{ "en": "She's only nine.", "hr": "Ima samo devet godina." }
{ "en": "Isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever seen?", "hr": "Nije li to nešto najslađe što ste ikad vidjeli?" }
{ "en": "Someone did all eight videos -- a bass even singing the soprano parts.", "hr": "Netko je napravio svih osam snimaka – bas je čak otpjevao sopranske dionice." }
{ "en": "This is Beau Awtin.", "hr": "Ovo je Beau Awtin." }
{ "en": "(Video) Beau Awtin: ♫ Safe in bed ♫ EW: And our goal -- it was sort of an arbitrary goal -- there was an MTV video where they all sang \"Lollipop\" and they got people from all over the world to just sing that little melody.", "hr": "(Video) Beau Awtin: ♫ Siguran u krevetu ♫ I naš cilj – bio je to prilično proizvoljan cilj – bio je MTV video u kojem su svi pjevali „Lollipop“ i doveli su ljude iz cijelog svijeta da otpjevaju samo tu malu melodiju." }
{ "en": "And there were 900 people involved in that.", "hr": "I 900 je ljudi sudjelovalo u tome." }
{ "en": "And we just closed submissions January 10th, and our final tally was 2,051 videos from 58 different countries.", "hr": "Zatvorili smo prijave 10. siječnja i konačan broj bio je 2.051 snimak iz 58 različitih zemalja." }
{ "en": "Thank you.", "hr": "Hvala vam." }
{ "en": "(Applause) From Malta, Madagascar, Thailand, Vietnam, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, as far north as Alaska and as far south as New Zealand.", "hr": "(Pljesak) S Malte, Madagaskara, Tajlanda, Vijetnama, Jordana, Egipta, Izraela, od sjevera i Aljaske do juga i Novog Zelanda." }
{ "en": "And we also put a page on Facebook for the singers to upload their testimonials, what it was like for them, their experience singing it.", "hr": "Stavili smo stranicu i na Facebook na kojem su pjevači mogli stavljati svoje izjave, kako im je bilo, njihovo iskustvo pjevanja toga." }
{ "en": "And I've just chosen a few of them here.", "hr": "Ovdje sam izabrao njih nekoliko." }
{ "en": "\"My sister and I used to sing in choirs together constantly.", "hr": "„Moja sestra i ja smo prije stalno pjevali u zborovima zajedno." }
{ "en": "Now she's an airman in the air force constantly traveling.", "hr": "Sad je u zračnim snagama i stalno putuje." }
{ "en": "It's so wonderful to sing together again!\"", "hr": "Predivno je ponovno pjevati zajedno.“" }
{ "en": "I love the idea that she's singing with her sister.", "hr": "Sviđa mi se ideja da ona pjeva sa svojom sestrom." }
{ "en": "\"Aside from beautiful music, it's great just to know I'm part of a a worldwide community of people I never met before, but who are connected anyway.\"", "hr": "„Osim prekrasne glazbe, odlično je znati da sam dio međunarodne zajednice ljudi koje nikad nisam upoznao, ali koji su opet povezani.“" }
{ "en": "And my personal favorite, \"When I told my husband that I was going to be a part of this, he told me that I did not have the voice for it.\"", "hr": "I moj osobni favorit, „Kad sam rekla mužu da ću biti dio ovoga rekao mi je da nemam glas za to.“" }
{ "en": "Yeah, I'm sure a lot of you have heard that too.", "hr": "Siguran sam da vas je mnogo to čulo." }
{ "en": "Me too.", "hr": "I ja isto." }
{ "en": "\"It hurt so much, and I shed some tears, but something inside of me wanted to do this despite his words.", "hr": "„Toliko me boljelo i pustila sam suzu, ali je nešto unutar mene željelo to napraviti unatoč njegovim riječima." }
{ "en": "It is a dream come true to be part of this choir, as I've never been part of one.", "hr": "Ovo je poput ostvarenja sna, biti dio ovog zbora jer nikad nisam bila dio nijednog zbora." }
{ "en": "When I placed a marker on the Google Earth Map, I had to go with the nearest city, which is about 400 miles away from where I live.", "hr": "Kad sam stavila oznaku na Google Earth Map, morala sam otići do najbližeg grada koji je udaljen otprilike 400 milja od mjesta gdje ja živim." }
{ "en": "As I am in the Great Alaskan Bush, satellite is my connection to the world.\"", "hr": "Kako sam u Velikoj Divljini Aljaske, satelit je moja jedina veza sa svijetom.\"" }
{ "en": "So two things struck me deeply about this.", "hr": "Dvije su me stvari u ovome duboko pogodile." }
{ "en": "The first is that human beings will go to any lengths necessary to find and connect with each other.", "hr": "Prva je ta da će ljudska bića učiniti što god treba da nađu i povežu se jedni s drugima." }
{ "en": "It doesn't matter the technology.", "hr": "Bez obzira na tehnologiju." }
{ "en": "And the second is that people seem to be experiencing an actual connection.", "hr": "Druga je ta da ljudi osjećaju pravu povezanost." }
{ "en": "It wasn't a virtual choir.", "hr": "To nije bio virtualan zbor." }
{ "en": "There are people now online that are friends; they've never met.", "hr": "Ima ljudi koji su online i koji su prijatelji, a nisu se nikada upoznali." }
{ "en": "But, I know myself too, I feel this virtual esprit de corps, if you will, with all of them.", "hr": "Znam i sebe, osjećam ovaj virtualni esprit de corps sa svima njima." }
{ "en": "What I'd like to close with then today is the first look at \"Sleep\" by Virtual Choir 2.0.", "hr": "Htio bih završiti s prvim predstavljanjem skladbe „Sleep“ Virtualnog Zbora 2.0." }
{ "en": "This will be a premier today.", "hr": "Ovo će danas biti premijera." }
{ "en": "We're not finished with the video yet.", "hr": "Nismo još gotovi s videom." }
{ "en": "You can imagine, with 2,000 synchronized YouTube videos, the render time is just atrocious.", "hr": "Možete zamisliti, s 2.000 sinkroniziranih YouTube snimaka, vrijeme prikaza je grozno." }
{ "en": "But we do have the first three minutes.", "hr": "Ali imamo prve tri minute." }
{ "en": "And it's a tremendous honor for me to be able to show it to you here first.", "hr": "I iznimna mi je čast pokazati vam to prvima." }
{ "en": "You're the very first people to see this.", "hr": "Prvi ste ljudi koji će to vidjeti." }
{ "en": "This is \"Sleep,\" the Virtual Choir.", "hr": "Ovo je „Sleep“, Virtualni Zbor." }
{ "en": "(Video) Virtual Choir: ♫ The evening hangs ♫ ♫ beneath the moon ♫ ♫ A silver thread on darkened dune ♫ ♫ With closing eyes and resting head ♫ ♫ I know that sleep is coming soon ♫ ♫ Upon my pillow, ♫ ♫ safe in bed, ♫ ♫ a thousand pictures fill my head ♫ ♫ I cannot sleep ♫ ♫ my mind's aflight ♫ ♫ and yet my limbs seem made of lead ♫ ♫ If there are noises in the night ♫ Eric Whitacre: Thank you very, very much.", "hr": "(Video) Virtualni zbor: ♫ Večer visi ♫ ♫ ispod mjeseca ♫ ♫ Srebrna nit na tamnoj dini ♫ ♫ Sa zatvorenim očima i glavom koja miruje ♫ ♫ Znam da san dolazi uskoro ♫ ♫ Na mom jastuku, ♫ ♫ siguran u krevetu, ♫ ♫ tisuće slika ispune moju glavu ♫ ♫ Ne mogu spavati ♫ ♫ moj um je razbuđen ♫ ♫ a ipak moji udovi kao da su napravljeni od olova ♫ ♫ Ako postoje zvukovi u noći ♫ Eric Whitacre: Puno vam, puno hvala." }
{ "en": "Thank you.", "hr": "Hvala vam." }
{ "en": "(Applause) Thank you very much.", "hr": "(Pljesak) Puno vam hvala." }
{ "en": "Thank you.", "hr": "Hvala vam." }
{ "en": "Thank you.", "hr": "Hvala vam." }
{ "en": "(Applause)", "hr": "(Pljesak)" }
{ "en": "I have had the distinct blessing in my life to have worked on a bunch of amazing projects.", "hr": "Imao sam poseban blagoslov u životu, radio sam na mnoštvu zapanjujućih projekata." }
{ "en": "But the coolest I ever worked on was around this guy.", "hr": "Ali najbolji na kojem sam ikad radio je bio vezan uz ovog tipa." }
{ "en": "And he came up home from a run one day and said, \"Dad, my legs are tingling.\"", "hr": "Došao je kući poslije trčanja jednog dana i rekao, \"Tata, kroz noge mi prolaze trnci.\"" }
{ "en": "And that was the onset of ALS.", "hr": "I to je bio početak ALS-a." }
{ "en": "So TEMPT is now completely paralyzed.", "hr": "TEMPT je sada potpuno paraliziran." }
{ "en": "He only has use of his eyes.", "hr": "Može samo koristiti svoje oči." }
{ "en": "I was exposed to him.", "hr": "I susreo sam se s njim." }
{ "en": "I have a company that does design and animation, so obviously graffiti is definitely an intricate part of what we admire and respect in the art world.", "hr": "Vlasnik sam tvrtke koja se bavi dizajnom i animacijom, tako da su graffiti definitivno zamršen dio onoga čemu se divimo i što poštujemo u svijetu umjetnosti." }
{ "en": "And so we decided that we were going to sponsor Tony, TEMPT, and his cause.", "hr": "I tako smo odlučili da ćemo sponzorirati Tonya, TEMPT-a, i njegov cilj." }
{ "en": "So I went and met with his brother and father and said, \"We're going to give you this money.", "hr": "Otišao sam i upoznao njegovog brata i oca i rekao, \"Dat ćemo vam ovaj novac." }
{ "en": "What are you going to do with it?\"", "hr": "Što ćete učiniti s njim?\"" }
{ "en": "And his brother said, \"I just want to be able to talk to Tony again.", "hr": "I njegov brat je rekao, \"Samo želim ponovno razgovarati s Tonyem." }
{ "en": "I just want to be able to communicate with him and him to be able to communicate with me.\"", "hr": "Samo želim biti u mogućnosti ponovno komunicirati s njim i da on može komunicirati sa mnom.\"" }
{ "en": "And I said, \"Wait a second, isn't that -- I've seen Stephen Hawking -- don't all paralyzed people have the ability to communicate via these devices?\"", "hr": "I ja sam rekao, \"Čekaj malo, nije li to -- vidio sam Stephena Hawkinga -- nemaju li svi paralizirani ljudi mogućnost komunikacije putem ovih uređaja?\"" }
{ "en": "And he said, \"No, unless you're in the upper echelon, you've got really amazing insurance, you can't actually do that.", "hr": "A on je rekao, \"Ne, ukoliko nisi bogat, imaš stvarno nevjerojatno zdravstveno osiguranje, ne možeš to ostvariti." }
{ "en": "These devices aren't accessible to people.\"", "hr": "Ovi uređaji nisu dostupni ljudima.\"" }
{ "en": "And I said, \"Well, how do you actually communicate?\"", "hr": "Rekao sam, \"Dobro, kako zapravo komunicirate?\"" }
{ "en": "Has everyone seen the movie \"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly?\"", "hr": "Jesu li svi vidjeli film \"Ronilačko zvono i leptir\"?" }
{ "en": "That's how they communicate -- so run their finger along.", "hr": "Tako komuniciraju -- pomiču prst uz slova abecede." }
{ "en": "I said, \"That's archaic.", "hr": "Rekao sam, \"To je zastarjelo." }
{ "en": "I committed to his brother and his father right then and there -- I'm like, \"All right, here's the deal: Tony's going to speak, we're going to get him a machine, and we're going to figure out a way for him to do his art again.", "hr": "Obvezao sam se njegovom bratu i ocu u tom trenutku, na tom mjestu -- rekao sam im, \"U redu, ovako stoje stvari: Tony će progovoriti, nabavit ćemo mu uređaj, i osmislit ćemo kako mu omogućiti da se ponovno bavi umjetnošću." }
{ "en": "Because it's a travesty that someone who still has all of that in him isn't able to communicate it.\"", "hr": "Zato što je smiješno da netko tko još uvijek ima sve to u sebi nije u mogućnosti to izraziti.\"" }
{ "en": "So I spoke at a conference a couple months after that.", "hr": "Tako sam govorio na konferenciji par mjeseci nakon toga." }
{ "en": "I met these guys called GRL, Graffiti Research Lab, and they have a technology that allows them to project a light onto any surface and then, with a laser pointer, draw on it, and it just registers the negative space.", "hr": "i upoznao dečke koji se nazivaju GRL, \"Laboratorij za istraživanje graffita\", i oni imaju tehnologiju koja im dopušta da projiciraju svjetlost na bilo koju površinu i crtaju po njoj laserskim pokazivačem, koji bilježi samo negativni prostor." }
{ "en": "So they go around and do art installations like this.", "hr": "Tako oni putuju i rade ovakve umjetničke instalacije." }
{ "en": "All the things that go up there, they said there's a life cycle.", "hr": "Sve stvari koje projiciraju na taj način imaju svoj životni ciklus." }
{ "en": "First it starts with the sexual organs, then it starts with cuss words, then it was Bush slanders and then people actually got to art.", "hr": "Prvo započinje s reproduktivnim organima, zatim počinju psovke, nakon toga dolazi ogovaranje Busha i nakon toga ljudi zapravo dolaze do umjetnosti." }
{ "en": "But there was always a life-cycle to their presentations.", "hr": "Ali uvijek je postojao životni ciklus u njihovim prezentacijama." }
{ "en": "So I went home and was having dinner with my wife and was telling her about this, and we were like, \"Well wait a second if we know that this technology exists where you can use your eyes to control things, why don't we figure out a way for TEMPT to control a laser and he could do graf again, well that would be awesome.\"", "hr": "Došao sam kući i večerao sa ženom, govoreći joj o tome, i onda smo shvatili, \"Čekaj malo, ako znamo da postoji ovakva tehnologija koja dozvoljava da koristiš oči kako bi upravljao stvarima, zašto ne pokušamo pronaći način da TEMPT upravlja laserom i onda bi mogao ponovno crtati graffite, pa to bi bilo sjajno.\"" }
{ "en": "So that started the journey.", "hr": "I tako je započelo putovanje." }
{ "en": "And about two years later, about a year later, after a bunch of organization and a bunch of moving things around, we'd accomplished a couple things.", "hr": "I nakon dvije godine, godinu dana nakon ovih događaja, nakon puno organizacije i puno premještanja raznih stvari, postigli smo određene uspjehe." }
{ "en": "One, we battered down the doors of the insurance companies, and we actually got TEMPT a machine that let him communicate -- a Stephen Hawking machine.", "hr": "Prvo, srušili smo vrata osiguravajućih kuća, i zaista nabavili TEMPT-u uređaj koji mu omogućuje komuniciranje -- stroj Stephena Hawkinga." }
{ "en": "(Applause) Which was awesome.", "hr": "(Pljesak) Što je odlično." }
{ "en": "And he's seriously one of the funniest -- I call him Yoda, because you talk to the guy, you get an email from him, and you're like, \"I'm not worthy.", "hr": "I on je ozbiljno jedan od najzabavnijih -- zovem ga Yoda, jer razgovaraš s njim, dobiješ email od njega, i dođeš do zaključka, \"Nisam dostojan ovoga." }
{ "en": "This guy's so amazing.\"", "hr": "Ovaj momak je zaista nevjerojatan.\"" }
{ "en": "The other thing we did is we flew seven programmers from all over the world -- literally every corner of the world -- into our house.", "hr": "Druga stvar koju smo učinili je ta da smo okupili sedam programera iz cijelog svijeta -- doslovno iz svakog kutka svijeta -- u našem domu." }
{ "en": "My wife and kids and I moved to our back garage, and these hackers and programmers and conspiracy theorists and anarchists took over our house.", "hr": "Moja žena, djeca i ja preselili smo se u našu garažu, i ovi hakeri i programeri i teoretičari zavjere i anarhisti preuzeli su našu kuću." }
{ "en": "A lot of our friends thought we were absolutely stupid to do that and that we were going to come back and all the pictures on the wall would be removed and graf on the walls.", "hr": "Mnogi naši prijatelji su nas smatrali ludima što smo to učinili i vjerovali su da će kada se vratimo sve slike sa zidova biti uklonjene i da će zidovi biti išarani." }
{ "en": "But for over two weeks, we programmed, we went to the Venice boardwalk, my kids got involved, my dog got involved, and we created this.", "hr": "Ali kroz dva tjedna, mi smo programirali, išli smo na šetalište Venice, moja djeca su se uključila u rad, moj pas se uključio, i stvorili smo ovo." }
{ "en": "This is called the EyeWriter, and you can see the description.", "hr": "Ovo se zove EyeWriter, i kao što možete vidjeti u opisu." }
{ "en": "This is a cheap pair of sunglasses that we bought at the Venice Beach boardwalk, some copper wire and some stuff from Home Depot and Radio Shack.", "hr": "Ovo je jeftin par sunčanih naočala koje smo kupili na šetalištu Venice Beach, malo bakrene žice i neke stvari iz trgovina elektroničkom opremom." }
{ "en": "We took a PS3 camera, hacked it open, mounted it to an LED light, and now there's a device that is free -- you build this yourself, we publish the code for free, you download the software for free.", "hr": "Uzeli smo kameru za PlayStation3, rastavili ju, montirali ju na LED svjetiljku, i sada imate uređaj koji je besplatan -- napravite ga sami, objavili smo kod besplatno, i softver se skine besplatno." }
{ "en": "And now we've created a device that has absolutely no limitations.", "hr": "I sada smo kreirali uređaj koji nema nikakvih ograničenja." }
{ "en": "There's no insurance company that can say \"no.\"", "hr": "Nema osiguravajuće tvrtke koja može reći \"ne\"." }
{ "en": "There's no hospital that can say \"no.\"", "hr": "Nema bolnice koja može reći \"ne\"." }
{ "en": "Anybody who's paralyzed now has access to actually draw or communicate using only their eyes.", "hr": "Tko god je paraliziran sada ima mogućnost zaista crtati ili komunicirati koristeći samo svoje oči." }
{ "en": "(Applause) Thank you.", "hr": "(Pljesak) Hvala vam." }
{ "en": "Thank you guys very much.", "hr": "Hvala vam jako puno momci." }
{ "en": "That was awesome.", "hr": "To je bilo odlično." }
{ "en": "So at the end of the two weeks, we went back to TEMPT's room.", "hr": "Na kraju ta dva tjedna, vratili smo se u TEMPT-ovu sobu." }
{ "en": "I love this picture, because this is someone else's room and that's his room.", "hr": "Volim ovu sliku, jer ovo je soba nekog drugog i ovo je njegova soba." }
{ "en": "So there's all this hustle and bustle going on for the big unveiling.", "hr": "Tako da je tu zbrka i strka oko velikog predstavljanja." }
{ "en": "And after over a year of planning, two weeks of programming, carb-fest and all-night sessions, Tony drew again for the first time in seven years.", "hr": "I nakon više od godinu dana planiranja, dva tjedna programiranja, hrane bogate ugljikohidratima i cjelonoćnih zasjedanja, Tony je ponovno crtao, prvi put nakon sedam godina." }
{ "en": "And this is an amazing picture, because this is his life support system, and he's looking over his life support system.", "hr": "I ovo je zapanjujuća slika, jer ovo je njegov sustav za održavanje na životu, i on gleda preko njega." }
{ "en": "We kicked his bed so he could see out.", "hr": "Pomaknuli smo njegov krevet kako bi mogao vidjeti van." }
{ "en": "And we set up a projector on a wall out in the parking lot outside of his hospital.", "hr": "I postavili smo projektor na zidu parkirališta ispred njegove bolnice." }