<i>`{=html}\]dddd`</i>`{=html}. The precision specifies the minimum number of digits to appear; if the value being converted can be represented in fewer digits, it is expanded with leading zeros. The default precision is 1. The result of converting a zero value with a precision of zero is no characters. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `o`, `u`, `x`, `X` : The `unsigned int` argument is converted to unsigned octal (`o`), unsigned decimal (`u`), or unsigned hexadecimal notation (`x` or `X`) in the style `<i>`{=html}dddd`</i>`{=html}; the letters `<b>`{=html}`abcdef``</b>`{=html} are used for `x` conversion and the letters `<b>`{=html}`ABCDEF``</b>`{=html} for `X` conversion. The precision specifies the minimum number of digits to appear; if the value being converted can be represented in fewer digits, it is expanded with leading zeros. The default precision is 1. The result of converting a zero value with a precision of zero is no characters. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `f`, `F` : A `double` argument representing a (finite) floating-point number is converted to decimal notation in the style `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`−``<i>`{=html}\]ddd`</i>`{=html}`.``<i>`{=html}ddd`</i>`{=html}, where the number of digits after the decimal-point character is equal to the precision specification. If the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the precision is zero and the `#` flag is not specified, no decimal-point character appears. If a decimal-point character appears, at least one digit appears before it. The value is rounded to the appropriate number of digits.\ (C99) A `double` argument representing an infinity is converted in one of the styles `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`-``<i>`{=html}\]`</i>`{=html}`inf` or `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`-``<i>`{=html}\]`</i>`{=html}`infinity` --- which style is implementation-defined. A double argument representing a NaN is converted in one of the styles `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`-``<i>`{=html}\]`</i>`{=html}`nan` or `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`-``<i>`{=html}\]`</i>`{=html}`nan(``<i>`{=html}n-char-sequence`</i>`{=html}`)` --- which style, and the meaning of any `<i>`{=html}n-char-sequence`</i>`{=html}, is implementation-defined. The `F` conversion specifier produces `INF`, `INFINITY`, or `NAN` instead of `inf`, `infinity`, or `nan`, respectively. (When applied to infinite and NaN values, the `-`, `+`, and `<i>`{=html}space`</i>`{=html} flags have their usual meaning; the `#` and `0` flags have no effect.) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `e`, `E` : A `double` argument representing a (finite) floating-point number is converted in the style `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`−``<i>`{=html}\]d`</i>`{=html}`.``<i>`{=html}ddd`</i>`{=html}`e±``<i>`{=html}dd`</i>`{=html}, where there is one digit (which is nonzero if the argument is nonzero) before the decimal-point character and the number of digits after it is equal to the precision; if the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the precision is zero and the `#` flag is not specified, no decimal-point character appears. The value is rounded to the appropriate number of digits. The `E` conversion specifier produces a number with `E` instead of `e` introducing the exponent. The exponent always contains at least two digits, and only as many more digits as necessary to represent the exponent. If the value is zero, the exponent is zero.\ (C99) A `double` argument representing an infinity or NaN is converted in the style of an `f` or `F` conversion specifier. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `g`, `G` : A `double` argument representing a (finite) floating-point number is converted in style `f` or `e` (or in style `F` or `E` in the case of a `G` conversion specifier), with the precision specifying the number of significant digits. If the precision is zero, it is taken as 1. The style used depends on the value converted; style `e` (or `E`) is used only if the exponent resulting from such a conversion is less than --4 or greater than or equal to the precision. Trailing zeros are removed from the fractional portion of the result unless the `#` flag is specified; a decimal-point character appears only if it is followed by a digit.\ (C99) A `double` argument representing an infinity or NaN is converted in the style of an `f` or `F` conversion specifier. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `a`, `A` : (C99) A double argument representing a (finite) floating-point number is converted in the style `<i>`{=html}\[`</i>`{=html}`−``<i>`{=html}\]`</i>`{=html}`0x``<i>`{=html}h`</i>`{=html}`.``<i>`{=html}hhhh`</i>`{=html}`p±``<i>`{=html}d`</i>`{=html}, where there is one hexadecimal digit (which is nonzero if the argument is a normalized floating-point number and is otherwise unspecified) before the decimal-point character (Binary implementations can choose the hexadecimal digit to the left of the decimal-point character so that subsequent digits align to nibble \[4-bit\] boundaries.) and the number of hexadecimal digits after it is equal to the precision; if the precision is missing and `FLT_RADIX` is a power of 2, then the precision is sufficient for an exact representation of the value; if the precision is missing and `FLT_RADIX` is not a power of 2, then the precision is sufficient to distinguish (The precision `<i>`{=html}p`</i>`{=html} is sufficient to distinguish values of the source type if 16^`<i>`{=html}p`</i>`{=html}--1^ \> `<i>`{=html}b^n^`</i>`{=html} where `<i>`{=html}b`</i>`{=html} is `FLT_RADIX` and `<i>`{=html}n`</i>`{=html} is the number of base-`<i>`{=html}b`</i>`{=html} digits in the significand of the source type. A smaller `<i>`{=html}p`</i>`{=html} might suffice depending on the implementation\'s scheme for determining the digit to the left of the decimal-point character.) values of type `double`, except that trailing zeros may be omitted; if the precision is zero and the `#` flag is not specified, no decimal-point character appears. The letters `<b>`{=html}`abcdef``</b>`{=html} are used for `a` conversion and the letters `<b>`{=html}`ABCDEF``</b>`{=html} for `A` conversion. The `A` conversion specifier produces a number with `X` and `P` instead of `x` and `p`. The exponent always contains at least one digit, and only as many more digits as necessary to represent the decimal exponent of 2. If the value is zero, the exponent is zero.\ A `double` argument representing an infinity or NaN is converted in the style of an `f` or `F` conversion specifier. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `c` : If no `l` length modifier is present, the `int` argument is converted to an `unsigned char`, and the resulting character is written.\ (C99) If an `l` length modifier is present, the `wint_t` argument is converted as if by an `ls` conversion specification with no precision and an argument that points to the initial element of a two-element array of `wchar_t`, the first element containing the `wint_t` argument to the `lc` conversion specification and the second a null wide character. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `s` : If no `l` length modifier is present, the argument shall be a pointer to the initial element of an array of character type. (No special provisions are made for multibyte characters.) Characters from the array are written up to (but not including) the terminating null character. If the precision is specified, no more than that many characters are written. If the precision is not specified or is greater than the size of the array, the array shall contain a null character.\ (C99) If an `l` length modifier is present, the argument shall be a pointer to the initial element of an array of `wchar_t` type. Wide characters from the array are converted to multibyte characters (each as if by a call to the `wcrtomb` function, with the conversion state described by an `mbstate_t` object initialized to zero before the first wide character is converted) up to and including a terminating null wide character. The resulting multibyte characters are written up to (but not including) the terminating null character (byte). If no precision is specified, the array shall contain a null wide character. If a precision is specified, no more than that many characters (bytes) are written (including shift sequences, if any), and the array shall contain a null wide character if, to equal the multibyte character sequence length given by the precision, the function would need to access a wide character one past the end of the array. In no case is a partial multibyte character written. (Redundant shift sequences may result if multibyte characters have a state-dependent encoding.) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `p` : The argument shall be a pointer to `void`. The value of the pointer is converted to a sequence of printable characters, in an implementation-defined manner. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `n` : The argument shall be a pointer to signed integer into which is written the number of characters written to the output stream so far by this call to `fprintf`. No argument is converted, but one is consumed. If the conversion specification includes any flags, a field width, or a precision, the behavior is undefined. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` `%` : A `%` character is written. No argument is converted. The complete conversion specification shall be `%%`. If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined. If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding coversion specification, the behavior is undefined. In no case does a nonexistent or small field width cause truncation of a field; if the result of a conversion is wider than the field width, the field is expanded to contain the conversion result. For `a` and `A` conversions, if `FLT_RADIX` is a power of 2, the value is correctly rounded to a hexadecimal floating number with the given precision. It is recommended practice that if `FLT_RADIX` is not a power of 2, the result should be one of the two adjacent numbers in hexadecimal floating style with the given precision, with the extra stipulation that the error should have a correct sign for the current rounding direction. It is recommended practice that for `e`, `E`, `f`, `F`, `g`, and `G` conversions, if the number of significant decimal digits is at most `DECIMAL_DIG`, then the result should be correctly rounded. (For binary-to-decimal conversion, the result format\'s values are the numbers representable with the given format specifier. The number of significant digits is determined by the format specifier, and in the case of fixed-point conversion by the source value as well.) If the number of significant decimal digits is more than `DECIMAL_DIG` but the source value is exactly representable with `DECIMAL_DIG` digits, then the result should be an exact representation with trailing zeros. Otherwise, the source value is bounded by two adjacent decimal strings `<i>`{=html}L \< U`</i>`{=html}, both having `DECIMAL_DIG` significant digits; the value of the resultant decimal string `<i>`{=html}D`</i>`{=html} should satisfy `<i>`{=html}L ≤ D ≤ U`</i>`{=html}, with the extra stipulation that the error should have a correct sign for the current rounding direction. The `fprintf` function returns the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an output or encoding error occurred. The `printf` function is equivalent to `fprintf` with the argument `stdout` interposed before the arguments to `printf`. It returns the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an output error occurred. The `sprintf` function is equivalent to `fprintf`, except that the argument `s` specifies an array into which the generated input is to be written, rather than to a stream. A null character is written at the end of the characters written; it is not counted as part of the returned sum. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns the number of characters written in the array, not counting the terminating null character. The `vfprintf` function is equivalent to `fprintf`, with the variable argument list replaced by `arg`, which shall have been initialized by the `va_start` macro (and possibly subsequent `va_arg` calls). The `vfprintf` function does not invoke the `va_end` macro. The function returns the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an output error occurred. The `vprintf` function is equivalent to `printf`, with the variable argument list replaced by `arg`, which shall have been initialized by the `va_start` macro (and possibly subsequent `va_arg` calls). The `vprintf` function does not invoke the `va_end` macro. The function returns the number of characters transmitted, or a negative value if an output error occurred. The `vsprintf` function is equivalent to `sprintf`, with the variable argument list replaced by `arg`, which shall have been initialized by the `va_start` macro (and possibly subsequent `va_arg` calls). The `vsprintf` function does not invoke the `va_end` macro. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns the number of characters written into the array, not counting the terminating null character. ## References fr:Programmation C/Entrées/sorties pl:C/Czytanie i pisanie do plików [^1]: C99 §6.2.5/15
# C Programming/String manipulation A **string** in C is merely an array of characters. The length of a string is determined by a terminating null character: `'\0'`. So, a string with the contents, say, `"abc"` has four characters: `'a'`, `'b'`, `'c'`, and the terminating null (`'\0'`) character. The terminating null character has the value zero. ## Syntax In C, string constants (literals) are surrounded by double quotes (`"`), e.g. `"Hello world!"` and are compiled to an array of the specified `char` values with an additional null terminating character (0-valued) code to mark the end of the string. The type of a string constant is `char []`. ### backslash escapes String literals may not directly in the source code contain embedded newlines or other control characters, or some other characters of special meaning in string. To include such characters in a string, the backslash escapes may be used, like this: Escape Meaning ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- `\\` Literal backslash `\"` Double quote `\'` Single quote `\n` Newline (line feed) `\r` Carriage return `\b` Backspace `\t` Horizontal tab `\f` Form feed `\a` Alert (bell) `\v` Vertical tab `\?` Question mark (used to escape trigraphs) `\`*nnn* Character with octal value *nnn* `\x`*hh* Character with hexadecimal value *hh* ### Wide character strings C supports wide character strings, defined as arrays of the type `wchar_t`, 16-bit (at least) values. They are written with an L before the string like this : `wchar_t *p = L"Hello` `world!";` This feature allows strings where more than 256 different possible characters are needed (although also variable length `char` strings can be used). They end with a zero-valued `wchar_t`. These strings are not supported by the `<string.h>` functions. Instead they have their own functions, declared in `<wchar.h>`. ### Character encodings What character encoding the `char` and `wchar_t` represent is not specified by the C standard, except that the value 0x00 and 0x0000 specify the end of the string and not a character. It is the input and output code which are directly affected by the character encoding. Other code should not be too affected. The editor should also be able to handle the encoding if strings shall be able to written in the source code. There are three major types of encodings: - One byte per character. Normally based on ASCII. There is a limit of 255 different characters plus the zero termination character. - Variable length `char` strings, which allows many more than 255 different characters. Such strings are written as normal `char`-based arrays. These encodings are normally ASCII-based and examples are UTF-8 or Shift JIS. - Wide character strings. They are arrays of `wchar_t` values. UTF-16 is the most common such encoding, and it is also variable-length, meaning that a character can be two `wchar_t`. ## The `<string.h>` Standard Header Because programmers find raw strings cumbersome to deal with, they wrote the code in the `<string.h>` library. It represents not a concerted design effort but rather the accretion of contributions made by various authors over a span of years. First, three types of functions exist in the string library: - the `mem` functions manipulate sequences of arbitrary characters without regard to the null character; - the `str` functions manipulate null-terminated sequences of characters; - the `strn` functions manipulate sequences of non-null characters. ### The more commonly-used string functions The nine most commonly used functions in the string library are: - `strcat` - concatenate two strings - `strchr` - string scanning operation - `strcmp` - compare two strings - `strcpy` - copy a string - `strlen` - get string length - `strncat` - concatenate one string with part of another - `strncmp` - compare parts of two strings - `strncpy` - copy part of a string - `strrchr` - string scanning operation Other functions, such as `strlwr` (convert to lower case), `strrev` (return the string reversed), and `strupr` (convert to upper case) may be popular; however, they are neither specified by the C Standard nor the Single Unix Standard. It is also unspecified whether these functions return copies of the original strings or convert the strings in place. #### The `strcat` function ``` C char *strcat(char * restrict s1, const char * restrict s2); ``` *Some people recommend using* `strncat()` *or* `strlcat()` *instead of strcat, in order to avoid buffer overflow.* The `strcat()` function shall append a copy of the string pointed to by `s2` (including the terminating null byte) to the end of the string pointed to by `s1`. The initial byte of `s2` overwrites the null byte at the end of `s1`. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns `s1`. This function is used to attach one string to the end of another string. It is imperative that the first string (`s1`) have the space needed to store both strings. Example: ``` c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> ... static const char *colors[] = {"Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue","Purple" }; static const char *widths[] = {"Thin","Medium","Thick","Bold" }; ... char penText[20]; ... int penColor = 3, penThickness = 2; strcpy(penText, colors[penColor]); strcat(penText, widths[penThickness]); printf("My pen is %s\n", penText); /* prints 'My pen is GreenThick' */ ``` Before calling `strcat()`, the destination must currently contain a null terminated string or the first character must have been initialized with the null character (e.g. `penText[0] = '\0';`). The following is a public-domain implementation of `strcat`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strcat */ char *(strcat)(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2) { char *s = s1; /* Move s so that it points to the end of s1. */ while (*s != '\0') s++; /* Copy the contents of s2 into the space at the end of s1. */ strcpy(s, s2); return s1; } ``` #### The `strchr` function ``` C char *strchr(const char *s, int c); ``` The `strchr()` function shall locate the first occurrence of `c` (converted to a `char`) in the string pointed to by `s`. The terminating null byte is considered to be part of the string. The function returns the location of the found character, or a null pointer if the character was not found. This function is used to find certain characters in strings. At one point in history, this function was named `index`. The `strchr` name, however cryptic, fits the general pattern for naming. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strchr`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strchr */ char *(strchr)(const char *s, int c) { char ch = c; /* Scan s for the character. When this loop is finished, s will either point to the end of the string or the character we were looking for. */ while (*s != '\0' && *s != ch) s++; return (*s == ch) ? (char *) s : NULL; } ``` #### The `strcmp` function ``` C int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); ``` A rudimentary form of string comparison is done with the strcmp() function. It takes two strings as arguments and returns a value less than zero if the first is lexographically less than the second, a value greater than zero if the first is lexographically greater than the second, or zero if the two strings are equal. The comparison is done by comparing the coded (ascii) value of the characters, character by character. This simple type of string comparison is nowadays generally considered unacceptable when sorting lists of strings. More advanced algorithms exist that are capable of producing lists in dictionary sorted order. They can also fix problems such as strcmp() considering the string \"Alpha2\" greater than \"Alpha12\". (In the previous example, \"Alpha2\" compares greater than \"Alpha12\" because \'2\' comes after \'1\' in the character set.) What we\'re saying is, don\'t use this `strcmp()` alone for general string sorting in any commercial or professional code. The `strcmp()` function shall compare the string pointed to by `s1` to the string pointed to by `s2`. The sign of a non-zero return value shall be determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of bytes (both interpreted as type `unsigned char`) that differ in the strings being compared. Upon completion, `strcmp()` shall return an integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, if the string pointed to by `s1` is greater than, equal to, or less than the string pointed to by `s2`, respectively. Since comparing pointers by themselves is not practically useful unless one is comparing pointers within the same array, this function lexically compares the strings that two pointers point to. This function is useful in comparisons, e.g. `if (strcmp(s, "whatever") == 0) /* do something */`\ `    ;` The collating sequence used by `strcmp()` is equivalent to the machine\'s native character set. The only guarantee about the order is that the digits from `'0'` to `'9'` are in consecutive order. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strcmp`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strcmp */ int (strcmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2) { unsigned char uc1, uc2; /* Move s1 and s2 to the first differing characters in each string, or the ends of the strings if they are identical. */ while (*s1 != '\0' && *s1 == *s2) { s1++; s2++; } /* Compare the characters as unsigned char and return the difference. */ uc1 = (*(unsigned char *) s1); uc2 = (*(unsigned char *) s2); return ((uc1 < uc2) ? -1 : (uc1 > uc2)); } ``` #### The `strcpy` function ``` C char *strcpy(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2); ``` *Some people recommend always using* `strncpy()` *instead of strcpy, to avoid buffer overflow.* The `strcpy()` function shall copy the C string pointed to by `s2` (including the terminating null byte) into the array pointed to by `s1`. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns `s1`. There is no value used to indicate an error: if the arguments to `strcpy()` are correct, and the destination buffer is large enough, the function will never fail. Example: ``` c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* ... */ static const char *penType="round"; /* ... */ char penText[20]; /* ... */ strcpy(penText, penType); ``` Important: You must ensure that the destination buffer (`s1`) is able to contain all the characters in the source array, including the terminating null byte. Otherwise, `strcpy()` will overwrite memory past the end of the buffer, causing a buffer overflow, which can cause the program to crash, or can be exploited by hackers to compromise the security of the computer. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strcpy`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strcpy */ char *(strcpy)(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2) { char *dst = s1; const char *src = s2; /* Do the copying in a loop. */ while ((*dst++ = *src++) != '\0') ; /* The body of this loop is left empty. */ /* Return the destination string. */ return s1; } ``` #### The `strlen` function ``` C size_t strlen(const char *s); ``` The `strlen()` function shall compute the number of bytes in the string to which `s` points, not including the terminating null byte. It returns the number of bytes in the string. No value is used to indicate an error. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strlen`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strlen */ size_t (strlen)(const char *s) { const char *p = s; /* pointer to character constant */ /* Loop over the data in s. */ while (*p != '\0') p++; return (size_t)(p - s); } ``` Note how the line ``` C const char *p = s ``` declares and initializes a pointer `p` to an integer constant, i.e. `p` cannot change the value it points to. #### The `strncat` function ``` C char *strncat(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2, size_t n); ``` The `strncat()` function shall append not more than `n` bytes (a null byte and bytes that follow it are not appended) from the array pointed to by `s2` to the end of the string pointed to by `s1`. The initial byte of `s2` overwrites the null byte at the end of `s1`. A terminating null byte is always appended to the result. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns `s1`. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strncat`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strncat */ char *(strncat)(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2, size_t n) { char *s = s1; /* Loop over the data in s1. */ while (*s != '\0') s++; /* s now points to s1's trailing null character, now copy up to n bytes from s2 into s stopping if a null character is encountered in s2. It is not safe to use strncpy here since it copies EXACTLY n characters, NULL padding if necessary. */ while (n != 0 && (*s = *s2++) != '\0') { n--; s++; } if (*s != '\0') *s = '\0'; return s1; } ``` #### The `strncmp` function ``` C int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); ``` The `strncmp()` function shall compare not more than `n` bytes (bytes that follow a null byte are not compared) from the array pointed to by `s1` to the array pointed to by `s2`. The sign of a non-zero return value is determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of bytes (both interpreted as type `unsigned char`) that differ in the strings being compared. See `strcmp` for an explanation of the return value. This function is useful in comparisons, as the `strcmp` function is. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strncmp`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strncmp */ int (strncmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) { unsigned char uc1, uc2; /* Nothing to compare? Return zero. */ if (n == 0) return 0; /* Loop, comparing bytes. */ while (n-- > 0 && *s1 == *s2) { /* If we've run out of bytes or hit a null, return zero since we already know *s1 == *s2. */ if (n == 0 || *s1 == '\0') return 0; s1++; s2++; } uc1 = (*(unsigned char *) s1); uc2 = (*(unsigned char *) s2); return ((uc1 < uc2) ? -1 : (uc1 > uc2)); } ``` #### The `strncpy` function ``` C char *strncpy(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2, size_t n); ``` The `strncpy()` function shall copy not more than `n` bytes (bytes that follow a null byte are not copied) from the array pointed to by `s2` to the array pointed to by `s1`. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. If the array pointed to by `s2` is a string that is shorter than `n` bytes, null bytes shall be appended to the copy in the array pointed to by `s1`, until `n` bytes in all are written. The function shall return s1; no return value is reserved to indicate an error. It is possible that the function will `<b>`{=html}not`</b>`{=html} return a null-terminated string, which happens if the `s2` string is longer than `n` bytes. The following is a public-domain version of `strncpy`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strncpy */ char *(strncpy)(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2, size_t n) { char *dst = s1; const char *src = s2; /* Copy bytes, one at a time. */ while (n > 0) { n--; if ((*dst++ = *src++) == '\0') { /* If we get here, we found a null character at the end of s2, so use memset to put null bytes at the end of s1. */ memset(dst, '\0', n); break; } } return s1; } ``` #### The `strrchr` function ``` C char *strrchr(const char *s, int c); ``` The `strrchr` function is similar to the `strchr` function, except that `strrchr` returns a pointer to the `<b>`{=html}last`</b>`{=html} occurrence of `c` within `s` instead of the first. The `strrchr()` function shall locate the last occurrence of `c` (converted to a `char`) in the string pointed to by `s`. The terminating null byte is considered to be part of the string. Its return value is similar to `strchr`\'s return value. At one point in history, this function was named `rindex`. The `strrchr` name, however cryptic, fits the general pattern for naming. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strrchr`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strrchr */ char *(strrchr)(const char *s, int c) { const char *last = NULL; /* If the character we're looking for is the terminating null, we just need to look for that character as there's only one of them in the string. */ if (c == '\0') return strchr(s, c); /* Loop through, finding the last match before hitting NULL. */ while ((s = strchr(s, c)) != NULL) { last = s; s++; } return (char *) last; } ``` ### The less commonly-used string functions The less-used functions are: - `memchr` - Find a byte in memory - `memcmp` - Compare bytes in memory - `memcpy` - Copy bytes in memory - `memmove` - Copy bytes in memory with overlapping areas - `memset` - Set bytes in memory - `strcoll` - Compare bytes according to a locale-specific collating sequence - `strcspn` - Get the length of a complementary substring - `strerror` - Get error message - `strpbrk` - Scan a string for a byte - `strspn` - Get the length of a substring - `strstr` - Find a substring - `strtok` - Split a string into tokens - `strxfrm` - Transform string #### Copying functions ##### The `memcpy` function ``` C void *memcpy(void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n); ``` The `memcpy()` function shall copy `n` bytes from the object pointed to by `s2` into the object pointed to by `s1`. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns `s1`. Because the function does not have to worry about overlap, it can do the simplest copy it can. The following is a public-domain implementation of `memcpy`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* memcpy */ void *(memcpy)(void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n) { char *dst = s1; const char *src = s2; /* Loop and copy. */ while (n-- != 0) *dst++ = *src++; return s1; } ``` ##### The `memmove` function ``` C void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); ``` The `memmove()` function shall copy `n` bytes from the object pointed to by `s2` into the object pointed to by `s1`. Copying takes place as if the `n` bytes from the object pointed to by `s2` are first copied into a temporary array of `n` bytes that does not overlap the objects pointed to by `s1` and `s2`, and then the `n` bytes from the temporary array are copied into the object pointed to by `s1`. The function returns the value of `s1`. The easy way to implement this without using a temporary array is to check for a condition that would prevent an ascending copy, and if found, do a descending copy. The following is a public-domain, though not completely portable, implementation of `memmove`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* memmove */ void *(memmove)(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) { /* note: these don't have to point to unsigned chars */ char *p1 = s1; const char *p2 = s2; /* test for overlap that prevents an ascending copy */ if (p2 < p1 && p1 < p2 + n) { /* do a descending copy */ p2 += n; p1 += n; while (n-- != 0) *--p1 = *--p2; } else while (n-- != 0) *p1++ = *p2++; return s1; } ``` #### Comparison functions ##### The `memcmp` function ``` C int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); ``` The `memcmp()` function shall compare the first `n` bytes (each interpreted as `unsigned char`) of the object pointed to by `s1` to the first `n` bytes of the object pointed to by `s2`. The sign of a non-zero return value shall be determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of bytes (both interpreted as type `unsigned char`) that differ in the objects being compared. The following is a public-domain implementation of `memcmp`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* memcmp */ int (memcmp)(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) { const unsigned char *us1 = (const unsigned char *) s1; const unsigned char *us2 = (const unsigned char *) s2; while (n-- != 0) { if (*us1 != *us2) return (*us1 < *us2) ? -1 : +1; us1++; us2++; } return 0; } ``` ##### The `strcoll` and `strxfrm` functions ``` C int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2); ``` `size_t strxfrm(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);` The ANSI C Standard specifies two locale-specific comparison functions. The `strcoll` function compares the string pointed to by `s1` to the string pointed to by `s2`, both interpreted as appropriate to the `LC_COLLATE` category of the current locale. The return value is similar to `strcmp`. The `strxfrm` function transforms the string pointed to by `s2` and places the resulting string into the array pointed to by `s1`. The transformation is such that if the `strcmp` function is applied to the two transformed strings, it returns a value greater than, equal to, or less than zero, corresponding to the result of the `strcoll` function applied to the same two original strings. No more than `n` characters are placed into the resulting array pointed to by `s1`, including the terminating null character. If `n` is zero, `s1` is permitted to be a null pointer. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. The function returns the length of the transformed string. These functions are rarely used and nontrivial to code, so there is no code for this section. #### Search functions ##### The `memchr` function ``` C void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n); ``` The `memchr()` function shall locate the first occurrence of `c` (converted to an `unsigned char`) in the initial `n` bytes (each interpreted as `unsigned char`) of the object pointed to by `s`. If `c` is not found, `memchr` returns a null pointer. The following is a public-domain implementation of `memchr`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* memchr */ void *(memchr)(const void *s, int c, size_t n) { const unsigned char *src = s; unsigned char uc = c; while (n-- != 0) { if (*src == uc) return (void *) src; src++; } return NULL; } ``` ##### The `strcspn`, `strpbrk`, and `strspn` functions ``` C size_t strcspn(const char *s1, const char *s2); ``` ``` C char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2); ``` ``` C size_t strspn(const char *s1, const char *s2); ``` The `strcspn` function computes the length of the maximum initial segment of the string pointed to by `s1` which consists entirely of characters `<b>`{=html}not`</b>`{=html} from the string pointed to by `s2`. The `strpbrk` function locates the first occurrence in the string pointed to by `s1` of any character from the string pointed to by `s2`, returning a pointer to that character or a null pointer if not found. The `strspn` function computes the length of the maximum initial segment of the string pointed to by `s1` which consists entirely of characters from the string pointed to by `s2`. All of these functions are similar except in the test and the return value. The following are public-domain implementations of `strcspn`, `strpbrk`, and `strspn`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strcspn */ size_t (strcspn)(const char *s1, const char *s2) { const char *sc1; for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != '\0'; sc1++) if (strchr(s2, *sc1) != NULL) return (sc1 - s1); return sc1 - s1; /* terminating nulls match */ } ``` ``` c #include <string.h> /* strpbrk */ char *(strpbrk)(const char *s1, const char *s2) { const char *sc1; for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != '\0'; sc1++) if (strchr(s2, *sc1) != NULL) return (char *)sc1; return NULL; /* terminating nulls match */ } ``` ``` c #include <string.h> /* strspn */ size_t (strspn)(const char *s1, const char *s2) { const char *sc1; for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != '\0'; sc1++) if (strchr(s2, *sc1) == NULL) return (sc1 - s1); return sc1 - s1; /* terminating nulls don't match */ } ``` ##### The `strstr` function ``` C char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); ``` The `strstr()` function shall locate the first occurrence in the string pointed to by `haystack` of the sequence of bytes (excluding the terminating null byte) in the string pointed to by `needle`. The function returns the pointer to the matching string in `haystack` or a null pointer if a match is not found. If `needle` is an empty string, the function returns `haystack`. The following is a public-domain implementation of `strstr`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strstr */ char *(strstr)(const char *haystack, const char *needle) { size_t needlelen; /* Check for the null needle case. */ if (*needle == '\0') return (char *) haystack; needlelen = strlen(needle); for (; (haystack = strchr(haystack, *needle)) != NULL; haystack++) if (memcmp(haystack, needle, needlelen) == 0) return (char *) haystack; return NULL; } ``` ##### The `strtok` function ``` C char *strtok(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict delimiters); ``` A sequence of calls to `strtok()` breaks the string pointed to by `s1` into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by a byte from the string pointed to by `delimiters`. The first call in the sequence has `s1` as its first argument, and is followed by calls with a null pointer as their first argument. The separator string pointed to by `delimiters` may be different from call to call. The first call in the sequence searches the string pointed to by `s1` for the first byte that is not contained in the current separator string pointed to by `delimiters`. If no such byte is found, then there are no tokens in the string pointed to by `s1` and `strtok()` shall return a null pointer. If such a byte is found, it is the start of the first token. The `strtok()` function then searches from there for a byte (or multiple, consecutive bytes) that is contained in the current separator string. If no such byte is found, the current token extends to the end of the string pointed to by `s1`, and subsequent searches for a token shall return a null pointer. If such a byte is found, it is overwritten by a null byte, which terminates the current token. The `strtok()` function saves a pointer to the following byte, from which the next search for a token shall start. Each subsequent call, with a null pointer as the value of the first argument, starts searching from the saved pointer and behaves as described above. The `strtok()` function need not be reentrant. A function that is not required to be reentrant is not required to be thread-safe. Because the `strtok()` function must save state between calls, and you could not have two tokenizers going at the same time, the Single Unix Standard defined a similar function, `strtok_r()`, that does not need to save state. Its prototype is this: `char *strtok_r(char *s, const char *delimiters, char **lasts);` The `strtok_r()` function considers the null-terminated string `s` as a sequence of zero or more text tokens separated by spans of one or more characters from the separator string `delimiters`. The argument lasts points to a user-provided pointer which points to stored information necessary for `strtok_r()` to continue scanning the same string. In the first call to `strtok_r()`, `s` points to a null-terminated string, `delimiters` to a null-terminated string of separator characters, and the value pointed to by `lasts` is ignored. The `strtok_r()` function shall return a pointer to the first character of the first token, write a null character into `s` immediately following the returned token, and update the pointer to which `lasts` points. In subsequent calls, `s` is a null pointer and `lasts` shall be unchanged from the previous call so that subsequent calls shall move through the string `s`, returning successive tokens until no tokens remain. The separator string `delimiters` may be different from call to call. When no token remains in `s`, a NULL pointer shall be returned. The following public-domain code for `strtok` and `strtok_r` codes the former as a special case of the latter: ``` c #include <string.h> /* strtok_r */ char *(strtok_r)(char *s, const char *delimiters, char **lasts) { char *sbegin, *send; sbegin = s ? s : *lasts; sbegin += strspn(sbegin, delimiters); if (*sbegin == '\0') { *lasts = ""; return NULL; } send = sbegin + strcspn(sbegin, delimiters); if (*send != '\0') *send++ = '\0'; *lasts = send; return sbegin; } /* strtok */ char *(strtok)(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict delimiters) { static char *ssave = ""; return strtok_r(s1, delimiters, &ssave); } ``` #### Miscellaneous functions These functions do not fit into one of the above categories. ##### The `memset` function ``` C void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n); ``` The `memset()` function converts `c` into `unsigned char`, then stores the character into the first `n` bytes of memory pointed to by `s`. The following is a public-domain implementation of `memset`: ``` c #include <string.h> /* memset */ void *(memset)(void *s, int c, size_t n) { unsigned char *us = s; unsigned char uc = c; while (n-- != 0) *us++ = uc; return s; } ``` ##### The `strerror` function ``` C char *strerror(int errorcode); ``` This function returns a locale-specific error message corresponding to the parameter. Depending on the circumstances, this function could be trivial to implement, but this author will not do that as it varies. The Single Unix System Version 3 has a variant, `strerror_r`, with this prototype: `int strerror_r(int errcode, char *buf, size_t buflen);` This function stores the message in `buf`, which has a length of size `buflen`. ## Examples To determine the number of characters in a string, the `strlen()` function is used: ``` c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> ... int length, length2; char *turkey; static char *flower= "begonia"; static char *gemstone="ruby "; length = strlen(flower); printf("Length = %d\n", length); // prints 'Length = 7' length2 = strlen(gemstone); turkey = malloc( length + length2 + 1); if (turkey) { strcpy( turkey, gemstone); strcat( turkey, flower); printf( "%s\n", turkey); // prints 'ruby begonia' free( turkey ); } ``` Note that the amount of memory allocated for \'turkey\' is one plus the sum of the lengths of the strings to be concatenated. This is for the terminating null character, which is not counted in the lengths of the strings. ### Exercises 1. The string functions use a lot of looping constructs. Is there some way to portably unravel the loops? 2. What functions are possibly missing from the library as it stands now? ## References - A Little C Primer/C String Function Library - C++ Programming/Code/IO/Streams/string - Because so many functions in the standard `string.h` library are vulnerable to buffer overflow errors, some people recommend avoiding the `string.h` library and \"C style strings\" and instead using a dynamic string API, such as the ones listed in the String library comparison. - There\'s a tiny public domain concat() function, which will allocate memory and safely concatenate any number of strings in portable C/C++ code fr:Programmation C/Chaînes de caractères pl:C/Napisy pt:Programar em C/Strings
# C Programming/Further math The `<math.h>` header contains prototypes for several functions that deal with mathematics. In the 1990 version of the ISO standard, only the `double` versions of the functions were specified; the 1999 version added the `float` and `long double` versions. To use these math functions, you must link your program with the math library. For some compilers (including GCC), you must specify the additional parameter `-lm`[^1][^2]. The math functions may produce one of two kinds of errors. *Domain errors* occur when the parameters to the functions are invalid, such as a negative number as a parameter to `sqrt` (the square root function). *Range errors* occur when the result of the function cannot be expressed in that particular floating-point type, such as `pow(1000.0, 1000.0)` if the maximum value of a double is around 10^308^. The functions can be grouped into the following categories: ## Trigonometric functions ### The `acos` and `asin` functions The `acos` functions return the arccosine of their arguments in radians, and the `asin` functions return the arcsine of their arguments in radians. All functions expect the argument in the range \[-1,+1\]. The arccosine returns a value in the range \[0,π\]; the arcsine returns a value in the range \[-π/2,+π/2\]. ``` c #include <math.h> float asinf(float x); /* C99 */ float acosf(float x); /* C99 */ double asin(double x); double acos(double x); long double asinl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double acosl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `atan` and `atan2` functions The `atan` functions return the arctangent of their arguments in radians, and the `atan2` function return the arctangent of `y/x` in radians. The `atan` functions return a value in the range \[-π/2,+π/2\] (the reason why ±π/2 are included in the range is because the floating-point value may represent infinity, and atan(±∞) = ±π/2); the `atan2` functions return a value in the range \[-π,+π\]. For `atan2`, a domain error may occur if both arguments are zero. ``` c #include <math.h> float atanf(float x); /* C99 */ float atan2f(float y, float x); /* C99 */ double atan(double x); double atan2(double y, double x); long double atanl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double atan2l(long double y, long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `cos`, `sin`, and `tan` functions The `cos`, `sin`, and `tan` functions return the cosine, sine, and tangent of the argument, expressed in radians. ``` c #include <math.h> float cosf(float x); /* C99 */ float sinf(float x); /* C99 */ float tanf(float x); /* C99 */ double cos(double x); double sin(double x); double tan(double x); long double cosl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double sinl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double tanl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ## Hyperbolic functions The `cosh`, `sinh` and `tanh` functions compute the hyperbolic cosine, the hyperbolic sine, and the hyperbolic tangent of the argument respectively. For the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions, a range error occurs if the magnitude of the argument is too large. The `acosh` functions compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the argument. A domain error occurs for arguments less than 1. The `asinh` functions compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument. The `atanh` functions compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the argument. A domain error occurs if the argument is not in the interval \[-1, +1\]. A range error may occur if the argument equals -1 or +1. ``` c #include <math.h> float coshf(float x); /* C99 */ float sinhf(float x); /* C99 */ float tanhf(float x); /* C99 */ double cosh(double x); double sinh(double x); double tanh(double x); long double coshl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double sinhl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double tanhl(long double x); /* C99 */ float acoshf(float x); /* C99 */ float asinhf(float x); /* C99 */ float atanhf(float x); /* C99 */ double acosh(double x); /* C99 */ double asinh(double x); /* C99 */ double atanh(double x); /* C99 */ long double acoshl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double asinhl(long double x); /* C99 */ long double atanhl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ## Exponential and logarithmic functions ### The `exp`, `exp2`, and `expm1` functions The `exp` functions compute the base-*e* exponential function of `x` (*e*^x^). A range error occurs if the magnitude of `x` is too large. The `exp2` functions compute the base-2 exponential function of `x` (2^x^). A range error occurs if the magnitude of `x` is too large. The `expm1` functions compute the base-*e* exponential function of the argument, minus 1. A range error occurs if the magnitude of `x` is too large. ``` c #include <math.h> float expf(float x); /* C99 */ double exp(double x); long double expl(long double x); /* C99 */ float exp2f(float x); /* C99 */ double exp2(double x); /* C99 */ long double exp2l(long double x); /* C99 */ float expm1f(float x); /* C99 */ double expm1(double x); /* C99 */ long double expm1l(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `frexp`, `ldexp`, `modf`, `scalbn`, and `scalbln` functions These functions are heavily used in software floating-point emulators, but are otherwise rarely directly called. Inside the computer, each floating point number is represented by two parts: - The significand is either in the range \1/2, 1), or it equals zero. - The exponent is an integer. The value of a floating point number $v$ is $v = {\rm significand} \times 2^{\rm exponent}$. The `frexp` functions break the argument floating point number `value` into those two parts, the exponent and significand. After breaking it apart, it stores the exponent in the `int` object pointed to by `ex`, and returns the significand. In other words, the value returned is a copy of the given floating point number but with an exponent replaced by 0. If `value` is zero, both parts of the result are zero. The `ldexp` functions multiply a floating-point number by a integral power of 2 and return the result. In other words, it returns copy of the given floating point number with the exponent increased by ex. A range error may occur. The `modf` functions break the argument `value` into integer and fraction parts, each of which has the same sign as the argument. They store the integer part in the object pointed to by `*iptr` and return the fraction part. The `*iptr` is a floating-point type, rather than an \"int\" type, because it might be used to store an integer like 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 which is too big to fit in an int. The `scalbn` and `scalbln` compute `x` × `FLT_RADIX`^`n`^. `FLT_RADIX` is the base of the floating-point system; if it is 2, the functions are equivalent to `ldexp`. ``` c #include <math.h> float frexpf(float value, int *ex); /* C99 */ double frexp(double value, int *ex); long double frexpl(long double value, int *ex); /* C99 */ float ldexpf(float x, int ex); /* C99 */ double ldexp(double x, int ex); long double ldexpl(long double x, int ex); /* C99 */ float modff(float value, float *iptr); /* C99 */ double modf(double value, double *iptr); long double modfl(long double value, long double *iptr); /* C99 */ float scalbnf(float x, int ex); /* C99 */ double scalbn(double x, int ex); /* C99 */ long double scalbnl(long double x, int ex); /* C99 */ float scalblnf(float x, long int ex); /* C99 */ double scalbln(double x, long int ex); /* C99 */ long double scalblnl(long double x, long int ex); /* C99 */ ``` Most C floating point libraries also implement the IEEE754-recommended nextafter(), nextUp( ), and nextDown( ) functions. [3 ### The `log`, `log2`, `log1p`, and `log10` functions The `log` functions compute the base-*e* natural logarithm of the argument and return the result. A domain error occurs if the argument is negative. A range error may occur if the argument is zero. The `log1p` functions compute the base-*e* natural logarithm of one plus the argument and return the result. A domain error occurs if the argument is less than -1. A range error may occur if the argument is -1. The `log10` functions compute the common (base-10) logarithm of the argument and return the result. A domain error occurs if the argument is negative. A range error may occur if the argument is zero. The `log2` functions compute the base-2 logarithm of the argument and return the result. A domain error occurs if the argument is negative. A range error may occur if the argument is zero. ``` c #include <math.h> float logf(float x); /* C99 */ double log(double x); long double logl(long double x); /* C99 */ float log1pf(float x); /* C99 */ double log1p(double x); /* C99 */ long double log1pl(long double x); /* C99 */ float log10f(float x); /* C99 */ double log10(double x); long double log10l(long double x); /* C99 */ float log2f(float x); /* C99 */ double log2(double x); /* C99 */ long double log2l(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `ilogb` and `logb` functions The `ilogb` functions extract the exponent of `x` as a signed int value. If `x` is zero, they return the value `FP_ILOGB0`; if `x` is infinite, they return the value `INT_MAX`; if `x` is not-a-number they return the value `FP_ILOGBNAN`; otherwise, they are equivalent to calling the corresponding `logb` function and casting the returned value to type `int`. A range error may occur if `x` is zero. `FP_ILOGB0` and `FP_ILOGBNAN` are macros defined in `math.h`; `INT_MAX` is a macro defined in `limits.h`. The `logb` functions extract the exponent of `x` as a signed integer value in floating-point format. If `x` is subnormal, it is treated as if it were normalized; thus, for positive finite `x`, 1 ≤ `x` × `FLT_RADIX`^`-logb(x)`^ \< `FLT_RADIX` . `FLT_RADIX` is the radix for floating-point numbers, defined in the `float.h` header. ``` c #include <math.h> int ilogbf(float x); /* C99 */ int ilogb(double x); /* C99 */ int ilogbl(long double x); /* C99 */ float logbf(float x); /* C99 */ double logb(double x); /* C99 */ long double logbl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ## Power functions ### The `pow` functions The `pow` functions compute `x` raised to the power `y` and return the result. A domain error occurs if `x` is negative and `y` is not an integral value. A domain error occurs if the result cannot be represented when `x` is zero and `y` is less than or equal to zero. A range error may occur. ``` c #include <math.h> float powf(float x, float y); /* C99 */ double pow(double x, double y); long double powl(long double x, long double y); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `sqrt` functions The `sqrt` functions compute the positive square root of `x` and return the result. A domain error occurs if the argument is negative. ``` c #include <math.h> float sqrtf(float x); /* C99 */ double sqrt(double x); long double sqrtl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `cbrt` functions The `cbrt` functions compute the cube root of `x` and return the result. ``` c #include <math.h> float cbrtf(float x); /* C99 */ double cbrt(double x); /* C99 */ long double cbrtl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `hypot` functions The `hypot` functions compute the square root of the sums of the squares of `x` and `y`, without overflow or underflow, and return the result. ``` c #include <math.h> float hypotf(float x, float y); /* C99 */ double hypot(double x, double y); /* C99 */ long double hypotl(long double x, long double y); /* C99 */ ``` ## Nearest integer, absolute value, and remainder functions ### The `ceil` and `floor` functions The `ceil` functions compute the smallest integral value not less than `x` and return the result; the `floor` functions compute the largest integral value not greater than `x` and return the result. ``` c #include <math.h> float ceilf(float x); /* C99 */ double ceil(double x); long double ceill(long double x); /* C99 */ float floorf(float x); /* C99 */ double floor(double x); long double floorl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `fabs` functions The `fabs` functions compute the absolute value of a floating-point number `x` and return the result. ``` c #include <math.h> float fabsf(float x); /* C99 */ double fabs(double x); long double fabsl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `fmod` functions The `fmod` functions compute the floating-point remainder of `x/y` and return the value `x` - *i* \* `y`, for some integer *i* such that, if `y` is nonzero, the result has the same sign as `x` and magnitude less than the magnitude of `y`. If `y` is zero, whether a domain error occurs or the `fmod` functions return zero is implementation-defined. ``` c #include <math.h> float fmodf(float x, float y); /* C99 */ double fmod(double x, double y); long double fmodl(long double x, long double y); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `nearbyint`, `rint`, `lrint`, and `llrint` functions The `nearbyint` functions round their argument to an integer value in floating-point format, using the current rounding direction and without raising the \"inexact\" floating-point exception. The `rint` functions are similar to the `nearbyint` functions except that they can raise the \"inexact\" floating-point exception if the result differs in value from the argument. The `lrint` and `llrint` functions round their arguments to the nearest integer value according to the current rounding direction. If the result is outside the range of values of the return type, the numeric result is undefined and a range error may occur if the magnitude of the argument is too large. ``` c #include <math.h> float nearbyintf(float x); /* C99 */ double nearbyint(double x); /* C99 */ long double nearbyintl(long double x); /* C99 */ float rintf(float x); /* C99 */ double rint(double x); /* C99 */ long double rintl(long double x); /* C99 */ long int lrintf(float x); /* C99 */ long int lrint(double x); /* C99 */ long int lrintl(long double x); /* C99 */ long long int llrintf(float x); /* C99 */ long long int llrint(double x); /* C99 */ long long int llrintl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `round`, `lround`, and `llround` functions The `round` functions round the argument to the nearest integer value in floating-point format, rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction. The `lround` and `llround` functions round the argument to the nearest integer value, rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction. If the result is outside the range of values of the return type, the numeric result is undefined and a range error may occur if the magnitude of the argument is too large. ``` c #include <math.h> float roundf(float x); /* C99 */ double round(double x); /* C99 */ long double roundl(long double x); /* C99 */ long int lroundf(float x); /* C99 */ long int lround(double x); /* C99 */ long int lroundl(long double x); /* C99 */ long long int llroundf(float x); /* C99 */ long long int llround(double x); /* C99 */ long long int llroundl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `trunc` functions The `trunc` functions round their argument to the integer value in floating-point format that is nearest but no larger in magnitude than the argument. ``` c #include <math.h> float truncf(float x); /* C99 */ double trunc(double x); /* C99 */ long double truncl(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `remainder` functions The `remainder` functions compute the remainder `x` REM `y` as defined by IEC 60559. The definition reads, \"When *y* ≠ 0, the remainder *r* = *x* REM *y* is defined regardless of the rounding mode by the mathematical reduction *r* = *x* - *ny*, where *n* is the integer nearest the exact value of *x*/*y*; whenever \|*n* - *x*/*y*\| = ½, then *n* is even. Thus, the remainder is always exact. If *r* = 0, its sign shall be that of *x*.\" This definition is applicable for all implementations. ``` c #include <math.h> float remainderf(float x, float y); /* C99 */ double remainder(double x, double y); /* C99 */ long double remainderl(long double x, long double y); /* C99 */ ``` ### The `remquo` functions The `remquo` functions return the same remainder as the `remainder` functions. In the object pointed to by `quo`, they store a value whose sign is the sign of `x`/`y` and whose magnitude is congruent modulo 2^n^ to the magnitude of the integral quotient of `x`/`y`, where *n* is an implementation-defined integer greater than or equal to 3. ``` c #include <math.h> float remquof(float x, float y, int *quo); /* C99 */ double remquo(double x, double y, int *quo); /* C99 */ long double remquol(long double x, long double y, int *quo); /* C99 */ ``` ## Error and gamma functions The `erf` functions compute the error function of the argument $\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{0}^x e^{-t^2}\,\mathrm dt$ The `erfc` functions compute the complimentary error function of the argument (that is, 1 - erf x). For the `erfc` functions, a range error may occur if the argument is too large. The `lgamma` functions compute the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma of the argument (that is, log~*e*~\|Γ(x)\|). A range error may occur if the argument is a negative integer or zero. The `tgamma` functions compute the gamma of the argument (that is, Γ(x)). A domain error occurs if the argument is a negative integer or if the result cannot be represented when the argument is zero. A range error may occur. ``` c #include <math.h> float erff(float x); /* C99 */ double erf(double x); /* C99 */ long double erfl(long double x); /* C99 */ float erfcf(float x); /* C99 */ double erfc(double x); /* C99 */ long double erfcl(long double x); /* C99 */ float lgammaf(float x); /* C99 */ double lgamma(double x); /* C99 */ long double lgammal(long double x); /* C99 */ float tgammaf(float x); /* C99 */ double tgamma(double x); /* C99 */ long double tgammal(long double x); /* C99 */ ``` ## References {{-}} fr:Programmation C/Mathématiques pl:C/Zaawansowane operacje matematyczne [^1]: 1 Why do you have to link the math library in C? [^2]: 2 Why do I have to explicitly link with libm?
# C Programming/Libraries A *library* in C is a collection of header files, exposed for use by other programs. The library therefore consists of an *interface* expressed in a `.h` file (named the \"header\") and an *implementation* expressed in a `.c` file. This `.c` file might be precompiled or otherwise inaccessible, or it might be available to the programmer. (Note: Libraries may call functions in other libraries such as the Standard C or math libraries to do various tasks.) The format of a library varies with the operating system and compiler one is using. For example, in the Unix and Linux operating systems, a library consists of one or more *object files*, which consist of object code that is usually the output of a compiler (if the source language is C or something similar) or an assembler (if the source language is assembly language). These object files are then turned into a library in the form of an archive by the *ar* archiver (a program that takes files and stores them in a bigger file without regard to compression). The filename for the library usually starts with \"lib\" and ends with \".a\"; e.g. the *libc.a* file contains the Standard C library and the \"libm.a\" the mathematics routines, which the linker would then link in. Other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows use a \".lib\" extension for libraries and an \".obj\" extension for object files. Some programs in the Unix environment such as lex and yacc generate C code that can be linked with the libl and liby libraries to create an executable. We\'re going to use as an example a library that contains one function: a function to parse arguments from the command line. Arguments on the command line could be by themselves: `    -i` have an optional argument that is concatenated to the letter: `    -ioptarg` or have the argument in a separate argv-element: `    -i optarg` The library also has four declarations that it exports in addition to the function: three integers and a pointer to the optional argument. If the argument does not have an optional argument, the pointer to the optional argument will be null. In order to parse all these types of arguments, we have written the following \"getopt.c\" file: ``` c #include <stdio.h> /* for fprintf() and EOF */ #include <string.h> /* for strchr() */ #include "getopt.h" /* consistency check */ /* variables */ int opterr = 1; /* getopt prints errors if this is on */ int optind = 1; /* token pointer */ int optopt; /* option character passed back to user */ char *optarg; /* flag argument (or value) */ /* function */ /* return option character, EOF if no more or ? if problem. The arguments to the function: argc, argv - the arguments to the main() function. An argument of "--" stops the processing. opts - a string containing the valid option characters. an option character followed by a colon (:) indicates that the option has a required argument. */ int getopt (int argc, char **argv, char *opts) { static int sp = 1; /* character index into current token */ register char *cp; /* pointer into current token */ if (sp == 1) { /* check for more flag-like tokens */ if (optind >= argc || argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0') return EOF; else if (strcmp (argv[optind], "--") == 0) { optind++; return EOF; } } optopt = argv[optind][sp]; if (optopt == ':' || (cp = strchr (opts, optopt)) == NULL) { if (opterr) fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid option -- '%c'\n", argv[0], optopt); /* if no characters left in this token, move to next token */ if (argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') { optind++; sp = 1; } return '?'; } if (*++cp == ':') { /* if a value is expected, get it */ if (argv[optind][sp + 1] != '\0') /* flag value is rest of current token */ optarg = argv[optind++] + (sp + 1); else if (++optind >= argc) { if (opterr) fprintf (stderr, "%s: option requires an argument -- '%c'\n", argv[0], optopt); sp = 1; return '?'; } else /* flag value is next token */ optarg = argv[optind++]; sp = 1; } else { /* set up to look at next char in token, next time */ if (argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') { /* no more in current token, so setup next token */ sp = 1; optind++; } optarg = 0; } return optopt; } /* END OF FILE */ ``` The interface would be the following \"getopt.h\" file: ``` c #ifndef GETOPT_H #define GETOPT_H /* exported variables */ extern int opterr, optind, optopt; extern char *optarg; /* exported function */ int getopt(int, char **, char *); #endif /* END OF FILE */ ``` At a minimum, a programmer has the interface file to figure out how to use a library, although, in general, the library programmer also wrote documentation on how to use the library. In the above case, the documentation should say that the provided arguments `**argv` and `*opts` both shouldn\'t be null pointers (or why would you be using the `getopt` function anyway?). Specifically, it typically states what each parameter is for and what return values can be expected in which conditions. Programmers that use a library, are normally not interested in the implementation of the library \-- unless the implementation has a bug, in which case he would want to complain somehow. Both the implementation of the getopts library, and programs that use the library should state `#include "getopt.h"`, in order to refer to the corresponding interface. Now the library is \"linked\" to the program \-- the one that contains the main() function. The program may refer to dozens of interfaces. In some cases, just placing `#include "getopt.h"` may appear correct but will still fail to link properly. This indicates that the library is not installed correctly, or there may be some additional configuration required. You will have to check either the compiler\'s documentation or library\'s documentation on how to resolve this issue. ## What to put in header files As a general rule, headers should contain any declarations and macro definitions (preprocessor `#define`s) to be \"seen\" by the other modules in a program. Possible declarations: - struct, union, and enum declarations - typedef declarations - external function declarations - global variable declarations In the above `getopt.h` example file, one function (`getopt`) is declared and four global variables (`optind`, `optopt`, `optarg`, and `opterr`) are also declared. The variables are declared with the storage class specifier `extern` in the header file because that keyword specifies that the \"real\" variables are stored elsewhere (i.e. the `getopt.c` file) and not within the header file. The `#ifndef GETOPT_H/#define GETOPT_H` trick is colloquially called `<b>`{=html}include guards`</b>`{=html}. This is used so that if the `getopt.h` file were included more than once in a translation unit, the unit would only see the contents once. Alternatively, `#pragma once` in a header file can also be used to achieve the same thing in some compilers (`#pragma` is an unportable catchall). ## Linking Libraries Into Executables Linking libraries into executables varies by operating system and compiler/linker used. In Unix, directories of linked object files can be specified with the `-L` option to the cc command and individual libraries are specified with the `-l` (small ell) option. The `-lm` option specifies that the libm math library should be linked in, for example. ## References - C FAQ: \"I\'m wondering what to put in .c files and what to put in .h files. (What does \".h\" mean, anyway?)\" - PIClist thread: \"Global variables in projects with many C files.\" - \"How do I use extern to share variables between source files in C?\". fr:Programmation C/Bibliothèque standard pl:C/Biblioteki
# C Programming/Common practices With its extensive use, a number of common practices and conventions have evolved to help avoid errors in C programs. These are simultaneously a demonstration of the application of good software engineering principles to a language and an indication of the limitations of C. Although few are used universally, and some are controversial, each of these enjoys wide use. ## Dynamic multidimensional arrays Although one-dimensional arrays are easy to create dynamically using malloc, and fixed-size multidimensional arrays are easy to create using the built-in language feature, dynamic multidimensional arrays are trickier. There are a number of different ways to create them, each with different tradeoffs. The two most popular ways to create them are: - They can be allocated as a single block of memory, just like static multidimensional arrays. This requires that the array be *rectangular* (i.e. subarrays of lower dimensions are static and have the same size). The disadvantage is that the syntax of declaration the pointer is a little tricky for programmers at first. For example, if one wanted to create an array of ints of 3 columns and `rows` rows, one would do ``` c int (*multi_array)[3] = malloc(rows * sizeof(int[3])); ``` : (Note that here `multi_array` is a pointer to an array of 3 ints.) ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` : Because of array-pointer interchangeability, you can index this just like static multidimensional arrays, i.e. `multi_array[5][2]` is the element at the 6th row and 3rd column. - Dynamic multidimensional arrays can be allocated by first allocating an array of pointers, and then allocating subarrays and storing their addresses in the array of pointers.`<ref>`{=html} Adam N. Rosenberg. \"A Description of One Programmer's Programming Style Revisited\". 2001. p. 19-20. ```{=html} </ref> ``` (This approach is also known as an Iliffe vector). The syntax for accessing elements is the same as for multidimensional arrays described above (even though they are stored very differently). This approach has the advantage of the ability to make ragged arrays (i.e. with subarrays of different sizes). However, it also uses more space and requires more levels of indirection to index into, and can have worse cache performance. It also requires many dynamic allocations, each of which can be expensive. For more information, see the comp.lang.c FAQ, question 6.16. In some cases, the use of multi-dimensional arrays can best be addressed as an array of structures. Before user-defined data structures were available, a common technique was to define a multi-dimensional array, where each column contained different information about the row. This approach is also frequently used by beginner programmers. For example, columns of a two-dimensional character array might contain last name, first name, address, etc. In cases like this, it is better to define a structure that contains the information that was stored in the columns, and then create an array of pointers to that structure. This is especially true when the number of data points for a given record might vary, such as the tracks on an album. In these cases, it is better to create a structure for the album that contains information about the album, along with a dynamic array for the list of songs on the album. Then an array of pointers to the album structure can be used to store the collection. - Another useful way to create a dynamic multi-dimensional array is to flatten the array and index manually. For example, a 2-dimensional array with sizes x and y has x\*y elements, therefore can be created by ``` c int dynamic_multi_array[x*y]; ``` The index is slightly trickier than before, but can still be obtained by y\*i+j. You then access the array with ``` c static_multi_array[i][j]; dynamic_multi_array[y*i+j]; ``` Some more examples with higher dimensions: ``` c int dim1[w]; int dim2[w*x]; int dim3[w*x*y]; int dim4[w*x*y*z]; dim1[i] dim2[w*j+i]; dim3[w*(x*i+j)+k] // index is k + w*j + w*x*i dim4[w*(x*(y*i+j)+k)+l] // index is w*x*y*i + w*x*j + w*k + l ``` Note that w\*(x\*(y\*i+j)+k)+l is equal to w\*x\*y\*i + w\*x\*j + w\*k + l, but uses fewer operations (see Horner\'s Method). It uses the same number of operations as accessing a static array by dim4\[i\]\[j\]\[k\]\[l\], so should not be any slower to use. The advantage to using this method is that the array can be passed freely between functions without knowing the size of the array at compile time (since C sees it as a 1-dimensional array, although some way of passing the dimensions is still necessary), and the entire array is contiguous in memory, so accessing consecutive elements should be fast. The disadvantage is that it can be difficult at first to get used to how to index the elements. ## Constructors and destructors In most object-oriented languages, objects cannot be created directly by a client that wishes to use them. Instead, the client must ask the class to build an instance of the object using a special routine called a constructor. Constructors are important because they allow an object to enforce invariants about its internal state throughout its lifetime. Destructors, called at the end of an object\'s lifetime, are important in systems where an object holds exclusive access to some resource, and it is desirable to ensure that it releases these resources for use by other objects. Since C is not an object-oriented language, it has no built-in support for constructors or destructors. It is not uncommon for clients to explicitly allocate and initialize records and other objects. However, this leads to a potential for errors, since operations on the object may fail or behave unpredictably if the object is not properly initialized. A better approach is to have a function that creates an instance of the object, possibly taking initialization parameters, as in this example: ``` c struct string { size_t size; char *data; }; struct string *create_string(const char *initial) { assert (initial != NULL); struct string *new_string = malloc(sizeof(*new_string)); if (new_string != NULL) { new_string->size = strlen(initial); new_string->data = strdup(initial); } return new_string; } ``` Similarly, if it is left to the client to destroy objects correctly, they may fail to do so, causing resource leaks. It is better to have an explicit destructor which is always used, such as this one: ``` c void free_string(struct string *s) { assert (s != NULL); free(s->data); ''/* free memory held by the structure */'' free(s); ''/* free the structure itself */'' } ``` It is often useful to combine destructors with *#Nulling freed pointers*. Sometimes it is useful to hide the definition of the object to ensure that the client does not allocate it manually. To do this, the structure is defined in the source file (or a private header file not available to users) instead of the header file, and a forward declaration is put in the header file: ``` c struct string; struct string *create_string(const char *initial); void free_string(struct string *s); ``` ## Nulling freed pointers As discussed earlier, after `free()` has been called on a pointer, it becomes a dangling pointer. Worse still, most modern platforms cannot detect when such a pointer is used before being reassigned. One simple solution to this is to ensure that any pointer is set to a null pointer immediately after being freed: [^1] ``` c free(p); p = NULL; ``` Unlike dangling pointers, a hardware exception will arise on many modern architectures when a null pointer is dereferenced. Also, programs can include error checks for the null value, but not for a dangling pointer value. To ensure it is done at all locations, a macro can be used: ``` c #define FREE(p) do { free(p); (p) = NULL; } while(0) ``` (To see why the macro is written this way, see *#Macro conventions*.) Also, when this technique is used, destructors should zero out the pointer that they are passed, and their argument must be passed by reference to allow this. For example, here\'s the destructor from *#Constructors and destructors* updated: ``` c void free_string(struct string **s) { assert(s != NULL && *s != NULL); FREE((*s)->data); ''/* free memory held by the structure */'' FREE(*s); ''/* free the structure itself */'' *s=NULL; ''/* zero the argument */'' } ``` Unfortunately, this idiom will not do anything to any other pointers that may be pointing to the freed memory. For this reason, some C experts regard this idiom as dangerous due to creating a false sense of security. ## Macro conventions Because preprocessor macros in C work using simple token replacement, they are prone to a number of confusing errors, some of which can be avoided by following a simple set of conventions: 1. Placing parentheses around macro arguments wherever possible. This ensures that, if they are expressions, the order of operations does not affect the behavior of the expression. For example: - Wrong: `#define square(x) x*x` - Better: `#define square(x) (x)*(x)` 2. Placing parentheses around the entire expression if it is a single expression. Again, this avoids changes in meaning due to the order of operations. - Wrong: `#define square(x) (x)*(x)` - Better: `#define square(x) ((x)*(x))` - Dangerous, remember it replaces the text in verbatim. Suppose your code is `square (x++)`, after the macro invocation will x be incremented by 2 3. If a macro produces multiple statements, or declares variables, it can be wrapped in a **do** { \... } **while**(0) loop, with no terminating semicolon. This allows the macro to be used like a single statement in any location, such as the body of an if statement, while still allowing a semicolon to be placed after the macro invocation without creating a null statement.`<ref>`{=html} \"comp.lang.c FAQ: What\'s the best way to write a multi-statement macro?\". ```{=html} </ref> ``` [^2][^3][^4][^5][^6] Care must be taken that any new variables do not potentially mask portions of the macro\'s arguments. #\*Wrong: `#define FREE(p) free(p); p = NULL;` #\*Better: `#define FREE(p) do { free(p); p = NULL; } while(0)` 1. Avoiding using a macro argument twice or more inside a macro, if possible; this causes problems with macro arguments that contain side effects, such as assignments. 2. If a macro may be replaced by a function in the future, considering naming it like a function. 3. By convention, preprocessor values and macros defined by `#define` are named in all uppercase letters.`<ref>`{=html} \"What is the history for naming constants in all uppercase?\" ```{=html} </ref> ``` [^7][^8][^9][^10] ## Further reading There are a huge number of C style guidelines. - \"C and C++ Style Guides\" by Chris Lott lists many popular C style guides. - The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) publishes \"MISRA-C: Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems\". (Wikipedia: MISRA C; 1). pl:C/Powszechne praktyki [^1]: comp.lang.c FAQ list: \"Why isn\'t a pointer null after calling free?\" mentions that \"it is often useful to set \[pointer variables\] to NULL immediately after freeing them\". [^2]: \"The C Preprocessor: Swallowing the Semicolon\" [^3]: \"Why use apparently meaningless do-while and if-else statements in macros?\" [^4]: \"do {\...} while (0) in macros\" [^5]: \"KernelNewbies: FAQ / DoWhile0\". [^6]: \"PRE10-C. Wrap multistatement macros in a do-while loop\". [^7]: \"The Preprocessor\". [^8]: \"C Language Style Guide\". [^9]: \"non capitalized macros are always evil\". [^10]: \"Exploiting the Preprocessor for Fun and Profit\".
# C Programming/Preprocessor directives and macros Preprocessors are a way of making text processing with your C program before they are actually compiled. Before the actual compilation of every C program it is passed through a Preprocessor. The Preprocessor looks through the program trying to find out specific instructions called Preprocessor directives that it can understand. All Preprocessor directives begin with the \# (hash) symbol. C++ compilers use the same C preprocessor.[^1] The preprocessor is a part of the compiler which performs preliminary operations (conditionally compiling code, including files etc\...) to your code before the compiler sees it. These transformations are lexical, meaning that the output of the preprocessor is still text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Technically the output of the preprocessing phase for C consists of a sequence of tokens, rather than source text, but it is simple to output source text which is equivalent to the given token sequence, and that is commonly supported by compilers via a `-E` or `/E` option \-- although command line options to C compilers aren\'t completely standard, many follow similar rules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Directives Directives are special instructions directed to the preprocessor (preprocessor directive) or to the compiler (compiler directive) on how it should process part or all of your source code or set some flags on the final object and are used to make writing source code easier (more portable for instance) and to make the source code more understandable. Directives are handled by the preprocessor, which is either a separate program invoked by the compiler or part of the compiler itself. ### #include C has some features as part of the language and some others as part of a **standard library**, which is a repository of code that is available alongside every standard-conformant C compiler. When the C compiler compiles your program it usually also links it with the standard C library. For example, on encountering a `#include <stdio.h>` directive, it replaces the directive with the contents of the `stdio.h` header file. When you use features from the library, C requires you to *declare* what you would be using. The first line in the program is a **preprocessing directive** which should look like this: `#include <stdio.h>` The above line causes the C declarations which are in the `stdio.h` header to be included for use in your program. Usually this is implemented by just inserting into your program the contents of a **header file** called `stdio.h`, located in a system-dependent location. The location of such files may be described in your compiler\'s documentation. A list of standard C header files is listed below in the Headers table. The `stdio.h` header contains various declarations for input/output (I/O) using an abstraction of I/O mechanisms called **streams**. For example there is an output stream object called `stdout` which is used to output text to the standard output, which usually displays the text on the computer screen. If using angle brackets like the example above, the preprocessor is instructed to search for the include file along the development environment path for the standard includes. `#include "other.h"` If you use quotation marks (`" "`), the preprocessor is expected to search in some additional, usually user-defined, locations for the header file, and to fall back to the standard include paths only if it is not found in those additional locations. It is common for this form to include searching in the same directory as the file containing the `#include` directive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: You should check the documentation of the development environment you are using for any vendor specific implementations of the `#include` directive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### Headers `<b>`{=html}The C90 standard headers list:`</b>`{=html} ```{=html} <table> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` - `<assert.h>` - `<ctype.h>` - `<errno.h>` - `<float.h>` - `<limits.h>` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` - `<locale.h>` - `<math.h>` - `<setjmp.h>` - `<signal.h>` - `<stdarg.h>` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` - `<stddef.h>` - `<stdio.h>` - `<stdlib.h>` - `<string.h>` - `<time.h>` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` `<b>`{=html}Headers added since C90:`</b>`{=html} ```{=html} <table> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` - `<complex.h>` - `<fenv.h>` - `<inttypes.h>` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` - `<iso646.h>` - `<stdbool.h>` - `<stdint.h>` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} <td> ``` - `<tgmath.h>` - `<wchar.h>` - `<wctype.h>` ```{=html} </td> ``` ```{=html} </table> ``` ### #pragma The **pragma** (pragmatic information) directive is part of the standard, but the meaning of any pragma depends on the software implementation of the standard that is used. The #pragma directive provides a way to request special behavior from the compiler. This directive is most useful for programs that are unusually large or that need to take advantage of the capabilities of a particular compiler. Pragmas are used within the source program. `#pragma token(s)` 1. pragma is usually followed by a single token, which represents a command for the compiler to obey. You should check the software implementation of the C standard you intend on using for a list of the supported tokens. Not surprisingly, the set of commands that can appear in #pragma directives is different for each compiler; you\'ll have to consult the documentation for your compiler to see which commands it allows and what those commands do. For instance one of the most implemented preprocessor directives, `#pragma once` when placed at the beginning of a header file, indicates that the file where it resides will be skipped if included several times by the preprocessor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Other methods exist to do this action that is commonly referred as using **include guards**. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ ### `#define` Each `#define` preprocessor instruction defines a macro. For example, `   #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */` A macro defined with a space immediately after the name is called a constant or literal. A macro defined with a parenthesis immediately after the name is called a function-like macro.[^2] +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | WARNING: Preprocessor macros, although tempting, can produce quite | | unexpected results if not done right. Always keep in mind that | | macros are textual substitutions done to your source code before | | anything is compiled. The compiler does not know anything about the | | macros and never gets to see them. This can produce obscure errors, | | amongst other negative effects. Prefer to use language features, if | | there are equivalent. For example, use `const int` or `enum` instead | | of `#define`d constants). | | | | That said, there are cases, where macros are very useful (see the | | `debug` macro below for an example). | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The `#define` directive is used to define macros. Macros are used by the preprocessor to manipulate the program source code before it is compiled. Because preprocessor macro definitions are substituted before the compiler acts on the source code, any errors that are introduced by `#define` are difficult to trace. By convention, macros defined using `#define` are named in uppercase. Although doing so is not a requirement, it is considered very bad practice to do otherwise. This allows the macros to be easily identified when reading the source code. (We mention many other common conventions for using `#define` in a later chapter, C Programming/Common practices). Today, `#define` is primarily used to handle compiler and platform differences. E.g., a define might hold a constant which is the appropriate error code for a system call. The use of `#define` should thus be limited unless absolutely necessary; `typedef` statements and constant variables can often perform the same functions more safely. Another feature of the `#define` command is that it can take arguments, making it rather useful as a pseudo-function creator. Consider the following code: `#define ABSOLUTE_VALUE( x ) ( ((x) < 0) ? -(x) : (x) )`\ `...`\ `int x = -1;`\ `while( ABSOLUTE_VALUE( x ) ) {`\ `...`\ `}`\ `       ` It\'s generally a good idea to use extra parentheses when using complex macros. Notice that in the above example, the variable \"x\" is always within its own set of parentheses. This way, it will be evaluated in whole, before being compared to 0 or multiplied by -1. Also, the entire macro is surrounded by parentheses, to prevent it from being contaminated by other code. If you\'re not careful, you run the risk of having the compiler misinterpret your code. Because of side-effects it is considered a very bad idea to use macro functions as described above. `int x = -10;`\ `int y = ABSOLUTE_VALUE( x++ );` If ABSOLUTE_VALUE() were a real function \'x\' would now have the value of \'-9\', but because it was an argument in a macro it was expanded twice and thus has a value of -8. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Example: | | | | To illustrate the dangers of macros, consider this naive macro | | | | `#define MAX(a,b) a>b?a:b` | | | | and the code | | | | `i = MAX(2,3)+5;`\ | | `j = MAX(3,2)+5;` | | | | Take a look at this and consider what the value after execution | | might be. The statements are turned into | | | | `int i = 2>3?2:3+5;`\ | | `int j = 3>2?3:2+5;` | | | | Thus, after execution `i=8` and `j=3` instead of the expected result | | of `i=j=8`! This is why you were cautioned to use an extra set of | | parenthesis above, but even with these, the road is fraught with | | dangers. The alert reader might quickly realize that if `a` or `b` | | contains expressions, the definition must parenthesize every use of | | `a,b` in the macro definition, like this: | | | | `#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))` | | | | This works, provided `a,b` have no side effects. Indeed, | | | | `i = 2;`\ | | `j = 3;`\ | | `k = MAX(i++, j++);` | | | | would result in `k=4`, `i=3` and `j=5`. This would be highly | | surprising to anyone expecting `MAX()` to behave like a function. | | | | So what is the correct solution? The solution is not to use macro at | | all. A global, inline function, like this | | | | `inline int max(int a, int b) { `\ | | `  return a>b?a:b `\ | | `}` | | | | has none of the pitfalls above, but will not work with all types. | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | NOTE: The explicit `inline` declaration is not really | | | | necessary unless the definition is in a header file, since | | | | your compiler can inline functions for you (with gcc this can | | | | be done with `-finline-functions` or `-O3`). The compiler is | | | | often better than the programmer at predicting which functions | | | | are worth inlining. Also, function calls are not really | | | | expensive (they used to be). | | | | | | | | The compiler is actually free to ignore the `inline` keyword. | | | | It is only a hint (except that `inline` is necessary in order | | | | to allow a function to be defined in a header file without | | | | generating an error message due to the function being defined | | | | in more than one translation unit). | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ (**#, \##**) The **\#** and **\##** operators are used with the `#define` macro. Using \# causes the first argument after the **\#** to be returned as a string in quotes. For example, the command `#define as_string( s ) # s`\ `       ` will make the compiler turn this command `puts( as_string( Hello World! ) ) ;`\ `       ` into `puts( "Hello World!" );`\ `       ` Using **\##** concatenates what\'s before the **\##** with what\'s after it. For example, the command `#define concatenate( x, y ) x ## y`\ `...`\ `int xy = 10;`\ `...`\ `   ` will make the compiler turn `printf( "%d", concatenate( x, y ));`\ `       ` into `printf( "%d", xy);`\ `       ` which will, of course, display `10` to standard output. It is possible to concatenate a macro argument with a constant prefix or suffix to obtain a valid identifier as in `#define make_function( name ) int my_ ## name (int foo) {}`\ `make_function( bar )` which will define a function called `my_bar()`. But it isn\'t possible to integrate a macro argument into a constant string using the concatenation operator. In order to obtain such an effect, one can use the ANSI C property that two or more consecutive string constants are considered equivalent to a single string constant when encountered. Using this property, one can write `#define eat( what ) puts( "I'm eating " #what " today." )`\ `eat( fruit )` which the macro-processor will turn into `puts( "I'm eating " "fruit" " today." )` which in turn will be interpreted by the C parser as a single string constant. The following trick can be used to turn a numeric constants into string literals `#define num2str(x) str(x)`\ `#define str(x) #x`\ `#define CONST 23`\ \ `puts(num2str(CONST));` This is a bit tricky, since it is expanded in 2 steps. First `num2str(CONST)` is replaced with `str(23)`, which in turn is replaced with `"23"`. This can be useful in the following example: `#ifdef DEBUG`\ `#define debug(msg) fputs(__FILE__ ":" num2str(__LINE__) " - " msg, stderr)`\ `#else`\ `#define debug(msg)`\ `#endif` This will give you a nice debug message including the file and the line where the message was issued. If DEBUG is not defined however the debugging message will completely vanish from your code. Be careful not to use this sort of construct with anything that has side effects, since this can lead to bugs, that appear and disappear depending on the compilation parameters. ### macros Macros aren\'t type-checked and so they do not evaluate arguments. Also, they do not obey scope properly, but simply take the string passed to them and replace each occurrence of the macro argument in the text of the macro with the actual string for that parameter (the code is literally copied into the location it was called from). An example on how to use a macro: #include <stdio.h> #define SLICES 8 #define ADD(x) ( (x) / SLICES ) int main(void) { int a = 0, b = 10, c = 6; a = ADD(b + c); printf("%d\n", a); return 0; } \-- the result of \"a\" should be \"2\" (b + c = 16 -\> passed to ADD -\> 16 / SLICES -\> result is \"2\") +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NOTE:\ | | It is usually bad practice to define macros in headers. | | | | A macro should be defined only when it is not possible to achieve | | the same result with a function or some other mechanism. Some | | compilers are able to optimize code to where calls to small | | functions are replaced with inline code, negating any possible speed | | advantage. Using typedefs, enums, and `inline` (in C99) is often a | | better option. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ One of the few situations where inline functions won\'t work \-- so you are pretty much forced to use function-like macros instead \-- is to initialize compile time constants (static initialization of structs). This happens when the arguments to the macro are literals that the compiler can optimize to another literal. [^3] ### #error The **#error** directive halts compilation. When one is encountered the standard specifies that the compiler should emit a diagnostic containing the remaining tokens in the directive. This is mostly used for debugging purposes. Programmers use \"#error\" inside a conditional block, to immediately halt the compiler when the \"#if\" or \"#ifdef\" \-- at the beginning of the block \-- detects a compile-time problem. Normally the compiler skips the block (and the \"#error\" directive inside it) and the compilation proceeds. ``` c #error message ``` ### #warning Many compilers support a **#warning** directive. When one is encountered, the compiler emits a diagnostic containing the remaining tokens in the directive. ``` c #warning message ``` ### #undef The **#undef** directive undefines a macro. The identifier need not have been previously defined. ### #if,#else,#elif,#endif (conditionals) The **#if** command checks whether a controlling conditional expression evaluates to zero or nonzero, and excludes or includes a block of code respectively. For example: ``` c #if 1 /* This block will be included */ #endif #if 0 /* This block will not be included */ #endif ``` The conditional expression could contain any C operator except for the assignment operators, the increment and decrement operators, the address-of operator, and the sizeof operator. One unique operator used in preprocessing and nowhere else is the **defined** operator. It returns 1 if the macro name, optionally enclosed in parentheses, is currently defined; 0 if not. The **#endif** command ends a block started by `#if`, `#ifdef`, or `#ifndef`. The **#elif** command is similar to `#if`, except that it is used to extract one from a series of blocks of code. E.g.: #if /* some expression */ : : : #elif /* another expression */ : /* imagine many more #elifs here ... */ : #else /* The optional #else block is selected if none of the previous #if or #elif blocks are selected */ : : #endif /* The end of the #if block */ ### #ifdef,#ifndef The **#ifdef** command is similar to `#if`, except that the code block following it is selected if a macro name is defined. In this respect, `#ifdef NAME` is equivalent to `#if defined NAME` The **#ifndef** command is similar to **#ifdef**, except that the test is reversed: `#ifndef NAME` is equivalent to `#if !defined NAME` ### #line This preprocessor directive is used to set the file name and the line number of the line following the directive to new values. This is used to set the \_\_FILE\_\_ and \_\_LINE\_\_ macros. ## Useful Preprocessor Macros for Debugging ANSI C defines some useful preprocessor macros and variables,[^4][^5] also called \"magic constants\", include: \_\_FILE\_\_ =\> The name of the current file, as a string literal\ \_\_LINE\_\_ =\> Current line of the source file, as a numeric literal\ \_\_DATE\_\_ =\> Current system date, as a string\ \_\_TIME\_\_ =\> Current system time, as a string\ \_\_TIMESTAMP\_\_ =\> Date and time (non-standard)\ \_\_cplusplus =\> undefined when your C code is being compiled by a C compiler; 199711L when your C code is being compiled by a C++ compiler compliant with 1998 C++ standard.\ \_\_func\_\_ =\> Current function name of the source file, as a string (part of C99)\ \_\_PRETTY_FUNCTION\_\_ =\> \"decorated\" Current function name of the source file, as a string (in GCC; non-standard)\ #### Compile-time assertions Compile-time assertions can help you debug faster than using only run-time assert() statements, because the compile-time assertions are all tested at compile time, while it is possible that a test run of a program may fail to exercise some run-time assert() statements. Prior to the C11 standard, some people[^6][^7][^8] defined a preprocessor macro to allow compile-time assertions, something like: ``` c #define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(pred) switch(0){case 0:case pred:;} COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( BOOLEAN CONDITION ); ``` The `static_assert.hpp` Boost library defines a similar macro.[^9] Since C11, such macros are obsolete, as `_Static_assert` and its macro equivalent `static_assert` are standardized and built-in to the language. #### X-Macros One little-known usage pattern of the C preprocessor is known as \"X-Macros\".[^10][^11][^12][^13] An X-Macro is a header file or macro. Commonly these use the extension \".def\" instead of the traditional \".h\". This file contains a list of similar macro calls, which can be referred to as \"component macros\". The include file is then referenced repeatedly in the following pattern. Here, the include file is \"xmacro.def\" and it contains a list of component macros of the style \"foo(x, y, z)\". ``` c #define foo(x, y, z) doSomethingWith(x, y, z); #include "xmacro.def" #undef foo #define foo(x, y, z) doSomethingElseWith(x, y, z); #include "xmacro.def" #undef foo (etc...) ``` The most common usage of X-Macros is to establish a list of C objects and then automatically generate code for each of them. Some implementations also perform any `#undef`s they need inside the X-Macro, as opposed to expecting the caller to undefine them. Common sets of objects are a set of global configuration settings, a set of members of a struct "wikilink"), a list of possible XML tags for converting an XML file to a quickly-traversable tree, or the body of an enum declaration; other lists are possible. Once the X-Macro has been processed to create the list of objects, the component macros can be redefined to generate, for instance, accessor and/or mutator functions. Structure serializing and deserializing are also commonly done. Here is an example of an X-Macro that establishes a struct and automatically creates serialize/deserialize functions. For simplicity, this example doesn\'t account for endianness or buffer overflows. File **star.def**: ``` c EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(x, int) EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(y, int) EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(z, int) EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(radius, double) #undef EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER ``` File **star_table.c**: ``` c typedef struct { #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) type member; #include "star.def" } starStruct; void serialize_star(const starStruct *const star, unsigned char *buffer) { #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ memcpy(buffer, &(star->member), sizeof(star->member)); \ buffer += sizeof(star->member); #include "star.def" } void deserialize_star(starStruct *const star, const unsigned char *buffer) { #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ memcpy(&(star->member), buffer, sizeof(star->member)); \ buffer += sizeof(star->member); #include "star.def" } ``` Handlers for individual data types may be created and accessed using token concatenation (\"`##`\") and quoting (\"`#`\") operators. For example, the following might be added to the above code: ``` c #define print_int(val) printf("%d", val) #define print_double(val) printf("%g", val) void print_star(const starStruct *const star) { /* print_##type will be replaced with print_int or print_double */ #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ printf("%s: ", #member); \ print_##type(star->member); \ printf("\n"); #include "star.def" } ``` Note that in this example you can also avoid the creation of separate handler functions for each datatype in this example by defining the print format for each supported type, with the additional benefit of reducing the expansion code produced by this header file: ``` c #define FORMAT_(type) FORMAT_##type #define FORMAT_int "%d" #define FORMAT_double "%g" void print_star(const starStruct *const star) { /* FORMAT_(type) will be replaced with FORMAT_int or FORMAT_double */ #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ printf("%s: " FORMAT_(type) "\n", #member, star->member); #include "star.def" } ``` The creation of a separate header file can be avoided by creating a single macro containing what would be the contents of the file. For instance, the above file \"star.def\" could be replaced with this macro at the beginning of: File **star_table.c**: ``` c #define EXPAND_STAR \ EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(x, int) \ EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(y, int) \ EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(z, int) \ EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(radius, double) ``` and then all calls to `#include "star.def"` could be replaced with a simple `EXPAND_STAR` statement. The rest of the above file would become: ``` c typedef struct { #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) type member; EXPAND_STAR #undef EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER } starStruct; void serialize_star(const starStruct *const star, unsigned char *buffer) { #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ memcpy(buffer, &(star->member), sizeof(star->member)); \ buffer += sizeof(star->member); EXPAND_STAR #undef EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER } void deserialize_star(starStruct *const star, const unsigned char *buffer) { #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ memcpy(&(star->member), buffer, sizeof(star->member)); \ buffer += sizeof(star->member); EXPAND_STAR #undef EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER } ``` and the print handler could be added as well as: ``` c #define print_int(val) printf("%d", val) #define print_double(val) printf("%g", val) void print_star(const starStruct *const star) { /* print_##type will be replaced with print_int or print_double */ #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ printf("%s: ", #member); \ print_##type(star->member); \ printf("\n"); EXPAND_STAR #undef EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER } ``` or as: ``` c #define FORMAT_(type) FORMAT_##type #define FORMAT_int "%d" #define FORMAT_double "%g" void print_star(const starStruct *const star) { /* FORMAT_(type) will be replaced with FORMAT_int or FORMAT_double */ #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) \ printf("%s: " FORMAT_(type) "\n", #member, star->member); EXPAND_STAR #undef EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER } ``` A variant which avoids needing to know the members of any expanded sub-macros is to accept the operators as an argument to the list macro: File **star_table.c**: ``` c /* Generic */ #define STRUCT_MEMBER(member, type, dummy) type member; #define SERIALIZE_MEMBER(member, type, obj, buffer) \ memcpy(buffer, &(obj->member), sizeof(obj->member)); \ buffer += sizeof(obj->member); #define DESERIALIZE_MEMBER(member, type, obj, buffer) \ memcpy(&(obj->member), buffer, sizeof(obj->member)); \ buffer += sizeof(obj->member); #define FORMAT_(type) FORMAT_##type #define FORMAT_int "%d" #define FORMAT_double "%g" /* FORMAT_(type) will be replaced with FORMAT_int or FORMAT_double */ #define PRINT_MEMBER(member, type, obj) \ printf("%s: " FORMAT_(type) "\n", #member, obj->member); /* starStruct */ #define EXPAND_STAR(_, ...) \ _(x, int, __VA_ARGS__) \ _(y, int, __VA_ARGS__) \ _(z, int, __VA_ARGS__) \ _(radius, double, __VA_ARGS__) typedef struct { EXPAND_STAR(STRUCT_MEMBER, ) } starStruct; void serialize_star(const starStruct *const star, unsigned char *buffer) { EXPAND_STAR(SERIALIZE_MEMBER, star, buffer) } void deserialize_star(starStruct *const star, const unsigned char *buffer) { EXPAND_STAR(DESERIALIZE_MEMBER, star, buffer) } void print_star(const starStruct *const star) { EXPAND_STAR(PRINT_MEMBER, star) } ``` This approach can be dangerous in that the entire macro set is always interpreted as if it was on a single source line, which could encounter compiler limits with complex component macros and/or long member lists. This technique was reported by Lars Wirzenius[^14] in a web page dated January 17, 2000, in which he gives credit to Kenneth Oksanen for \"refining and developing\" the technique prior to 1997. The other references describe it as a method from at least a decade before the turn of the century. We discuss X-Macros more in a later section, Serialization and X-Macros. de:C-Programmierung: Präprozessor fr:Programmation C/Préprocesseur it:C/Compilatore e precompilatore/Direttive pl:C/Preprocesor [^1]: Understanding C++/C Preprocessor [^2]: \"Exploiting the Preprocessor for Fun and Profit\". [^3]: David Hart, Jon Reid. \"9 Code Smells of Preprocessor Use\". 2012. [^4]: HP C Compiler Reference Manual [^5]: C++ reference: Predefined preprocessor variables [^6]: \"Compile Time Assertions in C\" by Jon Jagger 1999 [^7]: Pádraig Brady. \"static assertion\". [^8]: \"ternary operator with a constant (true) value?\". [^9]: Wikipedia: C++0x#Static assertions [^10]: Wirzenius, Lars. C Preprocessor Trick For Implementing Similar Data Types Retrieved January 9, 2011. [^11]: [^12]: [^13]: Keith Schwarz. \"Advanced Preprocessor Techniques\". 2009. Includes \"Practical Applications of the Preprocessor II: The X Macro Trick\". [^14]: Wirzenius, Lars. C Preprocessor Trick For Implementing Similar Data Types Retrieved January 9, 2011.
# C Programming/Serialization ## Serialization It is often necessary to send or receive complex data structures to or from another program that may run on a different architecture or may have been designed for different version of the data structures in question. A typical example is a program that saves its state to a file on exit and then reads it back when started. The \'send\' function will typically start by writing a magic identifier and version to the file or network socket and then proceed to write all the data members one by one (i.e. in serial). If variable length arrays are encountered (e.g. strings), it will either write a length followed by the data or it will write the data followed by a special terminator. The format is often XML or binary; in the latter case the htonl() set of macros may come in handy. The \'receive\' function will be nearly identical: it will read all the items one by one. Variable length arrays are either handled by reading the count followed by the data, or by reading the data until the special terminator is reached. Since these two functions often follow the same pattern as the declaration of the data(structures), it would be nice if they could all be generated from a common definition. ## X-Macros X-Macros uses the preprocessor to force the compiler to compile the same piece of text more than once. Sometimes a special file (with extension .def) is included multiple times. For example variables.def may look like this : `INT(value)`\ `INT(shift)` In this example the C programming will then look like this : `...`\ `#define INT(var) int var;`\ `#include "variables.def"`\ `#undef INT`\ `...`\ `printf ("version=1\n");`\ `#define INT(var) printf (#var "=%d\n", var);`\ `#include "variables.def"`\ `#undef INT`\ `...` If including a separate file multiple times is undesirable, another macro can be used. For example : `#define VARIABLES INT(value) \`\ `                  INT(shift)` The `#include`s can then be replaced with calls to the macro. Using this method, one can also pass in the name(s) of (an)other macro(s) that can operate on the list of values. For example: `#define VAR_LIST(_) _(value) \`\ `                    _(shift)`\ `...`\ `#define VAR_INT_DECL(var) int var;`\ `VAR_LIST(VAR_INT_DECL)`\ `...`\ `printf ("version=1\n");`\ `#define VAR_INT_PRINTF(var) printf (#var "=%d\n", var);`\ `VAR_LIST(VAR_INT_PRINTF)`\ `...` This does not require the redefinition of macros and can make the code easier to understand and maintain. X-Macros are also particularly useful for keeping mappings between strings and enumerated types synchronized. ## Serialization with versioning Suppose we want to add additional variables to the above example, but we still want the program to be able to read the old version 1 files. Then we would add a version parameter and a default value parameter to the list processing macros: `#define VAR_LIST(_) _(value,1,0) \`\ `                    _(shift,1,0) \`\ `                    _(mask,2,0xffff)`\ `...`\ `int inputVer;`\ `#define VAR_INT_DECL(var,varVer,default) int var;`\ `VAR_LIST(VAR_INT_DECL)`\ `...`\ `scanf ("version=%d", &inputVer);`\ `#define VAR_INT_SCN(var,varVer,default) if (varVer <= inputVer) scanf (#var "=%d", &var); else var = default;`\ `VAR_LIST(VAR_INT_SCN)`\ `...`\ `printf ("version=2\n"); /* Always output at highest known version */`\ `#define VAR_INT_PRT(var,varVer,default) printf (#var "=%d\n", var);`\ `VAR_LIST(VAR_INT_PRT)`\ `...`
# C Programming/Coroutines A little known fact is that most C implementations have built-in primitives that can be used for cooperative multitasking / coroutines. They are setcontext and setjmp. ## setjmp The function `setjmp` is used in a pair with `longjmp` to transfer execution to a different point in the code. It relies on an existing `jmp_buf` declaration. ``` c #include <setjmp.h> int main (void) { jmp_buf buf1; if (setjmp(buf1) == 0) { /* This code is executed on the first call to setjmp. */ longjmp(buf1, 1); } else { /* This code is executed once longjmp is called. */ } return 0; } ``` `setjmp()` stores the current execution point in memory, which remains valid as long as the containing function doesn\'t return. It initially returns `0`. Control is returned to `setjmp` once `longjmp` is called with the original `jmp_buf` and the replacement return value. Note that jmp_buf is passed to setjmp without using the address-of operator. The easiest way to understand setjmp and longjmp, is that setjmp stores the state of the cpu which includes program counter, stack pointer, all the registers, including the bits of the flags register, at the location pointed to by jmp_buf , which is defined some LEN+1, which is enough bytes to store the registers of whatever CPU is involved. The longjmp(buf) , never returns, because it restores the CPU from the contents of struct jmp_buf buf previously set by a previous call the setjmp, so execution begins from after setjmp was called, but the return value of setjmp is not 0, but whatever value was used in the second parameter to longjmp. This is similar to the fork() system call, which returns 0 to the child process, and the PID of the child process to the parent. The internet suggests co-routines are useful for implementing software as state machines cooperating, such as lexer processing input text and emitting tokens , so that a parser can decide to store the token and ask for the next one, or to act on its current set of token . This is not multithreaded programs synchronising on data, with possibly race conditions if a bug forgets to acquire a lock, but with setjmp and longjmp, seems to be cooperative processes that guarantee only one process will run at a time, with no worries about context switches waking up sleeping processes ( using separate jmp_buf static locations, each process can call setjmp for its own jmp_buf, before calling longjmp later on if zero was returned, or continue a loop to process shared data for non-zero returns).
# C Programming/Particularities of C C is an efficient, minimalist language that has some peculiarities that a programmer must be aware of. To address these, sometimes a good solution is to combine another language with C for added flexibility and power, like the combination of Emacs-LISP and C used for Emacs. Sometimes they can be addressed at the cost of slower speed and increased complexity by using special constructs that will guarantee function and security. Mostly however, through practice, C programmers have no trouble with the things mentioned here, and prefer using a language that closely models the general purpose, Von Neumann hardware architecture. Below are several of these particularities of ANSI C (that sometimes are also its strengths), some minor and some major: Lack of differentiation between arrays and pointers : The very first C (around 1973) did not have arrays at all; modern implementations are contiguous areas in memory accessed with pointer arithmetic (note: a declared array cannot be assigned to like a pointer), which circumvents the need to declare arrays with a fixed size. This ability, however, can cause buffer overflow errors with careless use. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Arrays do not store their length : A consequence of the above feature. This means that the program might need to explicitly perform a bounds check before accessing an array. Unless a function is passed an array of a fixed size, there is no way for it to discover the length of the array it was given: So the function must be given the length, perhaps passed to the function as a separate variable or in a structure. Because of this, most implementations do not provide automatic array bounds checking, and manual bounds checking is error prone. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` : If a C (or C++) program attempts to access an array element outside of the actual allocated memory, then a buffer overflow occurs, typically crashing the program. Buffer overflow bugs are a common security vulnerability too. Many other computer languages provide automatic bounds checking, and so they are nearly immune to such bugs. [^1][^2][^3][^4][^5] ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Variable Length Arrays : A VLA ‒ variable length array ‒ can only be used for function parameters and auto variables. VLAs cannot be used inside a structure (except as the last item in the structure). It\'s not possible to define a structure that corresponds to the standard Forth dictionary definition (which has 2 variable-length parts), except as an undifferentiated array of `char`. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Arbitrary-size built-in 2D or 3D arrays are not widely supported : This feature has been added starting with the C99 specification for variable-length arrays, although many C compilers still do not support it. Without VLAs, there is no way for a function to accept 2D or 3D arrays of arbitrary size. In particular, it\'s impossible to define a function that accepts `int a[5][4][3];` on one call, and later accepts `int b[10][10][10];` in a later call. Instead of using the built-in 2D or 3D array data type, C programmers use some other data type to hold (mathematical) 2D or 3D arrays of arbitrary size (multi-dimensional arrays) \-- see C Programming/Common practices#Dynamic multidimensional arrays for details. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` No formal String data type : Strings are character arrays (lacking any abstraction) and inherit all their constraints (structs can provide an abstraction, to an extent). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Weak type safety : C is not very type-safe. The memory management functions operate on untyped pointers, there is no built-in run-time type enforcement, and the type system can be circumvented with pointers and casts. Additionally, typedef does not create a new type but only an alias, thus it serves solely for code legibility. However, it is possible to use single member structs to enforce type safety. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` No garbage collection : As a low-level language designed for minimum overhead, C features only manual memory management, which can allow simple memory leaks to go on unchecked. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Local variables are uninitialized upon declaration : Local (but not global) variables must be initialized manually; before this, they contain whatever was already in memory at the time. This is not unusual, but the C standard does not forbid access to uninitialized variables (which is). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Unwieldy function pointer syntax : Function pointers take the form of `[return type] name([arg2 type])`, making them somewhat difficult to use. Typedefs can alleviate this burdensome syntax. For example, `typedef int fn(int i);`. See C Programming/Pointers and arrays#Pointers to Functions for more details. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` No reflection : It is not possible for a C program \-- at runtime \-- to evaluate a string as if it were a source C code statement. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` Nested functions are not standard: However, many C compilers do support nested functions, including GNU C.`<ref>`{=html} \"A GNU Manual\": \"Extensions to the C Language: Nested Functions\" 1 ```{=html} </ref> ``` No formal exception handling :Some standard functions return special values that must be handled manually. For example, `malloc()` returns null upon failure. For example, one must store the return value of `getchar()` in an `int` (not, as one might expect, in a `char`) in order to reliably detect the end-of-file \-- see EOF pitfall. Programs that do not include appropriate error handling might work fine most of the time, but can crash or otherwise malfunction when exceptional cases occur. POSIX systems often use `signal()` to handle some kinds of exceptions. (See C Programming/Error handling#Signals for details). Some programs use `setjmp()`, `longjmp()` or `goto` to manually handle some kinds of exceptions. (See C Programming/Control#One last thing: goto and C Programming/Coroutines for details). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` No anonymous function definitions ## References [^1]: <http://projects.webappsec.org/Buffer-Overflow> [^2]: <http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/Secure-Programs-HOWTO/buffer-overflow.html> [^3]: <http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/article/0,289142,sid14_gci860185,00.html> [^4]: <http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Buffer_Overflows> [^5]: <http://cyclone.thelanguage.org/wiki/Why%20Cyclone>
# C Programming/Low-level IO ## File descriptors While not specified by the C standard, many operating systems provide the concept of a **file descriptor** (sometimes abbreviated as **fd**). While the `FILE` type from `stdio.h` and its associated functions encapsulate the low-level details of a stream, a file descriptor is an integer that refers to a stream that the operating system is keeping track of. This section will explore file descriptors as they are implemented in POSIX systems, such as Linux. ### Standard streams as file descriptors When a process is being created, the operating system allocates, among other resources, three streams for a process: the standard streams `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr`. Typically, the standard streams are interacted with using their `FILE`-based definitions in `stdio.h`, as covered in an earlier section. These streams can also be interacted with through their raw file descriptors, which are the same for each process: `unistd.h` symbol stream File descriptor ------------------- ---------- ----------------- `STDIN_FILENO` `stdin` `0` `STDOUT_FILENO` `stdout` `1` `STDERR_FILENO` `stderr` `2` Notice that these file descriptors are the same for every process, even though the standard streams contain different data for each process. This means that file descriptors are not necessarily unique system-wide; each process may have a different view of which file descriptors map to which streams, just like how each process has a different view of the system\'s virtual address space. ### Basic reading and writing Reading to and writing from a file descriptor can be performed using the following functions:[^1] ``` c #include <unistd.h> ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count); ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); ``` Compare and contrast these definitions with the `FILE`-based functions:[^2] ``` c #include <stdio.h> char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream); int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream); ``` Three differences are apparent: 1. The data being read from and written to the stream are not assumed to be strings. 2. File descriptors are taken as parameters instead of `FILE`s. 3. A consistent type is used for the return value. `read` and `fgets` take similar sets of parameters: something representing the stream, a buffer, and a size; additionally, if the amount of data read equals the requested size, the buffer will have the same contents regardless of the function used. However, these functions behave differently in the case where the amount of data read does not match the requested size. `fgets`, being intended for use with strings, will stop reading early if a newline is encountered, and the function may block if it is waiting for the rest of the string to appear in the stream. `read`, on the other hand, won\'t stop reading early if a special value is encountered, but it will stop if not all the requested data has been written to the pipe yet. Since `read` can\'t guarantee that something wholly usable has been written to the buffer (in the case that it stops reading early), the return value contains the number of bytes written to the buffer. This makes `read` more appropriate for situations where the programmer needs more control over the type of the data being read or is willing to trade receiving partially-read data for reducing the number of blocking I/O operations. Similarly, `write` needs an explicit size parameter since it can\'t assume a NULL-terminated string is being written, and it will return the number of bytes written so the program can determine whether the passed data was fully written to the stream. ### Obtaining and discarding file descriptors ### `FILE`-file descriptor conversions ### Security through `openat` [^1]: read(2) and write(2), Linux Programmer\'s Manual, 2019-10-10 [^2]: fgets(3) and fputs(3), Linux Programmer\'s Manual, 2020-08-13
# C Programming/C trigraph ## Trigraphs C was designed in English and assumes the common English character set, which includes such characters as `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, and so on. Some other languages, however, do not have these or other characters which are required by C. To solve this problem, the 1989 C standard in section defined a set of `<i>`{=html}trigraph sequences`</i>`{=html} which can be substitutes for the symbols and which will work in any situation. In fact, the first translation phase of compilation specified in the 1989 C standard (section is to replace the trigraph sequences with their corresponding single-character equivalents. Note that trigraphs will be removed from C after the next major standard of it, C23, is released.[^1] The following trigraph sequences exist, and no other. Each question mark `?` that does not begin one of the trigraph sequences listed is not changed. `Sequence Replacement`\ `======== ===========`\ `  ??=         #`\ `  ??(         [`\ `  ??/         \`\ `  ??)         ]`\ `  ??'         ^`\ `  ??<         {`\ `  ??!         |`\ `  ??>         }`\ `  ??-         ~` The effect of this is that statements such as ``` c printf ("Eh???/n"); ``` will, after the trigraph is replaced, be the equivalent of ``` c printf ("Eh?\n"); ``` Should the programmer want the trigraph *not* to be replaced, within strings and character constants (which is the only place they would need replacing and it would change things), the programmer can simply escape the second question mark; e.g. ``` c printf ("Two question marks in a row: ?\?!\n"); ``` The 1999 C standard added these punctuators, sometimes called `<i>`{=html}digraphs`</i>`{=html}, in section 6.4.6. They are equivalent to the following tokens except for their spelling: `Digraph Equivalent`\ `======= ==========`\ `   <:       [`\ `   :>       ]`\ `   <%       {`\ `   %>       }`\ `   %:       #`\ `  %:%:      ##` In other words, they behave differently when stringized as part of a macro replacement, but are otherwise equivalent. ## References [^1]: <https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2940.pdf>
# C Programming/Language overloading and extensions Most C compilers have one or more \"extensions\" to the standard C language, to do things that are inconvenient to do in standard, portable C. Some examples of language extensions: - in-line assembly language - interrupt service routines - variable-length data structure (a structure whose last item is a \"zero-length array\").`<ref>`{=html} comp.lang.c FAQ list: Question 2.6: \"C99 introduces the concept of a flexible array member, which allows the size of an array to be omitted if it is the last member in a structure, thus providing a well-defined solution.\" ```{=html} </ref> ``` - re-sizeable multidimensional arrays - various \"#pragma\" settings to compile quickly, to generate fast code, or to generate compact code. - bit manipulation, especially bit-rotations and things involving the \"carry\" bit - storage alignment - Arrays whose length is computed at run time. ## External links - GNU C: Extensions to the C Language - C/C++ interpreter Ch extensions to the C language for scripting - SDCC: Storage Class Language Extensions ```{=html} <references /> ```
# C Programming/Mixing languages ## Assembler See Embedded Systems/Mixed C and Assembly Programming ## Cg Make the main program (for CPU) in C, which loads and run the Cg "wikilink") program ( for GPU ).[^1][^2][^3] ### Header files Add to C program:[^4] ``` c #include <Cg/cg.h> /* To include the core Cg runtime API into your program */ #include <Cg/cgGL.h> /* to include the OpenGL-specific Cg runtime API */ ``` ### Minimal program - by bobobobo[^5] ## Java Using the Java native interface (JNI), Java applications can call C libraries. See also - Java_Programming/Keywords/native ## Perl To mix Perl and C, we can use XS. XS is an interface description file format used to create an extension interface between Perl and C code (or a C library) which one wishes to use with Perl. The basic procedure is very simple. We can create the necessary subdirectory structure by running \"h2xs\" application (e.g. \"h2xs -A -n Modulename\"). This will create - among others - a Makefile.PL, a .pm Perl module and a .xs XSUB file in the subdirectory tree. We can edit the .xs file by adding our code to that, let\'s say: `void`\ `hello()`\ `  CODE:`\ `    printf("Hello, world!\n");` and we can successfully use our new command at Perl side, after running a \"perl Makefile.PL\" and \"make\". Further details can be found on the perlxstut perldoc page. ## Python Here can be found some details about extending Python with modules written in C. You might read about Cython and Pyrex as well, that makes easier to create modules in C, translating a Python-like code into C. Using the Python ctypes module, one can write C code directly into Python. ## Further reading - Embedded Systems/Mixed C and Assembly Programming ## References ```{=html} <references/> ``` pl:C/Łączenie z innymi językami [^1]: Lesson: 47 from NeHe Productions [^2]: Cg Bumpmapping by Razvan Surdulescu at GameDev [^3]: \[<http://www.fusionindustries.com/default.asp?page=cg-hlsl-faq> \| Cg & HLSL Shading Language FAQ `by Fusion Industries]` [^4]: <http://http.developer.nvidia.com/CgTutorial/cg_tutorial_appendix_b.html> NVidia Cg tutorial. Appendix B. The Cg Runtime [^5]: Absolutely minimal CG program for good fundamentals understanding
# C Programming/GObject Since the C Programming-Language was not created with Object Oriented Programming in mind, it has no explicit support for classes, inheritance, polymorphism and other OO Concepts. Neither does it have its own Virtual Table, which is found in object-oriented languages such C++, Java and C#. Therefore, it might not be as easy to implement an object-oriented programming paradigm using only C\'s language features and standard library. However, it can be done using structures which contain both function pointers as well as data, for example, or by using third-party libraries. There are many third-party libraries designed to add support for object-oriented programming in C. The most general-purpose and widely used among these is the GObject System, which is part of Glib. The GObject System comes with its own virtual table. To create an object in C using the GObject system, it has to be sub-classed from the GObject struct. ## Object-Creation In this example a new object will be implemented directly derived from GObject. For simplicity, the object is named *MyObject*. ### Declaring An Object To create a simple non-derivable (final) _object_, two structs must be declared, the *instance* and the *class*. They are declared using a macro: ``` c /* in myobject.h */ G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (MyObject, my_object, MY, OBJECT, GObject) ``` This declares two structures, MyObject and MyObjectClass. MyObject must be defined in the C implementation, and MyObjectClass is already defined by the macro. ### Boiler-Plate Code Since the GObject System is just a third-party library and therefore cannot make any changes to the C Language itself, creating a new object requires a lot of boiler-plate code. This is mostly handled by the macro shown above. However, the following is also required: ``` c /* in myobject.h */ #define MY_TYPE_OBJECT my_object_get_type () ``` The macro defines several functions, namely MY_OBJECT () and MY_OBJECT_CLASS (), used for casting, MY_IS_OBJECT () and MY_IS_OBJECT_CLASS () for testing whether an object or class is of the correct type and MY_OBJECT_GET_CLASS () for getting the class structure from an instance. ### Defining The Object Before use, the newly created object must be _defined_, along with the instance structure. ``` c /* in myobject.c */ struct _MyObject { GObject parent_instance; /* other members */ }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MyObject, my_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT) ``` ### Static Functions There are a few _static_ functions that may or may not to be defined, depending on your object. For a minimal object these ones are compulsory: ``` c /* in myobject.c */ static void my_object_class_init (MyObjectClass *klass) { /* code */ } static void my_object_init (MyObject *self) { /* code */ } ``` ### The Constructor There is no internal way of _allocating memory_ for an object in C. Therefore an _explicit_ constructor must be declared for the new object. ``` c /* in myobject.c */ GObject * my_object_new (void) { return g_object_new (MY_TYPE_OBJECT, 0); } ``` ### Object-Usage Although creating the object using its own pointer-type is perfectly valid, it is recommended to use the pointer-type of the object at the top of the hierarchy i.e the furthest off base class. The newly created object may now be used like this: ``` c /* in main.c */ /* Note: GObject is at the top of the hierarchy. */ /* declaration and construction */ GObject *myobj = my_object_new (); /* destruction */ g_object_unref (myobj); ``` ## Inheritance ### Concept Inheritance is one of the most widely used and useful OO Concepts. It provides an efficient way to reuse existing code by wrapping it up into an object and then sub-classing it. The new classes are known as derived classes. Many object hieriarchies can be created using inheritance. Inheritance is also one of the most efficient ways of abstracting code. ### Implementation In the GObject System, inheritance can be achieved by sub-classing _GObject_. Since C provides no keyword or operator for inheritance, a derived object is usually made by declaring the base instance and base class as a *member* of the derived instance and derived class respectively. In C code: ``` c /* derived object instance */ struct _DerivedObject { /* the base instance is a member of the derived instance */ BaseObject parent_instance; }; ``` ## Further reading - Hanser. \"Object-oriented programming with ANSI-C\". 1994. Hanser describes another way of implementing classes, inheritance, instances, methods, objects, vtables, polymorphism, late binding, etc. in standard ANSI C. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Gregory Naçu - C64OS.com. \"Object Orientation in 6502 (Take 2)\". 2019. Greg Nacu describes another way of implementing classes, inheritance, instances, methods, objects, etc., using very little memory, in 6502 Assembly language. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - Greg Kroah-Hartman. \"Everything you never wanted to know about kobjects, ksets, and ktypes\". mirror: \"Everything you never wanted to know about kobjects, ksets, and ktypes\". 2007.
# C Programming/Code library The following is an implementation of the Standard C99 version of `<assert.h>`: ``` c /* assert.h header */ #undef assert #ifdef NDEBUG #define assert(_Ignore) ((void)0) #else void _Assertfail(char *, char *, int, char *); #define assert(_Test) ((_Test)?((void)0):_Assertfail(#_Test,__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__)) #endif /* END OF FILE */ ``` ``` c /* xassertfail.c -- _Assertfail function */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> void _Assertfail(char *test, char *filename, int line_number, char *function_name) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: %s, function %s, file %s, line %d.", test, function_name, filename, line_number); abort(); } /* END OF FILE */ ```
# C Programming/Statements A **statement** is a command given to the computer that instructs the computer to take a specific action, such as display to the screen, or collect input. A computer program is made up of a series of statements. In C, a statement can be any of the following: ## Labeled Statements A statement can be preceded by a label. Three types of labels exist in C. A simple identifier followed by a colon (`:`) is a label. Usually, this label is the target of a `goto` statement. Within `switch` statements, `case` and `default` labeled statements exist. A statement of the form `case` *constant-expression* `:` *statement* indicates that control will pass to this statement if the value of the control expression of the `switch` statement matches the value of the *constant-expression*. (In this case, the type of the *constant-expression* must be an integer or character.) A statement of the form `default` `:` *statement* indicates that control will pass to this statement if the control expression of the `switch` statement does not match any of the *constant-expressions* within the `switch` statement. If the `default` statement is omitted, the control will pass to the statement following the `switch` statement. Within a `switch` statement, there can be only one `default` statement, unless the `switch` statement is within another `switch` statement. ## Compound Statements A *compound statement* is the way C groups multiple statements into a single statement. It consists of multiple statements and declarations within braces (i.e. `{` and `}`). In the ANSI C Standard of 1989-1990, a compound statement contained an optional list of declarations followed by an optional list of statements; in more recent revisions of the Standard, declarations and statements can be freely interwoven through the code. The body of a function is also a compound statement by rule. ## Expression Statements An *expression statement* consists of an optional expression followed by a semicolon (`;`). If the expression is present, the statement may have a value. If no expression is present, the statement is often called the *null statement*. The `printf` function calls are expressions, so statements such as `printf ("Hello World!\n");` are expression statements. ## Selection Statements Three types of selection statements exist in C: `if` `(` *expression* `)` *statement* In this type of if-statement, the sub-statement will only be executed iff the expression is non-zero. `if` `(` *expression* `)` *statement* `else` *statement* In this type of if-statement, the first sub-statement will only be executed iff the expression is non-zero; otherwise, the second sub-statement will be executed. Each `else` matches up with the closest unmatched `if`, so that the following two snippets of code are not equal: ``` c if (expression) if (secondexpression) statement1; else statement2; if (expression) { if (secondexpression) statement1; } else statement2; ``` because in the first, the `else` statement matches up with the if statement that has `secondexpression` for a control, but in the second, the braces force the `else` to match up with the if that has `expression` for a control. Switch statements are also a type of selection statement. They have the format `switch` `(` *expression* `)` *statement* The expression here is an integer or a character. The statement here is usually compound and it contains case-labeled statements and optionally a default-labeled statement. The compound statement should not have local variables as the jump to an internal label may skip over the initialization of such variables. ## Iteration Statements C has three kinds of iteration statements. The first is a while-statement with the form `while` `(` *expression* `)` *statement* The substatement of a while runs repeatedly as long as the control expression evaluates to non-zero at the beginning of each iteration. If the control expression evaluates to zero the first time through, the substatement may not run at all. The second is a do-while statement of the form `do` *statement* `while` `(` *expression* `)` `;` This is similar to a while loop, except that the controlling expression is evaluated at the end of the loop instead of the beginning and consequently the sub-statement must execute at least once. The third type of iteration statement is the for-statement. In ANSI C 1989, it has the form `for` `(` *expression~opt~* `;` *expression~opt~* `;` *expression~opt~* `)` *statement* In more recent versions of the C standard, a declaration can substitute for the first expression. The *opt* subscript indicates that the expression is optional. The statement ``` c for (e1; e2; e3) s; ``` is the rough equivalent of ``` c { e1; while (e2) { s; e3; } } ``` except for the behavior of `continue` statements within `s`. The `e1` expression represents an initial condition; `e2` a control expression; and `e3` what to happen on each iteration of the loop. If `e2` is missing, the expression is considered to be non-zero on every iteration, and only a `break` statement within `s` (or a call to a non-returning function such as `exit` or `abort`) will end the loop. ## Jump Statements C has four types of jump statements. The first, the `goto` statement, is used sparingly and has the form `goto` *identifier* `;` This statement transfers control flow to the statement labeled with the given identifier. The statement must be within the same function as the `goto`. The second, the break statement, with the form `break` `;` is used within iteration statements and `switch` statements to pass control flow to the statement following the while, do-while, for, or switch. The third, the continue statement, with the form `continue` `;` is used within the substatement of iteration statements to transfer control flow to the place just before the end of the substatement. In `for` statements the iteration expression (`e3` above) will then be executed before the controlling expression (`e2` above) is evaluated. The fourth type of jump statement is the `return` statement with the form `return` *expression~opt~* `;` This statement returns from the function. If the function return type is `void`, the function may not return a value; otherwise, the expression represents the value to be returned.
# C Programming/Side effects and sequence points In C and more generally in computer science, a function or expression is said to have a **side effect** if it modifies a state outside its scope or has an *observable* interaction with its calling functions or the outside world. By convention, returning a value has an effect on the calling function, but this is usually not considered as a side effect. Some side effects are: - Modification of a global variable or static variable - Modification of function arguments - Writing data to a display or file - Reading data - Calling other side-effecting functions In the presence of side effects, a program\'s behaviour may depend on history; that is, the order of evaluation matters. Understanding and debugging a function with side effects requires knowledge about the context and its possible histories.[^1][^2] A **sequence point** defines any point in a computer program\'s execution at which it is guaranteed that all side effects of previous evaluations will have been performed, and no side effects from subsequent evaluations have yet been performed. They are often mentioned in reference to C, because they are a core concept for determining the validity and, if valid, the possible results of expressions. Adding more sequence points is sometimes necessary to make an expression defined and to ensure a single valid order of evaluation. 1. An expression\'s evaluation can be **sequenced before** that of another expression, or equivalently the other expression\'s evaluation is **sequenced after** that of the first. 2. The expressions\' evaluation is **indeterminately sequenced,** meaning one is sequenced before the other, but which is unspecified. 3. The expressions\' evaluation is **unsequenced.** The execution of unsequenced evaluations can overlap, with catastrophic undefined behavior if they share state. This situation can arise in parallel computations, causing race conditions. ## Examples of ambiguity Consider two functions `f()` and `g()`. In C, the `+` operator is not associated with a sequence point, and therefore in the expression `f()+g()` it is possible that either `f()` or `g()` will be executed first. The comma operator introduces a sequence point, and therefore in the code `f(),g()` the order of evaluation is defined: first `f()` is called, and then `g()` is called. Sequence points also come into play when the same variable is modified more than once within a single expression. An often-cited example is the C expression `i=i++`, which apparently both assigns `i` its previous value and increments `i`. The final value of `i` is ambiguous, because, depending on the order of expression evaluation, the increment may occur before, after, or interleaved with the assignment. The definition of a particular language might specify one of the possible behaviors or simply say the behavior is undefined. In C, evaluating such an expression yields undefined behavior.[^3] In C[^4], sequence points occur in the following places. 1. Between evaluation of the left and right operands of the && (logical AND), \|\| (logical OR) (as part of short-circuit evaluation), and comma operators. For example, in the expression `*p++ != 0 && *q++ != 0`, all side effects of the sub-expression `*p++ != 0` are completed before any attempt to access `q`. 2. Between the evaluation of the first operand of the ternary \"question-mark\" operator and the second or third operand. For example, in the expression `a = (*p++) ? (*p++) : 0` there is a sequence point after the first `*p++`, meaning it has already been incremented by the time the second instance is executed. 3. At the end of a full expression. This category includes expression statements (such as the assignment `a=b;`), return statements, the controlling expressions of `if`, `switch`, `while`, or `do`-`while` statements, and all three expressions in a `for` statement. 4. Before a function is entered in a function call. The order in which the arguments are evaluated is not specified, but this sequence point means that all of their side effects are complete before the function is entered. In the expression `f(i++) + g(j++) + h(k++)`, `f` is called with a parameter of the original value of `i`, but `i` is incremented before entering the body of `f`. Similarly, `j` and `k` are updated before entering `g` and `h` respectively. However, it is not specified in which order `f()`, `g()`, `h()` are executed, nor in which order `i`, `j`, `k` are incremented. If the body of `f` accesses the variables `j` and `k`, it might find both, neither, or just one of them to have been incremented. (The function call `f(a,b,c)` is *not* a use of the comma operator; the order of evaluation for `a`, `b`, and `c` is unspecified.) 5. At a function return, after the return value is copied into the calling context. (This sequence point is only specified in the C++ standard; it is present only implicitly in C.) 6. At the end of an initializer; for example, after the evaluation of `5` in the declaration `int a = 5;`. 7. Between each declarator in each declarator sequence; for example, between the two evaluations of `a++` in `int x = a++, y = a++`. (This is *not* an example of the comma operator.) 8. After each conversion associated with an input/output format specifier. For example, in the expression `printf("foo %n %d", &a, 42)`, there is a sequence point after the `%n` is evaluated and before printing `42`. ## References ## External links - Question 3.8 of the FAQ for comp.lang.c [^1]: "Research Topics in Functional Programming" ed. D. Turner, Addison-Wesley, 1990, pp 17--42. Retrieved from: [^2]: [^3]: Clause 6.5#2 of the C99 specification: \"*Between the previous and next sequence point an object shall have its stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an expression. Furthermore, the prior value shall be accessed only to determine the value to be stored.*\" [^4]: Annex C of the C99 specification lists the circumstances under which a sequence point may be assumed.
# C Programming/Standard Library Reference ## Headers ### ANSI C (C89)/ISO C (C90) ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- `assert.h` Verify program assertion file `ctype.h` Character types file. **`errno.h`** System error numbers file **`float.h`** Floating types file **`limits.h`** Implementation-defined constants file. `locale.h` Category macros file. `math.h` Mathematical declarations file. `setjmp.h` Stack environment declarations file. `signal.h` Signals file. `stdarg.h` Handle variable argument list file. `stddef.h` Standard type definitions file. `stdio.h` Standard buffered input/output file. `stdlib.h` Standard library definitions file. `string.h` String operations file. `time.h` Time types file. ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ### ISO C (C94/C95), Amendment 1 (AMD1) Very old compilers may not include some or all of these headers ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ **`iso646.h`** Alternative spellings. `wchar.h` Wide-character handling. `wctype.h` Wide-character classification and mapping utilities. ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ### ISO C (C99) These are supported only in newer compilers -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- `complex.h` Complex arithmetic. `fenv.h` Floating-point environment. `inttypes.h` Fixed size integer types. **`stdbool.h`** Boolean type and values. **`stdint.h`** Integer types. **`tgmath.h`** Type-generic macros. -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ### ISO C (C11) These are supported only in newer compilers ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- **`stdalign.h`** Alignment keywords and macros. `stdatomic.h` Atomic operations on data shared between threads. **`stdnoreturn.h`** \_Noreturn function specifier macro. `threads.h` Support for multiple threads of execution. `uchar.h` Types and functions for manipulating Unicode characters. ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ## Table of functions This table also includes function-like macros ### assert.h +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `a | | ssert` | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ### complex.h +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | - | - | - | - [ | - | - | - | - | - | | [`ca | [`cat | [`c | `cata | [`csi | [`c | [`cs | [`cim | [`cre | | cos`] | anl`] | tanf` | nh`]( | nhl`] | logf` | qrt`] | agl`] | alf`] | | (../c | (../c | ](../ | ../co | (../c | ](../ | (../c | (../c | (../c | | omple | omple | compl | mplex | omple | compl | omple | omple | omple | | x.h/F | x.h/F | ex.h/ | .h/Fu | x.h/F | ex.h/ | x.h/F | x.h/F | x.h/F | | uncti | uncti | Funct | nctio | uncti | Funct | uncti | uncti | uncti | | on_re | on_re | ion_r | n_ref | on_re | ion_r | on_re | on_re | on_re | | feren | feren | efere | erenc | feren | efere | feren | feren | feren | | ce#ca | ce#ca | nce#c | e#cat | ce#cs | nce#c | ce#cs | ce#ci | ce#cr | | cos " | tan " | tan " | anh " | inh " | log " | qrt " | mag " | eal " | | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | [`cac | [` | [`c | [` | [`ct | [`c | [`csq | [` | [`cre | | osf`] | ccos` | tanl` | catan | anh`] | logl` | rtf`] | conj` | all`] | | (../c | ](../ | ](../ | hf`]( | (../c | ](../ | (../c | ](../ | (../c | | omple | compl | compl | ../co | omple | compl | omple | compl | omple | | x.h/F | ex.h/ | ex.h/ | mplex | x.h/F | ex.h/ | x.h/F | ex.h/ | x.h/F | | uncti | Funct | Funct | .h/Fu | uncti | Funct | uncti | Funct | uncti | | on_re | ion_r | ion_r | nctio | on_re | ion_r | on_re | ion_r | on_re | | feren | efere | efere | n_ref | feren | efere | feren | efere | feren | | ce#ca | nce#c | nce#c | erenc | ce#ct | nce#c | ce#cs | nce#c | ce#cr | | cos " | cos " | tan " | e#cat | anh " | log " | qrt " | onj " | eal " | | wikil | wikil | wikil | anh " | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | | ink") | ink") | ink") | wikil | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | - | - | - [ | ink") | - | - | - | - | | | [`cac | [`c | `caco | - | [`cta | [` | [`csq | [`c | | | osl`] | cosf` | sh`]( | [` | nhf`] | cabs` | rtl`] | onjf` | | | (../c | ](../ | ../co | catan | (../c | ](../ | (../c | ](../ | | | omple | compl | mplex | hl`]( | omple | compl | omple | compl | | | x.h/F | ex.h/ | .h/Fu | ../co | x.h/F | ex.h/ | x.h/F | ex.h/ | | | uncti | Funct | nctio | mplex | uncti | Funct | uncti | Funct | | | on_re | ion_r | n_ref | .h/Fu | on_re | ion_r | on_re | ion_r | | | feren | efere | erenc | nctio | feren | efere | feren | efere | | | ce#ca | nce#c | e#cac | n_ref | ce#ct | nce#c | ce#cs | nce#c | | | cos " | cos " | osh " | erenc | anh " | abs " | qrt " | onj " | | | wikil | wikil | wikil | e#cat | wikil | wikil | wikil | wikil | | | ink") | ink") | ink") | anh " | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | | - | - | - | wikil | - | - | - | - | | | [`ca | [`c | [` | ink") | [`cta | [`c | [` | [`c | | | sin`] | cosl` | cacos | - | nhl`] | absf` | carg` | onjl` | | | (../c | ](../ | hf`]( | `cc | (../c | | ink") | wikil | osh " | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | | - | - | ink") | wikil | - | - | - | - | | | [`cas | [` | - | ink") | [` | [`c | [`c | [`cp | | | inf`] | csin` | [` | - | cexp` | absl` | argf` | roj`] | | | (../c | ](../ | cacos | `cco | | ink") | osh " | osh " | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | | - | - | wikil | wikil | - | - | - | - | | | [`cas | [`c | ink") | ink") | [`c | [` | [`c | [`cpr | | | inl`] | sinf` | - [ | - | expf` | cpow` | argl` | ojf`] | | | (../c | ](../ | `casi | `cco | | ink") | inh " | osh " | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | | - | - | wikil | wikil | - | - | - | - | | | [`ca | [`c | ink") | ink") | [`c | [`c | [`ci | [`cpr | | | tan`] | sinl` | - | - | expl` | powf` | mag`] | ojl`] | | | (../c | ](../ | ` | [`cs | | ink") | e#cas | inh " | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | | - | - | inh " | wikil | - | - | - | - | | | [`cat | [` | wikil | ink") | [` | [`c | [`cim | [`cr | | | anf`] | ctan` | ink") | - | clog` | powl` | agf`] | eal`] | | | (../c | ](../ | - | `csi | | ink") | erenc | inh " | ink") | ink") | ink") | ink") | | | | | e#cas | wikil | | | | | | | | | inh " | ink") | | | | | | | | | wikil | | | | | | | | | | ink") | | | | | | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ ### ctype.h +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - ` | - [` | - [` | - [` | | isalnum` | it "wikilink") | ct "wikilink") | er "wikilink") | | - ` | - [` | - [` | - [` | | isalpha` | ph "wikilink") | ce "wikilink") | er "wikilink") | | - ` | - [` | - [` | | | isblank` | er "wikilink") | er "wikilink") | | | - ` | - [` | - [`is | | | iscntrl` | nt "wikilink") | it "wikilink") | | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ ### fenv.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - `f | - [` | - | | eclearexcept` | setround "wikilink") | | arexcept "wikilink") | - `fe | - [` | | - [`fegetenv` | stexcept "wikilink") | | fegetenv "wikilink") | - `fesetenv` | pdateenv "wikilink") | | ceptflag "wikilink") | - `fesete | | | - | xceptflag` | | | getround "wikilink") | | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### inttypes.h +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | - `imaxabs` | inttypes.h/wcstoimax "wikilink") | | - `imaxdiv` | inttypes.h/wcstoumax "wikilink") | | - `strtoimax` | | | - `strtoumax` | | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ### locale.h +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `localeconv` | | - `setlocale` | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ### math.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - | - `isinf` | - [`isnan` | | [`fpclassify` | .h/isnan "wikilink") | | classify "wikilink") | - [`isless`] | - `isnormal` | isnormal "wikilink") | | isfinite "wikilink") | - | - | | - `isgreater` | essequal "wikilink") | nordered "wikilink") | | - `isgr | - `is | - [`signbit` | | terequal "wikilink") | sgreater "wikilink") | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### setjmp.h +------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `longjmp` | | - `setjmp` | +------------------------------------------------------------+ ### signal.h +--------------------------------------------------------+ | - `raise` | +--------------------------------------------------------+ ### stdarg.h +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `va_arg` | | - `va_copy` | | - `va_end` | | - `va_start` | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ### stdatomic.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - `ato | - [`atomic_exch | - [`atomic_fl | | mic_init` | exchange "wikilink") | c.h/atomic_flag_test | | - | - [`atomic_ex | _and_set "wikilink") | | `atomic_thread_fence | change_explicit` | explicit "wikilink") | ng/stdatomic.h/atomi | | - | - [`a | c_flag_test_and_set_ | | `atomic_signal_fence | tomic_compare_exchan | explicit "wikilink") | | ` | omic_compare_exchang | ar` | tdatomic.h/atomic_fl | | `atomic_is_lock_free | - | ag_clear "wikilink") | | ` | ` | | | ic_store "wikilink") | - | | | - [`ato | [`atomic_compare_ex | | | mic_store_explicit`] | change_weak`](C_Prog | | | (C_Programming/stdat | ramming/stdatomic.h/ | | | omic.h/atomic_store_ | atomic_compare_excha | | | explicit "wikilink") | nge_weak "wikilink") | | | - `ato | - | | | mic_load` | it`](C_Programming/s | | | - `a | tdatomic.h/atomic_co | | | tomic_load_explicit` | mpare_exchange_weak_ | | | | | | tomic.h/atomic_load_ | - `atomi | | | explicit "wikilink") | c_fetch` | | | | - `atomic_fetc | | | | h_key_explicit` | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### stddef.h +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `offse | | tof` | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ### stdio.h +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - `cl | - | - `gets` | _reference#sca | | rr "wikilink") | ad "wikilink") | - | nf "wikilink") | | - | - | `perror` | reference#setb | | se "wikilink") | nf "wikilink") | - | uf "wikilink") | | - `feof` | _reference#fse | tf "wikilink") | eference#setvb | | - | ek "wikilink") | - `putc` | | `fgetc` | o.h/Function_r | | tc "wikilink") | eference#fsetp | - ` | eference#sprin | | - [` | os "wikilink") | putchar` | | fgetpos` | _reference#fte | - `puts` | _Programming/s | le "wikilink") | | `fgets` | rogramming/std | | _reference#fge | .h/Function_re | - | io.h/Function_ | | ts "wikilink") | ference#fwprin | `remove` | rogramming/std | tc "wikilink") | | `fopen` | gramming/stdio | | _reference#fop | io.h/Function_ | - | .h/Function_re | | en "wikilink") | reference#fwri | `rename` | rogramming/std | tf "wikilink") | | fprintf`](C_Pr | - `getc` | ogramming/stdi | | eference#fprin | n_reference#ge | - | o.h/Function_r | | tf "wikilink") | tc "wikilink") | `rewind` | | `fputs` | rogramming/std | | _reference#fpu | eference#getch | | io.h/Function_ | | ts "wikilink") | ar "wikilink") | | reference#wsca | | | | | nf "wikilink") | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ ### stdlib.h +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | - | - `a | - | - [`ge | - | - | | [`abo | tof` | tion_ref | ion_refe | | erence#a | atof "wi | #div "wi | - | erence#q | rence#st | | bort "wi | kilink") | kilink") | `mallo | sort "wi | rtol "wi | | kilink") | - [`a | - [` | c` | kilink") | | - | toi` | kilink") | toul "wi | | #abs "wi | kilink") | kilink") | - | - ` | kilink") | | kilink") | - | - [`e | [`callo | srand` | .h/Funct | | nction_r | kilink") | ference# | rence#ma | - | ion_refe | | eference | - | exit "wi | lloc "wi | [`strto | rence#sy | | #abs "wi | `bsearch | kilink") | kilink") | d` | ` | | - | gramming | [`free`] | `reallo | g/stdlib | | | [`atexi | /stdlib. | (C_Progr | c` | ion_refe | kilink") | | | ion_refe | kilink") | | rence#ma | | | | rence#at | | | lloc "wi | | | | exit "wi | | | kilink") | | | | kilink") | | | | | | +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ ### string.h +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | - `me | - | - | - | - | - | | mchr` | ion_refe | ion_refe | ion_refe | pbrk "wi | ion_refe | | - `me | rence#me | rence#st | rence#st | kilink") | rence#st | | mcmp` | kilink") | kilink") | `strrchr | kilink") | | ming/str | - | - | - | ` | ogrammin | ogrammin | gramming | h/Functi | gramming | | - `me | g/string | g/string | /string. | on_refer | /string. | | mcpy` | ence#str | | ing.h/me | rcat "wi | rcmp "wi | cspn "wi | - | xfrm "wi | | mcpy "wi | kilink") | kilink") | kilink") | `strsp | kilink") | | kilink") | - | - | - [`s | n` | nce#stre | kilink") | | | kilink") | rcat "wi | - | rror "wi | - | | | | kilink") | `strcp | kilink") | [`strst | | | | - | y` | rence#st | kilink") | | | | rchr "wi | | rlen "wi | | | | | kilink") | | kilink") | | | +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ ### threads.h +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - `c | - [ | - [`thr | - | | all_once` | it "wikilink") | al "wikilink") | et "wikilink") | | - | - | - [`t | | | [`cnd_broad | `mtx_lock` | it "wikilink") | | | st "wikilink") | - | - `t | | | - [`cnd_d | [`mtx_timed | hrd_join` | | | oy "wikilink") | ck "wikilink") | - `thr | | | - [ | - [`mtx_t | d_sleep` | | | it "wikilink") | ck "wikilink") | - `thr | | | - [`cnd | - [`mtx | d_yield` | | | al "wikilink") | ck "wikilink") | - `tss | | | - | - [`thrd_ | _create` | | | .h/cnd_timedwa | te "wikilink") | - `tss | | | it "wikilink") | - [`thrd_cu | _delete` | | | reads.h/cnd_wa | nt "wikilink") | - | | | it "wikilink") | - `thrd_ | [`tss_get` | | | ds.h/mtx_destr | ch "wikilink") | | | | oy "wikilink") | | | | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ ### time.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - [`asctime`] | - `gmtime` | - [`time | | (C_Programming/time. | | | #asctime "wikilink") | e#gmtime "wikilink") | | | - `clock | - [`localtime` | ocaltime "wikilink") | | | - `ctime | - [`mktime` | | | ` | e#mktime "wikilink") | | | - `difftime` | | | difftime "wikilink") | | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### uchar.h +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `mbrtoc16` | | - `c16rtomb` | | - `mbrtoc32` | | - `c32rtomb` | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ### wchar.h +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | - | - | - | - | - | - ` | - | | [`btowc | [`getw | [`sw | [`wcscm | [`wc | wcstol` | [`wm | | ` | ar "wik | nf "wik | referen | py "wik | ilink") | et "wik | | - ` | ilink") | ilink") | ce#wcsc | ilink") | - | ilink") | | fgetwc` | - | - | mp "wik | - | [`wc | - | | | [`wc | stoul`] | `wp | | grammin | n` | nction_ | h/unget | ramming | h/wcspb | ul "wik | h/wprin | | - | referen | wc "wik | /wchar. | rk "wik | ilink") | tf "wik | | `fgetw | ce#mbrl | ilink") | h/wcsco | ilink") | - | ilink") | | s` | `vfwpri | ilink") | [`wc | sxfrm`] | wscanf` | | ing/wch | - ` | ntf` | ilink") | | ilink") | ction_r | ilink") | nction_ | ilink") | - | | | - ` | eferenc | - [ | referen | - [ | [`wctob | | | fputwc` | e#mbrto | `vswpri | ce#wcsc | `wcsrto | ` | _Progra | ilink") | _Progra | ng/wcha | | | g/wchar | - | mming/w | - | mming/w | r.h/wct | | | .h/fput | [`mb | char.h/ | [`wc | char.h/ | ob "wik | | | wc "wik | sinit`] | vswprin | scspn`] | wcsrtom | ilink") | | | ilink") | (C_Prog | tf "wik | (C_Prog | bs "wik | - | | | - | ramming | ilink") | ramming | ilink") | [`wm | | | [`fwide | /wchar. | - | /wchar. | - [` | emchr`] | | | `](C_Pr | h/mbsin | `vwpr | h/wcscs | wcsspn` | (C_Prog | | | ogrammi | it "wik | intf` | C_Progr | ilink") | grammin | /wchar. | | | r.h/fwi | - | amming/ | - | g/wchar | h/wmemc | | | de "wik | `mbsrto | wchar.h | [`wcsf | .h/wcss | hr "wik | | | ilink") | wcs` | | | - | _Progra | tf "wik | C_Progr | ilink") | - | | | `fwpr | mming/w | ilink") | amming/ | - [` | [`wm | | | intf` | (C_Prog | ilink") | g/wchar | /wchar. | | | /fwprin | - | ramming | - ` | .h/wcss | h/wmemc | | | tf "wik | [`put | /wchar. | wcslen` | tr "wik | mp "wik | | | ilink") | wc` | ilink") | | | - | Program | mb "wik | grammin | - [` | - | | | [`fw | ming/wc | ilink") | g/wchar | wcstod` | [`wm | | | scanf`] | har.h/F | - | .h/wcsl | ](C_Pro | emcpy`] | | | (C_Prog | unction | `wcsca | en "wik | grammin | (C_Prog | | | ramming | _refere | t` | g/wchar | ramming | | | /wchar. | nce#put | rogramm | - | .h/wcst | /wchar. | | | h/fwsca | wc "wik | ing/wch | [`wc | od "wik | h/wmemc | | | nf "wik | ilink") | ar.h/Fu | sncat`] | ilink") | py "wik | | | ilink") | - | nction_ | (C_Prog | - ` | ilink") | | | - | `putw | referen | ramming | wcstok` | - | | | [`getwc | char` | at "wik | g/wchar | C_Progr | | | ng/wcha | wchar.h | - ` | ilink") | .h/wcst | amming/ | | | r.h/get | /putwch | wcschr` | - [ | ok "wik | wchar.h | | | wc "wik | ar "wik | | /wmemmo | | | ilink") | ilink") | grammin | p` | | | | `sw | .h/wcsc | ing/wch | | | | | | printf` | hr "wik | ar.h/Fu | | | | | | | nction_ | | | | | | grammin | | referen | | | | | | g/wchar | | ce#wcsc | | | | | | .h/Func | | mp "wik | | | | | | tion_re | | ilink") | | | | | | ference | | | | | | | | #swprin | | | | | | | | tf "wik | | | | | | | | ilink") | | | | | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ ### wctype.h +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | - [ | - [ | - [ | - [`t | - | | `iswalnum`] | `iswdigit`] | `iswpunct`] | owctrans`]( | `wctype | | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | C_Programmi | ` | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | | - [ | - [ | - [ | - [ | | | `iswalpha`] | `iswgraph`] | `iswspace`] | `towlower`] | | | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | | | ing/string. | ing/string. | ing/string. | ing/string. | | | h/iswalpha | h/iswgraph | h/iswspace | h/towlower | | | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | | | - [ | - [ | - [ | - [ | | | `iswcntrl`] | `iswlower`] | `iswupper`] | `towupper`] | | | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | | | ing/string. | ing/string. | ing/string. | ing/string. | | | h/iswcntrl | h/iswlower | h/iswupper | h/towupper | | | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | | | - [ | - [ | - [`i | - | | | `iswctype`] | `iswprint`] | swxdigit`]( | `wctrans` | | | (C_Programm | (C_Programm | C_Programmi | | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | "wikilink") | | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
# C Programming/Preprocessor reference ## Preprocessor Reference The following preprocessor statements exist: `Statement Subsequent items on the control line Meaning`\ `========= ==================================== =======`\ `#if       conditional-expression               conditional`\ `#ifdef    identifier                           true iff identifier is a macro`\ `#ifndef   identifier                           true iff identifier is not a macro`\ `#elif     conditional-expression               continues a conditional`\ `#else                                          continues a conditional`\ `#endif                                         ends a conditional`\ `#include  header-name                          includes a file`\ `#define   identifier                           defines a macro`\ `#undef    identifier                           removes a previously defined macro`\ `#line     number filename                      changes the line number and file name`\ `#error    token-list                           specifies an error`\ `#pragma   token-list                           catchall` Some nonstandard compilers also specify `#warning` and `#import`. A *conditional-expression* above can include the defined operator. The `#define ``<i>`{=html}`identifier``</i>`{=html} above can be followed by an optional list of parameters and then an optional list of replacement tokens. The left parenthesis of the parameter list must have no preceding white space.
# C Programming/POSIX Reference The **C POSIX library** is a language-independent library (using C calling conventions) that adds functions specific to POSIX systems. POSIX (and the Single Unix Specification) specifies a number of routines that should be available over and above those in the C standard library proper. It was developed at the same time as the ANSI C standard and is closely related to C. Some effort was made to make the C and POSIX libraries compatible, but there are a few POSIX functions that were never introduced into ANSI C. Facilities are often implemented alongside the C standard library functionality, with varying degrees of closeness. For example, glibc implements functions such as fork within libc.so, but before NPTL was merged into glibc it constituted a separate library with its own linker flag. Often, this POSIX-specified functionality will be regarded as part of the library; the C library proper may be identified as the ANSI or ISO C library. ## Header files -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- **aio.h** Asynchronous input and output. **arpa/inet.h** Definitions for internet operations. **cpio.h** Magic numbers for the cpio archive format. **dirent.h** Allows the opening and listing of directories. **fcntl.h** File opening, locking and other operations. **fmtmsg.h** Message display structures. **fnmatch.h** Filename-matching types. **ftw.h** File tree traversal. **glob.h** Pathname pattern-matching types. **grp.h** User group information and control. **iconv.h** Codeset conversion facility. **langinfo.h** Language information constants. **libgen.h** Definitions for pattern matching functions. **monetary.h** Monetary types. **mqueue.h** Message queues (REALTIME). **ndbm.h** Definitions for ndbm database operations. **net/if.h** Sockets local interfaces. **netdb.h** Definitions for network database operations. **netinet/in.h** Internet address family. **netinet/tcp.h** Definitions for the Internet Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). **nl_types.h** Data types. **poll.h** Definitions for the poll() function. **pthread.h** Defines an API for creating and manipulating POSIX threads. **pwd.h** Passwd (user information) access and control. **regex.h** Regular expression matching types. **sched.h** Execution scheduling. **search.h** Search tables. **semaphore.h** Semaphores. **spawn.h** Create a new process to run an executable program. **strings.h** String operations. **stropts.h** STREAMS interface (STREAMS). **sys/ipc.h** Inter-process communication (IPC). **sys/mman.h** POSIX memory management declarations. **sys/msg.h** POSIX message queues. **sys/resource.h** Definitions for XSI resource operations. **sys/select.h** Select types. **sys/sem.h** POSIX semaphores. **sys/shm.h** XSI shared memory facility. **sys/socket.h** Main sockets header. **sys/stat.h** File information (stat et al.). **sys/statvfs.h** VFS File System information structure. **sys/time.h** Time and date functions and structures. **sys/times.h** File access and modification times structure. **sys/types.h** Various data types used elsewhere. **sys/uio.h** Definitions for vector I/O operations. **sys/un.h** Definitions for UNIX domain sockets. **sys/utsname.h** uname and related structures. **sys/wait.h** Status of terminated child processes. **syslog.h** Definitions for system error logging. **tar.h** Magic numbers for the tar archive format. **termios.h** Allows terminal I/O interfaces. **trace.h** Tracing. **ulimit.h** ulimit commands. **unistd.h** Various essential POSIX functions and constants. **utime.h** File access and modification times. **utmpx.h** User accounting database definitions. **wordexp.h** Word-expansion types. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Standard overlap headers Headers that overlap/extend the C standard. ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ **assert.h** Verify program assertion. **complex.h** Complex arithmetic. **ctype.h** Character types. **fenv.h** Floating-point environment. **float.h** Floating types. **inttypes.h** Fixed size integer types. **iso646.h** Alternative spellings. **limits.h** Implementation-defined constants. **locale.h** Category macros. **math.h** Mathematical declarations. **setjmp.h** Stack environment declarations. **signal.h** Signals. **stdarg.h** Handle variable argument list. **stdbool.h** Boolean type and values. **stddef.h** Standard type definitions. **stdint.h** Integer types. **stdio.h** Standard buffered input/output. **stdlib.h** Standard library definitions. **string.h** String operations. **tgmath.h** Type-generic macros. **time.h** Time types. **wchar.h** Wide-character handling. **wctype.h** Wide-character classification and mapping utilities. ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ## References - Official List of headers in the POSIX library on opengroup.org - Lists headers in the POSIX library - Description of the posix library from the Flux OSKit ## Bibliography -
# C Programming/GNU C Library Reference ## Header files ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- `argp.h` Interface for parsing unix-style argument vectors. `argz.h` Allocate/grow argz vectors. `envz.h` `execinfo.h` Backtrace support. `libintl.h` ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ## Table of functions ### argp.h +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | - `argp_error` | - `argp_state_help` | gp.h/argp_state_help "wikilink") | | - `argp_failure` | | | - `argp_help | | | ` | | | - `argp_parse` | | | | | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ### argz.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - | - [`argz_ | - [`argz_ | | `argz_add` | z_create "wikilink") | z_insert "wikilink") | | - `argz_ad | - [`argz_create_s | - [`a | | d_sep` | eate_sep "wikilink") | rgz_next "wikilink") | | - `argz_ | - [`argz_ | - [`argz_re | | append` | z_delete "wikilink") | _replace "wikilink") | | - `arg | - [`argz_ex | - [`argz_string | | z_count` | _extract "wikilink") | tringify "wikilink") | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### envz.h +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | - [`envz_ad | - [`envz_remove`] | | d`](/envz.h/envz_add "wikilink") | (/envz.h/envz_remove "wikilink") | | - `envz_entry` | - `envz_strip` | | | | | - `envz_ge | | | t` | | | - `envz_merge` | | | | | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ### execinfo.h +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `backtrace` | | - `backtrace_symbols` | | - | | `backtrace_symbols_fd` | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ### libintl.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - `bind_textdom | - [`dg | - [`textdo | | ain_codeset` | xtdomain "wikilink") | | _codeset "wikilink") | - `dnge | | | - [`bindtextdomain | ttext` | | | xtdomain "wikilink") | - ` | | | - [`dcge | gettext` | | | cgettext "wikilink") | - `ng | | | - [`dcnget | ettext` | | | ngettext "wikilink") | | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ## Standard Library Extensions Platform facilities that extend the standard library headers. ### assert.h +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `assert_perror` | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ### complex.h +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | - [`clog10`] | - `clog10l` | ../complex.h/clog10l "wikilink") | | - `clog10f` | | | - `clog10fN` | | | - `clog10fNx` | | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ### fenv.h +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | - `fedisableexcept` | | - `feenableexcept` | | - `fegetexcept` | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ### math.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - `j0fN` | `pow10` | | - | .h/pow10 "wikilink") | - | | `j0fNx` | `pow10f` | | - `j1fN` | - `y1fN` | - | h.h/y1fN "wikilink") | | - | `pow10l` | `y1fNx` | - | .h/y1fNx "wikilink") | | - `jnfN` | h/sincos "wikilink") | h.h/ynfN "wikilink") | | - | - | - | | `jnfNx` | /sincosf "wikilink") | .h/ynfNx "wikilink") | | - `lgamm | - [`s | | | afN_r` | sincosfN "wikilink") | | | - `lgammaf | - [`sin | | | Nx_r` | incosfNx "wikilink") | | | | - | | | | `sincosl` | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### signal.h +---------------------------------------------------------+ | - `sysv_signal` | +---------------------------------------------------------+ ### stdio.h +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | - `as | - [`fputs_unlocked | - [` | | printf` | unlocked "wikilink") | /getline "wikilink") | | - ` | - [`fread_unlocked | - [`obstack_printf | | clearerr_unlocked` | k_printf "wikilink") | | unlocked "wikilink") | - | - | | - `feof_unlocke | [`fwrite_unlocked` | [`obstack_vprintf` | | d` | unlocked "wikilink") | _vprintf "wikilink") | | - | - `ge | - [`open_memstream | | [`ferror_unlocked` | tdelim` | emstream "wikilink") | | unlocked "wikilink") | - `fputs_unlocked | - [`sn | | - [`fgets_unlocked | ` | snprintf "wikilink") | | unlocked "wikilink") | - `fread_unlocked | - [`tm | | - | ` | tmpnam_r "wikilink") | | | `fwrite_unlocked` | rintf` | | emopen` | - `vsnp | | fmemopen "wikilink") | - `ge | rintf` | | kie` | | | encookie "wikilink") | | | +----------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ ### stdlib.h +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | - | - `jra | - | - [`sra | | [`alloca` | _r "wikilink") | vt "wikilink") | _r "wikilink") | | - `c | - [`lco | - [ | - [`sra | | anonicalize_fi | ng48_r` | _r "wikilink") | _r "wikilink") | | calize_file_na | - `lra | - | | | me "wikilink") | nd48_r` | vt "wikilink") | | | tdlib.h/cleare | - `mra | - [`r | | | nv "wikilink") | nd48_r` | _r "wikilink") | | | dlib.h/drand48 | - `nra | - [ | | | _r "wikilink") | nd48_r` | ch "wikilink") | | | /stdlib.h/ecvt | - `pts | - | | | _r "wikilink") | name_r` | .h/secure_gete | | | dlib.h/erand48 | - | nv "wikilink") | | | _r "wikilink") | `qecvt` | tdlib.h/seed48 | | | ./stdlib.h/get | - | _r "wikilink") | | | pt "wikilink") | `qecvt_r` | lib.h/setstate | | | ib.h/initstate | | _r "wikilink") | | | _r "wikilink") | | | | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
# C Programming/MS Windows Reference ## Header files -------------------------------------- ---------------------------- `alloc.h` Dynamic memory allocation. `conio.h` Text user interfaces. `process.h` Threads and processes. -------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ## Table of functions ### alloc.h +--------------------------------------------------+ | - `farmalloc` | +--------------------------------------------------+ ### conio.h +--------------------------------------------+ | - `getch` | | - `getche` | | - `gotoxy` | | - `clrscr` | +--------------------------------------------+ ### process.h
# C Programming/C Compilers Reference List For a brief introduction to setting up and using some of the more beginner-friendly compilers and IDEs, see ../Using a Compiler/. ## Free (or with a free version) - Ch_interpreter (http://www.softintegration.com) - The software works in Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Freebsd, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX. The Ch Standard Edition is free for noncommercial use. - Interactive C (http://www.botball.org/educational-resources/ic.php). - target platform: Handy Board (Freescale 68HC11); Lego RCX - CINT is an interpreter for C and C++ code, included in the data-analysis package ROOT. The CINT interpreter is licensed under the X11/MIT license. ( <https://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cint> ). - PicoC is a very small C interpreter, intended for small embedded systems with very little code space or data space. - PicoC target platform: x86-32, x86-64, powerpc, arm, ultrasparc, HP-PA and blackfin processors; and is easy to port to new targets. - Extensible Interactive C (EiC) - lcc-win32 (http://www.cs.virginia.edu/\~lcc-win32) - Software copyrighted by Jacob Navia. It is free for non-commercial use. Windows (98/ME/XP/2000/NT). - GNU Compiler Collection (http://gcc.gnu.org) - GNU Compiler Collection. GNU General Public License / GNU Lesser General Public License. - MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/) provides GCC for Windows - clang (LLVM) (http://clang.llvm.org/) - Almost everywhere - Open Watcom (http://www.openwatcom.org) Open Source development community to maintain and enhance the Watcom C/C++ and Fortran cross compilers and tools. Version 1.4 released in December 2005. - **Host Platforms:** Win32 systems (IDE and command line), 32-bit OS/2 (IDE and command line), DOS (command line), and Windows 3.x (IDE) - **Target Platforms:** DOS (16-bit), Windows 3.x (16-bit), OS/2 1.x (16-bit), Extended DOS, Win32s, Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT/2000/XP, 32-bit OS/2, and Novell NLMs - **Experimental / Development:** Linux, BSD, \*nix, PowerPC, Alpha AXP, MIPS, and Sparc v8 - Tiny C Compiler (http://www.tinycc.org) - A small C compiler designed to work for slow computers with little disk space (e.g. on rescue disks). - Portable C Compiler (http://pcc.ludd.ltu.se) - Portable C Compiler. BSD Style License(s). - Small Device C Compiler (SDCC) - target platforms: Intel 8051-compatibles; Freescale (Motorola) HC08; Microchip PIC16 and PIC18. - FpgaC. Target platform: FPGA hardware via XNF or VHDL files. - C compilers for many digital signal processors (DSPs), many of them are free, and are listed in the comp.dsp FAQ. - Microsoft Visual C++ (http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc) - Free (partially limited) version available (Express\|Community Edition) ## Paid - Intel C Compiler (http://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-compilers) - Windows, Linux, Mac, QNX, and embedded C/C++ compilers. Optimized for Intel 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs. - Impulse C - Target platform: FPGA hardware via Hardware Description Language (HDL) files.
# C Programming/Index This is an alphabetical index of the book. ## A - `argv` - poorly treated - ../Pointers and arrays/#sizeof - ../Arrays/ - Assignment - ../Variables/#Declaring, Initializing, and Assigning Variables - ../Simple math/#Assignment operators - `auto` ## B - Boolean - ../Control#Conditionals - `break` ## C - `calloc` - `case` - Cast operators - `char` - ../Variables/#The char type - Comments - Comparison - ../Compiling/ - `const` - `continue` - Conditionals - Control structures ## D - Data types - ../Variables/ - ../Complex types/ - `default` - `do` - `#define` - `double` - ../Variables/#The double type ## E - `else` - `#else` "wikilink") - `#elif` "wikilink") - `#endif` "wikilink") - `#error` - `extern` ## F - Files - `float` - ../Variables/#The float type - `for` - `free` - Functions - Variadic functions ## G - `goto` ## I - `if` - `#if` "wikilink") - `#ifdef` - `#ifndef` - `#include` - Input and output - ../Simple input and output/ - ../File IO/ - `int` - ../Variables/#The int type ## L - Logical operators - ../Simple math/#Logical operators - ../Control#Logical Expressions - `long` - ../Variables/#Data type modifiers - Loops ## M - Macros - `main` - poorly treated - ../Pointers and arrays/#sizeof - `malloc` - Math - ../Simple math/ - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus - ../Further math/ - functions from `math.h` library - ../Memory management/ - Multidimensional arrays - ../Common practices/#Dynamic multidimensional arrays ## O - Operator - ../Simple math/ - ../Reference Tables/#Table of Operators ## P - `#pragma` - ../Preprocessor/ - `printf` - ../Simple input and output/#Output using printf() "wikilink") - ../C Reference/stdio.h/printf/ - ../Procedures and functions/printf/ - Pointers - ../Pointers and arrays/ - ../Complex types/#Pointers - Procedures ## R - `ralloc` - `register` - `return` ## S - `short` - ../Variables/#Data type modifiers - `signed` - ../Variables/#Data type modifiers - `sizeof` - Standard libraries - ../Standard libraries/ - ../Procedures and functions/#Functions from the C Standard Library - ../C Reference/assert.h/ - ../C Reference/complex.h/ - ../C Reference/ctype.h/ - ../C Reference/errno.h/ - ../C Reference/fenv.h/ - ../C Reference/float.h/ - ../C Reference/inttypes.h/ - ../C Reference/iso646.h/ - ../C Reference/limits.h/ - ../C Reference/locale.h/ - ../C Reference/math.h/ - ../C Reference/setjmp.h/ - ../C Reference/signal.h/ - ../C Reference/stdarg.h/ - ../C Reference/stdbool.h/ - ../C Reference/stddef.h/ - ../C Reference/stdint.h/ - ../C Reference/stdio.h/ - ../C Reference/stdlib.h/ - ../C Reference/string.h/ - ../C Reference/tgmath.h/ - ../C Reference/time.h/ - ../C Reference/wchar.h/ - ../C Reference/wctype.h/ - `static` - Static functions - ../Strings/ - `struct` - Subprograms - `switch` ## T - `typedef` - seems poorly treated ## U - `#undef` - `union` - `unsigned` - ../Variables/#Data type modifiers ## V - Variable-length argument lists - Variadic functions - `volatile` ## W - `while` ## Variables - ../Variables/
# C Programming/Links Links to online resources relating to learning how to program in C: - *The C Book*, second edition by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by Addison Wesley in 1991. This version is made freely available. - Programming in C: A Tutorial, by Brian W. Kernighan; 9600 words - The GNU C Reference Manual \-- a reference for the C programming language, as implemented by the GNU C Compiler - The GNU C Library \-- a manual for the GNU C library, which defines all of the library functions specified by the ISO C standard, and other functions - Wikipedia:C syntax - cca 9700 words, as of March 2012 - Wikipedia:C (programming language) "wikilink") - Printed books and materials: - fr:Programmation C/Bibliographie
# Wikijunior:Biology/Introduction ## Introduction **Biology** is the study of life. It helps us understand many things, such as how our body works, how our body keeps warm, and what we are made of. Biology is very important to know. Some things we can learn about in biology are *genetics* (the study of human traits), *zoology* (the study of animals), *botany* (the study of plants), and *ecology* (the study of relationships between all living things). Someone who studies biology is called a *biologist*. Image:Human female metaphase chromosomes.tif\|thumb\|genetics Image:Begegnung-01.jpg\|thumb\|zoology Image: Pachycereus pringlei forest.jpg \|thumb\|botany Image:Sunrise_over_Veterans_Park_2420.jpg\|thumb\|ecology ## What is life? Living things are different from things that are not alive. It is usually easy to tell what is living and what is not, but it is sometimes hard to tell, like with very small organisms. Here are some properties of living things. You might notice that some non-living things can also have some of these properties. - **Living things can change and grow.** However, volcanoes can also change and grow when they erupt. - **Living things can move.** However, the wind is moving air, and water always moves downhill. - Just like animals, even plants can move. They can grow, and sometimes move more rapidly than that, in response to things such as the sun or water. One example is that sunflowers will naturally turn during the course of the day so that they are always facing the sun. Similarly, another example is that if a plant gets tipped over, it will want to turn upwards to face the sun. - **Living things can reproduce,** which means that they can produce copies of themselves, over and over. This is the most important difference between living and non-living things. - In order to reproduce, living things need nutrition, which are nutrients and energy sources in order to assemble the materials needed to reproduce themselves. In this process, living things must excrete waste. Waste is material which is of no use to living things, or in some cases, material that can be harmful. Animals, bacteria, and plants are examples of living things. Rivers, mountains, oceans, and soil are examples of non-living things, but they are often homes for living things. Cars and tables are also not living things, because they cannot reproduce themselves. Image:The_freshwater_alga_Spirogyra.jpg\|thumb\|Freshwater Alga Image:Viburnum_opulus_fruits_close-up\_-\_Keila.jpg\|thumb\|Berry Image:Anax imperator 2015 11 23 6807.jpg\|thumb\|Dragon-fly Image:Uitrollend blad van een Polystichum setiferum. 19-04-2023. (d.j.b) 01.jpg\|thumb\|Fern Image:Hellenic pond turtle (Emys orbicularis hellenica) Butrint.jpg\|thumb\|Turtle Image:Iceland Poppy Papaver nudicaule \'Champagne Bubbles\' Orange Center.jpg\|thumb\|Bloom ## Levels of life Living things can be of many different sizes. Size is very important in biology, since biologists organize the structures and groupings of living creatures according to size. A living creature is called an organism. Organisms can consist of single cells or multiple different types of cells grouped into tissues and organs. From smallest to largest, these are how living things are grouped: Cells : Most cells are only a few microns wide, and are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. A micron is one thousandth of a millimeter. Tissues : Tissues are groups of similar cells that are all doing similar things, like a muscle, which pulls things together. Organs : Organs are made of lots of tissues. They all have a special function, like the heart, which pumps blood. Organ systems : Organ systems are groups of organs which work together to do something. For example, all the organs which digest your food make up the digestive system. Organisms : An organism is a whole living thing, like you, or a tree. Populations : A population is a group of organisms which are all the same species and live together. Communities : A community is a group of populations of different species, which live together; for example, all the fish in a lake. Ecosystems : All the communities of organisms in an area, and the way they interact with non-living things like rivers or the weather in that area, form an ecosystem. Biomes : A biome is a large region of Earth that has a certain climate and certain types of living things. Major biomes include tundra, forests, grasslands, and deserts. Biosphere : The biosphere is the whole network of living things on planet Earth --- eight thousand miles in diameter, twenty five thousand miles around the equator. Everything in this list is made up of the things above it. For example, communities are made of many populations and populations are made up of many organisms. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! {width="400"} The earth, our home, our biotope in space. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wikijunior:Biology/Creatures ## Creatures Many different creatures live on earth: plants, insects, birds, fish, bacteria, humans and many more. They have many differences and similarities. <File:Monkey> of kembang island.jpg\|thumb\|Monkey <File:Pterois> volitans Manado-e edit.jpg\|thumb\|Pterois volitans <File:Marabou> Stork at Animal Kingdom Lodge.jpg\|thumb\|Marabou Stork <File:Jelly> Monterey.jpg\|thumb\|Jelly Monterey <File:Common> carder bee.jpg\|thumb\|Common carder bee <File:Euglena.gracilis.jpg%7Cthumb%7CEuglena> ## Are living beings related to each other? *According to the theory of evolution, all living beings on earth are related to each other.* We humans are therefore related to monkeys, cows and apple trees, but also to mosquitoes and bacteria. All living organisms on earth today share common ancestors. ## Tree of life <File:Tree> of life by Haeckel.jpg\|thumb\|Tree of life by Haeckel <File:Circular> timetree-of-life 2009.jpg\|thumb\|ohne\|Circular timetree-of-life 2009 In 1879, the biologist **Ernst Haeckel** drew a family tree of living things inspired by the family trees of noble families. At the roots are the unicellular organisms, from which all higher living beings descend, with humans at the top. Scientists are aware that scientific statements can be wrong and therefore look for errors. They found errors in Haeckel\'s picture. So, the birds are drawn in the wrong place. Modern family trees are much more complex. Humans are now on a par with other living organisms. On the left of the picture are the mammals, next to them are the birds. One of the lines denotes the humans. Extinct creatures such as dinosaurs are not shown here. Even the modern family trees are probably wrong. Viruses can transfer genes between different organisms and protozoa can exchange genes with other protozoa. There are many unanswered questions, especially in the case of unicellular organisms. There is still much to explore for future biologists.
# Wikijunior:Biology/Science and theory of evolution ## Science and theory of evolution The aim of science is to understand the world better (knowledge) and to produce new technology (innovation). Scientists develop mental models (theories) and functional models (such as an engine). Then they test these models through thought and experimentation. Appropriate models are presented to the public. Scientists change these models and test them again. *For scientists, models are not the truth.* They are therefore always looking for improvements. Good theories are understandable and thoroughly tested. <File:Cucurbita_maxima_02_-_Orange.jpg%7CCucurbita> maxima <File:Cucurbita_pepo_accidental_hybrid_Acchini.jpg%7CCucurbita> pepo Acchini <File:2006-10-18Cucurbita_pepo02.jpg%7CCucurbita> pepo File:Cucurbita_pepo\_\'Ufo\'\_-\_scallop_group_Weißer_Kürbis\_\"Ufo\".jpg\|Cucurbita pepo \'Ufo\' <File:Assorted> Cucurbita pepo and maxima gourds.jpg\|thumb\|Assorted Cucurbita pepo <File:Cucurbita> in Bayern - Kürbis - Sortenvielfalt.jpg\|thumb\|Cucurbita from Bayern ## Development of the theory of evolution For centuries, scientists have repeatedly suspected that today\'s creatures had common ancestors. They knew that breeders of crops and livestock can change the characteristics of living beings. So, the pumpkin growers used only the seeds of the best pumpkins for the next seed. In some regions, growers propagated red gourds, in other regions green ones. This is how different shapes came about. However, the scientists could not explain how breeding without a breeder could work. !Charles Darwin **Charles natural selection is possible without a breeder. For example, if the food is encased in a thick shell, a bird must be able to crack it to survive. A thick beak makes this possible. The problems in the habitat of living beings determines the goals. A narrow-pointed beak helps to capture insects. He realized this through observations on a trip to the Galapagos Islands. <File:Evolution_sm.png> <File:Darwin's_finches.png%7CDarwin's> finches <File:Darwin's_Finches,_Denver_Museum_of_Nature_and_Science.jpg> ## Evolution as natural selection !DNA double helix horizontal The genes are located in the cells of living beings. The genes contain the building and operating instructions of the living being. These are made up of DNA. - **Mutation**\ DNA can be altered by naturally occurring radioactive radiation. This leads to changes in the offspring. As a result, children, such as Darwin finch chicks, have different characteristics. They are called variations. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - **Selection**\ Some chicks die, others survive. Creatures that are better adapted to the environment have a better chance of surviving. Chicks with a feeding beak are more likely to survive. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - **Propagation**\ The survivors can have children. ## Evolution as a scientific process !Chick before the first flight Evolution and scientific work are based on a comparable process: - **Mutation**\ Science: Scientists modify existing models.\ Evolution: Radiation changes DNA. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - **Selection**\ Science: Scientists test the models in experiments.\ Evolution: The realities of nature are a severe test for all living beings. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - **Propagation**\ Science: Through a publication, other scientists learn about the model.\ Evolution: Living beings have children. The theory of evolution describes a scientific knowledge and innovation ## Direction and destination A breeder strives for goals, the evolutionary process of nature does not. But the mechanism of evolution has one direction: best possible adaptation to the environment in order to survive. For example, being able to fly is very useful. Many innovations were needed before the physical and mental abilities were available for birds to fly and find their way back home after a migration. ## Science and truth In philosophy, there have been arguments about truth for centuries. Since each side was convinced that they had the (absolute) truth at their disposal, an agreement was impossible. Science has solved the problem: on the one hand, science dispenses with absolute statements. All statements are preliminary and can always be improved. On the other hand, scientists have developed methods to check the quality of models. Scientific statements are not true or untrue, but of high or low quality. That doesn\'t mean scientists aren\'t confident in their theories. However, good scientists are generally willing to revise their ## Is the theory of evolution a good theory? - The theory of evolution is understandable. It is clear that well-adapted creatures are more likely to survive. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - The theory of evolution is logical. It is based on the laws of mathematics (statistics). ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - The theory of evolution is often tested. It has been verified by computer simulations, experiments and observations in nature. ```{=html} <!-- --> ``` - The theory of evolution is helpful. It explains many properties of living things and processes in nature that would otherwise be incomprehensible. The theory of evolution is a high-quality theory. In particular, questions of speciation, the Cambrian Explosion and the origin of life are currently under discussion. ## References [^1]: [^2]: [^3]:
# Wikijunior:Biology/Life ## Definition of Life Scientists have come up with over a hundred different definitions of the term \"life\". Many definitions are similar. They usually belong to one ## Definitions - **Enumeration of properties**\ *Life is a system that has a metabolism, can grow, multiply and move Definitions should help to avoid misunderstandings when working together. Scientists have therefore developed quality criteria for definitions. With enumerations, a problem arises with classification if not all criteria are met. Enumerated definitions are of low quality. Metabolism wip.png\|thumb\|Metabolism Cross-section of an Oak Log Showing Growth Rings.jpg\|thumb\|Growth Rings Sonchus April 2010-1.jpg\|Seeds Christie (racing automobile) LCCN2014682300.jpg\|thumb\|Racing Automobile Darwin Hybrid Tulip Mutation 2014-05-01.jpg\|Tulip with Mutation - **Matter and Energy**\ *Life is a system of nucleic acids and polymerases that absorbs and The definition is limited. It relates to earthly life. Some scientists suspect that there are life forms in space that use other substances. RNA Polymerase II.png\|thumb\|RNA Polymerase - **Information**\ *Life is a system that can absorb, process and deliver information The definition is wide. It does not separate biology from technology.\ Papertape3.jpg\|thumb\|Information - **Themodynamics**\ *Life is an unstable system that creates and maintains order within This definition applies to other aspects of life: Living beings try to maintain order so they don\'t die. That\'s true, but definitions are meant to be intuitive.\ Mischentropie.jpg\|thumb\|Entropie The definitions listed distinguish between animate and inanimate. In the following symbiosis-based definition, there is a graded transition. Organisms are a higher life form than unicellular organisms because they rely on more symbioses. - **Scientifically - philosophically**\ *Life is based on symbioses, ie on cooperation for mutual benefit. Philosophical: Life is based on the principle of love.* Principle-based definitions are of higher quality than adhock definitions. This is a principle-based definition: symbioses form the basis of life. But biologists have different opinions on this question. The symbiosis definition gives life an (ethical) value, which is important for doctors and lawyers. But many biologists strictly reject the use of philosophical terms like \"love\".\ Common clownfish curves dnsmpl.jpg\|thumb\|Clownfish with Sea anemone African buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) male with cattle egret.jpg\|thumb\|African buffalo with cattle egret Hummingbird hawkmoth a.jpg\|thumb\|Hummingbird with Plant PloverCrocodileSymbiosis.jpg\|thumb\|Crocodile with Plover Lasius niger y Cinara tujafilina en Thuja orientalis.jpg\|thumb\|Ant with Aphid Lichen Cladonia portentosa and Hypogymnia physodes.jpg\|thumb\|Lichen: Mushroom with Algae Life is diverse. Each of these definitions illuminates different aspects of life. `== Literature ==` [^1]: [^2]: [^3]: [^4]: [^5]: [^6]:
# Wikijunior:Biology/Origin of Life ## Origin of Life !Stromatolite about 3.4 billion years old after the formation of the earth, there were protozoa and stromatolite. It is not known how life evolved. There are various theories, one of which is presented below. Living things control their internal chemistry. A main problem in the transition from chemistry to biology is self-regulation. A comparison with the market economy should clarify this. \- When the warehouses in a factory are full, production is stopped. (End products inhibit chemical reactions.) In a market economy, production is regulated by supply and demand. (In chemistry, starting products and end products control the reaction.) \- There is a problem with waste products in the industry. These must be disposed of. This reduces the profit. Many entrepreneurs have become rich because they came up with an idea of how to make something valuable out of the waste products. The waste product became the raw material. (The end product of one chemical reaction can become the starting product of another reaction.) **\* Step 1: Cycle** Starting products and catalysts promote chemical reactions. After the reaction, the catalysts are released and are available for further reactions. That\'s why it\'s called a cycle. End products inhibit chemical reactions. The end product of a chemical reaction becomes the starting product in another reaction. This restarts the production of this substance. **Both cycles control and sustain each other in a symbiosis.** The metabolic processes of every cell are based on a large number of hypercycles. According to the symbiosis-based definition, hypercycles are very simple life forms based on chemistry, single-celled organisms with their enormous number of hypercycles are a significantly higher life form. Living things need a boundary to hold their parts together. It is possible that the first living beings arose in small cavities in the rock between which chemical substances circulated. It was only much later that individual cells left the cavities and settled elsewhere. The first form of life was therefore not a single cell, but a habitat. The first biological form of life was therefore the biotope. 400px \|MUexperiment Living beings need to constantly take in food. This consists of chemicals and provide building material and energy. In order for life to arise, the necessary chemical substances such as sugar, fats and amino acids had to be available. Scientists have shown that for all important substances there are a number of ways in which they could have formed. therefore believe that there are living beings on many planets and moons in space. ## Speciation All living things live in a shared **environment**. They need to use certain things (called **resources**) from their environment, like food, water, and a place to live. These resources are limited, so when more than one organism tries to use the same resource, they end up in **competition**. When two living things compete for a common resource, one of them will eventually win and **consume** (or use) that resource. When something about a thing\'s body makes it better at competing for resources, we call that special feature **adaptation**. Since these adaptations can be passed from parents onto their children, as time goes on, these adaptations become more common within a **population**, or group of similar living things living together. This is called **Natural Selection**, or **Evolution**. When a small group of living things (a small population) gets separated from the main population that they came from (like if they move over a mountain range or a river, or if they move to a new island so that they can\'t easily move back) they will often find themselves in a different environment than they were in before. This new environment has different resources and different competitors, so the new population will need different features or adaptations to be a strong competitor than what they had needed before. The original population hasn\'t changed at all, they still need the same adaptations as before. Over time, as the new population begins to adapt to their new environment, they start to look less and less like the other population. Eventually, after thousands or even millions of years, the two populations will look so different that they can\'t be called the same species. We call this process **speciation**, which just means the formation of new species. Speciation is an unavoidable consequence and a very important part of evolution. The Earth itself was born *4 and a half billion years ago*. At first, it was just a bunch of rock and water. There were no living things. But then, about *3.8 billion years ago*, the first life was formed in the oceans. It was no bigger than a single cell, but that single cell was able to copy itself and form more and more cells. Over billions of years, as that one cell evolved, it became more and more complex. Eventually, about *1 billion years ago*, the first living things with more than one cell were born. Many of the kinds of things that lived that long ago can\'t be found living in the world any more, because newer things have been better competitors and forced the older things to **extinction**, but we know they existed because we can find their **fossils**, which are traces of ancient living things buried deep in the rocks. ## Literature [^1]: [^2]: Eigen & Schuster (1977) The Hypercycle. A Principle of Natural Self-Organisation. Part A: Emergence of the Hypercycle. Naturwissenschaften Vol. 64, pp. 541--565. [^3]: [^4]:
# Wikijunior:Biology/Cells ## Cells !Plant cells All living things are made of cells. They are the components and building blocks of life. **What is a cell?** *A cell is a bag of liquid that holds in the stuff of life.* A cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of a living organism. The word \"cell\" comes from the Latin word *cella*, which means small room. If you look at living things under a microscope, you will see that they are made of small squares or balls. **Robert Hooke**, a biologist from England, saw these small squares in a hard material called cork using a microscope in the year 1665. They looked like rooms, and so he called them cells. He was also the first person to observe dead cells. **What types of cells are there?** There are two kinds of cells: **eukaryotes**, which have a large ball in them called a *nucleus*, and **prokaryotes**, which do not. Most prokaryotes are very small. Two of the six kingdoms, *Bacteria* and *Archea*, are made up of prokaryotes. All of the rest of the kingdoms -- *Animalia*, *Plantae*, *Fungi*, and *Protista* -- are made up of eukaryotes. ### Endosymbiosis Theory Every human being is a living being. But each one is made up of a large number of tiny living things called cells. But that\'s not all! Smaller creatures live in every cell of our body. The larger cell nourishes the smaller cells inside, and the small cells perform important functions. Working together for mutual benefit is called symbiosis. According to the endosymbiont theory, single-celled organisms were taken up by the large cells long ago. The mitochondria are derived from aerobic bacteria. The mitochondria gain energy from food and oxygen. The chloroplasts found in plant cells are derived from cyanobacteria. The chloroplasts gain energy from light. <File:Euglena> mutabilis - 400x - 1 (10388739803).jpg\|thumb\|Euglena <File:Euglena> viridis TK-UT.svg\|thumb\|Euglena <File:Endosymbiosis.svg%7Cthumb%7CEndosymbiosis> <File:Serial> Endosymbiosis Theory.png\|thumb\|Endosymbiosis Theory ## What do cells look like? Cells are surrounded by a thin layer of oil called the *cell membrane*. It separates the inside of the cell from the outside. Some cells also have a firm box around them called a *cell wall* that keeps it from breaking. The water that fills a cell is called the *cytoplasm*. Inside a cell, knowledge is stored in something called a *chromosome*. It tells the cell how to work, like steps in a book. Eukaryotic cells hold their chromosomes in a structure called a **nucleus**, which has its own oily membrane around it. Cells also have many other things with membranes called **organelles**, which means \"little organs\". Some organelles found in eukaryotic cells are called *ribosomes*, *vacuoles*, *mitochondria*, and *chloroplasts*. !Human sperm cell{width="600"} Cells that do different things have different shapes. A plant leaf cell takes light and uses it to make sugar. To do this, it has green organelles called *chloroplasts*. To get the most light, it pushes cytoplasm in circles around a hollow bubble of water in the center of the cell called a *vacuole*. A human sperm cell carries its chromosomes, found in the nucleus, to an egg cell in order to make a new baby. It has a large tail called a *flagella* that helps it to swim. It also has many organelles called *mitochondria* that give it power, like how gasoline powers a car. #### Vocabulary words : **nucleus** - A ball of membrane in the middle of the cell that holds the chromosomes. : **chromosomes** - Things that hold the knowledge of the cell. : **prokaryote** - A cell without a nucleus. : **eukaryote** - A cell with a nucleus. : **organelles** - Little things inside a cell. : **cytoplasm** - The gel-like inside of a cell. : **membrane** - An oil bag that holds water. : **vacuole** - An organelle full of water and waste inside a cell. : **mitochondria** - An organelle that makes power in a cell. : **chloroplast** - An organelle that makes sugar found in a plant or protist. : **flagella** - A tail on a cell that makes it swim. : **Golgi body** - An organelle which helps in secretion. : **ribosome** - An organelle which helps in synthesis of proteins.
# Wikijunior:Biology/Tissues ! Animal muscle tissue ## Tissues Organisms are made of tissues. Tissues are groups of cells that work together. Plant leaves have tissues that capture light and make sugar. Most animals have **muscle** tissues that help them move. When two or more tissues work together to do one thing, they make up organs. In plants, there are two types of tissues: - **Meristematic tissue**: This has actively dividing cells. - **Permanent tissue**: This type of tissue has developed cells. They do not divide. There are also two different types of permanent tissue: - **Simple permanent tissue**: This type of permanent tissue has only one kind of cells. Some examples of simple permanent tissues are: - **Parenchyma**: They have loosely packed cells. The cells do not have a particular function. - **Collenchyma**: They have cells which have layers called pectin. They contain chlorophyll. - **Sclerenchyma**: They have dead cells. Between the cells, there are layers called lignin. - **Complex permanent tissue**: This type of permanent tissue contains different kinds of cells. Some examples of complex permanent tissues are: - **Xylem**: This type of tissue contains mainly dead cells. They help to move water from the roots to leaves. - **Phloem**: This type of tissue contains mainly living cells. They help moving food materials from leaves to other parts.
# Wikijunior:Biology/Organs ## Organs ! A heart\|thumb Many living things have **organs**. Your heart, brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys are all examples of organs. Organs are made up of two or more tissues. All organs have something that they do to keep you healthy. For example, the heart pumps blood, and the lungs give you air. Organs work together in groups called organ systems. ## Cambrian explosion and organ formation The earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago. One billion years later, at the latest, there will be unicellular organisms. Complex single-celled organisms, called eukaryotes, arose until about 2 billion years ago. The first multicellular organisms, such as filamentous algae, jellyfish and worms, arose 1-2 billion years ago. Around 540 million years ago, animals with complex organs such as hearts and eyes emerged. Just as the economy and way of life of people fundamentally changed in the industrial revolution in a short historical time, all animal tribes that exist today have developed in a geologically short time. Biologists speak of the Cambrian explosion. The industrial was triggered by basic innovations such as the steam engine. The Cambrian explosion was also probably triggered by basic innovations that made organ formation possible. The prerequisite is that cells specialize and then migrate to the right place. <File:Medusina> asteroides.jpg <File:Life> in the Ediacaran sea.jpg <File:DickinsoniaCostata.jpg> <File:20191020> Yohoia tenuis.png <File:Opabinia> smithsonian.JPG <File:Figure> 27 04 03.jpg
# Wikijunior:Biology/Systems `__NOTOC__` ## Organ systems !A diagram of the reproductive system in women{width="250"} Two or more organs that work together make up an **organ system**. Organ systems are found in all different kinds of living things. Some of the organ systems found in humans include: - Circulatory system - Respiratory system - Digestive system - Endocrine system - Reproductive system - Urinary system - Immune system - Muscular system - Skeletal system - Integumentary system - Nervous system
# Wikijunior:Biology/Kingdoms ## Kingdoms When we look at living things we divide them up into groups and give the groups names. This is called **classification**. Living things are classified into groups of different sizes. The biggest groups contain almost everything. The smallest groups have only a few types of living things in them. The groups are, from large to small: : Domain : Kingdom : Phylum : Class : Order : Family : Genus : Species The domains are *Bacteria*, *Archaea*, and *Eukarya*, but most people still find it easiest to divide things by **kingdom**. The five kingdoms are: : Archaea : Bacteria : Animalia (Animals) : Plantae (Plants) : Fungi (Funguses and mushrooms)
# Wikijunior:Biology/Viruses ## Viruses !A virus called a rotavirus, which can cause diarrhea.\|alt=Diarrhoea causing virus, Rotavirus. Viruses are much smaller than other living things like bacteria, so small that it would take around one hundred viruses laid end to end just to make the length of a bacterium! Viruses are not really alive. They fall in the line between living things and non-living things. They do not do all of the things that living things do. They can only make more copies of themselves when they are inside living cells. Viruses often kill cells, and also make you ill. Lots of diseases are caused by viruses, the most famous ones are the viruses that cause the flu, colds, and Covid-19.
# MySQL/Introduction ## What is SQL? For a more general introduction see the SQL Wikibook. **S**tructured **Q**uery **L**anguage is a third generation language for working with relational databases. Being a 3G language it is closer to human language than machine language and therefore easier to understand and work with. - Dr. E. F. Ted Codd who worked for IBM described a relational model for database in 1970. - In 1992, ANSI (American National Standards Institute), the apex body, standardized most of the basic syntax. - Its called SQL 92 and most databases (like Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, etc.) implement a subset of the standard (and proprietary extensions that makes them often incompatible). ## Why MySQL? - Free as in Freedom - Released with GPL version 2 license (though a different license can be bought from Oracle, see below) - Cost - Free! - Support - Online tutorials, forums, mailing list (lists.mysql.com), paid support contracts. - Speed - One of the fastest databases available. (1) - Functionality - supports most of ANSI SQL commands. - Ease of use - less need of training / retraining. - Portability - easily import / export from Excel and other databases - Scalable - Useful for both small as well as large databases containing billions of records and terabytes of data in hundreds of thousands of tables. - Permission Control - selectively grant or revoke permissions to users. ### The MySQL license MySQL is available under a *dual-licensing* scheme: 1. Under the GNU General Public License, version 2, (\"or later\" allowed in versions released before 2007): this is a Free (as in freedom), copyleft software license that allows you to use MySQL for commercial and non-commercial purposes in your application, as long as your application is released under the GNU GPL. There is also a \"FLOSS Exception\" which essentially allows non-GPL\'d but Free applications (such as the PHP programming language, under the PHP license) to connect to a MySQL server. The exception lists a set of free and open-source software license that can be used in addition to the GNU GPL for your MySQL-dependent Free application. 2. A so-called \"commercial\" [^1], paid license, that is, a license where MySQL grants you the right to integrate MySQL with a non-FLOSS application that you are redistributing outside your own organization. [^2] ## MySQL and its forks MySQL is Free Software, so some forks and unofficial builds delivering contributions from the community exist. ### MariaDB In 2008 Sun Microsystems bought MySQL, Sun being itself later acquired by Oracle, in 2010. After the acquisition, the development process has changed. The team has started to release new MySQL versions less frequently, so the new code is less tested.There were also less contributions from the community. In 2009 Monty Widenius, the founder of MySQL, left the company and created a new one, called The Monty Program. He started a new fork called MariaDB. The scopes of MariaDB, - import all the new code that will be added to the main MySQL branch, but enhancing it to make it more stable; - clean the MySQL code; - add contributions from the community (new plugins, new features); - develop the Aria storage engine, formerly named Maria; - improving the performance; - adding new features to the server. The license is the GNU GPLv2 (inherited from MySQL). The primary platform for MariaDB is GNU/Linux, but also works on one proprietary system. The following Storage Engine have been added: - Aria (also used for internal tables) - PBXT - XtraDB - FederatedX - SphinxSE - OQGRAPH - Others may be added in the future. ### Drizzle In 2008 Brian Aker, chief architect of MySQL, left the project to start a new fork called Drizzle. While Oracle initially funded the project, Drizzle is now funded by Rackspace. Its characteristics are: - only a small part of the MySQL code has survived in this fork, the rest being removed: only essential features are implemented in the Drizzle server; - the survived code has been cleaned; - Drizzle is modular: many features are or can be implemented as plugins; - the software is optimized for multiCPU and multicore 64 bit machines; - only GNU/Linux and UNIX systems are supported. There are no public releases of this fork, still. Its main license will be the GNU GPLv2 (inherited from MySQL), but where possible the BSD license is applied. ### OurDelta OurDelta is another fork, maintained by Open Query. The first branch, which has number 5.0, is based on MySQL 5.0. The 5.1 branch is based on MariaDB. OurDelta includes some patches developed by the community or by third parties. OurDelta provides packages for some GNU/Linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat/CentOS. It is not available for other systems, but the source code is freely available. ### Percona Server Percona Server is a MySQL fork maintained by Percona. It provides the ExtraDB Storage Engine, which is a fork of InnoDB, and some patches which mainly improve the performance. ## Notes ```{=html} <references /> ``` fr:MySQL/Introduction [^1]: Calling it \"commercial\" is misleading, because the GNU GPL can be used in commercial (but non-proprietary) projects. [^2]: Proprietary projects still can connect to a MySQL server without purchasing this license by using old versions of the MySQL client connection libraries (under the GNU Lesser General Public License). However, these libraries cannot connect to the newest versions of the MySQL server.
# MySQL/MySQL Practical Guide ## Installing MySQL ### All in one solutions As MySQL alone isn\'t enough to run a real database server, the more practical way to install it is to deploy an all in one pack in this purpose, including all the needed additional elements: Apache and PHP. 1. On Linux: XAMP or LAMP "wikilink"). 2. On Windows: XAMP, WAMP, or EasyPHP. **Attention on Windows 10:** - The server IIS is launched by default, which forces Apache to change its port (888 instead of 80). To resolve this, just untick *Internet Information Services* in *Programs and functionalities*, *Activate or deactivate the Windows functionalities.* In the same way, the MySQL port can change from 3306 to 3388. - Moreover, *EasyPHP development server* (alias *Devserver*, the red version) doesn\'t work properly (*MSVCR110.dll is missing*) but *EasyPHP hosting server* (alias *Webserver*, the blue one) yes. However, it launched automatically at each boot which slows the system significantly. To avoid this, execute *services.msc*, and toggle the three services below in manual start. Then to launch them on demand (as an administrator), create a script called *MySQL.cmd*, containing the following lines: ``` dos net start ews-dbserver net start ews-httpserver net start ews-dashboard pause net stop ews-dashboard net stop ews-httpserver net stop ews-dbserver ``` ### Single installation *This guide is written from the perspective of using the Linux Shell with Ubuntu and apt-get*1. _If you want to solely use the Terminal_: Make sure you have the MySQL Client and Server installed. To install the client and the server under apt-get distributions (for example Debian and Ubuntu), Execute: apt-get install mysql-client mysql-client-5.0 mysql-server mysql-server-5.0 _About the MySQL package:_ 2 _Having a secure installation_: If all your answers are \"yes\" to what follows, this cleans up your installation, forces you to set a root password, asks you to test for anonymous users and makes your database internal. Just be careful. Be sure that you are configuring MySQL to the specifications you want. Here\'s the code: mysql_secure_installation ## Creating your own MySQL account and database: Now that MySQL is installed, you wouldn\'t necessarily have your own account, so you have to log in as root. To do this type: sudo mysql -u root -p (This means that you\'re logging on as the user \"root\" (**-u root**) and that you\'re requesting the password for \"root\" (**-p**) ) Once you\'ve managed to log in, your command-line should look like this: **mysql\>** By the way, if your command-line ends up looking like this: **-\>** theres an explanation behind it. In MySQL each command you do has to end with **;** . This way it knows that everything behind **;** is a command. So to get out of there, simply type **;** There will be more on this later. Now you can check what databases (if any) are available to your user (in this case \"root\" ): show databases; Let\'s get straight to the chase and create our own database. Let\'s call it **people**. While we\'re doing this we can also create our own user account. Two birds with one stone. So first create the database: create database people; (NOTE: in this particular case, you have to be \"root\" to create new databases.) Now we want to grant ( **GRANT** ) all user rights ( **ALL** ) from ( **ON** ) the entire ( **\*** ) **people** database to ( **TO** ) your account ( *yourusername***\@localhost** ) with your user password being *stuffedpoodle* ( **IDENTIFIED BY \"stuffedpoodle\"** ). So we\'d input this as: GRANT ALL ON people.* TO yourusername@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "stuffedpoodle"; Tada! You now have your own user account. Let\'s say you chose **ted** as your username. You\'ve configured MySQL to say that **ted** can play around with the **people** database in whatever ways he wishes. Now get out of MySQL by typing exit To start working with the **people** database, you can now login as **ted**: mysql -u ted -p ## Creating tables with information in your database: In MySQL information is stored in tables. Tables contain columns and rows. **Ted** has now created a **people** database. So we want now to enter some information into a table. Login as **ted**. Firstly, we need to make sure we\'re working with the **people** database. So typing: select database(); will show you what database you\'re currently using. You should see a **NULL** , meaning that you\'re working with nothing at the moment. So to start using the people database, type: \u people (NOTICE: Typing: **USE people** OR logging in as **mysql people -u ted -p** is also acceptable.) So how to create a table. Keep in mind that we need to set all the column values (like surname, age etc.). Now, remember that annoying **-\>** symbol? MySQL reads your command as just one command, not a series. So, **-\>** enables you to enter your inputs in a nicer way than just writing everything on one line. (NOTE: The problem with this method is that if you screw up on a line and press ENTER to go to the next line, you can\'t go back and fix your mistake. That\'s why a nice way to do this is using something like *SciTE Text Editor* (set language to **SQL**) to write your code and just copy/paste that into the shell.) Another thing is that you must separate your lines with **,** at the end of each line except when you\'ve written your two last lines. On the second to last line, **don\'t** add **,** and the last line always ends with **;** . First I have to explain a few things so you\'re not blown away by an unfamiliar bunch of code. If you don\'t know, we use brackets **()** to **encapsulate** code. (Often called *parenthesis*). The first thing we will be writing after the **CREATE TABLE \'\'tableName***and the first bracket will be the*database ID\'\' number(we use integers 3) of each person, mainly known as the **Primary Key**. It\'s kinda like a passport ID number. Each number is unique to its owner and it has to be to prevent duplication and imposters. Now, any variable in SQL is created as variableNAME variableTYPE otherVariableAttributes . So in order to **define** the Primary Key variable, we need to type for example: **peopleID**(variableNAME) **int**(variableTYPE - short for \"integer\") **unsigned**(means we want our integer value to always be a positive number) **not null**(we want each row to have a value, so obviously the value can\'t be empty(NULL) ) **auto_increment**(this ensures that each new row that is created will be a unique value) **primary key**(we are saying that this particular variable will be our Primary Key for this Table.)**,** (a reminder that the **,** symbol indicates the end of this line so MySQL knows to go to the next line) You already know about the **int** variable. There is another which is kinda like *String* (for example: if you\'ve programmed in Java before). It\'s called **varchar** which stands for *variable characters*. You set the amount of characters someone is able to input into a **varchar** variable. Like this: **nameOfFattestMooseAlive varchar(30)** So **nameOfFattestMooseAlive** can have a maximum of 30 characters. Okay, so let\'s see an example of how to create a table relating to the **people** database: CREATE TABLE peopleInfo ( peopleID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, firstName varchar(30), lastName varchar(30), age int, gender varchar(13) ); Just a note that I set the maximum value of **gender** to 13 because \"hermaphrodite\" has 13 characters. :) Now you can type: **CREATE TABLE peopleInfo** and press ENTER if you\'d like to start **-\>** and write the rest of the code or you can use SCITE and copy/paste it into your shell. Great. We now completed our first Table. _Now comes the part when we have to get some actual people into our **peopleInfo** Table._ Since your already using the **people** database, you can type show tables; to see what tables are currently in your database. To see the *properties* of your table type: describe peopleInfo; So, how to fill in our **peopleInfo** table with people\... This is done by telling MySQL **what** *rows* you are filling in and the **actual information/data** you want to fill in. So we want to **insert into** our table (specifying the rows) and inputting the **values**(actual data) that we want. (NOTE: We are not filling in the primary key.) To create our first person you would type this: INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Bill", "Harper", 17, "male"); Great. Now if you want to printout to the screen all the information about your table, type: select * from peopleInfo; and there you have it. Your table now has one person stored in it. _ Inserting lots of information into your table:_ A brief point that shall be covered later, MySQL backs-up itself in .sql files. The reason this is smart is because it backs-up the actual code inside the text file. Keeping this in mind, let\'s say we want to add 10 other people into your peopleInfo table. It would be one hell of a hassle typing each person into existence. What if there were a 1000? So I\'ve graciously typed out the code of filling in 10 other people to a database. :) Create a blank .txt file and copy/paste this information into it, saving it as **tenPeople.sql** . INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Mary", "Jones", 21, "female"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Jill", "Harrington", 19, "female"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Bob", "Mill", 26, "male"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Alfred", "Jinks", 23, "male"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Sandra", "Tussel", 31, "female"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Mike", "Habraha", 45, "male"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("John", "Murry", 22, "male"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Jake", "Mechowsky", 34, "male"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Hobrah", "Hinbrah", 24, "hermaphrodite"); INSERT INTO peopleInfo (firstName, lastName, age, gender) values ("Laura", "Smith", 17, "female"); Excellent. Now we want to get all these people in our table. **exit** MySQL and go to the directory where you saved the **tenPeople.sql** file. Once there, to get all the data into your database, type: mysql -u ted -p people <tenPeople.sql and enter your password. Now log into MySQL and remember to select the database your using. **\\u people** Now check again what information you have. There ya go. ## Manipulating your database: Now that we have a database full of people. We can display that information anyway we want. A brief example would be select firstName, lastName, gender from peopleInfo; This would display to the screen only people\'s names, surnames, and genders. You\'ve not specified that you want people\'s Database IDs, Numbers, or Ages to be displayed. And the great thing is you can choose whatever you want from the database to be displayed. Now, if you want to delete your table, simply type: drop table peopleInfo; Extra conditions: You can also you extra conditions (filters) through when displaying data. select * from peopleInfo where gender = 'female'; will display everyone who is female. (NOTE: letters are enclosed with **\'** while numbers are plain.) You can also compare numbers. For example: select * from peopleInfo where age > 17; will show everyone in your table who is older than 17. Little index here: > greater than < less than >= greater or equal to <= less than or equal to <> not equal to Let\'s say we wanted to display all people whose first names began with the letter \"j\". We would use the LIKE condition. (Makes sense, is your name LIKE the letter \"j\", well it start with j so yes. :) ) About the LIKE condition. 4 select * from peopleInfo where firstName LIKE "j%"; (NOTE: LIKE \'s evil opposite cousin is NOT LIKE) ## Backing up and restoring your MySQL database: There is a function called **mysqldump**. This is a way to backup your database. Remember how you managed to get information into your database from **tenPeople.sql**? Well that\'s how you restore information to a database. (In this particular case you gotta make sure that in your database you have a table called \"peopleInfo\") Now\... To backup your database (in this case backup the **people** database): We first have to create the .txt file that we will be backing it up to. Open a blank .txt file and save it as **backupfile.sql** . Now we can type: mysqldump -u ted -p people > backupfile.sql Congratulations. You have now backuped your people**database.** `<b>`{=html}WARNING!`</b>`{=html} `mysqldump` is one of the worst ways to backup production databases for the following reasons: - it will take quite a lot of time to dump data - even more time to restore. Depends on datasize, it can be counted in days! - locking problem with MyISAM tables or mixed environment Better solutions are based on binary copy. It allows you to perform non-locking, consistent backups. For MyISAM or mixed environment: - LVM snapshots For InnoDB: - LVM snapshots - ZFS snapshots (for Solaris systems) - InnoDB Hot Backup - XtraBackup (similar to InnoDB Hot Backup but free) ## phpMyAdmin This graphic interface allows the generation of SQL code by selecting some options with the mouse. This software has its own wiki on <http://wiki.cihar.com/pma/Welcome_to_phpMyAdmin_Wiki>. ## Hello world To enter the SQL commands: - Launch MySQL in shell: - Linux: `mysql` -h localhost -u root MyDB - Windows: `"C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP\binaries\mysql\bin\mysql.exe"` -h localhost -u root MyDB - Or open an SQL window in PhpMyAdmin (eg: <http://localhost/modules/phpmyadmin/#PMAURL-1:server_sql.php?server=1>). ``` mysql select "hello world"; +-------------+ | hello world | +-------------+ | hello world | +-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ```