Якубия, также как и соседние Кесаб и Генамия, были заселены армянами между VIII и XII веками нашей эры. Во время правления сёгуната Токугава (1603 — 1867 годы) множество деревьев сакуры было привезено с горы Ёсино (префектура Нара) в Эдо для украшения нового политического центра страны.
Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used.
Yakubiyah, along with the nearby localities of Kesab and Ghenamiyah, were settled by the Armenian community between the 8th and 12th centuries CE. During the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867), many cherry trees were transplanted from Mount Yoshino in Nara Prefecture to Edo in order to beautify the country ’ s new political center.
"Wir haben gut gespielt gegen ein gutes Neapel", kommentierte der Turiner Coach.
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences.
We played well against a good Napoli, the Turin coach commented.
В свою очередь, правительство разрешило уничтожать "санкционное" продовольствие любым законным способом.
Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences.
Furthermore, the government authorized the destruction of sanctioned goods using any legal method.
Wenn sie erfahren, dass ein Mädchen verheiratet werden soll, gehen sie zu den Eltern des Mädchens. Sie versuchen, ihnen klar zu machen, dass Kinderheirat gesetzlich verboten ist und Mädchen ein Recht auf Schulbildung haben. Die Legende besagt, dass St. Patrick während der Taufe versehentlich unter Wasser seinen Krummstab, der eine scharfe Spitze hatte, auf den Fuß des Königs stellte, wodurch dieser blutete.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
If they find out that a young girl is going to get married, they immediately contact the parents of the girl and explain to them that child marriage is forbidden by law and that girls have a right to education. Legend has it that during the baptism, St Patrick inadvertently placed his sharp-pointed crosier on the king ’ s foot under the water, causing it to bleed.
43. Поскольку японское общество стареет быстрыми темпами (в 1994 году лица в возрасте 65 лет и старше составляли 14,1 процента всего населения, а к 2020 году, по прогнозам, этот показатель составит 25,5 процента), правительство Японии прилагает энергичные усилия для обеспечения пожилым людям хороших условий жизни и возможности участвовать в жизни общества в соответствии с их наклонностями.
government means правительство.society means общество I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
43. Given that Japan was a rapidly ageing society (while persons aged 65 and over had represented 14.1 per cent of the population in 1994, that figure was expected to reach 25.5 per cent by the year 2020), the Japanese Government was working vigorously to provide older persons with decent living conditions and the opportunity to participate in society according to their abilities.
However, according to some reports, on 8 December 1993 the two Baha'is were again sentenced to death by the Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal in Tehran and filed an appeal with the Supreme Court. The region ’ s unique assemblage of natural communities, along with the long list of threatened and endangered species (including many of global significance), make this region of crucial importance to global biodiversity conservation.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Тем не менее, согласно некоторым данным, 8 декабря 1993 года оба бехаиста были вновь приговорены к смертной казни исламским революционным трибуналом Тегерана и обжаловали приговор в Верховном суде. Благодаря уникальному собранию естественных сообществ и большому числу редких и исчезающих видов (многие из них имеют мировое значение) этот регион играет огромную роль в сохранении биологического разнообразия планеты.
Applying heat constantly can damage the countertop over time; always use a trivet or a wooden cutting board while cooking or heating up meals to protect your kitchen countertops from any burns.
untersetzer means trivet Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Wenn Sie ständig Wärme anwenden, kann die Arbeitsplatte im Laufe der Zeit beschädigt werden. Verwenden Sie beim Kochen oder Aufwärmen von Speisen immer einen Untersetzer oder ein Schneidebrett aus Holz, um Ihre Küchenarbeitsplatten vor Verbrennungen zu schützen.
2010-2011 werden in Studio Babelsberg unter anderem die Filme Unknown Identity, The Apparition, Wer ist Hanna?, Chicken with Plums und Die drei Musketiere 3D produziert. Im Allgemeinen kann ein 64-Bit-Windows-Betriebssystem eine große Informationsmenge verarbeiten (d. H. Die Breite des Datenpfads, die Ganzzahlgröße und die Speicheradressen betragen 64 Bit), wenn es mit einem 32-Bit-Prozessor verglichen wird.
Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
In 2010-2011, Studio Babelsberg produces films such as Unknown Identity, The Apparition, Hanna, Chicken with Plums and The Three Musketeers 3D. Generally, 64-bit Windows OS can process large amount of information (i.e. width of datapath, integer size and memory addresses will be of 64-bit) when compared to 32-bit processor.
Die Trasse führt fast im kompletten Bereich durch hoch sensible Flächen (Lebensraum von Feldhamster und Ortolan, Streuobstbestand, Amphibien- und Reptilienlebensraum, Renaturierungsflächen).
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Most of the entire route leads through nearly an area with high sensitive surfaces (living environment of field hamsters and Ortolan Bunting (song bird), scattered fruit trees, amphibian and reptile habitats, renaturalization areas).
Идея создания национального парка появилась в начале 1980-х годов, когда стала очевидной необходимость сохранения природных ландшафтов долин рек Угры и Жиздры. Комитет отмечает, что предварительное расследование было начато через месяц после заявленных фактов пыток, а медицинское обследование заявителя было проведено только 23 апреля 2007 года, через три недели после его выписки из больницы.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The idea to set up a national park there came in view in the early 1980s when it became evident that the natural landscapes had to be preserved in river valleys of Ugra and Zhizdra. The Committee notes that a preliminary investigation was started a month after the reported facts of torture, while the medical examination of the complainant was not conducted until 23 April 2007, three weeks after his discharge from the hospital.
Die wichtigsten Meilensteine waren das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil, die Errichtung der Päpstlichen Kommission für die religiösen Beziehungen zum Judentum, die Anerkennung des Judentums als lebendige Religion mit einem ewigen Bund, die Würdigung der Signifikanz der Schoah und ihrer Vorläufer und die Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen zum Staat Israel. Was wäre, wenn man Produktionsstopps aufgrund von Pannen verhindern und Maintenancearbeiten von der tatsächlichen Abnutzung der Maschinen abhängig machen könnte?
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The most important milestones were the Second Vatican Council, the establishment of the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, the recognition of Judaism as a living religion with an eternal covenant, the appreciation of the significance of the Shoah and its antecedents, and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. What if we could prevent production shutdowns due to equipment failure and implement maintenance operations in accordance with the actual wear and tear on machinery?
Да, Валерий Гаврилин не дожил до этого дня, он не дожил полгода даже до своего шестидесятилетнего юбилея, скончавшись 28 января 1999 года, в то тяжелое и смутное время, когда многим казалось, что Россия безвозвратно погибла.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Yes, Valery Gavrilin did not live to see this day; he did not live six months even before his sixtieth birthday, passing away on January 28, 1999, in that difficult and troubled time, when many thought that Russia had irrevocably died.
The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, built for a project run by the U.S. Army in Philadelphia as part of a secret World War II project.
Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
ЭНИАК (электронный числовой интегратор и вычислитель) — первый электронный цифровой компьютер общего назначения, который был создан в рамках секретного проекта Армии США в Филадельфии во время Второй мировой войны.
С этой точки зрения самое существование жизни должно в биологии рассматриваться как элементарный факт, подобно тому как в атомной физике существование кванта действия следует принимать за основной факт, который нельзя вывести из обычной механической физики. Карфаген был столицей древней карфагенской цивилизации, а Дидона, согласно древним источникам, была основательницей и первой царицей Карфагена.
quantum means квант Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
On this view, the very existence of life must in biology be considered as an elementary fact, just as in atomic physics the existence of the quantum of action has to be taken as a basic fact that cannot be derived from ordinary mechanical physics. Carthage was the capital city of the ancient Carthaginian civilization while Dido, according to ancient sources, was the founder and first queen of Carthage.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language.
The driver told her he would be voting for Mr. Trump.
January is the most convenient month for a trip tosuch eastern islands of Thailand as Koh Chang and Ko Kut, even though it rains 3-4 times more often than in the Central region of Thailand.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Январь месяц наиболее располагает для поездки на такие восточные острова Таиланда, как Ко Чанг и Ко Кут, даже несмотря на то, что дожди здесь проходят в раза 3-4 чаще, чем в Центральном районе Таиланда.
С физической точки зрения Астрея ничем не примечательна, интересна скорее всего тем, что в течение 38 лет (после открытия Весты в 1807 г.) считалось, что существуют всего 4 астероида. Регион был завоеван Александром Македонским в 333 — 332 гг. до н.э. Диодор Сицилийский (первый век до н.э.) записал местные легенды, приписывающие основание города одному из его кавалерийских полков родом из Фессалии [1]. Во времена династии Селевкидов город был переименован в Ларису, в честь города в Фессалии, из которого были родом многие колонисты. [цитата нужна]
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Astraea is physically unremarkable but notable mainly because for 38 years (after the discovery of Vesta in 1807) it had been thought that there were only four asteroids. The region was conquered by Alexander the Great in 333-332 BC. Diodorus Siculus (first century BC) records local legends attributing the establishment of the town by one of his cavalry regiments originating from Thessaly. [1] During the Seleucid dynasty the town was renamed Larissa, after the town in Thessaly from which many colonists came. [citation needed]
Although Putin ’ s warm relations with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and his alliance with Iran, which has a lot of influence over Iraq, are paying off to some extent, they can ’ t quite compensate for ground lost elsewhere.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Хотя теплые отношения Путина с президентом Египта Абдель-Фаттахом ас-Сиси и его союз с Ираном, который имеет большое влияние на Ирак, в какой-то степени и окупаются, они не могут в полной мере компенсировать потери в других регионах.
Actually Balfour had no real flair for purely military matters, but he did have a flair for grand strategy and foreign policy; this was what interested him, and he sought to arrange military matters in a way that would support his strategic intentions.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Balfour hatte eigentlich kein besonderes Talent für rein militärische Angelegenheiten, aber er hatte eine Begabung für große Strategien und für die Außenpolitik; da lag sein eigentliches Interesse und er war immer bemüht, die militärischen Fragen im Sinne seiner strategischen Absichten zu regeln.
Seven wins in seven games is the flawless series in Series A. With 21 points the masters over the past seven years already have a six-point lead over Napoli.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Sieben Siege in sieben Spielen lautet die makellose Serie in der Serie A. Bei 21 Punkten hat der Meister der zurückliegenden sieben Jahre bereits sechs Zähler Vorsprung auf Neapel.
(7) A minimum Union standard of protection against unfair trading practices should be introduced to reduce the occurrence of such practices, to contribute to ensuring a fair standard of living for agricultural producers inside and outside the Union, to prevent unsafe and unsustainable practices, precarious working conditions, and to reduce food safety risks and food waste along the food supply chain.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
(7) Es sollte ein unionsweiter Mindestschutzstandard bezüglich unlauterer Handelspraktiken eingeführt werden, um solche Praktiken einzudämmen, dazu beizutragen, den landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugern innerhalb und außerhalb der EU eine angemessene Lebenshaltung zu gewährleisten, unsichere und nicht nachhaltige Praktiken und prekäre Arbeitsbedingungen zu verhindern und Risiken für die Lebensmittelsicherheit und Lebensmittelverschwendung entlang der Lebensmittelversorgungskette zu verringern.
После маммографии Ширли получила предупреждение от врачей и в результате приняла смелое решение удалить имплантаты.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form.
Shirley had received a health warning following a mammogram and subsequently made the brave decision to remove her implants.
Возможно, самым жестоким антисемитским писателем был Луи-Фердинанд Селин, который писал: « Я чувствую себя очень дружелюбным к Гитлеру и всем немцам, которых я считаю своими братьями … Наши настоящие враги это евреи и масоны », и « Жиды похожи на постельных клопов. » Он трижды выигрывал Кубок Стэнли как игрок (в 1991 году с "Питтсбург Пингвинз", в 2006 с "Каролина Харрикейнз" и в 2011 с "Бостон Брюинз").
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Perhaps the most violent antisemitic writer was Louis-Ferdinand Céline, who wrote "I feel myself very friendly to Hitler, and to all Germans, whom I feel to be my brothers … Our real enemies are Jews and Masons", and "Yids are like bedbugs." He won the Stanley Cup three times as a player (1991 with the Pittsburgh Penguins, 2006 with the Carolina Hurricanes and 2011 with the Boston Bruins).
早前6名被告是基于在《2012年国家安全罪行(特别措施)法令 》 ( SOSMA)下遭逮捕,因此法官不给予保释。
Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements.
Earlier, the six defendants were arrested under the National Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA), and thus the judge did not grant bail.
Very severe cases of bronchiectasis, which occur more commonly in underdeveloped countries and in people who have advanced cystic fibrosis, may impair breathing enough to cause abnormally low levels of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, a condition called respiratory failure (see Respiratory Failure).
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Bei sehr schweren Fällen von Bronchiektasen, die in unterentwickelten Ländern und bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Mukoviszidose häufiger vorkommen, kann die Atmung so stark beeinträchtigt sein, dass es im Blut zu einem ungewöhnlich niedrigen Sauerstoff- und einem hohen Kohlendioxidspiegel kommt (respiratorische Insuffizienz; Respiratorische Insuffizienz).
Die dunkle Fassade wird als Zeichen des Respekts des Feudalherrn Ishikawa gegenüber Hideyoshi Toyotomi gedeutet, dessen Burg Ōsaka zu jener Zeit auch eine dunkle Fassade hatte. Wir haben zudem wunderschöne Höhlen, das Kloster Tismana, die Stadt Motru, das Dorf Cocorova im Landkreis Dolj besichtigt.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
The dark exterior is thought to be a sign of Lord Ishikawa ’ s respect for Hideyoshi Toyotomi, whose Osaka Castle also bore a dark exterior at the time. We visited wonderful caves and also Tismana Monastery, the town of Motru and the village of Cocorova, in Dolj County.
Рельеф страны преимущественно горный, который в сочетании с прекрасным климатом и близостью к Средиземному морю делают Грецию одной из лучших в мире для туризма и отдыха. 4 мая премьер-министр НКР Ара Арутюнян посетил село Чартар Мартунинского района для встречи с местным населением и обсуждения некоторых программ.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
The relief of the country is mainly mountainous, that in combination by the nice climate and the nearness of the Mediterranean basin make Greece to be one of the best destinations for tourism and recreation in the world. On May 4, Prime Minister of Artsakh Republic Ara Haroutyunyan visited the village of Chartar of Martuni region to meet with the local people and discuss some programs.
В 1993 г. установлена мемориальная доска на доме, в котором в 1883 – 87 гг. жил Шалом Алейхем. Достойные сожаления события, недавно имевшие место в Хевроне, где экстремисты из числа израильских поселенцев поджигали дома и сады палестинцев, стреляли в гражданское население и оскверняли палестинские мечети и могилы, показывают истинные масштабы опасности, которую представляет собой присутствие незаконных израильских поселенцев на оккупированных палестинских территориях и его разрушительные последствия для перспектив достижения мира, безопасности и стабильности.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
In 1993, a commemorative tablet was mounted on the house where Shalom Aleichem lived between 1883 and 1887. The deplorable recent events in Hebron — where extremist Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian homes and orchards, shot at Palestinian civilians and desecrated Palestinian mosques and graves — illustrate the real danger of the illegal presence of Israeli settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory and their destructive impact on the prospects for achieving peace, security and stability.
"Currently, 86 per cent people living with HIV know their status; that means it leave us with 14 per cent of those living with HIV and do not know their status. So how do we now utilise that additional innovation. Really for me this is it ... how do we now move from this kit and create demand, especially for that 14 per cent that are sick and they need care and they are not getting care," Dr Atwine said.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English.
„Gegenwärtig kennen 86 Prozent der Menschen, die mit HIV leben, ihren Status; das bedeutet, dass wir 14 Prozent der HIV-Infizierten haben, die ihren Status nicht kennen. Wie also nutzen wir jetzt diese zusätzliche Innovation. Darum geht es mir wirklich ... wie kommen wir jetzt von diesem Kit weg und schaffen eine Nachfrage, vor allem für die 14 Prozent der Erkrankten, die Pflege brauchen und nicht versorgt werden“, sagte Dr. Atwine.
Das Hotel Ludwig van Beethoven befindet sich im Berliner Bezirk Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg, gleich gegenüber dem Volkspark Hasenheide, der neben seiner historischen Bedeutung für den deutschen Turnsport auch eine Menge kultureller Angebote wie einen Tierpark, ein Freiluftkino oder einen Abenteuerspielplatz bietet. Als Trost schenkten ihm die Eltern ein Einrad und so erkannte er sein Talent fürs Gleichgewicht – nach einer halben Stunde hatte er das Einradfahren erlernt und trainierte von da an jeden Tag.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The given word translations should be used.
The Hotel Ludwig van Beethoven is located in the Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg district of Berlin, opposite to the Volkspark Hasenheide, which offers not only its historical significance for German gymnastics, but also a lot of cultural offerings such as an animal park, an outdoor cinema or an adventure playground. As a consolation gift his parents offered him a unicycle, which had him recognize his talent in balancing – it took him half an hour to figure out how to ride the unicycle, then he started to practise every day.
It could have something to do with the fact vitamin D is fat soluble, so our digestive system needs to be properly able to digest fat in order to absorb this vitamin properly. This action of marjoram essential oil helps to treat hypertension or high blood pressure, clean the kidneys, decrease fat accumulation in the body and facilitate weight loss.
майоран means marjoram Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Это может быть связано с тем, что витамин D является жирорастворимым, поэтому наша пищеварительная система должна быть надлежащим образом способна переваривать жиры, чтобы правильно впитывать этот витамин. Это действие эфирного масла майорана помогает в лечении гипертонии или высокого кровяного давления, очищает почки, уменьшает накопление жира в организме и способствует потере веса.
Seit 1996 bietet Movie Park Germany seinen Besuchern unter dem Motto „Hurra, ich bin im Film!“ Shows, Attraktionen und Events rund um das Thema Film.
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The given word translations should be used.
Since 1996, Movie Park Germany has been offering its visitors shows, attractions and events all about film, with the motto: "Hooray, I'm in the movies!"
In Bondarev's words, after three years in Syria tens of thousands of terrorist targets have been destroyed - including, for example, ammunition stockpiles, fortifications, and headquarters.
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version.
По словам Бондарева, за три года в Сирии уничтожены десятки тысяч объектов террористов - речь идет, например, о складах боеприпасов, укрепрайонах и штабах.
6. Прежде чем приступить к детальному изучению заявки, Комиссия пригласила заместителя генерального директора JOGMEC Ёсиюки Киту, который представлял заявителя, выступить с презентацией заявки.
Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences using the given reference word translations?
6. Prior to commencing a detailed examination of the application, the Commission invited the applicant's representative, Yoshiyuki Kita, Deputy Director-General of JOGMEC, to make a presentation of the application.
В этот момент они начали активно привлекать работающих женщин на демонстрации, посвятили женским вопросам отдельную страницу в газете « Правда » и запустили женскую газету « Работница » в 1914 году. В то же время архивные измерения вариаций яркости радиозвезды на протяжении многих лет показали, что свет неравномерно менялся в течение всего нескольких месяцев.
In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
At that point, they started to actively involve working women in demonstrations, dedicated a page to women ’ s questions in their newspaper Pravda, and launched a women ’ s newspaper, Rabotnitsa, in 1914. At the same time, archival measurements of the brightness variations of the radio star over many years showed that the light irregularly varied over a time of only a few months.
Features • Explore an incredible selection of books and audiobooks from every category including fiction, non-fiction, mysteries, thrillers, romance, kids ’ books, cookbooks and more. To understand how the Scala type checker tries to guarantee the type safety of a code base, and how the rules that are applied in the process can be traced back to the familiar concept of subtype polymorphism, I will first discuss what is meant by subtype polymorphism.
What do the following sentences mean in English? The given word translations should be used.
• Entdecke eine unglaubliche Auswahl an Büchern und Hörbüchern aus jeder Kategorie – einschließlich Belletristik, Sachbüchern, Krimis, Thrillern, Liebesromanen, Kinderbüchern, Kochbüchern und mehr. Um zu verstehen, wie der Scala-Typchecker versucht, die Typsicherheit einer Codebase zu garantieren, und wie sich die Regeln, die er dabei verwendet, auf ein so vertrautes Konzept zurückführen lässt, werden wir zunächst diskutieren, was mit Subtyp-Polimorphismus gemeint ist.
In 2016, revenues from sales of GAZ Group's products in Russia amounted to 132.7 billion rubles, in the CIS - 11.4 billion rubles, in other countries - 6 billion rubles, the company said in a report. Ecole des Roches is the most known private boarding school in France for mutual education of boys and girls. It is located in Normandy, 115 km from Paris, 110 km from the sea and 3 km from an ancient town of Verneuil-sur-Avre.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
В 2016 г. выручка от реализации продукции группы ГАЗ в России составила 132,7 млрд руб., в СНГ – 11,4 млрд руб., в других странах – 6 млрд руб., указано в отчете компании. Школа Рош - самая известная частная школа-пансион во Франции, предназначенная для совместного обучения девочек и мальчиков. Она расположена в Нормандии - в 115 км от Парижа, 110 км от моря и в 3 км от старинного городка Верней-сюр-Авр.
The product was isolated with the help of a 5% solution of ammonium hydroxide in methanol as eluent and was concentrated on a rotary evaporator. In 1413 Antipope John XXIII founded the University's department of theology, which for quite some time had only a few students. Of the cotton produced, an estimated 60 percent is used to make yarn or thread, which is then turned into fabric for clothing items, such as t-shirts, shirts, jeans, coats, and jackets.
What do the following sentences mean in English using the given reference word translations?
Продукт выделяли при помоши 5% раствора гидроксида аммония в метаноле в качестве элюента и концентрировали на роторном испарителе. В 1413 году антипапа Иоанн Двадцать Третий основал факультет теологии в Университете, на котором поначалу обучалось лишь несколько студентов. Из произведенного хлопка приблизительно 60 процентов используется для изготовления пряжи или нитки, которая затем превращается в ткань для предметов одежды, таких как футболки, рубашки, джинсы, пальто и куртки.
Уникальность экспериментов, проведенных в университете Брауна и Технологическом институте г. Канпур, Индия, заключается в том, что инженеры использовали углеродное нановолокно, спиралевидные трубки диаметром 60 — 200 нанометров.
nanofiber means нановолокно Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The interesting thing about the experiments at Brown and at the India Institute of Technology Kanpur is that the engineers employed carbon nanofibers, helical-shaped tubes with thicknesses between 60 and 200 nanometers.
Von 1995 bis 1999 war er für zwei Amtsperioden Präsident der Screen Actors Guild, einer Gewerkschaft für Schauspieler. Wenn Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse eingegeben haben, um einen Kommentar im Blog zu hinterlassen, wird dieser zur Identifizierung Ihres Kommentars verwendet, jedoch nicht auf der Website angezeigt oder an Dritte weitergegeben. Hu und drei weitere Praktizierende waren am 25. August 2014 von Beamten der Polizeinebenstelle Yingdong Xincheng im Bezirk Laobian im Wohngebiet Huanxindian verhaftet worden.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German using the given reference word translations.
From 1995 to 1999, he served two terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG). If you have entered your email address to leave a comment on the blog, it is used to identify your comment, however it is not displayed on the website or shared with any third party. Ms. Hu and three other practitioners were arrested by officers from the Laobian District Yingdong Xincheng Police Substation, in the Huanxindian Residential area on August 25, 2014.
Thus we have a constant, a linear and a quadratic term of a beginning series expansion as a function of a quantity x, which is obviously the velocity. The second word (from the root Tash meaning cut and shape) means shaper, designer and maker (Y44.5).
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Damit haben wir einen konstanten, einen linearen und einen quadratischen Term einer beginnenden Reihenentwicklung in Abhängigkeit einer Größe x, welche offensichtlich die Geschwindigkeit ist. Das zweite Wort (vom Ursprung Tash, übersetzt als Schnitt und Form) bedeutet Formgeber, Gestalter und Hersteller (Y44.5).
According to the State party's report (para. 246), post boxes were installed in all penitentiaries, except for pre-trial detention centres, where the correspondence is collected and delivered by the penitentiary according to the provisions of the legislation. Børsen (The Stock Exchange) is a building on the island Slotsholmen in central Copenhagen built by Christian IV in 1619-1640.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Согласно докладу государства-участника (пункт 246), почтовые ящики установлены во всех пенитенциарных учреждениях, за исключением центров предварительного заключения, где, согласно положениям законодательства, почта принимается и доставляется по адресу пенитенциарным учреждением. Бёрсен — здание копенгагенской биржи на острове Слотсхольмен в центре Копенгагена, выстроенное в 1619-40 гг. по приказу Кристиана IV.
Diejenigen, die an die Trichotomie des Menschen glauben, glauben typischer Weise folgendes: der physische Körper verbindet uns mit der physischen Welt um uns herum, die Seele ist der Kern unseres Wesens, und der Geist ist unsere Verbindung mit Gott. Die meisten dieser Rekruten kamen aus Ländern mit muslimischer Mehrheit, wie Tunesien und Saudi-Arabien, einige auch aus Australien, China, Russland und den westeuropäischen Ländern.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Those who believe that human nature is a trichotomy typically believe the following: the physical body is what connects us with the physical world around us, the soul is the essence of our being, and the spirit is what connects us with God. Most of these recruits came from Muslim-majority countries, such as Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, some also hailed from Australia, China, Russia, and western European countries.
In 1962, the “Spiegel Affair ” made the magazine famous: After strongly criticizing the defense concept put forth by NATO, police raided the editorial offices and some of the staff was arrested. Beginning in 1911, Saurer was licensor of the International Motor Company. Cooperation with MAN started in 1915. The Österreichische Saurerwerke AG in Vienna got a licence of the Adolph Saurer AG in 1906, which was main shareholder up to 1937.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
1962 machte die „Spiegel-Affäre“ das Magazin berühmt. Nachdem es kritisch über das Verteidigungskonzept der Nato berichtet hatte, wurde die Redaktion von der Polizei durchsucht und einige Redakteure verhaftet. So fungierte Saurer ab 1911 als Lizenzgeber für die International Motor Company und ab 1915 gab es eine Zusammenarbeit mit MAN Die Österreichische Saurerwerke AG in Wien erwarb im Jahr 1906 die Lizenz der Adolph Saurer AG, welche noch bis 1937 Hauptaktionär war.
Für ältere Kinder kann Gelee unter Verwendung von Gelatine hergestellt werden - ein Produkt der Verarbeitung von Bindegewebe von Tieren. Ed Sheerans Leben scheint einfach perfekt zu sein - nicht nur, dass er mit seiner Musik unglaublich erfolgreich ist, auch sein Liebesleben scheint perfekt zu sein.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
For older children, jelly can be done with the use of gelatin - a product of processing connective tissues of animals. Ed Sheeran's life seems to be just perfect - not only is he incredibly successful with his music, his love life seems to be perfect, too.
DENSO Corporation, mit Sitz in Kariya, Präfektur Aichi, Japan, unterhält etwa 220 Niederlassungen in 35 Ländern und Regionen (inkl. Japan) und beschäftigt cirka 170.000 Mitarbeiter weltweit. Gewisse Empfänger (unsere Drittdienstleister und andere Unternehmen der Smurfit Kappa Group, die in unserem Auftrag Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten, können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an ein Land außerhalb des EWR übertragen, das keinen angemessenen Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten bietet.
Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
DENSO Corporation, headquartered in Kariya, Aichi prefecture, Japan, has approximately 220 subsidiaries in 35 countries and regions (including Japan) and employs approximately 170,000 people worldwide. Certain Recipients (our third party service providers and other Smurfit Kappa Group companies) who process your Personal Data on our behalf may transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA to a country that does not provide an adequate level of protection to your Personal Data.
The government, though, did not feel itself able to pass laws against homoeopathy, firstly, because it was flourishing in England and, secondly, because it was practiced and supported by British military officers, civil servants and missionaries. It is the first of two mosques built by Mihrimah Sultana, daughter of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and wife of Grand Vizier Rüstem Pasha.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Dennoch traute sich die Regierung nicht, Gesetze gegen die Homöopathie zu erlassen, erstens, weil diese in England florierte, und zweitens, weil sie durch britische Militäroffiziere, Zivilbeamten und Missionare praktiziert und gefördert wurde. Die Moschee ist eines von zwei von Mihrimah Sultan, der Tochter Sultan Süleymans I. und Ehefrau des Großwesirs Rüstem Pascha, gestifteten Gotteshäusern.
I spent 1 1/2 seasons with the club.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
В этом клубе я провел полтора сезона.
25. In Bulgaria on 2 and 3 February 1997, the newspapers reported the deaths of three Roma children from starvation in the town of Stara Zagora. On 4 February, following an increase in the price of bread, 2,000 Roma demonstrated in the centre of the town of Pazardzhik in protest against "the discriminatory policies of the central Government and the local authorities".
хлеб means bread In English, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
25. В Болгарии 2 и 3 февраля 1997 года газеты сообщили о смерти трех детей рома от голода в деревне Стара-Загора. 4 февраля после повышения цен на хлеб 2000 рома собрались в центре города Пазарджик и устроили демонстрацию в знак протеста против "дискриминационной политики центральных и местных органов власти".
Так президент России Владимир Путин ответил на просьбу Игоря Сечина содействовать в разрешении возникших противоречий.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language.
This is how Russian President Vladimir Putin replied to Igor Sechin’s request to assist in resolving conflicts that have emerged.
Die Leute leiden nicht nur wegen des Erdbebens und des Tsunamis, sondern auch wegen ernster Strahlenangst, regelrechter Strahlenphobie. Ich weiß, dass seine Anführer keine klare Vorstellung von ihrer Aufgabe haben, ich weiß, dass das Volk unheimlich viel leidet – hier habe ich den derzeit größten Philosophen Russlands, Schestow, und den Schriftsteller Remisow kennengelernt, die aus Russland weggingen, weil sie dagegen waren, da sie die abscheuerregenden Details nicht ausstehen konnten.
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The people are suffering, not only because of the earthquake and the tsunami, but also from severe radiation anxiety, real radiophobia. I know that her very leaders do not have a clear idea of their mandate, I know that the people are undergoing unimaginable suffering, and here I met the country's greatest living philosopher, Sestov, and one of her writers, Remizov, who left Russia because they were opposed to what is going on, since they were unable to tolerate the terrible details.
The female condom is designed for placement inside the woman's vagina and with it you get a prevention similar to that of the male condom.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
Dieses Femidom ist für die Platzierung in der Vagina der Frau konzipiert und bietet damit eine ähnliche Prävention wie das männliche Kondom.
"Я очень люблю животных, — начала она, — у меня собака и две кошки, и, знаете, они замечательно дружат между собой. Помимо прочего, йога помогает облегчить боль в пояснице, мягко растягивая и укрепляя мышцы нижней части спины и ног и увеличивая циркуляцию крови, что в свою очередь приносит исцеляющие питательные вещества в поврежденные ткани.
In Russian, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations?
‘ I do love animals, ’ she began, ‘ I have a dog and two cats, and do you know they get on together wonderfully well. Among other things, yoga helps ease lower back pain by gently stretching and strengthening the muscles of the lower back and legs and increasing blood circulation, which in turn brings healing nutrients to the injured tissues.
I didn't sign up for this.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Я не подписывалась на это.
During our life there are many influences on the structure of our body. These include genetic inheritance, adopted habits in posture and movement or traumatic experiences (accidents, physiological or emotional stress). Albert Einstein was born in Ulm as the son of non-practising Jews, Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch, on 14 th March 1879. He grew up in Munich where he first attended elementary school and afterwards high school until 1894.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
Viele Faktoren beeinflussen im Laufe unseres Lebens unsere Körperstruktur: Genetisches Erbe, angenommene Haltungs- und Bewegungsgewohnheiten oder traumatische Erlebnisse (Unfälle, physischer und emotionaler Stress). Albert Einstein, geboren am 14. März 1879 in Ulm als Sohn der nicht praktizierenden Juden Hermann Einstein und Pauline Koch, wuchs in München auf und besuchte hier zunächst die Volksschule und anschließend bis 1894 das Gymnasium.
The River Reno and the Valleys of Comacchio to the north mark the border with the Province of Ferrara, while to the south the border is with the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Florence.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Река Рено и долина Комаккьо на севере определяют границы с провинцией Феррары, на юге пограничными являются провинции Форли-Чезены и Флоренции.
Während 50 Jahren hatte er bei seinem Lehrer Parasara in der Höhle von Sravasti die Weisheit der Kosmogenese und Anthropogenese gelernt, zusammen mit Parasaras Sohn Vedavyasa.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
For 50 years he had learned from his teacher Parasara the wisdom of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis in the caves of Sravasti, together with the son of Parasara, Vedavyasa.
Elizabeth had arranged to meet Georgiana in the conservatory where they would inspect the blooms and green boughs the head gardener had brought from the hothouses. Walk for 10 minutes to the Aquarium and Zoological Museum, and for a further 5 minutes to the picturesque Liège Cathedral.
In English, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Elizabeth hatte ein Treffen mit Georgiana im Wintergarten vereinbart, wo sie die Blumen und grünen Zweige begutachten wollten, die der Obergärtner aus den Treibhäusern gebracht hatte. Bis zum Aquarium und dem Zoologischen Museum gehen Sie 10 Minuten zu Fuß. Weitere 5 Minuten benötigen Sie bis zur malerischen St.-Pauls-Kathedrale.
В храмах используется электроорган (что для меня немыслимо), многие люди причащаются без какой-либо подготовки и не живут духовной жизнью. Поступили также сообщения, что 18 ноября трое неустановленных вооруженных мужчин ворвались в дом одного из адвокатов, г-на Хасана Хоти, издевательски ведя себя по отношению к нему и членам его семьи и угрожая ему расправой.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
They use electric organs in the churches2 (which for me is unthinkable), many people commune without any kind of preparation, and they don ’ t live spiritual lives. It is also reported that, on 18 November, three unidentified armed men forced themselves into the home of one of the defence lawyers, Mr. Hasan Hoti, harassing and threatening him and members of his family.
Международное сотрудничество в борьбе с незаконной торговлей стрелковым оружием и легкими вооружениями и в принятии мер, препятствующих попаданию их в руки организованных преступных групп и террористов, необходимо, но оно должно осуществляться в соответствии с принципами международного права и Устава Организации Объединенных Наций и не должно затрагивать это законное право государств. Обязанность обеспечить судебное преследование лежит главным образом на правительстве США, но в Конвенции против пыток содержится положение об « универсальной юрисдикции », согласно которому все правительства обязаны привлекать к ответственности подозреваемых, находящихся на их территории, независимо от того, где имел место факт пыток.
In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
International cooperation in combating the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons and preventing them from falling into the hands of members of organized crime and terrorists is necessary, but it must be in accordance with the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, and it must not affect that legitimate right of States. The duty to prosecute lies principally with the US government, but the Convention against Torture contains a “universal jurisdiction ” clause that obligates all governments to prosecute suspects who come on their territory, regardless of where the torture took place.
Die integrale und die differenzielle Nichtlinearität des DAC: Differenzielle Nichtlinearität (DNL) ist die Differenz zwischen der wirklichen Schrittweite und dem idealen Wert von 1 LSB.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
DAC ’ s integral and differential nonlinearity: Differential nonlinearity (DNL) is the difference between the actual step size and the ideal value of 1 LSB.
Эта прекрасная деревня была столицей Пароса в средние века и полна маленьких традиционных побеленных домов, смешанных с венецианской архитектурой, замечательными церквями, датируемыми 15 веком, побеленными ветряными мельницами и красивыми голубятнями.
dovecote means голубятня Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
This beautiful village used to be the capital of Paros during the Middle Ages and is full of little traditional whitewashed houses, mixed with Venetian architecture, wonderful churches dating from the 15th century, whitewashed windmills and beautiful dovecotes.
5. Statements by Mrs. Habibi, the President's Adviser on Women' s Affairs, about the legal problems of women and the necessity to acquaint them with their rights, as well as the necessity to amend the relevant laws and their implementation process. They call upon the people, the State organs, the Military Junta and the political parties of Guinea-Bissau to continue to show magnanimity, guaranteeing the physical integrity of those who have surrendered and granting them dignified and fair treatment, in accordance with the existing law and the spirit of national reconciliation.
великодушие means magnanimity What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
5. Заявления советника президента по делам женщин г-жи Хабиби по поводу правовых проблем женщин и необходимости ознакомления их с их правами, а также необходимости внести коррективы в соответствующие законы и процедуру их применения Они призывают народ, государственные органы, военную хунту и политические партии Гвинеи-Бисау продолжать проявлять великодушие, гарантируя физическую неприкосновенность тем, кто сдался, и обеспечивая им достойное и справедливое обращение в соответствии с существующим законодательством и духом национального примирения.
Am nächsten Tag steht ein Trip in die ländliche Region Valldemossa an. Hier befindet sich eine der bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Insel: die Kartause von Valldemossa, ein ehemaliges Kloster.
Translate the following sentences from English to German, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The plan for the following day is a trip to the rural region of Valldemossa, which is home to one of the island ’ s most renowned sights: the Valldemossa Charterhouse that was once a monastery.
And Rivest appeared on WAVE's evening news bulletin Monday to condemn the man again.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
В понедельник госпожа Ривест появилась в вечернем новостном сегменте радиостанции WAVE и снова уличала этого прохожего.
Naked News gab letzte Woche bekannt, sein internationales Mandat für die Berichterstattung in Fremdsprachen mit drei neuen Programmen deutlich auszuweiten.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format.
Last week, Naked News announced that it would dramatically increase its international language mandate to news reporting, with three new broadcasts.
Команда учёных из австралийского технологического университета Свинбурна разработала новую технологию, которая позволила бы создавать оптические диски общей вместимостью 1 петабайт (ПБ). На церемонии открытия кураторы музея Чарльз Эше и Агунг Хужатника представят около 90 работ из коллекции основателя музея Харианто Адикеоэмо.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
A team of scientists working for the Australian Swinburne University of Technology has developed a new technology that could allow the creation of optical disks with overall capacity of 1 petabyte (PB). For the inaugural exhibition, curators Charles Esche and Agung Hujatnika will present some 90 works from the collection of museum founder Haryanto Adikoesoemo.
Stattdessen nimmt sie mit ihrem iPhone Xs und der Hipstamatic App ein Farbfoto auf, mit Snapseed konvertiert sie es in Schwarz-Weiß und bearbeitet es. Dann druckt sie ein digitales Negativ und produziert damit einen Platindruck als Archivbild. „Die Gesundheit meiner eigenen Haustiere und von Tieren im Allgemeinen lag mir schon immer sehr am Herzen – das ist der Grund, weshalb ich Tierosteopathin und -physiotherapeutin geworden bin.
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Instead, she captures a colour photo with her iPhone XS using the Hipstamatic app, converts it to black and white and edits it in the Snapseed app, prints a digital negative and then produces a platinum print as an archival image. ‘ I ’ ve always been passionate about the health of my own pets and that of animals in general - it ’ s what led me to become an animal osteopath and physiotherapist.
Since the construction site has moved on, things have quietened down.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Seit die Baustelle weitergezogen ist, sei es aber ruhiger geworden.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language.
Meanwhile, China Resources and Heineken reached a long-term strategic cooperation arrangement, including acquisition of the existing business of Heineken in China mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, and integration with the beer business of China Resources in China.
Atomoxetine is an alternative to stimulants that can be used in patients with a history of drug abuse or who have family members with a history of drug abuse. United States forces landed in Funafuti on 2 October 1942 and on Nanumea and Nukufetau in August 1943 and constructed an airfield and military bases on each island.
What do the following sentences mean in English using the given reference word translations?
Атомоксетин – альтернатива стимуляторам, его можно использовать пациентам, которые в прошлом употребляли наркотики, или тем, чьи члены семьи употребляли наркотики. Силы Соединенных Штатов высадились в Фунафути 2 октября 1942 года и на Нанумеа и Нукуфетау в августе 1943 года и построили аэродром на каждом острове.
In the late 19th century, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the official body of American Reform rabbis, formally resolved to permit the admission of converts "without any initiatory rite, ceremony, or observance whatsoever." Agents based on chlorine (hypochlorites, javel) or peroxides and peracetic acids can be used for those purposes too.
hypochlorit means hypochlorites In English, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used.
Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts entschied die Central Conference of American Rabbis, die offizielle Vertretung der amerikanischen reformierten Rabbiner, die Aufnahme von Konvertiten „ohne jedweden Initiationsritus, Zeremonie oder Regelbeachtung“ zu gestatten. [23] Auch Mittel auf Basis von Chlor (Hypochlorit, Javel) oder Peroxiden und Peressigsäure können für diese Zwecke verwendet werden.
In addition, the tablet uses a technology called Zero Air Gap, through which the amount of glare and reflection is reduced to zero, and therefore the device can be operated without problems even in sunny weather. InEU scientists took part in more than 70 various scientific competitions announced with an aim to finance and support R & D, as well as competitions for grants, scientific awards and scholarships including:
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Кроме того, в планшете используется технология Zero Air Gap, благодаря которой количество бликов и отражений сводится к нулю, а потому с устройством без проблем можно работать даже в солнечную погоду. Ученые ИнЕУ приняли участие в более чем 70 различных научных конкурсах, объявленных с целью финансирования и поддержки НИОКР, а также в конкурсах на получение грантов, научных премий и стипендий, в том числе в:
Heydar Aliyev: Mr. President, I thank you on behalf of the Azerbaijani Republic for the kind words about us.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Heydar Aliyev: Herr Präsident, ich danke Ihnen im Namen der Republik Aserbaidschan für die guten Worte an unsere Adresse.
Из-за большого расстояния от континента млекопитающие не могли добраться до туда, что делает гигантскую черепаху основным травоядным животным на Галапагосских островах.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian?
Due to the long distance from the continent mammals were unable to make the journey making the giant tortoise the primary grazing animal in the Galapagos.
In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey?
It shows that the filter isn't just yellowface, but yellowface taken to its derogatory extreme.
她在裙子上缝了一个三角形布以增加蓬松感。 裁缝使用了一个三角形布在连衣裙上制造出了一个张扬的效果。 帆船的主帆由几块缝在一起的三角形布组成。
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Chinese language.
She sewed a gore into the skirt to give it more volume. The tailor used a gore to create a flared effect in the dress. The sailboat's mainsail is made up of several gores sewn together.
Icaria has its name from Icarus, the son of Daedalus in Greek mythology, who, contrary to all warnings, tried to realize his dream of flying. Thus, according to Alexander Yakovlev, [42] perestroica signified the substitution of the theory that universal human values transcend class interests for Marxist class theory.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and must use the given word translations.
Ikaria hatte seinen Namen von Ikarus, dem Sohn des Daedalus aus der griechischen Mythologie, der entgegen aller Warnungen versuchte, seinen Traum vom Fliegen zu realisieren. Alexander Jakowlew etwa verkündete, [40] an die Stelle der marxistischen Klassentheorie würde jetzt das Prinzip der alle Klasseninteressen transzendierenden universellen Menschenrechte treten.
Die Bushaltestelle Jenerálka befindet sich 50 m von der Unterkunft entfernt und den U-Bahnhof Dejvická erreichen Sie nach einer 8-minütigen Busfahrt.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The given word translations should be used.
The Jenerálka Bus Stop is 50 metres from the property and the Dejvická Metro Station is an 8-minute bus drive away.
Это находка чрезвычайной важности: с виду это крохотный предмет, однако он достаточно большой, чтобы занять подобающее место в истории.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences.
This is a discovery of extraordinary importance: it looks like a tiny object, but it is big enough to take its rightful place in history.
Страна с населением около 40 млн. человек производит сельскохозяйственную продукцию для 400 млн. человек, т.е. каждый аргентинец обеспечивает продуктами питания 10 человек планеты.
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Argentina with a population of about 40 million people produces agricultural products for 400 million people, i.e. each Argentinian provides food to 10 people on the planet.
High air pollution does not only make breathing more difficult but it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and possibly dementia in the long term (1). Monocultures, the climate change, corruption, civil wars, existential uncertainties regarding the management of land, an unexpectedly high and rapid population growth in Africa are just a few factors that will conceivably prevent micronutrient deficiencies from being sustainably reduced despite biofortification and supplementation.
biofortifikation means biofortification What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Eine hohe Luftverschmutzung erschwert nicht nur die Atmung, sondern erhöht langfristig auch das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Krebs und möglicherweise auch Demenz (1). Monokulturen, Klimawandel, Korruption, Bürgerkriege, existentielle Unsicherheiten bei der Bewirtschaftung von Land, unerwartet hohes und schnelles Bevölkerungswachstum in Afrika sind nur einige Faktoren, die absehbar verhindern, dass sich auch mit Biofortifikation und Supplementierung Mikronährstoffdefizite dauerhaft mindern lassen.
В 1347 году в город пришла чума, которая выкосила большую часть населения и подорвала военную мощь города, вследствие чего в 1350 году ослабевшая династия Дориа вынуждена была продать часть своего города арагонцам, а в 1353 году Альгеро был полностью завоёван армией Арагона, и в XIV веке получил статус « королевского города ».
Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
In 1347 a plague came to the city, which wiped out most of the population and undermined the military power of the city, so that in 1350 the weakened Doria dynasty was forced to sell part of its city to the Aragonese, and in 1353 Alghero was completely conquered by the Aragon army, and in the 14th century received the status of "royal city".
Yakimovo 2019 (with Photos): Top 20 Places to Stay in Yakimovo - Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes - Airbnb Yakimovo, Kaluga Oblast, Russia The tampons are primarily made of pure rayon, a raw material that has been proven throughout decades and adheres to the European Pharmacopoeia (EAB) purity requirements for cotton wool.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Kaluga 2019 (mit Fotos): Die 20 besten Unterkünfte in Kaluga – Ferienwohnungen, Urlaubsunterkünfte – Airbnb Kaluga, Oblast Kaluga, Russland Die Tampons bestehen weitgehend aus reiner Zellwolle. Dieser Rohstoff hat sich über Jahrzehnte bewährt und entspricht den Reinheitsanforderungen für Verbandwatte des Europäischen Arzneibuches (EAB).
The Catholic Church, since it was founded by Christ our Lord to bear salvation to all men and thus is obliged to preach the Gospel, considers it one of its duties to announce the Good News of salvation also with the help of the media of social communication and to instruct men in their proper use. Mr. MONTOYA (Colombia) said that the potential of trade as a key instrument of international cooperation and means of accelerating economic growth had greatly diminished, due to the emergence of new forms of protectionism and the failure on the part of some countries to stand up to domestic pressure and abide by agreed rules.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Поскольку Католическая Церковь была основана Христом Господом для того, чтобы принести спасение всем людям, она сознаёт необходимость проповедовать Евангелие и потому считает своим долгом провозглашать спасительную весть также при помощи средств массовой коммуникации и учить людей их правильному использованию. 21. Г-н МОНТОЙЯ (Колумбия) говорит, что потенциал торговли как одного из важнейших инструментов международного сотрудничества и средства ускорения экономического роста значительно сократился в связи с появлением новых форм протекционизма и тем обстоятельством, что некоторые страны, уступая нажиму со стороны внутреннего протекционистского лобби, не соблюдают установленные правила.
Бизнес-центр расположен в двух минутах ходьбы от станции метро « Цветной бульвар », в непосредственной близости от ул. Садово-Самотечная и Олимпийского проспекта.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
The Business Center is located just a two-minute walk from the Tsvetnoy Bulvar metro station and right nearby Sadovaya-Samotechnaya Street and Olimpiysky Avenue.
Man guilty of killing 6 members of his extended family in Texas
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Mann der Ermordung von 6 Familienmitgliedern in Texas schuldig gesprochen
Residents of Kemerovo outraged by flock of sheep in cemetery
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version.
Кемеровчан возмутило стадо баранов на кладбище
« Максимальная дальность обнаружения радара ПВО С-400 на базе « Хмеймим » составляет всего 600 километров, а это означает, что российский радар С-400 может обнаруживать только самолеты над большей частью границы между Ираком и Сирией, но не над границей между Ираком и Ираном.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian using the given reference word translations.
“The maximum detection range of the S-400 air defense radar at the Khmeimim base is only 600 kilometers, which means that the Russian S-400 radar can only detect aircraft over most of the border between Iraq and Syria, but not over the border between Iraq and Iran.
Ms. Huang Qian, a former employee of the Guangzhou Book Centre, was sentenced to a five-year prison term on December 30th, 2016, for blogging about the repeated arrests, detention, and torture she suffered for her belief in Falun Gong.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Хуан Цянь, бывшую сотрудницу центрального книжного магазина в Гуанчжоу, 30 декабря 2016 года приговорили к тюремному заключению сроком на пять лет за опубликованную ею в своём блоге информацию об арестах, задержаниях и пытках, которые ей пришлось пережить, отстаивая своё право практиковать Фалуньгун.
Olympic diver Tom Daley says he grew up feeling inferior to everyone because of his sexuality - but that gave him the motivation to become a success.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
奥运会潜水员托马斯·戴利 (Tom Daley) 说,由于自己的性取向,他从小就感觉很自卑,但这也成为了他取得成功的动力。
В 1920 году Лоран-Вибер, промышленник и меценат из Лиона, покупает замок и полностью его восстанавливает на основе архивных документов.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
During the 1920s, Laurent-Vibert, a Lyon-based industrialist and patron, bought the castle and restored it entirely on the basis of archival documents.
We recommend you to take every precaution in protecting your personal information when you are on the Internet. For example, change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers when creating passwords, and make sure you use a secure browser. With four universities, a technical university and a few private higher education schools, Lublin is one of the biggest academic centres in the country – every fourth citizen is a student.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Мы рекомендуем вам принимать все меры предосторожности при защите вашей личной информации, когда вы находитесь в Интернете. Например, часто меняйте свои пароли, используйте комбинацию букв и цифр при создании паролей и убедитесь, что используете безопасный браузер. Люблин, в котором действуют четыре университета, политехнический институт и несколько частных ВУЗов – это один из самых крупных академических центров в стране – каждый четвёртый житель города является студентом.
It is in itself a great shame.
Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form.
Это, на самом деле, страшный позор.
With an area of only 25.39 square kilometers and a population of just 1,200 people, Agulo is the smallest and least populated municipality of La Gomera. But we don ’ t know what occurred in the first split second after the Big Bang, nor can we comment on anything that came before it, as no experiments have yet been devised that could test any hypotheses about these early moments. ”
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Со своей площади 25,39 кв.км. и населением всего 1200 жителей, Агуло – самый маленький и слабонаселенный район Гомеры. Но мы не знаем, что произошло в первые доли секунды после Большого взрыва, и мы не можем комментировать, что было до него, так как до сих пор не разработаны никакие эксперименты, которые могли бы проверить любые гипотезы относительно этих ранних моментов.
К 1890 году Флагстафф располагался вдоль одной из самых оживлённых железных дорог в США: ежедневно через город проезжало 80 — 100 поездов, которые направлялись в Чикаго, Лос-Анджелес и в другие места. Протекающая через Катманду река Багмати считается священной рекой индусов и буддистов, на берегах этой реки расположены многие индуистские храмы.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian? The given word translations should be used.
By the 1890s, Flagstaff found itself along one of the busiest railroad corridors in the U. S. with 80 – 100 trains travelling through the city every day, destined for Chicago, Los Angeles, elsewhere. The Bagmati River which flows through Kathmandu is considered a holy river both by Hindus and Buddhists, and many Hindu temples are located on the banks of this river.
If you're visiting Beausejour Bay with the family or in a group, be sure to check out the room options and facilities we list for each hotel to ensure we help find the perfect hotel for you. Prof. Dr. Lothar Weinland, Academic Program Director for Services Marketing at Dual Academy Mannheim, will lecture on schools as service providers and reports on the latest findings as regards research into services.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Wenn Sie Beauséjour Bay mit der Familie oder in einer Gruppe besuchen, sollten Sie die Zimmeroptionen und Ausstattungsmerkmale überprüfen, die wir für jedes Hotel anzeigen, um Ihnen die Wahl des richtigen Hotels zu erleichtern. Prof. Dr. Lothar Weinland, Studiengangsleiter Dienstleistungsmarketing an der Dualen Hochschule Mannheim, referiert über Schulen als Dienstleister und berichtet über die neuesten Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Dienstleistungsforschung.
Products at zero tariff under the FTAs also include intermediates and raw materials required for the domestic production of end-user consumer goods, which will, to a certain extent, also upgrade the mix of domestically produced consumer goods.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English.
On the touchscreen, the visitor can scroll through the book as they wish, open every page, use the zoom function, compare with other databases and receive further information. In 1977, Holzer succumbed to an accident on Piz Roseg (3937 m) in the Bernina range, Graubünden – Switzerland.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Am Berührungsbildschirm kann der Besucher in dem Buch beliebig blättern, es auf allen Seiten aufschlagen, die Lupenfunktion benutzen, mit anderen Datenbeständen vergleichen und weitere Informationen erhalten. 1977 verunglückte Holzer tödlich am Piz Roseg (3937 m) in der Berninagruppe, Graubünden (Schweiz).
Funkgeräte und Walkie-Talkies (keine Mobiltelefone, da der EMP (Elektromagnetischer Impuls), welcher von der Explosion ausgelöst wird, diese Geräte für eine Weile unbrauchbar macht und danach die Satelliten im Hinblick auf die nationale Sicherheit abgeschaltet werden, sodass du kein Signal mehr bekommst. Die ganze Zeit bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg, als die Deutschen die Trappisten vertrieben und ihr Vermögen beschlagnahmt haben, hatten diese Mönche einen großen Einfluss auf die geistige und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung dieser Ortschaften.
Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Radio and "walkie-talkies" (not cell phones, the EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) from the blast will render it useless for a while, then the satellites will go down for national security so you will get no signal) The Trappists had a significant impact on the spiritual and economic development of the area until they were expelled and their property confiscated by the Germans during the Second World War.