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При этом энергоблоки № 2, № 3 и № 4 по-прежнему находятся в работе и обеспечивают надежное снабжение потребителей Чаун-Билибинского энергоузла электричеством, а потребителей г. Билибино – теплом и горячей водой. | In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used. | The 2nd, the 3rd, and the 4th power blocks are still operating and cater for reliable electric power supply for the Chaun-Bilibino energy system consumers as well as for heat and hot water supply for the consumers in the Bilibino city. |
В области психического здоровья аутофобия — это когда человек боится провести время в одиночестве. | autophobia means аутофобия
In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | In the field of mental health, autophobia is when a person has a fear of spending time alone. |
"Premierminister Stephen Harper hat nach einem 25-minütigen Treffen mit NDP-Leader Jack Layton am Dienstag im PMO zugestimmt, den ""Clean Air Act"" der Regierung an ein Komitee aller Parteien zur Prüfung vor der zweiten Anhörung zu schicken." | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form. | Prime Minister Stephen Harper has agreed to send the government's 'Clean Air Act' to an all-party committee for review, before its second reading, after Tuesday's 25 minute meeting with NDP leader Jack Layton at the PMO. |
“When I look in on your household and see strife, bickering, jealousy and dissension, do you think I will make My abode there?
Description Permanent exposition bringing visitors closer to two traditional trades, which brough the city most fame around the world - the shoemaking trade and masonry. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The given word translations should be used. | “Wenn Ich auf euren Haushalt blicke und Streit, Zank, Eifersucht und Zwietracht sehe, denkt ihr, dass Ich dort Wohnsitz nehmen werde?
Die ständigen Expositionen bringen zwei traditionelle Handwerke näher, die diese Stadt in der Welt am meisten berühmt machten - die Schusterei, bzw. das Schuhmacherhandwerk und das Steinbearbeitungshandwerk. |
双方还就共同关心的国际和地区问题交换看法。 | Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences? | Both sides also exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern. |
Die Resultate zeigen, dass die Kormorane nach der Brutzeit die Region des Neuenburgersees rasch verlassen und hauptsächlich in Frankreich und Spanien überwintern. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | The results show that Cormorants leave the lake Neuchâtel region rapidly after the breeding season and winter mostly in France and Spain. |
奥尔福德说道:“他们就像视频中那样从我儿子的车里跑了出来,跑到哪里去了?你们有没有回去尝试帮帮他或者做点什么?没有人说一句话。” | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | "They upped and ran out of my son's car like that, where did you run to," Alford said. "Did you go back and try to help him or what? Nobody said nothing." |
China imported $13 billion worth of soybeans from the US in 2012, making it the largest single commodity the US exported to China in terms of value, according to US Soybean Export Council China Director Zhang Xiaoping.
On 19 June 2019, Erkki Liikanen, Chair of the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation, gave a speech discussing whether digitalisation will deliver increased productivity to the global economy and how the IFRS Foundation is undertaking its own digital transformation. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | В 2012 году Китай импортировал из США соевых бобов стоимостью 13 млрд. долларов США, что делает данный товар крупнейшей статьей американского экспорта на территорию Китая в стоимостном выражении, сообщает директор Совета США по экспорту сои в Китае Чжан Сяопин.
19 июня 2019 года Эркки Лииканен, председатель попечителей Фонда МСФО, выступил с речью, в которой рассказывал, принесет ли цифровизация повышение производительности для глобальной экономики и как Фонд МСФО осуществляет собственное цифровое преобразование. |
作为原武警国旗护卫队的擎旗手,他对荣誉有着更深一刻的理解。 | In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply? | As a flag bearer of the former National Flag Guard of the People's Armed Police, he understood the honors all the more deeply. |
Allerdings wurde konstatiert, dass es mit der unklaren Haltung der neuen US-amerikanischen Administration zur NATO, dem Konflikt in der Ukraine, der Beurteilung Russlands als strategischer Herausforderung sowie der gefährlichen Lage im Nahen Osten derzeit politischer Druck besteht, der für eine Stärkung der EU-Verteidigungspolitik genutzt werden könne. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German? The given word translations should be used. | Yet it was stated that, given the ambiguous attitude of the United States ’ new administration towards NATO, the conflict in Ukraine, the assessment of Russia as a strategic challenge and the dangerous situation in the Middle East, political pressure currently exists which could be used in order to strengthen the EU ’ s defense policies. |
Bayer is contesting the verdict. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format. | Компания Bayer оспаривает вердикт. |
Diese Entscheidung öffnet dem Sport die Tür zur Innovation und wird am Ende der gesamten Gemeinschaft des Springreitens zu Gute kommen: den Reitern, Fans, Pferdebesitzern bis hin zu den unterstützenden Teams, den Medien und den Sponsoren. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | This decision opens the door to innovation in the sport and will ultimately benefit the entire show jumping community, from the riders, fans, and horse owners, to the support teams, the media, and sponsors. |
Talking to Russian outlet RSport earlier in the day, Smirnov admitted past problems in Russian anti-doping bodies, but added: "We have said on numerous occasions, that the report contains controversial positions and regulations. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | Утром того же дня в интервью российскому изданию "Rsport" Смирнов признал имевшие ранее место проблемы в российских антидопинговых структурах, однако добавил: "Мы неоднократно говорили, что доклад содержит определенные спорные позиции и положения. |
The Venezuelan bolívar had been devalued by more than 100 per cent and the economic paralysis caused by the domestic political situation had markedly diminished the country's capacity to pay. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and must use the given word translations. | Венесуэльский боливар был девальвирован более чем на 100 процентов, и экономический застой, обусловленный внутренней политической ситуацией, в значительной степени ограничивает платежеспособность страны. |
We would be very grateful if you could not only review the booked property, but also the holiday resort Frymburk nad Vltavou.
On this day, when our memories turn to Nazi Germany ’ s invasion of the Soviet Union, we would like to announce our joint intention to retrieve the names of Soviet and German POWs and interned citizens whose ultimate fate has not yet been documented, and give their descendants an opportunity to honour their memory. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie nicht nur das gebuchte Objekt, sondern auch den Ferienort Frymburk nad Vltavou bewerten.
Wir möchten deshalb am heutigen Tag, an dem wir des Überfalls des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands auf die Sowjetunion gedenken, unseren gemeinsamen Entschluss bekunden, den deutschen und sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen und Internierten, deren persönliches Schicksal bisher nicht dokumentiert wurde, ihren Namen zurück zu geben und damit ihr Andenken für die Nachgeborenen zu ermöglichen. |
Vater Benzion Netanjahu war eine verbitterte Person, davon überzeugt, dass seine Kollegen ihn verachteten und seine Karriere wegen seiner extrem rechten Ansichten blockierten. | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Father Benzion Netanyahu was an embittered man, convinced that his colleagues despised him and blocked his career because of his extreme right-wing views. |
Так, в первой половине текущего года на 5,4 процента по сравнению с аналогичным периодом 2004 года сократилось количество аварий со смертельным исходом, на 16,8 процента уменьшилось число происшествий по вине нетрезвых водителей, произошло на 4,7 процента меньше аварий, спровоцированных пешеходами.
Синоним, Северо-Центральный регион, более точно описывает его географическое положение; суффикс "запад" - это исторический артефакт из ранней истории страны, когда большая часть населения США жила к востоку от Аппалачей. | suffix means суффикс
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form using the given reference word translations. | In the first half of this year, there have been 5.4 per cent fewer fatal accidents, 16.8 per cent fewer accidents caused by drunk driving and 4.7 per cent fewer accidents caused by pedestrians compared with the same period in 2004.
A synonym, the North Central Region, describes its geographic location more accurately; the "west" suffix is a historical artifact from the country's early history, when most of the U.S. population lived east of the Appalachian Mountains. |
Als Idealbild schwebte ihm Hippias von Elis vor, ein griechischer Sophist aus dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr., der sich in Selbstgenügsamkeit übte, sich beibrachte, zu kochen, sich zu rasieren, seine Kleidung und seine Schuhe und überhaupt alles, was er zum Leben brauchte, selbst anzufertigen.
Dieses Femidom ist für die Platzierung in der Vagina der Frau konzipiert und bietet damit eine ähnliche Prävention wie das männliche Kondom. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used. | He even fantasized about becoming like Hippias of Elis, a Greek Sophist philosopher of the fifth century BC, who learned to be self-sufficient, teaching himself to cook, shave, make his own clothes and shoes — everything he needed. It was a fine idea.
The female condom is designed for placement inside the woman's vagina and with it you get a prevention similar to that of the male condom. |
Respond to the rumor of "layoff" : it is clear that there will be no layoff. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 回应“裁员”传闻:明确不裁员。 |
In the United Republic of Tanzania, a steady flow of clean water in the Pangani River requires conservation of forests and good management of farmlands in the river's upper catchment.
He was born and raised in Montenegro, became interested in the ideas of social justice, participated in the struggle against fascism, he was a prisoner of the camp, after the war received a university education and entered the circle of the intellectual elite of the country. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | В Объединенной Республике Танзания сохранение чистой воды в реке Пангани невозможно без защиты лесов и рационального использования сельскохозяйственных угодий в водосборном верховье реки.
Он родился и вырос в Черногории, увлекся идеями социальной справедливости, участвовал в борьбе против фашизма, был узником лагеря, после войны получил университетское образование и вошел в круг интеллектуальной элиты своей страны. |
Kennedy appeared more open than his colleague from South Carolina. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | Кеннеди оказался более открытым, чем его коллега из Южной Калифорнии. |
Sie erhalten bei uns die Möglichkeit, regelmäßig zu reisen, da wir Projekte in der ganzen Welt akquirieren und durchführen. Wir geben unser umfangreiches Fachwissen an Kunden wie z. B. private und öffentliche Hafenbetreiber, Betreiber verschiedener Arten von Terminals und Flughäfen, lokale Behörden und Regierungen sowie an nationale und internationale Institutionen wie die Weltbank weiter.
Gegen Ende des 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. lag Chios unter der Herrschaft des Feldherrn Justinian II. Aufzeichnungen berichten davon, dass es auf der Insel ein öffentliches Handelshaus gab, das der Staat selbst verwaltete. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used. | You will get the opportunity to travel on a regular basis since we acquire and implement projects around the globe, bringing our know-how to clients ranging from private and public port operators, various kinds of terminals and airports over local authorities and governments to national and international institutions such as the World Bank.
Towards the end of the 5th century AD during the reign of Emperor Justinian II, Chios appeared to have a "warehouse of imperial commercia", that is, a public warehouse where commerce was administered by the state itself. |
You are all safe. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Ihr seid alle in Sicherheit. |
Это также вероятно упрощает чтение, в то время, как письмо несколько усложняется тем, что необходимо выяснять, используется ли глагол или прилагательное в субстантивированной форме. | Change the given sentences from English to Russian format. | It also arguably makes reading easier, though writing is somewhat complicated by the need to find out whether a verb or adjective is used in a substantivized form. |
With this arrangement in place, this freedom might end. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | 在这样的安排下,这种自由可能就要结束了。 |
Indem er Theodor Makridi, den Kommissar der osmanischen Antikenverwaltung, als offiziellen Grabungsleiter einsetzte, umging er das Deutsche Archäologische Institut.
Die Übertragung des Virus erfolgt großenteils durch spezifische Insekten: deshalb muss man den Kontakt zwischen Blattläusen und Pflanzen verhindern indem man geeignete Barrieren verwendet, somit verhindert man das Auftreten der Krankheit wirksam ohne negative Nebenwirkungen zu riskieren. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | By making Theodore Makridi, the Commissioner of the Ottoman Council of Antiquities, the official excavation director, he circumvented the German Archaeological Institute.
The virus is mostly transmitted by specific insects, which is why using specific barriers to prevent contact between aphids and crops means effectively preventing the onset of disease without risking negative side effects. |
He heaped praise on the military and the police, declaring, “Not only has God bestowed on us the gift of freedom, he ’ s also given us the gift of heroes willing to give their lives to defend that freedom. ”
During the general assembly Paolo Cappadozzi was honored for his valuable support as long-time president of the Val Gardena-Alpe di Siusi Cableways. | Please share the English version of the given sentences using the given reference word translations. | Er verherrlichte das Militär und die Polizei mit den Worten: „Gott hat uns nicht nur die Freiheit geschenkt, sondern auch Helden, die bereit sind, ihr Leben zu opfern, um diese Freiheit zu verteidigen.“
Im Rahmen der Vollversammlung wurde Paolo Cappadozzi für seine wertvolle Unterstützung als langjähriger Präsident der Seilbahnen Gröden-Seiser Alm geehrt. |
In order to facilitate inquiry and use, the database completely exerts the intelligent search advantage of China Search, provides rich functions of searching according to time, map, people, tag, etc., and is convenient, rapid and easy to check and use. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 为方便查询使用,数据库充分发挥中国搜索的智能搜索技术优势,提供按时间搜、地图搜、人物搜、标签搜等形态丰富的搜索功能,方便快捷,易查易用。 |
Во втором квартале сезонно очищенный спад ВВП составил 0,2% к предыдущему кварталу. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian? | In the second quarter, the seasonally adjusted decline in GDP amounted to 0.2% compared to the previous quarter. |
Russian journalists who were afforded a sneak preview of the Stalin comedy laughed just as heartily at the jokes as their colleagues from Britain and elsewhere. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Russische Journalisten, die die Stalin-Komödie vorab gesehen haben, lachten über die Gags genauso wie ihre Kollegen in Großbritannien oder anderswo. |
Этот путь обучения будет очень интересен всем, кто хочет поехать в Китай, будь то турист или профессионал, деловым людям, которые регулярно общаются с китайскими коллегами, и любому ученику, который заинтересован в разговоре или чтении по-китайски. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | This learning path will be of great interest to anybody wanting to travel to China, either as a tourist or in a professional capacity, business people who have regular contact with Chinese colleagues and for any learner who has an interest in speaking or reading Chinese. |
Dabei kommen geologische ebenso wie geopolitische Bezüge ins Spiel; zu denken ist außerdem an Michel Foucaults Begriff der Heterotopie: Foucault hat den Begriff in den späten 1960er Jahren lanciert, um damit transitorische Orte an den Rändern der Gesellschaft zu beschreiben, in denen die gesellschaftliche Ordnung sowohl repräsentiert als auch bestritten und unterminiert wird.
Der Lärm eines Traktors und das Brummen einer Motorsäge in der Ferne zeigten an, dass die Brüder bei der Arbeit waren. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Geological as well as geopolitical references come into play; Michel Foucault ’ s notion of heterotopia also comes to mind: Foucault coined the term in the late 1960s to describe transitory places on the margins of society in which social order is both represented as well as disputed and undermined.
The sound of a tractor and the murmur of a chain saw, in the distance, indicated that the brothers were at work. |
Inside the White House, Trump addressed Sikorsky representatives, joking with the media about his own fleet of company products. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | 在白宫内,特朗普向 Sikorsky 公司代表发表讲话,拿他自己拥有的该公司飞机跟媒体开玩笑。 |
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this month called on countries all over the world to implement existing UN sanctions on North Korea ’ s nuclear weapons and missile programs, adding that the US administration would be willing to use secondary sanctions to target foreign companies that continue to do business with Pyongyang. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Государственный секретарь США Рекс Тиллерсон в этом месяце призвал страны всего мира внедрить существующие санкции ООН в отношении ядерных вооружений и ракетных программ Северной Кореи, добавив, что администрация США будет готова использовать вторичные санкции для привлечения к ответственности иностранных компаний, которые продолжают заниматься бизнесом с Пхеньяном. |
Он призывает государство-участник активизировать усилия по международному сотрудничеству в целях предупреждения торговли людьми, преследовать торговцев людьми и наказывать их соразмерно тяжести совершенных ими преступлений и обеспечивать защиту прав человека женщин и девочек, ставших жертвами торговли людьми. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | It calls upon the State party to increase international cooperation efforts to prevent trafficking, to prosecute and punish traffickers in proportion to the gravity of their crime, and to ensure the protection of the human rights of women and girls who are victims of trafficking. |
The Republic of Azerbaijan is confident that the consistent measures being taken at the national level, as well as the existing international legal framework, will serve to end impunity and to bring to justice those responsible for the grave offences committed in the course of Armenia ’ s aggression against Azerbaijan. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Азербайджанская Республика уверена, что последовательные меры, принимаемые на национальном уровне, а также существующая международно-правовая база, будут способствовать прекращению безнаказанности и привлечению к ответственности лиц, ответственных за тяжкие преступления, совершенные в ходе агрессии Армении против Азербайджана. |
В токийском районе Акихабара, где расположены десятки магазинов аниме, некоторые фанаты выразили обеспокоенность по поводу будущего компании.
Навыки, приобретаемые во время медитации осознанности, такие как концентрация, непредвзятость и самообладание, полностью согласуются с результатами исследования, подтверждающего важнейшую роль умения управлять эмоциями для избавления от прокрастинации и повышения продуктивности. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In Tokyo ’ s Akihabara district, where dozens of anime shops are located, some fans said they are worried about the future of the company.
The skills developed in mindfulness meditation, such as concentration, non-judgment, and equanimity, align perfectly with the research showing the vital role of emotional regulation in reducing procrastination and improving productivity. |
Sergei Rachmaninoff, one of the greatest composers and musicians of the 20th century, left Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution and was buried in New York. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English using the given reference word translations? | Сергей Рахманинов, один из величайших композиторов и музыкантов 20 века, покинул Россию после большевистской революции и был похоронен в Нью-Йорке. |
Неделю назад в проекте говорилось о том, что присяга должна предшествовать подписанию указа. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences. | A week ago, the draft mentioned that the oath must precede the signing of the decree. |
Express delivery companies have also become aware that the environmental pollution resulting from the express delivery sector should not be ignored. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | 快递公司已经意识到了快递业造成的环境污染不可小视。 |
34) Комитет обеспокоен сообщениями о большом числе случаев гибели полицейских при исполнении служебных обязанностей, в том числе в условиях проведения "специальных операций" в округах Мандера и Тана-Ривер (статьи 2, 10 и 16).
Расширение поставок древесины из СССР в болгарские порты на Чёрном море и Дунае ведёт к некоторому изменению географии деревообрабатывающей промышленности, которая развивается в этих портах. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | (34) The Committee is concerned by reports of a high number of deaths of police officers while on duty, including in the context of "special operations" in Mandera District and Tana River District (arts. 2, 10 and 16).
An increase in deliveries of lumber from the USSR to Bulgarian ports on the Black Sea and the Danube has led to certain changes in the geographical distribution of the woodworking industry that is developing at these ports. |
Следующая группа антибиотиков – аминогликозиды, сульфаниламиды, нитрофураны – это препараты, которые врачи назначают с осторожностью, если есть серьезные показания.
Стивен Платек, профессор психологии из Колледжа Гвинета в Джорджии, является одним из многих ученых, которые заявили об отсутствии доказательств влияния зевоты на уровень кислорода в крови, кровяное давление или сердечный ритм. | nitrofuran means нитрофураны
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The next group of antibiotics - aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, nitrofurans - are drugs that doctors prescribe with caution, if there are serious indications.
Steven Platek, a psychology professor at Georgia Gwinnett College, is one of the many scientists who have said there is zero evidence that yawning affects levels of oxygen in the bloodstream, blood pressure, or heart rate. |
Важно, чтобы блефаропластика проводилась специалистом-офтальмологом по пластической хирургии, что позволит свести к минимуму риск и послеоперационные осложнения. | blepharoplasty means блефаропластика
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | It is important that the blepharoplasty is performed by an ophthalmologist specialised in ocular plastic surgery to minimise the risk and post-operative problems. |
Glass wool is similar to mineral wool and therefore has the same properties, however, glass industry waste and materials from which glass is made are used as raw materials.
When an invoice is created from an order, the conditions are copied and stored under a new document condition number. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Glaswolle ist ähnlich wie Mineralwolle und hat daher die gleichen Eigenschaften, jedoch werden Glasindustrieabfälle und Materialien, aus denen Glas hergestellt wird, als Rohmaterialien verwendet.
Wenn aus einem Auftrag eine Rechnung erzeugt wird, so werden die Konditionen kopiert und unter einer neuen Belegkonditionsnummer gespeichert. |
With the end of the cold war era, the Powers freed from the swirls of the confrontation are now bent on expanding their spheres of influence and strengthening military capabilities, and conflicts and internal strife are on the rise unprecedentedly in several parts of the world. | In English, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations? | С окончанием эры "холодной войны" державы, вышедшие из водоворотов конфронтации, стремятся сейчас расширить свои сферы влияния и укрепить военный потенциал, а в нескольких регионах мира беспрецедентно обострились конфликты и внутренняя борьба. |
Чемпионат мира по легкой атлетике в Лондоне пройдет с 4 по 13 августа. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? | The World Championships in Athletics in London will be held from August 4-13. |
В заключение разрешите мне заявить, что Европейский союз решительно настроен содействовать работе Совета по правам человека, укреплять его роль в развитии международного правозащитного права, систематически поддерживать и обеспечивать осуществление действующих международных норм и стандартов, а также поощрять соблюдение всеми государствами прав человека и основных свобод.
38. Г-н КОГЛИН (Святейший Престол) считает настоятельно необходимым, чтобы какой-либо международный судебный орган осуществлял юрисдикцию над международным оборотом наркотиков - видом организованной преступности, с которым не в состоянии справиться национальные правительства. | When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | In conclusion, let me reiterate the European Union's strong commitment to contributing to the work of the Human Rights Council, to further strengthening its role in helping to develop international human rights law, to systematically upholding and ensuring the implementation of existing international norms and standards, and to promoting the observance by all States of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Mr. COUGHLIN (Holy See) said there was an urgent need for some international juridical body to exercise jurisdiction over international drug trafficking, an organized criminal activity with which national Governments found themselves ill-equipped to cope. |
On December 26, reporters learned from the municipal environmental protection bureau that Lu’an City successfully declared a total of 98 national and provincial environmental protection projects of various categories, and received special environmental protection funds worth a total of RMB145.26 million. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | 12月26日,记者从市环保局了解到,2012年六安市共成功申报国家和省各类环保项目98个,争取环保专项资金共计14526万元。 |
За ночь было изготовлено 150–200 копий, теперь известных как "листовки Данлэпа". | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form. | Through the night between 150 and 200 copies were made, now known as "Dunlap broadsides". |
近年来,宝鸡围绕建设“一带一路”倡议沿线的国际化城市、装备制造业名城、历史文化名城和宜居宜业美丽幸福城市的目标,持续提升产业集群、物流枢纽、综合服务、开放高地、人文凝聚五大功能,加速推动追赶超越和高质量发展。 | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language. | In recent years, Baoji has continued to upgrade its industrial clusters, logistics hubs, integrated services, and highlands opening-up, and humanities cohesion aiming at the goal of building an international city, a famous equipment manufacturing city, a historical and cultural city and a beautiful and happy city that is livable along the "One Belt One Road" route, and accelerated the pursuit of catching up and high quality development. |
— Это решение соответствует международному праву, менталитету нашего народа и той особой роли, которую наша страна всегда играла на Ближнем Востоке, — заявил глава синодального Отдела по взаимоотношениям Церкви и общества протоиерей Всеволод Чаплин журналистам в среду.
Во время туристического сезона (с апреля по октябрь) постоянная экспозиция знакомит вас с историей этого места и с паломническим прошлым города Микулов. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | “This decision is consistent with international law, the mentality of our people and the special role that our country has always played in the Middle East, ” - said the head of the Synodal Department for Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told journalists on Wednesday.
During the tourist season (April to October) a permanent exhibition will acquaint you with the history of this place as well as the pilgrimage past of the town of Mikulov. |
In particular, Article 14 of the Law, “Restriction of Information on Antiterrorist Actions ”, prohibits the dissemination of information that disclose the methods and devices used in antiterrorist actions, can obstruct their implementation and represent danger for the life and health of citizens, as well as are directed to promotion or justification of terrorism. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | В частности, статья 14 Закона “Ограничение информации об антитеррористических действиях ” запрещает распространять сведения, которые раскрывают методы и приемы ведения антитеррористических действий, могут препятствовать их осуществлению и создать опасность жизни и здоровью граждан, а также направлены на пропаганду или оправдание терроризма. |
Daneben werden auch einige Gedanken Adornos zum Verhältnis zwischen Natur und Gesellschaft, zum Verhältnis zwischen Psychologie und Rationalität sowie zur Psychoanalyse und zum Behaviorismus erörtert.
Umgekehrt wurden die ehemals "württembergischen" Landkreise Calw, Freudenstadt, Horb, Rottweil und Tuttlingen den "badischen" Regierungsbezirken Karlsruhe und Freiburg zugeschlagen. | Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences using the given reference word translations. | Furthermore, the author explores some thoughts by Adorno on the relation between nature and society, the relation between psychology and rationality as well as on psychoanalysis and behaviourism.
Conversely the former "Württemberg" counties of Calw, Freudenstadt, Horb, Rottweil and Tuttlingen were incorporated into the "Baden" governmental districts of Karlsruhe and Freiburg. |
After taking Vitebsk, the French Emperor was considering in earnest the possibility of pausing the campaign and delaying combat operations till 1813, but the shift in the Russian military strategy caused him to abandon this intention.
According to the WHO study, low mineral water increased diuresis (the production of urine by the kidneys) 20% on average and markedly increased the elimination of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. | диурез means diuresis
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | После взятия Витебска французский император начал серьёзно задумываться о приостановке кампании и переносе военных действий на 1813 год, но смена тактики российских армий изменила его намерения.
Согласно исследованию ВОЗ, вода с малым количеством минералов увеличивала диурез (производство мочи почками) в среднем на 20% и заметно увеличивала выделение ионов натрия, калия, хлорида, кальция и магния из организма. |
Im Workshop sollen die Gesetzgebungen der Schutzgebiete in jedem Alpenstaat (je nach Schutzgebietstyp und entsprechendem gesetzlichen Rahmen) untersucht und besonderes Augenmerk auf grenzübergreifende Aspekte gelegt werden, wie z.B. Natura 2000, das Smaragd-Netzwerk und der Aufbau eines ökologischen Netzwerks in den Alpen. | Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The workshop aims at identifying the legal situation of protected areas in each Alpine State (types of protected areas and their legal framework), with an emphasis on transboundary issues, such as Natura 2000 and Emerald Network and the creation of an Alpine Ecological Network. |
Bei der Entwicklung eines neuen Produkts versucht das Team von Dare To Be Different, die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von Überlandreisenden zu finden und zu beantworten. Eine solche Frage, die das Team beantwortet hat, lautet: „Wo koche ich, wenn ich mit meinem Dachzelt unterwegs bin?“.
Du kannst Vanilleextrakt, Vanillepulver, Vanillezucker oder ganze Vanilleschoten kaufen, je nachdem, wie Du die Vanille bei der Zubereitung von Speisen oder Naturheilmitteln verwenden möchtest. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | When designing a new product the team at Dare To Be Different aim to find and answer specific needs of overland travellers and one such question that the team has answered is “Where do I cook when I am travelling with my roof tent? ”
You can get vanilla extract, vanilla powder, vanilla sugar, or whole vanilla pods, depending on how you want to use it in food preparation or for natural remedies. |
雷布尔表示:“昂宿星团为年轻与年迈恒星的双向旋转理论模型奠定了基础。” | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese? | "The Pleiades star cluster provides an anchor for theoretical models of stellar rotation going both directions, younger and older," said Rebull. |
新中国成立后,面临着国内一穷二白的困难和西方国家的封锁敌视,中国社会主义建设仍然取得了很大成绩。 | Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences. | After New China was founded, it faced poverty, and cultural and scientific vacuums, as well as blockade and hostility from Western nations. China's socialist construction still reaped enormous results. |
Необычный подход к материалам и формам, оригинальная интерпретация цвета делают коллекции Паолы Ленти уникальными.
Вскоре после этого Великобритания запретила экспорт устройства и привлекла основателя ATSC Джеймса Маккормика к уголовной ответственности; в конечном итоге он был признан виновным в продаже поддельных детекторов бомб и приговорён к десяти годам тюремного заключения. | detector means детектор
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The singular approach to materials and forms and the original interpretation of colour combine to make Paola Lenti ’ s collections unique.
Shortly thereafter, the UK banned exports of the device and brought ATSC ’ s founder, James McCormick, on criminal charges; he was ultimately found guilty of selling fake bomb detectors and sentenced to ten years in prison. |
The hotel itself was quick to brush off any accusations, calling what happened an "oversight" and "apologizing" to Lanzmann, Der Spiegel reports. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | 据《明镜周刊》的报道,酒店很快对所有指控予以澄清,声称一切都是“疏忽”并且向朗兹曼表示“歉意”。 |
"This fight could be on pay-per-view because all the fans have been asking about it," Garcia said, later expressing openness to fighting on whatever network offers the best financial package. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | «Бой может быть на PPV, потому что все болельщики об этом просили», - сказал Гарсия, выразив позже готовность сразиться на том канале, который предложит лучшие финансовые условия. |
Das Festival von „Corrida Goyesca“ ist ein einzigartiges und historisches Stierkampffestival, das denen ähnelt, die Sie vielleicht in Filmen gesehen haben.
Von 1940 bis zu seinem Tod war Heino Eller Dozent am Staatlichen Konservatorium in Tallinn, der heutigen Estnischen Musik- und Theaterakademie. | Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The festival of ‘ Corrida Goyesca ’ is a unique and historical bullfight festival which is similar to the ones which you might have watched in movies.
From 1940 until his death, Heino Eller was a lecturer at the State Conservatory in Tallinn, today ’ s Estonian Music and Theater Academy. |
An old African power built on the slave trade, Dahomey became independent in 1960 and called "Benin" in 1975 to signal its revival.
Mr. David Kilgour discusses the "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China" at the Korean National Assembly (Gukhoe) | Change the given sentences from German to English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Das ehemalige afrikanische Königreich Dahomey, das sich auf den Sklavenhandel stützte, wurde 1960 unabhängig und heißt seit 1975 "Benin" als Zeichen seiner Erneuerung.
David Kilgour bespricht auf der Koreanischen Nationalversammlung (Gukhoe) den „Bericht über Behauptungen von Organentnahmen aus Falun Gong-Praktizierenden in China“ |
Um einen chemisch akzeptablen Stahl zu erhalten und die Qualität des Stahls sicherzustellen, muss die Desoxidation in der Endstufe der Stahlherstellung durchgeführt werden, und die chemische Affinität zwischen Silizium und Sauerstoff ist groß.
Sie lebt und arbeitet als Comiczeichnerin und Karikaturistin in Berlin und ist Gründerin der Parallelallee, einem kleinen, unabhängigen Verlag für Comics und illustrierte Literatur. | Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | In order to obtain a chemically acceptable steel and ensure the quality of the steel, deoxidation must be carried out in the final stage of the steel making, and the chemical affinity between silicon and oxygen is great.
She lives and works as a comicartist and cartoonist in Berlin and is the founder of Parallelallee, a small independent publisher of comics and illustrated literature. |
В Италии MGM имеет два производственных предприятия, завод в Серравалле-Пистойезе и склад с офисами продаж в Ассаго (Милан).
В 15-м веке, Шипан имел репутацию модного летнего направления для благородных семей Дубровника, многие из которых построили дворцы на острове. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In Italy MGM has two production establishments, a factory in Serravalle Pistoiese and a warehouse with sales offices in Assago (Milan).
During the 15th century, Šipan was a chic summer getaway for the very best Dubrovnik families, many of whom built palaces on the island. |
Der Domain Guard von Hostpoint schützt durch ein durchdacht aufgebautes Kontrollsystem wichtige und wertvolle Domainnamen vor Fehlern beim Handling und absichtlichen Manipulationen: Änderungen an Domainnamen, die auf diese Weise geschützt sind, werden erst nach Zustimmung einer fest definierten Personengruppe ausgeführt. | Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Domain Guard from Hostpoint is a cleverly devised monitoring system that protects important and valuable domain names against handling errors as well as intentional manipulation. Changes to domain names that are protected by Domain Guard are only executed once a preauthorized group of people have given their approval. |
Weil erstens zu wenige Obduktionen stattfinden und zweitens diese vor allem an jungen Menschen durchgeführt werden, bleibt mutmaßlich ein Teil tödlicher Gewalt im Alter unentdeckt. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Because firstly, too few obductions are carried out, and secondly, those few are primarily performed on younger individuals, a part of lethal violence in old age presumably stays undetected. |
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has downgraded its projections for Russian economy growth in 2019 and 2020 by 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points to 1.6 and 1.7 percent respectively, including due to deterioration of the medium-term forecast for oil prices, the IMF said in a report on Monday. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | Международный валютный фонд МВФ понизил свои прогнозы роста российской экономики в 2019 и 2020 годах на 0,2 и 0,1 процентного пункта до 1,6 и 1,7 процента соответственно, в том числе из-за ухудшения среднесрочного прогноза цен на нефть, говорится в сообщении МВФ, опубликованном в понедельник 21 января. |
И Захран, и Ванесса Аршамбо из компании Flippable.org сотрудничают с некоммерческой организацией Girl Develop It, помогающей женщинам изучать программирование, а также « повышать свой профессиональный уровень и уверенность в себе ».
Согласно результатам еще одного исследования, проведенного экспертами Евросоюза, Грузия завоевала титул одной из самых безопасных стран Европы, наряду с такими странами, как Сингапур, Австрия, Дания и Норвегия. | title means титул
Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Both Zahran and Flippable.org ’ s Vanessa Archambault work with Girl Develop It, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women learn to code and “improve their careers and confidence in their everyday lives. ”
According to the results of another survey conducted by the experts of the European Union, Georgia has won the title of one of the safest countries in Europe, along with such countries as Singapore, Austria, Denmark and Norway. |
Аргановое масло имеет 100-летнюю историю и добывают его из зерен плодов арганового дерева, которое растет только в Марокко. Это редкое дерево находится под защитой ЮНЕСКО. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Argan oil has a 100-year history and is extracted from the grains of the fruits of the argan tree, which grows only in Morocco. This rare tree is protected by UNESCO. |
The decision to arrest him had only been made after investigators had learned that he had previously applied for a UK visa, had booked tickets to Kiev and had not been residing at his registered address. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English. | Решение о его аресте было принято только после того, как следователи узнали, что он ранее подал заявление на получение британской визы, зарезервировал билеты в Киев и не проживал по своему зарегистрированному адресу. |
Auf die Untersuchung vorbereiten muss man sich eigentlich nicht. | Please share the German version of the given sentences. | You don't have to prepare for the examination at all. |
Enerfuel has an installed production capacity of 27 thousand tons of biofuel per year, while it also produces glycerine – used in the production of candles or in the cosmetics industry -, and renewable source fertilizers used in agriculture.
Death of a local craftsman Our tinsmith, who many visitors will have met, was very recently killed in a road traffic accident. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The given word translations should be used. | Enerfuel verfügt über eine installierte Produktionskapazität von 27.000 Tonnen Biokraftstoff pro Jahr und stellt außerdem Glyzerin her, das bei der Herstellung von Kerzen oder in der Kosmetikindustrie verwendet wird, sowie Düngemittel aus erneuerbaren Quellen für die Landwirtschaft.
Tod eines hiesigen Handwerkers Unser Blechschmied, den viele Besucher kennengelernt haben werden, wurde vor kurzem bei einem Verkehrsunfall getötet. |
No, of course he wouldn't. | Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version. | Конечно, нет. |
Франко-русские контакты в области гипнотизма и внушения в конце XIX – начале XX века
Поскольку эта звезда очень напоминает наше солнце, она представляет собой интересную научную цель для изучения: ее околозвездный диск может быть аналогичен астероидам в нашей Солнечной системе и поясе Койпера. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | French-Russian contacts in field of hypnotism and suggestion at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century
As this star very much resembles our Sun, it is an interesting scientific target to study: its circumstellar disc could be analogous to the asteroids in our Solar System and the Kuiper belt. |
« Я клянусь посвятить свои силы благу немецкого народа, приумножать его достояние, оберегать его от ущерба, соблюдать и охранять Основной закон и законы Федерации, добросовестно исполнять свои обязанности и блюсти справедливость по отношению к каждому.
В 1873 году Уиллоуби Смит обнаружил чувствительность селена к свету, а в 1877 году Адамс и Дэй отметили, что селен под воздействием света производит электрический ток. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | "I swear to devote my efforts to the good of the German people, to multiply its wealth, to protect it from damage, to observe and protect the Basic Law and the laws of the federation, to faithfully perform my duties and observe justice for everyone.
In 1873, Willoughby Smith discovered that selenium was sensitive to light; in 1877 Adams and Day noted that selenium, when exposed to light, produced an electrical current. |
Das Halbach-Array ist eine besondere Anordnung von Magneten, die den Magnetfluss "verbiegt": Auf der einen Seite wird das Magnetfeld bis zu doppelt so stark, auf der anderen nimmt es dagegen ab.
Das rebellische Sardinien und die sich anbahnende römische Bedrohung gefährden das Vandalenreich, während eine pro-römische Königin und die Anforderungen eines unmöglichen Bündnisses das Ostgotenreich lähmen. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | The Halbach array is a special arrangement of magnets, which "bend" the magnetic flux: On the one side the magnetic field becomes up to twice as strong, on the other one it decreases.
The Vandalic Kingdom is threatened by rebellious Sardinia and the looming Roman danger, while the Ostrogothic Kingdom is hamstrung by its pro-Roman queen and the demands of an unworkable alliance. |
他的才华使其他选手黯然失色。 | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese? | Her achievements overshadowed those of her colleagues.
The scandal overshadowed the success of the company.
His talent overshadowed the rest of the contestants. |
Wie im benachbarten Oberkanada bildeten Louis-Joseph Papineau und Robert Nelson im Jahr 1837 eine Rebellenbewegung, deren Ziel es war, die britische Kolonialherrschaft zu beenden Gestützt auf einen Bericht von Lord Lambton, der die Ursachen des Aufstands untersucht hatte, wurden Nieder- und Oberkanada 1840 zur Provinz Kanada vereinigt. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify using the given reference word translations? | As in neighboring Upper Canada, Louis-Joseph Papineau and Robert Nelson formed a rebel movement in 1837, the goal of which was to end British colonial rule Based on a report by Lord Lambton, who had investigated the causes of the uprising, Lower and Upper Canada were united to the Province of Canada in 1840. |
Bislang war das Verhältnis umgekehrt. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language. | Up until now, that ratio was the other way around. |
Это уникальная достопримечательность: нерп запрещено увозить далеко от мест их обитания; кроме того, в естественной среде увидеть этих животных очень сложно — они пугливы и скрытны.
По мнению ученых, к моменту прибытия Первого флота (1788) коренные народы (аборигены и жители островов пролива Торреса) населяли австралийский континент и прилегающие к нему острова около 70 000 лет. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? The given word translations should be used. | This is a unique attraction: the seals are forbidden to be taken away from their habitats; in addition, it is very difficult to see these animals in the natural environment - they are timid and secretive.
According to scientists, the time of arrival of the First fleet (1788) indigenous peoples (aborigines and islanders of the Torres Strait) have inhabited the Australian continent and adjacent Islands about 70 000 years. |
Amnesty International had issued a report condemning the human rights violations committed by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in Puerto Rico, including the killing of a separationist leader and the excessive use of force against local journalists. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences using the given reference word translations. | Организация "Международная амнистия" опубликовала доклад, в котором осуждаются нарушения прав человека, совершенные в Пуэрто-Рико агентами Федерального бюро расследований, включая убийство одного из лидеров сепаратистов и чрезмерное применение силы в отношении местных журналистов. |
The monastery is located in the close proximity to the border between Armenia and Turkey on the hill near the village of Pokr Vedi.
450 MW combined cycle energy power plant constructed by GAMA and GE consortium was put into operation in the city of Whitegate in the south of the second largest city of the Republic of Ireland, Cork. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Монастырь находится у самой границы Армении с Турцией, на холме, в окрестностях деревни Покр Веди.
Энергостанция с комбинированным циклом мощностью 450 МВт, построенная консорциумом GAMA и GE, была введена в эксплуатацию в городе Уайтгейт (Whitegate) к югу от второго самого большого города в республике Ирландия - Корк. |
Because of the structure and facilities at this club, it undoubtedly belongs in the Premier League," he said. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English. | Mit seiner Struktur und seinen Einrichtungen gehört dieser Klub ohne Zweifel in die Premier League“, sagte er. |
Об этом никогда не упоминалось вслух, но у меня нет никаких сомнений, что моя работа в МЕЙН была следствием мер, предпринятых дядей Фрэнком тремя годами раньше, в дополнение к моему опыту работы в Эквадоре и моему желанию писать об экономической и политической ситуации в этой стране.
Рик Грайм обычный патрульный, впал в кому накануне произошедшей катастрофы и потому о случившемся ничего не знал. | Change the given sentences from English to Russian format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Nothing was ever stated openly, but I had no doubt that my employment at MAIN was a consequence of the arrangements Uncle Frank had made three years earlier, in addition to my experiences in Ecuador and my willingness to write about that country ’ s economic and political situation.
Rick Grime was a regular patrolman, fell into a coma on the eve of the catastrophe that occurred and therefore did not know anything about what had happened. |
Помогут ли фитоэстрогены и фитоандрогены продлить молодость? | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? | Will phytoestrogens and phytoandrogens prolong youth? |
In 1995 – 96, the Gaddafi Stadium was renovated by architect Nayyar Ali Dada for the 1996 Cricket World Cup.
The town of Granby is located in the west of the country inhistorical and cultural region in the valley of the St. Lawrence River. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The given word translations should be used. | В 1995-96 годах стадион « Каддафи » был реконструирован по проекту архитектора Найяра Али Деде к чемпионату мира по крикету 1996 года.
Городок Гранби на западе страны расположен в историко-культурном регионе в долине реки Святого Лаврентия. |
At a press conference March 21, 2012 the executive producer of the British science fiction television series “Doctor Who ” Steven Moffat announced that Jenna-Louise Coleman received a new permanent role of the Eleventh Doctor ’ s companion.
Wrigley (part of Mars Inc.) plans to invest 1 billion rubles within two years in the modernization of the St. Petersburg factory in order to expand the export of products. | Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | На пресс-конференции 21 марта 2012 года исполнительный продюсер британского научно-фантастического телесериала « Доктор Кто » Стивен Моффат объявил, что Дженна-Луиз Коулман получила постоянную роль новой спутницы Одиннадцатого Доктора.
Компания "Ригли" (Wrigley, входит в компанию Mars Inc.) планирует инвестировать 1 млрд рублей в течение двух лет в модернизацию петербургской фабрики с целью расширения экспорта продукции. |
NIKO column mounted jib cranes comprise of an arm and a pair of brackets that can be clamped around an existing building column / stanchion / pillar.
I ’ ve already lived abroad for a year during my Erasmus exchange in Germany and I had the chance to meet amazing friends from all over the world with whom I ’ m still in touch today, even one year later! | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form, and must use the given word translations. | NIKO Schwenkkräne mit Säulenbefestigung bestehen aus einem Schwenkarm und einem Paar Halterungen, die um eine bestehende Gebäudesäule / Pfosten / Pfeiler geklemmt werden kann.
Ich habe während meines Erasmus-Austauschs in Deutschland bereits ein Jahr im Ausland gelebt und hatte die Gelegenheit, fantastische Freunde aus der ganzen Welt zu treffen, mit denen ich auch heute noch, sogar ein Jahr später, in Kontakt bin! |
Большинство предприятий находятся в частной собственности и ориентированы на рынок, но если учитывать трансфертные платежи, такие как пенсии, пособия по болезни и детские пособия, примерно три пятых валового внутреннего продукта (ВВП) проходит через государственный сектор.
В области международных валютно-финансовых отношений главным форумом для обсуждения международной макроэкономической политики и вопросов координации и реформы международной финансовой системы является Международный валютный фонд, и в первую очередь его Временный комитет на уровне министров (преобразованный в 2000 году в Международный валютно-финансовый комитет). | In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Most enterprises are privately owned and market-oriented, but when transfer payments — such as pensions, sick pay, and child allowances — are included, roughly three-fifths of gross domestic product (GDP) passes through the public sector.
In the realm of international monetary and financial relations, the International Monetary Fund, particularly through its ministerial-level Interim Committee (converted into the International Monetary and Financial Committee in 2000) has been a major forum for discussion of international macroeconomic policy and coordination issues and of the reform of the international financial architecture. |
AI Rokid recently completed a round of funding, led by Temasek. Other investors included Credit Suisse, CDIB (the investment arm of China Development Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.), and existing shareholder IDG Capital. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | 人工智能Rokid即于近日完成新一轮融资,由淡马锡领投,瑞士信贷、CDIB(台湾中华开发金融控股公司旗下投资机构)、老股东IDG资本等机构跟投。 |
Family that is currently living abroad and will soon return to Paris is looking for a bilingual nanny (English and French) to take care of two children, a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl.
The mighty fortress of “Burg Altena ” was the historic center of the county of Mark and is still the historical and cultural center of the Brandenburg Sauerland. | няня means nanny
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English, and must use the given word translations. | Семья, которая в настоящее время проживает за границей, но вскоре собирается вернуться в Париж, ищет двуязычную няню (со знанием английского и французского языков), чтобы ухаживать за двумя детьми - 7-летним мальчиком и 5-летней девочкой.
Мощная крепость « Бург Альтена » была исторической столицей графства Марк и сегодня остается историческим и культурным центром маркского Зауэрланда. |
她给予孩子们满满的爱和关怀。 | Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language. | He has found his true love in her.
A pet can be a source of love and companionship.
She showered her children with love and affection. |
Свобода не может быть выражением гедонизма, эгоизма и безразличия по отношению к другим людям и самой Природе, поскольку такое отношение неизбежно бросает других людей в оковы унижения и порабощения.
7. Г-н Шедид (Ливан) напоминает, что понятие прав человека основывается прежде всего на человеческих знаниях и опыте, на моральных принципах и ценностях, отраженных во Всеобщей декларации прав человека и в других международных документах, принятых Организацией Объединенных Наций. | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format using the given reference word translations. | Freedom cannot be an expression of hedonism, selfishness, and indifference towards other human beings and Nature itself, since such an attitude inevitably throws other human beings into the shackles of humiliation and enslavement.
7. Mr. Chedid (Lebanon) recalled that the notion of human rights was founded essentially on human knowledge and experience and on the values and moral principles reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international instruments adopted by the United Nations. |
Sie sei unschuldig, "die einzige Erklärung könnten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sein", erklärte die Leichtathletin. | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format. | She said she was innocent and that "the only explanation could be food supplements," the athlete explained. |
You will stay in a Farmhouse in Piedmont with a pool surrounded by the rows of vines of the Langhe, an ideal place for lovers of good wine and tasty food, where you can also make wine tastings.
Of course that does not prove he is a lunatic; but it seems rather rum nowadays for a man to expect his valet or his parlour – maid to act as an armed guard. ' | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The given word translations should be used. | Sie wohnen in einem Bauernhaus im Piemont mit einem Pool, der von Weinreben der Langhe umgeben ist. Ein idealer Ort für Liebhaber von gutem Wein und leckerem Essen, wo Sie auch Weinproben machen können.
Natürlich beweist das nicht, daß er wirklich verrückt ist; aber heutzutage erscheint es doch reichlich merkwürdig, wenn ein Mann von seinem Kammerdiener oder seinem Stubenmädchen verlangt, als bewaffnete Leibgarde zu agieren. « |
Без сомнения, самым известным произведением, написанным в древнеанглийский период, является эпическая поэма « Беовульф », автор которой до сих пор неизвестен. | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Without a doubt, the most famous work written in the Old English period is the epic poem “Beowulf, ” whose author is unknown until today. |
Also, the combination of wrought iron with other materials, such as wrought bronze, stone, wood, glass or ceramic, proves to be very effective.
Roudnice nad Labem is situated on the left bank of the Elbe River in the district Litoměřice, near the Říp Mountain, on top of which a romanesque rotunda is built.
With the summer, also the swallows, waxwings and geese are returning to the north to build their nests. | seidenschwänze means waxwing
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Effektvoll ist auch die Kombination des Schmiedeeisens mit anderen Materialien, wie Schmiedebronze, Stein, Holz, Glas oder Keramik.
Roudnice nad Labem liegt am linken Ufer vom Fluss Elbe im Stadtkreis Litoměřice, in der Nähe vom denkwürdigen Berg Říp. An seinem Gipfel wurde eine romanische Rotunde aufgebaut.
Mit dem Sommer ziehen auch die Schwalben, Seidenschwänze und die Gänse wieder in den hohen Norden um ihre Nester zu bauen. |
Famous blogger Andrey Poltava's home searched: what's known so far | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? | К известному блогеру Андрею Полтаве пришли с обысками: что известно на данный момент |
Кукута – родина одноименного футбольного клуба, но спортивная биография Хамеса Родригеса началась в клубе « Энвигадо », в составе которого колумбиец дебютировал в 14 лет.
В том же интервью Мората жалел об уходе из "Ювентуса" в 2016 году и сказал: "Италия для испанца - лучшая страна, чтобы жить". | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian using the given reference word translations? | Cúcuta is the home of the football club of the same name, but James Rodríguez began the sports career at the Envigado club, where the Colombian made his debut at the age of 14.
In the same interview, Morata expressed his regret at having to leave Juventus in 2016 and said: “Italy for a Spaniard is the best country to live ”. |