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How To Become a Legal Permanent Resident of the United States
To become a legal permanent resident of the United States, meet with an immigration attorney to confirm your eligibility and help you prepare forms and documents. Next, have your sponsor file your immigrant petition unless you qualify to file for yourself. Then, fill out Form I-485 and submit it, along with the filing fee, to USCIS. After you file, USCIS will schedule a biometrics services appointment with you to get your fingerprints, photograph, and signature. After that, attend the scheduled interview to receive your Green Card.
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How To Layer Lasagna
To layer lasagna, start by pouring a little bit of sauce into the baking dish, which will prevent the bottom of the lasagna from drying out. Then, cover the bottom of the dish with a layer of noodles. Next, add one-third of your lasagna filling to the dish and spread it out over the first layer of noodles. Once you've added the filling, make a thin layer of cheese over it. Then, add some more sauce and repeat the process until you've added all of your filling. Top the lasagna off with a layer of noodles and a little bit of cheese on top.
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How To Become a LaVeyan Satanist
Despite its name, becoming a LaVeyan Satanist is mainly about living a life based on independent thinking, originality, and strength. To learn more, read the Satanic Bible and learn about the 9 Satanic Statements, which include indulgence, kindness to those who deserve it, and vengeance instead of turning the other cheek. You should also study the 11 Satanic rules of the Earth, which include not giving opinions unless asked and not harming children, and the 9 Satanic Sins. If you still want to become a Satanist, register with the Church of Satan by going to their website, filling out your personal information, writing a statement, and paying a fee of $225.
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How To Keep a Bamboo Shark
To keep a bamboo shark, start by getting a tank that holds at least 180 gallons since bamboo sharks need a lot of space. Then, set up your tank with pumps, filters, and heaters, which will keep the water clean and warm enough for your bamboo shark. You should also line the bottom of the tank with sand and rocks, and fill it with water and aquarium salt since bamboo sharks are saltwater fish.
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How To Be a Good Boyfriend in Middle School
The best way to be a good boyfriend in middle school is to make your partner feel special. Do nice things for them, like checking on them when they’re sick and giving them small gifts. Similarly, give them a cute pet name, like “Babe” or “Boo.” When you aren’t together, send them a nice text saying, “I’m thinking about you,” or “I can’t wait to hang out with you later!” Similarly, give them compliments like, “You’re so smart,” or “Wow, you look great.” Additionally, show affection when you’re together by holding hands, hugging, and sitting close together.
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How To Dilute Solutions
To dilute solutions, such as simple household solutions, make sure you know the volume of concentrate you’re using and the approximate final concentration you’d like to wind up with. For example, if you want to dilute 1 cup of concentrated orange juice to ¼ its initial concentration, add 3 cups of water for a total of 4 cups liquid.
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How To Apply for Permanent Residence in Canada
To apply for permanent residence in Canada, access the application on the Government of Canada website and fill it out completely. Next, print, date, and sign the application. Then, place the application in an envelope with certified copies of your travel documents and 2 photographs of yourself that were taken within the last 6 months. Finally, pay the processing fee and mail the packet to the Case Processing Centre.
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How To Teach Your Puppy to Lie Down
To teach your puppy to lie down, first make sure it can sit on command. After you’ve gotten your puppy to sit, hold a treat between your fingers and let your puppy smell and lick it. Then, lower the treat slowly to the ground while saying the command “Down” or “Lie down” in a calm, clear voice. When your puppy’s elbows touch the ground, praise it and let it eat the treat. Repeat the process for a couple of 5-10 minute sessions a day until your puppy gets the hang of it.
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How To Make Dinner Rolls
To make dinner rolls, start by heating water and shortening in a saucepan until it's warm to the touch. Then, mix dry milk powder, yeast, sugar, salt, and flour in the bowl of a stand mixer. Once the dry ingredients are combined, add the warm liquid and egg before using the dough hook to knead the dough for 5 minutes. Next, cover the bowl and let the dough rise for 10 minutes. Finally, shape the rolls, set them on a baking sheet, and bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes or until they're golden brown.
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How To Breed Cockatiels
To breed cockatiels, start by providing the birds with 10 hours of natural or bright artificial light every day, so they can prepare to mate. Then, put the pair in a large cage with a nesting box inside it. Next, keep an eye out for signs that the birds are ready to mate, such as the male preparing the nest box or the female crouching down. After they’ve mated, watch for the female to lay her eggs two weeks later. Then, leave the birds alone to sit on the nest for 21 days, or until the eggs hatch.
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How To Dog Proof a Garden
To dog proof your garden, try planting your plants densely so that your dog doesn’t have room to run through rows and trample them. You can also try planting your garden in a raised bed so that your plants are on a different level than your dog’s play area. Alternatively, put up some solid fencing around the perimeter of your garden to remind your pet the area is off limits. Just make sure that it’s a porous enough material, like chain link, so light can still get through to your garden.
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How To Trap Raccoons
To trap a raccoon, start by getting a 1-door live trap, which is a trap that locks raccoons in when they step inside to get the bait. Then, put the trap near an area where you've seen raccoons and fill it with foods that are high in fat or sugar, like bacon, marshmallows, or sweet corn. Once you set up the trap, check on it regularly so you don't leave a raccoon trapped in it for too long. If you catch a raccoon, relocate it at least 5 miles from your property.
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How To Write a Process Essay
To write a process essay, begin by writing an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention so they’ll want to keep reading. Then, end the first paragraph with a thesis statement presenting a problem for which you are offering a solution. Next, explain the process, making each step its own paragraph, and using transitions like "next" or "then" to move from one task to another. As the final step, let the reader know what to expect from the finished product and what to do with it. Finally, close your essay by reiterating why the process is helpful to the reader.
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How To Become a Dog Walker
To become a dog walker, start by getting experience with an established dog walking agency. Next, consider getting certified in dog safety and training through programs like dogTEC’s Dog Walking Academy, which will be a big plus in the eyes of your future clients. Then, research what other dog walkers are charging in your area and price your services competitively. It's also important to advertise online and with flyers to get your name out there and gain your first clients.
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How To Watch Movies for Free
To watch movies for free, go to and search for movies that are out of copyright, which you'll be able to watch online for free. Or, you can look for a documentary to watch since most documentaries are made available for free online. You can also try to find movies for free on YouTube, where they're usually broken up into 2 or 3 parts. If all else fails, check out a free movie from your local library, or see if any good movies are playing on TV.
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How To Treat a Fat Lip
To treat a fat lip, start by washing your hands and face with mild soap and warm water. Next, apply an ice pack or cold compress to the affected lip in 10-minute increments until the swelling reduces. If the skin is broken, apply an antimicrobial ointment to prevent infections and cover the broken skin with a bandage. Then, take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medication, like ibuprofen or naproxen, to manage the pain and swelling.
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How To Apply Lotion to Your Own Back
To apply lotion to your own back, squeeze a line of lotion onto the tops of both of your forearms and the backs of your hands, then reach both of your arms behind you so your forearms are against your back. If you’re not very flexible, it might be easier to do one arm at a time. Move your arms in a windshield wiper motion to cover as much of your back as possible.
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How To Buy Disney Florida Resident Tickets
To buy Disney Florida resident tickets, go to the Disney Florida website or call (407) 939-5277. If you plan to visit Disney Florida regularly throughout the year, buy the annual passes. Alternatively, if you’ll only be able to go a couple of times throughout the year, purchase the the 1, 2, or 3 day passes. Then, when you go to the park, your pass or ticket will be activated. Be prepared to present proof of your Florida residency, like a Florida’s driver’s license, state-issued ID with a Florida address, or a Florida-based military ID.
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How To Stop Puppy Biting
To stop a puppy from biting, let out a loud "yip" whenever it bites you so it gets startled and stops. If the puppy keeps biting, walk away and ignore it for 10-20 seconds so it learns that biting makes playtime stop. Whenever the puppy stops biting you after you make a loud noise, praise it by giving it a treat or petting it affectionately. Keep in mind that puppies do like to chew on things, so make sure it has plenty of chew toys to redirect its attention to.
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How To Determine the Number of Divisors of an Integer
If you need to determine the number of divisors of an integer, factor that integer and write the equation for the prime factorization of the number. Plug in the value of each exponent into the formula for determining the number of divisors, or factors, in a number. Once you’ve put the values into the formula, add the values in parentheses, then multiply all of the values in the parentheses. The product will equal the number of divisors in the integer.
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How To Make Kombucha Tea
To make Kombucha tea, brew some green or black tea, add sugar, and let it cool. When your tea is room temperature, pour it in a glass jar and add a starter tea if you have one or about ¼ of a cup of vinegar per gallon of tea if you don’t. Then, put your Kombucha “mushroom” into the tea, cover the top of the jar with a cloth, and put the jar somewhere warm and dark. After about a week, remove the “mushroom” and any baby cultures that have grown. Finally, store your tea at room temperature for 2-5 days before you refrigerate and enjoy it!
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How To Open a Lemonade Stand
To open a lemonade stand, choose a good location that gets a lot of foot traffic, like a local park or beach. Next, set up a good, sturdy table and chair on level ground and cover the table with an eye-catching tablecloth or blanket to attract attention. Then, make plenty of lemonade and set up your pitchers, cups, napkins, and straws neatly. Finally, draw in customers by making signs to advertise and being friendly to passersby.
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How To Decorate a Large Living Room Wall
Decorating a large living room wall may seem intimidating, but you can easily add some style to your home by hanging wall art or displaying your treasured belongings. To add some variety to your wall, hang multiple pieces of art in identical frames. Alternatively, hang 1 large piece of art to create a focal point for the room. If you’re placing the art above a piece of furniture, make sure its width is no more than ⅔ the width of the furniture. To get the most out of your wall space, install some shelves where you can display books, music collections, and knick-knacks. For a more creative look, try hanging musical instruments, like guitars, violins, or ukuleles, from the wall using mounts.
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How To Skin and Gut a Rabbit
To skin and gut a rabbit, you’ll need to remove its fur, open it up, then remove its innards. To remove its fur, cut across the back of the rabbit’s neck and use your fingers to tear it open. You might need to make a few more cuts to remove the fur from the rabbit. Once you’ve removed its fur coat, cut the rabbit’s head, tail, and feet off. After that, cut the rabbit open from its belly to its chest, careful not to pierce any of its organs. With the rabbit opened up, you’ll be able to remove its innards. Don’t forget to remove any waste from its rectal area so you don’t contaminate the meat.
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How To Get Rid of Acne if You Have Fair Skin
If you have fair skin and want to get rid of your acne, wash your face with a mild cleanser twice a day with warm water to remove impurities, oils, and bacteria that cause breakouts. To protect your skin from the sun, apply an oil-free sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day even if you’ll be inside since many acne products can make your skin sensitive to sunlight. To remove dead skin cells and debris that clog pores, exfoliate your skin 2 to 3 times a week. Too much exfoliation can irritate your skin, so don’t do it more than you need to and avoid applying too much pressure.
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How To Wake Up Without an Alarm Clock
If you need to wake up without an alarm clock, leave your curtains slightly open when you go to bed so your body responds to the morning light. Additionally, try to leave your bedroom window open so that you hear morning noises, such as increased levels of traffic or passing trains. Practice these techniques on a weekend so you're not risking being late for work. Alternatively, if you're concerned about abandoning your alarm clock straight away, change your alarm to a quieter or more natural sound, like birds singing.
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How To Open a Bottle of Water
To open a bottle of water, start by running some hot water over the cap, which will loosen it so it's easier to open. If you still can't get the cap off, try banging the cap against a hard surface to help break the seal. You can also wrap a rubber band around the cap several times until it's tight and then use it as a grip to help you twist the cap off the bottle. If all else fails, ask a friend to give it a try.
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How To Protect Your Eyes when Using a Computer
To protect your eyes when you're using a computer, start by sitting at least an arm’s length away from the screen. Next, position the computer screen 4-5 inches below eye level, or at a 15-20 degree angle, so you’re looking down at it. Then, adjust your screen lighting, so if the room is brightly lit, your screen brightness is also turned up. Additionally, deliberately blink every 5 seconds, or, every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds to re-moisturize your eyes.
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How To Preserve Guava
To preserve guava for long periods of time, wash and peel the fruit before cutting it into halves or quarters. Then, place the fruit in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag, and pour simple syrup over it until the guava is submerged. Be sure to leave 0.5 to 1 inch of headspace in the container or bag to ensure quick freezing. Label the container and place the guava in the freezer for at least 12 hours to freeze completely. Enjoy the guava within a year after freezing!
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How To Eat More Calcium
If you are trying to add more calcium to your diet, eat more leafy green vegetables like brussels sprouts, kale, and spinach. You can also find hidden sources of calcium in soybean-based foods like tofu and edamame, as well as in other beans such as black-eyed peas. Sneak some extra calcium into your salads by sprinkling on some nuts or sesame seeds, and increase the calcium in your smoothies or yogurt by mixing in some chia seeds.
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How To Wear Leggings to Work
Wearing leggings to work is a great way to stay comfortable during the day while also looking professional. Just make sure your leggings are high-quality and free from any loose strings, fuzz, or tears. You should also double-check that they’re opaque in bright light to avoid any embarrassment at work. Pair your leggings with a long, loose-fitting top or short dress. Whichever top you go for, make sure it covers your rear. Add a blazer on top for more of a business look. Complete your outfit with a nice pair of boots and you’re ready to rock!
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How To Understand the Book You Are Reading
If you’re struggling to understand the book you’re reading, there are a few simple ways to help you figure it out. Try re-reading the section you don’t understand slowly to see if you missed something important. If you’re still confused, keep reading for a while, since the meaning might become clearer later on. You can also write notes on what you’ve read to help you piece things together. Alternatively, search online to figure out the meaning. For fiction, you can read chapter summaries to make sense of what you’ve read. For non-fiction, you can read other articles or posts explaining the same thing you’re reading about. If you’re still confused, try coming back to it another day when you have a clearer mind.
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How To Cook Ribs on the Grill
To cook ribs on the grill, start by soaking them overnight in a marinade of chicken broth, soy sauce, sugar, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and garlic. Next, pat the ribs dry and rub them with a combination of spices such as salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Then, place the ribs bone side down and heat them in the oven for 30 minutes at 300°F. After that, brush the marinade on both sides and cook for 3 hours, making sure to flip the ribs every 30 minutes. Finally, move the ribs to an oiled grill set at 225°F and cook for about 40 minutes.
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How To Feed a Tarantula
To feed a tarantula, start by buying live crickets or other small insects at a pet store or online. Next, place 1 cricket into your spider's cage and allow it to stalk its prey at its own pace. If it seems like your tarantula isn't recognizing the cricket as food, poke the cricket to get it moving around. Feed full-grown tarantulas 1 cricket every 10-14 days, although some adults may abstain from food for up to a month. If you have a baby, feed it 1-2 times per week to keep it healthy. Don't forget to provide a shallow dish of fresh water for your spider every day!
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How To Save Electricity at Home
If you want to save electricity, turn on fewer lights and use candles or natural light whenever possible. You may also consider replacing your light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs, such as LEDs. Make a habit of unplugging appliances when you aren’t using them, and make sure to only use your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer when you have a full load.
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How To Paint Glass Jars
To paint a glass jar, start by removing any labels and washing it to get rid of any residue. Once your jar is dry, apply a coat of acrylic craft paint with a paintbrush or foam brush. Put your fingers inside the jar to turn it over and paint the bottom so you don't touch the wet paint. Leave it to dry for 20 minutes and apply a second coat. When you’ve finished the second coat, leave your jar overnight to dry. For a distressed look, buff the paint with 120-grit sandpaper. Then, finish the jar with 2 coats of acrylic sealer to protect the paint and give it a glossy or shiny look.
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How To Cook Tuna Steak
If you want to cook tuna steak in the oven, preheat the oven to 450 °F and bake the tuna steak for 4 to 6 minutes, or until you can flake it with a fork. It is usually served with some pink in the middle, but you can bake it for longer if you want it to be more well done. To pan fry tuna steak, heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and cook the steak uncovered for 3 to 5 minutes each side.
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How To Install a Garage Door
To install a garage door, start by placing the first panel in the doorway and installing the parts of your track according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Next, lower the panel into place, and screw the corresponding part of the track to the door frame. Then, slide the 2nd panel on top of the 1st one, attach the hinges on the 1st and 2nd panels, and secure the track up to the 2nd panel. Repeat these steps to add the rest of your panels, then finish by connecting the horizontal and curved tracks.
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How To Enjoy a Cigarette
To enjoy smoking cigarettes, experiment with different brands to find one with a taste, smell, and burn you like. Try sampling menthol and clove ciagrettes too, since they have a different flavor that you might like better than regular ones. Once you’ve settled on a brand you enjoy, don't forget to pack the cigarettes by smacking the box upside-down against the heel of your palm for 10 to 20 seconds, which will make the cigarettes tighter and burn slower as a result. Wait until you have 5 minutes to yourself to smoke so you can take your time with your cigarette. While you smoke, keep an eye on the ash accumulating at the tip of your cigarette and tap it off whenever a quarter inch gathers, which will save you from dropping ash on your clothes.
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How To Run a 7 Minute Mile
To run a 7 minute mile, try running in intervals to increase your speed and endurance. For example, jog for 60 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of intense running. Additionally, work on improving your ¼ and ½ mile to gradually build up your speed and endurance. As you run, pay attention to your form to ensure that you’re running efficiently. For example, make sure that your arms are flexed and loose, and held at a 90 degree angle in order to propel your body forward as they move back and forth.
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How To Keep Chickens in a Backyard
To keep chickens in a backyard, you’ll need to either buy a premade chicken coop or make one yourself. Once you have the coop in place, line its floor with a bedding material, like straw, hay, or pine shavings to make cleaning up easier. You should also set up a chicken wire or hardware cloth fence around the perimeter for security. When you put your chickens in their coop, make sure you lock them in overnight to protect them from predators. To keep your chickens healthy, give them table scraps, like apples, bread, and bacon, in addition to a commercial chicken feed. If you want to increase egg production, keep a light bulb on in the coop, which encourages them to lay eggs in the dark.
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How To Start a Car Club
To start a car club, find a location for your meetings with a large parking lot so members can easily bring their cars, like a church or large garage. Then, invite friends or family members with an interest in cars to the first meeting. You'll also want to spread the word about your club by setting up a Facebook page or creating flyers to put in public places. At the first meeting, you should discuss your club’s goals, like organizing car-themed charity events or having every member gain car maintenance certification.
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How To Prepare for UPSC Exam
To prepare for the Union Public Service Commission or UPSC exam, you should start studying around a year in advance to have enough time to learn the material. While the UPSC exam is divided into prelim exams and then a main exam, you will only have a 4-month gap between the two so you should be studying for both at the same time. To organize your studying, divide each syllabus into more manageable study topics. For example, you can break up your geography syllabus into Indian, Asian, African, European, North American, South American, and Australian. When you’re preparing, go on the UPSC website to find previous years’ tests so you can familiarize yourself with the types of questions they ask.
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How To Stop a Dog from Pawing
Pawing can be a frustrating behavior, but you can stop it by teaching your dog to “shake” instead of paw. Do this by holding your hand in front of your dog and giving the command “Shake.” Wait for your dog to paw at your hand and when it does, give it a treat and praise. It might seem counterintuitive to reward your dog for pawing, but this will eventually teach it that pawing is only okay when you ask it to shake. If you notice it pawing at any other time, ignore it and never reward the behavior with attention or food. Be sure to never yell or scold your dog, even if ignoring it doesn’t work, because negative attention is still going to reinforce the behavior. Instead, move away from your dog and do not make eye contact.
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How To Adjust Bra Straps
To adjust your bra straps, all you need to do is use the slide adjuster. The adjuster will be a metal or plastic clip on the bra strap. To tighten your bra, pull the clip down towards the back band. Alternatively, move the slider in the opposite direction if you need to loosen your bra. Remember that your breasts may not be exactly the same size, so you’ll probably need to set the straps differently on each side. You’ll know the straps are fitted properly if they lie flat against your chest and hold the cups flat against your breasts.
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How To Smoke Ribs
To smoke ribs, start by making a dry rub with spices and applying it over the ribs. Next, get the fire going in your smoker by using charcoal or wood chips and heating the surface to 225°F. If you don’t have a smoker, set a pan of water 3/4 full underneath the grate of a gas grill set to 225°F. After that, make a smoker pouch by wrapping wet wood chips in aluminum foil punctured with small holes, then place it at the bottom of the grill. Finally, smoke your ribs for 3 hours, spraying them with apple juice or beer every hour so that the meat doesn’t dry out.
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How To Get a Modeling Job
To get a modeling job, first choose what type of modeling you'd like to do, like high fashion or catalog modeling. Then, take at least 3 headshots in different settings or environments, and use these as your portfolios when you’re applying for jobs. Additionally, use one of these photos to print out composite cards, which have your headshot on the front and your important information, like your measurements and contact details, on the back. Once you have your portfolio, look for open casting calls online and send in your portfolio to be considered.
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How To Make Mint Tea
To make mint tea, start by boiling some water in a kettle or on the stove. While the water is boiling, thoroughly rinse 5-10 mint leaves and then tear them into little pieces to help release their flavor. Once your mint leaves are ready, add them to a tea ball, your French press, or simply place them in your mug. Then, pour the boiling water over the tea and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. After it is ready, add in some lemon or sweetener to make your mint tea just how you like it.
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How To Keep Peacock Eels
To keep peacock eels, get a tank that holds at least 35 gallons of water, and line the bottom of it with 4 inches of fine gravel or sand so your eels have room to burrow. To feed your peacock eels, give them live food, like bloodworms and tubifex, multiple times per week. If you want to keep your eels with other fish, choose fish that are a similar size since peacock eels will eat smaller fish.
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How To Make Pasta With Alfredo Sauce From a Jar
To make pasta with Alfredo sauce from a jar, start by bringing a pot of water to boil over high heat. Check the pasta packet to see how much you need for the amount of people eating. Once the water starts to boil, add your pasta and cook it for 8-10 minutes or until the pasta is soft when you touch it with a fork. Then, pour your Alfredo sauce into another pot over medium heat and warm it for 5 minutes. Stir it occasionally so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Finally, drain your pasta, then add it to your sauce and cook it for another 3 minutes.
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How To Bake Fish
If you want to bake a whole fish in the oven, line a glass or metal baking pan with aluminum foil and brush the foil with olive oil. Rinse the fish thoroughly and pat it dry with paper towels, then use a sharp knife to slice off the bottom fin and open your fish along the belly from the head to the tail. Place the fish in the baking pan and drizzle it with olive oil, inside and out. Next, season the inside and the outside of the fish with salt and pepper, then line the inside of the cavity with lemon slices. Bake the fish at 400°F for 30 minutes.
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How To Make Nachos
If you want to make nachos, place a mound of nachos on a baking sheet, then sprinkle a generous amount of shredded cheese over the chips. Broil the chips in the oven for about 5 minutes or microwave them on high for 2 minutes. Top the chips with dollops of sour cream, jalapenos, salsa, or any other toppings you like, including grilled chicken or steak. Serve the nachos on individual plates and enjoy!
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How To Be Good at Sports
To be good at sports, start by joining a sports team at your school or a recreation center. Next, focus on learning the basics to the point of them being second nature before tackling anything advanced. In addition to working on your sports skills, work on honing your entire body by joining a gym to stay in shape. Additionally, make sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep in order to recover from your workouts.
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How To Make a Simple Electrical Circuit
To make a simple electrical circuit with a battery, use wire strippers or scissors to strip the ends of a length of insulated wire, but do not cut all the way through the wire. Install your batteries in a battery pack, then attach your wires to the battery pack using a battery snap or electrical tape. Fasten the other end of the wire to the metal screw of the bulb holder. Screw the bulb tightly into the holder. If the circuit is properly connected, the bulb should light up!
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How To Live in Harmony with Others
To live in harmony with others, be an active listener by facing the person and paying attention to what they're saying, even if you don't agree with them. Additionally, repeat back what they’ve said, using words like, “What I’m hearing you say is… “ to check that you heard them correctly. If differences or disagreements arise, try to avoid getting aggressive or upset. Instead, counter anger with patience and compassion by thinking about how the other person feels or asking them to help you understand their position.
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How To Go on a Detox Diet
Before going on a detox diet, talk to your doctor so you're aware of the potential risks, such as fatigue, headaches, or diarrhea. Additionally, keep in mind that the weight you lose during this detox will likely be gained back afterwards. If you want to go on a short detox, consider going on a juice diet, which involves drinking juice made from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. You should only stay on a juice diet for 3 days, since you’ll be missing out on some important proteins. For a more intense detox, try the master cleanse, which requires you to drink lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper for 10 days. Then, gradually reintroduce solid foods over the next several days, beginning with fruits and vegetables.
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How To Give Cat Milk to Your Cat
If you want to give milk to your cat, choose specially formulated cat milk that is lactose-free and enriched with taurine. This will prevent digestive issues and give your cat essential nutrients. To serve the milk to your cat, pour it into a small bowl or saucer, then throw away any milk that the cat doesn’t drink within 45 minutes to prevent spoilage. If you’re concerned about the extra calories from the milk, consider cutting back on some of your cat’s other foods. Finally, consult your vet if the cat has bad reactions to the milk, like vomiting or diarrhea.
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How To Spot Ulcer Symptoms in Horses
To spot ulcer symptoms in a horse, keep an eye out for behavioral changes, like increased irritability, nervousness, or fatigue, which can be a sign that a horse has gastric ulcers. Also, monitor how much food your horse is eating since horses with gastric ulcers can be reluctant to eat. You should also look out for signs of wood-chewing, which is a common behavior in horses with ulcers.
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How To Make Pigs in a Blanket
To make pigs in a blanket, roll out crescent roll dough onto a baking sheet that’s been lined with parchment paper. Use a knife to cut each triangle into 3 smaller triangles. If you want cheese, lay the cheese directly on top of the dough, then place a cocktail wiener onto one end of the triangle. Roll the cocktail wiener in the dough, pinching the ends to seal it. Place the rolled-up cocktail wieners on the baking sheet and brush each roll with melted butter, then bake the pigs in a blanket at 375°F for 12-15 minutes.
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How To Get Rid of Moths
To get rid of moths in your closet, remove the clothes from the closet and place sticky moth traps by hanging them on clip hangers. Once the traps are set, wash every item of clothing that was in the closet according to the care instructions, and, if possible, dry on the highest heat setting to kill any eggs the moths may have laid. While your clothes are being cleaned, use soapy water to clean the floors, walls, shelves, and any other surfaces in the closet. Complete your cleaning by vacuuming the entire closet before re-hanging your clean clothes.
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How To Use Toner
Before you apply toner, wash your face with a cleanser and warm water, then blot your face dry with a clean towel. Once your face is dry, put enough toner on a cotton pad that the pad feels damp, but not soaked. Then, use the cotton pad to spread the toner over your face and neck, but do not spread it over your lips. Wait 1 minute for the toner to dry before applying any acne products or moisturizer. Repeat that process twice a day.
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How To Dry Tofu
To dry tofu, start by opening the container and draining off any water inside. Then, pat the tofu dry with paper towels, and sandwich it between 6 layers of paper towels on a plate. Place another plate on top, then set something heavy on top of that to press the tofu down, like a cast iron skillet or a few cans of food. Every 30 minutes, drain off any water that's been pressed out onto the plate until no more water comes out, which can take 1-4 hours depending on how firm the tofu is. For a faster option, place the tofu in a microwave-safe container and microwave it on high for 2 minutes to dry it.
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How To Potty Train a Guinea Pig
To potty train a guinea pig, start by monitoring it to see which corner of its cage it likes to go to the bathroom in the most. Then, take some of the bedding that your guinea pig has gone to the bathroom on and put it in a litter box in that corner, which will encourage your guinea pig to relieve itself there. Whenever you see your guinea pig use the litter box, give it a treat to reinforce the behavior. If your guinea pig isn't using the litter box, try switching out the bedding inside and making sure the box isn't near the food and water in the cage.
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How To Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Cats
To treat irritable bowel syndrome in cats, start by taking your cat to the vet to determine the best course of treatment and pick up any medications your cat may need. Next, choose a hypoallergenic cat food brand, such as Royal Cain Limited Ingredients Diet, since your cat’s symptoms may be caused by a food allergy. You should also choose a cat food that’s high in fiber to help relieve any discomfort. Then, reduce your cat’s stress by playing with it daily, keeping its litter box clean, and making sure it has a quiet spot to rest.
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How To Reduce Household Waste
If you want to reduce the amount of waste in your household, buy bigger packages of food, since this will help reduce the amount of trash due to packaging. If you need to, you can repackage the food in smaller, reusable containers. When it comes to goods around your home, try to buy higher-quality items that will last, and repair broken items whenever possible to make them last longer. You can also repurpose items around your home to get a second life out of them, like turning old T-shirts into cleaning rags.
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How To Write an Informative Essay
To write an informative essay, start with an introduction that presents a thesis statement articulating your argument in 2-3 concise sentences. For the body of the essay, focus on one main idea per paragraph and start each paragraph with a topic sentence that establishes that main idea. Then, follow the topic sentence with cited evidence and explanatory detail. Finish up with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis. Don't forget to proofread carefully before turning in your essay!
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How To Become an Astronomer
To become an astronomer, start by using a telescope to view the stars and galaxies so that you become familiar with them. You can also join an astronomy club at your school or online to learn more about the subject and meet other people who share your interest. Then, take advanced classes in physics and math to give you a good foundation for a career in astronomy. After high school, attend a 4-year university to get a Bachelor’s degree in science before going on to get a Masters or Ph.D in Astronomy.
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How To Speak With an Australian Accent
If you want to speak with an Australian accent, pronounce your "I"s like the "I" in "Oil." To make this easier, try rounding your lips as you say "Write," or "Spite." You should also turn your hard "A" sounds into "Aye" like in "Way" or "Mate." Once you've got your "A"s and "I"s down, try dropping the “G” at the end of “ing” words. For example, instead of saying "running," you would say "runnin'." When you're happy with your Aussie accent, try incorporating some classic slang words, like "chunder", "durry," and "runners," to build your vocabulary.
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How To Draw a Tree
To draw a tree, start by drawing a long horizontal line to make the ground and then 2 vertical lines coming up off of it for the trunk. Then, sketch some thin branches extending off of the trunk so they're all going in different directions. Next, draw a large circle around the branches and go over it with wavy lines to make the leaves. Also, draw wavy lines inside of the circle to give the tree dimension. Finally, shade in the tree so one side of the trunk is darker than the other.
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How To Tile a Bathroom Floor
To tile a bathroom floor, start by spreading a layer of thin-set mortar onto the entire subfloor with a notched trowel. Then, place cement board on top of it to reinforce the floor. After the thin-set has dried for 2 days, work in small sections to spread more thin-set over the cement board and lay the tile on top of it. Once you’ve worked your way from the corner of the room to the door, allow the mortar to set for another day. Finally, use a grout float to fill the spaces between the tiles with grout and let it cure for 2 days before sealing the floor.
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How To Evolve Onix
If you want to evolve an Onix after you’ve caught it, start by getting a Metal Coat. Once you have a Metal Coat, give it to Onix to hold. Then, find someone to trade with, and initiate a trade that gives Onix to your trading partner. As soon as they confirm the trade, Onix will evolve into Steelix. After that happens, you’ll need to initiate another trade to get your new Steelix back from your trading partner.
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How To Sleep with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
If you’re struggling to sleep due to carpal tunnel syndrome, try changing the position you sleep in and using simple pain relief techniques. Prop your arms up with pillows before you go to sleep, since this may relieve tension and help manage pain. You could also try wrapping a towel around your elbow to keep your arm straight, because bending your arm can increase the pressure on your wrist. As you drift off to sleep, aim to lie on your back rather than on your side, since you’re more likely to compress your wrist in an awkward position if you lie on your side. If you experience pain during the night and can’t sleep, apply ice to your wrist for 10 minutes for pain relief. Another quick fix is to shake your hand around for a minute or 2, which may help get rid of tingling and numbness.
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How To Survive Animal Attacks
To survive an attack from a wild canine, throw stones or sticks in the direction of the animal, and try to be as loud as possible to scare it off. Alternatively, if you encounter a big cat in the wild, stand your ground and try to make yourself seem as big as possible so you're more threatening, and avoid running away since you'll trigger the cat's instinct to chase you. Also, if you come across a wild bear, make yourself appear bigger than you are, and don't run away since bears are fast and will catch you.
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How To Tell if a Cat Is Spayed
To tell if a female cat is spayed, start by parting your cat’s fur on its lower abdomen. Next, look for a straight, thin line running lengthwise in the center of its abdomen, which indicates a spaying scar. You should also look for a scar on the left side of your cat’s body between the rib and hip area, in case the veterinarian used a different type of surgery. Additionally, check to see if your cat has a clipped ear, which is also an indication of being spayed.
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How To Make Slime with Glue
To make slime with glue, all you need is liquid starch, white or clear school glue, and some water. First, combine 1/2 cup of glue and 1/2 cup of water in a bowl. Then, add food coloring or glitter if you'd like. Stir in 1/4 cup of liquid starch, which will make the slime start to thicken. Knead the slime until it firms up, or let it sit for around 3 minutes. You can also make slime with glue using borax. Start by combining 1/2 cup of glue and 1/2 cup of water. In a separate cup, stir 1/2 cup of warm water together with a 1/4 teaspoon of borax. Finally, mix the borax solution into the glue until it clumps together.
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How To Decode a VIN
To decode a VIN, locate the 17 digit VIN number and write it down exactly as it appears. Next, use a search engine to find a free decoding website, then enter the VIN number you wrote down to bring up detailed information about your vehicle. If your car was manufactured before 1980, it may have a nonstandard VIN. If free websites aren't working, try a paid service for a full VIN decoding!
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How To Diagnose Canine Ear Infections
If you’re trying to diagnose a canine ear infection, watch to see whether your dog is scratching its ear more than usual, which could be a sign of an infection. Your dog may also shake or tilt its head or rub its ear against furniture, toys, or the floor. Lift the flap of your dog’s ear and check for swelling, an unpleasant odor, redness, scabs, or discharge inside of the ear. All of these could mean that your dog has an ear infection. If you notice any of these signs, take your dog to the vet right away to get antibiotics.
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How To Make Green Slime
To make green slime, pour ½ cup of glue and ½ cup of cold water into a glass bowl. Next, add a few drops of green food coloring and stir the mixture thoroughly with a spoon. Then, pour ½ cup of hot water into a new bowl and stir in 1-5 tablespoons of borax. Combine the borax mixture with the glue mixture and continue stirring until a blob forms. Finally, squish and knead the blob with your hands until it no longer feels sticky and enjoy your slime!
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How To Steam Tamales
To steam tamales using aluminum foil, start by scrunching up some pieces of aluminum foil into 3 small balls and placing them in a pot in a triangle shape. Then, put a heat-proof plate on top of the aluminum foil balls and pour about 1 inch of water under the plate. Next, spread the tamales out on the plate and bring the water in the pot to a boil over medium heat. Finally, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let the tamales steam for 1 hour before serving.
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How To Cite Journal Articles
To cite journal articles in APA, start by listing the last name and first initial for each author, using an ampersand instead of the word "and" to separate them. Next, include the publication date in parentheses, followed by a period. Then, write the article title with only the first word capitalized, and end it with a period. After the title, include the name of the publication, the issue, and the page numbers, separated by commas.
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How To Catch Shad
To catch shad, fish for them within 30 feet of coastal river banks during the spring and summer. Use a lightweight rod and line to cast upstream, then let your line float downstream a bit with the current until you get a bite. Where there's one shad, there are bound to be more, so keep casting in the same area after you hook your first one. For the best luck, fish for shad in the early evening or right before daylight.
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How To Make Mud
To make real mud, find an open area without grass, then make a trough in the dirt. Use a garden hose or a bucket to fill the trough with water, stirring the mixture occasionally with a stick. If you want to make play mud, mix together cornstarch and cocoa powder, then slowly add in water. You can add baking soda to the play mud if you want to give it a texture similar to real mud. To make beauty mud, mix together fuller’s earth clay, plain yogurt, honey, and tea tree oil, then apply the mixture to your face. Leave the mask on from 30 minutes to 2 hours, then rinse it off completely.
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How To Keep a Stray Cat Away from Your Cat
To keep a stray cat away from your cat, it’s best to keep your cat indoors, since strays can carry diseases and be aggressive. Try setting up a motion-activated sprinkler or ultrasonic device in your garden to scare the stray off. You can also lay a chicken wire fence around your garden to keep strays away from your property. Alternatively, set up a humane cat trap in the garden. Then, take the cat to an animal shelter when you catch it.
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How To Make a Toy Car
"To make a toy car, start by cutting out an 8 by 10 centimeter piece of cardboard for the base. Then, use a drill or small kitchen knife to poke holes in the center of 4 small plastic lids to make wheels. Next, cut a straw in half and tape one half horizontally to the front of the car body and the other at the back. Put a skewer through the straws to act as axles. Then, use hot glue to attach the wheels to the axles and you're done! "
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How To Make Tassels
To make standard length tassels with yarn, cut a 4-inch piece of rectangular cardboard. Next, tape a 5-inch piece of string across the top of the cardboard, wrap it around 24 times, and tie the ends in a tight knot when you reach the bottom. Then, cut the wrapped string along the bottom and take it off the cardboard. Finally, tie a 10-inch piece of string around the tassel 6-8 times, ½ inch from the top. Tie the ends of the string into a tight double-knot and trim the bottom to make the tassel even.
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How To Throw a Pool Party
To throw a pool party, plan on playing fun pool games, like Marco Polo, sharks and minnows, pool volleyball, and water balloons. Also, get some refreshing snacks to serve your guests, like fresh fruit, chips and salsa, and bite-sized sandwiches. You can also have a cookout and make food on the grill, or you can set up a cooler outside that's stocked with ice cream and popsicles. Make sure you have extra towels and sunscreen on hand, as well as some fun pool noodles and rafts for your guests to use.
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How To Have a Garage Sale
To prepare for a successful garage sale, make a list of everything in your house you want to get rid of. Then, look at your stock and assign each item a price at around 10% of the original retail cost, going a bit higher for rare or valuable items. Apply for a permit if your city requires one, then set a date and time for your sale. When the sale day draws near, advertise it on social media, around your neighborhood and, if possible, in your local paper.
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How To Make Beef Stew in a Crock Pot
To make traditional beef stew in a crock pot, cut the beef into 1-inch cubes and toss them in a mixture of flour, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Next, brown the beef for several minutes in a hot skillet before transferring it to the crock pot. Then, add the potatoes, carrots, onion, celery, garlic, bay leaf, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, and beef broth. Finally, cook the stew on LOW for 10 to 12 hours, or cook it on HIGH for 4 to 6 hours.
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How To Fix an Upset Stomach
To soothe an upset stomach, try eating a little yoghurt, crackers, or high-fiber foods. You should also try to drink tea, since dehydration can make upset stomachs worse. While you’re waiting for the problem to go away, try to go to the bathroom to clear the problem sooner, or rest to avoid upsetting your stomach more. You can also take Pepto Bismol if you need to get better sooner. If the pain lasts more than 3 hours, you may have to induce vomiting. Finally, call your doctor if the pain lasts more than 6 hours after vomiting.
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How To Remove a Stain from a Pair of Jeans
To remove a stain from your jeans, lay them on a surface you don't mind getting dirty, like a bath tub. If you're trying to get rid of a blood stain, combine a teaspoon of salt with cold water, dip a rag in the mixture, and gently blot the stain until it vanishes. To get rid of grease, dab the area with a dry paper towel, then cover it with baby powder or talc. After you've left the powder on for up to a day, wipe it off with a dry paper towel before putting your jeans in the laundry on the highest setting they can cope with.
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How To Adjust to a New School
To adjust to your new school, start by learning as much as possible about it! Take a tour before you start so you know where major rooms, like the cafeteria, are. As you're walking around, make sure to introduce yourself to any teachers you see, since it’ll be nice to see familiar faces on your first day. Once school starts, get to your first class early to introduce yourself to the other kids. If you're nervous, practicing some introductions before school, like “Hey, I’m Lauren, what’s your name?”, can help give you the confidence to speak up in class.
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How To Calm Down a Playful Large Dog
It may seem like your dog will never calm down, but taking it on a long walk each day will help your dog work off its energy. If you’re not able to walk it regularly, you can set up an area in the backyard for it to run around in, or take it to the dog park. When you’re at home, ignore your dog whenever it's being too energetic, which will teach it that you disapprove of the energetic behavior. Additionally, make sure to give your dog plenty of chew toys to keep it occupied and help refocus its energy.
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How To Remove Water Stains from Fabric
To remove water stains from washable clothing, try using a white towel and an iron. First, place the towel on your ironing board and the stained item face down on top. Then, use a microfiber cloth to dampen the area around the stain with distilled water. Set the iron to the appropriate setting for your fabric, and dry the wet area of your garment with it. Once the stained area is dry, move it to a dry area of the towel. Repeat the process until the stain is completely removed. If you want to remove a water stain from upholstery, all you need is a vinegar and water mixture. Combine 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Next, mist the spray onto the stain and blot it dry with a microfiber cloth.
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How To Treat a Cat for Snakebite
To treat a cat for a snakebite, take it to a vet immediately, since the dangerous effects of venom occur within minutes of the bite. If you witnessed the attack, take note of the color, length, and eye shape of the snake so you can report this to the vet. Then, try to keep your cat calm and still, since the more agitated and active it is, the more quickly the venom can spread through its body. Additionally, avoid administering any first aid, like cleaning the wound, which can cause more pain and suffering for your cat.
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How To Become a Girl Scout
To become a Girl Scout, start by visiting the Girl Scouts website and searching for the troop closest to your home. Then, contact the troop leader and ask if you can attend a meeting to get a feel for the group. If the troop you visit isn’t a good fit for you, try going to a different meeting in your area and see if you have a better experience. Once you’ve found a troop you like, pay the annual membership fee to your leader and take the Girl Scout pledge at your first meeting, promising to help others and live by the Scout law.
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How To Wear a Waistcoat
To properly wear a waistcoat, button all of the buttons except for the bottom button, which is traditionally left undone. You'll want to find a slim-fitting vest that is tight across your torso and long enough to cover your waistline. However, it should also be short enough that when you lift up your arms, a little bit of your shirt peeks out. When choosing the right color and style for you, consider neutral colors like grey, black, brown, and blue, for a classic look. If you like to be bold, consider a tartan or Tattersall waistcoat that will really pop when paired with a solid-colored jacket. Alternatively, if you want to dress for a formal event, try a double-breasted waistcoat, but make sure to avoid fabrics like tweed, which are more informal.
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How To Deal With Your Annoying Little Brother
Little brothers can be a little annoying sometimes, but try your best to stay calm so you don't make things worse. Take a few deep breaths whenever you feel yourself getting annoyed at your little brother. If you need some space, simply walk away and go to your own room or outside to have a break. Spend some time distracting yourself so that you can think more clearly when you return. It can also help if you learn how to communicate clearly with your brother. Have an open conversation with your little brother if you feel annoyed by telling him how you feel so the problem doesn't escalate. Remember to keep a positive attitude while you talk to him so he doesn't feel defensive or upset.
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How To Play Ghost in the Graveyard
Ghost in the Graveyard is a fun outdoor game in which you pick a ghost to hide while other players search. The ghost then tries to tag a player while the players try to get back to home base. Start by gathering at least 3 players and figure out the boundaries of the playing area, like a few houses or yards. You can also pick a safe spot where the players run to when the ghost is found. Next, pick a person to be the ghost, then have everyone else stand at home base and count to 50 while the ghost runs off to hide. When the players are done counting, start searching for the ghost. The ghost’s job is to jump out and tag a player, who will then be the next ghost.
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How To Write a Sad Song
Writing a sad song is all about drawing on your own sad experiences to write lyrics and finding the right chords to express your emotions. Start by writing some notes on things that make you sad, like your memories or fears. When you start seeing a pattern or connection between your notes, choose one theme you want to explore, like grief, heartbreak, or regret. Then, you can start to turn your ideas into lyrics. Try throwing in a few metaphors to express your emotions. Use words associated with sadness, like “Cold,” “Rain,” and “Deserted.” Once you’ve got some lyrics you’re happy with, try out some different chords on a piano or guitar while you sing them. Minor chords work great for conveying sad emotions. If you get stuck, listen to your favorite sad songs for inspiration.
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How To Find Out the Maximum RAM Capacity for Your Computer
If you’re using a Mac, search for your system model on the Apple website to find out the maximum amount of RAM it can handle. If you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows, your system can support up to 4 GB. If you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows, it can handle up to 128 GB.
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