????vav??ueue!e??????nin???????lel???ede?????????y py pupuru??hah?aseas???ana??d wd wi??? l ?iki????y by bub?y y ay aga??in??=)=)")??????????????1V1??,A,????GKGKHKHWH???393?????at??,0,?????,1,131343434?525?00???????eaeatea??????ucu?t,????reare????ririci?e e . ???","????ea?eat eat?????????oro?????????ntn?t tt ???te?, ?????????ndnd nd????vev?????????????????eat ceat ?usu????ere?r or ?????esesese!se?! W! ?e ?orordor?er??????? n ?owow w??????e ???????? i?nsn??eaeadea????? ge g?????? a at at ?t tht t??? gr g?????y ????oreore.e?????333?,B?00?5K5K45K???1VI1V?I,AI,A3??GQG?????4G4???3,??ritri????ie0ie??,0,0,??0,50,5,?131341343??43343??0000,?"G"Gr"G??ve???????? H ??????????????,M,???k ?ChC?oc?olo????e Fe ????KeK????g ?K-K-c-cu???????wew??????????????","",??????ve sve sq??uarua?re re Hre ?HotHo???oc?ocoaoco??isi? j juj?ustust ???
at value! Definitely pleased with my purchase, and will likely buy again =)" 3232,B005K4Q1VI,A3PFGKHWB839TI,Matt,0,0,5,1343520000,"Great product, great price ...","Great option for excellent taste, price, and convenience. A repeat customer on these! We order these now in the 36 pack instead of getting at the grocery store." 3233,B005K4Q1VI,A3OGQ11JV4GGC3,ritchie02,0,0,5,1343433600,"Grove square Hot Cocoa cups,Milk Chocolate For Keurig K-cups Brewers, 24 Count","Grove square Hot Cocoa is just the
??????t t?ama?ouo????f f????????oco???ata?e,e, ,?nonoto???o o m???????hocho?colcola?te???jujusu?????? r???ht?????tuturu?e.e??DeD?lilici???ousous!s??? s sasaya??? g ?????????ofof of????t ct ?choch?ocooc?olaolat?e.??TrT??y Gy ?rorovoveve e Se ???arare? H HoHot? C CoCoc?????MiM?ilkilk k Ck ?hohoc?olola????? c cu?psps s????? Ke K?ururiur??? Co C???eee????kekere??. . E. ???????I I dI dididi???3????????5K5K4K?Q1Q??I,I??????YAY?ABXAB???WQW????. G. Gr?ege?????,0,,0?????34334313171?444?00?????????prp??ttt?y ?go?od?,t??isis ?hohothot hot? co c??? t ?tasta??stesste?????rettret??? go g??????henhe?????wew????????? s???ttitt????????????????no?t t t???e be ?esestes??I'I'v'????????????tedted ?no????he??wow?orsor????ititsit??s has h???d td toto to? ra r??? t????s bs ??cac????e ee ?eveev??yoy???e he hahas????ffffeferfe?renre?t ??????es es????ititsits its??th?er????? l lilikli?ke ke??it it??r ??you?
right amout of milk chocolate, not to much chocolate, just the right mixture. Delicious! I say a good cup of hot chocolate. Try Grove Square Hot Cocoa, Milk Chocolate K cups for Keurig Coffee Makers. Enjoy! I did." 3234,B005K4Q1VI,AB094YABX21WQ,J. Gregg,0,0,5,1343174400,tastes pretty good,this hot coca tastes pretty good when brewed on 8oz setting however its not the best I've ever tasted nor the worst. its hard to rate this because everyone has different tastes so its ether you like it or you
ddod?n'n??? I ??mym? s ???? h ?apappp????????ikikek? i iti??????wiw??? b ??y ???aia?n ????esessss s I????indind ???mem???ininging g???ettettet????323????B0B??5K5???1V1????191?0Z0ZIZ?4M4??D4D474??C,C,J,?eae?????,0,,0??5,15,131??313171???00??LoL??e ???????????hocho???ata???????s is ???? g ?rer?????buybu??. . ??????e ????his his? ho h???chchoch?????????????se?? it it ?????????lolowlo?????????? a????????s a s a?????????te???????t ist i?????memesme????y liy l?ikeik?e re ??????????t t c????????e e ae ?? i? it it????s als all? d ??issis????vedved ?bebefe??re?? it???hithi?s ????? cu c???. . W. ???ulduld ??uyuy uy a ag a???,B????5K45K4Q4Q14Q??I,???5D5???8J8???VGVGYG????EdE?????d Nd ??. D. ?ururdr?en? " """?????????""?????????5,135,134????6060000000??EaE??y ??????ididsd????ve? i? it, it?????? A ??ll ?th????conconvn?venve????cec
don't. I my self happen to like it and will buy again unless I find something better. 3235,B005K4Q1VI,A190ZI4MDD47UC,Jean,0,0,5,1343174400,Love the hot chocolate,This is a great buy. I love this hot chocolate because it is very low in sugar and has a good taste. It isn't messy like regular hot chocolate as it is all dissolved before it hits the cup. Would buy again. 3236,B005K4Q1VI,A15DQC8JSUVGYR,"Edmund N. Durden ""ND House""",0,0,5,1342656000,Easy and kids love it,"Yum! All the convenience
y ????????????????a a?K-K???? w wi w?ithith ??lll???thethe e?flf???oror r??? r ??al??hoh????????????. .???????idi???lol??e e ie itit,it???????? w wi??ll ll y??ou!ou!"!?????????0505K5???1V1??????WKW??CKC?P4P4J4?????JuJ?lil?e ??unu??????,0,,0?????424????606?00,00?GrGre???t tt ?asa?tit?ngn?????co,co???????llylly y l????e te ????????????? t?????????t cht cho???olaol??e.???ThTheThe ????????ve??? the the ???????????. ????al?wawayaysys s ks ??epe?p ap ???????????is? i inin in????????sese ????mym?y ky ki??ds ds? an????the?????rir??????????????? co coco?????rinrinknke?rsr???????is is mis ???????it it??as??ierie?r ar anand???ese?s ???esses??y ey ??????????the???youyo????r ?r onr o????. ??o ???oreor?e pe ??????? sp s????ede??onon ?th??the cthe ???untun????????s ts ?thithisthi?s ws ??????23?8,8,B???5K5K45K??1V1VI1V?????????
you expect with a K-Cup with all the flavor of real hot chocolate. The kids love it, and so will you!" 3237,B005K4Q1VI,A3SWKICKP4J5K6,Julie Munro,0,0,5,1342569600,Great tasting coco,I really like the flavor of this hot chocolate. The kids love the flavor too. I always keep a box of this in the house as my kids and their friends are avid coco drinkers. This makes it easier and less messy even for the younger ones. No more powder spilled on the counter tops this way! 3238,B005K4Q1VI,A3BI8LP1
????YAY??,R,?ici??ara????wew??tmtmam?n,n?0,0,0???,1,???171??????0,K0,???? H ?otot t?CoCocococ??????s s i is??ono?e e? of o???? w ???e'e?????????????????e ???uau??e ???????ot?heh?????eaeata??prp??????t tt ???????????????KcuKc???????s.s?. . ??owo?? we w??ne??d ?sos???e se sps?ece?iaiala??s s t ?to to???rinringn???he? p ????????r ??ninit? d ????..?????,B,??????Q1Q????A1A1V?MAM????????????1t1??lll?er?????0,50,??????616??202???LoL???????,M,??y hy ???baban??d ad ????I I??????lol??????is???ot??ch??ocoocolo?at?e.? W WeW?????? on o?? th??????to ?sh???me?ntn?????????????oth??er er? mo mon??h ??????we we a ar??are gare gogoio???? to t??hahavha?ve ve?? to to?????ngeng?????????eveev??y ???ont???????0,??B00B005?K4?Q1?VI?,A,A2,A??LSL??7Z7???????3,d3,do?????2,2???,0,0,,0,0???????61??920920000,?gr???t ??asa
4PUYAG,Richard Sweetman,0,0,5,1341705600,Kcup Hot Cocoa,This is one of my wife's favorite. Grove Square has another great product to share with Kcup users. Now we need some specials to bring the price per unit down. 3239,B005K4Q1VI,A1VMAF3WW4J3M3,B1teller,0,0,5,1341619200,Love it!,My husband and I both love this hot chocolate. We are on the auto shipment for every other month and we are going to have to change it to every month! 3240,B005K4Q1VI,A2ALSH7ZYSVPK3,dopey62,0,0,5,1341619200,great tas
t?? f foforo??a a??rereaeata??prprir?cec?,M,MyM?? fa f?mim???y ry ?reare???????joj??s s??ror?vev??SqS??ara?re re????t Ct CoC??????il?? C ChC??????ateate e ae ????wewe ??eee??? a a?susupu???ly ly oly ???hah?andan?? ???????cecelce?llell??t ??pripr???e ie isi?s ws ?????????e ue ??s cs ??hooho?ses???hih????rar?and????t ??thethe e te tae t??tete te?is????at???makma????us????ntntit??????????????ouo???or???????????????????VIV?????5N5??????????,L,????sas?assassysy,y,0,???????343404?40?????,K,?eue???? h?otot ot c ch c??co??????????ve??trt???????ve???l l????????f f??????choch?oco???latelate e se ??incin??????chchach??in??g mg ??y Ky ?KeuKe??????and????is?is iis ???byb????? t??????e e Ie I ?enenjen??????the the m??ostos?. ? I I I hI ha????????hi???ed????????mom???th th s?o o???atat at Iat ????on'on?????????aba?????rur???in?ing ing???????3??
te for a great price,My family really enjoys Grove Square Hot Cocoa Milk Chocolate and we keep a supply on hand. The excellent price is what made us choose this brand but the taste is what makes us continually renew our order. 3241,B005K4Q1VI,A3B5N33ML7LJ5P,Luvssassy,0,0,5,1340409600,Keurig hot chocolate,I have tried several types of hot chocolate since purchasing my Keurig and this is by far the one I enjoy the most. I have it shipped every month so that I don't worry about running out!!! 324
??,B,?????????????????XMX??NXN??,K,K.K??EnE??lel???,0??5,5,1,?????919????,G,???ata???ara?k k C ?ocococ????I I?liliki?ede??tht???mim??k ?????????e ???????n,n, ,???? tr t????? th t???. ???t t it is????sts???????odo??, a, ?ndn????th?? th???mom?rere re?????????chchoch?oco??????????or?????????s ?????? c ??????lat?e ???sisirsi???????242?3,3?,B0,B00?5K???1V???A2A2424M24??2G2GGG?040???????BDB?,0??????,13,1?33933?282??????StStit??? L ?oo??iningin????he?? I???????t ?mymy my K ??uru?rigri??????????I I eI ??????y ?loloo?ookeooked????? o otoththeth?? b?????aga?????ti??onson?s fs ??r r m my m?y wy ????e we whw?? i?s ?non?ot ot a ? c?ofo?fe??e de dre dri????r.r????'m'?? st sti???????? G ?GroGr?????quq?????HoHot????co???hah???????astas?????te???as???? a al a?mo?st????ta???????????amamo
2,B005K4Q1VI,A18VUKXM8NXY,K. Engle,0,0,5,1339891200,Great Dark Cocoa,"I liked the milk chocolate version, so tried this. It is just as good, and with the more intense chocolate flavor, appeals to my chocolate desires." 3243,B005K4Q1VI,A24MI2GG040LY7,RBD,0,0,1,1339286400,Still Looking,"When I bought my Keurig brewer, I eagerly looked for other beverage options for my wife who is not a coffee drinker. I'm still looking. The Grove Square Hot Cocoa had a nasty aftertaste, almost metallic. No amo
?????ofof f c ??????ngn??tit???ere????????? t ?theth? b ???????????e ae ananyan??imi?????????nt.nt?? I ??usu?ede???????brebr??er???o o??????hohoto????????????a a??????? H ????CoCoco????????? a an andn?????? w wa wasa??? f ????sus????ioioror or? be beveve??aga???????????????SqS???arear?e qe ???ckcklck???fo???d d id ?????wawaywa???to to?????trtra???. ?????????indin?d qd ququaquala???y ?????es es????d ud ?useus???he???eue?????to???heahe???th?the the? wa wat wa?terte????romro? n ?????????323???,B,B0B??????1V1VIV?,A,??8Q8QHQ??????WZW?Y,Y????oanoa??a ??ueu?bkbke??????oviov????????"""""","?0,0????,1,??????404??0,?TaTasastas??????oko??????t't??? ok o???y by ??t t it ?????es????t ????ve ???ri???h ch ?choch????at???y ty tay tasast???? I I a??tut???????????????????aveave ????????y ty ta?ststest?????an'an???ququi?
unt of cleaning/tinkering with the brewer made any improvement. I used the brewer to make hot water for a Nestle Hot Cocoa pack, and that was a far superior beverage. The Grove Square quickly found it's way to the trash. I'll find quality mixes and use the Keurig to heat the water from now on." 3244,B005K4Q1VI,A28QH292WLWZY,"Joanna Luebke ""Loving Mom""",0,0,3,1337904000,Taste is okay,"It's okay but it does not have a rich chocolatey taste. I actually find it to have a funky taste, can't quit
?? f ??????e ie ????utu?.".???242???????K4K?????????????DID?KFK????,",??????nnn???. ?GiG?llllil???n n "n ???omo?ese???????om??f3f??"""""??0,0,00,0,???131?373777???????ThT????????lol???e i???,"?????r r???yiy?ngn????ve??ala?????ndn?ds ds? of o???oto????coc?a a?mymy y??kidkids???ava???ded?????d d t?ha??????????? th?e ??nen?e fe fof??r tr ??emem.m?. . ???m m c cec???aia????y hy ?????y ay aba?ou?t ???????auaususe???ot?? on onln?????????de??????????????????????? m????e ae ?ffffo??????e.e. . ?? b?oyo??s cs ?anan an???onson?umume????????? of of h hohotho?????coaco?????y ??uiu?ckcklklyly,ly?, e, ??ene?n wn ?it??? li limimimit??s ss se?t.t. t.? I????s a?lslso?????? c co?nvnve?niniei??t ?t tot to ??havha??????shshihiphi?ppepp????ut????tit?icaic??ly??. . I. IfIf f wf wew???onon'on???drd?in???? tha th????ucu????? si s???ly?ly sly ????? a a???
e figure it out." 3245,B005K4Q1VI,A3L0TIXDIKFKA0,"Ms. Ann M. Gillilan ""homeschoolmomof3""",0,0,5,1337731200,The kids love it!,"After trying several brands of Hot Cocoa my kids have decided that this is the one for them. I'm certainly happy about it because not only is it delicious, but it's also more affordable. 3 boys can consume a box of hot cocoa very quickly, even with limits set. It's also very convenient to have it shipped automatically. If we don't drink that much I simply skip a mon
??h.h. . ??? f ???enendndsds s??omo?e e???erer r??ndnd nd?????ri?nknk k? a a?lol??? I??????? or ordrded???????xtxtrtrara a?bob???? I It It't??s qs ????????imimpm?????andan????lil?iciic?????""??2424646,6,B,??050???????????MZM????NJN?222??,R,????????,0,0,,0????333????12812808?00,00?FoF??ndnd ??theth??sesece???????o o? ev eveverve???????oro?????d ad ???utut t nt ?????et??iningn? a? a f a ??llll l???p p????????ththrth?ou??h h??????????????e wie w??????????????upsup????????'s 's t??e e te ????k.k???????it?? in i??yo?youryou?r m??achac?hinhi??, ??lo?????????idi??, o, ?pep????? the the? li??d, d, t tu t??n ?????ege?re?????, cl, c?los???e the the?????????d rd ??????t tt ?????or?????????????ou ou????oulouldl???ava????lo?lose??????the lthe lilidli???? t??? the k the ??cu????ou?r ?????s ??y y????. . ?NeN?extex???stestepep p ip ?s ????hi??????????
th. If friends come over and we drink a lot, I just order an extra box. It's quick, simple and delicious." 3246,B005K4Q1VI,ABFMZYA9NJ222,Rb4123,0,0,4,1337212800,Found the secret,"To everyone worried about not getting a full cup to run through your machine with these k-cups, here's the trick. Put it in your machine, close the lid, open the lid, turn 90 degrees, close the lid and repeat two more times. You should have closed the lid on the k-cup four times by now. Next step is to hit the brew
???utu????. .???heh??prp????emem m i ?? t ??? n ????????????o o??mamala?l l t??o ro ?unu? t?????hoh???lalata???th??rouro???. ???itith???????????? th thr threr?ee ee h ho??lesles ??it it?alallal?l fl ??owo?????????ryry y???ici??? an andnd d????nsn??s ous o???????. ?. W. ?ou??d ?hahava?? g ?ivi?????thethem? f ???????????????? w ?asa?s as ?bl???e toe to ?o ruo r?? t????ougou?? t th the the the n?ee????????e e ie ?it ?is?? su supu?????????????ou????d had hav?e ?beb?eenee???a la ?????le ??thith??kekerke? o ??????ll,ll, ,??utut ?non???bab????3?2424747,7?B0B000????????,A,???848?V5V?5U5USU?????,M,M5M????,0,,0????333?717121262646?00??th??? be bese??????ocoocol????????????????????!,!???thethe ???reare??????, b, ???st ?chchochocchoco???te??????e ??n n a?nyn???keuke??????-c-????s o???t tt ???????wiw??ll ll?ded??finfi???ele?y ???????mom?oreor????ve???
button. The problem is the needle is too small to run the chocolate through. With the extra three holes it all flows out very quick and turns out good. Would have given them five stars if it was able to run through the needle like it is supposed to. Could have been a little thicker overall, but not bad." 3247,B005K4Q1VI,A2H84V55USFJQX,M5,0,0,5,1337126400,the best chocolate taste out there!,"the greatest, best chocolate taste in any keurig k-cups out there. will definitely order more. everyo
?nen???? t ??e ?ofo??icicec??trt???? t?? s ????? t th t?hemhem.m????????chchoh????ata???????? an a?d d??????e pe ?asasss?s ts ??e e t?????????484??B0B??5K5K4K?Q1Q????AUA????????????????????.,.?0,0????,1,??373717?????00,00??oto?? co c???a ???cuc????????vev??e tre t??ede??didifi???rer????brbrar??????of of???ot ot?????????omo?m dm ??rkrk k?????ililkl?k ak ?andan?d td ????GrGrorovro?ve ve?????????milmi?lk lk???hocho??lalatla????????ps ps??avaveav??byb? f ??? b ???en en t?? the the???estest.est????heheyhe??????igi????ritri????s is ?????y fy ?famfa?????anand? t th the??y hy ??ve??????n ?twtwow???thuth??bsb????. ?. I. I ???ululdld ?re???mmm?en??????ono?? w ?ho?????oyo?s s hs ho???cococcoco?????????ch?asaseas?e t?hih?s ??????..???24924?????5K????1VI1V??ABABPB??Z9Z??KXKXOX??0E0?,g,????lml??an4an???,0,??????1331337?040?4004000????coc?oaoa,oa,g???atat at?
ne in the office tries to steal them. i'm a chocolate nut, and these pass the test." 3248,B005K4Q1VI,AUOGMXLRRLVE1,Chris M.,0,0,5,1337126400,Hot cocoa k-cups,I have tried different brands of hot cocoa from dark to milk and the Grove Square milk chocolate k-cups have by far been the best. They're big critics in my family and they have given two thumbs up. I would recommend anyone who enjoys hot cocoa to purchase this brand. 3249,B005K4Q1VI,ABPNZ9RKXOP0E,gentlman4u,0,0,5,1337040000,cocoa,great p
r????ctc? f ????kek?uru?igi? c ?ofofff?eee??mam??kerke?? w ????s s??ini?e e we wiw?tht?? co cof??feefeese???ndnd d? co?co?? m???tut??? I. ?s ????? f fo f????????hoh?t t ct chc???colcolal?tete.e. ????????urcur??????prpri?????252???B0B??5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1VIV???3S3??W1W1E1ECE??N5N??0D0??"A"??ntn????NeN?????"A"Au"Aun?titieti????ellell"l????0,0,00,???,1,?????404??????????cococco??coa,coa,I,??enenjn?oyo???????selselel?ct?ioi?? a ???d td ????y hy ?avaveve ???ll ll???t ????exe????tatat??ionionsn??sos? f??????MyM??sis?st????wiwiowiolo??ll nll ?otot ot??ryr??????faf?avoav???????t mit mili??????hocohocololaolatateat???butbu????????laladla??????????t ?th?? v ????ietie?y ?pap?????any??aya??323?251251,1?????5K45K?4Q14Q???I,AI,A2A25?0G0???SMSMPM???FSF????aynay?neenee ??. . Z. ???gl?er????????1313313?626262?62462??0,???????ho??????hoco??????,T,???? h ho h??ot cot ????????ate ate???????
roduct for keurig coffee maker. works fine with coffees and cocoa mixtures. Is good for just hot chocolate. like purchase price 3250,B005K4Q1VI,A3SEW1ECTN5D0D,"Auntie Nell ""Auntie Nell""",0,0,5,1337040000,Good cocoa,I enjoy the selection and they have all met my expectations so far. My sister wioll not try any favor but milk chocolate but I am glad I brought the variety pack anyway 3251,B005K4Q1VI,A250GU4SMP2BFS,Jaynee L. Ziegler,0,0,5,1336262400,Great hot chocolate!,This hot chocolate is much
????ttttet?r r t tht??? o ??????????p p?hoh?ot ot c?hohocho????te?s s I I I h ha h?vev??????d.d??? It It t??s ?non???waw?ateat?????? I I???ve??? tri tr??????othot? t?heh??mim????an??d dd ??rkrk k ck ????ololaol?ateate ate?ve??sis??n ???and and?lil??e ????? b bo?,B,?000?5K5??????????????090??BIB????"E"????n n Rn R.R. ?????erser?s "s ????pop???ers?989?""???0,0??,5,5,5????????6060060???ese?t ???t t ct ???cocolco??????o o f ??? G GrG?ovo?????uau?arear?e he hahasha???????????t hot h???ch??????ate??K-K?cucupcu??. ?. W. WeW??e hae h??e ?e tre t?????? c co c???le? o ot o?the??? b???????????on'on?t ?t cot como??????.3.?32532?????????Q1?????282?2O2???GRG????????ri?s,s,0????4,4?,13,1????????00,00????ot Cot ??ocooc???????n ???????s tas t?lklkilk???? to t?????eie???bob?r ??bo?utut ut g ??ettet?iningin??a a Ka KeK???????he?????d d md ????????????
better than other k cup hot chocolates I have tried. It is not watery. I have tried both the milk and dark chocolate version and like them both. 3252,B005K4Q1VI,A1NEGY709BBIY3,"Ellen R. Powers ""etpowers98""",0,0,5,1336089600,Best hot chocolate,So far Grove Square has the best hot chocolate K-cups. We have tried a couple others but they don't compare. 3253,B005K4Q1VI,A282OG9GRBXNEE,Kris,0,0,4,1335830400,Hot Cocoa,"When I was talking to a neighbor about getting a Keurig she told me not to get
???oco?coaco?. .? T ThT????waw?s ???????rorouo?p p??? b ??????geg??s ts tht?ata? I ?? go g????heh??n In I I oI ????????mymy y??eue?rir?? a????????in???iti?????ve?????ooo?d.d?????t i???ri?chc??????amamy?, , a, ??nd nd e ??aca??????????????????he??n I?????t ??????? of o?f cf co??coacoa!coa??????ououlou????????????????????????????000?5K5????VIVI,I,A,????LSL???E2E??BVB????R.R?????nsn????HyH?????nen?????0,0,0???,1,???565?????????????oo?d ????????ocoocolo?????ThThiTh??is His HoHotHo?t ct ?choch????latla?????s vs ??????y gooy go?od.od??ItI????s s js ?ususts??ththeth?????ghtgh?t a???ounou??? of? m?ili??k ck ??????latlatelat?e fe ?la?vov?or.or. . T. ?TheTh??prpri???e ie isis ??????very very g???????alal l? an and an???mormo????????woworwo?th?? it i????????B0??05K05??Q1?VIVI,VI???F5F?B7B???O7O??434????LFL? F F.F.,.,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,?????57157?20200
cocoa. This was in a group of beverages that I got when I ordered my Keurig and I think it is very good. It is rich, creamy, and exactly what I want when I want a cup of cocoa! I would order this again." 3254,B005K4Q1VI,A3M1LSD6E21BVK,"R. Johns ""HyghTone""",0,0,5,1335657600,Very good Hot Chocolate,This Hot chocolate is very good. It has just the right amount of milk chocolate flavor. The price is a very good deal and more than worth it! 3255,B005K4Q1VI,AJF5B70OO7S43,WOLF F.,0,0,5,1335571200
?,H,??RDR? T ???????EVEVEV?,","I"I I??ono?'t't t??????nonowow w w ??y y?i i?orordr????????????????wawasa????????on on?a a? wh w???. . B?utu????ata????susuru?????????enen en I I ????wewed???????f f????e e?hoh??t ct chc?hocho?olo??ateat?. . T. ??? t???tet??wa????nbnbeb???????lel?? j?usustus?t lt ???e ?ho???????. ?MaMayaybybe???????d td ???????ete?????? a a ?tit????li???le??bibiti?t o???in???anantn??t cot c?ffffef????addad?dedde?d t????????d ????????ckc??????ve ve? it??""??252?????0505K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1?????VNVNJNJ7J???????B,B???ay ay R ?osose????,0,,0??,1,???535313?202?000000,0,E0,?h.h??.. ..???????othot????,??,"I,"?I wI wa???exe???ctc??????????hihinhi?????oreore.?..?.. c.. co???id????ingin????e e Ke ?eue??igi?g dg ???es es s???ch ch? a a g a ?????joj??????????ffffeff?<b<???/>/>B>????th??is is? st stutufuff?? ? E ??ververyr?yboyb????wh??o so ??mpm???d ?itit
,HARD TO BELIEVE,"I don't ven know why i ordered these, it was just on a whim. But what a surprise when I brewed myself some hot chocolate. The taste was unbelievable, just like homemade. Maybe a tad too sweet, but a tiny little bit of instant coffee added to it did the trick. Love it." 3256,B005K4Q1VI,AGVNJ7B3TH8TB,Jay Rose,0,0,3,1335312000,Eh... why bother?,"I was expecting something more... considering the Keurig does such a good job with coffee.<br />But this stuff? Everybody who sampled it
h?????sas??????????????juj?stst st????e e Ne NeNeseststlst???s s??owo??er??ed ed h ????chc??cocololalata?? i?? a ? m ??? w ???h h??????at???? W ??ate????? su s???????ana??d nd ?ot??ini???sps?????????323252??,B,B0B??????1V1VIV????????????W6W606?????chchachaea?? S ??. U. UhU?l,l?0,0?????????????00?,l,?????????,t,th?????iteiteme? h??as as???n an ?????meme ???oco?colco????????vov?r.r??????ulu???re?cocomco???nd? t?hi????????ctc???o o a an any anyoy???e le ????????fof?????t ??ho??ol??ate??fo??? th??iri???keuke?????or????y y????chich???e t??atat at????????cuc?????GrG?reare?????rodroduducdu?ctct?323??8,8?,B0,B00?5K5K45K??1V?I,I,AI,???IMIMYMY0Y?00G00??32A32ADAD2D2,2,H2,??me?r8r828??0,??0,10,???33??????????an?? ta t?astaste???artar????iciic?ialia?l sl ??????????? w wa was wa????pip??????is? w? was??? g gog??? i????????owoweoweve
here said it tasted just like Nestle's powdered hot chocolate in a mug with hot water. Watery, sugary, and nothing special." 3257,B005K4Q1VI,A2OIH61PAAW602,Michael S. Uhl,0,0,5,1335139200,love this,this item has an awesome chocolate flavor. i would recommend this product to anyone looking for hot chocolate for their keurig or any machine that uses k-cups. Great product 3258,B005K4Q1VI,A31IMY00G32AD2,Hamer82,0,0,1,1335052800,Can taste artificial sweetner.,I was hoping this was a good idea. Howev
?????e e t trt????????? e ???? a ?ftf??? I ??heheahe?????he?y y? ta t?????d bd ?iti?????????e ae ar?????cic???????????er ?ana????it it??????rur??? ?NoN?t t???e e se ??mem?e a????????tut????frf??m m tm ????cac???????????050???Q1Q?VIV???????????????,R,???????d Cd ?. ?????en,en???,0,,0?5,5???????282808?00,00,v,??ryr??????,O,?rd??ereer?????isis ??n ?ththe???????er ??????therthe?r ar ?andan???t ?waw??as gas ????at at???? th? the ??oro?nin?ingin???VeV?eryery ????y ?anand??????t tt tot??prp???????in?in Kin ??CuCupu??.?32??0,?B0B00B0????Q1???,A??????5V5VEV??7V7??,D,????iniin??ue??W,W??,0,0,0,?0,30,3,3?,13,1?33433?88880??000000,0,I0,?I lI li????ol?????hoh?ooloo???cocco?coaco??????????teter???I I sI ?sawsaw w????????n ???????????nan??????d thd t?hemhem.m. ? F ?or? a??yty??in?????argar??er ???anan an a??6o6??? cu c?up,up????????sus
er we tried them even after I heard they tasted bitter like artificial sweetner and it was true. Not the same as the stuff from the can. 3259,B005K4Q1VI,ANSGM5B0542MM,Richard C. Allen,0,0,5,1335052800,very good,Ordered this in the colder weather and it was great in the morning. Very easy and fast to prepare in K-Cups. 3260,B005K4Q1VI,AKJHHD5VEH7VG,Dominique W,0,0,3,1334880000,I like old school cocoa much better,"I saw these on sale so I nabbed them. For anything larger than a 6oz cup, the resu
?ltltst?????l l??e e?totooo???eaeaka?. .????ene????? b????winwingn???nen??wiwitwi????ozo? o of o? w wa w?tetere? a ???????? a? c cacapa?pup?ccc?ini?o o oo oror ??omo???thithin??g og ?on on t???p op ?f ???????r /r ?><>?<br<b?r /r />r /?ThT?he he?pep?pp???mim??????????e ???ava???? I I? wa?????xix????s ts tos to o to ??? b??t ??? e en e???d ??? b be b???? t???e de ???? c?????lalatla????????? I l I lolovo??ed ed???? m mom???t. t. ??????n n?? the the ?fefen??e ????outout ???????inging ?????????a a???cuc?upsup?s is ?in in?? the? the f the fu the fututuuturu???? I It It t mt ??ghg???be????????????ststist?ckc?????h h ch ca?nnn?nedne???coc???????d jd ?usustus?t ut ???e te ???? wa wat wate?ter ter????om om m???KeKeue??igi?.".??323262???B0B???K4K???VIVI,I?AEA?KFKFUF???XJX??OEO?S,S?nyn?????stbst???,0,?,0???,1,?333??535????00,00?GrG?rovro?ve ve????????????CoC??o ???CuC?????TheTh?e Ge ?GroGr???e Se Sq??uaruare????t ???
lts will be too weak. I end up brewing one with 6oz of water and then a cappuccino or something on top of it.<br /><br />The peppermint was the flavor I was anxious to try but it ended up being the dark chocolate that I loved the most. I'm on the fence about ordering hot cocoa k-cups in the future. It might be better to stick with canned cocoa and just use the water from my Keurig." 3261,B005K4Q1VI,AEKFUOZXJGOES,nyclostboy,0,0,4,1334534400,Grove Square Hot Coco K-Cups,The Grove Square Hot Coc
o? K ????psp???avavev??? g gogoooodod d?flf???????????????d d td ???t t tt ??e ???cuc?upsup??dod???oto?t ht ??ve????nounougu??????????co co??ixi??tot??mamaka???????t pt ?ere?fefece?????p.p. . T ?huh???I ??????memen?d ??ut??in?g g? a a l lil?????????????ateater???? o ?ordor?er????? ma m??e ?????h ch ?cup? j ?usustus?t rt ??gh???????2,2???????????,A,A1A1O1????C0C?YHY??1T1TRTR,R,K,K.K. ?LoL???,0,0,0????,1,131?????606???????dsds ?Lo???ve ive ?????????????st st? to t?????????"A"?ftf????drd??nknkik?ing? S ???ss??MiM????????reredre??do?wnw?? ho?t ?????????testes ???astas?te te f??or or s ??????g,????is? i is is ???ve?????asast???crcre?amamymy ????t c????ocoloco?lat?e.e. e. M?y ?kikidkids???ovo????t ?????? tr tri?ede??it?? an a??????s t?hehe ?beb??t t It I I hI ??????n an ?a wa ?hi???. . I. I ?wi?lll??????????ining????oreore.???32326?
o K-Cups have a good flavor but I find that the k-cups do not have enough hot coco mix to make that perfect cup. Thus I recommend putting a little less water in order to make each cup just right. 3262,B005K4Q1VI,A1OTH5C0YHR1TR,K. Long,0,0,5,1334016000,"Kids Love it, Taste Best to me...","After drinking Swiss Miss watered down hot chocolates taste for so long, this is a very tasty creamy hot chocolate. My kids love it so I tried it and its the best I had in a while. I will be ordering more." 3263
,????5K5K4K???VIV?,A,??J8J????JXJ??323????C.C???C. C. S ??itithth,h??,0?,5,??131333??010??00??????d d?tat??tete e c coc????????smsmamalalll???????geg?es,es?"A"? p pl p?eae??anantnt t s su s??prp????e ae awawawaia??eded ?me? w ?heh??n In ? f ???stst st o ??ded?rer????ror????SqS?uau??? m ?milmi??????co??????????????????psps.s??NoN?? a ???cofcoffffefeee?e de ??rinrinkn???,<,???????I uI ??se se? ou o?? K ??ur?igi??????? b ?????er er??oso?stlst?? t??? ma m?ke? c?oc??????????a fa fe?????theth?????????s Is ????????sisimi??????????ot?ot hot hih?it it???? m??????????e e Se Sqe S????e e ce co????a ta ?tasta??ed?????ll-ll??la??or??ed,ed, ?wiw?ithit??jujus??t et ????????ho???????????????e te ?????ke???????pep????????dridr?????ThT???fi??rstrst ??xpx????????e me ??de?? me m?????????patpate??????th th???????ureur?) )????e ne ?????tit??
,B005K4Q1VI,A2J8FJTJXL32VC,C. C. Smith,0,0,5,1334016000,good taste comes in small packages,"A pleasant surprise awaited me when I first ordered Grove Square milk chocolate Hot Cocoa cups. Not a coffee drinker,<br />I use our Keurig K-cup brewer mostly to make cocoa, and a few other brands I tried simply did not hit the mark. Grove Square cocoa tasted full-flavored, with just enough chocolate essence to make it a perfect drink. The first experience made me anticipate (with pleasure) the next time
??? p ??????????ror??? S ????????-c-??p p i ?ntntot??tht??e me ???hihininein?!"!""??262?4,4????????1V1VIV?,A,????RBR?5B5????MPM??,",?WaW??dad?a Ta ???????????""""T"?oro?re??K"K"""""""","???,0,,0???????151????0,?I ?LOLOVO?E E??HIH?S S H ??T T?CHCHO?COC???TET??FOFOROR R T??????URU?IGI??,G,???OVEOV????RER??T ???S ??THETH?E AE ??SOS????? B ??ST??????????OL??ATEATE E FE FOE FOR?????E K???RI?G.G?. . ??OUO????HOUHO?LDLD D??????S ????VE VE???T ???OCOCO??LATLA???AVAVAVAIA????????O O S????????????????DADAY????NXN????IE????32326?5,5,B5,B0????K4QK4Q1Q1VQ1VI???393939?ZVZV2V???????F,F??ucu??? G???zaz??eze??????5,?1313313??????00???ov????thethe ????vovoror,or,M,MyMy y??omo???????onon on??ov?????he he????avoav?or or?ofof f t??????oto? c ch???????e.e. ???d ??a la ??ttt??? b ??it it o???mim??????teterte??ar?dsd?????d 1d 1 1??????
I popped a Grove Square K-cup into the machine!" 3264,B005K4Q1VI,A3BZRB5BQU7MP6,"Wanda T. Kindall ""TorreyK""",0,0,5,1333152000,I LOVE THIS HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE KEURIG!,GROVE STREET HAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE KEURIG. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE HOT CHOCOLATE AVAILABLE TO SOOTHE AWAY THE DAYS ANXIETIES! 3265,B005K4Q1VI,A393ZV2MIVGDPF,Lucas Gonzalez,0,0,5,1333065600,Love the flavor,My mom and son love the flavor of this hot chocolate. Add a little bit of milk afterwards and 1 splend
?a a?????ththeh? t ta t??????s s???????????262666?,B,B0B000??K4K?Q1Q?????WGW??6O6???ZOZ????6,M6,MoM???caca ?????,0,,0,5,5,5?131?????929?????????? & ???ic?h h?????a,a?????????heshe???an??? to to o?????ththith?? c ???coaco?a aa ????r r??lll? t?he? h???????e ?????ewe???????t ?????itit it? ta?st??????????, ,???nd nd????? a a r ??ala??????????crc???????flf?avavov????I ???on'on??t kt knk?ow?? if i????????st???notnot t at ??as pas pip???y ?????????s s os ?? w????????is?, ??utut ut?? t????????th?thisthi??????co????? wa w?as ??rea???lly lly g ?ooo?d.d. . C. ??ea????????????, ??andand ????osostost ??OOO?????ete???I ?I doI d???t t t?hih??? i it i???????????af??ter??????""? t????????????so?mem???havha?????scscrcricr???ed.ed. . I. I . I u ???ed ed?????mim???le?? wa????????tit??? o ?on on?mymy ??eueuru??
a and the taste is amazing. 3266,B005K4Q1VI,AWGA6OTPZOF56,Monica E,0,0,5,1332979200,Creamy & Rich Cocoa,"I was hesitant to try this cocoa after all the horrible reviews about how it tasted so bad, and had a really bad Sucralose flavor. I don't know if I'm just not as picky as others or what it is, but I thought this hot cocoa was really good. Creamy and rich, and almost TOO sweet. I don't think it has an ""aftertaste"" though, how some have described. I used the middle water setting on my Keurig
?oro???"s"?mam?llll l???g"g????..7..7.7??? o??.,., ,?I I?gug???s.s??EvE???yoy????????tht?????owo?n n??as??eses es a anandn????efe??ereer??????, b, bubutu?????fof?? m me m??, I, I I rI ?reare??lyl??lil??e ?th?isis ???odo?????????676??B0B?????????????O9O9E9???2B2??????????GaG?mbm?lel?e,0e,??????????898?????,b,?es??????upup p??oto?????coc??ata?te,te?????is is????ha???s ?dod???????????t t tt ???astiastini?? k ???cupcu??????t cht cho?cocolco?latla??? av a?aiaili??????? T ???e Ce ??????scscac?????????ha??tevteveverver ???the the??rar??d ?nan???e ie isis ???????es ves ??veryver???????eredere????wn? a???? ar a?tit?fif?cic?alal,al?????????hihishi??????e tae t?????es tes ththithicthickc?kerke?r ar an??? mi m?ilkilkikiei????????ovo?? t th the??dad??? c ?????olaol??????lavla??or,or?????thoth?ug??? if i?? I I d??dndn'n??t k???ow ow? it i?t wt wa????t ?dadardark??? I p I ?pro?bab???
or ""small mug""...7.25 oz., I guess. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, but as for me, I really like this product!" 3267,B005K4Q1VI,AS0O9EE62B0Y6,Miss Gamble,0,0,5,1332892800,best k-cup hot chocolate,"This is hands down the best tasting k-cup hot chocolate available. The Cafe Escapes or whatever the brand name is tastes very watered down and artificial, while this one tastes thicker and milkier. I love the dark chocolate flavor, although if I didn't know it wasn't dark I probably
c cocouo?ldl????????? t totolold? t??????fff???enencn???bebete???????t ?ana???????gug??arar r??????f f??oco??a.a. .??I I w ?ili?l l??tit??k k?????? th??e fe ??avavoav?r ?juj?st??????ususeus???it it w? wil wi?ll ll p ?ror?bab????? be b???ic??herhe?r tr tht???? th the?????????oc?ol??tet??opo???ono??. . T ?he????ar??e se sus??ch ch? a a h??it ??? m??y hy hohouho?use?? wh whe??n tn th?e e we ?weawe?athat??????? co????????verve???oneon?e ae ale a???????wanwa???????t ct chchochoc??lalatla?te!te?<b<??r /r />/?<b???r />r />S>?omo?et???ngn???? n non??te te o?n ?n thn t????isi??th?at???????? wo w??????uchuc???betbetttteterte?????hen hen u ??????witwi?th th???ououtou??6 6?????erer er k ?-c-??????I ??use??? k???up????erer ????g ag ?andand d td ?the?????????isis is? mu m??uch uch b be???????tha??????en ???trt?ry ry? on one on???to?o ????ter???.".""???6868,8?B0B???????VIV?,A,?????QRQ????OJO???TIT
couldn't have told the difference between it and a regular cup of cocoa. I will stick with the flavor just because it will probably be richer than the milk chocolate option. These are such a hit at my house when the weather is cool. Everyone always wants hot chocolate!<br /><br />Something to note on this is that these work much better when used with about 6 oz per k-cup. I use 2 k-cups per mug and the flavor is much better than when I try one (too watery)." 3268,B005K4Q1VI,AMDPYQR7QVOJQ,TI
N??????????????262?33?606?0,?????????????MyM????ana?dsd?????ovo??? t ???s.s?? H HeHe e?????es es??? cu c????ve??yty?imi?e ???e se ststot??s s os ovoveovere?. . I. ???quq??ckc????nd nd?????y ay ?andand d t??? t????e ?is? g??????32????B0B??5K5?4Q4????,A,??TCTCHC?BGB???ISIS1S?OZOZ,Z?,Am,A???onon on??ddd??ictic?,0????5,5,15,?1331332???808??0,?"I"?f f?yoyouou u???????????ho??colco??te?, ,? th????is????eae?at"at?,",?AsAs ?fafarar r a??s ss ??ngn?lel?e s??erverve???????as as?? go, go?, t, ??isis ???s os ons onene ??????e ??es?t.t. ??I I??ou???n'n?t ????y iy ??'s'?s as ????????asas ?so?meme me?of??? the th????and??madmaded?e oe one o?????bub??????'s 's???????????!"!?3??707?????5K5K45K?4Q14Q????A3??????VIEVIE0E?898?HSHS,S,"????CaC?astastaast???dada ???PePepeps?i i?GaG??""?????0,0,40,??,13,1??222??????0,w0,??rtr?th th??it,it,","n,"?iciceic??vavarariar????y py ??ck???????? d dod
NJAN,0,0,5,1332633600,k-cup cocoa,My grandson loves this. He makes a cup everytime he stops over. It quick and easy and the taste is good. 3269,B005K4Q1VI,A3TCHBGG6IS1OZ,Amazon Addict,0,0,5,1332288000,"If you like hot chocolate, this is great","As far as single serve cocoas go, this is one of the best. I wouldn't say it's as good as some of the handmade ones, but it's still good!" 3270,B005K4Q1VI,A33VM5VIE089HS,"R. Castaneda ""Pepsi Gal""",0,0,4,1332201600,worth it,"nice variety pack. has 3 do
??fef?rerene?? h hohotot ??ho?coc???????ini????e e p ???kakagagege.e??????, , d ?ara?? a ??d d?????????????nin?????holholil?????fe??????oooodo???????comco??????????????heh??ses?asasos???""??272???B0B??5K5K4K???VIVI,I??YAYA2A???RXR???XPX???KaK????0,0?????131??181????00000?????y ?co??veven??en?t ???d ???retre??????od?,W,????recre?ceice??vedve?d td ththith????ordorded?????????fe??????ondondid????on.on. on. I ??????chach???d ????????od???? f??????y my ?ot??herhe???????w.w?. S. ????li?kek?????he he che ?con??????encence? o of o? t??e ?pr???oducoduct?????? the the the K ?eue?????????eee?e Me ????r.r. ??hehe ???hoc?ololaolat????oeo?es es nes ??ot ot?sts???? t??? th? the ??id??????? th the? the c the ???? li l?????? the ???heahe?????t ??ho??hocolhoco??te???? t?????pappa??per per?bab?agsag?. ?OvO?????? i??????te??s ps ??ete?ttytt?????d.d?. I.
fferent hot chocolates in one package. milk, dark and peppermint. nice holiday feel. good for company during the season." 3271,B005K4Q1VI,AYA27SRXFOXP7,Kari,0,0,4,1331856000,Very convenient and pretty good,We received this order in perfect condition. I purchased this product for my mother-in-law. She likes the convenience of the product in the Keurig Coffee Maker. The chocolate does not stick to the sides of the cup like the cheap hot chocolate in the paper bags. Overall it tastes pretty good. I
?? i ?s s a a a?liliti?????wew?????????oooodo?? U ?sese ???????????e e se ??alallll l???? s ??tt?iningn????? th t?????uru??g.g???? st stat??s.s???272?2,2,B,?000?5K5K4K?????,A,?????U8U?FAF?QYQY3Y?Z,Z?DoDon?nana,a,0,?,0???,1,????767696???00,00???ealeall??y gy go??od!od?,",??? bo b?????t tt th?????????se?? it it t wt waw???a ???ryr??y goy goo??????cec?. ? I ??t w?as????eal?lyly ly?go?goodgood d td ?thoth?????. ????ovo?ve ve??ixi???????pep?????mi???t w???? a?????????????atatete ??ndn??hah???ing?? a ?dodou?blble? s?izi?ede???? o?f f??hotho????co?????? / ?><><b<br<b?????????kek?ep????yiy??ing ?????s us ?????? th?eye???????t st seselse????it it??nynymymom??????? i is i?s rs ??al?????rerea??y.y. ?. I. I . I??iki?????????t ??t witt with??6 6?????cesces s os ???????r,r????vevesve?????a ??thi?ckckekerke??fef???.".?3323??3,3,B,B0,B00????4Q14Q1V????1C1????
t is a little weak but good. Use only on the small cup setting in the Keurig. 4 stars. 3272,B005K4Q1VI,ANDCFU8FAQY3Z,Donna,0,0,5,1331769600,Really good!,"I bought this because it was a very good price. It was really good though. I love mixing a peppermint with a dark chocolate and having a double sized up of hot cocoa.<br /><br />Will keep buying this until they don't sell it anymore. It is really creamy. I like it best with 6 ounces of water, gives it a thicker feel." 3273,B005K4Q1VI,A1CDYM1
?????????MaM??? E ? T ?eaeagagug??,0,???,4,?,1,??313?686?323????ReR?ceceieivi??d d?????????????ucu????? w ?asa????sas??popoioinintntet?ed ed bed ?????e e????? t ?thath???????????e ????ese???I rI ????iv?ed??hah?d ?al?????y ?exexpex?pirpi??d.d????uc????y ?y eny e????h,h, ,?????flf??vovoro???????no???????dedegegrgrarad?ed????? / ??<b?r ?/>/>I/>I ??pep??ifi?????lyly ly b ?????t ?ththethes????in in o ??de????????? t th the? p?????????t ???????. . . ???wawaswa????pi?ngng g? fo f?????????. T. ???? pe?????rmirm??int int h hoh????ho??olo??tete te???????????av?e ????h h?? pep?peperpe????nt nt??la??vorvo???o ??t,t, t, b bu b???wew??wiw????sts?ilill? e en e??oyoy y iy ??? an a?????????f f?????otothothe?r ?fl????vorsvor???332??4,4,B4,B0B??5K5???1V1VIV??A3A???????AUA????A,A????????????bribr??????0,???????595??6806800??
0FO8791,Mary E Teague,0,0,4,1331683200,Received expired product,"I was disappointed by the fact that all three boxes I received had already expired. Luckily enough, the flavors had not yet degraded.<br /><br />I specifically bought these in order to get the peppermint flavor. I was hoping for more. The peppermint hot chocolate does not have much peppermint flavor to it, but we will still enjoy it and both of the other flavors." 3274,B005K4Q1VI,A3916G6EAUK63A,Debra H Gabriel,0,0,5,1331596800,W
?ararmr?????e e????????????..,..?I I???epep p? th thih???ono??????????? th the the ?yoyouounoungn? a ??? he h????? W ?e ?????y y a??cuc?p ?alalmlmom?sts????ere?y ??igi?????????d ??asa?steste.e??????l l?bubuyu???gag??n.n??????????5K5?4Q4?1V1VIVI,I?AYA?N5N5S5SCS?ECECPC??LFL??,W,??????????,1,13,1??151?????00,00????? so so o?non????????I I wI ??as as?exe???ctc?ininging g >g >.>?&l&????"S"????f f???u u? ar a?e ?a a p pe??????????lil????????sss?s ms mim?ississ s /s / /???? c co c?????????ketke?s s os ors or ?????????????omo????ga???????tioti?????????NONOTOT T G ??T T TT ??ISI? P PRPRORODO??CTCT!T! !? I ?I cI ??an an??ot????st??? an a????ho??colco???????lavla??? i ?????t w???hatshat?????????????usu??? ta t??tet??s ls ?likli???? hea heat????sus????????????andand ?nan????????gar???at???????th?at?. ?????s ?????ucu????asas as aas ??????
arms the soul........,I keep this on hand for the young at heart. We enjoy a cup almost every night. Good taste. will buy again. 3275,B005K4Q1VI,AYN5SCECP2LFK,Wixy,0,0,1,1331510400,Ugh so not what I was expecting >.&lt;,"So if you are a person who likes swiss miss / hot cocoa packets or hot cocoa from a gas station SO DO NOT GET THIS PRODUCT! I can not taste any chocolate flavor in it whatsoever. It just tastes like heated sugar water and nasty sugar water at that. This product has a stron
???faf??? s ???????????e ae ??d d???amam m?pepere??ecectctltlyl???K K?wiw?tht??did??t t????asas as a?nd??oto??er?? fa fakakeake ?susugsu?garga???ror????ctscts.s. . T ?????e ie ???? som so???????g ag ?bob????th??? I I I???st????an an?non?? p pu p?? a???in????er oer ???itit it?bub?ut ???it mit mam???e me ??????ma???h ch ?ururlrl.l????????n ??aia?iteitede?????????toto o??ooo????????????ut iut itut i????ot ??????. . ???eryer????sas?pop??intin??d ????????s ps ??????? a an and and d i?t t wt ????????????t It ?I wI ???????pecpectctict??ing ing? at a???????3?272???????K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1??????TST?Z3Z???4R4????,T,???mesmesss???k,k?0,0,0,0,,0,4,????313?424242404?000000,0,D0,??????ouousous s cs ?oco?colcolal????????is ????de?li?????us us?hoh??ot cot ????ol????????t it ???beb???st ast ????? oz o?? cu c???????????n bn be????rer???cheched????o 1o 101??. A. ?ndnd nd 8nd 8o8?z ??f f????????? cof co?
g fake sugar taste and I am perfectly OK with diet sodas and other fake sugar products. There is something about this I just can not put a finger on it but it made my stomach curl. I even waited for it to cool down, but it got worse. Very disapointed in this product and it was not what I was expecting at all." 3276,B005K4Q1VI,A1NTSZ3ZD4R5B7,TBmessick,0,0,4,1331424000,Delicious cocolate,"This is delicious hot chocolate. It is best at 8 oz cup, but can be stretched to 10. And 8oz of strong coff
e???????yoy?????????elelil??ioi??? m mom??haha"ha""3?272???????K4K??????A2A?AZA??M2M2T2?4G4??WJWJ1J?????anManM,M???,0,,0?????313???767606??,T,?heh??BeBese????????oc?oao???? a a a?K-K-C-??p,p????? h???d md mam??????t ?cococ?ocoaoco??????psps ??????? mu m??? s ??y y ty ththih?s s os ono??e ie ???ththeth?e be bebesestes???????r.r. . T ???e Ge ????n n Mn ?ou??ta??? o ??e ?ha?s ????????& &????????ttt?ere? a???tertertr??st????hi????th?the the??????ve sve ??????e i?????ryr?y py ?lelealeasa???? a?????s s as ass a????oso???????ou????an an???t ??it?hoh??t ?aca??ua??????usius??g g m??lklk.k?3323?27827??,B0,B?00500?5K45K4Q??1VI1V?????????QNQ????????,0,0,,0,0,0,???????121?515?12012?00,????y ?????d hd ?hotho???????lal?tete.te???I ?rereare????y ly ??????hi?s s hs ho??????hocohoc?lalatla?te te? mi??????I wI ??as ??conco?cec?????, , w ?????I ??eaeadad ad? so s?mem?
ee and you have delicious mocha" 3277,B005K4Q1VI,A2AZLM2T4GAWJ1,StanM,0,0,5,1331337600,The Best hot Cocoa in a K-Cup,I've had many hot cocoa K-Cups and I must say this one is the best by far. The Green Mountain one has a half & half bitter aftertaste while the grove square is very pleasant and is as close as you can get without actually using milk. 3278,B005K4Q1VI,A3Z435GQN9XG8,Jo,0,0,5,1331251200,Very good hot chocolate.,"I really like this hot chocolate mix. I was concerned, when I read some
??? t ????rer??????, , t th thah?t t I ????ulu?d d????????e e ie ????utu??I ???ke??it????ot???????mem???t ??????????ththethe ?rir??????mom??????of of?chc?oco??????e ae ?????s ??notnot ?t tot t??????t.t????? wo wououlou?ld ld???co??me?nd? t??is??prp?odo?ucu??t."t.?????9,9?B0B??????1V1???A1A1R1ROROUO?????O4O4Q?MBMB,B?StStet?eveev?????,1,1,1???????????,O,?? p???asases??..?????? an an n????ele?loplopep?e a?ndnd nd snd ?omome???????????????l l t???s s is ?is,is, , i, ?is ?arartr?ifi?ici???allal??????eetee??nen???hohot? c co c???a a???x x????? i?s s ps ??lacla??????????cuc???????ve?ryr?y dy ???????. ?????t a???as??te te?of????ne???????so?????rovrove?????ar??e pe ??????tsts ?ar??? no n?otoot???ou??ly?????ereri???.".?"3"?32832?80,80?,B0,B???5K45K?4Q14Q???????UQU???141???D7D7,7?T T?PyP?ncn?choch??,0?????,1,13,133,13??????00?
of the reviews, that I would not like it but I like it alot. To me it has just the right amount of chocolate and is not to sweet. I would recommend this product." 3279,B005K4Q1VI,A1ROUMJOGO4QMB,Steve,0,0,1,1331164800,Oh please... get an envelope and some hot water,"All this is, is artificially sweetened hot cocoa mix that is placed in a Kcup delivery device. What a waste of money. Also, Grove Square products are notoriously inferior." 3280,B005K4Q1VI,A53UQYV14N0D7,T Pynchon,0,0,3,1331164800,
???? f ??? t ??e e??riricicec?????t t???????,",??y y?kik??? l lil????th????coc??coaco??, b, bubutut ?? f???d d???avavov?or or? le l?????ele??cic????????? t th t????or?e ?????nsn???e ?<a<? h ??refre?="=""""h"hth?tpt?:/:??www?ww.ww.a.?mam??ono??co??/g/?p/p?????ucu???B0B000?3V3VQV???MQM?"""">""???reere????ou?ntntat?in???????e e He ???? Co C?????????Co?unu?????-Cu-Cupu?????????????????wewerersr?????????????</<?a>a????323?818?,B,??0505K5?4Q4???????TGT?M6M666???RNR?????. .?????de,de?0,0,0,0,,0???131333303????00?0,?sos? s ???????y ey ??sys?y ty ???ususeus?e ne ?notnot ?ththeth?????????lavla??r ???t ht ?asa?s ts tos tooo?????? s su s???r ???d ?is? n no notot ?????ala?litli???I I tI ??ou?ghg?????waw???????iningin?3323????B0????4Q???I,?A3A?BHB?????EOE?Z3Z??1,????k k wk ?????,0,,0,0,0,???????09?0505605606?00,00????? w ?worwortr?th th? th?e ???nen??
"OK for the price, not great","My kids like this cocoa, but I find flavor less delicious than the more expensive <a href="""">Green Mountain Coffee Hot Cocoa, 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2)</a>." 3281,B005K4Q1VI,APTGM66PJRNGC,J. Slade,0,0,2,1330992000,so so,very easy to use not the best flavor It has too much sugar and is not a quality I thought I was getting 3282,B005K4Q1VI,A3BHMPPJEOZ3W1,jack wood,0,0,5,1330905600,Well worth the money,
?ThT???hoh?t t???co?a a i ??????ici?????s as ???? is is ??trt???? e ??ou??? t ???mam???e te tht???lal???????izi??????????????? th thrh??e e fe ??lavla????s ds ????ci?????wiw?th? m?y y f fa f??vorvo????e be ????g ?th??e de dad?arkark k????oao?. ??????e bee b????baban?????or or????e be bue b?????I hI hah????sos??faf?? f???ndnd ??forfo?????t ct ??co?coa.coa??. I. I I tI ???d d td ?? u ?useus??mym?????????????? f? for fo??????yty????????t ??ofo????..?????,B,?000050??4Q4??VIV?????????BGB?????W,W?glg?j1j?????????,1,131333303??????00,00?"R"?ic?h,h? s?mom?otothot?h ah ???????ama??","??VeVer?ery ery g ?oo??????? ch chohocho???latla????. I???av?ave ave???rieri?d ?????w w? di difi??fferffe??ntnt ?????andsands,s?????? th????on????is is tis ?the???es?t ???I haI h?ave??????ed.ed??????????????ri??ed???igighghegh????forfor for t th? the the???al?itityit?y yy ??ou ou? ge g?
The hot cocoa is delicious and is strong enough to make the larger size. I find all three flavors delicious with my favorite being the dark cocoa. The best bang for the buck I have so far found for hot cocoa. I tend to use my coffee maker for everything but coffee. 3283,B005K4Q1VI,A158I4XBGHVQ7W,glj104,0,0,5,1330905600,"Rich, smooth and creamy","Very good hot chocolate. I have tried a few different brands, and this one is the best I have tried. Should be priced higher for the quality you get
??""3323???,B,??0505K5K4K?Q1Q????????BJBJOJ???2Y2YUYUJU??,a,?mam??ono????????,5,5,5????080?191?202?00,00,a??mazma?zonzo??nu???"I"I'I?vev?????????yiyini??????????lklk k h hoh????ho??olo?ata??e fe ?oro?? mo m?onton?thsths ???w w??????????ononeone ??????e ???sts????ve????????? e eve?????ot???y y i in i?-l-?lawla??s hs ho???eded ??? i it i???andan???y ???anand?????hthtetertersr????sos?oluol???????ovove????! !? G ??eaeat??prp????? g grgregr??t ?pr?odo???t!t?????858??????????VIVI,VI????????????????RyR?an??P,P,0,0,???5,5,15,?1331330?565????00,????FEF???!,!??usust????at?at Iat I ?????????in??g fg ?forfo?r tr ??re?d ?d ofd of f gf go?in????????e ??stost??e e te ???????k tk th????e ue upu???????lwl???????in?ing ing sing ??ldl??d oud o?ut!ut???????ve ??thethe the?flf????? n???ot sot ???sws??eetee??t ant and?nd jnd juj????ri??ghtgh?t!!t!??????????u!u??an???
." 3284,B005K4Q1VI,A1VABJOP02YUJG,amazonnut,0,0,5,1330819200,amazon nut,"I've been buying this milk hot chocolate for months now and it's one of the best I've had. I even got my in-laws hooked on it and my granddaughters absolutely love it! Great price, great product!" 3285,B005K4Q1VI,A2F20N23SUFXZG,Ryan P,0,0,5,1330560000,PERFECT!,Just what I was looking for tired of going to the store to pick these up and always being sold out! I love the flavor not so sweet and just right!! Thank you! and w
??????? b bu b???????????!!!???282???B0B??5K5????????1O1OAOASA???POP??????????,0,0,0??,3,?,1,????????00???????,",?MyMy y????mymy ?????????????a a?????t.t? T ??o o??we?et??I'I'd'???aya????ouo??rer???betbe???? o????????ingin????t t???ocoocoao?a fa frf?omo? s sc s????chc?. ?????????t tt ththith?????cacaua???????thoth?oug?ht?? th t?????intin??y fy ??????r wr wow?????????????????t it iti??s ???oo oo??????? S ????re??? the the ???arkar?????????k ?chchoch?ocoocoloco???te te f ???avoav?orsor??""3??28728?,B,B0,B00????????I,AI,A3A3J3??????????????SpS???????,0??0,???,13,1?33033?383???00?00,H00,?ot???ococo??????upu??s,"s,???waw?????lil?????e se sks?epe???ca??l wl whw???????????t ?????? b??? i it????? r ????llylly ???????????reatrea????????asease.e?? T??he he?????coa coa????DED??ICICIC?OUO?S!S! !????t'st'
ill be buying again!! 3286,B005K4Q1VI,A1OASDKPOPZPKD,Pam,0,0,3,1330560000,SWEET,"My oh my is this cocoa sweet. Too sweet I'd say. You're better off making hot cocoa from scratch. I bought this because I thought the minty flavor would be good, but it's too sweet. So are the dark and milk chocolate flavors." 3287,B005K4Q1VI,A3J8AQWNNI3WSN,TSparties,0,0,5,1330387200,Hot Cocoa K-cups,"I was a little skeptical when I bought this, but it has really been a great purchase. The cocoa is DELICIOUS! It's
?????????????juj??? m mam??e e??y y dy ?aua?ghg???r r a ana???? s so s?mem?????coaco????ici???y y by beb?????????titini?g g d ??wnw?? to t?o wo ??tct?h h??????ieie.e??? I I??idi?n'n?t t ht ??????????d ????tht?????to??it?? b ????????? a?????????y ?????????????ju?st??? to to???????it ?do????????wow?ululdld ???efief??it???ly ly???cocomco?me?nd?? th t?hishis s p ?ror?duducu???an???pup??ch?as??e ie ?????????""3??????000??K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1??,A,??RIRI1I1H1????I2I?5L5??????????in???,0?,4,???333303??30030????,S,?ug?arar r Ar ANA?D D S?????lol???,I,?I d?id???t ?????????????vievi?wsws ??????ougough?ly????and and??foufo??nd ?????to????at??e t????t t???his his????????????????ougoughoug???ug?ugaruga???to to gto ???? i it i??606???al???ie????????????ramra?????????bob?hyhydydrd?ratratete te i??n en ea?????????I ???
so easy to just make my daughter and I some cocoa quickly before sitting down to watch a movie. I didn't have to add anything to it, but I did add a tiny bit of milk just to cool it down. I would definitely recommend this product and purchase it again." 3288,B005K4Q1VI,AMRI1HBLPI25L,Eric Stein,0,0,4,1330300800,Sugar AND Sucralose,I didn't read the reviews thoroughly and found out too late that this product has enough sugar to give it 60 calories and 11 grams of carbohydrate in each cup. I tri
??????? w ?iti?? a ??bib?it it? of of f?crc?eaeama? a an a?d d fd fofouo????it??????????ryry y t ?????. . I ??llll l???epep p?????rorou???nd fnd ???????ene??s s????????ililyl???r ?pep??hah???s as ana?? oc o????ioion???l ml mimininin?-s-sps?lul?rgr?????I'dI'd ?liliki?? t?o ???ee ee??????? i????ludluded???????titio???? i???fo fo?? in in??heh???ut??????????,B,?000050?K4K?Q1Q?VIV?,A,A1A???????NENEDE??5M5???USUSTSTJT??????,0,0,0?????131????????0,0,R0,?????y y ty ?????y..y.????hih?s ??is is??reare??ly????astasty????????hocho?olo??tet?e. e.??? l ????ke ike ????ucu???mom???e te th??an an?????dad???? ch c????olaol?ateat???la?vov?or or b?ut??? tha thatat at????juj??? m??y py ???fef???encen?e.??....???9090,?B0?05??K4QK4?????????K8K???0T0???F,F,W,??illil?liali?am,am????0,50,5,5,15,??3030130??????,G,????t ??al??e,e?"G"?????vav?alu??e fe foe foror ?th??e me ???????ThTheTh???
ed one with a bit of cream and found it to be very tasty. I'll keep it around for friends and family or perhaps an occasional mini-splurge. I'd like to see amazon include nutritional info in the future. 3289,B005K4Q1VI,A15UT1J4NEDI5M,JUSTJENN25,0,0,4,1330128000,Really tasty...,This is really tasty hot chocolate. I like it much more than the dark chocolate flavor but that is just my preference... 3290,B005K4Q1VI,A9AAK8MS0T90F,William,0,0,5,1330128000,Great Value,"Good value for the money. These
?ara????ooo?d.d? T ????hoh?t t??ocococoaco??????xcxcecele?????t ht ???eveveverer,r, , d ??????geg??t tt tht?he he? co c???eee??????????????ana???""?323292919????050?????VIV?,A,AGA??V9V9F9F4F4C4????S3S???ogo???ala??0,0??,5,????32932989??888??00,00???ot ot?bab?? u ???ingin???of?fe?????e ?ChChohocho???at?????reare?mem?er,er?"N"?NotNo?t bt ????atat at?????whw????? u???e C???????????????OLO???? c?re??me????????>I>??ststistili?ll ll??iki???sws???s ??ixix x?mam?adead?e we wi????2%2?? mi m?ilkil?? a a????tltle?????te?r.???r r /r />?????asa??fafar???????s ???, , t, ????? mi?lklk ?chcho?????tete te wte ?wit?h h t ththeth????ff??????te ????????ate? C Cr Cre?????????non?????????br br? /> /???????????????, i, ???? is is l le l???s ts th?an??$1$?1.1.0.?00 00 f ?oro???4 4? cu c????""3"32??2,2,B?????4Q????????????HGH???4Z4???obobib?in,in????0,50,?5,15,
are good. The hot cocoa is excellent however, don't get the coffee cuz its instant!" 3291,B005K4Q1VI,AGFV9F4CI93S3,Logical,0,0,5,1329868800,Not bad using CoffeeMate Chocolate Creamer,"Not bad at all when I use CoffeeMate CHOCOLATE creamer.<br />I still like swiss mix made with 2% milk a little better.<br />But as far K-Cups go, this milk chocolate with the Coffeemate Chocolate Creamer is not bad.<br />And currently, it is less than $11.00 for 24 cups." 3292,B005K4Q1VI,ALHX4DKHGQD4Z,Robin,0,0,5,1
3323?????????????????????frf??ene?????nd nd?I I r rereaeala??y ??iki?? t ?????e ke ? c ?upupsp??????hah????trtri??d ?otoththeth?rsr?????????y y wy ??????????ofo????oso?????he?se????re re? th t?he he??nenes??we?? wi wilillll ll????ckc????????CaCanan'an't'???o o? wr w?????3?32932??,B,???????????A1A??NHN?RLR??????6N6????bnb?an??na1na???99,99??0,00,?????32?????404??,k,kik?????wilwi??????? i it????isis ??? a? g?re???????????oaoa a??s ???ngng ng a as? y yoy????ea??d td ??????????d d o?nln?ly ly u ?se?se tse ththe???ozo? s?????ngng ng ong ??? yo y????? cof cofff??????????????????se ??? w????ll tll ????e ?waw?ateat??????owownw????lslsos??????is ?an? i?nsn??????cocofco?ffeff?????o do ??ntnt t bt ????uru???risri?????????.?????4,B4,???5K?????I,??????NWN???515????,K,K.K. . A?????sosonson,n,0??,0,?3,??1321329?525232
329868800,nummy,My boyfriend and I really like these k cups. We have tried others and they were kind of gross. These are the ones we will stick with. Can't go wrong. 3293,B005K4Q1VI,A1XNHRL5TPXK6N,bobnanna1999,0,0,4,1329782400,kids will love it,This is a great hot cocoa as long as you read the box and only use the 8oz setting on your coffee make. Otherwise it will taste watered down. Also it is an instant coffee so dont be surprised by it. 3294,B005K4Q1VI,A1ET4NWR651CAX,K. Anderson,0,0,3,1329523
?202000???BuBuyuy y p ?????????????s s????s s is ??????teterer r a anandn? c ??????,d, ?bub?????stst ???ewe? a????mam?lll???? c?upu???izizeze e o ??r ir ???????no????ava????????fif???iteit??y y ay ?an an???te?????????WaW???teryter??."."?323??5,5,B,B0B00?5K5???????A3A????MAM?NBN?RFR???G,G?sus?aia??hnhnen?????5,05,????2,2?13132?939???404?00,00???o o??at??eryer??y afy aft????????ipi?????et?ettiettin????,"?? h ??ot ot????coc?la?tete te??acackac???????s ts tht????firfi???????????????????w Kw ?eue???g g ( ??? w wa w?? 1 ????m.m?. a. ???d Id I I?????'t'??re?ad????or?? co c?fff?eee??????re????d)d?. . I. ?????d rd ?rea????????????a a????tltle????te??tery tery b?????????idide???d tod to ?trt??????onon ???? 1?? o oz o?. ???ett????????ookook k a?? si sip si??, a, ??????????? it i?. ????
200,"Buy packets, swiss miss is better and cheaper.","The product is not bad, but must brew at smallest cup size or it has no flavor. Definitely an aftertaste. Watery." 3295,B005K4Q1VI,A3LXOMANBRFQJG,suaimhneas15,0,0,2,1329350400,Too watery after multiple settings.,"A hot chocolate packet was the first K-Cup on my new Keurig (it was 1 a.m. and I wasn't ready for coffee before bed). I had read they ran a little watery but I decided to try it on the 10 oz. setting, took a sip, and tossed it. The
n??xtx???orornr?ini?g g?? m???? o ??ne ne???tht? 8 ? o??????d d??ddd?dedded d sd ?omo??e we ??ipi?pep?d ?crcrer??????heh????sts???e wae was????????? g ?rar????? an a????? w wa w?????ili?????retre?tyt??waw??????. M. ??y hy ??????d ?mam?adead??ononeone ??o o???????t 6t 6 6???. ??and????????it ????stest???lil?kek???ugu??r r w???????????ghg????trytr??cocomombombib???ingin?g 2g ??3 3 6 6 ??????????ing??? to to ???e e t?he???oxo???p p?????????on??????????in?ing ing???oreor?.".?3323292??,B,??050??????I,I????????????9T9?????ni?eBe??????0,0??,4,?,1,????????00???ooo??????inkin??????oo??d cd cud c?? o of o?f hf ?oto???ho?co?lal??e.???????????coucoup????e ofe o??mamarma??????????. ????????t t ft ?or????y dy ???ughught????eve????y ty ??meme me? sh s??????it??? S ???he ihe ??????arlarlyl??????? and an?????he lhe ?????
next morning I made one with 8 oz. and added some whipped cream. The taste was kind of grainy and it was still pretty watery. My husband made one to try at 6 oz. and said it tasted like sugar water. I might try combining 2-3 6 oz. servings to use the box up but we won't be buying more." 3296,B005K4Q1VI,AIKDGFLEZER9T,BonnieBrown,0,0,4,1329350400,Good drink,"A good cup of hot chocolate...with a couple of marshmellows. Make it for my daughter every time she visits. She is nearly 60, and she loves
???.".?3??9797,7????5K5?????I,I????N2N?????3131B1??6,6???? S StS?rar??n,n??????????939?505???00,00???vev???wiw??hoh??t!t??,Al,A????hrhrer?? f ??????????????????e e a?ror?mama ?anandn??rir??h h?chc?hochococ?lalatlatet???asa?te?. . P ?epe???ermer????????????????orior????. W. WeW???njnjojoyo??a a ca ??p p a??????did??????'f'flflafl?avo???d'd' ' w?it?ith ith a???it? o ?f f? cr c?remre??????uou?or or? ne n?ara???y ey ???eryer??ninignighg??? I ItI???s bs ???????? a t a ??st???????????2929829?,B,B0,B00???4Q?????A2A2H2?H2H????7Z7???0K0K,K???mmm???????0,40,???32329??646??0000,???ranrandndknd?idi????ovoveve ve???t!,t!??hihis? i it??m m h??????grgre??t t pt ?riricrice?? an a?nd nd??as???s ??????t. ??TheThe e oe ???ly ly??hi??? t??at?????ldl??????????s s ps ?propr????????????????ifi??????e lie l?????????st??? c?up?????? re r?ecyec??la??lele le??r
it." 3297,B005K4Q1VI,A19N2TU4D31BT6,Lee Strain,0,0,5,1329350400,Never without!,All three flavors have a nice aroma and rich chocolate taste. Peppermint is our favorite. We enjoy a cup after dinner 'flavored' with a bit of creme liquor nearly every night. It's become a tasty habit. 3298,B005K4Q1VI,A2HH2V5Q7ZUK0K,KimmK3,0,0,4,1329264000,Grandkids love it!,This item had a great price and tastes great. The only thing that could make this product better is if the little plastic cup was recyclable or
c??mpmpop??tat?blb??????999??B0B000?????1V1VIV??A1A????U2U???Q0Q0G0????"P"?????cic?a a C ??lemle???????"P??atsat????ana??????,0?,4,??13132??????00?,G,GrG?????co?co?a.a???????huh????andand d???and and???rereare??lyl???????tht??s s cs ?coc?oaoa.??? I I???d d ed ?????a ma ?ili??? to t? m ???cucupu??fof???? c??rea?????????????????????e ce ??nvn????en?????an?????bebe e be be??????333?0000,???05?K4???VI???101????QZQZ4Z?GJGJ3J????ShS??rkr?s7s?????????????????????keuke??rigri? h????????colcolalatla?????re?reatreat ???ealeal,l???sps??????ly????or or????????ce?????temte?? ar arrr??ve?????????r r tr th??an an??nt??iciicipi?????. ?ThT?hishi??hahasha??sas?aveav????e e me maman????tritr?ipsip?s ts toto ????kik?n n??????????s ???ll? a???s sas s???ingin?g mg meme me p ??????????blblebl?e te th???????e ?????a ????p op ofof f
compostable. 3299,B005K4Q1VI,A1WVMU2PMQ0GXW,"Patricia Clements ""Patsijean""",0,0,4,1329177600,Great cocoa..,"My husband and I really like this cocoa. I add extra milk to my cup for a creamier flavor, but the convenience cannot be beat." 3300,B005K4Q1VI,A10E57QZ4GJ32F,Sharks77,0,0,5,1329177600,keurig hot chocolate,"great deal, especially for the price. Item arrived quicker than anticipated. This has saved me many trips to Dunkin Doniuts as well as saving me paying double the price for a cup of
???t t c ?????lal??????atat'at?? j ????t at asa?????d.d? L ??ookoo??????oro????oreor??tot??st?????ili??!"!??333303?????050???Q1Q???,A,???Q6Q??????????????pop?????ryr???,0,0,,0????323292???????????vev?e ce co?????k-k????s,s,L,???????????HaH?rdr??????otiot?cec?e ae ???????terte??????????m m? sw s?eee?te????????dod????t at agt agrgrer???wiwitith????meme ?ofof f???e e o????erser?????????dndn'n???????e ie ??...??WiW????bub??????????..3?????,B0,B???5K45K?4Q14Q?1VI1VI,I,AI,?1A1?ANANQNQDQ?L7L?EQE??III????gdgdud????,0,?????????90090?48?????ot? S ?wiwiswi?shs???t ct ??oc?????e,e?ThT???????du?????is is?????e a?ndn??????pr???? i ???rir?????bubutbut t i???t ist i????????ississ s Cs ???hocohoc????te te fte foforfor ?????????r /r ????r ????usustus???????????havha?ve ve tve ththathattha??re?ala??ded???? ch cho?hoco??latla??te tte ?tasta?
hot chocolate that's just as good. Looking for more to stockpile!" 3301,B005K4Q1VI,A2OQ6RXQT17LGQ,snaponlarry,0,0,5,1329004800,Grove cocoa k-cups,Love them. Hardly notice any aftertaste from sweetener. I don't agree with some of the others that didn't like it...Will buy again... 3302,B005K4Q1VI,A1AANQDL7EQUII,Bigduck,0,0,3,1329004800,Not Swisshot chocolate,This product is nice and the price is right but it isn't Swiss Chocolate for sure.<br /><br />Just doesn't have that real deep chocolate tast
e????303?????????????,A,?2929W9????RNR?V4V???????????ininen?,0,0,0?,0,,0?3,3,13,131???????00000????dsd????veve e??? - ???e ???t t st ?o o? mu m??????????ghg???ththih??????ndn???f f?hoh?ot ot?chchochoco???ata????????s s cs ???????t t ht ???d td ???e be ????t rt ????????n n?????ono???at at??the??????. .????e ?kikididsid???lovlo?ve ve?????????????????ala???y ly lil?ke?? th the th???peppeppp?perpe???intint t ft flf????? w whw???? I I I cI ?canca??????????y ???he??????????gegetet et? ex e???????in in???isis is? mi mixi???????. . . ?YoYouou ou???t ??milmi?? c?????la??????????? cho chococooc????e e a??nd nd p ?peppepppep?per????????lavlavolavororsor?. ?. I. ???ririe??d id ?it it?????ew ew???me?s ?an???d itd i???????o ??eaeaka?k fk ???? my my ???st?e.e. e. ????makma?????it oit on???? the the l?owo???st st??????ngn????? my? K ???????wh?ici?ch ?????hinhi??k ik ??
e. 3303,B005K4Q1VI,A29WENSRNV44RY,selketine,0,0,3,1328832000,Kids love it - me not so much,"I bought this brand of hot chocolate K cups cause it had the best review on Amazon at the time. The kids love it - they especially like the peppermint flavor which I can't see any other way to get except in this mixed box. You get milk chocolate, dark chocolate and peppermint flavors. I tried it a few times and it is too weak for my taste. I make it on the lowest setting on my Keurig which I think is
aararor??ndn????ou??cecese? a ??? i ????????????weweae????o o??e e?????pep?rfr?ecectct t ft ??r r t th t?eme?. .? I IfI????ou ou??iki??e ae ????ro???????coc?????e fe flf???or??? thi thisi?????'t'????.".""3??0404,4???0505K5K4K??1V1?????TOTOWOW6W?343?MZM?0E0?LQLQ,Q????????????????,0,,0,5,???????595929202??,H,???t Ct ?ho?? K ? C ?upu?,W,??? w?hahatat at?????????ThT??ses?e te tat????e je jujusustst st??s ???????as as? th?????pe????????????????osost?st dst ??fif?nan??ele?? w???l ?beb??????inging ?ththe???e ae age a???????????????K4K4QK4Q1Q1VQ1??????737?5A5APAPCPC3C??????J.J. ??????an an?????. N. Ne. N?ewmew??n"n???????6464,????13113???????0,?????teterte??th??an ?????ot?he???, , b?????ti??? n ????ququiu?iteite ?e the t??herehere"e",?"I"? f ??elel el?????e Ie ?'v'??????????ve?ryr??????????a a ta th?thertherere e ie ?? i??? th the???-c-???????
around 7 ounces and it is still weak to me but perfect for them. If you like a strong chocolate flavor this isn't it." 3304,B005K4Q1VI,A1TOW634MZ0ELQ,kathyallen45,0,0,5,1328659200,Hot Choc K Cup,Wow what a deal. These taste just as good as the expensive brands. Most definately will be buying these again. 3305,B005K4Q1VI,AO6735APC3YAJ,"J. Newman ""J. Newman""",59,64,4,1318896000,"Better than the others, but still not quite there","I feel like I've tried every hot cocoa there is in the k-cups. W
h?????I I d dodo o t tht??nkn?????s s????ththeth???????hohoto??cococo?coaco?????????? it it t st ?stist???? is i???t t gt ?rer???. . ??'m'?????? su s????whwhahatat at i it it it??????utu??alalll???? t? the th?e ce ????coa coa??????????????????vev??a a wa ???rdr????ststest???? t th the?m.m????t't?s s as ??momoso?st st???kek?e te the t?????????????ici???? s sw s?weeweete?????????? the them??, , b???? I I k kn k??w w t???????s ?nonotno???brb? / />/>I>I I sI ?????t t ot ono???the? s sm s?al??leslest????????ettetti?ngn? f ?oro?r cr ????a.a?. ??hi?his his???? m ?mormo?re ????y y t?o ?it???????otothothe????<b?r r /r ?/>I/>??? s????ll ll w????ini?? a?ndnd d hd ?hopho????g tg ????at Dat ??nk??in'in??????utsut??wiw??ill ill??ut?????????ir? h ho h??????cocoacoco?a ia ????????up?. ??. Th. T??hereher?????all?y y iy ?is ?nonot????g ?be????????thantha???ha???t.<bt.<br?????????????ntn?t at a t a k k- k-c k-??
hile I do think this is the best hot cocoa so far, it still isn't great. I'm not sure what it is, but all of the cocoa k-cups seem to have a weird taste to them. It's almost like there is artificial sweetener in them,, but I know there is not.<br />I set it on the smallest cup setting for cocoa. This has more body to it than others.<br />I'm still waiting and hoping that Dunkin' Donuts will put out their hot cocoa in a k-cup. There really is nothing better than that.<br />If you want a k-cup
??hoh?? c ?oco?coaco?, , I ???ououlu?d d????. .?????mmm?????tht??????ere????? t th???????rsrs.s???333303060???000050??4Q4?1V1??,A,??????J0J0Q0??OEO??N,N???vevenven n??. . W. ?inindnd,nd?????????3,3,1??252??080?????WhW???????t ??anyan??nen???????a a h??? c co cococoocoao??wiw?th??????????aloaloso?????????????????????HAH??E E?SUS?????OSO??????????<br<b?r /??HoH?oneonese???????I dI dod?on'on?'t 't k knknon?? h? how ho?w ow ?othot??? p ???pl??e Ce ???'T'?????steste ?it? w??henhen ?it??????in sin ???ete?????d pd ?rorodo?????? I?t't's's 's????ot tot ththith?is is???pl???asaasan?????akeake ???????r tr ?????I ???st?????n'tn't t it igigng??? I. I ??thi???? an anyn????compcom????????at at? us u??s s ts ththa?????nk?????ul????????quq?iri?redred d b??y ly ??w ?????nd??cac?????t ???? th???? b bob?x x????d ad ??l ????verve???isiis???.<.<b.<?br br?/>????
hot cocoa, I would def. recommend this over all the others." 3306,B005K4Q1VI,A1J75JJ0Q2OEJN,Raven A. Wind,187,216,3,1325808000,Why can't anyone make a hot cocoa without sucralose/Splenda in it?,"I HATE SUCRALOSE.<br /><br />Honestly, I don't know how other people CAN'T taste it when it's in sweetened products. It's got this unpleasant fake flavor that I just can't ignore. I think any company that uses that junk should be required by law to indicate it on their box and all advertising.<br /><br
?????ata??beb?????sas????????seseee?msm???????????s hs hoh??????????hasha???esessss ??ucucrcrar??oso??? th t??n n t?????afafef?????apa?es? H ?otot ot??oc???, ??????s s ss sus s?uchuch h????ava?e e te ?o o g ?ivi???????highi???r r m ????s ??thath??? th the???comco????ititiit??n.n???????<b??r /??????l,l????ca?n'n?t ?be?lilielieveve?????? p ??odo????t At ?NDN??? its it????arareares?t t ct cot c?????titti??r ??????sucsucr??aloal?oseos?e be ?utut t dt dod?????????? the???????a da ??et????litli??, ?????susugsu?ar??????otothot???wiw?iseis?e ue ?nnn??????ll??-s??ee???ne????proprod?uc??. .????s s fs ?????ra?ti? tan tat???te te t th?? the s the ??ufu??, ?, an, a?nd nd? I I??????????????ke ke???. ?. I . I??lslsoso o do ??n'?t t lt ??likelike ???he he?????????????????ofo?????ra?????, ?????I ??on??t t gt gogo ?????? th tha th???????e (e (j(?us?? b be b
/>That being said, it seems like this hot cocoa has less sucralose than the Cafe Escapes Hot Cocoa, and as such I have to give it higher marks than the competition.<br /><br />Still, I can't believe this product AND its nearest competitor use sucralose but don't say they're a diet, lite, low-sugar, or otherwise unnaturally-sweetened product. It's frustrating. I can taste the stuff, and I really dislike it. I also don't like the chemical makeup of sucralose, but I won't go into that here (just be
??ieieve??????????uru??l l??ugu????isi? w ??y y b ???tet??r fr ?????ouo???n n??????onongn??????????r /r ?><><b??r /r />r /?ThT?herherere'e?s s os on???oto?theth?? c chc???cece e o?utut t??he?????forfor r ar ???hothot ?coc????a ia ini?n an ?a Ka K-K???p,p, ,?anandn? t?????????isissis?s Ms ??ississ.iss?????for?tu???te?lyly,y, ??the????wiswi????is?????????s as ar?????did?icuic???????? hi h??????ricri???d ad ?andand ??ar?d d td ?????indin?.<.<b.<???????????MyM??????ioi?on?on? I ItI??????obo?aba?lyly ???????er ier ?f f?yo??u ju ?us??t gt ??? y?ouourou??????orioriti????ot????ocoocoaoa a i???pap?????s,s??anand??us???????ho?????ateat?????uncun????n ?????you??r Kr ???uriurig??????'s ??ot??wow????? th???K-??upup up c co?nvn?venvenin???cece ce i???f yof y?????????o ??ut? u??????h ??????ficfi???al al??????enenen??s ??????ignig?nifni?fic????ly?ly hly ??ighig??her her??
lieve me: natural sugar is way better for you in the long run).<br /><br />There's one other choice out there for a hot cocoa in a K-Cup, and that's Swiss Miss. Unfortunately, the Swiss Miss K-Cups are ridiculously high priced and hard to find.<br /><br />My opinion? It's probably better if you just get your favorite hot cocoa in packets, and use the hot water function of your Keurig. It's not worth the K-Cup convenience if you have to put up with artificial sweeteners or significantly higher pr
????????????????momoro?? t ?hah???ses??en?????ivi?ve ve?ce???? p peperpe????? o ???wawata??????sesedsed d??oto???ocococoao??isi???????t tt ?????????t ft ?or? m????brbr r /r ??<b????>S>SoS?? i??f yf ???'r're? i in i????????????se/se????????, ????n ????alallal?????ansan??grg??? t th t??? a?ndnd nd??enjen??y ?th???????rdr???ftfte??tat???????d ???cicidi?dedde?????otot-ot??????r fr ?lalavavov?or.or?. I. ???f yof y??ou'rou'???????e me ???, t?ho??????an??d cd cac??'t'?t st ?ta???????????????ci???????fff????, the, th??? av a???????is?is pis ?????uctuct t a?????finfi?nd ?an??othotheh??????????.<b.<?????<b<br? / /> /??hrh????st?????fo?r ?tatasta?stist???g dg ????centcen??de????iteit?e te th?the the? aw a?fuf?????artiart????iai???sws?eee???nen??. ??in??s s ts ????????s ??or??beb?einei????rt?ififi??cia????????et?eneneen?d ?????????
ices. Spending more than seventy-five cents per cup of water-based hot cocoa is about the limit for me.<br /><br />So, if you're into sucralose/Splenda, then by all means grab this and enjoy that weird aftertaste and decidedly not-sugar flavor. If you're like me, though, and can't stand that artificial stuff, then avoid this product and find another option.<br /><br />Three stars for tasting decent despite the awful artificial sweetener. Minus two stars for being artificially sweetened and not m
e???ioi?nin?ngng g?????nyn?whwheh???.<.??? / ????r ??/>U/>??DAD??E:E???I I????t t ft fofouounundn????t ??hah?t ?????SwSwiwisissss s M ????s Ks ?-C-?upu?????????????ucu???aloaloso??e. e.??o o ro rereareal??y,y???????on?lyly ly c ?hoh??????? t toto ??ete??pap???????s ans and?????????? K KeK???igi??asa?????????at??? d ????????r.r????w w d di d??apa??oioinoi?ntint?ingin??.<b.<?br br? /> /?????????PDAPDAT?? 0 ??/1/?2:2?: A: ??tet?????????????????????foufoun?????at???he???????????K-????? ho h?t ???????? tha th??????????????e ?susucsu???alo??????????verve??, i, itit it?? is is l lol?????????????????se?se ise ??st?eae??????ot ot????e ge ??reareatrea???? t???de???????????????????te?????????????t frt f????????ar/ar???sucrsucro??se,se?, i?n n??? o?pip??io??? a an a????hasha??no??????????????/s????ros?
entioning it anywhere.<br /><br />UPDATE: I just found out that the Swiss Miss K-Cups also use sucralose. So really, your only choice is to get packets and use your Keurig as a hot water dispenser. How disappointing.<br /><br />UPDATE 02/12: After some research, I found that there is one K-Cup hot cocoa that doesn't have sucralose; However, it is loaded with fructose instead (not the greatest trade-off, since it tastes different from sugar/sucrose, in my opinion) and has no actual sugar/sucrose
??ini????. .????????e e??? G ?rer???n Mn MoM??ntn???????fff?eeee ee???t t Ct CoCocCo???. ?UnU???????????y,y????viviei??s ?of? i?? s ?ayay y i it????s ?? s st s??onongon????????t ?flf?ava????????????ly ly?beb?????e e te ??????cocon?d d i in i????????nt nt?????????????????????isis s o??n tn th?e ??alaltl???sisididede,e, ??? I I I??havha??e ae ??????d d i??????'s'???????????????enensen??????perper-r??????an?????lel??????? t ?????? a a??in???? c??up up? of o????co???????????????????dod?lll??????? t tw t?????????ve ve cve cec?ent?????s s os ops o??????d td ???????x x o?? 1 ??? pa p??kek?tst???beibe??ing ing???rouro????d twd t??????llall?rsr????the??????????d ??andand ???y y iy ?????I wI ????????rar????at? t???????????????????? t???us?????papac?keketkets?.<.??????<b??r /??I
in it. That one is Green Mountain Coffee Hot Cocoa. Unfortunately, reviews of it say it has a strong coconut flavor (probably because the second ingredient is coconut oil) and is on the salty side, so I have avoided it. It's also more expensive per-cup, and unless you think a single cup of cocoa is worth over a dollar and twenty-five cents (as opposed to a box of 12 packets being around two dollars) then go ahead and try it. I will refrain at this point and stick to using packets.<br /><br />I
????????lslsos???????????lal??ifi??? ag a?aia?n n? th t??? d dedese?pip??e ???hatha???somso??e ce ?omommmmemenme?tst????y,y? t????CaCafafef????cac?pepeses es?????CoCococo?a a K ??????, ?SwS?isi?s ?MiM???s Hs ?HotHo??t Cot C?ocooc????K-CK-?CupCu??, ???d d Gd ??ovovev?????ararear???HotHot Hot?????coa coa??????????L L?usu??e se ??crcrar???????YeYes??????????? s????r r i ??????e ???? th tho th???????t t it ??? is i?s Is ININ N A ??????ONO???????cr????se????lel??ndand?, ??????otot ot b ??y iy ?itsit?selselflf.f.<.?brb?????<br<b???>S>???????????ici?????rigrighg?t ???w w? ar are???uru?????cr?cralcra??ose?????sucrsuc??loloslo?se se?????????????, ????pu??re ??ruruc???se?? N NoNono?e ??f f tf th??m m? is????????ziz???? to to ???, ???d ??allal??of??? the them the??mam??? t th? the the????t t pt ??????? o of of ??coccoco??????iteit?e ue ?????asa?????.<b.<?? / ?/></>?<br<br <br?????
would also like to clarify again that despite what some comments say, the Cafe Escapes Hot Cocoa K-Cups, Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa K-Cups, and Grove Square Hot Cocoa K-Cups ALL use sucralose. Yes, there is sugar in some of those, but it is IN ADDITION TO sucralose/Splenda, and not by itself.<br /><br />So your choices right now are pure sucralose, sucralose plus a sugar, or pure fructose. None of them is appetizing to me, and all of them make the cost per cup of cocoa quite unpleasant.<br /><br />43
s???????? o ?f f?????r-r??????ene????cocococo????in in???cac???stste?r r????????n n??ouo?????????sisixix x????ksk?, ,? an andnd nd i it i??s ????mom??? c???plp?ici????d ???an????K-K???? i if if f yf yoyouyo?u ku knk?nowno???????????er?ata????????????3???7,7?B0B000?5K5K4K??1V1??,A,A3A??XHXHLHLGL?6D6????W8W?,",?????. . H. HiH?????"C?FHF??"""""???4,4?,25,2?????????010????,R,??ala????????????????oaoa ????HigHighg??y y Ry ?RecRecocomco?mem??dededed,ed???heh???? Gr G?????SqS??ar?????t ???co??????????????? by b?????????e be ???t t tt ??st????? we w?e he ??ve? f??oun?????????? K????????WeW?????? a? a c a chc?hanha?cec????? th the th?eseese ???????o to th?the the???ighigh h r?evevi??w ?rar???ing???s ans a????????as as a????????antan?t st su???ririsrise?????? a????????e ?????or??????e re ??al??????oodood.ood??brbr r /r
servings of sugar-sweetened cocoa in a canister will run you around six bucks, and it's no more complicated than a K-Cup if you know how to operate a spoon." 3307,B005K4Q1VI,A3OXHLG6DIBRW8,"C. F. Hill ""CFH""",24,25,5,1321401600,Really Good Hot Cocoa - Highly Recommended,"These Grove Square Hot Cocoa flavors are by far the best tasting we have found for the Keurig. We took a chance on these due to the high review ratings and it was a pleasant surprise that all three flavors are really good.<br /
???brb? / ???ara?k k C ?hohoco???atatete e???MyM? f ????????, , v ????????? e ?ve?????n tn ??e ?"""?????e"e?? c cuc????ete??ini?????r /r />?????k Ck ?ChoCh???olaol???e -e - ??xcxcec??lel?ntn?? on on ??hehe he " ???mam??????cucupcu?????d gd go??od od? on? t th?e ??"l??????"" ??up?????ti??????? /> /?PePepe?peper?mim??????- Ev- E?ververyryoryon?????kek?s s???isis ?on??, ?????it???r ??????izizez??????in?g<??br br????????/>T/>ThT???????????????????rar?????se ise in?in ain ??didititiit??on ?tot???ugu????????on???t nt ?ototitictice????e ?????? b bub???mym?y wy ????????es es ( ?bu?t ?shs??he she st?il?l l??likli?keskes ?ththe?m)m?.<.?<br????><b><??br /br />/>H/>??????y Ry ReRece???????ede????<br ??<br /><<br /><b?<br <br /<br />???H"H""??303??,B,??0505K5??????,A,????KNK?DED?737??LVL?2,2??lynly?nsn??omom,m?161??,16,1????,13,1323?????404???GrGrer??? f?lalavla??r!r?,E,Ex???llllellen
><br />Dark Chocolate - My favorite, very good even on the ""large"" cup setting<br />Milk Chocolate - Excellent on the ""small"" cup and good on the ""large"" cup setting<br />Peppermint - Everyone likes this one, on either cup size setting<br /><br />These do contain Sucralose in addition to sugar, I don't notice the taste but my wife does (but she still likes them).<br /><br />Highly Recommended!<br /><br />CFH" 3308,B005K4Q1VI,A1JDKNDE73FLV2,lynnsmom,16,16,5,1323734400,Great flavor!,Excellen
?? p ??odo??ctc?????????????? th t?e e K KeKeueuru??????opo???? s ?hahaka??e te ???????upu?p bp beb??ororer?e ue usu?????iti?? T ??isis s p?rerevre???????theth???ocococoacoa a? fr fro?rom rom c clc????iningin??anandn??????ltl???inin in m ?or???flf???or?..??????B0B???K4K???????3O3?AYA?BVB??IQIQVQ????,R,?obo??1414,4???4,44,??131??????00000000,0,N,???t bt ?ada??. N. No????adad ad????ala????"I"? h ?havha??????ad ??omomeme ??reare??lyl? f fu f????????ieiewe?s s as ?bob?utu????is?? pr pro pr??uc??? ??omomeom???om????in??th??? t th?ere?? i????ot????????t ??in ?in thin the?he phe pop?od od??ft??er er? it it ?hahasha?s fs fifili????d td ??the the c?up???????th?therthererefre??????? it it?????t ht hat hav????beebeen? a an a???nsn?tatanantant ?mimixi??? B BrB??llllill?an?ant ant d ?ed?ucuctuctiuctioi?n,n, , S, ?heherhe???ockoc?! ??????t dt ??d ?????exe?pep?ctct.ct...???o ?ses?e ?e che c?oc?o-o-g-grgrorouro?undun???in??in th??e c?upup?up? ? Y YeY?
t product! A tip from the Keurig people: shake the K-cup before using it. This prevents the cocoa from clumping and results in more flavor. 3309,B005K4Q1VI,A3OAYBV9IQV33C,Rob,14,14,4,1323648000,Not bad. Not bad at all.,"I have read some really funny reviews about this product. Some complain that there is noting left in the pod after it has filled the cup, so 'therefore' it must have been an instant mix! Brilliant deduction, Sherlock! What did you see choco-grounds in the cup? Yes
,? i itit t? is i???o o?dod????t ct ???apa??r r?tot?o go gog???????????r ???outou?e,e?????t't?????? 4 ????????? o?f f???st?ara?s.s.<.?brb?????<br<b?r /?????t tt ??e ???ststest?e ie ?s ?s whs w??at at?yoyou? w ???t ?t tot t?o ko ?????aba????????????? T ??????arkar???hoh???????????vovoro???????iri?lyl???robro??st? w?itithit? l ???????'g'??ritri???nenese??????? .??PlP?opo?? a a m ??arsarshs??malma????w iw ?n n t??he ??????efefofororeore e be ??ewewiw?????????????ll ll h ha?vev??a a??eaealea? t tr trereare???? I ItI?t c???eses es????? st strt?????ene?nouno??????n en eie?ith??er er?? the the ?6 6? oz o? o????? o? oz oz??ete?ttittin??? of???? the the??bre?????????ot ot???rpr??risrisisin?ingling???, t?he???ili??k ck ?choch?????ate?????lavolav?or or? is????????? st str st?ron?g g ag ????a ??litli??????mom????herher.her???MaM???hmhmahmala????w tw ???ckck ???????a lia lit?ittlittle?le dle ??fff?er
, it is no doubt cheaper to go some other route, that's why 4 instead of 5 stars.<br /><br />But the taste is what you want to know about, right? The Dark Chocolate flavor is fairly robust with little 'grittyness' to it. Plop a marshmallow in the cup before brewing and you'll have a real treat! It comes out strong enough on either the 6 oz or 10 oz setting of the brewer. Not surprisingly, the milk chocolate flavor is not as strong and a little smoother. Marshmallow trick has a little differ
eene????????????kik?ngn????? m ??lklk k??hohoco???ata?e ????t ot ????? cr crer??mi????anandn? s sms????????????a a l lil??tlt?????iluil???e te ????? S SoSo,o? m?ayaybybebe ?a ????? mi m?iniini-i??marma????????wsw? i ??sts????d od ofo????????-s-sis???d ?d ond o???foforo???thith?s s fs ?????????OhOh,h, , a, ?andan??????ini????ly ly??o o 6 ???? c??p.p. ??MyM???oldol?desde?st st g gr g???anddand???ghg?teterte????? I ??????teste??st fst ??????? p pep??????minmi?nt nt?????colco???te.te. ??ShShehe ?wiwin?ins,ins??of??? cou co???e,e?????t it it??s ?prp?retrettttytt???googo???????????????ete??t ont one?. ??NoN???????mamal?lolowlo????????????he????intin??t oft o?f pf pe?????mimin??????juj?????enoen????. . ?6 ??oz oz c cu?p p o??????s ?ononeon?e ie ??? th t?he ????st ?waw?ay ay t to to ???, , t, ??o.o????r /r />/??<br<br ????I tI ??thinthi????I gI ?gotgo?t tt ???e ce ?upupsup?s ss sisizsi??s s rs ???????
ent effect making the milk chocolate not only creamier and smoother but a little dilute too. So, maybe a few mini-marshmallows instead of a full-sized one for this flavor. Oh, and definitely go 6 oz cup. My oldest granddaughter and I contest for the peppermint chocolate. She wins, of course, but it's pretty good when I can get one. No marshmallow needed. The hint of peppermint is just enough. 6 oz cup on this one is the best way to go, too.<br /><br />I think I got the cups sizes right.
??f f?? d ??dnd??t,t????u'u??? f ?igi??rer??itit t?ou????????, , I, ??d d i??agagig???e te ththeh??re?asa??????????lwl?aya?????out out????????? i??s bs beb???????pep?opo???e ke ?????bub?yiy??g g? it?? ??I'vI'???di????d ?in?????theth??sus??????????? a a f??w w? ti t?memeses ?mymysyseys??f.f????reretrettt?y y gy ?????. P. ??ete?ttytt?????apa?. . P?????? h ??rdr??????et? a??t tt tit???????I'????bu???????gagaia?????333?101??B0B?0505K5???1V1VIVI,I?A2A????SRS??J5J545???????ookoo??VaV???,2,??????5,5???21??????0,?PeP???ecectec?t Ct ???????EvEveverve????? i????my my f fa f???ly? l ????s ????????ocoaocoa.a??????s ??ununnn??????plapl?ainai??wawatwa?er?????ouougou????my my kmy ????up up???ke?? a????ususiusining???hotho????oco?? f?ro?m m?? a c a cacanca?????er ???t t mt my????????????? r ????llyll??y gey g????????ig?hth???????
If I didn't, you'll figure it out. Btw, I'd imagine the reason it's always out of stock is because people keep buying it! I've dipped into the supply well a few times myself. Pretty good. Pretty cheap. Pretty hard to get at times. I'll buy it again!" 3310,B005K4Q1VI,A2GR7SRMJ54RG7,Book Vamp,21,23,5,1321488000,Perfect Cocoa,"Everyone in my family likes hot cocoa. I was running plain water through my k-cup maker and using hot cocoa from a canister but my kids didn't really get the right measur
e?????s s???d d????? o ofo???en en???an? n ?oto??wew?e we ????d ?ha?vev?e oe ovo???flf?owo????o o I ?????idide?d d td tot??????????s fs ??or or??y ??????????iti?????????????????t ct cuc?p p?eve?????tit????. N. NoN???oveov???????. T. ?heh??tat???????????d,d? i??? c crcre?ama???wiw?ithit???no?????coc?co?? t?o o wo ??te???????o ??????? k ??dsd??. I. ?I wI ??????????dederde?????? thi th???????ucu??????? n?????n n?????? my my f fa f???lyl?.<.<b<brb???>I>??n tn ththeth??inintinte?tereteres?t ?of??????uc????????????????we we???havehav?e o????dereder?d d Td ?im???hyhy'y??s ws ?????te hte hoh??? ch c?hochoco?lalat??, ?an??????en?en Men ?ou??ntantaiainin in H ??????cocoa??, T, ?TimTi???thyth?y'sy'????as as???reareatreat,t, ?????????y,y, , a?ndnd nd? Gr G????????????in in din didid????t rt ??realrea?llyll??y tay t??te??ala?????at??????at ???? ou ouru??????ly?
ements and more often than not we would have overflow. So I decided to try this for my kids and it makes a perfect cup every time. No overflow. The taste is good, its creamy with enough cocoa to water ratio for my kids. I will be ordering this product from now on for my family.<br />In the interest of product comparison, we have ordered Timothy's white hot chocolate, and Green Mountain Hot cocoa, Timothy's was great, but pricy, and Green Mountain didn't really taste all that great to our family.
?????ada????waw???rereded d dd dod?wnw? t tat?sts???????t.t???????,B,B0B??????1V1?I,I?A1A????I2I2H2HPH?????T,T,J,??????re?,1,??????????222?????00???????? an a???at????grg?????????e.e?,",?WhW?ene??? w??igighg???hehe he?cocono???enien??????ofof f? a ??? cu c??? ag a??ininsnst??? the th??pr?iciceic?e ae ?ndnd nd??????????? I? w??ulu?d d cd ??harha????terteri???e te ?he????e ase a??? a w a ??????. ????t tt th?e ?beb?st?st cst ?upup up? of of ??????a oa onon on?? the????????t bt bub?t ???mpm??reredre??tot??mam???ingin???????ouroursr????????usu????? a a p a ?????et,et??ththe???? ar a?? p?reretre??? d dadar??n gn ?????????y ??icice?? a ??????chchoch?????tete ???lavla???or wor wi????????unu????afa?teterter ter????stest?e t??hathat ????ve ve???ad ad w??ithit?h sh ??mem?????????ra?nd????DoD???????????? 1 ?0 0? oz o?? on on ?yo??r ?ma??????????ougou?
It had a watered down taste to it." 3311,B005K4Q1VI,A1J92I2HPUPAXT,J. Moore,11,11,4,1322006400,Tasty and at a great price.,"When I weigh the convenience of a K cup against the price and the taste, I would characterize these as a winner. Not the best cup of cocoa on the planet but compared to making it yourself or using a packet, these are pretty darn good. They nice a nice chocolate flavor with no funny after taste that I've had with some other brands. Do not select 10 oz on your machine though
?? M ???e e i iti??????????6 6??? 8 ??????ththeh?rwrwiw??e ???????l l??e ??at?ereryery ?????y y oy ?pip??ioi?on.on??AlAllll ll??n ????????????cuc??????????chc?hocho???atate?.".???313?2,2???050?K4K??1V1??????TRT??????????,S,ShS??nyn??????1,1,1,11,1?1,51,???323212???888?0000,00?"M"MuM??ch ch b???tet??????? e ?xpx?ece????????eae?? f fo f????theth??????",",","I,"?? am am m??ct??al?ly? s sus???rir??????t ???w w??ooo??d td ththith?????ododuod?uctuc?????????m m am ????isisiis????????ur?igi? o ow o?nen????witwi?? t tw twow???eee???? th t?????ovo??e te ??o do ????? h ho hot? c co?co?a ???d d cd cic???er ?????tyt???????yey?earea?r rr ??unundn?.<.??r ??><>?<br<b?r /r />r />P>PrP??????oioinintin?? T ThT?he he???ric?????? t th the th????? at at??? the the s??torto?re re?( (????ct? b??an?? ) ??????almal?osostst t tt trt??plp????f ??ha?????e p????he?????forfor r t????
. Make it only at 6 or 8 oz otherwise it will be watery in my opinion. All in all a fine cup of hot chocolate." 3312,B005K4Q1VI,A1TTREMB4DDEX7,ShanyaG.,11,11,5,1321228800,"Much better than expected, great for the kids","I am actually surprised at how good this product is. I am a Cuisinart Keurig owner with two teens that love to drink hot cocoa and cider pretty much year round.<br /><br />Price point: The price for these at the store ( exact brand ) is almost triple of what we pay here for the s
a??e e???????, ,??iti?????????ibi??e ae ??d d????????isis s?mam??eses ?????e ???it???????rdrdad?blblel??foforfo???? f ?am?ili?y ???????n n?coc??????sos?n n tn ??????therthe?r mr ?ororeor?e ee exe??enensn???ve ve b ?rar?andan?s ??it'it??s as ???????? ba bar?????n wn wi???ououtou???aca???fificicic??g g???alalilitityity y oy ovove??r qr ???????ity.ity.<.??br br?/>/??????/>F/>????or?????e:e????y ky ??????ov?e e ie ???, a, ??and and?hahav?e ???re????????????me me???????chcha??se se????????? d ????hthtet?r r sr ??ysy????????the??????perpe??in?t ??is is???gh???????nd? n ???? to t???wew?eakeak k e eveve?n n in ???us???? a????arg??? c?????I I? lo l??????????rkrk ?ch??co??????????? c co c??ffeffeee??e toe t?????? a a a m a ????a ???101??z z??????e ?e to???? oz o?z cz ch???col?at?e ?? a? and and ???????????????????thath?an an? so s?omeom????
ame amount, with subscribe and save this makes these quite affordable for my family use. In comparison to other more expensive brands it's a great bargain without sacrificing quality over quantity.<br /><br />Flavor wise: My kids love it, and have already asked me to purchase more. My daughter says that the peppermint is right on and not too weak even if using a larger cup. I love the dark chocolate in my coffee to make a mocha ( 10oz coffee to 4 oz chocolate ) and it's much better than some oth
??r r?brb????s s?ththah?t t????havhavev?????ede???n n????????????br br / />/??<br<b??????????l l i im i??rer???????? G ???????ala?ueue,e, , g ??????lal???r,r, ?exexcx?????ntn????icicece ce?pop?inintin???I wI ?ili?? b?????rcrchc??????????e.e?""3??????000050???Q1Q1V1???A1A1K1?????????????"W"?? H ?oyo?????PeP????ee? S ?hoh??tet??""????0,0?????,1????585??202?00,00??RiR?????????????co???? S??urpur?pri???????????d!d???"O"OrO??erereered? o on??a a w whw?imim.m. ?????fif???st st????GroGrovoveve ve??quq?ara????? pu pur??chach???e. e.???GreGreae??at fat ??????e ?faf?mim?ilyil????????asias?ionio??? c???????desde??? ag a a Ka ?-C-?upu?? it it't?? f ???st st ast ??d d ed ?easea??????as? a?????tlt?????orrorri??ed ????e ce ???????????????aveave e se ???????????tatasastas?te te???n mn mym???cofcofff?eeee,ee?, s, ?????ar ar??so ????
er brands that I have tried in the past.<br /><br />Overall impression: Great value, good flavor, excellent price point I will be purchasing more." 3313,B005K4Q1VI,A1KNF8V0TT4LW2,"W. Hoyt ""Pee Wee Shooter""",10,10,5,1319587200,"Rich, thick cocoa. Surprisingly good!","Ordered on a whim. My first ""Grove Square"" purchase. Great for the family's occasional cocoa desire. Being a K-Cup it's fast and easy. Was a little worried the cocoa might leave some after taste in my coffee, so far so good
????GrG?eae?????? o ?f f?dad????????h h? co c?coc??. ??????e e?? cou co?ldl? t ??????a a?LIL???LELE E??????r r???????waw?as as????? a a ??ouo???ete??????d d yd ????mimixi???youyo??ses?lfl??wiw??????ea???d ?mi??k.k??. T. ThThehe ????????? s ?imi???iciciic?ityit????????acackc? o?????ea?? u up?, ?mam???e te ??isis s??? be b????? o????ono?n fn ????me??. . W. ??lll?? or ordr????agagagaia???. ??ic??e t?? s?eeee ??????n sn ?ubu??crcriribri?be be????d sd sas??????333????????????VIVI,I,A,???VNVN7N?????CYC??D,D????????ve?r ?"""?????on?opo????le"le""??????,5,5,5,1,??????????,P,PlPle??asaasanantan??? s su sur???risri?sedsed,d??y ?bob?x x ox ??????ve? S ?quq???e ???t t Ct ?oc??????????d ?totodo??y ??and? I ??veve ve jve ??st????????it??. D. ?el????ouousou?. ?Ma?????????? cu cupup up?[b[byby y my ?mismi?stastak??????t ????m hm ????y ?
. Great cup of dark, rich cocoa. Maybe could taste a LITTLE better if it was from a gourmet brand you mix yourself with steamed milk. The ease and simplicity, and lack of clean up, make this a better option for me. Will order again. Nice to see it on subscribe and save." 3314,B005K4Q1VI,A1MVN7BGX0CYKD,"L. Silver ""amazonophile""",7,7,5,1319155200,Pleasantly surprised,My box of Grove Square Hot Cocoa arrived today and I've just tried it. Delicious. Made a big cup [by mistake] but I'm happy w
i??h h???e e?flflal???? a ??d d?coc??sisisi?????y.y. .??????fff? t??st??s s? th t?atat t?I I??an?????cec?rnr??. . A A A?lil?ittit??e e de ?disdisas??popoio???tedte?d ad ?at at????h ??????m m c?on??tente??. ???ce? t to t???????as?????l l s ???rtr???tot???hi??ll.ll?3333?????000??K4K??1V1??????B0NB0?Y2Y2E2?ROROZO????,H,??????VoVororeor?????,2,???323??575727????,S,??????oso????????????????reare??allyall? d di d??li?kek?e Se ???????se???. I. I I dI ????????likelike ????? ta?????, t, ??the the athe ?ftfteterte??????, , o, or? t? the the ???ftefter? e efe?ffeff???ts.ts?????????ghtgh?t tt ?thith?is is? ba bas???d od on? i it???????????? i??????as "as """"d"di????"" "" o????""l""????? cal ca???????????hehe e fe fifirirsr????ngn?re??diediendie?? i is is ??SugSugag?ar ar????it???s os ???ly ly????tit?al??? s?wew????eneen?ed ed w wiw?????????lo??se.??????SucraSucr?????e ie ?is ?bub?????ed wed wawaywa
ith the flavor and consistency. No off tastes that I can discern. A little disappointed at high sodium content. Nice to have as fall starts to chill. 3315,B005K4Q1VI,A2B0NY2EROZMSO,Hal DeVore,0,0,2,1328572800,Sucralose!,"I really, really dislike Sucralose. I don't like the taste, the aftertaste, or the after effects. I bought this based on it NOT saying it was ""diet"" or ""low calorie"". The first ingredient is Sugar so it's only partially sweetened with Sucralose. Sucralose is buried way
d ???n n i ??n tn tht????ngn?????ene??s s????????t ?th???????????????ici????????brb? / ?><>?????/>S/>?????wiwisishish h?AmA??????coc??tataita???? t ????fuf?lll?? nu n???????on on a ana?d d????gregr?edied?ienient?????????????? a??????odo?d pd ????ucu???.".???313???B0B????4Q4?1V1VIV???2Y2???????????????. .??enenden???????????plplol??rinri???mym?? wo w?orlor???"""""????????131?282??868?404???TaT?astas?????d ??????fof?? W ???ghg????atatctchc?herhe?rs!rs??????????is??isis ????????? fi f???st???ururour??ea??????co???tete.?? B ???? y ?ouo??cac????aka?e ?????????ourou?????uriur?ig ig a an and??? all al??????lavla??orsor??????ste ste??ooood??. . ?I'I???????????th??the "the ????ubu?""??? and an????t ???e ?????stst st pst ?????????cocosco???. . N. ?o o c?haharargr?ge ge??o o jo ?joijoinin ???and and? no n?o eo ?????t ????quq
down in the ingredients list but the taste is noticeable.<br /><br />Sure wish Amazon contained the full nutrition and ingredients labels from all food products." 3316,B005K4Q1VI,A2Y8ISBLBKS74N,"D. Henderson ""exploring my world""",0,0,5,1328486400,Tasty and Good for Weight Watchers!,"OK - this is not the finest European chocolate. BUT, you can make it in your Keurig and all 3 flavors taste good. I've joined the ""club"" and get the lowest possible cost. No charge to join and no effort to qu
????? W ??? n ????? I ???? n??cece e??? h ????e we whwhehene??yoyouo?'r'?e ???ete???g,g??????usu??????? j ???? e ??ou??? c ???coc?lal???e te ????eee????ou??ono????aca???? N ???-d-?diediet??rsr?????? l lil?????it it??oro????he he?????venve??ienie?????3?????B0B?050????1V1????Y6Y6M6MBM?5S5?4444G4?????????????,0,,0?5,5?131323282?484???????umu??y!y?!,!????ve?? tr trir????a a f fe f?w w?????????t ??otot ot?CoC???a a ba ???????fo?r r mr ?? K ???????..?????? ha havaveav???beebeen????sas?????intinte??d Ed EVEVEVERE?? t ti timi???, u, ??ti????nowno???????a ?a bra b???s ??mom???h h ah ?andan???ulu??????????d-d-o-????it?he???tht????smasm???ll cll cucupup ?sis??e e oe ???? the th????didiudium???? a??d ?a ??plp?lasla???ofof f a?lmlmo???????k k???nd ??I'mI'??re????????gog??????ererferfefecfectc?! ! I?'l'?ll ???fif?iniin????y ??????hihis?
it. Why not? It's nice to have when you're dieting, because it's just enough chocolate to keep you on track. Non-dieters will like it for the convenience." 3317,B005K4Q1VI,AY6MB5S44GMH4,Jolan,0,0,5,1328486400,Yummy!!,"I've tried a few different Hot Cocoa brands for my Keurig... And have been disappointed EVERY time, until now! Cocoa brews smooth and full flavored-on either the small cup size or the medium! I add a splash of almond milk and I'm ready to go :) Perfect! I'll definitely buy this
????ini??""?333313?8,8?B0B??5K5K4K4Q4?1V1VIV??A1A?????U2U242??FSFS1S1T1??????????????????,1,????????????oto? C CoC??oao?,I,????ciciei??eded d?a a K ?????g g? K- K????????????fofor??????sts?mam?? w ???h h s ??mpm??? c ??upsup??ofo???ofoffoffef????ndn??teteae?a ba ??ut ut??? c? coc co?coaco?????I ??ririeried?????s ??????d ad an????I lI lil??ke ke? th t??? b ???????ava?venve???t tt ???iedied ??othothe?r r????ndndsnds ?????t tot t?????mpamparare?????h.h. . I I I???ulu???bu?????????e age aga?in? u ?ntntit?? I???in??d o????I I l????e be beb??????????9,9???????4Q14Q??I,I,AI,A3A?919??Y5Y?CRCRGR?5D5??????????????s,s??,0,0,0,?0,40,???13213?2832831???00?????cupcu??s,"s,???????e a e a?????of? c???mplmp???????aba??outou??????????uau????hohot?ot cot ?????la?te??. I. ?I t???????it it?????????????????ererier?ingin??it????? k ?????, , n?ot?ot hot
again." 3318,B005K4Q1VI,A158R7U24SFS1T,autoworker,0,0,4,1328400000,Hot Cocoa,I recieved a Keurig K-Cup Brewer for Christmas with sample cups of coffee and tea but no cocoa so I tried this brand and I like them but I haven't tried other brands yet to compare with. I would buy these again until I find one I like better. 3319,B005K4Q1VI,A3912Y5CRG5D1A,Icey Sparks,0,0,4,1328313600,k-cups,"I see a lot of complaints about Grove Square hot chocolate. I think it tastes ok considering it's a k-cup, not h
?omomememe??????ndn? n ???????rmr?????????n'n??t ht hah?vev??an??tht?ini??? ne nege????ve???o o??????heh??????an???oror r t???e pe prp??dud?ctc?? i itit't???rer????????y ????xpxpepenensnsisiv??????? th? the the???mpmpa?nyn??did?dnd?????????ely?????verve???sese se? or o??ma?kek?????????omiom???s ??bob??????e e te ???tet?????323???????K4K?Q1Q1V1?I,I???5T5??G3G?8F8?585????,","K"?ay???ayayeay?s ?????it?ti?ngng ng???injin????????0,??????828??72720?????otot ot b ??ad,ad?, n, ????babadba??atat at? al a?l"l???I ??????????ke?????ot cot ????????? l ?likli????? s so sooooo?????????at??I ?????ve ave ???oco??? L ????????chc?hinhi??, ?????ch ch?????re??????????om?ete?timti???s Is I ????st st?waw????ononeon????????? co c?ocoocoao?????????ho????e pie p?itcitch?ere?????he?? t th??????ppp??ns??? I u I ?useus??d td ????utut ut?
omemade and not gourmet. I don't have anything negative to say the company or the product, it's relatively inexpensive and the company didn't falsely advertise or make any promises about the taste." 3320,B005K4Q1VI,A15T9G38F589KM,"Kay Hayes ""knitting ninja""",0,0,4,1328227200,"Not bad, not bad at all","I really like hot cocoa! I like it sooo much that I have a Cocoa Latte machine, which is great, but sometimes I just want one cup of cocoa not a whole pitcher. When that happens I used to put o
???tht????ete??lel?e ae ?ndnd d??heahe???upup p??he?????ere???? the th???popouo????n ?? p pap???ketke??????oco????????????ststit??? a?ndnd nd s ??ir?, , a, ?and?? st sti??? ???nd ?afa??er????l l????at at??????in????I'I?d ???tilti????????????le le???mpmpsps s???n mn ??? co c?????. . ??it???? the the the?K-K?cuc???, ??? ge g?????ooo???????h ??coccococoacoa coa w??ith? N ?O O l??mp?s s as ?and??NO????lealeanan-an??up.up???????y ay ?and?and yand yuy????!<!<b<?r r /r ???<br<br r /?>P>??????e ne ?ot????????? A AR ARER????? S ????R-R?FRFRE?E.E?. ?ThT???vev??????irsir?st st????rerededid?en????????achac?????vov???isis ?susugu?ara????and ?? d di?d ?no???????e ane a?y ?y ary a?titiftifi???l ?su???r r lr li??stest?ed ed? in in in t?????ing?re?didiedi?ententsent???. E???? c cu c?up up??as??ononln????0 0??????ieiesie?s, s,????t i???yoyouou ou w wa w???t st sut s?ugaug?????reere?e oe oror or? ar arere re?????et?
n the kettle and heat up the water, then pour in a packet of cocoa mix and stir, and stir, and stir. And after all that stirring, I'd still get little lumps in my cocoa. With the K-cups, I get smooth rich cocoa with NO lumps and NO clean-up. Easy and yummy!<br /><br />Please note: THESE ARE NOT SUGAR-FREE. The very first ingredient in each flavor is sugar and I did not see any artifical sugar listed in the ingredients. Each cup has only 60 calories, but if you want sugar-free or are diabeti
???ththeh?n n? th thihisis s p ?ror??????????????blb?? n ?otot ???r r y ?ouou.u???333???,B,?0000505K5?4Q4???I,I?AXAXMX?BQBQBQ??7N7??L3L????ici????????????llllolou???,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5????818141404080808???????? G GRG??ATA?,V,???????????ot? c ??????????d d?????? w ???s rs ?igigh?t<t?brb????<b<br<br r /?>A>AwA??sosomo????????asassas??ngn??? the th?e we ???d ?ono?n tn ??e e ie ??eme??. . W ??ll? b ???y iy ?????aia??3?32????????4Q???????2N2?JLJ?AHA???8D8DVD?M,M???ududydy y My ??er??????????13213????40840?800800,0,Y0,?umummm?y!y?,",???he he t????????lil?kek?e me ?ososts????ououtou????isis ?br?an?d ???????ot cot ?choch?ocooc???te?? is is ?????????e ??????ovo?e ??t ????m m t? the????ururi?????????es??'t'?t lt ?eae???????ov??????????lacla??????or??so?me? r ??as???, , a, ?????????????chochoccho?????teste?s Is ??????ur?ch??aseas????
c then this product is probably not for you." 3321,B005K4Q1VI,AXMBQBI7N8L37,Michael J McCullough,0,0,5,1328140800,TASTE GREAT,Very good hot cocoa. And price was right<br /><br />Awesome and passing the word on the item. Will buy it again 3322,B005K4Q1VI,A12NJLAHKB8DVM,Trudy Myers,0,0,5,1328140800,Yummy!,"The thing I like most about this brand of hot chocolate is that once I remove it from the keurig, it doesn't leak all over the place. For some reason, all the hot chocolates I've purchased be
??ororer? l lel?aka??alalll? o ???r r?whw??n n y ??u u?????oveove ?tht?hemhe????omo?m tm ?????ofo????e pe pop??? M MyMy y???ff?????????'t'? d?? t ?????soso ???ot ot??uru??????y ty ??thattha??isis.s?. . ?ThT??????is ais ??grg?reare?at at? de dea?l l fl ????th??????????yoyouyo???etet ??? w?ele??????? t ta t?astas??e ye ??mmmmym?????323????000??K4K?Q1Q??????9K9KVK????SBSBOB???,",?????????????erser???????ra???y ay ????t ??ooo????????,0?????32???686808?00000??????t Et ??verve?????ou??nd nd??hi???brbra????ana?nd ???the ??aca??t tt th?????t t wt ??as as d da d?rkr????????????mamadaded??itit ???????????????? I I'I????????? for fo?r mr mymy my??eue????. ???????ll ll c???ntintini???e t?o o oo ?ordor???????is ???artar??icuic???????an??..??3232432?,B???5K5K45K???1VI1VI,??1A1?VDV?ASA??????CLC????? H ?????????1313213??79679????000,000??oo?d d Hd
fore leak all over when you remove them from the coffee pot. My coffee doesn't do that so not sure why that is. This is a great deal for the amount you get as well, and taste yummy!" 3323,B005K4Q1VI,AW9KV1KKSBOY7,"Deidra Nickerson ""Crazy about Books""",0,0,5,1327968000,Best Ever,I found this brand and the fact that it was dark chocolate made it by far the best I've had for my Keurig. I will continue to order this particular brand. 3324,B005K4Q1VI,A1AVDAS4VK9FCL,Joe H.,0,0,5,1327968000,Good H
????ChChohocococ?????,","I"??lol?????heh??e ?ho?????hochoco???teteste?? I ?????nkn???heheyhey'y?rere ????????te?r r? th?ana??? the th?e ce ??????xpx??resre???ho?hot hot?ch???????? ?ThT?heshe?se se???d d??????wiw???????s s hs ???????????????re? m ?y ?fafava???itite???????s.?????????e pe pr???e ????? the thes the?se se ase ararere re tre ???? be b???t It ?'v'?? b be?ene???blb????o o f ??indin?. ???y gy ??rlrlfl???en?d ???and and? I I??avaveav?e ae ala??reare??y y gy goy gononen?e t???ouo???????????alalfal?f of ?? t? the them the???in in?? abo ab?????????????? a an a??????nevne????usu???d t?o ?drd??nk? m????? ho hot?????????te??<b<?r ?/>/?I ????comcommm?????? the????3?323??????5K5?4Q4??????3L3???????????Q,Q?KoK?ol?????,0,???,5,5,??3232732????00???YuYumu????,I,?I r??alallal??y ey enenjenjoj?y y ty ??thisthi???otot ???choc??ola????????h ah ???it???le le? fa f
ot Chocolate,"I love these hot chocolates. I think they're way better than the cafe express hot chocolates. These and the Swiss Miss hot chocolate are my favorite K-Cups. And the price of these are the best I've been able to find. My girlfriend and I have already gone through about half of them in about two weeks, and I never used to drink much hot chocolate.<br />I recommend these" 3325,B005K4Q1VI,A3L4LBON8P64YQ,Kool-aid,0,0,5,1327968000,Yummy!,I really enjoy this hot chocolate with a little fa
t? f ?rer????????? h ha h?alfal??fof?? c crc?reare????ese?s.s????in???tht??t t It I I??am am?????? c?ofofff?ee???rir????r ???eseseese e ke ?????s s?????r r ar ??????????ngn?e ??frofr??? te t????????lol??????tot????????? t?????????el??l bl ???t it ?t't?s ??halha????????amoam????t ot ?? c? cup cupsps ps a an a????lml??st????????ameam?e pe ???ce????uyuy y? fr f?om???mam??????????,B,???5K5K4K?Q1Q??????D4D?????FBF??DFDF,F????nDn?DenDe???"D?????????,0,0,0???4,4????787???60600??????bab?d ?fo?r r t?he?????iceic??????lil?????o o? br bre???? k ????? c??cocoaoa ????? m ???co??ffeff?????for for a??ni?ce???oc????. . ?ThThiTh?is is d?ararkr???????lal??????lavla??? i ??is qis quq?it???????? e ?espes????alallal???????d ????? D DoDououboublblel?????ckc??DiDiaiamiamo??nd nd c co????e.e?. ?Th?ou????no?????the the?????y by ????
t free half & half for creaminess. Being that I am not a coffee drinker these k cups offer a nice change from tea. The local stores sell this as well but it's half the amount of cups and almost the same price. Buy from Amazon. 3326,B005K4Q1VI,ALD467ZEFBPDF,"DenDen ""Dennis""",0,0,4,1327881600,Not bad for the price!,"I like to brew a k-cup cocoa into my coffee for a nice mocha. This dark chocolate flavor is quite nice, especially mixed with Double Black Diamond coffee. Though not the very best,
??????s s???????ana????heh? p ?rir??e ?isi??ririgri????????pap??eded d td ?? o oto???r r??rar?andan?s.s?""3333????B0B???K4K?????,A,ANANTN?A6A6B6?????????sas?????esesms?umu????,0,,0?1,1,1???????606??,N,????Y,Y????????? a am a????????g g????trt????lolot?? of o????? t th thihinhi?????? t???ugugh??t tt ???t ?I ????ldld ?bub???th?is??????ucuctc??? A ??nd nd???incincece ce Ice ???o o lo ?liklikeke ??ot????co?a,a, , I, ?I bI ?????ght ght 2 2 2 b bo b?? I c I co???????veve ??dondone?..?.. T.. ?hi?s s is is???lal??and,and????th??ve???????tlt?e ?????ou????ItIt ?alalsl????hasha???????????y tey t???uru????eae???? the the e be ?botbo????? of? t? the??mu???<b<br? / ???er??sonso?al??????I wiI w???????ot bot ??y ??????? pro prododu??????aia??. . I?? wi wil?ill ill???aya?y wy wi?withwit????????mimis?s ??r ?ananoan???herhe?r hr ?hothot ?co??????
it is good, and the price is right, compared to other brands." 3327,B005K4Q1VI,ANTA6BNDLCQP5,saschiesmum,0,0,1,1327881600,NASTY,"Since I am willing to try alot of new things. I thought that I would buy this product.. And since I do like hot cocoa, I bought 2 boxes.. WORST thing I could have done.. This is bland, with very little flavour. It also has a grainy texture near the bottom of the mug.<br />Personally I will not buy this product again. I will stay with swiss miss or another hot cocoa br
???d d?fof?? t ?hehe e K KeK???????????""??323??????5K5?4Q4????,A,??YLY?KQKQJQ??GJGJ8J?R8R8585,5?????rar???????,0??3,3,1,?32??797??202?00,00?GrG?ovo?e ??????????? C ??cocoao?,D,??ese???ot?????ve ve a ? r ???? c ch?ococooc?lal???????vov??. .???sts?teste???????????waw??ere???. N. ?ot?ot sot ??ureur??????? m ?aka???? a a g a grgrereareat?? co coc?ocoaoco?a ba bub??????s s is ??????ot iot,E,M,??????sos??,0??0,??,1,13,1??3277327???????PlP?????d ?wiw?ithith h ih ??????st????????ececec??t,t, t,?? a l a li???????sugsugagararyar?, , b bu??????????rea????ot????wi??????????hahapha????????????is is pis ??????t.t????????? be be e be bubuybuyiy??g g tg ????????du??? a??????. P. ????agagig??? i ???terte?resreststistin??, ????it??s ????giagi?????oxo?? fo f?? t? the th??pr??du??t ??o ?fl??????aroar
and for the Keurig K-Cup" 3328,B005K4Q1VI,A2YLKQJOGJ8R85,Pinkrabbit,0,0,3,1327795200,Grove Square Hot Cocoa,Does not have a rich chocolate flavor. Tastes a little watery. Not sure who a makes a great cocoa but this is not it. 3329,B005K4Q1VI,ABR831QWGPDEE,M. Dodson,0,0,4,1327795200,Pleased with it,"Taste was decent, a little sugary, but very creamy otherwise. Very happy with this product. I will be buying this product again. Packaging interesting, as it's a giant box for the product to float aro
?unundn???????titili?? it i????lil???rsr???? y ??????ouousousese.e.".?3?33??,B,B0B000050???????,A,?323??Q1AQ1?494????F8F??????hah???????????????0,50,?,1,?32???080888??????ovoveve ve?????areare e H HoH?t ?ChCho??ololal??e ?????????ese?t.t?,",?GrGroGr?oveove ??SquSqua?rer?????t C??hoc?ololaolat?????????????st st K ??cuc?p p??????choch??colcolalatlatete.te. .???re???d md mam?????eve??ewewsw??bebefbe?orore???makma?in?????is? p ??urcur???????anandan?d nd ?owow w I I I? ag a?rereeree,e??anandand and????l l cl ??ntn?tinti??e ???? bu b???th???????and???3333????,B0,B??5K???1V1VI1V???????????RMR???4,4,"??mym??B B " ??Am?yBy?""???,0,,0??,0,4,0,?4,14,13?272?????0000,00,G00,GrGreGr?????????????colacol???????? re?????????e pe ?rir?????y ????ds ds h ha h?ve?ve bve bebeebeenen ??begbeggg???????????????ocooc???k-k???????????hehenhe???I fI fo??undund ?th???????o ro ???so??????
und in until it delivers to your house." 3330,B005K4Q1VI,A32Q1A49UMZF8Z,Michael Edwards,0,0,5,1327708800,Grove Square Hot Chocolate is the best.,"Grove Square Hot Chocolate is the best K-cup hot chocolate. I read many reviews before making this purchase, and now I agree, and will continue to buy this brand." 3331,B005K4Q1VI,A1YDGQVKRRM1E4,"Amy B ""AmyB""",0,0,4,1327449600,Great hot chocolate and reasonable price,My kids have been begging for hot cocoa k-cups and when I found these so reasonably
p???ceceded d????????dedded ?tot??gigivi???tht?eme? a ? t??y.y????e ?????lolovo????d thd t?hemhe??????2,2?B0B??5K5?????I,I?A2A??IQI?8J8J4J474?????1,1???izizaz??????0,0??,2,????272?444???0000,00?"T"????ese? " """"o"????"""""?,","T,"?hih?????astas?testes ??likli?e ?iti??hah?????tit?????alal al s ???et????????? it i??ana?d ????esnes??t t tt ?tasta????ve?ry????ocococ?lal??teytey.??Th???nan?mem??brb?anandan?????coaco?????psp??ara????et????? o ?r ?juj??? d??mpm????? a a???gug????r cr cococ?oao????ckcke?t t it ??????up?? an andnd nd? ru r?nnn?in?ing ing t??he he w ?at??er er?? thr throrouo???? in i??? i? it it? is i?s bs ?betbetttte????3??33333??,B0,B??5K5K45K??????A1A????????313??T6T??LeL???StS??raira????,0,0,0,?0,40,??13?272742744????00,00,P00,?epe???????t ?t ist i?s os ?ourou????vov???iteit?,"?????? thr??ee ee tee ?tas??tes? r ri r????????????colco??????non???ch????? a?t ??ll???
priced I decided to give them a try. We all loved them. 3332,B005K4Q1VI,A22IQ8J47JT0D1,Elizabeth,0,0,2,1327449600,"Tastes ""off""","This tastes like it has artificial sweetener in it and doesn't taste very chocolatey. The name brand cocoa Kkups are better, or just dumping a regular cocoa packet in a cup and running the water through into it is better." 3333,B005K4Q1VI,A19N2TU4D31BT6,Lee Strain,0,0,4,1327449600,Peppermint is our favorite,"All three tastes rich and chocolaty, not chalky at all. W
e? w ??rer????????ses?d d??owo??gog??d d td ????????, ,?beb???erer er?ththath??????????er??K-K??upu? c ?ococo????e'e????trt??eded.ed??333333334334,4?????K4K?Q1Q1V1?????CTC?????787??PIP??,B,Bo,Boyo???8080,0,0,??????131323???????00,00,H,HoH???ribri???,",????????????nanasa??y!y??? T ThThihis????????asastaste???lilikikek??cac?????ar??, , v, ????y wy ?atatetertereredre?d dd ??ownown ??andan???? f ??lavlavov?or or t?o ?it???t ??????????????????oio????????33333353?,B??00500?5K45K???????1I1?NQN???F0F??H8H??????roro2o????????????????yoyouou"u""?????????????36?32320?0,??esestes???? cu c????ot??????????ThiTh????rar??and and? is i?s bs byb????????????est? K ?K cK cu?p p hp ?hotho????co????notnot ??thathattha????????aya???mum??h,h??bub?????????ththith??????? and an?d l?esesses?s ds di?sgs????in?g g t th??an an t??e e re re??,B0??
e were surprised how good they are, better than any other K-cup cocoa we've tried." 3334,B005K4Q1VI,A2CTJIFF789PIO,Boyer80,0,0,1,1327363200,Horrible,"Just plain nasty!!! This item tasted like cardboard, very watered down and no flavor to it at all. Very disappointed" 3335,B005K4Q1VI,A1INQFWF0KH8LS,"jro2020 ""James to you""",0,0,5,1327363200,Best K cup hot cocoa,"This brand is by far the best K cup hot cocoa not that that says much, but it is thicker and less disgusting than the rest." 3336,B005
K?4Q4Q1Q???,A,?3N3???FGFGXG?8C8CCC??????? M MiM?lel????????ileil?esoes??eme?milmi??ioi???????????,1,131??727???808?0,??????ooo???,"T,"????????nnn??, ??ndn? t ??? f ?aka????mil?? p pop?wdw?????ses?d d td ?? a ?dddd ??""c""??eae???ne????? h ???s as ?an an???f f? fl flal?vov?????ete??er????? e ????ingin???ououru??????????mumugug.g??3333?33733???0000500???Q1Q1VQ1??,A???YKY??UPU????GBG???????ke ke G ?? "" "???keke ??""??????0,50,???32?????404????rereare?????astas?tinti?g!g?????reatreat ????ueu?,Y,?ouou ou???an'an??t bt ????? th t?hishis s ds ?deade?al!al??3 3 B ??xexes?????161??K-K?CuC?????????litli?ttltt?le le m???e ????n n?????. N. ?????thetherthe????torto?re re c?anan ?eve?????at??? t???at at p pr p?ic?e ??forfo?????????coc?la?te????-Cu-Cup?s.s?. Y. ????????mam?allal?y y? go goio??? t??o bo ?? p?aya??ing?????ounou?nd nd??121?-$-?????????16 ??K-cK-cuc?????
K4Q1VI,A3N4FFGX8CCHL,"M. Miles ""smilesonemillion""",0,0,2,1327276800,Not good,"Thin, runny, and the fake milk powder used to add ""creaminess"" has an off flavor. Better off eating your ceramic mug." 3337,B005K4Q1VI,A1CYKFUPE5ZGBA,"Mike G ""Mike G""",0,0,5,1327190400,Great Tasting! Great Value,You can't beat this deal! 3 Boxes of 16 K-Cups for little more then $20. No other store can even match that price for Hot Chocolate K-Cups. Your normally going to be paying around $12-$16 for 16 K-cups al
??nen?????isi? p pap?ckc?????gigivivev???????? K K-K????????r r?? g???????????e.<e.???????<br<b?r /??ThTheThe ???????????at??e ie ??ses??? i ?? g????t ?tat?sts?ini??? an a?????? b ?e ?usu????on????ststlst??????????titinti??s s fs fos for??????????exexcxce??t ?fo???ththeth??trt??ve??????. ?LoL?????????or??????andan?d gd ????at at t?as???????DeD?fif????ly?????us??????e e i??f yf yo?????????KeK??????br???iningin???ysy??eme?!!3??33833?????5K5?????I,I?A2A???FUFUVU????080??????nnnnin????r Br ??oweowen?????,0,,0??,1,??272???040????TaT?ast???NoNot?????? sw s?eeeetet.t??? Th T?he he b??estes??K-??????hotho??????????????veve ve t?ri??d d td th?us? f ??r.r?. T. ?The? k ???????ve??d dd ??rinrinknkikinki?????d d md mam????g ???????ot ot cot ???ocoocololaolat??..3?33??????????????AWA??RCRC5C??JTJ??F7F??
one. This package give you 48 K-Cups for a great price.<br /><br />The Hot Chocolate itself is great tasting and can be used on mostly all settings for the B70 except for the travel mug. Low in calories and great tasting. Defiantly a must have if you own a Keurig brewing system! 3338,B005K4Q1VI,A2BBFUVBU808RI,Jennifer Bowens,0,0,4,1327190400,Tasty,Not too sweet. The best K-cup hot chocolate I've tried thus far. The kids loved drinking and making the hot chocolate. 3339,B005K4Q1VI,AW4RC5QJTVF7N,
???tht?????????ele???,0,0,0???????272???40400000????sts? H ?otot ?CoC???????ror?veve e????ararere e ie ?s s t th???bebesestest ?k-k???????????cocoaco????ve? t tr t??ede??? A AnAndn?? I' I?'ve'v??????????nunumumbm????ofo????????he????rar????. . . ?ThT??? t?????es es?li?????"r"??ala???? co c???oa oa?????ed ted ?? t? tas tast???. A. An?d ????yoy????ddd???a la ?litli?????mimili????t't's'????venve?n bn ??ttttett??. ???t'st'?s ss ?o ????t ft ?ro??????e Ke ?????? t th???? th the the the? mi m?ilkil?k hk he???s ??cooco??? it i???owo?n ???ywywawaya??????f yof y?????ooookokik???????????rea??l cl chcho?co??atateat?-l-???flf?lavla??or or???veve ?????????trytr?y."y.""3??4040,40,B?00??K4K????????4S4??YIY????????JuJus??t Mt MeM????0,0,10,?????707?17176760600????al??? A???ulul,l?,"I,"?????'t't t et ??pep??t t gt grg???t t ht ??hot hot????hocohoc??atate???ro?????????????utu?
Kathleen F Celli,0,0,5,1327104000,Best Hot Cocoa,"Grove Square is the best k-cup hot cocoa I've tried. And I've tried a number of the other brands. This tastes like ""real"" cocoa used to taste. And if you add a little milk it's even better. It's so hot from the Keurig that the milk helps cool it down anyway. If your looking for a real chocolate-ly flavor give this a try." 3340,B005K4Q1VI,AS4S1YINFKPRP,Just Me,0,0,1,1327017600,Really Awful,"I don't expect great hot chocolate from a k-cup, but
??? s shs????d d??????asa????as??? l ?????????e'e?? s so somo???coc??????????. .?????n'n't'??bebele???????????adad ??????ststustufufff??ta???ese?????trtrir?ede?d id ???3 3? ti t?????????????n ?th??rewre????e ????? a aw a??????333343?????050??4Q4?1V1?I,I??V2V2M2?????I8I??????????????????????707010?????,B???t ?????????????????r r???CuC?psps,?"B"BeB?est??ho????ho??????? a?vav????blb?? f ????????upsup?s. s. B Be??????????, a, ????r ?ta???e.e???re?atat at i??n an ??y y s si s?zez?e we ???? b?re?????. H. HiH???lyly ????comco????? o ???r r ar an?? o ot o???r ?co?compcompap?anyany.any?."."?333??????????????I,AI,A1A?H4H4I4IVI????WWWWBWBLB??????ileil????adcad?????,0?????,1?????1717617??0,???odo??????or? a?????ono?t ????????hehe he?????????????? fe fewew ???t t C??ocooc?a ???ava
it should at least taste like there's some cocoa in it. I can't believe how bad this stuff tastes. I tried it 3 times, and then threw the rest away." 3341,B005K4Q1VI,AV2MMKAUI8QBC,MFowles,0,0,5,1327017600,Best Hot Chocolate for K-Cups,"Best hot chocolate available for K-cups. Best taste, after taste. Great in any size when brewed. Highly recommend over any other company." 3342,B005K4Q1VI,A1H4IVXNXWWBLV,chileheadcraig,0,0,4,1327017600,Good flavor and wont break the bank,"Of the few Hot Cocoa flav
??????e'e????trt??eded,d?? th t????is??? the the ?beb?????? f ?ara????ItI????s s ts ththeh?e re ??chche???????vov???ana?? I??????t nt ??tit??e ???????ti??iciciic??l l????tet??e the tha??t ot ?othot??rsrs rs??havha????????nt??? o on??. . ????????so so v ??ryry y? af a?fof?ordor?abablb?e ??comcompmpap????????ot??ere??k-k?cucupu????rigrighg?t ?t not n?w.w??. I. ??????gh????thath??t t???? k- k??up??mam??ini????????????usu?st ???????ot????????e ??xpxpep??sis?ve?????? t th????lasla???yey????????????????no??w tw ????y ay ar?are are? tr trur??lyl??st?????????t t t?o ???? si s?incin?ce ce t????e ??rer??st?????rereare??on????le le p?????ed.ed.".?????????050??????I,I??2J2??????THT??????S.S. . S. ?????or,or????,5,5,5,1,??272??171????,F,?????ITI????HOTHO??COC???A!A??????s s is iss i?????he ahe ?absab?solsolul?uteut??e bee b??t ?t hot hotot ot???ocooc??
ors we've tried, this is the best so far. It has the richest flavor and I dont notice the artificial taste that others have commented on. Its also very affordable compared to other k-cups right now. I thought that the k-cup making process must have gotten more expensive over the last year, but now I know they are truely sticking it to us since these are still reasonable priced." 3343,B005K4Q1VI,A2JNQP8PTHOTDF,S. Saylor,0,0,5,1327017600,FAVORITE HOT COCOA!,"This is the absolute best hot cocoa
?????ththeh? K ???rir?? B BrBrer?????? A ??? o ?? t??he he? ot o???? H ?otot t C ??coc?a'a???? tha th???????ava?e ??ri??d d???????d td tot???"d"?ococtoc?torto??"" "" t??o mo mam????e the t??m m t ta tasa????gog??d.d?????????? to to??ddd?d md ??oreor?e ce co???? a an a??????????gag??. ??? wa wasas as????????mumucu?? m???iningn???y y oy ??????cocococoa?????????ded???????????????pop???e oe ?? t???????????? Bu Butu??????GrG??????quq????????????coacoa coa????????ot ot????ed ed aed ???y hy hehelhelpl??. I. In. In ?my?????iniinioionon,n, ??t t ht ??s ????st st? th???ri?ghg???????????of ?????oror!or??????444?,B,?000?5K5?????I,I???NAN???DGDGMGM2M??PUPU,U????mymy,my??????,1,131????171?606???YuY??mymy,?"O"OhO?h sh sos????????ThThe???????t ct cucupup p?I ???had had whad ?????? t th?? the m the mem????um um s??tt???g.g??????as??totooto?????et??????I ??????
for the Keurig Brewers. All of the other Hot Cocoa's that we have tried we had to ""doctor"" to make them taste good. We had to add more cocoa and more sugar. I was pretty much making my own cocoa, which defeated the purpose of the brewer. But the Grove Square Hot Cocoa does not need any help. In my opinion, It has just the right amount of flavor!!" 3344,B005K4Q1VI,ADNABCDGM22PU,Tammy,0,0,5,1327017600,Yummy,"Oh so good. The first cup I had was on the medium setting. It was too sweet. So I had my
? s sesece??ndn??on????????rgrgeg??????titini?? a ?nd???????? p peper????t!t????isi???? a a a?crcrereae???????????cocolco?latlatet???AdA??d ad a a??itittit?lel???ili????nd???andan???hi???????????? a? and an??yoyouo?r ????t!!t!?!!??????????050?????????3V3??????QRQ??????? c??? l?ovovev???0,0,0??5,5,15,?323?????606??,Y,??mmm??? ho h?ot ot??hohoc???lat???"I"? w?as????it?e e pe ?????ede?d wd wid witithith h??e fe ?lalavlavov??r or ?? t th t??s ????dud?ctct.t?. A. ? g ?ooo????????????????non??ot oot ???erper????erieriningin??flflaflavavo?????RiR?ch??? cho ch?????te? f ???????. V. ???????lealeaslea????. ???????lyl?????comcomem???nd tnd ?thith??is pis ?propr??uc?t!??"3"33??6,6?????5K45K4Q???????ZBZ???WIWIQI?585848??K,K?,"G,"?????a a "a ???apapp??01??""?",",0?,0,0,0,?????????313???00,00,P00,??????y gy gogoogood? h?????hohoc??????,","I,"I'I?m m????in??? th
second on the larger setting and it was perfect! This is a creamy hot chocolate. Add a little milk and and whipped cream, and your set!!!!" 3345,B005K4Q1VI,A3V5HUXNQR5GOO,K cup lover,0,0,5,1327017600,Yummy hot chocolate,"I was quite pleased with e flavor of this product. A good, strong, yet not overpowering flavor. Rich chocolate flavor. VERY pleasing. I highly recomend this product!" 3346,B005K4Q1VI,A1ZB1DWIQ584HK,"Gloria ""tapp4010""",0,0,5,1326931200,Pretty good hot chocolate,"I'm giving th
???????dud?ctc? 5 ? s sts????s bs ?ece????? I I I?tht??nkn? i ?t ??????????????idi??ririn?? t?hah?? i?????s ms ?ada?? w ???? w??????? T ThT??e he ???t c?ho???lal?????s ??ese?? i?????? s?ha?keke ?ththeth?e ce ????ana?? t? the th?n n b brbre?w w???in????????ma??lel?????ososss?sibsiblb???????si?????????????waw????? l la??????upup up o ????????t chot choco??????? u us u???????cucup???. . I. ItI???t is t is???iri??? l lo l???in? c?ala???rieri?????????????ly?????au?se?????ifi????alal al???????eneener?s ?????nen?eceec?essessas???y ty tot??????????? the? the i the in??reredredid?en???????????? the l the ??ttt?????k-ck-cu????3??474????????Q1Q???,A,A3A?KXK?F5F5G5?0K0?NUN??WFW????????dedemde?manma???????,1,????848444484808??,S,?ho??ldl????vev???lislist??ene?d d td ?to ?ot???? b ba b?ad ad?re???iewie?s ?:(:(,(???wi?????I hI ??d
is product 5 stars because I think it is great considering that it is made with water. The hot chocolate is best if you shake the cup and then brew using the smallest possible cup size. If you want a large cup of hot chocolate, use 2 k-cups. It is fairly low in calories, most likely because artificial sweeteners are necessary to get all the ingredients into the little k-cup." 3347,B005K4Q1VI,A3KXF5G0KNUZWF,A. Hardeman,0,0,2,1326844800,Should have listened to other bad reviews :(,I wish I had
l????ene??d d t ?? t??e e?oto??????ada??rereveviv??wsws.s???????ara?titifi???iaiala??????tetentenenerner ???ststest?e ie ??? aw a????. ? I I I??????twt?????ararsar? o????????auausu??????????banbandnd d dd ?oeo?snsn'n?t t????? t to t????nd?????I cI ??n'n'tn'???????? th????????en en?ifif if??????we?rere re??? ba bar??gaiga???3333????B0B????4Q4Q1Q???,A,A3A3U3????ELELDL?????W,W????FeFelellll,l,0,?,0?????323???585??????????BuB??,",??et??terte?????????pep?ectec??d,d?? bu b????theth????????mi???t ft flflal??oror ????ksk??? m mi??t ??????l ol ?or or??as??????ThiTh?is is iis ?is ???gogoooodoo??pup??????se se?fof?or or tor ??? p ?ri?cec???3???9,9????5K?4Q?1V??I,AI,?2424S4???2727S7??AQA????,Ga,G????inin in N ???,0,,0,0,0,?0,10,???32???????0,?TaT??asteastes???likli????a da did???t pt ????????????oo???????rwr?ar????????dedeleliel?????? h ?????oco
listened to the other bad reviews. The artificial sweetener taste is awful. I gave two stars only because my husband doesn't seem to mind. I can't drink this- even if they were a bargain. 3348,B005K4Q1VI,A3USZ8ELDN90TW,M. Fell,0,0,4,1326758400,Good Buy,"Better than expected, but the peppermint flavor lacks a mint smell or taste. This is a good purchase for the price." 3349,B005K4Q1VI,A24STD27S7AQVE,Gail in NY,0,0,1,1326758400,Tastes like a diet product,"I looked forward to a delicious hot coc
?????????waw??????y y?didisi????????????iti?h h??theth?????vov??? I ??t ht ??? a ??? aw a???l l a af aftfte???as???????????thethe the t ta t???e ????????t at ???erer er????inkin???g g? a a b?ada???diediet???odo????AlA??? k ?????ofo? w????, , e, eve??????n tn ??the ??mam????????upu?????tit?ing????333353????000?????1V1?I,I,A,????PXPXDX?2A2??????,S,????????e,e???0,???131????727????0,N0,NoN??t gt ?????,","S"?? b? bad bad,d??? r ?et??rnr?ed? i ??. . M. ?y y cy ????????n dn ??dnd??t ?????n ln ???? i it i?, , a, ?andand ???theythe?y ay ??? n ???????fif????t ?toto ?pl?ea?????heh?en en i it? c coc??????o o so ?wew????dr?????s os ?????oodoo??."."??35???B0B00B0????Q1Q1VQ1???,A2,A2G2?9J9??0E0??0J0JVJ?VIAVI???JaJaca???E.E??StS??ududed?????re re Jre ?r.???"R"RaR??en?????re?ad??er"er???,0??????,13,1??6666766??00000000,000,C,?hohococo???te??heheahe??avenave?!,!,"!,?
oa, but was very disappointed with the flavor. It has an awful aftertaste, like the taste you get after drinking a bad diet soda. Also kind of weak, even on the smallest cup setting." 3350,B005K4Q1VI,A3BSPXD2A2UQ2T,Simply Me,0,0,1,1326672000,Not good!,"So bad, I returned it. My children didn't even like it, and they are not difficult to please when it comes to sweet drinks or food." 3351,B005K4Q1VI,A2G9JJ0EI0JVIA,"Jack E. Stoudenmire Jr. ""Ravenous reader""",0,0,5,1326672000,Chocolate heaven!,"K
C?????ara??? a a?gogodo???ndn???????g g??????? t ???se?? ar arere re n nen?ar? t th t????????brbr r?????????ThT??he Khe ????igi???brebr?????????????????????oto????vev??agageg????????coc?ondon??, ??mosmo?tltlyl?????fef??; ; b; ???t tt ?thether?e ?????grgre?ata??? a??????????????ng? t??e e ce cocof?fefeefe?es,es, ???nd ???, , i, iti?t st se?eme????, am, a???g ???? h ?hotho??co?????.<?????><><b><??br /br ????is??????so so?riricri?? a an?? v ???brabran???, i??t at ????????????seselselfl???roromo? t??? r ro r??????wawaya????SiSili?kyk?, , s, ?mo??????bu???stist???????h h ah ala?? t th???? thi thin?ingsing?s cs ch??????ateat???is is sis ?up???se??????dedele??ve??????'s'?s a? m ?usu?st-st-h-??ve????????????ususeusehe?????""???????000050?K4K?????,A,???LPLPEP??7Z7?6L6?M3M35????????elelael?????ZaZ?????""""G"Ga"G????",",0,0,0,0,0,,0????323?
Cups are a godsend; among KCups, these are near the top.<br /><br />The Keurig brewer is a blessing, hot beverages in seconds, mostly coffee; but there are greater and lesses among the coffees, and so, it seems, among the hot cocoas.<br /><br />This is so rich and vibrant, it announces itself from two rooms away. Silky, smooth, bursting with all the things chocolate is supposed to deliver, it's a must-have in this household." 3352,B005K4Q1VI,A1WLPEM7Z6LM35,"Gabriela C. Zakak ""Gab""",0,0,5,1326
?????00?,A,AwA?esesosomo??!,!?"T"?????isis is t tht??????? h ???t ct ??????????veve ?trtririei?d d???r r???????uru??g.g?..?? R ????, ,??choch??olo?????flf?lavlavov??????usu??ed ed t??e ??ozo? s ?setse?titini??? a ?????t ????????waw?ateat????. . ? If I??yoyouo?????????t t ct cot c?oco?a,a, ??????theth?????ve????????????a Ka ?-c-??p,p??th??????is tis ??? o ono??e t?o o??ete??""???535??B0B0000500??????I,I,A,AC,A??JIJ??ZGZ???YPY?R,R,B,Be,B????ypy?ror????,0,,0???131?????20???00,F00,?unu?nyn????sts?te?te??I I bI ?ouougoughghth??th??s ????r mr ?y y dy dad??gh??terter ?anandand and??raranand??sonson.n?. T. ????????th th? tr t?rieri??ed ied it? a at a??did??fef?ereerene????imi???s as anand????????otothot???aia?d ?????ada?d ad a ???????? tas ta?stest????and ???????????rinri????t.t. ??????foforforefor???????? n ???? bu b??y iy itit it ait aga?aiainai??3333????,B0,B??????Q1VQ1VIVI,VI????VRV?M3M?
672000,Awesome!,"This is the best hot cocoa I have tried for the Keurig.... Rich, chocolate flavor (I used the 6oz setting) and it is not watery. If you like hot cocoa, and the convenience of a K-cup, this is the one to get!" 3353,B005K4Q1VI,ACOJICZG9EYPR,Beautypro,0,0,2,1326672000,Funny taste?,I bought this for my daughter and grandson. They both tried it at different times and they both said it had a funny taste and did not drink it. Therefore I will not buy it again. 3354,B005K4Q1VI,A25VRM35
????VMV??,s,?wiw?mmm?????????????????656?858565606???????????ala???????ene???? Y YUY???????????rt??ifiif?iciiciaici?al al?swswesw????ne???ruruiu??nedne???hihishi??fof???????.. ..???????????ththeth???aka????ugugag????asasts?? i ?? y yoyouo?r ?????th th? an andn??????usu?bab?nd?? w whwhoh???????s ?did?etet et?????, ?eveve???non??ticticec????????leale??t t it iti??wawas????????ce?y.y???333??5,5??0000500??????I,I??A1A1L1?8T8?????????NeN??ce,ce,0???0,50,?5,15,?13213?2652658??????YUYUMYU???GrG??????quq????????? C ChCho?coc?lal???te Cte ??co???k ????s ???? g grg?ea??????us????lyl??mam?akeak?e he ??t t ct ?coccococoa?????m m? sc s??????? wi w????mim???k ok ?oveov??? th t?he he??tot????. I. I ???ou????t tt ??????????easeasis???????d dd ?elelil?ici???????o ????d cd crcrecr?eamea??????s Is ???utu?t it int i?????????a a sa ??????h oh ??? mi m?
RYAVM3,swimmrchick,0,0,2,1326585600,Artificial Sweetener! YUCK!,"The artificial sweetener ruined this for me... It leaves the fake sugar taste in your mouth and my husband, who drinks diet soda, even noticed. At least it wasn't pricey." 3355,B005K4Q1VI,AA1L8TO0LAHX9,Nece,0,0,5,1326585600,YUM!,Grove Square Milk Chocolate Cocoa k cups are great! I usually make hot cocoa from scratch with milk over the stove. I thought this was easier and delicious. To add creaminess I put in either a splash of mil
?k k????? s shs??t t o of o??whw?????d d?crc???m-m?-p-pe??????!!?333??6,6,B,B0B0000505K5??Q1Q1V1??????KFK?ZEZ??4C4C1C?EAE???????????,0,,0,5,?,1,?323????56??00,00,W,WeW??????ea???????? o????????tht????hotho?t ct ????????? m ??????????? f ?forfo??ChC???????s.s. . ????lol???? t ????flf??vov???an???is? a?blble???? m ma makakeke ?itit ????????owo???. . D ???ivi?verve?y ????? go g?odo??????????t ???n sn ?????ala?l dl ????s bs ???t st ???????in in??le?ntntyty y oy ?????mem??????????ststmst?masmas.? ?WoW???d d rd re?co?mmm?menmendnd nd t? to to a an a?yoyon???""????7,7,B,B0,B?????????I,AI,A3A383?UOU??PAPAMA???SGS??,C,CoC??fe?????oveov?er,er,0???0,30,3,3,1????65865?85685??00,????????lavla?vorvo?????????lav?or?????????is ?co?combcom??. ???ot ot????allallyl??ststrst?onongon? b ????????illil?l jl ??st? s se s?????the the?? mac ma??hinhi?e ???on lon le??????teter
k or a shot of whipped cream--perfect! 3356,B005K4Q1VI,A16KFZE04C1EAK,Joyce,0,0,5,1326585600,Well pleased.,"I ordered the hot cocoa for my grandson for Christmas. He loves the flavor and is able to make it on his own. Delivery was good, I had it in several days but still in plenty of time for Christmas. Would recommend to anyone." 3357,B005K4Q1VI,A38UOPPAMYASG4,Coffee Lover,0,0,3,1326585600,Good Flavor,Good flavors in this combo. Not really strong but I will just set the machine on less water
????????mem?..??353?8,8?B0B000050?????VIV?,A,A1A?????5D5???WMW??Z,Z??ara?y y b beb??,0,????????262??999929?????grg????????dud?ctc????gregr????t prt p?ici????????rmr??ntnt t it ?????tst???????????ovoveve e t???is is b?rar?andan?. .????????ri??? w wiw??h h s ??ve? a ???? su s???crc?ribri? land ????s ?th?eme????opo? w wi w??????????d d?cr?????inin in a? c?????nd??I I???aveav?e ae ? h???ppyppy y my ma????????????ou???ou????bubuyuy ?ala??? pe p?epeepere????t t ct ?oco?????33??9,9??????4Q4Q14Q??????0X0?P0???J7J7F7F2F????ADA???? " ?"A"??bs"bs??",?0,??0,40,?????64????0000,?Gr?????????e e te ??the the??????e fe ?amamimilmi???lo???????GreGreaGre???????ste ste????????es es???t ??havha???th???????????halha????y afy a???? t ta???????????othotheh?er ????????oaoa a ka ?-c-??????havhavehav??? I?????ve tave tas
next time. 3358,B005K4Q1VI,A1PS9E5DS2WMRZ,mary bee,0,0,5,1326499200,"great product, great price, pepermint is outstanding",Love this brand. Great price with save and subscribe. My husband loves them. Top with whipped cream in a can and I have a happy man. I wish you could buy all pepermint cocoa. 3359,B005K4Q1VI,AP0XP06HJ7F2X,"ADYER ""Abs""",0,0,4,1326412800,Great taste the whole family loves,"Great taste and does not have the weird chalky after taste that other hot cocoa k-cups have. I've tas
t??d d s ?eve?ere?ala? a ana???ththih?s s??y y??????is is????? be b?????????, ,???? I ??hah?veve ve??o o????y ay ??ytyth?ini?g g?????erer er??ha?? 8 ??? t????teste?s as ???iti?t wt ????teretered??dodowownwn.n. .??WiW??l ????in????????ururcrchc???se se?momororer?? b bu?t t at ???? the th?e re ???? m???fafamfa????????wnswn?????sese,se??????arear??prp???abablbly???oio??g ?toto o so ??????????? the the p ??owdow???redre???????oco??a ?toto to???? mo m??e ???????effef???,0??0000505K5K4K?Q1Q??I,I?A1A??9K9???GSGS5S?B2B????TaT?mam??????okok,k,0,??0,??????????808??,h,?????oc?????I oI ??????ed ???????????chchrch?isististmtma????prepr??sense????????????ugughg??ter?? an a????????n n ln ?lawlaw.w. ?HeHe ?trtri??ed ??it it???????? a af aftf??ter ????risrist???? a????gag?????it ???? thu th?mbmbsb?s us ??????36136???00?5K??4Q14Q????A3A3F3???4Z4?ANANEN
ted several and this by far is the better one, but I have to say anything larger than 8oz tastes a bit watered down. Will definitely purchase more, but at the rate my family downs these, we are probably going to stick to the powdered hot cocoa to be more cost effective." 3360,B005K4Q1VI,A169K06GS5B2IN,Tamara Hook,0,0,5,1326412800,hot cocoa,I ordered this as a christmas present for my Daughter and Son in law. He tried it the day after Christmas and gave it 2 thumbs up. 3361,B005K4Q1VI,A3FVY4ZANE
?3F3???,S,?. .?HaH?????????,1,????32?646404??0,V0,???? g ?ooo????oto?????????tet?,",?I I b ????hth?t at a a????????GrG??vev???quq????e He ??ot ot??ococooc????ece?aua??e ??I lI ?????tht?eie???????ucuccccic??????renre?chch h V VaV???lllla?. . . ????useus?d d td ????????umu? c ?????setse??in???anandan???ddd?ed? s????????ppppepp?????reare?m.m????t ?waw?as as??????e ?foforo????Ve?ry? y ??ummum????????lml?oso?t t a??????d ????ho?mememme??????. I. I I nI nen??verve??no????ed???an an???tetertertr???te??lil?keke ???he??r rr re???iewie?s,??????itit it??ououlou?d ?be????ecaecau???? of o?f tf ???????? W ?hihiphip p Ip ????de?d ?d tod to o io ????. I??hi??????re??comcommm?menme?d ?it?it."it.""????2,???????????,A,???????????OXOX5X?????in?? R. R?. D. ???an?????0,50,5,??13213??????????????? Ci Cit?y y Hy ???????oco???te???y ??ififef????
3F02,S. Haas,0,0,5,1326326400,Very good Hot Chocolate,"I bought a box of Grove Square Hot Cocoa because I love their Cappuccino French Vanilla. I used the medium cup setting and added some whipped was to die for. Very yummy and almost as good as homemade. I never noticed an aftertaste like other reviews, but it could be because of the Redi Whip I added to it. I highly recommend it." 3362,B005K4Q1VI,A3LRTE7SUBEOX5,Kevin R. Dinan,0,0,5,1326326400,Grove City Hot Chocolate,My wife rat