‘Happy Christmas’, PAS wishes Malaysian Christians
[ "Religion" ]
[ [ "On my bingo card, I had the slot PAS say it is Haram to wish Christmas not the other way around." ], [ "Mana bulih... itu haram..\n“Lain keadaan sekiranya ada jiran kita beragama Kristian, boleh ucap sebagai tanda menghormati mereka.\n“Namun, tidak boleh suka-suka untuk ucap kepada mereka melalui status yang ditulis secara umum contoh di laman sosial Facebook, ia seolah-olah menunjukkan keredhaan kepada agama mereka.", "PAS: No, not like this...\nAlso PAS: Rules for thee not for meeeeee!" ], [ "Basic human gesture can be so political" ], [ "“The harmonious and festive celebration of various religious or cultural events in this country is a manifestation of our culture of gentleness, tolerance and mutual respect that has long been firmly established in our society,” PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said in a statement.\nHAHAHA", "I howled so hard at this\nlebai at it again" ], [ "I imagined the heat of hellfire singeing off the fingertips as they typed those words on the keyboard" ], [ "I dare them put it on a cake" ], [ "Fuck Ur bullshit cunt. If not for the political climate u bitch ass motherfucker created. I would have heard \"Merry Christmas\" from Malay uncle aunty in the grocer market.\nNow days if I say Marry Christmas to malay auntie they would say \"eh Kita mana ada celebrate Christmas?\" Back to me. So fuck ur bullshit \"happy Christmas\" it is not accepted.\nAND I SAY THIS AS AN ATHEIST." ], [ "Wow. Hypocrite af." ], [ "Aint no way these wannabe talibans tried to issue a limpdick attempt at religious harmony AHAHAHA" ], [ "Thanks! Go to hell though." ], [ "There's so much hate in this sub." ], [ "Takoyaki Haram is at it again!" ], [ "'Happy Hanukkah', NSDAP wishes German Jews" ], [ "Every time I read similar messages the automatic reaction is a shrug — nice of them and replying with hostility is more a reflection on me than it is on them.\nLet's see how well they are going to adhere to the said message, the past decade or so hasn't really been inspiring confidence to say the very least." ] ]
i’m working on a book character who is malaysian. what are some pretty malaysian girl names?
[ [ "Rosmah Mansor", "💀", "this is the only correct answer. If you include this character in the book, Malaysians will be talking about it and it will be all over every sns.", "Op, don't", "Came here to comment that", "That sounded wrong /jk", "Tbf she was pretty back then, otherwise how did she make Najib ditch a royal princess?", "Got that Gawk Gawk 3000", "The only acceptable answer.", "this is correct", "", "Babap nanti.... Eeeeeiihhh~" ], [ "Puteri Intan Payung Indah Zulaikha Odelia Ladaisya Absyari or in short, Pipi Zola", "Deserve more upvotes", "Take my upvote." ], [ "While it's nice to know you're including a Malaysian character in your book, it would help to do a bit of research about our multicultural, multi-ethnic country. It's akin to asking, \"What's a pretty American name?\" Without knowing their background, race, or religion, it would be hard to define.\nMalay names tend towards a mix of Arabic (e.g Khadijah, Aishah) and local (Siti, Aila), even some Western ones (Daniella, Sofia, Nadia). Malays don't have surnames, by the way. Their names would include binti (for ladies) to denote \"daughter of\". E.g. Siti Kadijah binti Muhammad Ali.\nChinese names can be either traditional Chinese (Mei Li) or English names, especially if they're Christian (such as Angeline, Dorothy). Most have both E.g. Angeline Lee Mei Li (Lee would be her surname).\nIndian names can also be either of Indian origin (Devi, Lakshmi, Gayatri) or again, English if they're Chrisitan. Examples could be Annalakshmi or Kuldip Singh Gil or Shanti Anne George.\nThen, there are the indigenous peoples who have practise various religions and cultures. Not to mention, several minorities; for example, did you know there's a Portuguese community in Malacca?\nI wish you well in your writing, and I hope this helps somewhat.", "i have been doing extensive research about malay culture. i just haven’t been able to find a name that suits my character" ], [ "Well, if you're going traditional, there's Melur, Orked, Cempaka, Kamelia,Mawar, Melati..\nBasically flowers", "Bunga Tahi Ayam" ], [ "You have to specify the race of your character and religion and upbringing or even state. We have too many races here.", "why limit urself to race n religion? go all in n mix them all up… Lakshmi binti Chong Ai Ling anak Joseph", "Hahaha almost possible here but it's either binti or anak", "i’m just exaggerating combining anak n binti/bin together", "Yea I know but it's quite possible to get quite close to the name u came up with hahaha", "hahaha my father n grandfather is an example…chinese name anak smtg smtg", "my indian/bidayuh cousin married an iban/chinese girl but too bad my niece have such a normal name hahaha. Could've been a very diverse name", "This. We can't help you creating a character's name without specifying the race, religion, upbringing and state origin of your Malaysian character.", "Yeap, also include classic name or modern name 🤷🏻‍♂️" ], [ "Hijau", "What a lovely lady. I'm sure she would make a good mother one day.", "her kid will fight someone at the playground some day", "Oh she will 💅🏻" ], [ "Are you Malaysian? You're getting mostly troll answers here because the sub skews adolescent.\nIf the character's ethnicity is unspecified, maybe something ambiguous like Maya or Amelia or Nadia.\nOtherwise, most names are broadly tied to certain religions/cultural backgrounds. For example, if your character is a non Muslim, any English name is fine (like Kelly) because lots of Malaysians have one. If your character is Muslim: Zahrah, Fatimah, Ain, Farah, Nurin, Aisyah, Farhana are pretty common.", "Surely a Malaysian would have the self awareness to be more specific... Like I like my own name but it's obviously a Malaysian Chinese name that also hints at my generation and background ( e.g. it's not in Pinyin, uses nonstandard canto romanization...)\n.. Heck even asking for a generic pretty \"Chinese\" name is problematic.", "do non-bumi use maya/ amelia/ nadia? (as in have you met one irl?). these sounded very bumi to me somehow hence not ambiguous cuz for me, they dont reflect the other 2 major races", "I know one non-bumi maya, a few amelias and nadias. All three names are not Malaysian origin. Nadia is Russian and Maya and Amelia are hebrew and used commonly outside of Malaysia.", "the 'not malaysian origin' got me smilin & wonderin are there in fact original malay names (cuz ive always thought malay words are from arabic/ sanskrit/ etc) 😆🤔 given the influence of hindu-buddha & islam on this land, i believe nadia is of arabic origin & maya is sanskrit. amelia im not sure cuz it sounds modern (not a name the classic malay would seem to have)", "All three names are very common in English-speaking countries.", "yes. but if my memory serves me right, ive never seen one for an indian or chinese here. to be specific, for a non mixed-race child. though maya is sanskrit, ive interestingly never met one/ none of my indian acquaintances have that name (i thought maya would be a common name)", "Amelia khor", "is that her real name though?", "I think amelia is not in the ic, but very few Chinese have their English name in their ic too", "I mean if she goes by that name, that's her real name. Names can be chosen at any time in your life. I've met both an Indian and Chinese Amelia before in my life too.", "not sure if its just me but i feel like a legal name has diff feels than a persona name. but yes, Amelia is a common name (as proven by peeps responses here) just that i myself never met any non-bumi Amelias", "Amelia Earhart was a very famous amelia. And as fame do to name, plenty babies get named similar.", "They are all common non-bumi names, I've meet at least 2 Amelia, some Nadia and Maya is very very common.", "Yes to Amelia is yes to every race, and less so Maya. Nadia as Malaysian is rarely non-Malay" ], [ "Murni. Orked. Suraya.", "Suraya? I see a man of culture.", "Is her first name cikgu?" ], [ "nur. simple but means a lot.", "This is funny because my first name is Nur yet the only time someone used it is when I studied abroad", "same, but mine is nurul. never been called that by any malaysian because it's such a common name, it's the middle name that would differ you from the other girls, but once abroad, people call you by your first name so there's that. i love it more than my middle name. it means 'the light'. what can be more beautiful than that :)", "I'm not Malay and somehow it never even crossed my mind that Nur/Nurul was an actual first name. Like, I thought it was a prefix of some sort with the 'middle name' being the actual first name. I guess that's how common it is. 😂", "indeed. to malays, it carries some sentiment of being a prefix than an actual name. same for Siti or the classic Che/ Cik", "ha, i wouldn't blame you. im gonna blame it on rampant arabization (is that even a word) during that era, all parents of that generation were fixed on putting nur/nurul/muhammad/mohd in their kids' names. parents of this gen are more chill about naming their kids.", "i think(, afa my language knowledge goes), Nur/ Nurul is not technically 'the light' but simply 'light'. however, youd have 'the' for your second name from the -ul of Nurul. this is like al-[something], which will be 'the [something]', i.e. al-kitab = the book. so your name will be some like, e.g. Nurul Hidayah = Light (of) The Guidance.", "true, i agree with you. i just wrote 'the' there because my english sucks hehe. nurul is the melayu version of arabic 'nour el', root word is 'nur/nour'. mine means 'cahaya mata'. malay idiom can be translated to 'the child', but i prefer the more radical, literal one 'the illuminated eye' hehe...", "cahaya mata! such a classic name! ❤️ youre not far off actually. a child indeed is the cahaya of a parents mata, akin to the english 'apple of ones eye'. so yeah, 'the illuminated eye' can be some like 'the sparkle in your parents eye'. thats a lovely way to see it 👌💯", "you're too sweet 😬 i was meaning to say my parents were into conspiracy theory and named me after the illuminati, ya know, the 'eye' thing hehehe (ofc im jk)", "HAHAHAAHAHA 😂 ok, itu baru betul radical 😂😂" ], [ "Wong ah lian" ], [ "JOHARI BINTI JOSTA\nwith her friends\nMOHAMMAD ABDUL\nKA KOK YIN\nPO RE NAF", "I understood the reference, but Johari is a male name. 💀", "JOHARIAH then..", "WDYM PO RE NAF?? SHOULD BE PO NA REF NO?? 😭" ], [ "Nur Sajat" ], [ "Rosmah" ], [ "How about cempedak? I like cempedak.", "Prefer durian myself and it can be a variation of the name Dorian.", "Gambar Durian Kelabu 💀" ], [ "Pontianak harum sundal" ], [ "Mona Affendi", "OG Malaysian Woman Name :29091:" ], [ "What race in particular? Malay, Chinese, Indian?" ], [ "I have a friend named Puteri Medina Adelia, and I think her name is really pretty." ], [ "Kak Ros" ], [ "Senja, Bulan" ], [ "If u looking for malay name, traditional or old name are quite nice, Seri, Melur, Melati, Cempaka, Mawar, Dahlia.\nModern name mostly now don’t have any meanings but also nice to pronounce, Sara, Aina, Anisa, Balqis, etc.\nFor Chinese, imo I think these name so pretty: Mei, Daiyu, Xiu, Ai, Fang, Min, Zhu, Bao\nWhile for Indian girls, also imo these name also pretty: Anju, Aanya, Anjali, Vidya, Zahira, Viti, Sarika, Meera\nWell this is only my opinions. 🥱", "Finally someone giving a proper answer !! I like the name Amelia or Norah too" ], [ "What is the personality of your character? Her background and ethnicity? We can give better recommendations with more information." ], [ "I heard Mahsuri was pretty" ], [ "What race is the character & what cultural background does she have? Race is such a big part of being Malaysian, we won't really be able to suggest anything specific without knowing more." ], [ "Classic name like flowers and others : mawar, orked, chinta, maya, siti, laila, suraya, fatimah, ros, bunga" ], [ "Siti" ], [ "Alya" ], [ "rosmah" ], [ "Mona Fendi" ], [ "Ah Lian" ], [ "Depends on the background of the character and the setting of the book. Is it in modern times or some time set in the past? Is she of malay, chinese, indian or iban descent? Where is her family from? Malaysia born and raised or an expat?" ], [ "What's her personality, at least? Or race, lol. Since we have many races here." ], [ "Chi Bai 🤓" ], [ "Almost all the Farah I know are pretty 😭" ], [ "PuiYi" ], [ "Jamaliah Jamban" ], [ "Minah." ], [ "Rosmah. It's like rose but on a much grander scale." ], [ "Typical chinese name: - shin yee/sinyee/sinyi - kah mun/kah man/carmen\nChinese who has a nickname: - all the English name you can think of - English nouns such as apple, pineapple, strawberry\nSuper rare malay name: - my friend's name which i cant reveal here because one google search and the results will only be her\nTypical malay name: - siti\nTypical indian name: - priya/prisha/visha - selvi\nGood malaysian girl name: - malaysia (I'm not kidding about this one people do name their kid after our country)" ], [ "Siti kasim" ], [ "OP. Post this into r/Bolehland. You'll get a LOT more answers :26555::26555::26555:" ], [ "Rosmah, Azalina, Rafidah" ], [ "Big Mama" ], [ "Xxxnursation" ], [ "Mona Fandey is a classic name" ], [ "Datuk Vida" ], [ "Cikgu Suraya" ], [ "Circlejerk with the ethnicity here. Indians and chinese are Invaders if he wanted to know one of those names he would habe specified that.", "Inb4 \"but Sabah and Sarawak\". But sure yes I'm sure 75% of the problems Malaysia is a tug of war over Malaysian=Malay vs Malaysian=bangsar bubble muhibah." ], [ "hate to be “that guy” but this is cultural appropriation.\nYou can write if you want, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALLAH study the culture of the Malay people or from the state which ur character is from, if you know any states that is.\nAlso worth noting, study traditions and the like. I might buy your book, but if I see something like “Fathima had a crispy bacon” I’ll rage.\nThat being said, good luck! :D", "How is this cultural appropriation? We don't even know what kind of character OP is planning to write.", "I mean characters tend to be ethnic-neutral… so making a character from a place IRL is kinda a big deal" ], [ "Mona Mawar Kasturi Chempaka" ], [ "Go look at old buku sastera. There are some beautiful names that can be taken from old Malay." ], [ "Alia? Am not sure if its Malay but sounds pretty nice" ], [ "botai" ], [ "Makcik Zik" ], [ "Vida" ], [ "Nadia" ], [ "Puteri Intan Payung Indah Zulaikha Odelia Ladasyia Absyari" ], [ "Aileen Elena" ], [ "Amoi, if chinese." ], [ "I always think Suraya sounds very sweet." ], [ "Pretty? Indah" ], [ "Nur" ], [ "Siti Sarah" ], [ "Timah" ], [ "izyan" ], [ "Indah, Cinta, Damai" ], [ "Michelle yeoh" ], [ "Cempaka\nKenanga\nMawar" ], [ "Definitely, Sofea Jane.\nMay not be the most classic malay names out there but it was the one that came first to my mind when I saw your question." ], [ "Safura" ], [ "makkau he jauh" ], [ "Hana.\nCould be a malay, or Chinese (Hannah)." ], [ "Maznah ke tu?" ], [ "Adiratna means a noble pearl." ], [ "Sofia, natasha, i cant think more" ], [ "Jelita" ], [ "fatimah" ], [ "Be mindful of sensitivity from certain group of extremist. Fatimah etc." ], [ "You should be specific. What race are you thinking of?" ], [ "Alia is always the basic." ], [ "Is this girl of a specific Malaysian race?" ], [ "My girlfriend’s name is Alaya, I’m told it’s common enough without it being too obvious. I call her Malai (not sure why just sorta happened and it appears to be a Thai name … we have no association with Thailand). She is 25% Indian-Malay, 25% Brazilian, and 50% American/British. So make of that what you will :). She grew up between KL, London, and the US …" ], [ "How abt stripper names like crystal, serenity, etc? :)" ], [ "Anggun. Kasih. Cinta. Jelita. Juwita." ], [ "Joyah" ], [ "Tumpung, Lihing and Tuak are nice" ], [ "Intan, Puteri, Yati" ], [ "Miraaaaa" ], [ "In all seriousness you can't just expect a \"pretty Malaysian girl name\" without giving any background at all. It kinda brings up questions about how seriously you're taking it.\nEspecially for a multiethnic country like Malaysia. Like, does it even make sense to ask for a pretty \"American\" girl name? What answer do you expect? The least you can do is offer at least a sketch of her cultural and ethnic background. And no, \"Malaysian\" doesn't cut it.\nI suppose we can suggest \"Sarah\". Works for Americans, Malaysian Christians, Malay Muslims, people with English names..." ], [ "Fiona. For some reason damn lot of pretty Fiona" ], [ "Amelina" ], [ "There's a whole bunch of Malaysian names. But r u going for more Malay, Indian Chinese or other races?" ], [ "Maryam" ], [ "I like Hanna" ], [ "Sabariah" ], [ "I also have an idea for a book/movie where the character is an AI female (like Ultron) named MAYA because in Malay alam Maya means cyber/internet" ], [ "Fateen/Fathin/Fatin" ], [ "Mona Fendy Mina Rempit Awek mantap" ], [ "Fatin or Izzati" ], [ "Dayang, Melur, Intan, Seri, Siti, Ratu, Juwita." ], [ "muhahahahahaha.....(Nurul)\nnuhaahahah ( Diluar Nurul)" ], [ "I wanted to put my ex’s name but I really shouldn’t 🥲\nI really need to learn to move on", "pick me" ] ]
Singapore jails man for 20 weeks over use of fake Malaysian passport
[ [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>" ], [ "Mirror" ] ]
Dr Dzul panned for creating undue public alarm over Covid-19
[ [ "The same tourism minister who thinks you need prove that smoking is bad for health. SMH.", "\"kenyataan saya telah disalah erti media dan diambil di luar konteks\"" ], [ "I do feel the tourism minister is making a mountain out of a molehill like everything else that have come from him lately." ], [ "For health matters, it's preferable to see a rock as a bear than see a bear as a rock. Understandably, both are just advocating for the views of their own portfolios.", "Nah, it’s not understandable. Do it in private. You’re a fucking Cabinet member.\nAnwar needs to lay down the law. So, yeah, expect this to happen more often, just like the recent DAP-UMNO spat on public elections.\nThis govt desperately needs a joint manifesto.", "To be honest, this spat is out of interests of their own portfolio's stakeholders... and I'm kind of OK with that. They're not pushing for some weirdass unrelated agenda like race/religion, etc.... One's pushing for prudence and the other is pushing for not killing the vibes.... which are their jobs. We don't need everything to be hunky dory for the same coalition, especially when both have their merits and reasoning.", "Not asking for hunky dory utopias. But this isn’t a solution to the problem. Tiong just saying “I’m not happy lah. Fix it!”\nThe person angry is the one who needs to give precise suggestions.\nWhat does “realistic” precisely mean? Be a Cabinet member with precise suggestions, not a grumpy neighbor. Give hard, anonymized evidence on 1) what has happened, 2) why your stance is worth more (put a price on it; don’t speak vaguely lah), and 3) what is the best, articulated, complete solution now.\nThen, I’m happy for it to be in public. We’re having a genuine policy discussion!\nOtherwise, this is a Form 6 MUET level debate. Covid isn’t a new problem for ANY Ministry. You should have responses ready for any wave.", "That is true. The criticism can be more constructive than it is now for sure. We understand the impact, but having something to work with is better than nebulous statements." ], [ "Once the hospitals fill up, Tiong wouldnt be the one that has to handle it. He only cares about his numbers, stepping on other's foot while he's at it." ], [ "Tiong bising again. He’s always had a history of being against whatever whichever health guy does for covid.\nAnd despite me being a non and partial to a drink or two, I’d prefer if a minister shows more decorum and not get drunk in public, festivities or no festivities.", "dia bukan orang islam so dia boleh je minum mabuk dekat public, kenapa orang suka cari masalah, inilah sebab malaysia ni masih negara dunia ketiga :26554:" ], [ "Dr Dzul panned for creating undue public alarm over Covid-19\nPETALING JAYA: Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad has been panned by colleague Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing for triggering unnecessary panic over Covid-19.\nTiong said to balance the country’s economic and tourism recovery, the Health Ministry is urged to be more careful in giving out information pertinent to Covid-19 so that it does not incite public alarm.\nHe said this following Dzulkefly's special press conference held last week to address the rising Covid-19 caseloads, which Tiong claimed had affected Malaysia’s tourism and economy, besides causing public alarm ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays.\n“How nice would it be if we don’t trigger unnecessary panic, such as by reporting daily Covid-19 cases, because it can create unreasonable fear.\n“True, it is important to raise awareness and intensify prevention measures, but not until the level of overreacting and creating a situation of panic.\n“The Health Minister’s serious attention towards the latest developments of the virus can be understood but I hope he can consider the effects on the country’s economy, including fears that it will affect the influx of tourists into Malaysia.\n“I’m confident that the Health Minister can accurately assess the situation while avoiding unnecessary misunderstanding,” he said in a statement on his Facebook page on Sunday (Dec 24).\nHe added that Malaysia should draw examples on how other countries were handling the outbreak and note the cautious approaches being taken.\n“For example, the announcement about the situation in the country by our Health Minister is almost the same as the statement by the Indonesian Health Minister.\n“However, the Indonesian Minister stressed that the situation for the coming Christmas and New Year's season is not too worrying, in contrast to the announcement in Malaysia which is seen to cause public anxiety.\n“Comparing the statements of the health ministers of the two countries easily creates the impression that Malaysia is much more dangerous than Indonesia.\n“This may cause tourists to avoid visiting Malaysia and choose neighboring Indonesia, further causing economic losses to Malaysia,” he said.\nTiong said that while Covid-19 is an important public health issue that cannot be “swept under the carpet”, there was no need to overreact and worsen the situation.\n“It’s important for us to avoid creating fear and creating a negative perception of Malaysia, especially the tourism sector, as well as harming the national economy.\n“I am making this appeal based on the concerns and complaints expressed by both the tourism industry and the public,” he said.\nTiong added that he had also been informed that foreign tour operators have canceled their travel schedules to Malaysia due to concerns over the rising Covid-19 cases in the country.\nHe however said that many other countries have been affected by the latest wave of the virus with a corresponding surge in cases and there was therefore no need to “exaggerate and mislead the public that the epidemic in Malaysia is very serious.”\nTiong also said that he would be raising the concern in the Cabinet meeting to find a balanced solution that will ensure the virus is controlled without affecting the tourism sector.\nHe added that based on observations by experts, the new JN.1 Covid-19 strain is said to be able to evade the immune system and be more highly transmissible compared to other strains but do not cause more severe symptoms.\nIt also does not currently overburden the global health system, Tiong noted.\n“I must remind that every step in the prevention and control of Covid-19 must be discussed comprehensively regarding its effects backed by the appropriate research and study besides avoiding hasty, immature actions that can affect stakeholders and be exploited by opportunist individuals, thus causing a loss to the country’s economy,” said Tiong." ], [ "the star doing the minister dirty, cmmon pick better picture lmao" ] ]
How Malaysia is finding its way out of the middle-income trap - Nikkei Asia
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>" ], [ "You simply can't because there is no and enough high-income and high quality jobs available. How do you create something which no body is capable to create ?\nYou don't see Microsoft, Google, Tesla, Tencent, Nvidia, Samsung, Amazon, TSMC setup R&D center here, some of them have traces of manufacturing hub here, but that's the difference - manufacturing vs. high-impact R&D.\nEven if they intended to, your policy make them favoring other nation -> Singapore.", "FDI by itself can not save any country from middle-income trap, but it is one of few first stepping stone to escape.\nWe already missed that chance post-80's when FDI flocked to us for our cheap labour, politically stabler (post-513) and the least red taped country in the SEA region.\nNow our next chance is to attract only high tech FDI, and this time really make the technology transfer actually happen to make our own offshoot high tech industry, not copycat but actually improved the tech as our own brand name, and not just sitting on our laurels as we did previously, and/or;\nDig into our stored wealth (in many deep pockets) into R&D our own high techs.\nWhy I said only high tech is precisely because we can't offer cheap labour anymore unless we import cheap foreign labours which defeat the purpose, we have many highly educated Malaysians but never enough commensurately paid and qualified jobs.", "Your point is true but a bit over simplified. Shopee just retrenched butt loads of its corporate staff in SG and guess where they shifted the jobs? Yup. KL. So there is a shift because we offer a highly skilled workforce but at ringgit prices.", "I think you don't understand what R&D is." ], [ "We missed the boat for 20 years from 2000s-2020s.\nWhat didn't makes sense, we are still I'm developing phase yet we stuck in mid income trap.\nUnless anything major happens to shake up our economy that will allowed for reforms, I won't see we getting out from the trap" ], [ "Exit the middle income trap to join the low income group" ], [ "A very good read." ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 25 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "https://www.malaymail.com/news/money/2023/12/24/chipmaker-nvidia-raises-us15m-for-israeli-non-profits-helping-war-hit-civilians/109102\nEmployee raised 5 million. Nvidia matches and double makes it a total of 15 million." ] ]
Where are all the smart and aspiring people in Malaysia?
I feel a bit bummed out today hence this post. I'm watching "buying groceries in first-world countries" thinking they had it great there where everything is cheap and affordable. You can get a full meal for 10, even 5 usd including meat and dairy products and that's crazy to me. In here, everything's averaging from 13 to 25 myr for a basic meal and if you went for something a little fancier you blew a hole in your wallet. I know it's because of their strong currency - higher purchasing power and Malaysia mostly importing stuff and all but still, I don't know why we can't have nice things here until now. Where are all the smart ambitious people and entrepreneurs with bright ideas to help stabilize things, offer solutions, or bring something new to the table that benefits all? It seems to me like most people who worked so hard, do so only to get out of their current state or those who made it at the end don't bother to look back and realize where they are coming from. Or maybe they stopped trying, realizing it's not worth it in the end. And I'm not talking about helping by charity or donation. I've always hated that idea anyway because that's not a real solution. My belief has always been if you are in some way educated then you have this hidden/underlying responsibility to make things right for everyone around you since you are at least one step closer than a starving child or a homeless person. And those rules would apply to the next person with a bigger position hence bigger responsibility. I'm sorry if this is cringe or if I blew this out of proportion, just wanted to say my two cents before going to sleep. Edit: I'm sorry if you came across this post during your festive time. Please don't take this seriously and enjoy your holiday. Merry Christmas
[ [ "Worked so hard the whole lifetime to change the country for 1% better, the politicians easily make it 200% worse in one day.", "True, you can invent something very good and new and can be the next big thing.\nThen all it takes is for some VVIP demand you to give them a share of your company or else cannot get lesen.", "Yep, still to this day.", "💭 Every Malaysian works toward a common goal to move the country forward... but in fact not everyone will be treated the same 🤔", "Like how the top brains in finance and economics, through generations of leadership, managed KWSP to help the people of Malaysia to have saved billions for retirement, then some ass politicians decided to smash the piggy bank just for the “stability” of their back door government.", "yea 💀💀💀", "Be a politician then,problem solved.", "Yeah right… except smart people usually aren’t the most popular ones, and popular dudes are generally dumb. Democracy somehow shoves all of us down the drain.", "I always wonder about that why \"smart\" people can't be popular when they are \"smart\" but \"dumb\" people can be popular because they are \"dumb\" or they actually aren't as \"smart\" or as \" dumb\" that we think they are.", "Truth hurts: there are more dumb people than smart people in this world. Smart people aren’t exactly the best at persuading people, and dumb ones get a head start because they already have their opinions aligned with the majority.", "I don't think it's about being smart or dumb. Politicians are way smarter than you think they are, I think it's just a classic case of being unkind and vindictive, which is in large supply in Malaysia", "I think it's just a classic case of being unkind and vindictive, which is in large supply in Malaysia\nIt just humanity got nothing to do with nation or not.", "What truth,the truth that being smart mean nothing if you don't use that \"smart\" to change or benefit society in anyway. You might as well be \"dumb\" if you \"smart\" amount to nothing at all.", "So if I’m smart I owe it to the society? That sounds suspiciously communist hmmmm", "You can always live alone in the middle of nowhere and do everything by yourself. If you are \"smart\" that is. If you aren't then contribute to said society like everyone else.", "At least smart enough to know that contribution is a matter of personal choice.", "Until it isn't,life will have it due. Human don't live in a vacuum." ], [ "Don’t try to find them, be them yourself", "That's my belief as stated. But living in my 20's right now, just cant help but wondering the current state", "They are everywhere we just don’t notice them as we all live in our own bubbles.\nI personally know a ton of scientist who long list of international awards who are Malaysian or reside in Malaysia.\nPeople don’t realise it but they are ton of great people in the country.", "Yeah the requirement for them to be acknowledged is Asian level of expectation.\nMana baik if They only do good and thriving in Malaysia? If they want to be acknowledged they need to become famous in Japan/USA/United Kingdom or any better country.\nOh and when they become famous there, they already not Malaysian.", "Going to shine in. They wouldn’t be recognise either.\nSpeaking from personal experience of a relative. Most scientists in general for example are not recognised media wise in the western world even if they were given among the highest of awards.\nIt’s a myth usually portrayed that they will be or they won’t be. You can also look up why there has been people wondering why scientists aren’t as recognised anymore as they were in the past.\nAnyway “better country” is far fetched. We all do good in different ways, similar with bad.\nWe also need to take into account the global north and south issue and how marketing and colonialism for the most part has enabled generational development gaps etc.", "Yeah better country was being put into context of what Malaysian redditor tend to think.\nJust our country is really progressing at a fast pace and also not slow either. Tho we just always get put and compared to country like Japan, Australia, Singapore and Canada.\nAnd correction abit, the famous would be for celebrities/Entrepreneurs, not really scientists my bad (tho that deviate from the \"smart\" we talked about).", "Oh within that context I agree :)", "Unpopular opinion: you haven't live long enough, and haven't travel far enough to understand why they (those people who came from Malaysia but chose not to come back) do what they choose to do.\nPerhaps, they also once have a wishful thinking like you, but sometimes along the way, something happens, change their way of thinking, and here we are now, who know?\nTldr: there's a reason brain drain exist. And this is probably one of them." ], [ "It would be a perfect system if we are living in a perfect world. The truth is, not all think for everyone else.\nThere’s no incentives in helping the nation. Where it’s plagued by race privileges, corruption, politics that just turn off any thoughts about helping the poor. There will be a group that taking your idea seriously and it’s in action, but they are not being noticed because it’s ridiculously fucked." ], [ "Unfortunately many of the smart Malaysians are seen as a threat instead of a benefit to the country. Hence their departure from Malaysia is seen as a good thing.", "Wow, this really sums it up. The nons are seen as a threat - really it's that simple.", "Woah the smart, liberal, nonreligious Malays are also seen as a threat,bro , not just the nons", "That's true, but they're tolerated.", "Athiest malays who want the right to religious freedom and a secular education would be tolerated?", "☝️", "Lol only non or non religious malay are smart everyone else isnt what a load of bs.", "Nobody said anything about being smart but I can understand why you would make that correlation.", "Yeah,yeah nobody said anything about anything they just hide behind it.", "Tbh you have a point. There is no monopoly on intelligence .", "Isn’t it the opposite? The government wants to avoid brain drain so that’s why they have things like returning expert programs.", "Returning expert programme is to reverse the brain drain, not avoid. Brain drain has been happening for years if not decades.\nPlus, what about job prospects? Malaysian employers don’t respond well to globalization. They don’t want to pay the salaries of skilled workers. Our wages have stagnated for a decade now.", "My point being that brain drain is not something the government actively wants happening.", "it's just lip service" ], [ "Probably left. Why bother study/work so hard just to not get appreciated or appropriate rewards? Does not matter the person's background.", "Almost me. I do wanna return to Malaysia one day but before that, it's still unbelievable how low our salaries are. I really do hope I can somehow 'fix' some aspects of Malaysia. Wishful thinking? Yeah but who knows.", "Probably because too many employees are just taking the piss. I don't know about the offices but the locals in the malls and other public places are on their phones way too often and the service they offer was often not good.\nCompanies need to balance the cost and outcome.", "I once waited for a cashier to finish her convo with a friend using whatsapp voice chat. It's not a \"eh i gotta get back to work.. bye bye\" message. It was one where they joked back and forth a few times before she finally finished scanning my item (yes item) and processed my payment", "Where are you at now, and what are you doing?", "In the UK rn, studying for a CompSci degree.\nThings are not pretty and awesome as you would've thought here these days (getting worse every day) but it's definitely a better place compared to Malaysia.\nI love the new perspectives that I got around here and there's a lot we can learn and emulate. Not all 'west' is bad.", "Oh this question was not for me. Edited." ], [ "Where are they? Buried by conglomerates, politicians and gangsters... Or they became one of them", "💀💀💀" ], [ "I don't mind coming home to build the country. I just don't want to be treated like a second class citizen because of my ethnicity.\nVery hard to stomach a pay cut and be treated unequally. You really have to be self less and see it as the core part of who you are", "One of my family members is bumi and even he wouldn't come back. No point doing so if he's forced into a belief he doesn't sincerely agree with, and the state won't recognise his marriage with his wife simply due to religion.\nMany people here want to protect the \"purity\" of a religion, or race, but they will have to accept that doing so will drive away very academically accomplished Malaysians who are forced to find life elsewhere." ], [ "People need to remain dumb to be easier to control, all of us.", "Act dumb , be smart" ], [ "Buku bertemu ruas. All those smart ambitious people you’re talking about, at some point they will have to rub shoulders with the powerful and corrupt to get ahead. You’d be surprised at how barebones the Malaysian market really is, and basic needs (infra, eggs, chicken feed, rice, sugar) are controlled by the elite few. It’s a fine tuned equilibrium that has to protect itself from new entrants at all costs.\nRent seekers will always try to stick their fingers in every pie somehow. If you’re non Bumi, sooner or later they will force you to sell your shares to someone who didn’t put a single effort into building your business.\nNevermind that starting your own business is actually really, really hard. Those who actually want to contribute to society? Doing honest work? They can be doing it for 5-10 years without any sign of success. Even if they do succeed, some big corporation is surely gonna scoop them up (acquisition) and turn their business to shit.", "This, and they wonder why Malaysian economy stagnates for the common people despite the gdp growing", "💀💀💀💯", "How do they force non bumi to sell shares of their company?", "Recent example https://www.mof.gov.my/portal/en/news/press-citations/freight-forwarders-given-till-december-2022-to-meet-bumiputera-equity-requirement-tengku-zafrul", "At least the company is getting free advertisement. They want bumi to be majority, but does bumi have any money to invest..." ], [ "We do have the smart and aspiring people, it just they can't promote themselves because of \"kena kecam\" and stupidity get the most views than smart and intelligent point of views.", "Also, not all of them care to be in the spotlight. Some just do their thing day in and day out without the need for external validation.", "Facts. Preach brother.\nOne thing for sure, they definitely don't spend their time asking strangers for solutions on Reddit, lmao." ], [ "I don't want to invoke common bugbears like \"the government\" or \"corruption\" because those factors are too easy to blame and all conversation gets shut down afterwards.\nRather, here's what I think are two structural factors that make Malaysia really really fucked.\n1. The Malaysian market is too small and too fragmented\nThere are about 33.6 million of us - not many amongst nations. Being a multicultural country, we have really really different tastes, which means it's difficult for any person/company to cater to all Malaysians.\nSiti Nurhaliza had little penetration with Malaysians of Chinese descent. Meanwhile, most Malaysians of Malay or Indian descent would probably have trouble recalling the work of two or three Malaysian Chinese singers.\nOur food tastes might overlap a little, but there are still significant differences between the tastes of the various communities. The Chinese have a less sweet palate than the Malays and Indians. Meanwhile, a lot of Chinese food is off limits to the Malay segment due to religious sensibilities.\nDue to the small and fragmented market, any company who wants to grow to a sizable scale must think of exporting from day one. And that's very hard to do because it means competing with indigenous companies elsewhere who have a much better knowledge of local conditions than you do.\nUnlike Facebook/Google/Netflix (to name a few), which had the massive US market to incubate them before bringing their businesses globally, Malaysian companies do not have it so easy.\n2. Malaysians are poor\nYes, luxury malls like Pavilion and TRX are packed for the holiday right now, but don't let that fool you.\nBy and large, Malaysians are really, really poor.\nSure, I'm not talking \"poor\" in the sense of \"no access to food\". I'm talking poor in the sense that 97% of us cannot afford to retire.\nLook deeper at the retail market and you'll realise that a lot of companies are struggling.\nEven Daiso, who pioneered the \"RM5 per item\" business, is struggling now because of Eco-Shop's \"RM2.40 per item\" business model.\nMercato, B.I.G., and The Food Merchant have either exited the market or are slowing. Value brands like TF Value Mart and NSK are growing in their place.\nAnd what I see in the broader market is reflected in my own extended family.\nI don't know a single older person in my family who can say, \"I'm comfortable with my finances. At this final stage of my life, let me focus on my hobbies and think about the legacy I will leave for my children.\"\nNo, every single person is worried about whether they have enough to last them till the day they die.\nIn fact, when my dad was in his deathbed, he was worried not about his cancer but whether undergoing treatment meant there would be not enough left money for his widow to survive.\nTo sum up, how are these favourable conditions for creativity and entrepreneurship to thrive?\nMost of us, including much of the T20, are too occupied with basic questions of survival to even think about \"growth\".", "we have really different tastes\nThis. Many Malaysians don't know that they are living in their bubbles- and some of them are diametrically opposite of each other.\n-There are Malaysians who think that this is a mini-China/Indiabut with a Malay majority who leave them to their devices.\n-There are Malaysians who think this is an Malay Muslim Islamic state.\n-Then there are Malaysians who think we are a mini Singapore/UK/Australia.\nNotice I didn't put any race elements in there. We are all in our bubbles and sometimes we can be ignorant about it.\nThe sad truth that we a not a nation, but a country with a few nations living in it. The Malay Muslim \"fear\" & Islamisation are just reactions from a community due to this because they were oppressed, sometimes by their own people, and while we can laugh at it, the fear is valid, which politicians have weaponised very effectively.", "Then there are Malaysians who think we are a mini Singapore/UK/Australia.\nI live in Australia. How do these people come to such nonsensical conclusions?", "I'm in NZ. Which part of Australia are you from?\nI was talking about the Bangsar Bubble. They're mostly in Bangsar, Damansara, Mont Kiara/Hartamas, PJ, Subang and a few more pockets here and there in the Klang Valley, usually English speaking. These people think that the entire Malaysia is like them, and that if Malaysia \"follow Singapore's policies\" (that's what a friend said in FB) Malaysia would be great. Cannot facepalm more than that.", "The smartest answer here. Small population, fragmented population, young nation. these are your reasons. Also, there ARE a lot of smart and aspiring people in Malaysia, how else do you see so many luxury cars around, people lining up in front of luxury stores. It's just that the smart and aspiring people don't fit your mold of thinking so you are blind to them. Also, they would be too busy grabbing all the loot to waste time being some public figure or role model, nothing much to say because the way the country economy works is very grey, so nobody is going to speak about it. Just earn your loot and let all the unfortunate ones vent their frustrations with conspiracy theories, false sense of supremacy, holier than thou to distract from their own garbage state of life.", "I very much agree. Our currency is too weak for our current malaysia. It doesnt help that our gov is busy keeping it weak.", "Trying to add points to @uml20,\nWe have less cyclic economic policy. Produce -> manufacturing -> service -> knowledge -> produce again -> continue. We have abandoned food production for a long time so we have less cheaper raw materials. Everything estate is sawit, sawit, sawit. Not much chicken, beef, and pork. And mining only create values from petroleum. I cannot recall any high value products we make from gold, tin, and steel.\nPower dynamics of Malaysian work relationships. We have strong power dynamics which making innovation at work and economy harder. Boss is always right, subordinates always wrong. I know some of you and some my peers had good and open-to-ideas bosses, but me, not lucky. And I've worked with bosses who hire people dumber than him/her so he/she don't need to retrain subordinate to be stupid.", "Easily most best answer here" ], [ "Busy saving themselves" ], [ "Therein lies the weakness of a parliamentary democratic system I think. While having an equal representation based on geographic constituencies have its pros, it also inadvertently causes policies to be skewed towards that with the majority of seats, even if the majority of the population may not be there.\nIn the case of Malaysia, that \"majority\" happens to be the more conservative bloc. Another interesting feature is that they also tend to not be wealthy or B40 constituencies. Therefore politicians would be more inclined towards drawing up policies that pander to these two groups. I'm pretty sure a sizable population in Malaysia are smart, aspiring, perhaps even cosmopolitan and worldly people. But they are also often concentrated and packed into cities, which are usually represented by one or two seats. It doesn't make economic sense to win the hearts of 2-3 million city folk in a couple seats if several seats in the middle of nowhere with 5,000 people can be won with far less effort.\nSo when you have policies that favour the conservative (often running counter with a desire for change) and poor (alienating middle class - city folk), it tends to drive these smart and aspiring people to look for greener pastures elsewhere. And for those that stayed, they won't have even have that representation they will need to enact change." ], [ "There are many reasons to the low currency. First, we can blame gov't for many things. Singapore used to be a poor country when they left Malaysia, yet their country has became so much developed economy that their currency value is 3 times more than Malaysia. They have less land, less natural resources, yet the living standard is so much higher. If the country wasn't putting religion first, wasn't governed by corrupted politician, then the country will go the other way.\nsecond reason, which is the direct answer to your question. Why cost of living so expensive? This is a tough fact. Malaysia is not competitive in economic production. Look at agricultural production for example, farmers can't even produce large volumes of food at low cost, and cannot achieve economic of scale, because they said \"fertilizer are too expensive\" as they are imported. Small-scale farmers could not achieve economic of scale. Without economic of scale, they can't compete with lower priced imported goods. What have the government done to increase economic of scale and competitiveness? They provide \"subsidies\" and set market prices. What concrete steps have they done that actually produce long term impact and real results to the farmers?\nMany years ago, I saw this TV interview about a kid, 15 years old at that time, still in school. But he was very rich and successful, because of his \"part time job\". In US, there are a lot of cow breeder, and this kid simply go and collect all the cow shit. Then he sell these shit as fertilizer to farmers. That's it. How expensive is cow shit? he can probably get them for free when he provide such clean up services. But fertilizing soil has a price. Why can't we have enough fertilizer at low price when there are so many chicken and cow farms? Why this country are so non-competitive, I really don't understand why they are so mediocre.\nLet me ask you this. If this country couldn't produce the most basic needs of goods at low, competitive price. What type of economy is this? What economic strength does Malaysia have? If economic strength of Malaysia is cheaper manufacturing labour, are they cheaper than India? China? Vietnam? etc competing countries?\nI try not to be a downer, but honestly, I don't see any bright future with Malaysia. There are smart and aspiring people, but they are suppressed in this country because of race, language, and religion. yeah, we can say there are examples of successful people who came from different race, speak languages, and different religion. But really, compare to countries who have higher degree of freedom, people would be able to succeed and achieve more." ], [ "Ex Malaysian here. Graduated from top 10 uni worldwide, over 10 years work exp in south neighbour.\nWhat you are lamenting is called brain drain.\nOver the 10 years I've went through several key moments where I considered returning to help build the nation. Mahathir winning the GE was a pivotal moment but the writing was on the wall.\nAs many have mentioned here, the key reasons:\nA racially biased government - Affirmative action policies that have been in place favoring majority race across all aspects (education, business, housing) means other races are always, always second class citizens. Raykat treat each other well socially in urban areas but ruling party up till last few years have always played race card to incite and divide fellow Malaysians. this leads me to:\nReligious opiate for the masses - Religion is the catch all solution for any debate, policy, drama, decision made in country. To be fair, nobody can truly escape religion as it's a human condition (look at USA bible belt, and the current world conflicts, Malaysia is not the first). But religion being so easily weaponized makes it hard to push for and provide any real change. Concerts? Haram. Movies? Haram. Hang Tuah chinese?? remove from all textbooks. Anything reflective of religion? Haram and Jihad. I grew up in the era where kampung kids would openly yell \"balik Cina! balik India!\" as they cycled by me. daily. Normally, proper education and critical thinking imparted to society can combat and remedy these. Which brings me to-\nHostility towards logical thinking and education - look at how previous governments used to release press statements and tell me that the government is logical. Science syllabus was changed to english (good) then back to melayu because its nationalism. How to understand and publish papers when entire global international community functions in english and mandarin primarily? Teachers are one of lowest paid jobs and thankless, and many teachers nowadays come from middle to last class former-students. Who then impart their thinking and values to the next gen. which brings me to-\nEntitlement - this is a direct result of poor education. The current generation gets most of their news from state controlled tv or social media. in social media, everyone lingers in their own online bubble/echo chamber and all their beliefs are reinforced in their mind. Thus, radical thinking becomes more radical, resulting in \"because i am born, i have birthrights\". All races suffer from this.\nBecause of 1, 2, 3, and 4, I find myself asking:\nWhat needs to change in order for me to come back and flourish? economic and health, livelihood and opportunities?\nWhen I have a family, how will the situation be for them growing up? what prospects will they have?\nWill the country be geared towards long term success?\nUnfortunately, the answer for me was no. Current gov is making all the right steps but runs risk of religion reverting things back in next GE. not to mention it will take a long time before things get better." ], [ "Smart ones are leaving. We have a brain drain issue in Malaysia", "Brain drain is overstated. We actually suffer from an overeducated population with low job availability for the most part compared to brain drain.\n~> I personally contribute to the “brain drain” by working in a green tech company overseas. Simply because we don’t have jobs for the industry I am in.", "Same thing happened to my colleague's brother. A recipient of government scholarship to further study in western country. After complete studying, started to work in that country. Want to comeback to Malaysia but as you mentioned, there are no jobs for the industry he was currently in.", "Aye, it’s more common than people realised. Frankly it’s due to us having policy failures for the past decade.\nI feel the past 2-3 terms of governance failed to build up key industries due to internal political issues. I do wish they could have focused much more on that to help resolve the brain drain issue in general.", "Uncompetitive salary is one of the major reasons for brain drain.\nCanada suffers the same brain drain to USA because USA pays more for tech/medical/finance. Same like Malaysians going to Singapore.", "It is a factor tho I wouldn’t say the largest.\nSome industries are way more pay competitive in Malaysia vs Singapore.\nIt comes down to industry.\nSingapore has also has been suffering from a huge brain drain to NA & Oceania.\nIt’s also about long term pay increment for some and short term pay increment for others.", "This. I'm tired of the brain drain argument when even our neighbours Singapore are facing brain drain. Most Malaysians wouldn't mind coming back and work, but there is no high skilled jobs for them and the pay is incomparable to their skill set.", "Pretty much. Also Malaysia does take in immigrants to also fulfil our job demand.\nIt’s just the cycle of opportunity, job availability and pay per performance.", "I don’t think you can call our mediocre, quota filling graduates as educated.", "Sadly that actually goes against the data and the many Malaysians who are actually talented because of your preconceived bias.\nEg: we rank among the highest in economic complexity and skilled workers.\nCan the education system be improved? 100% but to say it’s creating subpar graduates is a lie.\nPersonal experience: did my bachelors in Malaysia. got a scholarship to go to one of top 50 unis in the world for my master (overseas).\nGraduated with high grades and work in an industry where my skill are heavily in demand.\nIf I was subpar I wouldn’t have made to where I was.\nI frankly believe they are smarter Malaysians out there.", "I think he means by subpar as in those ipta grads who got into them the first place by the bumi quota system. Its happening whether ppl wanna admit it or not. Just the other day another patient in gov hospital died of a heart attack which was misdiagnosed as heartburn. Literally a simple proper history taking couldve prevented it. Subpar graduates from ipta and ipts. Due to this goddamned social contract bullshit. Ipta pushes talented nons to ipts. Ipts wants money so they lower standards and let delusional non capable students in.\nSource:currently med student in my final years. Ive seen it all around malaysia. Y5 students who dont even know how to take a comprehensive history of a patient. I can only speak on this part but not the other industries like engineering etc.", "I think affirmative action and parts of the social contract is important and I agree with you about the subpar graduates (some field etc)and the issues with hospitals in Malaysia to an extent.\nThey are good and bad doctors, frankly it’s quite terrible how we have let our medical quality drop overall.\nThanks for the input btw, I appreciate the conversation at hand.", "No worries mate. Its good to have civil discussions. Another thing for you to think about which not many people know off. Theres even discrimination in the higher leagues. To become a surgeon you need to take a masters pathway. Theres pathways in UITM which only allow muslims to take it. Disgusting criteria if you ask me. Why base healthcare with race. So idiotic. Another thing is that those non capable students im talking about are mara scholars. All they need to do is pass and get allowance and pay 10% of fees. Utter bullshit. Its not even based on merit. Too easy to get MARA nowadays. Speaking from experience those mara students in priv unis are the ones who are mediocre or worse than shit. They have the idc as long as i pass attitude and just go thru it without a sense of integrity to the sacred and noble job of being a doctor. Its fucking sad to see ukwim? Another type are those non bumis who are so shit in work ethic capability but their parents force them in or they want to go in due to “glamour” as they meet the minimum 5B spm requirement to enter med and be called a “future doctor”. Nowadays medicine is truly in a shit place. Yes we have undersupply of doctors and lack of funding from the government woth the contract issues etc. but i do not want these people to enter service as they may end up costing lives. Id rather we be undersupplied but with good staff.", "I do agree with affirmation action for all groups (will obviously have variance) while I am not aware of the UITM pathways (I assume they are certain education path only Muslims can take eg: Islamic judge etc), however as we are talking about healthcare only specific niches that may involve religion is: Mental Health, Policy making, and Islamic medical sciences (this is a basically your regular medical field with ethics involving Islamic scripture - eg: does Islam allow the development of failed fetuses for science experiments)\nHowever I don’t disagree with you that it might have happened and I agree with you it is bad if it happened.\nThey are niches where healthcare does require race. There is an interesting topic of “whiteness” and medicine as most of medicine are developed for white people and our health sciences as well leading to medicines that are efficient for other groups or heal the recommendations harmful to other groups (eg: milk consumption)\nI think diversifying the field (while unlikely to be equal) but to an acceptable proportional level for medical advancement would be great. Sadly I do think remnants of colonial inequality and more over the topic Malay nationalism has both hampered any progress for the poor and middle class bumi to progress as without affirmative action they will not realistically be able to advance and with over the top affirmative action we will alienate other groups.\nTho bumi as a whole is such a huge and diverse term with genetics groups and cultural distinguishable into over 100 ethnic indigenous groups in Malaysia alone makes it a daunting task to figure out the right solution for many aspects.\nI hope Malaysia in the future can address all ethnic issues and social issues at least on the economic front to help make a fairer society for all.\nI do believe it will need to come with a formal acceptance of our colonial past, specific adjustments to provide correct justice etc.\nPeople forget different bumis have had it far worst than others and lack behind as a result.", "Of course in certain niche areas like islamic judge or counsellors in hospitals you do need islamic people or people from their own respective religions to counsel their own maybe regarding a healthcare decision and religion conflict. For example some religions in christianity cant receive blood transfusions etc. but in terms of objective skill such as surgery where anyone regardless of race can do well its supposed to be based on meritocracy. The only reason the malays dont do well nowadays is due to them always depending on handouts from the government, complacent mindset and just overall laziness. Thats how i view the medical field now. And in terms of education, they will always say they want to move forward but retain the damned social contract there. I feel if they reallllyy want to help poor people like they mentioned (anwar) he shld make it quota for b40s. Otherwise the rich bumis get richer and the poor nons get poorer. Anyways thats my 2 cents and i doubt ill be alive by the time they change even if they decide to change. Its just sad to see it this way. Even the usa gives equal opportunities to blacks in the medical field. Politics is wouldnt say equal but sure as hell better than us here", "Ps want to apologise for terrible grammar above time zones are killing me with when I reply (not living Malaysia currently, I’ll fix it when I have the time to do so).\nI fully agree with you about the specialised roles and non-specialised roles\nAlso I do agree with to an extent about the rest. Tho I feel the handout part is a myth in some aspect, I feel it’s a generalisation without really observing how our data has shown the community overall has been uplifted due to programs related to it.\nI believe bumi should receive affirmative action as compensation for the tolls put on them which led to generational problem however that should move towards a transition of universal care regardless of religion or race.\nI feel the only real ways Bumi will accept a change like that is by having a Muslim Bumi assert the Islamic creed of equality in the biases of the constitution of Medina and Equality set fourth in Islamic belief while also assuring the cultural, Islamic and brief compensation period moving forward will be affirmed.\nMalaysia will also need to probably go into a process seen with many countries of “Malaysianisation” in which Bumi Culture is now integrated into all Malaysians to an extent (even Malays should integrate with orang asal etc) and for Malaysia to begin promoting other ethnic cultures as well in its own unique form.\nUnironically this is how most golden ages come about." ], [ "Where are all the smart ambitious people and entrepreneurs with bright ideas to help stabilize things, offer solutions, or bring something new to the table that benefits all?\nOnly the government can fix this\nMy belief has always been if you are in some way educated then you have this hidden/underlying responsibility to make things right for everyone around you since you are at least one step closer than a starving child or a homeless person.\nThe unfortunate truth is, the average Malaysian cannot be trusted to pick competent politicians. They are not able to think long term. So what are the minority \"ambitious\" people supposed to do?\nI'm sorry if this is cringe or if I blew this out of proportion, just wanted to say my two cents before going to sleep.\nYes it is very cringe and you are blowing this out of proportion. Focus on yourself and increasing your earning potential.", "You don't think the whole \"focus on yourself\" is one of the main reasons why the majority of voters and workers of this country are so fucking selfish they can't vote for the future or think of a way where workers are actually paid according to our worth.? I hope this doesn't sound too condescending but I'm a 24 year old soon to be 25 I've seen people my age who work hard getting fuck over regardless and completely okay with it because they thought 'well At least malay people are incharge' or 'if i just work hard maybe I'll get promoted even though i worked here ever since i was 18 years old'. We keep saying 'humans are social creatures' i think this quote also applies to our economy and survival but since individualism pretty much rot the people of this country so much they think giving up 30 years of your life just to buy a house is normal.", "You don't think the whole \"focus on yourself\" is one of the main reasons why the majority of voters and workers of this country are so fucking selfish they can't vote for the future or think of a way where workers are actually paid according to our worth?\nThere is a difference between \"focus on yourself\" and being selfish. Raise yourself up, not weigh others or the whole community down. One can improve himself and earn that T20 salary without being a shit person. Think about what is fair to everyone and not just yourself. Have empathy to understand how you'd feel like in another person's position. Then you'll always make the right move. Even on a smaller social level, pay your taxes, don't litter, don't double park, etc.\nI've seen people my age who work hard getting fuck over regardless and completely okay with it because they thought 'well At least malay people are incharge' or 'if i just work hard maybe I'll get promoted even though i worked here ever since i was 18 years old'.\nThat is just called being a pushover. One should know their worth. If they are confident in their performance, then why are they subjecting themselves to that kind of situation. They need to take control of their life. Not saying it is easy, but if not them, who else?\nWe keep saying 'humans are social creatures' i think this quote also applies to our economy and survival but since individualism pretty much rot the people of this country so much they think giving up 30 years of your life just to buy a house is normal.\nThis is normal pretty much everywhere. Majority of T20s need to take a 30 year loan. The only people that don't are probably within the T5 to T1 range. Not everyone comes from money. Why would you think otherwise?" ], [ "Lmao no way an adult who's ever experienced an honest days work wrote this" ], [ "Well, we certainly aren't spending most of our time on Reddit wondering where all the Cool Smart Aspiring Malaysians are, because we are already doing Cool Smart Aspiring Malaysian Things with Other Cool Smart Aspiring Malaysians.\nMaybe start by not waiting around wondering where we are ( many of us are too busy to self - advertise ) and, and instead, thinking of how you can be the change you want to see, yourself, in your own way?\nLike attracts like." ], [ "How can you help people that didnt even want to help themselves ?\nI know were not talking about charity or donation . But be real , even if there’s better policy or way of doing stuff out there , people will always find excuses for it.\nI used to visit a town with a fishing village around it , you know how government give out subsidies and all kind of help to fishermen etc.\nStumble upon bunch of them that complain how they always live in poverty and got no help blablabla. But when I told them about all the subsidies they just says ; “renyah , leceh nak apply , kena ada lesen ..” the list just goes on and on. But they still got time to lepak at kedai kopi and talk about politic all day.\nThere just some people that didnt wanted to be help." ], [ "Yes, this is a cringe thread. I will try to keep my annoyance, eye-rolling and general exasperation to a minimum.\nNow, I have no idea where you can buy \"meat and dairy products\" for USD10. Go to /r/unitedkingdom or /r/canada and read about how food bank usage is reaching an all-time high. Maybe it's cheaper in the US (after all, California alone produces metric fucktons of food), but they have their own problems. Try getting an ambulance to a hospital there, for example, and see where your \"USD10\" gets you.\nMoving on: are there any smart and aspiring people in Malaysia? Of course. Unless if you want to imply we're all dumb?\n\"But where are they?\", cries the Debbie Downers in this sub. I dunno, where were you looking at?\nIf you're expecting a bevy of Nobel laureates and Fields Medal winners, then yes, you're not going to find much of them I'm afraid. But that doesn't mean we don't have an educated populace. Your ordinary researchers working at the various institutions, private and public - aren't they smart? Your entrepreneurs running various small and medium enterprises - are they not aspiring?\nWe are not a perfect country, by any stretch of imagination. We have social, economic, military, etc. problems that need to be solved. But why would you think we're struck in some kind of stasis where nothing ever improves? When I was a teen, everyone have to use cash, taxis require bargaining to prevent extortionate rates, and election results usually boils down to \"how big is BN's supermajority?\"\nBut what do I know, OP. Maybe unlike you, I'm just a dum dum with an inordinate amount of optimism and/or crankiness. Clearly you're too good for this country 🙄\nI said I'll keep eye-rolling to a minimum, not \"won't use it at all\"", "Also just to give another perspective. In Canada, most people are heavily taxed for their income. Someone who makes 6 figure income (100k) is just making about around 4000-5000 per month and most Canadians don't even make that amount. I realized over yesterday when I told my friend who works in Malaysia that my take home per month after tax is just 4k (Statistically I make more money than at least 50% of Canadians) and she thinks that's too low because she makes close to 5-6k per month. My sister makes close to 8k in KL as an accountant.\nSalaries in Malaysia look overinflated compared to Canada. Of course, it's then reflected in cost of living in both countries. Except I find Canada to be more unlivable than Malaysia in terms of cost of living.", "+1 to taxes. At some point you'll get taxed 60% in UK (though more closer to 46% after that range)", "Exactly, the more i read, the cringier it becomes.\nWhat is OP eating with ranging to 25 to a basic meal? Does basic meal now means dinner plate in KFC, or nasi lemak with fried chicken whole leg + fancy juice?\nAnd it also seems there's a greener on the other side perception. Maybe it is, but every country has it's own sh*t, it's just whether you are ok with it's shortcomings or not. If we're comparing to the big brothers, we would lose out in a number of aspects, but if we look within, we've actually came a long way, and we're actually not that bad at all.\nOP, if next time you feel the supremacy of other countries, i recommend you watch some yt on foreigner's view of malaysia, from westerners or our closer asian neighbours, it will have you see Malaysia from different eyes. It's not all about the money/currency.", "Well said. I am a Malaysian living and working in Australia and the cost of living here is insanely ridiculous compared to Malaysia, and the taxes are high too. Someone else here mentioned about learning about the perspectives of foreigners who are living in Malaysia. I think every Redditer here should do that. Then you will realise that Malaysia overall is not a bad country compared to USA etc ( Most foreigners in Malaysia that I know of love Malaysia because of the kind locals, lower cost of living and medical cost and a decent living standard) And these foreigners are from USA, Europe, Australia, Japan and Korea.", "Yeah. OP has very little life experience and exposure to make such sweeping generalisations, but already so pessimistic at such a young age. This does bode well for OP, but at least OP is seeking out information to rectify and fix the mindset.\nI support you, OP.", "for prices of item, you can get 2L of milk for £1.90 https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/253737115\n1kg of chicken thigh for £2.29 https://www.lidl.co.uk/p/birchwood-british-chicken-thighs/p5202289\nrice is about £2/kg\ngenerally, basic food prices isn't that high (might even be cheaper if we consider meal/hour)", "I have no idea where you can buy \"meat and dairy products\" for USD10\nAustralia:\n1kg leg of lamb RM 24\n1kg of cheese RM 30\nBoneless Pork per kg RM 24\nBeef per kg RM 42\nAmerica is cheaper for meats from what I understand also.", "I think felinomancy is not just talking about meat or dairy. He/she just use them as example. OP stated that a full meal which includes meat and dairy is between USD 5 to 10.", "Me reading this eating my USD4.50 chicken rice in SG" ], [ "Complaining in Reddit" ], [ "They live under the rader. No choice, u gotta ask." ], [ "Just an FYI, the whole “full meal for 10, even 5 usd” is not really accurate. The US is big, if you live anywhere that is city-ish, you can’t get those prices (source: I’m a US permanent resident who has lived in different states, and still have ties in Malaysia to come back often-ish). I haven’t seen a “full meal for USD 5, even cheap McDonald’s cost more. Malaysia actually has better value of food for the money, even if it is priced much higher now. The thing is, Malaysians have been paying such low prices for food for a long time, that when the prices corrected itself to pay food vendors their proper worth, it became sticker shock. The problem, IMHO, is how we operate politically as a nation and the wealth gap. If you’re an entrepreneur, you can’t get anywhere unless you have an “in”, basically relationships with people making decisions. It’s not about merits. It’s not about your idea and the impact you would have on the economy. It’s about how willing you are to play the game where people pretend that favors aren’t given but they totally are. The wealthy don’t have any incentive to make the country better as a whole when their interests are so entrenched in keeping things the way they are. Until there’s significant changes in rewarding people based on merit, combat misogyny and patriarchy (so that women can succeed too) and concerted efforts to bridge the wealth gap by those in power, things are not going to get better." ], [ "They're definitely not on Reddit" ], [ "Overseas, busy reaping the rewards that they deserve" ], [ "Either you live long to see yourself a hero, or you become the villain" ], [ "Even if you have a good idea or are itherwise driven to succeed, Malaysia’s environment is not conducive for business. Red tape and corruption limit prospective investments into a business (which you would need in order to scale up), and even if you do manage to succeed, Malaysian society in general seem to be full of rent seekers - it could even be argued that this type of post is a symptom of such a mindset.\nWith these types of comditions, why start a business here when there are better prospects elsewhere?" ], [ "So sad to see so many jaded comments to your post.\nI dont think the economic pinch that the working class is facing is unique to Malaysia. It's a product of the capitalist system. Rich gets richer, every person for themselves.\nEveryone has the responsibility to the do best they can. Not just the talented or what not. This is how the rising tide can raise all boats" ], [ "The smart educated ones don't lurk in social media to boast their achievements. That's why we don't see them often.\nEdit: They're on Researchgate with their peers" ], [ "They have probably left. Probably got disillusioned with the facade of a better and honest politician who turned out to be the same crook as the previous one.\nMy wife was one of those idealistic individual who believed in a better Malaysia even tho she is not a Bumi.\nStudied overseas, got a good paying job. Held on to her Malaysian citizenship. Queued for hours to renew passport instead of paying kopi money to cut the q that kind.\nCame back for the GE. Only for Mahathir to screw Malaysians.\nCame back for the GE again. Only for Anwar to screw Malaysians this time.\nI think the straw that broke the camel’s back was the green wave of PAS and generally the rise of extremism. She knew this time no way back already.\nLast year she finally renounced her citizenship! So happy for her." ], [ "They are everywhere, who do u think create all the factories, F&b, franchises, multi nationals Malaysian companies....\nA lot is made in Malaysia u know, sure I can say it wasn't enough yet and lots of thing could be improved. But honestly, the uncle sitting in the mrt could very well be one of the CEO in Malaysia home brand packaged herbal tea brand. (True story btw)." ], [ "For me at least, it's just too complicated trying to maintain balance of a country, I rather do my own thing, same goes for my entire family. Only idiots would think it's easy to run the country, doing this, that, if don't then point fingers and blame all the goverment and politicians. They won't step back and think, because they never done it their whole life.\nIn order for the country to be fully stable, everyone needs to be intellectual and understanding of every government decision as to why they did it, instead of complaining. Only then, we might actually become a fully developed country one day." ], [ "All the rich tycoons in malaysia are earning profits from this consumption sector in malaysia. As a general rule of thumb, elites dont care.\nThe bright talented people have left malaysia for countries like singapore because they are aware that there are better opportunities elsewhere. And mostly these are minorities.\nWhat is left are mediocre minorities and all the malays. The malays in political power are mostly focused on maintaining their power, and thus most of their efforts are being put to maintain popularity of the masses - eg boycotting israel, bringing up rights of malays etc - which could be better focused on correcting the wrongs in the economy.\nAs a singaporean, i feel malaysia is in a deep mess that structurally requires an overhaul in how thinfs are run at the top." ], [ "Don’t look at Korea then. Those people pay 100s of 1000s for each meal (ƃuıɥʇou suɐǝɯ sǝıɹʇunoɔ ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp uı sǝɔıɹd lɐuıɯou ƃuıɹɐdɯoɔ)", "ƃuıɥʇou suɐǝɯ sǝıɹʇunoɔ ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp uı sǝɔıɹd lɐuıɯou ƃuıɹɐdɯoɔ\nWhat we should look at is the meal/hour on minimum wages after tax.\nAccording to https://joinhorizons.com/countries/malaysia/hiring-employees/minimum-wage/, the minimum wage is RM 7.21 pre tax, and I dont think it's common to find a meal for <RM10. That's like 1.5-2 hours of work per meal (cooking is cheaper).", "Yes, that indicator is much better. As for minimal wage, I think better to look at average per state or another measure, because <10% of Malaysians earn minimum wage. I live in Prague, and good quality food here is 3-5x times the price in Kuala Lumpur, while the salaries are definitely not 3-5x , not even double. I was surprised at how “easy” it is to eat out all the time, I mean even side-of-road food is pretty good (nutritious) and soooo cheap" ], [ "why does this read like a boomer's post in KLBAC?\n\"Spotted a rare breed today: book reading kids!\"\nI think you should strengthen some new social ties. Living costs aren't great but that doesn't mean there aren't aspiring or smart people around. Question the system that has suppressed them instead." ], [ "If you want to reference other country vs Malaysia, you should put them into 2 categories. The one who colonize others vs colonized country.\nNo reason to compare Malaysia who just get independents for 66 years vs colonizer who existed and plundered other country for hundreds of years.\nAlso no reason to compare Malaysia with US. US is the best geographical country in the world. It is huge, border by 2 great sea and have weak neighbors on land border. It can self sustain on food and recently they dig more oil in their own country using fracking. No country in this world check all these boxes.\nMalaysia is a brand new country. Only 66 Years old. If you want to compare, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Philippine, etc, make more sense. They too colonized by other country, similar size and independence less than 100 years.\nThe country that successful - Taiwan, S.korea, Singapore all have several common trait\nThey have high threats to national sovereignty. Taiwan is threaten by China, S.Korea is still in war with N.Korea and they have to be careful on both Japan and China. Singapore is just an island without any natural resource nor defense back when they kick out from Malaysia. I believe this make their people more competitive and social aware. Religion & Race issue is not important when your country can get invaded anytime.\nThey focus greatly in education. Skilled worker can do high value added job, earn more salary, and can spend more money. If you got a lot of them, your country income also go up.\nTheir government have strong intervention on the economy. Many of their government backed company grow really big and compete in international market.\nYour smart and aspiring individual won't become Bill Gate in Malaysia. We don't have enough investor here. We also don't have the support for smart specialist student, they have to further their study in foreign country, then find their job in those country as well.", "Yeah, your category makes sense. Malaysia is just 66, just a child i guess.", "60 years ago everyone was happy living and dancing in the jungle. Now everyone are unhappy and trying to survive in mundane 9 to 6 job." ], [ "Brazilian here. My bet is that Malaysia suffers from roughly the same issue as Brazil: being outside of imperiocapitalist core :(" ], [ "Our culture is to blame others and not take responsibility. Even if you try to do good, you get dragged down by envious, wretched people. Every problem they have is either the government's fault, or your fault." ], [ "Because all of them left the country. I used to be like you, but I realised my pay and effort is not in equilibrium, that is why I do the bare minimum now, they can't do shit too, field is scarce of talent for now because of the brain drain, so life is not that bad if you're not super ambitious" ], [ "Singapore? Any fella worth their grain of salt would move overseas where the exchange rate matches their efforts.\nThose who stay behind either have family responsibilities or just don't have the courage to leave their nest. This isn't an insult, but an observation.\nThose who say Malaysia is some sort of better place, hujan emas hujan batu, grass is greener yadayada, don't kid yourself." ], [ "One of the main problem with democracy is that people who are decent and smart do not want to get into politics.\nWhile the opportunist and cock suckers do everything they can to secure political power.\nHence this situation we're in. Mind you Malaysia is doing okay-ish, but we definitely could be alot better." ], [ "give PMX some time. I'm sure he'll deliver his promise to \"make Malaysia greater again\". He's the best finance minister after all 😏", "" ], [ "The smart ones leave the country for a better life.\nDon't get me wrong, this country has its charms but it has as many downsides as it does up. A lot of effort is needed to marginally improve the country but those improvements can be easily undone in one night. There are also too many underlying problems that will probably never be resolved. The smart ones recognise that fact and leave the country to pursue betterment in all aspects of their life." ], [ "maybe there are two answers. 1 Smart and creative people left Malaysia since ages ago and many more are leaving. sadly\n2 Many smart and aspiring people CAN afford luxury things themselves so...." ], [ "full meal for 5 usd in a first world country? where??\nAverage quick service meal in the states for me was 15-18usd. Sit down? 30+ 15% tip + tax = $37.\nGroceries expenses have increased 80% for me since 2020.\ni have ate super tasty lunch in malaysia for 8rm though. You’d get the cheapest mcChicken for that in the states and nothing more.\nThere are upsides and downsides to every country. For example: KL’s public transit system is better than the one in my city, which is the capital of the US.\nUS salaries are high, prices even higher. The strong currency makes it very advantageous to travel abroad though. I can’t afford domestic travel due to us pricing for hotels and meals but travel internationally a lot." ], [ "Those with brains AND the ability either were forced to leave, left voluntarily, or are working for the idiots that control all the strings in this country." ], [ "Probably left the country.\nIs the grass indeed greener? Yes." ], [ "oversea" ], [ "All of them migrated lol." ], [ "There are a lot of smart people out there, but smart + reformative is rare, they're smart enough to realise that it will take a long time to change a country" ], [ "We can only take care of ourselves. One way is to earn in USD or SGD and spend in MYR. That is what I did. Maybe we will improve someday but I don't see it in my lifetime." ], [ "the smart people that you are looking for has become the current govnt\ngrass is always greener on the other side\non average across this country chap fan is cheaper than your food pricing suggested and have proper balanced nutritional values\nexplain \"nice things\". what kind of nice things that you want? something quantitative perhaps? or is it just man look at this nice stuff the show on youtube for content clicks and i wish i get it over here." ], [ "Bro, rm7 can get you a whole meal. And our petrol price is like one of the cheapest in the whole world. But of course flies look for feces while bees look for honey." ], [ "Doom and gloom aside, i think you’re underestimating the level of smart people in Msia. And the level of entrepreneurship (out of necessity) is darn high." ], [ "The underlying problem is racism and institutionalised apartheid system against the minority. Until you remove that, then the problem will persist. Good luck in convincing the majority they don’t need the clutches anymore.\nI’m not smart. I don’t see hope in this country so I left. As simple as that." ], [ "Sadly smart and aspiring people dont usually get a place in public uni. I was so depressed I didnt get a place in USM for pharmacy but I got a full scholarship for pharmacy in a private uni (im a non bumi). Wheres the logic behind this (STPM grad 2019).\nIf they dont appreciatw me, why shud I appreciate them? I am thankful for the scholarship, because without it I would never know how much I can achieve. I plan to go singapore after I suffer 2 years compulsory hosp training in malaysia\nWhy would I work in Malaysia if my starting pay is rm3-4k but in singapore they offer sgd4000 as starting pay? All the smart and aspiring people knows this, u cant blame them for leaving the country\nOur country malaysia is beautiful, run by 🙊. Its like the idiom a sheep leading a group of lions will always lose to a lion leading a group of sheeps. Its the same concept. Unfortunately, we are a group of lions being led by a sheep", "u/Kuniiko I understand where you're coming from. As a pharmacist in Malaysia, it's likely you'll end up behind the counter at one of the chains - Caring, Guardian, Watsons, Big - unless/until you have the capital to start your own, in which case the role is still very much of a \"community healer.\" Besides, unless the government legislates the separation of prescription and dispensing roles, the doctors will always have the upper hand, and pharmacists end up having to dedicate so much of their shelf space to non-medical goods just to make the numbers work.\nThat's fine if that's what you absolutely want, but there are so many other opportunities to explore outside the country.\nI hope you'll find what you're looking for in Singapore, if not, elsewhere. All the best!" ], [ "All ran over to Singapore" ], [ "Imagine there is Elon Musk in Malaysia, trying to change the world, then government demand you to give most part of your country to bumi holder before you can go on stock market\nIf I was Elon I would leave" ], [ "They gave up" ], [ "A pack of wolves will come down and devour any aspiring tiger" ], [ "Food is cheaper here than in most parts of the world, thanks to numerous government subsidy programs.\nMalaysia has many brilliant and ambitious people, who are outside your network.\nWhere are they? The question should be, \"Where do you spend your time?\" because it sounds like you need a change of scenery and attitude.\nYour belief?\nWhat have you been doing?\nGo ahead, inspire us." ], [ "Inb4 \"terpaling tertindas\"" ], [ "Systemic racism and inability to separate state and religion is pushing all the smart people out of the country." ], [ "I’m planning to leave lol" ], [ "it depends. right now im in kl" ], [ "The smart ones have already emigrated my friend." ], [ "We leave as soon as we're able to." ], [ "In Singapore" ], [ "Off the top of my head Jimmy choo Zang toi Michelle yeoh James wan Penny Wong Irene Fernandez Yi ren ng Nicol David Phaik Yong cheah Betty sim Kim Lee Masliza Mahmod" ], [ "Where's that? In NZ a restaurant meal is NZD18 minimum. Groceries are at least NZD30 with the cheapest meat. Most people cook at home because of this. The difference is that minimum wage is high NZD23/hour and even the poorest workers will not starve or not be able to rent (biggest expense) unless one has illnesses that make them unable to work." ], [ "Singapore." ], [ "We aren't lack of smart and aspiring people, they were just outnumbered by the politicians and lawmakers, and the people in power." ], [ "Writing as a Singaporean, the benefits of population density is immense.\nSingapore has 1/4 of the population but only needs to build a small fraction of the tarmac roads, lay a small fraction of the copper wire and water pipes compared to Malaysia.\nJust the annual maintenance of the NS highway is a massive cost that Singapore doesn't need to bear.\nCompared to other South East Asian countries, a much larger proportion of the Malaysian population lives in concrete houses with power, plumbing, etc. Access to two lane roads, etc.\nI also think the 1MDB embezzling, while it feels like magic numbers or paper loss, has a non trivial effect on your government's ability to deal with the currency value falls.\nThat leads to the answer to your question: they are in Singapore or other countries. The Grab boss is Malaysian and set up here in Singapore. The pull and push factors are mentioned by others.\nWhile you might not care, Malaysia probably still an envy of a lot of people in the region." ], [ "Lots of them are here in Singapore. Every second medical professional, accountant, engineer, etc you think were Singaporean, but when you speak to them a bit they would say they were ex Malaysian.\nThe concept of Malaysians leaving to work elsewhere is not dissimilar to people working in the corporate world. When a higher paying opportunity arises, some people leave and some will stay." ], [ "Brain drain" ], [ "Trust me when I say this. Our policymakers are actually great at what they’re doing and we have myriads of ideas to make things better.\nBut weak policy implementations and/or misaligned political incentives(eg good policies that benefits rakyat long term at the cost of short term, hence political backlash), to mention a few, hampered these initiatives.\nAlso given the complexity of modern world, it’s difficult to get these so called “heroes” as you eventually just end up as a cog in a big machine" ], [ "The most ambitious entrepreneurs go to Wall Street, the greatest engineer go to Silicon Valley, the best actor go to hollywood, the most motivated scientist go to NASA.\nThere is very little reason these people don’t do this, and this is also how the US become such a powerhouse in such a short timeframe. Not just a Malaysian problem" ], [ "its just down to mindset. no one asks \"how can i do this better?\". everyone just want the same old slave labour method to get things done rather than to be innovative. Even our own gov is a problem too.\nFor example, compare our farmers to european and american farmers, yes even their farmers struggle but compare how many farmers per acre and what tools they have access to. The big problem is that because we dont make good decent tools we have to buy our tools from the 1st world at their prices with our salaries. Even the average malaysian suffers here like with phone and computer prices. Heck we pay more than americans that its cheaper for me to import than buy locally for the same item made in china shipped to US then shipped to malaysia rather than shipped from china to malaysia and bought here. Thats how much of a disgrace we are.\nAside from the bad mindset the gov also taxes badly. In the 1st world groceries are not taxed, so this help reduce prices even at restaurants but eating out is taxed because it isnt a necessity. Items that are necessities dont get taxed and even with a huge VAT on computers, your average poor 1st world isnt rocking an intel atom based CPU but rather at least an i3 or full core pentium, even a ryzen meanwhile our average malaysian rocks an intel atom based CPU because thats all they can afford and at high prices (rm 900 for a refurbished dual core intel atom thinkpad, how quaint). but to the west they can grab a laptop for $300 which is like rm 300 to us but with an i3 at least or low end ryzen new.\nLots of problems that we have and the way we think we dont question \"is this going to improve things, help or work?\" Its a miracle the other guy isnt smart enough to understand all this." ], [ "I'm one of them\nBut opt to stay down\nThere's too much to do\nTo many issues\nWill only teach to those who want.." ], [ "A simple anwser: they're overseas, they know malaysia isn't worth helping or investing in." ], [ "Skill issue. Git gud son." ], [ "Wait till when the carbon tax hits" ], [ "I have this video I really love that attempts to categorize and quantify this kind of thing. Basically, there are levels of awareness to life, and the video author introduces 9 levels based on his own reading and understanding: https://youtu.be/kse87ocS0Uo?si=iZQe033zePwa8kJ3\nThe video author argues that first world countries are generally stuck at level 6, and it's why there so much toxicity on places like Twitter. Not to say people of higher levels don't exists, but they don't form a large enough number to hit critical mass, and can't make sweeping changes. It'll take time before the whole country can advance a level, if at all.\nIn my view, the population of Malaysia is around level 3~4, and that can't be helped since we are such a young country with access to proper education for not even a country.\nSolution? We just need to keep working at it, maybe if you want things to go faster, we need to artificially form the \"critical mass\" by forming interest groups and communities, create documentation and learning material, and sacrifice raising our personal quality of life and spend it on educating the masses. Most likely you may achieve something notable, but you wouldn't live long to see it. Yeah... Not many would do that, they basically need to be modern martyrs of strong faith.\nFunny thing is, it's not entirely a good thing once we past level 4. We go through level 5 which is pretty good, but then hit level 6 again and find problems like what first world countries are facing.\nThere's a lot of disclaimers about misconceptions people might have about these levels. I suggest people just go watch it. I also watched it recently and I find it quite insightful.\nPerhaps a more systemic way to do this would be to honestly take control of the nation's education, but it'll definitely be met with a ton of resistance. I think the best choice is to start small by maybe becoming someone of notable status, announce incentives to learn under your wing, and see how it goes from there. Even this is very difficult unfortunately", "Cool video. Thanks for sharing\nSo level 9 is kind of going for the ride of life?", "I think level 8 is going for the ride of life. Level 9 is realizing that there are different ways to go through the ride of life, and be able to compare and contrasting the pros and cons between them", "Would you think that's something like self realization?", "I think self realization happens much lower, around level 5-6. From that I understand, level 6 is the ability to understand that there is more than 1 way to live and compare and contract between them. Level 7 is the ability to understand that your view of different cultures is affected by your own circumstances, and have the ability to be emphatic to others views, and maybe find a way where everyone can be happy. Level 8 is the ability to see how different ways of living develops over time, while level 9 is the ability to again understand that your own circumstances affect how you view things, and be able to identify other ways to view things and compare between them.\nI can't say I fully understand all the levels either, I recommend researching to get a better understanding", "okay, I vaguely get it, thanks for the explanation 😃" ], [ "we dont have bad purchasing power, our purchasing power relative to asia is quite good and contrary to popular belief purchasing power has little to do with currency.\nMalaysia did not go though mass corporatization. we hate change , businesses are run in the 80s. SG/SK/TWN/JP all had spells of forceful corporatization and a lot of suffering to achieve it.\nin fact our love for things to be the same spreads into other things, ie: startups and new ideas, people refuse to finance as people refuse to understand new things.\nwe are fragmented, you need to sell to 3 main markets and sub markets, then you need to deal with multiple states, organizations." ], [ "Pretty good, some of the comments here really makes me think, direct to their points. Not so much of overlappings.\nAppreciated the interactions this post-comments provided.\nThere's no 1 switch \"good\" or \"bad\" and ever ending that's it. To see there's attentions here and there.\nMight not have sufficiency to push me into actions, but the mentality sharing is favourable. (The sign, of \"cringe\" is gone and now actually looking at \"detail matters\" of the subject)\n(Mostly I just upvote beneficial comment to my mentality, and that's all I did here, focusing on constructivity)\nAt least i don't undermine mentality shaping and try lesser mentality shaming and more mentality building, right? Maybe? Perhaps?" ], [ "many smart ones probably moved to Singapore to work" ], [ "The ones that want to do real change often get shut down and shoved out by those that can't monopolize the change or benefit from it.\nMy story is more or less the same, I had the chance to do some real change by setting a standard across agencies but after getting burnt out and well wished off, I'd rather go overseas and be the head of a snake than a dragons shit." ], [ "All the malaysians I knew at University of any race or religious background stayed here or elsewhere and never went back to Malaysia.All very bright people.I dont see why they would considering how much better prospects are everywhere else is compared to their home country.I suppose its the sh**e ones that are still there,or people who just were not lucky." ], [ "Keep this mindset for another 20 years OP, join a political party that aligns closest to your ideals, and we will vote for you to implement policies that will allow these changes to happen. Good luck, and good life." ], [ "The “smart and aspiring” are being exploited by the “devious and aspiring” people. Then they give up.\nAs for the places where you can get “cheap and affordable” “full meal” (the latter in quotation is assumed to be a nutritious and balanced meal)…their food productions are primarily in country. As opposed to here, where local production is mismanaged (e.g. 600mil “lost” in rice production recently, loss of cattle and dairy production in Puchong with property development…then the “feedlot” “misappropriation “)." ], [ "Left Msia because of exact what you wrote. Currently in Australia and its not all greener over here but majority is greener. Comparing dollars to dollars, I spend less on food, vehicles and housing. Rm3k vs Aud3k a month is huge, without even converting exchange rates. Work life balance is almost the best, with time with the family.\nBut yea not all are a bed of roses, malls close early, no late night food other than a few 24hrs McD, and taxes are slightly higher(depending of beakers).\nOh yea the main question not answered, haha i honestly gave up trying...after trying for more than 10 years. There's always that thought at the back of the mind pushing me to keep trying but it's ever so weak now." ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 25 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: What do you get when you cross a shark and a cow? Your research funding permanently suspended
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "I'm thinking of buying a blender so I can finally make my own protein shakes. Can anybody recommend me one that's preferably under RM100?" ], [ "So i just broke up and now I'm working from home while living on my own around PJ, are there any meetups or events happening this weekens or so? Really wanna go out and make some new friends and socialise more", "there's a board game event this Friday. info here" ], [ "Do Sikhs in Malaysia speak Tamil?" ], [ "" ], [ "Does anyone compile a list of mystery bodies that keep popping out in these few weeks? from the one under bathtub to the most recent one in an \"abandoned\" car" ], [ "What is the ride share service (Grab, Maxim etc) with the lowest fare in KL?" ], [ "Merry Christmas to all", "Merry Initial D Christmas to you" ], [ "Signed up for car insurance with Etiqa. If their chat support is an indication, I may have committed a very grievous mistake.\nAt least next year there's one insurance provider I can cross off my list.", "Like how?\nGive example 🤔", "Their chat support times are atrocious.\nMaybe they ought to implement the \"you are at number X in the queue\", because as it is it feels like no one's home.\n(someone finally got back to me after 40 minutes)" ], [ "Looking for a song that is similar to my heart will go on and let it go.\nclean lyrics\neasy lyrics, even a toddler can sing along\nhigh notes\nExcept that I'm looking for something that is not overused to death.", "You raise me up\nA whole new world\nDefying gravity" ], [ "What do you think about Chinese parents (and other races too) who \"disown\" their child because they don't want traditional wedding.\nI got a friend and her partner don't want to do traditional wedding as it's so expensive. Rent hall + decoration + catering can easily reached RM100k and they really don't want to spend that money.\nSo both of them decided to \"rent\" another friends house which is huge and hire their own catering. Total cost like RM6000 only. They invited their parents but both side parents refused to come and say it's a \"disgrace\" and \"dishonor\" the families for having such \"low class\" wedding. Both side parents do not approve the wedding and will disown them if they proceeded with the wedding.\nGuess what ? The wedding goes on and we have a good time at the wedding party. They hired some arab guy who make one of the best kebab and some Indian Catering food to spice things up. And play video games almost whole nigh (both are gamers).\nDo you think the newly weds are being disrespectful to their parents ? Or the parents being unreasonable.", "the only disgrace is the cacat brain those parents have. let them enjoy their wedding in peace lol", "eh, there's always potential miscommucation speaking from my experience:\nCounsin's parents wanted them to do the proper \"tea drinking ceremony\" but they thought their parents wanted a \"traditional ceremony\";\nin truth they could probably reach a compromise by actually doing the \"fetch the bride + tea drinking\" while omiting the costly dinner;\nalso doesn't help that the bride refuse to wear traditional wedding dress (western or chinese) but instead opt to wear a dress (she said its way cheaper, but the parents think she's not taking this seriously);\nbut then sometimes irl communication is just messy", "Definitely parents being unreasonable. Like who want to waste that many money in a wedding in these economy", "Your friend parents can sponsor the rest of the Myr 99.4k if they want it grand\nNo sponsor = no talk\nSimple and easy", "Rent hall + decoration + catering can easily reached RM100k\nwtf? You can buy a brand new Honda with that.", "If parents offered to pay then what the heck, go with it. If out of the couples own pocket then fuck the parents. It isn’t 1970 anymore, a house doesn’t cost 15K", "Their parents refuse to pay for the wedding, else they would already agreed to it.", "Cut off the toxic parents" ], [ "I'm travelling to Langkawi this week! May I ask how is the weather there?" ], [ "You can be in the transit area within the airport, which does have some shops." ], [ "Genuinely tempted to subscribe to Netflix after watching the first episode of Blue Eye Samurai on Youtube." ], [ "Just put in my final overseas order for the year, to avoid the 10% sales tax that will be implemented on Jan 1. Eh, RM10 saved is still RM10 heh.", "Wdym 10% sales tax?", "https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/12/17/new-10pc-tax-what-malaysians-need-to-know-when-buying-products-online-below-rm500-from-overseas/107907\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18jd5pa/10_sales_tax_on_online_goods_to_apply_from_jan_1/", "Noooooo...\nThanks Anwar." ], [ "Did an extensive cleaning of my home workstation. So much dust...." ], [ "Anyone have ever bought something physical over Amazon Japan? Eyeing over an artbook now.\nDoes the purchase really straightfroward cus it says it can ships to Malaysia?\nI used to buy something overseas but only digital medium. I am aware that I'm buying the artbook straight from the official publisher instead of third party seller." ], [ "Been reading about slow juicer, normal juicer etc etc.. but I just want something that I don't need the hassle of straining the fibre thingy after it being blended 🙃\nDoes anyone have a preference that they can share? Nothing too big tho.. I can't afford to juiceboost everytime cause I live far away from it ._." ], [ "Went to TRX\nFeels very... sterile\nI don't think the billions spent here was worth it :(", "As a taxpayer, I want a refund 💸", "explain ‘sterile’?", "I dunno,... all the fake marble I think." ], [ "anyone here has experience trying to find a job In Sabah? I have a mechanical engineering degree and experience in maintenance engineering.", "Find a job for oil and gas vendor?" ], [ "I wanna do Mani pedi but money be looking a bit tight since January is the most expensive month 😢🐯" ], [ "Gonna take my 5yo to the dark side introduce my kid to games, starting with Mario. Any wisdom?", "Start with a desktop PC. They're easy to upgrade and useful for more than just games. Plus, the games are wayyyy cheaper. Bonus points for building the PC on your own 👍\nFor cross-platform play, there's emulators. I think Mario is a nintendo exclusive\nBut whatever you do, keep the kid away from the shadowy realm of online and competitive gaming. It's a salt mine there.", "Mario is great.. promotes hand eye coordination and lots of healthy concepts like how money is cool but the journey matters more and growing up big and strong is a good thing. The older Super Mario 3 is probably what i suggest to start the child on. World and Wonder subsequently when they show proficiency. Then move onto the 3D spatial stuff when they're 8 or 9. Galaxy etc is great. Trains creativity and gets them filled with ideas for Minecraft. Roblox when they're 10 or 11 so they learn to get social online and can introduced Roblox streamers where they can learn advanced english and public speaking. Graduate into whatever bigger trending game is out there.. probably still Fortnite. Addendum, Katamari Damacy might be fine for a 5yo too . Instill the ocd to pick up things and generally want a neat clean empty room as they grow up.", "we directly skipped to Wonder lol. Had to save her every once in a while but judging from her squeals and laughs she’s enjoying it enough ❤️ thank you for the detailed step by step!!! I might regret this later 😂", "wonder is just too peak that they might find older versions lacking haha. in any case whatever brings them joy and sparks imagination is never a bad thing i think. if you're worried about addiction, it usually only happens when people are looking to escape something else, maybe a bad situation or negative feelings. should be fine if the child is able to healthily regulate emotions and communicate issues and you seem like caring responsible parents so I'm sure the kid's gonna turn out great! 😉", "That’s a nice vote of confidence 🤗 no pressure now. Thanks man! Hope you’re well btw", "No pressure at all heheh.. and couldn't be better thank you!" ], [ "I had a lot of good things working in my favor over the last week so decided to go church for Xmas before the other shoe drops but overslept because the weekend really tired me out haizzz.\nGuess I'm forcing myself to go for new years service." ], [ "Merry Xmas to everyone except airasia for rescheduling my flight today. Thank god i decided to check my email before going out of the house.", "How many hours of notice was that? 12? 6?", "12 hours but they actually emailed last night at near midnight when I was already asleep 🤡🤡" ], [ "Can't believe I was really, really close to getting scammed by these scam calls despite managing to avoid most of them.", "context? what was the trick and why did you almost fall for it?", "I got a call from NSRC claiming my number was used for scams. Then he directed the call to IPK Pahang, where the \"sarjan\" claimed my identity was used to create bank account that's used in money laundering scheme. He said he'd deal with the case, even shared the \"progress\" of the investigation with me, and never even asked for my important banking details (other than asking what bank I use), that's why I didn't find him suspicious at the time.\nAnd then today, he straight up asked to transfer money. Did some googling, and found out NSRC would never call the public, and the supposed number of IPK Pahang has been reported a bunch of times for similar scams (checked the number on PDRM's semakmule too). So yeah, went to the balai to report (apparently they're not going to take a report unless I've actually been scammed?) and asked for advices, and blocked the numbers too.\nSure I didn't lose my money, but can't believe I'm dumb enough to almost fall for this shit.", "Meanwhile the clinic I went to for medical checkup marah me for not picking up the phone. I thought it was a scam call. Why the heck won't they SMS me, idk." ], [ "hi all, does anyone know how to create a worker's union in Malaysia? i am want to create a worker's union at my workplace but i am not sure where to start and what are the criteria. Hope for some advice. thanks", "Any reason u want to create union?", "U need to contact the Ministry of Human Resources. They have disclosed some guidance in their website.\nEach state has it representative. So try to find one and start from there." ], [ "How comfortable is Alor Setar without a car ir Grab? Just walking and public transport.", "The city center (Aman Sentral, Alor Setar Tower) maybe, but just about anywhere requires a vehicle. The prices aren't too bad, its like RM 80/day for a Viva. Budget about RM20-40 for fuel depending on how far you are going out of Alor Setar. A TNG card is also necessary for the toll roads going out of Alor Setar too.", "Thanks!" ], [ "Anyone here live around Pandan Kapital area (the mall at Pandan Indah) or is familiar with that area can give some advise on where to park at a cheap rate (or free) that is the nearest to that mall? Cuz there's a bunch of workers just walking around those streets and would ask you to pay Rm5 to park even if you're just stopping for few minutes to buy simple stuff or to tapau food at the coffee shops. I just avoid going to that area altogether because of that and was wondering if anyone knows a good spot there." ], [ "Debating if I want to open my work laptop to clear some work since there’s some pending items 🤔", "Esok je", "I pun rasa esok je la hahaha" ], [ "Me who currently not-so active nyets Redditor would like to say\nMerry Xmas to all nyets." ], [ "Happy xmas to people celebrating, as a Swede it's fascinating the amount of decorations Malaysia does with holidays, love it here!\nWhere's the \"best\" place to buy a used phone in KL/Selangor? Can online as well but kinda need one today or tomorrow" ], [ "Merry Xmas!" ], [ "Wishing all the people on the Daily Discussion Thread a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! It’s already December 25 here in London. I need to get some sleep before the celebration starts!", "Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you too!\nHope you are well, it's been a while I read your stories.", "Thank you for being a dear friend and responding to my posts, ButterflyDifficult28! Hope you had a splendid Christmas with your family and friends, and wishing you ahead a blissful and prosperous 2024.\nThings are good here, especially considering the crazy year it was. I will write again here soon!" ], [ "as usual I'm hung over as heck from watching my favourite team lose/drop points.\nFeliz Navidad everyone" ], [ "If there is an afterlife, I hope it will be like this video.", "Can I be an orangutan instead? Just eat, sleep, nest, and mate. And drive a golf cart in some Arab dude's estate or something.", "Hopefully" ], [ "Merry Christmas!\nWould like just to ask was this a scam? When i was on holiday and went to hair quarters at KL pavillion for a perm which seemed to have alot of good reviews. Just as a general disclaimer, it might have been a genuine case of negligence as claimed by the hairdresser but either way they were not willing to reduce the price from what I paid. The sign outside only had one kind of perm and stated 550 for extra long hair. When seated I ask the staff again how much is it for the perm for me and he stated 550 but I was charged 882 in the end. (980 plus with 10% discount for 5 star review).\nThe hairdresser which is another guy, came and say he will use heat for my perm and i said ok.\nAt the end when the hairdresser billed the 900 plus i asked why was the price different as initally they told me 550. The guy just said ops sorry cause this perm uses heat. He started opening this book to want to show me the price list (the shop outside only states the perm was up to 550).\nFrom their whatsapp price list, max price for normal perm or fashion or korean perm is 550. It showed a settine perm for up to 980 but have never heard of this nor see it listed infront of the shop. From my past experience at other salons as well as just a simple google search, korean perm usually uses heat? I would also assume that only cold perm would not use heat. The price list also doesnt say heat perm?\nThere wasn't a single point in time where they communicated that it will be 980 ringgit nor did they say they will be doing this so called settine perm. I made a google review and it just disappeared the next day too.", "Google review disappeared? That’s weird. Try posting again", "As soon as I hear that 10% discount for 5-star review I would’ve noped out of there. If they’re shady about that, I would wonder what else are they shady about.", "did they also include additional hair treatment, hair serum etc that might add up to the cost or the receipt purely stated one item ie the perm? if it’s the latter, maybe you can try to file a complaint as suggested", "Try to complain at kdnkk I guess" ], [ "harini kerja and not only am i still not asleep sempat pulak nak mental breakdown but i still dowan to miss work tho rugii", "Well hopefully working on a public holiday gets you lucratively compensated" ] ]
PH should have media company to rival Media Prima, says Khalid
[ "Politics" ]
Inb4 CNN like in USA
[ [ "I thought they already did. Its called Reddit and X.", "malaysiakini youtube pages:26554:", "More like zombies can't post anything coherent and claim FB posts as their proof." ], [ "Don't you have Bernama?", "Bernama is a state-owned media established by an Act of Parliament, it's subservient to the government of the day. If PH is thrown out from the seat of power, Bernama will not be under PH control anymore." ], [ "MalaysiaKini lean PH. But yes PH & BN are very weak with the media usage. PN definitely have the best marketing strat. They pay Tiktok Influencers, not only brainwash Voters but under 18 as well. They can be as bias as they want. They can claim salah baca/faham. If only PH & BN can read from PN......" ], [ "CPNews network" ], [ "First time I heard about Media Prima. Harakah daily is more popular" ] ]
PAS appeals against RM656k award to Harakah printer
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "harga sebijik alphard full spec. Gila punya la nak lari ngelat bayar hutang. This is basically chump change to pas. Yet the amount kung fu they are trying to do to not pay their dues shows what kind of people this people are.", "This is just petty on PAS part" ], [ "So, tak bayar hutang tu, halal tak?", "Jangan tanya soalan susah...", "PAS halalkan", "By doing service to PAS PAS has granted them the payment of key to heaven , paying them in earthly money implies key to heaven to be lower than earthly bond , and that is sinful. Thus it’s actually a sin to pay them money.", "This guy needs to go to the mental gymnastics Olympics." ], [ "Screencap of entire article\n<image>" ], [ "Just pay up what you owe and be done with it." ], [ "brought to you by the most pious, religious, tolerance, transparent party. pathetic" ], [ "Bayar jelah. 656k je. Bayar saman fitnah berjuta-juta banyak kali ada pulak duit. Cuba berhenti buat fitnah, mesti banyak duit. Taklah orang tu bankrap sebab tak dibayar." ], [ "Not surprise since pas really like to lowball debt. Finally it will end as “consider as charity work is much better rather than asking to pay debt”." ], [ "Kenapa PAS tak boleh bayar ni? Ini ke parti agama yang paling hebat? Aduh." ], [ "Is there something that the public is missing??", "PAS is trying to get out of payment by saying the old harakah company \"doesn't exist anymore\"\nThey would then need to pay to the owner directly, instead of the company\nSure, it's stupid, and the court obviously thinks so, but their logic basically boils down to \"if bankrupt companies does not need to pay their debts , why can they claim their receivables\"", "I'm pretty sure the old harakah company folded because PAS never paid them. Went bankrupt. Makes this entire debacle even sadder/funnier, depending on who you are.", "The funnier thing is the new Harakah Company is obviously owned by new gen.\nThe old company was biased as fuck, but it was still written professionally by journalists\nThe new one... It's basically if you took your average cybertrooper and ask him to write articles", "The reply should be, \"kubur kira ke kalau lunaskan hutang begini?\"", "They kinda need to claim their receivables to get out of bankruptcy.\nIf anything, those who can't pay their receivables should be the one declaring bankrupcy" ], [ "Ini semua salah DAP and PMx", "80% of Harakah's content is that", "Still salah DAP no matter what.. Pas supporter catch a cold still DAP fault" ], [ "The founder of the printing company was in the ICU and in critical condition two weeks ago.", "They better pay up quickly before he dies" ], [ "Can afford to buy a Mazda and Merc for the whole gang but can't pay to a printing company", "Again...jangam tanya soalan susah..." ], [ "Pay up suckers. Just dig into the flush funds you stole from the people of Kelantan for decades, go on less trips to Golok for a while and maybe ram each other instead.\nFuck PAS. Hope God sends all you lot and your supporters to Hell.", "Ya sure hell want to accept this lot?" ], [ "Sembang agama tapi hutang don't wanna pay. Typical PAS lol" ], [ "file appeal ade duit pulak…hais" ], [ "PAS can do shit like this and still have moral high ground to their supporters. It’s asinine. If one of the most successful and wealthy parties wouldn’t even pay off their due debts to struggling entities, then why does anyone think they will be a good leader for Malaysia?", "Because their God said so 💁‍♂️" ], [ "PN pipu ada hati beli kereta mewah. Tukar nama je jadi PArtiSetan." ], [ "I had a similar experience when I worked overseas. There was a Baptist pastor who probably got his credentials from a night school bible college for paroled convicts. He would dress shabby when putting in his orders for his church newsletter but would be wearing gold rings and necklaces and driving a new Cadillac when he came pick it up. Always tried to lowball or take the product on credit or in exchange for blessings but we wouldn't give in.\nAlternatively, a few Catholic nuns and priests would come in and would be extremely polite and pay on time.\nSo the lesson is if they try to not pay, or con you, then they're not very religious in the first place." ], [ "Owe money, pay money la. If not just ask RM100 from each member. Memperbodohkan rule of law je." ], [ "Iblis pas", "That sounds like a badass metal band name." ], [ "Appeals? Kasi PAS bungkus... Then they ask for donations, then kasi the donaters bungkus..." ] ]
Just found this out
Recently watched a classic show called Mind Your Language on YouTube. Then found that the chinese actress is a Malaysian. Found her wiki and lo and behold, she's the narrator in Dark Souls
[ [ "Yes... Today we all learned" ], [ "oh that komunis girl? ahahahaha best show ever. but now kenot make such jokes", "The supreme leader Mao thanks you", "Signed book by Chairman Mao. Sign by me." ], [ "TIL she played the cleaner in johnny english.. My english teacher showed my class the mind your language sitcom. Fun fact, the guy who played Taro, the japanese guy, was chinese." ], [ "Yup, in fact, when she's ad-libbing Chinese in Mind Your Language, she uses Penang Hokkien instead of Mandarin! LOL" ], [ "She’s able to run away from family at 16 and managed to get into college. Something which is impossible these days.", "Helps when your dad is a palm oil millionaire in the 60s" ], [ "Yup. She's also the narrator for God of War game series" ], [ "The big mansion on Jalan Larut in Penang which used to house the iconic KFC (now closed) belongs to her family." ], [ "Sepu? Sepupu." ], [ "Yes, indeed.", "The darksign brands the undead." ], [ "When I watched her in MYL, I just recalled her role in Johnny English." ], [ "Omg I watched the MYE episodes with my high school teacher back in the day.... Didn't know she's the dark souls person!!!" ], [ "Malaysia has a severe case of the \"brain-drain\" so im not entirely suprised", "Unless ure a tuan rumah (by that I mean ada kabel) by kabel I mean usually it's saudara mara" ], [ "She was in one of my favourite TV shows and in one of my favourite games. Damn. Respect." ], [ "Mind of Your Language is a classic gem of British comedy, I love it!" ], [ "Who?", "The actress that featured in a relatively famous London (since it is produced by LWT, the ITV franchise holder for London on the weekend) comedy call Mind Your Language (I am very sure that the writers of Oh My English watch that show when they were young and basically copy paste the premise), the actor in particular play a Chinese Communist (as in full on Maoist) girl in a class full of foreigner who wants to learn English...(yeah, the characters in the tv series are so dependent on stereotypical ethnic tropes to the point of being offensive by the 80s standards and thus cancelled as a result.)\nP/s: Please reread the picture that the OP closely....unless you meant to comment as a way to show displeasure at people that are acting basically \"orang kita, doneclaimed\"" ], [ "What's next, Henry gold is a sarawakian?", "Tbf, he was born in sarawak and his mother is a native sarawakian. But he won't be qualified as a \"bumiputera\" under malaysian constitution tho." ], [ "Yes indeed" ], [ "Love her with dat chairman Mao shit" ], [ "Yeah, the moment I watched she appeared in Johnny English 2, I immediately thought that I've seen her before, it was during the time I dwelve into English comedy classics." ] ]
Happy Chinese New Year 🧧
[ "Culture" ]
Christmas not even over yet 😂
[ [ "Gong Xmas", "LOL hahaha" ], [ "That escalated quickly, phew..\nSome shopping malls I've seen decorated both Christmas and CNY which becomes \"merry fa cai\"" ], [ "Merry new year, where ang pao, no ang pao? I kick yo butt out of here", "Ang pao and present pls", "No, me broke I have only 1 billion in zimbabwe dollars", "I have satu juta rupiah", "I'm not Chinese, but can I receive Ang Pao too?", "No 😡😡😡😡", "Boo... If you have no have no Ang Pao, just say so la..." ], [ "Enter market and you’ll see Chinese owned shop blasting CNY songs while selling Christmas decos lol" ], [ "It shows you who the owner is..." ], [ "Merry Fa Cai 🎄 Gong Xi Christmas 🧧" ], [ "Jingle gong jingle gong jingle dong dong chiang" ], [ "Cny is in February. Hahaha" ], [ "Tak menyempat nokk 😭" ], [ "Chinese New Year n Santa Claus r Red, coincidence?", "We all know comrade santa is a commie all along" ], [ "Merry New Year!!" ], [ "I feel Diwali always under celebrated. Always in a rush. Immediately after Halloween and immediately becore Christmas. In fact, I think we shouldnt even glorify Halloween. No glory should be for death and ghouls and spook" ], [ "Same thing happened with Diwali", "Unfortunately people don't really care about Diwali in this country.", "Lmao true. Minority festival. That’s okay" ], [ "Bruh" ], [ "Never change at all. 😂 always when Xmas around, some how Chinese new year deco is up in advance 🤣😂" ], [ "You guys are early" ], [ "After this, Raya also will happen near cny and Christmas" ], [ "MALAYSIA ITS TOO EARLY" ], [ "2 weeks back went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant. They're already playing CNY songs." ], [ "Exactly my thoughts!" ], [ "I absolutely hate cny , all the hellish toture of your relatives asking did you get your dick sucked yet and you're forced to entertain them", "Go for cny vacation" ], [ "Kalau sambut Christmas eh, diorang dapat duit raya jugak tak? Kalau culture kat Malaysia", "From what I've seen, all dapat. CNY, Raya, Deepavali and Christmas." ], [ "Hmm idk but .. racist ... Yeah racist shop owner .." ], [ "Gerenti no Christians coming out and scream for blood", "oof" ], [ "Halal or not?", "Yes" ], [ "Merry Chintmas i guess ><" ], [ "More holiday creeps ahead. First Christmas, then CNY?" ], [ "Next years CNY is rather late but they're so impatient lol" ], [ "This is the universal sign that this shop will start charging Lunar New Year price edi" ], [ "Just another day in Malaysia." ], [ "Huat Huat Huat" ], [ "Happy 2025" ], [ "Is Santa gonna give out ang paos to us?" ], [ "Just wait until Raya and CNY converges." ], [ "You can know what race boss of the place when seeing the decorations" ], [ "Early DLC expansion pack arrived" ], [ "Gong Xi Krismas" ], [ "Merry Chinese Christmas New Year" ], [ "Oh god .. i prefer christmas" ], [ "Calm down la Christmas isn't over yet y'all Dy behu behu wan decorate" ], [ "Merry Fa Chai" ], [ "\"Can you believe it guys? [CHINESE NEW YEAR]! just a week away! woohoo. I am so happy about this information. [CHINESE NEW YEAR]. Just a week away! Oh wow. Can you believe it! [CHINESE NEW YEAR]!\"" ] ]
PMX used the K word in a recent speech. He said it was a direct reference from a book
[ [ "Imagine everything is the same, just change from anwar to jibby. Confirm this sub will have a feast.", "what happen if sanusi does it:26554:", "Time for covid Sheraton Move 2.0!", "I don't think Anwar was being racist when he said \"Bahasa Keling\". He was quoting a book after all.\nHe however should know that a lot of Indians are not entirely satisfied with him. The PKR guy calling a that PSM candidate \"estate\", the Indian school girl berated by PMX on a live speech for daring to question bumi-quota, no ethnic Tamil ministers, and now this fiasco.\nAs if that's not bad enough, the racists that already called Indians keling will now be emboldened to use the term since Indians' top choice for PM just used that word openly, so surely the term isn't racist kan.\nOptics shape narrative. And if there is any BN or PN tik tok propagandist worth their salt saw all this, it'll be easy to pancing votes from Indians.", "This. Racists will be like \"but PM said it and justified it. Why can't I?\"", "His Indian supporters deserve it tbh. So taksub for what? The warning signs were all there, from the start from his days in UMNO and even later after how he treated Hindraf when they came to his house (there's a vid on YT). Dah kena berapa kali pun tak serik.\nPeruntukan for Indians now it's far lower than it's been under jibby.", "Malaysia has been under UMNO since merdeka. What makes you think it’s gonna be different under DSAI from Jibby or Tun M?\nRemember DSAI answer when asked about meritocracy reform by an university student… You should able to catch a glimpse of his general stance." ], [ "wonder if other communities would take it as well if anwar used a similar slur for the chinese/malays.", "what word would be used for Malays? Miggers?", "Org melayu bila kecam dri KL be like:", "The only one outrage that I hear was meleis from twitter", "closest is being called a mat by a non-malay in sg. but thats sg la and pretty much it", "The slur for Malay is B40" ], [ "It seems like a term used in an old book before the word evolved to become something derogatory. After all, we have places named Masjid Kapitan Keling, Tanjung Keling etc", "To add to your point, “keling” is still used in the Kedah, Penang and Perlis dialects of Malay to refer to Indian Muslims specifically.\nSource: Kamus Dewan\n“Keling III”: 3. Kd, Pn orang India yg beragama Islam;", "Some of the older generation Chinese still use them as well. Literally translated as \"person from Keling\".", "Interesting, isn't it supposed to be - mamak ?", "In KL Malay, yes, but in the Kedah-Penang-Perlis dialect of Malay, the usual term for an Indian Muslim is “Keling” (without any negative connotation).\nAccording to my Kedahan father, Mamak stalls are still called “Kedai Mamak” though", "From penang. Can say that it’s true although not sure how currently as I’m studying and residing in KL and the word is not very appropriate here", "That's understandable. Some words may have different meanings or connotations in different dialects of a language, so it makes sense to change your choice of words in a different area (dialect-wise) to avoid potentially offending anyone.\nOne common different word of this kind is the choice of word for \"to bury someone\" (after they've passed away) in Malay. From KL to Johor, the usual term for that is \"kebumi\", but this sounds disrespectful in Terengganu where the preferred term is \"tanam\". In Kedah on the other hand, both of those words sound disrespectful, and they prefer to say \"simpan\" instead.\nNote that while KL-ites and Johoreans saying \"kebumi\" to mean \"to bury\" sounds rude to Kedahans and Terengganuans, Terengganuans saying \"tanam\" and Kedahans \"simpan\" sound rude back to KL-ites and Johoreans.\nSimilarly, Kedahans saying \"simpan\" sounds rude to Terengganuans and Terengganuans saying \"tanam\" sounds rude back to Kedahans.", "Damn thats cool. Didnt know about that. I think penang (island) people usually use kebumi. At least i use kebumi ah usually. Thanks babe very cool 💋", "No problem baby 💋\n(It's interesting that Penangites use \"kebumi\" instead when Kedahans and Penangites share very similar (or maybe even identical) accents. Thanks for that note)", "Oh okay apparently maybe just my circle. I asked my mom and she said kedah and penang people usually use simpan also wtffffff i never heard wehh 🤣🤣🤣 in any way thanks babee 💋💋💋 learnt new thing today 🤣🤣💋💋💋💋", "Oh, I see 😂" ], [ "Nothing wrong to me, it seems. It's just a reference to a book, spoken with no malice", "he was careful with his words and emphasized \"ISTILAH\" before using keling. even had a pause there. if you're a hater of course you're gonna hate him regardless.\nbut for me i dont see any illwill, he even added TAMIL.\nON TOP OF THAT\nhe asked for forgiveness and did not side step. many others wouldnt even apologize.", "“Saya telah disalahertikan”\n“Ucapan saya itu dipetik di luar konteks”\n“Tak timbul isu ini”\n“Jangan probok2”", "Are you Indian ? If not, it's really not for you to decide.", "Nothing wrong to me, it seems. It's just a reference to a book, spoken with no malice\nWhat book? Which edition? What page?", "Found this from twitter, it's by dewan pustaka as well\n<image>", "So this type of behavior is okay then? Approved by Dewan Pustaka. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2urrs8", "Not sure from what part of my original sentence you somehow mental gymnastics it into thinking the behavior you posted was okay.", "The part where you said \"it's by dewan pustaka as well\". You're trying to say it is okay to say klng.", "What book? Which edition? What page?\nYou ask which book it is referenced from, I gave you the reference and mentioned dewan pustaka to say it's from a creditable source and not some random no name author that Anwar is referencing.\nNot really sure why you are so hard on pushing the narrative that I am promoting that it is \"okay\" to use \"k/ng\" as a derogatory word to bully the indian etnic.\nI sincerely hope you are just trolling around, if not, I kindly ask you to improve your English comprehension.", "Not really sure why you are so hard on pushing the narrative that I am promoting that it is \"okay\" to use \"k/ng\" as a derogatory word to bully the indian etnic.\nMaybe it is because you keep showing the word, but don't spend even 1s to say that this word is evil and hurtful. Seems like you trying hard to justify and protect those who keep using it. Like Anwar, again used the word today on TV even though everyone told him it is hurtful.", "You really need to work on your English comprehension . . . . .\nThough from your intense wording, I can tell you probably suffered from this kind of bullying for you to be this aggravated by it. I can only apologize what you have to been through.\nThe word itself is not evil (atleast in this context) , the people that use them can turn them into word with derogatory intention", "This guy and his intense words is like this one time an Indian fella who simply crossed the road without even looking. I had to emergency brake so that I don't hit him. Instead of being thankful he's not lying on the ground due to his own ignorance, he started swinging his arms geaturing to fight me. Thankfully for him, his girlfriend pulled him away so that he didn't have to follow through with his empty threats.\nShould've had a dash cam to record how ridiculous he looked, frail skinny guy trying to act gangsta." ], [ "<image>\nI don't like this guy. But then again facts are facts. How this word became a slur is still a mystery..", "There's no mystery to it. It became a slur when the non-Indians use it as an insult when the Indians make a mistake or a blunder. This convo had happened right in front me, between my two of Malay classmates.\nClassmate A: Tengok B,kelas dah mula. Muthu( fake name) masih lagi duduk lepak kat pondok itu.\nClassmate B: Yalah, k*ling betul, bodoh!\nClassmate A: Laughs\nWhen they realized I was listening, they said:Oh, bukan kau, ReddSnow. You baik orangnya.\nThat was the first time I learnt that k*ling is a insult. Note this word is used by classmates to make colorist remarks.", "How this word became a slur is still a mystery..\nWhat is mysterious about it? You think this word is being used in sekolah kebangsaan like this by bullies and even teachers when they want to hurt Indian students as a word of praise? This is the experience most Indians have in Malaysia with this word. Tell me again, how is it mysterious to you? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2urrs8\nI look forward to your explanation of your mystery.", "they trying to become murica shyt here", "they? you mean Malays? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2urrs8", "out of all the institution and you bring up hindraf. wont trust anything from them", "Bullies hate people standing up for themselves. They want Indians to just keep quiet and take the shit they are handed. Like the poor boy in that video.", "wonder how K word that was used widely before I was born till I was in my 40s is now degrading.", "I would hazard to guess that from age 0 to 40 you didnt have Indian friends who could have taught you better", "I learnt from the internet that k word is degrading recently", "\"blah blah woke blah I am very enlightened\"", "I have many indian friends and they weren't this woke. I suspect the emergence of woke society who are offended by imaginary enemies", "Yes, I'm sure that if/when you went to your Indian friends' homes, and sprinkled this word generously and liberally into casual conversation with their parents/grandparents (before) or spouses/children (now), they were overjoyed and gave you high fives.\nI give up..orang cuba ajar, masih degil. Still nak defend. Apa boleh buat?", "I don't think that guy has the balls to do it in real life." ], [ "Seems to me that the phrase was not used in a derogatory or malicious manner , making a mountain out of a molehill. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.", "", "Thing is the word is an actual word used in Malay to refer to language of people descent of southern Indian origin.\nThe word is still used actively as a none racial word. It’s way overblown frankly.\nIt’s similarly to how originally the term Pakis in Malaysia referred to Pakistani who used to sell Pakis.\nIt is a slurred used in the UK.", "It is offensive to a sub section of the minority and is not widely used as a slur.\nYes,I agree with you it is used as a slur. I am stating it’s not used as much as most slurs and actually is regularly used as non-slur.\nThe difference with say the N word is that is entire purpose is to be offensive is not used in any other way.\nSimilarly how “Abo” - short for aboriginal is an unofficial word that is used as a slur.\nNegro is still used actively in different languages eg: Spanish because quite literally its official meaning isn’t a slur and used heavily as a non-slur.", "Correct me if I'm wrong. But didn't he apologise?" ], [ "In case anyone missed it, Anwar made a respond to this\nMy take :\nIt's a genuine quotation to a book and he emphasize it quite alot.\nHe have to also acknowledge that he unintentionally might have opened a door to racist to use the word keling. Anwar intention is to genuinely quote a book, racist intention? Not so much." ], [ "It is offensive, and could just have easily been avoided if he said Tamil. Was there a need to quote from the book? I think everyone would get it if you just said Tamil. But...if you watch the video he says dalam istilah dulu and does air quotes. Could've avoided it knowing how sensitive the Indian support is post ramasamy leaving dap and the fiasco with his pkr ppl calling the psm candidate estate.\nAlso it's a false equivalence to compare it to the N word because Indians do not identify with the K word, nor do they claim sole ownership to it nor do they call each other that behind closed doors.", "I agree with you though if I’m not mistaken the nation of Kalinga were not Tamil. So saying Tamil is not accurate", "Context really matters here. I understand how his statement can easily be twisted in this age of click bait.\nBut it is just Anwar’s scholarly side being on display here. He is after all a Malay Literature graduate hence well verse in classical texts such as Hikayat Hang Tuah.\nOf course he has the ability and will directly quote the text in its original form. No malicious intent at all IMO." ], [ "Can we please not become america and make the k word an absolute biggest sin ever even in context such as this like they did with the n word?", "When i was a kid. My dad's indian colleague said that keling was never an insult. Only people during the 2000's act like it is", "If someone shouts keling at me in a very threatening manner it’s hard not to take it as an insult. Can’t say people are just acting like it is when there are many who actually use it as such.", "Anecdotal evidence at best.", "You’re not going to get statistics from this type of issue. Also I don’t see you saying the same thing to the person I replied to.\nPeople are so unable to accept that something might just be racist for some reason.", "False, I’m saying to everyone under this comment chain. The reason I’m commenting it here is because it’s the lowest I could find on mobile and I’m sure the top level comment can read it as well, based on my understanding of how reddit comment chain works. Never quickly judge other people intention.", "I went to school in the 90s. It was already a racial slur back then", "Agreed, it was already a racial slur back in the 90s. The idiot calling people a strawberry is unironically being a strawberry himself for not being able to accept different opinions online.", "Stop being a strawberry then.", "Dude i am not even Indian. I am just correcting your statement. It didn’t turn into a racial slur post 2000, it happened way before that", "Everything offensive to strawberries...So stop being a strawberry", "Your father’s friend is not a representation of all Indians. And when someone tries to clarify their point, try comprehending it instead of resorting to stupid insults. So fucking childish.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "It was.", "What make people thought it was offensive exactly? Im just afraid sooner or later the word \"mamak\" or \"amoi\" or \"mat\" are labelled offensive.", "Back when i was a kid, my cousin from Perak would always used “keling” referencing Indians and I’ve never find it insulting at all until one malay auntie scolded her for saying that in a shop…. What’s the meaning of keling anyways…? Is it a harsh word in Tamil or what?", "I hear it was because Indians (women i guess) had ankle bracelets/ bangles and they'd make \"kling kling\" kinda noises. Could be a joke but it's not too far fetched i think", "I think you are wrong, the actual meaning is about the skin complexion, the k word refer to darker than black in terms of shades." ], [ "I believe the term keling =. Someone from kalinga. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalinga_(historical_region)\nWhat I'm mystified is not that its slur. I know it's a slur. The Chinese like to add kuai to it.\nBut my question is how it ended up becoming a mainstream slur. Its like saying someone is a Chera, chola or pandia.\nThat said knowing people will get triggered by it and still using it is just dumb on the part of pmx. As if nothing else to talk about." ], [ "Kalinga?", "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalinga_(historical_region)" ], [ "Well, well, if the timing is so right that he kena backdoor (again) by Opposition Party next year, he can just happily step down as PM to avoid all these controversies he started himself by ignoring sensitivities. Also, let Opposition handle Covid pandemic..." ], [ "I don't read books therefore I've never been exposed to the words therefore I am smarter than the PM. Thus vote me for PM." ], [ "Nampak sangat korang x banyak membaca" ], [ "Like many said here lets not be like the americans. Intention of the use is more important than any. No malicious then why noisy?\nThose black promote the N word so much using it amongs themselves that kids will not know its derogatory. And when a non black kid use it with no malicious intention bcuz he learnt it online or from tv, they get condemned and cancelled.\nWhile people who is obviously racist whom learn to just avoid the word n play it smart probably gets praised.\nCome on dont be stupid like them." ], [ "If the community finds it offensive, it is a slur that has to be discarded. Why is PMX normalising the term as if he speaks for the community?" ], [ "Simple je racist takyah nak tipu do bosan aku DEGAN melayu aku melayu Pon dah bosan" ], [ "It is PH, so sudah dimaafkan dan disucikan.\nTry other people, this sub sudah naik gila." ], [ "the better word is kaki spin. not all but u know ur selves. anddd just personally too many bad experiences. from neighbours to staff to clients. yeah trust is wayy down." ], [ "Is there any Indians redditor here?\nIs it really wrong if he just quoting Hikayat Hang Tuah? Even in context he's not using it as racial slur. Then, why not you guys also angry when there's literally a place called Tanjung Keling?\nDo I think Anwar should be more careful? YES but some of you guys really over react bruh", "<image>\nApparently she was in the audience during Anwar’s speech", "I kinda get it when people criticize Anwar for some other things but Anwar literally said “dalam istilah dulu”. I wonder what she was focusing on during Anwar’s speech. :26563:\n(Not to mention that “Keling” is still used in certain dialects of Malay (including Anwar’s own Penang dialect) to mean “Indian Muslim”, what we in “KL Malay” would say is a “Mamak”)", "What a woke wannabe", "Things must be very good if this is what she choose to complain about.... /s" ], [ "But lots of Indian on Twitter feel hurt..don't know if they're snowflake or just don't want to understand the context", "More like going woke" ], [ "Why Keling is offensive? I only thought some thing can be offensive if you let it offend you. Educate me please.", "You're an antivaxxer, you're beyond being educated." ], [ "Actually kan why is Keling is a slur? I never said it since ramai kata it’s a slur. Same goes to Indon is also a slur", "Just the fact that it is used in a derogatory and in a sort of \"punching down\" manner is enough to make it a slur", "Yeah, the same thing can be seen in how “Indon” suddenly came to be viewed as offensive by Indonesians despite the fact that before that term became offensive, that term had long been used as an abbreviation of “Indonesia” in Indonesian news articles, literature and many other sources.\nMalaysians still mostly see “Indon” as a neutral word with neither negative nor positive connotations, but because of some recent-ish Malaysia-Indonesia “internet war” where Malaysians would argue with Indonesians while calling them “Indon” and some false rumours spread about (like one that falsely says that “Indon” means “pelacur” in Malay), Indonesians started seeing that word in a different light", "Why I got donwvote? Aku tanya jer, semoga setiap kali pakai stocking terpijak air", "Mate if you are this offended over downvotes then you are a strawberry.", "I’m so smoll and petite. If I fart, I might get blown to the sky. Pls don’t hurt me 🥺" ], [ "Wait till those people find MASJID KAPITAN KELING" ], [ "Please say it to your Indian friends if you have any, which I highly doubt. They will educate you how not to be a raging racist" ], [ "Dia mmg sengaja nk sebut tu hahahaha" ], [ "Why this must be posted here? Kecoh gila OP", "What's wrong with posting a clip of the Malaysian Prime Minister's speech on /r/malaysia?" ], [ "I fail to understand how \"keling\" ended up becoming a deragotary term.\nMy guess would be because of a misinformation, since i've heard that some people say the word originated from the sound of bells that were used to sell slave.\nBut this is untrue, the word came or originated from the indian kalinga kingdom. There was also a kalingga kingdom in java which was named based on the indian kalinga.\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalingga_Kingdom", "It was used to insult Mahathir during the '87 umno presidential election and the subsequent '88 umno crisis.\nBack then there are few categories of malays; Melayu jati/sejati, Melayu DKA (darah keturunan arab) and Melayu DKK (darah keturunan keling)\nSince Mahathir is a DKK and his name is Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty, the keling word was weaponized for the political rhetoric that \"Mahathir is not malay enough to lead umno\". By the early 90s, the word effectively became a slur to the general indian race.\nIt's crazy how quick it took to change the meaning of a word 180.", "Go find an Indian friend instead of referring to Wikipedia.", "I have indian friend tho not that many since i grew up in labuan and now reside in kelantan, not many indians in both place.\nI have also seen indians talking about these. And what i can conclude is that, the ones that actually knows the truth about the origin of the word dont seem to be affected by it. And the ones that actually are affected by it is because they believe in the misinformation of the word origins.\nThere are places named after that word and even honorary title given to the indian community that was named after the word.\nIm sure you've heard of kapitan cina, a title given to the head of chinese community, but did you know there was also a kapitan keling given to the head of indian community in old malaya.", "The actual meaning doesn't mean shit when people use it to degrade Indians.\n\"dasar darah KELING\" \"perangai KELING\" \"bau macam KELING\"\nWhen a malay got angry with an Indian guess which word comes out first? do they think about THE ACTUAL MEANING when they say it? Hmm? Maybe they think about places or the honorary title. Yeah?\nIt's really that simple. I do not care about your \"Facts\" when in reality it's different.\nThis is not another internet argument you can win with your \"facts\". You are not going to change my mind either.\nHave a good day.", "And if i were to change the word keling with tamil, somehow that sentence would be better?\n\"dasar tamil\" , \"perangai macam tamil\" , \"bau macam tamil\"\nYou dont understand the difference between a racial slur and a word used to describe a certain race.\nLet me give you an example, \"chinks\" is a slur to describe asian, because of their slanted eyes.\nIncase you didnt know the term \"chink\" means a narrow opening, typically one that admits light (a chink in the curtains).\nBut calling the korean for example, as goryeo or hanguk is not a deragotary term.\nThe same as keling is not a slur, its what the southeast asian, not just melayu but also javanese, khmer, etc used to refer to india.\nIts the same way we used to call greeks as yunani or iranian as parsi or white people in general as mat salleh.\nDo mexicans get upset if people call them aztecs?\nPlus the term keling is still being used in indonesia, philippines and cambodia, i think thailand and vietnam too but im not sure.\nAre you going to get upset too if an indonesian or cambodian use that term?\nI still dont get how \"perangai macam keling\", is worser than \"perangai macam tamil\", its the same sentence just different term.\nIf people wants to degrade you they would still degrade you. Honestly i think these type of issue only exist because there is no such equal term for the melayu.\nIm sure if the melayu has its own \"keling\" equalvalent then indians would have used that as many and maybe even more than we use the term keling. And i dont think they would be shy from using it too.\nSome even tried to create a new word \"meleis\" but unfortunately unlike the indian the melayu arent that sensitive.\nNow that term has became a meme term, now the melayu is using it more than the indian and chinese.", "My indian friend said because of the sound of the ankle bells. Not bells to sell slave, but cosmetic ankle bracelet with bells. I forgot what other reasons indians back then wore this ankle bracelet but surely not because of selling indians as slaves.", "Regardless its still wrong and a form of misinformation.\nDoes your indian friend knows that before islam came, we were also once hindu-buddha?\nAnkle bracelets bells are also worn in some of our cultural dance. If im not mistaken mak yong has ankle bells.\nAlso some melayu still wears those little gelang kaki berloceng. Its a custom to give female babies wear some form of gold.\nUsually parents would let them wear ankle bracelets with little bells. These tradition is probably originated from our hindu-buddha times.", "Some Indian wanna be black American. They need they own n word I guess" ], [ "🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣" ], [ "Nothing wrong here" ], [ "Msians shrugs" ], [ "Anyone know what is the original meaning of that word?" ] ]
FBI mission to M'sia in wake of mounting cyberattacks
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "The only reason the FBI would step foot into Malaysia is when they need help tracking some script kiddies down. The sophisticated cyber hackers won’t leave themselves vulnerable to being tracked.\nHahah." ], [ "Probably cheaper hacking workforce here. Or maybe lots of scam call centers set up here. Like the one that was scamming Australians previously." ], [ "Wait what?" ] ]
Online shopping for international goods in Malaysia
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
Heylo So, I've been really curious about our experiences with international online shopping. Mainly buying stuff from overseas that you can't find here in Malaysia or don’t normally ship to malaysia such as but not limited to designer bags. I'm reaching out because I want to understand more about what it's like for everyone else. Like, what kinds of products are you guys looking to buy from abroad? And what sort of challenges have you faced? I’d love to hear your stories and get some insights. Have you found any neat tricks or tips to make international shopping easier? Or maybe there's a particular product you wish was easier to get here in Malaysia? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and stories!
[ [ "Ive bought some Chinese merchandise, some CDs from the west, plus some random stuff here and there. There isnt a significant difference only thing is the shipping time. Stuff from abroad comes by boat so it will take longer", "Oh nice, did you choose for it to be shipped by boat? or was it the only option?" ] ]
Job contract for expat in Malaysia.
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Hello! I've got a job offer in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and IT software developer, it is still on the begging, soon gonna talk with the company founder about details, company within etc. I've googled it, seems valid. Found some Glassdoor offers in Singapur for the same position, so I don't know if I can haggle the same offer as was there or I'll get less because of Malaysia. So I've got a couple of questions: 1.If the wage is lower, how typically expats get in an IT world in Malaysia (if there is someone here in similar situation). 2.I'll be moving from Europe, so I'm curious about the cost of living etc. The quality of healthcare and overall view of expats there. (I used to live in Mauritius for some time, people were cool and smiley and didn't have much trouble living there.) 3. How is situation with the annual leaves and sick leaves there? Is that even possible to align this with the Europe rules (mostly about annual leave) 4. How is the public transport? And also can the foreigner get the driving licence there? 5. How much the private healthcare costs? 6. How is overall living there? Like people, or accomodation? Is it common to have dishwasher in flat? (I really hate washing dishes by myself) 7. Should I consider more aspects moving to the Malaysia that I'm not aware of but you did by any chance? Thanks in advance and have the best new year's eve celeb 🎆
[ [ "Leaves - no, it won't be the same as Europe. In malaysia MNC, Annual leave is typically around 12-20 days a year. Sick leave 12-14 days. Hospitalization leave 60 days. No long service leave. No summer break.\nDishwasher is not common.\nA lot of areas in KL is covered by trains. But if you're outside of KL, get a car. Or use Grab (uber equivalent).", "Thanks pal, well I'll be sadge about the dishwasher :(" ], [ "Get ready for the heat and humidity" ] ]
Name a traditional kuih/snack that screams "Malaysian" to bring as souvenirs
[ "Food" ]
As the title says, I want to find a few kuih to bring back to Japan for my colleagues Ideally, something that's able to be brought on airplanes and lasts longer than a day or two
[ [ "kek lapis sarawak" ], [ "Kuih kapit.\nProblem is must hand carry it.\nKuih dodol is my go to if want to cramp into my luggage." ], [ "Kaya. I brought some on my last trip there and they loved it!" ], [ "Dont bring anything that isn't shelf stable. The tourist shops usually have the various dry chinese biscuits (like heong pneah), peanut candy, kerepek/kacang putih/murukku. Coffee/tea 3 in 1s also are easy to distribute." ], [ "Japanese stomachs are weaker than ours so buy from hygienic premises.\nSo, Kek Lapis if you can manage the non-refrigerated ones.\nAnd, if you're going from KL Sentral, stop at Nyonya Colors Nu Sentral. Their food there is at least clean. And you can choose any color of kuih." ], [ "serunding - i always bought this for travel, it can be eaten by itself, used as condiment or as a side dish to rice, noodle. light weight and has a long shelf life too." ], [ "I asked once and they (Japanese friends) referred to a Japanese guidebook on what to buy in Malaysia - inside it included things like popo crackers (yeah.... dunno why), boh flavoured teas, tausar peah, and cooking pastes. Weird selection but what do I know ..... seems that book is updated yearly so dunno whats the new things to buy" ], [ "Dodol" ], [ "Lot 100 Mango gummy. They love that shit.", "Koreans love it too!" ], [ "*Dodol\n*Kek pandan\n*Bahulu\n*Kuih Loyang\n*Kuih Bangkit\n*Tat Nanas" ], [ "I had this dilemma recently so I just decided to bring my favourite childhood snacks. You'd have a story to share on top of the food and you also don't have to be too pressured to bring \"the best\" from Malaysia." ], [ "Kek lapis. Lasts a lifetime, easy to cut and distribute. Just tell the shop you want something that's not too sweet. Trust me." ], [ "Durian moon cake perhaps? And kuih keria!!" ], [ "what about durian or green pea snacks? they can be bought in most grocery stores." ], [ "Durian dodol if you want to see their faces trying something strange", "“if your pm can take it, so can you!“", "That is so inappropriate I tell you. Imagine the pm puked in front of the reporters, it is going to embarrass everyone." ], [ "Find an ecoshop near you, they sell many childhood/classic snacks and jajan." ], [ "Kuih telingat K.... or peneram. sedap. rasa gula hangus tu\nupmhhh" ], [ "Kaya, locally made instant spices, like bakuteh and laksa, or chocolates with durian centres" ], [ "Why no one mention Karipap" ], [ "Bush rotan. More shelf stable. I'd suggest kuih loyang too, but they might crack in transit." ], [ "Pineapple tarts usually go down well (Working in UK but I have ‘hopelessly’ unadventurous colleagues’) or coconut sweets?" ], [ "check for any restriction with immigration first\nif its all good, id say any kerepek (kerepek ubi sira, kerepek pisang, tempe, kerepek bawang) because they last a long time, just need extra baggage space. durian flavored confectionaries. guava chips. any of those proper branded jeruk/asam" ] ]
The number of Covid-19 cases for the Dec 17-22 week increased to 22,413 compared to 17,307 in the previous week. Health minister Dzulkefly Ahmad said this was a 29.5% increase.
[ "COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Looks like it's stabilising and coming down." ] ]
Nobody expects Rafizi to be “Santa Claus” except to perform on his job
[ [ "The last minister who thought he was SC and Choi San Yeh is now in jail." ] ]
Malaysia's semiconductor industry demands a more strategic outlook | East Asia Forum
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "A poignant passage from this piece:\nThe semiconductor industry often complains that there is not enough talent in Malaysia. But Malaysia ultimately has a salary problem, not a talent problem. Many of Malaysia’s skilled workers, such as engineers and technicians, pursue employment in Singapore where the pay is better. Low pay is a systemic issue that creates a vicious cycle of inadequate skilled job creation. Malaysia is a rare case in which the median monthly wage in manufacturing (RM2205) is lower than the median monthly wage (RM2424)." ] ]
MIC deputy president expresses gratitude for PM's apology, highlights caution on racial sensitivities
"The video clip of Anwar referring to the Tamil language as 'Bahasa Keling' circulated widely, sparking a strong reaction among the Malaysian Indian community."
[ [ "I don't think Anwar was being racist when he said \"Bahasa Keling\". He was quoting a book after all.\nHe however should know that a lot of Indians are not entirely satisfied with him. The PKR guy calling a PSM candidate \"estate\", the Indian school girl berated by PMX on a live speech for daring to question bumi- quota, no ethnic Tamil ministers, and now this fiasco.\nI won't be surprised if Anwar himself told MIC to make this statement. And MIC being the subservient dogs they are did so.", "Hmm. MIC having any election or tussle ? Usually these attention-seeking slips are on purpose. E.g. Live video streamer accidentally nip-slips or Oops breaks a valuable (fake) handphone :26563:" ], [ "Wah last person I expect to reply" ], [ "MIC change color very fast", "what does this even bermaksud? :26559:" ], [ "Lalang gang." ], [ "All politicians are whores and we pay them to get fucked." ] ]
Pioneering Pendatang: Thank you for the questions, r/Malaysia!
Was very privileged to conduct this interview with the scriptwriter of Pendatang, Lim Boon Siang, and the managing director of Kuman Pictures, Amir Muhammad. Thank you for the questions that you guys shared from the other day! I didn't explicitly follow the questions that were provided (I sourced from multiple places and came up with my own spontaneously as well), and am very happy to share it with you - thank you for the inspiration :D You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81jIiPyOPP0 https://preview.redd.it/ox94pndxx89c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace0841ad28dfbeb114fe09a091688d947c15336
Report: Daim’s failure to comply led to Ilham Tower seizure
[ [ "Yea well, this is the 3rd time he had been investigated for something that happened more than 2 decades ago.\nI do think this is politically motivated. Daim is well known to be mahathir's piggy bank.", "Great vision, poor execution.\nMACC has really failed in many ways. NO THANKS to loser Azam Baki:\n— Bung acquitted\n— Najib acquitted (Audit Panel)\n— Shafee acquitted\n— Ku Nan acquitted\n— Zahid acquitted (VLN)\n— Shahir acquitted\n— Muhyiddin acquitted (power abuse)\nTerrirudin at AGC + Azam Baki at MACC + Anwar as PM = incompetent anti-corruption enforcement.\nDon’t get your hopes up, friends. You’ll likely be disappointed sooner or later." ] ]
MRSM’s prestige drives parents to lie about income, says academic UM lecturer Saedah Siraj says parents, who are not from B40 households, are willing to do so as they recognise the good quality of education offered at these junior colleges.
[ "Education" ]
[ [ "..also the high success rate of soalan bocor." ], [ "He suggested that Mara could refer to the Padu integrated database in order to screen applications and that those found to have lied about their income levels be blacklisted.\nThis" ] ]
superstition regarding cracked plates
[ "Culture" ]
i had a conversation with a friend a while ago about cracked plates. she mentioned that her family had a superstition where plates that had even the smallest cracks are to be thrown out. asked my mom about the superstition, and she said that cracked plates have the power to plunge the household into poverty (verbatim: mengundang kemiskinan). i'm just curious if anyone in this sub has heard of this superstition, or something similar to this?
[ [ "Hmm.. Never had a cracked plate so far. But yes, I have heard of this.\nAnyway, a cracked plate seems dangerous to leave in your house. And not much reason to keep a cracked plate either", "eh, it's a nice plate and the crack's not that bad anyways" ], [ "using cracked plates can lead to poverty. old saying. usually has some underlying meaning.\nif you use cracked plates dont you scared of tiny bit of the cracked enter the food and may harm your body....", "i see! that makes sense actually lulz" ], [ "The Japanese love their cracked plates, yet they are not in poverty. They call it Wabi-sabi.", "i've heard about that! it's fascinating to see them use kintsugi to mend broken plates", "But technically a kintsugi piece has been repaired hence it's no longer cracked.\nPersonally I think it's a safety/cleanliness issue that's become superstition. It might leak, the exposed porcelain can be hard to clean, very old plates might have toxic paint that was considered ok if there's a layer of glaze on top, but once the glaze gets chipped off there's a problem, etc.\nMy family member bought a very nice souvenir bowl from overseas that unfortunately broke in transit. They glued it back together but use it as a container for miscellaneous household items instead of food. If you can't bear to part with your plate maybe you can do that.", "i know right ahha....so contradicting" ], [ "use stainless steel je.\nno cracks, lightweight, wont scratch the table top." ], [ "Back in the day, I've heard of this belief of not using cracked or chipped (sumbing) dishes in some aristocratic families. The belief stemmed from some oath or occult practices (ilmu kebal) held by their ancestors. Hence, the popularity of melamine or Corelle dishes in the 1970's. Personally, I know of one person who was a great believer in this but, he ended up dying in jail. So, terserahlah nak percaya ke tidak." ], [ "the underlying thing is on safety - a cracked plate may shatter while you’re handling it or cause small shards of ceramic or glass to enter your body or cut you - all these may cause you to get really sick or hurt and cannot do work and lose income etc." ], [ "Cracked? Throw em away.\nI'm more triggered by people keeping/using chipped plates and glasses or cups. I wanna throw em out of the window when I see em.", "pls no my plates" ] ]
Filem Kantonis Malaysia Rain Town terima sambutan positif di luar negara
[ "Entertainment" ]
Advice in helping someone depressed
Hello fellow Malaysians, hope you can help a fellow brother out. My wife recently lost a sibling earlier this month, and has been devastated by it. She barely sleeps, lacks appetite, and has generally adopted a bleak outlook on life. My heart breaks for her loss and I try my best to comfort and help her the best I can - listen to her/ grieve with her/ take it on myself to do all the chores/ errands etc. Most of my efforts are based on what I read online, but I’m not sure how effective they have been as her demeanour hasn’t changed much over the past few weeks. I’ve never dealt with something similar myself so I feel it best to may be seek a professional who may be better placed to help her navigate through this trying time. However, my wife has been very reluctant to do so as she is concerned the psychiatrist will think she’s crazy. My question is Is there a way to convince her to seek professional help? The urgency to have someone professional assist us as soon as possible is because her depression is making her put off making very important decisions that will affect her wellbeing/ future: A. She found a lump on her body before her siblings passing, and she has put off seeking medical screening on it indefinitely B. She’s up for a promotion overseas and the company requires a response by early January 2024. Do you think it is critical to solve for the depression first? Or is there a way to help/ convince her make decisions on item 2 as bad as the timing is?
[ [ "Heya. Firstly, condolences to your wife and the family. It's always a difficult time to grieve for the loss of a loved one, and while I can see that while you're sharing her sadness and sorrows in your own loving and supportive ways, I can imagine it's not easy for you as well to see her going through such pain.\nBut as painful this grieving season is, it's a very normal process - and now I've no doubt that you'd be aware of this, but it's important to remember that different people go through this grief differently. The grief for some people may be more outwardly expressed, and inwardly processed for others. Some people may get through the intensive grieving period more quickly, while some may stay in it longer before integrating the loss into their life. Grief is only problematic when it lasts an unhealthily prolonged period (which as the loss your family experienced is quite recent, I'd think this is not a main concern), or when the grief is interrupting the daily life of the grieving person in an objectively unhealthy ways, for example, when the health and wellbeing of the grieving person is affected (which from your sharing I can see this is the main reason for your concern - and sounds rightly so). And indeed if someone is going through some problematic grief, they might find some help and support in the form of professional mental help.\nComing to the questions you're having about getting help for your wife -\nFirstly, I'd advise that the person your wife would be best seeing is a counsellor, rather than a psychiatrist. While both offer mental help and care, grief is a matter that a counsellor might give better help through therapy (instead of medication which a psychiatrist gives), especially at this stage.\nPerhaps even with this change in suggestion (for her to see a counsellor and not a psychiatrist), she may already be more receptive to your encouragement for her to see a professional for help. As counsellors are often seen as someone who offers support and encouragement for people going through difficult life events (which she is right now), as compared to psychiatrists whose job is to treat the mentally disordered, the suggestion to see a counsellor may be more readily considered.\nAs for how to encourage her to seek help, I can only advise you to do it patiently and lovingly. You can't - and indeed, shouldn't - force her to see a counsellor, that's not going to help. Do be aware not to make the suggestion into \"you're unwell and you should see a specialist to get well\" or something like this - not implying that you're doing this, but sometimes in our deep concern and eagerness for them to feel better, our love may come out as a condemnation to the person. Instead, you can share how you think seeing a counsellor is the way you show your love and support for her in her most difficult time.\nYou may also want to offer going to the therapy with her - it's not just a way to show your support and love, you may also indeed get to learn how you can go through this challenging time with her better.\nLastly, you may also want to start looking up some information on counselling services, so that you can find the ones that might give your wife the best help and support. One good place to start is our sub's mental health wiki, if you're unsure of where to find the information.\n(There is also a general section on \"How to help someone who is facing mental health issues\" on the wiki, which you might be interested to look.)\nHopefully this helps to get you started on getting some help and support for you and your wife! And do get in touch with me if you want to talk more on this, will be more than happy to help where I can.", "Thanks you and all for the advice and encouragement. These were all really helpful! I’ll try my best!", "Best wishes for your wife and you too. Do feel free to get to me here anytime if you need more help on this!" ], [ "\"Honey, I love you, and I care deeply about you. I believe you are the best thing that has happened to me and I want you to feel better again. I am staying with you no matter what happens so could you please go to the doctors?” and then just listen to what she has to say and reassure her again. Don't push her if she doesn't want to talk about it. Just let her know that you are not going anywhere and you are there for her. Focus on your own mental health too OP, take a walk or play with your pet or something, anything that can relieve your mental stress." ], [ "What a psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist does is to help patients with chemical imbalances or teach ways and tactics to help them to manage feelings of grief and loss and other tough emotions and thoughts, and ways to manage daily life chores that may become tough during depressed periods, like how to manage decisions and how to think and reframe situations etc. there's not really anyone diagnosed as straight up 'crazy' I think. Everyone goes through tough times that is hard to talk about, they are there to give that kind of help to feel better. Maybe this kind of explaination would help." ], [ "Keep things Simple and easy.\nEnjoy life or make life feel enjoyable.\nCompanion, having great stuff together. As simple as having a simple great meal etc. Sleep well, workout ( doing things requires energy/ game)." ] ]
Cleanliness in public spaces
This is probably more of general SEA thing but I’m really struggling to understand this one. I see so many little restaurants, food stalls and shops that are absolutely filthy and I don’t understand why? Like food stalls with grimy signs and generally just untidy and unclean. I feel like it would take very little effort to to present a more clean and tidy place of business, and I also feel like it must definitely make these places more appealing and increase business And on the flip side, people in general are super clean and personal hygiene standards generally seem very high. How do SEA people feel when visiting Europe that’s the polar opposite in being absolutely obsessed with cleanliness in food service?
[ [ "Welcome to SEA I guess. Where as long as there's no consequences(food poisoning etc...), ntg will be taken", "I think SEA cities are still much cleaner than Indian cities.\nThe main roads (e.g. those in touristy areas) may be similar in cleanliness. But there’s a stark difference once you look into the alleyways and side streets.\nI’ve been to Hanoi and Batam, and I remember there was barely any litter along the side streets. It’s pretty clean. There’s just a lot of motorcycles and overhead cables, so the side streets may look a little messy.", "I've watched videos of street food in India. Fakkk", "Not 100% true. Maybe in places such as Yangon or Manila but don't forget Singapore is in SEA as well. There are also European cities that are substandard in food cleanliness, especially in Eastern & Southern Europe." ], [ "To be fair, Western Europe and especially London is not that clean either in communal public spaces. But the 'public' toilets are really clean which is expected as it cost 1 Euro.\nSome of the London's alleys and streets are filthly and reek of piss, especially during and after evening with all the drunk people.\nWhile restaurant generally have high standards of cleanliness, it was offset by their unwelcoming atmosphere (compared to SEA), it was most prominent in Paris.\nTo add: I really do admire Japanese's sense of duty in taking care of their surrounding and jobs, giving their emaculate cleanliness of public and private spaces.", "Unwelcoming atmosphere in London? You sure you going to western restaurants or asian ones? Think most restaurants in UK are as welcoming as Malaysia? Been living here 10 years now" ], [ "Truth be told... I never really got that Europe is the \"polar opposite\" in being absolutely obsessed with cleanliness in food service vibe tho lol i've been to several european cities on different occasions and as beautiful as they were, this wasn't something that was a standout to me lol" ], [ "I just ignore the filthy places and eat at cleaner establishments. They're out there, en masse, believe it or not." ], [ "\"i dont understand why\"\nmunicipal govnt enforcers doesn't do their rounds. all there is there to it", "That's for public spaces.\nBut commercial spaces are dirty too. Probably because bosses and middle management don't do their rounds, and generally don't care about cleanliness (probably have a wife taking care of the cleaning at home). And employees with no pride in their work.\nAnd this isn't true of all SEA btw. Most of Singapore is extremely clean, it is amazing.", "And to add on, there are very few European cities as clean as Singapore. Maybe only Bern, Copenhagen or Oslo. Cities such as Paris, Berlin, London, Madrid? Definitely not. OP is just making a racist generalisation of Southeast Asia.", "you mean the public spaces in commercial area like stairs and lift areas?\nIts like the chinese \"its not my responsibility, building's responsibility\" in china that leads to facilities not working. In japan everyone takes part in cleaning their streets.", "I mean just take an R&R. Some of the F&B establishments are commercially owend.\nRegardless of the cleanliness of the food (which has some degree of govt enforcement) what about the seats, the sinks, the floor, the glass windows, the tables ? All it takes is cleaning and maintenance SOPs which are enforced by management.\nWhether it's a franchise like KFC or an individual stall, they all have no pride in having spick and span facilities... which then leads the public to think 'Yucks this is already dirty, I won't make an extra effort to keep it clean'.", "most people arent aware of the cleaning tools available. I use attachments to my hammer drill and it cleans very fast, though tires my wrist fast too. Similarly you could let robot vacuums roam after closing.", "to be fair if you fine people for littering and strictly enforce it, cities would have the potential to be much cleaner", "you don't need enforcers to clean your own surroundings. how about having pride of just serving customers in a clean comfortable environment.", "False", "I worked food stalls. They do monthly round. We have a book for them to sign when they do the round. Not just one, sometimes three, majlis daerah, jab kesihatan, forgot 1 more.\nAnswer to op’s question, we dont hv time to clean thoroughly. We open at 8 and close at 5. Workers only 4. Cant take more or you wont have your rm7 meal.", "if there was a quick and easier way to clean things that arent the municipal's responsibility, would you? what exactly do you need to clean that you dont have time to?\nI recently tried a few tools and was quite impressed however the only question with power tools is how strong your wrist is.", "Yes i would. We spend around 30 minutes to clean mainly the floor, tables & chairs, counters, and windows. But kitchen there’s so much i dont even go there, kitchen staff’s duty.\nWe just use manual tool like mop and cloth, overtime the floor wont white anymore. Probably should spend money on some power tools too.", "there are robot cleaners that vacuum and mop the floor automatically, deploy overnight with no one around then morning you only need to clean what it cant. works for main area after everything is packed with no one around. I've seen putrajaya hospital use large ones but since hospital is open 24/7 they still need staff to clean the floor, robot only reduces their work load. This is for a large one, there are smaller cheaper ones that would work better for your use case.\nFor surfaces i use a hammer drill but in drill mode. A good one isnt cheap but worth it as you can use many things with it you never realised as it has many attachments you can get, and even in cleaning there are loads, however the way to use this isnt to do table by table but process by process. Mine is cordless though. For example you use brush with soap on tables then swap to cloth attachment and wipe. Each table should take a few seconds with each attachment.\nHaving the right tools for the job is what makes it quick and easy, but malaysia lacks the innovative thinking needed to realise things can be improved significantly because no one wants to spend money to save money. You need at minimum an entry level drill, not a DIY level one. Makita is only mid/pro level for example and there are some local brands i would rank as entry level at best, cheaper but still more expensive than it should be. specs can be important as mine is rated at 45nm and i use the low speed mode for cleaning. What didnt work with the usual window wiper took me a few seconds to clean with a brush attachment. which was some fruit remains stuck to the window making it difficult to see.\nNot just drills but many power tools have all sorts of attachments, so if you dont do dedicated cleaning but want to save money and do other work with it like repair then this is a better option. For me i have to repair the damages my friend made to rental place so even a good drill was cheaper than what the landlord quoted. The difference between entry level and DIY is huge though for power tool even at the same price so some research is needed first or you can just yolo and buy one of the american brands with more money like milwaukee, dewalt and a red colour brand. black and decker is DIY level with entry price tag, and it also applies to any other power tool they have. The difference can be a few seconds to a few minutes to complete a task other than drilling.", "They do. Been in many of their \"meetings\". But end up my belly is full of kuih and sugar water. That's all" ], [ "how do SEA people feel when visiting Europe\nOld Church after church after church. Pompous people who can’t accept the world has mostly passed them by and subpar food", "Haha I meant in terms of hygiene. But fair point 😅", "I wouldn’t say Europe is hygienic either. I’ve been to my fair share of dubious looking eateries in Italy, Spain, Paris, Eastern Europe. Even some of the markets in Scandinavia don’t look very hygienic at places. The difference is the stomach upset isn’t worth the quality of food served.", "fr even just after a few of em the churches begin to blend together (esp. if i'm a layperson with little knowledge of the art styles etc.)", "Most countries can only wish the world would have mostly passed them by as you think it has Europe. Also, if you’re going for the caricature, SE Asia could be described as not-so-old temple after temple after temple, and boring gigantic mall-after-mall-after mall. I’ll take the European version that comes with a much richer cultural life, and far better public services, worker rights protection and benefits, thank you very much. And I say this as someone who actually likes Malaysia a lot, it’s a great country that is seriously underrated as a tourist destination compared to some of its neighbours.", "You do you buddy.", "It’s not “me”, it’s the way it is buddy.", "Sure buddy. As long as you’re happy, we’re happy", "Ok buddy." ], [ "people lack the sense of responsibility, knowledge and our municipals dont do rounds often enough." ], [ "it's due to tidak apa attitude and inattention to details. as long as it works, Okla - who cares about a little thing like cleanliness.\nbarbaric attitude tbh." ], [ "Compared to others, I think MY is pretty decent in cleanliness. That being said tho, a LOT of us litters." ], [ "A big one is because the public don't act.\nA big part of our culture is being no confratational, especially if it is something that doesn't give us too much trouble. So eateries get away with it all the time.\nIt's not like the authorities doesn't act. Eateries do get closed once in a while from random raids by the city hall. But without the public tip off all they can do is just random raids.\nAnd then there is also the political pressure not to appear too aggressive on these raids because it disproportionately affects the more vulnerable micro business owners.\nOther than this, littering is still a big problem here. Stordrains get choked and people wonder why their house gets flooded 🤷‍♂️." ], [ "I don't think so.. probably OP is just wondering how it feels to compare a clean city with a grimy city. It's not a function of how rich the country is or which continent it's on - if you compare us to Thailand you'll know what I mean.\nGoing to a clean city is a culture shock, because you start wondering why Malaysians can't have nice things/higher standards too 😀." ], [ "This is like the 2nd or 3rd post in the past 3 days I've seen where it's (what seems to be) a tourist shaming Malaysia in a lazy text post.\nWhat the fuck is happening to reddit", "Ah boo. I’m just saying we could come here and teach you, again. Like we did before.", "", "And what is that" ], [ "Singapore is in Southeast Asia and is nothing like what you described. Southeast Asia is not a hivemind and you're making a broad generalisation. Malaysian cities are much more cleaner than say Filipino or Vietnamese cities, and many European countries are just as filthy if not more than countries in Southeast Asia. Over the years, I've been to Paris, Berlin and Naples, and your claim of being absolutely obsessed with cleanliness is laughably inaccurate.", "Well I’m not claiming everywhere in Europe is clean, but to my experience I’d say specifically within food service the difference is enormous.\nLike yesterday I saw loads of people crowding around a foodstall that I just don’t see how it wouldn’t be shut down in mere hours if it were in Germany or Sweden. Like I’m sure the food preparing surfaces were clean but the stall was grimy.\nI know Singapore is super clean, and I’d venture that Malaysia is far cleaner than Thailand. But there just seems to less of concern in general with keeping things clean and tidy. My point is This juxtaposed against personal grooming and hygiene that seems to be more important here than many if not most places in the west. I just find that to be a strange disconnect and I don’t quite understand it." ], [ "Malaysians in general aren't that clean anyway, please just be honest with yourself before you flame me. Trash is all over the streets for a reason.", "What?? You just met a wrong crowd" ] ]
Columnist: From Christmas cakes to Kit Siang’s non-Malay PM, too much politicking
[ [ "This newspaper columnist really bodoh and talking nonsense. Local council elections and appointment of PM are about politics govt, governance How to unpoliticise ? That is like calling for unpoliticisation of Parliament 😄Politics has to be thrashed out, discussed brainstormed debated in a democracy . Politics is unpoliticised in a dictatorship , autocracy but not in a democracy." ] ]
I am Coming as a student to Malaysia
The university I am going to is in Johor how are the people in that Region? Are they open minded? Should I prepare for racism and prejudice? Since I am black I have to know about the region Also what are the local areas in Johor that I need to know of
[ [ "Be prepared for some, but usually johor isnt as crazy.\nYou wont find outright bigotry, just the occasional sus remarks or assumptions." ], [ "Black people are very rare even in asia. Expect couple of long stares going your way and some might get intimidated. But usually a quick smile and a nod will relieve the tension. Overall everyone means well, people don't openly talk about their feelings even if they do. You should be good. Have a nice stay, dont forget to try the food :D\nThe only times i see someone being racist is from other tourists lol.\nQuick tip, learning a few phrases in malay will make you more approachable and might even get you a discount lol.", "", "hah?" ], [ "there's like 5 africans in my campus (not johor) and they seem to be living peacefully. i've seen them play sports with local students on occasion. most people just keep to themselves." ], [ "I'm looking at your previous reply that you're studying in UTM. Good choice there.\nUTM has quite a number of foreign student. Being an African, yeah people might stare but if you give 'em a smile they would be smiling back to you.\nMingle with local Malaysians at your Uni as well, learn some passable Malay language & you're good to go!\nWelcome to Malaysia!" ], [ "Be sure to go with the flow of how the country is, please respect how people are and try to keep to yourself,\nIn my old University, we had an African/Black student who kept trying to pick up girls and even the teachers themselves, there was even one time where he tried this shit in the middle of a lecture, it’s funny now but it was just creepy then. Then talking about how hot/sexy the students were and such, etc\nJust a small anecdote, I’m not claiming that you’re like that but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Other than that, hope you enjoy your stay!" ], [ "Some might stare on u\nBut just remember, being good, should be no problem..\nThey stare because they admire you..❤️" ], [ "I miss johor. I had my intern for 2 months there. Im from ipoh btw. At first it was so scary goinf to someplace far away from home. But the people there are so nice and open minded. Everyone is respectful of each other. Im a non bumi but find myself mingling around with bumis easily. They seem to be more racially respectful compared to my hometown here." ], [ "Most people are okay. You’ll be fine." ], [ "People may call you a negro but usually there's no harms intended. It's just how people call black people here and most are clueless about the history." ], [ "Typical stereotypes are do not shower much (stinky), potential to commit crime and loud at night. As long as you do not emit that kind of vibe, no problem i guess. Had a lot friends from botswana and ghana during my uni days. Fun to hang around them." ], [ "Yeah bro uni student in johor here, nah so far me and my friends haven't seen any racist incidents involving blacks, but do be prepared for some stares. Also, for local areas I can only help if I know the name/general location of your uni as Johor is extremely large.", "I am studying in UTM", "Hello, UTMian here. I think in general most of us here don't mind what race you are. In the campus, most students are quite open minded I'd say. Don't be so nervous about prejudice, just try to have fun and be yourself then you should be fine." ], [ "this summer, a student is coming. To johor. (movie trailer)/s\nif you are black you will definitely experience racism, even places who wont allow you to enter for their services. This restricts where you can go.\nI had a black friend and have seen the racism first hand. Its both justified and unjustified because his people tend to get involved in organised and disorganised crime due to their culture. He was different but i could not do anything to help him since he refused to listen and went mental and messed up stuff.\nYour university wont have any problems for services but outside can be, just to let you know to be prepared." ], [ "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nBan for 1 day for repeating offence." ], [ "There's plenty of black people in UTM. Hundreds if not a thousand.", "That's a horrible way of describing indian people bro" ], [ "Johor is quite a big state. Which part of Johor is your Uni situated?\nUnis are normally a melting pot of people from everywhere...be it local Malaysians or foreign students...Racism, if any, is always a personal experience...at least not widespread in a Uni context (I hope). If you're studying around the area of Johor Bahru, the residents here are quite used to foreigners, it being a big city with quite a few international universities/educational institutions as well as just an hour away from Singapore (barring the traffic jams at Causeway 🤭😆)\nSo don't fret or worry too much...Johoreans are generally welcoming 😊" ], [ "Malaysians are nice, none will treat you badly with no prior reason.\nUtm in johor has alot of black students so you won't be an outliner don't worry\nDm me if you need anything there", "Stranger danger" ], [ "There was rarely any black people here, so don't be surprised if you get some funny stares. Most of them don't mean harm. Like me, they've never actually seen a black person up close. I doubt the racism will be anything too bad in Johor, but you may encounter some. If you do, try to ignore it. Malaysia is a country of variety and most people are accepting of other races or ethnicities. Good luck!" ] ]
DPM shared her harrowing experience of flight’s failed landing in KB
[ [ "Deputy minister (demoted from minister previously ) trying to get attention of rakyat by posting personal story on Facebook 😄" ] ]
No sugar supply disruption despite MSM's plans to export Gula Super to S'pore, says ministry's Johor branch
[ "Food" ]
What’s the #1 best Indian restaurant to go to in Malaysia?
[ "Food" ]
I am an Indian who’s travelling to Malaysia and I wanna try their Indian food but I’m looking for the best Indian restaurant in Malaysia. Do let me know!
[ [ "This is akin to asking what is the best indian restaurant in India.", "Uh", "Country is big with many different cities and different kinds of indian food.\nBetter questions would be\n“Where can I get the best Naan in Kuala Lumpur”\n“What are some of the best south indian breakfast spots in Penang?”", "I’m North Indian, and West Indian.", "Cool!", "From Mumbai, India.", "They mean you should specify what you're looking for. Tamil food, Kerala, Punjabi, mughlai, veg, non veg etc" ], [ "My favourite is Lankan Cafe in PJ though not sure if that is considered Indian. There's also Kanna curry house.", "You did not just recommend Sri Lankan food to an Indian 😂😂", "I’m actually Indian Malaysian lmao cuz my grandfather is Malaysian rest is Indian and my family was Maharastrian and I speak Marathi, Malay, and Hindi and English", "My bad", "Thats my cousins store!", "Small world. Which one?", "Teebah! :)", "I'm confused haha", "Oh Lankan Cafe! I thought you asked for the owners name.", "Haha I see!" ], [ "I don't know about the number 1 indian restaurant as everyone has their own taste, you should head down to Brickfields as most of the restaurants nearby are indian orientated.\nLook for Nhava's and Aariya Bhavan(Vegetarian)\nThese two are amazing in my opinion." ], [ "Frangipaani in Bukit Damansara is among my favourites. Crazy good dhal", "Yes, I think Frangipaani is one of the best upscale Indian restaurants in KL." ], [ "In terms of taste, there are so many restaurants that put lots of ultra-processed and artificial flavorings to enhance the taste. This isn't just exclusive for Indian restaurants, by the way. Also, so many restaurants are unhygienic, but connoiseurs of taste don't care about these details.\nIn terms of health and hygiene, I think the best Indian restaurant, at least in Brickfields, is MTR, which is South Indian. I believe so because I don't get indigestion, bloatedness after eating their food, and the flavors are mild. By the way, I went there years ago, not sure if they are still operational." ], [ "Namaskar! Do you prefer trying dishes that have roots from South or North India?", "North and West Indian cuz I’m from Mumbai, India born in Johor Bahru to a Marathi-Hindi family", "I assume you’re looking for restaurants around Johor then? Or are you open to places in different states like Selangor/KL/Penang?", "Well, I have 2 apartments, one is in Mumbai, and one is in KL and I mainly live in KL.", "If you already live in KL, then you must have tried some places by now. What North Indian restaurants do you like going to here? I can give similar recommendations or something new to try that wouldn’t deviate too much from your current preferences.\nWe have a larger presence of Indian food from the southern continent since there’s where a majority of our Indo-Malaysian ancestors originated from (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Sri Lanka). So if you’re also interested in trying that then do let me know!" ], [ "Roti by Dtandoor at Jalan Damai, KL." ], [ "I’m not sure about no.1 but the best i’ve been to would be Betel Leaf in KL. My go to place whenever I do crave for Indian food!" ] ]
Don't use hazard lights when driving in the rain, says JKJR
[ [ "This had been a standing issue for a long time already. Those people just dont care.", "huh. I use them to signal \"Thanks\" e. g. when some fella give me way. It's nice when the fella also hazard light flash back :29091:", "I blame Badawi who told people to use hazard lights in the rain" ], [ "This really grinds my gears when people do this lah.\nJust wait and see some poor person gonna be broken down on the road (shoulder or emergency lane) during a downpour and then some dipshit slams into their vehicle from behind because “semua orang buka lampu hazard masa hujan.”\nAs usual Malaysians tunggu high profile fatalities baru react. “Never expect this lah. Tak pernah terfikir akan berlaku.”\nBlah fucking blah. No, no and a thousand fucking times no. The authorities said no but then everyone thinks they know better so nothing changes.\nI guess rule of thumb is drive like everyone is a moron or psychopath on the road and maybe, just maybe you’re safe.\nOk end rant.", "Sadly you can drive like a saint but one red light runner is all you need to end up in the hospital/garage shop.\nI literally had that experience. Green light, tunggu 2saat, coast is clear. Bergerak. BAM.\nBabi." ], [ "The only way is education, reminders, enforcement, punishment", "How do you punish drivers in this instance? Stop them in the middle of the heavy rain to summon them?", "Or you know cameras and npr like most countries do traffic enforcement", "Nah it's easier to close eye and eat bribes.\nImagine if we had a country where the bloody motosikal riders actually had consequences to their actions." ], [ "Yup. Turn your headlamp/fog lamp or can turn on highbeam if heavy rain and your visibility is poor in that situation. Hazard light means got hazard/emergency. Dont let people confused. Drive with caution in heavy rain and slow traffic. This law is not only in Malaysia btw some others country also implement it." ], [ "Just gonna come out and say it...\nThere are a lot of people who should not be allowed to drive in this country.\nIt's infuriating when one obeys the traffic laws and sees literally everyone else being absolute fuck wads with virtually no repercussions.\nHazards when driving, double parking, not keeping up with the pace of traffic, lane hogging, lack of lane discipline, the lost goes on.\nBut of course, most people just brush it off as \"it's Malaysia ma, what to do\".\nThe \"tidak apa\" attitude is the norm." ], [ "It's so funny how people are confidently wrong about the actual functionality of hazard lights. Maybe I don't know it's in the name..if downpour is so bad there is banjir ahead and I'm slowing down significantly lower than the speed limit, mmh..I wonder if that maybe a harazadrous scenario in which I might want to inform the drivers coming up on my rear about...now if only there was an international driving signal for hazard up ahead 🤔" ], [ "Thus thread proves people need to go through drivers ed again." ], [ "I used hazard lights once in the rain. My dad was driving me and he suddenly felt chest pain, I took over the wheel to send him to a clinic, I was 13 and only learnt to drive from Gran Turismo so I knew other cars had to be alert of my presence." ], [ "I think using hazard light during heavy rain is still a debatable issue. There is one time, heavy rain pour jn a heavy traffic and it’s barely seen what in front of the car. Car in front switch on hazard light and helps to increase it’s visibility. So its a total of car’s brake light, third light and hazard light to help be more visible. Keep in mind that rain in Malaysia is one of the heaviest downpours in the world.", "Nope, not even top 10 heaviest", "It's not a debatable issue. The authority says no, so no.", "People need to go back to driving school to learn back wtf hazard lights are used for", "Who give a fuck what they authority say. Do what is safest", "If everybody turnon hazard during low visibility then how would you differentiate between if somebody is just trying to increase their car visibility vs their car actually broke down in the middle of the road and has to stop?", "The safest is for everyone to follow the rules. People thinking they know better than everyone else is the reason that Malaysia has such a high road accident rate.", "I get that, but one time, the rain were so heavy, it is almost impossible to gauge the distance between cars, and visibility were so low, like barely a few meters and I am already driving super slow. I am thankful the car in front of me actually pull out his hazard light because it allows me to gauge the distance carefully and the dude's car were greyish with really not so visible red light (again, due to heavy rain). For some reason, the traffic keeps going at different speed and that hazard light was extra helpful. Additionally, it was during dawn and not at night so for some reason, it is harder to see the redlight? Again, Idk. Maybe its the blinking effect that make it easier to see. I ain't no traffic or light scientist, but it does help me on that time. I am not rich so I don't have some fancy light setting either. Just normal stuff.\nI am not advocating nor supporting, but just saying it does help me on that time. Just some anecdotal stuff. And again, it was not normal rain, it was some extra heavy rainfall during Monsoon season + La Nina stuff.", "I mean, username checks out, I guess.", "The safest is to not turn on the lights", "Modern sedans have dedicated fog lights to address this issue. Hazard lights should be reserved for its purpose, letting people know its a hazard.", "Some new cars in their entry level specs don't have fog lights tho", "Do you think everyone drive modern sedan?", "Doesn't change the fact that hazard lights should still be used for a stopped vehicle.", "Why?", "Read the article or not?", "You'd be even more visible if you stuck disco lights on your dick and swung it outside the window but it doesn't mean you should do it. If you're told not to do it don't do it dude.", "I encountered this situation before, rain so heavy that it was hard to see pass 5 m in front. Even with fog light/front light/any light that available on, car in front are still barely noticeable until someone turn on hazard light, and everyone else follow. It does make them more visible with this blinking light to me. Oh ya,although it was raining at evening, the sky are still bright. The rain drop become silvery white colour, so a yellowish light does stand out more in that scenario.", "I know this rain type. Worst than the most f'd up haze because your windscreen is fogging up too", "no = no. plus there are those that keep going left or right of the lane and you wouldn't know because of the hazard light. AND should stop and reat if visibility is really bad. it's already at risk and by having disorientating signal to other road users increases that risk. no = no.", "Why need hazard light and not just turn signals?" ], [ "Why, though? Not every car has strong taillight, and some car colors are less visible in rainy days. My first highway accident is in such a condition; tip #4 is trash because visibility is less than 5m, how the fuck do you know you are tailgating/tailgated or not? The only way I saw the car in front was because it had hazard light ON, and I got hit from behind because I wasn't (and my car was silver).\nHazard light means take extra care/caution because car is in hazardous state i.e. In a heavy rain. Else why not call it STOP light, as the \"tips\" imply its name is literal but used the WRONG definition for \"amaran/ bahaya\"?", "it's all down to the meaning of how it is meant to be used. cause if a car is stationary or to indicate distress, they flip the hazard lights on mis-using it can lead to dilution and things lose their meaning like they are seemingly so nowadays.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_lighting#Hazard_warning_signal\nNot every car has a strong taillight, but they can maintain a safer distance and drive slower.", "Again, can't judge a safe distance if can't see vehicle in front. Following a blinking light is better than guessing.\nDilute their meaning? I guess that means hazard = stop now? Read yoyr own fucking link\nThis function is meant to indicate a hazard such as a vehicle stopped in or near moving traffic, a disabled vehicle, a vehicle moving substantially slower than the flow of traffic such as a truck climbing a steep grade, or the presence of stopped or slow traffic ahead on a high speed road.\nHAZARD LIGHT IS NOT A STOP LIGHT", "If you are moving and have your hazard lights turned on, how are you going to indicate when you're going to switch lanes?", "Do I look like I'm going to switch lane in a hazardous situation? Lmao", "Again read the rules, stop interpreting your own even if you think it doesn't make sense that's how alot of countries see it as, i did not say it is a STOP light you dolt, the links first line also clearly says its not.\nEven if you don't like the rules it does not make it any less clear.\nAgain, can't judge a safe distance if can't see vehicle in front. Following a blinking light is better than guessing.\nYou are not able to judge the distance because you are in the front vechicles water wake then give it a longer distance especially in rainy day; give things some distance and you will see clearly.", "Then stop telling me to only use HAZARD light when I stop.\nAnd no, the rain itself reduce visibility. You're malaysian? I doubt you've driven in the rain." ], [ "i dunno about you, but if the car in front of me pops their hazard lights that means they are coming to a sudden stop and you should too.\nit works fine in Thailand, it has also never caused me issues when driving in Malaysia. Every damn light helps when you are driving in torrential rain that car wipers were never designed for.\nIf you think someone is popping hazard lights to make a turn you're a bodoh." ], [ "I only use it when there were heavy rain that traffic slows due to high water level. We already have break lights on in such situations, hazard lights add a stronger message.", "hazard lights add a stronger message\nthere you have it, boys. it’s all about sending a stronger message. we need to be firm about it. if it means going to war against JKJR, so be it!\nedit: forgot my /s", "Duh if all cars are braking constantly, all red lights you think in heavy rain they can differentiate with a complete stop in the middle of the rain. A lot of morons couldnt and thats when shit happens." ], [ "I turn my hazard lights on because i am a hazard. I cant see the car in front and behind me during heavy rain. I have perfect vision but despite slowing down and keeping left, i have difficulty seeing and therefore require the car in front to turn on the hazard lights in order for me to maintain distance" ] ]
Gotta say, as a tourist, I'm pretty disappointed in the transport options here.
So the goal was to go to Malacca from KL this morning. It's a one night stay so our travel time is limited. Tried to research trainx first because I love an effiecient train system. Here's the first issue: The info online is contradictory and confusing. Generally very difficult to get a clear and simple breakdown of travel options and the company websites... feel like they were made in 2003? Just a confusing mess wirh bad search functions. So - seems like train just isnt practical as none go direct and we'd have to transfer and ultimately go by bus. Ok, we'll just take the bus for the whole trip. Issue number 2: The bus system is just as difficult to research. Again, the online search was confusing but we saw on a few sites a claim that it was possible to just show up at TBS and hop on a bus. Sounds easy and cheap, let's do it. Issue 3: The LTR/monorails ALSO have confusing info online, and top it off the info is wholly inacurate. Using the fare calculator, we saw that it would cost less than 3 rm to travel from Masid Jamek to TBS and it would take only 20 min. Sounds fantastic. We go to the station, the price is about 5 rm and we cant go direct to Putra heights (or something like that, the LTR station next to TBS), we have to transfsr so the trip will take longer. 5rm x 2 = 10 and the cost of grab by comparisin is 16. We chose grab as it was much faster and more convenient. Issue 4: TBS is a mad house the size of an airport and it generally felt like we left a developed nation and travelled back in time: most ticket counters are closed so lines to buy tickets are about a 30 min wait. We wait... at the ticket counter we learn the next bus is in 5 hours. We are only going to malacca for one night... ok lets buy our return ticket for tomorrow and then... Grab again = 200 rm. Not terrible although nearly 10x more expensive... I'm not trying to say Grab is even that great, compared to grab in Vietnam, Malay grab kinda sucks. But that's a different rant. So now I'm sitting in traffic on a 3 hour trip that should only be 2 and lucky enough to pay 200 for it. Just a lot if baaaad info online. And it seems like the public transit infrastructure was forgotten(?) as it's so outdated compared to the rest of KL which feels very modern. EDIT: Should I tip my grab driver? its a looong trip and I feel bad for the guy.
[ [ "melaka from kl on one of the busiest weekends in malaysia\nthats bravery", "Why is it one of the biggest weekends in Malaysia?", "Chinese Winter solstice festival + Xmas + long weekend.", "cuti sekolah", "And toll is free", "Chinese winter solstice is not such a big deal for most Malaysian Chinese. Many of us don’t even remember it’s a thing until their mom serves Tang Yuan after dinner. I mean, I only started celebrating winter solstice AFTER I left Malaysia.", "Didn't think Christmas would be a big thing in Malaysia\nBut the Chinese winter festival makes sense", "It doesn't matter which race/religion holiday, everyone is going to balik kampung during that period.", "any holiday is good holiday. also we have a somewhat substaintial christian population", "Had to look this up, google says 6% Christian? Way more than I expected.\nI thought all the mall decorations were for aunties who like taking photos with them 😂\nAnd yeah, solstice really isn't a thing.", "It's the holiday that make it a big thing and it's on the end of the year, people are clearing their leave", "The better keyword is holiday.\nGot holiday all is well.\nRaya? Holiday. Chinese New Year? Holiday. Deepavali? Holiday. King's birthday? Holiday. Win football? Holiday.", "no, Christmas isn't a big thing really\nits just that Malaysians of all cultures just enjoy long weekends and would go \"balik kampung\"\nduring Chinese New Year, even Malays go back to their hometowns", "Christmas is big. I'd put it almost on par with CNY and Raya holidays. It's also a year end holiday where many people go for vacation and it's a major shopping event. No, Christmas has little to do with the Christian faith in Malaysia. In terms of the commercial value of the Christmas and New Year holidays, I feel it's value eclipse even that of the Raya festival. I'd put it on par with CNY and 11.11 sale.", "It's all holidays for us, nobody really celebrates it like the west other than the Christians, it's more like a day off for the rest of us to feast, drink, shop and party or simply just rest at home.", "Non-Christians celebrate Christmas by going jalan-jalan, shopping, and balik kampung too.", "Malaysia is a diverse, multi culturally where people speak each other in a pidgin language comprising of over 80 languages due to serving as the international trading post between east Asia and the rest of the world since ancient m times and was colonised by European colonial powers for 500 years and in is the melting pot of Asia.\nOf course we would have holidays in Christmas too.", "school holidays and people dont celebrate xmas like they celebrate hari raya/cny in family houses. parent takes the chance to bring the kids to somewhere different and melaka is one of the top choice with how affordable it was in comparison to other choices", "True. My husband's kampung is in Melaka. We avoid it like a plague on festive holidays. Better jalan2 KL" ], [ "Download Moovit app for intracity bus times\nDownload Google Maps for general route planning (shortest distance)\nDownload Transit app for train-route planning\nDownload RedBus app to download and view intercity bus tickets. Alternatively can use TBS app, more options but more obscure UI.\nIt is possible you had difficulty getting tickets due to proximity to holiday period. I agree with your critiques it’s a PITA to have an integrated source of info; but with an agglomeration of apps it’s doable", "Upvoting just for Moovit alone.", "This is great advice, thank you!", "Download Moovit app for intracity bus times\nthis does not work as shown....tried many times that bus doesn't arrive at the time it says it will arrive...lol.", "don't blame moovit, blame the bus companies,\nnormally if moovit doesn't show the live location, the bus companies' official app won't show it too, and we all know how schedules in malaysia work" ], [ "Fun Sabahan anecdote:\nAt Perdana Park in KK one night and saw two tourists trying to talk to the security guards. Turns out they wanted to know where the catch the bus, but the guards were trying to tell them that there is no bus.\nThen they thought about taking a Grab back to the hotel, but there was a festival nearby and there were no Grabs to be had. Honestly, these tourists hadn't even gotten a local simcard or roaming option for their foreign simcards, so they didn't have mobile data through which to call a Grab. They kept going on about 'just tell us where the bus stop is'.\nFriends, there is no bus stop. There is no bus. There is no train. There is\nno tram. There may be a Grab, but these days they will cancel once the traffic gets bad, and the traffic is always bad.\nAnd yes, I took them back to their hotel myself, even though it meant squashing my kids into a corner of the back seat.", "Kudos. The quintessential Malaysian hospitality. Also, public transportation is non-existent in Sabah. It's either Grab , hitchhiking or walking to your destination. Go figure lol", "I'm travelling right now and man. Wish Malaysia was walkable.\nWish KK was more like any other city really. As a sabahan" ], [ "As a Vietnamese currently living in KL your comparison of Viet Grab and Msia Grab makes the whole rant pretty amusing to me. Because how on earth you survived travelling in Vietnam but can't make it in Malaysia? Malaysia is one of the easiest country to travel in Southeast Asia already, due to the facts that English is widely used and the infrastructure is kinda developed.", "I don't understand either. Traveled in MY for over 6 months, was all easy as could be. Vietnam was more challenging, but not that bad.", "I can't make it? A few issues at the start of the trip means I can't make it? And yes, Viet infrastructure is... bad isn't the right word. Horrifying might be better. I can say that not as a tourist but as soneone who has lived there for nearly a decade. It's especially scary since the viet gov claims to spend the majority of its annual budget on the roads and yet they just get worse and worse.", "Grab is way better in Vietnam. Cars always arrive in under 3 minutes. In Vietnam roads are hectic but traffic is always moving. In Malaysia you might have to wait 20-30 minutes then sit in traffic jams. You can also Grab a bike in Vietnam if you want to love through traffic. Beam is awesome in KL tho.", "\"always arrive in under 3 mins\", \"traffic is always moving\"... I'm not sure we're even talking about the same Vietnam, because mine where I had lived for two decades it looked like this https://laodong.vn/photo/duong-pho-un-tac-kinh-hoang-tai-dien-tro-lai-o-ha-noi-834839.ldo Never ever seen this level of traffic jam in KL. At least with a bike you can still weave your way out of Cheras or PJ during rush hours. In Vietnam even pedestrians are stuck in traffic jams.", "My experience is mostly in HCMC but also Da Nang. I travel to many Southeast Asian countries every month. Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam Grab will mostly arrive in under 5 minutes, Malaysia (KL) never under 10 minutes. In KL I am referring to KLCC, Bukit bintang areas and nearby central areas.\nEdit: haha that photo looks hectic, never been stuck in something like that." ], [ "I'm a foreigner who lived in KL for years, and I don't get your issue with TBS, to be honest. And you're trying to travel to Mallaca on one of the busiest weekends of the month. Wrong timing princess", "yeah, feel like most of the people apologizing here don't even know how to take the bus. its so simple and literally couldn't be any easier. buy ticket online. scan to go in. if lost, ask someone in tbs. thats it. what kind of tourist doesn't have basic problem solving skill like that?", "Forreal man. . . If OP is one of those cheap backpackers, he can even take the damn LRT straight to TBS if he doesn't want Grab.", "American spotted. LOL\nEnding a statement in \"princess\" never gets old. lol", "I'm actually African hahaha. But I lived a couple of years in the US, so good guess nonetheless lol", "haha, you've learned our ways...\nGood on you." ], [ "Welcome to Malaysia", "Couldn’t say it any better…" ], [ "The issue of public transit in Malaysia being KL-centric is well known, such that some people say of the Ministry of Transportation as have forgotten that people exist outside of KL & Penang, and that the Ministry (which is traditionally held by a Chinese for whatever reason) neglects development for Malays outside of the Klang Valley (which is a racial sentiment)\nBus information in English is not that well written, and yes, there is a need to offer more for tourists just like how Japan & Korea are doing compared to 10 years ago when there was barely any English\nTo address your points:\nYes, people don't go to Melaka by train unless you're going to Tampin, which is unfortunate, but I expect that to change slowly in 10 years or so\nYes, technically you can just show up at TBS but most people book the tickets online as they can be sold out in peak season\nI am not sure why you wanted to go to Putra Heights, when the stop you were looking to get to the Terminal Bus Bersepadu (TBS) is by Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS), while going through Putra Heights is almost like if you were going from East London to West London but you stop by Oxford on the way\nI am not sure why you mention TBS as being like travelling back in time, when bus stations in Japan are almost similar\nYes, the ticketing counter issue is well-known and the authorities (ehem, where is Anthony Loke?) said it is to be fixed but nothing is being done yet\nI am sorry for you that your Melaka trip went bad in terms of transportation and I admit Malaysia has a long way to go in terms of public transit, but the discussion on the Internet (which is mostly urbanites from KL & Penang) can lean heavily towards rail infrastructure when busses are also a key part in it, especially long distance busses (which are common even in well developed countries)\nSince you mention that you love an efficient train system, I would recommend you read the blog \"The Man in Seat 61\" who also did a few write-ups regarding Malaysian trains.\nHope you enjoy your remaining stay here.", "I made the same trip from Masjid Jamek to TBS earlier this week & I think they were talking about taking the LRT towards Putra Heights, where you have to swap over to the other side of the tracks at Hang Tuah to get the train in the right direction. Though yes, once that’s done the train stops at BTS and you can just walk to the bus station.", "Rather than the transport system being KL centric, the whole MALAYSIA is KL centric. 94% of all the taxes collected go, guess where? That leaves only 6% for all the states. And people wonder why only KL is developed. This system was inherited from the British and not locally evolved to suit the country. If it evolved naturally from a Congress of all the states, I suspect we'd end up with something like the US tax system rather than the one we have now (i.e there is a split between State taxes and Federal taxes so at least the states have some money to develop).", "Agreed, it is hyper-focused on Penang, KL & JB\nLet's also not forget the decades-long neglect of previously Opposition states done by the BN governments (one of them of which, Anwar was the MOF)\nThat's why I very much support any effort to industrialize Kedah & Terengganu even though they are PAS states, and while the development is picking up, public transit needs to be ramped up by making Alor Setar/Kulim & Kuala Terengganu as new hubs\nAnyway, the more urban the Malays are the less Islamist they become", "Why do you add Penang as well? I thought the transportation in Penang is also no good. No public transport system and Jam more of the time.", "At least Penang has the North South highway, a lot of the other states are not as fortunate. And guess what is the situation in Sabah and Sarawak with water in between?", "Before industrialization, first the tax system needs to be rebalanced, only when the states start getting their own money can they industrialize without needing to \"beg\" for money from KL/Putrajaya. Otherwise once someone in the \"capital\" thinks he can use the money, it gets used up and nothing goes back to the states. And EVERYONE thinks they can use more money, so it really becomes a financial black hole.\nDon't even get me started on what KL thinks is a good use of everyone's money. \"Tallest building in the world!\" contests, \"national\" cars, sovereign wealth funds etc, all pride projects. Just get over the damn pride. Once you developed enough the pride will come naturally from a job well done, forcing it is just \"insecurity\" not \"pride\". Not to mention all these contests have a time limit. How many people in the world even still remember that the Petronas Towers were the \"tallest in the world\"? Then lost to Taiwan's Taipei 101, which resulted in Exchange 106, which then lost to someone else I can't remember, which resulted in Medaka 118, which lost to Dubai.... you get the picture. All these pride projects all have a limited lifespan and are really not worth doing. And especially not worth sacrificing the development of the States of Malaysia for.", "Sorry what do the national car projects have to do with KL? There isn't a single car assembly plant in KL.\nAnd also, what's wrong with sovereign wealth funds? Just curious as Malaysia's generally perform well and loads of other countries have them too.", "....\nThat was an example of wastefulness, not a benefit. It's an example of what happens when governments think they have \"spare\" cash.\nSWFs are ok in general but if you want to compare it with something like Singapore's, there are 2 major differences.\n1- Singapore's SWFs have a very clearly defined goal and mandates. Malaysia's does not. This bleeds into people not knowing what the money really is for, hence the purchase of yachts and jewellery with the 1MDB and even the moving of a military airbase (Sungei Besi -> Sendayan).\nPS: I also know of Khazanah, one of the companies I worked for was bought over by it. And let me say that the company had a new CFO (Chief Financial Officer) come in once for a month then quit. That was how bad their finances were. Khazanah is not as profitable as it tries to portray.\n2- Singapore had no choice but to develop their SWFs because their development is saturated, they have almost hit the top of the development curve, so they have no choice but to invest in other countries. Malaysia is different, a lot of the states are still \"fallow\" and are in need of development funds which if you checked, tend to generate the biggest growth and income by percentage. So rather than follow the other countries, Malaysia should have leaned heavier into state development. It had a better option that Singapore lacked.", "I agree with the sentiment but:\nPenang gets under 3% of the revenue it generates for the federal government. For 9% of the population we get basically nothing back.\nThe reason it is developed is due to the state government raising money elsewhere.\nTo pretend that Penang gets funding from the gomen is ridiculous. We get nothing, and even when we try do things ourselves it gets blocked, still waiting 4 years now for them to approve a basic water taxi service from Butterworth to Georgetown. 4 years!\nThis has nothing to do with the environment, MB's in PJ stall for years on projects to improve the state because it's DAP heartland and then they sign off in a few weeks on projects elsewhere. How many LRT lines have been built in KL while Penang is still waiting approval for their self-funded Transport Master Plan submitted in 2012?\nthe figure was only 2.85% of the revenue generated by Penang\nhttps://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2022/06/20/reps-complain-of-unfair-federal-funds-for-selangor-penang/\nThe federal government should not decide allocations to the states, it should be per person. It is disgusting and all these people outside of KL fall for 3R issues instead of seeing how much is being taken from them and voting appropriately.\nDon't lump us in with KL, they steal from every state, including Selangor.", "This is why kl (and maybe Penang and jb) should have independant administration and their own local elections.", "They have their own admin, the Menteri Besar or Chief Minister, same function different name. The big problem is they have no money to do their own projects. That is why I say the resource allocation is important. The admin is already there, they just have no power because no money.", "I mean a metropolitan government", "94% of all the taxes collected go, guess where? That leaves only 6% for all the states. -- plainly wrong. or do you consider federal government is KL?", "It was the seat of government until Putrajaya. The point still stands, the money goes into the Federal Territory and never comes back out. And the 94% was a figure from OEDC which they also highlighted the uneven distribution.", "So the federal government spends 94% budget on federal territories is that what you’re saying? Because that’s also wrong", "Anthony Loke is good and all going onsite for MRT etc but until now I have never seen an MOT tried transport options outside of Klang Valley. Like maybe try taking a bus or train to Northern and East Coast states or heck even Sabah and Sarawak. Wonder why...", "Wow. A fantastic response, thank you so much, really helps me understand the situation more clearly.", "to be fair, it is your first time and info in English is sporadic\nmy first time riding the express bus in Japan, I was nervous as well but i had a Japanese colleague that helped me and starting from there i learnt on my own\nyou should definitely rent a car though", "Ministry of Transportation as have forgotten that people exist outside of KL & Penang\nPublic transport\nPenang\nlol" ], [ "tbh the fact that you can post here and rant about your bad experience, you should've just posted here to ask for advice. Like hey, we know our country transportation isn't that advanced yet. We're totally willing to share tips.", "I plan a similar trip early january. Happy to get your tips :D", "don't downplay the crappy information regarding the express bus system....it is a fact that the information network of the express bus system is terrible.", "no, no. Not at all. I, too, am a victim of shitty bus systems. That's why i suggested OP and many other tourists and visitors should ask for tips from locals who live and deal with these situations lmaoo", "It’s Reddit, it can take anywhere from 5min to 5 months to get an answer. And that’s assuming the post isn’t automodded or deleted for whatever reason.", "I 100% agree that I should have asked first." ], [ "Why don't you rent a car for outside KL.\nI'm a tourist and rented a car at klia airport when I landed. Drove up to ipoh and back down within 2 days.\nGrab pretty good in KL same as bangkok. Not too sure how many grab taxi drivers are there outside of KL.", "Would be a good choice if I had an IDL but sadly I don't... The roads do seem very well maintained here so I can imagine renting a car would be fantastic for exploring outside KL.", "There is no such thing as IDL. There is only IDP. It’s a permit, not a license. You still need your own country license accompanying this IDP to make it valid. There is a real distinction here.", "What's the real distinction? Seems minor to me.", "Dont need a idl to rent a car in malaysia.. but thats besides the point.. our general information is bad and even as a malaysia.. navigating and finding correct information on government related processes is extremely confusing..\nFor people saying its the busiest weekend.. albeit true.. larger and denser countries are able to accommodate more traffic much better than malaysia so we do need to do better..\nAnyways.. pretty much all our processes suck and verbal information gets you much further.. thankfully most of us are fluent in english so just ask anyone and we should be able to help you out.." ], [ "I guess we ought to state in our tourism pamphlets etc. a special note of advice to never travel to Malaysia during festive seasons. Yup it's a nightmare to jalan jalan during these times. Places like TBS never have any problem catering for your travel needs all year long apart from these times." ], [ "We just booked a grab? Arrived in 5 mins, drove us there and stopped a long the way for toilet break. We tipped them and all was fine. Getting around Malaysia was incredibly easy in comparison to some countries.", "How much did you pay? How much did you tip? And yes, it is better than many but that doesn't mean it's flawless.", "Cannot remember how much we paid but we were shocked at the price being quite reasonable. I think we gave 100MYR tip for Malacca.\nWe also got a grab from Malacca to Ipoh which is even further. Much better sitting in an aircon car going door to door at the time you want.", "Look at Moneybags here", "No, not at all. The UK is just ridiculously expensive in comparison.", "Amen", "So I'm paying 200 to travel from Kl to malacca. You think 100 is a reasonable tip?", "Well in the UK, a journey of that length in a private car with a driver would be more like 1,500MYR. I think 300MYR all in, including a tip is very reasonably priced to me. Also this was split between 2 of us. It can cost 300MYR for me to get to other side of City in my country. I appreciate this might not reflect the same to others from different countries.", "You make good points. I think I might ask the driver to name a price.", "Yeah, you are looking at it wrong. I paid £130 to spend a night in a shithole hotel in Barmouth. Do you think spending Rm750 (the equivalent) I would be happy with a shithole hotel that should cost Rm100 at most?\nI mean it’s your money and if you are happy to spend it like that I’m sure the drivers won’t mind. But it’s not an option for most people and it’s not really helpful for people who may be travelling on a budget.\nI mean let’s be honest. We all know the easiest answer is a Taxi, but there is a reason we catch buses or trains.", "I didn’t mean to be unhelpful and offensive. I agree totally with you in that I’m never happy when I pay an expensive price for a service or hotel which isn’t that great. I just meant, that in comparison to my country - the cost of the grab was very reasonable to me and 100 MYR tip is what I thought was acceptable at the time. The driver seemed happy and we were happy with the service. I’m only sharing my experience." ], [ "I’m sorry about your experience and our transport system is indeed subpar in most places…but to just make assumptions about Christmas not being widely celebrated here is just whack to me - it is still one of the major holiday seasons in this country, along with Hari Raya and Chinese New Year. I find it really hard to believe that you didn’t come across that info while doing your research.\nIf you’re still going to be moving around this weekend then best be prepared to Grab, it’s gonna be pretty hectic and crowded everywhere." ], [ "... Kinda bad time to go that far with public transport for now. Its a long weekend holidays, people book tickets weeks ago. Tho, i do understand your frustration. TBS was so big and disorganized for its size with a lot of busses companies didn't have proper ticket management. One of the reason i hate to take busses for long trip. There are apps you can use to buy bus ticket online called Red Bus. So far, this apps were better than most others\nOn side note, There's a line straight from masjid jamek to putra height tho? The Kelana Jaya line from gombak to putra height with masjid jamek as one of the interconnecting station. Maybe you got into the wrong lrt line/station cause there actually 3 LRT line connecting there.\nYou can give tips to the grab driver if you want, its not compulsory but sometimes i too just give some tips if the traffic was bad or they had to take different route.\nAnyway, best of luck guys👍" ], [ "You are trying to go to a major tourist City in the busiest weekend of the year and are annoyed counters are closed and there aren't seats available?\nI totally understand that the website is ancient and info might be confusing,(cos we have moved to app based) but I smell entitlement of a foreign tourist about a developing country ...and btw.. English isn't even official language here.\nIt's the school holidays, it's corporate extended break etc", "op is a big overdramatic princess. \"tbs is a madhouse airport\" like for real? It's just a huge square box with 2 floors. There are literally signs everywhere. thousands of people figure it out everyday with no problem or need to take a grab." ], [ "3 hours trip to melaka? Lucky u. Went on national day eve, move 8pm from KL, took 4 hours to reach 😅😅😅\nAlso queued up for 2 hours for chicken rice ball in melaka before.\n2-3 hours is nothing. Usually stuck in friday traffic+ heavy rain from KL- Damansara 2-3 hours as well." ], [ "Sorry, on behalf of my country, for disappointing you with terrible public transportation service.\nThe best way to go to Malacca, from KL, is through TBS. And the best way to take a bus is by applying online (I use TBS-BTS). Later you can scan the QR code at the gate. To go to TBS can be a challenge for first-timers. Best is to take LRT or KTM from KL Sentral to BTS, then walk to TBS.\nThe bus would stop you at Melaka Sentral, which is quite close to the old town of Melaka. From there, take a Grab to your hotel. Try to stay within walking distance to the Melaka river walk, as that could connect you to most tourist destinations within the old town.", "Yes, I think my biggest problem is just being a first timer. I will say the country has been wonderful to explore so far. Great food, architecture, museums and parks. It's a lovely place.", "Dia macam tak ada lah entirely salah public transport kita, but dia pun ada points. >_<", "", "He does have a point that our mass transport capabilities are lacking", "ur a knob for this comment.. he's entitled to his opinion (in this case a valid one).", "And I’m entitled to mine.", "and yours going to be invalid.", "Happy Cake Day", "How is that comment in anyway nationalistic? Wtf", "Because he can't take a critique that had no malice or any \"entitlement\" as he calls. If you knee jerk when a tourist has a negative comment then... yeah, you're being a tad nationalistic.", "I understand your frustration with the transport system, but it's important to recognize that every country faces distinct challenges. While Malaysia may have areas for improvement, it's unfair to expect a developing nation's infrastructure to mirror that of a developed one. Did you really expect a south East Asian nation to have public transport equal to a European nation? What country are you comparing Malaysias infrastructure to? You critique something that Malaysians already know to be true, they have heard it all before and most likely made the same criticisms themselves. This is where the frustrated comment came from, it was anything but nationalism. To be Nationalistic is to have strong sense of loyalty, pride, or devotion to one's nation or country. It often involves an emphasis on national identity, culture, and interests, sometimes to the extent of prioritizing them over others. I don’t think any Malaysian is going to feel that way about their public transport system…", "Yeah I get that hearing the foreigner complain about familiar issues can be irritating. I saw his comments as being a bit defensive and overly sensitive, e.g.using words like entitlement.\nOf course all countries have their own challenges. I do think its fair to criticize without too much comparison. I mean, yes some developed nations have better infrastructure. But some dont (the US is a prime example).\nAs this is my first trip to Malay, I didn't know that people are tired of hearing this comment.\nBut I would argue that getting defensive when a tourist comolains about something most agree is an issue is a reaction thats easy to see as nationalistic.", "It’s not. I’m not Malaysian. But when I am the same when I hear people make the same complaints about well known and accepted problems in my own nation for example. And I’m anything but nationalistic", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nNo name-calling here please, thanks.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nYou can disagree with OP, but don't resort to name-calling because that will almost always make the other person defensive (as proven by OP's reply)." ], [ "your planning is bad, and Malaysia being \"English\" gives foreigners a false sense of easiness.\ndirect busses are the best choices but tickets are often prebooked. simply turning up is down to luck, and being the hottest travel seasons of the year, your luck is bound to be out.\nyour train choice is weird, probably you got confused with the lines.\nonline information is often inaccurate cause we dont care to update them like japan.\nalso keep in mind that the reason public transport is trash outside KL is cause of the population and how things are. the whole melaka has a population of 1 million people, in most countries its \"rural\" lol" ], [ "this sounds like a you issue to be honest. its so easy to go from tbs to melaka and if you cant figure that out you really have no business travelling around. geezus. i dont know why the people here are apologizing. all op can do is just open his mouth and ask." ], [ "I'm a foreigner and I visited Malacca this week. We just knew we had to take the bus, but had no idea where to buy the ticket (we thought we would buy it inside the bus haha).\nWe took a Grab to TBS, and the driver told us to buy a ticket inside. We found a ticket counter within minutes, an assistant helped us with the booking and we were out in less than 20 minutes.\nHonestly, I found TBS to be pretty organised once you understand what to do. It's hectic, sure. You have buses leaving every minute. However, even for someone like me who had done almost 0 research, it was comfortable.\nPS: I don't get why you felt Grab isn't great. I've been using it for a week now and I've had smooth experiences throughout.", "I think the TBS experience hinges on many things. As for grab, I'm spoiled by Viet grab which is instant. Here I wait 10 minutes for someone to even accept then usually 15 min for pick up. This means anything less than a 30-40 min isnt worth waiting for grab. Fine by me but my asian GF absolute hates direct sunlight and resfuses to walk more than 15 min outside... which is what caused me to seek public transport and ultimately led to this entire rant.", "Hmm, I guess it depends on location then. My hotel's close to the centre of the city, so I would get a booking pretty quickly. However, the pick up time was always > 10 mins ( too many turns and one ways to reach my hotel ig).", "Not just location. I am in the center as well. Time of day is big factor as well. So we took a grab to a nice restaurant for a late dinner (9pm) then ordered a grab to return to the hotel. Except no one picked us up. Waited 20 minutes then chose to walk the 30 minutes back.\nThey need a lot more drivers and I suspect the gjg salary just aint cutting it in their economy." ], [ "That's your problem. Thing is, you didn't even researched properly. Malaysia ofcourse have its shortcomings with transportation system, but we came 2nd just behind Singapore in all of Southeast Asia.\nYou're doing not a rookie mistake, because you've certainly travelled before. A sane person in Malaysia WOULDN'T make a last minute buying a ticket during FESTIVE season especially to tourism hotspot like Malacca. End of December basically a week with corporate leaves, public holidays, new year, Christmas, schoolbreak so people notably will planned their transportation in advance via public transport atleast 2-3 weeks in advance.\nMy best advice, stick to GRAB. Tipped your driver too.", "Wet fart." ], [ "Gotta say, as a local, I'm disappointed in our public transportation." ], [ "Hol up, help me understand you.\nDid you just went Karen mode whining about another country’s public transportation system and other issues when… uhm…. that’s just how it is?\nUhm….. I’m sorry on behalf of all Malaysians? Should I get down on my knees and start jerking you off so that your Karen ego can feel a little bit better? Maybe do your research before you travel? Lol. Hmm.. let me visit the Sahara Desert and b1tch about the Uber, the camels, the temperature and the effing donkeys too.\nGodamn people, and other sohais that echo along with it. Stop b1tching or do smth about it. Diu Nia seng.", "Call me at 1800-free-hj", "Try posting again without all the passive aggressiveness and the unneeded uhms and hmms. It makes the post a lot more digestible.", "Dont listen to this grumpy old overly patriotic cunt. Even locals are frustrated with the system.", "This grumpy old cocksucker is also very frustrated with the system, but ain’t bitching about it and definitely ain’t whining about other country when they don’t live up to my expectations.\nNow, you’re also frustrated right? What have you done about it? Should I ask your keyboard?:)", "Typical weak pathetic cunt of a spoon fed response, can't handle criticism of his country, don't use reddit or get on the Internet, may as well bend over suck your own weak little cock off you third world pond scum", "Right. You done nothing about it, that’s what I thought. :) Type harder. 👶", "Are you feeling so weak and defeated to the point of repeating sentences and using emoji?", "Palms are sweaty", "Sheesh. Calm down.", "Here comes the Karen’s ultimate weapon, the gas on the left hand and the light on the right. Nice try bud.", "Haha k." ], [ "I love LOVE Malaysia, was the first foreign country I've ever visited 18 years ago and in my top 5 destinations. I was there last year and took a bus to Malacca. I booked it beforehand but still had to wait in the longest queue.\nGetting around KL is also difficult, the MRT is very limited. I would say one of the most difficult cities to get around in. If you use Grab I would often have to wait 30mins as a minimum. Very different to Vietnam or Bangkok when you can get a Grab every time in less than 5 minutes. Was so amazed every time.\nIt's something I just accept and factor in my day. Even with that frustration, I love Malaysia so much that it doesn't deter me from visiting.", "Ah I see we have very similar experiences. Here's ny take on what KL does really well: Parks and Museums. I will be talking about the Islamic Art Museum for years after this trip and I'm not even religious, just found the place to be so well designed and informative for ignorant tourists like myself. The bird park was exceptional as well.\nOh and the food is soooo much better than VN food (my GF disagrees but shes Viet and doesnt understand good food haha) - fairly similar to Thai (of course)" ], [ "It's a rant lol wtf ppl giving advices. If a whitey went around drive rental car with no license, no police give a damn (unless start DUI and murdering ppl). Only applicable to whities XD" ], [ "Gotta say, as a local, I’m also pretty disappointed in the transport options here as well" ], [ "Yep. Being a tourist sucks. But an adventurer, that’s a story worth telling. So suck it up." ], [ "I’m sorry, but im just annoyed how entitled you are..\nI give it to u, that sometime info online could be wrong.. yes they can improve their website but you complaining about TBS is straight from the”i am an entitled ass” play book.\nI dunno where you’re from but here, there’s a long holiday for school kids that coincides with Christmas. Hence that is why there’s lots of counters closed in TBS and lots of people waiting for the bus to back to their hometown.\nMaybe just maybe do some research first especially on local holidays trend and not expect every county on earth suit your “wimps” just cause you there.\nHappy Holiday 🙄", "I dunno where you’re from but here, there’s a long holiday for school kids that coincides with Christmas. Hence that is why there’s lots of counters closed in TBS…\nSorry, that doesn’t make any sense to me at all. So in the holiday period, when more people travel and need the service, people working in the travel industry (ticket counters) take a holiday? That’s the first time I hear such a thing.\nOther than that, I disagree with OP that walking into TBS is like going back in time. I found it modern, clean and generally rather good as a bus station. Public transportation between TBS and central KL could be improved for sure, though.", "TBS is as good as central transport station as I have found anywhere.", "You should probably address your comment to OP, since I said as much.", "I was agreeing with you. I’ll give you an upvote as well.", "No problem, I was just worried that my comment sounded much more critical than I intended.", "Erm. People booked tickets in advance if they want to balik kampung during holidays.", "Well, yeah, among other things because they don’t want to face the longer queue due to fewer counters than usual being open.", "It’s the opposite. Most people nowadays book online so they don’t need more counters. When was the last time you went to airport to book flight ticket? Same thing with bus and train ticket.", "Apparently enough people still need the counters for big queues to form when too many are closed.", "Then people should book it online lol.\nIt’s just once click away. And it’s only packed during holidays because most counters are closed.", "Many older people don’t know how to or don’t want to deal with the online booking process. Plus they can be confused by the variety of schedules, companies and routes and may need advice from a human being. And there are often temporary bugs and other problems that affect all apps from time to time. There should always be enough counters to absorb the needs of customers who still want or need the “traditional” purchase process.", "Also as you can clearly see, I said I did A LOT of reasearch but the majority of info was just not accurate.", "Which country is not packed during holiday season? The fact you chose to travel during Christmas should have prepared you for the inevitable traffic. People booked tickets months in advance if they want to travel across states during holidays.", "Its a muslim country! How is this not a reasable mistake to make? And YES I did check before my trip if Malays care about christmas and according to google, Christmas is not celebrated here.", "Malaysia is NOT a Muslim country, we are Muslim majority and we also practice Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. Are you saying people in Indonesia, Japan or China don’t celebrate Christmas just because they don’t practice Christianity? If you travel to Malaysia during early February, you will also encounter the same problem because we also celebrate Lunar New Year eventhough majority of the people here are Muslims.\nYou can easily google “is Christmas a public holiday in Malaysia?” or “How’s the traffic conditions during Christmas in Malaysia” and you will get your answer.\nIt seems like you don’t travel much during major holidays and you lack the basic research skill.\nAnd Malaysia is not made up of just Malays, we have Chinese and Indians. This is the first thing will show up on Wikipedia if you google Malaysia demographics.\nFurthermore, if you indeed travel in KL for the past few days, shouldn’t the Christmas decorations around the city and in the mall tip you off that the people celebrate Christmas here?", "Whats funny is I literally just said that I did google about christmas. You should try it too.\nYou write a lot for someone that doesnt read very well.", "<image>\nThis is literally the first result when I google “is Christmas a holiday in Malaysia”\nDon’t blame your inadequacy on others. You literally chose the one of busiest season to travel and blame the public transport system because you couldn’t get a ticket.\nPeople booked the tickets MONTHS in advance. If you chose to travel to Melaka last week, it’s a breeze.", "Again, we are not all Malays! What the fuck! Malaysia is multicultural. I’m a Malaysian Chinese, not Malay. Geez. You can’t even have the decency to learn the culture of Malaysia by addressing people’s ethnicity correctly.\nIf this is your so called research, it’s superficial at best. And when people are telling you multiple times that Malaysia is made up of different races, you need to stop and listen.", "You sound like Americans who blab about their Irish or Italian heritage.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.", "Didnt realize christmas was a national holiday in a muslim country. And yeah, I can see why you might say I'm entitled but I'm not demanding better treatment, I'm just comnenting mainly for the benefit of other travellers. Bad reviews are typically more useful and important than good ones as they tend to be more detailed.", "We are a Muslim majority country yes, but we are also multicultural and celebrate all major international holidays. You've arrived at the peak of the holiday season with schools closed and many companies also offering extended breaks to their staff for the new year. It's a shame that your experience is marred by this, hopefully with some of the bus advice here you will be able to still have a good time. Just be prepared that locals will have planned their bus and train journeys months in advance, so you may find seats to be limited. Enjoy the rest of your trip!", "Listen, I’m annoyed cause this is a yearly thing at this sub.. foreigners complaint about KL / Malaysia public transport during our holidays period.\nYes you may have done your research on transportation here but not the local customs and such. It’s the same all over the world, any big holidays trains / bus gonna be over booked. Counters are closed .. It’s not malaysia thing.", "Ok well I'm learning as I go. I susoect you've never travelled abroad as you would know that reseaeching everything is time consuming and the internet is flooded with bad ads especially nowadays. So we learn as we go. Again, my rant isn't for you to defend your country or culture (both of which are lovely in my foreign POV) - it's to highlight difficulties that others might want to avoid.", "Point taken .. happy holidays.", "How does complaining about the TBS make OP an entitled ass?" ], [ "Yup. Kl is more modern sadly. Spot on OP.\nBut hey welcome to malaysia. Where its hot and humid. But the food and culture is good :)" ], [ "I suppose you stay near masjid jamek. There is a problem with the current LRT. So under normal circumstances you can go directly from MJ to BTS. But right now you cant. It's still the same line, you just have to switch platform when you reach one of the station called Hang Tuah. And the platform switching is just switching from one side to another.\nThis problem should be solved sometime early next year. It has caused alot of problems for malaysians as well.\nI am not sure how you were told rm5 per person for the trip. It should be rm3.10 best on fare calculator. Maybe my fellow malaysians can help give some input.\nIt's school holiday and long weekend. So ya, tickets are sold out.", "Good to know, thank you." ], [ "<image>" ], [ "What were you thinking, travelling on the peak period?" ], [ "This is not Japan. Don't expect good train system outside Klang Valley. KTM is basically unusable.", "I tried KTM for the first time recently to head to Ipoh! KTM is actually pretty decent ! It cruises at a decent speed and best of all you get to skip all the traffic during peak season. Ticket price was reasonable too, cheaper than tol", "You try to take local line and see lah. Try go to Batu Caves. Good luck." ], [ "I remember asking people where the metro station was and they were all just making that confused meme face, because I didn't use the exact-right acronym for the closest line.", "Yeah, because its not called metro station here. And we have mrt, lrt, monorail, ktm and erl. You need to be specific because each line has different station point", "That's the entire point of my comment." ], [ "Did you not do any background reading before you got here? Our public transport systems are infamously shit and us Malaysians complain about it daily.\nDisappointed in the quality of tourists visiting Malaysia sigh 😂", "I used to think Malaysian public transport is shit , but after recent experiences I beg to differ. I think the MRT, LRT and KTM is actually nicely done. KTM interstate (kl to Ipoh) is actually really convenient and you get to skip all the traffic. As for mrt/LRT, it’s actually convenient and reliable if both your travel points are within the vicinity of the area (eg , travelling from TTDI to maybe somewhere like TRX where driving , traffic and parking are a hassle)" ], [ "I actually find our system better and more efficient than the Europeans one, and need I say, American's...\nWe are also more app based than website based. There's an app where you can book any train and bus ticket, so... you just didn't do your research when you come here.", "Better than Europe? Hard disagree. Better than America? Forget the developed world, US infrastructure is worse than most of the developing world... although I can say the US is at least better than Vietnam... haha", "Well I hard disagree on your hard disagreeing then.\nYou may have your point, I have mine." ], [ "Public transport is deliberately crippled to ensure our 2 useless national car brands can sell to this tiny 33 million population country lol", "And I strongly suspect it's also to impoverish the rakyat since the early days of the country to ensure that we serfs remain in our allotted place from cradle to grave. A way to limit social mobility and to ensure the ruling class's continued supremacy." ], [ "Yes" ], [ "Imagine how disappointed we are on a daily basis" ], [ "I suggest you rent a car , cheapest one there is, and drive yourself" ], [ "Only Malaysians can complain about our public transport. If any foreigner does it..." ], [ "I love public transport in malaysia… everything is straight forward. So yeah" ], [ "Copy this to the Minister of Transport and Ministry of Tourism." ], [ "As a tourist, you'll also realize that, in the true spirit of motorized conveyance, everything in this country is built around them with absolutely no considerations given to pedestrians or bicycles whatsoever." ], [ "I was born in it.... moulded by it.. .\nBy really, though, download apps. They're a life saver." ], [ "Drive car is alot better than anything here.", "It will be more shitty if take public transport, all the changing bus, changing station, and still stuck in same traffic jam..." ], [ "Malaysia has the best transport options in Asia!", "You've never been to Japan, Taiwan, or China I take it?", "Malaysia transport options are better than them", "Ok so yeah, you've never visited them.", "Malaysia transport options are the best in Asia" ], [ "For the future, you could try booking your bus ticket from grab itself, that's what I usually do. You can see the availability and the timings from there, no need to waste a trip to TBS. And if your grab ride is a long trip, maybe tip the driver a little since grab takes 20% or so of the ride fare." ], [ "Can you please email the tourism and transport ministry and let them know. For real. They live in an alternate reality." ], [ "I’ve been using Rome2rio plus 12goAsia and I’ve had no issues getting around. I’m sure there are better ways but it’s worked out fine for me." ], [ "For all the digitisation initiatives in Malaysia it still sucks that simple things like information on bus and train services on their website is still shit.\nAnd I don't doubt some of them are still showing things from 2003.", "This was my only issue with KL as a tourist. I generally use public transport as much as I can and the info provided online is almost all wrong or outdated. The bus stops are almost always marked wrong and the bus routes shown on google maps are all incorrect with the bus actually going elsewhere. Rapidkl definitely has all the hardware it needs to be an excellent transit service but please update your google map data for everyone's sake.\nBy comparison, I found Penang's public transit excellent. Most of the tourist spots are connected via buses and the bus stops and bus numbers are all accurate and exactly as you see on google maps. It was great to use and I travelled the entire island using buses with no issues at all." ], [ "Comparatively speaking years ago it was a nightmare TBS is quite efficient I booked bus tickets online got there showed them the booking on my phone and scanned the tickets at a gate then sat down and waited. With regards to it being a mad house any station on this planet is busy. You just need to research better. Also if your so disturbed by the whole experience get a flight then. Ps the tickets were hella cheap RM 70 for me and four others." ], [ "I genuinely wish the ministry gives more attention to our public transportation outside of KL area too! There are so many nice states that don't get as much attention due to transportation issues, s your disappointment are reasonable imo.\nThat being said, it's holiday season in Malaysia, so usually, it's not this bad, haha. It's also a muslim majority country, not a muslim country, thus, a significant number of us celebrate Christmas too! (Plus end of year holiday, chinese winter holiday etc etc, we got lots of holidays and everyone celebrates everything and anything regardless of religion, race and ethnicity, lol.\nHave a nice trip in Malacca!" ], [ "This one of signs Malaysia needs to invest more & more in Transportation system in whole Malaysia not just KL or Johor or Penang..\nProblem in Malaysia is that population steadily increasing in addition of increased tourist influx but public transportation is dilapidating.\nSame goes with road and transport access" ], [ "Not gonna attack or side with you since I've read the comment section. I'll keep my personal opinion to myself. But, just wanna reiterate and let you know some points since you're unaware:\nOfficially, we celebrate almost all major holidays. Our public & gazetted holidays are twice as much than the western countries. Because most major holidays are important to us and while some might not celebrate it personally, we do celebrate it as a community.\nBuses aren't that reliable especially around major holidays. Doesn't make sense and a little ridiculous, it sucks but that's how it's been unfortunately. How accurate the online schedule is really a hit and miss.\nIslam is the official religion of the federation, and we are Muslim-majority as all ethnic Malays are presumed Muslims, but no, we're not a Muslim country. Constitutionally, we're a secular state. It gets complicated from here but let's get the basic straight.\nYou're visiting during our school break, equivalent to your summer break. Plus it's nearing Xmas. The only public transportation I'd trust is the MRT, but you're travelling out of KL. I wouldn't go near Monorail & KTM unless absolutely necessary. Once you're travelling outside of Klang Valley, public transportation will be quite a challenge unless one is a public transportation pro here.\nP/s: A little weirded out with hearing Malaysia being referred to/shortformed as just Malay since the word specifically refers to the ethnic Malay race and/or Malay language, not a country so it's not making sense in my local brain haha.", "Great reiteration and clarification. This comment sums up the whole post and comment section. Thank you." ], [ "malaysia don’t pay enough to programmers lol." ], [ "Minister of Transport tidur lol" ], [ "I'd agree that Malaysia's transport system isn't as great and wholesome as other countries. Not entirely sure why would you go to Melaka only for a night because Melaka got quite a few places to see! And my experience with Grab, between Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, I don't feel much of a difference but that's only my experience. But please the country is Malaysia, I doubt you'd like someone to name your home country in half." ], [ "Spent a few months in Malaysia and for some reason Melacca seemed the hardest city town to get to from KL with public transport. I heard there used to be a train to there a long time back but it stopped. I was lucky to go with my local friend at the time, but the traffic was crazy as it was the weekend. Just any weekend traffic is crazy it seems. Loved Melacca and my local friend was a Malaysian historian who knew a lot. We spent two days. Other than that, I did wait for busses in PJ on many occasions and never arrived. But trains were amazing, I stayed in the little lovely town of Taiping and it was connected everywhere very easily especially by trains." ], [ "Just use Grab and you’re set. All other public transport is a total waste of time" ], [ "just ride moto easy" ], [ "I notice from the press releases that the Ampang/Sri Petaling line disruption which had affected service most of this year, is NOT publicized on the RapidKL website. This should be front and centre of the website. Google Maps which uses data provided by RapidKL suggests you can get from Masjid Jamek in a single trip when this is absolutely not true. Today there is a forced transfer at Hang Tuah due to lack of turnback facilities elsewhere and this scheme is set to continue until track repair works are done next year.\nI think the lack of bus information is sort of explainable because they are all run by smaller private companies. But the LRT is fully owned by government. They had so much time to update this information and yet they didn't. To me it is quite unprofessional and sadly it will affect locals, and also tourists. It tells you that the priority of government agencies here is. It is never to save your time, but just do the minimum they can to get something to work and call it a day. As a result, one thing I noticed in Malaysia is that people are very skeptical about official information being correct. People would much rather ask their friends or family how to do something, or at least.phone in, even if there are seemingly clear instructions published on the internet, for fear that the information is totally bogus. Maybe it will change in future but it's kind of the culture here by now.\nSo basically you now have some insider knowledge on Malaysia, which is that locals can provide you better advice compared to official sources. Hope your trip goes ok and you enjoy it!" ] ]
Asia's Secret Portuguese Community: The Kristang People (Komuniti Portugis Rahsia Asia: Orang Kristang)
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "it's hardly a secret.. but yea, sure.." ], [ "YT bait" ] ]
I am a recent victim of hit and run from an uninsured driver. Is there a way to avoid foefeiting my NCD?
I know pretty much the consensus here is that you won't be left with much avenue if you got hit by an uninsured vehicle, but i read this comment from a fellow redditor saying that if the IO can specify that it is not my fault then i will not lose my NCD. So has anyone gone through a similiar situation like me and managed to avoid NCD forfeit? It seems a bit a foolish and counter intuitive if anyone can just hit you and make you lose your NCD. The NCD was there to encourage good behavior on the road but this kind of incident makes it seems that it is much more worthy to not just buy insurance. At least if you hit people you will get only few hundred ringgits of saman. Buying an insurance would already cost you rm1000+.
[ [ "IF you're sure you're not at fault, it's possible to not lose your NCD, provided that the incident must be proven via police report" ], [ "If you have the other vehicle’s registration number and you are not at fault, you can file for a “no fault damage claim” with your insurer which should let you you retain your NCD. You’ll need to file a police report and get the IO’s determination of fault to support your claim/submission as part of the process.\nhttps://bjak.my/blog/no-claim-discount-ncd-drive-safely-and-save-more/", "So who pays... The other party no insurance to pay right? Our insurance would cover us without resetting the ncd?", "Yea. The article doesn't seem clear on who pays. They provided 3 different scenario and in the hit-and-run scenario, they mentioned that if we can get the plate number then we would keep our NCD. But what if we didn't managed to capture the plate number of if the car don't have insurance?" ], [ "Hmm, so whats the solution if they have no insurance? You can't even bring them to court to claim damages if they are at fault?", "Technically you can, but they have to pay cash moni", "i think can. but probably civil? not sure. the fella have to go court because uninsured, probably no roadtax as well. even if win most people do not have enough money to pay the damages.", "Thanks. Not sure how these things usually work out.", "Last time there was a thread on lowyat about how one guy tried to go through civil process to claim damages from an uninsured driver. I read it and it was really not worth the pursue. Too much money, time and effort lost. The guy on lowyat did it on a matter of principle.\nThis feels like a major loophole in our traffic law. Honestly shouldn't it be the government that is held responsible if we're hit by an uninsured drive? If we drive in a car without a road tax and an insurance, we will be fined if caught. So if there's an uninsured driver on the loose somewhere then clearly it means the government fails to enforce the law and we the people had to bear the consequences\nEDIT: This is the lowyat thread", "yup, it's very difficult not worth the effort.\nauthorities should impose a very high fine and jail time on this. imagine if the accident injured the driver or worse took a life.", "In an accident where you are not at fault, you have 3 options: (1) claim from own insurance (2) claim from other side’s insurance, or (3) claim from the other side directly/settle.\nIf other side doesn’t have insurance, then option 2 is no go. But you can still claim from your own insurance proided you submit the proper documentation. Your insurer will pay you and then settle recovery on thier own (theres a reason why insurance companies have a of panel law firms on stabdby for these matters)", "But you can still claim from your own insurance proided you submit the proper documentation. Your insurer will pay you and then settle recovery on thier own\nSo if i go this route, does this mean i will keep my NCD?", "Like I mentioned in my other comment, yes, you should still be able to keep your NCD provided (1) the accident was not your fault and (2) you can submit the relevant documents as evidence. Otherwise, every Tom, Dick and Harry will just take this route whenever there is an accident and get away scott free.", "Have you gone through this yourself or know someone who does?" ] ]
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Abortion Help Post :(
[ "Education" ]
Hi. This is a burner account. I'm a scared girl, going through a pregnancy scare since my cycle has been late for 1, entering 2 month if I don't get it in a few days. I have done several tests, and all of them are negative, so that helps the anxiety, but there's information everywhere on how it might not detect the hormone produced for pregnancy. So now I'm back on panic mode. The top 2 suggestions I have found were to get the abortion pills set, and to consult with an actual clinic. But I have no information on where to get the pill, or if they are truly authentic, and the medical procedure seems to be on the pricier side. The last post in here that I have found is a year ago, and there weren't much updated information. I would really appreciate some advice, desperately, either where to get the pills or the best option for a clinic. Thank you :( Edit: Thank you so much everyone for all the messages and comments, words of encouragement helps tremendously, I really do need it <3 Thank you. Edit #2: Once again thank you so much! There's so many notifications I'm trying to read all the comments and DMs from you guys. Also to add since some asked; 1. Yes protection always, even had day after pills on some occasions when I was feeling iffy. 2. I will go have a checkup as advised by next week, as in Monday onwards. Knock on wood. 3. I'm 21, started a new job as of the recent 2-3 months and yes have been stressed out by it. So there's the possibility that it's a missed cycle due to stress/other reasons as advised. 4. Why immediately go to the worst case scenario and ask for termination advise? Because I would prefer having options, if it does happen. I am also sure some others are facing similar problems with me, but there's no updated information, so I wanted to start a new thread on it. Last edit: Holy sht! I actually finally got my period. I think, I finally got the reassurance I needed, and I finally was able to sleep, after reading the kind comments I felt better mentally so I think it helps ease the stress I have held for weeks. Thank you all. Perhaps the hormones also worsened my paranoia this morning while I was writing the post. God bless all of you. I will keep this post up, and I will keep all the recommendations. If you or anyone is facing the same problem, please do DM me and I will pass on all the info that I have. Thank you again everyone. ❤️
[ [ "See an Obgyn. They can do an ultrasound scan to look for a gestational sac.", "Thank you, I will go to a clinic in the next week. Will also update it here once I have it done, surely no one cares but just for the sake of updating.", "For what’s it’s worth, modern pregnancy tests are very very accurate so it’s more likely you’re not pregnant. However best to get it checked out", "Hi! Oh my!!! I wrote the post in the morning, currently it's midnight and I got my period. I guess I don't need to worry anymore. But I still will go to a clinic to get checked for possible PCOS or any other issue. ❤️ I feel like a huge burden is finally lifted up my shoulder now.", "Thats great! Happy for you. Either way, bookmark how you can order abortion pills online just in case", "Dont have to go that far, GP in those small clinics also can help check for pregnancy. You just need to find those with ultrasound written outside them. You should start with that first to confirm its not pregnancy and maybe it’s something else.", "Ya good option also. Lots of experienced GPs out there as well.", "What nonsense, if it doesn’t show up in the pregnancy tests, it will 100 million % not show up when scanning for the gestational sac.\nEdit: Facts being downvoted?!? Way to go r/Malaysia!", "That’s only one of the reasons to see an Obgyn. Besides doing an ultrasound scan which will be the first thing they will do, they can take serum beta HCG levels amidst other hormone levels to work up for causes of missed period. What nonsense? So confident? You’re a Doctor? Coz I am.", "What kind of a shit doctor are you? If the HCG levels are not high enough to be seen on a home pregnancy test kit, there is absolutely ZERO chance it'd be at the stage where you can see a gestational sac. ZERO.", "Are you absolutely sure she is using the pregnancy test properly over a comment on the internet? If you were a doctor you would know there’s many variables that can’t be excluded over internet posts.\nActually I’m glad you stopped by to grace us with your distinguished wisdom acquired after ?a brief Wikipedia session. This is also the reason why we don’t advise people to post asking for medical advice on Reddit, and if they do, the default good answer will be to see a doctor in person. If not “learned individuals” will show up and talk out of their ass. Great example right here.", "You're getting dowmvoted because you're rude af", "This.", "reasons to see an Obgyn. Besides doing an ultrasound scan which will be the first thing they will do, they can take serum beta HCG levels amidst other hormone levels to work up for causes of\nPregnancy test kits rely on hormonal levels in the urine, which are not always accurate. Ultrasound scans literally reveal a new human growing inside of you. At 6 weeks, its the size of a full stop.\nYou should take a cue from your username and go learn some more.", "Pregnancy test kits are not always accurate early on. No doubt. But by the time there is a gestational sac, the Beta HCG levels will be so high there will be a clear T line on the test kit.", "??? Thats so misinformed", "It is impossible to see a gestational sac on an ultrasound scan if a non-faulty, properly administered home pregnancy test kit is used. Show me proof of my \"misinformation\".", "So you’re absolutely sure that she used a non faulty properly administered home pregnancy test kit?", "Bro, it’s OP’s life and body, just let them check if they need the affirmation, what’s so wrong with that? We are here to help them if they need it some more\nWhy you come in all pessimistic and grumpy for what? You acting like you know them irl ☠️☠️", "An ultrasound is the gold standard confirmatory level." ], [ "Go for a checkup, my ex missed her period for more than a year due to hormonal problems, tried modern medicine, Chinese medicine but it just somehow came back one day, right after resigning from her job, guess stress is part of it as well? 😂😂", "It can be. 3 times already I've had this experience where my period missed for 3 months. All 3 was related to stress - end of year exams twice and a burnout.", "Yes, I actually recently started a new job, and it has been stressing me out a fair bit. I've considered it to be part of the possible reason on the lateness. Just the possibility of being pregnant still makes me anxious. But thank you for sharing, it eases my worry, I am hoping that it's just a funny moment I can look back on.", "Can confirm stress make my period come earlier and also later too. Sometimes almost two months late.", "Why are you driving without putting on your safety belts in the first place...? Remember next time to be save rather than gets into unnecessary trouble by putting on the safety belts every time you're driving.!!!", "What to do? Everybody open leg too easily", "This girl is scared and doesn’t need your comment right now. Don’t you think she already knows?", "Yea, my wife used to work in a toxic work environment, that time her period also became very irregular. Not to mention, she become even more stressed when her period did not arrive on time causing it to be even later.\nAfter quitting and finding a new job, her cycle goes back to the regular schedule.", "Stress and not eating enough can definitely fuck up your cycle.\nSource: Me." ], [ "Hey gurl, your health comes first, always. Please no dodgy Shopee pills. Sent you a DM!" ], [ "Just go clinic with ultrasound. No gestational sac means not pregnant. No need for all the panic and pills" ], [ "If your tests are negative, please do not jump to abortion, whether pills or whatever. Go to a gynae, tell them you're worried because your period is late. That's it, no judgement." ], [ "If you were two months pregnant (4+ weeks) you would MOST DEFINITELY get a positive pregnancy test and have symptoms by now. A missed period doesn’t automatically mean pregnancy. You could have a hormonal imbalance, PCOS, or thyroid dysfunction and that’s why your period hasn’t come. Regardless, Please be smart, wise and love yourself enough to go a clinic and get checked out. Make sure to get a scan and blood work and while you’re at it, ask to get on birth control ASAP (either the pill or an IUD) and tell your dude to man up and wear a condom too (and avoid STDs while you’re at it). It takes two to tango. And if your guy doesn’t want to wear one, then walk out. It’s not worth it for a full 5 seconds of pleasure. Please educate yourself on safe-sex practices 🙏🏾 if you’re not ready to have a baby, then do everything you can to avoid a pregnancy. Put yourself first, sister.", "Thank you! I will be having a check up soon. Rest assured, my BF is very responsible, always making sure we're safe and on top of all if I'm okay. But I just don't want to worry him too :')" ], [ "Missed periods can just be that, missed periods. Don’t worry :) You can go to a clinic and ask that the doctor do an ultrasound to eliminate possibility of pregnancy. No need to go to an OBGYN unless you do have one that you trust." ], [ "Pregnancy tests are nearly 100% accurate, and is generally detectable 2 weeks (more or less) after you had unprotected sex.\nGiven that's it's been more than a month and entering 2, I can almost assure you you're most likely not pregnant. It's like what others have said, you may have hormonal imbalance causing your delay.\nYou may have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). What I can suggest is for you to take a morning after pill to induce a period. Go to a pharmacy and ask for 1 Escapelle.\nAlso, definitely see a gynecologist if you're super worried. They will be able to help you out.\nGoing forward, please practice safe sex by taking appropriate contraception (whether condoms or pills or IUD or implant).", "You don’t specifically need Escapelle. You can ask for generic versions of morning after pills, and some come in a two-pill form that causes less intense side effects." ], [ "Don't buy pills online. Seriously.\nGo see a gynae - get ultrasound done.\nIf you're not pregnant - congratulations. See my comments below.\n3.a. Please use double contraceptives - get on the pill/IUD/Depo Provera/Implanon and also use condoms (condoms also protect from most STDs). No contraceptive is 100% failproof which is why you should use two methods.\n3.b. If you don't want to be on daily contraceptives because you're not having sex regularly, at least use condoms AND take morning after pills such as Postinor- you can buy them over the counter. Do note that most, if not all, morning after pills can only be taken twice a month.\n3c. Carry condoms every time you go on a date so if things get hot and heavy you'll always be prepared. Don't rely on your date/partner to be prepared. You must protect yourself - so put your health and safety first. Which leads me to point 3.d below.\n3d. Get tested for STDs if you had unsafe sex. If you're in Klang Valley you can get tested for free at NGOs such as KLASS in Sentul/Setapak.\nOP, DM me if you need more info/someone to talk to. I've been in your situation before.\nAll the best!", "I disagree with 3b. If you’re using condoms and the condom doesnt break, please don’t take the morning after pill - it wreaks havoc on your body and it’s only needed if you have had unprotected intercourse.", "Every hormonal contraceptive has side effects.", "Are you speaking about the pill or morning after? The combined pill is designed for daily use, but the morning after pill is not and is not designed to be used regularly. It can be very unpleasant, and is not needed if you’re using one form of contraception.", "Yes. Don’t do 3b." ], [ "Girl, your period could be just late… hormone changes, stress all adds to it.\nDon’t be hasty ! The pregnancy test is negative. Belief that. Pregnancy test nowdays can detect early pregnancy.." ], [ "Check w a gynae. I missed my period for half a year due to overexercising (used to do super long distance run). Then one day I decided my body cant do it anymore, I scaled back, then I got my period. Very low body fat in women is not good and mess with hormonal cycle. If youve been losing weight recently from stress, this can be a major trigger for why your period skip" ], [ "Sexually active? Use a condom please. Or take the OCP and regularise your cycle.", "Yep. Lots of STDs out there too. Pregnancy is the least of your worries.\nUse protection for good health, and never let anyone convince you otherwise until you are in a long term and committed relationship." ], [ "Go to those clinics with ultrasound. Don’t worry. Just checking only." ], [ "https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/8OBDm94QOm" ], [ "Get the test done in a proper clinic/hospital. Please dont use random abortion solution. Also if multiple test are showing negative it's prob pretty accurate but i'd still do a proper checkup for peace of mind. My ex's pregnancy was detected in 3 days with the kit." ], [ "Hi there are a lot of causes to period delays. I suggest u check with ur doc regarding this. Assuming u did not perform any coitus (which I assume u did), u can try checking if u have PCOS. Or if ur taking any supplements like evening primrose oil which will make your hormones fluctuate. Best time to check it is in the morning because the HcG levels are high.\nFor abortion, they will usually use Misoprostol. But its banned in Malaysia. Im not sure where else u can perform the operation unless its under the radar la. It also has its side effects but not significant until you cry for help. Just normal stomachaches and bleeding from aboral and vaginal areas.\nAnd please please dont ever buy pills online. I cannot stress this enough for my patients. I have some patients coming to the pharmacy giving me a plastic bag of white pills claiming that it can cure diabetes etc etc, ended up the patient had swelling of lips and severe allergic reaction. We had to call ambulance and it went downhill from there. I plead u to never ever buy pills online (but for ur case it will not be possible as you cant find misoprostol anywhere except away from public’s eyes). There are multiple ways to check if ur pills are “legit” and authorized by the Malaysian government but this is out of the topic\nSource : Im a pharmacist" ], [ "Consider going to the clinic for an ultrasound. Ik you're scared but it's better than risking your life. I hope everything goes well for you dear 🫶🏻" ], [ "By the time you miss a period, the pregnancy tests would be reliable. It would be weird if you’re about to miss your second period and still get a negative pregnancy test if you’re pregnant." ], [ "Hi! I’m a registered nurse in the US….if your cycle has been late for an entire month, a pregnancy test would almost certainly show up positive. It’s less likely to catch the hormone level if you’re super early, so before your missed period or in the first few days after the first day you missed it. However, if you’re that late, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see a doctor anyway, as there could be many reasons for a missed period.", "Oh my, this actually really really helps to ease my worry. But yes, I will make sure to see a doctor, for my own mental peace. Thank you." ], [ "Semoga tuhan permudahkan urusan awak, stay strong" ], [ "https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/4SjRwiEAmj" ], [ "I’ve actually encountered a lot of patients (and colleagues) with similar concerns. Just get an ultrasound scan and a blood test called beta-HCG. If both of these tests come back negative, you have absolutely nothing to worry about." ], [ "I had a pregnancy scare as well as my period was late for close to 2 months. Turns out it was due to stress that my period came late and I guess being worried about a potential pregnancy made it worse ☠️ best thing you can do is go see a doctor to confirm it." ], [ "Hey girl, just go to a GP they can do a simple scan to see if you’re pregnant. No need to go all the way to see an O&G imo unless you really want reassurance from an expert." ], [ "My ex longest skip was 8 months and she kept mess with me that she's pregnant. She's always stressed out plus possibly some kidney problems. Took pregnancy test and all came out negative as well.\nBest wishes to OP, and a moment of silence for female's hormonals imbalance.", "Thank you, hopefully all is well for me too." ], [ "How old are you BTW? I've had many many missed periods none of them from pregnancy, your period gets affected by many many things, stress is a big one. Being stressed about potentially being pregnant doesn't help either.\nGet a proper scan if you are really worried at a doctor or obgyn.\nAlso, pregnancy tests can be wrong, yes, but if you've done repeated tests and it's all negative, it's highly unlikely they're all wrong. That kind of situation is highly unlikely.\nAlso", "Yes. Also weight… I believe that low body weight can mess with cycles.\nFind a good doctor to talk to.", "Hi there, I'm 21. I started a new job, been there for 2-3months now and yes have been stressed out a bit by it", "Okay then it's very probably stress.\nGood to know as well that pregnancy tests are not as accurate (or so ppl say) under two weeks since sex, because your pregnancy hormones are not high yet. After two weeks it's generally the more accurate point. So if you've taken multiple tests and at least one is more than two weeks since, and they're all negative, it's unlikely you need to worry about pregnancy.\nIf you want to be safe, ofc, as everyone has said the best way is to go to a doc for an ultrascan. If you're worried about doctors judging, at least in Klang valley, there's a bunch. The more urban, the more understanding they tend to be.\nIs this your first time with a skipped period or delayed? Do you have a trend of periods being late esp during exam season, assignment, etc? If yes then this is quite normal! You need to judge your periods, based on what is normal for you.\nIf it is a trend, and you can afford it, might as well get a proper check to know for sure what you are dealing with." ], [ "Stress, change of lifestyles, and change of diet also could cause the delay of the cycle. Happened to my wife in August this year. It was almost like Jesus going to be reborn again, either that or she be cheating on me. But yeah, she wasn’t preggy." ], [ "Pm'd" ], [ "My girlfriend also had a similar experience recently, she panicked that her period is late for a month and keep on wanting a reassurance from me (she keep asking whether my ya know what got inside her or no) . It was stressful for me also since i feel bad for her and the consequences that i have to deal with if she is really pregnant. Turns out apparently, it was an irregular period LOL. Thats my experience with it with my girlfriend so i hope that it is also the same for you 🥺" ], [ "It could also just be stress/hormones that’s delaying your period. Go for a checkup and if that’s the case, the doctor will give you some pills to induce your period.\nSource: went 8 months without getting my period ✌🏻 (yes the doctor nagged me kaw2 before giving me the meds)" ], [ "https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeRaw/comments/18nc3mr/ma_experience_in_singapore/" ], [ "Marry first then fuck", "Not all married couples also want to conceive a child :) Marriage shouldn't bound you to a responsibility of keeping a pregnancy", "If you have been sold this idea, then sadly you have been deceived.\nWe all have different personalities, and that includes what we like, or dislike, under the sheets. Getting to know your partners sexual interests is as important as getting to know what they are like with money, at conversations, how they cook, clean or take care of pets/kids.\nIf you marry someone without ever sleeping with them, you may be in for a very rude shock. If you are incompatible in the bedroom, then your life will be hell.\nMarry someone whom you love deeply and with whom you have shared everything … and I do mean everything.\nPS: it also means that most people you date should have at least some experience in the area.", "Get pregnant without marriage and then what?abortion?throw the baby in garbage like in the news?leave it in front of church? Masjid?come on man…", "1) use protection 99% effective 2) use birth control pills 99.9% effective 3) abortion (it’s a standard medical procedure)\nAll 3 are far superior options to a failed marriage" ], [ "Got my period messed up due to stress and shit.\nBut I got it back when my \"pillow\" is around. So me being dramatic be like:\n\"This is all your fault for not being around much. You should sleep next to me everyday!\"\n🤣" ], [ "just pray and it will go away xoxo" ], [ "Dont get the pill. Go to a clinic, they will test your blood for hcg levels. More accurate than urine." ], [ "a box of condoms are not so expensive you know" ], [ "Ppl will not get pregnant without intercourse… unless 🎭" ], [ "Do you have any good reasons to do abortions? If it's trying to avoid responsibility, I advise you think twice before doing that. With actions always comes consequences whether you believe it or not", "Realizing one is not capable of raising a baby and deciding on abortion is called taking responsibility. She can decide what she wants to do with her own body.", "Let ppl be.\nStay out of other ppl’s business.", "I am not mentally stable enough, nor do I think I am old enough to bear such a big responsibility. I understand the consequences and had precautions. I am just a scared young person, reaching out for possible help.\nI also believe other than the 2 personal reasons I provided, someone wanting abortion just because it's their preference to not conceive a child is a good enough reason. I hope it helps you to understand on why people seek help, and to help eliminate the concept of abortion=avoiding responsibility for you.", "Girl, you do you. I think your reasons are valid and fears are valid. I believe you had gone through some solid advice on how to seek help. You are brave and you're doing a good and responsible thing to understand you're not ready. It's more guts than any of us here.", "Choice is yours, I can only advise. Be prepared to bare any consequences", "I don’t see corrupt politicians suffering consequences", "An embryo does not have personhood and is entirely dependent on the decisions of the mother. She has the right to decide whether it continues or is terminated.", "Yeah the consequence is an unwanted baby isn't forced to be born into this messed up world", "You can downvote me. But instead of recommending a clinic, I think is wise to advise why decisions like these should be made with caution", "There is no caution. You dont want a kid, get an abortion. Its that simple. Its not even alive yet", "What possible consequence are you so worried about? People don't view human conception and abortion the same way as you.", "I think it is wiser to let someone that don't want to have a child get an abortion." ], [ "Just like others have suggested, get a clinic to check.\nand a word of advise, those abortion pill set will make you go through living hell, extreme bleeding, and might even affect your future health, so take it as a last resort. Cost around 600 MYR average" ], [ "OP, how old are you?", "hi, I am currently only 21. quite the panic at this age, i think..", "I think that based on the comments, you could be delayed but not pregnant. Do you have an OBGYN? Best to go and see get tested.\nThat being said, having sex has real consequences. Some of the best protection is still not 100%.\nThis is something to think about going forward....", "Unfortunately I do not have one, but for sure I will have one moving forward haha. I am planning to go have a check up by next week, as in monday onwards. And yes, I do understand the consequence that it has. I appreciate the reminder.", "Also what is your budget?", "OP where do you stay? I can recommend some good obgyn if I roughly know your area", "respectfully you sound like a cop 🤣", "Gg la, I was gonna recommend her my obgyn if she stays somewhere near me / has budget 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠" ], [ "Chill girl. If you've tested negative, it probably is. Just go to the clinic and check to be sure.\nIt may be stress or hormonal. If it's two of the above, then taking herbal tea like saffron or rose bud tea will help. It's not uncommon for girls to miss their period due to these reasons.\nAlso, to give yourself a peace of mind, always use protection next time. It will save you a lot of stress and worrying, especially if you're not ready to be a parent yet" ], [ "Malaysia abortion help is very less talked about but the website includes where to get help, price range, procedures and so forth. Hope this can help more ppl in the future!" ], [ "Looks like you've gotten the answers you need. Take care!" ], [ "Women's Aid Organization, Sisters in Islam can help." ], [ "You can order abortion pills from Women on Web" ] ]
What is this car
[ [ "Probably those student project, internal design competition or concept cars... Like the Hailak Exora..\n<image>", "Me: I want Ford Ranger\nMum: We have Ford Ranger at home!\nFord Ranger at home:", "Actually, this design was unveiled in 2015 and most likely earlier. The 2015 ford ranger looks nothing like this Proton.\nBut the 2022 ford ranger looks a lot like it.", "This could have been a successor to the Arena imo.", "it'd be quite popular in east MY if Proton make pickup trucks again", "If it's a real body on frame truck then it might work really well." ], [ "Did some research on google and found out:\nhttps://prodas.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/proton-smart-car-innotech/\napparently it's some kind of project that merged 3(?) vehicles into one, making it a proton sagarenavvy. It looks like a revived arena but also looks kinda fucked up at the same time. But I gotta say it's quite innovative.", "2010 damn" ], [ "Mayne proton innotech base on car plate" ], [ "Savvy with a kit. Prototype Savvy? So a Savvy with an intact CVT?" ], [ "Front juara , center savvy , back is like arena back kinda" ], [ "Not very good" ], [ "This maybe the same 'Proton Merpati' from a 16 July 2020 Pickles salvage auction.\nhttps://youtu.be/PqG-BksEqu8?si=5ouS83KHA_44qec5&t=891" ], [ "Down syndrome" ], [ "wow its a real sized cardboard car 😮 cant imagine the effort put into buildin it 💪" ], [ "Potong" ], [ "Proton Meow Meow" ], [ "Cardboard car" ] ]
High-speed rail project to resume, says Anwar | The Malaysian Insight
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "Till the next election, it will be cancelled again.", ".. hopefully we don't have to pay Singapore compensation if the deals falter again." ], [ "Revival of forrest city soon?" ], [ "Didn't we just pay a hefty penalty for terminating the project? Now we want to restart it?", "Yes, at that time of transaction, the exact amount is S$102,815,576 (RM320,270,519). MYR 320mil.\n[1] https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/malaysia-singapore-compensation-high-speed-rail-289151", "To be honest, I think the penalty is nothing too crazy.\nFor reference, the future Cross-Island MRT Line in Singapore is estimated to cost S$40.7 billion (MYR 143 bn).", "It still money need to pay by us for nothing.", "Singapore paid that much to buy up the land needed. It was in the contract that the other party settle costs if pulling out.\nYou can't enter into a deal, make your partner spend a lot of money and then say, \"oh sorry, changed mind, no deal anymore kthnxbai\". That's not how it works." ], [ "Awesome. Just make sure it's financially sustainable.", "More tax collection in 2025 onward :26557:" ], [ "is Bandar Malaysia still a thing?\nit's probably going to be a new alignment, right?", "is Bandar Malaysia still a thing?\nYes it is.\n<image>\n(Source: Belanjawan 2024 speech book)", "Probably one way they could make this financially viable to make more Bandar Malaysia like cities all along the way. And also Bandar Malaysia’s revival itself. But I have a feeling the path they’ll choose is the integration with ERL rail. They’ll either buy out the concession or opt them in to use the line and upgrade it. Probably like this would be the best way to save costs but make it really useful. A bypass of klia that connects to ERL but using the same tracks but KLIA included in the alignment along with express and local routes" ], [ "Great! Very excited for the HSR in our region. After experiencing what Taiwan and Indo HSR had to offer, it will be a very efficient way to travel domestically and even internationally." ], [ "Alright let’s cut to the chase. When is it gonna be cancelled yet again?", "", "So, GE16. Alright" ], [ ":26563:" ], [ "Kah2, in the end we just give free money to SG for canceling project before. What a joke", "SG here.\nI can assure you that we lost money from your side pulling out.\nWe had to do land acquisition, do preliminary site works, etc.\nWhatever compensation that your side paid doesn't fully cover what we had to spend on." ] ]
How to report? Many people walk here everyday to access Lrt Awam Besar + There's a primary school nearby. Near Sultan Mamak.
somebody finna fall lmao, there's even an umbrella this is only one of the many issues the sidewalk contains including this is only one of the many issues the sidewalk contains including uneven steps as seen above and random trash littered around the ground making pedestrians needing to walk around. Another longkang in front was also broken but some dude's solution is to put a bag filled with trash to 'block'. https://preview.redd.it/lcletpltq28c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=060b7556097c587bc946467d260596d831b2c272
[ [ "Local muniple. If they failed to act, find who ever gotten elected there. They will be happily point at the hole with newscrew.", "", "Local ADUN pointing at holes in the road\nMalaysia style local democracy." ], [ "This one if a person play the phone while walking sure kena." ], [ "Since this is located inside KL, then you need to report to DBKL.\nUse these website to lodge your report, preferably both:\nhttps://pcb.spab.gov.my/eApps/sdmscasepool/SdmsCasePool/add.do\nIn the Agensi selection, slect Jabatan Persekutuan, then Jabatan Perdana Menteri, then Jabatan Wilayah Persekutuan, then DBKL, then Jabatan Kerja Awam.\nhttp://adukl.dbkl.gov.my/eApps/sdmscasepool/SdmsCasePool/add.do\nFor this website, just key in your complaint and details." ], [ "It’s also pretty annoying how short the width of the sidewalk is….you would think that public sidewalks are the responsibility of JPJ considering it’s right next to the public vehicle roads but no…. It’s actually the land/building owner’s responsibility to build the sidewalks that then gets handed over to the municipality to takeover.\nIf JPJ was responsible for the building and maintenance of sidewalks like they do vehicle roads there would be a lot more standardisation atleast" ] ]
Anyone have similar stories on items that they found useful during disaster/emergency? Thanks #prepping #emergencykit #bugoutbag
[ "Education" ]
[ [ "If you can make one, go for it. The amount of times my bag has helped me out (not saved yet thank god) is innumerable. And yeah based on me experiences, in case of flood you can't be waddling around with 5 bags, just one backpack with the essentials is sufficient. A word of warning, make sure you are used to the gear if you get a bag, specially if you opt for any pre made bags" ], [ "Panadol", "paracetamol!" ], [ "Basic med kit.\nPlaster, burn aid, 10x10 gauze, panadol, charcoal pill, antiseptic. Im very urban so i don't have anti mozzie stuff. You can expand the things you carry to include rolls, israeli bandages and what not, but the above small kit has 100 % been used. Fits in a palm sized medkit. When I was more active, I had one that was a molle pull pouch, carried more stuff there.\nAlso my key chain has a small +/- screwdriver. Useful." ], [ "There are 2 types of emergencies. One where you get into a bind and need to get out of it, and another where you need to ride out a disaster.\nIts easier to be prepared if you get into a bind but long term disaster preparation costs quite a lot." ] ]
Electricity price hike in Malaysia from Jan 1, 2024 - charging EV at home to be up to 6% more expensive - paultan.org
A Perfect Natural Circle!
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Beautiful scenery at Sahom Valley Resort : Agro & Eco Park , Perak. View from Sahom Valley Resort: Agro & Eco Prak Lake. cuti-cuti malaysia
[ [ "How about mosquitoes at this beautiful place 🦟? dengue is a great punishment for Malaysian 💀😄", "This place is actually quite pests-free because of all the frogs. Unfortunately, these frogs mean a lot of loud noises at night..", "It means that they're on duty" ], [ "I think this can be made into a postcard for tourists." ], [ "It's the Circle of Life!", "True 👍 🤣" ], [ "Is this place expensive to stay a night in?" ], [ "Sell it to a travel website" ], [ "Beautiful" ] ]
Karaoke with youtube in KL
Does anybody know a karaoke place with youtube in KL? So tired of not finding my songs.
Local authorities have seized unregistered medication, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products worth over RM400,000 in an operation coordinated by Interpol.
The operation also identified more than 1,600 websites, social media accounts, and e-commerce sites breaching the law.
[ [ "Go catch Vida, Aliff Syukri, and also a bunch of Kelantan-based \"entrepreneurs\". They all sell these 'timbang kilo' products." ] ]
Walking in Penang
George Town despite being very focused on walking tourism is one of the least walkable cities I ever visited. Basically zero pedestrians crossings, narrow or non existent sidewalks and insanely aggressive drivers. Not that any asked for it but there’s my hot take.
[ [ "Welcome to Penang!" ], [ "It's only walkable in some areas in the historic part of old Georgetown. You're better off driving if you wanna get around.", "Driving & Walking in penang island have the same arrival time. Been driving there like 3 times. I give up. Gonna walk or just use public transportation next time." ], [ "Pengangites: walkable? Since when?\n<image>" ], [ "Aha penang drivers are a national meme at this point. Shitty drivers thinking they're lewis hamilton without realising they have the coordination of a 2 year old trying to shove square cubes into a triangle hole depository toy.\nPs: johor, you're just as bad", "Most on point comment in this thread", "Both of the states' drivers do have common things about driving: they are living in two extreme polar opposite of driving, Like they are either too slow and stubborn, or they're too fast on the road and drive like a maniac who just got race license." ], [ "It depends on the locals. If majority of the people in Penang prefer to drive, the local government is not going to build walking infrastructure just for tourists.", "I think it’s only matter of painting on some stripes and erecting lights… and even places where people will obviously be walking, like crossing from one end of the shopping mall to the other people will be driving 60 kmh and not slowing down at all..\nIt’s just dumb and pointlessly dangerous.", "It boils down to culture and enforcement. The road culture is a bit different. Priority is given to vehicles rather pedestrians. Narrow streets and ubiquitous of private vehicles may have started this culture. Pedestrians are expected to give way to vehicles. Many feel safer to drive/ride than walk. I know it is counter-intuitive but it has become the way of life." ], [ "Nobody walks in Penang. Our legs are not meant for walking. Sincerely, from a Penangite.", "Came here to say this! hahaha.", "What are they for if not for walking", "Pushing the gas it seems(not the breaks).", "Bingo!", "Screaming" ], [ "We have historical buildings and roads. We give u the experience of how our elders lives and walked around" ], [ "I've been living in Penang for almost 3 years. Before that, I lived in Tokyo. I go walking in George Town every weekend. I consider it to be mostly walkable in that most roads aren't busy and you can get anywhere in less than 30 minutes. Sure, improvements could be made and it's not as convenient as Tokyo, but it's also nowhere near as bad as most of the US, which is one of the most unwalkable places I've ever been. If you think George Town is bad, you will hate most of the rest of the world.", "I haven’t been to the US but compare it to any European city and there’s a stark difference. Sure, Europe might not be the most fair comparison but just to illustrate what the opposite looks like.\nThe small streets in the old city aren’t to bad.. but like just coming of the ferry where there’s bound to be loads of foot traffic more or less the first thing you need to do is to full yeet over a busy road with no crossing. Even compared to BKK and KL it’s crazy how little concession there are given to pedestrians.\n(Don’t get me wrong, I love Penang, it’s a wonderful place but I also love walking )", "I agree with what you said about Europe not being a fair comparison: European cities are probably the most pedestrian/cyclist friendly cities in the world so bear that in mind when you travel. With a few exceptions like Tokyo, HK, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore, etc. you won't find many cities in Asia (or Australia or the Americas) that are what you're used to in terms of walkability. Something to be thankful for when you're back home.", "Yeah. But I would love to see it get to the level of BKK or KL, again just basic concessions like pedestrian crossings which definitely aren’t a huge investment.", "", "I’m just telling you what the other end of the spectrum looks like. I’d much rather compare it to KL and BKK wich are both very car centric cities but at the same time hugely more walkable than Penang.", "Where were you in in the US? I’ve lived there without a car in different cities for years, although granted those were close to college towns with nice big sidewalks in most places, and not-unusable public transport. And then cities like NYC/Chicago/Boston are fine for walking in my experience. Never lived in a sprawling suburb, but I’ve been to some and know they’re mostly unlivable without a car - you’d have to drive miles just to get groceries\nI’ve lived in Penang most of my life, or at least close to the industrial portion of the island. Currently even the tiny sidewalks are starting to disappear to make way for wider roads 🫠 And our busses get stuck in jam along with the increasing number of cars. I can walk around Georgetown and my small neighborhood… but it’s getting very packed - I remember having to squeeeeeze among people and vehicles the last time I walked around the jetty area.", "USA is around 30000 times bigger than Penang. Don’t compare apples with dog shit" ], [ "sorry bub, we aint encouraging you to walk, we are encouraging you to JAYWALKING" ], [ "Railway Paradox" ], [ "Now you know why Penangites need vehicles" ], [ "You'll walk it! And you'll like it..." ], [ "Penang, especially Georgetown is basically still running on old infrastructure. It wasn't build on the idea of proper city planning and development and by the people that are foresight, it never and still totally fail to solve the transportation issue (MRT/LRT whatever the plan they have it the past since 1957) and the pedestrian walkway (some improvement, but compared to KL it pales in comparison, when KL people still shitting on the MRT/LRT that enjoyed by them).\nIt is a joke.", "I feel like KL has gotten better since I visited last 5 years ago. Just in terms of pedestrian crossings and clearly marked crosswalks.", "Indeed, KL has improvement. Occasionally, we heard complaints, but KL at least got the infrastructure and running the MRT/LRT and better pedestrian crossings/walkways than Penang, miles or light years ahead.\nLet's put in this way, the entire country except KL in terms of public transportation, subway/LRT/MRT and connectivity, is a joke.", "Tbf lrt IS incoming to Penang… god knows when they gonna be building it tho", "Penang state government wanted it to happen, no doubt [1]; however, as of now it is still under research stage, see below [3].\nMass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Bhd (MRT Corp) has opened a tender for the appointment of a consultant to conduct a study on the Penang light rail transit (LRT) project. - as of \"Tuesday, November 21st, 2023\" [2]\nAnd..\n“The project is in the research stage and the research is expected to be completed early next year,” he said when replying to a question by Gooi Hsiao-Leung (PKR-Bukit Tengah) on the project. - as of \"23 November 2023\" [3]\nThe problem is the funding and the state-owned enterprise Prasarana, and all the stakeholders that comes from the ruling government. And if there's a change in federal government, the new leadership that opposed to the idea of seeing a better Penang, and the direction changed once again, the project will again staled and potentially defunct if the federal government suddenly stopped the funding.\n[1] https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/11/980727/penang-bullish-about-lrt-projects-implementation\n[2] https://themalaysianreserve.com/2023/11/21/mrt-corps-study-on-penang-lrt-set-to-be-completed-in-early-2024/\n[3] https://www.penangpropertytalk.com/2023/11/penang-lrt-project-is-on-track/" ], [ "Time to give PAS a chance" ], [ "Have you visited other cities in Malaysia already?" ], [ "Despite how unwalkable it is, it is still better than the rest of Msia" ], [ "We want more MNC factories, not more tourists driving our prices up for almost everything. Non-walkable city, aggressive driving, always grumpy, the hot weather is just a bonus (srsly, i don't think i've ever seen a smiling, walking tourist in Penang, under that insanely hot weather)...that's our strategy. jk.\nI can actually see our driving are improving, or at least rush hour traffic people are more accommodating to let cars coming out of small roads/hospitals/apartments to merge into the major road esp in bumper to bumper traffic. I no longer see ANY cars occupying the emergency lane during traffic jam on the flyover near the Masjid Negeri. We've definitely improved our driving skills/manners over the years, still got much room for improvement, but we're slowly making the effort. I've received a few \"thank you signals aka blinking the emergency lights as a sign of thanks\" for letting cars in. You don't see that even back in 2019." ] ]
Anyone experience dating scammers in Malaysia ?
I have downloaded quite a few app like CMB, tantan… and I have already met like 6-7 which is frustrating. And they usually have common behaviour and tactics Common behaviour are: They are very easy to talk to , almost too easy and they can always get the conversation going. Common tactic number 1: After getting comfortable with you, they will suddenly ask you if you are busy and available to help them. They will then ask you to help to pass a “ message” to someone or a customer and they reason they cannot do it themselves is they have reached their “limit” or whatever that means. Common tactic number 2: This they also get comfortable with you , and they will usually end the conversation by saying they are playing some “games” after you probe them a while , they will finally reveal its a financial game, and they have been earning a lot of money following their footsteps on their “ uncle or dad” and then they will try to teach you and play with them. I’m sharing this post to see if anyone have similar experiences and for those who haven’t experienced beware of this tactics . Thanks
[ [ "Ask to meet and they'll stop", "they'll probably ask you to pay some money prior to meet up, or even if they actually came out and meet up with you they'll suggest you to go to some shady restaurants or bars etc and scam your money from there by ordering some very expensive shit", "Never pay before meeting. Only meet in public. Go dutch on your first date.", "Exactly. They usually hv 1001 excuses on why can't meet up. Besides it's easy to get their number", "There's another scam where you meet up and she insists on going to the restaurant of her choice. Then she ordered some RM 5k wine. Apparently the restaurant pakat with her and sends 2 macho guys asking for your payment." ], [ "One told me she's looking for sex partner and arranged a meet up time, which is 1 week later. Told me to prepare by buying STD self test kits so we can both enjoy without worry later. One day before the meet up, ask me if I hv bought it. I took random screenshot of the STD test kids online and showed her. She said not what she wants, she only trusts a certain brand. Gave me a website link and told me to buy from there. Website flagged by Google. End of story.", "Wow this is quite creative for a phishing scam" ], [ "For some reason... They all want to type in Chinese.\nThe topic will go to financial investment/crypto or to family/money struggles.\nThey will always ask where you are before telling you where they are, which won't be close. If you say KL, they are in Penang (or Sabah, or neighboring country).\nIf ask for video call, phone problem... Hint for money for a new phone. Their IG is generally less then 3 months old. Their friends/followers will be predominantly guys.\nI very free, drag the convo out sometimes.\nCurrently I filter by asking if they can converse in English or Malay. Stops quite a few, I seem to attract HK/TW scammers this year for some reason...", "Is mostly Chinese scammers in Canada. I just write 习包子维尼熊, then they stop lol", "What does that mean?", "Xi baozi, Winnie thé Pooh. At least in Canada it works very perfectly. Those scammers from China will usually rage 😂", "Xi Baozi Winnie the Pooh?", "Yes 👍 very effective", "What does the earlier part mean?" ], [ "Tactic number 3: say you're cute or hot and immediately want to video call", "Video call is pre recorded and they talk with the most generic and vague script" ], [ "Anything Online is Free Real Estate for scammers, until proper regulations." ], [ "I had a friend who met a girl like tactic number 2 where the girl asks my friend to join a game that is casino related and promised high return. Not only that the girl also asked him to find friends to join too (me and my friends obviously knew it is a scam so we ignored him anyways). He even tried to borrow money from us because the girl told him to invest more.Fast forward 2 months later the girl ghosted him." ], [ "Once. But I donno if I should call it a scammer. She wanted me as her downline for MLM. But she gave me false hope for several months." ], [ "Usually they will respond to u in Chinese and that's when I stop replying because 99.9% it's scam\nBut I hardly get matches also 🥲" ], [ "I've met many scammers of this sort on Tantan. They are exceptionally friendly. They'll tell you when they get off work, have dinner and before going to bed. Most of them either work as a HR admin or as a nails beautician (美甲).\nOnce I got the same dinner photo from the second girl as the first girl, that was a great highlight in my Tantan journey and the moment I realise they're all working under the same syndicate. I've seen the same white dog from two different girls too. So I decided to show her I have the same dog too, that girl was livid after that, truly fascinating. One last thing, they will show you they're driving a Mercedes car, maybe as a way to lead you into their money game.\nI have not had the chance to meet any of these scammers yet, they're always coming out with new reasons to say they're not free.\nThey \"money game\" they lead you into is always introduced by their uncle. It involves investing money in something and expect to get back your deposit within half an hour plus the commission. Another kind is they will ask you to help them buy soemthing from a special link on shopee because they've hit their \"limit\".", "Yeah same . I met a lot of this girl on CMB. They usually are admin / nails/ or those wfh. It’s frustrating, I will knew their punchline when they say they “ need some help” it’s a waste of time. And when you called them out they get angry or act innocent." ], [ "Met one on Bumble who tried to con me out of money by convincing me to gamble online, and said she has a \"make money quick\" plan which requires a 4-figure upfront deposit. LMAO.\nI immediately went ballistic on her." ], [ "Dammm and then there’s me who can’t even get matches with scammers ( or anybody )" ], [ "One thing I like to do recently is, I chat with them abit. Then I show them this movie poster asked if they watched it. Tell them it's a great movie and I learnt alot. 😁😁 They'll get the msg and very quick they'll ignore you\n<image>", "What is this movie about?", "It's a very popular China movie that talked abt online scams. I'm sure all Chinese hv heard of this movie. It's quite recent" ], [ "On the topic of scammers, I want to confess. I met a company where this lady taught me she is in the business of selling gift cards. She says this is done by talking to lots of random people on Wechat in Mandarin. And there would be a day shift and a night shift rotation. The working hours is almost 10 hours as I can recall and it's all hours spent talking to random strangers.\nI saw a 50,000 yen transaction from their digital account. She also inform me there will be an individual target and a group target but I cannot help but wonder if that \"target\" was an amount of money scam from \"customers\"? It has me wondering is it a similar scam to what indian scammers would get old American retirees to withdraw money and insert into gift cards then later gift the cards with money to those indian scammers?\nThe people running this suspicious company were a bunch of Chinaman and some Malaysian Chinese collaborators. If anyone advertises to you to sell gift cards to online strangers, please beware it may be a scam. It sounds like a China pig butchering scheme.", "You should report this to police tbh, this is huge network web or something.", "I will consider making an anonymous report.", "To be honest with you, after i left them my phone number i start receiving phone calls from fake \"bank staff\"." ], [ "Yes! A few times...\nI've experienced something similar: they send me a link and say they need my help to verify something or other. My spideysense went berserk and so I said \"Sorry, no\". He then went mad and cursed at me non-stop!!! I had to block him immediately.\nThere were one or two other cases as well but less intense. I just blocked them immediately and moved on. I just didn't feel safe.", "What app were you using ?", "I have experienced scammers both on Tinder and Grindr.", "Write 习包子, you are good to go and see him rage more 😂" ], [ "They even fake orgasm. Those scammers!" ], [ "You cari amoi only of course will masuk jerat le.\nYou try to date out and see;eurasian, indian, malay, mat salleh etc the chances are lower that it's a scam bot.", "Bruh. The love scams that always appear on the news are always about some middle aged lady getting scammed by a fake eurasian/mat salleh." ], [ "You managed to get to the \"get comfortable\" stage? Lucky.\nI think mine are just poorly-written bots." ], [ "Couldn’t be me lmao" ], [ "I think the most common scam guys tend to come across on dating apps would be girls who invite you to do video call, which then leads to beating your meat full frontal on camera, even worse if your face is visible. Then they’ll message you saying they now have that video of you recorded and it you don’t send them xxxx amount of money, they’ll leak that video all over. Tale as old as time. Lesson here is, don’t wank on camera. And even if you do for the love of God, don’t show your face. In fact, try to keep things offline if possible." ], [ "usually ask for voice or video call via telegram/WeChat" ] ]
Anwar: Incoming Agong Sultan Ibrahim knows Constitution, merely concerned that corruption is systemic
[ [ "interesting times ahead. interesting indeed grabs popcorn" ], [ "\"You ask everyone in KL, everyone knows who is among the most corrupt in our country. Nobody dares to touch them. It reflects on the failure of the entire system.\"\nI bet Anwar intentionally said this to target those people." ], [ "Abis la ko PMX, kena salai :26554::26554:", "nope , the other side more scarw😛" ], [ "Must develop that ghost town despite its location far away" ], [ "So clearly a signal Azam Baki has failed over the past 3+ years as Chief.\nAnwar will likely fail to choose wisely again, as we saw with his terrible AG pick." ], [ "I’ll just leave this here…." ], [ "Better not look in the mirror" ] ]
Sarawak needs at least 1,500 more teachers, in addition to 1,108 announced, says state education minister
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "When you have such a big land and many remote villages, this is the problem.\nHowever, Sarawak is very rich now; I think their state budget allocation for 2024 is over 10 times that of Selangor. As a result, they're offering generous bonuses to their public servants.\nLet's see if many teachers from Peninsular would be interested to serve in remote Sarawak villages, in favor of the bonuses.", "most of the time it is not about money. people just want to be closer to their friends and families and facilities that they need or desire.\nbut if they complain or decline, these teachers got labelled ungrateful and unpatriotic.\nI feel very sorry for them truly.", "You'd be surprised, sometjmes even the Sarawakian doctors and teachers don't want to be posted to Swak", "I don't believe it's not about the money. It's just not enough money for the hassle of being away from home. If their salary is RM1 mil annually, I don't believe there wouldn't be enough people who are willing to do it.", "kerajaan langit mana nak bayar gaji cikgu sekolah RM83,000 sebulan?", "Impossible? Agree. Just saying it's definitely about the money. Just that there's not enough money for them to move now." ] ]
Have critical friends outside of your inner circles, Anwar tells Cabinet members
[ [ "Might as well quote King Samivellu,\nTak da kabel kami bina kabel yang baru!\nDidn't expect the cabinet need the exact same life advice we were given growing up ..." ], [ "Translation: Make more cronies", "And valuable \"cable networks\"\nFuck normies and peasants like us", "Reading comprehension is a lost art huh" ], [ "Friends like Vincent Tan, Syed Mokthar, Tony Fernandes, etc...", "Looks like Fahmi already working hard. Look at 00:38 in this video, literally in his ear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZfkR4XvIJY" ], [ "Wow, PMX heaping praise on his buddy Zahid, the kingmaker who made him PM. Not surprising , PMX did not praise any PKR ministers. It is obvious that PKR ministers were the worst performers 😁" ], [ "have critical friends outside of your inner circles that are still within your circle of influence. right?" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 24 December 2023
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: What does it take to become a doctor? For starters, you need to have a lot of patients.
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Merry Christmas everyone!" ], [ "Comic fiesta 2023 is a way better than 2022's in so many aspects. There's better queue management, more efficient crowd management, and the booths are spaced out so there were more space to walk around unlike last year where I had to leave early cause legit cannot breathe with so many people packed like canned sardines. This year I got to browse art booths leisurely, not die at the queue, enjoy the stages and panels, and interact with the exhibition stalls! I went out and re-entered several times with no hassle at all. Great improvement fr", "the committee is a lot more organized and seasoned now. they've been listening and learning. it also helps that they have the budget to rent an extra set of halls this year hence." ], [ "Hello, only today I found out from my brother, after he checked my bank statements, that I received a few times of payment of RM 20 and similar amounts from this Principal Asset Management Berhad.\nAccording to my brother, which he also does auditing for a school, he said it would only be possible for me to receive these payments if I have some investments, which I don't, so just curious the same as him, anyone can provide an answer ? Either way we'll be going to Maybank to find out tomorrow. But whilst still here, would appreciate if anyone can chip in.", "Do you have any investments on Touch n Go GO+? It's managed by Principal." ], [ "I've seen google and grab reviews saying that Village Park nasi lemak is too overrated. Ya lah, it's overrated, but at least give the places that you prefer. Aiyoo... You want to give criticism but don't gatekeep your sedap2 places lah.\nAside from nasi lemak bumbung, can anyone suggest me more places to try the best commercialized nasi lemak (in your opinion)?", "People can say what they want but Village Park is consistently good EVERY time I go there unlike other nasi lemak haunts. Where else can you ALWAYS get piping hot fried chicken (thigh portion) with awesome sambal and properly santan-ed nasi? And price is still damn reasonable to boot.", "Mamalee near village Part in Damansara Uptown. i have always preferred the Nasi Lemak Salted Egg here\nor Say Yes cafe in the same vicinity that is considerably delicious also. They serve nasi lemak ayam rempah and nasi lemak ayam rendang. both are good" ], [ "Merdeka 118. Why the fuck do we need so many shopping malls for....can't we use the resources or efforts in introducing more libraries or parks?...." ], [ "Cheapest ride share (Grab, Maxim etc) service in KL?" ], [ "Just got an early Christmas present - Covid positive! At least the symptoms are not as severe as the first time." ], [ "download speed test question:\nmaxis said updated my line to 100mbps, using any test meter a few times the best result i gotten is 70mbps, is that normal?", "Are you using wifi? if yes, different wifi frequency will put a cap on your speed.\nElse, contact their customer service to they'll probably fix it.", "oh good point, thanks man" ], [ "TIL that UOB will block Steam transactions; you have to call them and tell them it's legit before they'll unblock it.\nHaih. I understand why they did it, but still a bit annoyed.", "So did Maybank. I had to make a coupla calls as well.", "and maybank block blizzard transactions" ], [ "How to use rapid penang? Like the time and place of the station? Am I supposed to wait and drop off the station or I can wait and drop off anywhere?" ], [ "Can you guys recommend a place to eat ikan bakar at KL? Preferably somewhere that serves ulam as well.\nA bit out of the loop with Malay cuisines.", "Look up Ikan Bakar Jalan Bellamy. Favourite haunt for oldies as well." ], [ "\"i really wanted it to be him so bad\" followed by a series of fear and insecurities that \"i can never be good enough for him anyway\"\ni have done a lot of brave things this year and my next goal is to break this irrational fear in me and open up to people i admire\nit can be a 2024 resolution but i am starting now slowly 🤞", "Good luck. Mental shit are always the hardest to untangle, but the most rewarding." ], [ "Hi my fellow brothers and sisters can anyone confirm that I can use TNG card to pay for kl express ride from KLIA>KL Sentral , or do I have to buy online and generate QR code (RM49)" ], [ "Currently deciding to make my own ais kopi/ kopi bing inside thermos instead of buying it from the truck, was wondering how people make theirs? Any recommendations on what kopi to buy too that isn't too expensive?", "Drip is the easiest and almost fool-proof option for me. Can buy single-serve drip bag but not sure which brand to suggest. Got my supply from vietnam from my last trip but forgot the brand. but any robusta blend should be good" ], [ "i have maggi packets with expiry date 31 may 2023. any chance they're still good? lol", "Honestly I ate a lot of expired maggi before because I was unbothered to check the expiry date. It was just fine.", "Only one way to find out. But yeah I wouldn’t try it lol", "confirm if it says expire date or best before date\nif best before do the visual/smell/small taste test.\nbut personally if can just buy new one la to be safe" ], [ "Anyone on prep here? How much does it cost per bottle I’m wondering if getting it from gov clinic is worth it. There’s no latest news about projek perintis prep.\nIn Malaysia do we practice prep on demand? The 2-1-1 methods?", "here is a good place to start\nhttps://mypreplocator.com/bm/\nit shows places to get prep and you can find the nearest one to get the prep prices, the process to get a prep prescription, and how to use prep correctly\nklinik kesihatan usually offers rm1? but some can offer rm90 or rm190, depending on the location", "Thanks. There’s no price stated so gonna have to give them a call.\nFor KK can I go to any KK or is there specific KK? For the prep project, they said gov gives prep for free but latest news was a year ago.", "yes, you can go to any KK (unless they stated otherwise haha)\nyes you should call them. so far my experience with any clinics to get prep are very positive 😁", "Gotcha. Thanks man" ], [ "Comic fiesta macam banyak weird drama going on and I pergi pun like cannot find many of my old friends.\nMy friends on the other hand be like \"drama? First time cf ar you?\" LOL.", "Bruh you can't just say \"there's drama\" without spilling the tea 😏", "Haha it's all on fb ma" ], [ "iphone users. any suggestion for a good workout bluetooth earphone ?\nAm using airpods 2 for daily use. but fast movements cause it to drop out of my ear. Not suitable for exercising.", "bone conduction earphone:\nbest waterproof, no worry about sweat ruining your electronics\nno ear obstruction, can hear surrounding sounds", "Really? AirPods 2 has worked fine for me in terms of working out." ], [ "another week, another msia shit post. yes." ], [ "Is it okay to carry raw pork to public transpo in KL?", "As with any meat, please make sure no smell or no liquid/blood leaking. Use big ziplock bags and multiple layers of wrapping.", "Dey, what sort of daily conundrum nyets have\nJust make sure you cover it properly so there's no smell and blood or whatever meat juice isn't leaking. Should be fine. You know those reusable bags, yeah use that. That's what I use for my weekly market trips and pack all my meat in it." ], [ "When I total in the specifics - for example, RM2k windshield coverage, passenger liability, extreme weather (very important!), pretty much all providers give me the same number - approximately RM2.5k\nSo I guess tomorrow, I'll sign up with Maybank. Anyone knows what the voucher looks like?", "You mean Etiqa? Don’t forget to download their app, very nice UI and easy to reference your coverage." ], [ "Aright bros since it is the end of the year and Big Malls ™ are having \"\"\"sales\"\"\", I've been thinking about buying some shoes.\nI need sports shoes to replace my no-name brand shoes that I have been using since 2016. Mainly will be using these for gym and occasionally for jogging and other recreational activities.\nI'm also contemplating to buy work shoes/formal shoes. I \"work\" in hospital if that matters.\nBudget for each about RM500-600.\nAny recommendation?", "Hoka Bondis for running. Like running on clouds", "Personally I use Nike and Under Armour. Nike because their high end sneakers are the bomb and UA makes good \"trainers\". On the other hand I find Asics are bit too stiff. Once either one wears out I plan to switch to Hoka. I run long distance a lot so padding, comfort and durability are important to me.\nIf you're using one casually, just go to JD Sports/Sports Direct etc and see what shoes fancy your eyes and meets the price. RM500-600 is a big range and you can definitely get something decent.\nFor formal shoes I go for Clarks. Expensive, but I haven't bought a new work shoe for about 3-4 years (even during covid I was still going in and out of office)." ], [ "Is buying phone from carousell safe?\nI'm looking to buy a new (second hand) phone before going home and have seen some with VERY good prices compared to at home. Are some prices/sellers \"too good to be true\" ?\nI'm looking at Google Pixel 7 as an example, one seller with \"Like new\" condition for only RM1500 meanwhile some others are 1750, 1900 etc. Very different prices.\nThere's also a \"certified\" tab, is that better/safer? Also seems to be decent prices but these types of phone \"stalls\" kind of intimidate me as in you never know if there's problems with battery or something inside...\nOr is there a better place to buy used phone?", "I bought 2nd hand iPhone there. I’m lucky the owner took care of his phone.\nJust go with market price it’s better. If it’s really cheap compared to other listing, there must be a catch. Physical damage, cracked screen, or sth.\nAnd only deal by meet-up only. Do thorough inspection and testing. You can find checklists online on what to look for" ], [ "Is it me or non home made cookies nowadays are too sweet? Are they even use sugar anymore? Cookies nowadays like chipsmore have this weird sharp overwhelming sweetness, hate it, home made cookies don't have the same kind of sweetness even when using sugar instead of honey." ], [ "", "Not exactly nearby but i love visiting Stickerrific/Jaya One. You might have to drive a bit for another 15 mins?", "oh stickers? what kind of- my dotter loves decorating her suitcase from our travels but wants something to represent KL.", "You could go to Churn for ice cream after that. Since parking in Damansara is generally a headache, I’d suggest parking in Starling Mall and just walking to Nasi Lemak/Churn.\nAlso, if you are alright with an additiinal 5-10 mins travel,there’s 1 Utama for shopping, and ss2 for durian." ], [ "just returned after my visit from kl. some rant but i hate how easy it is to get a vape here. every store almost has it and people are proudly using it in public.\nin kelantan, the one who sold them is tinted black so people couldn't see inside and it did work. There were a couple of stalls that specifically sold them but those are unregulated and i hope they die.\nit's not good to show this shit so open to the public. children will be curious and asked what it is.", "Glad you left. Leave Klang valley alone.", "lmao you mad? i know they probably need ic to buy one but there are so many stores selling them one will slip through for some quick extra profit.\nI've only said bad things about selling vape, which in general is a bad thing to do regardless of age. it's just the teenagers are most susceptible to bad influence with lack of control.\nother than that, Kl was absolutely a great experience. People have a very good attitude, they apologize when we bummed and tunduk bile nk lalu depan aku bile rushing. Food is expensive, but that's to be expected.\nMy previous comment about eWallet is not a critique, but just rather a culture shock East vs West Malaysia. I've never had any need to use one, and seeing so many people do use it is a very different experience.\nin conclusion, fuck you for thinking every place of yours so fucking perfect. kelantan is underfunded and pas is shit, but I don't choose what happen here." ], [ "My sibling had a reverse culture shock phase when they came back from abroad where they kept going \"Malaysia bad\" and \"Malay bad\", it lasted for about six years.\nRecently, they shared to me what they saw at starbucks : A Cina uncle who kept scrolling TikTok, and the content of his FYP is young beautiful tudung women ⅓ his age.\nSo I asked them what's so surprising about an old man desiring young women.\nThey said, \" ... Tapi ... Cina ... \" Which made me laugh. I hope that will shed off the last bit of their reverse culture shock and stop putting non-Malay people on a pedestal." ], [ "another day, another malaysia bashing post made it to the front page of /r/malaysia. this time, an entitled tourist who doesnt have basic problem solving skills, cant read signs, cannot ask others, try to navigate the tough journey of taking bus to a popular tourist state, and concludes it with \"oh my, what would i do? looks like i have to take a grab!\" 🙄 (\"what should i do with the extra time? might as well complain on reddit!)\nand a bunch of people who most likely never took a bus ever in their life enthusiastic-ly apologize to op.", "To be fair the bus sucks, drivers are maniacs who spend the whole time playing on their phone and ETS is always booked out weeks in advance even if off-peak season. Go see Thailand or Vietnam, you can nearly always book a intercity train on the day of departure.\nA tourist is not going to be happy ending up at TBS, yet that is where most buses go with no one ever telling them otherwise.\nGomen always saying how they will fix the balik kampung traffic during holidays and once never think to add more trains taking thousands of cars off the road. If it is booked out weeks ahead, not even during holidays, then clearly there is a lot of demand.\nPeople should expect better services, even the drivers who never take the train as it benefits them the most.", "The phrase “on behalf of malaysians I apologise” gives me the ick", "yea like wtf. who tf are you to speak on behalf of Malaysians.", "Could write a long rant on Reddit but didn't bother doing some basic research about the different races in Malaysia and in fact, even doubled down.", "yeah that op is a pompous asshole. 🙄 got time to argue, cannot figure out simple things!", "Ya the ETS one was me last year trying to buy tickets for raya the month before lmao. I know that was stupid of me tho, not gonna advertise my stupidity even further by ranting on reddit", "Oh hate all those \"if this was X country etc\"\nCmon people Malaysia ain't perfect, we can definitely do with a lot of better things but in the meantime get used to it - or push on for change", "yeah. if you find tbs confusing and cannot even do simple tasks like going to melaka by bus... you don't deserve to go out of your country. 🙄 it literally couldn't be any easier. for the ets one, well suck it up. its a peak season. use brain!" ] ]
‘Kartel makanan ayam’, 5 syarikat kena denda RM415 juta | Free Malaysia Today (FMT)
There really is "cartel" supplier in Malaysia. I thought it was a myth
[ [ "Wait till you find out we have 1 company that monopolised cement that is used to build all the building and infra around us", "YTL?", "Yeah immediately thought about that, they literally have they company name as \"YTL Cement\"", "Yes it's fucked it even indirectly affected the bagged cement price that people used for renovation", "theres ytl and theres cima", "There’s also only 1 company monopolized inspecting vehicles, 1 company that monopolized collecting toll fees and used on most major public transport", "As long as the quality and price remains good, i don't really mind. Don't want to suffer tofu dreg constructions just because the officials and developers decide they want more money in their pocket so they forgo good cement.", "Tofu dreg construction exist regardless of the absence of bad cement dealer.", "It would be harder to cover up when there is only one supplier and an audit proves no purchase to that supplier was made.", "Accurate/Inaccurate to a degree. Bad cement doesn't need to be purchased upfront, they can still skimp on the so called good cement when doing mixing. Purchasing good materials is just one factor, using them is another factor.", "We also have kartel beras", "Really? What about Lafarge, Hume, Tasek, Cemix, Evermix ? What did they sell?", "lafarge sell cement directly here?" ], [ "What do you mean? The Malaysian economy is controlled by monopolies and cartels.", "Yep, it's the main reason why our COL is on par with that of developed countries in many aspects in spite of the tens of billions spent on subsidies every year.", "Are you sure, a lot of tourists and expats from developed countries think otherwise. Also don't forget Singaporean like to shop in Malaysia bcz the price here is cheaper than theirs.", "What currencies are the tourists and expats earning?", "Don't convert the currency, but think in terms of 1 to 1 ratio, a person earning RM3k spending in KL compared to a person earning SGD3k spending in SG. In most cases, the person earning and spending SGD in SG will easily have 1.5x more savings than his MYR earning counterpart despite both having similar frugal lifestyles.\nAnd I'm not talking about buying iPhones or the latest gadgets. Basic necessities like food is so much cheaper in SG than it is in KL. You can get nasi campur or chicken rice for less than SGD5 while it would cost at least RM8 in KL. Not to mention that the portion is bigger there. Yes, rent is expensive in SG recently, but it is just as expensive in KL especially if you want to stay anywhere near a train station.", "COL?", "Cost of Living?", "And triads. This is something that is rarely discussed in the media, and has a chokehold in the economy and politics." ], [ "Kartel Daging how?", "Ya what ever happened to the halal meat fiasco involving meat cartel?" ], [ "I think in most countries, monopoly is not illegal, but anti-competitive or consumer practices are." ], [ "It's always the chinese", "That's kinda racist bro", "Just a bit of banter", "its always kelantanese" ], [ "so.....who will get the money when most of the damaged is done to the customer base. gomen will pocketed it again then? never to be seen the light again I presume or benefit the rakyat in anyway?~" ] ]
Kuala Lumpur featured in the latest Jujutsu Kaisen episode
[ [ "JJK singlehandedly bringing Malaysia back into the Top 10 most visited countries", "That's the importance of having your country featured in pop culture like movies, anime and music. It's why places like New York, London, Paris are always popular cause pop culture made it alluring\nAll the more annoying that our local censorship board and general conservative govt/society doesn't encourage these things", "Don't forget, entrapment and Catherine zeta-jones' sexy ass. Sean Connery too.", "...what?", "You heard the fella, Sean Connery's sexy ass!", "Sean Connery's Shexshy Ash", "thatsh right", "Sean Connery's sexy ass!!", "Sean Connery's Sassy Mass?", "Can see Petronas Twin Towers while running in Melaka", "fyi they are going to put nanami statue in kuantan", "indeed! stream \"pendatang\" on youtube! let's support malaysian cinema~", "Malaysia has been mentioned many times in American TV series - The Blacklist. I remember an episode with a \"minister\" makes a cameo as a spy or assassin, but the face and the name aren't even Malaysian (Turkish-liked name, and Pakistani face) 🗿🗿", "Malaysia has also been mentioned several times in the video game - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Heck, there's even a level titled \"Chapter 03: The Malaysia Job\", even though Nathan and co. never visited the country directly.", "Mission Impossible Rogue Nation briefly too", "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin feature a chapter in KLCC", "Zoolander\nTotally Spies", "I remember Zoolander getting banned in Malaysia 😂😂 guess who was the deputy at that time? 👀👀\nI don't remember Totally Spies though but dang it I miss that cartoon" ], [ "The hotel they are staying in is Mandarin Oriental apparently\nhttps://twitter.com/bestmangapost/status/1737860073282818421?t=EedeOUpDbz0es9WpzoyTPw&s=19", "The thirst is real lmao", "The layout looks more like Trader’s Hotel though…\nSource: I stayed in a room with the exact same layout, but with Twin Tower view.", "oh they're here for CF huh.", "T20 alert /s", "Trader's hotel view are bit farther, bit to the left and don't have that low view because of trees I think . Source: I also stayed in Trader's Hotel with twin tower view as well last week lol\n<image>", "<image>\nAlmost the same view from my room.", "Traders Hotel as well?", "Yup.", "This thread is certified 100% T20", "See the reddit post..it is 100% mandarin oriental", "It has been a few years, so I guess the layout has changed. Either way, I still say it looks very similar, 100% confirmed or not.", "Now, to just wait for Mandarin Oriental to reserve a Twin-Tower view room for cutouts of Mei Mei and her lil’- you know what? Let’s stop here and just be happy they’ve showcased Malaysia!\nMALAYSIA BOLEH!!!", "That hotel's stocks gonna go up", "I used to work there lol, a coincidence 😂", "I knew it", "Im pretty sure their already found it even before got animated" ], [ "She was having this conversation with Megah Holdings.\n<image>\nNext meeting place: CF2023, KL Convention Centre", "hahaha next level play", "When it comes to money, Mei-Mei don't play." ], [ "<image>", "Nichijou!" ], [ "JJK casually called out two Malaysian cities made me want to watch the damn show.", "season 1 is quite calm till you reach season 2", "Season 3/4 is gonna be a roller coaster lmao", "😭😭😭", "You should" ], [ "Any idea why author keep referencing Malaysia in their work?", "Author would like to retire here?", "Pahang govt should offer him honourary residency in Kuantan.", "Kinda makes sense since a lot of old Japanese people love to retire in Malaysia.", "Yup, met one a few months ago who was operating a ramen stall here in Kepong, idk why he picked Kepong but at least now there's some authentic ramen from an actual native here", "😮\nKepong where?", "The kopitiam in front of JPJ/next to mr diy, it's just a regular stall", "Met quite a few Japanese that say they love malaysia and wanna just chill here forever when i went japan. Went 3 times in different years and many of them said similar things", "Oh hey... a little unrelated here, but I didn't know you're a fellow Monyet too. 👀", "Oh hihi, haha do you follow my works?", "I know you've posted your animations (and comments) on the NIKKE subreddit.\nAnd you also had been commissioned (not sure if that is the right term) by the NIKKE team for an official animation for SEA, YOU, AGAIN (if I'm not mistaken).", "Yaya hehe. And recently did a commision for genshin impact / hoyoverse for their hoyofair event. So happy to get gigs from Nikke and Hoyoverse!", "Nice! I don't play any Hoyo games but keep up the good work!", "Author is secretly Malaysian", "Gege loves to visit Malaysia & it better to use places that u know for manga reference than other places u never even visit.", "I assume gege is the authors's name? Thanks for the insight.", "Yeah, Gege Akutami.", "'tah.", "Japanese love Malaysia", "Yes but they also like Hawaii, Taiwan , Thailand , france etc.", "This and the first time Malaysia was referenced are meant to be directly compared to each other; that's probably why" ], [ "Where did they order their version of Petronas towers? Wish.com?", "Given the animators situation, a frame that only appear for a few second is the least of their worries now.", "Ah, right, I forgot, Mappa.", "Probably copyrighted, like most of the buildings in New York.", "Probably not, never saw Petronas or any of the construction company that built Petronas Towers sued someone for drawing or selling photos/videos of Petronas Twin Towers.", "Nope. Roland Emmerich dropped the towers on London's Tower Bridge, and Doc didn't even sue him.", "Maybe they want to avoid any trademark claim since it is a national landmark or any laws that they are not familiar with. Actually a common practice when animating landmarks" ], [ "so can we start calling our country 'negara jujutsu' from now on?", "Ok la tu negara jiran dah panggil konoha", "saya dari negara jiran. it's either konoha or wakanda XD", "kenapa kita konoha? and the other names too?", "Coconut jutsushiki et al\nWe've been negara jujutsu for some time now" ], [ "PAS: WTF want laga sihir tengok ilmu 2 biji Kelapa lebih hebat atau 2.5 satoru /s", "Me and my friends were joking about this too. They have King of Course, we have Raja Bomoh. Domain expansion, Coconut plantation 😁" ], [ "Looks like Bukit Bintang will follow the path of Shibuya soon…\nAnd what's with the Tesco Value Twin Towers design?", "Mappa issue, btw I'm curious if the incident happened in Bukit Bintang by Malaysian Jujutsu sorcerers/curses user instead of Shibuya Tokyo", "A good chunk of Klang Valley would be a wasteland like what happened to Tokyo after Shibuya.", "A good chuck of Klang valley metropolitan area? You mean the aftermath of \"bukit Bintang\" incident or the culling game?\nNow that would be horrifying if this happened in real life (Tokyo, kuala lumpur, NYC or even jakarta if happened) because the refugees and another impact that I can't stop thinking, the incident and after that could fuel a new wave of Curse", "Thank goodness we're not in that timeline." ], [ "Simp for Mei Mei" ], [ "Wow, twin tower are so square.", "Animator got no time, credits to them btw" ], [ "Weabo tourism." ], [ "I don't watch JJK, but next time when I go to Japan and meet fellow local weebs in anime concerts and conventions, I can just tell them I come from the country that Nanami wants to retire in, rather than having to constantly say \"I'm from the country next door to Singapore, and its not Thailand or Indonesia\". lol" ], [ "I'm curious why it was changed from the courthouse in the manga to the KLCC instead.", "Maybe because people recognize KLCC more than the courthouse?" ], [ "Never watched Jujutsu Kaisen before, which character is that? They looked kinda hot", "She’s the one that fucks her sibling in the that particular episode I think. Her name is Mei Mei", "<image>\nDomain Expansion", "She DID WHAT?!", "incest is wincest for her apparently and also her brother simp her like crazy", "🎶 Sweet Home Kuala Lumpur 🎶", "Understandable", "Damn sounds wild lmao", "Oreimoooo!!", "Just joking, they did not fuck.\nI think .\nAt least in the anime they're just implying to sleep together like a wholesome sibling.\nI really do hope that's the case.\nRight?\nI didn't read the manga so i wouldn't know.", "..... Sure", "her brother is almost on the verge of orgasm when she ask if he would like to be her sacrifice so I think f with her would be the reward for him, idk let those in r/Jujutsufolk cooking that idea", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/Jujutsufolk using the top posts of all time!\n#1: Chat is this real!? | 700 comments\n#2: you can't convince me that he didn't enjoy it | 352 comments\n#3: The truth behind the Zenin curse | 494 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "Who sleeps with their brother naked bro??\n<image>", "Well some people just sleep naked, I do it too sometimes. Doesn't mean they fuck. I hope.\n...\nOk fck now im horny bye gotta whack my staff now.", "Youre in denial hahahah", "I didn't even think about it when i first saw this scene all I did is turn off my brain and go \"hmmm booba very cool\"", "This will be censored.", "step-sibling\niykyk", "it's okay shes still hot", "Remember yuji is the main character 😂" ], [ "Soon our government will ban JJK because it involves with some Japanese cursed spirits." ], [ "theyre just fuckin phoning it home at this point" ], [ "Suria -> Purnama?" ], [ "Why the twin towers look like 2 hands displaying middle finger?" ], [ "Fun fact: Mei Mei's favourite food is bak kut teh and Ui Ui's favourite food is goreng pisang" ], [ "But coincidence tomorrow is comic festia" ], [ "I don't know about you but the establishing shot of KLCC looks like something generated from gen. 1 Midjourney", "Agreed this looks strangely ai generated. I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if anime studios in Japan began to utilise AI for TV animes like this to cut cost and production time. I’m not particularly fond of it as an artist myself but if it helps reducing the stress of the underpaid staff then so be it. Until they’re properly paid for their hard work unfortunately I cant really complain.", "They used a photocopied image of Kuala Lumpur in the manga", "Still better than using Parable Confusion." ], [ "So uhh, no one gonna talks about the bed part?" ], [ "Me when Malaysia gets mentioned in an anime: WOOO!!!! YEAHHH BABYYYYY!!!!!!" ], [ "The best part is, she came to kl just to commit incest with her little brother 😂😂" ], [ "I keep getting JJK spoiled by Malaysians sharing these lmao." ], [ "We also have the best domain expansion users in Malaysia. Raja bomoh, the coconut shaker." ], [ "In japan they have sukuna, in malaysia we have Raja Bomoh\n<image>" ], [ "PANGGIL PDRM AND TANGKAP MINAH TU!!!!" ], [ "There’s a move to promote Kuantan too as it was mentioned in that anime." ], [ "Imagine MAIS serbu masuk" ], [ "Please put a spoiler warning." ], [ "Malaysian will lose thier mind:26561:" ], [ "Jjk really twerking hard at Malaysia" ], [ "Sweet home Kualabama Lumpur." ], [ "Soo we gonna ignore what mei mei did orrr" ], [ "Kuala Lumpur is actually a perfect setting because there is a shit ton of curse energy in the city......must be a gold mine for the sorcerers" ], [ "eh monyet. where is the spoiler tag" ], [ "Do we pay them to do this? Why suddenly tho?", "nah. this author likes bolehland. the original manga actually do have these 2 reference", "It's in the manga too so it's clearly the author's intention to put Malaysia in there." ], [ "The mangaka really love Malaysia" ], [ "That neighbouring country otw to claim this place as their own kekw" ], [ "Just curious, why do Malaysians feel the need to post whenever malaysia is included in any form of media? Do residents of any other countries do this?", "Lol clearly you have never seen other 3rd world countries mention in media or famous streamer, Indonesian and south american love the little attention", "Yeah I guess I haven't. Thanks for clarifying that other small countries do this as well", "im curious too. whats up with that?\nive seen a couple of crime YT channels mentioned bout msia... no big deal." ], [ "Looks fake as hell" ], [ "Inferiority complex of Malaysians are amazing. Losing their shit every time its mentioned in media.", "Projecting much? Lol", "Shut up porn account", "What the fuck does inferiority complex had anything to do with this? Retard", "I dont understand someone elses points! He must be a retard!!!!" ], [ "Second last ep no?" ], [ "Holy shit, malaysia mentioned\nAnwar, quick! Get the camera" ], [ "wait for it the konoha will claim it", "Nuh uh, we got the raid silat fight reference 2yrs ago in shibuya arc 😂", "any link boss ? . .", "this and this" ], [ ":26561: i live in europe n i love malaysia!" ], [ "In manga it was actually 2 years ish ago" ], [ "Nanami Kento kuantan shrine is where I wanna be" ], [ "Temu Petronas Towers" ], [ "lol, which episode is this?" ], [ "Can JJK fans give context why they're here? I'm curious." ], [ "JJK putting Malaysia on the map is so random to me, out of all animes." ], [ "Did somebody just make that Suria KLCC shopping mall look like some kinda hospital with a crescent moon symbol on it?" ], [ "Anime Jepun, lokasi Malaysia.... TERBAIK!!!! 👍👍👍" ], [ "Monyets when Malaysia mentioned:" ], [ "Malaysians whenever their country is mentioned in a foreign movie:" ], [ "subs on crunchyroll said: \"Me? I'm in KL\". I had no fuckin idea where she was talking about lol" ], [ "i'm from indo, i remember when i was a kid, i visited Malaysia Genting, it was so fun and the view is so beautiful, i saw a lot of F1 cars and entered casino later (idk what is casino since i'm just a child) but a guy came to me and kicked me out from the casino because i was not old enough to enter, i told him i like those glimmering lights lol" ], [ "Incest in kl" ], [ "My friend who's in kk right now for comic fiesta" ], [ "Now... Rename KLCC as KLMM... Owai" ], [ "I guess the creator pretty much don't want sinkie or indon? XD" ], [ "The way they rebrand Suria KLCC logo to moon say much about Gege Akutami" ], [ "We don't talk about Mei Mei...", "Except the Malaysian one haha." ], [ "We not gon talk about what she and ui ui did in kl?" ], [ "my only concern is how did she get from shibuya to kl in just a span of 1-2 hour" ], [ "Although I hadn't watch JJK which I am going to as I am THAT old and my daughters are carrying my legacy, mentions of Malaysia is kinda hit-or-miss kinda thing in animes. I think recently most Japanese loves Malaysia because they love the slowpaced lifestyle compared it to Japan, which is work oriented culture. It's nice though being mentioned in an anime and of course some of you says makes us stands out more in mainstream. Heck most foreigners now like to visit KL, and some chose Malaysia as their home, a luxury in a budget kinda thing." ], [ "Appreciate the exposure but honestly with all the reference photos available, thats a pretty shitty KLCC twin towers though." ], [ "The character nanamin mentioned another province and I started searching it up because it looked beautiful in the anime it was called kuatan" ], [ "Is she not a pedo? I don't think we want that kind of representation" ] ]
Body of infant girl found dumped in bin at shopping mall
[ "Culture" ]
A note with a plea for help and seeking forgiveness, was left next to the body.
[ [ "That is a very sad news to read today 😭" ], [ "it disappoints me to read some of yall's takes.\nsex ed isnt gonna make teens more horny. proper sex ed, and not just a seminar on why abstinence must be practiced, is very important.\na horny teen will always be horny, especially ones in a relationship.\ninstead of telling them \"dont do it because bad\", we should properly inform them of the risks, the options for contraceptives and healthcare resources that are relevant and not scaring them with the \"contraceptives are not guaranteed so its better to not do it\". thats incredibly unhelpful.\nyou either admit that you want everyone to practice your belief or you admit that malaysia is actually properly multicultural and multi-belief." ], [ "We need sex education in school." ], [ "Who's to say that the girl had the baby from concensual or non consensual sex? Either way, best not to pass judgement from so little info. This is a sad news indeed.", "consensual or not, doesnt give you the right to kill another person", "perhaps if abortion and sex education was widely available in malaysia baby dumping wouldn’t be this often", "abortion would be murder my friend", "If the fetus is not viable, then it's not. It's subservient to the wishes of the mother, and does not have the rights of a person.", "Is a 2 year old viable and if so, is the mother able to kill it as her wishes", "Yes, a 2 year old is viable.\nA 2 month old fetus in a mother's stomach is not.\nSo early abortion is the best choice.", "not sure what the definition of \"viablity\" we are using here, but either way 3 month old inside or , 3 year old outside would still be not okay to murder the child, because the child is using your resources.", "Not really. A baby outside the body is an individual that can be taken care of by anyone. A fetus relies exclusively on the mother, almost as if it's a body part. If a person opts to remove their own body part, it is a terrible thing, but it is still their choice and they should not be punished for that. Sometimes, amputations are necessary.", "yes but the baby outside, if the baby is currently under someones care, if that someone just say fuck it let it starve and die it would be negligence man slaughter.\nalmost as if its a body part..., except its not, its a baby/human/ seperate being. And the childs fundemental right to life isnt really anyone elses. Really bad argument.", "Cool mate ...dont need to try to shove your beliefs onto others.", "Have you brought any substance or any interesting thing to say on any discussion ever. If you're 100% set on murdering babies then go ahead bud. Sorry for saying killing babies is bad.", "even when the mother might die due to having complications during child birth?\neven when the mother is a 13 year old who was violated?\na 13 year old girl undergoing childbirth is way too stressful, you really want to let her go through that rather than an abortion?", "Mentioned in another comment, pregnancy complications aside( as in prob ok to save the mother)\nNext will be a \"stressful\" childbirth doesnt give the right to end anothers life.\nJust because ur stressed doesnt mean u can murder", "stressful here is referring to how much childbirth strains the body and not referring to the girl being mildly or even moderately mentally strained.\na 13 year old girl should never be subjected to the strain of childbirth.", "Ok so at what point of this arbitrary stress of childbirth we decide, X amount of stress on the body we determine it is moral to murder the child, Y amount of stress on the body is not enough to murder the child. And stress and birth complications are two things, later would be ok", "im guessing that since you think that women who undergo childbirth are fine after, you also think that a 13 year old girl would have the same outcome.\nissue here is that a 13 year old girl is still undergoing puberty. being able to be pregnant isn't the end of the women's puberty, its just a portion of it.\npostpartum depression and postpartum ptsd are very real conditions caused by someone undergoing childbirth, and is seen in adult women. imagine a child that hasn't even grown up completely yet, was violated and forced to carry her assaulter's mark, only to go through that ordeal that would completely fuck up her mind while straining her body. is abortion still murder at that point? you really would rather ruin the lives of 2 individuals? a mother that isn't and shouldn't even be old enough to be one and a child that no one wants?\nat what arbitrary point is it teasing, bullying or targeted harassment? at what arbitrary point is it asking your kid to do chores or child slavery.\nto even want to quantise \"stress\" is lacking in critical thinking and completely ignores the situation at hand.\nobviously an irresponsible adult getting abortions every month is morally reprehensible and unhealthy, so obviously a limit must be placed on this person.\nthing is, cases like ^ are outliers. a majority of abortions were taken due to rape cases, complications and accidents.\nso accidents too?\nlets paint a situation: a couple of horny 16-17 year olds decided to have unsafe sex due to lack of sexual education.\nis it seriously that much better for society to go: \"well, you fucked up now you get to go through 9 months of pregnancy while still in school, good luck!\" ?\ndo you seriously think its better to let the child be birthed and sent off to an orphanage while the mother has to go through that pregnancy during school?\nis it better to think of the welfare of a yet to be established individual compared to one thats already been established? are you seriously gonna ruin a teen's social life just because of a dumb mistake that no one told them about? you realise that this would in turn ruin the child's life too?\nnext scenario: a grown 24-28 year old couple living together due to financial issues needing them to share rent, decided to have a fun night only to be met with faulty contraception. the \"sometimes it dont work\" scenario.\nsure, they are capable of going through this pregnancy. its not taboo, they are an established couple with blessings from their families.\nbut what if they are in a serious financial issue. both parents desperately want the child yet unable to support them whatsoever.\nwealth is the biggest indicator of life expectancy. is it really better to have the child, raise them up in a financial struggle. would it really be wise to have parents who are suffering from the stress of finances to have children?\ns/n: an orphanage is a horrible idea. the parents would feel absolutely guilty for not being able to take care of the child while the child would resent their biological parents for abandoning them.\nthese cases, the government should be the one to step in and aid. but thats my idealistic welfare system, in our current world, it really is better to abort them rather than have them live in this capitalistic hellhole where money means everything.\nyou can see how a lot of my arguments focuses more on the established individuals rather than the one that isn't even one to begin with and this should be the norm. the hypothetical individual shouldn't be higher in priority than the established ones.\nlook, i get it. a life is worth living and all that. but there must be some critical thinking here.\na child with a shit family due to shit circumstances would wish ill of the world.\na child is such a huge responsibility and its seriously so fucking irresponsible to let them live knowing that you absolutely cannot support them whatsoever. we have the treatments, the education and the tools necessary to make more responsible, more educated and more prepared and generally better parents and yet the pro-life mindset acts like we live in the 1400s where only a small percent of children make it to adulthood.\ni beg of you to rethink the values of pro-life.", "at what arbitrary point is it teasing, bullying or targeted harassment? at what arbitrary point is it asking your kid to do chores or child slavery.\nto even want to quantise \"stress\" is lacking in critical thinking and completely ignores the situation at hand.\nnot sure why u would ask me, when my position doesnt include any abitrary points, yours does. well mine kinda does its up to 20 weeks, where consciousness probably begins.\nto quantifise stress is to determine the morality of your position where stress (non life threatening) and depression allows for murder, is no depression but stress okay?, is average stress of average pregnancy with slight depression okay?\ninfact the depression isnt even here yet, youre killing the baby based on something that hasnt even happened. omfg why do people use this argument, like im gona kill that guy because i think he will be a school shooter in the future, hasnt happened yet tho. wtf", "to clarify, im pro choice up until 20 weeks, which is the consciousness argument.\nsince you think that women who undergo childbirth are fine after\ncan you quote me on this or are you making shit up?\ni understand that pregnnacy puts stress on the body, depression and etc, and my point is - at what point/amount or stress or amount of depression does it make it morally permissable to murder another human. ( life-threatening would be one, any others? guess the % of life-t abortions.)\nare you seriously gonna ruin a teen's social life just because of a dumb mistake that no one told them about?\ncareful, possibility of social life allows you to murder someone? i think you better edit that out\nnow, whos mistake was it the teen who made the choice consciously, or the innocent child whos about to be murdered, who should be punished\nan irresponsible adult getting abortions every month is morally reprehensible and unhealthy, so obviously a limit must be placed on this person.\nso alot of abortions is not okay, whats the line of when its okay to murder humans, 3 abortions is ok? 4 is ok? oh now u reached 5, 5 is not okay. you make 0 sense here.\nor how about the clear distinction murdering >0 humans is not okay.\n you really would rather ruin the lives of 2 individuals?\nyour opinion on if the lives would be ruined, doesnt allow you to take someones fundamental right to life.\ndo you seriously think its better to let the child be birthed and sent off to an orphanage while the mother has to go through that pregnancy during school?\n??? is the child birthed or mother still pregnant. what?\nget it. a life is worth living and all that. but there must be some critical thinking here. a child with a shit family due to shit circumstances would wish ill of the world\nnon critical thinking is thinking u can decide for the child if it lives or dies because u think he has shit circumstances. is it good for kids in africa let say, to think they should just die because of their circumstances are shit", "Better abortion than leaving an infant to die a slow and painful death in a dumpster.", "false dilemma fallacy, are the only choices the baby sucked out of a tube and throwing it in the trash, or are there other alternatives lmao.", "From the post the baby is alive, judging by the wrapping of the towel and the notes, before the eventual death. Look, i dont like abortion either, its cruel and its evil. But a quick death is better than a slow and painful death.", "jesus christ u still dont get it, ok going to give you a small philosophy class here ok, google \"false dilemma fallacy\", It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.\nyou are suggesting there are only 2 choices, baby suck out of tube or kobe it in the trash. but in reality there are other more humane choices such as orphanage, welfare services and such, that doesnt involve murder.", "Ah yes, the more humane choices, orphanage and welfare services.", "More humane than baby dismembered and sucked out a tube or kobe in trash can? Id say so yea. You dont think so? Enlighten me bud", "Well the fucking fetus didn’t have any choice did it?", "Abortion is legal here though.", "homosexuals are also illegal in msia, doesnt make it wrong. legality =/ = morality", "Morality is debatable. Some would argue for it's wrong completely and some would say it's okay if it's detriment to health of the mother.", "", "And how is that my problem? Why do you feel the need to tell it to me.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "does that make most men murderer,since they kept ejaculatin every week", "LOL. Tell me you don’t do your own thinking without telling me you don’t do your own thinking.", "Ad hominem (it’s two words) would be calling you stupid. I’m simply pointing out that you are repeating sound bites instead of doing any critical thinking.\nIt’s not like there’s any point to trying to have an intellectual debate with someone who makes unsubstantiated claims like “abortion is murder.” Isn’t it funny that the only people who say these things, base them on modern day religious teaching? There are no secular philosophical reasons for making such a statement.\nI may have “atheist” in my name, but only one of us is following their beliefs blindly. The other is applying just a bit of critical thinking.", "Damn you got me on the spelling there congrats bud.\nWhy would you assume im religious, I'm actually an atheist if that may suprise you.\nI just think fetus after sometime becomes baby = becomes smol human, then abortion after period of time = murder human. Not hard concept to understand this argument.\nAgain all irrelevant to any argument im making. IF theyre unsubstantiated you are welcome to counter them, you can't because you have no idea what youre talking about.", "Wow an atheist that subscribes to theist beliefs. I’m not sure stupid really covers it.\nAnd at which week does a fetus become viable outside the womb? Because I’d agree that abortion after that week is no bueno. But that’s not what you said. You said abortion is murder. Even abortion before week N?\nQuick go Google the answer, because this is literally the first time you’ve had to think about it despite dOiNg AlL yOuR oWn ThInKiNg. I’m not saying your parents are ashamed of you. Just that they probably don’t know the dumb shit you say on the internet", "So am I open to other ideas or do I follow theist beliefts blindly, and what the fuck is theist beliefs lmao? so if theist beliefs is killing baby = murder, then atheist beliefts is killing baby = not murder?\nMy opinion is the no abortion after 20 weeks which is the consciousness argument, not viability to human argumen.\nand yes if the baby is outside of the womb considered fetal viable, it would still be negligence manslaughter for lack of care. You really are a stereotypical reddit atheist, glad ive met one its amazing.", "Yes, what she did wasn't right regarding the baby dumping. I agree. I wasn't talking about that though. There were comments talking about wearing condoms, implying that it was 100% intentional choice to have sex without condoms. It could be. It could also be not.", "It’s still possible to conceive even while using condoms or the pill. They are not 100% guaranteed to protect from pregnancy. Poor sex education to think otherwise.", "its still better than nothing.\nabstinence will never work. just telling teens who are raging on hormones \"no because i said so\" is never helpful in any circumstances. at least with proper sex ed, they can make an informed decision.\nbetter informed than not.", "People be thinking you can just dump babies and commit murder with the ‘it wasn’t consensual and now it’s not convenient’ excuse wtf bro", "Wtf is wrong with you? Imagine someone pins you down and violates your dignity, you have to go through the hardship of pregnancy, the body destroying act that is child birth, and after all that you aren't able to take care of the child and you had to make the clearly painful choice to let the child die. In all that desperation and suffering and pain, the thing that people online care about is that you abandoned the baby?\nYou clearly dont have the ability to have this happen to you and so you could never imagine it. Maybe if it happened to someone you knew then you'll finally learn empathy.", "Clear example of appeal to emotion fallacy, stating how bad rape is irrelevant to the argument. no one is undermining how bad rape is.\nLife threatening pregnancy complications aside, the inconvenience of raising a baby doesn't make it right for a mother to kill it. Imagine a mother just makes an arbitrary decision of oh I'm not able to take care of my 3 year old child, just going to make the \"painful choice\" to let it die because of inconvenience. That would be murder.\nAlso, even if unconsensual, you are punishing an innocent third party which is the child's fundemental right to life. Empathy is also empathizing to the child who was murdered.\nwe don't even know any context of if the mother consent or not, what suffering desperation and pain, how did you immediately jump to that conclusion", "Dude just stop. 😮‍💨\nI get that you want to say abortion equals murder. Instead of trying to push your tunnel vision to prove your relevancy, take a look from different perspectives. People are giving you examples of situations to challenge your view that this issue is not as simple as you make it out to be. There are various ways for this to happen, and not everyone shares the same beliefs and circumstances.\nYou won't solve a problem unless you understand it first, and the essence of ethical behaviors revolves around the study of how individuals and societies make decisions. Your principles of right and wrong won't matter to other people who don't share the same ethical values, especially to those with a different upbringing background.\nInsisting on a narrow perspective won't get us anywhere. It would be constructive for you to acknowledge the complexity of the issue first, then we can go to the next steps.", "Comment chain nuked and a 2-day ban imposed on both u/atheistdadinmy and u/3n20charc as a timeout for the long string of slapfighting comments.\nFurther comments in the same vein will result in a longer or a permaban.", "So what about after any baby is born, do you know how inconvenient it is to have to care for an infant.\nI guess by your logic we can go ahead and murder it but it’s okay since you can feel really bad about it.\nMurder is murder I don’t really care about empathy here, have empathy for the innocent child that was killed.\nPregnancy doesn’t have to ‘body destroying’ btw. Yes there can be complications but if we go by that thinking then no human will ever be born. Modern medicine helps smoothen things and rather than talk about the physical aspects (most women are incredibly resilient and they’re bodies will bounce back otherwise no one will have more than one kid) let’s talk about the emotional aspects of pregnancy. And how to best support pregnant mothers no matter what whilst they are going through this ‘painful’ process. Don’t treat them like victims women are strong. Maybe if society was less judgmental girls in this situation wouldn’t have to be so ashamed that they resort to murder.", "A life full of experiences, hopes, and dreams over a life that has just begun. Simple. And if we had easily available abortion care, it would be a life over a fetus. Even simpler.\nAnd you clearly don't know anything about pregnancy. Even with modern medicine, it still destroyes women's bodies. Women are just expected to deal with it in silence. Your body will never be the same after pregnancy.", "I don’t think you’re in any position to be lecturing anyone about pregnancy when you’re clearly okay with murdering an innocent child.\nIf pregnancy destroys a women’s body so much and it’s never the same after then why have kids?? If they’re dealing with it in silence they’ve married the wrong partner.", "I think you need to learn a thing or two then. Grow up and stop getting your info from Andrew Tate." ], [ "What happened to letak bayi depan rumah orang or rumah anak yatim?????????????? Poor the innocent children.", "Just know because the lack of papers the baby would become stateless.", "Better than dead?", "Worse", "Kalau bagi ke rumah anak yatim or baby hatch akan dapat kenegaraan lah, don’t worry" ], [ "It doesn't say whether the infant died before or after being left in the bin. That changes a lot.\nPlus we don't know why the mother was scared to be discovered. Maybe scared of some punishment by her family. There's no punishment for zina in Malaysia so that's not the issue. Her age and social situation might provide insight, it'll be very different if she's 12 or 22.\nMore info needed.", "No “legal” punishment but there are other punishments unfortunately", "Sadly you speak the truth." ], [ "Holy shit. The virtue signalling in the comments here is wild." ], [ "Maybe abortion should be cheap and hassle-free." ], [ "Ffs, if you don't want a kid first step is to use protection. They are fucking cheaper than child support. But having failed that, they then failed at being a decent human being by dumping their child in a dumpster. Why? If you want to abandon them, at least leave them at firestation or mosque or church, somewhere where people can find them and take care of them. Its not good, but its better than dumping them like trash. And they have the audacity to leave an apology note. Lady, its a bit late to ask for apology when you done something so heinous.", "I agree with the rest of ur comment, bc she could've put the baby in a orphanage or smth so that at least the baby will be able to live out there life...but it's not that simple as u said to just use protection... she may have been raped or been forced into un-protected sex. You know how pushy and fragile men's ego are when they're declined sex. More info is needed before hating, the mother could've been 13 or 23 or 33 :(", "What makes you think she has a choice to use protection or not ? You don’t know shit but you sure make up for that with talking shit", "Maybe she didn't have a choice in using protection or having sex, but it still does not make up for the fact she dumped her child in the bin and left them to die. Two wrongs dont make a right idiot.", "You also don’t know that" ], [ "With a note asking for help and forgiveness?\nThat's like some rando gutting someone who wasn't doing anything and then just placing a note saying sorry.\nUse protection people. Sex with out condom expecting to get a Flat Screen TV is it?", "She might not have had the choice of contraception." ], [ "What makes me really sad is thinking that perhaps the woman/girl who gave birth to the child might actually have tried to take care of it, but... infants can be really fragile. Something like jaundice or even just a simple flu might have killed the baby, especially if the mother was young and didn't know what to do. We already know that incestual rape is unfortunately fairly common in Malaysia; she might have been too scared to go to the hospital to give birth which is such a frightening and painful experience for fear of worse repercussions from someone who might be abusing her.\nShe could have simply disposed of the infant's body in any ulu place - let's be honest there's a million such places in Malaysia to bury/hide/dump such a small corpse - but she chose to place it somewhere she knew someone would definitely find it. Not to mention actually writing a note - to me it's clear she did care for her child, but for whatever reason couldn't care for it leading to this tragic end." ], [ "Condom is cheaper, remember that before y'all decide to fuck", "There's so little info regarding the post and yet yall are telling them to use protection when she could've been forced into unprotected sex or raped", "Celibacy is cheaper :29091::29091::29091:", "Celibacy is cheaper but temptations/being horny is way harder to resist." ], [ "Even the USA does not do this" ], [ "Cause of death? I hope it was painless or natural cot death. Would be even more heart breaking if the girl was strangled or drowned to death." ], [ "I'm just a prom night dumpster baby", "And I understood that reference" ] ]
How well/poor funded are our Local Universities ?
Was enjoying my breakfast at a kopitiam this morning, and was approached by a few UM (Uni of Malaya) students for funds to support their upcoming event. I have no issue in giving, as I believe in planting in good seeds for the future generation. However, i suddenly had thoughts of how well/poorly funded our local Unis are, given there are funded by our government and the amount of alumni they have produced, surely many have done pretty well in life to give back to the unis? Wondering if there are any recent graduates that can share some insights?
[ [ "Event organised by students body mostly has to foot the bill by themselves. Yes, you can apply allocation from the University's faculty or student affairs department, but at most it will not be more than RM200 or RM500.\nAlso if the nature of your event is just for entertainment (eg: year end dinner/tour trip to tourist hotspots) and not for the purpose of education (eg: gotong-royong/sports competition/entrepreneurship event/educational events for school kids), you cannot apply for the allocation.\nBased on my experience when organising event in a public uni in the southern part of Klang Valley.\nEdit: Btw, in my uni's rules book, you are not allowed to go door-to-door to seek donation unless you get permission from some higher-up. The reason is it will be very annoying to residents around the campus if there's multiple students bodies constantly knocking your door to ask for donations from time to time all year round.\nAlso there are issues of transparency too if donation is allowed to be the main funding of your event.", "the event i saw today was for an annual cultural event (didnt bother with the details). Uni should be a place to ferment ideas and open up the students mind :)" ], [ "surely many have done pretty well in life to give back to the unis\nAre there actually that many people who join their uni alumni club? I assumed only those who've joined the student body representative would be bothered.", "Coming from other Unis, yes, their alumnis are active and well-funded. A lot of the graduates have benefited from the Uni and have a yearning to return something back to the Uni. A classic example is Lei Jun (Xiaomi founder) who donated a huge amount of CASH (cash as in cold hard cash and not just promises or benefits-in-kinds) as he was awarded a scholarship during his uni days." ], [ "Funding for club events != funding for universities.\nWhen I was in MMU, the place is more or less profitable. But beyond the annual budget allocation we have to get the money ourselves, especially if we want to go to the overseas competitions." ], [ "For student events a lot of red tape to go throough before they can access the uni's wallets. For entertainment/fun purposes it is more likely they are self funded or sponsored by NGO's or corporates. The uni itself is rich for sure." ], [ "", "Shouldn't uni be under \"Higher Education Ministry is allocated RM16.3 billion\"?" ], [ "like anything in malaysia funding is terrible\ninfact the only well funded thing iirc is real estate", "And the pocket of crownies who have deep links with gomen" ], [ "No" ], [ "im a UM student. UM's government funding is really ass. Just look at our buildings and you'll understand what i mean.\nIts the case for other public unis too, only we look the worst because we are the oldest uni. Some of our buildings are almost a century old and get barely any maintenance. What makes you think the uni will fund our 100 different clubs?\nOur clubs usually get funding from sponsors. For example, most/all clubs have a PR team that begs companies to sponsor their events. Tech clubs will go to tech companies and startups. Engineering clubs will go to chemical and oil n gas companies. Its normal.\nThat's why if you're rich, always go private. UM is really only good for the name and connections. If you dont give a shit, just go private, much better experience. But im bias, so I'll always suggest UM over private. As stupid as it is, employers (especially MNCs) love to look at unis if ur a fresh grad, since they receive thousands of applicants for a couple of positions and need to filter the resumes out" ], [ "i would say it varies but please ITM i dont want to see cisco only labs, dont waste your budget there. include mikrotik and regular servers too to improve the exposure and course at the same time reducing the cost.\nSome are focused and some arent. the focused ones seem to be well funded because they have better budget focus, not more budget. They also tend to be smaller.\nso its an it depends. some include practice alongside and some dont. for example UITM has hospitals within their universities so practice and teaching are together which saves costs as you have real patients paying and students while some universities have to deal with a lot of admin due to their size but dont have the best facilities available due to their inefficient expenditure.\nquality wise as usual depends on doc. I know some docs who work in UITM hospitals and do a good job. education quality also depends if talking about staff. half the universities have very good technical facilities, then its just down to the teachers." ] ]
Desaru, Malaysia- A coastal haven of tranquility, adventure and gastronomy!
[ [ "https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/28/missing-man-found-drowned-off-desaru-coast\n<image>" ] ]
Lethal Company fun (Comic Fiesta 2023)
[ [ "Cosplayers @IG:\nMannibaashful ameerrrshahter myth_lee Spacedcadian" ], [ "Where Bracken?", "Didnt see one sadly 😂", "probably best for your life...", "Oh yea.. I kinda forgot I even had a life in the first place 😂", "They outside,\nShould worried about outside BS shenanigans.\n1) blind dogs, 4 baboon hawks, Alaska bullworm, no weight tree giant during evening night / eclipses.\n2) weather like stormy (thunder), foggy and raining (quicksand).\n3) electric bee, ghost girl during outside hunted, that guy with a tragedy mask spinning around.\n4) ice cream truck, sus guy with shovel and guy with extended ladder." ], [ "'Picture taken minute before disaster due to the mask guy shenanigans'." ], [ "That poor guardsman gets his weapon stolen, the commissar will not be pleased" ], [ "I'm gonna wait for someone to cosplay that little bitch girl." ], [ "Jack in the Box?" ], [ "Secure. Contain. Protect." ], [ "I saw those two scavengers on the first day, wanted to take a picture with the custom helmet guy but didn't see them after that sadly, i only have a short recording of me walking past them" ] ]
Master Roshi is ready..
[ [ "nose bleed in progress" ], [ "Ready for what?", "Flipping Burma." ] ]
What’s the plan to improve Pisa score, academic asks Fadhlina
[ [ "Nothing at all cause gomen wanna keep ppl dumb" ], [ "Oh no she's gonna cry again. Stop. /s", "The solution to everything is: minggu solidarity palestine.\nThen cry in cabinet. Then blame DAP." ], [ "Should we lean on Pisa given the towering costs needed to upright education?", "I don't think the solution is that straight, even if they have the inclination to do so.", "We need to ensure there's a solid foundation to anchor our education structure before building it." ], [ "Jawapannya di sini: “Ini salah Pizza. Kenapa tak include religious subjects? Jikalau ada Mesia konfem buat top best Pizza in dunya.”" ], [ "wat is Pisa? Hamas cosplay more important /s" ], [ "This incompetent “sleeping” Education Minister must be replaced before the Pisa score drops below her IQ score 😆" ], [ "Introducr UPSR back. UPSR is important especially with Gen Alpha. If not become likes USA. They just pass the class with no goal.", "https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsingapore-tops-latest-pisa-for-math-science-reading-v0-kkkbyzlxyu7c1.png%3Fwidth%3D950%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De9a11df56f5506b51a4001844ffb8291c51c3a34\nYou mock USA but they are way ahead of us in all categories, they are pretty high up there in terms of reading and science. What makes you think UPSR is the solution? If you compare exam questions asked in PSLE and UPSR, you would agree with me that our syllabus is quite lacking.", "I didn't even mock USA. Go tell it to those Ulamas. I've seen first hand how most of the new generation of Americans are. They are so embroiled in Gender studies. Lots of failing schools. Just go look at the data provided by those cities own council. Failing schools, students who can't read or write.\nPISA test is held at a few selected schools upon a few selected students. The US's Commonly used language as first language is already English(although US doesn't have an official language, Eng serves as the language used)\nThe US itself is a big country with lots of schools. There's gonna be smarter students and less academic achieving student. Detroit,Atlanta,NYC,NY, lots of students have a very small reading,maths,listening ability. Even 7TH graders are more off like a 4TH grader.\nIn my opinion. Be realistic and pragmatist. We are labelled as corruptors by Ulamas. What can we do? Cannot do shit in this country." ], [ "Dont worry, with our government school's bigger land than a country like Vatican sure will come out with the world best talents ever" ], [ "Add more religion into the education system.", "Hope that's sarcasm" ], [ "Imam Al-Nawawi's 40 Hadith" ], [ "stop giving a fuck a PISA score. The only thing that thing measure is what thing country willing to do to game the system.", "For top 10countries, Probably\nBut for the middling countries, they probably don't game the scores a lot, so a widespread drop actually does mean a drop in proficiency", "PISA can't be memorised like some of our subjects taught. The questions involves thinking and understanding.\nThat's why it is used as a global indicator.", "Someone think that infallible test exist mean the cheater already won.", "I think it’s an ok measuring stick to determine the problem solving capability for students since it measures their maths, science and reading proficiency.\nI would guess that the COVID-19 pandemic might have had some terrible impacts on the student’s learning so if the next PISA score for Malaysia returns back to the usual Malaysia average then it’s fine la. The next assessment will probably happen under the current MoE tenure so she’ll have to take responsibility la if we regress further." ], [ "Clueless minister......" ] ]
Hi. Is anyone travelling out of Langkawi tomorrow morning (24 Dec) through Batik Air flight to KL? I was stupid enough to not know the minimum 48 hour rule for taking duty free alcohol out of Langkawi, and purchased a bottle at duty free. If anyone is able to help me with a solution please!
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "Drink it up bro, or just ask if you can pay customs", "As in just pay the tax for it", "Glad you clarified that. Lol", "I would have offer a different kind of payment if not for the clarification..." ], [ "Just flew out from Langkawi to kl last week. The security in Langkawi airport did not even bother to check, we were carrying more than a liter each. Once we arrived in kl, the customs did not check too. My suggestion would be just to risk it & only pay if you got caught (remember to act dumb like you didn’t know)", "Thanks buddy! Helpful. I'm assuming you put the liquor in checked in luggage?", "Well, we did at first, so we asked the staff at the counter to paste a “fragile” sticker outside the luggage to which she asked us what’s inside ? We told her alcohol then she said we’re not allowed to check in liquor, all have to be hand carried. Out of curiosity, I asked her how would they know if there is alcohol in my luggage ? She couldn’t answer. Anyway we didn’t wanna make a fuss, so we hand carried it. At the security check in LGK airport We had about 2litres each. No questions asked when our bags went thru the scanner . When we arrived in klia, after baggage collection, we have to scan all baggages (only luggage and not backpacks) thru a screening machine again for customs check. If you don’t wanna get flagged , Just make sure your luggage isn’t packed too sus with like 6-10 bottles lined up like you’re about to sell these alcohol somewhere else. If you have many bottles - Another tip is just distribute it around and to carry some in your backpack.", "Thanks! Helpful", "I think it depends on your luck too, depending on the staff on duty. All the best & do keep us updated ! Curious to know what happened too", "Check your airline Batik Air. I rmb malaysian airline saying you can have liquor on checked in luggages." ], [ "Like someone else said, just check it in and buat tak tahu. If they catch, then pay the duty." ], [ "Cheers bro, you have some drinking to get started!" ], [ "Slurp ahhh" ], [ "The worst you could have, if they ever find out, is paying the tax. Don't think they would confiscate outright." ], [ "They usually don't care if you're carrying just one." ], [ "To the comments so far - So, that's about 16+ large pegs of some fairly decent whiskey, to be had in about 8-9 hours, and then catch a flight. Sounds like I might just end up paying customs. Unless, someone's in Langkawi, and wants to join and share the burden on kidneys!!" ], [ "On a serious note, if no one's up for my offer of sharing the bottle overnight, could someone please clarify if I'm allowed to pay the duty and take the bottle?", "Depends on the custom officer. When a similar thing happened to me (taking 2L when the limit is 1L), the custom agent basically gave me the option on what I wanted to do. He told me that for the whisky I had, the duty should be over RM200. I told him I only had RM100 in cash, and he agreed for me to pay that much.\nSo basically, you can negotiate (and can probably pay less than RM100 depending on how daring you want to be / how the custom officer is)." ], [ "Can someone explain this rule?", "The 48-hour rule in Langkawi is to prevent visitors from bringing back duty-free items to the mainland, mainly focusing on alcohol. It would be an exploit to those visitors that just doing day trip to Langkawi and bring back more than they are allowed to. This would mean our government is missing out tax collection on those items." ], [ "To close this thread, they did not care! Took it in cabin bag. No questions asked." ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 24 December 2023
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
Malaysia eases rules for retirement residency visa but piecemeal announcement has wealthy foreigners holding off
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Why release the program piecemeal? It just serves to frustrate people and invites criticism when maybe none is warranted." ] ]
Penang’s water security under scrutiny as supply disruptions jar consumers
[ "Politics" ]
Day trip from Singapore
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
I’m taking a trip in May of 2024 to Vietnam and Singapore for school. I want to extend my trip at the end of my visit to Singapore and visit Malaysia. I understand it isn’t ideal, but I only have one extra day and my flight is out of Singapore. I’ve seen a few bus tours out of Singapore that go to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca City which look interesting. I’m interested in culture, food, temples, nature, etc. I’m not here to get a massage or go to an aquarium. If anyone had any suggestions, which would you recommend we visit for a single day?
[ [ "Day trip to Malacca from Singapore? That's going to be a long day for you." ], [ "Unless you're already spending plenty of time in Singapore, I would consider spending the extra day there.\nIf you're sure you really do want to make the day trip to Malaysia, Malacca is fine.\nIf you can fly from Vietnam to KL and then take a few days traveling over land down to Singapore, that would be better." ], [ "If you’re heading out from Singapore, and only for a day, I’d suggest going to Johor Bahru in that case. Saves you a bit of time with the travelling.\nTry out different food (maybe two different meals + local snacks in between).\nIf you’re into culture, temples, and nature, one day is probably too short for what you can see." ], [ "Melaka from Singapore is gonna be a hella tiring day trip, especially given the immigration queue. Give yourself 2 days min. If you’re that short on time just explore JB." ] ]
Scholarships after A-Levels?
I'm currently studying A-Levels, going to take my AS exams this coming May 2024. After that, I plan to go to university in the US/UK. Are there any fully funded scholarships (think Yayasan Khazanah, Bank Negara etc for SPM level) that are available for overseas studies? Bonds are not a point of concern, neither is a list of approved scholarships. It seems like there is a lack of scholarships in this area (all i could find were Bank Negara and YTI Premier), so any help/guidance would be really appreciated! *edited to mention: Background: Non-Bumi, not in B40.
[ [ "not bumi is fine (you only cant apply for MARA), but not B40 is abit tough. Are you T20 or M40?\nTry looking into CIMB and MayBank. Also, search for it after you get your A Level results, more will pop up" ], [ "My friend got into Cambridge's engineering for a full scholarship. I'd say focus on your grades first and prioritise getting into top schools." ] ]
TnG Kenny Rogers RM20 voucher for real?
Soo i just found out that you can exchange TnG points for vouchers?? But the thing is with 200 pts the average you're gonna get is RM 2 cashback with other brands like zus coffee. How the hell is Kenny Rogers voucher so generous?? (I mean I'm not complaining :D)I've already read the TNC of the voucher but just wanted to make sure.
[ [ "Because they are probably the least profitable franchise under Berjaya.", "I ate in a Kenny Rogers ard 5 yrs ago - muffins kinda dry. I prefer The Chicken Rice Shop for my halal fowl :29091:" ], [ "Cer tgk terma dia. Kdang2 ltk limit spend rm40" ], [ "Because they really need customers I guess" ] ]
Is Faizul Ridzuan FAR CAPITAL legit?
Is the Property guru Faizul Ridzuan legit? From the social media posts I saw, a lot of his clients claimed have earned at least a few K extra per month and achieved financial freedom. However, I kinda sense that it is more like a MLM scheme based on his strategy on advising his clients to buy as much as properties with “zero modal” by doing stack loans from multiple banks. Personally, I never believe in someone can buy a property “tanpa modal”. Maybe I am wrong? Hope that the good folks on reddit can give me their honest opinions and insights. Thank you. P/S: I have never seen a single negative post nor claiming it is a scam about Faizul Ridzuan on social media.
[ [ "Wow it spread to malay community now as well huh...\nDont know if theres any malay article about him online but you can ask around your chinese friend about Adrian Wee. He famously started these seminars selling students property with compressed loans, most of the lelong property these days are probably from those students duped by him as well.\nSo avoid 100%", "Always has been. Azizan Osman is probably the OG scammer", "Ya, isn’t it haram di sisi agama I wonder?", "bruh people don't actually truly care about haram or not when it comes to money and addiction.", "what do you mean by now? his 23 before 30 book was a thing, dated back as far as 2010s" ], [ "dude, 100% he is a conman. Stay away. Tell your family to stay away.", "He has built such a charismatic and trustworthy image that no one even dares to question in about?", "Analogy: Najib still has devoted followers.", "Analogy\nMahathir even duped the whole non-malay population in the country to trust him that he will save the country", "Just look at Peng Joon" ], [ "Guru= scam, abuse the influence later to songlap.\nGuru forever being guru, while Warren Buffet won't teach you the exact way to get rich. You can try to dig some China news/ YouTube, land of Gurus.", "True, i don’t think rich people will tell you how they get rich.", "There's some extent of exploitation for every millionaire.\nEveryone gets rich is not really practical.\nRich knows that you have to stay poor, so that your money contributes into my wealth. The so-called guru are scams.", "Yes, that’s the fucking brutal truth of today’s world." ], [ "I’m wondering about Far Capital. I’ve seen it everywhere. Interested to find out what it’s about but not interested enough to actually find out. Can someone give me the lazy down low ?", "Me too, I wanna know more about this but I didn’t want to spend RM800 for signing up to become their client lol." ], [ "Far Capital give you access to bulk purchase property but a property need bulk purchase only for 1 reason, not good to sell lo, that's why offer high rebate.\nMost guru teach the same thing one la, where got so many formula. Change name only, formula still the same.\nI can say some people get good benefit from the high rebate property la, but mostly GG. Many of those bulk purchase project that guru teach to use loan compression all mostly end up in auction market aldr.\nIf really so good, they sapu most of it aldr lo, wait you meh?", "I only understand some, but mostly I agree with you." ], [ "Stack loans which is compressed loan, the more professional terms, is not doable anymore.\nBanks will check ccris once more before releasing money to the developer.\nOnce they see buyer does compressed loan, they will cancel your application, doesn't matter you have signed letter offer, loan agreement and spa.\nI will say this again, please remember it, that 95% of property buyers buying from developers will have their property values depreciated because developers already factor in future appreciation when they sold it to you.\nIt is more possible than not that you won't be the remaining 5%.", "Yup, treat housing as a consumer good, not an investment", "In my personal opinion, every property purchase is an investment.\nEveryone's purpose is different though. Some buy to flip, some buy to preserve value.", "", "Yes.\nI always do this. When I see a project that I'm interested, I ask for the price chart and continuously checking the rebate or discount developer offers.\nOnce the project completed, I will go hunting in the subsales market. I always buy below the current price or as close as the market price or in the auction market.", "Could be paid actors. Because banks don't want to lose too much money as well." ], [ "In simplest form of what they did (not just Far Capital but also any kind of similar group/property guru), Faizul Ridzuan (Far Capital) do research on certain property, group as many property investor, and bulk purchase the property from developer to get discount. This is the most important part. The rest not so much.\nFor the buy as much as property part, it is possible but very very very high risk strategy. If you want to know more, look up “Loan compression”.", "I understand they do research analysis on certain projects and bulk purchase from it. However, the whole vibe of this company gives me some MLM feel.", "Scammier vibe yeah but i don’t think there’s any MLM going on there. It’s between you and the group. No stuff like downline. They also don’t sell product. You can 100% do whatever they’re doing by yourself but developer probably won’t entertain you.", "Ya that’s the advantage they have (FAR CAPITAL). Like you said, developers won’t entertain small potatoes like us.", "I wouldn't say they are scammer, their business proposition kinda legit however it will put you in such high debt. Yes, you might get monthly return but will the said property appreciate in value as it's mostly high rise condo.\nI join their webinar before, it wasn't bad. It's pretty good if you don't have commitment and for fresh grad i think. Just don't waste your money for any mentorship or courses." ], [ "Lmao buy properties with zero modal and stack loans. Please tell me which bank will give you loans like that." ], [ "There’s a saying in the investment world that you need to be aware of.\n“There are sucker born every day.”\nDon’t be that one." ], [ "Another day in this cowboy town, MLM syndicates roam free and thriving. Thanks to idiots who think getting rich is that easy.", "The thing is there isn’t any law action against him?! He even gave talk about property on RTM and podcast on radio!", "Because they want to promote the image of \"Bumiputera berjaya\"", "I don't mind promoting \"Bumiputera Berjaya\" but everything must have a limit and not to overstep the moral boundary.", "Your first problem is that you assume those greedy fucks have a smidge of moral in the first place" ], [ "Stacking loans only works if it's done just before an upswing in property values or rental income. So, by the time the buyer collects the keys, the buyer can flip at a profit. If the market goes flat or down, you are stuck with paying 5 mortgage instalments until you can unload the properties (most likely) at a loss." ], [ "If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Run" ], [ "Off topic but I did buy his book and it was so horribly written with loads of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I questioned if he even had an editor to look through it.", "Seriously? LMAO" ], [ "Lmao. He still alive?", "He is very alive. He personally added me on facebook lol.", "Lol good luck. U can go listen his free talk. End up he will push some over priced rubbish property with high rebate, do compressed loan", "Haha, sounds like you had an unpleasant experience with them?", "nah, i've seen so many failed. i was a lawyer handling these types of transactions", "I see. Your clients must be in misery crying after the loss of money while those upper level people are enjoying the money and viva la vida loca.", "The investors don't even use their own name. They pinjam other ppl name with 90% loan quota and buy.", "Damn! The investors even drag other innocent people into the water." ], [ "Never seen any negative post? Coz their legal team is stronk.\n<image>", "Oh ya! I saw this on Lawyat Forum." ], [ "I'm a far capital client. I'll tell u how what they actually do unlike the retards here who belum try but like to give advice. FYI I'm only gonna speak facts, no subjective opinions of my own. First of all, their business operates like a funnel around properties. First step, they underwrite x amount of units from developers who are usually in a liquidity crunch at below market price. Then will then sell these to their clients. If clients do not take up all the units within a certian period, Far capital will be obliged to take these units themselves. Because they buy in bulk, they are always able to buy below retail price, sometimes so much so that clients could buy it with 0 downpayment. Besides the bulk purchase business, they also operate a coliving & renovation business which facilitates clients who bought from them. Clients are not obliged to use any of them after purchasing.\nI saw, a lot of his clients claimed have earned at least a few K extra per month. Kinda sense that it is more like a MLM scheme based on his strategy on advising his clients to buy as much as properties with “zero modal” by doing stack loans from multiple banks\nWell yes and no. It's clickbait. First of all a lot of these clients were massively in debt prior to joining. They went through debt consolidation and were able to reduce their monthly commitment by a lot as well as receiving some small cash flow through properties hence the the drastic number.\nClearing up some misunderstandings.\nNo such thing as loan compresison anymore.\nYes it's possible to buy tanpa modal. The part where they intentionally left out is that you'll have to sustain with your own capital until you get the cashback post VP around 3-6 months. Where did this cashback come from? SPA price - nett price.\nA lot of clients choose not to take cashback because they have to service the interest anyways. But these are not glamorous and hence do not appear on your ig/yt/tiktok feed. The attention grabbing ones are the b/m40 getting huge cashbacks, settled their debts, and are able to subsequently purchase more.", "Hi! I understand client can get price advantage due to the bulk purchase deal between the developers and FAR CAPITAL. However, the clients still need to pay the monthly housing loan even though they get the “free 0% downpayment”, how are they going to sustain that? Thank you.", "Just like anyone who takes a loan. Before you purchase, they'll screen you to make sure you can afford your monthly commitments first. Whatever docs income supporting you submit to them will be passed to the bank issuing the loan. There is no trick to that. The question you ask makes me think clients literally get free properties. No such thing lol. Only cheaper nett price and some clever financial engineering.", "Will the cashflow be limited while waiting for the cashback? Is it possible for someone who works fulltime from 8-5 to be committed to FAR CAPITAL or one needs to be full time in FAR CAPITAL?", "Your property can only generate cashflow once it's rented out. So obviously what you're earning ATM should be able to cover at least for a few months. What do you mean committed to be in far capital? Once you place the booking fee you won't be dealing with them much anymore. Mostly from lawyer and banker.\nOfc you can work while also be a client. That's how most are I guess. All webinars are online and recorded. There's a platform for you to watch past recordings." ], [ "Don't get rich please. Later I got no friends to scrap the barrel" ], [ "What projects are part of bulk buying now?" ], [ "bubble" ], [ "I've done a bit of digging on him and his company for my current company.\nMany are PnC but my advice is, avoid him at all cost" ] ]
Flooding, landslides, and storms in peninsular Malaysia and southern Thailand Flash Update #1 (Wednesday 27 December 2023, 2030 hrs UTC +7) - Thailand
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
S’wak premier’s assurance to rebuff attempts to overthrow Unity Govt gratifies PM
[ [ "PMX should not take Abang Jo assurance of support seriously . Cos we know Abang Jo is inexperienced fickle minded and can flip flip U turn switch support anytime. For eg. right after GE15, he quickly throw support like fanboy behind Muhyiddin as PM https://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2022/11/20/abang-johari-gps-agrees-to-form-govt-with-perikatan-bn-grs/40891 After later on, in highly embarrassing U l-turn, he switch to support Anwar as PM🤣", "" ] ]
Wet passport ruins Malaysian couple’s honeymoon after airline denies check-in
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "tl;dr:\nthey managed to pass immigration but denied by the airline\nairline denies them because if Turkey rejects them, the airline will have to send them back to KL at their own expense\nmake sure your passport is not damaged before traveling", "yeap, and thats why we should always respect our travel docs. some people wrap them in resealable plastic bags.\nbut at least he's not bitching about it and is self aware. even using his mistake as a reminder to others.", "I just use a sandwich zip lock bag. Low tech solution.", "I put mine in Daiso zip lock bag", "I always thought those specialized password hard plastic protector things were silly, but it makes sense now", "Eh the part with info is plastic anyway", "think of it as food. theres this nice cake, it has garnishing all over. the most important part is in the centre. but the person you served it to saw that theres a piece of shit right at one corner of the dish.\nfor sure, one can just push the meal to the side. but knowing that a theres a POS on the meal makes you SUS the entire dish. no ones gonna eat that cake." ], [ "Screencap\n<image>", "Thanks for the info." ], [ "i mean...if you hand me a wet RM50...i would reject the same yo..." ], [ "news from a few weeks ago...." ], [ "may be about time to make passport & the ink water proof?\nCant believe we still use these decade old system.", "Visa stickers and immigration stamps stick better on paper than plastic.", "Photo page is plastic on modern passports. Visas and ESTAS can be entirely electronic." ], [ "Guy's kind of an idiot tbh. Not just for ruining his passport but not having the brains to let his wife continue on the trip while he quickly renews his passport and buys a new ticket to rejoin the tour. He would have cut his losses in half", "Unless you read the story in full, it's a Sunday. Immigration department is not open. Even if they are, he could have still missed his flight since it was an early morning flight. Immigration department is not a 24/7 operation.\nSecondly, it was a tour group. December is the peak travel season, there is a possibility that there was no more empty seat on the departure date or if there was, it would have cost a bomb. Only Turkish Airlines flies between KL and Istanbul daily.\nAsking his wife to proceed with the tour would have been \"better\" option, one person missing the tour is better than two persons. Of course, the wife chose not to proceed.", "UTC is open on Sunday. He could have gotten a flight the next day and rejoined the tour. Yes, he would have to pay more. But instead he sacrificed the entire trip instead.\nBut of course some people can't think that far ahead. I laughed at his excuse of not wanting to join late and missing out on some of the activities. Bro, so you just choose to miss out everything instead.", "I think you missed the part \"travel peak season\". Even if you have the money to burn now, if the airline has no empty seat for you, you still can't travel. If it is a business class seat upward of 10K, might as well burn the tour and book a new one?? Which part of the early morning flight do you not understand? It was 1am. UTC daily operation starts when? And he is based in Johor, not Selangor for that matter. And he is a cleaner, working in Singapore. Doubt he has a few hundred thousands lying around the house to spare a last min ticket.", "Go and check the ticket prices to Istanbul right now. It's within 4-5k return. Doable. If you don't have that much to spare but book a trip costing RM16K, then he's even dumber than I thought.", "He could have booked the tour way earlier, at an early bird price etc. They could have been saving that RM16k for some time we will never know. Kind of condescending to label others as dumber as if you know their circumstances, no?\nOnline ticket prices are different than counter prices if you are not well informed. Also, even if he bought a new ticket, how can he travel without a proper passport? Wait for Monday for UTC to open? Apply passport last min walk in (assuming officers at UTC allows him to do walk in application, usually they don't), one day settle passport, then buy air ticket assuming the direct flight is available on the subsequent day, fly out...that's two days lost. Catching up with the group somewhere in Turkey, another day or two loss. That is three/four days loss from the booked nine-day tour. Would be even lesser if the flight is on later days or the new flight requires multiple transits.\nRather than labelling others as an idiot, why not try to empathise or sympathise. At least those are free...." ], [ "This guy learned it the hard way" ] ]
Polis Tahan Pasangan Kekasih, Disyaki Beri Bayi 16 Bulan Dadah
[ [ "Why are some people so vile?", "Because akhir zaman" ], [ "They can afford to have a baby and drugs? This couple must be loaded", "Can’t afford bail though" ], [ "I don't think they intentionally gave their kid meth. Most likely is nursing mother smoked then drug in system then susu the kid. I might be wrong though cos ppl nowadays are f up. And I do think ppl like them need to get their pp cut off (male) and ovaries removed (female)...." ], [ "What punishment to you think fits the crime committed here by the parents?", "Sterilization.", "Death" ], [ "Tak faham, kenapa nak bagi dadah kat baby? Mende dahla mahal." ], [ "Apa Salah parents?" ] ]
Need advice for staying in Malaysia
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
I am looking forward to (not confirmed yet) spending around 5-6 months in Malaysia for my student exchange program. it will be in UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). Though Im really excited but there are a few concerns as I have never travelled alone. Firstly, any kind of general advice is appreciated! I know very little about traveling alone and living in malaysia. Some specific things that are in my mind rn are: 1) Food (i can cook so i need to know average costs for 1 person, and what options do I have and what to expect, what to avoid, what to go for etc, everything should be halal though) 2) Travel (recently saw a post about someone complaining about bus/train system, so need a bit more insight on it and maybe some tips and tricks, average prices of travel etc) 3) Accommodation (are hotels a good option? renting a place out? should be economical and any tips on finding a good place, what to look for when getting a place, average rent etc) ( I also found some rentals online, some had electricity bill included some didnt so wanted to know how much of a difference does it make?) 4) Language + weather + general safety related stuff (things to avoid) 5) Must visit/ or things I should try 6) going out at night, how long can i stay outside before it gets unsafe etc apart from these any advice you have to give is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
[ [ "This is some of my bits. Other people can point out anything wrong with my info. Cover any stuff that I don't cover etc.\nFood:\nHalal issues: food served by muslim owners/muslim roadside stall are most probably halal. Most food franchies/restaurant that have JAKIM logo on their wall/shown are halal, certified by Malaysian Islamic Body; JAKIM.\nHalal issues: Some use logo tactics like Islamic Council Halal etc, are not majorly recognized by most Islamic scholars here. Food products from stores with JAKIMs halal logo and JAKIM's recognized foreign bodies should be okay. Places that shows 'no pork/alcohol', I wouldn't put trust on it, because even some muslims aren't very particulate on thoroughly check and eye confirmed whether its certified halal with compliance of islamic slaughtering guidelines, let alone non-muslims. However, one can't be to OCD on these thing I suppose.\nIf you're eating at UPM's student eateries, the student foods is usually cheap, MYR10 would be enough inclusive drink (my old info might be wrong). Currently, there are government initiative to introduce Rahmah food (RM5) to help the poor. Haven't touch grass there for awhile, so might be wrong again. There are some food courts stalls around UPM neighborhood and around 10-20mins drive near UPM that opens even until after midnight.\nIf you're cooking, a whole chicken would be little less than RM20 (RM11/kg) from the wet market, beef are a little less than RM40/kg. Eggs are about RM15-18 per 30s, rice is about RM40-50 for 10kg pack.\nLocals people use gas stove with LPG tank (RM38 - 16.5kg), there are many doorstep delivery service on LPG tanks. And rarely, one would find some student use butane stove, or in extreme cases, cook with rice cooker if they're staying in uni's dorms.\nMost muslim foreigners that I know liked malaysia mainly because there are halal foods are everywhere in lotsa varieties, well known fastfoods restaurants are halal as they have JAKIM logo on their wall, many varieties food from other nations if one can't adjust your tongue here and most importantly you can easily go out and find proper hot meals even after midnight, all year around.\nI personally think 5-6 months are very short, and with workloads of course works, constant group work discussion outside, late returns, and convenient of variety halal foods from different nations to try, I wonder if you'll even cook daily.\nFor monthly food expense, it largely depends on your situation.\nJust for references, Malaysia have the MARA Student Loan (eligible only for bumis; malay/sabah/sarawak), which provides Monthly Living Allowance for students that applied from them. Their monthly allowance rate ranges (2020s info) from RM650-RM900 depending on graduate program level. (Basically USD140~195/monthly)\nWhile that amount seems just enough for Malaysian students to cover their basic living necessities, some even find it not enough and have to get by via other means.\nMost poor students would typically resorted to getting rice cooker and electric water kettle if they're living in dorms, while those who rents outside with several friends to reduce expense; would typically get gas stove with LPG.\nYou may use it as a yardstick for your food budget, though I don't recommend following it to the dots.\nSome places have 'pasar malam' (night street food stall vendors) on weekly basis, they also have some cheaply different kind of foods.\nTravel:\nIf one are just going here and forth around UPM, a scooter/motorbike would be nice, because most motorcycle aren't very much restricted to parking, cheap fuel, and 'lane splitting' are infamously common here. If you're planning on lotsa long distance travel, especially for many, many field work research, perhaps get a cheap car 2nd hand.\nIMO, for me, best would be a scooter, and rental a car when needed. 2nd-hand scooter 2010s would be around RM3k+, while cheap car rentals for axias/myvi would be never above RM100/day.\nDuring rush hour, any transportation on roads are unreliable, except for motorcycles; while things on rails would be left you with 2nd or 3rd train arrival because insufficient space car after queuing. When it rains, it is worse.\nIf getting car/motorcycle isn't an option due to license problem, consider getting electric bike/scooter, though places one can go are pretty limited. Costs around RM1k-2k for a proper brand (don't gamble with cheap ones as most comes from china and there are rise of battery combustion cases there)\nHighways/public transport requires TouchNGo (similar to debit card, rechargable with $$$ via many stores cashiers, ATMs, petrol stations and rail stations.\nIf you're traveling but no transport, use Grab, its something like Uber/Lyft, but for very common in malaysia (download via googleplay)\nAccommodations:\nMost people would share rentals with housemates. Local muslims are syafi'e school of thought. Having a muslim housemate would be nice. They're quite versed in street smarts around UPM and the out-eateries that are worth your money.\nIt would be greatly help if you have at least a motorcycle, so you have larger rental place choices. Cheapest place would be low-cost flats, with rental shared between mates. Expect no security in low-cost flats. If you have car, get a landed house or gated condo, or else you'll be parking anywhere with any side road space, that have little to none security.\nRental deposits are commonly 2 months deposit with 1 month water+electricity utilities.\nWater bills should be cheap, unless there are sinking funds for high rise buildings for maybe RM100-RM200 total, and electric bills largely dependent on aircond consumption. If no aircond, shouldn't even be more than RM100, even with a refrigerator, washing machine, 32\" LCD TV, a microwave and internet wifi router for 4 people.\nMobile internet connection around UPM should be 4G, with prices around RM35~RM150+ monthly without contracts (termination fees). But expect data limits & speedcaps.\nLand-based internet cables subscriptions usually have 24 months contracts, with no data limit and no speedcaps. About 300Mbps to 1Gbps. Early termination fee for TM-Unifi cable (largest coverage) is the payment remainder of 24 months, while Time cable requires RM500 penalty.\nLaundry: there are 24/7 coins washing machine/dryer everywhere, there are laundry services per kg, or you can handwash and hang outside on clothes line or laundry rack.\nIf you're in muslim community/residental area, you can expect adhan being called out with their loudspeaker during the prayer time.\nIn all honesty, 5-6 months are very short, and since most landlords prefers yearly basis tenants, so I wonder if UPM would provide any accommodations, especially for exchange students programs.\nLanguage, weather, general security:\nMost people can speak english, even basic broken english. And Bahasa Malaysia.\nWeather is about initial 30s°C , on rainy days its early 20s °C, being hot and humid. Its either not raining or rain, and sometimes shallow flood due to bad city planning. Most men wear short sleeves as one could easily sweats during midday. The Most of the indoors offices have air-conditioner.\nGeneral security; possession knife/weapons in public places as self-defense by civilians are prohibited by laws, except (maaybe) if you just bought kitchen knife while still wrapped and going home etc. I bought kitchen knifes and never been caught. Someone brought knife to a stadium and got caught. That kind of situation. Firearms are only for certain uniform authority bodies.\nIf you meet street beggars, instead of giving money, give food. Many, many malaysian are guilty for falling for this too. While there are genuine beggars, most of them are opportunist scammer. By giving food instead, you're clear of any manipulative guilty trips they're playing, you're helping by discouraging their scamming movement.\nMust visit: Not sure.\nMust try: Malaysian foods.\nGoing out at night:\nAvoid walking in the street at night even after 8pm if the place are void of people. No problem if its even after 1am if there are lotsa people, though be cautious, especially if its crowded.\nIf you have to go out, have a car or motorcycle, though I'm not sure the regard on foreigners, as some police like to stop them, spouting nonsense that you'll be dragged to the station. If you're on motorcycle, get a full face helmet with rainbow/dark visor so you can avoid being easily identified as foreigners.\nStudents are infamously known to hang out til late morning, doing overnighters etc. Lotsa fast food restaurants open 24/7, as students usually use them as place to do work-group discussion, especially if there are mixings. These places are also usually used by many all-nighter students during exam weeks mainly due to good lighting, cleanliness, convenient of refreshments.\nSome indian muslim eateries (mamak) are 24/7, convenient stores like 7Elevens, KK Marts etc.\nLotsa cinema have movies that ends after midnight so.. yeah.", "omfg thankyou so much, i’ll read everything! is it cool if i ask follow up questions either here or in dm?", "can you tell me a bit more about the Touch&go thing? do I have to get a card for the MRT/LRT? unfortunately getting an electric bike or scooter or car is not possible for me. so the only options I have is public transport.", "It's advisable to get a Touch n Go card. Yes, you can buy ticket (in the form of a plastic token) at the MRT/LRT station each time you want to travel by train, but it will be tedious and slightly more expensive than using the Touch n Go card.\nAlso many public buses under RapidKL or MRT Corp do not take cash and only accept Touch n Go card.", "Yea, thanks for correcting me, there's a plastic token coin", "Touch and Go card have no purchase restriction I think. Its mainly a card with cash balance. Can buy at convenient stores, petrol station etc (source) (source)\nYea, you need to get Touch and Go card for MRT/LRT and Bus rides (source)\nIf its public transportation, maybe install Grab (similar to Uber/Lyft)", "As everybody said, don't take advice from strangers on reddit, I *might* be just someone with computer keyboard with old info, so do your own research as well.\n- Rail transports are mainly LRT, Komuter, MRT, KTM Intercity/ETS, KLIA transit/express, KL City monorails. There are also BRT and Bus services.\nKlSentral information guide\nRoute map of interconnected LRT/Komuter/MRT/KLIA Transit etc\nSome stations are interconnected, (e.g: drop off from KLIA transit line at Putrajaya Sentral station, get on their MRT line to get to UPM MRT station) (please check updated/correct info yourself)\nRapidKL price calculator and the Concession card (elderly/disabled/student)\nUPM's MRT station and the feeder bus\nUPM MRT to KLIA\n- Publicly shared electric scooter (please check for updated/correct info yourself)\nI never used these, since I had my own personal transport, but I'll just tell the surface idea until someone with better knowledge knows it. This is mainly old news (2019s) though.\nSome campuses in Malaysia have the micro mobility initiatives of electric scooter sharing kind. But the booms was in earliest 2020s, and I'm not sure if they're still available, since publicly item are commonly very ruggedly treated.\nUsually these scooter-sharing have QR codes that can be scanned by their apps, and charged with $$$.\nAnd they're banned on public roads and highways due to safety issues.\n(perhaps redundant info since its from early 2020s) In University Malaya, they have Uniride (green colored pedal-less electric bikes), In some places they have electric scooters like. In UPM, they have Tryke, in some places they have Beam.\nIn 2023 UPM news, a student bought a pre-loved scooter, because of the transportation issues inside UPM.\nShe chose an electric scooter over the bus to class because she would not have to squeeze and compete with other students in a crowded bus, especially during peak hours.\n\"If the bus is full, I will have to wait for the next bus to come and it is time-consuming.\"" ], [ "First, I would advise you not to take any advice from reddit. If you have no other option, maybe take it with a fistful of salt. This one included.", "100% agree, not a pinch, but a fistful. Heck, a whole pack of 1kg salt are not be so exaggerated as well." ], [ "LRT/MRT shouldn't be a problem, at least in the morning or late evening. UPM has an MRT station nearby. Otherwise, you should check with UPM on public transport or whether they provide shuttle bus service\nYou might look into coliving spaces like Komune Living in Cheras or Bangsar South, see how much the monthly fees are. Also, again, contact UPM if they have any hostels or living spaces nearby.\nBut again, I'm with the other redditor, take the above advice with a lot of salt. The above is just based on my experience, as I'm not a UPM alumni." ], [ "All suggestion above would depend on how much you're comfortable spending a month.", "not looking for anything too fancy, but things shouldnt be as cheap that i cant even bear" ] ]
PM confident 'tebuk atap' episode of changing administration through back-door manoeuvre will not happen
[ "Politics" ]
Boost for public transport in Putrajaya with MRT launch
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
PM Anwar: Mastery of Bahasa Melayu must be upheld
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "" ], [ "Is bahasa wicet BM ?" ] ]
DBKL will revoke licences of traders who rent out premises to foreigners - Dr Zaliha
[ [ "They have been saying this forever, in the end nothing done because some bastard DBKL officer is on the take" ] ]
'Little Dhaka' bagai dilanggar garuda - Demikian gambaran suasana di sekitar Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin atau Jalan Silang yang diberi jolokan ‘Little Dhaka’ lengang sehari selepas operasi bersepadu dan serbuan besar-besaran membanteras pendatang asing tanpa izin (PATI) kelmarin.
[ [ "kena isi buku log tahunan la tu, kalau tak habis, tahun depan dapat peruntukan kurang 😬😬😬" ], [ "I know a lot of Little Jakarta and Little Acheh. what about these?" ], [ "Klu dorang buat kerja sepanjang tahun, little dhaka takkan wujud..\nKenalah \"show\" sket pdrm buat kerja.." ] ]
Calm before the storm & all hell breaks loose this weekend at K.L.C.C
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "Such a peaceful walk road, hopefully it doesn't suddenly crowded by all people to take funny pictures this weekend 😄", "Convention has started, millions must selfie" ], [ "Context?", "Tomorrow comic fiesta at klcc", "And the Christmas long weekend. It's gonna be hell lol", "oh boy oh boy, gonna wait for this year news of cf gone wrong." ], [ "Why OP in the bush?", "Asking the right questions here" ], [ "" ], [ "Good luck everyone and have fun! Please wear mask and be cautious. Rona is on the rise again and I hope everyone stay safe" ], [ "my cosplay this year lol" ], [ "i hope it wont start raining soon", "It's raining now XD", "yup.. ran indoors" ], [ "Be safe everyone" ], [ "Can't wait to see FWMC" ], [ "Welcome to Malaysia" ], [ "Someone asked me what the hell was going when I was trying to get into queue. Had to explain that there is a yearly convention." ], [ "I cant fkin feel my leg adter that que man.\nI give em tho its VERY organized and planned this year compare to what i heard last year" ], [ "I mean if u dont like many people then is ok la, just dont go there when many people\nDont say like \"all hell break loose\" lol\nbasic respect, u dont like the stuff that some other people like, dont need to call it hell and stuff", "Calm down, it's a common expression. It just means things become chaotic.", "It's a playful exaggeration by calling it 'All hell break loose'. OP could be attending the event anyways as non CF go-ers would probably not have known about what's happening tomorrow anyways.\nDon't sweat it" ], [ "I used to run here at least 5 rounds everyday" ] ]
Nga Kor Ming: Not the right time to restore local govt election
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "NOW is always the right time to do something... including restore local govt election" ], [ "so when is the right time by your reckoning, boss?" ] ]
Drew the flags of Malaysian states by memory
[ [ "Why you drew pemadam", "wdym by pemadam tho?", "Eraser, dont u guys used to play some eraser flipping games using erasers printed with either pokemon or state/country flag on top back to ur school days", "OHHH THOSE PEMADAM I rmb those", "Yess", "BRO! DON'T MAKE ME FEEL ANCIENT CAUSE I IMMEDIATELY UNDERSTOOD THE REFERENCE!", "haha" ], [ "The Kelantan one is *chef's kiss, a masterpiece.", "here’s a secret, i did an animation of transitioning Malaysian flags and i forgotten negeri sembilan …", "Your Penang is slightly penis.", "well idk\n<image>", "Yours is penisier than the original one." ], [ "Perlis Ukraine flag easiest to remember. Raja Atas Rakyat Bawah. Pahang confusing I forgot If Black atas or white atas.\nPerlis easiest. Ukraine but Upside down.", "Perlis trueee, Pahang also so truuu like I literally was drawing the flag map of Malaysia states I accidentally coloured the top of pahang black, I have learnt from mistakes", "Pahang putih atas hitam bawah, \"baik menang duduk atas jahat kalah duduk bawah\" that's how I childishly remember it" ], [ "The Penang tree has a nice cock", "why u gotta say it like that 💀😭", "😈😈😈\n<image>", "good eye" ], [ "Good job OP.. Now for WP", "wilayah persekutuan?" ], [ "if your interested for more come and vote in my profile\n<image>" ], [ "Panainye" ], [ "Aren’t Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu all green background and white circle in the middle.", "I think you thought about the Malaysian Islamic Party https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysian_Islamic_Party\nparticularly in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis, & Kedah.", "You must be fun at party", "?", "Please stay conservative. I don’t want to get surprised they get smarter all of sudden. Keep them low." ], [ "<image>\npretty good memory sketch tbh, at least OP did better than official Ghee County's official prideful flag", "tbh liberian country flags are literal ms paint drawings", "literally me when commissioned to draw/graphic design by a cheapskate that want more but underpaid" ], [ "Where is KL.. and Putrajaya", "Next time i will do KL, putrajaya and labuan (p.s. they are federal territories thats why i didnt do them)", "<image>", "blud forgot about Labuan" ] ]
Man divorces wife after she loses breast to cancer
[ [ "Better this outcome than living a life full of lies.\nAlso\ninstead suggested that I seek traditional treatment.\nYes let's treat a stage four breast cancer the traditional way. What could possibly go wrong? Wife did the right thing. Hopefully she will spend the rest of her life with the people who care about her.", "Yes let's treat a stage four breast cancer the traditional way. What could possibly go wrong?\nNot directly related to this, but I have a friend whom is \"against\" western treatment of cancer, because from his own anecdotal experience of his father that the treatment made his father worse. I want to say to people that yes chemo is rough and TV/Movies seem to always remind us of that too..\nHowever it is also often only showing the worse parts (Because tv)\nhttps://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/10-tips-to-survive-chemotherapy.html\nPeople only focus on the bad outcomes of chemo and never consider the fact that there are also many people that get through it and come out better.\nOne of my aunt, she had frequent blood in her bowels and went to a \"traditional doctor\" who kept saying she had \"heat poison\" and kept giving her pointless shaman medicine. (yeah that's what I call TCM) . As it got worse, finally went to a proper doctor and was found that she had colon cancer. By then it was too late to do anything.\nSo yeah people you want to go for your traditional cures that's fine.. if it helps even as a placebo to make you feel better go for it.. but please please please get it checked by real doctors with the equipment and technology to do so. The guy feeling your pulse is not going to to be able to diagnose cancer.", "I’m from a cantonese family, I can assure you that cantonese have a mindset that everything is caused by “heat poison” (热气) and our favourite thing is herbal tea (凉茶, literal translation is something like cool tea). Guess why? Because the “cool tea” can neutralise the “heat poison”\nOh, you’re coughing? Must be because you shower too late when it’s cold. Oh and also, don’t eat so much fried food because it’s “hot” food and you shouldn’t eat that when you’re coughing because apparently the cough is caused by both heat and cold at the same time.\nOh, you’re sneezing? Don’t go to warm places and suddenly to aircon place, this sudden hot and cold makes you sneeze. No shit, I sneeze because of dust particles and whatnot, not because of sudden hot and cold.\n“Chiropractic and acupuncture are not pseudoscience, they’re real! If they’re fake, those chiropractors and acupuncturists would have closed down long ago, but they’re still open and making money now, so it’s proof that they’re real!”", "Err, it's fine if you don't trust traditional remedies, but at least do some reading and check on the science behind some of it.\nSpicy food can trigger coughs, due to the spice irritants.\nSneezing and runny nose can occur when changing temperature zones, and no, it's not due to dust.", "When did I said spicy food? I said fried foods, because I am always told fried and deep fried food are “heat” or “hot” (hot here doesn’t mean spicy) in nature, 热气, which means if you eat too much you’ll get the “heat poison”\nAlso, sneezing is primarily due to irritation by foreign particles. But like you said, cold breeze can, emphasize on CAN, make you sneeze, but not the ONLY reason. Maybe I didn’t say it clearly, but often when I sneeze, my family member would ask, “Is it that cold here?” or something like that, but often time it might be just irritation in the nose.", "often time it might be just irritation in the nose.\nOr allergic reaction due to the sudden temperature change, but yes, that's what I was sort of saying. I just got the apparently impression that you were dismissing it outright.", "Sorry but there is no science behind a lot of Chinese remedies. The whole 'heaty/cooling' logic is completely arbitrary. We are talking about the food being heart.\nYes spicy food can trigger cough due to the capsaicin present. Capsaicin is literally an irritatant produced by the pepper plant to prevent it from being eaten. But we humans just like eating it. The chemical process is known and well studied. It has nothing to do with 'heaty-ness'\nSneezing an runny nose occurs during cold temperatures because the blood vessels in the nose dilate which causes more liquid to flow out. This is a physiological process to warm the air that we breathe. Nothing to do with Chinese medicine.\nPlease don't use well known scientific explanations to justify the use of traditional remedies. If alternative medicine works, it would just be called medicine.", "Sorry if I misled and triggered you. I was just responding to the apparent dismissal of the behavioral/lifestyle advice simply because it was given in the context of traditional advice.", "Lmao I'm from a chinese/Cantonese family and they always tell me the same thing!", "Everybody’s a freaking shaman XD .😆 I guess it’s stuff Cantonese deal with .", "Really!! I'm from the South Indian. We, too, have these kind of pratices like always saying you body has become hot 🔥 or extra heat, because you have been eating too much chicken or non vegetarian foods, staying under air con for longer time, fried food etc etc\nTo minimize the heat we need to intake more watery foods or fruits like tender coconut, yogurt etc etc these are good for body but the reason we need to intake is not for our body has become heat.", "My aunt got a limp on her breast , early stages doctor said might be cancer. Went x-ray. She went to Tung Shin Hospital, they use both eastern and western diagnosis method. Was given herbs, not grass type . There are 2 types of many said shaman medicine. One is herbs and is grassy types. Real tcm will use both depending on situation. Anyway her lump went from small to gone. My lower back pain, not from accident, also cured from tcm .\nTcm is very much depend on the doctor experience and the recipe. We must use both eastern and western because if it cures you, it's good medicine ,no need to label this as shaman and that as high tech. By the way, human survival was partly because of shamans existence. The herbs they use were studied seriously in today's high tech method.\nLastly , whether or not you got cured is depend also on luck , meeting the right doctor, getting the right medicine, meeting the right ' nobleman' in Chinese they called gui ren. Don't tell me there's no mishap in western doctors, there are many cases that shut down because they caused death and there's a law to protect doctors ( western I mean ) from this too. That tells you there's no guarantee to anything.\nI am criticizing, just sharing ,hope you don't get upset. Peace and love .🙏🙂❤️", "What life of lies? What did he expect when he got married?\nWomen (and men) are attractive till they are about 40. After that, skin gets wrinkled and soggy, sexual urge goes down. Some in modern day spend so much of time and money to look youthful, also spend on viagra, but all that is a sheer waste of human life over something that is running away from them.\nTo summarize my essay, when you get married to someone, make sure you're willing to clean their shit when they're old and disabled. Otherwise don't get married, period. Marrying because someone is attractive or good at sex will only cause misery down the road.", "I think the OP is saying that better to know what a shit bag this man is NOW then later.", "This guy gets it. Looks will fade, whether there's illness or not.\nIf you have a choice in the matter, then only stay in a relationship with someone you actually like. No, (just) liking their body/face doesn't count - those things can help to start a relationship (wow, I want to know that pretty gal/guy a little better), but if you and your partner don't actually like each other, then your relationship is doomed no matter how good looking the both of you are." ], [ "Man deserves hell" ], [ "", "lol no need say anything. Just Terengganu" ], [ "Men ☕", "r/Malaysia Sub Try Not To Shit On Islam For An Hour Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)!!", "Wahhh wahhh keep crying", "Not a Muslim thing .. it’s a man thing.\nThere’s a study done in the US, Women are 6 times more likely to end up separate/ divorced if they are diagnosed with cancer.\nIt’s so prevalent that hospitals made a brochure about it and give it to their female patients to prepare for this outcome.", "As per Rule 1, well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. does not have such protection, and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.", "Its okay to shit on a whole gender, half of the fucking earth but oh no not a religion 🙂👍🏻 really love the hypocrisy especially with the mods youre all so lovely", "Boobs and vagene" ], [ "I guess that answers the question, is he an ass man or a tits man", "Perfect, the man already proves he's got no balls\nC'mon, leaving your wife after cancer trauma? Also proves he's a giant D*CK", "I am smiling because some idiots here think you are serious with that.\nWell done, that was a great comment! You win the internet today!", "I wouldn’t go as far to say it was a great comment. Prolly 6/10 on the witty scale.", "I’d give myself a 6 too. But it was low effort, took 3 seconds to think up my response 🤪", "Ok for three seconds work, I upgrade to 8/10 then", "I am joking/not serious about 95.5% of the time on Reddit, since its... Reddit. Lol.", "You can’t really lose your ass now can you? Unless there’s butt cancer which I’ve never heard of.", "Anal cancer? Bone cancer?\nYou can get cancer anywhere on your body.\nhttps://metro.co.uk/2018/05/24/cancer-survivor-loses-bum-tumour-removal-cant-take-surgery-7574254/", "Cancer is just the overdrive of cells in your body, so technically anywhere can get cancer." ], [ "Lahanat punya bekas suami." ], [ "Hes a dick", "Doubtful, the wife is a she so he's a breast.\n:P" ], [ "This will not be allowed in civil law marriages but what’s the point being together when it’s obvious that the man doesn’t love the wife" ], [ "I accidentally read as loses to breast cancer. You can't divorce a deceased, screw this guy. Then I read it correctly, still, screw this guy." ], [ "Do you swear to love and hold this woman, until death does you part?\nYes I do*\n*Terms and conditions apply. See annex 1 for list.\n-What marriages should be like realistically. lol." ], [ "What an asshole. Hope the wife finds happiness and health" ], [ "What an asshole. I wouldn't leave a strong woman like her. I'd just marry another", "Bruh", "Two strong hearted wives preferably one with their boobs intact" ], [ "Typical...most boys up that 2 states only think of 2 things, sex and 72 virgin sex" ], [ "My man just want to motorboat" ], [ "Pantai timur, what do you expect? A lot of so called “moslem” but in fact are sexual predators, pedo, penunggang etc." ] ]
Powerful quarters behind alleged diesel shortage in Sarawak, says state DAP veteran
Any fiction writer in Malaysia?
I'm thinking of starting a side gig writing fiction - not sure about the genre yet. Anyone manage to monetize their work successfully? I won't say I have the greatest grammar or vocabulary; would that be problem in your experience?
[ [ "From what I've seen in my circle of friends, whilst you may be able to monetise immediately, you may not see the money you'd like to see for the time you will put into it. That said, the only way to grow both your writing proficiency and income is through it is by starting. Use an alias if you'd like to hide your past mistakes from your reader's eyes in the future even. Be prepared to do a lot of marketing for yourself as you come close to finishing your book too as publishing houses aren't your best friend at the start of your endeavours.", "Solid advice. Thanks!", "Write in the right genre" ], [ "I bet you can find most here\nUtusan Malaysia\nhttps://www.utusan.com.my Utusan Malaysia", "Burn" ], [ "NowadYs the model is start on one of the fic sites, start patreon And once u hit it out there, pub to amazon", "listen to this guy op. he's the real deal", "I'm sure this sounds easier than it is. But thanks for the tips!" ], [ "u/malaysianlah is our in-house side gig fiction author. give this nyets some of your wisdom", "Is this the guy who is writing on the side while working as an engineer or something similar?\nI remember seeing someone here who's like that before" ], [ "Google Malaysia writing groups, Malaysia literary events, Malaysian literary organizations for leads\nGo to the actual watering holes where creative people are, lah.\nYou'll get (mostly! Not always!) uninspired pessimism from uninformed people (in regards to creative success)or mediocre/inexperienced creatives here.", "Malaysia writing groups\nDo you know any online group? I'm introverted to point of borderline social-incapable.", "Perfect! Most creatives, especially writers, are like you, more or less, before we find our happy creative tribe.\nI suggest taking short term online writing class for beginners where you don't need to meet up face to face , but mostly local so you can connect and network in real life and expand your opportunities, education and experience.\nExamples of Malaysian beginner writing classes would be those conducted by locals or are Malaysia based.\nThere are online international creative writing classes internationally too, so if you want to build up your writing and confidence go for it.\nYou may consider yourself socially incompetent (for now) but usually writers are curious enough to have good online sleuthing and research skills.\nI suggest Google the following local literature related events on social media, and exploring the social media accounts of people who follow them, support them and organize them (these are mostly english but support other Malaysian languages as well):\nReadings at Seksan KL Georgetown Literature festival KL Artbook Festival NanoWrimo Malaysia Any Zine festival Malaysia Comic Art Festival KL Gerakbudaya\nOff the top of my head.", "Thank you so much for such an information-packed reply.", "Happy to help" ], [ "It is ok, I don't have the greatest grammar myself.", "What do you write about?", "Mostly psychological horror with an overlap of fantasy, I write that kind of stories because I like that kind of stories, romance are popular, have tried to write one myself, but I just can't" ], [ "Not a fiction writer. But I thought of starting a fiction/IP business a few years ago.. but didn't really have the capital or time to pursue it." ] ]
SoyaCincau Awards 2023: The best telco this year
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "Welp. I guess I'll be shifting to UMobile postpaid." ], [ "umobile probably “sponsored” soyacincau the most" ] ]
Looking beyond the Tamil sub-ethnicity in latest Malaysian cabinet reshuffle
[ [ "The reason why majority Indians (Tamils) don't feel they're not represented in cabinet despite Gobind being there is because there's a schism between Tamils (south indians) and Punjabis (north indians). Vast majority of punjabis don't list their race as indians and would rather mark it down as \"lain-lain\". A lot of tamils see this as not wanting to be associated with us and maybe looking down on us. Not to mention the whole fair skin vs dark skin rhetoric and the perceived better treatment received by fair skinned folks.\nAlso doesn't help that PH/DAP diehard fanboys shout to high heavens about meritocracy then keep quiet when people like Lim Guan Eng's sister get cabinet position by virtue of family name.\nIndians can suck a dick apparently because meritocracy means no good Indian(Tamil) minister is available. Haih whatever la meritocracy or race quota as long the Indian poverty rate alongside the national rate is brought down I'll be satisfied. Unlike the two majorities, most of us can't afford to be racist. It's bad for business.", "", "And then everything goes back to racially based politic. Again.\nThe problem is with the politician and racially based voting pattern.", "Also doesn't help that PH/DAP diehard fanboys shout to high heavens about meritocracy then keep quiet when people like Lim Guan Eng's sister get cabinet position by virtue of family name.\nFully understand the nepotism criticism but it is not fair to say DAP supporters have been quiet on the meritocracy part when it comes to LGE's sister. In a recent interview with Ong Kian Meng, ex assistant to LGE when he was the finance minister, Ong openly invited viewers to draw conclusion themselves on her appointment when quizzed by the interviewer.\nDAP has been very generous in giving representation to the Indians, here i am including both tamils and Punjabi as very little non-indians are aware of the non-indian status of Punjabi in Malaysia. Sivakumar was made a minister even though he wasn't particularly high profile. The position is for him to lose, and he was rightfully dropped due to corruption scandal. His \"indian\" slot has been filled by another indian. Ram Karpal decided to resign to avoid the bad optics of brothers serving in the same cabinet, and Ram's slot has been filled by another Indian, this time Kula, even though his last stint as minister was widely perceived as unremarkable and he is the long term political enemy of future DAP SecGen, present deputy SecGen Nga Kor Ming.\nOng Kian Meng in the same interview has explained the complexity of cake division. Racial representation in one thing, gender representation is one thing, geographical representation is another factor, etc. LGE's sister actually ticks a lot of boxes - female, Penang, and of course LGE's sister.\nDAP was already underrepresented in the cabinet lineup. Asking DAP to achieve perfect balance of representation is nigh impossible. To DAP, they have already nearly pulled this off. Got females, got ethnic minorities, got borneo states representation. The real failure of DAP is their inability to put in a Malay representative, even just as deputy minister. Their few Malay politicians are just still too green yet." ], [ "Indian is race. Tamil is ethnicity (correct term is ethno-linguistic group). Chettiar, Paraiyar or Gounder can be considered as sub-ethnicity (it is also caste-specific).\nSorry if all of this is too complicated for non-Indians. Even the latest political drama about no Tamil representation is also a bit disappointing.", "Indian is a nationality. Pretty sure South Asian is the race.", "In Malaysian documents, Indian is a race.", "Yeah, that’s unfortunate. Even Chinese is not an ethnicity as well. It should be Han.", "I mean yes, Tamil, han whatsoever are ethnic groups, But most importantly ethnic subgroups that originate from India/China, so they just list you down as indian/Chinese for easier identification." ] ]
What to wear?
Hiii! I'm a teenage girl from the Philippines who'll be going to Malaysia in a few days. I'm not Muslim and it shows in my outfits 😵‍💫 I wear a lot of sleeveless stuff and shorts and I am currently going insane trying to put together some more modest outfits for the trip 😬 My question is: do I really have to stress it if I'm staying (mostly) in Kuala Lumpur? I heard that they aren't too strict on dress codes in most sites that aren't religious and I just wanna know if that's true 🥹 Thank you so much in advance omg PS: Whether or not it's fine, I'm wearing my least revealing outfits out of respect. I just wanna know if a little belly and shoulders is acceptable for my mental health HAHAHA
[ [ "everywhere else you can show belly, shoulder, thigh, cleavage. you go temple, can't show shoulder, thigh, belly, cleavage. both Hindu or Buddhist. you go mosque, cover hair and long sarong, cover calves. national mosque prepare sarong for tourist. other mosques do not. small temples do not. but malls in Malaysia are really cold, so cardigans might be necessary if you are thin.", "seconding on the mall thing. i think some tourists might be taken off guard by the difference in the indoors and outdoors temp, seeing most of them like wearing shorts and revealing clothes (understandable, Malaysia's hot af a lot of the time). sweating in one instance, freezing the next.", "This is the most specific I've seen, thanks! Since you sound like an experienced local hsfghsfgh, can I ask if the Elephant Sanctuary in Kuala Gandah has a dress code? Or just what's best to wear in the area? We might be going there!", "Just wear comfy clothes, even if it's shorts cuz you might get wet if you decide to play with the elephants! There isn't a dress code there to my knowledge.", "Ahhh I'm so excited to see the elephants 😍 Thanks 💕", "This, follow this. Definitely this.", "I’m in hoodie and jeans in the mall! Good job I packed some from our New Zealand winters", "My god mate you brought some winter level clothes for our malls? Or did you accidentally stumble into i-City" ], [ "Unless you enter a government building then you should be fine.", "Oh yes I saw something about that when I searched on Google. I'll just stay away from gov offices then haha thanks!", "usually they just don't let you in. nothing serious." ], [ "Hi first and foremost welcome to Malaysia and hope you’ll have a pleasant stay.\nDon’t fret about outfits if you’re mainly in KL, as long as you’re not strutting around in booty shorts and a bikini top you’re ok.", "Looking at the tourist sites and knowing I can be comfy in my clothes, I'm sure I'll have fun 💕 Thank you!", "I've seen tourists in bikini tops and booty shorts in Bukit Bintang so honestly, our tourist girlie here will be fine dressing however she likes if she's right in the city centre.", "Bukit Bintang, maybe but with our current “nurse uniform is too sexy” climate it’s just better to be safe and avoid unnecessary encounters, especially for a teenage Filipina that may or may not look like a certain race." ], [ "You’ll be fine with sleeveless and shorts.\nBring some long pants or nicer stuff if you’re going somewhere fancy.", "Definitelyyy thanks!" ], [ "As long as you’re not walking around naked in public, you’re fine.", "That's the broadest rule I've seen haha noted with thanks!" ], [ "You can wear shorts but not short shorts 🙂 And T-Shirt and shorts would be a good combo because most youngsters are wearing them here anyways.", "I'm not quite sure what is considered short in Malaysia, but short to me is half your butt cheek is out and I definitely don't dress like that at 15 no hsfghsfghsfgh thanksss for the advice 💕", "hey OP, I'm malaysian and have been wearing short shorts for a long time. like just enough to cover my butt haha. a lot of malaysian younger girls do as well, so far I haven't encountered any issues, neither have my friends. you can also show belly, wear a sports bra as a top, etc with no worries in the city. unless you're a muslim malay, you most likely wont have any issues at all with your clothing. have a safe trip to KL!", "hahhaa oh no no. pls dont show the bootay i mean shorts as in regular lengths to bermuda lengths so no butts in sight. I mean i won’t lie there are girls wear daisy dukes here but if you wanna be respectful and still wear shorts because of the climate, then I would suggest so", "Yuppp being respectful is what I'm going on about 🙂 Noted with thankss" ], [ "Watch some recent YouTube videos of vloggers and observe what others are wearing in the background. That should get you a good idea on what is acceptable.\nSearch specifically for areas, cities, attractions that you intend to visit too.\nYou may find out Malaysia can be quite tolerant.", "Ohhh I didn't think of that! So far no one else did either hsfghsfghsfgh thanks that's super smart", "Yep. You will only need to pay more attention when entering religious places of worship, basic courtesy and respect in your dressing will be sufficient (regardless of religion)." ], [ "Just relax, and enjoy yourself. Locals who thinks you dress inappropriately are pretentious as hell. These are the worst perverts. Just ignore them and be vigilant. They ask folks to dress appropriate because they don't have self control", "Yeah someone told me about heaven residents 🙃 I'll do what I want then thankss 💕" ], [ "As long as you're not walking around in a bikini, it's fine tbh. The only thing you'd need to consider is bringing one long article of clothing like pants/a skirt if you plan on visiting places of worship/ museums/ government institutions." ], [ "You don't need to be paranoid about, as long as you're are not naked, or wear bikini in a shopping mall, you are absolutely fine.\nEven if you wish to visit those popular tourist mosque (eg: Masjid Jamek/National Mosque/Putrajaya Pink Mosque), they will provide robe for you to cover up.\nFor other places of worship like the Hindu temple of Batu Caves or Chinese temple, the dress code is even more relaxed or basically non existent. If there's rules on attire displayed on the entrance, then follow it; If no rules or notice was displayed on the entrance, then there's no dress code.\nOutside of places of worship, free to dress whatever you like. No one is stopping you.", "Ohhh thank you for telling me about the mosques! I was most worried about that 🥹 I'm not in Malaysia yet but I already love it haha", "The temple of Batu Caves do has a dress code to cover up your legs. They will sell/rent you a piece of cloth to cover up if you do not fit the standard (last time when I went the price is RM1). But I advice you to wear long trousers or jeans since the stairs are quite steep and there are monkeys everywhere, it's easier to move in pants." ], [ "You'll be fine. Most people in the cities don't care. Heaps of people wearing the same as the West. But you will see a lot of women in Hijabs too ofc.\nYou will not be allowed into a government building, church, mosque or temple ofc. So bring a long skirt and a cardigan. Can buy them here too." ], [ "If u actually asking then u will be fine\nEnjoy your time here !" ], [ "Every body just thinks we're some Islamic fundamentalist country. Wonder why", "Well I can't speak for other people, but what they teach us here in the Philippines about Malaysia is mostly Islam Islam Islam. Just wanted to be respectful of the religion, no malice or other intentions 🙂", "No I'm agreeing with you, that's what I'm saying. Unfortunately we are turning into an Islamic hell hole but some aspects remain untarnished for now.", "Hope for the better I guess, especially as a multi-cultural state" ], [ "Just don’t dress like an anal prostitute and you should be fine 😜 Best is always long leggings and long sleeves", "Erm ok 😭 Thanks", "U know what I mean right ?", "I guess yeah hahahaha" ], [ "haha it’s funny how the world perceives us. i wear shorts almost everytime i go out, it’s no problem." ], [ "Beware of religious people and perverts since we have not just Malaysians here in KL and everyone pretty much look alike.\nAs long as you don't over expose that hawt cleavage and butt cheek you will be good to have a pleasant trip here.", "Ahh the stares and the pervs 😖 Unavoidable most everywhere. Thanks for the heads up 🥹" ], [ "If urgent with hospital/police station, you don’t have to go back and change your attire. Record down if the SecUriTY wont let you go in. Anyway hope you don’t have go to this two places, just in case. Have fun!" ], [ "these days you can search 'kl walk' on youtube n see what people wear" ], [ "It's fine! Many Chinese girls including myself wear revealing clothes and no one really says anything about it. So it should be fine, just avoid going to government places as they usually don't allow revealing clothes like shorts or sleeveless shirts. As long as it's not a bikini or a stripper outfit no one really says much" ], [ "I guess many have given a covered detail of the outfit. Just be vigilant and be careful. We may have the nicest people around but there's always rotting idiots camouflaged as one of the nice ones" ], [ "KL is quite progressive, so you should be fine. In fact, you'll probably be shocked at how lax people's clothes are here. However, you should be more worried about perverts.\nAnd sorry if i sound racist, but its not the locals you should be worried about. My chinese friends tend to wear less revealing clothes in places with many immigrants (i.e. KLCC on public holidays) because they stare a lot", "Why wouldnt they stare if cloth like that Its a free viewing", "why should you stare? Legit no reason to, unless ur a horny loser" ], [ "Malaysia is a multiracial country although majority is Muslim. So don't worry too much about outfit, you can still wear your sleeveless and look around Kuala Lumpur.\nI'm from Kuala Lumpur too, so welcome!" ], [ "Considering you already have multiple answer by people saying wear whatever ( essentially ) Ill tell you what to wear to government buildings. Basically long sleeved shirt and long sleeved pants. Dont show belly and dont show cleavage. Basically what you'd think off if you say modest clothing. You dont have to wear a head scarf. This is a just in case you have to go to government buldings doe", "Also no tshirts, sweatpants, yoga pants. Basically professional clothing. It seems like you're 15 I think, if thats the case just let your parents handle the government stuff if you do have to go there. Why bother thinking bout it if 😵‍💫" ], [ "To be sure we need to see some pics. Just for research purposes" ], [ "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Heaven residents? Hmm I've never heard that term before 😅 But yeah, that was something else I was concerned about. Maybe on paper it's fine, I won't get shooed away or whatever, but locals might feel otherwise 😩 Oh well, as you said, can't do anything about it", "Heaven residents = borderline extremist Muslims", "Ahhh well I guess they're unavoidable in a predominantly Muslim state. I'll do as I please as long as I won't get dress coded by law hsfghsfgh thanks 💕", "You can wear shorts but just telling you about heaven residents. Preach water drink wine. Ifykyk" ] ]
Use of K-word only reference from book, not meant to insult Indians, says Anwar
Damaged done 😏
[ [ "He need to learn that most populations aren’t well read." ], [ "It is not easy to become the Prime Minister" ], [ "What more do you want Anwar to do? He apologized!" ], [ "I'm not Malaysian. So I realized that you guys have some racism/chauvinism problem over there.", "Racism is literally embedded in our Constitution, my dude." ], [ "wonder how K word that was used widely before I was born till I was in my 40s is now degrading." ], [ "Kekeng" ], [ "Ramasamy has entered the chat.", "If only haha" ], [ "No more Tanjung Keling then..." ], [ "It's funny because Tun M felt insulted lmao" ] ]
[ [ "I wonder how toxic the lobby at KL Tower was during this time" ], [ "What the hell happened to the restaurant 😭😭😭" ] ]
Heavy traffic for the holidays
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "thank you, Captain Obvious. such great journalism", "It also reports on the initiatives taken by PLUS to ease traffic for these few days. At least read it before dissing it lah... it's not just saying \"holiday, traffic jam\".", "You expect him to read?", "then the title of the piece should be written as:\nPLUS Vows to Ease School Holiday Traffic\nHolidaygoers Advised to Take Heed of PLUS Initiatives\nEfforts Tripled by PLUS to Ease School Holiday Traffic\nSchool Holiday Traffic Opportunity for PLUS to Innovate Solutions\nTraffic Woes a Thing of the Past for PLUS with New Initiatives", "These titles are unironically more click-worthy than the actual title." ] ]
Men I hate double park
[ "Merdeka 🇲🇾" ]
Just wanna vent here. Btw what can you do on this situation (Yes I have horn for some time)
[ [ "when i was at cyberjaya the mustapha kemal area there at pm sure a lot of people double park\ni tend to park a little bit protrude so people cant double park.\ndont go all the way in, leave your butt a bit out. it has a deterrence effect for double parking", "Exactly this. Always never go all the way in... :26554::26554::26554:", "just the tip... :26554::26554::26554::26554:", "I have Axia... The whole car is the tip... Balls deep in I go! :26554::26554::26554:", "For all the drivers of small cars that dont go all in to avoid giving false hope to everyone searching for parking, i thank you.", "That's me. I always leave just enough sticking out.\nI parallel park like a battleship :29091:", "And when says more, thrust it all in", "No no. You look them straight in the eye and reverse. Then you go find another parking spot so that the car tout won't scratch your car :26554:", "My gf says the same" ], [ "Who else zoom in and out looking at the shop signs trying to guess where this is? 🙋‍♂️", "Frick you caught me😂", "https://maps.app.goo.gl/WoMUqxguDkXHAk6c8\nKat Klang", "Haha. Never could've guessed that", "I thought it's Sri Petaling but the second photo definitely isn't. Google Map saved the trouble!" ], [ "I, too, find that the men I hate in my life also tend to double-park." ], [ "the license plate confirmed will fail the JPJ check, go file a report on MyJPJ apps, report this asshole on both license plate and black tint, and put in illegal parking as well in the comment section" ], [ "Ah yes, double park... radiating that massive \"Jalan ni bapak Aku baru beli la semalam\" energy.\nFucking hate them honestly, menyempitkan jalan yang sudah sempit", "Ntah2 hati dia pun dah sempit daripada jalan yang dah sempit", "Iya ,kereta sudah Mercedes AMG,cantik sudah,tapi teda otak" ], [ "A double parker is someone who thinks 2 hours is \"5 minit, sekejap je!\"" ], [ "Always leave the number on the windshield window, or get your car towed." ], [ "and they will come out smiling like hehe sorry bro and then get angry when you stare down at their idiotic face." ], [ "People double park in 2023. People will still double park in 2024. We are never short of stupid inconsiderable drivers in mesia, unfortunately." ], [ "It's a KL culture that are spread across the nation. What's annoying is it's considered a normal thing now.", "How is double parking a kl culture lol, literally happens everywhere in the world.", "Not common in the civilized world. Which part of the world is double parking common?", "Use reddit search bar and type double park, assholes exists everywhere.", "It only happens in a places where enforcement is weak. There are places where this isn't common, I can assure you.", "Nope, it's an occurence in other countries, it's a fucking culture here." ], [ "Double parkers are the parasites of this country, next to Redditors.", "Woi 🤣", "Hol up..." ], [ "Bukit tinggi ah bro" ], [ "I’d honk for as long as I could. It’s been 2 hours OP, any updates? Confronted or pussied out?", "welp its in my lunch time, so time is very limited. In the end i hope my other colleague's car to eat. By the time we come back, the car's arealdy gone.\nbut i do still plan to report it on MYJPJ apps dou" ], [ "I was so happy MBPJ is active with at least 6 officers locking wheels in Damansara Utama. Those cars that were parked in motorcycle parking lots got towed away." ], [ "Wait a minute i know this place...i used to work at a Logistic company located on the same block as the restaurant" ], [ "I always horn (just press on the horn without lifting my fingers) for maybe 1 to 2 minutes. The owner will usually appear and move their car. Usually I avoid busy areas like this unless I have to be there then I'll take grab or park further", "i dont always drive out but since boss no come in office today. Decided to drive out and have a lunch but dam this car block it.\nbeen horn for 5 min atlease" ], [ "See if they put their numbers on the dashboard.\nBut yeah it's really annoying. Wish the councils have the bollocks to tow those pesky cars away.", "It does happen from time to time. Happened in front of my eyes when two cars got towed in SS15.", "Now I wish DBKL does that in the part of town where I live...", "I think its a no brainer that when you double park, you should leave your number. We get it theres no parking and you probably just want to pick up something quick but be courteous at the very least by leaving your damn number.\nI carry my namecard in my car, easiest way to have someone call me if they want to move out if i double park, then i sell them insurance before i move my car. Win win", "This happened in Klang. People here double park even when there are empty parking spot 5 steps away.", "", "you can try to push the car …. Sometime ppl tends to leave hand brake off so you can push abit for you to drive out", "I would suspect this car has electric brake, and correct me if I am wrong but don't cars with electric brakes engage the brake when the engine is off?" ], [ "Spray the front plate in black. Play the long game and watch the cops have fun with them.", "or just put glue on their car paint. By the time they realize it, you will be long gone" ], [ "some not so good tips i will give. give the car a gentle shake to trigger its alarm." ], [ "Give him a free tinted. Black spray paint on front windshield. To protecc his identity (not, snap his pic when he appears from the wild)" ], [ "Had one dude double park my car but he left his number at windshield. I called like hundred times no answer. I ended up ordering grab. People who double park are selfish as hell" ], [ "Hate this but if the person leaves a number im personally not too bothered" ], [ "OP. Snap a pic of the driver" ], [ "fake amg badge. no surprise the loser double parks" ], [ "Sorry mate. Im too rich to care about you… my dad pays everything for me not including education… sorry mate" ], [ "Scratch them" ], [ "I am not defending the double park, i dont double park. I make this clear b4 you downvote me.\nJust sharing my personal experience.\ncheck dashboard for phone number\nIf no number it could mean the car has not handbrake it can be push away. (asshole owner expect you to help yourself). So please proceed to be asshole push the car roll into longkang. :26554:\nif 1 & 2 option not available either report polis or do side mirror way lol. The owner must be some asshole of asshole." ], [ "\"Men I hate double park\"\nIf it's a lady driver whom double park, how?" ], [ "Setiap Kali Aku double park. Aku wajib kasih tinggal no fon. The least people can do if really no parking" ], [ "Try not to hate so many men please." ], [ "How about the men you love?" ], [ "I just wait for awhile,my engine still going and drop parcel just for looking at people,dont get mad and broke my car bcos i got weapon,it can cut ur life,stop doing my ego like yours i got mental issue" ], [ "Post the plates la", "It’s like you didn’t even look at the photos lol" ], [ "I hope they never have good luck they take up so much space" ], [ "Looks like Kuchai Lama" ], [ "In my housing area, many people will double park even next to empty parking lots because it's easier than just parking and it's \"short time only je excuse\"." ], [ "Nothing you can do. Enforcement by Majlis to tow these cars is weak, so you just wait until they come back.\nAlso, if you want to drag Merc guy to police station, that's more hassle for you.", "Worse if the Merc guy is VVIP , he can twist the whole thing and made you the criminal.\nSomething like, he said my client double park for 1 hour but actually is only 45 minute based on CCTV. My client image is affected because he is accused more than he did. And somehow you need to pay him RM50k on compensation..." ], [ "The rule of thumbs for double park here is to LEAVE YOUR CONTACT NUMBERS so people can call you in case you didnt notice or hear uou honk" ], [ "You know what’s worse? Cars stopping and parking on sidewalks and bicycle lane. I have no mercy for all of you car users. Y’all have the same type of entitled mentality." ], [ "Ram ram ram ram ram" ], [ "to thoes we are asking for phone number on car, nope i have checked." ], [ "Ah well... Time to bring out the floor jack from the boot..", "Hopefully there's one big enough to flip the car." ], [ "Xde name card on dashboard ke? Biasa depa letak phone number kat dashboard.\nBiasa yg double park and don't leave contact tu, I just lift up the wipers front and back. For the more severe or I waited an hour plus, then tutup the side mirror. If their automatic one rosak because of it then too bad la for them. Let them know they're troubling us.\nIf they confront me I'd say... Sorry la I mmg kurang ajar sbb you kurang ajar." ], [ "Slip in a small pebble in the tire valve cap (and maybe in another tire diagonally). It will let out air slowly and esok the car pancit baekk punya!" ], [ "atleast leave your phone number??" ], [ "You can try and trigger the car alarm" ], [ "What’s this ? Bukit Tinggi right? The most cancerous place in Klang with lunch time you’re gonna get cock blocked almost instantly by a wife of a rich man that’s also going to the nearby makeup or salon for some goddamn reason." ], [ "Double park for awhile I don't mind, BUT PLS LA LEAVE YOUR CONTACT NUMBER ON THE CAR SO I CAN CALL SIALLL-" ], [ "It's annoying, really annoying. Like i understand that sometimes there is no parking and you cant keep circling around the area to wait for a parking spot to open up, but if there is no parking then fuck off and come back another time.\nI can deal with those that double park and are waiting in the car in case they need to move in the event that the car that they are blocking needs to get out, at least they are being a little considerate. Those that double park and fuck off for an hour or 2, thinking that its fine really need to be kicked in their arses." ], [ "You have your keys, you have your black canvas. You know what to do." ], [ "Did he leave his number? Sometimes rush maybe but at least leave a number and say sorry." ] ]
"We have 'Sonic the Hedgehog' at home". The 'Sonic the Hedgehog' at home:
[ [ "https://www.si.edu/newsdesk/releases/smithsonian-led-study-reveals-five-new-species-soft-furred-hedgehogs-southeast\nH. dorsalis hails from the mountains of Northern Borneo and features a conspicuous dark stripe that begins atop its head and bisects its back before fading around mid-body. It is about the same size as H. macarong.\nH. maxi is also on the larger end of the new species of soft-furred hedgehogs at 14 centimeters (5.5 inches). The species is found in mountainous regions on the Malay Peninsula and in Sumatra. H. peguensis is smaller, measuring 13 centimeters (5.1 inches), and is found in numerous countries in mainland Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. Its fur is a bit more yellow colored than that of the other new species, Hawkins said." ], [ "Perlu laju!", "Saya kena cari kesemua cincin" ], [ "Sonic Sang Landak", "Hedgehogs are not landaks. Landaks are porcupines and are in the order Rodentias. Hedgehogs are Erinaceidaes.\nThese guys are probably a type of Gymnures, aka moonrats. So, in our native tongue, they are most likely known as 'tikus ambang bulan'. But I'm not sure of their exact local name since these are in the group Hylomys.", "Good to know 👍", "While porcupine and hedgehog might not be in the same category, the naming however is similar. Hedgehog is still considered as \"landak\".\nHedgehog are called Landak Susu.\nLandak susu (hedgehog) adalah mamalia berduri dalam subkeluarga Erinaceinae dalam keluarga eulipotaiplan Erinaceidae.\nhttps://ms.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landak_susu", "Calling Landak susu or Landak kecil the same as landak is like saying jerung paus is also a paus. If the person I've replied to had said sonic si landak kecil, I've might had accepted his translation.\nHaving said that, the reason hedgehog is called a landak kecil in bm is because European hedgehog has spikes on its back like our porcupine.\nOn the other hand, our supposedly southeast Asian soft furred hedgehogs don't have that features. So, still calling it landak would be wrong.\nAnd We really shouldn't name animals from different biological order the same name. It's my pet peeve where in bm we use the same name for similarly same animals.\nBadak for example. Badak air is dan even type ungulate, which is closer to boars while Badak sumbu is an odd toed ungulate which is closer to a horse. They don't even look like the fucking same thing and we don't even have hippos here to call it as Badak.", "So, in our native tongue, they are most likely known as 'tikus ambang bulan'.\nIm not saying its similar, im just stating that we dont call hedgehog as moonrats (tikus ambang bulan).\nAll im saying is that in our language the \"term\" or \"name\" for both hedgehog and porcupine is landak, not that both are the same species, just the name that we call them.\nIf you want to be specific then,\nPorcupine = Landak Raya\nHedgehog = Landak Susu\nThere are many names in our language that doesnt actually means what it means, one example would be kerbau pendek, a term for pig.\nBack then there isnt any scientific classification, people just name things based on visual interpretation.\nTo be fair if i've seen a badak sumbu (rhino), and then travel away and saw a hippo, i too would just call the hippo as badak air.", "All types of landaks are porcupine, not just landak raya. Landak raya is malayan porcupine.\nHope that helps ☺️", "All types of animals with spike are called \"landak\".\nDefinisi : sj binatang yg kulitnya berduri\nhttps://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keyword=landak&d=394756&\nI think you are confused between the actual species of the animal and the name given to them by the locals.\nIf elephant had spike, chances are we would be calling them \"landak bergading\" or \"landak berbelalai\".\nNot that it means elephant is porcupine, it just that in our language an animal with spike is call landak.\nSo, while all \"landak\" has spike, not all spiked animal are \"landak\".\nEdited to add,\nI must add i admire your passion for animals, when i was a kid one of my ambition is to became a veterinar, sadly life had other plans for me. But its good to see a fellow animal lover.", "Yikes\nSejenis =/= semua jenis", "I mean thats how we get badak air...\nBecause the term \"badak\" is used to refer to a big bodied (gempal) like animal. Even thought both rhino and hippo are not in the same species, both are called \"badak\".\nRhino has a horn (sumbu) so badak sumbu and hippo lives in water hence badak air.\nYou can yikes all you want, but it is what it is. And dont let go of your frustation on me, because i didnt named them that way.", "HIPPOBOT 9000 v 3.1 FOUND A HIPPO. 1,176,727,163 COMMENTS SEARCHED. 24,695 HIPPOS FOUND. YOUR COMMENT CONTAINS THE WORD HIPPO.", "HIPPOBOT 9000 v 3.1 FOUND A HIPPO. 1,173,270,011 COMMENTS SEARCHED. 24,600 HIPPOS FOUND. YOUR COMMENT CONTAINS THE WORD HIPPO." ], [ "Sanic" ], [ "I would kill for him" ], [ "Like how SpongeBob was discovered in Borneo in 2011" ] ]
Floods may hit several districts in Kelantan on Sunday: DID
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "🙏" ], [ "Who laknat who again?" ] ]
Covid-19: JN.1 sudah mula tersebar
[ "COVID-19" ]
Hello fellow Malaysians, do you feel lonely?
Loneliness seems to be a growing phenomenon in the modern world despite us being the most well connected generation to ever exist. It's so bad that loneliness is even labelled as an epidemic in the US. Just wondering if other Malaysians feel lonely too and why? Where you feel like you can't connect to anybody even when surrounded by people, that's what loneliness is. Edit: Gotta edit cause replies seem to indicate some misunderstanding of loneliness Vs being alone. You can be lonely even when surrounded by people. You can feel completely connected to others even if you're by yourself. The key point is the lack of connection, not physical people. Thanks for the replies!
[ [ "I live alone, I don't have friends, I don't go out of the house except for work or meals, I don't talk to anyone in person unnecessarily.\nI genuinely could not be happier.", "Nice, a life of solitude can be very fulfilling if it's your thing. Nothing like being free to be yourself without caring about other people's opinions.\nIt's just that I do crave some connection from time to time, having deep conversations with somebody that isn't intimidated or bored by that kind of stuff.", "Yup cmon let's break the chain! OP, start a discord grp or telegram chat or smthng with everyone responding to your post", "That is actually a lovely idea. Just that, maybe I'm not the right person to host such a thing? 😅\nAre there such discord groups tho?", "My bro is just happy playing GI" ], [ "Unpopular take, people have to be more proactive. There's a difference being alone and lonely in a crowd. Find your purpose, goal and especially community. That's what I observe in successful people. If you are just doom scrolling and looking at people social media, shit feeds your depression. Go out more. Prioritise.", "I do kinda agree with this, I don't really have socmed so I just talk and initiate convos with people around me in the uni. I have quite a few friends now" ], [ "Having toddler son, sometimes I wish I can be lonely again 😅", "It's definitely nice to have some alone time every now and again, especially when kids are involved 🥲" ], [ "One can be lonely amidst a sea of friends and family", "That's exactly the point, yes. Loneliness is not defined by presence of people, it's defined by the connection with people" ], [ "Yes I do but not all the times. There seems to be a lot of depth lacking in the connections I’ve made, connections always feel…superficial.\nBut I also love solitude. Most of the times I prefer doing things by myself and people seem to have problems with it. I enjoy my own company. I like having meals just by myself, I prefer solo travel than with people etc. It’s peaceful. But when people see, they also go oh so pity why alone. What’d you mean? I’m having a blast here???\nAnd because of that, I tend to be pickier or just harder to connect with a lot of people. I need to like your company more than I like my own, and that’s hard to beat. And so a lot of the times, I enjoy the time with people, but only to an extent. I think, missing genuine intimacy would be a better expression than feeling lonely.", "Omg yes! Superficial is the word, I've always just termed it as 'shallow'. It is the lack of intimacy and connection like you say, that results in the loneliness.\nFor me, it comes from feeling so alien just because the way I think and perceive things seem to be so different compared to how other ppl in Malaysia do? Like this is not just something I personally feel, but others have expressly pointed out." ], [ "Just make up friends in your head like a real mentally unstable person would do 😎", "I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends ♫♫♫\nThey're in my head ♫♫♫\nNirvana - Lithium", "Working smart, not hard. I like it" ], [ "i guess i felt lonely, i have a lot of friends (more like i knew a lot of people but not much of a good friends) , but after certain period like school, i knew everyone but then they were all gone, then uni where i think it was fun with everyone like a family then all gone with their path of course but now i felt all alone like where was them all 🤣 to all my friends if u saw me in dating apps just ignore it, i need someone to talk too 🥲", "Yes, life brings people apart as you grow up. But I suppose if you stick to it long enough, life brings people together again towards the later years. If you're in your 20s to 30s that's when most people focus on themselves and family but don't really have spare time to socialise unless you're lucky enough to click with a group well.\nDating sites nowadays are just full of thirsty ppl tho not sure if it's worth wading thru all that muck to find connection, no harm trying tho!" ], [ "When you were younger early 20s you have a lot of friends with you, life is always fun. When youre mid 20s your friends started getting married and having kids until it isnt the same again (tried going out with my friend with kids- the hangout sucks)\nLate 20s your friends will abandon you and prioritises their spouse and family, something that isnt wrong at all\nSo im in late 20s..but yeah i dont wanna get married just for the sake of not wanting or scared to be alone. Some people i know just scared of living and ended up alone that theyll just marry earlier..my mother did the same too" ], [ "Most Malaysian materialistic tho, not much interesting to talk about besides what's ur job, ur property and show off continental car etc.", "Exactly! I have rarely been able to make conversation about anything beyond the shallow topics with most Malaysians. Everyone seems to think life is all about making money, having a job, owning property and then retiring. As if there is nothing else to being a human. The only topics that can be considered deeper to talk about in Malaysia are politics and religion/race, but even then you'd be lucky if the person you talk to doesn't just get super defensive and shut down other perspectives. People are so tribalistic in the name of loyalty, and few Malaysians posses any critical thinking skills or are open minded enough.\nI find it sad, how the best conversations I've had are with completely random strangers overseas, not with fellow Malaysians I've known for years." ], [ "No friends but still live with family. So... Doesn't really feel lonely" ], [ "Lonely because you feel other don't really understand you, or doesn't have the same topic/hobby/interest as you, or you yourself doesn't have any hobby or interest. If feels like socializing is not rewarding or fun, or a waste of time.\nSo develop many hobbies or interests, find a new group to engage in such activities. If you like hiking, join a hiking group. If you like dancing, join a dance class. If you like Crypto, find your Crypto bros. Sadly, people around us might be too small of a group which propbably doesn't share the same interest as us. We are more likely to have similar interest with people around when we are young, but it is harder/more different as everyone grow older.\nAs for soulmate and deep discussion kind of relationship, this will be hard. Everyone is busy with their own things, and to have a deep relationship require a lot of time to really understand someone. But it always start with the person you spend the most time with in a certain period of time: like a long travel with a friend, your gaming kakis, joint venture with a friend, or your childhood friend or schoolmate. Of course relationship changed (turned into memory) as everyone moved on with their lives, then you need a different batch of active friends on your next phase of life.\nSometimes I don't feel lonely even though I don't mingle/socialize with people, because I spend my time on creating, crafting, writing, making, reading the things I love." ], [ "I don't feel lonely. Have a very nice community of supportive people around me. Im quite blessed. Getting into hobbies definitely helped make me feel more part of something" ], [ "I'm not alone, but I feel lonely, I'm stuck in the motion and I hate it" ], [ "Come to TTDI park every morning, there are many groups that you can join in and it's FOC." ], [ "i tend to isolate myself from my friends bcs in my mind im not needed there. there are also times when i want to call someone to talk about my thoughts but when i go through the list of friends i have, i dont think i want to bother any of them with my thoughts so i always ended up talking to myself in front of a mirror as a thinking process. it is lonely, but i tend to direct my attention to games and not indulge too much in that loneliness. i distracted myself often and i try not to think too much abt how lonely i am.\nbut it is suck that i dont have anyone to talk to abt random topics i found. like last time i found an interesting research paper and i wanted to talk abt it to someone but i cant think of anyone that would be interested and would engaged in the conversation so i ended up just posting it on ws status and just wrote it as \"an interesting topic frfr\" lol", "I could've written this myself! Except that I vent to myself in a journal in lieu of a mirror🫠\nI have the 'STEM' type of autism and for a girl, I am either too dry, braggy or attention-seeking for both neurotypicals n neurodivergents! Even when talking superficial such as TV dramas, it is also frustrating when you realise no one likes the same niche series as you! :26557:", "i tried journaling too but since i cant write as fast i thought i can so i just continued talking to the mirror 😂 i totally relate to the tv shows but instead of tv shows, mine is more towards the games i played and even if they asked abt it, i realised i tend to just explain it as simply as i can bcs ik they dont really have genuine interest abt it 🫠" ], [ "lonely so lonely I'm mr lonely", "I have nobody~", "well if you want to,I could be your new friend? idk" ], [ "being alone is better than poor" ], [ "I do feel lonely. Like I long for companionship, someone who would just be by my side n listen to me ranting, someone who could just stare into the night skies with me n relax." ], [ "Yes lol but it is what it is amiright fellas" ], [ "Not anymore, but was falling into that pattern before I decided to make a conscious change.\nTechnology is reducing and eliminating the need for social skills (especially during childhood and adolescence) which decreases the ability to form and maintain fulfilling and meaningful connections with others." ], [ "If i turn 37 and still not getting married, i will definitely not going to get married till die. I will just go somewhere , where people dont judge. Start a new life. Or maybe go to Palestine and join Ham4s. Nothing to lose.\nBtw i'm 32.", "Why H4m4s not F4t4h?\nChill. Just 32 bro. For men life begin at 40.", "Exactly. but maybe I'll favor a janda with kids in the future. Nobody would judge me asking if those kids are my grandchildren or children.", "Hahahaha. Right decision! Why not Janda kan? Butt. If u stay same place/area after marry the Janda with kids, people will ask and judge jugak right? Eh baru kahwin sudah ada anak ka? Anak luar nikah ka? Humannn.. Always will judging u no matter what. Fuk humannn!" ], [ "I do sometimes. And ig keep attacking me with couple vids." ], [ "> You can be lonely even when surrounded by people\nthe privilege this guy have... tell that to my entire college classmate that ghosted me regardless of committed or shallow interactions", "I'm sorry if your classmates ghosted you. Have you ever found out the reason why tho?\nAnd also, that's not something said due to privilege. More like what loneliness CAN mean. You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely, if you know what I mean.", "Never knew, never bothered, kinda assumed being connected on social media like fb was fine enough.\nI think you've already experienced alot of opportunities you already had with people around you, which gradually feels bland. Maybe thats the reason on my side, It gets more difficult to meet new people and actually enjoy the time spent together though, even if its pretending.", "From your comments so far, it sounds very much like you're just projecting your own dissatisfaction or insecurity onto others. Like assuming there is privilege or that I've had many opportunities when you know next to nothing about me. That is something that is potentially driving people away from you. Insecurity and bitterness is not a pleasant thing, people can sense it off of you and it makes them uncomfortable. Which in turn makes it difficult to meet new ppl and make friends.\nAlso, the fact that you never knew or bothered to think about these things indicate you might be in denial/numb to your situation which actually sounds like it is causing you some distress. Perhaps learn to be more self aware or seek mental health support if it really does bother you. It is never a bad thing to start somewhere and there is no shame in wanting to better oneself. Best of luck to you" ], [ "i wanna make friends but most people of my age are mat rempits and always lepak at mamak playing ML. it's hard for me since I dont go outside or playing ML and i dont have moto, how can i rempit hah? some of them even flex their aweks on IG stories showy² and do all couple thingy and it makes me jealous as hell. how people expect me to make friends liddat?" ], [ "Every day bro, every day" ], [ "I feel lonely but it's more because I find it hard to express my dumb feelings about niche personal topics I feel strongly about, nobody will understand it 🥲 also mask alot because of it", "Your feelings are not dumb, they are completely valid because they are yours. Your opinions may be niche, but that's only because you think out of the box and don't just agree blindly with what the majority says. That is a strong suit and sadly a rare one in Malaysia where most ppl are just sheeps and can't think independently. We have all been taught too long WHAT to think that only few know HOW to think." ], [ "This year I have had several realizations about myself and one of them was I am a very lonely person. I always feel this sadness within me even when I’m with other people and one day it just hit me that, aaah I’m lonely." ], [ "Lately I do feel lonely. I have great friends and loving families, but sometimes I just want attention from someone that I love. It’s different when you talk to friends and the person that you love." ], [ "No, I don't feel alone. I am born an introvert, I can work with people professionally at my job, but still personally an introvert. I am the most lonely when surrounded by many people I don't know.\nDon't worry, I treasure my family. Aloneness and loneliness are not the same, but I do not hold grudges for people who pity me for being 'lonely', I consider it an honest mistake and move on." ], [ "Learn to enjoy your own company and to be happy on your own. Getting married because tak tahan la sorang-sorang is one of the stupidest reasons ever to get married. Times three if the other reason is nak merasa orang jagakan makan pakai like cibai you want a fuck parent is it", "I agree with the first 2 lines of your comment, but genuinely can't understand what you're trying to say in the last sentence lol.\nBut yea, getting married out of fear of being alone is a surefire way to confirm you will be lonely. Especially if the partner is not someone you can connect and have an understanding with.", "For his last rant at the end, he's saying it's worse when people marry simply cuz they want someone to take care of them where it's all one-sided. Think a man-child who needs a woman to wait on him, bring home the bacon, be his maid/kongkek buddy, etc.\nUnfortunately I know a few such guys. I wrote sometime ago about how one couldn't even drive himself around, so he relies on the gf to do so and takes advantage of the distance (eg: asking to go from Mytown to Putrajaya).", "Some people get married to have someone else take care of their makan pakai. They don't want a spouse, they want a fuck mommy.\nIt's part of the reason I'm content being alone. People always tell their sons to \"cari bini, ada la orang jaga makan pakai\". Who's gonna jaga your baby boy's makan pakai? Not me.", "It's stupid when people think like that. When you get married, BOTH parties have to take care of each other. The same goes in reverse too, where the woman expects her husband to take care of her entire livelihood while she takes care of the house, altho I guess to an extent that is more accepted? Still not ok tho.\nAlso in my experience, the kind of parents who let their sons behave like that are the types who think their babies are completely innocent angels even when the son gets caught red handed with some domestic abuse or shit. Yikes" ], [ "Gotten used to rolling with it, so yeah. Comfortably alone and numb.", "Seems like the case with a lot of modern day people. The constant stimulation from our phones have made us numb, feeding us with unlimited connections but not really providing any real sustenance.\nIt's gotten so bad in other more developed countries that they have terms for these kinds of people, hikikomori in Japan and hidden youths in china. I'd say even incels are a form of lonely people, altho that comes attached with a whole other baggage to unpack.\nGuess I'm just curious what's the Malaysian context going to be like. Does it ever get too much for you? If so, how do you deal with it?", "like someone said, you do have to take initiative to socialise sometimes. Like, my office dept is touted to be super social, but at lunches when everyone's on their phones...it feels safer to retreat to my own device as well. Used to join Toastmasters, made a few friends there until they all left due to busyness and the club became more cliquey the longer I stayed.\nI too prefer topics that aren't superficial like celeb drama, but those who are willing to talk deep with you are hard to find.\nDespite my OG comment, I miiiight go insane if I became a shut-in anyway! Even introverts like me need communication!", "Ah.. the cliques. That shit gets taken to the extreme when it comes to girls. Coming from an all girls' school, it's either u're popular, clever/nerdy or a weirdo. And if you happen to not fit in properly with any one group you're just basically left in limbo. Everyone only wants to talk about guys, school stuff, makeup, the next cool item and shit like that. Then as adults the topics broaden slightly to include money, family, properties, work, the next expensive statement item, maybe politics sometimes or religion if they're really feeling it.. but yea, it never gets any deeper.\nAt least with dudes you can talk about deeper stuff every now and again over drinks, so long as no feelings are involved that is lol.", "Bro the hikikomori. I would love some imperial Japanese person to just look and give us their opinion on this phenomenon." ], [ "guys.. don't let the lonely shit get into u, get your hobby, meet some friend which has same hobby, if good find a partner.. fight for it, I know it is hard.. I have been so lonely... but recently I met my partner, and things has change to more sunshine, I hope u guys can do it too, cheers" ], [ "No", "" ], [ "Once u have enough money, u won't feel lonely my friend" ], [ "Friend with benefit / non string attached / situation relationship / sex friend" ], [ "Hell yea I am" ], [ "Loneliness is a paradox. The symptoms of loneliness are the very things that will push people away. If you want to make friends, you need to act like you're not lonely or sad or needy or weird. You need to act happy." ], [ "Yes. I feel incredibly lonely. I am an only child so I have grown up with this feeling. I project a lot onto my partner to fill this void which isn't fair to him." ], [ "Sometimes, yes.\nFor me, it's because I sometimes think that my friends aren't actually my friends, or I wonder why they don't reach out to me as often as I'd like them to.\nBut truly, my friends do still love me. It's just that maybe they're busy or caught up with their own hectic lives. Or maybe they're thinking like me, thinking that they have no one because they don't get checked up on often.\nI intend to make more of an effort to reach out to them." ], [ "someone won't feel lonely when he/she found another lonely person.\none way is to get away from loneliness is to work abroad. normally Malaysians living abroad are close with each other. For example, Malaysian community in china always organize gathering every month. They have wechat group to get and receive help. or you can hang out at one of the restaurant owned by Malaysian and hangout with other Malaysians there.\nbut when Malaysians return home, most of them become busy with their family.\nironic isn't it?" ], [ "Loneliness seems to be a growing phenomenon\nloneliness is even labelled as an epidemic in the US\nGotta edit cause replies seem to indicate some misunderstanding of loneliness Vs being alone\nWith these 3 lines you said alone, you kinda hit the jackpot on \"we live in modern times, therefore, we live longer than 30-50 years and psychology is invented\"\nI think loneliness has always existed like even for people that feels lonely even with people surrounding them. Just that it wasnt experimented, known existence nor well documented so its not a \"growing phenomenon\" imo. But more like we are now more aware it exist.\nSo when this question was asked and if people answer honestly or not just proves whether Malaysians are willing to accept shit/stuff like these exists instead of throwing depression to good ol kena sihir or evil spirit or whatever which still existed 10 years ago and seen with my own eyes on relatives being sent to temples or whatnot instead of professional psychiatrists or therapists which btw is still kinda stigmatized today and you will be called crazy lol.\nAlso imo as well(not studied) is that people back in the day did not have internet so loneliness usually are cured with surrounding people. Say you have a depressed person and people think theyre crazy so theyre brought to a church and is surrounded by supportive people that kept saying nice words and they kept going once a week. It kinda is and can be/possibly therapeutic. which of course today we learn its NOT FOR EVERYONE cause for introverts whom are at the extreme end can end badly when forced to church or whatnot everytime. Also that in modern times these loneliness can be amped by wide internet and social media usage in many different factors but id say what i wrote in the first 3 paragraphs stands as the majority reason why.\nEdit: correcting and adding on words.", "Those 3 lines you quoted are not my personal opinions, they are mostly based on real research and plucked from a video I recently watched on exactly this issue (link: https://youtu.be/I19btmIBhx0?si=6WZVHH7Cjcc1k2lH). You need only search up 'loneliness' on Google and you will get various results including research on the issue becoming more and more prevalent in quite a few countries, including the US, hikikomori in Japan and hidden youths in China.\nIn fact, that's the reason I even made this post, to garner different opinions and POVs as to whether it's a growing thing in Malaysia too. Of course, loneliness is not a new phenomenon (I never said it was), but it is definitely growing. Loneliness has haunted us as long as humanity has existed. We are social creatures, hardwired to need social connections in order to survive and the lack of that actually triggers a stress response in individuals. But for quite a while the phenomenon is isolated to only certain groups such as the elderly. Now it is affecting more youths as well.\nIt is also true that we are now becoming more aware and accepting of mental health issues. Which can only be a good thing. As only with awareness can we learn to identify and overcome mental health issues, which like you also said, gets heavily stigmatised especially in Asian societies.\nWhile loneliness is indeed a growing thing, it did not start in this modern era. It actually has been on the rise since the 60's, when ppl became more individualistic and societal communities started losing its grip on ppl's lives. Of course all this is mostly based on western contexts, but we can't deny it hasn't reached our shores. Especially with the integration of internet and social medias into our daily lives, the issue has only become exacerbated. Even our Asian societies are becoming more individualistic and less communal. How often do we see young ppl chatting in public with strangers and join community activities? Kids don't even really get to play outside with each other as much as they used to. Heck, how many of us even know our neighbours or speak to them?\nWhile the situation is indeed sad, I'm only glad that it hasn't gotten too bad in Malaysia (Midnight mamak sesh is still a thing thank goodness). But I do encourage you to watch the video and read up some about it, it's quite an eye opening thing. Hopefully we can catch this bug and nip it in the bud if more ppl are aware of it." ], [ "Loliness as explained by Kurzgesagt\nThis a good infographic documentary.", "Hehe Loliness", "Kurzgesagt is one of my favourite informative channels! Another fav is TedEd or PBS Eons" ], [ "Been alone is not a bad thing sometimes …. It give you time to reflect about your target and health other been distracted thing that sometimes feel not important at all or your just giving too much with no return" ], [ "I hvae friends, but I still feel lonely and isolated, probably because I have no one to share my hobby/passion with" ] ]
Middle Ground: Chinese Malaysians and Banana Malaysians
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "I haven't watch this video yet.\nFor me, most of the time, the Chinese educated ones (especially, not from KL / Selangor) are the ones that has a beef with \"Bananas\".\nMost of us are fine living our lives, then come certain self-righteous Cainis come and tell me what to do.\nThese ppl may have good intentions but need to work on their approach.", "My exact same feeling. Also remember previously another banana vs non-banana discussion here.. a non-banana say bananas are very straight forward and say what they mean and don't give face... which is why they don't like bananas.. (is that a bad thing really? or a bit of insecurity on their side?)", "As a chinese banana I can say that the fact that non banana says things like \"don't give face\" or this face that face is what actually makes me dislike communicating with non bananas\nTo be clear I'm cool with hanging and talking to non bananas but once they bring up certain things that I find not good/downright annoying in chinese culture like the whole \"face\" thing that's when it annoys me\nIt actually makes me wanna be more confrontational/do the opposite of what they want instead ironically", "Exactly my thought... if they start hounding on me, why should I protect their fragility or prevent their self-deprecating tendencies?", "I noticed they actually have fragility and insecurities like you said, but instead of keeping it to themselves or work on it they will project it to others by saying and doing these things.\nSame thing with traditional parents, the type where whatever they say or do is right cause they are the parent. It's to jaga muka or they don't want to show embarrassment for being wrong" ], [ "I don't believe that language divides or defines the Chinese diaspora anymore. It's really more a case of how much one embraces or rejects the Confucianistic values that have defined Chinese culture for thousands of years. Also there's the element of a class war mixed in somewhat. Historically the most progressive and forward looking Chinese were people who received elite foreign educations. Sun Yat Sen was a foreign educated doctor who spoke excellent English. The original political elites who founded Malaya's Chinese based political parties were mostly English speaking Straits Chinese. IMHO, the factionalism that defined 80s and 90s era Malaysian Chinese politics can be framed as a struggle between the old (English speaking) elite and the politically ascending nouveau riche/ working class Chinese speakers. English vs Chinese speaking is an artifact of the class wars within the Chinese community.", "I'm quite sure the joke about how bananas in average are simply richer has some truths in it." ], [ "Best is to know both lah and don’t end up super cina or super banana. I don’t see what’s the harm of being able to communicate in both languages, at most you’ll probably be suckier in one. Quite sad to see those banana Malaysian Chinese cannot speak or write mandarin , and BM also sux, can only speak English & not like the English super good also." ], [ "I'm fine with either. But I get worried whenever they praise Winnie the Pooh too much... I get that they are proud of their Source. But stop supporting the 9 Dash Line. It's not ASEAN or even :29091:n at all!" ], [ "My opinion: why not both, I am capable of switching between different mindsets and I can be the bridge of eastern and western culture. As I grew older and met some prominent people who are the English educated Chinese, all of them very regret of not learning Chinese when they are young. I am proud to be a MALAYSIAN CHINESE.", "same" ], [ "English subs available.", "Gotta upvote" ], [ "Ah yes the age old fight at my uni" ], [ "Bananas always pretend to be the morally uprighteous ones against the \"racist, backward, unpatriotic chinese speakers\".\nWhen in reality bananas just direct their racism toward their own race.", "Not racism, more like prejudice or discrimination" ] ]
No need for public transport drivers to check status of foreign passengers, says Immigration DG
[ [ "thats gonna cause fistfights, riots and delays. not wise." ] ]
85% of households in Peninsular Malaysia will not be affected by electricity tariff adjustments
[ [ "nah ambik kau\n<image>" ], [ "Maybe not directly, but extra non-domestic surcharge can indirectly cause price hikes." ], [ "Sureeee..." ] ]
Cukop Jumloh lore
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "They all look creepy af", "Im not creepy💀" ], [ "In tiktok theres alot of PN people keep saying PM gonna change. I honestly dont understand what they trying to achieve. I mean, even if they want to spread false news, at least drag it out a bit. Start last week, say new PM gonna be sworn in by friday. Thats to short. Not enough time to create the momentum.\nNow friday had passed, people will just make fun of them.", "Well that their tactics for decades brainwash remain the same, so you can understand why their followers are so devoted even they did nothing to improve their state or country.", "They are a lot of people keep trying and moving the goal posts until the hope of getting it right one day. Same like the TikTok I’ve seen where Kevin Feige will be getting fired for low cinema revenues, for a long time now…" ], [ "Found this guy at kenduri kawin" ], [ "Maaf bang, nk kta sub ni mmg byk kaki politik, takleh tgk over. Mmg org palau ah klau ad pas" ], [ "The rightmost dude looks like azwan ali tho, without makeup" ], [ "Muka semua ada mirip. Adik beradik ka?", "Yang pakai baju warna biru tu ayah saya", "Yang tengah hanya seorang stranger" ] ]