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How To Build an Underground Fort
To build an underground fort, start by digging a pit that's no deeper than 6 feet. As you're digging the pit, angle the walls so the opening of the pit is half a foot wider than the base, which will prevent the walls from caving in. Also, make sure the pit isn't deeper than it is wide or it could collapse. Once you've dug the pit, install a brick staircase or a rope ladder so you're able to get out of your fort. You can also dig cubby holes into the walls so you have some shelves. Finally, make a roof for your fort using plywood or a tarp.
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How To Set Up a Bass Guitar
To set up a bass guitar, start by using the tuning pegs to loosen the old strings and pulling them out through the bridge or the body. Then, pull new strings that are the same thickness as the old strings through the bridge, and wrap them around the nuts while turning the tuner knobs to tighten them. Once you have the strings in place, use an Allen wrench or a Phillips screwdriver to adjust the truss rod until you can slide 1 or 2 business cards between the strings and the 8th fret.
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How To Fry Shrimp
To pan fry shrimp, start by melting 2 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet. Next, add 1 teaspoon of minced garlic and stir fry for 30 to 60 seconds until the garlic begins to release a strong aroma. Then, add the shrimp, and make sure to leave about ½ inch between each shrimp to ensure that they cook evenly. Season immediately with ½ teaspoon of salt and ¼ teaspoon of pepper, and cook until the shrimp are slightly pink and opaque.
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How To Calculate a Diagonal of a Square
To calculate a diagonal of a square, multiply the length of one of the square's sides by the square root of 2. If you don't know the length of one side, you can find it by plugging the square's perimeter into the formula: perimeter = 4s, where s is the length of one side. If you don't know the perimeter, you can still find the length of one side by plugging the square's area into the formula: area = s^2, where s is the length of one side.
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How To Make Homemade Dog Food
To make homemade dog food, make sure to add finely ground eggshells, which provide the calcium your dog needs to be healthy. Additionally, put in some meat, like ground beef, chicken, or lamb, for protein. You should also include chopped vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and carrots, to provide vitamins and minerals. For a healthy dose of carbohydrates, try adding some rice, oats, or sweet potatoes.
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How To Keep Inventory
If you want to keep inventory, first you'll need to determine the minimum level of stock you need to keep on hand at all times. To find the minimum level of stock, multiply your consumption rate, or how much of the stock you use each day, by the lead time, which is how long it takes you to order and receive new inventory. For example, if your business uses 3 reams of paper a day, and it takes 5 days to receive new paper, you'd need to have at least 15 reams of paper in stock at all times. You should also take into consideration how much space you have and how much stock you can realistically use so you can set a maximum stock level, which will help prevent you from wasting supplies. Then, to maintain your inventory, plan on ordering a fixed amount of stock every time your current inventory drops to a predetermined level. Alternatively, you can just order new inventory after a fixed period of time, like once every month.
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How To Clean an Uncircumcised Child's Penis
Cleaning your child’s uncircumcised penis is relatively easy but it’s important that you do it properly to avoid hurting him. Only wash the visible parts of your child’s penis. Don’t try to retract his foreskin, since this doesn’t usually separate for a few years and you don’t want to tear it. Wipe his penis with warm soapy water and your fingertips or a soft wash cloth. If you notice any swelling, redness, or itching around his penis, contact your doctor.
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How To Tell the Position of a Baby in the Uterus
To tell the position of your baby in your uterus, try pressing down gently on your belly while you exhale. If you feel a hard, round bump like a small bowling ball, this is probably your baby’s head, while a softer bump may be their bottom. Depending on where their head is, you should be able to work out your baby’s position. Alternatively, pay attention to your baby’s kicking, since this can also indicate its orientation. For example, if your baby kicks below your belly button, it’s probably head up and if it kicks above your belly button, it’s probably head down.
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How To Get Into the Harry Potter Series
If you want to get into the Harry Potter series, read all 7 of the original books in order. This will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the Harry Potter universe. Once you’ve read the books, watch all 8 of the movies. The movies are in the same order as the books, but the last book was broken into 2 movies. You can also read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which picks up where the last book leaves off.
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How To Treat a Dog with a Cold
To treat a dog with a cold, keep it in a heated, dry area with blankets it can curl up in, or dress it in a dog sweater and socks to keep it warm and cozy. Additionally, entice your dog to eat by including foods like shredded chicken or low-sodium chicken broth in its meals. You should also avoid strenuous activities, like long walks, so your dog can get as much as sleep as possible. Make sure to monitor your dog for the first few days, and take it to your vet if its symptoms get worse over a period of 24 to 48 hours.
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How To Tell Someone They Didn't Get the Job
It’s never easy to tell a qualified candidate that they didn’t get the job, but the best strategy is to be polite, direct, and to-the-point about your decision. If you call the candidate, plan to keep the conversation short and avoid small talk. Politely explain that you were happy to meet them, you’ve seriously considered them for the position, but you’ve extended an offer to someone else. For example, you might say something like “Hello, Ruth, this is Mike Fritz at AAA. Thank you again for coming in for the interview last week. We all enjoyed meeting you and found your resume impressive. I wanted to let you know, though, that we’ve decided to extend the offer to someone else.” You can also mention a few specific strengths that the hired candidate possessed, like “The person we chose to hire has been working in this exact position at a different company, so the transition seemed seamless.” For strong candidate, encourage them to apply again in the future.
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How To Cook Meatballs
To cook meatballs, start by mixing ground beef, bread crumbs, and eggs in a large bowl. You can also add seasonings like salt, pepper, minced onion, and parsley. Next, form the mixture into 1-inch balls and place them in a greased baking dish. Then, cook the meatballs in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, turn the meatballs over and bake them for an additional 5 minutes before serving.
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How To Stop Foreclosure
Foreclosure is stressful, but you can stop it by negotiating a payment plan with your lender. For example, you may ask for a repayment plan, meaning you’ll make regular payments while slowly paying off missed payments. You could also ask for a modification plan, which allows you to lower payments permanently if your expenses have increased. Alternatively, if you recently lost your job, try asking for a forbearance plan, meaning the lender will suspend all your payments temporarily while you get back on your feet.
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How To Care for a Baby
To care for a baby, start by creating a set feeding schedule for your little one. Next, change your baby’s diaper as soon as you realize it's soiled and bathe the baby a couple of times per week. It's also important to trim or file your baby’s nails 1-2 times weekly, since they grow quickly. Additionally, fix a regular bedtime for your baby and create a routine around it that promotes relaxation and bonding. If you have a newborn, remember to monitor the umbilical cord area and keep what's left of the stump clean until it falls off on its own!
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How To Clean Leather Sandals
To clean the exterior of your leather sandals, start by brushing off caked on dirt with a cloth or soft-bristle brush. Use a cloth that’s been dampened with water and a drop of dish soap to wipe them down, then use a cloth to wipe away the dish soap suds. To remove bad odors, sprinkle baking soda on the sole, seal your shoe in a bag, and leave it overnight. Then, shake out the baking soda and try again if there are still bad odors.
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How To Start a Campfire
To start a campfire, start by digging a shallow hole and lining the rim of it with rocks. Then, prop up 3 or 4 logs against each other in the center of the pit so they form a teepee, and stuff dry leaves, twigs, and bark inside of it. Next, place some small branches on top of the dry kindling, and light the kindling to start the fire. Finally, continue to stack more branches on top of the fire as it grows, and eventually place a few logs on top.
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How To Clean Baseboards
To easily maintain your baseboards, try wiping them down with a dryer sheet every few days. If you want to clean your baseboards more thoroughly, use a small brush to wipe the dust off the top edge and the vacuum hose with the brush attachment to clean along the bottom edge. A regular pink eraser can also be a great cleaning tool when it comes to getting tough scuff marks off. For a deeper clean, mix 1 cup of vinegar with 4-5 cups of warm water, dip a rag in the solution, and scrub your baseboards.
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How To Keep a Baby Warm in a Crib
To keep your baby warm in their crib, set the temperature in the room between 68 and 72 degrees F, which is a safe, comfortable range for a baby. You can also dress your baby in some lightweight pajamas to keep them warm, but avoid dressing them in more than one layer so they don't get overheated. Alternatively, you can swaddle your baby in a lightweight blanket so they're warm and cozy all night. Avoid putting a loose blanket in your baby's crib since it can be a choking hazard. However, you can still cover your baby with a blanket by tucking it into the foot of their bed so it reaches no further than their armpits. If you notice sweat on your baby's chest or hairline, it's a sign that their room is too warm or that they're too bundled up.
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How To Transfer Colleges
To transfer colleges, start by setting up a meeting with a transfer admissions counselor at the school you want to transfer to. They'll be able to help walk you through the process of transferring to a new school. You should also reach out to the financial aid office if you plan on receiving financial aid. Then, create an online admissions account, and submit an application before the deadline. Keep in mind that you'll need transcripts from your current college, as well as letters of recommendation.
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How To Freeze Breast Milk
To freeze expressed breast milk, start by portioning it out into 2 to 4 fluid ounce servings to avoid waste. Put the milk into BPA-free food-grade containers, glass bottles with tight-fitting lids, or bags designed for storing breast milk. Label each container with the date that you expressed the milk since you’ll want to use the oldest milk first. If you’re sending the milk with your child to a babysitter or daycare, make sure to write their name on the label too. Place your containers of milk in the back of your freezer where it’s coldest to keep the milk from forming harmful bacteria. Use the milk within 6 to 12 months if it’s kept in your freezer.
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How To Count in Binary
To count in binary, convert the last 0 in any number to 1 to add 1, and change any digits following the converted 1 back to 0. If all of the digits are already 1s, add a 1 to the beginning of the number and reset all of the other digits to 1. For instance, the number 1 is represented by 1, and the number 2 is written as 10. Following this, 3 is 11, 4 is 100, 5 is 101, 6 is 110, 7 is 111, 8 is 1000, and so on.
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How To Learn to Play the Piano
Start learning how to play the piano by locating the middle C key, which is the white key immediately to the left of two black keys closest to the middle of the keyboard. Starting at middle C, practice various scales to get an idea of how your fingers are supposed to be positioned. As you’re learning where your fingers go, try to associate the fingerings with the notes on the page, which will help you learn how to read music. Finally, practice playing rhythms from songs to get a better idea of how the music sounds altogether.
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How To Plant a Garden
Once you’ve decided where to plant your garden, mark the corners area with rocks, flags, or stakes to show the boundaries. Remove any rocks, sticks, roots, or big weeds from the garden, then use a soil tiller or a garden fork and rake to break the ground into small pieces. Work the soil to a depth of about 12 inches, and mix in any compost or fertilizer you are using. Using a spade, dig holes for your seedlings, making sure to plant them at the correct depth for each plant. Water your garden each morning, and remove any weeds at least twice a week.
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How To Get Veiny Arms
The easiest way to make your veins stand out for a short amount of time is by getting the blood flowing to your arms. Do a set of 20 push ups, or flex your arms a few times to encourage blood flow to the area. If you have lean arms, you might be able to make your veins stand out by letting your arms dangle out in front of you. You can also wear a muscle shirt, which is tighter around the arms, to make your veins pop out.
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How To Stop Mild Bleeding During First Aid
If you need to stop mild bleeding during first aid, first wash your hands and put on medical gloves if you have them. If the wound doesn’t stop bleeding on its own after 1-2 minutes, apply a clean cloth or bandage over the cut and hold it in place with steady, light pressure for 15 minutes. If the bleeding still doesn’t stop, elevate the wound so it is above the person’s heart. If the wound is gushing or seems deep, call emergency medical services immediately. If the bleeding does stop, place antibiotic ointment and a bandage over the cut.
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How To Find the Perimeter of a Triangle
To find the perimeter of a triangle, add up the lengths of all of the sides. If you don't have the length of each side, you'll need to find the length of the missing side in order to find the perimeter. For a right triangle, you would find the length of the missing side using the formula a^2 + b^2 = c^2, also known as the Pythagorean Theorem.
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How To Pass Exams
Exams can be really stressful, but if you study beforehand and get plenty of rest the night before a big test, you’ll be more likely to do well. When you get to class to take the exam, scan through the entire test to see how long it is and what the different parts are that you’ll need to answer. You may want to start with the most difficult parts of the test to get them out of the way first, but don’t spend too much time on a question you don’t know. Instead, skip it and come back to it later.
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How To Diagnose Respiratory Problems in Gerbils
To diagnose respiratory problems in gerbils, look out for a thick, mucus-like discharge coming out of your gerbil's eyes and nose. Also, if it's breathing very rapidly, with an open mouth, or with a heaving chest, your gerbil probably has respiratory problems. Additionally, you may hear a clicking or wheezing sound when it breaths, which could be a sign of moisture in its lungs. If you think your gerbil has respiratory problems, you should take it to your vet right away for treatment.
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How To Freeze Quiche
You can freeze a baked quiche for 2 to 3 months, and an unbaked, assembled quiche for up to 1 month. Simply place the quiche into the freezer on a baking sheet. Once the quiche is completely frozen, wrap it up in a layer of aluminum foil and then into a plastic freezer bag to avoid any excessive exposure to air. To freeze an unbaked, pre-assembled quiche, place the fillings into a sealed freezer bag. Roll the pastry crust into a pie tin and place the whole tin into a freezer bag to store in the freezer.
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How To Hold a Guinea Pig
To hold a guinea pig, gently slip one hand under under its belly and wrap a finger around the front legs to secure your grip and prevent scratching. Next, bring your other hand underneath the guinea pig and gently scoop it up with both hands, using your second hand to support its back end. Then, place the guinea pig against your chest with its feet pointing towards your body. Finally, speak to your pet in soothing tones to keep it calm and feed it treats to create positive associations with being held.
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How To Plant Flowers
If you want to plant flowers to brighten up your home, check the requirements for the individual flowers you chose so you’ll know what time of year to plant them and what type of soil to use. If you’re planting seeds, place them about 1/4 of an inch in your soil. If you’re transplanting a flower, use your fingers to gently break up the root ball with your fingers, then place it into the ground so the root ball is covered. Fertilize and water your flowers after planting them.
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How To Apply Diatomaceous Earth Outdoors
Diatomaceous earthis a mineral powder that can be used to get rid of fleas, cockroaches, ants, and dust mites from your garden. It can cause irritation if it's inhaled, so always wear a face mask and gloves when you apply it. Only apply the powder to plants that are being eaten so you don't kill beneficial insects. Apply the powder when it’s not windy so it doesn’t blow away. If your plants are dry, you can help the diatomaceous earth stick to them by mixing it with water in a spray bottle. Otherwise, sprinkle the powder from an old spice shaker or make your own shaker. If there’s heavy wind or rain after you apply the powder, you might need to apply more once the weather’s settled.
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How To Provide a Protective Breeding Environment for Betta Fish
To help your betta fish breed, put them in a 5 to 10 gallon tank so they have enough space to mate. You should also give keep the water temperature between 50 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of 7 so your fish will stay happy and healthy. Fish create a lot of waste, so you’ll need to give the tank a filter that will keep the water clean, but is also gentle enough that it won’t disturb your bettas’ mating. Once the water is perfect, place some floating plants in the tank, since these will provide a hiding spot for the female betta to relieve stress while also protecting the bubble nest of eggs.
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How To Drill a Clay Pot
To drill a drainage hole in a terra cotta clay pot, start by letting it soak in water overnight to make the clay easier to drill into. Once the pot is saturated, place a piece of tape over the spot you plan to drill through to prevent the drill bit from slipping. Using a handheld power drill with masonry drill bits, drill into the clay slowly and with as little pressure as possible. Start by drilling a small hole 1/8 inch in diameter, and then gradually enlarge the hole by changing to larger bits. To finish, use a damp rag to clean off any dust and debris form the surface of the pot.
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How To Deal With Your Mom When You Are Mad
While dealing with your mom when you’re mad can be difficult, try talking to her in a way that won’t be hurtful or harmful to your relationship. Instead of confronting her right away, which can make you say things you'll regret, take some time to calm down by saying something like “I’m upset right now, but I want to talk more about this later.” Then, try to calm yourself down by going for a walk, slowly counting to 10, or taking a few deep breaths. Once you’re calm and your anger has subsided, think about possible solutions to the problem that will make you and your mom happy. For example, you might compromise by saying “I understand that you don’t want me to use the car on school nights, but how would you feel if I used it on the weekends if I put gas in it when I was done?”
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How To Treat a Finger Hit by a Hammer
If you accidentally hit your finger with a hammer, ice the area that is swelling and consider taking over-the-counter pain medication for additional relief. In most cases, the swelling will go down after a couple of days, but if you notice extreme swelling or pain, you may have fractured your finger and will need to see a doctor. You should also make sure to clean your hands and look for lacerations that might need disinfecting and bandaging. If you notice that your fingernail has a large blood blister or if blood is causing significant pressure under your nail, seek medical attention to prevent a potential infection.
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How To Cook Medium Rare Steak
To cook a medium rare steak, heat a non-stick or cast iron frying pan to high heat on a burner, and pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil into the pan. When the oil starts to separate, use tongs to place the steak in the center of the pan, and let it cook. For a 2 inch steak, allow for about 4 minutes of cooking on each side, turning only once. Be sure to use tongs to flip the steak, as a fork can cause the meat to lose some of its juices. After cooking the other side, use the tongs to press the center of the steak to make sure it's done before serving!
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How To Conduct a Science Experiment
If you want to conduct a science experiment, first come up with a question you want to answer, then devise a way to test that question. Make sure you have a control, or an untested component to your experiment. For example, if you want to find out which fertilizer is best for growing crops, you would have one plant for each type of fertilizer, plus one plant that doesn’t get any fertilizer. Write down each step of your experiment carefully, along with the final result.
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How To Wind an Automatic Watch
To wind an automatic watch, start by removing the watch from your wrist and locating the crown on the right side of the watch face. Then, grip the crown with your thumb and forefinger and rotate it clockwise. Turn the knob 40 times, or until the second hand starts moving or you feel resistance. Finally, make sure that the crown is still pushed all the way in before putting your watch back on.
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How To Care for Newborn Kittens
To care for newborn kittens when the mother cat is still present, feed the mother to keep her strength up, but leave the kittens alone for the first week to ensure the mother doesn't reject them. If the mother cat is not around, you'll need to prepare and feed them yourself. If the kittens are 1-2 weeks old, bottle feed them with milk replacer formula every 1-2 hours. At 3-4 weeks old, provide formula and water-softened kitten kibble 4-6 times daily. At 6-12 weeks old, start giving them dry kibble 4 times daily!
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How To Ask Someone for a Ride
While you may feel uncomfortable asking someone for a ride, pick someone who has access to a car and who you regularly exchange favors with to make the process easier. A family member, partner, or co-worker are all ideal options. Otherwise, choose someone who will be the least inconvenienced by where you need to go. When it comes to asking someone for a ride, be direct and forthcoming with your intentions. For example, at the beginning of the conversation, you could say, “I have a favor to ask you. Would you mind giving me a ride to work tomorrow?” It can also help if you give the person as much notice as possible so that they can factor it into their schedule. Avoid asking at the last minute or if you’re in front of other people, as the person may feel pressured.
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How To Determine if a Tooth Needs to Be Pulled
To find out if your tooth needs to be pulled, look for signs of decay, such as discoloration of the tooth, missing pieces of enamel, or swelling and bleeding of the gums. Additionally, check to see if any of your teeth are loose, and save any teeth that fall out so your dentist can examine them. You may also need an extraction if you’re suffering from gum disease, so look out for symptoms such as persistently bad breath and receding gums. Finally, check for problems such as misalignment or overcrowding of your teeth.
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How To Fix Cracked Fondant on a Cake
Fondant can easily crack, but if you have some extra fondant it’s simple to fix. To patch a big crack, first, roll out a small piece of fondant that’s big enough to cover the crack. Then, coat your fingers in a little oil and rub the fondant patch onto the cake until the edges of the patch blend in. Dust the patch with a tiny bit of confectioner’s sugar to help it dry and blend in better. If you have smaller cracks, you can pipe fondant directly into them. Mix together fondant scraps, 5 drops of water, and 5 drops of vegetable oil until it forms a paste. Then, use a piping bag to squeeze the mix onto the cracks. Again, you’ll need to use your fingers or an icing knife to blend the fondant into the rest of the cake.
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How To Make a Snow Cone Syrup
To make snow cone syrup, start by bringing 2 cups of granulated sugar and 1 cup of water to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring continuously. Then, let the mixture boil for 1 minute before removing it from the heat and gradually adding a packet of flavored drink mix. Next, stir the drink mix into the water and let the mixture cool for around 10 minutes. Finally, use a funnel to pour the syrup into a dispenser bottle.
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How To Deal with Cold Urticaria
To deal with cold urticaria at home, take over-the-counter antihistamines like Alavert, Zyrtec, or Xyzal to prevent the dilation of your blood vessels. When your blood vessels are dilated by histamines, you may experience symptoms including hives and inflammation or swelling of the skin exposed to the cold. These symptoms may last up to 48 hours, and can even be triggered by simply holding or consuming cold food or drink! You can prevent future flare-ups by avoiding cold temperatures below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, since this temperature seems to trigger symptoms. If you have to go outside in the cold, wrap up in warm layers to protect your skin. Before you handle cold drinks or food, grab a towel or use some gloves to stop the cold from touching you.
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How To Diaper Your Dog with Disposable Dog Diapers
To diaper your dog with disposable dog diapers, start by wiping its hindquarters gently with a wipe or damp cloth to remove any feces or urine. Next, slip the hole in the diaper over the end of your dog's tail and push the diaper all the way down until the hole is around the base of the tail. Then, wrap the diaper securely around the dog’s waist and fasten the Velcro tabs upward onto the back. Finally, check the diaper every 1-2 hours and change it whenever it gets soiled.
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How To Build a Tunnel
If you want to build a tunnel, first you’ll have to figure out where the tunnel will be built, how long the tunnel will be, and whether it’ll be relatively straight, or if it’ll need to curve around. Then, you’ll have to dig a trench along the planned route of your tunnel, and build the floor, walls, and roof using materials like corrugated steel arches and poured concrete. Depending on the purpose of your tunnel, you’ll also need to add amenities like ventilation or overhead lighting.
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How To Care For a Child with Metabolic Disorders
To care for a child with a metabolic disorder, you’ll need to follow your doctor’s instructions about medications and adjustments to their diet to help them stay healthy. For example, you may need to give your child steroid injections if their body is not creating enough hormones. Alternatively you may need to give them a fiber supplement if they’re not getting enough fiber to support a healthy metabolism. As you care for your child, it’s important to let other people in their life know about the condition, such as teachers and parents of your child’s friends, so they know what foods your child can and can’t eat and what medications they need to take.
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How To Lose Weight at the Gym
The keys to losing weight at the gym are a consistent exercise regimen and healthy eating habits. Try different exercises to find what works best for you. You can run on the treadmill for 30 minutes to burn fat or use the rowing machine to engage most of your body’s muscles to get a good workout. Try to work out at least 3 times a week to develop a consistent fitness regimen. In addition to exercising, be sure to eat enough protein to rebuild your muscles after working them out. Maintain a balanced, nutritious diet by eating something from each of the 5 food groups every day and avoiding processed foods.
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How To Treat Prostate Cancer
If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, talk to your medical team about your treatment options. Although you may be anxious to start treatment right away, in many cases the best thing to do is get frequent checkups so your doctor can keep an eye on the cancer. If your doctor recommends more aggressive treatments, discuss getting prostate surgery or using chemotherapy or radiation to kill the abnormal cells. You can also look into clinical trials if traditional treatments aren’t effective for you.
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How To Style Your Hair (Male)
If you're trying to style your hair, start by using your fingers or a comb to part your hair where you think it looks best. Then, try combing your hair forward, back, up, to the side, and straight down to see what direction works best for your hair. When you've found a good look, use a styling product like mousse to add volume and shine to your hair, or apply gel to your hair when it's wet for a stiffer hold. Finally, keep your hair styled all day long by misting it with hairspray to set the look you've created.
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How To Grow Sweet Peppers
To grow sweet peppers, start in the late winter by buying peat pots and putting 3 seeds into each pot. Next, put the seedlings in a warm, sunny room and water them regularly to keep the soil moist. About 10 days before you want to plant them, move your seedlings to a sheltered outdoor space so they can gradually get used to cooler temperatures. At the same time, find a spot that gets full sunlight, loosen the soil, and add organic compost. When you’re ready, plant your seedlings in holes that are 18-24 inches apart, then water them several times a week.
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How To Cook a Chicken Breast
To cook a chicken breast, start by brushing it with oil and seasoning it. Then, put the chicken in a baking dish and bake it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. To cook a chicken breast on the stove, start by heating some oil in a skillet over medium heat. Then, cook the chicken for 8-12 minutes in the pan, flipping it over occasionally. If you want to grill a chicken breast, preheat a grill to high heat and then cook the chicken directly on the grill for 3-5 minutes on each side.
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How To Diagnose Canine Corneal Ulcers
To diagnose a canine corneal ulcer, watch for common symptoms like eye rubbing, squinting, watery eyes, red or cloudy eyes, eye discharge, and sensitivity to light. If your dog has any of these issues, take it to the vet as soon as possible so they can diagnose it and recommend treatment. At the vet, be prepared for them to give your dog an eye exam to look for any trauma on its eyes. They may also give your dog a dye test by placing orange dye in its eye. If part of your dog’s eye turns green, this could mean there is an ulcer in its eye that needs treatment. Once your dog has been diagnosed, they will likely give you antibiotic eye drops to administer 2-4 times each day.
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How To Prepare for the Swimming Unit in Gym Class
To prepare for the swimming unit in gym class, choose swimwear that is comfortable and practical, as you’ll be wearing it for the duration of the unit. When you’re packing your bag, pick necessities that you’ll need during the unit and for the rest of the day, such as deodorant, a hairbrush, and a plastic bag for your swimwear. If you’re uncomfortable changing in front of others, try to find a private shower cell or change your underwear with a towel around your waist. Finally, remember that your peers are just as uncomfortable as you are, so don’t linger or stare at anyone’s body.
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How To Manage a Broken Arm
If you have a broken arm, you can manage and comfortably go through daily activities by remembering the RICE principle: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Give your arm a chance to rest and be immobile throughout the day so it can heal properly without causing pain or discomfort. When you have any pain or swelling, place an ice pack wrapped in a towel on your arm for 20 minutes at a time. Just take the ice off if it gets too cold or your skin gets numb. You should also wrap elastic bands around your arm to compress it and reduce any swelling. Elevate your arm above your heart, either by lifting it or propping it up with pillows, to help reduce swelling and increase mobility.
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How To Hold a Hermit Crab
To hold your hermit crab, move slowly when reaching for it so you don’t startle it. Pick the shell up from the back so you won’t get pinched, then open the palm of your other hand underneath it. Press your fingers together to create a flat space, then lower your hermit crab into your palm. If it crawls to the edge of your hand, simply pick it up by the back of the shell and redirect it. However, to avoid accidentally hurting your crab, make sure to hold it only a few inches off a table or the floor.
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How To Ripen Green Tomatoes
To ripen green tomatoes, start by poking a few holes in a plastic bag and putting your tomatoes inside of it. Then, add a banana to the bag, which will release ethylene gas that helps fruit ripen faster. Once your tomatoes are bagged, store them in a warm area away from direct sunlight until they're ripe. If you have too many tomatoes to fit in a plastic bag, seal them in a cardboard box with a banana instead while you wait for them to ripen.
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How To Play Dota 2
To play Dota 2, start by fighting against bots so you can learn how the controls work and improve your skills. During the game, work on your strategy to win, including by deciding how many heroes to put in each lane and working with your team's creeps. Improve your chances by destroying the enemy's tower, then win the game by destroying their Ancient. When you feel confident enough, try playing against your friends by creating a password-protected game so only they can access it.
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How To Calculate CBM
To calculate cubic meters for a rectangular item, start by measuring its length, width, and height in meters together. Then, multiply all 3 measurements to get the total amount. If you’re calculating for a cylindrical prism, measure the height and radius of the object in meters. Then, multiply height × r^2 × π, where r is the radius. However, if you’re calculating for an irregular unit, multiply the greatest length, width, and height to get the total amount.
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How To Attract a Sagittarius Man
To attract a male Sagittarius, try to be open to change, since Sagittarius guys are always expanding their horizons and trying new things. When you get to know to the guy, try to reveal your personality bit by bit, since Sagittarius guys love mystery and puzzles. However, you should still be genuine, since they’re also excellent judges of character and can spot fakeness a mile off. You should also try to look your best at all times, since men can’t resist a woman who looks fabulous, and Sagittariuses are no different. Don’t be afraid to start a flirty conversation with him to catch his eye.
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How To Get Rid of a Hangover
To get rid of a hangover, eat foods that are high in potassium, like bananas, leafy greens, and mushrooms, which will help you feel less tired and nauseous. Also, look for a drink that contains electrolytes so you can replenish your body and avoid dehydration. Try not to drink a lot of coffee since caffeine can make you feel worse when you're hungover. If you're up for it, go for a gentle walk outdoors, which will speed up how quickly the alcohol is being cleared out of your system.
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How To Keep Nail Polish from Chipping
To keep your nail polish from chipping, make sure to apply polish to your nails when they’re completely dry, since moisture can prevent the polish from adhering to them. Additionally, brush on a clear base coat to help the polish stick to the nail. Once you’ve finished your manicure, wear rubber gloves when doing tasks, like washing the dishes, to keep your polish from chipping. You should also apply a layer of base coat every few days to keep your polish strong and resilient.
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How To Make Seafood Salad
If you'd like to make a seafood salad, start by cutting your pre-cooked shrimp into 2-3 pieces. Next, chop your crab meat into pieces roughly the same size as your shrimp. In a bowl, combine the shrimp and crab meat with a diced onion, chopped celery, mayonnaise, and seasoning. Before you serve the salad, chill it in the fridge for 4 hours to help the flavors blend. To make a pasta salad instead, mix mayonnaise, salad dressing, and parmesan cheese in a bowl. Then, add cooked pasta and broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, scallions, and pieces of crab meat.
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How To Cook a Turkey Breast
To cook a turkey breast, first preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius). Then, rub butter or oil over the outside of the turkey breast, and season it with salt, pepper, and your favorite dried herbs. Next, place the turkey breast on top of a roasting rack inside of a pan, and place the pan in the oven. Immediately lower the temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Cook the turkey for 1 hour, then check its internal temperature with a thermometer every 10 minutes. If the skin starts to darken too much, take the turkey out of the oven, cover it with foil, and place it back in the oven. Once the turkey breast reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (75 degrees Celsius), remove it from the oven and serve. If you want to cook a frozen turkey breast, you should let it thaw in the fridge for at least 24 hours before you prepare, cook, and serve it.
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How To Get Rid of Toe Cramps
To get rid of toe cramps, try massaging the muscles in your feet and toes, focusing especially on the arches of your feet. You can also stretch your toes by sitting on the floor with your legs in front of you and flexing your toes back and forth several times. Alternatively, prepare a foot bath with warm water and a cup of Epsom salts. Then, soak your feet in it for 15 minutes to increase blood flow to your toes and relax your muscles.
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How To Write a Marketing Report
To write a marketing report, start by creating a 1-2 page executive summary that provides a description of the company’s goals. Next, detail the objective of your research and evaluate how well the company is reaching their intended audience. Then, include figures that represent how many visitors to your website purchased the company's product. Additionally, report on the returns the company is getting from its marketing dollars so you can tell if the money was well-spent.
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How To Find the Area of an Isosceles Triangle
To find the area of an isosceles triangle using the lengths of the sides, label the lengths of each side, the base, and the height if it’s provided. Then, use the equation Area = ½ base times height to find the area. If the length of the height isn’t provided, divide the triangle into 2 right triangles, and use the pythagorean theorem to find the height. Once you have the value of the height, plug it into the area equation, and label your answer with the proper units.
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How To Clean a Burn
To clean a burn, start by running it under cold water to cool it down. Then, wash it gently with mild soap and lukewarm water. Next, apply a layer of antibiotic ointment, like Neosporin, to the effected area to prevent an infection. If you have broken skin or blisters, cover the burn with gauze to keep it clean while it heals. Then, change the dressing 2 to 3 times a day to make sure the area stays clean during the healing process.
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How To Treat Diarrhea in Button Quail
To treat diarrhea in your button quail, first visit your vet, since diarrhea can indicate many different types of illnesses. Once your button quail has been diagnosed, you may have to use a dropper to give it antibiotic drops, which are used to treat a bacterial infection. Your vet might also suggest that you change your quail’s diet. For example, if your quail is young, it may need a starter crumb with higher protein levels to keep it healthy. Additionally, you may have to cut back on rich treats like chocolate or avocado which can upset your quail’s stomach.
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How To Traffic Train Your Cat
The most important part of traffic training your cat is teaching it to stay in your yard. If you don't already have a fence, mark off the cat’s boundaries with stones. Next, put your cat on its leash, take it into the yard, and let it walk around. Whenever it approaches the boundary, say “no” firmly, get between it and the boundary, and shoo it back into the yard. Give the kitty treats and praise every time it walks in the direction of the house. Start with 5-10 minute training sessions and work up from there.
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How To Drain Ear Fluid
To drain fluid from your ear, fill a large bowl with boiling water, cover your head with a towel, and hold your ear over the steam for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also try placing a humidifier in your bedroom, since the steam will help alleviate the buildup of fluid in your ear. Alternatively, use a decongestant or antihistamine to unblock your sinuses. Additionally, use a nasal steroid spray to reduce inflammation and open the tubes in your ears.
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How To Stop a Pimple from Forming
The best way to stop a pimple from forming is to leave it alone when you notice a break-out so it doesn't become more inflamed. If it’s sore, you can try applying a warm, damp compress and washing it with a mild cleanser to stop it from getting worse. In addition to washing your face, try applying a salicylic acid to help prevent further acne. To conceal the pimple, use a non-comedogenic makeup, which is better for acne-prone skin.
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How To Make Homemade Cat Repellent
To make homemade cat repellent, start by mixing 1 part white vinegar with 1 part water in a spray bottle. Then, add some liquid dish soap to the spray bottle and shake it to mix everything together. Once your repellent is thoroughly mixed, spray it on any indoor or outdoor surfaces where you don't want cats to go.
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How To Catch a Cheating Boyfriend
To catch a cheating boyfriend, start by looking for recent changes in him, like dressing up often, following a different schedule, or acting emotionally distant. Also, pay attention to his cell phone use to see if he's getting calls and texts at weird times or if he's being unusually private about his phone in general. If the signs are there, consider checking to see if he's changed passwords on his devices and look through his room for any unusual gifts. At this point, you may want to just be frank and ask your boyfriend what's going on before going any further down this road. He may have a legitimate explanation for this behavior, or he may decide to tell you the truth about his cheating.
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How To Make Whole Wheat Pasta
To make whole wheat pasta dough by hand, start by adding whole wheat flour and salt in large bowl. Create a well in the middle, pour the eggs, water, and oil into the well, and use your hands to mix everything together. Next, place the dough on a flat surface and knead it out with your hands to combine everything and smooth it out. Place the dough back in the bowl, cover it with a towel or plastic wrap, and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours before rolling it out flat and cutting into small strips.
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How To Use an American Express Gift Card
If you’ve received an American Express gift card, you can use it anywhere American Express is accepted, in-person or online. Before shopping, check how much money is on your card by going to and navigating to the “Check Your Balance” page. Once you’re at the store, you can simply swipe your gift card like a normal credit or debit card. After swiping your card, select “Credit” and sign your name to finish the purchase. If your purchase is more than you have on the card, make sure you can pay the difference with another card or cash. Vendors may not be able to refund money to a gift card, so if there’s a chance you’ll want to make a return, use another form of payment. For an online purchase, enter the card information on the Payment Method page at check out.
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How To Treat Yourself if You Get Stung by a Bee or Wasp
To treat yourself after getting stung by a bee or wasp, you should seek medical assistance if you experience abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, tightness in your chest, coughing, diarrhea, dizziness, hives, palpitations, or swelling in your face. If you don't experience any of these symptoms, you can treat the sting at home. First, scrape your fingernail across the stinger if it's still in your skin to pull it out. Avoid squeezing the end of the stinger since it could release more venom into your system. Then, wash the area with soap and water, and apply an ice pack for 20 minutes once an hour to help with the pain. You can also apply a baking soda and water paste over the area, which can help reduce swelling and itching.
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How To Find Surface Area of a Triangular Prism
To find the surface area of a triangular prism, use the formula Surface Area = L + 2B, where L is the lateral area and B is the area of the base. Find the lateral area by calculating the perimeter of the base and multiply it by the height of the prism. Then, find the base area by multiplying the base by the height of the triangle and dividing by 2. Next, plug the lateral area and base area into the Surface Area formula. Multiply the area of the base by 2 and add the lateral area to get your answer. Be sure to label your answer with the proper units squared.
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How To Relax in Bed
To relax in bed when you’re stressed, try deep breathing exercises, like inhaling for 4 seconds and exhaling for 8 seconds, to slow down your heart rate. Alternatively, distract yourself from your worries with a quiet activity, like doing a crossword puzzle or reading a book. You can also try watching funny, positive TV shows like old-school sitcoms to keep your brain light and cheerful. Additionally, make your bedroom a relaxing environment by adjusting the temperature to around 69 degrees F if you just want to relax, or 66 degrees F if you’re trying to fall asleep.
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How To Encourage Yourself to Read
To encourage yourself to read more, start by choosing reading material that you know you enjoy. Alternatively, if you don’t know what you like, try experimenting with different genres or looking for recommendations online. Many sites offer book recommendations based on past books you've enjoyed, or you can check out bestsellers on the New York Times or Pulitzer lists. Once you’ve found an interesting book, create a quiet, cozy reading space with an armchair or other comfy seat. Then, while you’re reading, set your devices on silent and keep them away to resist the urge to check social media.
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How To Grow a Cactus
To successfully plant a cactus, you’ll first need to harvest seeds from existing plants or buy them from a garden store. Fill a shallow container with high-drainage soil, water it well, then drain it so no standing water remains. Spread your cactus seeds on top of the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil or sand. Cover the container with a transparent sheet and set it in the sun to grow.
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How To Install Ubuntu Linux
To install Ubuntu Linux on a Windows computer, you'll need to create an installation key by downloading the Ubuntu installation file and burning it to a USB drive, after which point you can reboot your computer into the BIOS and select the USB drive to boot from it. You'll then follow the Ubuntu installation instructions. To add Ubuntu to a Mac, you'll use the Ubuntu installation file and your Mac's Bootcamp utility.
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How To Buy a Labrador Retriever Puppy
If you want to buy a Labrador retriever puppy, use the American Kennel Club website to research dog rescues in your area that specifically deal with Labradors. Once you find a rescue that you like, make sure it’s legitimate by checking that they will spay or neuter the dog and get it inspected by a vet before going to a new home. Avoid any rescue that rushes the process by skipping these steps. When you’re ready to fill out an application, be prepared for an interview and a home visit, during which the rescue will determine if you’re a right fit for the dog. If you already have a dog at home, it will have to meet the new puppy to see if they get along before the adoption is complete.
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How To Paint Furniture Black
To paint furniture black, use a latex, acrylic, or oil-based paint if you'll be painting indoors since these kinds of paints don't have dangerous fumes. If you can work outside in a well-ventilated area, go with spray paint, which is easier and faster to use and results in a smoother finish. Whichever paint you go with, start by sanding your furniture with fine-grit sandpaper so the paint has something to grip onto. Then, apply a coat of paint primer and let it dry for at least 24 hours. Finally, apply several thin coats of black paint, letting the paint dry in between each coat.
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How To Fake Sick to Stay Home from School
If you’re trying to fake sick to stay home from school, mention the night before that you aren’t feeling well. Go to bed early, especially if you usually try to stay up late. The next morning, pretend to vomit, act lethargic, or pick at your breakfast to show your parents you still aren’t feeling well. Once they agree to let you stay home, keep a low profile and don’t leave your house. Just relax and enjoy your free off day!
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How To Tame Your Guinea Pig
To tame your guinea pig, begin by leaving it alone in its cage for the first day so that it can settle in and get used to you. The next day, talk to it softly and calmly, keeping your distance from the cage so it’s not frightened. Once it’s gotten used to your voice a few days later, put your hand in the the cage and let it sniff you. After a few more days, pick it up with one hand under its belly and the other under it’s rear. Finally, hold it on your chest and talk to it in a calm voice every day so that it gets used to being held.
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How To Clean Your Retainer
To clean your retainer, first rinse it in warm water. Next, submerge it in vinegar for 2-5 minutes. After removing the retainer from the vinegar, use a toothbrush to scrub it thoroughly. Then, rinse it off in clean water before wearing it again. You can also make a paste of baking soda and water to brush onto the retainer until the buildup is gone. Once done, rinse your retainer with clean water before using it.
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How To Stop an Aggressive Cat
If you notice a cat behaving aggressively, distract it with a loud noise by clapping your hands or ringing a bell to make it run away. However, if a cat is attacking you or chasing you, make sure to protect yourself by fleeing and holding objects, like a bag or jacket, between you and the cat. When a cat gets aggressive with another cat, you can try a similar strategy by using something like a piece of cardboard or plastic lid to separate the animals. In general, you can diffuse aggression in cats by avoiding eye contact with them, giving them space, and ignoring them, so they don't feel threatened.
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How To Make Origami Animals
To make an origami cat, start by folding a square piece of paper in half diagonally. Then, fold the paper in half again, and unfold the second fold. Next, fold the left and right corners up at a 45-degree angle from the center to make the ears, and fold the top corner down toward the center to flatten the head. Finally, turn your origami cat over, and draw on the finishing touches, like eyes, whiskers, and a nose.
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How To Make Spaghetti
To make spaghetti, add 4 quarts (3.8 liters) of water to a pot for every 1 pound (0.45 kilograms) of pasta you’re making. Bring the water to a boil and add 1 tablespoon (17 grams) of salt to give it more flavor. Next, add the noodles to the boiling water and stir them for 1-2 minutes so they don't stick together. Cook for a total of 8-12 minutes, or until the spaghetti is “al-dente” -- cooked but slightly firm in the center when you bite it. Drain into a colander. If you like, save about 1 cup (240 milliliters) of the cooking water to thin out your spaghetti sauce if it’s too thick. Finally, put the noodles back into the pot, and pour your sauce on the top. Mix together and enjoy!
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How To Get Over a Guy Who Doesn't Like You
When you’re ready to get over a crush who doesn’t return your feelings, take some time for yourself since you deserve it. For example, exercise daily, eat healthy meals, get enough sleep, and dress nicely. As you let go of your feelings, it’s also a great time to make bigger changes too, so try redecorating your room, starting a new hobby, or getting a different hair cut. When you start thinking about dating again, get out and flirt a little or date casually to test the waters.
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How To Colour Popcorn
To color popcorn, heat the butter, oil, corn syrup, and salt together in a large pot. Next, stir in 1/4 teaspoon of liquid food coloring in the hue of your choice. You can add more for a deeper color or less if you want pastel popcorn. Then, pour 1/3 cup of kernels into the pot and stir them until they're coated in the syrup mixture. Put a tight-fitting lid on the pot, turn the heat to medium high to pop the kernels, and spoon the finished popcorn onto a baking sheet to cool.
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How To Handle an Eczema Flare Up
To handle an eczema flare up, take a short, lukewarm bath to soothe your skin. After your bath, gently dry off and immediately apply a fragrance-free lotion to your skin to lock in moisture, since having dry skin can make your eczema worse. If your eczema doesn’t improve, you can try applying a hydrocortisone cream or taking an antihistamine medicine to stop the itching. As you wait for the flare up to subside, try your best not to scratch your skin, which can lead to an infection.
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How To Kill Black Mold
If you need to kill black mold in your home, open any windows in the room and turn on all of the vents and fans to draw the mold spores out of the house. Scrub the affected area with a stiff brush and soapy water, then spray the mold with a commercial biocide or household cleanser. Let the cleaner sit on the area for about 15 minutes, then scrub the mold and rinse it thoroughly. Dry the area to make sure the mold doesn’t grow back.
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How To Make Chocolate Vodka
To make chocolate vodka, start by breaking a bar of dark chocolate up into small pieces. Then, put the chocolate pieces in the bottom of a sterilized jar and fill the jar with vodka. Next, seal the jar and shake it a few times to mix the chocolate and vodka together. Finally, let the vodka sit for a week before straining it.
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How To Get a Canary to Sing
To get your canary to sing, play recordings of other birds singing, since canaries imitate the sounds they hear when singing in the wild. Additionally, speak and sing softly to your bird to comfort it and make it more likely to sing. Since canaries sing most during mating season, trick it into thinking it’s mating season by making sure it gets plenty of natural light. You should also keep the temperature around its cage between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
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How To Install a Sump Pump
To install a sump pump, start by finding a large enough area near a wall in the basement and tracing an outline of the sump liner on the floor. Next, remove the concrete floor and dig the sump hole at least 12 inches deeper than the liner. Then, seat the liner in the hole, place gravel around the sides of the sump liner, and concrete back over the floor. Finally, assemble the PVC piping from the pump outlet through the home’s rim joist, lower the pump into the liner, and plug your pump in.
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How To Prove the Angle Sum Property of a Triangle
To prove the angle sum property of a triangle, label the corners of the triangle with A, B, and C. Draw a line parallel to side BC that passes through the vertex A, and label the line PQ. Write the equation angle PAB + angle BAC + angle CAQ = 180°. Next, write that angle PAB is equal to angle ABC and angle CAQ equals angle ACB and substitute them in the original equation. This proves that the sum of all of the angles is 180°.
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How To Cook Squid
To cook squid, start by heating 1/2 a tablespoon of oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Then, add chopped pieces of squid to the pan and let it cook for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, add any seasonings you'd like to use and let the squid cook for 25 more seconds before removing it from the heat. If you want to make fried calamari, heat 1-2 cups of oil in a pan over medium-high heat and cook the squid in it for 2-3 minutes.
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