New 10pc tax: What Malaysians need to know when buying products online below RM500 from overseas
[ [ "Government needs a new stream of income.", "Malaysian need more income. This new corpo imperialism is stripping down cities and countries by taking money out of local circulation.", "Inside the weird, get-rich-quick world of dropshipping" ], [ "i'll buy stuff that are priced at rm 501 then", "Stuff priced above rm500 tends to have even higher tax, like 30%. Fun fact the rm500 threshold includes the shipping cost so it's quite easy to go over\nEdit: as others have pointed out, sst is usually about 10%, but import duty on top of that ranges from 0 - 30% depending on item type.", "Not that high, most products will fall within 10% SST unless very specific and specialized goods. The CIF range should be increased since overseas (mostly Western) platforms tend to overcharge on shipping rates to Malaysia for some reason.", "Nope. Doesn’t work that way. Most stuff is still 10%" ], [ "So CIF <RM500 still in effect. Meaning buying something that after LVG tax exceeds 500 inclusive shipping will kena extra tax. Mmg tax sampai mampus.", "That's what you get for protesting against GST. It was a simpler progressive 6% tax on almost all good except some basic essentials. Now, gov needs to implement all kinds of funny workaround tax to compensate for the loss of tax revenue.", "Yeah I would rather have GST. Fuck this 10% really", "I prefer cutting subsidy.\nI am not a hungry petrol user why I need those?\nThose factory use giga tonnes of petrol from our tax money then they export the product pocket the profit.", "you are right.your needs don’t need petrol to move from factory to your neighbourhood shops.they just magically appear on the shelves.", "Exactly\nThey benefit from weak ringgit and they sell more. We lose out from having our salaries paid in ringgit.", "Yes, I'm pro cutting subsidy too as artificially making petrol cheap encourages people to waste petrol unsustainability. But they are not mutually exclusive, most countries that implement GS/VAT also don't really subsidise their fuel much.\nAlso, GST and it's GST refund system for business help to keep business honest if they want to claim refund. Current SST system is not as transparent and allow more loopholes for businesses to avoid taxes to maximise their profit.\nIn the end, do you prefer a fairer simpler 6% or a hodge podge system of taxes from SST, LVG, luxury tax and many more each with various confusion rules and exceptions.", "if u think about it, dropshippers are like \"middle man\" in business.\nInside the weird, get-rich-quick world of dropshipping" ], [ "Feels bad when the stuff you wanna buy isn't produced in Malaysia 😂 Dang, my cross stitch kits....", "now the gundam kits will be even more expensive :26559:" ], [ "Make local manufacturing great again!", "But but most local people don’t feel like wanna work this factory job, how to solve this especially for the business owner who wanna bring capital for district area to full-fill the demand of the local consumption.", "But but most local people don’t feel like wanna work this factory job\nWhy? Ever asked that question first? It is not about \"feel\", it is about living.\nhow to solve this especially for the business owner who wanna bring capital for district area\nSpend money to make money. Want workers pay those workers good living wage, people are allergic to the 3d's because they cant make a living doing 3d's work.", "Just pay local labourers and factory workers a wage where they can live somewhat comfortably.\nToo bad no government would do that.", "factory companies: local people? what is that?", "Meanwhile some materials have to be imported via outside, and materials are taxed even if <MYR500. Howwwwww" ], [ "This is what we get by scrapping GST." ], [ "Fuck lah I rather have GST. Also it’s kinda confusing.\nHow does the de minimis work? Any ELI5?" ], [ "Wondering would this affect some local personal shopper that sold items to Malaysian from abroad" ], [ "Tax the rich. Owh you buy 2 RM8 t-shirt from overseas, you must be rich.\nMadaning logic." ], [ "What about books? Will buying books from Amazon get taxed?" ], [ "So will I be taxed if I purchase from Taobao? It says registered seller. What does that mean? Seller who is registered with the Malaysian government? I don’t understand this." ], [ "This better not affect my Switch games prices. Im sailing the high seas again if it does." ], [ "Probably affect those merchants that resell goods that they buy overseas." ], [ "Should be at 30% so people can import at bulk and sell for 25% profit locally" ], [ "Indonesia charges 17% to 20.5% on imported low-value goods. Singapore imposes its GST rate of 8%, which will rise to 9% beginning in January.\nMalaysia is only following a global trend. And it is only fair to charge the importers this sales tax when local manufacturers are already paying the 10% sales tax, regardless of the value of the item.", "In actuality due to the existing de minimis ruling, the tax rate will be 10-20% depending on whether the parcel/package CIF value exceeds RM500. On top of this, your courier will typically charge you a handling fee of RM50 if you elect them as a representative on your behalf if the SST isn't charged on the seller's platform in advance and only charged when your package reaches customs. Unless you of course elect to head to customs office at KLIA to do clearance which will also incur an additional service fee of 10% of your taxed value (eg. tax to be paid is RM120, add another RM12 to it).\nA better implementation would be to allow for payment and collection at your district's post office which would require more warehouse space but save a lot of time for the common folk, revise/reduce the requirement of the agent fee which is often higher than the taxed value or revise the de minimis legislation. Providing a platform to file and pay your SST in advance based on your invoice/receipt value would also greatly streamline the process. To be fair such issues are also prevalent in SG and other countries since these LVG taxations have been introduced which shows the cracks in such hasty implementations.", "IIRC buying TaoBao via sea shipping automatically has 6% sales tax(?, not sure the exact term) attached along with shipping rate. IMO that's a much better system than having to physically go to post office and pay there.", "If the platform already provides that option then sure. But plenty of e-commerce websites don't since they might not have the resources to implement it or that our country isn't a priority for them. Being able to handle it on our end simplifies it in that case", "Hey thanks so much for the insight and suggestion.", "Not a problem. The tax while an issue is less of a problem then the hoops of bureaucracy we have to jump through along with all the hidden costs associated with them. It would be great if all these were explained clearly so that everyone would get a clearer picture." ], [ "Fuck this new ruling. It's especially harsh for rural folks like me where we literally can't get most items without online shopping. Our salaries lag behind salaries in cities too.\nInb4 move to the city for better prospects then! Think about that the next time you're in traffic jam, crowded public transport plus crowds and competition for everything, everywhere... from places to eat to places to live. Having folks spread out in rural areas help reduce that." ], [ "Fun fact, a local manufacturer i know imports its raw materials. Our local raw mats are simply not as good." ], [ "Idiot move that will benefit no one.", "It benefits local sellers that stock goods locally?", "If and only if their product are solely manufactured in Malaysia.", "this is not true at all", "", "If people are bringing large amounts of cheap stuff from abroad and paying customs duties like they should (which most legitimate businesses do), then afaik, they aren't affected by this.\nFor example if I bring in a whole container of made in china stuffed toys that sell for thirty bucks each to sell on my Lazada store, I will have to pay customs duty before I'm allowed to bring it out of the port. If there's a 10% tax on top of that then it's double taxed.", "You are correct. Imported taxable goods are subject to sales tax.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "It benefits the environment and compulsive shoppers lol. Many of those cheap Chinese junks are of poor quality and people just bought them because they have poor self control and were manipulated by e-commerce algorithms. Worst of all, most e-commerce platforms weren't profitable anyways and they subsidize all those junks being sold and that's how we end up with more and more trash. No doubt, there are many good items sub RM 500 but many purchases were impulse buying that were subsidized and financed by buy-now-pay-later and platform discounts. I don't see how it's sustainable environmental and economical wise", "hey alright" ], [ "So I should grab most stuff now before jan 1? :26554: joke aside, even if we buy from local sellers, if they stock their stuff from overseas, we will still be impacted right, cos those sellers will increase prices likely" ], [ "Anybody that needs stuff from overseas can pm me , my job is in aviation so im sure we can work something out" ], [ "Membebankan rakyat. We can to get same product cheaper. Now want to tax. Susah hidup." ], [ "okla, kan dah ptptpn free,.pendidikan percuma, tol free, mau apa lagi? semua dah free #cuba5tahunje" ], [ "Rindu zaman najib" ], [ "Regressive tax that will harm the low-income earners. Fuck you Anwar, I’m voting for PN", "The law was passed while PN was in power. PHBN just delayed it's implementation by one year.", "Where's the /s?", "Might want to do some research first before you vote the other way :X\nhttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2022/08/04/dewan-rakyat-green-lights-10-tax-on-online-goods/\nPH MPs were the ones who voiced concern about the impact to low-income households, and a PAS MP who was agreeable to it (albeit at a reduced rate)." ], [ "Can buy and import pocket memek and dildo again? Christmas coming up want to gift my gf and her hubby something fun so they can hopefully get me gta6." ], [ "Idk if this is dumb question, but will this somehow strengthen ringgit back? Since the gomen will be getting more revenue XD. if that's the case i'll take the trade of extra charge for overseas goods", "Strengthening the government’s fiscal position is only one step towards improving the local currency. And even then, raising tax revenue is only one piece of the puzzle.\nFor Malaysia specifically, apart from a low tax revenue relative to its GDP (at 11%, when regional neighbours’ average is around 15%), the problems also lie in the high debt ratio to GDP, a big fiscal deficit that outsizes regional neighbours’, and a big chunk of the government revenue going to blanket subsidies.\nWhat the government needs to do is to reduce its spending and raise its revenue. Just like a company’s turnaround objective, which is to increase sales and cut costs.\nIf bond investors are convinced by the soundness of Malaysia’s fiscal position, then they may be more comfortable buying our bonds. That could help with the ringgit’s value because buying Malaysian bonds would generate demand for the ringgit, since they are denominated in the local currency.\nAlso, Malaysia’s economy needs to be jump-started again. Our growth is decent, but there’s nothing really interesting for investors to buy into. That’s why the government is working hard to rope in new investors and build new industries like renewable energy and high-value microchips. Hopefully, in the long run, that could create a domino effect on the economy." ] ]
Celebrity preacher Azman Syah Alias has been ordered to enter his defence on 2 charges of committing sexual assault on a 17-year-old boy. The Klang Sessions Court ruled that the prosecution had proven a prima facie case against him.
[ [ "pencetus syahwat 👍", "Perkosa unta" ], [ "Usually this kinda case is when there's like, DEAD SET video evidence of the act, and/or like 10+ corroborating independent witnesses or something", "Also it must be impossible to scrub the evidence from the internet right? Or is that an optional criteria?", "Dont know the details, but it's basically a case where the evidence is way too damning" ], [ "As a Malay, I don't get how us Malays see him and immediately think he's a saint.\nIf Boston priest in the 80s have taught me anything, the \"holier\" they look, the hornier they are.", "Yea, for a while now, I have had a bone to pick with the very concept of \"celebrity preachers\" in that for some reason Ig existing ustaz's aren't enough already so they have these kind of people doing the whole preaching work when at some point they just gonna be more well-known for doing some dumb stuff (the one married to Neelofa literally broke COVID restrictions rules multiple times) rather than doing anything that they're supposed to. In the end, they just tarnish the concept itself and ultimately don't make any meaningful contributions at all in the long run" ], [ "It's always them." ], [ "Preachers are always the ones sent to hell." ], [ "Hornier than thou preacher" ] ]
Motac MM2H Service Counter
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hi, anyone heard of or been to the recently-opened MM2H service counter at Motac? I lost my old passport and need to transfer the visa page onto the new one which I have applied for. Not sure if this is covered under their "pass transfer" service. Thanks in advance. One-stop MM2H hub opens at Motac in Putrajaya | The Star
Health minister orders comms team to revisit and update Covid-19 guidelines after complaints over CAC hotline
[ "COVID-19" ]
[ [ "calling the hotline and getting no response\nUse chatbots instead?" ] ]
Update on GoKL fares for foreigners and booking date recommendations for Avana SkyWay to Genting
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hello everyone, I am planning to visit KL in the first week of January. Are there any latest updates on the GoKL Bus fare charges for foreigners? And I wanted to know another thing, how long before is it recommended to book tickets for the Avana Skyway to Genting Highlands? Can I book it online a day before?
'All Singapore food are stolen from Malaysia': Malaysian celebrity takes on Singaporeans on variety show
[ [ "We better don't go down this path, because Indonesians are waiting to do the same to us.", "But it is ok for Malaysia to keep beating the Singapore boogeyman because the sight of their success makes us hurt.", "I recall some dipshit celeb talking shit about Penang, said something like \"Aik, saya kat Singapura ke?\", as if comparing an island that serves great laksa with another island with a stable govt, decent healthcare, higher wage and Xbox access first a bad thing.", "Just look at the facepalm comments here by a regular few. Every other topic can descend into mocking the B40 of SG." ], [ "Plot twist. All of Singapore was from Malaysia.", "This is a fact. Singapore was originally from Malaya. In fact, Raffles \"took\" Singapore from Johor Royalty in a typical colonial manner. But SG is doing way better than Malaysia now and Malaysian workers cross the causeway daily to work in SG." ], [ "The inferiority complex is real, it's incredible how many Malaysians are intimidated by a city-state that was kicked out thinking it would come crawling back when instead it became a success by itself. Malaysians would rather abuse Singapore as a distraction than actually looking at their own mirror about the problems plaguing the country.", "And they shame themselves on international platforms", "Honestly most Malaysians don't really care. You take a game show and use that to blanket all Malaysians as being intimidated and fixated on Singapore? lol We have bigger things to worry about in our day to day lives man. Actually most of us are impressed with how Singapore is run as a country in terms of safety, efficiency etc.\nOn the contrary, I have come across Singaporeans who have this strange loud superiority complex against Malaysians. They will always find some reason to talk smack about us and complain about Malaysia. I have been in situations where all I said was I am from Malaysia, and it set off the Singaporean I was talking with on some weird indoctrination script about how Malaysia is bad and how Singapore is amazing lol.\nSo calm down. We really don't care as much as you seem to think we do." ], [ "Gastronasionalism, an absolutely pointless endeavour." ], [ "Malaysians and Singaporeans are like cultural siblings. Like real life siblings, there's always rivalry and competition. Malaysia is like the pampered man-child eldest son who chose to live like a hippy but is now getting on in the years, regretting some past life choices and wondering if it's too late to go straight. Singapore is like the straight-laced accountant younger brother who sacrificed his childhood to get to where he is but resents their parents' past favoritism and secretly envies his elder sibling's collection of vintage Pokémon cards and comic books. Both live rent free in each other's heads without realising it.", "But you will hardly see Singaporeans being so public about their hate of Malaysians. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. I believe it is a coping mechanism. See some of the comments here. They see the need to single out the B40 of SG living a hard life when they didn't realize their own B40 fare even worse. To add salt to the wound, SG's B40 can literally just cross the border and live a luxurious life.", "Singaporeans don't need to show hate or resentment because their main spectator sport is disdain for the less fortunate. PAP and the state media follow the colorful train wreck that is Malaysian politics like it's some kind of reality show. The hidden subtext that many Singaporeans may or may not realise is that the secondary purpose is to scare Singaporean voters into keeping PAP in power because the news is telling them, \"this is what happens when a country is without a strong government\".", "Perhaps, it is however really hilarious to see how juvenile many Malaysians are. They literally carry their hate for Singapore and Singaporeans on their face. Their mouth automatically insults SG at every turn of the corner. Little do they know it just exposes how deep seated their insecurity and battery are.", "This is the internet. People talk trash under the perceived veil of anonymity. Also it would be presumptuous to assume what you see on the internet is representative of what people are like in real life because the demographics of the english speaking internet in both countries are very different.", "Perhaps and a fair point. Have a nice day", "Ummmmm Jocelyn Chia kinda famous for just that one thing sooo…..", "Jocelyn Chia is an American. Still so sore about that?", "She’s the picturesque Singki, sooo far away but yet can’t get Malaysia out of her head.", "Show me where she hurt you bro. HAHA." ], [ "Another mega chad crapping on Singapore and Singaporeans again.. what's next? Singaporeans stealing petrol, oxygen, money and jobs away from Malaysians?\nOh wait." ], [ "" ], [ "Hero wasn’t done being provocative, however. He also made unfavourable comments when talking about famous attractions in Singapore. He labelled all of them “man-made”.\nHe called Jewel’s Rain Vortex a “man-made fountain”, said Siloso Beach was a “man-made beach” and Gardens by the Bay were “man-made botanic gardens”.\nThen pointing towards the Singaporean guests, he said they were “man-made people”.\nThe Malaysian also gave advice to any would-be visitor to Singapore not to spend too much time in the country. He said three days and two nights were enough.\nThere’s not much to do, he reasoned.\nso much hate, SG living rent free amongst many Malaysians!", "SG living rent free amongst many Malaysians!\nConsidering how high the rent is. Not wrong.", "And you can tell OP has Malaysia living rent free in his mind. From his posting history, everything is about Singapore this, Malaysia that. lol", "That's rich coming from you, considering you have been bashing Singapore for years not even on Reddit but on other websites as well lol. Imagine being from Sarawak and hating on Singapore more than Malaya who actually fucked your state. Stockholm syndrome at its best", "Lol. I bash both Malaysia and Singapore. You guys are not special.", "Meh..let them be...Its normal for some of them. Find any reason to talk bad about Malaysia, insult the politics, insult the corruption, brag about their precious exchange rate..complain complain complain\nAt the same time they love being able to come over and spend, release tension and drive their cringe supercars like maniacs on our roads, afford nice holidays without having to worry about prices.\nMoney can't buy happiness...I think of this quote a lot when I come across these smug SG people. Don't waste your energy arguing with idiots.", "Like how Malaysian workers talking bad about Malaysia in SG and doing the reverse when back in their hometowns?", "Tree hugging? What xenophobic shit is this? Your true colours are showing.", "east Malaysians still tree hugging?\nNice of you to share your opinion regarding east Malaysians, is there any other group you'd like to joke about before making your exit?", "Thanks for the awesome joke to start my day.", "Like who cares? It’s literally just a show. Most of the guests love to 做效果。 If you watch 康熙,this is common. 小S did so much worse to her guests that most became national headlines.", "Malaysia has a lot of natural wonders: like forest city, and all the forests cut down for your royalty housing, ghost towns and for developers to blow up property bubble lol." ], [ "People in the sg subreddit were trying to insult Malaysians with the currency exchange.\nWhat they don't realize is most of them are from the b40 there in Singapore.\nWhat is worse than living in a small apartment? Being poor while living in a small apartment.", "Idk bro, malaysian b40 isn't that better off than their SG counterpart", "Many people here high on copium lol. They justify their crappy existence by mocking Singapore B40.", "What kind of copium nonsense is this", "Oh you are talking about the large number of Malaysians who don't have EPF and can't retire? Or those struggling under the yolk of inflation, currency depreciation and ballooning private and public debt..\nOh wait ... Nvm Singaporeans cross causeway and help provide jobs.", "It’s pretty similar to US and Mexico. Americans look down on Mexicans but they would gladly drive down in droves for vacation. Healthcare in US is astronomically expensive so most of them seek treatment in Mexico. My Singaporean friend goes to JB for dental appointment because it’s literally 3x cheaper. He did all the scaling, whitening, braces, etc at a fraction of the price. But he always complains about the congestion at the immigration, saying Malaysia immigration officers are slow, not realising he and his countrymen are the reason why we have congestion at the first place.", "But but but. Singaporeans have the choice to move to Malaysia and live like a king.. East Malaysians have no choice but to give all their oil to West Malaysia.", "Btw do you realise Singapore B40 can retire like a king in Malaysia? Does the fact you are struggling at home make you hurt to know this?", "Nah Sinkies would probably unalive themselves waaaay before ever retiring", "Btw I saw your comments you made over time on Reddit lol. \"Nons\" Malaysians here will have a field day looking at it. I truly feel sad for non-malay Malaysians.", "Damn you actually looked at everyone’s profile. Singkis really do have no life.", "Boleh... supra-bumi lol. Tongkat for life brother.", "Lol rainbowpencil saying that while furiously replying to every comment. Singapore really is boring if you have the time to do this.", "Not as much as someone raking up karma in bolehland. No wonder Nons call someone like you Rempit. Fix your own issues first la haha.", "Comment removed for breaching Reddiquette. I'm also imposing a permaban because for a new account, your entire post/comment history on this sub has been to bait others into arguments. This is not welcome.", "Will they retire here though?\nMm2h requires applicants to have cash savings, million in ringgit Malaysia.\nDo b40 Singaporeans even have that?\nMalaysia is struggling, the T20 is not struggling.", "So you are using T20 Malaysian perspective to judge B40 Singaporeans?" ], [ "OH OH OH HE SAID THE THING\nHE SAID THE THING" ], [ "I strongly disagree with this statement.\nThey have their own twist eventhough we had same type of food.\nAnd I dont want people who tasted singapore watered down version of food and judge our food instead.\nOur food are NOT the same\n/#doneclaim", "You are definitely right, considering the diabetes and health profile of Malaysians. The food is definitely more \"nutritious\" lol" ], [ "Apparently, Penis Tai wants everyone to know that his personality is 18cm long lmao", "Nice! 👌\nIf you have it, flaunt it. I find it funny you try to discredit him … for having a python in his pants.", "Classic Malaysian Chad 🥳" ], [ "they can claim their pepper soup singapore bak kut teh...............\nit sucks anyway.", "Yes that's right. Everything about Singapore sucks. Everything about Malaysia is far superior and atas. Boleh..", "The comment said about bak kut teh and you said everything.\nWhat is this dogshit paradox.", "You seem to be so salty lol", "Had too much malaysian food. Sodium level off the chart.", "Sky high diabetes is a sign that Malaysians are living well indeed.", "Yup. Thats the only thing singapore food is better than malaysia food: tasteless but healthier", "High carb low protein and full of salt and cheap palm oil = \"tasty\" lol. Said no epicurean ever haha\nEnjoy your diabetes and heart attacks :)", "Awww butt hurt liao. Kesian..\nAnd i was just complimenting singapore food.", "How is mentioning nutritional and medical facts equal to butthurt? Really, enjoy your steaming plate of nasi.", "Didn't take criticism in gracious manner = butthurt, no? And that was clearly displayed in your comment.\nYou can enjoy your tasteless but healthy food. I will enjoy my tasty yet vein clogging food.", "Boleh 😘", "Since where this guys say Malaysia is far superior ?" ], [ "You not Malaysian tho if you downvote this post I meant have some national dignity" ] ]
I pay 7K+ a semester as a research student, but I can't get the most important thing I need for my research.
[ "Education" ]
I need training servers to run my experiments. I get it, the university doesn't have one. But they could at least help me indirectly by forgiving some of my fees (I need RM2K max). After all, I am paying all that amount for the university to help me with my research. But in this case, I am getting the opposite result. All my money goes paying fees, which I could have used to rent training servers and actually do my experiments. (It's a public research university and the amount is so high because I am an international)
[ [ "Aren't those usually covered by grants your supervisor should have? Academic fees aren't going to your research in any case.", "Research students covered by grants don't pay fees. The grant is to cover their fees (and in many cases for the stipend they receive). At least, I haven't seen any such case of it. (For example, something like this)\nThe fees are also for the resources made available by the university. Like journal subscriptions. Most top research universities in the world usually also have training servers (people from those part of the world would consider it ludicrous to have to pay for training servers yourself). So in a sense, there's an expectation that your fees will provide you with the resources you need to do the research.", "Yes, there are research students that are covered by grants. But there are supervisors that would also have grants that is of too small monetary value to pay for a student full time but is more than sufficient to pay for equipment and research material. I thought this is the more common scenario compared to getting your full fees covered by a grant?\nOn to your point on the minimal expectation of what the university should provide, what did your supervisor or faculty dean say when you brought the issue to them? A research journal subscription is a universal resource that all students will benefit but a training server is a bit more specialized. I would guess the budget for that would have to come for the faculty instead instead of the overall university budget.", "I have brought the issue up to my supervisor, but he hasn't mentioned anything about funding.\nI am not sure how the university budget works, but I would expect at least some of my fees to be going to the faculty for the resources like computer labs and other facilities that are meant specifically for research students.", "The last time I had to buy something for a theses years ago, my supervisor offered to reimburse. Maybe you'll need to impress stronger you need a paid service or dedicated racks.\nIn any case, it's up to the faculty to provide such infrastrucure. Going to treasury or chancellory wouldn't be fruitful as they have no insight into your particular research needs.", "I see. Yeah, makes sense. I will try to go to the academic advisor of my faculty and see if they can provide me some options." ], [ "When it comes to financial matters, isn't it usually the other way around for PhD? PhD students are paid a stipend to do research from the funding their respective departments get.\nPayiny for a PhD isn't exactly worth it, at least in STEM.", "Yeah, that's how it works in Europe and America I believe. I am a Masters student though. It's a full research programme (no coursework other than the ones also taken by PhD students), so it's like a mini-PhD type of thing. Although, PhD students here also pay fees every semester.", "This is not always the case in Malaysia" ], [ "That's why the models I trained for my master research were all small enough to run on Colab 🥲 mayb can try getting grant from uni? If full research, might be eligible. Mine was mixed mode so I can't even apply for it.\nAlso, do ask your supervisor. My supervisor mentioned that there was a GPU from another research's grant that I can lend, but it was pretty much the same as what Colab/Colab Pro offer so yeah. I ended up spending like rm300 on Colab Pro.", "I have spent RM200 so far on one experiment. Need to run at least 5 others. I am mostly using vast.ai to rent. It's not very reliable, but doable. The major problem is I need an RTX4090, because the model doesn't fit on smaller VRAM GPUs." ], [ "Here.. requested like that is hard to get approved... should use AWS server even cheaper" ], [ "I did my masters in neural networks over a decade ago at a global top ranked uni. I didn't have grants or access to processing power either. Tuition fees per year back then was over RM100k.\nAccess to resources is a function of the research topic getting grants to fund it, not all topics are created equal unfortunately." ], [ "Rent a GPU from a CSP." ] ]
PPUM (UH) has become so bad, why?
My relative had a recent visit to undergo a surgery at PPUM. He was asked to purchase his own medical supplies before being warded and also 24 hours before the surgery he was asked to buy some of the medication needed for surgery. What’s the reason for this? Seems quite dumb to me, since I assumed hospitals just charge everything when paying for the bill at the end.
[ [ "Has always been like that. Except for regular medication, special and specific use stuff requires self purchase beforehand to ensure availability and stock is delivered to the theatre before it closes. Also because the pharmacy dept is handled by a different department with its own billing and inventory requirements.Same applies for other treatment eg cancer chemotherapy, obgyn etc.\nSame actually applies in private hospitals but during checkin they already precharge you/patient with \"deposit\" anywhere between 5k to 15k and that's where the cost is being deducted from." ], [ "U can ask hospital to purchase for you, but it may take very long time since a lot of procedures need to go thru…and you can get cheaper price if you buy it by urself", "Yeah, in the end the nurse mentioned can get some staff to purchase for him. But I was just shocked why it was even brought up that someone had to be there to purchase it for him in the morning of the surgery." ], [ "Nope that’s not how gov hosps work. Idk what surgery he went through or what meds he took so I assume the surgery your relative needed was a special one where he would need a special equipment that the hospital wouldn’t have or an implant correctly sized to him ie a a TKR/THR implant/plate and screws or a mesh for hernia repair etc in which case the hospital has to outsource from a vendor. U have to pay THAT vendor separately. Additionally, if the gov hosp has special meds to give u that ordinarily kkm wouldn’t cover, u have to pay it yourself.\nAt the end of your stay, u pay for the service, docs’/nurses’ expertise and subsidized surgery bills.\nex kkm doctor", "But ppum isn't like kkm right? It's sort of semi-private? If you are a govt servant/pensioner they do cover you but otherwise you do need to bear some cost, albeit not as expensive as a private hospital of course. I remember when I worked under kkm, they would access our HRMIS so the charges would be free but once I resigned the charges were different.\nHowever in this case I think it's like you mentioned, certain surgery you have to pay for the equipment they will use for the surgery.", "As the other guy mentioned, PPUM is still under government, but different ministry. It's under MOHE, same like HUSM, HUKM. So different charges, not the same as gov hospital under KKM. But they do have their private wing as an option. Hence what people thought of \"semi private\", simply because there is an option for private services.", "But their charges for delivery is nowhere near as cheap as gov but definitely not as expensive as private. Delivery fee there is rm800 if not mistaken and that figure is too high for any government hospital charges.", "PPUM is under MOHE.", "Ppum (university Hosp) as OP specified is the government sector, that’s why I assumed he was in a gov hosp. UMSC which is nearby is the private sector.", "Total bill for my hospitalization was 238 ringgit. 100 for surgery, 9 ringgit for 3 days of stay(3rd class rate) in a 1st class ward. The cost for titanium implant for my wrist is being covered by PERKESO and the vendor came to see me to sign a letter and it was all arranged by HKL. Only gave me tramadol and paracetamol after being discharged and no antibiotics.\nThank god for gov hospital.", "I’m very glad to hear that. When I was a houseman in Orthopedics I was the one who had to handle all the brunt work of handling the paperwork and applying my patient’s PERKESO/JPA/TBP/PEKAB40 applications. Give thanks and credit to your housemen too and not just your surgeons 😉", "The surgeon because he fast tracked my surgery that morning I met him, warded by afternoon. Got blood work and everything done by late afternoon and slotted me in and did my surgery the next day. Met a patient's dad next morning and said they operated on his son at 2:30am. Im super grateful to the surgery team.\nAlso true. The Dr who helped me with the paperwork must be a houseman cause he kept calling the surgeon his boss. Because my right hand is busted, he filled out all the forms for me, and the only thing I had to do was sign the consent form and letters with my thumbprint.\nReally good doctors and medical personnels in HKL despite all the horror stories you often heard about gov hospitals. I'm really grateful for their dedication.", "Interesting, that may have been the case. It was for kidney removal or something, but he was told to get the meds from the pharmacy, so it wasn’t like he was supposed to get it outsourced from an external vendor or something.", "Is that the medication that has to be taken for a long time? I forgot the name but usually GH will provide these meds for pts with resected kidneys. They’d usually be given a written authorization (LP) from the head of nephro/uro. But they have a quota each year and it would get full by June usually. Since it’s December he probably won’t have the chance but worth to bring it up with his specialist on his next appt next year tho, maybe the meds could be free next time.\nThese are all maybes btw idk the exact condition etc. just trying to help since I used to work in a GH.", "Thanks for the comment, will take note!", "Taiping GH, my mom's hip replacement a few years back, have to go buy the hardware ourselves." ], [ "Government hospitals will provide the bare minimum. Nurses will give recommendations to make you more comfortable or improve the quality of your recover. This has always been the case. This is because government hospitals cap your total bill if you're Malaysian and also procurement for anything not on the approved list is a nightmare. Getting more things into the list is also a nightmare." ], [ "All hospitals are the same. Theres just too many people. And couple with covid cases going up, hospitals are really short handed right now." ], [ "2019 i had my appendix took out and i had to buy surgical suture made from a fish which i forgot the name. It used to stitch whatever inside after they took out my appendix. This is SGH." ], [ "since I assumed\nk bye" ], [ "My parents has had check ups/procedures done a few times per year at PPUM so perhaps I can give some \"insights\". The pharmacy dept and the wards there dont work with each other. So when a patient has an upcoming procedure, the ward will ask to get some meds in advance. Like my dad's case, we needed to buy anaesthesia from the outpatient pharmacy. If the patient doesnt have any guardian, then the ward's nurse will help the patient.\nMost likely due to staff shortage, the nurse will ask for guardian to run some errands. When my dad has to undergo his procedure, i'll be running all over the place! (for e.g: register & ward admittance at menara selatan, collect prescription at ruka then walk all the way back to patient ward which is at menara timur)\nWhen you say that hospital will do A-Z, I think that's private hospital. Like even though I have to spend hours just to settle these errands, I think its worth it coz its seriously dirt cheap to do your procedures and follow up there." ], [ "I believe the doctor or hospital is trying to help save cost. If the hospital buys, its more costly (like double or triple). If its a private hospital, they won't ask, just use and charge super high price like 10x!\nAlso save time. its win win." ], [ "It has been like that since 1999 when my mother had to purchase a special drug for my grandmother, admitted into UH for internal bleeding. According to my mum it was expensive so it had to be purchased outside." ], [ "Thats why public hospital is the best\nGood choice indeed" ] ]
Missing Cat at OUG/Taman Yarl. Cash reward will be given. Please help me bring my baby back home!
Hey guys! For those of you staying around Taman Yarl/OUG area, please let me know if you’ve seen my missing cat. She goes by the name Noisy, and has a collar with a tag on her which has our home address, name and contact number! If any of you have seen her, please let me know! She was last seen at Lorong Awan Biru Taman Yarl on the 11th December 2023.
[ [ "Do you have an FB resident page you can post this on as well? Gorgeous cat, hope you get it back safe.", "Thank you so much! I’ve tried searching for resident pages around the area but none so far! I’ve posted it on several pages online as well. Hoping for the best 🙁", "there's the Sri petaling OUG Facebook group here.\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1959639504262518/?ref=share&mibextid=WiMSqg\nnot sure if posting links be ok but try.", "Thank you so much for this! Will try my luck here as well☺️" ], [ "If she is Noisy then you would find her in no time\nJokes aside I hope she’s found safe 🥺" ], [ "She found herself her bf", "She’s quite antisocial so I highly doubt it 😅" ], [ "Had you tried Facebook? Got specific missing animal pets Malaysia group if I remember it correctly\nLOST PETS Malaysia\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/616732178714813/\nMissing Pets S.O.S. Malaysia\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/820902158057842/\nLOST PET FOUND PET ADOPTION MALAYSIA\nhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1147133572090495/", "Thank you so much for this! I’ve posted it there too! I appreciate the help! 💙" ], [ "Last year 2 of my cat missing then found already dead on side of the road hit by car. This year lost 1 cat. This all start when a lot of outsider come to my neighborhood lake and park. They come littered everywhere and killed my cat, my neighbor cat, the park grass looks horrible now as they use it as park now, and illegal food truck seller selling there, and I said illegal due to notice already put up at the park do not trespass." ] ]
The father of the 17 yo kid killed by the police, being traumatised
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "I feel really sorry for the man." ], [ "The police just rammed the kid in front of the school. The audacity just because he is ‘panas baran’. Such a juvenile attitude, and he’s part of the uniform smh.", "If some kid revving his motor can make him so angry that he runs him down, he not only should not be any person of authority, he should be detained for public safety.\nBet you that this isn't his first time, and for the sake of his kids and his wife, I hope he's jailed forever. Cause you know what kind of husband and father this guy is.", "It isn't. Apparently he also has an assault case in 2015 involving a pregnant lady in a pasar in Kelantan. Netizen got a screen shot of the victim's police report", "Classic narcissistic abuser", "ACAB", "NWA said it best", "f the police", "You are a young digger on a warpath?" ], [ "Seriously tho.. aku bengang jugak dgn polis mcm tu dan dgn bongkaknya ckp dia polis dia boleh buat apa2 je.. f* u laa boleh buat apa2.. kes ni kalau tak 302 then seriously aku ckp gov judiciary mmg problem", "this case viraled and highly publicised with so many witnesses...those police higher ups got no choice but to enforce the rule to prevent public outrage\nsuspect's behaviour during the incident is not helping them and in fact making it worse so they are out of valid reason to back him up", "Like netizen always said \"dah viral baru jalan kerja\"", "yes..but this time PDRM cant just bury this case like the others because the suspect fucked up real bad when he thought he was above the law...media and public will always watching PDRM this time and they got no choice but to do their job because they got an image and reputation to maintain", "If im not mistaken, someone also print out the physical poster of the victim with a quote demanding for justice.", "I wish the bastard cop will rott in jail... But I highly doubt due to his high position and corruption...the police will keep in safe in prison...he just in prison for show only... Free holiday... 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😣😣😣😞😞\nI pray justice is serve.. If that shit cop survived... Remember karma is a bitch.. Hope he will get sick or his family or love one kena!", "Sekarang penjenayah dah tak pakai topeng,sarung tangan,baju hitam.Sekarang penjenayah pakai uniform lengkap,kasut but,lencana kat dada hahahaha", "confirm kena 302 punya. perangai setan dah tu", "I just read the star newspaper, it was stated that he violated section 41(1) of road transport act 1987 and 302 of penal code was never mentioned.", "Mamat tu langgar 2 kali, keluar kereta tengok keadaan budak tu, but the news said \"hit & run\"", "yeaaa that’s why i thought dia boleh dapat 302 tu. sebab bro dia literally memang niat nak langgar kot. wtf. semoga ada keadilan.", "https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/17/igp-probe-will-be-transparent here in star online, mention 302 pula", "btw thank you!!", "my pleasure :)", "maybe betul la kot dapat 302. layak. betul dah tu", "Tf?", "i baru balik kerja and wtf", "Haramjadah punya polis tu" ], [ "Stupid reason, panas baran from bunyi exzos kuat? Smpai bunuh budak? Haish mental agaknya", "Power trip kot" ], [ "Around 30-35 years ago, there's this accidental killing of a student from a police chasing a suspect. The student was firstly accused of being part of the gang until proven he was just a bystander.\nNo visits, no apologies and the families were left wondering how their F5 / F6 son died.\nI suppose the police attitudes have not changed. Public opinion must have forced the higher ups to act quickly before a real public uproar.", "Thats the thing, 30 years ago theres no such thing as social media, no way to viral it, so its easy to cover things up.\nThats one of the good thing about social media nowadays.", "the people on the ground uphelding Mahathir's reign is the one right now being the seniors in the force" ], [ "My heart goes out to the grieving father who has to deal with the untimely demise of his youngest child as well as speculations that his son was a rempit.\nPrime example, this comment section. It's disheartening at times to come across comments completely devoid of empathy.", "oh believe me.. these people you call, they are lurking in this post.\nand if they're seeing this, screw you all, the longer i stay here the less humane all of you are", "Pretty much shows you the attitude of average Malaysian redditor. Let's face it, they are most likely racist AF too.", "Racist af for sure. But i always set my mind, that they just fat fuck talk cock in reddit. In real life got no voice bro. Haha", "What’s a rempit?", "Motorcyclist stereotype who has modified their vehicle to be loud and usually rides dangerously.", "Ah, got it, thanks!", "More or less motor cycle gang.\nBut at the same time not the type u see in western countries.\nThey modify their bike.They also ride and do stunts on the road.Ignore traffic laws and some form a loose club , some form a literal gang.\nEitherway, the word rempit generally carry a negative sentiment to it.", "Follow up from u/throwawayurmomgreen yes rempit groups are often considered negative (which it is) however it does not permit manslaughter by the police", "I'm going to butcher it but usually individuals at the age of 17 and above being reckless drivers and participating in illegal street racing\ne.g: Doing wheelies while driving", "slang for the motorcycle version of fast and furious - modified motorcycles and have illegal races at nights. they usually use their girlfriends as bet. the girls are called bohsia.", "Because this place is racist against a certain race but they pretend to be liberal and all knowledgeable" ], [ "This is a rare case of the victim not proven to be a mat rempit. Most of the kampung people have bikes that are modified to have loud exhaust pipe. The victim was wearing his school sports uniform, and the time of this accident was right after school session ended on a Friday afternoon. Also, based on what evidence there was, it appears that the victim was alone when approached by the culprit for making noise with his bike. We don't know how their conversation went before the chase started. But it seems that the cop who is at the area in private capacity (not in uniform, not in police car) was clearly abusing his power by crazily chasing after the victim, and purposefully knocked him down despite the victim already slowing down his bike to end the chase.\nI know how we always see the irresponsible parents as people who refuse to believe that their children did wrong, but in this situation (and also based on witnesses who had came forward), it's not right to be directly assuming that the kid was a mat rempit just based on his bike's noisy exhaust pipe. This accident didn't happen because the victim was racing his bike or creating a dangerous environment to other road users. His bike was parked when he was \"creating noise pollution\". That in itself was merely an annoyance, but not dangerous.", "Whether or not the victim was a rempit is not only objectively and thoroughly irrelevant but also shouldn't be a matter of discussion at all. There is no justification for cold-blooded murder. ZERO.\nRan down like a stray dog in the street. Langgar sekali and then reverse balik kasi satu kali lagi kena. That is straight-up evil. The victim was a minor, unarmed, and not causing harm to anyone.\nMurder. End of story.", "and not causing harm to anyone.\nI am 100% not defending the officer, but I've seen enough mat rempit and high schoolers rempit that causes harm to other civilians on the road, reckless riding and racing, more often than not, the same cluster of them will have some criminal records, i.e., meth, thief, snatch...\nAnd there is a reason and law that prohibit the modification of exhaust pipe to make it loud, they broke the law, certainly not a justification for the police to murder him, but they did broke the law and caused disturbance.\nThe problem is why we have so many rempits that reving the exhaust and causing harm to civilians and noise pollution. In my housing area, almost every weekend there will be at least tens to hundred of them reving in the middle of night, scouting and racing, and sometimes I can hear the police siren, sometimes don't.\nThe narrative in this case is obviously siding with the victim because he is dead, but let's take a deep reflection why it happened.", "oh so he deserves to be murdered just because he made some noise disturbance, good. what ass quality deep reflection is this", "Ah yes the \"she was asking for it\" argument.", "your perspective will be different when you lost someone due to the rempit that hit-and-run. I curse all rempits to die a thousand deaths and eternal suffering from eternal burning flame on them.", "I hate rempits too, but this guy literally got ran over by a police officer on purpose. The kid was being a public nuisance yes, but we have no proof of him endangering anyone. That police officer is clearly a danger to society as well.", "Oh, cool, the \"I know one person from the group who was bad, so everyone from that group deserves to die\" argument.\nUh, not much better bro.", "Doesn't make you right though.", "You can join them.", "The fact that you are getting downvoted here shows how easily people in this reddit can be manipulated. No ability to objectively look at the situation. Sure the kid died, but the act of causing chase on the road by itself would make me lose empathy to both sides. The kid was, for the lack of a better word than this, lucky that he didn't cause harm to others. Both are in the wrong, don't put the kid on a pedestal. He died on a motor chase, not freedom fighting. The police dude was on a power trip.", "Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? There's a reason police are not given authority to knock off a driver of any vehicle during a police chase while their vehicle is moving. If they do have permission its called a manhunt not a police chase. The whole idea of a police chase is to arrest the individual(s) not take their life.\nWe are neither judge, jury nor executioner. The kid was wrong, but he was served homicide, not justice. We're supposed to be serving justice. As the people, i do not agree on a police officer on duty playing off as the judge jury and executioner. Nothing more nothing less. Whatever the kid did here is off topic. Its not about the kid.", "Did i ever say the police is in the right? I'm saying we shouldn't put the kid on a pedestal. The kid initiated a motor chase. Motor chase is bad. Dude killed a kid while on a motor chase. Dude is bad. Need a malay translation? Dua dua mangkuk tu bodoh. Different degrees of bodoh, but bodoh nonetheless. Hence why i agree with the initial idea of the original message here.", "Like i said, we are aware that both is bodoh, but one is a kid, and the other is a police officer. We are not putting the kid on any pedestal, but you are throwing the kid in the dirt. A kid that isnt bodoh to some extent isnt a kid, its just a fun sized adult. Just because a kid is being bodoh, that doesnt give any adults, the police, even the netizen like u and me, any rights to throw him in the dirt. Even bodoh people have rights. Hence why i dont agree with the initial idea of the original message here. Because it implies that one bodoh moment means you lost your right as a human. I've done many bodoh things as well but that doesnt mean i should jump off a bridge to atone for what i did, nor does it give anyone any rights outside of court to punish me for my bodoh.", "How is my message of saying the kid's action to be dangerous any different than your message of saying him to be bodoh? Aren't you also throwing dirt to his name? So you are applying selective virtues when it comes to the truth? If you aren't putting him on a pedestal, good for you. But the comments on fb, insta and here are singing a different tune. The kid did a stupid dangerous thing. Did he deserve to die? Well, that was what i was agreeing to originally. He was lucky to have not caused another death. Had he crashed into a real innocent kid by the road or crossing the road, you would say different things to him won't you? So why is there a need for another loss of life to see what was originally meant in my message?", "Even if the kid was a mat rempit, it doesn't justify the actions of the police officer. This is murder.", "If this kid had been Indian, by now some rakan p-lice will have claimed he was mabuk, member of gang 57, blah blah. They would have arrested the father , uncle, and whole family, and the kids friends at school. Confiscated the phones that took the videos. Fahmi would have contacted X to get it all deleted.", "Bro, come on. You can't say that on leddit. Most here would say that Indians don't get any more discriminated than the \"anti-racist\" crowd.", "Lol", "Very well said. A very good weighted n objective opinion. I fully agree. The so called cop has overstepped the boundary.", "Lol I'm annoyed by mat rempits but ramming one with your car is insane behaviour, the cop should be behind bars", "While i agree that the kid may or may not be a mat rempit, but even under the assumption that the kid is a mat rempit, a police officer cant just knock the driver off their bike unless a clear sign that they can, are willing, and possibly will, injure a public citizen. Its called a police chase not a man hunt. There's a difference. You cannot knock off any driver as a police during a police chase unless you can guarantee the safety of the driver. Otherwise you as the police officer is responsible for the injuries or deaths.", "If the definition of mat rempit is someone that intentionally cause nuisance with their bikes, then the kid is a mat rempit. If the definition of mat rempit is someone that causes nuisance on the road with their bikes, then he’s not really a mat rempit but his loud exhaust pipe is still annoying." ], [ "killing a person over the noise? wow sound like AMERICA.", "DEMOCRACY🦅🦅🦅", "American Democracy aka Psychotic Democracy.", "Y’all talking about democracy like it has anything to do with this issue", "Because police officers are elected, yes? /s", "DEMOCRACY RAHHH", "USA USA USA" ], [ "Even though I hate mat rempit but to the point for killing him...\nMan I am not that low. Catch masok lokap for few days is enough for me or go punish them go do social works." ], [ "Reading some of the comments in Kwong Wah paper's Facebook page is rage inducing. Yeah a lot of racist drivel, accusing the deceased of being a rempit, laughing at the parents and overall insensitive stuff. 😡", "Should save it, and highlight as some inconsiderate pricks only sees the racism of other races but not their own", "https://web.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=756716679821058&set=a.600328842126510 Link above, can't be bothered to sift through all the sewage quality replies.", "Newspapers' facebook pages in general need to be avoidable at all cost, they post some fucked up shit all the time...", "cina monyet here, not trying to justify the comments attitude, but i do feel like its because of how the newspaper phrased the headlines that made them think its funny", "Which shows how retarded people are, lacking any comprehensive capabilities whilst showing off their collective idiocy.", "The reality is both malay n chinese Msian is racist, in their own ways. It's just stupid because there's no real efforts from either to learn about the other races, especially the malay.", "Why you left out Indians? Are you racist? You must be Indian. /s", "Malay problem = National Problem\nCina problem = Race problem\nIndian problem? apa tu", "It has always been like that", "facebook comments have been a platform for racist comments of all the races", "You surprised? This is the attitude of a significant minority (if it's a minority) of Malaysian Chinese towards other races.\nYou only see this on Facebook pages, I've been hearing vile shit like this from family and friends since a young age. So glad I got out of the fucken country.", "Yeah bro, i rarely comment in reddit. But enough sia cinapek here, victim playing mindset with selfish attitute. drive like crazy almost hit aku, and lagi stay same apt sia. quickly close elevator bila nampak aku. Pukimak diaorang fikir aku nak rompak pe, fucker racist. Tak habis2 dengan bumi issue ,casual racism hari2 tak fikir pulak. Ade je yg okay, tapi yg lebih step lagi ramai.haha. bapak kau, ingat duit banyak dah bagus pe . Orang lain pon ade duit lah sial.Okay dah .\nSorry, just ignore my comment.. nant vent kejap.haha", "https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Byk4cVqX1441txWurpJYac1u9csPEHz4JVnnX8qSVVPwvteGHc38akJY8is2cWZMl&id=100002268614992&mibextid=Nif5oz", "Adui, i got no fb.haha. reddit pon cannot tahan. better stay away from fb. Thanks for sharing bro. :)", "I thought im the only one realised these apeks ( not all ladies n getleman ) becoming more racist day by day. I know they are angry towards politician but it becoming hatred towards race now.", "Best part is these racists take their shitty attitude with them overseas. I've dropped a few Malaysian & Singaporean acquaintances here in Aus because the dumb fucks get here and assume just cos we're same race they can start spewing their racist shit in front of me and I'll be OK with it. One dumb cunt brought the same \"Don't want to rent to Indians\" attitude here then got angry when I put him on blast. Another dumb fuck complaining non-stop about how there are \"too many Indians\" here now when he himself immigrated less than 2 years before but acting like he's Aboriginal and has roots going back thousands of years.", "Its sad actually. My friend who is educated chinese is very matured. Reddit, lowyat.net ( which i been there since 2010 ) is full of racist. Its like they not realised that they are the one who racist instead of people who they mentioned to be racist. Lol These hatred should be reduce or it will become worse. They not realised people are watching", "If u read my comment u will get the answer for these kind of things. To stop hatred is to love more. Im not backup but the racist is already fall to the trap of orher racist to hate each other more and more. Yes play victims for all u want but if u dont touch sensitive issue for sure no one will get angry. 1mdb issue is one of the reason everyone become more racist. Its sickening situation. Why need the hate", "The ground isn't equal to \" spread love\" here.", "Lol victim mentality much. Lucky Chinese racist in mandarin so no one else can understand them and call them out on their BS.", "Perhaps you're too dumb to use translate ,and nobody stopping you from learning , unironically from the largest victim mentality group who bombard their own kind with \"news\" that their country is getting took over by a declining suppressed group of minorities.", "I don't mean to hijack this comment and invalidate your grievance but I think we can reduce the casual racism by abolishing institutional racism first, which is Bumiputra policy. As a rule of thumb, institutional racism effects are much greater and wider than casual racism", "Thats y dont tebuk sarang tebuan. Dont play with sensitive issue..be civil to everyone. Dont play victims. Org x kacau u if u tak kacau org its that simple. Dont provoke. Unfortunately its had become worse and worsee. And i dont want to be part of it", "I've got issue with this \" Don't Provoke\" statement. What level of don't provoke is don't provoke? Nowadays little bit thing also see a provocation. Nons question why rules affect them when it's supposed to be Muslim rules.. equal provoke. Should we all just hide under a rock and say \"yes sir\" to everything?", "Thats y dont tebuk sarang tebuan. Dont play with sensitive issue..be civil to everyone. Dont play victims. Org x kacau u if u tak kacau org its that simple. Dont provoke.\nI agree, but what are you implying by this? That racist Bumiputra policy is justified because some Chinese provoked malays? I don't understand.", "Nope ofcourse i condemn because they already become same level as those racist..they fell to the trap. To stop the hatred, is to love more. Thats what it should have been. Misunderstanding is also part of the reason why the hatred is build up.", "Hell naw, with the shit “victim minority” spewing, Bumi policy should stay.", "You're just supporting an apartheid policy.\n“victim minority”\nThey're victims of Bumi policy.\nAnd on top of that, they suffer from racism by bigoted malay supremacists", "Nah it just shows how easily manipulated you guys are", "This is why I stop following those cina news pages, people there are the most racist, arrogant monkeys. I sometimes feel ashamed for being same race as them", "You should've stayed there and tell them what arrogant racist monkeys they are.", "No use, hell they might even turn to spamming his account if they're that monyet", "If it was me, I'll stay, just to monitor them. Be an inside man.\nWell, that's also the reason why I'm still here.😅", "The same about most of any race exclusive paper.. Try read from Harakah.. if that even existed now.", "I dunno, i very rarely see malays celebrate people's death especially if Malaysian. On the other hand..", "You saying malay no racist?\nhttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Byk4cVqX1441txWurpJYac1u9csPEHz4JVnnX8qSVVPwvteGHc38akJY8is2cWZMl&id=100002268614992&mibextid=Nif5oz", "haha this one. full of racist comments", "Kenot see la bro.", "I can see the link no problem, but in case you still can't, it is a link to just a photo with signage \"tapak bersejarah nenek moyang cina\", basically a cemetery. The first comment is 🐷 (I'll leave it to your interpretation), the rest included \"allahuakbar\", \"pendatang nak jadi tuan rumah\", \"bagi perish minta peha\".", "Sorry, my bad, it is not cemetery, but the place the Chinese landed in Malaysia back in the day.", "In general, our local languages newspapers' Facebook pages are full of commenters like them. As the pages also use ragebait headlines for clicks", "I sometimes feel ashamed for being same race as them\nThere is no need. Your race does not define who you are as a person.\nSame way you should not assume something about someone just because of their race, you should not have to feel you share blame for something someone your same ethnicity has done", "Chinese news paper are funded by ccp now , and comment are all china glue , ironically only chinapress is normal abit among all these trash pit.", "I sometimes feel ashamed for being same race as them\nDon't blame yourself hard because of other people, pang yao.", "Facebook comment is always a cesspool. The comment section of the MRT flasher victim's post is full of sexual jokes. The comments there is always vile, degenerate, sexist & racist no matter what race and gender they are. Event time to time I have to mute/block some ppl of my friendlist because they post/ repost so many dumb shit.", "", "Typical racist pig..with typical mindset and selfish is in their blood I know not all of them are racist cuz i got so many chinese friends but selfish is in their blood so sooner or later these haterd will consume them. So just stop hate eac other la wey\nLol yeah you are not racist. You want to join some secret santa thing? Let me send you a mirror.", "If im racist i will reply to fight n argue with u but no..thanks", "U dont believenit? Gonask your fellow chinese..they themselve agrees they are selfish cuz its your nature", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Cina racist news is not really a surprise at this point", "Kwong Wah papers Facebook page\nYour first mistake was to venture onto facebook, its a breeding ground for old racist folk from any race. Even if you give the link I'd not dare to click on it lol" ], [ "Sorry for offtopic on this but why do Malaysian would not control their anger and doing reckless stuff from emotion? I have a lot of hot headed uncles and one of them told me showing your anger will show the strength and authority. That just shut down my mind and we haven't talk much since. I belive it just childish to show tantrum to portray strength and authority.", "Anger issues bukan unique to Malaysians only. Kategori smol dick energy mmg mcm tu. Compensate tang tunjuk garang.", "in usa. cop will kill u if u jay walk. lol.", "In the US, the police will kill you if you don't lie face down on the ground, even if you did nothing wrong. Basically they'll kill you simply for not doing what they say, and they blame you for \"resisting arrest\".\nStupid police.", "And they have this thing called qualified immunity which as a concept is totally bonkers. You can kill anyone and yet the worst repercussion you'll get is to get fired. Insane", "Rarely that. Usually they get transferred and put on desk duty for few years till the heat dies down. Then only back on street duty.\nThe ones that do get fired are the ones that so damn viraled.", "TBF it is a totally different world, here in Malaysia things are kinda peaceful here and in the US, anyone could have a gun. Just put yourself in their shoes, would you risk your life just because somebody is having a bad day, somebody is having a cranky mood. Please stop comparing to US :D", "You haven't really seen a police encounter in the US do you? Even if you're as calm as s**t, the police officers will be the ones escalating the situation and tension by yelling and screaming unnecessarily and pointing their guns at you even if you're just standing still.", "I've seen enough. Most of the time the situation escalates because people refuse to comply with the authority, yes there are asshole cops, and there are cops who abuse their power, but from what i see, the majority of cases are because people act like they're above the law, one controversial case in particular that i remember there was a fella refuse to listen to the officer and putting his hand into his pocket, the officer had no choice but to open fire after a few warnings, in common sense yeah, the dude was just resting his hand inside his pocket, but for the officer's POV, there could be a firearm inside the pocket.", "Unfortunately in much of the developing world, lots of men prize the whole “tough guy” attitude as a way to show your worth to people.\nIt’s called “toxic masculinity” for a reason.", "Yeah. I knew it was a toxic attitude and they expect me to embrace the concept but i am smart enough to avoid the vicious cycle.", "It's apparently in our culture. I was surprised to find out that the popular English phrase. \"running amok\" originates from the Malay word mengamuk. But then again maybe it's just me who never connected the dots.", "And the word \"Jungle\" originally from India.\nIt's from the Sanskrit word \"Jaṅgala\".", "My personal theory\nMost Malaysians aren't poor enough to have a purpose in life(to survive)\nMost Malaysians also aren't affluent enough to have their own purpose outside of work\nBasically they're all stuck in a limbo of \"not so poor to suffer, and just work to coast through life\" and these leaves them wanting a place in life\nBerlagak kuat is one of those things", "You really dont want survival as a sole purpose of life. With no fucks given, you'd be surprised with what you can do.", "This is people issue. Not Malaysia thing. Happens almost everywhere.", "If you thinking malaysia is bad, well i can name you 100 more countries that does worse. Especially US. This is not malaysian, this is the person issue. Stop using malaysian in any topic I don’t get it why should we generalise as malaysian is the worst.", "I think the policeman should meet the manager of the bengkel if this was in US /s Blu wit Attitude.", "Compare dgn tempat lain. Malaysia ni takde la teruk sgt. Kat USA, pesara polis takde buat apa2. Just berbasikal je boleh kena langgar dgn budak2. Meninggal mcm tu je.", "Not exclusively Malaysian only....", "\"If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.\" - Abraham Lincoln.\nIt's more of a people issue, not specifically a Malaysian issue." ], [ "What the guy did was kinda fucked tho no denying. 2 times run over from what I read the news? Thats intentional murder", "In front many eye witnesses some more" ], [ "Harap kene gantung sampai mati ! Aku pun jenis baran tapi tak sampai niat bunuh budak lagi!", "Case investigated as 302KK" ], [ "Police should be educated ppl but alahai the police in Malaysia…. Spm saja 😳" ], [ "Rest in peace… God bless you 🙏🏻😭" ], [ "No parents deserves to outlive their child.", "He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your father's.\nMore than 20 years now, but I still remember that, and I won't lie, I had tears when I heard those lines." ], [ "When u see the grieving father is being calm by police officer with paku, u know this case is making police worry for public outburst. Plus they know its totally fucked up situation for polis berpangkat pegawai killed a spm kid.", "by police officer with paku,\nElaborate", "police in a high position", "Ok tq", "'Paku' is the slang word for officer rank on the epaulette (that thing on the shoulders).\nThat's because in the old days, boots have nails on their sole. And some are round or square. And the officer rank's pin are square-shape.\nBut that's what I heard when I was a kid." ], [ "Man kids will be kids, do you really have to kill him? Police should really go through empathy training sessioms" ], [ "Mat rempit? Do you know how many of them at the same time? 100-200+ motorcycles on the road, blocking the road at the same time, not 1 teenagers with noisy moto. Not sure the teenage got did anything wrong but that police did a very wrong move." ], [ "aku pun annoyed juga kalau bising, tapi takde la sampai langgar pakai kete.\nmental isu ni confirm." ], [ "In laws there is extend use force if the situation requires but moderation must be prioritized unless own life is in danger. No one deserves to die because of loud or annoying noises, my condolences to the father and family." ], [ "I hope PDRM won't try to cover their fellow badges and use Sakit Jiwa (Mental illness) to bail out this time." ], [ "Why are people focusing so much on 'rempit' when you don't even know the kid personally? Didn't some models of motorbikes just have loud exhaust? The poor kid wasn't even racing or harming other road users. Stop judging things you don't know. Imagine yourself in his parents' shoe. Your youngest kid was killed by a cop on the way back from school. The real problem here is the cop, putting law into his hands to kill a kid. He's a KID people. And the cop done this outside of his working hours, not in a uniform.\nTo see so many comments lacking empathy and being racist is disheartening.", "the kid was waiting for his friends before going to the mosque in front of their school.." ], [ "Even if his son was a rempit, aint no one's right to kill him simply for doing what he did. Babi po po got a fragile ego to not accept anything at all from a young kid. Him being in his authority should be the one to behave responsibly and it's messed up how it's being justfiied." ], [ "I hope the full identify of that police is expose to public after all the investigation.\nI dont like asshole's identify is keep hidden." ], [ "They have been having too much fun with power. Haihhh" ], [ "Police brutality, a Malaysian tradition 👍" ], [ "kesian the father.. that officer is a disgrace to the PDRM.. cant wait for justice to be serve" ], [ "Hang the person who ram the kid" ], [ "Cue all the \"rempit\" comments because this sub has a hate-boner for killing motorcyclists", "Not here tho. But read the Kwong Wah newspaper facebook.", "Hope mcmc ban them", "And teenage cyclists", "Teenage cyclists?" ], [ "Innalillah, surely we belong to Allah and to him we shall return .\nNyawa dibalas nyawa" ], [ "Whether the teen is rempit in this case is absolutely irrelevant. Does law says you can plow through a person just because he’s a rempit? Some comments in this thread is so disgusting and disrespectful." ], [ "Anak cerdik anak bapak", "short for “all cops are bad”", "Actually it’s all cops are b*stards", "All cops are babi", "ALL cops?", "its time to blast the song at full volume" ], [ "Justice must be served" ], [ "Anyone got link to the news?" ], [ "My uncle was working in semenanjung for many year until he come back to sabah, first day going work polis cid kereta biasa langgar dia, konon tak sengaja, but i know what happen because since my uncle just comeback he didn't know, polis nowdays aiming motorcycle for drug and mat rempit, i guess the polis langgar my uncle because they suspected him of someone 😑\nTangan patah, kerja terpaksa cancel, dia balik semenanjung sebab kecewa.🥲" ], [ "Police brutality." ], [ "This is why we need IPCMC with enhanced empowerment to charge the misconduct authorities and not fall under home ministry." ], [ "Our polis are the real kl gangster. Those who know will knw what I'm talking about" ], [ "Yep i think we've heard of this before" ], [ "I blame the officer a hundred percent based on what's presented. Of course, context matters too. At the same time I would like to shift everyone's attention about the necessity of better mental health care and it's exposure, better public transport, moving away from these petrol noisy bikes and onto silent electric vehicles, and harsher punishment towards corrupted authorities.\nIt's not gonna be easy but listing goals that we can achieve is a good step regardless. Feel free to jump in.", "What context is required when killing other than self defense? Guy was in a car, kid was on a bike.\nRegarding noisy bikes, its a bit hard to understand if you have never rode a bike regularly. I don't have a noisy bike myself but I understand those that do (not the excessively noisy ones tho).", "Did you see the event yourself? Do you know the victim and the policeman personally? In the age of social media, I will always wait for concrete evidence. In this context, like a dash cam recording and so forth. I will not make hasty judgement. Of course I trust the masses, but mob mentality is a thing and it's harmful.", "Imagine if all motobike in Meysia compulsory changed to electric type, with no noise at all... The world will be a more peaceful place. Ramming so much also will not give any noise. Im sure some of them will stop using motobike.", "I was wondering tho, since the problem is having these modified loud exhaust noise (and other things, but most people hate the loud noise), isn't it a good thing to ban it? Or put a high price to stop it from being bought?\nThis news is scary for me because if the cops somehow escape from punishment, it'll instill this sort of power to people who hates the rempits that they might can kill the other rempits.\nI know a lot of people here saying \"I know I hate rempits, but not this crazy\" welp, who's to say the cops didn't try to be patient? I'm not defending the cop, but this can honestly happens to everyone, and depends on the outcome of this case, it'll justify the hatred feeling of people towards rempit whenever they decide to be as cruel as the cop.", "Sorry but people who fixate on the bike noise in this case is just stupid.", "So what should we be focusing? What is the first step that the should do to ensure that these kind of killing can be prevented?\nI'm focusing on the noise of the motorcycle because that's the common denominator for this to happen.", "All police need to undergo psyc examination to ensure they aren't a liability to the people. They see a lot of violence and horrible things and might be desensitised to violence, may be panas baran or loose cannons. These officers are a threat to the public and must be removed or undergo serious counseling. Mental health shouldn't be downplayed.\nIt's one thing for a citizen to react badly but to have a police officer do this... unacceptable.", "FUCKING THANK YOU. at least someone have a brain to think of something rather than just being a typical Malaysian echo chamber.", "the common denominator for this to happen.\nCommon denominator for rape is women, might as well ban women then.. fucking victim blaming\nCops try to be patient? holy fuck \"not defending\" , dude literally chased the kid and rammed when the kid slows down ,", "Cops try to be patient? holy fuck \"not defending\" , dude literally chased the kid and rammed when the kid slows down ,\nDo you think I don't know? Holy fuck man I'm seriously asking how do you fucking stop this from spreading, from having other people who have the police mindset to NOT DARE DO THE SAME THING. in your words, how to stop the RAPIST TO DARE RAPE THE WOMEN. but what you're fucking doing rn is being an echo chamber that the police is in the wrong. I ALREADY KNOW HE IS. SO WHAT NEXT?! THE NEXT STEP?!\nAnd imo, usually the common denominator of rape that people fought about is not woman, it's clothes. Are you assuming men can't get rape as well?" ], [ "Will the pembunuh get capital punishment?", "Unlikely, this case would be buried and they likely would settle outside and close the case in a year or so after today." ], [ "i really feel sorry for him. imo both party failed miserably. my condolences to his lost." ], [ "A kid just died because some police officer that can’t control his own anger murdered the child in cold blood and you still got some people in this subreddit who want to bring race/religion into this issue or those who yell out rempit this and rempit that like it makes it halal to kill the child. Actual out of touch, unsympathetic imbeciles some of you people are." ], [ "Malaysia Boleh" ], [ "Demoted and pindah to other place is what most likely will happen.\nUS has police with gun violence. Here we have police who have \"panas baran\"", "Both drunk by power of authority." ], [ "If the guy who did this is let off scot-free then his life won’t ever be the same again. He will be guilt ridden, knowing that eventually karma will catch up and he will get his comeuppance." ], [ "Is that thanos behind him?" ], [ "Pengajaran: jgn buat bising dgn moto" ], [ "i hate mat rempit but that shouldnt mean they should be killed like that. fuck all cops. scums of the earth\nedit: 2 downvoters police cocksuckers" ], [ "the policeman being more samseng is the plot twist here", "K.L. traffic - smarties planning.. janji project jalan... lain suffer.. hal korang lah. hak hak hak... reality... hampeh... last last kaya.. bukan tinggal kat malaysia pun.. orang ja sini sudah tiap tiap hari susah ja.. kasi stuck. kalo boleh electric bicycle + atmosphere = can carry small loads + fresh cool air + easy navigation = so called la utopian dream.. not a dystopian capitalist heaven for the atasan kayangan. HA HA HA HA... kk..", "Kid was just going back home from school. Walaupun bunyi motor tu bising adakah dia layak dibunuh? Shitty comment", "Tak layak dibunuh. Dan polis tu patut dihukum. Tapi nak minta simpati dari aku, memang tak le. 2 masalah yang saling sama menyelesaikan satu sama lain. Bagi aku itulah situasi menang-menang.", "This is not a case of rempit.. you need to have empathy" ], [ "Why all parents, when their children are killed, always paint their children as saints? Genuine question.", "Are you just born that stupid or you don't have any empathy? The policeman obviously commited murder because he was running with his intense anger.", "I said it was a genuine question. Don't get upset. You don't notice the basikal lajak case also the mother paints her son as a saint although the son purposely put himself in danger which proves the mother wrong?", "The basikal lajak case and this incident are not comparable. What even is the similarity here? The victim was pursued for almost 1km before the policeman rammed into his motorcycle and fled upon returning to inspect the scene when he saw the crowd.\nHave you been following the news closely, or did you only read the headline?", "I think you have a priority issues. Basikal lajak and this case are two separate thing. To make it short: Basikal Lajak was a case where the cyclist somewhat intentionally endangered their life and this policeman literally hit the motorcyclist because he have a loud honk and engine. One is asking for death and another one is someone who put a life to death because of a loud noise.\nBut. If the so called policeman live in Klang Valley he would at least killed 50 motorcyclist daily because of the loud noise from the engine itself.", "No, I think YOU have priority issues. I am talking about parents in both cases talk about their children like they are saints when they were still alive, NOT about the cases itself. There is a difference (what the parents say vs what killed the children). Get it?", "No, I think YOU have priority issues.\nWhatever happened to this?\nDon't get upset.", "I mean, your kid just died. If you love your kid, are you really gonna be all \"my kid was an asshole and maybe deserved to have an accident\"?", "No, I will be honest, both good and bad.", "Bullshit. Also, the dad said that if the son did anything arong. Can always scold/sue/prosecute/put in jail. Not kill.", "You were born stupid or did you have an accident when you were young? Genuine question", "He's been like that for 5 years now\nMemang genuine stupid sebenarnya", "Bryan and his usual hot takes should not be restricted solely to the Daily Thread. The rest of the 500k monyets should get to read them too!", "Probably because his parents don't love him as much as the father in the video. If it was him, his father would probably throw him under the bus and said he's a rempit.", "Anak teruk\nJual dadah", "Bodoh dia diwarisi turun-temurun tu. God only knows how their ancestors managed to reproduce...", "Apa masalah kau? Soalan sahih.", "That's not a genuine question, that's a stupid question.", "Saying genuine question at the end doesn’t clear yourself of sounding like an asshole.\nKid is dead he’s not gonna go and talk about how he never did his homework and that they got into arguments now and then.\nHe’ll remember the good times. Also you don’t even know if the kid is a good guy or not?", "Also you don’t even know if the kid is a good guy or not?\nI don't. That is why I am asking.", "That’s not the question you were asking fool", "He wasn’t saying “my kid was good”, he was just saying “my kid wasn’t a rempit like you think”. This father is not trying to get people to think of his dead son as a saint, he’s just saying that his son didn’t deserve to get run over like people are saying.", "It doesn't matter the sin, nobody deserves to die at the hands of another human being.", "Serial killer/serious criminal: I agree.", "Basically like love hate in siblings relationship. No matter how bad a child was they were still the parents' flesh and blood. Plus the child is gone now. Better to remember him in good light instead of bad light for the rest of our lives.", "Best answer. Thank you. The rest resorts to insults.", "Ask why some parents pray hard and go vegan for 9 days in around September to pray for their children to escape police action for smuggling and illegal gambling... Is this the same context ?", "Never heard of don’t speak ill of the dead?", "Your question is actually a valid question in terms of psychological view. But unfortunately many people are angry at you assuming you are making a mockery out of this situation and being insensitive.", "Thank you for speaking sense. I don;t pay attention to those barking.", "Because children according to Islam are considered sinless which makes them a martyr of some sort. However, a 17 year old would not considered as a child because children who went through puberty are accountable of their own action. This parent seems to be too attached while ignoring other context to account for.", "Context apa? Seriously, what context?\nJangan buat polis marah dengan bunyi ekzos kalau taknak mati kena langgar?\nThat's a sin for you? Parent shouldn't cry now sebab padan muka main ekzos?", "Takde kene mengene. This person trying yap about context ironically ignored the context in which the the father has lost his child due to the inability of the perpetrator to regulate his temper and to not abuse his position as a law enforcement officer.", "I see.", "Esok datang rumah saya ambil borang dap" ], [ "why the other guys touching his tetek", "Geh", "This is the right question." ], [ "What are the race of the victim? Before you said it doesn't matter , this is malaysia , race matters.", "The person talking in the video... What is his race?" ], [ "at least the kid will never make the same mistake again", "Is this really a comment you want to make about a kid getting killed for a shit reason dude?" ], [ "anak saya baik orangnya. love kid then dont give them motocycle while still in school.", "He’s 17 and can already get motorcycle license and the late kid was probably either going back home or to the mosque for the Friday Prayer after school.", "nah most of them want to become rempit that why ask parent want motor while still in secondary school. behave like rempit press the trottle until police become mad." ], [ "who even rempit in 2023", "On the highway you can still see them" ], [ "crocodile tears.." ], [ "Anakku bukan Rempit konon.", "Even if the deceased is a rempit, who in the god forsaken mind gave the policeman the right to run over the deceased? Think using your brain la", "Wasn't even racing. He was just being a noisy kid. Bukan alasan untuk kena langgar.", "I thought redditor being horribly out of touch because they spent too much time in their own echo chamber bubble only happened in Indonesia, nice to know our neighbor have this syndrome as well.", "It doesn't matter if they boy is mat rempit was so ever.. he didn't deserve to die while doing absolutely nothing other than making motorcycle noise and ride around taman perumahan. The policeman has no right to kill him!!! That boy underage, so much to learn in life! That boy is somebody's child, somebody's abang and adik.. the policeman is the one that is arrogantly stupid! Taking someone life in such matter.. ugh! I'm totally disgusted", "Tell us you didn’t read the news w/out telling us you didn’t read the news", "I mean even if he was a rempit, he didn't deserve to die.", "He wasn’t in a race ? He wasn’t doing anything against the law .. so wtf is the comment ?", "He wasn’t. The cop was the real remoit", "WTf is wrong with you? A father is grieving on a possible intentional murder of his child while he was riding a motorbike and you are making fun of him?", "can show proof the kid was merempit in fron tof school?", "Mana pergi rasa empati?", "Police langgar kot", "Ekzos anak die bunyi bising sikit je, itu worth nyawa anak die ke pandai?", "The father did mentioned that his son motorbike has very loud noise, but that doesn’t warrant getting run over, at most the cop could just seize the bike", "Trash insensitive comment, next", "Bodoh tu simpan sikit", "Mesti ni tk tau apa2 nk join wkwkwk", "Hello /u/TediousHamster, your comment has been removed under spam.\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.", "Next time you use your hon being noisy, expect to be rammed." ], [ "I really2 hope this family will get the justice they deserve :(" ], [ "Poor guy. I hate mat rempit at a point i really want to whack them. Everyday ramming behind my house. Still rip for the family's kid." ], [ "This is absolutely going to have a religious and racial tint to it, just wait and see.", "Why the fuck are you even bringing race and religion into this issue? A kid just died cause some dickhead cannot control his temper and this is your takeaway from it?", "Because if you look at social media the only thing they keep repeating is that he was on his way to Friday prayers. I'm not condoning what the cop did but I don't know why anyone is surprised anymore. The rot is so severe that Cops are kidnapping civilians for ransom money.", "Yeah cause it happened in the Friday afternoon and the kid is muslim? What’s the problem with people providing context to the situation?", "How is it relevant to the case? It’s inflaming an already terrible situation." ], [ "is there something wrong in somewhere? no more people enjoying music, even loud music.. no more people can just ignore the loud annoying noices... it's silent and got loud noise... feels anger... the walls are getting thinner and thinner, can hear everything and yet cant see through.. sekali order grab food 3 foods.. rm50++ . hahhaha... and other problems lah individuals face. We got internet and mobile phone, but it's good most people are busy working for an income, too less time to look for things to do... all sorts of weird problems... I'm glad for my own life, but Im starting to sense the expense on others siaaak...\ni think there should be some sort of noice control for the exhaust siaaak.. or don't sell it lah... becos whatever do-able and possible, humans will do sia.. so the company or kilang yg manufacture at least try to have setting silent mode / normal mode and deaf mode siaak...\nin a perfect world lah! ha ha ha... baik clamp shops than the riders, easier to control maah... shop got 1k shops, riders got 100k riders... where more easy to police? but these times ah? all also kena clamp'ed kao kao... rich getting richer sia... approve eZ projects.. all living like in barns... dua kali lima most things... semakin mahal.. kanak2 pun kalau nak teliti dan pandai kena ada dorongan berkualiti... semua kena pikir lah.. kasi planning... kalau bukan atau kalau tidak, kecik kecik sudah kena ajarin oleh depa sendiri mia experience... lepas tu baru hati2 dan lagi pandai.. bab pepatah \" kecik kecik tak nak mampos \" LOL... gurau je.. kecil kecil kasi kao kao main so anak kecik sudah pandai lah.. tu matematik otak kat lutut mia... level 1... level 5 baru pakai tangan kawal pencil belajiak.. pandaik maaaa... betui kah?? wahahahah\nR.i.p that child.. so daring.. wanna be annoying and loud and tender age.. mmg jgn lah look up 2 the things that are seem cool but actually STOOPID in disguise. yes the feels.. so explore in a way that pandai2 lah... R.i.p lah... to everyone else, stay careful and all the best...", "Dude learn how to use ai grammar", "Local uncle discovers Reddit lol", "im your grandfather's friend, show some re$pect.", "I think loud exhaust is illegal in Malaysia right?", "Is death sentence a punishment for loud exhaust?", "you may not believe me but loud exhaust can alert other drivers. 1 can make people tonot fall asleep(zombie) 2 alert car/lorry/bus etc driver from blind sight. this shitis true and im the zombie .", "that is rempit talk. No riding in lorry blind spot is the correct way to stay safe not modify your exhaust to startle other people." ], [ "Hate rempit. I support polis", "The boy wasn't racing. His exzos was loud and the police langgar him until death.\nStupid lah, support what?", "Wow killer supporter", "Ya malam2 u suruh rempit jaga perumahan u, jgn suruh polis. Benci sgt dgn polis", "<image>" ], [ "This is public murder in broad daylight! The idiot MUST be brouggt to justice. See to it that he MUST be put in jail! We dont need people like this in the society,let alone in uniform, who thinks he can do as he wills it" ], [ "I hope this cop goes to jail and the death penalty\nI hope it won't be police justice where he is quietly transferred to be out of sight.\nIn uniform or not, PDRM does not have license to do whatever they want just because they are cops." ], [ "mat rempit you no need to hit . they will crash one day themself." ], [ "Al fatihah , semua yg hidup akn kembali kpd NYA, mungkin ajal kita berbeza dgn apa yg kita suka buat, suka main moto mungkin ajal dgn moto, Allahu, terima lah kenyataan tu pakcik ada hikmah nya. Si pelaku akan terima akibat nya" ], [ "Not trying to be the devil’s advocate but what is the other side of the story? It’s unfortunate the kid died. But what did the kid instigate? And what happened preceding it? Hard to believe someone will just ram someone without any provocation.\n17 year old kids can be such rempit dicks" ], [ "biasalah…anak saya baik" ] ]
Ministry of Transport to introduce on-demand transit van service to improve public transport
[ [ "part of the RM50 million allocation under Budget 2024 to enhance public transportation will be used to purchase vans\nLease instead during the testing phase" ], [ "MOT would continue advocacy efforts to prohibit private vehicles from using bus lanes for a year before issuing compounds for the offence\nMOT should immediately start issuing compounds" ], [ "Meanwhile intro an on demand car transit service to solve the last mile issue.", "Grab asked if you have brain problems." ], [ "Very interesting but I don't quite understand how it's going to work. MOT does promise to reveal details later", "This video does a great explanation on how this Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) works.\nIts basically Grab for buses.\nYou put bus stops scattered around a designated area, but there are no fixed routes.\nInstead, you find and go to a nearest bus stop, use an app (or just call them if you're not tech savvy) to call a bus and pick your destination bus stop. This part is just like Grab.\nWhat's different is that many people can call the same bus, and the algorithm will recalculate the most optimal route for the bus to pick up and drop off all its passengers in the most efficient way possible.\nA few cities in UK and Japan are implementing this kind of tech-supported transit model, which could be the future of transit in rural areas or semi-urban areas with small population densities that couldn't justify regular transit services.", "Thanks, very interesting", "You can look at companies like KUMPOOL for reference." ] ]
got this from my late grandfather’s belongings, is this valuable?
[ [ "Only to those who knows" ], [ "Yes , it seems to be a full set First day cover , you can get it appraised by Philatelic Society of Singapore or Malaysia. Only collectors will value stamps and fdcs now." ], [ "It was to him i reckon." ], [ "Try asking around local Philately groups at FB." ] ]
Fellow Malaysians, is this true
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "Id take it as grain of salt. Its not easy to pull out statistic like this.", "Every phone records your screen on time, Google and Apple knows exactly how much you've spent staring your screen.", "Sure Google or Apple could/might know, but those information are still private information. There is no way this statistics page is using that information you were referring to.\nThey probably used some sampled data or with their own methodology that may or may not reflect the real life usage of everyone in the entire world.", "Lol, you still think that with smartphones we have privacy?", "No need to go so far, TikTok also knows how long you spend on your phone. The chart could be built off those data or some ad manager program.", "Tiktok even knows what app you install, all of your file names, and your keystroks, bruh. Source: their T&C that you didn't read before accepting...", "Phew thank goodness I don't have TT installed", "Google sell those kind of data you know. Apple not sure.", "Yeah, I don’t know. Source? You didn’t just pull it out of your ass did you?", "Source: trustmebro.", "There are no reason why company cannot sell those info, if those data already aggregated. Means, no one actually able to pinpoint that it is actually belong to specific users which might breach their privacy.\nAs long as they can analyzed it, and share the trends and average data, I dont think there will be issues?", "I agree that this data, when aggregated, is most likely not a privacy issue and companies should be fine sharing the data. But whether Google or Apple sells those info is purely speculation", "It's the opposite, Google actively buy these data for their own use.\nStop making shit up to sounds cool and edgy.", "Yes, but that’s not a medical diagnosis of addiction. It’s an assumption." ], [ "<image>" ], [ "I thought pretty much all of Asia would figure at the top. Surprising results. I wonder what the criterias are." ], [ "But it's so obvious though. Just watch Malaysians sit down at a restaurant and see the first thing they do. Grab their phones. No wonder we have social anxieties.\n*Continues scrolling on Reddit", "I mean... Replace \"malaysians\" with \"people\" and its still completely valid", "I'm in Japan and I've seen very different behavior when people sitting in restaurant with other people no one will ever pull out their phone. It's basic manner.", "I'm in Ireland and this behavior is present. I really wouldn't use japan as an example for the rest of the world ngl", "Have you seen Japanese people in train stations though? In the trains, not a single head is up, absolutely everyone is focused on their phones. Even as they walk around in stations, they walk while looking at their phones.", "Yeah definitely not denying that. Also what I do daily in my commute. I just liked the idea that Japanese never pull out their phone when in the sitting table with other people as it’s quite rude.", "It's gonna be socially awkward if I grab my ball instead. At least nobody notice since most of them on their phone 😂", "yea even kids nowaday too... the only way for parents to keep them shut up in a restaurant/public places is to shove them phone. Its an eyesore for me for sure but it works... its either that or Ill have to endure their screams. Gosh I hate kids", "between their screams and noises? I'll take that anytime over a phone that's blasting youtube kids videos at 100% volume", "youtube videos and games... cancerous. My cousins are like this whenever we had family gathering. Its either their annoying loud screams or the sound of their cringe youtube videos and games. Miss the old good times where we were indulged with books. My mother in particular is very strict when it comes to giving out phone to her kids. She is a busy working mother but still can manages her sons properly. I dont get what was on parents' minds when they hand out phones. I was forbidden from ever touching someone elses phone to play game. She still does the same with my little brother, he is about to enter secondary school next year and he wasnt given a personal phone. He will communicate with his friends through my moms phone/weekend (theres a time slot where he can use laptop, also since my mom is a teacher in the same school, it helps to disseminate important info quicker to him) and he indulges himself with comics and english action novels on his spare time. We dont have astro either, we do have netflix etc but rarely even use our tv. Of course he got himself movie slot every weekend, but game is still strictly prohibited for him" ], [ "kinda. with parents pacifying children with phones nowadays....." ], [ "1 when.\nOn a side note, statistics like these usually have very low sample size, so I would take it with a grain of salt." ], [ "Seems like NST reported about it a month ago.\nWhile the pic is not accurate, there’s some truth to it considering Malaysians’ social media engagement is kinda high" ], [ "Where the hell is America?", "I went to the U.S. last July and was shocked that people were not staring at their phones much.", "Which part? I've not been to the US but I always hear celebrities (mostly stand-ups) complaining about this like it's an epidemic consuming everyone.\nPersonally I find China at the top believable. Other than using their phones for everything that requires payment, they're constantly staring at their phones while walking or standing. They can miss their lift stop, walk into the wrong lift (going the other direction up/down than intended), or walk into wrong path turns.\nMore surprised that India and Indonesia are not in there given the population.", "Why does population matter at all?", "I was in CO and NM." ], [ "bro I've seen people play full on games while speeding at 100km/h", "Fuck those guys", "Lol what are they playing? That’s crazy", "clash of clans💀", "or people scrolling on Instagram while driving. People have too little attention span nowadays, they can't even do any mundane tasks without requiring stimulation", "I pity these guy." ], [ "These stats tell a different story:\n<image>\nSource: https://www.pcmag.com/news/which-countries-spend-the-most-waking-hours-in-front-of-screens" ], [ "I would say South Korea is higher than MY but MY is still top 5.\nSource; I worked in Seoul and Busan for several years." ], [ "We held the record for highest amount of socmed usage back then, what do you think?" ], [ "That sounds bull" ], [ "Where tf is Philippines and Indonesia" ], [ "Philippines should be top 10" ], [ "I do. I snort them." ], [ "People here can trust pornhub search for malaysian user but have trust issue on this that you need to verify here? Lmao" ], [ "Source: his ass" ], [ "I’m scrolling Reddit, yes" ], [ "The whole world is addicted la." ], [ "wthell wif that league\nthose r rookie number,gotta step up games fella msian" ], [ "I admit i one of the contributor..." ], [ "Sorry guys I’m prob a huge contributor🤟🏻😔" ], [ "Yes, have to keep contact with our skandles 🤣" ], [ "this looks like macam jenis budak mak kau hijau yang buat je" ], [ "World of statistics twitter uses very arguable sources for their statistics, so take it with a grain of salt." ], [ "What’s the methodology? Another randomly generated list of countries?" ], [ "Yes.\nSource : I made it the fuck up" ], [ "Kita mesti bangga dengan pencapaian kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh! 👍📱🥉🇲🇾" ], [ "Yes." ], [ "Penafian" ], [ "Omg we beat south korea?" ], [ "Literally me" ], [ "I agree 100%. Malaysian like to use their phone most of the time, even while driving & riding. Heck government also encourage them by give more leniency on enforcement by no need to attend court anymore only compound offence." ], [ "1。Malaysia" ], [ "Considering where we are. Definitely." ], [ "Well I'm getting a business idea 💡" ], [ "Philippines should be number 1 or top 3 instead of us. Any online games I play, the Filipinos are online 24/7, they DON’T SLEEP." ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 28 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: What did the cheese say after it was shredded? Nothing. It was just grateful
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "How often do chindians get mistaken for koreans or japanese?" ], [ "Me and my friends from Singapore are planning to go KL from johor and were looking for car rentals. Could anyone tell me how to get an 8 seater car rented for around 1.5 days from Johor. Any help is highly appreciated." ], [ "<image>\nHe’s sleeping. While hugging the pillow 🥺" ], [ "Question on throwing rubbish collection by majlis. Florescent light tube they don't collect one is it? Or bcos i didn't put in a big plastic bag? I just leave the tube by the side of the bin. Thanks" ], [ "Has anyone bought Polene bags from their website to Malaysia? Wondering how much duties/tax/customs would cost." ], [ "Watched Abang Adik the other day. Was a solid film 1/3 of the way but really didn't delve deep into the IC issues. The story was still quite alright though but I get if people are turned off for the second half.\nSolid acting from the two main cast members! Was honestly very impressed during the Abang solo talk. It was a very powerful and emotional moment that I don't see often. Great cinematography too. Would rate it an 8/10. At least watch it once if you haven't." ], [ "Anyone been to Gamuda water park? Is it worth it?" ], [ "10000 for hantaran(Majlis)\n4000 for hantaran barang(cincin dan rantai)\nX0000 for bride-dowry(masuk asb, emergency only)\n3000 for Kenduri sendiri sendiri\n2000 for miscellaneous (baju dan sebagainya)\n6000 for honeymoon\n2000 for comfort of life(shes moving into my house so might need wardrobes or water heater or anything else)\nWhat else did I miss", "any subsidy from PaMa?", "Probably no :(", "Congrats! If you don't mind, I'm gonna save this for future reference. That's a lot to fork out for a ceremony + life after 😅", "🥺 congrats\nSo proud of you." ], [ "hey all, I was in Malaysia in 2018 as a student for 6 months. I went to a local bank to request a debit card for easier money management. I think only people with 12 months visa are allowed to open a bank account so I was willing to stay for 12 months and extend my visa but I had to return to my home university after 6 months.I did not close my bank account nor did I contact the bank telling them I am leaving the country.\nDoes this put me in any kind of trouble in Malaysia?" ], [ "Can anyone confirm if we can have a set of dental retainers done at the govt clinic? I'm planning to change my retainers provided if it's not too expensive", "Not all govt clinics available, only clinics with orthodontist are. In kl only kkkl and keramat i think", "I'm pretty sure you can. Good luck doing the mold part again, I hated that bit. Doc had to hold it in my mouth for a minute while I continuously gagged 🥲" ], [ "Look at this super cute otters rolling over the sand" ], [ "Just wanna say, I have General Mills' Monster cereals in Malaysia, I had to order from my auntie's family in the US during the Halloween quarter. Now she's here in Malaysia and I got it now. this will keep me occupy for at least a month.\n<image>" ], [ "Looking for \"sports\" / versatile shoes this week.\nManaged to get Adidas Pureboost 22 black colour at Sports Direct for RM279. It's an older model for sure but I like the look and colour. Let's hope it can last for 3-4 years and above." ], [ "I really don’t know how to respond anymore to my aunt’s text and video messages on Israel and her condemnation of Palestine. My two American caregivers called Palestine “terrorists”, too, but they have never done anything actively to get me to agree with them.\nInitially, I responded to my aunt’s messages with just 👍 but it is getting too repetitive. And seeing as how my sister and mom, the two smartest people I know, are not siding with Israel, I’d like to think that they should know better who is in the right. But I don’t want to upset my aunt, who has been such a sweetheart to me.\nApparently my aunt got told off by mom — of all people — to stop sending this kind of messages in the uncles and aunts’ group chat. This is probably why she now sends these messages to me.", "Stop responding.", "tbh i never saw Hamas killing childrens. and the hostages are doing pretty well. so why IDF cant do the same?\ncall me brainwashed or anything but please show me where are the beheaded babies" ], [ "I hate my job. Oh I wish I can lie on bed all day and money magically appear next to my pillow.", "do a sleeping stream lol", "not a bad idea lol" ], [ "ops serbu" ], [ "What cordless vacuum cleaner do you recommend?\nI'm sick of Dyson. Expensive to buy and repair.\nI'm looking at conventional brands like Samsung, Electrolux, Philips; but also China brands like Dreame, and Tineco. Anyone have good experiences to share?", "Jimmy has been pretty reliable for me. Senheng carries the brand", "I have a Corvan, it's okay as far as I can tell." ], [ "I notice a difference between malaysian chinese friends and singaporean chinese friends youtube recommendation. The malaysian ones all got youtube recommendation with ching chong texts while the singaporean ones dont. Exhibit A:\n<image>", "well you know.... lot of bananas are in SG", "I see Smokey Nagata, I updoot" ], [ "Are there any genuine dog rescue organisations in KL-Klang area. This is for an old dog of an elderly person who has passed away. I have tried a few organisations and they are exploitative and monetarily cheat." ], [ "<image>\nGoodbye, Blondie.\nIt was too much. Back to mouse brown." ], [ "https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/business/2023/12/24/chipmaker-nvidia-raises-us15mil-for-israeli-non-profits/ it’s been three days yet no one made a fuss over this? mana boleh? boikot when as organisations have been singled out for less.", "Pretty awkward that Anwar just took photo with Jensen Huang and preordered their gpu. But if PAS can halalkan Mercedes because they drove them than this is a non-issue.", "You know what's ironic? I have friends on social media posting more than 10 stories about the victims in Gaza and condemning the west every single day until Christmas week until now - silence. No more stories about Gaza. The very same people posting it are in UK cuti-cuti Christmas and now their posts are all about London. The hypocrisy is strong right here. In fact, I sympathise with the people and victims in Gaza, but at least I'm not a hypocrite like these group of people.", "This is why I'll never post about it on personal social media.\nI don't get what you're trying to accomplish. I think morality should be something private unless you're actively doing something to help that needs reaching out, like collecting donations.\nPlus the conflict in Gaza is political. You don't talk about politics unless you're with close friends and family members.\nWhen it's GE/PRU, suddenly everybody knows how to hide their votes. Fucking hypocrites!!!" ], [ "Hey! Will be arriving at Penang's ferry terminal in Georgetown in time for dinner today. Any favourite eateries within walking distance?\nWill return to Georgetown area another day for longer food exploration but hoping to grab something closeby before we head out to our accoms 😊\nParticular interests... Nasi Lemak Nasi Kandar Assam Laksa" ], [ "<image>\nBusiness card I received and exchanged with people.\nOn the left, from the past 3 years of working at previous company.\nOn the right, just from the last 6 months. Already met a lot more people than before. Lol\nBottom is my sustainable, made from wood digital business card with nfc. To give my contact to people, I can just tap my card at people’s phone or they can scan the QR code at the back if their phone is without nfc. I can use this one card basically forever (as long as the server is alive lol)\nJimatlah kertas dan sayangilah pokok. Sekian, terima kasih datang ke Ted Talk saya.", "Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark.", "Nice.", "Let's see Paul Allen's card", "Wow, didn’t know about that digital card", "\"lemme tap your phone with my card\"", "Trying to curi my credit card info is it." ], [ "Fellow penangites here at r/malaysia, any ideas on what to bring other than photostat ic to do passport? Also, any other stuff I should know? Thanks in advance.", "Confirmation of your slot booking and confirmation of payment slip\n." ], [ "So how does this PADU thing work? We’ve got to go in and verify our information?", "Sounds like it - but I'm having doubts of putting/verifying my information in a database that I have no idea how secure it is." ], [ "So i graduated last year and started my first job in january this year. Awarded the employee of the year as a fresh graduate and my mom still think im not good enough. I gave up man, she wonder why i rarely call.", "i would put your mom in an old folks home", "Yeah, it fucking sucks when you need to be special to be loved. You are enough. We all are.\nI recommend you seek validation elsewhere and rely less and less upon your parents' approval. It's not in her skillset to be encouraging. Some people just can't do it, you know? Personally my parents cannot be happy for me let alone be empathetic enough to understand my situation.\nJust be happy for yourself. Celebrate your victory.\nMany parents are stupid. They think tough love is the secret ingredient. It's not. Appraisal encourages performance. You'll learn this in any management class.", "My dad is cool lol. Just that my mom annoy me so much. Ya that last part is damn right, i work extremely hard for people who recognize my effort.", "Awarded the employee of the year as a fresh graduate\nCongrats! Keep at it.\nmy mom still think im not good enough\nI'm sorry, why do you say that?", "Exactly what it is..she will compare me to other kid who are more successful.", "just ignore, man. some people do have that kind of mindset including our families.", "It do be like that, gotta stay focus and do it for myself", "You matter! Everyone petty, selfish, greedy prick be damned" ], [ "my wife was talking about going for a nice trip somewhere further, and i'm just so lazy to take me kids to the immigresen to do passport." ], [ "Anyone got a plumber to recommend around KL? Pipe in ceiling is leaking water from upstairs bathroom :(" ], [ "nice local lunch options in KL?" ], [ "This is fake/satire but it's so funny lol\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/18pp5gm/_/" ], [ "random thoughts after recent visits to Penang:\nbad driver is just a consequences of crowded traffic, if everywhere have the same level of traffic as Penang, people be calling them bad too\navoid Cantonese dishes, it's not their forte\nPenang can easily stomach 3 MRT lines instead of one, and it'll cut down the potential traffics too, should've been one of the low hanging policy that we pursue from ages ago\nParit buntar, Kulim, Sungai Petani, and Taiping might as well be part of Penang satellite cities, they have more in common with Penang than their current states", "bad urban planning is the forte of malaysian government. build first, public transport later.", "3 MRT in penang? Nope\n1 HSR to singapore. Yes.", "why not both, but Penang MRT will benefits the people way more than HSR to Singapore", "Tell that to our gomen" ], [ "Feeling under the weather lately, and may drop by the nearest restaurant during lunch for some sup ayam or daging.\nAny recommendations?" ], [ "<image>\nWhere in KL is this? i need help locating this claw machine. I have a claw machine addict friend and i want to bring her here to play some. saw this pic on a somone's ig highlight n i asked but he didn't bother to respond to it. Someone please help in locating this claw machine. TIA", "Probably inside Dior boutique since there’s a rack of clothes in the picture" ], [ "My holiday is coming to an end soon. Here’s the most iconic moment of my trip\n<image>\n:26558:", "r/berak approved", "I’m honoured", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/Berak using the top posts of the year!\n#1: Berak berkumpulan\n#2: Hello guys | 0 comments\n#3: Can I post softcore porn here?\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "There's gonna be a 2 page spread in next week's One Piece showing the most epic punch in 25 years. I can feel it." ], [ "Morning everyone, I'm planning to visit Redang end of April after Raya, have done some research & still have some questions that I'm not sure of, please help me. Thank you in advance!\nAs a tourist, should I just take connecting flight from KL to Redang for less hassle or is worth it to take overnight bus & then ride a boat?\nWhat kind of hotel(budget or mid level) can I get if my daily budget for accomodation are RM 400-450? Will 3D2N be enough to see most of Redang?\nAny must-try food & activities to do there?", "My take:\nFly from KL to Redang (MAS has cheap flights - around RM250 return). From the airport - either take a Grab ride to the jetty or contact the resort you'll be staying with and arrange a shuttle service.\nHotels/resorts - for you to search on Agoda. If you're not doing scuba diving, then 3D2N is enough. If you're also doing scuba diving then a minimum of 4D3N.\nActivities - snorkelling, island hopping, or if you have more days and if its your thing - PADI open water certification", "Easiest and second cheapest is to take a flight to Kuala Terengganu and then a taxi to the jetty. 3D2N is more than enough. There's not much to do other than the beach or go on a snorkeling trip. There's short hikes you can do as well. That's about it." ], [ "Any affordable and good tailor to go around in PJ? I'm looking to alter my jeans that are too baggy on the leg fitting.\nI've previously been JUNGLE Bespoke in SS2 but they are too pricey for a miniscule workmanship." ], [ "Hello there, I have a question regarding euthanasia of dog. I have one 12 years old kampung dog that i take care and the dog still eating and active. This few weeks i have been noticing a little blood on his penis and poop. I want to bring him to the vet but this dog are a bit aggressive and bills might be expensive. I heard that sometimes vet would just suggest euthanasia to relieve the dog from pain. Would the vet suggest euthanasia to a dog that still doing his activities well?", "When the time comes, take heart that all good boys go to heaven\nAh, if only they live longer", "Pts would be the last option if the dog is really suffering ie from distemper or cancer .If your dog is still functioning well without organ failure then it is not advisable bcos 12 years is really a long and fulfiling life . Just let it live to its full natural life which is not be long now." ], [ "I had it. I threw in the towel.\nI got my interview done and the new company accepted me and I will start early next month, writing up my resignation letter now.\nAll i can say is this soon-to-be ex-boss is hard to work with. He lacks awareness, he is inconsiderate about site safety, he refuse to listen to advises and suggestions and all he can think of is money, money and cutting corners at the expense of others.\nNow no one wants to work with him, or pick up his phone, every big promises he made are now just empty husk. The funniest part is even loan sharks are scared to loan money to him.\nFor whole year I busted my ass and sweated under the sun to keep the company afloat, only for him to siphoned most of it to pay his debt. All that promise of promotion for me is for naught.\nAnd he dares to ask why life is so unfair, fucking hell that lack of self awareness.\nI am done with a prisoner in my own house in order to save money, and the straw that broke the camel's back was asking my father to lend me some money to pay my annual medical insurance for first time in my working life !\nFuck you ex-boss." ], [ "Mempertahankan negara" ], [ "Help.\nMy little nephew was bitten by the neighbour's dog, a german shepherd. He got facial injuries and is now in hospital.\nWhat can we do to make the owner responsible Police report?", "was your kid bitten in your compound, common area or inside his compound? if he wasn’t trespassing just make a police report.", "Common area i guess. Happened just outside the gate. My nephew was playing outside with Grandpa.", "Report his ass to the police then! Any responsible owner would have owned up and taken action should his or her dog maul an innocent kid, so feel free to give him some ‘encouragement’ otherwise.", "Yes, police report. This is a case of harm caused by negligence.\nIs your nephew seeing a normal surgeon or a plastic surgeon? Facial wounds are better treated by plastic surgeons.", "Not that severe. Bite marks with hole at his ear and his cheek. But damn sure will trauma my nephew", "\"not that severe\"\nproceeds to mention bite marks with hole", "Police report, cable, and viral." ], [ "Yesterday my hugs loving Uncle and Aunty came to visit, luckily they didn't hug me due to COVID case, If not, I will end up crying there and then, 30 y/o man crying face maybe not the best thing to look at\nAnd today I broke my vow\nA vow that I will never abandon a cat....\nI'm sending the cat, mother of 6 kitten, ( 1 missing before I adopted the mother, 1 was adopted by me but suddenly died, few week after I adopted that 1 she give birth to another 4 kitten but 3 died because she hissing at em, refused to came back now left with just 1 malnourished kitten) there also the Oyen name Sharky (he bites me a lot when I adopt him at my workplace) that always stick with her, also died\nSo my dad and I decided to sent he to the wet market\nI lost 5 cat in a month\nI ended up smoking again after 3 years free from it\nI hate this year\nI hate myself" ], [ "Hi nyets, anyone know if government clinic in PJ open on new year (Jan 1st)?", "i think govt clinics are open daily", "Alright then. Thanks for the info!" ], [ "im too afraid to ask but how do i use washing machine?", "Just google ler……", "dump your clothes in it\nput detergent into the detergent compartment or over the pile of clothes (for older machines that don't have a detergent compartment)\nfind the correct button to start washing\npray that your clothes don't come out a total mess", "No straight-forward answer. Generally you load your clothes into it, choose the correct water level and speed, and do NOT put too much detergent.", "Put your laundry inside the machine. Put detergent at the detergent compartment.\nPush ON, Push Start", "Alternatively, can ask yuiop to come to one's house and wash the laundry", "Put detergent at the detergent compartment\nExcept laundry pods, those go straight in with the clothes. Add softener, sanitizer, fragrance, etc into the detergent compartment if desired.", "which and what type? at home? what model, top load or front load, washer/spinner combo or separate, show us a pic or model number\nor the landromat washing machines? all slightly different procedures", "this one https://d1pjg4o0tbonat.cloudfront.net/content/dam/toshiba-aem/africa/laundry/top-load-washer/toshiba-top-load-washer-10kg-aw-duj1100/gallery1.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.web.5000.5000.jpeg", "i always just use the basic default setting. if your clothes is not that dirty (just sweat) normal washing will do. once you turn it on, it's usually on the default regular setting, put in your clothes, put in laundry detergent (usually one bottle cup or the recommended amount), close the top, and press start. that's it. i usually don't use the other settings", "Right. Doesn't look like there's an online manual for this model. closest thing to a spec\nsimplest way to use this based on other manuals, because it has fuzzy logic would be to put in your clothes and detergent and press start. It will decide how much water is needed by itself, and run itself to completion. that should do it for almost all regular clothes.\nyou can change WATER FLOW, SUPER SPIN DRY, WATER LEVEL, and COURSE before you press start.\nLike if you are washing a floor rug that was last washed last year, put water flow to strong and course to blanket. or a bunch of soft scarves, put water flow to gentle and course to delicate. If the weather has been rainy and very wet and you are hanging up your clothes to dry, setting super spin dry to 90 might be worth it." ], [ "I think one of the reasons I keep cringeing over my past is that my present time is not fun. So my brain is revisiting old memories to find fun memories, only to find cringe memories. Gosh darn brain, pls stop, just let me do my laundry and cook my rice.\nI don't think I will stop being cringe because the main source of my cringe behavior is my mental issues. I will have it for the rest of my life. All i can do is try to minimize the symptoms and effects on other people.\nUnrelated, but gosh darn it Gen Z adults are so hecking adorable with their curls. Men, take care of your hair. Hair to men is like makeup to women.", "Unrelated, but gosh darn it Gen Z adults are so hecking adorable with their curls.\nThat new Percy Jackson series gonna make curls so trendy", "new Percy Jackson\nThe main character's actor is born in 2009. 😭 Now I feel old.", "We are on the same boat, ChubbyTrain. I would like to think that I am improving as a person, though, which is why I am now not looking at my past so fondly.", "I hope this makes you feel better but in a way, it's good that you're cringing at old memories. It just means that you're growing as a person. Wouldn't it be much better to find the old things you did cringy and not repeat it in the future? It's good. You're doing good :)", "Thank you for the optimism. It would be like that if I am an unproblematic person, which I am not. I usually repeat bad / insane actions even though I have regretted it before. At least now I try to not affect other people. 😬\nAnyway, I think curly hair boys and girls look nice. UwU" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 18 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: My wife said that I ruined her birthday... But I didn’t even know it was her birthday.
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "A customer gave my cleaning crew some snacks. They ask me to read the ingredient and see if it's halal or not.\nI gave it a look, and saw Japanese letters staring back at me.\n\"... Kacang je kak, tapi was was lah. Lebih baik bagi xxx je. Dia Christian mah\"." ], [ "Closing the year with the best trip. My first time to Denver was memorable, cathartic, exhilarating, hectic, and overall a joy. I will come here again. (And I will write about my experience here in Denver soon.)\nGoing back to New York for a night, before flying to London for Christmas and the New Year. I’ll be back in KL in 2024. I am already missing nasi lemak, pisang goreng, curry, and the sun!", "would love to hear more about denver, was there awhile ago for work, felt like a pretty quiet place", "I didn’t do much tourist activity except going to the Denver Botanic Gardens for its Christmas lights, and a fine art market. I was there to see an old friend and her family.\nDid you enjoy Denver? I felt like it would be a nice place to live in, but not for tourism.", "same feeling, thought it was quite bland if it is a tourist destination but I can enjoy the slow paced life there" ], [ "curious indonesian here. what is a malaysian food that doesnt exist in some form in indoensia?", "Linut maybe or gula apong", "Bahkuteh", "It'd probably have to suck real bad\nWe're neighbors, anything tasty from either side will be copied in months" ], [ "I hate it when colleague talk to me as if she’s better than me. Bro i never asked for your feedback" ], [ "Can i bring local fresh produce from KL to Labuan as gifts for relatives/personal consumption?", "Yes you can" ], [ "My self-hatred is flying from the roof to the moon right now. 😬 yay.\nBut it's okay, I dislike other people more. 😁" ], [ "8 Ball Pool\nWhenever there's a foul in pool, why does everyone here play it from behind the line? The official rules say to play ball in hand from wherever you want for a foul." ], [ "how do i activate my digi sim in Brunei? there is no passport option in the app. or did i just bought the wrong sim??" ], [ "which way is cheaper to reach KLCC from KLIA at 9am? Please tell me which line, are daily passes useful? I'll be in KL for 5 days, planning on using MRT a lot, also which card works in Buses?", "On a weekday, just take the ERL.\nOn a weekend, if there are two or more people in your party, it's better to take a Grab." ], [ "2023, which telco should i migrate to?", "I think Yoodo is pretty alright if you don't need unlimited data and just fork out 30-35 a month.", "All I’ll say is not Yes especially if you work in an office space. They don’t invest enough in internal reception to make it worth it. Barely migrated a month before heading back to good ole CelcomDigi" ], [ "Having a male boss is fun esp when he's straightforward and no mess/drama, but I miss gossiping session with female bosses. Every time I go for discussion session with my male boss it's sangat ilmiah my brain already fried by the end of the day." ], [ "UNIFI contract just ended, maxis fibre agent is calling me with a 6-month-free offer. WDYT? Anyone has experience with switching from UNIFI to maxis fibre?\nMy main concerns are:\nFUP\ndowntime, actual performance\nrouting, censorship (heard maxis has some packet reader or something?)\nChecked lowyat, don't think there is a lot of discussion about maxis vs UNIFI lately.\n<image>", "Maxis has public IP for all speed levels with an extra RM10 a month. Unifi is only for 300mbps and above.\nMaxis is going to suck if you want landline (call rates like handphone) and need their proprietary router for the phone line and for Astro, for the Ultra TV Box", "public IP, landline or TV Box not my main concern.\nMy main concerns are:\nFUP\ndowntime, actual performance\nrouting, censorship (heard maxis has some packet reader or something?)", "Just my dumb luck Maxis has been more reliable than Unifi for me. My work Unifi went down 4 times in the last 10 years.\nFUP no one has quota anymore.\nRouting for public users like me is pretty ok, dunno about the people stuck on private IP." ], [ "Seems like Fireball gets exclusive access to the one brain cell every time I want to use the spot-on medication on him.", "i thought they are running on one universal oyen neural braincell network.", "They have a universal brain cell, but only one cell shared among all the oyens.\nAnd yet when I want to apply to spot-on medication Fireball seems to pick up on that and tries to run away." ], [ "urhm isn’t the whole purpose of local elections to allow the people to have who they want to represent them? If the majority of the Cina and Indians do not want a Malay to represent them then that’s it lo. UMNO is being openly textbook racist again.\nedit: Aren’t urban areas pretty mixed nowadays anyways?", "majority of the Cina and Indians do not want a Malay to represent them\nEr, as a BU nian, our ADUN is technically Malay (really bi racial at best). DAP area is so long as someone from DAP, sure win punya. Could be anything also can become ADUN.", "Well, the old UMNO gang seems unable to see pass racial lines and tbh some of the older nons seem rather entrenched in their ‘along racial lines’ thoughts too, probably too many scars from 69.\nAlso, I only recently learnt that some of the Indians even identify themselves along language lines! Not a pleasant surprise." ], [ "So I bought Death Must Die, FF12 and RDR 2 for RM22. Thanks dota for funding my purchase XD", "RDR2 best game eva!", "waaaa so cheap! I started playing RDR 2 yesterday, seems good so far; I will consider buying it after I've sunk more hours into it", "Haha I sold my dota 2 items on the market so that's why I only spend 22 ringgit to cover the rest. I was debating on getting RDR 2 or FF12 but then why not get both haha." ], [ "Sidang Media Khas regarding Covid-19 at 4pm :26554:", "jemput mengata semua...." ], [ "Hello to all KL redditors at r/malaysia, I am planning to visit KL in the first week of January. Are there any latest updates on the GoKL Bus fare charges for foreigners?\nAnd I wanted to know another thing, how long before is it recommended to book tickets for the Avana Skyway to Genting Highlands? Can I book it online a day before?", "There's no booking needed. You can even buy it on the spot from the ticket machines there.\nGoKL will start charging foreigners RM1 per trip." ], [ "ESL KL was a blast 10/10. You just need to know dota to have fun over there.\nBtw i bought 2 random plush and got sandking and AM. Really wish i can get OD tho :26557:" ], [ "The only free spaces left for humanity in this world are parks and libraries (even then there are some kind of fees).\nIt's just so crazy to me that adult relationships cost money. Doesn't matter if it's friendship, casual, or romantic. Any bonding activities require time and resources and energy. Want to see the movies? Gotta pay for the tickets. Want to talk about the book? Gotta have a language education. Want to have dinner? Nice dinner? $. Want to share a vacation? Gotta get time off work and suffer possible consequences.\nDa'Shaun L. Harrison wrote a book called 'Belly of The Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness' where he alluded that beautiful people are exempted from this relationship tax.\nBut of course, he's a man, and I'm not sure if he ever put much weight on the pink tax-- also the aesthetic labor-- as maintaining your appearance and mental wellbeing cost money.\nI noticed that Malaysian Gen Z's feminism resembles a return to the old ways. Being a wh0re sexually liberated is no longer empowering. Gen Zs often parrot the rhetoric that men want pretty women, but they're not willing to invest in their women. Your girlfriend is fat? Buy her a gym membership. Get her a boob job. Whatever. And if your man is not willing to invest in you? Leave. Don't be a broke man's prisoner. You're better off being single, hunty, because, as I said, relationships cost money. Wouldn't you rather be at a net neutral than a net negative?\nI spoke to a friend (girl) on campus last month and she said she wanted to marry rich. I said to her I wouldn't even go on a date if a man refuses to pay for my meal. I justified it to her by asking her how much her lash extensions cost, her hair, her makeup, etc. She agreed with me. Getting ready for a date is NOT cheap! I know some people counter this by saying that a man has to pay for a nice car, etc, but those are assets. The girls come and go, those things stay. They're not part of the romance manufacturing process. To be a woman (and non-binary) is to perform.\nThis realization has resulted in me only having 2 kinds of relationship outside of my family:\nOne that focuses on professional and intellectual gain, often existing only in liminal spaces, and ceasing to exist beyond working hours.\nOne where the other person is wealthy.\nAs for what relationships people have with me, I cannot say, because that's a truth only they know." ], [ "Me: My boyfriend is an asshole and I'm gonna work really hard and be independent and have a better life!!!\nboyfriend sends me 2k to book a flight\nMe: OMG I love him he's the one and only for me and no other guy is more suited for me." ], [ "having fun killing rats with this dude,\n<image>\ngot the Vermintide 2 game for years, and i just started playing yesterday lol", "Oh, it'll be a blast. Gonna need a new rig myself for Darktide" ], [ "im going to kl tommorow, should i be cashless or not? im from kelantan so paying with ewallet is very unusual. kl dont have great street food as good as here", "I've survived weeks without cash in KL/klang valley, even street stalls use QR pretty widely now. but it's helpful to have some spare change, RM50 should be fine for a week/weekend.", "Nearly everywhere still accept cash.", "Just have some cash on hand and you'll be fine", "is there any good on using ewallet? perhaps extra discount or sorts?", "Setel got cashback for now." ], [ "Hey friends, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but, if a foreigner has been living in Malaysia for over 5 years and wants to apply for PR based on point system but doesn't meet minimum points. Can it be done through the good ol' ahemduitkopi system?", "better not if you intend to stay here for long term to avoid future legal complications", "Mm good point" ], [ "Hello to r/malaysia fine dining enthusiasts, i have a question\nHow far in advance do you need to book for say, a Michelin-starred restaurant? I am looking at DC by Darren Chin and Dewakan.", "Think it depends on the time you want to go\nWeekday lunch you can prob walk in, friday night on long weekend lol no\nIf you try the booking system I guess you will find out right away.", "Wow, walk in? That's unheard of in mich star restaurants. I ate at a 3 mich star in SG and u had to book 2 months in advance lol.", "msia don't have that many rich pipul lol" ], [ "Got company year end fun activity tomorrow: Times Square theme park. Rasa macam taknak pergi cuz I'm like old now. Banyak tak fun things yang a 33 year old boleh buat kat sana other than bumper car and roller coaster?" ], [ "<image>\nNever have i ever thought of going to any esports tournament, yet here i am. Temaned my partner to shut him up abt dota only to receive dota lecture for 12 hours. Jk, my ears are all yours for dota lesson/rant. I'm so happy to see him all happy 🤩 So cute to see him in his nature, all giddy and excited. Though GG why u bombed the GF, I could've gone back earlier!!!!! Had so much fun with this one, 10/10 would repeat even if it means i have to sit through it for 12 hours. :26554:" ], [ "Anyone with cat keeping tips for a ‘non cat always had dogs’ person? thinking about getting a muchkin with the daughter. Also do those have genetic issues as with teacup dog breeds etc or do they legit have short legs?", "I feel kesian lah for GMO cats like that. Cats should be able to defend themselves. How to defend yourself when you got tiny limbs.", "are the gmo-ed or selectively bred like shih tzus and pugs?", "🤷" ], [ "Best place to repair a broken ipad screen in KL? Thanks" ], [ "Had plenty of fun in ESL One KL with my other half. The finals did deliver and were the first in the entire season to go all the way. Managed to get some selfies/photos. with Ephey, Sheever, and BSJ as well as their signatures. Also, kinda being noticed in Bulldog's sub rn KekG." ], [ "What's your top 5 news of 2023.\nChina blowing up the oil line to make the situation worse in Europe.\nIsrael genociding sub humans for their own protection.\nIndia prepping an ethnic cleansing of Muslims.\nChina again with calls for more kiddos after killing off a whole group of minorities.\nSingapore coming to jb and kl and be like previously I'm rich now I'm richer.", "people having gay sex in senate hall got caught\nchinese surveillance balloon get intercepted by fighter plane\nturkey earthquake\ncoup is russia by their mercenaries then the mercenaries leader dies in airplane crash\nalso something about ufo/aliens presented to their country dewan rakyat", "That news from Singapore where a couple did a DIY abortion with th boy kicking his gf's belly.", "kongkek kat tangga and later they did this???" ], [ "anyone have a hobby of solo-traveling? please share how u got started (which countries u picked for your first)\ni think of starting one next year", "used to do a lot of solo traveling. cant recalled exactly where i did my first 'official' solo traveling - not sure if it was sri lanka or bali. what are your interests, adventure 'appetite' or what do you hope to achieve for your solo traveling?\nfor beginner, personally for me, i think bangkok, bali, hong kong, tokyo is pretty good options with its accessible transportations (except bali but grabs are quite affordable there), good food and low language barrier - english is more commonly used/seen in tokyo now compared to many years ago. hong kong - depends whether you know mandarin/canto or not, which might be more helpful than english but there's english signages everywhere so it's okay too", "jumping on this comment, are there any female travel groups out there? Where can I find these kind of groups? I have some asian tiger parents who would not let me travel solo as a female but a travel group would be a great compromise.", "Have you travelled solo (or at the very least traveled) before?\nIf not start somewhere \"easy\". A place that's easy to move around (ample public transport), a place that you're familiar with the language (say in a medical emergency you can get help easily), a place that's not known for \"scams\" and also affordable - in the sense if shit goes sideways it's not going to blow your budget and gets you stranded.\nI'm inclined to propose people to go to Singapore as a place to get your toes wet first. If you have a bigger budget - Japan. Public transport is good which makes travelling around easy - but challenge would be to understand the network maps and the language barrier (in comparison to Singapore it's a smaller city and almost everyone speaks English). An in between place between Singapore and Japan in terms of ease of travel and budget would be Hong Kong and Seoul.\nSoutheast Asia is a amazing place to travel solo because it's cheap - but you need to be adventurous. Thailand; Bangkok specifically is another good start. Stick to the downtown core along the BTS line and it's not too bad. Just watch out for taxi/tuktuk scams (among others) and you'll be good.\nOf course if you have money you can book a high-end resort around South East Asia and they can sort everything from tours, airport transfers and meals.", "i only have travelled to bangkok for 1 day (for business purpose) & singapore for a few days.\njapan sounds promising. is hong kong good? what should i visit there?", "You could always do Bangkok again properly if you've liked it!\nHong Kong is a mix bag. It's mostly about eating (street food, cafes, coffee etc), shopping and interestingly enough a good load of outdoor activities (hikes and even beaches). Can throw in Disneyland and Ocean Park if you're into theme parks.\nOverall it gives off a city vibe. I like it, but some don't." ], [ "Hi everyone! I'm a foreigner who's keen to pick up malay (am Chinese haha) and I'll be headed to Malaysia in a bit :') may I ask if there's any books y'all can recommend to a beginner of malay? So far I'm doing bahasa Indonesia on Duolingo, and I reckon it'll be better if I drop by Popular or any other book store whilst I'm in msia!", "Spoken Malay is different to formal/written Malay. So if you mean to be conversationally good, that will take years. Reading and writing comprehension won't take too long. Indonesian is also different to Malay.\nI suggest reading some autobiographies of Malaysia's most consequential man, Mahathir. A doctor in the house (there's a Malay version) and The Malay Dilemma (unsure if it has a translated version) is a good start. Obviously it has some racist elements to it, but these books are a good start to understand the Malay psyche.\nAll the best OP.", "Thank you so much for the recommendation! Will take a look :')" ], [ "<image>\nThis dum dum pried open the window, fell into the drain and got swiped by a backyard cat.\nStank to high heaven. Hopefully he’ll learn his lesson.", "i feel you, my dumbo cat fell into the longkang so many times last time when he was still an outdoor cat. satu minggu mandi like 3 times lol", "That’s certified dumb. Is it an oyen?", "yes an Oyen lol but it was because he got chased by the neighborhood cat bully, missed sharing that earlier", "lol kesian dia.\nAlso, random, i recently learnt that white cats are usually the weakest/most bullied cat on the street. It’s because they are white, easily spotted by predators. Hence other cats don’t want white cats in their pack. Even cats are colourist.", "wow I never knew! My white cat bullies my oyens bit I often feel she did it out of fear, like beat others first before they beat her lol", "Kesian kitkat, whichever this one is. Kena mandi? Lagi la regret max", "Kit! Busuk gilaaa and had to shampoo twice to get the grime off.", "go swipe that backyard cat back. revenge", "Muka insaf dah tu :26563:" ], [ "It's unlikely we will revert to PDPR even with the rising Covid cases....but still, the mere thought of Zoom classes is giving me PTSD of the dreaded awkward silence or kiddos' AFK moments :26554:", "I don't even know if going with masks on all day long would be conducive either. Got too many anti maskers around still." ], [ "70% of my colleagues and all my bosses are on vacation\nwhat do i do in office now. :26554:", "What's work? =)", "lemme ask my boss\nedit: he just replied \"whats salary? =)\"", "Got it, I'll pretend to work. Catch me if you can, you're not here =P", "Ugh honestly the best scenario. Punch in and go run some errands you’ve been meaning to do. Go to the dentist, send your car to maintenance, catch up on tv series.", "Go jalan at the mall!", "i support this suggestion lol", "L I F T\nlater when your bos and kolik came back, you got swole", "i lift 99 also wont get big 1. can see the shape only", "Ular", "Do cartwheel", "Turn on the radio and tune in to your favourite station!" ], [ "Hey guys, quick question from a new TnG user.\nIf I have enabled auto top up for my TnG wallet from my linked debit card, and also for my TnG card from my wallet, will the \"double auto top up\" (debit card > TnG wallet > TnG card) work properly if there are no funds in both my TnG card and wallet? Such that I can make payments with my TnG card and my debit card will be charged directly." ], [ "I went to ESL KL yesterday\nAfter game 1 AR played like shit, marah betul, dah la panas\nWent home, sambung tengok on twitch\nReverse sweep, wow, what an epic comeback", "Was rooting for GG to win game 3 just so that i can go dinner. But i was glad to be there to witness such epic comeback." ], [ "There's a thread on r/sg where they prefer HDB over landed, well the highly upvoted comments at least.\nGot some funny reasonings, ranging from scared of cockroaches/frogs, water leaks that are akin to floods to landed houses being less private than HDB.\nI wonder why Malaysian landed houses aren't all dilapidated then lol. Interesting perspective I guess.", "I've spent the first half of my life growing up in a landed house in Ipoh and the second half of my life moving between HDBs in Singapore.\nThe only thing I appreciate about apartments in general is the ease of maintenance due to the smaller floor space and lower ceilings. But that is also a double edged sword because I'd really appreciate a lawn to do some gardening or cultivate some crops.\nLanded houses being less private than HDB is bullshit to me. I can't keep my HDB door open without nosy neighbors looking in or some random salesperson trying to sell me shit.", "creepy crawlies reason is fair, but privacy though?\nI don't understand how HDB is suppose to be more private than landed?", "SGeans are weird asf", "i lived my entire childhood in a landed house at a taman about 10kms away from the seremban city. i loved it and thought man i could NEVER stay at an apartment, it sounds like hell. how do you go beraya? how to you kenduri? do you even say hi to your neighbours?\nand then i grew up, and started living in apartments in KL. honestly, i loved it. the refuse room is on the same floor, there are guards, and i DONT HAVE to know my neighbours. areas outside my house are cared by the management, i just need to worry about my own house. i dont have to deal with grass on my yard. etc etc.", "wait till you urgently need to go shit and some kid play with the lift and push every button so your lift stops at every floor.\nor you need to wash car.", "matter of tastes. lived in hdb and condo and hated it. haha. so little space (especially with kids)" ], [ "Get ready for all the strawberry jam tomorrow because it's... drumroll pleaseeeee\nPayday X Christmas edition!\nStay safe everyone!", "you guys get paid so early in Malaysia? isnt salary usually end of the month?", "Salary for government usually on the 25th. But sometimes it'll change if there's a big celebration coming near the salary day itself. So for this month, it's on the 19th.", "Tfw your pay is on Friday" ], [ "Every now and then, I'll find a post that made me feel grateful to live a boring life.\nHaving dispute between neighbors is normal, but having a neighbor family getting obsessed with your daughter is not.\nI also find it funny that even in European country like in that post, the police will refuse to take action. We're not that different.", "Now that is a movie worthy story. Really creepy neighbours." ] ]
Tips to migrate to Malaysia from UK
Hi all, I have visited Malaysia twice already and I'm planning a third visit in February-. I really enjoy the weather and the food here, and would like to move. Currently, I've been doing LinkedIn easy applies everyday for months and applying via company websites, but I'm not getting any responses. Are there any tips any of you could share? I have a first-class maths degree and 3 years of finance experience in a large bank in the UK. I have coding skills, and analytical experience. Many thanks!
[ [ "Option 1 : Get a job in the UK with a company that has a branch in Malaysia. Apply to be posted in the Malaysian branch. Renew the application to stay in Malaysia over and over again until they get fed up that they ask you to start applying permanent visa to stay in Malaysia as permane t representative. My German friends and also uncle in law did this for their respective German companies, so hopefully it works for UK.\nOption 2: Be a teacher at an international school. Pay is good, but standards are high.", "Thanks! I will have to look into the UK companies that might offer this. How do you \"apply\" to be posted in Malaysia though?\nI'm not against teaching, but in the UK, you have to do a PGCSE to convert you to a teacher - is that course necessary or provided in Malaysia? I have had previous teaching experience in secondary schools." ], [ "They don't respond to you cause you're UK that mean higher salary, bonus, benefits, and etc. Thus, they will try to avoid hiring foreigner. Local salary are peanuts compare to yours and willing to slave away their lifes for the company(don't really have a choice).", "Is it worth mentioning that I'm willing to take a pay cut on applications? To me the money is secondary, and the move primary.", "Don't, this is a third world country don't forget that. Corporate will abuse it as much as possible if they realise you are willing to work for peanuts.\nHere's an example ie:- An employee working at McDonald's with an expected bare minimum wage of Rm1500(set by the government) but in actuality they get paid way less around rm1200 - rm1280. How do I know this? A friend of mine works there. And this is very common in this country.", "Hmm good point! Desperation allows abuse sadly.\nThanks for letting me know" ], [ "MM2H", "I don't think I'm old enough, only 25. I also don't have over 1 million MYR :(", "Work harder", "I don't think working harder can change your age by 10 years, but ok" ], [ "HR teams in large banks in Malaysia would see a LinkedIn application from the UK and right away disregard it as not being serious. There is still the perception that UK-based bankers cost a lot (and this is true because of the currency), and they won’t be able to match the salary you’re currently earning, so why bother. Never mind that you would be willing to consider a pay reduction, they wouldn’t take that risk unless it was a niche role they can’t already find in Malaysia.\nEach role would have up to 50 applicants from LinkedIn anyway, so without knowing who you were and what your experience was, they would simply filter based on someone who was already doing that role in another Malaysian bank.\nHow about moving to Singapore instead? That path is a more well-trodden one, Singapore based FI’s hiring out of the UK happens fairly frequently, and you would get less of a culture change as Singapore is more similar to London (compared to KL). You can always spend your weekends in Malaysia, or check out other gems around Southeast Asia.", "Thanks for the response. To be honest, money isn't what I'm after - I just want to move, the cost of living is cheap in Malaysia and I have got savings to be able to pay rent if needs be. Just want a foot in the door!\nI have tried Singapore as well as Malaysia but found them to be more competitive with their education system being better. I did actually get an interview, but I failed the psychometric test.", "Fair enough but you need to convince them with your application which is easier said than done. Usually applications get screened by HR who filters a few profiles for the hiring managers — most LinkedIn applications don’t get past this stage. So even if you fit the role perfectly, profiles from outside Malaysia are disadvantaged, as many of these roles have hundreds of applications from LinkedIn.\nWhy are profiles from outside Malaysia disadvantaged? Because when a role is being filled, it’s important to consider how long the accepted candidate would stay in the role. This covers personal and professional reasons. Personally, whether they can settle in KL, and professionally, whether they would be happy with lower salary in the long term. You may be happy with the lower pay, but a hiring manager may not be as convinced, sometimes a willingness to accept a lower pay can be seen as a red flag.\nA good idea is to look for recruitment agencies who specialize in banking industry, another way is to look out for specific individuals on LinkedIn and then email them directly (a few candidates tried that with me, and while that was a bit forward, I appreciated that and have granted these candidates interviews).\nAll the best - working in KL is a good experience, and I wish you luck in your job search.", "are you sure about this? My Malaysian banker friend from UK seems to have no trouble finding jobs in KL. I kinda think that if someone is applying from the UK to KL, then they are ready to accept a paycut, and therefore your argument is not quite valid. I am guessing maybe it's due to visa issue etc", "I’ve seen lots of people from overseas applying for jobs at the bank I worked at, including the department I was working in, none of them were successful.\nYou could count on two hands the number of non-Malaysians employed by the bank, and they were at C-suite minus one. In the one case where the hire wasn’t a senior management position, it was a position for which nobody in Malaysia had a similar skill set, so they got hired.\nWhat level is your banker friend at or what job does he do? I accept what I say above is what I’ve observed in one bank, and so I don’t speak for all HR’s in all banks.", "You could count on two hands the number of non-Malaysians employed by the bank, and they were at C-suite minus one.\nThat's because barely any non malaysians applied. You can say the same about literally any other roles in Malaysia.\nWhat level is your banker friend at or what job does he do?\nUsually AVP to VP. I don't know them well enough to know what precisely they do.", "Hmm, I would probably be close to this level. Maybe it's just a matter of applying more. Do you think going in person to any of these companies would help? I will be in Malaysia for around a month in February.", "don't see why it would. Probably knowing someone from the inside to refer you is most helpful.", "Having read your previous comment, your friend is a Malaysian from the UK, who came back to Malaysia?\nI think OP is a non-Malaysian, hence my comment about the scarcity.", "yeah, I think it might be more of the hassle of employing foreigner, and also probably the lack of confidence that they will stay" ], [ "Maybe reach out to British high comm, or some British expats group/forum to hear first hand of their views.\nAs foreigner you can't work here unless hired by a company with salary scale above certain amount plus company need to justify why they couldn't find a local for that role.\nThe options are numerous and it won't be a straight answer or path.", "Is there anywhere I can find them you know of?\nI've applied for a few of the UK government roles based in Singapore. Malaysia doesn't currently offer anything I can do.\nThank you though!" ], [ "You may try these\nhttps://www.expat.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=193\nhttps://britishexpats.com/forum/malaysia-148/\nhttps://m.facebook.com/groups/176705455831148/\nGood luck" ] ]
Start local elections in KL first, says DAP KL chief
[ "Politics" ]
Tan Kok Wai says the implementation of Kuala Lumpur’s local elections will ensure effective and clean governance in the city.
[ [ "Would other parties agree?", "Nik Nazmi supported this on Keluar Sekejap, i think mayoral elections in KL could be a realistic start for local elections to be implemented" ], [ "First is to explain clearly what is local elections and the functions of a local government" ], [ "I bet PN will bang the war drums that KL is majority Chinese. And the Chinese will vote for chinese or puppet malay, and Malays will be neglected.", "I believe KL is no longer majority Chinese.", "wont matter Malays in KL are usually more progressive.\npart of the reason why PN got no chance here.", "Wouldn't matter to PN. PN is well known to lie at their maths to exploit their fan base.", "Then it's easily disproved by showing government statistics", "Dumbasses don't care about facts and figures", "I think PH has made a poor job at making the case for local elections. Honestly, they could have framed it as a beneficial policy for Malays. The city needs improvements for many of its public infrastructure and social programs, e.g. social housing & public transport which my guess: would disproportionately benefit the Malays the most", "That's because most of PH don't support it. Only DAP unfortunately", "Agree. But, It's going to be a very steep uphill challenge to market it as that, they have so many things against them.", "Muda and PSM did a better job in justifying local elections than PH", "UMNO just beat them in this aspect https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/12/18/lokman-adam-umno-will-never-allow-local-council-elections/108108" ] ]
Govt hopeful MM2H programme can attract global celebrities | The Star
[ [ "Works only without policy flip flops and political stability" ], [ "Actually there are a lot of Hong Kong celebrities owning a house in Ipoh and Penang." ], [ "Getting MM2H status is one thing, actually living here is another. How many will actually stay here?", "From what I see, plenty of HK celebrities resides in Malaysia though. Quite a big HK community here" ], [ "global celebrities like Zakir Naik, right?\n/s" ], [ "Maybe Asian and Australian celebs. There are many warm weather locations that offer modern, cheaper, and closer alternatives for Westerners. KL is a great place, but doesn't exactly have the cachet of, say, Dubai or Monaco for the high rollers." ], [ "Imagine if the Kardashians wanted to stay here, kecoh satu kampung" ], [ "We probably have to retire in Myanmar, Laos, Africa or something to get that kind of spending power these celebs have. I hope they have a My Myanmar 2nd Home program.", "Do you really think celebrities like David Beckham are going to be attracted to Ipoh by an adjustment of MM2H?", "Well, Japanese rockstar Gackt has been residing in KL since 2012.", "Afghanistan is nice this time of year lol." ], [ "This opens the door to gentrification.\nBecareful what you all wish for.", "Exactly\nBut properly agents cheer this kind of policies for it benefits them while making sure property prices/food prices get of out hand thanks to all this foreigners who earn in other currencies and spent in RM", "I'm partly guilty, though I'm not a foreigner but I do earn foreign income instead of MYR.", "This is true only if Malaysia is flooded with foreigners. It wasn't a problem when the requirements were super reasonable a few years back, and it looks like this new one won't be nearly as popular." ], [ "The menteri just clarified that those in platinum tier MM2H can apply PR.\nhttps://twitter.com/NewsBFM/status/1736567289435287865?t=YlFfa5XQ3HuD56RXxYFkmw&s=19\nWth" ], [ "The more I see of the program that has been released thus far, it seems it is tailored to Chinese and Johor's sultan, who is trying to fill the thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of empty new condos there, built by Chinese companies. I can't blame them, it's their country after all, but trying to convince non-Asians that it is a good program may be nearly impossible." ] ]
Berry's No 'Merry Christmas' on cakes
[ "Food" ]
Someone fwd me this. I thought it was another doctored photo. Lo behold it was enforced by Jakim even thestar news article dated back in 2020. How can those words on a cake make it tak halal?
[ [ "Latest update (thanks to u/Anxious-Debate5033):\nClarification of the Issue of Saying 'Merry Christmas' on Cakes at Food Premises Holders of Malaysia's Halal Certification Certificate\n<image>", "So .... The company didn't check with the authority before making the decision? WTF...", "So who jumped the gun? The company directors?", "the CEO la, who else.", "Lol all the Islamophobes in the comments are being Islamophobic for nothing." ], [ "Can ask staff to write 'Selamat Hari Natal' instead?", "Loophole detected. Ha.", "Selamat Hari Natal cannot, Selamat Hari Gatal can", "wtf", "Alahai", "Selamat Hari Nakal darksiders", "that one indonesian, DBP will arrest you if you use", "Selamat hari nakal", "Meri Kurisumasu will become the trend.\nOr just boycott la, money is their language", "should be write Merry Chris4mas" ], [ "Funny how in islamic banking its acceptable to take cheque from Sports TOTO, because we were to ‘accept all cash in good will basis’, teller will assist customer to encash the cheque before deposit into their islamic banking account so the source of fund is halal", "Money laundering. Janji masuk Bank Islam semua dah halal.", "Auto-convert terus halal dengan izinNya", "Jgn lebih2 bro nak make joke", "What the? Sports TOTO? The lottery/4 lucky number company? The one with the bird mascot?" ], [ "“You may using our provided “Season’s greeting”….\nDamn, grammar like this can become an operations manager?", "Pretty common in sme companies.", "True, I once had an occupational manager asked me to translate a complain from english to mandarin cause he is just that bad at english.", "*a complaint", "The irony.", "\"We should be fully support\"", "\"We are not support this function\"\nSeriously, half my job is asking operations stuff and then reporting it to clients with proper English.", "Dream job tbh", "Lucky he no write suppork", "The “whatapps” companies usually write like this since they don’t need much English. Their clients all from China mar.", "Can understand can la. Be more kind and accepting pls." ], [ "Well Auntie Anne's have had to rename their hot dogs for similarly asinine reasons because JAKIM being JAKIM: https://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/auntie-annes-malaysia-confirms-pretzel-dog-now-pretzel-sausage-satisfy-halal-cert", "Impressive standards they have", "That's our RM1.9 billion well spent. Fucking cavemen.", "Man jakim is so childish", "It's quite straight forward.\nJAKIM the gov body which oversee all Malaysian applications for Halal cert. So on their side, they need to ensure there's nothing that may create any confusion on any naming of dishes / product which applying for Halal Certificate.\nWhy they care? Come on, who didn't know for Muslim, Dog is not Halal to eat? (I know you also don't eat dog, but come on, the product itself say 'dog' eventhough I know 'hotdog' also halal) I don't care what others eat, but for Muslims it's not halal and we it's one of the animals which for us is 'najis mughallazah'.\nSo for sure Jakim will ask the respective people / company which applying for Halal cert, to ensure there's nothing in their product which implies anything related to \"non halal\" ingredient / \"Najis Mughallazah\".\nIn a way, if you are not muslims, but somehow you are \"affected\" by this way of handling by Jakim which in their right to oversee all Halal Cert in Malaysia, GROW UP. If you don't want, don't even think to apply the Halal Certificate.", "Bruh they make it sound like the word 'dog' is haram, not just the actual dog.\nLike that then the Muslims in this country should not say 'dog' either cuz the word is haram. I mean, you get how silly this is. It's just a name!", "You with your own 'context'.\nIf we go with your way of thinking, to allow food name 'dog' as halal certified, then it will be bigger headaches to try explain all the things to the kids, new converted Muslim, Muslim from other countries and etc\nWhich in a way, showing how stupid it is, for 1 of the government body which giving out Halal Certificate, allowing this kind of food 'naming' being certified as halal. Eventhough it's halal in terms of the ingredients & way of making. Just the confusion it will make, it's way bigger impact than just change the name.\nDo note, this is not 1 stall.\nSo, don't try to change what is good for Muslim for the sake of your 'context' eventhough maybe you are not muslim yourself.\nAnd on a side note, don't put words in my mouth. The 'dog' word is not haram. Dog in itself is not haram. We Muslim can even train a dog for hunting and all the hunts is halal for muslim to eat.\nThere's a lot of way to handle the things of 'haram' & 'halal'. So if you don't know the way of muslim, don't conclude it in your brain.", "Come on, who didn't know for Muslim, Dog is not Halal to eat? (I know you also don't eat dog, but come on, the product itself say 'dog' eventhough I know 'hotdog' also halal)\nHonestly, I'm impressed that you could say all that without getting a mental whiplash.\nCognitive dissonance is a heckuva drug bro.", "Oi you non. pls don't question <end of story>\nI'm so surprised that throughout the whole text he/she doesn't seem to realize that he/she already acknowledged it.. but still double down on it. It's incredible", "Some time ago, you learned there is no dog meat in hotdogs. Surely other people can learn the same thing? Isn't it better to educate than to ban?", "Yeah, like sausage is not the same as hotdog.\nWhy are we even discussing this? Lack of education?\nOr is it actually, lack of humanity & respect to other religion & beliefs", "I appreciate the effort, jakim, but I think it’s better to inform and educate the rakyat that ‘hot dogs’ are most of the time, sausages. Instead of moving backwards to instill unnecessary fear towards anything with the word ‘dog’.\nBe a dawg won’t ya.", "Why just you change your mindset to accept in your own mind, sausage is the same as hot'dog'.\nNo need to do so call 'education'.\nAs Malaysian, no need to destroy our multiracial relations of ethnics, religion & beliefs, just for the sake of term 'dog'", "I would argue because that’s how it is everywhere. Hot dogs = sausages.\nAnd I’m pretty sure the number of countries calling hot dogs as sausages are larger than countries that sells hot dogs as dog meat.\nIt’s better for a country to have a smarter rakyat that can think for themselves, rather than having a certain body to hold our hands all the time, telling us what can or can’t be eaten (we have a book for that, are we really that stupid?).\nSeriously, there’s no threat towards religion, or multiracial relations whatsoever here. If anything, it helps making things better and smoother.\nFind better things to do, jakim.", "If you can't even brain the long explanation that I already wrote explaining the reason, then nothing I say more will make you understand the reasons.\nAnd again, if you aren't Muslim, no need to give comments or instructions on how Jakim handle the things. Furthermore it's not even for you.\nOh, lastly, my whole comment on this thread, is for the topic of me agreeing to JAKIM action on asking vendor to not use 'dog' name as a halal certified food for Muslim interest. You get what I meant? Muslim interest.", "I’m so sorry for interfering and questioning big brother jakim. I’m so sorry you couldn’t think on your own. Mad props to jakim though to tell us dogs aren’t halal.\nHere’s hoping one day they’ll tell us dogs are finally halal so we can all have a yummy delicacy.", "It’s not just non-Muslims who are affected by this, it’s also Muslims? Why would any religious authority assume Muslims are so stupid as to not know hot dogs literally aren’t made of dogs?", "See my other post then. Quite long explanation to be frank.", "dayum , we are more taliban than taliban themselves.", "Halal certification is no compulsory to sell food in Malaysia. If you want to be Halal Certified, than need to follow the rules. The rules is for sure to benefit the Halal consumers.\nIf you are not halal consumers, then no need to care at all for this. As you are not affected.\nIf somehow you are affected for this rules on which didn't allow the usage of 'dog' as product name for the food, & you are currently selling your product, and also in process off applying for Halal Certified, then feel free to cancel your application.", "What? Are you telling non-muslims to \"grow up\" because they are confused by JAKIM's halal certificate rules?" ], [ "For a tropical country, we sure have a lotta snowflakes. Or at least I hope we aren't regressing as Daniel thinks we are.\nSearched all over, but weird that Berry's has no social media to verify this.", "This is an internal memo; leaked out by people who feel how you feel about it. If you'd like to maybe you can repost it on fb and recent boycotters suppork local bakery", "Hadi: Other races are challenging Muslim's political power: https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/08/939467/voting-mandatory-if-other-races-are-challenging-muslims-political-power\nHadi: Non-Muslims must be grateful for ‘being given a place’ here, should just let Malays continue leading country: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/07/hadi-non-muslims-must-be-grateful-for-being-given-a-place-here-should-just-let-malays-continue-leading-country/73042\nHadi: Only Islam can rule, others must be 'pak turut': https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628\nPAS politicians insinuated that their rivals are the enemies of Allah: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/27/pas-man-says-sorry-after-calling-on-allah-to-defend-kedah-from-enemies-video/76640\nMuhyiddin claimed Christians of being in cahoots with a group of Jews to “Christianise” Malaysia: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/11/19/muhyiddin-in-hot-water\nDr. M: Parties led by non-Malays are 'parti pendatang': https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/09/04/dr-m-calls-parties-led-by-non-malays-039parti-pendatang039\nNon muslim woman fined for wearing shorts in Kelantan: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/non-muslim-malaysian-woman-fined-for-wearing-shorts-in-kelantan\nNon muslim unisex salon ban + closure: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/12/856735/terengganu-govt-enforce-unisex-hair-salon-ban-warns-offenders-fines\nNon muslims are the root of corruption https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/08/20/pas-hadi-claims-non-muslims-non-bumiputera-make-up-the-bulk-of-roots-of-corruption/\nZul Zuhaimy wants to kill non muslims, said it in a PAS ceramah: https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/mahu-sembelih-orang-bukan-islam-zul-huzaimy-mohon-maaf/\nPN's May 13 rhetoric election propaganda: https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/78211/netizens-raise-alarm-over-may-13-hate-content-posted-on-tiktok\nMalaysia has to be ruled by muslims: https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/malaysia-mesti-dipimpin-oleh-melayu-islam/\nSanusi demolished colonial era legally built Hindu temples and label critics 'drunk on toddy': https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/12/03/lfl-slams-kedah-mbs-heavy-handed-defence-of-temple-demolition/ https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/553910\nNurse with tight clothing https://www.malaysiadateline.com/dakwa-pakaian-nurse-ketat-mp-pas-kena-sekolah-dengan-presiden-persatuan-jururawat/\nNo concerts: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/08/25/pas-urges-govt-to-cancel-all-upcoming-foreign-artist-concerts\nThe Malay Proclamation: https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/05/1096600/proklamasi-orang-melayu-kini-dapat-sokongan-pemimpin-pas-bersatu-dan\nYouth protest cross on shoplot: https://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2015/04/25/for-taman-medan-youths-cross-protest-a-storm-in-a-teacup/884323\nRooftops that has cross shape getting wrong attention: https://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/crosses-rooftops-housing-project-langkawi-create-stir\nWombat == pig? https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/kl-removes-billboard-advert-featuring-wombat-after-netizens-mistake-it-for-a-pig\nNo dog of the year for Chinese New Year: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-trends/No-dog-in-Malaysia-s-Lunar-New-Year-decorations\nCross on advert gets censored: https://www.sinardaily.my/article/207673/malaysia/national/the-nun-tour-getting-diy-censorship\nDrinking Timah is like drinking Malay women: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/10/28/pkr-mp-drinking-timah-whiskey-is-like-039drinking-malay-women039", "Malaysia is so f*cked that it is Impossible to explain. The worst part? Is totally normalized.", "Weaponized 3R, as intended by politician", "Agreed. And majority thinks this is normal and should be encouraged. On social media and off.", "Damn, revealing all the small pain point in one go like this", "Saved receipts yo", "You know it's fucked up when my own conservative Muslim Malay parents in Singapore also sees all of those as absolutely ridiculous. They're more of \"Let people do whatever, they may frown if you're a Muslim stranger doing haram things but won't stop you or get enraged\"\nWho even voted for PAS and why? Who the fuck is hiring these politicians?", "Kudos for maintaining such a list, it'll come in handy one day", "I actually compiled this from my saved comments. Comes in handy. I suggest you save to use it as well and add on more as you see fit", "Wow, didn’t realised i was living in a racist country Edit: Especially the fact that non-muslims almost got unfairly killed.", "Yeaaaaaaaaaa and this list gonna gets longer", "Drinking Timah is like drinking Malay women:\nSo if you mine 'bijih timah' means? xD", "Here is a two year old article https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24/merry-christmas-can-invalidate-halal-certificate-says-jakim", "Then JAKIM is stupid.", "Are you dead serious right now? What the fuck", "Might be because we were under a stupid government 2 years ago.", "I think since much longer ago", "I say someone test out the theory👀" ], [ "Then chinese new year, Deepavali how ar? Other religion greetings cannot also?\nAfter accidentally makan auto convert to the religion or how does this logic works?", "Cucks are insecure with Christ..Dunno why they are insecure about the alphabet X though?Probably think Elon Musk is the second coming of Christ:29091:", "Seems like wishing good tidings to other religions will make Muslims apostate. Really reinforce the notion that Islam is not compatible with multicultural way of living.", "Cuz their logic is after wishing other people's religion celebration automatically make you Murtad (not a Muslim anymore). Damn..if it's that simple I have been a Murtad since long ago. Smh at this limited belief capability of some Muslim scholar.", "JAKIM fellas need more non muslim friends- probably", "CNY ok\nDeepavali i dunno\nThe garis panduan is basically: any celebration that has roots that goes back to religous reasons is a no (Christmas, Halloween). If cultural then can (CNY)", "I seriously think Jakim has too much time on their hands. Coming up with new rules where it was never an issue before.", "What else can these sekolah pondok graduates do with their time?", "Thats where you’re wrong. This is a ruling that is in fact very basic and has always been applied since the Prophet ﷺ was alive.", "Thats where you’re wrong. This is a ruling that is in fact very basic and has always been applied since the Prophet ﷺ was alive.\nSo are you saying that the Religious Affairs minister was wrong when he in part invalidated the ruling by JAKIM?\nhttps://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2020/12/24/no-halal-cert-with-xmas-wording-minister-clarifies-messages-fine-as-long-as/1934761", "Whats happening here is a Diff of opinion on the minuscule detail amongst qualified jutists.\nHappens all the time. Both are legit.", "Sorry i mean referring specifically the letter above by OP. Cannot even write Merry Christmas on a blank cake even requested by customer. That is a bit weird isn’t it?", "Sebab berkait dgn halal cert kan, which is under Jakim’s purview.", "how does this logic works?\nI think all religions have this issue. The preacher say do so (good list) to achieve religious scores.\nBut what about non-believers in other countries? Are they in good (without doing good list, then why i have to do harder when they don't) or are they bad? (bad person in stories, puik)\nEvery religions suffer from this logic. Why the rule selective, not universal like natural law?\nImagine cooking law applies only to me, while you can eat raw. (In actual, cooking law extend human life span, universally) This is what happening with every religion (and country law actually... some law are legal in different countries. Again, unlike natural law)\n--- personal biased view from an agnostic\nEdit:\nEven a computer might give error to this logic. Here say yes, another say no.\nIn country level, country \"admin\" correct it to 1 standard. In global level, all admins correct each other, same story. Nothing solved, just authority pressure. (Science have these corrections, but they are much professional, every corrections must backed by proof)" ], [ "is the english on this correct?\nI kinda feel it is off somewhere", "Not a single sentence on there is fully correct lmao", "Manglish.\nI recognise it because that's how I write too." ], [ "Halal certification is now very strict, even they disallow companies from putting \"Kosher\" label on their product even though these product are intended to sell to customers from food industry, not end customers.\nThe only kosher label that can be accepted to put it is the big \"U\" label on it.", "Classic example of alienating the minority in order to appease the majority 😔", "OP, please verify your sources .. this has been debunked by JAKIM\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/3bBlUuCFAz\nI guess this community is no better than our moms and dads what’s app groups. Keep forwarding nonsense without checking and regurgitating old news that has been debunked.", "I think don't blame the rakyat but blame the company board for releasing this. Those names I checked memang work with the company in linkin", "Hmmm...Good thing is putting \"Merry Xmas\" on the cake is still accepted. No need to think \"outside the box\" to wrote that greeting text on that cake.", "Yeh. Allegedly the supplier / entire style chain of the ingredients also have to be halal.", "But muslim can eat kosher food, say this to any Muslim outside of Malaysia and you will get stink eye.", "This is of course expected i'd think", "They're both from the same branch ironically. Abrahamic religion is a the scourge on the Earth." ], [ "Saying merry Christmas doesn't make the food haram", "Yup you are right. Not sure why Jakim restrict this. Could it be berry's own proactive step to safe guard the halal certification? Only their management knows.", "Considering JAKIM history and the type of people who they promoted to management, it's likely one or a few trying to piss off the nons for inside political cred for fame and promotion and then backtrack when the backlash is too strong. Just like the case with the Sarawak Christmas song. They openly don't dare to blame or sue Berry management for throwing shit on them because Berry never did it.", "JAKIM wants to control the body and mind." ], [ "Im a malay, and a muslim, and while i don't mind jakim policing other muslim's faith, i believe this is where they should have drawn their line but unfortunately for everyone they overstepped it.\nI mean yeah its funny but on a serious note, this is outrageous and very much goes against the freedom of religion that has always been said by our government.\nFuck this shit.", "Yea even kuih bakul we also use for prayers. The korean rice cakes also the same so that will be ban too or how?" ], [ "some people still believe if you look at a Christian's cross, you will be tempted to convert to Chistianity.\nso anything related to Christianity is a taboo (scary thing) to these kinds of people.", "Vampires and Demons hate the cross just saying.", "i sometimes use this if they say something as i've written earlier. huhuhu\n'korang ni vampire ke?'\nhuhuhu", "It's MOrbin time!!!\neh wait wrong vampire.", "I been hearing the morning prayer thingies for like 20 years of my life everyday ..0 thought about converting to Islam ..", "Heck, I had read lots of buddhist scripts, being to countless taoist rituals and still accompany my mom when she visit temple but I turned out to be a firm atheist", "So they don't have faith then? 💀", "Lol. It's crazy. Lost faith in this country. EM is the place to be." ], [ "So writing Merry Christmas on the cake makes the food non-halal? That's so fucking dumb", "Malaysians being racist at its finest", "Did u even read the update ? Mf it’s been debunked ! Cover up, your racism is showing", "It's not debunked, it's just putting out the flames because the backlash is too strong. Do note JAKIM never sue Berry for this because the food company are not wrong and can crush them in court.", "Rather than yapping about me being racist, give me the fuckin update 💀", "Mods already pinned it at the top ?! Maybe be self sufficient before yapping your mouth.", "Well my bad i didn't see it. Still you wouldn't ignore the fact that there's racism towards Christmas in Malaysia." ], [ "Merry Christmas Berry’s", "Berry Christmas Mary" ], [ "Don’t wanna comment on the Christmas wording but in a way it shows how hard it is to apply or maintain halal certification.\nIts your own right nak makan kat places without halal cert or not, but I think unfair lah nak kecam kedai bukan Muslim tiada cert sebab “malas”.\nIts a very tedious cert to apply which takes a lot of time and effort.\nLlaollao, a place which only sells freakin yoghurt, took 7 years and only got the cert last year. Richiamo Coffee, the largest Muslim-owned local coffeeshop chain, doesn’t even have halal certification in most of its branches!\nI think except Nippon Sushi and MyVietz, dont think I have heard any restaurant chain yg recently established in Malaysia (less than 5 yrs) has halal certification?\nEdit: JAKIM released a response clarifying but I believe anything from my second paragraph should remain relevant", "Lmao the words Merry Christmas have what exactly to do with being Halal??", "They believed it's blasphemy coz God never had a son to begin with", "I can understand if they say no selling/displaying item with a default \"Merry Christmas\" on it but saying that they can't use it even with customer's request is a bit funny. If a Muslim owner chooses not to do that for his personal reasons i can accept it, if JAKIM really enforced this, it's quite ridiculous >< For context, i don't celebrate Christmas.\nAnd yes Halal cert is difficult, and i understand it's not just about the ingredients (Cleanliness, etc) but the above reason is seriously ridiculous. My opinion at least. General comment, not directed at your comments of course.", "Halal certs are a way to only profit malay companies la. U think they really give a fuck about the halal side of things? They got more loyal followers than fucking apple. Everything from top to bottom in their supply chain has to come from bumi companies. It's as racist as it gets. Only dumbfucks malays yet brainwashed into thinking halal cert is good.\nHow tf u ppl even live following a stupid cert. Cannot use brain to think? Quran got say must have halal chop only can consume? Mindless zombies.", "My take is that Malaysia do be a country based on Islam, so their policies will need to cater to that(see LGBT rights in Malaysia).\nSo I don't see what the calls to boycott is about, it's exactly what the local business needed to do to succeed because Muslim market is too big not to tap into.\nIf they really want change, they will need to call for the amendments which allowed this themselves instead of hating on the industries that are playing the game.\nAlso not being able to write 'Merry Christmas' on a cake is such a minor thing to catastrophize about lmao", "Nice freedom of religion la", "The problem here is that, was this decision sane? Could it be some people with too many power, paid too many fund from government, have nothing better to do, trying to out religios anyone, hence the decision?\nI don't see the benefit of it other than someone's getting his egomaniac fixed temporarily. It has been starting from simple things like shouldn't drink any drinks bancuh by cina back then in 80s, then no alcohol advertisment, then no share table, then what? A mandatory armband and signboard for 'no cina babi and dog'?" ], [ "Jakim has been given too much power.", "just, don't apply the halal cert then?", "I mean a lot of places don't apply for JAKIM cert even if their ingredients and menu are 100% halal.", "yeah, well what to do, halal cert is kind of a stamp for Muslim here that everything that restaurant does is being verified safe for their consumption, the restaurant can opt not to apply for the cert and hoping that some of the muslim eat there, its not a forced things to apply for the cert, don't blame the cert provider if they impose the rules even though sometimes we feel kinda dumb, there always reason behind it.\nand i believe before the restaurant applies for it,. the rules will be explained to them, and it's that restaurant agreed on this, why do people want to be mad about it?" ], [ "As a chinese...i feel ashamed..." ], [ "Time to boycott", "Agree", "boycott what? jakim?", "Boycott anything with the jakim halal cert", "good luck" ], [ "Hope all Malaysians can join and boycott berry’s… if we can boycott McDs for people from a different nation, we should be able to boycott berry’s for our nation", "But majority will rejoice this decision… 🙃", "The portion who will boycott VS the portion who will go and support them even more because they are over the moon and happy with this move with be vastly outnumbered. It will actually work in Berry's favour.", "I don't boycott, but I do prefer places without Halal cert.\nAvoid Halal cert if you can", "Or buy cakes with alcohol. Chocolate with rum is the best.", "Nons should support all the non halal places as much as they can. Endangered species tu", "Eh why boycott. Berrys in this scenario got no choice. If they put Merry Xmas then they will lose their JAKIM Halal cert, which costs a LOT of money and effort to get.\nNo halal cert means no Muslim customers. They will die if rely on non-muslim only.", "Boycott halal jakim cert restaurants. Abolish this stupid cert. It's about time morons in our country learn to think for themselves what is halal and non halal.\nI'm pretty sure tht book of theirs doesn't involve eating at jakim certified establishments." ], [ "hahahaha...oh damn this is just ridiculous n funny at the same time...stupid af" ], [ "LOL i dont celebrate christmas but this is the biggest joke ever. Their business, their choice but also their loss i guess ><" ], [ "I see Jakim cert I usually just avoid\nI treat it as a warning sign" ], [ "Road to talibanism", "Iranian Islamic revolution incoming" ], [ "https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/12/16/bakery-says-no-christmas-greetings-on-cakes-in-line-with-jakim-order/\n.\n.\nFrom 2020:\n5pm: Tak boleh https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24/merry-christmas-can-invalidate-halal-certificate-says-jakim\n10pm: Actually boleh https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24/christmas-wishes-allowed-but-not-for-display-at-halal-certified-premises-products-says-jakim\nhttps://www.facebook.com/MyJAKIMmalaysia/photos/a.651763748207531/3816390418411499/?type=3\n.\nlmao, this u-turn country, can't even settle something as simple as seluar pendek and toppingkek..", "Hmmmm means can or cannot? Tldr", "Schrodinger's rules,\nWhichever is more useful to the officer at the point of time.", "Suka hati akulah!\nヽ\n¯\\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯" ], [ "Instead of being more inclusive we’re becoming more regressive 😔" ], [ "I'm a Muslim and I don't condone this. Damn...let other religion be. Writing Christmas and wishing it to others won't change my core belief of being a Muslim. Man, I swear some of these people put Islam in jeopardy with their limited belief scale smh.." ], [ "That's kinda gay, Jakim." ], [ "yang ni memang tak patut. dah kira menganiaya manusia dari beragama." ], [ "We should viral the living daylights out of this to pressure gov to change it.", "Already dah in news. Seems like the photo is from a customer whom snapshot it from a staff proving the prohibition.", "Viral what.. Our dear PM so scared to step on toes. He's the one giving more power to Jakim. Acting like he's so much more Muslim than pas leaders..\nReally regret voting him. We been had" ], [ "Bawa icing sendiri👍", "Boleh dapat diskaun?", "BYOI" ], [ "so can they write happy birthday jesus?", "Make it harder to discern ʿĪsā ibn" ], [ "Pussy" ], [ "boikot!", "Eh jgn lah. I still Berry like their egg tarts." ], [ "So, isn't halal certification only regulate food? Like, to ensure there's no non-halal ingredients or cross-contamination? At least that's how it works in indonesia.\nShouldn't something like this is outside halal certification?", "Shouldn't something like this is outside halal certification?\nNope. It's why in Malaysia, hot dog/ pretzel dog had to change their name, and A&W here had to change the name of their Root Beer.\nAs we say locally, the #1 view of local enforcers is Melayu mudah keliru, so their paternalistic behaviour is next level." ], [ "Jakim bout to control the country through Halal Certification now.", "Malaysia Halal certification is world kelas tau. So many wants it to further export to other Muslim nations.", "world dominion through Jakim, here we comeee" ], [ "Tbh, I'm surprised that they even allow Christmas to be declared a holiday.", "Holiday benefits all so can la i guess." ], [ "This is Stupid." ], [ "The local written English in Malaysia is truly speechless. Must be the new way forward with all these ridiculous restrictions and attire enforcements.", "Honestly I don't think that your English is any better", "😂", "Amazing! You truly excel in it.", "I've paired with a German and Finland student in college. After I have shown them my portion of work, they were stunned for 3 second, told me that they will rewrite everything that I have shown them instead.\nI knew my grammar sucks but I still have no idea how bad my submission was. It was so horrendous that they think it's faster to help me rewrite instead of correcting me on the spot.\nI have no idea how I have gotten A in Spm." ], [ "At this point it’s not even shocking anymore. Imagine being so triggered by a word. Tbh feel bad for the company. To operate in this country where the largest consumer group is the majority race, what choice do they have?" ], [ "Ok... Does that mean all halal certified eateries are not allowed to display 'Merry Christmas ' wish? Or just on the food itself?", "They can't display merry christmas in their shop at all as long as they want to keep their halal status. Similarly, their packaging box with their name on it can't have merry christmas on it. But if the food is made to go and is not displayed in the shop, there should not be a problem at all." ], [ "I would like to know the update of the JAKIM's meat cartel issue." ], [ "Writing merry christmas on cakes for takeaway customers does not invalidate the halal status. Who told them this bullshit?" ], [ "I just went to Berry's 2 weeks ago and they have ginger bread man on their counter... What's with that double standard" ], [ "I'm a muslim and I'm having this WTFF reaction" ], [ "goodness, this reminds me of Community episode where xmas is banned…it has reach our shores, haiz" ], [ "Shit we're turning into brunei", "Oh they are the same?", "They're actually worst." ], [ "They're doing this probably because some Karen complained to Jakim. Who in the world is that free?" ], [ "As bad as his English is, his understanding of the matter is worse unless there’s a new directive by JAKIM. Just read the last 2 paragraphs of this article below:\nhttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/12/16/bakery-says-no-christmas-greetings-on-cakes-in-line-with-jakim-order/" ], [ "I don't blame the shop. I blame the malaikat from jakim going there hee hee haa haa to the company with his religious dick out, just to fulfill his ego and of course, to wash away the sin he accumulated watching porn yesterday night.\nThe behavior applied generally to overly religious people, the more sinful they are, the more they pressed their worldview on others." ], [ "Berry Christmas!" ], [ "If a local MP were to host a Christmas party and food and drinks served were halal but would Jakim expect any Muslim attending to avoid anything with Merry Christmas written on or packaged in? Like goody bag/door gift with 'Selamat Hari Natal'?" ], [ "What is this nonsense :(( isnt this like taking things too far.." ], [ "This is quite sad tbh." ], [ "Haiyaaa...just write \"Selamat Hari Natal\"...there problem solved.\nOr just write \"Berry Krismas\", done." ], [ "Once you go Halal, you don't go Natal" ], [ "Dayum, now have to eat expensive lavender bread already. GG Berry!" ], [ "Ok, will buy other cake." ], [ "Malaysia you trash country" ], [ "Fuck those religious nuts, fuck them all." ], [ "Violates Article 11" ], [ "Daniel needs English lessons" ], [ "Your f*cking English is horrendous Daniel !" ], [ "\"Why are the nons worried\"" ], [ "As an outsider, this is incredibly ridiculous. Malaysia must be such a depressing place to spend Christmas." ], [ "What the?? Now thats just ridiculous." ], [ "Just when you think we cant spiral any quicker toward the Stone Age, up pops this shit." ], [ "Clown company. I bet Selamat Hari Raya is okay with them but merry Christmas cannot.", "No lah... They also protecting their business ma. Workers also need to cari makan." ], [ "Anyone wanna join me to sell cakes and anything else which is plastered with the words Merry CHRISTmas on it? Location should be outside JAKIM HQ" ], [ "Nice fucking English, pendejo.\nYou can't spell halal without hal." ], [ "This is typical bullshit job created by bureaucracy like Jakim, a way to justify some people work inside the department.\nImagine this : the certification need a team to inspect and validate technical like supply chain compliances, ingredients compliances. Then come the Pengurus attempt to show they are hard working and add ridiculous clause to show their POWER." ], [ "Lol dumb fucks well I know where I'm NOT getting cakes from ever again. Thanks." ], [ "Dang, I’m a Christian now that I’ve read the word Merry Christmas.\nJesus here I come 🏃‍♂️" ], [ "Fact:\nEven indonesia allows other religions to use the word \"Allah\"" ], [ "Bruh this isn't helping with the case of islamophobia. Who likes a religion that's this tyrannical.", "Have to separate that. Religion is innocent here." ], [ "apa benda merapu ni, tsk tsk tsk Biar lah org Kristian nak sambut Xmas Kita org Islam ni tak payah ambik port lah Sudah serupa Taliban pula..." ], [ "boikot halal certified products/s" ], [ "Fuck JAKIM la" ], [ "Wow. This is an incredibly dumb backwards caveman rule. Good job Malaysia." ], [ "So like that all the malls are not halal cos got Christmas decor ? Wouldn’t it make everything inside non halal?\nNice to see Malaysia gov focusing on the important things.\ncannot have Santa image on anything at all ?" ], [ "Jakim want none halal people's money and they will declare Christmas holidays are not recognised. All government office will function as normal on 25th December.", "Um….PETRONAS National Oil Company is closed on Christmas" ], [ "Why is Christian always getting all this nonsense? Really nothing better to do… so scare then better stay in the caves and don’t come out anymore. In the first place, the cake is not targeted to Muslims. Only to those who celebrate Christmas.", "How do they get promotion if they have no work all day in their office? Bully the receptionist? That's why they bully the nicest religion in Malaysia whose followers would not harass you 24/7 unlike if they attempted any similar bullshit on other religion such as Hindu or Buddhist sects.\nThe bullying is for political cred and to show their ambition. Nothing to do with how religious they actually are, considering how picky they are with targets." ], [ "Muslims, if you are sick and dying and the only medicine that can cure you is a drug that is non halal or worse made in Israel, are you allowed to take it? Genuine question.", "A Muslim friend told me once that if it's a life and death situation, to survive is the priority and it's not a sin to take the non-halal medicine. It is, however, a sin to deny the chance to live when given the opportunity as it is against the will of god. Correct me if I'm wrong, just trying my best to answer a question.", "I see, tq.", "", "As per Rule 1, well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. does not have such protection, and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps." ], [ "What do our Muslim friends think of this? I can’t say I understand- Christmas is not so much a religious holiday to a lot of us, but more of a reason to celebrate and have fun. It’s the end of the year, it’s time to rest and find an excuse to celebrate. But luckily we customers have a choice to get cakes from elsewhere 👌Give Berry’s to the Muslims - respect the halal certificate and Jakim direction.", "Yep… plenty of non halal cake suppliers for us nons." ], [ "And yet ‘pendatang’-owned businesses are given sh*t for not having Halal certification. We don’t do you say we don’t care, we do you pull stunts like this. What you want us to do" ], [ "I always criticise my mom when she tells me to think about migrating abroad for the sake of my future kids .I love Malaysia and tell her further that those who know how to cari makan in Malaysia can do well here..However,each day brings upon more worrying news.One may say that im overeacting as its just a cake but I will turn it back and ask who are the real ones feeling threathened and overeacting over nothing?Time to work hard on getting myself from middle management into senior management,acquiring atleast 2 more properties and a plot of land and fully automating my personal business" ], [ "So Halal now also means to be anti non muslim affairs? Im disappointed by this development." ], [ "If this is not faked , then they can makan cake sendiri" ], [ "Mr Daniel should fire someone. I thought we should prioritize English and not BM since \"English is good for business\". But apparently the English on what appears to be an official document is not that great neither. Oh well. Expectation vs reality." ], [ "What in the idiocy…😑" ], [ "idiot policy. ffs" ], [ "This is super stupid. Saying Merry Christmas is not against Islam. These morons are encouraging extremists", "Or the extremist already at mass?", "Apparently this is allowed in Malaysia so the bakery is wrong. But there are extremists elsewhere who do believe this nonsense" ], [ "ah yes, another \"company overreacting and jakim got tempias\" classic" ], [ "lol halal got nothing to do with how the cake looks like. it can be shaped as a dick n still be edible. but halal certification on the other hand.... its some over the top food standard. but u can trust those who have those halal certs went through great length to serve u over the top food safety standard.", "U sound like ur trying to defend jakim here lol.\nOh please safety standards my ass. The entire halal cert is just to help malay businesses. Everything they request top to bottom supply chains are about bumi companies. It has nothing to do with food safety standards. Not to mention those suppliers are alot more expensive because they know if u want ur cert u have to buy from them. Even the cert itself is close to impossible to get if ur company has no bumi directors. Coincidence? Is this part of the halal criteria from quran?\nAll it does is to keep it's followers in check and to brainwash to only consume halal certified establishments which is stupid. Now there are so many malays out there tht are quick to judge when they see Chinese or foreign shops. Even their racism now seeps into what they eat. This needs to chg", "what u rambling about bruh. ahahaha" ], [ "Reminds me of that Sarawak fiasco regarding Christmas carols." ], [ "Kawanmu dari pulau seberang here. Is this new or has it always been like this?", "Getting more obvious." ], [ "Should have just follow suit in the Western world where they are campaigning for \"Make Merry\" slogan instead of \"Merry Christmas\" to be more inclusive of the rainbow brigade." ], [ "<image>\nPhoto sums up my reaction bruh" ], [ "Jakim hates Christmas and Christians fr.", "Policing for the weaker. Strong ones can think for themselves.", "But it affects everyone. Even non-Muslims." ], [ "Pure regression" ], [ "lol we might as well just prosecute other religions, oops am i giving them ideas?" ], [ "Malaysia is becoming the next Muslim couiruled by extremists.\nMaybe not today but for sure tme😂" ], [ "Aiyo… isn’t it about time the people is educated about Christmas or what a hot dog is? Ffs… it’s 2023. Names don’t make food non-halal… 😔" ], [ "Sometimes I see the criticism against the Israel apartheid and then I see what is going here, I shrug hard." ], [ "We don't want to hurt jakim's precious little fragile feelings, do we?" ], [ "That's actually kinda insulting towards Muslims. Do they think that Muslims have such weak faith that they'll stop being Muslims just because they see others celebrating Christmas? Ridiculous.", "Don’t be surprised. Still many conservatives on FB agree with the clarification about “no public display of the greeting” which imho is ridiculous.", "Answer is Yes." ], [ "Boikot la establishment bangang Mcm ni.\nIf write Xmas pun boleh masuk neraka, how can people still respect and follow this religion I tak paham la" ], [ "The fack with government want people pay tax that and this but merry Xmas also cannot because haram. Pig seller, carlsberg also need pay tax right, that one money halal meh?" ], [ "Is this like when some company writes \"Happy Holidays\" instead and a lot of right wing conservatives foaming in their mouths?" ], [ "I wonder, if Berry let the customer do it. Will Berry still be considered as \"halal\" ?\nLike the cake is ready, berry give the customer the tools needed to write \"Merry Christmas\" themselves.\nOr got a \"freelancer\" outside of Berry, which will do it for customer. The \"freelancer\" have no connection to Berry.", "Why not get the cake baked by said \"freelancer\" instead?", "I haven’t eaten Berry’s in forever, advice gladly taken", "The point is only that 1. It's not on display in the shop 2. It's not written on anything labelled halal\nSo if the customer does it in his own corner without displaying it to people or taking snapshots of it inside the restaurant and posting it on social media, there is nothing wrong with it.\nIf the cake or the box does not have the halal label, there is nothing wrong with it.\nWhoever told them they can't write it at all is just a little napoleon.", "Yes you are right. Perhaps is a misinterpretation of the guidelines." ], [ "Such a \"Malaysia Madani\" thing to do 🤡", "Ha? Unrelated bro. Clearly is a misinterpretation of a vague guideline by Halal authority. Business owner being careful." ], [ "Dumb" ], [ "If you ever felt useless, just remember North Korea has a hotel, and Malaysia has JAKIM" ], [ "Damn, I thought Brunei's MoRA equivalent was harsh with other holidays other than the islamic ones. This Jakim is on another level ..." ], [ "\"You tak suka, you keluar\"", "You're gonna fund them or something?", "Meant it in a sarcastic way. There, fixed it with quotes.", "LOL pergi bakerscottage?" ], [ "ITS JUST CAKE JUST SCRAPE THE WORD OFF" ], [ "Evangelist spotted." ], [ "This is awesome. God doesn’t have a son, the bible does not give any birth date to Jesus. It is pagan based day, not even Christian.", "Thanks for the obvious fact sir. Those that don’t know, never cared." ], [ "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks." ], [ "Berry The Light Deep Within\nI am the storm that is approaching" ], [ "Selamat Hari Natal! Feliz Navidad! Feliz Natal!" ], [ "Is this true though? Sounds asinine to me" ], [ "Wasnt it not allowed for display purposes, but for customer requests it is allowed." ], [ "Lanjiao" ], [ "What the fuck" ], [ "Their Facebook page is empty lol save for a few pictures." ], [ "It's doesn't makes sense 😂" ], [ "Can we write in japanese instead?" ], [ "Easy, just put “khag molad sameakh!” on the cake.", "Encrypted?", "lol" ], [ "\"Merry Chrysler\"" ], [ "Agree do not write merry Christmas and risk licence tarik balik. Can draw🎄 or not?" ], [ "Malaysia soon be country of ISIS, Taliban and Hamas" ], [ "Not Halal? Then don't buy" ], [ "Ini semua salah JAKIM!" ], [ "Seriously?" ], [ "So is the \"Season's Greetings\" card still show Merry XMas or because of Jakim they show Selamat Hari Salji instead?" ], [ "My reaction to most things JAKIM has enforced :\n<image>" ], [ "Berry’s needs to hire me to write their emails. English Grammar kat celah bontot😆😂🤡" ], [ "Obnoxious company!" ], [ "Clearly nobody realised although the article was released on 1 November 2023 AND 25 December 2020." ] ]
No ban on Christmas cakes for halal certificate holders, says Religious Affairs Minister
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "And it all started by fucking zakar naik.\nWell done for the minister to clarify immediately, once and for all.\nFuck you zakar naik!\nEdit: On further reading, I don't think I can support his statement anymore. it's stupid to disallow displaying christmas greeting in the shop. It has the same energy and same stupidity to condemn developers who have cross shaped exterior design.\nHalf step forward, 30 steps back.\nThose who support this, please tell me why displaying non islamic greetings in shop is non halal. Thanks.", "Why have we not deported that twatface is quite a miracle by itself...", "Same reason why Malaysia is buddy buddy with hamas.", "Doing that will anger many voters", "Should have been done back when Manmohan Singh was still in power.", "It's political... kicking that pos will cost votes", "zakar naik, hilarious", "Zakar TakNaik", "Ada ubat iklan highway", "I'd really like to kidnap that fucker, throw him in a shipping container and ship it to India where they will guarantee that fucker will never smell free air outside prison.", "Deport that fucker. He knows fuck all about our culture.", "On further reading,\nOrang lain lain yang keluarkan dua statement tu", "Because of simple common excuses…. Ppl get confused…. Malaysian get confused all the time", "It will confuse people." ], [ "festive greetings are allowed on products if they were not made with the purpose of being displayed in the premise that has the halal certification or on products marked with the halal logo\ntldr: Festive greetings are tak halal" ], [ "Kesian. Fella working on a weekend too. JAKIM in trouble now. Ho Ho Ho!" ], [ "\"...if they were not made with the purpose of being displayed in the premise that has the halal certification or on products marked with the halal logo.\"\nPutting Christmas products on display turns halal food into haram food.\nWhatever man, I'm boikoting Berry's for not using common sense." ], [ "cannot display on public apparently because no provision in Hakim halal requirements. which also should mean there is no such ban/requirements" ], [ "Would like to know the JAKIM meat cartel issue", "", "Yum yum kangaroo meat" ], [ "Finally, new topic Msians can argue about for another fortnight." ], [ "Billions of allocation by our Lovely PMX well spend." ] ]
IoI mall Puchong
[ "Environment" ]
Just another flood day to complete this year's quota. See you again next year.
[ [ "This mall is right next to a big pond and Klang river. Either the river overflowed or poor drainage. Likely the latter.", "high tide, river filled, water cant flow out", "Definitely has nothing to do with all the rubbish blocking drains", "Lol.... i baru je 3 weeks ago commented about seeing a motorist dumping a whole bag of trash into Klang River at LDP in Puchong....\nI'm so tired of our people's trashy behavior...", "Why, why do so many people dump into the river. Like, if you wanna be trashy just dump it on the side of the road, don't throw it into the damned fucking river.", "Some like to dump on grounds & some like dumping in the river.", "I say we skip this mall, or if you cant skip it, park at rooftop. This happened every year, and the developer did nothing drastic to improve the drainage." ], [ "Was just telling my friend that I was lucky that I left that area just when it started raining there... once I left Old Klang Road area near MV, the rain wasn't as bad. Didn't think it will continue to rain this heavily in Puchong to this extent...", "https://twitter.com/MalaysiaGazette/status/1736021028583989254?t=yMUNIicvLVQEPq7QvEJKGQ&s=19\nApparently there was also landslide at Jalan Wawasan, Puchong because of the heavy rain.. right in front of the houses... 😬", "<image>", "Bro tf that is insane\nImagine walking out of your house and seeing this lmao", "I'd cry for real... the landslide may have also affected the structural integrity of those houses. The residents of 9 of those houses are being asked to evacuate now...", "many years didnt visit the mall, infact I only visit once in my lifetime lol\ndoes the mall has any elevated car park?", "Yea, rooftop parking." ], [ "DAMN... Did it even rain that heavily? :( so many vehicles damaged. I guess this is what happens when all the councils and greedy developers take apart greenery and builds condos and apartment and malls everywhere..no natural drainage", "It was super heavy around 6pm to 7pm around Subang area. Honestly bit surprised that only a couple of areas ended up flooded.", "Yeah the thunder was going crazy lol\nI was having dinner somewhere and about to leave then it just starts pouring like crazy, so I thought hmm maybe I’ll wait for it to die down a bit, ended up waiting and waiting while it gets bigger and bigger and in the end I just said fuck it and pulled out my laptop to start working on my stuff\nStayed there for 3 hours before I could safely leave but the thunder was loud asf all that time", "Dunno whats going on with our rains lately. It starts immediately super heavy, no build up. Visibility is so poor too while driving and its scary thinking how many drivers are basically driving half blind.", "If you were in Puchong around 6-7pm, yes it did rain SUPER HEAVY that time.", "Looks around, ask experts.. conclusion \"dei depa masih bodoh.. cepat cepat kasi sakau\" fast forward.. super power capital + workforce. 1 week condo siap... semua beli Oh.. bestnye.. anak berlambak EZ life.. tarak hal mia.. fast forward >> garbage all like ninja throw into drain kasi sumbat, kao kao jam that shit up. Now Flood... haha insurance also faster go claim ah!!! ha ha ha ha.. best giler tengok dah lah hidup susah.. lagi susah jadinya sebab orang lain kah.. sebab luck manyak Suiii ah! ha ha ha... Pun Tong Sui type of stuff, janji trend for 5yrs ++ untung balik ah, boleh bungkus balik mana2 Ha ha ha ha... When I was in K.L. 3 packs of Cigg perday also not enuf, u think 5 cups of coffee gonna do sheets to me? HA HA HA HA...", "man your comment feels like schizoposting but yeah i agree whatever you said", "it's ok bro... thanks for honesty. Talk like that for fun man... gotta practice typing for self syok. Others can judge anyway. Takda Hal Bro!... Life is such... sometimes we cant give our 2cents thinking and think it can be compared or piled together to vote for changes or what.. It should be more superb and advance, in terms of voting for things to happen, it's not like it's a personal thing, if it is... then great! Ha ha ha...", "Boomer posting lmaooooo", "I can give you a hug if you need one.", "yeah sure. I need a hug, i Need one. NOW HOW?" ], [ "Flooding in klang valley, no surprises, and they still haven’t improved the drainage systems it seems", "Nah, they did. Except it's probably upstream. This is the first time flood for ioi mall. The previous flood locations seem fine, at least to my awareness. Batu 3/Shah alam/subang jaya.", "If this is the case, then it is the stereotypical reactionary only actions by the authority to placade the first victims, but never surveyed KV as a whole because the water have to go somewhere, creating the second set of victims, and the cycle continue.", "Your comment is a \"stereotypical reactionary\". Have you seen how big the whole of KV is? It's bigger than Singapore. This is real life and not SimCity/skyline. You think they can fix the whole system and entire starch of KV river in one year?\nnever surveyed KV as a whole\nThat's the easiest part of the job and they probably done it. You know what's hard? Actually doing it. Construction take time.\nYou could have surveyed the entire KV, but that won't stop flooding from happening. Rainfall amount is the least hardest to predict. It's getting the budget, approval, resources, and manpower to fix it. And you don't want to know the involvement of other bs. Like developers who somehow manage to build on flood prevention land/ so close to the river/ on top of bukit. People trash cloging the drain system. Etc.", "no use if we throw tons of garbage into drainage lol" ], [ "omg that's my favourite mall", "Why? There's nothing there...", "From memory 1st floor: McDonalds, Starbucks, Boost, Empire Sushi, Donutes, Aeon supermarket, Mix store, HLA/Padini/Uniqlo/Elle, Bath Body works, Victoria's secret, Haagen Daz, Baskin Robbins, Auntie Anne's, Bata, Tealive, Daboba, Gshock, Poh Kong, an authorized apple reseller, Nandos,\n2nd floor: KFC, Mixue, Marrybrown, Ah Cheng laksa, a FoodStreet(dont know all their names), Several concept stores. Furniture, that massage chair store, Zus Coffee\n3rd Floor: Tealive again, Popular bookstore, GSC, Samsung, Digi, Celcom, umobile, Oppo, Realme, Honor, Vivo, Qmac, hoco, PCs and PC repair shops, Mattress shop.\nThese are just the common brands, I'm not so sure what you meant by \"nothing\" but hope this helps", "Thank you for defending my childhood mall and all the memories I made with my grandma whenever we went there together ( she's still alive and very active I just don't live so close by anymore )", "I also love visiting some mall for nostalgia purpose. Parent used to bring me there for window shopping and that old Jusco arcade. Good ol time.", "I would always go grocery shopping with my grandma at Aeon there, we would also frequently visit Toysrus and she would let me pick a doll I would want there. So many memories, I'm so glad the mall is still doing good and there's always a decent crowd!", "Man I gotta give it to ya", "You don't have to flex that hard lol\nAlthough it would be easier to just show them the mall website and the lists of shops there", "Uhm what are you talking about me and my friends always go there together after school, there's so many things to do there !!!", "What's \"something\" in a mall by your definition?" ], [ "Bad town planning and drainage system." ], [ "That LDP stretch also always get flooded when heavier rain comes" ], [ "I read that as \"lol, mall puchong\" and wondered why you’re laughing.", "Glad I’m not the only one" ], [ "Imaging going shopping and then you lose your car just like that and your insurance doesn’t cover act of God.\nYikes" ], [ "this mall got basement carpark??", "Yes but it was affected as well. Anyone who parked in basement got their feet soaked.", "Only feet? No snorkeling? Car can be save", "Haha no need. Cars were in okay condition." ], [ "lol mall" ], [ "Why often flooded? Drainage problem? Low area?", "Yea, low lying area coupled with poor drainage. A large portion of Puchong is ex-lombong biji timah area", "This explains how flood has been reccuring in Puchong", "There's also construction for Taman Puchong Legenda housing development going on near the pond just next to IOI Mall... That could also be another contributing factor." ], [ "How does insurance work like this, no claim due to act of god??", "Unless you bought insurance coverage for natural disaster for your car, but most likely 99.99% of west msians dont." ], [ "global warming, and things will only get worse from this point onward" ], [ "Normal day in Sabah. Your 1st time in Puchong? Haha" ], [ "lucky i was parking at the roof parking yesterday" ], [ "Bruh, I just came back from that area and next thing you know, landslide. Also welcome monsoon season, you were surprisingly late this year." ], [ "Malaysia slowly tengelam. Buy your property on hills guys", "Kalau at bukit, may have tanah runtuh risk, so...." ], [ "Wow, i just left puchong a week ago to prepare for my finals. Well I hope it didn't flood at my parents home, it never did but it did get an ankle high on the road one time during a heavy rain." ], [ "If the flood that keep happens in Kelantan is because of Kelantan government fault ie PAS , by the same logic, the flood that happens in Selangor is because of Selangor government ie PH ? /s\nHow does the mental gymnastics works ?" ], [ "I know it's monsoon season, but this is mad weather. We have to sacrifice a billionaire to appease the waters." ], [ "Malaysia very own little Venice.😬😬" ], [ "Inadequate drainage. Poor planning." ], [ "Damn this is crazy.. I live in the houses past the traffic light and can reach the mall n foot.. I've never seen anything like this it's kinda scary" ], [ "lol pool Puchong, dah boleh lawan sunway lagoon ni" ], [ "Does mall compensate for car damage ?", "No of course. Park at your own risk it says", "I’m not sure about that", "Can try. Their legal team probably laugh you out of their way", "They are insured" ], [ "most normal day in puchong" ], [ "Another batch of flood car for sale in sabah 😅" ], [ "There was also a landslide at janda baik." ], [ "Is this in kelantan?" ], [ "So what happens to all these cars? They would be written off by insurance company - but then what?" ], [ "Me working at level 1 😂😂😂 level 1 save" ], [ "GGWP GLHF" ], [ "Gawdam another flood?" ], [ "Soon in the ads we'll see Car for sale: Tip top. No accident. No flood car." ], [ "Infrastructure for Malaysia is really bad…" ] ]
Malaysian 2023 wojak political compass
I’m not even Malaysian so please give constructive criticism
[ [ "OP deepest desire is Hannah Yeoh body pillow", "Her husband is going to be creeped out, but the news coverage and the funds it raises for DAP is going to be off the charts.", "how did I out myself like that", "How do you know us so well sobs when you aren't even Malaysian", "I’m half Malaysian 😉", "Half? Malaysia doesn't allow dual citizenship.", "Half malay Malaysian lah", "You must be good at soccer then. 😉🤣🤣", "sadly no but do follow football", "Are u from Singapore?", "no UK" ], [ "IIRC those WhatsApp conspiracists tend to lean right?", "you’re right but not enough space", "there is seriously not enough space", "Do an 8*8 version then lmao", "I am a loser but not that much" ], [ "I used to be in \"PAS ulama\", then \"UMNO Supporter\", then a \"DAP Malay Voter\" after 2022.\nDamn, Anwar's premiership totally change my mind towards Pakatan Harapan.", "I think I remember how conservative you kinda used to be", "That’s because ini semua salah {insert your narrative}" ], [ "Why is The Weeb on the Right-Lib?", "Weebs leaning (far)right is correct.\nJust look at Japan's 2ch forum, a lawless cesspit, whose favourite past time, when they're not making anime memes, is bashing on ethnic Koreans and other non-Japanese.\nAnd its English counterpart 4chan, itself based off 2ch, is the source of Trump's alt-right support and loony Q-Anons.", "I get that some weebs can be pretty far in the right spectrum, but this photo also shows that Weeb are in the same side as those crony capitalism and corporate slave. Whereas the popular stereotypes is that weeb rarely even go outside lmao.\nAlso yeah, I do understand that OP might not have enough room for other things on the meme.", "This is weird to look at. I'm considered a weeb but my leanings are center-left.\nI could be the odd one out though.", "fr tho, i tick all the boxes but i consider myself center left on the same space as bersih\nnow let me go back to fucking my AI bots", "I'm also a weeb who leans left, but I'm just making an observation. Make of it what you will.", "That's for nationalistic Japanese and Japanophile though, doesn't really have anything to do with political stance to be honest\nIn Chinese websites like Bilibili, there would be tons of far-left Marxists-nationalists roaming around despite them being a weeb.\nIt depends on which region the people are from", "Marxist, ethnocentric ultranationalist pick one. Little pinks are not Marxists.", "小粉紅 are not as united as you would think, truth to be told, they're just your average leftist that's divided internally by factionalism with each group fighting against another for their own version of Marxism beliefs", "I think ethnocentrism is a pretty universal baseline for them. It's basically government mandate in order to be patriotic they need to shit on others. Something something workers are only divided by class.. if anything old Maoists were more inclined to be internationalists.", "this is Malaysia and also not enough space too", "On the West, probably. Malaysia? Bro, I'm in multiple discord group with them and with almost everyone having he/she/they/them/apace helicopter, something's not right. Plus, most are Anwar stans when the election was on high. I'd say in the context of Malaysia, they more to the left. Your example are more geared towards the west and Japan. Not Malaysia. Plus, 4chan itself is a cesspool. It doesn't happen to specifically weeb in 4chan. Its 4chan itself.", "hate how /pol/'s contributions generalizes the entire site as a whole", "Im weeb but on the left side..maybe the weebs on the right are a type of staying at home without knowing any current issues, just stick to someone ass and watch too much hentai and anime instead of reading and knowing the current issues", "age of consent", "Can confirm,my Otaku friend is also a huge military nerd,he's very interested in TLDM's stuff,and he's apart of the Roblox MYS community's TLDM activities.", "Damn me and him would have been best friends if we met but I hate anime", "Actually in my place, i dare say the Muslim weeb will be on around...lets say authoritarian RIGHT.\nThey very much hates Yaoi stuff. Especially hates Western Anime fans who to them, is LGBTing everything. Ironically, some would draw Yuri." ], [ "where do the PSM optimists sit?", "old school DAP", "PSM has anarchist tendencies and support. Socialism and anarchism aren't mutually exclusive.", "that’s true - maybe anarchist then" ], [ "Where's the centrist who just wants to grill satay?", "Mamak owner? Seems like the closest" ], [ "Fuck. I, a cosmopolitan chinese, who took one of those quizzes to find out where I land on the political compass, looked at what I'd be on this...and I'm a cosmopolitan chinese." ], [ "Op is an obvious libleft it hurts", "Op make Auth right a Chad so win win situation saar ☝️😋", "I’m actually the grabber tbh", "also made an edit so hopefully my biases won’t show that much!" ], [ "There's also the extremely rare Malaysian Minkuo ROC supporters that believes in Dr Sun Yat-Sen's Tridemism" ], [ "What about someone who never votes? Or someone tired of politics and people who obsessed with politician", "a normal human being", "Hard disagree.\nOne who proclaims to \"not care about politics\", \"hate/tired of politics\" is simply on the \"Libertarian\" side of the spectrum without even realizing it.\nWith enough people, their apathy will end up shaping the political scene as well, whether they like it or not.\nJust look at all the pathologically political apathetic youths in Japan, who actually outnumber the voting old people. The conservative parties are forever in power precisely because these apathetic youths are uninterested in politics.", "no no you’re right I should’ve phrased it like “too lazy to form opinions”", "Is it because the youths already have enough plates on their hands in high schools and in the near future of 9-5 working, that they just simply tembak on the most popular political candidate, out of peer pressure to just get on with it?", "They're still anything but \"normal\" which OP seems to be suggesting.", "Uh, I meant the Japanese youth part though.", "And my point still stands." ], [ "Halfway through making Malaysia political compass and I see this\nanyway ever consider making one but set in like pre independece Malaysia?", "oh dear hahaha - maybe but I don’t want to steal your thunder bro" ], [ "Wait... Bossku is in jail. Ini tak update ke?\nPublic relations painted negatively is called propoganda. Vibrant political diversity is wojak.", "Wei I forgot so stupid", "It's ok on Twitter macam not in jail only.", "I think you should switch bossku and WhatsApp conspiracy theorists. Bossku actually tried to implement some reforms early on his premiership. Plus, he's more liberal than Dr M. I don't follow him though maybe he switched right recently?" ], [ "<image>" ], [ "for the ccp stan, many support CCP not bc they support communism but purely bc of sinocentrism(thinks chinese are superior) and CCP stands up to the \"evil imperialist of the west\"", "will edit thanks!" ], [ "This is amazing", "Thank you! spend too much time on this sub" ], [ "I just have the feeling, whoever made this is a DAP supporter", "eh I put the thing abt Anwar also", "Well, the others are -ve, but whats related to DAP sounds +ve. And overly -ve on PAS.", "maybe shld said something with old school DAP “relegated as historical footnote” and the Malay DAP “votes against best interests”", "will post an update in comments!" ], [ "Old school DAP 🙏🙏", "We is a dying breed, friend", "^ relegated as historical footnote", "DemSoc Malaysia, soon" ], [ "<image>\nEDIT: updated version, do not care will still keep conspiracy theorists in auth left", "<image>\nEDIT: updated even further", "Sabah Swak politicians are the most hard-nosed capitalists (\"money talks, and i can walk\"), do with that what you will", "<image>\nEDIT: third edit actually fifth (I have too much free time)", "Awesome! Keeps getting better", "Please repost this on Monday.. should get more tractions.\nI already know this.. but this is a nutshell why we having unity government and democracy system’s known flaw..", "EDIT: I mean FINAL edit\n<image>", "hmm ok may make a third edit lol" ], [ "This is some gourmet shit,keep cooking brother" ], [ "Theres no Malay Atheist category lol. Guess we fall under old school DAP." ], [ "Since I am represented in this chart (Bersih Netizen), I can say you made a very good one.", "fr, how did they fucking know what I look like too" ], [ "I am the weeb:26554:" ], [ "Pretty good!" ], [ "The left actually wants good & the right just doesnt at all? Errr", "I’m not saying that (though it may seem that way) - it’s just the narrative that the left has a longer road to go than the right", "To you, isn't instituting Sharia doing good?", "yes, and?" ], [ "edit: the Sabah/Sarawak politician is meant to say politically over the place" ], [ "Pas and Dap I reject both" ], [ "I guess I’m like anarchist but still a high functioning one and still stay in Malaysia" ], [ "The pothead anarchist is very rare I think.. I don’t even think they roam in Facebook, Reddit..\nAnyone wants to admit they are pothead anarchists? Hahaha..", "ok will edit then" ], [ "Which compass segment does the royal sits at?", "They are probably high on their z axis. Coordinate is (0,0,∞) probably." ], [ "What about the Malay imperialists?" ], [ "Where anti-china chinese?" ], [ "Can also file \"The Covid Lockdowner\" on authoritarian left as well, near CCP Stan. Description: Covid isn't over. Lock down and govern me harder, daddy." ], [ "I don’t support Anwar\nI miss the old DAP\nI spend a lot of time in the internet daily\nI’m equally racist towards everyone (even Chinese)\nI consider myself as right winger because I hate my ex gf who’s a liberal.\nWhat am I?" ], [ "Damn this is kinda good" ] ]
Veteran singer Ibnor Riza died of cancer at 62
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun. Allahumarghfirlahu warhamhu waafihi wa'fuanhu.", "How tf did u get downvoted lmao", "I don't know, man.\nI'm just doing my duty for my fellow Muslim." ], [ "Apa maknanya impian\nDatang dan pergi\nMembawa hati menyusuri kembali\nJalan-jalan sepi\nRest in peace brother" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 18 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "Why are people so vocal when it comes to Kosovo and Palestine but less so on the Uyghurs and Rohingya?\nLike, isn’t this a double standard?" ], [ "I tried to skip breakfast today to try to simulate how it feels to be like the poor Gazans for the past 2 months. I can't do it. I can't imagine how they do it. 2 MONTHS AND COUNTING!!! This is inhumane." ] ]
SME vs MNC as a fresh graduate.
My background is engineering field. A colleague of mine says that working in sme give you more learning opportunities as compared to the counterparts. And i disagree about this. What are you guys opinion on this matter?
[ [ "Working for a SME when you have an opportunity to work for a MNC isn’t the best idea for most fresh grads nowadays." ], [ "True, but firstly it depends on which SME and which MNC. Secondly it’s not like you learn nothing from an MNC - what you may not get in an SME is the structure, process, and maybe comprehensive tech stack. Also, as a fresh grad with less skills, you want the powerful branding of an MNC as an early addition to your profile. Yes, if you’re good you’re good but in a sea of 1000 applicants you’re not going to stand out. I’d go with the MNC and switch later." ], [ "I’m not sure how it is for others but for me personally I agree with your friend.\nI’m working in a MNC in SG now but when I started working in tech I worked for a SME in Malaysia. Although the pay was lesser than a MNC and the hours are longer it was a valuable experience and I learned a lot. I had to juggle a lot of different responsibilities and since it was a small company I also picked up important social/networking skills directly from my bosses and coworkers who mentored me. I was also directly involved in the projects and with stakeholders.\nI’m in a MNC now and it can feel like you’re just another cog in the machine sometimes. Small fish in a big pond. It can be hard to set yourself apart and distinguish yourself but I learned how to do this from my working experience in Malaysia.\nOverall, i have no regrets with starting my career in a SME. I learned a lot of lifelong skills even though it was a struggle" ], [ "It really depends which MNC which SME. Even the best MNC can have shittty bosses. Even the worst Chinaman SME might have a wonderful boss that will groom u for success.\nGo for interviews, ask to meet your direct boss, go for the best offers", "To be fair, anything Chinaman is always undesirable." ], [ "It is easier to jump from one MNC to another MNC, and it is not difficult to jump from MNC to MSE. But it is difficult to jump from SME to MNC, MNC tend to choose candidate who have similar profile like their company. So if you have the chance, go MNC first as it opens up many opportunity, you can later on decide if you wan to join SME", "Agreed!" ], [ "MNC 100% especially when you have a chance and an opportunity to join. Dont get me wrong working in an SME will objectively make you more experienced and knowledgeable in the field and that is absolutely true. But what you tend to trade away is your own personal time, potential burnout, financial instability and even job security depending on how business goes. Not all but a lot of these SMEs are inexperienced and arent capable of providing stability to their workers." ], [ "From IT point of view:\nSME you need to know the whole flows/process. but the flows/process is often messy. without good manager/senior, you will be confused. but you do get to do things your way.\nIn MNC, the flow /process are very well defined. but you will just see part of the gear of the whole process. while the scope is small, you will be fully guided on your task.\nif i get to choose to choose again, i will choose to see how MNC works first. to see how good company set their process. before working in SME to get exposure on the wider picture of the whole process." ], [ "I didn't have much decent experience in SMEs/startups\nIt's only good when you are very hungry about doing something unique from the big incumbents.\nOtherwise lots of cons - low pay, no stock options, low increments for next jobs, doesn't boost your resume, can't learn best practices/business processes, OT on weekends/public holidays" ], [ "Do SMEs follow any international standard for engineering? Do the products comply with the standard?" ], [ "Always go for MNC for your first choice, this will be a step stone for you. There are many benefit of joining MNC, when you are capable enough, you can always join SME with bigger position :) or start your own business." ], [ "On top of what has already been mentioned by other comments here, generally, SMEs pay (especially for fresh grads) is quite low and yearly increment is bad too. And the benefits they provide doesn't come close to what MNC's can provide. But to be fair, they aren't in a position where they can afford to match what MNC's can provide. You get to learn tons of stuff, but that's because you are expected to do a lot of stuff outside of your scope of work. I worked as an engineer but had to run workshops, sales pitch, collect cheques, etc, and all these are on top of what I do day-to-day as an engineer. That said, I learned tons, and my only regret is staying there for too long. You should stay maximum for 2 years, and don't ever feel attached.", "It is always a trade off.\nMNC gives you prestige, and pay, for little or no exposure to the end-to-end work to qualify you to be a PE. Unless you move up to partner track, there is very little upside after you hit 45 years old.\nSME gives you freedom, lousy pay, long long hours, and most of them have succession problems i.e. the boss needs to eventually hand over the business to some one. If you're the one who has been left standing and are known as a loyal lieutenant, you will get it.\nThomas Edison : \"many people miss the opportunities, because they come dressed as work.\"" ], [ "Imo. Sme first then mnc. In SME ,you are expected to cover more things. So you will learn a little bit of here and there, just the surface. In MNC, its all about specialization. You are expected to be a subject matter expert where you can deep dive into your scope. (You are unable to do this in sme because you are expected to cover more there).\nThe idea is , get to know everything before you specialise. You dont see doctors directly get specialised before becoming a general practitioner. Same concept. The concept its easier to jump from mnc to mnc and mnc to sme only applies if you have the skills and knowledge. It wont work if you start with mnc and directly narrow down your scope. Bad for freshies" ], [ "Not all MNC are good and not all SME are bad." ], [ "Work in MNC until you reach salary above 5k, then seek SME that offers you >7k.\nMNC is good at giving you training as they have better redundancies and therefore are more ready to let you train (and not working).\nSME are always in all-hands-on-deck situations you'd find yourself stuck doing day to day boring stuff and not grow." ], [ "If you had the chances for MNC… they provide better benefits compared to SME also when your change to SME … they tends to flavour those who been MNC more ….. Apart from boss, everywhere also same …. It is all depend on their mindset and how they craft their environment to be like….." ], [ "Get into SME before MNC/Big Company. The roles and responsibilities inside a MNC are fixed. People just do their part and get it done. While in SME it's a good chance to brush your skills. I do work in Local big construction company after graduation. Can't learn much as the job is fixed and you don't get a big chance to explore unless you switch department. While in SME you are given quite a bit of freedom to explore your job, handles tons of shits." ], [ "i once work in an SME so small it only has 12 employees.\nBecause its so small. a lot of process are lacking. i hated it." ], [ "Join MNC as your first job to learn more about real working experience and international standard. Emphasis on basics like ISO9001. You will have less chance to expand your portfolio as most job you work on are limited by NDA. Especially if you're on the R&D, Design field.\nThen go SME to expand your portfolio & projects experience.\nThen with the experience and portfolio, go whichever you like. I ended up jumping back into another MNC for the benefits and pay.\nMy experience told me that some MNC can be chinaman; SME can be chill. All depends on your boss and top management.\nEdit: your friend was right, SME forces you to wear many hats to perform well as they usually lack employee and is less organized. From there you can rack up experience very fast." ], [ "I think MNCs are generally less smelly than SMEs. But you have SMEs that are multinational too. So basically this question can be refined further." ], [ "Go sme suffer few years and get lots of handson experience before going mnc to build your profile." ], [ "go for MNC as your first job." ], [ "Go for more interview and follow your guts, first job is always a lottery" ], [ "Money is king.", "Mental health how?", "Non issue as long you understand your limits.", "Depends on the MNC but my experience is that generally SMEs here don't give a crap about mental health and if run by old bosses, will have traditional outdated views on it (ala org gila or no reason to be sad, just cheer up). The more established the MNC, the more likely it will have employee assistance programs and mental health sharing stuff (however superficial it might be, compared to none)." ], [ "MNC man.\nPersonal growth in terms of growing your expertise in one specific area or from end to end is definitely better in SME.\nBut SMEs do not necessarily have the clientele or support (from marketing, operations, data scientists, developers) needed for larger projects or more challenging solutions that you’ll definitely be exposed to in an MNC, even if you’re a cog in the wheel.\nAlso having MNC in your resume opens up so much corporate opportunities, and opens up a whole new world of experience for you: how to manage large teams and deal with stakeholders and corporate politics. Which is crucial if you want to be in the rat race in the long run. While company politics still exists in SMEs, it’s a totally different ballgame in MNCs.", "just by exposure in MNC alone and if youre motivated to socialize a bit can help expand your mindset." ], [ "MNC 1 -2 years, get some headstart and professional standards of how things are done at MNC level.\njobhop to SME , learn more on overall planning process, politics office, how to deal direct with vendors and clients, stay until you feel you are pro enough ig.\nafter that, idk much, i havent lived long enough to see what managerial level is like, all i know from senior colleauges is that its either you find a company that you really like and stay until retirement. or halfway thru you bukak kedai kopi barista mahal.", "bukak kedai kopi barista mahal\nlol" ], [ "get lucky find SME that sub contract jobs from MNC.\ncan get both experience at same time = win win." ], [ "It is not exactly more or less learning opportunities, just different types of learning.\nIn MNC, the systems and procedures are often well established and you immediately get to learn how a well greased system works. You will learn the discipline, industrial best practices and processes despite your job scope being often more narrow and well defined.\nIn SME, especially smaller ones tend to be less organised and disciplined but you have more flexibility and get to do many things as long as you get the job done.\nOne example is software engineering. There are many smaller companies that don't even use any kind of version control system to store and organise their source codes. Their code is a mess with no discipline and basically cowboy coding with almost no quality control. I started my career in MNC and really appreciate the experience I've learnt about clean coding practices, learning from peer review, proper source code versioning, releases and quality controls when I join a small SME. Of course, I also had fun on SME to learn more and do whatever I want but as I said, it can be a double edge sword." ], [ "There are limits to both and different ways to thrive. See what you'd like to try at the time - but if you wanna max out at the corporate world with higher probability of better salaries throughout your career - join MNCs early on. I feel like SMEs are too big of a gamble and will likely influence one with poor SOP and attitudes." ], [ "It really depend, if both MNC and SME has a good graduate development program and you are appointed to a team lead/mentor, both should be great.\nsos. was enjin nyur for MNC as a graduate." ], [ "Work with a growing SME. Not the stagnant lifestyle kind. I worked in a medium SME before and now they are incorporated. Working culture is different compared to smaller ones. If you could work in an MNC, start there. It gives you the opportunity to work in another MNC easily in the future. The brand itself is good to your resume. Just stay away from smaller ones." ], [ "SME\nLots of experience in short period of time - you may be doing the job of 2-3 people in a single role\nSmaller org - can be pro or con. Easier to move around, navigate, get approval\nLess processes - again another pro or con. Things can get done faster, or it can be very messy since there is no standard process to follow\nLower pay and less benefits (gym, dental, etc) compared to MNC\nMNC\nExperience vary on how proactive you are. It's a big place and no one is there to look out for you. You have to take initiative if you want to learn something\nRoles are highly specialized - you'll be doing your own job and no one's else\nBig org - lots of internal career opportunites both in-country and overseas. For some can be daunting - hard to navigate, find the right person to get approval etc. Or having multiple bosses to report too (you report to an engineering manager, but will work with the sales/operations team requiring your input too)\nLots of standard process - can be a given it helping things running smoothly, but can be stiffling at times (approval for documentation needs to go through 2-3 layers etc)\nMore pay and more benefits" ] ]
Tebal sisik Cameron, Barbodes zakariaismaili
[ "Environment" ]
Sejenis tebal sisik yg hanya ada (endemic) di Pahang, khususnya di Cameron Highlands dan tanah tinggi berdekatan. Mendiami alur dan anak sungai teduh dalam hutan. Saiz capai 12-15cm. Omnivor. Saya sendiri tak jumpa lagi sbb tak pernah bawak sauk ke sana
No reason to neglect language proficiency
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "I struggle to discern the tone of the author. Is the author being serious or sarcastic in suggesting not speaking in English unless we speak with a decent standard ?", "Author:", "https://i.ibb.co/N6d5NBf/305592532-379250720904493-7420699597214541236-n.jpg" ], [ "I think the letter was not very well written, but my personal takeaway from it is simply that, regardless of one's preferred language, being able to speak it fluently is a sign of being properly educated. If one wants to speak in English, speak it properly. Same with other languages.", "Agreed. Learn every language and speak it properly. Don't laugh at people who is trying to learn. Help then instead if not how can they learn?", "I spoke in several languages and master of none. I think proficiency and mastery is reserved for people who didn't need to divert their attention, or people who are adept in learning language. I mean if normal. Manglish or cina slanged bm can get me through everyday life, should I dedicate time to perfect lnguage or should I dedicate time in perfecting other area such as business and trade (I'm a businessman)?\nI think mastery and prociciency in a language is a luxury, not a necessity.", "Well, manners maketh man, as they say, and I'm sure everyone speaks at least one language reasonably well. Even for a businessman, you need communication skills suitable for your station. No one expects you to dot every i or cross every t, but if you're dealing with multinational c-suites, the expectation would be different from let's say, haggling with traders in the pasar.", "Reasonably well, yes. Fluently or proficiently? That is the reason why I think profiency In a lnguage is a luxury, not necessity. It gives you a competitive edge over others, but it's like comparing specialist with general doctors: the importance of mastery highly dependant on who you are target is. Besides, in most cases, \"reasonably well\" is suffice even for mnc environment.", "This is where we get into nitpicking territory now: fluency and proficiency are two different things. Everyone can be proficient, because it is a matter of degrees: proficiency is measured against levels or standards, e.g., one can be proficient at high school level English or Japanese. Even if you are measured against the equivalent of a primary school standard, it still means you're proficient to at least that level. Fluency implies the ability to express oneself easily and articulately." ], [ "You need an English-speaking social circle to truly develop spoken English proficiency. I read English articles, listen to podcasts and watch American dramas but I still find my fluency lacking because my social circle is mainly non English speaking.", "Yep\nI know a lot of words from books\nBut every now and then I watch a movie and hear they pronounce a word I know , and I'm like wtf", "Even simple words we pronounce differently.\nTheir=There\nFlour=flower\nFlower, drawer = the \"w\" should be silent", "English-speaking social circle:", "Logic applies to all language. I can learn BM and Mandrin but never have any interaction at all out of school. Agree?", "Try learning arabic language.. even harder" ], [ "yes there is. you can now have cheap very good translation with AI. it's not real time yet but it's just a matter of time before a universal translator is standard in your headset.\nthere's also the opportunity cost of learning a language, time that is maybe better spent learning other things.\nif the technical limits of language translation is removed, then the other reason to learn a language is social pressure, i.e. shaming if you don't speak as expected by society. to this I say...GFY!" ], [ "Dah dah dah, still on this topic meh? Let's move on to other topics d..." ] ]
Nestle Malaysia, Red Crescent volunteers provide much-needed relief to flood-stricken families
Adults toys purchase online
Hi people.... I just order an adult toy online... In Lazada they disguise it as massager.. Health product... The item /seller is from china already verify ..genuine seller .. I paid already... Will they product once reach Malaysia...will it get confiscated by Malaysia. Authority... Or it depends on what the seller write on the form... If not mistake kastams will do x-ray the package. Even though document stated health massage device... But x-ray scan show the item look like penis shape..or will it get constipated.. Will the authority find me for purchasing the item😓😓😓😓😓😞
[ [ "This is why you buy from seller who has stock in Malaysia and not buy from China.", "Probably \"acquire taste\" type that no local Malaysia is willing to take risk." ], [ "It won’t get constipated, not so sure about confiscated though", "it won’t get constipated\nNot with that attitude", "Doctor: so what do you prefer I write you fell on?", ":26554:", "Just need some jelly" ], [ "relax, youre not the first person in malaysia to buy sex toys online. if anything its just gonna get embarrassing if they sent it to your address and its not as obscure as you think.\nonce, i bought normal satin nightwear and the seller legit put \"SEXY LINGERIE NIGHT GOWN SILK SATIN PANTY TOP COMBO\" and my poor office receptionist had to see it...", "The seller 100% did it to troll their customers" ], [ "SWAT team will raid your house once the parcel reaches your place and you collect it.\nYou will deny you ever purchase it, or maybe someone did a prank on you.\nNonetheless you will eat curry rice in lock up for few days.", "Me poor ass gonna get raided in jail😞😞😞😞" ], [ "If it's illegal, the parcel will be returned to sender. IIRC no action taken against the person ordering it." ], [ "PMX will come at night and shove it up your...", "But x-ray scan show the item look like penis shape..or will it get constipated\nThen, he will definitely feel constipated." ], [ "Side note, why is it that whenever I see Malaysians typing in chat or texting right, they end up having so many full-stops till it look like they also typing in braille? :26554:", "Wow.. you seen once your asume all ?", "I’m sorry Twitter police, I will behave better next time 😭🙏" ], [ "If a single item, unlikely to get confiscated. Personal use \"massager\" is fine, as long as not buying in bulk to resell. If they confiscate, that's that. They won't look for you and they won't fine you. Fault is with the seller, not the buyer.\nI've ordered from Singapore before. Discreet packaging, no issues with customs." ], [ "Wym the pulismen stealing my handheld stirrer, is for cooking" ], [ "Next time go wet market with your mum, buy carrots or cucumber." ], [ "These kinds of things can be purchased on some shops in malls so I doubt it'll get confiscated." ] ]
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We have successfully conducted the group counselling! Join us now! Are you tired of doubting yourself and lacking confidence? Ready for a positive change in your life? This might be your opportunity to boost your self-esteem and connect with individuals who share similar issues in their lives. Join us for a transformative adventure, where you'll connect with a community of 4 to 6 individuals dedicated to enhancing their self-esteem, just like yourself. Program Details: 2 sessions (Session A – 2 hours); (Session B – 2.5 hours) What to Expect: Session A – Support Group: Share your story and connect with others Session B – Self-esteem Enhancing Skills: Learn evidence-based skills to improve your self-esteem Individuals above the ages of 18 are welcome! For individuals who have severe mental illnesses and/or suicidal risk, this counselling session may not be the best fit for you at this time. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself for FREE! Secure your spot by signing up through the link. https://forms.gle/79m3ZWuToPnv78eg7 We look forward to meeting you and helping you to become more confident and self-assured! Don't let self-doubt hold you back any longer - it's time to nurture your confidence!! Contact me for more information at jtan0228@student.monash.edu (Cheryl)
Clarification of the Issue of Saying 'Merry Christmas' on Cakes at Food Premises Holders of Malaysia's Halal Certification Certificate
[ [ "Honestly I'm impressed they took the time to reply to online allegations.\nThat being said, that means the viral post lied?", "Don't think they lied.\nJakim confirmed this 2 years ago.\nThat internal memo, if true is circulated on December 2023.", "Jakim actually clarified that in 2020 that it was a misunderstanding of the rules. Likely some little napoleon at jakim tried to flex his power and said it's not allowed, but it actually is. As long as the merry christmas is not displayed inside the store, there is nothing wrong with it.\nhttps://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24/christmas-wishes-allowed-but-not-for-display-at-halal-certified-premises-products-says-jakim", "i dont understand this. bakery/restaurant cannot display Merry Christmas in store is kind of too restrictive as well, right?", "I do agree, but i think their justification is that it would be shubhah (suspicious) if a shop with halal certification celebrates a non-halal celebration. And in halal, confidence that the food you consume is halal is everything.\nFor example, if you didn't know the juice you've been drinking is alcoholic and you're confident that it isnt alcoholic, it's okay to drink it. But the moment you have doubts, it becomes suspicious and if you're suspicious of it, but you still drink it anyway, while there are other halal drinks, then it is haram.\nI'm not defending the rules, i do agree it feels a little excessive, but the alternative is a number of smaller rules and exceptions that confuses everyone and can be easily abused by more little napoleons. I read somewhere here that 'hotdogs\" had to be replaced with 'sausages' because when they exported it to one of the arab countries, the arabs literally translated it as 'dog meat'.", "Genuine question…. Soya sauce is ever so mildly alcoholic. As is kambucha and other fermented health drinks (but don’t quote me on the others that are not named!). How does that work?", "Basically, anything that is not intoxicating or harmful is halal to drink, except for those specifically mentioned to be haram, such as wine, or fermentation for the purpose of acquiring alcohol.\nSoy sauce is fermented, yes, and it's true that there is some alcohol in it. But the presence of alcohol is unavoidable due to fermentation, and the purpose of fermentation is not to acquire the alcohol, but to acquire the liquid that is used to flavour food, which we use in tiny amounts.\nStill, if it has a high amount of alcohol to the point of intoxication, it would've been haram. However, the amount of alcohol is so little that you'd need to drink whole bottles to get drunk. We know nobody drinks soy sauce like beer because it's disgusting and you'd likely throw up before you can get drunk.\nI can't say anything about kombucha as I've never drank it and i don't know how much alcohol it has. But Jakim has a guideline on how much alcohol is considered alcoholic drinks. But if the purpose of the drink is to create alcohol which is the main ingredient for the 'health drink', then it is haram even if it's lower than Jakim's guideline.", "napoleon at jakim tried to flex his power and said it's not allowed, but it actually is\nIn the article it was said set by the company Berry .", "Yes, this case was set by Berry, but in the 2020 case, the premise claimed it was an official at JAKIM who stated it wasn't allowed.", "Let me guess, that little Napoleon was \"transferred\".", "I bet this issue hit berry's in 2020, so to avoid further harassment from officers. We should know better since this organization never punished for anything at all, they can talk the talk and do whatever the fuck they want since holding them accountable is impossible.\nIt reminded me of one interesting novel/anime. Library war. The censorship organization started with good intentions and was given immunity, no accountability for greater good. Years into the future, they have their own army and everyone would snitch anyone for slightest of suspicion.", "Oh man I should watch toshokan senso again", "Looks like I've read some wrong anime about library, almost all of them non jakim approved.", "That being said, that means the viral post lied?\nNot really. The Berry memo was legit, only question is whether the instruction they received from JAKIM (Merry Xmas by request also cannot) is true (in which case either Jakim changed their regs in the last 2 years, or some JAKIM little Napoleon got trigger happy) or they received no such instructions, and were self regulating to the point of over correction (ETA: and blamed it on Jakim)", "JAKIM didn't change their stance, it has always been allowed, they clarified it shortly after the incident in 2020 https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2020/12/24/christmas-wishes-allowed-but-not-for-display-at-halal-certified-premises-products-says-jakim\nThe confusion likely comes from a little napoleon.", "The problem with Jakim is the fact that their official stance can be anything\nAnd the rules they put can also be anything\nJakim official stance about hotdogs is its allowed, but nanti nak renew halal license, cannot.", "I am not impressed since it is obvious pressure from the political top is that moved their usually lazy asses. So I give my respect to the political forces that still respect the Malaysian spirit.\nIt is pretty obvious this is an indirect apology due to the public blowback over their stupid antics yet again and again." ], [ "the sequel to: https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18jq26v/berrys_no_merry_christmas_on_cakes/ :26554:" ], [ "Let them eat cakes", "Let them write on cakes" ], [ "This is from the same people who say cannot use the word hot dog for sausage right? Just checking.", "This is due to confusion exporting halal food to countries where their English proficiency is low. Few of Malaysians companies exporting halal frozen hot dog meat face issues entering some Arab countries as they translated hot dog literally to their own native language and got “dog meat” so Jakim changed their halal certification requirements.", "Hope Brunei doesn't import that problem. This is why we chose independence" ], [ "SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI KELAHIRAN TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS YANG KE 2056", "Hallelujah!\nNasranidakwahdone", "Apa maksud Hallelujah sbnrnya?", "Praise dalam bahasa Hebrew. Kegunaan Hallelujah biasa di-gabung dengan Praise the Lord / Puji Tuhan.\nBiasa di-gunakan untok perkara positif. Per-samaan sa-perti alhamdulilah. Apa bila perkara baik ter-jadi.\nChontoh:\nHallelujah! Praise the Lord / Hallelujah Puji Tuhan / Hallelujah! Christ is here", "2056...?", "AD 0 and BC 0 are the same year. It's 2023 years.", "Maaf saya keliru , tanggapan saya 33 tahun selepas dia naik ke syurga itu dikira tahun pertama", "AD Is Anno domini. Translation to English would be years of reign, which commences with birth, not death since there was no \"King\" before or after." ], [ "Just another people who like to play 3R issues on own muslim.\nNipis nya iman awak, lagi nipis dari kulit bawang ye..", "The problem with these iman tissue people is that they impose their insecurities on other people.", "Just came from church service (I have obligations and a life off Reddit). Pastor’s daughter just complained that her INTERNATIONAL school in EAST MY self-policed by changing Christmas celebrations to “Kindness Day”, like dafuq? Other festive celebrations no issue.", "No truer words been written by a subredditor on r/malaysia" ], [ "Shows how fucking backwatered this country is.\nA simple traditional greeting is made into a country wide issue. Fucking bunch of morons some of you are." ], [ "Christmas wishes allowed but not for display on halal-certified premises, products, says Jakim\nmy taught is the Berry cake cannot be pre made with the merry Christmas words and display at the display cabinet. hence the letter is legit. anyone want the merry Christmas words have to personal ask for it on the Christmas 🎄 decoration cake.\nis an epic fail that u cannot show the word of display on a Christmas cake. jakim should be allowed for displays, that is the main problem." ], [ "https://www.islam.gov.my/ms/kenyataan-media/2387-kenyataan-media-jabatan-kemajuan-islam-malaysia-jakim-berkenaan-isu-ucapan-merry-christmas-pada-kek-di-premis-makanan?fbclid=IwAR3NEdkPh_I7MOzUDZwOObWqvTlnf7xviRKerEwcY1Jnc4PUG73YQmUjjVchttps://www.islam.gov.my/ms/kenyataan-media/2387-kenyataan-media-jabatan-kemajuan-islam-malaysia-jakim-berkenaan-isu-ucapan-merry-christmas-pada-kek-di-premis-makanan?fbclid=IwAR3NEdkPh_I7MOzUDZwOObWqvTlnf7xviRKerEwcY1Jnc4PUG73YQmUjjVc\nI think it's a misunderstanding, this is the clarification issued by JAKIM in 2020 mentioned in the image.\nBasically Merry Christmas is ok as long as the cake is not for pameran in shop and that particular cake also cannot have halal logo.", "when kaki spin tunggang agama utter their words it's full of BS, btw I'm Muslim before you judge", "is not for pameran in shop and that particular cake also cannot have halal logo.\nWords and sentences don't alter whether food items are halal or not. This seems more like islamic cultural hegemonism over all other Malaysian cultures.", "I'm just saying that losing halal status for the shop vs the cake cannot have halal logo is very different thing 😅", "Ok but why? What happened to \"bagi kamu,agama kamu dan bagiku agamaku\"?", "You need to understand the context of that passage. It was issued during peace time when the muslims in mecca was a minority, and overridden by a different passage in war when they formed an army.", "Doesnt that make it worse? When they were a minority,sure lets have peace and equality but in a situation where they are the majority,its fine to push,bully and shove their beliefs down the throats of the minorities while nitpicking on the most asinine things such festive greetings @ Merry Christmas?", "Don't ask me ask the muslims.", "It's a bullsheet statement. they use that whenever it suits them, and ignore it whenever it doesn't. bunch of hypocrites", "Bukan tu waktu diorang offer campur agama ke?\nOne shift Islam, one shift pagan. Gilir - gilir." ], [ "I wish religions never existed.", "<image>", "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️", "I guess religion was okay back in the days, where it provided people a nice package for morals, motivation and even meaning of life, but even then there were flaws in that. But in this day and age?? It seems super unnecessary and even causes more harm than good.", "religion is fine…the problem is it was never updated, in life we always update or rules n laws but somehow religion stayed the same for 2000-3000 years…that’s the problem", "Which part we need to preserve and which part we need to change ?", "no idea...im not a religious nut, i dont even know what is in those religious texts", "People need it more these days as morals seem to be a long gone thing.However,certain foolish power hungry leaders and twats who follow blindly are to blame..Religion or to be precise my relationship with my creator has guided and helped me alot to improve myself but I use my common sense and logical thinking as well", "Interestingly, if religion never existed, a lot of cultures and nations would not exist today.", "Man is brought into existence by Elohim, just like v3.0 of Elohim is brought into existence by a horny violent man in a cave." ], [ "It will confuse people." ], [ "Let them Cake alone" ], [ "Being a government officer is really difficult, Frequently, they respond to media allegations etc, Wish they really have enough time to spend on their task." ], [ "and folks, this is islam", "This is Islam in Malaysia." ], [ "tldr: Festive greetings are tak halal", "did you actually read the post" ], [ "you know, this just show that E-slam is an insecure religion. Whats the difference with the big ass billboard on display at junctions with the huge words. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!\nNot allowed in cakes on display but why? freaking stupid idealogy" ], [ "Dayum, Daniel Teoh made a fool out of himself. Kena played. Lol" ], [ "The department attached a statement it issued on Christmas Day in 2020 quoting its deputy director-general for operations, Datuk Abdul Aziz Jusoh, who emphasised that as long as such greetings are not meant for display in halal-certified premises or on a product with halal labelling, they are permissible. From NST article.\nQuestion, I don't usually buy cakes outside but do halal bakeries usually have cake boxes that have the halal logos printed on them?\nIn that case, would the Merry Christmas cakes not be allowed to be placed in their normal boxes? Do they have to have special boxes for them?\nAlso if halal certified bakeries leave pre-ordered merry xmas cakes in a separate display chiller and not box them up until pick up (a fairly common practice amongst some bakeries) would that count as displaying?\nI just think this response is more of a, \"Yes, you can have merry Xmas cakes but only if you take extreme caution to keep them out of sight and out of mind\".\nHonestly, if I was a bakery owner with a halal certification I might consider not even doing merry Xmas cakes because if my staff forgets and places the cake in our regular box or forgets and places it in the pick up chiller without a box wouldn't that be risking my halal certification?\nI'm just really confused because these regulations seem to be pretty new because 7-10 years ago merry christmas used to be fairly common place all across numerous nation wide brands like starbucks/secret recipe etc.\nIn fact, I distinctly remember that I used to have a starbucks card that had merry christmas on it and had ordered a secret recipe xmas cake once after seeing an advert of it on fb." ], [ "Why are these people even given a platform? They are like flat-earthers" ], [ "Merry Christmas you filthy animals!" ], [ "Pathetic" ] ]
RM3.46bil highway deal awarded by caretaker govt raises ethical questions
[ [ "NGOs have been calling for a separate law to clearly delineate what a caretaker government can or cannot do\nAgreed" ] ]
AirAsia thieving practices
Do you guys notice this on Air Asia when you are purchasing the tickets, seats and etc. ? It is very clear that they are stealing from you. 1st image is before the payment stage. 2nd image is during the payment stage. I could be stupid so maybe someone can help me clarify this thing. Pre Payment Page Payment Page
[ [ "AA ran by crooks. I didn’t get my cash refund. Fu Tony", "I got a refund. Use your Credit Card. Do a charge back. Don't settle for their Credits.\nIt is possible to get refund" ], [ "Air ASSia" ], [ "Still cheaper than MAS.\nBut as always, you can always report to the authority. Don't complain if no action taken by you.", "Not necessarily all the time tho. I bought tickets to come back home for CNY and AA is three times the price of MAS (bought during year end sale).", "Wooo I actually never experienced that, I'll keep an eye out.\nBut then again my comment is still towards OP's post. Don't think MAS can beat that.", "I did both on AirAsia side and MAVCOM.", "Okay then, see what's their findings." ], [ "haha Airasia" ], [ "AA is not my 1st choice. I mean if i want a topless massage during my video call, then yes. Otherwise fuck no." ], [ "That's not cheating or thieving. It's you who click and chose the Value Pack.\nYou could easily avoid it by not selecting any ADDONS.", "If you look at the picture value pack over there. Pre Payment page its 75 then suddenly it rises up 112.5 even if you factor in the tax it will not be that much. I wanted the ADDONS and its price is set at 75, suddenly it changed that is why I am PISSED. If that is not cheating or thieving i dont know what is.\nIf you go to a shop the price tag is RM 50 then suddenly the price changes at the counter to RM 80 are you going to be happy with it? I just want some justification on why the price fluctuate too much from what was stated earlier.", "Never had that kind of experience" ], [ "Ok I figured it out, its the tax for the add ons they didnt even remotely mention that until the last minute. Great move AirAsia. They are just hiding everything so you will see the price is lower. I guess i am stupid 🙃\nOkay i did the math it didnt check out something is wrong here.", "Bro, your first ticket the discrepancy is the tax on the insurance. The second is an rm 3 difference because of the item you chose.", "I opt out of the insurance. From whatever the prompt is on the last one. I did not take anything extra other than the saves Pass and Seat selection." ], [ "The 1st flight value pack increased by rm40. You added something like extra insurance or something? Since its a pre-set price item (non fluctuating like seat ticket), maybe they shoed in some extra stuff?" ], [ "I bought AirAsia to fly back to Malaysia, damn changed my flights three times. The last change was 2 weeks before my flight.\nI lost a day of planning thanks to AA\nIt never happened to me ever but I know they are Cheap but never again..." ], [ "Yes … please always check the luggage price it may varied everytime you reload .. also two different internet browsers at the same time give two different price .. i really hope MAS can get competitive .. i dont mind to go for MAS if it is slightly more expensive..", "At this point I will never use AA ever again. But good tip on the internet browser and price fluctuation I will keep an eye on it. Thanks." ] ]
Subsidised air ticket is government's commitment in reducing Malaysians' living costs, says Minister Armizan
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "The subsidy isn’t for the Rakyat, it’s for the airlines. Lol.", "Airlines:" ], [ "Just to remind everyone the subsidies are paid for with our money too. So the ticket isn't cheaper, instead the remaining amount was just crowdfunded mandatorily.", "crowdfunded mandatorily\nI love that. Gonna use that." ], [ "Lol same old Malaysian habit. Like a drug impossible to quit" ], [ "Airlines should cut prices instead of us subsidizing", "then airlines lose money and stop that flight how?", "Airlines especially budget airlines like AirAsia operates on a razor thin margin. If they keep cutting price it won't be sustainable and they will have to end up removing the flights all together on non-profitable routes.", "Lol did you see how grand AirAsia's annual dinner was? I doubt they are losing money.", "It's true tho. Airlines biz is a very very expensive line of business. Malaysia airlines have been reporting net loss since 2014 iirc. Air asia reported net loss of more than 3 billion in 2022. Net profit/aside, they both may or may not have operating profit tho.\nFor annual dinners, it is in their best interest to spend on that. Even if we put employees' happiness aside, it is tax-deductible after all.", "Airline economy is already on thin ice, so if one collapses it will brought a new monopoly with it.\nNah. We need more airlines and “idiot” investors that will say YES no matter what, so everyone can fly." ], [ "So air tickets are a necessity now??", "ask anwar and anthony loke.", "Only for Sabahan and Sarawak people? Why no apply to all domestic flight?" ], [ "Hari hari naik flight ke? Lebih baik subsidise core things like food n public transport all year round. Instead we get this pandering subsidies." ], [ "How is air tickets related to living cost? People use airplane to move around on a daily basis is it?", "Yea. People who need to travel for work can already afford this or covered by company. If a subsidies need to be done, it should be temporary during festive seasons where the bulk of Malaysians are traveling.", "taxpayers money paying for the travelling costs of select Malaysians so that they can balik kampung happy and that makes the families happy and that makes the local representatives happy and that makes the state government happy and that then stablizes support for the unity government so that the unity government can win elections and stay in power longer and implement their policies and initiate reforms that would help reduce the inflation rate, bring the Ringgit back up and then reduce the cost of living.\nright?", "This is extremely insensitive to Borneans who study and work in Malaya", "And do those borneo who work and study in malaya go back and forth everyday? Or very often?\nNo right? This is like saying gov subsidies people going vacation to reduce cost of living. Does that sound logical to you?", "Did you read the article?\nThis is about subsidizing air fares before major festivals so that Borneans can go back to celebrate with their families.", "And how is that related to cost of living?\nGo google the definition of cost of living.", "Not interested in arguing semantics.\nSo your only problem with this is using the term cost of living", "Not semantics. The problem is what he saying is not logical.", "How? Flying back home for festivals is a yearly expense.\nBy subsiding, they lower the expense", "With the Oil and Gas money being pump out of Borneo, the people there should have subsidized air-fare all year round." ], [ "always has a way to corruption" ], [ ":26563:" ], [ "And we will have the airlines being incentivised to raise prices to ridiculous levels whereby taxpayers at large will be footing the bill.\nIn September I paid 1k for KUL-KCH-KUL on a weekday. Flight wasn't even 2/3 full but somehow the tickets cost just as much if not more than a KUL-BKK-KUL ticket.\nAt the end of the day, the rakyat always ends up getting the short end of the bargain." ], [ "I mean technically thats how taxes work in general. We decide indirectly via government as our proxy on what we want to spend, invest and subsidise on.", "taxes\nExcept no one pays taxes.\nIt was reported that Malaysia only has slightly more than 1.3 million individual taxpayers out of a population of more than 33.5 million, representing a mere 4.0 per cent of the whole population.\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/business/2023/02/882012/inculcating-culture-paying-taxes-malaysians", "Then it makes even more sense to subsidize flights to East Malaysia since most of the petronas money comes from there anyway" ], [ "They should have forced airlines to set a cap on prices.\nEven so, I still feel pissed off about it as it's cheaper for Peninsular people to fly overseas than we Sabahans and Sarawakians fly in our states, let alone fly to other states.", "forced airlines to set a cap on prices\nWhat happens when fuel prices go up? Airline staff work as your slave?", "better than having KL-Seoul/Tokyo/Beijing/HK for RM299, when flights in Sabah and Sarawak, or let alone any parts of it to Kuala Lumpur easily cost RM800-1500 one way.\nAirlines ain't my slave, but airlines also can be less shitty (especially AirAsia, the shitheads that made things worse for Sabahans and Sarawakians).", "Can you answer the question though?\nAviation fuel prices go up by 50%. Now you expect them to work for you for less than it costs in fuel alone.\nWill you work for me for less than it costs you in rent? Seems only fair, you want others to do this, can we put a cap on your wages and business first? For the good of the rakyat. Be the example for everyone else to follow.\nBe honest, you will go get another job yes?", "I just did? Because its just straight up illogical to think that a flight to overseas is cheaper than flights within Sabah and Sarawak.\nYou want to bring whataboutism in? Go ahead. You do you. I'm still going to point out that\nI'm pissed at airlines that gives cheaper tickets to overseas compared to those in Sabah, Sarawak, or even across to peninsular.\nSomebody has to pay if its subsidized. IF its capped, corpos can say whether they want, or don't want, but no subsidy just to fatten the airlines. But somebody will definitely fill the void, one way or another.\nI'm all cool if corpos wanna corpos (and go for profit), but then whey behave like shitheads they deserve to be called like shitheads, AirAsia especially.\nedit, I forgot 2:", "I wanna clarify first and foremost, I'm not speaking for airlines here. I'm just speaking from an economic standpoint. Roughly speaking, some of the reasons why international flight ticket may cost less than domestic:\nAirplane used - domestic flights usually use smaller planes, hence lower number of passengers. So, less people have to \"share\" the cost of the flight.\nCompetition - more airlines competing in the same route, so have to lower price to ensure at least minimal occupancy rate so that the flight would break even, if not make profit.\nDemand - international routes usually have bigger demand. So they have the leeway to \"play\" with the prices.\nThere may be few more, idk. But they're all related, more or less. Sure, corporate greed may play a part but people tend to forget flying isn't a cheap form of travel. Fuel price, airport fare, wages etc, they're not cheap. That's the reason why many airlines are in the red anyway.\nP/s: yeah, AirAsia is a major shithead", "\"AirAsia is a major shithead\"\nWhat did they do, did I miss something?", "Because they exist? Nah, just kidding. I had multiple bad experiences with AirAsia, although I've been through worse with other budget airlines too.\nFrequent delays/rescheduling of flights is a major problem especially when you're traveling for work. They're bad at refunding people's money too. Plus, people who fell for the unlimited flight pass fiasco in 2020-2021 would never forget.\nPeople would say \"you buy cheap, you get cheap experience\". Sure, it's a budget airline. But bad customer service is still bad customer service no matter how you put it.", "oooh plenty. Let me name one or two\nIn the past MAS had this \"RURAL AIR SERVICES\". Got forcibly taken away because AA thought 'hey we can do that and make profit'. Then surprise pikachu face when they found out they bled more than they could wring the locals dry. So they had to remove it, but RAS needs to go on. Solution? Twist MAS's arm to force them to swallow everything, back.\nAnother that's really fun. BKI had flights dominated by AA. Then a company came in and said \"hey we can do this\". For a time they did BKI-KL and cheaper too (hey, all in fares that's on par with AA? Sureeeeeeeeeeeee). Then the MAS-AA share swap deal got in, and suddenly that company stopped flying anything remotely \"Borneo\", when they had been doing that for quite a while. All of a sudden, AA was the only choice, again.\nNot to mention all the \"we don't want to pay tax\" stunts that so many idiots supported them for, only for them to be spit right in the face \"leopards ate my face style\" by AirAsia when their shares took a tumble and can't even repay their tickets (and still can't).\nOoh, there's one more juicy one, about the 10 MAS planes that AirAsia returned, but that one I think better let those MAS engineers tell you the story.", "To me, demand for some flights in Sabah routes are always packed, that's why airlines can always demand for high prices. Some, will not.\nFor example, Bintulu to KK flights are often mid-filled, but its generally full during peak seasons. But the flight exists, only because its on a KL-BTU-BKI-KL rotation. Meaning it exists because KL-BKI and KL-BTU routes can be filled up,.\nThere are some routes that are just not profitable, but they will fill up. Example, BKI-SDK, BKI-TWU, but not SDK-TWU (because despite the 300km distance, if you calculate the TIME you spend from the moment you leave the house you might just better off drive which is similar anyway, probably that's why, but people prefer flying on the plane than suffer 6 hours of bumpy moon-crater like drive, I jest. ).\nBut here's the kicker. You can get KL-(name your overseas flight) far cheaper than any local destination to local destination. That till today, baffles me. I find it illogical that its cheaper to fly to Korea, Australia, or other SEA destinations than to fly within Sabah and Sarawak.", "Again, I'm not saying that the demand is not there nor airlines should deliberately make domestic flights expensive.\nI fly to Labuan at least 5-6 times every year so I get it when people say flights to Borneo are just so damn expensive. Then again, I also understand that businesses are there to make a profit first and foremost. They have people who are hired to make feasibility study on each route.\nThe demand for domestic flights is certainly there. Still, I can't say for sure that they're definitely higher than international flights. Especially the routes with lots of promo prices.\nIf we factor in all the reasons that I may or may not have stated in my previous comment, it might actually be more feasible for them to do so. People might say \"use bigger planes to fit more passengers\". If so, it would cost more due to more fuel and labour to say the least.\nTbh, we'll need a finance expert who's well-versed in airlines industry to elaborate more on this. Not everything in the world is to be blamed on corporate greed. If anything, it's the world that we should blame for making it possible for them to make profit.", "Flying bigger planes is not the answer, that much i know. And not like all airports in Sabah can anyway. There is almost no incentives to.\nBasically there is something going on, but passengers flying local got gamed to pay throat cutting prices because the corpos know they can. That's the power of monopoly, when literally only one airline controls the market.", "Not exactly true tho. AirAsia is a dominant player for budget flights, sure. But both MAS and AirAsia operate domestic flights, either doing it on their own or with their subsidiaries. Malindo also operate flights at least to KK afaik, albeit somewhat limited. Some international airlines like Shanghai Airlines also operate connecting flights to East Malaysia too.\nRather than monopoly, duopoly would be a better term although it's not correct either. Some might accuse them of acting like a cartel, sure. But tbh, it's just the fact that our domestic market is not exactly attractive enough for others to come in and fight for a share.\nCreating a new airline? Sure, competition would be great. But if we look at it differently, that's just adding another carnivore in front of a small deer that's surrounded by a pack of lions (is that even a good analogy idk). Heck, nobody wants to see another MYAirline.", "Well that is the reality of supply and demand plus fuel prices are much higher than pre pandemic and majority of an airline's expenses are in USD, our weak ringgit made it worse", "Well, we had 2 choices.\nPut a price cap, and let the airlines deal with it.\nGive them a subsidy, and let airlines deal with it.\nOur govt choose 2, and we're still not getting \"better prices\" while those damn corpos are laughing to the bank while squeezing the tits out of the govt coffers.", "I think it is only fair if you acknowledge the downsides of a price cap as well, there will probably be supply and demand imbalances (less availability of tickets) especially during peak periods since there will be less incentive for airlines to operate more flights and this can potentially create more issues. Airlines can also potentially scrap routes if it is not viable especially if the Ringgit continues to weaken or crude oil prices continue to rise.\nAlthough a subsidy will also benefit the airline company, imo a subsidy is a more viable solution considering the downsides of a price cap. There is a reason why governments around the world try to avoid implementing price caps unless they really have to.", "Of course there is a big downside to price cap, and that is every airline decides to just not fly Sabah Sarawak, but do you think all airlines will want to ignore Sabah Sarawak? That will beautifully shoot themselves in the nutsack, even as a PR move.\nLike i said, somebody will have to fill the vacuum if the void is created. While i don't like MAS potentially being made the scapegoat again, a price cap sends a strong signals the government's intention on one thing: stop messing around with extreme profiteering.\nA subsidy only encourages airlines like AirAsia to do unscrupulous moves. It incentivizes them to pull stunts like cancel a flight, make passengers re book and pay extra fee. It encourages them to double, triple dip into profiteering.\nI'm not saying that price capping is the only means . I. Fact maybe multi solutions are better, but one thing is for sure. Those damn prices have to go down, somehow, someway, if flying overseas is cheaper than flying within Malaysia." ], [ "The subsidised air fares are really essential esp for those living in Sarawak's interior.\nBeen to Bario, 45 mins flight from Miri (or 24 hours by Hilux via logging roads). It was so remote that even the Coca-Cola and Maggi for the kedai runcit there has to be flown in via MASwings." ], [ "\"Transport Minister Anthony Loke had announced the assistance yesterday, saying that it would begin with Christmas celebrations on Dec 25, with purchases starting at 12.01am today for a three-day travel period before the actual celebration day, Dec 22, 23 and 24.\nLoke said the same policy would be continued next year for Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Pesta Kaamatan, Gawai and Christmas with tickets available for purchase at Jan 1, 2024 at 12.01am.\"\nSo what happens if I bought my flight tickets way earlier in advance? I don't get this subsidy? Kinda stupid" ] ]
Developed Countries by 4 Criteria (2023)
[ [ "Short of USD500+ in GNI per capita to meet the World Bank high income criteria of USD13k.", "That's based on 2022 figures. If we won't average annual growth rates to project 2023 figures then it's likely Malaysia has lalready crossed the threshold.\nI can't figure out which other metric Malaysia doesn't meet and it seems like it should already meet 3 out of 4.", "We met no 1 & 4, close to no 3 (or crossed it last year), leaving no 2 - we're not an \"advanced economy\" by IMF standards ..", "just checked, looks like we still haven't cross the mark for #3 just yet.\nkeep in mind that the World Bank adjust their high-income threshold every year. Thus we are always chasing a moving goalpost. It might take us a few years to catch up to it." ], [ "So which two criteria did we satisfy?\nAnd only 3/4 for Singapore?", "Singapore will stay 3/4 for a long time because they are purposely sandbagging and will always say they're a developing country. That's why foreign investments berlambak over there no matter the state of economy.", "Singapore 4/4 lah" ], [ "2 out of 4 only? It means Malaysia passed 🇲🇾👌" ], [ "Boleh..", "r/bolehlahland" ], [ "Which mean Malaysia cannot improve" ] ]
Malaysia to Singapore
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hi i’m Indonesian here. I’m planning on watching concert in Singapore on April 10th, staying from 8th - 12th). But airplane tickets & hotels are expensive in Singapore. So i’m planning on staying in Johor Bahru and crossing the border on the 10th before & after watching the concert. Is it a bad idea? Anyone have any recommendations on the transportation? Bus or train? Thank you
[ [ "Apr 10th is Raya period, almost the whole Singaporean Muslim community will take the opportunity to travel up to Malaysia to soak in the Raya mood, the rest of us will probably head up too in search of nice food at pasar Raya in JB. I suggest you book your JB accommodation quickly now on a reliable platform or else it'll be snapped up by Singaporeans who're also looking to book rooms for a short staycation. The whole Causeway will definitely be jammed as well (like it has been these few weeks due to the festive period) so you need to factor that into your decision as well.\nCheck out this article for more info on buses but do take note of the delays you might experience during festive periods - https://trevallog.com/travel-singapore-johor-bahru-jb-public-transport-bus/\nAlso check out the Malaysia Immigresen Dept live update of the BSI checkpoint here - https://www.facebook.com/mediajimbsi\n... and Singapore's ICA updates about traffic conditions at both checkpoints here - https://www.facebook.com/Immigration.Checkpoints.Authority/" ], [ "Take a bus from kl to sg. The challenge is what time the concert ends? If it's past midnight, they hv taxis going from sg to jb. You can take those.", "I can’t take the bus to SP from JB? When will the first bus depart from MY? Do they have like midnight bus? Do i need to buy the ticket in advance or i can just buy it on the spot? I’m thinking to book capsule hotel in spore for one night. If not then i’m taking the taxi." ], [ "recommend taking bus to Singapore early in the morning" ], [ "what about the ferry from bintan or batam?" ], [ "Where's the concert venue?\nIt's doable on April 10 from JB to SG, but not really practical on the same night from SG back to JB. Stay overnight there instead, just for that night. If money is tight, you can always opt for a dorm bed at a hostel or, for more security, a pod hotel. If Geylang (red light district) sounds too scary, other budget options are Little India (quiet ever since public drinking laws were introduced), Chinatown, Clarke Quay, plus a few places at Lavender. Cheapest quotes I'm seeing online are S$35-40 per day.\nThe forward trip is doable since you shall have the entire daytime to cross the border. Despite it being Hari Raya Puasa, I don't expect the entire Muslim population to leave town (lol) except for those going for family gatherings/reunions. It's also occurring in midweek next year (so no long weekend) & isn't taking place in June (school holidays) so there's less incentive for the Chinese majority to plan any getaway trips\nThe return trip is another matter, however. Firstly, I don't think the cross-border buses (Causeway Link) operate that late at night; do your own research to confirm this. Public bus 170 does have a later last bus (12:10am, 20-30 min intervals after 7pm) but you'll have to make your way to the Queen Street terminal (near Bugis MRT).\nThe licensed cross-border taxi service is also there (next door), although I'm not sure many drivers are active that late (call the hotlines to check). Their fixed fare has also increased post-pandemic (I believe S$60 now) but you can split it 4 ways (so S$15 each) if you can find 3 other passengers on the spot. Take note that Malaysian cabs can drop you off at the doorstep, but not Singapore cabs. (The vehicles are differently coloured, not sure if this has changed.) Depending on where you end up in JB, you may need to find further transportation for the last-mile journey.\nThe most stressful part is getting to Queen Street. You see, 11pm to 12am is very unpredictable even for locals, since the process involves juggling last-bus & last-train timings depending on where you plan to board & transfer. All the info are published online, so check carefully & see whether it's entirely feasible & how much you'll need to hurry at each stage. If you arrive too late, then the only ad-hoc option is to take a taxi, except SG taxi drivers habitually take their supper break from 11pm to wait for the 50% midnight surcharge to kick in. Not only that, they take their kopitiam breaks in the HDB heartlands too, unwilling to drive back to downtown without a paid fare.\nBetter to skip all such hassles, & opt for a peaceful sleep instead.\nAs for \"private taxis\" advertising online & promising doorstep-to-doorstep at fixed fares (typically S$100-150), they're unlicensed & aren't insured so book them at your own risk.\nEDIT: oh yeah, do familiarize yourself with the new SG Arrival Card (which replaces the old Disembarkation Card) which will be assessed by the border official. If the format hasn't changed, you can click on 'Day Trip' instead of providing 'Accommodation' (hotel) details according to a past Tripadvisor SG forum post. You can also ask the regulars over there for hotel suggestions. Speaking of which, if you plan to cross the land checkpoint every day as a foreigner, the duty official has the discretion to reject entry without explanation. (Not saying it will happen, though.)", "I stand corrected, after reading up on latest blog updates. Causeway Link has extended its hours for their bus CW2 after the pandemic ended https://www.causewaylink.com.my/cw2-runs-24-hours-starting-from-august-1-2022/\nFYI the other cross border bus from the same Queen Street terminal is the SJE (Singapore-Johor Express). But it apparently runs only up to midnight.\nA 3rd operator is Transtar Travel, which is more well known to route directly between JB & Changi Airport. But it also has a service between JB & Sentosa (traversing down Scotts Road near Orchard), as well as another from Gelang Patah to the west of Singapore (industrial sector). A planned 4th, from JB to Marina Bay, is not operational yet." ], [ "Definitely not a bad idea, I've done this few years back.\nI took bus from JB Checkpoint to Kranji, and from there took MRTs to reach Stadium MRT station. Concert ended after 10pm, and reached JB Checkpoint slightly after 12 midnight.", "I saw the other comment that it’s kind of a bad idea because it’s Raya Day. People probably going to MY or going to SP on that day to visit relatives. Have you experience it on Raya Day?", "I drove in to SG twice during Raya, but the last trip was almost 7-8 years ago, fairly decent traffic back then. Relatives have since moved to JB.\nI personally think that you should not have any issue making the JB - SG leg since concerts usually start in the evening, and you would have plenty of hours to make the trip. Try to start your journey from JB Checkpoint as early as you can.\nThe SG - JB leg that me and my friends made after the concert was stressful as we have to rush to catch the last bus going to JB Checkpoint. But I read somewhere that the service has now been extended, so you should not face any issue with that." ] ]
Did Kajang Town Council (MPKj) just raise the assessment rates?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Some time last year MPKj started an exercise to raise the rates and many disagreed and raised "bantahan". At the meeting, we were advised that this was a plan and was not going to be implemented. A day ago, I received an email with an attachment advising me of a new rate for 2024 and 2025, which is approximately 25% more than what I have been paying to-date. Has anyone else received the same? Thoughts?
I want to make a serious complaint about my school teacher
[ "Education" ]
I'm a member of my Form 6 school's student council which consists of almost 50 members. Our head advising teacher for this council has repeatedly displayed elements of racism, misconduct, unprofessionalism, and abuse of power. I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I spent two weeks at the start of December requesting testimonials from active student council members and students who have quit the organization (yes, there were many). These testimonials were then compiled and printed out into a complaint letter to be submitted to the principal. It was stated at the beginning of the document that this letter aimed to highlight and provide evidence of this teacher's wrongdoings throughout our time in Form 6. The students involved in this (more than 10, with some providing testimonials three pages full) were promised by me to be protected of their identity in case of unwanted consequences. What motivated me to do this was the fact that I witnessed the same problems with this teacher from my seniors who have retired from the organization, and the juniors who will soon replace us when we retire. Long story short, I met with the principal the day after the letter was submitted and spoke at her office for half an hour. The synopsis of the conversation was that the principal wants this teacher to have a smooth retirement (she's retiring late next year) so I'm guessing we won't see our advising teacher change any time soon. But she also mentioned that she would speak to this teacher about this. Fast forward to now, the news of the complaint letter has spread around the school. Many students have approached me to share their bad experiences with this teacher as well, including our organization's treasurer. The treasurer confessed that this teacher misappropriated the organization's funds into her bank account. Stuff we paid like the annual organization fee and the organization uniform were inflated, and the surplus is allegedly in the teacher's bank account. I've spoken with the organization's president (he gave his testimony as well) and have asked the teacher for receipts because many individuals requested as well, including the principal. But every time that teacher either dismisses it or straight up says that she doesn't have it. The only person who saw the receipt PDF was the treasurer through WhatsApp, but the teacher has since deleted that PDF message. She also scolded me and the president for speaking to the principal about this. I am writing this to seek advice and perhaps find a resolution to this problem. Thanks for reading.
[ [ "https://moe.spab.gov.my/eApps/sdmscasepool/SdmsCasePool/add.do", "First of all, OP, kudos to you for having the courage to speak up and do something concrete about this.\nI personally have zero confidence in the MoE investigating one of its own. It is a nest of vipers and ex-teachers who are notorious for protecting each other. Case in point, that teacher in Sabah who students complained about for years but had to ultimately take to court.\nOP : the racism, misconduct, and abuse of power - while bad - are job performance issues. They are for your school admin (or the community/media) to correct.\nThe misappropriation of funds, if true, is criminal in nature. Please make a report to the SPRM/MACC, they have a complaint form on their website. Providing false claims, and abuse of power for gratification, are both offences under the MACC Act.\nBad apples like this are why the whole teaching profession in Malaysia is so lowly regarded. Believe me, good teachers will be grateful when people like your teacher either leave, or face the consequences of their actions.", "SISPAA is quite reliable as the complaints are forwarded internally to multiple channels. So even IF there is no resulting action, the message is passed on to multiple departments and there is usually communication and acknowledgement of the complain (CC: En Ali En Tommy tolong follow up etc) and can follow up with 2nd complain.", "No harm pursuing both.\nBut just to put it into context: if you were unhappy with a company's product, you'd complain to their customer service (SISPAA). If you knew the company did something criminal, would you still go to customer service? Or would you inform the police?\nAlso, I doubt SISPAA has whistleblower protection", "This needs to be Step 1. Importantly, include the embezzlement details as well, or get someone to raise it as a separate SISPAA. I know a couple of years ago at least those were handled by a different queue.", "Thanks for the reply, everyone. Our school holiday has already started, so I can only gather up more information through text from my fellow students. I plan to compile as much evidence as I can and eventually make a SISPAA report. I also found out about the current government’s whistleblower program, so I might submit a complaint there as well." ], [ "and the surplus is allegedly in the teacher's bank account.\nOn the surface, this is embezzlement, but how did it end up in his/her account is the key.\nBut every time that teacher either dismisses it or straight up says that she doesn't have it. The only person who saw the receipt PDF was the treasurer through WhatsApp, but the teacher has since deleted that PDF message. She also scolded me and the president for speaking to the principal about this.\nI am writing this to seek advice and perhaps find a resolution to this problem.\nEverything that involved money and accounting, they need to properly document it. They cannot simply deleted it and denied.\nYou may escalate your complaint to the next level if the Principal of the school is downplaying and intended to let the teacher get a smooth retirement despite he/she has had misappropriated the funds, get the Minister of Education involved, twitter, email, it is the fastest way to escalate only if you have solid evidence, though.", "Thanks for the reply. The money ended up in the teacher’s account because all of us were told to transfer the payment to her personal bank account. As for those who choose to pay by cash, the treasurer said all the cash was passed to the teacher." ], [ "All the necessary advice has been given so I've nothing to add. OP, you are awesome, please go for it! The thought of this teacher 'retiring peacefully' and collecting a taxpayer funded pension for the rest of her life just makes me want to puke.\nAs someone else mentioned, KPM is very protective of its own and would typically much prefer to let the matter slide. But if you can make it go viral and get public opinion on your side, then to your advantage we are living in a political moment where they will have to take action to save face. What you're doing to make them accountable will have positive spillover effects elsewhere." ], [ "This needs to be viral on social medias. In Malaysia, benda viral baru tindakan akan diambil." ] ]
Is it illegal to own military attire
I really like military stuff, and even thought I cant own a replica firearm I would still like to own the gear (helmet, plate carriers and belts are my main concern). Hence I would like to know if it is legal for me to own these things before I get into it.
[ [ "Militaria collector here, it is fine to own and wear the attire publicly as long as it's not the current issued stuff by ATM(eg: the current army digital camo stuff). For gears and stuff you can also own them but obviously don't wear them out in public to avoid attracting unwanted attention.\nMalaysia is pretty forgiving when it comes to collecting militaria, but don't take it for granted", "It's the same for most countries I think, I know this is true for my country also and even the military is discouraged to wear their attire in public.", "Well yeah I think same here too. Even tho I'm not in the military but my uniform body also discourages us from openly wearing our uniform in public without purpose. Me personally, I have a black military tunic that I pull on my uniform whenever needed", "So its okay as long as nothing is exactly the same as what the army is currently using?", "Yup you can still collect the clothing though just don’t use it publicly", "Aah alright thanks", "Yo where do you usually get your gear from? I do want to find some good shops for vests and battle belts", "Shopee is sufficient for that, if you want more specific gear you will need to know some people locally or internationally", "I mostly buy soviet or russian gear i would suggest frontowiec the exchange rate isn’t so bad so it’ll be decent price in rm, kommandostore is good with decent prices", "Thanks man , and yeah I wanted to pick up some russian gear but I didn't really know where. I will try kommandostore", "I suggest frontowiec for smaller items helmets and vests would go for RM300-400", "Where is this website? Can you send the link", "https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=frontowiec&tbm=&shem=rime&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5" ], [ "https://www.outpostcommand.com.my/\nit's not illegal unless you have the badges. There are lots of cosplayers around.." ], [ "It’s fine to own helmets,plate carriers and belts aslong as it’s for milcosing or larping i don’t suggest using uniforms used by the military though", "I gotcha, thanks", "Yeah man thanks for starting this thread, I posted mine on r/Malaysians bcoz I didn't know if the mods here would allow this.", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/malaysians using the top posts of the year!\n#1: Okay this is funny | 18 comments\n#2: Lorry drivers | 41 comments\n#3: Want to be delivery rider? Here is some info and my experience so far.\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "I have a funny story,according to my Trinidadian housemate she said back home if u wear any military print they have to strip lmao, she told me one time she wore some military pants pattern in pink, miss maam had to run. Malaysia Im not sure." ], [ "it's fine OP.\nCompletely and Utterly FINE.\n<image>", "Yeah I think this may be under some other privilege" ], [ "Shopee got sell what..", "Lol I like how we using shopee as legal or illegal item" ] ]
Kids treating Digital Library as Playground
[ "Culture" ]
There's a Digital library at Permaisuri, Kuala Lumpur (Pustaka KL Digital Permaisuri). From the outside, it looks like the perfect place to study, as it provides devices such as laptops and tablets to be used. The infrastructure is also well planned in there. So, my friends and I took the opportunity to go there to study for our examinations. However, the only problem is the kids there. Not only were they hogging all the computers just to play roblox, they were making so much noise. Laughing, screaming, even got some playing tag and chasing each other. I think they live at the condo right next to this library, but still, it's not meant to be a playground. The word library itself means to be quiet. Instead, they were were being so noisy I couldn't study at all. Tried putting on headphones to block the sound, and I could still hear them over it. I sent a review to the library already, and I also saw many people also complain about the kids and noise. I just want to ask their parents, how can you let ur child disturb other people like this? The pcs are meant to be used for educational purposes, for those who aren't privileged enough to have their own device or space to study at home, not foe kids to play adopt me or mimic💀💀
[ [ "Is there no staff there to enforce the rules?\nIn the UK, there's always someone patrolling quietly.... Because apparently people hogging the PC to watch porn in libraries is an issue.", "Who tf watches porn in public", "https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/11/man-caught-watching-fat-porn-library-computer-7622384/\nI don't know. But it happens", "In the UK? Fat pron? Pyrocynical?", "I caught 4 people watching porn at the library. One of them make a ruckus when confronted.\nAnd yes, this is coming from ex librarian.", "Super common in cybercafe too.", "It's the corner pc near the toilet" ], [ "Some parents in Malaysia just don't care, they let their kids create havoc and be little shits. Guess the rotten apple don't fall far from the tree.\nI remember the days where kids know how to behave because if you don't some random uncle/aunty will slap you for misbehaving.\nBut now it's oh my kids are special and precious. Like bitch your kids is being an ass, control him or the public will and the public wont be as kind.", "It's not a Malaysian problem; it's worldwide. Some people just shouldn't have kids. Children running around in cinemas, restaurants, malls - you name a place and there's bound to be little pests there. Nothing to be done except be a good parent yourself.", "and if u confront the kids their parents turn aggressive or hostile\ni still rmb when i am young if kena uncle or aunty tegur my dad surely give me a some good lessons\nsohai parents have sohai kids is common scene nowadays", "I remember the days where kids know how to behave because if you don't some random uncle/aunty will slap you for misbehaving.\nWhile I agree that disciplining children is a good practice, slapping them isn't. There are plenty of ways to discipline a child; slapping them or letting them wreak havoc isn't one of them.", "Any suggestions on the way to discipline them without needing to do physical punishments?", "It's not easy nor quick. But they'll learn slowly and grow to understand.\nOffer a choice. When you need them to sit, you said \"Do you want to sit on that big chair alone, or do you want to sit in my lap?\"\nGet down on their eye level and talk to them. \"I've told you to not throw the toy, so I'll store it until you're not mad. In the meantime, you can throw this small ball.\"\nLet them cry and be there while they're throwing tantrum.", "Yeah definitely try these first, but I will always keep the slap as a nuclear option", "let's say they replied like a dickhead on the 1st step. now what? because kids are a dick nowadays", "I am not a psychologist, nor I have a formal education on parenting, but if that's the case I would either:\nNot react with emotion. Then ask again.\nLaugh it off. \"Oh really? Hahahaha. So, do you want to sit on the big chair or next to me?\"\nKids will push you to the limit. That's how they learn how to express their emotion. \"Dad get mad at slightest discomfort? Then I would copy.\" If it's too much for you, just ask your partner to switch.\nIf they still don't listen, then let it be. Maybe next time.", "This need to be thought during wedding ceremony or during birthing procedure. Most parent are stupid as fuck", "I wish these parents have more kids. So they cannot afford to live in the condo beside the digital library and so have their kids elsewhere." ], [ "PKP toddlers.\nHow have children’s social skills been affected by the pandemic?\nIn terms of social skills, kids are out of practice. Part of how they learn how to get along with others is by spending time with people, making friends, and also by being with people they wouldn't necessarily choose to be around. It's with practice that children and adults get better at doing all of those things. So we are definitely seeing signs of developmental lag in some children’s social skills. This is to be expected, but it can also be addressed.\nThe most important thing you can do is to be very explicit with children about how you want them to handle the challenges they run into. For example, if a child grabs a toy from another child, you can say, “Of course you want the toy. But here’s how you handle this: You say ‘when you are done with that can I have a turn?’”. Don't get frustrated with children for not always knowing the developmentally appropriate ways to interact. We shouldn't expect that they can figure it out on their own. We may need to provide children with more coaching and explicit instruction than we have had to provide in the past.", "Never kena bullied by their peers before so don't know how to act/ socialize.", "A two year old running in a restaurant will be caught by parents and sat in high chair, given proper distraction etc. by 4 yo know to sit in chair there and don't come down. indoor voice etc. public/private behaviour.\n2 yo during PKP start don't get that training. now tadika age.", "Maybe, but it is already that bad before the lockdown where parents are too busy working and left their kids with electronic devices.\nWe can see this when we are out eating where the children are engrossed by the bright and colourful screen, while ignored how adults behaved between each other. Then again, if parents easily used electronic devices to distract their kids, it is not much different than being already a shitty parents.\nWhat we'll ended up with kids grown up to not know how to temper their behaviour as adults. They were bombarded with instant gratification of online contents, when as adult and met disappointments, it is going to get ugly.\nSocial medias will just get worse as they find their \"peace\" in their preferred echo chambers." ], [ "I didn't even know such place exist. Money well spent by DBKL.", "The intention was good. Just the wrong people taking advantage of it😔" ], [ "It's an example of why birth control is so important" ], [ "OP, is it a quiet library? A lot of public libraries are actually just that - public. The days of \"Keep quiet in the library\" are over for a lot of public libraries, as they're there for activities and functions - storytelling, competitions etc.\nKids friendly libraries tend to take a very liberal view on kids playing inside them, as its to be expected. You may want to look for a formal library, or one in your university /college.", "Yeah I think the better approach is for the library to have a dedicated area where kids can be kids, separate from the quiet area. It’s unreasonable to expect kids to be quiet, even the most well behaved ones will want to play and that’s actually healthy! I haven’t been to many libraries here but most uni libraries overseas have noisy areas for students who prefer background noise or those who are doing group work.", "Hii! Sorry I wasn't online before 😭. Yes, there's actually a kids section in this library, with activities and all. The one im talking about is the quiet part of the library, which is meant for studying and working. I guess the kids come over to this area bc there are computers and tablets provided, since the kids section doesn't provide the same things.", "Ah okay, make sense that you’re frustrated by that. And what was the library thinking, putting kids magnet at the quiet area lol", "Just avoid going there from 11 AM - 1 PM. Usually, there's only about 10 of them coming in after 2 PM to jump around the beanies. Also, if you ask the guy at the front desk nicely, he'll let you sit in the locked meeting room on the left. You can use the free computers for an hour.", "Oo yeah this was around 4pm. Thanks for the extra info!", "This , I agree", "This should be higher or the topmost comment" ], [ "Ikea comes to mind.", "Look at the TRX \"water park\"" ], [ "how can you let ur child disturb other people like this?\nI remember that one kid (playing PC too much and he's autism btw) gone tantrum for 'kena tegur' and the Karen mom was mad at the librarian.\nIt's was not great sight." ], [ "it's a problem in public spaces which the kids are let off to explore the space taken care by their eldest siblings or maids while the parents are outside sipping teh tarik and smoking" ], [ "I’m 30 and i feel like this is what my parents would do. They did the least in parenting. Because im a girl in the family, my mother would just sent me to church, temple, anywhere to just get rid of me.\nThey push most of their perenting responsibilities to teachers." ], [ "I just want to ask their parents, how can you let ur child disturb other people like this?\nTheir mental faculties haven't recovered from their decision to have that many kids. If they could think like that in the first place, they probably wouldn't have that many kids." ], [ "The used their \"smart\" phone too much on TikTok and other social media crap and losses their initial attention to something else long time ago, generation different and will never be the same." ], [ "Print a 'keep quiet' sign. Go to them and show the sign." ], [ "Dude....just look at where the cars are parked. That answers your question" ], [ "Some parents these days are truly awful I tell you. They think their kids are God given and they should be allowed to do as they please. I've seen plenty of parents think so highly of themselves right after they have kids, it's like they finally have license to be assholes and entitled." ], [ "Is the library intended to be formal/quiet library? Coz kid-friendly public library is definitely act like a playground since the rules are lax.", "There's different parts of the library. One specificly meant for kids and toddlers. The one im talking about is the quiet section, meant for work and studying 😭" ], [ "Kids need rules or else amok. Take me for example.\nWhen I was in SMK it was:\nWarning by Light Violence 1st.\nFollowed by Violence 2nd and 3rd.\nAnd, Further Violence is Last.\nNow, I'm on reddit :29091:" ], [ "Most places with indoor playground got similar problems. Try visiting these places during weekends, or better still during school holidays :)" ], [ "No proper practice on how to use public places since early age.." ] ]
Unity government will remain in power after GE16, says Mat Sabu
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "we have vote banks in Sarawak, Sabah, Johor, Melaka, Negri Sembilan, Federal Territories and Penang\nDon't be complacent", "N9 and Melaka isn't close. It's 50/50" ], [ "Then you ( PH ) should be able to do all or some of the reform that you wanted , right ?\nOr will there be another excuse ?", "", "IMO reform not high on priority list. Priority is to \"bring\" back the economy and food prices. But then again, if you check the Immigration website for number of Malaysians crossing into Thailand, it was over 1.34 Million in a week.\nMalaysians complain economy bad,wages low, but then holiday in Thailand 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦 haiyyaa when economy gonna grow you yourself spend money overseas wahalao", "I agree but the expectations were set by PH so its fair to be expecting PH to do some reform. If during the PH campaign, they were talking about economy , food prices etc, people's expectations will be set to that." ], [ "remain in power and do nothing and get your minister salary.", "remain in power because the rakyat has no choice.\nwhat a truly wonderful situation to be in.", "Truly. You either vote for a status quo government or a regressive one, while you watch your neighbours slowly catchup and surpass you." ], [ "The purpose has been switch from being a government themselves and deliver their promises, to maintaining status quo and blame that unity gomen =/= ph gomen so promise tidak dapat dicapati." ], [ "Then do the shit you promised" ], [ "One of those ministers who should have been shuffled out." ], [ "Don't count the chickens before they are hatched - But what's the alternative?\nRakyat isn't in a favourable position for this, but what are the options?\nAnd yet again, Rakyat is responsible for this impasse and quandary," ], [ "Well he said unity gov.. Nvr say which unity" ], [ "While I am massively disappointed by their performance so far, I do want them to retain power.\nWe need to send a clear message to PN that they can't win by just playing with race and religious topics.", "clear message to PN that they can't win by just playing with race and religious topics.\nthe other message you're sending is, as long as PN play race and religious topics, PH can do whatever they want", "no choice but to wait until PN matures\nif that never happens, well... can't be any worst than the past 60 years of BN", "the first 30years of BN was the correct choice too, until madey came", "that's right. I'm not going to go down the stupid route by \"punishing\" PH by voting for someone else.\nthat someone else really has no proper plans.", "Yup It's a shit situation, but doesn't mean you should make a decision that makes it worst", "I think it boils down to /r/malaysia leaning left and expecting the unity government to do the same. Fact is, they're not - they're centrist at best, and are conservative on many issues. But compared to the far right that is PN, PH - Unity government is probably the lesser of two evils.", "Sad but true. The Malaysia we want might not manifest itself in our lifetime.", "And that should be okay.", "You're speaking from the point of view of a minority voter. The majority of voters who happen to be Bumi do not care about the race and religious sentiments. In fact, they gobble it up.", "Yeah no shit" ], [ "Just do your job and stop making these comments." ], [ "Copium:26554:" ], [ "Remind me! 5 years", "I will be messaging you in 5 years on 2028-12-17 14:03:52 UTC to remind you of this link\nCLICK THIS LINK to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam.\nParent commenter can delete this message to hide from others.\nInfo Custom Your Reminders Feedback" ], [ "The chances of PH staying in power are slim to none.\nAnwar and his cabinet have done nothing of conceivable value to reduce the burden of the common people.\nAlso, Anwar's narrative of removing corruption is just a blanket promise, as demonstrated by his leniency towards his DPM." ], [ "Thank goodness I don't have to vote next GE.", "Only next ge? I stopped voting long time ago." ], [ "Well, technically he not wrong. I doubt a single coalition can win after next GE. So, there will still be 2 coalitions combined with those in sabah and sarawak.\nThe question is, will PH be part of it.\nWith the current sentiments, I doubt it. This administration is nearing the \"Najib Line\". I named that line based on what happened to najib. Its a line once passed, no matter what good you do, people will still reject you. This administration have yet to pass that line, but I believe they will once the targeted subsidy is introduced. Its impact will be the same as gst.\nIm sure PH know this. Thats why I noticed these past few month, PH tried to erase their presence from this administration. The troopers keep saying this is not PH, but a \"unity government\" and the asupporters echo it. We all know its bullshit." ] ]
Japan and Malaysia sign $2.8 mln (RM13 mlm) maritime security assistance deal
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "It's clear where we align with respect to the South China Sea issue.", "Seriously" ], [ "Japanese news\n\" Japan to provide rescue boats to Malaysian military amid China's rise\"\n<image>" ], [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>" ], [ "We align to Japan in terms of the SCS question, which is an easier sell than the Americans.\nJapan, with US backing will have to take a leading role in promoting their FOIP Policy. Thankfully, we are participating and chosen by Japan as an early beneficiary to their new Official Security Assistance which will help us to free up our own budget for other defence procurement." ], [ "Banzai 😍" ], [ "Ini saya suka." ], [ "Japan, under instruction from their American masters, is trying to provoke Malaysia into confrontation with China.\nBut I trust that Anwar is smart enough to just treat this as free money and avoid their dirty politics.", "Oh, wumao is here!" ] ]
Residents of several Puchong houses evacuated due to landslide in area
[ "Environment" ]
Malaysia to offer PR status for MM2H pass holders with RM5m in fixed deposit
[ [ "aku tak faham betul. masalah apa yang dapat selesai dengan program mm2h ni. takkan setakat nak jual hung property. kenapa 3 kerajaan bertukar masih lagi fokus yang sama. takde strategi baru ke" ], [ "This will help the economy but I think better look at total investment instead of FD which is a bad investment. They could own house, shares, etc", "... or even government bonds, like Thailand does. But it only helps the economy if they get lots of applicants. Attracting a handful of rich Chinese who may not even reside in Malaysia will not help much. It would be smarter to focus on moderate income people, who would actually live in Malaysia, buy/rent homes and spend money on a daily basis. The current program concentrated on \"quality\" (rich) people, and failed because of that. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson.", "yeah I agree. A lot of businessman Chinese (from China) like Malaysia due to our culture and way of doing business (which is also like China). All we have to do is to give them PR but there are political and historical issues of course." ] ]
Given a good numbers of people loving kei cars, why aren't automotive companies in Malaysia selling these cars directly? Instead of us needing to rely on grey imports, which is overpriced?
[ "Culture" ]
I used to drive a Perodua Kelisa, which is a rebadged Daihatsu Mira. A rather cheap and cheerful cat with down to earth looks and small footprints on the road, if it isn't slowly getting old and requiring more maintenance, i would have kept it for my entire life. Newer kei cars have more up-to-date features and still remain small sized, which is a huge attraction to me. Unfortunately buying via grey imports mean i have to pay a ridiculous price for a daily car, supposedly very cheap to afford from it's origin country.
[ [ "Short answer (that everyone jumps to in conclusion): Protecting Proton and Perodua\nThe long answer: Protecting Proton and Perodua is not just the only reason why kei cars are never sold outside of Japan. Their size would not comply with global safety regulations. Even if the modern ones like the N-Box in the OPs photo offer 6 airbags and advanced safety kit, they are not tested in crash tests.\nBesides, kei cars are designed to be used in the city and while there is an appeal outside of the country, they are clowned upon by the Japanese. Their popularity is due to the incentives like insurance, tax, and parking (you need to prove that you have a space to store your car before buying one).\nOutside of the congested cities, driving a kei car is downright dangerous on highways especially modern ones. Their tall size is a quirk on its own but driving one as all the other cars overtake you is a pretty scary experience.\nBecause these models are made for the Japanese markets, it’s up to the company whether it would be feasible to bring them in. Most of the time, they wouldn’t bother bringing them officially since it consumes time and money to make them suitable to different countries’ regulations.\nThe grey imports found a niche that attracts certain buyers by bringing kei cars in. They are expensive and remain out of reach. In Japan, a kei car on average costs around RM 50,000 after conversion which in Malaysia is equivalent to a base new Myvi.\nIn the end though, the real answer to why kei cars are never brought over officially is more than just protecting Proton and Perodua. Perodua did start off by offering models that meet the kei car regulations but as buyers demanded more features, a larger engine, and more space, it outgrew the tiny regulations.\nSo if you want a kei car, it will only be through recons sold via grey import. Provided you can swallow the six figure price.", "Thank you for an answer." ], [ "It's simple, there's not enough people who wants them that they can make a good profit", "Perodua Kenari:", "Perodua Kenari 😡\nHonda Kenari Japan 😮", "feels like it's a vicious cycle...not enough of these products so not enough people wants them, not enough ppl wants them so not enough of these products", "a free market is always vicious", "Don't think that's how it works. The demand is simply not enough to justify. The market has proven recently that when there is demand, supply will happen.", "Its always about demand. There is enough product abroad. But there may not simply be enough demand in Malaysia to justify expanding their market here.", "I would buy one, but not at 3x the price of what it costs in Japan.", "You can blame our tax policy on cars. Duty is around 30% and there is 10% sales tax on top of it which makes the price of the cars pricier than normal.\nHonestly, for a car centric country, this policy does not make any sense because it was to encourage the use of public transportation. Our public transportation is not good enough outside of major cities to justify this kind of policy in the first place.\nThis in turn would forced our own citizen to have their own car which place a huge financial burden especially for the B40's that have families.", "Honestly, for a car centric country, this policy does not make any sense because it was to encourage the use of public transportation.\nI have a feeling its geared towards to push consumers to buy local makes e.g. Protons than imports. That way there is always some demand for local makes else consumers would opt for the Japanese makes in a heart beat if there is no premium to be paid for them.", "Yes it is. Even if you have the money to buy K cars, you still can’t import because you do not have AP to bring it in. It’s all Tun M’s idea when he introduced Proton. You just can’t import car in, and recently they change classic cars year from age 25 to 35 which is even more stupid.", "It has always been about Proton. You can’t import cars in without AP. Even if you have, it’s limited to 5 years and below only. Classic cars is now 35 years. It’s always Tun M’s fault for doing this", "I would even import one, if only we can import.", "Same thing is applied to car colours. Manufacturer doesn't make cars of X colours then the general population only have Y colours to choose from, manufacturer sees the population mostly drive cars with Y colour, makes more car with the same colour.\nAt least now the trends seemed to be reversing with more automobile manufacturer having a more diversified colour options, especially with the Chinese EV expanding here. But colours like yellow, orange, blue and purple still extremely rare.\nEdit: Spelling", "AP system says hi which disallow us to freely import K r/kereta in" ], [ "The market is not big enough to justify the import", "Of course, the market of a small car is small", "You mean you don’t want to drive around in a tin can like a Kei car?" ], [ "Profit first, people later. You should know this by now.", "Change government also the same.", "Tell me a gov no need money lol", "Making profit and need money sounds like the same. But it’s not.\nI know the concept it’s hard for you to understand.", "Oh wonderful, tell me when did our gov in profit lol", "They do have profits, just went into certain individual pockets, hence always loss 😇", "This guy gets it.", "It’s okay, we jaga our own livelihood first.", "Whichever government still need money and still the same shit heads pocketing money.", "Reformasi my ass. The thing that’s reform is their pockets. Lol.", "Change government still haven’t abolish the god forsaken AP system. I will vote whoever abolish AP" ], [ "I love Honda S660, but daym the price…", "Looking at CTR price, that car should've cost 200k brand new max LOL" ], [ "Because the government has given monopoly in the Kei segment to Perodua and formerly proton\nKei car is a term that originally meant fixed physical parameters and engines below 1L\nSo, you got your Kancil 660cc, etc\nIn Japan, it meant tax breaks, which is why stuff like the Daihatsu Mira Turbo AWD exists.\nBut Malaysia, cc is only a thing after 1.6L, so they stuffed the Kei cars with bigger ancient engines\nWe have plenty of \"kei cars\" which include the kancil, juara, rusa, kembara, kenari, etc; just with no adherence to traditional Japanese engine guidelines\nThe Europeans probably invented the kei class with stuff like the original Austin Mini and Fiat 500", "Kei car is a term that originally meant fixed physical parameters and engines below 1L\nExactly this. Kei cars have to comply to exacting specfications including physical dimensions, engine capacity (660cc max), and even output (64HP iinm).\nWhen the Daihatsu Mira was adapted by Perodua as the Kancil, I believe the 660cc engine was offered but they also introduced more powerful 800+cc and 1.0L variants for better all-rounder performance in city and highway driving conditions.\nDriving a vehicle with such (JDM) specs on certain Malaysian roads eg highways would likely cause legal liability headaches for manufacturers who officially sell them here should the drivers get into accidents and the fault was determined to be caused by vehicle specifications etc" ], [ "This should be relevant.\nKei cars are designed primarily for Japan's domestic market (JDM) and exports are not a priority. There are some exceptions but generally manufacturers are not keen on expending resources adapting them for export markets, hence availability comes via grey importers.\nYour example of the Kelisa best illustrates this. Rather than spending on R&D to adapt the Mira for Malaysian road conditions & climate etc, they let their partner Perodua do the heavy lifting lol\nIn fact, Honda Malaysia attempted to convince Honda Motors Japan to officially export the S660 here but the proposal was rejected.\nAnd why is adapting a vehicle for official imports important?\nFrom the above article:\nThe Japanese at Honda Motor were not convinced that Honda Malaysia’s proposal was a sound one. Since the S660 is a standalone model, the methods used justify the FD2 Civic Type R for Malaysia doesn’t apply.\nThere were many concerns, the biggest of all is legal liabilities. For example, the S660 was never built to cope with driving conditions outside of Japan and the Japanese engineers are quite familiar with how (bad) our driving conditions are and how Malaysians treat the North South Highway like it’s an autobahn, except that it’s far more demanding than a German autobahn due to our tropical heat and humidity.", "This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit.\nHey now, get your well research evidence back answer out of here. This place is only for monyets that have bias, short and narrow mind.", "This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit.\nWhats that?\nHey now, get your well research evidence back answer out of here. This place is only for monyets that have bias, short and narrow mind.\nDon't lose hope lol", "Whats that?\n<image>\nPersonalize gif base on your avatar" ], [ "People bringing politics into this is funny. There are plenty of competition to Proton and Perodua products from Japanese, Korean and now Chinese car makers.\nThe answer is simply not enough demand to justify bringing them over officially. Look at the trend in Malaysia. It is trending towards SUVs and vehicles that can carry 7 pax due to the family dynamics.\nThat is why we see the SUV market being so saturated and diverse. The 3 models Proton introduced after Geely’s entry were all SUVs and they were wildly successful. Also, MPVs like Alza, Innova, Exora being in demand. People want big cars. The Kancil and Kelisa are puny compared to the current Perodua lineup.\nIf kei cars are in demand, you’d be sure the Japanese car makers here would have brought them in. They did market research before introducing any products to the local market obviously.", "Car centric lifestyle inherently causes us to drift towards favouring \"bigger\" cars. The same conclusion can be drawn from US vs EU car markets.\nBut the other thing being, in Japan, you get to choose and customise your car. Right down to whether you want that front camera or not. Over here, they just come out with trim levels and that's that.", "K-cars are popular in Japan because they are exempted from the 車庫証明書 shako shomeisho (parking space ownership license). Other factors may play a role but I don't think they are as significant as one may think.", "There are also tax benefits (lower rates iirc) in addition to the proof of parking exemption", "I would attribute the rise in SUV trend to long term lobbying and marketing by car manufacturers here. The thing is, it doesn't make sense to get an SUV unless you have a family of at least 4 members, and it is costly to maintain that car. I suspect the margin is higher in the SUV segment so they decided to push for more SUV to maintain a healthy margin. They still have to pay for high taxes thanks to a certain old guy M for the AP system.", "I can’t comment much on the lobbying part. But if you are in the market for a car with a budget of around 150k, you have a choice between a Japanese sedan such as a Civic or a SUV like CRV. Most Malaysians will choose the latter due to higher driving position, getting a roomier vehicle. There is generally still a ‘bigger is better’ mindset among consumers here. That explains the decrease in the number of C/D sedans in recent years with some manufacturers completely abandoning that market for good.", "Like the car community cry about there’s no more new manual car on sell now and when car companies make manual car. No ones buy :26554:\nIf really wan kei car. Just buy Axia.", "Axia is technically not kei. Ignoring the engine, the dimensions are off as well.\nOne thing about kei cars in addition to their size is the fact that you get sliding doors too, extremely practical with small space and tight parking.", "Same like the people complaining about boring black and grey interiors in Malaysia. But when car makers introduced white or light interiors, cannot sell. Dirty la, got kids la etc", "Shh…you make too much sense. People in this sub will have headaches later.", "Rather, people are not interested that is true. But we have a cockblocker call AP system which is a byproduct of politics. Otherwise I woulda import one k r/kereta myself in" ], [ "We had one, look up Proton Juara. But it isnt in the market for long for some reason, probably low demand and Kancil/Kelisa was better for a similar compact car market back then." ], [ "Im guessing not enough demands" ], [ "Well, it's simple, our greedy & corrupted government using this as an legal way to suck money from us.\nLike previous time Nissan was about to launch a prototype car like axia but longer, with 1.2 litre engine with Turbo, price only selling for 38-40kk, our government instantly banned n prevent production.\nIf without the taxes our car are 50% cheaper.\nProton car cost is supposed to be below 30k but yeah, our government fuck up.", "Worse still, we can’t import r/kereta because of protection policy. Fuck the AP", "Yup, fuck them all. Tun is the one starting this idea , that's why he built proton, not really helping the people, but to use as legal way to start this from really early on.\nI really hate smart bastard that abuse their power.", "And worse, AP system only given to certain people. The cronies. The spare parts distribution system also go through multiple middleman.\nTun M has never wanted to lead the country. He only wants to enrich his cronies" ], [ "Simple. Because Proton will lose market share big time. And Perodua too. And the cronies that exists cannot allow that to happen.", "This is the right answer.", "DING DING DING we have a winner!\nThis is also the answer why our market aren't flooded with Chinese made cars till recently." ], [ "Maybe they love it because it's not common in Malaysia. I doubt it'll do any profitable sales once it's officially available in Malaysia" ], [ "I love kenari, if perodua producing a new kenari, will buy it without 2nd look.. my 2nd car right now is myvi, even myvi cant beat kenari in terms of versatility, ergonomic n easy to use in a city.. that car just so easy to use in a city" ], [ "Malaysians like big cars to match their big egos" ], [ "Because of shitty excise duties", "You can’t even bring them in without AP lmao" ], [ "Compliance cost and effort outweighs potential profit" ], [ "We have so much parking space why buy a kei car" ], [ "All of the answers above are just wrong, the answer is simply because they are not safe, they're crumple zone are non existient and for them to be so light means they just use less metal In them, that why there virtually no kei car rating in the asean ancap." ], [ "Chinese won’t buy la, like coffin car", "They would if you slap it with very high price range. able to drive a car that a peasant can not own is a flex.", "Alphard and vellfire would like to have a word with you", "People that can afford those, most likely can afford a driver. So doubt they believe these kind of things. Comfort more important haha" ], [ "3rd world mentality bigger cc bigger car bigger everything is best. we don't care about environment, don't segregate our rubbish, most still throw everywhere outside the car, on the road , in the drain and rivers,and blame govt for not cleaning rats, dirty roads and rivers and flash floods" ], [ "Because people who buy them don't represent the masses.\nIn fact, the people who drive them are considered car enthusiasts. Why? Because if not mistaken, these cars cost northwards of 100k. And why would anyone spend that much on a tiny engine? To stand out." ], [ "Because the market is dominated by Proton and Perodua. There's no incentive for other carmakers to bring their little city cars since everyone is just gonna buy an axia or a Myvi" ], [ "Coz they're ugly 🤢" ], [ "Just saw one of this OTR yday. Looks cute. Aerodynamics be damnned" ], [ "Look what happened to Proton Juara.", "Proton of the yesteryears had very, very bad rep. And not to forget, Juara, Ertiga, and the ilk were literally basically \"Eh Perodua selling K cars and they get celebrated, we should and we can corner the market because we're Proton, right? right?\" Then got surprise pikachu-ed when nobody wanted to buy them because their reputation stank." ], [ "Better basic kei cars than kapchai" ], [ "If your looking for a small car with somewhat up to date tech, the kia picanto is best, reliability is another issue tho So do your research" ], [ "Because they tried, wasn't popular enough, and Malaysia appetite is jow mostly geared towards sub-compact hatch i.e. Axia.\nAnd Proton got laughed at when they tried selling the Juara." ], [ "They generally don't want to export any of the cars at all and having to deal with local regulations and crash tests, they will sure lose poorly in the ASEAN NCAP." ], [ "Remember proton juara? Rebadged from mitsu townbox, nobody wants that, the bodystyle is very unpopular in malaysia." ], [ "K cars is a mindset. Over here, people are starting to embrace size with MPVs , trucks and Vans." ], [ "AP system sucks ass. Otherwise would import one k r/kereta myself and even willing to pay the Excise duty\nAlso grey import costs a lot due to excise duty and AP system" ], [ "「Nのある生活」ってどういう意味?" ], [ "Proton and Perodua are your answers to why everything automotive related is shit. Oh and Malaysia Automotive Policy too." ], [ "Dame as motorcycle. I've dreamt about having either a Kawasaki W250 or Honda Rebel 250, but there's simply not enough people wanting it." ], [ "That Honda N Box is pretty good." ], [ "Grey imports = more money 🤔" ], [ "Why not just myvi. Or axia. These are small enough footprint." ], [ "To sell our own k-car la of course" ], [ "I just saw a video about why iphone mini is a failure despite universally praised. Majority of people just dont like the experience of using a small phone.\nLooking how perodua launched kancil in the early days to viva, and now axia, It is obvious that not many Malaysian like driving small car too", "Says who... compact cars still in demand but not many... if the price is good surely selling like hot cake" ] ]
Chinese guy, do you really text in english but talk in chinese with a same person?
[ "Culture" ]
i just realized i only talk Chinese with my friends but in chat room we type english. does everyone do it? do other race do it too? (covid lonely quarantine thought)
[ [ "Mandarin is annoying to type", "Slash slash slash dammit wrong character erase erase erase", "At least you guys have pinyin\nCries in Tamil", "usually if Tamil, people would just use spoken. ha ha ha.. u know the str8 to the point and easy peasy... I'm later go eat also banana leaf rice.. YUMMMM", "Second this, english is much more easier to type\nSometimes you thought you have the correct pinyin but it wasn't and that frustrates me" ], [ "yes, typing in english is faster\nsome lazier ppl just use voice recording but I dislike it because I need to play it", "Yeah screw voice people, text is superior.", "agree especially when they ask us to do a list of stuff in voice, we need to write it down again.", "and when they just need to type OK but sent a voice note saying 'okok can' so I need to open the message just to play the freaking audio", "I learned that WeChat has the function to change voice into text. Very useful in many situations, but all my Malaysian Chinese friends use WhatsApp only", "now imagine they also describe their address in voice instead of text", "Especially when they speak too fast or have an heavy accent, you gotta scroll back to certain parts and replay that over and over again.\nDo that over multiple consecutive 5 to 6 voice messages.\nOh shit, I forgot what he said at the last part of the 2nd voice message again. Let me scroll the part and replay the audio.\nAh shit again, I'm in a train right now and don't have earphones, gotta raise the speaker to the ear to listen while my speaker volume is at 10%.", "so trueee especially the earphones/speaker volume lmao\nlater on when you need to trace back some information, nothing comes up with the search bar because everything is in audio", "Time wasting, can read it in 5 sec but instead needed 30sec for a 1min record, most of the time there will be a few recording at once.", "Legend", "I realise a trend at work is that people who uses voice don't seem to prioritise other people comprehending what they said, and what they say is usually not important. The worst is the type that would record a voice message in a noisy restaurant. For most part, I just ignore them.\nUsually when people have something important to say, they'll type it, or reply later when they're free.", "I refuse to listen to voice messages.", "And you forgotten to lower your audio and half the world hears that person's voice. A buddy of mine had his gf made some sexy voice while we were eating. Dude just made some of us sad and some who laughed so hard we just couldn't eat anymore.", "All I want is voice to text.", "this actually exists, but I dont think the accuracy is good", "How? I don't see it on WhatsApp.", "not sure... I saw it somewhere but couldnt remember, maybe not whatsapp but other apps" ], [ "I do this. Typing Chinese characters is such a pain in the arse.", "Highly agreed. I can’t stand those who need to type in mandarin on text, switching languages and typing in mandarin is just so much hassle compared to English", "I got A for mandarin but can't fucking spell pinyin ffs", "ni de mama qing se" ], [ "I lazy pinyin" ], [ "We type in English with the Bananas. We voice message the Ah Bengs/Lians." ], [ "Standard case la... Way easier to convey your intentions if recipient also quite fluent in english. Unless they are more Chinese media influenced, then i change back to chinese since its more accurate that way", "I got some uni friend who only speak/type in mandarin. Usually when I text with them, I try to text in mandarin for the first few lines, type type halfway\n\"tf how do you write this in pinyin\"\nThen I started mixing in English words and then in the end it's 1 side in English 1 side in mandarin.", "💀💀💀 Not me googling the correct word so i dont look like a fool" ], [ "Yes i do. Can type faster that way." ], [ "Yes, it's faster and easier . While talking chinese it's more rojak for us Malaysians" ], [ "I am a banana, just english and malay" ], [ "Literally me (Not Ryan Gosling reference). Typing in Chinese could be a very a pain in my finger (not ass), all those fucking pinyins are extra work and time consuming." ], [ "Am malay, speak malay with friends, type in malay with them, but for some reason I type english to coworkers, even the malay ones. The strangest thing is, I have indonesian coworkers and I type indonesian/malay with them lmao" ], [ "yes, cant be arsed to type in mandarin....30s of mandarin character can be done in 3s in english" ], [ "Shit. Do I really live in a different Malaysia? All the Chinese around me just type in Chinese if they type at all, most just send annoying AF blur voice recordings. Where are all you people on Reddit hiding in Malaysia? 😩", "Which part of Malaysia? Even with my hokkien mum that is not fluent in English like primary school level, we still type in English lol", "Johor, all my colleagues and people I know make annoying AF voice recordings in Chinese; they rarely type at all, and text will be in Chinese. I didn't grow up in Malaysia.", "Are they all using wechat instead of whatsapp?", "Yes, wechat instead of WhatsApp and huge CCP simps too.", "when I was a student in Johor most of my friends can't even read chinese much less write it. They can speak it but that's it." ], [ "Too many alphabet to type in Pinyin for just a character in mandarin so we prefer to type English." ], [ "Sure do. I speak decent Chinese, but I don't really understand written Chinese well enough to type it" ], [ "Yeah, writing chinese words or typing pinyin are absolutely terrible" ], [ "Yes pinyin kinda cumbersome sometimes, but recent years the prediction algorithm of various keyboard app can predict phrases that you are planning to type quite accurately just by typing in th initials for each word. Ie. 去哪里 can be entered as qnl, quite useful little quirk.", "Then that’s how the new pinyin language emerge: yyds, njhl" ], [ "Definitely lmao, English too many syllables imo. But speaking in mandarin is more faster and straight to the point. Pinyin have to type and find the correct word, too time consuming." ], [ "Yup. I only type mandarin with wife and siblings . All others are English.", "weirdly i type malay english campur with siblings." ], [ "I actually prefer to type in mandarin - my speaking and listening is quite shit compared to my reading / writing" ], [ "Same here." ], [ "i mix\nsometimes something just easier to express in that language" ], [ "Typing mandarin is too slow, reading Chinese characters also takes longer (at least for me), trying to write or type pinyin is troublesome on mobile" ], [ "Inb4 Dong Zong decries the situation and say people cannot call themselves proud Malaysian Chinese anymore." ], [ "Wohenshaoxiehuawen, ruguowoyaoxiehuawenwojiuzheyangxie", "", "666:D" ], [ "Yes. I text in english but talk in malay/canton/mandarin lol." ], [ "I only type in English because idk mandarin, only know how to speak it" ], [ "English is much faster and efficient to type. Mandarin is better to speak in real life when both knows the language" ], [ "You are asking for Chinese opinions in reddit of all places\nDon't expect the answer here to be representive of the whole population", "at least they are about in the same demographics as i am.", "Reddit is significantly biased towards the english speaking side of the community. If someone prefers to text in chinese chances are they browse more facebook (chinese groups), wechat, bilibili or weibo, definitely not reddit." ], [ "Reading and typing in english x5 faster than chinese for me" ], [ "Maybe the real reason you do, it is to prevent other people from understanding what you’re saying." ], [ "Yes !" ], [ "Unless the other person started the chat in Chinese I'll use English usually." ], [ "Yeah, it all boils down to my mood for my case" ], [ "Yes" ], [ "I am versatile both ways ie I can write in Cina but talk to the other fella in Angmoh, and vice versa." ], [ "Yes, it is normal for Chinese Malaysian." ], [ "Normal" ], [ "Yes .i did that too" ], [ "Everytime" ], [ "Yep" ], [ "Lots of Chinese speaks but dont write chinese so i guess it happens often.", "This is normal case In the past lol, only speak but not write" ], [ "Yeah I do with all friends in my age because it's a habit developed from mirc icq and msn messenger era" ], [ "Pretty hard and time consuming to type in chinese" ], [ "Whatsapp in English real life talk in mandarin.\nIf English also suck real bad only those ppl will use voice message in WhatsApp.\nIt's normal like this." ], [ "My brother does this when using Messenger and WhatsApp." ], [ "Depends on the group of people la" ], [ "Yea but it depends, if this friend is more yellow or from a chinese speaking country then back to pinyin altho it's a pain in the ass" ], [ "I converse in mandarin with some friends and text in English because I'm a banana. If someone I've just met texts me in Chinese then I'll just tell them that I can't read and maybe google tl what they're trying to say." ], [ "I do that to my coworkers and bosses through WhatsApp, but I type and speaking Mandarin with my family members in Wechat. From what I accidentally peeked on my coworkers phone during lunch, they do the same." ], [ "My question is…..in which language do you dream?" ], [ "Type in english is way way more faster & efficient. For typical Malaysian chinese, we use some word over chinese one. Example, nasi lemak instead of “coconut rice” in chinese etc. Most ppl will use voice message if they really need to converse in chinese because that is the fastest and less hassle. I always wonder how people have the time & dedication to write an essay length messages on chat or sometimes a social media post using pinyin." ], [ "Yeah, typing in English is way faster than typing in Mandarin" ], [ "I like the good ol’ “Mr Worldwide” technique. Where we just use all 3 main languages spoken, it pays to be a Malaysian sometimes ngl" ], [ "No, most normal Chinese don't do that. But reddit bananas do." ], [ "Yah... i whatsapp in English but i talk to the person in Cantonese or Chinese" ], [ "I can only text in English 😂" ], [ "for me, it's the names/films translations that i don't care about\nlike i don't know what Harry potter is in Chinese...i can't remember what the exact hanzi are, so yeah" ], [ "Yes. Mandarin is honestly annoying to type compared to English" ], [ "Yes. But the English is rojak asf anyway. With slang in between." ], [ "I am half banana so no choice." ], [ "Only for some people, it depends if we both feel comfortable to text in Chinese or English. For context, I usually will type English when I first chat with my friends online, then I only switch to Chinese depend on which one do we prefer more." ], [ "Yes. There's only 1 group of friends that chat in Chinese characters (voice msg are usually ignored). The others all chat in English, talk real life in bahasa rojak" ], [ "My problem is that when i type pinyin the words that pops up is usually a different word but same spelling (ie 男/难) both spell \"nan\"", "you can actually type the first letter only like 难舍难分 just type nsnf,but Malaysian rojak chinese won't work.", "她妈的\nOh yeah it does work" ], [ "Hell yeah" ], [ "Yes always Hahaha. Too lazy to type Chinese characters plus not all my friends can read Chinese characters. Speaking yes but not reading and writing." ], [ "Yes. Speak Chinese but text in English. Also speak Malay but text in English." ], [ "Campur" ], [ "I do that. People that i know do that as well. Probably a holdover from the earlier SMS culture and trash talking in dota." ], [ "Yes. Because I lazy to type hanyu pinyin." ], [ "Nope, me and my Chinese friends all chat in English, audio messages in mandarin, it's just been like that since dawn of time" ], [ "Even I Chinese just type in English. Unless I’m in promoting hokkien/Hakka mode then I type in hokkien or Hakka. (Note: They have their own written forms)" ], [ "now I understand why my main land chinese friend use line app recording to message his mom...", "line? you sure not taiwanese?", "it was 2014" ], [ "Yesssss!!!! My friends and I are like this. It just feels much easier to communicate, idk why we do this tho. But if my other cina friend that is not proficient in English we'll use mandarin instead." ], [ "Yes\nThis is quite common\nEspecially for those that are Chinese but heavily western influenced" ], [ "yes, because it is easier to communicate and type stuff when using in game chat, so it slowly made me prefer to type in English rather than Chinese, but sometimes when I hyper specifically want to mean something in Chinese and pinyin typing is not enough to pin down the exact word I want to say, I'll use Chinese" ], [ "I use both, mostly in Chinese" ], [ "Yes. We only use Chinese when the conversation is getting heated." ], [ "Yes, this is me with my girlfriend. And we’re cool about it." ], [ "ya why not me and my family do so", "they use voice", "cant stand voice mail. for some reason, my phone gives me middle finger and 90% of the voicemail are literally just mute and incomprehensible. hated voicemail since and avoid using it as possible" ], [ "Hk people converse in canto and type in English too. Chinese is more complicated to type 🥲" ], [ "Yes 90% of my friends and acquaintances are banana." ], [ "pro will use writing on phone to select the right Chinese words... idk why my phone keyboard keluar bunched up ABC def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz like that.. damn hard siak... type 1 by 1 pinying to be specific easier.. can play around with the words to create naughty and dirty sentences to mess up people for fun. But idk man, nak pikat awek pun malas and shy shy... duno la these days so different.. feel like ummm... drawing art and creating manga ( bork bork gai stuffs) HA HA HA HA... worse part? feels like all the girls already got partner, hooked to someone.. idk where to find single girls either.\nwhats there to talk about again? just meet up and start doing some pertanian and let the sweat (body excretion) been absorbed to the soil, so that can eat eat eat eat eat.. then play and sleep.. now that's real hard working hoggies. HA HA HA" ], [ "y’all be typing full pinyin and not short form pinyin ??? :O but it depends, I text my highschool friends mostly in Chinese, very seldom we text in English tho" ], [ "I thought audio only." ], [ "Easy, me at college. Chinese 70%.\nMe on call while gaming with high school friends 95% English but the remaining 3% is when someone who literally can't speak English and 2 for math calculations." ], [ "I can’t write mandarin but yes, speak mandarin but text English.\nIn general very mafan" ], [ "Yes, I talk with my gf in Chinese, but type in WhatsApp using English" ], [ "I think.\nSpeech is not as proper as written, in any language. One is communicating heavier information. Maybe like image communication of JPEG & PNG. Speed & accuracy.\nOnce got used to it though, there's no difference (all English or all Chinese). Without \"convenience difference\" of optional \"languages\", people stick to what they only have.\nNext question, do Chinese suddenly text in Chinese, when \"convenience\" overwritten by \"vocab limit\" (forgot the word in English, so put info in mother tongue... ... or \"romantized\" Pinyin... or just like China \"similar sounded word\")" ], [ "My answer to your question is all the time. Even to my brother, with whom I grew up speaking Cantonese." ], [ "We, indians also do that😂. We either chat in english or use english alphabets to type in tamil. Very susah to type using tamil alphabet😂" ], [ "Type in English but talking already rojak between 3 languages." ], [ "I don't type in Chinese, because I'm a banana huhu." ], [ "Do you speak Mandarin or another Chinese language? Input for anything other than Mandarin is shit" ], [ "Yes. Even to a Malay, I speak in Malay but text in English." ], [ "Interesting question. I've thought about this years ago when a Malay friend asked me, \"kenapa orang Cina suka pakai voice masa WhatsApp?\" It never occured to me until then, and I've since broken it down to a few types regarding Chinese people texting habits. It's not conclusive but a generic categorisation.\n(1) People who can only speak Chinese fluently, usually prefer to mainly use voice note. They could have poor writing skills for all languages including Chinese. Quite common among those Chinese educated who didn't do well in school, and older folks who primarily speak Chinese.\n(2) People who are English educated but can speak Chinese fluently would usually text in English. If they feel needed to express certain things better, Chinese words are written in Romanised texts and may even throw in Malay words in conversations. I think this may also include those who speak Cantonese instead of Mandarin, and as far as I know Cantonese writing is harder as it uses traditional Chinese so those who didn't learn it probably find it more convenient to just type in English.\n(3) If both persons went to Chinese school and thus have decent writing skills, it's likely texts are written mainly in Chinese exactly like how they communicate face to face. Usually these people can switch to English if it's a large group, or someone who can't read/write Chinese is in the group and the particular message is to include that person.\nI know there are other sub groups but it's about getting the intended message across anyway, doesn't matter what language, to ensure the other person gets it. I fall into the second group, although I've progressively (albeit very slowly) improved my reading/writing by also being in amongst the third group. But I still prefer to type in English to avoid misunderstanding." ], [ "Yes, even with my mandarin speaking family we all text in english" ], [ "All the time" ], [ "English is more forgiving when you have typos or just plain don’t know how to spell stuff." ], [ "Why I rather type English instead of Mandarin\nFor example:\nEnglish - Go Die lah u\nChinese - Ni qu \"is it shi or si? got H or not har? Let me go Google translate Die in Chinese\" la." ], [ "Some do, some don't." ] ]
Internships as a first year uni student
[ "Education" ]
Hi, Im a first year comp sci student at a public uni in KL. I've been thinking, since I'll probably rot at home for the summer holidays, I was wondering if I am able to apply for tech internships so that i can fill my sem break with something beneficial. Whoever is in HR/has done internships outside of the mandatory ones before please let me know, thanks! And pls let me know what I need to beef up my resume so that I can prepare in the meantime TLDR; Asking if tech internships are possible for a first year
[ [ "Yes but in my experience it would lack the necessary skill for a mature company. I would guess a smaller role in a non paid position if you can afford it would be a good option." ], [ "Just curious why intern at first year student , quite bold move, are u competing to be the first student graduate from your batch ?\nOf course there are no wrong but remember at the end of the day is your uni provide the approval of internship. Intern at first year seem risky due to immature knowledge but hey if u are the prodigy then try your luck.", "no im gonna do my mandatory internship in my third year regardless. This one is just a thing I want to do to fill my time and to make my resume look nicer. Other suggestions would be welcomed as well" ], [ "I won’t even read the CV from a first year intern. Unless you want to work for free, doing mundane tasks around the office.", "how would you suggest I do during the holidays then? Since you're in HR (assuming from your comment), maybe a suggestion that could buff up my resume. Thanks!", "Like some one said here. Spend the time building a project and post on GitHub." ], [ "There is no reason to hire students with nothing on their resume. Suggest you learn technologies and build projects" ], [ "Wouldn't really recommend, your first year does not really equip you with enough skills and knowledge that may entice potential employers. Imo spend your breaks by doing personal projects or if you have joined a club, then club projects. These will go a long way to not only make your resume/CV look nicer but you'll probably gain additional skills that you would not normally learn through standard uni subjects." ] ]
a very fun fact
[ [ "As a non-Malay, the I've mostly heard \"tewas\" when suspects are killed in police shootouts.\nAlso, it's missing \"maut\" and kembali ke rahmatullah", "kembali ke rahmatullah and wafat is Muslim-exclusive, and meninggal dunia is used by Muslims the majority of the time", "I thought \"Meninggal dunia\" is a more polite way of saying it?", "Yeah, meninggal dunia is used for everyone regardless of religion. Its a polite way to say mati.", "I was 8 and my family aren't fasil in Malay so they got me tuition for Malay. I remember writing an ayat with the word \"rumah\" and I wrote \"Kakak saya meninggal di rumah\". And my tuitor laughed and corrected me that meninggal means mati. I was shocked and horrified that I just cursed my non existing sister to die and never forgot the word.", "Well that's one way to learn the correct use of the word lmao.", "meninggal dunia is used by Muslims the majority of the time\nSorry OP, but that's not true at all. Anyone who's able to speak Malay decently would know and use the term meninggal dunia.\nAlso regarding that post, just wanted to point out that I'd say it's rather similar in English, and I'm sure in other languages too, whereby there are multiple ways to express death. Don't think it's a uniquely Malay language thing. Good to know though nonetheless.", "Yes if you express your condolences with the wrong term, for eg, “wa your father die ah?” as opposed to “my condolences, I was saddened to hear about your dad’s passing.” then expect wildly different responses.", "Malay-speaking Christians also use 'wafat' when referring to the death of Christ.\n\"Kristus telah wafat. Kristus telah bangkit. Kristus akan kembali.\"", "Sebab Nabi Isa pun revered figure in Islam maybe ?\nTapi cakap Kristus macam indon pulak?" ], [ "Menemui ajal : knock knock*" ], [ "tewas. mampus. gugur isn't death specific.\nThat's like saying fallen/departed means death just because it's used to mean death in certain context.", "usually in karangan we used to write \"gugur di medan perang\"", "this guy essays", "Extra point and teacher approved that", "\"decrease me there\"", "\"leave me alone\"" ], [ "Very rarely I've heard people use \"tewas\" in that context", "should read more", "Malaysian dont use that word to refer to death, its mostly Indonesian.", "this", "Kadang2 guna dalam ayat \"dia telah tewas kepada kanser\"", "Normally tewas means defeated, so you have to tewas to something. But I also mostly seen it in like a fight, like he tewas in battle and got KO, doesn’t mean he die also." ], [ "Fun, but not unique. Other languages have multiple words or expressions for death in different situations.\nDied. Martyred. Pass on. Passed away. Departed. Expired. Deceased.", "Gone. Be no more. Exited. Snuffed. Kicked the bucket. Bite the dust. Flatlined. Fell. Slained. Murdered. Killed. Hung. Executed. Met their maker. Returned to Earth. 6 feet under.", "In term of expressions, my personal favorite is \"swim with the fishes\".\nLocal version, \"resting in an oil barrel of cement\".", "It's an ex-parrot!", "expire, perish, succumb, conk, croak, demise, breathe one's last, cease to be, drop off, give up the ghost, kick the bucket, relinquish life, rest in peace", "Can’t believe no one said Kick the bucket" ], [ "Kojol", "Matrempit", "Kiok", "K.O" ], [ "\"Mati\" is usually used in a conversation about someone that you don't really care about.\nLike I will be upset when Baron Cat akhirnya menggunakan jalan pelangi, tapi kalau Biden mati lantak ah.\nAlso a equivalent to mati is \"kong\", but among my family at least it's usually used for objects, e.g., \"peti sejuk dah kong\".", "Kong Kong king king Kong king Kong\nMy family uses kiok and kojol." ], [ "In English, there's a great many.\nI promise it's not a rickroll" ], [ "That's a lot of word to explain \"meninggal dunia\" when it is simply the equivalent to \"pass away\" i.e. a more polite term for \"dead/mati\".", "And why should you use an English colloquialism, rather than a direct translation, to explain a Malay term?" ], [ "This is why I get annoyed when a foreigner tries to get me to teach Bahasa as a bonding experience. You'll never get it. I got an A for SPM because I learned from a Munshi. The language is crazy, that's why nobody speaks it formally.\nThere are many words for smell, many words for carrying something (in a bag? under your arms? with care? in your hands?), just sooo many nuances.\nMy family is of Pagaruyung/Minang/Sumatran descent and that's even crazier. They'll insult you but it will sound like a compliment. Halus dan tersirat. FYI, a lot of great Bahasa literature came from Sumatera.", "The way I only remember junjung because whenever I ask my mum where do I put this she always replies \"junjung atas kepala\"", "Here is an exhaustive list of the synonyms of \"bawa.\" Read through it and lord over your friends who speak bahasa pasar." ], [ "Tewas means death in Bahasa Indonesia but I don't think the meaning is same in BM, or at least that commonly used to refer death. Tewas means lose in BM." ], [ "\"Tewas\" is indonesian." ], [ "Tewas sounded more Indonesian. For religious context they should add syahid as well.", "that’s more like Martyr" ], [ "there's also meragut nyawa", "That's not dying, that's killing. We're discussing a dative case here.", "nyawa diragut? describes dying too", "More accurate but that's not a noun. That's a partial sentence, a happening." ], [ "I think there are at least a dozen more, right?" ], [ "I believe that's Chinese" ], [ "*insert one punch man 'death' punch" ], [ "\"Gugur\" can also be use to say miscarriage.", "It's also used to mean fruit falling off trees.", "Or when your balls suddenly snap" ], [ "there are other term as well \"Kojol\" and \"kiok\"", "That's bastard Northern speak." ], [ "Should definitely include \"maut\"" ], [ "Maut?" ], [ ":26554::26563:" ], [ "Kojol mane? Bukan kojol mati gak ke" ], [ "Tewas rasanya lebih biasa digunakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia\nada juga kembali ke Rahmatullah, Allah lebih menyayanginya", "Yes, and setahu saya juga, Tewas lebih sering diartikan kalah/to lose or lost dalam BM right?", "Kalau dalam konteks perang, tewas pun boleh bermaksud mati." ], [ "'Kebumi' also connotes the same meaning" ], [ "Its not just malay really , I mean , Swim with the fishes , concrete shoe , visited by the the reaper , knocking daisies etc...." ], [ "Don't forget Terkorban" ], [ "Given that Arabic is one of the root languages that influences Malay, this is no surprise. Arabic also has many many ways to say 'died'." ], [ "Where's kojol?" ], [ "“Sudah simpan”\nTakda ka?" ], [ "Imo mati is die, meninggal dunia is pass away, which we have both in English.\nTewas imo is defeated, so defeated by cancer can also mean death but its context, mampus imo is like.. idk exhausted till die? or combust into nothing, and gugur is like fallen, as in fallen soldier.\nOther 2 idk, but my point is that we do have all these sayings in English too. Like a fallen soldier we know means they died as well." ] ]
Questions on engineering job prospects
I'm a matriculation student and am going to fill up UPU very soon. I've been in a torn state for some time now. I've always been more interested in biology and have had plans to study biotechnology in uni. However, after extensive research I've come to the conclusion that most bio-related courses have pitiful job prospects in Malaysia. So, feeling defeated I'm seriously contemplating going for engineering instead (though I don't really like physics), as it seems to fetch much better job prospects. My question here is how are the career opportunities for fresh engineering grads, particularly chemical engineering?
[ [ "So, feeling defeated I'm seriously contemplating going for engineering instead (though I don't really like physics), as it seems to fetch much better job prospects. My question here is how are the career opportunities for fresh engineering grads, particularly chemical engineering?\nDepends.\nThere are tons of career pathways for you to take from consultation, construction,manufacturing , sales and even building maintenance\nSalary wise, work-life balance, company culture are varies from local Malaysian company to MNC . Good and bad companies, all applied to both, local Malaysian and MNC.", "There are tons of career pathways for you to take from consultation, construction,manufacturing , sales and even building maintenance\nMainly the reason why I'm turning to engineering haha" ], [ "I've been in a torn state for some time now. I've always been more interested in biology and have had plans to study biotechnology in uni. However, after extensive research I've come to the conclusion that most bio-related courses have pitiful job prospects in Malaysia.\nYep. Either you settle for a job with poor pay, do masters and hope to get a job overseas, or switch tracks and do something else. No idea about job prospect for chemical engineering, electronics engineering is booming as usual. Do you have any interest in electronics?", "Do you have any interest in electronics?\nNope, what I hate most abt physics are the electrical and electronic components, I'm ok with thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. So electronic engineering is totally out of my league." ] ]
With Melaka trams, restrict use of private cars, says expert
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Transport consultant Rosli Khan says only pedestrians, public transport systems and personal mobility vehicles should be allowed in Melaka’s narrow streets.
Umno veterans reject call to bring back local elections in KL
[ "Politics" ]
Umno Veterans’ Club secretary Mustapha Yaakub says DAP representatives will easily win in Chinese-majority constituencies if local polls are reinstated.
[ [ "Just like in Victoria 3, the landowner interest group will revolt if you try to push universal suffrage." ], [ "Actually it is tough for Chinese to win because of the ground sentiment. But on the other hand, if a Malay continues to perform on the top, no reason why other races won't continue to vote her or him. So in honest, I'm baffled." ], [ "then we know local election was an actual damn good idea" ], [ "Between politically appointed representatives and elected representatives? Of course an elected representative is preferred. Especially if there is local taxation (with commensurate reduction to income/corporate tax) is managed for local expenditure by said elected representatives." ] ]
Eight key legal reforms in 2023 that take Malaysia forward
PM hopes Japan will support Malaysia's bid for Security Council seat
[ "Politics" ]
Malaysia almost reaching there
[ [ "When I went to KL from Jakarta I was in shock. It was cleaner, had less motorbikes, and seemed more orderly. I was expecting usual south east asia chaos lol", "You should try visiting Singapore after this from KL. It'll be similar difference from Jakarta-KL." ], [ "Surprised with Argentina and Russia, especially the former has been mired in economy crash for decades" ], [ "Malaysia highly won’t be a developed country until we fix the instability of the government.\nTo fix the instability, we need to fix the rule of law.\nTo fix the rule of law, we need to fix the country’s political situation.\nTo fix the politics, we need to fix the people.\nTo fix the people, we need the people to think rationally, not emotionally or mindlessly.\nTo fix people mindset, it’s almost an impossible task without a shock.\nLet’s not go to the next step.\nAnyway, it’s just a damn hard jobs, PMX has maybe 2 terms top to change this. But so far, he has been really safe and doing all his predecessors did which is the policies to win Malays votes. We haven’t seen any big white elephant projects or projects with suspicious budget. The everyday corruption on all levels still the same, it’s lowering a lot but it’s still rampant.\nAll the policies that would changed the country for good are politically suicidal move. 1. The mindless subsidies 2. Corruptions on all levels 3. Improvement government departments efficiency and accountability 4. Overhaul of education system 5. Religious, race, and law 6. Business environments that is fair 7. Tax", "Our country is less \"stable\" than it was 20 years ago, but it has definitely improved in terms of democracy and rule of law. We've had three peaceful changes of government, and two ex-PMs charged, and one sent to prison.", "That’s what we thought, but from the perspective of investors it’s still highly unstable, we just changed of a government and PMX and his cabinets is so welcoming by rolling red carpet to foreign businesses and overturn so many of the rules by previous administration, some of which was changed again by last government. You see where I’m going? Every time there is a change of administration, the rules and law changes!\nNormal citizens wouldn’t know this, but if you have any business that requires dealing with our government, you would know that every time the government changes, the new guys will made your company life miserable if the company didn’t please the current overlords pleasures and stomachs full.\nThe constant changes is the instability of the country.\nThe constant hostility and superiority comments made by some of our current government officials and all opposition parties without consequences which has been going on ever since our independence doesn’t help either.", "This is why it is nearly impossible for us to be a first world nation. A complete change of mindset from the majority is required, yet we know they are strongly influenced by their religion and religious leaders/teachers. I’m not being racist, I’m speaking from experience as those I’ve asked, say they would rather forsake an advanced economy and stronger currency for religion and a better afterlife.\nWith regards to the political suicide moves, again another impossible task as any drastic action taken now would surely see a change in government next GE, and to protect themselves, the new administration would reverse all decisions and bring us back to step 1.", "There you go my friend, after some hard thinking that’s the same conclusion that came to me too.\nIf you are looking for prosperity but more than 60% of the population are not looking for that then 40% of us are in an unrequited love.\nThis is a huge problem most people don’t see, when I said most, that means more than 99.9% of the people.\nOut of topic, but that’s is why only 0.1% of the people contributing, owning, and have way much control over the rest of the people in terms of power and wealth.", "Unless we became a dictatorship like during M's 1.0 time, Malaysia will find it hard to change itself and become an advance 1st world country" ], [ "What criteria did we not meet?", "3 and 4… we should reach it by 2026 if based on current growth" ], [ "\"Almost reaching there\"\nDon't make me laugh. To be amongst the most economically advanced nations in the world we need to have a highly educated and skilled population to drive the economy. Take a good look at the situation of our country. Do you see a highly educated and skilled population outside KL, Selangor and Penang or perhaps JB and iPoh?", "You’re describing the urban-rural divide and that’s a common problem amongst all nations even developed ones. Look at the voting patterns of the Americans for instance. See anything familiar?" ], [ "Malaysia's path to development is hindered by constitutional privileges favoring the Bumiputera, fostering inequality.", "And also selected racism by the race that hold the economic via job opportunities and separate school system and language" ], [ "Only way we can reach Developed status is to kick PAS States out of the federation. Fundamentalists and religious rethorics are the ones holding us back." ], [ "Interesting, why aren't China not following other countries in the map?", "Only coastal China is richer", "and India too", "China's a big ass country and the pictures you see are all the big cities. Outside the big cities it's still a relatively poor nation although it has come far.", "Inequality… same like India" ], [ "Nah it will take at least another 20-30 years to reach blue status. Even UAE and Qatar are still green. Good news is that we will reach green status probably within 5 years." ] ]
Oddly specific briefs
[ [ "that's some expensive shit", "It’s in Turkish lira,", "Yeap that's tlr 9.90 x 0.16 = rm 15.84", "Punt intended? ><" ], [ "built in hole for pooping. no hassle bukak seluar dalam" ], [ "You better be near a toilet when you decided to wear one." ] ]
The door to nowhere @KL Sentral
[ [ "Probably for utilities, heavy equipment access maybe. Looks like subsequent addition, they spent money to add that in. Probably some new equipment that the original design doesn't accommodate for. KL sentral is like 30yrs old." ], [ "That's actually the doorway to Hogwarts.", "Ah yes, platform tiga suku", "one wrong step no more suku", "More like stairway to heaven (by going down)", "Was thinking the same", "You're supposed to walk right into the door without opening it." ], [ "Or maybe an emergency exit. If somehow the other entrance is inaccessible (eg fire), probably Bomba will put some kind of mattress underneath ask ppl to jump" ], [ "Door to heaven /s", "I cant use it cause im an Atheist =( That's just discrimination ><", "If you change now, you can at least take the stairway to heaven", "If you're an atheist, you can use anything and everything. Even op's mum" ], [ "Without the barricades, it's just a loony toon skit waiting to happen." ], [ "Our Platform 9 3/4", "Stairway to heaven" ], [ "Isn't this for monorail ? Originally the monorail was supposed to stop at KL Sentral.", "No, the monorail was never intended to pass through the middle of the KL Sentral building. This door isn't design for KL monorail.", "Sounds about right.\nAll the transport stuff was supposed to be there, you know, Sentrally... lol" ], [ "A door to Alam Ketuat Babi, only can be used by higher rank Shaman 🗿" ], [ "Oh hey im near this place." ], [ "shush\nit’s a secret room that is invisible\nlet’s go" ], [ "hogwarts train station" ], [ "New SCP dropped", "It just a safe class meh. Send some class-d to keep an eye on it." ], [ "You muggles can't use it obviously." ], [ "Door to meet God" ], [ "Actually it lead back to Zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka." ], [ "To valhalla" ], [ "The backroom type of shit going on" ], [ "Door way to heaven" ], [ "Poor planning", "Malaysia bad. Criticize first.", "It’s a landing. Probably can be used to easily crane heavy items from the upper floors to the ground floor.\nBut it’s easier to criticise everything first isn’t it?…" ], [ "they know people of the future can jump high and glide.. so they just prepared it. like how money is readily available, just have to double it or what not." ], [ "Ni dkt area ets ke ?" ] ]
SKMM aduan website down for days
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
How to complain when the complain platform itself is down Long queue chat system that always ended up replying \"Waiting for answer from Second Level\"
[ [ "Use this link: https://aduan.mcmc.gov.my/" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 28 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "Indonesians storm Rohingya residence, demanding their deportation\nHow true is this? Anyone from Indonesia can confirm?", "M'sian here. This is just as bad, if not worse, since the violence by the Indonesians unto their own fellow citizens in the 2010s, who are of different Muslim sects, such as the Shias or the Ahmadiyyah.\nEven if the cases against Rohingyas are valid, they still don't justify violence against the refugees." ], [ "Americans & Israelis are genuinely serious and concerned about Iran being a threat to both in the Middle East, and are allegedly using Houthis & Hezbollah as proxies to attack them while supporting Hamas.\nAnd yet, we have local macais here on socmed spreading weird conspiracy theories about how Iran & Israel are actually BFFs because the Jews invented the Shia or something and not because of the schism & war between the two over the Prophet's succession. They don't even listen to experts & analysts who understand the ME geopolitics better, especially those who happened to be Arab or Muslim." ], [ "a Christmas message and a Christian prayer from a Palestinian bishop\nI like how he speaks clearly, slowly, and uses simple words." ] ]
Night and weekend classes for Malaysian university
Anyone of you nyets has take or are taking their diploma/degree through Malaysian university night or weekend classes/Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ), if so: Where, why and how do you apply? How much does it cost? How hard mentally/physically or financially will it be? For context, i am 26 now working as a Customer Service (pay is decent but this is not want i want to make a career out of my life) just got my diploma but just now realizing there I made a mistake pursuing my field(Counseling and Guidance) and my cgpa is quite bad. I came from B40 so i cant afford to continue my studies the typical method. My only option now is studying while working, im planning to take some niche field and some languages course so that i can have better career prospect
[ [ "OUM for Degree in BA, weekend classes and if you do well with 3.8 CGPA each sem (getting into Dean List) you tuition fee for that sem is waived. I was bored at work and nothing much to do with my own life, so thought why not spend my money in education, it'll look nice in my profile. Haha. Since it's part time, took me 4 years to complete with 3 to 4 subjects per sem. If not mistaken my overall cost was RM20k+, bout 5 years ago. The class environment is pretty good since all are working adults, some of my classmates are retiree, they have more to share in class. I really like it there, feeling proud too.\nCurrently taking Fully Online MBA with SEGI, can finish in 13 months, total cost is RM15k. Enrolled during the edu fair earlier this year. IMO fully online is tough because you feel like you have no one else to go to, feeling demotivated most of the time, luckily I've got a friend that taking the same course as me. Self discipline is very important, all you get in fully online is course content, date for assignment due & exam, then you're on your own. I'm already halfway there with 2 subjects per sem, each sem is about 6 - 7 weeks only. Reason why I did it? I find that the school fees are rather affordable and I prefer to spend it on education than hobbies that might not stay with me for more than few months. lol.", "Nice! Can I know what made you pursue a MBA? Is it because it would help with salary raise in the future?", "I think it'll help in next job package negotiation instead of salary raise in current." ], [ "Wawasan Open University in Penang is known for part-time degrees and the fees are very affordable. Do discuss with the university regarding financing options. They do offer installment payments if I remember correctly." ] ]
Federal Court Ruling Sees the Removal Of Pre-Merdeka Law On Seducing Married Women
[ "Politics" ]
Malaysian Super League just ended. Congrats to JDT
[ "Sports" ]
[ [ "I dont follow malaysian football league since 2017, Wtf happen to klantan here", "New owner come in and tried to chew more than he can swallow. As usual, spend money like there's no tomorrow and when the result doesn't come in, they just crumble.\nThe project looks promising at first but I guess if you're shit, you're shit. There's also that whole fiasco of the owner allegedly interfere with the coaching staff and apparently controlling the starting eleven...", "Zamburger happened" ], [ "It's very clear our football infrastructure needs an overhaul and have more divisions beyond Super League. The level of Super League is probably equivalent to Europe's division 2-4. Even Japan's and South Korea's div 2-4 leagues might give our local teams a hard time", "We do have lower divisions, although I do agree the level between say the top 4 and the bottom 3 of the Super League is way too much of difference so they might have to reduce clubs in the Super League" ], [ "This is JDT's 4th unbeaten season, 10th Super League in a row and the first time in Malaysian Football history a side has reached 100 goals scored in a single season.", "Is our league even entertaining to watch anymore? JDT 4th season UNBEATEN. At least before they were acquired by the royal family, lots of different teams were fighting for the title, from what I remember there was Selangor, Kelantan and Terengganu?\nNow it’s like every season JDT walks over the rest of the teams, and it’s only “competitive” when they play ACL.\nEDIT: not Terengganu sorry.", "Selangor also acquired by the Royal family plus money from the state government.. Terengganu every year got state money.. still can't beat jdt", "100 goals scored and only 7 goals conceded.", "jdt nearly made an unbeaten record not because they were drawn with kedah" ], [ "kelantan dulu bukan main hebat sekarang hmm jelah" ], [ "We're literally a farmers league", "tbh yeah. football never brings profit to owner and stakeholders. no one wants to invest" ], [ "PSG of Malaysia" ], [ "Feels like JDT is like Bayern or Dortmund; only UCL dan see the real skills for Bayern and Dortmund. For JDT, it’s ACL. The league is just a training ground for them." ], [ "Play 26 Win 25 Draw 1 Lose 0\nJDT making Man City look like Man United" ], [ "Johoreans and people working in Johor: 🥴" ] ]
Fahmi: 70% of content removed were online scams and illegal sales promotion
[ [ "Im interested to know what were those berita palsu" ], [ "Which means 30% are due to criticism", "the other 30% includes fake news, terrorism related and pornography.\nSo even if we take liberally that all fake news are criticism, that counts 15%. You can criticize using the actual numbers. No need to inflate it." ], [ "What a bloody moron" ], [ "They got remove ads for ubat batin on the streets? They're more of an eyesore than ads" ], [ "Shoppee so many scam why no take down?", "Especially those fake electronic products, order bosch table saw, what I get is cheap crap with fake bosch sticker🤦", "Always buy from Mall label sellers", "Jangan tanya soalan susah." ], [ "Hard to trust a 'bloody moron'." ], [ "18k in one year is nothing to brag about….", "True, i believe scam ads or content is few times grater than that number 😨" ], [ "Why is this guy so fucking butthurt all the time? Just do your job and don't being a fucking dick about someone else's previous job.", "Butthurt is the fuel of everyone's work" ], [ "Im not pas supporter but goddamn this gov keep on blaming previous gov, just do your job", "The pembangkang mentality is still strong in their mind..", "DAP culture leaks to ph", "The thing is DAP gets real shit done. They get annoyed when they see the amount of shit they have to fix because the previous guys are so incompetent. I can't say the same for Fahmi though." ], [ "Lepastu letak filter auto ban yg tulis takleh lawan nisa ai. Cam vavi" ], [ "Let the public decide what is 'fake news'", "Public too god damn dumb", "Totally agree" ], [ "yeah, maybe do smthg about those annoying bot comments advertising crypto/fake thirst trap links on FB/IG? 70% konon", "He removed those posts, then he get called being authoritarian by PAS and weirdly by Reddit too. He posted the numbers, now he get called for not doing enough.\nSure, the mods will tell there is no agenda or astroturfing here." ], [ "If you say 30% were removed due to criticism, but you removed 25k posts Vs your predecessor removing 1k posts. Bruh, you still censoring and insecure." ] ]
Few days ago, Malaysian represent IamChuan won silver medal in Street Fighter 6 tournament at Global Esports Games 2023 in Riyadh. Congratulations on making the local FGC scene proud!
[ "Malaysia Boleh! 🇲🇾" ]
[ [ "The livestream archive is here.\nBut seriously, our country needs a lot of highly talented & passionate fighting game players.", "We do have a fighting game community here, made up of passionate players of varying skill levels." ], [ "Sold my pc to that guy. It was a GTX1060 pc. Hope he got a new and better pc for SF6" ], [ "love watching his guile, always support him since his sf4 days" ], [ "I want to get into tekken but the q time is so long..." ], [ "Espost player" ], [ "Nicee" ], [ "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" ] ]
Benefits of getting married in Malaysia
Just curious on what kind of benefits married couples will get in terms of govt incentives or income tax, etc. Need more insights on this!
[ [ "Able to checkin into OYO and cheap budget hotels and when JAKIM comes knocking, you can show them the card nikah, smile smugly, get a pat on the back and continue to kongkek", "You definitely did that", "She definitely did it" ], [ "I don't think we reach level like Germany yet. Where married couple have lesser tax.\nBut there are some, iinm SSPN and Health insurance for kids is deductable", "How about married couples that do not have kids? Any good benefits or incentives that are beneficial?", "Shared tax. But not really useful unless 1 not working, or 1 super rich", "nothing much." ], [ "Divorce money", "Bruhh that's dark" ], [ "Legally Buat Anak\nCan check in Budget Hotel then JAIS come, smile to them\nCan Share name in property/ownership\nCan walk together holding hands without Pak Cik Karim Masjid Busybody viraling it on Facebook\nCan show PDA without Mak Cik Kiah Suami Pak Leman viraling it on WhatsApp forward\nCan have sex in car without jais tangkap\nCan live together tanpa fitnah(Muslim problem mah)\nCan do pegging(any Queers want to be pegged secara Halal??!?)\nCan use Sex Toy legally\nNo need Alarm clock" ], [ "Govt incentives?", "Figured this kind of things doesn't exist in Malaysia" ], [ "Declare separately or together depends on your Tax Bracket. IRB will adjust so you see how in March 2024.\nGood Luck paying less tax. And claiming relief." ] ]
Damn, that's a big mf
[ [ "Troy anak Landry has arrived in Sabah" ], [ "The new Florida" ], [ "This croc has his penis exposed.\nNow you dirty monyets surely is scrolling back to find it right?\nK thx bye.", "..nice catch tho...nice eyes bruh🗿" ], [ "I know crocs are endangered and are important as apex predators, but...", "saltwater croc is not endangered lmao", "i stand corrected", "Then let’s kill them all!" ], [ "Damn...where's the first one" ], [ "How many Birkins can be made out of this?" ], [ "Why are they being killed? Why can't you just relocate them just like any civilozed society out there? This is the same shit in taman negara killing your own national animal, the tiger when everyone knows really well hat it's a national treasure, this is fucked", "makes me sad, pointless waste of life and everyone is taking selfies with it\nthere's better ways to do this but all wildlife rangers know how to do is shoot" ], [ "Keep killing them, what’s left then?", "The one that dwells on the land", "Mine brethren then" ], [ "If they can find 2 which is that big... there must be more. With the biggest out of pictures, new alpha will take over." ], [ "I have a good come back for your title OP, but then I realized I’m a civilized person, and I shall restraint myself." ] ]
Mat Sabu: Malays will not lose hold on PM’s post due to higher birthrate
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "I wonder why TFR for Malaysian Chinese is similar to Singapore Chinese", "Actually its lower. Malaysian Chinese fertility rate is 0.8. DOSM: Malaysia's total fertility rate for 2022 reaches lowest in 50 years | Malay Mail\nSingaporean Chinese is 0.87 Record number of marriages, drop in Singaporean births in 2022 - CNA (channelnewsasia.com)\nAdd this to rate of emigration, this country will demographically look very different within our lifetime.", "DOSM's figures only have one decimal place. Assuming two decimal places, 0.8 could mean 0.80 to 0.89. We can't say with absolute certainty that Malaysian Chinese birth rate is lower than Singaporean Chinese unless DOSM provides figures with two decimal places.", "Hold on, surely you can. 0.8 means 0.75 to 0.84. Both of which are lower than 0.87", "Doesn't matter if its one decimal or two decimal, what matters is, fertility rate is not just below 2.1, but even below 1.", "Chinese are concentrated in urban areas.\nUrbanized societies all have low birth rates" ], [ "This is probably the most common sense answer." ], [ "I disagree. Back in 2010, if I'm not mistaken, Singapore was outed for their policy of importing foreigners from China just to prop up the SG-Chinese population so they could maintain a 70% SG-Chinese population. Even though SG-Malay had a way higher birthrate than any other ethnic groups, they still continued to become the minority.", "Immigration to Msia is much more tightly controlled than SG, I don’t see why this is presented as a problem now." ], [ "quantity over quality but yes he’s right", "Halow, nama saya Kwat Kong Kek" ], [ "Correlation does not imply causation" ], [ "Sadly, a non-issue keeps getting highlighted instead of ideas and programs on how to take the country forward.\nWhy does it keep cropping up when there isn't the slightest hint that it will be challenged?\nThe insecurities and gullibility of a selected group are apparent and pounced upon by weak and selfish schemers with ulterior motives. Sigh...........", "Sabah and Sarawak: are we joke to you huh? Why must be malay and Muslim?!" ], [ "Only a fool makes this correlation. But Mat Sabu is not a fool. This is a political statement meant to calm the agitated.\nThe fact that the government needs to respond to a fool tells a lot.\nWhen will Malaysians wake up and understand that:\nWe need to right people for the job, including the PM\nThe people have the power, not the MP's or Miniters\nWe have 3 divisions of power, the Parliament, the Kings and the Government Workforce. One cant do shit without the other. That's a balance we cannot take for granted.\nI'm not a Malay and If I have to be the PM to clean up this mess and stand tall at least to Singapore, the hell I'l do a great job. Fools that talk rubbish can sit their ass down." ], [ "Once again, Mat Sabu hit the bullseye." ], [ "Anak rezeki (malay).", "My friend has 6,7,5 siblings. I have 2, me and my big bro." ] ]
Puchong landslide: Four cars and nine houses damaged
[ [ "tldr: Houses built on slopes are safety hazards" ] ]
Meta, TikTok report jump in Malaysian government requests to remove content in 2023
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Violates Article 10" ], [ "Where's the promised reforms?", "" ] ]
An open letter to lonely Malaysian boys out there
[ "Culture" ]
I've been seeing a lot of posts lately whether here or r/Bolehland about how the dating world seems hopeless for us men. Thing is, most of these posts comes with a lot of assumption on how every women perceives men and therefore made it hard. But that's further than the truth itself imo. Let me make my point. Sure, if we look at trends we'd see most these women looks at wealth and appearences but you forget that when you compare the women who does those are usually the ones with huge social value such as really beautiful women, why wouldn't they look for someone who can better their future? Plus most of the post Ive seen tends to be from very picky men who says "personality" mattered more but can be further from the truth. You might not realize it but when you're disinterested in someone your entire demeanor and the way you interact is vastly different with someone you are interested in. Imo if you pursue anyone and gave anyone a chance, you can basically had a chance with literally anyone but you dont do that instead you tend to choose girls who are really beautiful to judge, whom has higher social value instead of settling with YOU. In my years spending on this Earth, Ive seen so many men misunderstand so many women and that included myself. Truth is you never gave a chance to other women whom you deemed ugly or below your standard. Its not that its hard but moreso that you're doing the same thing those beautiful women are doing. Because 7 dates 7/8, 5 dates 5/6's. Thats just how life works unless again, you have a million dollars to bribe a 9. Fyi if you have that power as a men to be bribed by a 6 you would, ps5 in a lambo sounds nice. So now we established yes women do that but only those with social value can, so what is the problem with men? The problem is you need a better outlook in life and people. People arent as simple as yeah they all just want money so EVERY WOMEN dont want me, if you already think like that, lemme ask you how many women will agree with you if you said it out loud? Fyi they can sense you are this type of person without you saying it out loud. Imo women mature socially faster than men as well to understand which person is weird and which isnt, fact is if you have a thought(materialism) like that you are weird. This might look like a feminist open letter. Trust me its not, its the harsh truth that you have to face. If you really want just love and personality then value each individual as their own not trends, understand each person is different, take your chances and understand if a person says no does not mean they're not interested Just because you are ugly or broke but there might be layers to this, judge someone as how you will be judged. Do you like someone just cause theyre ugly or beautiful? No? Then its the same for women, if your personality can really shine without you looking like weird guy shouting stupid shit(good joke/charisma) then theyd like you anyway because that other person share the same views as you. You gotta understand that your partners are usually the ones that share the same views as you. So if you truly view the world for love alone then look for it! It wont be easy(trust me) but its out there! Like did you think finding someone who shares your view is easy? We cant even agree on simplest shit with the same gender lol. If you are someone who just wants someone above average and beautiful, work on yourself! Dont blame the world. You wanna look better? Go to the gym. You wanna know how to flirt? Talk/flirt/date more with everyone until you do it properly with the person you like. The guys who are able to do so, did all these for years from what ive seen. Personally i dont do it. Lastly, imo these are just how human behaviours are like, we want more or bigger things instead of looking around and gave more people chances into our lives, the same can be said in the dating world which includes you lonely men out there too not only the women you judged here. You might like someone and they dont like you back and sure you probably make a great couple if you are actually together doesnt mean the other share the same dreams and views you do btw, find the one who does. Yes getting the right person is hard, otherwise whats so sacred or special bout your relationship compared to billions of other people? I want to add yes there are really fking crazy n stupid women that can cheat, ditch, ghost and make false promises to men. But on the other hand there are also men who are stalkers, obsessive and fuckboys. So it goes hand in hand. So big Emphasis on SHARING SAME VIEWS AS YOU. In conclusion, society follows the rules it was set out by people and you are part of it. The things you want are just limited by your own ability because of not trying out things outside your box or comfort
[ [ "Well the phrase you have to enjoy your own company and love yourself first . Is a phrase i think everyone should know and hear.\nIf you want to date for the sake of not being alone, you create a kind of codependency and reliance for affirmation of love from your significant other, and that puts a kind of stress on the relationship to feel heavily one-sided\nAnd when people say no, its not necessarily a problem in terms of looks and or money. Sometimes youre just not their type and thats okay. You could be the sweetest apple in the world ; and some people just dont like apples.", "Reddit is awesome because someone named u/iStickStuffsUpMyButt gives good wholesome advice", "The conversation gets awkward when they ask ohh you use reddit too? Whats your username ?\nMe :", "For as long as I've been here in r/Malaysia, I always see you u/iStickStuffUpMyButt around here. Glad to see you doing well.", "Thank you mannn. I remember this sub used to be really small. It has grown alottt since then. I actually wanted to change my account cause its uh… ya know😂. But decided to keep it", "Dont. Nothing wrong with it lmao. Bonus point if you get your wife or gf into it too lol.", "Due to the nature of my work, i find it pretty difficult to maintain a relationship, last one uh.. did not end so well💀", "It did not stick huh?", "it was stuck for too long /s", "My grip strength is pretty good", "You could say that hahah", "", "🤣", "ehem, can i? 🤭", "r/rimjob_steve", "As long as it's not a glass bottle that could break", "on the more harsh side of this, if you dont enjoy your own company, why would ANYONE want to be around you? you cant even stand yourself!\nalso, if you're aiming for 8-10s, are you yourself an 8-10?\nif you TRULY are just aiming for companionship, drop your target ratings. your success rate will go up.", "This is so damn true. Adding on to the loving yourself first bit, two broken halves don’t make for a wholesome relationship. And if you sendiri don’t like yourself how to expect others to do so?", "actually if you dont love yourself , youre more susceptible to emotional abuse, you might view bad traits as ‘ thats who they are ‘ because you dont want to be alone. Ive seen this happen countless times among my friends", "As someone in their late 30s who only quite recently started dating women who I'd consider conventionally hot and attractive, and spent his whole life thinking he's an ugly loser no hot girls will ever love, I have on good authority say that love yourself is one of the best advice, its so easy yet people refuse to do it.\nInstead of going out just to find someone who love and validate you, make it a point to go out and have fun because you want to, with your friends. If you're the most fun guy in a club, women would introduce themselves to you. Focus on making money, learning new things, do things that are good for you, don't focus on some quick pussy you know could do much better than you. Instead of looking at YouTube video to learn some funny pick up lines, actually expand your horizon and have a sense of humour, go watch a comedy. There's a difference with saying funny things vs actually being a funny person. If a woman thinks you're funny she'd laugh even if you don't say anything.\nWhen you go 'ah why doesn't hot women like me', no shit bro, if you're thinking that you clearly don't love yourself. You're much better than you give yourself credit for, just make it a point to stop being a loser and seek women's validation.", "Last part is something too many guys don’t realise, and they end up hating girls as a whole because they wanna believe that they got rejected not because she’s a human and can form her own thoughts and feelings, but because he’s “not rich or handsome enough”.\nEdit: forgot to add not in “not rich or handsome enough”", "I guess because it is easier to hate than to have compassion", "Exactly otherwise we'd have more priests than pimps s/", "This is beautifully put out, and I wish more people can see this this message. 🙂", "You could be the sweetest apple in the world; and some people just dont like apples\nThe best way to put it into words. Sometimes, it's not a you or them issue, it's just...non-matching chemistry. And in those cases, staying as friends would be better", "once— i tried to make things work; kinda forced it. And thats how i learnt my lesson.", "100% agreed" ], [ "Jfc just stop whining online about how you can’t find love while generalising the opposite gender in a bad light. It makes you look super pathetic and less desirable", "incel behavior is so damn weird.", "you remind me of someone sayin they aint involuntary incellibate. still dunno what he meant 🤔", "A negative of a negative of a negative. What", "KANN 😂😂", "I was gonna comment incel are bred differently. You beat me to it lol", "Im male wif wife tho", "Speaking in general. Wasn’t targeted towards you", "Oh rofl I thought you replied to post, yes you are right totally though Speaking trash even to your own gender is wrong imo which Ive seen too, so imo just view ppl as ppl lol.", "What if I want to find a partner, but that person has to have little to no social media presence. (I guess little social media presence would be more realistic, no social media presence at all sounds like an impossible thing to do/to find these days).\nMy question is, is this a realistic standard? Or an outrageous standard?\nI'm male btw.", "Well depends, one might ask why you need that requirement? I might assume because you feel like you dont want them to post photos of themselves or advertise themselves online all the time.\nSure its a standard you can add albeit you might not find a lot of girls who dont do that.\nSocial media is literally the best place to market yourself AND show your social status and fabricate it higher. Which is what most women do compared to men who buys fast cars, watches and whatnot.\nAnyway back to the point. My wife rarely posts online and she sometimes do when special stuff happens and our face or sometimes only her face is in it, real question is, are you fine with a girl like that? If not then you lean towards extreme standard.\nImo any standard or boundaries must be exercised with proper balance without leaning towards too much or too little\nSo if lets say your a insecure fella bout ur girl running off with another guy and she wants to hang out with a group with guy in it. Ok sure, but in a big group with lots more girls in it(a good boundary) now imagine if its literally 9 girls to 1 guy and you still dont let her hang out, thats extreme.\nAlso it works vice versa if she can hang out with a group of people then you should be able too. Also you need to set and say you need videocall time to time during outing as a standard and you'd do the same.\nAll these needs proper communication and set of boundaries in the start of a relationship.", "Bingo. You're correct with your assumptions. +10 points for your sir.\nSure its a standard you can add albeit you might not find a lot of girls who dont do that.\nWell, I don't really mind that. Makes it easier to narrow down the... Calon if you will. But... That being said, it's not a mandatory requirement, it's just a bonus if she's not active on social media. One which I should clarify earlier in my parent comment.\nSocial media is literally the best place to market yourself AND show your social status and fabricate it higher.\nSee? That's one of the reason for my standards (which is not a mandatory requirement, but an added bonus if that person checks this box). When you say, market yourself, show your social status and fabricated it higher, it makes me feels like she's okay with showing her value, her social status, income level, her earnings, her lifestyle, etc. It makes me feels like she's showing off, you know? Like... Bragging, or berlagak (for the lack of better word) about her lifestyle, her social status. It's like she's saying \"hey, look at me world\". It's like she's craving attention from the public. After all, I've never seen (so far) anyone who's post something online about their hardship, their bad news... Only good news, and good things that happens to them.\nNot only that, when you post too much about yourself online, for the world to see, it could also attract... Unwanted attention. For example, stalker, etc. I think you understand and get what I mean with my point here, so, I wouldn't elaborate much further.\nOr idk, maybe I'm just weird.\nMy wife rarely posts online and she sometimes do when special stuff happens and our face or sometimes only her face is in it, real question is, are you fine with a girl like that?\nAs for your example, yeah. That's exactly what I want and what I mean when I said my standards. Am I fine with a girl like that? Yeah, sure. In fact, that's the kind of girl that I'm looking for. The real question is, are there anymore girl like that? Dun dun dun.\nMaybe there are and I'm just awfully blind.\nSo if lets say your a insecure fella bout ur girl running off with another guy and she wants to hang out with a group with guy in it. Ok sure, but in a big group with lots more girls in it(a good boundary) now imagine if its literally 9 girls to 1 guy and you still dont let her hang out, thats extreme.\nEh I don't think I have any issues with this currently (don't know if I'll change my mind in the future, not in a relationship in the moment). But if she intends to run off with another guy, I would pretty much appreciated it if she just tell me in the beginning of our relationship, or before the start if our relationship, as to not waste both of our time. It's like, \"You're not my first rejection bro\" kinda situation.\nSo, how about it? Am I weird and creepy for my standards? (which again, is not mandatory requirement, just an added bonus if she checks the box) Or is that considered normal and acceptable?", "Youre ok, its just your preference. Just dont go an extreme route of madness(like total off grid lol) then youre fine.\nSee? That's one of the reason for my standards\nI want you to know and realize that its not wrong to \"want to show off\" because like it or not everyone does it and it includes you in different ways. Its just that people who dont conform to normal ways of showing off like expensive stuff and social media does so in other means(which they themselves dont realize). We are human beings that need to cope and this is the way we do it: showing off.\nAnyway hence why looking for a girl that shares the same view as you do is important and hard even harder considering shes off the grid lmao. How you gonna find her online when she is the type that doesnt post much? The only way you can is quite literally talk to real people and find out they dont post online. So no, youre not blind, its just people who dont post online are near non existent and super hard to find cause again, social media is what CONNECTS people lol. Like my wife for example, we didnt meet online and I found her irl by pure coincidence.\nI would pretty much appreciated it if she just tell me in the beginning of our relationship\nSadly thats now how life works or people who cheat would do. Plus thats only IF* theyre cheaters. Problem is most issues and arguments also can stem from insecurity with significant others so establishing boundaries and rules is king.\nSo again, you are not a creep, just that you need to start understanding \"why people do things?\" as in why tf they would advertise themselves like that? Refer to my first paragraph here.\nImo you are gonna be fine with a girl who does post photos of herself and her life(like as in prolly more frequent than my significant other) eventually but arent those who goes EXTREME LEVEL of posting A LOT. Those are either local celebrities, influencers, artists or social media maniacs, you can avoid those easily lol. I also personally dont prefer those. Just find the balanced type who probably do it but not so extreme.\nBesides the ones that post nothing at all are literally disconnected from the world lol, have you ever talked to them? They dont follow any topic, current news or interests in anything other than their own in my experience.", "It's a standard, but do you apply it to yourself too, or is it a double standard?", "Hell, if that person wants to applied the same standard to me, I would happily obliged, as I don't have FB, Twitter nor Insta, muahaha.\nActually, I do have FB, it just that I don't use it actively anymore, aside if I have to really use it, for example to register an account using FB.\nYour move. >:-)", "Can i ask why do you have this requirement?", "Eh... There's a lot of reason, but, let's just say on of the main reason is... If I were to seriously want to have a serious relationship with that person, and having the goal of marrying her in the end... I would prefer, or like if she don't show too much of her personal life for others too see, before and/or after marriage.\nThat being said, it's just bonus, not a requirement. Benda boleh bincang ma...", "I found one such creature. It’s good because I get to discover things about each other in person. But part of me still wishes for that social media “cheat sheet” haha", "Well, I'd say that one of the reason for me too but...\nWhat is this social media \"cheat sheet\" you're talking about...? 🤨🧐" ], [ "Know your worth. Like seriously, take a good, hard look at the mirror and objectively rate yourself. Sure, easier said than done but necessary. I've seen m'fkers on here with the personality of cardboard and the signs of an incel or simp wondering why they can't get the girl of your dreams. The problem is you.", "10/10", "Thank you" ], [ "My Advice to them is that no one owes them any kind of attention.", "forever alone?", "LOL I haven't seen that meme in a while.", "100 %", "Except parents imo but that’s another bucket of worms" ], [ "This isn't a \"Malaysia\" problem.\nIt's an \"everywhere\" problem.", "Hahahaha true! I mean well seen so many posts here gotta post it here though xd" ], [ "my advice: 1. Wash your hair, trim your nails, iron your shirt. 2. Dont use a perfume if you’re not sure if the scent really compliment you, use a nice shampoo or aftershave 3. Refrain yourself from using a condescending tone. Never try to explain something that you simply assume she might not know 4. Never say “Let me try you/ let see if you can answer this” in her field, respect her profession 5. Be a genuine and loving person, and learn to be contented with what you already have.\nHere’s a quote from DH Lawrence:\nThose that go searching for love only make manifest their own lovelessness, and the loveless never find love, only the loving find love, and they never have to seek for it\nMan or woman, you want to be with a person who is radiating and bring happiness, not a person who eagerly wish to prove they are superior than you in whichever way like the annoying colleagues that you couldn’t avoid. So try to be that person, people will come to you." ], [ "I have been seeing this reoccurring topic on guys can't girls in Malaysia.\nGuys have you even try to talk to the girls ?\nDo you share the same interest / point of view ?\nAre you trying to get in to a relationship for the right reason ?\nSome want a gf who will cook and clean for you LMAO you want a maid is it ?\nBeing in a relationship is more than the physical intimacy. It's about commitment, and commitment is not easy.\nIf you still make fun of peoples appearance, well you ain't mature enough to be in a relationship.", "Sir, this is reddit. Mostly virgins and neckbeards here.\n/s before I get downvoted into oblivion.", "I have a number of friends whose existence is purely because of the need to tick boxes. Their families can be utterly dysfunctional either because of social or economic or personal reasons.\nIt's mind-boggling. But then again, I wouldn't have them as a friend otherwise if they didn't pop out so... something I'm grateful for." ], [ "Another issue to point out is the lack of equitable pulling of weight in domestic labour.\nMen are far more likely to think they are doing their fair share of domestic work, when in actuality it is far less than women when living together. This puts a strain on the relationship, as women try to juggle raising the children, advancing their careers and looking after a man child.", "Can confirm. When I was a child, I remember thinking my dad was more of a child than I am, and my mom had to pay more attention to him than me, the literal youngest child in the family. Even as a child, I had to wash his dishes that he left anywhere and his laundry when my mom couldn’t find the time to do them. For the record, my mom works longer and earns more than my dad. So it pains me to see people acting as if “biawak hidup” isn’t a real and significant phenomenon plaguing marriages all over the world.", "Yes thanks for pointing that out, im guilty as charge in this but I try to help when my wife asks me to(she appreciates it a lot which in turn makes me happy). I think Ive seen a few who doesnt at all which led to the downfall of the rs.\nAnother to point out are those men who work on hands on or outstation jobs bringing in 5k like gas to construction. Tend to have lack of helping hands at house chores. I know it strains them but I think its the effort or care they show it matters more to wife than the actual result theyve made at home(cause ik fo sure i didnt do much at home lol compared to her)", "I think the point is to “help” without her needing to ask. Although the correct word should be “do” because you’re not “helping” her. House chores and child-rearing are both people’s responsibility so both should do, rather than just help the one person who’s by default in charge of it all. And I hope not too many men will use “I bring money” as an excuse, because women working + housekeeping + child-rearing is the norm (especially the abundant single moms in the world), it should start being the norm for men who have been in the working world longer and earlier as well.", "I think the point is to “help” without her needing to ask\nTrust me I do, you know the husband instinct when you see dishes not done and she bout to walk into kitchen? Ya i got my ass up and went in and wash it right away haha.\nYeah agreed on everything else though. I do think its the perfect relationship ever if the husband help without needing to be asked.", "5k isn’t even really that much tbh (not saying it’s nothing but given the cost of living these days, 5k isn’t a lot - more so if you have a family).", "Well yeah if u live in a city and has rent that cost upto 1-2k. But overall its enough for most people(trust me bro), not sure how they did it but i couldnt if its household with 2 kids total income." ], [ "Some people just rush themselves into relationships just because of peer pressure and can't stand being single. Get out more and become a better person and pieces will fall into place.\nBut personally though, I find relationships overrated anyway. There are better things in life than romance. I'm not being an incel prick or something but worrying too much about girls is just setting yourself up for disappointment." ], [ "Completely agree with you. Some men who complain that no woman wants them are the men who probably look like they've never taken a shower in their lives. I have a lot of grinds whom are girls, and I can say that most of them aren't interested in dating bc frankly, they are more interested in working on themselves.\nAnd plus, some men also only go for the prettiest women, and ignore the less attractive ones. Like damn, maybe if they stopped putting weird beauty standards on women, they might start realizing most women are beautiful just the way they are. I've a few male friends who claim that a woman with body hair is disgusting, and they make fun of chubbier girls (they weren't even fat, just not as skinny as they like).\nAnd just a question for fellow men, are yall more interested in chinese girls? I see that many boys only take interest in chinese women. Is it true? 🤔", "When in early 20s, where gatherings and parties, I found that the most broke'est'/ugliest or even the down in the dumps self esteem guys will still go for the prettiest posh looking girl in the room if THEY themselves think have chances, and then put the girl they are talking to at back burner. Then the audacity blame the 10/10 girl for being gold digger/high maintenance when he can't keep up🙄", "True story ma friend 🙄😭. Literally they will rush to the 10/10 and then ignore All the other girls in the room, even the ones who casually try to talk. Then when cannot get the 10, all the incel accusations come out in full force.\nBy then all the other women also don’t want to layan him because they saw his perangai, then he will blame All girls are hard to get EvEn the UgLy ones and continue to cry baby.", ", some men also only go for the prettiest women, and ignore the less attractive ones.\nI mean they can go for whoever they want tbh, same for women. It is a problem when they expect everyone to be attracted to them when they don't spend effort in improving themselves though", "yeah that what i meant! It is completely fine to have a type that ur attracted to, but dont go mingling with women outside of your league, then when they arent interested, say things like \"no women wants me\" or \"all women are the same\"", "Nah imma be upfront, it's a problem affecting both men and women.", "Late to reply but agreed with your points too. People arent self aware and its sad, this is why people honk just waiting 3 seconds lol or an uncle auntie complain over simplest stuff.\nIdk bout interest in chinese girls, honestly speaking Im cina and my mom has put pressure on me dating them and marrying them. But I couldnt find one that align with my interests or talk to me with the same chemistry. Also I got myself into meeting materiaistic ones so thats a no no too.\nAt the end i found a native sabahan, so married and here we are. We align really well but not in the same hobbies or interests just as how we talk, view things and work together. Mum was not super stoked at first but grew to it.\nSo in the end im a firm believer in personality over race as preferences go.", "glad ur in a happy marriage! Im a chinese girl, and the reason i ask that question is because i constantly get hit on. This may sound like Im really attractive or pretty, but honestly, im not at all. And i know that Im not, so im not really interested in a relationship and am just minding my own bussines. Even so, boys, especially malay and foreigners (like from pakistan or bangla) always ask or propose to me.\nWhich is weird, bc i have one indian friend (girl) and she's wayyy prettier than me. But she rarely gets hit on or confessed too. Not only her, I have so many friends of different races (like indian, thai or penjabi) whom are so fking beautiful, and yet none of them gets hit on as much.", "Imma make a few really PLAINLY PUT points as a guy and imma expose some of my boys so listen close:\nBeauty standards in Malaysia prefers whiter skin over darker which is sad. Tbh i found a few indian girls really attractive before but theyre usually not hit on which is stupid imo(they were slim and beautiful face like a model). Dont ask me why i didnt cause i was a shy ass guy before and idk them.\nDating culture in Malaysia this is from PERSONAL experience that I talked with my Malay friends that said wanna \"play\" with Chinese girls. Cause its not like they gonna end up marrying. They will want to marry their own religion or culture. The same can be said when Ive heard of experiences on Chinese friends hooking up with Muslim girls and ghosting them afterwards. It goes both ways.\nWell society what can we do. We are just smarter animals lol.", "One more thing. For some reason Chinese girls are really good at maintaining their physiques (not bone skinny, just not being overweight), while Malay women (and men) eat a lot of crap (bubble tea, k-bbq, cheesy leleh) to the point that the average Malay is overweight.", "Well i have to admit its probably a familial and culture on the chinese side tend to have bland food and taste compared to other races in Malaysia like how many times have you heard them say \"teh tarik kurang manis\"? Plus chinese mothers would pressure their child to stay slim lol with name calling and whatnot.", "It is toxic unfortunately, but the point still stands that Malays need some \"kesedaran\" for their own health.", "Lol was about to say this. OP put it so well. I gave up hope in dating my own race because their preferences are just not for them. Im considered tall and also on the bigger side hence they are never interested in me even I tried going after them.\nBased on my mother constant abuse of me, and the many men who rejected me, my best guess is they prefer the petite, skinny type of girls. My mother had always wanted me to be either chopsticks thin or heroin thin🤷🏻‍♀️ lol", "Yes every man has a preference just as how women today likes Kpop looking guys over muscular Arnold type of guys despite both put effort in their looks.\nMy best advice to girls who are tall and on the bigger side having hard time finding someone interested is to just work on yourself. A guy would definitely fall head over heels for you(i mean jesus have you seen how many simps in the internet want a muscle mommy? News flash theyre way larger than you can imagine, especially white women that did this)\nSo Id assume (just an assumption dont come after me sorry if im wrong) your mother has kinda put a mental block on you, if you workout and lose weight you're proving her right and if you don't its hard to appear in the trend for guys preferences today.\nBut fear not, at the end of the day whether you want to workout or not is up to you and truth is there are people that like your body type but harder to find just as its hard to find girls into Arnols bodybuilder body here LOL.\nAnyway these are just advice to help your dating world and finding a match but in long term relationships is entirely a different story.\nFun fact: tall women are pretty hot btw", "Lol dont worry, Im working on myself now. I even stop seeing family members/s who would utter the sentence of “you look fat”. 😂\nIm not gonna be skinny and probably never will and im going for the look of Caroline Girvan. Having that tone/muscular look is a lot of discipline and hard work.\nAnd im getting married😂", "Congrats! See it doesnt matter anyway hahaha\nLove matters more than anything else, i mean i grew a huge dad bod after marriage Lmao.", "lmao come to my old school, they worship tall girlies bc most girls are quite short.", "True love is such a beautiful thing, it’s a blessing from Allah! We must praise him and then he will find us our rightful partner. Amin", "what", "Dude why the downvotes? I just try to express some beautiful message, and people on this subreddit react like that one lah?", "Please you edited your comment from ‘everyone knows Chinese girls will do anal that’s why’. Trying to flame religion sentiments is it…don’t be cheeky", "Damn your memory is goddamn good haha! Even on the other post its really great.", "Haha screen shot is ma receipts against these loonies", "He has a hard on for anal or something\nHere's him harassing a teenage girl\n\"Just don’t dress like an anal prostitute and you should be fine 😜 Best is always long leggings and long sleeves\"", "Good lord, I mean you can have all your sexual preferences tapi kena ada batas man. Leave the kids and underage folks alone!. What in the world is even an anal prostitute 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️", "What was Malaysia like in early Middle Ages, like 6th century or something. It’s something like Bali alredy lor?", "These two goons who took you seriously 🤣🤣🤣", "Yeah little sis, they just hear ‘haram, haram’ and instantly lose their sense of humour", "really? damn i didn't knew that despite being a malay guy.. because as far i know many fellow malay men hate anal because it's taboo" ], [ "Firstly, it’s about being really honest with yourself. Like, deep reflection honest. What do you find attractive with the opposite sex? Do you value a person for how pretty they are? And if so, why? What does that say about you and what your priorities are? What about personality? You can be attracted to someone physically, but the long-term is in personality and chemistry.\nIn my experience dating, I find a lot of males being very preoccupied with having a pretty girlfriend, and setting that bar really high. Not everyone is going to look like an influencer or model, and that’s the reality of it.\nAnother thing people have mentioned, loving yourself first is important. Not in a selfish way. But the sort where you take care of yourself. Your hygiene, how you look, how you feel in a positive mental health way. A lot of that goes back to reflecting what you really want and your priorities.\nIn the end, a relationship isn’t supposed to be a self-fulfillment thing. It’s a mutual commitment two people have towards each other with mutual feelings as its foundation.", "Well said good sir, I think a lot of people forgot this and went for the fantasy of dating\nIn the end, a relationship isn’t supposed to be a self-fulfillment thing. It’s a mutual commitment two people have towards each other with mutual feelings as its foundation." ], [ "Easier to blame women than to look internally at oneself imo. That's how MY has (mostly) functioned, they would rather blame external factors than look internally to see what the root cause is." ], [ "Just go to through the post history of the people who made this kind of posts and you can tell why they are alone.", "Damn well put there and yeah very true, but hey I forgive people time to time. I also had stupid views and made cringe comments. All i gotta say in this open letter is to LEARN. So we dont make the same mistakes twice." ], [ "Build discipline by taking care of your health & going to the gym\nGet your finances together. Avoid wasting money on luxurious food and items that you cannot afford\nHave class, don't be a horny rempit or a misogynist asshole\nAnd with that, it's no longer a question \"How do I get a girlfriend?\". It's about \"What sort of woman is worthy enough to be my girlfriend? How picky is too picky?\". You're no longer the one who has to be about being rejected, but the one who has to think about how to reject people politely", "Agreed, I actually had the same mentality after being rejected and 4 years later found my wife. I also kept my options open during those times and talked to more women which actually helped my dating/flirting skills before approaching my wife with better first impressions.", "Did 1,2,3 and I think majority of women will just pull my standard and quality of life down.\nI can still improve more on 1, (getting more muscle and cutting) but we have an issues of current women having unrealistic expectations now.\nNo amount of gym maxing is going to change your face attractiveness.", "Do gym for health not for girls mayn", "women who have unrealistic expectations are a red flag in the first place\nneed to filter away those. Ask about her expectations in a marriage before getting married" ], [ "mans speaking straight fax hope more people will come to realise thise", ":26558:" ], [ "Yeah those posts are kind of weird ngl. Well for me the reason I'm not dating is simple enough, I don't go outside and try to meet new people. xd" ], [ "I honestly agree with you. I think managing expectations from both parties need to be there at the forefront, but something about my personal experience is that instead of specifically looking out for things or character that I want from my significant other I focus more on what I do not want, with no expectation that my now wife will change and measure will I still be happy that way.\nThat change of perspectives have certainly help me a lot on coming out from a darker place mentally and so far I couldn’t be happier with the relationship I have with my wife.", "Bo burnham's \"lower your expectation\" song actually make this make sense a lot. So glad to hear the change of heart and story on your side which mine did too when I was younger and got wife because of it." ], [ "Yeah, they care too much about women, there are a thousand path to success, but it all boils down to one thing, IMPROVE YOURSELF. Those top tier women you want are probably not worth it, they have too many options, and you probably won't fit their bill, so why not save that time and do something that makes you happy?", "Preach brother" ], [ "Here's the the thing with women, they give a big fuck about personality, you can be broke, you can be ugly, you can be short, but if you're really funny, you're genuine, you're a nice guy, you are any of these, someone will likely give you a chance or the best case scenario, likes you. It's really that simple.\nTrim your nails, spend that RM25-40 on a good haircut, get a good perfume, in fact get any perfume, get that cheap uniqlo t-shirt, learn fashion. Work out, jog, be funny, learn how to be funny, be charismatic, learn how to be charismatic, be genuine. When interacting with women, expect nothing in return, just be nice, be polite, treat your waiters/waitresses properly, do your job on time, treat your elders right, treat your friends right, be a fucking decent human being. Don't be misogynistic, when you finally get a date, don't rush sex, in fact, don't expect sex, they don't owe you anything. Don't expect to date/marry a 10/10, an average looking girl can change your world. Stop watching those sigma videos. Get a hobby, read book, find a community that you can get into, be passionate about something, find friends, go hiking or whatever, get off reddit.\nMost of the time, people who complains about \"not getting girls\" are just really terrible men, both men and women dislike them.\n...and if after all that you're still not getting girls, well, your intentions are wrong in the place.", "Don’t know what they expect that marry a 10/10, straight away transform into a chad or what, or caterpillar into a butterfly, lol. If you yourself can’t change much of yourself, what makes you think anyone can 🤷‍♀️. Best advice my man, esp unfollowing all those sigma influencers.", "Ukur baju di badan sendiri, you can't really expect to be marrying or dating 10/10 girl, if you yourself aren't a 10/10 dude. Though I've seen a 10/10 girl marrying an average dude, and vice versa, but they have other amazing qualities that compensate their looks. Imo looks are overrated, someone can be attractive if they have an attractive personality.\nMost of these people really only cares about appearances, because deep down they know they don't have any personalities whatsoever, while at the same time, they have 0 effort in taking care or upkeeping their own appearances and their biggest issue is expecting something in return for any form of kindness towards a woman.", "Yup, they will hanker down on 'i was kind and nice'. Dude, that is basically the lowest bar and decency anyone should have as a human. They act as if that required gargantuan effort, and it's a special trait 🤷‍♀️" ], [ "No one owes anyone love and affection. You have to enjoy your own company and be comfortable with being alone before loving someone else, otherwise, you’re basing your entire identity on wanting to be loved instead of being someone one wants to be in a relationship with." ], [ "I'm glad people like you exist, I won't say the same for me but I reckon every other Malaysian boys could learn from you\nI however vowed to not be in a relationship because of how I act when I'm in one, as I've been in a couple a few years back. I realised that I'd become one of those abusive partners and that scared me so I withdrew from any and all relationships from thereon.\nBut yeah to love others you must first love yourself, never bring your standards high if you yourself couldn't meet those standards", ":26555:" ], [ "I’ve just been thinking about why a lot of guys are so “desperate” that they pursue an online stranger who happens to be female, like how Redditors say “rip dm” when someone reveals reveals that she’s a girl. Not just on Reddit, but on any online platform. You don’t even know the girl, or what she looks like. It gives off the impression that they’re not trying to get into relationships because they actually like the girl. They just date for the sake of having a girlfriend. Because having a girlfriend makes them look great and elevates their status? I don’t know, I really don’t understand their logic. And then they wonder why no girl wants them. Most girls aren’t looking for guys who only view them as some kind of a game achievement. Looking for relationships in this manner is bad enough, let’s not get into the topic of guys looking to have sex with any coochie as long as it’s a coochie 🤔" ], [ "IMO, work on yourself first by putting enough effort on your own looks/scents, mental well being , get that money/job you want, be open to explore try new things and naturally if you have a decent personality (most of the people complaining I’ve seen typically have personality issues) and know how to talk. Naturally, should be able to get dates or get a partner.\nSource; personal experience from myself and people around me" ], [ "I have my thoughts about this as well and experience advice to the singles going for long term relationships:\nAsk yourselves if its truly necessary to bring someone into your life and what could you bring (positively) into their lives (if you are unsure of this, goto my 2nd last paragraph).\nIf you work, get a hobby that enables you to interact/socialize with people outside of office to widen the pool. Venture out abit, invest your time,effort and money to get to know people. Dont be an absolute people pleaser, just genuinely be good and polite especially to not repulse anyone off.\nIts natural to go for pretty people (dont feel judged about this, men and women, its perfectly normal). be mindful on long term: Looks not a guarantee good personality. Also looks wither over time some sooner than you think so dont make it hard priority.\nYour top on the list is good personality, someone that is genuinely pleasing to you, wont bore/annoy you off your socks nor torture or kill you. you shouldnt be the latter to them as well.\nLastly building a relationship is a commitment, an investment which you need to work on, together. Goodluck" ], [ "Also sidenote:\nThere's a massive difference between being ugly and BEHAVING ugly. As someone with BPD and MDD i always present myself in the worst possible way. My outlook on life is so fucked to the point that people especially woman find me unbearable to be around. I understand that and spent the next year trying to be better both emotionally and physically. Case in point is you need to be better cuz no one wants to be around people who are miserable all the time. Be kind and compassionate always\nit's hard i know, people with depression tend to have a more realistic outlook on life you won't overcome it but you can accept the worst possible outcome and make people's lives better,just because your heart is black and broken doesn't mean everyone else has too\nSecondly, understand for every lonely depressed man out there, there is also lonely depressed woman too who's lives are fucking awful and miserable the only difference is they don't have a clowns like Andrew Tate or all these manosphere cock sucker to massage their ego ( there is some femcel in the wild but that is the result of the patriarchy and the environment being generally sexist but taken to the extreme ). The moment you remember this and understand their struggles in their day to day lives the more open you are to listening and be a better person. One thing about pursuing a relationship we need to know that both men and women seek their partner to make them a better person how are you gonna do that if you don't know what they are going thru? It's 2 ways streak at the end of the day.\nLastly, if you're a Malay man like me some of Malay woman straight up married and fuck some of the most unfuckable dudes you'll ever see. Yes their standards are that low, so don't worry about it", "Damn hope you get well brother and love your take on this:\nCase in point is you need to be better cuz no one wants to be around people who are miserable all the time. Be kind and compassionate always\nAlso want to point out most Tate lovers are probably people without dads. Theyre one of the most bitchy people you'd know. I mean if you look at Andrew Tate's life on a microscope bro is raised by a mother 80% of the time while his dad is elsewhere playing chess and cheating. I know this because I was raised by a single mother and trust me when I say my personality is so fucked when I was younger cause I bitch a lot(even rn) and my other guy friend whom were raised by a single mother is too. Same goes with another raised even by a SINGLE FATHER. So yeah id say it mostly attributes to single parenthood rather than gender. Also these incel shit started as a direct cause from extreme feminism which was a direct cause from extreme patriarchy in the 80-90s which was a direct cause from- you get the point. The world just revolves but yours dont have to with the right person\nthere is some femcel in the wild but that is the result of the patriarchy and the environment being generally sexist but taken to the extreme" ], [ "The actual problem is maturity , most people will understand that with time but maybe its too late ," ], [ "Need more long posts like this in this sub" ], [ "Hidup ni kita kena chill je dulu. Sayang diri sendiri jadi versi terbaik diri anda. Macam mana orang nak sayang kita kalau kita tak sayang diri kita. Percayalah kau pon akan cepat annoyed kalau dok lama2 dengan orang yang nampak cantik tapi ada interests yang sama. Be positif dan cuba. Nanti ada la tu sangkut. Perempuan pon sama je, diorang pon mencari gak." ], [ "Might i add, after you do all the self improvement bit, you still need an element of LUCK there. Finding a partner is easy, finding the RIGHT partner is difficult.\nMet a great guy, he had a wonderful family, a wife and a daughter. Everything seems good looking from outside. He just divorce recently. Long story short, wife cheated.\nSometimes, i feel that being lonely is not that bad. Save us tons of trouble coming from a relationship. At least no one is going to nag me when i want to buy a pair of expensive headphone for self indulgence =P", "Yes very well added, like how becoming Millionaire is possible but Billionaire takes a lot of luck - Mark Cuban" ], [ "Im a proud supporter of the internet traffic to certain undisclosed black and yellow banned website", ":26562:" ], [ "Is tinder still a thing?\nMet my wife there in 2016", "Nowadays ita mostly used for hookups youre a great exception to it tho.", "Hahaha i guess....always joke with my wife that we should be a testimony for tinder lol", "You'd mispresent the actual reason why people use it tho hahahaha. Glad you found your match there tho, one of my friend did found a long term rs there too but after a few hookups there lmao(we'll see whether it turns into wifey status for him, finger crossed)", "Hahaha\nTbf at first i used it for hookups as well..but one thing led to another..and here we are 😅", "Tbf at first i used it for hookups as well..but one thing led to another..and here we are 😅\nI KNEW I WAS RIGHT HHAHHA\nYeah but hey if it works out it works out amirite\nimaginary glass clink here's to your longevity", "Don't think so..." ], [ "I couldn't have said it better myself\nThe world doesn't owe you anything, it rewards those that produce results" ], [ "Probably stemmed from the Conservative nature of the country. Since most of them are Muslims, they're probably segregated into their own friend groups and never interacted with the other sex. It's easy to tell when someone does not have a woman friend before. All I gotta say is, just talk to the women you like. Be their friend, that's literally it. Eventually, if they show affection, reciprocate it. If not, move on and don't be an asshole about it and be mad at them. You're not entitled to someone." ], [ "there are post about lonely?\nall i see is a bunch of horny malay guys asking how to date chinese girls...", "lol nailed it. More like whining away why no hot influencer career women 9/10 amoi, don’t want to sleep with them 🙄. This includes all the races, the cina and india sama ." ], [ "And I realized a lot of them said they communicate with the said party but then lack of understanding. It's like they hear the girls but not listening to them.\nMany of them are impatient and expected to get the girls in 1-2 dates or even be a gigachad by then falling on their heels. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!\nSome of these guys need to reevaluate their views." ], [ "op drop everything them kids need to know when picking partners." ], [ "Glad I saw this post while I'm still very young(17m)\nOnce in a while long posts like this enables me to learn new wisdom from adults outside of my family(only my dad gave me wisdoms like these)", "Yeah its great young people like you especially can read and be wiser everyday. Dont look for s*x ok? Just find friends and talk more and more with girls(its a charisma skill) eventually you will learn theyre people too despite having differences with guys(like another comment said) which guys whom posted those cringe stuff didnt think so.\nWork on yourself before you actually met the girl you like and leave a great first impression. This is basically the secret sauce most girls did to boys lol.\nIf you wanna keep a real loving long term relationship that leads lifetime thats another topic entirely." ], [ "Ain't reading all that , boys , just fucking rock and stop being a cry baby. Hit the gym , play some guitar or go learn some judo i don't care , just don't fucking sit there and cry about no bitches , you deserve nothing that way. You should work on yourself, not work for them. When you're on the best of yourself it doesn't matter anymore.", "Thanks for the TL;DR :26554:", "Skip a lot. Don’t care. I’m going to have a great life by myself. Bought a land and going to fucking grow food. Ton of food!", "Vinland saga mode" ], [ "the planet bout to implode of 9 billion head,let em stay single", "Hahahahah damn yeah agreed, im surprised theres so many salty men out there that just cant accept facts, I can still see some comments below disagreeing and thinking this is some feminazi post. Like bro is self centered af." ], [ "🫡" ], [ "I only read the first three paragraph. Why? Because what has been said is true. All the best to lonely boys." ], [ "Before you start dating, make sure you understand:\nDo you wana date because you feel LONELY? you simply just want a partner, someone to accompany you? you found the person \"your type\"? you want to be like your other friends who's already in a seemingly healthy relationships (are you trying to fit in, or jealous) ? you wana feel loved or are you willing to change your life to fit into that certain someon ?\nand most of the post online wont help you much, sorry, just like what I said." ], [ "I am free to chat.. if you are single and need friend.. I'm from Malaysia.." ], [ "Honestly, yall may sound uplifting, but believe me, you can’t put hope in women. Therefore, let’s all be gay" ], [ "imagine dating women lol" ], [ "senang je. be secure enough financially, emotionally, psychically. be a man, not a boy" ], [ "Look man, I don’t even have standards and so do most people. Yet I don’t get past the confession stage due to multitude of reasons, mostly my own shortcoming.\nHence, I’d spare myself from heartbreak and just stagnate until some poor fella has some pity.", "And YOU LOOK over here man, sure she might say worst than no, like \"no dude you're cringe\" but at the end of the day you get a severed relationship with a better study on yourself on why they think you're cringe. Is it their personality problem or you have a weird way of talking to them? Its a good self study that was given to you. So imo an answer of just \"no\" is far worst than \"no you are a creep\" cause we wont learn anything from just a no.\nI know this because I know a 32 year old guy who worked for 10 years never gotten a gf cause he never confessed and never learned anything about interacting with women properly. Ended up actually becoming a creep and taking photos of a womens leg in workplace and resigned. Psychologically it makes sense why he became like that.\nSo confess and get rejected. A thousand tries is better than none. Then like most comments below and advices below given, just work on yourself after that and move on.\nI think most men in Asia and Malaysia in general tend to be super reserved and conserved so we dont learn much while scowling at daring cringe Americans that confess and fk around daily basis while we learn nothing\nI also want to add the opposite gender might also be an asshole and says no cause ur broke. So yeah dont take everything at face value that its ur fault k man.", "You have good points but the fact remains: no amount of medication, mindset nor motivation dulls the pain of heartbreak. I’m no masochist.", "Yeah used to think like that but after enough time anyone can get over it if they are patient enough. Our brain is just wired that way to cope.", "I barely got out of a decade long crush but it only took one small reunion last year to bring all the memories back. I don’t think I could endure another decade.", "Well gotta say if you do have a decade long crush then its really mentally unhealthy and you gotta seek help or therapy. My crush heartbreak lasted like 3 years before. But yeah some of us do take longer and especially you is a rare case so I do recommend you to seek help from peers or whatever. Try to move on. The faster you realize how dating is very much alive and fast paced, the faster you get over people and finding the right one.", "See, that’s one of the shortcomings I mentioned.\nI did move on.\nIt only takes ONE day to undo my progress.\nWhile I did not seek professional help I asked a few besties on opinions and they said the same thing as you.\nHence, I just stopped dating at all and lived my life the way I wanted. Rather than form crushes I’d just make platonic friends and treat them equally. Sucks I know, but the last thing I wanted was to offend someone I liked really hard.\nIt’s true; there are many fishes in the sea. I’m that one fish that wades around lonely with no care in the world until I accidentally hit one.", "While I did not seek professional help I asked a few besties on opinions and they said the same thing as you.\nIf even a stranger online like me can say the same as your bestfriends who known you personally. Then its time to listen to your friends.\nTrust in them and try it out. You say you wanna waddle alone but truth is I dont think you do. So currently you just lack trying and in turn did not learn. So you gotta try and learn new things bro. Life is vast.", "I learn new things everyday. I love learning. It’s what drives me to wake up. I am aware of the effects of raging hormones to my thought process.\nBut man, if I won’t listen to them what’s more of a random internet stranger? At least failing my papers or being screamed for being wrong doesn’t hurt as much as rejection.\nI can give you 1000 reasons NOT to try, but ultimately my heart and my brain doesn’t cope well with romantic rejections. I don’t fancy being a creep, tryhard nor a serial stalker.", "Its ok dude let it process. I dont think I can help you there but I would urge you to try seek help from others if you cant cope.", "so tryhard and sweaty to get your point across, why?" ], [ "I thought women love guy who funny , but also someone with stable job and life ofcourse.\nPlus in my experience ,physical look is not everything . I have friends that is pretty much 3 or 4 and married to a 6/7 . A nerd friend that married to an 8 . Common thing that I found in them is they have stable life and job.\nMoney is not everything , but whoever have them hold the perks.", "This" ], [ "Just enjoy being single, work on yourself, go out talk more with people, work out, get a few hobbies that you can meet people e.g. hiking, cycling, bouldering, or even random travel groups, be comfortable with yourself to travel other countries alone, stay in a backpackers, talk, drink eat with strangers and have fun.\nAs long as you have a good hygiene routine, workout (any type of sports doesn't have to be gym), talk with confidence, don't be a creep (don't stare creepily at people), be a BETTER version of yourself each time, then it's all about timing. Don't expect anything when you meet a person, just be friends and see how it goes.\nDon't rush things, enjoy while on the journey" ], [ "Haha complain and generalize opposite on internet it's a already red flag.\nRead this word below: Don't wish it's was easier, wish you were better\nProfound word by Jim rohn\nRead it 100X if still don't get it.\nIt took a long ass year for me to realize it brada\nJust make 1% better daily." ], [ "3 steps to get a girl 1. Ensure you are presentable and nice 2. Don’t be too ugly 3. Ensure expectations are not too high", "3 steps to get a guy\nEnsure you are presentable and nice\nDon’t be too ugly\nEnsure expectations are not too high\nBro its the same thing", "The point i am trying to make is that it is simple but people complain because they do not adhere to the 3 steps. It is always, people who think they are nice but they are actually a “nice guy”. They go for girls/guys who are extremely attractive and have more options, and they do not bother practising proper hygiene, dressing up and keeping fit/not be overweight.", "Holy shit, damn thats a deep context for three lines, I applaud and upvote you good sir. Yes thats a good point hahaha." ], [ "Beliau memancutkan fakta sepanjang panjangnya", "Hahahaha tq brada" ], [ "Tldr: look for a woman with the same social/standard/ranking as you. No up, can lower but that's up to you. The rest is op's irl situation to backup that statement.\nHope this translate it well.", "Thanks a lot for tldr brother, but also add IF you want higher then work on yourself to be on the higher scale of social/standard/ranking.\nBasically this means be prepared(prepare/work on youself) for higher cost the higher value your significant other is in the dating market." ], [ "If I can give one tip to all lonely hearts out there, dating is all about the numbers game. If you are handsome, your hit rate is high. If you are not, then hit rate is low, so go put yourself out there more often.\nI was a scrawny ugly little kid in my teens. That time no have swipe left swipe right, only got Friendster. I added thousands of girls to my profile, got rejected many many times, but I talk to hundreds of them over 5 years period. I managed to snagged at least 20 dates after all those effort, and I went out few times with at least 10 of those girls.\nOne of which became my wife. Few others was my FWB (before I got married la). Of course have to work on your game, you are either humourous, mature, dominant etc. choose one that works and make it better." ], [ "My advice to them is:\nLove yourself first and be content with who you are\nMaximise your looks and finances to the best of your ability\nDon’t listen to reddit comments section, majority of redditors are a sad sack", "Don’t listen to reddit comments section, majority of redditors are a sad sack\nWai- wait.. you are part of the comment section too?..\nNah jk great advice friend" ], [ "Thank you for the open letter.\nToo bad, I am introvert as fuck, and I am already accept that.", "Sorry buddy but no, sure you are an introvert but dating and relationships dont work like that. Just as you can talk to your family normally, you will with your wife.\nSo why I said no? Cause I have a friend with a fked up eye and a 2/10 face I can say that cause he's my best friend that tortures me on a daily basis without anyone knowing that and guess what my friend? He's an introvert too and he got a relationship now after a few body counts(jesus)\nDating is a skill not a personality trait like introvert, Ive even met an insurance seller who is an introvert but talks like an extrovert, its crazy how big this world is cause speech and charisma, again, is a SKILL\nWhat did my bff did to break out his shell? Simple. He installed tinder lol and actually worked on himself for once in his life.\nWork on yourself, grow your confidence by talking to people more or girls more, break out your shell buddy ol pal. all these things takes time" ], [ "I dont know of I ever get married.", "If you have a desire to, you just might. Used to think the same as you btw." ], [ "The only attention that they need is from their own selves." ], [ "Unfortunately if you don't have any stable income or good social status, it is not doable to get dating. But I understand from the women side, that they don't want to be involved in an unstable relationship", "Yes true for pointing that out, which is also the same for men who don't see value in women whom they deem below them in beauty(mostly). Id say this is a capitalist world we live in, we can either adapt or stay alone. Its the harsh truth. No one wants to be a situation lower or same social status.\nThats why I believe if you want someone quick then be ready to settle down your expectations. If you want someone your standard then work on yourself(money, body and whatnot). Its the only two ways I can conjure up.\nI mean the Japanese princess literally married a commoner lol. Chances do exist but rare (i know a guy who is handsome af literally waited 25 years of his life to get one girl who matched his personality and looks lol)\nBest advice I got is to find shared views and work on yourself. If you really want love fr.", "Oh ffs this comment is so martyred and deliberately trying so hard to intentionally miss the point - “if you don’t have any stable income, unfortunately women don’t want to be in an unstable relationship” boo hoo hoo woe is me\nIf you’re unstable, your main focus should be establishing yourself rather than chasing after women.\nWhy should a woman want to be with a guy who can’t even take care of himself?\nIt makes it even more hypocritical for a guy to be wanting a woman whom he finds attractive, but has the audacity to get all butthurt wounded that she doesn’t want to be with him because he doesn’t have the qualities attractive to her ie having his shit together.\nMay I go on to expand that being financially stable is just one component of having your shit together, others being emotionally adjusted, mentally matured, good communicator, well groomed, has his own priorities and life goals, etc.", "Bro kat malaysia ni penagih dadah pon boleh dapat awek dan kahwin laa." ], [ "Your perception is wrong.\nMost men don't go for the prettiest, we usually go for those who are more sporting and easier to get along.\nMany of those not pretty girls that you mentioned are also playing hard to get when guys approach them.", "Really depends on your circle. I have found out it is impossible to know people's preference unless they outright tell you.\nI was once chilling with a bunch of guy acquaintances and they started casually judging random women walking by on their appearances and which one they would be able to \"tahan\" kissing. Which is dateable and which is only for physical use. Before this, they seemed like mature and friendly men, albeit most of them were single. All have good job, stable lifestyle, not fat or ugly, etc.\nSo, I would say there is still sexist views that only come out when asshole men are feeling in their \"safe zone\". They hid it very well (or maybe I didnt see the signs). Anyway I dropped that gang.", "Those same men who does that arent seeking real relationship let alone Understands It so pay no heed. Its not preferences at a core individualistic level but looks. I think a lot of people tend to think dating/sex = relationship which isnt true at all.\nAlso yeah they hid it very well. Those who dont never got attention from women lol.\nIn general I also think its fine to have physical preferences but its disrespectful to start judging people badly on the streets minding their own business imo\nIf we were to stem out and say no to even just thinking someone is ugly thats just extremist view.", "what has this experience taught you?", "Sure you can say that but my perception was based off my observation on people who got a girlfriend AND retained their relationship in a long term.\nMany of those not pretty girls that you mentioned are also playing hard to get when guys approach them.\nYou can skew reality and say that but the reality is that you viewed these girls as below pretty and stuckup. Truth is as said before each individual is different and they might not like you even if you approach a \"not pretty girl\". Not all girls just cause they arent pretty can be approached lol just as how if you are a Christian/Muslim and a good looking/hot 10/10 Christian/Muslim trying to convert you, it doesnt work like a transaction buddy.\nPeople are individuals, again finding the same shared views are what's important in a real relationship rather than fuckbuddy." ], [ "As a guy, I agree men (Malay in my exp) are way pickier in terms of looks than women. A lot of my friends, totally average looking, even straight up ugly, against all odds manage to bag a 10/10. But I have NEVER seen the opposite.\nAs a single average-looking guy who'd never been in a relationship, I don't blame 10/10 women who'd want a similar 10/10 guy. I would if I could. But I can't lie to myself, I won't be in a relationship with someone I'm not attracted to (looks and personality-wise) so I'd rather be single until I'm older when looks matter less.", "Thanks for admitting this, i wasnt sure why on the internet in this ANONYMOUS platform people are still not admitting men in general like us just want better looking women. Its funny cause all the posts Ive read acted like they wanted personality alone like bro, you just eliminated 50% of the problem if you just want that. Just not the honest truth imo.\nAnd people here telling me that then what if someone is a 5 and still dream of getting a 10 guy? Like dude, shit personality and near ugly you still want meh? Tf lol.", "A 158cm friend of mine who's very average looking just got engaged with a girl who's a doppelganger of a Kpop idol. Malay women's standard are so low for their own good lmao they're too willing compromise looks and even personality in some cases (no offence)." ], [ "The more u care about internet points, the further away you are from meaningful relationship." ], [ "A lot of the times, the problem is YOU yourself. If that's really is the issue, take your time. Problem is most of us don't have the power and will to uplift themselves anymore after failures." ], [ "So you’re saying date everyone?", "Rofl naw thats more like a metaphor if you can, you can get lol. Also in a sense you can talk or date-talk with everyone to improve your charisma and how to carry yourself and rizz/flirting skills.\nThis post is more of a jab on those posts that kept blaming society n women which just stupid when we are part of the society that carried out the same standard." ], [ "Well said" ], [ "My wife says she didn't like to date Malay guys bc so many of them were controlling and lazy and she's not the only woman I've heard express that opinion. I have zero experience in the field, obviously but..." ], [ "I blame the chinese/korean drama for this one, it screws the standard for everybody." ], [ "Well a force must have its opposite force. That quote sounded dumb but its true. There are more women nowadays that are smarter in todays world than men, so its only natural they have better selection and in turn those men who could not adapt would turn to misandrist views. Thats why my view skews towards the balance of viewing individuals as individuals otherwise then you have to find a camp to hate on the other. Sounds confucianism but hey I prefer to be happy." ], [ "Excellent post. And to keep it excellent, I won’t read any of the other replies to your post. I think you nailed it.\nI’d also say, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” There’s a reason why the most toxic people you date are coincidentally the most attractive / wealthy / powerful people (or at least in their minds they are). They have so much “power” that they think they can do anything they want / have anyone they like when dating. This leads to a huge power imbalance. So if you’re the type that will only ask or accept dates from the richest most beautiful people you encounter, just realize that you’re dealing with a unique subset of the overall single population.", "Ah yes 100% agreed, Ive thought of this so its a great addition that you add into this conversation. Love it! And really well written/explained too\nThese imbalances do happen and its funnier considering a lot of people worship these people even though theyre really not good people to be in a rs with(im guilty of wanting it before too) i think its the idea of sex or dating them that made them want these people without further thought of their personality.\nBest part is these rich or beautiful people know that these people only want them for that. So in turn these beautiful or rich people never appreciated them(other people/significant other) despite whatever they do for him or her.", "Completely agree. I think the most successful relationships are the most balanced and have the fewest options for lopsided hypergamy. This is true whether you are male or female. This is why you always see Hollywood actors and actresses who get married in their youth get married multiple times." ], [ "Conclusion : salah lelaki juga lol", "Hahaha tidak laaaa aduiii.\nI did say kn women also got in the wrong juga tapi jgnla post online kata salah semua Malaysia atau perempuan getek dan mau wang ja.\nSeen so much of it im starting to question our fertility rate lol.\nI think best balance la semua pun ada salah sini dan sana, yg penting kita improve mentality sendiri" ], [ "These days i realise the trend with me: the ones who i Interested/attracted to will eventually date foreigners/white men. So i kid around saying if you want to date these men, be someone who ill be attracted to! Haha.\nAlso. I gave up on dating because i dont think anyone could live with someone with chronic plaque psoriasis and i cant afford the biologic treatment.\nBut i cant help feeling lonely from time to time.", "Sorry to hear that buddy, yeah it sucks too these things happen(regarding chronic plaque psoriasis) but love how you dont blame others for your misfortune, its better than most guys who doesnt realize this and is blessed without your issues and has room for improvement.\nAlso how tf you find so many white men or foreigners lol? Trust me on this as well, if she or he isnt into you then you are better off not dating them." ], [ "Looks are important imo. Personality fades over time.", "Looks definitely fade overtime, personalities can be improved or retained or worsen.", "Personality doesnt fade, looks do. Personality evolves, and long term couples should be evolving together" ], [ "I once was interested in a girl,why the main reason was her happy go lucky personality. Not her look,her money standing or whatever." ], [ "I didn’t read all that but I’m just waiting for her. I love her too much to look at other women lols." ], [ "If you can't find love, that's your problem. Skill issue." ], [ "life is a test which has been placed upon each human by God. each one of us has a lust (nafsu) where it can be useful when used correctly or incredibly dangerous when succumbed to it.\nevery human needs a companion. beauty will fade away, wealth is just cosmetics. what matters is becoming a sincere partner to your loved ones without expecting anything in return\nif you fail in searching for love, do not be despair, as there are many other exciting things can be done in this world.\n“Indeed, [O Muḥammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allāh guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided”\n(28:56)" ], [ "who cares?", ":26559:" ], [ "Go for Vietmoi. Thaimoi dangerous...don't know boy or girl...Pinoy Moi...all young young already a few kids. Cambodia...better not go since is no law land...\nLast last, no option, can go China Shaolin become monk." ], [ ":26563:" ], [ "i'd rather be karl marx than dwayne johnson even if that means im sentenced to a life without love. love has become nothing but a bourgeois notion and imagine prostituting your own mind, body and soul just to find somebody in a materialistic society lmaooo", "Hm yes, but like I said same views... so what if.. woman version of karl marx and you as karl marx?" ], [ "All I asked is just a girl that is caring, understanding and not too controlling, just enjoy being with me, and I am willing to spend my time and life with her, but it seems even this requirement is very hard to get.", "And all the girl asks is a guy that isnt horny 24/7 and asks for sex after gf/bf status, but hey from the stories ive heard its a requirement very hard to get too(im included as that horny guy). I think in general we have problems both sides of the gender.\nTo find the girl you described is to find someone who truly loves you and its hard to come by my guy. Also my wife was pretty cold at the start of our rs and gradually turn into what you described when she loves me a lot.\nId say being charming or able to make someone love you a lot is the first step in dating before getting to caring part, after caring then understanding and not controlling is another matter in personality which need to be educated.", "I can only tell that I had two girls before, one is just take and never give type and left after she gets what she wants, another one is the controller type that wants to control my life and my pocket. After that I never had any gf anymore until today. I can only blame my laws of attraction because I keep encountering girls that have red flags like that.", "Its fine it does take time and some other guy pointed out here in the comments, LUCK. So yeah good luck in future endeavors." ], [ "What if 80, no 90 percent of women only want the top 10 percent of men? 😂", "Well tbf what if 80, no 90 percent of men only want the top 10 percent of women?\nWhen I was 16 with all my boys, no one dated because of this literally. Its the same lol.\nIts maturity you realize that you arent top 10 percent of men/women and realize what fits you best. You can be top 10 percent but it takes a lot of work and luck especially luck to be born in at least M40 to reach T20 for men. And even in T20 you cant land any top 10 percent without effort or more spending power.\nYou do realize top 10 percent is like what, Megan Fox level?", "Not really. Look at who Tiger Woods farked while literally being married to a supermodel.", "Well yeah guys are more susceptible to doing that and TW is top 10% doesnt mean he fked a thousand women in a thousand days. That doesnt even scratch a single percentage.\nSerious thoughts is that idk bout the actual numbers but i know for a fact that just because even if Most men/women are into top 10% doesnt mean everyone is. And best part is i know both men and women that are into kpop idols have dated significant others and literally forgotten bout the kpop idols they were into.", "Point being men are less choosy than girls. One man can impregnate a thousand women at one go but one woman cannot be impregnated by a thousand men at once. It’s just biology, females are hardwired to choose the best mate.", "True biologically males are just horny af.\nDoesnt stray from my point being into those who seek real relationships or stop wanting to be lonely. The solution is to work on oneself and finding the right one instead of focusing on the media trend.\nThe ones who cheats or are fuckboys new flash: arent there for relationships lol.\nAgain maturity is a HUGE factor for both men and women to realize this. Most relationships with a fuckboy or slutty girl within it tend to have issues down the road for them lol. The conversation they had are mostly surface level even if theyre top 10 or bottom 10 percentile.\nI think our focus should be finding a partner for life, if we are talking about women or men choosing top 10 and how to curb that or penetrate the market of top 10% of them, this is entirely a different conversation one I rather not dive into this rabbithole." ], [ "classic woman post. lol.", "OP is a married male", "He defo did not read shit :26554:", "He read nothing and saying a whole load of nothing too", "\"This morning I woke up today in this morning in the morning I woke up this morning I woke up and remember that every morning that I wake up I wo... I woke up that fucking day just remember that\" moment\nSeriously though, I see boys saying this is a \"weak\" or whatever perspective to take EVEN THOUGH its literally the hardest perspective, it literally is meant as improve yourself if you want someone above average which is super hard or y'know don't.\nI think it goes to show most men who made those posts do not want to improve, just wanna complain lol.", "Honestly they are so many humble girls around, who are totally 100% Not gold diggers or high maintenance. But just because they look homely, these fella’s wont give them a second look or a chance.\nWe have a few examples in our friend circle, whining like this and complaining already into their 40’s why no women want them. We have helped introduce women from various walks of life, from career women to the everyday girl. But they are so insistent on targeting the 9/10 and spending the whole party time talking to her, even if she is there with her bf 🤦‍♀️. And totally ignoring the rest.\nI outright said I won’t intro anymore women to them, to spare these kind everyday women the disrespect.", "Yeah exactly, they blame and act like dont know why tf no one wants them but truth is its just bout 9/10s and not anyone below. Like bro isnt close to an 8 but acts like that its sad. Really dumb imo. I have girls pitying that one guy b4 and offer introduction and shit and I just said nah dont even try lol. Dude needs to humble and realize it himself.", "Exactly, spare the poor women of these delulu men.\nWe even told one guy who is at best a 4. If you get that particular woman, how can you even sustain the relationship?!. Mind you, this woman is from family money, deisgner baju, and overseas holiday. This dude's version of a holiday is balik kampung and vietnam 🤷‍♀️.\nHis expectation is that the women must then humble and adjust to his capabilities. Lol, delulu, why should she? 😂. She recently married well and is residing overseas.", "She recently married well and is residing overseas.\nHe is literally nonexistent in her head rofl.\nBro expecting too much hahahah and acts like its a women problem when clearly its his problem 🤣 god can quite literally give him a bunch of fkin signs and he wouldnt get it. Dull af.", "married male doesnt exclude feminazism\nsuch a weak perspective", "such a weak perspective\nBut landed a hardworking wife with full of care and love. Im happy with this \"weak\" perspective eh? 🤣", "hahaha lol. sure hardworking wife with full of care and love. we all know the fool that needs to talk up their partner...", "🤣 damn bro you salty af. Did no girl want you? Fool or not landed one thats good for me is good enough my man, you can do the same don't worry, you'll get over this phase(hopefully)", "hahahaha...\nfreudian slip lols\nfrom hardworking wife with full of care and love to \"good enough\".\nlols ok la. settling is also OK. you keep consoling yourself.", "Well yeah hardworking wife, full of care and love is good enough. How is that wrong? 🤣\nBro trying so hard 💀", "is ok. nobody fault you for settling. use more emoji might make yourself feel better with your good enough partner. lol." ], [ "Spend less time on Reddit. Make some time to meet people.\nGrab some coffee. Have a conversation.\nIf you can't find things that you like in that person, at least you know what you don't like. Move on. Repeat.\nUntil you find \"your people\" (potential partner or potential good friends).\nIf you are struggling to keep any conversation going, don't waste your time.\nIf you don't feel 100% when you meet them, they will never be your 100%. Next." ], [ "If you really break it down, like biologically… it’s always either the b00bs or the a$$ that matters.", "Well for shallow people its that lmao.\nAnother thing is women can dress up and make up and work out easily into a 10/10 unlike guys and the best part is every guy fall for that trap without realizing hey maybe that celebrity isnt that good looking its just that theyre famous and has an entire makeup team behind them(this works for male celebrity too btw rmb Namjoon?)\nI can guarantee if not all but most girls can achieve a 9/10 status doing the same stuff I said above(for boys) easier than guys.\nBut the issue lies on guys not self aware enough to realize the facade is there and the girls themselves know this, so why would they settle for a 5/10 guy who doesnt even try compared to the 6's girls that became a 8-9/10 keeping up with that facade? Theyre literally working hard enough to look good compared to guys." ], [ "True but what if they are actually looking at 5 or bellows yet the 5 and bellow around them just dream of luxury cause their family brought them up in the mentally to marry well?\nWhat everyone is experiencing is called hypergamy. This is not smth only msia experiences but it is everywhere. When the world is in disparity we are instinctively tuned to pick the best and safest options in everything.", "Yes sadly that happens does not mean that its over for you though lol. If those 5's are waiting for that, what are you gonna do? LET THEM LOL they can DREAM ALL THEY WANT, probably have to wait ANOTHER 5 YEARS.\nThats the best way to humble any 5s out there that think theyre better than everyone. While they wait what are you gonna do? WAIT WITH THEM???? No lol go out and find someone else, look around, the world is vast, you live in small town? So what? Look further. If thats what you want, keep finding until you found the right one.\nIf not then better yourself. The world's mentality is screwed with what you just said sure. Doesnt mean you have to follow suit. Adapt.", "Bruh I just said that's why they are experiencing haha. I didn't suggest what we should do bout it but yeh geddit thats the point of your post.", "Ah alright then haha" ], [ "I’m just here to look at any pathetic incel comments.", "There are a few which is pretty stupid to see. Which is also the same reasons why those posts exist. Theyre too stubborn ti change. I know a guy like that, friends sure, but he probably wont change. It takes a LOT for people stuck living like that for years to change because change starts with realizing and admitting and forgiving your own mistakes and failures" ], [ "I lost my virginity within months of being housemates with a 'party' kinda guy. What I learned:\nAlways put yourself in a situation where you meet new people. The party guy convinced me to put down my PS and meet his friends, whom invited me to other social gatherings where I met more people, and eventually the first girl to hit on me.\nHave girl friend(s) you truly have no feelings for and can have late night talks with. It thought me to treat girls like a person, not 'targets'. They also introduced me to other girls :).\nKeep in touch with people you meet. They will appreciate it and ask you out for a variety of spcial gatherings, where you meet more people.\nPrioritize friendship, not sex/romance. Do that, and the latter will come naturally." ], [ "In my experience, people that have bf/gf dont use reddit. So yeah everyone here is doomed", "Not a lot of People in Malaysia use reddit lol" ], [ "If I see this as a \"change my mind\" thing, I'd say, I'll stick to what my opinion was, This letter not only confirm my opinions about women it also highlight the fact that you women don't go for less,", "Well yeah of course women dont go for less. Even Andrew Tate would agree lol. Its just how people in general are, Everyone including men or women always want more than they can bargain for.\nThe letter is made for people who dont understand the aspect that men are the same as women, Men themselves also want MORE too! which is also the same reason why they're single and too blind to see this reason lol.\nI mean you can go read some of the comments below of people disagreeing with me. They blame women alone as if theyre perfect guy\nThe difference is women has more options than men. So to level the playing field i suggest people to work on themselves first and foremost or lowering your standards to meet the women that want you for real." ] ]
A Monyet Sees - KL Anarki: War on Skibidi
TLDR: If you have the time, Skibidi is a superior watch to KL Anarki, though the latter has better cinematography. Foreword I began the day with a marked curiosity. A resignation if you will, of the acceptance that I am older, and won’t be getting any younger. So it came to my surprise that when I found myself reading an article wherein a Kindergarten teacher from Malaysia was decrying the latest Skibidi trend, I was curious beyond belief. She claimed it to have an “incomprehensible storyline, promotes violence and has creepy and grotesque visuals.” So armed with the accompanying albeit horrifying kid's picture, a rabbit hole I went digging. Does Skibidi have more to offer the Rakyat than say KL Anarki? WTF Is Skibidi What is Skibidi? Skibidi is apparently a meme made off a TikTok remix of Timbaland's Give it To Me, made in SFM, replete with your usual SFM tropes of randomness, horribly stretched 3D rigged bodies and familiar Half-Life 2 assets. It's an assorted collection of videos from a first person perspective about a war between Camera Heads and Toilet Heads, filled with popular action tropes and brutal connotations, all made by one guy apparently, which props to him. Like its title, it's a mouthful for sure, but if art is building off iteration, modern art is… Well true to its word: strange. Obviously I thought this would be some hot trash even before I've seen a single video. I have seen references to Skibidi and of heads in toilets so naturally I checked it out, like any curious human being would. I was expecting it to be on the same level of randomness like Charlie the Unicorn, but it turned out to be a piece of media with some extremely deep visual storytelling, lore, world building and creativity mixed in with body horror and violence. It’s the kind of thing you’d point to if you asked the question “What would cinematography be like if you could not reference any movies but only video games,” a metaphorical irony lost on the pervasive short attention spans of society. What also shocked me is that unlike The Backrooms which conveyed a sense of creeping horror through liminal space, this one conveyed the same thing, but instead with toilets in heads and an actual plot and world. It’s the idea of helplessness and powerlessness; forced into being a spectator to the grotesque and chaotic nature of the world around you and it struck me: this is how kids today feel. While the 1960’s brought us new ways of cutting and telling a story with the French New Wave, a new wave of digital content capturing the underlying pulse of the world has been and is being curated and consumed before our very eyes. Skibidi as Art Now let’s be real. You see heads in toilets and flushing and the first thing you would do is dismiss it like this body of text. After all, what knowledge could one even glean from such simple visuals? But actually watch the videos and you’ll find that within a shorter time than I take to write this sentence, you’ll feel the same emotions of twisted desperation like if you had seen Evil Dead, Robocop or Big Trouble in Little China. The majesty of Del Toro’s sense of scale, first inspired by Francisco Goya’s The Colossus), is actually meaningfully represented here. Sure the rigging is quick, the animations unpolished; but it’s that sense of largess and enormity that even Pacific Rim 2: The Unnamed Sequel could not adequately recapture. Which brings me to my next point. Malaysians are quick to point to censorship and lazy writing as the force majeure, THE cause that contrives Malaysian movies to suck ass. I would know, because I am one of the few bananas who still insist on going to the movies to watch garbage. But the reality is censorship and writing are the outcomes of people like Ms. Kindergarten Teacher. I have been writing for 3 years at this point, and working in production for 13. I have been privy to too many backroom discussions where ideas are killed in order to appease the hypothetical Mak Cik Nasi Lemak, the other Malaysian who apparently seems to enjoy watching garbage too. War on Sensibilities This was a movie that I watched simply because I had friends who worked on it. They told me to check it out, showed me some pictures of the set and I thought “Okay cool hopefully it's not like Paskal.” But what ensued was 2 hours of absolute dog shit trash, uplifted by great production design and cinematography. This has long been the problem plaguing Malaysian cinema, when we have enough money to make convincing squads of tactical police but fail to engineer any convincing contrivances for them to deal with. Normally I wouldn't fault too many aspects of production, simply because I’ve worked in those areas and know their responsibilities. But for War on Terror: KL Anarki? Too much has gone wrong. The writing? Shocking. The directing? Terrible. The stunt blocking? Awful. But even the actors and editing, like man are you phoning it in, or is the script just THAT terrible? Only two things stood out as redeemable (excellent even), which is the set design, art direction and cinematography. Like seriously, half way through the movie there are 2 or 3 flashbacks just to provide some half baked context to the villains, and they're not even needed as we never really figure out wtf the villains want by bombing all across South East Asia. Then there's the forced family drama, the friend who's getting married only to surprise surprise, blow up and then there’s the HILARIOUS scene where the cops track the vans to a parking lot. Hilarity upon Hilarity Rant So in the movie, our big bad terrorists have escaped the cops with 3 vans filled with explosives. After finding one, the cops are trying to track the other 2, which they successfully do with CCTV, showing that the terrorists are parked at Bukit Bintang, presumably to detonate the bombs ala Fight Club style. Okay cool, but no. Despite being hunted they decide to drive out of parking anyway?? So Van 2 gets caught (no fucking shit), and you think okay Van 3 is gonna blow. But no, VAN 3 DRIVES PAST THE SAME ROAD VAN 2 GOT CAUGHT, COPS WAITING. Seriously I don't know who looked at this and thought this was okay, but there has to be some better way of bringing the villains to the cops man. Don't even get me started with the cops hiding behind civilian cars at a traffic stop (civilians haven't gotten out of their cars why?), that they shoot first whenever the plot needs them to, that there is no fucking story with the main hero or the main heroine- Like wtf man. How have we regressed beyond Metrowealth levels of bad? At least David Teo who made dog shit told SOME semblance of a story. This one is just bafflingly dumb that it infuriates me. Skibidi Skibidoo, KL Anarki is Dog Shiteero Conclusion, yes Skibidi has more to offer Rakyat Malaysia than crap like this. Skibidi is well made, well thought out with great visuals and mystery. KL Anarki has a great mystery, in the sense that I don't know how the fuck someone spent millions on this shit, robbing indie directors and writers a proper chance. So before you get on and say “It's just a movie man”, yes that's true. But I like movies to at least have some level of verisimilitude and logic, and seeing money and resources wasted on rubbish like this so that some Datuk can pad his wallet or stroke his ego is criminal to me. There are too many hard working and brilliant people in the film industry to see directors like these have their shot and completely miss, ruining the chances for others. Another one is “Oh, you shouldn't compare garbage to garbage.” Fair point, except War on Terror is clearly made for the mainstream audiences and so is Skibidi. Imaginur is a great example of a film made well, but I can't compare Imaginur to Skibidi, it's pointless. I would compare Imaginur to something like One Minute Time Machine. Both are indie projects that did a lot with little, but I still have to give the trophy to the YouTube short for its ingenuity where Imaginur was a little ham fisted. Just a little.
[ [ "When I saw u/jst4reddit and Skibidi side-by-side, I was wondering who hacked your account to post meme reviews. Nevertheless, it is great to still see you active and in action, my good sir! Funny rant review as always\nWhat also shocked me is that unlike The Backrooms which conveyed a sense of creeping horror through liminal space, this one conveyed the same thing, but instead with toilets in heads and an actual plot and world. It’s the idea of helplessness and powerlessness; forced into being a spectator to the grotesque and chaotic nature of the world around you and it struck me: this is how kids today feel.\nAre kids able to see things the way we do, though? I've always perceived Skibidi Toilet as something funny and absurd enough that kids follow nowadays - I'm pretty sure we had moments like those when we were young too. Although the message is undeniable, I wonder if they can really understand what's going on beyond the flashy audio/visuals.\nI would know, because I am one of the few bananas who still insist on going to the movies to watch garbage.\nI might have to start accompanying you to the cinemas, let me know if you need a shoulder to cry on about the current state of our locally-produced films :) will there be a day when you call it quits?\nSince you're in the industry, will this trend of outputting lacklustre films in Malaysia continue for the foreseeable future, or are things starting to change for the better?", "Haha I'm just glad that I managed to watch something that inspired me to have something to say. It's been a long while since I've seen that.\nAs for the Skibidi, I just thought it was... Well hard to grasp is one but I was just a lot more shocked that it was actually quite well made- much better than I thought. Like you could learn actual lessons in presenting a story through action from it so I just thought it funny when I read that article. I think there are worse things kids could be watching.\nAnd as for your last point haha I mean I'm in KL so if you're up for it you can join me and the random people I manage to 'convince' is a good time. DM me if you like. Honestly though a lot of it really isn't great so be warned lol, though I am catching Abang Adik or La Luna on Tuesday. But I could never call it quits. I just can't help it :')" ], [ "TIL Skibidi Toilet is a whole series... I thought it was just another random meme video that went viral with kids..." ] ]
Metro Trem Sdn Bhd and APAD are conducting public inspection to seek your opinion on the proposal to build 3 tram line in Melaka City
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "Thank you for sharing it here. 👍🏻" ], [ "This could be a great idea, but look what happened to the Melaka Monorail project. No news.", "This company isn't involved with the Melaka Monorail project.", "" ], [ "All pictures and info in this post are copied from ErnestOnPT on Twitter.\nLink for public feedback: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrvalS0rhL_PF9QGw4ynes0CfTyDBVnYat3EB3y8lP2Ddl5w/viewform\nLink for executive summary of the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z3Wr8PWdQuGNTUiXXQCziVSemYFY3efQ/view\nLink to the official website of MetroTrem Sdn Bhd: https://www.metrotrem.com/\nContinuation of the pictures, since image post on Reddit can only fit at most 20 images:\n<image>", "<image>", "Concept art of the stops/stations:\n<image>" ], [ "I hope it doesn't go the IMBRT route, where JKR forced them to add more lanes for cars because they somehow cannot fathom the idea of taking away lanes.\nIn any case, I don't really have a good feeling about this. It was so under the radar and only transit geeks knew about it in the first few days.\nOf course, I'm all for more development in local transit, but I hope they do this the right way.", "ErnestOnPT (the guy where I copied these photos from) has help you answer these questions\nOne very important detail I left out - as part of the approval process, Metro Tram’s rep had also secured approvals from the Public Works Dept, which means they will not face the same curse that delayed Johor’s BRT where they bickered over the BRT taking over several road lanes\nhttps://twitter.com/ErnestOnPT/status/1734887324935463046\nThere were talks for the tram as contemporary as the last GE cycle, and if you’d want to stretch it all the way back, there was even a proposal for Mtrans to build one in 2010\nOne thing to note about policy-making is that not all news reaches as soon as it happens\nhttps://twitter.com/ErnestOnPT/status/1734500024707690912" ], [ "Go for, any rail public transport system is good" ], [ "How would the project connect to exisitng public transport like the KTM?\nThis is a great idea, but it needs to be supported by other connecting public services for it to be a viable business plan imo.", "There is no railway line in Melaka city since WW2 and the closest KTM station is Pulau Sebang/Tampin station, which is located at the N. Sembilan-Melaka border." ] ]
NASI LEMAKKKK! oh waitttt. Just a jebait
When you're out of Malaysia for too long and your brain craves
[ [ "God.. I hate to read this... My brain is in pain.", "My pain is in the brain 🥴" ], [ "The sign is definitely gay" ], [ "Gay" ], [ "kyue tweo\nirto ancai\nmlio\nthe tairk\nsome nice names for your next fantasy novel" ] ]
Super cool Rashid, I wanna be like him!
[ [ "Is this lacrosse Malaysian national sports team?", "The only lacrosse team in KL, come join us for a game in KL... TTDI park", "Reddit user since 21 and this is ur only post/comment. Wow" ] ]
Anwar tells Japanese investors Malaysia has clear policies to forge ahead
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "" ] ]
Crowdfunded movie ‘Pendatang’ to premiere on YouTube, avoids censorship
[ [ "people in power: avoids censorship? challenge accepted:26554:", "Aiya they already did live screenings twice .. nothing happened (yet)", "\"Saya akan mengadakan pertemuan dengan pihak YouTube untuk membincangkan perkara ini.\" - Menteri Koyakmunikasi", "Bukit aman: time to ride. On siren" ], [ "MCMC:\nYou can bet their going get Youtube/Google to take it down if there's blowback from the Walaun" ], [ "Can't wait for the tweet of a certain MP having meeting with Youtube about this LOOOL.\nAnyways I hope to God Youtube stands their ground and keeps the video published." ], [ "Someone saved the movie before it gets banned or become heavily censored version.", "Telegram got but gotta careful virus. They can upload on Dailymotion or redgifs that place pdrm kenot control. Onlyfans,patreon,lots of places to avoid ban." ], [ "it would be funny if the movie is bad, the crowdfunder would be like whattttt", "Letterboxd is a film review platform I use and trust the reviews there because the demographic of users are people who are more into films rather than regular audiences that gives every marvel movie a 5/5 score.\nThe reviews on the platform now seem to suggest that the movie is extremely bad." ], [ "\"Cina... Tamil Nadu... Kerala semua pendatang\" - Iskandar Kutty dari Kerala" ], [ "Does this apply to Sarawak and Sabah? :29091:" ], [ "Watch Malaysian government ban the whole YouTube website/app." ], [ "Got so many MB and Tan Sri also still wants to say that Chinese is mistreated?\nI would be more emphatic if this movie is focusing on Indian or other mixed race kids who didn't find a place to belong in Malaysia.", "Fam did you watch the trailer? The villain is also Chinese", "", "Basically a dystopian movie where \"foreigner\" is translated as \"pendatang\"\nYou probably have seen dozens of this kind of movies anyway, it's about smuggling those hunted by government", "Still get called Pendatang. Seems like mistreatment to me.\nEven if you got the movie that you described, it would still get banned by MCMC. Our government prefers for everyone to keep their blindfolds on. About time someone pulls the rug out from under them." ] ]
Sultan Selangor titah orang bukan Islam tidak campuri urusan hal ehwal Islam
[ "Religion" ]
Daulat Tuanku !!!! Shah Alam: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah mengingatkan rakyat khususnya yang bukan beragama Islam agar menghormati dan tidak mencampuri urusan berkaitan hal ehwal agama Islam di negara ini. Sultan Sharafuddin selaku Pengerusi Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia (MKI) bertitah demikian susulan cadangan Ahli Parlimen Beruas Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham supaya kerajaan melantik pakar daripada orang bukan Islam untuk membantu Jawatankuasa Khas Mengkaji Kompetensi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menggubal undang-undang Islam.
[ [ "If org islam can stop campur urusan bukan islam, then we have a deal. Jgn kau nasik tu makan pun nak bungkus pun nak." ], [ "You can have your isolated religion affair management once you keep it out of public discourse and general fucking legislation.", "Malaysia constitution : Basically others are NPC but please also contribute your taxes to support the priority of the majority. X suka? Boleh keluar Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku :29091:" ], [ "How about you menghormati people who wanna keluar Islam", "Exactly most muslims are not given a choice for religion since they are born into it and should have a right to opt out.\nAfter all it would be between them and god, why should humans intervene if they truly believe there is a god", "Yup. This.", "Amen Nyet. Amen." ], [ "when it has something to do with basic human rights, of course people are gonna campur tangan...", "All laws cannot conflict with constitution. That’s the safeguard.\nWhether the enforcement agencies overstep or not that’s another matter.", "Don't worry Loke said it's ok no need nons representative", ":29091::29091::29091:" ], [ "so this is how they all behave. If they want to shut down discussion, just declare the issue as Islamic and then issue a thinly veiled threat of violence of their arbitrary decree is violated." ], [ "Lol. Sultan titah towards non Muslims are not legally binding.", "Well they did listen to previous selangor sultan when he told em to grant Chinese and Indians citizenship back then. But after merdeka sultan dont have that kind of power anymore i think (granting and revoking citizenship is now no longer within the sultan jurisdiction).", "It's this OP posting. What do you expect...syok sendiri laung there daulat tuanku. This OP memang wan lah, will post all this nonsense", "Then that DAP Ngeh can try respond back to that Sultan saying \" Your statement does not matter, not legally binding to me\"." ], [ "Boleh titah orang islam tidak campur urusan hal ehwal bukan islam?\nAh who am I kidding. Malaysia is now unofficially an islamic state already. Anything related to non muslim is free game because ini negara islam progressive" ], [ "Then, if Murtad buat Gay Sex, hal bukan Islam lah. So now we legalise gay sex only for nons. Kami tak kacau Muslim. Kacau nons je." ], [ "He (not specifying anyone) can shut the fuck up", "" ], [ "The Sultan, as with all royals in Malaysia, has 3 actual powers - the discretion to not dissolve state parliament, the (limited) discretion to appoint the Menteri Besar, and as head of Islam for their state.\nThey've got no authority over non-Muslims in their state.\nIn other words, this has got as much legal authority as the Rukun Negara does - none at all." ], [ "Justeru, Sultan Selangor mengharapkan agar ahli politik khususnya yang bukan beragama Islam untuk tidak terus-menerus mencampuri urusan hal ehwal agama Islam.\nNo problem. Tapi, PAS how? No holds barred?" ], [ "Whats wrong with have other opinions? Problem with Muslims these days too close minded…", "It is seen as mockery. Same case why non muslim sharia lawyer not allowed to practice unless they are Muslim themselves. I know a sikh lawyer that complained about this long time ago as he completed his study in sharia law yet he wasn't allowed to practice for the same reason. Something like why would you pretend play of using sharia law when you don't even believe?", "Something like why would you pretend play of using sharia law when you don't even believe?\nBeing a lawyer has nothing to do with what one believes.\nIt's so stupid and backward to make it a requirement for sharia lawyers to believe in Islam. Sharia are laws. Laws don't care whether you believe them or not.", "Well stupid to you not stupid to them. Can read more here.\nhttps://www.malaysianbar.org.my/article/news/legal-and-general-news/general-news/who-qualifies-as-a-syariah-lawyer#:~:text=To%20deal%20with%20this%2C%20they,syariah%20lawyers%20must%20be%20Muslim." ], [ "Things can work in both way, I don’t give a shit on you, you don’t give a shit on me, then we’ll all be fine. I’m not interested in any religion, I can live my single day without being religious. Faith ain’t nothing, Monster Hunter Iceborne is everything." ], [ "The problem is that there are many people that don't even know their own religion and think that they can have a say with the do's and don'ts of the religion. Muslim or non Muslim, same nyet 🙈😮‍💨" ] ]
Is there truly no way for foreigners in Malaysia to use the Touch 'n Go eWallet? the app just wont accept any of my VISA/Mastercards
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "For non Malaysians or residents, you can use MY TouristPay for QR payments with overseas card. iOS version isn’t out yet." ], [ "In the app's topup screen, there's an option to topup by using reload PIN. I never try it before, if not mistaken user can buy PIN from 7-Eleven and certain pharmacy, petrol stations.", "That's quite clever. Nice one", "The downside of reload using PIN is that the fund is non-transferable.\nSuppose Alice wants to transfer money to Bob via TnG, she will need to have transferrable fund and if she has only PIN reloads she will not be able to transfer the fund.\nQuite a lot of hawkers use personal QR codes that only support fund transfer BTW.", "Ougs! That would be a major drawback then, i guess it's for regulation/AML rules. Thanks for calling out." ], [ "Same question but for Alipay and WeChat pay, they only accept credit card issued from mainland china 😭", "VISA and Mastercard can be added on Alipay and WeChat Pay. Your account must be verified." ], [ "Contact TNG eWallet support" ], [ "Create MAE account\nDeposit money from ATM/transfer from friends\nLink virtual card to tng" ], [ "I’m someone who lives in the west and I’ve been researching other countries to live in as the situation here is becoming intolerable, and one of the countries I have thought quite seriously is Malaysia. I have not been to the countries but know of many people that have lived in Malaysia but one reason or another they had to return or move.\nThe question I want to ask is of both people the natives and the expat what do you think of my idea. I do plan to travel to Malaysia and try to stay there for at least a month.", "Singaporean neighbour here who frequents Malaysia. At least have a remote job that pays decent. You can try to visit on holiday first to see if the culture and weather is to your liking. You can survive with English well. I would suggest to have a workflow or habits formed when you're overseas to micmic what happens if you do live here.", "What would you say is a decent salary in terms of dollars", "Good qns. This is where I want you to be resourceful and take ownership and figure it yourself. Then you ask better question.", "Honestly that response came across as very pretentious and condescending, I didn’t really have much of a impression of Singaporean but definitely got one today", "Then the Malaysians would sure be delightful to have you as their guest there with that mindset. Because it wouldn't matter how much the amount I tell you because your question was weak and lack context. I wish you the best venturing the outside world.", "Only someone like you would need a Scenario based question as if it was a exam paper without you seem to struggle with the idea of human interaction sorry I couldn’t be bothered to write this in binary all the best venturing in your AI world", "By “the natives” do you mean Orang Asli or is that your word for the local population more generally?", "I have to apologise as I don’t know detailed history of Malaysia I meant native as in Malaysian citizen, can you tell me more about Orang Asli" ], [ "Because this is technically impossible.\nOnly credit/debit card issued by Malaysia and Singapore local bank\nIt should be\nOnly credit/debit card issued by Malaysian or Singaporean local bank" ] ]
Can Malaysian with Singapore driving license allowed to drive?
Am I allowed to drive Malaysia registered car with a Singapore driving license, or I need to convert back to Malaysia license with JPJ?
[ [ "Can", "Police won't tangkap me ha if they see me using Malaysia IC but Singapore license..", "No la. Hahaha. Although they may ask some questions. But thats about it.", "Thanks.. was so worried that I have to retake the driving test again lol...", "Weyh if you can pass SG license test the Malaysia one is no kick. /s I kidding.", "Hahhahaha 😃😃😃 so bad" ], [ "eh stay in sg. :P" ] ]
took a little trip last night, taking photos for my final year project and giving them almost cyberpunk look.
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "if you wanna go cyberpunk looks get to kedai tomyam with all the neon splendor", "kedai tomyam ftw" ], [ "As someone who love Cyberpunk 2077, I approve this!", "thank you thank you ! its my first time trying this look", "You're very welcome😆" ], [ "Are you studying photography?", "ahah not directly, im a graphic design student. its just i insisted taking my own photos for the poster for originality :))", "ah cool. I'm looking into photography as a hobby myself" ], [ "Approved! Yes, it's not easy to get the cyberpunk looks... I've trying so hard to get that look on Bukit Bintang but failed many times. That is amazing.", "thank you so much !! i appreciate it" ] ]
Help needed for Accommodation!
Hello 👋 I have accepted a job opportunity in Malaysia and will be shifting to KL in early feb. I have been on the lookout for a rented apartment for myself. I will be staying alone. My office is in Bukit Bintang. What are the possible areas I can explore for an apartment? Easy commute to office is an important factor for me. I am not looking for something lavish. Simple and comfortable will do. Any inputs on the rent expectations and other factors I might need to consider are welcome. I have checked out propertyguru but I think local advise can be really helpful. Thanks in advance for your help.
[ [ "An area called Bukit Ceylon springs immediately to mind as it is walking distance to Bukit Bintang and there are many dining/entertainment options in the immediate vicinity. However, a prime location like this comes at a price, with most apartments going for RM3,000 per month or more.\nYou might halve your rental if you go to a more local neighbourhood like Cheras, but you'll lose that walkability.\nI'd look at stations on the \"MRT Kajang Line\" and search for apartments near stations on this line, since you'll likely be taking it a lot if you're working in Bukit Bintang.", "Thanks a lot for your response! I will surely check these options out. My budget is around RM1500.\nWhat are some good resources to search for apartments? I am currently looking at Facebook groups and propertyguru.", "Try iProperty as well. Personally, I’d get short-term accommodation in a hotel or serviced apartment for 2 weeks to a month to give myself time to pound the pavement and find something that really suits my needs. I’ve always found it most effective to walk up to the guardhouse and asking the security guards if they have a contact number for a reliable agent. They normally have one or two.", "Thanks for your advice. Yes my employer is offering me 2 weeks of stay as relocation support. I have plans to utilize this as well as possible." ], [ "I know it’s a little far but the place has come a long way. Tropicana Gardens is a set of apartments connected directly to the Surian MRT which will take you directly to Bukit Bintang, you’ll come out at the H&M of Lot 10.\nThe apartments itself can go from anything between RM1000 to 3000 and I used to live in a nice two bedroom for RM1500. You’ll even have nice swimming pools, fully equipped gyms and nearby eateries along with a mall and groceries just below.\nEDIT: it was RM2300 for a studio but it was pretty spacious. I’m not good with numbers so I had to check with my wife. Check on iproperty and you can absolute find places all for yourself :)", "Thanks a lot for your response. I have a budget around RM 1500. Did you get the entire apartment for RM1500?", "Hey I just spoke to another friend and you should absolutely check out Mutiara Damansara too, it’s linked to another mrt which should take you to bukit bintang no problem. And maybe Damansara Perdana (metropolitan square) however it’s much further from the station and the rest of our public transport system leaves much to be desired." ], [ "Good luck to you!\nI do not want to hijack the thread, just wondering if anyone can suggest a good area for me also. My office will be west of Mid Valley City, close to the highway. Thank you.", "Thanks and all the best to you too.\nWhat resources are you looking out in search for accommodation? It would be great if you could share. I'm trying out Facebook groups and property guru.", "Apart from property guru, I am often looking on https://www.iproperty.com.my/\nBut my plan will be to stay at an AirBNB for a month, and during this time I will look for a more robust accommodation." ] ]
Any fellow millennials going for this?
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "Hopefully the sex demon band doesn't get the ban hammer" ], [ "Baru je layan \"Drive\" tu hari haha.", "Dia punya riff tu nice" ], [ "Oh wow… definitely yes. I went to the one in 2000+ (even dh lupa when it is)… it was incredible. Thank you for posting!", "Was it at the 2008 Sunburst Festival? That was the last time I saw them. cries in old", "Um…. it’s the one earlier… 2004, at Bukit Kiara. Did you just cry in old? Let me cry in ancient, then ☠️ anyway, this ancient person will be in the rock zone, cos the old people seats are all taken. Geram aku but what to do…. 😤", "Don't think it was 2004, cannot be that long. I was there at bukit kiara as well..\nOr I'm just getting old...", "Yes, bukit kiara was 2004 wei. Their most recent was 2018 in KL Live.", "", "Been trying to find my ticket stub for hours and can’t find it 😭 but Google says it’s 2004 and I think it’s correct cos it matches with events of my life masa tu 🥺" ], [ "Listened to them some time back. For a band called Incubus they play really tame stuff, still pretty decent though" ], [ "Apa ni?", "Gen Z detected", "Metal rock band kut" ], [ "Hiburan madani" ], [ "am going with my fam 🙋🏻‍♀️" ], [ "I might have to find their full discography and get aquatinted with them. Not heard their songs in a long time" ], [ "Isn't incubus a male sex demon?? Or is it Succubus the one that I'm thinking about right now", "Incubus is for male and Succubus is for female. Both of them are the same but different genders." ], [ "I want to, but the amount of concerts that happened and is happening left me broke" ], [ "how much a ticket its gonna be?" ], [ "Incubus?\nuhhh.... no.... I don't want to be with incubi..." ], [ "Yessss" ], [ "What when how. I need to be there" ], [ "Not a gen Y, but I only know one song from them. Just that one song." ], [ "Wait till jakim finds out incubus refers to a male sex demon. Now where's the succubus?" ], [ "Holy shit, they are still active, thanks for the reminder OP" ], [ "Man, I remember this band for one thing only. The time their song 'Make a Move' showed up in that fighter jet movie Stealth. The music video was really good too.", "They have another song called Admiration from the same movie and it’s really good too!" ] ]
My great grandad decorated the KL central markets in 1953. Does anyone have photos of how it looked during the competition? Or any more info about it?
[ "Culture" ]
Skim Graduan for car loans
Hi everyone! I need some insight about Skim graduan loan to buy my first car. Is this skim safe for people to apply? Anyone tried to apply this before? I just graduated and plan to get my first car(axia) before i start working next february. Thank youu 👍🏻
[ [ "Won't it be a little risky to get car before starting a job?\nYou don't know if the job suits you." ] ]
Flood hits mall in Puchong
[ [ "idk why anyone would willingly choose to live in puchong", "Better Puchong than Klang.", "I remember reading a study on rising sea level and climate change, both of them are equally bad in coming 50 years (probably accelerated, since it is sort of unpredictable for the compounding effects of the natural disaster).", "at least klang less densely populated", "Like as if any other part of Malaysia is better." ], [ "Puchong is rly hell.", "Not for people", "The roads are so messed up man" ] ]
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 17 Disember 2023 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "Cool scarf bro" ], [ "I went to high school with this guy! He was one of the smaller kids who got bullied, unfortunately. He went on to study metocean/meteorology and seems really passionate about it, good for him!" ] ]
Malaysia's GoGet aims to revamp gig work with pension, health benefits
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Screengrab of the article\n<image>" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 17 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: My wife said that I ruined her birthday... But I didn’t even know it was her birthday.
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Just watched abang adik and damn, what a show. I don't recommend watching it in cinema though. It's hard to surpressed own crying so you don't disturb other people's crying.\nIts a symphony of sobs in my hall at that particular scene." ], [ "I'm someone who always plans way ahead of time and likes to get organized and all that. So knowing that flight tickets usually increase significantly during festive seasons, I decided to buy a flight ticket for Jan 2 on October. The price was already high at RM700ish for a one way ticket. Then just now my friend talked to me and she said she hasn't bought a plane ticket yet and when we checked the app together, apparently a ticket on Jan 2 only costs RM300ish now?? I don't understand how flight ticket prices work. I basically overpaid TWICE more because I feared the price would increase even more closer to January but instead it decreased HALF. I\"m sad.", "There's a certain sweet spot apparently when it comes to buying flight tickets. This is anecdotal, but I've heard from most friends and family who are frequent travellers that buying air tickets 1-1.5 months before the actual flight will get you the best prices, though I think this is also dependent on the frequency/busyness of that air route.", "This. But it's a gamble - if that flight is \"hot\" and the seats starts to run out you may pay a much higher price.\nOtherwise, the price can abruptly drop so they can try and fill the plane up." ], [ "Going to MY for the first time soon, is KL bus is cashless only.", "Haven't taken the bus in a while but if I recall correctly, all MRT feeder buses (and I think a large majority of RapidKL routes also) all are cashless only now. Or to be more precise, are Touch 'n' Go card only now, don't think they accept debit/credit/NFC.\nYou can buy a Touch 'n' Go card at most convenience stores or major transport hubs, then can reload it with cash at the same places." ], [ "My company is doing secret santa and my colleague i'm paired with has a tng gift card as a wishlist. Im such a noob at this e-wallet thing and may come off stupid. Where am i to get a TNG gift card?", "Village Grocer has them." ], [ "Anyone here using Xiaomi/Poco device with custom ROM? Wondering if it passes Play Integrity and if MAE or other local banking apps work on it?", "I had rooted Poco X3 with custom rom before (~1 year ago), depend on the custom rom you are using, most of them are works with mae if they're from more well known cusrom, some require root. But most of them won't have any problem after adding them to magiskdenylist/magiskhide and hiding the magisk app itself", "Thanks for the response!\nI'm probably going with non-rooted EvolutionX/CrDroid/XiaomiEU (haven't decided yet), hopefully can use banking apps without root, but if necessary then I guess have to go the root + Magisk route then 🤔\nAny issues with the phone after going custom ROM?", "I tried EvoX and XiaomiEU, both have no issue with banking app, never tried crdroid. Some rom have additional file that you need to flash to pass play integrity\nBe careful when updating the rom, always have a backup. I bricked my phone once during update. and always wait few week and read other's feedback before installing an update.\nOther than that, I don't remember any other issues", "Got it, thanks for the heads up! 🙏" ], [ "Hiii monysts, anyone know where to find Arbol and Guajillo chillies in Klang Valley area?", "Le dot. I wanna know too 👀" ], [ "With rising covid cases and maybe being peak next Jan, christmas and cny coming soon, some students suggest online study for few months. What do you guys think of this?" ], [ "To that Turkish uncle who left malaysia, sold everything to go back to Turkey, have fun with 50% reduction in value.\nFuck you for trying to fuck the Indonesian auntie and made her quit after.\nThe Turkish uncle was a shady store owner here in KL, had to experienced the fallout when I was a kid because he kept on arguing with everyone." ], [ "Is there a bus that goes to 163 retail park?", "Yep, T852" ], [ "", "Pussy" ], [ "<image>\nHi Monyets. The cat distribution system has blessed me with a kitten and now I plan to bring it to my studio apartment in KL.\nI have an outdoor cat that roams outside and she's pretty self sustaining. However, raising an indoor cat is a whole new territory for me. Is there anything I should know before bringing a kitten to my place?\nI'm worried about the cat chewing wires, scratching furniture and disturbing me sleeping at night.\nCat tax provided. 4 month old female. Also I need help naming it. Mei Mei is the first thing that comes to mind.", "A female oyen? Mashaallah.\nWhat I learned : Listen to veterinarians. Don't pandai2.\nCat-proof your house. Don't let her play with strings unsupervised. I heard that there are cats who died that way. They swallowed the string and the strings messed up their organs.\nGet rid of, or put away anything that fits into their mouth. Put away food containers. One of my cats ate aluminium foil. Fortunately he could puke it out.\nPut away food that cats can't eat. Human food contains spices that are toxic to cats.\nMake sure their toilet is clean. Cats like to be clean. They will not use the litterbox if it's not clean enough for them.\nGive them something to scratch or they will scratch everything.", "She's Ash grey-ish actually. But dully noted.", "So this is just my opinion, not a vet or anything.\nhonestly, I would consider getting a companion for Mei2 in case she gets lonely\nif you can, avoid bentonite (clay) or silica crystal litter. I use tofu, although there are a wide range of environmentally-friendly litter types available like wood, newspaper (not actual newspaper lol), etc.\ndon't get scented litter, the cat might not like the scent\nif you are feeding her kibble, get one that is predominantly made of meat. A contra-example would be Whiskas kibbles, where the main ingredient is corn.\nget an electric water fountain. Flowing water encourages cats to drink\nget her neutered as soon as you can, followed by spot-on treatment and vaccination\nzoomies is the price of cat ownership.", "Can you flush cat litter witulh tofu sand down the toilet?", "It's marketed as flushable, but I don't dare to do it - I don't want to risk clogging my toilet. Instead I just bag (I bought rolls of S-sized trash bags specifically for this) the used litter and dispose it with the rest of the household trash." ], [ "Yo, what phones are you guys using for gaming? Currently I'm using rog phone 6, but the camera is having issues so I'm looking to save for a new phone is case this one suddenly goes kaput.\nFrom reading online apparently Poco's flagship F5 Pro is the best option for money's worth. Any other phones to recommend?" ], [ "What's the best pub/bar around 1utama to watch the Liv vs Utd game?" ], [ "<image>\nMonyets, anywhere in KL can i find a shallow fish tank like this? Maybe 30cm W x 10~15cm D x 10~15cm H?", "custom build at any aquarium shop?" ], [ "Does r/bolehland also have a survey like r/malaysia? I'm curious of what percentage of users are there.", "Not that I know of. Only random poll posts were done.", "I see. Oh well" ], [ "https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/11/983321/where-proof-1400-israelis-killed-asks-tun-m\nlaunch attack that is over in under 6 hours, take hundreds of hostages which many you then release for prisoner swaps, no one denies this, not even Hamas\nwait 6 weeks\nAll the worlds media have arrived with their camera to document your ass getting handed to you\nDino T starts playing the \"where evidence bro\" game\nOutside two cars, there was also two young ladies, naked from the waist down,\" Shmael said. \"One of the victims was gunshot down in the lower part of her body.\"\nShmael said there was \"definitely\" a difference between how the bodies of the male and female victims were found.\n\"What they did to these ladies from the waist down, it's not only rape,\" Shmael said.\n[Picture warning]\nhttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamas-israel-witnesses-evidence-show-sexual-violence-oct-7-terror-attack/\nYou can find plenty of the gore footage online of the slaughter that happened at a peace festival and Palestinians dragging gangraped naked dead woman's bodies around the streets cheering you dumb fucking old man.\nIf you were a Palestinian, you really going to try go on a civilian murder spree again after this? They are going to kill 40 Palestinian for every 1 of their dead. And they will do it again if hamasdumbass ever tries once more in future.\nSo maybe don't go murdering and raping civilians like pack animals while pretending this is a war about land rights and this won't happen to you again? Seems very simple to me.\nThey wanted war and here it is. No sympathy.", "You just need to be human to have empathy on what's going on", "I don't see much empathy against apartheid in my own country friend.\nPlease answer me here, why can't we take tens of thousands of Palestinians as our brothers and sisters and save them from genocide? Malaysian empathy so strong yeah. Weak animals bark the loudest dont they.\nYou don't have any empathy and I challenge any Malay or Palestinian supporter to best me on how many refugees we should accept. Malaysia should take 500,000 Palestinians today, we send airforce to bring them here right now, save them from this horror, you are not a real Muslim if you don't want this. God willing it can happen and we can put them all in Kelantan, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and Damansara where they will be great upstanding Muslim citizens that we will all accept as our own.\nWhy are yahudi countries taking in thousands of Palestinian refugees while we refuse even one in our own? Are you all bark and no penis ? Don't actually want to help Palestinians do you? I get the feeling this is the case with 90% Malays.\nFrom whole apartments to the tiniest piggy bank, community groups across Australia have been inundated with donations for Gazan families arriving on visitor visas after fleeing the war.\nMore than 800 people from the besieged territory have been granted temporary visas by the federal government.\nhttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-16/gazans-arriving-in-australia-supported-by-community-donations/103224442", "I thought the whole point is NOT leaving the land?", "I don't see much empathy against apartheid in my own country friend.\nWhat you are going through is nothing compared to what the Palestinians are going through. No none bumiputera are being forcebly kicked out of their own home, Malaysia doesn't unequivocally state that bumiputeras— and only bumiputeras — have the exclusive right to “self-determination” nor has Malaysia forcebly sterilize non bumiputeras\nYou life is far more privileged than an average non Jew in Israel, Malaysia has it's own racial issues but it is not on on par as what the Palestinians are shame on you for making light of an active genocide.", "What you are going through is nothing compared to what the Palestinians are going through.\nThanks for the acknowledgement. So apartheid is good as long as it is at a certain level?\nEither you against racial discrimination at the government level or you are for it, there's no levels here. Which one are you?", "There was never a discussion about bringing the Palestinians here in Malaysia in the first place. Your main point initially was about having no sympathy with what's going on in Palestine right now", "Madey madey" ], [ "Let's say I bought something that might be in the thousands of converted to MYR in Singapore and then I come back to Malaysia\nIs there something I need to know like additional taxes or something?\nThat figurine that j was looking for is not available in Malaysia and if I go back to Singapore, I would consider buying it from Singapore instead\nThe figurine is probably in like 1.5k in MYR last I check 🐯\nThanks in advance", "Do you have to declare it as something that you bought? What if you say it was something that was gifted to you by a friend?", "Ooowh just a figurine. How you bringing it back? COD and bring back personally?\nHere if less than RM500, won’t get taxed. You can underdeclare. If you fly in from SG to Msia, then normally they won’t check your baggage.\nWhat figurine is that?", "I would probably fly it when I go to SG\nI saw it last time but I didn't buy citing that I could get it in Malaysia but then I found out I actually CAN'T get it in Malaysia 🥺\nThe figurine is nothing indecent or sexy, it's just something from my childhood but I am kinda shy to say 🐯🙈\nI might also consider asking my friend working there to buy it when he comes back to Malaysia", "Owwwh me more interested what figurine is that. Sauce? Maybe I can find cheaper" ], [ "Minta nasihat sedikit.\nSekarang ini Kitten dah nak mengawan, jadi dia cuba untuk.. ahem, menjalinkan hubungan dengan Baron Cat. Apa yang saya perlu buat untuk menular agenda LGBT di rumah saya?", "conversion therapy", "should send them to johor fr", "Spay Neuter", "Spay Neuter\nthey can just change to tng ewallet", "Not my cat though." ], [ "Hello, does anyone know any active running clubs in PJ or Damansara area? Been eyeing to join one lately", "wtf\nEdit : idk why but I first read it as you're looking for a cult instead of a club. Whoops. 😅", "Cult? Got many to join ah like Usana , Coway, Herbalife 😂" ], [ "Can someone kick your out from a public place because they are being comfortable ? There is a uncle in my housing area who recently loss his wife due to cancer. They always sit on a particular bench in the public park every morning.\nSo this uncle I think is mourning and trying to accept the loss of his wife and he will sit at that bench sometime almost whole day.\nThe problem is the bench is facing a house, and the house owner is being uncomfortable with it.\nThe owner confronted the uncle, the uncle scold back saying this is a public bench, it's not your bench.\nIf the owner called PDRM one day, can PDRM halau the uncle or arrest the uncle for anything ?\nThe uncle just sit down and read newspaper/book only, didn't do anything disturbing.", "Owner seems like a douche", "Yup, just let that man grieve. He is not disturbing you or anyone else.", "Probably not. Like you said the uncle isn't a \"public menace\" per se. The house owner could still call the police but I doubt much can happen.\nMaybe charge for \"loitering\" but I don't know if we have laws for that" ], [ "Man the weekend flies sooo fast.", "What, Monday is tomorrow?!" ], [ "hello, On my last day, should I go to the bird park or the national zoo, need to catch a flight from KLIA at 5pm sharp.", "Probably Bird Park - smaller and easier to finish it faster. Both opens at 9", "yeah. bird park for me also. not quite far from lrt pasar seni. if national zoo, has to take grab. took me about 1 hour to walk around bird park.", "Actually that's a good point with regards to accessibility.\nI'm guessing OP is probably staying somewhere in KL proper, so if they're going to checkout and leave their bags at the hotel Bird Park would be closer centrally too" ], [ "Hi guys, I will be staying in Puteri Harbour Johor for a few days. Any recommendations on makan2 place that I should check out in the area? I will be driving so distance shouldn't be an issue. (Halal food recommendations please)", "PanKobo. Hua Mui. Banana Leaf Kitchen. Tom and Danny. Miss Siam.\nOr else pusing2 around Eco Botanic. Most of restorans there memang sedap2." ], [ "Part 20 on hating the Mercedes A class.\nOne common complain we get at the dealership is that the doors are hard to close on the MFA2 platform cars (A,B class,CLA,GLB and it's EQ variants)\nYou really have to put in much more effort in closing the doors and we can't do much other than adjusting the door latch catch but that would cause the doors alignment and gaps to be out of spec.\nIn the G class, you also have to close it hard but it feels solid because of the latch design unlike the MFA2 cars,where you feel like the whole door is about to come out.", "Huh. I thought r/kereta doors hard to close is a good thing. I love slamming my w140 doors. Lmaoooooo G wagon? Even better. I would love to slam it everyday", "Because these platforms don't feel as nice to slam the doors, it gets annoying when it won't go into drive because the doors aren't fully closed.\nThe hard click you get when you close a door on a G class is so satisfying, sometimes I do it just for fun.", "What. The car won’t engage into drive if the doors are not fully closed???? Ok that’s going to be a problem in the future lmao. All my doors switch are considered broken.\nYeah I watched video about G wagon doors. Would love to get one", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/kereta using the top posts of all time!\n#1: How much should I pay to a mechanic to check if a secondhand car is worth buying?\n#2: Just swapped the location of the MAF sensor. | 9 comments\n#3: Why you should buy a GT86 | 13 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "Just realized that white people \"age faster\" not only because they have thinner skin and are more susceptible to UV damage, but also because any change in the face imparts a shadow that's very visible on pale skin.\nLike, when your eyes start to hollow and cheeks start to sag, the shadows would be much less visible on dark skin because there's less contrast. The shadowing blends into dark skin whereas it stands out on pale skin." ], [ "Anyone went to ESL One at MITEC?\nGoing today for finals, wanted to know if backpack and water is allowed to be bought inside?" ], [ "why does Malay does [negative things] = 300+ upvotes 300+ comments\nwhy does [other race] does [negative things] = Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r-malaysia. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.\n:26554:", "welcome to r/malaysia mate where the majority is the minority who think they are 1000% right", "u/katabana02, u/a_herculePoirot_fan maybe boleh jelaskan so people dont think there is an agenda on the sub?", "People will occasionally observe mod actions and conclude that we are biased in favour of one race over the other. What they don't consider or see are the vast majority of racist posts and comments that get removed on a daily basis, either because it's automatically filtered or one of us happens to be scrolling the feed.\nI know karlkry is likely referring to \"What's up with some Malay Grab drivers\"; that is a 60-40 thing for us, but ultimately we decided it's a topic regarding Malay proficiency and OP is not generalizing in their post title, hence it got a pass from us. But I see that katabana has just removed it because OP has zero participation in the thread.\nAs for the other post, \"Why Indian employees make so many excuses\", the post title alone is already incendiary, that's why it got removed. But we forgot to attach a removal reason, and for that we admit that was remiss of us.", "Not sure which post he is talking about. Link?", "Mungkin this one?", "On first glance, tht post doesn't meet 200 word requirement. The post meet the rest of rule 1 requirement.", "link to the malay thing for comparison :26554:", "I assume its the Malay grab driver one", "This should get remove because op didn't participate at all. Thanks. Removing now.", "I still remember before in 2016-2017,\nThere was a few \"why are malays so xxxx\" post, cue a bunch of people supporting it, \"yep malay is like that\"\nUntil the foreigner clarifies he's talking about malaysians, not specifically malay", "How dare you say exactly what I would say if I were you 😂", "Sudah gaharu cendana pula..", "Lepas syabu, pil kuda pulak?", "Waking up and choosing violence on a Sunday I see 😏", "👁️👄👁️🍿☕👌" ], [ "this is not a picture of an old carpet, but a zoom in of Coco's belly.\nI think she might have curly hair mutation.\nOr she's just scraggly naturally. 😅", "9.38 a.m. taking a break from mowing the bushes because some plant matter flew into my eye.\nI wore eye protection. Somehow it got through the plastic and into my eye?\nAtoms are not solid and made of electrons running around neutrons and protons very fast, so there is a tiny chance that you can walk through a wall. Maybe that was what happened.", "Whenever something related to electronics broke, I often joke with my friend - it must be the cosmic rays, lol! My previous phone was like that, it would be unable to start the system randomly. Still wouldn't work even if I reset it using a PC. At some point, it started working again, and I have no idea what made it work. It happened many times last year, but it hasn't happened for months till now. Weird!\nOh, the nucleus of an atom occupies a very small volume compared to the overall size of an atom. It is mostly empty space. Like my feelings right now :26554:" ] ]
Smexy time 🥵
[ "Environment" ]
Pic 2 is the larvae of the same species of ladybug
[ [ "You think the ladybugs look at this and get horny just like humans with porn?" ], [ "Henosepilachna?", "yup" ], [ "These bugs are getting more action than I have my life whole" ], [ "Bug thug⁉️🥶🥵" ], [ "Haram bro... ><" ], [ "I hate you" ] ]
"Fun" Fact
TIL the bloody TnG function in your MyKad can expire. I have over 50 in it too
[ [ "", "Yeah. Not a big deal but very surprising that the MyKad can expire.", "Your TnG card can also expire.", "lol yes. TnG can expire I understand. The MyKad expiring took me by surprise" ], [ "I’ve always wondered why DO TnG cards have expiry dates in the first place?", "my guess. maybe degradation of the magnetic strip." ], [ "Yeah I found this out when a colleague told me she’s taking AL to go renew her IC and I was like “for what tho?? You’re like 28 😂” and she said because her TnG expired and my mind was blownnnnn it makes zero sense that you have to renew your whole IC just because your TnG expired 🤦🏻‍♀️", "I wouldn't bother renewing the IC. I'll get a TnG card", "If you frequently use MRT or any RapidKL services, you’ll use the my50 pass which can only be activated using the TnG on IC. So you have to renew it 😭", "oh.... I see... that sucks. Did it take long?", "Not really. You just need to choose a JPN or UTC branch that is not that crowded and go early in the morning to avoid the crowd. They take your picture in the morning and will ask you to come later in the evening to pick up the IC." ], [ "<image>\n10 yrs from date of issuance. There’s always a catch, ppl! Could work the same if it was in your IC too", "10 years? I'm told the TnG expires in 2.\nwell. now that mine's expired, we know it definitely works the same even when it's the IC" ], [ "You can request refund on their website but for that you need the tng serial number. On normal tng cards, the SN is printed on the back, but not on ICs. To find the SN you have to topup your expired IC and it'll say on the receipt lol.\nI wasn't going to topup just to be refunded in however many working days their process time is. So I just waited until the next time I was around Nu Sentral, went to their customer service centre and they transfered my balance to another tng card I had." ], [ "MyKad TNG ought not to expire", "yeah... but it does apparently." ] ]
10% sales tax on online goods to apply from Jan 1
This will wreck small online businesses. I mean what’s the point of giving 100 eMadani credits if you’re going to tax 10% of goods that will mostly be bought by the B40 crowd?
[ [ "You know the sucky thing is, despite this, that it should only affect overseas goods, some sellers would probably still mark up their prices still for local goods.", "Yeah it seems like businesses use any excuse these days to increase prices. The intro of GST which shouldn't have caused a price increase. Then SST after that. Then pandemic cost rises and gas rises. But when all this goes down the price never goes down.", "If you own a business then you will know the pressure. You can maybe tahan one or two month and then relent to raise prices just to keep afloat. Fast moving merchandise can be worse, you end up losing more money quickly. Banks and suppliers will not be easier on you. It's a chain reaction, the Gomen won't act on middlemen because that's where their political warlords thrive.", "That is up to oneself to do comparison before purchasing. I notice people nowadays really don't bother surveying and just tembak." ], [ "Enforcing this so rapidly when luxury tax being pushed till May with the opportunity to be deferred even later. Smells like exploiting everyone other than the rich.", "Don't worry PMX is the best", "The law has always existed to punish the poor anyway.\nWhat poor people can afford a lawyer? Even having a busted car is a crime in Malaysia while public transport is lacking.\nRich people can evade murder through legal loopholes.", "Remember MCO time. All the makciks getting lokap. The celebrity’s getting Scott free.\nLoyar Up!", "Good point. Government was literally extorting money from the people. Mahiaddin is a babi." ], [ "<image>\n\"The LVG tax will impose a 10% sales duty on goods valued under RM500 (excluding shipping fees) imported from overseas.\nThis comes after a proposed amendment to the Sales Tax Act 2018 to tax LVG sales through the Sales Tax (Amendment) Bill 2022 on Aug 1 last year.\nBoth local and foreign sellers of imported low-value goods with sales exceeding a total of RM500,000 within a duration of 12 months is responsible for acquiring ‘Registered Seller’ (RS) status with the Customs department under the legislation.\"\nIt's supposed to protect local seller.\nLVG tax", "> Both local and foreign sellers of imported low-value goods with sales exceeding a total of RM500,000\ndrop shipper unite everywhere.", "Inside the weird, get-rich-quick world of dropshipping" ], [ "It's actually surprising that the government has taken this long to implement this. With the rise of cross border e-commerce, I would imagine that it equates to huge losses for the country in tax revenue, not just in the untaxed goods but also the decline in revenue of SMEs in Malaysia who do pay the 10% tax.\nOur neighbours Indonesia have long implemented this with a higher tax rate of around 17%. They have a huge micro SME market there which wouldn't have been able to compete with untaxed goods from China.\nProbably unpopular opinion here, but we just need to get used to it. It is for the greater good", "I've noticed that there are quite a number of local guys in shopee that sell China made stuff, its quite mundane and can be things like phone cases and all, how does that work? Is that considered a local shop or foreign LVG and therr will be tax?", "As long as it's imported, it will be subject to the 10% tax. This article below explains how the original RM500 level existed to help on efficiency of importation process. As cross border volume increases, other countries have mechanisms like VAT or GST to help protect their local businesses\nhttps://www.crowe.com/my/insights/indirect-tax_imposition-of-sales-tax-on-imported-low-value-goods-in-malaysia\nOf course, we did away with GST. If it had remained all these goods would've been taxed anyway so there wouldn't have been such a big issue. With GST abolished, we went back to the SST system which reintroduced all these loopholes.\nTo be frank, even the current implementation of above RM500 shipments is very lax. Based on experience, only those going through POS gets scrutinised fully. If you use other couriers, you might get away from paying tax. Now, I'd guess this would prevent all such issues since it's a blanket tax on all imported goods", "Thanks for explaining. I'm in the opinion that the government took long enough to implement this and the rate is still quite low as well relative to other countries. Its a loophole that needed closing cause its extra revenue lost for the govt", "If u use those big posts then u will surely cannot lari. DHL. FEDEX and such", "This is not the unpopular opinion, this is the smartest opinion here.\nMany people malas baca and immediately jump on the 'tax=bad' bandwagon.", "tax=bad' bandwagon.\nTax => price increase so you can't really blame people here", "I think what is infuriating is that to tobacco products are EXCLUDED. Anwar is such a spineless, weak leader.", "Tobacco products are already subject to import and excise duties." ], [ "To promote buy Malaysian things first?", "80% stuff on Shoppee came direct from China if I'm not mistaken lol", "80% is hella generous", "", "Instead of buying new handphone that without tax you already considering not buying why not buy a lower price one that work the same when the tax come?", "If you're buying phones with less than rm500 in value then you might as well buy a Nokia feature phone from a shop at the mall", "Hmm... U think Malaysian products if sell online, no need kena 10% tax?" ], [ "As a regular Taobao buyer, this is not good at all, 10% is a lot.", "Use a proxy service and false declare the value of your purchases.", "yeah this suck. I wonder how they will implemented this tho, never bought anything >500 so never kena sst. I assumed the tax will add up during checkout? or do you actually need to file it yourself?", "I think the shipping company should contact you to pay the tax? But I can't remember. Pretty sure I had to do it before." ], [ "Seller : oh fuck yes fucking yes another chance to rise price for every 10 sen i rise rm1 on each my product , wdym im selling cat poop? Idc" ], [ "We need more details on how this is going to work. It says it's only imposed on goods delivered to Malaysia - so does this mean online marketplaces where the items are already in Malaysia are exempt?" ], [ "Lol so effectively this tax applies to people wanting to buy cheap stuff <500\nIt really is expensive to be poor" ], [ "Putting the Mad in Madani.", "Tak pasti Madani atau Mayirandi.", "I always called them Madayani" ], [ "wreck small online businesses? it only applies to foreign sellers. local sellers not affected, in fact they are happy because foreign sellers' prices are going to increase by 10%." ], [ "How does that work exactly like say for Japanese intermediary sites, Amazon, ebay and etsy?", "I was thinking the same question as well. In this case, buying stuff from overseas (Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc.) with item below RM500 gonna be taxed 10%, then item value above RM500 will be taxed 10% as usual.\nIt is really disappointing, now that buying stuff under RM500 will gonna be taxed. Haih.", "I mean, I am concerned that those platforms didn’t get the memo on the change, but to be honest, I never buy anything below RM500 (converted or otherwise) from those sites. Usually I buy old technology products from there.", "Mmm, so it doesn't really affect you then. Well, don't mind me asking, but what old tech do you buy that's above RM500?", "Second hand laptops, tablets, vinyl records, etc.", "possible they tax tru online platform like taobao, shopee and lazada who collect in myr and platform itself not possible below 500k sales a year. all foreign seller fall in that blanket immediately. in other hand individual who brought in by dhl and fedex, follow original process to declay value and tax 10% like other goods listed, mean every single things brought in need 10% tax, i think travel shopping get tax too, no more help people by Lv bag in future.", "This is for Amazon US/UK and Japan:\nFrom what i observed, right until June 2022 Amazon collects 'Import Fees Deposit' for each order i make whether or not the total exceeds RM500. For orders below RM500 or if they fee was not collected. the fee is refunded 3 -6 weeks later.\nI noticed the fee amounts to the 6% tax for imported goods over RM500 under the current policy.\nFor orders exceeding RM500 - the fee is usually not refunded - means the fee was claimed by customs. But i've had 1 order at RM600+ which wasn't tax (fee refunded in full) - probably a rare case.\nSince June 2022 - they have stopped charging import fee deposit for orders below RM500. It took them some time to realize that it wasn't needed for sub RM500 orders.\nIf i'm not wrong, come Jan 2024 and onward, Amazon should be collecting the revised tax via the same 'Import Fees Deposit' mechanism. At least i hope they do so the process is as simple as ordering, paying the tax and getting the items ordered without the customs BS.\nAlso, apparently they already have a page for LVG taxes - but currently only list info for Singapore and other countries:\nhttps://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=TgfSC5JDtZP0P3cmqU" ], [ "Not defending Madani Govt. but this was tabled and approved during Mail Sabri’s time last year when Zafrul was MOF. It was supposed to be implemented April this year but the Madani govt postponed it. They have the power to stop this and be a hero." ], [ "The deputy finance minister then, Shahar Abdullah, said the tax would level the playing field between online sellers both inside and outside Malaysia, and would empower local markets and businessmen.\nNothing like the fresh smell of Malaysian cronyism in the morning.", "i dont get it, its wrong to support malaysian products?", "Apparently, according to the gospels of r/malaysia, Malaysian goods = bad, even though chinese made goods can be crappy and worse then local goods.", "Sometimes the products we need doesn’t exist locally in the first place. And it’s not just Chinese goods we are importing." ], [ "Anything bought online overseas costs 10% friom now, thats a lot man, might have to stop my yahoo.jp addiction" ], [ "Too bad the local market doesn't offer a lot of the same goods that overseas has.\nAll my cheap vintage shit gonna cost more now for no reason." ], [ "“The Dewan Rakyat was told last year that the government expects to collect RM200 million a year from the tax.” For such a small amount per annum? LOL!" ], [ "They want to protect the already rich shops owner in the expense of sacrificing poor people. Good job Madani. Protect your rich friends" ], [ "Good. Less cheap alibaba crap shipped here.", "Local sellers just resell cheap Alibaba crap", "Then Local sellers raise prices because they also get them from alibaba" ], [ "The point is that the country is broke and there is a lack of political will to implement stronger reforms. And so, we are looking real hard into taxing anything and everything as much as possible without disrupting the status quo too much.", "tax on riches? = we need to do study as it can effect the livelihood of people effected please understand\ntax on <500 myr online items? = do it now! do it now! do it now! the country is going bankrupt everyone needs to help. pay pay pay\n:26554:", "Precisely", "And by stronger reform you meant what exactly?", "Level the playing field for all races cause fair competition = more efficient economy." ], [ "Time for the usual new year resolution: raise up the price" ], [ "The tax ends up being more than 10% as well. I ordered an item worth 1200 online, they assumed that the cost of freight was half of the item making the total 1800, then taxed over 30% of the total cost and making me pay 588 for an item worth 1200.", "Assumed? There’s a waybill and it would include the cost of freight.", "The shipping cost was 80 ringgit btw. They considered it to be 600", "Yes the RM500 cost includes shipping, so if you get shafted with high courier fees, say RM100 for product costing 400 also will kena. Adding to that they often calculate the parcel value using a currency lookup table that's not up to date, further compounding the tax required to be paid by the recipient.\nEven if parcel is below value, if the customs officer suspects your parcel is falsely declared and detains it, you'll have to either drive all the way to your state's customs office (those in KV having to drive all the way to KLIA) or pay a clearance fee of RM50 which is more than if the item was taxed in the first place.", "Yeah I was just mentioning the fact that the charges are not clear at all. 10% is a very incorrect estimate of the tax you will be charged (closer to 40-50%) and if this applies to all products, not just those above 500, it will severely affect anyone purchasing items online." ], [ "Most of shopee , Lazada. Or even people shop on taobao. Means all gonna be tax like mad?\nMeans that all of it the price gonna increase 60%?\nMost of the stuff from china no?" ], [ "There goes my online sneaker shopping hopes." ], [ "What if sellers are overseas ?" ], [ "Walao weh 10%. Now I'm fucking sure when they bring back gst it will be higher than 6%. Terbaik la madani, pui." ], [ "This will be last time PH manage government after this they will keep losing election until world end." ], [ "Anwar ni kenape?" ], [ "More taxes = more revenue for the government = improved economy hopefully. Or more opportunities to songlap. 😆", "Or more increase someone salary instead", "Numbers of assistant ministers did increase what…" ], [ "This tax is on goods being imported here, not on goods that are already here." ], [ "So if I buy anime figurines online to have them delivered from Japan, how could it be taxed at the start of next year?" ], [ "Probably it was to deter oversea sellers who are making massive profits from online shopping platform and that includes TikTok shop which are pretty known for predatory pricing practices." ], [ "this is the classic RM100 plays , they give you 100 then take back thousand in longer term." ], [ "the tax would level the playing field between online sellers both inside and outside Malaysia, and would empower local markets and businessmen.\nYou guys did the same trick, tax gao gao on imported cars to protect Proton, Proton must be very successful now. Oh wait" ] ]
Went to JPN earlier
Love the sneaky Santa lol
[ [ "I missed it initially and had to look at the small stuff on the table. But then I saw the “belt”!" ], [ "Square Santa. It's kinda cute and creative." ], [ "I have been on this sub for too long and automatically assume OP is complaining about the empty Kaunter Serahan", "Unfortunately, I am in the same boat" ], [ "This must be in Sarawak right? I can see Taib Mahmud's wife on the wall. Kinda funny that Anwar's portrait is lower than hers.", "Taib is on the other side next to the Agong. As the yang di-pertua of Sarawak, he and his wife is correctly placed lower than the Agong but higher than the PM.", "The protocol is correct", "Starting from the middle:\nFederal Head of State (Agong) and wife > State Head of State (Sultan/Governor) and wife > Federal Head of Govt (PM) and State Head of Govt (MB/CM/Premier), in that order.\nYou can just about see Abang Jo's portrait on the right side placed at the same level as Anwar's. So the protocol is correct." ], [ "Santa Door and Reindeer computers!" ], [ "UTC?" ], [ "boxing day holiday.." ], [ "The deer! 🦌" ], [ "No one at desk ?? Smh", "Christmas season and little crowd", "It's normal for the end of the year people taking annual leave that can't be carried forward. And since this is Sarawak, a lot of the workers themselves are probably Christian bumis." ], [ "Waiting Madani, sooner or later if this great government maintain, they will arrive at these slackers doorstep", "What do you mean?", "Madani will set new standard to clean up these slackers" ], [ "Wear hand sanitizer" ], [ "OP :26555::26555::26555:" ], [ "awh cute!" ], [ "Shudders at thought of Santa Taib climbing through my window as houses in Sarawak has got no chimney." ], [ "Find the hidden Santa" ], [ "That's really cute" ], [ "Door Santa? LETS GOOOOOO" ] ]
The Singapore dollar is at an all-time high against the Malaysian ringgit at 3.5154. The MYR is 7% weaker against the SGD since the start of this year.
[ [ "In a few more years, Ringgit will be Rahmah to Singaporeans", "Hahaha" ], [ "<image>\ndon't go SG for makan angin la, go Japan", "Although yen is pretty weak now, everything there is also pretty expensive. Heck the whole world is expensive. Salary too low. :(", "I did just that last month and man I wish I never returned 🥲", "Sg really nothing to makan angin.\nNot much different from Malaysia, except the currency.", "Blessing in disguise. Also, Japan got more interesting stuff to see/eat/experience/visit than Singapore.", "SG so boring expensive why people come" ], [ "Good for export they say.", "Good for export =/= good for worker gaji", "Even if the company makes a profit of RM 1 billion, they still gaji RM1500, so it makes no difference" ], [ "Singapore I’m coming!" ], [ "Look at the bigger picture, but then complaining nyets need to complain anyway.", "If one day r/Malaysia comment section doesn't have any complaints, we'll know that's the day AI has took over.", "AI must've been trained with shit dataset if it's unable to simulate Malaysian complaining", "What's the bigger picture?", "Good for export economies™", "Export economies meaning companies and their investors.\nAverage joes like us still going to suffer regardless.\nOr did I miss something important?", "we have to move from a low income low value manufacturing model to a higher one. We have been stuck at this level for more than 20 years.\nTaiwan & S.Korea managed to move up but we were stuck.\nAsian Tigers", "Good read.\nTo note, we are also losing out from EV manufacturing industry as compared to our neighbouring countries.\nUnless there is a major decision from the top to pull in more foreign investment and technology transfer. I don't expect this to happen in Malaysia soon.\nWe can only hope for that day.", "EV is an electronic appliance & a car.\nWhy Tesla chose Malaysia\nMalaysia has E&E/semiconductor industry/ecosystem & automobile industry/ecosystem, a unique combination which gives us an edge over our neighbours." ], [ "Singapore carries out monetary tightening by increasing their exchange rate directly. (Check out the managed float system). So to some extent ringgit's depreciation is due to Singapore tightening their monetary policy more than Malaysia recently.\nHopefully it will ease a little bit as inflation cools further in Singapore.\nCopium" ], [ "Jualan Akhir Tahun Madani:26554:" ], [ "It’s RM dropping against all currencies.", "Against USD in particular, as SGD's performance is tightly linked to USD performance", "I keep track of RM vs British Pound and Euro and RM is dropping agains both", "RM dropped against GBP & Eur coz their central bank raised interest rates.\nJapan kept interest rate ultra low so Yen also depreciates." ], [ "SG is a nett importer - A strong SGD works for SG, unlike MY, which has much to export.\nThere is a reason why the Japanese Yen is also very weak, too.\nNot just the MYR, SGD is also strong against other currencies.", "Cause of inflation is imports for domestic consumption in SG. Inflation is a hot button political issue. Malaysia does not import that much for domestic consumption and has lots of subsidies. MAS steered SGD on appreciation path to help keep inflation under control.", "Pretty sure SG is a net exporter, not net importer of goods and services.", "Yep, You are right. SG is a net exporter in absolute $ value terms - I was looking at the premise of SG importing everything, including the raw materials and whatnot for the goods/products we export.\nu/zmng - Exactly. It makes sense for SG to maintain a strong currency hedging/stabilizing against volatility/inflation since it imports all its needs including the above, whereas MY exports much of its produce." ], [ "good for bringing in foreign investment" ], [ "I convert salary every month to sgd and usd. Really good this weak ringgit." ], [ "Ringgit Malaysia NO!\nRinggit Madani YES!" ], [ "Sgd is cheap now when you look back 10 years later. Just buy" ], [ "The country is at the mercy of rising sea levels. Maybe we'll only need to worry about this for another 20 years tops.", "Keep crying lol" ], [ "JustAnwarThings" ], [ "yay" ], [ "Stupid dap, whenever they are in the gomen shit happens", "DAP controls the world, right?\ni mean like the global economic situation is DAPs fault, right?", "No shit", "lol it wasn't DAP that voted to expel Singapore", "Yes it was" ] ]
Help finding a TV3 Malaysia Documentary.
[ "Education" ]
Does anyone have a link to the Nora Quoirin Documentary which aired on TV3 Malaysia recently, under the series ‘Court File’ I believe the episode was called "FAIL MAHKAMAH: Misteri kehilangan Nora Anne Quoirin" Thankyou
What is lacking in existing job search/matching platforms?
Hey, folks! I've posted here before looking to find some insight on blue-collar worker recruitment in the semicon industry. I'd like to know a bit more broadly about the status quo of the job-searching landscape in Malaysia. What are the biggest pain points you've had using job searching platforms in Malaysia ie; LinkedIn, Maukerja, Jobstreet etc? I know a lot of platforms cater to white-collar jobs, so what about blue-collar jobs in Malaysia? Is it equally as effective? What's working, what's not? #MalaysianJobs
[ [ "I’ll get back to this when I wake up.\nRemindMe! 9 hours", "Are you awake now?", "Sorry for the delay, I am not in good health at the moment.\nI have experience dealing with a logistics company that hire a lot of blue-collar workers - they advertise through a lot of platforms (MYFutureJobs/JobStreet/MauKerja/Jobstore/Kareer/FastJobs/Joblum/etc.). We're starting to see a lot of platforms for blue-collar jobs, which is a good thing for the company. Unfortunately, the number of applicants across all those websites can barely get them the minimum number of applicants required per position before starting the shortlisting process. That's why the company is aggressively posting job vacancies via their social media platforms (which they've never done before).\nThis is the first issue, where an average blue-collar worker might not know how to use these online services to find a job. Maybe it's because of a lack of IT competency or something else, I don't know. I think the company has had greater success with hiring people based on word-of-mouth, referrals or career fairs.\nThe second issue is, we don't really have a targeted platform for blue-collar workers that is as well-designed as platforms like LinkedIn and JobStreet for white-collar professions. Maybe it's because blue-collar jobs require a tailored approach that is more effective via direct company applications or word-of-mouth. You wouldn't expect a mechanic to browse LinkedIn or Jobstreet for mechanic jobs, right? The effectiveness for white-collar jobs does not get carried forward to blue-collar jobs. Government Initiatives try to fill in the gap, but generally speaking it's not enough.\nI have more to discuss, but I am puking while typing this so I'll wait for your response and we can talk more from there.", "Have a good rest. Get well soon.", "Firstly, sorry to hear about your health. Have a good rest and hope you get well soon.\nYour points are spot on. It seems the challenge lies not just in the abundance of platforms but in the effectiveness of these platforms for blue-collar workers. The disparity in IT competency among blue-collar workers could indeed be a barrier. But am curious if this applies to technical sectors like semiconductors.\nI'm intrigued by your observation about the success of word-of-mouth and referrals. It suggests a need for a more grassroots approach to blue-collar job hunting. What would make a platform the go-to for these workers instead of the traditional route?\nAppreciate the time you took to respond. Let's delve deeper when you're up for it. Take care.", "Hello! I'm back.\nBut am curious if this applies to technical sectors like semiconductors.\nFor assembly-line jobs, there'd usually be giant banners hung around factories or some housing areas - this is one example of direct company application + word-of-mouth once people spread word of it. Far more effective than posting online.\nWhat would make a platform the go-to for these workers instead of the traditional route?\nThere needs to be a bigger push by job portals to be more present \"on the ground\" and be more effective in terms of identifying the right company for the right application (as in, go the extra mile by being a dedicated helping-hand to blue-collar prospects and bridge any gaps/expectations between employer and applicant). But a lot of time and resources need to be invested with little expectations of a return in the short/medium-term, so companies rarely do this.", "I will be messaging you in 9 hours on 2023-12-17 01:54:47 UTC to remind you of this link\nCLICK THIS LINK to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam.\nParent commenter can delete this message to hide from others.\nInfo Custom Your Reminders Feedback" ], [ "Honesty.\nMost job recruitment platform wont survive without listening to the demands of big corporations.\n“Hey, this review from our ex employee is tarnishing our reputation, could you remove it or else we will delist you from our vendor list”", "Thanks for responding. Your point about honesty is crucial. Platforms bending over backward for big corporations compromise transparency as well as hurting the trust and reliability of these platforms.\nIn an ideal scenario, platforms should prioritize the needs of job seekers and provide an honest reflection of employers, irrespective of their size.\nThis kind of integrity not only benefits the individual job seeker but also contributes to a healthier job-searching landscape.\nI’m interested in what you think honesty can be translated to in terms of platform features." ], [ "Many platforms have \"include keywords\" function e.g. show jobs requiring Excel skills. But many doesn't have \"exclude keywords\" e.g. but don't show jobs requiring SQL skill.\nAlso this is more about the uploader than the platform itself, but many also doesn't have filter for salary, and those that do, many uploaders don't bother because they want to negotiate.", "I agree with your point regarding the keywords. Instead of “exclude keywords”, do you think theres a way that information can be featured as something uploaders can view and incentivise them towards upskilling themselves?\nNegotiation is fair, but having transparency upfront can save time for both parties and set realistic expectations.\nI'd love to brainstorm ways to improve these aspects. Do you think it's a matter of adding a filter option, or are there nuances to consider?" ], [ "The platforms themselves are pretty usable. Issues are in broader Malaysian labour market (ie unofficial collusion on wage fixing, low wages, hiring discrimination against both genders, hiring discrimination against races, etc.). This is like asking how is the pot when there's spoiling overnight stew inside.", "Agree that improving the platforms alone won't fully address these systemic issues. Tackling these challenges requires a more comprehensive approach that involves not only the platforms but also systemic changes in the labor market. Are there platforms that do not screen job listings that do not abide labour laws? Is transparency compromised due to fears of vendor-ship being pulled?\nConsidering the current tools and reach that these job-search platform has, how can it be improved to break down these barriers?" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 17 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
Once you go black you never turn back 😇
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "wait is she putting diesel in her car!?!?!?!", "If it's black, it's diesel.\nIt's colour coordinated..but then again I just found out my mom doesn't remember the colours only sees the label.", "Ughhhh, I used the green by mistake the other day (in my country green is just normal unleaded).\nIt's 50% more expensive!", "If you're a newbie or from outside our country then ya, might be confusing. Cause maybe different colours represent different things.\nYellow - RON 95\nGreen - RON 97\nSilver - Petron RON 100\nRed - Shell's V-Power\nBlack - Diesel B10\nBlue - Diesel B7", "Yeah, I've learned my lesson now. And even the green one is still like a quarter of the price of petrol in my country so it's not too bad.", "Did your car get the zoomies tho?", "Hah! Did it fuck! It's marketing bullshit.", "Never seen silver before", "It's okay we're too poor to afford anything more than Yellow.\nCries", "Correction brader. B7 la.", "Sorry don't diesel T.T just see it in passing.\nThe blue one right?", "Yup", "It took special idiot to do such mistake.\nThe fact that she kept holding the pump nozzle tells you whole story.\nDiesel nozzle is bigger than gasoline ones and WILL NOT FIT into non diesel car.\nSo if your nozzle doesn't match the hole better double, hell, triple check", "And don't diesel pump have metal cover over it while petrol doesn't? What level of idiot does one have to be to still pump diesel into a petrol car" ], [ "we need the aftermath videoooo", "Depends on the emptiness of tank before fuelling, the car couldn’t have driven far. Engine probably died before leaving the station" ], [ "Based on the car plate, guessing the lady is a sarawakian,\nShe must be driving hailak all her life that she only pump diesel!", "I think you got the correct theory", "My friend bought a sarawakian car plate online just because of the number and not because she’s from there. Lol", "another hailak behind. This is likely to be in sarawak", "Looks like Shell @ Medan Jaya, Bintulu\nSelera Kampung in the back. New signboard though (streetview's from 4 years ago)\nEDIT: Now that I think of it, this being that station, there's a chance that the color coding on that exact pump is wrong and it's actually RON95.\nEDIT 2: Now that I think more of it, weren't diesel pumps designed to not fit into petrol filler?" ], [ "Why didn’t the person recording tell the lady? We can’t be this selfish and content centric", "I think it’s pretty common these days, less people don’t think to help and are kinda stuck in their own world.", "we used to learn to help when we see someone do something wrongly. now they learn to take photo or video first.", "I think after the first guy got reported for harassment, no more help given.", "Yeah this and risk being maced or recorded themselves so everyone minds their own business. She could also be mentally unwell, nobody cares or wants to find out. Thats the world", "True, that someone might be some VVIP easy tercabar, can easily sue you for sexual harassments even you did nothing wrong.", "Who?", "Not here. Back in US there's a lot of people got sued for sexual harassment by Karens.", "Social media really makes people even more narcissistic", "He did it for the lulz", "I mean, if it can make you feel better about warped minds, I thought he was filming her butt.", "You have a point. It certainly is a prodigious rear.", "Honestly, i did not see she pump diesel. I thought he was indeed focusing on the attire black and butt for research.", "It's likely that he come late and the lady is already filling the tank. At that point it's too late already. Might as well enjoy the show.\nAlso, could be that he tried but the lady refused to accept his advice, thinking that he didnt know any better.", "It’s not too late as long as the engine wasn’t running. Might still had been salvageable", "Correct. Turning on the engine causes the damage not putting diesel in the tank, this is easy to fix for a mechanic.", "We're slowly becoming Singapore. First thing we do is record crimes/faux-pas, post it online for judgment, don't bother blurring out any identifying information and no one wants to be even remotely interested in doing the pragmatic thing because judgment = engagement.", "Were slowly devolving into kiasu kepoh kanina degenerates", "Certain “communities” taksub sangat dengan Singapore, want to be like them, want to use their syllabus. Now copy their perangai.\nMeh…", "inb4\nI have a boyfriend!\nor\nThis is my car I know better than you!", "They need attention", "gotta get those content, man.", "Tell me about it. Yesterday I walked around in a mall with my bag zip opened (half and I only realised upon getting to my car) and no one took the liberty to tell me throughout my entire time in the mall.\nI questioned myself what have people turned into these days when I on the contrary always tell people if I see their zip is slightly opened men or female.\nIt's saddening, really. Makes me not want to care anymore to some extent. Giving up on hoomans already.", "Actually trying deflect the accountability onto other people 😂", "yes, I do hold you accountable if you deliberately withdraw from helping other people and judge them for it. why do you even live in a society or community with an attitude like that?\nonly you would have one brain cell for equating being upset no one helped you out to making them “responsible” for your mistake. no fucking shit that was his own mistake?", "This is some r/IAmTheMainCharacter energy right here", "at least we have morals, troll", "Making a careless mistake, then proceed to hold moral high ground to call out people for not helping you isn’t morals. It’s called being a self-gratifying prick\nHave you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you’re not that important and everyone is busy living their lives?", "clearly you’ve made it apparent that no one is as important as you and your own life. enjoy watching the world burn since if you make a mistake, no one cares! :) I believe it’s the bare minimum, you believe it’s “high ground”, let’s leave it at that.\nyou act as if he deliberately unzipped his bag… you probably enjoyed watching that woman suffer in the video.", "What a fuckin clown 😂😂", "You want to kaypoh thats your problem, too many idiots now when people trying to be kind/help them instead gets it thrown back in their face. Buta buta kena maki, and for what?\nLantak lah kalau dia nak mampus, I got better things to do", "Maybe and just maybe no one noticed? 😅", "sometimes people need to learn the hard way", "Later she listens then switch halfway, but then car have trouble and blame the guy who helped.\nRather avoid the trouble and let her learn herself." ], [ "Some people really thought that every pump at the petrol station is actually petrol just at different grade and prices. Some seeing hey black colour cheapest just go for that one.\nSpeaking from personal experience ahem colleague ahem daddy got me a new car ahem", "Is diesel cheaper? Somehow I've been recommended this but where I live it's a bunch more", "Last i bought when i use fren's navara, it was 2.15 fir normal one. Dun remember for b5 or b whatever", "I see thanks^", "Yeah still around there. 2.35 for Euro 5 B7." ], [ "r/donthelpjustfilm" ], [ "Dude could have stopped her" ], [ "Why not instead of filming, get out and check if she knows that she’s doing or not?…" ], [ "Tell her la walao useless cunt" ], [ "cameraman is the asshole", "I think the moment she pump it, its already too late to stop the damage, just hope he did i form her later on", "maybe the cameraman arrived late and she was already pumping?\ndon't just jump to conclusions", "You think he started filming before she pumped and had time to tell her?", "Maybe open the window and shout \"hey stop!\" the moment he realised... rather than take out phone, unlock, open camera, switch to video and record for 30 seconds all for some clout" ], [ "pernah kena. saya suruh member saya keluar kereta and isikan minyak. lepas tu tak perasan la. apesal kereta tiba tiba lain macam. dia tak bagi tau la. tapi bila nak isi minyak sekali lagi baru perasan dia ambik yang diesel :......", "Kereta hancur?", "kira nya begitu lah. bunyi dia semacam" ], [ "Rip engine.", "If someone let her know and she didn't start the car again. It's salvageable." ], [ "Wait, I thought the nozzle size is different?", "Scrolled down to find this. I think the diesel nozzle is larger than the petrol nozzle.\nOr the X50 has a rather large opening to fill up fuel", "Yeah it's probably a diesel car. You can't put the wrong nozzle in most modern cars.", "thats a proton x50, i dont think theres diesel version of tht care as far as i know", "Just noticed this in the other comments, pretty crazy that they don't change the the nozzles to prevent this.\nStarted doing it in Europe a while ago, the diesel nozzle won't fit into a petrol and vise versa. We do have a lot more diesel cars tho.", "Others have mentioned that diesel nozzles don't fit in petrol cars here too.\nIf you look at the pump, there's only 2 hoses connected to it. That means this lady is using the right petrol, just that the nozzle is the wrong colour." ], [ "Black pump for black car. Green pump for green car. Yellow pump for yellow car.", "F for finish, E for enough", "Gear 1 for slow, Gear 5 for fast, after Gear 5 if still want to go faster, switch to \"R\" for Racing mode", "then taadaaa overhaul gearbox (if did this frequently)", "E for engorged with fuel - Carl Wheezer" ], [ "Don't help just film lol" ], [ "Faith in humanity restored in the comment section. Yes, the right thing to do, if you're confident that someone is doing something the wrong way, is to tell them.\nIf you're not confident, at least ask. They will appreciate you trying to help them." ], [ "I think she wants to follow her theme. Wear all black, fuel also need to be black." ], [ "Tell her la cibai" ], [ "who is recording and why didnt he tell jfc" ], [ "That look expensive", "If she didn't start the car it's rm1k mistake. If she starts it, well...gg." ], [ "service centre: hehe boi\nand it happened to me when I was in \"latihan industri kolej komuniti\" at honda service centre, a honda jazz gk5" ], [ "If it's me i will also keep quiet. Not because i want to see the world burn but because my knowledge on cars is limited. I know there are cars that run on diesel and you can convert a petrol car into a diesel car. If i told her about it and turns out that the car is diesel, i will malu sendiri.\nI don't want to withdraw gracefully only to hide my face in the pillow thinking \"why did i say that? That's so embarrassing.\" again. And then don't want to go to the same place again for a week so that i don't accidentally run into her.", "well you could've asked first if their car is a diesel powered engine? which i doubt proton ever had one. Say, that they put the wrong fuel.", "Wira did have one diesel version.\nBut this is X50 we are talking." ], [ "This is Shell Medan Jaya, Bintulu.\nIIRC that specific nozzle she's using is actually RON95 but is somehow color coded wrong. If it were actually a diesel nozzle, it wouldn't fit." ], [ "“Today i wear black, so i pump black oil, match my OOTD”" ], [ "Funny enough when I just visited the states, black is actually one of the petrol and diesel is green. Maybe she lived overseas too long 😂" ], [ "My car is petrol engine and the opening for the petrol hose nozzle is smaller than the diesel hose nozzle hence a mistake can be eliminated by design.\nI wonder why this car design allows diesel hose nozzle into it" ], [ "Wait! That car can run on diesel meh?\nAlso, QS plate no., I assume this is at Sibu.", "Cameraman's Chinese sounds like a Penangnite (ends his sentence with \"Gok\"). Also, you can buy plates of any states nowadays even if your car wasn't purchased there. Many Borneans working in semenanjung have also bought vehicles with Q and S plates so we can't be sure.\nUntil some Geoguessr champion finds out where this is, we mig never know the location.\nEdit: someone commented that this could be in Bintulu.\nEdit: typo", "Shell Medan Jaya, Bintulu.", "this is Bintulu based on the building in front, she prob bought the car in sibu" ], [ "Camera man is arsehole" ], [ "She looks like she can pay the damage. It's okay." ], [ "Please don't bring the norm of western countries to just sit and watch and \"mind your own business\" for the lolz. If you see people having trouble or doing something wrong, please \"tegur\" them. A. Little kindness and consideration goes a long way." ], [ "Gila, she thinks she liang popo ah?" ], [ "Does the car has a diesel engine? From 2021, the diesel grade is Euro 5, low sulfur." ], [ "Plate Sibu\nOh, go ahead." ], [ "Is that fucking Bintulu? Right infront of Farley? Kinda weird seeing your hometown here.", "I don't see why it's weird. Everyone comes from somewhere." ], [ "How do you know that the car has no diesel engine? Or aren't they that common in Malaysia?", "The Proton X50 doesn't have a diesel engine in its lineup.", "This particular brand/model does not carry one with a diesel engine", "", "no", "Diesel vehicles are usually lorries and busses. Some pickup trucks use diesel. Her specific car is the Proton X50 which uses petrol", "Interesting. Passenger cars with diesel engines are really common here in Germany. They are typically cheaper if you drive a lot. Most models are available in both versions here.", "Do note some passenger car offer diesel options as well, but it's quite uncommon" ], [ "Divorce the cameraman marry the diesel ⛽" ], [ "Sei lor..." ], [ "The one that record is what we call selfish bastard arrogant.. He got chance to stop that poor person but nooo, lets record" ], [ "First time refilling?" ], [ "First thought is 18+ stuff I think I need to reset my mind" ], [ "Some cars take diesel" ], [ "Engine is f*cked" ], [ "turbo jet on highway" ], [ "Aiyo the nozzle also doesn't fit" ], [ "In US, it's green and gasoline is black, hella confusing whenever I'm on biz trip at US" ], [ "I mean I would go tell the person to reduce the aftermath. A bit selfish imo" ], [ "Prolly non Malaysian" ], [ "nozzle is bigger it wont fit. apa la ini org" ], [ "she's just using that nozzle just to match with her clothes \"I'm wearing black today why not just use black stuff today just to match with my clothes?" ], [ "R.I.P 💀💀" ], [ "pump hitam untuk kereta hitam lmao" ], [ "Mungkin dye tgk diesel lg murah kot , so dye pun isi la ... asalkan dompet tk haus dan tebal lgi..." ], [ "she's using Black pump because she's wearing black shirt.. she's into black..\neh, sounds wrong.." ], [ "RIP car." ], [ "protip, if you made this mistake, it's relatively easy to fix. just drain it away... BUT NEVER START THE ENGINE!" ], [ "maybe sudah convert diesel ?? mana tau.." ] ]
Polis langgar calon spm
[ [ "I saw the news broke on twitter. This is such a harrowing news to read especially knowing what witnesses described what happened during the incident. may the deceased and his family get the justice they deserve and the police be punished appropriately", "Sorry, care to elaborate?", "this is from what i've read online so please take it with a grain of salt. basically witnesses said the policeman was annoyed at the student for revving his motorcycle so he chased the kid to hit him with his car. when the kid fell the crazy bastard actually reversed and ran over him. just incredibly heartless and cruel.", "You hear a lot of BS on the internet but I hope this story is genuinely BS. Because that's fucking disheartening if it isn't...", "https://twitter.com/HazwanAfifi/status/1735675631138992298?t=V1dMX3Gq_anylPWFzV4C_A&s=19", "Similar stories are coming out. Fucking sick that we had a prick of a cop for that long.", "not sure witness is true or high on gam", "Won't be surprised if the culprit was high with better stuff", "Ktards would applaud the police for solving rempit problem while still at bud.", "Ktards will also applaud that an idiot gets caught. 2 birds with 1 bod.....I mean stone", "Yeah, sauce please", "Road bully ni. Apa sebabnya kena kejar ni?", "Mcm sbab dia annoyed budak tu revv revv motor dia.", "I get that what that kid did was pretty annoying, but he didn't deserve such horrible consequences. The cop clearly had the intent to kill. Can't call it an act of self-defense as well as the kid didn't physically assaulted him.", "Nampaknya tindak balas terlalu melampau." ], [ "the police wife said “sorry my suami baran” dehel", "He's a poor policeman driving an Axia. He has a wife?", "his wife working as a teacher at the that school", "Ew. I see. Thank for clarifying.", "ativa bro not axia", "Whatever, he's going to lose the car now. Scum." ], [ "1) A.C.A.B.\n2) The cop's wife is a teacher at the deceased's school. How is she gonna face the students after this, nevermind the other teachers? Who's gonna raise their kid? A moment of madness leads to a lifetime of pain.", "Pindah sekolah, hidup seperti biasa. Prolly find another man. Kes closed", "ACAB.\nOnly radicals and power-hungry people become cops. First they think they're making the world a better place then they realized it's impossible so they join the corruption.", "I wanted to be a cop when I was a kid, overblown sense of justice.\nThen I learned that (a) if I became a cop I'd be on the wrong side of justice, and (b) I'm the wrong skin colour to make it anywhere meaningful in the government sector.", "This is exactly what I mean. People with a strong sense of justice aren't fit to be good leaders because they're biased.\nThe best temperament for a leader is someone who's lukewarm, believe it or not. But of course, policemen aren't leaders. They're pawns of the government. They're there to conduct legalized violence against citizens, usually poor ones with busted-up cars, shady businesses, and desperation in life, leading to bad choices.\nOur whole system is rigged. This country believes in death sentences, not rehabilitation.", "\"This country believes in death sentences, not rehabilitation.\"\nCan you say that to the family of the kid and does the cop deserve rehabilitation?" ], [ "Just a usual day of licensed gangster" ], [ "Nnti kuar la repot yg polis tu ade sejarah prnah buat rawatan psikiatri\nSenang ckp ade mental problem" ], [ "https://twitter.com/BN4everTN5O/status/1735713070423609717?s=19\nReport by perpetrator", "Did the witness say anything about him getting out of his car to help? Or he just drove off?", "If you see some of the videos, he was seen standing around a bit while others try to help. Then he left O guess. The kid’s family said he didn’t offer to help", "He knew he'll get fucked once the boy died.", "Yeah in his report he stated he left because the people there were angry and he felt scared for his life. And of course it was an “accident” he hit that kid ☺️", "Hope pdrm deemed this as murder since he intentionally chased and hit a minor. Malaysians all around are very furious. Netizens are attacking pdrm ig comments 🤣", "I hope they do, in their public statement they alr said 302. I have little trust in them not backing up their guy, but I hope the netizens paying so much attention to this issue will pressure them a bit. I can already see the mental problems excuse", "LoL what is he afraid of he's a licensed gun carrier. he's basically licensed to kill people. the excuses that guilty people give." ], [ "Harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi" ], [ "Let's see how justice is served guys. Any guesses?", "polis siasat polis. Lol. Malaysian polis and the justice system is not a gleaming example of justice and impartiality." ], [ "Just yesterday a cibai puki police was driving dangerously in Subang Jaya. Almost hit me and another car.\nFuck that." ], [ "Was this the one with the video on here where the lady was screaming he was unresponsive?\nIt was by a police officer? What the fuck happened?", "Yep pretty sire its the same" ], [ "Another relowcation incoming.", "So, bad rep teacher/head master/doctor/priest/cardinals/ police get relocated to cause more mayhem elsewhere and gets pencen/tax free income?\nHmmm.. fk them all." ], [ "Whilst there's no price for a lost son, hopefully some financial restitution alleviates their sorrows.\nRIP kiddo. You'll be sorely missed." ], [ "Just adding, this happened on a Friday, after school's morning session ended. The victim was wearing his schools sports uniform. This meant victim was in just left his school when the altercation happened. Video shows nurse trying to revive him - she's his elder sister. The victim's dad and sister was nearby when they heard about the accident, that's why they arrived at scene of crime. The boy died in front of his own family.\nInterview given by the family of victim:\nhttps://youtu.be/W6cWYIbGIz4?si=xvbsCbiH3VZhTZnt" ], [ "Acab" ], [ "Off with his everything (The pig)" ], [ "Pls ke tali gantung" ], [ "Damn....road rage smpai like this..dri polis too...damn" ], [ "This is bad, hope that cop is brought to justice and not being transfer away." ], [ "N.W.A F THE POLICE STARTS PLAYING*" ], [ "Semua Polis Ialah Babi" ], [ "saw the news in forum without informing readers that the police was off duty or doing his duty. this clear the whole story. Its different if the police hit someone while chasing the motorcycle. looks like this is just a typical accident cases but made complicated upon discovering that the driver is a policeman.", "The cop's own police report states that he chased the boy, in his car, after hearing the boy revving his engine. This isn't a typical accident, normal members of the public don't engage in deadly chases just because someone has a loud exhaust.", "Okay" ] ]
What up with 99 Speedmart and their discount only available in Peninsular?
Serious question tho? Cause unlike Lotus, Tesco and Mydin ( the only Mydin i know in Sabah is in Sandakan) 99 Speedmart is everywhere in Sabah but their promotion in only have discounts in Peninsular *pic taken from their FB page
[ [ "Shipping costs to EM are higher, due to the cabotage policy" ], [ "As someone who work in the same industry, it’s mainly shipping costs. Most stuff comes to ports in peninsular. If it needs to go to Borneo, that means an extra shipping going there.\nNot to mention the costs to travel within Sabah Sarawak especially towards tawau, lahad datu and sandakan are even higher. It’s more than double to ship to anywhere within peninsular Malaysia.\nThose costs add up. It definitely sucks and hopefully once Sabah and Sarawak have better roads via Pan Borneo Highway plan costs can come down lah." ], [ "Oh wow that’s quite a good deal lah", "Right? And yet our brother and sister in Borneo side can't get it" ], [ "Because everything concerning the branches in Borneo is done separately compared to those in peninsular. Price, salaries and management have been different. Even in malaya brances in some states or district have larger salary or different uniforms like those in terengganu (they get long-sleeved shirt)" ], [ "Other companies do this as well, like maybe tealive or family mart will do a promo then say its not applicable at genting or KLIA. Infuriating sometimes" ], [ "It's easier to move supplies in West than East." ], [ "Logistics" ], [ "Because fuck the tree people", "Dude that really uncalled for you know", "🤓", "What did Treebeard do to you?" ], [ "Shipping and distribution price is different." ], [ "well sabah swk is their own region 🤣" ], [ "Different management, same big boss. It's as if speedmart over here and there is actually different entity" ] ]
Malaysian Authority and their tendency to power trip
Is it just me , or is there a recent increase of cases where more and more authorities are abusing their power to make people's lives miserable ? Here's a few examples : Just recently an off-duty policeman in Ipoh chase and ran down a school kid with his car apparently coz he's not happy with the kid revving his motorbike. The kid died. A policeman in Penang told a man who came to report his stolen vehicle to go home and change his shorts into something more proper before coming in again. Likewise, there was a case where a Perodua sales gallery somewhere enforces dress code for customers where everyone must be wearing smart casual at least, which quickly got abolished after it went viral. Then of course there is also the infamous incident between the woman who don't speak BM and the immigration officer who won't budge. Undeniably a Malaysian must be able to engage in basic conversation using BM, but the officer went out his way to berate and belittle the woman which is obviously not part of his job instead of offering help in some ways. You may disagree with me on this but a public servant which, as the name implies, is meant to serve the public, not hold personal grudges against them.
[ [ "Every encounter of mine with traffic police in my life is them asking for bribe.\nAs far as my personal experience goes; all traffic police is corrupt.\nSometimes it's not even my fault, last time police accused me of not wearing seatbelt; had to go to court to settle because I refuse to gives in when I'm absolutely not in the wrong.", "Happened to me once. But it was due to holding hand phone, which I did not as I was charging it on the passenger seat. A Malay guy with similar offense told me better just get hands free kit, else this issue might occur next time. He asked the police how to avoid this personally, but he told me his case is genuine as he was talking on the phone." ], [ "While I think some events require much needed publicity, readers (especially you) should be aware of the psychological play that goes behind various types of articles shared on most media platform nowadays. After all, bad news sell more clicks than good news :)\nCould it be due to something as complex as media bias, or something as instinctive as negativity bias and how we have a subconscious desire to listen to a tragedy more than a happy story? Food for thought!", "You're right. It's psychology at play. This is the availability heuristic at play, the media gets flooded with these articles and we think it's happening more because we see more and more examples when in reality the statistics might still be the same.", "I don't think it's a bias towards negativity when so many people have already experienced the authorities tripping on power.", "Shhh, gotta defend the cops somehow. Give more copium!", "So the issue isn’t the country isn’t heading downwards it’s the “media”?" ], [ "Not really.\nThe problem with Malaysian authority is not their tendency to power trip. Those who have lived in the US would agree wholeheartedly.\nThe problem with Malaysian authority is often times .... missing in action. When someone goes to file complaint, authorities get annoyed with complainant for making them do work, like the recent case where the woman with LRT sexual harassment complaint was told to delete evidence.", "Seems like all this power trip are to deny service.\nWon't be surprised if it's motivated by laziness. Wrong dress code, go back, no need to serve you", "Won't be surprised if it's motivated by laziness.\nThese days I feel like laziness (or lack of interest to do something, which then manifests itself as laziness) is the root cause of a lot of problems in Malaysia.\nAnother big Malaysian phenomenon is gatekeeping, where newcomers in any industry get their access to customers, opportunities get blocked by existing stakeholders.\nEven the act of gatekeeping seems to be motivated by laziness, because of unwillingness to embrace new competition and improve own products and service." ], [ "Because most the people who really wanted to improve the world became nurses and doctors.\nBeing a cop in Malaysia is a lowlife thing. I guarantee you that most of them are not well-educated.", "ACAB" ], [ "" ], [ "Wait until you visit commissioner of oath in putrajaya JPN.", "Shout-out to the one at Shah Alam UTC for being a friendly grandfather-ish figure." ], [ "Was at immigration with my SO, he doesn’t speak BM (not even Malaysian), but I do. The officers went out of the way to speak with him in BM, even after he told them he understood no shit. They were trying to frame him for overstaying when he didn’t.\nI had to approach the counter where he was and exchange a few stern words. Don’t think we’d like to visit again tbh." ], [ "always has been 🔫" ], [ "Yes, culturally we have the highest Power-Distance Index compared to others. (You can look it up). Or society tends to make that very obvious.\nAlso, the previous language debacle seemed to devolved into an allegedly power tripping seen as a nationalistic expression." ], [ "bruh, one time i casually chat with one polis, he said if people kurang ajar to him, he can slap without consequences. i never like PDRM. never want to call 999" ], [ "ACAB nuff said, don't have to respect a rempit that graduated to being a cop. Fuck that shit" ], [ "Cari Pasal dan Jahil adalah Budaya Kita.\nCulture Bites." ], [ "this is genuinely disappointing, police officers out of all people should know better, shame on those who abuse their power\nthis goes out to everyone: DO NOT ABUSE YOUR POWER" ], [ "Empowerment gone wrong. It's like one of those kids who were spoiled and told by their parents that they are special and mummy and daddy will always be here to bail you out. Kid grows up to be entitled and a dickhead. Imagine how this kid's other more successful siblings feel seeing their bro get all the love and benefits from parents but farks up over and over again." ], [ "Those who have little in their private lives abuse the power they are given in their profession." ], [ "Or officers who don't do their duty.\nWent to Sarawak for CNY a couple years back, when I tried to leave and the customs officer said he has no record of me arriving. Straight I away I ask him if he thinks I swam to EM from WM." ], [ "r/PDRM" ], [ "Difference between \"pegawai kerajaan\" versus \"civil servants\". Government workers seem to think that the state power they are wielding is a privilege instead of a burden. They don't feel any sense of responsibility towards upholding peace and justice." ], [ "Our ex PMs fucked us in the ass. Shouldn't be that surprised:26557:" ], [ "We dont have equivalent of Yakuza or Mafias here, or at least they never last to be big per se. But in return for that, we have the PDRM ☺️" ], [ "Specific people. Let's be honest." ], [ "U think a police would get a demon possessed him for a quarrel with kid and ran over him. What else he doesn't do when it comes to other smaller things like money? Generally speaking, what kind of organization and all those small little things happened in the organization to build such a horrible character. What else would these people do daily to become the egomaniac they are? Oppression, corruption, power abuse, 'budibicara', no accountability.\nBasically the whole Malaysian public service system is like that." ] ]
Georgetown and Balik Pulau
Pics taken from Ngor Hean temple and Air Itam Dam.
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