Malaysia’s economic fortunes hinge on China’s success … or failure - However, experts disagree on the trajectory of growth for the Chinese economy in 2024.
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Anyone got covid more than once, my third time today
All three times wasn’t in Malaysia but as I move back next month I wanna see how our strain is as I assume Imma get it due to being in hospital. I knew something was off than a normal fever, the chills, hot & cold flashes, shortness of breath and fatigue. I did have 3 infections after the second round which I had to yeet my throat balls tho. Throat still hurts that was waste of time. I contribute this covid session to the Spanish grandmas sneezing and hacking in the bus while I was there last week lmao.
[ [ "Bruh imported covid back from Spain.....", "Courtesy of abuelas nonetheless 😂", "He can be the second Korea dude (is it SKorea I can't remember)" ], [ "Reminded me of that girl tiktok video saying:\n\"Why are you getting Covid in 2023? That's so 2020!\" LMAO" ], [ "Relative of a colleague got 5 times within 2 years period. That was the highest record I heard so far.", "i wonder if they have any long covid effects? 5x is wow", "last i heard, he had long covid 1 year after. but not sure after that.", "How is the condition of health now?" ], [ "my wife on her 4th time. but im still at 1. kinda strange since i sleep next to her and never bothred to quarantine from her when she gets it", "That's amazing. My coworker only sat beside me for an hour or two, sneezing and sniffling before I masked up (she didn't). Had a sore throat before work was even over and took 10 days to test negative with the gnarliest fever/sore throat/cough I've ever had. I'm so paranoid now of ppl sneezing beside me 😅 Like I don't mind the fever itself, but potentially infecting my elderly sick parents scare the frick out of me", "Yeah I’m in the same boat with elderly parents. One who is very high risk. Heart and diabetic issues.\nCovid’s in my house right now. We live in a multi-generational home. My wife and child and sister inlaw are all down with it. It’s been a month of this nonsense and very taxing. Because my other child got it first 4 weeks ago and he’s all better now but having to handle a 7 year old in quarantine isn’t easy.\nThen just this Sunday, my wife, other kid and sister inlaw all got a sore throat within 10 hours of each other. So now everyone who isn’t sick is paranoid and try their best to isolate just incase. I’ve been sleeping with my kid in my work room on the floor because we’re out of isolation bedrooms.", "actually i have a riding fren, the wife is on 5th time last month, he also on 1 so far...just lucky or maybe non contaigous variant", "Could it be different immunity profile?" ], [ "I’ve never gotten COVID before. lol", "Yes, zero gang represent", "Same bro, I even took the bus and mrt regularly from 2020-2022 when there is no MCO, but somehow I just never got it. Maybe we just don't have any symptoms or the vaccine works for us", "Truee I also go out often, I even fly 4 times during covid era when they only allow you to fly when necessary and go out often and I still never got covid, I barely get sick anyways, and only got sick 3 times in 4 years and tested myself at clinic, all negative 🤷🏼‍♀️", "People bragging about not getting COVID can only mean either one of this two\n1) they never go out of house\n2) they never test", "No lol. I worked in hospital and never got one. I believed half of it is your hand hygiene and other half is being lucky.", "I’d assume you’re up to date with your vaccines being in hospital work? I got a feeling that you probably caught it at some stage. The symptoms are probably just mild enough that you hardly noticed it.", "COVID vaccine? Not really up to date. The thing is if rtk tested negative you still need to come work even if you showed some flu like symptoms.", "Bullshit, I worked in the office during the pandemic while taking the MRT and still didn't get it.\nAnd yes, we have to test every 3 days.", "Being a close contact or going out increases your chances of contracting COVID but doesn't guarantee it.\nI'm pretty sure there's someone out there whos gotten it once every financial quarter in the past 3 years despite minimal going out and public transport and vice versa considering how many of us there are.", "And you just proved my point. OP was using the \"all or only\" statement.", "Then its the last reason: got no friends to go out with.\nJKJK", "I work with COVID patients in the ICU and I’ve never got COVID. We used to wear PAPR at work so getting it from my patients were never a concern. Had to always test too every week. Otherwise I was too bogged down with work and studies to have a proper social life. But when I do go out, I mask up, avoid crowded places and take precautions.", "I do go outside with a mask on and I still test weekly. In fact, I’ve not gotten sick in 5 years. Not just Covid.", "How do you not get sick in 5 years?!", "He ate an apple a day", "Get enough sleep, I suppose? I sleep 8–9 hours every night without a miss.", "easy, whole food fresh diet, no dodgy meat full of chemicals , no sugar, no alcohol, some excersise, hot and cold therapy, breath work....them silly masks will help about 1%", "no sugar no wheat no dairy\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E2rdsM9ek8", "That just means you live your life inside a bubble, scare to try new things, being adventurous and living your life to the fullest. When you're on your deathbed, you will look back into your long and irrelevant life and regret that you live as a coward", "Sounds like you’re projecting. How many countries have you visited? How many flights have you been on this year?", "Where in the hell did this come from? Just like the other user, I think you’re just projecting a little too much there bro 😭😭", "Dont mind share with us how you live life to the fullest? Asking for a friend.", "I eat mountains for breakfast", "I wear a mask in places where there will be people in close proximity. It really isn't about bragging not getting Covid. Just common sense.", "I was number 1 for quite a while but i still got COVID. I spent most of COVID-19 years being afraid of it only to get it cause my stupid housemates were living like the disease was a conspiracy.\nI was lucky I only got it AFTER vaccination cause my first infection was terrible.\nNow I'm on my third infection cause of the same reason except I'm not paranoid about it anymore.", "Hows the symptoms like for your first and subsequent infections?", "My first time was high fever with cough and flu for roughly a week. Second time felt like it was half as bad and half as long. Now I just got fever for like a day and I'm just recovering from post infection symptoms.", "A lot of people are resistant or have natural immunity to covid. I'm one of them.", "I do think that’s one of the reasons. Apart from my father, none of my family members have gotten Covid too.", "Yeah, a lot of my relatives are resistant to it too. In fact, the vaccine was probably more harmful to us than the virus itself. One of my uncles died a week after taking the vaccine. Zero platelet they said.\nOnly found out about it this year. I knew he passed away, but i thought he passed away due to diabetes and i never bothered to ask. Diabetes doesn't cause platelet die-off, it actually increase platelet to the point a patient could die from hypercoagulation.", "nope, just never had that dangerous experiment....caught it once and have better actual real immunity", "You mean you didnt take any vaccine?", "of course not, almost everything that was censored and called a conspiracy has and is becoming truth and fact......do you not know about the excess deaths, Americas life expectancy crashing, myocarditis in 25-40 years olds rocketed..... no need for me to have a mRNA jab, I had COVID, not had it since 2020 march and feel healthy and great and rarely ever even get as much as a cold or the flu....you keep taking them boosters, I heard uptake is as low as 6% 😂\nyour choice, I'm happy for you to take charge of your own body and take whatever advice you wish...... I'll do the same", "This is called joining the dots to make the wrong picture. You cherry picked your info to reinforce your own view. You ignored what the scientific information is actually saying.\nMost people will probably be fine without any vaccination if they are not old or immunocompromised.\nAlso it is true that booster uptake is low as alot of people do not like needles. So that's no surprise, even vaccines for flu, malaria and tetanus people don't keep up to date with those.", "Don't be jealous lah.. We just have superior immunity and 🧬 🧬 🧬\nZEROCOVID", "Based on researched by the Korean doctors.\n3. They have no friends.", "Working from home so yes 1.", "Worked everyday from 2021 til now, had to be tested 3 times a day at the time til dec 2022. During 2020 pandemic went out at least twice a week as i lived alone to get necessities.\nStill negative.", "should never brag about it", "I’ve been bragging about it for years.", "Now we wait 😅", "That you know about!" ], [ "Why you have to Jinx it OP?! I kena the 2nd time today. :(" ], [ "Just recovered from my 4th round of Covid. I’m only now experiencing some long covid symptoms (Fatigue, forgetfulness,anxiousness). Hopefully these are temporary.", "I have same symptoms...unfortunately it is due to ageing" ], [ "I never had one, and had vaccinated three times.. It's a blessing I guess.." ], [ "2 of my colleagues are coughing like crazy.\nAnd obviously it's everyone other than those 2 that are wearing the mask. It's always the stupid sick ones." ], [ "First time Covid for me. Currently sitting in the ER waiting to be discharged after spending the night here on oxygen and with pneumonia. They were considering moving me to the Covid ward but then found out that I can go home (probably due to lack of beds and prioritizing serious cases).\nAlso, I'm starting to be sus of at-home test kits. Me and hubby tested twice at home negative (2 different types of kits-spit and swab), but then that same day we went to clinic and tested positive. I would recommend people get tested at clinic if possible. Makes me wonder if the other times I tested negative when I felt iffy I was actually positive.", "Weird. Have u had pneumonia before? I think Covid and pneumonia are separate things and u have had both ?", "Never had it before, but you definitely can get pneumonia from Covid, it's categorized under Stage 3 and 4. Apparently I was 4A. I let my blood oxygen drop too low before going to the ER.\n<image>", "<image>", "Damnnn. Take care man, hope u get well soon. ❤️", "Thanks ❤️ Got 2 more days of quarantine to go.", "\"Just the common cold\", \"Vaccines do more harm than Covid itself\", \"let's just unmask (during this peak season)\" they said. 🙄" ], [ "Still virgin covid" ], [ "I just got it my first time from the Penang Bridge Marathon." ], [ "I got it 3 times. All three times I wasn’t really sick, but people around me were positive and I tested positive sooo. I only felt a bit sick at the third time, for the first 2 days" ], [ "Covid is turning into common flu at this point where the mortality rate is not high" ], [ "Doc here. I never gotten COVID but my colleagues around me drop like flies." ], [ "how many boosters have you had?" ], [ "Never got one. Hell yeah. In fact the worse fever I got since March 2020 was the fever from the first AZ shot. Second AZ no fever at all. Third was Pfizer and got a mild fever. Fourth Pfizer also no fever.\nThe funny thing is I get fever quite occasionally, aside from the vaccination side effects. But never covid. Yes, I tested." ], [ "I dont even know if its covid or not at this point , dont even bother to test anymore", "Didn't even have cough when I caught it for the third time. Just throat pain, didn't even know it was covid until my mom tested positive." ], [ "Today is 2nd time. All my family Christmas plan scrapped." ], [ "" ], [ "Never had covid, never vaccinated. Natural immunity." ], [ "It is normal for people to get flu once in a while. Probably more so now after getting their immunity weakened by mRNA injections." ], [ "Had it once before in 2022, it was just like a normal cold for me. Since then I've been sick 2/3 times, but I don't bother testing anymore, I really don't see the point. I just stay home and drink lemon tea until I'm better, and not coughing everywhere, as with any other cold.\nAnecdotally, I caught influenza last year and I was bedridden for 3 days. I'd take covid over having that again any day.\nI do find it interesting though, back in my home country the vast majority of people have no interest in discussing covid, or testing and just treat it as a seasonal cold now. A significant number of people here still seem quite perturbed by it though." ], [ "Covid is the best natural vaccine out there. The simptoms are pretty much still similar and mild as the Omicron variety. You'll endure one or two shitty days when the fever and/or flu is at its worst, then its just gone. Key important step is to observe your SPo² level, pulse and temperature. You don't want your oxygen saturation in your blood to drop too low or you'll experience sleepiness and cause worst conditions. Other than that, most of the symptoms can be alleviated by healthy diet, enough sun (vitamin D is amazing) and plenty of rest." ], [ "unvax here and never gotten a single covid. my pro tip: wear a mask wherever u go, avoid crowds as possible and I don't even dine with my colleagues just packet food and eat solo." ], [ "2nd time just got last week. First time last year felt like dying, fever in excess of 40c. This time mild fever for 1 day and covid test only show positive 2 lines for 1 day lol" ], [ "I got my fourth round last month. I got my first Covid pretty late - mid 2022 and that one hit my lungs pretty hard ; something that was very unique to Covid I feel . Subsequent rounds have felt increasingly gentler , but the common flavour between all of them is that speaking is very very tiring . I wasn’t particularly fluey this time round but I was generally just tired and a bit feverish" ], [ "Got my 1st one even after 3rd booster ( as per company rule ) damm not like very much, I'm ok with the fever but damm cough and than the mucus that come with it , make it hard to sleep more so wake up at night abruptly cause the mucus cover my throat make me had to wake up to throw up the mucus" ], [ "Yea, recovered from my 2nd round last week. First time I felt like death passed over. Second time felt like I caught a mild cold.\nStill, do take precautions. You don't want to spread it to others if possible." ], [ "My symptom is just lethargy, my whole body suddenly tired AF and I just sleep throughout the day." ], [ "Just recover from the sixth times, what the heck." ], [ "What’s your body count?" ], [ "Please NO, Mother Yuckin Covid hit me like a truck....the first 3 day the head splitting ache killed me then followed by whole week of fever and bad cough the whole night." ], [ "Just finished quarantine for the third time. This time round it was very mild and i tested just for the sake of testing. Turned out the result is positive.\nFirst time was early 2022, i was quite feverish but still okay and second time was end of 2022, i was literally shivering and can't even bring myself to eat but didn'trequire hospitalisation. Compared to that, this time it's like a walk in the park.\nSuprisingly i got covid only after i got all vaccination dosage plus booster. I guess that contribute a lot to the more mild symptoms and not infecting anyone in my household" ], [ "Got it for 4 times and most recent one was last week I think" ], [ "I have completed my vaccine +2 booster, and I got covid twice (that's the one I detected, I ain't sure if I got more than twice that aren't detected" ], [ "contribute\nFTFY: attribute\nUnless you're trying to say that you were spreading it.\nI don't think I've gotten it even once. Unless it came and went without any symptoms." ], [ "never kena covid before.." ], [ "Yikes so far 1 time only. Immune system not working ah" ], [ "My colleague said one if his tech at prod floor got covid for the 4th time few days ago. I guess a lot of people catching it more than once." ], [ "how many covid shots have you taken?" ], [ "i've officially only tested positive once and never bothered to test after that.\nI've been sick so often after the border reopened that a lot of what i've been infected with isn't covid-related. Hence, i've stopped testing after some point since the test kit usually shows negative results.\nBut judging by the symptoms of some of my past infections, i'm guessing i had it more than once." ], [ "Can't relate. Haven't gotten COVID yet. Still a virgin.\nGotten sick a couple of times thinking it's COVID. I did a bunch of tests but came out negative. But yeah I don't leave the house much." ], [ "For those who got mild symptoms and positive, what made you test for Covid?", "The fatigue. It is unreal how tired you feel when you’ve contracted covid." ], [ "Had a finance manager reportedly kena 6 times, reportedly cause they’re known to makan ular, aside from losing weight from other health issues I don’t see him with lasting effects" ], [ "I had it once and that was because i was in class and sitting next to a girl with really bad cough (we were all wearing mask). Even then I didnt get sick for at least 5 years prior to covid. Lol\nEven I sleep next to my SO, I don’t usually catch anything. My best guess is the vaccine is doing its job after I had covid the first time." ], [ "I never knew if I got covid or not. Even if I did the symptoms are not noticeable." ], [ "so far, none", "lucky" ], [ "I. Got. Covid before the vaccines was rolled out. After that I never gotten any again" ], [ "Caught it 4 times. Each time I caught it, it sucks less. My last time, i had no symptoms aside from completely losing my sense of taste for a few days." ], [ "My 2nd time was last November. My colleagues tak kena, but my whole family kena 😅" ], [ "I’m on my 3rd covid. Surprisingly the 3rd time wasn’t as bad as the previous 2. It was milder and I recovered relatively faster. Hope everyone stays safe" ], [ "I got it 2 times. Strangely the first one ached less than the second." ], [ "2 Kali bang - satu msia, satu import Thailand. Dua2 mcm hanat" ], [ "I contracted covid twice, once last year and the second one just recently. Both times it was in a crowded celebratory situation, I wasn’t masked, and there was a fair bit of hugging going on. Symptoms were the same as OP, though the second time I kena, the symptoms were a bit milder. Post covid symptoms are another ballgame. The brain fog and fatigue are unreal." ], [ "Last month got my second" ], [ "I think i got more than once but never really checked 😅" ], [ "On the plus side,the medical science has finally take complications of viral infection seriously now with the current pandemic.\nSuch as:\nJust like Sars-Covid 2 virus, Influenza virus can also cause long-flu.\n\"That said, previous research shows that even milder illnesses can lead to long-lasting health issues. Influenza, as well as other common viruses like Epstein-Barr (which causes mononucleosis), have long been thought to trigger myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, a post-infectious illness that shares many symptoms with Long COVID.\nNewer research also underscores the potential effects of even routine illnesses. In a study published in October, researchers tracked people who had gotten sick with one of a variety of respiratory diseases, including COVID-19, the flu, and the common cold, and found that lingering symptoms popped up in each group. Similarly, in one 2022 study of people with various respiratory diseases, most of whom were not hospitalized, about half of people sick with something other than COVID-19 reported ongoing issues three months later. A 2021 study looking at both hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients also found that about 40% of people with influenza experienced at least one symptom commonly associated with Long COVID in the six months after their illnesses.\nTaken together, Al-Aly says, these findings suggest that we need to start thinking of viruses differently. “Before the pandemic, I trivialized infections. [I thought] you get sick for a day or two or three, and then you bounce back, and it’s all over,” Al-Aly says. But as a growing number of studies show that’s not always the case, he has concluded that “infections deserve respect.”\nThat means doing whatever possible to avoid catching and spreading them, he says, including by wearing a mask during periods of heavy transmission, getting all recommended vaccines, and staying home when you feel unwell.\"\nFact is, Viruses mutate and evolve all the time, until the day scientists manage to create universal (insert the name of any known viral agents) vaccine,\nbooster vaccine is needed.\nThink of it as rehearsal for the body's immune system to familiarize and stay sharp, instead of gaining experience by going to full-scale war when the viruses invade the body and causing collateral damage (cytokine storm)." ], [ "I got Covid twice. First time in 2021, the second was this year. Both in Malaysia." ], [ "Me twice. Last time was exactly one year ago today and today my mom positive covid. Fingers crossed I don't get again if not third time. Wanna celebrate Christmas dy la" ], [ "Got it second time in Nov. First time was last year. Second time was easier.\nNow COVID raise again people still not wearing and cough and sneeze." ], [ "Caught it last week, still suffering 🥲 The one time I decide to go watch a movie at the cinema I kena. Mostly recovered except a stubborn coughing fit but my test comes back positive 🫠" ], [ "I caught 2 times in two years. Both first and second time I had my vaccine dy so it was quite mild. My smelling is kinda off ever since." ], [ "I got my third time as well a couple of weeks ago, but locally im guessing. All three times it started with an itch in my throat one night. Then an obvious sore throat and a runny nose the next morning. All three times were pretty sucky. In my late 20s now and i also have diabetes and hypertension, so i dont know if that may have had any effect on how sick i felt. Huhu" ], [ "Never got once , literally skill issues 😆😆" ], [ "Zero desu." ] ]
Vietnamese in JB ???
Curious, why is there many Vietnamese in JB? How they ended up here instead of larger cities like KL/Penang.
[ [ "Singapore service industry", "How do you get a visa to live in Malaysia while you work in Singapore? Must be short term work or KTV. More likely they work in JB service industry as the locals go to Singapore.", "Or they work in JB and \"service\" the Singaporeans...", "\"Service\"\nIs that what I think it is?" ], [ "JB people go work in SG, creating a manpower void that must be filled" ], [ "My grandma house use to be a kampong with a mix of Chinese,Indian and malay.recently a new factory open.bangala and Cambodian all come.neighbour started to get rented out for profit as its the nearest estate from their factory.hluse price go from 5k to 15k.rental also go up from 200 to 700.rental yield is very profitable and therefore more and more owner are hoarding and building new homes.so its now a bangalore town", "15k for a house? Now or back in the 90s? Even if 90s it's so darn cheap! Ghosh\nBut yeah eventually when there's too many foreigners in that particular area, it'd become their town eventually as locals are driven out and opted to move to areas with less foreigners.", "Cons Wooden,structure is more than 100years old .you don't own the land is like slum,near train track,always flood." ], [ "U know i know\nEarn money and let malaysian assimilate to their culture plus viet moi is more open than malaysian girl", "Least misogynistic r/Malaysia person.\nr/kamikazebywords for me.", "\"open\" you say?", "Eaiser to talk topic .", "This isn't lowyat forum lol let's not jump to conclusions" ], [ "Factories?" ], [ "Too much doggies" ], [ "👽👽👽👽👽" ], [ "Malaysians moved to Singapore for better pay, whereas Vietnamese, Bangla, Cambodian etc moved to Malaysia for better pay. The Cycle never comes to an end.\nThose voids for which Malaysians refuse to work must eventually be filled." ] ]
Shipment of Perodua and Toyota cars in Malaysia to be suspended following latest Daihatsu safety test irregularity fiasco
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Our \"national\" brands are just OEM for other brands and then abusing the import tax loophole to sell cheap. All the while we have to subsidize this bullshit.", "What import tax loophole?", "Non-Perodua and non-Proton cars have massive taxes on them.", "Actually... when you travel to other ASEAN countries you'd find that our cars are similarly priced..", "I wouldn’t know. All I remember is that cars in the US are way cheaper. I recall a Camaro is about 30k USD back around 2009.", "Yeah US and EU have super cheap cars. BMW for 40k Euro in DE.", "Again what is the LOOPHOLE? That's just normal import tax. Everything import from overseas have some kind of tax. Not unique Malaysia. It's standard practice for every nation.\nThe whole point is to avoid being 100% dependent on importing a key sector and encouraged investors to build in Malaysia instead.\nFor example, china allow raw materials import with low tax. But highly tax finish goods import.\nWhereas us, import finish goods and their manufacturing job is now a small fraction than before. No good stable job for the uneducated. A net negative for the bottom citizen.", "IMO tax shouldn't caused an item price raise by three times its original price, China overall tax rate is ridiculous as well.", "Standard practice but some countries (like ours) have a massive tax on the cars. The loophole OP is saying is how these Malay cars are glorified rebadges that don’t have the tax on them because they’re Malaysian." ], [ "Honda power of dreams", "I read this in the Honda ad voice.", "\"Geoffrey Nicholson's voice“" ], [ "List of models suspended\nPerodua Global Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Rawang 1. Perodua Axia 2. Perodua Ativa 3. Perodua Bezza\nPerodua Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Rawang 1. Perodua Aruz 2. Perodua Alza 3. Perodua Myvi 4. Toyota Rush\nAssembly Services Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam 1. Toyota Vios\n2. Toyota Yaris\nStatement from Perodua CEO\nWe are doing a detailed assessment on the matter and are currently in discussion with Malaysian authorities as to the impact of this development to our vehicles.\nWe sincerely apologise to our valued customers and the general public for any alarm this announcement may bring. Our intent is to reach out and assure our valued customers.\nWe will share the outcome of this discussion with the public in due course." ], [ "So how far back does the problem extend to? Are 2022 models affected?", "Since Axia 1st model bruh.", "Oh shit" ], [ "Toyota take big L" ], [ "Toyota fans in shambles.\nIs there a looming recall?", "A looming recall of all Perodua models is definitely quite unfeasible to think of. Just the Axias, Bezzas, Myvis, Ativas and Alzas would already account for close to 50% of Malaysia's automotive market.\nBut with shipments suspended, it means the waiting time for people who want a new Perodua or Toyota is going to become longer (possibly exceed 6 months)" ], [ "Just bought the new Yaris in November :( damn.\nAnyone know what will happen? I guess there will be a recall and some time of car left in service center for them to rectify it?" ], [ "I just ordered Myvi…GG", "Buy saga, much cheaper and safer." ] ]
Report: Kuala Lumpur-Singapore Changi route is world's busiest in air travel
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "HSR or even just an simple electrified rail link is definitely needed to reduce the green house gas contribution. Similar to what's happening in France and Italy.", "Tony Fernandes definitely gonna lobby hard against any of such initiatives.", "It's not that straight-forward, initial investment is carbon negative as rail infrastructure needs to be built. You need to chop down or tunnel through anything in the way and also produce the steel needed to create the track and rolling stock.", "True. My statement is simplified. All that concrete usage gonna bump the GHG during construction.\nAlso electric commuter planes might more commercially viable. Especially if they operate Subang-Selatar route. Heck even Ipoh-Selatar might be viable", "Ets+rts should be happening soon", "Why we need HSR when we already got ETS coming up soon? Wouldnt that be redundant?\nI think the money use for HSR should be use to build public transport outside Klang valley. Other part of Malaysia need public transport too.", "My opinion, but a shorter route to KL while connecting unserved cuties, passing by Muar, Melaka, KLIA. Hence improving connectivity as well.\nDoesn't have to be 400kph and above. Even European normal intercity speed of 240 kph is sufficient." ], [ "Try Firefly via Subang (KL) to Seletar (SG), honestly such a convenient experience - 30 minutes to gate at Subang, 20 minutes from plane to Grab stand in Seletar, and both relatively closer to town centre than KLIA/ Changi\nEdit: This was with check-in baggage!" ], [ "Looks like this is going to launch another round of jaguh kampung on why HSR is not needed", "They certainly didn’t take too long to crawl out and join Pony Tua 🤣\nPeople likely said the same about PLUS before it was built, yet PLUS is “indispensable” to them today as if FT1 didn’t exist LMAO" ], [ "This makes it even more imperative, at least from a \"green\"ish standpoint, to build a HSR between Singapore and KL.\nBut it also means that lots of vested interests stand to lose lots of money if an HSR is ever built.", "*Tony Fernandez screeches in his corner", "Despite the 'wow' numbers, it doesn't sustain a HSR.\nConsider the Tokkaido Shinkansen has DAILY ridership of 462,000. That means the HSR between Tokyo Osaka carries the KL-SG traffic in 10 days.\nOperationally, we must remember that Malaysia is only paying for Malaysia's side of the cost, and just our side alone is RM80-100b. This mean ticket fares, as essentially halved as well, because a portion of the revenue is shared with Singapore. Is 50% of the ridership of HSR enough to justify the cost of RM80-100b? Even with all the extended non-direct financial benefits?\nAlso, the HSR opco will not be sustainable too.\nIn fact, the HSR opco will go through shit like Eurostar, that needed financial support from both Paris and London :\nBy the end of 2022, Eurostar had debts of €964m, following French bailouts and commercial loans.[49] Ridership levels returned to around 8 million in 2022, however this figure was still 3 million below 2019 levels.[49] Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Eurostar has not served the Ashford International or Ebbsfleet International stations in the UK, or Calais Frethun in France, and has withdrawn its Disneyland Paris and Avignon services, as part of plans to focus on the most profitable routes.[50][49]\nEven Eurostar, with 8 million ridership between London and Paris, needed financial support. Can 4.9m ridership support KLSGHSR?", "I think the more \"invisible\" advantages out weight the running costs", "Yes but who’s paying for it? It’s such a shame. I would have loved for the HSR to be built. Traveling from SG to see my family in KL couldve be a monthly thing", "It would be for most of us. I would be able to go home monthly if price was right.", "exactly, some people think HSR is maintenance free.\nWe already got ETS coming up, no need HSR. extra 140km/h isnt worth spending billions again on another redundant rail", "I saw a tweet the route need 4x current numbers to break even.", "Invite the airlines to be investors in the HSR." ], [ "From Tony Pua\nSo KL-Singapore Changi is the world's busiest air route. That's 4.9 million seats.\nAssuming a generous RM400/seat, that's worth just under RM2 billion per annum in flight tickets.\nWait a minute, there are still many people pushing to revive the High Speed Rail (HSR) between KL and Singapore as the alternative.\nIf the Govt is to fund it, the last I checked, it amounted to RM80 billion (more or less) including land acquisition cost etc., but excluding interest.\nAt an interest rate of 5%, the HSR project will cost the govt RM4bn in interest alone every year!\n(Whether the demand will even exceed the operational costs is another matter altogether).\nSo the simple conclusion is, at RM4bn of interest cost for HSR, the Govt might as well just pay for all flights between KL and Singapore for FREE, and still save RM2bn!\nIf only Malaysians get it free, then we will save even more! Or instead, offer more free flights!\nRegardless of the configurations, the above example gives the clearest reality check of why the HSR between KL and Singapore just doesn't make any financial sense for Malaysia.\n<image>", "That is some shitty math. This dude is embarrassing, he uses the total revenue without considering the costs and environmental costs of flights.\nMight as well say don't build airport, use the money saved from operating planes and airports to pay for bus ticket fares. Everyone get free bus rides and the govt still save money. Stupid logic.\nAnd even if they don't build the HSR, the govt will never pay for \"free\" flights.\nIf they built the HSR (which will use private funding too obviously), we actually will have a low cost and highly efficient mode of transport to travel throughout peninsular Malaysia.", "low cost\nHsr =/= low cost", "This weekend tickets for Batik Airlines return flights to Singapore is >1000 RM. Malaysia airlines is 1500-2000 RM.\nHSR is going to pretty low cost compared to that.", "Yeah you're comparing XMAS tickets to regular priced tickets.\nAlso, RM50 that HSR's gonna have seasonal pricing too :P", "Not really.... Have you taken HSR in Taiwan/Japan. HSR should have pretty standard pricing. HSR supply can be a lot more elastic than flights, and can scale up to one train every 10 minutes. 1 train already has the capacity of at least 2 of the standard planes plying this route. High supply will guarantee to bring prices down, basic economics.\nIn Taiwan, after HSR came live, almost all the domestic flights in the country came to a halt because HSR was so efficient and low cost in getting people around. And Taiwan has even less population than Malaysia alone.", "Yes the taiwan hsr sith 57million ridership (10x our kl sg traffic) that needed taiwanese govt bailout", "Funny that you think Malaysia and Singapore won't hit that number easily when Malaysia + Singapore population is 39 million combined, while Taiwan only has 23 million people.\nYou're discounting all the interstates domestic travel within Malaysia and only counting existing flights. Clearly the demand is much higher given how much airlines can jack up the price for this route.\nInvestment in public infrastructure is always good for the economy in the long term.\nSure, you can save that little bit of money, which will go to politician crony companies or subsidize some shit. But 10 years later, nothing changes, economy still stagnant, things get more expensive and your subsidies can buy lesser goods.\nOr we can build the HSR, improve the economy, give more opportunities to our people to make more money instead of depending on government subsidies. Think long term.", "And hsr is the best opportunity for budget constrained msia when we have so many low lying fruits to solve like fixing our strugging traffic condition, our water infra, our rotting healthcare infrastructure, our shitting education system. Yes, totally monyet dihutan disusukan, bayi kat rumah mati kelaparan.\nHsr maybe a \"good\" project, but it is top shelf stuff. We have lower shelf shit to solve", "HSR is only part of the solution that a comprehensive transport roadmap should entail.\nTraffic planning, infrastructure improvement/expansion, last-mile integration, employee benefits, and telecommuting are all part of a master plan as to how we fix low-lying fruit.\nThat's why you have ministers in place to lead policy-creation to improve transport, health, infrastructure and education. I've mentioned before but governments provide essential services and public infrastructure that are not meant to be profit-making in and of themselves, the profit comes by enabling economic sectors, from taxation of business/sales as people travel (work/tourism/travel), the expansion of business and homes into under-developed towns/cities and revitalization of core city districts close to transport networks.\nIn that sense, P2P airlines only work to serve the points that airlines are willing to fly to. Sure, you could fly from Melaka to Seletar and vice-versa but it wouldn't be profitable but a HSR that goes KL-Tanjong Pagar within 1.2 hours with a 5min stop in Melaka would make so much more sense since the train is a fixed rail that would stop along the way anyway if it was planned as such.", "you talk like ETS didnt exist.\nETS replace the role of HSR. We dont need HSR when we are building ETS to south.", "Obviously he is biased", "Obviously he is dumb. If only HSR stop at KL and does not take into account further economical benefits including train to BKK. If HSR takes the same time a end to end plane trip then sure.", "Anything is a waste of money for this guy LOL\nIn the end, what happened to LRT3 and MRT2?", "This Tony guy kinda failed in economics" ], [ "Ugh I h8 them" ], [ "Only 4.9m?" ] ]
PMX given the guard of honor by staff of the Imperial Hotel Tokyo
[ [ "Japanese hospitality at its finest" ], [ "Boleh tak Malaysia buat budaya macam ni, idk tapi nampak cool je tengok", "Budaya macam ni di North Korea meluas", "" ], [ "Member menang liga ke" ], [ "Damn that’s a Toyota Century r/kereta" ], [ "Don’t they have work to do ?" ], [ "Why did they give a guard of honor to the PMX ?" ], [ "What's an imperial hotel" ], [ "lets just say we are of economic importance to them." ] ]
Job Scam?
Hello! My friend was recently offered a Customer Service job in KL from the website "Upwork". They mentioned something along the lines of encouraging new recruits to work in Cambodia, but Malaysia is fine as well. The pay is around RM4000 a month. Is that amount normal for a Customer Service job in Malaysia? I've heard about potential job scams that traffick people to work in countries like Cambodia for some form of fraud company. The location of the office was not disclosed as the recruiter does not have the full details yet (their words). Should I try setting up an interview with them? (The recruiter said my friend could recommend the job for someone else, and he told me check) Mostly to check it out to see if it's legitimate. Or would that be too risky? Thank you! Edit: Thanks guys for your inputs!
[ [ "Scam. Inform the polis", "Gotcha. I don't have enough details of the company so I'm not sure how to currently. But thanks for the help!" ], [ "They can't even share the office location... That's already a red flag. Don't even bother continuing interaction with them and don't share any more personal information with them.", "Yeah I found it suspicious. But my friend wanted me to maybe try researching more about the job? Mostly to check if it's legitimate still. Although yeah best not to disclose too much to them. Thanks!", "He wanted you to kena kidnap. Must hate your guts or something.", "Lol.. Also thought it was weird. OP's friend is the one who got the \"job\" offer but OP is the one thinking of setting up an interview with them to supposedly check the company's legitimacy....? Errr OP, why even bother to go that far for your friend... It's an obvious scam. If the recruiter doesn't even know where the office that they're recruiting for is at (basic information), just close the case lah", "True it is very suspicious all things considered! But it's mostly because he's not able to atm, and he's a good friend! Although yeah again this is kinda obvious tbh, they're not disclosing anything at all. Thanks though!" ], [ "Please don't . Why would anyone want to pay you Rm4k for scamming people in Myanmar/Laos/Cambodia when they can kidnap you and use you like a slave? They can even threaten you and sell your organs and feed you nutritious farmland mouse to keep you healthy.", "True. I'm mostly wondering about the safety of it as they allow work in Malaysia as well. Although maybe they can still threaten and kidnap you too here somehow? I'm not too sure." ], [ "Damn working in Cambodia give rm4k? Good luck lol ( don't go it's scam)", "Lol I won't! Thanks!" ], [ "There are customer service roles paying 4K in Malaysia BUT THIS IS certainly a scam if you don’t even have company address which is basic non-confidential info AND have to go work in Cambodia. Don’t do it.", "And 4K is usually for senior customer service role with ~2 years of experience, not a random fresh recruit", "Really? Damn I guess that's a fair price here. But yeah I've looked at the job market and the most I've seen is RM3000 for SPM graduates for the same kind of job! Thanks!", "Honestly yeah there isn't any information on the company's, including the name as well. Although they did say you can work in Malaysia, not just Cambodia! Not sure if that changes anything though. Thanks!" ], [ "I’m sorry to have to say this, but know your value. If you have at most SPM and absolutely no track record in sales to speak off, no one is going to offer you RM4K pay all of the sudden.\nUnless you are a product. And help others by reporting this, at the very least in social media by the PDRM or something.\nYou may save a life.", "Ah I see! Thanks! I was told that it was because my friend had the qualifications (SPM graduate, knows the required languages and such), which is why they asked him for a job interview. Although now I'm not too sure if that's the actual reason.\nBut sure! The recruiter hasn't disclosed much information yet besides asking for an interview (which they said they'll give me the information). So I'll be wary!", "Hahaha! The language requirement is so that your friend can communicate with the gangster boss and scam people from different countries.", "Honestly yeah that's my initial thought! I've heard Malaysians are sought after for these scams because they can speak multiple languages", "When the only qualification I had to show for once upon a time was SPM, I was naive enough to go to all these job interviews promising all sorts of things. It was in the early 2000's, and I found out that the majority was one of those commodity trading scam jobs.\nSo no, heck, rarely if ever SPM need interview for job like you have a degree with CV and all.\nNot to say there isn't a legit job in sales making money - landed one with Citibank in their sales, but even then the basic was RM1500 with the extras depending on your sales performance. Even then, was called up for an interview because I managed to sell an expensive luxury item to one of the reps who asked for my number.", "Gotcha! I guess I gotta be more careful with these job offers. But also congrats on the sales though! Citibank is a more stable place to work. But thanks!", "OP what you're describing is very similar to this below:\nhttps://youtu.be/PhAgBjVGPIM?si=UhFB7llqyao46O_d\nHelp to spread the word." ], [ "telltale signs of scam everywhere. on a side note, your friend must be you're BFF or something, looking at the extent you're willing to go for him.", "Yeah I expected that, sadly, just sounded a bit plausible toba degree. But thanks though! And yeah he is!" ], [ "Don't even try to set interview. They possibly can drug you to sleep and ship you some where. A very dangerous thing to do.", "Damn really? That's scary af ngl. How would they even do that? But thanks!", "Errr... sleeping tablet in drinks?", "Fair point! Should've been obvious, sorry. But thanks!", "They can even place the drug on the doorknob. All you have to do is touch it when you’re opening the door and you’re KO. Bro, you’re so fucking naive.", "Damn that's new to me tbh. But yeah kinda am! Thanks for the help!" ], [ "Sounds like promote as work in KL but actual job is work in Cambodia lol.", "Most likely! But they have said they'll allow work in Malaysia as well. Which adds a level of trust? I'm not sure how they are able to kidnap or traffick if it's an interview, although drugging you is a possibility.", "I mean that's how they get people to apply. Imagine if they say work in Cambodia right from start who want to apply lol. Upwork is for remote work in the first place.", "Lol true. I guess that is kind of a smart tactic! Thanks though!" ], [ "S C A M" ], [ "Be wary of anything work related to Cambodia, too fishy and too risky. Stay safe and vigilant!", "Gotcha! Thanks!" ], [ "I saw a documentary (albeit the news media company gives me biased vibes) that pretty much did this tactic to scam and kidnap people.\nhttps://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/how-job-scam-turned-me-scammer-im-still-seeking-justice-3428606", "Thanks! Man it sucks the man is still suffering after escaping tbh. I'll try to show it to him!" ], [ "Your friend is a sell piglets agent...call the po po NOW!!", "LOL nah! He's just in need of a decent paying job atm. But I'll report the organisation if I get any additional information", "" ], [ "Cambodia lol already a huge red flag.\nRun away quickly if u cherish ur organ.." ], [ "If u want to lose a kidney or two.. this is the job for you 🤣" ], [ "Upwork is a legit platform that I’ve used, but that sounds like a scam. The point of Upwork is that you are a freelancer - you don’t go into a set office. I’ve never had to physically meet a client, ever. It’s so unusual. It’s not a recruitment platform for those types of jobs.\nAlso there are scammers on Upwork who’ll take your work and not pay you. Be careful.", "I'll make sure to be careful, but if that's what the website is for then yeah what I'm receiving is really sketchy as a whole. Does Upwork run a background check for potential employers though? It's weirdly sketchy! But thanks!", "Not to my knowledge no - it’s pretty much a free for all, so no background checks on either the employer or the freelancer.\nAs a freelancer, usually you’d try to get jobs from clients who already have a track record of good reviews from other freelancers. With new clients, it can be risky, but as long as the work is fully virtual, they don’t ask for payment from you, and the communication is good, I’ve had decent experiences (though I’ve also had 1-2 instances of these new no record clients not paying)", "Gotcha! I'm a bit new to the website so it's a bit hard to navigate through potential scams and such. Gotta be careful! Thanks again for your help!", "Good luck! Worth saying that I’ve found some great clients on Upwork in the past, and if you work hard and produce good quality work, you can earn a very decent wage.\nI found it hard at the start because I didn’t have an established profile and track record, so I charged less and put in extra effort when applying for roles. Over time it gets easier. You got this!" ], [ "Scam. CNA Insider did a video on a job scam victim on YouTube. Can take a look.", "Will do! I think I've received a few of them here which has been insightful. Thank you!", "Yeah it was really sad and scary. Felt really bad for the guy. Take care and good luck!" ], [ "> Cambodia\n'nuf said. It's a scam." ], [ "If they use some pretty amoi pic as their dp. Confirm scam also." ], [ "You can get paid in Upwork, just ask them to bank in using that platform and work remotely, see how far they are going for the scam. Try to earn a little back from them scammers." ], [ "Dont go" ], [ "Just go for the interview. When they ask you where are you, tell them you've already arrived in office hours ago. Cos .... Upwork..... Remote..... From ...home......." ], [ "damn please becareful lots of cases where malaysian got scammed to go countries like thailand combodia to do these kind of work. They will promote their office to be nice and all, good pay, good environment then when you get there, you are being tortured, and you are scamming people as well basically doing illegal work for gangsters. Even their own countries authorities are involved, military as well so once you get in there its damn hard to get out.\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/02/879672/not-my-job-foreign-ministers-job-chon-siang\nread this article above where they got scammed by a well known scamming placed called kk garden in Myanmar. There is also a movie being made based on real life situation of china people getting scammed to work at thailand for online betting website called 'No more bets' Do check these out and watch the movie with your friend and you might have a clearer understanding of how these industries work" ], [ "Just saw an article on CNN yesterday. POV from people getting scammed and those who got scammed into doing it. Please be very careful. https://cnn.it/479rsB7" ], [ "Probably a remote job?" ], [ "only one way to find out" ], [ "Go to Columbia too dangerous, but should be safe if setup online interview?", "They require a resume or cv first before setting up the interview, which sounds normal I think? But it does contain personal information which I'm kinda wary to give tbh! But thanks! Maybe I can do that instead ngl!" ], [ "give me that job,plz" ], [ "Please show your friend this video: https://youtu.be/PhAgBjVGPIM?si=xumB1JBD8w9mRbQD" ], [ "Recently 2 kids were kidnapped to Cambodia to work at some call jobs too.. they managed to get a phone to reach out about their situation but they're pretty much stuck there and kept alive as long as they comply" ], [ "hey whats upwork" ], [ "My sister almost fell for the same scam. Offering job at Korea with 3k pay. Nah, next thing you know you won't be back" ], [ "Maybe they will tell you go overseas job training X months. Just so you tell your family. Then gg.\nGo Singapore work better la if you really so keen to work for more salary." ] ]
‘I’ve had to cut back’: Malaysia, Asia feel bite of India’s onion export ban
[ "Food" ]
[ [ "Onion planting side gig on my yard:26554:" ], [ "Price of onion is high now", "brb checking if i have spare land", "I tried growing onion. I failed badly, and ended up with a really stinky plot of land. Rotten onions stink so bad.", "well on the upside vampires wont come kacau u at night..", "Vampires suck D I mean scared of garlic not onion", "so you're immortal. why worry about money? 😉", "I believe vampire scare of garlic instead.", "The cost to produce onion here is high. Which is why not many farmers want to do it and depend on import.", "It's not that easy. It's not as simple as water+sunlight+soil." ], [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>", "PS: Tis a joke, I know I can zoom in. Stock your pantries everyone, price of stuff gonna get sky high soon. Especially since the Suez canal shipping lane is getting harassed by the Houthis.", "Zoom in la. People already bypass paywall liao.", "Hahahaha I know, just wanted an opportunity to use that meme 😂", "", "😂", "u can zoom in bruh 😭😔", "I appreciate that you're doing this, but can you not just copy paste the text like everyone else?" ], [ "But i love cucur bawang T T. Cucur bawang is my go to comfort food.", "Cucur bilis not bad what. My grandma did cucur from old ikan goreng instead, fun picking out the stray bones from the cucur.", "Cucur udang my guy.", "I'm allergic to crustaceans." ], [ "My roti telur bawang :26559::26559:" ], [ "Remind me of Internet Historian video about that one guy that became onion driver to cross states lmao", "Internet Plagiarism*", "What's this new drama again? May I have some video on this?", "Hbomberguy YouTube plagiarism" ], [ "Noticed that the stocks of onion in my usual grocery store is not fresh. Guessing they have difficulty stocking new ones." ], [ "The americans and the cinas control the world's services and manufacturing, giving them the leverage this century. India has neither of this.\nHowever, they do have agriculture. Semiconductors and EV is not going to be on everyone's mind when food prices hike up and the general inflation skyrockets. The recent rice ban and now onions is an example.", "Climate change will harm their agriculture heavily so we all should prepare for that (organic farming in your garden or something) imo.\nEVs will definitely come because it's the new gen car which everyone will eventually use. Semiconductor is for national security since everyone is restricting each other now", "Climate change will affect every country. As it stands, since India is one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, it won't affect them as much as say Singapore.\nEV's and semicons will have less significance when you can't put food on the table. Revolutions don't happen because scarcity of contemporary technology. It happens when fathers can't provide food for their children. Famine will always be the final push to peasant uprising and fall of the status quo." ], [ "No need for onion, just add ajinamoto, everything will taste good" ], [ ":26554:" ], [ "Aint we have mak cik onion? Can't we ask them for spare onion? /jk" ], [ "Certain Hindu and Buddhist groups do not consume onion and garlic. This can be seen in vegetarian restaurants owned by members of the group, where all food has no onion or garlic.\nNow is the time when we learn to eat like them.", "Onion and garlic are required ingredients for many malay dishes. In fact, i dont know a single malay dish recipe that doesnt use oinion and garlic except grilled seafood.", "Usually the sambal used to baste the seafood had them,unless ppl just use kunyit instead.", "The ikan bakar dip is full of onions and shallots too.\ni dont know a single malay dish recipe that doesnt use oinion and garlic\nChallenge to make kuih full of onions accepted. /s", "It's a Buddhist concept called 五葷三厭.\nNo cooked garlic, no alpine leeks, no onions, no chives, no asafoetidas.", "For Hindus one of the reasons is to reduce being horny Rajas (रजस्)", "Jains are the main group within India who are associated with the no onion and garlic diet.\nI know it's a religious thing now but I have to wonder if it started as a cost cutting measure at some point in ancient India 😂", "Good observation.\nWhy Jains don’t eat Onion & Garlic? | Keerthi History #history #india #jainism #shorts - YouTube\nThis is the reason for Jainism, perhaps the most austere. For the other religions, they could have other reasons.", "No wonder those vegetarian restaurants food have no “oomph”.", "I watched a good documentary but forgot which one. There are many garlic and onion substitutes that work just as well. But I think they are not well marketed or produced sufficiently for export .", "I think those substitutes are also targeting a niche market - not just the religious ppl who avoid onions, but also those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome who can't consume garlic / onion." ], [ "LOL onions can grow in Malaysia you just have to be rajin. All that time spent sitting on your ass scrolling your handphone would be better planting and taking care of plants. *continues sitting on my ass and scrolling anyways", "Instructions unclear. Handphone in pot. Scrolling kangkung." ], [ "Just use garlic instead!" ], [ "As a proud member of r/OnionHate I see this as an absolute win" ], [ "Who cares , aslong i get more right vote , where economy doesn't matter" ], [ "Use shallots instead of onions." ], [ "I'm guessing this only affects red onions? The yellow onions in the supermarket are labeled as Holland onions, with the more expensive ones from Australia or the UK; while the red ones are the ones from India." ] ]
Orang Barat ni merapu apa? If we did eradicate the cinas, why am I employed under one?
[ "Satire" ]
[ [ "seriously, what happened that weekend?", "Ethnic Chinese become Malaysian. How dare them 😡", "Pendatang became penduduk.\nSo cina became less than 2% because all became malaysian.\nNow became 20% because they are reidentified by \"THE NATIVE\" as cina again.\nThe math tallied.\n/bigbrain" ], [ "The fuck actually happened? 32% to 2% is a really really huge drop, meaning there would have been way more Indians than Chinese. Smells like BS", "It is. Probably, Israeli Zionist Hasbara pro-genocide propaganda is angry about our government's decisions.", "That is some fucking tongue twister 3000 shit. It hurt my brain." ], [ "Well 10 bucks on it's just another American who doesn't know what she's yapping about." ], [ "Hasbara working full force? Like did they confused Indonesia with Malaysia?" ], [ "lol israel i working fulltime." ], [ "Wtf is this BS? No way Chinese population went that low especially when Singapore is still within Malaysia" ], [ "Because in fairness the cinas have bred up to 20% again. Dude cant you read??" ], [ "Who let this bitch cook? Sila bertanggungjawab" ], [ "Yeah even if she is using correct stats which she is far off, stats without context means absolute nothing. Percentage wise yes the chinese population has decreased to ~20% from ~30% but thats mainly because malay breed more. Population numbers for all races except for others has never drop down once since the independence (source)" ], [ "Is this related to 13May ?", "If it's 13 May, then the loss would be for both Malays and Chinese. This propaganda is misleading regardless.", "Even if it, timeline doesnt add up, plus the casualty percentage aint that high.\nMember confuse Malaysia ngn Indonesia kot lmao", "Statistically 13may would have been a drop in the bucket, not even 0.05%(and that's even assuming all the deathd are Chinese)" ] ]
ASB: Jumlah pengagihan pendapatan sebanyak 5.25 sen seunit meliputi pengagihan pendapatan sebanyak 4.25 sen seunit dan bonus 1.00 sen seunit.
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "I’ve noticed asb has been advertising its funds to non Malays more and more. So if you’re looking for a safe investment vehicle I would defo consider", "That is ASM, which is different with ASB. It is hard to purchase unit because of it's limited units, unlike ASB which is unlimited units. Lately they increase it though, and had a promotion with TnG.", "No you can get those through the app now or through the epf portal. It's super easy now.", "please don't lie to me, the last time I tried a month or two back I still can't deposit any amount into my ASM3, even RM100 also tak jadi", "Serious shit. Just use the app or I Invest on the epf website. Thing is going through epf they'll only take from your 2nd acc and limit the investment amount. But if you are doing it through the app it's unlimited.", "Yeah but the Non bumiputera one is kinda hard to get, you really need to be alert when the registration or request is open.", "Depends on which funds you are looking to invest into also. Yes, some slots for a fund are limited. But ASNB has 16-17 (?) funds overall. Last I checked (few months back) all were still open.", "I think the question is how do those that opened to non-bumi perform compared to the bumi-only funds and FD. Previously, someone I know told me it wasn't that great.", "If we see it from a technical perspective, it makes sense. Because the bumi funds are freaking huge (just the number of accounts opened is enough to give you a rough estimate of how big it is) compared to the non-bumi funds. So larger funds means more investment opportunities in the market, which means more return for ASNB as a company, which means more return for investors.\nTo compare, bumi funds give a return of 4-5% in recent years. And non-bumi funds give a return of around 3-4% in the same period.\nIt's not THAT amazing. HOWEVER, it's still one of the safest investment options in the market today with arguably pretty decent returns. So choose and plan your money wisely.\n(Source: Used to be a financial advisor for 6+ years)", "I think more slots are open hence why the marketing posters I’ve been seeing have Chinese people on them. Made me chuckle.", "I believe the ROI for funds that open to non-Malays are lower." ], [ "Isn't last year is 5.5 ? 5.0 for dividen ,0.5 bonus for the first 10k ?", "No, last year was 3.35 and bonus 1.25 for first 30k", "Hahahaha my bad so it's during PMX era, PMX best?", "sure" ], [ "How does this work, let's say invest either 1k 10k 100k, 1m what would the return look like? Does it beat inflation?", "Currently the inflation is 1.8%.\nSo I assume that a yes?\nhttps://open.dosm.gov.my/dashboard/consumer-prices", "Currently the inflation is 1.8%\nAnd other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself. Even the Chief Strategy Officer of KWSP himself called bullshit on that figure", "Do you have any data that would show otherwise, besides anecdotal evidence?\nMost of the inflation happened last year, 2022 vs 2021 - but 2023 v 2022 was not as inflationary according to the data. Sure if you compare 2023 v 2021 anecdotally then it’s a lot more than 2%. The fact is some large components of the consumer basket, like rents and fuel, did not really rise as much.", "What i meant was you need to take the inflation value provided by DOSM with a heap of salt because some of the consumer basket components' prices are regulated. Inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy, so just compare how much one would pay for roti canai and teh tarik over time. I bet the price increase will be more than a handful of %.", "But that is the definition of inflation, what consumers ultimately pay for their basket of goods, net of subsidies.\nYes, food and f&b inflation is higher than normal, no doubt about that. But food and f&b are not the entirety of the basket, and especially not Teh tarik and roti canai, so you can’t just extrapolate these datapoints as overall inflation for the country.", "yes food inflation in malaysia is very bad. Other countries have targeted taxes while we tax our necessities. That is how other countries can keep their inflation lower and necessities more affordable since they do not tax groceries. for instance people complain VAT in EU is above 20% and crazy high but everything you need to buy say diapers, food, clothes are all exempt but computers arent considered a necessity so get the high tax. However even though our tax is lower we pay through the nose compared to US for computer parts. It was cheaper for me to import a GPU from US than to buy from lowyat, save a few hundred RM for a med range GPU but now gov is jealous so started adding more taxes for buying stuff from outside. The problem is if we cant locally provide stuff cheaper than the first world for the exact same item that is made in china, we gotta question ourselves as to where that money goes if our paycheck is very small.\nSame goes for food. we earn small but pay equivalent in food after equalising currency to other countries.", "How's the calculation work for every rm x we get back 0.055 so return would dl be x * 0.055?", "its like stocks, every year you get a return. Except there is no limit to when and how much you can put in. So if you put in rm 100 in a year, (i think the money has to be in for a minimum amount of time) say ASB makes 5% then you make rm 5 which auto adds to your investment for the next year. The only difference between ASB and say stocks is that your profits go back into investing while stocks dont automatically go back into investing as its profit paid back into your account automatically. You can still take the profit out from ASB but ASB and EPF are long term safe investments you generally dont want to touch the profit from.", "ASB is a safe investment. Its not your braggable finance ass jerk who gets 30% ROI, but its a safe investment that typically performs well. your finance jerk may get some losses at times but the ASB focuses on less risky investments where making a loss should be avoided but the profit is decent. Malaysia is one of the countries with decent safe investment options. Our epf and asb do okish while other countries rely on privatised institutions like their bank offers. Even asb and pef beat our own local bank investment options.\nSure its not high, but at least you dont need to be experienced and have studied finance and economics so you can work your full time job and not worry about your investment. If you got no time to research and invest, epf and asb should be your minimum. Its not stocks either though some stocks are a safe investment but low ROI, coca cola being an example where the stock value is stable, theres profit but its also not a large profit and penny stocks isnt advisable here either due to fees/overheads while to buy a single stock requires forking out quite a bit so in comparison to penny stocks ASB is a huge plus for us plebs who cant afford to buy a good single stock." ], [ "Nothing to see here for nons." ], [ "Free 10k noice" ], [ "FWIW the max you can put in ASB is 300k so the max dividend you can get is 15750, which average to 1,312 per month before any deductions. So you still can't live off from just ASB alone. Although if you're in a position where you can put 300k in ASB you're most likely quite well-off already.", "Honestly i can. As a forever childless homo, who loves a simple minimalist life, i can survive on very little. Once my car loan has been paid off at least. RM500 for renting a rural house, RM300 for car maintenance and fuel, and the rest to grocery for home cooking.\nMay need some extra gig work for health insurance, but i will have all the time in the world for that.", "sometimes i thank god for being a fag at least i can live a simple life without having the commitment of raising up a family, i know im not a high maintenance guy just as long as i can cover my basic need that’s all that matters", "Not true", "elaborate", "You can write a letter and request for more. Source= me", "What’s the limit you think?", "There is no limit with compounding interest", "does the 300k including the dividend or 300k just from me?", "From my understanding of the FAQ, from you:\nhttps://www.asnb.com.my/asnbv2_2funds_EN.php#asb" ], [ "ASM always no unit, already give up", "ASM units available, i just bought today.. i heard until dec 31", "Wow thanks for letting us know =)", "Thanks for the info", "Got got. Bought on the 19th and 20th December. Go try your luck today.", "Wow, really got, Thanks!", "Yay!! You're most welcome" ], [ "My ASB returns expected to be RM700 because Ive moved all of them into crypto lol.\nMy total initial capital ~40k; diversified\nASB returns = 700 (5.25%)\nUS Stock returns = 1700 (6.9%, would be more if not bcause of currency exchange)\nWahed returns = 560 (10%)\nCrypto returns = 5k (11%, currently all in last nov)\nJust sharing", "Is wahedinvest good?", "Imo really good for long term 5-10yrs savings, maybe even better than doing stock picking like I did for US Stock (easy, hassle free).\nRecommend to get either Thematic Portfolio (US Stock) or Diversify Portfolio (Agressive/Very Aggressive-Mine). Then just DCA RM300-500 every month. I started last year which was during bear market, so that’s why I got quite high ~10% even in just 1 year (I think could prob get more if I chose Thematic portfolio).", "can you check the dividend income from monthly report?", "Nope. Statement not available rn it seems. For ASB right?", "ouh no. from wahedinvest.", "Wahed is unlike Asb does not give dividen, more of Profit/Gain. This can go up and down, you should be able to see it in your monthly statement.", "Anything not connected to ringgit is ultimately better in the long run. Now our currency is indeed going to the trash heap. Soon we can start business selling cheap steam key", "a lot of ad news on the internet is fake that are trying to scam you by saying stuff like ringgit is going down or trash. In truth the ringgit hasnt changed much. Yes its lower but the key thing is to diversify. Not all investments will make it but having different currencies is helpful if you want to avoid converting. The key thing is to avoid converting.\nIf you plan to live in malaysia for the rest of your life, you will have a tough time explaining to LHDN when they see you getting more money than your income from undisclosed sources, so even if you do well offshore and do the stupid thing of buying a merc, they will start to question where your money come from.\nAlso at times other currencies can go crazy too so your foreign investments arent as secure as you think. Its not about investing in US because many currencies move in opposite direction to the dollar. Today RM is weaker than dollar, tomorrow when world peace happens it can end up being the opposite. When the world is doing better, the dollar drops and suddenly your $ isnt worth as much and you may have just lost a few % of your investment. This is the danger with currency. Currencies tend to follow the same value trend nowadays except during economic crashes like what happened to greece and turkey. So foreign investments run the risk of currency fluctuations when you finally want the money and LHDN on your life if you stupidly live the \"high life\" with unreliable shit heaps like range rover and mercs, blocky houses with flat concrete roof that leaks.", "I report all my foreign income. You are being hyterical, LHDN is not trying to get you. They just want their due. I'm not living high life, i'm trying to save money so that i dont beg at 65 or have to work at until dying.", "i know, im saying given that you invest in a foreign way its more on how you report to LHDN due to currency differences. On one hand you could report your yearly profits that you do not take out, but that would be speculation, on the other hand you can report all at once but do a bit more complicated accounting on taxes owed over the years rather than being in a different tax bracket all of a sudden for that 1 year.\nHowever i still think its only viable if you can report to LHDN when you take out the money rather than constantly, given currency differences that make it difficult if you did not take out the money.", "How do you invest in US stocks?", "M+ global, honestly I don’t recommend. They pretty much control Forex exchange rate, e.g current market rate to buy a dollar is 4.65 but in app 4.70 (pay more), same case when converting back (you get less) thus lose a lot and fee for currency exchange is not transparent enough. My profit from stocks ~9.8% but actual gained only becomes 6.91% after all the fees. Feel robbed.\nI would say if total fees more than 1-2% are not good.", "how do you put money in the app? is it via bank transfer or card? because there are ways around their currency exchange rates.\nexchanging currency always has fees but i've seen services with less than 1% fees in total (both static and dynamic)", "Deposit using FPX transfer from bank. Other ways?\nDeposit in MYR, the conversion happens when we buy stocks. This is the way that im aware of.", "i see, in that case just have a wise account and use that to hold the currency first before transferring to the app via that account. Should get around the exchange rate issue if the rate isnt what you like.\nDo they charge fees ontop the exchange rate or only investment fees?", "I believe they do, but again it’s very difficult for you to calculate because they aren’t even being transparent on the exact exchange rate that applied when you convert your money.", "IBKR, transfer funds with Wise", "I wonder what kind of crypto did you all in on last Nov with a mere 11% gain?\nBTC itself has more than double this year.", "Actually started all in late Nov until early Dec. Initially had small amount invested and gained 40%+, but the percentage got diluted because im putting more capital Haha", "Im quite commit to convert like a quarter of my asb into cryto once they done giving out dividens on luno. Smart move ke bro?", "Only put money that you can afford to lose on crypto. If you can’t handle losing quarter of your asb money if crypto goes down, dont do it.", "", "Don’t be greedy bro, do financial planning based on the risk you are comfortable to take, not on the returns you hope to achieve to sustain a particular lifestyle.\nExpecting a 10-20% yearly return on invested capital is unrealistic and not sustainable over long periods, except on very specialised private market investments that are not available for normal retail investors.\nRemember: past returns are not indicative of future returns", "Cryptoassets are speculative - don’t be confuses between speculating and investing my friend. And achievable long-run returns are closer to 5-7%, realistically. If there was an easy way to make 10-20% consistently, you can be sure that professional investors would already have done so - and pushed asset prices up so that expected returns fall. It’s hubris to think that as everyday retail investors we can beat the market or professional investors who’s 24/7 job is literally to do so.", "For Bitcoin, there’s ETF and halving incoming which is why it’s going up again. Another up and down cycle. You need to know when you want to go in and out if you want to get profit. Just remember that you can lose money. Asb is zero risk so of course it’s not much/not fair to compare." ], [ "So how do I count this?\n1 unit I own = 5.25 cents?\nEdit: Also, is 5.25 cents literally just cents or 5 ringgit and 25 cents?", "You'll get 5.25 cents. To put it in physical money term, you'll get the smallest value coin in current circulation, and an imaginary 1 cent chopped into 4.\nAlso you can't own less than 10 unit (RM10), so lets assume that's your minimum. If that is your balance on 31st Dec, you will get 52.5 cents. Cent = 1/100 of a ringgit.", "Ooh interesting. Thanks for the input fellow Malaysian", "1 unit = RM 1 and you get 5.25 sen for each unit. This means you get 5.25% of the amount of money you have in asb.", "Wow bro, which school you grad from. It's pretty clear written as cents. Mana datang 5 ringgit?", "Wtf who say 5 ringgit lmao, it means every 1 unit (RM1) you have, you earned 5.25sen.\nRM1 can earn RM5 straightaway, either scam, or ASNB bet all to Nvidia (or anything really rocketed) lmao." ], [ "I wonder why they couldn't do the same for the funds accessible to nons?" ], [ "In all honesty if you got like 300k to invest, go someplace else lo. 15k for 300k is not worth it imo. For a year too." ], [ "https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/694776" ] ]
Top 10 busiest international flight routes in 2023
The deteriorating performance of the Madani government after one-year in power
[ [ "What's the alternative? An orthodox Islamic govt coalition with a track record of ethnocentrism.", "We always say this but everyday they stray nearer to the alternative", "Well, truth be told, the current government and the alternative are growing less distinguishable by the day.", "People like to say this but when they live in a PAS area then suddenly they believe in the current government", "America dealing with republican/trump and republican/trump lite, Malaysia has PAS and PAS lite", "Doesn't mean the government can't be criticized. A lot of incompetence.\nFahmi is a glaring example.", "So what, people cant complain / critic the government just because the alternative is what you pointed out ?", "The guy that wrote this opinion piece is Ramasamy, the same guy that complains the lack of tamil indians representations in the cabinet and then whine about Anwar unable to look at the country beyond the racial and religious lens.", "does the person matter ?\nWhat matters is its true or not . not the person.", "does the person matter ?\nOutright hypocrites shouldn't be given a platform to whine, this is like Republicans bragging in Newsmax/Fox/OANN about how pro-life they are and how the Dems are pro-murder while they are threatening women with ectopic pregnancies with jail if they seek abortion.\nOr just like PAS complaining about how other people are threatening social harmony by stating a constitutional fact that there are no restrictions on a PM's race while they themselves are parroting hate speech. True or not, their opinions essentially become worthless.\nTLDR: Of course this doesn't mean people shouldn't criticize govts of the day, but some people should just STFU if they're doing the same exact thing they're accusing/insinuating others of doing.", "anddddd he's gone.", "PH fanboy detected" ], [ "“Malaysia is unlikely to change. Even if it succeeds, everything will only return to the original point, because the issue of racial conflicts cannot be resolved. Even if the opposition party is in power and wants to overthrow the original policy of favoring indigenous people and promote the new Malaysia of Malaysians, that accounts for the population, a higher proportion of Malays will be incited by the opposition to racial sentiment to teach the government with votes. In the end they will only last at most one general election, and they will have to pay a heavy political price. Moreover, I see that these various opposition parties (Pakatan) are allied just because they want to seize power. In general, they do not have clear direction on how to lead and manage the country.\" - Lee Kuan Yew's One Man’s View of the World", "ok noted Mr Lee. you lah the best leader in world.", "Ah yes, lee kuan yew the guy who tried to make \"malaysia malaysian\" and when he failed and became the prime minister of singapore he introduced \"singapore singaporean\".\nThe idea of a country where everyone is treated equally with no privilage given to anyone, a merit based society, abolishing vernacular school, etc and then boom SAP was introduced....\n\"The Special Assistance Plan (SAP) was introduced in 1979 as a long-term scheme to preserve the best Chinese-stream schools so as to develop effectively bilingual students who were inculcated with traditional Chinese values.\"\nSpecial Assisstance Plan was made to help safeguarding the chinese culture and demographic in the so called \"merit based equal society\" of singapore......", "Interesting, this topic is about Madani performance and im just quoting what Lee said about Msia in his book and it seems correct.\nRegarding what you said, might be true i guess, but atleast the people there wiping their tears with sgd notes i guess.", "UMNO :" ], [ "Anwar lacks the basic stature of statesman to look at the country beyond the racial and religious lens.\nHe is the perfect reflection of this country, with all its limitations, contradictions and shortcomings. Anwar is Malaysia.\nIt is an uneducated, uncultured, dogmatic, narrow minded, prejudiced and insular country. Hard to expect the leaders to be different.", "And even the author of this piece is the one that chided Anwar that his Cabinet doesn't have enough Tamil Indians.", "Oh the irony", "It may be rarer, but there is a beautiful part of Malaysia that is open-minded, cultured, holistic and/or spiritual, one that doesn't care about ethnicity, sex or in rare times sexuality even. But it's rare, and it comes in small fleeting moments I've had in my life growing up in this country and travelling even to the most religious places. Anwar does not come to mind anywhere close to these moments.", "Malaysia irl vs Malaysia in the news. Day to day the people are amazing. Somehow politicians and the system seems unfair. Too bad there isn't much political will to really enact change" ], [ "Still better than Moo-moo's and the other guy's govts." ], [ "The PM already said the first year was to stabilise the economy and reduce the deficit. They did that. Now let's pressure the government to continue to do more reform than what they did in a year." ], [ "Someone once said that if PMX doesnt have an international drama in his tenure, he is already better than the last 3 PM malaysia had. With my limited knowledge, i agree so far." ], [ "OMG this is such a terrible article - horrible English and ridiculous logic. I wasn't expecting this from you Prof Ramasamy\n\"Anwar should have relinquished holding the portfolio of Finance Minister some time ago.\nIt is blatantly too much to hold two posts of high responsibilities. One need not be trained economist or finance expert to manage the economy.\"\nIf one doesn't need to be trained to manage the economy, then why is it too much to hold 2 posts simultaneously? Not that I support Anwar's holding both posts. But this is ridiculous justification by the author.\n\"If Anwar can’t even give intelligent answers to questions posed on the economy, then what is the point of holding on the position? Strangely, when journalists ask him questions about the economy, he would talk about his years in prison and how he met some of the world leaders.\"\nI have heard Anwar addressing economic issues directly many times. This is unfair accusation.\n\"he seems to have no answers on domestic matters such as weakened ringgit, food shortage, the horrific nature of the public transport system and many other unresolved issues affecting the poor and the neglected.\"\nRidiculous accusation. Anwar just proposed trade in RM, had imported Indian eggs, appointed well received Anthony Loke as transport minister, have implemented Menu Ramah, e-wallet etc. Feel free to disagree with these policies but to say that Anwar has no answers to all these ?\n\"Anwar lacks the basic stature of statesman to look at the country beyond the racial and religious lens.\"\nRidiculous. While not perfect, he has repeatedly promised fairer treatments.\n\"Although he might not have the support of the Malays, it doesn’t mean that he completely neglects the pressing issues of the non-Malays.\"\nWhat incoherent sentence is this. This sentence implies if one does not have the support of the malays, then one should completely neglect the pressing issues of the non-Malays. What kind of logic is this.\n\"They are not different to ministers in the earlier governments. Some of them are not even capable to hold their posts because public accountability seems to be rarity among them.\"\nWhat incoherent paragraph is this. \"Public accountability seems to be rarity among them.\" this is an observation and not a justification that requires the word \"because\".\n\"Earlier talks of cabinet reshuffle seem to have dissipated. Probably Anwar is too preoccupied with the fate of the Palestinians that he has no time for addressing domestic problems.\"\n? Cabinet reshuffle has happened. Maybe this article was penned before then.\n\"It is not that the Palestinian issue is not important but until today Anwar has not ventured to propose a solution to the hundred years of conflict between the Palestinians and the state of Israel.\nWhile public opinion is gravitating towards a two-state solution as the ultimate answer to resolve the conflict, Anwar is tight-lipped about it.\"\nAnwar actually has solutions for the Palestine. He supports Hamas and what Hamas stands for. One may not like it, but Anwar does have solutions.\n\"How can we talk about democracy and freedom when the Madani government is not averse in controlling the dissemination of information? Several online websites have been closed down by the Communication and Digital Ministry on the grounds that they published information that was critical of the government.\"\nDoes Prof Ramasamy understand the word \"averse\" ?", "The dude is honestly a bullshit monger. He’s lost the plot.", "Literally every day what PH spoke about in the opposition was that the PM shouldn't hold the FM portfolio.", "That's not the reason given by the author", "This prof is petty and vengeful. One of those boomers that this era has to deal with from time to time to progress. He isn't even clear on some of the solutions delivered like you've mention. Anwar is a narcissist, but he has quite a good team behind him.\nI have yet to see proper debate or discussion from the opposite side so far. Almost all the \"opposing opinions\" are based on half truth and sentiment manipulation. This method works best for voters who are without world view and the ability to learn.\nWe are facing a category of people who can't even read and understand their electricy bills. This sort of articles are crafted specifically for this category of voters.", "Good team? Who. The education minister? Fahmi? The previous health minister?", "What so bad about the current education minister? Did you forget how Maszlee was forced to resigned despite he was trying to reform our education system? How idiots ridicule him on black shoes despite it is a good policy? So you think having focused schools for the kids from poor family is a bad thing? I see that as a good move to reduce the education gap between the poor and the rich, grooming them to have better future as the current education system obviously has failed these poor kids.\nAnd what has Fahmi done that is so bad? All these vile propagandas spreading lies and false accusations. Freedom of speech doesn't mean there is no consequences for lying. All these hate politics, shouldn't we put a stop to it?\nAnd you spoke about previous health minister, isn't there the obvious reason why she has been replaced by a better candidate? So you don't think this is a good replacement?\nWhen I said a good team, I am comparing them to previous government. At least, this government is definitely better than the previous one who only dare to bark in ceremah but didn't even did their homework to understand issues enough for a discussion and debate in parliament.\nYou can keep your narrative to yourself. 🤣", "Can you name me one good policy move that Fahmi has made?", "So you are not aware of the recent pushed for national digital transformation programme to overcome the lackluster effort from previous government that resulted Malaysia being left behind? Removing DNB from monopoly isn't a good policy? The strengthing enforcement to crackdown online scams and fraudulent syndicates that the previous government couldn't? And you think attracting Amazon , Google to setup datacenters in Malaysia, has nothing to do with MCMC?\nYour kind of narratives are as good as a clickbait tabloit headlines. The kind of one liners that share no detail of the actual context of matters. 🤣", "Oh is that the reason why Fahmi's ministry shrunk and was given to Gobind? Because he's so good?" ], [ "Ramasamy, can you even do half as well?", "Whines about Anwar unable to look at the country beyond the racial and religious lens.\nWhines about lack of tamil indians in the cabinet\nRamasamy in a nutshell", "That is stupid comment . That is like saying food critic must be able to cook as well as the chef or that film critic must be able to make better film. That is also saying rakyat who criticise the govt must be able to do better job and if cannot must shut up 🤣 You evaluate and assess the merits of criticisms by the critic, not personally attack the critic asking whether he can do better job 😁", "What a dumbass comment.\nRamasamy is an ex-deputy minister. Based on your analogy, Ramasamy is both a chef & a food critic. And I don't trust chefs who can't taste food.", "In the end it's the chef's patrons that decide if the food is good, and if the chef deserves his/her place in the trade. A chef that can't taste food is irrelevant in this analogy.\nThat's like saying Beethoven's works in his later years are complete garbage just because he went deaf.\nA more apt analogy would be that a chef that self proclaims as a food critic can't be trusted when criticizing topics related to his/her interests, as he/her is always biased in some way.", "you are probably not aware who Ramasamy is." ], [ "The worst part is Fahmi", "Don’t think so, not by a long shot. There’s still the education lady and the home minister no?\nAlthough the article quoted is written by someone who has an axe to grind and appears to be no better than the lot he’s criticising.", "Edukeyshen lady is the worst.", "Curious, what did she do wrong?", "Incredibly misplaced priorities\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/17meou2/jangan_kacau_kami_kata_menteri_pendidikan/", "https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/690813 well here we go again", "My points exactly", "Fahmi is terrible but he's got serious competition." ], [ "Reformasi like my shit :26554:", "Reformashit?", "Reformati", "Sila jgn Reformaki", "Reform the country? Reform my shit first." ], [ "Inb4 hari ni kawin bukan esok terus ada anak\nInb4 vote for lesser evil\nInb4 at least not PAs\nInb4 give chance\nnb4 only 1 year still long the go\nInb4 this cause the government is mix with UMNO", "What's wrong with \"vote for lesser evil\", \"at least is not PAS/PN\"? Have you seen the shit they raised in Parliament? Or the shit they spew towards non muslims? Acting like they're a fucking viable choice for a potentially better administration when all they focus is SEX, RACE and RELIGION is absolutely fucking dumb.\nI'm fine with you guys criticizing the current administration for their shortcomings, but to imply PAS/PN would be par/better is dogshit ridiculous.\nHadi: Other races are challenging Muslim's political power: https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/08/939467/voting-mandatory-if-other-races-are-challenging-muslims-political-power\nHadi: Non-Muslims must be grateful for ‘being given a place’ here, should just let Malays continue leading country: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/07/hadi-non-muslims-must-be-grateful-for-being-given-a-place-here-should-just-let-malays-continue-leading-country/73042\nHadi: Only Islam can rule, others must be 'pak turut': https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628\nPAS politicians insinuated that their rivals are the enemies of Allah: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/27/pas-man-says-sorry-after-calling-on-allah-to-defend-kedah-from-enemies-video/76640\nWan Fayshal asking BNM to print money and distribute it to citizens: https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/bfm_podcast/2020-11-16-story-h1536436997-Wan_Fayhsal_BNM_Should_Print_Money\nMuhyiddin abusing emergency powers: https://www.voanews.com/a/east-asia-pacific_motivation-behind-malaysias-state-emergency-questioned/6200719.html\nMuhyiddin claimed Christians of being in cahoots with a group of Jews to “Christianise” Malaysia: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/11/19/muhyiddin-in-hot-water\nDr. M: Parties led by non-Malays are 'parti pendatang': https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/09/04/dr-m-calls-parties-led-by-non-malays-039parti-pendatang039\nNon muslim woman fined for wearing shorts in Kelantan: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/non-muslim-malaysian-woman-fined-for-wearing-shorts-in-kelantan\nNon muslim unisex salon ban + closure: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/12/856735/terengganu-govt-enforce-unisex-hair-salon-ban-warns-offenders-fines\nNon muslims are the root of corruption https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/08/20/pas-hadi-claims-non-muslims-non-bumiputera-make-up-the-bulk-of-roots-of-corruption/\nPAS/Zul Zuhaimy: Mahu sembelih orang bukan Islam: https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/mahu-sembelih-orang-bukan-islam-zul-huzaimy-mohon-maaf/\nPN: May 13 rhetoric election propaganda: https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/78211/netizens-raise-alarm-over-may-13-hate-content-posted-on-tiktok\nHadi: Malaysia has to be ruled by muslims: https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/malaysia-mesti-dipimpin-oleh-melayu-islam/\nSanusi demolished colonial era legally built Hindu temples and label critics 'drunk on toddy': https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/12/03/lfl-slams-kedah-mbs-heavy-handed-defence-of-temple-demolition/ https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/553910\nSanusi insulting Amirudin and questioning the lineage of the Sultan of Selangor (Video Source): https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/dakwaan-menghina-siasatan-terhadap-sanusi-masih-belum-selesai-sultan-selangor-428497\nPAS: Nurse's clothing too tight: https://www.malaysiadateline.com/dakwa-pakaian-nurse-ketat-mp-pas-kena-sekolah-dengan-presiden-persatuan-jururawat/\nPAS: No concerts because they promote hedonism: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/08/25/pas-urges-govt-to-cancel-all-upcoming-foreign-artist-concerts\nPN: The Malay Proclamation: https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/05/1096600/proklamasi-orang-melayu-kini-dapat-sokongan-pemimpin-pas-bersatu-dan\nAmar (PAS): Not having tap water is not a big deal. Villagers know how to dig their own wells: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/08/08/kelantan-villagers-know-how-to-dig-their-own-wells-says-amar/\nNik Abduh (PAS): Citizens should pray instead of requesting/begging for help: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2021/06/29/pas-mp-dismisses-white-flag-campaign-says-better-to-pray/\nEdit: Wording", "", "As middling as Madani government was, it sure as hell beat out the entire tenure of PN.", "Jwteoh with the Thor hammer again", "keep up the good work", "No no, fak Hadi the cunt", "Copy paste DAP comes again, weak.", "You should do one for dap.\nThe battle will be epic!!", "Don't need to,since every people know what DAP is.", "I know what dap is but I'm not sure my know same with your know. Might as well create a list like him and let more people know more about what dap is, according to your knows?", "I'm not a loser to list down some political party failure in the internet. I just go outside and talk to people more.\nedit : im not some loser try to justify myself slandering some worthless political party on internet.", "Well, good for you. Touch more grass for us.", "weak\nButthurt is the fuel of everyone's work. -cielofnaze", "I should be an influencer.", "I should be an influencer.\nSapot sama lu", "Make a study and quote me as reference.", "Stop whining lol. Your PNPAS giler kuasa only.", "Any actual justifications on why these \"excuses\" shouldn't stand ?", "\"saya lagi rela pencuri duit UMNO daripada PAS\"\n\"Kalau PAS berkuasa , semuanya tutup\"\nPs : Let's ignore Anwar did more to enable islamization in the past year than PAS did in their 33months", "PAS cons: Incompetent\nPAS pros: Also incompetent, so they couldn't actually implement things." ], [ "Comeback after 4 year..thanks.." ], [ "This is just propaganda. Sorel losers really like to whine when they can't and won't do any better. Go play in traffic." ], [ "Some of the media are under umno related (Johari ghani/ Syed mokhtar) ownership. Not if this one is so I give discount one this article eventhough I generally agree." ], [ "Said Maggie to Steve after a year of sleeping over." ], [ "I dont read the article.\nBut reality is PMX (or whoever wants the power) needs Malay support to stay or to be in power.\nThis is the whole truth.\nCurrently UMNO is giving this PH coalition some legitimacy for this malay muslim votes. However UMNO has become less and less relevant due to stupidity of Zahid. If nothing changes until next cycle then highly likely most votes will go to PN.\nNow Anwar does not want this. Thus sometimes he pander to the malay muslim agenda or general Islam action, like, banning the Israel cargo ship and whatnot.\nSadly in Malaysia the politics is still and forever be race based. Doesnt matter what they do pas voters will vote for Pas. doesnt matter DAP is in bed with Umno, their most hated faction, compromising with Zahid, and so on, their voters will vote for DAP still. Same for both ends.\nNot an UMNO supporter, but as i recall we are at SOMEWHAT at a proper moderate level when UMNO was in power back in the day no? Everybody seems satisfied and jolly. MCA MIC people also got important roles in goverment.", "When the Melayu voted for UMNO =\n\"Eee, bodoh cam lembu asal dapat duit terus bagi undi. Itulah Melayu dapat RM50 terus undi UMNO.\"\nWhen the Melayu got fed up not just by the comments from the nons but also the personality of UMNO mbs and decide to vote other party =\n\"Nooo, things were better under UMNO...\"\nYou know most people who voted for PN and PAS are former UMNO's voter. And while most people would say its because of islam or arabisation, the truth is, its the PH's supporters who are the reason most melayu voted for PN.\nIts the classic case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They no longer wants to vote for UMNO, so why would they give their vote to PH?\nWhy would they vote for the ones that keep taunting and throwing slurs at them? Might as well gave it to PN.", "Thats the thing it will always be like that, on both ends sadly. Doesnt matter whats happening. Currently kerajaan PH releases Zahid. Does DAP voter mad probably yes. Will they vote DAP again? Most likely yes. For UMNO supporters like you said the support will go towards PN.\nOn the balance of things i still would say PH + DAP + Umno has more capable leaders compare to PN who is clearly not competent.\nBut saying that leave us in even worse state tbh, theres no proper check and balance to counter the government.\nIf you ask me the reason for all these bs is Umno + Najib. Then made worse by Zahid. They are the culprit haha. Umno will be irrelevant soon imo.", "Sad but true. Things were better under UMNO." ], [ "But but but... Taliban" ], [ "The shiniest of two turds is still a turd" ], [ "Shrunk? The main reason of why Malaysia is left behind in digital transformation after 2 decades is the lack of independent ministry to focus on it.\nWe are in 2023, the scale of digitization landscape has grown so vast that we should have had the digital ministry created a decade ago.\nThis shows how much you don't understand what digital transformation is. As usual, single liner, no details, no fact, just some ignorant rants." ] ]
4,000 shipping containers stranded at Port Klang after docking ban
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Transport minister Loke Siew Fook says Israel-based shipping company ZIM must liaise with other companies to remove the containers.
[ [ "Proof that we have always had a relationship with Israel." ], [ "Malaysian business reputation just gone down the drain. Business confirm sure prefer singapore", "Not really. What Malaysia did was supporting Palestine. Good act always prevail in the long run.", "And are shipping companies responsible for the conflict in the region? How is this supporting Palestine? Plus the Israeli ships can easily just go to Singapore. Meaningless and wasteful gesture.", "Search up 'Embargo'", "You have to be in a position of strength and have leverage to do an embargo.", "Terror is strength.", "Not really, nowhere does it requires so.\nA bumfuck country in the middle of nowhere could embargo the US, but would it be effective at distrupting their trade? Not at all, but the main purpose of demonstrating a nation's resolve, sending a political signal, retaliating for another country’s actions, compelling a country to change its behaviour still stands.\nIt's a political move.", "Fair enough", "What good act?" ], [ "\"Israel-based shipping company ZIM must liaise with other companies to remove the containers.\"\nNaw, they just call up their insurer and write off the goods. Hope you enjoy sorting out the containers worth of rotten stuff.\nSpeaking of sending business to Singapore, can we support Palestine like they do and send cargo plane's worth of humanitarian aid to Gaza instead?" ], [ "Dumbest decision made by the current government littery every sector is suffering now because of this." ], [ "I hope we have think things thoroughly when we ban others.\nAre we prepared when other countries retaliate by banning Malaysians and our companies?" ] ]
10 churches presented with maintenance funding from government totaling RM2.65 mil
[ [ "Firstly, I don't think governments should be funding places of worship as they tax exempt, but LOL RM2.65mil is pittance split among 10 churches.", "As someone present during this event, this funding is more so related to the upkeep of the buildings as the churches chosen where historical buildings, other secular historical buildings also receive funding for their upkeep too. St Mary's cathedral where this was held is undergoing lots of renovation to repair the roof and walls which was leaking and damaged by the flood a while back", "Upkeep for historical value is a just excuse.", "I agree with your first statements, but I kind of take interest in your \"LOL 2 Juta je 10 church\"\nHere's how much funding is given to fix mosques\nhttps://dewan.selangor.gov.my/question/bantuan-naik-taraf-masjid-di-selangor/\nSelangor : 9 million for 136 masjid Dan surau\nhttps://www.melakahariini.my/peruntuk-lebih-rm15-juta-baiki-masjid-surau/\nMelaka : 15 million for 19 masjid and 53 surau for 3 years\nhttps://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2023/01/927667/johor-lulus-peruntukan-rm313-juta-baiki-73-masjid-surau-daif-uzur-metrotv\nJohor : 3.13 million for 73 masjid and surau", "@fanfanye thank you for the numbers. If not, Those who are holier than pas will have a field day. Im \"atas pagar voter\".", "“Holier than PAS” damn we really went full circle with this", "Funding for Islamic places of worship is provided for in the Federal Constitution, Article 12(2). There's no such provision for places of worship of other religions.", "Betul\nSo in essence PH doing this\n1) that is above the minimum requirement(not in constitution) and 2) giving more than what mosques gets (2.6m for 10 churches in comparison to 9m for 136 mosques)\nIs not something that is \"LOL\"", "It is LOL for the small minded people 🤡", "The funding comes from state religion department and they sourced it from zakat. If you not sure what zakat is its a tax the muslim pays every year.", "I'm actually not sure why Muslims are sensitive about me telling OP that mosques actually get a smaller pittance than the 2.65/10 Churches\nDid I type it wrong or something, why are people going on me as if I'm complaining about mosque funding", "sure then, just reduce of new mosque building.. volla", "\"Just kill people to increase GDP per capita\" - Jacobcrackers14 circa 2023", "Takes out notebook...", "And they get tax rebate for zakat payments", "Yes because you are technically taxed twice so gov allow you to get income tax refund. Both zakat tax and income tax is used by government to fund development and provide social benefits.", "Zakat is never used for mosque building or maintenance", "Wrong. Zakat money ALSO used for mosque construction and upkeep.", "1st .Ade pakai duit zakat.. and bukan duit bapak kau. 2nd suka hati la kerajaan malaysian nak fund. 3rd function rumah² ibadat bukan sekadar ubtuk beribadat sahaja.", "", "He's correct tho? Zakat means it's by Muslims, of Muslims and for Muslims. So it's funny that other people are making comparison about it's usage.\nGovt money however means it's tax money, means everyone (Including Muslims) have a say in how it's supposed to be used.", "No he's not because\nhes being sensitive on \"biarlah nak spend berapa dekat masjid\" as if I'm attacking him\nmeanwhile I'm going \"we only spent this much on mosques, 200k on each church is actually more than average spent on religious buildings\"\nHe can state the correct things and still be otak lembab for saying it in tbe wrong situation", "Sorry aku dah salah reply.. aku tuju yang atas.. x taw mcm mana leh pegi ke kau lak.", "lek la bro. Ko baca lek lok.Dia tunjuk yang, perbelanjaan masjid dapat lagi sikit dari gereja.Ko faham ke tak ni?\nNak sentap, kena pastikan bijak dulu, aduss.\nMatematik tuu, tahap bahagi jek, senang je nak faham", "Aku salah reply ke..? Yg 1st tu persoal duit pergi ke rumah ibadat.🤔🤔🤔. Pastu banding kan duit pergi ke masjid lagi banyak dari pergi ke gereja..", "Duit ke masjid lagi sikit. Ko amek jumlah duit tu, pasti bahagi jumlah masjid, jadi sikit giler", "I think you're in the wrong here bro. Kau tak faham apa yang dia cakap sebenarnya. Jangan terlalu cepat \"triggered\". Take a deep breath and read properly.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "I mean.... with the number of mosques and suraus around, if the same RM222K was spent for each mosque/surau, that would be RM62mil. They can't be treated the same. Even more so we should not fund any religious places of worship.\nMy point is that it's hard to do any maintenance and renovation work with RM222K. Anyone with a landed house would probably attest to this.", "I think many religious buildings and such don't rely on peruntukan anyway\nI know for a fact that the Surau behind my house has yearly public meetings about funds allocations , usually government allocation is maybe only 1/6 of the donations they receive", "True. I always went \"goddamn that's a lot\" whenever I take a look at monthly donation amount on the bulletin board and this mosque I frequented to is surrounded by low cost flats & old apartments.", "I think people should stop relying on government like beggars. Take for example Chinese schools, they hardly get anything compared to smk, they instead fund themselves from parents and alumni donation. Then they get world class quality education and upgrades.\nThose mega churches also fund themselves though tithes and offerings, buying buildings by the hundreds of millions. Buddhist temples are similar where the followers donate and help build and upgrade the place. Hence I believe if you're serious and truly support whatever you wanna believe in, you'll group up, organise yourself and actually donate and build instead of waiting for kerajaan to hantar biskut. That attitude itself shows how committed you are and shows the unity among followers.\nMuslim being the major population here can easily do the same too, if they want to.. end of the day, it depends on the mindset, that's all.", "3rd thing.. Dont forget most churches will ask their followers to fork out some contributions. So 2.65mil divide by 10 is more than enough", "I cannot attest how tithe is compulsory in some denominations. Like even meagre earners have to be tithe. Those charismatic movement really earns a lot. Compare it to other sects such as Catholicism.", "Why not? Places of worship is social gathering. It promotes sense of community and good mental health support. It promotes cultural activity and a lot of old people find their peace with these activities. If we can fund parks, we can fund places of worships too." ], [ "Knowing Malaysia.. this will not go down well.", "Barely front page news on the local news site so far. So that's a good sign.\nSome of the KL churches are 100 years old+, they definitely need preventive maintenance." ], [ "good to see this, would be great to see other funding go to other religion place of worships too.", "Only the funding for Islamic places of worship is provided for in the Federal Constitution, Article 12(2). There's no such provision for places of worship of other religions." ], [ "Small small amount compared to the funding given to all the Jabatan Islam + all the mega masjid", "There is a lot of muslims who dont pay zakat. \"I paid my taxes. Now I have to pay zakat?\" Is the most sentiment I got from them. Heck, my dad have to pay his deceased parents in law zakat after realizing the have not paid it for 40 years. Sheesh.", "how do they justify not paying Zakat if Zakat is literally one of the pillars of Islam, alongside very important things like:\n- the Syahadah\n- the 5 prayers\n- fasting in Ramadhan\n- the Hajj\ni just, want to know the reasoning.", "You can actually get tax exemption using zakat … its a way the gov not double tax you", "Maybe go and read zakat report every year and you will see how much is being collected actually, instead of giving opinions based on your small observations.", "This is false, masjid and surau budgets are not from zakat, it comes from state budget. State budget cannot include zakat because it is not under purview of DUN. You can go and read Selangor state budget, there is a section for Islamic development and in the income projection there is no zakat. Don’t bang balls here!", "IIRC it can be from zakat too. It will fall under Zakat fisabilillah (which is somewhat flexible depending on interpretations). At least that’s what I saw in MAIWP audit report. It can be from wakaf too.", "False. Zakat money also used for mosque construction and maintenance under Fisabillilah funds. You can and read all the zakat funds audit reports. All is transparent.", "You can read state budget for mosque maintenance too. Including KASA teacher’s salary.\nMaybe Zakat money is used in mosque construction too ( I’m not aware of this ) but that doesn’t mean state money isn’t being used. Because for budget does allocate money for new mosques in N9 and Selangor.", "Minority talking and then wanna ask for more. Beach, we pay zakat every year and that is where we get our fund and also during Friday pray people will donate at least rm1-10 and imagine every week we have 100 people praying in that mosque.", "The funding for masjid upkeeps are coming from JAKIM and state budget which is part of taxation. To put it bluntly, heineken is keeping mosques lights on.", "Like the only tax come from beer. Seems like you being salty much about these zakat and tax thing. Why can't you just do the same thing like we did, donating to church ?. I bet even if you guys donated still won't surpass what malaysia muslims contribute because you are minority. I don't understand why minority is the one need to speak louder when they contribute the lowest. And then talking sh*t about beer tax LOL, so cringe.", "huh? Minority would need less religious building to upkeep. Muslims majority, so more money required to upkeep more facilities.\nDo you think Christians don’t donate? How do you think all these churches are running right now? Minority contribute bigger than their share just simply look at median wage of both Chinese and Indians and those are higher than Malays. Like dude are 17 or what?\nEveryone’s taxes pays JAKIM and JAWI and so on. Literally Genting is paying for JAKIM", "If I'm right churches rarely get any money from the government as well.", "Money is still money. I won't even b*tching.", "Your minority even though got median salary but we all got 3x more than you alone are you stupid in math or what ? Your 40% contribution to the tax still not enough because those 40 % still split into 3 religion you joker. That's why there is not enough fund because those other 3 also need to be splitted. Stupid la your thinking malay not even rich. If we malay want donate like 1000 to masjid with 3000 salary won't even bother a penny like you b*tching about zakat but only donate rm5 to your church.", "yo smartass, nobody bitching about zakat. Maybe don’t contribute zakat by forgoing nation building. Remove zakat tax rebate, and put it like tax relief like other donation. In that way, it is fair for everyone.\n40% requires 40% funding, that’s how tax works. Just do the math, how many churches in Malaysia, compare that, how many surau. So literally that’s how taxation works. It just people who pay zakat, pay less for Malaysia.\nI’m not thinking Malays are not rich, I’m just giving you the stats. Malays having low median wage is stats.", "Why everything you asking for fair ? You even go to church every weekendand mid wednesday. I don't even see church full often but Muslims need to pray everyday and every time some people went to mosque to pray. Peaked during Friday and yet you have audacity to ask for equality fund ? You are really crazy and greedy. I hope malaysia have less people like you because everything must equal, if let's say got 4M, 1M for muslims 1M for temple, 1M for Church and 1M for buddha Temple even though Muslim prays alot and have higher population that contribute more. Crazy greed bastard. Stupid brain as well.", "Why everything you asking for fair\nIsn’t that literally core tenet of Islam?\nFair fund doesn’t mean Malay get 1M , Christians get 1M, fair fund means each Muslim get RM1 for their house of worship then each Christian should get RM1 for their house of worship because that’s what tax redistribution means. The whole government setup is for fair tax redistribution.\nMaybe understand the issue first.", "Muslims got tax distribution better because of Zakat. I don't know about other religion but they also have their own system because of their complexity for example how come the donation of a person for this temple goes to other temple like it doesn't make any sense for them compared to Muslims we got zakat in which called \"muslim banks\" that distribute to the one in needs including making mosque. The government fund that given by this church is called \"belas ihsan\" where they use the taxpayers money but people like you playing racial shit like we use the tax money to fund only muslims but no fund for non muslims when we muslims literally have zakat. Why can't you have your own zakat instead but you guys don't have it because when it comes to that kind of practice it tends to become a cult.", "Zakat actually ensure muslim tax money is used for religious purposes. If we remove zakat rebate, no one want to get taxed twice and no one paying zakat.. so you want government to use normal tax money for mosque? No right? So why so jealous of zakat? You just being racist.", "Remove tax rebates and put in tax relief bracket just like all the other religious organizations.\nFor you info, right now, government uses tax money for mosque. Just go over 2023 parliamentary budget and selangor state budgets.", "Heineken money and other sin industries like gaming and lotteries is kept under Sin Tax account under MOF.. it cannot be used for religious or educational or even cash handouts program. You seems pulling facts from your backside.", "lmao, sin tax used in other sector, so other sectors money can be used by MoF for religious activities. Tax is tax, this is Islamic bank all over again.\nPlus sin tax and income tax is different. Genting as group pays income tax as well, so does Heineken.", "Wrong again. Tax money from sin industries like Genting and Heineken goes to different pool and accounts by MoF and cannot be used for religious as this is covered under state religious departments where mosque construction and maintenance funds come from zakat fisabililah .. not your favorite Heineken", "Income tax doesn’t get differentiated under MoF. I will stand corrected if you can produce the link. I’m confident because Genting declared tax same for group, doesn’t differentiate between casino and other ventures.\nAlso which is sin industries? Does Maybank considered under sin industry?", "Muslims pay zakat and use it to exempt them from income tax and zakat only for Muslims.\nNon Muslims pay tax and tax used for all including Muslims. It is an unfair system", "please tell me exactly how a Muslim can get exempt from paying their income tax if they paid their zakat", "\"Zakat Reliefs and Rebates\nJust as one would be eligible for tax reliefs and reductions when paying income tax, the same applies to the zakat system, where payers are allowed to claim certain deductions from the amount of zakat they have to pay. Indicated as kifayah (minimum needs for an individual or family), it’s different from state to state as determined by each state's Islamic religious council. The types of expenses that can be deducted from zakat calculations include self, wives, children, parents, EPF deduction, education, etc.\"\nFrom https://www.myeg.com.my/articles/detail/types-of-zakat-in-malaysia", "The rebate amount is limited you know. You can't pay a lot of zakat and deduct it from your tax. There's a limit to it. Then again, you wouldn't know would you? Since you don't pay zakat.", "Point is this is for Muslims only. The amount doesn't matter.", "It matters. And it's a rebate. Not discount. Means you still have to pay both first before getting back partial refund on the zakat.", "Which means you are paying lesser amount of nation building tax.\nIf you still don't understand why that's an issue, just think of this:\nYou and I have same income.\n100% of my tax paid used to develop the nation.\nA small portion of your tax paid is used to develop muslim only projects.\nYes we are paying same amount of money back to government, but not all of your money goes to all malaysian.", "I've given up on talking sense to them.", "Considering that there's still a lot more Muslims around than other races, your logic doesn't hold water.\nAs I said earlier, taxes are still paid, even after rebate.\nAs such, there is still a large portion of tax paid off even after the small rebate. Now aggregate that into sum total and Muslims would still pay more taxes than the others, even after zakat rebates.\nAs such, it still the Muslims that have the most say and right in how the taxes should be allocated. Especially so considering we're paying double taxes.\nFeel free to bring in figures to shoot my argument down. Though I doubt you can. Since the census already found that 60% of tax sources were paid by Malays with the rest being divided between the other races. (And that's with the higher ratio B40 to it as well).\nThat's taxes paid ya, not counting zakat which is a separate figure.\nDon't bring your victim mentality in, when you're the one benefiting.", "What about zakat wang simpanan, zakat fitrah, ,zakat pelaburan, zakat padi, zakat emas & perak. This one even the people who are not required to pay tax have to perform zakat for this.\nStill think malaysian muslims have it better?", "So u think muslims doesn’t pay taxes? We pay taxes as well…. And its also for lots of things aside from masjid", "They can pay lesser tax if they have paid zakat, which exclusively used on muslim communities only. Meaning yes malay pay tax, but the amount that they should pay is lesser compared to non muslim.", "Wtf? I have been scam? Why i need to pay zakat and income tax every year then?", "Zakat can be used to offset your income tax", "Yeah like how much ? 3% of your income ? 😂", "What do you mean pay zakat and exempt income tax ? You pay your tax through zakat how you exempt tax like bruh it doesn't make any sense. Like we muslims did not pay the tax when buying goods as well ? 😂. Your logic baffles me.", "Yeah I am muslims that pay my groceries tax and it goes to your church very cool. Nice username btw.", "muslim pay taxes and used for all including the church in this budget. Your point?", "2.5% only bro. Which can be further reduce if you've been using your money for your wife, kids, parents and own educations.\nIf the person yearly income is big then you have to pay quite a lot. Kalau marhen, there's a high chance that they don't have to pay at all.", "Lul. Mega masjids are built for charity by individuals. Only the maintenance and staffing are by the govt. Get your facts correct. Also, someone already provided the figures above. On a head to head basis, these 10 churches get almost the equivalent sum amount of what 150+ masjids/suraus get.\nSo 1 church gets almost 15 times more compares to 1 masjid/surau.\nStop trying to play the victim.", "Zakat exist bro…. Dont be an ignorant fool", "Funding for Islamic departments and mosques is provided for in the Constitution. Funding for churches is not.", "Where proof?", "Google is free bro u can search for it dont be lazy", "The guy is making assumptions and accusations, why do I have to back up his BS? He should’ve came with receipts, like the other guy here did. Onus is on him to backup his claims.\nThinking is free bro, don’t be lazy.", "big amount actually, because it comes from taxes. Funding for masjid come from zakat, which is contributed from muslim only" ], [ "PAS: Truly Fxxking Kafirs doing this!!" ], [ "Nice" ], [ "Waiting for bumi to go apeshit and claim Unity gov is controlled by evangelical Christian" ], [ "lmao, when the amt is soo much smaller than the free money goes to Palestine that is far far away...\nMalaysian Christian pretty much treated by govs as gutter level.", "I mean, to be fair, based on some other comments here, it seems like these churches are getting way more than what mosques usually get.\nCheck out this comment by u/fanfanye:\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/DUqiad1DRT" ], [ "AGENDA KRISTIAN TERCAPAI." ], [ "Government fund Church\nPas: Ayyy yo WTF?!" ], [ "small pocket change compared to J**" ], [ "Damn 2.6m for 10 churches. Each churches get like 260k. That a lot compared to what masjids and surau get. Cool ig" ], [ "that's a lot.\nEven masjid get less, and from zakat (muslim contributed money) too, not from taxes", "Zakat is almost never used for mosque maintenance. Maintenance most of the time comes from gov funding" ], [ "Create UNIFOR dept like soviet Sarawak", "Tf soviet Sarawak 😅" ], [ "But what about Palestine 😢", "free palpatine!", "Pebenda sial." ], [ "Maintenance of houses of worship shouldn't be something the gov need to spend money on\nBe it Mosque, Churches or Temple, it should 100% be on the donors" ], [ "waste of money", "The text under your name is right", "appropriate flairs for appropriate individuals", "Deep down you just want those money.", "yes, who doesn't want 2.65 mil?" ], [ "Ni agenda DAP dan yahudi lagi." ] ]
120000 households in Penang southwest district told to save water
[ [ "unfavourable weather and high tides delayed it\nCheck forecasts before maintenance?" ] ]
Twentyfold increase in Covid-19 cases in Johor, says Health Exco
[ "COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Still underreported. Beware." ], [ "If we look at previous trends, december cases will spike up. And will continue to increase untill mid the next year. But this time around, it seems admission and icu are already high even so we just started the increase trend. We have yet reached the peak but the admission and icu is already alarming." ] ]
MRT3: Land acquisition process to start in stages next year, says Anthony Loke
[ [ "yay! mrt3 going ahead!" ], [ "The gov should consider changing the land rule that land below 30m (or some number that make sense) belongs to the gov. They can build tunnels or whatever that is needed for mrt." ] ]
MACC seizes Ilham Tower belonging to Daim Zainuddin
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "Good" ], [ "Politically motivated?", "Duh.", "Love to see him in jail, the problem is that politically motivated investigations and prosecutions are the most likely to fail.\nIf you wait so damn long to investigate, it’s going to be quite hard to prosecute." ] ]
Eurasians in Malaysia, do you get questions like this growing up in Malaysia?
“you don’t look local you look mixed” “you don’t look like a Malaysian” “how come you can speak like us”
[ [ "Chinese, Indian and Ashkenazi Jew hybrid here. Most people just assume I’m of Southern Chinese descent with Euro nose.", "Malay Supremacists : heavy breathing", "Photo please." ], [ "I'm Sabahan and I get the same questions too", "Oh hey, Sarawakian here. Get the exact same questions too! #EastMalaysianProblems", "Same, and when you catch a Grab, the driver would always silently try to guess your race by adjusting their mirror in the front😅", "When you are Sarawakian Iban and work in KL and you get “kenapa tak puasa dah la makan babi” every ramadan while eating char siu fan", "My iban friend fed up with the question end up getting tattoo on his arm lmao", "Lmaoo", "Can confirm" ], [ "I had an Eurasian college mate who spoke fluently in Mandarin. He can pass off as a pure caucasian easily and it was massively entertaining to watch him tell people off for talking shit in Mandarin.\nThen everyone would start asking him ‘what are you’ and make comments like ‘wah u so clever speak Mandarin.’\nIf looks could kill I think he’d have wiped SS15 out easily.", "To be fair, SS15 is a dump", "If can put a dome to cover Darussalam to protect it, then the entire SS15 can be nuked and I'm fine with it.", "Darus was good before the Reno, when it was a plain ol' mamak with 1.50 nasi lemak on a plate and the spicy sambal. Fast service although always crowded.\nThen they spent a bunch of money in 2004/5 to make it into a bistro and all the students stopped coming\nIt was so funny they took down the fancy neon signboard and put back the ugly mamak one with a slogan \"murah dan sedap\" or something to that effect\nAnyhow it survived after that and glad to see it still standing", "I've not been back there since graduate several years ago, used to be sitting there almost every day.", "Were the kuda haram shops there during your time?", "The biggest kuda for me back then was the cinema before Asia Cafe", "There's a cinema? Never knew", "The spot where Asia Cafe was, was an old cinema", "Hahaha, from my own experience — the infra is much better these days but Subangites never change. Back when I was younger it was all cybercafes and snooker centres.", "It is a dump but I wasted so much of my life there.", "Please tell me he is actually decent looking even by Western standards, because if he would ‘wipe out’ SS15 simply by just being an average looking white guy that’s sad", "I think you misunderstood me? -- I meant in the sense if looks could kill meaning that his pissed off facial expression would have murdered the whole of SS15.\nOr am I having another whoosh moment.", "Oh alright alright phew 😅😅", "if he would ‘wipe out’ SS15 simply by just being an average looking white guy that’s sad\nGeneralisation. But have you seen the people who have an obsession of just only being with white guys, the standards aren't that high.", "Ah that. Ang mo fetish kinda annoys me because the white dude could be the most mayonnaise-looking man and the girls would still go crazy over him just because mat saleh.", "Yeah… young hot Filipino women with white men who are aged 50… That shit disgusts me", "I know of a very wealthy European (I'm talking hundreds of million if not billions) based in KL who does business here who may be involved in a very Epstein-esque kinda situation. And I'm talking with local girls not Filipino. Maybe Chinese, definitely Malay. Seems he has a thing for petite young Malay girls. I've personally met the man myself once, but the juicy part of the story comes in some anecdotes from a girl I know who associated herself with that man. I told her not to associate herself with him in the first place because how she met the dude in the first place alone makes my fucking blood boil. But she did, and in the end she had to learn it the hard way why I told her not to. The things the 0.1% of the world possibly do behind the curtains here on our own soil.. Hoooo boi", "You sound as if you got a lot inside scoop stories, do tell n share", "Well fuck, I can't tell the whole story because it's too long. Got an endpoint error. I'll just have to reduce it to a TL;DR and spare the gory details. Funny thing is I never had any inside scoop at all. It happened because I was at the right place at the right time, or rather, the wrong place at the wrong time.\nVery basically, I was supposed to meet up with my sister and another girl for a couple drinks. I couldn't make it due to work so they went on their own. My sister's involvement pretty much ends here. They met a very sus rich af old European man (lots of details here that make him sus af). Basically he got the girl (not my sister but he did try, my sister just had better judgement) blackout drunk and tried to send her home. I insisted I send her back instead because I don't know him, and I did. She was so out of it that she tried to be very sexual with me in the car on the journey back home, but I was so uncomfortable with the added fact that the creepy old fuck was gonna send her home instead and he would've 100% taken advantage of her.\nI told the girl not to keep in touch with the man but she went against my advice. He bought all kinds of things for her and even an expensive condo she could stay at, and she fell for jt. She ignored all the red flags I told her and even got a job with him and convinced herself that it was to be a normal job, and for a while she gaslighted me into believing it too. A couple months in, she had to quit because she couldn't take it anymore. She finally told me that she had witnessed acts that were sexual in nature on local girls her age or younger ordered by older rich foreign men who were business associates of the guy she chose to work with.\nTo this day she refutes that the man himself had anything to do with what his business associates were doing, and refutes that anything was done to her personally. I'm convinced she still hasn't told me the entire truth about what happened and the gory details of what she saw or possibly went through herself, because in some ways she knows I'd be very fucking pissed and go out of my way just to raise hell for this man, even if it'd be futile since he's in a powerful position.\nThe man in question is an old, darker-skinned European dude in his 50s who has done business in Malaysia for a long time, and has an Italian name. He's worth hundreds of millions or possibly billions and has the title of Datuk (most likely honorary). He's low-profile. He holds a non-executive position for a prominent English football club, which is about the most visible information in the media on him. That's more than enough information for a google search on who this man is. More than what I had to work with in the first place.\nI had for a long time carefully considered if I actually wanted to tell people anyone about this. The weight of these accusations aren't exactly light. But I'm the kinda guy who can't stand to hear or see evils being propagated freely in the world, especially by the rich and powerful who think they may be untouchable. If she said she saw those things, I believe her. She may not have an outlet to tell it to anyone. So at the very least, I think the people deserve to know that this kinda shit is also happening in our country behind heavy curtains. I wonder what else and to what extent that cabals of the 1% of the 1% are actually involved with in our country. What happens behind closed doors. It's no secret that many SE Asian countries are rampant with \"sex tourism\". Some of those sex tourists have also been prosecuted by the law for obviously super illegal activities involving the exploitation of children. I think there's a very large elephant in the room that our society may not even be aware of.", "Found him. Datuk M***o kan?", "Bingo.", "He's really low profile. Not much known about him except for the 2017 pangkat datuk that he got and the famous and prominent FC", "Same type of college mate and area. Dude like showing off his 6ic penis as well. Banged a lot of slutty girls as well back in the day." ], [ "Yes, always with the \"Are you mixed?\" questions. People also think I'm adopted because apparently I look nothing like my Chinese mother." ], [ "I'm Chinese and a chinese staff spoke Malay to me. In a pork shop.", "I like how your username is the scientific name of ubi keledek.", "I’m Chinese with curly hair. Work wear mask and cap = Malay\nEven Chinese speak Malay to me.", "🤣" ], [ "it does confuse me sometimes because some eurasians just look Malay or even full Indian...", "Many are actual Indians/coastal indigenous who got converted by Portuguese missionaries or worked for these families so adopted their name (some were forced to). They don't actually speak Portuguese or the euro languages. Some are bumi as well" ], [ "Did you mean people from the Eurasian community or children with one Caucasian parent? The former would tend to look like Malays, Chinese or Indians. The latter would look somewhat Caucasian." ], [ "I’m technically Eurasian, my grandfather is native Siberian and my grandmother is Russian. My mother is Russian and my father is Malaysian Chinese.\nI got thick curly hair and I’m decently tall. It’s always entertaining to get comments on my hair; “waaaa is natural issit?” “Can I touch? How much you perm?”" ], [ "Finding a Malaysian of Eurasian descent in Reddit is like finding a needle in a haystack.", "I way to mix that people get confused and ask me where I am from regardless of which country I go to xd.\nIt’s funny to speak Malay and people be like “WHAT”" ], [ "The Eurasian experience:\n1. People are surprised when I speak Chinese\n\"Is your curly hair natural?\"\n\"Where are your parents from?\"\n\"Is your mom white?\" (They never ask about my dad for some reason)\n\"How long have you been in Malaysia?\"\n\"Where are you from?\"" ], [ "Hahaha the what are you question. I get that a lot, being a dark skinned Malay with somewhat East Asian eyes. I used to get offended but now I just find it amusing, especially when I hear comments that I find funny or just pure nonsense to me like ‘you don’t look Malay, but you look like something’ or ‘you kinda look Chinese mix’. I think I look like Nepali/Balinese after much comparison with all the races I’ve been incorrectly associated with. Most of the time now I just laugh it off (will still be ready to fight if the question is laced with degrading tone though)" ], [ "I'm Chinese but still get told I don't look like typical Malaysian or Chinese due to my eyes being larger and thick eyebrows which makes me look a bit mixed tho the only mix I may have is that my family have strong northern nomad roots from mom\nTeacher once mistaken me as Eurasian", "<image>\nNo, this is how northern nomad of East Asian should look like. Your look might be from south Asian (India & Malay archipelago) mixed ancestry.", "Xinjiang Uyghurs are also considered northern nomadic tribes pretty sure. They look like turks.", "Well English ed Chinese people get told they are not a ‘real Chinese’ because they act too ‘Western and open’ so 🤷‍♀️", "" ], [ "I went to lot 10 once and a Japanese person approached me and asked me something in Japanese before, does that count? (I'm cina)" ], [ "Please just take it as compliment, its normal you get asked these questions because u dont look like typical malaysians. You're just special in local eyes. Really depends the attitude of the person that asked, some with unsur menghina, some is just friendly appreciation. Hopefully it doesnt bother u much" ], [ "I get the same from my Chinese friends.\n\"You don't look Malay, you look like mixed\"\n\"How come you can speak like us?\"\n\"Your mother Chinese or your father Chinese?\"" ], [ "Some Malaysians , especially ‘fellow’ Chinese can be super upfront about it. I can pass for being half malay ; and this one lady on a plane asked where I was from .\n“Malaysia…” I said , raising an eyebrow She continued to stare at me like that wasn’t the answer she was looking for. “I mean what race are you” “Chinese…” “Really ah!”\n(She was quite a nice person to chat to, it just took me by surprise for a moment)\nOn the topic of Eurasians , it’s very common to encounter people with these experienced in international schools. Most just don’t really care after a while." ], [ "It becomes an issue when someone straight up questions their Malaysian identity simply by being Eurasian imo\nBut if it’s just some harmless ignorant questions meh it is what it is", "It’s excusable imo if it’s their first interaction with an Eurasian" ], [ "You mean the Serani/Kristang people?" ], [ "Do the old generations still frown on mixed kids ?" ], [ "All the freaking time. But I can easily pass as Chinese or Malay.\nOnce I was at a supermarket and a Chinese Aunty spoke to me in Mandarin and I didn't speak it so I just said I don't speak Mandarin. She looked to me in horror. Then she asked my are you Chinese?? I said no. I'm Eurasian. Lucky tho she speans English. She talked about prices etc" ], [ "Malaysians think im white, but white people think im chinese" ], [ "A few times but most of the time i pass off as a malay or chinese Once during ramadan a few ppl asked why i wasn't fasting and I had to explain", "Just cellotape your IC on your forehead — see, I’m non Muslim." ], [ "I'm Portuguese/Dutch/Nyonya/Punjabi..it's extremely common for me to be asked those questions..some cops even ask me for my passport instead of ic..I get to watch them feel proud to see a Malaysian with an extraordinary name in the country 😁" ], [ "White people think I'm white.\nBut I'm 100% Javanese. I'm just fair skinned" ], [ "best part growing up in public school was the yearly tradition of teacher's asking me what exactly are you? didnt know being Eurasian was akin to being an Alien" ], [ "I did ask my cousin that (don't realize that they are)... they just came to Malaysia last time and wow your malay quite good... who are you... ohhhhhhh auntie blablabla kid..." ], [ "I just get that's why your face is so red" ], [ "I'm punjabi and I get these questions. It secretly amuses me 😂" ] ]
Wheel of Fortune: Car plate edition
[ "ITAP" ]
[ [ "The answer is ASS 34 69" ], [ "Seen on the streets in Johor. How this person’s license plate got to this state is beyond my understanding.", "Looking at the type of plate, likely the numbers and alphabets are glued on, and glue don’t do well in humidity like in, cough, Malaysia.\nWhat is beyond me is whether the driver even noticed the numbers have fallen off, or even if polis noticed it.", "That's why I've said we must go back to pressed metal plates (besi timbul)." ], [ "I would like to buy a vowel please" ], [ "\"Saya putar, Halim.\"" ] ]
Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Metro Travel & Tours and NZ Wheels have taken a bold step towards sustainability by unveiling an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at Shangri-La KL.
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "This further cements my belief this ev thing is just a rich man's phase/toy. All these new charging stations being unveiled are mostly in malls and expensive hotels. Places the t20 frequent. Ev station in kampungs? Schools? Dialysis centers? Nah no roi" ] ]
Spouse Visa Dilemmas (KL vs Sarawak)
As we're getting closer to moving back to Malaysia, we're collecting documents and everything to ensure a smooth procedure, but we're hitting a roadblock. My family lives in Sarawak and thus my sponsor is there, plus there are barely any queue compare to the long one in KL, I could technically get an appointment next week if I wanted to. But I was told there are a ton of restrictions. My partner won't be able to work in Sarawak and that we can't move back to KL easily. I'm not Sarawakian but I can apply to be one since one of my parent is a Sarawakian citizen. But is it worth the trouble that if my wife wants to work in Sarawak, she has to go through massive amount of hoops to work? Not only that, I intend to also work in KL eventually when I settled down. Meanwhile KL would be more straight forward but I can't get any appointment as we haven't decided on our date to return. Not only that, I heard KL/Putrajaya are more fussy and if something is amiss or if I have a cranky officer, we have to redo everything and I'm afraid it'll delay our process more and that we can't get an appointment so soon (wife's tourist visa has limited days). It's funny to think that Malaysia still has such a distinction between West and East Malaysia, that I thought the spouse visa and its process would be similar all across the board. Well, anyway, I feel anxious and uneasy about applying in KL if we have trouble even making an appointment, I just looked at the STO system and I can't find any available ones at all except for Putrajaya and that is only in late March. What should I do?
[ [ "Are you Malaysian? If you are not, then yes it'll be tough.", "I'm Malaysian but my wife is a foreigner.", "OK, even if it's the case, it's tough. Sorry I couldn't help." ], [ "i don’t think you can apply to be sarawakian as an adult, even if one of your parent is. even if it’s possible, it would be very, very difficult.\nsource: am a sarawakian through a parent but wasn’t born there and never lived there", "I was told that it would be possible but I kept that option available just in case my wife requires me to be a Sarawakian to apply for the spouse programme.\nBut I don't know if that would mean it'll be better for me to apply for KL instead..." ], [ "Have a friend who is Sarawakian and had four children with someone who was from Peninsular Malaysia, and she gave birth there. She’s fighting hard to give them Sarawakian citizenship but it’s been years and she’s yet to be successful." ], [ "You need to apply LTVSP according to where you will residing. When applying LTVSP is a clear requirement to state where both of you be residing. (house rental agreemenr/house SnP, pictures, even a handdrawn map will be required by the officers in Kuching).\nEven IF you manage to be a Sarawakian, and you would want to be her sponsor to stay you will need to have a Sarawak based job to do so OR have a sponsor from your family that fulfills the same criteria.\nJust abide by the law and apply where you will be residing. I understand the queue in KL is months so you would need to plan months ahead.\nCheck for appointments everyday after midnight." ] ]
Kevin responds...
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
Kevin Teoh Chee Sing drama continues. Part 1 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18l07k0/thought\_id\_help\_give\_a\_shoutout\_anyone\_in\_the/
[ [ "It was funny the first time, now that everyone knows its an ad its like... idc.", "im kinda invested. who are they, what is going on... even if it is an ad.", "It’s an ad for the pizza store. There are only 2 fake characters in this story.", "The first one is an ad for office space the second one as you said", "Here's a hint, make a sub fill it with your vapid shit and attract the other vapid redditors who think foam snow is real and viral ads are good content and gtfo with this crap. At the very least don't whine about being attacked for posting blatantly false misinformation. Seriously what is wrong with people man.", "Invest in something better. Being invested in it isn't an excuse to spam this sub with your investment." ], [ "To the boss that approved this idea.. good job!\nSuggested something similar to my old-school-cina-brain boss last time, he asked me to stop wasting time think funny thing, continue cold calling and begging for customers" ], [ "r/HailCorporate" ], [ "This post is retained but the one regarding chicken cartel is removed - the priorities 🤌" ] ]
So many malls in KL, how does it contribute to our economy?
[ [ "Jobs. A lot a lot of jobs.", "somehow I understood the reference" ], [ "Malls provide space for shops.\nShops provide goods and/or services in exchange for money.\nMoney moving around contributes to the economy.\nq.e.d malls contribute to the economy.", "Shops need workers so they create jobs", "malls also create a ton of jobs on their own. building maintenance, cleaners, admins, sales and marketing, security, etc.", "Don't forget the tax!" ], [ "not everybody go window shopping tho....", "No shopping for me since I dont own any windows", "thn you should own a mac", "Gotta have em Apple to keep the Doc away", "doc be like..." ], [ "Im more curious why are there so many of them and somehow each of them are equally packed", "free aircond", "nah, i think the ones that you visited are the more famous ones. Half of berjaya times square mall is dead, the same goes with KL gateway mall and so on....", "Can you name some more dead malls in KL? I love visiting the not crowded malls in KL. So far quill city mall and cheras sentral have been my go to malls.", "Gurney Mall Keramat, Endah Parade, One Shamelin, Scott Garden" ], [ "I love it.\nUnlike some other countries with nice weather, they can walkaround outside at park, places etc. For us in Malaysia, the hot weather is a big no no, so walking inside a mall is perhaps the best choice, especially with my family.\nI love it." ], [ "Money laundering" ], [ "Economy is improved when the money is highly liquid. Let's say A buys sex from B for RM 10, B buys food from C for RM 10, C buys accounting services from A for RM 10. The same money brings benefits to 3 different people. This is better than a stagnant economy where A keeps his RM 19 n B goes hungry n C cannot solve his accounting needs. So, anything that generates economic transactions/ activities is good for the economy. Malls are a form of market and marked are good for the economy because markets put people together n induvr them to trade with each others" ], [ "They are brainwashing tools of the elite to make you aspire towards purchasing branded goods at inflated prices that your broke ass can't afford so you use BNPL and keep working obediently for your salary to make the monthly payments for your sneakers.\nMalls are the Malaysian equivalent of Roman gladiator fights - bread and circuses keep the plebeian classes happy.\nEdit: forgot the /s", "thank god all these b20 know what up n go there just to waste elite ekon" ], [ "I feel like most of the boost comes from the construction and reno. The big boss of these companies benefit" ], [ "Yes, people are actually spending money." ], [ "Hmmm, everytime I go to a mall I normally spend about rm500-700 per trip. It's not much, compared to some of the super big spenders, but pretty sure some of that helps profits and salaries." ], [ "Are you seriously asking this question?" ] ]
No more B40, M40, T20, PADU will consolidate all socioeconomic data for targeted subsidies
[ [ "Data monopoly? Rafizi will become our sole Data Emperor?", "Considering that Rafizi already has his own think tank which feeds on data like these...\nIt's disturbing to see he got his hands on even more of our data. It's intrusive and I think Rafizi (or his think tank) has personal interest on using our data", "Talking about conflict of interest..." ], [ "Literally 1984" ], [ "A bit taik la. Me being single b40 can't get a loan for education since my siblings are not b40 back then. Am I supposed to merempat on the streets instead of staying at our family house 🤔", "Yeah this is stupid" ], [ "<image>\nMe when I hear about data collection" ], [ "PADU seems futuristic idea where they can control the subs, but the important part I ACTUALLY DOUBT OF THEIR SECURITY SYSTEM, HOW CAN THEY GURRENTED THE SAFETY OF THE DATA?" ], [ "T20 always saying they dont have enough because they have more hutang to pay. No shit. At least ko ada rumah besar, maid, and your children can go holidays. Actual B40 jugak yang kais pagi makan pagi.", "Maybe this system would help filter that out. Like who just talk cock only and who is in serious shit. Rumah besar anak sepuluh dekat bangsar more critical than rumah kecil anak satu dekat Semenyih. If they wanna go extra mile, work and home location would influence fuel consumption and subsidies etc.\nWith data, possibilites are endless.", "Never understood why people have so many children when they can't feed them and house them properly though.\nI've met people who told me Zakat don't give them enough when they are on their 7th child and they look like they could be that child's grandparents." ], [ "Higher petrol price incoming. I wonder how this will work. Are we subsidising people with more kids/loans? How about unmarried low income working individual but from rich family? Will this people be paying higher price petrol? Takkan claim the excess from family right." ], [ "All the way!" ] ]
High Court orders Shafee to pay RM5.5 million in tax arrears
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 22 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "Private citizens are doing more to foster ASEAN relations than the governments. All the governments talk about are getting stuff from China and USA and Europe, while it's the people that are visiting and vacationing in ASEAN, building business and trade networks, and making friends. Meanwhile, the top officials are vacationing in London, Paris and Geneva." ] ]
Does PATI (Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin) affect our economy ? If so , How?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
I’ve seen too many PATIs have been increasigly high in our country since I was born 22 years ago. It’s quite concerning that too much of them occupying our country without having to pay taxes , send money to their countries and whatsoever, It is like a fortune for them. So I have a question, thus they live in fortune cost our High Living expenditures as a Malaysian.
[ [ "PATI is around 2-3m based on latest estimates, and even then only 4-500k in City centres\nDo they affect an increase in GDP? Yes, through slave labour\nDo they take up tax money from us? Yes\nIs it significant? Probably not, these people are scared to go for government help\nThe note about foreigners giving money back to their country also includes the legal immigrants." ], [ "My friend is opening shop in KL. There were many PATI approaching us to offer all sort of jobs. For 50-80 per day. While local contractor offers 140-160 per day. Eg: cleaner, painter, general job in general etc.\nSo more or less it does take some of the local jobs.\nThey are persistent as well. Some waited outside the compound to offer job to sweep the compound." ], [ "Agreed with the comments, define \"seen too many\". PATIs by their \"illegal\" nature already take up the lowest denominator jobs with low salaries that are depressed further by their status such as manual labour and low-end blue collar work.\nOverall, while PATIs cause a depression of wages in the labour market, it's also because of loose regulation of labour law and corrupt enforcement that allows this depression to happen.\nLegalizing, enforcing and taxing are some of the best ways to overcome this issue. There's no reason why we should need to allow PATIs if we already legalize the labour and tax it accordingly. As it is, the framework to get non-Msian spouses working in Malaysia is astoundingly bad. Source: I have inlaws that are non-Malaysian who continually face issues with getting work visa approvals even though they are married to my family.", "define \"seen too many\".\n1100++ arrested and this is in our Nations capital. All the shops were unlicensed, selling smuggled goods, selling uncertified medication. Its worse in the small towns, bordering big plantations. entire settlements\nI agree with all your other points, especially the path to PR for foreign spouses. (have 2 foreign SIL)" ], [ "Yes, cause people abuse their labour, pay them below minimum and they got no choice. That’s makes them not hire actual Malaysian workers" ], [ "Define “seen too many”. Where?\nAffect economy in what way? These people are modern day slaves who build your fancy new malls, highways, work in factories and all sorts of jobs Malaysians won’t do.\nSeems like these things have a pretty positive affect on the economy?", "Technically it depresses wages in the respective sector but that's also because employers abuse and exploit PATIs. MEF arguments about PATI and increasing employee wages is 100% the time hogwash and bullshit.", "Define “seen too many”. Where?\n1100++ were arrested\nUndocumented migrants use up subsidized petrol/sugar/oil etc. use other services like hospitals causing congestion for Malaysians. They dont pay tax, and they remit the bulk of money earned back to home countries.\nWe are talking about undocumented migrants here, not migrants with work permit working for Malaysian companies", "So in a country of 34 million, 1100 is seeing “too many”. That’s like 1.3% of bukit jalil stadium seats.", "it was a 4-5 hour operation on just ONE street in our capital. If they were so blatant and brave in the open in our nations capital...what do you think the situation is in other parts of our country?", "Dude there's 2 million of them even by the governments records, which are an underestimate.", "This is gold 😂✨", "They send out out currency back home does affecting economy\nGot post in here bout some foreigners try to kidnap a lil girl\nThe Lahad Datu incident that kill our armed forces\nmarried without registration thus they kid become stateless\nkedai aceh, kedai bangla, kedai Pakistan selling their medicinal products here without KKM approval\nKL become mini dhaka when Malaysian go holiday\ncultural differences\nSelayang Market", "Apart from selling illegal medicines and the birthing of children that become stateless, everything else you wrote is just baseless.\nLahad Datu wasn’t PATIs, it was band of bandits led by the “Sultan of Sulu” who wanted to wrongfully claim Sabah. If anything it’s a territorial dispute.\nRemitting currency is affecting the economy in what way? And by how much. Would like to see your data on this. Because these people still have to spend the peanuts they earn on food and other amenities in our own currency.\nThey work at Selayang market- so?\nThey opened a little Dhaka- so? Chinatown or little India is ok?\ncultural differences. Why don’t you call our expats from the west on this. They’re culturally different.", "They opened a little Dhaka- so? Chinatown or little India is ok?\nare you comparing PATI illegal townships with MALAYSIANS???", "China Town and Litttle India ??? Hey bruh, we have Indian and Chinese lol", "Dude is suggesting nons are pendatangs. you didn't notice that? He's saying non = illegal Bangla.", "Yea, my point is you’re ok with these but you’re not ok with a people who work here to create their own community. Wtf you want them to do? Stay on the construction site and work all day?", "Well If I were to work in other country, I don’t think it is a necessities for me to Create A Whole Town just to reminds me of Malaysia. Plus if I do, I would do it legally.", "What’s not legal about little Dhaka? If they’re paying rent on the buildings they stay in.", "Some of them Don’t pay rent yk, They broke into Left and old building and live inside", "So if the buildings are abandoned, what’s the problem?", "Are you really suggesting its ok for illegal migrants to move in to empty buildings? So...if your neighbor moves out, and 30 rohngya move in cos its \"abandoned\" its ok?\nThen your next neighbor cannot tahan..move out also...then another 30 come, and your street slowly becomes shithole", "If they’re paying rent on the buildings they stay in.\nUndocumented Foreigners are not allowed to run busineses and do not have business lesen/permit. Thats the law. All my busineses must pay DBKL banner, advert, business lesen....why do they get away without doing any of that?\nAll my goods sold are SIRIM certified and come from legit suppliers who pay tax. The jalan silang traders sell smuggled goods and uncertified medicines", "That's the neat thing. They don't.", "Well to the master race both Chinese and Indians are foreigners so I guess it makes sense? Just saying.", "They come here to work after finish GTFO don't make community, they come here they shouldn't even got opportunity to build shop cause come here as workers not boses if you look at their passport come as construction but instead works as pam attendant,at clothes shop so basically they don't give shit bout our law more so the unauthorized vehicle they have if got incident you can't claim their insurance cause they don't have so you basically f depends on the damage", "The core labor issue is that they are depressing wages.", "I am pretty sure like most of them even have a family here, (not sure if they are registered or not), Me myself, work in a healthcare, we just treat them as they are, we are not obligated to report them. Yes, Partially I do agree with the part they help build our nation, our malls etc. What about those who doesn’t, nowadays some of them have their own buisness yk, like recently in the news, “Mini Dhaka”, they even treat our country like their own. They serve their own people, in our country and how does that benefits our economy. And don’t you think too many of them is not the cause our malaysians dont have the oppurtunity to do the job, because their employer rather paid them at lowe rate as compare to malaysians. That’s another topic to discuss", "These guys make peanuts. Don’t forget by sending money isn’t that easy. There are also fees they need to pay when they send money home.\nPlus, to your second point- are people ready for the incredible price increase in goods and services when locals work in construction or other difficult jobs? I dont think so…", "Eh Bangla" ], [ "truth is no one knows\nthe slave labor we get from them is the candy that folks like, at the same time the slave labor we get stifles the low end development market to push us into truely developed status." ], [ "It is well documented/researched that immigrant workers almost always have a net positive impact to the economy. They are low cost n highly productive- they actually lower overall living expenses due to their slave labour. The problem is they are a direct competitor to the econimically most vulnerable locals, and they introduce abrupt changes in the socio-cultural landscape, which causes instabilities. We have democracy n collectively we make a decision on how much I stability can we accept.\nIn the past, when border control wasn't a thing, Malays, Chinese, Indians came to Malaysia freely, the latter 2 often at the invitation of the rulers. Everyone was equally legal/illegal. In the modern world, we have defined border n immigration laws, so now we can have PATI.", "t is well documented/researched that immigrant workers almost always have a net positive impact to the economy\nDOCUMENTED immigrant workers, not PATI\nIn the past you could also own slaves, the past has no bearing to modern immigration laws and country states.", "PATI too" ], [ "You have been observing since you were born???" ], [ "I just think gov should start creating a new tax for sending money overseas using those international money transfer services.", "We don’t mind any change in the taxes for us. Jangan tiba-tiba cecah separuh gaji cukup. :26554:", "Should Singapore also do this to Malaysians sending mobey back?", "Most malaysians dont even stay in singapore. Why need send money back", "Of course not most. But a substantial amount work in Singapore and send money back. Some even commute from MY to SG daily for work. Especially those from Johor." ], [ "So are these so called PATI working in high skill job that requires higher salary like doctors and engineers? Or are these low wage job like table servers and street cleaners?\nIf it is low wage job, these taxes are peanuts compared to how your government officials has stolen and spent your taxes.", "Bruh. That is called expat" ], [ "Aku suka membaca. Setiap orang ada pendapat masing-masing. So far semua comment orang yang matang. Aku cuma tak sabar nak tunggu mana yang betul2 tak puas hati nanti. 🤡" ] ]
Do you think another MCO is coming?
[ "COVID-19" ]
Do you think after NY a new MCO will be imposed or international boarders will be closed for foreigners? Now government says it’s ruled out, but who knows…
[ [ "No\nDr Dzulkefly actually opposed MCO even back in 2020, so chances of it happening again is low", "But are there any chances that quarantine inside the country will be ruled out, but boarders will be closed anyway?", "No, the scamdemic is just a global psyops test and done its part. If there is another global lockdown it won't be COVID. Locking down locally for one country will just make the government look like a joke and people will change them immediately.", "It's impossible to have another MCO. The world cannot take another lot lockdown economically unless COVID evolve into zombie infection like resident evil. Also the symptoms are milder and we have vaccines nowadays, it'll be treated like an ordinary flu moving forward.\nTake SARS for example, people used to die in droves too, but eventually it became normal and today we don't lockdown because of SARS anymore. The opportunity is one in a lifetime for those who managed to profit out of it, no need to look back cause it's not going to happen anymore, just like 2008 sub prime crisis is not going to happen in our lifetime anymore.", "SARS had a mortality rate up to 50% compared to about 1.5% for COVID. SARS was almost always symptomatic while COVID infection can be asymptomatic but infectious. SARS was less contagious (r0 0.19-1.08) while COVID is much more contagious (r0 0.4-5.7) was therefore easier to contain and eradicate. SARS never became endemic because it was effectively controlled and eradicated while COVID containment didn't work and has become endemic. Most people have been vaccinated and disease is mild in most people, so lockdown again is quite unnecessary. Our economy will collapse with another strict lockdown. We should practice masking in crowded places and if we are sick. Also practice hand hygiene and self isolate if we are sick. It just common sense and shows concern and care for people who have weak immune system.", "as much as i want to see his word biting his own ass, lockdown probably wont happen. we kindda have herd immunity and vaccine is kindda available." ], [ "Depends on how many infection and how many died ? And No, no MCO hopefully cause the economy can't take it toll if that happened again" ], [ "I’m a believer of science, right now, it’s not necessary at all. Vaccines, the mutation lifecycle of the virus, and the understanding of the virus itself means it’s not necessary. Economically, we know it’s not sustainable too.\nThe first lockdown was necessary scientifically because it was new, without vaccine and it was version 1.0 that was potent.\nRight now I’m at home with Covid and it feels like a mild flu, with a bit of fatigue. Sure, others might feel it more but statistically the science doesn’t point towards any lockdown. When I used to live in a winter country, every winter, everyone would fall sick and there were people who died from it too. They go along, get a flu shot, and live with it.\nCovid will be here for the next 25 to 35 years. This is what the new normal meant. It mutates, have a kick about in the human genome, we find ways to fight it, weaken it, contain it, some pharma bros make loads of money, two life cycles later humans are immuned to it or it turns into yet another strain of the human flu.\nThe question isn’t if there should be a lockdown, it’s whether we are all willing to embrace a new normal, where we adopt better hygiene protocols, certain health protocols, and eventually we’ll have some kind of administer at home booster for when you get Covid or you are part of a cluster. That’s life.\nEdit: There are lots of good scientific information these days about Covid and a few different researches ran simulations on Covid and it showed that most likely it will be around for long, weaken without causing death to almost everyone and if anything, vaccine research would improve exponentially very, very soon with AI machines running the data. Lockdowns and restrictions would be kneejerk reactions that’s disproportionate to the potency of the virus right now." ], [ "Never. MCO destroyed the economy." ], [ "Ask another question:\nIs everyone ready for another MCO? Do we need another MCO?" ], [ "Hurhurhur no. Unless the government wants to ensure RM10 = USD1." ], [ "Imo the cons far outweigh the pros at this juncture for the government to consider MCO, another MCO would be devastating for the B40" ], [ "I want happen" ], [ "Don't know. It is a good question and probably better to be prepared slightly. If the numbers rise, some steps may have to be taken. Although with any luck, this might be a less dangerous variant. But even then, be safe and wear masks and take precautions.", "Shhh...you just angered this whole sub again! I've nvr facepalmed so hard at how ppl invalidated a recent OP who brought it (masks) up when he himself just recently recovered from Covid (again) at the time of writing." ], [ "My family kinda bet it will around Hari Raya..:26562:" ], [ "I think it's unlikely. Suspect the general public won't fancy the idea. Some didn't even bother masking up. But, I could be wrong since I am not an expert." ], [ "I think restricting foreign travellers who brought in the virus is a good idea. Close the borders! But another lockdown would be disruptive, even though personally I want another lockdown to just stay at home and have nothing to do outside and clear out my backlogs of chores, reading and TV drama.", "if you could suggest us some new ebook sites (rip PDFDrive/Z-lib), that'd be great. Also, streaming sites are getting worse with offerings.", "I don't know any e-book sites 😅 I just have a bunch of traditional physical books that I bought or gifted by friends pre-MCO that I didn't touch since MCO. I can't find back the motivation to read, only doomscrolling all day.", "Bro, COVID is everywhere. There's COVID in every country in the world. It also never went away in Malaysia." ], [ "I honestly dont think so, i literally just sold my pc yesterday" ], [ "Time for another EPF withdrawal. Thanks government for free money, my own money." ], [ "Nah" ], [ "Nope not unless hospitals are swamped. I don't think people would even be able to survive another one." ], [ "it’ll never happen for this version covid because it’s not deadly. if it kills 50% of those infected, then yes, but until now, a government is like a business — if most people (aka human capital) are okay, there is not reason to restrict day-to-day life (commerce and the market.\nthere’s never going to be another lockdown unless the virus becomes extremely deadly." ], [ "It's been manageable so far in SG, despite the bigger spike in cases.\nI believe the world will ride out JN.1, which is the dominant strain (winter season) right now. It appears to be more contagious than the previous 2 strains (EG.5 during summer, HV.1 during autumn) but, so far, doesn't seem to pose a bigger threat than the said predecessors from earlier in 2023.\nTouch wood, the infectiousness is merely similar to the seasonal flu which happens every year-end. The inference being, everyone becomes more susceptible due to the colder temperatures & drier air, which affect natural protection against all respiratory germs while making the viruses linger longer on exposed surfaces.\nIf so, we'll just have to wait for the next strain, & see what the virus mutates into.\nThe usual exceptions are, of course, the aged & the immunocompromised, plus the possibility of long Covid for those infected." ], [ "Nope. They will take it serious but won't initiate MCO." ], [ "Look at the rest of the world, who is imposing an MCO? That's it nobody. The ship has sailed." ], [ "Nah, probably not. We have the vaccines n stuff now so it's not really a threat anymore" ], [ "Not really going to happens unless the death rate is hike up to 100 deaths daily.\nMaybe Chinese New year may put some caution to rakyat." ], [ "Not needed at the moment. Field hospital can be set up relatively quickly if needed. We are more well prepared and understand the disease and treatment better now.\nThe story of the original strain when it first hit my city: banker travel back from Italy, ending with 2 whole families dead within weeks. If that doesn’t scare you to put a quick halt of spread I don’t know what to say.", "your family got ended not by the virus but by the hospital malpractice" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 22 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: What do fish smoke to get high? Sea weed
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "A question, for the parking at the KLCC Convention Centre, if I'm reading it right. For the weekend, the maximum I would be charge is RM17 right? Meaning, only pay RM17 no matter if I park from morning till night. For safety reasons, I prefer to park there for the event since I'll be bringing my sibling.\n<image>", "should be maximum of RM17 per day if I'm not mistaken." ], [ "What didn't kill you will make you stronger\nOr make you cringe still 11 years later 😬\nAAAAAAAAAAHHHH HAZUKASHII HAZUKASHII HAZUKASHII 😭😫🤮" ], [ "Anyone having a sad year end? Ending a 3 month attachment in Japan, naturally I am super sad. Esp when I have nothing to look forward to at home. Complicated by the fact that a certain someone is involved as well 😂 selamat tinggal senpai 💔💔💔", "Did senpai notice you?", "Hell yea. I know because no man has ever paid me an ounce of attention hahaha" ], [ "A customer gave my cleaning crew some snacks. They ask me to read the ingredient and see if it's halal or not.\nI gave it a look, and saw Japanese letters staring back at me.\n\"... Kacang je kak, tapi was was lah. Lebih baik bagi xxx je. Dia Christian mah\"." ], [ "just got my first covid. what medicine shud i take? i've been popping panadol like candy.", "It's recommended to get some Paxlovid - to reduce the overall symptoms and effects.", "can i buy this in pharmacy?", "Not sure, but I think you can get them from gov clinics", "Get some throat relieve spray if your have throat itchiness. Less throat discomfort = less coughing = less virus spread and less strain on your body.", "im not coughing but i have bad sore throat. eating lots of strepsils now.", "Pretty much that if your symptoms is just the common cold - unless you're having breathing difficulties get yourself to a hospital", "no cold but i have bad fever. a while cold a while hot and constant headache and nauseous", "Sounds like typical Day 2 symptoms. Continue taking your Panadol, drink loads of water and hang in there! Usually it'll subside by Day 3. Day 4 onwards less headache but you'll feel tired", "you're right. im in my third day now. it's slightly better. sorethroat seems to be worse." ], [ "https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2023/12/993377/eighty-three-human-skeletal-remains-found-drain-sibu 😨" ], [ "saw a short clip from tiktok, a movie, dunno wether malaysian/indonesian, regarding human sacrifice ritual from an ethnic group from borneo. in the scene, the people sacrifice a boy by putting him under the pillar, and next they are going to sacrifice a teenage girl. anyone knows the movie title?" ], [ "my plane has like 20 people who check in but haven't board the plane. one by one of them come and a good amount of them is hip fashionable muslimah with Starbucks on hand.\nits one of the busiest weekends on airport and you guys want to lepak Starbucks untill last minute then greeted by mass of people in xray counter and immigration. now 1 every 3 of them was like \"soriii orang banyak betul uwu'.\ni feel stupid coming on time if i can just make \"teehee\" face and the airplane still wait for you.", "Guess the queue at the buy 2 free 2 promo must be crazy.", "How long did the plane wait? Aren't they supposed to fly ob schedule despite late passengers?", "id say 15-20 min. the airplane even finished refueling. in kk airport airasia does not really follow schedule. if thr plane arrive then you just gonna get boarding after the passenger comes out doesn't matter if it was early\nnow the plane that come last night is not the usual airbus a321 but the bigger faster a330. what happened probably that we are boarding ahead of schedule.\nhowever my point stands. you should be at the gate before boarding time and seeing the same demographic come one by one when every one is ready can be tiring", "That's why - something doesn't add up. Planes don't wait for people especially those dilly dallying" ], [ "Flew from Kl to Kk for work in the morning ... Currently boarding from KK to KL . Dying pliz halp", "Frequent flyer!" ], [ "Found two kitties at work.\ntax + bonus of me getting shoketh" ], [ "And so I am officially on holiday break starting this moment 🎉🎉\nTomorrow the toll is going to be free, right? Recommend something to do in KL/Selangor. I'm thinking of visiting one of those food places I've seen on Insta, but I'm always up for additional recommendations." ], [ "https://paultan.org/2023/12/22/bikers-riding-motorcycles-with-noisy-exhausts-made-to-replace-exhaust-at-the-police-station/\nSarifudin added police would also be cracking down on a worrying trend amongst rempit, or motorcycle hooligans, to remove the rear brake on their bikes. “They do this to reduce weight on the motorcycle and attain higher speeds,” he said.\nEvery high speed brake is a front wheelie, also won't just slimming down the rider's body would be a lot more effective?" ], [ "That scene when Coop watch back the recording after get back in the Endurance, makes me cry every damn time.", "Same bro. Watched it three times on IMAX" ], [ "usually when i eat prawn i have no issue. but the frozen prawn i bought made my mouth itch when i cook it (maggi, boiled) is there a way to remove that itch cause? vinegar soak? the prawns are supposedly good quality hhh", "allergies can develop and disappear anytime." ], [ "3rd day with no water, and 4 days of disrupted water supply in January. Wtf is going on with Penang?", "Waiting for water too. I want to shower.", "https://shopee.com.my/Camping-Electric-Shower-Pump-USB-Rechargeable-3-Water-Output-Mode-IPX7-Waterproof-Outdoor-Fishing-Pantai-i.3924837.20779230799?sp_atk=7aabbf01-9889-468b-9209-85655cc932b3&xptdk=7aabbf01-9889-468b-9209-85655cc932b3", "At least they tell you ahead to prepare.\nAir Selangor would have sudden water cut for many districts at once one too many times." ], [ "Famous last words by me before cf:\n\"Aiya just butcher the wig only ma. How hard can that be?\"\nVery hard omni, very hard...", "One punch man ez cosplay", "wig?", "Yeah for cosplay lol" ], [ "Anyone knows if my piercings are okay for an L license picture ? Will be taking the picture tomorrow, for the record, my hair will be black tomorrow and my septum (nose) piercing will not be shown. I’m only worried about my bridge and lip piercings, the lady that catered to me while I was registering said that it was only my hair colour that was the issue. What do you guys think ?" ], [ "anyone here have used alliance bank's virtual credit card? i heard that you can get temporary credit card number as a security measure, so even if the number gets stolen, your money will be safe." ], [ "Me and my American date and I saw each other again yesterday. He got a haircut in my absence. After lunch in the mall, the first thing he did when we got back was to lie flat on his belly, spread his arms on the bed, and tell me to do the same, but on top of him. We were stacked on the bed like two blood bags in a blood bank. \"This is the closest you can physically get with anybody,\" he stated.\nIt was a new position to me, but I liked it all enough that we stayed like that for a long time, talking. I let my weight sink into his body, sharing our warmth in the cold bedroom. \"It was a long day,\" I said and sighed, blowing air to the rosy back of his neck. \"I needed this.\"\nDid you know there's a loneliness epidemic among gay/bisexual men? The older we get, the further we drift apart from people we know. They start getting married, having children, etc. He confessed to me that this time of the year– Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's– is hard on him. He's a digital nomad. He hasn't been home in New York since 2018.\nHe's beautiful. He's Italian-Irish, so he has these pale blue eyes framed by striking dark lashes and eyebrows. One look was all it took to stun me... He's messy. He scatters his things around the tiny apartment. He doesn't care about laundry. He reminded me a lot of myself. We had too many things in common. He grew up with a father who wasn't kind enough. He didn't have friends at school. He's left-handed. He's drifting from country to country without a final destination. We read and write.\nI think I've asked him more times than what was appropriate whether he was okay. We'd sit on the couch and he'd rest his head on my shoulder and I'd run my fingers through that head of salt-and-pepper hair. I thought and worried for him the same way I worry for myself-- Honey, will we make it in this life? Honey, don't kill yourself.\nHe knows I have a long-term boyfriend. And I never ask him about his other encounters. He even let me go on his phone but I rejected it. I didn't need that. But we toyed with the idea of a future together. We both agreed that neither of us was in a position to care for a serious partner. But I was reminded by what a fellow countryman of his said, Steven. Steven said that I should try dating short-distance instead of only meeting men when I travel overseas. So this was it. I was doing what he told me to do. And it felt good.\nI said to the American, I think I could do this tomorrow, next week, and for the rest fifteen years. I'd get a job and we both would try to fend for ourselves and build a home together. New York's expensive, I said. How about North Carolina? He joked once, saying we could get married in Vegas. I asked him what his ring size was. He said, \"Fuck if I know.\" I am a size 11, and we compared our hands and I said probably 15.\nI revealed to him that when I turned 25, it finally hit me, and I understood and slowly accepted that I am not immortal. One day everyone I love will be gone, and then I'll be gone. We don't have forever. At first, this concept was depressing, and then it was humbling. It's true what they say about men-- one day they wake up and everything's different. They finally realize how silly they've been. But I feel like I keep waking up, you know?\nBeing with him felt like home. We both agreed that I was going through infatuation and that the strong feelings would tarnish and fade, but he also said it was okay to be infatuated. Everything was okay. But I think I know now what I want in life. A domestic life. I'm ready to sacrifice and give up all the sugar daddies, the wanderlust, the alcohol and drugs... To make a trade, trading excitement for familiarity. Yes, there are no guarantees. I asked him if there was ever a thing in this life that didn't have an ending, and he said no. But we can try. Can't we? He said I'd make a good husband.\nWe were in bed later that night watching American talk shows, it was funny and playful. Part of his culture. Then I read the news and he went on Duolingo to keep his streak and I must have dozed off because I woke up with him wrapped around me so tight, our limbs entangled in a mess, clothes strewn across the bedroom floor, and I was glad, I was so glad to be alive and not be alone, and to have him, this beautiful man, this kind man, this friend. I immediately went to class and took my walk of shame, his apartment was nearby. We kissed goodbye and I said I'll be back.\n\"What we have is the opposite of a nine-to-five,\" he said.\n\"You're my other nine-to-five,\" I said and chuckled." ], [ "What are some malaysian food/kuih that's easy to make? I'm currently in Taiwan and I want to make something for the people at the hostel I'm staying at for christmas later", "Pisang goreng/jemput2, roti jala, cucur are some easy ones.", "If you can find bananas, then banana fritters.\nFlour, water, a bit of sugar, dip the half bananas in them, fry.", "Cheesekut!", "cucur bom.", "Onde onde. Tepung, air, garam, gula melaka.\nKalau ada pewarna hijau and kelapa lagi nice, Christmas theme with the salji.\nOr if no have even pewarna, the white onde onde resemble snowball too." ], [ "local Chinese DJs and influencers are shilling for some random name-brand smartwatch on FB all of a sudden lol", "DW2.0", "nah, it's just a regular unknown brand with seemingly unlimited marketing budget", "Yes, Daniel Wellington fits the description." ], [ "Was roaming around when my friend from India asked me a random question that made me realised how rude we are.\n\"Oh you Malaysians can smoke anywhere even in public?\"\n\"Urm not really.\" (while we are looking at one guy puffing some smokes out of his car window - with his kids at the back seat)\n\"In India we can't smoke in public because it will give a bad example to the kids. We will get fines for it and in certain places it is way strict than the others.\"\nAnd all the flashback went amok - how annoyed I was witnessing and breathing in the \"fragrance\" at places where \"DILARANG MEROKOK\" was clearly visible, kids were sitting not that far away etc...and how peaceful it was when I saw no smokers ruin my day when I was in India a few months back." ], [ "I've done my research, and it looks like for all the car insurance providers my final bill will be around RM2.5k this time.\nSo with that in mind, any of y'all want to recommend me which company? Maybe the one you have in mind is nicer, or more ethical, or have a hidden cat pic in their logo or whatever.", "I go with etiqa solely for their drive less save more incentive.", "It's that expensive because it's new. Eventually the NCD will offset the cost as the value of the car goes down over the years.\nAs for insurance, as long as it covers the necessities including special perils, 24/7 auto assistance, windscreen, any of it will do.", "Any will do - I find one with unlimited towing, 24/7 assistance + don't forget the other small stuff (flood coverage, windscreen etc)" ], [ "I bought Risk of Rain 2, Dusk, Prey and Severed Steel this steam sale. I got an roguelike addiction\nthe souls like came from 200+ hours of elden ring" ], [ "Back in my days you want to raise capital for your business, you need a sweetheart government contract, a 50 page deck, a spreadsheet with detail assumptions & you still need to pledge your firstborn as collateral.\nThese days you just join a gameshow.\nFolks have turn it from an exam into a popularity contest.\nI'm loving it", "Is that game show a copycat version of shark tank? Didn't know until you mentioned it.", "Probably, but I think conceptually it's way better\nThat show is tied to mystarter, which is a licensed ECF platform\nSo you are not asking for the hosts's money per se, you trying to raise money from the public\nIn an ECF campaign, publicity is everything\nThis gameshow is free publicity, even if you loose", "everybody's trying to be The Apprentice-era Donald Trump so bad" ], [ "Happy winter solstice festival!\n<image>" ], [ "I feel not many people are talking about this e-invoice which will be implemented fully by end of next year. Government is basically tracking every transaction happening in the country. Even my company housing rental have to get the landlord IC and upload to the system who I paying my rental to.", "How do we hide our money from the tax people", "E invoicing kicks in for small enterprises much later. There is a stepped implementation, first for the top 100m rvenue companies", "talking about this e-invoice\nNot enough of us are finance/accounts people.\nAt least the government got the one benefit from the GST system out of this, the traceability." ], [ "Idk if this belongs in the pf subreddit but,\nI havent paid zakat pendapatan for 2021 & 2022, so i plan to pay them this year lumpsum. Anyone knows if i bayar zakat pendapatan for 2023 + 2022 + 2021, can i still claim during 2023 tax filing? Or can i claim for 2023 only?" ], [ "Using an alt for this.\nAny 'experienced' Redditors here? Wonder if anyone would know of a 2star hotel in PJ that has 3 hour bookings.\nMy bf coming down for Christmas but both of us have family over so we were just thinking of getting a room to spend time together for a bit. I get that its during Christmas time so it might be difficult.", "Booking.com has hourly stay if you know what you're doing.", "Most 2 star hotels / budget hotel has 3 hour booking. Just walk in and ask.\nYou can also download the Flow app to book for short period stay but they are showing me 5 star hotels.", "99 hotel at ss2?" ], [ "Watched a few episodes of fleabag and I love it. The main character is very relatable to me. She is a broke, toxic woman with PTSD trying to navigate life. There are times when I want to hug her and there are many times I want to punch her. She feels like a person (although a horrible person), not a \"strong brave female character\" that Disney movies like to have nowadays.", "Maybe the last good thing Phoebe waller bridges acted in before destroying Indiana Jones and being the latest girl boss hollywood stereotype", "why does hollywood keep producing those weird girlboss characters? it's not like anyone over the age of 5 liked them." ], [ "GODDANGG woke up and finally the steam sale arrived. so many games, too bad i lost my RM200 yesterday :(", "mw Baldur's Gate 3 is still RM200", "also me when yet another year of bandai namco not putting any dark souls game on sale", "", "not on Winter sale. i regret not getting the rm60 for ds3 deluxe in 2021. didn't make the same mistake on elden ring though, got it 30% off", "Wanted to get GoW and UC4 on steam until I saw it's sale on Epic too. Same price with added 33% discount. Onky downside is there's no trophy /achievement on Epic.", "I already have so many AAA so other than Prey, I'm picking up severed steel, Dusk and Risk or Rain ( maybe Mass Effect LE instead? it's on the lowest discount ever )\nbtw if you haven't known yet you can use SteamDB so you can get the best possible deal, you go to the sales tab" ], [ "Bakers cottage tuna croissant sandwich is one of the best deals out there right now. RM 4.50 with generous ratio of tuna to croissant", "Bakers Cottage the real OG bakery. Still dope for me." ] ]
Can we someday have a law where we report highbeam sohais for cash or have their license revoked:/ literally so fed up with these fuckers
Been behind me for fucking half an hour sien
[ [ "<image>\nTime to do this", "I wish this is legal", "Same", "I did it on my car… so far it is safe… just be careful always turn off if not in use.", "Show us the mod please. I'd like to do it too but I drive hatchbacks", "No problem just make your break light Bright and when at traffic just hold your break light it going to be annoying for them", "...but this requires braking. Usually on the road, this happens on highways where you don't brake for extended periods of time.\nThere's really no way to win", "Alright teknik cari gaduh, let him overtake you than chase him and high beam him from behind", "Been there when young, nowadays I just mencarut and let them overtake", "Brake check him until he overtakes you, or he gets down the car and fight you.\nEither way, there's drama!", "Halo pulis, akta hasutan candidate here", "Cannot lah unless you don’t plan on stopping in front of regular ppl for sure will have collateral damage as well, then u become asshole too", "A friend of mine bought a silver navara and he stick some kind of silver reflector sticker and the back of the truck.", "Counter Beam: Lampu offensive" ], [ "I curse 7 generations of theirs to the deepest pits of hell.\nOn top of being fucking annoying, it's also extremely dangerous as the glare obscures the vision - it's especially hard to tell when motorcyclists are coming through.\nThese are the kinds of sohais I wish there was \"social justice\" for. Fucking had it with these sohais.", "THANK YOU AMEN AMIN NAMO ABUTABHI BROTHER", "Bro, u dont say. Most motor use high beam also.", "I’m sorry man… try to fix it, but still if i put on low beam it goes to high beam… if i put it on high beam it goes to high beam… bike parts are not getting cheap. 💀", "Put tape on the top half of ur front light. Now its a low beam. Your welcome :>", "That’s actually what i did yesterday", "Did it work", "Amazingly enough… yes…" ], [ "You can email jpj. Include your details and what you believe the other car did wrong. Include the plate number of the car. Video or photo of the vehicle with the offence. Plate number must be clear.", "Was assuming jpj wouldn’t give a damn even if I sent them something but if u tried it. Does it work?", "They do. Not sure about jpj, but the police traffic 1 is proven to work. A friend of mine once got a court summon because he rode his motorcycle against a 1 way street. Someone reported him.\nSo im guessing jpj also works.", "Ah I’ll try it soon then", "My experience on the other hand, is that i reported some lorries driving dangerously, over speed limit and obviously overweight (like it is going to explode) to the number they always put behind the lorries (aduan sila sms blabla number). This is in the era where the sms to 5 digit number is the norm. Didnt get any response, dont know if my report is in or not, taken care of or not." ], [ "It doesn't matter what law, these sohais will always be there to announce their stupid presence... Just slow down, let them pass... & you can have your revenge if you want to... Just a waste of time to even think about them..." ], [ "If you are not on the right lane (overtaking lane), then just flip the rear review mirror on your r/kereta.\nIf you are actually on the right lane, get out of the lane", "I don't think OP would dare take pic if traffic is fast. The vehicle is moving slowly that's why he is able to take a pic hahaha" ], [ "I will purposely slow the car to the point they cannot tahan and overtake me. No rage on both side and problem gone. Doesn't take half an hour. Works everything.", "This is what I usually do... I take my leg off the accelerator, and just let the car cruise until it crawls.. No aggressive sudden brakes since that's dangerous.", "I did once, except it wasn't a highway. It was a two lane road and I am already on the left lane. The idiot think it is funny to follow behind me with lampu so bright when the right lane is empty.\nSo I just promptly indicate left, and proceed to stop and park on the side of the road.\nIt was midnight too so there is no one else around on the road so it is so obvious when he passed me I immediately get back on the road again behind him calmly continue driving.\nYou can't argue with stupid. Best is to let them be on their way." ], [ "Pullover, get behind him, revenge", "I’d love to but I’m a relatively new driver and Honda city brakes kinda shit", "Your tyres suck. I drive a Honda City sometimes and never had an issue. If you don't have a gear selector hope your auto gear has a selector as that helps slow the front section of your car.\nCar brakes can easily out break tyre grip. Modern cars have abs so it makes you think your brakes are terrible as they don't lock. When your tyres don't grip abs won't let you over brake and lock the tyres.\nGrab an OBD2 device and see if abs trips when braking. If it does it's a problem with your tyres.", "Too professional. Put it in words monke like me can understand. But basically what’s a oBD2 and yeah idk much bout cars as well gotta say, shud I get Michelin tires?", "Michelin sucks kinda lol. Go continental.\nOBD2 is a diagnostic port. When there's no grip abs releases the brakes to prevent your tyres locking which causes flat spots and reduced braking distance. If you feel your brakes suck check your tyres. Make sure they are also filled too. When a safety feature triggers it usually gets logged which you can read from any computer plugged into the OBD2 port. In some cases your brakes may not be working properly like your fluid levels being too low however most of the time people don't realise their tyres are worn or are using terrible tyres.", "Michelin primacy and pilot sport series is actually good", "the 2 main brands are michelin and continental, and there are many sub brands or brands connected to them. The michelin side dont even last 5 years, only 2 years. Continental is about 5 years in practice.\nDespite what they say about their life time, the in practice part is down to rubber degradation not wear, based on my experience. My used car initially came with michelin, and based on the year needed changing despite 2 years. I had an accident with them, no grip then suddenly super grip and burst.\nMy mums honda city came with continentals, been stuck with them and worked great, 4-5 years between changes with the exception of the tyre bursting from very very bad pot holes. I switch my used car to one of continental sub brands and its been decent.", "Yeah I mean other Michelin maybe questionable but FWIW Primacy and Pilot Sport is actually good in my experience", "Aite noted my guy", "Pilot sports 5 is one of the best tyres ive ever used on the road and that coming from a guy who used to track a lot locally and internationally and have used slicks and semi slicks", "Yeah even their primacy tyres are good", "the problem is their life span, not initial performance. Mine caused an accident being just 2 years old. No grip, suddenly super grip, burst and crash.", "My last pilot sport 4 lasted well into its 5th year whilst i waited for the pilot sport 5 to ve released. Im not sure about cheaper offerings from them as i have always made it a point to invest in good tyres usually top of the line as i am a fast driver in a decently powerful car. I can't say much about your experience as I've not experienced it but I'd recommend using nitrogen for better lifespan, slower loss of pressure, maybe checking for uneven wear, rotate the tyres etc.", "Nitrogen part not true. Mine is an ecobox. The problem I had was rubber degrading and I have to park outside. Our affordable houses don't have garages.\nThe only place where nitrogen is used is aeronautics. The high heat can cause the oxygen to combust and the uneven gas heat capacity would be an issue. So I bet where you fill is a scam because most of air is nitrogen.\nSure mine aren't performance tyres but not everyone can afford a lot of money for high performance tyres. If the main brands regular tyres rubber last long that's the minimum. There's trade off in a lot for design though and the tyres I once had the biggest complaint was life span and was a common complaint.", "Ill counter argue that nitrogens benefits come from lower wear over time when it comes to the steel lines in your tyres which can affect longevity. It also requires less refill in general as it is more stable. Proof in case i drop 5 to 10 psi (low profile tyres) over a month compared to conventional air through gas station compressors that sees that every 2 weeks. If you like, I'll share my logs through 2023. Its minute in detail but is worth it in the long run. Again granted, very heavy driving and fast corners (empty roads only. I dont let loose when there's cars around)\nI totally get where you're coming from. I do. Ive been broke through most of this year thanks to many things affecting the business but if you dont mind my 2 cents, your tyres are the only thing connecting you to the roads. Its worth maybe saving 50 a month over 3 years for an upgrade. It keeps you safe, protect you from idiots and granted our weather, it'll minimise dangers from puddles on our shitty roads. It really does cut through the waters extremely well. Great stopping distance, handling, reliability really does go a long way to protect your investment and yourself.\nI don't mean to offend. Just sharing my thoughts as i do believe in the importance of good tyres and what it brings to your table.\nEdit: my nitrogen refills are free of charge even when i buy my tyres from elsewhere.", "You don't need to be near for high beams to work. They are literally meant to be bright far away", "The car brakes shit not cause of the brand. It's cause there's something wrong with it. Get your brakes checked. If that shop say it's like that fk that shop and go another.", "It's the tyres. Abs is preventing the wheels locking so you can't tell. If tyres don't grip abs don't brake.", "can you explain 'brakes kinda shit'", "Or just change to another lane, slow down, let him pass, and change back.", "Do not revenge. Later if someone bring baseball bat, everyone in trouble. Unwanted and useless escalation. A lot of case already. Regular people suddenly become crazy.", "I like doing this when I can. I'm petty as fuck." ], [ "I put mirrors at the back and reflective tape all over the back bonnet. Get fucked highbeamer.", "Someone get this guy a YouTube channel. We need to do what he does.", "I already have one but I only make videos", "You only make videos? For YouTube? That...that'll do just fine.", "Yes I need tutorial" ], [ "Turn the mirror away, take the foot off the accelerator and let the car slow down to a crawl. Best done when there's car on your side and so the farker at the back can't overtake.\nIt will drive him mad while U drive peacefully in a safe speed." ], [ "Just flip your rearview mirror???\n<image>", "Can confirm it works for high beams from sohai drivers, but on roads where there are non-functional street lamps/street lamps that run in the day time, might be harder to see what's behind your car", "Yeah actually this is the way" ], [ "Flip your center rear kview mirror.. that way, you just looking in the reflection. That's how I drive at night. Down side is, if you forgot to flip back and an idiot have very low or did not turn on their light, you have no idea someone is behind you\nhttps://www.v3cars.com/features-explained/day-night-inside-rear-view-mirror-irvm-feature-explained#:~:text=A%20mechanical%20switch%20under%20the,everytime%20you%20change%20the%20mode. Hope this helps..", "I can’t tell if your joking but I’ll take a look soon", "Not a joke. That's why you have that toggle in your center rear view mirror..\nA good driving instructor should have teach you this. I don't remember who taught me.." ], [ "I always keep a hand held mirror in my glovebox for this situation, I aim the light back at their retina :)", "HOLY FUCK YOU GENIUS I LOVE REDDIT SO MUCH" ], [ "Switch lane let them overtake switch back to original lane turn on high light" ], [ "A lot of people seems to be assuming I’m on the right lane. I’m on center lane and we’re all stuck in traffic.", "Well next time put in that detail. Road hogs (babi jalanan) are a menace too.", "Yeah forgor people can’t read minds will rmb next time" ], [ "Aim your rearview mirror toward the car... They will shut it down themselves... I used it quite a lot of time... It worked... Maybe the light reflected back to them..." ], [ "Same. Drove from KL to JB then back to KL few days ago and highbeam mofos are out in full force. I am already in the slow lane since i drive an older car, I even let go of the throttle to let this mofo overtake me. Nope, they wants to ride my ass with high beams and fog lights on. Even worst if I get stuck in a jam and it is downhill.\nHappened more than once too in the same drive, although with varying degrees of annoyance." ], [ "I know a person who purposely did this every time he drives Aruz. Reason is because he points out that every suv drivers do this. Tried to argue that it is not true but stupidity wins…" ], [ "You’re forgetting the best part, he’s behind you which means you can drive slow af to piss him off." ], [ "As someone with poor vision, these lights always hurt my eyes.\nThey so blind they need such bright and high lights to drive?\nI hope they all crash.", "Fr" ], [ "I hope these kind of people always have to go to the toilet when they got comfortable on their bed and their car's engine breakdown at the most inconvenient of their time" ], [ "Every Malaysian should strive to be a sohai, since Malaysia Boleh!\nJoke aside. Malaysia tarak boleh, sebab orang malas kerja enforcement tarak buat kerja.\nSo you can report kaw-kaw, but unless you have enough wang sogok, then nothing of substance will be done.\nMalaysia Boleh!\nThat is why awhile ago someone asked if he/she should learn Cantonese or Mandarin, and I replied French or German instead. Pity me got thumbs down.\nWhy French or German leh?\nBecause someday if lucky, can migrate to a much better country mah.\nTo live in a better country needs to speak French or German. Otherwise, how? Speak Cantonese with the foreigners ah? Boleh balik Malaysia la.\nDon't dream small by learning Cantonese/Mandarin.\nDream big by learning French/German instead.\nMalaysia Tak Boleh! Saya Boleh!\nMaciam ni la.", "Ong very motivational. Bout to resign from digi customer service and go learn Myanmar language and have my organs harvested", "Then you would not be upgrading yourself to a better country. Instead, you would be downgrading yourself to a worse country.", "So wow, much motivational", "https://govisafree.com/best-countries-to-live-in/\nYup" ], [ "Dont forget rear foglamp cibais" ], [ "Problem really is when they put those LED lights on cars not meant for such lights." ], [ "That’s why YB allows 100% tint for the back. Make use of it" ], [ "Bruh, now day there's too many white light on the road. Not the gentle factory manufactured ones, but OEM parts. Last time I check a set of them would cost 400 ringgit but at shopee only 30 ringgit a bulb. Smh no wonder lah sakit mata" ], [ "lmaoo, I can relate to you. Was driving back to Ipoh on 9-10 pm , and one range rover black color headlight so bright I can see heaven already. My eyes can't even open and worse, there was jam. Can't even move to left cuz already filled with cars.", "Let’s change our back car window to reflective ones like the motorcyclist helmet kind of mirror", "AHAHAH i seriously second this choice. But unfortunately I am a chicken and scared later polis tangkap me :/" ], [ "Just let him through… if you’re driving on the right lane you’re blocking ppl" ], [ "just put a mirror at back to reflect back😎", "This is the way" ], [ "so why u cibai dont move away and let him overtake ? ego right...typical" ], [ "Goes both ways.\nStop hogging the right lane if you’re cruising at 40km/h. Fuck off." ], [ "Ahhh... Honda City driver... No wonder feeling so entitled. Haha. It depends really. If you are on the right lane, then move to the left lane. If it is a one-lane, then follow the speed limit and use the thing on your rear view mirror.", "On the center lane all the time. I’m not a right lane hogger u nerd.", "You could have moved to the left lane and let him pass no?", "Haha ok2 no need to get emo. Then another option is to move to the left most lane.", "I’m not surprised if u have no friends Man. U wanna look at what u wrote? I don’t think u gave any valuable inputs", "Oh man I shook some feathers didn't I. Let's be friends then 😉", "Mmm explain it on monke mm actually u don’t have to I’m done here👌", "I mean, why else would the car makers come up with this feature? To shoo away reindeers is it? Nooo. It is to tell other drivers to move away. I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...", "You have not been driving on the highways at night. People use high beam all the time.", "Yeah I've been there. My point is, avoid these people within your power and not crying out to have laws for it. It's a simple issue with a simple solution. And I am sure any law abiding drivers would use the high beam when the need arises.", "\"I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...\"\nYou obviously don't know them.", "I thought its main purpose is to be used during very low visibility like when there is no streetlight at all, even then when there is another car in front of you or coming the opposite way we always turn it off anyway to be considerate and safe. But then, I might be wrong so feel free to correct me.\nAlso it is damn hard to change lane safely when you cannot see anything behind you other than the bright light beeming into your every mirror.\n\"I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...\" Look if this is the case no one would complain also.\nAnd also I drive a small old ratty car so I never stay on the right lane or middle lane unnecessarily, but still kena this kind of driver how??\nIt is obvious that you are one of these kind of driver so my advice is to think of other people when you drive. We share the road, so try to match other's speed and be kind and considerate. Not keep beeming everyone demanding people give way to you regardless of any situation. Who the f do you think you are?.", "Woah no need to use f letter here. The lever has 2 sides, when you push it, high beam for the dark roads, if you pull it, it is for a quick second to signal something and it goes back to its natural position.\nMy point is, it is a simple problem with a simple solution. Use your own means to control the situation. You can adjust your rear view mirror so it won't be glaring as much, and then safely change lanes." ], [ "Usually partially blind old uncles. What to do, aging population" ], [ "Highbeam literally flashbanged my eyes at night. That's why I don't drive at night anymore" ], [ "put reflective mirror at the rear :)" ], [ "This is the reason why i always try to buy cars with auto dimming rear view mirror, precisely to not get blinded by these assholes\nSometimes certain things really can't be helped like if you drive a low car and the car behind is a tall SUV, but most times you can see idiots that turn on their high beam because they don't know what's the difference. Easy to spot because they'll have their fog lights on too.\nBasically they switch everything on blindly (heh) and go about their way blinding everyone", "I didn’t know auto dimming morris existed I’ll need one", "It's very handy, borderline essential given how ignorant our drivers are. Highly reccomend!" ], [ "if your car has rear fog lights turn them on", "If only I had them.. does myvi highest spec have that? I’d get a myvi when I earned enuf money", "don't think so. usually only conti cars got" ], [ "Even if there are laws about this fat chance of ppl abiding by it and the police/jpj enforcing it." ], [ "I would usually let the overtake me then turn my highlights on 🤣" ], [ "Buy mini spotlight and put in the back" ], [ "Usually I just flip that switch below my rear view mirror and proceed to slow down gradually.\nHe can over take me whenever he is ready." ], [ "I usually tap down on the rear view mirror leaver to have it polarized. I thought its standard in all vehicles. Although, i do agree it can be annoying to see high beam on side view mirrors." ], [ "Try install reflective tint on rear windshield and chrome accessories.." ], [ "I'm kinda guilty about this but then again, I have no idea how or why my saga headlight normal mode is like a highbeam. Been getting flashed by oncoming traffic even though it's on normal. It came out of the factory like that or something?" ], [ "just get out of the way slowpoke", "cry" ], [ "why drive infront of the dude for 30mins without letting him pass." ], [ "Also the light would be pointed straight to the front instead of angled downwards" ], [ "Driving with astigmatism even more jialat :( it's really super dangerous wth" ], [ "Adjust your side mirrors towards them.." ], [ "Next time someone's headlight is stabbing your eyes through the rear view mirror, the mirror has a little tab on it. FLICK THE TAB", "THANK YOU" ], [ "First get auto darkening mirror. Second, angle mirror upwards. Third, let them overtake then do the same to them" ], [ "They should ban white light. Revert to orange lights." ], [ "Just let him pass. Don't be a moving chicane" ], [ "we have the same problem in brunei..." ], [ "Let’s fix the bully rempits first…" ], [ "This is in fact illegal in many countries. You are not allowed to use your high beams in good weather because it can blind other drivers." ], [ "we have many laws in Malaysia. the problem is the enforcement authority and the lack of enforcement, lack of professionalism and customer service, huge attitude problem with all government authorities. stuck in Third-World level of service." ] ]
Ngeh's proposal to have non-Muslim experts in syariah law committee a mistake — Loke
[ "Religion" ]
[ [ "Political correctness at its finest." ], [ "Mistake or not, it actually served a more important purpose — to get multiple parties, especially the royalty and political leaders to openly reiterate the separation of both laws in terms of application.\nWhat is more interesting however is the absence of PAS leadership who were weirdly silent on this matter (from the mainstream media at least), they would be the very first to latch on this to score political points especially with enemies DAP in the crosshair.", "You can check on Facebook or Twitter la. PAS leadership has responded. 90% Malay support after this, takkan lepas punya la nak hentam. Bola tanggung.", "Malas nak check Facebook la abam, haven't been there for half a decade." ], [ "Meh ,if this was MCA or Gerakan during BN reign this post would have more traction" ] ]
Loke: Free Prasarana train, bus rides for the disabled in Klang Valley starting February
KAJANG (Dec 21): All OKU card holders will enjoy free public transportation services under Prasarana Malaysia Bhd (Prasarana) from Feb 1 next year, said Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook. Loke said the initiative involves all mass rapid transit (MRT), light rail transit (LRT), monorail and Prasarana bus services in the Klang Valley. He said Prasarana was given one month to prepare and coordinate the ticketing system, including giving special concession cards to persons with disabilities (PwD). "PwD users only need to show their OKU card, issued by JKM (Social Welfare Department), and apply for the (special) card. "Prasarana agreed to provide free rides for PwDs, although it has a financial impact on Prasarana, but this is part of their CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiative," he told a press conference at Stadium Kajang MRT station here on Thursday. Currently, OKU cardholders only enjoy a 50% discount for public transport. Earlier, Loke launched the women’s coach pilot project for the MRT Kajang line at Bandar Tun Hussien Onn MRT station in Cheras. He said the pilot project was aimed at improving comfort and ensuring the safety of female passengers, as well as preventing them from becoming victims of sexual harassment. Since the MRT women’s coach for the Kajang line was launched in September, he said complaints regarding the issue of sexual harassment showed a downward trend from eight cases in the first quarter of this year to only three cases in the fourth quarter (as of last month), even though the number of passengers increased. Accordingly, he said the pilot project would be expanded to the Putrajaya line.
[ [ "Loke for PM :29091::29091::29091:" ] ]
Lebih 1,000 penguatkuasa serbu ‘mini Dhaka’
[ [ "1000 people? whos in there? rajnikanth movie antagonist?", "They apparently detained 1,100 illegal immigrants today", "Massive brawl or mass 1v1?", "Free for all brawl" ], [ "Rakyat Malaysia perlu lahirkan lebih banyak anak untuk menambah populasi rakyat negara ini supaya kita bolehlah kurangkan kebergantungan kepada warga asing.", "ini bukan masalah anak yang kurang, tapi disebabkan\n- generasi muda yang malas (sehingga aunty myanmmar pun tegur secara terbuka)\n- orang asing lebih rajin dan murah\n- korupsi di imigresen dan kawalan sempadan + sempadan kawal lemah di kedah/ kelantan / perak / sabah senang diceroboh)\n- Ringgit Malaysia semakin lemah sehingga anak MY yang rajin dan berupaya sudah pergi Singapura dan negara lain", "Setuju ngan yg lain tapi brain drain tu mcm tak relevan dalam konteks PATI ni", "betul tapi maksud saya adalah realiti SGD vs MYR :\ncuba bayangkan\n- cuci pinggan / buang sampah / kerja labor / grab di Singapura dalam SGD, balik MY lebih kaya dari M40\n- cuci pinggan / buang sampah / kerja labor di Malaysia dalam MYR, B40 selama-lamanya kalau tidak berusaha belajar ilmu baru atau naikan pangkat", "Ah, I see what you mean. Yang rela buat kerja² labour ni semuanya better and prefer pergi Singapura drpd kerja kat sini.", "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahha" ] ]
BERSIH: Local council elections won’t affect the Malays as they’re the majority in KL
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Tak habis2 with Malays\nPAS would rather kroni getting in , rather than who rakyat chooses, asalkan melayu", "You spelt UMNO wrong." ], [ "As I've said before, Malays may be the majority of the population in KL, but they're not the majority of voters, because many Malays reside in KL but vote in other states. If you only count the number of voters, Chinese voters outnumber Malay voters in KL.\nAnother user shared some calculations based on available voter statistics." ], [ "Who's saying it will affect the Malays in the first place. Why is affecting Malays even in consideration. I can only think of one party." ], [ "When will we ever have a Malaysian Malaysia?", "No such things. Failed multiculturalism…", "No vernacular school?\nNo bumiputera privilages (including the sabah & sarawak bumiputera privilages)?\nLee kuan yew tried to make a \"singaporean singapore\" only to make a U-turn by introducing SAP.\n\"The Special Assistance Plan (SAP) was introduced in 1979 as a long-term scheme to preserve the best Chinese-stream schools so as to develop effectively bilingual students who were inculcated with traditional Chinese values.\"\nThe way this country is set up and formed, i would say its highly unlikely.\nMaybe if there was a revolution or something big enough to happen that would shake the entire country then maybe yes.", "This election and next election cycle. Unlikely since there's a mentality Malaysia for Malaysians is racist as it means Malays don't get privilege. It's an odd logic, but that what alot of people think.\nAgain, don't count your hopes up. A few years ago, the idea of a black US president was laughable, but Obama proved that idea outdated, and not only that he got reelected.", "Nv, especially since pmx also not buying that idea.\nOnly Lim guan yew and dap supports that ideology.", "That ship had sailed away with SG a long time ago" ] ]
Several Petronas stations hit by diesel disruption; relief expected in 24-48 hours
Ex-Prasarana CEO says reviving KL-Singapore HSR now challenging due to economic climate
[ [ "Will there ever be a good economic climate ? With every passing year, the price tag will keep increasing due to inflation.\nIf the past was different and the north south expressway was never built, I wonder if it would be possible to build it today or if a million excuses would be used to justify why it's too expensive and impractical and to just continue to use the federal highways.\nAlso people like to conveniently forget that the HSR has domestic stops in between and isn't a 2 stop line of just KL and SG, yes Singapore will benefit but Malaysia will benefit as well. Imagine being able to work in KL and stay in Seremban avoiding the KL jams and high housing prices, people in Japan and Taiwan already do such commutes by taking their HSR lines 1 or 2 stops out from the main cities daily." ], [ "Political climate is more challenging", "The good thing about the BN hegemony was long term things gets done\nWith current politics though... PH is gung-ho about cancelling past government projects without any replacement.(and uturn reviving them later)", "It’s nothing to do with BN and more to do with political stability. We’ve had 4 different governments since 2018, of course nothing long term doesn’t get done.", "Betul la what i said,\nJust saying the (insert any party name) hegemony is the epitome of political stability.." ], [ "Too many cronies involved in the project and Singapore side don't want to work with these cronies." ], [ "\"challenging due to economic climate\"\nYeah, Selangor will build another highway along entire Klang River very soon in challanging economic climate.\nIt seems like this ex-CEO just want to earn himself way to shareholder in SKL." ], [ "HSR is too expensive for local to use, and there is no way tax payer will foot the bill to subsidise Singaporean to ride HSR.\nWe need better rail service between two cities and the many cities in between, but not expensive HSR type.", "Name one country that build HSR that has lower GDP per capita than Malaysia...\nYour answer will be zero while mine has answer, but I will keep it as a secret because enemy don't deserve secret.", "Indonesia?", "Indonesia", "Name one country that build HSR that has lower GDP per capita than Malaysia..\nIndonesia then aka Whoosh." ], [ "Prasarana is in the red and we want to add more train debt?", "Instead we should all invest in very profitable highway concessionary right?" ] ]
Premier: Sarawak’s own airline expected to be up and running earliest by Q2 2024
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
OKU Parking
Sometimes I just do not understand why people like to park in a OKU parking spot.
[ [ "See OKU also can buy a mercedes. What have you guys done with your lives?", "he got rich and bought merc with his wife's death RM500k insurance where he one shot every pennies on crypto investment and gain 5x profits.", "He's lucky his wife's bf didn't get that money instead", "that's why always marry the cancer chick.", "sounds like what frank gallagher would do", "That's a literal.. STONKS!", "Ask him if he would like to see his wife again.", "Wow such motivation. Such inspiration", "your right", "Sure daddy's money lahh haha" ], [ "Because these people are mentally OKU", ":26555:", "Bak kata pepatah ayahku, OKU Bukan maksud 'Orang Kurang Upaya' tetapi 'Otak Kurang Upaya'.\nOrang begini memang OKU la", "Ouch. What a roast", "its the first thing i thought of when i see the title and picture before scrolling down to the comment ,haha", "Yeah well. At least its a nice mercedes. I guess being an OKU is special trait to have.", "Another species, voluntary degeneracy" ], [ "Look at his muka 10 sen. Confirm he is OKU la...", "nahhh his car is not 10 sen", "If only people's mentality can be determined can be determined by how much money they have", "well he dont lack money, he lacks common sense", "Exactly, that's the sad case for many people. First world facility, third world mentality" ], [ "Otak kurang upaya", "They mistook the spot for an OKA spot, orang kurang akal" ], [ "so you guys just gonna ignore the honda weird parking placement?" ], [ "While there are people who abuse the parking space. Please know that not all disability is visible. Some disabled people look \"normal\" but they might not be able to walk too far, too tired after chemo/surgery, arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia.", "The last I checked the car doesn’t have any disabled sticker.", "Got money buy Mercedes can't say no money buy oku sticker.", "Maybe just short term disability? Yea could still get a sticker but you know how we all are. Likely just abusing parking though", "On the flipside, I could also standby an OKU sticker and stick it there for emergency parking. The thing is, we just don't know without enough context just found out here cannot do that\nBut where I frequently go, I know these people park at the OKU allocated lots because they couldn't be bothered to park further to pick up their children from daycare centres. But then again, by not doing that, it'll end up creating an even worse double parking situation...", "I actually do agree with you. But in somewhat I really feel most of the time people do abuse the parking space.", "Then apply for an OKU sticker or perhaps don't drive. Technically you can't park there without an authorised OKU sticker.", "I suggest e-hailing or car pooling would be an ideal option in this situation. I don't recommend post surgery pt under recovery phase driving themselves due to sudden relapse that could happen.", "i am against people using OKU parking but i also suggest people to give them the benefit of doubt. there might be valid reasons for that.", "ya this was the flipside i was thinking too, theres a possibility for his side of the story." ], [ "that honda lagi champion." ], [ "the honda isnt even on a parking space", "He was in OKU parking space too." ], [ "Make sure to report to your local authority such as JPJ, DBKL. Pretty easy to report via ResponsRakyat app.", "So this app still works? I don't think there's been an update for ages so I wasn't sure if it's still in use.", "Still works. Usually the relevant Authorities will get back within a week or two.", "Ahhhh, good to know! Thank you!" ], [ "He's a Malaysia with an entry level mercedes, just like Malaysians with BMW 5 Series.\nThey think they're more important than anyone and everyone and their time is worth more because they came into a small bit speck of wealth more than most people in a third world-ish country." ], [ "WAIT WAIT... is \"mati pucuk \" also count as OKU? could be .." ], [ "Young oku, expensive car." ], [ "\"Poor hardworking people hate him!\"" ], [ "Sea Park?" ], [ "otak kurang upaya" ], [ "he prob got no brain. still considered as an oku" ], [ "Maybe the merc driver has his kid or kids in the back seat, who are OKU.", "He went inside alone to the restaurant to have dinner with friend apparently.", "", "i smell both jealousy and hatred from u OP,\nWow....\nu can’t/don’t applaud for their personal success.\nHow the fuk does personal success/rich is relevant here? So if I'm successful I can be a dick and park my car in oku? Stop behaving like a civil man and operate on third world mentality where I can do whatever I want because I have a expensive car? Op is criticising his action.\nIf you have oku, have the sticker visible. It's perfectly normal to be Sus of someone when they park on oku parking but walk normally from the car.", "That does not mean u can have the oku spot. Oku sticker must be on displayed on car. And not the cikai sticker, u have to go to jpj and get it endorsed with your plate numbers then only can display the right one. Kanina I did for my parents so I know the proper process." ], [ "Taman sea?" ], [ "Looks like he only has one leg from the photo's perspective haha" ], [ "It's scary that people who is mentally challenged shared the same road with us." ], [ "Why nobody talking about how fucking cinematic this photo is? The lighting, The angle, just perfect." ], [ "Easy to understand. Usually it's the only spot empty. Doesn't mean a non oku should be using it, though." ], [ "To further enhance convenience, better buy electric scooter. Can park inside the premise you're going to.", "Or do the China thing and buy electric wheelchair. From house to shop no need to park." ], [ "The car is handicapped though.. it probably has a failed transmission or a misfire." ], [ "Oku this rich, im envy of that🗿", "So what are you waiting for? Time to be an OKU" ], [ "Selfish, entitled." ], [ "my car my right\n<image>" ], [ "This people always have oku card" ], [ "3 digit # just a rough assumption could be a birthdate number. Say..\n3/12 (3rd, December) or could possibly be 3/12 (March, 12th). My wild guess only" ], [ "It's not the first time anyway.. they will still do it even if is in the shopping mall during peak hours as well. This kind of people, no matter how you tell them try to do the right thing, they are just ignorant about it and they think that they are rich and can do whatever way they want to.." ], [ "Entitled." ], [ "Definitely oku card holder" ], [ "Beliau mungkin kehilangan organ pembiakan 😔" ], [ "Simple bro, throw brick at mirror...Wear gloves just case..." ], [ "If he wants to fake it as an OKU, he should wear a pair of sunglasses and walk with a white cane." ], [ "Not oku, park oku, become oku" ], [ "Oku minded la" ], [ "Don't judge people. Maybe he's disabled mentally who has room temperature IQ" ], [ "He have mental disabilities, I don't blame him" ], [ "Time to make him oku" ], [ "Cacat otak" ], [ "Ugly face could be oku for him" ], [ "Though I am really an OKU (for real), but this is even worse than that. Imagine I had to drive a normal car to park at the OKU parking, suddenly this one happens" ], [ "Is that Honda also parked inappropriately?" ], [ "Big car with small brain 🧠" ], [ "i have a uncle who also like this, speed 99 on highway, rack up thousands in summon every month and park at OKU place.\nits not because they purposely being a dick. my Uncle is RICH , not billionaire rich but multi millionaire rich. founder of a IT security company, his kids all send to international school kind of rich, live in bangaloo kind of rich.\nThe reason why he does this is because for people like him, time is more important than money, If he go pusing pusing find parking he might end up wasting 30 min. Might as well park at oku and pay the couple hundred in fine and get his 30min back. Especially if he needs to attend a meeting with a client to get a contract worth 6-7 figure, what is that couple hundred to him." ] ]
Clinics vs hospital healthcare
Is it just me or is there a noticeable difference in healthcare quality when going to a clinic and hospital? I have eczema, and everytime i go to a licensed dermatologist at a clinic they always give some random steroid cream in a white container with a sticker on top. Doesnt matter what clinic it is, they always use the same white container and they wont evn tell u what cream is it. At hospitals tho they actually give u the cream in its actual tube. And spend more time addressing ur concerns. It feels so insane cuz some of the clinic dermatologists I've gone to also work at hospitals on certain days, and i cant imagine getting that lvl of healthcare in a hospital Overall clinics feel super not worth it nowadays. Long waits, subpar healthcare, and the price difference not even thay big. Anyone else feels like this? Edit: all the hospitals and clinics were private Edit2: not sure what qualifications you even need to open clinics in my. Been to this one in tangkak that declared i was allergic to eggs after shaking my arm, then gave me inhouse drops to take and cure it..... what???? At an actual hospital, they said they could cure allergies through gradual exposure to it, but they also said you had to sit around and wait after the injection to make sure you don't go into anaphylactic shock, and the injections would increase gradually in concentration . Tangkak clinic really tripping if they sending ppl home with one eyedropper bottle of shock inducing treatment, except it wasnt because its just saline water. Needless to say, that experience left me completely untrusting of clinics. Seems like anyone can just open one and start giving bullshit treatments. Also i did stop consuming eggs for half a year at the behest of my parents. Saw no difference, then gave up and had scrambled eggs. Also saw no difference
[ [ "Government or private? Either of the clinics or hospitals.", "Both private", "I see. Private hospitals have to maintain a higher standard of care. It's to fulfil part of their accreditation. The pharmacy cannot dispense opened containers or tubes, hence they keep creams in their original packaging with the brand and active ingredients visible.\nFor private clinics, some dermatologists have their special blends where they mix different creams to a formulation they feel works. They also tend to purchase some creams in bulk, for example aqueous cream in 500gram or 1 kg tubs to save cost. Clinics have a smaller margin compared to hospitals." ], [ "I feel like there are 2 types of clinics. The one that want you to keep coming back and the ones that make sure you dont come back." ], [ "I had a really bad flare ups of eczema that lasted 2 years. It only resolved when I stopped using the steroid creams, but you have to be objective and discuss with your doctor. If you want to do an allergy test, do a proper one where they take your blood, I did it in Prince Court Medical Centre." ], [ "you can just ask for a prescription and get the medication on your own at pharmacies if you dont like the clinic practice of dispensing medication you dont know.\na person's immune status can change according to environment and time. so either you are not really sure on what you are allergic to or the allergy might have change.\nstress management is a big part of managing eczema, dont ignore that part." ], [ "What else are they supposed to give you? Eczema is a life long condition is flares that come and go. Steroid is what works for the flares. Expect them to do a skin graft? Even that won’t work" ], [ "I heard that pharma companies gives special incentives to pharmacies or any medical establishments if they are able to sell a certain amount for certain duration.\nSo, since these incentives exist, my guess is that hospitals probably get special deals on medicines. They probably got those meds cheaper which is why they have no problem giving the whole package.\nSpecialist clinics probably dont get these deals due to lower stock turnaround. So, as to make their clinics affordable, they repack certain meds into smaller containers. OR they just want you to return to their clinic to get the same meds. Because if you know the meds name and brand, you can just buy it at some pharmacy when its finished." ], [ "I think it's more on the individual clinics. I went to a dermatological clinic once, and he prescribed me the ointments, etc. in their original bottles and tubes." ] ]
Touch 'n Go eWallet begins rolling out PassKey authentication, Face ID for payment
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "TNG eWallet face scanning must be removed. Slow and fails at dark places." ], [ "I got locked out of my account because I don't look like what TnG thinks I look like.\nI know I'm ugly la, but prior to getting locked out I'd fail face scanning so many times.\nToo lazy to once again contact TnG CS I just removed the app from my phone, hope RapidKL launches its open payment system soon." ], [ "Cannot just use fingerprint for Android ka?\nIts the Apple people who need Face ID because Apple refuse to have Touch ID anymore.", "meaning i cannot buy apps from appstore if i dont FaceID?" ], [ "Now Apple Pay when" ] ]
Dark secrets of flood mitigation funds: Allegations of kickbacks, proxy companies, and legal facilitation
[ [ "This one has better info\nSatu laporan polis telah dibuat oleh Ahli Jawatankuasa Penerangan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), Badrul Hisham Shaharin atau lebih dikenali sebagai Che’gu Bard menggesa siasatan dijalankan berhubung dakwaan kes rasuah rancangan tebatan banjir bernilai lebih RM16 bilion.\nBeliau berkata, pada April 2023 telah berlakunya kebocoran dokumen sulit mengenai surat yang ditandatangani Kementerian Alam Sekitar, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad kepada Menteri Kewangan Malaysia.\nMenurutnya, dalam surat tersebut ada menyatakan Kementerian tersebut meminta kelulusan Menteri Kewangan itu sendiri yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia untuk projek tebatan banjir di seluruh negara dengan senarai syarikat yang sudah disiapkan oleh Kementerian tersebut.\n“Paling menarik dalam surat RTB tersebut adalah sebanyak RM16,639,677,000 dan siap dengan peruntukan RM500,000,000 atas nama Pasukan Khas (Pejabat Perdana Menteri) itu sendiri secara off budget yang sememangnya lagi tinggi dan berbeza daripada cadangan Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man sebelum ini,” katanya.\nTambah beliau, peningkatan kos tersebut adalah hasil daripada rasuah yang mana kesemua syarikat yang tersenarai dipaksa untuk menandatangani perjanjian memberikan komisyen kepada proksi Menteri dan orang dalam kerajaan.\nNamun begitu, kata beliau lagi perkara tersebut dipanggil sebagai kononnya ‘fi perunding cara’ sedangkan hakikatnya ia adalah rasuah.\nChe’gu Bard berkata, antara pihak yang terlibat dalam perjanjian tersebut ialah Tetuan Hamidah & Rafidah yang beralamat di Kelang dan Tetuan Siti Munirah & Co yang beralamat di Batang Kali.\n“Antara proksi yang terlibat ialah Bongsu Ali yang merupakan seorang pemandu (gred jawatan H11) di sebuah Majlis Perbandaran di Selangor dan diikuti dengan sebuah syarikat yang menjual alat kecantikan iaitu CMA Global.\nApabila ditanya mengenai mengapa tidak dilaporkan masalah ini kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), beliau menyatakan ketidakpercayaan kepada pihak tersebut lebih-lebih lagi apabila SPRM sendiri dikawal oleh pihak kerajaan itu sendiri.\n“Jadi, saya lebih sedikit percaya kepada Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) untuk membuat laporan sebegini dan kita minta PDRM untuk siasat perkara ini kerana kerajaan seolah-olah menghalalkan amalan rasuah dalam negara ini,” katanya.\nhttps://harakahdaily.net/index.php/2023/12/20/chegu-bard-gesa-siasat-isu-rasuah-tebatan-banjir-rm16b/" ] ]
Tinder is a bit weird in KL
Hey Everyone. As an Arab Guy. I was surprised by tinder. The thing that caught my eyes is that many girls write in their bios they’re fat/chubby & actually they r regular size ! Is body shaming that common ? Making normal girls believe that they r fat ? Another encounter I matched with that good looking gurl she told me she was offering herself cuz she needs money to pay rent as she lost her job. idk if what she saying is real but it’s really sad to have no option but to do something that u don’t want to do for the sake of money.
[ [ "offering herself cuz she needs money to pay rent as she lost her job.\nThat's prostitution my dude.", "Why not be clear without the drama lol", "Because Tinder term and condition forbade prostitution.", "", "Because prostitution is illegal in Malaysia lol", "Prostitution is legal but being a client is not.\nsource", "But soliciting is illegal, this would apply to freelancers i guess. And benefitting from the earnings of sex work is also illegal. This one would probably be applicable to brothels and agents.\nSo the only way for it to be \"legal\", someone has to come at you on their own, pay for sex and then you can't even use the money.", "the article you have linked says nothing about being a client is illegal.", "Prostitution is legal. Pimping others is illegal. What this means is, if you sleep with someone and you ask money for it, it's perfectly legal. But if your friend finds someone to sleep with you and takes payment from him, that is illegal.", "Do your research buddy. Any activity soliciting sex in exchange for money in Malaysia is illegal. That's why they make raids in such places. Prostitution is underground in Malaysia, these workers have no rights.", "No. As long as nobody's prostituting them, they cannot be arrested for prostitution. In most cases, they're charged under a different offence, usually public indecency for non muslims or syariah law for muslims. If you prostitute yourself in a hotel room and you don't advertise yourself, you're not breaking any law.\nHowever, if you stand in front of a premise offering your services to everyone walking, you will definitely get arrested. It's true however, that prostitution is underground because it's illegal to advertise sexual services for money. But if you're already doing it, you already have regular customers and you're not advertising yourself, you're almost safe. Almost because you can be charged for other offenses, such as pornography.\nIt's a workaround to the loophole in the law. The police can't arrest you for prostitution, but they can find other charges to arrest you with.", "Insane lol", "Ahaaa makes sense", "I'm surprised you're not aware or even consider that. Are you from a petrol state where prostitution is \"legal\"?", "Better be careful it's not a scam either friend.", "Because you might want to do it with an unfortunate girl but you would lie to yourself about not doing it with a prostitute.", "Its Tinder how much clear than that u need to be?\nhttps://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/vnio6w/tinder_prostitution_is_getting_out_of_hands/", "Like everyone said, prostitution is not allowed." ], [ "Careful bro, dont land yourself into hook stink line method", "Can u elaborate more", "he mean .. how much money needed that she asking ?\nidk if what she saying is real but it’s really sad to have no option but to do something that u don’t want to do for the sake of money.", "2000 rm", "Just saying: it’s probably a scam.", "Yea I considered that . Thanks for the warning", "Just curious, do you think she look like she worth rm2000?", "How do worth rm2k look like? Local celebrity good-looking type?", "Gurl thinks she’s Kim Kardashian", "It's a scam. Market rates here are much lower than RM2000", "Depends. Model looking local Chinese regularly fetches 2k-10k.", "I know what you did there. 😂", "Always do your research before spending money, even for charities to prostitution! World is too fked up to just be nonchalant and let yourself be victim, well unless u got more money than sense and dont care lmao", "Yea u’re right . Anyway I’d rather burn my money instead of giving it to a scammer", "Depends on how long you get to keep her, if it's a lifetime then it's a steal 🙂", "Well... you guess is right..", "Hell no there's many good looking FL for less than half of that.", "shut up.. what kind of question is that", "why do you respond so negatively/rudely to that question? do you feel attacked?", "For that money, I could get 2 girls for the whole night and still have change", "She gonna steal your kidneys bro!", "it is one of the most basic tactics to scam a naive virgin and old man, there's a book by a professional japenis sugar baby/scammer on how to scam money from man" ], [ "If Tinder benefits any group of men in Malaysia the most when it comes to actual dating, it's white men.", "I’m not white . I’m Arab", "Well in many Malaysian eyes. Anyone from the other side of the world is considered white /s", "Lol no. It's rich. If you look rich, it's easy to get a match. Even if you're a local. Assuming you know basic hygiene and have good picture skill.", "Really? I see guys wear Gucci shirts and screams like a bitch when danger comes in front of them. /s", "Rich people wear designer clothes that hide the designer label, while poor people wear clothes that they think make them look rich.\nA woman can look at everything and figure out if you have money (job title, photo locations, car, haircut, hobbies).", "Yup, Rich people wear G-Shock. Poor people wear Rolex.\nI guess.", "Well im wearing a G-shock, and im poor bruh", "Lmao. I sold my Citizen GMT just to get a G-Shock. It's not poor.\nIt's efficient.", "That's not what I was saying, at all.\nBut, if you're talking about watches--maybe a Patek Philippe Sky Moon instead of a Rolex.\nAt some point, you're only buying stuff for its quality and its appeal to other people of means.\nSomeone trying to look rich might buy a Polo Ralph Lauren shirt while someone who has money is wearing a Ralph Lauren Purple Label.", "Or you know... a Rich person is wearing a Sport Shirt from Decathlon drives a basic German car, wears Casio watch or doesn't wear a watch (too rich to even care about time).", "I am African would I be white?", "You are still White too because you come from the West. Just more darker than white. But still white. /s", "Interesting", "Kinda brain dead to be honest.", "Well too bad 😭😂", "Arab is a language group. White is skin pigmentation. They are not mutually exclusive.", "Yo I’m Arab (Egyptian) and white (not super white but more like Mediterranean white) and generally considered good looking (no delusions), and I was barely getting any matches in Malaysia. I think Malaysians are quite reserved actually when it comes to dating foreigners, especially Chinese Malaysians. I only went out on dates with foreigners and just one Malay girl, and it didn’t really work out.\nAfter spending a while in KL, I travelled to Jakarta and my god the amount of matches I got.. I originally thought maybe SEAsians don’t dig my looks, but I was so wrong.\nObviously I understand it’s not all looks, but I find in Tinder worldwide, looks is a huge factor.", "Maybe they feel inferior to you?", "You tell me 🤷‍♂️", "How big..? You probably scared em girl", "When I said it benefits the white men more I wasn't referring to white Arabs. I was referring to European whites, the typical blonde guy. No offense to you or OP, but if you ever get a match in Malaysia, you're going for a date with a gold digger because all they see when they see Arabs is money.\nWhite dudes on the other hand are actually wanted.", "Egyptians are poor AF though :( many of our women do the same with the real arabs from the gulf states. And many of our men wish they can find a rich Arab woman to bang and to sponsor them lol.", "granted indonesia has a way bigger population, are you sure they are not just looking for a meal ticket out of their country? as much as there are wealthy people in Indonesia, there are even more people from the lower socio-economy group.\neven though you are arab, you are still considered an expat. being able to nab a guy like you means they probably dont have to slave away for some low paying job for long.", "I guess that makes sense. I usually dress down, it’s hard to tell if I’m wealthy or not from how I look. I also don’t post anything that shows wealth in my profile not to attract the wrong people (also not that I own a Rolls Royce or whatever lol, I really live a humble life)\nHonestly, no. The 2 women I went out with in Indonesia didn’t really talk about money that much, and were generally chill. The girl I went out with in Malaysia wanted to take things too serious a bit too quickly. Also she told me crazy stories about her friends going out on dates just for meals! Not even super fancy ones.\nIn her defence, she definitely wasn’t like them and insisted she pays for our coffees, but I guess we just didn’t click.\nAnd yeah the population difference makes sense.", "I mean as someone from the UK who basically looks arab. I got tons of matches in KL, and they’re all quite pretty too. One of them even had 60k followers on IG and she’s pretty well known considering the mutuals we had", "As a white chaser, I can explain:\nWhite men are much more experienced in intimacy. Asian men are often reserved, shy, and lacking in confidence and romantic skills. I often ask my white dates if they've ever seen a Malaysian couple kiss. The answer is always never. I tried dating locally but they're all so repressed.\nCurrency conversion. Need I say more?\nExoticism and fetishizing. The West has a cultural hegemony and it's a good feeling if you land a white man who looks like a character from your favorite TV show.\nGood conversations. It's interesting to talk to a traveler or someone from a different culture. Experience their cooking and taste in music and films. Share their way of life. Observe their routine.\nHeight. White men are often taller.\nWhite privilege by proxy. If you're walking around with a white man, you get to experience Malaysia differently. It's less hostile.\nDating culture. Dating a white man is very casual, they're rarely possessive or jealous. They let you do your own thing. Dating an Asian is stressful because they always bring their family into the relationship. I resent that so much. Malaysians also have this weird rule where you can only date one person at a time.", "bruh why do you sound like chatgpt", "Nah fam, ChatGPT would call me a racist bitch and say that everyone should hold hands and sing kumbaya.", "HAHAHAHAHAH ChatGPT would start as \"Before I start please know that it is... bla bla bla\" then proceed to spew bullshit facts", "Malaysians also have this weird rule where you can only date one person at a time\nAh, so you want a cuck, not a boyfriend.", "Good conversations. It's interesting to talk to a traveler or someone from a different culture. Experience their cooking and taste in music and films. Share their way of life. Observe their routine.\nAh, yes, because Malaysia is a homogenous one-race country, so the white coloniser foreigner is the best chance to experience a different culture.", "White men are much more experienced in intimacy.\nCompared to the typical latino, they are highly repressed, shy and clumsy.", "I'd consider Latinos crass and vulgar. They overdo it.", "I'd consider Latinos crass and vulgar.\nI guess that is all the irony I can take in one day.", "Need to laugh react this", "I’m a white guy. The last point about family dynamics is really what strikes me, even outside of dating. I haven’t spoken to my mom in years because she couldn’t respect my boundaries. Here, I see my friends putting their SO through family hell because “it’s what a good son/daughter should do”.", "It's more because of Asian values which put family at the most important.", "Yeah. I like that you don't necessarily need the approval of a white man's parents to date him. I understand if there is more than one obstacle that can end the relationship, but above all, I'm dating him, not his family. It's just bizarre to me that in my culture, you marry into the family. It goes both ways. I don't want to bend over for his family, and I won't let him bend over for mine.\nThe last time my white BF was disrespected, we left immediately. I'm not choosing sides, but what's wrong is wrong, and Asian culture is quite toxic especially due to filial piety. Parents are revered as gods.", "Experience their cooking\nYou lost me at this part, experience white ppl cooking (cook what exactly?!)when you are Asian with full access to Asian foods? Lol now I know you just rambling nonsense", "experience white ppl cooking (cook what exactly?!)when you are Asian with full access to Asian foods?\nThe other person is a prick and I hope they have an unsuccessful dating life, but as someone who lives in a western country, there definitely is good western food. For example, bangers and mash and Aussie meat pies. Also, lots of choclatey stuff that's harder to get in Malaysia, which Malaysians miss out on.\nI know a Malaysian person who immigrated to Australia and when they mentioned to me they only eat Asian food, I thought to myself \"What a waste.\"", "So you're saying white men, Chad. Asian men, Chihuahuas.", "Not all white men. I've seen the freaks who troll sex tourism destinations like Pattaya. I wouldn't touch them with a ten-feet pole.", "Then touch them with a 12-feet pole", "Lmao 🤣", "Currency conversion. Need I say more?\n… Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger", "I'm half white half Malaysian, look fully white but I wouldn't date you. I'd rather date someone who's personality and mine get along.", "And you think I care?\nMy boyfriend is a retired hotelier. We're moving in together in Germany. Like the fuck, nobody asked.", "Do something better than date based on skin colour", "I have two engineering qualifications in different disciplines and have visited a dozen countries. I'm only 25. What the fuck should I be doing that is better?\nYou're crazy.", "Aside from ur comment I like ur Arab nick name bro", "Bro Abu Nawas/Nuwas was a philosopher from your people.", "Yea I know him", "How about a rich South Korean lol", "There's often a language barrier with Koreans.", "How about ABC, BBC or CBC?", "American-born Chinese? I don't know. There was never one who liked me or I knew.\nBBC? No. Dating a black guy only invites discrimination into my life. Not by me but from other people, and if we're going to be a couple, I don't want to catch discrimination by proxy. I don't want any problems renting a room or getting a service.\nWhat's a CBC? Chinese-born Chinese? Aren't they super patriotic or whatever? I don't think I fit into their beauty standards of porcelain skin and silky black hair.", "BBC - British born. CBC - Canadian born.", "I couldn’t tell if your comment is for real because what in the fucking hell did I just read…… Tbh I should’ve stopped reading at white chaser", "Fuck those guys." ], [ "Oh yea, this sort of body shaming is rife in Malaysian society, mostly for women esp if you're from the Chinese community. It's really nice to live out of Malaysia for a bit and realise that I can be loved despite my size. I didn't realise how it has also prevented me from loving myself because it feels like everything I do is reduced to my physical body and how thin I am.\nBTW I'm not even big; 55kg and 5'1, but even then I think the ideal was to be below 50kg. Now I've added 10kg but have a healthier self-esteem and love my body more.", "ur not wrong esp with chinese girls especially being very skinny, in private unis this is definitely true. in every 100 chinese girls probably only 5 are chubby, i have never seen a truly 'fat' chinese girl around on campus", "So true lah, in campus I feel like I'm fat even though I'm moderate,just curvy compared to Chinese girls .", "Oh sorry for that. I’m happy that u r better now.being healthy & happy is everything.", "we're still the top 1 obese country in SEA tho, fat shaming exist, but compared to other SEA countries, we're clearly on the lower side" ], [ "Malaysian fat = Arab normal.\nThis isn't that complicated." ], [ "You an Arab. Your normal is our chubby.", "Typically women here is small too. Sometimes 60kg look like submarine already", "Probably" ], [ "Skinny is the norm here.\nWomen with some meat is also the norm. But they like to call themselves fat, then they get praised by others telling them they are not, they seek validation that way.\nAlso the money thing, it's usually just girls selling their bodies. They got all kinda stories but many just wanna buy a new bag or phone. Yes, some are real, but nahhh, it's very rare.\nThe thing is, they see you as a cash machine, or maybe a hookup, or some dumb fish they plan to catch. If you're looking for a real partnership, apps aren't the way. You need to meet real people in real life, friends first, then maybe something will bloom. That's the way here works.\nBut if you're into it, by all means.", "Thank u for ur comment. Nah I’m not into that. I’m just spending a couple of weeks in Malaysia & want to make some friends to explore the areas / restaurants & so on. Is there any other way as a foreigner to get to know people other than apps ?", "That's a tough question. If it's girls, I think you'll have a hard time. Cause there's been a f ton of scams going on that actually sells people to another country recently and most people are on high alert. So people actually fear you.\nIf it's guys, not sure. Maybe some around here will be willing to show you around.", "I do think if you’re more on social and nightlife then Thailand is good choice", "I used to do Couchsurfing, fun app where you can also find people to hang out with.", "Cool I’ll give it a try", "skinny is not norm we are the fattest nation in asia.", "From his perspective, it is to explain. Read carefully what he said. Also I dunno bout you, but youngsters being skinny af here is so common." ], [ "I was surprised by tinder. The thing that caught my eyes is that many girls right in their bios they’re fat/chubby & actually they r regular size !\nWhat Arabs consider \"normal\" is in fact considered fat/chubby in most of the rest of the world. You guys like them big and round.", "All women r loved here. No discrimination my guy", "I am with you, all women deserve love.\nBut that does not change the fact that what you guys consider normal is considered overweight elsewhere. Your standards are different.", "I agree standards are different. But that’s really harsh on many women", "Wait until you find out what women here think about men's height.", "That’s like some sort of backfire lol. So what’s the height of someone tall for women then ?", "wait till you go to asian country like korea or china", "175cm is considered average for some women here", "That explains why lots of people r single", "What really???", "I mean in many parts of the world this is average. South East Asia has less than average height compared to the rest of the world. Don’t ask me why, just the way it is.", "too much carb, not enough protein and calcium.\nyes, i'm just speculating and pulling shit out of my arse. But also look at our food.", "what about lesbians", "Dudeee we’re straight AF", "I mean are they loved", "Facts" ], [ "Girl usually need validation from third party to ensure they are beautiful hence the fat", "Validation bang\nbukan verification :d" ], [ "This post gets approved somehow", "What’s wrong with it ?" ], [ "Girls proclaiming to be fat/chubby is a self-depreciating statement; the equivalent of it is someone saying they are humble. It also indicates that they’re not confident about themselves, and would appreciate any positive affirmation (which, if said out loud, they would deny in a playful manner).\nAs for the 2nd one about asking for money, that can either be a legitimate request due to unfortunate circumstances, or they’re tryna scam u. Be careful of those girls." ], [ "Tinder is full of scammers, pros and really desperate crazies. More so in KL.\nI met some total nutters on it, and gave up. It is NOT a dating site.", "So where to make friends as a tourist ?", "Have you tried InterNations and meet up apps?", "Never heard of them , r they good ?", "They’re ok, they organise events/meet ups that you can go to and meet people. More aimed at making friends than Tinder is", "Cool I’ll give it a try , thanks buddy", "Yeah it’s wild. Bumble used to be okay and now it’s infested by the same people on tinder." ], [ "Malaysian girls are nicely formed and by that, I mean chunky by SEAsian standards (same thing in the Philippines). IMO their body type is perfect. As far as the second point, yeah I was shocked that this goes on but then again, like the Philippines and Indonesia, this occurs more often than you think. I just didn't think it happened that much in Malaysia. It's pretty much a mongers' dream if you can speak/understand the language." ], [ "I noticed that Arab nationals are fat in general so maybe you perceive it differently. You guys eat a lot of meat and eat often.\nDifferent countries, different standards.", "they eating goood n driving around." ], [ "This might come as a surprise but she says that to all the Johns, my guy =D", "Gurl is the drama type one lol" ], [ "They might not be fat compared to arabs. But compared to other south east Asians?" ], [ "i think just the beauty standard here. body shaming isnt as bad as our east asian counterparts but what’s considered thin in SEA & EA in general tends to be smaller than what other cultures would think.", "I still remember being 155cm and 56kg (so just on the cusp of being overweight but not yet so) and meeting an online friend for the first time, and him going like wow I can't believe you're so fat.", "when i was 39 kg 156 cm i was booking much more jobs ( i was a part time promoter/ ambassador/hostess with a higher payout) and when i gained to 42 kg im constantly told to that i should diet or im a bit curvy. same goes to my friend with the same stats.", "Reading this as a 170cm/70kg is making me sad 😂", "WTF for only 3 kilos that’s insaneeeee. If u’re curvy in other parts of the world u’d get promoted lol", "Without wasting ur time…. Just runaway gurlll😮‍💨🙌🏻", "Crazy thing is he wasn't even a romantic interest, and I didn't even know him that well (I basically met a whole group of friends online through video games)", "Oh my god the audacity…… i think most of asian guys are into underweight girls…. They dont want them to be healthy at all…. I dont even know why😪💔", "i have a close friend who is like this. my bmi is normal yet whenever we meet she'll keep saying ohh how come ur growing fatter? last time i met her with her bf and my other girl friend, she was saying the same thing too, but the other two people defended me saying nahhh you're not fat at all, you look great but she kept insisting on me being fat, saying \"nahhh i know her better blabla\".\nwhy are people like this? XD", "So like the beauty standard is like petite bodies ?", "Yes. Since most of our men are not that tall, tall women are having it hard too.", "What height is considered tall ?", "160 is already tall\nEdit : for women. I just talk with a friend who complained that most men here are short (below 170) and shes 167. She loves heels also.", "Not true the slightest.\nTall in Malaysia is >170.\nAverage height for men is 165 [cm].", "For women.", "Lie😂☺️", "Wow", "The beauty standard in most asian countries is if you are female more than 55kg, you're fat.", "In Arab countries under 55kg is malnutrition", "then you’re gonna be shocked when u go to east asia. 39 kg is considered skinny", "How come can someone be 39 kg . Do they even drink water ?", "Water is too fattening what do you mean /s", "How much r they permitted to breath to stay at 39KG ?", "i think at that point, all u can do is drink water nothing else", "🤣🤣🤣", "asian normal bmi is 22.5. rest of the world is 25.", "A good portion of preference did skewed toward slim, not really golden standard.", "That must be harsh on girls" ], [ "theyre being honest. their photos are fill with warp filters and angled nicely but irl, their corners will fold fat." ], [ "1 - they're fishing for compliment. \"I'm ugly...\", but gorgeous AF\n2 - they're prostitutes" ], [ "bro u falling for the easiest scam 💀", "Hahahaha , saved myself . Any other scams I should be aware of ?", "bro dating apps here are filled with bots, be careful who u match with", "Noted . I will , Thank u . Any other scams on the streets ?" ], [ "Got Malaysia OF creator or no? For research purposes." ], [ "You're just wasting your time there if you don't have money to pay these girls." ], [ "Bro first off be thankful you’re getting matches and in the first place 🙏.\nNormally guys here have a ratio of 1 match to 10,000 swipes.\nUnless of course you’re a foreigner….", "Bro I almost had tears, take my tinder & live" ], [ "Oh it is common, the beauty standards of this city destroyed my confidence and led me to an ED", "The only ED I know is Erectile dysfunction. Sorry for that dude", "Hahha I meant an eating disorder! But thanks", "Oh sorry for that. Fk the standards eat & live the way u like. Someone will love u as u r", "It's no wonder why Mcdonald is packed full of people at 2am", "McDonalds is boycotted nowadays . U won’t find it packed in Arab countries", "Only losers go for Mcdonald. Anyway there's other better food than that shit." ], [ "Are all Arab guys horny in Malaysia? Most of the Arab I personally know bang some chicks every week.", "I guess desire is normal in men regardless of their ethnicity lol" ], [ "You might be used to being around bigger individuals, that's why your standards are different\nMalaysian girls are quite chunky compared to other Asians" ], [ "This comment section was very interesting to read. I plan to move to KL soon. Thank you all for the insights.", "Yea I’ve learned much" ], [ "Thank for the head up. I'm an Aussie born Turk, travelling to Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia in February/March. And also was considering using Tinder to find 1 in Malaysia. After reading all replies, I learned a bit haha. I usually get on Tinder about 2 weeks before I go to each countries and done well. Last one was Philippine. Filipino are hard on Tinder before almost all of them don't have premium so they don't see like or even inactive. Some leave IG, TG, SC id so messaged them there. Luckily, those were the nicest girls I met and don't ask for money. They just want time with me, that all." ], [ "Not looking to date but may come to Malaysia in March if anyone wants any cultural exchange. Mexican/white guy.", "I’d like some burritos bro", "I’ll Hook you up burrito is the shawarma of the Mexico", "Actually burrito is originally shawarma. The Arabs back then during Al-Andulisia ( Spain ) now , when they went to Latin America . They asked the chefs that they want shawarma. They didn’t have the exact ingredients so they made the burritos & they loved it. Thank u bro", "I also watched the cooking show and the claim that Jews made the tortilla, but yes makes sense to have that Arab influence from Spain. Shokran", "Jews claim everything lol . They claim all middle eastern food. Give them a few days & they’ll claim the pyramids lol", "Jews Zionist" ], [ "yeah bro. we regularly shame fatsos here in malaysia. deservedly so imo." ], [ "Yalla Habibi! Imshu imshu. She is so pretty take one for the team.", "Girl knows some Arabic" ], [ "When you are at dinner with your friend but cannot join the conversation since they think that you are innocent.\nIzit getting hot in here.", "Can’t call him a friend if u’re not comfortable talking freely around him" ], [ "Good, fuck you arabs.", "For ur note poor racist , no one fucks with us , we fuck with people", "exactly" ], [ "Rejoice dude. Malaysian girls LOOOOOOVVE arab guys. Especially if you're the rough type and like to hit them. And no i'm not trolling here. Just stating facts." ], [ "Can’t speak to the first point, but regarding the second point, c’mon bruh." ], [ "I knew one who retired. Made enough money to pursue her dream being a music DJ.", "Imagine going out with some girl to end up finding ur winnne everywhere lol" ], [ "OP is mainly posting about body shaming meanwhile the comments only give a shit about the prostitution portion 🤡" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 30 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
The disabled can ride for free on Prasarana trains and buses from Feb 1
Court orders Shafee to pay more than RM5.5mil in income tax arrears
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Waiting for LHDN to withdraw, just like AGC did to all of Shafee's criminal charges this month. Shafee is now 100% innocent of crimes, according to Anwar's AGC.\nI bet Shafee will not pay one sen of this income tax, as Madani has a very lax approach to political criminals. LHDN will likely follow...\nOn Oct 28, 2022, Muhammad Shafee was acquitted and discharged on two counts of receiving proceeds from unlawful activities amounting to RM9.5mil from former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and two charges of making incorrect statements to the LHDN.\nThe prosecution initially appealed against the court's decision, but withdrew it on Dec 5. This resulted in the acquittal of Muhammad Shafee in all four cases. - Bernama" ], [ "He owed RM9.4 million, but is only ordered to pay RM5.5 mil?", "Same like PDRM saman la.. wait long enough get 50% discount." ], [ "That's not good enough, he should be made to pay arrears + penalty." ], [ "Will need to track his money trails" ] ]
Panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur - circa 1900
[ "History" ]
Nik Nazmi denies corruption allegations in flood mitigation projects
[ [ "Problem with the idiots on the other side is they saw the headlines of Anwar canceling 7b(out of 15)\nAnd now they think previous government only budgeted 7b" ], [ "Who's the corrupt one?" ] ]
Bumiputera stats 2023 (63.9% of Malaysia’s population)
[ [ "Bumi including natives from Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak", "So why bumiputera female using tudung? Since not all bumis are muslim?", "if no tudung, why? since most bumis are muslim. its a non issue really stop making something out of nothing", "As usual, Redditors are the only ones making everything racist while pretending it's everybody else who's racist.\nThere are five different icon designs representing women on the infographic and only two of those designs are wearing hijabs.", "I count total 5 tudung, and 5 free hair (including the graduation hat). Ok what 50/50.", "The keyword is DESIGNS.", "Fair point.\nThis sub is toxic as fuck.", "When most bumis in Sarawak and Sabah are non muslim, you would expect us not to say anything?? Here I thought we live in a country where everyone have equal rights. Well I guess not then.", "“Equal rights is when infographics use clothes that i wear” - this redditor, who most probably would be a man so it’s not even clothes that he wears", "shows how shallow your level of thinking is in the first place", "according to your words, the malays wont have rights if they use a non hijabis in the image instead? its a non issue, but go file a complain if it bothers you.", "Its an issue to me so thats that. if that makes me a racist then i question your level of intellect. Sarawak has a majority non muslim as its population but we are forced to follow draconian laws from Jakim and you dont hear us rioting in the streets do you?", "It's just an infographic, chill. If everyone act like you, then when they do not include people wearing hijab then people wearing hijab want to complain la? No big deal lah. You are just too creative in making things look racist. Don't be too toxic. Think positively.", "Just pretend like this:\n3 non-hijab female icon representing Sarawak and Sabah.\n2 hijab female icon representing Semenanjung.\nThis is a non-issue my guy.", "You’re getting triggered over a non issue lol.", "Calm down, kecoh ahhh", "So why bumiputera female using tudung… what? You mean muslim bumiputera or non-muslim bumiputera??? When did jakim for non-muslim bumiputera to wear tudung?" ], [ "Yes, this is all very important, but why aren't we calling the females bumiputeri?", "perhaps the same answer why we don't call females human, huwoman", "Asking the real question here", "I wanna be called BumiHimbo :3", "In Indonesia they use \"pribumi\" and it's a non-gendered term.", "Pre earth just makes you sound like a Neanderthal though", "What? Earth has been around before Neanderthals. Bumi literally means country.", "" ], [ "This fact sheet make the bumiputera demographic look like a completely different species of human. It’s unsettling.", "Remember the nobles in One Piece? It's actually a close but exaggerated representation of our Bumiputera. Also more irony if one is a Bumiputera and is a fan of One Piece manga.", "completely different species of human.", "Homo Bumirectus", "Boomers" ], [ "Imagine how different Malaysia would be if we started taking heart disease as seriously as COVID.", "BuT MaLaYsIaN FoOd is NuMbEr OnE!!!\n(doesn't matter if it's just a disgusting pile of carbs and grease)", "I kid you not, they now serve cheese on top of drink for whatever reason. Like milos ais, 1 layer of chees on glass, then straw through said cheese.", "The bigger issue is the tradition of a cup of sugar for every child every morning. Half of milo is sugar.", "Just ban sugar /s" ], [ "COVID infection 💀💀💀", "normally developed countries have lower death via infectious diseases and car accident" ], [ "Around 0.3 Million Male might go single.", "My mom's cousin just married an Indonesian woman 🤷🏻‍♂️", "a fren of mine married thai..", "Exactly my point. In this age of global interconnectedness, love transcends borders.", "Being from Johor, many Bumi male marry foreigners, majority being Indonesian.", "Perempuan kat luar sana ada kot.", "I is one 🥲", "some of them are secretly gay anyway" ], [ "More breakdown and analysis of the stats can be found here" ], [ "TFR is down to 2.0 already!? Dropped like a stone in 20 years" ], [ "What about Cina, Indian, Orang Asli?", "Orang Asli is bumiputera", "So dayak, orang asli all grouped into one here?", "Obviously not important enough." ], [ "So females at 76.3 years old become free hair?", "Lol. Not all bumiputera muslim. That’s why some free hair.", "more likely they dont have muslim granma stock cartoon thingy", "After husband is 71.5", "See a therapist." ], [ "And yet minorities are being oppress for power", "That's so random but ok.", "What? How tf did you conclude that from this post lmao. You people need to go outside and take a rest from politic stuff dude", "What conclusion did you draw from the post to come up with this? OP knew what he was doing posting it in /r/Malaysia lmao", "yup quality bait post" ] ]
Finally, I’ve found that one Guinness ad
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "The guy’s style and vibe reminds me of Bruno Mars in one of his popular concert outfits." ], [ "Back then “smoking is good for health!”", "Smoking is good for bowel movement , im not kidding . But excessive smoking = bad lung/lung cancer", "smoking can make you poop more?", "more like consistent . Smoke after eating n during pooping , you stomach will thank you , but your lung will hate you", "I've always wondered if this is just because nicotine = bowel movement or deep long inhalation = bowel movement", "i think its the nicotine.", "Yes, everytime I start my day with a cup of coffee and a cigarette, nearly instantly I have to go poo", "And not to mention you are actively hurting everyone else around you", "that is why , a good husband wont smoke in the house , he choose to stay outside.", "So wait a minute, he shits in the yard?", "apa2 pun kena pandai pandai... kalau tak de skolah dan cikgu ajar.. jgn harap ibu bapak ada masa nak luangkan sama anak nak ajar what is known as common sense or pakai hotak! ha ha ha... in other words... understanding and doing better is the key... easier said than done? but it is easy tho? would it? yes it would! ha ha ha ha.... and yet.. here i am tho.. on reddit lah of course.", "r u ok", "i not ok wor? what u gonna do ? suck me? don't ask if you cant do shyt", "☠️ alright man", "or you could just do enough light exercise like walking/cycling? Don't need to resort to smoking just to poop", "it's an option not the only way to help with bowel movement ." ], [ "Mereka semakin berani!!! …eh tu bapak aku masa muda.", "Kami semakin penakut! Takut kepada benda yang tak selaris budaya kita.." ], [ "btw, anyone here can translate the Jawi text pls…", "Seteguk Guinness Stout membuka selera. Segelas Guinness Stout memulih tenaga. Kerana tiap2 segelas Guinness Stout mengandungi khasiat. Ia memberi tenaga daripada badan berasa letih lesu. Inilah minuman yang (?) khasiat kepada sebarang santapan. Ya, selepas bekerja, apabila berasa penat dan dikala tiada selera, maka tidak adalah yang lebih sempurna daripada segelas Guinness Stout", "the (?) part is \"menambahkan\"", "I believe its not daripada since its ‘wau’ and ‘qaf’ which represents the letter D and U", "di waktu?", "Oh my yes. Its been a while since i last read jawi. Kudos!", "this is old jawi anyways, so the writing is different", "Ya, di waktu dalam ejaan lama, ejaan baru وقتو", "itu pasal. di-waKH-tu 😂 klasik sungguh bunyi", "Wow katne nak beli jamu guiness stok ni 😅", "That writer needs a raise.", "I actually can read classic Jawi, so lemme try\nSeteguk Guiness Stout membuka selera. Segelas Guiness Stout memulih tenaga. Kerana tiap-tiap segelas Guiness Stout mengandungi khasiat. Ia memberi tenaga di waktu badan berasa letih lesu. Inilah minuman yang menambahkan khasiat kepada sebarang santapan. Ya, selepas bekerja, apabila berasa penat dan di kala tiada selera, maka tidak adalah yang lebih sempurna daripada segelas Guiness Stout.", "I only know the last word (the one after Guiness Stout). “Baik untuk Kita”.\nI dunno why it was written as “antuk” instead of untuk directly. Maybe some Jawi expert can chip in here.\nEdit: i see, thanks to the reply. I guess adding the “a” is to tell us there is a vowel in front of “ntuk” in this case “untuk”. Without the “a”, we may interpret as natuk/nituk/nutuk or something.", "Spelling lama. Dulu spelling jawi X standardized sampai tahun 70'an, tapi time dia dah standardized, jawi memang X banyak guna pun...", "Classic spelling. You might be surprised when back in the day, \"bumi\" was spelled without a ي, making it spelled like \"bom\". Back then, when I was transcribing a classical Jawi manuscript for my assignment back in UM, my friend asked me about \"menjaga bom\". I was like, \"nah mate, why the author said he wanted to take care of a bomb? It's a religious manuscript\"", "Same ad in previous reddit post (ad in B.M.)\nArticle on the ad(from above reddit post)", "Seteguk Guinness stout membuka selera. Segelas Guinness stout mempulih tenaga. Kerana tiap2 segelas Guinness stout mengandungi khasiat. Ia memberi tenaga (???) badan merasa letih lesu. Inilah minuman yang menambahkan khasiat kepada sebarang santapan. Ya, selepas bekerja, apabila berasa penat dan dikala tiada selera, maka tidak adalah yang lebih sempurna daripada segelas Guinness stout.", "When you're intoxicated, you don't feel as tired.\nMaybe. Idk. I don't drink alcohol.", "Guinness or stout beer does have more nutrients than a regular beer. Albeit is incomparable to actual food la lol" ], [ "Msia also woo'ed Guinness away from SG to build a factory here. LKY then retaliated by banning alcohol imports from Malaysia. Even TAR also drank freely. Manatau a couple years later alcohol was made forbidden and heavily taxed.", "Even there's a footage of Sultan Sir Ibrahim's Bday party where everyone enjoyed alcohol." ], [ "Malaysia was so much hippie and liberal back in the 60s-70s. Just watch P. Ramlee films. Mahjong, mabuk, clubbing were just normal. I bet they drank stout for breakfast. What a lovely era!", "Nude calendars were everywhere, I was told. Selling lottery tickets was normal too. Women wearing miniskirts and short pants were also common. Very different time then.\nI don’t drink though (not just because of religious reasons) so I don’t really care 🤭", "<image>\nBerdebar jantung I melihat gambar artis 60an.", "Love the classic Malay look! Haha ni memang standard baju zaman2 dulu. Sexy betul by today’s standard.\nFun fact, my mom (Chinese) sold lottery tickets as a part time job (she was a nurse) and my dad bought the whole stack to impress her 💀 lmaooooo.\nAlso I recall even Malay entertainment magazines like Mangga had a section where the local celebs wore swimsuits and had photoshoots by the pool. In the 90s to early 00s I believe. Those days were really different", "Mangga and URTV turned a lot of boys into men, I shit you not.", "Wah, Mastika like this? I only remember Mastika in black metal days...", "As a zoomer, I've only ever remembered Mastika magazines with ghost stories and weird supernatural stuff.", "Fap fap fap", "Lebai pas just jizzed their pants", "Except for the chain smoking, I totally wish Malaysia was like that more. Plus way less religious and racial tensions. Sign me the fuck up." ], [ "Back when religion was between you and your god and the religious nutcases with an Arabia fixation were still in the minority.", "You mean before Anwar kicked the religious movement into high drive? Yes, Anwar is singlehandedly responsible for where we are today religion wise. He is no liberal, though he has fooled many an urban people that he is over the past couple decades." ], [ "Too bad the Malay population didn't and still doesn't have a leader that is more liberal in nature.\nEvery single political leader keeps appealing to Islam in an attempt to garner more votes. Hence the erosion of their own culture." ], [ "PAS: WTF Jawi and Guinness in the same page?! (Triggered)" ], [ "Aha Bapak sape tuuu …." ], [ "This is fake Muslim! /s" ], [ "Here is Brunei's version\nAnd the BM version" ], [ "shocking" ], [ "Sooner or later we gon be like Iran" ], [ "i've seen guinness ads . Setelah pernat kerja seharian , masalah untuk guinness stout!!\nThe road contractor one i think?", "https://youtu.be/SkaWYp-UTKk?si=3AIEMsQO2vaMov7S\nhttps://youtu.be/weRFhrWY5Yg?si=H0SNSPZ_0E6eXYSj", "Yes this one!" ], [ "They did the same ad in North Borneo.\n<image>" ], [ "that zaman gemilang where malay dude and girls dress class af until the 90s...after the 90's everything started to become more and more conservative....", "Ikr, i wish i got to experience this and not forced to wear the tudung at 13 due to family pressure", "" ], [ "Guinness Stout. Baek untuk mu." ], [ "ungeleke nalade" ], [ "What a long long way we've come! Yeay" ], [ "Good ol’ tradition back in the days… even though I don’t read Jawi but still its awesome" ], [ "From darkness to light, amen to that." ], [ "I understand that this was during a time where Malaysia was not as conservative but genuinely asking, who was this ad even for? The text is written in Jawi, like arent Muslims not supposed to drink alcohol? Like you could argue that some are more lax with the rules and that's fine by me, you do you but on paper, officially, why was this even made?", "In the 50s and 60s, Malays drank openly in Chinese kopitiams. I am told Tunku was fond of this as well. Things changed in the 70s, largely due to Anwar. Yes, the same Anwar who is now our PM." ], [ "Is it the 0% alcohol version?", "That's Malta not Stout" ], [ "Thank God for the influence of Islam otherwise Malaysia could have ended up another poor SEA country full of drunks.", "Just like Singapore am I rite", "Or been a British colony compared to French or Dutch ones.", "Or a far more politically fair, prosperous and free country that more writers, actors, comedians, scientists and novelists. But no so much wasted money on religious pandering, being chummy with fundamentalists and class/race segregation with obvious classicism and racism enabled by islam", "Or being exploited even more by the colonisers who want to tell them how to run their lives", "It certainly didnt stop the plundering of the sovereign wealth fund that was enabled by all the chummy religious groups and racist Malaysia for Malays attitude. It has wasted only some of the most talented, creative and artistic individuals and for what? Appeasing some nonsense religion wasting money on mosques, suraus, wasting money on sharia, jakim and making religion and ethnic identity intricately linked. The nation walks on religious egg shells all the damn time to make sure the slightest criticism doesnt hurt the extreme fragile sensibilities of Malays and muslims in the country. Gtfoh with that islam making Malaysia better." ], [ "Translation: U got four wives and now u done be banging an SQ girl. WELL played! You're going to need the vitamins in Guinness to keep you on the 'job' Enjoy a creamy pint or two of stout." ], [ "ݢينيس ستاوة، باءيق اونتوق اندا باءيق اونتوق اندا" ], [ "well, folks, better put on ya' thinking cap on ye... dunno why things change.. dunno what the motive.. dunno dunno... team dunggu.. Ho Ho HOHO... ha ha" ], [ "Manambah khasiat 😭😭😭. I’m surprised I can still read jawi very well" ], [ "Is this Halal?" ], [ "The old guineas TV ad...say guiness stout baik until anda" ], [ "karuna why us killa" ], [ "I was confused and didnt know this guinness stout is an alchohol. Thanks to the comments tho, now i understand. I was struggling more reading the jawi XD tp itulah. Zaman2 dulu kan. Ramai pakai skirt pendek dulu2" ], [ "Want a pint now" ] ]
Penang’s petroleum tax bid will spur other states, says expert
[ "Politics" ]
Law expert Shad Saleem Faruqi says Penang’s quest for sales tax on petroleum products may require a substantial rewrite of the Federal Constitution.
[ [ "Beyond the context of MA63, further fiscal federalism is quite unlikely without pressure from state-led coalitions (e.g. GPS)" ], [ "Interesting excerpts from the article\nLast month, Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow said his state might consider emulating Sarawak by levying a sales tax on petroleum products if oil is found in its waters. Under the constitution, only Sabah and Sarawak have the right to impose the tax, in line with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).\nTax lawyer S Saravana Kumar said he would support such an amendment, adding that it was regressive for only the two East Malaysian states to be accorded the right to impose the tax.\nSaravana said the current practice was “not progressive if one looks at the concept of fiscal decentralisation”, and that it contradicted the spirit of federalism.\n“Taxes cannot be the sole right of the federal government, especially when it comes to land and mineral resources, as the latter items are under the state list (contained in the Federal Constitution).”" ], [ "Ganu: 👀\nKelate: 😡 shaddap Dap! 😠 Hmpphh.. 😏😏😏.." ], [ "If every state can do that, they are rich already like kelantan and Terengganu. That money on the right gov could have caught up development with the west coast of Malaysia.\nThe amount of opportunity taken away by the old gov 🤬" ] ]
S'porean, 40, loses teeth & suffers multiple injuries while rescuing son, 7, from kidnappers in JB
[ [ "A Dad or Mum is someone who will always protect their child", "Yup, at all cost" ], [ "The man was identified to be his business partner.\nLin said that they didn't have prior disputes but he believed the man was motivated by money.\nHe claimed that the business partner hired the three men and rented the gold car to aid in his kidnapping scheme.\nAccording to Lin, the Malaysian police has caught his business partner but the three other men who were involved in this case had not been found.\nDamn.", "business partner hired the three men\nsee? how not to catch? kasi soal siasat!", "rented the gold car to aid in his kidnapping scheme.\nWhat idiot decide to choose easy to identify vehicle for doing crime?\nJust how many gold colour car out there in the street compared to other colours car? FEW." ], [ "This guy is a real hero" ], [ "This guy achieve Ultra Instinct" ], [ "small price to pay. well done, Dad!" ], [ "" ], [ "This exploded yesterday. Many comments (especially from those who didnt read the article) were fast to condemn Jb specifically and Malaysia generally, as a dangerous place to go and where ppl can get kidnapped.\nI'm sure the many who hog the causeway every weekend, disagree", "bloody headline la. click bait stuff. it's his own business partner", "hey hey just because it’s dangerous n chaotic doesn’t mean it will stop me from going there", "The exchange rate is like bees to honey", "If you a low class / poor" ], [ "How greed could make people do despicable acts." ], [ "I’m sure he felt little to no pain when he smashed his hand through the window and thrown off by the car. A true hero.", "Bet his adrenaline is through the roof when he's doing that. Things a parent would do to keep their child safe." ], [ "He's not Sinkie, he's SG PR from China. Pls don't post links from Mothershit, they don't bother to check their sources. They're the equivalent of weirdkaya or worldofbuzz or whatever shitty tabloid socmed 'news outlet' you guys have.\nhttps://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/jb-police-on-the-hunt-for-3-locals-allegedly-involved-in-s-pore-boy-s-dramatic-abduction\n*edit: lol at the Mothershit tabloid news site supporters trying to turn an issue about journalistic integrity into a race issue. His nationality matters in the reporting of the incident, it gives the readers an insight into how he managed to get involved in a dangerous situation like this in the first place. PRCs esp the ones that immigrated to safe and sterile SG tend not to have an good appreciation of the potential dangers and predicaments you can find yourself in when traveling to MY. It is also a good warning to his countrymen to maybe do more research about the country you want to invest in and not let your guard down in an unfamiliar country.\nTo the braindead Mothershit supporters - why don't you get them to change their article to reflect the facts instead of wasting your energy brigading this post?", "Well, he is still a human and a hero to all of us here in Malaysia.", "You're romantic idealists\nWe're pragmatic realists\nWe are not the same", "Your a troll", "No wonder you're banned from r/singapore lol", "Does it matter? lol\nHe’s willing to sacrifice himself to save his kid but your only concern is that you need to clarify he’s a PRC instead of a Sinkie.", "I looked at his profile and cringed", "Oh they are a mod and post in r/singaporeraw. A trashier version of r/bolehland", "What a name to have for a subreddit 💀", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/SingaporeRaw using the top posts of the year!\n#1: This is funny | 76 comments\n#2: Fail Flip on Graduation Stage | 145 comments\n#3: Ah boy teacher tell him he very lucky to be born in Singapore | 79 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "He sells illegal vapes in Singapore, I have reported to the police 👮", "(grabs popcorn) To the SG police?", "Eh really ah. Pls lah Singapore Police also vape lah, it's an open secret. We all serve NS, we have friends who serve in the force who vape. Even the Malaysians who cross the border to work in AETOS/Certis Cisco (our version of Bantuan Polis) also vape.\nSometimes I feel so blessed to be born in a country where our neighbor is the number 1 vape innovator and ejuice producer, top quality vape gear is just a few hours drive away. No need to get scammed or receive sub-par quality products from some faraway overseas shady ecommerce store.\nAnyway here's the link for reporting crimes in SG when you finally decide to grow a pair and do a real report about my alleged 'crime' instead of talking about it. Don't forget to send all of us a screenshot ah.\nhttps://www.police.gov.sg/iwitness", "Well it matters if you actually care about journalistic integrity. And for the record most PRCs tend not to be street smart especially when traveling. Some of them expect your local service staff to be able to speak Mandarin when they're trying to buy bus tickets. As if the kaunter staff have the time to entertain them lol. Not surprising they can get into trouble like this lah.", "Take that racist attitude somewhere else!", "Why so butthurt mate? The man saved his son from kidnapping, not like he asked to be on the news also. What does his nationality have ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING?", "never thought I'll see someone even more braindead than Mothership. But here we are.", "Context clearly isn't your greateat suite. Take your trolling elsewhere and stop trying to lower everyone's iq to match yours.", "Hes got a point. so do you. Now kena sway left and right like grass on a windy day. So basically how to increase IQ and match yours instead? hehe", "How the fuck did this bigoted comment get this many upvotes.", "He must have his own troll illegal vape gang", "lol you think people that got lucky and got born into citizenship are superior than those who had to work their way into that island?", "Brigade? Bruh, you're at 23 upvotes. Or did you ask your vaping buddies to brigade this comment?" ], [ "What's going on in Malaysia? Seems like these serious crimes are happening quite often these days🥺" ], [ "The daughter was nonchalant. Did she not know what was going on?", "She is a child and responded appropriately. Without her help the father would not have known" ], [ "dont just freaking tell us the surface news. let us know who these scums are for committing crime! Making the place unsafe and doing bad things! what is the outcome of those evil doers?" ] ]
I’ve decided not to go back to Malaysia for good.
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
For context, I was born in the UK but my roots are Malaysian. My family moved back to Malaysia when I was a teenager, and I stayed there until Uni, where I immigrated back to the UK. My plan was to always come back to Malaysia to be close to family and home. I love the sense of community in Malaysia. I love my family. I love my grandma and granddad. I love my cousins. I have been going to Malaysia for holidays or on career breaks. Even though I am a ‘local’, I never felt safe and comfortable getting around as a free hair Malay woman. I was always self conscious of my appearance. I was sick of cat calling, in places like the gym and at weddings. I was sick of knowing people were rolling their heads back to stare disrespectfully at me during my morning runs. I was sick of people trying to figure out what race I am. I was sick of people being surprised or treating me a bit differently when I told them I was Malay. I hate how Malay = Hijab wearing Devout Muslim. I just want to be treated like a human being on equal terms. I saw how unfairly my parents treated my younger brother, who could just go out at midnight to go ‘lepak’. If I did that, my parents would not allow such a thing because I’m a ‘weak girl’. The second I’m back in the West, I can wear whatever I want, go out whatever time and no one bats an eyelash. I am invisible. And that feels so empowering. Malaysia is more conservative now than when I was a teen. From what I saw last time I visited, there’s no slowing down. I am devastated to distance myself so far from my family. But I have to do what’s right for me. Thank you for reading.
[ [ "Don’t worry about the people who are being mean to you in the comment section.\nIt’s not easy to decide to leave the country permanently but it’s better to live somewhere where you can be yourself. I did it 13 years ago and every time I visit my family, I’m glad I made my decision.", "Thank you! That’s amazing that you did that for yourself! 👏🏼", "Hi! Can I know what route you took to leave the country? Is it like the study then work route, or straight up finding work overseas, or visa lottery or something else?", "I was born in the UK, so obtained a PR in my passport.", "Study then work. I’ve had friends who’ve managed to find work overseas and then move. If there are countries you’re interested in, have a look at what their skills shortages are in and if you fit that criteria.", "Thank you. Yeah I’ve been researching a lot on ways to migrate and finding work overseas nowadays is just not easy as it was years ago, even when you are working in a high-demand job. No employers wanna sponsor work visas anymore in this economy and in order to get working visa you need a job. And in order to get a job, you need valid working rights first. Its a catch-22 situation that is just ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♀️", "If it helps, I have a friend who migrated from Malaysia to UK and has been working in social care. I can link her to you. UK is in need of social care workers due to aging/ disabled population. Just give me a dm." ], [ "I started off thinking, \"you'll move back eventually\", nearly everyone I know does after making good cash in the west, then saw this:\nas a free hair Malay woman\nYeah it's totally over, the country gets more crazy each year about this type of thing, Was about a year ago on the ETS, there was two Malay girls, one with tudung the other free-hair, quiet and minding their own business at the back of the train, few hours later suddenly some guy a few seats away gets enraged and starts yelling at her about tudung, it was so weird and no one said anything including me, it was long ago but still feel like a massive wimp for not standing up and telling him to go away, you can't argue with these people anymore and it's not worth it. They are always right, and you are always wrong in their fantasy land supported by the media and police.\nHonestly, make a life in the UK, come visit for holidays, you'll be better off and much happier. There's a reason the sex ratio is like 1.05 in Malaysia, women of all races are leaving the country as quick as they can.", "This is what they meant when they said barat has polluted our young minds for years via culture export and it’s time to take it back to “Asian” values.\nNow what they really meant is they can’t control the narrative anymore and they don’t understand why men and women like OP are pushing back and be so different. But OP is not being different - they are the one being left behind. The whole concept of personal choice and fundamental rights of human being is becoming more foreign to them that it manifested into something envious. How dare you have such freedom.\nSo here they are - angry, behind, dejected and always looking for things to be self righteous about.", "If you think about it Islam is also a “Barat” religion since it shares the same roots as Christianity and Judaism. Anyways hypocrites here will only call out the implications of “Western colonisers moral decay” while willingly subjected to Arab cultural colonialism 🤡", "the Arab cultural colonialism is so real I haven't seen anyone talk about it", "yup i remember learning in Sejarah how our culture changed in certain aspects in “pertembungan budaya” with Islam to better suit the rules of religion. It made me think that it’s not that different from what people always say “pemikiran dijajah oleh orang Barat”.\nI always appreciated observing traditional culture of other countries, and feeling that Malay culture is not as preserved, at least when compared to other SEA culture. I kinda found my answer when I reached that part of curriculum.\nOne example that I remember is animal motifs in wood carvings were removed and plant motifs were emphasised in exchange, because Islam forbids pictures of animals.", "Its too real in malaysia", "Need example, from what i've seen Malaysian is mostly influence by Indian culture.", "How now people wear jubah instead of baju melayu and you’ll see many malays in purdah is", "I have responded on another comments about clothe in Malaysia more like following a trend,\nMore ppl wearing purdah due to Local celebrity kak lopa , eventho it wasn't that significant.\nAs fashion wise, Malaysian are bit open but leaning towards western or british.\nSide note,\nLast time Malaysia had an high impact on purdah wearer, was in the late 80s due to some trend of joining this particular cult .", "Do you not see the amount of Arab larpers in the country? Throwing away their Malay identity just to appease the Arabs for the sake of upholding their devout beliefs?", "Even malays know they are influence by indian and hindusm.", "Throwing away their Malay identity\nWhat is this arab culture we are talking about , im interested to know. I can give you some example of \" cultural\" stuff that was influence by indian/hidusm,\nTepung tawar. It is believe to get rid off soi/bad luck to throw colored riced to newlyweds faces. If arab saw this they will be shocked.\nSalam tunduk dan cium tangan, This is heavily taken from indian culture where they bow down to their elders and even kissing hand or leg, Any arab saw this they will say SHRIKKKK!!!! they will not applause and said Malay are good manners.", "Mate, have you seen any original Malay names like Mawar, Bujang, Awang, Dayang, anymore?\nWe renamed Jalan raja laut (a malay King) to something else.\nClothes - it's being replaced by kurta/Sarban. Although tanjak seems to be making a comeback", "Clothes - it's being replaced by kurta\nAre you serious? are we going to talk about clothes?\nAnd kurta is Arabic attire , according to you?\ni see more ppl wearing caps than i ever seen anyone wearing sarban,heck more are wearing songkok every friday than a sarban.this is like 1000 to 1 comparison.\nI see ppl wearing, TSHIRT, Jeans more than any other attired, 2nd most would be Collar shirt with slack pants.Now most Malay only wear tshirt, selipar jepun, and sweat pants going out, am I tripping?\nWestern cultural colonization is okay? LMAO\nWe really going to talk about names?\nAwang & Dayang are related to ancestry and still being used until these day.\nNon Muslim in Malaysia nowdays name is local meh?\nin Sabah and Sarawak alone everyone name sound like mat saleh christian eh?\nthis one no issue ma, because you approve.\neven half chinese in malaysia got name David,albertpaul,eric these name okay lo?\nPPL are just following trend la,Name and clothes are tredy stuff la nowday,\nduring covid i see 50% girls and kids wearing liverpool jersey one, now what happned to the liverpool jersey i also dont know .even my cousin name his son zidane la, because going up , he soo into zidane.\nDelusional.", "https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/malaysia-pas-youth-terengganu-march-fake-swords-spears-shields-cosplay-3290721 lmao", "Is this it ? Please do not confuse, a political party actions with political agenda as a culture. These ppl are just the religion Rider,\nEven Arab did not do these stuff.\nhttps://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/29/world/middleeast/halloween-saudi-arabia.html\nLook at arab now, they are becoming more like Malaysia, Its not Malaysia becoming more like arab?\nMalaysian redditor are so delusional and im so disappointed.\nWhile we talking about Parade, lets talk about December,I saw alot of christmas decorations, a lot of Santa clause, so this is the original and root culture of Malaysian and all of it race?\nThese are like spitting on the air and hit you own face.\nI will give you one more prove that MALAYSIAN culture that is often mistaken as ARAB culture.\nEver heard of Maulidur rasul Parade?\nIts not an arab culture nor it is an islam practice.\nIt was copied from christmas parade ,clearly a pagan ritual and not Arab.\nSo disapointed on delusional Malaysian redditor.", "Arab is becoming like malaysia is a very interesting fact that Arab now indeed becoming liberal each day, from what i heard , now non mulim can enter mekah or madinah or something?not so sure didnt care so didnt read.\nYou surely open my eyes.Malaysia has always been a secular countries.the strictness mostly only applied to muslim.\nBut everyone seems to have an issue, however you need to understand the hate was more to unfairness to 2nd rate citizen which is nothing to do with our amazing open culture in malaysia. Thanks!", "the hate was more to unfairness to 2nd rate citizen\nThis is due to history , however the advantage that Bumi had , not only impact non bumi, but also impact themselves socially and economically such as complacent and even nowadays bumi are struggling to buy houses, This is not a win-win for anyone at all.\nToday every teens dream is to become a fp or grab rider, what they did not realise is we need a stronger buying power to sustain this.\nHowever i will take that for a cheap healthcare anytime, now if we can make free educations a thing, Malaysia will become better and stronger in unity.\nEnough about politics, TLDR\nMalaysia is Liberal, its culture is rich and arab culture colonisation is not a thing, when it is indian that bring islam to Tanah Melayu.And we Malaysia usually follow the trend as part of our culture.\nUncultured swine.", "> Please do not confuse, a political party actions with political agenda as a culture.\nDo you even live in Malaysia? It's a cycle - politicians polarise with conservatism -> voters is influenced towards conservatism -> votes politicians who polarise. It is inextricable at this point.\nJust look at politicians who, after getting accusations of corruption will suddenly appear in the news attending mosque in thawbs. Why wear an arabic garb? It works because arabic culture is equated to islamic values here.\n> Even Arab did not do these stuff.\nYouth wing members of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) clad in medieval Islamic war attire, marching with fake swords and shields in Setiu, Terengganu (from the article) If you read these and don't see how people want to emulate/appropriate Arabic culture, you've lost the point.\n> Ever heard of Maulidur rasul Parade? Its not an arab culture nor it is an islam practice.\nThe exact origins of the Mawlid is difficult to trace.[34] ... the Mawlid was first introduced by the Abbasids in Baghdad.[35] It has been suggested that the Mawlid was first formalized by al-Khayzuran of the Abbasids.[34] Ibn Jubayr, in 1183, writes that Muhammad's day of birth was celebrated every Monday of Rabi' al-awwal at his birthplace, which had been converted into a place of devotion under the Abbasids. (from wiki)\nBro, Baghdad.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mawlid#/media/File:Mawlid_an-Nabawi_SallAllaho_Alaihi_wa_Sallam_Celebrations_in_Cairo_in_1878.jpg (Even before Malaysia was formed)\nSomehow I think there's a possibility you're learning from an unconventional non-mainstream source that's filling your head up with all these things instead of touching grass in the real world.", "LMAO unconventional non-mainstream sources , I was specifically mentions \"PARADE\", we are talking about Arab culture and you limit this conversation to when Malaysian was form, this issue is on a larger spectrum in no way shape or form i had mentions Malaysia invented Maulid, or Malaysia invented Christmas parade.\nyou are over your head , learn to read.\nLMAO you are checking when was Maulid first celebrated, it can be Muhammad neighbour first celebrated maulid without muhammad knowing and you will never know.what a joke.\nalso did you read what you copy pasta\n1.The exact origin of Maulid is difficult to trace\nNonetheless, others contend that the date of Muhammad's birth is unknown and is not definitively recorded in the Islamic traditions.\nwhich support my 2nd point it isn't islamic practice and more like a personal thing.\nWhy do i even entertain someone that said whatever politic party do it is a culture at the first place, its crazy.These ppl are trying to poison ppl mind for their own gain,\nguess i can safely said sondol burit is Malaysian culture because our leader is the ex con for it.", "You haven't seen anyone talk about it because Arab cultural colonialism is being equated to Islamic culture and nobody can criticize anything Islamic in Malaysia.", "It is packaged together with incest and child marriage, you just don't talk about it...", "Reject Barat, choose Timur. Return to Taoism.\n/s", "Actually, the old Malay societies were all Hindu or Buddhist. Still Barat, but less so 😹", "Non-malaysian here. What do Barat and Timor mean?", "Barat=west Timur=east", "Thanks. I had wrongly assumed it meant something like \"Orthodox\" and \"Liberal\".", "This remind me of a Nurul Izzah Anwar interview where a caller call in to \"tegur\" her \"imperfect\" tudung fail to cover her aurat by his standards. Even a strong woman like her fail to defend herself on the spot.", "The only way to defend herself would be to blind the asshole so he stops staring at her.", "there is no defense when you use religion unless you're willing to say the religion is wrong.\nwaiting for the day when they have to cover their faces too", "Oh damn. Yeah, we need to get more daring about shutting these people up and potentially either training people of all races (don’t just leave it to the women) to bitchslap them personally or calling the cops. This kind of bugger seems like the kind of woman-hating mongoloid who will sit in a women’s-only train with no hesitation and then look at non-halal websites the moment he gets off 🤭", "calling the cops\nYou’re in for a rude awakening", "Then take justice into your own hands by posting these people on TikTok or casting the first stone, which isn’t hard to do. I’ve already done something similar once by doxxing someone who was racist to their employer and alumni association?\nWe just need more people who are willing to do the right thing and say enough is enough - enough oppression to our talented young ones: these people must be stopped by any means necessary, even if it means casting them thoroughly into fear 🤭", "\"...posting these people on Tik Tok. . .\"\nBro, you must be new in this country. . The nosy 'jaga tepi kain orang' will gets more support then the free hair Malay girl.", "Everything starts from somewhere— the lebai started using TikTok at some point, and it certainly isn’t too late to catch up.", "It's not the issue of using tik tok. It's the issue of mindset here. These people will 'force' others to conformed...", "Isn’t this sort of happening here in the opposite direction? It just needs to spread and more people need to force the people here to conform - in the opposite direction 🤭", "Ain't gonna happened when everyone is trying to out do each other in holier than thou act. 😅", "There’s a limited number of comments and also people. It’s a very manageable number of people - I think you just don’t dare to try 🤭", "Oh yea. Some other exciting possibilities: sending video recordings to people on their friends list if the friends list isn’t private, or tagging these people in a wall of shame directly. I’d be totally down to see a shame wall where we point out the identities and dox “well intentioned” people who are actually chauvinists and make sure that they receive maximum possible humiliation and persecution from Malaysia at large and internationally :)", "I feel that would be a slippery slope, it can also be weaponized by these ultra-conservatives. IMO the best thing would be for people to form a human shield around the person being harrased, and everyone to just turn their back on the noisemaker. make it so that they're basically shouting into a wall of silence.\nzero airtime, zero attention", "calling the cops\nOh honey ....\nThey'll charge **you** for antagonizing that \"woman-hating mongoloid\"", "Great! That means that we realise collectively that we need to take matters into our own hands, which may or may not mean actually physically getting rough with people like this, or taking pictures or videos of them to show to their entire community and their families, potentially to their children as well. Along the way, meanwhile, it could be good to also follow the person from the train station, to see where they alight and learn where they live, so as to begin taking even more drastic actions along the way, so that imbeciles like this can't survive in this country.", "Lol sometimes you read this kind of thing online and try to believe it but it always sounds way more extreme than what we face daily in real life. I live in KL and most of my female friends plus colleagues also don't wear hijab at all but they still live safely here in Malaysia. Not sure where in Malaysia you’ll get scolded openly for not wearing hijab maybe somewhere in Kelantan? Not saying this thing didn't happen but for sure it rarely happened in KL.", "Truly agree…. I’ve never witnessed any of my freehair malay getting scolded before…. We never experienced those issues before…. Im pretty sure catcalling are universal as well….", "They are always right, and you are always wrong in their fantasy land supported by the media and police\nIdiots blindsided by religion...", "Some of them has been façade by a bigotry at pure extremism like G35t4P0, unfortunately.\nBtw, happy cake day", "Serious ah? That's just incel. This is even counted as public harassing.", "Some people nowadays are too stick up to their ass over miniscule thing where it doesn't stick to their nose. If I was the lady I would have tell him to fuck off and mind his own f-king business and do whatever the F I wanted to. Like, who we are to pass a judgement call to others where it doesn't belong. The guy should have mind his own damn business in the first place.", "If you're a lady you would stfu if an unstable and possibly violent male is shouting at you about your dressing. But you're right that people should mind their own business.", "Spoken like a true male. How easy do you think it is for women to speak up against unstable men? Male violence is real. Especially with people complaining about you in public about religion.", "Wait, are you serious?? I mean, I've never visited Malaysia right after my childhood, so I may never know. My parents kept telling me how it's not safe for me. It was more acceptable to go hair free in the 2000s, right? What the hell happened?", "Sadly if you dare stand up to the guy, people in social media might attack you as well for \"promoting liberal\" or \"anti-Islam\", and thus might affect your future.", "Why would this affect your future? The only people who would say that are people in low positions and menial jobs with lacking ability and power. Would you rather be a coward and let fools determine what you can say in the future? I think that’s pretty pathetic 🤭", "The problem is those people are the loudest and all it takes is them to viral you to cause issue.\nImagine the bad PR your company might get if suddenly your name is viraled. Your company might need to let you go if things escalate like people beginning to protest or boycott the company.", "I think you’re overthinking it or giving an excuse to not say what is right, which you’d choose to do anyway only if someone is saying something racist sampai tak boleh tahan. Don’t let lebai restrain your behavior.", "Cool story ni.. This is malaysia, not iran..if anyone enranged about anyone's tudung, sure someone took video and its gonna be viral.. Also, there would always be a random malay guy, like me, who gonna smacked that enranged dude..\nBeen living in Malaysia for 51 years, never seen or heard about anyone being scold in public about not wearing tudung.", "You would be surprised. Even a friend of mine from uni is peer pressured into wearing a hijab after 3 years of hijab-free.", "peer pressured into wearing a hijab\nworse example I have ever read....", "The more you know…", "Peer pressured? Its up to individual to overcome it. Similar to drug. If an individual got peer presured to do drug, takkan that individual need to succumb to it kot?\nI think this is not and issue, unless the said Uni suddenly 'wajib' kan girls to wear tudung, than we have an issue.", "I didn’t say it’s an issue, I just replied to your statement that no one ever scold people in public about not wearing hijab. Scold or not they sure talking loud about someone not wearing hijab.", "Keep it up bro - kasi hentam semua orang biadap tak hormat perempuan macam tu👌", "that is the issue, never had a chance to hentam anyone. sadly. As no one in Malaysia ever publicly harrassed a lady about her not wearing tudung.\nWhich is good also lah. At 51, if i ever had to hentam anyone and they hentam back, most probably i'll end up in ICU. 😂", "That’s okay – just leave it to those of the younger generation then. But don’t allow this kind of thing to go untouched.", "No man, cases like this are getting rampant in Malaysia as time goes by. You need to get with the program.", "Sadly when I see pro-Palestine protest in Uk. They are spreading there as well", "What does being pro-Palestine have anything to do with this?", "Not a damn thing, most likely.", "Yeah it's a weird comment, I have no idea", "I think he’s conflating “Muslim” with “care about Palestine” with “Malay” when there is no meaningful relationship between any of these things. It’s not a race thing at the end of the day.", "educate yourself and ask your friends who live there\nthese guys are rowdy and praying in middle of the streets. in the side of churches on purpose (imagine if anyone do that beside a mosque) and so so many more than normal is wearing burka. totally abnormal to the culture of english people\nfeel free to downvote, guess u will never understand until it happens to you", "I do live in the UK. Muslims praying is not a problem.\nSupport for Palestine has nothing to do with being Muslim.", "Maybe i am not clear.\nas a protest muslims openly prayed on the lawn of a church (performative with cameras on the ready)\nmuslim blocked an entire space with palestine flags in a busy train station in the middle to pray (performance again)\nIf you are being serious for number 2. my god are you deluded. probably not you but it is always have been a holy war for a lot of the muslims. take your head out of the sand\nHonestly i am all for religious freedom but you guys need to nip the bad actors in the bud and call them out, don't keep denying when someone mention some disgusting behaviour by your fellow muslims. Surely you don't believe all muslims are fully devout?", "What's wrong with 1. or 2.? Maybe you find industrial strikes a big issue too because it inconveniences you somewhat?\nI'm serious about 2. What Muslims think and do has absolutely nothing to do with whether someone should support a free Palestine or not. What, just because someone with views you dislike likes ice cream means you need to hate ice cream?", "The pro palestine protest in the west is from the left. The pro-israel is from right wing. It's different from Msia" ], [ "I feel you sis. I'm exactly like you, I also lived overseas in a lot of countries including Singapore and America. I love Malaysia with all my heart, I love my friends and family here. I'm much more comfortable here, then when I was overseas. It nice to be where you have roots, but as the years go by it's getting harder and harder as a free-hair, non-religious Malay. Before this, the last time I was in Malaysia was in the early 2000s and I think everyone was a lot more chill about religion and race, but now the tensions are getting worse and worse. I actually wanted to marry and settle here in Malaysia, but with the way things have been going I might have to seriously reconsider.", "I love this country a lot and I'm happy that I was born here because of how it exposed me to how beautiful and multicultural we are. But even as someone who's grown up here throughout their life I just have to agree with you that things are getting worse.", "Things are getting worse everywhere.\nIf so many people leave, please don’t turn around and say ok you all and say “you’re all progressing backwards now”.", "I enjoy Malaysia, meeting my friends etc.\nBut over the years I've seen changes in Malaysia, don't know if it's gradual or sparked by recent events", "I think it's gradual, but definitely sped up by recent events. It's sadly not unique to Malaysia. Even the same city I used to live in back in the US is facing similar problems. So even more liberal or western countries are seeing a rise of racism and conservatism.", "Yes but if so many like you and OP leave, think about the people who are remaining behind (and voting), and determining the country's future", "Actually that's a great point. I guess no matter what, if I move and am still a Malaysian citizen I can always at least still vote with my embassy. You're right, if I can I should still try to help the country." ], [ "I don’t mean to belittle your experience, but I’m a non-hijabi Malay lady in my thirties. I’ve never really had the issues that you’ve had growing up here, but it could very well be the areas you’re frequenting and where your family is based. I live in Klang Valley, work in government services and frequent a mix of ‘Malay’ and non-Malay areas and have always felt safe and the odd comment I’ve had about not wearing the hijab has come from a clueless but sweet old Chinese man.\nMy family was very conservative and I have two sisters, but we spent a lot of time in discussion with my parents and they eventually allowed us all the independence we wanted. These things don’t come overnight, and it sometimes takes a lot to overturn what is ingrained, but the effort often worth it.\nWherever you go and decide, may it be the best for you! :)", "Klang Valley seems chill according to what I’ve heard from others. My family is based in Selangor, and when I ‘balik kampung’ my kampung are in Malay dominated places. So you can get the picture", "You're definitely one of the lucky ones. Many places online I've seen have shunned non-hijabis, and the increasing arabization had all but wiped out any trace of old Malaysia (the 70s and 80s in particular). I kinda wish we weren't on our current heading, but I guess we'll see where the wind takes us all.", "I wish religion didn’t take away so much of our culture as is happening now. It is so sad. Malay culture is amazing.", "Sure, left malaysia and leave others to preserve the culture. You can try preserving it overseas, much more helpful 👍🏼.", "I’m happy for you and you’re definitely one of the lucky ones." ], [ "I’m not Malay, but I am gay. And I’ve just gotten my PR and eventually will go for citizenship in US. When I was younger, I always thought I’d return to Malaysia for retirement. But as I grew older, I slowly come to the conclusion that I will only visit Malaysia for vacations, to see my family and friends. Malaysia is great. It’s home, it’s tanah airku. But Malaysia is also on a path of regression, in multiple ways. I just want to be live happily and safely with my wife and dog, in a place where our relationship status is respected. And Malaysia isn’t that." ], [ "I was sick of people trying to figure out what race I am.\nThis has been very eye-opening to me as a Chinese man who has no issues with this country. I know that Malaysians are incredibly racist, but I had no idea it was this important for people to \"know what race you are\". I guess it's because I'm very obviously Chinese that I don't get this vibe from people.\nI've always thought that us non-Malays are oppressed due to the fact that we're considered \"pendatang\" to the conservative groups of people that make up 50-60% of the country, but it's very obvious now that Malaysians are just racist and oppressive towards any sorts of progressive thinking.", "I find it offensive that you think 50%-60% of the Malaysian population (basically all malays) consider you as pendatang. That itself is racist as fuck. Also, for you conservatism = racism. Bro, being a conservative does not mean being a PAS or PN supporter.", "Feel free to be offended because \"Basically all malays\" is a sentence you put into my mouth, the actual malay percentage is much higher than that. I don't know or care if you feel offended on behalf of your chill Malay friends, or if you are a chill Malay person yourself, but I have met countless of chill, non-racist, progressive Malays and they were at the top of my head as I was typing out that reply.\nNobody knows what the actual ratio of progressive malays are to conservative malays in this country, but if you're actually Malaysian, you'd know that the amount of conservative malays far surpasses the number of progressive malays and it's not even a contest. This fact will not change whether I'm racist or not.\nBeing a conservative does not mean being a PAS or PN supporter\nBeing conservative 100% means that the person is a PAS or PN supporter, and being a PAS or PN supporter does not mean you are racist.\nYou can say conservatism =/= racism all you want, but I have not seen any evidence from the real world or from you to back up that claim. Conservative people of any race, from what I observe, are incredibly racist towards other races here in Malaysia.", "Bruh no shit as a conservative Chinese person, who is always opposed to most of Chinese people opinions like their thought about lgbt, I am pretty sick of weird Chinese \"progressive mind\" around the community that's just stupid. But as a conservative, I support PH lol", "Malay percentage is higher than 60%? Wtf hahahahah. Just look at the national census ffs.I don’t need read your other sentences. So damn stupid", "Again, 0 evidence to back up any of your claims. Instead, you resorted to insulting my intellect. A quick google search reveals that the actual Malay percentage is 70% from multiple sources. I was open to an input from you that can potentially change my mind, but alas, I'm just speaking to yet another uneducated Malaysian.", "Bumiputera is about 70%. But Malay percentage is about 52-59% roughly tho.", "Don't bother with that sirgentleguy anymore. He added nothing of value. Seems like he is looking for an argument rather than a discussion.\nYou can never win against dumbos like that. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.", "You're right, I'm only entertaining him at all because I disagree with the premise of \"Just ignore what you don't like\" and wanted to hear what he has to say about my potentially offensive statement." ], [ "Good job deciding whats right for yourself. This country is currently in a state of shit assery that will not slow itself down until something drastic happens. Ive been to so many muslim countries that isnt malaysia that is way better off culturally and ethically. The general populace of malaysia at the moment are nothing but political tools to be swung for support by the politicians at any cost.", "Thank you for your support. I agree - the political situation in Malaysia gets swayed so easily. If it were a bit more stable, I would consider my options a bit more. But that’s wishful thinking.", "Hey, good luck in the UK! As a grown-ass man who had lived in Canada and decided to return (many reasons), let me say this:\nTIP: In Malaysia, you need to be good at wayang (i.e. pretending), OR you need to have a very thick skin (i.e. not giving a fuck) if you refuse to wayang. For example, some of the helangs drink alcohol, yet in front of the masses, they portray themselves as defenders of Islam. Or a gay businessman pretending to be straight in front of his TikTok audience. You get the idea… If you’re not good at wayang, you better be able to withstand the (usually verbal/online) assaults that come your way.\nAs for me, I chose to stay in Malaysia because of the low cost of living (only works if you earn in dollars), the weather (I hate long winters), and better social life (I have more connections here).\nIf you’re a non-believer or LGBT, sure the West is better in terms of personal freedom. But Malaysia is not too bad as long as you stick to that one TIP.\n(edit: added i.e.)", "Interesting point on wayang. My wife’s wedding dress designer is totally gay but is married with kids lol. I guess he knows the rules lol", "he might be just an effeminate dude lol (he is in the fashion design industry after all). although, it's not uncommon for gay men to marry and have kids, but they're usually 'straight-passing' and also overcompensate their masculinity, to the point of (internalized) homophobia.", "totally gay but is married with kids\nI don't think that's gay. Probably just a pondan or feminin guy. Its not what you do for a living that makes you gay. It's who you \"sleep\" with.", "It is entirely possible that a gay person suffers the unpleasantness for the sake of appearances. Also the person could be their diff-sex bestie so it's not so bad.\nBut as a twiggy armed effeminate male, it's very easy to be mistaken about your assessment", "I will say tho, actual gay people tend to buff, so if you're assuming skinny nerds are gay, you're probably wrong unless their skin is perfect well into adulthood", "Or a gay businessman pretending to be straight in front of his TikTok audience\noh, I wonder who...", "Happy birthday!", "Name of countries? Because I'd love to visit. Always good to expose yourself to these experiences." ], [ "As someone who used to visit Malaysia due to being in a long distance relationship. I can confirm that Malay men in specific are extremely perverse towards women. My ex used to get objectified left and right, even co workers that are married would constantly flirt with her or make sexual remarks" ], [ "Saw first hand how my malay friends from primary to secondary were harassed about not wearing tudung in school itself. Especially in secondary form 4-5. The ones who wore it would call the ones that didn’t wear it ‘sluts’….", "but usually those who call others sluts are the real sluts", "Same. The ustazah would constantly scold my freehaired Muslim friend (she's mixed though). Right now she's having a fun life and I can't be happier for her." ], [ "I'm a Malaysian who grew up in Australia, and ever since i've been back - i've been seeing a slow decline. Its honestly sad, and one half of me doesnt want to leave, but the other half of me is craving for racial equality, friendly people and winter for a couple of months a year.\nI know how you feel, like you're \"abandoning\" your family and being selfish, but you gotta do what's right for you. At the end, when your parents are gone and you've got your own family, then you'll know whats best & right for you. Until then, just enjoy and live in the moment. No point worrying about things you can't control ✌️", "Thank you for your support! It’s true, for a while I did feel like I was abandoning them! But I’ve come to terms with it and my family are supportive of my choices. I hope you’ve been able to go back to Australia and enjoy some cold weather ❄️" ], [ "I think it's better for you to just stay in the UK, situation not getting any better here 😅😅" ], [ "We had a conversation about this on r/Bolehland, featuring the jokers who are casually talking about forcing people to wear tudungs. Apparently these people think about this as ‘caring for their communities’. What performative rubbish they release to satisfy their other equally performative and unintelligent friends.\nI’m sorry that we’re losing you, and I hope that conditions become better for people from the next generations ahead 🙏", "I have Malay friends who say... They cannot ignore the issue...they need to voice out...if they don't.. then almighty will judge them...", "Simple solution here - they shouldn’t be your friends, and you should find ways to betray them in the future. At least make sure that they are just acquaintances and not people that you trust, or distance yourself; if you care enough about them, make sure that they can’t practice their koyak ideology in the future.", "That's horrible advice. That's how people become more radical. When everyone in their circle think the same. Be a corruptor. Change their mind overtime.", "That’s nice too. Do what you can. Just don’t let it become tolerance of this kind of nonsense, because it very easily can become like that – if there is no change, then what needs to be done needs to be done.", "lol this is what happens when religion becomes your whole identity. I see the same in evangelist Christians who keep trying to convert people to 'save their souls' (experienced this with relatives who I have ghosted a long time ago)", "It's more like \"These people (those who choose to live freely) will influence the malays/shaking their belief\".", "I wish they are as zealous about voicing out on racism and corruption as they are about how women should dress since I'm pretty sure those things are also prohibited by Islam", "Over-caring can hurt people, especially unsolicited ones.", "They claim that this is caring, but actually that is a lie and is actually self-serving and selfish behaviour. We must not allow them to spread this lie or to continue behaving in this way.", "True, if people menegur because they don’t want to be questioned by Allah in akhirat, then it’s not about caring of the ummah, it’s about saving yourself in the end.", "Yes. They don’t actually care about the umat or about the person - it is a selfish act with selfish motivations done because they want to save themselves and without any actual care for the person themselves. In other words, it’s disgusting and needs to be restrained the moment it’s seen for the good of the community and country.", "They feel good by controlling and policing others. Probably to compensate for some rules they are breaking in their own lives", "Don’t let them continue this hypocrisy. Speak up. Life and culture are determined by moments like this.", "", "Dude open your eyes. Bolehland is not the fun, shitposting meme sub it once was. Now it's mostly a cesspool. I miss the old Bolehland.", "a man can only dream TT^TT.. I miss them too...\nSide note: lepas tu monyet ni dah tak abis2 msg aku pulak dah.. LOL go out touch grass bro..", "Messaging you? Maybe just to inform you that your comments are getting deleted by the mods of this sub because they lack value 🤭", "OOUH! I'm shaken.. my personality have been decimated!hatiku tisu...:26557: the actual fact that you were going through my profile, and had to request for mod's help.. says something about you as a person\nbut.. you do you :26561:", "Haha, I didn’t. I noticed this when your posts got deleted so it wasn’t actually me - I guess your posts are getting deleted and so will the extremists’ soon across more media platforms, more frequently, until your viewpoints cease to exist and influence people in Malaysia 🤭", "Your content has been removed - Subreddit Language (Rule 2).\nHello, posts and comments should be in romanised English or Malay only. You may provide a translation by editing your comment and pinging us here for reapproval, thanks!\nFor posts other than English or Malay, feel free to post on our new Malaysian Lemmy community!", "What, are you triggered that people don’t like extremists and will take action to get rid of them? Well, you best get used to it, because as time goes by, it’s going to happen on every single social media platform and in real life as well, anyone who wants to so called “tegur” will just be socially isolated like that dude who was mentioned in the comments 🤭", "If you reply me at all, how is that not an interaction? 🤭\nAlso, dumb song, but thanks for sharing the intellectual pride and joy of the bani tegur…? Feel free to keep sharing, but as I can see from the lack of response, nobody actually cares. You can post it again if you want to prove me wrong 😉", "Post removed for breaching Rule 2.\nStop spamming the thread with the same comment, or I will have to impose a short ban as a timeout." ], [ "Power to the people\nYour reasoning is correct. May you have a blessed life", "Thank you! You too!" ], [ "Pounds > Ringgit anyway" ], [ "There are more Malaysians willing to leave their loving family to live oversea. There is no surprise it has correlation with conservative fixate on making derogatory remarks on west." ], [ "It's a stark contrast compared to Malaysia. I'm currently in the UK and sometimes I just think how would people back at home would react if they how the brits dress and behave. The brits are so chill here, maybe because I'm in a slightly more liberal city after all.\nDo keep your options open though, you will never know one day you decided to go back." ], [ "This country is going to the dogs, bit by bit", "Nah. We bitches just need to rise." ], [ "I was fine with how things were during the 90s and still in my teens. After working in the 2010s and have been told by a colleague like I've commited blasphemy that I cannot use the word salam in email... I feel that I have to be more self-restricted than before with more locally made up common sense.", "Ignore, rise, and socially exclude said colleague over time by poisoning the minds of the people around you about this person. Such people cannot be allowed to ascend in society.", "Thanks. But I don't work there anymore. And while I was still there it seemed like he was self-excluding himself socially anyway. He was married and in sales team, I thought it strange that he could be in sales with that kind of mindset." ], [ "I support your freedom. Shows how crazy Malaysia is." ], [ "My siblings (May) and I were raised abroad too, and since we’ve been back my sister’s have remained free haired. They are based in KL so maybe that’s why they don’t feel as much pressure and judgement to conform. It sucks that you felt that way though.\nWhile I’m happy for your decision, it does feel a little regrettable because I feel it’s people like us who should remain in Malaysia to continue pushing the envelope on what it means to be Malay.\nIf it’s any consolation, there are many successful Malay women who remain free haired in Malaysia. But for every 1, there are probably 4 more that feel the pressure to conform.\nAnyhow, good luck it all!", "Yeah Malay tudung women need to be honest about the pressure to conform. It isn't just all hidayah and free will and doing it for Allah.\nPsycho conservative relatives who are terrified to be associated with your sluttiness by the resident mosque committee is a special category of paranoia you don't want directed at you." ], [ "I'm hoping to get SG PR too when I start working there.... Done with all the 'pendatang' & 'get out of here' comments after all these years of independence. Stupid racist & malay supremacy mindset" ], [ "Why is Malaysia this conservative when it's actually not a poor country? Why are Malay Muslims this brainwashed and Arab worshippers and Arab wannabe. I mean if a woman wants to wear or not to wear a hijab it's their choice and most importantly Malay is an ethnic group and it's diabolical to make it a law that every Malay should be a Muslim. It seems Malaysia needs a heavy dose of cultural revolution, it's the need of the hour." ], [ "Omg I wish I could also just up and leave to another country like you 😭😭 really becoming desperate now tbh. The amount of Malay people treating me differently (and doing it in a very obvious way too) when they realise I’m a free-haired Malay girl :26559: At first they would be nice to me but when I open my mouth and start speaking fluent Malay, they suddenly change their attitude towards me. This shit is becoming ridiculous honestly I just can’t take it anymore 😭", "There's a lot of venomous subtext (envy?) and disdain I've felt directed at me once some tudung women realise I'm not a foreigner/tourist , Malaysian , Malay, freehair and can speak perfectly casual Malay, and formal Malay even better than they can.\nThey were so friendly to me just 5 min before that. I don't blame them. To be free as a Malay women who is not from priveleged class, is like a crab trying to crawl out of a bucket full of other crabs who won't let you climb out , who don't want you to, because it seems strange and wrong and makes them angry (cognitive dissonance)", "There’s a saying for this. “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness”.\nThey just can’t fathom how we could have the audacity to do something that is the opposite of what ustaz and ustazah forced on us right after we came out of the womb.", "Yeah. I also remember when I was on the other side of the fence and felt intimidated and judged by freehair girls who must see me as a bumpkin/boring/dumb.\nSo I just try to be chill and kind.", "I regret that this is a common thing, and I’m sorry that you have to deal with it. Wishing you the best to find peace!", "Thank you! My definition of peace is living my life however I want without any unnecessary judgement from strangers who don’t contribute anything to my life. And in order to do so, I need to migrate to another country that doesn’t force any religious beliefs onto people. Im working hard towards it now, wish me luck! 🤞🏼😁", "Hopefully you find people who accept you, I'm a Malay Muslim guy myself and I don't see why should Muslims treat non hijabi girls like this.", "Thank you!!! 🙏🏼 you have no idea how much we appreciate people like you! Especially in the era of social media now where we can’t even appreciate a normal positive post/story about a woman without seeing some malay men asking the woman to cover up" ], [ "Sorry to hear that, but just my 2 sen opinion: don't give in to people who are trying to impose their will on you.", "it's more than just imposing will. there's a high possibility of being harassed and even suffering violence due to the zealots.", "Then it needs to move in the opposite direction, does it not? If people wish to threaten you, then they should be threatened back. For every action, a reaction. For every fool who wishes to impose his broken will or interpretation of justice, a child with a parent with no employment or means of living in this world 🥰", "One day someone will lose their life for this bullshit, just because men don't know how to mind their own fucking business.", "We need to protect women and neutralize the aggressors.", "People already lose their lives over this bullshit.", "How? If a group of men come up to a single lady and tell her to wear tudong, what should she do? Will standing up help? Will it put her in danger?", "Film them and have it be clear that everyone is filming them. Not just one person but entire groups of people. Don’t allow these people the light of day - they are not worthy." ], [ "As a local i definitely agree. Its pretty hard to live there despite being a “privileged “ majority in a sense that i do acknowledge the privilege but as a Malay Woman, the odds are stacked against u. I envy minorities since they can do whatever they want.\nI also wanted to return home one day but now it’s definitely a no for me. the way things are going its flowing to the extremes. Everyone seems adamant on leaving.\nnon hijabi malay women tend to be targeted in their own communities sadly. Subjected to sexual harassment due to how we are perceived as easy or free game, unsolicited advice, fetishisation by others outside the community and even unrealistic expectations. Its not exclusively towards us but we would be the first targets.\nThe law is not on your side either. Marriage, divorce, inheritance, to add on to the lack of religious freedom and constant policing of malays in general, all of these will never be in your favour. plus the culture itself that that enables abuse of women. so now since im an expat im just betting on fiancé’s passport to get me citizenship so i can no longer have to deal with the legal aspects of being a malay woman.\none of the comments mentioned choosing your circles properly and i agree with that. It’s possible to avoid some of these things provided you know where and which circles to mingle in. For example I wouldnt recommend you to hang out in Shah Alam, compared to lets say, PJ, Bangsar, mont kiara etc. and the people you hang out with will greatly affect your experience. they tend to be from higher income families with better education and awareness of the whole religious indoctrination thing or just avoid the malay crowds. but u risk being out of touch (ie bangsar bubble) if you really keep to it.\nas for your remarks on the gym and catcalls, i know a lot of the comments say its not just malaysia and i agree but coming from someone who lives in another country, the catcalls dont just seem to target ONLY u and its much less frequent. However, i don’t agree with u on the gym part. I’ve been to gyms in both in more conservative areas of Klang valley and PJ. never seemed like a big deal whatever u wore. (the problem is only outside the gym where mak ciks stare at u like u just murdered their only son) but ofc maybe our experiences are different.\ni suggest just coming back to visit once in a while to see your family. I personally dont think its worth it to come back until we have more freedom.", "Thank you for your comment. I really think Malay men have all the privilege. Runner up privilege goes to Malay Hijabi women.\nAs I said in another comment, I want to feel safe in the country wherever I go and not have to stay in the same place (I love traveling)\nI should’ve been more specific, but the gym cat calling happened outside the gym. Inside the gym, it’s fine. People are chill as they are more likely to be educated and with money to afford the gym.", "Or, if you don't like / can't afford the pretentious Bangsar/PJ crowd, you could move to a really non-Malay neighbourhood. There are still a few in the Klang Valley." ], [ "This country is getting extreme than before, policies affecting nons, stabbing issue, school kids cosplaying terrorist with toy guns. Heading taliban state. Stay where you are and be safe, always look out for yourself.", "\"School kids cosplaying terrorist\" yeah. This country is going to be like Taliban in the future", "Don’t just accept it. Voice out against it in any meaningful way you can." ], [ "somehow my initial reading on the title is \"...for food\", I thought \"that's a really good reason\". Then I read the content and find out nothing related to food... :')\nOP, live the life you want with confidence, that's it. Good luck. :)" ], [ "All power to you sis. Hope things work out!" ], [ "Have you tried hanging out in Sabah and/or Sarawak. We have more mixed communities here and the people are very chill, but the pace of life here can be slow & at times too slow if you're used to the fast paced life in the city. Come on down if you're down for nature, who knows maybe you'll like it here compared to West Malaysia.", "Georgetown and Penang are awesome. Perfect Neo-malaysia AND Retro-Malaysia vibes.", "Yessss but I don’t think I’d settle there. Would come for holiday though! Heard the drinking/party culture was great too", "You heard right. KK folks love a good drinking session with the bois/gals. Lots of bars/pubs and the live gigs are lively and fun. Everyone is enjoying themselves and hollering. As long as you do so in a respectful manner, everyone wins. If you're the outdoors type then there's the Kundasang highlands and the various hiking trails around the city outskirts. A good holiday destination if I say so myself (sabahan bias on display XD)", "Yeah people would just assume you are bumi, but it still doesn't justify op point, at least you can stay there comfortably", "Yeah I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, despite how peaceful and more open the environment here is, employment sucks ass tho. Unless you work for major Glc or OnG sector the pay here is dogwater. Best bet for OP is to work overseas, gather all the money she can get, then either settle down overseas like she post here or try her luck here in EM.", "you need to be able to speak chineese to able to land a job.", "Even so, you will still suffer the politics from WM.", "Yup. I'm currently jealous that Sarawak has higher ups that at least shout back at those fools in Pn and Ph. Sabah higher ups just roll about on their backs waiting for belly rubs from abam semenanjung." ], [ "Try Singapore. Life is too short to wait for changes.", "The entire concept of Singapore was to create a country where race and religion wouldn’t matter and meritocracy would allow a person to ascend to the top. Hopefully people will start seeing that it’s a better place for people to go if they want to just be Muslim and be themselves as well.", "Singapore is better for religious freedom but it’s a far cry from race blind and meritocratic society.\nI say this a Singaporean minority. SG is a Chinese supremacist state. The government systematically engineers a Chinese majority at all costs.", "Fair perspective for the first sentence, but not so sure about the systematic engineering claim.", "Fun fact : Composition of races is a dogma. Chinese will always be 3/4 majority despite Malays having a 70-80% higher fertility rate. This was done via immigration policies in the 90s and early 2000s. You can ask anyone close to the ruling government.", "Uh, any externally valid sources that are not “trust me bro”? Name of policy would be useful, for example.", "i only have anecdotes to give. But it pretty much confirms what OP said.\nBefore you can obtain SG citizenship, you must first be a PR for a few years.\ni personally know a pretty diverse group of acquaintances, ranging from many different kinds of background. Some of them have PR , some of them have their PR application rejected multiple times.\nThe consistent theme that i noticed that most of those who had their PR applications rejected is that they do not have tertiary education, and they are not ethnic Chinese (emphasis on the AND clause, not OR). Nationality of origin doesn't really matter unless they are Malaysian (for Malaysian Chinese, approval is almost guaranteed. Especially if they are white collar professionals).\nThere was one particular case of a Filipino that i know who got her application rejected multiple times, all of which she listed her ethnicity as Filipino. i advised her to change that to Chinese on her next application, and use a Chinese name generator to give herself a Chinese name (it's not considered lying since she is actually half chinese anyway). She recently became a PR.", "Check the department of stats from as far back as you can. Pull out annual demographic data. Tabulate for deaths and births. Project racial composition. You’ll see the artificial band within which the majority % is kept (similar almost to MAS S$NEER band). In statistics, there is no such thing as coincidences.\nEdit: There isn’t a policy name just like how there isn’t a policy name for keeping Malays from key security related positions in the military. For the latter at least various Ministers have gone on record saying why. Even LKY.", "I think you’re overextending the concept of hypothesis testing beyond where it belongs into territory where it isn’t valid.\nAnyway, you’re free to make your claims, and we are free not to believe them. Come back when you have an actual source.", "If you’re too lazy to do the work, all power to you. 👍🏻", "All power to me indeed. 👌", "Please show your work.", "Is Singapore a better place to be a Muslim? That’s subjective. I’m sure many Malaysians Muslims will beg to differ. But yes, Singapore is a better place to practice your personal beliefs in general.", "Unless you want to be an extremist, in which case then remaining poor and staying in Malaysia is probably your only option - part of our country’s sad reputation which hopefully will change as extremists can be eradicated, turned out of house and home, and progressively persecuted in this country until they have no quarter or place to go.", "People that profits from extremism are more than likely not poor", "Oh yea. Well, there’s a difference between extremists and people profiting from extremists, who are secretly all liberals with cynical views who wanna just play and send their kids overseas while watching their idiot constituencies vote for them as they spew garbage.", "Yep.. and it's not limited to just Malaysia. You can see this with the US Rep politicians too. Amazing how the human mind can completely ignore this hypocrisy", "How can we do that though", "It can begin small, by comments on Berita Harian or your building your career, then either manipulating or betraying those whom you know behave in this way or attacking their reputation or otherwise.\nBut don’t let it remain small. You will find small steps that you can take forwards when the opportunity arises. There when you see them, you will have the opportunity to fight for true justice.\nTake the opportunity when it comes :)", "Right now the only thing I could do is just preach how unfair the racism system in Malaysia to my family and friends. It was my brother in law that influenced me for thinking this way so hopefully I could influence other people too.", "One step at a time :) You’ll get there when the time comes.", "race and religion wouldn't matter\nmeritocracy\nare you sure?", "Well, Halimah Yacob became president, and Faisal Manap became an MP.\nHe did get ruthlessly destroyed by K Shanmugam (which I enjoyed, lol) but still, Faisal Manap could become an MP.\nLink: https://youtu.be/cTEP0VHNRyw?si=etdW9MX-aRnOrSry", "halimah is indian", "So is Mahathir. Guess we had a non-Malay PM after all 😉", "yup. that's the ingenious thing he did, indian muslim somehow = malay.", "“Malay” is less of an ethnic classification than it is a colonial classification that anyone can exploit for their own gain, haha. The message here is that if you don’t exploit it, then well…", "Halimah yacob become president because they put strict condition that time and she is the only candidate eligible.\nOnly 1 Malay MP?", "A Chinese head of state would never happen in Malaysia in eternity but Singapore is able to push for minority representation with Halimah not only being the first ever female speaker of the parliament, but also the president of the nation. Her humble rise to office can only realise in Singapore whereas in Malaysia? Extremists and racial supremacists were literally yapping about amending the constitution to exclude anyone besides Malays to be the Prime Minister.", "President of Singapore is similar to Agong in Malaysia, just for show.\nCan you foresee Malay or Indian become prime minister of Singapore? If yes, then you can talk about racial supremacy in Malaysia.", "If you read again I clearly mentioned SPEAKER of their Dewan Rakyat as well. Plus not u openly undermining the importance of Malay Rulers in the Federal Constitution as they hold certain degree of powers in some aspects.\nAt least you don’t see Chinese Singaporean having a mass hysteria over the possibility of Malay/Indian being able to be elected as Prime Minister. Minority rights there are way better objectively speaking Mr. Putera.", "Putera? Puteri gunung ledang maybe 🤭", "Chill just wanna take a jab at his privilege status 🫣", "Because they know, it will be impossible for non chinese to become prime minister in Singapore. It is impossible too for non malay to become prime minister in Malaysia, but all the idiots who being hysteric about it is the stupid politician.\nI don’t deny about the racial supremacist in Malaysia, but don’t you deny that there are no racial supremacist in Singapore.", "Funnily enough the general sentiment online was that sg wanted Tharman (Indian fella) to be PM. Seem like its the govt that feel the public wasnt ready. Anyway, PM role is not by election.", "Now I get your point. But the degree of racial supremacy is different in Singapore than in Malaysia as there’s no institutionalised racial discrimination. Although the ethnic group that forms the majority in Singapore is greater in percentage than in Malaysia (75% > 60%), Singapore has no social movements that advocate for more rights for the majority while in Malaysia u have 3 different major political parties openly voice their allegiance and support to Malay Supremacy.\nOne more thing to add is that Singapore is not very race based in social movements. It’s all about the continuing semi-authoritarian rule of the People’s Action Party which in fact is a multicultural party as well, race is not that big of a deal in Singapore as in Malaysia", "Can we have a non Malay agong here in Malaysia? \"just\" konon", "Bro isn’t that good enough? One step at a time, just for show is still wayyyy better than not showing don’t you think? Could Malaysia ever have a Buddhist Chinese or Hindu Indian Agong? Even “just for show”? Well Singapore did it", "Does it ultimately matter how many MPs there are of Malay descent? If they want to become MPs, then they should become MPs - if they don’t, you shouldn’t bitch about representation just because they don’t succeed or don’t choose to become MPs.", "Why are you triggered? I don’t know Singapore politics. I’m asking only 1 Malay MP only. Lol. I only know about Halimah Yacob because they talk about it in Keluar Sekejap Podcast.", "If you don't know and are actually interested and not just trying to do \"whataboutism\" to justify the extremism that is happening in Malaysia, do your own study.", "When did i justify extremism that is happening in Malaysia?", "> The entire concept of Singapore was to create a country where race and religion wouldn’t matter\nThis is a fallacy. No Malay will be allowed to be head of police or armed forces, let alone PM.", "About to comment this. Close enough to Malaysia but worlds apart when it comes to the treatment of Malay woman.", "singapore is even more racist", "Only a racist Malay will have this opinion", "yeah sure lol", "What hole are you living in?" ], [ "It actually depends on where you are, bangsar,desparkcity,Kiara,ttdi, Damansara heights etc ppl won't bat an eyelid at free hair Malay girl. Most of our royalty and even the queen goes free hair when not at public engagements.\nIt's not ideal, but it would be sad to lose a liberal malay due to the actions of a few.\nIn Penang or other more liberal states, ppl being harrassed for free hair is rarer\nMajority of my Malay frens are free hair. Probably cos they all UK grads", "I don’t want it to ‘depend’ where I am though. I want to travel the entire country and have no one bat an eyelid.\nMy family are based in Selangor. I get cat called / stared at often there. On the other hand, one time I went to Perhentian Islands and then suddenly no local treats me like an object even though that area is PAS land. So strange how the world works.", "I get cat called / stared at often there\nthats because the PAS ppl travel to Selangor to work. Anyway all the best to you, if you change your mind, Malaysia always needs ppl to fight for the silent minority" ], [ "OP, you should also consider cross posting this to r/exmuslim .\nThere are tons of stories like this there including those from Malaysians.\nNow, I totally agree with you as we are regressing and becoming more conservative and extreme with those loud mouth religious mongering folks. No thanks to our politicians, past policies, brain drain, etc..\nThere is no end at sight. Malaya in the 1920 is still better than 2023 Malaysia, harmonious wise..\nP/S: current hot post in that sub is blowing candles is haram 🤦🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ where does these motherfuckers get that idea.", "I could! I will consider. I would probably focus the post there more religiously. But I think it’s good to post here, to reach a more wider demographic of people." ], [ "Hey good for you choose what best for you and let people here choose what best for them. Its a free world." ], [ "thats good. make a decision and do your own thing. come back once in a while for the food!" ], [ "You did the right thing, listen if your safety is at stake, if you feel like you don’t belong here anymore or your country considers you second-class or outside despite your connections and roots, then leave. This country does not deserve good people like you, God always says that God will not change the nation only if the people of that nation changes themselves to be better. If I have to leave this country to find a better future so be it, if this country isnt safe for me then so be it. In the end, this country is on a downward spiral and we’re here waiting until some catastrophe/disaster happens to this nation. And im confident that this nation is nowhere near ready for the future" ], [ "there's a place for everyone. and unfortunately Malaysia is not for you. they can't make everyone happy. glad you left and be happy" ], [ "A secular Malaysian here. Sorry to hear what you had gone through. You don't deserve this." ], [ "Just for pointing out, in Sarawak, nobody cares" ], [ "Ironically Sabah is pretty lax with hair free malay women. I had friends who were Muslim let their hair out, and coworkers who don't wear it during work.\nIt's definitely dependant on culture, but if you feel like your freedom to let your hair out in public brings negative attention to you, then you have the right to not return back to the country." ], [ "The Islamisation and radicalisation of Malaysia is real and rapid. It's going to get worse. Sad to see a fellow Malaysian feeling unsafe in her own country. I don't blame you for deciding to not stay." ], [ "Good for you (not sarcasm)" ], [ "Malaysia is more conservative now\nThis is natural because now, more than ever, the supremacists in Malaysia are forced to come to grips with their unjust, bigoted and vile ideology.\nThe world is progressing towards equality and shared prosperity. people around the world are demanding for racial equality, gender equality and, more importantly, wealth equality. All the pressure from the outside world has certainly landed on Malaysians shores. with the internet, so many Malaysians can view. in real time, people in other countries launching protest and demonstrations calling for justice and shared prosperity. Naturally, Malaysians get inspired and have hope that equality and shared prosperity is possible in Malaysia\nThe victory of the Pakatan Harapan in 2018 was one step....one step...towards the direction of equality and shared prosperity. why? because one of the reasons being that the two parties within the PH coalition was multi-racial. This was a first in Malaysian history\nThis freaked the supremacists out...so much so that they launched a coup...but that's besides the point.\nthe point is, there was real movement towards equality and shared prosperity but the supremacists hated it because equality and shared prosperity threatens the core ideology of the supremacists.\nSo, what happened? the supremacists lashed out. They doubled down and are becoming more extremist to crush the movement of equality and shared prosperity (this is very reminiscent of how UMNO crushed the communist movement which threaten the wealth of UMNO and the British colonizers).\nThat's is what you seeing in Malaysia right now. That is what is happening in Malaysia right now. the supremacists are openly, publicly and loudly declaring their fascist agenda for authoritarianism.\nThat is why it is so, so, so, crucial that we don't downplay the fascist agenda of the supremacists. We must acknowledge it. We must accept that there is a fascist agenda. We must understand that this fascist agenda is not a fringe group. this fascist agenda is mainstream, supported by the majority of the Malaysian population. We must understand that this fascist agenda is, unfortunately, supported by the status quo, that is the laws and constitution.\nTherefore, we should not merely focus on the symptoms, which is the supremacists themselves, but rather the root cause which is the status quo that is enabling and encouraging supremacy to take shape in the first place. We cannot hope to achieve peace in Malaysia without first ensuring justice and shared prosperity for all citizens of this country." ], [ "I'm Malay & I hated the racism here. I don't really mind if you're Malay, Chinese, Indian or etc. Anyone that treat me normally, I'll respond it with the same way without prejudice. Tho, its really saddened me when seeing like Malay, Chinese or Indian act racist towards one another, even seeing my Malay friends that differentiates Chinese & Indian like they're in different gang or smth. Not to mentioned about the post they made on internet. Everything is about race, like wtf!? Culture appropriation is not a thing & why these people act like a Nig.. Black people in the US.\nSmh", "Amen. Please take action and don’t just leave it as words. Do not let the racists have their voices be heard without your responses unless you are siding with the oppressor." ], [ "Couldn't agree more. Just come here twice a year, say salams, eat nasi lemak and ciao.", "oh yeah? no one miss you anyway", "Oh look, it’s a reject from Bolehland 🥰", "youre funny" ], [ "As a malay woman who also doesn't wear the hijab. I understand this heavily, I'm the only person who doesn't wear the hijab amongst my friends and whenever we hang out I wear it because it gets \"awkward\" in a way.\nI do get a pass since I look more Chinese, so people just assume I'm non Muslim so I don't really get stares or harassment that often. It's just normally from friends and family" ], [ "Girl slay" ], [ "Government needs to mandate a RM 5000 fine towards any individual who directs a \" mana tudung \" comment , whether in real life, online or an educational/professional workspace towards any adult Malaysian female Citizen , classifying it under the umbrella of sexual harassment ." ], [ "I feel you, I'm a mixed race Malaysian (Portuguese-Dutch-Chinese from my father and Indonesian-Japanese from my mother) and have spent a few years in HK before coming back to Malaysia to finish highschool and Uni.\nTo say that it has gotten even more frustrating or suffocating over the years as a woman is an understatement.\nI get mistaken for everything from malay, indigenous, Filipino, chinese and etc and because of that people treat me based on how they perceive me. I love this country's rich culture and ofc I've had my share of positive experiences, my family has been here for generations, but the pervasiveness of race and religion on a daily basis only strengthens my feelings of wanting to leave and have a life elsewhere." ], [ "As a Malaysian Malay woman , the hijab also has its miraculous advantages : it can magically erase any past associations with skanky, sexy or slutty behavior , practically overnight ( niqab even more so!) .\nWho cares if you pair your 'Islamic clothing\" with stripper heels.\nIt's a win - win. Your past critics and enemies now adore you, and you are in the perfect position to sell overpriced stuff to your past haters and making good bank.\nProtect yourself, your reputation and your bank account /s.\n<image>" ], [ "I support your freedom 💯!\nI was a free hair living in Klang Valley and now happily migrated to Germany. Hijab is not a choice. Wear it or be condemn for life in that society.\nI faced alot of discrimination back there. Strangers sexually harassing me/tegur in the name of god. Once a malay guy tegur me for showing my ass too much during a freaking marathon. Some even have the audacity to ask for sexual stuff by asking “Awak open minded x?”.\nWork environment is no better. Sexism & internal misogynic everywhere. One time some of the coworker signed me up as the AJK surau as a joke. I used to be in a long relationship with a guy from another race, we knew from the start our relationship was doomed. We amicably broke up when I migrated away." ], [ "Oof, I'm really, really sorry to hear this. It is so unfortunate to hear you've gotten unwanted looks and horrible experiences over there, and it's sad how Malaysia is becoming less tolerant over time.\nDamn I've always wanted to travel parts of Malaysia myself as a Singaporean Malay who is free haired, but then now I understand why my dad never lets me go there. ):\nEdit: There's also so many rude comments and gaslighting towards OP? Why? Isn't it a serious problem in Malaysia? \"No one cares\" or \"Nothing new\" aren't helpful. Why not raise awareness for this kind of issue?" ], [ "Men cat calling a women isn't Malaysia exclusive tho", "At least she feels welcomed at UK, that's all op is asking for it seems", "Seem like to me she just want to run away form her family", "I'm impressed at your ability and speed in changing the topic", "I love my family. I love my grandma and granddad. I love my cousins.\nI think you need to learn to read", "She did say she got treated differently than her brother, she cant go out on the whim just like that unlike her brother so i think you need to learn to read too", "I think the issue with her brother is more of the fact that the parents deem that it's not safe for girls to go out at night referring to the “weak girl” comment as opposed to her brother being a guy meaning her parents are more open to letting him go out and lepak because he's less likely to be attacked or raped. Not that men can't be raped, but it's more on the fact they're worried OP can't protect herself properly and Malaysia is more dangerous than the UK i guess", "OP better stay the fuck away from Egypt.", "the difference is that in the UK i wouldn’t have to explain what i wore lol", "That aside, UK is also far from free of its racial problems.\nEverywhere is the world there are shit people doing shitty things. Although I support the decision of going somewhere else to feel safe." ], [ "Brainwashing the younger generation sure did help the current decline in critical thinking and some basic empathy that nowadays people lack." ], [ "When more people like you decide to leave the country, thats when you know the religious bigots have won. Its great that you have a choice, and I won’t hold it against you, but what about the rest of us that dont have that option? Its up to us to fight them for the sake of our children and our children’s children.", "That's why I'm not going anywhere, as a Malaysian Malay mom , living in Malaysia, happily raising (voluntarily via their own free will) agnostic/athiest/open-minded Malay Malaysian kids and smiling sweetly as we snack on Grab food ordered char Siew pau at home.", "That’s amazing! I wish you and your kids all the best, because that is such a brave and amazing thing to do!", "Thank you! I don't shout it out from the rooftops, but we're not ashamed of it either. Mostly enjoy just living out our lives.\nBy this stage I've learnt any Muslim hater who \"cares\" enough to tegur is probably well meaning but ignorant, and the loud/angry/creepy ones have psychiatric issues ( and either can be of any religion, race or creed, honestly ).\nAs long as you are financially independent enough/thick skinned/ fiesty enough to not have to answer or rely on the approval of the above, you are golden 💪🏻" ], [ "I'm sure if you stayed in KL or found friends with similar ideals, you'd find parts of the population who shares your values.\nThere are plenty of Malay ladies who lead good careers both in private and public sectors with free hair and less than conservative views. But they are certainly not the majority and probably experience some of the hardships you face.\nGenerally, the standards of freedom here are comparable to western countries within reason of an asian culture. What you're dealing here is mainly the culture bit, I'd think that Indian and Chinese daughters might face a similar experience in the \"weak girl\" aspect.\nMy family is Malay-Muslim, our family do wear hijabs and conform to the Muslim dresscode. But my sister and her friends regularly goes out at night to concerts and outings, as long as we know who she's with and where. But if even this is too much for you, then maybe Malaysian and your family's culture is not compatible with you, and a more liberal place like UK is best for you.", "Consider Malay women like Wan Nadiah (President of Harvard Malaysian society) and Farra Inalis (@farra_inalis) and numerous other people who are both tremendously wealthy or of successful lineage, including students who have gone off to Oxford and even including @drsheikhmuszaphar’s daughter, for a leadership program) - the kinds of comments they get are surely constant and irritating; I think if you can tahan this kind of thing and take the pressure not to wear a tudung you absolutely deserve to be at the top of society.\nUsually the people who insist that tudung must be worn are angry, insecure, cringe, and ugly with multiple problems and issues that they can’t resolve hence they start screaming their heads off at people lmao.", "Not aware of these ladies, but power to them.\nI'm mainly talking from work experience, the ladies who I met who don't wear tudung are usually from families who had spent years overseas (usually).\nI see that they're very independent, hardworking and smart individuals. If they are also liberal minded, then they must have quite the guts to remain in Malaysia.", "You can contribute towards this by taking pictures of people and tolong viralkan to employer or social media, or repressing people who try to criticize non tudung women straight away. Every bit helps." ], [ "But will you convert your citizenship?" ], [ "Cat called at weddings? Wow thats pretty bad (and rude)" ], [ "So you are a UK citizen?" ], [ "All the best OP, you did nothing wrong. Its good that you let it out instead of bottling up. Wishes you the best OP" ], [ "I’m afraid the radicals and the conservatives have outbreed the others. So, there goes your hope of coming back." ], [ "you made the right choice, don't look back." ], [ "My cousin is South asian who lives as an expat in Malaysia with her South Asian husband. She is a Muslim and doesn't observe hijab. She lives in KL and works in a law firm. Yet, she never mentioned racism or judgement from Malay people, etc... I guess it depends where you are. But to be fair, I only know from her experience so I could be biased. Still, I'm sorry to hear that. Hijab is something that is between women and God.", "Your cousin Indian, OP is Malay. Like completely different race, you know.", "I know but she mentioned race where they tried to figure out OP's race" ], [ "glad I grew up in east malaysia instead. I'm a bleach blonde girl malay and no one bat an eye. my mother and my siblings wear hijab and go to sekolah agama and stuff. our relationship as a family is still great" ], [ "Come to Sabah sis. We don't bat an eyelash." ], [ "Why would you even consider planting roots in a shit hole of a country that's Malaysia? Everyone that has a ticket out should just either stay out or leave." ], [ "It's very weird as a non in corporate settings to shake hands with all the dudes I just met and when it comes to the hijab lady, I just politely say \"Hello\" and nod, only to stick my hand out if she does so first.\nIn Indonesia and Turkey, women have no problem with handshakes." ], [ "Every time I think of this, I feel sorry for the Malays in Malaysia for not having religious freedom (as they did in the past). I do believe this will change, but not any time soon, girl.\nBut there actually IS a place in Malaysia where you can live as you are freely: Sarawak. There, Muslims can even walk into non-Muslim places and listen to talks by non-Muslim speakers, and no one bats an eyelid. I've seen that for myself." ], [ "I’d say don’t let the environment dictate how you feel but I’ve never been in your position before. All I can say is that you’re a part of a big minority in Malaysia, who has experienced similar issues with you. Maybe that would be some sort of comfort lol idk.", "That’s cool other people are in the same position. But I value my freedom of expression alot. I know a couple people who are willing to sacrifice their freedom of expression to conform and be invisible, so they are happy in Malaysia. Not me." ], [ "I got tired of my parents asking me \"Have you prayed yet?\" If I say yes I am lying to them. If I say no I am lying to myself.... I only pray on Fridays. Even if I do I snap a picture to send them as a way if saying 'calm the fuck down'. So if I dont send them the picture on Friday does that mean I didnt pray?\nDamned if you do. Damned if you dont. Guilt for me and none for thee." ], [ "Malaysian malays muslim adopt the arabs way and dispose the old malay ways of life." ], [ "Your reasons are valid. Go make a life in the UK and just visit. All the best OP" ], [ "Great choice. I think with time, your decision would prove more and more wise" ], [ "respect your opinion and voicing it out" ], [ "Great decision honestly, Malaysia is becoming worse day by day," ], [ "Pls ask those judging you to read on traction alopecia. After 5-10 years, large forehead and scanty hair due to hijab/tudung." ], [ "You're not alone, I'm a Sarawakian studying in the Peninsula, also gets targeted each time I am wearing shorts around the Uni compound to jog, and just walk around to the shops in this small town. Bro my shorts covered my knees. Is it too bad that my hairy chimpanzee legs are showing? Well no. Our people are the problem but I just don't care. Even unusual looking men gets targeted at times." ], [ "I don’t like UK weather.", "Me neither.", "Me “neee-ther” or “naii-ther”, to rhyme with “weather”? Haha" ], [ "My female malay friend who is an absolute whore in her 20s upgraded to tudung in the 40s and now wear full face covering in her 50s. This is absolutely abnormal, can they not be on extreme ends of the spectrum? Just be normal and happy", "I too have a friend who was very free with her body and now comments on other cultures' clothing as indecent. There is so, so much hypocrisy.", "I have a few Malay friends who are like that. We used to go clubbing together in the 00s and now they are not just covering themselves up, but also their young daughters.", "that's why religion is a sickness. u can bet they will threaten to disown the daughter if they go clubbing", "Is it hard to let people express themselves, and also let people change themselves for the better?" ], [ "I’ve always gone back to Malaysia to visit, but I could never live there because my family (extended) think I’m like this heathen for being more American with liberal values.\nI’ve always visited with my parents so I’ve never had it as bad but I am visiting with my (Colombian) partner and now I’m just terrified ha" ], [ "OP, I've question. What is the different between Men in UK and Malaysia looking/stared at you?", "Maybe she’s not hot enough in UK standard so no one kacau her.", "Nahhh. My matsaleh friends always looking for local girl when come here. Got married with local some more. Maybe Op looks like matsaleh? So she look normal there.\nWhatever it is. Some girl is ok if good looking handsome kpop justin bibir style men stared at her up down up down front back front back 360.. Buttt if your face like ex5 kapcai rempit (unless u are rempit with s1000rr or rempit face with r35gtr), dont even try looking at her la. You automatically being pervert perogol bersiri." ], [ "I am malay free hair and I don't get the rude treatment like u said only sometimes in social media\nUsually people would respect u unless they r close people to u who always ask u to wear hijab, for their love for u.\nAnyhow, just don't care as long as wearing decent clothing to kenduri or hari raya or meeting families it should be alright", "I agree. That’s why I think this post is just fishing for compliments for her to justify dumping her own country. It’s ok though" ], [ "This is why I never want to start a life in Malaysia. I love the UK culture" ], [ "Good luck. I’m a Malay guy who is an atheist. I studied in the UK for Uni and would like nothing more than to go back so I can stop pretending I’m Muslim and hiding my more liberal values.", "so I can stop pretending I’m Muslim and hiding my more liberal values.\nIm curious who are you hiding your true believe and value from?Family?", "And colleagues" ], [ "Dont care.. good luck. All the best.\nPs: because u care what ur surrounding that u hear these thing.\nMy wife still free hair..", "I think issue is no comparison no harm but OP is used to the UK culture more, plus maybe her family is in more conservative state like kelantan. When you're not used to certain pressure, sometimes you can only handle so much. But all is just guesses lah", "im giving you my upvote." ], [ "There are lots of non hijabi malay muslim in malaysia what do you mean? And they jog a lot and are basically ignored.\nIt felt like you are writing this based on hear say, not really from own experience.", "Exactly" ], [ "cant blame u, nobody would move back here if not for their family.. in 2 or 3 generations.. this place will be filled only with hardcore malays and bangla/paki. its definately not the same malaysia i grew up at.", "agreed. I have moved back but desperately looking for a way out as well" ], [ "I think everywhere say... In western country ..u wear certain type of clothes...they will judge u... Everywhere same only... The key is just ignore.. My friends secret.. wear earphone only... So that ppl won't approach... Always be in good company..." ], [ "Good luck with your future endeavor OP. Living in the UK is awesome and damn cheap.\nRE : living as a 'free hair Malay woman'. For me this is not an issue. Non of my siblings and in laws wear tudung. All 3 of my daughters is free hair too. And my wife is also tudung-free too. And we are a hardcore conservative Malay family.\nCome to think of it, even in my extended family, tudung clad ladies is quite rare. (Cousins, nieces etc). The only time is see them all with tudung is when they heading to Terawih during puasa.\nNon of them ever raised a concern that they were unfairly treated due to their lack of tudung. Hmmm...\nAs per locations, we generally based at Penang, Ipoh and KL with hometown in between Gerik and Baling.\nAs i understand it, in Malaysia decision on tudung is up to the individual herself for an adult and for the kids it up to their parent.\nAnyway, enjoy your UK adventure. Its always fun to see a fellow Malay migrating. Personally i think many more Malay should migrate to UK, US, Canada, Europe and ANZ. Enjoy 😁!", "Pengkalan Hulu redditor???? Wow!!!", "My kampung there. I live in KL ✌🏼" ], [ "> I just want to be treated like a human being on equal terms.\nTssskkk ..... gurl, wrong country\nIf the above seems like I'm taking your stuggles lightly, I apologize. Sorry ahh ....\nAnyway, I'm happy for you for having the means to leave and stay out, unlike most of us.", "Why are you saying it’s the wrong country and not taking action to make sure it will be the right fucking country? Typical sad Malaysian who thinks nothing can be done when the solution is actually closer than they think." ], [ "Plus, if you want to marry in Malaysia, be prepared to have the religion issue to take the center stage. This is a bitter truth that so many people tried to cover their ears and go \"LALALA\" about - Your spouse: Male or Female, HAS to convert to Islam, and not everyone is cool with that. The reason that you must convert is because the issue of \"murtad\" or apostasy. I know we've all been hunky-dory and comfortable and fat here Malaysia without needing to think about these things yet, but the actual penalty of apostasy, is death. That is why the other non-Muslim must convert. We don't talk about it here. Yet in the Middle East, men are still killing women for \"honor issues\" or whatever reasons they pull out of their asses. I said what I said. The Middle East in general are always consistent in ranking almost dead-last in women's rights and equality. The fact that they keep telling women to cover up in the scorching sun tells you a lot about what awaits women in environments like these.\nUK is not too much better in certain areas, I'm afraid. There's No-Go Zones and it is widely known that Birmingham is pretty much just the muslim hub of England now.\nPeople can judge all they like, but treasure your freedom while you can. Malaysia is getting more and more tense with their ever-extending claws on women through religion for political brownie points and UK ain't doing jack shit about their problem either, but mostly just for political and virtue-signalling brownie points." ], [ "Inb4 Semoga diberikan hidayah dan keinsafan.", "The typical passive aggressive advice 😂", "Remember, it's every Muslim's duty to tegur and bring people to the right path./s\nTapi jangan tegur suami tak bayar nafkah, or guys not lowering their gaze, or corruption and pecah amanah. Tegur women and multiculturalism only.", "Lollllllll. I think you can be more aggressive and not just use /s though. Some of these people need the genuine fear of god thrown into them 🤭", "Well, I thought about it, but to be fair, it's /s for me, but not for them.\nThat they exist is both annoying and scary.", "Then perhaps you should do something deliberate and planned, one step at a time. It can start from Reddit, as sarcasm, but I don’t think it should end there. One baby step at a time towards reclaiming the society you should be living in, not the dystopia that you are.\nThey are weaker than you think.", "Inb4 Semoga diberikan hidayah dan keinsafan.\nSemoga kamu faham bahawa Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Palestin, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi, Dubai, UAE, Qatar banyaknya orang yang diberikan hidayah dan keinsafan. Silakan ya.", "I think the replies don’t know what inb4 means lol", "I'm so boomer that inb4 is so outdated.....and getting downvoted wei~", "yeah.. r/woooosh moment" ], [ "Non hijab wearing malays feeling out of place in malaysia, hijab wearing malays feeling out of place outside malaysia. What else is new?" ], [ "Im a Brit and I have spent 15 years in Asia trying to get away from the UK, its a dump, and an expensive dump. Be careful what you wish for when it comes to ultra liberalism, its tearing the UK and the West apart. Yes people will be a bit more left leaning there, but in exchange you get big government, high taxes, unassimilated mass immigration, high crime and community spirit is nearly dead, because people now look to a centralised government instead of family and neighbours. Look at California for an example of how where the UK is heading. My guess is you will be back in Malaysia one day, or at least Asia.", "Agreed. I mean, good for her for her decision but that’s why I don’t get this post. It’s just glorifying the colonizer - as if you don’t get catcalls and judgments over there - you do. Along with all the inflation and high taxes, in UK it’s a little bit different, but same." ], [ "I have friends who are free hair..nothing happens to them.\nI think you are accustomed to western way of life. that's fine but the article is over exaggeration. Just like the west loves to portray us." ], [ "‘Ex Muslim’\nThanks . There’s no need for argument and enjoy your life" ], [ "I’ve been living in London for the past 3 years alongside my younger sister to study and work, and if you are treated on “equal terms” in the UK then I want to move to wherever you are. I’ve been a victim of racism here a couple of times, threatened to a fight, and almost been robbed a couple of times. My sister has been followed home, catcalled by middle eastern men in cars, and has been pickpocketed.\nBut, like Malaysia, we’ve been treated kindly by people as well, made a lot of local friends, treated to a pint, asked if we needed help by local enforcements, and so many other things.\nTo me, everywhere in the world theres going to be horrible people making people everywhere feel unsafe. In the end, live wherever you feel most comfortable, if its the UK then you do you. In my opinion, I feel a lot safer back in Malaysia, even though i’ve had just as much bad experiences there", "cat called by middle eastern men... over here, harassed by Malay men\nhmm, I wonder what the commonality is there...", "Could be their religion, could be their gender. To me, its their species." ], [ "Malaysia has always been like that, it was worse before and the funny part its not even a malay thing. bodoh sombong is just something here.\nthat being said, the reason why you get the freedom is cause you are not \"home\" which is great, just dont have a weird identity crisis later" ], [ "It is good that you found whats god for urself and I am sorry you had to see the bad side of Malaysia but I hoped you liked the food" ], [ "I wanna tell you that I prefer free haired Malay women more than hijab wearing ones tbh. Wearing hijab doesn't mean you're a nice person. Hell during my internship I work with an actress who is free hair and even smokes. But? She is not only the nicest of the bunch, but she also jaga her sembahyang and pretty much more pious despite not looking like one. That made me respect her immensely.\nIf anything people here are so obsessed with first impressions, that's why people are so judgemental and dismiss people who don't meet their extremely outdated standards." ], [ "Malaysia is the most racist country I have ever been in. Worse than Ohio" ], [ "Non-practising Muslims in Muslims countries have it harder than Non-Muslims in Muslim countries...." ], [ "hope you well......i like UK but hate the feelings of being an immigrant.....i'll stay to fight.....you get RPK to stop criticising others but himself" ], [ "Pound is stronger any day anyways. The politics here in Malaysia is a joke." ], [ "treat Malaysia as a tourist place. Make your living overseas, enjoy your money here." ], [ "You are right, Malaysia in general is getting more conservative especially the past 10 years. And they are also getting more vocal too." ], [ "My family did the exact same thing but with Australia. There were lots of other factors for leaving ofc but Malaysian conservatism was definitely one of them.\nIt’s a difficult decision but you know what’s better for you than some random people online (including me). You got this girl, all the best in the UK! <3" ], [ "Getting more religion extremist by day for no good reason... Religion is suppose to be about harmony and peace. But these religious people pretend to be the moral police yet they themselves not even do it correctly, create chaos instead." ], [ "I wouldn't too if I were you. Money currency aint getting better." ], [ "I'm hoping to head to SG to work there after graduating and gathering enough experience. No point staying in a country that doesn't even consider me as a citizen.\nIf my country treats me like shit, I'll just find another country to offer my knowledge.\nEither way, good luck and godspeed!" ], [ "You can try Sarawak. Nobody cares here lol." ], [ "Do whatever you want. If you live in the west you definitely wouldn't be comfortable in this country because your value and culture would be vastly different. Maybe in 2 more generation it would be closer. Honestly if I have the money I would leave too." ], [ "Came late to this thread, with only a short thing to say from my dad that goes — consider what you believe is right for you and within your control, do it and don't look back.\nLife is too short to be spent being angry about things that are out of our hands." ], [ "I'm half Malaysian half western, can only see myself moving back here if I get a cushy expat job." ], [ "anglophile is real", "better than arabphile" ], [ "Congratulations on your privilege" ], [ "Just don't go back. Settle" ], [ "OP balik kelantan ke?" ], [ "Being conservative is how most Malaysian grew up. We were taught boundaries so that people has rules to follow and respect each other. That's why right now, you can see a significant conflict in personality and behavior between us and our parents.\nWe are more rebelled and have liberal mindset, all of which have it's pros and cons. I understand you want some freedom, some personal space and people not to look at you weird or disrespectful. But that can't be changed. It is who we are as Malaysian we judge people too quickly. Even from yourself, from these experiences, you are judging them to be \"bad\" just because you are out of our local norm.\nI'm not here to say whats right or wrong. But the world doesnt revolve around us and everyone will learn that sooner or later. Stay strong." ], [ "Ok", "OK to your nonsensical snarky OK." ], [ "Hey. Is that you Sue?" ], [ "Maybe you're going to the wrong part of Malaysia. Try Sarawak." ], [ "Maybe KL is isnt the one for you" ], [ "Good" ], [ "isnt there like bars and clubbing in malaysia?When i went to Malaysia, i saw people especially women's wearing westernised clothes. How did it become more conservative ?" ], [ "Goodbye" ], [ "Living in Malaysia with the values of western culture of course there will be difficulties.\nBut it is not as restrictive as you describe it to be. There are a lot of free haired Malay women here are living happily." ], [ "What’s your point? You want to be a liberal woman and have access to live a different country with the expense of being distant from your family. Yet, you also don’t agree with your family’s conservative values. Catcalls and people looking is everywhere as a woman and less in liberal places available in Malaysia. Gym in KL wearing tank top is nothing.\nLooks just like a post to fish for compliments and praises for going against the grain. Ok, good for you.", "It's fun to read all the different comments from people with different opinions. I'm just here enjoying reading them.", "Yep get the popcorn ready. I’m just triggered by the excessive praising of the west. It’s not that special and OP have a free choice - so I don’t get why she has to be sad about her “country” like it’s tragic.", "Maybe because it sucks that the place you want to call home no longer feels welcoming or feels like home... it's a shitty feeling bro", "Sure, fine, but she’s the one rejecting it based on perceived misconceptions. You choose your home, the good and bad. Just like you choose your family. I’m not down to this constant rants about malaysia becoming shitty that keeps coming up. Guess who made it shitty? Non shitty ppl running away then boo hoo-ing.", "What misconception does she perceive? The ppl running away made it shitty, and not the people who are harrassing free hair Malay women in public? Okay", "Her wanting to be treated the same regardless of which location she is screams entitlement.\nThe perceived misconception is you get harassed as a free hair woman everywhere in public. Hell, even hijabi woman gets harassed both in UK and in Malaysia. The harassment does not equal to needing to leave, but she makes it a justification to do so. That’s her prerogative. She has the privilege to leave the country and does so. That’s great! Don’t need to pile on shitting on her home or blame a world religion about it in one big biased generalisation.", "Harassment does not equal needing to leave? You don't think it's a justification? Easy to say when you're a man who doesn't experience it and doesn't know what it's like. Btw I don't experience it either, but there's something called empathy", "Again, perceived misconceptions. I am a woman who has been both free-haired and not and has gotten staring/harassment/assault in Malaysia and UK and other countries, both middle eastern and western. I am well aware about empathy and that is why I say it is OP's decision. I can empathize, but OP is the one that wants to do things her way and expect fair treatment or not to face consequences from people around her. OP is showcasing entitlement and borderline victim-mentality. OP is clearly privileged, but she cannot expect for people from all walks of life to treat her the same. She is clearly triggered by stares she gets from people based on her own actions! Then she wonders why and decides to run away. Which is fine, what I'm not fine about is her running away and then deciding to criticize other people's beliefs or religion that she clearly does not follow nor understand and wants to rant about it. Anyway, it's cool to have open discussions whether people agree or not, and clearly, I am not the only one with this sentiment but anything else that goes against rallying OP for her wise decision has been downvoted." ], [ "I don’t know why i’m shocked with increased posts of blanket criticism of the malay community as a whole, then I realised it’s the Malaysia sub. Always like this. Using an anecdotal experience to paint the whole picture. Half my family is free-haired, heck even my cousins are from the UK with tattoos.", "This is a sharing of a personal experience about a person’s shit experience with the community. Whether you’re triggered or not, it’s real, and multiple people have experienced it just because you’ve had the privilege of not experiencing it.\nIt’s a time to start having those people who point out nonsense experience a reckoning and you know it. Don’t point out nonsense that doesn’t help the cause.", "You don’t understand. I’m not saying one cannot share whatever experience they have. I’m highlighting the one-sided posts in this sub that essentially lump a specific race as bad.\nIs it too difficult to share experience without trying to paint the whole community of 15 million people? Having a shit time in a community does not mean the whole community is bad. There are loads of other variables.\nI’m yet to go down the statistical route. The numbers of these specific incidents are sufficient representative to provide an assumption to the whole community? Who got the numbers from sound and reliable sources? Anybody?\nThis sub tends to go to the circlejerking route of hating malays for whatever reasons and mods have a hard time controlling it.", "Circle jerk is not the goal. The goal is having people look beyond Reddit and start making sure that people can't do their stupid Tegur bullshit no matter where they go without consequences, whether personal, professional, or safety-wise.\nWe see some people becoming braver of late - it’s time to encourage them, and the momentum won’t end. I look forward to the time when the persecution of the koyak community and walauns takes place much more openly and publicly in Malaysian society 🤭", "True, blanket criticisms are unfair. I agree with you.\nWhy do you think it happens so much?" ], [ "I’m not sorry for you. Your personal experience sounds like personal over consciousness.\nBut I do feel sorry for you for letting the external forces determine what you will and will not do. To hell those who you might think are rolling their eyes for not wearing hijab. You should just do your own stuff.\nI bet your circle is so small that you do not have a full picture of the people around you. Your circle isn’t Malaysia and Malaysia isn’t a direct reflection of your circle.\nI cannot believe in this day and age, people still bother what other people think of them.\nWelp, Godspeed then!" ], [ "Cool story bruv", "It's the usual creative writing trope, isn't it? The grammar is not bad though." ], [ "Cool story. Good luck" ], [ "As a 3rd person outsider perspective, if this little thing bothers you, doubt anything would make you happy anyway. Nothing in this world will be according to your wish.\nHowever personally, find the place you feel like home and that's matters! It does not matter if you have to leave your family since they will always be there in your heart.\nLeaving Malaysia is easy, but missing its food is the hard parts.", "not really about the food. I got used to the mostly organic, healthy diet that is served in the west. coming back to Malaysia can't help but noticed that most Malaysian food are oily, high fat and high carb. this goes for Indian, Chinese and Malay food. And this is something that I can't unsee. So no Malaysian food have lost their shine for me once my body prefer the healthy approach.", "are oily, high fat and high carb.\nIt is the poison Malaysian love tbh.\nWell, in this case we can say this depends on personal taste and health consciousness.." ], [ "It’s okay, I’m sure they’re many more Malaysians that can take your place." ], [ "Pergi je la tak perlu nak post panjang2. Tukar sekali kerakyatan." ], [ "Flash news: everywhere you go you will be judged. Doesn't matter the place. At the end of the day it's how we perceive ourselves in the midst of storm called society." ], [ "Stop being pathetic. If you’re able to use Reddit you’re able to learn stuff and obtain skills and earn money. Also whether you’re B40 or not doesn’t mean that you can’t do things like encourage children of extremists to betray their parents or to ascend one day when you get a job to a position where you can persecute these extremists.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks." ], [ "Ah, running away from the fight, I see?\nHave a nice life!", "The hell is your problem in insinuating OP is a coward.\nSpare us the needless virtuous signalling just because OP is not a confrontational person and just wants to be left alone and live her life in peace.", "The hell is your problem in insinuating OP is a coward.\nFolks who complain about the country but don't do anything to stem the problem are a dime a dozen. Kalau tak suka, keluar lah!\nSpare us the needless virtuous signalling just because\nHaving fun white knighting here much?" ], [ "yeah,everyone shud just escape the border\ntheres nuthing here,except,pure hell" ], [ "Not to mention affirmative action. Left wing racism is still racism." ], [ "Actually nobody cares.", "Yet you cared to make this smartass comment.", "Yeah they do care and you do too, since you’re posting here. It’s showcasing to you that the shit people who want to talk about people’s tudung or no tudung need to be eliminated from this country. It’s not controversial :)", "you cared enough to comment." ], [ "Except the free hair and religious stuff. Parents all around the world are stricter towards their daughter compared to the sons lol. Hope the best for you moving forward." ], [ "Best of luck! Good to see someone looking out for themselves, you have the option, leave the conservatives narcs behind for good is smart, best cure for mental health and also financially 😂\nIf ya'll get all defensive about the catcalling comment you have 0 self awareness. People who espouse how pure their culture are and conservative \"aka bigot\" values tend to be the most degenerate and have the most wild shit repressed, so catcalling here is just ironic with so much grand standing going on. All projection in the end" ], [ "Malaysia can be bad, but everyone who leaves it can still preserve the good parts in other countries. I plan to learn how to make the foods here so even if I leave I still have the food I grew up with." ], [ "Will you bring me there? Pleaseee..." ], [ "You're born in the wrong religion. Stay in the UK. But then again the UK is also veering towards the same direction, especially londonistan.", "WTF I live in London, that's complete bullshit." ], [ "Bye" ], [ "This is just a phase" ], [ "OP is an active ex-Muslim activist. Crazy how people are manipulated easily by Redditors with fake stories." ], [ "Third world war in Europe has entered the chat." ], [ "i always thought uk would be the worse option overall because of the stabbings, white people hygiene and crime. it’s interesting to hear that u feel safer in the uk compared to malaysia. yes, malaysia has its problems, but so does the uk. didn’t someone recently get r-worded on the train in broad daylight and no one did anything to stop it? i saw it on the news. either way if you feel safer in the uk then stay there n take care of your wellbeing", "And you are Indian, can you talk about anyones hygiene 😂😂 India is by far the most unhygienic country and people", "Racist reply much?", "So her comment about white people isnt racist? But my reply about Indians who are not even a race 💀😂 is racist?", "I think it was because the Indian part came out of nowhere. The uk/white people comment was related to the OP post which, warranted, is another set of problematic response.", "So because it was related to the post a racist comment was warranted? How does that even make sense? And I made the comment because the commenter is Indian and it’s just funny that Indians are widely known across the world as dirty people.", "I’m not commenting on the commenter’s racist comments. I’m just commenting on yours especially as you made the effort to search and pile on the commenter. Two wrongs doesn’t make it right. I guess you’re triggered for a reason and it’s not because of me.", "And Indians don’t wash anything. Have you ever seen an Indian restaurant? 😂😂 most people refuse to go to India because they’re so dirty haha even in Thailand people say Indians are dirty girls won’t go near them", "lol why do thousands of white ppl keep coming to india to “find themselves” then? you’ve clearly never been to an indian restaurant because there’s too much seasoning and spice for your caucasian ass. ur whole country doesn’t even wash its asshole after shitting. sure some ppl in india might not be clean but that’s because they’re in literal poverty. white ppl have the resources but collectively choose not to wash their asshole. u have no right to criticise anyone for being smelly. my friends that slept with white ppl, especially white ppl from the uk, hv always told me they have the worst hygiene.", "Many countries in Asia are in poverty yet are a lot more hygienic than India it tops the unhygienic countries all the time people go to the toilet in the street they don’t wash their hands etc etc and of course you know Indians who slept with white people but the white people I know who are not the travellers would never touch an Indian, indians are the bottom of everyone’s list when it comes to partners 😂😂😂" ], [ "\"I was sick of people being surprised or treating me a bit differently when I told them I was Malay\"\nI think they see you as part of them too. A core value of a Malay Muslim is that a Malay woman must adhere to the Malay custom and to wear modest attire in public. They want you to fully accept the custom by treating you that way and you refused by going back to UK.\nI just hope you dont forget your family here in Malaysia. They seem nice and maybe you want to visit them at least on every Hari Raya. Also the food here are miles better than in UK, but you already know that.\nGood luck OP. May you have a much more positive experience in the future." ], [ "lol this girl confirm kena bbc sudah...belong to the streets." ], [ "it is what it is. some people r born with a ticket to the next life but throw it away. some r born in tough places but there is goodness in the ease of clean food, the prayer rooms provided and the society keeping it in check. my dad is english and i grew up western af then the Creator jentik me once and my heart rotated back to rememberance and establishing prayer. i am thankful to be in Malaysia with its negatives and positives. good luck in all you set out for" ], [ "Okay" ], [ "still lives with parents lol you are not atas enough i guess and sooo perasan" ], [ "i wish you all the beast moving forward but who knows in another 10 or 20 years time you might have a different opinion" ], [ "Catcalling in malaysia? Where is this?" ], [ "Yes..it is going down the drain.... But please don't give up your rights to fight for freedoms for future generations" ], [ "why did you say you were Malay? How do you biologically alter your ethnicity ?" ], [ "Bye bye...what do you want? A cookie?", "Definitely not your insufferable snarky nonsense. You're pathetic." ], [ "See ya later" ], [ "Wait how old r u? lol wait till u have a daughter than u know. Even in the UK😏" ], [ "Go Where Your Heart Takes You" ], [ "Stay there. Don't come home. It's only going to get worse." ], [ "Kelik kelate ke ? Tanye je.", "No, Selangor. But my kampung ibu / bapa are in Malay dominated areas" ], [ "Malaghanistansia" ], [ "Who cares, malaysia or uk you are still on earth. Religious bound their life, so i hope you dont bound yourself to countries. We are all living on a piece of rock. Just stay where u want." ] ]
Umno won’t accept everything DAP says, PAS man told
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Umno may not, but zahid? Zahid krik krik about this issue." ], [ "I hope so. Constructive criticism is best for the coalition." ], [ "Good lar not like MIC, MCA, Gelakan when with BN" ], [ "Ya, should just accept the good one" ], [ "Ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh\nBruce Lee" ] ]
NST Leader: Taming the congestion beast
[ [ "Oh that’s easy! Just add one more lane bro! Just one more! Its gonna fix traffic bro i swear." ] ]
Ado's The First World Tour "Wish" 2024 Concert in Malaysia: Online Sale Details
[ "Entertainment" ]
More info here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zNdnd5Ejjgd11EVt/?mibextid=xfxF2i
[ [ "bruh 3 zones only ahhhh :(" ], [ "Intourlive\nYeah, get ready to be double teamed by scalpers and promoters, with no lube" ], [ "After the nonsense with the Yoasobi concert, imma just keep my expectations to get tickets for Ado as low as possible to avoid inevitable dissapointment...", "Yikes, I wasn't in the know but what happened?", "Website kept crashing nonstop, small venue and just loads of scalpers floating around social media selling overpriced tickets", "Ado isn't as big as Yoasobi. Fingers crossed it would be easier to get." ] ]
All contra lanes at Johor land checkpoints open for Christmas and New Year
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 28 Disember 2023 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
Malaysian businessman Leonard Glenn Francis — known as "Fat Leonard" — who was the central figure in a US$35 million (RM163 million) bribery scheme in the largest corruption scandal in US military history, is set to be returned to the US by Venezuela under a prisoner swap deal.
[ [ "Monster like this dont exist if there no willing participant providing access. No one bat an eye at senior american army official willing to recieve money. Seem to me that large scale corruption happen on clean country like america only people there are more skilled at evading capture.", "No one bat an eye at senior american army official willing to recieve money.\nthey were the first to be caught....", "There is no such thing as a \"clean\" country.\nIts just a matter of how good the \"dirty\" game is being played. America is far more dirtier than us with the CIA scandals of arming rebels in south america and bringing drugs into the country, to their police working together with the private prison to bring in more inmate (the prison in US is privatised).\nJust look up how US police would bait people to do crime just to arrest them (cop baiting / entrapment). They would disguise themself as drug dealers trying to sell drug and if you agree to buy then they just arrest you.\nIts so f up, that they even went undercover in high school and offering to sell drug only to arrest anyone whos willing to buy. Just look at how 18 year old Justin Laboy got baited by a 25 year old undercover cop disguising herself as an 18 year old high schooler.\nhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2104133/amp/Teen-says-flirty-undercover-cop-posed-high-school-student-arrested-brought-pot.html\n\"As a result of him bringing drugs to school for his new girl -- something he says he never would have done without her urging \"\nCrazy, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.\nAlso The Entrapment of Jesse Snodgrass.\nhttps://www.rollingstone.com/feature/the-entrapment-of-jesse-snodgrass-116008/amp/\n-Edited to include the link." ], [ "Revoke his Malaysian citizenship !" ], [ "The Fat Lord of War : Malaysian Mafia spinoff.\nComing to cinemas near you." ] ]
Guilty or not guilty, that’s the poser
[ [ "Huh. The court can decline a guilty plea. TIL." ], [ "I once knew the accused almost 15 years ago. He was a perfectly normal guy and the captain of the basketball team.\nI suspect the dude is actually crazy now since his Twitter feed kinda went off the deep end. (It seems to have been cleaned up quite recently)\nOf course it's hard to say what's happened since though" ] ]
‘Sebarang panggilan mengaku pegawai NSRC adalah penipuan’ – Bukit Aman
NSRC = National Scam Response Centre
[ [ "Got this exact scam call yesterday. Just told them \"emak kau punya bhangsat la\" line disconnected immediately", "Yes.\nThe process,\nWe are gov anti scam organisation, Your phone number WhatsApp Telegram have been hacked and abused in scamming thousands of victims.\nWe are going to freeze your bank account.\nCall from a mobile phone number, 01X-XXXXXXX.\n**For potential vulnerable victims out there,\nYou can try to verify the office number source via official websites. You may assume all unknown mobile numbers are scams.", "Not \"mak kau hijau\"?" ], [ "<image>" ] ]
Think again before thinking BNPL is absolutely fine!
[ [ "Don’t blame the debt collectors; they do cross the line often, but only because they are chasing after terrible paymasters. Syok2 beli barang, hutang tak bayar, nak marah debt collector pulak.", "this, nobody thinks about how hard the job of debt collector is. Masa beli, syok. Masa bayar balik, liat pulak!", "inb4: sedekah je la abang, barang di dunia ni mana kekal sampai akhirat. bagi free je kat saya. /s" ], [ "They won't go knocking your door if you pay your debt.\nPlease people, don't buy shit you can't afford." ], [ "To be fair, I worked with Coway for Rental Collection & a lot these people usually live beyond their means like staying in rundown public flat but still wanted to buy RM10,000 mattress or RM8,000 massage chair.\nAfter forfeiting 4 months of payments, then they started to throw insults & curses to the debt collector & asked for the item to be taken back.\nThese guys always have the same mindset which is short term thinking only looking at the present not the future. It's little wonder why with 4-5 kids, they are still living in a flat house.", "Would like to hear more detailed story from your line of work", "Thats how courts memot become so less now. But sometime this kind of bad behaviour become a opportunity for some bosses eg: loan kedai motor 😅", "That will be bad for the company if they have to take back the item.. so why not cut the hassle and do some financial check before selling the item to buyers? Don't just chase sales volume or commission.. just my opinion", "If the company sell an expensive item to the customer and they pay via credit card and chose 12 months 0% instalment, the amount is paid full to the company. The customer only owes money to the credit card company.\nSo the issue here is not sales person doing financial check before selling. (To be honest it’s too much work for everyone, imagine you wanna buy a new TV but need to bring pay slip bank statement etc.)\nThe issue here is low financial literacy & financial discipline. People that know the real interest rates on credit card debt don’t mess with credit card debt.", "Yeah it's too much work on both buyer & the company. Yes it is the issue of financial illiteracy among buyers. I just thought that if both parties did that first, things like this will be less frequent to happen & the buyers might think twice before making the purchase. Of course buyer will be buying things and seller will be selling things.. this things just cross my mind.. might not happen in real world, though haha", "Actually there is a fix. Since banks and financial institutions are the ones giving out and approving all the credits options (be it credit card or instalment or whatever), they should be the trusted middleman in all transactions. Credit card companies for example should vet their customers before giving them the cards (Stable income + good credit score) and also giving them the appropriate amount of credit (eg. RM1,500 salary don’t need a RM10,000 limit)\nAnd then using their apps the banks can do something like quizzes or tasks to educate the customers. After completing certain tasks, they get rewards like points or cash back. (Insurance companies can do the same thing, if you walk 5km everyday for a week then you get some points)\nThis way customers can get educated and use their cards wisely. Credit cards companies can also avoid their customers going bankrupt and default on the loan. Save a lot of hassle to lelong all the massage chairs and TVs." ], [ "BNPL is great for people who spend within their means and pay on time", "People who can pay don’t use BNPL", "Smart people that can afford use them all the time. It's cheaper with many discount tied to them. BUT that doesn't mean all good, it was still created to adhere to our impulsive buying behaviour.", "BNPL had 20% off. If you paid on time, it even came with a 3 month interest and fee free loan. And you still earned credit card rewards. Awesome.", "I can pay and I pay well. Using BNPL sometimes give me discounts more than the interest they charge for 30 days. I pay full on the day they ask me to pay and I net discounts.", "Waaaaait, you totally changed my perspective on things. Gonna use BNPL for this purpose next time yo.", "BNPL is actually fine if u pay it on time. It not even has interest.", "Sometimes, I want the actual cash for in case of emergencies. If there's no issues then the BNPL owed will be paid on time.", "I can pay but I still prefer BNPL, why pay the whole sum when you can pay it in a smaller amount for a few months?", "Wrong, you loan when u can, not when u can't", "I use it all the time and pay month. It’s just easier to bundle and pay in 1 shot. Also you sometimes get special discounts. That’s like saying only people woo can’t afford use credit cards", "Only if you're dumb and bad with money. BNPL often offers attractive promo like discount vouchers and rebates. Time it right and it's beneficial.", "Bro u missed out so many discounts under bnpl. Besides, u can pay off everything after 2 days. Why should i refuse 10-20% or rm20 off.", "Those discounts aren’t discounts but more of what those BNPL investment. Yeah if you can take advantage of that. Once the money burning period is over, there’s really no free lunch.", "Yep, I use BNPL even though I make 8k a month. Better to pay an item in smaller amounts over time than just straight out dumping cash on one item. Plus i can save a lot with the massive discounts that you can obtain with BNPL, especially shoppee which give me 0% tax frequently. If you are smart with your money, BNPL is a great choice." ], [ "i have 2k limit and only restricted my spending to RM 250/month...these people have terrible financial management\nif they own credit card, i can imagine how awful their credit score is", "i have 650 limit only. does it scale with the salary? the fuck?", "if you keep using and pay it back on time...they will continues increasing the limit", "huh. no wonder. i think mine even went down from 750 at one point, i just never use it.", "Must be temporary credit increase limit", "What is the max anyway? They keep increasing mine every few months or so.. 10k? 20k?", "not sure what is the max limit...but i heard from someone that their current limit is 6k", "Mine is RM6k", "I have 5.6k and I don't even use them", "Keep using it on small stuff and pay back on time. My first activation was 450 limit. Now is 2k.", "interesting. grab just give 4k straight.", "Grab only give me 1.5k\nThough i only use their food service.", "i don't know why too. i am not a big user of grab also. not even enough to stay in gold.", "OMG yea Grab gave me 2k straight, now its 3k. And I never use GrabPayLater, only Shopee LMAO.", "Not really. My friend that have about half my salary have limit of 4k while I only had around 1.2k at the time", "got my limit only 300 when i active it after many time i been using it i got like 1.5k and some temporary limit 1k, so i got 2.5k .. bought gpu with it..", "Lol i have like 9k limit. I did buy a motorcycle with 0% maybank ezypay through shopee so maybe they pick up on that", "dayumm...", "\"Saya ingat pakai credit card tak perlu bayar bank balik? kalau kena bayar bank balik kenapa buat credit card?\" - the same person who have 10 kids but still live in a slum.", "Mine 6.5k but only use it once for the discount. Dont know why they gave me that much", "Huh, I didn't know that we have a credit score thing going on. By the way, can a minimum wage person get a credit card?" ], [ "Only use BNPL on things you can actually afford. I bet these people only use it to fuel their unnecesary impulse purchases." ], [ "Just pay your debts and all is fine. Only will have surprise pikachu face if you don’t pay your debts.", "Nani....what is Pikachu face?" ], [ "These are the kind of people who won't pay their PTPTN loan too. May the long arm of law catch them." ], [ "BNPL is just the same as credit card and instalment payment, as long as a person spend within their financial means, it will be fine." ], [ "I only use BNPL for things I can actually afford. No wonder lazada made a hard rm400 limit. Some people just have no control.", "I havent used lazada for 4 years. Are they still good?" ], [ "I mean, it’s his own fault. But SPay later is deceitful imo. On the payment page when they breakdown the monthly instalment, it says “zero fees”, but actually they do charge “management fees” every month.\nAtome is so much better because they only charge a penalty in the event of a late payment. Which is like a flat RM10 if I’m not mistaken.", "zero fees(only for a very small number of products)", "Spay also charge rm10 to activate if you late on payment. Only uses of Spaylater is when there is 0% promotion The extra fees is usually on the BNPL option where you pay full next month", "I think people just need to be aware when they check out. It's very clear when the spay later amount for 1 time payment is higher than your order price that they're charging something. Sometimes though they do have actual 0% spay later but this one very rare nowadays." ], [ "ingatlah peribahasa ni rakan2: ukur baju di badan sendiri", "Nafsu much bigger than badan though 😖" ], [ "Dah berhutang lepastu tak nak bayar, bila orang datang nak kutip mengelabah tetek." ], [ "It's for people who have half a brain to manage their finances ; not degens who Yolo on everything then blame people for collecting debt" ], [ "Tak ape… kan zaman sekarang biar papa asal bergaya. Lagi lagi time raya🤣. Aku pernah nampak rumah kampung mcm nak roboh tapi ade piring Astroboy, kerete Bellfire.", "Bellfire tu sewa punya la LOL", "Rumah kampung usually fully owned (no loan) with the tanah lot itself, kan?\nI mean, don't judge orang kampung based on their house. Ask them how many acres of land they have." ], [ "Doesn't pay debt,debt collect comes to your house\n*surprised pikachu face*" ], [ "save the money and pay outright la bodoh, blaming the debt collector when you have poor financial management is just cringe" ], [ "Sudah hutang, bayar saja la. You ingat SPay Later mcm pinjam duit member lepas tu buat x reti bila kena tagih? Of course these debt collectors are doing their job, do not blame them. Blame yourself for spending above your means." ], [ "Well, logically, how else they gonna get people to pay? For 2k, its not even worth it to bring this matter to court." ], [ "Imagine blaming BNPL because you couldn't control your wants." ], [ "Do people not have savings to tide over the next month? Do they think shopee will just give out money for free and lose money to give you 2k for fun?\nDafuq is wrong with them? You should have a couple months worth of salary in your account for emergencies... He doesn't even have 2k on standby... Wow..." ], [ "It would be funny if they hire a debt collector just to collect rm30 from me" ], [ "Yet, some morons asking for shariah compliance on BNPL, thinking that it will becoming a loophole for not paying the debts. At the end, the debt collectors will hunt them down.", "PPIM will hunt them down." ], [ "I've used Atome for a while. My last big purchase was a VR headset and for three months it's been a pain in the butt to pay. It's not because of being in debt. Rather, when I bought the headset, it was like in the middle of the month. Usually around that time, my work pay would almost dry up. So I had to borrow my family members money and then pay them back when I get paid.\nSo next time I use Atome, I'll use it like a day or two after I get paid.", "Why do you spent on something not necessary if your salary always get dried up in the middle of the month?", "YOLO and self reward. Maybe he only shop once every 6 months.", "I mean you can pay earlier than the designated time so I don’t know what’s the issue here.", "Just paid early." ], [ "Remember these: 1. They can't say that you will go to jail. 2. They can go to your office, but they cannot talk about your debt to the whole office, only enough to get them to see you. The office still has the right to refuse entry. 3. They cannot harass you, as in they cannot tell your family, relatives or neighbours that you have a debt unless it's absolutely necessary. 4. If they have already met you, and told them what they want to say, they have to leave you alone for a time. They cannot call you everyday to the point that it affects your work, your relationships and your health. 5. They cannot throw paint, blackmail or otherwise cause you or your family harm. 6. They can only contact your family or relatives to ask how to contact you. If they have already talked to you, they cannot contact your relatives. That is against the law and considered harassment.\nAlso, it's just 2200 rings. Just borrow money from friends and pay it off.", "I worked in rhb hired purchase collection department..for car loans...u As a telecollector.. my TL told .. if calling doesn't work .. The good way..legal way cannot work...the debtor still adamant...or hard to contact... The bank will pass the illusive debtors info.to gangster type of 3rd party collection team Once go there... Youre screwed... The harassment is real.." ], [ "Dah menghutang tu bayar la cb.." ], [ "Debt is debt.\nUnfortunately these days, a lot of banks and credit companies go about collecting it using debt collection companies which more often than not, regularly and increasingly use methods which is illegal.\nA lot of the things that they do - especially visiting offices are highly suspect. They are not even supposed to reveal you have debt to any third party, yet I know of some which regularly call people offices and tried to shame people by revealing that information.\nIt’s gotten really bad the last few years mainly because these companies have sprouted all over the place.", "i think it's quite grey. they come and look for the debtor but they don't tell anyone else. everyone else just puts 2 and 2 together and sort of figures out their colleague kena chase by debt collector." ], [ "So far ...my experience...I use shoppee installment plan .. Agoda installment plan... The items I purchase...I make I can afford to pay lump sum.. Then the..pay on time.. So far I have never... Miss the payment ...I pay on time.. What I like about this...i get the item i want with partial payment...ehehe" ], [ "Ermmm... Aku pun pernah la gak miss bayau berbulan². Tapi diorang Kasi notice and call selalu.\nTakde la pulak sampai datang debt collector. Ada la surat warning akan datang kalau miss jugak.\nDah bayau tutup buku la.\nNak buat terkejut apehal?", "pura2 terkejut berok pula bila tgk statement SPay nih" ], [ "Debt collectors nor spaylater is not wrong here, the wrong here is the one who use it in wrong way. Only use spaylater if you financially stable every month and have proper discipline to pay the debt. I always use spaylater tho its help me in most of the things i want to buy at that month without using my money yet , so kind of angry because of this people shopee might became more strict in future update" ], [ "It's fine if you know your limits and you can pay it back on the time it requires. Those who use BNPL but know they wouldn't be able to pay back are the ones who shouldn't use it for their own good." ], [ "If you pay promptly, you wont have issues , moral of the story, if tak mampu jangan beli" ], [ "dah pinjam bayar la balik. dah hutang, banyak pulak tu, lepas tu terkejut ada debt collector dtg ofis. lg best mintak pendapat dekat fb hahahah" ], [ "Play victim card? The debt collectors were not right to collect payments at working place but instead of making a police report, should make some effort to negotiate a proper way of repayment.\nIf I was part of the management, I will ban this employee. Bring shame to the company" ], [ "do mae app have this loan thingy too?" ], [ "Debt collector just doing their job, kalau dorang ckp baik baik mmg smpai mampus lah penghutang tu tk bayar lanco" ], [ "Mine has 6k limit but i never use it more than 300 per month. Do manage your money, people ." ], [ "Dah berhutang tu reti reti la bayornye. Ni main report polis pulak. Hamboi seronok hidup ko. Aih tak paham aku orang macam ni" ], [ "for 2.2k only .....😅" ], [ "Hahahaa in muflis bankrupt malaysia pulak tu. 2K hutang dah muflis, ke ada hutang2 lain pastu x sedar diri dah berhutang sampai muflis? Parah" ], [ "hutang aku tinggal 1k bulan 5 tahun depan habis byar la huhu.." ], [ "And here I am thinking to hire debt collectors to maybe break some legs and ribs.\nMafers know how to hutang tak reti bayar." ], [ "For me, if the item isn't urgent or in emergency need, I'd pay first then buy later. I'd top-up 220 every month or any amount that wouldn't hurt my monthly spending until it reaches 2.2k, then buys it during promotion day such as 12.12" ], [ "BNPL has interest and fees or not if you pay early ? i never touch it since i could afford it but always wondered", "For eg like atome if 3mths 0% if 6mths i think 1-3%? But i will take adv of atome bcos u will get discount and pay it off all after 3 days. Also if mmg dont have money and die die want. Just use bnpl and only 1 txn at one time." ], [ "It is if you have no self control. I sometimes use it but not all the time. I use it for food and clothes. But I absolutely won't buy anymore if;\nA) I didn't finish paying for the previous items\nB) That month is on a very tight budget\nI find myself buying the items directly most of the time when I do have extra money to spend." ] ]
Did the ADUN in your place send water tanks?
Penang is facing severe water disruption since 19th Dec Mon. What was supposed to be a 24 hr repair works have been going on until now. With no end in sight, we need to name and shame incompetent leaders who have started oulling out their invisible man costume. Now, make no mistake, I am in no way blaming the PBA staff and workers as it is defo a hard work (underwater repair requires diving skills among the many others) but the leaders , specifically ADUNs /EXCO who have not shown any support to their community in this time of need . Let’s name and shame!
[ [ "still exist? even sabahan adun dont even give you water tank and toilet anymore" ] ]
Pua: Free flights to Singapore cheaper than annual interest for HSR
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "Silly, you don't build the HSR to move people out, you build it to get people and their money IN!!!" ], [ "Induced demand: ....\n(For context, Taiwan saw 400% increase in HSR ridership in a decade. Madrid-Barcelona HSR saw 500% increase in ridership in 10 years.)" ], [ "Headline sponsored by AirAsia." ], [ "Another clown. One of the reasons why DAP never had any progressive economic policies.\nEverything is about cut costs, save money. How about investment for the future?\nI remember this fella telling Parliament “Amerika Syarikat tak ada GST” to justify the reintroduction of SST. How did that turn out 🤡" ], [ "Geng mudin and jemin" ] ]
Covid-19: Majikan diminta terima sijil HSO, galak individu bergejala kerja dari rumah
[ "COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Employees shouldn't need an app to proof they need sick leave in the first place, and if they ran out of sick leave, just deduct their salary if they need more time at home." ], [ "im done." ] ]
Thai woman fined RM1,500 for offering sex to KL cop
[ [ "Good example of \"Fuck around and find out\"", "The cop didn't fuck around", "The cop might be at the receiving end. /s" ], [ "Astaghfirullah. Where did this unfortunate incident happen, specifically? Asking so I can avoid going there.", "I should buy a cop uniform..", "Let me guess, asking for a friend?" ], [ "The Policeman Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will", "Not every single policeman are like that though", "\"Woman, I'm an officer not a gigolo. \"", "Wick?" ], [ "Ladyboy I guess 😔" ], [ "She was charged with offering sex to the policeman for RM100\nI suspect she looked nothing like the girl in the picture.", "You'll be surprised, some people think with their brains instead of dick.", "Wife empty ball frequently", "WTF... she could earn more money in Thailand. The rates there are much higher." ], [ "Offered to the wrong cop I guess", "Gay cop?" ], [ "Maybe the thai girl is hiding something unexpected." ], [ "\"woman\"" ], [ "You mean Thai man?" ], [ "Just fined? No deport?" ], [ "He discovered “her” third leg?" ], [ "It's sad that women in Malaysia have to resort to prostitution in order to survive", "Pretty sure it's universal and not limited to Malaysia or survival. It's a quick way to make money and be rich for the amount of time and effort you have to put in." ], [ "Some women think men will do anything for free sex. They will learn." ], [ "Oh, no. Kat mane ni? Alamat? Source? WHERE'S THE SAUCE?!" ], [ "RM100 is suspiciously cheap" ] ]
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 21 Disember 2023 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
First 3,000 PADU users will receive free Touch ‘n Go NFC cards, Mydin discounts - SoyaCincau
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
The newly constructed national-level centralized database will be open for registration on 2 January 2024.
[ [ "Exactly how much data does Government have on you?\nThis is how you find out. Even more reason to vote for people who won't abuse us all and screw us over GE after GE.", "If people filed their taxes diligently and answer the census they would have not need this. Don't need so many places to keep this sort of thing.", "big If. If so big even Tun will walk away." ] ]
What is the equivalent of a US High School Diploma here in Malaysia? A-level/SPM or O-level/STPM?
[ "Education" ]
Was reading a post on Lowyat (2011) about the local equivalence of US HS Diploma and most agreed it was O-level, which meant that if you tried using the Diploma to enter local universities you’d need to get a pre-college course. But I applied for foundation studies in IIUM (2020) and they said I didn’t need foundation and could register for my bachelors straight away.
[ [ "I think HS diploma is equivalent to O level/SPM. A level/STPM qualification will get you a few credits when applying for US liberal arts colleges. At least that was what I was told many years ago." ], [ "US HS Diploma is equivalent to STPM, UEC, A-Level, IB Diploma etc. SPM is only equivalent to GCSE and Junior Year of US High School.", "Is this really the case?\nIf so, I must be super qualified then for completing US HS Diploma and IB Diploma.\nLast I checked (fvck I'm old), US HS Diploma is equivalent to O-Level/GCSE.", "My friend got straight into a degree at a local university here with a US HS diploma; hence, I assume it’s equivalent to A-Level.", "What degree was it?\nIt's weird to have such low requirement for a degree programme." ], [ "After diploma/STPM you don't have to go through foundation. They are already equivalent to foundation for bachelors." ] ]
PM Anwar: Israel-based shipping company prohibited from docking at Malaysian ports
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "I mean I'm pretty sure they would rather just dock at Singapore's ports instead so it doesn't really matter.", "Yeah Anwar literally just push money away to our already rich neighbour", "How do you think said neighbour got successful in the first place? Largely in part due to its larger neighbour in the north constantly shooting themselves in the foot with nonsensical decisions for decades such as these", "First time? There are reasons for our everything perform poorly compared to neighbour countries", "Come come. Please dock here 😙", "showmethemoney #greedisgood", "Funded by 1MDB :29091:", "Also Malaysians: Teori Konspirasi Freemason Singapura LYK volume 3 sold at MPH", "Go and read maersk and cma CGM story. Maersk literally built Tanjung Pelapas. The idea is to skip Singapore . But eventually all maersk still call Singapore. Maybe sometime now just come Singapore\nAnd then I heard cma CGM used to regional headquarter at port Klang. (I could be wrong…hearsay). Also now come back to sg.", "It's no coincidence that Islamic countries without oil are dirt poor.", "Indonesian here, we have palm oil and still poor.", "What is this with this liberal nonsense? It’s a moral decision to ban anything directly related to israel. If not, then it’ll just be hypocrisy. I’ve always noticed zim once i saw them on a train and i want them gone tbh. It’ll be a worse political disaster for anwar if anyone notices that we’re giving space for israeli cargo", "We should take this moral decision all the way. Anything made by Qualcomm which powers 90% of mobile phone soc should also be banned. Qualcomm is a Jewish company. Wait and so is Intel", "Then tell the whole government to pack up and go back into the forest. Because almost all electronics have stuff from Israel in it. And the nons can take over and actually turn this regressing shithole into a modern economic powerhouse", "Goodbye then. The jews also helped building reddit. And there are jews currently managing reddit. You don't want to be seen as a hypocrite, right?", "x86 architecture…imagine the whole government have to change 🤣", "Why u on reddit? Go use tiktok or xiao hong shu or something not jew or israel supporter related." ], [ "This is not surprising and well within our foreign policy.", "but would surprise you that we trade with them? Also, this is just for show. ZIM is the only top 30 shipping company based in Israel.", "Not surprising, at least not anymore.\nWe had some trade worth a few million (prob not even that) with them on some years, had seen some data from dosm when I was doing my FYP in Uni.\nIt's non-regular, and likely affects very little to our overall economy. So, a popular move losing little value. A calculated move and prudent, considering he could probably do more radical populist moves.", "Our foreign policy? We have one?" ], [ "Honestly, I don't think Israel based shipping companies provided much in our port, this is a win-win for Anwar; he will get more popular vote without affecting businesses in Malaysia.", "Yeah, maybe DSAI should provide the volume/breakdown in number of to show the significance of trade loss to Israel. Else like you mentioned, gain more votes yadayada", "I looked it up a whole ago. Our trade with Israel was 9 million dollars. Not much really and mostly was exporting gloves and importing IC.", "C'mon, this is not just any politician; this is the tenth PM. Doing what you said will be pointless for him as the goal has been met.", "Actually this has absolutely minimal impact." ], [ "Thailand:", "More Singapore tbh considering Israel-Singapore relations are really close" ], [ "Malaysia is confident this decision will not affect the ongoing trade activities\nThis will definitely affect trade", "Unlikely given we don't trade much with Israel anyway, unless the US responds on behalf of Israel by doing sanctions or something\nBut business is still business no matter how small. It is likely this company will move to a nearby nation that will do business with them and allow them to dock and that country will benefit. Basically singapore lmao", "Depends. There are a lot of times companies will just reflag their vessels under countries with lax regulations, such as Panama and Marshall Islands.", "Singapore: Thanks", "", "wow, we are not poor. We are one of the richest nations in our region. It is our economy system that makes the working class feel poor", "Nope. Nothing much to lose." ], [ "why this post doesn't show up in /new?\ncc: /u/conancat /u/LeafSamurai /u/Minerex", "cc on Reddit is crazy", "Hmm odd, got stuck in Reddit spam filters. Post approved.", "thanks" ], [ "Bizarre decision. If we really want to take on Israel, we would need to boycott not just Israeli companies and also include every US company.\nThat's just unrealistic and why we should not be involved in the first place. If we have to boycott something everytime we disagree, there would be no foreign business left in Malaysia.\nShort sighted move just to win some Malay votes. Meanwhile foreign investors going to avoid Malaysia more.", "Then Malaysia should stop importing Apple's Iphone since an Israel company developed FaceID. Or ban Waze from being used in Malaysia.\ncili sos", "That would actually be logical which the Malaysian government isn't famous of.", "It's not Bizarre. The same policy was done for Apartheid South Africa back then.\nNo way is this short sighted, if Israeli companies have difficulties working in a global economy, they will put pressure on their government, similar to Apartheid South Africa. Port unions globally are refusing/delaying to load and unload cargoes heading to Israel\nEven if our action doesn't'affect the Israeli economy, it's a symbolic move. Similarly for countries refusing to trade with Nazi Germany after knowing their atrocities.\nSometimes it's not all about the money, it's about being in the right side of history. Israel just like Hamas are blatantly committing war crimes. Two wrongs will never make a right.", "Israeli companies have difficulties working in a global economy\nyeahh this is near to being impossible when they're involved in so many industry...", "Being near impossible is true, especially in the electronic sector, to the point of Malaysia indirectly one of the major trading partners of Israel. But it's not impossible.", "So when we going to ban Waze, an Israeli app or Facebook whose owner is a Jew?\nAnd when we going to ban all US companies because US supports Israel?\nOr we just cherry pick and ban a few companies for fun?", "What-about-ism much?\nStop this game of either all or none at all.\nAnything within the Malaysian government capability or the people's capacity will be done. Better something than nothing.\nUSA is not Israel.\nJew does not equal Israeli. You can be Anti-Israeli and not antisemitic, stop falling for this rhetoric.", "nothing to do with whataboutism. Why stop at banning ships?", "Similar to why the US hasn’t ban everything from China despite both of them hating each other", "Bizarre logic again almost like PMX who can pusing left and right.\nSay can ban Israel company and when I brought up other Israel companies suddenly Jew not equal to Israel.\nCannot argue with PMX cheerleaders.", "You mentioned Facebook, an American company owned by a Jewish American as an example , saying it must be banned cause of Jew.\nNot all Jews are Israeli. Don't fall for that false logic. Israel does not represent all Jews.", "Surely even the sempitest of minds can see the difference between\n1) Israel-based companies\n2) Companies in the US founded by a jew", "So you only ban certain Israel companies but nothing else lol. Nevermind that US government is the one making it possible for Israel to commit genocide.\nWhat kind of logic?", "Okay you're the type yang kata Jew=Israel\nOkay no need reply dah", "Reply also no use, you avoiding replying to my post and keep pivoting to elsewhere. What's the point?", "You are being racist and illogical. Not all Jews equates to Israelis. What so hard to understand?\nIf not all Jews are Israeli, boycott for what?", "There's a difference between being opposed to Zionism and being opposed to Jews.\nBeing opposed to Zionism means you don't agree with the creation of the state of Israel.\nBeing opposed to Jews means you're racist.", "Lmao, it's so funny when people who oppose measure against Israel resort to anti-semitisim. This guy flat out equate every jew to the illegal Zionist entity Israel.", "This guy flat out equate every jew to the illegal Zionist entity Israel.\nIsrael is illegal according to Malaysian government? Lol.", "This isn’t whataboutism, if you wnat to stand that ground, ban Waze, ban all of it. Why cherry picking", "It's what can be done in people's/gov capacity. It's picked, because it's the lowest hanging fruit for the Malaysian government.", "Ok have we boycott China Uyghur produce items or anything related to Uyghur?\nOr these China Muslim isn’t Muslim? Again cherry picking.", "Israel is a tech powerhouse meanwhile South Africa was?\nI can guarantee some of your tech gadgets involved Israeli made component, are you going to dump your phone tv away.\nSometimes is not about moeny, you think Malaysia is one of the biggest economy in the world that can shake up the world politics? Bro I have some bad news for you. 🇮🇱", "Not Israeli made components (hardwares), but lots of R&D and software.\nSouth Africa was a major mining hub, they did push the narrative without them we will be back in the stone ages.\nEither way advanced technology is no reason to commit war crimes.", "Most intel chips even nowadays are actually produced in Israel. Get your facts straight", "the apartheid was easy because we’re not affected much by it if we boycott them", "It's just 1 shipping company bro calm down", "Sure. Its not just me losing confidence in the Malaysian government. People just move on and find better place to invest.", "keyboard warrior talkok like true investor", "Its funny when the average Malaysian thinks basic common sense = some high level investing. No wonder PMX doing dumb shit like this. It works on people who don't think.", "1 shipping does not mean a shit laa dei. its a worldwide trend to boycott any israel related product now. not only in malaysia. even us and europe have lot of this movement. pmx is just manhandled this to increase his popularity and ride the wave.", "Can you show another government which openly ban Israel related products? I want to know who else so dumb.", "Indonesia. And Jokowi openly condemned Israel in front of Biden.\nhttps://youtu.be/ZYg7UZm4RNw?si=bkjxZC3lUHSooIu_", "I am asking which country openly ban Israel related products not who condemn Israel.", "That’s just added context. Perhaps you’re unaware of Indonesia cancelling hosting the World Beach Games after it protested Israel’s participation in the World Cup. Islamic clerics in Indonesia have officially declared a fatwa forbidding products from Israel or countries supporting Israel.\nAnd please don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Israel’s trade with Malaysia is only in seven figures, when our total trade is in trillions.", "its always started with 1", "Actually, it's any ship flying the Israeli flag or Israeli owned is barred.\nSo even if it's flying a third party flag like the Ivory Coast, if it belongs to Israeli company, it is banned.\nZIM is chosen in this example, since they regularly board Malaysian ports.", "not just disagree we oppose genocide.", "Let us oppose Russian genocide of Ukrainian people, heck lets boycott China for Uighur people genocide while at it?", "Sure if you can prove what you say.\nNow in Gaza people are being pushed and concentrated to the most south of gaza, rafah. With enough bombing, 1.8mil people will be eliminated soon..within 2 months and 25k people are already dead. Just compare, how long did russia take to kill 20k people in Ukraine?", "Prove? 🤔 Hmmm... How about Russian soldier joining the IDF in current assault in Gaza? That should be good enough to trigger Malaysian blocking Russian ship right?", "wrong they are ukrainians", "I guess MH-17 then? Thats a good reason to block Russian ships right? We block them until they surrendered Igor Girkin and his friends so we can strung them up here. Besides Igor is in jail anyway just for different reason. Can't wait to see that scum hangs", "Sure those people should pay for their crimes. including isrealis and foreign mercenaries that are currently killing kids in Gaza.\n<image>", "You dont need bomb. You need Eren.", "I too oppose genocide. That's why I oppose Hamas", "great. who is doing the genocide now? who killed ladies from the church, who killed their own hostages?", "The question is not a multiple choice question. There is no monopoly on genocide. Israel could be genocidal, but so is Hamas", "lol tell me who is committing genocide. lets stick to the actual fact", "Eren Yeager", "But hamas rape and beheaded babies! They need to be stoped!!!", "Prove it. Gaza children are actually the ones being beheaded or burnt now by bombs dropped on them. I got many videos and pictures of these. I can share them", "I have seen enough. Cant catch the sarcasm there eh?", "sorry i did not.", "Because you’re probs a classic Hamas supporter with a low IQ which nobody cares about a platform with a significantly higher average IQ than Malaysian media, where all the lebai reside 🥰", "What is your point? at least hamas is resisting and inflicting damage to IDF. I am not their supporter but i am not anti as well considering they are doing pretty well by resisting the invaders.🔻", "Sauce please.", "sources:\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/war/s/y0LQtovCIm\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/fiJhMuZgT1\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/qQmyLep7pY\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes", "Stop tie Hamas with terrorists. It's unfair to other terrorists.", "How does banning selective Israeli companies oppose genocide?", "how it does not? it will cost them more money. And if there are enough countries doing the same then it will pressure them to behave.", "how it does not? it will cost them more money.\nThey just take their business elsewhere like Singapore. If I am Singapore, I be laughing my ass off.\nAnd if there are enough countries doing the same then it will pressure them to behave.\nWho dumb enough to emulate Malaysia? I find comical you don't understand Israel does whatever they want because of US support. Somehow you think boycotting one Israeli company going to make them behave.\nAt this point, I kinda understand why PMX does what he does. Average Malaysian no common sense.", "I have seen enough destruction to agree with anything people do to pressure Israel to stop. Many americans already open their eyes. They will do their own thing.\nMoney is an important tool, as they are also lobbying the american politician to be their puppets. So anything to disrupt their economy is good.", "So anything to disrupt their economy is good.\nDisrupt as in this shipping company stop using our ports and use our neighbors ports giving them free business?\nOk bro.\nMany americans already open their eyes. They will do their own thing.\nYes they protest but they not dumb enough to commit economic suicide. That's why they are the world number 1 superpower. I wish you can learn from the Americans. At least grow a brain or something.", "Do you know isreal is paying money for comments defending them online. Maybe you should ask them it will solve your financial problems", "Its really pathetic that you resort to slander the moment you can't sustain your claims. Can't be proven wrong don't bother commenting. Malunya.", "Since you care so much about business from isreal. Money is more important than lives. You can have business with someone who commits the obvious war crimes. Yes money is king.", "I'm anti-hamas but seriously fuck Israel for killing the innocents.", "i am not pro hamas also..just fuck isreal.", "If we have to boycott something everytime we disagree, there would be no foreign business left in Malaysia.\nSo should Malaysia do nothing? Even a small action is better than not doing anything and remaining silent. Do you have a better decision Malaysia can take?", "So should Malaysia do nothing? Even a small action is better than not doing anything and remaining silent. Do you have a better decision Malaysia can take?\nDo meaningful actions. Boycotting one Israel company does nothing. Can you explain what benefits this does to Malaysia or Palestine beside diverting business to our neighbors?", "Do meaningful actions.\nLike what exactly? What \"meaningful actions\" can Malaysia do that would end or de-escalate the war?\nCan you explain what benefits this does to Malaysia or Palestine beside diverting business to our neighbors?\nHow about support the Red Sea blockade of Israeli shipping? You know the way that Israel supports the war effort. Due to the blockade, costs in Israel have already risen. The point of the blockade is not to defeat Israel, it's to pressure Israel from continuing the war due to the high cost.\nhttps://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-shipping-costs-rising-lines-pull-out-red-sea-attacks-worsen-2023-12-18/", "Like what exactly? What \"meaningful actions\" can Malaysia do that would end or de-escalate the war?\nIf you don't know the answer, there's no meaningful action that Malaysia can do. Do nothing better than do dumb shit.\nhttps://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-shipping-costs-rising-lines-pull-out-red-sea-attacks-worsen-2023-12-18/\nIran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen have stepped up attacks on vessels in the Red Sea to show support for Hamas following the start of Israel's military offensive in Gaza.\nLets emulate Iranian terrorist and openly attack commercial vessels to show support for Hamas. That's your idea?", "If you don't know the answer, there's no meaningful action that Malaysia can do. Do nothing better than do dumb shit.\nThat's pretty nihilistic. Up to you to not do anything while Palestinians are still getting bombed every day.\nYou really think sitting doing nothing is better than at least trying and showing support?\nLets emulate Iranian terrorist and openly attack commercial vessels to show support for Hamas. That's your idea?\nWho said Malaysia is attacking ships? Malaysia is preventing Israeli ships from docking to increase the Israeli economic war cost.", "That's pretty nihilistic. Up to you to not do anything while Palestinians are still getting bombed every day\nKilling our economy by sending business to Singapore ports is just dumb. Please explain how that will stop Palestinians from getting bombed.\nYou really think sitting doing nothing is better than at least trying and showing support?\nHave you actually tried doing something meaningful like donating instead of talking big on the internet.\nWho said Malaysia is attacking ships?\nAt least read your own link.\nMalaysia is preventing Israeli ships from docking to increase the Israeli economic war cost.\nYou talking like entire SEA no other ports. The only thing it does is send business over to Singapore ports.", "Killing our economy by sending business to Singapore ports is just dumb. Please explain how that will stop Palestinians from getting bombed.\nHow is it killing our economy? We already don't trade or have formal ties with Israel. What are we loosing by banning a country we don't even trade with in the first place?\nHave you actually tried doing something meaningful like donating instead of talking big on the internet.\nYeah, donate money, research and read up on the conflict, teach people about the conflict and raise awareness, follow daily news (I mean hourly) and even gave a 1 hour talk at my local university which then led to a discussion on Israel and Palestine between the students.\nWhat have you done? I'm confident you don't even know what just happened in Palestine or Israel 1 hour ago or the latest news.\nAt least read your own link.\nThat was about the Houthis not Malaysia. Since when did we have enough firepower to attack ships all the way across the sea?", "What have you done? I'm confident you don't even know what just happened in Palestine or Israel 1 hour ago or the latest news.\nOnly no lifers will be spamming Palestine or Israel hourly news lol. Somehow you talk like its something worth being proud of.\nThanks for showing me how lifeless you are. Not going to waste time on you.", "Only no lifers will be spamming Palestine or Israel hourly news lol. Somehow you talk like its something worth being proud of.\nLol, what? So much criticizing. I read your comments to other users. How about you stop criticizing and actually do something meaningful for a while? All talk no action just like the government you love to criticize so much.", "Actually i quite like the stances that the middle eastern countries are taking.\nThey straight up condemn hamas\nThey put pressure on israelis to de-escalate\nThey give humanitarian aid and assist with the transportation.", "They straight up condemn hamas\nWhile I agree we should condemn Hamas for their actions, we should also condemn Israel as well. Remember those 3 hostages?\nThey put pressure on israelis to de-escalate\nAnd how do they put pressure on Israel to de-escalate exactly?\nThey give humanitarian aid and assist with the transportation.\nSo do we\nhttps://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/11/04/malaysias-first-shipment-of-humanitarian-aid-for-palestine-totalling-more-than-rm7m-departs-for-egypt/100146", "I would like to talk about the condemn hamas part.\nI feel people meme it so much now but they are really taking the importance out of it.\nWhen people ask, do you condemn hamas on october 7th it is not a trap question, it is not a political question.\nIn my opinion, it is a theological one.\nBy condemning hamas, you completely cut off the religious rhetoric.\nPeople can no longer use the religious card against you and say you're supporting terrorists because you share the same religion, which again, you have to admit is a sentiment shared by many people. (Youtube it really).\nOnce you get the theological question out of the picture, we can discuss how to solve the problem.", "Uh.\nYa?\nAll im saying is that i like the middle eastern stance thats all.\nThe government is quite rational on this and they understand that this is a complex issue, especially when they had been personally involved in it somemore.\nSo I think all countries should follow their lead.\nI dont believe boycotting should be a national decision but a personal one.\nIf you feel that boycotting would help the palestinian cause and it fits your morality, sure i'm all for it.\nBut I just hope there would be a more neutral approach to this.\nYou don't really have to disassemble my points since i'm supporting what you say really.\nAs for how they put pressure on the israelis to de-escalate, a simple google search would show so many results, which If you need me to, I'll link shortly.\nI also don't have a problem condemning both sides as I am pro-neither.\nWar is ugly.", "As for how they put pressure on the israelis to de-escalate, a simple google search would show so many results, which If you need me to, I'll link shortly.\nSure, I haven't seen any oil embargoes or halted trade between Israel and Arab nations and the war definitely isn't de-escalating at the current time.\nAnd can Malaysia do the same? Can it implement the same policies?\nI also don't have a problem condemning both sides as I am pro-neither.\nWhile I don't agree, it's your personal choice.", "Aside from all of the calls for immediate de-escalation in the UN unanimously by the arab nations,\nTo point out a prominent example of how they are putting pressure on de-escalation, suspension of normalization between the nations is one.\nAnother one would be pulling out of ongoing deals, like what jordan did.\nHowever, I would think that it is rather unfair or unjustified to only use oil embargoes and halted trades as a reflection of a coalition effort to call for de-escalation especially when you consider the amount of trade or imports of oil that actually happens between Israel and Arab nations since remember, normalization of ties and trade was a very recent thing that people tend to forget.\nAs for whether Malaysia can follow suit, I'm afraid there is no correct answer.\nMalaysia is a sovereign country that does whats in its best interest, which includes following the wishes of its citizens.\nHowever, there are repercussions for doing so economically as well as politically which are concerns that cannot be ignored.\nAlso, I don't find what's so difficult about condemning both sides, I really would like someone to explain to me.", "Aside from all of the calls for immediate de-escalation in the UN unanimously by the arab nations,\nMalaysia also had called for a de-escalation and immediate ceasefire in Gaza\nhttps://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/13/m039sia-fully-backed-un-resolution-for-immediate-gaza-ceasefire-says-wisma-putra\nhttps://www.kln.gov.my/web/guest/-/malaysia-welcomes-the-ceasefire-in-ga-1\nhttps://www.kln.gov.my/web/guest/-/malaysia-deeply-regrets-united-states-veto-on-security-council-resolution-demanding-immediate-humanitarian-ceasefire-in-gaza\nAnother one would be pulling out of ongoing deals, like what jordan did.\nThe only reason Jordan is able to do so because they actually had relations with Israel before the war whereas Malaysia does not. You can't break ties with a nation you don't even have ties with.\nBesides condemnation and calls for a ceasefire, Malaysia can really only prevent Israeli ships from docking, contributing to the already costly Red Sea blockade by Yemen. And if you're asking, yes I support this.\nAlthough it may have unintended effects, I still believe doing at least something (which many other Muslim nations haven't so far) by preventing Israeli ships docking is better than sitting back and doing nothing at all.", "are you ignorant of the fact that we do not have diplomatic ties with them?", "Yesterday forget we don't have ties with them, today remember and stop business with them. So funny.\nMalaysian government highly efficient. Meanwhile international businesses avoiding us for our \"efficiency\".", "It’s part to stop Israel from committing more genocide against Palestinian. Your apparent lack of compassion is disheartening.", "I still don't understand how sending business over to Singapore ports is going to stop genocide. Maybe you can explain how it works.", "Can we talk about humanity? Wtf is wrong with you? People are dying and getting massacred. You only care about wealth and money?\nPMX follows OUR majority Muslim VOICE to pressure Israel and international community.\nIf you don’t like our voice, feel free to migrate", "Can we talk about humanity? Wtf is wrong with you? People are dying and getting massacred. You only care about wealth and money?\nI am going to ask you the same question until you reply instead of pivoting away because you can't sustain a basic discussion.\nPMX follows OUR majority Muslim VOICE to pressure Israel and international community.\nYou are right, he's doing dumb shit because dumb people don't have common sense.\nIf you don’t like our voice, feel free to migrate\nYou are a just a random nobody lol. Don't think too highly of yourself. \"Our voice\". Sudah makan ubat ke?", "Pusing lagi please.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks." ], [ "Is everyone in the government a virtue signaler dumbass? What tf is going on?" ], [ "There’s a Malay Proverb:\nRezeki jangan di tolak, musuh jangan dicari.\nThis is the opposite of that.", "Takpe, skydaddy kan ade." ], [ "As if israel gaf lol. they'd just stop at SG port instead." ], [ "there must be some fucking idiot in his cabinet or himself that hates money so much,they decided to push is away and let sgp rake in them dollars.\nfucking msia already have a shit economy where everything is expensive and the ringgit is fast becoming like the indonesia rupiah and he goes on to do this shit.\nidiot." ], [ "Ever notice the correlation between poor people wanting to stir up shit and fight everyone..." ], [ "I'm pro palestine..but we need to relax when it comes to things like this...! Malaysia is too small a global player to start pissing off money" ], [ "Singapore be like:" ], [ "Wait til the USA sanctions us for harbouring Hamas terroists", "1 USD = RM5.50", "More like 8.88", "HUAT AH!!" ], [ "It's only a matter of time before the Thais steal port business from melaka straits.", "Not gonna happen for a multitude of reasons" ], [ "Malaysia is walking the talk with that Madani way of life. 👍🏻 We are so Madani, we are giving money to Singapore. 👍🏻" ], [ "Just go Singapore liao." ], [ "And again Anwar playing the holier than thou card. Sudahlah Mr Madani, your Melayu pandering hasn't worked and just made PAS lot stronger. Israel is busy now with their war. But they'll never forget the countries that actively went against them. Forget Israel and try boycotting China for the atrocities against the Uyghur Muslims. Tak berani right. Then just STFU and enough with this Palestine/Israel conflict. Our own people are suffering here. Do something about that.", "Teaming up with BN to form the Unity Government is the writing on the wall for what will come in the next election...and it won't be good for Malaysia imo.\nThe majority already see this move as that of a hypocrite. Their disdain for BN will only send them the other way...to PN\nDomestically efforts have been..sub par...a lot of optics and not enough substance. The whole strategy seems confused. Urban voters of PH such as myself feel quite deflated...There is this..same old same old incremental change but nothing significant and nothing close to RE FOR MA SI they shouted about all those years.\nSo yeah...we hoped for proper change...don't feel like we are getting much at all." ], [ "I dont think any \"isreal-based\" shipping company would even come near malaysia tbh-" ], [ "And ppl wonder why SGD is so high compared to RM.. 🤦‍♂️🤣" ], [ "Takde musuh, cari musuh.\nOrang suruh rancakkan ekonomi, lain dibuatnya." ], [ "It's depressing how egoistic you guys are...\nSure, this decision might, in the long term, bite us back. Consider how ruthless the US has always been about supporting Israel and its hostile approach towards Arab nations and Islamic nations in general. (I'm neither Muslim nor Malay; pls, I don't have the energy to entertain or engage in identity politics with any reactionaries here.)\nAs a global player as small and weak as we are, our actions and power are, conceivably, miniscule. Sure, but we should do what we can to oppose the genocidal behavior of Israel, uniting along with the others and giving this movement a little nudge, a little dent. This movement isn't seeking a complete cessation of Israel's state and its Zionism; it's aiming to pressure it. It's obvious that the US is the only power holder in this situation; boycotting the US or any other global superpower's products is laughable for obvious reasons. And pls don't pull a whataboutism on me; we're currently on Israel-Palestine. (A distinctive situation requires distinctive approaches to tactics according to the condition.)\nI understand that we Malaysians are in an uncomfortable state regarding our finances; we are suffering, and it's completely reasonable and valid to expect our politicians to focus on domestic issues rather than foreign conflicts, especially if we're not in much of a privileged position to do so. Nevertheless, please just sympathize with the Palestinian position here for a moment. They've been subjugated to 75 years of pain and suffering, daily humiliation, their home robbed away from them by the Zionist settlers, children abducted from their families, thrown in jail for defending themselves from the violent settlers with stones and scissors, and a lot of them didn't even receive a lawfully just and fair trial.\nThere are five figures of humans who are killed and severely injured. Just how many more people should starve, suffer, and die; how many families should be broken up; and how many children should be killed to finally win our sympathy? To get us off the topic of money and only concerned with morality and humanity?", "Tbh, nothing would come out of it, US is not going to suddenly sanction malaysia because we dont support israeli companies. Heck, i bet nobody would care at all. They’re only interesred in israel and its direct surroundings, so whatever we did with israeli products wouldnt matter much. Economy is flexible afterall.", "yep yep, it's kinda sad that no one would care about us, but also it's kind of our tiny advantage lol", "It’s funny you use the word “egoistic” to call others out, then go on to have a completely egoistical rant." ], [ "I'm not Malaysian but I do live here till I go to uni but I feel like Malaysia has quite a lot of internal things they should focus on solving. Like the roads being horrible,so many infra projects being abandoned. Corruption,ringgit being depreciated like crazy. It's at 4.66 to the dollar rn. While there is a rise in trade using alternative currencies global trade still happens using the dollar in general. Like I see everyone protesting,boycotting etc but it's weird to see that . 1) Boycotting Starbucks,mcd does almost nothing to effect the situation in Israel. It's not like those companies give all their money to Israel. At most donations or shareholders . Plus it's 100% berjaya/local shareholders. Only thing paid is the franchise/royalty fee . Which is insignificant compared to countries donating to Israel. What Boycotting does in Malaysia is just make the locals suffer more. Berjaya profits down? Let off workers. Close shops. People earning very little loose their jobs . 2) while Israel may not be retaliating to Malaysia's blatant support for hamas(Not just the Palestinians but hamas themselves) they won't forget what this country did nor will their allies. Which are essentially more than half of the world's most powerful countries. What happens if they actually do start taking action. For example my country Japan invests a lot into Malaysia. There are tons of Japanese companies with factories here. Like Sony,Roland etc. Japan also donates equipment to Malaysia. Us has a history of stopping companies from supplying overseas market. For example Nvidia. What if the USA does the same to Malaysia. USA isn't the top trading partner but it's still 8%. Malaysia depends heavily on trade . Foreign investment would also decrease. There would be less jobs. The currency would depreciate further." ], [ "Instead of showing the world on how moderate Islam can be the new guiding principle in Malaysia, malaysia chooses the Iranian narrative.\nMeanwhile UAE and KSA are moving closer and closer to normalisation of Israel. (On top of Jordan, Egypt, Turkey).\nMalaysia, don’t chase after the ball, go where the ball is going,.", "What?\nZIM wasnt even that large of a presence in malaysia anyway. Banning them is a win-win for anwar because it doesnt affect trade much like he said. Whatever the fallout that came, it won’t matter much since we malaysians are clear that israel is not going anywhere close to malaysia." ], [ "Hypocrite. I saw him wearing Levi’s jeans 👖 the other day. Hahaha. 😂" ], [ "Anwar being useless as usual, only cares about winning the next election.", "Wait wasn't that's the whole point?" ], [ "I don't think those huge companies really give a fark abt us anyway" ], [ "This is a stupid move.", "do tell us why", "USA just made it illegal to boycott Jewish business. Eventually they will extend to overseas relationships too.\nWe do not need to get deeper into this than need to. We are trading nation that relies on both west and east, express you stand in UN is enough.", "until that day... will\nbut that day will never come", "Right after I posted my reply, news popup - Malaysia export dropped 5%. Singapore increased 1% for the first time in many quarters.", "Best you retract your reply then! Or better still post that I’m a billionaire!", "Btw ZIM is a us listed company.\nWhy happen if we found out Zuckerberg also has double nationality as Israeli. Or china soften their stand on israel. India outright support israel too. How?" ], [ "He just fishing for more support/popularity/votes for whatever next election. He's currently get less popular/less support" ], [ "This will be likely another reason why Thailand wanted to build such land bridges or canal on their country." ], [ "Come to Singapore" ], [ "Good for Anwar" ], [ "Sigh... just when the economy couldn't get any worse" ], [ "haha dumb fk, worry abt ur country internal affair first...all these non sense u think u clean n good ah. all pretend religious but corrupts...pui" ], [ "Sometimes I wonder why I still browse any Malaysian subreddit.\nEdit: just FYI, I’m basing this on the average comments. Fucking disgusting." ], [ "Ridiculous" ], [ "Just a quick honest question..what if USA suddenly cut diplomacy with us? Are we dying?", "This is just fear-mongering, US wouldnt risk malaysia becoming more intertwined with china by boycitting us." ], [ "Meanwhile, we're still not tightening border rules in China traffic despite there being THREE new virus scare from there." ], [ "Nice. Push away money for a conflict that has little bearing to our country's economic well-being. Very far-sighted indeed.\nAnd for all you idealistic dummies out there, we MALAYSIA need the money. We need the business relationship." ], [ "Why lot comment in here support Israel and zionishit? I don't understand.", "They think supporting anything that isnt in the interest in the malay muslim community makes it morally justifiable. It might works on some case, but this is definitely not the right thing at all. Even so many jews are protesting for paletine’s sake, what the hell are these people on subreddit fight for??\nMorons, so many of these lots.", "their hate for Malays is blinding them from their own humanity - it's really disgusting. I think if the Malays were Pro Israel they wouldve been supporting this like crazy.\nSeriously disgusting.", "Cause nons are not educated on the bigger issue. Let them be.", "I am racist? U guys are clearly opposing anything bout this matter saying - oh supporting Muslims hence all these policies? Oh buying votes hence all these policies? Edit : OK not all , but a majority of nons. If you support the cause then thanks.", "Yes a majority is uneducated bout the full picture. If they are; they won't be saying half the things they are saying. And excuse me - not a single time I said ZIONIST- so why u simply throwing that word around pls? Our economy was already screwed for months before this incident , the USD exchange has been crap for months prio to the Gaza-Isreal incident so your point bout economy is irrelevant.", "I am telling all of you - the economy that's already shit won't get worse. And my points bout the nons is valid - cause I seen enough nons saying what's this shit boycotting Israel. What bout possible USA sanctions. If they know the actual situation , which I assume you do given your reply ,no one will be crying bout economy and this insignificant policy. 20000 dead. For what? So that Isreal can erase the palestinian. To you , only you , i say - if you know the situation and understand the boycott, thanks man. I am also a non. To see all the heartless replies on insta and reddit it's shocking. If ppl knew of the actual crisis, they will be thankful that they were born in Malaysia. This boycott won't change our lives , but it will send a message where necessary. We , the Malaysians , are in the right side of history.", "Hasbara zio bots likely. Infiltrate our waters lol." ], [ "Good luck with incoming US sanctions. Never ends well.", "US talks a big talk but so many countries have kicked out the Israeli embassies. SA will prosecute any citizen participating with IDF. Indo already gave a big middle finger weeks ago. In the grand scale of things , MY is too small for them to care or pursue any action against. So calm down, nothing will come of it. Pls just be logical, end of day money is money but people are getting killed simply cause they were born in Gaxa or West Bank. Thank our lucky starts we were not born there." ], [ "Bangang jugak PM...tolaklah keuntungan banyak lagi ke Singapura....hanya kerana kedengkian kepada kaum Yahudi" ], [ "I like to think I contributed to this when I signed this petition." ], [ "That's some chad shit ngl\nAnd to get it clear, no they won't gonna hijack the ship and divert it to Lumut. That shit is illegal under international law" ], [ "Just because Malays support Palestinians, the Chinese in Malaysia would back Israel and cheer on the IDF. Typical polarisation. This is expected from the /r/Malaysi.\nIf you feel so strongly about why don't you buy an Israeli flag and run around a mosque to exercise your freedom of speech?", "Is that your assumption, or you're picking the minorities? Cause no Chinese I know supports whatever. Old Chinese support China while young Chinese don't give a f and are just trying to make a living and hope the future in Malaysia has a place for them.", "Absolutely. The young Chinese just don’t have the luxury of giving a fuck to anything that is not helping them pay rent and food. And the occasional Coldplay concert, of course.", "I support Palestine but I don't support Hamas. What does that make me?", "A logical person. No one supports hamas or any of these jokers. But do we support the God awful government of Israel - also a big fat NO. I don't give a rat ass Palestinians are Muslims. Fact is every Palestinians Muslim or Christians are getting killed for a larger more sinister agenda. End of story. Ppl overreacting to this ban just don't think logically. For all u know it's a small revenue for the country and many countries will start imposing bans if they have not. There are riots worldwide. Israel either stops their nonsense or face more bans worldwide.", "Calm down taliban. Im a pendatang and i care about the country’s economic aspect in a long run." ], [ "As a Kuwaiti, thank you, Malaysians, for standing up to Western colonialism and aggression. For standing up against fascists who are committing a genocide against an innocent population. This will not be forgotten, you guys are amazing." ], [ "Anwar is an thorn in the flesh of Malaysian economy. His over critical non yielding decisions over Hamas Israel war is hurting more Malays in his own country than it is for Israel.\nFor that shipping company, klang port and Singapore port not gona make a dime difference, but for Malay people working in that port, they will loose bonuses." ] ]
[Viral] Dato' Seri Vida's daughter opened up about just spending RM1.19 million in a month
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "Hypebeast style content, Malaysia edition" ], [ "Im not jealous at all 🥲" ] ]
Sufism in malaysia
Hi I hope this is the right place to ask it. If I break any community rules, then i am sorry and its not my intention. But I have heard that sufism is quite popular in Malaysia. That a lot of malays practice sufism. I just want to know if thats true and what the official standpoint is on sufism. Just to be clear. I am completely neutral about it. I am neither negative nor positive towards sufism. I am just curious. Thanks
[ [ "if by sufism you mean tariqat then yeah there are a few here, but they are not as hardcore as in other places. they are quite mainstream and less obvious." ], [ "If you want the official stand, it differs by states. Some states are tolerant of sufism as long as they dont go as far as being weirdos that worship graves and whatnot, some are really strict that many tarekats are declared deviant.\nGeneral perspective is quite varying, but in general they are pretty tolerant too. As long as they are not too pushy or doing suspiciously weird things in open, people barely want to care about them. Not like sufism is too widespread in public to take note of, they usually have their own circle." ], [ "Maybe I'm just not hanging around the right circles or family members, but I've almost never heard about Sufism being talked about here. The number of people I've heard discuss this I can probably count on one hand and wouldn't outright declare it's something they practise." ], [ "Only time I've ever heard about Sufism in Malaysia was when my ustazah (religion teacher) told my class about someone making room temperature water turn into boiling water with a mere verbal command.\nI don't know what to think of that", "making room temperature water turn into boiling water with a mere verbal command\nPfft. I can also do that. I always tell my wife to do that and it gets done." ], [ "I'd say it is allowed everywhere except Perlis,\neven In Sabah when i used to work there first Person introduce themselves to me in masjid end up trying to get me joining Tariqat if thats what you mean by sufism.\nBest to avoid them." ] ]
Café Kitsuné adds to Malaysia’s growing specialty coffee scene
[ "Food" ]
[ [ "Until it gets tagged as agent Yahudi" ] ]
Salespeople in retail stores
I am an American staying in George Town for work. When I enter a shop in a mall, it seems as if the salespeople continuously follow me around the store. I'm a bit uncomfortable as I feel like they are watching me as if I may steal something. Then it occurred to me that they might just be trying to help me. Am I being paranoid? In the US, I normally have to chase down a store employee to get any assistance.
[ [ "Yes, that's their job, standby for service and supervise at the same time.\nAny dmg and loss, there is a good chance resulting in salary deduction.\nNo Thief insurance etc.", "I've worked in retail part-time twice. Assuming they do inventory. Which is not very often. They'd have to shut down the store and lose >1K just to update inventory and calculate shrinkage. And malls have a strict policy about keeping their stores open.\nIn franchise stores, like Watson's or Bata, this happen maybe every few months and most part-timers are gone by then.\nSalary cuts happen when sales =/= closing amount. This happens when you scan an item wrongly, put the wrong quantity, recorded it as a different payment method, etc.\nHonestly, kids out there, never work as a cashier, lol. It's the worst job out there. If you're looking to make money, work in a chain restaurant. You get a free meal too." ], [ "U can politely tell them u r looking around and if u need any assistance u can just call them out" ], [ "I've worked in retail twice during my semester breaks.\nIt's kind of mandatory. We're pressured by the managers to follow people around. But I do notice that sales are better when I ask them if they need assistance or I should leave them alone, instead of awkwardly hovering over them.", "Yep, I noticed this too in Jewellery shops at KL Mall, where the staff just follows you. If you stare at a jewelry item for a while, they start talking about it. I've been to various jewelry shops, wanting to buy a RM9000 necklace for my partner as a gift, so yeah, that was my experience. I did say to the staff, 'Hello, I'm just looking for now,' but they kept following me.\nHowever, the only jewelry shop that didn't do this was Tomei, and I feel more comfortable there. Though they didn't have any good RM9000 necklaces.", "Yup. Tomei is kind of low-end but they're still very good quality-- real gold (not plating), fine craftmanship, and fair pricing. Same with Litz.\nIf you're dropping 9k, go to Habib. I suspect they mostly sell lab-grown diamonds, but in theory, lab-grown diamonds are better in quality than natural diamonds.\nThe worst is Pandora. That store irritates me to no end. They're selling gold plated jewelry at the price of real gold.", "Thanks for sharing the information. Habib necklaces look pretty good, but the prices seem quite cheap compared to Tiffany & Co. Is there a particular reason for this? My maximum budget is RM9000, as that's the price range where you can get top-notch, quality, long-lasting jewelry.\nI've just started my jewelry shopping journey and have only been to a few jewelry shops. However, I plan to spend the entire weekend focusing on jewelry shopping, dedicating both Saturday and Sunday to it instead of clothing. I appreciate how the jewelry shops at Pavilion are all on one level, making things more convenient. In KLCC, there are some jewelry stores in the center of the mall, like a booth, which means they have limited space to display their products. I might just focus on Pavilion KL Mall.\nAlso, I don't particularly like Pandora either, to be honest. It seems more geared towards teens or middle to low-income young adults, I guess.", "Habib is good. They're not cheap, but compared to Tiffany & Co., they are indeed cheap.\nTiffany has impeccable quality but they're not perfect. If you're looking for the best of the best, of course, it's Tiffany, but there are also other options like Cartier or Van Cleef & Arpels. You're mostly paying for the brand and craftmanship with these brand, as the price of gold is much lower and so are diamonds and other jewels.\nI really don't know your tax bracket but the fine quality of Tiffany's can only be appreciated by a very trained eye.\nIf you're looking for something to last a long time, actually go for a lower carat gold (18k) as they're more durable, and avoid fancy gemstones, as they are softer. The design has to be simple, not trendy, because trends come and go. Also, avoid white gold, as white gold is often rhodium-plated and need touch-ups.", "Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying that. Here in AUS, we usually consider the price range for Habib jewelry as low quality and the price range for Tiffany & Co as high quality, so apologies for any confusion and misunderstanding. I'm not an expert in jewelry, which is why I always purchase from top brands within my price range for reliability. Can't go wrong with that rule xD.\nI'll definitely keep your info on the 'lower carat gold (18k)' in mind since I am buying from Malaysia, not Australia, and I don't want anyone taking advantage of my lack of knowledge, haha. Long-lasting and top-notch quality are what I'm after. To make things worse, I'm literally here in KL by myself, doing jewelry shopping as a gift for my partner (normally I shop with her for jewelry), so I'm hoping she likes it, lmao. These days, buying gifts for females is hard, but yeah, thanks for the help.", "You might want to check out Eumayco as well. Its more of a jewellery start up than an established brand, but the gem quality there is top-notch at pretty affordable pricing.\nWent hunting for a nice ring forever flitting through different big brand stores before stumbling into them on google.\nCan't speak to the craftsmanship angle as I'm too poor to be have experience being a discerning eye on that front haha.", "Thanks for the recommendation but sheesh its located near Pantai and Im living in Great Eastern Mall area. If I dont find anything good at Pavilion, KLCC or TRX, I’l check out Eumayco.", "Defo Poh Kong jewellers. Esp the tranz collection. Always my top choice and have been buying from them for years. Good after sales too." ], [ "They get commision, and you are not a local, so either you are rich or going to rob the shop. Both require supervision :-)", "not funny ..\nwell, yeah .. foreigner do have a magnet to attract sales person anywhere.. just be careful", "The commission is very low in most stores. Think like 1.5%. It's not even worth it unless you're selling jewelry or furniture. Usually it's the managers who tell them to follow people around to make the store seem more \"friendly.\"" ], [ "No one working retail get any training, and most of them are fresh out of school or part time. I remember my time working in retail. I disnt know what to do and did the exact thing u were facing, follow a potential cust and stare at him as if he or she may steal something.", "They're mostly part-timers and the managers are often idiots so yeah... no training.\nI noticed that Daiso, as a Japanese company, has a team-building exercise every day but most stores are just kind of... live and let live." ], [ "Its pretty normal for salespeople to do that here but it makes me uncomfortable too XD. If it bothers you, you can just tell them that you don't need help and want to be left alone, they'll understand and go back to doing other stuff lol." ], [ "We are being friendly and trying to help you get what you want. This behaviour is very normal in east Asia.", "Thank you. I won't feel so creeped out now.", "And we don't have thief insurance like in USA, and it will deduct from salary if something happen", "That's not right. The employee should not have to bear the burden.\nStrangely, in the US it is the exact opposite. Employees are trained NOT to confront shoplifters (thieves). In fact, they can be fired if they try to stop a theft. It is because thieves can sue the store owner if they get hurt by the employee in any way, and the owners don't want to pay for any medical expenses that the employee might incur.", "Majority of shop they didn't know local insurance provide thief insurance, so they didn't bother to ask.\nNope, shop manager won't fire employees if reason to stop theft is justified. Not only the store employees will be up then thieves (if they overpowered the thieves), on lookers will also help out & add few more beating nothing will happen (unless resulting in death) coz ppl that are able body but go stealing instead work for living, we consider them as scumbag of the society. Check out how onlooker beat up snatch thief when they caught them.\nAll employees in Malaysia are covered under EIS (employees insurance scheme), socso (social security & protection) & epf (employee provident funds) for private sector, which is compulsory pay every month.", "thieves can sue the store owner if they get hurt by the employee in any way, and the owners don't want to pay for any medical expenses\nThat's not right. The employee store owner should not have to bear the burden.", "If the store owner does not budget for insurance or shrinkage, he is at fault. It should not be the fault of the employee." ], [ "I’m Arab , but as of my experience elsewhere people r friendly & more willing to help. That’s why I guess u might feel u’re being followed while they r just standing next to u in case u need to ask about anything" ], [ "they are definitely trying to help, also making sure you are not stealing stuff.\nI just hate it when I am looking at silky smooth renoma underwear, and usually female auntie salesperson is following me" ], [ "I do this when they put me in charge of the store. I'm not following you because I think you're a criminal. I'm following you so I can tell you about your cars extended warranty.", "Hah, too late. I just got a call yesterday and extended my warranty through him." ], [ "After spm, I worked at a retail store... Got fired for not doing that..." ], [ "Just tell them you will ask for help if needed. No need to follow. They will get the hint" ], [ "Any sales person who follow me around, i would just get the f out and them losing potential customer. I don't like it too.", "same, i just walk out. I just wanna peacefully look around" ], [ "Maybe they're pressed to get you to buy smthg? On the assumption that you're a rich expat. Idk how it is in US, but I've read enough horror stories on Reddit about how service staff are mistreated.", "I worked in retail, yeah, if sales are low we get a nagging. But stupid managers think that following people around and making them uncomfortable will help sales. That's why they're managers! Did you know that managers don't make good money anyway? It's like a ponzi scheme in some stores where they have to pay salaries from the sales." ], [ "Quick Q, are you African-American?", "No, I'm actually Asian American, so I almost blend in a little." ], [ "Where i used to work believed that we can close sales easily if we continuously follow a customer and try to promote each items that they had touched or eyes on.\nSometimes it worked on me too, no intention to buy at all, but the sales person was promoting it yada yada and end up getting few items lol." ], [ "hang pi mall mana?" ], [ "It's funny you say that. On one hand it's annoying but on the other you can't find them most of the time!" ], [ "It’s normal, sometimes I just tell them that I am just looking around/window shopping and they will just say okay sure but still follow me around at a distance in case I want to ask something.\nEven had one time where the sales assistant told me that if he didn’t follow me around, then his supervisor will be mad at him for leaving a customer unattended haha." ], [ "Everytime I go browse a restaurant menu placed outside the entrance of an eatery, if a wait staff approaches / pesters me while I browse, it is almost a 100% surety I will get irritated and leave. Just wanna read the menu in peace and decide at leisure if I wanna dine there...." ], [ "Its both" ], [ "Scariest ones are those following behind silently.\nHad similar experience but in an IT store at mall. They literally followed me step by step. Every one step i walk forward, they'll be taking one step from behind. Gave me so much pressure when i just wanted to take my time and browse through laptops." ], [ "i'm a malaysian and i hate it when they do that. i'm not an idiot i know what i want." ], [ "It's sucks, it's annoying, but unfortunately that's the way it is." ], [ "Yup, they do it differently in US. Over here, whenever they follow me around, i would just look for a few more seconds, then leave. It’s just so annoying." ], [ "Definitely being paranoid. They just want to be of assistance if you need anything. Quick tip if you don't want them to follow you, look at them and say, \"it's ok, I'm just looking.\" And they'll either say \"ok\", and look for the next customer, or they'll just stop there and play with their phones.\nWorks for me every time." ], [ "Also American (been here 2.5 years), it’s something I had to get used to when shopping here. Some stores are worse than others, so I just don’t go in them anymore." ] ]
Malaysian Ambassador reiterates Malaysia's interest in participating in Nusantara project
Working as a foreign nurse in Malaysia
Anyone knows any foreigners that worked as a nurse in Malaysia ? Or any experience working in the medical sector as a foreigner. Couldn't really find much information on the job market for foreign nurses in Malaysia except that the goverment is encouraging hiring of them till next year. I'm asking because my girlfriend is a nurse but working in Europe. Was wondering if she were to come to Malaysia, would she be able to land a job as a nurse or it would be super tough.
[ [ "its going to be super tough and nurses get paid like trash over yere", "Is that for private or public hospitals ?", "both" ], [ "Low pay with heavy workload, try Singapore" ] ]
How do I reciprocate to the Malaysian greeting gesture?
I am an American that will be staying for several months in George Town on business. When staying in a hotel, I am often greeted by the hotel workers who put their hand over their chest as I approach. What is the appropriate and respectful way to return the greeting? I feel awkward not knowing how to acknowledge their kindness. Does it matter how I (male) respond to a woman?
[ [ "Nodding your head and smile to acknowledge their gesture would be appropriate.", "Thank you. That's good to know because often my hands are full." ], [ "Do the same. Or just lower head just a little.\nDoing that is not actually a local custom. It only started during covid, since cant shake hand, we do that instead.", "Ah, thank you. That is interesting. That's kind of like the way that fist-bumping has largely replaced hand-shaking in the US.", "Yes, pretty much. That gesture is also used for muslim of different gender. Since in islam different gender cant shake hands, so do that instead.", "*different genders that aren't family members.", "Ah yes.", "*different genders that aren't \"immediate\" family members.", "Pretty cool actually since our school had practice this kind of gesture since 2008 to greet parents who came to school because their child is a problem and other visitors such as ministers or you know, visitors." ], [ "Smile, meet their glance and nod slightly. There is not that much protocol in this. If you are male and the other person female, physical contact like shaking hands etc should be left to the other party to initiate. Shaking hands is (or was, given COVID) not uncommon among men.\nCompared to Japan or S Korea, Malaysians tend towards being informal even in work settings. There are rarely strict protocols or honorifics that distinguish seniors, peers and juniors.\nGenerally speaking, Malaysia (most of Asia to be honest) don't have loud or boisterous greetings in public. Hugging only among really good friends (and even then less often in public).", "Thank you. Very good background info. I enjoy coming to Malaysia. It reminds me a lot of where I grew up in Hawaii." ], [ "Thats all you need to do" ], [ "I think the hand over the chest thing is decided by the hotel management. I have never seen any regular Malaysians greet people like that.", "Yes, correct, this is \"created\" by the Ministry of Tourism sometime in the 2000s or 90s for the hospitality industry.\nA quick search shows an old article from 2012 saying that the Minister of Tourism wanted to revive this practice, meaning it didn't really catch on even 10+ years ago.\nNowadays, only high-end hotel staff and MAS cabin crew do it, if I recall correctly.", "IINM, it was created during Visit Malaysia 2007, was in hotel industry that time, had a briefing on how to properly greet guest with this new gesture, something about I'll serve/ I greet you with all my heart... can't remember correctly...\nLocal tourism industry like hotels and airlines still practice it till today", "I remember seeing it but can't remember. Now you mention MAS I think that's where I saw it.\nNot surprised it never caught on, looks damm forced and most people don't have any idea how to respond.", "It's a bit cringey tbh ..", "Can't speak for Klang Valley, but the chest-touching-after-handshake is pretty common in rural malay areas.", "It's common in urban Malay areas too.\nI think it's the \"only chest-touching without handshake\" that the people in this comment section meant by \"not common\" or \"not a local custom\"", "Interesting. Now that I think about it, I haven't encountered that outside of the hotels. Then again, I don't get out much besides going to work.", "Just smile and nod. I have no idea what to do either.", "Or nod then smile. Then feel weird that you got the order wrong\nAlso start a half hearted wave and change your mind midway, for good measure" ], [ "Yup. As most said here - just do the same and nod a bit.\nOn another note, if you shake hands with adults, mostly Malays, they will put their hand on their heart right after.\nAnd usually their children will lightly kiss the back of your hand, as a sign of respect for the older people.\nAlso, you might see people who lower their body a bit when they walk in front of you." ], [ "Smile and nodding in acknowledgement should be good and occasional thanks when they open the door and help out would be better as well :) . Enjoy your stay here!" ], [ "Raise your hand up and \"Heil...." ], [ "‘Sup.\nNot to be confused with Sup Kambing." ], [ "As for women, it depends. You know, religious reason for Muslim. A smile, brief eye contact, a slight nod, either one is sufficient enough to acknowledge the kindness gesture" ], [ "Kiss the cheek esp of female malays" ], [ "Smile and wink, might even get lucky 😉" ], [ "i always just ignore hahahaha" ], [ "Just yell cb oi" ], [ "a smile and a simple nod will suffice" ], [ "Just nod and smile - the universal way to reciprocate any greeting:)" ], [ "pick one\nslight nod up\nslight nod down\nfinger gun gesture, thumb close to your chest\na wink and a smile" ], [ "You give money /jk\nMalaysia not that corrupt anymore :26559:" ], [ "Also so not relevant to this sub :26554:" ], [ "ignore those trolling comments op. a slight nod will be enough for greetings as such" ] ]
Human Freedom Index 2023 Just got released. Malaysia is ranked 89, one spot behind Thailand.
human-freedom-index-2023-full-revised.pdf (cato.org) Other countries in Asia: Country Ranking Taiwan 12 Japan 16 Korea, Rep 28 Singapore 44 Hong Kong SAR, China 46 Mongolia 59 Nepal 85 Bhutan 87 Thailand 88 Malaysia 89 Kyrgyz Republic 90 Indonesia 92 Philippines 103 India 111 Sri Lanka 116 Cambodia 117 Vietnam 130 Bangladesh 130 Pakistan 132 Lao PDR 142 China 149 Myanmar 162
[ [ "We need to keep in mind that this ranking is made by the Cato Institute, an American Libertarian think-tank, so the results are from the point of view of their ideology. Libertarians advocate for minimal government interference in people's private lives and for maximal free-market capitalism.\nThat being said, I see results of the 2023 rankings as reasonable. With the exception of Singapore, all of the ASEAN founding members (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines) are ranked close to each other. The former French Indochina counries (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) form another cluster further down the list, since they are/have had Communist Governments.\nFinally Myanmar is on a league of its own.", "Libertarians advocate for minimal government interference in people's private lives and for maximal free-market capitalism.\nExcept that the countries listed in the top of the league are European states that operate on a socialist model with a lot of government intervention 🤔", "No European country operates on a socialist model. They are all capitalists, and even proponents of the way of governance in Scandinavian countries cringe when people say otherwise.\nIt is fair to say they are the leftest capitalist economies in the world though. I believe ideologically they are the closest practical forms of social democracies, but even this is disputed. But they are definitely not socialist." ], [ "Singapore at 4th? They literally arrest people who do public protest, the people there are shit scared to speak out.", "The report was really indepth about the context.\nSingapore actually got very low ranked on personal freedom aspect but it ranked 1 as economic freedom out of all other 165 countries, that was the main reason how Singapore replacing HongKong as Asian financial hub, so the ranking balanced out.", "Good point. I think Hong Kong falling behind Singapore is also an impact from Chinese government grip in the region", "Yeah Hong Kong doesn't seem like the same Hong Kong as before.", "As another commenter have pointed out that this ranking is made by \"the Cato Institute, an American Libertarian think-tank, so the results are from the point of view of their ideology. Libertarians advocate for minimal government interference in people's private lives and for maximal free-market capitalism.\"\nIMO,It feels a little disengenuos to place economic freedom to be just as important as personal freedom when arguably, personal freedom should weigh more than economic freedom. Because with high economic freedom, only those with the economic means can enjoy such freedom. Anything beyond the bare minimum of economic freedom to allow ease of trade, any additional freedom afforded tend to only favor those with capital, those who have the economic means to enjoy the freedom. Whereas, personal freedom is granted for all.\nEdit 1 : Not trying to say you're wrong or anything like that, this is more of a criticism of the methodology of the index, and voicing out my general opinion.", "Thanks for the add-on, yeah, things like protectionism/fair to compete market will be viewed as a cons or pros based on one's ideology believes.\nI encourage the curious people to actually read the report.", "Economic freedom means freedom to do finance crimes", "Or money laundering.", "Not like the financial crime aspect is any better in Myanmar or China, maybe even worst.", "77th on personal freedom (Malaysia 107th) but 1st on economic freedom (Malaysia 56th).\nSingapore better in personal freedom on freedom of religion and relationships, worse on association, assembly, civil society, and expression and information.", "Singapore has a speakers corner and citizens protests/demostrate about every shit under the sun, including political stuff like death penalty or gay rights (e.g. pink dot), which caused that law to eventually be repealed.\nAlso, wouldn't throw glass stones about being \"shit scared to speak out\" considering it is pretty much impossible for non-Bumis to question Bumi rights in this country or make comments about the monarchy. And it was just days ago when the govt tried to pursue someone on Twitter for \"violating Malaysian laws\" by calling Fahmi a moron.", "That shows how low the bar is across Asia in general.\nIn Malaysia, unmarried couples can be arrested if they share the same hotel room, which is even worse.\nHell, you can be arrested for wearing a rainbow watch, for fuck sake.", "Or be publicly judged and even harassed for eating publicly during the month of Ramadan, because if you look vaguely Malay it means you must be a Muslim." ], [ "For a de facto apartheid state 89th is as good as it's gonna get imo", "Define apartheid", "Discriminatory system", "Check HRW and Adalah for a list of Apartheid laws in israel." ], [ "Cato Institute obviously haven't heard or ignore SG's POFMA\nas for SG's speaker's corner one needs to go to the police and get approval on the topic before you can speak there.\nwe malaysian can still openly protest and voice our concerns or displeasure... at gov policies and etc.", "Singapore does have lower point on freedom of expression than Malaysia on the report." ], [ "I can't believe it's 2023 and people still believe this type of America-funded freedom/human rights rankings.\nMost of the time it's just pseudo-scientific nonsense to promote US-leaning countries and jack themselves off about how much better their country is", "There might be bias for sure but it provide many context behind the ranking not just a number.\nYou might not enjoy it, but I do value and appreciate my freedom very much.\nThe social freedom criteria literally affect our everyday life, one must be very out of touch to not care about these.\nThe economic freedom criteria are also very valuable reference for people who want to invest internationally, that part has direct effect on a country's future prosperity.", "You don't need a ranking to see the reality of Malaysia. It has very low freedom in every sense of the word.", "Reality seems to upset you.", "Thank goodness for your comment. More ppl need to treat all foreign media with reservations.", "It's always a good idea to question any information's credibility, but all he did was throw in a 'western media bad!' on a 420 page in-depth report. I'm more interested to hear his disagreement with the research - that's the actual part of critical thinking, disagree for the sake of disagreeing is complete opposite of doing that.", "Tell me: what other countries force all the people of a certain race to be a single religion, and force anyone marrying a person of said race to convert into that religion?" ], [ "freedom is an illusion.. poof .. its gone\nmagik" ], [ "Not too good, not too bad I guess... literally in the middle" ], [ "well it depends, i feel more freedom here, i can have my chewing gums, vape without worry and i can find space to park my car pretty much anywhere..", "It will only have a meaning when you need it. And you never knew when will it come into your life.\nThe report critique Malaysia law-making failed to provide fair treatment to both gender. Women do not have the same rights over divorce as men.", "you might want to elaborate on that. i am all for women's right." ] ]
Malaysians Over 18 Can Register Their Details In PADU Starting 2 January - Lowyat.NET
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "Don’t want link to racist site where the owner let racism run wild in favor of views." ] ]
Malaysia warned of consequences for watching illegal Premier League live games
[ [ "How to watch illegal stream? Just asking for a friend, obviously", "One of the worst ones is totalsportek. Just horrible, don't even search for it.", "Thanks for sharing!", "You should definitely NOT google soccer Reddit streams then. Highly NOT advisable", "Hahaha ok", "Use Yandex instead of google when looking for stream. You'll find one for sure.", "Me, too. My friend also wants to know, instead of relying on TikTok for the highlight videos. Sometimes this friend also goes to YouTube.", "My friend did tell me he watches them on Twitter by keying in football team name + live during game time, there are many streams available. Although may get disconnected anytime so have to standby for that. My friend say one ya.", "With this its been 5 years i officially dont have official stream to watch football....\nJust search la wei.. there alot of stream and apps out there.. pandai2 cari.\nPs: the best are paid... But its fucking cheap. Only RM10 a month .. . .", "Bro can share link? For my friend of course", "Which paid ones are there for RM 10? I'm paying sooka RM 34/m.", "Can i use sooka from abroad or i need vpn?", "Abroad can, VPN can't", "Those RM10++ usually not more than 20 are ppl that have private server. They have give stream service. Can search in telegram.", "Sopcast still around?" ], [ "Astro is undoubtedly the driving force behind this article. :26559:" ], [ "take the power away from corporations" ], [ "Nice try assteruk", "Aduh! Bontot aku sakit! Memang pain ASS TERUK!" ], [ "Just watch on x. X hv plenty of free live streams 😆" ], [ "Astro bankrupt and ada company baru yang boleh bawa harga lagi murah baru aku tengok legally. Enforcement takkan boleh nak penjara kan semua orang kalau semua tengok illegally.\nPS: Dont DM me where I got my russian links.", "Not possible la bro for the price to be murah.\nEPL is a bid game, who bid higher, they got the rights.\nAstro paid 600 million in 2018 (when I was still working there) to get the right to broadcast EPL.\nMeaning there are other companies who bid just as much, yg membuatkan end bid price reach 600 mil\nAstro bungkus? Another big shark/royal family/kroni will buy the rights instead.", "Why wont they pivot and follow current tech trends?", "Imagine during EPL matches, PDRM begin to raid houses with the justification of watching illegal streams." ], [ "<image>" ], [ "Nice try Astro" ], [ "Illegal or legal, I'm not watching the Premier League as long as Man United continue to play shit football.", "What a plastic supporter.", "I'll watch despite Chelsea being even more shit than you people...... we'll finally win a game someday" ], [ "Anyone here have this problem with sooka? The video always stop and jump a few seconds for every few minutes. It is unwatchable.", "Or page cannot even load...\nIronic when illegal streams can provide better service.\nI don't mind to pay like RM30 per month if the service is good.", "Yeah. Sooka is shit. Subbed during 2022 World Cup. Never again. Illegal streams are ironically better." ], [ "Some scammer is probably developing an app for \"free\" or \"low cost\" live streaming of EPL games to drain your bank account balance after you use said app to \"subscribe\"." ], [ "Do they really think the sailor use some dingy boat?:26554:" ], [ "Where are the free premier league matches promised??" ], [ "nowadays telegram also banyak live stream" ], [ "They caution viewers about the potential for cyberattacks, including harmful malware and ransomware, which could lead to scams, data theft, and other fraudulent activities, as well as the high probability of encountering substandard streams.\nThey try to scare us like our old nenek try to scare us suing some made up scary shit. We are not stupid anymore 'nenek'\nhigh probability of encountering substandard streams.\npay assteruk also got substandards service. why bother" ], [ "Wanda coffee 👌" ], [ "Google watch football live stream reddit." ], [ "Butthurt ass stroke lettew. If Butthurt improve your pricing, service and coverage. Been monopolising 20 over years and reaping be benefits kronyically not enough? Karma. Not manhunting. More currybun than taleybuns" ], [ "Captain? Could you explain for a curious non-Malaysian pliz?" ], [ "Also dont use android tv boxes. Some of them have all the channels set up. All highly illegal of course." ], [ "I hate astro. The only reason we have it is because my parents are old school." ] ]
Xmas celebration in Sabah. The comment section on Tik Tok is full of netizens criticizing this practice
[ [ "Well thank Goddess we don't live in Tik Tok. We have fun times too here in Penang. The whole office gets into the mood with a cubicle decoration contest and everyone sings Xmas songs together. Very Satu Malaysia and proud of it.", "I know certain companies still do this but don't want to share to social media.\nIt's just one step short of inviting PR nightmare and a visit by the religious authorities.", "Thankfully, not in East Malaysia, cops have other things to do than okay nanny state", "People have to keep sharing as much as possible till the point the authority don’t have manpower to check", "It's a great app if you search like look great thing's and it is not as toxics as IG well it's freedom of speech we see humans true colors in media" ], [ "Thank goodness for East Malaysia because they have become our fortress of true unity" ], [ "I bet 90% of those who comment on tik tok videos are from semenanjung, whom we should not give a fuck.\nThey so racist that a simple cross on a building will tickle their rectum.", "Not even an actual cross, just something that resembles one, some lights in a staircase for example", "They get easily triggered by a mathematics textbook because its got the addition sign \"+\" in its equations.", "Even small, lowercase 't' could cause triggered.\nSuch a shame.", "They get easily triggered by a mathematics textbook because its got the addition sign \"+\" in its equations.\nMessiah Yeshua🔴🔵: Please tell me you’re joking…\nAnyway…. Compliments of the Season all.\nAnyway I apologise to Australia, Malaysia and Thailand… I am actually grieving even though I don’t openly cry it seems to manifest in the weather…\nFlooding, landslides, and storms in peninsular Malaysia and southern Thailand Flash\nSevere storms, floods kill 10 in Australia, 6 in Thailand\nMy childhood friend “it’s complicated” fell gravely ill on Christmas Day and passed away yesterday, and honestly when I hold back my emotions and try not to cry it seems to manifest in the climate as well… guess I am a open book….\n😞 sorry… I am still processing my emotions… and reflecting. As he was only in his early 40s…. So young and so unexpected… I did not know he was going through so much burdens and I did not reach out to him to ask how he was through the years… guess I got caught up with my own issues I forgot to check on others around me, there’s a lot going through me now… and I guess it’s showing in the world and climate.\nAnyway Sorry for the very wet Christmas Malaysia, I know some of you know of my existence, since yeah… a lot of weird stuff happen in Singapore and word of mouth does spread. Anyway take care and stay safe.", "What did I just read?", "Apparently:\nThey get easily triggered by a mathematics textbook because its got the addition sign \"+\" in its equations.\nMessiah Yeshua🔴🔵: Please tell me you’re joking…\nAnyway…. Compliments of the Season all.\nAnyway I apologise to Australia, Malaysia and Thailand… I am actually grieving even though I don’t openly cry it seems to manifest in the weather…\nFlooding, landslides, and storms in peninsular Malaysia and southern Thailand Flash\nSevere storms, floods kill 10 in Australia, 6 in Thailand\nMy childhood friend “it’s complicated” fell gravely ill on Christmas Day and passed away yesterday, and honestly when I hold back my emotions and try not to cry it seems to manifest in the climate as well… guess I am a open book….\n😞 sorry… I am still processing my emotions… and reflecting. As he was only in his early 40s…. So young and so unexpected… I did not know he was going through so much burdens and I did not reach out to him to ask how he was through the years… guess I got caught up with my own issues I forgot to check on others around me, there’s a lot going through me now… and I guess it’s showing in the world and climate.\nAnyway Sorry for the very wet Christmas Malaysia, I know some of you know of my existence, since yeah… a lot of weird stuff happen in Singapore and word of mouth does spread. Anyway take care and stay safe.", "You didn't answer my question.\nCopying and pasting the guy's post verbatim without explaining what he's talking about is not exactly answering my question.\nHis comment is all over the place. I'm not sure how to respond.", "It’s simple, what he/she actually said was:\nApparently:\nThey get easily triggered by a mathematics textbook because its got the addition sign \"+\" in its equations.\nMessiah Yeshua🔴🔵: Please tell me you’re joking…\nAnyway…. Compliments of the Season all.\nAnyway I apologise to Australia, Malaysia and Thailand… I am actually grieving even though I don’t openly cry it seems to manifest in the weather…\nFlooding, landslides, and storms in peninsular Malaysia and southern Thailand Flash\nSevere storms, floods kill 10 in Australia, 6 in Thailand\nMy childhood friend “it’s complicated” fell gravely ill on Christmas Day and passed away yesterday, and honestly when I hold back my emotions and try not to cry it seems to manifest in the climate as well… guess I am a open book….\n😞 sorry… I am still processing my emotions… and reflecting. As he was only in his early 40s…. So young and so unexpected… I did not know he was going through so much burdens and I did not reach out to him to ask how he was through the years… guess I got caught up with my own issues I forgot to check on others around me, there’s a lot going through me now… and I guess it’s showing in the world and climate.\nAnyway Sorry for the very wet Christmas Malaysia, I know some of you know of my existence, since yeah… a lot of weird stuff happen in Singapore and word of mouth does spread. Anyway take care and stay safe.", "You're getting less and less funny with every pathetic attempt.\nNice try smartass. Turns off inbox replies", "I still remember this: https://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/crosses-rooftops-housing-project-langkawi-create-stir#:~:text=KUALA%20LUMPUR%20%E2%80%94%20A%20decision%20by,prejudicial%20over%20one%20another's%20religions.", "Dear Sabahan, please don’t give a fuck what Semenanjung people are saying bout you guys. They are bunch of hypocritical assholes trying to play God", "Their racism can be easily explained: They're paranoid because they think they'd get murtaded out if they glanced at a non-Muslim or even non-Sunni symbols or visit their religious sites. They're also paranoid that the nons or Muslim sects are out to dakwah them out of their \"true Muslim\" faith.\n\"Kuatkan iman,\" my ass.", "Ya but they wanna convert n fck beautiful east Malaysians. Bloody hypocrisy", "Particularly a few states", "", "As per Rule 1, well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. does not have such protection, and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.", "Hey at least they don't force convert people.\nhttps://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/88915/137-orang-asli-sue-govt-state-agencies-to-void-forced-conversion", "Comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nI'm also imposing a permaban as you have been warned and banned several times. I think we have shown enough goodwill on our part.", "heyyy take it back :( im from semenanjung and had been to sabah with their diversity culture and i love it", "Loved this comment very much, thumps up" ], [ "Good thing i never used tiktok and never will", "Twitter, TikTok and even Reddit sometimes, the holy trinity of bad takes, rage-baiting and cringe" ], [ "Sesetengah puak orang Melayu ini memang suka kecam. Mereka ingat apa yang mereka kecam itu dapat menambah pahala di akhirat.\nIf your God is so petty over these, then perhaps you should question your faith. Your religion is suppose to teach you to come together regardless of race and religion.\nEdit: because your race is the majority, your votes do make or break certain political parties so they'll do everything they can to stay in power. You're being played by R&R topics everyday, wake up. It's not commoners vs commoners, it's us together as commoners vs people in power.", "It’s even more hilarious when you see Middle East countries are pretty chill with the whole Christmas thingy, while a certain groups here are throwing a hissy fit", "As a Singaporean, it’s very amusing to watch Malays get so passionate about Palestine.\nMeanwhile, their own fellow citizens who are minorities are discriminated and oppressed in an apartheid state", "Its a religious thing, if its islam vs islam there wont be any boycott nor will it gain much attention but its the jews this time, In the end of times it's prophesied that muslim will fight jews in a big war and we are also taught from a very young age that all jews is inherently evil liars. They're basically the eternal enemy of islam", "Common occurrence dekat sini.", "You know what's even funnier there's even actual different tiers for bumiputera as well.", "Really? FR, I never noticed this, but would like to know more", "The natives of Sabah and Sarawak, the ethnic Siamese from the northern Peninsula, as well as the orang Asli aborigines, all of whom are majority non-muslim, are classified as bumiputera as well, but the privileges and member discounts are a different tier la. When the fascist, semenanjung politicians reference \"Bumiputera\" in their rhetoric, the demographic I mentioned above conveniently doesn't exist in their minds.", "Some ethnicity can get some bumi privileges but cannot be considered bumiputera because from the government eyes they are \"semi/quasi\" bumiputera for some reason. I think this article can somewhat explain it.\nhttps://cilisos.my/5-things-eurasians-wished-you-knew-about-them/", "Platinum vs Bronze level membership", "I find it hilarious that you have to be mix Portuguese to get it.", "This is good information, never knew this. Makes more sense that we can see why only Malays are so fearful of nons questioning and pushing back against Bumi privileges, I've never seen or heard orang asli, kristang or whoever lain-lain make any noise.", "Just remember that in many occasions, Bumi = Malay", "Bumiputra policies supposed to help the bumiputra but orang asli population like 80-90% below poverty line.", "Because those minorities are \"pendatang\". This justifies everything according to them.", "Yet they cry so hard over being discriminated in other countries. LMAO", "Discriminate, yes, but not to the extent of apartheid state, this part’s a little bit exaggerate imo. Let’s be fair, this is how Malaysia works, all races discriminate against each others until Lee Chong Wei or any athlete is competing at the biggest stage. Already used to it.", "They only care bcos Israel is involved. If its China they dont hardly care.", "Eh, jangan jangan. Remember, it's every Muslim's duty to tegur and bring people to the right path./s\nTapi jangan tegur suami tak bayar nafkah, or guys not lowering their gaze, or corruption and pecah amanah. Tegur women and multiculturalism only.", "Jangan aibkan suami.", "Little did they know they might have being mentally scammed by corrupted “preachers”. God actual rules may be dishing out demerits for those kecam-happy followers.", "Sesetengah tu puak hipokrit.", "Dia kecam sebab dia orang dengki.. Tolak extremist", "Yeap, half of the insecure malays is trying hard going to syurga but road to hell is filled with good intentions.", "race, yes. faith, no. there are other ways to come together e.g. work, school. we dont have to follow other practices. we can pray for the same thing, in our own way.\nand you dont put standards on your creator. you follow the standards set by the creator. that's why we rate every single man-made thing and not the other way around.", "nah. we can tolerate without dismiss our own faith and belief. feel free to enjoy your things and i wouldn't wish you to leave your religion like you said 'question you religion' 🤭 can coexist with kaffir/disbeliever no hal we dgaf", "If you leave others alone, others will leave you alone. If you're not in one of those comments in the TikTok, then he's not talking about you. However if you feel the need to criticize what's in the video, then please do self reflect, question on your belief, if it is indeed as weak as you think it is.", "Historically is that what happened in the middle east? Acceptance? ? So who got it wrong?" ], [ "What’s wrong with Muslim celebrating Birth of Christ? Aren’t Jesus also important in Islam?", "iirc they dont believe god had a son and jesus was just a prophet, but somehow not as inportant as muhammad\nthey call jesus \"isa\"", "Just to add, the muslims added A.S at the back which short for Alaihi Salam. This roughly translate to Peace & Prosperous.\nSo, the real ‘call’ for Jesus as a muslim is prophet Isa a.s.\nSome source for reference:\nhttps://www.liputan6.com/hot/read/5182859/perbedaan-saw-shalallahu-alaihi-wassalam-dan-as-alaihis-salam-pada-nama-nama-nabi?page=2" ], [ "Love to see wholesome content like this. Good on you, Sabah. Fuck the haters." ], [ "For some reason, most Malays feel that they have to fight their God’s wars for him.", "nah, they have to fight their interpretation of God's wars for him. I don't think God has a war over something this petty", "omnipotent god makes the universe, somehow so powerless to control its other creations to point of needing the creations help.\nEither god dosent care about petty shit like this, or it dosent exist.\nThose lebais can pick thier posion on those two i suppose." ], [ "Why are those ketuanan netizens on Tiktok in the first place? Isn't it a liberal app that will turn them into atheists?", "or commies!!!/j\nits the same shit on how they excuse something using religion (uztaz acting sus around kids)" ], [ "This negativity is why we have stupid wars." ], [ "The problem is we always give attention to these katak bawah tempurungs and worst of all, try to placate them. Can’t we just ignore what we know are bad opinions and focus on moving forward instead?", "Exactly, but people love falling into the rage-bait and stupidity of others when they themselves indulge from the sidelines whilst eating their popcorn :26559:", ":26563::26559::26559:" ], [ "You can be harmony without mixing up your religion with someone else's." ], [ "The good doctor allowed and possibly encouraged this narrow attitudes to fester in his many years at the rein." ], [ "We don't care about what people say when it comes to celebrating, we literally celebrate EVERY celebrations together regardless of religion.", "This is the way" ], [ "How sad someone must be to be SEETHING MAD on christmas day, a time for sharing gifts and food? Holy shit these people are grinches." ], [ "Those are usually trolls and I can assure you they are from semenanjung 100%, the segregated part of malaysia" ], [ "Are people from certain religion so weak that they will get brainwashed easily. If anything it shows, that your faith is weak.\nEdit: Im not bashing the religion as a whole, I'm referring to specific individual that feels this way.", "They ironically make thier religion look weak because they imply it cannot withstand somethig as little as\nA mention of other practices outside the religion\nPathetic weakass shit, if thier interpretation os islam is so fucking brittle to anything that it needs constant coddling, maybe just not waste your time and believe something else instead." ], [ "Really tells you a lot about a person when they see people getting along as problematic." ], [ "Some people need to realize that not all christmas song is a gospel song lol. This song in particular is just your regular awam song" ], [ "Must be a toxic relationship with God if mingling with other Gods creation lowers your faith." ], [ "These people wanna call Sabah as Tanah Melayu or what.", "Look at what they did when a Christian led coalition won the sabah state election" ], [ "Awek sabah banyak lawa² ea.", "Tunang aku Sabah jugak, memang lawa. :26558:", "+1" ], [ "you need atleast 6 months to 1.5 year to be a christian by studying in sunday school then get baptised..singing doesn't make you a christian..not as simple as that", "Huh? You sure of that fact, bruh?", "True at least for Catholics. Unless you are baptised from birth or as a baby/toddler." ], [ "Meleis gonna meleis... tbh i think the only good meleis are murtards", "mana ade pkul rata? Byk je Melayu yg murtard", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ‘laugh silently//" ], [ "Get off tiktok", "Tiktok really TikToxic 😓" ], [ "Tiktok they are as valid as sinar harian newspaper" ], [ "Link?", "https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNtTMs6s/", "Thank you good sir 🙏" ], [ "Such lovely carolling" ], [ "TikTok \"people\" trying to be intelligent for once challenge (FAILED) (GONE DUMB ASF)\nPersonally, I think this is a way for us to be harmonic but I guess some dumbasses will always be dumbasses when it comes to \"superior dominance\". I fucking hate people like this (Tiktok people, not the ones in the video.)" ], [ "You should be punished for using the word Netizens - it’s 2023" ], [ "Teringat dulu-dulu zaman kumpulan Raihan - Puji-pujian. Boleh lah nyanyi ramai-ramai nanti." ], [ "Orang-orang yang mengadu nie mesti orang Semenanjung" ], [ "Wait till they learn that Negaraku tune is originally La Rosalie." ], [ "The song is just a long way of wishing ‘merry Christmas’, set to a catchy melody. Itu pun nak marah ke? I’m sure the other songs they sang were about a reindeer with confidence issues, about pine trees, about riding a sleigh in the snow, about a snowman that came to life, about bells, about a jolly old imaginary man coming to town with his magical flying reindeers, or maybe a romantic song about wanting nothing but that one person for Christmas.", "Bro 2 weeks ago it was illegal to write some words on cake. What do you expect", "Bro 2 weeks ago it was illegal to write some words on cake. What do you expect\nNani tf lol" ], [ "Sabah is such a confused state. Great people and overall great place to visit but also sometimes at odds with itself. I met with racial profiling there, as an 'orang putih', but the people are genuinely world class regardless of race or religion. Love you Sabah.", "We are more xenophobic than racist. But still better than having a superiority complex over other races." ], [ "Religion is so dumb, honestly. This is not the stone age anymore. Believe in whatever you want, but if you choose to ignore science, facts, and common sense, at least mind you own business." ], [ "I really wish for 2024 that ALL religions would disappear. Religion brings nothing but problems.", "There’s nothing wrong with the core concept and basis of religion. Stuff like do not kill, treat everyone equally and how you want to be treated etc\nProblem is when the fanatics happen", "I don't agree. Tell me something good that religion has done.", "<image>", "Blud is onto nothing 🗣️🗣️🔥", "A influential mathematician said the same. The guy who proved 1+1 =2, ie proved the foundation of math. I cant recall his name.", "There would be no moral standard if religions doesnt exist. Everything would be subjective.\nEdit: downvote me all you want idc, slavery would still be alive if it wasnt for a certain religion.", "Consider maybe something is deemed wrong because most people woudnt want the thing to happen to them and tying yourself to a set if morals made in the iron age is gonna get progressivly less appealing over time if there is no change.\nOr fuck it, bring back slavery because the good book says its ok in some circumstance." ], [ "Me when forced to join Muslim celebration and forced to follow the dress attire(I'm non Muslim): - -\nAssholes just watching videos of others celebrating: NO!" ], [ "Ni agenda DAP dan yahudi. JAKIM mana? Mesti report", "Pergilah report sendiri kat Jakim. Tapi make sure buat laporan polis. Lepas tu sedia jumpa peguam DAP dan ahli tatatertib JAKIM untuk buktikan theory kamu. Kalau tak betul kira fitnah tu." ], [ "Netizens not equal to real world. Who gives a shit to what netizens says anyway" ], [ "Isn't Christmas a pagan which then adopted into Christianity? I mean, I understand why people call out for it because you're celebrating the tradition that doesn't exist at the time when Christianity or Islam came about..." ], [ "\"On TikTok\". Alright, irrelevant opinions then, let's proceed with the good vibes as per usual :26554:" ], [ "Malaysia lives in 1500s on the internet when you speak the wrong words, you get criticism/hate even if those words speak of peace, love and harmony.\nIdk why words are so overly important compared to actions here. Like yo, your PMs to political cabinets are corrupt AF does that align with Islam teachings? No? Then why get mad at these people for just singing you guys never get mad or hate on the ones sipping money out of our treasury, even worse yall supported them." ], [ "Is it actually religiously wrong to celebrate Christmas, which is the birthday (allegedly) of one of the prophets even Muslim believe in? (Nabi Isa)\nI'm actually curious", "Its simple, what does it mean by celebrating? Go makan2, visit friend and family, bagi hadiah and angpao and so on, of course can, no problem. But if there is any religious aspect (such as singing praises to the other religion God and such) then of course we muslims cannot do.", "Yes, first of all, it's a holiday for Christians that views Jesus as Son of God, something Muslims shouldn't be apart of because Jesus Christ is only a Prophet to them, not a God nor Son of God, it's called Shirik (associating others as the same level as God). Second, the origins of Christmas itself is from pagans, that Christians took advantage of their practices to attract more followers, to be specific around this time, the pagans have a lot of rituals, so the Christians took some of them and attach Jesus' birthday so it becomes a \"legit\" \"Christian holiday\".", "Search for street interview which asked similar question at Lebanon.", "It is wrong for a Muslim to celebrate Christmas day as it is also a day in which Christians believed that God send Jesus, in which they deemed a god's son, to be crossed in order to atone for human's sins. A Muslim believes that God is one and has no son. It is a matter of faith for Muslim. That is why Muslim cannot celebrate a day that is associated with what the Christians believed. If a Muslim celebrate it, he is deemed to associating Allah with something else, in which Allah is not and he is considered to have done a great sin in Islam called 'syirik' (I don't know what it is called in English, sorry).\nRemember, that this is in regards of celebrating a Christmas day and not related to the issues of wishing them 'merry Christmas', which has different discussion in Islam.\nHope this clarify and answer your question 😊", "Christmas isnt a exclusively christian thing, its originally a tradition in europe of giving gifts and sharing food and celebrating the passing of winter as winter was a season where nothing grows. It spread all over when christians adopted it because it happened to be on the day jesus was born (The original christmas, or yuletide, spans all month long not a single day btw)", "Yeah.. giving gifts, sharing of food and wealth are actually really recommended in Islam and I'm sure as in other religions and culture too.. it's just that we Muslims cannot simply giving gifts, wearing clothes associated with the Christmas on that specific day as we cannot celebrate that particular day in order to differentiate Islam and other religions.. we can do that (gifts, food etc) all year long..\nJust to note that Muslims only have 2 days (or hari raya as we all know in Bahasa) that is Aidulfitri (to celebrate the 30 days of fasting) & Aiduladha (to celebrate the Hajj).. other than that is actually culture related or newly created.. and definitely we Muslims cannot celebrate anything related to other religions", "Again, christmas isnt a exclusively christian thing, the clothes arent associated with chrtians. Youre acting like they are wearing the holy robes of preists or nuns in catholic churches. This is objectively false. The red, green and white is colours of winter, snow is white, trees are green, meat is red (at the ancient time all europeans did was hunt and gather)\nIf you really want to, you can push for the celebration of the original \"christmas\" which have many names such as yuletide, winterfest and samhien (samhein might not work as its a pagan celebration that predate abrahamic religions)\nThe old christmas had no santa claus, as that is likely a name of a patron saint that might have actually given gifts in medieval europe. This is wodely known as the start where christians took that celebration for themselves.\nPeople conflate christmas with christians so hard because it is them that co opted it, nowhere in the christian faith mentions gift giving or pine trees or even snow, yet alone flying reindeers and a mythical person that gives gifts.", "God cannot have a son because he had no......wife? Yet mary can have a child with no consort. Peak logic.", "For me, my religion and for you, your religion. Believe what you want to believe and I have no further statement to say. Consider yourself 'won' this contest. Have a good day :-)", "U too bro , i was just merely correcting your statement on why God in the quran cannot have a son since you left the crucial part out.", "Hello, just a reminder that we do not welcome accounts that participate primarily on the topics of race, religion, and politics, and continuing to do so may result in a ban (see link above for context on this)." ], [ "My popcorn is ready...Waiting for certain group to hate on it .." ], [ "Fake pagan celebration. Nothing to do with Christianity", "Average abrahamic religion follower bashing paganists because they hate every other religion:", "Not at all. I love Jesus (peace be upon him) and it is in the spirit of that. Atheist though hate everyone haha but celebrate their festivals. 😂", "Athiests dont all hate religions, they just dont believe in a god, but they do still may follow the local cultures of where they live.\nSeriously, not all atheists are some reddit dwelling dweeb who shits on everyone. Some left a faith after not having one anymore or just dont practice any religion.\nIronically to assume they all hate people like you would just antagonize them and may give them a reason, or more of a reason to further avoid or dislike religion or religious people because they might imply youre deriving some moral superiority over them.", "I intentionally generalized it like you did. Also, your claim of what atheists are is super simplified. There are many branches within atheism. Lack of belief, not convinced or those who make positive claims are very different from each other. Well, it is a topic for another day.\nBtw, there are atheists who do think they are morally or otherwise superior than those who believe in a God or follow a religion. That is just human nature.", "Well, it was originally a pagan holiday, co-opted by the Christians in a brilliant marketing move, so no big deal right? For most non-religious folks, it's more a cultural celebration now. For all i care we could be celebrating Aqua's birthday. Hehe.", "Non-religious folks are just hypocrites. They abandon everything a religion has to teach but quickly cling to their celebrations.\nAs far as Christians adopting a pagan holiday has absolutely nothing to do with marketing mate. This shows your lack of knowledge towards history my friend.", "No, I'm just being cheeky here, waiting for your exposition on why your personal understanding of the history of the celebration is the superior one. Mine was just a reference to one of the more popular theories, though not necessarily a definitive one. You may not like the modern, secular word \"marketing\", but really that's what it is. Religious proselytization is afterall, the original form of MLM.", "Personal?\nIs this good enough for you or you want me share more?\nhttps://www.history.com/topics/ancient-rome/saturnalia\nMaybe you shouldn't be arrogant and learn to correct yourself when you are in the wrong?", "How lazy. Anyone can post random links no one wants to read.", "How is that a random link? Are you that closed man? This is history.com better than wiki.\nI am correcting your mistake that Christianity adopted pagan day because of marketing and giving you a link where you can educate yourself on the matter and you turn around in arrogance? That pretty much sums up atheism. A belief concocted on ignorance.", "Nobody is correcting anyone until they write a long wall of text describing their personal interpretation based on what they read. Don't take the lazy way out. Or you can just admit you're just shitposting like I am.", "You are not only shitposting but refuse to educate yourself on your ignorance. Once again 25th of December getting adopted for marketing reason claims is wrong. You are for sure interpreting it the way you want and refusing historical facts which again is not a surprise for me if it comes from an atheist as their philosophy of life is ignorance. 😂", "I already know what I know. There are at least 2-3 theories out there, but if you want a good summary, Andrew McGowan's article from the Biblical Archaeological Society provides one. You citing links without even giving a summary of what you trying to convey as evidence of your knowledge is just lazy, so let me humor you a little here with the point I was joking about:\nAccording to this theory, early Christians deliberately chose these dates to encourage the spread of Christmas and Christianity throughout the Roman world: If Christmas looked like a pagan holiday, more pagans would be open to both the holiday and the God whose birth it celebrated.\nRef: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/new-testament/how-december-25-became-christmas/\nSure as hell sounds like marketing to me.\nEnd of the day though, they are all just *theories*, not definitive proof of anything, but educated guesses based on historical records. There's no single narrative thread that binds the whole thing together. Many of the modern Christmas traditions are pagan in origin anyway, and some things are institutional in that they got formalized along the way.\nI can even tell you the Christian theological POV. Spoiler: \"When\" doesn't matter. The \"How\" and \"Why\" are more important.\nBut to the pagans like me, \"What\" is more important, which is to have fun and let loose to celebrate the end of the year. IOW, *why so serious*\nYou're the one who got triggered so you should lay your grievance here for all to see and see who picks who apart.", ": Jami` at-Tirmidhi 961 Ibn Abbas narrated that: The Messenger of Allah said about the (Black) Stone: \"By Allah! Allah will raise it on the Day of Resurrection with two eyes by which it sees and a tongue that it speaks with, testifying to whoever touched it in truth.\"\nSpeaking of paganism , what does this sound like to you?", "To me this sounds like an strawman. Nothing to do with the discussion here. Also, to back your claim produce evidence for your claim. If you are just shooting blindly brother then you failed.", "How is that a strawman when its related to the topic you're discussing(paganism). The term you're looking for is hypocrisy.\nEvidence? This is in your sunnah and its graded hasan which means good. Or are you one of those quranist muslim?" ], [ "Akidah.", "I'll akido you legs...", "Nothing to lose for you hehe", "To lose what now...?" ], [ "MANA BAHASA MELAYU??", "Cannot maaaaa all malays are muslim..... so, cannot wish malays..", "Timah : Bruh", "in your mum’s butthole", "-10 harmony points" ], [ "Tell me, what is Surah Al Kafirun all about again?" ], [ "Hijabi in frontrow grey looks like a waifu straight out of anime\n10/10 will wife", "Is that all women are to you" ], [ "Seems most people here never understand the reason why it's not okay for Muslim. And they love it when the Muslim follow their ways.\nSmh, I rest my case.", "How weak is your iman that singing a song about gift giving and sharing food makes you unfaithful?\nChristmas isnt a exclusively christian thing, the fact that it has a tree and snow and gifts is because its a old tradition in europe brought over the world by christians because the day happen to allign with jesus's birthday.\nAnd dont get on your fucking high horse, you lot like it when people follow your ways but the difference is you assume we are lesser when we are doing our own thing. You not only forbid at worst or at best ridicule others from practicing thiers, and also your own.", "I don't believe that Muslims have ever forced Indians to eat meat, especially when their faith prohibits it. Similarly, it's understood that Muslims can't eat pork, and this is respected. If a Muslim advises another Muslim not to celebrate something that contradicts their beliefs, it's about personal faith adherence. Everyone has the freedom to celebrate what they want, and if some choose not to due to their beliefs, that's their decision. In Malaysia, a country where people are free to practice their religions, such mutual understanding and respect are common.", "You say that, yet we got dumbasses calling the \"religion FBI\" on people. That is what I dislike the most. The idea that a country is able to enforce religion on someone. It is not right. Countries only have jurisdiction on the earthly realm, and not the spiritual one. They are in no position to make someone follow religions, its up to the person to do it, and whatever consequences of it, if any, is all on the person.\nI believe the idea that a person is thrown in jail or even handed punishment by other humans because of religion is not only a waste of time, its also quite arrogant to believe that someone has the authority to enforce god's will on other humans, despite being a human themself. Who is to say the person is just or is just using the religious texts to punish someone?\nMalaysia can still be an Islamic country without morality police, There is a difference between an Islamic country where most of the people there follow Islam, and an Islamic country where Islamic law is subject to some or even all people. If you think I am biased against Muslims countries only, youre wrong, I rag on christian nationalists and theocracies like Vatican city, as well as the Hindu nationalists in India using Hinduism to persecute the minority Muslims in India.\nTL:DR - secular pls religious enforcement kinda cringe", "I'm not sure why practices from other religions seem to concern you. When you mentioned Islamic law, were you implying it affects you directly? My understanding is that Sharia law applies primarily to Muslims. It's best if each religion handles its own matters, and the same principle should apply to all religions. This approach promotes harmonious coexistence.", "While Malaysia is up there in terms of religious freedoms if we are measuring by only Muslims countries, its not the best it can be. For example, did you know that religious freedom does not extend to Judaism? Having the Torah or being identified as practicing Judaism will get you arrested? it is not a recognized religion. This is due to Malaysia conflating Jews with Zionists. Even Indonesia did not do this mistake. Malaysia makes it close to impossible to convert from Islam, mandating that all malays must be muslim or they wont be legally be recognized as one. Freedom of religion also means the freedom to leave a religion too.\nThe biggie is when it comes to social stuff, as it affects non malays too. Due to the laws of Malaysia now, im essentially not allowed to marry a malay unless I want to destroy EVERYTHING i know and have a institution breathing down my neck on spiritual matters. This basically killed the nyona people group as nobody in hell is gonna date a malay person now due to the laws.\nI also find it odd that a country must baby the muslim population by following the faith for them (telling them what to do under threats of fines and or jail if they fail islamic duties). Some people are born into a Muslim family. They never had a choice of religion. And if they just dont feel a connection to the faith, they are fucked, they are forced by the government to conform to the religious rules.\nThis is also a second reason why there is lesser intermarriage with malays with other races groups, its because while one may geuninely feel a connection to islam and wish to convert, thier kids wont have the choice they did, they are robbed of it. At least in Indonesia, the kid can choose its faith when it comes to parents of differing faiths.\nTheres so many \"muslim on paper\" people out there, some born into it or converted and realized \"shit this isnt for me\" and realized they are trapped.\nAll this can be solved without government interfering with religion, religion should not be given governmental power, only being allowed to manage thier own matters under associations such as a mosque commitee or a church commitee or a temple commitee.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia", "I think you’re missing some key points. First off, the issue with Judaism in Malaysia isn’t as simple as you make it sound. Yes, there are tensions, but it’s more about politics than religion. It’s not fair to say that practicing Judaism will get you arrested, that’s an oversimplification. Regarding the conversion from Islam, yes, it’s challenging, but it’s not unique to Malaysia. Many countries with a state religion have similar restrictions. It’s not ideal, but it’s also part of a larger cultural and historical context that you can’t just ignore. As for your point about marriage and the Nyonya community, I think you’re exaggerating the situation. Yes, there are legal and social pressures, but it’s not like nobody’s marrying Malays anymore. People make it work, and cultural dynamics are slowly shifting.\nAnd this idea that the government is ‘babysitting’ Muslims - come on, it’s more about maintaining cultural norms than controlling every aspect of religious life. Sure, there are aspects that could be more liberal, but it’s not as oppressive as you’re painting it.\nLastly, about secularism - sure, it sounds good in theory, but you can’t just apply a one-size-fits-all solution to every country. Malaysia’s identity is closely linked with Islam, and any changes to that need to be gradual and respectful of the existing culture. From your wiki source , almost 70% of the country population is Muslim, personally do you think other religions having hard time in Malaysia???\nSo, while I get your concerns, I think you’re overlooking the complexities of the situation. It’s not black and white, and comparing Malaysia to Indonesia or any other country doesn’t give the full picture." ], [ "Christmas just ask people who celebrate it to sing , don't ask us Muslim to join the choir or something like it . Why? Because we were asked not to celebrate other religions celebration. We were taught not to sing or wish them .", "Thank you Muslim holiday is for Muslims Christian holiday is for Christian" ], [ "ramai komen fasik and sesat kat sini.", "cry about it", "Fasik? Sesat? Cuba explain.", "Kamu di Reddit. What do you expect?", "Its reddit bro.", "Reddit it's Internet they can say whatever they want and feel angelic" ], [ "Christmas is religious festive. Of course they should be criticised. If it was ethnic festival then it was fine. There should be a borderline between harmony and haram.", "its more than that now. It can be celebrated through a religious pov or a cultural pov. If it's the latter, there should be no problem.\nThe organisers should just make sure that non of the carols are religious" ], [ "Tik Tok penunggang agama experts are out for hunting again, wallahi !" ], [ "Tik tok ia srs bzniz n much logic in it. Like santa Claus" ], [ "W. 1 Malaysia" ], [ "My office in KL did this and I was thinking, make sure nobody upload video to social media." ], [ "Thats the whole point of Malaysia is to live in harmony, not that racially divided politics preached by certain parties." ], [ "are we going to talk about that purple shirt dude sitting at the blue table? 😂 semua org celebrate je, cuma dia seorg main fone pulak :26554:" ], [ "I wish I can migrate to Sabah." ], [ "meleis kepala bapak mu. I hate those ultra right wing meleis." ], [ "Good job Sabah, ignore those stone age monkeys" ], [ "Ok now try to make these liberals wear kurung and songkok during raya and see how they throw tantrums" ], [ "this vid remind me of viral indonesia vid where a christian choir sing while a nasheed band play kompang xD" ], [ "Too many people have aspirations of being moral police. I think people should just mind their own business instead of trying to shape the behaviours of others. I think it’s a sign of immaturity when it comes to social media. If you don’t like seeing something, just don’t watch it. Watch or do something else. The world will not be a better place because of your need to be self righteous…." ], [ "Not only they are racist, but also stealing Borneo oil and gas." ], [ "This is nice to see. I would love to see things like this being more common in Malaysia but that’s just hopeful thinking." ], [ "TikTok = Generasi Sunat Laser, don’t even bother. They can’t even hold a conversation let alone their IQ" ], [ "I love Malaysia, I love Malaysian women too." ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 21 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: What do fish smoke to get high? Sea weed
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Was wondering how much people usually spend on food every day?\nWould be starting my internship soon and If you work in a place like Bukit Bintang or Damansara, eating out can get quite pricy :')", "I'm spending around RM20 on lunch alone - what's worse is that I work in an office building right next to a fancy shopping mall. There's only like 3 non-fast food places that serve \"cheap\" food there" ], [ "", "He's actually a doctor lol, he's back to being a doctor" ], [ "Thinking of switching career to law as my current job feels like a dead end. I’m turning 29 next year and I’m not getting any younger. Anyone knows what are some good law schools in KL?" ], [ "Hi, I realise Disney+ app for windows isn't available in Malaysia? So I can't watch on the go???" ], [ "Hey guys I need to buy a PDF online from Shopeee but they're not allowing me purchase because I don't have a Malaysian address or phone number. What should I do?", "if its online pdf, just put random address found on google maps", "You can try chat the seller and ask them. Most of shopee sellers are helpful.", "I need to have a Malaysian phone number to start chatting with him. I don't have one", "What PDF is it? You can probably get it for free if u know where to look instead of Shopee", "In the whole world, I only found it out at shopee. It's strange I know but what can I do. It's the preparation notes for MRCPsych exam which is a UK exam for psychiatrists.", "show me the link, probably can help you out", "https://shopee.com.my/MRCPsych-SPMM-Smart-Revise-(NOTES-ONLY)-i.1028633615.16298018011?sp_atk=d0ead458-2707-479a-88fe-193583f842c0&xptdk=d0ead458-2707-479a-88fe-193583f842c0", "The seller replied, check chats" ], [ "Awak cakap siapa ni? Sorry for bad Malay", "I feel attacked. 🥺" ], [ "You are correct, if we ignore things like politics and history and socio-economic conditions." ], [ "Went to see Wonka\n2 hours went quite fast IMO\nOther movies makes me think \"it's only been 1 hour?\"\nWonka made me feel \"it's one hour already?\"\nProbably due to the musicals thingy", "I brought 4 penghabis duit\nCannot afford to bring one more :/", "Yep,\nJust ignore that this Wonka isn't an evil factory owner like previous renditions , and is just someone that loves to make chocolate" ], [ "imagine there is a starving man that just came out from the jungle for a week. where do you show him the restaurant that has the best chicken 65 and lamb rogan josh?", "Big Singh Chapati @ TTDI --> this is going to financially hurt tho.", "oh yeah forgot that one. i think its like 7Spices in JB. they probably serve your naan in cloth lol.", "It wouldn't matter coz anything would be good for him lol" ], [ "How much do i need to budget to go for a 2night trip to melbourne? Ive never travelled before, what are the thing i shud consider", "I've been there in 2022 for my final year of uni, so I'll try my best to guide you here:\nFood: food in Melbourne is expensive in general, unless you plan to survive off frozen microwave dinners from Coles/Woolworths supermarkets. A cheap meal at any fast food restaurant there should cost around $8-12 AUD; if you want to go fancy, expect a $20 bill or more. For 2 nights, expect to spend around $100-150 on food - take advantage of discounts.\nDrink: bottled water is usually around $1-2 for one big bottle. If you want some amazing Aussie alcohol, expect to fork out anywhere around $6-15 for a drink - depending on the place you go. For 2 nights, you won't need over $10 for water - unless you drink......\nTravel: use a Myki card for public transport (bus, train, tram). The cards cost $6 each, and they charge you a maximum of $10 per weekday. (7.20 on weekends) if you're going for 3D2N, you'll need maximum $36 for public transport.\nHotel: basic backpacker hotels usually cost around $40 a night, while 3-star hotels like Ibis Styles cost at least $100 a night.", "Ah okay that sounds manageable actually. My friend told me i might need myr10k to go there lol" ], [ "my December salary came in so I celup a bit into ETF (SP500). now I have buyer's remorse...... (somehow)\nalso I tried my hand at DIY-ing a ping pong bat, and thanks to my shitty handicraft skills (middle school Kemahiran Hidup PTSD) I cut one of the rubber pieces wrongly, so it doesn't fit the shape of the bat (too small for it) and I had to buy another. Great, RM50 wasted......", "stick the rubber on then cut according to the shape of the bat right? how did it end up to small?", "two words: too hasty. Could've waited for the glue to dry, but nope, I had to go and cut it right away. Since it wasn't fully dry (hence not stuck together) the cut was quite a bit off......", "Kenapa regret beli S&P?", "maybe I should use a different app to invest in it instead...", "Oh cos of the fees, I’m guessing?", "nah, the fees isn't too much of a problem, the app got kind of confusing to use for me", "Haha same experience. I suck at this. First tried IBKR, but I screwed up somewhere I forgot how. Then tried Rakuten Trade and somehow managed to buy several ETFs. Hated the app though, never want to open it", "made one when i was 11 years old.", "ooh! did you use to play ping pong? or is it part of KH at your school?", "yeah, primary school KH, got to make a ping pong bat.\nlater in secondary school i joined ping pong club also. that was fun." ], [ "2024 Plan\nBangkok in March, Baku in November," ], [ "Is there any service that delivers packaged meals like Factor in Malaysia, that is affordable and sustainable for a student?", "Not sure about that but I usually frequent mixed rice stalls when I was a student. The meal is almost always under RM10 for me but then again, I'm sure it depends on location. Mine was at Kampar, Perak.\nNasi Kandar if I'm feeling extra." ], [ "I need a song that sounds like this one." ], [ "Does anyone know where can I buy a custom arch similar to this picture? I tried searching on Google but got no result in Malaysia.\n<image>" ], [ "also why someone reported concern on me..?" ], [ "twitter gone, all my hamster posts gone 🫠😖😭" ], [ "Are big pharmaceutical companies (Pharmaniaga, GSK, Duopharma, etc.) or scientific equipment manufacturing companies (Ansell, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Arachem, etc.) a good places for a Microbiology degree students to be intern?\nOr should I take diagnostic companies/laboratories that test patients specimens or QC test a certain object?", "Seconding cosine. Unless you want to move away from the lab and be involved in commercial/medical/regulatory aspects of pharma.", "Depends on what you plan to do later on. Think of internship spots as potential companies to go in later on.\nI can only speak for pharma companies - if this is the path chosen, find one that actually has a manufacturing plant in Malaysia. At least you can get some hands on experience working in their in house laboratories that'll do microbial sampling", "Any other suggestions on food and beverage company and cosmetic company are also welcomed." ], [ "I know these are two completely different places but any fellow Malaysians who has traveled to Istanbul / the Baltic states? (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)\nHow much did your travel cost and how many days in total? Trying to figure out a proper budget for a 1 to 2 week trip in these regions", "I'm also researching for a trip to the Baltic states. I think you need a minimum of 10 days, Tallinn > Riga + daytrip to Jurmala > Vilnius + daytrip to Kaunas. Travelling mostly by bus (FlixBus). It takes 3.5 to 4.5 hrs bus ride between the major cities.", "Are you backpacking (hostel and such) or hotel?", "Thinking about a combination of both, I’d say a 70/30, Hostel:Hotel split" ], [ "anyone else have empty twitter pages? like all the post are gone. It's this a new type of ban?", "yeah what the hell twitter", "same - even pages in history cannot be opened" ], [ "I am tired of using blender. It’s difficult for me to create a hollow cylinder jointed with another different size hollow cylinder. Any recommend for another 3d sculpting software?\nEdit: someone commented fusion 360", "rhino 3D or autocad 3D?", "Lemme try them later. Thanks 🙏" ], [ "I need a debate sparring partner. I'm writing a book on the Logic of the First Cause - I'm basically arguing that the First Cause is the only logical conclusion given two premises:\nPremise 1 (Causality): Every entity or phenomenon that exists, that we can be 100% sure of, is the result of a cause.\nPremise 2 (Beginnings): Every entity or phenomenon that exists, that we can be 100% sure of, has a point of origin or a beginning.\nThese two are paradoxical and can only be explained by the existence of the First Cause who is the beginning of everything and an uncaused cause.\nAlso, any counter argument that includes a premise whose truth is not 100% cannot undermine an argument with 100% true premises.\nEdit: Changed \"Divine Creator\" to \"First Cause\".", "paging for socratic dialectic guy, your help is needed", "That depends - in this discussion, is your divine creator perfect and changeless?", "The attributes of the Creator or the First Cause are irrelevant. The logical argument merely suggests its existence.", "The attributes of the Creator or the First Cause are irrelevant\nIt's not.\nIf the Creator is perfect, then He is changeless - otherwise, if He changed and continues to change, then it implies that He can always become \"better\" by changing.\nTherefore, if the Creator is perfect and changeless, He couldn't have created the universe; otherwise, that implies that there is a time when the universe doesn't exist. Then that means at some point in time, God changed his mind. But how can a changeless entity change? That would be a contradiction.\nThe conclusion to that, then, is that the universe is eternal and uncreated. You will need to either discard your idea that all things need to have been created, or revise your conception of the Creator.", "I believe your argument hinges on the notion that 'to create' implies intentionality or sentience. If we remove this implication, leading to a conclusion that centers on the existence of a First Cause, what would your response be?", "If we remove the implication of intentionality and say that the Creator unintentionally created the universe, then that begs the question: what was the Creator doing that led to the creation of the universe as a side effect?\nFurthermore, if you say that the Creator unintentionally created the universe, wouldn't that mean you're saying that the Creator made a mistake? Wouldn't that mean He is not perfect?\nIf so, then it's simple enough to argue: the universe was created by an imperfect Divine Creator, who at some point of time changed His mind and decided it'll be neat to have a universe. Of course, the notion of an imperfect Creator would not be kindly accepted by Abrahamic theologians 😅", "back up.\nHow do you reconcile the two premises that I have if your conclusion doesn't suggest the existence of a First Cause?", "As I understand it, your argument is:\nlike all things, the universe needs to be caused (created) by something. And if it is created, then it has a finite age.\ntherefore, the universe is created by a First Cause, which is the Divine Creator\nSo when you say \"the universe is created by a Divine Creator\", first I want to know if He is perfect - like the Abrahamic God, or not (like the Greek pantheon). We are at this stage. Depending on your response, I would give different arguments:\nif you say \"the Divine Creator is perfect\", then I have already argued how a perfect Creator couldn't create the universe without compromising His perfectness. On the other hand,\nif you say, \"the Divine Creator is not perfect\", then I will move on to the next argument on why said imperfect Creator couldn't be the First Cause.", "I don't think I said those things that you wrote there.\nHere are my premises as you can see in my original post:\nPremise 1 (Causality): Every entity or phenomenon that exists, that we can be 100% sure of, is the result of a cause.\nPremise 2 (Beginnings): Every entity or phenomenon that exists, that we can be 100% sure of, has a point of origin or a beginning.\nHow do you reconcile the above premises?", "Query: Does that mean your premises completely exclude luck/random chance as potential causes? Also, what is your position on the concept of free will?\nNot trying to be a debating partner btw, but more of suggesting things could also be examined.", "Good question.\nI personally believe that there is no such thing as 'random'. What we perceive as 'random' is simply due to our lack of understanding of the why and how of certain events.\nFor example, when you throw a die, the number it shows is influenced by several factors: how you held the die, the force exerted upon its release, the flatness of the surface it contacts, and possibly some airflow factors. These causes are not random by themselves, but their complexity makes predicting the results difficult, thus creating the illusion of 'randomness'.\nI think free will might be off topic when it comes to discussing creation. Unless you can argue otherwise.", "Hmmm, on randomness - if thats the case, would your argument be that everything we perceive as random should be attributed to the Creator? If thats the case, how would you be able to prove this (e.g. the dice example)? Its one thing to demand a counterargumen that disproves your premises (especially as, at the end of the day, you’ll be the author of the book) but I’d imagine its significantly more challenging to prove them yourself.\nOn Free Will - I think free will would be a natural extension of your premises - if everything that exist is the result of a cause, and the root cause is the Creator, then if a couple wish to concieve/concieves a child, then should the decisiom to comcieve be attributed to the influence of the Creator? And if so, then does that mean that the said couple had no agency?", "well my book is not gonna be about either of those though - I'm not gonna delve on those as I'm not making the case for the existence of God or even a Creator per se.\nIt is making a case for the existence of the First Cause. I've edited my original post to reflect this, appreciate your feedback.", "Why would the two premises imply a \"divine\" creator, though? Maybe it's just some creator but not necessarily divine?", "Right. Probably a logical disconnect to include divine.\nI can settle with just a Creator.", "Come to think of it, neither of the premises imply that there has to be a creator. Just because something is caused by something, or has a point of origin, doesn't necessarily mean that it was \"created\" by something.\nIf Covid was just a natural evolution of viruses, what would the \"creator\" of it be?\nPerhaps everything happened as a by product of something else, not necessarily \"created\" with intention.", "That's fair and we can argue about what constitutes \"to create something\".\nBut you agree that there is the First Cause given the premises?", "That would be the Big Bang I suppose?", "Not necessarily.\nThe argument logically resorts to suggest the First Cause to solve the paradoxical premises. Nothing more specific than that." ], [ "Asking fellow monyets :\nAny brands to recommend or have experience regarding which espresso machine for me to buy? Need to cut down buying outside after this\ni prefer all in one machine. Americanos, lattes, flat whites etc.\nhow is the aftersale services for the brand u guys use\nThanks!", "Coffee nerd here.\nIf you want an all in one machines nothing beats the convenience of nespresso due to the fact you barely need to maintain of clean the machine.\nUnlike machines that are what we called “super auto” that automatically grinder and steam the milk etc, they require cleaning and maintenance.\nIf u got time, willing to learn, and cleaning, then get a proper espresso machines like the breville dual boiler. Or something like the Lelit Mara X , and a separate espresso grinder, cost more but better espresso and milk texturing compared to super autos and nespresso. But also the most inconvenient", "Thanks brother, yea capsules are super convenient. I’ll do some research after this!", "I'm using a Philips - can do everything including milk frother. Automatic grinder etc.", "What series do u use right now?", "Series 4000", "Thanks fellow monyet, appreciate it!" ], [ "any suggestion for a portable monitor under rm500?" ], [ "Where is the parking entrance to TRX?\nI plan to drop by while I visit KL. Since I don't plan to go there very frequently, I don't mind the slightly expensive parking rate as long as it's convenient." ], [ "Is there anything worth watching on Disney+?", "The Bear, Welcome to Wrexham. They used to offer free trial, might wanna check if it’s still available.", "If you're into K-drama and superheroes - Moving", "Loki" ], [ "How's the weather around KLCC and Zoo Negara lately? Planning to visit this weekend.\nYea I can look at weather forecast but prefer to hear from folks who are actually there.", "Wet wet wet. But usually in late afternoon/evening. If doing both best to go to Zoo Negara in the morning and KLCC after that", "Now almost everyday rain. Bring an umbrella and prepare to have 1 or 2 hours of your visit sheltering from the rain.\nKlcc is in door mostly so you'll be fine." ], [ "Hi, I need advice from 50+ yrs old men. I'm thinking of buying my father a book for his birthday this year. A bit of a description about him is, he is 57 yrs old, like golfing, and loves watching traveling videos on YouTube. Very religious, sometimes watch ceramah on YouTube.\nAre there any book recommendations suitable for this description, i thought of buying him a book because he used to read books a lot back then but now not so much, I thought it would be nice for him to reconcile with his reading spirit again loll", "Oh in Malay? I was about to suggest \"Divine Speech\" by Nouman Ali Khan.\nIf in Malay, then go with Ayahku by Hamka.\nFound it on Shoppee: https://shp.ee/ycic83w", "Nouman Ali Khan.\nJust so you know, this guy is a known sexual exploiter. https://tribune.com.pk/story/1514111/famous-pakistani-american-preacher-alleged-inappropriate-relations-women/", "innocent until proven guilty.", "Thank you for the suggestions! i think I will go with Ayahku by hamka. The description of the book fits well with my father's interest", "awesome! glad I could help!", "Tiger Woods' autobiography?", "MARTIN LINGS Muhammad : Riwayat Hidup Berdasarkan Sumber Terawal (IBDE)\nI bought it for RM70 at shopee.", "Personally I would be happy to receive this book.", "Wow this looks very good but I think he prefers if it's in bahasa melayu. He isn't very fond of English books. But thank you for the suggestion!" ], [ "I already see boxes of CNY oranges on sale at the local Jaya Grocer. I'm like bruh, Christmas pun tak habis lagi. Lepak ah dulu.", "meanwhile McD releasing their CNY burger in Xmas season: 👀" ], [ "Company will be having a gift exchange, is it possible to give a prepaid visa card (like the ones from Maybank) and topup it with RM50?", "Buy rm50 TnG ewallet reload voucher from 7E easier.", "I'd like it to be physical like a card of some sort, do they sell those at 7E?", "They have physical gift cards at 7e but not for touch n go i think. Stuff like netflix and the like. Coffee bean gift card?" ], [ "I didn't know there would be a special cert just for this LOL\n<image>", "what's the criteria to get this award? Consistently earliest? or the earliest someone have ever come to school ever like a world record kind of thing?", "Consistency, based on the punch card. But everyone at the school knows I'm the earliest, even the school guard can attest to that 😀", "ohh i see, congrats cikgu! make sure your boss bagi markah LNPT extra hehe", "I once won baju paling bersih during my sekolah agama time", "Omg really? Lmao, first time I heard of such an award.", "That one harder than 101% attendance lol. Should get anugerah.", "Haha Tahniah. Cikgu berdedikasi." ], [ "Due to the nature of my work, I got to know a lot of highly confidential information about the company including the emoluments plan for the next 5 years. I'm not so good at not spilling the tea to random colleagues.", "Spill it here, how much allocated?", "There’s a plan to increase the annual bonus to 4 months and in 2024 there will be a salary correction based on market rate (averaging 12% increment per employee).", "sis ada kerja kosong x?:26554:", "Kenapa nak join? Remuneration correction dia buat early 2024. Tahun 2025 nanti back to normal 4-5% increment je. Aku pun tak sure dapat ke tak 2024 special increment sebab masih dlm probation lagi", "tukar angin", "Wah, what company? I come work", "Rahsia", "*looking up Rahsia Sdn Bhd on linkedin*" ], [ "Hello can someone spill some random tea today about anyone/anything, I'm bored", "Can you give me whatever you're smoking?", "And why the people at Diego Garcia looks really similar to the lost passenger of MH370? Not just one but you can see a lot of them! This is surely an abduction for [REDACTED]", "But why MH370?", "I am hamster", "Jangan sampai aku buat hamster masak kicap", "😵", "/r/bestofredditorupdates for all your tea and drama cravings. Be warned though, some stories can get really depressing.", "Too much fake stories and rage baits, also mods there act cliquey like secondary school girls.\nNow if you excuse me, imma get a restraining order for my ex-husband and give birth to twins.", "Hey people asking for tea, I try to deliver. If it’s fake or what it doesn’t matter as long as it’s entertaining.", "I'm bored\nHi Bored, I'm Dad", "Random tea, dekat Dubai when I was entering a restroom, I saw the NRECC Minister fixing his trouser. Nak minta selfie but seems a little inappropriate at the time.\nBiggest regret I have from the trip. No selfie with menteri.", "nik nazmi ka, should've gotten a toilet selfie la! ala2 Met Gala:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/041422-Met-Gala-Bathroom-Selfies-Lead-721956dda96c4e8e860a496857f66bfd.jpg), which reminds me... I've met Young Syefura in the toilet", "r/hobbydrama" ], [ "A well known streamer being public with their open marriage status, meaning wife or husband can openly see others and have intimate relationships with them.\nHave his wife dancing with another guy and kissing on stream, obviously not happy with the move but still defending the supposed open marriage.\nNow are forced to divorce because his wife has another lover boy threaten to suicide if they didn't. Little did he knows, the lover boy has been living rent free for years in the house he bought for his wife.\nShocked Pikachu face.", "Open marriage never works. Unless you both come into the marriage already having open relationships.", "They claimed they were in an open relationship before that.", "Welp, then this would be the case of the other having more actions than him. Clearly, the wife is the better looking than him.", "Are they both local streamers or international ones?", "Destiny and Melina, non local btw" ], [ "<image>\nChoose either a hamster or a dog to love", "oh the guy who claiming to love hamster but stole all hamster picture off internet is back!", "damn it, why u need to talk about those things", "nice", "wow so handsome" ], [ "Why come r/Malaysia only tag for Happy Diwali? :26563:", "We have CNY and Raya post flairs as well, and usually, we disable them after the respective celebration period. Unfortunately, we forgot to do so this time for Deepavali. My bad.", "Ohhhh. No it's ok. Seasons Greetings is hot topic last week." ], [ "Any advice where to park at/near Pavilion Bukit Jalil? I want to go bouldering there but I truly hate the parking.\nThere are a lot of parking at the very low level but to get there I have to go through their \"mini jam\" inside the parking lot. Took me like 10-15 minutes to get to the lower level once I entered the parking lot because there are just too many cars.", "People park by the roadside lol", "Are there actual parking there or illegal parking? If illegal parking I'd rather go through the mini jam.", "Well there's valet but that will cost you a bomb. There are also some paid street parking by the shoplots outside of the mall but that is also probably pricey", "ah alright. i ended up parking at Aurora place. easy to get to and plenty of parking. need to walk a bit which is way better than being stuck in parking lot." ], [ "Are there any places around KL or Selangor where I can donate old Magic the Gathering cards?\nI have a bunch of cards gathering* dust at home and I don't want to simply discard** them into the garbage bin.\n* pun intended\n** this one too", "Most card shop accept those, I'd wager. A few card shops that I have visited have a whole box of extra discarded cards for new players.", "Try to sell on Carousell or FB marketplace first?", "Too much hassle and the cards aren't in the best condition either.\nRather than putting a pricetag on them, I'd rather donate it to a shop who makes budget decks from older or low-cost cards for under-privileged kids, or smth like that.", "you can also sell them in bundles, like 50 cards for RM5. I used to buy Yugioh cards in bulk like this", "I don't think got any shop which does that? I mean I'm still new to the hobby but seems more like a us thing and it's because it's done by a body and not a specific shop.\nBut I think maybe go see a shop which normally joins events and stuff? Maybe Game Over Here in Sunway can help you figure out what to do because I remember they have been involved in events with the uni recently." ], [ "Work: you know, the annual cash gifts we give to you guys are so cold and impersonal\nMe: oh no\nWork: so instead you can choose your gift from this catalogue\nMe: OH NO\nCan't I just have the money?", "Oh oh, and the best part is the gift you selected are going to be taxeddd wuhuuu\nOkay in all seriousness, my company gave \"reward point\" that we can use to redeem things from a catalog. The point hard to come by (and fcking useless; 1000 point for a tableclotch? You only give me 20 point) and the besg part is they'll be counted as taxable income if you choose to ever redeem it.", "Wait you guys get gifts from companies at end of year?", "I see a Meme Monday material potential here.", "Can't I just have the money?\nLHDN and EPF would take their share first. Even after that still better than physical items. The only people who hate money is the people doing the payroll calculations.", "Work: you know, the annual cash gifts we give to you guys are so cold and impersonal\nsays fucking no one ever. lmao. just corporate being corporate." ], [ "Anyone know how fast is it for airasia's FACES feature to update? Ive followed their process but at the end it still says \"Incomplete\" despite already approving my selfie and ID.\nGot a flight this afternoon. Worst case scenario is that I have to check in at the f2f counter" ], [ "Curious. Do North Peninsular celebrate Xmas? How is it like during Xmas over there? Asking as a sarawakian.", "We just got a week of online classes so people can celebrate Xmas + NYE so yeah.\nIn KL, they celebrate all the holidays. It was fun seeing people dressed up on the way to parties during Halloween. I'll see if I can drag my friend for coffee on Xmas.", "Nope. In fact wearing a Santa outfit is grounds for summary and public execution. Any reindeers found will be shot and eaten. And if you dare to hang mistletoes hoping to kiss the girl you're crushing on the government will instead force you to make out with femboys.\nSince you're here, I too have a question: do they have colour TV in Sarawak yet?", "Wow so hostile. I'm genuinely curious given what I understand from news.\nWe do not even have TV tbh. We just go and watch those live drama on stage one.", "Things are not the way they are in the news. From what I understand from the news, Sarawak and Sabah is the place where people get eaten by wildlife, kidnapped by pirates, or attacked by Sulu terrorists. That's what the news show.\nImagine if every week you see people here circlejerk about what little news they heard about your birthplace. \"Sarawak people are being eaten by tigers again, sigh, I am so glad I live in KL where I don't have to deal with that nonsense.\" you'd feel tired.\nAnd that's my explanation. Life is too short to be hostile to each other.\nBtw, I went to kuching in 2009, it was okay.", "Hostile? Who, me?\nNo, of course not. The Malaysian Taliban (oh, they're the ones in charge of the peninsular now) have outlawed the concept of hostility, saying it's \"un-Islamic\".\nI got to move to East Malaysia so I can continue to indulge in inter-religious orgies and eat halal bak kut teh.", "The non-muslim celebration there that I remember were CNY and Wesak, I would pass by a SJKC and SJKT often. Stores will have Christmas decorations and discounts, but that's pretty much it from what I remember. There are churches there but I don't have any reason to go there, so idk how it is in a church during Christmas.\nNorth peninsular is not some mythical land, you can go there and see it by yourself. It's Malay majority but it's not like Japanese in Japan extreme majority.", "i wonder this too, after the whole cake decoration issue.." ], [ "Two more days to work on CF stuff. I'm pretty sure I'm going to botch Saturday's plans with my friend because I don't know how to work on wigs and will likely butcher it lol.", "Oh nice, I'm opt out from entering the CF this year due to rising case of COVID, but I love to come there at the park and take a bunch of pictures.", "Yeah covid is one of the reasons I don't want to go but I already got the tickets and have committed to a plan on Saturday so I'll at least go one day. Sunday is the day I'm actually thinking of skipping because klcc will be full of the weeb crowd and the Christmas crowd because its Xmas eve." ], [ "What's the best place/platform to buy/sell Lego sets in Klang Valley? Want to get rid of my collection", "fb marketplace.", "Can try carousell. Or just join some local lego community in social media, fb etc." ] ]
Toyota’s Daihatsu to halt all vehicle shipments as safety scandal widens
[ [ "So will UMW and P2 do anything about this? Because when Daihatsu's whistleblower exposed Axia door issues, P2 still said the car was safe and continued to sell the car.", "So will UMW and P2 do anything about this?\nHahahaha...no. Which country do you think you live in?", "As long as the resell value is good :29091:", "They will just point to defend they passed ASEAN NCAP before selling, unless there’s enough pressure to retest the cars…" ], [ "The Perodua Axia, Bezza, Myvi, Alza, Altiva and Aruz are all Daihatsu.\nThe following month, Daihatsu said it had stopped sales of the Toyota Raize hybrid electric vehicle and its own Rocky model after also finding problems with testing for those two models.\nDaihatsu Rocky = Perodua Altiva.", "also the daihatsu/perodua vios\nI hope toyota nuke the current vios and back to drawing board on this.\nbring TNGA vios to us", "Perodua vios?", "Because the 4th gen vios is mostly developed by Daihatsu/Perodua based on DNGA , hence the Perodua vios namesake", "thanks for the explanation.\ni hope i am not affected, just bought a myvi.", "Nope. Also affected. Sos:\nhttps://paultan.org/2023/12/20/perodua-toyota-daihatsu-safety-test-case/\n<image>", "It's technically a Daihatsu because it's built on a Daihatsu platform.\nBut it's not sold as a Perodua.", "It’s Ativa not Altiva. Unless I’m missing something here..", "No, not missing anything. lack of attention on my part." ], [ "An independent panel has been investigating Daihatsu after it said in April it had rigged side-collision safety tests carried out for 88,000 small cars, most of which were sold under the Toyota brand.\nb-b-but Malaysians always say japanese brands very reliable" ], [ "Hopefully this shuts up those who won't stop worshipping \"Japanese quality\"", "Hot take: No matter what brand is, as long as it is CKD in Malaysia all of them are trash", "r/Malaysia in shambles." ], [ "Sad." ], [ "Finally toyota nerfed", "Hilux still king.", "if they fuck hilux up there is no saving them" ] ]
Banning Israeli ships sends a clear message of Malaysia's stand, says Fahmi
sends a clear message of its stand not to recognise Israel as a country and also showed that Malaysia did not want to assist or play any role in terms of the economy that involved Israel
[ [ "They dont care. Singapore is always there.", "<image>" ], [ "so return to monke then? /s" ], [ "No Israeli boats have been here for 65 years", "No Israeli boats detected for years. Maybe Mr. Mossad visited us after holidayimg in Thailand?\nAlso, Israeli owned ships yes, they have visited us, just like most ships they are probably flying a third nation flag like the Ivory Coasts flag and it wasn't a big issue back then." ], [ "Nanti US ban everything made in Malaysia Baru mengulupur", "Humanity comes first. It’s difficult…. But we can make it.", "So much hatred when I say about HUMANITY. Where is your humanity towards Palestinian?\nThese subreddit infested with people terpaling human rights and liberal. But deep inside their heart full with hatred and islamphobes.", "No bro, I don't think you getting downvoted because of hatred and lack of empathy towards Palestinian. It's more of how naive it sounds especially when our GDP is dropping more and more.\nThat coupled with this other comment definitely rubs people off the wrong way because it's such an unnecessary and sudden knee-jerk reaction." ], [ "When gonna ban China ships? They're mistreating uyghurs", "It's so hard. Especially the effing Chinese Coast Guard ships intruding sarawakian waters.", "Surprisingly the mat kilaus that talk big about fighting their enemies are silent when it comes to an actual fight." ], [ "that Malaysia did not want to assist or play any role in terms of the economy that involved Israel\nOh boy....good luck with that.\nx86 architecture -> Israeli\nFirewall -> Israeli\nVoice over IP -> Israeli\nThe core of the modern Windows OS (post-NT) -> Israeli\nUSB drives -> Israeli\nOnline chat -> Israeli\nWaze -> Israeli\nInterferon (critical medicine to fight cancer) -> Israeli\nList of Israeli inventions and discoveries", "Ini semua ada dalam...apa nama...\"exception list\".", "Fuck x86, all my homies use ARM", "Which was designed by a transgender.\nSophie Wilson", "woah, thats cool. Makes me like it even more now" ], [ "Why stop there? Cease all relationship with the US and stop all trading activities because the US announced out loud that they are staunch supporters of Israel and are VERY involved in their economy and defense.\nWhy do things half assed? Im not against the government supporting literal terrorists if they think it's wise but if one wants to make any difference, don't do things halfway. Go alllll the way and shut down our semicon industry which is part of the supply chain that supplies advanced chips for the IDF.\nThen I'm sure the world will take notice because we are a critical part of the semicon supply chain\nStand for what you believe in, I'm not against that. All the power to you. But don't think you're gonna shake the world by banning a few ships here and there, and a few Starbucks and Mekdi shops. A fucking joke this whole thing has been.", "Or either we all end up jobless and selling keropok lekor…", "It's the price for standing up for what you believe in. Stand up or shut up is what I'm saying." ], [ "I love symbolic gestures. They are ineffective but make so loud a statement." ], [ "Waiting for bans on USA and Russia products. C'mon Malaysia, be consistent otherwise you just look like a cherry picking hypocrite." ], [ "Good.. banning something that minorly affects malaysians is easy. Now try banning waze!!", "try banning microsoft n a lot of technology related stuff" ], [ "What a moron.", "\"An idiot, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing.\"\nThat quote from Shakespeare's MacBeth pretty much sums up Fahmi.", "Life's Brief Candle" ], [ "Please make a clear stand to ccp that Taiwan is a country XD" ], [ "cough intel" ], [ "Pretty pointless as most companies that conduct trade with Israel usually sends the cargo to our neighbours before it goes there.\nAnd that's why our neighbours' economy is growing stronger and faster than us." ], [ "Hmm, wouldn't we have more weight in our words if we have economic leash on their neck? by cutting off the rope won't that makes our say in the situation have no more relevance?" ], [ "What are you the minister of again?" ] ]
Are the Federal Constitution, Rukun Negara divisive documents, Kit Siang asks Takiyuddin
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "If you remind Taki that these two lines are part of the Rukun Negara:\nMenjamin satu cara liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai corak;\nMembina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden;\nHe'll probably want to arrest anyone who says it." ], [ "No use talking about laws to a person who can't interpret laws. Remember Taki is the failed law minister that fumble the bag during Moo's rule." ], [ "Kit Siang trying to use logic with Takiyuddin. It's almost always not effective." ], [ "Takoyaki bodo as usual la. Voters even bodo" ], [ "Well it's good when DAP wait for 1 year to bring up controversial subjects. Less heat. Looks like they learn from last election.\nBut still, bye2 DAP and it's group. Stupid.", "Can't get stupider than PAS no matter how hard you try", "Oh you are.", "Before election: dont ruffle the feathers\nAfter election: dont ruffle the feathers\nAnwar: if I dont do this and that the Malays will not support madani\nand here I thought we voted him in; not the other guys he is trying to please.", "he already got your vote. now he needs the other people to also vote for him" ], [ "takiyuddin now has a chance of a lifetime to dunk on LKS and DAP. the question: is he or his cytro have enough braincells to capitalize this chance\nnow the waiting game begin:26554:", "I can't see it. What respond should takiyuddin make to dunk on LKS?" ] ]
Malaysia to Attract USD$1.4 Billion (MYR 6.6 Bln) from Japan After Anwar’s Trip
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Malaysia said it is attracting 6.6 billion ringgit ($1.41 billion) in potential investments from Japan following a trade mission led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.\nPotential, and yet they didnt put in the article title. Its a potential everyone. Dont get hype on it.\nPotentials - 2 , possible - 1 ,anticipated-1 , expected-1. This is the amount of the words that appear in the short and simple 5 paragraph with less than 10 lines in each paragraph.", "dude speaking fax", "6.6 billion is just a figure to get a simple idea of the article, so yes, don't get excited over that. That 6.6 billion wont reach into our pockets, or it might even be a spread over 20 years, but we can get excited over the news that Japan has confidence enough in Malaysia to invest. The real keyword here is investment. That means more jobs for us, more engagement with the international community and better prospects for the future.", "This is indeed a positive sign, and we also need to be continuously monitoring how this money is going to be used for the country", "as long as he's going around the world constantly marketing Malaysia to them, it is indeed a positive sign. might take years to see the results but he's doing something.", "But, but, he got the numbers! 😱", "\"to attract\" implies it's not yet happened. It doesn't mean \"has attracted\"." ], [ "What is Japan going to invest here I wonder ….", "Hent..... Technology", "I know this Hentech technolgy. It's well known for their gentleman culture workforce too.", "", "Both is welcome here. Srsly, I have been waiting to see a hentai parody on Malaysia 's cartoon. Not gonna say which one for the sake of my own safety", "Kak Ros?", "More Aeon malls", "They gonna start filming AV In Malaysia", "Did we already have a studio here ?", "Maybe we do, maybe we don't :26561:", "Hire local artists", "Something attraction jujutsu kaisen in Kuantan perhaps", "For our islamic teaching and value.." ], [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>" ], [ "I mean it's good news and all, but all PN will have to say to win is \"ringgit lemah\"... \"harga barang naik...\".\nAnwar needs a big and most importantly braggable win, and to be honest I'm not sure if I want to root for him. I don't like him, but I hate the alternatives even less.", "I mean it's good news and all, but all PN will have to say to win is \"ringgit lemah\"... \"harga barang naik...\".\nWhich is very important in our daily life. No points of bringing trillions of dollars in investment if grocery prices are increasing because lets face it, not everyone gets the benefits directly from all of the foreign investments.", "Sure, but I don't think we can blame all price increases on the current gomen. Things like India restricting rice exports would be beyond Anwar's control.", "Things like India restricting rice exports would be beyond Anwar's control.\nThe same things that happen during BN governments and PH use the same tactics too. Thats politics. People will use the same tactics that you use.", "The next election is still four years away. A lot can change by then. If for the better, then PAS won’t have much to complain about. If for the worse, then the rakyat have the right to seek new alternatives.\nUnfortunately, the problems you listed are only symptoms to larger problems in Malaysia’s economy. What we now need to do is to address the root causes to remedy the aforesaid problems.\nRinggit lemah is partially due to the lack of interesting industries to invest in, and the horrible shape of the government’s finances. That’s the reason the government is consolidating its fiscal position and looking to enlarge its revenue. As for the dearth of interesting industries to invest in, this is why Anwar has been flying to so many countries and court direct investments. Our local capital market is currently lacking foreign portfolio investors, so demand for ringgit is meek.\nHarga barang naik is an inevitability, but the real problem that we have is wages are suppressed. Many jobs’ starting salaries are still the same as they were in the 1990s. So the youth, especially, are feeling the squeeze. This is why it is imperative for Anwar to court foreign direct investments.\nAnd if you notice, the FDIs that Anwar and the government are looking at are mostly centred on manufacturing and high-value semiconductor. Sebab benda-benda ni generate higher salaries. Manufacturing also generates higher economic multipliers than services.", "I mean it's good news and all, but all PN will have to say to win is \"ringgit lemah\"... \"harga barang naik...\".\nWhat good news? Those \"investment\" are just paper promises worth nothing.\nMeanwhile weak MYR and inflation that is killing the average Malaysian. That's the reality. PN doing their job as opposition while PH pretending don't know. Funny how the tables turned.", "paper promises worth nothing\nWouldn't we need to wait first to see if it really would be nothing?\nI'm not going to give him an \"attaboy\", but neither would I say he didn't do anything.", "Wouldn't we need to wait first to see if it really would be nothing?\nBut you already declare its good news. Why need to wait and see?", "You know opinions can change as events unfold, right?\nI'm cautiously declaring, based on the article, this to be good news. But I'm still going to wait and see because I am neither a PH fanboy nor a drooling \"durr Anwar bad\" fanatic.", "I also cautiously declaring its won't amount to anything." ], [ "Mr Money Magnet is at it again. He's been claiming numerous investment interest since his premiership. Wonder how much of it is true 😏" ], [ "Anwar “got the numbers” Ibrahim" ], [ "Dengar buleh, picaya jangan." ], [ "Curious to know what digital economy does JPN want to invest in MY." ], [ "Potential investments.. Typical PMX. All the hoo has only to end up with nothing." ], [ "Sembang bolehlah, Japan pon payah nak jaga ekonomi sendiri dah. Lu ingat masih zaman 70an-80an meh...." ], [ "Lmao, paper promise worth shit. Wait till we see investment first. Latest export for November also dropped compared to previous year. Even weak MYR can't attract investment when the government lead by this joker behaving like clowns.", "Yes, pas led gamen will attract more investment", "Honestly, at this point I think anyone can do better than PH. Causing MYR to devalue more than 10% against USD in a year is a record.", "He didn't \"cause\" MYR to devalue. MYR devalued because US raised its interest rates, screwing up the rest of the world economy.", "Rest of ASEAN didn't depreciate as much despite most not raising interest rates, so there must be something else", "While US Fed plays a major role in influencing the value of MYR, our fundamentals in our economy has been getting worse too. How can your currency appreciates without having a stronger economy?\nAdmit it. PH sembang when it comes to economic management.", "He didn't \"cause\" MYR to devalue. MYR devalued because US raised its interest rates, screwing up the rest of the world economy.\nAccording to your logic, every country that never raise rates should see their currency depreciate more than 10% against USD in last year. But that's not the case. MYR is the second worst performer in Asia after Japan Yen.\nIf you don't understand what the means, it means MYR depreciate against every currency in Asia except Japan Yen. That's how bad things are and your excuse can't help.", "Yeah, and everything will be even more expensive. Let’s see which group of people get fucked the most then.", "Then why doesn't Malaysia raise interest rates?\nBecause then local banks will also have to raise their rates, making loans more expensive.", "I don't know where is your citation for:\nwhy are there less people taking loans now\nBut higher OPR also means repaying existing loans will also be more expensive, putting more burden on people.", "MYR second worst performer in Asia after Japan Yen. Means our currency depreciate against every Asia currency except Japan Yen. But yea the reason is because US raised rates lol. Not because our government suck and nobody wants MYR. Even Malaysian dumping MYR for SGD & USD.", "One thing people don't talk about is the cost of living crisis. All our neighbours are facing a severe cost of living crisis despite their strong currency, whereas Malaysia is doing just alright for now. If you think Malaysia is expensive to live in with its current wage, you should try living in Singapore and Thailand now.", "whereas Malaysia is doing just alright for now.\nSpeak for yourself. Many Malaysians suffering under inflation and you claim alright lol.\nyou should try living in Singapore and Thailand now.\nMany Malaysians already tried living in Singapore and never came back. Must be hell there.", "Well, that’s technically true. Ismail Sabri Yaakob devalued MYR by 10% in 6 months & Najib devalued it by 35% in a year :26554:", "When you need to bring up Najib and Ismail Sabri to defend Anwar....", "Not really, just want to point out your pessimism in every single post in this sub.\nAnwar first year has been pretty mild, but to dismiss any preliminary conclusion from bilateral talks is just plain ignorant.", "just want to point out your pessimism in every single post in this sub.\nIf you can't differentiate facts and pessimism, lets not waste each others time. I also don't want to waste time on Anwar cheerleaders.", "You have been negative with every single post in this sub, even when it’s neither good nor bad. The news is just pointed out early conclusions from bilateral talks, it’s facts and you already been pessimistic and toss it aside. How about come to a conclusion in the future, short and long term on how the investment go.", "You have been negative with every single post in this sub, even when it’s neither good nor bad.\nI make so many post on so many topics and somehow you can claim every single post is negative. Don't go around making claims that make you look foolish.\nHow about come to a conclusion in the future, short and long term on how the investment go.\nWhy don't you make the conclusion and share with us?", "I already told you the first year of Anwar has been pretty meh. Plus this bilateral investments talks is a preliminary conclusions, the cheque is not flowing in tomorrow, it’s about holding government accountable for this investment in the coming years on the progress between Malaysia and Japan" ], [ "the word potential means nothing is set in stone" ], [ "Expand an unexplored industry. Current only known pioneer was offering RM 500 per episode for their leads." ], [ "Subarashi.." ], [ "They've been investing in SEA since they need to combat Chinese Influence AND they need to produce income outside of their own people since they're allergic to giving their people Work Life/Inflation balance for kids" ], [ "No one is gonna invest in this racist religion extremism country" ] ]
Perodua on Daihatsu's 'procedural irregularities' - doing detailed assessment, discussing with authorities - paultan.org
[ [ "Several Perodua models, including 1st- and 2nd-gen Axia, Aruz, 2nd-gen Alza, Ativa, Myvi, and Bezza, have been involved in the procedural irregularities, Daihatsu confirms. Perodua is currently in discussions with Malaysian authorities to assess the impact of this matter.\nhttps://twitter.com/NewsBFM/status/1737680562100507089" ] ]
Reezal: Call for local council elections is not wrong, but it's not a necessity
[ [ "We need to held them accountable so it is a necessity" ] ]
Cops nab 1,066 in scam call centre raids in KL
[ [ "Nice work" ], [ "If you get cheated into scam call centre overseas I van understand. But if you work at scam call centre in KL your ass better go to jail" ], [ "Cane all of them" ], [ "if only we got death penalty for the ring leaders that operate scam call centre." ], [ "get their ass" ], [ "Night City just continues to give and give 🇲🇾🌃" ] ]
US imposes fresh sanctions on Iran-related drone production network; include entities based in Malaysia, Indonesia
[ [ "Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force Self Sufficiency Jihad Organisation\nWorse name ever.\nAlso, who are the entities/individuals being sanctioned?", "From the US OFAC list for Iran:\nARTA WAVE SDN BHD, No. 46-1, Jalan Tasik Utama, 5 Medan, Niaga, Kuala Lumpur 57000, Malaysia; 26-2, Jalan 9/23 E, Taman Danau Kota, Off Jalan Genting Klang, Kuala Lumpur 53300, Malaysia; Rm. 1014, Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 King Hong Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, China; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Organization Established Date 10 Dec 2018; Commercial Registry Number 1306915A (Malaysia); Registration Number 201801044883 (Malaysia) [NPWMD] [IRGC] [IFSR] (Linked To: ARDAKANI, Hossein Hatefi).\nINTEGRATED SCIENTIFIC MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY SDN BHD (a.k.a. INTEGRATED SCIENTIFIC MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY; a.k.a. \"ISM TECH\"), 1-11 1st Floor, Jalan Padan Perdana 2 Dataran Pandan Prima, Kuala Lumpur 55100, Malaysia; Rm. 1014, Favor Industrial Centre 2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, China; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Organization Established Date 09 May 2019; Registration Number 201901016612 (Malaysia) [NPWMD] [IRGC] [IFSR] (Linked To: ARDAKANI, Hossein Hatefi).\nNAVA HOBBIES SDN BHD, Floor 25, Unit 29-25, No. 685, Jalan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur 60000, Malaysia; Website https://www.nahb.my/; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Organization Established Date 2022; Registration Number 202201040867 (Malaysia) [NPWMD] [IRGC] [IFSR] (Linked To: ARDAKANI, Hossein Hatefi).\nSKYLINE ADVANCED TECNOLOGIES SDN BHD, Suite 18.08, 18th Floor, Plaza Permata, 6 Jalan Kampar, Kuala Lumpur 50400, Malaysia; Website https://satech.com.my/; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Organization Established Date 2021; Registration Number 202101041127 (Malaysia) [NPWMD] [IRGC] [IFSR] (Linked To: ARDAKANI, Hossein Hatefi).", "Thank you for doing the research.\nAnd I'm just glad none of these are familiar names. Would be awful if, say, Petronas got sanctioned.", "If Petronas is one of them I'm sure plenty from the F1 community will come knocking on the president's door", "What, you've never heard of the IRGCAFSSJO before?", "No, some rapper name?" ], [ "If you cant beat it, you kill it. I guess US really love this quote" ], [ "if Malaysia kena sanctioned = pandan muka. I wonder what happens if these drones actually hit a US warship and kills people? will Malaysia gomen start peeing in their pants?" ], [ "cant wait usa sanction msia" ], [ "This is why we need to get off trading in USD because they can tracking everything that way.", "Easy to say, not easy to do. Pay you in Iranian Rial you faint, as good as toilet paper.\nRussia take so much rupee from india until scare, say want Yuan or USD,lol. To Russia, the Rupee already become toilet paper, no use for it, but give USD Russia happy.\nEveryday say USA is evil help Ukraine and sanction etc, but still want USA money.", "Wait until you find out that your phone is a spyware 🤡", "Cigar whom you want to be spied on by" ], [ "Largest weapons supplier in the world trying to kill out competition.", "welp it’s just business", "Yea they are making weapons for russia to continue war at ukraine." ], [ "People still care about US sanctions? Sanctions used to be their ultimate weapon, but after the colossal failure and backfire from sanctioning Russia, it really isn't the be-all-and-end-all. Many now do not take it seriously for good reason.", "only russia beat the sanction tho\ncuba iran still doest feel that well" ], [ "ARDAKANI, Gholam Reza Ebrahimzadeh; a.k.a. \"Denise Lee\"\nLol, nice alias." ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 29 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: What did the cheese say after it was shredded? Nothing. It was just grateful
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Wading through a sea of feelings.." ], [ "Back in 2020, I made a promise that if and only if I have exhausted all my options, I give myself the permission to stop staying alive.\nAs for now alhamdulillah I haven't exhausted my options yet. Not yet.\nI'll keep trying.\nPray for me.\nThank you for rooting for me.", "Inspiring. Wish you the best of all lucks." ], [ "Quick question regarding the new JPN digital entry arrival card - what size photo is required?" ], [ "For some reason Today,\nMy pissed LVL are too damn high.\nBut thankfully I got 3 days to feel the cuti. And hope does reduce my pissed lvl.\n(One of them are bank and the coins, which is Banyak betul request to exchange coin.)" ], [ "Hi all, is there any free investment app that allows malaysians to invest in S&P 500? I’ve got some guidance from my bro but his in canada so his using a different app.\nSo far M+ Global looks decent but the only issue is that it doesn’t offer Fractional buy option, any other free apps that have this option ?", "I use Stashaway, but look into Versa as well and weigh your options.", "rakuten trade" ], [ "Where can I find butchery that sells halal beef? Normally I found in Aeon but feels expensive for the amount they offer. How much does 1kg beef cost in a local butchery?", "RM16-19 silverside, RM70 tail (has to be reserved) various other cuts in-between", "Oh I see, thanks for sharing", "You can go to any (halal) wet market. Dunno about the price though.", "Alright, thanks!", "NSK? Usually around RM20/kg there", "Oh really? I'll check it out. Thanks for your info!" ], [ "Hey it's me again. Anything happening in Batu Ferringhi for New Years Eve celebrations on Dec 31st? Staying around the Park Royal Hotel area but assume travelling to Georgetown would be a traffic jam nightmare that night. Something more local could be fun. TIA" ], [ "<image>\nShort visit to Seremban. Ziarah kubur arwah anak perempuan.", "Oh. Hope you're okay." ], [ "I was gonna diet but party both weekend, then how? It would be rude not to partake… 😙", "Its fine. I'm on a diet and I still eat during festival times. The other 6 days can still cut...", "You're doing party diet. Diet juga tu...", "Party diet best diet", "Diet starts after the party 😁", "Diet always starts after something, lol", "Diet start after die..", "Julie with the 🏆 as always", "Yup lol" ], [ "got an invitation for interview next week for an MNC company, but they require a pre-interview assessment which i did yesterday. it's one of those comprehension stuff. there's 18 questions and need to complete in 20 mins. i can only sempat answer 12 then got the behavior assessment which took about the same time. hopefully this doesn't ruin my chances of getting this job", "K**G?", "nahhh, h*n*y**ll" ], [ "I wonder if I can monetize the kerengga at my house to rich weirdos. Like some woo-woo alternative healing bullshit.\nBeing bitten by kerengga while cleaning your house is not fun." ], [ "Is it possible to ask a hotel if they could send me an item I left in the rooms?", "Yes, I’ve done it before.", "Is there a particular time limit to call/claim? What was the procedure like for you", "I called them as soon as I realized I left it, which was few hours after check out. I think I got it in my mailbox the week after?", "I'm kinda embarrassed to mention any details cuz I was staying with family, did they ask you for your IC or anything like that? I still remember my room number and stuff", "They will definitely ask you for your home address\nSurely that's more embarrassing that IC?", "Crisis averted. I found the thing I thought I lost" ], [ "Usually people like to exaggerate how much they earn to their family. However I tend to downplay my earnings, mainly in fear of being seen as a walking atm machine.\nU know you are surrounded by fakap peoples when they request for ur payslip when you told them you don’t have bonus this year coz just join a new co.", "I can’t hide because once people know where I work, they will know my salary is over 10k a month", "Shitty lifehack : Ask people for money every now and then, so that people will think you're struggling.", "I use this tactics since Uni days…", "Good idea. What’s a good excuse to say what I blew my money on? They know I earning over 100k per annum coz I failed my emadani claim.", "Idk. Fake a failing business, maybe?😅", "Nah they know I’m employed and play video games during free time. Won’t believe im the type to have side business", "Fake a loot box / micro transaction addiction in video games? I know that there are people who are financially ruined because of micro transaction addiction.", "Yeah that’ll be a good one." ], [ "i fail my motor jpj test:26557:", "Oh no, sorry to hear that.", "lemme guess. bahagian titi?", "Ya :26563:", "switch to gear 3 and feel how much the throttle brings you. should be slow enough to get the minimum time." ], [ "Do china sellers already increased their price in Shopee or Lazada? The 10% tax should start on Jan 1 but it seems some have already adjusted their prices.", "Shopee/Lazada adjusted their commission rate back in Oct, maybe you're looking at the effect of that increase", "Ok. Maybe" ], [ "Unexpectedly heard someone playing Renai Circulation and other JP songs at a pasar of all places", "those guys know something", "The other songs so far are from the 90s. What a legend" ], [ "Hi Redditors,\nIm from JB but I stay in Sabah permanently. I would like a recommendation from you guys for a highway car to be used for commuting from JB to KL. Currently, Im using my late father W210 E280, which has already clocked about 600k++ KM and shows signs of degradation. From my understanding, its not worth it to maintain it anymore. The car will only be used 1-2 times every month/2 months. The rest of the time, my mom uses it to commute locally for mosque visits or grocery shopping, covering less than 10km per week.\nMy budget is under 40K, and I'm considering the E90 or W204. Does anybody here have any experience with these cars? I'm also open to any suggestions.\n*Repost since my post was deleted by admin since i violate Rule 3", "I was thinking you meant to say you are from Sabah but stay in JB in the beginning.\nFor the PLUS highway, my personal choice of r/kereta weapon is a w140. I used to drive that every weekend from JB to Muar. Shit is stable and a blast to drive with after swapped with 1JZ.\n200kmh steady bom bi bi no problem even Pain Borneo also no problem", "Im not a speed demon who drive pass 200kmh. My sweet spot is 160-170kmh. Even with my current W210 the riding comfort still beat most of the newer car. Got to drive my brother City hatchback from JB to KL. OMG, can feel the car like to throw away if drive beyond 160kmh and the engine sound so loud which make it unconfortable.\nLove the W140 but the car is too old. You got experiance on E90 or W204 model?.", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/kereta using the top posts of all time!\n#1: How much should I pay to a mechanic to check if a secondhand car is worth buying?\n#2: Just swapped the location of the MAF sensor. | 9 comments\n#3: What is your Impression/Opinion on Subaru Forester? | 9 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "Maybank sent me a new credit card because the old one is nearly expired. But I couldn't use the new card for some reason, and it took me nearly 11 minutes on the queue before I get to talk to someone on the helpline to sort it out.\nGuess I'll just be using my UOB card for everything, then. I am offended that a multi-billion corporation could give such abysmal service on a workday 😒", "some might require you to activate it via ATM machine", "Card can just SMS activate je.", "I already did.\nAfter someone finally picked up the phone I was told that I need to use the card with the PIN number once before I can use contactless.\nA bit odd, and I'm willing to accept that nevertheless, but I'm gonna stop using Maybank cards anyway because I'm butthurt over the 11 minutes thing 😒", "same with mae debit card actually. kinda dumb.", "The MAE app also need ATM verification and 24 hour cooldown also." ], [ "How to make a house feel less empty? I am moving into a 3 bedroom house soon but living alone feels like to much unused space.", "get inspiration from IKEA and decorate the house yourself", "Home office / Man cave / home gym", "Home theater system boiii", "Well, how I would do it is designate your bedroom, then a work/computer/music room that's furthest away from your room. If the room has a window, consider plants. You can put a fish tank in your living room (doesnt need to have fish unless you want to) and turn it into a terrarium, or a display for your gunpla or trophies. You'll want a TV, a place to hide your modem/router.\nIt really depends on your hobbies la. Now that you have a house you should really take the opportunity to express yourself. Like cooking? Consider hanging knives on a magnetic strip. If you like reading or naps, maybe invest in a reclining chair or massage chair just for you. If you're a gamer, maybe have one room to keep your weeb/gamer stuff.", "Get Plants ?", "With indoor plants, Be careful with indoor grow lights. Mind the wattage. Electrical fire is not fun." ], [ "What’s everyone doing to celebrate New Year’s?\nI saw a comment earlier about visiting second hand bookstores in KL during the long weekend and I think I’ll be doing that myself.", "Work up the courage to actually diy the dash cam for my moto. The box been sitting there for months lol", "Go la to dataran merdeka. I think i went there 2 yrs prior covid. Best gila the fireworks and all", "No friend to go with 😅", "just chipi chipi chapa chapa je", "Nothing. No one to do anything with." ], [ "I was about to splurge on a sofa, but opted for these cheap-ass camping chairs instead.\nThey are fantastic.\nI can't last 5 minutes watching youtube without falling asleep" ], [ "It’d be so great if i can have hotpot rn. Lamb with mala soup. Hngghh", "head to ma la tang pasar seni!", "It’s so panasss. I want cold pot." ], [ "https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/malaysia/2023/12/29/shocking-pharmaceutical-frenzy-at-johors-forest-city-antibiotics-sold-like-candies/\nThis Forest City place runs like an autonomous district inside Malaysia.", "well its a chinese-mainland-centric housing with custom guards at the entrance post.", "Is this news though? You've always been able to buy antibiotics quite easily without a prescription." ], [ "Sometimes on Insta I will see videos of these hot women chilling at the beach being interviewed, and they'll be like \"oh I'm currently unemployed, right now I'm taking a two-month break\".\nAnd here I am thinking \"how the fuck do you managed to afford all this?\".", "the boss many mistress" ], [ "Hi,\nis there any place in KL that plays chill pop music from 21 Guns, Green Day, Coldplay etc...\nI am thinking to chill tonight. Prefer bar who serves mocktail or cafe because I would like to drive. Best if I could bring my laptop there and be an introvert.\nThanks", "Not sure if Bobo KL is something that fits what you’re looking for. I would suggest Rekindle but that’s in PJ and doesn’t play the music you’re looking for haha." ], [ "For people with parents or have spouses,how do your parents or your spouse and you refer to each other?as in do you use pet names to call one another or“awak” etc. I want to know because my mom and dad before they divorced,used aku kau for each other (ignoring the fact that they had a terrible relationship I’ve always thought it was less romantic and somewhat rude to refer to your own wife like that?kau seems so intimidating to me.)but if u use “aku” “kau” I would like to know ur point of view on why.\nAnyways just a random thought!happy Friday.", "Before our son is born - I call my wife sayang, she call me bie\nAfter our son is born - I call my wife mama, she call me babah", "I use different pronouns with women depending on context.\nGenerally saya-awak if I'm talking to people I'm not friends with.\nWith the wives of my friends, I refer to myself as \"orang\" and use their name instead of \"awak\". (Eg, \"nanti Nor bagitau kat Afiq, orang ada call dia tadi tapi dia tak angkat\")\nAku-kau with female friends. Or \"hang\" if they're Northerners.\nWith spouse, of course call them sayang eg: \"sayang dah makan?\" Hehe", "", "Many exes.\nPanggil semua \"sayang\" supaya tak tersasul 🤣", "Depends on situation. Name, \"lao gung\" as in husband, \"Eh\", full name when pissed off, fucker when he's being an idiot... etc... but usually just name.", "doa dengan tuhan dalam solat pun guna kau aku bro", "aku nak kau jumpa polis cakap cam ni hahahhaha", "Tapi aku rase tak boleh bandingkan dengan apabila kite menggunakan kau dan aku ketika bersolat/berdoa kepada Allah. Oleh kerana daripada kecik kite diajar untuk menghormati Allah,automatic kite menggunakan “kau” secara sayang dan Tampa ape2 kebiadapan. Jika kite tengok situasi dari perspektif manusia biasa ia sering digunakan oleh pembuli atau gangster untuk membuatkan seseorang takut —atau untuk menunjukkan diri sebagai kuat. Tetapi,daripada pandangan aku, ia seratus peratus boleh digunkan antara kawan atau orang tak dikenali/tak rapat (Macam sekarang)kerana ia biasa untuk berlawak kasar bersama kawan dan kurang kisah terhadap orang tak dikenali/tak rapat.\nThank you for the perspective tho!!" ], [ "Long weekend. Planning on walking around KL, any suggestions? I've been thinking of Sentul Depot or searching for 2nd hand bookshops and thrift shops. Unfortunately the best 2nd hand bookshop I've gone to is not within walking distance of a KTM/lrt/MRT (Dokusho iirc). Already went to BBW so not interested in going there again. Any suggestions?", "Wow I should be doing this. I don’t have another person to go on these bookstore explorations with but have been meaning to go out more as an introvert.", "BooksnBobs, in Pavilion Bukit Bintang if not mistaken. Can search them up on ig", "oh wow, it is. not sure how I never went there considering I walk around bukit bintang a lot. thanks for the suggestion!", "No worries. They just opened the physical shop there this year" ], [ "Watching a documentary about post-1990 segregation South Africa where the Whites are pushed to poverty.\nIt's interesting how:\nThe poorest people use the word 'dream' to describe something unattainable.\nThe Middle Class use the word 'dream' as a goal." ], [ "For 2024, if I was destined to live through it ...\nI want my life to be more of r/therewasanattempt and less of r/nononono.\nI try. Even if my attempts are too little and too late. It's better than never." ], [ "Hi Monyets.\nWhen I checked into my AirAsia flight to Australia online it says I need to complete \"Document Verification\" at the airport. I live in Australia and have Malaysian passport.\nHas anybody had this before and know what info they want? Do I just print and take a copy of my visa with me or how?\nThanks!" ], [ "Image.\nThere are Malaysian casualties in the 9/11 attacks?", "who????", "They're listed on Wikipedia but not as Malaysians." ], [ "2023 has been pretty damned good to me. Not as good financially as 2022, but pretty good still!" ], [ "https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1ZkbrkLw3g/?igsh=MWdmZXRudGFnbHZldQ==\nHi guys I want your opinions on this and experiences of whether any of you get some kind of split personality crisis feelings if you speak two languages fluently" ], [ "Kena covid for 3rd time. All happen in uni. Wear mask already but still caught it, and I feel that something can be done to prevent more cases from rising in uni.", "Yourself wearing a mask doesn't prevent you but others from getting COVID-19. Unless, it's a N95 mask underspecific circumstances." ], [ "gonna go to the infamous ikea today for the 1st time. wish me luck:26554:", "That place and Mr DIY is the syaitan.\nGo for one thing, then come back with more than you think", "agreed for exactly no reason at all i have sarung bantal on my hand walking towards checkout counter", "Sarung bantal Is a trap. It's Ikea proprietary size. Have to buy their pillow with the pillow case", "As long as you avoid Ikea restaurant, the crowd isn't that bad.", "we arrived shortly after 10, the seating almost full. plain drinking water in a can was a new experience to me. the mall nextdoor is packed too" ], [ "End of the year weather is damn cozy, warm and breezy, temperature and humidity are just nice" ], [ "Any mechanical design engineers who uses solidworks can tell is it worth it to take the CWSP exam. I want to pursue a career in mechanical design and currently building my design portfolio and was wondering to invest some money in taking the exam. How much does it help in making my resume more noticeable to potential employers?" ], [ "Do I look malay? Im filipino btw do i look malay", "Well The Philippines is known as the first malay republic so you can call yourself a malay lol.", "Yeah", "If you said your name is Muhammad Syed Daniel I would 100% believe you lmao.", "*Syed Muhammad Daniel\nSyed is somewhat a title so it goes first.", "what's Greekgodx doing in this sub?", "As a Malay, no", "yes. also can pass as a mexican in a good day.", "they are basically the mexicans of asia\n- brown skin\n- was a spanish colony\n- fought a war with the usa\n- mostly doesnt have a native lastname", "Yes" ], [ "Alright I fucked up hard ._." ], [ "Good morning nyets, second day in Japan. After yesterday’s confusing and chaotic experience of trying to figure out how the train works. I’m starting to wonder how does the Japanese tahan those peak hours train?", "if you think japan is bad, try india! try travelling off peak aka non rush hours. the journey will be a lot more pleasant. chill somewhere near your hotel while waiting for the crowds to thin if possible." ] ]
Poster for Indonesian movie has to be censored in Malaysia
"...the official poster, which featured a possessed woman draped with a black cloth, with some verses in Arabic, including the word "Allah", could be seen as too sensitive for the Muslim community here..." I'm not a Muslim, so I need my Muslim brothers and sisters here to help me understand. What's the difference between Islamic culture in Indonesia vs Malaysia that makes this poster ok there but not ok here? Generally speaking, is our brand of Islam here more conservative than in Indonesia? What brought us here?
[ [ "I believe Indonesia is more liberal than Malaysia when it comes to art in general. That's why I've seen better music, movies, and anything in general in Indonesia than here in Malaysia. I will get downvoted but I stick my word. I already gave up on Malaysian art nowadays.", "We had an art festival nominee literally get banned cause it \"depicted us negatively\" lol...", "From my glances at other social media platforms people who support such bans seem to view art as only entertainment and nothing else with cultural value. Our government is breeding a population who‘a culturally illiterate.", "You are absolutely right and I'll upvote you buddy.", "Nah bro, heavily depends haha.\nIndonesia has a long and strong push for censorship.", "I don't know, man. Hahaha" ], [ "Malay Muslims are easily confused and quickly offended. At least, that's what the government thinks.", "This is the narrative that I always hear, but is it true of most Malaysians or is it just a vocal minority?", "Easily confused is just a small minority. Quickly offended, almost a majority led by a vocal minority.", "It's what people who are attracted to being religious-based career politicians believe and preach, so no matter how small a minority they are what they believe in is what is enforced.", "Imo it's more of an urban / rural divide. KV will never be the kingmaker even if more and more people congregates there, so we've to appease the kampung overlords.", "They don't think, they rather welcome it. So you don't question all the past scandals.", "And who are you to talk about us here? It's an \"Allah\" word in women's clothing.", "If you watch the trailer, you can see its a cloth is used on the possessed woman in a rukiyah scene. Doa-doa rukiyah confirm ada Allah pe.", "Doesn't matter. Rukyah doesn't need Allah's word in cloth." ], [ "In a news report yesterday, its CEO Datuk Azmir Saifuddin Mutalib was quoted as saying that the official poster, which featured a possessed woman draped with a black cloth, with some verses in Arabic, including the word \"Allah\", could be seen as too sensitive for the Muslim community here.\nWe are trying to be the Iran in SEA. Allah has become a word that can only be used whenever the government decides so.", "I’ve been told that looking to emulate the Middle East is something that started with Anwar before Dr M locked him up, but is this still an agenda that is actively pursued today? I mean, it feels like PMX would benefit from a more moderate version of Islam seeing that his party is not seen as being Islam enough by supporters of the opposition.", "I mean, it feels like PMX would benefit from a more moderate version of Islam seeing that his party is not seen as being Islam enough by supporters of the opposition.\nThis is how he came into power but it seems like he completely forgot about it. His first year into power immediately start to pander to Muslims.\nEvery Malaysian PM to date is basically doing the same thing when it comes to religion.", "IIRC, it started with Tun Razak and escalated from there.", "This is false lol. The movie is also censored in some parts of Indonesia.\nWe aren’t trying to be Iran or Saudi Arabia but moderate between over westernisation and easternisation.\nIslamic in Malaysia is also not homogenous - Bornean Islam has more Sufism and Shaefism, while West Malaysia is divided between Shaefism + Whabbism or Shaefism and Hanafi.\n“Moderate Islam” is a myth - fundamental Islam is moderate - cultural Islam like whabbism is extreme." ], [ "Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, is not offended by such poster, but we Malaysian offended by it, are the Indonesian being gigachad now? are we turn into snow flakes and being inferior to them?", "I'm not Malaysian but in Indonesia you could have Muslim women doing modelling and posting things like these on her Instagram and no one really give them shit about it. I'm genuinely curious and genuinely asking if Muslim women in Malaysia have... umm... such \"freedom\"?", "Is the artist known for identifying as a Muslim? FYI we have a lot of people who are borned as a muslim but realistically they are very different from it.", "Well you know we have r/indonesiangirlsonly for a reason\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/IndonesianGirlsOnly/s/LbCyvlXUFD\nAnd yeah we have sexy hijab gym girl genre too", "Holy cow so sexy :0", "Pretty sure she's Muslim, but take it with a grain of salt because my memories is a mess because of the pandemic", "Do you know of any other Indonesian models like this?\nI need to update my browser filters to protect myself from ever coming across them by mistake.\nPreferably a nice bulleted list of models, the less clothing the better. TO BLOCK.\nahem", "r/indonesiangirlsonly", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/IndonesianGirlsOnly using the top posts of the year!\n#1: oklinfia | 4 comments\n#2: [NSFW] Oklinfia | 7 comments\n#3: diana kyora | 3 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "This is your standard of freedom?", "No, that's why I put the word in quotation marks but I think it's awesome that women aren't pressured to cover themselves up if they don't want to themselves.", "Large parts of Indon prioritize cultures than religion, its mostly just Acheh that is extremely religious.", "Agreed, esp the different tribes/races of tarian/dance of each province and wearing their traditional costumes. Rare sight in Malaysia", "Not exactly true, people don’t seem to understand Islam isn’t homogenous lol.\nBorneon Islam which is Shaefism and Sufism takes Islam differently and sees culture as an expression of faith this is similarly to parts of Indonesia.\nLike West Malaysia is divided between Whabbism + Shaefism and Shaefism + Hanafism.\nWhabbism popularity has increased because of race politics since the fall of a strong centrist UMNO (UMNO policy had been centrist until post Najib) due to the Malay divide.\nCentrist Islamist will not mind whabbist Islamist as if achieves more goals compared to the other option." ], [ "Orang Indo here\nMost of my muslim friends at least in my city still pray but not regularly, and many of them drink alcohol aswell, even drink and party more than me, a non muslim. But pork, pork is the largest sin for them", "But pork, pork is the largest sin for them\nLmao, this one always gets me🤣\nHave couple of friends do those activities but draw lines at pork", "That poor woman who exclaimed \"alhamdullilah\" at how good pork tasted.." ], [ "Malaysia try not to outmuslim other muslim challenge : impossible" ], [ "Sidenote, most indonesian horror films doesn’t have good ending. Confirm in the end ada fight scene with kamehameha or some weird shit.\nIt’s like they thought of some good scenes but couldn’t come out with good plot.\nApplies to malay horror movies as well.", "The movie is a remake of a Turkish movie if I'm not wrong", "Heard that too but I still haven’t watch the Turkish version.", "I agree, but I think this is a problem for horror as a genre. Most Western ones also underwhelm towards the end, usually by showing too much of the monster and/or the monster dies (or not? setting up a sequel) too easily by being set on fire or something.", "yeah. Case in point is Valak from Conjuring 2. It stopped being scary to me after I watched The Nun series." ], [ "Indonesia and its government are more chill. I was surprised by how much more relaxed about ‘things’ they were." ], [ "Malaysia kan terpaling Muslim. Most populous Muslim country in the world pun kalah.", "I second that" ], [ "I think it's because there is no state religion in Indonesia. I mean they have 5 official religions but that very fact means that one can't dominate over another (in terms of administration). Technically Malaysia also doesnt have a state religion but in practice...", "I mean they have 5 official religions\nIt's actually 6. And I thought technically Malaysia has Islam as the state religion based on your constitution?" ], [ "Average lebai malding over everything:" ], [ "Damn that poster is well made,when is the movie coming out?" ], [ "Thanks Malaysia government" ], [ "Malaysian Muslims are sooo sensitive istg" ], [ "Personally, I will surely dislike the name of Allah to be part of a gimmick in a movie poster. Some people will say the same thing. But some people will say it's ok. Then there will be two opposing opinions on this. Now, because of this poster, Muslims in Malaysia have divided on the ruling on this issue. So, to avoid this matter to escalate to unwanted level, just stop it at the beginning. I think that's is why he said that (to protect sensitivity).", "So, to avoid this matter to escalate to unwanted level, just stop it at the beginning. I think that's is why he said that (to protect sensitivity).\nThat's like saying we should ban automobiles because they cause accidents. Everything is offensive if you make it about you.", "No, it's not the same. A car has many uses. It's a useful vehicle. Putting the name of Allah on a movie poster, it's something similar to displaying nazi symbol on your car. It's unnecessary actualization of controversial idea just to pleasure oneself or a group of people. It causes disruption in the society because of people defending/attacking the idea. If it's continue to be unaddressed, some people will repeat similar act, and the cycle continues.", "It's not that deep.\nAnd last thing u want is the people u are defending interpreting u saying their name for god is equivalent to nazi.", "Ok", "It is deep dude, do not belittle another person’s belief. What your opinion on the matter is fair, but do not assume that the issue in hand is non-significant (or not deep) because you yourself think so.", "Yea you're belittling my belief now. So how?", "I literally typed “your opinion on the matter is fair”? I just told you not to undermine someone elses?", "It is exactly that deep lmao. If you’re not a muslim or a non religious “muslim” you shouldn’t have a say on what is offensive or not.\nIf you’re a muslim. You shouldn’t tolerate this shit. Its not an impossible thing to request. Similarly if its about any other religion or beliefs\nEdit : r/malaysian redditors when people ask not to offend other people regardless of belief😍", "Shouldn't tolerate what? A movie poster?", "Normalizing offensiveness. Dumbing it down to “a movie poster” doesnt help your argument. I could make a deep fake poster of you naked with hitler raw dogging you and you would be offended and I could just say “what? Its just a poster” because with your logic, its just a poster right", "So you find the inclusion of an innocuous word in the poster of this movie, used by a variety of faiths not just internationally but within our own country, offensive at an equivalent level as Hitler rawdogging a naked man?", "It doesnt matter, if it’s offensive to the people of the faith its referring to. Its offensive, who are you to say it shouldn’t be? Where is this entitlement coming from?\nAre you suggesting the muslim horror movie with the word “Allah” is not specifically referring to Allah in the context of Islam but rather God in general?\nYou gotta be an olympic gymnast or something.", "Yea you can feel offended all you want just don't make it everyone's problem. Your gang is actively selecting what the rest of us can watch and see based on your level of arbitrary offensiveness. Where is this entitlement coming from?" ], [ "I think what brought us here is just that we are - I don't know if this happens in everywhere outside of malaysia, but we are teached specific \"etiquette\" on handling \"holy things\".\nThe Quran shall not be placed below knee level\nYou shall not touch The Quran if you are not perfectly clean.\nYou shall not step, burn, rip apart or do any manner of activity that may dishonor The Quran or any Quranic Verses, Name of God, Name of Prophet written on any paper.\nThese are a very unwritten rule, but it's very practiced within muslims in malaysia. but I think this derives from the third rule I said here. Even just writing \"Allah\" on a blank paper and putting that paper on the floor is deemed a violation. And when it happens, I get a very uncomfortable feeling, so I take the paper off the floor into a table. We are teached to treat it as delicately and with as much respect as possible in our lives. Seeing The Quran on the floor, it may look like \"a book on the floor\" for some, but for us, there is a real psychological force that drives us to put it back on a shelve. As such, putting the name \"Allah\" on a poster of a horror movie, I personally think is okay, fundamental human rights and all, but I understand the uncomfortable feeling that others may feel seeing it." ], [ "It's sacrilegious. As simple as that.\nReligion is something that Muslims (should) place at the highest of regards. The word \"Allah\", especially is not to be associated with anything like that poster.\nWe don't want to be disrespectful like the West where even parents are being used as something to make fun of." ], [ "They copied Turkish \"Siccin\" ?! XD", "It's an adaptation" ], [ "I've watched this movie. It's a remake from a Turkish movie but it's really nice" ] ]
Your experience with Firefly airline?
I'd like to know your experience with Firefly because I don't know if it's incompetence or I'm just terribly unlucky with my bookings. Many times I've booked my flight back home to Sarawak, I get rescheduling notices, with most recent one is 2 days before the flight. The other flight coming back got rescheduled 2 months earlier! (why sell the ticket if it's going to be rescheduled?). I've already planned ahead to get my friends to drive me to/from the airport and now because of both delays, friends got other stuff to do and can't drive me at the later time. I probably either have to take a Grab to go later, or sit an extra 2 hours in the airport. Sorry for this rant. I'd just like to know what your experience with airlines is besides AirAsia, and now that MY Airlines is gone too.
[ [ "They only have 5 aircrafts but are scheduling them at high utilisation rates. Each time a hiccup happens it becomes a Domino effect on multiple flights.\nNot much choice for Malaysia in terms of airlines but cant be help as we do not have the market sustainability to have many competing airlines operating around on such a small population and buying power crowd." ], [ "fly every 2 weeks penang kl, the chance of 1-2 hour delay is about 20%" ], [ "I've flew with Firefly from KL to Penang and KL to SG on a few occasions last year and so far I am lucky enough to not experience any flight delays." ], [ "Travel using Firefly from sg to penang few times before and my experience with them so far is not great,but at least it's slightly better than Airasia.\nTheir flight often rescheduled but I can still live with it as it just within 1 hr delay. The condition inside the plane looks terrible,and my recent flight to Penang (just few weeks ago) is very hot inside the cabin.\nMy bar is already low after I experience a lot of shit with Airasia before,so overall Firefly is ok if u want to look for next alternative budgeted flight in Malaysia.But I won't recommend it if you have better options.", "Took AA recently and it is better for me though since it even arrived slightly earlier by 10 mins, but granted maybe I am lucky and maybe your experience is during the COVID period in 2020-2022 when many of their aircrafts have issues" ], [ "Yes, very common issue. Same thing happened to me when returning to Penang from Kuching last month." ], [ "Flight delays all the time" ], [ "I’ve had decent experiences with them but this is to JB and Singapore. Not sure about other states?" ], [ "Firefly is actually under MAS." ], [ "It’s a Malaysia thing. Being late is a culture." ], [ "i fly from subang to penang on monthly basis on firefly, often flight rescheduled on flight back (sundays). however they courtesy enough to inform earlier (sms) unlike shit AA. one time my flight was cancelled at the very last minute and i’m already otw to airport.\nafter that i need to find my way to get replacement flight ticket (again no information relayed to me), so i just line up at their counter and get new tickets (which timing 4 hours away). swear no more AA for me, at least on domestic route." ], [ "My recent afternoon flight got delayed by one day due to technical issues of the plane. Left stranded in the airport for a whole night only to be suddenly informed in the next morning via SMS (jokes on you if you expect their CS to be responsive on this matter) that my replacement flight will be in the afternoon of the next day. They actually expected their customers to have nothing to do but to stay in the airport all the time huh? Hands down the worst experience in my flying history (I'm not even a frequent flyer smh). No more Firefly in this lifetime and my afterlife!" ] ]
Best place to look for wfh jobs?
For context I am a 27 year old man looking for a work from home job because I have a condtion called "Hypokalemia Periodic Paralysis". It's a incurable illness that I genetically received from my father's side. It makes anything physical very hard to do as I can collapse and be paralyzed randomly(this has happened countless times since I was 10). Meds kinda help but on bad days I just can't move. I'm on my own for the past 3 years. I got kicked out of my parent's house by my sister bcs she's supporting the family now and she wants to make room for her children. No support from anyone including relatives, I payed for college semesters on my own with part time jobs, I managed to survive past 3 years after moving out by working at my current place which also implements wfh. But the pay is not enough, I sometimes struggle to eat every single month bcs of financial issues. And my current employer refuse to elaborate reasons for not giving me my yearly bonus and contract renewal bonus so I had enough. Any good place to start looking for wfh jobs? Any help would be greatly appreciated
[ [ "Hi OP, I'm sorry for your hardship. I applaud your determination.\nCan I ask what you are doing for your current job?", "I'm a Content Moderator", "You're a freakin content moderator. Just do any copywriting work related, make a hustle at fiverr or Upwork", "Reddit mod?", "He's not living in his parents' basement, so he's not qualified", "Content creator perhaps." ], [ "📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/PyAAWNw2L6C31VoT/?mibextid=K35XfP\nTry to ask this FB remote work community. I have only been a lurker there, but the people seems helpful. I wish you luck, OP.", "This is very helpful, thank you!" ], [ "Forgive me if this question is insensitive, but are you registered as OKU? If you have OKU card and monthly salary is below RM 1,500, you are eligible for Elaun Pekerja OKU which is RM 450 per month.", "It's not that insensitive for me. I do have an OKU card but I'm not eligible for the elaun pekerja oku." ], [ "Hi OP! Did your current employment pay for EIS/PERKESO/SOCSO? I also won a lottery of fun genetic condition that cause me to lose my job. Yes you can try Fiver and other website but generally it is a tough market since the demand for WFH is soo high while the supply is very little. So any remote job usually limited to a specialized position. But you can apply for Pencen Ilat through PERKESO that can give you money. Talk to perkeso agent , they'll help you. Good luck OP!", "Yes, they have all 3 covered. I'll try the other things too, thank you!" ], [ "I got kicked out of my parent's house by my sister bcs she's supporting the family now and she wants to make room for her children.\ni hope her children abandons her in an old folks home", "yeah what a dick. (can you say 'dick' here?)", "Nah she's aight. I understand her situation so I don't hold it against her (still kinda sad though)" ] ]
bad company alert
ive recently worked at this sort of ’fast food’ company that sells fried chicken but now ive resigned after 1 1/2 months of working there. why? because the bosses/supervisors are quite rude and makes the staff feel so so so guilty when its not their fault. for instance, i had to take multiple mcs because i had pneumonia and my symptoms kept coming back as i wasn’t completely recovered and went back to work. so first when i took medical leave they didnt say anything which made me feel at ease and continued my rest at home. after that, when i fell ill again at work (this time having high fever and felt cold and my body aching), i got scolded by my supervisor for taking medical leave. he even said i cannot just simply not go to work whenever like im making me own rules, also scolded me for not getting mc from clinic for that time. (do you guys know how expensive it is to even get checkups as a working student in malaysia?) ive spent like 160ringgit just to get that mc and THEN finding out i dont even get paid mc leave??? when in my contract they said having valid mc from clinic will get me paid leave. so for not getting a mc that time he scolded me and i just left it at that because i was too tired to respond to stupid questions. also id like to point out how unfair this company is. i got transferred to different branches filling in at places that were lacking employees that particular day and was promised by my supervisor that i would get rm10 allowance for doing these transfer jobs. (they know i have a car and can drive so they took advantage of that) i e been through 4 transfers in november AND I GOT ZERO ALLOWANCE during my pay, i was missing rm40 and asked my supervisor, guess what he said, “oh yea about that, our boss said that its not applicable to new employees so sadly we cannot give u that” “its on me, my bad” BRO, in the first place u ASSURED me about the allowance thats why i was willingly going to far branches to back u up, if not i would’ve just declined cause i was given a choice. now u wanna say all this?? this is unbelievable and unacceptable. ive talked to many employees and they said these bosses always pulls stuff like these and many employees had to chase and calculate their missing wages and kept pestering to the HR and then finally got it. i asked them why didnt they report it to labour law, they said theyre scared cause most of them isnt IC holders and they use documents to work in malaysia. tell me, is this all even valid to bravely just continue to do so to your employees? am i just overreacting or do they need to be reported to labour law?
[ [ "Technically no MC means you are taking unpaid leave effectively. If you supply the MC and don’t get paid sick leave then that’s on them. The way you try to justify how you handle the situation however leaves me thinking you are not accountable for your own actions and just wanna play the compassion card.\nAs for not getting paid for being transferred, that’s a dick move by your supervisor and if they actually cared, the supervisor should have compensated you from his own pocket.\nJust shitty situation all around. Move on and learn from your experience.", "thanks man, i’ll continue to fight for being properly compensated. ive quit the place already but im just sad that my coworkers that have no choice has to continue working for them." ], [ "im making me own rules, also scolded me for not getting mc from clinic for that time. (do you guys know how expensive it is to even get checkups as a working student in malaysia?)\nThis applied to even working adults.\nive spent like 160ringgit just to get that mc and THEN finding out i dont even get paid mc leave???\nGo to the government clinic .\nthey know i have a car and can drive so they took advantage of that) i e been through 4 transfers in november AND I GOT ZERO ALLOWANCE during my pay, i was missing rm40 and asked my supervisor, guess what he said, “oh yea about that, our boss said that its not applicable to new employees so sadly we cannot give u that” “its on me, my bad” BRO, in the first place u ASSURED me about the allowance thats why i was willingly going to far branches to back u up, if not i would’ve just declined cause i was given a choice. now u wanna say all this?? this is unbelievable and unacceptable\ncheck the term and conditions / offer letters. Unless its spell out in the contract, you can fight for it. If its just a promise of word, its your loss.", "about the mc, i understand.\ni had to drive myself to the nearest clinic which wasnt a gov one because i was really unable to drive long. but yea i did go to a government one 25 minutes away but at what cost tho😞\nyes i clearly remember my contract saying mc = paid leave and they didnt mention specifically if its for parttime or full time.", "You might want to check contract again as in Malaysia MC should be paid. Might want to go to corporate to get it sorted to avoid cases where it's the local branch manager having power trip", "true, ill check on it and find a way to get it right!", "Also, there is a limit on how days of medical leave is allowed per year.", "that's fair", "https://imgur.com/a/gWW0bPG", "Is it like law? My last workplace paid about 50% rate. Also how does annual leave works ?", "MC can only be taken from your company's panel clinic or government's clinic. Managers need to Make sure to inform new staff of this info.", "Last time i went to gomen clinic doc said they don't provide mc. It was clinic 1 Malaysia" ], [ "But, you said you just worked there just over a month. Which means, you took multiple mc when you just started work. I think thats a red flag for any employer.", "Yep. Most employer would take that as a red flag. Plus quite often employers asked in the application form to detail any health problem that they should know about.", "Disagree to think that's a red flag solely based off sudden illness. There was a recent surge of pneumonia cases that hasn't died down yet. In no way of shape or form would an employee be able to know that. Does it suck for both involved that he got sick within a month of starting to work? Does it also suck that MCs typically never cover for the entire recovery period thus also causing illness to resurface? Also yes. If any companies takes this as a red flag then that company is nothing but red flag itself.", "In management pov, if only you have this issue, then the problem is you. If many in the workplace is having the same issue, then it can be argued some virus is going around infecting people.\nThe thing is, when i said red flag, means you are already in management radar. Which is not a good thing. They will analyze every work you do and see if you have any benefit to the company. They wont fire you due to taking alot of mc, but believe me they will definitely try to find fault in your work if they find that you are more of a liability than an asset." ], [ "been through 4 transfers in november AND I GOT ZERO ALLOWANCE during my pay, i was missing rm40 and asked my supervisor, guess what he said, “oh yea about that, our boss said that its not applicable to new employees so sadly we cannot give u that”\nAt one of my jobs as a junior (< 1 year) we didn't qualify for 1.5 month year end bonus like other colleagues.\nYou better believe I made a lot of noise. What irked me the most was that being juniors, we were assigned waaaay more work than seniors for \"experience\". So we were working our asses off and getting zero bonus at the end of the year.\nI brought that up in meetings. I said \"I can accept us juniors don't qualify for 1.5 months bonus because we're new, but I cannot accept we do not deserve anything at all. It's not like we sat on our asses all year doing nothing, in fact we worked harder than anyone for \"experience\". Give us something at least, to show our efforts are appreciated.\" The second in command agreed and backed me up.\nManaged to get a few hundred ringgit of bonus each for all juniors.\nOne word of caution though, if you stand out/speak up, you risk getting hammered down. So pick your battles. As for me, I didn't care all that much if I lost that job, I'll just find another one. But in that case, speaking up worked in my favour.", "wow thats so nice to have gotten what u actually deserve😩😩 whereas here, theyre scared to stand up because ita hard to be accepted into their jobs itself so they didnt wanna risk it. im like u and idgaf if i lost it, but its hard standing alone :(", "Yeah at that specific job I spoke up a lot, it's a wonder I wasn't fired lol. The other juniors were too afraid of losing their jobs so it was always me speaking alone. But they would always support me discreetly.\nWhen I eventually resigned the second in command was FURIOUS. He was looking to train me to take his place. By then it was too late for me, I was too tired of not being treated like a human being at that work place. Eg. Being forced to come into work despite being deathly sick,\nbeing asked to come to work despite having MC, needing to spend the night at the office for OT because \"juniors are young and don't have children yet\" etc.", "damn that’s ridiculously bad! is that even legal?", "We were salaried too, so no OT! So many unpaid weekends.", "havw u tried speaking about it or is it too late now? so fed up with all these people and their lies and schemes", "Too late now, it was one of my earliest jobs so I was (naively) bold. Biasalah, people in early 20's know everything lol /s." ], [ "Maybe if working is too hard, then the other options is going back to studying.\nAlthough I also have to say, studying: - requires money - costs money - requires time - doesn't make money - requires time that could be used to make money too\nYou decide.", "i think ive mentioned that im a working student in one of my sentences while also being financially supported by my parents to study. im not saying working is “too hard”, working IS hard but i enjoyed my work. im just mentioning that this type of treatment we got was unfair and also the part about empty promises that was last minute “info” pulling back my hard work “allowance”.", "That's the difference.\nStudying: you pay them.\nWorking: they pay you." ], [ "Check with perkeso. The hq at pj is quite helpful.", "sadly this is a sabah issue :( not so helpful here", "Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) 088-517 800 https://maps.app.goo.gl/Fdu2SVeQho4beZtZ7?g_st=ic\nThis is the Kota Kinabalu branch office. Give them a call.", "Perkeso sabah? Not sure. When I talk to them (as an employer) in pj, they provide a lot of explanation on options and procedures." ], [ "is it the boss or is it you..\nbut thats ok.. here in our country.. boss mostly 80% like this , so no worries\nthey only think money but says as in company productivity.. no fair", "i honestly dont think its me huhu\nyoure right, my bosses only cared about our profit and even turned a blind eye to extra money in the cash register. we all know whats going to happen if only rm5 gets missing from it…", "i somehow know what you feel\nbeing under crazy boss is normal in our country\nits like being a slave to a master in house (company) and no one cares\ni hope you find another job soon, if cannot find here.. just venture outside like australia/singapore or something.. you still young.. make the most of it", "id love to but unfortunately im studying so i cant go far :( but thanks for telling me u understand my pain.", "youre welcome\nonce upon time ago... i also like you , no money, broken and poor..\nthe only things that keep me moving.. is what my mom tell me\ndont give up.. i hope it somehow clicks you too.. good luck my friend", "thank you my friend, my own family brings me down and breaks me but ill try to image that :D" ], [ "When venturing to distant locales, you are entitled to make claims for medical certificates, allowances, and mileage.\nAlternatively, I would not suggest opting for a government clinic, as some Redditors may propose. Instead, I recommend securing the services of a government lawyer to assertively address the company's arse", "i am? but they have this unlisted rule stating that its not applicable for new workers ugh\nhmm but how would i know what i need ro prepare and how to look for one if needed?", "Di Selangor, anda boleh pertimbangkan untuk menghubungi Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Selangor. Mereka menyediakan perkhidmatan undang-undang kepada kerajaan negeri dan agensinya.\nPilihan lain adalah menghubungi firma guaman yang berprestij di Selangor yang mengkhususkan diri dalam undang-undang kerajaan dan pentadbiran. Sesetengah firma guaman mungkin mempunyai peguam berpengalaman yang menangani kes yang melibatkan perkara berkaitan kerajaan.\nSentiasa sahkan kepakaran dan pengalaman mereka dalam isu undang-undang tertentu yang anda perlukan bantuan.\nDo not place trust in company policies that assert they hold no sway over state or country laws.\nThe most prudent policies they could undertake is to enhance existing laws, rather than set standards that fall short.", "they also did NOT pay me for days that i came to work while i still remember exactly when i went to work. all they asked was “ada punch in?” and no shit i did but their version of punch in in just to print an empty receipt n write down your name and time in and then put it under the cash register. who would know if someone mistakenly dropped it out while putting in money in the cash register right? and now im short of a days pay", "Your unpaid days were their bonus, hope you documented it down", "i did and sent it to my supervisor, till now didnt get any responses mid conversation", "I trust you possess the evidence of them, be it a screenshot or any means at your disposal.", "oh most definitely", "update: supervisor ignored my messages and i havent got me issue resolved" ], [ "Unpaid MC is crazy. My company has a panel clinic and I never even have to pay for medicine. I had an injury on my wrist and the xrays were all covered." ] ]
Just a map of Putrajaya
There is something significantly lacking in r/malaysia.
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
There is something significantly lacking in r/malaysia, or at least, based on my anecdotal experience, that is the prevalence of counter-counter (yes, twice the counter) culture. This could very well be based on the age demographics here, and the people I noticed here usually speak about anything about countering the status quo, but rarely defending the status quo, as if doing the latter seemed to be "less cool" than the former. To be fair, those who defend the status quo are probably not on Reddit (or they're in r/bolehland maybe) and would likely be too busy touching more grass than any of us, but it would be refreshing to at least see proper contrarians in r/malaysia once in a while. In before people are just thinking this is an old man complaining about his grand kids' rebellious nature.
[ [ "I think the reason \"status quo good\" threads are rare is because by definition, if you're comfortable with the way things are, there's no reason for you to make a thread about it. You don't complain about things that you enjoy.", "Or better, complain about the complainers. Do we not have many Malaysians who do this, at least, in a more, tactful, level-headed way? Contrarians, do we not have them?", "Comfortable enough that you don't have to be bothered enough by complainers to complain about them :26554:", "Well, due to the nature of how complainers exist, I guess Malaysia must be really that laid back that we are chill like that.", "Or better, complain about the complainers. Do we not have many Malaysians who do this\nI do that. When if I feel a \"Malaysia/Malay/Islam bad\" post/thread rubs me the wrong way, I'd often pipe up and point out that it's wrong, annoying, or both. Of course the bitchiness of the tone depends on how I'm feeling at that moment." ], [ "Grass, lackin grass" ], [ "The cons of Reddit, I suppose. That up and down arrows can snowball outta control quite fast. You can call it regulated online community engagement or whatever but the fact that we're using Reddit clearly shows that we care about those points, so....." ], [ "Bro out here with the whack questions again I see. Some electric boogaloo type stuff going on right here 😭😭:\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18nilfd/a_few_questions_for_native_malaysians_who_cannot/", "What I can say is dude is unhinged in a kind of hinged way. Doing some mental gymnastics to fish for things that he wants to hear.", "What I can say is dude is unhinged in a kind of hinged way.\nTranslation: I wanted to find dirt on this guy, but damn it he made so much sense I'm conflicted.", "Browsed through the thread and he sounds like someone simply fishing for affirmation on his racist views.\nAs a Chinese myself I'd say Chinese people who are predominantly Chinese speaking, can't speak Malay and probably have poor English would not be here. They would be in XiaoHongShu, DouYin, WeiBo, BiliBili or whatever, he's clearly asking in the wrong place. Also, there are non-Malays who have perfectly fine BM but with their own Cina apek accents, but I have the suspicious feeling people like him will consider it as not BM at all.\nEdit: looking at his reply below and elsewhere, this is truly one unhinged person.", "Wow. So all the banana Chinese are dead to you it seems. Here I am, including the bananas in the context and you call me a racist immediately you pretended bananas don't exist.\nIt'll be funny to guess what you think I really am to consider \"what a BM is\", as if I'm a Dewan Pustaka purist or something.", "Fella like forgot to take his meds" ], [ "Can't imagine the kind of people who would defend the status quo in r/malaysia.\nEven Malay urbanites are against the status quo in the line of bumiputera rights good, JAKIM and forced tudung bad.\nTrue green army would be camping in TikTok / Facebook.\nThe leftovers would be downvoted to hell the moment they comment.\nWhy even bother.", "It's simple. People don't care about the greater good, especially if the greater good involves justifying certain immediate, but equally or perhaps even worse suffering for the sake of achieving that greater good. Many think if there is no justice, there shouldn't be any peace for anyone, but when you start seeing people fighting for peace, voila, you're seeing people also fighting for the status quo, not because they really do think about the status quo, but because they do not believe the greater good should nor must be necessitated with permissible sufferings." ], [ "OP. Any tl;dr? Your flavour text is conpusing.\ninb4, some counter 3 thing", "I'll counter your counter!", "", "<image>" ], [ "its reddit\nwe have a lot of complaint posts, waaaay more than anything else\ntheres a difference between defending status quo and bitching which the latter is what most people do" ], [ "Some people will cry about literally anything. God forbid you do some critical thinking and look in a mirror to see why conservatism is unpopular and “uncool.” Please tell me what is so cool about being closed minded and intolerant and averse to change?\nHumans that have no adaptability might as well be monkeys. Why learn to use tools or language or fire? Go back to the jungle and embrace your roots, Mr counter-counter culture.", "Please tell me what is so cool about being closed minded and intolerant and averse to change?\nThat's because you also failed to ask a better question, if something must be as \"uncool\" or \"bad\" for being something, why would people go ahead and do it anyway? You probably lack the nuance to understand that the group of conservatives are also literally thinking about the same thing about liberals, where negative values such as \"naive\" and \"reactionary\" are used to degrade those who aren't also conservatives.\nWhen you can finally put yourself in the shoes of both groups, you'll realise the \"bad\" stuff we all associate to groups aren't exactly an obvious endeavour, because each group values different things more to be in the realm of what's considered to be \"good\" or \"bad\", nobody wakes up on their bed and literally just want to do something that is \"wrong\", they do whatever they believe to be \"right\".\nSekian, an ex-conservative and an ex-liberal, and thanks to leftist in America, it's getting even harder to be a centrist. Here in Malaysia, there is a good reason to be a liberal, but I don't see them any different than those who participated in protests only to come back with a social brag that they are \"doing something right\", all without the wisdom of ever just \"talking to people\" in general.\nBe more like Daryl Davis than Greta Thurnberg. You don't just fight the power, you understand why they hold on to it and why it exists, all the way down to the evolutionary imperative of apophenia.", "Damn you really struggle to keep more than 2 concepts in your head at a time, eh? Why do people vandalize or litter? Is it maybe that some people just make bad decisions without thinking about the greater good? Not everyone deserves a platform to spout their ignorance.\nPlease tell me what is so cool about being closed minded and intolerant and averse to change?\nStill waiting for an answer for this. Concrete, concise reasons, only. Unless you have nothing to say and want to waffle on until people forget it was asked in the first place.\nI have no difficulty empathizing with conservatives, so your point is absolutely moot. You talk in sound bites and mention polarizing people, but you say absolutely nothing of substance. If you’re a troll, 2/10: Weak. If you really hold these beliefs, try actually making a point instead of rambling on about nothing. Or better yet, go cure your obvious ignorance with some real world experiences.", "Concrete, concise reasons, only.\nTo dumb it down for you, it's because they realised that there are good reasons amongst the bad ones you see in them. Similarly to you, they too, can't see the good reasons why you do the things you do, while wondering if you are only merely an idiot who wanted to do \"bad things\".\nIf you still didn't understand that, then congratulations, you are the \"conservatives\" in their eyes in the same way they are to you, thanks to your utter lack of empathy, because just like you don't believe there's ever an ounce of goodness in them, they too, believe the same about non-conservatives like you.\nNow, let's address the criticism you have, shall we?\nDamn you really struggle to keep more than 2 concepts in your head at a time, eh?\nNot a hard thing to do if you have empathy. If you have only empathy for people who think like you, then you're narcissists.\nWhy do people vandalize or litter? Is it maybe that some people just make bad decisions without thinking about the greater good? Not everyone deserves a platform to spout their ignorance.\nOr is it because some people consider certain ends of the greater good do not justify the means? If this is the extent of your moral philosophy, then you are clearly a utilitarian psychopath.\nI have no difficulty empathizing with conservatives, so your point is absolutely moot.\nYou? Empathy from a psychopath? Please. You can't even muster the reason nor the strength for the least amount of introspection, judging from your replies.\nYou talk in sound bites and mention polarizing people, but you say absolutely nothing of substance.\nIf you really hold these beliefs, try actually making a point instead of rambling on about nothing.\nYou can just say you don't understand, or better, don't even care to understand. \"How can conservatives ever think they're the good guys?\", you think, thinking that they must be objectively evil in your head, while lying to yourself to think that you \"empathise\" them.\nOr better yet, go cure your obvious ignorance with some real world experiences.\nJudging from what I've seen, it is you who clearly lack the empathy and understand even the why behind why the groups you confide in and oppose with. I come from an experience by literally being both sides of the coin, so you're not really talking to me.\nYou are talking to your future self, you dungu.", "Yikes. This is so stupid I don’t even need to respond. Anyone with a secondary school level of reading comprehension can see how misguided and illogical you are.", "Then it's clearly your own hatred of an entire group of people that stopped you from learning about them.", "Not even close. You have no idea what you’re talking about or what my background is and yet you keep making these ridiculous, baseless assumptions. 😂Doesn’t bode well for your powers of deduction or reasoning, I’m afraid." ], [ "you want to see more contrarian posting? be the change you want to see.\nme for example i like to see rafizi content so i post something about him and comment on rafizi posting to keep it moving:26554:." ], [ "From how I see it, I sees various arguments were made in this sub against issues, both support or against it.\nTake bm or no bm issue, for example.\nEven if we talks about monarchs, the views are not as single streamed anymore, mostly due to what last agong did during politic emergency.\nIm not sure what \"counter-counter culture\" is suppose to be, but isn't that just goes back to \"pro or against culture\"? One that we engaged everyday here?", "One of the reason why I do this is due to the lack of specific details of the differences people tend to tell you that they have.\n\"Different people, different lives.\" And they end it there. What people don't really tell you are the details of those differences.", "Do you have any example? I have no idea what you are trying to say here.\nAre you complaining about the lack of voice defending status quo? Or are you complaining about people NOT explaining their argument?", "In short, there aren't enough centrists, methinks.", "Isn’t this group as centrist as it is? It doesn’t take woke stuff, such as pronouns, LGBT (a tiny minority trumps it loud) and heck, even the term “neurodiversity” is considered politically correct!\nIf you want contrarians, just check out any thread about corporal punishment cuz many Redditors here are still continuing that cycle or intend to." ], [ ".....\n........\nNo.\n:26554:" ], [ "Be the change you want to see. Defend the status quo. The govt cares for its people. The Opposition acts as a healthy check and balance. Our religious leader are wise and compassionate. Cops are here to protect us.\nAlso counter-counter culture is a stupid term. It's like \"reverse racism\". Just say you want conservatives, which is the actual term you're looking for.", "That depends. If you can only see certain groups as objectively evil, then your use of \"reverse racism\" is as uninformed as the Jussie Smollett hoaxes about white people.\nCounter-counter culture at least give you a better perspective which you clearly don't want to see, because you clearly are in the \"good guy\" gang.", "Sigh.\nReverse racism is a stupid term, because it refers to something that already exists, which is called... racism. It's just that some people like to use it because (a) they don't give a damn about racism against minorities, and (b) they want a convenient dog whistle to decry the only type of racism they feel is \"worthy\" of attention.\nSimilarly, your usage of counter-counter culture is a stupid term, because it refers to something that already exists, which is... conservatism. You're just trying to make it happen as... I dunno, maybe you think that the term conservative is not particularly sexy or well thought of at the moment.\nAs a very wise lady once said:", "because (a) they don't give a damn about racism against minorities, and (b) they want a convenient dog whistle\nOr (C), they genuinely are countering the culture people thought they were countering. If you can only see them as \"conservatives\", then you clearly do not spend enough camaraderie on both sides of the false dichotomy.\nDon't have to make the term \"happen\". If you understand it well enough, which at this point I don't think you do due to you incredibly myopic your views are, then it wouldn't be a problem.", "Or (C), they genuinely are countering the culture people thought they were countering. If you can only see them as \"conservatives\", then you clearly do not spend enough camaraderie on both sides of the false dichotomy.\nDon't have to make the term \"happen\". If you understand it well enough, which at this point I don't think you do due to you incredibly myopic your views are, then it wouldn't be a problem.\nFirstly, you're quoting the wrong part of my response.\nSecondly... ok, I'll bite then. If I'm myopic as you say I am, then kindly enlighten me. What is \"counterculture\" in the way you're using it? What is \"Counter-counterculture\" in the way you're using it? Could you please illustrate, with say around 3 examples of both?\nI'll be honest, I'm really quite interested in your response to the above, and I think it'll help to really illustrate where you're coming from to myself and to others (eg those who have pointed out that your posts and comments have been vague and confusing)", "Simple. If people from the Turks start saying something, you have people from Ben Shapiro saying something. And when people oppose Ben Shapiro saying something, centrists like certain atheists would suddenly jump in to give credit to Ben Shapiro on how certain aspects of religion make sense despite being an atheist. Then you get the now semi-converted Bill Maher, who is now seemingly is leaning towards the right (after many years of speaking for the left) when he really is a centrist.\nConsidering how conservative Malaysia is, liberalism makes sense, until it doesn't, especially when it starts demonising the conservatives for being objectively evil. This is how I see the \"counter-culture\" in r/malaysia, and that is, for simply being liberal. The counter-counter culture is supposed to bring the Overton window back to a more moderate state, where people don't end up using the end \"greater good\" to justify any means that they think they must be doing.", "I've read the above 3 times now, and it's again vague to the point of uselessness. Turkish people \"say something\"? And then Shapiro \"says something\" also? Says what???\nI asked for definitions and examples to understand you better, and instead I get....this?\nYour second paragraph is useless without the definitions and explanations, as again it's be nice to understand specifically what you mean by culture/ counterculture / conter- counterculture.\nAgain, please provide a definition and some examples, because some details are needed to make sense of this.", "Ah, local person to the end. In that case, just take the story of Daryl Davis instead.\nInstead of just being the ones who oppose racism, those who belong to groups that are associated with racism, literally seek out and understand what makes them tick. You will soon realise that \"racism\" is merely an unfortunate by product of a group struggling to survive, and the having the meta-cognitive ability to \"not be racist\" would be considered as a \"mental-luxury\" to these people, simply because they didn't allow themselves to be exposed to it in the first place, for the sake of something good they believe they already have, i.e. the sense of camaraderie and the familiarity among themselves.\nThis is why when people ask dumb questions like, \"Why not just not be racist?\", is like literally trying to teach a fish how to climb a tree, they have yet to understand the need for them to evolve to have legs to even walk on land in the first place, or to even have the concept of tree-climbing.\nImagine telling a fish, \"Why can't you accept cows as the same as you are? We are all carbon-based life forms!\"\nYou and I understand things different because we're lucky enough to be educated and be exposed to different types of people. But what these other communities, these other people that we sometimes call them racist, have certain perks who don't get as well. It's not always a black and white world.", "Ah, local person to the end.\nWhat the hell does this mean? Dude, do you not realise just how condescending as fuck you come off as?\nRegardless of the above, and your whole \"I just discovered a dictionary of five dollar words\" 2nd paragraph, I'll remind you again, and for the last time until I actually get a relevant response:\nAgain, please provide definitions of culture/ counterculture / counter- counterculture, and maybe 3 examples of the latter two as again it'd be nice to understand specifically what you mean\nHappy to continue this once you're able to do that. Until then, HtH, HaND.", "How about no? If you can't even muster an effort to try to understand the answers I try to give twice for now, then the problem lies with you." ], [ "nah,keep all this buble separate liek bangsar\nso i could go to all this med and add more oil to each tribe...." ], [ "The vote down, for voicing different opinion is kinda a let down in r/Malaysia,\nVote down should not be used as a disagreeing a post, Especially when the post is adding more valid discussion.", "People are going to vote down if they wanted to, can't stop them.", "That one of the factor people refused to defend an argument and follow popular opinions.", "I too, once wished for a community where everyone is level-headed, until I realised that I would perhaps want to at least know if people \"like it or not\", instead of just an empty vacuum whenever they do not participate." ], [ "YES" ], [ "need to promote peaceful, inclusive societies for sustainable development" ], [ "contrarions, old people, and people who defend the status quo (any status quo) are generally not welcomed by the hive mind in this sub." ] ]
hello metalheads malaysia!
hiii im new to the scene and curious about the experience of the shows in malaysia.. are there any metal shows happening in kl or selangor??? suggest me some good metal music!! dont mind if locals or intls
[ [ "Not sure what type of metal you are into, I'm into mainly metalcore, but these are some of the bands I listen to. Some have cleans, and some only have screams;\nMonuments (Their Amanuensis album is what got me into metal)\nThe Black Dahlia Murders\nSpiritbox\nJinjer\nBring Me The Horizon\nBad Omens\nCode Orange\nVolumes\nPolaris\nPeriphery\nVeil of Maya\nAugust Burns Red\nCurrents\nNovelists\nMake Them Suffer\nBleed From Within\nBorn of Osiris\nArchitects\nERRA\nPhinehas\nNaratu (Local)\nthrown\nKnocked Loose\nalt.\nGideon\nPantera\nGojira\nWhitechapel\nCane Hill\nThornhill\nSilent Planet\nVildhjarta\nImminence\nPaledusk\ncoldrain\nWithin Temptation\nAnimals as Leaders (a stricly instrumental band)\nMick Gordon (made the legendary OSTs for Doom 2016, and Doom Eternal)\nAlso some rock and post-hardcore bands that I listen to;\nRoyal Blood\nNormandie\nBreaking Benjamin\nLinkin Park\nNothing More\nCKY\nKarnivool\nCam Cole\nShinedown\nCaskets (post-hardcore)\nRain City Drive (post-hardcore)\nDayseeker (post-hardcore)\nDeftones\nVolbeat\nDeath From Above 1979\nFoo Fighters\nThe Black Keys\nBoston Manor\nDON BROCO\nQueens of the Stone Age\nThousand Foot Krutch\nRed\nSTARSET\nONE OK ROCK (J-Rock)\nBAND-MAID (J-Rock) (seriously, this band is freakin sick despite its name)\nBlue Stahli\nCelldweller\nAlternatively, you can check out bogdanhxc and NikNocturnal on YouTube for new songs, as they react to it. I got most of my band recommendations through them.\nhttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/5wAXoTWlyZEactuOO8tZmx?si=tia53_V2T5KCwgWB8I27zQ&pi=a-i7kulq97Qiiu\nOr you can also check out my Spotify (if you have one) playlist. I update it semi-regularly.", "Man, I'd kill for Periphery if they do live here even if its just a clinic! I wanna see the entire band rip my brains out! They're one of my biggest inspiration!", "The closest they've been to us is when they played in Singapore IIRC. But I concur, I'd book a ticket in a heartbeat if they come here.", "disappointed that Exotype is not in the list. ☹️" ], [ "Look up rumah_api on ig if you wanna catch some shows." ], [ "Which kind of metal?\nMy bands that I listen to is Beast in Black, Ghost, Trivium, Powerwolf and Disturbed. Bloodywood And Babymetal for non-English metal bands\nAlso not metal but rock : Alter Bridge, Dynazty, Linkin Park, Apocalyptica", "oooh damn beast in black", "Butt rock are the shits", "Also add Слот for non-English one." ], [ "I really enjoy Lamb of God and Metallica! Other older bands worth mentioning are Slayer, Ironmaiden, Anthrax and many more." ], [ "Not one black metal band mention. What is happening to this generation la?", "Give us names and we check em out", "I mean start from satyricon, dimmu borgir, venom, dark throne,leviathan, and then go further gorgoroth and behemoth" ], [ "Avenged Sevenfold needs to return.", "They did release a new album this year, Life Is But a Dream. Though it's more experimental, and I understand not a lot of people are into that type of stuff. I personally liked it though. But I really bang with their metalcore albums." ], [ "oor, bmth, baby metal, Sims?" ], [ "Some of the main subgenres of metal and Rock I listen to:\nMetalcore - Bad Omens, Spiritbox, Sleep Token, Motionless in White, Jinjer, I Prevail Melodic Death Metal - Arch Enemy, AVATAR, Defacing God Symphonic (Death) Metal - Fleshgod Apocolypse, Septicflesh, Within Temptation, Nightwish, Blackbriar Gothic Metal - Lacuna Coil, Chelsea Wolfe, A.A. Williams Black Metal - Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Myrkur, Behemoth\nThere's too many I have so here's a playlist I made lol\nhttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/17bQBk14QgLmdZeyMlTbbW?si=YhLTpDgvS56g7_JBlXM5Lw&pi=a-YvIz2pgGR0ej" ], [ "Hmm... as a product of the nu-metal era, hope you have fun with these bands:\nDeftones, Korn, Avenge Sevenfold, Rage Against the Machine" ] ]
'Don't make use of us': Operators of children's shelters in Malaysia lament some parents who leave kids behind
[ [ "While I 100% agree\nI also wants to play devil's advocate\nChild shelters (assuming enough budget and an actual heart) should fully accept even the idiot parents sending off their kids\nMight as well you take care of them rather than let the kids live with parents that are wishing everyday they have a place to abandon them", "That's the problem, child shelters do not have enough budget.", "That depends. In most places, thanks to corporations CSR and religious institutions, they have enough money and manpower. The problem as stated by the article, is that the directors are not happy that the problem increases instead of decreased.", "Having volunteered for an orphanage, I know the struggle they face.\nThe gist of it, for the truly needy, they are more than happy to support the children in which their parents are struggling to keep them.\nAt the same time, they don't want to be seen as an easy way out for any 'accident' children to be dumped by their parents.\nSame goes to those baby hatch. They want to support the truly needy accidental babies, but at the same time they want to avoid the situation where people are irresonsibly making babies knowing baby hatch will take them in.", "Or, you know, don't have kids when you cannot but are caught up in the love.", "That’s very shortsighted of you. Things change for some parents. I know families that were doing well and then were impacted from COVID, worsening inflation, and job losses. They can’t unborn their children. Whenever you can, try empathy." ] ]
Pakar kaunseling dakwa perkembangan psikologi remaja terbantut jika masuk asramaKUALA LUMPUR
[ "Education" ]
KUALA LUMPUR: Perkembangan psikologi remaja berusia 13 hingga 15 tahun atau pelajar Tingkatan 1 hingga Tingkatan 3, boleh terbantut jika terpaksa tinggal dalam persekitaran baharu yang bermasalah. Persekitaran baharu itu antaranya boleh membabitkan perbuatan buli dalam kalangan pelajar di asrama yang mampu membuatkan tahap psikologi remaja merudum teruk dengan kemungkinan gagal untuk bangun semula dan berdepan pelbagai masalah lain di alam dewasa. The problem is not the place the problem is the culture of the place, even at school you could get bullied. Now days children are so soft ,the parents is so soft.. if your kid get bullied tell them to man up and punch the living shit of the bully. Violence should be deal with violence
[ [ "The problem is not the place the problem is the culture of the place, even at school you could get bullied. Now days children are so soft ,the parents is so soft.. if your kid get bullied tell them to man up and punch the living shit of the bully. Violence should be deal with violence\nYes, just like that road rage case. One die one goes to jail. Win-win for society." ], [ "OP has stone-age mentality and shitty take." ], [ "The post title implies the problem is limited to dorms in KL. MRSM Taiping can breathe a sigh of relief 😌" ], [ "Meanwhile T20 rose tinted glasses reminiscing happier times\nAs with most boarding schools, seniors often take on a mentorship role, guiding juniors through the maze of school life. However, these interactions, intended to foster camaraderie, discipline, and a sense of belonging, can sometimes be misconstrued as bullying. It is important to recognise that what may appear as harsh treatment often serves a higher purpose, contributing to personal growth and character development.\nWhen boarding schools aren't the nightmare they are today. Why bullying is so prevalent though.about SKM Pengkalan Chepa 2\n\"A typical day at one of these boarding schools reads like a page from 1984, where every aspect of living is rigidly controlled and people are treated like numbers. Frustration and anger build over weeks or months. Under these circumstances in the stricter schools, strange behaviors tend to emerge." ], [ "Soft\nOP is suggesting that it's okay to put children in a fight or flight situation\nExcept there's no flight, you're sleeping in the same dorms your bullies are in" ], [ "Violence should be deal with violence\nStanding here i realized" ] ]