?ese??????s s ???????rsrs.s? S??? i ??? th t????hoh?coc??holho?????n n t???e fe ?amamimili???ana??? if if f y ?ouou u??lel?????HEHERER.R.....?yo???plpleplea??se se?eve??ryr??odo??y .y ??????,B,??050???Q1Q??I,I?A3A3I3???XAX????2A2???,C,????lele le??R. R. N ?APAPOP??????0,?5,5?131?262636326326?????????? an a?nd nd? ta tas?tyt?????ovo?ve ve?????flflal???? t? tha th???? thi this?is his ??t ?ch????????e he ??????ItIt ?is??ve?ry??rir???? an????momoo?th?. . ??av?e ????eded ????er???rar?andan????utu???idi??non????ete??th?the the r re r??ulu?tst?s Is I I wI ????ed?????I w?ilillil???efe?????atelate?? b??e oe or???????? fr f??? t th????co??pap?anyan??agagagaia?,B??00500?????1VI1V?I,AI,?1C1CYC?KFKFUF??E5E5Z5?GBGBABA,A,","M"???e ????"M"Mi"M???e Ge G"e G???????,0,5,0,???13213??????00000?????????DeD?ealea?, ,???ea?? C CoC??ocoaoco?????????? b br braranrand????? K ?????????ch
es this 5 Stars. SHe is the chocoholic in the family and if you please please everybody . 3363,B005K4Q1VI,A3IGJXAAJN2A9V,Carole R. NAPOLI,0,0,5,1326326400,good and tasty,I love the flavor that this hot chocolate has. It is very rich and smooth. Have tried other brands but did not get the results I wanted. I will definately be ordering from this company again. 3364,B005K4Q1VI,A1CYKFUPE5ZGBA,"Mike G ""Mike G""",0,0,5,1326240000,"Great Deal, Great Cocoa!","Got a brand new Keurig mach
???? f fof??????isists?????anandn????????ata?ele?????ntnt t?tot?? wo w?????inindin???? t?????he????st? a?????????????????K-K????s ??? t th???mamarma?kek?t.t. .?I I c cac??????ror???????is is?????n sn ?eae??????????or or?sos??me ???odo??HoH??t Ct ????a a?? and and d ad ?? a am a????????t ht ?owo???manmanyny y Ky ???????????rereaealea?ly????????t ??? t? thi th????484????K-CuK-C???s fs ??r r ar aba??out?????? wh?en?? I I?pupururc??????ed wed ?asas as? a a???????ded?eal? w? whe??n mn ???t ??HotHo?t C?ho???lal??e ?????eses es? we w?????? K K- K?-Cu-C??ups ups?? for fo?r $r ?151?????.<.<b<brb?r /r ?????????hi??s is is?????????t dt dedeade?? a??? y?????????????y ?ou?out ?PeP?ppp?perpe???intin?, , D ?ararkar???ChoChococooc????????? and M and ??lkl??k Chk C????olaol????. I. ItI????liligighg????n ??calca????eses ??andan?d md ?mosmo?st st ist ??pop?ortor?tanta?nt nt? of o?f af ????tatasta???
ine for Christmas and immediately went to work finding the cheapest and best tasting K-Cups on the market. I came across this when searching for some good Hot Cocoa and am amazed at how many K-Cups you really get out of this. 48 K-Cups for about $20 when I purchased was a great deal when most Hot Chocolate prices were 16 K-Cups for $15~$19.<br /><br />This is a great deal and you get to try out Peppermint, Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate. It's light on calories and most important of all taste
???????<b<???????????MuM??t t?hahava?? i ?f f?yoy???????????hoh???lalata?e e le lol??????r ?????????ililyl????hathat ?wawanantntsts s a ?a ea ?asa???toto o m mam??e,e, ,?grgrer?eatea?t tt ??astas?ini?g g H??? C ChChoChoc??????e fe fof????esesss??????????000?????1V1VIV??A1A1R1?2T2?SXS?181????E3E3,3????eke?????,5,??131???242?????,G,GrG?????!!?,",??an????stist?? c ?coccoco??. . ?AlA?l l??heh?????????s as ??re re?exe???????? b ??????y py ?ere?sos??alal ??favfavo????? i??s ts ????dad??k k???hochococolco??te??????rerecrece?????????????????? a a a?????ststmst???s ps ?re???????????I aI amam am??ov??inging g cg ????????????e ee ???????????wowor?k ???y.y.......n..nono o mo ?????????? m?????wa??ve ?an?and and??ososis?itiit??elelyel????????t ot on?? th?? s ????????jujus?????armar???chchohoc?ol?olatolate?y y gy ?ooo??nen??s ??on ???ma??d.d??WiW
GREAT!<br /><br />Must have if your a Hot Chocolate lover or have family that wants a easy to make, great tasting Hot Chocolate for less!" 3365,B005K4Q1VI,A1R2TSX18WRFE3,bjbek,0,0,5,1326240000,Great!!!,"Fantastic cocoa. All the flavors are excellent but my personal favorite is the dark chocolate. I received my Keurig as a Christmas present and I am loving cocoa at the end of the work mixing, no microwave and positively no pot on the stove...just warm, chocolatey goodness on demand. Wi
lllll l??rdrded?????isi? p ?ror???ctc??aga???????363?6,6?B0B?0505K5???????AJA??QHQ?????????,",??? T ?????th????s "s ??StS??rfr?uru??zezete??""?",",0,?????,1,????2424024?00000???,Be,B?sts???tasta???ingin???oco??a a???cucupu? a?vavai?lal??lel????ftf?????????????nyny y??f f????? ot oththetherthe??hoh??t ct ??cocoa?? k- k??up? o??tit?ono??, , I ???inindind d t th tha th?at at?? the th??GrG???e ???uau??e ???od????t t??st?????? the the?????. . . F ??????????sos??ala???tastasttas?te,te?????finfi??????????????ing ???? th the the ??ede?iui????up??sis???????ti?ngn??crc????es???the? b??est? t??astas??. . . J. ??st???dddd ?????atuatur?e ??????????owows???nd??iti???????????t ??rerea??. ?. H. ?owoweoweve???, , t, ??is?????????ho??t ct cht c?????latla?????hi?????????be be a?????? o of off of????????????????"?3333633????0000500
ll order this product again" 3366,B005K4Q1VI,AJ5QH3PR24L2L,"J. T. Mathews ""Starfuryzeta""",0,0,4,1326240000,Best tasting cocoa k-cup available,"After trying many of the other hot cocoa k-cup options, I find that the Grove Square product tastes the best. For my personal taste, I find that brewing on the medium cup size setting creates the best taste. Just add minature marshmellows and it is a great treat. However, this is not hot chocolate, which may be a turn off for some tasters." 3367,B005
?????VIV??????BJB?HPHPXPXIX??595??,S,??sas??????eyey,y????,5,5,5?131??616??363??0,????nalnalll?y y???gogoooodo????cuc?p p???t t??ho??olo???e!e???? h ha h?vev???ririei?d ???nun????????? k k c??up up??ot? c????colco?latla?teste?????d gd grg??????????e ?isis ??y y fy faf?ar ar???e ???sts?????? ???eryer??ninicicec????????????ese?ntn?t ht hah?aveave e te ??he he??nasnast?y ???tit?fificiciic??? s?wew?eteteet?nen???????????????a a la ?ot?ot oot of? t th????cu???ho??t ct ???hocohoc???ateat???? v ???y y iy imi????sss??????333?????00??K4??????,A3,A?0G0??P1P1I1??ZJZ??????. . T. ?hohomhomam???????5,??1321326??1531536????????d Cd ?ococoocoao????????? p ?pripr?iceic?????en?joj?y ?y a y a??googo?? c??p ????????Co????a oa ?n n???cac??ioi????an?d ?th?is???is is "is ?"g"?goo??d sd ??ufu?f"f""???! ! ???ot ???ly?? th??? b ?utut ??? a??????e we ?????? pr p????
K4Q1VI,A34FBJHPXI559Z,Susanna Rey,0,0,5,1326153600,Finally a good k cup hot chocolate!,"I have tried a number of k cup hot chocolates and grove square is by far the best yet! Very nice flavor, doesnt have the nasty artificial sweetener flavor like a lot of the kcup hot chocolates. very impressed!" 3368,B005K4Q1VI,A30GEP1I3ZJABG,J. Thoman,0,0,5,1326153600,Good Cocoa - GREAT price,"I enjoy a good cup of Hot Cocoa on occasion, and this is ""good stuff""!! Not only that but in a time where prices
??????ouo????? c ???trt?olo?? on o? K ???upupsp?, ,??hihisi???????ctc?t it ?is is??????re??sos?onaon?blb?e ????pr?????????696???000??K4K?Q1Q?VIV?????8W8W4W494???JDJ?BZB??????????y,y?0,0,0??????262606060676????,G,GrG????????ou?????th?ese??e fe ??????y my mom?? a an andnd d????????vesves ??????ShS??????????ggg?non????itithit? t?he?he dhe ???????????????? S ?SheShe ??????????????????????mim??t ???nd???es es i ??? to t????333373????????????VI,VI?,A1,A?????1C1C7C????????ThT??mam????????ar?ezez z?"""??om????,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,??262602606?????00,G00,???????,"I,"??????ghtgh?t t??hishi???mosmo?tlt?y y by ??????? i i i??????d ??the????eppep????minmi?nt nt h ho????ococoocoao???bub?? i??fef?ellel???in ???ve????ith? t??e ??milmi????????colacol?????oneon?e. ????e e pe ??ppp??perm?inintint int???????????y gy ?oooodoo?d ad ?
are out of control on K-cups, this product is very reasonable in price." 3369,B005K4Q1VI,A2V8W49S1JDBZN,Courtney,0,0,5,1326067200,Great,I bought these for my mom and she loves it. She mixed eggnog with the dark chocolate. She enjoyed melting pepermint candies in too. 3370,B005K4Q1VI,A1SK9O1C7KOLMH,"Thomas A. Juarez ""Tom""",0,0,5,1326067200,Great!,"I bought this mostly because i wanted the peppermint hot cocoa, but i fell in love with the milk chocolate one. The peppermint was pretty good as
? w ??lll?.......g..?oooodo? c ?????!!!??""????????0505K5??Q1Q1V1??,A,A1A?????8R8?????A2A?,k,kak?tytyryroroao???ini????,0???1,11,131?252???080?80080?????babad??I I?hahadad ?????blb?e e g ?ivi??ingin??itit t a awawawayay!y???????????toto o fo ?in??d td thd t?e ?in??rer??????s s??????hih??s hs ??????co?coa coa? be b?????????ouo???t t it ???? bu b????????n'n?t ???ndn?????th???ing ing o ??lil?ineine.e??????s s os ou???????hashas ??nen?e oe ofo???????e me mim?????onongong ?ining????edieedi?nt? l??????, a, ????yeyete?????????idi?dn'dn?????elpel? t??e ??????????ala?????t ?t ist i???awfaw?????brbr r /r />/?<b<br<b???????????????e be ?????????ththeth??ststust??f ????????ing aing ????????oror or???mom???th th??nd?nd cnd ???ulduldn????t fit f?ind?????? ta taka????. ?? f??????y y gy ????rir?id id? it i?t ot of???? a???th?the the C ??ririsri??mam???WhW?hithi?????leple?ha?nt
well...good cocoa!!!" 3371,B005K4Q1VI,A1KASP8RYZ60A2,katyroadpink,0,0,1,1325980800,So bad I had trouble giving it away!,"I tried to find the ingredients for this hot cocoa before I bought it, but couldn't find anything online. Turns out it has one of those mile long ingredient lists, and yet, that didn't help the taste at all. It is awful.<br /><br />I had three boxes of the stuff sitting around for a month and couldn't find any takers. I finally got rid it of it at the Christmas White Elephant
???ifi?t t???chchah??geg???t ???rkr?. .????utut ??t ??????????cec??coc???bob??k,k, ,????????asa??????rer?ala?? pr p??????????????apa?pep?d ?????????????tit?lyly.y???nfnfofor???nanatateat???, ??theth??bo??s ??endended?? u ??? wi w??????. ??I hI ???en?'t't ??askas?ed???????f f h hi?s ??ama??ilyil? e??jojoyoyey??????????usu?se se? I I?dodono?'t?? wa w????toto o p???? hi himi????? th t?he he?sps????. J. ???gi??ng ng b ?????the the????????????herhe??? ar arere re are ? l ??????????plp?e e we wh?o ???ke???t ?? h??????????????e wie w?????, to, t????MaM???? i? it it???ustus????????????on hon ??? y ???? t??astas??e b?ud???ara?re re tre ?????eded.ed. . M???e ?????w uw ??????? h??t ?chchoch??colco??ate? m mamadadede de o on on n????e se ?????????ith?????????cocco??????and and s??gagar??, a?nd??????be be abe a ??tinti??y py ???ch????f sf ??
gift exchange at work. I put it with a nice cookbook, which was the real present, and wrapped it real prettily. Unfortunately, the boss ended up with it. I haven't asked him if his family enjoyed it because I don't want to put him on the spot. Judging by the reviews, there are a lot of people who like it - hopefully, he will, too. Maybe it just depends on how your taste buds are trained. Mine grew up with hot chocolate made on the stove, with milk, cocoa and sugar, and maybe a tiny pinch of sal
t????CoC??pap?rerede? t tot? t??ata?, ,????????ufu?????????s ls lil????? c ????icicac?? e ?????????????? / ?????r /r ??????aya???ininsn?????d od ?f ??ryr?????ono??????? the th?e o??????br???????? n ??? h ??????om??????? i ????? the the?mi?crcror???vev?, ?st???r ir ???a ???????e se ??ooo??fuf?????of ??????????s cs ???coacoa a aa anandand ??omomeome ome s su sugu??ar ar? to to o to tat???e.e. ??t t? ta tak ta?keske????????th??????in?utu?teste?s, s,??nd?????????li??????. . N. NoN????whw????e de ?idi??I ?pup?ut ut? th??ses???e mine minin?-m-?ararsar??ma????owsow????????,B,??????????????9E9???????????????e Be BoBororjr??,0,0,0??,5,?,1,????989808???0,0,T0,??????ititst??ththeth??e spe s????,","S"SoS????im??es,es?, I?????at??????avaveav?e ce ??cocococ??a ia in?????d d o??????ffeff??e ae ???wow?orkor????????memeemeetets???y y?????coa coa???
t. Compared to that, this stuff tastes like a chemical experiment.<br /><br />Anyway, instead of trying one of the other brands, I now heat some milk in the microwave, stir in a couple spoonfuls of Hershey's cocoa and some sugar to taste. It takes about three minutes, and it's delicious. Now, where did I put those mini-marshmallows?" 3372,B005K4Q1VI,A189ECG9L1QRPE,Dale Borja,0,0,5,1325980800,This hits the spot!,"Sometimes, I'd rather have cocoa instead of coffee at work. This meets my cocoa cra
vviv??g.g? I I I?dod????????ede??tot?o ao ???d sd ?ugugag?r r??????????d ??ata?ere??ana????rer?????333?737?,B,?000????????,A,AEAE0E0U0???MCM?P5P??RXRX,X,L,?aua????MoM?????,0,?,0?????323????808008000??YuYumu??y!y???EvE?ereryeryty?hihin?g g y ?????d w?anantan?????m m?a a Ha ??? C ?hoh?cocolco??????????amamy??????kyk??????stysty,? m ma m?kekeses s???ou ou h ?apa??????? I I????'t'?t wt ??iti???? t?ryr??????ot???? f ?la?????!"!"!"333337????00??????1VI1VI,I,AI,?1U1U2U?OCO?5A5AGA?AYA?ERE???NaNaoaomomiom????,0,??0,50,?5,15,13????212161??00,??ele??cic?ou?s!??????havhave? t tr tri tr?ed????????brabr??dsd????? th the? h?????ho??????atesate??bub?t ?t tht thihishi???y y fy ??????? b ?ee?? t??e ?be?st?. ??????, i, ?i ri rerea???zeze e ie itit it?isis s ts ?thoth?????????ercer?enentn???checheae??er?er ter ???ju??????e e te th??? pa pac?kak??????u u c??an an???y ???? th???????
ving. I do not need to add sugar - just add water and brew!" 3373,B005K4Q1VI,AE0UBGMCP5WRX,Laura Monaco,0,0,5,1325808000,Yummy!,"Everything you'd want from a Hot Chocolate...creamy, milky, tasty, makes you happy :) I can't wait to try the other flavors!" 3374,B005K4Q1VI,A1U2OC5AGAYERG,Naomi O,0,0,5,1325721600,delicious!,"i have tried many brands of the hot chocolates but this by far has been the best. now, i realize it is thousand percent cheaper to just use the package you can buy at the store
? a ?ndnd d??ddd??wawata?ere????? i ?? y yoy?u u??wanwa?t ??? i im impm???sss??tht?????hihisi???is is t????pr???ucuctct.t?""????????050??4Q4?1V1????1M1M4M4I4IWI???????838???? A ?????ono??0,0?,0,,0????????353?202????xcx?ele????nt nt??????hohocococ?lal??e,e?"H"???ini?g g t?ririeiede????ll ll?????vav?????ie???ofo?f hf ?hotho?????????tete te?k-k?????????????SqS?????'s'?s as ar?? b?????ar ar t th??????????ThT????arare??ve??y y cy ?chochococooc???????ri??ch,ch, , c, crc?????? a??nd nd l ??av?e e ve ???????ttttlt?? s ????geg?e ie ????????ot?to????of of y yo y??????????YuY????.."..??33?7676,6??00?5K?4Q4Q14Q?1VI1V?I,AI,??????IW??OIO??M,M?,A.,A. ?????,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,??32?????808??????est est???ot ot?????a a?EvE?????I I m ????????y Iy ?I wI ????plp??leaslea???ntlnt?y y sy ?uru???????. ?I ???????????k k c co??fef?????d ????asa???eae?
and add water but if you want to impress than this is the product." 3375,B005K4Q1VI,A1M4IW1VQIMD83,K. Addison,0,0,5,1325635200,Excellent Hot Chocolate,"Having tried all the varieties of hot chocolate k-cups, Grove Square's are by far the best. They are very chocolaty, rich, creamy, and leave very little sludge in the bottom of your cup. Yum..." 3376,B005K4Q1VI,AX5JN0IW5OIGM,A. MOHR,0,0,5,1325548800,Best Hot Cocoa Ever,"I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I don't drink coffee and I was sear
?????? f ????mom?oreor????????ocococolo?ata?ese? f?????y y??eue????? I ?????? M ???? C ChC?hocho?colco???te te??ana????utu?t wt ???? G ???????quq??rere e te ?????epeppp??rmrmim?????????ar?k ??ChoCh?ocooc???ateat?e ae ???e be ??y fy ??????? b?ete??????chochoichoici????????hah???????weweee????????I wI wawasasns???????????????????flf?lavla????isi?s gs ??reare??????????ono?????anantan???o o???harha???????? d dedefefifin?it???????or???ririnri?? m???ore.ore?""3333373777??????K4K?????,A,??0V0VCV?CFC????343??L,L?LoLogogog?,0,0,0??,5,?,1,?????484?808???,BE,B??? H ???T CT ?OCOCOCOACOA A Y ?????????????? f?????thethe ???????hotho???cocco????? h????e fe foe f??ndnd nd y ??????r ???????eureu?????I I lI ??oveove ?e the t??????or???enentn?t a????th????????????? i is i??????????it????? w ????d ??????ththethesthe?e ?????
ching for more hot chocolates for my Keurig. I am a Milk Chocolate fan, but with Grove Square the Peppermint and Dark Chocolate are by far the better choice.Both have a sweetness I wasn't expecting. The flavor is great and I don't want to share. I am definitely reordering more." 3377,B005K4Q1VI,A10VCCF3QS34YL,Logo,0,0,5,1325548800,BEST HOT COCOA YET,This is by far the best hot cocoa I have found yet for the Keurig. I love the assortment and the peppermint is my favorite. I would give these try f
?????????????????rere re?lolooooko?iningn? f fof???????e he hoh?t t c ??????K-K??upupsp?????? t ?heh???????r sr ses????????s s f fo f?????????cocoacoa coa???ata?????havhavev???ririei?d d??ere?re ???sts?t ot ?okaok?? t?asa??ininging.g?????????re???MAMAZA???????! !?LOL??E E???EMEM!M??I ??????or???? t th the th??se ?fo?r ?r sur sur??e ae aga?aiainin!in???373????000??????VIV???????191?????0N0?,C,??memerme???,0,0,0?,0,,0?2,2????555545??808?????orror??blb?le le T?as??????I I jI ju??st st?gog???????ur??g g ag ?a fa ??? w we w?????ag?o o a?ndn?d wd ?ana??tedted d td ?o ??ete???????e hoe h?ot ????cocolco?at?????????t at ?? a?????te??nan??ivi????o ??????e.e???I ?did?dndn'n????hav?e ???pep??er her ???? e ????ctctactat???????bubutut t tt ?theth?esees??e are are??ababsb?????el?y ????ulu????ThTheTherereer?????? v ???y ?????ng? p ?la?st?sticstic/c???eme????????
or sure if you are looking for some hot cocoa K-cups. All the other selections for hot cocoa that I have tried were just okay tasting. These are AMAZING!!!! LOVE THEM! I will order these for sure again! 3378,B005K4Q1VI,AM1A219XG2N0N,Cameron,0,0,2,1325548800,Horrible Taste!,"I just got a Keurig a few weeks ago and wanted to get some hot chocolate for it as an alternative to coffee. I didn't have super high expectations, but these are absolutely awful. There is a very strong plastic/chemical tas
t?? t tot?? th theh?sese ???????? ?I I?????? a ??l l???? th the th??? an a??d td ?ri??ed ed p ??ttt???? s sosomo??e me ?????in?? th????to? h he?lplp p???sksk ?tht?? c chche?mimicmi???? ta tasastastete te? an??????thith???g wg wiw?illil??????. . . T ThT??he ohe ?nln?????as??on on I I I g ?ava?e ???es???e k-e k??up???? s??ara???isi?s bs beb??cauca??se se?????oyo???rie??nd nd??????"t"totoltolel???????? th? them??????????on??t t t tr?????????be??????se hse ?he'he??ll ll?ea??t jt ????? ab abo??ut ?????thi???. ??InI?n hn ???s os opo?in????on ton ??theythe??ararear????no??t tt ???at at g go gooo???????????e we ???????????????k k tk thk t???mum??.<.<b<brb? / ??<b<br<b???/>F/>FrFror????hah?at ???veve ve r?eaeadea?d od of? o ot o??therthe??hoh?ot ot??hohocho???at?e ??e k-ce k-cu???????????????ete??????fff???????????ing? a?? re???la?????x x??????doidoin??ing iing iti????hathat ??????????9,9,B,B0B
te to these k-cups. I tried all of them and tried putting some milk in them to help mask the chemical taste and nothing will help. The only reason I gave these k-cups 2 stars is because my boyfriend can ""tolerate"" them, but I don't trust him because he'll eat just about anything. In his opinion they are ""not that good"" but he will still drink the mug.<br /><br />From what I've read of other hot chocolate k-cups, you'd be better off just buying a regular mix and doing it that way!" 3379,B0
??????1V1????3232H2??9I9IMIMEM??E8E8888V8??????rer????chc??????0,0?,0,,0??,1,?32?545??????0,S0,?? m ???ch ch?????ere? t ??????afa?e e?EsE??apapepese???"A"??te?r ??beibe??g g??????sts??????????????????ata?ter? c ???at??d ???y ty ??e ?Ca???????apapeap?? d??????????lal?????oc?oaoa,a, , w wew???werwe??????ILI?LELEDE???o o fo fifin?d ?th?????dadar?????ococo??latla???????a a??-c-cuc????? D DeD???cic?????""3??808?0,B0,B0B??5K?4Q?1V?I,??1U1???W7W707?777?WNWN1N?C,C????ryr??L.L??OrO??ililll?y ???????????????,0??0,?5,?13?252???62462?40040???????ESE?T,T?,"T,"?hih?????????? be bes????eueuru???g Kg ??????ho???chchochoc????ate?ate yate yoy?????? b???. . I. ?'v'???trtririeried?????therthersr?, , b, ?utut ????? n ??????????an?y y oy ???herhe?r br brr b??andan???gagaia??.".?"3"??818?????????Q1VQ1VIVI,VI,A?3B3??HBHBDB???I7I?????SaS??
05K4Q1VI,A32HA9IME9E88V,Margret Schmidt,0,0,5,1325462400,So much better than Cafe Escapes!,"After being disgusted by the brown water created by the Cafe Escapes dark chocolate cocoa, we were THRILLED to find these dark chocolate cocoa k-cups. Delicious!" 3380,B005K4Q1VI,A1UGOW7077WN1C,"Mary L. Oreilly ""Pemdas5x5""",0,0,5,1325462400,THE BEST,"This is the best Keurig K-Cup hot chocolate you can buy. I've tried others, but will never buy any other brand again." 3381,B005K4Q1VI,A3BUHBDXMI7ZSO,Sara
???? D ??d,d?????????252?373?606??00,00???ovovev??SqS????e e He HoH?t t????cocololal?tete,e????????t t ct ???cocolco???te te??????? v ??ryry y g ????! !???????ho??????mim????lil?????iti???????t ????a a??ici?????ana???????mamaka?????? C?????olaol?ateat?e ie ininsnst???ad ad o ?????fff??e ?????e e Ke ?eueuru?igi?????fe?e ??makma??r.r????e ???oldold ??ur?chchachaschasese ??hi????gag?,I???H7H?929??XLXLWL???W,W?,Be,Bete?th(th?????aha???ic??omom)m??,0,??????32?515?161?808??????eatea????Hot ??oc???!,!,W,?????ad ??????ouo??ly?? tr tririeri?ed ed? an a???heherhe? b brb??????of of h ho hot?? co?cac?a ka ??cuc???. ??We ????ghghtht ?????se se?sisinincin?? t???y ??seese?memed?ed ted ?to to???e ae a a pa ???ettet?y ????od od v va vala??e.e. ??e e a???ua?????li?keke ke tke ??? t???te???????????????????se?????? t??an? t th?
h's Dad,0,0,4,1325376000,Grove Square Hot Chocolate,This Hot chocolate tasted very good! The whole family liked it!!! It is a nice change to make Hot Chocolate instead of coffee inthe Keurig coffee maker. We wold purchase this again. 3382,B005K4Q1VI,AUH792DXLWGXW,Beth(bookaholicmom),0,0,5,1325116800,Great Hot Cocoa!,We had previously tried another brand of hot coca k-cups. We bought these since they seemed to be a pretty good value. We actually like the taste and flavor of these more than the
??otoththeh??????????e e????ede???ThT??y y h hah?vev?????t t t?????????t at ?mom??????????co?? a ??????weewe?tnt??ssss.s???e ?lil?kek????e ??????etyet?y oy ?? f ?lal?avoavororsr??ini????e ?pap???????????383?3,3??0000505K5??????,A,A3A??JCJ????9Z9?6C6???,M,MeMele???y ???e,e??,0????131????303???????eae??t a????ortor?????,",????m m????????????? t???????????hocho????tet??????va???lablablblel?e fe fof?or or????ri???? P ?re????ousousls?y ?th?the the???ranra?????f hf ??t ????hocohoc??latlatelat???avaav??ilail?bl???waw?????ly? s?o-o???, ,? bu b??????is ???is dis ?efe?ininiiniti?telte???bebetettetteterte?. ??????e vae var???tyty y py ??ckck ck??s ?ju?st?????ghtght ???r ??ve?ryr???moomo??? an a???ev???????esestes??????ne????? fi f?indin???ysy????????????????ch??????????ne? f????oror ???ftf?t ot ovt o???. ??MoMovo??? ov o?
other brand we tried. They have just the right amount of cocoa and sweetness. We like the variety of flavors in the pack also. 3383,B005K4Q1VI,A3UJC2AG9Z6CHX,Melody Nye,0,0,5,1325030400,great assortment,"I am so glad that this hot chocolate is available for Keurig. Previously the brand of hot chocolate available was only so-so, but this is definitely better. The variety pack is just right for every mood and every guest. I never find myself with too much of any one flavor left over. Move ove
r????ffffef?? l lol?vev??s,s???e ??cocco??????ini?keker?? h ?ava????ouounu?d d a ???omo???????848????050????????A3A?E0E??QIQ????S3S????"R"RoR??????????????"r"?ob?fo????"""""","?0,0,0,0,,0,4,??131?252505030??40400???OOO?D D N ?OTOT T?????T,T?I I??avaveave ????ede?d ad a ??fewfew w??of of t ththehe e c???coa????psp?s as ?nd?????d d td ?thithisi?s ps ?????ctc??aba??outout t a??ververar?geg?????nlnlel???s ys ??? s ?stist?????????up up???? c???oaoa ?wiw???? ta tasa?stest?????terte?y y f??????a fea f?w ?????..??38?5,5?,B0,B?????4Q14Q?1VI1V??????WZW???XLX????5,5,M5,MoM?? o??? Fo F??r ???????0,00,0,?5,?????949????00,?YuY???y!y?????ve ?he??????oveover??????????????at at???opo??le le???e ?ha??in???????ff??cuc???t tt tit??????nd???????ho???????colco?????pop????o o???joj????? t th???? K ????rigri?????cupcu???rerewre????. ????he ?
r coffee lovers, we cocoa drinkers have found a home!" 3384,B005K4Q1VI,A3E0OQIXU6S3CI,"Robert Foster ""robfos9""",0,0,4,1325030400,GOOD NOT GREAT,I have tried a few of the cocoa cups and find this product about average. Unless you stir the cup the cocoa will taste watery for a few sips. 3385,B005K4Q1VI,A1YCWZWOXLUAY5,Mom of Four Sons,0,0,5,1324944000,Yummy!,I've heard over and over that people are having a difficult time finding a hot chocolate pod to enjoy in their Keurig K-cup brewers. The s
??ararcrchc??isis s?ovo?????????? G GrG????????ar???HoHoto? C ????a a r ???eieivi?????ououru? b ??g g?smsmim?lelese?s fs ?roromro???y y? so s?nsn????heh????usu?t ??ene??t ot ?on on????????aba??outout ?hohowow w d ???ici?ioi?ousous s is ????asas!s???I I l lol??ove ove??????g ??hi????ewe?w cw ?cofco?????????????????????as??t at ?andan??coconco????????t ft fo?????l l?????????SuSupu???????????????th??is ?pup??ch?as???3?383???B0B??5K5??Q1Q1V1?I,I?A1A1C1CVC?QYQ???????D5D5,5????MaM?cMc????an????,0,,0???131???949???00000????????for??th???mom????,",?ReRea?sos?onaon???le le? in in n p ??iciceice,e? t?asast????gog????. . ????????????r Kr ???uriurigig,ig, ?????h h ch ?an?????????ceyce???. W. ?e ??wilwill? p?ro??ab???y by ?uyu????thisthi???? ?. I. ItI????is mis mo?st??y y fy ???for tfor ????????oso????????!"!?3??????00???????I,?A2A???
earch is over! This Grove Square Hot Cocoa received four big smiles from my sons. They just went on and on about how delicious it was! I love having this new coffee pot where it's fast and convenient for all of us! Super happy with this purchase. 3386,B005K4Q1VI,A1CVQY61GRH0D5,P. MacMillan,0,0,4,1324944000,Good for the money,"Reasonable in price, tastes good. Prefect for Keurig, which can be pricey. We will probably buy this again. It is mostly for the kiddos anyway!" 3387,B005K4Q1VI,A2E7V
2?OVOVKV?747454?M2M2,2??C,C,0,?????,1,?323242??717121???0,y0,yuy??????"T"???ses???????o o????e ???d d?crcre????! !???sus??lll???? d dod??'t'??????????????ngn??k-k????s s f ??? t ththihin????????e ce coc?co?? t th thahata???????????etet ???????r ???? a a??acackc???? b ?????thithisis s is is? s ??? co con?????en??t at anandan?d vd ?verve??y gy ????d td ?????inging ing . .... .?waw????etettetteter?? th?an?????????????????????????ke?ketsket??I'I'v'?? t tr trir??ed.ed????s ?fafarar ar????prp???ce ce?? com co?pa????sonso?, , i, ?t ????eqequq?????en?ent ent??o ???????et-et-t-tyt?pe?s s os ofo???????????at at w wo w???d d ed eae????? c co cos co?st st $st ?1+1???????pacpa??????. I. I ???so?????ke ke? th?????????????s ins i????vavarva???????pac?k k?????????lalava??or or???ti????. ?. H. ????????????????""???8888,8,B,???5K5?4Q4??????3D3????ZZZ?787?F7F
2OVK745M2,CC,0,0,5,1324771200,yumm!!,"These are so nice and creamy! Usually I don't justify buying k-cups for things like cocoa that you can get cheaper in a packet, but this is so convenient and very good tasting .. way better than most powdered cocoa packets I've tried. As far as price comparison, it is equivalent to gourmet-types of cocoa that would easily cost $1+ per packet. I also like that it comes in a variety pack with 3 flavor options. Highly recommend" 3388,B005K4Q1VI,A3D064ZZ78F7
???,R,RiRivi?ere?sRs??apa??????????????242?686????????????I I?oro?dederereer?d d t tht??????ntntit?ngng g t?o o t??y y?a a h hohotot t?????????? o?????????????? an andnd d Id I I aI ama????ryry ry h ha h????????? t th t?hishi?s ps ?ror?????? I ???wilwi???de?fif???iteitele?y y by ?e e oe ??????????? a ag agagaia??. . T. ThT?hatha????in?g g sg ??aidai?, ?I ?did??lil?kek????????oco?????te te??ada??????????telte???????atateat??, ??? I?? do d?o ao ?????a sa sps???????????lflf ??andan???HalHa?? t????y ??upup p?????????akake?????????huh?????? di d???'t'?t wt wawanwa???? to ?gig???e ie ???????sts?arar r?????inging ing????cec??I ???o do dod?octoc????? my my???up up u ??????it?????ho???e (e ??????wi????? w wo w???d ?hahavha??).). . H. ??weweve?ver??????ono?n'tn'?t et ??en????ententuturureur????? ma???????????????hot hot? ch c????olaolatate?? in in ??a pa ???ke?
I3,RiversRhapsody,0,0,4,1324684800,Yum!,"I ordered this wanting to try a hot chocolate on my Keurig, and I am very happy with this product. I will definitely be ordering it again. That being said, I dislike hot chocolate made completely of water, so I do add a splash of Half and Half to my cup when I make this. Thus, I didn't want to give it a 5 star rating since I do doctor my cup up a bit at home (otherwise I would have). However, I won't even venture to make a cup of hot chocolate in a packet
??ror?????????rocro?ere?y y??tot????wiwitithth th w ?????????????101000???mim??? u????llllyly ??????hoh?????ndnd d t? the th??y sy ststist??????n'n?t t???asa?sursu?? u?p p??o o t th????prpro??ucu???fr?om? G GrG????e Se SqS?ua??, t, ???e fe ?acactct ct? th?????????tat???teste?s ss ?o o go ??odo?d md mam???e w?it???????? a???? a a???it it?ofo?????ama???????? me me?????ksks ?vov??????????do? h ??ve? t? to to? sa sayay ????at at tat ??isis is???is bis ??y f??? t th the the the??esest? c cu c??p op ??? in i?st????t ct ?????? th tha that tha????ha???ve eve eve??r r tr ??ieieded ???at hat ??? t????the?? Sw S???s s Ms ?isissis?s is ini??????cucupupbup?oao???d td th?thisthi???????????tit??????? gr g????n un ?up up? ta t?ast????to ???. ???????bi?? f???????383??????5K5?4Q4???????????HWHWOW??EKE??Z,Z,K,??????????,0,0,0??????323???????00,00??GreGr??
from the grocery store with water, I use 100% milk usually for those and they still don't measure up to this product from Grove Square. So, the fact that this tastes so good made with water and a bit of creamer to me speaks volumes. I do have to say that this is by far the best cup of instant cocoa that I have ever tried at home. Compared to the Swiss Miss in the cupboard this had a distinctly grown up taste to it. I'm a big fan!" 3389,B005K4Q1VI,A2QVVTHWO6EKUZ,Karen Fish,0,0,5,1324598400,Great
? P PrP???ucu?????GrG??????ro???????at at????reare???????????????..??mym? h ???bab?ndn??????vov?ri???? L LoL?vev?s s ts tht?????????hoh??olo????e ae ?ltl?thoth???? w wew?e ge ??t ???e ?pap??k ?ofo??? t ????at iat ini?????es? l ?????? d dadarda?????nd nd????pepere?mim?intin?t at ??so?? S ?hohopho???? a??????nd and ??????isi?s is is?????barba?gag??????d d sd ???pa???es?es tes ?the??ototh??? c??ocoocoao??k-k????s s ws we????aveav???ri??? i ?????????""?333393??????5K5K4K?Q1Q???,A,A2A?5F5??6V6VLV?????3S3S,S??????ANA???"O"????""?????????131?242454??848?00?,E,EXE?CEC???EN?? P??ODO???T,T,"???bob?????????is is iis ???? f fo f???????????lyl????omo????o o??useuse ??it?h ??????ewe??KeK?ur?????ofoffof???e me mam???hinhi?ne ne??I pI ????????ed ?????????. S. ??E E? LO L????? IT IT!T?????!!!.!!!?...???...I...?I WI WIW?ILLIL??BEBE ??RDR
Product!,"Great product at a reasonable husband's favorite! Loves the dark chocolate although we get the pack of 3 that includes light, dark and peppermint also. Shopped around and this is a bargain and surpasses the other cocoa k-cups we have tried in taste." 3390,B005K4Q1VI,A25FL6VLD7S23S,"OILMAN ""OWEN""",0,0,5,1324598400,EXCELLENT PRODUCT,"I bought this item for my elderly Mom, to use with the new Keurig Coffee machine I purchased for her. SHE LOVES IT!!!!!!......I WILL BE ORD
?ERE?????????!!!?!!!!!?!!!?!!?????9191,1??000050????1V1??,A,?XBX??1B1??GYG????????asashshah???????? S ?SamSam"m?"""""","????,5,?,1,?323242??121????0,T0,TaT????s s??rer??t!t??,"B,"BoBouo???t t??hihisi??as? a ????ftf??????waw??????????t tt tat???eses es???ala?lyl???re??t!? T ???????d Id I I????'t'?t ht ??????oneon???f f??????e me ??chc?hinhi??es,es??????rwrwiwisiseise,e??I'I???trtryry ???????utut t mt mym??selse???? I I I mI mimigi????t hat h??ve ve? to t??cocononsonsisidi?????????ngng g????? I If I?f yf ?ouou ou???ealeall?y ???keke ??????youyo??cacanan an???aveave ??omo???????y ?????????rir???ingin????????fof?r r? au aut???at???????livli?ververi????anand???? m ????????re re?yo??? do d??'t? r ru r???? out out.t?"???????00????4Q14Q??I,?A1A?GOGO9O????????R5R5,??rar?annan???????,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,??1313213??424???????umu?my???? ?AnA??? fr froro o Ao ???zoz?????o.o
ERING MORE!!!!!!!!" 3391,B005K4Q1VI,AXB71BWGYSWYW,"Sasha8 ""and Sam""",0,0,5,1324512000,Tastes Great!,"Bought this as a gift and was told it tastes really great! Too bad I don't have one of those machines, otherwise, I'd try them out myself. I might have to consider getting one! If you really like it, you can save some money by subscribing to it for automatic deliveries and to make sure you don't run out." 3392,B005K4Q1VI,A1GO93ZN6M0AR5,grannypat34,0,0,5,1324425600,yummy!!! And fro Amazon too.
.?.......?............???"T"?hih?s s i ????rer???????t ct ?????????..................?????????ryry y?lil?kek???omo?e e oe ??heh???s as ??? m ??y hy ???bab??d ?rereare???????ke????hihishis ??nen??..??....T....??an?k k?yoy?????PaP?at at??re??non??????BoB???e,e?, I, ?????333393?????0505K5?4Q4?1V1???????NTNT1T??R5R??P9P9R9R,9R?,B1,B????ddd??,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,????242444?????????????t ??ot?????????rir??????BoxBo???WeWe ?lolovo?e ?????????ie????bob?x x????????????e,?? we w??sus?????????e toe t??????rere re w we? n ?nevne?????unu??????. . ?I I???e ?????'D'?ararkar?' '?tot?o mo ???? M ??ch?????? w??fe??????s ?s ths t???'P'?PepPe??????ntn????and?? i i?drd???k k tk th?e e 'e ?MiM???? w???ne?nevenever??? i f i ??ancan???????t ?????ololaol?ate??<b<?r ??><>???r /???TheTh????rkr????kekes?????gregr?????oc???? j ??ustus?????ha?lflf f???cuc???
.........,"This is great hot chocolate.....Not watery like some others and my husband really likes this one.....Thank you. Pat Greenough, Boise, Id." 3393,B005K4Q1VI,A28MNT19R5LP9R,B1gD4ddy,0,0,5,1324425600,Perfect Hot Choc Variety Box,"We love this variety box in our house, we subscribe to ensure we never run out. I use the 'Dark' to make Mocha, my wife loves the 'Peppermint' and i drink the 'Milk' whenever i fancy a hot chocolate.<br /><br />The Dark makes a great mocha, just do half a cup o
?? t ththehe e????k k?CoC??oaoa a?????hahalalfl?f af a a ca ??????f yf ???r r?faf????iti????????e,e? a ad a??d wd whw???pep????rer???? on o? t to t???????ici?ioi???????????wow?ortor?????????????????an an? tr tryr? s ??meme ?of? t?he?????????? c????feefe??????yo???r Mr ?oc???????????tltlel????? so s?me? g ?????? co com combm??????? am a?m nm ?notnot ??a fa ?????of of fof ????vorvore?d ???off?ee?????????ggg?lele le?? to to???rinri?k ?????up ?????t ast a????Mo?chc???, d???????fufulu??<b<?r ??><>?<br<b????DrD??????g g t th the th??????????????????lkl??k ask a??s a s a h??ot ot????ocooc??latla?te,te, ?wew?e ae ?dd?????litli?tl?e e me mimilmilk?? an and an?d w???????d cd crd cre?reamrea?m om ono?n tn ?opop,op???, del, de?licli????ous.ous?????/>??<br???>I>I ??highi?ghlghlyl?y ry ??co?mmm?menme?nd ?th????vavar???tyt??bo?x x??f f yf yof you? a????? con consn???derde???g ??buybu????? it i??. :. :-:???3?
f the Dark Cocoa and half a cup of your favorite coffee, add whipped cream on top, delicious. Also worth noting, you can try some of the flavored coffees in your Mocha and rustle up some great combos. I am not a fan of flavored coffee, i struggle to drink a cup but as a Mocha, delightful.<br /><br />Drinking the Peppermint or Milk as a hot chocolate, we add a little milk and whipped cream on top, delicious.<br /><br />I highly recommend this variety box if you are considering buying it. :-)" 33
??4,4?????K4K??1V1?I,I,A,AFAF3F???GIG?YXY????H,H,",????????"G"?????? l ??vev???"""""?,0,??,0,,0??,1,?323??828?080?????ouou u??getget t wt ????t yt ??ou ou????d d????????llll l y yo?u ?ge?? w ???? y yo y?????id? f?or?. ???ili??????s s?mim???????coc???ateate e ke k-k?cuc????s ????ettettyt?? ch c?eae?p p $p ?????5 5???er er 2 ?4 4?(5(????enentn?????er ??couco?nt?????t t it ?t ????non?t t gt ??odod.d???????????d ld ?iki??e we ????????dod??? c??ococooc???????asas as i??? yo??u pu pup??????tot?? m?ucu???????? a ?ndn?????t et ????ghg?????? o oror or? ch????lalatla?te/te???ca?? f??? t ???at ?????terte???. T. ThT?his??????? i is i????eee?????????? f?ac??????????oo???sweswee?????r ?mym???tasta?steste ?????m m b??gig????????? t??in???ha???f of ???th??e pe ????ereryer?y cy co?nt?en????t is t is s ?ugu????????????er)er???I I??
94,B005K4Q1VI,AF3ZIGIYXZUMH,"K. Te ""Gadget lover""",0,0,2,1323820800,You get what you paid for,"Well you get what you paid for. While this milk chocolate k-cup is pretty cheap $12.95 per 24 (54 cents per count) but it is not good. It tasted like watered down chocolate (as if you put in too much water and not enough milk or chocolate/cacao for that matter). This thing is sweet tho, in fact kinda too sweet for my taste (i am beginning to think half of the powdery content is sugar/sweetener). I th
??ugu??? i ?????s s t ??? a ?mom?ounountn????????ere??????t mt mamada?????? ta tas??te te? wa w????????owownw? s ?o o I I I l lol??????d td ????cucupu???????frf??m m???????e ????? o ou o?ncn?ce ce??n ????KeK??rir???brb?ewe?????ndnd ????????the the???ameame ???ini?g.g???333393???????????VIV??A4A4S4??QHQ??SOS??6B6????ararlr?????????????0,0??,5,5,??323232?646?808??0,??hehe he? Be B?????????l l o of of ????????vev?e te tre t??ed???????sis???????????d od ?? K???cupcu?p hp ?????ho???????te ate ???????s ??????sosolso??te??y ??the???es??????. . I. ItI??is????????ly?????e t?e thae th?at at??ctc??ala???y ty tay t???es? l li l??e e te the thee the ??reare?????tuftu??..??39????????4Q???I,??A49A49O9ONON5N??UBUBXB???????????iaia,a?,0,,0,0,0,???5,1????????000?????????????????"g"grgrerea??t pt ??????e foe foro?r tr th?the ???-c-co-cou?ountount,t, ,
ought it was the amount of water that made it taste watered down so I lowered the cup size from 8 ounce to 6 ounce on my Keurig brewer and it's the same thing." 3395,B005K4Q1VI,A4SUQHLSOX6BT,Carla L. Brandy,0,0,5,1323648000,The Best of All of Them,I've tried ever single brand of K-cup hot chocolate and this is absolutely the best one. It is the only one that actually tastes like the real stuff. 3396,B005K4Q1VI,A49ON55UBX8GE,patricia,0,0,5,1323648000,hot cocoa cups,"great price for the 24-count,
??y y??ada? w ?ili?l l l lol??????isis s??ififtf???ini?cec?e he ???lo???s s hs ?oto???ho???lal????????????ksk??????t t tt ???eee?e ce ?????s a s a d??y,y, ,??????? to to o??recrece?ivive?.".?3333???,B,???5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1??,A,??????Z6Z?3F3FLF???A,A?????????y ?"""???anyanyay??"""""?????,4,???323???616???00,00?SuSuru?prp??si?ngn???y gy ????,"????apa????rsr?s a???????e ???ateatereryry,? b ??????he he? ta t?sts????????? b?adad ad???? al a???. . ??????ou ou h hahavave??kik?????????ar?e ???s fs ?asascas????ate???by? t???e Ke ???uriurigi??????????re???ththetheye???? p ???bab????????oyo????????????8,8?????5K45K???1VI1VI,I,AI,?????MMM??ERE?5J5???,t,??????e,e?,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,1,13,1?32332?????????er????oooodoo??ho?????cocoaco??????njnjonj???? thi th???cococco?coa???verve???mum??ch,ch????he he che chchich????enen en l?ovoveove e ie ?it it??nd???ririnrinknk ?it????
my dad will love this gift since he loves hot chocolate and drinks about three cups a day, quick to receive." 3397,B005K4Q1VI,A1AFSBZ63FL8YA,"T. Gunby ""Tanya""",0,0,4,1323561600,Surprisingly good,"It appears a little watery, but the taste is not bad at all. If you have kids that are as fascinated by the Keurig as you are, they'll probably enjoy this." 3398,B005K4Q1VI,A2PPWMMZER5JTT,tootsie,0,0,5,1323388800,Very good hot cocoa,"I enjoy this cocoa very much, the children love it and drink it oft
????????????? p ?uru?chc?????tht?isis s???????? a ?gagaiaini??""??393??,B,?????4Q4????,A,??Q3Q????3T3TPT?????????????G.G?. B. ??rowro????????,1,????33033?242?00?,h,?oto?????coaco????????e ?????e e Ie ?I tI ?thith??????????co?? c cucupu??????e ve ???? g gog???. ??I wI ??lll???????? th? them the? a ag a?????. T. ?he????arear???nicnicece ce t?? h ???? i in?? th the? h??ousouse????? t?? the ??rar?andan????ilildil??renre???ndnd ?th?e ????idi??ysyss??40???B0?05?K4?Q1Q1VQ1VI???????1D1?Q4Q??2828Z8ZNZ??8 8 E ?yeyeses,s,0,0,,0,0,0,??????????606??????reare???pr?????t,t?????? t ta t????????????ct??????????uc?????????er ter ???? o?th?therthe???coccocococ???? I I? ha h?????????d ??????????ypypep?e oe ?? s sis?ingingling???seserservr??????? w??????????grgrogr?ve??sqs??arareare!are?????1,1,B?00005005K5K45K????I,??222?21I21?????NAN?ALA?2,2
en. I would purchase this product again." 3399,B005K4Q1VI,A1Q3VZH3TP8DFN,Janice G. Brown,0,0,5,1323302400,hot cocoa,For the price I think the cocoa cups are very good. I will order them again. They are nice to have in the house for the grand children and the holidays 3400,B005K4Q1VI,A2X9G1DQ4T28ZN,8 Eyes,0,0,5,1323216000,Great product,Great tasting product and is much better than other cocoas I have tasted in this type of single serve. Job well dont grove square! 3401,B005K4Q1VI,A221IYGUANAAL2,
?ChChehereryr????? C ?lalararkr??0,0???5,5,1,131?232?32132???0000,00???t t??oco??????yoyono?e?e??ThT????????hehe he?????t ct ??cocoaco????er?. ??t t bt ??atatsts ?ouo???ana?nytny???ngn????? c cacanan an? bu b?????????he she ?????????omo??tit??mesmes<s?brb? / ?>I>? j ?????mimixi???t t it ??????????eeee e???d d?? it' it??s ws ???ded?erfer??l.l. . ??igi?hlh?y ?re?co????ndn?..????2,2????5K5??Q1Q???,A,????5Y5?IEIE2E??SYS?E,E???araar?? B ??,0??0,??????????32032??????mmymmy!y??????? a a??????y y gy gog?????ubub b?fof???????????feefe?e se ?hohopo??veverversr??on???NoNo o????????????????? p?rir?????is ?????????I lI lilikikeke ????at at?? the? the b the ??x ???s s ps ??????????nsn???????mom?????ar????? t?????sidside???????thatthat ??t ??funfu??ti???s ???s as a s a????pe???erer.??34340???,B0,B??005K005K4K4QK4?Q1VQ1??,A,A1,A?FRF???O6O?DSD??XEXE1E1,1?M.M. ????
Cheryl L. Clark,0,0,5,1323216000,Hot Cocoa Anyone?,This is the best cocoa ever. It beats out anything you can buy in the store. Sometimes<br />I just mix it in my coffee and it's wonderful. Highly recommend. 3402,B005K4Q1VI,AAPW5YIE2JSYE,Sarah B.,0,0,4,1323043200,Yummy!,It's a pretty good sub for the coffee shop version. No mess and the S&S price is great! I like that the box has perforations to remove part of the side so that it functions as a dispenser. 3403,B005K4Q1VI,A1FRUPO6DSTXE1,M. Adam
?s,s,0,0,0,0?????323?????????"N"NoN?t t???????utu??sasama?? t ??????asas as p ?owowdw??r r?????s s a ??t gt grg?oco?er???ststostororer?","?,"I,"????kek?????okok,k??????it?? is isns???t at ?nyn?tht???g g?gr?eaeat?? I ?I hI ?ava?????hoh?ot ot?waw???er er??apa???ndn????t it isi?s js juj??? a??????y y fy ??????? to t???aka?ke ke???e ??powpo?wdewd?er ??ac???????ho??me me ame at?? a a??rar??tit??????? th????osost???I'I'l'?? g?o o bo ??ck????? th?????????????d ??savsa??? my my y $y ????or?????fef???""3????,B,?00?????1V1VIV?,A,?32??I3I????7D7?????????tot?orgor?1313 13??"d"?docdo??torto????""????????4,14,?????7847840??00,???ery????odod od? fo?r ???e e p??ici?????????is? a????????y by ?etettt???r t?ha??n In ??exe??ecect???d wd ???n ??????d ?lel??s s ts ?thath?an an 5 ????cence?????acachac?. . . W WeWe ??????lly??????e a ?pa??ckeck?et et m?ixi? a??d
s,0,0,3,1322784000,"Not bad, but same taste as powder packs at grocery store","I like it ok, but it isn't anything great. I have a hot water tap and it is just as easy for me to make the powder packs at home at a fraction of the cost. I'll go back to that method and save my $$ for coffee." 3404,B005K4Q1VI,A32EI3R8L7D8SU,"doctorg13 ""doctorg13""",0,0,4,1322784000,Very Good for the price,"This is actually better than I expected when I paid less than 50 cents each. We usually use a packet mix and
???t t???tet??????? t ?????rer??? .???hihisis s i isis is????h h?????erer er a anandn????????astaste??????om????aba???????? y ??? a ar a??????????????ulu?arar ar??????????otot ot??iki??????is ?bub???????sos?omeomete????? q ?uiuic????swswe????, c, chchoch?co??????flflalavla????????????????????aroar???nd nd????cecene??s s is ??t it is??????th th??? tr tryry.y?. ?I I w wo w??ldl??nonotno??bu???it? a?t ????e re ????????????????atat at s?om??????aia?lelerle??s as ?askas????343??5,5,B,B0B??05K05?4Q4????,A,?131??????HOHOTO????????????an?????????e"e?"""""?,0,0,0???4,4?13?222262696?767606???,Be,Besests???ararkark k????oaoa a?????at?????ettet????????llllyly ????????????ou??t ot ????a Ka ????p p?????notnot not???asyas???????hihishis ??????chch ch b be bet?????ththathanan an????????herhers?????havha???? tri tr??d.d. ?StS???ll ll
hot water from the brewer. This is much easier and the taste is comparable. If you are very particular you may not like this but for something quick, sweet, chocolate flavored and warm for around 50 cents it is worth a try. I would not buy it at the regular price that some retailers ask." 3405,B005K4Q1VI,A13T0V3LHOTHDL,"E. Treants ""tree""",0,0,4,1322697600,Best Dark Cocoa so fat,"Getting really good cocoa out of a K-cup is not easy but this is much better than the others I have tried. Still
????????? w ??????????utut t????6060 0????????????????a a na ?????trt??at?? v ???? r ???h h????????- -????????gog??????s ts ?heh??re?al?????ngng,g, ?bib?it ?????? no n?? d ?ririnri??ininging g?????????BeBererler????????????e ???hopho???it???r.r???PuP??????????lipli??er?s ???, ?sis????in ?????t ?????he?????repre??laclace?????? y????r sr ????tit???, a, ??d ?????????r ?????????60????????0 ?????? - ???????fa??????at at ???????? ca car ca???? -- -??- 6- ?g ????ara?? -????&l&????g ???beb??""??????B0B????4Q4???I,I??????????????,g,?. ?sa??lo????,0?,5,5,5?131??262???20?0,??owow!w!,!???hih??s hs ?hotho?t ct ???ocooc?olaol???e ie is??grg?reareatrea?t at amt a??????la??d Id I ?dodououboublb??d ???e ?orordor?????????? can ca??no??t mt mimis????it????thithisthi??.N.????I I hI ?av
a little wattery, but at 60 calories it is a nice treat. very rich flavor - not as good as the real thing, bit I am not drinking it in a Berlin Chocolate shop either. Put your slippers on, sit in front of the fireplace with your sweetie, and enjoy!<br /><br />60 cal (20 fat) -- 2g fat sat -- 11 carb -- 6g sugar -- &lt;1g fiber" 3406,B005K4Q1VI,ASDUD9CJFK9GT,g. sailor,0,0,5,1322611200,wow!,"This hot chocolate is great am so glad I doubled the order ,you can not miss with this .Now I hav
?? q ?uiu?ckc? h hoh???????olo???e ?????tht???kik??? a ????grgrar?andan????ds"ds""??4040707,7?????K4K????I,I????4T4TST?FNF??0H0HXHXIX?G,G??anancan?????ewe??,0,??,0,,0??????262??????,N?????ooo????ThThihisi?s is is???ucu?? t??? w ???ereryr???ItI??tat?sts?teste?s vs ??eryer?y my ?mucmu???lil???e te ???e t?????lel??s ?????????? o ??????tsts ?ouo????f f a a a?ve????????aca????e.e????ftf?????recre?eie?????????????? an a?????????? t?????lisli?st st???????reredre??ene?tsts,ts????'v've? d ded?????????ot ??o o????derde???gagaiain?. ?????is ???od??uctuc???f ??defde?????tel??????t wt ?or??? t th?e ?mom?????????080?,B???5K5K45K4Q?????????SES??VLV???0G0??,H,??wa?rd??EnE?nglngle??,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,???1321322???????????????qu??????-c-cucupu?????e re re????ve??d td th?the the pthe ?propr?oduoducoductct ?t ont on n? ti t??????and and??????cecelce
e quick hot chocolate for the kids and grandkids" 3407,B005K4Q1VI,A2M4TSFND0HXIG,Nancy Drew2,0,0,2,1322611200,Not Good,"This is much too watery. It tastes very much like the tasteless hot cocoa one gets out of a vending machine. After receiving the box and reading the list of ingredients, I've decided not to order again. This product if definitely not worth the money." 3408,B005K4Q1VI,A1BCSEDVL0Q0GN,Howard Engle,0,0,5,1322611200,Grove Square K-cups,We recieved the product on time and in excel
????? s ?hah??????t ?????ese??gog?odo??ana?d d md mem?etetst????? e exe???ctc????????????nkn?s s fs ?oror ?tht?? e?xcx???le??????rvrviv?ce????????B0B???????VIV???2B2BBB???VQVQ0Q?BUBU7U???,K,??ennennenet?? K ????ivivev????????4,4?131???????0000,00?????tyt?? go g?oodoo??- -?non??t at ????ada?????????rsr??ara?re re??ayayiy??g.g.,.????nnn?y ?ththith?inging g??- I- I I???ougou???t st sos??? o ????theth???e Ke ?-c-cuc??s ???????? w ???ks? a??????????????????trt?????? o of o?f tf th?? r re??vievi???s a??t t??hathat t t????. ? I??????????t t?t thet theme? l ?????we?eke?? an a???ha???? ha had? a????? c cu??? s??incincece ce t??????. I. ?????usiusin?? 8 ?? ou o???????f f wf ??te??r t?o o?prp?repre???e e te ththe?the cthe ?oco???. . ???? tho thou?oughoug??? th the?????ast?????re??ty?????? -?????asoason??blb?????oc?????ty ty aty ????smsmom?ootooth??
lent shape. It tastes good and meets our expectations. Thanks for the excellent service. 3409,B005K4Q1VI,A2BBL4VQ0BU7KY,Kenneth K. Rivera,0,0,4,1322524800,Pretty good - not as bad as others are saying.,"Funny thing - I bought some of these K-cups several weeks ago based on the strength of the reviews at that time. I just got them last week and have had a few cups since then. I'm using 8 ounces of water to prepare the cocoa. I thought they tasted pretty good - reasonably chocolaty and smooth.<
???????br?? /> /??heheye???ere?e e??weweewe?t,t???utu? n non?t ??????y y sy ???, a, ana?? t ??????chc?nen????mam?ded?e me ??e ce ???ckck k? th t??he che ???oro???e c????t t o?n n? th????oxo?? ?6060 0???lolorlo?????? h ??y,y??no?t ???? b?ad?? ?????????t ???titilil l?????? tha th????? ca c???????ck ck t?o o po ?lalacacec??a a? re r?viv?ewew ??andan??I ???ad???? the the?????t rt re??cence??? re???ew?s s fs ???? o ?othot??rsr?s ds ???d Id I d I??????zez?????? u usu???e are a??tiftifif???al???wewee??ene?nerner.r?????ne??stlst?ly,ly?, i, ?f f???hah??n'?????????t ?? w wo w????d hd ???ve ve???????knk???????I ???dnd????de???ctc???anyan?????g g???????ava???me?????? hi h?intin?t w?he??????raran???????????/></>??<br <br???????thinthi?k k i?f f yf ??????keke ????uiu????coc??coacoa ?onon on t??????? y ??????l bl ??e he ??ppppypy ?enenoenou?ghgh h?????h th ????
br /><br />They were sweet, but not overly so, and the richness made me check the calorie count on the box. 60 calories - hey, not too bad! It wasn't until now that I came back to place a review and I read the most recent reviews from others did I realize they use artificial sweetener. Honestly, if I hadn't read it I would have never known - I didn't detect anything that gave me the hint when I drank it.<br /><br />I think if you like a quick cocoa on the run you'll be happy enough with these
?????psp?. .???????heheye? a asa? g ???d d a??????wiw??s ?MiM?issis???????t t?frfroromom m???ststct?o?o?? M ??ybybebe e ne ??t,t????t ??n n??????fifici???? d ?????????t ???????l l?wiwitwi????et????g g??owo???? o ?? t?he? c ?????er??????????????? a a s sps??????? g???t t?hih????s ms ??????. . Y ?ouou'u?????ac???fi??ce ce?? a l a lil?ttt????foforo????e ???nvn??ninieien????, b, bu??t t??o mo ?????'s's ?wew?llll ll????th??it?????????????????VIV?,A,?3939L9??0F0??????XNX?????alalaal????????r,r?,0,,0,0??????222252525???00??????d d Rd ????????"U"?nfn????ununaunata???????I aI ????????????d ????? m?y y py ????hah??e.e.<.??r r /r ????????AlA??thothou?????????ininain?al al? pr p???ucu?ct ct w?????????e ge ???od,od, ?4 4? st s????? T ThThe??qu????ityit??y ofy of f t???e de ????ve?veryver?y iy ?????????theythe??
K-cups. Are they as good as a Swiss Miss packet from Costco? Maybe not, but in my office I don't want to deal with getting powder on the counters and needing a spoon to get things mixed. You'll sacrifice a little for the convenience, but to me it's well worth it." 3410,B005K4Q1VI,A39LJ0F8VQBLXN,09GalantDriver,0,0,3,1322524800,Mixed Reviews,"Unfortunately, I am conflicted with my purchase.<br /><br />Although the final product was quite good, 4 stars. The quality of the delivery is why they l
???? a ????ddddidititit?ononan?l l s ???r.r? I I I???ene?ede? t ??? A ?????? b ?oxo???o o??inindnd ?th???????rer?e we waw?s s??????ho???????e pe pop???er???????g g o?????? t?he???????e Se SqSquq?arareare e p?aca?????ing?????op?eneneen????it it t? to to f???d ?d thd t?at??2 2?????the? K ??CuC?psp??wewerereer????t st seseaeal??ed ????pe?rlrlyly y? on o?n tn ?op? a an a?? w ?werwe??????lll???ing ing i???? t????????. I??????pecpe?????bo?th????? A Am Ama??zonzo???ac???geg?e ae ?andan?d t?d thed th??GrGroGr?oveov?e S??quaqu?are?????????? wh w????? ha hada??????isi??blblel?e ee ???terte???r r d ??????????r /r />/????r /?>I>??????didisdi?????in??tedte???????bobotbothbot??????? S SqSquSq????re fre ??r ??thethe ???qualqua?litlityty ?of???????????dud???? an???asas as a?????ulu?t t It I ?am? n ???t st sut s???re Ire ??I woI w???d ?bubuyu?y ty ???? p ???du?ct???agaag?????3??111??????
ost an additional star. I opened the Amazon box to find that there was hot chocolate powder coming out of the Grove Square packaging. I opened it to find that 2 of the K-Cups weren't sealed properly on top and were spilling into the box. I inspected both the Amazon package and the Grove Square both of which had no visible exterior damage.<br /><br />I was disappointed with both Grove Square for the quality of their product and as a result I am not sure I would buy this product again." 3411,B005K
4????I,I?A2A??????5X5????EOE??MaM?ryr??????iei???,0,0,,0??,1,?????242???0,???????oco???ata???????????????aba????????????er? w ?????grgrer?at?, ,?th?????????????latlate? i ?????ryry ry g ???d.d??I I? wi w???????or???????? th thi?????aia?in in???obobabalalyly ???oonoo??""?343414?2,2???00500??4Q4Q14Q???I,AI,AHAHFH??3E3EZE?????DWD???????e ???erger?usu??????0,???,13,1?32232?24324??404?????lilitittit?lel??ththithin???ThT?????lavlavovor???? t th?is? c ??co?? i??s gs ?googo???????????ouounoundn????atat at??t t wt waw??s as a s a?????le???oo?? wa w??????d dd dodowo?n n????th th? th the the ?non????al al???????t t??? wa?te???. T. ?????????????? w wa?s ???tttte??? wh whehenhen ?????ed?????s ?wawatwa??ter.ter."???41????????4Q???????XJXJAJ?5P5?363?????7,7????,0,,0,0??????22???????00,J00,??????m m?????eded ???w w w??
4Q1VI,A2KMFRF5XD7LEO,Mary Currie,0,0,5,1322524800,Hot Chocolate,"Everything about the order went great, the Hot Chocolate is very good. I will be ordering this again probaly soon." 3412,B005K4Q1VI,AHFD3EZH5LHDW,Mitsue Ferguson,0,0,3,1322438400,A little thin,"The flavor of this cocoa is good, but I found that it was a little too watered down with the normal amount to water. The second cup was better when I used less water." 3413,B005K4Q1VI,A2XJA5P36MLOG7,JZ,0,0,4,1322179200,JZ,I am amazed how wel
l???????????tltlel??cuc?psp????sts?e.e?? T ??????KcKcu?ps??????e ??ere?????lll??. . ? Th Thih?s ???????hocho???ata???????te ???eae???????????re??dydy y iy inin n o ???e me ???utute????4141414,4?B0B000?5K5?4Q4?1V1VIVI,I,A,???TCT??BDB?LNL???????ieier??drd??reamrea?,0,?,0,0,,0??,1,?323??14814888808?000000,??ucu???bebete??????nd? l le l??s ??xpx?ene???ve?? th t??????????rdrdederereer?d d fd frf??m m??????g!g!,!??????cec???tlytly y py ???ch?????????????ig ig?????I I bI ???ghg?t ??thethe ???fefe ?EsEscs?apa?pespe???ararkr????hoc???????e coe c??????frofr?om om???eieiri????tete,te, ,??? and and i itit it w??????ot ot? ch?oc???olatola?telte??y ay ???d hd ??d ?????raranangangege ???te??????te.te. te.??I ???w w t? the????rovro???SqSquq??????raranra?????and and?? tho th?????t It ????oulou?d d gd ?iviveive ??it ???trtryry ry??inincin?? I ?I gI gogotot ?????cu???s fs ?or? l?????ththath????thethe the??
l these little cups taste. These Kcups taste very well. This hot chocolate taste great and are ready in one minute. 3414,B005K4Q1VI,A3HTC2BDLNGNQL,fierydream,0,0,5,1321488000,Much better and less expensive than that ordered from Keurig!,"I recently purchased a Keurig and I bought the Cafe Escapes dark chocolate cocoa from their site, and it was not chocolately and had a strange aftertaste. I saw the Grove Square brand and thought I would give it a try since I got 36 kcups for less than the 24
??frf?????eue??igi?????????ivi?ede????????chc???????sts?ere???????d d id imi??????????????????iti? u upu??toto o t????? . ?ThTheh???oco?????ctctutuauala?lyly ly?hahasha????gag?r r i in in n???????d td ?he???choch????atateat??ly ly fly flf?lavlavov?r ??s s ms ???ch ch???ttt?terte??ththathanan an t th the??CaCafa?e e Ee EsEscs???pespe??. I. I ???ll?? be b???????ini??? th thi th?? o ???? ag a?gaiga??? a??nd nd?? h??????? g ????????llll ?????k k t????e ote o?theth???kik??d ?d tod t?????? ri r???ofo??????3?414??,B,B0B???K4K4Q4?1V1?I,I?????41Z41ZLZ????S9S929??,",??KevKe?inin in????cho????s "s """???de?????gig?ingin?????st??er"er"""""""",",6,??,6,,6?2,2?????434??????,At,A??leleae???t it ???waw??n'n't'?t et ?xpx?????iveiv????WiW??h h???a ha ??refre????hth??????????ama???on???comco?/g/???prp???ucuctuc??B0?03038?????W"W???GrGrereereenen en??ouounu???in???oto??CoC???a<a</<?a>a> >?
from Keurig. I received my purchase yesterday and immediately opened it up to try it. The cocoa actually has sugar in it and the chocolately flavor is much better than the Cafe Escapes. I will be ordering this one again, and I hope my guest will drink the other kind to get rid of it!" 3415,B005K4Q1VI,A3U41ZL33SS92P,"Kevin Nicholls ""jaded, aging hipster""",6,6,2,1322438400,At least it wasn't expensive.,"With <a href="""">Green Mountain Hot Cocoa</a> b
e???g g p ???pe???????????? of o????oco?? i in????e e??????er,er, ,?I I???????t ???d d???vev????e ??he????r r G ???ve??SqSquq?uarua???brbrar???d ad ? s sh sho?t.t?<b<?br br / ???????/>S/>SiS?????e the t???K-K?CuC??? pa p???ntn????rere re s??ar????g ?????????t,t?, G, ??ov?????????????ononen?????????????? " """?un??offof?ficfi?iai???"" ""???rodro??????? of?? "" "??e ?????t ??????ly? c ??all?????????????s ?bubut??????y wy ???k k ik ?in ????r ??????g(g?R)R)()???????????e me ?aka???""??pop??s,s????d d Id I I tI ????oughoug?????at??????beb??geg???tinting??? the the the s?ama??e oe ove o?verve?ralra?ll ll?????????, w, wi????????the????ce?ns?in?ing ing f?????????eded ?onon on??o o? th? the ???ricri????????/></><b???????ll???.. ..? I I????s rs ?rigri??t ??bob???t Gt Gr???ve ve Sve ??SquaSqu???????ng??ch?eae?apeap??????ut ut Iut ?I t
eing perpetually out of stock in the winter, I thought I'd give the cheaper Grove Square brand a shot.<br /><br />Since the K-Cup patents are starting to sunset, Grove Square is one of the first ""unofficial"" producers of ""we can't legally call these K-Cups but they work in your Keurig(R)(TM) coffee maker"" pods, and I thought that I'd be getting the same overall quality, without the licensing fees tacked on to the price.<br /><br />Well... I was right about Grove Square being cheaper. But I t
h??????????? t th t???nin?????????anan n??e.e.<.?brb??/>/><>????/>?AsA?s os ototh?erersr???havhavev?e pe ?oio?intin????ouo?t,t?????????????????iti???"""??????? o????????hrh??ef=ef????ttt?p:p?///?www??????????cocomo?/g/??/p/?rorodo???????00?E6E?LBLBXB?K"K??>S>SpS????dad?</<?????"" a"" ???tertertrtat?st?e.? T ThThi????????t ?be??? r ?revreviv??????yey????he????????ghg?? i it??????? d?????????????the the??ara???ngn???frf???? ot oth??rs?, ?an?????-c-??heche??ed?ed ted ????in??re?di????s ?se?veverve???????????o ?????????<??????><b><??br /br />?""???????.. ..??????gog?ot ot??0 0 c????rir??s,s??????h h??ee???s as ?a ba ??it it??owo??r ?ththath?? G GrGre??en ???ounou?ta???, , b, ??ut ut??? bi b???hi??gh gh?fof??? so som????hinhi???? tha that????etet-et?-co-c?????ou?????opo???e we ???????an??.".?"" "" a"" an"" a????
hink that's the nicest I can be.<br /><br />As others have pointed out, there's a definite ""diet"" or ""<a href="""">Splenda</a>"" aftertaste. This hadn't been reviewed yet when I bought it, so I didn't see the warnings from others, and re-checked the ingredients several times to make sure.<br /><br />""Well... it's got 60 calories, which seems a bit lower than Green Mountain, but a bit high for something that diet-conscious people would want."" and th
e? i iningn?rer?did??????isi???dididdi?n'n't'???????tot???oioin?t ????obo?????s s?"""???ete?""??????tet??ere????brbr r?/>/??????/>T/>ThT?e ????eraeralalll????????isis is??in????? l li l??????mem?ononene ???opo?????? s?ugu?ara?-f-frf????????sisie? R ??????????ourour r hr ????????r,r???usiusin????he? n non???????????et?????. .?GoG???ng ng??ne?? si s??????wnwn ?di?didndid?n'tn'???eeeemeem m tm ??to ito imimpm?ro??? m ??chc??, b, beb??yonyondnd ?ma?kikinki??ng ang ??we??? c?????olaolat???flflalavavov?? s??????? - ? b ?utu?t tt tht t?at??jujus?t t mt ??ana???????????r ??ho???ofo?????-c-?????????swesw?eet????r ?????he??tatas???? bu budu?s.?<b??? /> /><??br br? />?????wa?y y I ????e e i?t,t, ?????aveav?ed ??????t $t ???????oi????wiw?th??? thi this???brabr?andan?????????e oe ote o?the???r har h??and,and, , n, ??w w???ve??????202???? t??ese???
e ingredient list didn't seem to point to obvious ""diet"" sweeteners.<br /><br />The overall taste is kind of like someone dropped a sugar-free Tootsie Roll in your hot water, using the normal cup setting. Going one size down didn't seem to improve much, beyond making a weak chocolate flavor sweeter - but that just meant a heavier shot of low-calorie sweetener to the taste buds.<br /><br />The way I see it, I saved about $5 by going with this brand. On the other hand, now I've got 20 of these c
?upupsp????ftf? t tht????ara?e e???obo??blb??????ngng g??in in???e e te ????h h??f f?????n'n?t ??????? s ?omo???????.. ..???..??? pl p?leale?aseas?e me ?????????nin?ingin??gug?ese??s.s?...... ...?wiw??? a ? f ?ewe? c cu c?upsup?s.<s.????????????????ouo???rir???? di d?etet ?t sot sofo??? dr d????s ???y cy ?hoh?oicoi?ce,ce?????'r'?re re??????blblybly ???in?? t?? l li l??? t? thi th?,A,??H2H?Z1Z?????XMX??1,1???????kpk?????ck??5,5???,5,??????00600?4040000,00?SuSuru??pripr??in???ly ly???odo??,",????ha?vev??e tre t?rieri????an??y oy ?? t th?e e de di??????ntn?t ht ???t ct ????a a ka ??cuc???..??eve????th?????ala?waw????????eded ed s????????redre?d dd ??wnw??, e, ?eveev??? wh w???n un ??in??ing ting th???????le???????tit??ing ing oing ????? the the???ch??ineine.? ???oweow?????, t, th?thisthis ?s brs b???d.d..?...e?vevenven ????????me??????? cup cup p???
ups left that are probably going in the trash if I can't sucker someone... er... please my discerning guests... with a few cups.<br /><br />If you drink diet soft drinks by choice, you're probably going to like this." 3416,B005K4Q1VI,A2H2Z1KG1YXMY1,T. Kirkpatrick,5,5,5,1322006400,Surprisingly Good!,"We have tried many of the different hot cocoa k-cups...everything always tasted so watered down, even when using the smallest setting on the machine. However, this brand...even at the medium cup set
ttitini?????asa?teteded d??ana??tasta?stist?c.c? ?I I????hlhlyly y?rer??omommm??????ror?????ququau???. . . ?? h???venve??t t? tr t?????????ofo?? th t??iri? o ?tht????prp?rodro????s,s?????t It ????ulu???beb???incin???????tot? n nonowo??bab???ed ????? thi th?????co?a.a.".???????B0B000050???Q1Q????????HLH?????BRB???,","C"??. F. ????ili??????FHF??????,5?,5??131323212???161606???ReR????y y Gy GoG?odo????????cocoa? - - - H ?HigHigh??ly ly R ??????en????,","T,"???sese ??????e Se SqSquSq??re? H???ot Cot ?CocCococoacoa ?flf?avavoav??????e ????fafarfar ?th??e be bee b??st st? ta t?????? w ?e ?hah????fof??nd? f???? th????eue?????. W. ?e ?totooto?k k??? ch c??ncncec??onon on? th???? d ?duedu?e t????thethe the??ig???????iewie?w rw ?????gsg?s as ans andnd ????wawas?????????an?t t st ???pr?????e the tha?t ???????re?????lavlavovor??s as ars a?re ?re?al?allyall???oooodoo??<b<?r ????
ting, tasted fantastic. I highly recommend Grove Square. I haven't tried any of their other products, but I would be inclined to now based on this cocoa." 3417,B005K4Q1VI,A3OXHLG6DIBRW8,"C. F. Hill ""CFH""",5,5,5,1321401600,Really Good Hot Cocoa - Highly Recommended,"These Grove Square Hot Cocoa flavors are by far the best tasting we have found for the Keurig. We took a chance on these due to the high review ratings and it was a pleasant surprise that all three flavors are really good.<br /><b
????>D>?ararkr?????????tet??- -?MyM? f ??vov??iti?te,te? v ?ereryr??????????????n tn ???e "e ???larla??e"e""???upu? s ???titiningn??brb????MiMili????ChoCh???olaolatateat??- - E- ExE?cec??lelene?? o?????? " ??sms????""??cu??????d gd ??od? o????thethe e "??"la"l?argar??""??"" cu"" cup?? se s????ng?<b??r /?>P>???????inintin??- ??ve????oneon??lil?kek?? t th t????????, o, on?????????cu?cup cup??????se??ttittin???????><><b<br??? />T />?he?sese se?dod???????????????aloal?????in ?ada?didititiit?on???o ?sus?gagarar,ar??I I? do d???t ????tictice????e e te tatasta?te? b bub????y y wy ??fef????es?????????he he she st?il???li?????????).).<.<b????/></><b?<br <br /<br /><br /?HiH??hlhlyl??ReR????????ede???????ri?ed????????se inse in ?n th?e e se sme s??ll???????iei??y y py ??????????????""??tt???///?wwwww??ama???????com?/g/gpg??????ucuctuc????050?K4K??6464K4?"""">""
r />Dark Chocolate - My favorite, very good even on the ""large"" cup setting<br />Milk Chocolate - Excellent on the ""small"" cup and good on the ""large"" cup setting<br />Peppermint - Everyone likes this one, on either cup size setting<br /><br />These do contain Sucralose in addition to sugar, I don't notice the taste but my wife does (but she still likes them).<br /><br />Highly Recommended! We tried these in the smaller variety pack, <a href="""">
?GrG?ovo?? S SqS??????HoHoto????coc??????s s?????ete?? P ??????K-K?????s fs ?oror r??eue?ririgi???rerewre?ere?s,s??1212-2-C??unu?t ???PacPackck ck??f f???</<??><>?????><????/>/>C/>CFC?H"H""?343?????????????I,I,A,?JGJ???N2N2D2????BXB?,D,?????8,?1,1,1,???545???????ToT?? m ??chc??????fif????? s sws???etnet??????????????s s ts tes ter??ribri????..?? L LiL????pup?ttt???g ?ar???fi????? s?we???????r ir ?n n????reare?dyd??swswesweee?et et?????ch?????ata???? T ?hehe e be bebes????????? t ?????? so s?o fo faf??????????????iss? H Ho???ChC?hocho?colco?????????ups????DoDonon'n't't ????nkn?????y y ay ar????ol?d ?on? A ????onon ?yey??..?..?????????5K????1VI1V?I,AI,A2A212??RPR????9P9PCP????,Di,D?iania??ne ne F ??????onion?????????,2,2,?13???????????,The,Th????esces?ri??ti?????oeo?? n non??ot mot ?ene?ntint?????thath?????t it
Grove Square Hot Cocoa Cups Variety Pack, K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 12-Count (Pack of 3)</a><br /><br />CFH" 3418,B005K4Q1VI,AJGYCN2DJ7NBX,DR,7,8,1,1325462400,Too much artificial sweetner,This tastes terrible... Like putting aritficial sweetener in already sweet hot chocolate. The best I have tried so far is Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate K-Cups. Don't think they are sold on Amazon yet... 3419,B005K4Q1VI,A21VRPTG99PC3K,Dianne F Simonini,12,15,2,1323216000,The description does not mention that it i
???sus?gag???frf?eee??"H"??d d?I I?knk?????????s cs ??????waw????sugsu??????ee?? I? w??ulu??d nd ????hahavavev???????hasha???d id ??????rereare??izi?e e te ??ata?t tt ???? w wi w?????not??????ere? s?omo????eoe????? b bu b???????realrea?llylly y??ono????lilikli?e ??heh??afaftf?erertertat???te te?????akake????ugaug????? In I?n tn th????ntn??reresre????of of f??iri??ese??, , t, th??????d ?d nod not???ee?m m t to to o??ror?ouboublb?? m mym??ne?php???! !? J ??stst st u ?pdp???????e e de ded???riripi????on.on?""?????????5K5?????I,I????SSS??F3F3I3???TST??0,M0,?orortrtot?on on?FaF?????,9,9,9,1,??,2,2,2?,13,1323??????20020?0,W0,??????es?? th t??????ve? s???cracral???se?se?,?,M,???whw???le ??????y(y?7 7??eo????? t?as?asteast????allal???????avoav??s ?anandn????theythe???arear??sisici?klk?? s??eeeetee??? V ???y ????????in?te???d thd t??t ?prpro????t ?ha???????al???
s sugar-free,"Had I known this cocoa was sugar-free, I would not have purchased it. I realize that this will not bother some people, but I really don't like the aftertaste of fake sugar. In the interest of fairness, this did not seem to trouble my nephew! Just update the description." 3420,B005K4Q1VI,A1ISS4F3IRVTS0,Morton Family,9,11,2,1322179200,Why does this have sucralose?,My whole family(7 people) tasted all 3 flavors and they are sickly sweet. Very disappointed that product has sucralose
.???????ulu????????y y i ???aga????3343424212?,B,???5K5K4K????I,I???JXJXWX?????KIK??V,V,",?T.T??B.B. . H. H.H??"""?????BaBara??gaiga?in in H HuH?ntn?????????,4,,4??,1,131?252?202??32032????ToT?o o??weweee??? t ???? we w????","",??sis?ingin?????? w wa wata??r r??? t??he he?didirirer??titioi???s ss ststat?ateate ????e e te ???????coacoa a?????????oo woo we??ak.ak??ItI???as? l ?????????????????????a fa ???? dr d?????ofof f????ocooc??at?ate ate???rurupu?????in?ing ing 6 ? o??z mz mamadma?????e ??cocco??coa coa? mu muc??????????eetee????ndn?? st s?tiltilll? t to??????????? th??????????????epe?arartartmtmem???????t ut ?ses?s ?s sus s?????oso?? a??s as ?a sa swswe?et?en?erer,er?, w, ????????vev??? it i??t a t a?ve?ryr????te?????y y sy ?sweswee?t ???lavlavovoror.r. . T. ???s ?ma??y ny ??? b?????????lel?? f ???? th?os??e we ??????ke?? ve v???y s?weweewe?et et t????ingsing???????
. I wouldn't buy it again 3421,B005K4Q1VI,AWJXWD0EMKIUV,"T. B. H. ""The Bargain Hunter""",4,4,2,1325203200,"Too sweet, too weak","Using 8 oz water as the directions state made the cocoa much too weak. It was like hot water with a few drops of chocolate syrup. Using 6 oz made the cocoa much too sweet, and still too weak in the chocolate department. It uses sucralose as a sweetener, which gives it a very intensely sweet flavor. This may not be a problem for those who like very sweet things or don
????mim?ndn???heh?? ta t?????ofo????crc??lol?sese.e??UnU?????ununan?????? I ?'m'??non?t ????????????e ??eoe??????3343???,B,??050??4Q4?1V1??,A,?1414L4LLLL0L0M0???B8B?T3T????. . M. MeM??ere?????,4,,4?5,5,1,??232??939?6060000,00?,Be,Besestst st???????coc?????r r??eue?rir?g,g?"P"PeP?????????ot ????ur ur?GrG?ranra???a'a????upu???of of???ot ot Cot ???ocooc??at??????????????????eureu????????? t? the the ?beb??t ?t out o??? th the ther therer?e. e.???nd? w ??????makma?es?? it i?????weweeeete??????????youyo???et?????????s fs ?for?????????icicac????????????? K??CuC??????, ?tat?keke ke??????? it' it???a a Pa ?acackac? o?????, s, ????a ta ??otaot?al ??of ??? k k-k??cupcups??????/>/???r r /r />r />I>???????st?????? u ?sis??? t? the????malmalll? c ??? s???tit?ing? t?o ?????ene?t ?it???ror????beibe?ing????ate??redre?d dd dod????? too to?o mo ?ucuchuc???
't mind the taste of sucralose. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people." 3422,B005K4Q1VI,A14LL0MTTB8T3C,B. Meyers,4,4,5,1323993600,Best Hot Cocoa for Keurig,"Perhaps not your Grandma's cup of Hot Chocolate, but for the Keurig, it's the best out there. And what makes it a sweeter deal you get 3 packs for the typical price of 1 K-Cup box, take note it's a Pack of 3, so a total of 36 k-cups.<br /><br />I suggest only using the small cup setting to prevent it from being watered down too much, b
??? d ?????de de?fof?r r??ouo????lflf!f???343424???????????VIVI,I,A,????3S3SAS?W0W0X0????Y,Y,K,????. . S. ?mim???,4,4,4??????????333?606??,S,?????????glglyly y??????,",?TrT????fuf??????I I?wawasa?n'n????xpx?????ingin? t tot????ucuchc????ithit??th??is,is, ?bubut?? th t???ghghtht ????ou?ldl??????????a a???y y fy foforfor r sr ?omomemete?thi?ng????fff???ene??t ft ?for? m my my y Ky ???uriur????I ??ava??? to t??sas??, ???ata???? wa w?as as?????asaas??ntlnt??? su s????risrise????at at?ho??????????thisthi? i is i??. . ?MyM????????iteit??is???????ara?k k?ch???????e,e, ????ut tut ???e pe ????????ntnt nt i?? v ?ververy? g???? a as as ????????I ??? n non??t at a ???ala? m??????????????????????t ???mi?????it????ithith ith??om????cofco?ffeff???e foe f??? a a???ochoc??? an a???d itd i?????????y y gy ?oo????. I . I? wo wou??d ?de??in?it????ly ply ?ur?
ut decide for yourself!" 3423,B005K4Q1VI,A1YU3SAW0XHQIY,K. J. Smith,4,4,5,1321833600,Surprisingly Good.,"Truthfully, I wasn't expecting too much with this, but thought I would give it a try for something different for my Keurig. I have to say, that I was pleasantly surprised at how good this is. My favorite is the dark chocolate, but the peppermint is very good as well. I am not a real milk chocolate fan, but I mixed it with some coffee for a mocha and it was very good. I would definitely purc
h?asa?? t ?hih?s s??gag????""33434242424,4,B,??0505K5???1V1???A2A??565??RLR?????QNQ???oyo?cec??????6,6???4,?131???767606???????stst t???????cocoao???oro??KeK????g,g????yoyouou u????w w? fi f?indindidin?g g a??hoh?? c ?ho?????tet??th?at??????? g ???????ndn?????brb?rewre?????n n t?????eu?ri?g ??is ????ig?????lll?ene???. .?????? th??is ?????????olola??te te ite ?is ???itite?te gte ?oooodo???ThT????????? i??s rs ???? a?nd??? the th???hot?? ch??????????????omo?e e ce ???????es?????? it i?. . I. ????ded?e ie ????or?or mor ?? d ????hth????an?????pep????????f f??it?? w????pe??d cd cr??eamea?? an??d sd ???he lhe ????ed ed ied ????????ll ??e e de ?ri?nknkik????lo??????? th??s s o?n ?no???ththa??t it ?????is bis ?????ining???to to????????de?r.r?????????005005K??4Q14Q1V?I,??G0G080?????G3G3P3PYP?,M,?at???GiG?
hase this again." 3424,B005K4Q1VI,A2F56CRL29D7QN,moycegirl,6,7,4,1319760000,Best Hot Cocoa for Keurig,As you know finding a hot chocolate that taste great and is brewed on the keurig is a big challenge. Well this hot chocolate is quite good. The flavor is rich and the hot chocolate has some creaminess to it. I made it for my daughter and toped it off with whipped cream and she loved it. Will be drinking lots of this on now that it is begining to get colder. 3425,B005K4Q1VI,AG08SJC4G3PY,Math Gir
l????????131?????525202?????? p pepere??ece????utu??t bet b????? t tht?ana????e e?rerese?????ltl?????h h???????isnis????a a???????? c cuc????f f c?oco???????????ara??????erier?????? t????ot??herhe??s ts ??atat t it ????????rir???. .? i i??ililll? o??ded??er ter ?thith????gag???.".???4242626,6?B0B?00500????1V1??,A,????535??????????EBE?,0?,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5????111?????00,00?????llllellene??????? co???a!a???,"????is is iis is???????????he he b ?es??????????hothot t ct ??cocoa? w we w?e he ?hav????????. . . ?ItI??????????ce????????lal?????????????? th?? a ad addddededde??coconco???ninieni?encen?ce ??of of???????cup,cup??itit it? is is ??????to???avaveav??????? a??yty???e ?yoy?????keke.e. ???gh?????recre?comcommmmemenme??!"!???34234272???????4Q?1V?I,I,AI,???0H0???8P8?????????bab???hshsx?????,0,0,,0,0,5,5,5,15,13??21121???????
l,0,0,4,1321315200,not perfect but better than the rest,"although this isn't a perfect cup of cocoa, it's far superior to the others that i have tried. i will order this again." 3426,B005K4Q1VI,ANHG53RB9Q537,SEB,0,0,5,1321142400,Excellent hot cocoa!!!,"This is by far the best K-cup hot cocoa we have tried. It has a nice rich flavor and with the added convenience of a K-cup, it is easy to have a cup anytime you like. Highly recommend!" 3427,B005K4Q1VI,A1J0H6L8PTVNH7,sxbaughsx3,0,0,5,1321142400,F
a??tat?sts?ici??"O"OuOutu??ofof f a ??? o?f ?tht?? h hoh????hohocho??lal????kckcuc??s s??thathat??I I h??veve ??????????s ?is? b ?????r r???????stst st? on o?e.e???????eie??d ?afaftf????tastast?e,e, , a?ndn????ot ??????????????. T. ?as??????mamaza???? a???d pd ?riricri??????irirlir????whwhahat???????co???d ???????????or?or?"???343????B0B000?5K5??Q1Q1V1?I,I??KYK??ISI?IZIZPZ??DIDIUI??,"S,"?ueu???????ue???"""""","?????????202????40400?,D,?????ioiou??????????????????????us??t wt ???????y sy ?????anantan?tedte??? T Th???pr???e ?wa??s es ??????ene?? a????? the? f fl fla?vov???isis ?ri?richric?. ???? wo w?oulou???????????d ?th?????e toe to o a an any anyo?nene ne???nt??inging ????ooo?d ????? of???nsn?stastan??? ho hot???????..??????????5K45K4Q?1V?I,I,AI,A3A3A3????JTJ???????,N,?. ?GrG?rec????,0,0,0,???5,15,1313213?20120????
antastic,"Out of all of the hot chocolate kcups that I have tried this is by far the best one. Not weird aftertaste, and not watered down. Tastes amazing and priced fairly, what more could you ask for?" 3428,B005K4Q1VI,AKY1ISIZP5DIU,"Sue ""ausuep""",0,0,5,1320710400,Delicious!,These k-cups are just what my son wanted! The price was excellent and the flavor is rich. I would recommend these to anyone wanting a good cup of instant hot cocoa. 3429,B005K4Q1VI,A3A58DJTXQSI3K,N. Greco,0,0,5,132019200
??,G,GrG??ata? c coc?????? a ??????igig g???t ???co?????ininkn?ere? s ?o o??hih?? h ho h?ot ot c co coc??a a?I ????ldl?? de d?fif?iniiniti?elelyl??re????mem?ndn?d id ???????a ????at???????coa fcoa ??ava??r r ar ??????'s'?s ps ???fef?????????ho??? c co?????alallll l??or ????????????? W ??rmr??s ys yoyou? u upu???lul??s ts tat?astaste??s gs ????t!t?????0,????5K5??Q1Q????AJA??????BOB??M0M?U,U,",???????ly????. ". ?"S"?????ho???????,1,??,1??,1???????00600??00???????????TrTrar?????atatsat???CaCan??t t tt ??ll? y yo?? h???????? t??????????ecaec?us?e e Ie I ???readrea???theth??in?gr?????enten????????, , b?????it it hit ???????nsns-????ts ts i in i???vever?y ???av????. :. ?? T ?heh??se?ll??er er??ho???d ?????lol???? al a???in??re?????entsents ?in???????es???ripri????????????ldldnldn'n't??? hav ha?? p????hahasha
0,Great cocoa,I am a big hot cocoa drinker so this hot cocoa I would definitely recommend it has a great cocoa flavor and it's perfect for those cold fall or winter days. Warms you up plus tastes great! 3430,B005K4Q1VI,AJBIC5OBOQM0U,"Kimberly I. ""Shopaholic""",11,17,1,1322006400,Contains Trans-Fats,"Can't tell you how this tastes, because I read the ingredients first, but it has trans-fats in every flavor. :( The seller should disclose all ingredients in the description. I wouldn't have purchas
??d d??????ototh?ere?wiw??e.e??????1,1??????4Q4????,A,??M6M606???????????TDPTD?,9,????,1?,1????111??80800??VeVer?? d ?????oio??????!!!!,!??I I r ?ece???vev?ed ed????oro???er er o???GrGror??? S ?quq????????????coaco?? mi m?x x???dadaya???anandn?????s vs ????????ckckekeded ed ted ??????????t t?????????atateat???oi?l l????s os ?nen?e oe ?f ???the the???ingring?redre??en??s ?????????????????ve????oi???d ????????nyn??prp?rodro??????? tha th????on?tataiain??s ts ??an??????????????e ???f tf thf t???????????e ee efe??ec????on? b ??ooo?od od l ??pip??d ld ??ve??s.s. ??????ldld d ud urd u?gege ge A ??aza??on ???? re r??quiqu???re are anan an i?????zezed???lisli?t ?????ngn??????ent?????or or??lll???????iti?????li??te?d d fd fo????ala??????f t???e ie ??ingr???ieienie?ntsnt??hahadha?????????istis???, ?????? o?????
ed this otherwise." 3431,B005K4Q1VI,ABM606CTD7YWF,TDP,9,14,1,1325116800,Very disapointing!!,"I received my order of Grove Square hot cocoa mix today, and was very shocked to see that hydrogenated oil was one of the ingredients in the mix. I have avoided using any products that contains trans fats because of the negative effects on blood lipid levels. I would urge Amazon to require an itemized list of ingredients for all food items listed for sale. If the ingredients had been listed, those of us
???o o??ava?? c ?ono??ere?nsn? a aba?ouo?t t???????ala?tht? c??n n??vovoio?d d t ???ses??prp???ucu??????3434343232,2??????4Q4??VIV?,A,A3A?????????Z6Z??????nBn?,1,1,1????,1?????424??00??DaD?rkr?? ch cho??colcolal?tet??lol?ve??r -r ??beb??????????rir????????aia?nlnlyl? u ?????y y Ky ????????oror r cr co?????e be bub?ut ut? th t???ghg?t t I?'d'????y y ty th?isis ?on??e se ??????I ???ve?ve dve ???????hoc?olo??te? a???d id ????????????ingin???oso???ly ly g gogooood???eveviv???s.??? I' I?????????????????the???r chr c?????lat?e ????????anandand ?ha?????ve?n ???? on o???????si???e e t?heheye?y ay ??l l s???me??d pd ????tyt??wa??terte??. .???? I? c??n ???astas???wawatwatewat?? I? I d I dodonon'on?t ???ns?id??er ??it it r re r?????????hohoc??hocolahocol?ateate.e. ? I I ?wa?s ??leleaeaseasas?antantl??y sy ??urpur?pripr??ed??? tha that?????? t?????es es??uc??
who have concerns about our health can avoid these products." 3432,B005K4Q1VI,A33YCUFVPEZ6QV,BenB,1,2,5,1342742400,Dark chocolate lover - best I've tried,"I mainly use my Keurig for coffee but thought I'd try this one since I love dark chocolate and it was getting mostly good reviews. I've tried some other chocolate K-cups and had given up on them since they all seemed pretty watery. If I can taste water I don't consider it real hot chocolate. I was pleasantly surprised that this tastes much
b?ete???r r??hah????hehe e o ?ththeth????????????eded.d? ??I I m ???t t??dmd??t ??thethertherer??ara????ananyan?? I I?ha???????t trt t?rieri?ed,ed, , b ??t ???dod??n'tn't t rt ?????y ?fefeee??????????kik?ngn??????????ie??titifi??? s st???y ????it??) ) ??????wiwilill? b??e m???sosouo?rcr?????? ho h??????cocololalata????????non??????<b<brbr ????<br<b???>I>I ????????it????e de ?is??ppp?oioinintinte?d d t?????? h??w ???nyn?y iy ?ingin?re??diediene???s is ??????tat???s.s?. . ???atat at???rtr????of tof ??????????rieriesrie????e a? l????le?????ti??ll,ll?, I, I ??on????????????????????????e the t????mu??????????th????? I' I????sus???ivi?'lI'??ll cll ??????the? i??ngrng?red???ientien????be?l l hl ?herhe???foforor or???oso?e ?co??ce?rnr?ed? p ??us??? a f a ?fewfe?w iw ?????s fs ????? th the th?e ne nun????titioti?? i???fo:fo???<br <br / ?
better than the others I've tried. (I must admit there are many I haven't tried, but I don't really feel like making a big scientific study of it.) This will be my source of hot chocolate from now on.<br /><br />I was a little disappointed to see how many ingredients it contains. That sort of thing worries me a little. Still, I don't drink hot chocolate that much, so I think I'll survive. I'll copy the ingredient label here for those concerned plus a few items from the nutrition info:<br />
??????>C>?????iei???????frfroromom m???? 2 ?0.0. .??TrT?ana?????? 0 0g0??. S. SoS?????m 2m ??0m0mgm?g. g.?SuS???????g.?????/>???? /?>I>??GRGRER?DID???????susug??ar,ar, ??lulucu???? s sy s??upu???ololil???, , c, ???coaco????ro??esesses??d d???tht??al???alial??, ??ar???al?????ydy?ro?????ateat?????gegetge?aba???????? (m (mamayay ?co????????coc????t,t???oyoybybebeaean?, ?, su, sununfn????ere??, p????????/o/?? c ca c????a)a?), ), m ??odiodifi?ie???????, , m, ?malma??ododeod?xtx?????, s??altal?t, t,?????raralra????? a???tiftifi?????l fl ????or???? ce c?lll??lo?se? g ?um?, , s??odi?um? c ca cas ca?seise?inain?????????????chc??, l, ?acactc?tosto?????dipdi?otota????iumiu?????????ate???????ral????, ??on???????????????ri??es???, si, s??ici????didiodi???????????le?ci??thith??, , a, ?????iciciic?????ololool???. [. ??onontonta??ns?????k k?
<br />Calories 60, from fat 20. Trans Fat 0g. Sodium 200mg. Sugars 6g.<br /><br />INGREDIENTS: sugar, glucose syrup solids, cocoa (processed with alkali), partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (may contain coconut, soybean, sunflower, palm and/or canola), modified whey, maltodextrin, salt, natural and artificial flavors, cellulose gum, sodium caseinate, cornstarch, lactose, dipotassium phosphate, sucralose, mono- and diglycerides, silicon dioxide, soy lecithin, artificial color. [Contains milk a
?????oyoy.y????r r??????r /r />??I I?ala??ayaysys s??atatet? s?????? a??tit???ciciaial????lolororirin?g g ig ?? " """???????? ch chohoco???atateat??prpror?????s.s???<br<br <br? /> /???br br /???? I I I hI ???d hd ??? c???ocooc?olaolat?? e eve?ereryr??da?y y Iy ?I wI wow?ululdld d cd co?nsn?????????????iti??frf??????????? w wiwitithit??mom?????cocco?coacoa a???nd nd?fef?????ch??mimicicaic??s,s?????t st sisinsi???e Ie ?I eI ??joj?oy oy?tht?e ???nvnvevenve??en?ce??ofo???havha???ing ???????arlarlyl????????tlt?ly ly?????? my m??KeK?ururirigrig ?onon on?????????si????al ???imim,m?, I, I'I??l l j juj?st??kek??p p????oxo? o of o?f tf ?theth?ses????cuc????????hanha?nd.nd. . I I I??igighg?ly????????en?d ??????? t????tatasta?stest???it????n'n't't ???sysy ?fifinfindndind????gog??? h ho hotot ??????????.".????333??B0B?050??4Q4Q1Q1V1??????L6L??J3J???MYMYEYE5E???lil???beb????RaR????????1,1,2,?
nd soy.]<br /><br />(I always hate seeing artificial coloring in ""dark"" chocolate products.)<br /><br />If I had hot chocolate every day I would consider making it from scratch with more cocoa and fewer chemicals, but since I enjoy the convenience of having it nearly instantly from my Keurig on the occasional whim, I'll just keep a box of these K-cups on hand. I highly recommend it for the taste, it isn't easy finding good hot chocolate." 3433,B005K4Q1VI,A13L66J35SMYE5,Elizabeth Ramsoram,1,2,
?????303??464?64064???NoN?t t g ????????? d ?oeoeses ?non?????sts??????e ?coc??coaco??iti??is? v ???????aka???no no?mam?tttteterter r? wh whah?at at???p p s sis?zeze ?yoy?? u ??e.e.I.? i is i??jujus??t nt ?????googoodod.od?3?434?????????????,A,AUA???????????????? t to t?rrr??z z " ????at"at"""""""??,1,,1?2,2???13?252565?353????,"????t bt ?adad,d, d, b bub?t ????ot got go??d d e eie???er????WhWhe???????t ???????????? f ??llll l?????????. I. ???ou???t t at ?a ba ???chc????? di d?fff????ntnt ??????????ckc??s as ????twt?o o b????es es? of of f tf ???? gr g?ov????ququau?????ot???????????m m a a ???it it o?? a? h?????ococooc??????, , p ????iai?llllylly ??ece???????I cI ???'t'?t ht ???? c?afa????nen????andan?d pd ???ti???lyly ??ec???sese se??????????s bs ba?ck? w?ono?ndend??????????orioriei??es oes ?????aya?ini??? in?????he she ???w w?????
1,1330646400,Not good,This does not taste like cocoa it is very weak no matter what cup size you use.I is just not good. 3434,B005K4Q1VI,AUAT8KNYH4RAM,"T. torrez ""Kat""",1,2,1,1325635200,"Not bad, but not good either","When I got my Keurig I fell in love. I bought a bunch of different sample packs and two boxes of the grove square hot cocoa. I'm a bit of a hot cocoa nut, partially because I can't have caffeine, and partially because it brings back wonderful memories of playing in the snow and t
??? f ?????f f w ?????????????tet?rwr?warwa?????? r ???llllyly y??ana?te???toto o l ????e te ththih??????????coacoa.a??I ?????d ?????????????ava?oro?????ltltit?plp?e ???mem????in??did?fff????nt??????s. s.??? tr tririeried? t????????th?e ?di??ffeff???nt???up??sis???es,es?, a, ?????????iningingsgs,?????. . T. ?heherherere're?s ???sts?t tt ???is is??trtratran??e ??asa??e ???o to ?????ththath????oeo?????t st si????????? on on t?? the the?????ueu??. I?'m'????? s??re? w??????????, ?bub?t ??t ????s as a a f????t t rt ?rinring???of of? so s?ur???milmilkl??????????llylly y ly ?in???ersers,s, ?an????I hI ?havha???????ou??d ????????ng ng tng ??thatthat ?t tat t????? th????as?????wa??????m ??oioin?ing ing????????? my m?y sy ???????boboxox x??????frf?rie???????he he? do d?oesoe??n'tn't n't s?eee?? t????????e ???. ?????aua??hthte??? an a
he fun of warming up afterwards. I really wanted to love this hot cocoa. I tried all three flavors multiple times, in different ways. I tried them on the different cup sizes, adding things, etc. There's just this strange taste to them that doesn't sit well on the tongue. I'm not sure what it is, but it has a faint ring of sour milk. It really lingers, and I haven't found anything that takes the taste away. I'm going to give my second box to a friend, she doesn't seem to notice it. My daughter an
dd d h ??sbsbab??????tht? s ?????iti??tat?sts?????????, , s?o o?it??s s??otot ot????t t mt ?e.e. . I ???lslsos??totooooko???t ?to??? f ???????'s 's?????? a an a?nd nd??ava??????ed? t???m m i??????eeee e de ?ifi??ere???t ??????g g m mamaca??ini??s,s??JUJUSU?T T t??o mo ???e ????e ??in?????????????????to bto ??????cac??ed?. ?????I gI ?ueu????mymy y????geg??tit????isi???to ???????????orore? y ?ou?????????????e mue m?ltl??plplele e be ????????343434??,B,??050???Q1Q1V1??,A,??????K4AK4?BZB??????lwl?aya????hohopoppppip??g,g?1,1???,1,,1?????424?565???,B???d Td TaT?astas???"I"I ???ded?ereereded ed ted thed thi?s ???odo?ucuctct t bt ???cauca?use???????go?od??pr???e e d??al??????mazmazoz?? s?hi????ed ?ac?????iningingling?y,y?, a, aba??solsolul?????? no no ?pr??blble??????? H. ?owo??veverver,r?, t, th???e tae t????e oe of??? thi this????rodro?????
d husband both said it tasted weird, so it's not just me. I also took it to a friend's house and have tried them in three different Keurig machines, JUST to make sure mine didn't need to be descaled. So I guess my suggestion is to try it before you go for the multiple boxes." 3435,B005K4Q1VI,A3LBPK4ABZSNB,Always Shopping,1,2,1,1324425600,Bad Taste,"I ordered this product because of a good price deal. Amazon shipped accordingly, absolutely no problems there. However, the taste of this product w
??? h hohororrr??ndn????? ????tatasastastetede??????f f??omo?eoe??e e????ouougou?????ememimici?????ini?? a a??upu????? t?ololdld d md me?? to to to b ??????t.t?. . ????ere?????????wiw????gog? b ba b?ckc?? to to ?????ingin???wi?ssss ?MiM?ss? i??n an a a c?anan n an ann and??juj??t t ut ???????????????g g tg tot?o go ?????meme ?HoH??????terte???????peperpe??? and an?d m???????ttt?terter ter????astiast????""????6,6???050????1V1?I,I,A,???J7J??6X6XRX???????J.J??????????,1??,13,1??414??646????WoW???t t Ht ?HotHot t ct ch???ololaol???????r!r???ThT?????????to to?? be be? wi witi?ho?utu?t at ??do?ubu????theth???????? ta?st?ininging ???Hot Hot C ChCho??colco?????????! ! T ??e ??ese??????y ty ?to ???escescrc??????? the the t?? tast tas???ofo??"""?"Th"Thihishi????????? i????reare?allallyall????????????? f frfre?e e ie ??ststast??t ??hothot t ct cht c???ol?????. S. Sw?is???s Mis Mis??????
as horrendous. It tasted as if someone through chemicals in a cup and told me to brew it. I personally will go back to buying Swiss Miss in a can and just using the Keurig to give me Hot Water, cheaper and much better tasting." 3436,B005K4Q1VI,A3FJ7K6XRP3MPM,J. Voss,1,2,1,1324166400,Worst Hot chocolate ever!,"This has to be without a doubt the WORST tasting Hot Chocolate ever! The best way to describe the taste of ""This Stuff"" is really cheap suger free instant hot chocolate. Swiss Miss inst
???? i ?????????ttt?????????ososts???esesss???AfA???r ???lyly ?????psp???hrhrerewe? t ??????????????e ??ara??agagege ??he??? i?????????s ?an?and and???ancan?????????sus?????ibibe?? an a????avavev?e fe ?oro?r tr ?thith?????SLSLOLOPO?""?!"!??????,B,??????????,A,????J6J????????????lilis????H.H?,1,????3,3,1??2222622???202??,I,ItIt't's'??ded?cecencent??..????hih?is ??is ??kak?ay ay c???coacoa.a?????? n ?otot ?rereare??????verve??????otothoth,h? a an?d ?itit'???? l ?????? w???terterytery.y. ?. I . I?hah????highi??? ho hopo???????????ovove?????k k c????ololal?????hotho?t ct ?cocco???????nd nd???e ??revreviv??????er??e ge goe g?oodoo?. . I. I . I w. I ??????????????the the??????I bI ??ugu???, ?bub???wi????trtry????ot???er er? br b?an??????t ?tit???.".?????8,8??????4Q4Q14Q1V?????TIT????O1O??JWJ????ysy?fufunu?????alal al??
ant is way better and cost less. After only 3 cups threw the rest in the garbage where it belongs and canceled my subscribe and save for this ""SLOP""!" 3437,B005K4Q1VI,A1Y5J68F22DRUR,Allison H.,1,2,3,1322611200,It's decent...,"This is okay cocoa. It's not really very smooth, and it's a little watery. I had high hopes, as I love dark chocolate hot cocoa, and the reviews were good. I will finish the box I bought, but will try another brand next time." 3438,B005K4Q1VI,A1TIHREO1GJW5,dysfuncional ve
??????,1,???,3,?,1,13,1???747??202000???????ngn??????????juj?sts? g ??????????kek???????andand d?waw????ooookokik?ingin?????????rer???t ct ?hohoco??lalat???????????ililll? l?ooookoo???ng/ng/t/?thith??????faf?iri???at at?beb????????????????????ng?????????g a?????3343??9,9,B,???5K5?????I,I?A8A8K8??HZH????RNR?????ses??vava3a?3,13,?????,1?,131,13191????404????rereare??????????????er er??? a??ded?????oc?olo?latla?te te f fl f?lavlavovororior??ing,ing,I,I I?????n'n???aca?tut??????trt?rieried????rinrinkrin??????????e je jujusju?? a as a????t ???ocoocoaoco?a ba bub?ut ut????????th????peppe?pe??mim??t ?flf?????or ior ??????reatrea???????cr???????foforfo?r tr th????an???ououtoutttte?te Mte ??????an ???fff??e.e?????m m???de????g ?????????bo????????hishis ??dd?????justjus???????????t at amt a?ouounou?t ?ofof of????????latelat?e te ?
teran,1,2,3,1321747200,nothing special,just got a new keurig and was looking for a great chocklate drink/still looking/this is fair at best/watery and nothing to brag about 3439,B005K4Q1VI,A8KGHZMPMRNMY,Userva3,1,2,4,1319846400,Great as a creamer or added chocolate flavoring,I haven't actually tried drinking these just as hot cocoa but I know the peppermint flavor is great as a creamer for the Van Houtte Mexican coffee...I'm ordering another box as this adds just the right amount of chocolate to
???y y?????????????n n?trt?yiy?ngn?? to t? f fif??d d??? co cof?fefeefee e???ava??r r???????oeo?? t th tha th???bub???sos???arar ?adaddddid????tht????????????????ee? h hahasha?s ws ?????d ???ut ut b??ttt??????? I ??usu???????ha?vev?????ozoz z??t ??a ta ????e se ?so so? I I?rur?n ?4 ??oz oz t th?rorou??????s hs ?????ho?co???tete te???d d td ??the the??????r 1r ????? c??????? I??dididdid d td trd t?ry ry a????heherher ?brb?anand?? of o? k ??upup p? ho h??? co?cocoaco???????t ??asasnsn'n???t ast as ????d ?as?? th???s bs br?anand????444?0,0,B,???5K5??Q1Q???,A,???C0C?RPR??1T1?GYGY7Y???. . K. ???chchuch??,0,0,?????131?34234292???20200?????he he?"""??epeplplil?????or"or???? of of o????????.".",",","W,"?e ??hav????????????t bt ?eve???????e coe coo????????isis is?? thi??????????the cthe ?????estest t tt th??ing??? to to? th???????????tictic c?????eplep?????torto???"","", ,
my coffee. Been trying to find a coffee flavor that does that but so far adding these to the coffee has worked out better :-) I usually have 14 oz at a time so I run 4 oz through as hot chocolate and the other 10 as coffee. I did try another brand of kcup hot cocoa and it wasn't as good as this brand. 3440,B005K4Q1VI,A24C0RPF1TGY7,L. Ketchum,0,1,5,1342915200,"The ""Replicator"" of our time.","We have a new hot beverage cooker. This thing is the closest thing to the futuristic ""replicators"",
mmam??e e??non???????StStat?????????????????d d??ereririei?es es o ofof f?????ouo????fff?????????r /r />/???r ?????e le lol???????r hr ????beb???eraer?geg???????? a an a???hahavave???ddd?dedded ???????er??ene???unu??????????r or ??? h ho h?mem??en?vi??ono?memenme??.<????/>?<b?????????ve ????d ??????????vi??e ???d d vd ?ar????s ?coc?offof????????????pop???s os ???????he he l ??????????????, ,??utu???hi?s ??itit it t ?topto?????ata???xpxpep?erier??ncn???????r />??<br??/>?????pe?cic??lll?y y l li l???e te ?theth??HoH????ho??colco?????????TeTea???ev???erageragegesge??apa????t ft frt f???????he hhe huh???re??? o??f cf ???ffeff?ee ee? op o?tit?ionio???<b<br<br ????br????DoD????ns??de??r br ???ini?? o?nen?e o??????irir ??dev?ici?????ndnd ?ala??????mpm?lel???he?he she ?????????????????or??s os ofs o???
made know via Star Trek movies and series of various efforts.<br /><br />We love our hot beverage brewer and have added a higher-end unit to our own home environment.<br /><br />We've used such a device and various coffee and tea pods over the last few years, but this kit tops that experience.<br /><br />I especially like the Hot-Chocolate and Tea beverages apart from the hundreds of coffee options.<br /><br />Do consider buying one of their devices and also sample the so very many flavors of co
ffff??eses,s?????????d d??tht?ere??hohot???eve?er?aga?es? a???aca??hedhed ??o o???????????????tatta?????""?343?414??B0B?050??4Q4??VIV???1I1?838???????????GrGreregre???????????22228288880800?????lilici??iouio???"I"I'I??????erer er????rdrd d od ?f f???isi?????andan??bub?? t???y y???ereer????ryr?y cy ????p p h??rere re???????zoz?????nd nd?I I??????????mem?elyel??sus???rir??ede?????????gog?odo?????he Dhe ???? C ???????ateat??HoH?ot ot Cot ????????? ?????oluol????ely ely w??rtr????ry??inging,g, g,????s ????llllyl??quq??tete te??oo???."."?34344?2,2?,B0,B???????1VI1V??A1?XUX?????4I4IFI?XYX??,B????????,0,,0??,3,???????565??????t'??s Os ?k.k. ?BeB?????I HI ???????unu???SoS??FaF???????? i??s ts ththeth???besbe?st st??HotHot ??CocCo????? h?av?e e fe ?ou??nd nd snd ?? f ?ar?ar, ar,??UTU? I???????I I cI ??an an??inindin???ete??
ffees, teas and other hot beverages attached to the brewing station." 3441,B005K4Q1VI,A1I83GB8DSDCK4,Greg,0,1,5,1332288000,Delicious,"I'd never heard of this brand but they were very cheap here on Amazon and I was extremely surprised at how good the Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa is. Absolutely worth trying, it's really quite good." 3442,B005K4Q1VI,A1XUSUK54IFXYL,B. Webb,0,1,3,1331856000,It's Ok. Best I Have Found So Far,"This is the best Hot Cocoa I have found so far, BUT I hope I can find better. I
?????non????eae??????coc???tet??y.y??WiW??h h??t ??????????it it??weweewe????? bu b?t ??????e e??????, ,?I I??ouo???????? it i?t at ??aiainin ????? c?ana???t ft fif????beb?ettet?ter?.".?????3,3?B0B???????VIV?????0O0OQOQ4Q4W4??C4C4545E5??,A,Am,A??????????momomo?,0,0,0???5,5???31313133?767606?00,00,G,????at at???ot ot C ??hocho????????hih?? i??s rs ?????????rea?t ?Ho??????ocoocol????????????ici?e e ie ???ri?????tot???. U. ????allally?????finfindn?d td th?at??hohotho?????hocohoc??olatolatete te??-c-?upupsp????re ???????r ?waw?????????????????is ????e. e. I I ??waswa?s is ??pr?esesss???????he he??ar????cho????at???????eaealea???y yy yuyumu????? I I w I wi I wili????e ?or???erierin?g g? mo m???e.e.??4444444??,B0,B?005005K5K45K?4Q14Q?1VI1V?????????CECE9E??????K.K??MaM?fff?????,1?????13313????60060??0,?"W"?????ohoh ???????????ak?e e se ??
t's not real chocolately. Wish it were a bit sweeter but on the whole, I would buy it again if I can't find better." 3443,B005K4Q1VI,A2E0OQ4WMC45ER,Amberley's mom,0,1,5,1331337600,Great Hot Chocolate,This is really great Hot chocolate. The price is right too. Usually I find that hot chocolate k-cups are weak or watery but not this one. I was impressed. The dark chocolate is really yummy! I will be ordering more. 3444,B005K4Q1VI,A1J2YIPCE9PHCQ,K. Maffei,0,1,3,1330560000,"Why, oh why, add fake sug
aara??","???????nan????y,y, , b beb??or???I I p ??rcr????ede??????????hrhror??ghg??????????????wsw? o ???????????cucupu???????isi????ere? t??hathat t???eye????d ??omo??e ae ar?tit???cic???????????er?? to to ????m m a??onongn???iti????????????'m'???hohoco?kek?? t th?atat at t? the???????ded??crc?ipi??tioti????????t ?mamakake???????clc???r.r??? I ???nsn?idi?????thath?at ??mpmpoporortortat???t it ini?foforfo?mamatma?tio????brb???><>????????de?ci??dedde?d td tod to o go ???ve ve t? the??m am ?????y, y, a an anynywywaw????co?????derderiderin??????????????er?s s t?ho??????t itt i???waswas s hs ?harhardr???? t???????I ???al???e ????t t m?ananyan?y py prp????ctctsts s d?????is?is ris ??cec??tlt??, ??????????usu??al???????all all s?ho??? o?f ???di?ngng ng? th???????tyt?y ay ????????te??<b???/>?????/>/>S/>SaSad?ly?? t??
ar?","Fortunately, before I purchased I read through enough reviews of these k-cups to discover that they add some artificial sweetener to them along with sugar. I'm shocked that the item descriptions don't make this clear. I consider that important information!<br /><br />I decided to give them a try, anyway, considering some reviewers thought it was hard to tell. I realize that many products do this recently, but they usually fall short of hiding that nasty aftertaste.<br /><br />Sadly, thi
s???nen????ese???ooo?? ?ItIt't??s cs ?loloso?e ???????? a ??momos?t t?ene????? a a?????- - b- ????????????lll?????isi?stast?????e,e, , e???ece?iai??????f f y yoy?u u???on'on????on?sus???e me ?ucu????????????al al???eee?tet???r.r?? ( ?I I????w w s??gagarar-r??rer???gug?um,um?, a, ??? t ???t'?t's t's??????r r m me??????r /r />/?????r />r />I>It???? a ????me???totooto???beb????se?? th t??? ch??cocolco??ateat??????or??????????. ?InI?n fn ??????I ?rar????d td ?theth?esees?e ae ??? s si s?mpm??ly ly?????us??e me mye m???onon on? to t???ra?te??????he she ?swesweeeeteete????????????toto to d dr d??????????????d ???waw??s rs ?reare???y y jy jajaza?zez??????outout t tt ?thethe the?????me??????pup??ci?non?? be b?????? I I f I ????????? a??????th??the sthe ?????en?????.b.bubutbu????w ????????t bt ??? bu buyu???g g? an a????. (. ?SiS??????tete:te? m???
s one does too. It's close - I can almost enjoy a cup - but it's still unmistakable, especially if you don't consume much artificial sweetener. (I chew sugar-free gum, and that's it for me.)<br /><br />It's a shame, too, because the chocolate flavor is nice. In fact, I rated these a 3 simply because my son tolerates the sweetener enough to drink them. And I was really jazzed about the caramel cappuccino before I found out about the sweetener...but now I won't be buying any. (Side note: many
? c ?apa?pup??????????iei?????? co c??plp?aia??????hahatat t t??eyey'y'r're??ininsin????????fff??????thath???????e e??iki????as? s st????ono? c????pucpu?cciccin??o -o - - t?????wow??ldl?????fif????wiw????meme,e, ,? if i?? it i?t wt ????n'n't'????? t??e e ae ??titifi?ficfici?ala????weewe???????????h h t th???e ?e gae g???ststa????????ppppupp????no?s s ds ????'t 't????e.e.).)<)<b<??r /r ?><>????r />r /????th??ey ey b be?gig?????????ferfer r ar ?? li l??ine ????????t tt ????ar?ti????????? swe sw???????????????? i it it, it?????t ut ?nt?ili?????n ?I'?m m?????in??????y ????? G ??rovro??????ararear??prp???????????????????K4K4Q4????,A,A1A1Y1????MXM???717????chchrch??????????,1,1,1??5,15,??????525?20020??"G"GrGroGrovo?????quaqu??? h ho hoto???ococo??a ca ?upu??, ???arkar?, ?sis??????seserse??ve ve cve ???????e ?usu????????eueuru
cappuccino reviewers complained that they're instant coffees that taste like gas station cappuccino - that would be fine with me, if it weren't for the artificial sweetener which those gas station cappuccinos don't have.)<br /><br />If they begin to offer a line without the artificial sweetener, I'd buy it, but until then I'm staying away from Grove Square products." 3445,B005K4Q1VI,A1Y20RMXCE71KJ,christinao,0,1,5,1329955200,"Grove square hot cocoa cups, Dark, single serve cup","We use our Keur
????evevev?ryry y???y.y. .? W ?hehene??a a?frfririeienenden? g ??????? a a a s ????lel??wew????ntnt t??????, ,?iti?????????beb?sts?????t ct ?hohocho???atatet?e ee eveveev? . ?I I??igighig???y ry ??cocomcommm?en????thith????itit it????a ????at?? in i??ththeth?????ninini??g tg tot???aka??e te ??????aca??e oe ????es?????.".??????,B,???5K5?4Q4Q1Q??I,I??????HGH????7V7?????am??????????????????1,11,131???00???00?,F,??????? ing ingrg????ienie?nt nt? is?????nsn???at?at (at ?? pa para??iaiala????????ogo??enaen?????oio?l l???"I"?I gI ???????heherhe?re re i??????rea?????????at tat ????????????ientien???secse??????on??th???????ge ge?????n'n??t mt ?menme??ioion???ha?t t tt ??the ???irsir???in?ingring??????ient ient i? is ??tratr?ns?? fa fatat ??pa?rt??ialiall??y hy ????rogro???at??d ?d oid o???. ?. H. ??d d Id ????owow,w?, I, ??wowouoululduld d nd ????????e pe pupuru?ch?asa?sedse??
ig every day. When a friend gave us a sample we went crazy, it is the best hot chocolate ever. I highly recommend this, it is a treat in the evening to take the place of dessert." 3446,B005K4Q1VI,A2K4QHGOVF7VZ0,Gameformulator,0,1,1,1329004800,First ingredient is trans fat ( partially hydrogenated oil ),"I guess there is a reason that the ingredient section on this page doesn't mention that the first ingredient is trans fat (partially hydrogenated oil). Had I know, I would not have purchased t
?hihisi??? C ?ono???memere????eeeede??toto o?vovototet??wiw?thth h????irir r???????rs rs a ana???????d ?????????????s ws ?he???e te ??e e me ????faf??tut?re????? u ????g g cg ???apa?? an and???nhn??????y y????????ene???s."s.?3?444??,B,????K4K?Q1Q1V1?I,I,A,?323??626?KMK???MJM??????. E. ?ggg????0,0?1,1???,13,1?32632646??9292020000,00?GrGrorovo?e ?SqS????e,e?????ses???????awawaw?? f ????? ar a?tit???ciciai?l l s ?wew?eetee?ne????????/>/??<br<b???>S>SoSomo????? t? the th??? ac act??ualua??y y cy ?chachanangan?ge ge? th the???????e oe ?of of h ????? c cecelell???????????<br ?????????????an ???ti?fificficiciacial?????etetn?ererer??4444844??,B0,B??5K????1VI1VI,I,AI,??3T3?UOUOZO?F1F???UTU?????????????rgrgig?,0,0,,0,1?,1,1,1,??????????0000,?"M"???mmmmm??plp?lasla????","?????ve ve b bebee?? e ?xcx????dld??y ty trt??????????ry ry??ypypep???f ??? cu cupu?????????????y ?
his. Consumers need to vote with their dollars and avoid buying items where the manufacturer is using cheap and unhealthy ingredients." 3447,B005K4Q1VI,A32O62KM9LMJ3I,M. Egger,0,1,1,1326499200,Grove Square,Please stay away from artificial sweetners.<br /><br />Some of them actually change the shape of human cells.<br /><br />this has an artificial sweetner 3448,B005K4Q1VI,A33TUOZF1D5UT3,PennyTheCorgi,0,1,1,1325894400,"Mmmmm,plastic","I've been excitedly trying every type of K cup I can get my h
a??dsd? o ?? s ????? I I I??????? K KeK??rir?? f foforor r c ????????s ??andan?, , u ?ntn?????????????????????ououn??ererer?d d?an???tht?hatha????trt??????hat??. . U ?ntntintilil il I? d ?isiscs?ovoveververeredre?d td th?is? o?????? I w I ???ldl?????ve ve t th?ouougou?????t pt ????????difdiffffif????t t tt tot??ru??in in h ???? ch c??cocolco?ata????????????eoe?????????ror?oveov?e Se ??????????tataia?inlin?? d??d d ad ???ooo????obob.b. ?NoNotot ot oot ?onlon?ly ???as as t th the?? ho h????????colacol?ateat????teterte?y,y, ???????? ha h???????rrr?ribri?le???plapl????? a?????tatastast?????????????!"!????494?,B,??050??????I,I,A,??P1P?????JYJ????2,2,N,NiNikikkkkik????1,1,1?,1,13,1??585????0000,00,T,??astasteast???????di??t,t,",?????ded??eded ed????is is sis ??pecpe??fi???lll??????c tc ?theth?y y sy ????????ar?????oc?olo?latlatete"te????o ???????ho??iningin???forfo??a a ra
ands on since I got my Keurig for christmas and, until now, have not encountered any that I truly hate. Until I discovered this one. I would have though it pretty difficult to ruin hot chocolate but the people at Grove Square certainly did a good job. Not only was the hot chocolate watery, but it had a horrible plastic aftertaste also. Yuck!" 3449,B005K4Q1VI,A1P1BJMLJYJCR2,Nikki,0,1,1,1325894400,Taste like diet,"I ordered this specifically b/c they said ""dark chocolate"" so i was hoping for a r
iicichc????ocococ?lal??e e?????oror.r. . T ThTheheye??tat??tete te?vevere??y wy ?????y,y??eveve?n n u ?sis??? t???????ese???ama????? o ?? w ?watwa??r r??n ?ththehe ??eue?ririgi???????nun??riritritit????l l f?acactc??shs???? th?????t t ot ???y ??asas as 6 ??grg????? of o?f sf ?????r -r ???he?????theth?e ne noe n????al al s ??or??e be ?ou??htht ?pop??ded???hahasha?s 2s 222????ramra??. ?? d ?idi????t lt ???e ??he??????at aat ?allal?????f yf yoyou?'r're? g??iningin????or or????ete??in????????sugsu??r,r?????y ???ighig?? b ???????????????505?,B,??0505K5?4Q4Q1Q1V1VIV?,A,??CAC?ZVZ??TJT????SBS??????lul?eee?????????1,1?2,2?????727???00?,N,??t ?GoG??d,d??I ??reareada?????l tl ??the the??revre???wsw???? e?ve??ry ry? ho hot?????co?la???te kte ?-c-?????? t th?e ??????t ??ndn??dedecdecicid?????????ry ?th?thisthi????e ?e fie f??st????tst?s ns ??ot ??????. E. ?ve?????
ich chocolate flavor. They taste very watery, even using the lowest amount of water on the Keurig. The nutritional fact show that it only has 6 grams of sugar - where the normal store bought powder has 22 grams. I didn't like these at all. If you're going for something low sugar, they might be for you!" 3450,B005K4Q1VI,A3CAZVZTJ411SB,Twoblueeyesmn,0,1,2,1325721600,Not Good,"I read all the reviews on every hot chocolate k-cup on the market and decided to try this one first. Its not good. Even on
?tht?? s ???????t t??upu?????????????tat?st?es????????d d?dod??? a ana??d td ????e ??s s?? d di d????ncnctc???"p"?lalasastas????????tasta?????? t??ininkink k? th?atat at???????n ?in?he?re?ntn?t pt ?????????it??? al a?ll ll?? the the ?????p ?hoh??t ct chc?????latla????. Y. ?ouo??jujusu?????an'an??t ft fif?? e ???ougou??h ch chchoch?cocolco??latelat?e i?n ???the the??up?? so s? t? tha?t ??it ???es?n'n?? t ta t???????te?reredre???dowdo???????????????o o so ??????wiw??? m ???????ho???t cht c?hochocohoc????e ???????????y.y.".????????000?5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q??I,I,A,AZAZEZ?0X0XCXC6C???VSV??????tepte???n,n?0,0,1,1,???,13,1??545464????00,00?,So,SoSo?o,o?????s hs hohot? c???hocohocolhoco????????okok ??utu???notno???????? a?s ??ic?h ?an???????????s s ts ??the ?cac?fefe ??esces?????????dud?????? W ??e t???????????????????e ????y ???ere??lelesle?s ?
the smallest cup setting it tastes watered down and there is a distinct ""plasticy"" taste. I think that this an inherent problem with all the k-cup hot chocolates. You just can't fit enough chocolate in the cup so that it doesn't taste watered down. I'm going to stick with making hot chocolate the old way." 3451,B005K4Q1VI,AZE0XC66FVSDE,Stephen,0,1,2,1325462400,SoSo,This hot chocolate is ok but not nearly as rich and smooth as the cafe escapes products. We tried it out because they were less e
???ene???vev? b ??t t?????????? a ??e e ae ????ononeone e we ??????beb?e ge go?ini?g g??aca?? t tot????he he c ?afafef??esescs?capcape?? b br b??ndn????????B0B???K4K????I,I?A3A?Q2Q?BKB??TMT??4A4??3,3,T,????GuGuyuy,y???1,1,3,????2525252052???00????...??bu??????s as ? f fufununnn?y ?????rtr????te,te?"J"??sts??????????????oror r????e fe ?????????????dad??????he?y y a?????????"",""????? t???y ?dod?o ho ??????????d ?af?afteaftererter????e.e?????????re????????????????inging ??theth?????gag?in????AlA???o -o ???? the the the p pap??kakaga?ining???ototeotes???????yoy?????eded ed t?o ?rur?? a? h ??????ateat?? c?ycyclc?e e (e (w(??th????t at a ????upu?????te?r ??akakik??ing ing ting ?the?m m?(I(?? as a?????? to to to c????????? the m the ????in?????ut)ut???334345??3,B3,???05K05???Q1VQ1VI??,A1,A???????5L5?6U6UVU??2,N2,NGNGeGer????ttt?te,?????????
xpensive but once they are al gone we'll be going back to the cafe escapes brand. 3452,B005K4Q1VI,A3Q2BKXTMV4AP3,TallGuy,0,1,3,1325203200,Ok...but has a funny aftertaste,"Just tried this for the first time today. They are ""ok"", but they do have an odd aftertaste. Not sure I'll be ordering these again. Also -- the packaging notes that you need to run a hot water cycle (without a k-cup) after making them (I assume to clean the machine out)." 3453,B005K4Q1VI,A1QSONZR5L6UV2,NGeromette,0,1,5,132
???121??????rer??????ici???g!g?,",????pap?re????o o o ??????????? p??ododuducu??s,s? G ????e e??quq????e oe ??????? ta t???y y p?????uctuc?ts ts??at at? a a r ??as????????pr???e.e?? T ????s hs hoh???cococo??a a?waw?as as?????? an a???ded?lilic???usu???3??????0000500?????VIV???1B1???CVC?????SHS??,","M,"??. A. ?ngngengelellel? " """"b"??_a_a_a????????????om"om????1,1,3,3,3,13,?1,11,?????????00,00,W00,W-W??????! !???T T?????H H???? C ?OSO?T!T??!!!!!??I I???DED??EDED D T? THE THE ????K K????? CO C??COACO? I ?N N? HO H??ESE?? IT I?T WT WO???????E RE ???L L????CO??ATA??Y Y??NDND ???T W???S NS NONO NO??BETBE?TETERTE????AN??????INGIN?? A A P ??UCU?H ?????????CHOCHOC????TE? A AN A???????ING??? IT IT?????? HOT HOT????ERER.ER. ????CTCTUT??ALLAL?????IN???????POPOUPO????ADA????? TO?? HO HOT HOT ??AT???R IR ??S LS ??????BEBET???? A AN????A WA ????E ?LO?
4512000,Great pricing!,"Compared to other k-cup products, Grove Square offers tasty products at a reasonable price. This hot cocoa was rich and delicious!" 3454,B005K4Q1VI,A1BZ2CV2CC2SH3,"M. Angell ""be_a_stayhome_mom""",1,3,1,1332201600,W-E-A-K! NOT WORTH THE COST!!!!,I ORDERED THE DARK HOT COCOA IN HOPES IT WOULD BE REAL CHOCOLATEY AND IT WAS NO BETTER THAN BUYING A POUCH OF HOT CHOCOLATE AND ADDING IT TO HOT WATER. I ACTUALLY THINK THE POUCH ADDED TO HOT WATER IS LOADS BETTER AND A WHOLE LOT
? C ??EAEAPA?ERE???????-E-?-R-??????????-A-A-A??????????????-D-???FOFORO????? P ?RIR?????????S S?? R ???P-OP-??F!F!!?343??5,5?????????????1Y1?HPH?9I9????D6D??C,C,M,??????rlr??n,n????????323?616?????00,00???coc?? w ?asa??'t'????d.d???? .P .????e e w wa was?????ri????,T,?heh?e Ce ???coacoa ??????????? b???????e ???????????? a ??d d? as a???oo?????as oas ?tht??r r h????chcho??????? m mim??ese??. . ?????s ??is?apappppop?????d d td ?thothouougu?? w wh w??n n?? w?????toto to a??lol?????????????d d sd ??w w??t ???or or l??essess s ts ???? w?????????????usust????r ?shs??ppppippin??. . ?I ???al?????ho???hth??I ???? g ge g?????????go???d dd ded?al?????????I w????????????? c?he???eded ?d thd t?? t ti t?ickickeketket.t??. I???jusjust????id?? th thr th??e ?e tie t????s as ?????ch? f fo f?or ?a ?
CHEAPER!!!! V-E-R-Y ...D-I-A-P-P-O-I-N-T-E-D! FOR THE PRICE...IT'S A RIP-OFF! 3455,B005K4Q1VI,A1YHP9ICXBD6GC,MissMarlin,1,3,2,1326153600,Cocoa wasn't bad. . .Price was horrible,The Cocoa wasn't too bad. The taste is ok and as good as other hot chocolate mixes. I was disappointed though when I went to a local store and saw it for less than what I paid just for shipping. I really thought I was getting a good deal until I went home and checked the ticket. I just paid three times as much for a b
ooxo???f f???t t????????tet??toto o?????ele??vev???? t?o ??y y???usu??? S ??????APA?PPPPOPP?INI??????:(:((????6,6,B,?000050??4Q4??VIVI,I??2B2?????W6W??P6P???,m,mam????w w???othot?iai??,0,0,0,2,????,13,1???828??808?00,00???? q ???li??y y ay at????l,l????s s????dud??t ?????????????an?d ?isi?s fs fufulullll l??f f af ??titifi??cicia??l il ???re?didieiene???????????O ????? P ??PP?ERE???????IS IS I?N N?????IS PIS ??????T ?????????e ?hohonho???st st?iti????????????n n? ta tas??te ?li?keke e re re??? c????a a???s es ?????r.r..?????????????1V?I,?A3A???32?????????7,M7,?? T??rmr?ma,ma??,6,6,6,16,?1,11,?32?34??525?20020????wiw??? I???ououlou?d'd??ve ve?knk??wnw?!,!,","I"I I cI ?????t bt ??lilieli?????I dI ?diddidnd?????heheche?k k o ou o???t tht t??? in i?ngrng?red?????s ???????hishis.his. . . I??????r ?wowou???????ve ve bve bob?????t it ????
ox of hot chocolate to be delivered to my house! SO DISAPPPOINTED!!:( 3456,B005K4Q1VI,A2BZN96W6QP6XH,mathew lothian,0,2,1,1323820800,not quality at all,this product taste stale and is full of artificial ingredients.<br />NO REAL PEPPERMINT IS IN THIS PRODUCT and to be honest it doesnt even taste like real cocoa is either. 3457,B005K4Q1VI,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,2,6,1,1323475200,I wish I would've known!,"I can't believe I didn't check out the ingredients for this. I never would have bought it if
?????ouo??d d???veve e k knk??wnw???heh?rere ?waw?? a arartrtit??ici??ala???????enenen?? i inin ?iti?? F ?iri???????? th t???ghgh,h, , I I I???t t tt ????????irdird ???te?????astastete te i?t t gt ?????s as anandn???tha??????? al a????????ror??????IfI??yoy?ou ou????'t't t ht ????? a a?prp??blb???????h h a? a c a ?hehemhemim???al al???st?e e oe ?r ?????er?nsn???????t h???altalthth th p pr p?rob???msms,s??yo???mam?? l ???e ? ot w?orortorth?th ith itit it t???usu?.".""?343??????0505K5K4K?????,A,???????0M0?????L,L,",??uiu??????????l "l """???????1,1????,1?323???616161??00,00??NoNotNot ???ortorthort???it,it, ?babadad ??conco?????",","",?FoFou??? m my my ??ididsd?s a?????????cu????ngng g?opo?????????odo????ndnd ?????iningin?g tg ???? i in i?tot??????up up?? to to?????????????ter ter???o.o???ThThe???????lalaia?inein?d ??hahatha?t lt ?????ofof ???the the????
I would have known there was artificial sweetener in it! First cup though, I got that weird after taste it gives and that was all she wrote. If you don't have a problem with a chemical taste or concerns about health problems, you may like it. Not worth it to us." 3458,B005K4Q1VI,A2UGWYQ0MVVDVL,"Builder Carl ""BC""",1,5,2,1323561600,"Not worth it, bad concept","Found my kids actually cutting open the pods and dumping them into a cup to add hot water too. They complained that lots of the good
????????tat??? i ini??ththeh? p popodo?????inindin? o ?f ?ded?fefeae???s ts th?????????e ??of of? th t?he he??????gig??g,g? s?o o?wew??swswiwiti????d d bd babac?? t??o po pap?ack??ts??????595?,B,??050?????VIVI,I,A,??BRBRIR??????Y7Y????????ala???monmon,n?3,3,3?,5,?,1,?323242????00?0,0????????????otot t C ???oaoa,a?GRGREREAEATA?????? C Ch Choh?ocooc???ateate!e???? f ??r r???e ???st? K???p p h ho?????oc??????e Ie ?????e e fe fof????????????a a????tlt?le le????k ???????f f af ???????f f a???????s ????.......?.. ..?gog???????dedefdefif??????y ?????????der????aia?in!in???ha?????fo????the???up???r Fr ????????PPP???G!G?????0,0,B0,???05K05??Q1?VI???CRCR6R??????N4N?7X7??CBCB1B12????3,3????,13,1??????20?0,??????h,h?????y why whoholhole???famfami?ly?? lo l?ve?s s ts ths thihisis is??ror?oduoducuctct,t???oftof????titimi??es es w????????
stuff stays in the pod. Kind of defeats the purpose of the packaging, so we switched back to packets." 3459,B005K4Q1VI,AUBRIJEO0DY7F,monicalemon,3,3,5,1324512000,Wonderful Hot Cocoa,GREAT! Hot Chocolate! By far the best Kcup hot chocolate I have found. I use a little milk or half and half and it's so..... good. I definitely will order again! Thanks for the super FAST SHIPPING! 3460,B005K4Q1VI,ACR6QJNQON47X,CB123,3,3,5,1324339200,Delish,"My whole family loves this product, often times we strugg
?lele e?tot? f ?ini?? s ???eteththihiningin?????e e te ?thith?s s???????e ??????lll??ha?vev?e (e ?so?me? m ???beb?rsr?s os ?f f? my m?? fa f?????????????ve????nun?t ??allal?lerle????s)s????ThThi?s ????duducu?t ?????????rereeree e ae ??????leale????? st s???es? w?ha?t ??????ing?re??ieienie?????arear???????1,1???????Q1Q1V1???????6V6?????KTKTJT?T,T,D,D.D. . J. ?????3,3?,3,,3?4,4,1,131323????32?0000,00,V,???y ?acaccccec????????? C ?????oto????ocococ??????"U"UnU?li???? so s???e oe ?othotheher??? t? thi th??is iis ?is is ais ac????all??y Iy ?N N? a a?? C??? a an a?nd nd?????juj?sts?t a??n on ovo?ver??????d ??ver????n n o??f Sf SwSwiw???s Ms ??iss?????hihilhilele ??????lalavla?????is ?????sus?????pr?????m m l li likikeik?e ae a e a G ?ododiod??a a o or?? Gh G??????helhe??????t ??s ?????er??th?anan an???uru????ver??geg?????stast?????mixmix x a? and an???????bebetbettbette??r tr th
le to find something like this that we can all have (some members of my family have severe nut allergies). This product is nut free and clearly states what the ingredients are." 3461,B005K4Q1VI,A3J56VQ11MKTJT,D. Janz,3,3,4,1323043200,Very acceptable K Cup Hot Chocolate,"Unlike some others, this is actually IN a K Cup and not just an overpriced version of Swiss Miss. While the flavor is not super premium like a Godiva or Ghiradhelli, it is better than your average instant mix and much better th
?????heh?????ere??weweaeakak k?K K??????er?sis?ono?? I I'I??ve ve????. .? T ThThe???ucu?rarala?oso??e de ?oeo????????itit t??an an?????erter???te???hahathat ??????dsd?s ms ?e ?ofof f?????swswe?????????? a a a?coc??me????al?? ca c??e e me mimixmi???bub????it it i isi???t ??npn???easea??antan?.<.??r ????????????????????re?w w t? thi th?is is? on o???????mam?allal??????etettet?iningin???4o4??) )? an a??? th???n an ??? m ?milmilkl?????fif?????? the the? cu cupup up a?????ararmr????t it int in ?n thn the???micmicr?owowa???, ??I tI ?????????hat hat g ?????s as ????????r tr ??st?????TheTh???????rm????t it ist i?s ms mys my y????ororiritri?te,te??????ow?????y ?th????ararkar???andan?d td ????n tn thn then th???ligli?hth?t ct ??oco?colco???te.te?????????areare ??all? v ve ver?y ??oooodo?d. d.? M ?????lyl????ishis?? is is ?th??? I??????????y ?y thy t???pe??ppepp??????t ot ??????s os ows o??????
an the other weak K Cup versions I've had. The sucralose does give it an aftertaste that reminds me of the sweetness of a commercial cake mix, but it isn't unpleasant.<br /><br />I like to brew this on the smallest setting (4oz) and then add milk to fill the cup and warm it in the microwave, I think that gives a richer taste. The peppermint is my favorite, followed by the dark and then the light chocolate. They are all very good. My only wish is that I could buy the peppermint on its own and
n??? i ?? a a a c ??????pap??? o ???????343464???????????????K8K?XIXIWI?E6E?OCO?????DrD??gog??_L_LaL??y,y?????4,4,1,?323?????00?0,0???ete?tyty y???odo???ThT??sese e a??re re???? o??nlynl??kik?indin?? of of f? co c????a ka k-k-c-???????hah????trt?ieieded,? a as a?s Is ?I hI ?havha?? a a a?faf?iri??ly ly??????ac???inein??????ononlon?????mpm?lal???t ???s ts ??ata?t i???????s ?liliki??e te the the?he the ???????f ??hohococooc?lalatlate?????th?e ??ili??k ck ch????lalat??????sis?on?? ne n?ed??????iti????????boobo????. H. ?owowew??????? u ?????lyly ???d ??no?th?????eaeas???on???????gug????r cr ??co?? m?????ndn??th???????te ??is is?????????TheTh?e pe ?????rmr???????d d dd ????k c?hohocho?colco?lat????k-ck-????????????????us????efe??????elyel???????? a ??ho?t ??or????hishis s gs grg??reatreat ??????!"!????636?3,B3,???05K05
not in a combo pack only." 3462,B005K4Q1VI,AK8XIWE6OCE3O,Dragon_Lady,3,3,4,1322352000,Pretty good,"These are the only kind of cocoa k-cups I have tried, as I have a fairly new machine. My only complaint is that it seems like the taste of chocolate in the milk chocolate version needs a bit of a boost. However, I usually add another teaspoon of regular cocoa mix and the taste is great. The peppermint and dark chocolate k-cups are delicious. Definitely worth a shot for this great price!" 3463,B005K
???1V1????RAR????????????????MeM??3,3????,1,???959585??202?0,0?GoGoooodo? S ?tut??f,f,","W"WhW??lele e?fafama?ili???lil?kekede??alalll????????flflal?vovoro??. .? W ?e'e??????????mem???f f t th t?e e oe ote oththeth?r r b ??ana?????of of???t t???hocho???atatetese?s as ????th??y ?wew??e ???????lsl??? bu b???????????ldl?n'n???geg????ysysesele??f tf tot???ayay ???????????????? ho h?t ????hochocohoc??????? T ??????????e we ?asa??ririgri?????n n t? the thesesees?e f???or sor susurure????t ?I I w wa??s ss ???ptp?ic?alal al???te???rereare?adiadiningng g?re??iei?wsws ??on on???? c???fef?eesee??mamad???byb???????br??and????BuB?ut ut?iti????jujusju??????t ct cht c?hochoco?la?te? s so?so Iso I I fI fif??urureur??? wh w??t t tt ??the the h he h???. ?????? th thr thre?e ?????aca?????lyly ly???????????????latylat???on ?????bib?????????zez??se????? ????oneon????ly,ly????th??
4Q1VI,ARAKTT5M3DDYA,JustMe,3,3,5,1319587200,Good Stuff,"Whole family liked all three flavors. We've had some of the other brands of hot chocolates and they were good also but just couldn't get myself to pay that much for hot chocolate. The price was right on these for sure but I was skeptical after reading reviews on the coffees made by this brand. But it's just hot chocolate so I figured what the heck. All three are actually plenty chocolaty on the biggest size serving. Honestly, I thin
????heh?y'y'r'?? a a a???ttttlt????itit it??ete?ttett?????ana??? the the e oe ???er???rar??dsds s???????ha?d.d???343?646?,B,????K4K??1V1VIVI,I??232??R5R?545??2Q2?????JaJama????C.C??BoB?lal?andand,and???6,6,5????32032??????????????????r,r????t t????????? l li l??e ?????t ???isi??ses???ctctit?onon ???? th the?????iciceic?????? thr thre??e de ?ififfffef????t t ht ?hotho??coc???a ?ch???ol???? ?fafavavo?????e ie ?is ???????nt? c???co?la?tete te??oror or??????ot ot????? t?????s ?lilikli?? m mi minintin?t c????ololaolatola?te ?bubut?? it i?t h??? t?????????????a a ha ?hot? m? min mi???????????????ThThehe he????????????olat?e ??????????k chk c?hoc?????e e a?rere re e ???alallally????av??orfor??l l a?????ll????TheThe ??ri?????? thro throuougou?????mazma?on????s vs ??????rea?????ablab?????46??5,B5,B0?0505K05K4??Q1VQ1VI????5M5MXM?I2I???
k they're a little bit better than the other brands we've had." 3464,B005K4Q1VI,A232R554J2QZR1,James C. Boland,5,6,5,1320278400,nice flavor,What I really like about this selection is the choice of three different hot cocoa chocolates. My favorite is the mint chocolate for it not only tastes like mint chocolate but it has the aroma of a hot mint chocolate. The milk chocolate and dark chocolate are equally flavorful as well. The price through Amazon is very reasonable. 3465,B005K4Q1VI,A35MXI2944
???EWEW,W???????????onon,n??????,1,??282??72728????WoWon?????ulu???"V"?????gog?odo???oto???ho????????. . N ?icicece e??icichich h????vov???????e ue ??????heh?????lll??sts?t st ???tit?ngng g??????????ur???????? m ??de? s sus???e te ?o o? sh shahaka???iti?t tt ????akakeake ??urureure ure????????de?? w ????lol?oosoo???????he????cuc?????he?he Khe ????? w??????mpm?????lyl?y ey ?mpmptmp?y ??????r br brb????????. Th. The??re re i is i???sucsu??alaloal???????it??, b, ????????ululduld ??ot??de???ctc?t tt tht thehe he ahe ????tertter?as?te? o??????????? p ?????y y sy ???sis????e e te toe to ?th?????ftfteft?erter??st??????????????y ty ?thithisis s ps pr????ct?? ag a??????br??????r r /r ?/>H/>?HerHe?re re are ???????????on ???????x:x?<b?????><b><?br br /br ?????aloraloririeries?????, F, FaFat?at (at ???atuat??at??ed)ed?2g2????od??umu?m 2m 222??????????
00EW,A. Henderson,2,2,5,1328572800,Wonderful!,"Very good hot chocolate. Nice rich flavor. We used the smallest setting on our Keurig, and made sure to shake it to make sure the powder was loose in the K-cup. The K-cup was completely empty after brewing. There is sucralose in it, but I could not detect the aftertaste of it. I'm pretty sensitive to that aftertaste. I will buy this product again.<br /><br />Here are facts on the box:<br /><br />Calories 60, Fat (Saturated)2g, Sodium 220mg, Carbs
????, ,??ibi???????????, S, ???ararsr???????roroto??ini???g g??ifi??itit't???non????isists?????t t i??s 0s 0)0?<b<brb??/>/?<b???????e e i?ngngrg?????ntntst?s ls ????????r tr ????????<b?????SuSugSu?gargar,r???????????yry??? S SoS???????oco?coaco??????????sedsed ???ithit? A AlA??ala??? P?arartartitiaial?lyl??HyH?????en?ata?????ege??????????? (???y y cy co???aia?? C CoCocCo?con??t,t?, S, So, Soyo????n,n?, S???flf????er,er?????? a ?andan??oror or? Ca C???olaol??, ?NoN????at at D ??y y My ????, ?MoM??difdifif????WhWhe??, ????????xtxtrt??in,in??, Sa, Salalt????at?uru?al? a???d Ad ArArtr?tifti??cicia?l ??lalava?????, C, Ce, C??lu???sese se?GuG???, S???????? Cas Case??inain????, C, Co, C?ornornsn???????????to????, D, ????????iuium??PhP?????at???Su???????e,? M ?MonMono?? A?nd?? Di D?GlGlyGlycycec??????, ??????con?e e De ??oxo??ideid??e, Se, ??ili?co??
11g, Fiber &lt;1g, Sugars 6g, Protein 1g (if it's not listed it is 0)<br /><br />The ingredients list for this is:<br />Sugar, Glucose Syrup Solid, Cocoa (Processed with Alkali) Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (may contain Coconut, Soybean, Sunflower, Palm and/or Canola), Nonfat Dry Milk, Modified Whey, Maltodextrin, Salt, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Cellulose Gum, Sodium Caseinate, Cornstarch, Lactose, Dipotassium Phosphate,Sucralose, Mono- And DiGlycerides, Silicone Dioxide, Silicon
D?????ded???SoS?? L ??ciciti????????tit?fif???ala? C ???oror.r?? Co Cono????insins s????????? S?oyoy.oy?""3343???,B,B0B0000505K5????VIV???3E3???HNH?A8A??848??6,?SiS?anannan?ajaj,j??,2,2,,2??,1,????545484?808??????d ?ChC????olaol??e!e!,!???e e?prp?????????on??derde???????TheTh??????????? t tatasta???s ?grg?????in??? a an a?? 8 ??????utu??????????s as ????it it? wa w?ateat??y ?????????r r??>D>??rkr?k Ck ????ol???te:te?????<b??????MilMi??? Ch Cho???????: ??s ???eryer??yuy??mymy<y?<br? /??PePepe??????intin????or???e e we wawaswasns??t ?ene?ouo?ghg?? pe p????????? b???????usu?????d d ad ????andan???ca?????? m?in????????? ?????oulou??d rd ??????en?d ?????? ag agag??n n???????lanla???on on???de????g g???oreore ??oooonoo???3434646746???00005005K?4Q????I,AI,?1N1????E4E?4QF4Q??1Y1????BaB????? " ?"B"Ba"B????????
Dioxide, Soy Lecithin, Artificial Color. Contains Milk and Soy." 3466,B005K4Q1VI,A3EDHHNA8R84S6,Siannaj,2,2,4,1325548800,Good Chocolate!,The price is wonderful! The Hot cocoa tastes great in 6 and 8 oz but 10oz was a bit watery to me.<br />Dark Chocolate: YUM<br />Milk Chocolate: Is very yummy<br />Peppermint: For me wasn't enough peppermint but I just add a candy cane to mine.<br /> I would recommend this again and plan on ordering more soon! 3467,B005K4Q1VI,A1NUBEE4QFU1YR,"Barb H ""Barb H""",
???????131323242454???000????otot t????faf?vovororir??e,e?WeW? p prp???????heh??????s s?MiMis???brb?ana?d d K ??cuc????????? o ?nene ??????watwa?terteryr????????h h? mi m???????????k k ck ??oco??lalata??????????is is mis ??????????????ritri????? a?????-c?up?? br braranra?ndsnd?..3343???,B,?00?5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q???,A,??KMK??????303?????CoC?ununtntrt?ry ry???mam???????1,11,13??333?30230????00,"00,"G"???????ricri??e, e,?????????e"e","?????? p?ri????e, ae, ??and and?glg???d td ?? s ses???? s???scs?ri???????avaveave ??????? o?????cucupcupsp?? H ?owo???erer er? th t??????? u unundun?ririnri?????le le???? ou o??r or op???????. D. ?????t ?se?eme? t to to ???? to?o ??????????kek?e a?nonot?otheoth??er rer re???ewe????????? j ???????babad?? of????as?aste?.".???46????00???K4QK4??VI?,A?12????RXR?2323323???L,L??GrG?regre??"""?????????7"7??",
2,2,1,1324512000,Not my favorite,We prefer the Swiss Miss brand K-cup. This one was watery in both milk and dark chocolate. This is my least favorite of all k-cup brands. 3468,B005K4Q1VI,A2KM0NWZ830SRP,Country Mama,2,2,1,1323302400,"Good Price, Bad Taste","Nice price, and glad to see a subscribe & save option on k-cups. However this was undrinkable in our opinion. Didn't seem to be too watery like another reviewer said, just a bad off taste." 3469,B005K4Q1VI,A120BPRX233DLL,"Greg ""smitz0327""",
2???2,32,?,1,????3213216160600000?????iki?? i ?? b ????tht?e ?coc??????????k k???he he?hoh??t ct ?cocco??a a t???stest??????t ???t ?????ififef??ththi?nk???????????ateat?????MyM???wifwi??? is i???a ba ??? S SwSwiwiswi??s Ms MiMisissis?????inkin?kerke???ndn?????wsws ??herhe?r hr hohotho?t c????coa.coa?. N. ??? s ??re??????lll?? bu b??????in? b be b??auausu???ofo? t????e coe c??t t ot ?of of p ??yiyin?g ??oro???????k ck cuc???. ????ete?????s Is ?????thinkthin?k yk ?ouo????????ettet?????offoff f bf ??yiyinyingn???????? Mi Mis??iss piss ?pacpackc?ketke???s ans and????ustust ????e t?hehe ?hohothot hot???ate??r fr fufunu????????????the the k k k c cu?????chc???e.e???4747070,0??????4Q4???????5M5??HJH?G9G???WLWL7L?,",?RoR?????????oxiox?ie ie? Mu M??ici??"""""??,2,,2??,2,4,2,?????313121?96960?????f Yf ??? A ?re??WoW?ondonded??in?????,","U,"UnUnln???ke ke t? the?? ot oth?therthe?r hr hor h?????oc???at???s)s??????? o on
2,2,3,1323216000,I like it but the cost,I think the hot cocoa taste great but my wife thinks it is watery. My wife is a big Swiss Miss drinker and knows her hot cocoa. Not sure I will buy again because of the cost of paying for the k cups. Sometimes I think you are better off buying Swiss Miss packets and just use the hot water function on the k cup machine. 3470,B005K4Q1VI,A35MLHJG9ZRWL7,"Roxie ""Roxie Muzic""",2,2,4,1323129600,If You Are Wondering???,"Unlike the other hot chocolate(s), this on
e??dodoeo?????? h ??veve ?tht????????xix?ouo??s as ????r r t tatasa??te.te?? W ?????a a?rerele??efef.f. ?????n n I ???????????????????igig g???t ct cac???e we wiw??h h???boboxo?????161? h?ot?????cocolo???te te??-C-??psp???????e ne ????us??ed ed t?? p pr p???ecectc???????uiu?ltl??????hahathat ????? t?????????????escescrcriribi?aba??e,e, ???rtrtit???lalarla??y ???plp??as?ana???af?te?r ???????? al a????ueu???o o to th????"f"????????ugu???? th tha that???eee??????????prpririsri?se se???ostos???f ?nonotnot not a?????of of? th? the the????????.<.?????????r /r />r /????????anuan??facfact??ureurer??????s us ?use? s so somomeme me??ucucruc???ososeos?e, e, be, bub??t nt ????????? ne n???ar tar ththe??am???nt? t? tha???""????herher"her""???use?s.s. ?. I. ??????????it it??ct????????as????????? h ho??t ct cht c?oc??????????????an??????????
e does not have that obnoxious after taste. What a relief. When I purchased my Keurig it came with a box of 16 hot chocolate K-Cups (name not used to protect the guilty), that have the most indescribable, particularly unpleasant after taste, all due to the ""fake"" sugar that seems to comprise most if not all of the product.<br /><br />This manufacturer does use some sucralose, but no where near the amount that ""other"" uses. In fact, it actually tastes like hot chocolate during and after th
?e e s sis??pip????????ooooHo??oo!oo??!!!!!??brb??/>/><>?<br<br ?/>?????????oro??????g g m mom????- - T ThT??nkn? Y YoY?u u f fof??????KuK????????? c ???coc????e e re ?eae???iri????ioiono????343?7171,1,B,B0B000???4Q4??VIV????8A8?K9K??OCOCLCL1L?UNU???DeD????????????????d,d??,2????131323212181838333363??00,00,W,???te????delde??ighig????,W,Wh,Wha?t ??a fa fuf?n n w ??intin????trtre??????Th?????is is??a pa pep?erfer????t ct ??p p?????oco???a ia ?????ecoec?????? W We W??li???e te ???pup??????aba?lel??pop??n ???????o oo of? h ??eaveavyv????????ngng ng c???????n ?tht??????to?m m om of??mumugu????fo??re re?????winwi???! A! ? f fa f????y y fy ??vov??itite?..??47??2,B2,???????Q1VQ1VI??,A3,A38?7P7PIP???DJDJCJ?K2K????RoR??????D.D. . G. ?????oryory ???SgS???BoBob??"""""??,2,?2,2,52,??13?202????40400???xcxcec?llllell??? H ??t ?ChC??????latla?te,te??WaW????kekepkeptp??cac
e sipping. WhooHoo!!!!<br /><br />Will be ordering more - Thank You for my Kuerig hot chocolate reaffirmation." 3471,B005K4Q1VI,A38AK9ROCL1UN6,Deanna M. Mcdonald,2,2,5,1321833600,Winter delight!!,What a fun winter treat! This is a perfect cup of cocoa in seconds! We like to put a tablespoon or two of heavy whipping cream in the bottom of mug before brewing! A family favorite. 3472,B005K4Q1VI,A387PIZQDJCK23,"Robert D. Gregory ""Sgt Bob""",2,2,5,1320710400,Excellent Hot Chocholate,"Was skeptica
ll l?aba??utut t?????quq?ala??tyt???? h hoh??t ct ?????lal???e fe ?ror?????K K???? b ????GrGro???e Se SqS?????e ie isi??????????? I ???????????asa??gog?odo?? as a?????in?g g??it it f ???????rar??????????itithit?houho????thethe e f?us?s.s???ThT?he he???????hohochocohoc???ateate ????????? t th t?he ???????as??enenonou??? b?it???tot?? ma maka????t ???te???????????????? p ??ppp?perpe???nt? i is i?s ps ????ece????oror r???teter? d did???erer.r???343?7373,3,B,B0B??????1V1VIVI,I??????4F4?J3J3T3??9D9??I,DI,????????e Ce ???????,2,?????????????20????GreGr???!,!?"I"? l lol????? the th????? Th T???prp??cece e i?e is e is V ?ERERYR????odod.od?????l ?????flf????orsors s as ar?e e re ????allyally ?????! ! T! ?TheThe ??peppe?????min???ono??? is? m my m??faf?????te??? and an?????ououlou?d ?glgla?????tat???e me ?ororeor?e oe ofof of????at at??efefoforfo?? t?? the the
l about the quality of hot chocolate from a K cup but Grove Square is amazing. It is just as good as making it from scratch but without the fuss. The milk chocolate is mild, the dark has enough bite to make it interesting and the peppermint is perfect for after dinner." 3473,B005K4Q1VI,A2C494FJ3TX9DI,Danielle Clayton,2,2,5,1320451200,Great!,"I love these! The price is VERY good...all the flavors are really good! The peppermint one is my favorite and I would gladly take more of that before the
?otoththeh?rsrs.s. . T ??ouo??h h?th????othot???rs rs??rer???t t l ?????ngn?? at a????????????usu?t t a????ppppeperpermrmimin??t ft faf?n!n??WiW????beb??????ingin?????? w ?he?n n?mym?? ot o??therthe?????????w!w??ThThaTh???s s????????!"!?????4,4???050??4Q4?1V1?I,I???RKR?L3L??3Y???????"S"SuS???????ornor??????????????ono????mamanma?""???????5,5,1,?313?????202?00,00???ovo?e ???????????ingling??e S???veve ve???ot ot C ?oco??? F ?or?????ririgi?,"??? li l??e e te th??????t ??cocco????ve???y my mum????iti?t ht hahasa???a v??????ricri?ch ch??as??????mpm?arare??? to to o to ththethe the o????????I hI ha?????????????t ???????t st sosomsomeme ???????f f? th t??????a ?hrh???????ttt?p:p????wwww.ww?ama????on.on????/g/??/p/???dud????????????????>G>????e e S????are? S ???ingl?e ?????ve ????t Ct ???coacoa coa??upu??, ??ililkilk,k?, K, ?-C-
others. Though the others aren't lacking at all, I'm just a peppermint fan! Will be buying more when my others get low! Thanks so much!" 3474,B005K4Q1VI,A2RKL3Y3YV0D50,"Susan Kornblut ""marathon woman""",2,2,5,1319587200,Grove Square Single Serve Hot Cocoa For Keurig,"I like this hot cocoa very much it has a very rich taste compared to the others I have tried.Just bought some more of these.<a href="""">Grove Square Single Serve Hot Cocoa Cups, Milk, K-C