stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
500 | {
"en": "And can I tell you, operating in the sighted world when you can't see, it's kind of difficult -- it really is.",
"hr": "I mogu vam reći, živjeti u svijetu vida kada ne možete vidjeti pomalo je teško -- zaista jest."
} |
501 | {
"en": "Can I tell you, airports are a disaster.",
"hr": "Mogu li vam reći, zračne luke su katastrofa."
} |
502 | {
"en": "Oh, for the love of God.",
"hr": "O, za ljubav božju."
} |
503 | {
"en": "And please, any designers out there.",
"hr": "I molim vas, svi dizajneri ovdje."
} |
504 | {
"en": "Designers, please put up your hands, even though I can't even see you.",
"hr": "Dizajneri, molim vas podignite ruke, iako vas ne mogu vidjeti."
} |
505 | {
"en": "I always end up in the gents toilets.",
"hr": "Uvijek sam ulazila u muške toalete."
} |
506 | {
"en": "And there's nothing wrong with my sense of smell.",
"hr": "Iako je sve bilo u redu s mojim njuhom."
} |
507 | {
"en": "Have you ever tried to see that if you have Vaseline in front of your eyes?",
"hr": "Jeste li to ikada pokušali razaznati imajući vazelin pred očima?"
} |
508 | {
"en": "It's such a small thing, right?",
"hr": "To je tako mala stvar, točno?"
} |
509 | {
"en": "And you know how exhausting it can be to try to be perfect when you're not, or to be somebody that you aren't?",
"hr": "Znate kako iscrpljujuće može biti pokušavati biti savršen kada to niste ili biti netko tko niste?"
} |
510 | {
"en": "And so after admitting I couldn't see to HR, they sent me off to an eye specialist.",
"hr": "Nakon priznanja da ne vidim menadžeru ljudskih potencijala, poslali su me očnom specijalistu."
} |
511 | {
"en": "And I had no idea that this man was going to change my life.",
"hr": "Nisam imala pojma kako će taj čovjek promijeniti moj život."
} |
512 | {
"en": "But before I got to him, I was so lost.",
"hr": "Prije nego li sam došla do njega, bila sam tako izgubljena."
} |
513 | {
"en": "I had no idea who I was anymore.",
"hr": "Nisam više znala tko sam."
} |
514 | {
"en": "And that eye specialist, he didn't bother testing my eyes.",
"hr": "I taj očni specijalist se nije zamarao pregledom mojih očiju."
} |
515 | {
"en": "God no, it was therapy.",
"hr": "Bože ne, to je bila terapija."
} |
516 | {
"en": "And he asked my several questions, of which many were, \"Why?",
"hr": "Pitao me nekoliko pitanja od koji su mnoga bila \"Zašto?"
} |
517 | {
"en": "Why are you fighting so hard not to be yourself?",
"hr": "Zašto se tako teško boriš ne biti ono što jesi?"
} |
518 | {
"en": "And do you love what you do, Caroline?\"",
"hr": "Voliš li ono što radiš, Caroline?\""
} |
519 | {
"en": "And you know when you go to a global consulting firm, they put a chip in your head, and you're like, \"I love Accenture.",
"hr": "Znate kada radite za globalnu konzultantsku tvrtku, kao da stave čip u vašu glavu: \"Volim Accenture."
} |
520 | {
"en": "I love Accenture.",
"hr": "Volim Accenture."
} |
521 | {
"en": "I love my job.",
"hr": "Volim svoj posao."
} |
522 | {
"en": "I love Accenture.",
"hr": "Volim Accenture."
} |
523 | {
"en": "I love Accenture.",
"hr": "Volim Accenture."
} |
524 | {
"en": "I love my job.",
"hr": "Volim svoj posao."
} |
525 | {
"en": "I love Accenture.\"",
"hr": "Volim Accenture.\""
} |
526 | {
"en": "To leave would be failure.",
"hr": "Neuspjeh bi bilo otići."
} |
527 | {
"en": "I just was so -- how do I tell him?",
"hr": "I bila sam tako -- kako da mu kažem?"
} |
528 | {
"en": "And then he said to me, \"What did you want to be when you were little?\"",
"hr": "A onda mi je rekao: \"Što si željela biti kada si bila dijete?\""
} |
529 | {
"en": "Now listen, I wasn't going to say to him, \"Well I wanted to race cars and motorbikes.\"",
"hr": "Slušajte, nisam mu mogla reći: \"Pa htjela sam se utrkivati autima i motociklima.\""
} |
530 | {
"en": "Hardly appropriate at this moment in time.",
"hr": "Nije bilo prikladno u tom trenutku."
} |
531 | {
"en": "He thought I was mad enough anyway.",
"hr": "Mislio je da sam ionako dovoljno luda."
} |
532 | {
"en": "And as I left his office, he called me back and he said, \"I think it's time.",
"hr": "Kada sam odlazila iz njegove ordinacije, pozvao me natrag i rekao: \"Mislim da je vrijeme."
} |
533 | {
"en": "I think it's time to stop fighting and do something different.\"",
"hr": "Mislim da je vrijeme da se prestaneš boriti i napraviš nešto drugačije.\""
} |
534 | {
"en": "And that door closed.",
"hr": "I vrata su se zatvorila."
} |
535 | {
"en": "And that silence just outside a doctor's office, that, many of us know.",
"hr": "I ta tišina pred njegovom ordinacijom, koju mnogi od nas poznaju."
} |
536 | {
"en": "And my chest ached.",
"hr": "Zaboljelo me u grudima."
} |
537 | {
"en": "And I had no idea where I was going.",
"hr": "Nisam imala pojma kamo idem."
} |
538 | {
"en": "I had no idea.",
"hr": "Nisam imala pojma."
} |
539 | {
"en": "But I did know the game was up.",
"hr": "Ali znala sam da je igra počela."
} |
540 | {
"en": "And I went home, and, because the pain in my chest ached so much, I thought, \"I'll go out for a run.\"",
"hr": "Otišla sam kući i zbog te ogromne boli u grudima pomislila sam: \"Idem van trčati.\""
} |
541 | {
"en": "Really not a very sensible thing to do.",
"hr": "To stvarno nije previše suvisla stvar za učiniti."
} |
542 | {
"en": "And I went on a run that I know so well.",
"hr": "Ali otišla sam trčati putem koji jako dobro poznajem."
} |
543 | {
"en": "I know this run so well, by the back of my hand.",
"hr": "Znam taj put tako dobro, kao svoj dlan."
} |
544 | {
"en": "I always run it perfectly fine.",
"hr": "I svaki put otrčim ga savršeno dobro."
} |
545 | {
"en": "I count the steps and the lampposts and all those things that visually impaired people have a tendency to have a lot of meetings with.",
"hr": "Brojim stube i rasvjetne stupove i sve te stvari s kojima slabovidne osobe često imaju bliske susrete."
} |
546 | {
"en": "And there was a rock that I always missed.",
"hr": "Tamo je bio kamen koji sam uvijek promašila."
} |
547 | {
"en": "And I'd never fallen on it, never.",
"hr": "I tako sam trčala plačući i udarila sam o moj kamen."
} |
548 | {
"en": "And there I was crying away and smash, bash on my rock.",
"hr": "Slomljena, pala sam preko tog kamena sredinom ožujka 2000."
} |
549 | {
"en": "Broken, fallen over on this rock in the middle of March in 2000 -- typical Irish weather on a Wednesday -- gray, snot, tears everywhere -- ridiculously self-pitying.",
"hr": "-- tipičnog irskog vremena u srijedu -- sivilo, bale i suze posvuda -- nerazumno se sažaljevajući."
} |
550 | {
"en": "And I was floored, and I was broken, and I was angry.",
"hr": "I bila sam prizemljena, i bila sam slomljena, i bila sam ljuta."
} |
551 | {
"en": "And I didn't know what to do.",
"hr": "I nisam znala što da radim."
} |
552 | {
"en": "And I sat there for quite some time going, \"How am I going to get off this rock and go home?",
"hr": "I sjedila sam tamo neko vrijeme razmišljajući: \"Kako ću se pomaknuti od ovog kamena i poći kući?"
} |
553 | {
"en": "Because who am I going to be?",
"hr": "Zbog toga tko ću biti?"
} |
554 | {
"en": "What am I going to be?\"",
"hr": "Što ću biti?\""
} |
555 | {
"en": "And I thought about my dad, and I thought, \"Good God, I'm so not Sue now.\"",
"hr": "I pomislila sam na tatu, i pomislila sam, \"Dragi Bože, ja sada nisam Sue.\""
} |
556 | {
"en": "And I kept thinking over and over in my mind, what had happened?",
"hr": "I ponavljala sam si u glavi što se dogodilo?"
} |
557 | {
"en": "where did it go wrong?",
"hr": "Gdje sam pogriješila?"
} |
558 | {
"en": "why didn't I understand?",
"hr": "Zašto nisam shvaćala?"
} |
559 | {
"en": "And you know the extraordinary part of it is I just simply had no answers; I had lost my belief.",
"hr": "I najbolje od svega bilo je to da nisam imala odgovore; izgubila sam vjeru."
} |
560 | {
"en": "Look where my belief had brought me to.",
"hr": "Pogledajte gdje me moje vjerovanje dovelo."
} |
561 | {
"en": "And now I had lost it.",
"hr": "I sada sam ga izgubila."
} |
562 | {
"en": "And now I really couldn't see.",
"hr": "Sada zaista nisam mogla vidjeti."
} |
563 | {
"en": "I was crumpled.",
"hr": "Bila sam slomljena."
} |
564 | {
"en": "And then I remember thinking about that eye specialist asking me, \"What do you want to be?",
"hr": "Onda sam se sjetila onog očnog specijalista koji me pitao, \"Što želiš biti?"
} |
565 | {
"en": "What do you want to be?",
"hr": "Što želiš biti?"
} |
566 | {
"en": "What did you want to be when you were little?",
"hr": "Što si željela biti kao dijete?"
} |
567 | {
"en": "Do you love what you do?",
"hr": "Voliš li to što radiš?"
} |
568 | {
"en": "Do something different.",
"hr": "Učini nešto drugačije."
} |
569 | {
"en": "What do you want to be?\"",
"hr": "Što želiš biti?"
} |
570 | {
"en": "And really slowly, slowly, slowly, it happened.",
"hr": "I zaista polako, polako, polako, se dogodilo."
} |
571 | {
"en": "And it did happen this way.",
"hr": "I dogodilo se ovako."
} |
572 | {
"en": "And then the minute it came it blew up in my head and bashed in my heart, something different, \"Well, how about Mowgli from 'The Jungle Book'?",
"hr": "I tog trenutka mi je došlo banulo mi je u glavu odalamilo me u srce, nešto drugačije: \"Pa što je s Mowglijem iz 'Knjige o džungli'?"
} |
573 | {
"en": "You don't get more different than that.\"",
"hr": "Ne može biti drugačije od toga."
} |
574 | {
"en": "And the moment, and I mean the moment, the moment that hit me, I swear to God, it was like woohoo!",
"hr": "I u trenutku, zaista u trenutku, u trenutku kada me pogodilo, kunem se Bogu, bilo je kao vuuhuu!"
} |
575 | {
"en": "you know -- something to believe in.",
"hr": "Znate -- nešto u što mogu vjerovati."
} |
576 | {
"en": "And nobody can tell me no.",
"hr": "I nitko mi nije mogao reći ne."
} |
577 | {
"en": "Yes, you can say I can't be an archeologist.",
"hr": "Da, možete mi reći da mogu biti arheologinja."
} |
578 | {
"en": "But you can't tell me, no, I can't be Mowgli, because guess what?",
"hr": "Ali ne možete mi reći da ne mogu biti Mowgli, jer pogodite?"
} |
579 | {
"en": "Nobody's ever done it before, so I'm going to go do it.",
"hr": "Nitko to nikada nije napravio, zato ću to ja napraviti."
} |
580 | {
"en": "And it doesn't matter whether I'm a boy or a girl, I'm just going to scoot.",
"hr": "I nije važno jesam li muško ili žensko, samo ću jurnuti."
} |
581 | {
"en": "And so I got off that rock, and, oh my God, did I run home.",
"hr": "I dignula sam se s kamena i, o moj Bože, kako sam trčala kući."
} |
582 | {
"en": "And I sprinted home, and I didn't fall, and I didn't crash.",
"hr": "i sprintala sam kući i nisam pala i nisam se slupala."
} |
583 | {
"en": "And I ran up the stairs, and there was one of my favorite books of all time, \"Travels on My Elephant\" by Mark Shand -- I don't know if any of you know it.",
"hr": "I potrčala sam uz stube i tamo je bila moja najdraža knjiga svih vremena, \"Putovanja na mom slonu\" Marka Shanda -- ne znam poznajete li ju."
} |
584 | {
"en": "And I grabbed this book off, and I'm sitting on the couch going, \"I know what I'm going to do.",
"hr": "Zgrabila sam tu knjigu i sjedila sam na kauču misleći, \"Znam što ću učiniti."
} |
585 | {
"en": "I know how to be Mowgli.",
"hr": "Znam kako biti Mowgli."
} |
586 | {
"en": "I'm going to go across India on the back of an elephant.",
"hr": "Proputovat ću Indiju na leđima slona."
} |
587 | {
"en": "I'm going to be an elephant handler.\"",
"hr": "Postati ću jahačica slonova.\""
} |
588 | {
"en": "And I had no idea how I was going to be an elephant handler.",
"hr": "I nisam imala pojma kako postati jahačica slonova."
} |
589 | {
"en": "From global management consultant to elephant handler.",
"hr": "Od globalnog konzultanta za menadžment do jahačice slonova."
} |
590 | {
"en": "I had no idea how.",
"hr": "Nisam imala pojma kako."
} |
591 | {
"en": "I had no idea how you hire an elephant, get an elephant.",
"hr": "Nisam imala pojma kako unajmiti slona, nabaviti slona."
} |
592 | {
"en": "I didn't speak Hindi.",
"hr": "Nisam govorila Hindu."
} |
593 | {
"en": "I'd never been to India -- hadn't a clue.",
"hr": "Nikada nisam bila u Indiji -- nisam imala pojma."
} |
594 | {
"en": "But I knew I would.",
"hr": "Ali znala sam da hoću."
} |
595 | {
"en": "Because, when you make a decision at the right time and the right place, God, that universe makes it happen for you.",
"hr": "Jer kada donesete odluku u pravo vrijeme na pravom mjestu, Bože, svemir vam to omogući."
} |
596 | {
"en": "Nine months later after that day on snot rock, I had the only blind date in my life with a seven and a half-foot elephant called Kanchi.",
"hr": "Devet mjeseci kasnije nakon tog dana, imala sam jedini spoj na slijepo u svom životu s 2,3 metra visokim slonom koji se zvao Kanchi."
} |
597 | {
"en": "And together we would trek a thousand kilometers across India.",
"hr": "I zajedno ćemo proputovati tisuće kilometara kroz Indiju."
} |
598 | {
"en": "(Applause) The most powerful thing of all, it's not that I didn't achieve before then -- oh my God, I did.",
"hr": "(Pljesak) Najmoćnija stvar od svega, nije da nisam uspjela prije toga -- o moj Bože, jesam."
} |
599 | {
"en": "But you know, I was believing in the wrong thing.",
"hr": "Ali znate, vjerovala sam u pogrešnu stvar."
} |