r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 21 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "I am a non and I support the free Palestine cause cause if you go back in history, they had to deal with a lot of shit from the likud party - all well documented in hundreds of interviews , documentaries, podcast , footage of first hand eye witness. Hamas didn't come out of thin air , Hamas is the very creation of Bibi and the US to continue destabilizing the region. I am ASHAMED to be Malaysian now cause I see how Malaysians talk online on FB and insta all. Oh why do we care. Oh why not just look after our ownself. Oh why are we supporting terrorist etc Oh economy gonna be bad.\nNewsflash , the economy already shit. It has zero to do with opposing a genocide. Many countries have taken a stand against Israel , US cannot be boycotting the world and in all honesty, they probably don't care bout us.\nIf you actually KNOW what is going on, you will not be saying all the stuff you guys been saying online to further hurt the feelings of people that are unable to sleep thinking bout their families there in Gaza. We have Palestinians students in our uni , we have people here married to Palestinians. This is not bout religion , this is bout actual lives. Actual ppl in our own country.\nSo pls I ask all of you, before you go online and comment oh my God why are we supporting terrorist etc , pls do some research. Pls have some compassion. Kids are dying. Innocent ppl are dying on both sides. But this doesn't just stop simply by Hamas surrendering. Israel must stop the occupation and oppression of the Palestinians. If you have nothing positive to say, I think it's best not to say anything then.\nWhy I know this? I worked with all these ppl in THAT region. I was based there for years. So I know what I know from first hand experience. You guys should thank your lucky star daily we are born here. Not in some of these fucked up places. So pls have some gratitude and compassion.", "thank you. I think the nons's hate for the Malays are too strong that they choose anything other than Muslims at any given moment for anything, genocide or otherwise. You are a rare pearl." ], [ "Personally, I can't brain why the macais here can't even brain why the Shia factions like Iran, Hezbollah and Houthi are fighting alongside the Sunni Hamas, while the other Sunni factions like Saudis are aligning more with the Israelis. \"Bukankah Israel dan Syiah BFF?\" God, their grasp of the ME geopolitics are just beyond stupid, with a side of \"komplot Rothschild\"." ] ]
Renew your IC thru phone call
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "That sounds suspicious lmao you know most of phone numbers are spoof imo", "Its for replacement. Means you still have to bring the okd IC" ], [ "We really need to set higher standards for these official government accounts. The use of informal language and the terribly designed poster really does make it look scammy.", "Seems like the target audience for this might be those old uncle/aunties who don't know how to use internet.\nProbably the informal language is meant for them + that poorly designed poster is really giving off boomer vibes, wonder is that what they're going for?" ], [ "I really fancy the idea of renewing IC via phone call, but sadly in reality.........I can't even get through some of the govt. dept hotlines. Getting a respond from them via email? Tough luck man." ], [ "At least some innovation. good effort. how about doing it via web also ?", "Already have kot cause by the poster its for those people that don't have internet connection so they can just phone in" ], [ "Announcement only on their FB page though, how to know this is not some elaborate phishing scheme....?", "its legit from gov.my", "I’ve actually seen banners of this in front of the JPN counter at some UTCs so yeah it’s legit. And this was banner was seen almost a year ago, so I guess they’re trying to spread the word now since most people have never heard of this service." ], [ "they really phone it in, didn't they?" ], [ "Sounds a bit phoney" ], [ "Is this really the standard of BM from a government agency? Just butchering our national language while the non-malays are targeted for the same thing.", "What's wrong with the BM?", "The FB post seems to be abit pasar but other than that idk." ], [ "Njir, aku xcaya langsung diorang ni, kalau dekat kaunter pun dah lembab, kau expect guna phone leh jadi laju ke?, habis sapa yang buat kad2 tu?, jin ke?, staff yang lembab tu jugak buatkan." ], [ "What about the ic photo?" ], [ "you still have to collect it in-person? for drivers' license it's renewed (and paid) online and it gets mailed to your address.", "Well of course you have to give back your damage mykad for prove, mana tau you go sold off your mykad but claim it was damage" ], [ "You can no longer retake your photo when you go renew your ic?? Well that fuckin sucks", "If want new photo had to go counter", "Aaah i see.. thank you OP! 😁" ] ]
'No culture', 'super boring': Malaysian celebrity Hero Tai draws flak for criticising Singapore on Taiwan show
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "", "Hero Tai\nHero Tai was born on September 12, 1986 in Parit Buntar, Perak, Malaysia. He is an actor, known for Kepong Gangster (2012), The Perfect Girl (2017) and Tears of the Mom (2012). Now based at Taiwan.\nMore about him here:\nhttps://www.wtv1.com/celebrity/2200-Hero-Tai\nChinese Wiki about him\nhttps://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E6%88%B4%E7%A5%96%E9%9B%84" ], [ "I mean i dont disagree at all but ni sape doh?", "Attention seeker with an inferiority complex. The fact that barely anyone in Malaysia even knows him and yet he goes to other countries thinking he represents the country lmfao" ], [ "at least theres no shortage of ppl throwing money at that boring country. can't say the same for ours", "Malaysia money laundering, you bound to lose a lot. In sg u lose less. It's a well known better money laundering spot than Malaysia form western pov XD heck even Malaysia elites put their money there for safekeeping" ], [ "Attention seeker.. Can tell by his first name this guy mouth shoot faster than his brain..", "Have you seen the show itself? It's clearly a skit, planned by the show if not him. You can dislike the joke but he's definitely not the kind of guy you described.", "He is responsible for whatever he say. Nobody can force him.", "Hmm how this related to what I said? I didn't comment on where the responsibility lies but merely this is a planned skit, not something he blurted out.", "But he didn't protest and go on with the skit right? Is it people ask u to scold the president on TV u would go ahead just because the skit says so?", "Read my comment again. I have no opinion on whether you think he's right or wrong. You're barking up the wrong tree." ], [ "As a Singaporean, I can't say he's wrong about the tourist spots. Some locals know where to find places that tourists don't go and are fucking awesome locations.\nThe food though... well... probably disputable since Singapore was part of the Malaysian Commonwealth's federated states before getting kicked out by the Sultanate.\nIn any case, Huang Jinglun did retort back. It's for entertainment purposes. What's more, Tai's boss is a Singaporean, a fucking lowlife for that.", "You can't expect a city-state to have as much diversified tourist spots as huge countries. I'd say Singapore has done pretty well considering its physical limitations.", "What's more, Tai's boss is a Singaporean, a fucking lowlife for that.\nWhat is the story about his boss?", "Boss is Terence Cao. Bloody notorious.", "Notorious of what? Spew some beans.", "Fuck women around, especially those under him haha", "A lot KTV girls also complain about him, many of them are quite playful type still also cannot tahan his strange patterns.", "He got dawn yeoh now to play with LOL", "Exactly. In fact it is highly possible that SG lowlife boss told MY employee to talk crap about SG to get SG market attention, THEN come on his own talk show to clarify and apologize to SG. Attention achieved!", "There's some food originated from Singapore like Rojak Singapore and Fish Head Curry. There are also Singapore variants of certain Malaysian food, just like there are state variants, like BKT, Nasi Ayam (varies shop to shop tbf) and Hokkien Mee and others.", "Yep. Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and southern Thailand all has the same cuisine as part of a combined \"Malay world\" cultural group dating back centuries. It's ironic that he, who isn't even a Malay, is trying to talk shit about the shared culture/cuisine that he isn't even ethnically native to.", "Pretty sure there are tons of food that are brought by Chinese and Indian migrants that aren’t native to the native people of South East Asia. i.e. Bak Kut Teh, Chicken rice, Chicken chop, Poh Piah, Char Koay Teow, Fish Head Curry, Pan Mee, Lor Mee, etc are all brought by Chinese migrants.\nI’m pretty sure he is bashing those instead of your local Malay/East Malaysian food, since the Malaysian/Singaporean food that is famous in Taiwan are mostly bought into Taiwan by the Malaysian/Singaporean Chinese.", "I'm not doubting dishes brought by Chinese/Indian migrants. I'm talking about native Malay dishes to this geographical region, such as laksa, nasi lemak, rendang, etc.", "guy wasn't exactly wrong and people in msia are up in arms over his antics.\nin a small country,there is a limit to what it can offer, What's more,sgp is a city state with a high urbanisation rate,there is nothing much to see or do." ], [ "Unknown clown trying to shit-stir so that more people will talk about him. Not to mention the fact that Indonesians literally behave the same way towards Malaysians. Serious inferiority complex going on here.\nBashing Singapore is low-hanging fruit, considering Singapore's small population and and even so most people in Singapore will not engage in such ultranationalist behaviours. Will he dare to bash Indonesia and 270 million+ Indonesians and see what happens next?", "He was invited by a variety show to shit on Singapore. Singaporeans were also invited to shit on Malaysians. That's the entire point of the show", "Not just inferiority complex but, with the new generation of Chinese-M'sians, also a very odd persecution complex when they relocate overseas IMO. It's as if they are still angry at/after being 2nd-class citizens, despite getting out of the country.\nNative S'preans already experienced this trend fairly recently with the likes of Han Hui Hui & Sonny Liew, who repaid getting SG naturalized citizenship by ungratefully seeking to subverb their new country ever since. So this suaku Hero throwing shade, is merely water off a duck's back.\nIt's very different from Gen X showbiz celebs like Eric Moo, Christopher Lee, Phyllis Quek, Jesseca Liu, Chen Han Wei, Yeo Yann Yann who were more mature back in the day. Ditto bad boys/loudmouths like Gary Cao, Namewee, Ronnie Chieng, even Uncle Roger to some extent, all of whom know how not to burn bridges with their shtick.", "So true. It's so weird to see Chinese Malaysians being so excessively patriotic over Malaysia, often even more so than Bumis, when:\nThey often don't even live in Malaysia anymore, including this shit stirrer, who has been living in Taiwan for more than a decade. Like if you love Malaysia so much, why did you leave then?\nMalaysia has never appreciated their patriotism, who literally treats them as second-class citizens and has fucked them over as much as they can just because they were born a different race, causing a brain drain.\nIt's also even weirder to see them also like to hate on Singapore for literally no reason other than simply existing, a country where they will no longer feel discriminated, in fact they will be a part of the majority. You hate a country that will treat you better and where you will never be treated like a minority? Especially Malaysians who live in Singapore for decades and yet are still so proud of Malaysia and spiteful of Singapore.\nIt's like this excessive patriotism they have is some sort of coping mechanism to the realities of race relations in Malaysia and to feel \"accepted\", even though nothing has changed since independence." ], [ "I mean...it's not too different from Jocelyn's insensitive jokes." ], [ "Woah never knew r/malaysia is full of patriotic Singaporeans", "Same as how r/Singapore and r/singaporeraw are full of Malaysians.", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/singapore using the top posts of the year!\n#1: The most random thing seen today | 274 comments\n#2: I made a thing to honour sliding motorcycle man | 118 comments\n#3: I ran across Singapore today! | 287 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "You’d think coming from a ‘highly educated’ country these triggered singaporeans would be able to read an article past the headline." ], [ "Malaysian actor-host Hero Tai apologises for comments on Singapore\nhttps://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/entertainment/hero-tai-apologises-comments-singapore-382311" ], [ "Factos", "If you agree to such low-hanging fruit bashing but get offended by Jocelyn Chia, it only makes you hypocritical and no better. Both of them are clowns trying to stir-shit to further their career and incite unnecessary conflict and tensions.", "one jokes about a country being boring, the other jokes about a national tragedy in which hundreds died. if he was using the collapse of the new world hotel as comedic material, then yea it would be pretty hypocritical. but that’s a reach, you’re comparing apples to hand grenades.", "Based" ], [ "Did he just say that to have validity and attention? I know no publicity is bad publicity but have some dignity when commenting on other countries man. At least he didn't go batshit crazy like the American Singaporean standup girl." ], [ "He's right :26554: (based too) /s" ], [ "What you mean they don't have culture. They have Chinese malay indian Punjab etc. plus sg culture XD" ], [ "Wait how is this a news? This show is all about people from different nationalities trash talking each other, it’s offensive now?" ] ]
Malaysia’s “First And Only Porn Studio” Blasted For Low Wages In Exchange For Nude Content | TRP
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "Well, what's more Malaysian than underpaying labour?" ], [ "Professionally shot porn is ass anyway. These directors think they do a good job when an of chick and her bf can push out content far cheaper and tbh pretty dang good too.", "Professionally shot porn is ass\nHmm. I think there's more than that", "yeap…amateur/homemade pork is much better, feels authentic", "eh these days the professional shot porn is ass .. (though I would say some JAV is pretty good still especially from some of the better studios) ..\nBut man the golden age of Vivid Entertainment and other studios of this era was pretty good imo", "yeah OF et al has basically made porn studios irrelevant if we're being honest." ], [ "Sieze the means of worthwhile porn production" ], [ "With onlyfans and pornhub who would take the rm500 job? Can potentially earn so much more if post themselves on onlyfans or pornhub if they are not muka pecah.", "they can even not show their own faces and nobody would know it's them too if they do it themselves", "Facemask and boom! You suddenly look cool and mysterious." ], [ "i mean this is really no surprise when you take an already incredibly exploitative industry and bring it into a country with absolute dogshit labour laws and rights." ], [ "Sounds like a scam lmao...I mean porn is kinda illegal in Malaysia....Good place to get raped and blackmailed...I hope nobody falls for this..." ], [ "HanyaKipas.", "Ngl, I giggled when I read this XD" ], [ "Disgusting giler. Mana?" ], [ "Actually not that bad, 500 per shooting, shoot 4 times per month, bam, minimum wage", "That’s camera man pay or what lmao", "Director is the camera man, sound guy, video editor, script writer, etc lol", "Maybe actor as well.", "by the 3rd time the mind is willing but the flesh is wilting...... so nah", "They say no sex or orgasm, just nude pic. So it's quite a good deal if you ask me", "Record having sex four times a month? Seems way better deal than minimum wage if you tell me", "3 times actually." ], [ "Probably the director engaging girls for 3-4 hours of sex with him at RM 500", "Need to pass interview first too... even that doesnt confirm the job.. such cruel world" ], [ "Must be hokkien tauke", "Any difference if it was a Cantonese tauke?", "Or Malay?", "Or tamilian" ], [ "Onlyfans can easily make 10k++, why i wanna do cheap ass porn for 500? gila." ], [ "baik bukak onlyfans lmao" ], [ "Sounds like paying prostitutes for sexual acts while taking out phone camera to record it." ], [ "Sounds like another Girlsdoporn scandal, but Malaysian edition." ], [ "Do they take a fat ugly brown male as model?? Asking for a friend" ], [ "Reading the T&C: Ok, sure..... /s" ], [ "RM500 weed out functional adult and lure clueless underage living in poverty.", "Thats just exploiting" ], [ "Brooo even porn studios in Msia are also underpaying their staff I ...", "and i tought the IT industries famously underpaid too" ], [ "Report to Labor Department la lol" ], [ "influencer yang tak perlu telanjang pun boleh earn more lol" ], [ "I was at Vegas for the AVN Award once and there was a symposium of why OF contents are better than professional studios. One of the main point discussed is the \"realness\" of it for both male and female. Real man don't last a hour and 7 different positions, woman don't want a guy that last an hour too. OF portrays what real sex is like.", "You there as a patron ?", "Just happened to be in LA and found out AVN is going on in Vegas, so decided to go have a look" ], [ "cheapo" ], [ "man, that article title..." ] ]
Unbeknownst to son, video call with dad was final one
[ [ "wow .. kind of sad... all lives ends eventually" ] ]
Road Networks in Klang Valley based on OpenStreetMap data
[ [ "Cool maps.\nBtw I want to ask where can we find official maps that were made by the government that delineate the boundaries of each district or states or federal territories.\nBecause sometimes if you search th ename of a district on Google Maps, it sometimes doesn't give you a clear boundary of that district, but a bunch of red pins in the general area.\nOnly once saw a physical map drawn by JUPEM that depicts a consistency irl, but never saw an online version official map made by the gov.", "there is no official border per se, each government agency has their own definition - DOSM, MOH, MOE, SPR, local governments, etc. The border will depend on your context.", "Most Dept 'boundaries' is operational rather than legal, legally Jabatan Ukur & Pemetaan is probably has a gazetted legally defined boundaries." ], [ "KAJANG MENTIONNNNN LETSSS GOOOO 😭😭😭" ], [ "Some parts are missing (insular housing areas)" ] ]
Klang man stabbed lover to death and then himself over jealousy, says cops
Hmmm lately there’s a rise of murder cases in Klang
[ [ "Sad for the victim." ], [ "There's a rise in murder cases nationwide it seems" ], [ "The end of the news article is\nThose suffering from problems can reach out to: Mental Health Psychosocial Support Service (03-2935 9935 or 014-322 3392); Talian Kasih (15999 or WhatsApp 019-261 5999); Jakim’s Family, Social and Community care centre (WhatsApp 0111-959 8214); and Befrienders Kuala Lumpur (03-7627 2929 or www.befrienders.org.my/centre-in-malaysia for a full list of numbers and operating hours)." ], [ "i always ask people to seek for help. life is precious.\nbut for this fucker. i have zero fucks to give.\nbased on chinese papers, it is said the guy was an admirer, the woman was reportedly going to marry someone else.\n驻唱女歌手被捅死|佳玲今早出殡 父母白头人送黑头人 哭成泪人 (chinapress.com.my)\nmaybe he was a friend with benefit or she took advantage of his \"generousity\" i do not know. we do not know.\nwhat we do know is he killed her. fucker left without even leaving a confession note. wasting our local authorities man power." ] ]
The tragedy of Rafizi Ramli - Opinion
[ [ "Perhaps the most controversial measure implemented by rafizi was his menu rahmah scheme which hurt msmes badly\nhuh? menu rahmah by rafizi is news to me", "Yeah, it was the late Salahuddin Ayub's initiative to help the poor. You can discern the quality of reporting and bias from their mistakes.", "It was under payung rahmah which is under rafizi ministry. The 1 that brought it forward was salahuddin ayub, but the initiative is technically under rafizi." ], [ "Lmao what tragedy?\nRenewable energy is the future, people say shit about him because he took it as a plan for Malaysia's future?\nStop posting from shitty websites lah.\nIf you have beef with him do contact him & setup a place in his podcast. You can say anything to his face.", "Stop posting from shitty websites lah.\nThis is his identity, if he refrained from posting shit about this administration, this account would cease to exist.", "Ying and Yang. You post pro PH stuff, he post anti PH stuff. All in balance./s", "You're not wrong either, I should repent", "Keep it coming so the fler has a reason to wake up in the morning.", "If your future meant unreliable electricity and expensive energy bills, RE is definitely for you. For the rest of us, there's no economic reason to shift away from coal and gas.", "Unreliable? Shifting to renewables are definitely the future.\nThe costs of renewables are cheaper compared to coal, fossil fuels & gas. Don't know where the hell you get your data from lol\nThat said the safest, cleanest and cheapest solution is nuclear energy. Small modular reactors (SMR) are picking up to be the solution to the traditional reactors.", "That guy is like an AnCap or something. Best ignore them.", "That guy is like an AnCap or something\nEverything is a conspiracy if you're stupid enough.", "And how is RE doing for Europe right now with the need to capping the gas price for another year.", "The Europe energy problems started with the war with Ukraine and Russia.\nThe US blew a pipeline (the US say they didn't)\nand the total percentage of RE in Europe is still not enough to fully power their nations.\nElectric is the future, siapa ckp sekarang.\nThat's why we're going into the transition of energy like every other nation. Not only it's cheaper compares to fossil fuels, gas & coal but it's also much cleaner.", "We're still gonna depends on fossil fuels, gas and coal. The idea is to transition the change so that the majority of the energy usage is from renewable energy.\nAgain, the best solution is still nuclear.\nKau kerja dgn company o&g ke apa backup bukan main", "Why no economic reason?" ], [ "" ] ]
Bersih echoes call for local elections, starting with KL
[ "Politics" ]
Elections watchdog chairman says while local elections should not be seen through a racial lens, there is a need to listen to the voices of various groups.
[ [ "I support this, every towns and cities should have local election." ] ]
A few questions for native Malaysians who cannot speak the Malay language.
[ "Language" ]
Let's do things a little differently. Instead of the usual question where you were put in the spot to somehow justify your "essence" of being a Malaysian despite not being able to speak the Malay language, here's a different question instead, and I am expecting an honest answer: "What do you think of the very same native Malaysians who can converse in the same languages as you do, be it English, Mandarin, or Tamil, but unlike you, could also use the Malay language as well? What do you think made them learn to use it in a way that you, on the other hand, could not? Exactly what are they doing that you think would be different than what you couldn't have done? Indeed, if everyone is different, and you too, are different, then exactly how would you elaborate on "how different" you must be? What does it entail? (Note: I am asking in this way in order to prevent simplistic answers such as [I am different], as it would be too vague)"
[ [ "This sounds like an angry parent/teacher trying to make an underperforming student feel bad about themselves.\nI don't think you'll be able to find responses from the people you're trying to address here. You'll probably find people trying to answer on their behalf, though.", "I m from the malaysians should be able to speak malay fluently gang and i agree to this. Its kinda passive aggressive. I do believe malaysians that intentionally dont want to improve their grasp of malay language should be ashamed and feel bad but at the same time i dont see it necessary to put them under the spotlight", "Putting them in the \"spotlight\" would be better than the \"spotlight\" most people put them in to uncomfortably defend themselves. Better to learn what they think by \"removing them\" from the need to defend themselves by having them to think about others instead is what I am trying to do.", "so OP is trying to get non-malay speaking locals to ask themselves -\n'what went wrong with me that i can't speak malay when majority ppl can?'\nsuch a passive-aggressive way of telling non-malay speakers you're not malaysian. borderline breaking rule bigotry/hate speech here mods", "In these past few months, you wonder masih ada mods ke takda.", "This sounds like an angry parent/teacher trying to make an underperforming student feel bad about themselves.\nThe purpose of the exercise is to get them out of the defensive position from the need to justify their own \"Malaysian-ness\", and to get them to participate in coming up with their hypotheses about other people instead.\nSince people are generally more reluctant or dismissive to be caught defending themselves, I thought it would be better to ask them what THEY think about others instead, with hopes that perhaps with their own discovery of assumptions, they could form their very own insights as to why they are the way they must be.", "That's quite a reach, to be honest. You realise how passive-aggressive the questions sound, right? It's basically like going, \"Hey, incompetent person! What do you think of other people who are more competent than you?\"\nI don't really see how they would not be defensive from this.", "Only if you want to see it in that mono-frame. Not only do I not think they're incompetent, you also now place the ball in their court, where they get to make all kinds of assumptions about others, instead of being stuck defending themselves.\nFor all we know, their answers could very well just be \"well, maybe because they're luckier than I am\", which wouldn't necessarily be a bad answer in itself, and all the perks of not being put in the spot to defend nor justify themselves.\nYou cannot expect them to terasa every time I'm not serving chilli.\nAnd no, \"other people\" are not having \"similar levels of incompetence\", but more along the lines of \"hey, your friend is like you, what makes him decided to speak Malay?\"", "Well. I guess one man's suspiciously accusatory line of questioning is another man's...chilli?\nEither way, good luck getting the answers you're looking for, my dude. I just get the feeling this isn't the place you'll find them.", "I just get the feeling this isn't the place you'll find them.\nThen it's only too sad the same cynical attitude of Reddit has got us Malaysians too, that we're too preoccupied thinking everyone must have an agenda." ], [ "OP be like", "You can't smoke grass without touching more different grasses outside buddy. Especially if you haven't touched the blue ones.", "", "Lol, if being THIS high is the same as being able to parse through certain logical cognitive faculties in your brain, please stop watching any Rick and Morty (if you follow the meme)." ], [ "I’m Malaysian Chinese , got A+ for SPM Malay and can speak Malay (fluently but not with native slang).\nThe reason I can speak BM: - Having good quality education (SJKC and SMK cluster school) - Started teaching math tuition to Malay students during uni, hence forcing me to use Malay.\nReasons why I think many nons “refuse” to learn: - Lack of use case for BM (not used within private companies, can get by with basic BM in Malaysia for casual convo like ordering food) - Prioritisation of English, Mandarin and Tamil, which are significantly more useful in a world setting. - Also, you’re biased when looking at nons that can speak Malay fluently. Chances are they can’t speak their mother tongue, which make sense cause it’s so hard to master 3 languages.\nI also have a hot take on why it’s hard to learn Malay as a non Muslim: ENTERTAINMENT. Malay culture is so intertwined with Islam, making entertainment content way too conservative. We lack interesting Malay movies, music, drama entertainment growing up. Many people pick up languages through entertainment.\nBincangkan!", "Upin and Ipin! My kids learnt more BM from this cartoon than from school!", "Yep. I did watch some Malay entertainment growing up. The ones I recall are Upin & Ipin, geng bas sekolah. Those on Astro Ceria hahaha", "Bola Kampung hit me real hard reading ur comment", "My kids learnt more BM from this cartoon than from school!\nLol. Mine was Doraemon, Ksatria Baja Hitam, and Space Cop Gaban.\nAnd of course (badly?) translated Slam Dunk and Dragonball comics.", "Suria Perkasa HITAM!!", "wtf, when did they change the name? It was Ksatria Baja Hitam when I was growing up.", "Baja hitam ftw!", "im the non who can speak fluent malay but cant speak my mother tongue. It's kinda embarrassing tbh, but dignity-wise, I rather be able to speak malay than mandarin. Career-wise though, the answer is a no-brainer", "Tbh, aku setuju. Malaysia terlalu conservative. Kita tak ada lah nak budaya barat but kalau boleh tak semestinya cerita Malaysian kena berkait dgn agama. Huhu :(", "I dont think all Malaysia movies are correlating with Islam…. Some of it are more about the malaysia’s culture and way of living as well…. To those people who are always correlating malay with Islam are narrow minded…. Malaysian are more than just being a muslim…", "Kan :D", "I’m talking about Malay entertainment industry specifically. Not Malaysian. There’s so much censorship. Do something a bit controversial or revealing, it’s banned. Tell me that’s not tied to Islam laws.", "I would bincangkan if you're the target group I am seeking answers from.", "Sure but idk what sort of answers you’re expecting.\nEveryone will essentially tell you: people like me can speak Malay cuz we had the opportunity to use it on a daily basis (which is true)", "It is very obvious what he is fishing for, to have a reason to shame somebody else and then he can go back to create 1000th thread about Malaysia using fake Japanese", "Exactly lmao like what is he trying to achieve from his question? Ask anyone in the world why can’t they speak a language and you’ll literally get the same answer from everyone.", "The target group is those who were born in Malaysia but could not speak Malay. Since you speak the language...I don't know, am I not being clear already?", "That target group you're trying to shame - what percentage of the population do you think it is? First, My view is that it's very small. Second, the non Malays today can speak and write much better Malay than the Malays themselves.\nThe question you should be asking is why the quality of written Malay among the Malays so poor nowadays?", "I have a person asking me the same question as well, and I've already given my best answer, Let me do the same to yours.\nFirst of all, why must it be shameful? Who told you that being unable to speak Malay in this country must be shameful?\nSecond, why does it matter how big or small it is? If it is small, does it mean it does not matter?\nThe question you should be asking is why the quality of written Malay among the Malays so poor nowadays?\nPerhaps, but this isn't a purist kind of questioning either.", "Yes if it’s small it doesn’t matter. That’s how the real world works.", "You're lucky the rest of the human race has set of eyes to see something that clearly exists. Yours on the other hand, is literally blind to the smaller and finer things in life.", "Maybe you should focus on your English first before worrying about the non Malays being able to speak a language that has no place in the world.", "Just say you're too uneducated to understand, then maybe someone would help you dumb it down.", "Intereating movie and drama yeah i agree on that, most of the movie are just hantu and gangster, and drama are just soap opera love story.\nThe last drama that really got me hooked was Nur, and movie is probably mamat khalid's hantu kak limah.\nBut music?\nThat i have to disagree, we have the 90's rock, m.nasir's song (the ones he sang, and the ones where he write for other artists), hip-hop scene is decent like altimet and 5forty2, even today we have aina abdul, ernie zakri, and many more.\nBut in all seriousness, our industry isnt that big. Plus with the segregation of melayu, chinese, and indian media like drama, films, and music, just make our industry smaller.\nRemember when there was only 1 industry, and how we got francisca peter, alleycats, etc.\nNow its 3 industry in a nation of only 30 million, even indon with 200 million only has 1 industry..." ], [ "You’re just looking for one specific answer that you’ve conjured up in your head at this point. People have provided their own takes on why they don’t use BM or learn it and your first reaction is to go “Well, achshually 🤓☝️”\nWhat do you even want at this point bro? People try to give answer to what you want and then you kena going on and on about how specific you want their response to be\nTake your pseudo intelligence BS out of here and stop trying to incite a debate that you want a very specific answer to, you’re not gonna get it", "People have provided their own takes on why they don’t use BM or learn it and your first reaction is to go “Well, achshually 🤓☝️”\nThat's because you're not looking hard enough. The ones I stop replying to are the ones I agree with. Hah, didn't expect that right? The survivorship bias of having a reply to a comment is the only one that gets picked up by our brains, and people don't even realise that there is also a reason why some comments are not responded with.\nWhat do you even want at this point bro? People try to give answer to what you want and then you kena going on and on about how specific you want their response to be\nBaca the top part." ], [ "Personally I think the demographic that you're looking for is going to be extremely rare, but I'll bite as I think I used to fit the criteria that you're looking for as I was barely able to speak or write in BM until I learned it as an adult.\nPeople that learned to speak BM simply had the opportunity and access to the language itself. They went through education where they got to learn language formally, and many of them were in an environment where they are able to gain proficiency and mastery of the language itself.\nI barely went through primary education due to personal circumstances, and I was studying in a SJKC, given the nature of SJKC where BM is only used during BM classes, I never had the chance to develop proficiency at school as it wasn't emphasized.\nThen I went to a SMK where BM was far more commonly used, however the lack of proper BM foundation that I had back in primary school led to the situation where I wasn't comfortable to interact with my Malay peers in BM, it didn't help that racism was very widespread and I was severely ostracized and bullied being one of the few Chinese in the class.\nI probably could've gained some proficiency had I gone through the entire education journey in SMK, but I dropped out from school after Form 1, then I never went through any sort of formal education well until adulthood.\nMy only source of information and knowledge was from the Internet, and the media that I consumed were all in English, my English proficiency was lackluster in the beginning too, but as I immersed myself in it over the years, I was able to be fluent, this comes at the price that my mastery in other languages(Mandarin/Malay) were stuck at the level of a very underperforming primary SJKC student.\nOnce I became and adult and decided to go back to pursue formal education, I forced myself to learn BM properly, that's the beginning of how I started to improve my BM in college, although my command of it was still very poor.\nThings started to change when I landed a job in a company where I was the only non-Malay, I was given the opportunity to immerse myself in BM as that's what being used by my colleagues for casual interactions. Now my command of BM is actually pretty decent and even have a bit of the native Malay accent after working there for almost a year.\nNow I hope that answered your question!", "I had a worker who is a Chinese can speak like native malay after 3 months of working in m'lay only company. Of course interaction is needed lah, but that is the reason why I still think improve interaction between races is the only way to solve this \"bad in bm\" issue: break the wall between races, break the barrier in language.", "Ah, that opens up a lot. I've only heard from 3rd party sources, but it is refreshing to hear it directly from the ones who experience this. Thanks!", "So do you find it anymore different than what me and others have given?", "Yep, with a few insights here and there. You always hear people say, \"Aiya, people's lives different mah\", what you don't hear are the actual story of those differences.", "Such as?", "You always hear people say, \"Aiya, people's lives different mah\", what you don't hear are the actual story of those differences.\nThe answers presented here and yours are a few of them." ], [ "Wait...is this addressed to people who can't speak a single word of Malay, or those who can but can't speak with native Malay accent?\nBecause to be honest, I've never really met a single person in my life who can't speak Malay. Most of them can speak to a certain degree. So there's broken Malay, those who can't speak Bahasa pasar and people who speak with different accents..but I've never really interacted with anyone who has claimed that they can't speak Malay. Maybe it's prevalent among kids from international schools...but that has to be a small minority" ], [ "<image>\nHe can be a fire fighter, teacher, doctor, soldier, astronaut etc. What do you think made him learn to use it in a way that you, on the other hand, could not?", "If you think about it, it is really not that hard nor deep of a question. If you were to ask me, the answer is simple:\nI am not interested nor motivated to be any of those things. Now, are the answers the same for the others as well?", "And that bothers you because you can't keep making Malaysia keep using fake Japanese thread?", "And I wish I was getting paid for every presumptuous reason people make about why I do the things I do.\nI could be making money directly for every BS said about me, but one can only dream." ], [ "Many people can suap with their hand.\nI dont.\nIs it easy to learn? Yes.\nDo I have friends who suap with friends, yes.\nHave I learn it?\nNo.\nWhere am I going on with this? I don't know. I just know that I don't want to judge someone's loyalty based on what language they know or don't know. I also not free enough to question someone who don't want to learn bm.\nIf they are not loyal, they are not worth my time and they will leave malaysia soon.\nIf they are loyal, then knowing bm or not doesnt even matter one bit in my eye.\nThat said, I will defend the importance of bm in malaysia, which. Again, is not important to those who don't want to stay in malaysia. And they aren't worth my time to argue with..", "your eye doesn't represent the many eyes that view the same things\nso don't bother telling your one sided view that you may want to silently persuade others...\nit is just don't work anymore\nIf they are loyal, then knowing bm or not doesnt even matter one bit in my eye.", "Every view are one sided, and argument are just clashes of said 1 sided view until an understanding can be reach, or both sides still maintaining their 1 sided view with knowledge of the other's side view.\nBesides, my 1 sided view are not applying onto other people, as I have mentioned that is my own opinion, one that I didn't and couldn't force onto anyone.\nUnlike the opposite view.\nIf you aren't bothered to engage in an argument, why are you replying then? What is the point of your comment except to show your intolerant to other people's opinion.", "just asking ... those idea you said , is something not common on popular believe .. its intriguing :26554:", "Sound more than just asking but if you said so..", "your eye doesn't represent the many eyes that view the same things\nThat's understandable. But what exactly is \"different\" with that eye? More importantly, if they are also like you, then what must be \"different\" here? A more verbose explanation and elaboration of this very \"difference\" would be appreciated.", "means , its just we all have a different opinion", "Yeah fishes have different opinions too about climbing a tree, but at least we figured out it;s because they can't even live outside of water to climb a tree. You see how easy it is?", "huh? fish??" ], [ "me, trying to understand OP’s question:", "It's quite simple. Instead of me asking, \"Do you know what you did that is wrong?\"\nIt's more along the lines of:\n\"Why do you think others think you must be doing something wrong, even though you sincerely believed you haven't? What do you think they must be thinking in their heads? If they must be wrong, what are they specifically wrong about?\"" ], [ "\"native Malaysians who cannot speak the Malay language\"\nSeriously, for all the guys who keep asking about this demographic, my question is simple:\nHow many people is this? 1 in ten? 1 in ten thousand? 1 in a million?\nSo much time and words on a demographic that's never been quantified, or anecdotally even seen. At most I know and I;ve heard of people who can't speak Malay well, or decline to speak it, but cannot speak it? That's a rare beast indeed.\nI ask OP - what is the numbers of this populace? Have you run across them? Have you asked the questions above to them?", "I have not once saw a malaysian who cannot speak malay. My mum who never had proper education can speak broken malay. Argued with malay before too. All the lu taklak betul, lu salah dulu. Haiya tak mau macam ni and what not.\nI did saw a lot chinese who aren't willing to speak bm or rather, refuses to communicate with malays just because they have bad crasp of bm.\nMy friend on the other hand, swore that he has met plenty of UEC chinese who couldn't speak bm. I'm not sure that is true or they are just refusing to lose face and speak bm. That wedged him firmly In \"chinese must know bm\" cmp.", "At your own convenience, do try to extend the courtesy of the same questions to them if you can.", "I will but of all the UEC students I have met, all of them have no problem speaking with malay. Bm speaking languge class is a VERY lucrative business among the chinese.\nSource: my wife from UEC and I'm okish close with her batch.", "what is the numbers of this populace? Have you run across them?\nDon't know, and failed to see the relevance.\nHave you asked the questions above to them?\nWhich is the very purpose of the question raised as the topic? I thought I was literally doing the very thing you asked.", "Don't know, and failed to see the relevance.\nLet me introduce you to a concept known as JAQ-ing Off. The link goes into more detail, but essentially it's a type of troll when someone asks a loaded or a disingenuous question as a method of getting a baseless claim through.\nSo the relevance is, I'm trying to understand if you're asking this in good faith, or are you a troll.\nSo again, is this actually a demographic that is prevalent? Is it something that you have run across in your life so frequently that you feel the need to explore?\nSince your response to both is no, then again my dude, what is the point here? Especially considering that you've framed your question in a particularly accusatory form (which is the loaded part of your question).", "So the relevance is, I'm trying to understand if you're asking this in good faith, or are you a troll.\nThis usually only happens when people feel that they are being challenged, as opposed to being an actual, reliable tool to actually determine if someone is merely doing all of this in bad faith. Allow me to answer your questions to prove to you why.\nSo again, is this actually a demographic that is prevalent?\nThe honest answer would be a simple \"I don't know\", but if I am getting to what you're REALLY asking, the answer would be, \"I can only suspect that it must be too small of a number\". This is why I answered the way I did earlier because I could not see the relevance of how small of a number must somehow dictate an absolute feeling (or worse, dogma) of insignificance. So if there aren't enough people to cause problems, it must be then, \"not a problem\"? Surely you notice a fallacy right there to outright dismiss the existence of something on the mere small number of its 'prevalence', as you have put it.\nWhich answer would be considered for you to be the actual number where it would be \"sufficient\"? Similar to the answer above, the mistake of your framing is that if something must be small, not only it shouldn't be given an F, but it should therefore, not be given an F by me as well.\nWhich answer would be considered for you to be the actual number where it would be \"sufficient\"? Similar to the answer above, the mistake of your framing is that if something must be small, not only it shouldn't be given an F, but it should therefore, not be given an F by me as well.\nThe mistake you have made here is to assume something should never even be brought up if it was deemed insignificant, despite the fact of its objective existence.\nthen again my dude, what is the point here?\nThis might be weird to most people, but in case you didn't know, there are people who are driven solely by curiosity. Not everything is an agenda.\nEspecially considering that you've framed your question in a particularly accusatory form (which is the loaded part of your question).\nOnly if you decided to view it within such myopic frame of references. You are literally GIVING back the POWER to those who are usually caught defending their own positions to justify their \"Malaysian-ness\" solely for not being able to speak a specific language.", "Only if you decided to view it within such myopic frame of references.\nYour own phrasings here:\nWhat do you think made them learn to use it in a way that you, on the other hand, could not?\nWhy do you think others think you must be doing something wrong, even though you sincerely believed you haven't?\nWould it be fair to say that those who are perhaps stuck in a non-Malay, insular environment would likely not be able to speak the language?\nNone of this are objective phrasings. They are accusations of, in turn, incompetence, arrogance, and being separate. Additionally, your method of throwing out paragraphs in response to simple queries certainly seems questionable.\nNone of us are owed any presumption of good faith. Sometimes first impressions are all you get online. Your opening to this query, and the responses you've provided here honestly leads me to the conclusion that you've crystalised your views, and are simply trying to look for justification after the fact.\nAll the best. HtH, HaND.", "Those questions are perfectly legit if you're not trying to put the victim on the spot. If you can only myopically see negative outcomes and values from these, then I submit to you that is only the fault of your own cynicism by literally subjecting them to the dogmatic view that they must be doing something wrong, as opposed to giving them the freedom to approach the issue by literally getting them to participate in the space.\nAnd as previously mentioned, none of these are rhetorical, and I am actually seeking an answer.\nAnd you need to stop thinking that they must be doing something wrong, and I sincerely believe this is why you think these questions are there to just \"expose\" them." ], [ "So here’s my perspective as a cina.\nGrowing up, I have zero reasons to use BM, except BM classes during SMK.\nDuring secondary , I hang out with Malay, Indians, and Chinese, and we basically spoke English out of convenience for all 3 races.\nFast forward to university, English all the way.\nI even forgot how to speak Chinese, when I go to work , i can still understand Chinese but it’s so much of a delay in my brain as I’m so used to English.\nSo, I think it’s just the placement that life puts you in.\nIf someone is in a place where they can utilize the BM language, then they will excel in it.\nCan’t blame people not speaking BM when they don’t have place to practice or used them. Heck even the mamak shop also speak English.\nEdit : also, online gaming , dota 2 and csgo, gotta trash talk in English.", "That's your reason for not learning the language. In case you haven't already realised, the way I asked the question is different.\nI wasn't asking \"why you don't learn it\", I was asking, \"why do you think people like you decided to learn it, unlike you?\"\nThis means, instead of asking you to \"explain yourself\", I was asking you to \"explain others\" to see if you could come up with something.", "I did learn BM… I just don’t have any where to practice it.\nEven the mak cik at pasar malam speak English with me…..\nAs stated , I couldn’t converse the same, because I wasn’t in the time and place to use it.\nTak kan if my mom speaks to me in Chinese I reply her in BM rite ?\nTak kan at work, my boss speaks to me in English I reply in BM rite ?\nIf one grows up in a mono-language area, they will be bound to speak that language.\nI have Chinese friends who speaks really good Malay, because they either worked for a Malay company, or grew up in a BM centric area where everyone speaks BM.", "You might have missed my question the first time. As previously explained, I wasn't asking you to \"explain yourself\". I was asking you to \"explain others\", do you understand the question?\nTo clarify, I am not asking you to justify why you are not learning/using it. I am asking you about why the others who are, in many ways, who are like you, but are able to speak the language? What exactly THEY are doing that is different from yours?", "I think his last paragraph answers your question.\nMaybe you yourself not understand your own question?", "Nope, I missed it because I was too overwhelmed with the initial self-defence in the first few lines. You can also see that he has explained it again on the next post.", "Like I’ve answered, time and place to use it.\nPeople like me, or cina like me, who have the time and place to use it, be it because they live in the area which are predominantly speaking BM, or they work in a place that speaks predominately BM.", "Would it be fair to say that those who are perhaps stuck in a non-Malay, insular environment would likely not be able to speak the language?", "It’s more likely they would speak broken malay, atleast some malay knowledge is needed to survive even if broken it’s pretty hard to find people who don’t completely know how to speak malay" ], [ "The more I see these posts , the more I refuse to speak it", "And you wonder why people just don't \"know things\". Of course they don't, cos' nobody told them." ], [ "The way I see it, it's mostly come down to your environment and who you interact with. I have friends, colleagues and clients who are Malay, that alone is more than enough impetus and opportunities to utilize BM.", "Would it be fair to say those who are stuck in non-Malay, insular environments would then, have the perfect reason (or imperfect, depending whom you ask), to not be ever able to speak the language?", "non-Malay, insular environments\nWell I wouldn't necessarily describe it like that, I don't think my environment can be described as wholly \"Malay\", rather I would describe as \"the Malaysia experience\", where you have to interact with other races as well.\nSimply just try to \"diversify\" your interaction a little, and things would happen naturally, at least in my experience.\nFor context I am Malaysian Chinese, btw.", "In that case, allow me to ask this rather crude question: How prevalent it is for any Malaysians to ever be stuck in an environment where they would somehow feel that they didn't need to interact with other races, hence perhaps, giving them a good reason to not ever use, or ever be bothered by it?", "I can't answer this is, sorry.\nI can't remember a time where I don't interact with other races.\nI think you have to ask someone else for this.", "That is because the question isn't directed at you, but to Malaysians in general.", "Well it does seems you are directing this question to a certain subset of Malaysian.\nAlso I think such questions can only be answered in a form of a survey, tbh.", "Maybe, or if I bother to just do interviews with people in the streets." ], [ "I have passed my Bahasa Malaysia SPM subject (it was emphasized to be Bahasa Malaysia, not Bahasa Melayu back in the 80s and 90s). I can understand BM newspaper if I even want to read it. I can understand BM blog posts if I want to read it. I can translate some BM words to Eng/Chi.\nI can't speak fluent pasar BM with Malays. I don't need to use it in my daily life. Am I a Malaysian? Yes 100%.\nJapanese speaks Japanese. Spanish speaks Spanish. Yes I know. As long as someone has Japanese/Spanish/Malaysian citizenship, they are Japanese/Spanish/Malaysian. During the Australian citizen exam, the Australian government will cater for your language needs. You want to answer the questions in Chinese/Vietnamese/French/German? Sure they will provide an interpreter for you.\nMalaysian Citizenship is not based on about how pasar your BM is. If Malaysia wants every citizen to speak pasar Malay to be considered a Malaysian, put it as SPM subject and we'll confirm score higher marks.\nWe have met our SPM criteria. I am still a Malaysian regardless of how much I want to interact with you people and learn your pasar rojak language with not much usage in the grand scheme of things." ], [ "Malaysian Chinese here, currently study in sekolah menengah and most of our malay is sort of ok but still not fluent enough to hold a more than 5 minute only malay convo, what I'm seeing is those who have a more diverse/or malay majority environment will be better at malay since they are immersed in the language\nI got lucky compare to my peers since dad always let me interact with indian and malay sometimes foreigner kids since young therefore having better grasp at both malay and english compare to my peers who lived their lives almost only chinese(other than travel or order food)" ], [ "Eh, why your peer can score more a/earn more than u ah?\nWhy can't you do things differently to get the closer result as them?", "Simple. Because I didn't care as much. Are the answers the same for the others?", "That could be one of the reasons\nBut it's a vague and simple answer. Can you elaborate?" ], [ "I just don't care, I'm privileged enough not to need to use and learn it compared to my peers.", "Lies. People who don't care don't go to reddit.", "Lol this is the answer you wanted", "What language r u typing in?" ], [ "Most rtarded redditor this OP is and that itself is an accomplishment" ], [ "What do I think of those I know who are from various backgrounds (apart from Orang Melayu), and can speak much better colloquial Malay than me? Instead of what I think, they think that they are still 2nd class citizens; they think about the shitty wages, increasing Islamization of this country, poor public infrastructure, unending corruption, leaving this country." ] ]
Bandaraya and pdrm asking for "donation". Is this normal?
Throwaway account because my main account has my name in the username, and they(both of them) know my name Recently, i was in my office(during lunch hour, i stayed to get some work done so i am left alone to fend for myself), two men came in, one claiming to be from the bandaraya for the region i was in, and one more claiming he was from the pdrm. They provided me with a document which seems to originated from a persatuan kebajikan related to PDRM (it has the word "PDRM" in it's name), telling me they wanted "good will" from us. Telling me they can provide me with official receipt. And the guy from bandaraya told me they know my boss. So I proceed to called my boss and asked how much should we provide. My boss did not want to donate mentioning they will come back again and again, and ask me to tell them he was busy. I told them exactly that, they proceed to ask for my personal donation instead of money from the company. Thinking this was an actual persatuan kebajikan because in the document it clearly stated do not give them cash, i thought this is an actual crowdfunding to help retired police officer so i told them i would donate (i dont think i should disclose the amount but the amount wasnt huge) . here's what weirded me off, initially they told me the quantity was small and asked for cash (red flag) i told them i will just transfer as i dont have cash, after i transferred, they stood up shook my hand said thank you and left, i was waiting for my receipt, but they just left and i was too stunned to ask for receipt. after 5 minutes, they called me and ask for my bank transfer receipt, this is what weirded me out the most. I searched up the name of that guy from the bandaraya and his name and face was there. So it is unlikely a scam. are government/police officers allowed to do corporate visits and ask for donation? Is this normal?
[ [ "First, just because the docs has the PDRM's name stamped on it, it doesn't mean the docs are legit. Second, why in the world a PDRM or org related with PDRM wants donation when they clearly can ask it from gov (suppose they are related to PDRM as they claim). Totally not normal, just your average scammer impersonating someone from official body. Just report them to nearby police station and don't donate any money to random with docs proclaiming from the government." ], [ "HAH I've had the exact same thing happen to the factory where I work at, except it was a visit from 2 to 3 officers from the customs department. They were soliciting funds for an alumni organization/committee that I guess is run by former public employees in the department and even had a brochure that looked legit. They told us that for donations over RM10,000, you'll get a feature/adspot for your company on their printed alumni magazine lol. Obv, seeing no benefit in advertising a household consumable manufacturing company to former custom officers, we turned them down. But we also thought that refusing to donate might just give them a reason to sic currently employed officers on us and harass our establishment, so we let them part with rm300 lol. These were legit people who must have been employed at one point at the customs department, as they had uniforms and vests on with the department logo, and everything else (magazine, brochure) checked out. It is particular noteworthy from the brochure that the entire alumni committee was composed of men of a singular race, I'll let you guess which 😏. One could also argue that this is low-key gov sanctioned extortion/racketeering lol since whose asshole wouldn't pucker up if they had uniformed gov thugs approach them and ask for money." ], [ "Why police need donation? Scam, report them to the police for impersonating the police." ], [ "Just to be clear, it is an outright scam. Next time, listen to your boss and simply put the entire blame on him for everything. You don't get paid enough to do more than that." ], [ "If pdrm needed \"donations\", they just organize road blocks and the donors will come to them ..... No need walk arnd ask for donations" ] ]
What the heck is Rafizi moonlighting as a podcaster?
[ [ "bro saw KJ's podcast and how good it made KJ look and he thought; \"Hmm, maybe this will make people hate me less\"" ], [ "Great, if the public decides on guests and questions are unfiltered", "Criticism levelled at him by opposition-slant cybertroopers have inspired Economy Minister and Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli to start his own podcast as an avenue to respond with valid answers\nIts his propaganda lol. Everything rigged and he going to give you the \"valid answers\"." ], [ "Isn't this actually a good thing, the purpose of him starting a podcast is to invite guests that asks him questions that they want to ask, even the public can join apparently\nIt's definitely much better than a minister answering via the usual channels in parliament or press conferences which can be sometimes out of touch and not what matters to people on a daily basis", "it is. similar to RTM's Bicara Naratif this can be a platform for minister to address selected question that mainly comes from social media rather than traditional media. in this case it will fall under current communication minister.\nthe way he does it is just to stroke his ego of saying i am the smartest in the room. it literary says that on his promo \"whos the one is gonna burn the minister (me)\" knowing full well cytro wont actually come out to the studio because they have so much more to lose. :26554:", "RR always had this smug/condescending way of going about things, personally not my cup of tea haha", "He got so much time doing podcast? Also is it live cause if it isnt how credible that the podcast wont censor certain things to fit certain narrative?", "Time, subjective I suppose. If he finds that doing the podcast is worth it then I'm sure he will allocate time for it. And to be honest I can see the benefit because his role and ministry involves alot of planning/theory, and normal people may not understand exactly what he is trying to do if he doesn't have the right channels to convey it. Having a podcast will give him the opportunity to explain and do so in depth as well\nCredibility wise it remains to be seen, we can only judge after the first few episodes are out how open he is and how fitting are the guests. Khairy's KS is the benchmark to compare to in terms of this", "I enjoy Khairi’s podcast but at times even he can’t keep his smugness and haughtiness in check, if people can give him a pass for it, they can give RR a pass too. Aren’t KJ and KK friends? A podcast ep with the both of them will be fun" ], [ "PKR ministers cannot pakai.", "what else can we do .. just accept lor", "Ok.. Which party ya suggest have best perfomimg minister" ], [ "Criticism levelled at him by opposition-slant cybertroopers have inspired Economy Minister and Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli to start his own podcast as an avenue to respond with valid answers\nAnother insecure minister. Can't take criticism blame it on opposition then want create his own propaganda instead of doing his job.", "That's what I don't get. You're a minister now. Focus on your job. Don't let things like cybertroopers or amateur podcasters get under your skin. If that happens, you'll seem insecure. Don't bring yourself down to their level." ], [ "This Rafizi showing his true colors that he is really tin kosong NATO king. “let us have another Economy Minister who will take action when we tell him a problem instead of just giving us an explanation – or worse – ‘burn’ the person who brings up the matter to his attention.” 🤣", "And they are the one rolling out Digital ID. Monyets here better reject it early and fast, otherwise they will know each and every dissidents in Reddit.", "Please, the information is already there. It’s already on all the different government databases, Digital ID is not new data. Digital ID is about providing a single sign on ability to govt services and like if you wanna verify your identity with JPN eg for bank accts to make sure you’re not a dead person/ are a real person, like google/ Microsoft/ facebook single sign on you see on multiple sites. It’s a step forward for us - look to singpass in Singapore.", "It's funny you can explain so much yet you limit your answer to \"the information is already there\".\nCan't Reddit integrate Digital ID as single-sign-on? Singapore POFMA is very forward looking for sure.\nAnd it is not simply SSO if it is literally going to be use for Targeted Fuel Subsidy.", "Don't hope too much on PH or PKR. Reformasi is a joke. Minister filled with cronies like Rafizi.", "cronies?????", "Ini semua salah DAP" ], [ "I love how different media platform user respond differently. On \"X\" people seem supportive as he's doing a good job while in reddit people are more realistic." ], [ "Rafizi memang tin kosong, formula semua tak boleh pakai." ], [ "Forbidden under law" ], [ "'I was good at talking, not so good at doing. Maybe I should talk more.'" ], [ "Seeing him beefing with a tiktok influencer is funny" ] ]
Penang to continue Mutiara Pass with allocation of RM7.5 mil
Kelantan asks federal govt to expedite study on flood water woes
[ "Environment" ]
Kelantan is hoping that the federal government will speed up their study to modify the spillway structure on the embankment of the Sungai Golok Integrated River Basin Development Project (PLSB) to address the stagnant floodwater woes.
Don’t falsify income for MRSM admission, says Mara chief
[ "Education" ]
Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki says such actions adversely affect other impoverished students whose rights have been usurped.
[ [ "A lot of people with jalan shamelessly send their kids to mrsm on full scholarships despite being T20. I once spoke to a guy who did subcon work for GLCs and had a son on a full ride scholarship at MRSM. He owned the company and the GLCs paid him upfront and depositing money straight to his personal bank account. He was moaning about how the PH government doesn't understand how to do business because under them LHDN was all over his shit for not declaring income." ], [ "Falsify income ? During my studies , I've seen this guy cry because his valuables were lost to a fire ( dorm room fire ) and his parents were likely unable to afford new stuff and another that said 80k monthly won't be enough to maintain his lifestyle. I think both people represent extremes end of incomes.", "How does a student blow 80k a month? That would last me a couple of years…", "He's a rich asshole. He's saying that for the future , even 80k salary a month is too little." ], [ "the kids also condemn their friends whose parents falsify their income to get bantuan or something...." ], [ "and what do you want to do about it? kick them out from school after accepted?\nget real lmao:26554:" ], [ "Even cronyism will get you in there for free." ] ]
Man chokes woman in Johor shopping centre as bystanders look on
[ [ "I wonder if there will be trouble if we interfere ? Assuming the involved are VVIP.\nI saw a man in public choking a women.\nI shout, ask him to release her but refused.\nSo I intervene and forcefully separate the man and women and a fight ensures.\n2 situation will happen.\nA. I punched the shit out of him and the women run away.\nB. He punched the shit out of me and the women manage to get away.\nAssuming there are witnesses recording the incident and CCTV from shops. Can.\nA. The VVIP successfully sue me for interfering and beating him up. Judged cannot say I provoked the incident.\nB. I successfully sue the VVIP for beating me up. Judged cannot say I provoked the incident.", "True. What if the assailant is from the royal family? You can get a free hole-in-one on your head", "Well if they do that, revolts will happen.", "R police and army: do try", "I've read alot of incidents about such cases where a good Samaritan would intervene. What happened is the good Samaritan will get punished instead.\nMajority of these cases are emotional and say if I beat the shit out of him Soo hard that you know, the woman can simply say that I am attacking her husband.", "yes better pretend saw nothing.. might get stabbed , sued etcc", "No good deed goes unpunished. It sucks but its better to keep your ass safe than be sorry.", "C. The woman said you attacked her husband.", "Thats why people only interfere when in large group.\nIf sorang-sorang, might as well just pull out your phone and record." ], [ "Not sure if violent crimes getting more frequent or their reporting" ], [ "I feel like the best case is to just immobilize him with a neck choke while he has his arms on the woman, so it's a double choke lmao." ], [ "You know what they always said about that viralling OP being kaypoh and not helping? This is one of them; cameraman could've easily intervened too." ], [ "chivalry is dead?", "Yes it is every man of himself" ], [ "Where's security?", "Ah yes the magical security force that magically appears when shit goes down the mall at the very second", "Then why is management paying for them if they don't want to work?", "Ahhh yes management & Malaysians expecting lowly paid Nepali guards to be there exactly as it happened an event lasting 4 seconds tops.", "Smh when management refused to hire guard with teleport ability.", "Smh. Gojo wouldve ratio him", "Recording the incident and viralling it" ], [ "This is like the third cases in a week involving violence on women? Tf is going on" ], [ "Malaysia become korea\nFor those dont know, korean police dont kacau ppl such like this incident due to domestic action such like this one is consider as personal / family problem hence the police dont help , neither the public also. A ostrich head in the sand to make sure the problem go away", "China too" ], [ "I swear Malaysia is going downhill fast. What happened 😭" ] ]
PMX had tea with the Emperor of Japan
[ [ "Like a secret meeting since we can’t see the emperors face. But I know this is not fake :D", "Ouh didn't know that" ], [ "It's interesting that Kak Wan greeted the Empress before Anwar greeted the Emperor. Is there a reason for the ladies first protocol?", "For all i know, the First Lady of the country should greet the First Lady of the other country." ], [ "Why kak ziah lari macam tu? Nak ke toilet ke ?", "Gotta try out those fancy toilet", "Gotta try them japan bidet." ], [ "Teno heika banzai" ], [ "NARUHOODOO" ], [ "No big motorcade?" ], [ "Better visit all he VIPs you can for now. Next time public perception of PMX changed 180 degrees, no more VIP opportunities. keke" ], [ "Anwar after sake Sodomy 2.0," ] ]
Analysis: Malaysia's business, political elite on edge with Anwar's graft crackdown on ex-financial tsar Daim
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Mr Daim, including Mr Halim Saad, a one-time business nominee of the long-established United Malays National Organsation (UMNO), and Mr Mirzan Mahathir, the eldest son of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, are also being investigated.\nDaim Zainuddin\nHalim Saad\nMirza Mahathir\nA few still missing from the list.\nMahathir himself\nMokhzani Mahathir" ], [ "At long last. I've always believed that he's one of malaysia's biggest invisible billionaires especially after reading a book about him" ], [ "This was always one of the strangest things in Malaysia. You can be policeman earning a few thousand ringgit, yet own multiple cars and property and not be considered corrupt. Living beyond their means is not considered an issue. In SG, if you cannot account for your \"additional wealth\", you will be charge." ], [ "At loooong last. These people are gazillionaires tbh. Country has no money to fund programs because of people like them." ], [ "This is unfortunately likely to fail in any jail time. Azam Baki and Terrirudin have failed multiple times in Court.\nGreat vision, poor execution. MACC has really failed. These prosecutions are decades too late; there is no real whistleblower protection law so count out most public servants; and MACC prosecutors are honestly not good at what they do.\nAfter GE14, the judiciary has a much higher standard. Good for the Rakyat, bad for incompetents like Azam, Terrirudin, and Anwar.\n— Bung acquitted\n— Najib acquitted (Audit Panel)\n— Shafee acquitted\n— Ku Nan acquitted\n— Zahid acquitted (VLN)\n— Shahir acquitted\n— Muhyiddin acquitted (power abuse)\nTerrirudin at AGC + Azam Baki at MACC + Anwar as PM = incompetent anti-corruption enforcement.\nDon’t get your hopes up, friends. You’ll likely be disappointed sooner or later." ], [ "EAT THE RICH" ], [ "Got so many cronies in the current govenment like Zahid and he goes after Daim. Meanwhile Zahid declared clean and have 40+ corruption charges dropped. MACC blind to corruption except certain cases.", "Because the only reason why Anwar is PM is because of Zahid? Why would a dog bite his master’s hand lol", "My point exactly.", "Let's put it this way, Zahid case is definitely cast a shadow to the government, and we want all of the corrupts face the charges and held accountable, so that doesn't mean Daim should be off the hook, same goes with Mahathir families. I remembered there's a case involving him in the early days of his administration, don't google BMF scandal, an Auditor was murdered, most of the documents were classified as OSA, his pals (list of former Finance Ministers) including former Gua Musang MP knows a lot of dirty secret that could potential be implicated. I remembered reading a source that the case involved CIA and the authority in London.", "So it's not about corruption just about taking out political rivals.", "By all means, if that's the only option we have.\nIf Daim is corrupt and he did abuse his power to enrich himself and his families, I see no reason to not investigate him and bring him to court.\nAlso, it has it effects, it set a precedence that once you are voted out and no longer in power, new administration will come after you if you are corrupt, if Anwar is corrupt, the next generation of leader will come after him. We don't get Zahid now, but when the time comes, it will.\nThat's why we need to have a two-party system to promote mature and advanced form of politics and democracy.", "Tak payah layan dia ni. He’s a paid cybertrooper. Not here for discussion, just to spread hate.", "I doubt any real change will happen. Backdoor deal and this investigation will gone. If you want to investigate corruption I think easier to point out a politician who never engage in corruption then lock up the rest.", "That's politics in a nutshell right? Don't incarcerate your friends, especially if they have the ability to pull their support and plunge the whole country into chaos, not just your government.\nAt least something is being done rather than just sitting around and doing nothing. The world isn't black and white like people want.", "At least something is being done rather than just sitting around and doing nothing.\nMore like another backdoor deal for Anwar and co to get whatever they want. Hoping Anwar to solve corruption might as well pray for pigs to fly." ], [ "This is the way. The reformasi isn’t instant, but DSAI gotta play his card properly" ] ]
How many of you monyets actually enjoy driving in KL?
I was in KL for 1 week plus, during which I drove almost every day. How do you guys tolerate: The traffic jams during peak hours. Having to constantly figure out which lane to filter to in order to position yourself to the right exit. Having to find parking, especially when your destination is some shoplot. Circling the area again and again. I've also noticed that when I signaled to switch lanes, more often than not, the cars in the target lane would simply speed up instead of giving way
[ [ "By now I’m considered veteran driver already. have achieved zen status", "Batman is incentivized to reduce congestion in Gotham so that he can use the Batmobile", "Zen mode until the urge to take a shit hits you while getting stuck in a traffic jam.", "That's why you bring a bucket in your car", "Coward, just use your hands and shovel it out like the rest of us", "Same. The car is my refuge. I love being in it, I love driving it around the city, even if I get stuck in the traffic, I still enjoy it. It's the only place where I am totally alone with my own thoughts. It's very rare and I just love it." ], [ "I will avoid going there as much as possible. Eveb if i have to go, i will use public transport. If bring family, only for reasons that cant be avoided.", "Yup, same here" ], [ "friday evenings + rain + 5pm onwards = nightmare, where google maps becomes a spiderweb of red lines.... i try to avoid that time at all costs. if no choice... just have to listen to a good postcast or music or audiobook.\nkl traffic is truly mind numbing and spirit crushing, especially when you experience shitty drivers that cut queues by driving at emergency lanes / cut queues by not queueing..." ], [ "Music" ], [ "none. i dont believe otherwise", "I actually enjoy driving in KL once a year: during CNY. The rest of the year it's tolerable at best and infuriating at worst.", "The best time was actually during the MCO period", "Other than the road blocks. Those were a nuisance." ], [ "The worst part is even GPS still confusing because of all the stacking flyovers and overpass.\nGives me anxiety.", "Oh yes, I hate this.\nExit left\nRoad splits into 3 forks", "Haha this happened to me. This is my go-to list for my friends visiting who are planning to drive. - Apple Map: use if you want to get lost. - Google Map: useful, but sometimes will still give you the wrong direction - Waze: Much better than Google Map, even though it’s owned by Google.", "Wait what Waze is owned by Google? Why do they even bother with Google maps??? Just make them the same thing lol", "Waze was acquired by Google\nI think the products focus on different things. Google Maps is the generic tool whereas Waze is more focused on traffic features. E.g. it will actively route drivers in order to distribute the traffic flow more evenly", "Waze and google maps will tell you the exit/road number. You just need to pay extra attention and read the road signage. Definitely have the numbering one especially for stacking highways flyover.\nWe used to depends on road signage before GPS. Not that you need to read it every time now. Just when approaching exits only." ], [ "average KL driver", "I drive (I’m Ryan Gosling)", "Tick of the clock on infinite loop while stuck in traffic and eyeing other cars suspiciously" ], [ "Your last point on cars speeding up when u signal is my trigger point to be an asshole. Whenever i manage to squeeze in before the car behind closes the gap, i start slowing down just enough so that any car wanting to merge infront of me can do so easily just out of spite so that he knows im slowing him down indirectly.", "I happily do this too!" ], [ "Love the freedom of driving, don't like the cutthroat parking operators, toll barons and those... WOI, NAK MAMPUS KAH? HONK\nahem, some other road users." ], [ "Try going to Penang. KL is like a driver’s paradise in comparison", "You have to be a Jedi or Sith to drive in Penang: need to use the Force to know how the other drivers are planning to move. Signals are optional and only suggestions of intent. Hehe." ], [ "No choice. No drive, no money." ], [ "I work in KL but live in Selangor, never drove to KL before because it's so unpleasant and the parking is expensive at my workplace. Bought RM50 monthly rapidkl pass and enjoy the train rides.", "The MRT and KLIA Express are actually great. Just wish the network coverage was better. Also the last mile options..." ], [ "I despise driving\nAdvocate for better public transport so we dont have to tie ourselves to a car in cities and waste time in traffic" ], [ "Enjoy? More like they already used to it." ], [ "I absolutely resent driving especially in KL, I don’t work in KL but do go there every now and then to hangout, I think I have only driven there a handful of times because otherwise I always take public transport\nAgree with you on all the points of why it sucks to drive in KL" ], [ "I love driving in KL. Also for people who speed up after you signal, the pro tip is to be even faster and cut in" ], [ "We grew up watching our parents getting stuck in traffic and how they have to deal with idiot drivers on daily basis so we are mentally prepared for it" ], [ "No one likes driving in any big city in any country.\nJapan is the only possible exception I can think of.\nPromise, there are much much worse places.", "why? no traffic there?", "People are just more considerate and rules matter (eg. no mopeds on the sidewalks), but the traffic is also much less." ], [ "My colleague used to joke saying \"chill bro. Eat KitKat or Mat Kool ice cream\" when driving in KL during congestion. Plan your route and budget your time accordingly. Also, especially at this time of the year, be informed and aware about heavy rain/flash flood area. I am sure you know what I'm talking about." ], [ "As a Sabahan resides in Klang Valley for first few attempts driving in KL can be daunting led me confused which exit lane should I take and 50% I would spray and pray to enter correct lane as the confusion I had is road sign and unclear direction from Waze/Google Maps especially heading to a multiple junction at flyovers. One instance I remember was having to pay a toll twice (RM3/entry * 2 = RM6) :26563: because of a missed junction and having to u-turn at the same toll same highway. Duh, costly mistake but now I'm getting better as long I drive slowly and Forgus focus being attentive to the maps." ], [ "KL is boring to drive, NKVE on the other hand, best road, a lot of interesting sports car driving there from time to time" ], [ "Improvise.Adapt.Overcome" ], [ "I’m a new driver and that last point hurts. I’ve even been honked at by a dude even though I signaled and even waited for a bit, if I didn’t turn then I kena hit another parked car in front of me 😭😭" ], [ "all the shit you said is true, I still like to drive, primarily thanks to my company letting me work at home 3 weeks per month, so that one week I get to drive my car, with a full sound system I built myself, just to experience the chaos while I headbang and have fun\ntip: make your car \"your car\" so your daily drive isn't boring, and dont buy underseat subwoofers cause they're shit no matter how expensive, buy a real man subwoofer", "Ooooh interesting. Didn’t know r/kereta under seat sub is that bad. Luckily I still have 1 sub leftover", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/kereta using the top posts of all time!\n#1: How much should I pay to a mechanic to check if a secondhand car is worth buying?\n#2: Just swapped the location of the MAF sensor. | 9 comments\n#3: What is your Impression/Opinion on Subaru Forester? | 9 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "You eventually get used to it lol. If lucky enuf, your work is accessible with lrt. I had the experience working at the place besides the subang Jaya lrt. Even tho it would take 45+ mins for a trip, atleast I can do shit with my phone" ], [ "Speeding up to cut you off when you signal? I was told that's a motov exclusive thing.\nBut nah, most don't like driving in dense traffic cities. Many more just suck it up because even if you hate it, there's nothing much you can do anyway.", "At least the public transportation is improving gradually" ], [ "from what i can tell, my local friends all grew up with the mentality that driving is the ultimate form of transport. public transport sucks and therefore we can only drive, dont stoop to the level where you have to take public transport. my friend was forced to drive by his parents daily when he can to the point that he is extremely good at it. that's what i see from my local (chinese) friend anyway." ], [ "I've also noticed that when I signaled to switch lanes, more often than not, the cars in the target lane would simply speed up instead of giving way\nI aware of this often times they're like take no prisoners and sped up. I believe this is most likely because some drivers are an A-H merging lane at very last minute. Once, I almost rear end a car for last minute merged and I almost had a cardiac arrest having to brake my car to full stop like taking a screenshot." ], [ "I hate it so much that I now take LRT instead.\nBut the lane thing I've always been fine with, they speed up then u go behind them la whats the big deal? So used to it, that I'm hesitant to switch when they don't speed up - feels like they are too close behind and I might accidentally hit them." ], [ "Welcome to KAY-EL" ], [ "If the car suddenly speeds up when we want to change lanes, we squeeze in a bit into that lane.. then it will slow down.. slowly move the front of the car in.", "wow.. old time tactics here\nnice one" ], [ "People speeding up when they see someone indicating to their lane are the true maniacs" ], [ "KL public transport enjoyers where y’all at", "I like the MRT and KLIA Express" ], [ "Driving is the ultimate form of transport.\nDriving in KL is extremely stressful for 1 week but once you get used to it it becomes like an arcade game, it's always different and fun everytime.\nPartially because KL doesn't have grid based roads and partially because there is such a wide variety of cars, motorbikes and driver types." ], [ "drive at KL once and never again. Will never drive to a place that can see KLCC:28915:" ], [ "I don’t mind it. I found California driving extremely stressful and nerve wracking - in contrast driving around KL is a fairly emotionless experience for me" ], [ "Let’s just say I’d rather drive in the backroads of Kalabakan with a manual than the MEX highway on auto. Hanat betul bagus lagi jalan kaki." ], [ "I do! I'm still a new driver, so it's still an enjoyable experience for me.\nThat being said, I don't enjoy traffic jams, so I don't go to KL during peak hours. Tried to go to a place at Central Market at 7pm once, that was a mistake." ], [ "The traffic jams during peak hours.\nSimple. Don't drive at those times unless you're mentally prepared.\nHaving to constantly figure out which lane to filter to in order to position yourself to the right exit.\nI aim to switch lanes by 1km - 500m to the exit. Waze or by memory.\nHaving to find parking, especially when your destination is some shoplot. Circling the area again and again.\nWhen in Rome if people aren't parked in dedicated parking spaces.\nI've also noticed that when I signaled to switch lanes, more often than not, the cars in the target lane would simply speed up instead of giving way\nAssert dominance." ], [ "You dont, u drive in really early, parks somewhere flat rate, and if u need to travel around KL . Trains, Grab, scooters .... cheapest and not worrying about traffic . When its time to go home, stay back for some happy hour, and once the traffic clears , hop back on your car and enjoy driving back home", "Yes we are lucky to have options. Otherwise plan driving during specific times and it feels great." ], [ "My personal experience is that KL is easy mode; Penang is where the real deal is. Driving in KL my whole life and I feel like I'm getting bullied 24/7 in Penang." ], [ "It's a nightmare to drive in KL for all the reasons you mention. I studied there for four years and drove all four years. Worked for a few months after graduation and resigned because I thought that lifestyle was not for me. Being stuck in traffic jam before and after work like a mindless zombie was too much. I would rather have less money and more time. Besides, working in KL doesn't equal more money because of the high living cost and extra fuel consumption." ], [ "Psa: Pls dont buy KL plate number if you drive in KL like a noob. I remember during 2000 if you use non-kl plate, police will let you go if you dont follow traffic rules because only experienced kl driver will use W plate, ppl looked up to you.\nEdit: spelling" ], [ "If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?", "Your neighbour down South 😄", "Isnt it the same in singapore? i drove into Singapore a while back ago, and i felt it was just as bad if not worse.\nTraffic jam was just as bad. in and out of the city during rush hour.\ni think the 2nd issue is more to do familiarity of the roads. but at least in KL you can like find some place to stop to like figure out the GPS, this is a no go in Singapore. even something like stop at the side of the road to buy something at 7e also not easy.\nParking in Singapore was a bit easier because you guys have anticipated the problem and have parking garages. in KL, if you dont mind walking, just park in a nearby mall or parking garage (they do exist) and walk a bit.\nsignaling to change lanes was just as difficult when i was in Singapore.\ni should say that roads in Singapore are a lot punishing as well. when you make a wrong turn or dont make the exit (because people dont let you) you have to turn and go through the jam again. in KL there is always another way in. IMHO", "I think driving in Singapore isn't great either, but I would argue that the magnitude and frequency of the jams isn't as bad as in KL from my own anecdotal experience.\n> signaling to change lanes was just as difficult when i was in Singapore\nYou are right about that. SG driver's aren't more courteous.\nHowever, in SG I do have the option not to drive most of the time, and it does save me stress", "oh yeah totally agree. When it jams in KL, it really really jams.\nThe good thing is, we have a lot of public holidays which i dont often get, so going to work on those days are a joy. traffic and parking becomes totally awesome in the city. not just public holidays, the last week of the year, CNY week, Raya week... AMAZING!\ni have been taking the MRT lately once in a while, its great. i lived in SG for a while, so sometimes i miss just being able to read or listen to music while getting to my destination.", "Hopefully Anthony Loke can do more magic and improve the MRT network in KL even further" ], [ "I like driving on the SPE." ], [ "I only drive during non peak hours, and I'll stay at whatever mall or shop I'm at if it is peak hours, until it stops. After that I'll drive.\nBut if I have no choice, karaoke in car, documentaries or podcasts help a lot" ], [ "hate it, cant wait for FSD to drive it for me" ], [ "Actually, i just try to avoid traveling during those hours.\nI also have good music to accompany me, and probably a drink. Make sure to pee before going to my car, and so, just chill lor..\nI find driving or being stuck in traffic is a good time to let my mind idle and think about random shit." ], [ "podcast, audio book, etc... get used to the traffic that i started to enjoy it now.\ni still having problem with this but only for new routes. again, get used to it, then you will know which lane to go.\npark further, be healthier. just don't join the double parker gang k.\nthe signal part, KL is much better than other states (sure better than penang and johor). i suspect those that speed up came from other states actually..." ], [ "Fuck driving and start riding" ], [ "I would rather drive in KL than Penang so that's something I guess.." ], [ "public transport, or avoid the peak hour by departing earlier/later\nyou’ll get comfortable with time and familiarity\npark further and walk if you don’t wish to waste time finding parking, or you can try paid parking" ], [ "I'd rather crash myself into a building than drive into KL (unless im compensated for my time)." ], [ "Point no 1-3 can easily solved by riding a motorcycle, preferable medium size cc bike. It has come to a point where it’s no longer logical to trap inside a cage even though it’s significantly safe and comfortable." ], [ "Skill issue" ], [ "Been driving in KL since I got my license.\nRule No 1: Always assume someone will cut your lane\nRule No 2: Use signal when changing lanes, this is to avoid accidents\nRule No 3: If not sure which lane for the right exit always assume the left or middle lane. If you use Google maps or Waze, look at the turning then assume the left or middle lane\nRule No 4: Always assume it is jam, no ifs, ands or buts.\nRule No 5: When looking for parking, just pray. Its always a miracle when it happens\nRule No 6: If you get angry, look at rule no 1." ], [ "You plan and time your journey in advance, left is up to fate. Just accept 😂" ], [ "Two criteria and I'll be fine\nNot in a rush\nGoing to a place without the need for GPS\nGimme those 2 and i'll be alright driving around KL" ], [ "After 1 year plus driving 1 hour++ (sometimes 2 if lucky) one way from Kajang to KL and vise versa. I can assure you can achieve zen mode. I even finding myself now cruising on the left lane more often even my wife starts complaining 🤣🤣" ], [ "Ughhh sane people dont drive in KL city." ], [ "Brother. If I am going anywhere, I would go out as early as I could. Shopping malls? I leave the house at 9 and be there by 10am. That way, the road is always clear, parking is always plenty and when I'm going home, usually I'm already at the opposite direction of people jamming in. That's one part of the sacrifice I would make.\nRestaurant? I would be there by 1130am for lunch and 6pm for dinner. Most of the time a safe way to beat the jam and the crowd." ] ]
Woman stabbed to death in broad daylight at Klang car park
[ [ "they ate together, walked to a car together where he stabs her many times.\ntakes the body and drives back to his house and tries to wakes her.\nshe doesn't wake so he stabs himself... ???\nmaybe a breakup gone bad?", "25 yr old girl, 44 yr old guy... desperate guy trying to prey on young girl but fail, then went on stab rage", "girl even have a bf", "Definitely prank gone wrong", "It’s a prank bro, it’s a prank.." ], [ "”Klang not for human live one.” - K", "But the bakuteh is worth dying for!", "Only once", "Touché!", "Because that's your last meal", "", "some parts of klang about as expensive as PJ/SJ. It really depends on area. If it is cheap, it is in a gang infested part of town", "Hahahahaha I haven’t seen a k quote in a while.", "Hahahaha i understood this reference. ktards unite!" ], [ "According to Chinapress, the victim is a pub singer who accepted an invitation to meet with the perpetrator, who is a super fan of the victim.", "Crazed fan a la Selena. SMH and RIP" ], [ "Must be scary being a woman. Once, I profess my feeling to a girl. Clearly, she doesn't share my feeling, but for some reason, she tiptoe around the subject, never directly said that she doesn't like me. I was under the impression that she want to lead me on a wild goose chase. But reading cases like this, I started to understand why she did what she did.", "Bro, this is exactly why she did what she did. Women who say no have been beaten up, killed or worse.\nYou know the saying: “Men fear being laughed at, women fear being killed?” It’s true.", "Sadly it's true, some men just couldn't accept the reality when rejected. They wanted to justify all the fantasy and the dreams they had while being on one sided love. Also these guys are usually the crazily infatuated type", "LOL.. aint it sad, when we classify most men, even bunch up the ages, it's a common conception, so how to change what society has become?! LOL... don't tell me I had to use the common media aka social media or youtube.. then kena belajak dari andrew tate? bodoh ke apa! ha ha ha ha... so sad young young male kah female kah.. mind sudah kena sway.. don't have strong personality or characteristics! sooooo sad! more like AAAAARRGHHHHHH !!! dafuccccc!!!!!!! WHYY!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha..." ], [ "It definitely feels like murders are on a rise in MY.", "theres murder cases everyday in our country. its the media", "dont try to normalize murder lah! saja pukul dgn rotan dah cukup lah.. hmmmmp!", "How is that any different from any other countries tho?", "Usually when you see a rise in some topic in our local news media it means someone is trying to divert people's attention.\ntakes off tinfoil hat\nIt could just be these medias following a trend. This time it's murder. The last time was the drunk driving thing.", "It's a bias", "\"Recency bias is the tendency to overemphasize the importance of recent experiences or the latest information we possess when estimating future events. Recency bias often misleads us to believe that recent events can give us an indication of how the future will unfold.\" To add to that, it could be that the percentage of murders has remained the same for a while, it's that we're hearing about it more and thinking the number is going up. I could also be wrong and the actual percentage might be going up but we'd need to see the statistics and not base on news", "Countless multiple murders happen everyday. The bias comes when you start hearing it about it more. The statistics didn't change, only how often you hear of it.\nIn this case, the media is reporting more of it so you're seeing more of it happening, so you think its happening more and more. But in reality it's been like this for a while.", "You'd be surprised by how distorted your reality can be when you're unconsciously influenced by the media.\nA survey found the public viewed plastic straws to be the leading plastic pollution in the ocean, it isn't. It's fishing nets. Also the same with emissions by vehicles, it isn't. It's construction and agricultural.", "depends.. but usually.. but also depends... but also kena observe... but sadly, nobody has the time nor resources to change things, hopefully lah things will change for the better.. but so far ah... dunno lah... then again it's more than just being in a bubble.. depends on birds eye view understanding. ha ha ha ha.... ha... ha... h.... a...", "Here's one more https://twitter.com/redzuanNewsMPB/status/1737122808977903799?t=ZXZ0_Diw7vRb1cGLC2CZnw&s=19" ], [ "Just a regular day in Klang", "This one is different though. Not gang related", "Everything is gang related in Klang", "Everything is police related in Klang.", "know the meme... where the history channel guy be like \"these peoples\"" ], [ "I was born in Klang and grew up there during the late 90s and early 2000 period, as I am sure many reading this are as well.\nBack then Klang was a vibrant little city. It was thriving with communities, shop lots were full of restaurants, shops, legendary cyber cafes (You can order burger with fries and other yummy foods) and served to your computer while you and your friends play Counter Strike.\nThe padang padang was kept well. On evenings and weekends full of families and people, playing football, basketball, playground etc. The old Jusco was a fun place to be, so was Klang main city. It was just a great place.\nIt is heartbreaking to see the state Klang is in today. Honestly...shocking. It is completely dead, gone. Young people have deserted Klang. Most shoplots are closed down and in place low cost mini markets and dodgy restaurants with questionable cleanliness run by foreign workers. Speaking of which, foreign workers EVERYWHERE. You don't even feel at home there anymore. With that also comes poorly maintained cheap apartment complexes. Rats are everywhere around these areas and shop lots.\nI just cannot believe how it has deteriorated so badly. I can only imagine how bad crime must be as well.\nKlang was where I had all my childhood experiences, football with friends, birthday parties at friends house, first girlfriend back in teenage love days. I hoped it would continue to be that fun thriving place..but no more :(", "Refugee hub.\nMy aunt lived there for 40+ years. She was robbed multiple times in front of her house, flooding, so she decided to sell and move states.\nIn the 90s, it was nice. As you said, padangs were well kept, and a lot of family owned eateries. We walked safely.\nThen, the Myanmar refugees were housed there, and they would hang out in the padang in large numbers the whole day. Dirty, cats went missing (eaten), and shops began to close. Sad state.", "Yes agree, huge influx of Myanmar workers / refugees. The area around the new Aeon..those shoplots..you can see heaps of garbage piled up on the sidewalks just outside the shops!!!....I was not sure to be sad or angry and the state of things.\nKlang is clear evidence of a failed immigration enforcement by the Government...I guarantee you majority of migrants I see have overstayed and are illegal technically.", "I tell you they are damm irresponsible in disposing rubbish! They will throw tilam, bantal, rubbish, all just outside on the sidewalk! WTH. No concept of tong sampah. where the indons, bangla, Rohingya, area will be like that.\nLet me tell you what these migrants will say ‘waiting UNHCR to go USA’ 🙄", "Which part of Klang? Bukit Tinggi and Botanik area are quite good nowadays. No different from any other suburb.", "He mentioned Jusco so probably Eng Ann or Berkekey", "I don't understand this 'late 90s early 00s vibrant Klang' that you're talking about.\nMany parts of Klang district have been notorious for crime, in fact it was worse in the past decades than it is today. One reason is because of displaced estate (mostly Indian) workers, who lost their livelihood after British plantations became state-owned in the 70s and 80s. Many of their kids got recruited into organized gangs and that's where Klang got its name from.\nToday it looks dirty, neglected and filled with foreigners, but not necessarily dangerous like it used to.", "Not this young man here, although I don't work in Klang, Klang is still pretty vibrant, there's plenty of new shops near Bandar Bukit raja which I frequent", "You are talking about North Klang. All the young famillies moved to South Klang or the Setia Alam" ], [ "Astaghfirullahalazim." ], [ "It's just another Tuesday for Klang, parang falling out left and right from people's pockets if they start running but this day it had greatly improved compare the hey day even grandma be dropping Guan Dao(Romance of The Three Kingdom, Guan Yu main weapon)\nTrust me, I'm Klang Koboi too.", "PASANG HOU, YA!", "The local would use Pasang Kang, Pasang Hor is for Kalampor Kia." ], [ "Welcome to Detroit, Malaysia." ], [ "Wtf! Unstab her back" ], [ "Malaysia Boleh" ], [ "Rest in peace.. truly and absolutely horrible way to go" ], [ "What else is new in Klang aka Malaysia's Detroit", "Bro I hate living in Klang. It's such a shithole. We have so many industries and probably the most profitable port in Malaysia but there's no glamour here. People do their shopping and have fun in Shah Alam. We leave every chance we get." ], [ "What's up with the murder cases?? It just keep rising up! Is this the new virus..?" ], [ "wtf is the guy thinking???\nAnyway stab himself or not, he is heading for the gallows. 302 here we go" ], [ "is this in selangor??" ], [ "Ah yes i forgot one more\nA old wisdom : there was a once mysterious case unsolved to this date around petaling jaya iirc , even the father grief and told her beautiful daughter before her dead, a girl like u so beauty cannot go out late night or even a evening. This stays true to this day. It is not a boomer / zoomer / old stone age advice." ], [ "Worse than USA now", "I'm American and coming from a country that has had more mass shootings than days in the year, many years in a row, Malaysia is thankfully nowhere near. I'm thankful to be here.", "But your population is 10 times higher. Let that sink in for a minute", "I don't think Malaysia has 10% of the mass shootings", "We have worse", "Than mass shootings, many of which are school children? I haven't seen or heard anything worse than that. Malaysia isn't a paradise but cmon.", "Mass shooting are peanuts to the amount of Malaysians that die from smoking each year", "Lol, come the fuck on. Children getting murdered isn't the same as people killing themselves with smoking. You can hate your country all you want but if you're equating smoking deaths with child murder, you're going to find yourself in a small minority with that opinion.", "Do u know about the baby dumping epidemic here? Where they dump newborns in the trash like garbage?", "I really don't know what you're trying to prove here but I also don't care. I'm done with this very weird conversation. I hope you're less miserable in the future.", "Not even close my dude" ], [ "Klang is in selangor, study your geography man and history man\nSadge" ], [ "For those zoomer / lack of reading dont know ,302 section allow hang or sentence life 30-40 years and cane 12 time" ] ]
Top 10 Most Searched Areas by Homebuyers in Malaysia in 2023
Beauty Standards in Malaysia
I’m curious what the beauty standards are in Malaysia for both men and women? Do they vary within different ethnicities?
[ [ "A lot more cincai here. So much that someone who dresses well will really stand out from the crowd even with average looks. Also, the local climate being hot and humid and cities being terrible for pedestrians are factors into why people dress so cincai compared." ], [ "Fair is good, dark is bad. There....simplified for all you monyets", "Don't forget, not be fat", "Nah, fat is okay. Obesity is not. Theres a huge difference. No one is going to complain about the fat at the right place.", "'fat at the right place\" 🗿", "Not by Asian standards, depan takda belakang takde.baru kira supamodel", "Horrrrrrr" ], [ "It's very superficial. For women, it's about appearance. For men, it's about status and confidence.\nBut honestly, beauty is so subjective. I happen to understand women dress themselves up for other women to admire.\nMen dress themselves up for other women to admire too.\nHowever, not all this is true. Just a very surface observation" ], [ "Definitely, even within ethnicities there are different standards.\nBut generally it's the cute petite women and tall fit men as typical Asians, not to mention fair skin; international beauty standards such as strong brows, large eyes and a nice smile with good teeth apply too.\nThey do unfortunately exist and it's important to know everyone has their own unique charm whether discovered or undiscovered.", "Bone men and women in general are unattractive regardless of race. The lack of muscle/fat at the right place" ], [ "For women, it's whatever Koreans are doing. For men, I think it varies", "I was about to comment the same thing. The more korean u look like (regardless of race and sometimes, gender) the more favorable." ], [ "for me it is simple, no pimple and no smelly body odor" ], [ "The width of Malay girl nostrils must be at least 8cm, that makes u really attractive" ], [ "For guys, if you're skinny you're pretty much set. Don't even need to be tall.\nFor girls, if you're fair skin, then you are more likely to be more attractive. That and be skinny.", "For guys, don't even need to be skinny nowadays", "really? In my days you gotta be skinny, or funny, but you got friendzoned pretty quick if you're just funny." ], [ "For me ,\nFemale\n-white skin, tanned skin also okay\n-take care teeth, have scaling 6-12 months\n-cannot be too fat nor skinny, something like d.va from overwatch , just nice enough , belly fat 1-2 line below acceptable\n-cannot have pimple at least , the rest like ance dark circle etc i can understand, it take time to recover\n-weeb girl\n-short girl or tall also okay, but if lower than 147cm below, cannot accept, that is another realm of love league , if above 170cm might need consider a bit since tall girl take tall guy. But if tall girl fall in love with me i am okay. For context i am 165cm male.\n-long hair or short hair , depend on the appearance. Generally i like pony tail and long hair but exceptional like short hair is sexy if that person is same as rem from re:zero.\n-boobs big or small, okay, as long is not flat.\n-got shave facial face hair at least\nFor male\n-165cm above\n-cannot have pimples, got regular shave bread once in a while .\n-cannot be too fat. 1-2 belly line okay\n-teeth is healthy at least , must have scaling once in a while\n-hair is nice and tidy, if messy , is okay" ], [ "for this land ah?\nsomeone like anastasia cebulska is 10/10\nevrytink is pink....." ], [ "Well for females, u have to be fair- rosy cheeks and all and skinny,if the opposite like me hahahah good luck finding someone" ], [ "Beauty standard is not a thing...... When u got money." ] ]
Skydiving in Malaysia
What happened to all the sky diving centres in Malaysia. Sky dive langkawi is closed, hawk seems to be doing dives only once in a month. It was a paradise for sky divers earlier
[ [ "Where was the usual drop zone?" ] ]
Kelantan in…Thailand?
I found this train station on Bangkok’s yellow line while going down Srinakarin road. As it turns out, this isn’t a coincidence and it is related to the state
[ [ "Well, there is a reason why wayang kulit Kelantan is also known as wayang kulit Siam." ], [ "Wait till OP hear that Shah Alam belongs to the great country of kelantan", "You mean \"Shah Ale\".", "sebut molek kat \"shayh alei\"", "There’s a good portion of Klang bordering Shah Alam known as Kelang-Tan. Even indonesian sells nasi kerabu there." ], [ "It's almost like they border each other. Crazy right", "Really 🤔 should go back to my primary school teacher to ask…", "crazy? you never been to kelantan right? if you do , you not say that", "r/woooosh" ], [ "Ancient Thailand like to practise population transfer after they have conquered a place / defeated an enemy. This area has quite some kelantanese descendants. Their ancestors were forced transfered to Bangkok outskirt from Pattani around the end of 18th century and early 19th century. This is also the last time population transfer of defeated enemy happened in recorded Thailand history. A canal in the city center was dugged with these kelantanese labour, it is called Khlong Tan (Tan = short from Kelantan). Khlong Tan was dug in order to facilitate thai troop to fight wars against the Vietnamese.", "After seeing some places being named คลองกลันตัน (Khlong Kelantan), I did some digging around on Google, and it turns out that’s what the canal used to be called until people got lazy and shortened the name, as Thai people tend to do haha", "I thought Khlong Tan meant clogged canal lol", "That is a common misconception.", "come to think of it, to forcefully relocate a population from Patani to Bangkok in 19th century, the journey must have been brutal...", "That's why it is a war crime.", "Interesting but is if Tan = Kelantan, what does Klong mean?", "คลอง (Khlong) means canal 😃", "Didnt know the Siamese were very punny back then" ], [ "Wait till you see Kelantan in Singapore" ], [ "Southern Thailand used to be one of the old Malay Kingdoms. It was famous for having Queens as their rulers. Somewhere along the line, they got bordered into Thailand. There are still many Malay Muslims living in southern Thailand today." ], [ "Mostly Malay in Southern Thailand are Kelantanese and Kedahan also they have special Thai dialect, Patani Thai.", "Lots of Malay place names in Southern Thailand. With some of them, the name has gotten modified over the years so you have to figure out what it means. There's a village called Bu Kit Ta, for instance. But there's also a Baan Gajahmati. Incidentally, in Chiang Mai there's a condo called \"Baan Thai\", and there's a hotel called the \"Ketawa Inn\". 😂 I think the Yellow Line just opened this last year - I'm waiting for the Orange Line (that goes past Ramkhamkhaeng University) to open." ], [ "Yup, today I found out from a taxi driver in Hadyai that his son works in Kelantan in one of our govt agencies" ], [ "Imagine if that’s written in Chinese instead of Thai" ], [ "There's Jamaica line New York Subway line." ], [ "I wonder what pembanguney they have", "Ado stesey lrt doh" ], [ "Kelantan is very close to Thai border. Sungai Golok provides an easy access to both sides of the river. I could see boats bringing people from one side to the other and vice versa." ], [ "South Thai Malays are same type of Malay as Kelantan. Former they were 1 under the Pattani Kingdom." ], [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalantan_MRT_station" ] ]
Why socmed becoming the only trusted platform?
Entahlah. Rohingya ≠ Bangladeshi, simple as that. Jauh beza kot Bangla dengan Rohingya. si rohingya berbahasa Myanmar dan si bangladeshi berbahasa bangla. Masih ada juga nak salahkan pihak yang tak kena mengena. Apabila ada mamat rohingya buat hal contoh seperti baru-baru ni kes rompakkan dilaksanakan oleh 3 mamat rohingya dan telah ditembak mati oleh PDRM ( salute pdrm ), Majority salahkan warga asing that will include bangla too. Apabila ada mamat sorang bangla ni buat hal contoh baru-baru ini ada kes cabul/raba budak sekolah ( that is fucking sickening ), mulalah majoriti target semua mamat bangla. Dah ada lebih sejuta ethnic rohingya kat bangladesh yang kita dah tolong buka refugee camp, NAMUM… Mereka nak refugee camps tersebut sebagai negera mereka… senang berkata they want independence 🤡. Ye… bukan orang malaysia je benci rohinya ni, kita yang bangla dah lama tengok muka diorang ni. Dah baca dah perangai diorang ni. So kesimpulanya…. Aku bangla yang jaga bau badan, perangai, kebersihan, dan keharmonian diri masih kena di-cop bangla perogol… yes some random ass guy wearing songkok middle of KL walking by while im doing my work, this ustaz just point at me and just called out “ kau tengok mamat2 bangla ni, kemungkinanya perogol… mana tahu kan!!! ”… EVERYONE LOOKED AT ME… wtf… welp… i quit the job like couple of years ago.. Aku tahu isu terbesar sekarang adalah “P.A.T.I - Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin”, Tapi janganlah cop semua warga asing yang ada kat tepi jalan tu pendatang asing tanpa izin/perogol… Aku doakan malaysia maju jaya… aku plan nak berkerja & mula bisnes kat US masa yang akan datang, doakan aku agar selamat dalam perjalanan. Instead of watch at some guy explaining his Opinion in socmed why people just lazy to read on Wikipedia or just search the issue itself on google? Tapi wikipedia pun susah nak percaya sebab baru2 ni India asyik tukar details dalam wikipedia bangladesh to gain more popularity.
[ [ "Here's the deal yeah:\nYou don't get to say \"not all x are bad\" when pointing to yourself as an example then at the same time say \"all y are bad\". Think about it for a minute." ], [ "Why don't we only blame the criminals regardless of their race OP", "Rohingya is ethnic and not a race.", "Sebabkan banyak undi bawah… ini link dia: [ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_people ]" ], [ "They judge people by look. Ko muka mintak penumbuk kena la sabar sikit... Cuba ko muka mcm Shah Rukh Khan...\nHidup ni jgn kesah sgt pandangan org lain..." ], [ "You're crying about being generalized, but okay with generalizing other people?", "OP just needs to express his racism in a rant that’s too long to read" ], [ "Because these people have short attention spans, that's why they like to watch TikTok which is in short form, but often full of misinformation." ], [ "Good luck kat US bro,and if ur really a Bangla good job having the skills to type out a pseudo-article in BM" ], [ "People would rather accept simple truths on TikTok than make simple Google searches, and when you call people out as regards for it they don't like it 🤷 just let regards be regards op." ], [ "Call yourself Palestinian. People will fall over themselves to donate money to you." ], [ "Idk also.and people are total shit at having basic reading comprehension skills as well. Zero critical thought.." ], [ "biar betul mamat ni.. semua fikir negatif :26563: adoii", "Aku atau yang tuduh aku? :26554:" ], [ "WTH did I just read?", "Cursed math." ] ]
How to apply visa for Sabah
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hey everybody! I’m an international student in Malaysia. My student visa is valid only on west Malaysia. And I’m not one of those countries with visa on arrival for Malaysia Does anybody know the procedure of applying for a tourist visa to Sabah / Sarawak? I searched online and couldn’t find any websites or information. Please let me know if you guys are aware Thanks!
[ [ "This is an interesting case that I would also like to know about\nBut, have you tried asking your embassy or the Malaysian embassy back in your country? They definitely should have the answer if they're good at their jobs", "Thank you for the suggestion! Now let’s hope they are actually good at their jobs 😅" ] ]
How do Malaysians view their armed forces?
[ "Culture" ]
Hey guys, I'm from Singapore and was curious about how everyday Malaysians see your army. In general, we Singaporeans always complain the SAF is full of red tape, outdated in thinking. But secretly we're also proud when we help with natural disasters etc lah. How do you guys see your armed forces? Also, SG guys always talk about national service, since we're awkward AF and can't make convo LOL. What's the first go-to convo topic for Malaysian guys?
[ [ "Equipment definitely outdated.\nBut our military forces are well trained. Especially in jungle fights.\nThey even played an important role in the Battle of Mogadishu, despite the Black Hawk Down movie wiped their contribution off.", "Yeah, I remember BHD was banned here over exclusion of Malaysian regiment in the movie, which is bullshit on why they couldn't include MA in the movie.\nBut, we cut down Communist threat and Lahad Datu incident so that's probably good, same with Covid enforcement.\nBut I heard like in the US the Veteran Legion is getting less money than from what their blood, sweat, and tears did/do to the country.", "Yea. As far as I know our army hasn't been up to any bullshit or be incompetent.", "Now that you mention, what seems like a bare minimum is actually impressive.", "Yea, considering what a joke our government can be, it's pretty neat the army has little to no bullshot coming from them.", "A movie was banned because Malaysia wasn’t represented in it? That’s just ridiculous.", "Well, they heavily downplayed how only the Malaysian forces were willing to come to their aid. Kinda weird imo, but i guess the gov at the time were pissed about it.\nBut if u ask some of the older gens, they would explain the story when the news weren't censored.\nYou could google the Battle of Mogadishu or https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mogadishu_(1993)", "You do know Hollywood isn’t an accurate depiction of reality, right? I’m pretty sure Pearl Harbor didn’t happen the way it was portrayed in Michael Bays film either..", "If it was a documentary? Yeah. Malaysian are meant to get pissed about it. I don't understand why would people hates Hollywood that cramping down 5 or 30 years of history into 2 hours movie. It's an entertainment autobiography, not a documentary autobiography.\nFor example: Elton John got sober because of what happened to Ryan White. Which is way different than what rocketman describe it. I understand it, why? They need entertainment value. If I want to read or watch on why elton got sober from hard drugs? I read his books instead.", "Is black hawk down a documentary though? Because I thought that’s what we were discussing", "I said if, kalau.", "Then what are you arguing about", "No need to argue about exclusion of Malaysian Army in the movie because BHD is a Hollywood entertainment movie, not a documentary.", "years of fighting commies in the jungle paid off\nGOTTEM CHIN PENG", "Ini sepupu Lim Kuan Yew ke?", "Sepuuu...?", "LIM KUAN YEW CHIN PENG LIM GUAN ENG LIM KIT SIANG SEMUA PUN SEPUPU", "😂😂😂", "How is the event happened years ago still relevant today?", "Malbatt still does many missions overseas, even as of today. Malaysian Army has a tendency not to brag about anything, and anything that was public doesn't get acknowledged, until they are forced to acknowledge it. It's how those grunts do it. Keep their heads down, square up their shoulders and then just do their job.", "Malbatt 850-11 is in Lebanon right now on peacekeeping about 15km from the northern border of Israel, they see missiles and interceptors all the time, sometimes have to shelter.", "That can be said for any functional army in the world so what's so special about it?", "We just wanna celebrate it la. Nothing special ok damn", "Well, it will be still quite an insult when\nA) you plan the whole operation, and fail many times\nB) Of all the allies (more than 1) you roped in, 1 noped out midway, the other, despite realizing its a killhouse/slaughterhouse/deathtrap, still went in, and all you did was just \"oh they were the taxi drivers\" (when in reality, those taxi drivers were the ones that in the end reached the target on foot) (the US did have airborne insertion, but no successful airbone extraction), yeeted every casualty, body, for you, and successfully extracted out when every other plans failed.\nC) you decide to omit every single detail that they were even involved (and not to mention, you were the one that took them along for the ride) and then said \"job done, good process, we did it A-Z, oh them were the taxi drivers that noped out midway\".\nOf course the Malbatt team had every right to be pissed, and the entire Malbatt film, despite not having \"americanized\" action from A-Z, was a generally good \"faux-mockumentary\" film narrating the story from the \"invisible, taxi driver\" Malaysian side.", "The implication was that that (rather well-known) movie erased an historical fact in its glossing over of an actually significant contribution by our armed forces through relegating it to just a mention of something about Malay/Malaysia (from memory, can't be bothered looking it up).\nThe part our armed forces played in that conflict is much more than what that film would have someone not aware of history believe.", "This happens in all based on history movies.", "Well, if by \"this\" you mean \"creative liberties taken in films based on events in reality\", then yes -- that is something that happens.\nBecause if it didn't happen, it'd be called a documentary.", "Well yeah. So I don’t understand why people are getting so upset about a movie.\nIt may be loosely based on fact, but It’s fictional.", "What the fuck is the argument you're even trying to make? I wasn't presenting a point of debate or expressing a countervail. I was elucidating the point being conveyed that you were completely missing.\nAre you just dense, or a tool?", "was I arguing with you? And do you know how to articulate your point of view without the needless use of profanities?", "well, I think Malbatt forces were right to be pissed off when the BHD movie just relegated them to a team of \"taxi drivers\" that \"showed up at the end of the day\", when they were the ones through thick and thin, decided to stick to the mission and executed almost everything perfectly (except for the lost platoon incident, which wasn't even their fault to begin with).", "No, I absolutely agree with you; for as much of a half-decent film it is, those fellas have every right and entitlement to being irritated and offended by the callous and unceremonious omission of their very real, and frankly, unnecessary -- because it was all due to the incompetence of those American idiots -- sacrifice.\nThat piece of shit who directed that film ought to have had handled something like that in a more considerate way, but people of his kind tend to be lacking in tact when it comes to others.", "Where was it in his post that implied anything about that event being relevant today?", "Current view based on current event", "Yea was dissapointed ngl.", "If I’m not mistaken, army and special forces are different divisions. Our special forces are next level. Westerners train with our guys, especially for jungle survival." ], [ "Usually on TV3, August 31st every year.", "Best answer" ], [ "With their eyes, you silly goose", "Hi joke, I'm dad", "Hi dad, I did national service too. Are you proud of me dad?", "Hi son,im busy looking for milk,who are you?", "I have two dads???", "Rich dad Poor dad....", "Haha! And the guy is still bearish on the stock market 📈💀" ], [ "Thankful that Malaysia army didn’t take thai or myanmar approach.\nA military kudeta/junta", "It is one of the advantages of the British system, which we should acknowledge.\nEven other former British colonies, countries as large as India, that maintained separation of power, do not have the problem of coups by military junta.\nFormer colonies that did not maintain separation of power, like Pakistan that empowered their military similar to Turkish/Egyptian system or Myanmar, that followed other countries in Indochina including Thailand, got embroiled in military coup problem.", "It's always vaguely ironic that the Singapore government is basically full of military generals, including the current prime minister.", "And ironically more diluted by the fact that every male in Singapore is in the military one way or another and have developed a contempt for the time waste and inefficiency that goes on inside it. If any of the Ministers ever tried to pull rank on anyone, getting laughed at is the least worst thing that can happen to him. Won't even be surprised if he got spat on. Familiarity breeds contempt and these \"military rank\" is only useful to scare people who have never served NS before.", "Myanmar was part of British Raj...but their independence come from not peaceful negotiation but bloody war.", "From about 1942, allied troops went through Burma to push the Japanese out. 1945-1948, negotiations, panglong agreement to make an independent Burma. It was bloody because you had allied troops, with burmese soldiers, fighting against the Japanese (who also had burmese supporters and troops).", "India has a strong democracy, a vibrant economy and is secular unlike Pakistan. It has nothing to do with separation of powers.", "India right now is secular in name only.", "LoL ok dude. 250 Million Muslims and it's secular in name only. The only country where Sunnis are not slaughtering Shiites and India is secular in name only.", "And Malaysia is also very secular. (Muslim)\nAnd America is also very secular. (Christianity)\nAnd Thailand is also very secular. (Buddhism)\nAnd Israel is also very secular. (Judaism)\nSecularism is a spectrum, and most countries lies somewhere on that spectrum. Only a minority can say they’re 100% secular.", "It is not just socio-cultural problem. It is also a design problem. Today if you go to r/Pakistan, people constantly complain about overstretch of their military in every aspect of society.\nTheir military seems to own a lot of property, install military generals in a lot of ministries and government-linked companies, and of course, overthrow governments. Same problem can be seen in Egypt and Turkey.\nThis is design flaw, apart from socio-economic or cultural flaw.", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/pakistan using the top posts of the year!\n#1: Pakistan has won the Tekken 7 Nation’s Cup! | 137 comments\n#2: The son of Sewer Cleaner or Bhangi in Pakistan | 194 comments\n#3: Guy hires people from Pakistan | 407 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "The military is technically subservient to the YDPA...", "After reading about most Indo-China histories especially Cambodia, I feel \"wow, hardcore as f*ck!\" To compare to them, we're mild as f except for Japanese Imperials treatment of Chinese in Malaya and Singapore.", "Tbh, Japanese imperial treatment to Chinese in ww2 in general", "Not competent enough to do it." ], [ "We're jealous of your F35.", "I'm jealous of Malaysian chilli which always makes my butt into an F35", "I still remember Malaysia had a submarine incident where the submarine could not submerge. “You had one job”", "You may also like \"That one without the LCS\"", "Just be glad it is not the other way around, cannot surface.", "Every submarine can submerge at least once.", "only if you try hard enough", "I can dive better than the submarine 👽", "The story was : one can't sink, and one can't float. So they just have to tie them up together and they would work just fine", "The phrase is \"cannot submerge\".\nIf Malaysia had an unsinkable submarine, we'd be unvincible!", "💀💀💀", "It's such a great piece of invention despite the cost of procurement and operation 🤤", "We have better special forces.", "What are your special forces called?", "It'll be delivered around 2026." ], [ "as a somewhat military fanboy, i see our armed forces as severely underfunded & procurement process plagued with red tapes & corruption.\nEach branch desperately need new hardware & modernization, especially the navy. We have 50-yr old ships still in active service ffs.", "When funding was approved, the government proceeds to fuck the military up more by ignoring their choise. Also look at the state of the lcs. Our shipbuilding capability sucks. Should the French build them, we would have a couple boats in service rn smh.", "To be fair, modernization is one thing that is commonly overlooked. You need to save now to replace equipment 50 years in the future but if there is a budget crisis, it's easy to look at the \"now\" and forget about \"50 year later\".", "Look on the bright side though. This shows that Malaysia is a relatively peaceful country since it doesn't spend much on military", "Yes that is true but I also have a saying when people in Singapore say \"Abolish the SAF\".\n\"When you need an army NOW, you are actually 10 years too late\"." ], [ "I think most Malaysians including myself dont give much thought about our military, which in a way, is somewhat a good thing... Im grateful that I dont worry about our armed forces, and we've been taught in schools that Malaysia is a peaceful nation.\nThe few broken jets and submarines are just bad upper-rank decision making. I know friends in the military, and they truly just want a safe Malaysia for all." ], [ "I'm a simple person so my opinion would reflect that too — they work so that I can sleep sound at night, so it's a 🫡 from me.\nWhile I do agree that they are paid to do the job but it takes a different kind of mindset to accept the possibility of being thrust into the thick of danger at any time and possibly never come back to talk about it.", "Thanks for sharing! I think that's a very valid opinion. War and violence suck, and not everyone can stomach it", "TBF the only Malaysian advocating war are the siao lang politicians. Easy to war and distract citizens from bread and butter issues." ], [ "We have missing jet engine and undelivered but paid ships. You have such issues? 😭😭😭", "Has anybody tried sending a makcik to watch over the shipbuilders... with this\n<image>", "OMG THIS IS GOLD", "Dey, jangan lah... Itu dah violation of Geneva convention...", "yeah well it feels like people don't care about those nowadays...", "For a violation, you need to first declare war on shipbuilders. Since no war, sending a makcik with slipper is legal! lol.\nAnd might even work....", "This will give an excuse for US to invade my, too dangerous of a weapon", "So you have highly classified engines and stealth ships 🫨", "Submarine free real estate too.", "We have a what!?" ], [ "Most of the problems with Malaysia's armed forces, particular procurement and the corruption that comes with it, is more the fault of political interference than that of the people running operational matters." ], [ "Im here from Singapore to read the comments", "Hi...\nawkward silence\nSo what you do in NS ah?", "Depending on vocation, i was in the police force and we did policing work.\nIn police force we have different vocations too where some do ground police work, some do hq police work and some do back end admin stuff.\nCivil defense and saf guys, please share your experience or what you do", "I have a lot of respect for SCDF NSFs. They are involved in so many things, fires, accidents, etc, all on shitty NS allowance.", "Yea army guys do training and pray it never gets applied in real situation SPF and SCDF face real situation every day. Has heard stories of SCDF NSF dealing with all kind of gory stuff.", "I was a seccom at a firestation. My allowance was 1.2k. Was ballin baby. Still was a national slave but a ballin national slave.", "Uncle S/3SG in Army that time only $450 😢", "Served in SCDF. Bush fires sucked ass. Went to a couple of factory fires, had to fight the fires the entire night. Washed a stretch of road for hours because of an oil spill from a nearby construction site. Rescued an uncle in a road traffic accident, the old guy tried to run away because he 'paiseh' for causing the accident. lol.", "Haha last year reservist I had a firefighting from 4pm to 11pm. As in we left at 11, other stations stayed back to finish up.\nhttps://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/fire-breaks-out-at-31-benoi-lane-tall-column-of-smoke-seen-in-videos\nA few years back had one suicide case from 12am to 4am iirc. Fking tired me out, shifting the lifepak (inflated air bag for suicide case) ain't no joke", "Firefighter here! While firefighting is probably one of the toughest vocations out here, 1 day on 2 days off is probably the best perk.\nGoing for my last reservist cycle next year... Gonna miss the life.", "so you can choose to be police or soldier for NS ?\nMy bad, I thought NS in Singapore only means joining the army.", "Either army/ air force/ navy, civil defence (firefighter/paramedics) or police. It's assigned though, no choosing.", "They choose for you, otherwise everyone would want to go to Police lol.\nCoast Guard also has NS. It's Police, Fireman or Soldier, one of the 3.", "So, you couldn't make it to OCS lah?", "Lol same" ], [ "Malaysians are generally kibod warrior people. We are mostly peaceful creatures. So our military is also a reflection of that.\nCompared to the SAF which is a Rolex, ours is Relax.\nBut we are still proud of them. We still vouch for them." ], [ "The average Malaysian is less involved or interested in the army than the average Singaporean.\nAlmost every Singaporean man will use NS as an icebreaker, but here (because most of us did not serve), the army is rarely part of our conversations.\nWe are still grateful for their service though." ], [ "The first go-to convo topic for malaysian guys / singaporean guys / guys in general are girls.\nThis is such a no brainer.\nTig ol' bitties is the true way to reunite humanity.\nThere is no other salvation required.\nReject politics, embrace poli T I T S", "Legend of Heros: Trails In The Sky fan I see. lol.\n(If you miss the joke, take the first letter from Trails onwards and see what it spells)" ], [ "Within the Chinese community, anyone going into the armed forces as an enlisted is a loser. Even as an officer it's questionable career choice.\nThe Chinese community never has been big into joining the armed forces.", "Bro, Please be clear, its deemed as a loser when you don't progress in your career, its like any other job.\nThere are high ranking officers in the Army / Navy / Air Force that are Chinese. Chinese actually excel in these services. However, the Chinese community is ill- informed in the prospects. Many still think Officers earn below RM2000, which its actually from 6000-10000.", "Why ah? Pay not good? In SG its a comfortable and stable job, and higher ranking officers get a good payout on retirement too. (They better make it last though, not many transferable skills for them)", "There's a perception that officer promotions will be passed as you climb the officer ranks. This is true probably from major onwards. My late grandpa said it was very difficult for him to be promoted to Major. Being General/Admiral/Marshall is not impossible, but very difficult unless you convert to Islam. Then of course you have the politics- even among capable Malays this will become an issue.\nGovernment jobs among the Chinese (except for teachers, for some reason) are not seen in very good light- it's seen as low pay, and not a dignified Jon that only Malays and Indians do it. I don't believe in this but many do.\nAlso the armed forces and police tend to be very Malay-centric- it's Malay food for catering, Friday prayer break time etc. This doesn't make the average Chinese feel welcomed unfortunately. This was also a reason why I shied away from enlisting (aside from my confidence issues).", "Seeing many Chinese army veterans of whom one of them happens to be a fellow servicemen and friend of my grandad who served during the 60s and 70s, why were Chinese participation in the armed forces higher back then compared to today", "Someone remind me to come back to this when its answered. I too would like to know why the participation of Chinese in the armed forces declined.", "Rather than decline, it was already low in the past, the 60s and 70s had a spike in recruitment so it was the exception rather than the norm.\nThe Chinese have an old saying. \"Good steel is not made into nails, good men are not made into soldiers.\". Opinion of the military in China was very low and seen as an employer of the last resort and you'd know what kind of people were recruited into such organizations. It was not unusual for \"armies\" to sideline as \"bandits\" themselves, hence the low opinion of the military.", "because of low pay and also chinese nowadays dont have strong sense of nationalism or patriotism.", "Not hard to see why when most chinese feel like secondary citizens in their own country", "Funny you should mention that. I asked myself along the same line of questioning a long while back, so I scoured the Net and found the following article which may help give an idea why.\nhttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2017/12/19/the-naked-truth-on-why-non-malays-dont-join-armed-forces/\nThat being said, I knew a Chinese family friend from church who used to be a Colonel back in the day in the Malaysian Air Force. I presume that's unheard of today?", "It’s sad to see this tbh. Our first Chief of the Navy was none other than Tan Sri Dato Seri K. Thanabalasingam!", "Pay is OK just getting promoted into officer as Chinese is kinda impossible without strong cable or buying it the position", "Dude, in Singapore, if you are a crab or a star, you will be guaranteed a job in the government sector after leaving SAF. I mean like you guys have a former BG running early childhood education.\nOf course, we should also bear in mind that when you are a regular in the ATM (Malaysian armed forces btw for non-Malaysians, not the bank teller machine), you are there pretty much for life. In SAF, the retirement age is what? 50? 45?", "Our PM one star leh.", "Hmm, in school we are told that if we don't do well we'll end up as soldiers/policemen/postmen/garbagemen etc.\nIt's seen as basically one step above construction work or other simple labour jobs here. Could be inaccurate, but it is the prevailing impression. Especially since Malaysians have a poor relationship with our local police, I think the distrust is extended towards the army in some cases.\nFor us, the police aren't law enforcement. They're more like 'legal' gangsters running protection rings, looking for bribes, and doing fuck all when actually required. Have fun trying to lodge a police report and get shit done in Malaysia. Took my cousin 4 hours to report a simple car break in. Had to go to three separate police stations. First one they said they didn't have the facilities to take reports (LOL), Second one took the report but told us they didn't have an inspector so sent us to a station which did, third one with the inspector was so fucking lazy he made my cousin drive her car around the block because he didn't want to walk 15m.\nThey're also quite racially fucked up. They sometimes pretend not to understand you if you don't speak malay, or they scold you and mock you for speaking in another language. I mean fine, it's our national language, but some elderly folk here just struggle, no need to be a dick.\nAlso, have fun trying to lodge any sort of sexual crime report. First question is always \"you pakai apa?\" *What were you wearing?", "Erm, have you seen the demographics.", "If you're not Muslim forget about being promoted. That's the reason.", "Bruh our first Chief of the Navy was an indian, Tan Sri Dato Sri K. Thanabalasingam. Other races are given equal chances in the MAF, only wants to take it or not.", "Dude. That was in the past before all this nonsense.", "What nonsense? MAF don’t discriminate in fact they are looking for more non malays to join", "Ok.", "who told you that? many indian got promoted to the upper rank.. they are not muslim.. idiot", "Tell me some names. Couldn't find any", "I replied to you some names. “Couldn’t find any” luls", "Look up for Lt Lohappriya, Indian jet pilot in TUDM. Mej Jen Dato’ Mahendra a/l S. Sivapatha Sundram. Apa kau merepek, sikit-sikit main isu agama/bangsa.", "Wdym bro? There are many non-Malays, non-Muslims who hold high rank.", "Well I know there's a ethnic chinese admiral in our navy through a friend but I don't remember his name", "好男不当兵,好铁不打钉", "That’s more true in modern times. My older relative was in army, and did well enough to rise through the ranks. Not top dog by any means, but respectable career.", "I'm chinese but my grandpa was an inspector back in the day, served pre independence through early malaya independence I think\nBoomer chinese are understandably very negative about joining govt as career cause they grew up with the whole NEP thing", "I feels like this is not true. My social circle doesn't it as a loser.\nIt's a commendable career, but with questionable pay and future prospect.\nWe avoid it because other jobs pays better.", "I must be a odd chinese for wanting to serve in the army as enlisted and climb up, dream job will be paratrooper with JTAC or recon role\nMy parents are supportive and dad is invested in it tho", "Yeah it is, why not go in as an officer?", "I wanna sign up for the adventure, and prefer spending more time in the field(I may hate it once being in the field eating MREs for weeks), maybe if I have a child they can tell others his or her dad is a badass mf in his 20s(dad lore)\nand if I manage to become a officer I have the exp that I need(officers who had been enlisted are also generally more respected bc they understand being enlisted)\nBut still gonna study in uni first before this", "You can always go to field as an officer as you will have to lead a squad first." ], [ "Well the army has been looking a lot nicer to most people than the police lately with what's going on in the news. 😂", "A police officer deliberately ran over and killed a 17 year old student for just ramming his bike. Dude also got charged with assault in 2015 https://worldofbuzz.com/pdrm-officer-to-be-charged-with-murder-after-killing-17yo-spm-student-in-road-accident/" ], [ "When shit goes down I'm sure they can do their job. For example, Lahad Datu insurgence.\nHowever a plane literally flew over our airspace and we didn't scramble jets or know what the fuck was going on.....so maybe military intelligence is lacking.", "I had recently seen a documentary about the lahad datu insurgence.\nlol till now I can't believe a bunch of filippinos decided to out of nowhere, invade a sovereign nation and got their ass kicked.", "Oh, their ass got kicked again and again.\nThem Sulu Sultanate are huffing on copium right now. They were looking to escalate the dispute and went to foreign countries looking for arbitrator to claim our asset.\nOne Spanish lawyer who helped them are rotting in jail and awaiting trial.\nWe won twice.", "fuckers beheads the captive isis style. fk these people.", "When the jets start dropping bombs it's the moment where they start to lose." ], [ "Another Singaporean here. I'm currently an NSF (conscript), and I find it kinda funny when Malaysian teens make videos about how they're gonna die/suck when they go to National Service in the coming years.", "To be fair, I hear hygiene and cleanliness is a pretty big concern for national service which could be super gross and unhealthy", "Well, food poisoning cases happened in our former national service.\nNow they are introducing national service again, many have doubts whether it is a good idea. Others repeated the same criticism, which is that national service is another indoctrination camp (the reason why our national service was cancelled in the first place).\nThey are looking to change our future national service to make it relevant (not making the national service similar to armed forces). We will see what they come up with.", "I’ve actually hope Malaysia have NS, to see weakass get suffered and also I can be permanent post smoothly afterwards.\nDamn I want to have HALO jump.", "HALO jump is very rare and not for normal soldiers. Normal para training they have you jump from a helicopter instead.", "nah fam I don’t wanna be normal one 😔\nI know is not common but still I wanna do it", "Good luck trying to sign on for PASKAL because I think that might be the only unit in the MAF that does HALO.", "It's because you have a good country with proper systems and there is a sense of pride when serving NS. This is the their second attempt to do it here and it was horrible the first time around.", "Got this one case where a NS trainee got beaten to death for cutting queue during breakfast." ], [ "With current event happened in Malaysia ,maybe in good light in compare to Police" ], [ "As a military enthusiast and aspiring future soldier I'll say underfunded especially navy and air force, need more ships especially bigger tons ones like destroyers and cruisers Air force too small to be a force to be reckon with and need more f-18s or any good western plane\nArmy infantry is decent in terms of equipment(pretty good compare to most ASEAN countries,I mean, even our regulars have FAST helmet), very NATO looking. But heavy equipment old than my father(talking about you artillery) tho we did bought some new stuff,mbts can suck(might change to a new mbt made by turkey)\nOverall well trained with decent readiness, but underfunded and needs more new heavy assets, but compare to 2013 it has improved a lot\nour mil org is based on them for example we call a squad “section” like major commonwealth nations, knew since grandpa served in the 60s and did work alongside some British para and he told me that,our soldiers also yelled section in training videos" ], [ "they parade the same old tanks/IFVs/jet fighters/infantry formations every Merdeka Day to make us feel proud, and guard our coastline from pesky pirates/foreign ships and such. Military strength-wise they're 6-7th in ASEAN for me.\nthey are also in desperate need of an upgrade, which they never got (remember the Boustead ship fiasco? the MRCA/LRCA procurements? LMAO...... such a thing most likely won't happen in Singapore......)", "Sg gov has higher defensive budgets than our and less whiny baby criticised when buying military assets.\nMeanwhile here Malaysia, just want to upgrade a boat also kena boom gau gau by local saying we not going war why upgrade or buy military assets. How to improve then????", "There's a chinese saying. Train army for a thousand days, use them for one morning. Okay it sounds stupid and lost a lot of nuance when translated, but what it means is you need to be well prepared or you will be caught with your pants down when you actually need (an army)." ], [ "Disappointed not with the military itself but all those BS regarding procurement and corruption that plague it which cause many problems for the delivery of new assets and also what we could get years ago. Also lack of political will. I've been following MAF development since in late elementary school until a few years ago where I just stop giving a shit. But I still visit Malaysian Defence by Marhalim Abbas from time to time" ], [ "Massive respect for them, but they could do with more modern equipment." ], [ "Our soldiers can handle both cold & hot climate very well.\nWell trained to fight with enemy that use supernatural force/blackmagic. Reference Lahad Datu incident where some invaders use immortality spell & sign of sacrificial ritual spot\nVast knowledge of survival skill\nGreat at camouflage\nBest at sneaking in & out of other military/enemy base for reference there 2 event 1)putting malaysia flag sticker on singapore jet after singapore air unit flying over johor airspace 2) lahad datu incident where 1 of the malaysia comando left a letter on invader leader desk asking them to retreat & avoid more conflict", "Forgot to mention they help a lot in flood season before" ], [ "I like to think, were saving for the best in terms of military spending. Only buy what we need for now even tho China is molesting us at the time which if Im being honest I aint gonna let that slide. Wish our military had done something about it, wish we had more ships and jets in the future" ], [ "Missing(stolen) Mil equipment, racism, bullying(death), cronyism, outdated equipment, military contract embezzlement, and many many more\nSo yea..." ], [ "We are jealous of your Gundams that you hide in Tengah airbase.", "Actually, the bunkers were for hiding nukes. Tengah was the British's 2nd strike policy and they stored nukes for a short while in Tengah. Think there were about 50 nukes in Singapore then.", "Yes I know. I don't think the nukes are there anymore. They cease operations in the 70s?", "Yeah a bit earlier than that. It does imply that they thought that Tengah would survive a nuke though if the British thought that it was still possible to launch a counter attack from there.", "I am oppose nukes ... It's really a horrible way to wage war. Especially the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was completely unnecessary. The Americans already encircled Japan. It's just a matter of waiting for surrender. There wasn't even a need to invade. If you control the shipping and trade lanes in and out of Japan eventually it will give up. Americans did it to show the world who is boss and to seek revenge for Pearl Harbor.", "I disagree on the unnecessary. The Japanese in those days were fanatics, they do not \"surrender\" without trying to blow you up with them. They were the ones who coined the term Kamikaze to mean \"suicide bomber\" you know.", "mayb it was mayb not, but i can tell you for sure when japan was nuked most of asia at the time was celebrating." ], [ "I think majority msian dont really care about armed forces." ], [ "I got some relatives who served in SG and MY armed forces. So quite interesting stories. But other than the procurement scandals, they maintained their bodies pretty well. So in terms of discipline, both are on point." ], [ "Competent, well trained, respectable across the world. But severely underfunded, outdated equipment, and corrupt." ], [ "A very underfunded and corrupt organization." ], [ "As a Malaysian, while you may view your armed forces as old fashioned in thinking and the absurd red tape, for me, i'm envious of how well equipped you armed forces are. Your air force is literally one of the largest and most advance in Asia. It can't be compared to the pathetic state of our armed forces here especially the air force." ], [ "Tbf we don't think about our armed forces much at all. The best show of force we need is the show of force at merdeka parade. Period." ], [ "Other than the outdated hardwares, they are actually pretty amazing in terms of training." ], [ "ehh publicly theres not much to say about our armed forces\ngenerally the soldiers are of course, trained enough to protect our country, but we're pretty lacking in a lot of cases. as a defending country, i would say we are in a pretty good place BUT upgrading our equipment is definitely a good idea. corruption and incompetency definitely runs wild, but who am i to say and what can we small time non-soldiers do\nto give my view of our armed forces\nfrom what i can see without looking deep into other structural stuff, the Army need to upgrade their management. problems (from what I heard) like not enough rifles to give to Wataniah (reserves) are a big issue. other problem like no sights on standard issued rifle (still using the iron sights), current vest's bulkiness, and our special forces' inability to get their own surplus (probably not true?) due to order from higher ups also need to be settled.\nIFV/APC also seems to have problems? sorry, i don't have details but it seems its either lacking in quantity or quality\nrecently, the Army's Aviation received 5 RENTED blackhawks which will be returned after 5 years of use. and then a few days after that, the Portugese bought 6 blackhawks for a lower price. that leave a bad taste in the mouth\nthe Navy i have not much idea. LCS fiasco left a bad taste in our mouth, but other than that, i genuinely have no idea. procurement problem definitely is a thing and our navy might need to get better ships. i've heard our tech is pretty old\nAir Force.. well I say we're not exactly in a bad shape and pretty well. purchase of KAI T-50 to replace the BAE Hawk is a wonderful upgrade. i heard of F/A-18s possible purchase for months, but no actual details. we definitely need a new batch of Hornets, even better some Super Hornets. for our SU-30, i would love if we can get a new replacement before 2035. the RMAF would definitely benefits from getting AWACS, and i don't know why we haven't gotten one.\nour Coast Guard/Maritime are doing well from what I see. in our current situation, prioritizing their upgrades would definitely be the best. not much can be say really. i hope their job gets easier because they directly impact our normal life on a daily basis by protecting our coast from illegal activities\ni respect all my nice serviceman and servicewoman though hope ya'll don't become corrupt" ], [ "There was a video of Malaysian special forces training, an ex Navy seal reacted and he was very impressed and had massive respect. So yea our jungle trainings are just ruthless. We even saved seals in somalia during a attack. We have combat experience" ], [ "Sleeping tiger" ], [ "Professionals, well trained.... but under equipped, under funded." ], [ "For me, i am viewing them positively but our army desperately need better equipment for all type army. kinda jealous SAF get a lot of shiny new toy to play it and i love you guys in house develop SAR 21, such a cool design rifle (bullpup is best)" ], [ "A nation's armed forces should be highly respected.soldiers bear burdens for their service that many of us never see. Most of us don't come home and have nightmares for years about what happened during our day. Most of us don't face financial ruin because I got transferred from one department on the job to another." ], [ "I'm highly proud of my country's armed forces. Fully trained and highly experienced.\nI met an ATM personnel once during the merdeka parade, they are very tall and very fit, you could see their charisma in their uniform. Even for a low level rank.\nIt's not easy being an army, definitely not the job for everyone, and I respect their sacrifice to my beloved country.\nAnd for the armed forces that reading this, thank you so much for your service." ], [ "Idk. Once saw a video of some special forces or commando training and a bunch of them were doing shit quality half rep crap ass pull ups and I know pull ups aren't the biggest measure of military competency, but it didn't inspire confidence.\nAlso, it's not really aspirational here. The impression (largely, obv there are outliers) here is if you don't do well in school you join the government workforce (postmen, police, admin workers, army etc). So, if true it really doesn't inspire confidence that much of our armed forces are basically school flunkies.\nI hope I'm wrong, but it's what I've been told since I was a kid. Doesn't help that our beloved pulis basically behave like gangsters, always on the prowl for bribes." ], [ "Serious lack of other races" ], [ "What armed forces? Lol" ], [ "I’ve gone all my life without hearing a single thing about it. Wouldn’t make a difference if we didn’t have any at all. (In terms of impacting my views)" ], [ "Very positively amongst Malays, generally positive for others. Worth noting that the Commander in Chief is the Agong and the army, navy and air forces are considered the King's soldiers.", "Agong is the queen of England confirmed?" ], [ "Hey Malaysian! Remember we got PLKN. Not like veryyy army training. But for PLKN 3.0 soon with new training schemes is with real army. And the training just 40 days more or less.Just like randomly you get selected to join. Depend on your \"luck\". Right after SPM \"national exam\"\nThe things about PLKN is, their implementation soooo messy. Too many version before, too many syllabus. Start on 2002, but stopped for a while 2015, and resume back on 2016. And again for PLKN 3.0 newest start again on 2024. So yeah, malaysia doubt this program too", "I remember all the accusations of rape that happened then. Bad news all around." ], [ "SAF was repeatedly involved with stuff that its impossible its not tainted with red tape generics. Those that excel the National Service end up in the police departments (not the army) and thats not even clear from red tape as well.\nHowever, its just important to realize that red tape exist everywhere but the SG forces are quick to fix things, whilst we lack the commitment to fix things - both for subjective reasons.\nRegardless, I have respect to both the armed forces in MY and SG - having stayed in both countries. I realized that when they get their act together, they get things done much more effectively.\nMy first convo was about in flight refueling air force planes. That went on for some rounds of beer." ], [ "Looks ok on paper, untested, probably will fail.", "That's applicable to a good 90% of countries that have never been in a war.", "Untested? Dude.. they fought communist guerrilla warfare..", "That is in the past. The soldier died or retired already lah.", "Isn't the GGK still in service? I mean it'd be more concerning for a counter-terrorist, spec ops type of army be public after all, no news is good news after all", "This is what i know.\n- We have one submarine that cannot submerge.\n- 3 (or 5 ships) that supposed to replace the aging ones which are long due for retirement but due to mismanagement none of the ships are completed.\n- we have mix of both Russian & American jet platform instead of sticking to single multi-purporse model. They itself requires their own stockpile of parts that is not interchangeable.\nSo the best army we have are anti guerillas? I think we will be dead in an open battle.", "Where are you getting your stats from anyway? Plus, who knows man, maybe the new PM can summon a fucking horde of jets and aircraft carriers like that one scene from Endgame lmao", "From following a lot of local politics news; talk shows, twitter and tiktok. If you pay attention to this for over 5 years you will know about this.\nSubmarines-> from najib legacy\nThe incomplete ships-> google Boustead and military ships. This has been an issue since najib time already, in fact ph/pkr uses this as ammunition to fight bn.\nJets -> discussion on twitter. Many sources.\nWe are so broke, aircraft carriers is only possible on red alert.", "We are so broke\nTruer words have never been spoken, I am still optimistic we have military reserved stashed away SOMEWHERE and we actually have military might because false data on military assets is always a good thing in preparation for war and such", "Some of them inside the jungle hunting", "This really is the most accurate answer." ], [ "Huh spy" ], [ "Malay citizens in SAF are discriminated against. Why?", "I have no idea what you're talking about.\nThe representation of malays & indians for that matter is extremely high within the SAF and it's not just the SAF, but also other branches like the SPF.\nIf anything people discriminate against incompetency.", "Heard that it is only okay for lowly Infantry and Logistics.\nNever for high ranks in Naval Intelligence or Air Force . Lee Kuan Yew never trusted them fully. Even fellow citizens. This continues until today\nKesian", "Your news is 30 years out of date, today there are even Malay pilots.", "Not from my experience 23 years ago. Had heaps of Malay and Indian officers and WOs. My OC is Malay attached to UN missions, our unit S2 is an Indian Major, and another artillery unit had a Malay CO.\nSo not sure where you got this information from. Also, a small ass country with a tiny population like Singapore cannot afford to discriminate. Hell, we even got the expats living here to sign up for the Volunteer Corps.", "No la bro\nPlenty of high ranking one in navy in infantry in police lehzz\nDia semua orang cakap je..\nActually in army kalau takde certificate, tak kisah cina pun melayu semua susah la." ], [ "Airforce tiny and not fit for purpose.\nNavy plagued with procurement issues and has failed to provide even most basic security in the past decade or so. Malysia is surrounded by water. Far too many Admirals for the size of the organisation.\nArmy seems bloated and poorly equipped and used as a vote bank. Does not have the lift required to react to conflicts in a timely manner.\n2 examples I'd give is Lahad Datu and the shooting incident at an Army parade where a small group of SF chaps were shooting AT EACH OTHER with LIVE ROUNDS, with other personnel and CivPop DOWN RANGE! The OIC tragically gets lethaly shot and instead of applying immediate first aid they just drag him to the side and continue. These were the SF creme de la creme and they had a MAJOR failure of common sense and safety. But it's ok the OIC/victim was posthumously promoted to LtCol, one assumes so his widow gets a larger pension. If one of my chaps had done that I'd have taken a month's pay and busted them down as far as they could go. This wasn't a training kill room this was a public event, cowboys IMHO." ], [ "The Royal Malaysian Airforce didn’t spot MH370 on its radar when the plane made a sharp turn back to the Peninsula from South China Sea. Navy had purchased some submarines that can’t sink. Warships that are not delivered despite full amount paid…." ], [ "It's laughable. I have a good friend who is an officer. The stories he told us.. I'm sorry but our army is just as pathetic as the clowns we call politicians..", "Your good officer friend huh? Sureeee", "Until incident like Lahad Datu happen, suddenly you become silent", "Cap" ], [ "Personal opinion, we're not good enough to defend against a foreign invasion. I don't see a point in pumping more money into it. I'd much rather have the funding go towards education and infrastructure.\nOur biggest threats imo are probably pirates where I would support better equipment and funding for border control.", "Username checks out" ], [ "We can send all the cows we have and Singapore is doomed", "I don't know man. People might think that numbers matter but I have it on good account that Singapore has a super elite fighting force that they keep in reserve in case they ever get invaded.\nIt's called The Enciks' Grandmothers Battalion.", "They’re trained against human threats, but not on cows!" ], [ "Malaysia is making National Service mandatory again so yeah." ], [ "I don't know and I just don't really care since non of my business unless you have someone from inside." ], [ "We have capable personnel but bad leadership in term of procurement matters." ], [ "Have met quite a number of TUDM (air force) and TLDM (navy) veterans during LIMA. They are all very proud of their service in the armed forces. Some of them have even fought at Lahad Datu\nIcydk, years ago a group of militants from Philippines landed on Sabah and took over a village. The military was deployed and managed to kill and capture the militants." ], [ "Not particularly strong, but it doesn't need to be, as Malaysia doesn't face much in the way of threats, unlike say, South Korea." ], [ "I never really thought about them. Only after moving out did I think about them.\nMostly thinking wow military is so important here but I barely hear anything military related in Malaysia" ], [ "Armed forces are decent, some equipments are old, military in general needs an upgrade but if you're talking about Special forces units, we have one of the best in the world. Forces like PASKAL are extremely well trained and have combat experience.\nAs for our neighbor Singapore yes they're armed forces in general is more sophisticated and developed compared to ours but when it comes to special forces training and effectiveness I don't think so" ], [ "We definitely do need a major upgrade on our fighters, tanks, submarines, destroyers etc. Need to be better equipped in case of any funny acts of other nations." ], [ "Positive.\nOur equipment might not be the best, but it works well.\nPreviously I didn't understand why our army didn't use scopes and such that much when they were the fad thanks to call of duty. Then I realised they get really dirty really easy in muddy environment. Iron sights were better suited, especially since the target is rarely beyond 200 meters with exception of urban areas.\nAlso glad most of our equipment is western and if it's eastern bloc, it contains alot of french tech.\nIf our procurement wasn't mired with corruption, our equipment will be way more in quantity and quality." ], [ "Do Indians and Chinese folks exist in the armed forces?", "Of course they exist. The first non-British Rear Admiral in our Malaysian Royal Navy was an Indian. Tan Sri Dato' Seri K. Thanabalasingam was the 5th Rear Admiral and the 1st Malaysian to do so. Dato' Leong Siew Meng was the first Chinese in ATM to be appointed the rank of Brigedier General, and the first Chinese to be the Chief Signal Officer, and the first Chinese to hold the highest ranks in ATM." ], [ "U know one month back , i was asking one of my patient who is army in saudi arabia, why saudis not sent help for Palestinian people on war.. he said bcs bla bla bla.. n then he ask me.. why malaysian not sent malaysian army to help war in Palestinian bcs malaysian army is good in fighting..then i said idk about political issues.. but deep down my heart, i feel proud of the malaysian army bcs saudis army also acknowledge our army power..." ], [ "I see Malaysia soldiers as very strong and brave people. Well trained and even respected by other military from different countries.\nSad part is that our weapons and technology are outdated due to a bunch of politician keeping all the money to themselves and not improving or investing on better weapons for the army to use. Sure Malaysia doesn't go to war all the time and is protected by other big country. But what happens if they aren't there to keep us safe? At least improved the strength of our country military technology to stand a chance with other countries." ], [ "In general we don't know shit about them, nor have much of an opinion about them, really.\nThey're actually pretty formidable; at least the units considered to be special forces. What they do, they do quite competently -- which is notable, I guess, because of the (deserved) stereotype of Malaysian civil/public services being shit.\nMost of the public's day-to-day lives that involve the armed forces would be in seeing a vehicle with Z- prefix identification plates on the road as they weave in and out of standstill traffic on the highway without using their fucking turn indicators (you know who you are, fuck you), really. We don't have a culture of glorifying the military; which as far as I'm concerned is a good thing.\nChinese have a low opinion of the armed forces, in general, though -- for Chinese, anything but the private sector (other than banks...oh wait) is cause for shame and embarrassment to one's family, so fuck them.\nWhat's the first go-to convo topic for Malaysian guys?\nUhhhhhhhhhhhh, the government being shit, I guess? That, or the trending topic du jour on Facebook or one of those other inane buzzfeed-esque local websites staffed by talentless hacks responsible for the sorry state of our language expression these days." ], [ "" ], [ "We think our military is ok, but we are not confident in its performance if it has to fight another country. We just don’t have the same experience in warfare that others countries such as Korea, Israel, Turkey, America and Ukraine possess." ], [ "I always wanted to join the AF, but after looking a bit deeper under the facade and speaking to my fellow ex service members I decided that it's not going to be a path I take. Maybe post emigration to Europe I will join the NATO forces but if not, then civ all the way" ], [ "From what I heard, our military is not something to be fucked with although we do have some missing equipment scandal. Especially our commando who actually train other people I heard Sulu?" ], [ "Honestly? With the new procument that seemingly slowly-but-surely(hopefully), is better than no investment for future challenges.\nYeah we seem to be decent for defense. Never attack. Maybe even deployment a-bit.\nThe plans of RMN and RMAF is swinging very slow. I hope it got done by the end of the decade at least.\nArmy, still alright. May needed an upgrade for the armoured corps. Need more heavy firepower for defense.\nBorneo needs security, Sarawak got China. Sabah got Terrorist AND China. Need Patrols and Combat Aircraft. Need a few more armours and more troops." ], [ "Overall good but politicians fk their working tools up." ], [ "Try again, Mosad!" ] ]
Is it too costly, too late for Malaysia-Singapore high-speed rail link?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Let's assume we have a HSR, how much should it cost for a 1-way ticket from KL to Singapore.\nRM150? RM200?", "200 is attractive. A bit more than the budget flights. No need to do the troublesome flight security checks and no need to go so far till Sepang.\nFor foreigners it's just 40+ USD or 50+ SGD", "50SGD would attract all those taking the SG-KL coach services. Less risk of getting into bus accidents and less potential hassle to deal with. Some of these coach services alibaba halfway during the journey and make the passengers switch to smaller coaches although they paid a premium for 'luxury' coach service. And there's the matter of some of these coach drivers vaping/smoking halfway during the journey.. don't have to deal with that shit on a HSR.. hopefully?", "Klia express also cost 50-60 bucks. That's a 30min journey within klang valley using a normal train.. If the HSR service isn't subsidised, probably 400+", "I might as well take a flight with that price.", "Really? How much do you think it should cost?", "It should be cheaper than a flight ticket. If not, what’s the point? Would you pay the same price as a flight ticket but you spend more time on the road or would you prefer to reach your destination faster? A round trip from KL to SG costs around RM300-400 and you can reach SG in one hour.", "Yes, but you need to add the time you traveling to the airport, the hassle to check-in your luggage, waiting for luggage, arriving 2-hours earlier before boarding time, airport security etc.\nNot to mention train is so much more comfortable.", "Unless you stay near to the train terminal, it’s about the same travelling time. Sometimes it’s worse because I presume the high speed rail station will be in the city centre and it will be very jam. And you still need to go through immigration, hence you need to arrive early as well.\nI travel to and from sg very frequently. My flight is always at 8am. I depart at 545-6am, reach KLIA way before 7am and touched down at sg at 9am. I’m out of the airport by 930am. The whole journey only takes me 3 and a half hour.\nIf I need to travel for work, time is of an essence. I do not have the luxury to spend 5 hours. If I’m a tourist, I don’t mind taking a bit longer.", "The purposed HSR from KL to Singapore only takes 90mins of traveling time, not 5 hours.", "If it is indeed 90 mins, then I don’t mind. Are you sure it’s 90mins? Because even shinkansen takes 2 hours and more to travel the same distance from Kl to Singapore.", "https://www.myhsr.com.my/kl-sg-hsr/project-overview", "If they really reduce the time to 90 mins and the price is competitive, I would take it. If the price is 200 to 250 per trip, I think most people would rather take the flight. Malaysians are price sensitive.", "It will be more expensive. Quicker (once you factor in an hour to KLIA, check in times etc.) and far more comfortable (can get work done). Main markets would be business, Singaporean and international tourists.", "Should be at least as cheap as bus ticket, which is around rm30 to jb.", "Haha." ], [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>", "Thank you!" ], [ "HSR is strategic. It must be built. However, it must also be financially sustainable. Let private companies finance, build, operate and maintain entirely." ], [ "Need money to grease the right pockets in Malaysia. Obviously Singapore doesn't want to partake in that." ], [ "its definitely waste of money, if not then why does PH cancel the project?:26554:" ], [ "It would benefit Sg more than Malaysia. Firstly, MY has to bear most of the costs of the construction. Secondly, most people in Malaysia won’t be able to afford it day by day basis and it’s way cheaper to Singaporeans due to the exchange rate. Thirdly, Singaporeans will definitely increase the cost of living in the surrounding areas if Malaysia is easily accessible. JB is already an example and they only go to JB during the weekends. Finally, is the high speed rail operation sustainable? Even in China, they are losing hundreds of thousands per day just to operate. Do we have enough passengers to warrant a high speed rail? Can we rely on Singapore alone to bring in investment? Is it enough?", "> It would benefit Sg more than Malaysia\nI disagree with this statement. It would make more towns along the route more economically relevant. Think of the North South highway. Right now, to work in Singapore OR KL, one needs to stay around the area, leading to high rents (relative to folks in their respective countries). Imagine if people could actually return back home to Malacca within an hour from either city.", "The price of a ticket is expensive as fuck. This is equivalent to taking a flight daily from SG to KL. It’s at least RM200 per single trip. Malaysians won’t be able to afford it.\nYou think it will develop the areas of the station, I instead think brain drain will be more serious.", "This doesn't make any sense. It provides a direct, fast connection for Malaysia (all the way up to KL) to one of the most advanced economies in the world. It would be a massive boon for tourism and investment, and not just for KL but other towns on the line.\nAn increasing cost of living as a result of economic growth/investment isn't a bad thing for the wider economy, just bad if the benefits are not well distributed.\nThe busier Chinese lines are profitable. Considering KL-Singapore is one of the busiest air routes in the world I'd say we have enough passengers. It really is one of the most ideal HSR routes imaginable in terms of distance and the size of the population centres.", "It provides a direct, fast connection for Malaysia (all the way up to KL) to one of the most advanced economies in the world.\nso is a plane and it’s cheaper\nIt would be a massive boon for tourism and investment, and not just for KL but other towns on the line.\nYou don’t know that. Just because we have a train, doesn’t mean foreign companies are keen to invest in Malaysia. What can Malaysia offer when our neighbouring countries like Vietnam can do better? Our labour is expensive, our talents are not competitive, our market is small and our political climate is not stable. And with remote working becoming a norm, why would some MNC want to operate a branch in Malaysia?\nIf we want to talk about tourism, we only solely rely on Singaporeans and not the rest of our SEA neighbours. Tourism from Singapore alone cannot sustain HSR. There are just not enough people in Singapore to boost our tourism industry. In fact, it would only make things more expensive to the local like in JB.\nThe busier Chinese lines are profitable. Considering KL-Singapore is one of the busiest air routes in the world I'd say we have enough passengers. It really is one of the most ideal HSR routes imaginable in terms of distance and the size of the population centres.\nDo you realise how many people take the train daily in the busiest line in China? Even if all passengers from the KL-SG air routes switch to HSR, our passenger capacity probably only reaches to the level of 2nd tier cities and these train lines are still making losses til this day since opening.\nAnd we have yet to talk about the amount of money we need to shell out to build the train in this terrible economic climates, and if we’re unlucky like Indonesia, there would be delays and we would be grossly over budget. Maintenance is also another huge issue and it’s not cheap. After years of delay and budget blowout, Jakarta-Bandung costs a whopping US$7.2 billion to build. And you know how much KL-Singapore HSR is estimated to cost? It was estimated to be $17.4 billions by BN, $26.6 billions in 2018 by PH due to hidden costs and even experts expect it to be at least $10billions at minimum.\nTo Singapore, it’s chump change. To us, it’s not especially we need to bear the brunt of the costs. Singapore only needs to invest a moderate amount to reap the greatest benefits. Why do you think they are so eager to build HSR? They are not stupid.\nWe also don’t have to look far to see the result.\nIndonesia’s China-backed high-speed railway: a ‘burden to carry’ for years to come?\nIndonesia high-speed railway still beset by problems\nWhy do you think Malaysia would be different?" ], [ "Too late lah. Nowadays the jam at BSI/CIQ Woodlands and KSAB/CIQ Tuas rabak max. Standard waiting time is 1-2 hours to cross, can go up to 8-11hrs during peak hours and holidays. People are so desperate they resort to breaking traffic rules by queue cutting, running red lights and end up getting into accidents.\nhttps://youtu.be/h8AHIkGS360\nhttps://youtu.be/20OIU7MHMfc\nhttps://youtu.be/wyEiGsamx9Y\nhttps://youtu.be/ktHbIrB7T_g\nhttps://youtu.be/KyH39VJj-wo\nhttps://youtu.be/oND09NYvzAQ", "What does this have to do with a potential HSR link?\nThe HSR is not proposed to reuse any of the existing checkpoints.", "It has everything to do with the HSR. Congestion at both checkpoints is already quite bad and will get worse as the cost of living rises in Singapore and cause more SG residents to cross the border in the future for cheaper shopping, food and services. If the HSR was completed during it's specified timing it might have helped alleviate some of the congestion and boost tourism to other towns/states than just JB. Now all of that is just a pipe dream floating on the whims of the current government.", "That is probably true.\nBut all the links you posted are focusing on ugly road rage behavior, not sure what you intend by posting that. It tells you more about poor driver education and bad driving culture in Singapore.", "3 of the incidents were caused by Malaysian car plates, one occurred in JB on the road towards BSI and none were caused by road rage? Did you even watch the videos lol", "Sorry I just checked 1 of them. I kindly suggest that if you dump a bunch of links without explanation, people are not going to know what conclusion you are thinking of, especially considering we are talking on a HSR discussion of all places.\nIn any case, congestion and accidents are going to happen regardless even if HSR is built, because as we understand today from the likely ticket pricing and the way that the government is unlikely to subside tickets like China does, that the HSR is targeting flying passengers more and therefore the impact on causeway congestion itself is not going to be transformational.\nIn fact I would argue the RTS and once the EDTP is complete, these 2 projects are going to be more impactful on causeway congestion compared to the HSR." ] ]
OK Vision to challenge Astro, package priced at RM20/month
[ "Entertainment" ]
The satellite TV market in Malaysia has welcomed a new competitor in the form of OK Vision
[ [ "No sports channels that play EPL no like", "Sadly european EPL football is monopolized by Astro through exclusive digital distribution rights if I'm not mistaken." ], [ "Who wants to guess if it will join the graveyard of abn and siriustv? 🫤", "Haha. Too bad they're not also a wireless broadband provider. Then they'll also join P1 (got gobbled up by TM), AMAX and Izzi." ], [ "Not really convincing name if it's just OK lol.", "We'll see how long before it will KO" ], [ "Reminds me of MegaTV.. Will die fast" ], [ "Saitama: OK" ] ]
Saudi Aramco is planning to expand its downstream activities in Malaysia, aiming to make the Pengerang Integrated Complex in Johor the largest hub in Southeast Asia. The Saudi Arabian-based oil company is also eyeing retail operations worldwide, including in Southeast Asia.
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "i thought theres no more oil anymore here", "Bro just Google how much money Petronas give to the Malaysian government every year.", "still got ah?\ni thought every year come out news oil finish", "This year they gave RM 40b dividend to the Malaysian government.", "Unfortunately most of that money will end up in few people’s pockets.", "Err I think it ends up with the government and then ends up in many people's pocket.", "The point is government is corrupt and many of country’s wealth goes to few corrupt politicians and their friends", "Lol every few months they're still discovering new oil reserves in our waters." ] ]
Deloitte Malaysia inks deal with MRT Corp for MRT station naming rights
[ [ "The station naming rights programme is the first of its kind in Southeast Asia where it provides opportunities for corporations or brands to bid for the right to transform a station to reflect the brand’s corporate identity and name the station after themselves.\nThis is new", "first of its kind in Southeast Asia\nso mid valley got it free lmao:26554:" ] ]
How does tax works in Malaysia when I buy in a bulk from overseas?
Hi guys, I’m planning to buy some beverage in a bulk from alibaba to do a small business online. The minimum order quantity are 500cartons with the price range around RM5000 included of delivery fees to my doorsteps. So the question is beside I have to pay for the items and delivery fees, what are the other tax will be charge on the beverage when entering Malaysia to my doorsteps?
[ [ "You need to pay sales tax if you are importing taxable goods into Malaysia.", "How does the process works? My goods will stay in custom until I pay for the tax?" ], [ "Fill up the K1 form, you need to declare the imported goods. Then check with kastam officer on the sales tax and import duties rates for your goods", "Do I have to fill up the K1 form and declare the imported goods first before I place my order? And how do I check with kastam officer about the rates?", "Normally, you fill out the K1 form after placing the order since you need info like quantity, goods description, value etc.\nFor the rates, you can check direct at kastam website, if not, just call them during office hours.\nOh check the barang larangan import list first, just in case your good is banned from entering the country.", "Alright, does my good will still stuck in kastam after I fill up the K1 form and they approve it and pay the rates? Or they will continue the delivery to my doorsteps after product inspection?" ], [ "Won't it get stuck at the customs, who will send you a notice to pay your tax, before you can collect it at the customs (or appoint postman to get it with payment).", "Sorry I’m inexperienced in this. So my goods will stuck in custom and I have to pay tax through there before I can proceed to appoint another delivery to my doorsteps?", "Err maybe? My only experience is buying a jacket from US that got held back at customs since it was over RM500. Went in person to customs near KLIA to pay the tax and collect it. Pretty sure if it will be different if it is not for personal use.\nGuidelines at customs:\nhttp://www.customs.gov.my/en/cp/Documents/Import/Import%20Procedure/Panduan%20Ringkas%20Prosedur%20Import%202023.pdf" ] ]
Are there any Southeast Asian-American expats living in KL? Interested in hearing your experiences.
I’m Cambodian-American (divorced 40s male), and have been living in the Philippines for the half-year wrapping up a business deal. Looking to pivot to a new remote career, but considering moving to KL for an extended period of time (minimum 1 yr). I’m interested in hearing if there are other people with similar backgrounds living in KL (ethnic Southeast Asian, but not Malaysian; grew up in the west, e.g. Filipino-American, Thai-Aussie, etc.). How is your experience there? I’ve always been envious of the quality of public transportation, public parks, outdoor rec, and larger expat communities in KL vs. Manila. But I’m interested in hearing how easy it is to become a part of the local community there. Do you have strong local friend networks? Or do expats mostly hang out with other expats? What is dating like? Are there big disadvantages to being a resident but non-citizen in terms of finding a place to rent / buying a car? Manila has many problems (esp traffic and infrastructure), but I’ve found it easy to integrate here because it’s English speaking and people are quite friendly. I have learned some basic Tagalog, although it’s really not necessary here since English is so commonly spoken. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
[ [ "You are in luck. KL has a more diverse expat community as they do have expats from South Asia, Far East, North Asia, etc. But to become part of the local community, you probably need to stay in the suburbs like Cheras, Ampang, etc. Buying a car is relatively straight forward but do look out for high insurance premiums and finding places to rent are aplenty though it'll be good to be staying beside train stations.\nBut the problems that you've mentioned about traffic, its pretty much the same because the public transportation isn't used much by locals. So yes you get traffic jams as well as lousy public transport.", "Great info. Thank you." ], [ "Malaysian here! But I know a lot of expats so here to give my input.\nRenting is easy in KL, look everywhere and you’ll see a new condominium being built. Rental prices are fairly reasonable, especially if you’re earning in foreign currencies. Try to look for places that are walkable to MRTs specifically, that’ll make your commute much easier!\nIf you’re staying within KL, it is possible to get around with trains and grab, probably cheaper than owning a car. Outside of KL not having a car is definitely not possible.\nMost Malaysians in KL can speak English and are generally pretty friendly.", "Thanks so much!" ], [ "like any asian nation, you are a foreigner and thats about it. so folks will be friendly, but only certain folks will hang out." ], [ "Imagine i was travelling to one of our satellite office in KL sentral,\nwhile waiting for my grab to pick up , i was bringing my luggage with me,\na nice random young Caucasian lady coming out from the office building, said Hi to me, and say you seem lost, do you need help with anything?\nI hope her failed interaction would not stop her being so kind to strangers.\nIt is normal for me to hang around alone without smartphone out.\nand it was very hot outside i probably making an ugly face that i didn't realise.\nEven the expats is more local than I am." ] ]
Malaysia’s exports drop 5.9% y-o-y to RM122.1bil in Nov
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Lmao, for those jokers claiming weak MYR can boost export. So now exports also drop and our currency so weak. Double whammy." ], [ "However, Malaysia maintained its trade surplus in November 2023, valued at RM12.41 billion, making it the 43rd consecutive month of trade surplus since May 2020.\nthis probably explains a lot of the weak ringgit" ], [ "but cheap ringgit makes exports favorable? tolong kami mentri ekonomi:26554:" ], [ "Even for tourist also drop…. No one really want to visit here anymore since our neighbours are even more cheaper" ], [ "But but PH naik, economy naik, export naik?" ], [ "I thot people here said cheap ringgit good? will help export? lol" ], [ "Myr dropping again?" ], [ "Malaysia product suck" ] ]
More food = cheaper
[ "Food" ]
Saw this when I was ordering McDonalds on foodpanda, am I missing something here?
[ [ "Just by perceiving it as a better deal vs the other, you feel justified buying it, instead of thinking if 6 piece of nuggets are really worth RM10.", "Honestly the set one seems pretty decent. The ala carte one, not so much." ], [ "Promotion price, it happen after boycott things", "Yea I'm aware of the promotion. Honestly, they might as well lower the price of the ala carte nuggets to like RM 7 or something. Single digit price tags make them look more attractive to customers imo." ], [ "Seriously the McDonald's menu gymnastics is an acquired skill" ], [ "<image>\n9pcs set seems normal though hmm" ], [ "Go 99Market buy the whole pack Tempura Nugget for RM15.00. Air fryer 10-12 min settle.", "I prefer the crispy version cause the skin of the tempura ones sometime sticks to my air fryer", "I found out if you air fry it at the right time and let it slightly cool down inside the air fryer a minute or 2 after timer over it will never stick and be still hot and crispy. It stick because is still got moisture and the skin not crisp enough.\nI'm not sure wht brand you're using, mime is Buffalo, I tested from 10 min up to 15 min, 12 minutes is the right condition for me. The nugget inside is still fluffy and moist and the outside is crispy.\nBelow 10 min will be like yours sticky and skin dropping above 14 will be too dry, 12-13 is just nice. 11 acceptable..but I can wait extra few more min while getting something done." ], [ "Honestly curious. I understand some/many are boycotting McDonald's and other places. Is it really affecting them economically?", "Lionhorn Pte Ltd? Definitely\nMcdonald Corp? Probably not unless boycott lasts for a few years\nAlonyal ltd? Nope\n(ps : Most people boycotting have no idea what the above companies are)", "Hardly impact Mcdonald corp also.", "If you bought McDonald's share since Israel responded to Oct 7 you'd have ~15% gains." ], [ "menu anomaly aside, you can get RM10 for 10 pc chicken nugget at KFC dine-in." ], [ "Boycotts work" ], [ "How to eat mcd in 2022: go to mcd, buy, eat\nHow to eat mcd in 2023: go to mcd, took some photo, post in socmed, haha mcd so many people/haha no queue, buy, eat" ], [ "FOMO tactic. You see the set and immediately think it's a great deal you don't want to miss out. without the ala carte to compare it with, you might not necessarily feel like you need to buy a nugget value meal." ], [ "Boycott2" ] ]
Best VPN to secure yourself in Malaysia (mobile + PC) ? I'm being attacked all over
Lately My two Genshin account has been hacked, my brother's Facebook has been hacked, then my LinkinID Three of my Google account got accessed from three different country, then I changed my password to be longest and more secure Yet yesterday someone managed to get in and even signed me out, I somehow luckily managed to recover it and changed the password again, I made clean installation of my laptop and logged in with my burner Gmail account yet somehow kept trying to access my accounts which I am so confused I am assuming maybe a possible session hijacking which I did not realize? Data breach that nobody knows? So to secure myself I've Been eyeing on mullvad but the transaction seems so complicated although it's cheap, so as Malaysian for the price which VPN gives me the best security along with some speed? Is buying through shopee acceptable though?
[ [ "don't you have 2FA on all the important accounts?", "Yeah, seems like an Authenticator app is a better solution than vpn in this scenario", "Yup, password is like 20+ characters long with random special char + num + letter\n(Recent as I mentioned above) The thing is when I recovered it, it had no session or other devices from other locations, the suspicious activity came from a device that has been signed out yet trying to access my account\nBut what google did was it signed me out of all my devices ? Which is weird cause it shouldn't do that considering all my devices that I use are \"trusted device\"\nPassword was changed as well, and I received the first notification of 2FA code, I tried recovering it using my phone number and prompt yet it told me it would take 48 hours but somehow the RECOVERY email saved my ass in the end, I am so confused, shouldn't 2FA using my phone is far more trustable than receiving a code via recovery email? But somehow I'm glad I managed to recover it\nEnabled backup code + authenticator and planning on doing whatever it takes to secure the fuck out of my account at this point", "Check to see if there is a recovery phone number assigned to your accounts. The attacker may be using their phone number to recover your accounts despite any password that you set.", "Only my phone number is attached which is why I'm so confused on how such thing can happen", "Maybe got spyware or keylogger on your device.\nBest to wipe your devices clean by formating.\nKeep only important non executable files", "Depends on your activity mostly, my accounts never has been hacked even tho im not on Genshin. You're usually hacked if you go to many sites that are malicious and clicking on links and accidentally downloaded malwares without your knowledge. Or like other gentlemens pointed out that it might be related to data leaks." ], [ "Your email/account might be involved in a data leak. You should check this" ], [ "You might need to lookout for pirated software, and check your browser for unrecognized plug-ins. for your Gmail, try login to manage device section and sign out all unrecognized devices.\nPlease enable 2-factor authentication on all your accounts. Also do not reuse passwords, get a bitwarden password manager (available for Windows, MacOS, Android and iPhones) to create a strong and unique password for each account. The BitWarden master password is the only one you need, also please remember that one only, if you forget say bye bye to access.", "Yes, check your plugins OP. Sometimes they are the ones sucking you, and they can bypass the chrome safety check. Reset chrome and enable just the trustables plugins" ], [ "wah bro, i think you need an authenticator, can be google authenticator or you have your own favorite", "Genshin + linkedID + Facebook got it's 2FA bypassed, I thought maybe the password is not strong enough,\nThen boom my Gmail account that has strong password got hacked, so like I'm confused what type of attack is these guys even using, like damn, maybe something new that we all don't know?\nMaybe my long password which is Actually bunch random characters are still guessable by whatever attack they're trying to do? I am going for bitwarden and implementing all types of 2FA at this point", "If you're using the same password everywhere.. Regardless, I'd go for bitwarden and 2FA Is there perchance someone close to you are the culprit?\nIf your password is secure enough (long, not suspectible to disciplinary attack, no reusing password) chances are you either have a keylogger, MIM attack, or just human", "Were you contacted by anyone who made you go through an \"authentication\" process to \"prove that you're a human\" and \"not a scammer\"? Got tricked like that trying to sell some stuff on mudah.my, and they broke through my Visa 2FA. Fking Visa.", "gg i think you gotta reformat all your device, do a reset and clear all stuff, might be having some malware or bugs", "My 4TB drive just arrived, yeah cleaning my PC right now", "ahaha clean your phone as well" ], [ "Op please explain from a to z before the day of hack" ], [ "How did they managed to get into your accounts multiple times? are you sure your computer is not infected by Malware/RAT/Keylogger? Do you open suspicious files lately? do you saves your password on browser?, how do you choose your password? Use Password Manager!\nI recommend enabling HTTPS Only mode in all tab on all of your browsers and setup 2fa on all of your account ASAP. change all of your passwords, check if your accounts have something like login via recovery or phone number and secure those too.\nThis is very unlikely but what is your Router brand and models? your router could be infected or unauthorized user is on your Wifi, change your wifi password to something strong.", "Keylogger or session hijacking or data leak is probably my three main guesses, cause I don't clear history so I could research anything Ive missed but needed in the moment(after weeks or months)\nI was an absolute idiot with a mindset that who would even hack my things till one day it happened and I got panicked to death and now extremely paranoid with what would happen next\nI was saving my password on the browser for most cases and had been using reused password which is purely dumb thinking about the consequences now, but what I don't get is\nI've cleaned my laptop\nusing burner account in my laptop even though it's clean and wiped out\nchanged all the password to extremely long and random characters\n2FA enabled\nsigned out of all other devices\nJust when I tot I was good to go, today morning my account got accessed and hacked and Google literally sign me out instead of just preventing it from happening even though 2FA is already enabled, I've begun to suspect my phones so far", "Brute hack is very unlikely happened on regular persons.\nIt is very likely someone have backdoor access to you, with the usual suspect being malwares in your computer AND smartphone.\nFull reset your smartphone.\nIf that didn't work, however remote, your SIM card might be cloned." ], [ "VPN is not going to do anything to prevent getting hacked. Don't waste money on it.\nLike others have said enabling 2FA is important, not SMS or email based 2FA, but using a TOTP app like authenticator.\nPersonally, I use bitwarden for password management and ensure each of my accounts has unique totally random passwords. No password reuse.\nFor Google, Apple or any other site that supports passkeys, consider switching to passkey for even stronger security.\nAlternatively, If you really want to go all out in terms of login security, get a yubikey. It is hardware authentication key. So there is no way anyone can login without your yubikey." ], [ "I suspect you might have malicious APK installed on your phone with device management permissions", "Could it be because I am using Xiaomi? I don't have anything malicious APK, maybe my laptop? Possible", "If 2FA is bypassed I suspect it's your phone, unless you stay signed in on a lot of websites on your laptop then it might be a session hijacking." ], [ "A VPN is not some magic security dust. It is just one layer of security that shouldn't be needed if you're not using an insecure network like public WiFi. If someone is hacking your home router, it can help protect you a little, but it's a bandaid on the real problem.\nProton VPN is pretty good and free. But if your router doesn't support VPN as many don't, it means you need to set it up on every individual device." ], [ "Use another device tp change the password and don't login using your phone for a while. If there's no leak then, you might need to format your phone cz your phone might be infected.", "Thanks, I never thought about this, planning on transferring all my accounts to iPhone, just waiting for my 4TB HDD to arrive so I could back up" ], [ "It's probably your phone. Doubt someone can brute force long as fuck password that fast. What version is your android phone? As for mullvad, just pay with card then save the account number they give you. Mullvad is good but the speed is kind of slow.", "Anything that has reasonable speed with good privacy other than mullvad?", "I advise you try mullvad first, you can pay for 1 month only. What I mean by kind of slow because I used it only for torrent back then. Beware whatever review you read, too many spam bot from competitor." ], [ "Pretty sure you have something on your PC" ], [ "Sorry, clean installation on your laptop? You mean install-reinstall Genshin?\nUnless I misunderstood, you should have done a full format of your laptop. There might be malicious app running in the background that capture all your details.\nVPN only protect your session, and even assuming the attacker captured your activities payload, it is still close to impossible for them to crack your strong password.\nSo yeah, the spyware is already in your laptop." ], [ "What kind of authenticator app are you using? If you are using Google's default authenticator, you might need to rethink it as it syncs MFA codes in the cloud. If your Google account is compromised, your codes will be compromised as well. I use Aegis authenticator instead." ], [ "A VPN won't keep you from getting hacked. You need something like Internet Security like Kaspersky and a strong password security system like Dashlane. Or get an iPhone.", "I have iphone but sadly 64GB model, do you think transferring all my important account there would be good idea? Then removing all my important accounts from Android?\nPlanning on getting bitwarden + VPN + and yeah a budget anti virus", "Get Kaspersky Full Internet security. Really. After all that you want to get a budget anti virus?", "Yeah thinking about taking 161/year plan so far, I am deadass paranoid that I am now blasting my notifications sound so it would wake me even in sleep (my recent attack happened at 5.40 am and thank god I was awake)" ], [ "Nordvpn, comes with nordpass, so generate/save your password easily. It also comes with leak checker stuff, see if your email address was leaked previously somewhere, like Malindoair or Shopback. Referral if interested\nLive your digital life with confidence – start using NordVPN for everyday cybersecurity. Sign up with this link to get up to 3 months free: https://ref.nordvpn.com/XIIpkreDOfY", "The thing is, I am confused whether this some sort bot comment? Cause all the VPN Reddit kept spamming links like this, if this is bot comment that kept advertising means I can't trust Nord so", "Hahaha fair fair. I. Am. Not. A. Bot. Beep beep.\nThere! No more confusion I hope!\nbut serious tho, I used mulvad, express. So far nord works best for me. Oh, do check the VPN subreddit, there's a guy who did a spreadsheet. Can do your own homework", "Is it possible to pay them through wire transfer? I mean I am expecting privacy yes but not to the extend of strict privacy, just want to be protect myself from whoever tryna log in on my account" ], [ "Get Dashlane through your Malaysian Google account. It's RM79 a year vs US$79 on website.", "How good is it compared to bitwarden thou? People kept saying bitwarden is better because it's open source? And free?", "I dunno. You'd have to research yourself. But I've been using Dashlane for 3 years now and am happy with them. I've been using Kaspersky's Internet Security for over 8 years. Have them on all my devices. I use SmartDNS VPN and ExpressVPN. I try not to use free public WiFi opting to use phone data. My VPN isn't even on most of the time. I don't download apk apps.", "Are you taking the 161/year plan? For Kaspersky?" ], [ "Kaspersky Plus is the best, hands down. It also g9ves great anti virus protection!" ], [ "Been using NordVPN for years. Satisfied with the speed and efficiency. Use ShopBack to get cashback. I just renewed my acc ytd" ], [ "Mullvard, no email, no credit card needed too.", "Are using it ? Wait CAN YOU please guide me on how do I make a payment and use their product, I am so confused with account numbers they give, I was planning on mullvad all along", "Yes, I am using it. If you pay in crypto you don't need a card. They give you a unique number you use to login and that's it. I used Bitcoin." ], [ "I'd recommend getting a YubiKey if you're going for 2FA." ], [ "Check the spreadsheet, some vpn can be paid using crpyto" ], [ "You have an active cookie session somewhere with the account still logged in. No password change or MFA could save you.\nGo through you 3rd party connected app and remove all of it.", "Yeah I highly suspect this, I did not have much knowledge on cookies, now I'm clearing it often", "Clearing cookies won't work if they're saved on other website server.", "Wait really? Yeah I lack a lot of knowledge in this, would you please suggest me something about it?", "You just clearing cookies on local machine i.e your device. You can't clear the one saved on 3rd party website server.\nRemove all connected apps from your account.", "Will do, thanks For the suggestion" ], [ "You might have service running in bg that's snooping your local files. Best solution is a hard reset, unless you can identify the sus service" ], [ "Buy yourself a Yubikey because VPN is not going to do anything, also stop re-using passwords and use secure passwords.\nThis would be what one of my passwords look like;\n^d2Z1#:G|(U$~\"+pJU_GH7CSm>k-@]4Xa26l\\}ndvwi2jn$}3V" ], [ "you must have been a major criminal in your past life to get all this karma" ], [ "Yes OP. It was me. I'm just messing with you :p" ], [ "be wary of public wi-fi as well for MITM attacks" ], [ "No point using vpn if you are repeating same password in each of the service, even though its a 100 long password. Best and fool proof is to use unique password for each services, never to repeat them." ], [ "Suggest looking for a service provider. They might be able to find the problem.", "It consultan?", "Yeah. It's easier to troubleshoot when IT guys have physical access to your devices. Need to know root cause if not, will repeat.", "I am already searching for some, don't know where to go yet, yesterday 5am again some dude tried to access my account, even using Chrome webview, this made me extremely paranoid" ] ]
Verifying a Property Agent in Malaysia
For property, I am aware that we can verify them through their REA or REN tag. However, assuming that when we’re only renting rooms from those online ads/FB groups, are those people we’re dealing with 100% a REA or REN as well? If not, who would they be, and how can we verify their eligibility to avoid falling into a renting scam?
[ [ "Those renting out rooms are usually landlord themselves. Hardly any agent want to take the trouble to rent out a room and go thru agency for the paperwork", "In this case is there anyway to safeguard my interest?\nLike landlord would usually ask me to transfer to their personal acc right?\nCuz I am renting a room at Selangor but I won't be there until the move-in date, will be doing virtual viewing and the property management company said if I want the unit after the viewing, I gotta pay a booking fee first so they could keep the unit for me.", "U can pay to landlord directly." ], [ "You can always verify if they are legitimate agents using the LPPEH website, besides that, if the agents ask you to pay a deposit to view, thats typically a scam, another common red flag is if they ask you to pay the booking fee into their personal bank account instead of their agency's client account. Hope this is helpful for you", "Those fb group typically are what we call illegal brokers or just the landlords themselves, if you dont think they are legit ask them to send a business card with their ren tag or number and check via lppeh site", "Assuming they are landlords, what steps should I take to safeguard my interest if they ask me to pay a booking fee first after the viewing for unit keeping until I move-in?" ] ]
From Malaysia to the world: Roti canai shines as the second-best dish worldwide
[ "Food" ]
[ [ "tasteatlas again🙄", "Wait.. didn't \"we\" hate taste atlas last time because it was less than favorable to Malaysian cuisine??", "only if we don't like the result." ], [ "I’m heading to KL from Australia tomorrow. Any recommendations on the best place for roti canai in the city?", "NZ Curry House. View is great, you really can't go wrong with Roti Canai anyway." ], [ "I'm sorry op. i'm downvoting any attempt to viral tasteatlas content." ], [ "*roti prata" ] ]
Kadar dividen ASB dijangka lebih tinggi berbanding 2022
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Oh bloody hell, I've been strip-mining my ASB this year to pay for my house renovations 😢", "monies well spent" ], [ "5% is technically higher than 2022" ] ]
Parliament can legislate to make enticement for sex an offence, says ex-judge
[ "Culture" ]
Former Court of Appeal judge Hishamudin Yunus, however, said legislators must ensure the law does not violate fundamental constitutional rights.
[ [ "Tough" ] ]
'You deserved it', says the King to courteous security guard Yogeswary after medal award
[ [ "Congrats to Ms Yogeswary! Always a shining beacon at Ipoh GH. Full of beaming smile and care and helpful attitude when dealing with the public." ], [ "Congrats to her.\nThe correct observation as many have noted on youtube, is that this lady and genuinely caring people like her should have been police, not just security guard.\nInstead we got useless violent corrupt brutal drug addicts wearing uniforms and killing 17 year olds, raping girls, having drugged hooker parties in kajang station while using tax payer money." ] ]
Tenant’s rights vs landlord’s rights in Malaysia
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "For me, the law is 1 thing, the other is they should make it easier to settle things in a legal manner. Right now, its not only time consuming but also costly which is why landlords prefer to settle things their own way.", "i've had friends have tenants not paying and running away. he was legally locked out of his own property for months, had to wait to get his documentation done before he could access his own property with a police escort to ensure he didnt damage the tenants property.", "It costs about 4k to get that court order to allow landlord to enter the premise. And take month to get it. But sometimes, landlords use a loophole, just do police report claiming he \"suspect something happened\" to the tenants. This will allow police to forcely enter the premise with the landlord without a court order.\nThis is only possible if the tenant just 1 day dont reply messages or dont answer calls. Although some police will go by the book and try to contact the tenant, but most of the time the police actually knows the intention of the landlord and just go along with it.", "Sounds like a good method. Maybe if I have house for rent I should do this if I have a problem with the tenant (hopefully not)" ], [ "They should be as equal as possible" ] ]
Konflik Perang: Rakyat Malaysia perlu sedia hadapi inflasi 2024
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "I thought it already happen:26563:", "different year different war, you cant use same war as excuse for 2 years in a row" ], [ "Already started to give signal there will be another price hike in everything next year, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mana piji? PH jadi kerajaan, harga turun?? All I see is more tax and more expensive." ], [ "Remove subsidy.\nInflation naik.\nEVERYTHING MORE EXPENSIVE.\nEKONOMI MAJU.\nKerajaang Madani~" ] ]
“Malays no longer accept as ‘fated’ incidences of death stemming from police brutality”
[ [ "Don't fear the police they should fear you, we fucking pay taxes for a reason, fucking treat the general public like criminals. Fuck off la.", "In a perfect world, that’s how it should be. But in reality, the police are king here. Glorified gangsters that actually run protection rackets and such.", "That's what happens when rempits graduate to becoming cops.", "Many rempits in here and the Bolehland sub. such is the future of Malaysia.. feels hopeless", "It's always been the case anywhere in the world. You think all those police in the US who attack innocent black citizens were all good, kind, indiscriminate, studious boys while growing up?", "Ikr, I am your boss, know your rights people", "No1 should fear ea other. They should respect ea other instead." ], [ "Licensed mafias what did you expect?", "So Malays are afraid of Malay law enforcers now?\nNons : It doesn’t feel so good now does it", "Just Indians tbh. Police tend to profile when deciding to stop you. As a Chinese who looks middle class, I've rarely been randomly stopped in Malaysia.", "This is true. They value money and class. I heard about other people getting beaten but I was allowed to leave my cell, and come back in the morning before going to the magistrate. Also, allowed outside food, my own cell, and cigarettes. It’s terrible that they think sucking up to higher class people will help them.", "Had a motherfucker stop me at work, and asked for my iC and asked if I have a criminal record. Mother fucker do you job and go check la cunt. Indian means must have criminal record. Twat.", "Muka gangster tak berdosa. I start my job as typical Cinaman hard labour worker...both my kepala definitely ex-gangster, muka tengok jer konfirm gangster come with scar on face, big sizes. Siap ada tatu Maybank tangan kiri Hong Leong Bank kanan...tapi covered lah sebab pakai jaket untuk cover(typical subcon welder/construction worker jacket)\nOur site involved alot project at KL, we're from Klang... So every day I travel up and down from factory to site. KL hari-hari sini sana ada jer roadblock and traffic polis. I have lost count of how many times kena blocked, ask the same shit..ada rekod tak?? full check IC sampai car search when with them but with other all fine....siap one time accident...that mofo who bumped me cursed alot and like wanna cari pasal...then 2 of them come down...\"Ah Beng any problem?!\"\nThat fella straight grab my hand shaked and said sorry bro and bow, said all his fault...he straight take wallet out mintak settel...but actually both of them are pretty nice people, just cari makan albeit is lebih kasarlah.", "Wholesome Ah Beng story", "🤦🤦", "Police got thier training from tong sampah XD", "As a Chinese who looks middle class, I've rarely been randomly stopped in Malaysia\nThat's inaccurate. They will stop you if it's a proper roadblock at a strategic location. Cina = minum = money to pow", "Seconded, even the rate is higher in comparison to other race counterpart. Its verified by my anak polis friend. We kena POW when we're travelling together with another Sabahan...both of them pikachu face when I'm telling how much I kena.", "But in all seriousness though, please don't drink and drive. You'll never know what might happen, and I'm not talking about just roadblocks.", "I don't drink...albeit I'm kapir, only drink due to circumstances. Had to entertain taukeh, prospect or jaga rice bowl...in fact I hated it...but had to drink too.", "See if you try to make using grab a habit. My cousin has to drink for work too, and these last few years he makes it a point to drop his car at home then use grab. Personally I don't need to layan for work, but after totalling my car once without a scratch, I learned my lesson. Anyway, just friendly advice.", "Thx for concern but when I said drink is not drunk drinking....is like social drinking. Anyways just to let you know.", "Still apply the same, especially if the police smell alcohol when talking to you. Better be safe than sorry.\nOr you can just tell your boss or client that you cannot drink anymore because doctor forbid you. People tend to not force you to drink if they heard it's doctor's order.", "So your telling me I can commit crimes willy nilly in Malaysia. White guy.", "Not just that\nYou get better service too\nIt was cringey how much the service staff fawned over us when I went to the same restaurant with my white friend versus without" ], [ "PH should use this as a chance to push for IPCMC", "Finally a spark for it. I wonder if anwar got the ball for it or not. Im quite sure saifuddin don't have the ball.", "PH has corruption problem only few percentage points less than PN.\nJust 1 letter difference.\nHeart of the problem is corruption. If you want to see the actual religion people in power practice, then look there." ], [ "I see a policeman, I clench my asscheeks. No idea why, I do it automatically. Just some irrational fear of police ppl.", "Because they’re here to shake you down, not to protect you. Most policemen I’ve interacted with act like gangsters most of the time, always assuming your guilt before proving anything.", "My neighbour got into a fight with his other neighbour, the penyiasat came in took their statement and everything. Then knock on my door, proceeds to interrogate my mother aggressively. She was traumatised that day, never wanna speak to officers in uniform ever again.", "Yea a lot don’t have people skills. They’re supposed to be serving the community, but just end up intimidating them.", "The trauma of a car accident isn’t from the accident itself but having to deal with the police.", "Next time just film everything if possible.", "I've had a policeman tegur me for not smiling at him during a late night roadblock. But then again i do have a resting bitch face most of the time.", "I see a policeman, I clench my asscheeks.\nUnderstandable reaction, because PDRM is simply the best armed gang in Malaysia. They started off as the colonial enforcement arm, and it's why their main focus is cracking down on social and anti-authoritarian activities.\nThey were not, and are not here to help or assist you if you're just a common person. They're here to keep you in line.\nACAB", "So weird because in theory, clenching your ass relaxes you as it focuses the tension there instead of everywhere.", "Wait, it does? Let me report back after testing", "No don't clench your ass for me wtf.", "CLENCH. Squeeze your anus. Squeeeeeeze", "So how was it?", "Instructions not clear. I sprained my right butt-muscles.", "It feels exactly like all the times I've taken a dump but then realised there's no toilet paper, and I need to briefly wear my pants to crab-walk to the next cubicle.", "Tbh, I don’t really understand when I grew up in my hometown. Going outside I realise what ACAB means. AACAB is more accurate though as there are police that works for the people (maybe I grew up in hometown that have good police officers that I have bias).", "same.", "Ikr, ingrained from childhood\nElders used to say behave or else the police will catch you" ], [ "I will never trust any policemen in my life. The civil servants in Malaysia having wrong mindset of not serving ppl but screwing ppl instead." ], [ "The were OK with it as long as the victim were non-Malays, specially immigrants. The problem with this approach is that once it becomes the norm, the police force starts feeling conformable extending this attitude to the ethnic majority.\nThat is why there is the saying: \"When some groups have no rights, in reality no one does\"", "Yeah so many Indians died in custody but all covered up by these state sanctioned gangsters. ACAB.", "ACAB ✊🏼", "The moment I see someone write the words ACAB i just send their opinion straight into the trash. Nothing says critical thinking like painting a whole group as bad guys, sure is nice when everything is so simple yeah?", "Nothing says critical thinking like painting a whole group as bad guys, sure is nice when everything is so simple yeah?\nSo saying Nazi were bad guys, or Al Qaeda were bad guys means you send my opinion to the trash? Dare I say HAMAS killing civilians means they are not exactly nice people?\nThe heart of the issue is that Malaysia has a serious problem with babicops gone bad and you don't see non-babicops trying to fix the problem. That's what OP is saying. But please feel free to express your opinion in support of a group with track record of murdering 17 year olds, raping women during MCO, having drug fueled sex parties with hookers in the station in Kajang and murdering as and when they want with no IPCMC.", "Equating police to a genocidal army or a terrorist group means your opinion isn't that solid anyways. If they're as bad as you say the cops would be the one doing mass shootings and genociding people. But that isn't happening isn't it?", "But that isn't happening isn't it?\nBut I guess you didn't read the title of this thread?", "Nice goalpost moving. You're the one that tied the police to extremist group. Now show me exactly where, the police conducted a mass extermination of people of a certain race/religion", "You wrote: \"Nothing says critical thinking like painting a whole group as bad guys\".\nWhat goalpost you built there? lol", "I made a statement. A statement saying that painting a whole group as bad guys is low IQ. You engaged my statement and when I asked for proof, you're the one that deflect and making excuses. All you have to do is proof me wrong with evidence and you can't even do something that simple", "A statement saying that painting a whole group as bad guys is low IQ.\nI pointed out that Al Qaeda is bad guys.\nI pointed out that ISIS is bad guys.\nAre they not a whole group that are bad guys? Am I low IQ now according to you sir?\nwhen I asked for proof, you're the one that deflect and making excuses\nNo sir, I already answered your question but perhaps your IQ is so haigh you can't see my answer.", "source?", "You can Google the cases that are actually reported, but here’s a vice article for you.", "you cant be fair and say \"so many indians died in custody but all covered up\" but there were also chinese prisoner and malay prisoner died in custody without a statement from PDRM. how many is your \"so many\" compared to other races?\nanyway, i dont want anyone to play race card here. nonetheless, there are people died under the police's watch and that shows police officers can get away with the law regardless of the race of the victim.", "Because Indians are already the most marginalised group in Malaysia? It’s not a contest btw, of course not every case is reported, but it’s disproportionately Indians who are targeted by cops.\nI’ve seen many times, just going back from futsal with friends at night, it’s always my Indian friends who get stopped and questioned by the police when we all left the same place together.\nI mean we can agree that ACAB.", "From what I've seen of the main 3 races yeah indians get the short end of the stick.\nOrang asli bumiputras I think have it the worse statistically. Like 90% poverty rate iirc.\nI'd argue most marginalized group in Malaysia is non Malay bumiputra and low skilled immigrants.\nAt the end of the day it ain't some opression Olympics and we should implement policies that will benefit Malaysians and basic human rights for all regardless of nationality.", "Indians are the African-American of Malaysia. Most of them live worse than everyone else. Poorest community in Malaysia also comes from Indian. I think there is some initiative proposed by PM to uplift their status.", "Because Indians are already the most marginalized group in Malaysia?\nYou, trying to recycle basic BLM talking point, years after BLM was proven to be a wide fraud with vague social justice flavoring, says more about you than it does about your cause....", "What are you even on about? BLM is BLM. Just because you deny the reality that Indians face doesn’t mean it’s not true.", "With you comparing this to BLM shows your mindset already.", "This sort of mental gymnastics only shows up when the victim doesn't belong to the two majorities, more so if its Indians.", "bro missed the plot", "claims not to want to play race card\nmakes everything about race", "Malay problem = national problem\nChinese problem = racial problem\nWhen it's an Indian problem = no problem", "Trust this sub to turn this into racial issue too", "everything is racial if you are racist enough.", "True.. And will be proven by the downvotes we get later haha", "lmao i just typed \"source?\" and they downvoted me? just a bunch of jokers acting like they have the power from the downvote button when they missed the fucking plot.", "Am I the only one who read the article? The lawyer didn't claim Malays don't care about police brutality towards other races.\nThe lawyer and blogger said that other races had always been not afraid to go to court to fight police brutality and Malays always seem to be forgiving even when they happened to Malays themselves.", "U know how it is. 90% is headline readers only", "90% is racist headline readers*", "First they come for you, then they come for me.", "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.\nThen they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.\nThen they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.\nThen they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.", "Become blue ethnicity is it", "Devil's Advocate, were they OK with it, by actively claiming its 'Fated' or they just sorta ignore it? Human's have a finite amount of empathy before we breakdown.\nSo I can sorta understand why." ], [ "Biggest gangster : The police\nBiggest thief : The gov\nBiggest liar : The politician\n/s incase some moron report my comment :26554:", "how did u make the frog meme appear.??" ], [ "It’s actually ridiculous. I wanted to pursue legal action against my ex girlfriend and was advised I had a strong case. However, the police told me they have called her and they will go to her house to arrest her in the morning. Then my lawyer pulled me to the side and told me that if she is arrested she will 100% be raped as an Indian girl. He then said it is best to pursue this in the UK and avoid the law in Malaysia.\nI hated that girl but I want justice, not for her to be raped or beaten. Just for the police to do their job in a respectful way. It’s very frustrating that I had to use Irish and UK courts to get an arrest warrant for her in Australia just to get true justice when it could just be sorted out with Malaysian police now :/.\nTerrible service and it should honestly be abolished. I tried to report the corruption and my lawyer said that reporting police to police is the worst idea and would have landed me in serious trouble if it wasn’t for my UK/US/European citizenship/naturalisation. It’s so stupid as a foreigner I am treated better than the locals…", "What did your ex do?" ], [ "I know it sounds insane, but I'm glad that the police is not Indian/Chinese. It can get very ugly between race if the police is not a Malay.", "but I'm glad that the police is not Indian/Chinese. It can get very ugly between race\nYou know the saddest damn thing about any incidents like this, including road accidents, theft/robberies and other related crimes, is that this is the first thought most non-Malays have as well.", "Exactly my first thought when I saw the video. I was hoping the policeman was not Chinese/ Indian otherwise there would be an uproar.\nSad that this is something we have to worry about tho.", "Well, gomen positions are mostly held by bumis anyway. IIRC there's a quota of how many nons can be in a sector.", "Yup, and thats why its easier for non Bumi to enter the government sector. Especially the police and military.", ">implying non bumis WANT to enter.\nFriends of mine, chinese, has a kid who joined the airforce. He made captain in 2 years because the quotas force promotions of non-malay. Captain is a 5-10 years position normally.\nThat's the other side of the coin. Maybe you should join those instead of desperately trying to get underpaid in the private sector by some chinese boss who needs to squeeze you to buy his 3rd \"import white car tinted window\".\ninb4 some blabla about race\nI'm not local.", "Who is that? Im in military also but unless his kid are graduated from ALK, its quite impossible to get Capt in just 2 years from PBT. Yea in our KKD, we do get Capt in just 3 years", "Or is he a PKDT?", "There are no quota according to public service committee but it happens to be all departments, not most, but all departments happened to have majority Malay. Coincidence.", "You don't think the government would... lie, would you?", "Quota does exist.", "wanna enter mrsm or boarding school also got quota dude obviously it’s gonna be more prevalent for work places, coincidence my ass", "Yeah when I see this blow up and get reposted everywhere, my first impression is \"Wow this police sucks how can school safely let them go around in school now\"\nbut my second impression is \"is it non malay police, why this is such a big news\",yeah you not the only one." ], [ "When they came for the foreigners, I didn't speak up because why should I? I'm the rightful heir of this land and not some dirty foreigner.\nWhen they came for the Cina and India, I didn't speak up because why should I? They are pendatangs and are getting what they deserved.\nWhen they came for me, for us, no one spoke up for me. Because there was no one left.", "Hear hear. Such grotesque injustice" ], [ "They initially targeted the non malays and the majority just kept quiet. Now they are going after them. Such is life.\nFirst they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.\nThen they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.\nThen they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Jew.\nThen they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." ], [ "The police in Malaysia are absolutely shocking. I can’t believe they’re allowed to operate." ], [ "ACAB fuck the popo. They are the biggest group of gangsters and con men here." ], [ "I chuckled a little when I thought of all the \"apa boleh buat, dah takdir, keinginan Tuhan, etc\" I've read in the past but now suddenly this doesn't apply.\nI'll share one such similar incident though - someone I know has been lying in a coma for over a week now, possibly never waking up, all because a rempit grab rider who does not have insurance and license was, according to many eyewitnesses in broad daylight, speeding in an extremely busy road, crashed into 2 cars and somehow the bike flung and hit the victim's head, cracking his skull. I'd like to see his family members come and tell the victim's family to accept it as \"fated, itu semua kemahuan Tuhan\". I don't need to name ethnicities but you could probably guess if they were reversed, all hell could break loose a la Sam Ke Ting." ], [ "Am I the only one who read the article? The lawyer didn't claim Malays don't care about police brutality towards other races.\nThe lawyer and blogger said that other races had always been not afraid to go to court to fight police brutality, and Malays always seem to be forgiving even when they happen to be Malay themselves. He commented that only recent Malays wouldn't take shit anymore.", "Keluarga remaja maut terkena tembakan polis dapat ganti rugi RM1.5 juta\nThis one occurred in 2010 so it's not only recently. Weird narrative from this so-called veteran journalist.", "It's crazy who you think that one instance would mean all Malay families would go to court. A lot Malays couldn't afford paying legal fees and a lot would forgo legal routes.", "You're missing my point. I'm not denying that compared to other races, Malays have a lower tendency to take legal recourse. I'm questioning the article's narrative: \"THE passive Malay community who tends to respect (fear) the police have started to change...\". How can the writer conclude that there is a shift of Malay attitude towards police from one case? More so when such a case had been brought to court before.", "How can the writer conclude that there is a shift of Malay attitude towards police from one case?\nBecause we all know that when we see a swallow, it's summer ady.", "Yeah. I think most of us would have an idea of how much it would cost to go see a doctor for flu say. Does anyone knows how much it would be on average to go see a lawyer for .. i donno .. why would you go see a lawyer? Sounds expensive /s", "It's a well known fact. Don't side step it", "ITT: idiots getting on their soapboxes after getting a hardon reading the title." ], [ "dah kena badan sendiri baru nak melatah. let this be the wake up call" ], [ "Ice Cube: Fuck the police mp3" ], [ "Im just sorry for police who really want to to service for the nation. Cant imagine their stress knowing all this shit happening around them." ], [ "Wait, since when are we anti-cops? I though that shit was specific to the US...\nIf anything the reason I would hate a cops is how strict they are...like damn I told you I didn't noticed my backlight was out, don't give me a ticket", "You are one of the lucky ones who has not experienced police shakedown.", "The Popo is never here to protect you.", "Yea lol. They're there to keep records, mostly. They're not your friends. So protect yourself. Don't think a 999 call will solve everything.", "Redditors have an issue with authority, colour me surprised", "Previously in Ipoh right before entering toll to highway, I was stopped by a police without roadblock, and he requested for my driving license, IC. I ask him “encik kenapa stop kereya saya?” He told me to stfu and be respectful. Then proceed to ask me who is in my car, where am i from, where am i going. All the while I’m not even sure if he’s an actual policeman." ], [ "" ], [ "Just wanna say that most of policemen I have met are good people, sometimes a little bit rough but still kind.\nWhat happened here is a rare case, it just so happened that he represented the police.\nBut due to my race, I think many here will care not about my opinion." ], [ "ACAB" ] ]
Nik Nazmi: Congestion charges being mulled to make KL sustainable
[ [ "Indirect congestion charge = parking fees in the city centre.\nLet market forces decide." ], [ "It would be justifiable to implement congestion charges once the alternative (public transport) has been developed well enough. Get all the train lines completed, have enough park and ride facilities in these stations, a functional bus network and then we talk on a congestion charge", "To be fair he was proposing this as part of prasarana’s public transport roadmap. So he’s talking far in the future when public transport becomes more reliable.\nI suspect a mix of carrot and stick need to be introduce in stages as our bus system wont be able to hit reliable frequencies if its stuck in jams, so some level of stick policies are needed to reduce the congestion so that more buses can be introduced.", "What roadmap? Hasn't the MRT3 circle line been shelved or pushed further back? I feel like PMX didn't care on public transports." ], [ "Why not encourage companies to work from home more?", "Because that would mean the office blocks would no longer be able to get renters ergo less income for the buildings' owners.", "Same with other \"support\" businesses like restaurants which depend on the daily traffic of people to remain in business.", "because encouraging WFH will then reduces the worth & value of commercial properties. And companies that usually force RTO do so because its easier to control employees physically as compared to virtually.", "Yes this", "Then they'll just outsource to Indians who WFH in India." ], [ "Yes pls!! Long overdue!" ], [ "What about doing Local Elections? Having real KL people adress KL issues. Wahlao these ppl mah. KL needs Local elections. Appointed ppl tend to be lazy since they have safety net of political affiliation" ], [ "I live in Rawang. We only have KTM as public transportation..\nAny minister that comes up with stupid ideas like these should be made to take ktm to work for one month.. Stupid cunts", "But KL people mostly use LRT and MRT which is more reliable than KTM though...", "Lrt and mrt doesn't come to rawang", "Why not park and ride at MRT Sg Buloh ?", "How do I get to mrt sg buloh? Need to drive also leh. Ktm frequency is every hour packed like sardines", "And often trains scheduled to come didn't come at all.", "So to go to Rawang KTM no need drive?", "He probably live near enough he didn't need to drive. My sister lives in shah alam and she could just take the Selangor free bus to the station or walk. It's like 200 meters from her house.", "Mrt has almost always been reliable. 5 mins during peak period, 10 minutes off peak", "Devil's advocate - stay closer to your workplace.", "Working on it", "Lots of monyet here, rich narcissist monyet specifically, who are ready to pay more to enjoy traffic jam free drive into KL themselves.\nThey don't care if the people living in the city got a hit with higher cost of living.", "Yeah man.. Im quite surprised many think our public transportation is 1st class.. Maybe mrt is good. But lrt is hell during rush hour.. But for me, KTM, I don't even know where to begin 😅🤣", "No one asked you to live in Rawang.", "My parents choice, not me. Saving up to move to another place", "Go rent somewhere closer laa dei. Hendak seribu daya bro" ], [ "Or how about we just remove fuel subsidies? That’ll throw a spanner into things but surely less people will drive if fuel costs a lot more.", "Not really fair to those states that doesn't really have public transports like in Klang Valley.", "Just so you know EU cap their gas price too." ] ]
Zaliha to discuss local council election with Nga - Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Federal Territories) Dr Zaliha Mustafa said discussions on a proposal to revive the local council election would be held with Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming.
[ [ "I actually pitty this zaleha. Heading moh surely brought alot of headache for her. FT minister should be less demanding. Can relax abit, but then this issue comes up just a few days after becoming minister." ] ]
Should I get TIME WiFi?
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
Hello, I live on the 8th floor and I am planning to switch my WiFi to TIME and was wondering if its worth it? I've read a lot of good things about it but also some people said that they have a lot of spikes and random disconnections and that its not worth it (they dont live the same place as I do). I'm very conflicted.
[ [ "Always get TIME if it's available.", "I've used TIME in 3 different locations so far over the course of 8 years (Penang, Gombak, and Petaling)\nI think I only had issues 2-3 times (unavailability due to cable damages once, others are latency spikes).\nAbove is what you should adhere when shopping for home Internet subscription. They are better than Unifi currently." ], [ "If you plan to get Time, there is a group open on fb for owners looking for ownership transfer. Most of them want to move out but contract is still going on. To avoid penalty, they offer anyone who wants to adopt the account by giving some free months or cheaper rate for certain amount of months. Not many will go for this option but I personally don’t see any catch adopting from old account (most owners will pay the relocation fee for you), it will save cost a little bit.", "Bro! Why haven't I found this piece of advice?! I've got a RM500 penalty I'm stuck with. Fuck!", "Because you didn’t post this on Reddit 😂😂😂 this is the advice I always give others when they want to cut their internet", "This. I was one of the owners who tried to transfer my ownership months ago as my new place (landed) does not fall under the coverage. Some owners will cover the transfer fee for you, and you also don't get tied down with a 2-year contract. It's a win-win situation.", "And what happens if that dude don't pay for your TIME plan later?", "What do you mean? Once the ownership is transferred, the new owner will be responsible for the plan. The previous owner will also need to pay off any outstanding amount before they can transfer the ownership.\nsource: https://timeinternet.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/33000269968-how-to-transfer-ownership-of-account-\nEdit: Salah grammar", "Oh I thought you only transfer place without changing old owner. Just that new owner needs to pay for old owner's plan. If we can change the owner too then that's fine.", "Besides FB, there's a forum on Lowyat for that too. That was how I took over someone else's Time ownership. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tie myself to a 24-month contract plan, hence I did the ownership transfer.", "The name will still be under the person who offered you, right? Sounds abit like \"Sambung bayar\"....", "I think the name will be under yours because its a ownership transfer..." ], [ "Short answer: yes\nLong answer: yesssssssssssssssssssss" ], [ "If your building got TIme... don;t waste your time asking us. GET IT. NOW. hahahahaha....\noh my exp using it... only 3 time connection problem in my 8 years of used.", "three times in two months for me. guess it’s area dependent.\nedit: we’re talking close to eight hours downtime each time too" ], [ "It's the best of the worst." ], [ "TIME > everything else.\nIts just that legendary. You'll absolutely regret not getting TIME." ], [ "I’m planning to get TIME in my new condo when it’s ready and available , but may I know what makes TIME better (or godly) compare to other internet providers? I’m not a tech geek so probably wouldn’t understand but from what I gathered , it seems like the internet speed is way faster ? Am I right ?", "TIME better (or godly)\n100 x times more stable compare to Unify, at least you wont need to face Unify CS", "Yes this. Been using time and will never get back to unifi for their lousy services.\nMove to KL Midvalley area and constantly get internet issues (lagging and disconnect). Move to PJ and switch to time. My housemate can binge watch netflix and download while i play online games without issues or high latency problem like unifi.", "Register 500mb, it gives 250mb in the morning, 50mb at night, and it frequently goes down. Every time it is near its due date, it begins to disconnect frequently and poor internet connection, as if to remind you to pay on time.", "Sweet , thanks ! Does router play a role in terms of internet speed btw ? Or it doesn’t matter and I can use the one TIME supplies ?", "Sweet , thanks ! Does router play a role in terms of internet speed btw ? Or it doesn’t matter and I can use the one TIME supplies ?\nDepend on the size of your condo and layout, such as dead column etc.\nOriginal supplier has no issue so far, but depend on which model some will overheat, so i change to ASUS + Mesh.\nSo in the end is depend on your requirement, you may use the original first if u found a dead column might need to change the place or router or with Mesh.\nBelow Picture some sample.\n<image>", "Yes router matters", "Way faster at a slightly lower cost. I definitely prefer TIME" ], [ "Yes. The random disconnections may vary tho. Doesn't happen very often in my experience. 2-3 times in the past year if I recall. Fixed very soon too." ], [ "Yes. I moved from Unifi to Time and it was the best decision." ], [ "Used TIME for 4 years. Every 2 years they replace my modem. I have had a grand total of 2 service disruptions. One of those happened on a Sunday, fixed in under 2 hours. One of those happened on a working day so I wouldn't even have known if I hadn't gotten an sms telling me so sorry, got disruption, we will fix ASAP.\nBruh. Get TIME. You will not regret it." ], [ "TIME definitely superior than Unify" ], [ "If TIME is available, take it." ], [ "If you are looking for TIME wifi without the contract can DM me, I’m moving out soon and my contract is almost over, won’t be staying in apartment or high rise buildings anymore" ], [ "I already tried Time, Unifi and Maxis. All at the same location. Maxis is the worst, close second is Unifi and the best by far is Time. It's cheaper, very low downtime, and symmetrical upload/download speeds." ], [ "Time is great, i used it 2 years back then, so far no issues" ], [ "I went from using TIME to UNIFI (moved to a landed house), in short, UNIFI sucks balls.. and I just couldn't figure out why that is. TIME has to handle more traffic as it serves a freaking condo but I very rarely have issues with it. I have issues with UNIFI daily and that is all while I sit beside the freaking router.." ], [ "My experience with time has been great… had like maybe two downtimes in the last 3 years which were resolved pretty quickly" ], [ "In terms of random disconnections, I think every ISP has it. But the plus with TIME is that they always communicate. When i experienced disconnection issues I always received an SMS before I even think of contacting them, with the approximation of how long it will take (which usually settled before then)" ], [ "I have all 3 ISPs, TIME is worth it. The basic/lower packages is good enough for most people." ], [ "Definitely worth it. Ive had 0 downtime this year in kelana jaya" ], [ "Hell fking yeah" ], [ "Absolutely, switched to TIME from UNIFI a couple of years ago and have been a satisfied user so far. But there’s word on the street that there’ll be new pricing announcement in Jan 2024, perhaps you would want to wait a little bit?" ], [ "100% recommended. Been using Time for the last 4 years. Can count the number of outages on one hand. They’re pretty good at communicating if there’s a problem. Just wish it was available at landed properties", "They are. I'm in Penang. My taman and other nearby taman has coverage. I see them working in another area right now. Their con for landed is that, the infrastructure are along the drain instead of poles, faster deployment but risk of vandalisme." ], [ "Yeah time is good using it with no big issues, yeah of course there was time that it suffers some downtime but rarely happens and 99% of the time it's reliable" ], [ "What everyone said, can close thread 😂 enjoy your new internet" ], [ "Comparing with Unifi, Time is more cost efficient. Even with the wifi speed upgrade this year by unifi, you get more speed with Time.\nE.g. 300mbps for RM 129/month with Unifi, but you get 500mbps with Time for the same amount." ], [ "Used unifi, then time, then maxis. Unifi modem kept dying every year, time was super stable, rarely disconnected in the 3 years I used it. Changed to maxis cos they offered to make my mobile data unlimited if I took maxis WiFi. Regret lol, modem disconnects every few days", "how about digi fiber? have use it yet?", "Not yet, still stuck in maxis 36 months contract, another 2 years lol. If I do change, it would be back to TIME.", "where your location anyway? i mean city center or the suburb ?\nfor suburban area , TM always win then others ISP", "Kota damansara, considered suburbs I guess", "still city center , many options can choose\nif you stay , let says paya jaras for example... 4g modem with sim card is better option" ], [ "The speed is immaculate, we changed from Unifi to Time and omg it's never let us down (not even rainy seasons)", "time is riding on unifi as backbone ? no ?", "All of them under TM bro, but it's just somehow better", "TIME isn't under TM. Other ISPs are under TM, TIME and TNB Allo. If TIME is under TM, they would have coverage for anywhere that has TM. TM, TIME etc provides the infrastructure(fibre). The other ISPs on their infrastructure manage the internet stuff, if they suck at that, it'll be bad. TM is also known to slowdown users from other ISPs on their network.", "Damn thanks for the info and correction man, I didn't fact check and just asked my bf lol", "It's all good" ], [ "I get a major decrease in bandwidth when WFH using the company's VPN. Wondering if any Time users here happen to have the same issue?\nI'm on 300Mbps (City Broadband) and the download speeds on VPN are 30x slower, while upload speeds averaged 10x slower\nI know what you might think, it's natural to get slower speeds using a VPN, but I never got super slow speeds with Unifi, and that was on a 100Mbps ADSL line\nWhat I'm trying to get at is, if I really can boost my VPN speeds with Time, then of course I would go for it except I still have 1.5 years on contract", "Without knowing the workings of your VPN nobody can answer your question, unless they are using TIME and also using your company’s VPN aka a colleague.", "Was hoping to see if generally Time users get better VPN speeds, but I guess it's a really long shot" ], [ "Yes OP just go for it, but TIL ownership transfer" ], [ "Time is hands down the best internet service provider in Malaysia. Cheapest rate, extremely fast speeds, and most importantly, near 0% downtime." ], [ "First month was really awkward because i have consistent high speed connection without need to reset my router on daily basis" ], [ "TIME is not a WiFi provider. They're an ISP.\nTechnically aside, TIME is reliable thus far." ], [ "I'm currently using Time and have been using it for over a year. Only once did I experience a downtime because they were doing some servicing and we were properly informed about it beforehand. Otherwise, I definitely have a better experience with Time compared to Unifi and Maxis. If I remember correctly, I was initially paying around RM105 (including 6% service tax) for 100Mbps. I also had to pay some extra for relocation fees as I was taking over ownership of someone else's plan instead of the typical way of registering for a new plan. At that time, I wasn't sure about my living arrangements, so I didn't really want to tie myself to a 24-months contract, so i did the ownership transfer. Later, i got an offer from Time to upgrade to 300Mbps with a discount, so now i'm paying around RM113 (incl tax) for that upgrade." ], [ "of late there has been regular disconnections and spikes.. not sure if this only happened to me or this whole area.. it could have been worse with other providers.. but overall the service is great..been using for years." ], [ "Time is the best" ] ]
How do you quit vaping?
I'm one of those who got into vaping by trying to quit smoking - which has actually worked and I now can't even stand being around smokers because I can't take the smell anymore. I really want to quite vaping now because I really doubt there are any benefits to it. I have tried and I'd say quitting vaping is sooo much harder than quitting smoking. Has anyone here managed to quit vaping and how did you do it?
[ [ "I smoked for 16 years and finally decided to quit in 2018 and I did it cold turkey. I did consider switching to vaping but that's swapping your flat tayar with another flat tayar. Substitutes will always create another kind of dependence so I would do it cold turkey.\nOn a side note, I've never vaped. Does it feel like cigs and equally addicting?", "Yeap equally addicting. Blame the nicotine. I dare say Vape is worse because if you were a casual smoker, vaping can be done more easily since no smell and some places indoors are okay with it. End up vaping more than smoking which increases the addiction.\nExhibit A, me.", "Exhibit B, me.\nBut i tend to respect indoors even if its okay to vape", "Respectable. I completely avoid it in front of children thats for sure.", "I thought the point of vaping is to maintain the habit without nicotine?", "Different people different objective.\nMine was to not smell like cigarettes.\nOthers was to try to soft quit.\nThen there are those who only vape but hate smoking.\nList goes on.", "Instead of an ashtray flavour, you get some fruit loops.\nI've had breast milk flavour and it's a scam.", "You would only know if you remember/ tasted breast milk in your sentient years though?", "Preggo wife ;D", "Fair point taken" ], [ "Remove the nicotine from your vape?\nInstead of sweet strawberry flava use bitter gourd?\nJust get family and friends to help isolate you for a week with no vape or ciggy?", "This. Switch to zero nicotine flavours to trick your mind into thinking its still getting nicotine. Over time, the chemical withdrawal goes away and you're just left with a habit not an addiction." ], [ "25 year smoking habit and 3 year vaping habit in between. Quit cold turkey September 2022. Was grumpy for a couple of weeks, but saw it through. Just gotta hang on and let your body normalize functioning without nicotine." ], [ "I just quit vaping for 3 weeks, and ongoing!\nSugar-free candy, such as Fisherman's Friend, lemon flavour is your best friend. I get it, whenever after eating a meal or doing any tiresome chores, we have the urge to vape. That will happen often when quitting.\nIf you are determined to quit, buy a few packets of this sugar-free candy and keep it in your purse/wallet/travelling bag. Every time you have the urge to vape, suck those candies! It helps a lot! Still craving? Take another candy until you feel the urge disappear. Do this for one week and I can guarantee you, you feel better when you realise the cravings gets more controllable. Keep doing this with the candy until you have no more cravings for vape!\nGoodluck!", "This, 21 days habit rule, have a try! Will get better day by day." ], [ "Nicorette gum.", "So now you addicted to the gum?", "No.", "I’ve tried this too, but it made me burp so much and just overall made me feel so weird. Maybe I’ll try again 🥲", "get the nicotine patch then.", "Do you stop chewing when you get the kick?" ], [ "Look up Allen Car How to Quit Smoking on Google. Changed my life when I quit vaping and smoking at the same time (sadly used to do both)\nAlso read up r/quitvaping" ], [ "I went from smoking to vaping to smoking to iqos to vaping then stop since september.\nI would say switching to 0% nicotine juice helps alot", "Where do you get 0% nicotine juice from?", "I used to get mine from relx but then they have stop producing. Their watermelon and another flavor have 0% but not much people knew about it.\nBut yea i guess i have to thank relx for helping me to quit smoking for good." ], [ "Change of lifestyle. Seriously. Go do sport or sumtin", "I workout everyday already and eat decently healthy. Quitting vaping is literally the last thing on my list to get even ‘healthier’.", "Well...yeah.. I do have friends who still vaping while active in sports. Honestly it is quite hard and I can only wish you good luck bro" ], [ "Create a new addiction. Maybe chewing gum or something" ], [ "I just do cold turkey. Deal with the headache and migraine for a month or two and you'll be good" ], [ "Go for medical check up and let the doctor know you vape. At least thats how i quit smoking. Fear of death." ], [ "Just go cold turkey. That's what I did. And if you end up vaping again. Go cold turkey again. Repeat until it works. I stopped vaping cold turkey during new years and am so surprised at how I left that lifestyle behind." ], [ "That's kinda hard if you already addicted to vaping but if you really want to stop vaping you can try this\nTry to reduce the vaping like today i will only vaping 3 time only then another week or tomorrow i try to vape 2 times only try to put limit to vaping\nYou can also try to replace the vaping activities with other activities like going to gym or walking or idk play games.\nIt's might kinda hard to stop if you already addicted to it but that's the only way and if you can, try to consult someone you trust and tell them to gaslighting you if they see you vaping. Dont use harsh gaslighting use soft gaslighting like \"wei tak elok la vape tu nanti awek tak suka kang habis\" macam tu" ], [ "My friend visited me when I was admitted at ward. He then saw a 16? years old boy with tube on his neck for breathing which was cause by vape. He stopped immediately after. He told me, he know about it and saw it on the internet but didn't think much about it. Took him a face to face encounter to realised how dangerous and painful that is...", "16 year old?? damm..... must be something in the vape juice that triggered a reaction, like that kid who was playing with his own vomit after trying vape", "Yeah sounds more like vaping CBD. That’s usually the cause of ppl ending up in hospital from what I’ve read" ], [ "Tbe simple answer, just stop. Cold turkey.\nHowever this requires considerable will power to combat cravings and break associated habits.\nThe first few weeks are hardest whilst nicotine leaves your system. After that its just unlearning the negative associated habits.\nI quit in 2010 after smoking for bout 6 years.\nThe hardest parts for me was habits, i.e wtf do i do with my morning coffee? Wtf do i do after a meal? Wtf do i do now with my spare hand whilst out drinking? Etc .", "Yes exactly. I vape a lot in my spare time. How did you ‘fill those gaps’ then?? I already workout daily, and eat generally OK. But I realise I vape a lot when I spend time on my phone, when I’m stressed at work (because I WFH)." ], [ "Not sure if they still sell the flavour with zero nicotine or 5 % nicotine nowadays then Get icy or menthol flavour because you can get almost the same feeling with Vicks inhaler (the small blue tubular things that people use).\nThen alternate.\n1 normal puff 4 Vicks.\nThen slowly decrease.\nNow 5 year smoke free" ], [ "saw THAT vapenash video and think: \"is this how i look to other people?\". straight away stop" ], [ "although many smokers believed that vaping is a better alternative to smoking cigs, in the larger scale of things, the difference is like comparing jumping off the 32nd floor and jumping off 30th floor.\nLotsa vaping industries are pushing the agenda that vaping is SAFE with the intention of luring never-smoke before people to start vaping. If you are a cig smoker and you change to vaping, it may have some benefits but if you are a non-smoker and you start vaping, it is bad.\nEven with vapes that doesn't have nicotine, it is not safe also. Vaping is a new thing and thus we don't fully know the effects it may have on health as usually these things will only occur after long term use. One disease however that starts to be documented is this thing called evali. Do look into that.\nHow to stop vaping? Prevent yourself from accessing the device. I think the reason why you may find quitting vaping is much harder than smoking because of how easily accessible it is. The device can fit into any pocket and you can just simply take a puff even in areas where smoking is prohibited; something that can't be done for cigs. Just throw your device away." ], [ "Have you tried IQOS?\nIts not a better alternative but at least less tar and no popcorn lungs", "Not a fan of the smell. Smells like fart 😆" ], [ "Start smoking crack", "Start sucking dick" ], [ "I quit by going back to Dunhill red." ], [ "Look in the mirror and see how dumb vaping looks. Should get you to quit in no time!" ], [ "By never even starting", "Thx for the non advice" ], [ "Only buy disgusting flavours. This made me associate vaping with a bad taste lol.", "Reverse psychology 😂😂\nBut that would only make me want to buy the nice flavours then. How la" ], [ "I quit vaping cause of the shitty taste, took up tobacco rolling and its better" ], [ "vape naish y'all" ], [ "Have you tried breathing fresh air?" ], [ "Keep your mind strong and go for it. Just be determined and disciplined on quitting. Rely on yourself and no other substitutes. You can do it." ], [ "Dont hangout with those who vape or smoke if you are really serious about it" ], [ "You can't do it if you don't have an ecig and stay away from people who do. It just is impossible to vape without vaping tools" ], [ "Just stop, put the vape in the trash. If you see a vape in a store or something. dont say just one suck and its over, you will fall deeper. Dont keep a vape in your house, avoid friends who vape for awhile until you are certain you have successfully quit it." ], [ "i don’t vape but smoke because vape taste like shit" ], [ "To quit Vaping 101 in Malaysia.\nFollow mufti fatwa that vaping is HARAM!", "Too bad I’m not Muslim. Also 3/4 of vape sellers are Malay/Muslim soooooooooo" ] ]
Kit Siang agrees with Dr M over non-Malay PM debacle
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "I also agree that both of them should just quit and retire in peace." ], [ "oh the planets have aligned. prepare the blood sacrifice.\n/s\nserious lah, is this a worthwhile debacle. aiyo.", "yeet them both into the volcano" ], [ "Just keep quiet la if you have nothing constructive to say.\nLKS and LGE are both huge burdens to DAP.", "It is constructive towards the malay" ], [ "huh?:26554:" ] ]
Things to do at Starhill (Bukit Bintang)
Hello fellow monyets, Around early January, I want to go and walk around Starhill and have fun there. First thing I want to do is to visit the basement at Pavilion for car spotting exotic cars, but after that, what should I do? Any recommended places to get food, cafe spots and any good photo spots? Anything in particular that I should do? Keep in mind that I will only be there for a day. Thanks.
[ [ "Friday - Sunday is the best time to go there car spotting as i have went on weekdays there are not much.\nAs for other things to do:\nThere is a new book store at Starhill Gallery. Forgotten the name but they have a place to sit and drink coffee\nPavilion has some nice food and cafe to chill but its quite noisy\nLot 10 has great Japanese food on the top floor but its quite pricey. On the lower floor, its has much cheaper and can get local cuisine" ], [ "Visit miniature Malaysia at sg wang.\nbasque cheese cake at isetan lot 10\nindoor go kart (not sure still there, google to confirm)\ndamascus sharwma\nvisit trx mall (take mrt to trx station), at trx have kanbe ramen (non halal).\nat night, hangout at one of the bars at tengkat tong sing." ], [ "what do you like?\na. Do you like books? Eslite is a nice place to chill. Sometimes has performance too.\nb. I like going to Hutong to makan.\nc. I like dondon donki. it's smaller and less impressive than SG's donki but still nais.\nd. i enjoy going to look at luxury bags and wallets at pavi" ] ]
An Ipsos survey has revealed that two thirds or 76% of Malaysians have encountered scams.
Only 48% of 1,000 respondents reported the scams to authorities, and 12% did not take any action. The study also highlights phone calls and WhatsApp as top platforms for scams.
[ [ "Probably 100 percent lol" ], [ "Just got a scam call yesterday, got tired of the annoying robotic voice" ] ]
Failure to recycle cost Malaysia RM291m in 2023 alone, says SWCorp
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "My company so gah promote the green yellow tong sampah\nAsk the makcik cleaner where she recycle\nShe directly say \"all same plastic, company letak tong but no place to recycle pun\"" ] ]
Man suspected of hacking woman to death before jumping off Penang Bridge
[ [ "Where are all these murderers coming from??? Did someone leave a door open and they got out altogether at the same time?!" ], [ "Wow, same day as the Klang murder too." ], [ "penang bridge goin to replace 14th floor at this rate..." ] ]
Driver refuses to pay RM15 to jaga kereta for public parking space in KL, comes back to a scratched car - paultan.org
[ [ "That's why I drive shit car, people scratch also I won't notice", "Problems solved?" ], [ "I drive a cheap car but put a nice number plate. Most times they just say oh cantek nombor keta ye. I just walk away pretending not to hear because don't want them to even initiate conversations or ask for money. So far so good it worked to scare them off. I don't mind to pay for valet parking and other proper privately owner car parks but just not to touts or gangster jaga keta." ], [ "I would park in a legal car park and walk a bit further rather than give money to these kutus. Or use public transport/Grab.\nIf everyone stops giving in to these pests, they'll be starved of their income.\nBut as most Malaysians prefer to take the easy way out, then by all means, go ahead and pay the 15 bucks extortion fee.\nThe problem will always be here because of people willing to pay out of both convenience and fear.", "It happens on legal parking spots too", "You mean double charges, one to the real owner, another to these parasites ?", "Yes, sometime you see those popular places where you can pay just using app. Some asshole will approach you and ask you pay like RM20.\nWhen you say you already paid using app, they say the app is for parking, the RM20 for \"security\".", "motherfuckers..., entrepreneurship and gangsterism makes great enterprise, but wait, that's extortion.", "These are legal public parking spots. Usually by day pay using app and night is free but then these mofos come out to extort. Authorities unfortunately also kerja 9-5. This issue has been ongoing for over a decade, be it city centre or suburbs.", "Agree, the authorities should clamp down on this after-hours activity by the parking kutus.", "They will ask for money on a legal car park too.", "I mean parking inside a building or a closed car park space, not legal street parking.", "From the picture, it's along Jalan Sultan Ismail, next to the Damascus shop. There are VERY limited parking at the back. The nearest \"a bit\" further parking would be Pavilion. Looks like at night and she just wanna grab some food. All the power to you, but it doesn't seem like she have much choice at that given time." ], [ "Pay 15 or I scratch your car! Sometimes these fellas are asking for a beating.", "I wonder if we can beat people up who want to damage our property as self defense in the eye of the law.\nLike one dude is approaching my car with a coin, I prevent him from getting near my car but he refused to walk away and so I beat him up to protect my car.", "You versus all 3-4 of them? Good luck Mr Ip Man" ], [ "Park a tesla. Sacrifice your tesla. The car records 24/7 surround view. Report police with evidence clear as day", "IF police give a crap", "You think the police would actually take action? You sweet summer child." ], [ "If you can afford it go take a taxi/e-taxi.", "Take the train lah. It's in Bukit Bintang after all." ], [ "Get a real job, you bum!" ], [ "Our police is driven by social media. If the news is big enough they will take action. I believe the news will blow up if you catch a person actively damaging your car in full HD." ] ]
Salam dari Felda Sahabat
[ "ITAP" ]
Sorry for the bad quality. I’m here at Felda Sahabat for some family matters.
[ [ "Hai sahabat" ], [ "wow nice felda area next to the beach, so its aquaculture instead of agriculture?", "Nope, agriculture. Its just happens to be situated near beach." ], [ "pretty far inland huh", "Kalau mau jauh, pergi Tambisan." ], [ "happy new year, sahabat. lovely beach and photo!" ], [ "Kalau nda salah, tu paip (jangan tanya paip apa lah) in the background.... Haven't been there in 25 years." ] ]
Covid-19 surge triggers return of face masks
Some say the practice should be made mandatory once more, while others say it is a matter of personal choice.
[ [ "If they want to contract covid and get life long disabilities or die, then thats their personal choice. Go do it in their own homes and be alone." ] ]
The fire hazard that is the Malaysian home
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "I always wondered why our country dont make fire alarm mandatory for each home.", "Doesn't help we have burglar bars on our windows. But yes on smoke alarms." ] ]
How safe is the Putrajaya MRT line at 9PM+ for a woman commuting alone?
Is it as crowded and safe as LRT KJ line and MRT Kajang line? I'm a bit worried that the train and stations will be quite empty and might be a bit dangerous if I'm commuting alone late at night. Sorry if this is a silly question but I'm just genuinely curious, thank you. Edit: Just want to add on that I am planning to move somewhere along the Putrajaya MRT line next year and I'm just worried if incase I need to work overtime at office and come home late.
[ [ "", "Hmm, fair. I forgot to add on that I'm more looking into the train occupancy during regular working days hahah.\nIt's true about commutting late at KJ line. Sometimes at 11pm it's alr quite quiet but I guess since I usually stop at an interchange station, I've never really been in the train until it's empty. It's more of the train station itself cause it's dark and quiet but yeah seeing the personal at the station comforts me!" ], [ "Depends. It will mostly be empty if you’re south of KL and heading northbound. I still see plenty of people if you travel southbound." ], [ "As far as i know it's most prob gonna be mostly empty" ], [ "I don’t have experience for the putrajaya line specifically, but I personally find commuting at night pretty safe. Personally the trains and station is fine, there’s usually at least one staff member there. It’s only when going downstairs to ground floor that might feel a bit sketch at some stations. Usually the stations that stop at business shoplots are quiet past 10pm. Residential stops are okay, and 9pm isn’t honestly very late on a weekday." ], [ "I think it depends which mrt pj stop, if there’s a connection in the station like TRX then there’s going to be people. I always take the mrt pj line any by 8pm its usually kind of empty but that’s cause my stop is further away no connection. But overall Kajang line is always more fuller like sardines compared to pj line, pj line can be packed during going to office hours but not as in my experience. Cause I have to take both and kj line to work" ], [ "I feel like it is safer than riding Grab or taxi alone at that hour" ], [ "i often see women alone at night leaving the station after 9pm at some lesser traffic stations. i would say if it's not a frequent thing that someone can see a pattern, it would be fine." ], [ "I take this line at night (9-10pm) frequent enough. The stations I been to are always brightly lit. My last mile is always Grab and I find the bus station close enough to escalators if I need an immediate exit. Bus stations are also shaded and usually long enough to see anything approaching from far away." ] ]
Mia is officially a Malaysian
https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/19/mia-is-officially-a-malaysian PETALING JAYA: Eight-year-old Mia Teo Herrizon has finally obtained Malaysian citizenship after years of unsuccessful attempts by her mother, says Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong. Mum overjoyed as daughter finally gets citizenship PETALING JAYA: Eight-year-old Mia Teo Herrizon has finally obtained Malaysian citizenship after years of unsuccessful attempts by her mother, says Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong. The MCA president said he received the news after Mia’s mother Esther Teo told him she finally received her daughter’s citizenship certificate from Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail. “Today, Esther Teo finally received her daughter’s citizenship certificate from the hands of minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and she is overjoyed,” he said in a Facebook post yesterday. “Upon receiving notice from the Home Affairs Ministry that her daughter’s application had been approved, she couldn’t contain her joy and shared the good news with me. I am also delighted for her,” he added. Dr Wee said he first met Esther in Batu Pahat in July this year where she shared the story of giving birth to her daughter overseas (in Germany) and experiencing years of unsuccessful attempts to secure citizenship for Mia. He promised to assist her and wrote a letter to the Home Affairs Ministry to support her appeal multiple times, and even raised her case during a parliamentary debate session. While Esther had fulfilled her hope for her daughter’s citizenship, many Malaysian mothers who gave birth abroad are still awaiting news from the Home Ministry, Dr Wee said. “I hope the ministry expedites constitutional amendments to ensure that Malaysian mothers giving birth overseas have their children automatically granted citizenship, addressing this issue once and for all,” he said. "This has been my consistent stance since entering politics, advocating for constitutional amendments to safeguard the basic rights of Malaysian women, which I also championed during my time in the Cabinet,” said Dr Wee, who also expressed his gratitude to Saifuddin Nasution for actively handling citizenship applications and for approving over 11,500 applications within a short year. He said Saifuddin Nasution had agreed to amend laws to ensure gender equality for Malaysian women, permanently resolving the challenges faced by them whenever they give birth abroad and then attempt to apply for citizenship for their children. Mia was born in Germany when her mother, Esther was working as an engineer with Siemens, and her father, Herrizon Teo, was working as an IT expert with SAP in Germany. The couple came back to Malaysia in 2019 before their second daughter was born.
[ [ "Good.\nIt really boggles my mind that we seek to reject people who wants to be one of us." ], [ "Since the news briefly mentioned Mia was born outside of Malaysia, then I think we can also deduce that her father is not a Malaysian citizen.\nBut if the girl was denied her citizenship by the law due to her father non-citizenship and being born outside of Malaysia, then how does the Home Ministry grant her Malaysia citizenship this time?\nIt's not possible by the route of naturalization, because citizenship by naturalization requires the applicant to live at least 10 years inside Malaysia in order to be eligible for citizenship. She is only 8 years old. So she definitely did not get Malaysia citizenship by naturalization.\nThen, I think it's the Home Minister use his special power under Article 15A of the Federal Constitution to register her who a child under the age of 21 years old to be a Malaysian citizen without any conditions like other ordinary citizenship applicants. (ie: no requirement on length of residence time in Malaysia or command of the Malay language)", "You do know that if in the same scenario, if the father is Msia and mother is foreigner, the kid born overseas still can get citizenship. The issue here is why men can and women cannot. It should be consistently applied to all. If one can, all should be able too." ], [ "clickbait ni...i thought is another Mia.....\n*Dissapointed*", "Op knew what he's doing smdh", "Which Mia.. The other name starts with K 😁", "This Mia…", "yea yea, i was thinking the same mia too....\n*Zip*", "kiMia?" ], [ "No way all of you read Mia and only think of Mia K?", "Porn addiction", "coomer mentality :26563:", "My first thought was Missing In Action and i read the article as to who is missing in action.", "Hey man, 4th most visits to The Hub globally, we don't get that title for nothing" ], [ "This is great news!\nI have a cousin who married a Palestinian refugee, and she is currently fighting for the citizenship of her daughter! I hope my niece can finally be a proper Malaysian.", "you sure? one article doesn't mean free pass to other people", "It is a precedent. That's crucial." ], [ "Maybe next time put the full name on the title", "What Mia do you thought OP meant??", "Mamamia" ], [ "Can someone fill me in on this? Why was the child not given citizenship from at least one of the parents, and why does non being born in Malaysia have any bearing on the issue?", "The current Malaysia law dictates that the child can get citizenship only if the father is a malaysia citizen of they are born outside of Malaysia. If the mother is malaysian but not the father, the child is not eligble for Malaysia citizenship. This law is currently under the process of amendment to allow both father or mother that are malaysians regardless of their partner citizenship to be eligible for their to get Malaysia citizenship. The amendment is still highly debatable since citizenship is really a big issue in Malaysia.", "So the father is not a Malaysian citizen? If so, the child should of gotten the father's citizenship without any issues, and given that Malaysia does not allow dual citizenship, how is the girl being able to get Malaysian citizenship?\nIf the law is under the process of change, who did this child skirt the law?", "I'm not sure the full story of the family but maybe the mother is not with the father anymore and the child is under the custody of the mother. And it is true that dual citizenship is not allowed but you can still get Malaysia citizenship by renouncing your previous citizenship. I think there's a commenter here who said something about special power by the home minister to award citizenship to underage applicants.", "to begin with...\ncheck whose fault first... read the article twice you will notice it", "Sure, keep on being an ass, rather than read my post, understand the question and be helpful." ], [ "I don't understand, why wasn't she allowed citizenship before this?", "There is a fuckery bit in our law where it is hard to get citizenship for children born outside of Malaysia of a Malaysian mother but a non-Malaysian father." ], [ "bila 200K rohingya kat malaysia nak boleh kerakyatan" ], [ "Odd, was her dad not Malaysian?" ], [ "I thought it was that Mia lol" ], [ "Admit it All of us thought this Mia", "No, it's just your coombrain thinking of a mid-tier pornstar who retired 200 years ago" ] ]
Siti Mastura ordered to file statement of defence for lawsuit by three DAP leaders
[ [ "I see we now have our own Magic Tailor Green.", "Let's check if she's having affairs with some gym dudes.", "As a Magic The Gathering player, I hate this LOL. And that American politician MTG too!" ], [ "Don't know how she get the doctor. Didn't do research and simply blast out defamation to others party. Probably brain dislocated at knee. Bodoh", "Poor standards by our education system?\nI have encountered 3 individuals who had done their PGs, 2 of them were from USM-arguably one of the best public unis here-and their incompetence is mind boggling.", "Arts PHD\nIn the first place, unless you're a rich fuck who has money to throw, taking any Arts PHD means you have brain damage anyway" ], [ "made wrong defamation and yet still arrogant af...", "Maybe that's the purpose.\nTwist the whole thing, say DAP attacking Islam.", "", "Twist the whole thing\nPlot twist. Plot twist everywhere." ] ]
Muhammad Sanusi ordered not to repeat slanderous statements against Anwar
[ [ "Sanusi said in his statement of defence that he had no ill intent, nor did he aim to slander Anwar\nThe courts decide. Not you." ], [ "His derhaka case against Sultan Selangor still NFA?" ] ]
Monorail tyre catches fire, falls onto road
[ [ "Poor maintenance yet again" ], [ "I raelly hate monorail. So dangerous, 0 safety.\nIf anything happen on the train, you stuck on the air.\nAnything happens outside, it just directly fall off with nothing catching it." ], [ "Set 24 caught fire three years ago and it has been out of action ever since; not sure if it will ever return into service again at this point. It's fortunate this doesn't end up like set 24 or that would mean even worse waiting time for monorail." ], [ "Back then, there was an incident of monorail wheel fell off and then killed a pedestrian who are walked under monorail area. Not sure what year it is?", "Injured, not killed", "That was in August 2002; the opening of the line was delayed to 31 August 2003 as a result.\nAlso as mentioned, it did not cause fatality but it nonetheless was not a good thing.", "Newsman whose skull was cracked in 8 places in rail mishap | Free Malaysia Today (FMT)\nYear: 2002\nHe is lucky to be alive. A 14 kg wheel drop on his head and his skull is cracked.\nTook him 10 years of court case to get 5mil compensation." ] ]
Non Malay can become PM,if Majority Malay agrees - Tun M
[ "Politics" ]
"InSingapore, the Prime Minister has always been a Chinese majority since independence. Lee Kuan Yew admitted that non-Chinese leaders may face challenges in gaining acceptance among the predominantly Chinese population. So the Prime Minister of Singapore will always be Chinese. Penang has never had a non-Chinese Chief Minister. "Given that the racial balance is in favor of non-Malays. However, when Umno has the most seats (State Legislative Assembly) under Barisan Nasional (BN), it gives way to Gerakan," he said in a statement on his Facebook today."
[ [ "PAS will try their hardest to not letting that happening\ntiktoks will be their main weapon", "True. I dont know why PHBN can be so backward in TikTok compare to PN 🙄 Why so weak", "Because the CCP is in bed with PN and they promote their material on TikTok and suppress PH since they are viewed as being pro west. Local politics is linked to international politics even though it may not appear so.", "It's not that complicated.\nSocial media is a platform that favors short, catchy content devoid of context. In such a medium, stupid toxicity is always going to win out over intelligent debate.\nIt's not unique to Malaysia. Look at how toxic politics is becoming in democratic countries all over the world.", "Ask Pas to start making short catchy content on the Uighurs and see how long they remain relevant. Look into why countries like India ban TikTok.", "I want whatever you're smoking.", "you're mentally unstable for any sort of politics", "tItkOKs wiLl bE thEiR mAin WeapON" ], [ "So the Prime Minister of Singapore will always be Chinese.\nTo be fair in recent Singapore politics, a majority of us (whatever race) were rooting for Tharman (an Indian) to be our next Prime Minister due to his credentials and experience as a finance and economical powerhouse on the worldstage. But it was speculated that perhaps the government itself felt the population wasn't ready for a Non-Chinese PM that they put him in the ceremonial presidential position instead to eliminate the conflict of interest in overshadowing the Chinese candidate.", "Tharman is also considered part of LHL’s generation, rather than the 4G leadership. If HSK considered himself too old to take over, Tharman would likewise be considered old as well.", "Yup that was one of the considerations too.\nBut the main point was the majority race was ready for a minority PM.", "HSK wasn't considered too old. He had a stroke. His health rendered him u suitable", "What power does the president of Singapore have?", "Mostly ceremonial, next to nothing in day to day governance. In theory can act as a check and balance to the government in terms of how we use our reserves.", "Basically Singapore version of Malaysia Agong ?", "Short answer is yes", "Tharman won 70% over his 2 Chinese opponents 30% combined, so we have some hope for multiculturalism. To also be fair, Tharman's got waay more exposure and credentials built up over the years than his opponents.", "Agong but he's not called the Agong. Just \"the President\". India's president is also like that.", "If it was true, Pritam Singh should do better in the election, which I heavily doubt.\nWe'll never know that until it was down to the ballot. I'm pretty sure some old boomer Cinas would rather vote for that old racist guy who's name I've forgotten. I doubt 50% of Singapore will be happy with a non-chinese PM, more so an Indian.", "I don't have any actual statistic but I'm pretty sure at least 9 out of 10 people in the current generation would agree Tharman is much better than Lawrence wong for PM. Boomers that are apprehensive of an Indian PM also tend to vote from a racist / stereotypical perspective.\nAlso while I don't deny Pritam is a capable politician, comparing him to Tharman is night and day. Tharman was the president for the international monetary fund. Comparing how well they do just because they are Indian means nothing." ], [ "just like he a non malay became PM lol. Finally old dude remembered his roots eh", "I'm surprised he's talking with a sense for the first time since the election. I guess if Anwar's opponent is non malay he would vote against Anwar regardless.", "Sure by blood he's technically not malay, but all malay accept him as a malay since he practices and advocates Malay culture. If a malay/ indian practices and advocates Chinese / Indian culture. Are they considered as Chinese/ Indian?", "His Malay by blood as well tho Badawi is also Chinese. Almost every pm has been mixed.", "It's quite telling that not one ledditor here bothered addressing the Penang and Singapore quote.\nIt's only racism if Chinese kena. If they're the one doing it it's \"meritocracy\" or \"like that lor what to do\". Bunch of hypocrites.", "Yep, not taking any sides here but its pretty similar to the comments you read when it comes to renting of properties or \"mandarin required\" in job ads. The same people shouting discrimination when done by the majority will conveniently be silent and hide behind \"personal choice\" when it doesn't affect them.\nCan't complain though, human nature and selfishness in the end. Everyone just wants whats best for them and only them.", "Malaysians are racist. Including Indians like myself. No doubt about it.\nBut its the virtue signaling, holier-than-thou sheer fucking hypocrisy that vexes everyone. Bumi rights are bad, but rental discrimination is fine apparently.\nI've always claimed that they're not our friends or brothers against racism. Just a convenient allyship at best. The sooner the dumbass DAP voting Indians realise this the better it is for the rest of us.", "We are to beholden to our ancient rights. Sometimes, I feel there should be a dictator to remove the Malay rights as well as these SJK and force people together.", "MIPP submitting application to join PN. Probably might interest you, perhaps? Not denying/disproving your argument though.", "Ah yes, criticise DAP then of course I should be PN sympathiser. Cause DAP is clean and does no wrong. Typical.", "Huh? I never said that, just suggesting options. I thought you had the best interest for the indian community in mind as per your comment. Maybe PN could elect MIPP indian members to a higher position maybe as PN leader.", "I assumed you were being sarcastic. But no. Definitely not PN.\nI should have phrased it better. I don't have problem if Indians vote for DAP if they know their candidate and the policies they stand for. I do have issues if they blindly vote for DAP, or any party for that matter, cause \"Malays bad so I hope our Chinese overlords treat us better\", settling mentality.\nDAP is a Cina chauvinistic party. That's still better than than the Islamo-fascist PAS. It's between PH or BN for me.", "Dunno lah, I understand this fella’s grievances but he’s being way too fucking aggro over nothing.", "Singapore has Indian president but is just ceremonial role.\nBut for both, this is just how democracy works. It is the tyranny of the masses. Even though SG is not exactly a democracy, and it's current PM is more a case of nepotism than racism.\nBut at the end of the day, SG has bigger GDP than Malaysia. So it's not really a fair comparison. Their system works, ours does not.", "GDP alone isn't good measure of how effectively run a country is. India has a higher GDP than SG. Would you rather move to India or SG?\nTBH tho I don't know why you brought that point. Are you implying that only Chinese leaders can bring up GDP and the others are incompetent?", "Well have you ever seen a map? If you put your face really close to it, and squint your eyes, you might notice that SG is tiny compared to Malaysia. SG split from MY ~60 years ago, now it has a higher GDP. Don't you think something is off here? In fact their GDP per capita is 7x higher. Could there possibly be something terribly wrong with our country and our governance?\nNo, I am not saying that only Chinese leaders are capable of running a country, I am refuting the idea that people call SG a \"meritocracy\" just because it is led by Chinese. They have one of the most rigorous education systems in the world, they have one of the highest GDP per capita in the world. They are in fact a meritocracy. Malaysia is in fact backwards. This is a very important distinction to make, this is why these 2 countries are not comparable.\nAnd also, the elephant in the room. Does SG constitution discriminate? Malaysia is in fact a racist country, it's constitution is racist. It is built on racism. Non-malay in MY are right to complain. How often do you hear about non-chinese Singaporean complain about institutionalized racism?" ], [ "In other words\n\"Like hell we would allow a non bumi to run this nation. It's Malay-sia not (insert other race-sia)\"", "if obama can become POTUS why not", "He didn't became POTUS by insulting a lot of the white people tho. While they hate his policies, on a person level, he fares better than the other white Presidents.", "If anyone in Malaysia has the natural rizz and charisma that Obama had, its Anwar, at least before he became PM.\nDon't use Obama as example. There's a reason why he's an anomaly. And it's likely to stay that way for some time.", "Actually you can but if you keep poking Malay then you can never. Just be friends with all, not making enemies by making stupid statement.", "I’m tired of this Tun M. Sudah la…" ], [ "'if majority agree' ..." ], [ "No one specifically wants a non Malay to be PM. We just want someone capable of driving the country on the right track, and someone who is fair to everyone. But too bad, 80% of our past leaders failed to do so. And statistically, most, if not all of them are Malays. If this is a scientific experiment, the sample size is definitely big enough to prove the methodology wrong." ], [ "If majority malay agrees… hell that sounds like democracy with added steps" ], [ "In other words, water is wet", "", "Ofc we'd prefer teh tarik straight from the pipes. /s" ], [ "Duh. Stating the obvious\nThats why we have elections.\nAlthough nowadays, majority population does not vote as a block anymore. Divided into several camps and dilute their concentration" ], [ "Bro remembered his 23 and me results." ], [ "Bro likes to play mind games" ], [ "UK will never have a non-white Prime Minister, wait..." ], [ "What a worthless racist country we live in", "Ask Penang to have a non-Cina CM first. Or Singapore to elect a non-Cina PM.\nThen you lot can cry about racism all you want. Hypocritical crowd.", "Your what aboutism logic is stupid", "His whataboutism is pointing out the underlying issue that Cina only happy if Cina leader is elected. Melayu or India leader is no go. Then later cry out meritocrasy.", "Naeemo fitnah lagi tu. Got survey or evidence or not? Statistics? Or u just being pro ketuanan melayu as usual.", "Suddenly feel clever eh?", "Always have been", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nI noticed you have a pattern of making jabs aimed at a specific race. Please note that we do not welcome this on the sub, and that the same warning will be issued for jabs aimed at other races too. Treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.\nu/bumholedestroyer1000, kindly refrain from counter-flaming and use the report button, thanks", ":)" ], [ "It is too hard to say the word \"vote\"?" ], [ "Yes that’s how democracy works. Lemme fix the redundancy for you Tun:\nNon Malay can become PM, if majority Malay agrees" ], [ "Duh that's why we have elections" ], [ "But we as rakyat don't appoint PM tho we vote for Party that have their PM candidate but in actuality the MPs the one that appoint the PM thru vote of confidence so don't know how Tun M think that Malays or any race from the \"marhaen people\" can have their say", "Yeah but the MPs will to a certain extent also need to think about being reelection - going wildly off base does not accomplish that. So yes, if people find it acceptable to vote MPs campaigning on a \"our pm candidate is a non Muslim\" then it will happen, otherwise it won't.", "Sounds like different but same. You vote for the party thats pushing for their PM candidate that you like." ], [ "Wait wait, i was thinking about this the other day….how about Japan with a non japanese PM, Korea with a non korean pm, China with a non chinese PM?\nIts just common sense. I dont get why we are pissed about it……. it took the US like 200 years and they are waaaaay more progressive than us. Judeo-Christian Based countries are light years ahead of other countries when it comes to this.", "The US had it once and it polarised the whole country. Europe as far as I can google, mostly never had non-native leaders, (Rishi yes but he became PM by default, not by winning the hearts of Brits).\nEurope is progressive, but not THAAAAT progressive.", "Which is why i dont know why we are sulking about this.", "Cause of Tun M lor", "we are multi-ethnic country unlike the countries you mentioned", "Actually, Japan is multiethnic as well. Korea maybe not but china is multiethnic as well. (there are many different people groups in japan and china) The aboriginals in the north etc.\nThe point being. We are multiethnic but still one ethnicity has a huge margin interms of religion and race. So we are more comparable to asian countries than the european ones.\nMost european countries have a judeo christian fabric. We are very different to it." ], [ "Key thing is the PM isn't voted in. It's by consensus of political.parties. LKS knows this and is stirring the pot for the next musical chair excercise" ], [ "Sneaky Tun. It's the way of saying it's not going to happen till hell freezes over.", "Sneaky Tun.\nwhy sneaky...? He's plainly telling you the demographics and culture of asian countries don't allow for \"non-majority\" races to win.\nThat's not a particularly Malaysian thing, or a big surprise either. AFAIK absolutely no asian country ever had leadership not from the majority race since independence.", "The title. Plus he knows the Malays better than Malays themselves.\nSee what I mean. Majority race. What about not picking based on race but capability. One race, Malaysian race.", "But if you saw / hear Tun M podcast with KJ you know that he thought non Malays still not accepting being Malay'sian\nEven got people who dismiss Malaysia language so how lar Malaysian race like that?", "I know, and it's true. Knowing how to read, write and speak Bahasa Malaysia is bare minimum before you can call yourself a Malaysian, and I'm willing to die on that hill. But I also know Malays who can't even speak Malay and even failed BM as a subject.\nI'm a product of Tun's vision growing up in 90s, three races united under one country.", "Those malays are helangs and nobilities. Can't persoal them or they will mark you as a traitor.", "That podcast literally made me feel sick about Malaysia as a non. It's like he just outright dropped his mask and say all other race must be assimilated and become malays. Made me see things through a new lense dah.", "Like how he pick Singapore as example here, in the podcast he pick Indonesia as an example if I'm not mistaken", "What makes you think if its Malay PM it won’t be the best PM? Best is subjective and vary wildly between demographic and races.", "What makes you think if its Malay PM it won’t be the best PM?\nTo be fair, most of us don't care which race is the PM as long as he/she could do the bare minimum that is expected of his post, considering the current political climate.\nI don't like Anwar because of his roots and the things he did when he was a protege of Tun M, but the other coalition is literally a hate cult, easy pick for us nons. Seriously, it's crystal clear which party is clearly focusing on nation building, just look at parliament livestreams and what kind of issues politicians on both aisles are raising.", "Most capable, regardless of one's race or in this context, Malaysian of any descent. Someone with a clear vision to bring our country forward and not backwards. A tall order and a pipe dream for now.\nI don't want to settle for the lesser evil of the two. Having to pick between screwed and more screwed." ], [ "Let it be first just like Barack Obama. First black person to be president. In Malaysia case... prime minister." ], [ "Cibai putar belit mamak." ], [ "Only if the sun rising from the west." ], [ "And we all know that ain't gonna happen" ], [ "Cheers geoff" ], [ "And this is the guy who tried to blame the government for having non malays just a couple months ago" ], [ "This shit again...? I wonder which non-Malay in their right mind would wanna be the PM of this nation. You'd have too much shit to deal with and clean" ], [ "So if Singapore is racist we can be racist? Singapore uses Englishz Malay, mandarin and tamil for official business so Malaysia also can use English, Tamil, mandarin?\nIni Malaysia not Singapore. We don't have to follow colonial British rules or Singapore.\nChoose between segregation or 1 Malaysia.", "since when we ever pick anything else segregation" ], [ "But MALAYsia has to mean something, right?" ], [ "You can, if I say so. Said the mamak." ], [ "I mean that's how an election is supposed to work ... so yeh?" ], [ "Talk cock kia" ], [ "Pastard for retard" ], [ "Bro is the master of manipulation" ], [ "Bro’s manipulation legacy will not rest until he does" ], [ "No problem with me if the non malay is muslim." ], [ "There is no issue at all if Non Malay cannot become PM. Rugi bukan Non Malay pun..." ], [ "Lol right.. Yeah pm can be a pendatang but behind the pendatang are the ketuanan ppl controlling his arms" ], [ "I think the correct question is: can a non-Muslim become PM? A Muslim Chinese can easily be accepted as PM but what about a Christian Dayak or a Taoist Chinese or a Hindu Tamil? Can the Malay majority accept them as PM?" ] ]
Bumiputera population estimated at 21.3mil this year
[ "Culture" ]
The labour force participation rate has increased to 67.1% from 65.8% in 2021, says Chief Statistician Uzir Mahidin.
Put a stop to DAP’s ‘toxic narratives’, PAS tells Anwar
[ [ "‘toxic narratives’\n“highly inappropriate” and capable of causing tension and disharmony in society.\nFuck off Takoyaki. You mean toxic shit like these? Is this appropriate enough? Sorry but I will keep spamming this list to point out their blatant hypocrisies, people that spew shit like these have 0 say on what's causing disharmony and what's not.\nHadi: Other races are challenging Muslim's political power: https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/08/939467/voting-mandatory-if-other-races-are-challenging-muslims-political-power\nHadi: Non-Muslims must be grateful for ‘being given a place’ here, should just let Malays continue leading country: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/07/hadi-non-muslims-must-be-grateful-for-being-given-a-place-here-should-just-let-malays-continue-leading-country/73042\nHadi: Only Islam can rule, others must be 'pak turut': https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628\nPAS politicians insinuated that their rivals are the enemies of Allah: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/27/pas-man-says-sorry-after-calling-on-allah-to-defend-kedah-from-enemies-video/76640\nMuhyiddin claimed Christians of being in cahoots with a group of Jews to “Christianise” Malaysia: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/11/19/muhyiddin-in-hot-water\nDr. M: Parties led by non-Malays are 'parti pendatang': https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/09/04/dr-m-calls-parties-led-by-non-malays-039parti-pendatang039\nNon muslim woman fined for wearing shorts in Kelantan: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/non-muslim-malaysian-woman-fined-for-wearing-shorts-in-kelantan\nNon muslim unisex salon ban + closure: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/12/856735/terengganu-govt-enforce-unisex-hair-salon-ban-warns-offenders-fines\nNon muslims are the root of corruption https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/08/20/pas-hadi-claims-non-muslims-non-bumiputera-make-up-the-bulk-of-roots-of-corruption/\nZul Zuhaimy wants to kill non muslims, said it in a PAS ceramah: https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/mahu-sembelih-orang-bukan-islam-zul-huzaimy-mohon-maaf/\nPN's May 13 rhetoric election propaganda: https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/78211/netizens-raise-alarm-over-may-13-hate-content-posted-on-tiktok\nMalaysia has to be ruled by muslims: https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/malaysia-mesti-dipimpin-oleh-melayu-islam/\nSanusi demolished colonial era legally built Hindu temples and label critics 'drunk on toddy': https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/12/03/lfl-slams-kedah-mbs-heavy-handed-defence-of-temple-demolition/ https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/553910\nSanusi insulting Amirudin and questioning the lineage of the Sultan of Selangor (Video Source): https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/dakwaan-menghina-siasatan-terhadap-sanusi-masih-belum-selesai-sultan-selangor-428497\nNurse with tight clothing https://www.malaysiadateline.com/dakwa-pakaian-nurse-ketat-mp-pas-kena-sekolah-dengan-presiden-persatuan-jururawat/\nNo concerts: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/08/25/pas-urges-govt-to-cancel-all-upcoming-foreign-artist-concerts\nThe Malay Proclamation: https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/05/1096600/proklamasi-orang-melayu-kini-dapat-sokongan-pemimpin-pas-bersatu-dan", "Thank you for the service", "Got master pay him punya... /s", "Hush hush, else I can't pay for my Chagee later.", "chad u/jwteoh strike again", "For those who like to ask..\"What PAS do to you? Why u hate them so much?\"\nThis compilation is the only correct answer.", "Bro once again bring the receipt. Thanks for your service o7", "Come melayu, come back this copy paste link. LoL waste of effort.", "Come melayu, come back this copy paste link. LoL waste of effort.\nIlliterates are not my target audience, sorry not sorry.", "Yes u are", "Yes u are\nOkok, u is winner1!11", "Pfft", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "The GOAT has spoken.", "\"why does people hate PAS?\" lul" ], [ "Put a stop to PAS's 'toxic narratives', Rakyat tells Anwar" ], [ "PAS dan hipokrisi berpisah tiada." ], [ "Local government elections were abolished because people voted in competent people.. Got to admire the sheer brick face of anyone who can argue this as a racial issue.", "Its simple stupid, they are not elected means that local councilors don't have to do their jobs.\nWhy you think the MP and ADUNs seem to be about fix thing la, go to local events la, give free thing during celebrations la? These things are meant to be done by local councilors, but almost always ends up as the ADUN's problems.\nMy own area, the resident's association has to take up the slack that both the councilor and ADUN office refuse to do. Maybe if the councilors are elected maybe the residents don't have to DIY all the damn things.", "Without going to event, how will PAS MP show their work?\nBased on policy? Sure lose if like that", "The people that are whining about it being a race problem is mainly because of projection, they're assuming their opponents would do the same thing that they'd do.", "Or perhaps they get paid a lot of money to give out the jobs 😅" ], [ "New Fitnah has Arrived!", "Wake up Fahmi Reza, another to create poster of fitnah DAP-PAS!" ], [ "Faaak this party seriously", "Never a dull day with popcorn on the side" ], [ "Who do I need to tell to put a stop to PAS toxic narratives?", "The YDPA I hope." ], [ "Anwar should label PAS as an extremist organization that threatens the fabric of Malaysia society and disband it immediately" ], [ "Pot calling the kettle black" ], [ "PAS got money to Merc but no money to buy mirror. Kesian...." ], [ "While I actually agree about telling DAP elders and anyone else (its only the elders) in the party to lay off the toxic race stuff, it's very embarassing if they want to be a party for all Malaysians. LGE says some retarded stuff that shows he still hasn't moved past the one race, one party mindset, sad to see, worse to hear, how are moderate Malays going to take DAP seriously with him around?\nBut...that aside, he's talking about local elections as being the bad thing said here? As being something that stokes racial tension? Lol no, not in 2023.\nThis is boring stuff to do with roads, civil works and buildings, not the very important things in our society like what you can write on christmas cakes.\nDAP are right, local government elections should be allowed. We tried in Penang not long ago but the federal government took it to court and won. Why shouldn't people be allowed to vote for local government instead of being the appointed losers who no one wants?\nEvery politician who is against this is scared of losing their cronies and bribes for the positions they hand out." ], [ "Lol fuck you. Non-muslimphobes." ], [ "Kuala Lumpur has more malays than Chinese. If everyone votes along ethnic lines, Malays will win each and every time", "Actually, Kuala Lumpur has more Chinese voters than Malay voters.", "False.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuala_Lumpur#Demographics", "Those numbers include non-voting residents. Many Malays reside in Kuala Lumpur but vote in other states. If you only count the number of voters, Chinese voters outnumber Malay voters.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepong_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batu_(Kuala_Lumpur_federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wangsa_Maju_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segambut_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setiawangsa_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titiwangsa_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bukit_Bintang_(Kuala_Lumpur_federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lembah_Pantai_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seputeh_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheras_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandar_Tun_Razak_(federal_constituency)#Demographics#Demographics)", "Jesus Christ, that ratio game though 😭😭", "I stand corrected.", "so confidently incorrect KEK" ], [ "Classic pot calling the kettle black. Typical PAS.", "It's not even that. These people are literally gaslighting and barefaced lying through their teeth. This is beyond simply distorting reality but literally creating fiction. This is Goebbels or Russian FSB weapons grade industrialized lying." ], [ "The most toxic narrator tells other not to be Toxic 🤣" ], [ "Dear kettle, meet pot.\nFuck off PAS with your projections and persecution mentality, when it is in fact YOU with the toxic narratives. Summoning the GOAT /u/jwteoh to refute each and every one of your bullshit." ], [ "Lol everyone is arguing in circles. A spiral that is impossible to escape from" ], [ "May Allah bless Malaysia." ], [ "Dap is shit btw if anyone wondering" ], [ "Here we go again…" ], [ "Fahmi boleh buat kerja ker?", "Fahmi tau ke apa tu kerja?" ], [ "PAS are the biggest crybabies I've come across in this country so far." ] ]
Anyone watched Abang Adik?
[ "Entertainment" ]
How would you rate this film?
[ [ "10/10.\nIts a symphony of sobs in my cinema.\nDefinately not seeing that twist.\nGood movie if you don't mind non stop tear dect punchinv for at least half hour.\nAh bang's performance is really top notch." ], [ "I'd give 8/10. Addressing issues of statelessness, amazing visual representation and cinematography, it's realistic and bold. Even though its character driven, the characters carried it well, especially the theme of brotherhood. Given the limitations of filmmaking in msia, this film is really really good already." ], [ "It hit me hard at the end part, it's a good movie (with some minor flaws), just don't put up too high expectations and go in blank." ], [ "My full review with mild spoiler\nBasically 6/10 for me. Acting superbly good. Story a bit lacking. Its a character-driven story rather than plot driven", "Good filmmaking and great acting overall especially Abang. However I didn't like how the movie brought up certain plots but never go any further at all, almost as if they don't want to anger the government or LPF." ], [ "10/10" ], [ "Was good, you should check it out." ], [ "Yep, just caught it tonight! It is good. 7/10" ], [ "Yup. Overall 7.5/10" ], [ "Where can I watch it?", "It’s in the cinemas now" ], [ "Damn my brain was somewhere else without knowing this movie actually exist. Fuhh nasib" ], [ "Nope, I just enjoy they make bang balik" ], [ "Step brothers I'm stuck" ], [ "I watched Abang Sidek on rtm1." ], [ "Bang a dick? Wtf bro", "When your malay proficiency is nearly zero:" ], [ "No but I watch your mom" ], [ "Tak. Tak tahu pun, trailer tak lalu pun online." ], [ "I prefer Mrs.Marvel" ], [ "Hello, this maybe a off-topic question, but does anyone recognise or know the song at the end of the movie? Specifically the credits?" ], [ "here is my review\nWatched this movie with no expectations. Initially I thought it was a Malay movie, but its a chinese film. It is about the struggles of 2 brothers without an identity card, even though they were locals, they were treated like foreigners. Abang is mute, and sacrificed everything to protect adik, even though they had no blood relations. Adik takes abang for granted, knowing that even with the wrong decisions he made, abang will cover for him, until one day he made a grave error that is a huge burden for him to bear.\nEven though the director is a non-muslim, he knows how to use the azan to make an impact in the film. I wonder how other people react when they heard the azan?\nMany people cried watching it, and I'm surprised it is very popular in Taiwan." ] ]
Modern Slavery
[ [ "And this is why AI gping to be a reality." ], [ "wtf wif saudi arabia,no one expect em to be same league wif sweden,but,did they kidnap ppl on street and force work?\nso no slavery in japan korea aus" ], [ "Modern Slavery" ] ]
Malaysia emerges as overall champion at Global Esports Games with one gold and two silver medals
[ "Sports" ]
[ [ "The coach ChanLitBin aka WinteR for the Dota 2 scene.", "Wait what. No wonder lol. Hes a legend" ], [ "oh.its dota 2. for some reason i thought it was mobile legend" ], [ "Hope malaysia can build up more on the pc side of esports,usually the tournaments they have is widely known like CS majors,TI,LoL Worlds,Valorant Champs" ], [ "Gen X:" ], [ "Bright future to become a streamer. Tired of malaysian overreacting pewdipee copycat" ] ]
Can boss force salaried employee to work out of buisness hour if mistakes were made at work? (Whithout paying OT)
My sister work hybrid as a grahpic designer, sometimes when she made a mistake at work she is expected to overtime remotely and finish the day work, she's currently on probation/intern for 3 months, so her pay is already low, but they never pay her OT for the hours she spent off-site or at home, some even take her untill 4am in the morning, imo her mistakes aren't that major, cause usually it's because they were expecting her to focus on something more instead of something else without clarifying her what she actually need to prioritize on, which cost her time but in the end she is at fault for not asking, though i think she was given vague instructions that were made to be misunderstood. But i won't debate on that. Currently she's working on 3 projects with day by day deadline, She is issued to design something that is given to her day to day, if she fail to finish it within a day she is expected to OT, even if she din't make any mistakes they would still call her up at night to send in the day work if she haven't finished. The deadline never exceed 2-3 days within announcement. If she don't do OT would she get in trouble? Considering they don't pay her for the time anyway? Also theres one more thing that happened to her, the "manager" messed up the deadline for the project she worked on and he didn't even clarified it, just deleted it and edited some stuffs to cover up the mistake and expected her to work with the new deadline, is this legal? The "manager" also likes to send in the working files 30 mins before the buisness hour is up.... This is her 2nd company (1st hybrid) and she got loads to complain about but the driving factor that makes her want to quit is working off buisness hours (OT). For clarification, i get that salaried empoyees in the US are mostly exempt from OT pay, and instead is compensated by something called "Comp Time" but that's not mandatory, not sure how it is in Malaysia, and i also know that since the gig she is on is fairly competitive and since the deadline depends on the client, she is expected to work off hours remotely or in office, but this has been going on for the past 3 months and she has been missing her sleep which i think is not a healthy environment to be in, or this gig is just not suited for her. Clarifcation 2: It's not actually "intern" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just that this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in "probation" she is promised minimum salary after a few more months. Edit: forgot to mention, tomorrow (sunday) they expected her to be on-call to finish the project she worked on before new year, this is off buisness hours and shes is not getting payed for it.
[ [ "TLDR : yes until report to JTK but once u report to JTK there is no turning back because the next you go job interview, the HR will start to check whether u have history report against former employer and will deterrent from hiring you because u caused trouble.", "Does this meen it's an offence to hold \"salaried\" employees out of buisness hour to stay for extra hours to make amendments for the mistakes that's been made? Or can we not force employees to stay for the deadline wether or not mistakes has been made? Not sure what the state law is in Malaysia, thanks for replying.", "This is why malaysia is heaven for crocs , free abusive workforce country" ], [ "Exploitation, grey area.\nTake it as a lesson, get more confident in the future and a better job.", "Thanks for the advice, i'll try making her consider on changing her gig if that's possible...." ], [ "As far as I concerned, if your salary is more than MYR3500, you are not able to claim OT anymore, for whatever reason.\nBut usually, you don’t really have to spend much on OT once you reach this stage. So, I can say your sister is abused. Not surprising though since graphic industry was never fair to begin with, just look at Les Copaque issues.\nGraphic people usually stay for the passion, if she no longer have that passion, ask her to jump somewhere else before her mental health detoriate at the speed of light.", "She is in probation/intern for said company, she is paid RM500 monthly, last month got deducted but won't say how much and why just for the sake of not being specific.\nJust for clarification, it's not actually \"intern\" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in \"probation\"" ], [ "Cannot. Must pay 1.5x. Here you go.\nhttps://malaysia.acclime.com/guides/employment-law/\nSeek arbitration." ], [ "Employers are required to pay at least 1.5x for overtime hours. You can refer to the Employment Act 1955 (for West Malaysia) which protects employees with salary up to RM4,000.\nErm, maybe there's something wrong with my work ethic, but if they're paying low salary they shouldn't expect the employee to go beyond normal working hours without OT pay or allowance. Perhaps she can discuss with her superior regarding these issues, like, \"hey I've been working a lot beyond 6pm, can you please review my workload or advise the company's OT policy?\" If they refuse she should remain polite, but understand that all her personal resources belong to her.\n\"Sorry, internet down in my area I can't access the files.\"\n\"Sorry, my pc broken.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone a bit old sometimes calls automatic go to missed calls.\"\n\"Sorry, need to celebrate my grandma's birthday can't help.\"\n\"Sorry, my mum forcing me to go family trip.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone data running out, I don't have money to top up...\"\nThat's just a way to cope and be petty, but ultimately it's just not a good company." ], [ "When you are employed under other person, you basically a corporate slave. The company has poor culture, merely let the person who made mistake to work alone. No teamwork etc?\nThere are companies or place that treasure employees. Tell her to keep looking for it." ] ]
Malaysian Armed Forces
Im sorry for asking in this subreddit since i cant find any MAF channel in reddit. Im a military fanboy, and i want to ask you do you think our military is underfunded. We still operate 1980s era of ships. Our air forces is ok but our neighbours are much better (indo,sg,thai). Our ground forces is good except we lack of air transport like helo since nuri helicopter is decommissioned. I know we are not a country that will involve in any war but good military equipment is important. Im not saying we need 1000+ tanks, 500+ jets and stuff but we can take some example from small european country like denmark,norway,latvia or austria. They have small numbers of tanks,jet fighters and navy but most of them are modern (leopard 2a5, f35 and newer generation ship).
[ [ "Blame our corruption culture on this, not the Malaysian civilians who did nothing wrong.\nHow do you expect good equipment when more than 90% of the budget are guaranteed to be spent on \"\"consultation fees\"\"? The military know exactly who is to be blame for this culture and they did nothing except sharing in the consultation fees.\nWith that kind of mindset, they are bigger traitors than anyone else in this country.", "I hope newer generation of politicians can change this or improve. It is sad that we used to be asean superpower in the 80s and 90s but now we are behind philippine and singapore." ], [ "Very underfunded, the issue gets worse when you realize that if we have a severe lack of frontline assets, which is currently the case for all branches (navy needs more ships, air force needs more fighters and army needs modernisation and SPHs), our reserve forces would also be experiencing funding issues." ], [ "Yes the military is underfunded, thats quite obvious if you follow local military news in the slightest bit.\nAlso we are in a much more different circumstance than those European nations you mentioned. They have an obligation to maintain a certain level of military preparedness since they're part of NATO and the potential of Russia to flip a switch at a moments notice, whereas Malaysia's biggest concern is China and its navy, which in the greater scheme of things isn't as much of a concern.\nAlso, you have to keep in mind that getting the \"best\" and most modern military equipment available won't immediately fix let alone act as a bandaid to the military's limitations if there is no proper use for them or if they are unfit for our needs, i.e. procuring more modern and heavier tanks like the Leopard 2 may not be suitable for our terrain etc.", "I understand that not all modern equipment are good for our geography/terrain like leopard heavy tank. But for how long we need to depend on our old pt91(polish t72) tank. They are outdated. We can buy the same tank like the indonesian Leopard2ri that got modifications so it can fit with indonesian geography/terrain.", "Of all the things the military needs, new tanks are very low on that priority list, and for what its worth our modified PT-91Ms should be fine for another decade or so. Theres other avenues that require immediate attention like new frigates being completed on time, more modern MRCAs, new SPHs, more UAVs, longer range AA systems so on so forth.", "Getting new MBT is not the army's priority definitely. They are more concerned about maintaining the current fleet of IFVs and APCs and those are more useful in the event of localised conflict than a fleet of modern but rarely used MBTs. I doubt the army intended for the PT91 to fight an armoured warfare like how the US did in the Battle of 73 Easting.", "I agree with you since mbt is not good for urban warfare. They should prioritise more on ifv/apc", "We just don't have much use for a modern MBT yet. The importance of IFVs and APCs are something the army well aware of from the get go, hence many of the latest procurements are mostly IFVs and APCs like the new Gempita AV8 and various light vehicles. I believe they are more concerned with localised threats rather than external like fighting another modern army. Marawi was like a proof for them to understand what they should be focusing on." ], [ "The mindset of \"we will not be in war anyway\" is just bad, other countries prepared their military for war not because they want war, but because they want to deter war, \"we like peace but if you try to mess with us we can mess you up\" kind of thing, not only that, war do not come when we want, it will come when it happen, and by then it will be too late to try and prepared, I thought the Lahad Datu incident will be an eye opener to our politicians and public, but sadly no, most people and all the politicians do not take national defense seriously.\nOverall thou, I think our soldiers are well trained but yeah their equipment and tools are lacking, because of politics. When professional do not have the tools they need, their work will be less efficient.\nNow what equipment do I think we need the most? More area denial stuff, like anti ship missiles, anti aircraft batteries, anti missile defense, portable infantry anti vehicle devices and mine warfare ships.", "Sadly our politicians like to think “malaysia is not a country who likely will go to war” mindset so they can spend less on military budgets. You are right, we are a defensive country so we need more coastal defence missile/ship and also better SAM than our short range rapier missile.", "Be like Switzerland, they never went to war after abdication of Napoleon Bonaparte but they are currently one of the most top tier military in Western Europe. Other countries will have no choice but to recognise Switzerland neutrality and left them alone." ], [ "To say that our air force is okay is a bit of an exaggeration I'd say. We really lack MRCAs. We only have two squadrons, sukhois are okay but f-18s are underequipped and both squadrons are at WM. Imo we at least need another full squadron of MRCA for EM. The LCAs are ok, but I'm not sure they can last in air superiority fights.\nedit: I also forgot to mention the lack of air defense systems. The best we have is rapier, which is only a short range system.", "For me our air force is okay to defend our airspace and intercept any unknown aircraft that enter our airspace illegally. But for a full scale war, yeah maybe not good enough since you are right that we really lack of MRCA and also SAM.", "I'd say the most well equipped branch of MAF would be the tentera darat. They've been getting IFVs, artilleries and SPH, the little bird and about to lease some blackhawks. The only thing they lack are attack choppers and tanks since the scorpions have been retired.", "The LCAs are meant for both training and filling the gaps left by MiG-29 (also a mean to reduce operating cost). The government still intend to go through with the MRCA program but the only problem is which aircrafts to pick, because all the good options are not cheap and we still have the Kelapa Sawit moment with EU.\nSAM capability is certainly an issue and it is actually a much better approach in securing the airspace, though operating layers of it is something I think we don't have experience with yet.", "Yeah the FA-50 is a really good purchase cause its an improved T-50 and much more capable and we actually bought a full squadron of it. Wish we can see more in the future. I agree about the lack of experience to operate SAMs, but we should start with medium ranged ones like NASAMS or KM SAM." ], [ "Malaysia doesn't face any military threat except for Filipino pirates and Sulu descendent nutjobs.\nThe current size is good enough to maintain deterrence. Maybe upgrade transport and surveillance. Anything else is a waste of money", "I also agree with you. We really need more transportation especially helo so our troops can be more flexible" ], [ "Corruption, funding and procurement debates have always been issues related to MAF for quite a while but there is a lot of things people tend to miss or overestimated how much we needed to be honest.\nAir transport\nProcurement of more helicopters certainly sound sensible and promising but we long pass the days we really need a large force of helicopters. We don't actually have a dedicated an air assault formation, so we don't really need too much helicopters other than those necessary for various utility purposes and support roles like close air support or MEDEVAC.\nGround equipment (MBT)\nOur ground equipment are remarkably up to date from the look of it. Tank-wise, we don't need more than the one we have right now if our armed force's primary concern is fighting an unconventional warfare. We probably still gearing towards a localised warfare situation where we will be fighting low-level threats instead like how the Philippines fought in Marawi. We don't need too much MBTs, rather we need to ensure our current armoured formations are well-maintained to do their jobs.\nAircrafts\nOur country is looking into reducing operating cost and considering our localised focus, there isn't exactly a massive need for extremely capable air superiority aircrafts. The current approach of getting more light aircrafts work as both light attack and trainer aircrafts, though I would prefer if we actually gone for MRCA. We do need more multirole aircrafts to properly secure our airspace though that can be done with dedicated anti-air system.\nShips\nWe just need ships to control our water, not fighting an entire blue ocean navy. I do agree that we need to get more capable frigates rather than just gunboats." ], [ "2 days late but all I want to say is, Malaysia have no money, rather all those money are going somewhere, who knows.\nOur main naval ships can barely be called as Frigates, they are equivalent to Nanushka class corvette and there are not many of them. Definitely Cold War era ships with little to no major upgrade.\nAir Force is sad. If you account on operational capability of a fighter aircraft to get ready and be on standby during peacetime which is under 50%, we barely have fighters to intercept anything, especially with slightly outdated BAE Hawk and F/A-18 D Hornet which is almost the same as North Korea MiG-29 in terms of capabilities and that is something. Transport heli is almost non existent, good luck carrying any towed artillery or supplies or any MEDEVAC to the infantry on the ground.\nOur Ground forces is okay, our mechanized units are probably one of the most decent ones in the list but as a peninsular nation, without air and naval superiority/ parity, our ground forces is good as dead." ] ]
Rafizi to host own podcast, open to public and cybertroopers
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "In my opinion its a bad move. Economy is very technical and complicated. And it relates to alot of things.\nWhen people dont understand, they will misinterprete whatever explanation given. And the result will be very bad.\nFor economy, the general public only wants to see result. And their understanding of things are very simple : more money in bank at the end of the month = good economy, no money or need cut spending = bad economy.\nNo matter whatever jargons, graph or data you show, if it doesnt reflect in their bank account it will be considered as bs." ], [ "Why do you suddenly want to be like KJ? You are Menteri Ekonomi already, focus on your goddamn job.", "because it works:26554:\nnow he also want to sapu menteri cytro communication works\njack of all trade that practically can do anything but fixing the economy", "I mean, if you think about it, if his goal is to get feedback from the floor, which from what is said in the article, seems to be it, then why not right?", "That is his staffs’ job, not him. He should be busting his head in his office solving problem. I mean sultan is head of religion, but we dont see sultan kicking hotel’s doors on new year.", "I always thinks that ministers should be the bridge of communication between the people and the higher ups, and footwork is done by his team instead. Isn't this one of those things that Minister can do and not other people?", "Reality is though, the economy ministry isn't that busy unlike other ministries. It focuses on multi-year programmes and long-term plans. I mean, economic indicators like GDP comes out once a quarter, other data like inflation is once a month. The economy ministry isn't a daily monitoring kinda job like the ministries. That's why it technically is still a Ministry under the Prime Minister's Department. It shares resources with the PM.\nAlso the economy ministry should not be tweaking every single plan if data is lower or higher than anticipated. Long term plans should stay the course and be adjusted only if the trend is looking wrong.\nHe's done the RMK12 adjustment (his main job), overseen the NETR, the NIMP, the Digital Transformation Roadmap, etc. Nothing much to do other than monitoring now.\nAs to what Rafizi could be doing with his free time, sure, that's debatable. Doing podcast to clarify government programs fits his job description. Countering fake news, that's taking over Comms territory though.", "If not how are people going to be brainwashed to start using Digital ID aka PADU?" ], [ "wow, so much free time ?." ], [ "Babi gaji dah banyak pun nak cari part time lagi, dia tengok KJ seronok, dia pun nak juga.\nPepatah mengatakan; formula yg dikejar tak dapat, formula yg dikendong berciciran" ], [ "<image>\nCan they stop talking, and start focusing on their job+ get our economy back on track?" ], [ "Is this SOCMED governance?" ], [ "Why the fuck does everyone here in the comments seem to think he is planning to do this podcast in the middle of work hours lmao.\nIf not mistaken, it's only one episode per two weekend. If he does it in his non-workdays why not. Gets to disprove stupid narrative created by cybertroopers, gets you all to actually fucking understand what he is doing with his ministry. What is the difference between this and attending one of those interviews by radio station, BFM interviews whatsover lol.\nNo do these talk, then say this minister out of touch, never talk with the ground\nDo these talk, then say interviewer biased never ask important questions\nDo these talk invite biggest hater, then say very free ahh is it." ], [ "\"Saya ada formula untuk ekonomi, tapi untuk penjagaan diri saya perlu lebih dari formula! Sebab itu saya pakai produk penaja podkas ini, manscaped!\"" ], [ "They just keep pushing your patience, don't they?" ], [ "menteri apa ada banyak masa buat podcast ni\nthats why the ringgit and the economy is shit." ], [ "So much free time to do talk show?" ], [ "Rafizi is acting like a typical French minister. French ministers have so much free time they spend their time writing erotic novels https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/05/02/senior-french-politician-bruno-le-maires-latest-novel-mocked-for-its-erotic-content" ], [ "Let the public decide which guests will attend" ] ]
Mother demands authorities stop dragging feet in MCKK bullying case
[ "Education" ]
She claims the case has not moved in four months and there has been no meeting with the deputy education minister as promised.
[ [ "Fadhlina useless macam always when have actual issue" ] ]
Is it just me or do the mall decorations seem more "plain" over the past few years?
Except Pavilion, I noticed the decorations have been getting less ambitious and more scaled down compared to 5-10 years ago.
[ [ "Mall decorations are not free, they are sponsored by the brands in the mall. If you are willing to spend few hundred thousands to a few millions, of course it would look as grand as Pavillion." ], [ "Expenses and budgets aside, the overall consumer taste and behaviours are changing. In the past, decorations was used to draw crowds, not so much these days, so the ROI isn’t healthy.", "this is the answer. i think alot of people especially the younger ones dont give a shit about some decoration in some mall no matter how grand if the actual experience is that people cant actually go and enjoy it cause its too packed", "80s here, I'm one of these who doesn't give a damn about decoration. Proud to be Younger One :26554:", "Haha actually I was referring to Millennials and Gen Z generation when I said younger ones\nWe (I'm 90s) very much prefer \"vibes\" rather than actual big attractions. Which mall can give Xmas vibes, or international bougee vibes (trx mall) etc", "I was referring to Millennials\n:26563: Did you mean I am too old to not give a damn for decoration? hahaha", "Not at all! I was grouping you under millennials actually haha", "Cleaver comeback :26561:", "Wasn't lyin tho...", "hahaha Understood bro, just kidding with you :26561:", "Yeah so I used to work with events and branding. Over the years, it was obvious that festivities retail numbers were dropping. I think e-commerce is a factor as well. In fact, the only thing that would drive numbers up were entertainment + pop culture events and roadshows like Marvel or K-pop. That’s why most malls prefer to shift their budgets to accommodate that." ], [ "We're either running out of ideas to keep to the secular version of Xmas or budgets have been slashed, for both shoppers and mall marketing teams alike." ], [ "Market is kinda very bad. Those inflatable santa are very good, for me. Chubby, punch able, can shake hand too." ], [ "The Deepavali decorations at KLCC this year were pretty!" ], [ "wait till dong dong chang then tell us back what you think:26554:" ], [ "i thought the curve's was pretty nice tbh.. prolly won't cost as much as pavi's but the light hits just right during the evening and going into night." ], [ "I don't go to a mall for the fuckin decor\nI go to buy shit I need" ] ]
Why isn’t DAP backing Tan on local elections, asks Rama
Do you have an issue with queuing up for food in Malaysia?
[ "Food" ]
Hello guys. Just curious about what everyone thinks. Often times when buying food in Malaysia, we will need to queue up, not knowing how long more to wait and worst, having to stay in line because some restaurants required you to do so. Is it only me or does anyone feel like this is an issue that can be solve with some innovation? What do you think about an application that allows food vendors to manage their queue, also, customers to drop their details and come back to the restaurant when the app pings them? Exploring some ideas here and appreciate your thoughts. 😁
[ [ "I hated that nasi kandar in bukit jalil. The owner purposely serve slowly to create queue so that some customers can take a short video and post it like the 2000 customers before them.", "Well it’s people’s fault then for allowing themselves to be treated like that. The moment the line gets smaller you’ll see a drastic change in how fast the owner serves customers.", "I'm a tourist and if I see a line longer than like... 4 or 5, I'mma be like, hey good for you guys for being popular and shit. I'll go eat somewhere else.", "Exactly man. It’s just food no idea why people would waste their precious time waiting when sellers are literally jerking them around purposefully serving slowly.", "Still better than those Turkish ice cream sellers. They play with your ice cream before you can eat it.", "And people record it and post online like it’s something special wtf. Man’s paid for ice cream and only ice cream not the extra ‘piss me off’ package", "High key the only reason I have not try their ice cream, I dont want my food to be played and teased infront of me like wtf im juz want that ice cream bro", "Friend fries bukit bintang. Ultra shit queue system.", "Well that's.. clever\n.\nOH SHIT , NOW JUST REALIZED.. the skyline luge that recently open. alot of reviews about the queues says it's horrible even though some of people bought a vip tickets but still in queue.\nTHEY WERE ACTUALLY PURPOSELY TO MAKE THEM LOOKS FULL, SO THEY COULD PROMOTE THEIR PLATFORM FOR A VIDEO.\ndude you're a genius.", "And they're also understaffed", "I doubt it's understaffed, the place just recently opened", "It... actually is. I went there on the third day. 2 on the ticketing counter, 2 on the queueing for scanning, 2 to help you get on the Skyride, 2 to help you get off the Skyride, maybe 4 to coordinate getting on the luge, and 2 to get you off the luge. No one to coordinate the crowd other than the manned stations", "opposite pavilion?", "Tu diaaaaaaaaa........ Surrrrrrrrrr\nThat guy?", "Yes sir. Mantap.", "Oh Nasi Kandar Bendi. Ayam Bawang suurrrrr\nBut fr his stuffs are good. I just lucky both times I go there ngam2 12pm after my meetings.\nTbh I find his theatrics as part of the fun. Very nice 👌🏽", "Which one is this haha" ], [ "queue = i leaving to other place where i dont need to queue", "This exactly. We live in Malaysia. There's an abundance of good food 24/7. We are extremely spoilt for choice. If you have the money to be going to restaurants in the first place, you are twice over privilaged enough to also have choices." ], [ "I don’t queue for food. If I have to , I’ll just go somewhere else" ], [ "viral food\nand\nFOMO\nhate the trend" ], [ "I refuse to queue for food if the line is more than 3 customers deep. If I see a long line amywhere - Restaurant, Famima, McD, even better restaurants i will seek other options.\nWe are lucky coz we have so many options, and I dont believe in the bullcrap that is \"Alah, nanti kempunan, beratur je la tunggu\". Nope. Not for me.\nTak dapat sekarang, come back later. If not hari ni, pergi hari lain.\nEdit: If advance planned, I acquire a reservation. Even restaurants not accepting reservations will block a table if you advance order and pre-pay/deposit.", "planned, I acquire a reservation. Even restaurants not accepting reservations will block a table if you advance\nYep, if you really need a table for n number of pax, plan ahead, call and book." ], [ "What do you think about an application that allows food vendors to manage their queue, also, customers to drop their details and come back to the restaurant when the app pings them\nThose already exist. It's not an app, just a website.", "I think KLCG have that system. I usually go there for breakfast so I rarely have to queue but if not mistaken they have the queue system that will notify you by sms when there are preparing your table. They even have big sign at the registration counter to tell you how many people are in the queue and in their syatem they even have the eta for when its gonna be your turn." ], [ "I'll just get my food on other places if it is packed with a long queue." ], [ "barely any issue. orang sanggup beratur 3-4 line." ], [ "i usually almost exclusively dine out with friends at fancy places. if alone, i go where it tickles my fancy. if i need to WAIT and theres a queue, I M OFF.\nthe food might be \"good\" but i respect my own time that i know that we live in malaysia, the land of FOOD. our country is touted as having the best food in the world (debatable). yet we insist on ONE certain eatery thats possibly overpriced?\ndoesnt make sense.\ni dont have a problem with queuing. mainly because i avoid places with queues. i only ever queue if my companion(s) insist on eating there." ], [ "Food places with long queues are either cheap or good, or most likely both. All those entitled pricks that criticize those places can fuck off and go somewhere else, nobody is forcing you to queue." ], [ "Queue Application already existed, but most restaurant I go chose to do it manually by" ], [ "customers to drop their details and come back to the restaurant when the app pings them?\nYou mean the customer comes 5 mins after the app pinged and proceed to cut the queue because it was their turn 5 mins before because they were at the toilet, 7/11, fighting terrorist, or parking their car? no thanks." ], [ "Only time I line up for food is the free food given by politicians.\nPM raya open house, state and district level open house, etc." ], [ "the ROI might not be worth it, old people are reluctant to learn how to use the apps/website anyways, lower overall customer satisfaction if you ask me", "those apps n website are so shit for ordering food....scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll while a hard copy menu is so much easier...sometimes if it aint broke dont fix it", "this reminds me of that time i went to a vegan restaurant\nthey gave us a QR code to scan that was in between two pieces of plastic covers, the plastic covers were dirty with black spots on them, i couldn't scan the QR\nasked them to give me another one, it worked, but the website couldn't load cuz there was no reception there\nsaw a sign on the table that says i can get free wifi after showing the staff that i liked their fb page, mf, i cant even load a website, why would u think i can load facebook\nasked the staff if they could just give me the wifi pw and luckily they didnt hesitate\nfood was nice, but damm that was such a hassle, and obviously my grandma complained why there wasn't a physical menu", "", "i dont think i have experienced anything bad enough to make me want to leave a restaurant\nphysical menu + the option for an online ordering system/ regular staff writing down your order is the best approach i think, you cater to all ages of preferences", "yea, give me a hard copy menu and let me order thru the app, best in both worlds" ], [ "Querying for food is normal in countries like Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. Why you can do that in those country but not in Malaysia? Then again, don't eat there is you have problem queuing. I am sure the restaurant won't miss you." ], [ "If it’s due to slow service staff (there are bad apples), then I chao alrdy.\nIf a place is newly opened or overhyped, then I’d wait for it to die down before going." ], [ "I dont mind queueing if everyone (both business owner and customers alike) are considerate about it. Talking about people being nonchalant and slumber despite the queue, not preparing the money in advance when they are still queueing and only taking out wallet at the counter, not quickly moving aside after getting change to keep the line going etc.\nThose things more often than not annoy me more than the queue itself" ], [ "If its more than 6 people and the line not moving ,I gonna go some where else my time is precious" ], [ "There needs to be a single app that dominates the menu/food ordering space. Kinda like Grab for ehailing." ], [ "If i am a people pleaser, i will innovate smth in my restaurant to be more fast and efficient.\nBut if i am a businessman, i will make my restaurant looks busy and full. The mind trick is people always curious. Why the queue is soo long, why theres no table left, why this, why that. Maybe 10% of you will not queue, but most 90% will. As long as their curiosity is satisfied. Then the repeatability of them coming back depends on the food. If it good, they will come back for sure.\nBecause people always follow the crowd.", "lucky i dont know where your shop is", "Why the queue is soo long, why theres no table left, why this, why that. Maybe 10% of you will not queue,\nNot me. This is not Singapore where you have to queue for good food.\nIf the queue looks long, we go to our plan B. If too far/lazy to drive elsewhere, we explore other options nearby." ], [ "Plenty of restaurants have sit down service. Or a UFO that buzzes when your food is ready." ], [ "Using an app here is a classic case of a solution looking for a problem.\nThe more elegant solution is already available, it’s a sms notice to customer. No installation required from customer end, and restaurant can either do it old school (using phone sms) or when volume allow, specialize software o pc to send sms." ], [ "I don't mind queuing for a bit. But i mostly eat out alone, so that means I cannot jom a table. If the restaurant or food court is very popular, there is a high possibility I might end up without a seat or have to share table with strangers. So my answer is it depends." ], [ "if restaurant, will call and reserve in advance\nif normal shops, a few people then still ok but if more than 2-3 tables of customers and no signs of anyone gonna leave soon, then nah" ], [ "As much as people hate queueing Malaysians are hella polite for doing it anyway." ], [ "I remember a time during MCO.... queue is everywhere. It's a good time, everyone is civilised even buying from gerai makcik that sell your typical nasi lemak and kuih. Now back to Cik Bai punya attitude main potong jer masuk tepi depan semua suka dia.... Malaysian.\nSiap keter and motor main parking depan gerai direct...macam drive through." ], [ "Foodpanda pick up gives me extra 20% off so I barely queue. Things that I crave for like boba/boost juice tho, would queue for that" ], [ "15 Q or more. Will find somewhere else" ], [ "I don't queue for food. We are spoiled with options here I can always go elsewhere.\nAnd if you have to, let them deliver it to your door via Grab or Panda or Shopee 🤣" ], [ "Yes, please. If Zus can do this with their coffee, restaurants and government offices can do this with their queues. Though it might require some thinking to prevent abuse." ], [ "Queue for food is a way to give an illusion that the restaurant is popular and in demand. Of course, due to limited choices, better than nearby restaurants will always have queues waiting.\nSometimes, you just have no option but to queue because you don't want to drive too far to have some decent food." ], [ "que = skip and find some other shop that I can actually get a food and sit down" ], [ "If there's a queue that means the food is good\nExcept for food places that go viral online" ], [ "thank you for the start up tech and make job." ], [ "If there’s a queue I leave. There’s plenty of good food everywhere, I don’t like wasting my time to wait for a meal that I have to stand under the hot sun for more than 15 minutes." ] ]
Working remotely from Malaysia
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hi all I’m planning to visit Malaysia early next year for travel. However, some of my travel dates coincide with some important work meetings I have to be in. My company does offer the option to work remotely from a different country. Since I wanted to work 2 days remotely from Malaysia, are there any income tax implications? I’m from Australia btw and no I am not trying to apply for digital nomad visa. Look forward to hearing from you all.
[ [ "You're overthinking the problem. It's just 2 days. No one will care if you do remote work for 2 days here or anywhere else." ], [ "Well the amount of days that counts. Say if your stay in Malaysia is less than 60 days then it's tax free.\nBut once you goes beyond it then please file it with lhdn using form B.\nUnless you're : 1.Work on Malaysian Ships (sailor) 2. Earning dividend ( saving accounts etc)\nMalaysian is lax in a sense, a long you pay you dues and do the the appropriate paperwork you will be okay. But once the it's officer latch onto you the bill can stretch from east to west Malaysia. There are even cases of some celebrities need to pick up loans or simply declared bankrupt due the huge penalty of not paying tax and not declaring earnings.\nFyi Maxis and u mobile have good 5g connection\nWhile u mobile offers the best bargain.", "Thanks @manjakini! Which official website can I find the no tax if less than 60 days? Need to provide it for the remote work application" ], [ "No tax implications as I know of. Of course never tell the immigration officer that you might be working here - that will trigger alarm and request for paperwork." ], [ "First off don't mention anything to immigration, Malaysia is in some ways highly centralised but at the same time does not have any form of joined up government. Malaysian gov servants thrive on paperwork, your passport will be enough.\nRegarding income tax, the LHDN website is really good and the pdfs that they release from time to time explaining the rules with multiple examples are excellent. You'll be a non resident with overseas income which is either 0 or 3% rated.\nNow the practicality of paying income tax means you'd need to register with LHDN, something you can't do, have a Malaysian business or company pay your contribution, something you can't do.\nIf you're still unsure you can call LHDN and they're very helpful, used to be quick to answer phones and talk to a real person with subject matter knowledge, less so since they've gone more digital." ], [ "Nope,\nMy boss are from Australia, occasionally travel to Malaysia, Brunei, he usually just say he's coming for short meetings, no questions asked.\nRegarding the tax implications this is a separate issue entirely. Unless Malaysian company paying your salary for time here ,there should be no issue at all." ], [ "Most documentation official is in Malay I can't seem to find it in English.\n<image>" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 20 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
Thought I'd help give a shoutout. Anyone in the area seen this yet?
[ [ "It’s an ad. Jerry often makes this kinda ads, though it’s the first I’ve seen offline.", "So Jerry's customer base are bosses and secretaries? Kinky", "Co working and co habitat. Jerry covers them all 😏", "Their space looks like a jail to me… 👁️👄👁️", "May cause road accidents at a busy traffic junction. Probably caused by “Kevins”", "Enjoy up to 1 hour private meeting with no additional cost", "but if you were to google kevin there's actually a linkedin account to his name and the company that the account is attached to has an office in TTDI as well (same building as jerry). the account looks proper too, with 500+ connections", "You're kidding? I'm actually disappointed this isn't real", "Right? Got ready the popcorn and box drinks already. 😮‍💨", "So Jerry promoting his co-f-ing space huh? Tell me more", "this shits hilarious asf" ], [ "So it is a marketing gimmick\nEdit: for co working space which is beside it..", "Is it really? That's honestly disappointing.", "All the Kevin Teoh Chee Sings in Malaysia took collateral damage for this ad", "Imagine someone random called Teoh Chee Sing taking them to court for defamation and libel", "My man Kevin can't catch a break. Catching strays left and right lol", "Chee Sing, I wonder if he from a cantonese family.", "Most likely not. AFAIK Teoh is either Teochew or Hokkien", "Pretty much it is. The cue here is the windowless room indicating they provide a room with more privacy for those who needed. Nice try, Jerry Hew 😏", "Thought the same, Jerry's marketing materials use the same font.\nWould recommend though, cheap private spaces", "So, what, they encourage cheating on their premise then?", "It's a marketing tactic, this guy posted it on reddit because of how outrageous it is. It's now gone kinda viral with 517 upvotes. That is marketing genius, people are sending this picture to each other because its comical not knowing its a marketing gimmic, and thus making people aware of this co-working space and it's private rooms.", "Yeah, I am aware of such gimmicks. I was just refering to the moral implications of such gimmicks. You wanna cheat? Get a windowless space so your spouse can't snoop around.", "Cheaters gonna cheat. This will probably end up like Ashley Madison.", "better than Bobbits though? no?", "Bobbitt?", "Classy" ], [ "Wish they would spend more on their furniture instead of marketing", "Its good enough for piak piak piak tho... 😏" ], [ "Sorry but the emojis gave it away. This is obviously a marketing gimmick.", "Was the Chinese name for me", "The Mac window folder aesthetics for me. Like what's the point of making until so nice if the goal is humiliating a cheater..." ], [ "Plot twist: OP works for Jerry's marketing department and is seeding this to meet their KPI. I see you, OP.", "I cannot confirm nor deny your accusation. I plead the fifth" ], [ "Not sure if its a clever advertising from Jerry Coworking Space, or what lol", "It’s a pretty shit ad, ngl. Immediately alienate all cheaters 😂", "I thought they were advertising to the cheaters. Implying that they also have windowless rooms" ], [ "This was posted on twitter with the caption \"Spotted in TTDI\" by none other than the guy who started this coworking space. Cheap low effort marketing, smh" ], [ "semi related- that stretch of road has TOO many billboards, print and digital. fucking capitalism istg" ], [ "It's clearly an ad, the fact that they have to mention the name the place \"Jerry Coworking Space TTDI\" and \"windowless room\" gives it away" ], [ "But, fr, how's Jerry coworking space?\nFrankly, am disappointed none of the spaces, Jerry's or others in KL have weekend access.", "It's staff-less, so you can access it whenever I think", "it’s great. best part is you can stay till 10pm by paying an extra 20 bucks which I’m more than happy to." ], [ "i know this is an ad...but i do have a boss called Shin Yi and I heard rumours that she's having a marital problem 😂" ], [ "Whoaaaaa! Now they do this already?!! Hahaha I’ve only ever seen this in the west" ], [ "And then PuAS (Ibrahim, duh) gonna come through stating this is why they wanted to move forward with polygamy. 🤡" ], [ "I like Jerry. At least Jerry got a sense of humour hahahah" ], [ "Someone needs to check up on the marketing person who suggested + approved this 😵‍💫" ], [ "What is ttdi?", "Taman Tun Dr Ismail\nThe only reason I know is because I call in sick sometimes, and then spend the day at the library there", "Wait, there's a library? Which part of TTDI?", "Perpustakaan, 31204, Jalan Athinapan, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur\nYou can take a feeder bus there from TTDI MRT station - the exact stop is a short way off before the library itself", "Perpustakaan, 31204, Jalan Athinapan, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur\nIsn't that the place with a small restaurant serving Sarawak food?", "Small restaurant ✓\nSarawak food ✕\nThey serve a mix of pastries and rice dishes, nothing uniquely Sarawak as far as I know. Either way, you will see a few patrons sitting outside munching something.", "Oh, ok. Anyway, thanks for the directions." ], [ "Shin Yi must have been extremely pissed" ], [ "Lmfao how does it feel to know that the stupid dumb viral ads that no one likes work on bored nosy kepohs like yourself?", "It's malaysia, who's not kepoh?", "A lot of people you don't hear from because they don't bother bringing attention to stupidity. Arguably a boring life but compared to wasting more than 2 brain cells on this? People like you bring attention to this isn't it? eg the Singaporean lady who made bad Malaysian jokes.", "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I hope that you have a better day than you had yesterday.", "Mate I sleep fine. If I don't use harsher words you're gonna think posting fake news is fine and if you don't like me for it then so be it. If you can't handle negative comments don't post." ], [ "Damn :26554:" ], [ "What the actual fuck🤯", "its an advertisement" ], [ "That indeed Wow." ], [ "Hahahaha congratulations" ], [ "It would be natural, if it is a hotel ad" ], [ "Ingenious really" ], [ "Lol yang 1st upload owner company working space" ], [ "I was looking for co-working space and saw the space online and my first feeling was the traumatised feeling i get was entering a classroom when I was a kid." ], [ "Aiya, I was about to sympathize with Teoh Chee Sing. Padahal it's an ad. Pretty interesting one tho. We're all talking about it." ], [ "Play so big ah ….. lol…. He is in trouble." ], [ "Kevins have it the hardest. First Kevin Koo, now this guy" ], [ "What happened at Jerry Coworking Space? Is it a place to be to get a divorce or is it the place to do the deed so that you'd be divorced? Asking for a friend." ], [ "you mean teow chee ting?" ], [ "gullible op tsk tsk" ], [ "Just wish this is real tho damn" ], [ "I apologize on behalf of all with the teoh surname." ], [ "Hmm.... I'm wondering is this an Ad for WOW media?" ] ]
Which people visit Kek lok si the most? Chinese? Malaysian Chinese? Hong Kong people? Cantonese or Mandarin speaking people?
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
I was there recently and was surrounded by a bunch of similar tourists. Did not speak to them as all were speaking in their language. Asking for general knowledge😅
[ [ "Cantonese, mandarin, Hokkien speaking people. Mostly Malaysian, as they tend to mix the dialects. And not many understand the term \"Kek Lok Si\" if you dont know cantonese.", "It is not Cantonese, it is hokkien, the primary dialect speak by Penang Chinese or even non Chinese." ], [ "You are a suspicious ant aren't you" ], [ "Anyone?" ], [ "Buddhists" ], [ "Mainly tourist from around the world. I don't think penang people will go there is not for special event like Chinese new yest when the temples is decorated with thousands of lights.\nI myself used to live very close to the temple for 15 years and never in my mind to visit the place." ], [ "Tourists would, never meta Penang kiah who was happy to go there" ], [ "42 now, the last time I went there was when I was 5." ] ]
In China and South Korea it is socially acceptable to ask a first date what their earnings and salary is, meanwhile in Malaysia and Western countries it is considered pretty rude to do so. Why?
[ [ "Try comparing their divorce rate and happiness to us see how being superficial actually leads to their high suicide", "South Korea is a country where ahjumas tell their children to “not hang out with children in the poorer playground” even though they are in the same apartment building so 🤷‍♀️", "South Korea is messed up, young adults are going into heavy debt to buy luxury goods to keep up with appearance of being wealthy. When the loans default because of frivolous spending they gonna learn a very painful lesson.", "Not to mention SK is one of the worst country to live in for mental illness and neurodivergent people.", "But but but Samsung and LG good!!11", "Do you think Malaysia is one of the best?", "What is the point of this question? I've never mentioned Malaysia.\nIf you want your question to be answer, no. Mental health and neurodiverged people are still heavily stigmatised in Asia, especially in society that heavily focus on the bigger community like China, SK or Japan. At the very least Malaysia have less stigma towards seeking therapy.\nEdit: Apologies if I may sound stand-off-ish. Your tone sounded condescending.", "Pointing that out about SK seems pointless because like you said it is an issue across all of Asia, it's like saying SK has short men in the country as well, like yea so does every country... Why do you need to call out SK, or SK has poor work life balance, yea so does Malaysia and I just don't understand why you do it. Is it to make SK look worse or feel better about Malaysia when the reality is that SK and Malaysia are siblings and apple does not fall far from the tree. SK isn't better or worse, it's almost the same as Malaysia. Their problems are our problems are everyone's problems so making a comment that draws a line of separation makes the problem worse by taking us further away from working together for a solution.", "actually, no. Malaysian society is fairly accepting of people with mental health issues. We have a lot of resources when it comes to things like therapy and counselling (this isn't known that well, but most public unis offer free therapy for mental illnesses).\nOur problem is that despite our society acknowledging it, our people still lack the awareness of how to actually solve it. Although more conservative people are aware of the problems of mental health they're still asking people to use religion as therapy, and while that is quite useful sometimes, it doesn't work for everyone.", "OK, you think ML is accepting of neuro divergent but don't see how banning LGBT makes that untrue? You can say one thing but if the reality shows the opposite, it doesn't matter what the words coming out of the mouth are, when the actions don't align.", "How does banning LGBT affect acceptance of neurodiverged people? Two completely unrelated things.", "how do they even correlate lmao. It's two different things", "Pointing that out about SK seems pointless because like you said it is an issue across all of Asia, it's like saying SK has short men in the country as well,\nI've said it's more prominent in countries like SK, China and Japan (countries with weak sense of individuality). Not to mention sharing a problem doesn't make the severity the same, it's like saying every country have gang/cartel problems but some are worse like Brazil and Mexico.\nWhy do you need to call out SK, or SK has poor work life balance, yea so does Malaysia\nHow does that affect my original statement?\nIs it to make SK look worse or feel better about Malaysia when the reality is that SK and Malaysia are siblings and apple does not fall far from the tree.\nHow did you come to that conclusion? I simply stated a fact that SK is one of the worst country when it comes to mental health stigma. I don't need to put down SK to feel good about Malaysia, there are other ways to that (food). And SK and Malaysia are very different countries, SK is homogeneous, not tropic, different ethnic groups, different culture and religions.\nSK isn't better or worse, it's almost the same as Malaysia. Their problems are our problems are everyone's problems so making a comment that draws a line of separation makes the problem worse by taking us further away from working together for a solution.\nHow does that work? One countries' problem is often time unique to their set circumstances, like I've mentioned that SK and Japan are a society syrong on conformity, which can affect various thing like social pressure on individuals who 'sticks out', be it being radically unique or of natural cause (neurodivergent).", "Korea is a failed society and country. They also tell their kids to hate Japanese people and look down on anyone who isnt Korean.", "The hate on the Japanese is kinda understandable (if a bit hypocritical at the same time due to Korea's darker histories when they went to war with other SEA countries) due to the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial army back then.\nThe other parts tho? Not so much.", "", "Don't blame the Japanese for the atrocities and massacres they committed during ww2? Lmao", "Some users here love Japan so blindly, lol. As if some of the problems they mentioned aren't the same as in Japan. Some Japanese look down on us South East Asians.", "Some people are just damn stupid, simple as that. You can enjoy someone's culture, their anime and their porn, but don't be so blind to their dark side. If Koreans are considered overtly racist, Japanese are very good at hiding it in front of you.", "Some users here love Japan so blindly.\nThe majority of the silent redditors of this sub is Malays, mostly the downvotees when touch upon sensitive issues. Although most of the active posters/commenters are appears to be the ethnic-minorities, but the majority of them are Malays, so that bring me the second point.\nMalays love for Japan has some history into it. They assisted the Japanese during the Invasion of Malaya in 8 December 1941, from Kota Bharu, Kelantan [1]. The rest is history, but one point to make is that during the invasion, occupation and until the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese treated the Malays by giving them jobs in the civil services well compared to the other fellow countrymen, ethnic Chinese and Indian where they are subject to hard labor and harsh treatment, i.e., massacre and human experimentation that known as war crimes. The Chinese and Indians with the help from the west are the ones that fought the Japanese during the WWII, and suffered the causalities the most.\nThroughout the Mahathir's administration, his foreign policy and relationship with Japanese has always been positive, he shits on the West, China, and look East, specifically Japanese. I can tell you that he has inferior complex syndrome for the fact that he is of Tamil origins.\n[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kota_Bharu", "And south east Asian's look down on other south east Asians,", "Yeah, but that's your average garden variety racism, not full turbo nitro racism like Japan.", "Are you okay?? Do you know the things they've done to Malaysian people, just because Japanese people are innocent now doesn't mean their ancestors were. We shouldn't forget that.", "hate is necessary, can understand why the Japaneae did it and dont blame them,\nWTF? And also does this only refering to Korean-Japanese relation or Asian-Japanese as a whole?", "can understand why the Japaneae did it and dont blame them\nWhat an asinine statement.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Side note: divorce rate may not necessarily mean they’re unhappier in marriages. It could mean women have more rights and freedom in leaving unhappy marriages." ], [ "I mean are u dating me or my money", "Depends... How much you got?", "1.50 sen,boleh?", "Wah, Encik Beg Duit ni!", "Tree fiddy.\nOr free tiddy.\nGive or take.", "3.50 rm.", "Moar like SGD1.00 *cries*", "One dalla Singapoah.", "Three fiddy", "This ! It's ok to ask later. Asking on the very first date just reeks of shallowness and gold digger vibes.", "well, actually both.... the fact that most girls basically expect guys to pay for most of the dates.\nit may not be tactful but it is a question that is already hiding at the back of everyone's mind. even if they don't ask the question directly, we will unconsciously evaluate each other's appearance, cloths, shoes, the car they drive, etc...", "Which girls you talking about? Because in my experience most English ed girls don’t mind going dutch", "Yes, even English ed girls, the first few dates usually starts with splitting the bill, but eventually the guy pays first even if she will eventually pay you back. somehow it is important to be even perceived that the guy is paying especially in social events.\nIt seems to be a cultural thing like the guy should always be the one on the steering wheel.", "Each time I’ve paid for an English ed girl they always pay back with another treat yeah you’re right", "Just wanted to add it’s quite a culture shock there. I didn’t experience the dating bit but socializing with Koreans and a find a lot of them will introduce themselves along with where they work and what position they have in the company.", "How about Dutch ed girl?", "They pay themselves", "Rethink who you are dating then. Because that’s not normal.", "Legit, each time I go on a date I dress up classy but not too flashy with brands, and drive a second hand proton or Toyota so I can weed out those who just want material stuff", "Many wealthy individuals don’t drive high end cars. Mark Zuckerberg has been seen driving a Honda Fit and an Acura TSX, which are both considered more affordable cars and Jeff Bezos drives a Honda Accord.\nThe knob in the video is just an insecure old man.\nPoint being. The car you drive is just a status symbol. Not everyone feels the need to compensate the size of their dick with a hunk of steel and rubber.", "Jeff Bezos drives a Pagani, dude", "There’s a difference between having and driving. His car collection is worth more money then you’d probably see in a lifetime.", "Jeff Bezos is known to be a person who like to show off with expensive stuff. He might drive a Honda during his uni days.", "https://supercarblondie.com/why-jeff-bezos-drove-a-honda-accord/\nI mean. That’s one article by a shitty source. But there’s many more.\nHe spends his money in other things. And collects cars apparently.\nhttps://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-jeff-bezos-cars-of-top-tech-moguls-2019-7?amp Another article, fair enough it’s from 2019 though.", "In Australia on the other hand the rich and posher girls tend to dress down and aren’t too flashy", "Not true. They wear expensive label clothing without showing the logo. Unlike Asians, they usually like to wear branded stuff showing the logo.", "Guys want honey and girls want money.. Is a win win situation", "No money no date in the adult world unless you met him or her in your schooling days." ], [ "Because we are not as superficial and materialistic as they are.", "Lol OP tanya soalan bodoh kan so tu lah jawapan nya. Nice one.", "OP memang suka tanya soalan bodoh camni. Cuba tengok history dia.", "So OP just a Karma Whore it seems", "Tembak lagi 🔥. Soalan OP ni semua tak masuk akal, hidup dalam minda fantasi dia aje bukan dlm realiti. Mods pun satu lagi, soalan mcm ni bagi up.", "Shots fired", "I mean. It’s true though.", "materialistic is understatement" ], [ "There's a reason why China and Korea younger demographic aren't dating and the correlation with it's population shrinking way faster than Japan on steroid", "Unfortunately asking the ‘how much you earn’ on the first date is normalised in Singapore as well which dissapoints me because I thought Singaporeans are Westernised enough not to do this", "Singapore is wealth centric nation, you need like quadruple their average salary just to have a kid there,this is not the case in most country that you dont have to sacrifice your kidney just to have a child", "Off topic but Singaporeans are suprisingly pretty conservative in many ways despite being thoroughly English educated (man are expected to pay, guys are not okay with gender equal roles too much), not saying Malaysia doesn’t have that which we clearly do but I’d go as far as saying our English ed girls (of all races) are more open minded and liberal than Singaporean girls haha.\nLike many of our English ed girls wouldn’t mind making the first move on a guy they find cute etc etc", "suprisingly pretty conservative in many ways despite being thoroughly English educated\nI dunno where you got that being \"english educated\" meant being liberal.\nThere is a huge gap between your average \"pub-goer having a shag behind the dumpster, luv\" and your average oxford-educated singaporean, though they can both claim to be english educated.", "If it’s not on English-ed vs Chinese-ed girls, or MY vs SG, or another dating question, it’s on English proficiency instead. OP be compensating like mad with such a long history of doing this on r/malaysia and r/bolehland lmao", "I dunno where you got that being \"english educated\" meant being liberal.\nThe subreddit surveys show most or lots of this subreddit are native English speakers and we are pretty liberal.", "This subreddit also represent a very very very very VERY very very very tiny part of Malaysian.", "That's true.", "Who told you that? I think it's rude to ask your date's salary on the first date. It comes off as a gold digger of sort.", "I ask, because I don't want to date a gold-digger. Girl better be making her own money..\nYou cannot reasonably date someone making 10-20x less than you. Even if the girl is honest-hearted, the power-imbalance will be unsustainable very quickly.\nNot something the disney romcom crowd likes to hear but if you want equity in a couple, none of you can be outrageously out of reach of the other.", "Singaporean are no money no talk. That was my experience." ], [ "I mean, Malaysians do it too, just roundabout way\nIt's less common for younger generations, but \"Kerja apa\" is a common dating question, and let's not pretend girls aren't asking it for the exact same reason the Chinese and Koreans are.\nWe're just less focused on the actual amount, and more towards whether the income is stable or no.", "I wouldn’t mind if it’s “what’s your career” on the first date", "I just say I work with insurance\nSome girls actually do just ghost me after that\n(Even though I actually work in finance dept and have nothing to do with sales)", "i dont think that has to do with your earnings. Most people just want nothing to do with insurance agent and direct sales agent because they are afraid u are just there to sell your insurance to them, wasting their time something like that.", "Why not just say you work in finance?", "Because I am indeed working in insurance company :p\nJust a small lie from me personally to weed through people I guess", "\"Kerja apa\" is a common dating question\nI ask this because I want to find common ground in a conversation; I don't actually care how much they make.", "Sebab kita dua lelaki lol\nShe can work as a freelance tree planter and it doesn't matter as long as she's cute(in looks or personality)\nBut it would be naive for us to think women is not estimating our \"worth\" from that question", "While that may be true, I wouldn’t say that’s the main reason for some. I used to ask (until very recently) what they do for a living because I’ve always looked at it as a way to make conversation/small talks. If I just met you, I wouldn’t know what to talk about because there’s no common interest and, I have to start somewhere especially when I’m bad at carrying a conversation without a lead. So it’d be like, oh what you do you do? What’s that/oh interesting. Do you enjoy your job? How’s the workload like, do you have time for other things. Then it’ll branch out to other topics like oh when you have the time, what do you like to do? Etc etc.\nI never really try to estimate one’s worth money-wise based on that question so I didn’t really get it when people talk as if it is a big deal. Now I do kinda get it for those who does it for that reason. But while I don’t do that specifically, I do subconsciously have bad first impressions towards certain jobs (based on what I’ve experienced in the past, stereotypes, what I’ve heard, friends who does the same job etc) so now I leave that job question out of the equation and just try to ask something else so I can keep the first impression on him as a person rather than his job.", "Huh.\nWell when women ask me what I do, I always say \"progammer\" because if I say \"developer\" some thought I work in construction.\nAnyway, what would my \"worth\" be in this case? Good?", "Boleh buat jadi suami la, kalau dah developer.", "True.\nThey check your style, your car and where you go for a date, how much free time.l, do you have your own place ;).\nAt the end can calculate and give a rough estimate on salary and stuff.\nThough, some inputs can be wrong. Like MYVI, doesn't mean a poor guy. Just knows money's worth.", "Gaji 3.5k : Honda Civic\nGaji 10k : Axia", "what you do for work is a perfectly normal get to know you question", "Asking about someone’s career gives more information than how much money they have.", "I chuckle at your last sentence since the amount will be 9 out of 10 times shitty. My dad told me the other day, when he started working, 30 years ago, it was around RM 2k.\nNow, 30 years later, the entry level is still roughly the same but the living cost increase more than 10 fold lol", "I totally agreed after seeing the grocery and food prices.", "Kerja apa its not only about money - but to know if the dude is responsible and have clear head and not a bum", "agree i believe asking someone what they do for a living is a genuine question to ask when you try to know someone better even among ur friends , think about it.", "They use your profession to estimate the earning." ], [ "Because money is worshipped as a god in those countries thats why, they are dating your money.", "Not true. According to the locals in China and Korea, they ask because they have an intention to marry and form a family in the near future. They don't want to waste their time with someone who wants a casual relationship only. It is about a culture thing. I don't think we should take it seriously. If you don't like it, you don't have to date them." ], [ "Depends on the context of first date. I have friends that got tired of dating for long and want to get married quick. So after text communication for a bit, they go for first date and if it went well, my guy friend straight up lay it out on the open.\n\"I want to get married soon. No more of this dating bs. You in? If so then here's my financials and what's yours?\"\nA lot of people might say it is too fast/too straightforward, but ALL of my guy friends that did this (I'm still single unfortunately lol) and all of them are happily married. Of course it helps that the woman also want to get married as well. If the woman still wanna date2, then my friends simply just move on.", "If so then here's my financials and what's yours?\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN9Jq3_Z-1M", "…but ALL of my guy friends that did this (I'm still single unfortunately lol) and all of them are happily married.\nWell, maybe they are married but happily or not can be a matter of perception. For me, it’s an incredibly shallow thing to do on a first date and I wouldn’t be surprised if such relationships hit early trouble more often than not.", "Those guys better not lose their income.....I bet they're always looking over their shoulder to see who their wife is looking at 😅. Or, perhaps, the husband is so controlling because he knows their marriage foundation is based on finances only; the poor wife can't breathe 🤷. My wife and I dated in college (broke btw), married after graduation, and are still together 21 years later (still building together).", "It depends.", "Dude, it's a true fact. It is a culture thing." ], [ "Asking about earnings on first date is pretty bold, tactless in fact. Inquiring about career is more graceful and can gauge similarly about earnings.\nLetting your first date to know your earnings is asking to be taken advantage off.", "methinks it is fair to respond to a stupid question with another stupid question.\nif she ask how much do you earn, ask her back how old is she and how heavy does she weigh.\nand of course, there will be no second date unless you're into red flags." ], [ "Is it rude to give them a made up salary if i am jobless", "You can say you're freelancing. 👍" ], [ "Nope asked that to my wife. We were very upfront about our expectation, she just wanted me for sex and needed someone that she doesn't have to financially support. I'm OK with that.", "she just wanted me for sex", "I also choose this guys Wife", ":26554:", "Having a full head of hair helps :26555::26555::26555:", "Is the wife inside this room right now", "You need to calm down my man.", "she just wanted me for sex\nIs this a W?", "…my wife…. she just wanted me for sex…\nSo she didn’t just want you for sex after all.", "That's how it started. Then we became roommates. Then there's that tax benefit and insurance coverage. All in all, nice catch." ], [ "Is it rude to ask people how big their dong is first time you meet" ], [ "This is just sad. The foundation stone for the family is already weak and wobbly, because its based upon something impermanent, like a person's level wealth. If the husband leaves his toxic (but high-paying) job, wife is going to initiate a lot of fights at home. If the husband stays in the toxic workplace, his mental health will deteriorate. If wife leaves her toxic job and so family depends more on husband's income, husband becomes abusive at home, possibly also gets a mistress.\nIn the long-term, this will cause people to become single and unmarried and fertility rate to implode ever closer to ZERO." ], [ "no it's not. the accurate version is acceptable for women to ask the men. It is rude if you are from a society that values individuality and not selling women. 🤷‍♂️ Shit sounds legit like freelance long term prostitution." ], [ "People here don't ask directly but ask what your job is and estimate your salary. Not much difference. And obviously people who care about salary will find out one way or another what your salary is.", "I think there's a difference, because asking what your profession is is less crude and you actually have a glimpse into their character (imo your profession says something about your character, to some extent), so you can kinda find out if this person is serious or a bum", "You input is very insightful, u/xXobama_gamingXx", "It's equally superficial as asking someone salary. Like how do you judge if a person is serious or a bum from his job? Tech developer that works 4 hours a day from home = bum? Janitor that works 10 hours a day = serious?", "Huh. I don't understand why you're using working hours as a measure. I also don't think that anyone considers a tech developer to be a bummy job, neither do I consider a janitor to be a bummy job. What I meant by a bum is someone who lazes around all day and doesn't put in effort to make money or find a job.\nMy point is that your occupation reveals something about your character. For example, the path to becoming a surgeon isn't easy. So, if you're able to say you're a surgeon, it speaks for itself. It goes to show that you are of a certain intelligence level, have put in the necessary hard work throughout med school to be able to graduate and land a job, amongst other qualities. Of course, it doesn't reveal EVERYTHING about you, but it could reveal some of your key personality traits (which people want to know if they are considering becoming your partner in the future).", "So, if you're able to say you're a surgeon, it speaks for itself. It goes to show that you are of a certain intelligence level, have put in the necessary hard work throughout med school to be able to graduate and land a job, amongst other qualities.\nYou use job to judge others while someone else uses pay to judge. I don't see a difference.\nI find it comical you think so highly of doctors. Which job don't need intelligence and hard work to do? Even grab driver also can qualify but somehow doctors are better." ], [ "<image>" ], [ "Because we and they don't drive on the same side of the road ...." ], [ "It is the person not the nationality 🤦🏻" ], [ "We still do it but less direct\nsociety in china can be quite materialistic if you spend some time in douyin you can notice it too, when it comes to dating they always ask“有车有房吗”(got car/ house or not?) I guess this is what 改革开放 does to them when suddenly economy is booming. But this mindset seems to only be very relevant with mainlanders born in the 90s according to the mainlanders I've seen" ], [ "Read somewhere that earning is used as proxy to gauge competence.\nCorrelation doesn't imply causation, but high earning may very well imply a competent partner." ], [ "because people in china and south korea are shallow" ], [ "Thanks goodness I’m gay." ], [ "Because it's none of your business.....and I don't know you well enough." ], [ "They have every right to do so I guess. But if that's their primary concern knowing how rough work and labour situation is in Malaysia then I know they're not the right person for me. Lack of optics and empathy, narrow minded. These are characteristics I dislike in a person." ], [ "First date already ask about salary. And then if it's not on par with their standards they don't want to proceed further because either one of the party don't want to get a hard life. If they do, surely one of them become lazy or demotivated due to huge salary gap and started leeching." ], [ "I think you only know half of what's going on.\nIn China and South Korea (and any other more Eastern-thinking countries actually), when the first date is arranged based on the premise of marriage.\nFor countries that are more westernized where the first date is arranged based on romantic feelings and not that the couple would be definitely married down the line, income becomes secondary and most probably will not come up as a conversational topic." ], [ "Another day another retarded question from OP", "Rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen" ], [ "if a woman asks what's your salary\nturn around and ask her\nWhat's her breast size\nWhat's her body count\nInnie or outie?", "Bushy or Brazilian?" ], [ "Ask japan how they date", "*if they date", "*what they date", "*do they even know what is date", "*who they calendar", "wait, is it not a fruit?", "Only yusof taiyoob know what is date." ], [ "Just ask what job he does, and search salary online" ], [ "Because you see them as only those two and not the whole of the person" ], [ "Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. Financial and career stability, aspirations and ambitions are all important factors in starting a relationship.", "Westeners generally find asking the salary on the first date rude, instead they ask roundabouts ways like “what’s your job” which is fine and more polite", "Well Westerners are generally very sensitive about pay and salary etc because of a culture of pay sensitivity by corporates.", "Funny thing is, for business owners/contractors, that question doesn't quite apply....a bit difficult to guess compensation on contract rates, and customer sales for a business can vary.", "As a part western person that may be true, but if someone asks how much I make on the first date, it gives me the impression she's a gold digger and indicates that I shouldn't date her.", "But then it becomes 90% of whats important. Which is kinda bad, you lose your business and she’s gonna leave you.", "Well it really depends on the maturity of both individuals at the end of the day. Generally I would rather date someone who is financially sound and with a career plan or ambitions. That’s very important to me. My first marriage failed and one of the reasons is that we are both different when it comes to money and financial risks. I’m an entrepreneur so I tend to take calculated risks to “win” big and she wasn’t and never understood that lifestyle." ], [ "It's not considered rude in America. We appreciate it. We want to know as early as possible when to leave", "I asked this question earlier on r/AskAnAmerican and they said it differently from you", "330 million people", "Definitely rude to ask about salary on a first date in America." ], [ "I'd prefer my dates, if i date la - married liao, to ask early. So i can filter the garbage out fast and move on to better potential partners. XD", "Funny thing is, those same people probably will think the same of you." ], [ "And another Korean star killed himself today - yeah not sure Korea is a great place to learn from in terms of values" ], [ "Since money is among the most popular reasons people get divorced, it's actually very prudent to get that out of the way. In fact, it shows you're dating to have a serious commitment rather than just playing around.\nMen, if you're ashamed of how much you earn, maybe don't date yet?", "For men that earn a lot of money, it is almost mandatory to be low key on topics of money lest the relationship be artificial." ], [ "I think it's very refreshing to be open-minded about it. Better than after marriage regrets. The \"you already know when we married.\"" ], [ "Choice and Time. When you can alter your looks, you can set your price point. You can have as many good looking options as you can contact. The earning & salary question identifies the best skin-deep catch available. It's not about jodoh or rezeki. It's about catching the very best, like no one ever was." ], [ "China cares about money too much" ], [ "someone else wrote it but i'll say it in plain words: as a person,i fucking hate gold diggers. if someone asks me how much i earn,i tell that person i am a garbage man and earn next to nuts. fuck these gold diggers." ], [ "Maybe as well ask if they deep throat or swallow at this rate" ], [ "Because \"bai jin/拜金\" culture, which are prevalent in east Asia countries" ], [ "In my view, asking about earnings and salary on a first date reeks of desperation (for money) and exhibits poor energy.\nIf you're comfortable with your own income, why do you care about how much your date makes?" ], [ "This sounds eerily similar to places like Bangladesh, India and Indonesia." ], [ "the moment we ask \"whats your job?\" kinda gives a hint of the pay already so we're the same, just in a more subtle way lol" ], [ "As European I have to admit that it's not rude to ask but I can say that just for Balkans ,Germany and Austria. We also ask it in a not offensive and obvious way." ], [ "Just be like American\nJob less? Immediately got her pregnant damnnnn" ], [ "Because you don’t date to get ahead financially" ], [ "OP\nPretty sure this is considered rude in all societies on the first date.\nNow the only question is, what's the percentage of rude chicks in each of these countries." ], [ "Are you that insecure to keep asking the same type of questions here?" ], [ "Coz we are not superficial and materialistic" ], [ "My friends are doing it too. But not on the first date as they still remember to be tactful. It's not one sided but they both comparing each other. This can be seen in goal oriented couples and can avoid problems after they get married" ], [ "We just judge from the car they r driving 🤣🤣🤣" ], [ "it is rude because my earning is shyt and I am too ashame to reveal it XD" ], [ "I would just tell my date what’s my job and that’s it. I don’t even tell my parents my salary what makes them think I will tell them my salary when they’re essentially a stranger to me at that point?" ], [ "Next time kena bring payslip and epf statement for first date." ], [ "Simple as different culture and way of life." ], [ "My friend's china wife outright asked me what is my salary!", "👀" ], [ "We should normalise asking them back this question. Terminate the date if they refuse to answer." ], [ "It’s about how you response to a not-so-easy question." ], [ "You already answered your own question.\nCultural differences." ], [ "Because I can lie my way and tell a fake number.\nQuestion like that is naive and stupid.\nIt is not like I will bring my LHDN printout to prove I am legit.. lol (even this can be forged lol)\nSo question like that is pointless." ], [ "Because we are fucking poor" ], [ "because many Malaysians spend more than they make to look wealthier than they are. Asking us to divulge our salary is like telling us to strip naked in public and dance for the stars." ], [ "I'm assuming they date to marry and we date for the potential. As in, maybe know each other casually a few month before calling it official. So it's rude to ask someone casually friends with about their salary" ], [ "Is it ok to ask 'how much you weigh, what is your body count' on a first date then?" ], [ "South Korea has the highest suicide rate. It’s so toxic over there" ], [ "Not sure but could it be in CN & SK, they assess via income level and marriage potential pretty quickly while in MY and most Western countries it’s just a date. You like me, I like you, let’s get to know each other first. It’s just a preference that cuts away a lot of issues they feel will be asked/questioned later if they progressed further in their relationship. Some like it some don’t." ], [ "It's south Korea and China that are the exception here. It's rude. They do so as they are two countries that are, relatively recently very money driven family values, common decency has slid there because of the pace and energy of Capitalism." ], [ "It's not rude, you can just ask, but don't be rude or condemn the other side when they decide no more date after the first, Specially if you find they are worth the date because they earn a lot, but they decide not to date you anymore, please don't consider them rude for rejecting you,\nP.s, this may sounds rude, but, my personal views, the only thing come in mind to me when you meet one person with another for the first time and money is the first thing you talk about, it's between a customer and a service provider/sales person, and it if come to dating, sounds like I'm bargaining with a sex worker, I does not vibe with that," ], [ "In Asia, generally men pay for the dates." ], [ "The reason they ask your salary because their intentions are to marry and form a family later. They don't want to waste their time for someone who wants sex only. In China, you want to marry a girl, you need to at least have an apartment. Things may change nowadays. It depends on luck.:26554:" ] ]
Japan's Sumitomo and Eneos to produce green hydrogen in Malaysia
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "Average redditor reading this article:" ], [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>" ], [ "seems like we're taking a few steps towards renewable/green energy adoption.\nalso do they also manufacture purple hydrogen, by any chance? /s" ] ]
Cost of living in Malaysia so high, but people are spending gila2
Was looking at shoes in a mall (Mid Valley) and I see everything is RM400-RM1,000, yet all these young people are buying buying buying (those JD Sports, Atmos, Sole What, Crossover, Nike or New Balance). I was wearing RM15 pasar malam sandals (for real) in stores full of sneakerheads. Apple reseller stores are full of people, even though 1 iPhone can equal to 2-3 months of salary for the average Malaysian (I am on a Samsung mid-range phone). I see luxury cars abound on the roads, RM100k type (in USA S$30k can buy u a BMW/Merc, but here, RM300,000 also got many people buy). I am on a second hand Myvi. RM20 oat lattes, no problem. Long queues at llao llao or Juiceworks, RM20/, no issue. Hipster cafes, one drink and one cake, RM50-60, bring it on! How are people spending so much? Is everyone in debt? Is everyone rich? Why are young girl girls and boy boys all wearing RM600 sneakers? Why do I feel so kiamsiap compared to them and cannot imagine spending more than RM200 on footwear, and a RM50 dessert outing could be considered a 'splurge' already? Any insight into this? (edit, yes: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2023/06/11/why-are-young-malaysians-living-on-credit/) NOTE 1: Thank you for pointing out that my 'sample size' was in a mall, during the festive season + school holidays. I also understand that I am only seeing the top 0.5% when I see shoppers carrying LV/Gucci/Hermès totebags. I know fast food could also be a luxury for many individuals (my parents and me included, at one point in our lives). NOTE 2: This is not a serious analytical post la. Just casual observations from me, someone who grew up in a B40 household (in a 500 sq ft 2-room low cost flat with a rubbish dump next to my block). Whose mother pakai RM5 tshirts and claims RM50 for any baju is EXPENSIVE. I apologise for not being so methodological in my 'studies'; tho I never claimed that my post could constitute as a research-paper-level analysis on consumerism and class in Malaysia... lol. NOTE 3: It's encouraging to see so much consumerism going on — good for economy la, kan? Revenge-buying, etc etc. I get it. NOTE 4: Where to get nice shoes below RM200 ah? Further
[ [ "People who don't spend a lot are basically invisible.\nThey work then straight go home, no happy hours. Entertainment watch YouTube, scroll FB, TikTok for free. Buy things online for cheaper price than physical shops", "Cannot afford to stay outside, not even using aircon since start of 2023. No longer have a gym membership and opt for basic push up, pull up and bodyweight squats for exercise.\nTry not to look at social media, watching coursemates enjoying life in different country makes me feel depressed.\nMy cycle is literally wake up, eat, work, go back to rented room, eat, exercise a bit, then sleep.\nKind of soul crushing.", "Keep working on yourself. You’re continuing to exercise despite your circumstance, which is really admirable. Don’t look at social media. I earn a good wage and have everything I need, but I still think social media is toxic as fuck. Everything and everyone is trying to get you to spend money. Fuck that shit.", "Everyone needs to continue improving for better living standard.", "Define better living standard? Expensive clothes, electronics and foods are optional.", "not having maggi as my primary source of food.", "Being able to afford a home is one, currently I am at the stage where I can rent a room, but cannot buy a house yet.\nHaving enough money for investment and keeping a healthy cash flow.\nBeing able to afford a kid if ever decided to have one. That means everything including education.\nYou know? The things that makes life a bit interesting as well. But frankly looking back, I am OK with my current living condition if compared to war torn countries.", "You can afford a home, but are you okay living somewhere remote in Perlis or Terengganu? KL is too expensive for people like us.", "Break the cycle, do something different once in a while. It makes life interesting.", "Instruction not clear. I just break my leg.", "basic push up, pull up and bodyweight squats for exercise\nthats all you need king👑. having weights is great but those 3 have already cover the fundamentals.", "Yes fellow King👑, that's the well known Prison Workout. With good intensity it also acts as cardio exercise.", "Buying weights and some simple heavy duty roler pins then do lifts at the park pullup bar. Thats wat i do. It ups the core strength build up rate. Stopped going to the gym a long time ago with all the self entitled rich kids and female influencers making it a toxic place with no peace.", "Hmm.. I get how you feel but you can't compete with your course-mates. They might have a different life like yours. I also used to think that negatively but now I'm more open-minded maybe my maturity grows along with my age. How can they afford it, probably a few things.\n1. They didn't post how much they work their asses off and managed to get a thick bonus from their company, so finally deserve their holiday with their thick bonus to spend on.\n2. Starting up already decided the fate (i.e. born in a rich family), have their own family business and your course mate might be taking over one day of the family business(es).\n3. Even if they are not from rich families, somehow manage to get someone to pay for their trip. (Family pay, siblings, husband-to-be/ boyfriend, or worst sugar daddy (for female))\n4. Roll up their debts with their credit card and pay the minimum amount, or get money/loan from a bank (personal loan) or a loan shark (there are still people out there who are like that)\n5. Finally, working hard in a different industry also has different treatment (i.e. working hard as a normal admin staff or a blue-collar job VS working in the insurance/banking industry or property agents, etc. because their bonuses are thick but their basic are low. So how they approach people must be \"thick face\"/very high self-esteem.", "I dunno about this, just felt that Engineering in Malaysia is a lost cause. Those who immediately went to SG, US, AUS are in greater condition than those that stayed in MY.\nAnd it's not that us MY engineers work lesser hours than them too.😆\nI just give up scrolling socmed and comparing my progression to others altogether. Just gain as much technical and management skills and jobhop till I am satisfied with my own conditions.", "", "Sounds like your age is not really in the middle part yet (i.e. probably mid or late 20s only, or probably going to finish your studies). Wait till you reach around the late 30s or come to 40+, you will get what I mean, you might think that they are rich and live life lavishly as such, but there are always 2 sides to the story. So never doubt it, just live within your means. For Example, friends of mine worked hard at an early age and earned 5-figure salaries in their mid-30s and high positions at an early age. It is impressive, but do you know how much pressure they are facing, and with one wrong move, the management or others can get him removed/replaced? Especially if you are a married man, you are even more worried because you still have lots of mouths to feed and things to pay. Sitting at the top, there are lots of wolves in the office waiting to bring the person down. (i.e. office politics, either you are shoe polishing with no skills, or you are a lone wolf with skills but couldn't mingle with others, and trust me, some bosses somehow like their staff to kiss ass but don't know much about work because in the end, is the lower levels who get the jobs done)\nAnother thing you should know, when you are in your 20s, people like to discuss what they are doing, where to stay, travel and eat, and which girl they are going after, what car to buy. People in their 30s normally will talk about how successful their career is, how much they spent to get a place (house/condo), finally marrying who they like/love, and starting up a family. But one thing they neglected is their health and stress plays a critical issue in their daily life. In the 40s, you will start to hear negative news of those you once knew who are bedridden due to health issues, or even sudden death (don't get me wrong, I'm not cursing anyone, but if you follow the news, people just suddenly drop death without warning nowadays) (also, I'm not selling insurance/asking you to write a will). Just to let you know one thing you need to take care of your health. Do not ever neglect that and think that I'm young and I can work late, drink beer, or smoke. Everyone has an expiry date, and your body will give you signs of warning about it.", "Decathlon has affordable dumbells / barbell set. You can check it out if you are interested in adding more weights in your training and make your training more fun.", "Home gym ftw", "Haha sounds like fun to own some exercising equipments, but I still have no intention of settling down in a certain city / state yet. So bulky items are a big nono.\nThe most I'll get is probably an adjustable dumbbell.", "Your time will come man", "U describing my life story here", "I don't know about others, but going home after work to play games is more fun than go out lepak. Now I know why I'm still single.", "At least you play games. Me straight go home after work and watch tiktok and youtube only, then sleep. Everyday lol. I'm scared to play games nowadays. It consumes my energy and time a lot, i even used to shout back at my mom when she asked me to do something while i was killing people in CSGO. I regret it. Very very regret it.", "omg found someone like me 😭 I feel a bit comforted knowing I'm not alone lol", "Why the hell would I want to not stay single?", "entertainment for gamers are often super cheap averagely a game of RM30 can be played for hundreds of hours if they wanted to\nunless its gacha games", "Yeap, that's literally me but instead of scrolling FB/TikTok those social media apps, I went for PC gaming lol (Too much grind in the games)", "Yup, in fact I haven't been shopped in malls for clothes & shoes for years now. i always bought my clothes through online shopping and it is obviously cheaper than in store. Especially 11.11 or 12.12", "haha thats me, and i enjoy being this too", "Hi five! 😂", "That's me these days.", "Damn, I'm getting called out here" ], [ "Why do I feel like everywhere I go, I see T20 Malaysians\ndo not mistake things you see in the high end mall in the city that has the highest salary average/median applicable to the whole malaysia. in exeption of 1-2 major city malaysian rarely spend that kind of money on that kind of luxury outside that 40km radius bubble that you observe.", "Yes, understand KV, in particular malls ≠ the Malaysian reality. I still see a lot of people owning iPhones and expensive vehicles, which make me think damn, they must be great at their jobs, getting such a high salary...", "What area do you live in?", "pj area but ghetto-ish neighbourhood." ], [ "There is 33 Million people in Malaysia. What you see in TRX, KLCC Mall, Pavilion BB is just like 0.1% of human spending stupid amount of money... TBH... not a big deal...", "The other 99.9% are just window shopping. :26554:", "Aircon is free ma", "Parking not free la", "Monthly pass for bus and mrt. I was told RM50 only.. I would've taken it if not for 3 days wfh arrangement. This might be outdated info ya.", "Still not free lol. There is no free lunch in this world.", "If regular usage exceeds RM50, any add usage can be considered free", "Stop being a cheapskate lah... just buy a TnG & topup anytime you want to get into any public transport.\n:29091:", "Pay attention to this OP, judge the wealthiness of people based on the amount of stuff they bought, holding in their hands.\nMarina Bay Sands is packed, but a lot just do window shopping, economics in plain sight hehe.", "Last weekend, I went to a budget bundle store. It was packed with people, making it difficult to walk around. However, this story won't be posted here because it is less interesting, I guess.", "The spedmart also banyak orang, JBR bundle packed, hari hari packed, NSK packed 🤷‍♀️. Mana tak pack, it’s because op focused on the high end places. If not the normal daily places also packed.", "As i can see, OP is kind of the person like to buy Ferrari and complain why myvi is more cheaper. :26554:" ], [ "The T20s usually hangout at Mont Kiara and Bangsar attending Pilates classes or Babel Fit though.", "Drinking RM20+ lattes in APW or sipping natural wines in Small Shifting Space.", "I'm too poor to even know what APW is..", "a place where T20s drink RM20+ lattes", "T20 punya playground in bangsar, set in an old printing press.... all the eateries and cafes full of beautiful ppl. got omakase, italian, brazilian, wine and all. like a different universe compared to the rest of malaysia lol. hijabster influencers in fierce heels rub shoulders with gen z they/thems. pretty amazing sights.", "You are describing the lifestyle of a much smaller slice than T20..\nI think the economy is so messed up that t20 is probably upper middle class.", "I think the APW clientelle ... isn't so 'top tier' to me, I dunno. The prices I see like cake maybe RM30ish, pizzas and pastas below RM100. Just popular coz it's a \"trendy spot\". The food is not extremely expensive unlike the Dewakans or DC Restaurants of KL which could go into the thousands.\nBTW yeah I see some of my peers/friends of friends making 5-figures but they also live quite humble lives.\nAt another end, I see B40 friends spending quite lavishly on their hobbies/interests and not giving much care about savings/retirement.\nThose top tier people probably don't even go to APW. They'd be jetsetting overseas d.", "Not referring to apw.. but the omakase, Brazilian, wine etc", "Oh OK. I was just referencing those outlets in APW. Of course most of them won't go for omakase but the wine bar and brazilian always constantly seems full, the few times I visited for some art exhibitions.", "Bottom t20 also can’t go lol, the range of t20 is pretty stupid one, 10k-200k also t20", "pilates classes for the rich meh?", "cari makan people got no time for pilates, want to stretch backside have to do while working ler.", "do you know how much pilates classes cost? asking seriously because it’s my hobby and it’s really not cheap: i bought a 25 class package for rm1.3k upfront.", "That’s pretty cheap compared to the Bangsar ones lol", "thats about rm52bper class which is pretty ok if on reformer.", "i went to pilates class once in gym, a lot of rich tai tai one...", "As a pleb B40 working in bangsar, i always feel insecure seeing all the riches there.", "Nah i rather spend online and lepak home with fmly. Working shift and outstation is tiring so gonna rest at home when got chances unless going to mall for lunch dinner and movie date." ], [ "Dude.. You go high end mall sure got rich people spend.\nYou can go to dead malls in Cyberjaya and make the opposite conclusion too", "Rich people will go to overseas and buy shoes. Those Shoes shouldn’t cost RM400+\nThese people actually have poor financial planning. Some of them take student loan to buy luxury bags…. During my college time I’ve been around with lots of them. Got tired of it, moved to Canada." ], [ "This is what we call anecdotal evidence. Things you collect it yourself in a casual and non systematic manner.\nOn top of that you only go to JD/Noke/NB shops and TRX which you know that mostly people with money, the T20, would go to shop.\nHence you get a biased observations there.\nKL is where most of T20 folks are, and TRX is also where most of them go to shop. So it’s like a triple whammy of population specification error, sample frame error and selection error. It’s definitely not a good data collection to summarise that “Malaysian are spending gila2”.\nYou may want to come with me to kedai pakaian hari-hari near my place and also kedai pakaian sekolah Ah Hock near my place. Here we have no brand clothing apparels of all nature and it costs from RM2 to about 40-50. It’s where I shop for my kids closing most of the time except during Raya where I would go to The Store or Aeon Mall.\nThere are also phone shop nearby that sells cheaper branded and second hand phones where the rest of Malaysians shop.\nSo yeah, dhit me up if you want to do a proper research so we can plan a better research methodology.", "Tell me you’re melakan without telling me you’re melakan haha", "What gave it away?", "The Store and Aeon Mall are both in close proximity in Melaka and you mentioning them both in the same sentence makes me think that\nNow the question is… was I correct? 🤔", "Been waiting for Bajunid's confirmation haha", "Haha. I would love to say you are correct but alas I can’t lie. I’m from Kedah but have been living in selangor for a while and built a family here. The Store I’m referring to is in Selayang and aeon mall is in shah Alam. I’m somewhere between shah Alam and Selayang. Kedai pakaian hari2 in Subang 2 near kampung melayu subang.", "Nooooooo I was wrong\nIg the other person who said Shah Alan was correct but I tried haha", "My mom buys RM5 shirts for me from a cheap suburban mall near her low-cost flat. She herself gets stuff from pasar malam. I guess I should retitle it to say it was my observations in a mall on a near-festive/school-holiday period, and also from the point-of-view of a B40 household person. I know how being poor is like. But I am ok. Not in debt. No iPhone, no problem. Just makanlah sikit cafe food once or twice a month, heppi liao.", "What Japanese second hand store? I didn’t know we have a Japanese second hand store!", "2nd street\njalan jalan jepun", "There's one in Kip Mall", "Sounds like Shah Alam", "Ding ding ding!", "I like your idea. Would be valuable to know how you would do it the right way" ], [ "You go to the zoo, why are you surprised to see animals?\nT20 may sound exclusive, but in a country of 30 million, that’s still 6 million people." ], [ "Is your sampling methodology correct? To give an analogy, it’s like stating going into high class fine dining restaurant and concluding all Malaysian is rich and can afford dining there regularly because it’s fully seated or reserved.", "For all you know they're the Malaysian PRs from SG or Singaporeans themselves spending their SGD.", "There's no methodology, just casual observations. I know that mall visitors ≠ the average Malaysians. I just see a shopping frenzy and some of my peers themselves buying so many things that it's kind of unbelievable. I understand it is only a small window / frame into the larger reality of Malaysians. But within the Klang Valley itself... damn, those kids and their RM600 shoes or the men and their RM120k cars... are insane. FYI my parents are B40 and most of my childhood and early adult life was spent in a low cost flat, so I am just saying through my observations, many people really know how to spend la. As a working adult now, and far from being in the T20 bracket, I still see money differently, and will not see 'value' in buying RM600 sneakers.", "Malaysia has 36million people\nThere are basically 6million T20s", "Thats not correct. You have to deduct the youth and retirees.\nT20 refer to household income\nAnd if it's coming via lhdn, then likely a lot of business owner also escape", "You are forgetting tourists and PRs ...and Singaporeans", "Haha, “questionable” methodology aside, some possible factors that buyers willingly pay the premiums for luxury items: peer lifestyle pressure (self esteem, recognition…) / ease of access to credits (example: buy now pay later system?)", "Yea Instagram / social media pressure is a big thing, no doubt. I guess I see on the surface a lot of glitzy or carefree spending lifestyle but beneath that, looming credit card debt who knows!... Just glad I want to try to live within my means, but sometimes I feel the social pressure la to buy nicer things to pakai for work. And when I step into the shops and see the prices... it cancels out the pressure I feel lol. Better to be a bit more old fashioned, than fashionable and in debt... but also I gotta live a little and splurge/reward myself now and then too. Oh what a balance it is!" ], [ "Why do I feel like everywhere I go, I see T20 Malaysians?\nDo you want to walk around a PPR flat around KL?", "Yes, my parents stay in a low cost flat." ], [ "Window shopping.. check the price, balik buy shopee", "I immediately whip out my phone and check shopee... 😂" ], [ "malaysia actually have a lot of wealth, go wealthy areas see wealthy people, normal lah. same in any country.\nalso becoz you see people spending doesn't mean they are necessarily rich, lots of young people live on debt nowadays, they just spend and deal with it later - or let someone else deal with it. living beyond your means is not uncommon nowadays sadly." ], [ "Go to mall\nSee people spend lots of money (there isn't anywhere else to spend money)\n🤯 so many rich malaysians", "🤣then terus mari reddit to rant", "Go to restaurant\nSee everyone is eating\nWow so many people hungry", "Go to a restroom\nSee everyone shitting\nWow so many diarrhoea" ], [ "To answer Note 4:\ni go sports direct for sports related. Bought a pair of nike for 139 the other day about 2 weeks back. Clearance stock but still ok.\nI also bought puma about 2 months ago, 199, with 10% discount became 179.", "also if you're really cheaping out, bundle is always the best deal. I don't play football very much, just with my friends maybe a couple times a week, so a used one for 90 is an absolute steal" ], [ "when you earn 1K-2K per day, you will spend like that too.\nsave money for what when you overflow of money? Not like you can take it to grave." ], [ "Because people can spend their money however they want without making it a race and neither should you.\nAlso the cost of living in Malaysia is considered low globally.\nIf you've been to cities like Beijing/Tokyo or even London you'd be shocked at the cost of basic things. That's why we think things are expensive when in reality we are just used to living cheaper compared to the world.\nAnother thing, sometimes it's more worth it to buy good branded things (like phones or vehicles) than cheap ones due to quality and reliability. Penny wise pound foolish." ], [ "45% of KL household are T20 Malaysians. So if you are in KL, you really would see them everywhere.", "he go to places where T20 of T20 in KL hang out.\nthose people earn 30K-100k per month.", "What kind of jobs would get you that salary though? 🤔", "Have a lot of assets, with RM 2 million and earning just 5% per year is already RM 100k which is T20", "That's called T0.5" ], [ "biar papa, asal bergaya", "Upvoted. Not heard this line for ages. My late dad used to say in loghat mana tah... \"bior pape, asalkan bergaye.\"", "What does it mean", "Literally, something like, \"It's ok to be poor as long as you have style.\" \"Papa\" is a Malay word that means \"destitute\".", "\"papa\" is a malay old word meaning \"poor/doesn't have money\" . the saying basically means \"be poor as long as you're stylish\"" ], [ "Y’all actually underestimating the shadow economy behind the front economy. I think LGE when he was finance minister estimated around 400billion ringgit worth of shadow economy is in works" ], [ "I'm in Mexico right now, specifically CDMX Centro histórico.\nAt first I thought KL is so much more expensive than being at CDMX, would be like a Singaporean coming to KL. But to my surprise it's more expensive here, by quite a bit. And yes I've ventured out beyond Centro histórico which is a tourist site (but so is KL, they're quite comparable).\nI've came to an appreciation that KL isn't really that expensive after all. You only think it is because you can't see it from the outside." ], [ "we are not as broke , all you need is to be some MNC TL to get a BMW with a not bad house to boot.\nand yes RM20,000.00 bags is not a problem for an MNC mid management" ], [ "you need to go to malaysia pf something group , all gila2 invest , me see soo ant . 😅" ], [ "Malaysians have a spending problem (I'm talking about malays because I'm mostly around them). Rm3k salary but they get a honda city" ], [ "Atome, bnpl and ipp are the answers most of the time" ], [ "you're looking at the wrong place then, buddy" ], [ "People who cant afford wont go to malls like TRX, people who can, will. So if you are in TRX, then the people you'll see there are the ones that can afford la. If you go to some kampung in Kelantan, you wont be saying the same thing." ], [ "Here's the insight: Observer bias.\nConsider this:\nT20 is still a pretty substantial group. Assuming a population of 33 million, that top 20% is roughly...6.6 million? I know the definition is classified by household and not by the individual but it's a fair gauge. I think people also overestimate how much it takes to be classified as T20, but that only highlights the huge disparity between the top 1% to 5% with the rest of the population. But I digress.\nSince you mentioned TRX, you're probably in the Klang Valley, where the majority of the nation's wealth is concentrated. Naturally, your chances of encountering the wealthy is going to be higher, especially if you're observing more expensive brands. Bad example but someone who's already in the market for an Apple product probably isn't gonna shop for a Vivo or Oppo. The RM300k cars you're referring to are, once again, from observing in Klang Valley.\nLike it or not, we have a shopping mall culture and within it - a lot of people window shop, but it doesn't mean they're actually spending their money. Remember when The Exchange TRX opened, it was insanely crowded? People just want to check out a fancy new mall (or heck, enjoy the air-conditioning), it doesn't mean they're spending. Plus there were all those people complaining about the parking rates - all I can say about that is if they're complaining about the cost of parking, they're probably not the target audience of the mall (also it's pretty well-connected with the MRT).\nAlso I hate to be the person to say this but RM100k-ish cars here can't really be classified as \"luxury\", but you'd be surprised at the number of people who live by the skin of their teeth and take 9-year loans just to get a nicer car because the financial system allows it.", "Really??... so money cant buy happiness ?", "I never said that. It can certainly buy things that make you happy though. ;0", "yes, even if it is for 30 minutes or 1 hour.... depending on how \"fitzai\" you are" ], [ "Man this whole thread is the reason why Malaysians are so hesitant to ask/uneducated; ask smth kena belasah.\nIt’s a fair question, if OP is ignorant then just educate, what’s the condescension for, macam korang tak pernah ignorant about smth else 😮‍💨", "tu lah, takut aq. i thought this place good for sembang2 and chit chat, diff opinions accepted and welcomed. tapi get downvoted pulak on almost everything i say, even neutral factual responses e.g. what is APW, what is omakase etc. wahlao...", "Don't worry it was a fair question, and didn't deserve the many similar (not-so-nice) replies. Even I am surprised by how much everyone else seems to be spending, could be because if you remember what the ringgit uaed to be worth (compared with what it is worth now), RM200 is still a lot of money.\nShoes - get your size and fit, then wait for sales (online or physical). And don't discount the Malaysian shoe brands, sometimes they do have what you are looking for, with decent quality, just a less updated design", "Thank you for your kind words. Good idea to get my sizing first.", "HEAR HEAR" ], [ "Well, what choice do we have. I used to save rm1k a month, now i have to cut my savings in half and spend it on groceries. Things are getting expensive and i dont live in luxury" ], [ "Just live your life man, they got their own life, no need to look into others life, you will not be sharing their wealth/debt.", "OP needs to make himself feel better" ], [ "In some ways, most business are design to attract rich people to spend, because that's the most lucrative business. Why sell something that is affordable to the masses with low margins, when you can sell something catered for the upper echelons of the society. Less effort, more rewarding. As a result of that, these things become more visible than other stuff.\nYou can either use it as motivation to make more money, or keep yourself sane and try not to spend too much time obsessing over something you cannot afford for the time being.", "Those shoes are not even luxury to begin with and is overpriced" ], [ "Ppl are just YOLO this days … buy first regret later…" ], [ "I ask myself the same question sometimes, coming from the \"T20\". But that's because my tuition fee was in a foreign currency, and I have to service the loan with my salary because I settled down here in Malaysia. So I still live in cheaper rented property with housemates, eat mixed rice everyday, and walk to work." ], [ "I gave up and started buying shoes from Clarks and Camel. Expensive but well worth the money as they will last you 5 years or more. The crap that Parkson sells fall apart just after a year.\nFor sports, esp futsal, I go to Sports Direct and get the model from 2 years ago. My current pair of Pumas is 4 years old and cost me RM90 when I got it." ], [ "Let me give you some insight as someone who basically grew up in this environment. For starters, the wealth inequality gap in Malaysia is huge. I can think of 2 reasons as to why children in Malaysia are like this: 1) peer pressure and 2) rich parents.\nI had private schooling. My friends and I barely spoke Malay and Chinese... and preferred English instead (you know the drill). We were immensely Westernised from a young age. And what happens when you're Westernised? Well, you follow Western trends and are infatuated with Western media, of course. You watch influencers on the internet possessing certain brands that are, in fact, expensive to the average Malaysian (because they're in USD, GBP, EUR, etc.); nonetheless, you're convinced! Your friends in school start wearing and using such brands too. And if you don't follow the masses, you're looked at weirdly. Students gossip behind your back about the possibility of you being poor (or just poorer than them). So you beg your parents. And they eventually listen and give in to your demands.\nI can give you a few examples. My Year 7 class had a mixture of students. I'd say 30% had Android phones, and 70% had iPhones. However, at the end of Year 9 (3 years later)... I think the ratio changed to: 5% to 95%? Why? Peer pressure. iPhones are much cooler in the eyes of Gen Z.\nAnother example... when I started A Levels at Sunway College, I wore a basic pair of Sketchers. But soon enough, I made my mum go to JD and buy me some Vans or Converse. Why? Well, I noticed how my classmates (and just people at Sunway in general) looked at my feet weirdly. It was a humiliating experience, to say the least.\nI also began to care more about brands when I went shopping for clothes. Soon, appearance became everything. I even dyed my hair a lighter colour just because many others were doing it.\nAnd a final example - everyone in Sunway had an iPad!! At least in my class. I made my mum get me an iPad because I was known as the \"only kid in class who didn't have an iPad.\" People snickered behind my back.\nNow, look... I'm actually considering deleting this comment a while later because I know people are going to call me spoiled. I'm aware that my demands were unreasonable. But peer pressure is peer pressure. Please do not reply with all that corny, \"Ohhh, you shouldn't care what others think!!\"\nAnd finally, I head to my second point - rich parents. A lot of my friends have incredibly wealthy parents. They are usually entrepreneurs. Some are doctors, lawyers, accountants, and whatnot. But most are involved in business, I think. And some earn from overseas. I think this explains why Malaysians can afford many (foreign) expensive brands. I had this couple in my class who drove me in their Mazda to the mall after classes one day to hang out. The girl told me how her mum owned factories overseas. (The couple even flew to Japan out of the blue a few weeks before our exams because they were \"stressed.\") One of my best friends told me her mother worked as an accountant overseas for years before she came back to Malaysia to start a business. My sister’s best friends are crazy rich, too. Pools in their backyards, multiple TVs in their cars, spending money on things like PS5s (yes, when the PS5 came out in Malaysia, my sister’s best friend bought it on the same day without even asking his parents). Basically, rich parents enable their children to be this way. My classmates bought K-pop concert tickets IN CLASS without discussing it with their parents first. When we'd go out to eat, they'd pay no attention to the prices. When we planned on activities like bowling, archery, or escape rooms... no one mentioned prices. I can go on and on with many more examples, but I'll stop here.\nEssentially, many of my friends are very inconsiderate of how the less fortunate live their lives. They are really out of touch with reality. Even teachers in our school would be scared of the students sometimes; a student saying, \"I'll tell my parents,\" would send shivers down their spines.", "Whoa, crazy insights into the lives of Sunway students... thank you for being so honest and frank with regards to your privilege and bowing down to peer pressure. really does add perspective to things. i've never had an iphone and never had designer bags ... my exercise shoes are RM60+ decathlon when everyone elses is adidas or underarmour or whatever. i drive secondhand myvi. i wonder how those kids in your school would perceive me lol. but shockingly, there's such extreme cases of wealth, as you pointed out with your schoolmates where money is never a consideration...\nplease don't delete the comment. it's not your fault and not a problem if you are 'spoilt'. you need to fit in, be part of the status quo. i get it and i won't judge. anything it take to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion.", "To be honest, my family had a humbling experience back during the pandemic (I was still in school, not in Sunway College yet). I won't go too into it because it's kinda personal (let's just say business went south) but basically it made me realise how privileged we lived. At some point, it got so bad that my mum's brother (for context, he's a U.S. citizen) lent us some money back then to keep things rolling until we got back on our own two feet. (It wasn't much of a burden for him since, you know, USD to MYR conversion rates. But we owe him nonetheless.)\nAnyway, it's the reason why I can step back and analyze all this. If not for my humbling experience, I'd probably still be just as inconsiderate and ignorant as my friends/classmates today. I know it. I wouldn't even have read your post because it wouldn't have concerned me. I'm legit serious. And, by the way, I don't blame them or loathe them or anything. It's just that some people grew up in a completely different \"Malaysia\" compared to the \"Malaysia\" most average Malaysians grew up in. All parents dream of providing the best for their children after all." ], [ "When you don't rely on stats and use certain assumptions and come to your own conclusions." ], [ "Try going to the places with cheap food, bundles or fake items. You’ll see a lot of people there too.\nAnother reasoning could be that it is probably easier access now than ever to access credit. You have those BNPL and credit cards and easy if you have good credit. All leads to more spending due to easier credit (means they don’t feel the pockets burning as much)." ], [ "Some may be singaporeans." ], [ "The cost of living is not high, it's just the rich employers refused to raise the workers salaries." ], [ "To be fair, no one really knows what goes on other people's life. Maybe the luxury car dude got it second handed, or passed down from his father, or he appreciates the car and the finer things in life.\nTo boast about wearing 200 ringgit shoe compared to 600 ringgit is not a good thing. Footwear are something you don't cheap on, even if it last longer and are more comfortable, it's worth every cent.\nTo note 4, you can try finding one at Aeon. Although it can only be said for Mocassins, I've gotten mine for 70 ringgit and had been wearing it 100% of time going out, 3 years in and still strong. Although now thr sole is starting to wear, had to visit a cobbler." ], [ "Lets just say there is a lot of stealth wealth", "Could you elaborate please?", "People who make alot of money or who has wealth, don't spend on showy items like branded bags etc. they buy high quality things that lasts.\nI had a friend who drove flashy cars and spend 500 or more to club.. normal days will ask us to treat him coz he ran out of money. -> middle class flaunting his money.\nWhereas another one, wear like normal average person. Clean, sharp and well fitted. found out, he owns 3 condos in KL, 1 House in Singapore. We are all mid 30s. -> stealth wealth. He makes about 500k a year in Cybersecurity.", "Ah I get it now. Thank you for responding." ], [ "A lot of youngsters have bad spending habits. My friend, a finance graduate has two friends earning 5k plus but live hand to mouth as they have got addicted to bad lifestyle habits. That's why there are so many bankruptcies amoung younger groups. I use a Samsung phone wheas my sons use apple phones which ate more than double my phone in cost. I wish them well!!!!" ], [ "They might not even be Malaysians for all we know. A lot of rich Chinese ppl who I suspect are mainlanders come here to spend money.\nAnyway I feel it’s good rich ppl spend more money and buy shit. If the malls in KL are empty is not good sign for us plebs", "Yeah I could tell the mainlanders by the way they dress (very flashy or dressy, often carrying damn a lot of tote bags) and of course by the way they talk... loud and bubbly... haha.\nDefinitely a good sign to see the malls being so busy and restaurants so full." ], [ "Don’t get shoes below rm200. It won’t last long. Just save up to rm400 then wait for big sales from adidas or Nike.\nNike ones I got through Lazada monthly sales is more than enough. Pegasus 40 (latest release from this year) which retails for 589, costs only 245.18 when I bought on 10.10 sales. It’s one of the best budget running shoes on the market.\nYou can watch out for adidas ultraboost sales. Just have to subscribe to their mailing list and use their mobile app. Ultraboosts are usually rm800 and sale can go as low as rm350 or so. It is seriously worth the money since it is considered one of the higher end casual/running shoes.\nSports Planet has quite good adidas ultraboosts on sale that range between 350-400 but it’s not easy to grab sizes lah.", "Sometimes it is just not financial cost in consideration. Environmental cost should be considered as well. Example : Buy good expensive shoe $400 last for 4 years vs cheap shoe $200 last for 2 years. Total cost is the same, but environmental cost is different. The latter contributes to more waste that burdens Mother Earth. Having said that we should spend according to what we can afford." ], [ "How do you know they are spending like mad? Did the shops show you their quarterly profits? Did their customers show you their receipts?\nHave you heard of a thing called window shopping?", "Yes, I've heard of a thing called window shopping, thanks.\nI also see a lot of people buying things, queueing up to pay, trying stuff... queuing up for RM20 yoghurt drinks, RM18 fruit smoothies.\nI have a few friends in mall retail or they do businesses like consignments with select shops, they tell me how the sales are soaring, so yes, some of the shops did show me their quarterly profits, albeit indirectly.\nIt's true that maybe the people queueing up are only maybe 5% of the walk-ins. I just see a thriving retail landscape. That's not a bad thing." ], [ "Wait till you see how the T1 group lives. 😂", "RM2k/head degustation menus or omakases every night...", "Sorry for asking poor people question, but what are omakases?", "An exclusive japanese meal/dining experience, where the chef will create a course for you based on the ingredients that are available / based on his mood etc... I've never tried here but I have highschool friends who tell me they go, it's about RM1,000 per pax lol...", "High end Japanese meal sets", "Err no la\nMoney is better spent on making money\nWhen you are truly rich you have access to closed doors stuff\nNo need berlagak in front of nosy ppl" ], [ "Also, don't forget tourists. Many are Asians, you would simply assume they are Malaysians." ], [ "Stay in school, become doctor, work oversea, convert their currency triple to ours and then shopping spree." ], [ "While me,, all thing beli kat jbr bundle..top to toe 😂", "I pun ada pergi JBR. Huge choice!" ], [ "You go to rich people place u see rich people spend money lah.\nYou go to kopitiam, you see people spend rm3 on kopi rm3 on roti total rm6 only what\nYou go to hai di lao you see every table spend rm200++ what..\nBiasalah, you think everyone equal income isit? Some friends age 30 earning rm8k per month can afford to spend a lil, some friends age 30 only earning rm4k per month so cannot spend too much" ], [ "\"NOTE 4: Where to get nice shoes below RM200 ah?\"\nFor work leather shoes, Bonia is my go to\nwait for their sales, usually will be heavily discounted until <RM200\nWent thru 3 pairs only for the past 15 years, once the sole worn out, can get it replace for cheap at cobbler, then it will last you for another few years\nUsed to replace one annually until I came upon Bonia, those from HP, Bata and whatnot all doesn't last long as most are either using cheapo leather or just pleather.\noh yeah, it's a local M'sia brand as well, support local! haha!", "Wah. I always thought Bonia is expensive but great that you found some heavily discounted good quality leather! Thanks for the recommendation.", "I'm still wearing Bata sneakers/sports shoes. Sometimes can get <RM100 if buy on Shopee or whatnot.\nCukup la can tahan basically 2 years+ before the bottom of the shoes become completely smooth. No problem at all if just wearing to go work come back maybe jogging once in a while.\nStill can't bring myself to buy anything even above RM150 for shoes also.", "Compared to spending RM400+ for a pair of branded sneakers that will only last you a year or two? I would rather spend that money on a pair of good work shoes with good quality leather which can last me 5 years+ or longer\nFor the bargain, I used to visit Parkson's Bonia section, usually they'll have past season's pair on discounts\nPS: i came from a B40 family as well, still can't fathom some ppl can spend RM100++ for a plain t-shirt just bcos of brand" ], [ "this is normal, wait until you see those families go london/milan/tokyo for shopping", "Yes those top tier datuk datin, tai tais, rich kids. I've seen them on social media. Good for them but I don't aspire to live that type of lifestyle with such a hefty carbon footprint." ], [ "A few weeks back, my big bro accidentally hit an UMNO Leader 4x4 car but my big bro don't noticed. It happened that he was picking me up. That guy owns like 3 Businesses and he viraled it on Facebook Group with the number plate incl pics of me & my big bro in his group of 400K+ members. We only knew once a neigbour messaged us about it. When my brother called him, he asked if the damage was severe and offered to pay for it. But then the UMNO leader just brushed it off. When I check his FB, fuyo lavish life one ma. My big bro SPM 10A(9A+1A) still no sponsor to fly one cuz affirmative action.\nLife is so fucking unfair from the get go. With so much fucking entitled people.\nThe damage was to his plate number and wasn't really so severe but still he viraled it with my pics on it. So shameful tbh. Makes me hold a grudge agaisnt those fucking T20 entitled as fuck malays. Sorry for being racist. Some Malays are just so entitled tbh sorry" ], [ "Occasionally, like, once every few months, I like to reward myself with a steak dinner, usually at Menate. It's not that I'm rich. I'm just a lowly technician. But I'm not married, I don't have a car, I just have a Honda Wave for my transportation need. I rent a low cost apartment with no lift and at the top floor. Once I stop caring what other people think about me and concentrate on my own well-being, I found that I have plenty of extra money to spend on trifles." ], [ "Hey, it's YOLO culture and this phenomenon called consumerism.\nMoreover, peer pressure and vanity know no boundaries and are very addictive.\nGone are the days when thriftiness and frugal discipline rule.\nWelcome to the new age." ], [ "Tbf, a good pair of daily driver shoes isnt a bad investment for comfort and health." ], [ "cause everyone is insta famous, tiktok famous, YouTubers, traders, founders nowadays, our future don't have people working on desk or service anymore, everyone already kaya doing all that" ], [ "my friend works at FNB. Gaji is around RM2.2K. She spends all of it on luxury goods like clothes, perfumes and shoes. Doesn't save anything as far as I know" ], [ "No money = work more = more stress = spend money (repeat cycle).\nWe have become a consuming society with less savings and more spending 😊" ], [ "I usually get my shoes in sportsdirect warehouse stock clearance section. Sometimes you can find a really good looking pair for below rm100 but most are definitely below rm200. You can get them for cheap if your foot size is unusual (too small or too big). Obviously not nike or adidas level but it's alright." ], [ "Ill never understand this. I came back for a visit recently, and some friends I had that earned 1/4th of my salary (currency conversion) was spending 2-3x more than me, buying luxury goods and eating out everyday, complaining that they live salary to salary." ], [ "And btw Malaysian alot of hidden rich ppl. Generation wealth and what not. I've seen a ton of ppl driving bigger car then their boss and what not just because the family can pay a heavy down payment I personally know a few ppl who stay at nice houses because family again pay a hefty down payment for them and they just have to loan the remaining balance. So yeah don't underestimate typical Malaysian haha. Reminds me of someone driving a Porsche cause it's the smallest car his family have his not even lying lol(visited his house quite a few time)" ], [ "My kind of splurge is turning on the aircond at 9pm-12am (auto sleep), for better sleep. Alhamdulillah I at least can afford that. Lol" ], [ "I like to concur your observation. I'm an avid observer of EV penetration in Malaysia especially in Klang valley area. Since BMW is among the earliest automaker launching EV's in Malaysia, I paid a lot of attention on BMW EV's running around the road of KL. Of course it made me to pay attention on conventional cars as well. Then I do casual research on the number of BMW dealers premises in KL alone, we have more than 10. How many T20, or T1 if you may, we have in this city that can sustain the business of BMW dealership? I have not yet to touch upon other makers like Merc, Volvo and etc. This observation focus specifically on big ticket items. So if I expand my focus to lesser \"high-value\" items like RM25 latte, I think it is fair to conclude that there are significant number of Malaysians who can afford and can sustain these kind of consumer-oriented businesses. A lot of money flowing around." ], [ "Most likely its the case of \"buy once, use for as long as possible\" and people wait for the festive seasons to buy these things due to offers and promos. Like shoes and phones, you buy once and use for years or as long as its lifespan lasts and when its no longer viable to use, you switch to a new phone or shoe. Its the same as what i do too, only ever had 3 pairs of shoes and they lasted me anywhere from 7 to 10 years so i buy a new pair when the old is just simply not usable anymore.\nFnb i just think people buy those anyways because its not seen as a big spend? Not sure on that but rm20 for a cup of coffee is ridiculous.\nCars, its just to showoff i believe. Nobody in my opinion should go for luxury cars unless they have a constant source of finances which is stable and gives enough surplus to sustain the maintenance of such cars (exception to only Lexus and certain Toyota models). So most buy used, recon or certified pre-owned to buy them a lot more cheaper than msrp. The show-off value of a badge has now superceeded the financial value of the car.", "Thank you for the neutral and insightful reply. Interesting points..." ], [ "Ex expat in malaysia. My two cents is there is a really large spread of income in malaysia, especially in KL where I knew a lot of people earning well their life, with few even more than my expat salary. On the second hand, some people are going to spend money on pricy items without making saving and sometime considering that it's better investment.\nSmall note:\nIn the past, cars overseas were incredibly cheaper than in Malaysia. You don't get a new BMW or Mercedes for 30k anymore that second-hand price tag.\nThe first time I moved to Malaysia, I saw the same car that i bought new back home at double the price (small citadine). Stayed un Malaysia, bought a car (Peugeot 3008) I went back home country, and i had a shock. The price tag difference was 10%..." ], [ "Comparison is the thief of joy..." ], [ "I work to spent money, if i work to be cheap, probably will just stay at home and dont go out working, cheaper." ], [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonlight_clan\nWonder if Malaysians are following suit." ], [ "Sooooooo, my family is T20 but you won’t see me or my husband shopping at luxury stores. I’m still a SHEIN/ ALIEXPRESS lady🫣🫣 Ali stuff looks expensive, but is a fraction of the cost. I’m no big spender. I grew up in b40 too and am mostly a sensible person. I only spend on good quality groceries for my family. I feel the same as OP - how are these youngsters spending so much?!!!" ], [ "If it bothers you, go to leisure mall or aeon maluri instead. They always have a sale going on." ], [ "Usually I keep my opinions to myself but this topic seem too interesting. I always ask myself and my wife this question, how are the younglings finding the money to have RM 30 to RM 50 breakfast or lunch or coffee per pax, when I see those \"insta\" places full with kids who are obsessed with selfies and not even chatting.\nI'm not from B40 as per OP background, but I do come from a moderate background. Now I'm in a rather comfortable spot at 39, I spend the things I want to spend but even at my income level, i feel the pinch. No comments on the shopping part as I do mostly online, and my only splurge is either tech stuff or watches.\nI truly believe the younger gen and those u see spending are going this few ways, to my knowledge:\n1) might be making money from insta being a \"influencer\",alot of this low ranges ones make money from wealth men. Either being party girls, part time gf or even OF. New gen, new mindset when the only thing u can sell is this.\n2) Malaysia is a hot bed for illegal activities, scam centers, online gambling, illegal loanshark so the ppl funding the younglings might be this or themselves\n3) parents rich or kids just spending future money because now kids don't have the mentality to buy a property etc, the old school way. YOLO life, they just live by the days.\n4) This is KL, where majority of wealth is accumulated here assuming 95% of the T20 recide and spend in the same place. It's not that people are rich, just that rich people all are here so there is a distorted reality." ], [ "this explains why younger generation who are just graduated demand for higher salary, their cost of living is high, wear branded, drink eat cafe rm50 - rm 60 like u mention, and yet complain can't survive with low salary, this is kind of lifestyle is demand by themselves and also influence probably by their friends / influencers . Maybe some are from rich families, wondering how a college student haven't even start working can spend so much? or maybe some work and save up to buy what they want, is fine. But in some cases, some of them get salary and spend most of it every month, and end up less saving for them. is either you want to save more or spend more, except if you are born rich. Some people i know, spend like crazy but in actual they do not have saving. Some spend wisely, wear and eat normal, probably cook most of the time to save up, only spend what is necessary, maybe once in awhile spend what they want. They have enough saving to the point that, they don't have to worry about 1 - 3 years of being jobless, and still have the money to pay loan, etc.. The ones spend most of their saving have no backup, if they loses their job, they can't survive 1 - 3 years being joblesss. So is a choice, do you want to be the person that live luxurious but have no saving backup , or that simple person that have so much saving? I think this is all about self demand control, you get paid, and you spend spend spend, so what will happen? you will forever keep working and working , then spend again, your savings forever stay low ,then the loop keep repeat. Some are even worst, want to look rich but struggling, is it that important to show people all that? i think being humble not even care about all that but being more wise and have savings are more practical." ], [ "My thoughts exactly! How?" ], [ "Kids, this is why statistics should be compulsory course in secondary school mathematics." ], [ "BNPL" ], [ "Cost of living in malaysia is incredibly low" ], [ "Go to mall, see people spending money. Shook. /s" ], [ "Congratulations - you have the mindset of what the famous financial guru \"Dave Ramsey\" would call \"everyday millionaire\". If you can earn like a T20 and spend like a B40, you will be a millionaire (and then some) one day.\nDon't be like the fool that is mentioned in this video - earn T20 or rather T5/T1, but having mindset of B40 - Earn 40K but commitment 38K:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e2FK8tzYAQ" ], [ "Malaysia still so cheap , comin from the US just for the shopping and food , love it always" ], [ "Honestly if people want to spend their money that way, then it's on them. No reason to judge how they spend it.", "I am happy for our economy to see so many people buying things. I am not really 'judging' them anyway. It's just an observation that people are healthily spending, although at a level I am just personally not used to being from a B40 household. Not saying \"why the hell would anyone want to spend RMXXX on XXX???\"." ], [ "Buy now pay later meta , u been living in cave" ], [ "Bro I had the exact same thoughts when hunting for new shoes. I ended up buying ANTA shoes in Al-Ikhsan because that’s the most comfortable pair under RM250. I earn okay, but the prices of goods now really insane. Can’t buy anything from JD sports or footlocker. I can’t justify dropping RM400-600 average for a pair of more branded shoes. 2 months in with my ANTA. I’m really happy with it. It looks good. Superbly comfy and cheaaap. Just because it’s not branded la", "Anta is actually a good brand from China btw. Just that it's rising and people don't know it yet, similar to Li Ning before.", "Thanks! I will look into that. I think I saw in Sunway Pyramid before, this ANTA brand. Under 250 is great. Yea thank you for validating my post as most people think I am just being naive and deserve a good whacking." ], [ "As someone from a T0.001 family this is all very funny to me" ], [ "Because you’re going to areas with high density of relatively well off people" ], [ "It is common for sale of luxury goods to increase during financial crisis. It’s not just Malaysia." ], [ "Their financial planning are non existent to these people.\nT20 Malaysian will buy shoes overseas not in Malaysia when the shoes are overpriced and marked up high by the stores owner.\nMany of those people you see, you can see them driving myvi and people here really think they are T20…" ], [ "Some people spend using their credit card and pay off the credit card debt with the minimum amount only.." ], [ "I watched a video somewhere that basically said this: young people spend more now in the moment because they’ve given up on the big purchases. The economy is fucked we can’t own a house and starting a family is financial suicide. They know life is expensive, so why bother planning for the future? Just live for today la", "This is the current situation of China." ], [ "Fuh. Spend 200 on shoes. Bought myself a pair of Bata @100. Last pair bought before covid?", "my last pair is from H&M, around RM120 or so... haha." ], [ "Since a lot of people already serang u on ur methodology, I'll just answer your last note.\nGood shoes below rm200 brands: Bata and Dr Cardin are my go to." ], [ "I think you should visit your local homeless shelters or orphanages if you think that way", "I'm from a b40 environment. My parents are uneducated and poor. I have poor friends. I spent most of my life in a low cost flat, 2 rooms and 500 sq ft. I understand poverty and being bullied because I'm not from a nice household when studying. I'm simply saying it's pretty fascinating to see people living a different life from me and it's something I could not fathom, but totally happy that the economy is doing so well and also to each their own re spending habits.", "What homeless shelters and orphanages got to do with this man questions where people get their money and spend them? Get the fck out of here lol" ], [ "Perfect opportunity to talk about 'selection bias'\nThis is a bias due to sample selection and do not accurately reflect the population.\nDepending on where you are, there's always selection bias in the kind of people you see/ interact with.\nIf you're in a fancy mall near an area where property prices are sky high, chances are, the people that will be there are those that have the means to spend rm20 for a cup of coffee everyday. Maybe they are in debt, maybe they truly do have the means to do so, it doesn't matter, the type of people staying in these area are the people who are WILLING to spend RM20 for a cupt of coffee.\nThis goes for everything. If you visit the local wetmarket in a neighbourhood that aren't wealthy, then you will see people being very frugal, calculative and the market also reflects that by selling at the lowest possible price to cather to the local demographic. Similarly, in a wealthy neaighbourhood, the market will instead be air-conditioned, filled with imported goods, and the vegetables, meats and so on may even be pre-cut.\nThe average median Malaysia can't spend RM20 on a cup of coffee everyday, that is a fact, no matter what you see or hear. Especially don't listen to the boomers saying things like 'youngsters these days can't afford to buy houses or get married because they are spending RM20 every day on coffee.\" That is just demonstrably false. This generation can't afford houses or get married or build a family is due to stagnant wages, on top of inflation and rising cost of living as well as significantly increased price of property ON TOP of increasing need for specialisation in pretty much all industry needing at minimum a tertiary education for any job that pays decently well. It's not just a double whammy, its like quadruple whammy.", "On coffee\nActually, Rm20 x 30 days a month is RM600. That's <10% for the median household in KL, Putrajaya, Selangor. So I'm going to counter your stand and say, the median household in Klang Valley actually CAN spend RM600 a month on coffee. A couple would probably share that same cup, though. :P\nOn housing\nThe median house in Selangor 2022-2023 is about RM500k. That makes a housing affordability of about 4.8-5x annual median household income of RM120k\nSo, I'm going to counter that and say, yes, the fresh graduate probably cannot buy a house. But a young couple, both with 5 years experience making 5-6k a month each? No issue affording a house, just whether you could get one in the place you want.\nSource :\nChief statistician Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin said six states reached median income above the national level, namely, Kuala Lumpur (RM10,234); Putrajaya (RM10,056); Selangor (RM9,983); Labuan (RM6,904); Johor (RM6,879) and Penang (RM6,502).\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/07/935920/households-income-malaysia-rise-says-dosm\nLocal house price variations\nKuala Lumpur has Malaysia’s most expensive housing, with an average price of MYR 741,445 (US$174,102) during the year to Q3 2022, followed by Selangor at MYR 501,085 (US$117,662), Sarawak at MYR 493,799 (US$115,951), Sabah at MYR 486,634 (US$114,269), Pulau Pinang at MYR 435,650 (US$102,297), and Johor at MYR 377,637 (US$88,675).\nBy property type:\nTerraced house average prices rose by 1.34% y-o-y to MYR 418,592 (US$98,291) in Q3 2022. Quarter-on-quarter, prices fell by 2.17%.\nHigh-rise residential properties’ average price rose slightly by 0.78% y-o-y to MYR 342,506 (US$80,425) in Q3 2022. On a quarterly basis, prices dropped 1.54%.\nDetached house average prices were down by 3.01% y-o-y to MYR 617,432 (US$144,981) over the same period. Quarter-on-quarter, detached house prices fell by 1.68%.\nSemi-detached house average prices rose slightly by 1.16% y-o-y but dropped 2.93% q-o-q to MYR 669,402 (US$157,185) in Q3 2022.\nhttps://www.globalpropertyguide.com/asia/malaysia/price-history", "Coffee <10% of median household income.\nA typical household consist of 3 -4 person based on statista, probably lower in urban area.Let's just assume a typical median household consists of 2 income earner, usually the father&mother, or a couple. Based on OpenDOSM, the Median household income as of 31 dec 2022 data is only RM10k. So, RM600 is more than 10% of what a single median income earner would earn. While, yes RM600 is <10% of the median household income, if its between two income earner, and both have the same habit, thats RM1,200 a month just on coffee alone. They CAN, but is it something people would want to engage in actively? I also said average median malaysian, not median Klang Valley Malaysian. In the very same list in the attached image, you can see the moment you look at median household income of outside Selangor/KL/Putrajaya, which is where the majority of the Malaysian are, there's a huge falloff, to only having RM6-7k median household income. So RM20 coffee everyday is well within 10% of household income of an average median Malaysian. That's just 1 persons's daily coffee habit taking up almost 10% of the household income.\nThe median house in Selangor 2022-2023 is about RM500k. That makes a housing affordability of about 4.8-5x annual median household income of RM120k\nYou are ignoring loan interest, and also daily expenditure whilst paying for the RM500k house. Assuming you took a loan of RM400k @ 3% interest (impossibly low) , paying off RM100k as a lump sum/ down payment (which already requires 1 or more year to save up), with a loan repayment period of 15 - 30 years, your monthly mortgage is RM1.6k - RM2.7k. At 10k median household income, that is 16-27% of the household monthly income paid off to mortgage. Whatever I wrote here is most likely an underestimate as well, and so many thing has to fall right in order to make it work. We haven't even talked about cost of transport, food, water, eletricity, and so on, and 16-27% of the monthly household income is already gone. Transport being a big one, since the entirety of Malaysia including klang valley is so car centric, hence a car is already a big burden in terms of cost. Again, they can do it, but how likely is it that the property is both decent and in a viable location and only RM500k, having a partner who earns RM5k+ whilst being a RM5k+ earner, a low interest property loan.\nPersonally, I think its a very low chance and does not truly reflect the average median Malaysian. We also haven't even include the possibility of needing to support siblings, parents/ grandparents who are old and etc etc. The household income can support buying a house, but thats after pooling multiple sources of income, mostly 2 source, sometimes even more, rarely only a single source, and with the assumption that there is no other prior commitment or pressing expenses like car, education, insurance, emergency fund, etc etc.\n<image>", "The topic in question is referring to spending patterns in TRX or KL. There are almost no rm20 coffees outside of the major urban centers", "Title literally states \"Cost of living in Malaysia so high, but people are spending gila2\". OP only mentions a KL mall once - Mid Valley, and had no way implied that OP is only talking about KL/ Klang Valley area only.\nI was commenting directly under OP and not another comment.\nAnd Starbucks pretty much exist in every single state in Malaysia. You can even get some premium coffee from McD for almost RM20 which exist everywhere in Malaysia. (most expensive item that I can think of is Ice Blended Latte at RM14+) You can get a RM20 coffee anywhere in Malaysia, and I've mentioned, even by klang valley median income standard, spending >5% of monthly median household income on a single person's coffee habit is just not realisitic.", "Not good financial habit, sure, but spending 5-6% of a family's household income on coffee is definitely doable (highly unwise, but doable) to the median household in KV earning RM9-10k a month.\nAnyway, to digress, I went down the rabbithole and discovered some interesting tidbits.\nThe average msian drinks 107 cups of coffee\nSource: https://bebasnews.my/2023/10/01/interactive-malaysia-has-3rd-highest-coffee-consumption-spike-in-region/\nOn average, every person in the country drank 52 cups of coffee in 2017.\nBut this number has more than doubled, or swelled by 105% to 107 cups per person a year in 2021.\nThis is based on an analysis by Sunday Star on the data from the ICO on coffee consumption and the country’s total population from the World Bank.\nThe number of cups are then calculated based on each cup using 10 grams of coffee.\nMalaysia's Starbucks has annual sales of RM884m, equivalent to RM25 per citizen (33m population, and about 8million households), or RM100-110 per household. Assuming starbucks has 50% market share (my assumption), this works out to be about Rm200-250 total coffee spend per household per year.\nSo clearly, people are NOT spending RM600 on coffee a month (RM7,200 a year on coffee).\nhttps://www.worldcoffeeportal.com/Latest/News/2023/May/Starbucks-outlet-growth-in-Malaysia-drives-Berjaya\nAnyway, my original point on coffee is : it's 'doable' to spend RM600 on coffee for the median KV household, but very stupid to do so. It's pretty much the equivalent of smokers who spend 500 a month on cigs.", "P.S. a large percentage of people in states outside of. Klang valley are earning minimum wage - Rm1.5k so Rm600 on coffee a month is killing themselves." ], [ "Some of them are poor themselves with terrible financial management. Earn 2k spend 2k. Unlike me, earn 4k spend 12k. LETS GO CREDIT CARDS" ], [ "you might see me in designer brand but you will never see me spending or even carrying a lot of money. I might look rich but the only thing I can afford in a mall is leave🤣" ], [ "Easy way to see if people are truly living beyond their means is to look at outstanding credit card debt by income band and age group.\nI haven’t lived in Malaysia for over 10 years but in 2009 shortly before I left I recall every single one of my friends carrying a CC balance.\nMin pay on 10,000 is 250/month. If you can spare 500/ mth on frivolous spending; putting it on a CC allows you to spend 20k.\nPretty easy to buy into the idea that a 20k bag actually cost 500/ mth 😋.\nReminds me of the lyrics of a song that was popular in my secondary school days. If I recall correctly, the refrain went “ Gali lubang, tutup lubang, pinjam wang bayar hutang”" ], [ "Also there are quite sizeable amount of crypto rich user" ], [ "If pareto distribution explains a lot of things, then 6.6 million Malaysians hold 80% of the nation’s wealth. What you’re seeing in the malls are the same 6.6 million Malaysians." ], [ "Op needs to go to other places, specifically non t20 places.", "Thanks BiggieBoss9, but I spent my childhood and young adult years in a low cost flat worth RM55k (the only thing my father could afford) and situated next to a dumpster. I know how Poor feels. I am trying to help my parents to break through from this environment by working and saving up. I am not from the hardcore poor, but poor enough that a RM20 meal is considered expensive to my parents. This post was just my observations of more financially free Malaysians around me (surface-level) and their manners of spending." ], [ "I don't know, maybe they are going into debt, why compare with others, I like to see my net worth grow, not collection of luxury goods. It also doesn't help that you live in an area where the top 1% live, I regularly see lamboghinis, mercede,s, porsches near where I live, and it's not even KL lol." ], [ "keep observing and u should be a millionaire by 40. u have the eye for it. most people don’t.", "Thanks for the complement!!" ], [ "shall i blow your mind with just 2 words?\nWealth inequality.\nIt is why both situations where you see people queueing up to buy iphones and homeless people living in destitute can both simultaneously exist in the same reality.", "Yep I know this exists. In my highschool years, my schoolmates 'shun' me and my low cost flat, even saying they don't like going to my home. Or being bullied even by my schoolmates' parents — they would tell me \"Why won't you become like Alfred, travel more, see the world more?\" etc. Well coz Alfred's mom is a datin and my parents could only afford a RM55,000 flat?", "you need better friends.", "Yes, I don't talk to those schoolmates at all anymore. Have found a better more empathetic community." ], [ "Go seeking out the food courts, especially when they're tucked away from open view.\nThose are the \"grassroot\" Malaysians. The others you see are earning at least RM 5000 per month, or have families that are so well off they thought Omakase restaurants should be the norm (when none of them can even read a lick of Japanese, with tons of Chinese Malaysian owners fucking up the grammar and words of the language every time they name their \"Japanese\" restaurants).\n「の」is not a subsitute for the Chinese 「 之」, you shameless bastards.\nチャイマレーてめえ" ], [ "What you usually don't see behind closed doors:\nHutang byk2\nPinjam duit sini sana\nEat grass and dirt every day to afford luxury items or worse,\nRob and steal for others just to sustain their lifestyle.\nFrankly, it's pure insanity how some are willing to condemn themselves into a living hell just to flex they have money." ], [ "If you are hanging out in those places, aren’t you also one of the people spending gila2?\nThe rest of us use Shopee or go mamak lol 💀", "i go use my madani credit shop for something in uniqlo lol... i didnt go TRX yet. just go mid valley. but plenty of people who are B40 only la. and maybe even can be B40 but dress or spend like T20, credit card gila2 also.", "Actually your observation isn’t that outrageously erroneous also tbh. I know a lot people that are actually M40 that spend as if they are T20.\nThe situation you see of ppl spending gila2 is mostly from M40 trying to keep up appearances because they didn’t do as well as their T20 friends. Sometimes it’s hard to accept that we didn’t “make it” and continue to hyper focus on the T20 friends that did, when we forget to look down to appreciate what we achieved. Ppl always want more. They overspend.\nBtw if you want really cheap stuff just shop on Shopee, my shoes cost RM 50 but design inspired by Adidas ultra boost without the adidas branding. Then I buy extra insole (RM 5) to make the fit snug and healthier for my feet. It feels better than my original Ultra Boosts (RM 799)\nManaged to find a lot of bargains and alternatives online to save money. If you’re smart with what/how you buy online, you can achieve the same quality of lifestyle with buying branded. Stealth wealth my brother 😎 x perlu tayang tayang asal comfortable and stylish", "Thank you for the inspiring and cost saving lifehacks :D I never owned any hypebeast sneakers pun and my lifestyle/circle pun tak macam tu, humble ok je asalkan not in any credit card debt... Yea, x perlu tayang2." ], [ "Is it me....or ...I'm overthinking.... Gym are scam.. U can walk and run outside Ur house...need to do weight... Buy 5litres spritzer mineral water... U can customize it...fill with water or sand... Make weight... 1 bottle for 1 kg another bottle for 2 kg.." ], [ "swipe first think later" ], [ "Because broke people like me don't even go out much." ], [ "your post can't convince people if you use items that can be purchased with installments, or eating Maggi for a week as example." ], [ "T20 is like 20% of Malaysian out of 33 million." ], [ "I make like 3.5k a month, how poor am I?" ], [ "Not everyone lah . Only a small percentage of Malaysian can afford the stuff you said . I know many Malaysians cant even afford fast food ." ], [ "nowadays youngsters also richer than last time...can earn alot money doing online selling, affiliate, content creator bla bla...so spending power also stronger..last time only kids with rich parents can buy RM 20 starbucks daily..nowadays kids from poor background also can do it liao, no need proper 9-6 job also 🤣" ], [ "Apart from credit cards, personal loans and other forms of credit such as the “buy now pay later” scheme have become more easily accessible, making it tempting to borrow (buy) now without fully considering the long-term consequences" ], [ "Nowadays its so easy to buy stuff with installment. It’s no surprise that many could be in debt actually.. example i went to siti khadijah to buy telkung. Even telkung you can pay with installment lol" ], [ "Just spend on the shoes lol, a good pair of shoes can last a very long time, coming from a former not spender" ], [ "https://youtu.be/FGDB22dpmwk?si=g5iHeJOH_K3wA6tE\nNot saying I fully agree with the person in this video but they did bring interesting perspective. The comment section is also full of both supporting, against and balanced views regarding the topic. Just sharing here. For context: it's video titled Luxury Fashion Is For Broke People by channel RAISED." ], [ "Where to get nice shoes below RM200 ah?\nLarge sports store like Sports Direct usually have a section with discounted shoes. That's where I used to buy my shoes, mostly between RM120 to RM200. Though that was before covid and from what I can tell, they have decreased stocking shoes of my size, so it's harder to find a deal now.\nBtw my shoe size is US size 12, and I need the wide sized ones with 2E width, which means New Balance is pretty much the only brand here that I could reliably find a fitting pair of shoes. Other brands usually don't import the wide sized shoes to Malaysia. Sadge." ], [ "Could someone explain to me what T20 refers to?\nNon-Malaysian here, thanks in advance.", "An economic tier based on salary. T20 means their salary is RM10,960 and above, but many people make much, much more than that, perhaps RM30k, RM40k is not unheard of. B40 is my parents household income, with less than RM4,849 a month. There's also the mid-range M40, with a household income of around 5-10k." ], [ "Well yeah, that's why you see those who are spending hard and you don't see those who are hardly spending.\nI got friends go mall/restaurants eat like 5 times a week while I go like 1 or 2 times per 2 weeks." ], [ "I think it just depends on where you're situated? Like houses surrounded by malls are typically where rent is higher, so it's easy to assume they can afford a day out every week. As for fancy clothes, I think a large majority of Malaysian's just indulge in online shopping(aka Shopee dupes)." ], [ "$30k can buy you USED BMW/Merc, same as Malaysia, 135k rm can buy USED BMW/Merc" ], [ "Whole of Malaysia inside there izzit?", "Yea yea, That day ramai orang. No parking space, I believe whole of Malaysia there, or maybe just the Selangor and KL citizens.... seriously, coz no parking space." ], [ "Sohai lah?" ], [ "There's a thing called a credit card. People are spending the money they don't have and go into debt just for bragging rights. Some people save up for years to buy their dream iPhone. 100k cars are not luxury vehicles. With a 10 year loan that's about 1000/mth. Even Toyota Camry, which starts at 200k, is still considered middle class car. People like to talk a whole lot about the T20 but we're forgetting the M40 are pretty well off and have decent disposable income to spend as well. T20 and the top 30 within the M40 combined is 50% of the population. That's 16 million people nationwide. Lots of Malaysians are actually well off than you may think. Luxury goods (clothing and accessories) are actually cheaper here compared to, say somewhere like Singapore. Cars maybe cheaper in the USA but owning and operating is very high there compared to here. We have the cheapest petrol prices in the world. Cheap tolls, cheap service costs compared to developed western countries." ], [ "Party like there is no tomorrow." ], [ "Note4: bundle shops. Try searching eg. Jamie Bundle shoes. There r plenty others around.\nIn addition, you can also buy out-of-season overstock shirts, pants and jeans.", "Thank you. Yea I've been to those JBR bundle etc. I've got 2nd hand shoes before from bundle shops, but thanks for that idea!" ], [ "YOLOOOOOOO" ], [ "I actually spend too much on food for my family. Especially masa eating out. I hope I can control but usually susah. Sad." ], [ "Im 20 and earning 3k a month, u bet I can do all these while paying rent and food" ], [ "Compare down, don't compare up. You will be happier." ], [ "No one will know if they use real or fake branded shoes or bags. I know people who bought fake stuffs but looks real. So it's just from the looks." ], [ "kad kredit :26559:" ], [ "Rich become richer, poor become poorer. And there are ppl without commitment time to time. No matter how, there are still people have ability to buy something we couldn't." ], [ "Just my perspective as a borderline T20, I think average adult in KL earn okay to live the life you mentioned. But where I echo is these people are definitely spending at a much higher proportion and probably don’t save much. It’s more about the spending habits not how they make the money." ], [ "Depend on the place also. You go to those atas places for sure going to see people like that. Wherever you go now there will be a lot of people around but that doesn't reflect the whole socio-economy. You can go to pasar malam also packed." ], [ "I think that’s good sign. Economy is growing in your country. If people save money too much will be bad for your economy in general." ], [ "U re describing my life story here too. I resonate with that." ], [ "chinese saying, everyone finger have short and longer ends, dont compare and you will live longer" ], [ "Look at Muflis Bankrupt di Malaysia group in FB and you'll immediately understand why" ], [ "Pasar malam is more expensive than malls.", "I actually visited the PJ SS2 market on monday... to get a nice dinner with dessert and drink... i found myself paying close to RM30 lol.... this is really gila d. One lamb grilled bun RM15, one air coconut RM3, one mochi thing RM8, one oyster mee suah RM12.... apakah daya.", "You can buy 3 T-shirts for RM50 at Padini. Once I saw a non branded T shirt selling for RM30 at local Pasar malam 😂" ], [ "personally I only spend big money buying good quality things that keep me off the ground eg: shoes, bed, Tayar, chair\nMy daily footwear is red wing boots (buy once, cry once) and RM 10 selipar for short trips out of home.\nIf you daily slippers only when going out try to save up for Birkenstocks (lasts a decade if cared for)\nDon't know anything about sneakers, I only wear when going exercise I buy sketcher cheap off lazada cuz they just don't last\nAlso your mother is right, buy cheap clothes don't buy a brand, I go to Good2U and buy reject clothes for like rm 5 each so good" ], [ "Where to get nice shoes below RM200 ah?\nTry Tomaz. I got my convocation shoes there for less than rm100 at the Sunway Pyramid outlet. Very pretty and they have a huge selection." ], [ "Phones can loan, even branded shoes online can be loan, not everyone out there pay cash" ], [ "I only shop new tshirts once every 6 months lol. Shoes? Once every 2 years lol. My money mostly spent on food, which i regret because many of things i eat are not healthy." ], [ "Why you care so much about what other people are doing bro, only compare yourself to the you if yesterday.\nAlso I don’t think you sold compare to average salary, you shills compare to selangor and kl average. Also I think you are operating on heavy confirmation bias, I just drive on LDP and if I count all the cars, probably luxury cars less then 1%, same with shoes. You only see and notice what you didn’t have. Meanwhile, there’s so many people on moto, hey thank god you at least have a car right?" ], [ "You're going to a high end mall of course you're going to see all these activities. You don't expect to see beggars walking around Mid Valley right?\nIn the grand scheme of things, it's not a lot. It's probably only 10 or so malls that are like that, most are in Klang Valley. How many people did you see are like that, maybe 33000? That's just 0.01% of Malaysia's population.\nAlso, Instagram magnifies this. People want to post their wins and vacations and shoes and cars, not them getting fired or having RM100k cc debt, am I right?\nIf you really wanna see \"cheap\" shoppers, go to a place like Chow Kit market, Uptown Kota Damansara or Uptown Danau Kota, these are kind of pasar malams but with \"permanent\" fixtures." ], [ "200 for good shoes is mimpi. My feet are bigger than average (9.5/44F) and I willingly spent 400 for Medifeet shoes. Best 400 ever spent." ] ]
Is Din Tai Fung Malaysia on the verge of becoming a pork & lard free restaurant?
[ [ "there are a few FB pages who are hunting these Nons owned halal and pork free restaurants. Their objective is to posts all the Halal certifications of Non owned restaurants and cast doubt by saying things like...only main kitchen is halal certified and outlets are not. Followers of these pages will then gives comments along the lines of \"kawan cina kata sana ada guna pork lard\".\nThese pages will then start promoting the muslim owned restaurants.", "Somehow that is not \"naratif beracun\", merely spreading awareness.", "It's mixed in with \"they are trying to bring us down\". That's toxic" ], [ "They already have halal spin off that’s called Din by Din Tai Fung. KLCC and KLIA2 have it IIRC", "Should have been something like SaifuDIN by Din Tai Fung. Wasted potential.", "Din Typhoon", "Abang Din approves", "not sure in KLIA but in KLCC, the management wont allow the fnb retailers to sell pork. so all food in Suria KLCC is edible (?) for muslims except which alcohol is used in preparing the food.", "Apparently , they have closed down their 1Utama Din Tai Fung outlet , and relocated to Pavilion Damansara by opening a Din outlet . That is why I'm wondering is it because Din outlets are more popular ?", "maybe they found a new business model and attract a larger pool of customers (muslims)", "Yes. I guess that is the reason too.", "So do you think Din will eventually replace all existing Din Tai Fung outlets?", "I think we’ll see more DIN vs the regular DTF restaurants but it would still exist for the ones that’s still profitable. It’s business after all.", "kept reading the DTF as down to ****... :26559:", "of course not, both have their markets" ], [ "smart move. Statistics show that malaysia will lose its multicultural status in a few decades. They need to expand their potential customer pool." ], [ "I doubt anyone else cares. Their competitors would be quite happy though if they did it though. Their new rivals less so.\nStupid F&B who shoot themselves in the foot and closes up shop in less than a year happens all the time.", "Their competitors? No one else comes close in terms of Xiao Long Bao to them", "Paradise dynasty tastes better to me personally, DTF was decent pre-covid but I feel like their standards have dropped dramatically lately, the xiaolongbao skins just aren't consistent anymore. Been to the pavilion and klcc outlets, both were quite bad experiences for me." ], [ "they dont care about the exclusivity of serving to non-muslim. they only care about profit just like everyone else." ], [ "No, their original outlet in Pavilion that serves pork is still popular.\nThey're just expanding into a separate business stream." ], [ "Maybe it is because their existing patrons-Mainly The Chinese find the food price at Din Tai Fong expensive, thus stop patronizing Di Tai Fung. Therefore, they are left without a choice but to open up Din's in order to capture a bigger market.", "RM 30 fried rice with a few miserable farm shrimps. Banned that place! Paradise dynasty is much better in my opinion. But the Muslim crowd will pay for it nowadays, asalkan got cert. But for Chinese it’s not value for money.", "I seriously hope Paradise Dynasty will not take the same approach as DTF by eliminating pork xiao long bao on the menu. :)" ], [ "Din Tai Fung's standards have noticeably declined post-pandemic, reaching a notably subpar level when I sampled their fare at Pavilion three months ago.\nThe cuisine there has regrettably deteriorated, rendering it wholly unjustifiable in terms of cost. It has become nothing more than a diminished franchise, with its sole remaining asset being the brand name." ], [ "I cannot imagine the franchise will let them go down the road of no pork and lard. All their signature dishes are filled with those two ingredients!" ], [ "Where's the source? Anyway, I've moved on to Paradise Dynasty, DTF has deteriorated alrdy (not due to removing pork)" ], [ "And you thought about this because???", "Just out of curiosity. Because their biz model seems very very profitable .", "Less likely, their signature is Xiao Long Bao where the fillings are pork. Their shrimp fried rice is really good though.", "Look at their recent store openings , they are all Din's , not Din Tai Fung . Even at Chinese majority areas . Eventually they will put Din Tai Fung to rest ." ], [ "Unlikely.\nMidValley is not halal and is full of patrons, I doubt they will rock that boat.\nKLCC makes sense since they want to tap into the halal tourist and office workers there.\nKLIA2, seems to be targeting travellers of all sectors veg, fish, and halal. So makes sense to halal the menu there.\nSo it seems to be just based on the target audience of that location.", "I'm afraid this is the bitter truth. Look at all their recent openings -\nTRX- Majority of the patrons are Chinese yet it is a Din instead of DTF\nMid Valley JB- Majority local Chinese & Singaporeans but its Din, not DTF\nPavilion Damansara - Din , despite 90% of patrons being Chinese" ] ]
“Ridiculous for cake with festive greetings to become an issue,” says Abang Johari
[ [ "Today I read in the news that making a cake with ‘Merry Christmas’ on it is a problem. This is stupid.\ndying of laugh rn" ], [ "apparently a cake with merry christmas written on it will make it a communion wafer if i eat it? that thought process is astounding. maybe read a book and expand your narrow minds a bit.", "In a country where a watch strap will make you gay anything is possible", "yeah, we keep this up, any kids trying to colour a rainbow will be called blasphemy. watching international news station covering the swatch story is embarassing.", "Mereka dah lama rancang, kita je yang pakai watch makan cake lalai.", "Eating Christmas cake will turn you Christian. And if you get a Christmas present, that's it, you're a kafir now. Watch out, my Muslim friends.", "you're a kafir, you're a kafir, everyone's a kafir.", "Let's go have some nice kaffir tea.", "i'd prefer chai", "angry Spider-Man voice\nCHAI TEA??? WOULD YOU SAY ATM MACHINE??????", "Kafir Cafe.!", "With the type of Muslim authorities we have it's better to remain Qafir", "But I like the wood log one...", "Can't learn about other religions because they'll tempt you to convert!\nI took a religious studies class abroad and learnt so many things about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.\nNever crossed that I want to convert into any of those faiths.", "apparently the strongest devout faith will suddenly convert eating a cake with alphabet written on it.", "They do read a book but sadly its just the same one", "and the same book teaches people to be tolerant with other religion, guess even the same book, still skip chapters." ], [ "Trust me, there will be something more ridiculous in the future.", "Yup. The goalposts will continue to move sadly" ], [ "I agree with him. These fat clowns at Jakim getting too powerful and busybody want to intrude in other people’s lives. Jakim should be shut down", "Political observers: \"Anwar could use the positive Muslim / non-Muslim relations in Sabah, Sarawak to rebuild Malaysia's future. In fact, Anwar could have a small Parliamentary majority even without UMNO & PN.\"\nAnwar: \"Fuck them in Sarawak, Sabah. Those PN voters are the only people worth caring about now, I'm salivating!! Hadi, what's your to do list? I'll check them all off! I'm more Muslim than anyone!\"", "Haha yes .", "…as they are a waste of taxpayer money with no value add.", "and yet:\nFederal Government Wants JAKIM’s Role to be Expanded, Says Anwar (June 2023)", "https://twitter.com/NewsBFM/status/1736219755407958228?t=JRwrcO78f3aSq174p7Ashw&s=19", "Jakim has always been a waste of taxpayer, time n resources. Being busybody of other ppl faith is very obnoxious.", "You got anything to replace them tho?", "Why they need to be replace? They are not needed. Just like rubbish, do you replace rubbish with another rubbish? Bruh", "Oh good. Another one who does not know the full extent of what JAKIM does. Why am I not supprised.", "I swear I’ve never seen an organisation so insecure about their religion before, that they need to stir shit up every couple of months.\nImagine a buddhist or hindu organisation asking their followers to never enter or dine at a Malay stall because they serve beef and hence is impure in their religion context. I bet your ass all hell let loose.", "In what way has JAKIM contributed positively to this country? Every news article or discussion I've ever seen has been negative.", "Has anything positive come out of JAKIM?", "Don't trust this Abang Jo. He is just trying to get votes early. Where was he when Jakim enforced this in 2020? Did he criticise it?", "The kind of comment that solidifies Muslim voters’ belief that PH being empowered would be to the detriment of Islam & its institutions", "Not surprising coming from a PAS supporter/religious extremist that is supportive of policies that affect non-muslims.\nJust like how you're perfectly fine with Terengganu closing down non-muslim unisex salons, or Kelantan penalizing non-muslim wearing shorts in private premises (Her own bloody shop).\nOr just like you throwing the anti-islam label 2 years ago in this sub even when you know it's not and admitted you wanna be provocative.\nOr when you're supportive of HAMAS as 'freedom fighters' even when there are well documented sources by Aljazeera with live videos and complete timelines of them launching a large scale massacre of 1,400 civilians in a day which you conveniently discounted as propaganda.\nIf you think overreacting over displaying a fucking message on a cake is not a problem, or 'hotdog' label might mislead people to think it's 'daging anjing', or Timah alcohol brand is gonna mislead people to drink then you are the problem.\nHow dense are you people to think that Islam is under threat? Asking fallible people that are in charge of JAKIM to fuck off is not a threat to your religion, that's the same people that caused the fake halal meat scandal.\nTLDR: People Extremists like you are detrimental to a multi-racial, multi-cultural society.", "I am anti DAP, not PAS supporter\nIf PAS recombines with DAP, as they have done several times in the past, i would reject them in a heartbeat\nshort answer: it is frankly none of your business & outside of your influence ever to dictate how we practice & apply our faith. Your words have zero impact\nOf course sokong hamas. They were not responsible of that. The IDF were.", "I am anti DAP, not PAS supporter\nAbsolutely not, you definitely claimed you're supportive of them when they close down non-muslim unisex salons, and I quote: \"I'm happy with the direction they're heading right now.\"\nit is frankly none of your business & outside of your influence ever to dictate how we practice & apply our faith\nSadly, it is a problem when you interfere with our lives by oppressing/pushing your shit unto us, and fortunately, we do have leaders that are unsupportive of your extremist ways. Respect is not a one-way street.\nWhat a nice way of saying you don't wish to hold corrupt people accountable, though this is expected of you.\nYour words have zero impact.\nFortunately, you still have no say on this, for now, and we'll make sure extremists don't get to control the house.\nYou haven't answered how your religion is under threat? or provide any response on any of the facts that religious authorities are clearly overstepping their boundaries.\nOf course sokong hamas. They were not responsible of that. The IDF were.\nHAMAS literally called their Oct 7 attacks 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood', not to mention Hamas spokesperson Khaled Qadomi literally showed up on a live interview defending these attacks. All these are so well documented that ignoring the fact that HAMAS is not responsible is sheer ignorance. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/7/palestinian-group-hamas-launches-surprise-attack-on-israel-what-to-know\nEdit: I like how you don't deny that you have 0 empathy towards non-muslims.", "0 empathy towards non-muslims.\nClassic racism from Mr Inori here.", "That doesnt equate to total support. Only for that particular issue. Mine is conditional since i’ve been aware of politicis: no holding hands with DAP.\nTo each their own. We’ll just vote who we want come next PRU. All the best.\nYour TPM Zahid is corrupt. Who was the one who interfered with mahkamah & gave him TPM position?\nI have zero empathy for those who threaten the institutions of my religion and openly admit to wanting to interfere in its affairs.\nNon-muslims secara umumnya xde masalah. Many times in Islam’s caliphate domain, it has had majority non-muslim citizens. Those who want peace will be reciprocated, those who wish to interfere will be given the appropriate response too.", "I have zero empathy for those who threaten the institutions of my religion and openly admit to wanting to interfere in its affairs.\nNon-muslims secara umumnya xde masalah.\nYeah, those non-muslim unisex salon owners and the non muslim women wearing shorts in her own private premises are clearly threatening the institutions of your religion and they do not deserve empathy. Is this the reason why you previously claim you support PAS' decision on punishing those 2 non-muslims in the first place? What are those two interfering lol?\nthose who wish to interfere will be given the appropriate response too\nAsking for accountability for power tripping officials in the religious institution and those that jeopardizes the entire halal certification industry constitutes a threat? Is the concept of accountability so foreign to you?\nYour TPM Zahid is corrupt. Who was the one who interfered with mahkamah & gave him TPM position?\nBro, you think we do not want Zahid to face the music too? Fuck people that steals from charity. I mean you clearly wants Zahid to face his punishment like the most of us, so why doesn't this apply to JAKIM officials? You know they're given in excess of MYR1,000,000,000 annually, no? Why the double standards?\nthose who wish to interfere will be given the appropriate response too.\nLike getting shot? Spoken like a true extremist.\nMan, we're just going through another conversation that'll definitely end like how it is 2 years ago, you still can't grasp that your religion and all is not under any sort of attack/threat. The only thing we're mostly against is your freedom to oppress others that doesn't share your belief. It's just bloody ridiculous that you demand 'respect' while outright being ok with stepping on others.", "Penyelarasan & penambah baikan jakim serta mana2 insititusi agama islam lain adalah urusan orang Islam semata2. Pipe down & move on. We are aware of our weaknesses & shortfalls, and we will handle it ourselves.\nMende pulak shot ni. Muslims lepak hamediah, nasi kandaq ketapang. We dont do shots or shot.", "Penyelarasan & penambah baikan jakim serta mana2 insititusi agama islam lain adalah urusan orang Islam semata2. Pipe down & move on. We are aware of our weaknesses & shortfalls, and we will handle it ourselves.\nI'm gonna quote HyattPotter from 2 years ago:\nBut you're are living with other people of different faiths. This is not a masjid, this is an entire country with millions of people. If you practice a zero tolerance policy, do it on your own dime. Don't involve us and our taxes if you care so much about drawing lines. Why should our taxes goes to people who don't want to tolerate us or respect that we also have our own beliefs? And if you can say zero-tolerance, then I guess there really wasn't a discussion to be held in the first place.\nSeems like you don't really care about what we have to say about our own futures and freedoms, seems like you want us to just suck our thumbs.\nRespect is a 2 way street. If they interfere with our lives which they definitely/factually did, we pretty much have a say on it. You don't get to interfere and then ask us to fuck off because that power tripping/corrupt institution is not under our purview when it's directly funded by all tax-paying citizens of Malaysia.\nAlso, there's 0 follow up on JAKIM officials on the 40 year long fake meat scandal up until now, so what are you guys handling exactly? Lip service? If they're transparent and actually doing what they're supposed to, why the fuck do we care?", "Mate, you’re clearly not up to date on news.\nThe idf have revised their 1400 people dead multiple times.\nThe “40 year meat scandal” has been proven that its only a few years (if im not mistaken less than 5).\nSo im not gonna waste my time discussing issues with someone who does not read extensively & well.\nWhen it comes to Islam & non-Muslims, boleh baca berkenaan khilafah2 yang telah lepas. That is the model all Muslim scholars look at. One source i would recommend is Dr Yakoob Ahmed, an Ottoman historian.\nRead on us actually walking the talk. A true Islamic state.\nHonestly, lets have an open discussion between ourselves via discord or wtv. I am very certain you will find me reasonable & i can explain certain things that me or you or hyatt have discussed before without any misunderstanding.", "In simple words, fuck ur religion", "On the flipside, non-Muslim voters also believe that PAS/radical muslims being empowered would be to the detriment of every non-Muslims way of life. Which already turned out to be true in east coast", "Hence the race by each side to prove otherwise by next PRU", "Hence it's a fact that muslim authority do kacau non Muslim's lifestyle just because they can?\nBesides, last I've checked, ph is islam friendly muslim majority party, and current government is islam friendly, muslim majority government.", "detriment of Islam & its institutions\nCriticism of JAKIM is criticism of Islam? I'd like to highlight 3 points:\nThat's a fucking dumb idea to have.\nDoes that mean when the Perikatan Nasional Religious Affairs minister was going against Islam when he in part invalidated the ruling by JAKIM? Is Abang Jo being un-Islamic when he said the above?\nThat's a fucking dumb idea to have.\nHtH, HaND.", "He called for its complete shutdown. The avg Muslim finding that offensive & threatening is a fair assumption to have i reckon\nSaid former-minister is a mufti himself, and such diff in opinions on minute details are considered within acceptable scope of opinion (only applies for qualified jurists)", "Like damn, you dont ask to dismantle the police institution because some decided to go violent. This is just straight up hostile towards muslims.", "This is just straight up hostile towards muslims.\nHow is it hostile? U speak for all muslims?", "Depa kan terpaling bayar cukai…..\nDemocracy is only good when it suits em", "Imagine being so sanctimonious claiming to speak for all Muslims in Malaysia. Plus that flair lmao, give me a break.\nJAKIM is a human organization. There's a lot to criticize about their actions.", "For most, not all. I think my assumption is fair & closer than what yall can come up with, i reckon\nCalling for shutdown is not criticism. Read again the comment i responded to.", "Jakim should use zakat money to operate instead of tax money.", "Become pm and change that", "Yeah i will but it also counter your point that ph government is detriment of islamic value and institution, no?", "i dont buy that, imo" ], [ "Why is it that it’s always the Muslims that get so butthurt? You don’t see any other religion doing this in Malaysia, so the question is, why the fuck are Muslims so butthurt with everything even though it has nothing to do with their life. That UK awek who complains about alcohol in a fucking party in the UK, like the fuck is wrong with these simpleton minds? Non-Muslim never interfere with Muslims life, so why the fuck Muslims in Malaysia have this obsession of controlling everything? I’m so sick of this fucking country. Every single day I watch nons rights as a citizens gets eroded day by day, and non dare to speak up because to “maintain racial harmony” which I think it’s a load of BS, they said this to make the nons to keep quiet, while they take away your rights as a non bit by bit, and before you know it, we are worse off than Muslim from Bangladesh. Ban me all you want mods, if you can’t handle the ugly truth then what purpose does this dysfunctional forum serve? Other than meme-ing and avoiding the elephant in the room.\nThe silent majority (Muslim) is allowing this to happen, so don’t say BS like there’s a lot of progressive Muslims who disagree, especially when PAS is currently the largest party in parliament and their urban voters has only been increasing every election.\nWake the fuck up people!", "Well cuz malays that tries to speak up about this gets labelled as racist, kacang lupa kulit, kafir and risk getting hurt or unemployed. Truth be told, our country is in the bad middle of collectivism and individualism. Collective as in most of us just follow the flow and what's trending and individualistic as in don't care about other people's punya nasib cuz no benefit for them.\nKinda sad really but on the bright side more and more youngsters are realising this and is starting to speak up on social media", "Thank you brave soul. Something that I can't articulate out. I feel pity for certain Malaysia Muslims. Brainwashed from young, subconsciously doing the bidding for the higher up corruption. Total control with fake positive toxicity to defend this and that in autopilot mode.", "Because it's a cult", "I really just think that it is to divide and conquer. The people that are loudest are the ones causing trouble.", "We did wake up and chose Anwar to be the change but I guess he is another PM that would not be the change we want\nHonestly I don’t know what else to do, emigrating is not the solution" ], [ "Everything in this country is ridiculous. I mean the politics the discussions etc. 🤡🤡", "It's a sitcom 🤣", "Yeah.\nBut it's stupidly fun. Lol", "Yea 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣." ], [ "well, no one says using made in China products will turn you into a communist that doesn't believe in god.\n:26554:" ], [ "rasanya jakim da keluarkan announcement yg takde masalah nak letak, either org yg viralkan or that company saja buat viral kan", "There are type of people who dont like to read explanation just the hype part and they wonder why news agency mainly pump out bad news, even to a point of spreading misinformation.", "They wrote that the 2020 circular was wrong, so it was true that it was an issue to JAKIM that they only repudiate now.", "whatever it is, it's a set of rules that the company can choose to follow or not, if they think it's ridiculous and make them lose customers, then they just stop getting the cert, revoke the halal status and keep serving their targeted customer, don't make some \"sensational\" statements", "Easy for you to say, your livelihood is not dependent on it. They already had to jump through hoops to be certified, they wouldn't want to lose halal status just because they misinterpreted JAKIM additional rules. You gonna pay for them to recertify is it?\nIt's good that stupid halal/haram rules get revoked.", "if you applied for any cert, you already being informed early on what can do or what cannot do, then just abide the rules if the rules deemed so, don't make a statement that make it sensational, if they won't agree it in the first place, don't proceed with it, why blame the rules and make the statement of it?, just said we cannot do the xmas thingy", "The 2020 circular was additional rules. Not something that 'was told early on'.\ndon't proceed with it, why blame the rules and make the statement of it?, just said we cannot do the xmas thingy\nYes, nons are supposed to be seen, not heard.", "can share when they impose the additional rules?\nagain, regardless of any rules, you must understand, the halal cert is to make sure that everything that is consumed by Muslim is verified by the responsible authority, before imposed something, study will be made by them, why do they need non approval to introduce any additional rules? this halal cert is so muslim confident in that restaurant, the company can always say \"fxxk it, i dont want it anymore\" right? or the halal cert must get approval from non also ?", "can share when they impose the additional rules?\nCan, read various articles that already explain it.\nwhy do they need non approval to introduce any additional rules? this halal cert is so muslim confident in that restaurant, the company can always say \"fxxk it, i dont want it anymore\" right? or the halal cert must get approval from non also ?\nYou dont want babi in you meal, we dont care.\nI dont sell product with haram ingredients. I don't care if you dont want to buy, but i care if you start saying it's tak halal.\nI sell halal cake, customer wants to buy with christmas decor because it's actually nice cake. I can not sell because stupid people like you and jakim make it impossible.\nWhen your rule impact people outside of its scope, then everyone cares.", "give me the \"various articles\"\ndefine \"haram/halal\" in ur view, do u really understand what it is?\nno, the rules doesn't impact outside of scope, u just dont apply it, then u can do whatever u want to do, u are the one talking out of scope right now, there is never ever been a compulsory for anyone to apply jakim, thats all to it, sell je la without the halal cert", "Company tu saja nak buat viral. Marketing sampah. Biasa ar.\nSama kes dengan nasi kandar babi." ], [ "This is why I respect the people of Sarawak" ], [ "This is when you keep funneling billions of public money and no question asked with full autonomy in the Federal Government.\nLet's rewind back why this happen, and maybe you can show your pikachu face. The Malay in power is the root of all evil, starts with Iskandar Kutty." ], [ "This guy being lalang. Masa tahun 2020 tak berani pulak nak bising dgn PAS dan Abahcow" ], [ "Those who fear seasons cakes are called hypocrite holier than thou idiots." ], [ "Writing a festive greeting on a cake is not haram. On the other hand, smoking is haram. Buying toto/4D is haram. Having sex outside of marriage is haram (even holding hands between unmarried couples are haram) etc\nMaybe they should focus on abstaining from these haram activities first? Just a suggestion.", "Next thing you know ALL Malaysians can’t hold hands in public unless married." ], [ "Isn't this already debunked by JAKIM themselves?" ], [ "The minister for religious affairs will shortly be saying that this was a miscommunication, that it will not happen again, and that the person responsible has been transferred." ], [ "look like bumis should wear Merry Christmas shirt to Hotel on Eve when doing something to deter and repel those pontianak Jakim vampires away :26561:" ], [ "“This is why we (GPS) left Barisan Nasional (BN) and formed GPS – so we can make our own decisions,” the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) president added.\nYet somehow ever since it's formation GPS has kept to the same coalition as BN - when they were with Perikatan, GPS was with Perikatan. Now BN is with Unity coalition, and coincidentally GPS is with unity coalition.\nIt's almost like GPS is still BN East Malaysia, and all they did was to rebrand themselves.", "They are a Sarawakian party voted by and for Sarawakians. Focus more on Sarawak issue and practice regionalism. They don’t care who is in power, just the government of the day can provide funding and develop Sarawak.", "GPS is on their own leagues…. Unlike on the west who enter the sandman", "And this BN East Malaysia just proposed free tertiary education for Sarawakians. Solve your Christmas cake problem first before criticising us.", "Yeah I have respect for GPS they see right through things like this as being dumb and not worth time while other politicians use it for their own causes\nSolve your Christmas cake problem\nloooool, so true", "Cool.\nI didn't realise we had to be perfect first before raising issues. Should we wait until you guys solve the problem of Pek Moh and his billions before we listen to you guys about anything?\nDude, all I'm doing is pointing out that Jo, in the quoted sentence, was being a complete bullshitter. He's got a good marketing game, but practically how often has he, or his party, directly went against UMNO?\nHow much has he actually done in terms of actual structural or systemic changes, instead of just saying \"Oh this will never happen in Sarawak, this is just a Peninsular issue\"?\nIf your only defence is that this is a Peninsular attitude, congrats. The Federal govt is very busy exporting teachers and other public servants (including JAKIM) there. Guess what attitude they're coming over with.", "Proof that abang Jo didn't read newspaper, or simply don't care about West m. Last year defo got this issue also.", "dont forget that time, when GPS was so fast to jump into bed with PN." ], [ "If cloud patterns is an religious issue what is there to say about cake?" ], [ "The same cream that writes Selemat Hari Raya is suddenly halal again 😆. How dumb is this train of thought?" ], [ "Misleading title in original posting and everybody seems to jump in to that now. I guess the journalist win." ], [ "Didn't know abang johari just became malaysian today.\nThis is not a new issue." ], [ "What happen to Focus Malaysia. They used to be an Economics focused newspaper and site like The Edge. Nowdays their articles seems to have a lot of race baiting" ], [ "Of course it's ridiculous. But such is the environment that has been cultivated." ], [ "As usual, the authorities here have nothing better other than being pricks and wasting tax payers' money on such case, again. Tons of critical issues not yet solved, depreciation value of ringgit, to name a few.\n*sigh" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 20 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: How do you win a debate against a flat-earther? You get to the core of the problem, then dismantle their arguments.
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Hello, going to KL for 4 days. Can recommend me a tailor? Is it enough time to get a suit done?", "One of the seasoned and fairly priced tailors in KL is Galaxy Tailor KL at Campbell Complex. I’m however not sure if it can finish your suit within the duration of your stay. Like the other commenter said, even Malaysians go to Bangkok to make cheap suits quickly." ], [ "cringe because in 2017 i was moaning to myself while eating chocolate. like \"oh God this chocolate is so delicious\"\nand then i heard a neighbour whistling \"whew\".\nyeah the walls were thin in that apartment." ], [ "Posted this on r/lonely earlier today.\nI feel so depressed that I don’t have any friends to celebrate Christmas with…it’s been this way since 2013.\nI just felt the need to share my depressing thoughts. Everywhere on social media I’m seeing people celebrate Christmas with their partner and friends at parties, having secret Santa giveaways and having dinner together….hell even travelling.\nAnd I’m just….here. About to spend Christmas alone for another year with no partner or friend. It’s been like this for the past decade and I feel so pathetic and lost. I’m 28 this year and feel like a goddamn loser.\nI have family to celebrate Christmas with yes. But, I just long for that companionship that comes with friendship/relationship….\nSorry for this I just didn’t know where else to rant…\nI hope everyone else has a great Christmas and always cherish your loved ones too.", "i dunno if i could relate to your situation, but try to ask chatgpt... sweet humans are so rare that it is almost impossible to find lah! ha ha... also you should be used to it already, but thankfully you cant get used to it yet huh. ha ha ha... it's ok if you rant here, feeling sorry is normal. maybe try something like holding up a sign and be creative about it. see how it goes? ha ha ha ha... cheers pal. good luck", "Fuck you." ], [ "Why is Jimmy Carr coming to Malaysia, but not Trevor Noah? I believe Trevor has a larger fanbase here, right?", "Wow, thanks. Am a fan and did not know he was coming. Hope the tickets are still in stock.", "I just heard on Fly FM on the drive home yesterday. I think it's organised by LOL Asia from what I gather from the ad. Enjoy!", "Hope you get to witness his laugh in person 😂", "Lol (while inhaling)" ], [ "catto ekk ekk ekk (get here so i can groom you) today" ], [ "" ], [ "Where can I find fake snow spray?", "fnc." ], [ "https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNpaNkqo/\nWhat say you?", "Based", "2 idiots bodoh bodoh.. who hurt ye feelings? real shitty post.. pttuihhhh", "Lmao are you okay?" ], [ "Why is Llaollao that's most of the time empty will sometimes have very long queue at certain time? Is there a monthly promotion or something?", "1st Wednesday of the month: 11% off\n2nd Wednesday of the month: 22% off\n3rd Wednesday of the month: 33% off\n4th Wednesday of the month: 22% off\n5th Wednesday of the month: 11% off", "Don't they have discounts every Wednesday?" ], [ "Has anyone got any experience they can share. Basically I bought a knife (SpyderCo Paramilitary 2) overseas from the US. Reason I got it from this specific shop is because they custom painted the knife so its more of an artwork.\nIt got mailed here and now its stuck in customs, POS Malaysia told me I need to get some kind of Approval Permit from PDRM/KDN. They gave me an email address to contact about the permit but I’m not getting a reply.\nHow hard is it to buy and receive a knife from overseas?", "also my experience with government email is that they are useless most of the time, better to just visit the custom office in person", "Customs website explicitly says it’s prohibited to import daggers and flicknives into Malaysia, you need a permit for that. So yeah, it would be somewhat difficult.\nhttp://www.customs.gov.my/en/tp/pages/tp_ie.aspx" ], [ "We go to Thailand for that lol" ], [ "Anyone can guess from where this view of Menara PNB 118 taken from?\n<image>" ], [ "Where to get COVID vaccine booster for free? I noticed currently the only available vaccine charged for RM99 at private clinic. I have tried navigate through mySejahtera to book for vaccine but all have no slot, guess government stop issue vaccine to private clinic anymore. So, where can I get free booster, workplace is pretty messed up currently, everyone fell sick" ], [ "I got covid so I'm WFH for the entire week, and ngl I'm feeling kinda lucky? My symptoms are pretty mild, I actually have time to do housework, and I can finally finish some of my TV shows and video games. Christmas came early for me I guess" ], [ "late lunch\n<image>", "black metal again?", "Is that a deer's head? Looks metal" ], [ "Thinking of starting out in running after stumbling upon “couch to 5k”. But also can’t get over the mental block of small things like how do I carry my stuff while running, where to run since I live at a Taman full of hills, what if I get caught out in the rain etc. Anyone got tips?", "just search for running backpack on shopee/lazada? the good ones are more like vest with pockets than actual bags to not interfere with running", "how do I carry my stuff while running\nCan get something like this from Decathlon", "mental block is just them devils whispering, u can just run or jog in place in your own house", "mental block is ok... it's a time to get a pen and book and write down the challenges and do something to at least go for minimal risk and good planning.", "I've been regularly jogging as a hobby for 2 years now and here's some tips:- 1. Running pants/shorts with pockets (preferably with zip/flaps so nothing falls out) to put keys. If you wanna bring your phone/etc, get a running pouch. Can go test some at decathlon. 2. Try walking a route to survey the environment and distance before you run it. 3. Light running cap will help with rain and shine. Light rains are fine to run in and the cap blocks 90% of it from hitting your eyes. 4. Stay safe, be aware of your environment. I love running but I've been scared a handful of times by weirdos, psychopaths in cars and wild dogs. Go a different direction if something feels off. 5. Have fun! Don't need to push yourself too hard in the beginning, getting used to running is a long process. After 2 years I'm still pretty slow but I've learned to love it very much.", "What stuff do you need? A pair of shorts with some zippers is more than good enough to store stuff for running. Just look up and run back before it rains lol, you can circle/run back and forth near your house to play it safe.\nJust start running and you'll naturally start to figure out these things .", "Running pouch >>>> pants with zippers, cant imagine my phone flopping about when running.", "MMM.. been a while since I wore a fanny pack, but I guess function over form.", "There's nothing wrong with running in hills\nCos if you run 2.5k uphill, nanti 2.5k downhill juga\nJust take a small backpack or something and make the loops as tight as possible on your body.\nIf rain take grab balik" ], [ "2 more working days left for 2023 (for me) but work kept coming in preparation of the first week of 2024. sape la yang pandai2 buat meeting first week of jan??????? no gifts from santa for you" ], [ "I wonder where can I get my hair done like this picture. I love how it exposes the scalp.", "I can do it for you for free but first we gotta set a time/place and meetup.", "Aww that's so sweet. ♥️" ], [ "Why lah some people so rajin in the days leading up to Christmas. Chill lah bro.\n... okay, that's such a typical lazy Malay(sian?) mindset, I'm sorry 😅\n(but seriously can't we just take a break?)", "My friend took the entire week leading up to Christmas off. She told me no point slaving off at the tail end of the year.\nI think everyone is in holiday mood now minus the property agents and MLM preachers (looking at you Herbalife).", "It's goin be real potong stim moment when u holiday halfway and tauke calls you about work. Better to grind all of them out so they boss have no excuse to call." ], [ "which gaming store is the best one to go to at ioi city mall rn? i play pc games but also am looking for a console so it would be nice to have a store that has both deals. if there's a store that's just cheaper than having both, please say.", "Buy from steam during sales.", "I'm looking for pc parts, mostly gpu 😅 RX6600 is great for what i paid for, but I kinda want ray tracing" ], [ "Fucking hell. This cop hitting an SPM student Malay-on-Malay crime is devolving into a class war.\nThat's the real issue... it's not race. It's class. It's an ugly thing when there's no separation between government and race/religion.", "People will always find a way to fight amongst themselves. Us VS them is a dangerous mentality." ], [ "Just curious why do people tend to simply share things on Whatsapp without verifying? They acknowledged it might not be true but \"share just in case\". Like bro, please check before sharing. I feel this happens more with the older folk but might happen with the younger ones too idk.", "My parents are guilty of this. They keep sharing things that either are verifiably false or pure misinformation.\nI’ve tried to tell them but letih dah." ], [ "Tapau-ed lunch today from a pakcik that I used to frequent circa 2015 since I was working & living nearby. Despite still living there I last buying lunch from him was shortly after MCO re-opening. He was there way before I started working at the place.\nStill the same price of my usual lauk, RM5 for nasi + ayam + sayur. From 2015 till today. Despite long time not buying from him, it still made me smile to hear his usual \"Biasalah\" when asking how much the price (was expecting the price to increase today).\nStill looking energetic as usual, although saw his body looking frail than before. Moga pakcik panjang umur dan terus dimurahkan rezeki." ], [ "https://www.reddit.com/r/China_irl/comments/18m54et/\nOriginal post in mandarin, the gist is OP want to expose his father's history of promiscuity and infidelity, photos show some screenshot of his father flirt with more than 2000++ women. OP asked what are the ways to safely and securely to do so\nAll I can say, how do one master the time management for all that ? (时间管理大师)" ], [ "ELI5: how to sign up fo a credit card? (22M, 1 year work oredi, commitment are rent, mobile, and MARA loan)", "RinggitPlus has a nice guide.", "decide what you want out of the card, e.g., \"I want to be able to buy things by instalment on Lazada\" or \"I want air miles\".\nGoogle which banks in Malaysia can provide what you need\nvisit the bank's website and go to its credit card section\nevaluate whether it's worth it or not\nif it is, apply online" ], [ "do people actualy eat those nasi impit cooked in plastic packaging?\nI understand it's probably food grade plastic, but still I've always feels apprehensive about eating those thing", "wait until you learn about sous vide", "I think now is a little bit too late to worry about chemicals and plastics. Everywhere is polluted already. Microplastics is already being found in rainwater and breast milk.", "delicious", "If this freaks you out, you probably don’t wanna know about breastmilk storage bags", "But nobody boil breast milk right? It's not like the plastic container went through high temperature like cooking rice", "Not boil la, but some do heat the milk in the plastic before giving to baby. Not saying it’s right or wrong" ], [ "You guys should see 'Escaping Twin Flames' on Netflix. It's a documentary about a cult where people join and members are forced to be with each other because the leaders say that they have a divine gift and know who's a good match with whom. At one point, there were more women than men in the cult, so they forced some of the women to become men and medically transition.\nMind you, the victims of this cult are modern, young Americans.\nDoesn't this sound familiar?\nIn Malaysia, I know there are similar concepts. The Indians believe in karma and Vedic astrology. The Chinese believe in yuanfen. The Malays believe in 'jodoh' and 'solat istikharah'.\nI can't speak for other cultures, but in Malay culture, divorce is extremely taboo among the previous generations. Because your husband/wife is your jodoh. Malays often get married very quickly, or they date to marry. If you go on a date, there's often an expectation that you don't see multiple people at the same time and the relationship is taken seriously once courting begins. Polygamy is legal, but it's frowned upon because it's often considered unfair to the wife, and there are legal requirements set by the Malaysian government before you can take a second wife, which is why a lot of Malay men get married in Thailand (they rather pay the fine than show they are capable of supporting a 2nd family).\nYou wouldn't hear about the divorces, but it's crazy. Malays get divorced for the craziest things, for example, your wife having a dark ass. Malays usually, not always, keep their virginity until they are married and it's considered very sacred and bad luck to marry a non-virgin. This is so bizarre to me because I think sexual compatibility is an important prerequisite to getting married.\nOn the flip side, Malays also often stay married no matter how toxic or shitty the situation gets. Yes, these days we have couples counseling, you can even see the Islamic body to get cheap, if not free, advice, but the culture is just... awful. I'm 25 and I see a lot of friends and family change after getting married. I'm not sure if it's natural, but the change seems to be very rapid. Then the baby comes and there's another change. Malay men cheat. A lot. Even if they don't cheat, they're naturally patriarchal and would expect a lot from the wife. The women would stay unhappy and take it out on the husband by turning his children against him. I see this frequently enough but now there's a modern dynamic where women earn more than their husbands while still having to do emotional labour and nanny work." ], [ "Warning, long story but please give it a read:\nNyets, I'm currently reflecting and questioning my friendship with this person. We've been friends for about 2+ years. You see, I have this friend that I would call \"my close friend\". But lately, I started noticing this person being super controlling (to the point of i cant take it) and like treating what I do out of care (cus I'm nice and that's how I show how I care for the ones i love) is an obligation and not an option or out of my care for her. She's definitely slowing down on the thank yous and demanding more on my end.\nSo, for example, she demands that I get her flowers for her graduations, help her with her assignment (not a big part lah, but do some parts, so she can submit in time but its been happening every sem) and she demands that I change from android to apple, etc when she samn well knows i dont want to but insists anyways and say my phone is shit everytime she calls me, cus she claim that the line is bad and all. I also damn well know that she won't reciprocate, the things i do for her. Like she didn't get me a present for my past birthdays, etc. I never helped me with my assignments, etc\nI guess the last straw was we were travelling back together to KL and she asked me to get her food and me being in a foreign mall had, I had to travel around back and forth a big mall with a really really heavy duffel bag and my laptop bag. We first went together, and she said that her back was too big to fit in the escalator, so she asked me to go and get the food that she asked for and mine. Mind you, her bag was big but light AF and it was a suitcase with wheels. I didn't make a big deal out of it and went and the amount of time I struggled carrying the bag on my shoulders with the food and running around due to lack of time while she was sitting down at starbucks spamming me with messages and calling me, asking me to come faster etc. It genuinely felt very selfish lah, cus she only cares that we board the bus and not my physical wellbeing and when I asked her to come to me so I can ask her yo take care of my bag and laptop bag while I go to toilet, she was like \"you can just leave it there and go\" LIKE FFS MAN THE AMOUNT OF LOVE AND CARE I ASK FROM YOU IS NOT ALOT.\nThe slap on the face was when I was talking to her about it a week later. She defensively said, \"I didn't ask you to buy it for me also...\" and somehow turned it to her being the victim saying that I was being rude etc...\nThese are not the only instances lah, looking back. My other friends also complained to me that they do not like this friend because she's very controlling and expects people to do things for her and follow her instructions.\nIdk what to do anymore. I just want a friend who reciprocates the love and kindness that i give out, land we live happily ever after being good friends.", "writing is on the wall. how many hints you need?", "cut ties immediately. no need to let her know. the thing you asked for? you will not find it from her", "Damn, the reality hurts. 🥲", "Confront her about it, if she insists she's in the right then stop seeing her for the sake of your own sanity and wellbeing. She might be doing it unconsciously, maybe she's from a privileged family, etc, talk to her about your concerns and that you dislike how she's treating you, you'll have to decide for yourself whether it's worth staying in contact with a person like that", "The thought did come to my mind, as she came from quite a privileged family, and she is the eldest one. The psychology might be different.", "I'd tell her straight up what's on my mind if I were you. Tell her you dislike her ordering you around, remember, you're not her maid", "Okay 🥹", "not sure about friendship.. it sounds like you adopted a pet and expected more from it but at this point, it's also hard to put a finger on who the actual pet owner is.. i'd say she's undeserving of your love and kindness. give it to someone that'll actually reciprocate every ounce of it next time? good luck~", "Adopting a pet seems like an interesting choice of words. But yes, my other friend did day that she didn't deserve me, but maybe I am just delulu thinking that the dynamic of our friendship is good but the more I look back, the more I feel like a lackey and I hate it the idea of it. Or it feels like I'm her bf which I am definitely not. Cus I'm doing all this things for her and she's just shaking legs.", "Sorry to say .. you want a friend but she is not that friend or even a friend.", "But almost 3 yrs of friendship is this how its gonna turn out?", "You can always sit down with her and show her what you wrote here. But if it doesn't work out, do you want another 3 years or 10 years of this? It's not a prison and using 3 years to learn that someone is incompatible, if you move on, opens up opportunities for better/actual friends. Life is longer than expected, and it's sometimes best to choose things for your long-term happiness.", "You have a point there, I don't know if I want to sit down with her and talk about it again, but slowly but surely wean her off me. It'll be the best for us. I should know that the end of close friendship is there when she becomes complacent and stops being grateful or stops saying a simple thank you." ], [ "So that Low Value Goods Tax thing is getting brought up again. Still no clue how they are going to actually implement it. I don't think it's possible to get every retailer in the world that does international shipping to register with the Finance Ministry.\nI think they will probably just target the big players like Shopee and Lazada while they don't care about everyone else?\nIt's going to be really shit if my <RM500 figure purchases from Japan all get seized by customs from now on.", "Kastam boleh bukak pajak gadai for all the <500 things people order and malas nak go thru the hassle.", "I think it's more like you have to pay for it, e.g., you buy something from Taobao, when it arrives at Customs they will contact you and ask you to pay the tax first before releasing it.", "From what I heard on the radio it sounds like they want to charge it at the retailer level.\nOtherwise I don't think our Customs department has the manpower to literally seize every random RM5 trinket just to get you to pay 50 cents. Doesn't sound logical. And imagine having to go to the airport to settle this sorta nonsense...\nFor the >RM500 stuff it makes more sense since there aren't that many of those. And heck, they still let some of these go sometimes(I've bought some >RM500 stuff that Customs didn't bother taxing before). So imagine having to intercept literally every overseas purchase ever.", "I'm not really clear with the specifics. All I know is my Steam games are suddenly going to get more expensive 😢\nShould I buy Baldur's Gate 3 before this be implemented?", "Will it even apply to digital goods like games? Just sounds like physical goods to me.", "Huh. I always assumed that it covers all goods.\nBut when I read it again, it says it's for \"overseas good purchased and shipped...\", so I guess yay digital items aren't taxed?" ], [ "PAS content finally made its way to my suggested feed on IG.\nIt's so over......" ], [ "I need opinion and here the story: i attending for a job interview in company A and then they say they will register me in their training list. So i resign current job in hoping i can join new company just right after my resign period ends. Turns out the company A didnt register me at all and leave me stranded for few weeks. Then yesterday i got call for interview at Company B and this beg me a question;\nI didnt yet sign any Company A offer letter, but they said they add me in their training list and i got few progress like QnA online email from their part.\nAm i the asshole if i leave Company A to join company B because i wait long enough? Until now i still didnt get any date to join their training.\nSorry for my bad english grammar.", "Always ask for a written offer letter. You are not a Company A's employee yet as you haven't sign anything. So technically there is no \" Am i the asshole if i leave Company A\", you can't leave if you haven't join.\nGo for the interview with Company B but as always don't take anything as a confirmation unless you receive the written offer letter on hand.", "all right will do thanks", "If A doesn't seem to care about you, I don't see why you should care about it." ], [ "L1 and L2 > LB and LT. Been PC gaming for more than a year, always took me more than a second to figure which is LB/LT when the game prompted me so.", "After switching back and forth for so long, it’s just different labels for the same button position. I end up pressing the correct button regardless of the on screen prompt.", "ah I see someone from the PS2/3 generation.\nwhen I first played on PC I got confused by LB/LT as well, but then once I figured out the layout (LB = L1, LT = L2) I got used to it", "PS1...\nL1L2 is more intuitive because top trigger is 1 and bottom is 2.\nYou would think LB/LT stands for \"Left bottom\" or \"Left Top\" but no... Its the exact opposite.. T stands for trigger and B stands for button.", "hmm...... I thought B stands for Bumper?", "Ya correction B is bumper.. Still that doesn't indicate it's a top button. Anyway having this discussion here seems get it imprinted into my head.\nWon't be long till i can intuitively press LBLT correctly. The split second reaction is very important 🤣", "I grew up with a PS2 and still can’t wrap my head around calling them buttons and triggers instead R1 & R2 despite me using a Logitech controller for a few years now.", "They at least standardized it in the last 2 decades. Games tend to show the right button prompts for the controller. Even Sony's PC games show Xbox control prompts.", "Ya good thing Microsoft owns Xbox. Can't imagine the chaos of using Xbox controller with PS prompts. Just frustrated from dying countless time in rdr2 bcos i can't press the correct trigger in time." ], [ "what's with the flurry of man on woman violence recently?:26563:", "More awareness of what is and is not okay\nPeople just used to hide their injuries sebab malu\nPerhaps in a few years maybe there'll be awareness on woman on man violence foo", "It’s always been there, just more reporting on it in the news. Which is somewhat of a good thing to shine light on how things can be for women here." ], [ "Dad joke of the day gave me a good chuckle. Gj to whoever came up with it." ], [ "Oh boy, \"Malaysia bad\" thread in the sub.\nDon't get me wrong, Malaysia is bad (at least in regards to standard human rights and ethics of the theoretical West, I'm not going to defend the indefensible). But that, along with \"why do Malays...\" or \"do Muslims really...\" threads, today must be a day that ended with a \"y\".\nHmph. Not sure why I'm waking up grumpy today. Blame Baron Cat for persistently waking me up for his wet food.", "It's tiring, but it comes with the sub 30 demographic. I remember when I was one of them.", "r/Malaysia is the embodiment of the Never-leave-Klang-Valley-Western-and-Singapore-simp-republican bubble they are living in and once reality sets in, they declared they will leave Malaysia for Singapore but never had the guts to do so." ], [ "Apparently 15% of reddit are content are corporate trolls\nFess up you slimeballs haha\nI represent the interests of Big Motorcycles", "I represent the interests of the Heavyweight podcast and menstrual cups. Not that I get paid!", "i represent the interests of SME accounting firms!", "The DAP cytros apa macam?" ], [ "How is it that I checked into my flight an hour after online check-ins opened, but I'm seated five rows apart from my partner.\nThe booking was made together, and I checked in early, and we still got split up zzz\nIs this just a ploy by MAS to force us to cough up the money to sit together?", "You're gonna have to pay extra money to book your preferred seats, especially the seats that have a bit more legroom.", "Are your bookings Economy Basic (non Flex)? IIRC you do not get assigned seats unless you pay for them.", "They are.\nDoes that mean they wait until all other seats are assigned before throwing my booking into the system for whatever is left?\nI just don't get why I'm not sat with my travelling party despite doing everything early lmao.\nUnless everyone else on the plane paid to choose a seat, which I find hard to believe.", "Yeah, whichever seats that are not already booked. Not everyone will pay, but those who want to guarantee they seat together, have more legroom, want to sit at the aisle/window, will. I myself would because I want to sit at the aisle end (easy to get out) and not anywhere near the toilet." ], [ "I have my driving license test today and I am so nervous How do you stop this nervousness omggg\nalso im not too confident with rpk and rsm 😭", "See you on the other side, soon-to-be P holder!", "Good luck! I got my license last year, so I can understand the nervousness.\nWhen I did my JPJ exam, for RPK+RSM we do it like five people at a time; there will be a row of cars, with the examiner at one end. What I discovered is that as long as your voice is loud (not \"yell\", but enough so that the examiner can hear the words) and confident, you'll do fine.\nAlso, remember to touch (when possible - don't lah pegang the hot things) the parts as you name them, it will help you remember the names (and if not, at least it will give the examiners the impression that you do lol). And lastly if you really can't remember a particular part, confidently move on. Remember, those guys will have to be at the driving school all day, and barring sadistic ones they'd rather not make any extra efforts, and failing you counts as one.", "Yeah, this is actually my second driving test and it seems like I can attest to not nitpicking every single thing and extra efforts. My examination place only has two people at the same time too so he has to stay there longer, dohbt he'll care.\nThank you so much for the encouragement man. Idk why but rn I feel confident. I hope I will get my license by this year so I can flex I got it last year lol", "Hey, a twofer like me! You can do it and good luck!", "Watch Initial D and gain confidence, Dejavu!", "Watch initial d with a bus instead\nhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IULYID_o1is&pp=ygUXaW5pdGlhbCBkIGJ1cyBpbmRvbmVzaWE%3D\nThat timing of the red bus 🔥", "HAHAHAHA im gonna play tokyo drift" ], [ "Recently during a supermarket errand, I just bursted out laughing like a discount Joker because look at me. A broke makcik who is queueing to pay for discounted sayur.\nThere is nothing wrong in being a broke makcik who is buying discounted sayur. It is just that I was raised with such optimism in my childhood. Yay we're going into a new millennium! Yay cyberspace! Technology! Cars have aircond now! Kids will go mengaji wearing songkok and flying shoes! (Actually depicted in a local cartoon, illustrating the new millennium, wawasan 2020 etc)\nReality is different than my imagination back then." ], [ "Can anyone suggest some biotech/microbiology related big companies for internship? All the company names that I can come up in my brain are some pharmaceutical companies.", "Biotech is underdeveloped in our country but microbiology is present-ish. Look into food tech (cultured drinks, beer factory [there's a big one in Shah Alam], etc.) and water treatment plants." ], [ "Kucing depan rumah", "Cantik kucing tu, ada corak batik di bulu." ] ]
Announcement on Christmas toll waiver expected on Friday
[ [ "isn’t that also a form of tongkat? it’s coming out of the gov’s coffers aka taxpayer money?" ], [ "wei, haram wei. :26554:" ], [ "Why?", "Husnuzon jela. Maybe they want to make it an annual festive thing and as a gift to taxpayers /s" ] ]
MCMC dont want you to share pic/vid of the Meru, Ipoh tragedy
For you that don't know, its tragedy of the police that kill a teen cause he mad the teen have loud motorcycle exhaust
[ [ "Police are suddenly super busy near the end of the year\nAutism Kid Murder Case\nRoad Rage Murder by Police\nHighway suspect chasing involving 20 police car", "Don't forget about the discovery of cemented body", "This is horrific", "Yo what the fuck", "Everyone’s chasing KPI", "And someone escaped from lokap in Sabah Kepayan lol (luckily they caught it again)", "The cop was all “rileks bah, di luar tu senang jak kami bubut, ndak payah sia mau climb ikut”", "Bro the cop fr blurred when he climbed the fences all “not my paygrade “ style", "#JustFollowingProcedures #Priorities #IDidMyJobBoss" ], [ "It's a request from the family member.", "So ? The request from the family is highly honourable, MCMC making it an offence is censorship bordering on dictatorship.", "MCMC remind people that it is an offence, they didn’t make the law just for the family.", "The law exists, but its wording is overly broad, and enforcement seems to occur selectively, particularly when it conflicts with the government’s interests.", "Being broad makes it easier for you. If anything, being broad makes it less dictatorship. Why, because it give you room to defend yourself. A dictatorship would just punish you and you didn’t even get a chance to do anything. Hell, I doubt dictatorship even care about law in the first place.", "Sometimes that's the only language these monyets would understand", "As far that I know we do have censorship law, it has been for years, not just on the internet - tv, radio and newspaper, especially to keep the harmony. We don't practice the total freedom of speech unlike the West. Even then in the West, they are hypocrite they censored Pro Palestinian voices and imprisoned Julian Assange.\nJust want to ask, how's posting a kid dying on a road would make anything better? Especially some people didn't blur his face? Is it something you want to watch or something?\nI'm not pro police or people in power. I am pro being humane and being decent. Most people posted videos like this just for clout and clicks anyway. It is the most decent thing to do not to post something like this, as i imagine it could be my family member too who died that day.", "That’s the most sensible answer I have read so far.", "Spreading videos and pictures of people dying is unethical. IMHO, it's common sense. Enforcing the law is the only way people will understand. Thats why we have laws.", "bordering on dictatorship?" ], [ "pls don’t share gruesome photos of dead bodies, especially kids. it’s disrespectful to the family.", "That’s a fair point, but to make it legislation is another discussion point altogether", "Bruh, the legislation already exists since 1998. MCMC just remind you that it is punishable.", "Not even gruesome, choose your words wisely. The kid don't even have blood him, just troubled breathing.\nIf you want to watch gruesome acts, then go search for cartels execution.", "Dude not everyone is desensitized to gore. Just the basic death already need to be labelled NSFW on reddit." ], [ "Please, please kawan Kawan. Walaupun kita ada perbezaan dalam dunia ni tapi Please give respect to the unfortunate and to their families. Especially melibatkan accidents kereta, motor, trains, you name it. Kalau dapat on WhatsApp just keep it to yourself. Even kita tak nak diri kita or our loved ones been exposed like that. Now then have to avoid socmed just sebab tak sanggup tengok all the sad images.", "Netizen is saying that this isnt to protect the families but its actually for the good of the police that got charge, netizen quickly found his face", "The case has been viral already. Further sharing of the video contributes nothing, nor will it magically protect the pig. Too many conspiracist foil hatters." ], [ "Malaysian netizens always had been grossly digitally insensitive when it comes victims right to privacy and some and having some basic and decency of not posting gruesome shit of someone's final moments or dead body for their five minutes of fame and likes online. Hope this sets a president in the future.", "Agreed.. too often I see gruesome photos of victims/deceased in whatsapp groups, especially in motorcycle groups. I mean, it's good for others to take lesson from it but not so soon la.." ], [ "jangan muat naik gambar/video dari tragedi atau kejadian berkenaan\ntapi silalah teruskan muat naik gambar & info mengenai kes & mengenai pesalah yang tak sedar diri tersebut\ncome on guys. MCMC is telling us to keep flaming the bastard without involving the victim specifically", "I'm all for it but I hope that his family isn't getting the brunt of the social media 'justice'. For all we know his kids have suffered under his hot headedness and now also have to suffer from his actions" ], [ "Streisand effect. I had to look up vid/pic of the incident. I'm not sure if this was mentioned but I saw a vid showing a nurse in uniform (maybe passer by in the vicinity) and another member of the public saying ambulance response was slow when paramedics arrived. In a previous video, it could be seen the victim was still conscious. But nurse administering CPR inform paramedics on arrival that victim was non-responsive by then. I don't have the stats but ambulance response time should also be highlighted and criticised as issues for the country, maybe even with this case. Who knows how many more lives could be saved just in time.", "the kid was dying for 40 damned minutes. i read it somewhere so i cant tell if it's true, but if it is, damn slow la.", "The nurse was actually his sister, hence the emotional outbursts 🥲", "That's so heartbreaking having to do CPR on your own bro 😭 she handled it very well considering the circumstances", "Yeap, I was already wondering if she knows the victim cause she seems super emotionally invested. The kid basically died in his sister’s arms, while his dad passed out 😞", "I don’t get why ambulance are slow. Its kinda weird. Our response team are quick to be honest, almost everyone will make way for ambulance. But we somehow still kinda slow. Do we need more hospital then?", "Last month in my gym a guy had a bad seizure for 10 minutes we thought he would die. Called doctor from private clinic beside the gym and he ran in with his nurse to help but cant do anything just try to keep him alert until the guy snap out of it. They already called for ambulance at 8.10pm cause the guy wasnt coming out of the seizure after 10 mins and they suspect its his first time seizing like this so they wanna send him to hospital to scan. Ambulance arrived at 9pm…. By 9pm the guy already snap out of his seizure and was already walking out of the gym….", "We need more ambulance. More hospitals no point if not enough ambulance. You're putting the cart before the horse. Buy more carts, no horse to pull also no point." ], [ "This is a rather big conundrum that we have here. On one hand, it is important to respect the ones involved, it’s their dang family\nBut on the other, to share the story is to bring light to this dickwad police officer and those who basically contributed to this poor dude’s death.\nThis shit just ain’t right man. Lose-lose right here" ], [ "Tell that to TikTokers who would do anything for views. These people are real monsters in social media world." ], [ "I just stumbled upon the video of the boy’s sister performing CPR on him while their father pass out near them. It is so heartbreaking 😭 So i have to actually agrees on this condition to take down the videos for the sake of the affected family." ], [ "anyone with a sane mind would not want the video of their loved ones dying to be posted around. and i dont understand why some very intelligent people do post it and wanted to view it anyway. like, hey everyone look at my dad dying. or can i look at the video of your dad dying. it isnt necessary at all. and i do see some comments on ig bringing politics into this case blaming the gov. everything salah kerajaan. before this we got semua salah najib and now we got semua salah anwar." ], [ "If MCMC is serious, they'll start with our mainstream media who for decades have shown pixelated aftermath of accidents. As if pixelation makes it any better.", "if pixelation makes it any better.\nIt does. Better than showing it uncensored or no picture/video/ evidence. It's the news, you kinda need to show evidence when presenting something (if you have it) rather than \"trust me bro\".\nRather than people on social media who share pictures but not decency to blur the face of the victim.", "They could just pass the evidence to the authorities instead of making it public, but of course the journalists want to get as many views as they can.\nI always feel that private information of the people involved shouldn't be shared before the investigations are complete", "Sometimes it's for the better, imagine that you saw a deathly accident on the evening news, and it happened in an area where you know one of your loved ones is in. And then that person is not picking up on his phone no matter how many times you call.\nOr it is a murder case where the police is looking for evidence from the public." ], [ "As the famous sentence says \"the pig says \"you have the right to remain silent\"\"" ], [ "Where can I see said video" ], [ "MCMC need to word their statement better. I think we should still share videos that talk about the issue for the sake of awareness.\nBut just don’t post LiveLeak material." ], [ "I felt like this is an excuse to cover on the police personal.\nMsia police is f up , don't do job for right thing, do only for money.", "Which part of the kid dying even show anything about the police, and how stopping the spread of the video helps to cover the police identity in any way?\nGot brain or not?" ], [ "so, what can mcmc do if the account is made using vpn + fake email? hmmmmm", "VPN is paid with a credit card.. it has been known that many so-called VPN that doesn't keep logs actually kept logs for gov compliance and billing purposes that can track back to you and your credit card bill. VPN is not as safe as you think.\nhttps://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/why-you-should-be-skeptical-about-a-vpns-no-logs-claims/\nIf you are serious with anonymizing your trace, you will know that Tor is a much better choice than VPN.", "Tor\nthx, im gonna read that up" ], [ "Mimics the likes of PRC, it's no wonder they are in good terms with each other. Next will be something close to Afghanistan." ], [ "Not gonna lie the video on Reddit was satisfying to watch" ], [ "Idk why that needs to be said." ], [ "I don't see them being so concerned with other similarly gruesome cases. Obviously it's only because it involves a policeman with clear evidence of him being the perpetrator." ], [ "What happened to the victim?", "Dead" ], [ "So are they gonna start sending out fines to all those that sent the video to people? Or it's just a notice and no follow-up?" ] ]
The other side of Malaysia truly Asia
[ "Culture" ]
Was traveling around kl and found this unique scenery where the normal people use the road as a pathway while the homeless people made it their shelter.
[ [ "This specific spot is homeless favourite because it's near the river, easy water source for laundry and shower for the homeless.\nYou won't see this kind of phenomenon at any other ordinary flyover/bridges.", "Yes. And NGO will come here to distribute food. Went there few years ago for CSR activities.", "Yeh I don't understand why OP is so mad... You think we don't have homeless people in the West?\nOnly difference is that they can't dry their clothing outside cause it's generally too cold/rainy, so they are less visible from across the river.", "Agree. Perhaps OP can try google San Francisco / California homeless. Even more pening.", "I’m in Amsterdam at the moment and there are people living in the park with rain shelters made from plastic bags. It’s 7 degrees and raining today.", "Where is this location?care to share?", "Its the LRT Pasar Seni connecting bridge near Dayabumi.", "It's a niche tourist attraction in Paris to see the homeless camps along the river Seine", "O boy. Just go down the path after the bridge, u will see a walkway, all the way to the overhead road and u will see a slum there with free flow of water and naked people taking bath underneath the bridge." ], [ "And thankfully our government doesn't make any stuff that you can contribute to r/HostileArchitecture like in other countries.", "i believe most bus stop benches look like pipes to avoid people sleeping on them\n<image>\nlike this", "don't feel like it's anti homeless but i always think they took the cheap way out making bus too lol", "Don't think so actually. Prolly just a way to save money cuz just need 4 metal pipes instead of intricate benches. Plus the spaces under the benches are quite big and the roof is also quite big. Considering Malaysians are pretty small this looks pretty homeless friendly", "I noticed the benches next to Pavilion BB were homeless proofed, they didn't even try and hide it with artsy design.", "That isn't a government-built bench, though. Pavillion and the area surrounding it is a private entity. Blame the owners.", "Blame the owner for what?\nFor not wanting their business affected by homeless?", "Talk about taking things out of context.\nWeird take on a conversation where I'm merely correcting someone who was blaming the issue on the Malaysian government but sure, go off.", "For now. We'll never know which macai minister is going come out preach agama & budaya first, then put spikes on the benches the next.\nWe've had one dato in charge of KL (not a mayor)who halau the homeless from the city with a DBKL truck last decade. Don't know his name, other then I describe his face as muka orangutan kena lanyak keretapi beberapa kali.", "I don't know when does this happened but Malaysia helped gelandangan in lots of ways and in my honest opinion, homelessness in Malaysia is not that bad.", "Outr government has placed benches under bridges for motorcyclists to wait out rain and homeless people use it too. What makes you think that?", "Is this a joke? Basically all of KL is hostile\nEdit - Y'all honestly think KL is a friendly city in terms of the built environment?\nIt's one of the worst capitals I've ever visited in that respect. Terrible walkability, poor parks, areas not connected very well, drivers having (or taking) priority everywhere.", "The people of KL to be more clear" ], [ "r/malaysia trying not to be negative (impossible)", "always judge negative and ignore positives", "The fact that op implies that homelessness is becoming a problem when other countries have it worse.", "but dude, u shouldnt think like that bcs we always need to fix things before it becomes worse. Most importantly, we should act instead of turning it into gossip.", "But it's not, Malaysia's rate of poverty has been slowly decreasing (rate of poverty, not income inequality tho)", "they mostly focus on criticals, not unstable ones.", "if u say slowly decreasing then thats not a problem", "Yeah, homelessness is pretty rare (in other states of malaysia), but income inequality seems to be a problem, am i wrong?", "your right, that's what we get for focusing on criticals one", "Bruh have u seen kl lately, there's condos popping everywhere and yet house is at all time high and low cost housing is slowly dissappear, hell even my friend family live in rented room.", "As I emphasised OTHER STATES OF MALAYSIA.\nThe cost of living in such a modernised state will obviously cost a lot, and with how rent and land value is and will always go up, I believe the true problem right now is Income Inequality.", "Don't understand the comparison- if you're comparing, it's not a problem in Singapore . A country that we kicked out.\nWhy are Malays so defensive about the problems in Malaysia. Is it the ignorance about how things are? Is it lack of being exposed to English media? Religious brainwashing?", "Haiyaa who the fuck mentioned Singapore? Heck Singapore is one of the worst comparisons when the cost of living in Singapore is constantly rising.\nHomelessness isn't a problem for Singapore, but why would it be when there is a country next door that their homeless could move to it with lower cost of living?\nHomelessness is NOT a problem in Malaysia. OP making it look like an issue is what I'm against.", "Worry about your own backyard.", "Why worry when it's not becoming a problem? Worry about other problems don't create new ones.", "Homelessness is always a problem. Be it a lot or a little. You really have an “I got mine so fuck everyone else” kind of attitude, don’t you…", "What are you on about?\nNo matter where we are, there will always be homelessness, but the main question is, \"Is it becoming a problem?\"\nWhy waste resources defeating a small problem when you could go to the source of said problem.\nWhy are people going homeless? Many reasons, of course, but the main one is income inequality, inability to get a job, and the increase of rent.\nHell, some (not all) homeless people in Malaysia CHOOSE to be homeless, just to avoid paying rent.", "I’m on about how turning a blind eye on a problem by telling yourself it’s not a big deal, and hey, some of those people choose to live that way, isn’t exactly a good argument.\nOne homeless person is one to many. Why waste resources on a small problem? Because it’s the right thing to do. Hell, why waste resources on public hospitals? Those plebs should pay for private hospital. Why waste resources on parks? You should earn more to buy a house with a garden. Why waste resources on anything? Because it’s the right thing to do.\nYour attitude is the problem really.", "turning a blind eye on a problem\nDo you have eyes? Do you know how to read? I literally said, \"Why waste resources on the small problems when we could go to the cause of the problem?\"\nAs I already mentioned, homelessness is caused by many factors, and in order to end homelessness, we must get to the root of the problem.\nWhat causes homelessness? In Malaysia, it mostly boils down to:\nUnsteady employment Income inequality Increase in rent\nAnd you have given me no solutions. Rather, call me out for \"not doing the right thing\" despite homelessness not being a set in stone problem.\nThe true problem we should try to tackle is one of the three, not just homelessness, only helping the homeless, may leave them in extreme poverty, and in return throw them back into homelessness. What about those with houses but are in poverty?\nI believe everyone should help those in need, but imagine accidents start to happen, and you need to stop it from happening. You must first get to the root of the problem: \"Why are people getting into accidents?\"\nMy attitude is the problem? I was literally never against stopping homelessness. Get your eyes checked, please.", "Yes. You need to get to the root of the issue, but that doesn’t mean ignoring those that are actually living through it now. A country isn’t a business. It exists to care for its people. Caring for the current needs of those experiencing homelessness is crucial. Balancing immediate assistance with long-term solutions creates a more compassionate and effective approach. Social support systems and community-based initiatives play a vital role in providing immediate relief while addressing the systemic issues that contribute to homelessness.\nAnd those issues aren’t a unique Malaysia problem. What you’ve said is a blanket, all encompassing definition of the issue. The root causes of homelessness often extend beyond borders and are shared globally. Economic disparities, lack of job opportunities, and rising living costs are pervasive issues. Tailoring solutions to specific local contexts while considering these universal factors is essential for addressing homelessness effectively. The only way you can get local information on issues is… well:.. communication with the locals living through it.\nSo you say I need to get my eyes checked? How about you grow a brain." ], [ "“Truly Asia”? Shockingly, there are homeless people in Malaysia like every other country on this planet. What the horror! More news at 7.", "Thanks, I was trying to figure out what OP was talking about.\nFirst thought was the overgrown bushes.", "Same lmao" ], [ "It's been this way for decades tbh. More around Pudu. The one thing I'm glad about that side of Pasar Seni area was there's a lot of seatings that isn't those atrocious anti-homeless seats. And that area is surprisingly very safe even at night.", "I'm somehow grateful for our strict law at drug,", "Most of the homeless people are kind tbh" ], [ "Katak bawah tempurung post", "Tapak sulaiman bawah batu post" ], [ "I used to deal with gelandangan on the legal side - in actuality there is a law actually that can legally deal with homelessness in Malaysia.\nTLDR - a magistrate can order a person that fits the description of being \"papa\" into the care of the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat and legally then JKM would have control over the person.\nMy experience though - is that JKM had its hand full with cases that is never ending. JKM's goal is to rehabilitate and release, but rarely if ever that happens for a variety of reasons.\nTwo cases I remember was :-\nIndian guy, quite famous in my hometown walking all over the place carrying two plastic bags full with no one knows what. People tend not to bother him because he was huge. One day he went missing.\nTurns out, his case landed in my court when JKM came with him to get a protection order - They caught him with the help of the police. Initial report stated that he had a host of issues, mental prominently and the JKM folks said that he'd probably be in the system until he dies.\nSecond one is the most problematic one. Malay guy, late 60's. JKM caught him early - some bastard left him at the hospital. He spoke with a Kedah accent - but he got left at my hometown which is south by 400 km from that state. His fingerprints were bad - can't get a good ID from it and his 'nyanyuk' condition meant he had no idea where he actually lived.\nIn both these cases, they'll probably be under the care of JKM till they die.\nRehabilitation is always the goal for JKM - but reality is resources are finite - and while they want to help, their work is not made easy with all the shit being thrown at them.", "The hospital has no record of the next of kin of that Kedah old man? Or did his family provide false contact info to the hospital?", "According to the affidavit from the hospital, the witness who was the guard on duty at the emergency room area saw the old man led out from the car to the waiting bench next to the emergency room before driving away.\nShe didn't think much of it at first (sometimes, the next of kin goes to park their card first), until the man was still there three hours later, confused and alone. No wallet, IC, nothing. The unfortunate part is, due to age, JKM can't make out the fingerprints to ID him with JPN, because of the degradation to the finger skin.\nRarely if ever you can leave false contact to the hospital these days - admission makes it a point to get a hold of your IC number and the policy is before any details are keyed in, you must show your IC.", "Hmmm, is there any CCTV recording of that car that brought the old man in? If there is, then we might have a lead.", "None. Eyewitness accounts only.\nPer my conversations with JKM, this is not the first time that they have encountered such dumping of old folks. Pretty much all major government hospitals across Malaysia had cases like this on the books." ], [ "Still better than Paris", "A lot of places are better than Paris", "Fr*nch🤢", "Why are French people hated? I see this all over the internet.", "Imagine being Fren*h :26559:", "I could never", "F__c", "Don't ask who in Paris" ], [ "Haha as an american i would like to invite you to the US come down here and see fo yourself , its actually gettin more worse in PA" ], [ "Have you never been to the West? 150,000x worse.", "I live in Australia, saw more homeless people in one year than I have in a decade in Malaysia.", "Ever ask yourself why?\n(Hint - it's not because they don't exist in Malaysia)", "Look at the US, you have people openly setting up camps on the sidewalks in-front of homes. Some are unfortunate yes, but most of them are crackheads.", "Sure but cmon, you say it like the whole of usa is like that. Usa is big, ofc it would have more problems.", "you say it like the whole of usa is like that.\nYes.\nPost COVID USA is drastically different than what it was before, crackheads, homelessness, school shootings, open shoplifting, raiding stores suddenly got worse.", "Yes\nIdk bout that. I'm not from usa but I'm pretty sure its not all like that. According to google they got like 500,000-600,000 homeless people. Theres over 300M people there. That is less than 1%.", "Then go to the USA, any major city will do. See the truth yourself. I've seen videos, too many videos of it, it's very ugly.", "Videos ofc lah, bad things obviously will go viral easily. But yeah I dont rlly know usa.", "I go to the US frequently. Don’t believe the guy. His experience is through videos. With that logic, Malaysia is just an area with Twin Towers and we all live in a jungle between that and Batu Caves, and has the least safe airline in the world.", "exactly this is not even that bad", "very correct.\nam from the west.\nUS is now a 3rd world country.\nMalaysia > US", "Must be the reasons millions migrate to Malaysia every year and not the US.", "US is now a 3rd world country.\nI live in a western country, one thing I did notice was the amount of homeless people and crackheads, but I wouldn't take it that far. It's not like corruption is as widespread as in Malaysia.", "Hahhaha..US 3rd world is wild..US just inequality and shitty infrastructure for the poor..but 3rd world is beyond hyperbolic. It's only 3rd world in the sense that it went from barbarism to decadence without civilisation in-between.", "Lol but the US is like 10 times Malaysia's size both in population and area. So I don't think its a fair comparison.", "There's still a lot more job opportunities in the West though", "unironically not exaggeration at all" ], [ "They covered the walls alongside the river with plain boring grey paint\nIt used to be filled with graffiti, conteng, drawings, sketches, scribbles, yeah it wasn't the Mona Lisa but it was colourful and gave it its own 'style' alongside the river wall", "Some of them look really cool too" ], [ "Its still cleaner and safer. You can walk around there without worrying for your life or belongings" ], [ "\"why aren't anything being done?\" There's multiple homeless shelters in the vicinity and food drives are done often.\nCompared to other ASEAN countries barring perhaps SG and BN, we're probably the one that handles homelessness and poverty with the utmost best effort.\nMatter of fact is there'll always be homelessness just as there will always be sick people, we can't help everyone, we aren't omnipotent.\nDBKL and Malaysians (government, private, citizens) all are trying to help, some more than others.\nI mean, it's honestly a miracle that KL unlike most ASEAN cities doesn't have a major slum as most illegal houses and homeless people were given PPR. Hopefully the whole PPR housing scheme will further be developed and worked on so everyone gets a roof." ], [ "have you seen the homeless camps in the US?", "Comparable meh. Usa is like ten times Malaysia's size." ], [ "As a homeless. I found this post insulting me. Am i not normal people? Apa aku alien? Hybrid? What makes it different?" ], [ "honestly seeing homeless people in our country and comparing them to other country made me realise our country is truly not that bad, homeless people in America is on another level with their drug addiction" ], [ "Take the Kelana Jaya Line LRT to see the modern Malaysia, and Sri Petaling Line to see the opposite. You can start at Masjid Jamek and switch at Putra Height" ], [ "Wait till bro realise we arent first world country. Even the one is the first world country have way more homeless than us" ], [ "Life of B20" ], [ "Ok..i know its not as bad as in the west, but still..I imagine it wasn't very comfortable for them. Our government has Islam as the constitutional religion but still has citizens not having proper house and food. Very unislamic." ], [ "There’s two sides to everything man." ], [ "Man so I HAVE been away for a while 😳 Last time I went to PS station the graffiti was still there." ], [ "This is not even bad they're just doing their thing" ], [ "Technically true because homeless migrants that come from countries like bangladesh and myanmar area part of asia too" ], [ "When we organise society around an economic system that puts profit for shareholders over wellbeing of humans or even the planet … this becomes an inevitability. I guess Malaysia is not as bad as some countries but yeah … still bad." ], [ "Remind me couple of weeks ago, was doing grabfood delivery on my bike at night around BB area. it was raining heavily with thunderstorm suddenly this guy come over me at the traffic light asking for money says he's hungry & soaking wet. I gave him $10 ringgit he hugs me like he just won a lottery. very heart breaking but i can tell his not local probably from indo but this incident keep me thinking this homeless problem is getting bad & people getting hungry on the street. This problem also happen to local? i always thing we have enough food around to not to have this problem but this incident shake me somehow abit.", "There are many NGOs dealing with hunger. They always welcome more manpower and donations." ], [ "Are you out of touch? Surprisingly there's always homeless in every country." ], [ "I traveled around spain around 2018, saw homeless under the bridges all the same. the difference is, they are being homeless in very cold weather.", "free air cond.", "bro :26558:" ], [ "Kamurocho homeless shelter" ], [ "op can doante house to them" ], [ "Newsflash: Homeless people exist in Malaysia. (Like in all other countries around the world)🙄" ], [ "The whole area encompassing Pasar Seni, Masjid Jamek and Chinatown is a little bit homeless central since the first time I visited KL almost 9 years ago. I don’t understand why nothing is done to help these people and also stop them from sleeping rough in one of the most touristic areas of the city. It really isn’t a good look and leaves an awful impression on visitors.", "A couple of km away there is literally a homeless shelter. Kau nak gomen paksa diorang keluar KL proper? Where all the job is?" ], [ "Omg my god. I just don't understand these homeless people. Why can't they just fucking buy a house? Are they stupid? Smh my head." ], [ "So? Homeless people are everywhere in the world even in the modern country. Why can't you invited them to your home then since you don't like them outside huh ? Smart guy." ], [ "Disgusting. get rid of them" ], [ "Apa ni?" ], [ "Soo what do you expect to be there?" ], [ "OP , might I advise that you travel to Melbourne, Sydney and observe that there are homeless people everywhere including the cbd.\nAt least you don’t see homeless people outside pavilion looking depressed or attacking anyone.\nAlso no one thinks Malaysia is a developed country like Switzerland…. So if you’re insinuating that foreign people think Malaysia is perfect then maybe it’s time to analyse that opinion…." ], [ "Honestly I don’t see the point of this post when it’s a daily occurrence everywhere in the world. When I went to LA there were tons of camps on the walk of fame alone, and I had a homeless guy rummage through my leftover tacos that I threw in the bin at the sidewalk, but I didn’t go making a post about it uh 🤪" ], [ "Port mancing. Ikan bandaraya beso bas bawah tu" ], [ "Just actually..its normal for homeless people in bandar bwsar...but tak normal nya..takder cara nak tolobg depa² ni. Kesian tengok..tapi kalau boleh laa l..sapa² yang homeless tu..kalau boleh..cuba migrasi..just bagi pendapat...terima kasih..migrasi keluar negeri laa.." ], [ "Never let a good underpass go to waste lol" ], [ "\"normal people\"\nso homeless people are not normal?" ], [ "To be fair, all of Asia have homelessness problems so not exclusive to Malaysia.\nI was also homeless for almost a year before getting a steady job." ], [ "Times are bad for many people." ], [ "Lol even in the most developed country in the world got alot of hobbo's.." ] ]
Is it just me or are mister potatos getting smaller?
[ "Food" ]
Is shrinkflation happening to mister potatos too or am i just looking too much into it? I used to remember the chips being alot bigger than pringles, now they're the same sometimes even smaller.
[ [ "Yes, smaller. But not sure if its just the packaging or the weight reduced. Chachos also same. I think twisties also." ], [ "i believe its pringles that reduced the chips size, then it turns out there's two versions of pringles. halal vs imported.\nin another subject, the canned mr potato sometimes have big air gap or small air gap when you first opened it\njunkfood now also have gatcha elements", "there's two versions of pringles. halal vs imported.\nYup, you can tell when you put your hands in the hole. One fits and the other doesn't." ], [ "its called shrinkflation mah boi" ], [ "Shrinkflation.\nDecrease the portion, and then increase the prices if possible. Triple dipping FtW" ], [ "Have you seen the Mamee Monster snack size, so kecik like cheese slice size d", "used to cost 20sen, bigger and come with cool tattoo/toy\nshrinkflation ftw" ], [ "Just make potato egg salad, tastier and cheap. 1kg potatoes less than rm4." ], [ "Yea, I noticed mister potato's chip size is smaller. There are lots of empty space in the container now. Anyhow, I bet the manufacturer is proud claiming \"we did not increase our price despite increased prices of raw materials\"" ], [ "Probably, you just older and big boi now." ], [ "bigger or thicker? coz the container size still same." ], [ "You are getting smaller?" ], [ "Nah\nUr just thick af now" ], [ "chips in packaging now adays are almost 2/3 empty\neven bigmac also become small in size (diameter)" ], [ "Pretty sure previously it was more than 60g than it is now.\nBTW per their nutrition information apparently that 60g is supposed to be for 4 servings..." ], [ "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cancer-can-shocking-true-story-how-pringles-made-detox-nigeria/" ], [ "The price is actually smaller too tho. Used to be Rm5 for a 150g pack, but now it's about Rm3.9 for a 125g can. I'd say it's rather proportionate.\nI can't blame anyone here for missing this important detail tho; no one T20 would really look at the price." ], [ "Bro the taste has gotten so much worse man especially my once favourite barbeque. Now just taste like dirt smh" ] ]
How can I sell my car that is in Malaysia? I am living overseas at the moment.
Hi guys, I am currently working and living in Australia. I have a car in Malaysia that my family was using, but no longer need to, so we are looking to sell the car. Is it possible to sell my car to a used car dealer like Carsome without having me to return to Malaysia?
[ [ "Speak to Carsome. There is a way. I had a friend who sold his car remotely last year. There are some extra steps though. And you will need someone to take the car to Carsome’s centre.", "Thanks! I was told by a carsome representative its not possible but i have also heard it can be done. Guess i will try speaking to another representative." ], [ "Nope, not possible." ], [ "put an empty can of lube oil on top of your car. but first fill it with water. and your phone number there." ] ]
Never knew that eMadani got quota for certain e-wallet
When I'm trying to claim eMadani on my uncle new Setel account got this prompt, aish
[ [ "Worst company than Lethal Company" ], [ "If I'm not mistaken, eMadani distributors have quotas that they'd set for themselves. I imagine it's got something to do with cash flows.\nNonetheless, still funny. As if to say there's no money left." ], [ "Yes.. There's a quota..Rm 1 bil if not mistaken\nIt was mentioned in passing" ], [ "Oh yeah, I've heard that this happened with TnG and MAE as well", "I turn to TnG when setel can't process but TnG can pulak" ], [ "This is why I never bother claim mine. I knew they won't be generous with their bantuan." ], [ "whaaat, i still haven't claimed mine yet bc the deadline state can redeem til February next year :∆" ] ]
Question on Malaysian culture
[ "Culture" ]
I went to Malaysia 3 years ago as a solo traveler and visited the Batu Caves. When I got into the top, I settled in the caves to rest and hydrate. I was checking out the photos I took with my camera when two guys approached me. They asked if I speak Malay and I said no I can only speak English. I was 22 years old at that time and a Filipino female. The guys asked if they can take a photo with me. I was weirded out by this but the area was pretty crowded so I didn't think I was in danger and said okay. They seem pretty friendly and smiley but they only said thank you to me and walked away after each of them posed with me for a photo. It's been 3 years since this happened and I still think it was so randomly funny. Is it common for Malaysians to be friendly to tourists like me? Or does someone else have an explanation for this rather strange experience?
[ [ "Most probably they thought you were hot/cute.", "they saw the high wanking potential probably", "/r/Brandnewsentence", "Lol I didn't think it was malicious at all (or maybe I didn't want to think of it that way). But I was wearing modest clothing when I went because of the dress code so idk", "What did they look like?", "They look like the usual Malay people I saw in the streets. They were wearing jeans and t-shirt and one was wearing a backpack. That was 3 years ago so I don't remember much details", "Since Batu Caves is also a Hindu religious site, chances are very low if they were Malays.", "She just said they were Malay-looking. Do Indians look Malay to you? Also, Batu Caves is as much a tourist site as it is a religious site.\nIn fact it is the most visited tourist site in and around KL.", "I'm ruling out the actual Malays for OP. None of of Malays I know, especially religious ones, would be interested going to Batu Caves.Some of them hate looking at the sight of it, that big Lord Murugan statue.\nI've seen Arabs, Iranians, Indonesians and Indian Muslims at Batu Caves. Rarely Malays unless they're there to do business like tour guides etc or maybe doing rock climbing.\nDo Indians look Malay? I had dealt with foreigners due to my job. Some of them can't tell South Asians and South East Asian apart. Op is a Filipina so I think she wouldn't face this issue.", "Some of them hate looking at the sight of it, that big Lord Murugan statue.\nI've had Malay friends wanting to go to Batu Caves and wanted me to be their guide, and see many Malays there as tourists, joggers, etc.\nThe Malays that you know seem to have disturbing views of non-Muslims, if a statue gives them hatred.", "you\nThe Taliban blew up a gigantic statue of Buddha so yes, some Muslims do think that way.", "How can you not tell a South East Asian and South Asian apart? I have trouble telling apart some Middle Easterners and North West Indians apart (especially Pakistanis), but Indian Tamils are easy to identify as Indians.", "Those who have minimal exposure to South Asians & SEAs people will have trouble in telling them apart. They just see everyone is brown. I watched this white guy travelling in Little India, Brickfields. The title of his YT video was something like having tea with the locals. Well, it turned out he was having tea with Bangladeshi workers.", "Are you sure 'the usual Malay people you saw in the streets' are Malay? 😅", "are you sure they are not bangla?", "shit thing to ask", "why?", "Because they're showing their prejudice 'Bangla bad', 'Malay (Muslim) can't be bad'.", "Not malicious, some people just appreciate beauty.\nMost of my pinoy friends are quite good looking, female and male.", "I was gonna say this. You're in their wank tank now, OP. I'm so sorry. ☠️", "I agree..." ], [ "its quite possible they wernt Malaysian. It sounds more like bangladeshi/pakistani workers on their day off", "I agree, labour class people of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis go batshit crazy when they see a foreigner. Mostly Bangladeshis. And no, being a Muslim, I don’t mind visiting Batu Caves for a road trip and some nice pictures. Edit: A few months ago, some teenage Malaysians asked me for me to take a selfie with them. And I happily obliged.", "Any reason why they treat tourists like that? I find it puzzling", "Not sure but I guess they feel proud to see tourists in their country. Its a normal culture in Asia. In my country (Pakistan) its a sign of welcoming guests and making them feel special, taking pictures with them and giving them free food and services. I’m not a tourist anymore, just a foreigner long term resident haha. I was never intrigued by any other foreigner though, white or black.", "I see. I'm also Southeast Asian and I've traveled to tourist-y places in my country too. People are friendly to foreigners but not to a point where they take photos with them lol. That's nice to know though", "Being a Pakistani in Malaysia, I definitely felt happy when the teenagers asked for a picture while I was just chilling at a mamak. The group then sat with me and we talked. I don’t mind pictures or selfies as long as I’m asked for consent.", "Yeah I got approached by this guy who wants a selfie with me. In the unisex washroom of a hostel. Can't imagine why he thought it was appropriate. 🌚", "Bangla and paki are forbidden to visit place like Batu Caves...it's Harambee for them.", "Nah Muslims can visit. Only a minority of whabbist may complain.", "", "Pakistanis too, well those in Malaysia anyways. Seen a few drinking at TRX :29091:", "Oof", "RIP Harambe" ], [ "Only at Batu Cave I did notice quite a few local-ish looking people asking foreign tourists to have a photo taken together with them. A bit weird.", "I don't think locals do this. That said I've had foreigners at Batu Caves asking to take pics wt me..why is beyond me . So I think it's both ways" ], [ "I doubt they are even local" ], [ "Had two weirdos ask to take a photo with my one year old son outside KLCC.\nWhere on earth this is deemed as a culturally acceptable behaviour needs a good bit of self analysis." ], [ "If you seen YouTube vloggers, there are lots of random people taking photos with those vloggers they never heard of lol" ], [ "You probabbly met some Indonesian tourist. Because it is not a common thing for malay guys to approach, ask & take pictures with random girls, what more with foreigners. But indonesian on the other hand, does this a lot with foreigners." ], [ "They were most probably tourists from another country, not Malaysians." ], [ "normal" ], [ "They’re going to save your pictures with them in their hall of fame xD", "Tembak dinding hall of fame 🤣" ], [ "Possibly not malay", "Just say malaysian la, not many Malaysians in general are like that." ], [ "Sounds familiar. I’m half Malay so I don’t look typically “Malay” and I’ve experienced this a few times.\nOne time I was with my German wife in KLCC. We took the elevator and a Chinese family wanted to take pictures with her (without me) in the elevator 😄\nThe whole situation was kinda funny to me. Pretty weird for my wife though." ], [ "You're gonna get santau'ed" ], [ "We have to agree to disagree." ], [ "They asked if I speak Malay and I said no I can only speak English\nIf this was all they asked like \"you speak english? No? Ok picture time!\" Yeah that's weird af even for weird people standard.\nBut most likely they talked with u a bit like \"u dont know malay despite looking SEA? Cause ur a tourist?\" And you guys had 5 mins chitchat and they have boomer mindset on cameras and want to rmb this moment with taking a photo with you cause ur a tourist visiting them. (Thats wholesome reason)\nOther than that, then like another comment stated potential wanking matierial lol.", "They just asked if they can take a photo with me after I said I can only speak English. So yes, I think it's me a being a tourist that's the reason for the random photo lol.\nI have fair skin and have Spanish ancestry so I don't look like a stereotypical Southeast Asian so they might have only asked to confirm.\nI think I got my answer now and it's just people being excited around tourists!" ] ]
Recapping the First Year of Malaysia’s Foreign Policy Under Anwar Ibrahim
[ "Politics" ]
Iklan Singer 2006 (extended cut)
[ "Wholesome" ]
[ [ "what the f-" ] ]
Scam at Genting
I think this scam deserves more attention. Casino goers to Genting do beware of this scam going around. Chinese nationals mainly executed this scam at Sic Bo table. In a team of 3s, one guy will pretend to strike a conversation with you about how the odds is better when you place your bets on the exact dice face value. They tried convincing you that your way of playing is less than ideal and he had already won quite a fair bit earlier on. While not noticing, he then quickly took a few chips off your hands and ask you to follow him over to the other end of the table where his accomplice is already awaiting. The scammer quickly, moved in between his accomplice and started placing the bets on your behalf. While you tried to move in to have a glimpse, his accomplice will block you (so you wouldn’t know which bet he put your money on). How this scam will probably pan out. Scenario 1: when your bet actually turns out to be the winning bet, the scammer will say that he didn’t place that bet and it belongs to other punters (in this case his accomplice) Scenario 2: He keeps the chips that he took from you and claims that those existing bets by other punters belongs to you. How to prevent such situations: Don’t engage in small talks with strangers Don’t hold large stacks of chips on hands. So they wouldnt bother to target you. In the event you fall into the situation, you can react in these manner: Scream or shout at the person who took your chips. He will return to you so as to not draw attention to himself/ herself, or, If you wanna play along, ask the scammer which bets are yours, stop the dealer from closing the bets. Once you make him commit to which bets are yours, there is a chance you can keep the winnings or at least you can raise a dispute when he the scammer denies that the winnings bets are yours. Inform the dealer about the situation, pit supervisor or manager will be activated and they will resolve for you. If everything happen and ends very quickly, you still can resolve the situation by making a report to the security counter, provide them with these information: Which table this incident occurred Time of incident
[ [ "Thank goodness I only play ETG. I can't understand what these PRC speaking also. But Genting is really full of gullible ah ma ah pek who will fall for this lah, conlanfirm.\nThere was one time when I was walking back from the cable car to FWH late at night (fking tired cos spent whole day down in KL) then this ah pek step out from some random ATM hall and approach me. Immediately my guard went up, I start scanning the area for other ppl waiting to ambush me. He request for me to help him withdraw 1.5k from the ATM machine cos he say he dunno how to press ATM?!? I say OK you masuk kad tekan PIN, the rest of the option I help you select. Wah he really tekan PIN and let me have full access to his account sia. Too bad I dun have M'sian bank acct to transfer funds to, if not I sure transfer his whole acct balance to mine. In the end I quickly choose 1.5k from his savings to withdraw and he took the money. Turns out he not trying to scam or rob me, he really genuinely needed help with the ATM?!\nAfter he took the money I faster scold him, ask him whether he know how dangerous it is to ask strangers to help you with ATM.. he brush my concerns off saying 'he knows how to judge ppl character' in mandarin. Alamak unker you can judge my character from one look at my ranjiao face meh.. pls guys it's a dangerous world out there, tell ur parents grandparents don't be too trusting of some random strangers even though you're in a nice environment and the stranger doesn't look like a gangster..", "Imagining him doing the surprised Pikachu face had you scammed him", "I think these ah ma ah pek in genting won't even know you scam them.. they will just ask money from the children if not enough.", "Oh shit you’re right. A lone uncle with RM1500 cash in the middle of the night with no supervision? Definitely a habitual gambler.", "Could be looking for meow meow also. So many of them in FWH.", "Looking for Meow meow hahahaha. This will be my newest addition of vocabulary for call girls.", "Haha tbh I'm quite amazed at the amount of cat houses and illegal service providers advertising on social media platforms. All I have to do is buy a prepaid SIM card at Brickfields or Sungei Wang and voila! all the spam SMS/WA msgs advertising illegal loans, meow2, sex enhancement drugs, illegal gambling/lotteries/sports betting etc. will stream in as soon as I pop that SIM card into my burner phone. Don't even have to turn on wechat to search for call girls haha.", "Gullible ah ma ah pek lmao. I worked in genting and I can tell you the hardest person to trick is actually these ah ma ah pek. And these China conmen always 100% target youngsters cuz they’re the real rich dumb. So youngsters going into casino: please motherfucking do what your mother taught you since 3yo STOP TALKING TO STRANGERS", "Aiyo in my experience its the boomers who easily get conned lah. Esp with tech stuff, if they dunno they will go ask some random stranger to help them one.\nThere was another incident where I was queuing for Maybank ATM near Skycasino entrance lvl 1 recently, then some Singkie boomer auntie come up to me and ask me how to withdraw RM from ATM using her multi-currency Singdollar denominated Trustbank card. I also doing the same so ok lah, I share2 the steps to do so. She still dun unnerstand then ask me help her withdraw. Alamak another poomer wanna give me access to their bank acct. Walan this time my hand nearly cannot resist transfer her acct balance to my SG acct but thankfully I manage to control in time. Sometimes I wonder where are all these poomer's family members, why never teach them to do simple things like withdraw from ATM lah. They all seem like so poor thing, have to approach strangers standing in line to help them for simple things. One fine day sure kena scam one." ], [ "Casinos should issue biometric stored value cards instead to prevent others from assessing and using your balance", "Yeah. casino should and can explore that option. It brings about many benefits, like the one you mentioned. However, the fun of gambling is the fact that punters get that tactile feeling to hold their chips and moving it across the gaming tables.", "Should stop go casino all together", "Haha yes. If don’t go, such incident won’t even happen. Afterall, gambling is not something good to begin with.", "Funny. Casinos aint gonna help you protect your money when they're the ones preying on it. Sure, if it helps you spend faster or carry larger amounts. But other than that, you gotta realise you're playing games in the devil's den.", "They do have this for the virtual roulette table where you play on a touch screen. It's just not as entertaining because you can't see the PRCs acting stupid at the physical tables." ], [ "Who go friend-friend with random people in Genting....giler wei. I don't care even if you're Elon Musk, unless you're throwing chips or money. If you come to story me grandpa grandma no money eat please go play far-far, I'm ignoring you exceptional for some cases where some punter chat to tumpang your bet because see you winning heng-heng...very ong.\nBut I limit it, once like the whole table everyone just standing behind my back to tumpang....start small group somehow escalated to a big group, like everyone is cheering when I win \"wohhhhhh\"...I go \"Uncle aunty Lengchai and Lenglui enough tumpang liao too many people....later this ship Titanic....wei\"\nNot long after that....straight 3 rounds lost everyone started dispersing.I told you so can Titanic one..but I made quite a fortune that night.", "Haha. No matter how big one ship can be, it will eventually sink.", "Ada capacity limit mah....God of Fortune also beh tahan support like that dy....I sponsor 1 guy then whole ship come tumpang...wah lau wehhhh. Even with anime; the power of friendship can also hit the limit." ], [ "what the fuck is casino security doing. They should have been pro at this and got this locked down tight.", "Got to say that the security is kinda lax in Genting. But they still do their job when asked to. For the case mentioned here, the security managed to recover the chips and banned the scammers from entering the casino. But I am not sure if they can prevent them from entering, with so many people going in and out.", "", "Haha. Thanks for sharing. Just curious why are you banned?", "I see. Indeed interesting and ear-opening to hear about this. Thanks for sharing." ], [ "judi is overall a bad habit, religiously or morally." ], [ "Dog eat dog world" ], [ "Dose do judi" ], [ "Glad didn't see something strange on Blackjack Table (Sic-Bo is always something that most people can get lost on their tracking their chips)" ], [ "I don't understand why anyone engages in small talk at the gambling table. I go there with a strategy to win or minor loss. And it has worked. Anyone wants to talk to me I will just give them the stare." ], [ "How dumb and lonely should one be if they have to fall for such stupid scams" ], [ "Can this be consider as a proof that we have more Chinese mainlanders here more than ever" ], [ "Encountered this many times , i just dont speak / layan them" ] ]
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "haha, it's because of the damp weather that cases are rising right? it won't get worse right? :26554:", "no no everything is okay :26554::26554:" ], [ "fuck." ], [ "Lets go babyy, round 2" ] ]
Suddenly face mask,test kit sold out in stores 🙄🙄🙄
[ "Meme Monday" ]
Preparing for price of those things increase after this
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Senitzer Citizen...", "Senitzer shall be the new sanitizer meme", "Sanitized senier citizen", "Spritzer" ], [ "Already got covid 3 times. I can do this.", "I already got Covid 2 times, but this 3rd times is the worst. Nothing like the first 2. I had only 3 days of bad sickness and few days of tiredness. This time it's been 5 days and I'm still in the sickness period, and also lost all sense of taste. Can't taste anything at all. Didn't happen in the previous covid.", "I think you got a different variant of the virus. Possibly one of the older ones like Delta.", "From what I read about this new variant, it seems to mimic the Delta more, and this is even scarier because it has the severity of a Delta but with the contagiousness of Omicron", "Damn! What's the name of this new variant?", "It's still Omicron but advance version lol", "Omicron pro max plus", "I'm lucky to be in the Beta tester crowd", "I’m lucky to have never gotten Covid", "I mean, I feel ya but work is work. Im not even fine yet because of this choughing fit but my mc is over. To anyone getting this cold, Im sorry but I need the money", "I thought if got covid its under law for companies to let their employees quarantine themselves, current SOP is 5 day of quarantine", "My five days are up and my co workers and managers are also still sick. This is fine.\nThis is not fine", "I have not gotten Covid before. Hah!", "You can do this all year." ], [ "stay safe everyone. no MCO for now which means you have to be on guard by yourself. mask on!", "Cant wait to see how PMX handle Covid" ], [ "Got announcement at 4pm right? What did it say?", "<image>\nNo PKP as for now", "Ok, so nothing drastic. Thanks OP", "I also hear hit and miss cause got work but my kolik said now got special medication for Covid", "I doubt there will be any KPK also ….", "Country cannot survive another MCO" ], [ "Would like to take this opportunity to ask if you guys know any brands that produce similar quality mask to Jovian’s anti acne masks. Jovian announced that he has stopped producing the masks, while I’ve stocked up, I still need to find a good alternative for when I run out.\nAlso it’s disgusting when people refuse to mask up when coughing in public saying ‘don’t worry miss, it’s not covid’ ya no shit, I still do not want to contract whatever the fuck you’re having. Looks so unattractive when people cough their lungs out. Like are you poor? Didn’t you go to clinic? Don’t you take cough syrups? Vit c? Anti oxidants? Or your genetics just suck?\nSorry sudden rage", "Medicos, the ultra soft one is top tier! It feels lightweight and doesn’t feel ‘scratchy’ after long hours of usage. Neutrovis even Jovian I find it scratchy over the time. Another one is heyday, this one I like since its lightweight and less scratchy as well. But Medicos is my top recommendation.", "Thankgoddd thankyou so much, I will try some from Medicos", "I second the Medicos ultra soft ones! Been using them since the start and def worth the extra money. Easily the most comfy ones I’ve tried compared to other 4ply ones.", "You same like me cant wear cheapo mask will got break out, im not sure bout Jovian tho but i use Neutrovis mask the 4ply, it good but then again every one have different type skin\nDid you seek online shop?", "Neutrovis got it ok thank you I will check them out", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nBan for 1 day due to repeating behavior despite previous warning issued.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Your opinion is noted.. but no one cares", "It's why I wear oversized no-degree glasses in public despite having perfect vision. The other day an unmasked bitch would've coughed into my eyeballs at the supermarket.\nPeople just love to cough whenever without checking if anyone is nearby first. Rude." ], [ "Don't skip school" ], [ "Raya nak dekat, tiba tiba ja covid naik", "Boleh skip raya lagi, hehe :26561:" ], [ "Kita sudah vaksin kenapa masih takut covid?", "Hope this is a sincere question\nKerana sudah dicucuk tidak bermakna seseorang tak akan hidap covid. Vaksin hanya menurunkan kebarangkalian dan kesan gejalanya.\nSeperti saya, telah dicucuk 3 Kali tetapi Masih kena lagi semalam. Tetapi gejalanya tidak seteruk Kali pertama.\nSecara rumusnya, keberkesanan vaksin bergatung dengan 3 barang, 1. Bila lama Kali terakhir anda divaksin. (Lagi lama lagi kurang keberkesanan) 2. Apakah strain covid yang anda kena 3. Imunisasi badan anda", "Perlukah saya ambil another booster utk menghadapi COVID baru ni?", "Nasihat umum, ye kena ambik kalau dah lama tak ambik (6 bulan sampai 1 tahun) Tetapi saya bukan pakar perubatan, kena rujuk dengan panduan KKM.", "Faham, 10Q", "anti virus sudah lama tak update bang", "Coz I dowan to lose my taste buds and get fever la...\nIf given a choice between getting sick and not getting sick...who would choose to get sick", "Old pipo, people with terminal illness, ongoing chemo etc treatment on risk. It’s not for us only but for others." ], [ "tried to order another mask box from my usual store, noticed the price increased lol" ], [ "Very Senitzer yet not senile" ], [ "glove stocks on the rise again lmao", "Time to buy" ], [ "imagine virus breakout inside university." ], [ "So which company manufacture those? Real question." ], [ "hi Dr Farzana" ] ]
Customer service. Yay or Nay?
Hello fellow Redditors! I'm contemplating the idea of starting a career in customer service and working my way up. I've noticed that customer service/tech support roles offer substantial earnings, and progressing to positions like QA, TL, Senior TL, and Manager seems promising. However, there are concerns, such as the perceived status of customer service roles and the potential challenges of shift work, especially as you advance in your career. I'm curious to hear your stories about transitioning from a customer service agent to a TL or beyond, and how you navigated the challenges along the way. Your insights would be greatly appreciated!
[ [ "Got to be tough physical (due to work shift) and mental(got cussed by customer).\nUse to work for singtel at their call center" ], [ "Been in the industry for quite some time and recently switched from email-only to call center. Was not a good decision. To be frank, after years, it is taking a toll on my mental health. Not a career that I would suggest for long term. Career growth wise, you are able to progress rapidly. In my case, I have been job hopping so I remained in the same position. However, my salary increased almost 100% in less than a year. My advice, it’s a good industry with decent salary which requires low requirement. If you choose to go this path, I suggest you go for email/chat only. Call center is just another level of hell. Especially when you are dealing with Singaporeans. Never had any experience as a TL though.", "100% raise in a year? I'm intrigued. What's a reasonable salary someone with, say 5 years experience, should be looking at?", "Depends on a lot of factors. How big the company is, bilingual/trilingual, local or international and etc. If you’re an English speaker with 5 years of experience working at a big company like American Express, I’d say around MYR7k-8k." ], [ "CS jobs many vacancy since many turnover of headcounts\nthe toughest stay .. but this job really demanding alot\nbut still ok if you need it", "Gotcha. Thanks man! :D" ], [ "managerial role is all about how to reduce costing (granted your frontliner is outsourced/BPO) while keeping frontliner quality at its peak\nyou have to think beyond solving the problem (how can the problem to not exist at the first place)\nmake up your mind properly if youre aiming to climb that ladder, its a totally different world than answering customers/giving solution/tahan maki/etc...." ], [ "My partner got promoted to CS Instructor where he teaches new hires how to provide customer service for that particular company/org. Sometimes he worked on weekends to prepare slides which stressed him out. Depends on the company, the pay is so-so in Klang Valley." ], [ "Depends..\nDo you have any suicide thoughts?", "Why so deep man haha", "If you don't got any then go for it" ], [ "What kinda customer service that we talking here ?", "Call centers, content moderation, tech support, and everything falling within that category." ], [ "You will slowly lose your humanity and you will come to realize a LOT of people are beyond stupid and how are they still alive\nAfter some point, you kinda lose the humanity and the stuff you said aren't even sincere anymore 🐯" ], [ "I think cs will be 1 of those jobs that will have less positions available or even worse dissappear altogether in the future.", "Yea I'm seeing so many companies stop offering phone and emails to contact them. Often replaced by a robotic chatbot", "Having a robotic chatbot feels rather ineffective. Personally, I value genuine human interaction that guides me through the process, not the impersonal approach like Air Asia's \"Ask Bo\" customer service, which, in my experience, is quite frustrating.", "Chatbots are at their infancy at the moment but they are getting better.", "I may have to disagree with you. In today's business landscape, every company, including major corporations like Meta, Google, and YouTube, necessitates the presence of customer service or tech support representatives. While automation is a possibility, it might be cost-prohibitive but who knows what will happen 10 years from now. The demand for it is there tho.", "Yeah...sure.\nI work with large companies. Every single one is aggressively pursuing automaton and AI to trim costly human-intensive work like customer service, sales/bizdev, and more.\nUnless you are so wildly confident in your capabilities that you can start out in a new field and get to a place where your skillset and value are beyond the seismic forces impacting every industry...in which case, more power to you and good luck.", "In my opinion, any jobs that deals with pre defined outcome that has no decision-making will be at risk. We already see it happening everywhere. Maybe cs will still exist, but lets say right now a company has 10 employees assigned for cs, maybe in the future only needs 2 just to deal with special cases that a chatbox or Ai cant handle." ] ]
Foreigner's To Be Charged RM1 For GOKL Bus Service Beginning January 1
[ [ "As a public transport frequent user, I hate to say this but I need to, I await the fall of ridership, heck even the collapse of GoKL bus services.\nUnnecessary inconvenience to even us, the locals." ] ]
awak jauhkan inggeris dari mulut derhaka kau!
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Putting the Mad in Madani.", "How is this not a pinned comment" ], [ "<image>\nEnglish ✖️ Bahasa Malaysia ✅" ], [ "Perkataan inggeris ❌\nPerkataan arab ✅", "Nobody tell them the countless words influenced by indian and chinese loan words, as well as english and portugese ones.", "Shh.... Go grab your pitchfork.", "Ingeris dah banyak masuk...!! Nomalisasi, representasi, pukimakasi dan sebagainya.", "[ insert drake meme ]" ], [ "Btw, I honestly thought that \"dayus\" is a type of manatee. I do however drive a lot of macais crazy when I reply that to their question \"You tau apa maksud lelaki dayus\"?" ], [ "I have never seen any other nation who hates knowledge like Malaysia", "Smarter Rakyat = Harder to exploit.", "Taliban afghanistan.", "Really?? Which nation is that?" ], [ "Madani? Whats that? Food?", "You're thinking Briyani" ], [ "Malaysia Madani, looking at English loan words:" ], [ "scammed by US, debted by China, conspired from SG Indo Brunei, failed to take from outside but take from its own country instead and gave it to refugees, marked by Korea, threatened by Thailand.\nAY Y U NO SPEAK MALAY", "Skills: Cafe boycotts, literally fashion-policing, and cockblocking civil positions for certain groups.\nAnd those are just “skills of the month” 😂", "i guess allat only applies on a specific culture" ], [ "Fun fact: you can spell madafucka with madani." ], [ "KTM announcers using \"tren\" and not \"kereta api\"", "Or \"koc\" instead of gerabak.\nGov, using \"bajet\" instead of belanjawan", "I seethe upon hearing the word \"fi\" instead of bayaran", "I think yuran is more accurate, bayaran I'd say is more to payment.\nBut agree with fi", "my dumbass thought of cukai first but that was tax so i randomly tembak and went for bayaran XD" ], [ "Pertama sekali..pasal yang ini kan ramai dah cakap..kalau cakap melayu tu kalau boleh jangan rojak inggeris campur melayu kecuali kata pinjam inggeris tu takperlaaa..lepastu sekarang ni semua memang nak cakap inggeris bukan macam dulu..tolak mentah² sebab jatuhkan nama melayu..sebab knowledge is ilmu kan..dan menuntut ilmu ialah jihad...ok itu jer...selamat tinggal", "Knowledge = a ledger of something you know.", "Kualiti Bahasa tu melayu juga yng mempengaruhkan, cuba lah korang buat macam indo, sopan sikit cara betutur dengan bahasa melayu, biar orang lain ada niat guna." ], [ "Bahasa Melayu lancau..!! Aku sangat tidak berpuas hati dengan pencemaran yg dah dilakukan oleh Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka. Bahasa Melayu dah kehilangan banyak istilah istilah asli yg sudah diganti dengan perkataan yg 'dimelayukan' oleh DBP. Contoh; representasi, nomalisasi, nasional, dan macam macam lagi perkataan lancau yg diselit dalam Bahasa asal. Keanggunan Bahasa Melayu sudah layu seperti sayur sawi kemarin di pasar malam hari ini.\nBukan saya membantah penyerapan istilah Dari Bahasa lain, tapi tak perlu buat begitu kalau dalam Bahasa kita dah ada perkataan yg membawa maksud yang sama.\nMelayu dah jadi macam kacang lupa kulit.", "" ], [ "Bahasa Rojak :29091:", "Bahasa Pasar :29091:", "Bahasa \"asal lu paham sudah!\" *" ], [ "is the implication that it's a bad thing to do intentional?" ], [ "You are no longer Malaysian now! Just \"Malaysian\"!" ] ]