在2月8日结束的北京冬奥会花样滑冰男子单人短节目的比赛中, 美国选手陈巍以113.97分排名第一 ,日本选手键山优真和宇野昌磨分别排在第二和第三位。 美国花滑选手 陈巍 [Photo/Agencies] 中国选手金博洋第五个出场,他以90.98分的成绩排名第11位 ,同样成功晋级;备受关注的日本选手、卫冕冠军羽生结弦拿到95.15分,以第八名的成绩进入自由滑比赛。根据赛程安排,男单自由滑的比赛将于2月10日9时30分进行,届时将诞生本届冬奥会花样滑冰个人项目首金。 中国花滑选手 金博洋 [Photo/Xinhua] 日本花滑选手 羽生结弦 [Photo/Xinhua] 【花滑小课堂】 2022年北京冬奥会花样滑冰赛事包括5个竞赛项目:男子单人滑(Men's Singles),女子单人滑(Women's Singles),双人滑(Pairs),冰舞(Ice Dance),团体赛(Team Event)。 Each event typically consists of a short and long routine that helps determine a competitor's score. The short routine (also known as the short program) acts as a qualifier - only the top-scoring skaters from this portion of the competition advance to the long program (also known as the free skate or free program). Skaters then receive a combined score from the short and free programs to find the overall winner. 每个项目通常由短节目和自由滑组成,根据两个节目的总分排名。短节目可以看成是预赛——只有短节目排名靠前的选手才有资格晋级自由滑的比拼。最终通过短节目和自由滑的总分决定名次。 Within each routine, a skater receives two sets of scores: the technical element score (TES) and the program component score (PCS). The PCS is based primarily on presentation, while the TES evaluates the difficulty and completion of the routine (things like spins and jumps). 每场比赛中,运动员都将得到两组分数:技术分(TES)和艺术分(PCS)。艺术分主要基于选手的表演;而技术分是评估难度和节目完成度(如旋转和跳跃)。 花样滑冰是冬奥会上最具艺术观赏性的冰上项目之一。运动员们在冰面上翩翩起舞,一个个高难度的旋转、跳跃动作惊艳观众。 直立旋转、燕式旋转、躬身旋转……赛场上的花滑运动员,不断重复着旋转、跳跃动作。无论动作多复杂,总能在完成高难度旋转后,保持优美滑行。花滑运动员们为什么转不晕? How do figure skaters who spin at incredible speeds, avoid losing their balance? 高速旋转的花样滑冰运动员是如何避免失去平衡? The short answer is training, but to really grasp why figure skaters can twirl without getting dizzy requires an understanding of the vestibular system, the apparatus in our inner ear that helps to keep us upright. This system contains special sensory nerve cells that can detect the speed and direction at which our head moves. These sensors are tightly coupled with our eye movements and with our perception of our body's position and motion through space. For instance, if we rotate our head to the right while our eyes remain focused on an object straight ahead, our eyes naturally move to the left at the same speed. This involuntary response allows us to stay focused on a stationary object. 简单来说,靠训练。但要真正弄懂花样滑冰运动员为什么不会转晕,我们需要先了解 前庭系统 ,即内耳中帮助人体保持直立的器官。前庭系统包含特殊的感觉神经细胞,可以检测头部运动的速度和方向。这些神经传感器与眼球运动,以及人们对自身在空间中的位置和运动的感知紧密相连。例如,如果我们把头向右转,而眼睛依然聚焦在前方的物体上,眼睛自然会以相同的速度向左移动。这种下意识的反应使我们能够盯住静止的物体。 Spinning is more complicated. When we move our head during a spin, our eyes start to move in the opposite direction but reach their limit before our head completes a full 360-degree turn. So our eyes flick back to a new starting position midspin, and the motion repeats as we rotate. When our head rotation triggers this automatic, repetitive eye movement, called nystagmus, we get dizzy. 转圈则更复杂。当我们在旋转过程中移动头部时,眼睛开始向相反的方向移动,但头部在转动360度之前,眼睛就转到极限了。因此,眼睛在旋转过程中会转到一个新的起始位置,而这个动作在旋转的过程中不断重复。 当头部旋转触发了这种自动的、重复的眼球运动(称为眼球震颤),我们就会感到头晕。 Skaters suppress the dizziness by learning how to counteract nystagmus with another type of eye movement, called optokinetic nystagmus. Optokinetic nystagmus occurs in the opposite direction of the nystagmus and allows us to track a moving object—such as a train whizzing by—with our eyes while our head remains in place. As the first few cars of the train move out of view, our eyes jump back to their initial position to follow the next few, and the motion repeats. Skaters can train themselves to engage this opposing eye movement when they rotate to offset the nystagmus and keep the world from spinning. 滑冰者通过学习用另一种类型的眼球运动来对抗眼球震颤,从而抑制眩晕,这种眼球运动被称为视动性眼震。视动性眼震与眼球震颤的方向相反,使我们能够在头部保持不变的情况下,用眼睛追踪移动的物体,如呼啸而过的火车。当火车的前几节车厢离开视线时,我们的眼睛会跳回到最初的位置,跟随接下来的几节车厢,重复眼球运动。滑冰者可以训练自己在旋转时进行这种相反的眼球运动,以抵消眼球震颤,防止头晕。 Professional athletes employ a variety of other strategies to prevent dizziness, including maintaining a uniform speed. The sensors in our vestibular system can detect only changes in speed, so they fail to sense rotation that takes place at a steady pace. If athletes can manage their speed, they encounter dizziness only while they accelerate into and slow down out of a spin. 专业的运动员会采用保持匀速等各种不同策略来防止眩晕。前庭系统中的神经传感器只能检测速度的变化,因此它们无法感知以稳定速度发生的旋转。如果运动员能够控制自己的速度,他们只有在加速旋转和减速旋转时才会感到头晕。 花滑运动员为了克服身体机能的不适,会针对前庭系统进行大量练习,在科学规范的训练基础上让身体处于习惯旋转的状态,更轻松地驾驭旋转的眩晕感。 花样滑冰旋转动作 了解了花滑运动员成为“冰上陀螺”的秘诀,最后,再来认识一下花样滑冰中令人眼花缭乱的旋转动作吧!掌握这些花滑知识,观赛不“头晕”。 花样滑冰旋转动作主要有三种基本姿势: 蹲踞(Sit spin)、燕式(Camel spin)、直立(Upstraight spin) : As the name suggests, a sit spin is when the skater must sink towards the ice in a sitting position. They must hold one leg out parallel to the ice while rotating on their supporting leg. 顾名思义, 蹲踞旋转 是指滑冰者必须以坐姿向冰面下沉。他们必须保持一条腿与冰平行,同时用支撑腿旋转。 蹲踞旋转 The camel spin is instantly recognizable. This is when the skater creates a horizontal line using their leg and upper body, which runs parallel to the ice. 燕式旋转 很容易辨认。滑冰者的一条腿和上半身连成一条水平线,与冰平行。 燕式旋转 An upright spin is defined as any rotation which is performed on one leg when the skater is in an upright position. 直立旋转 是指当滑冰者处于直立姿势时,用一条腿进行的任何旋转。 直立旋转 非基本姿势由这三种基本姿势演变而来,有数百种之多,赛场上常见的非基本旋转姿势包括贝尔曼、甜甜圈、躬身旋转等动作: 躬身旋转 layback spin 甜甜圈旋转 donut spin 甜甜圈 贝尔曼 Biellman spin 贝尔曼 来源,Scientific American 编辑:董静
Each event typically consists of a short and long routine that helps determine a competitor's score. The short routine (also known as the short program) acts as a qualifier - only the top-scoring skaters from this portion of the competition advance to the long program (also known as the free skate or free program). Skaters then receive a combined score from the short and free programs to find the overall winner. Within each routine, a skater receives two sets of scores: the technical element score (TES) and the program component score (PCS). The PCS is based primarily on presentation, while the TES evaluates the difficulty and completion of the routine (things like spins and jumps). How do figure skaters who spin at incredible speeds, avoid losing their balance? The short answer is training, but to really grasp why figure skaters can twirl without getting dizzy requires an understanding of the vestibular system, the apparatus in our inner ear that helps to keep us upright. This system contains special sensory nerve cells that can detect the speed and direction at which our head moves. These sensors are tightly coupled with our eye movements and with our perception of our body's position and motion through space. For instance, if we rotate our head to the right while our eyes remain focused on an object straight ahead, our eyes naturally move to the left at the same speed. This involuntary response allows us to stay focused on a stationary object. Spinning is more complicated. When we move our head during a spin, our eyes start to move in the opposite direction but reach their limit before our head completes a full 360-degree turn. So our eyes flick back to a new starting position midspin, and the motion repeats as we rotate. When our head rotation triggers this automatic, repetitive eye movement, called nystagmus, we get dizzy. Skaters suppress the dizziness by learning how to counteract nystagmus with another type of eye movement, called optokinetic nystagmus. Optokinetic nystagmus occurs in the opposite direction of the nystagmus and allows us to track a moving object—such as a train whizzing by—with our eyes while our head remains in place. As the first few cars of the train move out of view, our eyes jump back to their initial position to follow the next few, and the motion repeats. Skaters can train themselves to engage this opposing eye movement when they rotate to offset the nystagmus and keep the world from spinning. Professional athletes employ a variety of other strategies to prevent dizziness, including maintaining a uniform speed. The sensors in our vestibular system can detect only changes in speed, so they fail to sense rotation that takes place at a steady pace. If athletes can manage their speed, they encounter dizziness only while they accelerate into and slow down out of a spin. : As the name suggests, a sit spin is when the skater must sink towards the ice in a sitting position. They must hold one leg out parallel to the ice while rotating on their supporting leg. The camel spin is instantly recognizable. This is when the skater creates a horizontal line using their leg and upper body, which runs parallel to the ice. An upright spin is defined as any rotation which is performed on one leg when the skater is in an upright position.
在2月8日结束的北京冬奥会花样滑冰男子单人短节目的比赛中, 美国选手陈巍以113.97分排名第一 ,日本选手键山优真和宇野昌磨分别排在第二和第三位。 美国花滑选手 陈巍 [Photo/Agencies] 中国选手金博洋第五个出场,他以90.98分的成绩排名第11位 ,同样成功晋级;备受关注的日本选手、卫冕冠军羽生结弦拿到95.15分,以第八名的成绩进入自由滑比赛。根据赛程安排,男单自由滑的比赛将于2月10日9时30分进行,届时将诞生本届冬奥会花样滑冰个人项目首金。 中国花滑选手 金博洋 [Photo/Xinhua] 日本花滑选手 羽生结弦 [Photo/Xinhua] 【花滑小课堂】 2022年北京冬奥会花样滑冰赛事包括5个竞赛项目:男子单人滑(Men's Singles),女子单人滑(Women's Singles),双人滑(Pairs),冰舞(Ice Dance),团体赛(Team Event)。 每个项目通常由短节目和自由滑组成,根据两个节目的总分排名。短节目可以看成是预赛——只有短节目排名靠前的选手才有资格晋级自由滑的比拼。最终通过短节目和自由滑的总分决定名次。 每场比赛中,运动员都将得到两组分数:技术分(TES)和艺术分(PCS)。艺术分主要基于选手的表演;而技术分是评估难度和节目完成度(如旋转和跳跃)。 花样滑冰是冬奥会上最具艺术观赏性的冰上项目之一。运动员们在冰面上翩翩起舞,一个个高难度的旋转、跳跃动作惊艳观众。 直立旋转、燕式旋转、躬身旋转……赛场上的花滑运动员,不断重复着旋转、跳跃动作。无论动作多复杂,总能在完成高难度旋转后,保持优美滑行。花滑运动员们为什么转不晕? 高速旋转的花样滑冰运动员是如何避免失去平衡? 简单来说,靠训练。但要真正弄懂花样滑冰运动员为什么不会转晕,我们需要先了解 前庭系统 ,即内耳中帮助人体保持直立的器官。前庭系统包含特殊的感觉神经细胞,可以检测头部运动的速度和方向。这些神经传感器与眼球运动,以及人们对自身在空间中的位置和运动的感知紧密相连。例如,如果我们把头向右转,而眼睛依然聚焦在前方的物体上,眼睛自然会以相同的速度向左移动。这种下意识的反应使我们能够盯住静止的物体。 转圈则更复杂。当我们在旋转过程中移动头部时,眼睛开始向相反的方向移动,但头部在转动360度之前,眼睛就转到极限了。因此,眼睛在旋转过程中会转到一个新的起始位置,而这个动作在旋转的过程中不断重复。 当头部旋转触发了这种自动的、重复的眼球运动(称为眼球震颤),我们就会感到头晕。 滑冰者通过学习用另一种类型的眼球运动来对抗眼球震颤,从而抑制眩晕,这种眼球运动被称为视动性眼震。视动性眼震与眼球震颤的方向相反,使我们能够在头部保持不变的情况下,用眼睛追踪移动的物体,如呼啸而过的火车。当火车的前几节车厢离开视线时,我们的眼睛会跳回到最初的位置,跟随接下来的几节车厢,重复眼球运动。滑冰者可以训练自己在旋转时进行这种相反的眼球运动,以抵消眼球震颤,防止头晕。 专业的运动员会采用保持匀速等各种不同策略来防止眩晕。前庭系统中的神经传感器只能检测速度的变化,因此它们无法感知以稳定速度发生的旋转。如果运动员能够控制自己的速度,他们只有在加速旋转和减速旋转时才会感到头晕。 花滑运动员为了克服身体机能的不适,会针对前庭系统进行大量练习,在科学规范的训练基础上让身体处于习惯旋转的状态,更轻松地驾驭旋转的眩晕感。 花样滑冰旋转动作 了解了花滑运动员成为“冰上陀螺”的秘诀,最后,再来认识一下花样滑冰中令人眼花缭乱的旋转动作吧!掌握这些花滑知识,观赛不“头晕”。 花样滑冰旋转动作主要有三种基本姿势: 蹲踞(Sit spin)、燕式(Camel spin)、直立(Upstraight spin) 顾名思义, 蹲踞旋转 是指滑冰者必须以坐姿向冰面下沉。他们必须保持一条腿与冰平行,同时用支撑腿旋转。 蹲踞旋转 燕式旋转 很容易辨认。滑冰者的一条腿和上半身连成一条水平线,与冰平行。 燕式旋转 直立旋转 是指当滑冰者处于直立姿势时,用一条腿进行的任何旋转。 直立旋转 非基本姿势由这三种基本姿势演变而来,有数百种之多,赛场上常见的非基本旋转姿势包括贝尔曼、甜甜圈、躬身旋转等动作: 躬身旋转 layback spin 甜甜圈旋转 donut spin 甜甜圈 贝尔曼 Biellman spin 贝尔曼 来源,Scientific American 编辑:董静
受通胀危机影响,美国物价涨幅创下了四十年新高。曾经以消费主义著称的美国人从“买买买”转变为“啥也不买”,许多人都加入了物品交换互助小组。 [Photo/Pexels] Prices in the US soared 7% last year - the biggest annual increase in nearly four decades. Now US consumers - whose spending powers the world's largest economy - are starting to signal they have had enough. 去年美国物价飙升了7%,创下了近四十年来年度涨幅新高。用买买买来撑起全球最大经济体的美国消费者如今也开始表露出买够了的迹象。 "I find now, that I'm constantly tracking the cost of certain items," Sevan Tavoukdjian says. "It's changed which items I buy." 34岁的演员塞万·塔沃克德吉安说:“我现在发现自己不停地关注特定商品的价格,这种习惯也改变了我对商品的选择。” The 34-year-old actor moved into his own apartment in New York City last month and when he saw how much it would cost to furnish it, he was shocked at the prices being charged. 塞万上个月搬进了自己在纽约市的公寓,当他发现装修要花这么多钱时震惊不已。 So, he scrapped plans to buy furniture and instead sent a message to his neighbourhood “Buy Nothing” Facebook group, where people offer unwanted items for free. 因此他放弃了购买新家具的计划,转而在本地社区的“啥也不买”脸书小组里发了一条信息。这个小组的人将自己不需要的物品免费提供给大家。 The average American family had to spend roughly $3,500 more last year than in 2020 for the same goods and services due to inflation, according to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的研究人员指出,受通货膨胀的影响,美国普通家庭去年购买同样的商品和服务比2020年大约多花了3500美元(约合人民币2.2万元)。 Housing costs were up 4.2%, grocery bills jumped 6.3% and clothing prices were 5.8% higher. Living and dining furniture - like Mr Tavoukdjian was seeking - saw one of the biggest spikes, rising more than 17%. 住房成本上涨了4.2%,食品杂货费用上涨了6.3%,服装价格上涨了5.8%。塞万原本打算购买的客厅和餐厅家具涨幅最高,超过了17%。 But salaries have not kept up with the increases, pushing people to forego purchases, substitute cheaper alternatives, or - like Sevan - hunt for something free. 但是人们的收入却没有随之上涨,这迫使人们放弃购买一些东西,寻找更廉价的替代品,或者和塞万一样去搜寻免费的东西。 The situation has driven a surge in activity on neighbourhood exchanges such as the Buy Nothing Project, building on growth since the start of the pandemic. 这种情况促使“啥也不买”小组等平台的社区物品交换活动激增。自从疫情暴发以来,这个小组的交易量就持续增长。 Membership in the group has more than doubled over the past two years to more than 5.3 million globally. It recently added an app to cope with demand. “啥也不买”小组的会员数量在过去两年翻了一番还不止,目前全球会员数量超过了530万人。为了应付需求,最近该小组还新增了一款手机应用软件。 At Freecycle, a similar site where participants typically offer up some 20,000 items each day, the number of posts each day has increased by about 15% in recent months, driven by the financial concerns, founder Deron Beal says. 在与之类似的Freecycle网站,会员每天能提供约2万件物品。据该网站创始人德龙·比尔透露,由于人们对经济状况感到担忧,近几个月该网站每日发帖量增加了15%左右。 Mr Tavoukdjian says he's been amazed by what people are offering in his local Buy Nothing group: everything from never-been-used pillows and plates, to hand-me-down children's toys and clothes - and sometimes more off-beat items such as breast milk. 塞万表示,本地的“啥都不买”小组所能提供的物品让他大开眼界,从崭新的枕头和盘子,到二手儿童玩具和服装,有时候还会提供一些不寻常的东西,比如母乳。 His own plea for help was amply answered. Within days, he had transformed his bare-bones New York City studio into a home, adding five chairs, two small tables, two lamps, a sofa, rug, microwave, toaster, several sets of dishes, paintings and half a dozen throw pillows. 他的求助得到了很多回应。仅仅数日,他就把家徒四壁的纽约工作室改造成了一个家,添置了五把椅子、两张小桌子、两盏灯、一个沙发、一张小地毯、一个微波炉、一个烤面包机、几组盘子、几幅油画,还有六个抱枕。 But the shock of the prices from his initial search has lingered. 但是当初家具价格给他带来的打击仍让他心有余悸。 When his vacuum cleaner broke recently, he didn't pull out his wallet for a new one. He headed to Buy Nothing for help. 最近他的吸尘器坏了,他没有花钱买一台新的,而是直接上“啥也不买”小组求助。 "They’ve made a massive difference,” he says. “It’s amazing what’s out there.” 他说:“这个小组让我的生活发生了巨变。真的让人受益良多。” 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] Prices in the US soared 7% last year - the biggest annual increase in nearly four decades. Now US consumers - whose spending powers the world's largest economy - are starting to signal they have had enough. "I find now, that I'm constantly tracking the cost of certain items," Sevan Tavoukdjian says. "It's changed which items I buy." The 34-year-old actor moved into his own apartment in New York City last month and when he saw how much it would cost to furnish it, he was shocked at the prices being charged. So, he scrapped plans to buy furniture and instead sent a message to his neighbourhood “Buy Nothing” Facebook group, where people offer unwanted items for free. The average American family had to spend roughly $3,500 more last year than in 2020 for the same goods and services due to inflation, according to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School. Housing costs were up 4.2%, grocery bills jumped 6.3% and clothing prices were 5.8% higher. Living and dining furniture - like Mr Tavoukdjian was seeking - saw one of the biggest spikes, rising more than 17%. But salaries have not kept up with the increases, pushing people to forego purchases, substitute cheaper alternatives, or - like Sevan - hunt for something free. The situation has driven a surge in activity on neighbourhood exchanges such as the Buy Nothing Project, building on growth since the start of the pandemic. Membership in the group has more than doubled over the past two years to more than 5.3 million globally. It recently added an app to cope with demand. At Freecycle, a similar site where participants typically offer up some 20,000 items each day, the number of posts each day has increased by about 15% in recent months, driven by the financial concerns, founder Deron Beal says. Mr Tavoukdjian says he's been amazed by what people are offering in his local Buy Nothing group: everything from never-been-used pillows and plates, to hand-me-down children's toys and clothes - and sometimes more off-beat items such as breast milk. His own plea for help was amply answered. Within days, he had transformed his bare-bones New York City studio into a home, adding five chairs, two small tables, two lamps, a sofa, rug, microwave, toaster, several sets of dishes, paintings and half a dozen throw pillows. But the shock of the prices from his initial search has lingered. When his vacuum cleaner broke recently, he didn't pull out his wallet for a new one. He headed to Buy Nothing for help. "They’ve made a massive difference,” he says. “It’s amazing what’s out there.”
受通胀危机影响,美国物价涨幅创下了四十年新高。曾经以消费主义著称的美国人从“买买买”转变为“啥也不买”,许多人都加入了物品交换互助小组。 去年美国物价飙升了7%,创下了近四十年来年度涨幅新高。用买买买来撑起全球最大经济体的美国消费者如今也开始表露出买够了的迹象。 34岁的演员塞万·塔沃克德吉安说:“我现在发现自己不停地关注特定商品的价格,这种习惯也改变了我对商品的选择。” 塞万上个月搬进了自己在纽约市的公寓,当他发现装修要花这么多钱时震惊不已。 因此他放弃了购买新家具的计划,转而在本地社区的“啥也不买”脸书小组里发了一条信息。这个小组的人将自己不需要的物品免费提供给大家。 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的研究人员指出,受通货膨胀的影响,美国普通家庭去年购买同样的商品和服务比2020年大约多花了3500美元(约合人民币2.2万元)。 住房成本上涨了4.2%,食品杂货费用上涨了6.3%,服装价格上涨了5.8%。塞万原本打算购买的客厅和餐厅家具涨幅最高,超过了17%。 但是人们的收入却没有随之上涨,这迫使人们放弃购买一些东西,寻找更廉价的替代品,或者和塞万一样去搜寻免费的东西。 这种情况促使“啥也不买”小组等平台的社区物品交换活动激增。自从疫情暴发以来,这个小组的交易量就持续增长。 “啥也不买”小组的会员数量在过去两年翻了一番还不止,目前全球会员数量超过了530万人。为了应付需求,最近该小组还新增了一款手机应用软件。 在与之类似的Freecycle网站,会员每天能提供约2万件物品。据该网站创始人德龙·比尔透露,由于人们对经济状况感到担忧,近几个月该网站每日发帖量增加了15%左右。 塞万表示,本地的“啥都不买”小组所能提供的物品让他大开眼界,从崭新的枕头和盘子,到二手儿童玩具和服装,有时候还会提供一些不寻常的东西,比如母乳。 他的求助得到了很多回应。仅仅数日,他就把家徒四壁的纽约工作室改造成了一个家,添置了五把椅子、两张小桌子、两盏灯、一个沙发、一张小地毯、一个微波炉、一个烤面包机、几组盘子、几幅油画,还有六个抱枕。 但是当初家具价格给他带来的打击仍让他心有余悸。 最近他的吸尘器坏了,他没有花钱买一台新的,而是直接上“啥也不买”小组求助。 他说:“这个小组让我的生活发生了巨变。真的让人受益良多。” 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,丹麦播出的纪录片《寻找自我》曝光了美国中央情报局(CIA)在上世纪60年代针对311名丹麦儿童实施人体实验的“黑历史”。CIA曾秘密资助一项长达数十年的人体实验,311名儿童在不知情的情况下被用作精神分裂研究的试验品。 [Photo/Agencies] A Danish radio documentary series, The Search for Myself , did not hold back in leveling claims against the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children in the early 1960s. A good number of them were orphans or adopted. 丹麦广播纪录片《寻找自我》向美国中情局提出指控,称其在20世纪60年代初资助了一项针对311名丹麦儿童的实验,其中很多受试者是孤儿或领养儿童。 One such victim was the documentary maker Per Wennick, who claims that he was subjected to tests with no knowledge of their background in the basement of the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen. These tests were supposedly designed to investigate links between heredity and environmental factors in engendering schizophrenia. 纪录片作者佩尔·温尼克就是其中一位受害者,他声称自己在哥本哈根市医院的地下室里接受了对其背景一无所知的测试。据称这些测试旨在研究遗传和环境因素在导致精神分裂症方面的联系。 Of particular interest in the experiment in question were the children of schizophrenic mothers. Of the 311 children in question, 207 had such mothers, while the rest, who constituted the control group, did not. 在该实验中,主要研究目标是母亲患有精神分裂症的孩子。在311名儿童中,有207人的母亲有精神分裂,而其余人则没有,他们构成了对照组。 Wennick was of the latter group. As with previous experiments of such ilk, Wennick received shallow enticements without information. 温尼克属于后一组。与之前的类似实验一样,他在一无所知的情况下受到诱导。 He was promised something exciting at the Municipal Hospital. For the pleasure of it all, he would also get 16 kroner. He sat in a chair, had headphones placed upon him, and was subjected to statements, screams and noises designed to frighten. Electrodes were placed upon his body, his heart rate, body temperature and sweat level were measured. 温尼克被许诺在哥本哈根市医院做一些有意思的事情。他还会因此得到16克朗。他坐在椅子上,戴着耳机,被人用言语、尖叫和噪音吓唬。他的身体上放置了电极,用来测量心率、体温和出汗量。 The program Wennick participated in was almost certainly a violation of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, which stipulates that: 几乎可以肯定,温尼克参与的项目违反了1947年《纽伦堡法典》,该法典规定: 'The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.' “受试者的自愿同意绝对必要。” Consent can only be ethically obtained where the person has the legal capacity to do so, has exercise of free power of choice, and has 'sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable them to make an understanding and enlightened decision'. 只有在该人具有法律行为能力、行使自由选择权,并且“对所涉主题的要素有充分了解和理解,以使他们能够做出清楚和明智的决定”的情况下,受试者的同意才合乎道德。 Danish Radio credited US psychologist Zarnoff A. Mednick, then a professor at the University of Michigan, with the idea behind the research project. Unable to find a suitable study group in the US, he sought out Fini Schulsinger, a Danish professor at the Municipal Hospital. Together, they established a decades-long Danish-US research collaboration on Danish soil. 丹麦广播电台称,时任密歇根大学教授、美国心理学家扎诺夫·A·梅德尼克是该研究项目的幕后主脑。由于无法在美国找到合适的研究小组,他找到了哥本哈根市医院的丹麦教授菲尼·舒尔辛格。他们在丹麦建立了长达数十年的跨国研究合作关系。 According to Wennick and the National Archives, the research project was co-financed by the US health service. Furthermore, it received funding from the Human Ecology Fund, operated on behalf of the CIA. 据温尼克和(丹麦)国家档案馆称,该研究项目由美国卫生部门共同资助。此外,该项目还获得由中情局运作的人类生态基金的资助。 来源:Independent Australia 编辑:董静
[Photo/Agencies] A Danish radio documentary series, The Search for Myself , did not hold back in leveling claims against the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children in the early 1960s. A good number of them were orphans or adopted. One such victim was the documentary maker Per Wennick, who claims that he was subjected to tests with no knowledge of their background in the basement of the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen. These tests were supposedly designed to investigate links between heredity and environmental factors in engendering schizophrenia. Of particular interest in the experiment in question were the children of schizophrenic mothers. Of the 311 children in question, 207 had such mothers, while the rest, who constituted the control group, did not. Wennick was of the latter group. As with previous experiments of such ilk, Wennick received shallow enticements without information. He was promised something exciting at the Municipal Hospital. For the pleasure of it all, he would also get 16 kroner. He sat in a chair, had headphones placed upon him, and was subjected to statements, screams and noises designed to frighten. Electrodes were placed upon his body, his heart rate, body temperature and sweat level were measured. The program Wennick participated in was almost certainly a violation of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, which stipulates that: 'The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.' Consent can only be ethically obtained where the person has the legal capacity to do so, has exercise of free power of choice, and has 'sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable them to make an understanding and enlightened decision'. Danish Radio credited US psychologist Zarnoff A. Mednick, then a professor at the University of Michigan, with the idea behind the research project. Unable to find a suitable study group in the US, he sought out Fini Schulsinger, a Danish professor at the Municipal Hospital. Together, they established a decades-long Danish-US research collaboration on Danish soil. According to Wennick and the National Archives, the research project was co-financed by the US health service. Furthermore, it received funding from the Human Ecology Fund, operated on behalf of the CIA.
近日,丹麦播出的纪录片《寻找自我》曝光了美国中央情报局(CIA)在上世纪60年代针对311名丹麦儿童实施人体实验的“黑历史”。CIA曾秘密资助一项长达数十年的人体实验,311名儿童在不知情的情况下被用作精神分裂研究的试验品。 丹麦广播纪录片《寻找自我》向美国中情局提出指控,称其在20世纪60年代初资助了一项针对311名丹麦儿童的实验,其中很多受试者是孤儿或领养儿童。 纪录片作者佩尔·温尼克就是其中一位受害者,他声称自己在哥本哈根市医院的地下室里接受了对其背景一无所知的测试。据称这些测试旨在研究遗传和环境因素在导致精神分裂症方面的联系。 在该实验中,主要研究目标是母亲患有精神分裂症的孩子。在311名儿童中,有207人的母亲有精神分裂,而其余人则没有,他们构成了对照组。 温尼克属于后一组。与之前的类似实验一样,他在一无所知的情况下受到诱导。 温尼克被许诺在哥本哈根市医院做一些有意思的事情。他还会因此得到16克朗。他坐在椅子上,戴着耳机,被人用言语、尖叫和噪音吓唬。他的身体上放置了电极,用来测量心率、体温和出汗量。 几乎可以肯定,温尼克参与的项目违反了1947年《纽伦堡法典》,该法典规定: “受试者的自愿同意绝对必要。” 只有在该人具有法律行为能力、行使自由选择权,并且“对所涉主题的要素有充分了解和理解,以使他们能够做出清楚和明智的决定”的情况下,受试者的同意才合乎道德。 丹麦广播电台称,时任密歇根大学教授、美国心理学家扎诺夫·A·梅德尼克是该研究项目的幕后主脑。由于无法在美国找到合适的研究小组,他找到了哥本哈根市医院的丹麦教授菲尼·舒尔辛格。他们在丹麦建立了长达数十年的跨国研究合作关系。 据温尼克和(丹麦)国家档案馆称,该研究项目由美国卫生部门共同资助。此外,该项目还获得由中情局运作的人类生态基金的资助。 来源:Independent Australia 编辑:董静
2月6日是现任英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基70周年的纪念日,超长待机的女王再一次刷新了由她自己创下的英国君主在位时间纪录。女王在70周年登基纪念公开信中称,真诚希望自己的长子查尔斯王子继承王位之后,儿媳卡米拉将获得“王后”的称号。 Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, wait for Queen Elizabeth to deliver her speech in the House of Lords, during the State Opening of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster in London, Britain May 27, 2015. REUTERS/Alastair Grant The Prince of Wales has paid tribute to his “darling wife” the Duchess of Cornwall for her “steadfast support” after the Queen announced that Camilla will be known as “Queen Consort” when Charles becomes king. 英国女王日前宣布,在查尔斯成为国王后,卡米拉将被称为“王后”。威尔士亲王(查尔斯)也对爱妻康沃尔公爵夫人“坚定的支持”给予了赞扬。 In a statement released on Sunday, Charles heralded the Queen for the way her “devotion to the welfare of all her people inspires still greater admiration with each passing year”. 在2月6日发布的一份声明中,查尔斯称赞女王“为所有子民福利而做出的奉献让子民对她的崇敬之情逐年增加”。 Elizabeth II, who has become the first British monarch in history to celebrate 70 years on the throne, used her milestone to issue her royal seal of approval for Camilla to become Queen Camilla. 伊丽莎白二世是史上首位庆祝登基70周年的英国君主,她借这一里程碑时刻正式认可卡米拉成为未来的王后。 The Queen was photographed working from her red boxes in an image released on the day she passed the historic anniversary. 在女王的历史性纪念日当天,英国王室发布了一张女王在公文匣前工作的照片。 red box: (英国大臣用的)公文匣 The 95-year-old monarch is pictured with her papers of state in front of her; nearby stands a photograph of her father, King George VI, with a family corgi, taken at Buckingham Palace in 1948. 照片中,这位95岁的君主面前摆着要处理的公文,身旁摆放着她的父亲乔治六世国王和一条王室柯基犬1948年在白金汉宫拍摄的一张照片。 On 6 February 1952, the king died, and his daughter, aged 25, became the queen of a nation still recovering from the upheavals of the second world war. 1952年2月6日,国王乔治六世去世,他的女儿年仅25岁就登基成为英国女王,当时英国刚刚经历二战的动乱,国力还未恢复。 In a statement released to mark her platinum jubilee, the Queen said: “It is a day that, even after 70 years, I still remember as much for the death of my father, King George VI, as for the start of my reign. 在纪念白金禧年的公开信中,女王写道:“即使过了70年,我依然深刻铭记着那一天,我的父亲乔治六世国王去世,我的任期开始。” "As we mark this anniversary, it gives me pleasure to renew to you the pledge I gave in 1947 that my life will always be devoted to your service.” “在我们纪念这天时,我很荣幸向您重申我在1947年做出的承诺:我的一生将永远致力于为您服务。” In an intervention that shapes the future of the monarchy, the Queen expressed her “sincere wish” that Camilla be known as Queen Consort when the Prince of Wales becomes King, and called on the public to support them both. 女王还表示她“真诚希望”查尔斯登基后卡米拉获称王后,并呼吁公众支持他们。女王的这一干预将对王室的未来产生影响。 Credit: British Royal Family Charles, in a written message marking the Queen’s accession day anniversary, said he and Camilla were “deeply conscious” of the honour. 查尔斯在女王登基纪念声明中称,他和卡米拉“深深地意识到”这一荣誉的分量。 "On this historic day, my wife and I join you all in congratulating Her Majesty the Queen on the remarkable achievement of serving this nation, the realms and Commonwealth for 70 years,” he said. 他说道:“在这个历史性的日子里,我和我的妻子与大家一起祝贺伊丽莎白女王为这个国家、王国和英联邦服务70 年所取得的非凡成就。” "We are deeply conscious of the honour represented by my mother’s wish. As we have sought together to serve and support Her Majesty and the people of our communities, my darling wife has been my own steadfast support throughout. “我们深深地意识到我母亲的愿望所代表的荣誉。当我们一起努力为女王陛下和我们的人民提供服务和支持时,我亲爱的妻子一直是我坚定的支持者。” "The year of this unprecedented platinum jubilee brings an opportunity for us all to come together in celebrating the service of the Queen, by whose example we will continue to be led in the years to come.” “史无前例的白金禧年让我们所有人有机会一起来称颂女王的服务,我们也会在未来继续以她为榜样。” Britain's Queen Elizabeth cuts a cake to celebrate the start of the Platinum Jubilee during a reception at the Ballroom of Sandringham House, which is the Queen's Norfolk residence, in Sandringham, Britain, February 5, 2022. Joe Giddens/Pool via REUTERS The Queen is paving the way for her daughter-in-law to be crowned at Charles’s side on his coronation day. 女王正为儿媳卡米拉在查尔斯的加冕日登上王后之位铺平道路。 The Queen, who came to the throne when she was 25, chose to spend her accession day privately on the Sandringham estate in remembrance of her father. 25岁即位的女王选择在桑德灵厄姆庄园秘密度过自己的登基纪念日,以缅怀她的父亲。 National celebrations marking the Queen’s record-breaking service on the throne will be staged during a four-day bank holiday weekend from 2 June to 5 June. 为纪念女王破纪录的在位时间,英国将于6月2日至5日这一长达四天的超长周末举国放假庆祝。 bank holiday: 公共假期 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, wait for Queen Elizabeth to deliver her speech in the House of Lords, during the State Opening of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster in London, Britain May 27, 2015. REUTERS/Alastair Grant The Prince of Wales has paid tribute to his “darling wife” the Duchess of Cornwall for her “steadfast support” after the Queen announced that Camilla will be known as “Queen Consort” when Charles becomes king. In a statement released on Sunday, Charles heralded the Queen for the way her “devotion to the welfare of all her people inspires still greater admiration with each passing year”. Elizabeth II, who has become the first British monarch in history to celebrate 70 years on the throne, used her milestone to issue her royal seal of approval for Camilla to become Queen Camilla. The Queen was photographed working from her red boxes in an image released on the day she passed the historic anniversary. The 95-year-old monarch is pictured with her papers of state in front of her; nearby stands a photograph of her father, King George VI, with a family corgi, taken at Buckingham Palace in 1948. On 6 February 1952, the king died, and his daughter, aged 25, became the queen of a nation still recovering from the upheavals of the second world war. In a statement released to mark her platinum jubilee, the Queen said: “It is a day that, even after 70 years, I still remember as much for the death of my father, King George VI, as for the start of my reign. "As we mark this anniversary, it gives me pleasure to renew to you the pledge I gave in 1947 that my life will always be devoted to your service.” In an intervention that shapes the future of the monarchy, the Queen expressed her “sincere wish” that Camilla be known as Queen Consort when the Prince of Wales becomes King, and called on the public to support them both. Credit: British Royal Family Charles, in a written message marking the Queen’s accession day anniversary, said he and Camilla were “deeply conscious” of the honour. "On this historic day, my wife and I join you all in congratulating Her Majesty the Queen on the remarkable achievement of serving this nation, the realms and Commonwealth for 70 years,” he said. "We are deeply conscious of the honour represented by my mother’s wish. As we have sought together to serve and support Her Majesty and the people of our communities, my darling wife has been my own steadfast support throughout. "The year of this unprecedented platinum jubilee brings an opportunity for us all to come together in celebrating the service of the Queen, by whose example we will continue to be led in the years to come.” Britain's Queen Elizabeth cuts a cake to celebrate the start of the Platinum Jubilee during a reception at the Ballroom of Sandringham House, which is the Queen's Norfolk residence, in Sandringham, Britain, February 5, 2022. Joe Giddens/Pool via REUTERS The Queen is paving the way for her daughter-in-law to be crowned at Charles’s side on his coronation day. The Queen, who came to the throne when she was 25, chose to spend her accession day privately on the Sandringham estate in remembrance of her father. National celebrations marking the Queen’s record-breaking service on the throne will be staged during a four-day bank holiday weekend from 2 June to 5 June.
2月6日是现任英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基70周年的纪念日,超长待机的女王再一次刷新了由她自己创下的英国君主在位时间纪录。女王在70周年登基纪念公开信中称,真诚希望自己的长子查尔斯王子继承王位之后,儿媳卡米拉将获得“王后”的称号。 英国女王日前宣布,在查尔斯成为国王后,卡米拉将被称为“王后”。威尔士亲王(查尔斯)也对爱妻康沃尔公爵夫人“坚定的支持”给予了赞扬。 在2月6日发布的一份声明中,查尔斯称赞女王“为所有子民福利而做出的奉献让子民对她的崇敬之情逐年增加”。 伊丽莎白二世是史上首位庆祝登基70周年的英国君主,她借这一里程碑时刻正式认可卡米拉成为未来的王后。 在女王的历史性纪念日当天,英国王室发布了一张女王在公文匣前工作的照片。 red box: (英国大臣用的)公文匣 照片中,这位95岁的君主面前摆着要处理的公文,身旁摆放着她的父亲乔治六世国王和一条王室柯基犬1948年在白金汉宫拍摄的一张照片。 1952年2月6日,国王乔治六世去世,他的女儿年仅25岁就登基成为英国女王,当时英国刚刚经历二战的动乱,国力还未恢复。 在纪念白金禧年的公开信中,女王写道:“即使过了70年,我依然深刻铭记着那一天,我的父亲乔治六世国王去世,我的任期开始。” “在我们纪念这天时,我很荣幸向您重申我在1947年做出的承诺:我的一生将永远致力于为您服务。” 女王还表示她“真诚希望”查尔斯登基后卡米拉获称王后,并呼吁公众支持他们。女王的这一干预将对王室的未来产生影响。 查尔斯在女王登基纪念声明中称,他和卡米拉“深深地意识到”这一荣誉的分量。 他说道:“在这个历史性的日子里,我和我的妻子与大家一起祝贺伊丽莎白女王为这个国家、王国和英联邦服务70 年所取得的非凡成就。” “我们深深地意识到我母亲的愿望所代表的荣誉。当我们一起努力为女王陛下和我们的人民提供服务和支持时,我亲爱的妻子一直是我坚定的支持者。” “史无前例的白金禧年让我们所有人有机会一起来称颂女王的服务,我们也会在未来继续以她为榜样。” 女王正为儿媳卡米拉在查尔斯的加冕日登上王后之位铺平道路。 25岁即位的女王选择在桑德灵厄姆庄园秘密度过自己的登基纪念日,以缅怀她的父亲。 为纪念女王破纪录的在位时间,英国将于6月2日至5日这一长达四天的超长周末举国放假庆祝。 bank holiday: 公共假期 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
春节假期转眼就结束了,你已经开始上班了吗?复工第一天,你现在感觉如何? Going back to work after days and weeks of fun is an annoying task for most of us. As much as you would want to continue the party, reality strikes and you’ll find yourself sipping on black coffee to get started with your day. 经历了数天的快乐时光后,再回到工作岗位,这对大多数人来说是很恼火的。尽管你很想继续狂欢,但现实是,你要喝着黑咖啡开始新一天的工作。 第一天上班的脚步格外沉重: 假期过后去上班 当你大脑空空的来到办公室时,会不会有一种“我是谁,我在哪儿,我要干什么”的迷茫 放假归来,努力回忆如何工作的你 打开电脑,邮箱里的未读邮件多得要涌出屏幕…… 于是你起身给自己冲了一杯咖啡 复工第一天?你可能需要这杯咖啡 但是你发现一杯咖啡根本不够……你需要更多的咖啡因 在疲惫、迷茫、效率低下中度过了一天,这可能是很多人复工日的真实写照。不过,不用焦虑,其实有一些简单的方法可以让你更轻松地回到工作岗位。 Don't Try To Tackle Your Work all At Once 不要试图一下子完成所有工作 Sure, there's going to be a lot to do, but you won't be able to do it all in the first day back. Map out the one to two things you must get done each day and you'll feel much better than trying to get to everything on day one. Rather than feeling overwhelmed with your workload, take one step at a time with your assignments. 当然,有很多事等着你去做,但你不可能在复工第一天就把所有的事情都做完。规划每天必须完成的一两件事,这样你会比试图在第一天就把所有事情都做完感觉好多了。不要被工作压得喘不过气来,而是一步一步地完成任务。 Clean & Prioritize Your Inbox 清理并按优先级处理邮件 Even though you want to pull your hair out while you're trying to answer all of your emails, figure out a system to answer the most important ones first and then return to the others later. "Resist the urge to read and respond. You may return to 200 emails, but not all of them will require responses. 当你想要回复所有邮件时,你可能会烦躁得挠头。但是可以制定一个计划,先回复最重要的邮件,然后再回复其他邮件。忍住阅读和回复的冲动。你可能会收到200封邮件,但不是所有的邮件都需要回复。 Create A To-Do List 创建一个待办事项表 These are things that you know need to get done when you return. If you really want to be an overachiever, try creating your to-do list the day before you head into the office. It can organize your thoughts and make you feel more prepared when you go to work. 这些事项都是你需要在复工后完成的事情。如果你真的想成为一名出色的员工,试着在上班前一天列出待办事项清单。它可以帮助你组织思维,让你在上班时感觉自己准备充分。 Get A Good Night's Rest 好好休息 Make sure you're getting a good night's rest so you can wake up feeling refresh before you head into work. If you're having trouble sleeping, feel free to drink some milk or mediate to help slow things down. 确保自己晚上好好休息,这样才可以精神饱满的起床上班。如果你睡眠不好,可以喝点牛奶,或者冥想一下,帮助你放慢节奏。 来源:Bustle 编辑:董静
Going back to work after days and weeks of fun is an annoying task for most of us. As much as you would want to continue the party, reality strikes and you’ll find yourself sipping on black coffee to get started with your day. Don't Try To Tackle Your Work all At Once Sure, there's going to be a lot to do, but you won't be able to do it all in the first day back. Map out the one to two things you must get done each day and you'll feel much better than trying to get to everything on day one. Rather than feeling overwhelmed with your workload, take one step at a time with your assignments. Clean & Prioritize Your Inbox Even though you want to pull your hair out while you're trying to answer all of your emails, figure out a system to answer the most important ones first and then return to the others later. "Resist the urge to read and respond. You may return to 200 emails, but not all of them will require responses. Create A To-Do List These are things that you know need to get done when you return. If you really want to be an overachiever, try creating your to-do list the day before you head into the office. It can organize your thoughts and make you feel more prepared when you go to work. Get A Good Night's Rest Make sure you're getting a good night's rest so you can wake up feeling refresh before you head into work. If you're having trouble sleeping, feel free to drink some milk or mediate to help slow things down.
春节假期转眼就结束了,你已经开始上班了吗?复工第一天,你现在感觉如何? 经历了数天的快乐时光后,再回到工作岗位,这对大多数人来说是很恼火的。尽管你很想继续狂欢,但现实是,你要喝着黑咖啡开始新一天的工作。 第一天上班的脚步格外沉重: 假期过后去上班 当你大脑空空的来到办公室时,会不会有一种“我是谁,我在哪儿,我要干什么”的迷茫 放假归来,努力回忆如何工作的你 打开电脑,邮箱里的未读邮件多得要涌出屏幕…… 于是你起身给自己冲了一杯咖啡 复工第一天?你可能需要这杯咖啡 但是你发现一杯咖啡根本不够……你需要更多的咖啡因 在疲惫、迷茫、效率低下中度过了一天,这可能是很多人复工日的真实写照。不过,不用焦虑,其实有一些简单的方法可以让你更轻松地回到工作岗位。 不要试图一下子完成所有工作 当然,有很多事等着你去做,但你不可能在复工第一天就把所有的事情都做完。规划每天必须完成的一两件事,这样你会比试图在第一天就把所有事情都做完感觉好多了。不要被工作压得喘不过气来,而是一步一步地完成任务。 清理并按优先级处理邮件 当你想要回复所有邮件时,你可能会烦躁得挠头。但是可以制定一个计划,先回复最重要的邮件,然后再回复其他邮件。忍住阅读和回复的冲动。你可能会收到200封邮件,但不是所有的邮件都需要回复。 创建一个待办事项表 这些事项都是你需要在复工后完成的事情。如果你真的想成为一名出色的员工,试着在上班前一天列出待办事项清单。它可以帮助你组织思维,让你在上班时感觉自己准备充分。 好好休息 确保自己晚上好好休息,这样才可以精神饱满的起床上班。如果你睡眠不好,可以喝点牛奶,或者冥想一下,帮助你放慢节奏。 来源:Bustle 编辑:董静
北京冬奥会日益临近,三个赛区的冬奥村已经正式开村。最近,一则运动员分享冬奥村生活的短视频受到外媒关注。 1月28日,美国雪橇运动员夏默·布里彻在与粉丝互动时,被问到北京冬奥村的床铺怎么样,于是她兴致勃勃向粉丝介绍起冬奥村里的“智能床”。 "I am so excited you asked this question, because I have something incredible to share," Britcher said in a TikTok video. 布里彻在TikTok视频中说:“很高兴你问我这个问题,因为我有一些好极了的东西要分享。” 随后,布里彻将镜头对准她的床铺,用遥控器将床升起,调整到舒适角度。 In a follow-up clip, Britcher was seen happily tucked in as she said, "I'm in Zero-G mode now. It's phenomenal. 在接下来的视频中,布里彻开心地躺在床上说:“我现在处于零重力模式,这真的绝了。” 看完布里彻的视频,其他同行彻底“酸了”。美国橄榄球运动员伊洛娜·马赫尔在TikTok上分享了自己的“观后感”: "Your... Your bed has a whole remote to it? It has modes? How big is it? It looks pretty big." “你的……你的床有遥控器吗?还有不同模式?这张床有多大?看起来相当大。” 马赫尔仿佛化身“柠檬精”,整段视频散发着浓浓的酸味儿。 "Our beds in Tokyo were like, only like that big," she said, making a small gesture with her thumb and forefinger. "And they were highly flammable. And very solid. They were very solid beds. My back hurt like, a week after I started laying on them." “我们在东京的床就只有那么大,”她边说着边用拇指和食指比了一个表示小的手势,“而且纸板床是高度易燃的,非常的硬。这床太硬了,我睡了一周就背疼。” Fighting back fake tears, Maher added, "But have fun! That looks awesome. That looks so cool." 马赫尔还假装流着泪说:“但要玩得开心!你的床看起来太棒了。太酷了。” 据了解,北京冬奥村的智能床采用记忆棉材质,在保证舒适性的同时,床的形态可依据个人习惯进行调整。每张床配有遥控器,可调成睡姿、坐姿等不同场景,不同模式能为不同使用场景下的人体脊柱提供最佳支撑。 图源:中新网 其实,类似的“黑科技”在北京冬奥会上还有许多。从场馆建设到生态修复,从衣食住行、后勤保障到防疫医疗、出行交通等,北京冬奥会可以说是一场被科技创新成果“武装”的盛会。 北京冬奥会炫丽的科技色彩也引发外媒关注,南非独立在线新闻网站(IOL)称, 北京冬奥会是“最绿色、最清洁的奥运会……是5G技术应用最广的奥运会。” 该篇报道称: “For the first time ever, all venues are 100% powered by green energy, with the ice-making technology adopted producing zero emissions. “ “这是有史以来第一次,所有奥运会场馆100%使用清洁能源,采用的制冰技术近零排放。” 图源:新华社 “Full coverage of 5G signals has been in place at the National Sliding Centre and the National Alpine Skiing Centre. Both venues are set to host the alpine skiing, bobsleigh, skeleton and luge competitions during the Games. “ “国家雪橇雪车中心和国家高山滑雪中心已经实现5G信号全覆盖。这两个场馆将在奥运会期间举办高山滑雪、雪车、钢架雪车和雪橇比赛。” 图源:中国日报 北京冬奥会主媒体中心的智慧餐厅也吸引了不少媒体关注。美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)网站报道称,北京冬奥会应用机器人技术,打造无人餐厅,助力冬奥防疫。 图源:新华社 “Some canteens will be partially staffed by automated cooking machines, including a robot arm that slowly descends from the ceiling with a plate of noodles, to minimize human contact.” “一些食堂将部分配备自动烹饪机,其中包括一个机器人手臂,它可以端着一碗面条从天花板慢慢下降,以尽量减少人与人之间的接触。” 美国Variety网站还报道了北京冬奥会转播中应用的创新技术。 ”China Media Group has launched CCTV-8K, an 8K ultra-high-definition TV channel, to broadcast the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.CMG has started to install giant 8K screens in public places across the country, starting with four railway stations in Beijing and Olympic venue Zhangjiakou.” “为转播即将到来的北京2022冬奥会,中央广播电视总台开通CCTV-8K超高清频道,并从北京的四个火车站和冬奥会场馆所在地张家口开始,在全国各地的公共场所安装8K巨幕。” 综合来源:Eonline,IOL,NPR,Variety 编辑:董静
"I am so excited you asked this question, because I have something incredible to share," Britcher said in a TikTok video. In a follow-up clip, Britcher was seen happily tucked in as she said, "I'm in Zero-G mode now. It's phenomenal. "Your... Your bed has a whole remote to it? It has modes? How big is it? It looks pretty big." "Our beds in Tokyo were like, only like that big," she said, making a small gesture with her thumb and forefinger. "And they were highly flammable. And very solid. They were very solid beds. My back hurt like, a week after I started laying on them." Fighting back fake tears, Maher added, "But have fun! That looks awesome. That looks so cool." “For the first time ever, all venues are 100% powered by green energy, with the ice-making technology adopted producing zero emissions. “ “Full coverage of 5G signals has been in place at the National Sliding Centre and the National Alpine Skiing Centre. Both venues are set to host the alpine skiing, bobsleigh, skeleton and luge competitions during the Games. “ “Some canteens will be partially staffed by automated cooking machines, including a robot arm that slowly descends from the ceiling with a plate of noodles, to minimize human contact.” ”China Media Group has launched CCTV-8K, an 8K ultra-high-definition TV channel, to broadcast the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.CMG has started to install giant 8K screens in public places across the country, starting with four railway stations in Beijing and Olympic venue Zhangjiakou.”
北京冬奥会日益临近,三个赛区的冬奥村已经正式开村。最近,一则运动员分享冬奥村生活的短视频受到外媒关注。 1月28日,美国雪橇运动员夏默·布里彻在与粉丝互动时,被问到北京冬奥村的床铺怎么样,于是她兴致勃勃向粉丝介绍起冬奥村里的“智能床”。 布里彻在TikTok视频中说:“很高兴你问我这个问题,因为我有一些好极了的东西要分享。” 随后,布里彻将镜头对准她的床铺,用遥控器将床升起,调整到舒适角度。 在接下来的视频中,布里彻开心地躺在床上说:“我现在处于零重力模式,这真的绝了。” 看完布里彻的视频,其他同行彻底“酸了”。美国橄榄球运动员伊洛娜·马赫尔在TikTok上分享了自己的“观后感”: “你的……你的床有遥控器吗?还有不同模式?这张床有多大?看起来相当大。” 马赫尔仿佛化身“柠檬精”,整段视频散发着浓浓的酸味儿。 “我们在东京的床就只有那么大,”她边说着边用拇指和食指比了一个表示小的手势,“而且纸板床是高度易燃的,非常的硬。这床太硬了,我睡了一周就背疼。” 马赫尔还假装流着泪说:“但要玩得开心!你的床看起来太棒了。太酷了。” 据了解,北京冬奥村的智能床采用记忆棉材质,在保证舒适性的同时,床的形态可依据个人习惯进行调整。每张床配有遥控器,可调成睡姿、坐姿等不同场景,不同模式能为不同使用场景下的人体脊柱提供最佳支撑。 图源:中新网 其实,类似的“黑科技”在北京冬奥会上还有许多。从场馆建设到生态修复,从衣食住行、后勤保障到防疫医疗、出行交通等,北京冬奥会可以说是一场被科技创新成果“武装”的盛会。 北京冬奥会炫丽的科技色彩也引发外媒关注,南非独立在线新闻网站(IOL)称, 北京冬奥会是“最绿色、最清洁的奥运会……是5G技术应用最广的奥运会。” 该篇报道称: “这是有史以来第一次,所有奥运会场馆100%使用清洁能源,采用的制冰技术近零排放。” 图源:新华社 “国家雪橇雪车中心和国家高山滑雪中心已经实现5G信号全覆盖。这两个场馆将在奥运会期间举办高山滑雪、雪车、钢架雪车和雪橇比赛。” 图源:中国日报 北京冬奥会主媒体中心的智慧餐厅也吸引了不少媒体关注。美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)网站报道称,北京冬奥会应用机器人技术,打造无人餐厅,助力冬奥防疫。 图源:新华社 “一些食堂将部分配备自动烹饪机,其中包括一个机器人手臂,它可以端着一碗面条从天花板慢慢下降,以尽量减少人与人之间的接触。” 美国Variety网站还报道了北京冬奥会转播中应用的创新技术。 “为转播即将到来的北京2022冬奥会,中央广播电视总台开通CCTV-8K超高清频道,并从北京的四个火车站和冬奥会场馆所在地张家口开始,在全国各地的公共场所安装8K巨幕。” 综合来源:Eonline,IOL,NPR,Variety 编辑:董静
马上就到大年三十啦,你家有吃饺子的习俗吗?过年吃饺子是中国北方延续已久的传统年俗。 关于饺子的起源传说众多,其中一种说法是饺子源于东汉时期,为医圣张仲景首创。当时饺子是药用,张仲景用面皮包上一些祛寒的药材用来治病(羊肉、胡椒等),避免病人耳朵上生冻疮。 Zhang noticed that many people's ears were frostbitten when he returned to his hometown one winter. He decided to wrap mutton, chilli and some warming medicinal herbs in dough skin. Folding them into the shape of an ear, he boiled them in water before giving them to the poor. 有一年冬天,张仲景回乡时发现很多人的耳朵都冻伤了。他决定用面皮包上羊肉、胡椒和一些温补的草药,把它们折成耳朵的形状,在水里煮熟,然后送给穷人。 This food was originally called "Jiao'er" for its shape, and later the name slowly became Jiaozi. 最初因其形似耳朵而被称为“娇耳”,后来慢慢变成了饺子。 如今,饺子已经成为北方人餐桌上必不可少的美食,是家和温暖的象征。饺子形如元宝,新春佳节吃饺子,寓意着“招财进宝”。不同馅料的饺子有不同的含义,寄托了人们对新一年的美好期盼。 Photo/icpress Celery stuffing represents industriousness and (resulting) wealth. 芹菜(Celery) sounds like 'industrious wealth' (勤财). Leek stuffing represents long-term wealth. 'Leek' (韭菜) sounds like 'industrious wealth' (久财). 芹菜馅代表着勤劳和财富,因为芹菜听起来像“勤财”。韭菜馅代表富贵永久,因为韭菜 听起来像“久财”。 Cabbage stuffing represents the blessing for a well-off life for a hundred years. 白菜(Cabbage) sounds like 'hundred wealth' (百财). 白菜馅代表了生活幸福长久的祝福。白菜听起来像“百财”。 Fish stuffing means surplus wealth. Reason: 'Fish' (鱼) sounds the same as 'surplus' (余). Eating fish dumplings means wishing you have a lot of remaining money. 鱼肉馅的饺子意味着财富盈余。因为鱼与“余”同音。吃鱼肉饺子意味着财富多多的祝福。 其实,不仅中国有饺子,其他国家也有类似的传统食物,比如,西班牙的烤饺子(empanada)、印度的咖喱角(samosa)、意大利的团子(gnocchi)等。下面一起来探访世界各地的“饺子”们。 西班牙:Empanada [Photo/Unsplash] Empanada is Spanish for "wrapped in bread," a fitting name for this fried Argentinian dumpling. Bite through the flakey crust and you'll commonly find a filling of ground beef, hard boiled eggs, olives, onions, paprika, and cumin. But they also come in plenty of other varieties. Empanada在西班牙语中是“包裹在面包里”的意思,这个名字对这种油炸饺子来说非常形象。咬开松软的外皮,你会发现里面包裹着碎牛肉、水煮蛋、橄榄、洋葱、辣椒粉和小茴香等馅料。但也有很多其他种类的Empanada。
Zhang noticed that many people's ears were frostbitten when he returned to his hometown one winter. He decided to wrap mutton, chilli and some warming medicinal herbs in dough skin. Folding them into the shape of an ear, he boiled them in water before giving them to the poor. This food was originally called "Jiao'er" for its shape, and later the name slowly became Jiaozi. Photo/icpress [Photo/Unsplash] Empanada is Spanish for "wrapped in bread," a fitting name for this fried Argentinian dumpling. Bite through the flakey crust and you'll commonly find a filling of ground beef, hard boiled eggs, olives, onions, paprika, and cumin. But they also come in plenty of other varieties.
马上就到大年三十啦,你家有吃饺子的习俗吗?过年吃饺子是中国北方延续已久的传统年俗。 关于饺子的起源传说众多,其中一种说法是饺子源于东汉时期,为医圣张仲景首创。当时饺子是药用,张仲景用面皮包上一些祛寒的药材用来治病(羊肉、胡椒等),避免病人耳朵上生冻疮。 有一年冬天,张仲景回乡时发现很多人的耳朵都冻伤了。他决定用面皮包上羊肉、胡椒和一些温补的草药,把它们折成耳朵的形状,在水里煮熟,然后送给穷人。 最初因其形似耳朵而被称为“娇耳”,后来慢慢变成了饺子。 如今,饺子已经成为北方人餐桌上必不可少的美食,是家和温暖的象征。饺子形如元宝,新春佳节吃饺子,寓意着“招财进宝”。不同馅料的饺子有不同的含义,寄托了人们对新一年的美好期盼。 Celery stuffing represents industriousness and (resulting) wealth. 芹菜(Celery) sounds like 'industrious wealth' (勤财). Leek stuffing represents long-term wealth. 'Leek' (韭菜) sounds like 'industrious wealth' (久财). 芹菜馅代表着勤劳和财富,因为芹菜听起来像“勤财”。韭菜馅代表富贵永久,因为韭菜 听起来像“久财”。 Cabbage stuffing represents the blessing for a well-off life for a hundred years. 白菜(Cabbage) sounds like 'hundred wealth' (百财). 白菜馅代表了生活幸福长久的祝福。白菜听起来像“百财”。 Fish stuffing means surplus wealth. Reason: 'Fish' (鱼) sounds the same as 'surplus' (余). Eating fish dumplings means wishing you have a lot of remaining money. 鱼肉馅的饺子意味着财富盈余。因为鱼与“余”同音。吃鱼肉饺子意味着财富多多的祝福。 其实,不仅中国有饺子,其他国家也有类似的传统食物,比如,西班牙的烤饺子(empanada)、印度的咖喱角(samosa)、意大利的团子(gnocchi)等。下面一起来探访世界各地的“饺子”们。 西班牙:Empanada Empanada在西班牙语中是“包裹在面包里”的意思,这个名字对这种油炸饺子来说非常形象。咬开松软的外皮,你会发现里面包裹着碎牛肉、水煮蛋、橄榄、洋葱、辣椒粉和小茴香等馅料。但也有很多其他种类的Empanada。
新的一年,米妮也要换新装啦!为了纪念国际妇女节和巴黎迪士尼乐园开园30周年,迪士尼联合英国著名时装设计师推出了穿蓝色波点西服裤装的米妮形象。 Credit: Disney For the first time in her nearly century-long life, Minnie Mouse will add a pantsuit to her wardrobe. And it won't be just any old pair of tailored slacks, but an iconic silhouette from British fashion designer Stella McCartney. 在米妮近100年的人生中,这是她第一次穿上裤装。这可不是一条旧款女士休闲裤,而是出自英国时装设计师斯特拉·麦卡特尼之手的标志性作品。 Though a sneak peek of Minnie's new sartorial statement hit the internet early, her full makeover will be unveiled in March to commemorate two different dates: International Women's Day and the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris. 米妮的新裤装先一步在网上和大家见面,她的全套新装扮将在3月份亮相,以纪念国际妇女节和巴黎迪士尼乐园开园30周年。 "Minnie has always had a special place in my heart," McCartney said in a press video. "We share the same values, and what I love about Minnie is that she personifies happiness, self-expression, she has such great style." 麦卡特尼在一个媒体采访视频中表示:“米妮在我心中一直占有一个特殊的位置。我们拥有同样的价值观,我喜欢米妮是因为她是快乐、自我表达、真实的化身,而且她也很有范儿。” Pantsuits are a staple in female leaders' wardrobes, with politicians including former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Vice President Kamala Harris each having their own recognizable take on the style. Clinton caused a stir in 2004 when her official White House portrait was unveiled three years after the Clinton administration ended, showing her in a midnight black suit -- a first for a first lady's portrait. 裤装是女性领导人衣柜中的主打款,包括德国前总理安格拉·默克尔、美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿和美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯在内的政界人士穿的裤装辨识度都很高。2004年白宫在克林顿任期结束三年后发布的希拉里官方肖像画曾引起了轰动,画像上希拉里穿着一身午夜黑的西服套装,这对于第一夫人的肖像画来说还是首例。 Minnie's own statement-making ensemble is a bespoke blue tuxedo with black polka dots and matching bow. McCartney hopes the new look will make Minnie "a symbol of progress and empowerment for a new generation." 米妮的这套彰显个性的服饰是一件蓝色定制礼服,上面点缀着黑色波点和一对蝴蝶结。麦卡特尼希望这一新形象能让米妮成为“新一代进步和赋权的象征”。 Internet users, however, have pointed out that this is not Minnie's first time foregoing her dress. In 2019, Disney Cruise Line debuted Captain Minnie in a red and white maritime uniform with pants -- both as an inspirational outfit for young girls and, presumably, a practical one to be out at sea. 不过,网友们指出,这不是米妮第一次换新装。2019年,迪士尼邮轮推出了穿红白海军服+裤装的米妮船长形象,这套服饰既是为了给年轻女孩带来启迪,在海上穿着也很实用。 For this International Women's Day, the collaboration with McCartney will also include a limited T-shirt collection -- featuring Minnie with the phrase "Divine Feminine" -- which will appear on the runway at the March 7 Stella McCartney Winter 2022 show and be available for purchase the following day. 今年国际妇女节,迪士尼还将和麦卡特尼合作推出一个限量版T恤系列(T恤上印有米妮和“神圣女性”字样),该系列将于3月7日在斯特拉·麦卡特尼2022冬季时装秀的T台上亮相,并于次日上市销售。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Disney For the first time in her nearly century-long life, Minnie Mouse will add a pantsuit to her wardrobe. And it won't be just any old pair of tailored slacks, but an iconic silhouette from British fashion designer Stella McCartney. Though a sneak peek of Minnie's new sartorial statement hit the internet early, her full makeover will be unveiled in March to commemorate two different dates: International Women's Day and the 30th anniversary of Disneyland Paris. "Minnie has always had a special place in my heart," McCartney said in a press video. "We share the same values, and what I love about Minnie is that she personifies happiness, self-expression, she has such great style." Pantsuits are a staple in female leaders' wardrobes, with politicians including former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Vice President Kamala Harris each having their own recognizable take on the style. Clinton caused a stir in 2004 when her official White House portrait was unveiled three years after the Clinton administration ended, showing her in a midnight black suit -- a first for a first lady's portrait. Minnie's own statement-making ensemble is a bespoke blue tuxedo with black polka dots and matching bow. McCartney hopes the new look will make Minnie "a symbol of progress and empowerment for a new generation." Internet users, however, have pointed out that this is not Minnie's first time foregoing her dress. In 2019, Disney Cruise Line debuted Captain Minnie in a red and white maritime uniform with pants -- both as an inspirational outfit for young girls and, presumably, a practical one to be out at sea. For this International Women's Day, the collaboration with McCartney will also include a limited T-shirt collection -- featuring Minnie with the phrase "Divine Feminine" -- which will appear on the runway at the March 7 Stella McCartney Winter 2022 show and be available for purchase the following day.
新的一年,米妮也要换新装啦!为了纪念国际妇女节和巴黎迪士尼乐园开园30周年,迪士尼联合英国著名时装设计师推出了穿蓝色波点西服裤装的米妮形象。 在米妮近100年的人生中,这是她第一次穿上裤装。这可不是一条旧款女士休闲裤,而是出自英国时装设计师斯特拉·麦卡特尼之手的标志性作品。 米妮的新裤装先一步在网上和大家见面,她的全套新装扮将在3月份亮相,以纪念国际妇女节和巴黎迪士尼乐园开园30周年。 麦卡特尼在一个媒体采访视频中表示:“米妮在我心中一直占有一个特殊的位置。我们拥有同样的价值观,我喜欢米妮是因为她是快乐、自我表达、真实的化身,而且她也很有范儿。” 裤装是女性领导人衣柜中的主打款,包括德国前总理安格拉·默克尔、美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿和美国副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯在内的政界人士穿的裤装辨识度都很高。2004年白宫在克林顿任期结束三年后发布的希拉里官方肖像画曾引起了轰动,画像上希拉里穿着一身午夜黑的西服套装,这对于第一夫人的肖像画来说还是首例。 米妮的这套彰显个性的服饰是一件蓝色定制礼服,上面点缀着黑色波点和一对蝴蝶结。麦卡特尼希望这一新形象能让米妮成为“新一代进步和赋权的象征”。 不过,网友们指出,这不是米妮第一次换新装。2019年,迪士尼邮轮推出了穿红白海军服+裤装的米妮船长形象,这套服饰既是为了给年轻女孩带来启迪,在海上穿着也很实用。 今年国际妇女节,迪士尼还将和麦卡特尼合作推出一个限量版T恤系列(T恤上印有米妮和“神圣女性”字样),该系列将于3月7日在斯特拉·麦卡特尼2022冬季时装秀的T台上亮相,并于次日上市销售。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
北京冬奥会日益临近,作为全世界最受瞩目的冰雪赛事,冬奥会将汇聚来自各个国家的运动健儿。下面这些冬奥老将的表现不容错过。 Ireen Wust 艾琳·伍斯特 Netherlands' Ireen Wust competes in the women's 1500 meters of the ISU European Speed Skating Championships in Heerenveen on January 8, 2022.[Photo/Agencies] Dutch speed skating legend Ireen Wust will become the only summer or winter Olympian to win individual gold at five separate Games if she claims a title in Beijing. She will compete in the 1000m, 1500m and team pursuit. 如果荷兰速度滑冰传奇人物艾琳·伍斯特在北京夺冠,她将成为唯一一位获得五枚个人金牌的夏季或冬季奥运会选手。她将参加1000米、1500米和团体追逐赛。 The 35-year-old has won 11 Olympic medals since her debut in Turin, in 2006. Included in that haul are five golds, of which four are for competing in an individual event. At Beijing 2022 she will go for a record fifth consecutive individual crown. 自2006年在都灵首次亮相以来,这位35岁的选手已经获得11枚奥运奖牌,其中包括五枚金牌(四枚来自个人项目)。在北京2022年冬奥会上,她将为个人五连冠而战。
Ireen Wust Netherlands' Ireen Wust competes in the women's 1500 meters of the ISU European Speed Skating Championships in Heerenveen on January 8, 2022.[Photo/Agencies] Dutch speed skating legend Ireen Wust will become the only summer or winter Olympian to win individual gold at five separate Games if she claims a title in Beijing. She will compete in the 1000m, 1500m and team pursuit. The 35-year-old has won 11 Olympic medals since her debut in Turin, in 2006. Included in that haul are five golds, of which four are for competing in an individual event. At Beijing 2022 she will go for a record fifth consecutive individual crown.
北京冬奥会日益临近,作为全世界最受瞩目的冰雪赛事,冬奥会将汇聚来自各个国家的运动健儿。下面这些冬奥老将的表现不容错过。 艾琳·伍斯特 如果荷兰速度滑冰传奇人物艾琳·伍斯特在北京夺冠,她将成为唯一一位获得五枚个人金牌的夏季或冬季奥运会选手。她将参加1000米、1500米和团体追逐赛。 自2006年在都灵首次亮相以来,这位35岁的选手已经获得11枚奥运奖牌,其中包括五枚金牌(四枚来自个人项目)。在北京2022年冬奥会上,她将为个人五连冠而战。
研究发现,贫穷不仅会影响孩子的学业成绩和未来收入,还会改变宝宝的大脑活动水平,而且这种改变在宝宝出生的第一年就开始发生了。 (Juan Encalada/Unsplash) Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains of their babies, according to a study in the United States. 美国的一项研究发现,母亲手里有钱有助于宝宝大脑的发育。 Family income has been linked to child development numerous times in the past in observational studies, but this is the first time researchers have found direct experimental evidence of how poverty drives such changes. 过去的观察性研究已多次表明,家庭收入与孩子发育有关,但这是研究人员首次通过实验发现贫穷影响孩子大脑发育的直接证据。 The findings come from an ongoing study known as Baby's First Year, which is attempting to assess how poverty reduction can impact the cognitive and emotional growth of very young children. 这项正在进行的研究名为“宝宝的第一年”,该研究试图评估减贫对于婴幼儿认知能力和情感发育的影响。 "We have known for many years that growing up in poverty puts children at risk for lower school achievement, reduced earnings, and poorer health," explains neuroscientist Kimberly Noble from Columbia University. 来自哥伦比亚大学的神经学家金柏莉·诺布尔解释道:“我们多年以前就知道,在贫穷中长大可能会导致孩子学习成绩差、收入低和健康状况不良。” "However, until now, we haven't been able to say whether poverty itself causes differences in child development, or whether growing up in poverty is simply associated with other factors that cause those differences." “然而,直到现在,我们还不能确定贫穷是否会导致孩子发育的差异,或者在贫穷中长大是否与导致孩子发育差异的其他因素直接相关。” A thousand low-income mothers in the US were recruited for the study shortly after their babies were born. 这项研究在美国招募了1000名不久前生了宝宝的低收入母亲。 These parents, who came from either New York City, New Orleans, Omaha or Minneapolis/St. Paul, were then randomly allocated either $333 a month in unconditional cash payments or $20 a month in unconditional cash payments for the first four years of their baby's life – no strings attached. 研究人员给这些来自纽约市、新奥尔良市、奥马哈市或明尼阿波利斯/圣保罗市的父母在宝宝出生后的前四年随机每月拨款333美元(约合人民币2113元)或20美元(约合人民币127元),他们可以用这些钱买任何东西,并且没有任何附加条件。 The data show that giving low-income mothers financial support can directly change infant brain activity in the first year of life. 数据显示,在宝宝出生后第一年给低收入母亲提供经济支持可以直接改变婴儿的大脑活动水平。 Infants whose mothers had received the higher cash payments, for instance, had higher frequency brain activity than those infants whose mothers had received less. 举例来说,获得更多现金拨款的母亲养育的宝宝比获得拨款少的母亲养育的宝宝大脑活动频率更高。 Further research is needed to see whether these changes in brain activity last or whether they translate to improved cognitive development, but there's good reason to suspect they might. 大脑活动的这些改变能否持续或者是否会转化为认知发育的改善还有待进一步研究,但是研究人员有充分的理由相信大脑活动的改变会影响认知发育。 Some small studies have recently shown that high-frequency brain activity is more common in babies born into higher-income families. This type of activity is also associated with higher language, cognitive, and social-emotional scores. 最近有一些小型研究显示,高频率的大脑活动在高收入家庭的宝宝当中更常见。这种高频率大脑活动还与更高的语言、认知和人际情感得分相关。 Because of the nature of the study, the authors still don't know what environmental factors could have triggered the higher frequency brain waves seen in the trial. They are now investigating whether household expenditures, parental behaviors, family relationships, or family stress had anything to do with the results. 由于这项研究的性质,作者尚不清楚什么样的环境因素会引发实验中出现的高频率脑电波。目前他们正在调查家庭开支、父母行为、家庭关系或家庭压力是否与结果有关。 The study was published in the PNAS. 该研究发表在《美国国家科学院院报》上。 英文来源:Science Alert 翻译&编辑:丹妮
(Juan Encalada/Unsplash) Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains of their babies, according to a study in the United States. Family income has been linked to child development numerous times in the past in observational studies, but this is the first time researchers have found direct experimental evidence of how poverty drives such changes. The findings come from an ongoing study known as Baby's First Year, which is attempting to assess how poverty reduction can impact the cognitive and emotional growth of very young children. "We have known for many years that growing up in poverty puts children at risk for lower school achievement, reduced earnings, and poorer health," explains neuroscientist Kimberly Noble from Columbia University. "However, until now, we haven't been able to say whether poverty itself causes differences in child development, or whether growing up in poverty is simply associated with other factors that cause those differences." A thousand low-income mothers in the US were recruited for the study shortly after their babies were born. These parents, who came from either New York City, New Orleans, Omaha or Minneapolis/St. Paul, were then randomly allocated either $333 a month in unconditional cash payments or $20 a month in unconditional cash payments for the first four years of their baby's life – no strings attached. The data show that giving low-income mothers financial support can directly change infant brain activity in the first year of life. Infants whose mothers had received the higher cash payments, for instance, had higher frequency brain activity than those infants whose mothers had received less. Further research is needed to see whether these changes in brain activity last or whether they translate to improved cognitive development, but there's good reason to suspect they might. Some small studies have recently shown that high-frequency brain activity is more common in babies born into higher-income families. This type of activity is also associated with higher language, cognitive, and social-emotional scores. Because of the nature of the study, the authors still don't know what environmental factors could have triggered the higher frequency brain waves seen in the trial. They are now investigating whether household expenditures, parental behaviors, family relationships, or family stress had anything to do with the results. The study was published in the PNAS.
研究发现,贫穷不仅会影响孩子的学业成绩和未来收入,还会改变宝宝的大脑活动水平,而且这种改变在宝宝出生的第一年就开始发生了。 美国的一项研究发现,母亲手里有钱有助于宝宝大脑的发育。 过去的观察性研究已多次表明,家庭收入与孩子发育有关,但这是研究人员首次通过实验发现贫穷影响孩子大脑发育的直接证据。 这项正在进行的研究名为“宝宝的第一年”,该研究试图评估减贫对于婴幼儿认知能力和情感发育的影响。 来自哥伦比亚大学的神经学家金柏莉·诺布尔解释道:“我们多年以前就知道,在贫穷中长大可能会导致孩子学习成绩差、收入低和健康状况不良。” “然而,直到现在,我们还不能确定贫穷是否会导致孩子发育的差异,或者在贫穷中长大是否与导致孩子发育差异的其他因素直接相关。” 这项研究在美国招募了1000名不久前生了宝宝的低收入母亲。 研究人员给这些来自纽约市、新奥尔良市、奥马哈市或明尼阿波利斯/圣保罗市的父母在宝宝出生后的前四年随机每月拨款333美元(约合人民币2113元)或20美元(约合人民币127元),他们可以用这些钱买任何东西,并且没有任何附加条件。 数据显示,在宝宝出生后第一年给低收入母亲提供经济支持可以直接改变婴儿的大脑活动水平。 举例来说,获得更多现金拨款的母亲养育的宝宝比获得拨款少的母亲养育的宝宝大脑活动频率更高。 大脑活动的这些改变能否持续或者是否会转化为认知发育的改善还有待进一步研究,但是研究人员有充分的理由相信大脑活动的改变会影响认知发育。 最近有一些小型研究显示,高频率的大脑活动在高收入家庭的宝宝当中更常见。这种高频率大脑活动还与更高的语言、认知和人际情感得分相关。 由于这项研究的性质,作者尚不清楚什么样的环境因素会引发实验中出现的高频率脑电波。目前他们正在调查家庭开支、父母行为、家庭关系或家庭压力是否与结果有关。 该研究发表在《美国国家科学院院报》上。 英文来源:Science Alert 翻译&编辑:丹妮
美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会发布的最新报告显示,自疫情暴发以来,美国已有超过1000万名儿童确诊感染新冠病毒。美国单周新增儿童新冠确诊病例数已连续24周超过10万例。 [Photo/Xinhua] More than 10 million children in the United States have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic, according to the latest report of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children's Hospital Association. 美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会(AAP)的最新报告显示,自从新冠疫情暴发以来,美国已有超过1000万名儿童确诊感染新冠病毒。 A total of 10,603,034 child COVID-19 cases had been reported across the country as of Jan. 20, and children represented 18.4 percent of all confirmed cases, according to the report published late Monday. 这份1月24日发布的报告显示,截至1月20日,美国累计报告10603034例儿童确诊病例,占本国新冠确诊病例总数的18.4%。 COVID-19 cases among children have spiked dramatically across the United States during the Omicron variant surge. 随着奥密克戎变异毒株在美国加速传播,儿童新冠确诊病例也持续激增。 Over 1.1 million child COVID-19 cases were reported in the past week, nearly five times the rate of the peak of last winter's surge, according to the AAP. 据AAP称,过去一周内,美国新增儿童新冠确诊病例超过110万例,是去年冬季疫情峰值的近5倍。 This number was a 17 percent increase over the 981,000 added cases reported the week before and a doubling of case counts from the two weeks prior, according to the AAP. 根据AAP的数据,这一数字较一周前增加了17%(前一周新增儿童确诊病例98.1万例),较两周前翻了一番。 Over 2 million child COVID-19 cases have been added in the past two weeks. 过去两周新增儿童新冠确诊病例超200万例。 This marks the 24th week in a row child COVID-19 cases in the United States are above 100,000. Since the first week of September, there have been over 5.6 million additional child cases, according to the AAP. 这标志着美国单周新增儿童新冠确诊病例数已连续24周超过10万例。AAP数据显示,自去年9月第一周以来,美国儿童新冠确诊病例累计增加逾560万例。 来源:新华社 编辑:董静
[Photo/Xinhua] More than 10 million children in the United States have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic, according to the latest report of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children's Hospital Association. A total of 10,603,034 child COVID-19 cases had been reported across the country as of Jan. 20, and children represented 18.4 percent of all confirmed cases, according to the report published late Monday. COVID-19 cases among children have spiked dramatically across the United States during the Omicron variant surge. Over 1.1 million child COVID-19 cases were reported in the past week, nearly five times the rate of the peak of last winter's surge, according to the AAP. This number was a 17 percent increase over the 981,000 added cases reported the week before and a doubling of case counts from the two weeks prior, according to the AAP. Over 2 million child COVID-19 cases have been added in the past two weeks. This marks the 24th week in a row child COVID-19 cases in the United States are above 100,000. Since the first week of September, there have been over 5.6 million additional child cases, according to the AAP.
美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会发布的最新报告显示,自疫情暴发以来,美国已有超过1000万名儿童确诊感染新冠病毒。美国单周新增儿童新冠确诊病例数已连续24周超过10万例。 美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会(AAP)的最新报告显示,自从新冠疫情暴发以来,美国已有超过1000万名儿童确诊感染新冠病毒。 这份1月24日发布的报告显示,截至1月20日,美国累计报告10603034例儿童确诊病例,占本国新冠确诊病例总数的18.4%。 随着奥密克戎变异毒株在美国加速传播,儿童新冠确诊病例也持续激增。 据AAP称,过去一周内,美国新增儿童新冠确诊病例超过110万例,是去年冬季疫情峰值的近5倍。 根据AAP的数据,这一数字较一周前增加了17%(前一周新增儿童确诊病例98.1万例),较两周前翻了一番。 过去两周新增儿童新冠确诊病例超200万例。 这标志着美国单周新增儿童新冠确诊病例数已连续24周超过10万例。AAP数据显示,自去年9月第一周以来,美国儿童新冠确诊病例累计增加逾560万例。 来源:新华社 编辑:董静
当前由于疫情限制,印度新人不能举行传统的盛大婚礼。于是一对新人找到了不受疫情限制的场所——元宇宙,并决定在元宇宙中举办一场霍格沃茨主题的婚礼派对,新娘已过世的父亲也会“参加”这场虚拟派对并送上祝福。 Credit: Courtesy TardiVerse As Covid-19 forces families across India to downsize or cancel their traditionally large-scale weddings, one couple has found a venue unaffected by restrictions: the metaverse. 新冠疫情迫使印度各地的新人简化或取消传统的盛大婚礼,然而一对印度夫妇却找到了一个不受防疫限制措施影响的场所——元宇宙。 Dinesh Sivakumar Padmavathi and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy from Tamil Nadu, where wedding gatherings are currently limited to 100 people, have invited 2,000 people to their virtual reception next month. And as self-professed "Potterheads," or fans of Harry Potter, the pair have opted for a Hogwarts-themed party that guests can attend via their phones, tablets or laptops. 来自泰米尔纳德邦的帕德玛瓦帝和拉姆丝瓦米邀请2000人下个月参加他们的虚拟婚礼派对。在泰米尔纳德邦,目前婚礼聚会人数不得超过100人。这对自称是哈利波特粉丝的新人将选择举办一个霍格沃茨主题婚礼派对,宾客们可以通过手机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑来参加。 Credit: Courtesy SP Dinesh "Because of the pandemic, a physical, real kind of reception is not possible with the huge number of people attending," said Padmavathi, "So, we decided: let's make it in the metaverse." 帕德玛瓦帝表示:“疫情之下,我们不可能举办一个有许多人参加的真正的线下婚礼派对。因此我们决定在元宇宙中举办。” Metaverse is a term used to describe virtual 3D environments in which users can gather and interact. The groom, a 24-year-old blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast, worked with start-up platform TardiVerse to create a castle-like digital space inspired by Hogwarts. 元宇宙指的是用户可以聚集和互动的3D虚拟环境。24岁的新郎是区块链和加密电子货币爱好者,他和初创平台TardiVerse合作打造了一个灵感源自霍格沃茨的城堡般的数字空间。 Credit: Courtesy TardiVerse The legal wedding ceremony will still take place physically in front of close friends and relatives in Ramaswamy's village in Tamil Nadu's Krishnagiri district. But afterwards, the couple will log on to join their reception, which is costing 150,000 Indian rupees to design, develop and host. The one-hour event will see the newlyweds virtually address their guests, who will be able to explore the castle and customize their avatars' appearance and outfit. 合法的线下婚礼仍然会在泰米尔纳德邦克里斯赫纳吉里市拉马斯瓦米村,在亲朋好友的见证下举行。但是接下来,这对新人将会登陆元宇宙举行婚礼派对,设计、开发和举办这场派对共耗资15万印度卢比(约合人民币1.3万元)。在这个长达一小时的婚礼派对中,这对新人将会以虚拟的形式来向宾客致辞,宾客们将能到城堡游览,并定制自己的头像和服饰。 As well as being able to invite guests who couldn't otherwise attend, the couple said the digital celebration has another unique advantage: they can involve Ramaswamy's late father in the proceedings. 这对新人表示,这场数字婚礼派对不仅可以邀请那些原本无法出席的宾客,还有一个独特的优势:他们可以让拉姆丝瓦米过世的父亲参加婚礼派对。 Credit: Courtesy TardiVerse "My father-in-law passed away last April," Padmavathi said. "So, I'm creating a 3D avatar that looks similar to (him), and he will bless me and my fiancée. That's something we can only do in the metaverse." 帕德玛瓦帝说:“我的岳父去年四月去世了。所以我定制了一个与岳父相似的3D角色,他会祝福我和我的未婚妻。这是只有在元宇宙中才能实现的。” There have been reports of other metaverse wedding events, including a US couple that held a physical ceremony alongside a digital one on the virtual platform, Virbela. But while Indian law requires witnesses to be present at marriage ceremonies, Padmavathi believes that his reception in the metaverse will be the first ever of its kind to be held in the country. 此前也报道过其他元宇宙婚礼,其中有一对美国新人既举办了线下婚礼又在虚拟平台Virbela上举办了数字婚礼。尽管印度法律规定婚礼上必须有见证人,但是帕德玛瓦帝认为自己的元宇宙婚礼将是印度首例。 Having convinced his fiancée, an IT worker, of the idea, Padmavathi also has his parents' approval for the unconventional event, he said. 帕德玛瓦帝说,举办这场非传统婚礼派对之前,他说服了身为IT工作者的未婚妻,还征得了父母的许可。 "From childhood, I've been working with robotics ... and for the last year I've been working in blockchain and mining Ethereum," he said, adding: "So my family knows that I'm into tech." 他说:“从小时候起我就一直和机器人打交道……去年我也一直在研究区块链,并在以太坊‘挖矿’。所以我的家人知道我对技术很感兴趣。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Courtesy TardiVerse As Covid-19 forces families across India to downsize or cancel their traditionally large-scale weddings, one couple has found a venue unaffected by restrictions: the metaverse. Dinesh Sivakumar Padmavathi and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy from Tamil Nadu, where wedding gatherings are currently limited to 100 people, have invited 2,000 people to their virtual reception next month. And as self-professed "Potterheads," or fans of Harry Potter, the pair have opted for a Hogwarts-themed party that guests can attend via their phones, tablets or laptops. Credit: Courtesy SP Dinesh "Because of the pandemic, a physical, real kind of reception is not possible with the huge number of people attending," said Padmavathi, "So, we decided: let's make it in the metaverse." Metaverse is a term used to describe virtual 3D environments in which users can gather and interact. The groom, a 24-year-old blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast, worked with start-up platform TardiVerse to create a castle-like digital space inspired by Hogwarts. Credit: Courtesy TardiVerse The legal wedding ceremony will still take place physically in front of close friends and relatives in Ramaswamy's village in Tamil Nadu's Krishnagiri district. But afterwards, the couple will log on to join their reception, which is costing 150,000 Indian rupees to design, develop and host. The one-hour event will see the newlyweds virtually address their guests, who will be able to explore the castle and customize their avatars' appearance and outfit. As well as being able to invite guests who couldn't otherwise attend, the couple said the digital celebration has another unique advantage: they can involve Ramaswamy's late father in the proceedings. Credit: Courtesy TardiVerse There have been reports of other metaverse wedding events, including a US couple that held a physical ceremony alongside a digital one on the virtual platform, Virbela. But while Indian law requires witnesses to be present at marriage ceremonies, Padmavathi believes that his reception in the metaverse will be the first ever of its kind to be held in the country. "From childhood, I've been working with robotics ... and for the last year I've been working in blockchain and mining Ethereum," he said, adding: "So my family knows that I'm into tech."
当前由于疫情限制,印度新人不能举行传统的盛大婚礼。于是一对新人找到了不受疫情限制的场所——元宇宙,并决定在元宇宙中举办一场霍格沃茨主题的婚礼派对,新娘已过世的父亲也会“参加”这场虚拟派对并送上祝福。 新冠疫情迫使印度各地的新人简化或取消传统的盛大婚礼,然而一对印度夫妇却找到了一个不受防疫限制措施影响的场所——元宇宙。 来自泰米尔纳德邦的帕德玛瓦帝和拉姆丝瓦米邀请2000人下个月参加他们的虚拟婚礼派对。在泰米尔纳德邦,目前婚礼聚会人数不得超过100人。这对自称是哈利波特粉丝的新人将选择举办一个霍格沃茨主题婚礼派对,宾客们可以通过手机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑来参加。 帕德玛瓦帝表示:“疫情之下,我们不可能举办一个有许多人参加的真正的线下婚礼派对。因此我们决定在元宇宙中举办。” 元宇宙指的是用户可以聚集和互动的3D虚拟环境。24岁的新郎是区块链和加密电子货币爱好者,他和初创平台TardiVerse合作打造了一个灵感源自霍格沃茨的城堡般的数字空间。 合法的线下婚礼仍然会在泰米尔纳德邦克里斯赫纳吉里市拉马斯瓦米村,在亲朋好友的见证下举行。但是接下来,这对新人将会登陆元宇宙举行婚礼派对,设计、开发和举办这场派对共耗资15万印度卢比(约合人民币1.3万元)。在这个长达一小时的婚礼派对中,这对新人将会以虚拟的形式来向宾客致辞,宾客们将能到城堡游览,并定制自己的头像和服饰。 这对新人表示,这场数字婚礼派对不仅可以邀请那些原本无法出席的宾客,还有一个独特的优势:他们可以让拉姆丝瓦米过世的父亲参加婚礼派对。 "My father-in-law passed away last April," Padmavathi said. "So, I'm creating a 3D avatar that looks similar to (him), and he will bless me and my fiancée. That's something we can only do in the metaverse." 帕德玛瓦帝说:“我的岳父去年四月去世了。所以我定制了一个与岳父相似的3D角色,他会祝福我和我的未婚妻。这是只有在元宇宙中才能实现的。” 此前也报道过其他元宇宙婚礼,其中有一对美国新人既举办了线下婚礼又在虚拟平台Virbela上举办了数字婚礼。尽管印度法律规定婚礼上必须有见证人,但是帕德玛瓦帝认为自己的元宇宙婚礼将是印度首例。 Having convinced his fiancée, an IT worker, of the idea, Padmavathi also has his parents' approval for the unconventional event, he said. 帕德玛瓦帝说,举办这场非传统婚礼派对之前,他说服了身为IT工作者的未婚妻,还征得了父母的许可。 他说:“从小时候起我就一直和机器人打交道……去年我也一直在研究区块链,并在以太坊‘挖矿’。所以我的家人知道我对技术很感兴趣。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
美国最近疫情又反弹 日增病例超百万 号称强大的医疗系统 几乎要被击穿 The COVID-19 pandemic has surged again in the US, with over a million new infections daily. That has almost overwhelmed its “powerful” medical system. 抗疫两年成果稀烂 要怪只怪美国政客不正干 Two years into the pandemic, US politicians are still failing in their duty. 防疫情需要戴口罩 他们却在无休止争吵 People need to wear a mask, but they constantly quarrel about it; 防感染需要打疫苗 他们却没有魄力 任凭疫苗阴谋论者吵吵 People need vaccines, but the anti-vaxxers say no. 疫情越发严重 美国抗疫人员疲于奔命 US medical staff work hard, but their politicians’ wrongs cannot be mended. 等到病例布满全国 他们干脆对中国甩锅 As the situation has become desperate, they keep pointing fingers at China. 如此表演式抗疫 焉有不败之理! How could such pretending to fight pandemic be effective? 现在美国五分之一人口感染 干脆选择躺平 Now with over 20 percent of its population infected, the US has given up. 不止感染人数创新高 而且超市里断货 经济迎来大萧条 Its infections rise constantly, while its economy sinking to new lows. 没有对比就没有伤害 中国依然做到动态清零 关键在于谁把人民放在心里 谁的抗疫是三心二意 In deep contrast, China adopted a “dynamic zero tolerance” strategy. The difference lies not in deeds but in the heart, as the country cherishes people’s lives most. 图片来自中国日报美术部 作者:张周项
The COVID-19 pandemic has surged again in the US, with over a million new infections daily. That has almost overwhelmed its “powerful” medical system. Two years into the pandemic, US politicians are still failing in their duty. People need to wear a mask, but they constantly quarrel about it; People need vaccines, but the anti-vaxxers say no. US medical staff work hard, but their politicians’ wrongs cannot be mended. As the situation has become desperate, they keep pointing fingers at China. How could such pretending to fight pandemic be effective? Now with over 20 percent of its population infected, the US has given up. Its infections rise constantly, while its economy sinking to new lows. In deep contrast, China adopted a “dynamic zero tolerance” strategy. The difference lies not in deeds but in the heart, as the country cherishes people’s lives most.
美国最近疫情又反弹 日增病例超百万 号称强大的医疗系统 几乎要被击穿 抗疫两年成果稀烂 要怪只怪美国政客不正干 防疫情需要戴口罩 他们却在无休止争吵 防感染需要打疫苗 他们却没有魄力 任凭疫苗阴谋论者吵吵 疫情越发严重 美国抗疫人员疲于奔命 等到病例布满全国 他们干脆对中国甩锅 如此表演式抗疫 焉有不败之理! 现在美国五分之一人口感染 干脆选择躺平 不止感染人数创新高 而且超市里断货 经济迎来大萧条 没有对比就没有伤害 中国依然做到动态清零 关键在于谁把人民放在心里 谁的抗疫是三心二意 图片来自中国日报美术部 作者:张周项
据中国睡眠研究会2021年发布的报告显示,中国有超3亿人存在睡眠障碍。晚上睡不好,白天就会感到疲惫、易怒,长期慢性失眠还会带来严重后果,比如记性差、脱发、焦虑、抑郁,甚至得高血压、冠心病、心衰的风险远大于常人。 引发失眠的原因有很多,饮食不当是其中之一。睡前饮食直接影响睡眠质量,专家建议睡前至少2小时之内不要进食过多食物,且应避免摄入以下几种食物: 【睡前饮食黑榜】 1. Alcohol 酒精 Whilst you might find one glass of wine helps you nod off, alcohol stops you falling into deep sleep. 虽然你可能会觉得一杯葡萄酒可以帮助入睡,但酒精会阻止你进入深度睡眠。 [Photo/pexels] 2. Cheese 奶酪 Ever heard people say they have strange dreams after eating lots of cheese? 你是否听人说过,他们吃了很多奶酪后会做奇怪的梦? Hard cheese contains high levels of the amino acid tyramine which actually makes the brain feel more alert. 硬奶酪含有高水平的酪氨酸,它会让大脑更加警觉。 So despite your fondness for a post-dinner cheese board, chowing down will only make it harder for you to fall asleep. 尽管你喜欢饭后的奶酪拼盘,但大吃大喝只会让你更难入睡。 3. Spicy food 辛辣食物 As well as indigestion, chilli peppers contain capsaicin which makes it harder for your body to regulate temperature thus resulting in a less peaceful night’s sleep. 除了消化不良,辣椒中还含有辣椒素,这会使你的身体更难调节温度,从而导致夜间睡不好。 [Photo/pexels] 4. Fatty food 高脂肪食物 Fatty foods are hard for your stomach to digest and are more likely to cause heartburn which makes it more difficult to get to sleep. Fatty foods high in protein, like steak, digest slowly and may disturb our Circadian rhythm. 高脂肪食物很难被胃消化,更容易引起胃灼热,从而使你更难入睡。牛排等高蛋白高脂肪食物消化缓慢,可能会扰乱生物钟。 5. Coffee 咖啡 Perhaps obvious, the caffeine in coffee makes it a no-no before bed — the stimulant stays in your system for a long time and you can still be feeling the effects even ten hours later. 很明显,咖啡中含有咖啡因,因此不宜在睡前饮用——这种兴奋剂会在你的体内停留很长一段时间,甚至十个小时后你仍能感受到它的影响。 【睡前饮食红榜】 1. Bananas 香蕉 Although generally considered an energy-boosting food, bananas are rich in magnesium which relaxes muscles and they also contain serotonin and melatonin, which encourage sleep. 香蕉通常被认为是一种补充能量的食物,但香蕉富含镁元素,可以放松肌肉,还含有5-羟色胺和褪黑素,可以促进睡眠。 [Photo/Pexels] 2. Almonds 杏仁 Known as a great source of healthy fats, almonds are also bursting with tryptophan and magnesium, which both help to naturally reduce muscle and nerve function while also steadying your heart rhythm. 杏仁是健康脂肪的重要来源,还富含色氨酸和镁元素,这两种物质都有助于自然放松肌肉和神经,同时还能稳定心律。 [Photo/Pexels] 3. Honey 蜂蜜 Just one teaspoon of honey is enough to stimulate the release of melatonin in the brain and shut off orexin (which keeps us alert), thus helping you to wind down. 仅仅一勺蜂蜜就足以刺激大脑释放褪黑素,并停止释放增食欲素(使我们保持警觉),从而帮助你放松下来。 [Photo/Pexels] 4. Oats 燕麦 As well as being yet another food rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids which promote sleep-inducing melatonin. 燕麦也富含维生素、矿物质和氨基酸,有助于释放促进睡眠的褪黑素。 来源:独立报 编辑:董静
1. Alcohol Whilst you might find one glass of wine helps you nod off, alcohol stops you falling into deep sleep. [Photo/pexels] 2. Cheese Ever heard people say they have strange dreams after eating lots of cheese? Hard cheese contains high levels of the amino acid tyramine which actually makes the brain feel more alert. So despite your fondness for a post-dinner cheese board, chowing down will only make it harder for you to fall asleep. 3. Spicy food As well as indigestion, chilli peppers contain capsaicin which makes it harder for your body to regulate temperature thus resulting in a less peaceful night’s sleep. [Photo/pexels] 4. Fatty food Fatty foods are hard for your stomach to digest and are more likely to cause heartburn which makes it more difficult to get to sleep. Fatty foods high in protein, like steak, digest slowly and may disturb our Circadian rhythm. 5. Coffee Perhaps obvious, the caffeine in coffee makes it a no-no before bed — the stimulant stays in your system for a long time and you can still be feeling the effects even ten hours later. 1. Bananas Although generally considered an energy-boosting food, bananas are rich in magnesium which relaxes muscles and they also contain serotonin and melatonin, which encourage sleep. [Photo/Pexels] 2. Almonds Known as a great source of healthy fats, almonds are also bursting with tryptophan and magnesium, which both help to naturally reduce muscle and nerve function while also steadying your heart rhythm. [Photo/Pexels] 3. Honey Just one teaspoon of honey is enough to stimulate the release of melatonin in the brain and shut off orexin (which keeps us alert), thus helping you to wind down. [Photo/Pexels] 4. Oats As well as being yet another food rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids which promote sleep-inducing melatonin.
据中国睡眠研究会2021年发布的报告显示,中国有超3亿人存在睡眠障碍。晚上睡不好,白天就会感到疲惫、易怒,长期慢性失眠还会带来严重后果,比如记性差、脱发、焦虑、抑郁,甚至得高血压、冠心病、心衰的风险远大于常人。 引发失眠的原因有很多,饮食不当是其中之一。睡前饮食直接影响睡眠质量,专家建议睡前至少2小时之内不要进食过多食物,且应避免摄入以下几种食物: 【睡前饮食黑榜】 酒精 虽然你可能会觉得一杯葡萄酒可以帮助入睡,但酒精会阻止你进入深度睡眠。 奶酪 你是否听人说过,他们吃了很多奶酪后会做奇怪的梦? 硬奶酪含有高水平的酪氨酸,它会让大脑更加警觉。 尽管你喜欢饭后的奶酪拼盘,但大吃大喝只会让你更难入睡。 辛辣食物 除了消化不良,辣椒中还含有辣椒素,这会使你的身体更难调节温度,从而导致夜间睡不好。 高脂肪食物 高脂肪食物很难被胃消化,更容易引起胃灼热,从而使你更难入睡。牛排等高蛋白高脂肪食物消化缓慢,可能会扰乱生物钟。 咖啡 很明显,咖啡中含有咖啡因,因此不宜在睡前饮用——这种兴奋剂会在你的体内停留很长一段时间,甚至十个小时后你仍能感受到它的影响。 【睡前饮食红榜】 香蕉 香蕉通常被认为是一种补充能量的食物,但香蕉富含镁元素,可以放松肌肉,还含有5-羟色胺和褪黑素,可以促进睡眠。 杏仁 杏仁是健康脂肪的重要来源,还富含色氨酸和镁元素,这两种物质都有助于自然放松肌肉和神经,同时还能稳定心律。 蜂蜜 仅仅一勺蜂蜜就足以刺激大脑释放褪黑素,并停止释放增食欲素(使我们保持警觉),从而帮助你放松下来。 燕麦 燕麦也富含维生素、矿物质和氨基酸,有助于释放促进睡眠的褪黑素。 来源:独立报 编辑:董静
距离北京冬奥会开始只有8天时间了,本届冬奥会有哪些精彩看点?武大靖、谷爱凌、任子威等夺冠热门选手哪天比赛?如果不想错过精彩赛事,就请收好这份观赛日历! Feb 2 / 20:05 2月2日 晚上8点05分 Curling - Mixed Doubles Round Robin 冰壶混合双人循环赛 China vs Switzerland 中国-瑞士 This is the first event Chinese athletes will compete at Beijing 2022. 这将是中国体育代表团的北京冬奥首战。 [Photo/IC]
Feb 2 / 20:05 Curling - Mixed Doubles Round Robin China vs Switzerland This is the first event Chinese athletes will compete at Beijing 2022. [Photo/IC]
距离北京冬奥会开始只有8天时间了,本届冬奥会有哪些精彩看点?武大靖、谷爱凌、任子威等夺冠热门选手哪天比赛?如果不想错过精彩赛事,就请收好这份观赛日历! 2月2日 晚上8点05分 冰壶混合双人循环赛 中国-瑞士 这将是中国体育代表团的北京冬奥首战。
“年纪轻轻,猫狗双全”是许多当代年轻人的梦想,但他们在现阶段往往精力、财力有限,只能云养宠物或二者选一。那么是养猫还是养狗,这是个问题。对于生活在都市的人来说,他们可能更倾向于养猫。一项调查显示,猫咪已经超过狗狗,成为中国都市人最喜欢的宠物。 [Photo/Unsplash] A new report released Tuesday by Pethadoop, a platform specializing in China’s pet industry, said cats accounted for 59.5% of all the pets among the 30,000 respondents surveyed for the research. As of last year, there were some 58 million pet cats in China’s urban households, compared with some 54 million pet dogs. 派读宠物行业大数据平台1月18日发布报告称,在接受调查的3万名受访者中,他们的宠物59.5%是猫。截至去年,中国城市家庭中约有5800万只宠物猫,而宠物狗约为5400万只。 China has seen an increase in pet ownership over the years, with people increasingly choosing cats. Globally, though dogs were still more common pets, including the United States and the United Kingdom, cats have emerged as the most popular pet in the European Union lately. 近年来,随着越来越多人选择养猫,中国的养宠人士有所增加。尽管在全世界狗狗仍然是更常见的宠物,比如英国和美国,但猫咪最近已成为欧盟最受欢迎的宠物。 Cats have also turned into a social phenomenon in China and elsewhere, with the felines becoming the subject of viral memes and videos. Many cat lovers online also identify themselves as “cat slaves” and “cat sniffers,” publicly professing their pet preference. 在中国和其他地方,猫咪也变成了一种社会现象,它们成了表情包和短视频的主角。许多爱猫人士在网上还自称“猫奴”和“吸猫者”,公开表示他们的喜爱。 Researchers attribute the fast growth of cat pets to the lifestyle in Chinese cities, with some experts also suggesting the feline’s popularity with the young generation’s pursuit of individuality. 研究人员将养猫人士激增归因于中国城市的生活方式,一些专家还指出,猫咪受欢迎与年轻一代对个性的追求有关。 Liu Yi, the report’s chief editor, said that many city dwellers have busy lives and relatively smaller accommodations, thus making cats their ideal companions — it’s easy to raise cats, unlike dogs that require more attention and outdoor activities. 这份报告的主编刘毅(音译)表示,许多城市居民生活繁忙,住宿面积相对较小,因此猫是理想的伴侣——养猫很简单,不像养狗需要更多的关注和户外活动。 “Our research shows that the majority of the pet owners are people born after 1990 and 1995,” he said. “Young people are looking for freedom and spontaneity in their lives, and the habits of cats are more suited to their needs.” 他说:“我们的调查显示,大多数宠物主人都是90后和95后。年轻人在生活中寻求自由率性,猫的习性更适合他们的需求。” Cai, a 27-year-old who works in Beijing, said she recently adopted a cat named Nanako. She added that cats were the perfect pet for dagong ren, which means “laborer” or “working people.” 27岁的小蔡在北京工作,她最近收养了一只名叫Nanako的猫。小蔡称,猫咪是“打工人”的完美宠物。 “I wanted a dog at first, but since I’m quite busy, I wouldn’t have given them enough time,” she said. “Cats are more independent compared with dogs. Nanako has kept me company through my loneliness, which someone like me who works in a big city faces.” 小蔡说:“起初我想养只狗,但因为我很忙,没有足够的时间陪伴它。和狗相比,猫更独立。在大城市工作会带给人孤独感,Nanako一直陪伴着我度过这种孤独时刻。” 如果有机会拥有一只宠物,你会选择猫咪还是狗狗?不论选择哪种“毛孩子”,都请切记用心对待,绝不弃养。 来源: Sixth Tone 编辑:董静
[Photo/Unsplash] A new report released Tuesday by Pethadoop, a platform specializing in China’s pet industry, said cats accounted for 59.5% of all the pets among the 30,000 respondents surveyed for the research. As of last year, there were some 58 million pet cats in China’s urban households, compared with some 54 million pet dogs. China has seen an increase in pet ownership over the years, with people increasingly choosing cats. Globally, though dogs were still more common pets, including the United States and the United Kingdom, cats have emerged as the most popular pet in the European Union lately. Cats have also turned into a social phenomenon in China and elsewhere, with the felines becoming the subject of viral memes and videos. Many cat lovers online also identify themselves as “cat slaves” and “cat sniffers,” publicly professing their pet preference. Researchers attribute the fast growth of cat pets to the lifestyle in Chinese cities, with some experts also suggesting the feline’s popularity with the young generation’s pursuit of individuality. Liu Yi, the report’s chief editor, said that many city dwellers have busy lives and relatively smaller accommodations, thus making cats their ideal companions — it’s easy to raise cats, unlike dogs that require more attention and outdoor activities. “Our research shows that the majority of the pet owners are people born after 1990 and 1995,” he said. “Young people are looking for freedom and spontaneity in their lives, and the habits of cats are more suited to their needs.” Cai, a 27-year-old who works in Beijing, said she recently adopted a cat named Nanako. She added that cats were the perfect pet for dagong ren, which means “laborer” or “working people.” “I wanted a dog at first, but since I’m quite busy, I wouldn’t have given them enough time,” she said. “Cats are more independent compared with dogs. Nanako has kept me company through my loneliness, which someone like me who works in a big city faces.” Sixth Tone
“年纪轻轻,猫狗双全”是许多当代年轻人的梦想,但他们在现阶段往往精力、财力有限,只能云养宠物或二者选一。那么是养猫还是养狗,这是个问题。对于生活在都市的人来说,他们可能更倾向于养猫。一项调查显示,猫咪已经超过狗狗,成为中国都市人最喜欢的宠物。 派读宠物行业大数据平台1月18日发布报告称,在接受调查的3万名受访者中,他们的宠物59.5%是猫。截至去年,中国城市家庭中约有5800万只宠物猫,而宠物狗约为5400万只。 近年来,随着越来越多人选择养猫,中国的养宠人士有所增加。尽管在全世界狗狗仍然是更常见的宠物,比如英国和美国,但猫咪最近已成为欧盟最受欢迎的宠物。 在中国和其他地方,猫咪也变成了一种社会现象,它们成了表情包和短视频的主角。许多爱猫人士在网上还自称“猫奴”和“吸猫者”,公开表示他们的喜爱。 研究人员将养猫人士激增归因于中国城市的生活方式,一些专家还指出,猫咪受欢迎与年轻一代对个性的追求有关。 这份报告的主编刘毅(音译)表示,许多城市居民生活繁忙,住宿面积相对较小,因此猫是理想的伴侣——养猫很简单,不像养狗需要更多的关注和户外活动。 他说:“我们的调查显示,大多数宠物主人都是90后和95后。年轻人在生活中寻求自由率性,猫的习性更适合他们的需求。” 27岁的小蔡在北京工作,她最近收养了一只名叫Nanako的猫。小蔡称,猫咪是“打工人”的完美宠物。 小蔡说:“起初我想养只狗,但因为我很忙,没有足够的时间陪伴它。和狗相比,猫更独立。在大城市工作会带给人孤独感,Nanako一直陪伴着我度过这种孤独时刻。” 如果有机会拥有一只宠物,你会选择猫咪还是狗狗?不论选择哪种“毛孩子”,都请切记用心对待,绝不弃养。 来源: 编辑:董静
生活不易,如何才能保持好心情?养成良好的习惯大有裨益。哪些习惯能给你的生活带来阳光呢? [Photo/Pexels] 1. KEEP FRESH FLOWERS AROUND THE HOUSE 室内放鲜花 It’s a small thing, but a house with fresh blooms just has a way of livening up the space—and your mood. Plus, it doesn’t have to break the bank. Whether it’s one or two stems (minimalist vibes), a bunch of rosemary or a small bouquet of carnations, a little goes a long way. 这是小细节,但是室内摆上鲜花可以让屋子里充满生机,也可以让你的心情变得愉快。而且你不用花太多钱买花。无论是一两支极简主义风格的花朵、一把迷迭香还是一小束康乃馨,花一点钱就能让你受用良久。 2. GO GROCERY SHOPPING WEEKLY 每周定期去购买食品 An empty stomach is the biggest bad-mood catalyst. But if your kitchen is filled with healthy, yummy snacks, you can easily avoid a low-blood-sugar-impulse buy that makes you feel yucky. The best way to stay stocked? Pick a day of the week that you always go (we like Sunday) and build it into your schedule. 肚子饿是最容易影响心情的。但如果你的厨房里有很多健康美味的零食,你就可以轻松避免在低血糖的情况下冲动购物并为之感到懊恼。保持存粮充足的最佳方式就是每周定期(周日就很不错)去购买食品。 3. SET ASIDE AN HOUR A DAY JUST FOR YOU 每天留出专属自己的一个小时 When you have no time to yourself, you can feel like you’re trapped between other people’s needs. This one can be tough to do when people depend on you (hi, kids), but make time to anchor yourself in your own thoughts. We love waking up early to make coffee and read the paper. It’s amazing how much more grounded you’ll feel. 如果你没有专属于自己的时间,你会觉得自己被他人的需求困住了。当有人(比如孩子)依靠你的时候,这一点也许难以做到,但是你要挤出时间放飞自己的思绪。早早起床煮杯咖啡,读读报纸。你会发现自己心里踏实多了。 4. SET TINY, DAILY GOALS AND CROSS THEM OFF 每天设立一些可以实现的小目标并达成目标 There’s no better feeling than checking something off your to-do list. Give yourself a bunch of easy wins by making daily checklists and delightfully knocking them off one by one. Paying your electric bill has never felt more satisfying. 没有什么比在清单上划去待办事项让人感觉更好的了。每天设立一些容易实现的小目标,然后一个个地实现并在清单上愉快地划掉。即使是付清电费账单也会让你有成就感。 5. GO RADIO SILENT 远离电子产品 It may seem shocking, but there was a time when you didn’t have a cell phone, or a computer, or a cell phone that was a computer…and everything was fine. Disconnecting from the invisible world that’s constantly pulling you in for an hour or two a day will help you feel more present, and help you focus on what’s truly important. 这个建议也许会让你感到吃惊,但是过去你没有手机、电脑或平板电脑的时候,一切不也都挺好的么?每天有一两个小时脱离这个看不见的世界会让你更有活在当下的感觉,也能帮助你专注于真正重要的事情。 6. TREAT SOMEONE YOU APPRECIATE 用实际行动善待你感激的人 Whether it’s your work wife, another parent at the park or your dog walker, acknowledging that you’re grateful to those around you with small gestures—a soda, a doughnut, a coffee—spreads the love. They feel better, and you will, too. 无论是你的职场搭档、你在公园的忘年交还是帮你遛狗的人,你都可以用小小的行动(汽水、甜甜圈、咖啡等)来对你周围的这些人表示感激,散播爱意。他们的心情会更好,你也会更开心。 英文来源:PureWow 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 1. KEEP FRESH FLOWERS AROUND THE HOUSE It’s a small thing, but a house with fresh blooms just has a way of livening up the space—and your mood. Plus, it doesn’t have to break the bank. Whether it’s one or two stems (minimalist vibes), a bunch of rosemary or a small bouquet of carnations, a little goes a long way. 2. GO GROCERY SHOPPING WEEKLY An empty stomach is the biggest bad-mood catalyst. But if your kitchen is filled with healthy, yummy snacks, you can easily avoid a low-blood-sugar-impulse buy that makes you feel yucky. The best way to stay stocked? Pick a day of the week that you always go (we like Sunday) and build it into your schedule. 3. SET ASIDE AN HOUR A DAY JUST FOR YOU When you have no time to yourself, you can feel like you’re trapped between other people’s needs. This one can be tough to do when people depend on you (hi, kids), but make time to anchor yourself in your own thoughts. We love waking up early to make coffee and read the paper. It’s amazing how much more grounded you’ll feel. 4. SET TINY, DAILY GOALS AND CROSS THEM OFF There’s no better feeling than checking something off your to-do list. Give yourself a bunch of easy wins by making daily checklists and delightfully knocking them off one by one. Paying your electric bill has never felt more satisfying. 5. GO RADIO SILENT It may seem shocking, but there was a time when you didn’t have a cell phone, or a computer, or a cell phone that was a computer…and everything was fine. Disconnecting from the invisible world that’s constantly pulling you in for an hour or two a day will help you feel more present, and help you focus on what’s truly important. 6. TREAT SOMEONE YOU APPRECIATE Whether it’s your work wife, another parent at the park or your dog walker, acknowledging that you’re grateful to those around you with small gestures—a soda, a doughnut, a coffee—spreads the love. They feel better, and you will, too.
生活不易,如何才能保持好心情?养成良好的习惯大有裨益。哪些习惯能给你的生活带来阳光呢? 室内放鲜花 这是小细节,但是室内摆上鲜花可以让屋子里充满生机,也可以让你的心情变得愉快。而且你不用花太多钱买花。无论是一两支极简主义风格的花朵、一把迷迭香还是一小束康乃馨,花一点钱就能让你受用良久。 每周定期去购买食品 肚子饿是最容易影响心情的。但如果你的厨房里有很多健康美味的零食,你就可以轻松避免在低血糖的情况下冲动购物并为之感到懊恼。保持存粮充足的最佳方式就是每周定期(周日就很不错)去购买食品。 每天留出专属自己的一个小时 如果你没有专属于自己的时间,你会觉得自己被他人的需求困住了。当有人(比如孩子)依靠你的时候,这一点也许难以做到,但是你要挤出时间放飞自己的思绪。早早起床煮杯咖啡,读读报纸。你会发现自己心里踏实多了。 每天设立一些可以实现的小目标并达成目标 没有什么比在清单上划去待办事项让人感觉更好的了。每天设立一些容易实现的小目标,然后一个个地实现并在清单上愉快地划掉。即使是付清电费账单也会让你有成就感。 远离电子产品 这个建议也许会让你感到吃惊,但是过去你没有手机、电脑或平板电脑的时候,一切不也都挺好的么?每天有一两个小时脱离这个看不见的世界会让你更有活在当下的感觉,也能帮助你专注于真正重要的事情。 用实际行动善待你感激的人 无论是你的职场搭档、你在公园的忘年交还是帮你遛狗的人,你都可以用小小的行动(汽水、甜甜圈、咖啡等)来对你周围的这些人表示感激,散播爱意。他们的心情会更好,你也会更开心。 英文来源:PureWow 翻译&编辑:丹妮
波士顿大学的一项研究显示,接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究得出此结论。该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。 Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 won’t affect a couple’s chances of getting pregnant, but contracting the coronavirus could impair male fertility. 接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。 Those are the main conclusions of a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, refuting a common myth about the vaccine and sending a warning to men who avoid it. 这个结论来自于美国国家卫生研究院资助的一项研究,该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。 Researchers at Boston University studied more than 2,000 couples and found no differences in their chances of conception if either partner was vaccinated compared to unvaccinated couples. 波士顿大学的研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究,发现与未接种疫苗的夫妇相比,接种疫苗的夫妇受孕的几率没有差异。 But the couples’ chances of conceiving decreased slightly if the male partner had contracted the virus 60 days or less before a menstrual cycle, an indication of diminished male fertility. 但是,如果男性伴侣在女性月经周期前60天内或更短时间内感染了新冠病毒,夫妇的受孕几率会略有下降,这表明男性伴侣生育能力有所下降。 One possible reason for that, researchers theorised, is the likelihood coronavirus infection would cause a fever, which has been known to reduce sperm count. 研究人员推测,一个可能原因是感染新冠病毒可能会导致发烧,而众所周知,发烧会减少精子数量。 Among the males in the study who tested positive more than 60 days before the cycle, conception rates were the same as males who had not been infected. But couples in which the male was infected within that 60-day window were 18 percent less likely to conceive in that cycle. 研究显示,在女性月经周期60天之前检测出新冠病毒阳性的男性,他们的伴侣怀孕几率与未感染新冠的男性其伴侣怀孕几率相同。但在60天内被感染的男性的伴侣在该周期怀孕的可能性要低18%。 “The findings provide reassurance that vaccination for couples seeking pregnancy does not appear to impair fertility,” said Diana Bianchi, director of NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which funded the study. 美国国家卫生研究院尤尼斯·肯尼迪·施莱弗国家儿童健康与人类发展研究所主任戴安娜·比安奇说:“研究结果再次证明,接种疫苗似乎不会损害想要怀孕的夫妇的生育能力。” Misinformation about the impact of Covid-19 vaccines on pregnancy and fertility has been so prevalent that some doctors have proactively dispelled the myth with their patients of reproductive age. 关于新冠疫苗影响妊娠和生育能力的谣言非常普遍,一些医生主动向处于生育年龄的患者澄清传言。 In September 2021, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention urgently exhorted those who were pregnant or planning to conceive to get vaccinated, after the pandemic’ s highest number of Covid-19 deaths among pregnant people was recorded the month before. 2021年9月,美国疾病控制和预防中心紧急劝告孕妇或备孕人群接种新冠疫苗。因为在此前一个月,孕妇群体中新冠肺炎死亡病例创下最高纪录。 来源:South China Morning Post 编辑:董静
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 won’t affect a couple’s chances of getting pregnant, but contracting the coronavirus could impair male fertility. Those are the main conclusions of a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, refuting a common myth about the vaccine and sending a warning to men who avoid it. Researchers at Boston University studied more than 2,000 couples and found no differences in their chances of conception if either partner was vaccinated compared to unvaccinated couples. But the couples’ chances of conceiving decreased slightly if the male partner had contracted the virus 60 days or less before a menstrual cycle, an indication of diminished male fertility. One possible reason for that, researchers theorised, is the likelihood coronavirus infection would cause a fever, which has been known to reduce sperm count. Among the males in the study who tested positive more than 60 days before the cycle, conception rates were the same as males who had not been infected. But couples in which the male was infected within that 60-day window were 18 percent less likely to conceive in that cycle. “The findings provide reassurance that vaccination for couples seeking pregnancy does not appear to impair fertility,” said Diana Bianchi, director of NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which funded the study. Misinformation about the impact of Covid-19 vaccines on pregnancy and fertility has been so prevalent that some doctors have proactively dispelled the myth with their patients of reproductive age. In September 2021, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention urgently exhorted those who were pregnant or planning to conceive to get vaccinated, after the pandemic’ s highest number of Covid-19 deaths among pregnant people was recorded the month before.
波士顿大学的一项研究显示,接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究得出此结论。该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。 接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。 这个结论来自于美国国家卫生研究院资助的一项研究,该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。 波士顿大学的研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究,发现与未接种疫苗的夫妇相比,接种疫苗的夫妇受孕的几率没有差异。 但是,如果男性伴侣在女性月经周期前60天内或更短时间内感染了新冠病毒,夫妇的受孕几率会略有下降,这表明男性伴侣生育能力有所下降。 研究人员推测,一个可能原因是感染新冠病毒可能会导致发烧,而众所周知,发烧会减少精子数量。 研究显示,在女性月经周期60天之前检测出新冠病毒阳性的男性,他们的伴侣怀孕几率与未感染新冠的男性其伴侣怀孕几率相同。但在60天内被感染的男性的伴侣在该周期怀孕的可能性要低18%。 美国国家卫生研究院尤尼斯·肯尼迪·施莱弗国家儿童健康与人类发展研究所主任戴安娜·比安奇说:“研究结果再次证明,接种疫苗似乎不会损害想要怀孕的夫妇的生育能力。” 关于新冠疫苗影响妊娠和生育能力的谣言非常普遍,一些医生主动向处于生育年龄的患者澄清传言。 2021年9月,美国疾病控制和预防中心紧急劝告孕妇或备孕人群接种新冠疫苗。因为在此前一个月,孕妇群体中新冠肺炎死亡病例创下最高纪录。 来源:South China Morning Post 编辑:董静
有什么生活技巧能让一个男人看上去更帅气/迷人?来看看Quora上的高赞回答。 [Photo/Pexels] 获得3.8k好评的答案@James L Moyer 1. Clothes that fit. 合身的衣服。 A few of us are gifted with dimensions that allow us to purchase straight off the rack. But most men (myself included) absolutely need to have custom-fitted clothing. Do this. Cut the number of clothes you buy in half. And double what you spend on each item. You will look great and feel great when your clothes fit perfectly. 我们中的少数人是天生衣架子,能够直接买现成的衣服,但是大部分人(包括我自己)十分需要穿量身定做的衣服。这样做吧,把你要买的衣服数量减半,然后每件衣服花双倍的价格。当你穿着超级合身的衣服时,你看起来会很棒,自己感觉也很棒。 2. Assume everyone likes you. 假定每个人都喜欢你。 Take the lead when meeting people. Pretend you are a host or that you have the responsibility to help others enjoy themselves in a conversation. Most people are awkward or nervous in social situations, so if you take the pressure off of them, they'll love you for it and see you as more attractive. 在和别人聚会的时候占据主动,假装你是主人或是你有责任帮助他人在谈话中觉得尽兴。大部分人在社交场合会笨手笨脚或是紧张,所以如果你让他们减轻压力,他们就会因此喜欢你,觉得你很迷人。 3. Find a friend who always looks sharp. Ask them for tips for you. 去找看起来总是很时髦的朋友,向他们讨教技巧。 4. Believe you are handsome. Confidence is attractive. 相信自己很吸引人,有自信就是吸引人。 获得455好评的答案@Cynth Chan 1. Carry your prop 带上你的道具。 Book! Nothing beats a guy with a book. I really really really really like seeing a guy with a book resting near him. *Bonus point* - if he's actually reading it. 书!拿着书的男人天下无敌。我非常非常非常非常喜欢看一个男人身边搁着一本书的样子。加分点——如果他确实在看这本书的话。 Pet. I like seeing a guy who treats his pet well. They seem more attractive and make people assume they will actually be a good father someday. 宠物。我喜欢看一个男人温柔对待他家宠物的样子。他们看起来更有魅力而且让大家认为他们将来一定会成为一个好爸爸。 Scarf, sunglasses, beanie, coffee or anything that you think suits you best. 围巾、墨镜、帽子、咖啡或任何你觉得最适合你的东西。 2. Cleanliness is next to Godliness - Little things matter. 清洁近乎神圣——小细节是关键。 Trim your nails or at least keep them clean and tidy. 修剪你的指甲,或者,至少保持干净整洁。 Teeth, this is so important. I secretly judge people's teeth when they talk. It's always nice to know when someone takes good care of their teeth. It gives an impression that they actually take care of themselves. 牙齿,这太重要了。当别人说话的时候我会悄悄地评判他们的牙齿。当我知道这个人用心护理牙齿时,我会感觉很不错,这也给人以一种印象,他们实际上也很用心照顾自己。 3. Learn how to cook​. 学会煮饭。 You don't have to cook like Gordon Ramsay or any Michelin chefs and we don't expect you to be like them either but it would be really great if you know how to cook something simple. 你不需要像戈登·拉姆齐(英国顶级厨师)或米其林大厨那样,我们也不指望你像他们一样,但是如果你知道怎么煮一些简单的菜式,那就真的很棒了。 A study was carried out and revealed that women find men most sexy when they are working in the kitchen, NOT when carrying 'manly' tasks. 有项研究表明女人觉得男人在厨房工作的时候最性感,而不是在做一些“有男人味”的事情的时候。 (来源:沪江英语 编辑:丹妮)
[Photo/Pexels] 1. Clothes that fit. A few of us are gifted with dimensions that allow us to purchase straight off the rack. But most men (myself included) absolutely need to have custom-fitted clothing. Do this. Cut the number of clothes you buy in half. And double what you spend on each item. You will look great and feel great when your clothes fit perfectly. 2. Assume everyone likes you. Take the lead when meeting people. Pretend you are a host or that you have the responsibility to help others enjoy themselves in a conversation. Most people are awkward or nervous in social situations, so if you take the pressure off of them, they'll love you for it and see you as more attractive. 3. Find a friend who always looks sharp. Ask them for tips for you. 4. Believe you are handsome. Confidence is attractive. 1. Carry your prop Book! Nothing beats a guy with a book. I really really really really like seeing a guy with a book resting near him. *Bonus point* - if he's actually reading it. Pet. I like seeing a guy who treats his pet well. They seem more attractive and make people assume they will actually be a good father someday. Scarf, sunglasses, beanie, coffee or anything that you think suits you best. 2. Cleanliness is next to Godliness - Little things matter. Trim your nails or at least keep them clean and tidy. Teeth, this is so important. I secretly judge people's teeth when they talk. It's always nice to know when someone takes good care of their teeth. It gives an impression that they actually take care of themselves. 3. Learn how to cook​. You don't have to cook like Gordon Ramsay or any Michelin chefs and we don't expect you to be like them either but it would be really great if you know how to cook something simple. A study was carried out and revealed that women find men most sexy when they are working in the kitchen, NOT when carrying 'manly' tasks.
有什么生活技巧能让一个男人看上去更帅气/迷人?来看看Quora上的高赞回答。 获得3.8k好评的答案@James L Moyer 合身的衣服。 我们中的少数人是天生衣架子,能够直接买现成的衣服,但是大部分人(包括我自己)十分需要穿量身定做的衣服。这样做吧,把你要买的衣服数量减半,然后每件衣服花双倍的价格。当你穿着超级合身的衣服时,你看起来会很棒,自己感觉也很棒。 假定每个人都喜欢你。 在和别人聚会的时候占据主动,假装你是主人或是你有责任帮助他人在谈话中觉得尽兴。大部分人在社交场合会笨手笨脚或是紧张,所以如果你让他们减轻压力,他们就会因此喜欢你,觉得你很迷人。 去找看起来总是很时髦的朋友,向他们讨教技巧。 相信自己很吸引人,有自信就是吸引人。 获得455好评的答案@Cynth Chan 带上你的道具。 书!拿着书的男人天下无敌。我非常非常非常非常喜欢看一个男人身边搁着一本书的样子。加分点——如果他确实在看这本书的话。 宠物。我喜欢看一个男人温柔对待他家宠物的样子。他们看起来更有魅力而且让大家认为他们将来一定会成为一个好爸爸。 围巾、墨镜、帽子、咖啡或任何你觉得最适合你的东西。 清洁近乎神圣——小细节是关键。 修剪你的指甲,或者,至少保持干净整洁。 牙齿,这太重要了。当别人说话的时候我会悄悄地评判他们的牙齿。当我知道这个人用心护理牙齿时,我会感觉很不错,这也给人以一种印象,他们实际上也很用心照顾自己。 学会煮饭。 你不需要像戈登·拉姆齐(英国顶级厨师)或米其林大厨那样,我们也不指望你像他们一样,但是如果你知道怎么煮一些简单的菜式,那就真的很棒了。 有项研究表明女人觉得男人在厨房工作的时候最性感,而不是在做一些“有男人味”的事情的时候。 (来源:沪江英语 编辑:丹妮)
农历虎年快到了,一年一度的国外大牌蹭热度环节也如期而至,各大奢侈品牌近期纷纷推出了自己的虎年限定。 下面,一起去看看国际大牌们新出炉的虎年设计,看看哪家是真的“虎”…… LV的虎年限定主题是一只呆头呆脑的小老虎,两只爪子趴在经典硬箱上,乖巧而无辜,让人好想揉一揉它。 萌虎形象还被印在了各类单品上,帽子、配饰、餐具……莫名好笑。 还有一款实物长这样,活灵活现地描绘了“猛虎守护神秘宝藏的威严之景”。 如果说LV家的老虎是忧郁王子,那么Gucci家的老虎就是露出10颗牙齿大笑的那种可爱款。 还有这种傻乎乎的小虎,跪姿诡异,大嘴微张,充满了令人迷惑的喜感。 Gucci的官网上这样定义它们的虎年限定: In celebration of the holiday, different versions of the animal define a curated selection of ready-to-wear and accessories — highlighting the multifaceted nature of the Gucci universe. 为庆祝虎年春节,不同版本的老虎赋予了一系列精选成衣和配饰新的定义,彰显古驰世界的多元美学。 不过,由于在广告中使用真老虎,Gucci也遭到了消费者和动物权益保护者的抨击,引发广泛讨论。 12日,美国《女装日报》网站称,世界动物保护协会美国办公室已告知Gucci美国,表达对其在新系列的广告中使用老虎的担忧,并要求其停止在广告中使用野生动物。 Dior推出了艺术家联名款,蓝白相间的奇奇怪怪虎是虎年限定里的一股清流。 雄赳赳的中国虎变成了龇牙顽皮虎……来看看上身图: Dior Men once again collaborated with American painter Kenny Scharf on a cartoon white tiger as the key visual for its holiday capsule. The brand's women's offering, however, utilizes pink butterflies to symbolize hope and nature for the new year. 迪奥男装再次与美国涂鸦艺术家Kenny Scharf合作,虎年限定款以一只白色卡通虎为主视觉;女款则使用了粉色蝴蝶寓意对新年的期许。 Dior将小仙女风格发挥得淋漓尽致,在经典手袋上通体刺绣浪漫的粉色花朵,灵动的蝴蝶穿梭其中,整个系列夸张而扎眼。 Prada的格局打开了,推出了“虎年行动·特别广告大片”项目,旨在提升人们对老虎生存困境的认识。 According to the lunar calendar, 2022 is the year of the tiger: the largest animal in the cat family and a symbol of majesty and power, but also one of the species at greatest risk of extinction. 2022年是农历新年中的虎年,老虎是猫科动物中最大的一种,代表了威严和权力,但这一物种也正在面临着灭绝的危机。 Prada面向全球艺术院校学生发出艺术征稿,鼓励年轻人以虎为主题进行创作,诠释中国传统生肖文化。此外,也捐助“与虎豹同行”项目,保护野生东北虎,利用科技手段分享野生动物及生物多样性信息,发起科普活动,提高虎豹保护意识。 Burberry家的老虎可谓是栩栩如生,戴着红色围巾,围巾都飞起来了,奔跑吧的既视感呼之欲出! 大面积的虎纹,看起来非常抓马。 还有一个辣眼睛的虎头包,形象虽然草率了点,但还是看起来很凶猛的。 The collection features a tiger stripe animal print in an orange hue that adorns our signature Lola and Olympia bags, as well as cashmere scarves and sneakers. 新系列独家打造橙色虎纹动物印花,亮眼点缀品牌标志性Lola萝纳包、Olympia埃伦匹亚包、羊绒围巾和运动鞋。 比起其他品牌的红红火火,圣罗兰的新年系列就显得含蓄很多: 老虎藏得有点隐秘,与一片虎纹融为一体,还有同款针织衫,乡土风情中融合了一丝孤傲的霸气。 这只老虎设计更是让人忍俊不禁,托腮、翘脚,宛如一个任性的小公主。 生肖营销似乎已成为了奢侈品牌的必答题,每一年,这些新春设计带给大家的除了惊喜,还有很多惊吓。 要想真正推出有市场回响的新春系列,奢侈品牌也不妨深入了解中国审美,赋予传统文化更多延展形式,这样才能引起大家的情感共鸣。 各位小伙伴最喜欢哪家的虎年限定系列呢? 编辑:焦洁 来源:各品牌官网 英伦圈 WWD 环球网
In celebration of the holiday, different versions of the animal define a curated selection of ready-to-wear and accessories — highlighting the multifaceted nature of the Gucci universe. Dior Men once again collaborated with American painter Kenny Scharf on a cartoon white tiger as the key visual for its holiday capsule. The brand's women's offering, however, utilizes pink butterflies to symbolize hope and nature for the new year. According to the lunar calendar, 2022 is the year of the tiger: the largest animal in the cat family and a symbol of majesty and power, but also one of the species at greatest risk of extinction. The collection features a tiger stripe animal print in an orange hue that adorns our signature Lola and Olympia bags, as well as cashmere scarves and sneakers.
农历虎年快到了,一年一度的国外大牌蹭热度环节也如期而至,各大奢侈品牌近期纷纷推出了自己的虎年限定。 下面,一起去看看国际大牌们新出炉的虎年设计,看看哪家是真的“虎”…… LV的虎年限定主题是一只呆头呆脑的小老虎,两只爪子趴在经典硬箱上,乖巧而无辜,让人好想揉一揉它。 萌虎形象还被印在了各类单品上,帽子、配饰、餐具……莫名好笑。 还有一款实物长这样,活灵活现地描绘了“猛虎守护神秘宝藏的威严之景”。 如果说LV家的老虎是忧郁王子,那么Gucci家的老虎就是露出10颗牙齿大笑的那种可爱款。 还有这种傻乎乎的小虎,跪姿诡异,大嘴微张,充满了令人迷惑的喜感。 Gucci的官网上这样定义它们的虎年限定: 为庆祝虎年春节,不同版本的老虎赋予了一系列精选成衣和配饰新的定义,彰显古驰世界的多元美学。 不过,由于在广告中使用真老虎,Gucci也遭到了消费者和动物权益保护者的抨击,引发广泛讨论。 12日,美国《女装日报》网站称,世界动物保护协会美国办公室已告知Gucci美国,表达对其在新系列的广告中使用老虎的担忧,并要求其停止在广告中使用野生动物。 Dior推出了艺术家联名款,蓝白相间的奇奇怪怪虎是虎年限定里的一股清流。 雄赳赳的中国虎变成了龇牙顽皮虎……来看看上身图: 迪奥男装再次与美国涂鸦艺术家Kenny Scharf合作,虎年限定款以一只白色卡通虎为主视觉;女款则使用了粉色蝴蝶寓意对新年的期许。 Dior将小仙女风格发挥得淋漓尽致,在经典手袋上通体刺绣浪漫的粉色花朵,灵动的蝴蝶穿梭其中,整个系列夸张而扎眼。 Prada的格局打开了,推出了“虎年行动·特别广告大片”项目,旨在提升人们对老虎生存困境的认识。 2022年是农历新年中的虎年,老虎是猫科动物中最大的一种,代表了威严和权力,但这一物种也正在面临着灭绝的危机。 Prada面向全球艺术院校学生发出艺术征稿,鼓励年轻人以虎为主题进行创作,诠释中国传统生肖文化。此外,也捐助“与虎豹同行”项目,保护野生东北虎,利用科技手段分享野生动物及生物多样性信息,发起科普活动,提高虎豹保护意识。 Burberry家的老虎可谓是栩栩如生,戴着红色围巾,围巾都飞起来了,奔跑吧的既视感呼之欲出! 大面积的虎纹,看起来非常抓马。 还有一个辣眼睛的虎头包,形象虽然草率了点,但还是看起来很凶猛的。 新系列独家打造橙色虎纹动物印花,亮眼点缀品牌标志性Lola萝纳包、Olympia埃伦匹亚包、羊绒围巾和运动鞋。 比起其他品牌的红红火火,圣罗兰的新年系列就显得含蓄很多: 老虎藏得有点隐秘,与一片虎纹融为一体,还有同款针织衫,乡土风情中融合了一丝孤傲的霸气。 这只老虎设计更是让人忍俊不禁,托腮、翘脚,宛如一个任性的小公主。 生肖营销似乎已成为了奢侈品牌的必答题,每一年,这些新春设计带给大家的除了惊喜,还有很多惊吓。 要想真正推出有市场回响的新春系列,奢侈品牌也不妨深入了解中国审美,赋予传统文化更多延展形式,这样才能引起大家的情感共鸣。 各位小伙伴最喜欢哪家的虎年限定系列呢? 编辑:焦洁 来源:各品牌官网 英伦圈 WWD 环球网
日前奥林匹克转播服务公司首席执行官伊阿尼斯·埃克萨科斯表示,2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式将与2008北京夏季奥运会开幕式“截然不同”,但是会“同样震撼”。 这是1月12日拍摄的即将完工的吉祥物“冰墩墩”和“雪容融”景观。(图片来源:新华社) The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be "very different" from that of the 2008 Summer Games but will be "equally impressive," according to Yiannis Exarchos, CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS). 奥林匹克转播服务公司首席执行官兼奥运频道执行董事伊阿尼斯·埃克萨科斯称,2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式将与2008北京夏季奥运会开幕式“截然不同”,但是会“同样震撼”。 Exarchos, also the executive director of Olympic Channel Services, heaped praise on the show after watching rehearsals. 埃克萨科斯在观看完彩排后对这场开幕式赞誉有加。 "What I can probably tell you is that this ceremony is probably equally impressive as the one in 2008, which we know is one of the most iconic opening ceremonies in the history of the Olympic Games," Exarchos told an International Olympic Committee technical briefing for the Games. 埃克萨科斯在国际奥委会发布会上透露:“我能告诉你们的是,这场开幕式和2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式一样震撼,而我们知道2008年奥运会开幕式是有史以来最精彩的奥运会开幕式之一。” "And it's completely different. It's equally impressive, equally moving, but completely different. It reflects our times." “而且这次开幕式与之前截然不同。同样震撼、同样动人但截然不同。它反映出了我们的时代。” As part of the broadcasting team, Exarchos worked with acclaimed director Zhang Yimou to present the 2008 showpiece to the world, which the Greek described as "a highlight of my professional life". 作为转播团队的一份子,来自希腊的埃克萨科斯和著名导演张艺谋曾携手向世界呈现2008奥运会开幕式,他将这次经历描述为“职业生涯中的高光时刻”。 With Zhang reappointed chief director for the 2022 Games' ceremonies, Exarchos said he was relishing having another chance to work with a director who understands the needs of broadcasters and TV producers. 如今张艺谋再次被任命为2022冬奥会开幕式总导演,埃克萨科斯表示他很期盼又有机会和这位了解转播方和电视制片人需求的导演合作。 "The ceremony is practically ready, and it's a ceremony that nobody should miss for any reason," he enthused. 他兴奋地说:“开幕式已基本准备就绪,这是一场任何人无论什么原因都不该错过的开幕式。” Already working in the closed-loop management system, which has been established to eliminate the threat of COVID-19, Exarchos was keen to stress just how safe he feels at the Games. "We are in a very, very safe country," he said. 埃克萨科斯已经开始在闭环管理系统内工作,他特别强调自己在奥运会现场感觉很安全。他说:“我们在一个非常非常安全的国家。”建立闭环管理系统旨在消除新冠疫情的威胁。 Those sentiments were echoed by Lucia Montanarella, associate director of Olympic Games media operations of the IOC, who found the closed loop "has been working very well". 国际奥委会媒体运营部副主任露西亚·蒙大娜瑞拉也有同样的感受,她发现闭环管理“运行起来很顺利”。 Exarchos also lavished praise on the Beijing 2022 venues, which he described as "really spectacular, not just the design, but the technical execution". 埃克萨科斯对2022北京奥运场馆也赞不绝口,他将其描述为“非常壮观,不仅是设计,技术水平也很高”。 "The infrastructure for the Olympic Games is very, very complex. I must say that it's probably the best we have ever seen in terms of a winter edition of the Olympic Games," he said. 他说:“北京冬奥会的基础设施极为复杂。我必须承认,这很可能是我见过的最棒的冬奥会设施。” "This is very, very important, because it will mean that all of us will be able to do our work in the best possible conditions." “这非常非常重要,因为这意味着所有人都能在最好的条件下完成我们的工作。” 英文来源:新华社 翻译&编辑:丹妮
The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be "very different" from that of the 2008 Summer Games but will be "equally impressive," according to Yiannis Exarchos, CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS). Exarchos, also the executive director of Olympic Channel Services, heaped praise on the show after watching rehearsals. "What I can probably tell you is that this ceremony is probably equally impressive as the one in 2008, which we know is one of the most iconic opening ceremonies in the history of the Olympic Games," Exarchos told an International Olympic Committee technical briefing for the Games. "And it's completely different. It's equally impressive, equally moving, but completely different. It reflects our times." As part of the broadcasting team, Exarchos worked with acclaimed director Zhang Yimou to present the 2008 showpiece to the world, which the Greek described as "a highlight of my professional life". With Zhang reappointed chief director for the 2022 Games' ceremonies, Exarchos said he was relishing having another chance to work with a director who understands the needs of broadcasters and TV producers. "The ceremony is practically ready, and it's a ceremony that nobody should miss for any reason," he enthused. Already working in the closed-loop management system, which has been established to eliminate the threat of COVID-19, Exarchos was keen to stress just how safe he feels at the Games. "We are in a very, very safe country," he said. Those sentiments were echoed by Lucia Montanarella, associate director of Olympic Games media operations of the IOC, who found the closed loop "has been working very well". Exarchos also lavished praise on the Beijing 2022 venues, which he described as "really spectacular, not just the design, but the technical execution". "The infrastructure for the Olympic Games is very, very complex. I must say that it's probably the best we have ever seen in terms of a winter edition of the Olympic Games," he said. "This is very, very important, because it will mean that all of us will be able to do our work in the best possible conditions."
日前奥林匹克转播服务公司首席执行官伊阿尼斯·埃克萨科斯表示,2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式将与2008北京夏季奥运会开幕式“截然不同”,但是会“同样震撼”。 这是1月12日拍摄的即将完工的吉祥物“冰墩墩”和“雪容融”景观。(图片来源:新华社) 奥林匹克转播服务公司首席执行官兼奥运频道执行董事伊阿尼斯·埃克萨科斯称,2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式将与2008北京夏季奥运会开幕式“截然不同”,但是会“同样震撼”。 埃克萨科斯在观看完彩排后对这场开幕式赞誉有加。 埃克萨科斯在国际奥委会发布会上透露:“我能告诉你们的是,这场开幕式和2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式一样震撼,而我们知道2008年奥运会开幕式是有史以来最精彩的奥运会开幕式之一。” “而且这次开幕式与之前截然不同。同样震撼、同样动人但截然不同。它反映出了我们的时代。” 作为转播团队的一份子,来自希腊的埃克萨科斯和著名导演张艺谋曾携手向世界呈现2008奥运会开幕式,他将这次经历描述为“职业生涯中的高光时刻”。 如今张艺谋再次被任命为2022冬奥会开幕式总导演,埃克萨科斯表示他很期盼又有机会和这位了解转播方和电视制片人需求的导演合作。 他兴奋地说:“开幕式已基本准备就绪,这是一场任何人无论什么原因都不该错过的开幕式。” 埃克萨科斯已经开始在闭环管理系统内工作,他特别强调自己在奥运会现场感觉很安全。他说:“我们在一个非常非常安全的国家。”建立闭环管理系统旨在消除新冠疫情的威胁。 国际奥委会媒体运营部副主任露西亚·蒙大娜瑞拉也有同样的感受,她发现闭环管理“运行起来很顺利”。 埃克萨科斯对2022北京奥运场馆也赞不绝口,他将其描述为“非常壮观,不仅是设计,技术水平也很高”。 他说:“北京冬奥会的基础设施极为复杂。我必须承认,这很可能是我见过的最棒的冬奥会设施。” “这非常非常重要,因为这意味着所有人都能在最好的条件下完成我们的工作。” 英文来源:新华社 翻译&编辑:丹妮
在这个动荡的时代,合作和善治是克服新冠大流行和气候变化等复杂的全球性新挑战的关键。面对这些挑战,中国和美国这两个世界上最大的经济体在履行其全球责任时采取截然不同的方式。中国与全球化研究中心高级研究员哈维·佐丁表示,在应对各自面临的挑战时,中美两国的处理方式截然不同,这是一个关于两种治理体系的故事——一个成功,另一个艰难挣扎。 [Photo/Sipa] The world has been living (and dying) with COVID-19 for the past two years, but it feels like an eternity. Yet despite the uncertainties ahead, the contrasting ways China and the United States have handled their respective challenges are a tale of two governing systems-one successful and the other struggling. 过去两年,新冠病毒一直与人类共存,有人因此失去生命,但疫情似乎没完没了。尽管未来存在不确定性,但在应对各自面临的挑战时,中美两国的处理方式截然不同,这是一个关于两种治理体系的故事——一个成功,另一个艰难挣扎。 Their differences notwithstanding, it's now critical that the two countries work together where their respective national interests overlap bilaterally and through the rules-based international order. Our lives and our very existence depend upon it. 尽管中美存在分歧,但现在至关重要的是两国在国家利益重叠的方面,通过双边和基于规则的国际秩序进行合作。我们的生活和生存都取决于此。 When I think about this tale of two systems, I am drawn to the memorable opening of A Tale of Two Cities : "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness." Which perfectly encapsulates the contrasting models. 当我想到这个故事时,我回想起《双城记》里令人难忘的开头,“这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代;这是一个智慧的年代,这是一个愚蠢的年代”,这句话完美地概括了两种截然不同的模式。 Of course, there have been missteps on both sides as is inevitable in a mega-pandemic situation. However, one side quickly activated its whole of government approach to address and contain the crisis . The other side, with then US president Donald Trump in command, went in a totally different direction: denial and obfuscation. One leader put his people first, the other put himself first. 当然,双方都有失误,这在全球性大流行病面前是不可避免的。然而,一方整个政府迅速采取行动,解决和遏制危机。另一方在时任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的指挥下,走向了完全不同的方向:否认和混淆视听。 Trump's mantra was and remains "America first". Thanks to him, when it comes to COVID-19, the US was, and is, first in the number of infections and deaths. 特朗普过去和现在的口号仍然是“美国至上”。多亏了他,新冠疫情暴发后,美国是感染者和死亡人数最多的国家。 According to, the US has recorded more than 65 million cases and nearly 900,000 deaths, while China, with four times the population of the US, has an accumulated 135,000 cases and about 5,700 deaths. 根据“世界实时数据统计”网站,美国登记在册的确诊病例数超过6500万,死亡病例近90万。而中国人口是美国人口的4倍,中国累计确诊病例135000例,死亡约5700人。 Notably, the next country in number of cases to the US is China's neighbor, India, with its population similar to China's but with 270 times the number of cases and 85 times the number of deaths. India, like the US, seems to value politics over human lives. 值得注意的是,确诊病例数量仅次于美国的国家是中国的邻国印度,其人口与中国相似,但确诊数是中国的270倍,死亡人数是中国的85倍。印度和美国一样,似乎更重视政治而非人命。 Why such a disparity? The night and day difference arises from divergent governance models. Those who have no experience of China may be skeptical of China's whole-process democracy but my observation-as one living in China-is that the statistics speak for themselves. 为什么会出现如此大的差距?鲜明的对比来自于不同的治理模式。那些没来过中国的人可能会对中国的全过程民主持怀疑态度,但作为一个生活在中国的人,据我观察,统计数据就是很好的说明。 The results are not accidental. In China, leaders are carefully promoted, according to their performance and achievements, to increasing levels of responsibility. Starting from the smallest village, cadres who cannot cut it, don't advance. The Peter principle of being promoted beyond competence doesn't exist in the Communist Party of China's model. Instead, at every stage, advancement is based on results. 这些结果不是偶然的。在中国,领导者凭借他们的表现和成绩得到慎重提拔。从最小的村庄开始,不能胜任的干部就不会晋升。在中国共产党的模式中,不存在不能胜任的人被提拔的“彼得原理”。相反,在每个阶段,晋升都是基于成就。 By contrast, the US political system is broken. Trump may have been the last straw that broke the camel's back but the system has long been flawed. When I was in government more than four decades ago, the divisions were there and growing, but leaders from both parties worked together for the good of the country. Now, this rarely happens. 相比之下,美国的政治制度已经崩溃。特朗普可能是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,但这个系统长期以来一直存在缺陷。四十多年前我在美国政府工作时,两党分歧已经存在,而且越来越大,但两党领袖为了国家利益还能合作。现在,这种情况很少发生。 The United States today is split right down the middle and most of the two parties' energy is wasted on neutralizing the other side. Trump supporters storming the Capitol was the inevitable result. 今天的美国正处于分裂状态,两党的大部分精力都浪费在了否决另一方上。特朗普的支持者冲进国会大厦是不可避免的结果。 With this legacy, an effective COVID-19 response still eludes the US despite President Joe Biden's best efforts. He faces continued opposition to mandates and scientifically-dictated measures such as requiring vaccinations or workplace testing. 在这些遗留问题下,尽管乔·拜登总统尽了最大努力,但美国仍然没能采取有效防疫措施。他的疫苗接种令、工作场所核酸检测等强制命令和科学措施都遭到持续反对。 It appears from the oral arguments before the US Supreme Court on Jan 7 that Biden's initiatives will be thwarted-and COVID-19 fatalities, many preventable, could cross 1 million. 从1月7日美国最高法院的口头辩论来看,拜登的倡议将会受阻,新冠肺炎死亡病例可能会超过100万(其中许多本可以避免)。 Science in US has been politicized 科学在美国已经政治化 Science in the US has become politicized and weaponized. The mantra "follow the science" has been replaced by "follow the money". More and more, the American model serves the top 1 percent, which is the polar opposite of China's development philosophy of "common prosperity". 科学在美国已经变成政治工具。“追随科学”的口号已被“追随金钱”取代。美国模式越来越多地服务于最顶层的百分之一,这与中国“共同富裕”的发展理念截然相反。 Many see China's zero-tolerance infection policy as draconian, but the results speak for themselves. In public policy, there are rarely right answers, only least bad ones. Most countries faced with killing their economies or killing their people opted for the former at the expense of the latter. China was the exception. 许多人认为中国的零容忍感染政策过于严苛,但结果说明一切。公共政策很少有标准答案,只有坏处最少的答案。大多数国家在面对牺牲经济还是牺牲人民的问题时都会选择前者,牺牲后者。中国是个例外。 But China found the elusive sweet spot with a small number of deaths but an annual real GDP growth of 2.3 percent in 2020, compared with the US which saw many more deaths and registered a yearly growth of-3.5 percent. 但中国找到了一个很难实现的平衡点,中国的新冠肺炎死亡病例很少,但2020年的年实际GDP增长率为2.3%,而美国死亡人数更多,GDP年增长率为负3.5%。 As such, there is no need for China to quickly change its policy, First, had China relaxed its measures and the infections reached the global average level, the country would have more than 47 million people infected and 950,000 dead, according to China's top epidemiologist Wu Zunyou. 因此,中国没有必要迅速改变当前政策。首先,据中国疾控中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友称,如果中国放松防疫措施,感染率达到全球平均水平,中国将有超过4700万人感染,95万人死亡。 Second, China is on track to develop new vaccines, which can better protect against the novel coronavirus and new variants. 其次,中国正在研发新疫苗,可以更好地预防新冠病毒及其新变异毒株。 Third, pathogens do not observe national borders and until most of the people in the world are vaccinated, mutant strains, some even more lethal, will keep emerging and infecting more and more people. 第三,病原体不受国界限制,在世界上大多数人接种疫苗之前,突变株(有些甚至更致命)将不断出现并感染越来越多的人。 In fact, some scientists say the novel coronavirus is mild compared with what could come next. For example, the Nipah virus that recently broke out in India, although not nearly as transmissible, has a 50-75 percent mortality rate and no cure. There is a need therefore to look beyond COVID-19 and national borders to prevent future pandemics. 事实上,一些科学家表示,与未来可能出现的病毒相比,新冠病毒可能是温和的。例如,最近在印度暴发的尼帕病毒,虽然不易传播,但致死率为50-75%,而且无法治愈。因此,有必要以超越新冠病毒和国界的眼光来预防未来的流行病。 The World Health Organization is the global coordinator for public health but it is vastly underfunded. 世界卫生组织是全球公共卫生协调员,但资金严重不足。 There is a hope-raising precedent for cooperation, though. Smallpox, which killed more than 300 million people in the 20th century alone, was eradicated at the height of the Cold War because of US-Soviet Union cooperation. 不过,历史上出现过让人充满希望的合作先例。由于美国和苏联的合作,仅在20世纪就造成3亿多人死亡的天花在冷战高峰期被根除。 I can't for the life of me figure out why the US and China don't do the same to contain COVID-19, especially because they are capable of providing the leadership to pull this off, saving lives, rescuing economies and building mutual confidence again. 我怎么也想不明白,为什么美国和中国不采取同样的措施来遏制疫情,尤其是因为他们有能力发挥领导作用,终结疫情,拯救生命,拯救经济,重建互信。 Recent developments have made me pessimistic, but I am optimistic that such necessary cooperation would be possible if only one side shows the courage to take the first step. 最近的事态发展使我感到悲观,但我乐观地认为,只要一方拿出勇气迈出第一步,这种必要的合作是可能的。 作者:中国与全球化研究中心高级研究员 哈维·佐丁 编辑:董静
[Photo/Sipa] The world has been living (and dying) with COVID-19 for the past two years, but it feels like an eternity. Yet despite the uncertainties ahead, the contrasting ways China and the United States have handled their respective challenges are a tale of two governing systems-one successful and the other struggling. Their differences notwithstanding, it's now critical that the two countries work together where their respective national interests overlap bilaterally and through the rules-based international order. Our lives and our very existence depend upon it. When I think about this tale of two systems, I am drawn to the memorable opening of A Tale of Two Cities : "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness." Which perfectly encapsulates the contrasting models. Of course, there have been missteps on both sides as is inevitable in a mega-pandemic situation. However, one side quickly activated its whole of government approach to address and contain the crisis . The other side, with then US president Donald Trump in command, went in a totally different direction: denial and obfuscation. One leader put his people first, the other put himself first. Trump's mantra was and remains "America first". Thanks to him, when it comes to COVID-19, the US was, and is, first in the number of infections and deaths. According to, the US has recorded more than 65 million cases and nearly 900,000 deaths, while China, with four times the population of the US, has an accumulated 135,000 cases and about 5,700 deaths. Notably, the next country in number of cases to the US is China's neighbor, India, with its population similar to China's but with 270 times the number of cases and 85 times the number of deaths. India, like the US, seems to value politics over human lives. Why such a disparity? The night and day difference arises from divergent governance models. Those who have no experience of China may be skeptical of China's whole-process democracy but my observation-as one living in China-is that the statistics speak for themselves. The results are not accidental. In China, leaders are carefully promoted, according to their performance and achievements, to increasing levels of responsibility. Starting from the smallest village, cadres who cannot cut it, don't advance. The Peter principle of being promoted beyond competence doesn't exist in the Communist Party of China's model. Instead, at every stage, advancement is based on results. By contrast, the US political system is broken. Trump may have been the last straw that broke the camel's back but the system has long been flawed. When I was in government more than four decades ago, the divisions were there and growing, but leaders from both parties worked together for the good of the country. Now, this rarely happens. The United States today is split right down the middle and most of the two parties' energy is wasted on neutralizing the other side. Trump supporters storming the Capitol was the inevitable result. With this legacy, an effective COVID-19 response still eludes the US despite President Joe Biden's best efforts. He faces continued opposition to mandates and scientifically-dictated measures such as requiring vaccinations or workplace testing. It appears from the oral arguments before the US Supreme Court on Jan 7 that Biden's initiatives will be thwarted-and COVID-19 fatalities, many preventable, could cross 1 million. Science in US has been politicized Science in the US has become politicized and weaponized. The mantra "follow the science" has been replaced by "follow the money". More and more, the American model serves the top 1 percent, which is the polar opposite of China's development philosophy of "common prosperity". Many see China's zero-tolerance infection policy as draconian, but the results speak for themselves. In public policy, there are rarely right answers, only least bad ones. Most countries faced with killing their economies or killing their people opted for the former at the expense of the latter. China was the exception. But China found the elusive sweet spot with a small number of deaths but an annual real GDP growth of 2.3 percent in 2020, compared with the US which saw many more deaths and registered a yearly growth of-3.5 percent. As such, there is no need for China to quickly change its policy, First, had China relaxed its measures and the infections reached the global average level, the country would have more than 47 million people infected and 950,000 dead, according to China's top epidemiologist Wu Zunyou. Second, China is on track to develop new vaccines, which can better protect against the novel coronavirus and new variants. Third, pathogens do not observe national borders and until most of the people in the world are vaccinated, mutant strains, some even more lethal, will keep emerging and infecting more and more people. In fact, some scientists say the novel coronavirus is mild compared with what could come next. For example, the Nipah virus that recently broke out in India, although not nearly as transmissible, has a 50-75 percent mortality rate and no cure. There is a need therefore to look beyond COVID-19 and national borders to prevent future pandemics. The World Health Organization is the global coordinator for public health but it is vastly underfunded. There is a hope-raising precedent for cooperation, though. Smallpox, which killed more than 300 million people in the 20th century alone, was eradicated at the height of the Cold War because of US-Soviet Union cooperation. I can't for the life of me figure out why the US and China don't do the same to contain COVID-19, especially because they are capable of providing the leadership to pull this off, saving lives, rescuing economies and building mutual confidence again. Recent developments have made me pessimistic, but I am optimistic that such necessary cooperation would be possible if only one side shows the courage to take the first step.
在这个动荡的时代,合作和善治是克服新冠大流行和气候变化等复杂的全球性新挑战的关键。面对这些挑战,中国和美国这两个世界上最大的经济体在履行其全球责任时采取截然不同的方式。中国与全球化研究中心高级研究员哈维·佐丁表示,在应对各自面临的挑战时,中美两国的处理方式截然不同,这是一个关于两种治理体系的故事——一个成功,另一个艰难挣扎。 过去两年,新冠病毒一直与人类共存,有人因此失去生命,但疫情似乎没完没了。尽管未来存在不确定性,但在应对各自面临的挑战时,中美两国的处理方式截然不同,这是一个关于两种治理体系的故事——一个成功,另一个艰难挣扎。 尽管中美存在分歧,但现在至关重要的是两国在国家利益重叠的方面,通过双边和基于规则的国际秩序进行合作。我们的生活和生存都取决于此。 当我想到这个故事时,我回想起《双城记》里令人难忘的开头,“这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代;这是一个智慧的年代,这是一个愚蠢的年代”,这句话完美地概括了两种截然不同的模式。 当然,双方都有失误,这在全球性大流行病面前是不可避免的。然而,一方整个政府迅速采取行动,解决和遏制危机。另一方在时任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的指挥下,走向了完全不同的方向:否认和混淆视听。 特朗普过去和现在的口号仍然是“美国至上”。多亏了他,新冠疫情暴发后,美国是感染者和死亡人数最多的国家。 根据“世界实时数据统计”网站,美国登记在册的确诊病例数超过6500万,死亡病例近90万。而中国人口是美国人口的4倍,中国累计确诊病例135000例,死亡约5700人。 值得注意的是,确诊病例数量仅次于美国的国家是中国的邻国印度,其人口与中国相似,但确诊数是中国的270倍,死亡人数是中国的85倍。印度和美国一样,似乎更重视政治而非人命。 为什么会出现如此大的差距?鲜明的对比来自于不同的治理模式。那些没来过中国的人可能会对中国的全过程民主持怀疑态度,但作为一个生活在中国的人,据我观察,统计数据就是很好的说明。 这些结果不是偶然的。在中国,领导者凭借他们的表现和成绩得到慎重提拔。从最小的村庄开始,不能胜任的干部就不会晋升。在中国共产党的模式中,不存在不能胜任的人被提拔的“彼得原理”。相反,在每个阶段,晋升都是基于成就。 相比之下,美国的政治制度已经崩溃。特朗普可能是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,但这个系统长期以来一直存在缺陷。四十多年前我在美国政府工作时,两党分歧已经存在,而且越来越大,但两党领袖为了国家利益还能合作。现在,这种情况很少发生。 今天的美国正处于分裂状态,两党的大部分精力都浪费在了否决另一方上。特朗普的支持者冲进国会大厦是不可避免的结果。 在这些遗留问题下,尽管乔·拜登总统尽了最大努力,但美国仍然没能采取有效防疫措施。他的疫苗接种令、工作场所核酸检测等强制命令和科学措施都遭到持续反对。 从1月7日美国最高法院的口头辩论来看,拜登的倡议将会受阻,新冠肺炎死亡病例可能会超过100万(其中许多本可以避免)。 科学在美国已经政治化 科学在美国已经变成政治工具。“追随科学”的口号已被“追随金钱”取代。美国模式越来越多地服务于最顶层的百分之一,这与中国“共同富裕”的发展理念截然相反。 许多人认为中国的零容忍感染政策过于严苛,但结果说明一切。公共政策很少有标准答案,只有坏处最少的答案。大多数国家在面对牺牲经济还是牺牲人民的问题时都会选择前者,牺牲后者。中国是个例外。 但中国找到了一个很难实现的平衡点,中国的新冠肺炎死亡病例很少,但2020年的年实际GDP增长率为2.3%,而美国死亡人数更多,GDP年增长率为负3.5%。 因此,中国没有必要迅速改变当前政策。首先,据中国疾控中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友称,如果中国放松防疫措施,感染率达到全球平均水平,中国将有超过4700万人感染,95万人死亡。 其次,中国正在研发新疫苗,可以更好地预防新冠病毒及其新变异毒株。 第三,病原体不受国界限制,在世界上大多数人接种疫苗之前,突变株(有些甚至更致命)将不断出现并感染越来越多的人。 事实上,一些科学家表示,与未来可能出现的病毒相比,新冠病毒可能是温和的。例如,最近在印度暴发的尼帕病毒,虽然不易传播,但致死率为50-75%,而且无法治愈。因此,有必要以超越新冠病毒和国界的眼光来预防未来的流行病。 世界卫生组织是全球公共卫生协调员,但资金严重不足。 不过,历史上出现过让人充满希望的合作先例。由于美国和苏联的合作,仅在20世纪就造成3亿多人死亡的天花在冷战高峰期被根除。 我怎么也想不明白,为什么美国和中国不采取同样的措施来遏制疫情,尤其是因为他们有能力发挥领导作用,终结疫情,拯救生命,拯救经济,重建互信。 最近的事态发展使我感到悲观,但我乐观地认为,只要一方拿出勇气迈出第一步,这种必要的合作是可能的。 作者:中国与全球化研究中心高级研究员 哈维·佐丁 编辑:董静
大寒到顶端,日后天渐暖。大寒是二十四节气中的最后一个节气。关于大寒,你了解多少? Major Cold. [Photo/] Cold current 寒流来袭 During Major Cold, as the cold current moves southward, the weather is very cold. Although modern meteorological observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the lowest temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal areas. 在大寒期间,随着寒流一路向南,天气会变得非常寒冷。尽管现代气象观测显示,在中国的某些地区,大寒期间的天气并不比小寒更冷,但是在一些沿海地区,全年最低气温仍然出现在大寒期间。 "Dispelling cold cake". [File photo] Eating "dispelling cold cake" 吃“消寒糕” During Major Cold, People in Beijing have a habit of eating "dispelling cold cake", a kind of rice cake. In Chinese the word "rice cake" has the same pronunciation with the word "higher in a new year", which symbolizes good luck and continual promotion. 在大寒节气,北京人有吃“消寒糕”的习俗。汉语中的“年糕”与“年高”发音相同,因此象征着好运气和不断高升。 Fresh sesame. [Photo/] Buying sesame straw 买芝麻杆 Major Cold always coincides with the end of the year in the lunar calendar. In some areas of China, people always fall over each other in eagerness to buy sesame straw during this period because of the old saying, "Rise joint by joint like sesame flowers on the stem." This saying is used to describe either ever-rising living standards or making steady progress in thought, studies or skills. 大寒节气恰逢农历岁末。在中国的部分地区,这个时候人们会争相购买芝麻杆,因为老话有云:“芝麻开花节节高。”这句俗语寓意生活水平不断提高或思想、学业、技能稳步前进。 Spring rolls. [Photo/] Eating fried spring rolls 吃炸春卷 In Anqing of Anhui province, people traditionally eat fried spring rolls during Major Cold. The stuffing inside the spring roll contains meat or vegetables and the flavor can be salty or sweet. 在安徽安庆,大寒节气有吃炸春卷的传统。春卷里包着菜肉等馅料,口味可咸可甜。 Stewed soup. [Photo/] Drinking stewed soup 喝汤 Residents in Nanjing of Jiangsu province like to drink stewed soup during Major Cold. They always stew the aged hen soup with ginseng, matrimony vine and black fungus. 江苏南京人喜欢在大寒时节喝汤。他们通常炖老母鸡汤,加入人参、枸杞和黑木耳。 A happy child walks in a snow field. [Photo/] Doing winter sports 开展冬季运动 In various regions of China, Major Cold is the perfect time for winter sports such as skiing, ice skating and sledding. 在中国各地,大寒是开展滑雪、滑冰、滑雪橇等冬季运动的最佳时节。 英文来源:中国日报网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Major Cold. [Photo/] During Major Cold, as the cold current moves southward, the weather is very cold. Although modern meteorological observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the lowest temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal areas. "Dispelling cold cake". [File photo] During Major Cold, People in Beijing have a habit of eating "dispelling cold cake", a kind of rice cake. In Chinese the word "rice cake" has the same pronunciation with the word "higher in a new year", which symbolizes good luck and continual promotion. Fresh sesame. [Photo/] Major Cold always coincides with the end of the year in the lunar calendar. In some areas of China, people always fall over each other in eagerness to buy sesame straw during this period because of the old saying, "Rise joint by joint like sesame flowers on the stem." This saying is used to describe either ever-rising living standards or making steady progress in thought, studies or skills. Spring rolls. [Photo/] In Anqing of Anhui province, people traditionally eat fried spring rolls during Major Cold. The stuffing inside the spring roll contains meat or vegetables and the flavor can be salty or sweet. Stewed soup. [Photo/] Residents in Nanjing of Jiangsu province like to drink stewed soup during Major Cold. They always stew the aged hen soup with ginseng, matrimony vine and black fungus. A happy child walks in a snow field. [Photo/] In various regions of China, Major Cold is the perfect time for winter sports such as skiing, ice skating and sledding.
大寒到顶端,日后天渐暖。大寒是二十四节气中的最后一个节气。关于大寒,你了解多少? Cold current 寒流来袭 在大寒期间,随着寒流一路向南,天气会变得非常寒冷。尽管现代气象观测显示,在中国的某些地区,大寒期间的天气并不比小寒更冷,但是在一些沿海地区,全年最低气温仍然出现在大寒期间。 Eating "dispelling cold cake" 吃“消寒糕” 在大寒节气,北京人有吃“消寒糕”的习俗。汉语中的“年糕”与“年高”发音相同,因此象征着好运气和不断高升。 Buying sesame straw 买芝麻杆 大寒节气恰逢农历岁末。在中国的部分地区,这个时候人们会争相购买芝麻杆,因为老话有云:“芝麻开花节节高。”这句俗语寓意生活水平不断提高或思想、学业、技能稳步前进。 Eating fried spring rolls 吃炸春卷 在安徽安庆,大寒节气有吃炸春卷的传统。春卷里包着菜肉等馅料,口味可咸可甜。 Drinking stewed soup 喝汤 江苏南京人喜欢在大寒时节喝汤。他们通常炖老母鸡汤,加入人参、枸杞和黑木耳。 Doing winter sports 开展冬季运动 在中国各地,大寒是开展滑雪、滑冰、滑雪橇等冬季运动的最佳时节。 英文来源:中国日报网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
伴随着疫情,我们又跨入了新的一年。许久没有机会放飞心情的人们,难免感到烦躁和抑郁,这些负面情绪和心理压力要如何排解呢?专家给出了5个建议。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. Practice the "STOP" skill. 学会“叫停” This is a savvy strategy shared by Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University in New York City. 纽约市叶史瓦大学教授、临床心理学家塞布丽娜·罗曼诺夫博士分享了一个减压高招——叫停。 "Stop stands for: Stop; Take a step back; Observe; Proceed mindfully," she explains. "When emotions take over, you may find that you act impulsively. When you react impulsively, you do not have time to use your arsenal of skills." 她解释道:“叫停代表着停下来、退一步、观察、冷静分析。当情绪占上风时,你会发现自己可能会冲动行事。一旦冲动行事,你就顾不上你那些减压技巧了。” When you find yourself on edge about something or feel yourself panicking, use "STOP" to regain control of the situation. 当你发现自己因某事感到紧张或恐慌时,就按下“暂停键”来重新掌控局面。 2. Get outside during daylight hours. 白天外出走走 It may be cold out, but getting outside is still important for your mental health. 外面也许很冷,但是出去走走对你的心理健康依然很重要。 "Having fewer hours of daylight can have a negative impact on your mood," Doreen Marshall from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) states. 美国自杀预防基金会的多琳·马歇尔说道:“接触日光的时长减少对你的情绪会产生负面影响。” You can simply sit and watch the sunrise or walk around your neighborhood. Whatever you do, just make an effort to make it a daily habit, she says. 她说,你可以坐下来看看日出,也可以在社区附近走走。无论你做什么,只要每日坚持外出就行。 3. Connect with others if you’re feeling lonely. 如果你感到孤独,就主动联系他人 The pandemic has completely upended the way we socialize, and millions of people are grappling with feelings of isolation. 疫情彻底颠覆了我们的社交方式,数百万人被与世隔绝的感觉所困扰。 "Chances are pretty good that you are not alone in feeling lonely, and sharing how you are feeling may empower others to do the same," says Marshall. 马歇尔说:“很有可能其他人也和你一样感到孤独,主动分享你的感受会促使其他人也敞开心扉。” It can be a little awkward reconnecting with people, but try to challenge yourself to send three emails a week to someone you haven’t heard from in a while, or call a different loved one each week to check in and see how they are doing. Not only will you brighten your own day, but you’ll brighten someone else’s. 和他人重新建立联系可能会有点尴尬,但是你可以试着每周给很久没联系的朋友们发三封电子邮件,或者每周给不同的亲友打电话询问近况。你不但可以点亮自己的生活,你还会照亮他人的生活。 4. Remember the big picture. 从长远角度来看待眼前的烦恼 Too often we are stressed by the little things, daily hassles, making mountains out of molehills. We need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves if whatever is troubling us really matters in the big picture. If not, let it go. 我们总是将鸡毛蒜皮的日常琐事小题大做,从而把自己搞得压力重重。我们需要做个深呼吸,自问困扰我们的这些事情从长远来看是否真的那么重要。如果不是,那就随它去。 5. Try a stress dump. 释放压力之源 Stress is a result of ruminating thoughts. As such, a helpful tool is to let them out and release them. The key here is to put pen to paper and start writing. You may want to write down things that are stressing you out and why they are stressing you out. 压力源自心头想的事情太多。因此,一个有效的做法就是把这些思绪释放出来。关键在于要把你的所思所想写下来。你可以写一写让你感到紧张的事情,然后写一写你为什么感到紧张。 Doing so allows us to begin to separate our stress from being a part of us, and thereby putting some distance between us and our stress. 这样做可以将压力从自身分离出去,从而让自己和压力保持距离。 Lastly, sorting down our thoughts can also help us clear our head and begin to shift into solution mode. 最后,把思绪写下来还有助于理清大脑,进而着手解决问题。 英文来源:福克斯新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 1. Practice the "STOP" skill. This is a savvy strategy shared by Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University in New York City. "Stop stands for: Stop; Take a step back; Observe; Proceed mindfully," she explains. "When emotions take over, you may find that you act impulsively. When you react impulsively, you do not have time to use your arsenal of skills." When you find yourself on edge about something or feel yourself panicking, use "STOP" to regain control of the situation. 2. Get outside during daylight hours. It may be cold out, but getting outside is still important for your mental health. "Having fewer hours of daylight can have a negative impact on your mood," Doreen Marshall from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) states. You can simply sit and watch the sunrise or walk around your neighborhood. Whatever you do, just make an effort to make it a daily habit, she says. 3. Connect with others if you’re feeling lonely. The pandemic has completely upended the way we socialize, and millions of people are grappling with feelings of isolation. "Chances are pretty good that you are not alone in feeling lonely, and sharing how you are feeling may empower others to do the same," says Marshall. It can be a little awkward reconnecting with people, but try to challenge yourself to send three emails a week to someone you haven’t heard from in a while, or call a different loved one each week to check in and see how they are doing. Not only will you brighten your own day, but you’ll brighten someone else’s. 4. Remember the big picture. Too often we are stressed by the little things, daily hassles, making mountains out of molehills. We need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves if whatever is troubling us really matters in the big picture. If not, let it go. 5. Try a stress dump. Stress is a result of ruminating thoughts. As such, a helpful tool is to let them out and release them. The key here is to put pen to paper and start writing. You may want to write down things that are stressing you out and why they are stressing you out. Doing so allows us to begin to separate our stress from being a part of us, and thereby putting some distance between us and our stress. Lastly, sorting down our thoughts can also help us clear our head and begin to shift into solution mode.
伴随着疫情,我们又跨入了新的一年。许久没有机会放飞心情的人们,难免感到烦躁和抑郁,这些负面情绪和心理压力要如何排解呢?专家给出了5个建议。 学会“叫停” 纽约市叶史瓦大学教授、临床心理学家塞布丽娜·罗曼诺夫博士分享了一个减压高招——叫停。 她解释道:“叫停代表着停下来、退一步、观察、冷静分析。当情绪占上风时,你会发现自己可能会冲动行事。一旦冲动行事,你就顾不上你那些减压技巧了。” 当你发现自己因某事感到紧张或恐慌时,就按下“暂停键”来重新掌控局面。 白天外出走走 外面也许很冷,但是出去走走对你的心理健康依然很重要。 美国自杀预防基金会的多琳·马歇尔说道:“接触日光的时长减少对你的情绪会产生负面影响。” 她说,你可以坐下来看看日出,也可以在社区附近走走。无论你做什么,只要每日坚持外出就行。 如果你感到孤独,就主动联系他人 疫情彻底颠覆了我们的社交方式,数百万人被与世隔绝的感觉所困扰。 马歇尔说:“很有可能其他人也和你一样感到孤独,主动分享你的感受会促使其他人也敞开心扉。” 和他人重新建立联系可能会有点尴尬,但是你可以试着每周给很久没联系的朋友们发三封电子邮件,或者每周给不同的亲友打电话询问近况。你不但可以点亮自己的生活,你还会照亮他人的生活。 从长远角度来看待眼前的烦恼 我们总是将鸡毛蒜皮的日常琐事小题大做,从而把自己搞得压力重重。我们需要做个深呼吸,自问困扰我们的这些事情从长远来看是否真的那么重要。如果不是,那就随它去。 释放压力之源 压力源自心头想的事情太多。因此,一个有效的做法就是把这些思绪释放出来。关键在于要把你的所思所想写下来。你可以写一写让你感到紧张的事情,然后写一写你为什么感到紧张。 这样做可以将压力从自身分离出去,从而让自己和压力保持距离。 最后,把思绪写下来还有助于理清大脑,进而着手解决问题。 英文来源:福克斯新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,快递包裹是否会引发新冠病毒“物传人”受到关注。 北京、深圳奥密克戎本土确诊溯源: 均不排除因境外输入“物传人”的可能性 The first individuals in Beijing and Shenzhen infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 both had contact with parcels from North America, health authorities from the two cities said on Monday. 北京和深圳两地卫生部门17日表示,两地的首例奥密克戎本土确诊病例都接触过来自北美的包裹。 People wait for COVID-19 tests at an emergency testing site in Beijing's Haidian district on Jan 17, 2022. [Photo by WANG HAIXIN/FOR CHINA DAILY] 北京、深圳两地均在疫情防控发布会报告称,当地新冠确诊病例不排除经境外物品而感染病毒的可能。其中深圳确诊病例感染病毒的基因测序与境外病毒100%同源。北京确诊病例感染的病毒与2021年12月北美和新加坡等地分离的部分毒株相似度较高。 针对如何预防境外物品“物传人”?北京市疾病预防控制中心副主任庞星火呼吁个人戴口罩、不握手、勤洗手、常通风、少海淘。 The State Post Bureau announced on Sunday that it will strengthen prevention and control measures to avoid the entry of the virus via international mail. 国家邮政局16日宣布,将加强防控措施,防止病毒通过国际邮件输入。 收到境外快递怎样消毒? [Photo/Pexels] 如果收到境外快递,怎么样做才能降低风险呢?专家建议: 1.Wear a mask and disposable gloves when receiving your packages 收到境外邮件时,要佩戴口罩和一次性手套 2.Open all packages outside and dispose of the boxes immediately 拆件时在户外进行,外包装立即处理掉 3.Disinfect the inner and outer packaging with chlorine-containing disinfectants or 75% alcohol 用含氯消毒剂或75%酒精对内外包装进行全面消毒 4.Be sure to wash your hands after handling your packages 处理完邮件后,切记要洗手 [Photo/Pexels] 洗手是简单却至关重要的一步,你的洗手方式正确吗? 研究表明,用力洗手大约需要20秒才能去除所有潜在的细菌和病毒。 美国疾控中心发布洗手指南: Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. 用干净的流动水(温水或冷水)弄湿双手,关掉水龙头,然后涂抹肥皂。 Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. 双手将肥皂搓洗出泡沫。将肥皂沫涂抹在手背、指间和指甲缝。 Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. 搓洗双手至少20秒。 Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 用干净的流动水冲洗双手。 Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them. 用干净的毛巾擦手或晾干双手。 进口水果怎么吃才更安全? [Photo/pexels] 此外,进口水果的安全性也成为民众关心的话题。从元旦至今,我国多地进口火龙果检测出新冠病毒核酸阳性,进口车厘子、香蕉、龙眼也纷纷“中招”。 上海市长宁区疾病预防控制中心副主任庄建林接受采访时表示,“进口食物入境时大多是通过航空渠道整箱运输的,渠道各环节的消毒只能涉及外包装层面,但如果在原产国进行摘果、包装的果农、工人们本身已携带病毒,是有可能让果皮上也残留病毒的。” 有外国专家在接受《今日美国》采访时也表示: “There is a chance that if someone with the virus sneezed or coughed on your fruits and veggies, there's a chance it could get on your hands—and into your mouth if you don't wash your hands or your produce. ” “如果病毒携带者对着水果和蔬菜打喷嚏或咳嗽,而你不洗手或不清洗果蔬,病毒就有可能由双手或果蔬进入你的口腔。” [Photo/Pexels] 那以后还能否放心吃火龙果?买进口水果怎么处理才更安全? 浙江省疾病预防控制中心专家表示,进口水果买回家后首先用酒精或消毒湿巾对外包装喷洒或擦拭消毒,再根据水果特点选择清洗方式,可以用清水浸泡10到20分钟。 Soak produce in water or put it under running water to wash out any potential contamination 将农产品浸泡在水中或用流水冲洗掉任何潜在的污染物 Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water "for at least 20 seconds" after washing produce 清洗农产品后,用肥皂和水彻底洗手“至少20秒” Washing produce removes about 90% of any contamination 农产品表面90%的污染物可以被冲洗掉。 消费者还应注意,购买进口冷链食品和进口水果,要到正规的超市或市场选购,不要购买来源不明的进口冷链食品和进口水果。 来源:中国日报,中新网,央视网,上观新闻,今日美国,Review 编辑:董静
The first individuals in Beijing and Shenzhen infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 both had contact with parcels from North America, health authorities from the two cities said on Monday. People wait for COVID-19 tests at an emergency testing site in Beijing's Haidian district on Jan 17, 2022. [Photo by WANG HAIXIN/FOR CHINA DAILY] The State Post Bureau announced on Sunday that it will strengthen prevention and control measures to avoid the entry of the virus via international mail. [Photo/Pexels] 1.Wear a mask and disposable gloves when receiving your packages 2.Open all packages outside and dispose of the boxes immediately 3.Disinfect the inner and outer packaging with chlorine-containing disinfectants or 75% alcohol 4.Be sure to wash your hands after handling your packages [Photo/Pexels] Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them. [Photo/pexels] “There is a chance that if someone with the virus sneezed or coughed on your fruits and veggies, there's a chance it could get on your hands—and into your mouth if you don't wash your hands or your produce. ” [Photo/Pexels] Soak produce in water or put it under running water to wash out any potential contamination Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water "for at least 20 seconds" after washing produce Washing produce removes about 90% of any contamination
近日,快递包裹是否会引发新冠病毒“物传人”受到关注。 北京、深圳奥密克戎本土确诊溯源: 均不排除因境外输入“物传人”的可能性 北京和深圳两地卫生部门17日表示,两地的首例奥密克戎本土确诊病例都接触过来自北美的包裹。 北京、深圳两地均在疫情防控发布会报告称,当地新冠确诊病例不排除经境外物品而感染病毒的可能。其中深圳确诊病例感染病毒的基因测序与境外病毒100%同源。北京确诊病例感染的病毒与2021年12月北美和新加坡等地分离的部分毒株相似度较高。 针对如何预防境外物品“物传人”?北京市疾病预防控制中心副主任庞星火呼吁个人戴口罩、不握手、勤洗手、常通风、少海淘。 国家邮政局16日宣布,将加强防控措施,防止病毒通过国际邮件输入。 收到境外快递怎样消毒? 如果收到境外快递,怎么样做才能降低风险呢?专家建议: 收到境外邮件时,要佩戴口罩和一次性手套 拆件时在户外进行,外包装立即处理掉 用含氯消毒剂或75%酒精对内外包装进行全面消毒 处理完邮件后,切记要洗手 洗手是简单却至关重要的一步,你的洗手方式正确吗? 研究表明,用力洗手大约需要20秒才能去除所有潜在的细菌和病毒。 美国疾控中心发布洗手指南: 用干净的流动水(温水或冷水)弄湿双手,关掉水龙头,然后涂抹肥皂。 双手将肥皂搓洗出泡沫。将肥皂沫涂抹在手背、指间和指甲缝。 搓洗双手至少20秒。 用干净的流动水冲洗双手。 用干净的毛巾擦手或晾干双手。 进口水果怎么吃才更安全? 此外,进口水果的安全性也成为民众关心的话题。从元旦至今,我国多地进口火龙果检测出新冠病毒核酸阳性,进口车厘子、香蕉、龙眼也纷纷“中招”。 上海市长宁区疾病预防控制中心副主任庄建林接受采访时表示,“进口食物入境时大多是通过航空渠道整箱运输的,渠道各环节的消毒只能涉及外包装层面,但如果在原产国进行摘果、包装的果农、工人们本身已携带病毒,是有可能让果皮上也残留病毒的。” 有外国专家在接受《今日美国》采访时也表示: “如果病毒携带者对着水果和蔬菜打喷嚏或咳嗽,而你不洗手或不清洗果蔬,病毒就有可能由双手或果蔬进入你的口腔。” 那以后还能否放心吃火龙果?买进口水果怎么处理才更安全? 浙江省疾病预防控制中心专家表示,进口水果买回家后首先用酒精或消毒湿巾对外包装喷洒或擦拭消毒,再根据水果特点选择清洗方式,可以用清水浸泡10到20分钟。 将农产品浸泡在水中或用流水冲洗掉任何潜在的污染物 清洗农产品后,用肥皂和水彻底洗手“至少20秒” 农产品表面90%的污染物可以被冲洗掉。 消费者还应注意,购买进口冷链食品和进口水果,要到正规的超市或市场选购,不要购买来源不明的进口冷链食品和进口水果。 来源:中国日报,中新网,央视网,上观新闻,今日美国,Review 编辑:董静
你也许只是觉得今年的冬天比往年暖和了一点,但实际上全球变暖的危害远远超出你的想象。全球变暖会摧毁珊瑚礁,导致生物灭绝,造成农作物歉收,如今新研究发现,全球变暖还会导致早产和婴幼儿肥胖,并降低怀孕率。 [Photo/Pexels] The climate crisis is damaging the health of foetuses, babies and infants across the world, six new studies have found. 六项新研究发现,气候危机正在危害世界各地的胎儿和婴幼儿健康。 Scientists discovered increased heat was linked to fast weight gain in babies, which increases the risk of obesity in later life. Higher temperatures were also linked to premature birth, which can have lifelong health effects, and to increased hospital admissions of young children. 科学家发现,气温升高与婴儿体重迅速增长有关,还会增加其日后肥胖的风险。此外,研究发现高温天气会导致早产和更多幼童住院,而早产对健康的影响会伴随终生。 The studies, published in a special issue of the journal Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology , spanned the globe from the US to Denmark, Israel and Australia. 这些研究发表在《儿科和围产期流行病学》杂志的一期特刊上,研究对象遍及美国、丹麦、以色列、澳大利亚等多个国家。 "From the very beginning, from preconception, through early childhood into adolescence, we’re starting to see important impacts of climate hazards on health,” said Prof Gregory Wellenius, who edited the issue with Amelia Wesselink, both at the Boston University school of public health, in the US. 负责编辑这期特刊的格雷戈里·韦勒纽斯教授说:“从孕前到幼儿期再到青春期,气候灾害对健康的重大影响从一开始就显现出来。” 一起编辑这期特刊的还有和韦勒纽斯同在美国波士顿大学公共卫生学院的阿米莉亚·韦塞林克。 The link between heat and rapid weight gain in the first year of life was found by scientists in Israel. They analysed 200,000 births and found that babies exposed to the highest 20% of night-time temperatures had a 5% higher risk of fast weight gain. 以色列的科学家发现了高温天气和新生儿体重迅速增长之间的联系。他们分析了20万名新生儿后发现,那些身处那五分之一“最高夜间气温”环境下的婴儿,体重迅速增长的风险会高出5%。 Globally, 18% of children are now overweight or obese. A possible mechanism for the rapid infant weight gain is that less fat is burned to maintain body temperature when the ambient temperature is higher. 目前全球范围内有18%的儿童超重或肥胖。这可能是因为周围温度更高,维持体温所需燃烧的脂肪减少了,因此婴幼儿的体重增长就变快了。 Two new studies examined the link between high temperatures and premature birth. The first assessed almost one million pregnant women in New South Wales, Australia, from 2005 to 2014, of whom 3% delivered their babies before 37 weeks. 另外两项新研究观察了高温天气和早产之间的联系。第一项研究对2005年至2014年间澳大利亚新南威尔士州近100万孕妇的资料进行了分析,其中有3%的孕妇未满37周就分娩了。 The researchers found that those in the hottest 5% of places in the state in the week before birth had a 16% higher risk of premature birth. Previous research had found a similar effect in the warmer sub-tropical city of Brisbane, but this was the first in a more temperate region of Australia. 研究人员发现,在产前那周该州气温最高的5%的地区,早产的风险增加了16%。先前的研究发现,气候炎热的亚热带城市布里斯班也出现早产增多的情况,但这是第一次在澳大利亚的温带城市发现同样的情况。 The second study analysed 200,000 births from 2007-2011 in Harris County, Texas – which includes Houston – where people are accustomed to heat. The period included Texas’s hottest summer on record in 2011. 第二项研究分析了2007年至2011年间美国得克萨斯州哈里斯郡(包括天气酷热的休斯顿在内)的20万例分娩资料,这一时期涵盖了得州有史以来最热的2011年夏天。 A quarter of the mothers were exposed to at least one very hot day while pregnant, days when temperature reached the top 1% of historic summer temperatures. The risk of any premature birth was 15% higher the day after these very hot days, the scientists found. But the risk was even higher for especially early births, tripling for babies born before 28 weeks, and was also higher for the most disadvantaged 20% of the mothers. 四分之一的孕妇在怀孕期间至少经历过一个夏日的气温达到史上最高的1%。科学家发现,在极其炎热的一天后,早产风险增加了15%。但是超早产的风险甚至更高,在28周以前出生的早产风险增加了两倍,条件最差的20%的孕妇的早产风险也更高。 Hotter temperatures also increased the number of admissions of young children to emergency departments in New York City, another new study found. The scientists looked at 2.5m admissions over eight years and found that a 7C rise in maximum temperature led to a 2.4% increase in admissions in under-fives. Young children lose proportionally more fluids than adults and their ability to regulate their body temperature is immature, the researchers said. 另一项新研究发现,高温天气还增加了纽约市急诊科收治的幼童数量。科学家分析了8年间急诊科收治的250万名幼童患者资料后发现,当最高温度升高7摄氏度时,看急诊的5岁以下幼童数量增加了2.4%。研究人员指出,高温天气下幼童失去的体液比重比成人更高,而且他们调节体温的能力还未发育成熟。 The burning of fossil fuels drives the climate crisis but also causes air pollution and a new study in Denmark assessed the impact of dirty air on 10,000 couples trying to conceive naturally. It found that increases in particle pollution of a few units during a menstrual cycle led to a decrease in conception of about 8%. 燃烧化石燃料不仅加剧了气候危机,还导致了空气污染。丹麦的一项新研究分析了空气污染对1万名试图自然受孕的夫妇的影响。研究发现,在一次月经周期内空气污染颗粒物浓度的增加会导致怀孕率降低约8%。 Wellenius said an important aspect of the studies was that they showed that vulnerable people often suffered the worst effects, for example people of colour and those on low incomes who did not have air conditioning or lived in areas with higher air pollution. “This is absolutely a health equity and justice issue,” he said. 韦勒纽斯表示,很重要的一点是,这些研究都表明弱势群体往往受到的影响最大,比如有色人种和低收入群体,她们没有空调,居住的地区空气污染也更严重。韦勒纽斯说:“这完全是卫生公平问题。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] The climate crisis is damaging the health of foetuses, babies and infants across the world, six new studies have found. Scientists discovered increased heat was linked to fast weight gain in babies, which increases the risk of obesity in later life. Higher temperatures were also linked to premature birth, which can have lifelong health effects, and to increased hospital admissions of young children. The studies, published in a special issue of the journal Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology , spanned the globe from the US to Denmark, Israel and Australia. "From the very beginning, from preconception, through early childhood into adolescence, we’re starting to see important impacts of climate hazards on health,” said Prof Gregory Wellenius, who edited the issue with Amelia Wesselink, both at the Boston University school of public health, in the US. The link between heat and rapid weight gain in the first year of life was found by scientists in Israel. They analysed 200,000 births and found that babies exposed to the highest 20% of night-time temperatures had a 5% higher risk of fast weight gain. Globally, 18% of children are now overweight or obese. A possible mechanism for the rapid infant weight gain is that less fat is burned to maintain body temperature when the ambient temperature is higher. Two new studies examined the link between high temperatures and premature birth. The first assessed almost one million pregnant women in New South Wales, Australia, from 2005 to 2014, of whom 3% delivered their babies before 37 weeks. The researchers found that those in the hottest 5% of places in the state in the week before birth had a 16% higher risk of premature birth. Previous research had found a similar effect in the warmer sub-tropical city of Brisbane, but this was the first in a more temperate region of Australia. The second study analysed 200,000 births from 2007-2011 in Harris County, Texas – which includes Houston – where people are accustomed to heat. The period included Texas’s hottest summer on record in 2011. A quarter of the mothers were exposed to at least one very hot day while pregnant, days when temperature reached the top 1% of historic summer temperatures. The risk of any premature birth was 15% higher the day after these very hot days, the scientists found. But the risk was even higher for especially early births, tripling for babies born before 28 weeks, and was also higher for the most disadvantaged 20% of the mothers. Hotter temperatures also increased the number of admissions of young children to emergency departments in New York City, another new study found. The scientists looked at 2.5m admissions over eight years and found that a 7C rise in maximum temperature led to a 2.4% increase in admissions in under-fives. Young children lose proportionally more fluids than adults and their ability to regulate their body temperature is immature, the researchers said. The burning of fossil fuels drives the climate crisis but also causes air pollution and a new study in Denmark assessed the impact of dirty air on 10,000 couples trying to conceive naturally. It found that increases in particle pollution of a few units during a menstrual cycle led to a decrease in conception of about 8%. Wellenius said an important aspect of the studies was that they showed that vulnerable people often suffered the worst effects, for example people of colour and those on low incomes who did not have air conditioning or lived in areas with higher air pollution. “This is absolutely a health equity and justice issue,” he said.
你也许只是觉得今年的冬天比往年暖和了一点,但实际上全球变暖的危害远远超出你的想象。全球变暖会摧毁珊瑚礁,导致生物灭绝,造成农作物歉收,如今新研究发现,全球变暖还会导致早产和婴幼儿肥胖,并降低怀孕率。 六项新研究发现,气候危机正在危害世界各地的胎儿和婴幼儿健康。 科学家发现,气温升高与婴儿体重迅速增长有关,还会增加其日后肥胖的风险。此外,研究发现高温天气会导致早产和更多幼童住院,而早产对健康的影响会伴随终生。 这些研究发表在《儿科和围产期流行病学》杂志的一期特刊上,研究对象遍及美国、丹麦、以色列、澳大利亚等多个国家。 负责编辑这期特刊的格雷戈里·韦勒纽斯教授说:“从孕前到幼儿期再到青春期,气候灾害对健康的重大影响从一开始就显现出来。” 一起编辑这期特刊的还有和韦勒纽斯同在美国波士顿大学公共卫生学院的阿米莉亚·韦塞林克。 以色列的科学家发现了高温天气和新生儿体重迅速增长之间的联系。他们分析了20万名新生儿后发现,那些身处那五分之一“最高夜间气温”环境下的婴儿,体重迅速增长的风险会高出5%。 目前全球范围内有18%的儿童超重或肥胖。这可能是因为周围温度更高,维持体温所需燃烧的脂肪减少了,因此婴幼儿的体重增长就变快了。 另外两项新研究观察了高温天气和早产之间的联系。第一项研究对2005年至2014年间澳大利亚新南威尔士州近100万孕妇的资料进行了分析,其中有3%的孕妇未满37周就分娩了。 研究人员发现,在产前那周该州气温最高的5%的地区,早产的风险增加了16%。先前的研究发现,气候炎热的亚热带城市布里斯班也出现早产增多的情况,但这是第一次在澳大利亚的温带城市发现同样的情况。 第二项研究分析了2007年至2011年间美国得克萨斯州哈里斯郡(包括天气酷热的休斯顿在内)的20万例分娩资料,这一时期涵盖了得州有史以来最热的2011年夏天。 四分之一的孕妇在怀孕期间至少经历过一个夏日的气温达到史上最高的1%。科学家发现,在极其炎热的一天后,早产风险增加了15%。但是超早产的风险甚至更高,在28周以前出生的早产风险增加了两倍,条件最差的20%的孕妇的早产风险也更高。 另一项新研究发现,高温天气还增加了纽约市急诊科收治的幼童数量。科学家分析了8年间急诊科收治的250万名幼童患者资料后发现,当最高温度升高7摄氏度时,看急诊的5岁以下幼童数量增加了2.4%。研究人员指出,高温天气下幼童失去的体液比重比成人更高,而且他们调节体温的能力还未发育成熟。 燃烧化石燃料不仅加剧了气候危机,还导致了空气污染。丹麦的一项新研究分析了空气污染对1万名试图自然受孕的夫妇的影响。研究发现,在一次月经周期内空气污染颗粒物浓度的增加会导致怀孕率降低约8%。 韦勒纽斯表示,很重要的一点是,这些研究都表明弱势群体往往受到的影响最大,比如有色人种和低收入群体,她们没有空调,居住的地区空气污染也更严重。韦勒纽斯说:“这完全是卫生公平问题。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
1月15日,国家传染病医学中心主任、复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏表示,原则上讲,经过未来一年,无论是群体免疫水平,还是通过疫苗建立的免疫屏障,再到新冠治疗药物的上市,都意味着“这可能是最后一个‘寒冬’”。 Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, speaks during an interview with China Media Group that aired on Jan 15, 2022. [Photo/CCTV News app] This season may be the last "cold winter" China will experience during its COVID-19 fight, a renowned infectious disease expert in Shanghai said, expressing his faith in the nation's epidemic control measures. 上海著名传染病专家表示,这可能是中国抗击新冠肺炎的最后一个“寒冬”,他对中国防疫措施表示了信心。 "I am still very confident the COVID-19 epidemic will end by the end of this year," Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, said in an interview with China Media Group that aired on Saturday. 复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏在接受央视采访时表示:“我依然对今年年底结束新冠大流行抱有很大的信心。” Zhang said an improved level of herd immunity among the general public will be established by vaccines as the year progresses. 张文宏称,随着时间的推移,疫苗将提高公众的群体免疫力。 He also expressed his confidence in the public's ability to fight the epidemic and in treatment measures. 他还表示对公众抗击疫情的能力和治疗措施充满信心。 "New drugs will also be put into use soon, and this may be the last 'cold winter' we have," he said. 张文宏表示:“新冠特效药也将很快上市,这可能是最后一个‘寒冬’。” On Saturday, Beijing's Haidian district reported a new confirmed case of COVID-19, making the capital the latest place in China to report a case infected with the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus after Shanghai, South China's Guangdong province, North China's Tianjin and Central China's Henan province. 1月15日,北京海淀区报告了一例新冠确诊病例,继上海、广东省、天津和河南省之后,首都北京成为最新报告奥密克戎感染病例的地区。 Although the Omicron variant causes fewer serious illnesses, Zhang warned that its virulence should not be overlooked. 张文宏警告,尽管奥密克戎重症化更低,但其毒性不容忽视。 "Some foreign experts estimated that Omicron could probably infect everyone, and I think the variant could still cause severe consequences," he said. 他说:“一些外国专家预测所有人都可能感染奥密克戎,我认为奥密克戎毒株仍然可能会造成非常严重的后果。” With a high rate of vaccination in the United States, the fatality rate of COVID-19 infections there is around 0.24 percent. That rate is about 2.4 times higher than that of seasonal influenza, Zhang said. 美国的疫苗接种率很高,而病死率是0.24%。张文宏称,这一比率大约是季节性流感的2.4倍。 He emphasized the importance of receiving a booster shot as it could raise the number of antibodies and reduce the number of severe cases significantly, but he said it's too early to consider a fourth jab. 张文宏强调了接种加强针的重要性,因为加强针可以增加抗体数量并显著减少重症数量,但他表示现在考虑接种第四针还为时过早。 "Elderly people and those with lower immunity may consider getting a fourth shot in the future, but it's not urgent right now," Zhang said. 张文宏称:“未来在中国,免疫力低下和高龄人群也是有可能接种第四针的,但现在还不需要那么着急。” When asked about concerns about the Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, he said they are merely mutations of the virus, and all viruses change over time. 当谈及新冠病毒的变异株德尔塔毒株和奥密克戎毒株时,张文宏表示,它们只是病毒的变异株,所有病毒都会随着时间发生变化。 It would be a serious issue, though, if the virus mutated with other coronaviruses, Zhang said, but he added that this scenario is "very unlikely". 张文宏称,如果新冠与其他冠状病毒发生重组,情况可能会比较糟糕。但他补充说,“这还是一个极低概率的事件”。 To give encouragement to people in China who may be unable to return home for the upcoming Spring Festival holiday, Zhang said people should be confident in China's ability to cope with any difficult situation, no matter how the virus mutates in the future. 张文宏还给今年春节可能无法回家的人们送上安慰,他表示,我们应该相信,无论将来病毒发生怎样的变异,中国还是有能力应付任何困境。 "We should believe in China and believe in the rest of the world," he said. "We are going through the cold winter this year, but the next Spring Festival will no longer be cold. I hope all people can reunite with their family members and loved ones and give them a warm hug by then." 他说:“我们相信中国,相信世界,我们正在经历一个寒冬,但明年的春节将不再那么寒冷。希望明年春节,每个家庭都能够团聚,每对异地恋的恋人都可以拥抱在一起。” 来源:中国日报网 编辑:董静
Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, speaks during an interview with China Media Group that aired on Jan 15, 2022. [Photo/CCTV News app] This season may be the last "cold winter" China will experience during its COVID-19 fight, a renowned infectious disease expert in Shanghai said, expressing his faith in the nation's epidemic control measures. "I am still very confident the COVID-19 epidemic will end by the end of this year," Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, said in an interview with China Media Group that aired on Saturday. Zhang said an improved level of herd immunity among the general public will be established by vaccines as the year progresses. He also expressed his confidence in the public's ability to fight the epidemic and in treatment measures. "New drugs will also be put into use soon, and this may be the last 'cold winter' we have," he said. On Saturday, Beijing's Haidian district reported a new confirmed case of COVID-19, making the capital the latest place in China to report a case infected with the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus after Shanghai, South China's Guangdong province, North China's Tianjin and Central China's Henan province. Although the Omicron variant causes fewer serious illnesses, Zhang warned that its virulence should not be overlooked. "Some foreign experts estimated that Omicron could probably infect everyone, and I think the variant could still cause severe consequences," he said. With a high rate of vaccination in the United States, the fatality rate of COVID-19 infections there is around 0.24 percent. That rate is about 2.4 times higher than that of seasonal influenza, Zhang said. He emphasized the importance of receiving a booster shot as it could raise the number of antibodies and reduce the number of severe cases significantly, but he said it's too early to consider a fourth jab. "Elderly people and those with lower immunity may consider getting a fourth shot in the future, but it's not urgent right now," Zhang said. When asked about concerns about the Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, he said they are merely mutations of the virus, and all viruses change over time. It would be a serious issue, though, if the virus mutated with other coronaviruses, Zhang said, but he added that this scenario is "very unlikely". To give encouragement to people in China who may be unable to return home for the upcoming Spring Festival holiday, Zhang said people should be confident in China's ability to cope with any difficult situation, no matter how the virus mutates in the future. "We should believe in China and believe in the rest of the world," he said. "We are going through the cold winter this year, but the next Spring Festival will no longer be cold. I hope all people can reunite with their family members and loved ones and give them a warm hug by then."
1月15日,国家传染病医学中心主任、复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏表示,原则上讲,经过未来一年,无论是群体免疫水平,还是通过疫苗建立的免疫屏障,再到新冠治疗药物的上市,都意味着“这可能是最后一个‘寒冬’”。 上海著名传染病专家表示,这可能是中国抗击新冠肺炎的最后一个“寒冬”,他对中国防疫措施表示了信心。 复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏在接受央视采访时表示:“我依然对今年年底结束新冠大流行抱有很大的信心。” 张文宏称,随着时间的推移,疫苗将提高公众的群体免疫力。 他还表示对公众抗击疫情的能力和治疗措施充满信心。 张文宏表示:“新冠特效药也将很快上市,这可能是最后一个‘寒冬’。” 1月15日,北京海淀区报告了一例新冠确诊病例,继上海、广东省、天津和河南省之后,首都北京成为最新报告奥密克戎感染病例的地区。 张文宏警告,尽管奥密克戎重症化更低,但其毒性不容忽视。 他说:“一些外国专家预测所有人都可能感染奥密克戎,我认为奥密克戎毒株仍然可能会造成非常严重的后果。” 美国的疫苗接种率很高,而病死率是0.24%。张文宏称,这一比率大约是季节性流感的2.4倍。 张文宏强调了接种加强针的重要性,因为加强针可以增加抗体数量并显著减少重症数量,但他表示现在考虑接种第四针还为时过早。 张文宏称:“未来在中国,免疫力低下和高龄人群也是有可能接种第四针的,但现在还不需要那么着急。” 当谈及新冠病毒的变异株德尔塔毒株和奥密克戎毒株时,张文宏表示,它们只是病毒的变异株,所有病毒都会随着时间发生变化。 张文宏称,如果新冠与其他冠状病毒发生重组,情况可能会比较糟糕。但他补充说,“这还是一个极低概率的事件”。 张文宏还给今年春节可能无法回家的人们送上安慰,他表示,我们应该相信,无论将来病毒发生怎样的变异,中国还是有能力应付任何困境。 他说:“我们相信中国,相信世界,我们正在经历一个寒冬,但明年的春节将不再那么寒冷。希望明年春节,每个家庭都能够团聚,每对异地恋的恋人都可以拥抱在一起。” 来源:中国日报网 编辑:董静
自去年12月以来,加拿大疫情开始直线反弹,病例呈现爆发式增长,在死亡人数最多的魁北克地区,医疗资源非常紧张,而且重症监护室中的新冠患者近半数都没有接种疫苗。为此魁北克政府决定,将对省内所有拒绝接种新冠疫苗的人征收一笔“健康税”。 A bus carrying Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) medical personnel arrives at Villa Val des Arbres, a seniors' long-term care centre, to help amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Montreal, Quebec, Canada April 20, 2020. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi The Canadian province of Quebec will charge a health tax to residents who are not vaccinated against Covid-19. 加拿大魁北克省将对未接种新冠疫苗的居民征收健康税。 Quebec, which has seen the highest number of Covid-related deaths in Canada, is currently struggling with a surge in cases. 加拿大新冠死亡人数最多的魁北克省目前正在与病例激增作斗争。 On Tuesday, the premier announced that it would be the first in the nation to financially penalise the unvaccinated. 1月11日,魁北克省省长宣布,魁北克将在加拿大率先对未接种疫苗者采取经济处罚措施。 Only about 12.8% of Quebec residents are not vaccinated, but they make up nearly a third of all hospital cases. 魁北克只有约12.8%的居民没有接种疫苗,但是在住院病例中,未接种疫苗者却占据了近三分之一。 According to federal data, just over 85% of Quebec residents had received at least one vaccine dose by 1 January. 加拿大联邦政府数据显示,截至1月1日,刚过85%的魁北克居民至少接种了一剂疫苗。 Premier Francois Legault said during a news conference that people who have not received their first dose of vaccine will have to pay a "contribution". 魁北克省省长弗朗索瓦·勒古在新闻发布会上称,还未接种第一剂疫苗的人将必须做出“贡献”。 The fee has not yet been decided, but will be "significant", he said. 他说,税金数额还未确定,但是会“相当巨大”。 "I think right now it's a question of fairness for the 90% of the population who made some sacrifices," Mr Legault said. "I think we owe them this kind of measure." 勒古表示:“我认为对于做出牺牲的90%的人口而言,这是一个公平问题。我们应该采取这类补偿措施。” Last week, the province announced that it would require proof of vaccination to shop in government cannabis and liquor stores. 上周,魁北克省宣布,到国营的烟酒商店购物必须出示疫苗接种证明。 A curfew is also in place, the second one of the pandemic, running from 22:00 to 05:00 each day. 魁北克省还实施了疫情以来第二次宵禁,时间从晚上10点到凌晨5点。 On Tuesday, Quebec's death toll from Covid reached 12,028. 1月11日,魁北克新冠死亡人数达到了12028人。 The percentage of Covid patients in intensive care who have not been vaccinated is 45%, provincial data shows. 魁北克省的数据显示,被重症监护室收治的新冠患者当中,没有接种疫苗的患者占到了45%。 Hospitals in Montreal, the province's largest city, are nearing 100% capacity and have already started limiting non-Covid related care. 魁北克省最大城市蒙特利尔的医院已接近爆满,并开始限制非新冠患者就医。 While rare, Quebec is not the only region in the world seeking to impose a financial penalty on those unwilling to get jabbed. 尽管这种做法比较罕见,但是魁北克不是全球唯一一个对拒绝接种疫苗者实施经济处罚的地区。 Starting later this month, Greeks over age 60 are being required to pay a €100 fine for each month that they remain unvaccinated. 本月晚些时候起,希腊将对不接种疫苗的60岁以上老人每月罚款100欧元(约合人民币725元)。 Singapore has required Covid patients to pay for their own medical bills if they are not vaccinated. 新加坡则出台了一项规定,要求未接种疫苗的新冠患者自费支付医疗账单。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A bus carrying Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) medical personnel arrives at Villa Val des Arbres, a seniors' long-term care centre, to help amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Montreal, Quebec, Canada April 20, 2020. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi The Canadian province of Quebec will charge a health tax to residents who are not vaccinated against Covid-19. Quebec, which has seen the highest number of Covid-related deaths in Canada, is currently struggling with a surge in cases. On Tuesday, the premier announced that it would be the first in the nation to financially penalise the unvaccinated. Only about 12.8% of Quebec residents are not vaccinated, but they make up nearly a third of all hospital cases. According to federal data, just over 85% of Quebec residents had received at least one vaccine dose by 1 January. Premier Francois Legault said during a news conference that people who have not received their first dose of vaccine will have to pay a "contribution". The fee has not yet been decided, but will be "significant", he said. "I think right now it's a question of fairness for the 90% of the population who made some sacrifices," Mr Legault said. "I think we owe them this kind of measure." Last week, the province announced that it would require proof of vaccination to shop in government cannabis and liquor stores. A curfew is also in place, the second one of the pandemic, running from 22:00 to 05:00 each day. On Tuesday, Quebec's death toll from Covid reached 12,028. The percentage of Covid patients in intensive care who have not been vaccinated is 45%, provincial data shows. Hospitals in Montreal, the province's largest city, are nearing 100% capacity and have already started limiting non-Covid related care. While rare, Quebec is not the only region in the world seeking to impose a financial penalty on those unwilling to get jabbed. Starting later this month, Greeks over age 60 are being required to pay a €100 fine for each month that they remain unvaccinated. Singapore has required Covid patients to pay for their own medical bills if they are not vaccinated.
自去年12月以来,加拿大疫情开始直线反弹,病例呈现爆发式增长,在死亡人数最多的魁北克地区,医疗资源非常紧张,而且重症监护室中的新冠患者近半数都没有接种疫苗。为此魁北克政府决定,将对省内所有拒绝接种新冠疫苗的人征收一笔“健康税”。 加拿大魁北克省将对未接种新冠疫苗的居民征收健康税。 加拿大新冠死亡人数最多的魁北克省目前正在与病例激增作斗争。 1月11日,魁北克省省长宣布,魁北克将在加拿大率先对未接种疫苗者采取经济处罚措施。 魁北克只有约12.8%的居民没有接种疫苗,但是在住院病例中,未接种疫苗者却占据了近三分之一。 加拿大联邦政府数据显示,截至1月1日,刚过85%的魁北克居民至少接种了一剂疫苗。 魁北克省省长弗朗索瓦·勒古在新闻发布会上称,还未接种第一剂疫苗的人将必须做出“贡献”。 他说,税金数额还未确定,但是会“相当巨大”。 勒古表示:“我认为对于做出牺牲的90%的人口而言,这是一个公平问题。我们应该采取这类补偿措施。” 上周,魁北克省宣布,到国营的烟酒商店购物必须出示疫苗接种证明。 魁北克省还实施了疫情以来第二次宵禁,时间从晚上10点到凌晨5点。 1月11日,魁北克新冠死亡人数达到了12028人。 魁北克省的数据显示,被重症监护室收治的新冠患者当中,没有接种疫苗的患者占到了45%。 魁北克省最大城市蒙特利尔的医院已接近爆满,并开始限制非新冠患者就医。 尽管这种做法比较罕见,但是魁北克不是全球唯一一个对拒绝接种疫苗者实施经济处罚的地区。 本月晚些时候起,希腊将对不接种疫苗的60岁以上老人每月罚款100欧元(约合人民币725元)。 新加坡则出台了一项规定,要求未接种疫苗的新冠患者自费支付医疗账单。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据美联社报道,因新冠疫情冲击供应链,挪威军队出现制式内衣库存不足的问题。挪威要求现役军人在服完兵役后交回内衣,包括胸罩和袜子,以便清洗后给下一批入伍新兵重复使用。 [Photo/pexels] Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after the end of their military service so that the next group of recruits can use them. 挪威要求士兵在服完兵役后归还内衣、胸罩和袜子,以便给下一批新兵使用。 The Norwegian military said Monday that it is struggling with dwindling supplies, in part due to the pandemic. 挪威军方1月10日表示,军队目前出现供应不足的情况,这与疫情有部分关系。 The Norwegian Defense Logistics Organization said because of “a challenging stockpile situation, this move is necessary as it provides the Armed Forces with greater garment volumes available for new soldiers starting their initial service.” 挪威国防后勤组织表示,由于“储备不足,有必要采取这一举措,此举为武装部队提供了更多服装,以供开始服役的新兵使用。” Its press spokesman Hans Meisingset said that with “proper checks and cleaning, the reuse of garments is considered an adequate and sound practice.” 该组织新闻发言人汉斯·梅辛塞特表示,经过“适当的检查和清洁,服装再利用是一种合理可行的做法。” Until recently, the roughly 8,000 young men and women who every year do their military service returned their outer clothing but were allowed to leave barracks with the underwear and socks they were issued. 此前每年大约有8000名青年男女需要服兵役,他们退役时会归还外衣,但可以带走发给他们的内衣和袜子。 Military service is mandatory for both men and women in Norway and lasts between 12 and 19 months. 挪威男女都必须服兵役,服役期为12至19个月。 Meisingset said the pandemic was not the only reason why the stock of garments is low for some items. It also depends on finance, contracts and other issues. 梅辛塞特说,部分服装库存低不仅是因为疫情,还与财务、合同以及其他问题有关。 NATO-member Norway’s national defense magazine, Forsvarets Forum , reported that it was not the first time that the Armed Forces had struggled with such shortcomings, with a union spokesman saying it “has been a recurring problem” for years. In June 2020, a third of the soldiers’ clothing and equipment was missing. 北约成员国挪威的国防杂志“Forsvarets Forum”报道称,这不是武装部队第一次出现此类短缺问题,一位北约发言人表示,这是一个“多年来反复出现的问题”。2020年6月,三分之一的士兵缺少服装和装备。 “A year ago, we looked at exactly the same shortcomings in close-fitting clothing that we see now, and earlier this autumn, the largest and smallest sizes of footwear were missing,” Eirik Sjoehelle Eiksund was quoted as saying. adding that he believed it was due to errors in the system around ordering and delivery. 该杂志援引艾瑞克·斯乔埃勒·艾克松的话称:“一年前,就出现过与现在完全相同的问题,而今年初秋,最大码和最小码的鞋子都没有。”艾克松还称,他认为这是订购和交付系统中的错误导致的。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
[Photo/pexels] Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after the end of their military service so that the next group of recruits can use them. The Norwegian military said Monday that it is struggling with dwindling supplies, in part due to the pandemic. The Norwegian Defense Logistics Organization said because of “a challenging stockpile situation, this move is necessary as it provides the Armed Forces with greater garment volumes available for new soldiers starting their initial service.” Its press spokesman Hans Meisingset said that with “proper checks and cleaning, the reuse of garments is considered an adequate and sound practice.” Until recently, the roughly 8,000 young men and women who every year do their military service returned their outer clothing but were allowed to leave barracks with the underwear and socks they were issued. Military service is mandatory for both men and women in Norway and lasts between 12 and 19 months. Meisingset said the pandemic was not the only reason why the stock of garments is low for some items. It also depends on finance, contracts and other issues. NATO-member Norway’s national defense magazine, Forsvarets Forum , reported that it was not the first time that the Armed Forces had struggled with such shortcomings, with a union spokesman saying it “has been a recurring problem” for years. In June 2020, a third of the soldiers’ clothing and equipment was missing. “A year ago, we looked at exactly the same shortcomings in close-fitting clothing that we see now, and earlier this autumn, the largest and smallest sizes of footwear were missing,” Eirik Sjoehelle Eiksund was quoted as saying. adding that he believed it was due to errors in the system around ordering and delivery.
据美联社报道,因新冠疫情冲击供应链,挪威军队出现制式内衣库存不足的问题。挪威要求现役军人在服完兵役后交回内衣,包括胸罩和袜子,以便清洗后给下一批入伍新兵重复使用。 挪威要求士兵在服完兵役后归还内衣、胸罩和袜子,以便给下一批新兵使用。 挪威军方1月10日表示,军队目前出现供应不足的情况,这与疫情有部分关系。 挪威国防后勤组织表示,由于“储备不足,有必要采取这一举措,此举为武装部队提供了更多服装,以供开始服役的新兵使用。” 该组织新闻发言人汉斯·梅辛塞特表示,经过“适当的检查和清洁,服装再利用是一种合理可行的做法。” 此前每年大约有8000名青年男女需要服兵役,他们退役时会归还外衣,但可以带走发给他们的内衣和袜子。 挪威男女都必须服兵役,服役期为12至19个月。 梅辛塞特说,部分服装库存低不仅是因为疫情,还与财务、合同以及其他问题有关。 北约成员国挪威的国防杂志“Forsvarets Forum”报道称,这不是武装部队第一次出现此类短缺问题,一位北约发言人表示,这是一个“多年来反复出现的问题”。2020年6月,三分之一的士兵缺少服装和装备。 该杂志援引艾瑞克·斯乔埃勒·艾克松的话称:“一年前,就出现过与现在完全相同的问题,而今年初秋,最大码和最小码的鞋子都没有。”艾克松还称,他认为这是订购和交付系统中的错误导致的。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
你有没有充满期待地去电影院却失望而归的经历? 演员演技让人出戏、情节东扯西拉、强行贩卖情怀……两个小时看下来要被气哭。 踩雷烂片的时候你会不会也锤胸顿足,为自己的钱包叫屈?所以,是时候出一篇“烂片排雷指南”了。 [Photo/Pexels] 国外网友在Reddit论坛上就“如何鉴别烂片”问题,给出了自己的经验之谈,非常真实!双语君为大家归了类,一起来看: ▌大家一起分享电影不好看的一些征兆,说到了点子上。 01 台词雷人 ► If the character points out something that is blatantly obvious. In a world where one man has to save the world. Man: "I have to save the world." 角色台词都是废话。比如在一个英雄拯救世界的剧情里,英雄这样说:“我必须拯救世界”。 ► Starts with too much exposition: "Mary, just because you have a medical degree from Harvard, I'm still your older brother!" 有太多的无脑解释,比如:“玛丽,就算你有哈佛大学的医学学位,我还是你哥!” ► When the trailer slows down and the music stops so that the main character can say something very edgy/clever/unique. 预告片慢下来,背景音乐一停下,主角说出一些激动万分、故作聪明或标新立异的台词。 ► Ugh, the damn 'I know what you’re thinking' bit. This has become such a trend in Disney movies where they have to be 'self-aware' and crap. How about instead of that, just have actual fresh ideas? “我懂你在想什么”一类的台词。这已经成为迪士尼电影的惯常套路,角色全部都是“我什么都懂”的人设、会胡说八道。与其这样,不如说点有用的话? 02 情节拉跨 ► If there are multiple trailers for a comedy movie, but they use the same joke in all of them. 一部喜剧电影有好几个版本的预告片,用的都是一样的包袱…… ► When the film opens with the shot of a bedside clock or the protagonist waking up. This usually means the rest of the film probably will swim in an ocean of overused tropes, clichés, and/or predictable plot points. 以床边的闹钟、主角睁眼醒来的镜头开场。一般而言,这类电影会把你拖入滥用的桥段、陈腐俗套的深渊。 ► When they try forcing memes into it. It's either cringe or so outdated that it just looks stupid. 强行挪用网络梗,让人觉得尴尬、老套,看起来很愚蠢。 ► Shaky cam and quick-cut editing. Jumping over a fence? Twenty quick cuts. Take it or leave it. 摇摇晃晃的镜头和快速剪辑。跳个栅栏有20次快速剪辑。受不了就别看。 ► When it's a remake of what most people already consider a great movie. 某部经典电影的翻拍。 ► If it's a sequel that's coming out more than 10 years after its predecessor. Sometimes this works out, but a lot of times it doesn't. 某部影片的续集,且在上一部的10年之后上映。有的片子还行,但大部分续集是烂片。 ► When the advertising is blatantly obvious. I don't want a full shot of a Coke can for 10 seconds with no relevancy to the plot. 广告植入太明显。我不想在10秒钟里一直看见一个与情节无关的可乐瓶子。 03 过度宣传 ► When they hype the movie's soundtrack more than the film itself. 宣传电影的配乐比宣传电影本身还多。 ► When its streaming service description is just a list of its stars and their accolades, instead of anything about the movie's plot. 铺天盖地地宣传明星阵容和他们的好评,而不是电影情节。 ► When you see TV commercials for a mainstream release at every turn for WEEKS ahead of its release. The studio is trying to make some money on it the first weekend before word gets out about how bad it is. 影片正式上映前几周,天天在电视上看到它的广告。这说明制片方正想方设法在发布前的第一个周末多捞点金,毕竟差评一流出就没机会了。 ► They quote glowing reviews from some publication in rural North Dakota, whose name you cannot even read on screen. 他们引用了北达科他州农村地区一些出版物的热情洋溢的评论,你甚至无法在屏幕上看清楚这些出版物的名字。 ‍‍ 你有哪些烂片踩雷经验? (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:陈月华、丹妮)
[Photo/Pexels] 01 ► If the character points out something that is blatantly obvious. In a world where one man has to save the world. Man: "I have to save the world." ► Starts with too much exposition: "Mary, just because you have a medical degree from Harvard, I'm still your older brother!" ► When the trailer slows down and the music stops so that the main character can say something very edgy/clever/unique. ► Ugh, the damn 'I know what you’re thinking' bit. This has become such a trend in Disney movies where they have to be 'self-aware' and crap. How about instead of that, just have actual fresh ideas? 02 ► If there are multiple trailers for a comedy movie, but they use the same joke in all of them. ► When they try forcing memes into it. It's either cringe or so outdated that it just looks stupid. ► Shaky cam and quick-cut editing. Jumping over a fence? Twenty quick cuts. Take it or leave it. ► When it's a remake of what most people already consider a great movie. ► If it's a sequel that's coming out more than 10 years after its predecessor. Sometimes this works out, but a lot of times it doesn't. ► When the advertising is blatantly obvious. I don't want a full shot of a Coke can for 10 seconds with no relevancy to the plot. 03 ► When they hype the movie's soundtrack more than the film itself. ► When its streaming service description is just a list of its stars and their accolades, instead of anything about the movie's plot. ► When you see TV commercials for a mainstream release at every turn for WEEKS ahead of its release. The studio is trying to make some money on it the first weekend before word gets out about how bad it is. ► They quote glowing reviews from some publication in rural North Dakota, whose name you cannot even read on screen. ‍‍
你有没有充满期待地去电影院却失望而归的经历? 演员演技让人出戏、情节东扯西拉、强行贩卖情怀……两个小时看下来要被气哭。 踩雷烂片的时候你会不会也锤胸顿足,为自己的钱包叫屈?所以,是时候出一篇“烂片排雷指南”了。 国外网友在Reddit论坛上就“如何鉴别烂片”问题,给出了自己的经验之谈,非常真实!双语君为大家归了类,一起来看: ▌大家一起分享电影不好看的一些征兆,说到了点子上。 台词雷人 角色台词都是废话。比如在一个英雄拯救世界的剧情里,英雄这样说:“我必须拯救世界”。 有太多的无脑解释,比如:“玛丽,就算你有哈佛大学的医学学位,我还是你哥!” 预告片慢下来,背景音乐一停下,主角说出一些激动万分、故作聪明或标新立异的台词。 “我懂你在想什么”一类的台词。这已经成为迪士尼电影的惯常套路,角色全部都是“我什么都懂”的人设、会胡说八道。与其这样,不如说点有用的话? 情节拉跨 一部喜剧电影有好几个版本的预告片,用的都是一样的包袱…… ► When the film opens with the shot of a bedside clock or the protagonist waking up. This usually means the rest of the film probably will swim in an ocean of overused tropes, clichés, and/or predictable plot points. 以床边的闹钟、主角睁眼醒来的镜头开场。一般而言,这类电影会把你拖入滥用的桥段、陈腐俗套的深渊。 强行挪用网络梗,让人觉得尴尬、老套,看起来很愚蠢。 摇摇晃晃的镜头和快速剪辑。跳个栅栏有20次快速剪辑。受不了就别看。 某部经典电影的翻拍。 某部影片的续集,且在上一部的10年之后上映。有的片子还行,但大部分续集是烂片。 广告植入太明显。我不想在10秒钟里一直看见一个与情节无关的可乐瓶子。 过度宣传 宣传电影的配乐比宣传电影本身还多。 铺天盖地地宣传明星阵容和他们的好评,而不是电影情节。 影片正式上映前几周,天天在电视上看到它的广告。这说明制片方正想方设法在发布前的第一个周末多捞点金,毕竟差评一流出就没机会了。 他们引用了北达科他州农村地区一些出版物的热情洋溢的评论,你甚至无法在屏幕上看清楚这些出版物的名字。 你有哪些烂片踩雷经验? (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:陈月华、丹妮)
徐诗晓(左)和孙梦雅(右)获得东京奥运会女子500米双人划艇金牌 中国日报/受访者供图 When Xu Shixiao went to work as usual in a furniture company in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, five years ago, she was surprised to get a call from her former coach, inquiring about her willingness to return to canoeing and compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Xu quickly made her decision. 五年前,在江西南昌一家家具公司工作的徐诗晓,像往常一样上班时意外接到了前教练的电话,询问她是否有意愿重返皮划艇赛场,参加东京奥运会。很快,徐诗晓就做出了决定。 "I quit my job as a human resources manager, informed my family and went back to training three days later. There was not much time left for me to prepare for the Olympics," Xu recalls. 她回忆说:“我辞掉人事经理的工作,告诉了家人我的决定,在三天后就开始重新训练。留给我备战奥运的时间不多了。” On Aug 7, Xu and her partner, Sun Mengya, won gold in the first women's canoe double 500m event at the Tokyo Games. It was also the first Olympic gold medal for China in the event. 8月7日,徐诗晓和搭档孙梦雅获得东京奥运会女子500米双人划艇金牌,这也是中国首次在该项目上获得奥运金牌。 Yet Xu's journey to the Olympics was bumpy-she faced lots of difficulties, such as her physical condition after years of retirement and her parents' opposition because they thought it was time for her to get married. 徐诗晓的奥运之路并非一帆风顺,而是困难重重:退役多年,她的身体状况不及从前;因为觉得她到了结婚的年龄了,父母也不支持她重返赛场。 "It was really a hard decision for me to go back to being an athlete after four years of retirement," says Xu. 徐诗晓说:“退役四年后再恢复运动员的身份对我来说是蛮难的。” "I didn't want to regret not competing for a gold medal. I desired to be a champion. I had nothing to lose even if I failed." “我不想因为放弃争夺奥运金牌而后悔。我想当冠军。就算失败了,我也没什么可失去的。” To catch the opportunity to go back to canoeing on the international level, Xu started her training-"as cruel as hell". She began her daily exercises early morning and ended at 10:30 pm. 为了抓住在国际赛场上竞技划艇的机会,徐诗晓开始了地狱般的训练。她一大早就开始日常训练,一直练到晚上十点半。 Every day, she would set several detailed goals for her training, such as how high the heart rate should be when paddling a canoe and how long it should take her for 500-meter paddling. 每天,她都会设定一些具体的训练目标,比如划桨的时候心率要控制在多高、划艇500米要在多长时间以内等等。 "Only when I reached all my daily goals, I would go ashore," Xu says. 徐诗晓说:“每天只有达到设定的目标后,我才会上岸。” It was a hot July in 2017 in Nanchang, where temperatures can reach 40 C in summer. Xu exposed herself to the scorching sun for hours every day, kneeling on her canoe. Her skin was sunburned. Blisters formed, crusted over, healed and broke out again. But her daily regimen was hardly affected. 2017年7月,南昌天气炎热,温度直逼40℃。徐诗晓跪在皮划艇上,每天在大太阳下一练就是好几个小时。皮肤都被晒伤了,手上也起了水泡,结成皮痂,好了又破,反反复复。但她依旧每天都在坚持。 "At the beginning, it really hurt. When the pain reached a peak, I couldn't feel my arms and finally became numb," she adds. “最开始的时候,真的很疼。最疼的时候,我都感觉不到胳膊的存在了,最后就麻木了。” The more than two months of grueling training finally paid off. Xu won two gold medals at the 13th National Games in two women's canoe events, which meant she would be part of the national team to compete in the Canoe Sprint World Championships by the International Canoe Federation-for qualification to the Tokyo Olympic Games. 超两个多月的魔鬼训练终究换来了回报。在第十三届全国运动会上,徐诗晓夺得两枚女子划艇金牌,并由此成功入选国家队,代表中国参加国际皮划艇联合会举办的世界皮划艇锦标赛, 争夺2020东京奥运会入场券。 图源:徐诗晓微博 Xu's coach, Peng Hao, says Xu is an excellent athlete. 徐诗晓的教练彭浩说徐诗晓是一名杰出的运动员。 "She made all efforts to reach the goal and never gave up. She has a strong heart to face high pressure," says Peng. 彭教练说:“为达到目标,她付出了所有努力,从来不说放弃。她有一颗强心脏来抵御高压。” Xu was born in a small county in a mountainous area in Jiangxi. Her mother farmed at home while her father worked in a factory. She started to help her mother do farm work and housework when she was a little girl. 徐诗晓出生在江西山区的一个小县城。她的妈妈在家务农,爸爸在工厂上班。很小的时候,她就开始帮妈妈干农活、做家务。 Before becoming a paddler, Xu couldn't even swim since her hometown is surrounded by mountains. 依山长大,徐诗晓在成为皮划艇运动员之前,甚至连游泳都不会。 In 2005, the 13-year-old, who was much taller than her peers, attracted the attention of a rowing coach who came to look for potential paddlers in her school. 2005年,一位划艇教练来到徐诗晓的学校,想发掘一些皮划艇运动员苗子。徐诗晓当时13岁,比同龄孩子都要高,吸引了这位教练的注意。 Xu agreed to train at a rowing center because she thought rowing a boat was fun. 因为觉得划船有意思,徐诗晓便同意开始在一个皮划艇中心接受训练。 Unlike rowing in which the athlete sits on a boat and rows on two sides, canoeing requires paddlers to kneel on one leg and paddle on a single side. To stay balanced is quite difficult. 在一般划船运动中,运动员坐在船上、两边划桨。与此不同,划艇运动要求运动员一条腿半跪,手持浆在一侧划水。保持平衡非常难。 "Every day my canoe turned over dozens of times. I drank lots of water in rivers," recalls Xu of her first canoeing training. 回忆起第一次训练,徐诗晓说:“我的艇每天都要翻十几次,我呛了好多水。” Xu kept training for a year and she made the final of a national race for teenage athletes out of a dozen paddlers at the center. The training involved to get this far bordered on torture. 经过一年多的训练,徐诗晓从中心一众划艇运动员中脱颖而出,进入到了一场国家级青年运动员比赛的决赛中。走到这一步,她已身经百炼。 In 2013, the news that women's canoeing was still not an Olympic event dealt her a heavy blow. No Games, no competitions. Xu's coach suggested her to either change to another sport or to retire. 2013年,女子皮划艇仍未列入奥运比赛项目,这给了徐诗晓一记重击。没有奥运会,没有比赛。徐诗晓的教练建议她要么换个项目,要么就退役。 It was impossible for her to change the sport at age 21. Xu gave up her career and found her first job as a saleswoman in a furniture company. The next year, she was promoted as a human resources manager. 对彼时已经21岁徐诗晓来说,换项目是不可能的。于是,她选择退役,并开始了自己的第一份工作,在家具公司做销售。次年,她被提拔为人事经理。 "I never thought that one day I could go back to the sport. Now that I have started again, I will do my best," says Xu. 徐诗晓说:“我从来没想过有一天能重回这项运动。既然我重新开始了,我就会尽最大努力。” She adds that her former boss even kept her position for several months in case she returned. 徐诗晓透露说,她的前老板在她辞职后,还为她保留了几个月的职位,想着万一她还要回公司。 In 2018, she won the 500m women's single event at the Canoe Slalom World Cup in Hungary. In 2019, she partnered with Sun, then 18, to get their ticket for the Tokyo Olympics by winning gold at the ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships. 2018年,皮划艇世界杯匈牙利站,徐诗晓获得500米女子单人划艇冠军。2019年,徐诗晓与当时仅18岁的孙梦雅搭档,向世界皮划艇锦标赛金牌发起冲击,争夺东京奥运会入场券。 Compared with athletes who are in their early 20s, Xu's physical recovery is slower. But the career expectancy for athletes has got longer. 和那些20岁出头的运动员相比,徐诗晓的身体恢复起来没那么快。但在这个时代,运动员们的职业生涯有所延伸。 "Age is not a problem anymore for an athlete in the era of technology," says Xu. 徐诗晓说:“在科技时代,年龄对运动员来说不再是什么问题了。” The Olympic medalist will participate in competitions at home and abroad this year. She is also looking forward to taking part in the Paris Olympics in 2024. 今年,徐诗晓还将参加国内外多项赛事,她本人也期待在巴黎奥运会上一展风采。 编辑:李金昳 周婵 记者:邓章瑜 录音:Stephanie Stone 实习生:申乐 舒好
When Xu Shixiao went to work as usual in a furniture company in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, five years ago, she was surprised to get a call from her former coach, inquiring about her willingness to return to canoeing and compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Xu quickly made her decision. "I quit my job as a human resources manager, informed my family and went back to training three days later. There was not much time left for me to prepare for the Olympics," Xu recalls. On Aug 7, Xu and her partner, Sun Mengya, won gold in the first women's canoe double 500m event at the Tokyo Games. It was also the first Olympic gold medal for China in the event. Yet Xu's journey to the Olympics was bumpy-she faced lots of difficulties, such as her physical condition after years of retirement and her parents' opposition because they thought it was time for her to get married. "It was really a hard decision for me to go back to being an athlete after four years of retirement," says Xu. "I didn't want to regret not competing for a gold medal. I desired to be a champion. I had nothing to lose even if I failed." To catch the opportunity to go back to canoeing on the international level, Xu started her training-"as cruel as hell". She began her daily exercises early morning and ended at 10:30 pm. Every day, she would set several detailed goals for her training, such as how high the heart rate should be when paddling a canoe and how long it should take her for 500-meter paddling. "Only when I reached all my daily goals, I would go ashore," Xu says. It was a hot July in 2017 in Nanchang, where temperatures can reach 40 C in summer. Xu exposed herself to the scorching sun for hours every day, kneeling on her canoe. Her skin was sunburned. Blisters formed, crusted over, healed and broke out again. But her daily regimen was hardly affected. "At the beginning, it really hurt. When the pain reached a peak, I couldn't feel my arms and finally became numb," she adds. The more than two months of grueling training finally paid off. Xu won two gold medals at the 13th National Games in two women's canoe events, which meant she would be part of the national team to compete in the Canoe Sprint World Championships by the International Canoe Federation-for qualification to the Tokyo Olympic Games. Xu's coach, Peng Hao, says Xu is an excellent athlete. "She made all efforts to reach the goal and never gave up. She has a strong heart to face high pressure," says Peng. Xu was born in a small county in a mountainous area in Jiangxi. Her mother farmed at home while her father worked in a factory. She started to help her mother do farm work and housework when she was a little girl. Before becoming a paddler, Xu couldn't even swim since her hometown is surrounded by mountains. In 2005, the 13-year-old, who was much taller than her peers, attracted the attention of a rowing coach who came to look for potential paddlers in her school. Xu agreed to train at a rowing center because she thought rowing a boat was fun. Unlike rowing in which the athlete sits on a boat and rows on two sides, canoeing requires paddlers to kneel on one leg and paddle on a single side. To stay balanced is quite difficult. "Every day my canoe turned over dozens of times. I drank lots of water in rivers," recalls Xu of her first canoeing training. Xu kept training for a year and she made the final of a national race for teenage athletes out of a dozen paddlers at the center. The training involved to get this far bordered on torture. In 2013, the news that women's canoeing was still not an Olympic event dealt her a heavy blow. No Games, no competitions. Xu's coach suggested her to either change to another sport or to retire. It was impossible for her to change the sport at age 21. Xu gave up her career and found her first job as a saleswoman in a furniture company. The next year, she was promoted as a human resources manager. "I never thought that one day I could go back to the sport. Now that I have started again, I will do my best," says Xu. She adds that her former boss even kept her position for several months in case she returned. In 2018, she won the 500m women's single event at the Canoe Slalom World Cup in Hungary. In 2019, she partnered with Sun, then 18, to get their ticket for the Tokyo Olympics by winning gold at the ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships. Compared with athletes who are in their early 20s, Xu's physical recovery is slower. But the career expectancy for athletes has got longer. "Age is not a problem anymore for an athlete in the era of technology," says Xu. The Olympic medalist will participate in competitions at home and abroad this year. She is also looking forward to taking part in the Paris Olympics in 2024.
徐诗晓(左)和孙梦雅(右)获得东京奥运会女子500米双人划艇金牌 中国日报/受访者供图 五年前,在江西南昌一家家具公司工作的徐诗晓,像往常一样上班时意外接到了前教练的电话,询问她是否有意愿重返皮划艇赛场,参加东京奥运会。很快,徐诗晓就做出了决定。 她回忆说:“我辞掉人事经理的工作,告诉了家人我的决定,在三天后就开始重新训练。留给我备战奥运的时间不多了。” 8月7日,徐诗晓和搭档孙梦雅获得东京奥运会女子500米双人划艇金牌,这也是中国首次在该项目上获得奥运金牌。 徐诗晓的奥运之路并非一帆风顺,而是困难重重:退役多年,她的身体状况不及从前;因为觉得她到了结婚的年龄了,父母也不支持她重返赛场。 徐诗晓说:“退役四年后再恢复运动员的身份对我来说是蛮难的。” “我不想因为放弃争夺奥运金牌而后悔。我想当冠军。就算失败了,我也没什么可失去的。” 为了抓住在国际赛场上竞技划艇的机会,徐诗晓开始了地狱般的训练。她一大早就开始日常训练,一直练到晚上十点半。 每天,她都会设定一些具体的训练目标,比如划桨的时候心率要控制在多高、划艇500米要在多长时间以内等等。 徐诗晓说:“每天只有达到设定的目标后,我才会上岸。” 2017年7月,南昌天气炎热,温度直逼40℃。徐诗晓跪在皮划艇上,每天在大太阳下一练就是好几个小时。皮肤都被晒伤了,手上也起了水泡,结成皮痂,好了又破,反反复复。但她依旧每天都在坚持。 “最开始的时候,真的很疼。最疼的时候,我都感觉不到胳膊的存在了,最后就麻木了。” 超两个多月的魔鬼训练终究换来了回报。在第十三届全国运动会上,徐诗晓夺得两枚女子划艇金牌,并由此成功入选国家队,代表中国参加国际皮划艇联合会举办的世界皮划艇锦标赛, 争夺2020东京奥运会入场券。 图源:徐诗晓微博 徐诗晓的教练彭浩说徐诗晓是一名杰出的运动员。 彭教练说:“为达到目标,她付出了所有努力,从来不说放弃。她有一颗强心脏来抵御高压。” 徐诗晓出生在江西山区的一个小县城。她的妈妈在家务农,爸爸在工厂上班。很小的时候,她就开始帮妈妈干农活、做家务。 依山长大,徐诗晓在成为皮划艇运动员之前,甚至连游泳都不会。 2005年,一位划艇教练来到徐诗晓的学校,想发掘一些皮划艇运动员苗子。徐诗晓当时13岁,比同龄孩子都要高,吸引了这位教练的注意。 因为觉得划船有意思,徐诗晓便同意开始在一个皮划艇中心接受训练。 在一般划船运动中,运动员坐在船上、两边划桨。与此不同,划艇运动要求运动员一条腿半跪,手持浆在一侧划水。保持平衡非常难。 回忆起第一次训练,徐诗晓说:“我的艇每天都要翻十几次,我呛了好多水。” 经过一年多的训练,徐诗晓从中心一众划艇运动员中脱颖而出,进入到了一场国家级青年运动员比赛的决赛中。走到这一步,她已身经百炼。 2013年,女子皮划艇仍未列入奥运比赛项目,这给了徐诗晓一记重击。没有奥运会,没有比赛。徐诗晓的教练建议她要么换个项目,要么就退役。 对彼时已经21岁徐诗晓来说,换项目是不可能的。于是,她选择退役,并开始了自己的第一份工作,在家具公司做销售。次年,她被提拔为人事经理。 徐诗晓说:“我从来没想过有一天能重回这项运动。既然我重新开始了,我就会尽最大努力。” 徐诗晓透露说,她的前老板在她辞职后,还为她保留了几个月的职位,想着万一她还要回公司。 2018年,皮划艇世界杯匈牙利站,徐诗晓获得500米女子单人划艇冠军。2019年,徐诗晓与当时仅18岁的孙梦雅搭档,向世界皮划艇锦标赛金牌发起冲击,争夺东京奥运会入场券。 和那些20岁出头的运动员相比,徐诗晓的身体恢复起来没那么快。但在这个时代,运动员们的职业生涯有所延伸。 徐诗晓说:“在科技时代,年龄对运动员来说不再是什么问题了。” 今年,徐诗晓还将参加国内外多项赛事,她本人也期待在巴黎奥运会上一展风采。 编辑:李金昳 周婵 记者:邓章瑜 录音:Stephanie Stone 实习生:申乐 舒好
戴着口罩呼吸不畅,说话吃东西也不方便,大家都很怀念不戴口罩的日子,但是有一个好消息也许能让你再继续撑下去,那就是研究发现,戴口罩能让人看上去更有魅力! [Photo/Pexels] There have been precious few positives during the Covid pandemic but British academics may have unearthed one: people look more attractive in protective masks. 新冠疫情期间的正面新闻少之又少,然而英国学者们却给我们带来了一则积极的讯息,那就是戴口罩会让人看起来更有魅力。 Researchers at Cardiff University were surprised to find that both men and women were judged to look better with a face covering obscuring the lower half of their faces. 卡迪夫大学的研究人员惊讶地发现,在脸的下半部分被遮住时,男性和女性看上去都更有魅力了。 In what may be a blow for producers of fashionable coverings – and the environment – they also discovered that a face covered with a disposable-type surgical mask was likely to be deemed the most appealing. 研究人员还发现,戴一次性外科口罩的脸被认为最有吸引力,这也许对时尚口罩的生产商和环境都是一个打击。 Dr Michael Lewis, a reader from Cardiff University’s school of psychology and an expert in faces, said research carried out before the pandemic had found that medical face masks reduced attractiveness because they were associated with disease or illness. 卡迪夫大学心理学院高级讲师、面部专家迈克尔·路易斯博士表示,疫情前开展的研究发现,由于口罩和疾病的关联性,戴医用口罩会降低魅力值。 "We wanted to test whether this had changed since face coverings became ubiquitous and understand whether the type of mask had any effect,” he said. 他说:“如今口罩无处不在,我们想测试这种情况是否发生了改变,并了解不同类型的口罩对魅力值有什么影响。” "Our study suggests faces are considered most attractive when covered by medical face masks. This may be because we’re used to healthcare workers wearing blue masks and now we associate these with people in caring or medical professions. At a time when we feel vulnerable, we may find the wearing of medical masks reassuring and so feel more positive towards the wearer.” “我们的研究表明,人们在佩戴医用口罩时看起来最有魅力。这可能是因为我们习惯看医护人员佩戴蓝色口罩,所以将蓝色口罩和这些人联系在一起。当我们感觉脆弱时,我们可能会觉得戴医用口罩让人很安心,因此对戴医用口罩的人更有好感。” The first part of the research was carried out in February 2021 by which time the British population had become used to wearing masks in some circumstances. Forty-three women were asked to rate on a scale of one to 10 the attractiveness of images of male faces without a mask, wearing a plain cloth mask, a blue medical face mask, and holding a plain black book covering the area a face mask would hide. 研究的第一部分是在2021年2月开展的,当时英国人已经习惯在某些情况下佩戴口罩。研究人员让43名女性分别给不戴口罩、戴棉布口罩、戴蓝色医用口罩或用黑色书盖住下半部分脸的男性颜值打分,最低1分,最高10分。 The participants said those wearing a cloth mask were significantly more attractive than the ones with no masks or whose faces were partly obscured by the book. But the surgical mask – which was just a normal, disposable kind – made the wearer look even better. 参与者表示,戴棉布口罩的人比不戴口罩或一部分脸被书遮住的人看起来有魅力得多。但是戴一次性普通外科口罩的人看起来最有魅力。 "The results run counter to the pre-pandemic research where it was thought masks made people think about disease and the person should be avoided,” said Lewis. 路易斯称:“这一研究结果与疫情前的研究结果相反,疫情前的那次研究认为口罩会让人联想到疾病,从而让人想远离戴口罩的人。” "The pandemic has changed our psychology in how we perceive the wearers of masks. When we see someone wearing a mask we no longer think ‘that person has a disease, I need to stay away’. “疫情改变了我们看待口罩佩戴者的心理。当我们看到有人戴口罩时,我们想到的不再是‘那人有病,我得离远点’。” Lewis said it was also possible that masks made people more attractive because they directed attention to the eyes. He said other studies had found that covering the left or right half of a face also made people look more attractive, partly because the brain fills in the missing gaps and exaggerates the overall impact. 路易斯表示,口罩让人显得更有魅力,也可能是因为戴口罩会让人的注意力转移到眼部。他指出,其他研究发现,遮住左半部或右半部脸会让人看起来更有魅力,某种程度上是因为人们会脑补另一半脸,从而美化整体效果。 The results of the first study has been published in the journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications . A second study has been carried out, in which a group of men look at women in masks; it has yet to be published but Lewis said the results were broadly the same. 该研究的第一项研究结果已发表在期刊《认知研究:原则与启示》上。第二项研究也已经完成,这次是一组男性来给戴不同口罩的女性打分。虽然还未发表,但是路易斯表示结果大致相同。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] There have been precious few positives during the Covid pandemic but British academics may have unearthed one: people look more attractive in protective masks. Researchers at Cardiff University were surprised to find that both men and women were judged to look better with a face covering obscuring the lower half of their faces. In what may be a blow for producers of fashionable coverings – and the environment – they also discovered that a face covered with a disposable-type surgical mask was likely to be deemed the most appealing. Dr Michael Lewis, a reader from Cardiff University’s school of psychology and an expert in faces, said research carried out before the pandemic had found that medical face masks reduced attractiveness because they were associated with disease or illness. "We wanted to test whether this had changed since face coverings became ubiquitous and understand whether the type of mask had any effect,” he said. "Our study suggests faces are considered most attractive when covered by medical face masks. This may be because we’re used to healthcare workers wearing blue masks and now we associate these with people in caring or medical professions. At a time when we feel vulnerable, we may find the wearing of medical masks reassuring and so feel more positive towards the wearer.” The first part of the research was carried out in February 2021 by which time the British population had become used to wearing masks in some circumstances. Forty-three women were asked to rate on a scale of one to 10 the attractiveness of images of male faces without a mask, wearing a plain cloth mask, a blue medical face mask, and holding a plain black book covering the area a face mask would hide. The participants said those wearing a cloth mask were significantly more attractive than the ones with no masks or whose faces were partly obscured by the book. But the surgical mask – which was just a normal, disposable kind – made the wearer look even better. "The results run counter to the pre-pandemic research where it was thought masks made people think about disease and the person should be avoided,” said Lewis. "The pandemic has changed our psychology in how we perceive the wearers of masks. When we see someone wearing a mask we no longer think ‘that person has a disease, I need to stay away’. Lewis said it was also possible that masks made people more attractive because they directed attention to the eyes. He said other studies had found that covering the left or right half of a face also made people look more attractive, partly because the brain fills in the missing gaps and exaggerates the overall impact. The results of the first study has been published in the journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications . A second study has been carried out, in which a group of men look at women in masks; it has yet to be published but Lewis said the results were broadly the same.
戴着口罩呼吸不畅,说话吃东西也不方便,大家都很怀念不戴口罩的日子,但是有一个好消息也许能让你再继续撑下去,那就是研究发现,戴口罩能让人看上去更有魅力! 新冠疫情期间的正面新闻少之又少,然而英国学者们却给我们带来了一则积极的讯息,那就是戴口罩会让人看起来更有魅力。 卡迪夫大学的研究人员惊讶地发现,在脸的下半部分被遮住时,男性和女性看上去都更有魅力了。 研究人员还发现,戴一次性外科口罩的脸被认为最有吸引力,这也许对时尚口罩的生产商和环境都是一个打击。 卡迪夫大学心理学院高级讲师、面部专家迈克尔·路易斯博士表示,疫情前开展的研究发现,由于口罩和疾病的关联性,戴医用口罩会降低魅力值。 他说:“如今口罩无处不在,我们想测试这种情况是否发生了改变,并了解不同类型的口罩对魅力值有什么影响。” “我们的研究表明,人们在佩戴医用口罩时看起来最有魅力。这可能是因为我们习惯看医护人员佩戴蓝色口罩,所以将蓝色口罩和这些人联系在一起。当我们感觉脆弱时,我们可能会觉得戴医用口罩让人很安心,因此对戴医用口罩的人更有好感。” 研究的第一部分是在2021年2月开展的,当时英国人已经习惯在某些情况下佩戴口罩。研究人员让43名女性分别给不戴口罩、戴棉布口罩、戴蓝色医用口罩或用黑色书盖住下半部分脸的男性颜值打分,最低1分,最高10分。 参与者表示,戴棉布口罩的人比不戴口罩或一部分脸被书遮住的人看起来有魅力得多。但是戴一次性普通外科口罩的人看起来最有魅力。 路易斯称:“这一研究结果与疫情前的研究结果相反,疫情前的那次研究认为口罩会让人联想到疾病,从而让人想远离戴口罩的人。” “疫情改变了我们看待口罩佩戴者的心理。当我们看到有人戴口罩时,我们想到的不再是‘那人有病,我得离远点’。” 路易斯表示,口罩让人显得更有魅力,也可能是因为戴口罩会让人的注意力转移到眼部。他指出,其他研究发现,遮住左半部或右半部脸会让人看起来更有魅力,某种程度上是因为人们会脑补另一半脸,从而美化整体效果。 该研究的第一项研究结果已发表在期刊《认知研究:原则与启示》上。第二项研究也已经完成,这次是一组男性来给戴不同口罩的女性打分。虽然还未发表,但是路易斯表示结果大致相同。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
美国一项研究显示,全球气温上升可能会导致肾结石病例的增加,如果温室气体排放继续保持目前的速度,肾结石病例将增加2.2%至3.9%。 [Photo/IC] Climate change in the coming decades could lead to an increase in cases of kidney stones that would bring huge costs to healthcare systems, according to research by scientists in the United States. 美国科学家的研究显示,未来几十年内的气候变化可能导致肾结石病例增加,这将大大加重医疗系统负担。 A study, published this week in Scientific Reports , found that even if measures are put in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there would still be a rise in cases of the painful condition. 本周发表在《科学报告》上的一项研究发现,即使采取措施减少温室气体排放,这样肾结石病例仍会增加。 A research team from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia knew from previous studies that high temperatures and dehydration increase the risk of developing kidney stones. 费城儿童医院的一个研究小组此前进行的一项研究显示,高温和脱水会增加患肾结石的风险。 With this latest study, the scientists sought to project how climate change will impact the burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems in the future, reported The Independent newspaper. 据英国《独立报》报道,通过这项最新研究,科学家们试图预测未来气候变化将如何影响肾结石疾病给医疗系统造成的负担。 Kidney stone disease is caused by hard deposits of minerals that develop in concentrated urine and cause pain when passing through the urinary tract. The researchers said incidence of the condition has increased in the last 20 years. 肾结石是由尿液中形成的坚硬矿物质沉积物引起的,通过尿路时会引起疼痛。研究人员称,在过去20年中,这种疾病的发病率有所上升。 The scientists created a model to estimate the impact of heat on future kidney stone presentations in the southeastern US state of South Carolina, which has a higher incidence of kidney stone disease. 科学家们建立模型估算高温对未来美国东南部南卡罗来纳州肾结石疾病情况的影响。该州肾结石发病率较高。 The model predicted that the number of cases will increase between 2.2 percent and 3.9 percent by the year 2089, depending on projected daily temperatures under two climate change scenarios. 该模型预测,到2089年,肾结石病例数量将增加2.2%至3.9%,具体取决于在两种气候变化情景下预测的每日温度。 In the first scenario, greenhouse gas emissions are cut to an intermediate level as humans shift to using lower-emissions sources of energy, while in the second, emissions continue at the current rate. 在第一种情况下,随着人类转向使用排放量较低的能源,温室气体排放量被削减到中等水平,而在第二种情况下,排放量继续以目前的速度增长。 In the first scenario, average temperatures increase by 2.3 C by 2100, compared with 3.6 C in the second. These projections were taken from studies made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 在第一种情况下,到2100年时平均温度上升2.3摄氏度,而在第二种情况下平均温度上升3.6摄氏度。这些数据预测来自联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会的研究。 In comments with a news release, Gregory E Tasian, a urologist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and senior author of the study, said: "While it is impossible to predict with certainty how future policies will slow or hasten greenhouse gas emission and anthropogenic climate change, and to know exactly what future daily temperatures will be, our analysis suggests that a warming planet will likely cause an increased burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems. 费城儿童医院泌尿科医生、该研究论文的主要作者格雷戈里·塔西安在新闻发布会上表示:“虽然我们不可能确切预测未来政策将如何减缓或加速温室气体排放和人为气候变化,也不可能确切知道未来的每日气温,但我们的分析表明,全球变暖可能会增加肾结石病给医疗系统带来的负担。” "With climate change, we don't often talk about the impact on human health, particularly when it comes to children, but a warming planet will have significant effects on human health. “我们不经常谈论气候变化对人类健康的影响,特别是对儿童的影响,但全球变暖将对人类健康产生重大影响。” "As paediatric researchers, we have a duty to explore the burden of climate change on human health, as the children of today will be living this reality in the future." “作为儿科研究人员,我们有责任探索气候变化对人类健康的影响,因为今天的儿童在未来将生活在这个现实中。” 记者:Brian Chang 编辑:董静 来源:中国日报
[Photo/IC] Climate change in the coming decades could lead to an increase in cases of kidney stones that would bring huge costs to healthcare systems, according to research by scientists in the United States. A study, published this week in Scientific Reports , found that even if measures are put in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there would still be a rise in cases of the painful condition. A research team from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia knew from previous studies that high temperatures and dehydration increase the risk of developing kidney stones. With this latest study, the scientists sought to project how climate change will impact the burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems in the future, reported The Independent newspaper. Kidney stone disease is caused by hard deposits of minerals that develop in concentrated urine and cause pain when passing through the urinary tract. The researchers said incidence of the condition has increased in the last 20 years. The scientists created a model to estimate the impact of heat on future kidney stone presentations in the southeastern US state of South Carolina, which has a higher incidence of kidney stone disease. The model predicted that the number of cases will increase between 2.2 percent and 3.9 percent by the year 2089, depending on projected daily temperatures under two climate change scenarios. In the first scenario, greenhouse gas emissions are cut to an intermediate level as humans shift to using lower-emissions sources of energy, while in the second, emissions continue at the current rate. In the first scenario, average temperatures increase by 2.3 C by 2100, compared with 3.6 C in the second. These projections were taken from studies made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In comments with a news release, Gregory E Tasian, a urologist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and senior author of the study, said: "While it is impossible to predict with certainty how future policies will slow or hasten greenhouse gas emission and anthropogenic climate change, and to know exactly what future daily temperatures will be, our analysis suggests that a warming planet will likely cause an increased burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems. "With climate change, we don't often talk about the impact on human health, particularly when it comes to children, but a warming planet will have significant effects on human health. "As paediatric researchers, we have a duty to explore the burden of climate change on human health, as the children of today will be living this reality in the future."
美国一项研究显示,全球气温上升可能会导致肾结石病例的增加,如果温室气体排放继续保持目前的速度,肾结石病例将增加2.2%至3.9%。 美国科学家的研究显示,未来几十年内的气候变化可能导致肾结石病例增加,这将大大加重医疗系统负担。 本周发表在《科学报告》上的一项研究发现,即使采取措施减少温室气体排放,这样肾结石病例仍会增加。 费城儿童医院的一个研究小组此前进行的一项研究显示,高温和脱水会增加患肾结石的风险。 据英国《独立报》报道,通过这项最新研究,科学家们试图预测未来气候变化将如何影响肾结石疾病给医疗系统造成的负担。 肾结石是由尿液中形成的坚硬矿物质沉积物引起的,通过尿路时会引起疼痛。研究人员称,在过去20年中,这种疾病的发病率有所上升。 科学家们建立模型估算高温对未来美国东南部南卡罗来纳州肾结石疾病情况的影响。该州肾结石发病率较高。 该模型预测,到2089年,肾结石病例数量将增加2.2%至3.9%,具体取决于在两种气候变化情景下预测的每日温度。 在第一种情况下,随着人类转向使用排放量较低的能源,温室气体排放量被削减到中等水平,而在第二种情况下,排放量继续以目前的速度增长。 在第一种情况下,到2100年时平均温度上升2.3摄氏度,而在第二种情况下平均温度上升3.6摄氏度。这些数据预测来自联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会的研究。 费城儿童医院泌尿科医生、该研究论文的主要作者格雷戈里·塔西安在新闻发布会上表示:“虽然我们不可能确切预测未来政策将如何减缓或加速温室气体排放和人为气候变化,也不可能确切知道未来的每日气温,但我们的分析表明,全球变暖可能会增加肾结石病给医疗系统带来的负担。” “我们不经常谈论气候变化对人类健康的影响,特别是对儿童的影响,但全球变暖将对人类健康产生重大影响。” “作为儿科研究人员,我们有责任探索气候变化对人类健康的影响,因为今天的儿童在未来将生活在这个现实中。” 记者:Brian Chang 编辑:董静 来源:中国日报
今冬英国爆发能源危机,燃气费和电费上涨让英国民众苦不堪言。对于贫困家庭用不起暖气的现状,一家供热企业发布了“保暖小妙招”,其中包括抱宠物取暖、做运动、喝粥等。这些保暖建议引发了社会各界的愤怒,最后这家供热企业被迫删除这些建议并道歉。 [Photo/Pexels] A British energy supplier has apologized for the "poorly judged and unhelpful" advice sent to customers which suggested they could snuggle up to their pets and exercise to cut back on their heating bills. 英国的一家供热企业为其发给客户的“不当又无用的”建议而道歉,这些建议包括让客户抱着宠物取暖或做运动来减少暖气开支。 SSE, which is owned by OVO Energy, suggested 10 "simple and cost effective ways to keep warm this winter," according to the Financial Times . 据《金融时报》报道,英国能源巨头OVO旗下的SSE能源公司提出了10个“今冬保暖的省钱小妙招”。 Eating bowls of oatmeal, doing star jumps and cuddling pets were among the recommendations on the now-deleted web page. 这些建议现在已经从网页上删除,其中包括吃燕麦粥、做开合跳动作和拥抱宠物。 In a statement sent to CNN Tuesday, a spokesperson for OVO Energy said: "Recently a link to a blog containing energy saving tips was sent to customers. We understand how difficult the situation will be for many of our customers this year." OVO能源的发言人在1月11日发给美国有线电视新闻网的一则声明中称:“最近一个包含节能小建议的博客链接被发送给了客户。我们理解今年许多客户的情况将会很艰难。” "We are working hard to find meaningful solutions as we approach this energy crisis, and we recognise that the content of this blog was poorly judged and unhelpful. We are embarrassed and sincerely apologize," the spokesperson added. 发言人称:“面对这场能源危机,我们正在努力寻找有意义的解决方案。我们意识到这篇博文的内容不当且无用。我们感到很尴尬,在此致以真诚的歉意。” Some British businesses and households have seen their energy bills rise in recent months, as suppliers grapple with a sharp rise in wholesale gas prices. 由于天然气批发价格的急剧上涨给供热企业造成压力,一些英国企业和家庭发现近几个月的能源开支有所增加。 British consumers will pay roughly £790 more to heat and light their homes this year, according to Bank of America. Wholesale European gas prices have jumped by 400% over the previous year and electricity prices have increased by 300%, the bank's analysts said last week. The increases have been driven by cold weather, nuclear plant outages in France and reduced gas flow from Russia. 美国银行的数据显示,英国消费者今年家中的暖气费和电费支出比往年多出了约790英镑(约合人民币6891元)。美国银行分析师上周指出,欧洲天然气批发价格同比上涨了400%,电价同比上涨了300%。引发价格上涨的原因包括天气寒冷、法国核电站停运和俄罗斯天然气供应减少。 According to National Energy Action, more than 4 million UK households are in the grip of fuel poverty -- a figure which the charity believes could rise by 2 million in April when a cap on energy prices is expected to increase. 英国慈善机构国家能源行动的数据显示,逾400万户英国家庭已陷入了燃料贫困,随着能源价格上限提高,该机构预计到四月份燃料贫困家庭还会再增加200万户。 OVO Energy removed its advice after a wave of angry responses from lawmakers and campaigners. 在遭到立法者和倡导者的愤怒抨击后,OVO能源把他们的建议删除了。 Following the apology, British lawmaker Darren Jones, who chairs Parliament's business select committee, tweeted: "Good, I'm glad they apologised. I'm not sure who signed off a marketing campaign telling people to wear a jumper and eat porridge instead of turning on the heating if you can't afford it." 在道歉声明发布后,英国议员、工商专责委员会主席达伦·琼斯在推特上写道:“很好,我很高兴他们道歉了。我不知道是谁批准了这个营销方案,让人们穿毛衣喝粥而不是打开你没钱支付的暖气。” Halima Begum, head of race equality think tank the Runnymede Trust, criticized the "offensive" and "inconsiderate" advice, particularly in regards to the exercise suggestion and the implications for those who are disabled. 种族平等智囊机构伦尼米德信托基金会会长哈利马·贝古姆批评这些建议“具有冒犯性”并且“不体谅人”,尤其是关于运动的建议对那些残疾人士的不良暗示。 Begum said half of the 7 million people living in poverty in the UK are disabled or live in a family with a person in a wheelchair. "And they should starjump to maintain their basic right to warmth?" she wrote on Twitter. 贝古姆说,英国700万贫困人口有一半身患残疾或家中有坐轮椅的人。她在推特上写道:“难道他们应该做个开合跳来维护自己取暖的基本权利吗?” 英文来源:有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] A British energy supplier has apologized for the "poorly judged and unhelpful" advice sent to customers which suggested they could snuggle up to their pets and exercise to cut back on their heating bills. SSE, which is owned by OVO Energy, suggested 10 "simple and cost effective ways to keep warm this winter," according to the Financial Times . Eating bowls of oatmeal, doing star jumps and cuddling pets were among the recommendations on the now-deleted web page. In a statement sent to CNN Tuesday, a spokesperson for OVO Energy said: "Recently a link to a blog containing energy saving tips was sent to customers. We understand how difficult the situation will be for many of our customers this year." "We are working hard to find meaningful solutions as we approach this energy crisis, and we recognise that the content of this blog was poorly judged and unhelpful. We are embarrassed and sincerely apologize," the spokesperson added. Some British businesses and households have seen their energy bills rise in recent months, as suppliers grapple with a sharp rise in wholesale gas prices. British consumers will pay roughly £790 more to heat and light their homes this year, according to Bank of America. Wholesale European gas prices have jumped by 400% over the previous year and electricity prices have increased by 300%, the bank's analysts said last week. The increases have been driven by cold weather, nuclear plant outages in France and reduced gas flow from Russia. According to National Energy Action, more than 4 million UK households are in the grip of fuel poverty -- a figure which the charity believes could rise by 2 million in April when a cap on energy prices is expected to increase. OVO Energy removed its advice after a wave of angry responses from lawmakers and campaigners. Following the apology, British lawmaker Darren Jones, who chairs Parliament's business select committee, tweeted: "Good, I'm glad they apologised. I'm not sure who signed off a marketing campaign telling people to wear a jumper and eat porridge instead of turning on the heating if you can't afford it." Halima Begum, head of race equality think tank the Runnymede Trust, criticized the "offensive" and "inconsiderate" advice, particularly in regards to the exercise suggestion and the implications for those who are disabled. Begum said half of the 7 million people living in poverty in the UK are disabled or live in a family with a person in a wheelchair. "And they should starjump to maintain their basic right to warmth?" she wrote on Twitter.
今冬英国爆发能源危机,燃气费和电费上涨让英国民众苦不堪言。对于贫困家庭用不起暖气的现状,一家供热企业发布了“保暖小妙招”,其中包括抱宠物取暖、做运动、喝粥等。这些保暖建议引发了社会各界的愤怒,最后这家供热企业被迫删除这些建议并道歉。 英国的一家供热企业为其发给客户的“不当又无用的”建议而道歉,这些建议包括让客户抱着宠物取暖或做运动来减少暖气开支。 据《金融时报》报道,英国能源巨头OVO旗下的SSE能源公司提出了10个“今冬保暖的省钱小妙招”。 这些建议现在已经从网页上删除,其中包括吃燕麦粥、做开合跳动作和拥抱宠物。 OVO能源的发言人在1月11日发给美国有线电视新闻网的一则声明中称:“最近一个包含节能小建议的博客链接被发送给了客户。我们理解今年许多客户的情况将会很艰难。” 发言人称:“面对这场能源危机,我们正在努力寻找有意义的解决方案。我们意识到这篇博文的内容不当且无用。我们感到很尴尬,在此致以真诚的歉意。” 由于天然气批发价格的急剧上涨给供热企业造成压力,一些英国企业和家庭发现近几个月的能源开支有所增加。 美国银行的数据显示,英国消费者今年家中的暖气费和电费支出比往年多出了约790英镑(约合人民币6891元)。美国银行分析师上周指出,欧洲天然气批发价格同比上涨了400%,电价同比上涨了300%。引发价格上涨的原因包括天气寒冷、法国核电站停运和俄罗斯天然气供应减少。 英国慈善机构国家能源行动的数据显示,逾400万户英国家庭已陷入了燃料贫困,随着能源价格上限提高,该机构预计到四月份燃料贫困家庭还会再增加200万户。 在遭到立法者和倡导者的愤怒抨击后,OVO能源把他们的建议删除了。 在道歉声明发布后,英国议员、工商专责委员会主席达伦·琼斯在推特上写道:“很好,我很高兴他们道歉了。我不知道是谁批准了这个营销方案,让人们穿毛衣喝粥而不是打开你没钱支付的暖气。” 种族平等智囊机构伦尼米德信托基金会会长哈利马·贝古姆批评这些建议“具有冒犯性”并且“不体谅人”,尤其是关于运动的建议对那些残疾人士的不良暗示。 贝古姆说,英国700万贫困人口有一半身患残疾或家中有坐轮椅的人。她在推特上写道:“难道他们应该做个开合跳来维护自己取暖的基本权利吗?” 英文来源:有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据英国广播公司报道,世界卫生组织官员11日表示,变异新冠病毒奥密克戎毒株正在欧洲区域肆虐,按照当前传播速度,预计未来6至8周,欧洲超过一半人口可能感染奥密克戎。 [Photo/Xinhua] The World Health Organization has warned that half of Europe will have caught the Omicron Covid-19 variant within the next six to eight weeks. 世界卫生组织警告,在未来6到8周内,欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株。 The projection was based on the seven million new cases reported across Europe in the first week of 2022. 该预测基于2022年第一周全欧洲报告的700万新增病例。 The number of infections has more than doubled in a two-week period. 感染人数在两周内翻了一番以上。 "Today the Omicron variant represents a new west-to-east tidal wave, sweeping across the region on top of the Delta surge that all countries were managing until late 2021," Dr Hans Kluge told a news conference. 汉斯·克鲁格博士在新闻发布会上表示:“如今,奥密克戎毒株正自西向东席卷整个欧洲,直到2021年底,所有国家还都在控制德尔塔毒株的迅速传播。” [Photo/Xinhua] He quoted the Seattle-based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation as forecasting that "more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks". 他引用位于西雅图的卫生计量与评估研究所的预测,“欧洲50%以上的人口将在未来6到8周内感染奥密克戎”。 He said European and Central Asian countries remained under "intense pressure" as the virus spread from western countries into the Balkans. 克鲁格博士称,随着病毒从西方国家传播到巴尔干半岛,欧洲和中亚国家仍然面临“巨大压力”。 Note: Balkans 巴尔干(位于欧洲东南部,包括萨瓦河和多瑙河以南诸国) "How each country now responds must be informed by its epidemiological situation, available resources, vaccination uptake status and socio-economic context", he added. 他补充道:“各国现在必须根据其流行病学情况、可用资源、疫苗接种情况和社会经济环境来确定如何应对。” Recent studies suggest that Omicron is less likely to make people seriously ill than previous Covid-19 variants. But Omicron is still highly contagious and can infect people even if they are fully vaccinated. 最近的研究表明,与以前的新冠病毒变种相比,感染奥密克戎发展为重症的可能更低。但奥密克戎毒株仍具有高度传染性,即使完成疫苗接种的人也可能感染。 The record number of people catching it has left health systems under severe strain. 创纪录的感染人数使卫生系统承受着巨大的压力。 On Monday, the UK reported a further 142,224 confirmed cases of the virus and 77 deaths. A number of hospitals have declared "critical" incidents due to staff absences and rising pressures caused by Covid-19. 1月10日,英国报告了142224例新增新冠肺炎确诊病例和77例死亡病例。一些医院宣称,由于员工缺勤和新冠肺炎带来的压力不断上升,出现了“危机”事件。 Elsewhere, hospital numbers are also rising. France's Health Minister Olivier Veran warned last week that January would be tough for hospitals. 在其他地方,住院病例数量也在上升。法国卫生部长奥利维尔·韦兰上周警告,1月份对医院来说将是艰难的。 He added that Omicron patients were taking up "conventional" beds in hospitals while Delta was putting a strain on ICU departments. 他还表示,奥密克戎感染病例在医院里占据了“普通”床位,而德尔塔给重症监护病房带来了压力。 In eastern Europe, Poland reported that 100,000 people had died from the virus in the country since the start of the pandemic. Poland now has the sixth-highest mortality rate in the world from Covid-19, and almost 40% of its population remains unvaccinated. 在东欧,波兰报告称,疫情暴发后该国已有10万人死于新冠。波兰目前的新冠肺炎病死率为全球第六,而其近40%的人口未接种疫苗。 In Russia, top consumer health official Anna Popova told a meeting of the government's coronavirus task force that without action to control the spread of the virus, the daily number of new Covid-19 cases there could reach 100,000. 俄罗斯联邦消费者权益保护和公益监督局局长安娜·波波娃在政府新冠病毒工作组的会议上称,如果不采取行动控制新冠病毒的传播,那么俄罗斯每日新增新冠病例可能达到10万例。 The daily infection rate had recently been declining from a peak of 41,335 cases recorded in early November, Reuters news agency reports. 据路透社报道,日感染率最近从11月初记录的41335例高峰开始下降。 Ms Popova said 305 known cases of the Omicron variant had been detected so far, in 13 of the country's regions. Russia has registered at least 311,281 deaths and 10.5 million cases to date. 波波娃称,到目前已知,在俄罗斯13个地区发现了305例奥密克戎感染病例。迄今为止,俄罗斯已统计至少311281例新冠肺炎死亡病例和1050万例确诊病例。 On Monday, the pharmaceutical firm Pfizer said it would be able to launch a version of its vaccine that offers special protection against Omicron, to be rolled out in March. Health experts say it is not yet clear whether this is needed. 1月10日,辉瑞制药公司表示,将于3月份推出一种针对奥密克戎的特殊防护疫苗。卫生专家称,目前尚不清楚是否有必要这样做。 来源:BBC 编辑:董静
[Photo/Xinhua] The World Health Organization has warned that half of Europe will have caught the Omicron Covid-19 variant within the next six to eight weeks. The projection was based on the seven million new cases reported across Europe in the first week of 2022. The number of infections has more than doubled in a two-week period. "Today the Omicron variant represents a new west-to-east tidal wave, sweeping across the region on top of the Delta surge that all countries were managing until late 2021," Dr Hans Kluge told a news conference. [Photo/Xinhua] He quoted the Seattle-based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation as forecasting that "more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks". He said European and Central Asian countries remained under "intense pressure" as the virus spread from western countries into the Balkans. Note: "How each country now responds must be informed by its epidemiological situation, available resources, vaccination uptake status and socio-economic context", he added. Recent studies suggest that Omicron is less likely to make people seriously ill than previous Covid-19 variants. But Omicron is still highly contagious and can infect people even if they are fully vaccinated. The record number of people catching it has left health systems under severe strain. On Monday, the UK reported a further 142,224 confirmed cases of the virus and 77 deaths. A number of hospitals have declared "critical" incidents due to staff absences and rising pressures caused by Covid-19. Elsewhere, hospital numbers are also rising. France's Health Minister Olivier Veran warned last week that January would be tough for hospitals. He added that Omicron patients were taking up "conventional" beds in hospitals while Delta was putting a strain on ICU departments. In eastern Europe, Poland reported that 100,000 people had died from the virus in the country since the start of the pandemic. Poland now has the sixth-highest mortality rate in the world from Covid-19, and almost 40% of its population remains unvaccinated. In Russia, top consumer health official Anna Popova told a meeting of the government's coronavirus task force that without action to control the spread of the virus, the daily number of new Covid-19 cases there could reach 100,000. The daily infection rate had recently been declining from a peak of 41,335 cases recorded in early November, Reuters news agency reports. Ms Popova said 305 known cases of the Omicron variant had been detected so far, in 13 of the country's regions. Russia has registered at least 311,281 deaths and 10.5 million cases to date. On Monday, the pharmaceutical firm Pfizer said it would be able to launch a version of its vaccine that offers special protection against Omicron, to be rolled out in March. Health experts say it is not yet clear whether this is needed.
据英国广播公司报道,世界卫生组织官员11日表示,变异新冠病毒奥密克戎毒株正在欧洲区域肆虐,按照当前传播速度,预计未来6至8周,欧洲超过一半人口可能感染奥密克戎。 世界卫生组织警告,在未来6到8周内,欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株。 该预测基于2022年第一周全欧洲报告的700万新增病例。 感染人数在两周内翻了一番以上。 汉斯·克鲁格博士在新闻发布会上表示:“如今,奥密克戎毒株正自西向东席卷整个欧洲,直到2021年底,所有国家还都在控制德尔塔毒株的迅速传播。” 他引用位于西雅图的卫生计量与评估研究所的预测,“欧洲50%以上的人口将在未来6到8周内感染奥密克戎”。 克鲁格博士称,随着病毒从西方国家传播到巴尔干半岛,欧洲和中亚国家仍然面临“巨大压力”。 Balkans 巴尔干(位于欧洲东南部,包括萨瓦河和多瑙河以南诸国) 他补充道:“各国现在必须根据其流行病学情况、可用资源、疫苗接种情况和社会经济环境来确定如何应对。” 最近的研究表明,与以前的新冠病毒变种相比,感染奥密克戎发展为重症的可能更低。但奥密克戎毒株仍具有高度传染性,即使完成疫苗接种的人也可能感染。 创纪录的感染人数使卫生系统承受着巨大的压力。 1月10日,英国报告了142224例新增新冠肺炎确诊病例和77例死亡病例。一些医院宣称,由于员工缺勤和新冠肺炎带来的压力不断上升,出现了“危机”事件。 在其他地方,住院病例数量也在上升。法国卫生部长奥利维尔·韦兰上周警告,1月份对医院来说将是艰难的。 他还表示,奥密克戎感染病例在医院里占据了“普通”床位,而德尔塔给重症监护病房带来了压力。 在东欧,波兰报告称,疫情暴发后该国已有10万人死于新冠。波兰目前的新冠肺炎病死率为全球第六,而其近40%的人口未接种疫苗。 俄罗斯联邦消费者权益保护和公益监督局局长安娜·波波娃在政府新冠病毒工作组的会议上称,如果不采取行动控制新冠病毒的传播,那么俄罗斯每日新增新冠病例可能达到10万例。 据路透社报道,日感染率最近从11月初记录的41335例高峰开始下降。 波波娃称,到目前已知,在俄罗斯13个地区发现了305例奥密克戎感染病例。迄今为止,俄罗斯已统计至少311281例新冠肺炎死亡病例和1050万例确诊病例。 1月10日,辉瑞制药公司表示,将于3月份推出一种针对奥密克戎的特殊防护疫苗。卫生专家称,目前尚不清楚是否有必要这样做。 来源:BBC 编辑:董静
今年是世界著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金诞辰80周年,这位把生命活成奇迹的人在世时曾说过了不少经典名言,一起来回顾一下。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. ON HIS SCHOOLING 关于上学 "At school, I was never more than about halfway up the class. It was a very bright class. My classwork was very untidy, and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers. But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein, so presumably they saw signs of something better. When I was twelve, one of my friends bet another friend a bag of sweets that I would never come to anything. I don't know if this bet was ever settled, and if so, which way it was decided." “在学校时,我的学习一直都是中不溜。班里的同学都很聪明。我的作业写得很乱,我的那笔字让老师头疼。但是我同学给我起绰号叫爱因斯坦,显然他们觉得我还是有点才华的。在我12岁那年,我的一个朋友用一包糖和另一个朋友打赌我将会一事无成。我不知道这个赌局有结果了没,如果有,是谁得到了那包糖。” — From the lecture "My Brief History," 2010 ——霍金2010年讲座《我的简史》 2. ON ALIEN LIFE 关于外星人 "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans. We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet." “如果外星人来拜访我们,结果可能和哥伦布登陆美洲差不多,而哥伦布的到来对美洲原住民并不是什么好事。我们只需看看自己,就能知道外星人大概会变成什么样的凶神恶煞。” — From Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking , 2010 ——《与霍金一起了解宇宙》,2010年 3. ON FATE VERSUS FREE WILL 关于命运和自由意志 "I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." “我注意到,即使那些声称一切都已注定、人力无法改变天意的人在过马路的时候还是会左看右看。” — From Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays ——《黑洞、小宇宙和其他论文》 4. ON IMPERFECTION 关于不完美 "Next time someone complains that you have made a mistake, tell him that may be a good thing. Because without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist." “下一次有人抱怨你犯错时,告诉他这可能是件好事。因为如果没有不完美,你和我都不会存在。” — From Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking , 2010 ——《与霍金一起了解宇宙》,2010年 5. ON HIS IQ 关于智商 "I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers." “我对自己的智商没概念。吹嘘自己智商的人都是失败者。” — To The New York Times , December 2004 ——2004年12月,霍金致《纽约时报》的信 6. ON WOMEN 关于女人 "They are a complete mystery.” “女人完全是个谜。” — To New Scientist , January 2012 ——2012年1月,霍金致《新科学家》杂志的信 7. ON THE ADVICE HE GAVE HIS CHILDREN 给孩子的建议 "One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away." “第一,要记得仰望星辰,而不是低头看脚。第二,永远不要放弃工作。工作赋予你意义和目标,没有工作的人生是空虚的。第三,如果你有幸得到了爱情,不要忘记爱情的存在,也不要抛弃爱情。” — To Diane Sawyer/ABC News, June 2010 ——2010年6月,霍金告诉美国广播公司新闻节目的黛安·索耶 8. ON OPTIMISM 关于乐观 "Most of the threats we face come from the progress we’ve made in science and technology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we must recognize the dangers and control them. I’m an optimist, and I believe we can." “我们所面临的大部分威胁来自我们在科技上取得的进展。我们不会停止科技进步或逆向而行,因此我们必须意识到这些危险并加以控制。我是个乐观主义者,我相信我们能控制住。” — To the Radio Times , January 2016 ——2016年1月,霍金致《广播时代》杂志的信 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] "At school, I was never more than about halfway up the class. It was a very bright class. My classwork was very untidy, and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers. But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein, so presumably they saw signs of something better. When I was twelve, one of my friends bet another friend a bag of sweets that I would never come to anything. I don't know if this bet was ever settled, and if so, which way it was decided." — From the lecture "My Brief History," 2010 "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans. We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet." — From Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking , 2010 "I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." — From Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays "Next time someone complains that you have made a mistake, tell him that may be a good thing. Because without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist." — From Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking , 2010 "I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers." — To The New York Times , December 2004 "They are a complete mystery.” — To New Scientist , January 2012 "One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away." — To Diane Sawyer/ABC News, June 2010 "Most of the threats we face come from the progress we’ve made in science and technology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we must recognize the dangers and control them. I’m an optimist, and I believe we can." — To the Radio Times , January 2016
今年是世界著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金诞辰80周年,这位把生命活成奇迹的人在世时曾说过了不少经典名言,一起来回顾一下。 1. ON HIS SCHOOLING 关于上学 “在学校时,我的学习一直都是中不溜。班里的同学都很聪明。我的作业写得很乱,我的那笔字让老师头疼。但是我同学给我起绰号叫爱因斯坦,显然他们觉得我还是有点才华的。在我12岁那年,我的一个朋友用一包糖和另一个朋友打赌我将会一事无成。我不知道这个赌局有结果了没,如果有,是谁得到了那包糖。” ——霍金2010年讲座《我的简史》 2. ON ALIEN LIFE 关于外星人 “如果外星人来拜访我们,结果可能和哥伦布登陆美洲差不多,而哥伦布的到来对美洲原住民并不是什么好事。我们只需看看自己,就能知道外星人大概会变成什么样的凶神恶煞。” ——《与霍金一起了解宇宙》,2010年 3. ON FATE VERSUS FREE WILL 关于命运和自由意志 “我注意到,即使那些声称一切都已注定、人力无法改变天意的人在过马路的时候还是会左看右看。” ——《黑洞、小宇宙和其他论文》 4. ON IMPERFECTION 关于不完美 “下一次有人抱怨你犯错时,告诉他这可能是件好事。因为如果没有不完美,你和我都不会存在。” ——《与霍金一起了解宇宙》,2010年 5. ON HIS IQ 关于智商 “我对自己的智商没概念。吹嘘自己智商的人都是失败者。” ——2004年12月,霍金致《纽约时报》的信 6. ON WOMEN 关于女人 “女人完全是个谜。” ——2012年1月,霍金致《新科学家》杂志的信 7. ON THE ADVICE HE GAVE HIS CHILDREN 给孩子的建议 “第一,要记得仰望星辰,而不是低头看脚。第二,永远不要放弃工作。工作赋予你意义和目标,没有工作的人生是空虚的。第三,如果你有幸得到了爱情,不要忘记爱情的存在,也不要抛弃爱情。” ——2010年6月,霍金告诉美国广播公司新闻节目的黛安·索耶 8. ON OPTIMISM 关于乐观 “我们所面临的大部分威胁来自我们在科技上取得的进展。我们不会停止科技进步或逆向而行,因此我们必须意识到这些危险并加以控制。我是个乐观主义者,我相信我们能控制住。” ——2016年1月,霍金致《广播时代》杂志的信 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
中国日报网1月12日电 1月12日,博鳌亚洲论坛秘书处在北京召开2022年年会新闻发布会,论坛秘书长李保东介绍了论坛年会筹备情况。 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Secretariat held a Press Conference in Beijing on January 12 for its 2022 Annual Conference, at which occasion Secretary General Li Baodong briefed on the preparation for the 2022 BFA Annual Conference. 李保东表示,博鳌亚洲论坛将按惯例于2022年春季在海南博鳌举行年会,邀请包括东道国中国在内的国家和政府领导人、政府官员、国际组织负责人、企业代表、专家学者和媒体人士出席会议,共商疫后亚洲与全球发展大计。年会将以线上线下相结合的方式举办,具体日期将在与东道国协商确定后尽快公布。 Li confirmed that BFA will hold its Annual Conference in spring of 2022 at Boao of Hainan Province as usual, where leaders and government officials of various countries including the host country China, politicians, heads of international organizations, guests from business and academia, as well as the media will gather and discuss the post-pandemic development agenda for Asia and the world. This year’s Annual Conference will be an on-site occasion supplemented with online links. The exact date for the Annual Conference is yet to be released after consultation with the host country. 李保东强调,虽然现在很难断言疫情什么时候会彻底结束,但我们必须着眼未来,积极把握和推动疫后世界发展大势,为构建人类命运共同体而努力。中国国家主席习近平提出的全球发展倡议在亚洲和世界引起巨大积极反响,博鳌亚洲论坛2022年年会将聚焦各方最为关注的疫后经济复苏与发展问题,聚焦绿色发展、创新发展、包容发展、合作发展,致力于促进国际团结与合作,致力于推动全球发展。 Li emphasized on the necessity to actively seize and rein the post-pandemic development trend with a forward looking perspective, despite the uncertainty as to when the pandemic would be over. He elaborated that the Global Development Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping has given rise to a heated repercussion in Asia and the whole world. The BFA 2022 Annual Conference will focus on the issues of greatest concern, i.e. the post-pandemic economic recovery and growth issues in terms of green development, innovative development, inclusive development, and collaborative development, so as to promote international solidarity and cooperation, and to drive forward the world economy. 李保东表示,尽管年会具体日期还需视疫情发展等形势最后确定,但不管怎么样,今年春季的年会一定会开,而且有信心开好。 Li explained that the Annual Conference is due to convene in spring although the exact date has to be carefully planned with the situation of Covid-19 pandemic taken into account, and that he’s confident that the Annual Conference will be a success. 李保东表示,为筹备好年会,论坛征求了发起国、理事咨委、会员、合作伙伴、学界、媒体等有关各方的宝贵意见与建议。他介绍了论坛对当前形势的看法以及年会将涉及的六个方面的问题。 Li further introduced the consultation carried out by BFA with the initial countries, Board of Directors, Council of Advisors, members and partners, the academia, and the media for suggestions. He also explained the stand of BFA on the current world configuration and issues touched upon in the following 6 areas. 首先是疫情。当前,新冠疫情仍在全球起伏反复。疫苗分配不均、病毒不断变异等因素极大阻碍了疫情防控的步伐。但疫苗和药物仍然是人类对抗病毒的有力武器。论坛将在今年的年会中进一步总结全球抗疫经验,探讨如何缩小“免疫鸿沟”。 The Covid-19 Pandemic. In spite of the imbalance in vaccines distribution and although the effectiveness of vaccines has been challenged by virus mutations, the vaccines are still highly effective in resisting the virus. BFA Annual Conference will sum up experience of the world in fighting against the pandemic to narrow down the “immunization gap ”. 第二是世界经济。世界经济已经从因疫情导致的衰退中走了出来,总体上保持着复苏势头,但全球经济复苏很不均衡。各国的经济复苏进程与疫情形势及疫苗的接种情况密切相关。作为一个以经济议题为主的论坛,论坛年会将一如既往地探讨全球经济的走势以及产业链、通货膨胀等一系列相关问题。 World Economy.The world economy has been lifted from the recession caused by the pandemic with a non-balanced recovery momentum. The economic recovery of countries are largely related to the pandemic status and vaccination progress. As a Forum specialized in the economic agenda, the BFA Annual Conference will stick to correlative issues and further probe into the trend of world economy and issues including industrial chain, inflation, etc. 第三是绿色复苏与可持续发展。经历了这场世纪疫情,各国普遍更加重视绿色、创新与可持续发展,更加重视碳达峰与碳中和等问题,积极推进经济结构绿色低碳转型。年会将在已有共识的基础上,更多聚焦于实现碳中和的路径和方法。由于疫情的影响,实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标面临巨大挑战。论坛也将在年会中探讨如何促进各国和世界的包容性发展。 Green recovery and sustainable development. After the severe test from the pandemic, there’s prevailing attention by countries on green, innovative and sustainable development, on peak of carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutralization, and on green and low carboned economic restructuring. Based on consensus already reached, the BFA Annual Conference will put more focus on the path and methodology of going carbon neutral. The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are facing tremendous challenge due to the pandemic. BFA will also probe ways to promote inclusive development for the world. 第四是数字经济。当前,数字经济正呈蓬勃发展之势,为疫后世界经济复苏带来很多机遇。中国的数字经济发展走在了世界前列,催生了新产业新业态新模式,出现了一大批令人眼前一亮的新技术、新应用。就全球而言,各主要经济体都很重视市场监管与反垄断,规范行业秩序,促进数字经济长远健康发展。在全球化背景下,如何加强数字经济政策协调,进一步促进数字经济发展,同时维护公平竞争,保护个人信息安全,这些都将是论坛年会要讨论的问题。 Digital Economy. At present, digital economy is in the ascendant, bringing opportunities to the recovery of world economy. The development China’s digital economy has taken the lead, giving birth to new industries, new business and business models. Eye-catching new technologies and their applications have emerged. Major economies all attach importance to market regulation and anti-monopoly efforts, and are committed to promote the long term and healthy development of digital economy through sectoral regulations. As to how to coordinate policy making for digital economy, how to promote the development of digital economy, how to promote fair competition, and how to protect individual information safety, the BFA Annual Conference will also seek to answer. 第五是国际合作与全球治理。当前,全球化继续遭遇逆流,国际关系和大国关系中的紧张因素增多,全球治理赤字更加突出。科技创新、公共卫生等问题频频被政治化,给整个世界的经济复苏和共同发展增添了障碍。论坛在征求意见的过程中,有关各方均不约而同地提到“团结”、“信任”、“合作”、“发展”等关键词,普遍认为这是当今世界所最需要的。论坛年会将一如既往地发出支持多边主义与国际合作的呼声,积极促进全球治理。 International cooperation and global governance. Setbacks in globalization, tension in international relations and among major powers in particular, and increasing global governance deficit are featuring the present world. Technological innovation and public health are constantly politicized, creating blocks for world economic recovery and shared development. In BFA’s consultation with various parties, key words of Solidarity, Trust, Cooperation, and Developments have become a common concern of all parties, who believe that these are what the world really needs. The BFA Annual Conference will appeal routinely for the support for multilateralism and international cooperation, in the view to promote global governance. 第六是亚洲区域合作的新发展。今年初区域全面经济伙伴协定(RCEP)正式生效,这是亚太区域合作进程中里程碑式的重要进展,也为全球经济复苏注入了新的动力。地区国家以实际行动,发出了支持自由贸易、维护多边主义的有力声音。论坛年会将进一步探讨如何用好RCEP带来的机遇,如何继续深化亚太区域合作。 Progress of Asian regional cooperation. RCEP takes effect this year, which is a milestone in Asia-Pacific regional cooperation, as well as a boost to the global recovery. Countries in the region voiced their support to free trade and multilateralism with actions. The BFA Annual Conference will explore the opportunities of RCEP and its utilization, so as to deepen cooperation in the region. 论坛2022年年会合作伙伴代表出席发布会。 Representatives of BFA 2022 Annual Conference partners attended the press conference.
Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Secretariat held a Press Conference in Beijing on January 12 for its 2022 Annual Conference, at which occasion Secretary General Li Baodong briefed on the preparation for the 2022 BFA Annual Conference. Li confirmed that BFA will hold its Annual Conference in spring of 2022 at Boao of Hainan Province as usual, where leaders and government officials of various countries including the host country China, politicians, heads of international organizations, guests from business and academia, as well as the media will gather and discuss the post-pandemic development agenda for Asia and the world. This year’s Annual Conference will be an on-site occasion supplemented with online links. The exact date for the Annual Conference is yet to be released after consultation with the host country. Li emphasized on the necessity to actively seize and rein the post-pandemic development trend with a forward looking perspective, despite the uncertainty as to when the pandemic would be over. He elaborated that the Global Development Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping has given rise to a heated repercussion in Asia and the whole world. The BFA 2022 Annual Conference will focus on the issues of greatest concern, i.e. the post-pandemic economic recovery and growth issues in terms of green development, innovative development, inclusive development, and collaborative development, so as to promote international solidarity and cooperation, and to drive forward the world economy. Li explained that the Annual Conference is due to convene in spring although the exact date has to be carefully planned with the situation of Covid-19 pandemic taken into account, and that he’s confident that the Annual Conference will be a success. Li further introduced the consultation carried out by BFA with the initial countries, Board of Directors, Council of Advisors, members and partners, the academia, and the media for suggestions. He also explained the stand of BFA on the current world configuration and issues touched upon in the following 6 areas. The Covid-19 Pandemic. In spite of the imbalance in vaccines distribution and although the effectiveness of vaccines has been challenged by virus mutations, the vaccines are still highly effective in resisting the virus. BFA Annual Conference will sum up experience of the world in fighting against the pandemic to narrow down the “immunization gap ”. World Economy.The world economy has been lifted from the recession caused by the pandemic with a non-balanced recovery momentum. The economic recovery of countries are largely related to the pandemic status and vaccination progress. As a Forum specialized in the economic agenda, the BFA Annual Conference will stick to correlative issues and further probe into the trend of world economy and issues including industrial chain, inflation, etc. Green recovery and sustainable development. After the severe test from the pandemic, there’s prevailing attention by countries on green, innovative and sustainable development, on peak of carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutralization, and on green and low carboned economic restructuring. Based on consensus already reached, the BFA Annual Conference will put more focus on the path and methodology of going carbon neutral. The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are facing tremendous challenge due to the pandemic. BFA will also probe ways to promote inclusive development for the world. Digital Economy. At present, digital economy is in the ascendant, bringing opportunities to the recovery of world economy. The development China’s digital economy has taken the lead, giving birth to new industries, new business and business models. Eye-catching new technologies and their applications have emerged. Major economies all attach importance to market regulation and anti-monopoly efforts, and are committed to promote the long term and healthy development of digital economy through sectoral regulations. As to how to coordinate policy making for digital economy, how to promote the development of digital economy, how to promote fair competition, and how to protect individual information safety, the BFA Annual Conference will also seek to answer. International cooperation and global governance. Setbacks in globalization, tension in international relations and among major powers in particular, and increasing global governance deficit are featuring the present world. Technological innovation and public health are constantly politicized, creating blocks for world economic recovery and shared development. In BFA’s consultation with various parties, key words of Solidarity, Trust, Cooperation, and Developments have become a common concern of all parties, who believe that these are what the world really needs. The BFA Annual Conference will appeal routinely for the support for multilateralism and international cooperation, in the view to promote global governance. Progress of Asian regional cooperation. RCEP takes effect this year, which is a milestone in Asia-Pacific regional cooperation, as well as a boost to the global recovery. Countries in the region voiced their support to free trade and multilateralism with actions. The BFA Annual Conference will explore the opportunities of RCEP and its utilization, so as to deepen cooperation in the region. Representatives of BFA 2022 Annual Conference partners attended the press conference.
中国日报网1月12日电 1月12日,博鳌亚洲论坛秘书处在北京召开2022年年会新闻发布会,论坛秘书长李保东介绍了论坛年会筹备情况。 李保东表示,博鳌亚洲论坛将按惯例于2022年春季在海南博鳌举行年会,邀请包括东道国中国在内的国家和政府领导人、政府官员、国际组织负责人、企业代表、专家学者和媒体人士出席会议,共商疫后亚洲与全球发展大计。年会将以线上线下相结合的方式举办,具体日期将在与东道国协商确定后尽快公布。 李保东强调,虽然现在很难断言疫情什么时候会彻底结束,但我们必须着眼未来,积极把握和推动疫后世界发展大势,为构建人类命运共同体而努力。中国国家主席习近平提出的全球发展倡议在亚洲和世界引起巨大积极反响,博鳌亚洲论坛2022年年会将聚焦各方最为关注的疫后经济复苏与发展问题,聚焦绿色发展、创新发展、包容发展、合作发展,致力于促进国际团结与合作,致力于推动全球发展。 李保东表示,尽管年会具体日期还需视疫情发展等形势最后确定,但不管怎么样,今年春季的年会一定会开,而且有信心开好。 李保东表示,为筹备好年会,论坛征求了发起国、理事咨委、会员、合作伙伴、学界、媒体等有关各方的宝贵意见与建议。他介绍了论坛对当前形势的看法以及年会将涉及的六个方面的问题。 首先是疫情。当前,新冠疫情仍在全球起伏反复。疫苗分配不均、病毒不断变异等因素极大阻碍了疫情防控的步伐。但疫苗和药物仍然是人类对抗病毒的有力武器。论坛将在今年的年会中进一步总结全球抗疫经验,探讨如何缩小“免疫鸿沟”。 第二是世界经济。世界经济已经从因疫情导致的衰退中走了出来,总体上保持着复苏势头,但全球经济复苏很不均衡。各国的经济复苏进程与疫情形势及疫苗的接种情况密切相关。作为一个以经济议题为主的论坛,论坛年会将一如既往地探讨全球经济的走势以及产业链、通货膨胀等一系列相关问题。 第三是绿色复苏与可持续发展。经历了这场世纪疫情,各国普遍更加重视绿色、创新与可持续发展,更加重视碳达峰与碳中和等问题,积极推进经济结构绿色低碳转型。年会将在已有共识的基础上,更多聚焦于实现碳中和的路径和方法。由于疫情的影响,实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标面临巨大挑战。论坛也将在年会中探讨如何促进各国和世界的包容性发展。 第四是数字经济。当前,数字经济正呈蓬勃发展之势,为疫后世界经济复苏带来很多机遇。中国的数字经济发展走在了世界前列,催生了新产业新业态新模式,出现了一大批令人眼前一亮的新技术、新应用。就全球而言,各主要经济体都很重视市场监管与反垄断,规范行业秩序,促进数字经济长远健康发展。在全球化背景下,如何加强数字经济政策协调,进一步促进数字经济发展,同时维护公平竞争,保护个人信息安全,这些都将是论坛年会要讨论的问题。 第五是国际合作与全球治理。当前,全球化继续遭遇逆流,国际关系和大国关系中的紧张因素增多,全球治理赤字更加突出。科技创新、公共卫生等问题频频被政治化,给整个世界的经济复苏和共同发展增添了障碍。论坛在征求意见的过程中,有关各方均不约而同地提到“团结”、“信任”、“合作”、“发展”等关键词,普遍认为这是当今世界所最需要的。论坛年会将一如既往地发出支持多边主义与国际合作的呼声,积极促进全球治理。 第六是亚洲区域合作的新发展。今年初区域全面经济伙伴协定(RCEP)正式生效,这是亚太区域合作进程中里程碑式的重要进展,也为全球经济复苏注入了新的动力。地区国家以实际行动,发出了支持自由贸易、维护多边主义的有力声音。论坛年会将进一步探讨如何用好RCEP带来的机遇,如何继续深化亚太区域合作。 论坛2022年年会合作伙伴代表出席发布会。
“你的背包,背到现在还还还没烂?” 距离北京冬奥会开幕不到一个月,这一幕抢先刷屏。在北京冬奥会媒体中心出现多位记者,背着“2008年北京奥运会媒体背包”。 图片:环球网 Foreign reporters have been seen carrying around bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work inside the media center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. 有人发现,一些外国记者在北京2022年冬奥会媒体中心工作时,随身携带着2008年北京夏季奥运会的背包。 14年的时间里,这看似巧合的一幕,其实已多次出现↓↓↓ 图片:环球网 An Iranian journalist said he would carry the bag from Beijing 2008 every time he covered sports competitions. “A backpack is a very important item for a photography journalist, and this bag is of high quality and its design is user-friendly,” said the journalist. 一名伊朗记者称,他每次报道体育赛事时,都会带着2008年北京奥运会的背包。这位记者说:“对于摄影记者来说,背包是一件非常重要的物品,这个包质量很好,设计也很人性化。” 而西班牙记者费尔南多背着这个包去了伦敦、里约,又背到了东京…… Fernando, a Spanish journalist, said that he carried the bag with him during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. 西班牙记者费尔南多说,伦敦2012年奥运会、里约热内卢2016年奥运会和东京2020年奥运会期间,他都随身携带着这个包。 西班牙记者费尔南多。图片:环球网 小小的背包,成为“中国制造”的缩影,网友纷纷评论:国货就是强。 Apart from the bags supplied to media workers, the gold medals awarded during the 2008 Summer Olympics also demonstrated a high level of quality. 除了提供给媒体工作者的媒体包外,2008年夏季奥运会颁发的金牌也是质量过硬。 此前,俄罗斯艺术体操运动员达里亚家中失火,烧得一片狼藉。但令达里亚惊讶的是,她的“金镶玉”奖牌完好无损,连绶带都没被烧坏! After a fire destroyed the apartment of Russian rhythmic gymnast Daria Shkurikhina, She found that the gold medal she had earned from the 2008 Summer Olympics, which was inlaid with jade, remained undamaged. 俄罗斯艺术体操运动员达里娅·什库里欣娜的公寓被烧毁,大火过后,什库里欣娜发现她在2008年奥运会上获得的金镶玉金牌仍然完好无损。 图片:环球网 今年,世界各地前往北京参与报道的媒体工作者都将收到全新的媒体包。媒体包内除了有保温杯贡献“神秘东方力量”,恰逢春节,窗花、中国结也来了。 For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, media workers from around the world will receive a new media package that contains items such as an insulated cup and cultural souvenirs depicting paper-cut window grilles or Chinese knots, among other gifts. 在2022年冬奥会上,来自世界各地的媒体工作者将收到一份全新的媒体包,其中包括一个保温杯、窗花或中国结等文化纪念品以及其他礼物。 图片:环球网 With the Games less than one month to go, the media center for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics has officially launched a trial of its closed-loop management. During the trial run from Jan. 4 to Jan. 22, the center will host over 1,700 journalists, photographers, and broadcasting staff from around the world. 距离冬奥会还有不到一个月的时间,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会的媒体中心正式启动了闭环管理试运行。在1月4日至1月22日试运行期间,该中心将接待来自世界各地的1700多名记者、摄影师和电视广播工作人员。 来源:人民网,青春上海 编辑:董静
Foreign reporters have been seen carrying around bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work inside the media center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. An Iranian journalist said he would carry the bag from Beijing 2008 every time he covered sports competitions. “A backpack is a very important item for a photography journalist, and this bag is of high quality and its design is user-friendly,” said the journalist. Fernando, a Spanish journalist, said that he carried the bag with him during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Apart from the bags supplied to media workers, the gold medals awarded during the 2008 Summer Olympics also demonstrated a high level of quality. After a fire destroyed the apartment of Russian rhythmic gymnast Daria Shkurikhina, She found that the gold medal she had earned from the 2008 Summer Olympics, which was inlaid with jade, remained undamaged. For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, media workers from around the world will receive a new media package that contains items such as an insulated cup and cultural souvenirs depicting paper-cut window grilles or Chinese knots, among other gifts. With the Games less than one month to go, the media center for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics has officially launched a trial of its closed-loop management. During the trial run from Jan. 4 to Jan. 22, the center will host over 1,700 journalists, photographers, and broadcasting staff from around the world.
“你的背包,背到现在还还还没烂?” 距离北京冬奥会开幕不到一个月,这一幕抢先刷屏。在北京冬奥会媒体中心出现多位记者,背着“2008年北京奥运会媒体背包”。 图片:环球网 有人发现,一些外国记者在北京2022年冬奥会媒体中心工作时,随身携带着2008年北京夏季奥运会的背包。 14年的时间里,这看似巧合的一幕,其实已多次出现↓↓↓ 图片:环球网 一名伊朗记者称,他每次报道体育赛事时,都会带着2008年北京奥运会的背包。这位记者说:“对于摄影记者来说,背包是一件非常重要的物品,这个包质量很好,设计也很人性化。” 而西班牙记者费尔南多背着这个包去了伦敦、里约,又背到了东京…… 西班牙记者费尔南多说,伦敦2012年奥运会、里约热内卢2016年奥运会和东京2020年奥运会期间,他都随身携带着这个包。 西班牙记者费尔南多。图片:环球网 小小的背包,成为“中国制造”的缩影,网友纷纷评论:国货就是强。 除了提供给媒体工作者的媒体包外,2008年夏季奥运会颁发的金牌也是质量过硬。 此前,俄罗斯艺术体操运动员达里亚家中失火,烧得一片狼藉。但令达里亚惊讶的是,她的“金镶玉”奖牌完好无损,连绶带都没被烧坏! 俄罗斯艺术体操运动员达里娅·什库里欣娜的公寓被烧毁,大火过后,什库里欣娜发现她在2008年奥运会上获得的金镶玉金牌仍然完好无损。 图片:环球网 今年,世界各地前往北京参与报道的媒体工作者都将收到全新的媒体包。媒体包内除了有保温杯贡献“神秘东方力量”,恰逢春节,窗花、中国结也来了。 在2022年冬奥会上,来自世界各地的媒体工作者将收到一份全新的媒体包,其中包括一个保温杯、窗花或中国结等文化纪念品以及其他礼物。 图片:环球网 距离冬奥会还有不到一个月的时间,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会的媒体中心正式启动了闭环管理试运行。在1月4日至1月22日试运行期间,该中心将接待来自世界各地的1700多名记者、摄影师和电视广播工作人员。 来源:人民网,青春上海 编辑:董静
这是一辆公共汽车,也是一辆火车,它可以在马路上行走,也可以在铁轨上行走,这就是日本新推出的交通工具“双模车”,仅需15秒种就可以在两个模式之间切换。 Photo: Asa Coast Railway Japan recently unveiled the world’s first Dual-Mode Vehicle (DMV), a contraption that runs both on roads, like a bus, and on rails, like a train. 日本近日推出了世界第一辆“双模车”,这种车既可以像公共汽车一样在马路上行走,也可以像火车一样在铁轨上行走。 The unique bus-train hybrid was unveiled last month, in the town of Kaiyo, Japan’s Tokushima Prefecture. The mini-bus-like contraption didn’t win anyone over with its looks, but it definitely made an impression in terms of practicality. It runs with normal rubber tires on the road, but when it needs to switch to train mode, a pair of metal wheels drop down from the vehicle’s underbelly. The front tires are lifted off of the track, while the rear wheels stay down to propel the vehicle. Switching between road and train modes takes only about 15 seconds. 这种巴士火车“二合一”的独特交通工具上个月在日本德岛县海阳镇亮相。它的外观不太讨人喜欢,类似于小巴车,但是在实用性方面绝对让人印象深刻。在马路上行走时,它使用正常的轮胎,但是如果需要切换成火车模式,底盘上就会降下一对金属轮,并收起前轮胎,使其离开轨道,后轮胎则会保持在原来的位置来驱动车辆前进。在马路和铁轨两种模式之间切换仅需要15秒。 "This DMV can reach the locals as a bus and carry them onto the railway as well,” Shigeki Miura, CEO of Asa Coast Railway, told Reuters. “Especially in rural areas with an aging population, we expect it to be a very good form of public transport.” Asa海滨铁路公司首席执行官三浦茂树告诉路透社说:“这种双模车可以作为公交车为本地人服务,也可以在铁轨上运行。尤其是在人口老龄化的乡村地区,我们认为它会成为很好的公共交通工具。” The DMV has been in the works for over a decade, and authorities in Tokushima hope that it will not only improve the lives of locals but also attract tourists curious to see the dual-mode vehicles in person. 双模车的研制过程长达十余年,德岛县政府希望它不但能改善当地人的生活,还能吸引好奇的游客亲自来看看这辆双模车。 The dual-mode vehicles, which come in a variety of colors, are diesel-powered, can carry up to 21 passengers and run at a speed of 60 km/h in train mode, and up to 100 km/h as a bus. 这种双模车是由柴油驱动的,最多能搭载21名乘客,有多种颜色。开启火车模式后时速为60千米/时,开启巴士模式后时速为100千米/时。 Shigeki Miura declared himself confident that the unique vehicle could help small towns like Kaiyo with an aging and shrinking population, where conventional transportation companies struggle to make money. The unique fleet of vehicles will soon cover part of the coast of Shikoku island, connecting several towns and offering riders breathtaking seaside views. 三浦茂树宣称,这种独一无二的车能帮助海阳镇这样有人口老龄化和人口缩水问题的小镇,那里的传统交通公司都已度日维艰。不久后,独特的车队就会覆盖四国岛海岸的一部分,连接几个小镇,让乘客欣赏到绝美的海滨风光。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo: Asa Coast Railway Japan recently unveiled the world’s first Dual-Mode Vehicle (DMV), a contraption that runs both on roads, like a bus, and on rails, like a train. The unique bus-train hybrid was unveiled last month, in the town of Kaiyo, Japan’s Tokushima Prefecture. The mini-bus-like contraption didn’t win anyone over with its looks, but it definitely made an impression in terms of practicality. It runs with normal rubber tires on the road, but when it needs to switch to train mode, a pair of metal wheels drop down from the vehicle’s underbelly. The front tires are lifted off of the track, while the rear wheels stay down to propel the vehicle. Switching between road and train modes takes only about 15 seconds. "This DMV can reach the locals as a bus and carry them onto the railway as well,” Shigeki Miura, CEO of Asa Coast Railway, told Reuters. “Especially in rural areas with an aging population, we expect it to be a very good form of public transport.” The DMV has been in the works for over a decade, and authorities in Tokushima hope that it will not only improve the lives of locals but also attract tourists curious to see the dual-mode vehicles in person. The dual-mode vehicles, which come in a variety of colors, are diesel-powered, can carry up to 21 passengers and run at a speed of 60 km/h in train mode, and up to 100 km/h as a bus. Shigeki Miura declared himself confident that the unique vehicle could help small towns like Kaiyo with an aging and shrinking population, where conventional transportation companies struggle to make money. The unique fleet of vehicles will soon cover part of the coast of Shikoku island, connecting several towns and offering riders breathtaking seaside views.
这是一辆公共汽车,也是一辆火车,它可以在马路上行走,也可以在铁轨上行走,这就是日本新推出的交通工具“双模车”,仅需15秒种就可以在两个模式之间切换。 日本近日推出了世界第一辆“双模车”,这种车既可以像公共汽车一样在马路上行走,也可以像火车一样在铁轨上行走。 这种巴士火车“二合一”的独特交通工具上个月在日本德岛县海阳镇亮相。它的外观不太讨人喜欢,类似于小巴车,但是在实用性方面绝对让人印象深刻。在马路上行走时,它使用正常的轮胎,但是如果需要切换成火车模式,底盘上就会降下一对金属轮,并收起前轮胎,使其离开轨道,后轮胎则会保持在原来的位置来驱动车辆前进。在马路和铁轨两种模式之间切换仅需要15秒。 Asa海滨铁路公司首席执行官三浦茂树告诉路透社说:“这种双模车可以作为公交车为本地人服务,也可以在铁轨上运行。尤其是在人口老龄化的乡村地区,我们认为它会成为很好的公共交通工具。” 双模车的研制过程长达十余年,德岛县政府希望它不但能改善当地人的生活,还能吸引好奇的游客亲自来看看这辆双模车。 这种双模车是由柴油驱动的,最多能搭载21名乘客,有多种颜色。开启火车模式后时速为60千米/时,开启巴士模式后时速为100千米/时。 三浦茂树宣称,这种独一无二的车能帮助海阳镇这样有人口老龄化和人口缩水问题的小镇,那里的传统交通公司都已度日维艰。不久后,独特的车队就会覆盖四国岛海岸的一部分,连接几个小镇,让乘客欣赏到绝美的海滨风光。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据英国《卫报》报道,全球越来越多的人正在承受自身免疫性疾病带来的痛苦。目前,全球自身免疫性疾病病例每年增长3%至9%。科学家认为,快餐饮食等外在因素是导致病患增加的重要原因。有证据表明快餐饮食会影响人体内的微生物群,从而引发自身免疫性疾病。 [Photo/Pexels] 伦敦弗兰西斯克里克研究所的两位世界专家詹姆斯·李(James Lee)和卡罗拉· 维努埃萨(Carola Vinuesa)已经成立独立研究小组,研究导致自身免疫性疾病的确切原因。 “Numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the west,” Lee told the Observer . “However, we are now seeing some emerge in countries that never had such diseases before. 詹姆斯·李告诉《观察家报》:“大约40年前,西方的自身免疫病例开始增加。然而,我们现在看到一些以前从未出现此类病患的国家出现了这种疾病。” For example, the biggest recent increase in inflammatory bowel disease cases has been in the Middle East and east Asia. Before that they had hardly seen the disease.” “例如,近段时间中东和东亚地区的炎性肠病病例增加最多。此前,这些地区几乎没有出现过这种疾病。” Autoimmune diseases range from type 1 diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis. In each case, the immune system gets its wires crossed and turns on healthy tissue instead of infectious agents. 自身免疫性疾病包括1型糖尿病、类风湿性关节炎、炎性肠病和多发性硬化症。 上述每种疾病都会使免疫系统出现错乱,攻击自身健康组织而非病原体。 In the UK alone, at least 4 million people have developed such conditions, with some individuals suffering more than one. Internationally, it is now estimated that cases of autoimmune diseases are rising by between 3% and 9% a year. Most scientists believe environmental factors play a key role in this rise. 仅在英国,就有至少400万人患上这类疾病,有些人出现不止一种病症。 据估计,目前全球自身免疫性疾病病例每年增长为3%至9%。 大多数科学家认为环境因素在其中发挥重要影响。 “Human genetics hasn’t altered over the past few decades,” said Lee, who was previously based at Cambridge University. “So something must be changing in the outside world in a way that is increasing our predisposition to autoimmune disease.” 此前在剑桥大学工作的李称:“人类基因在过去几十年里没有改变,因此,一定是外界发生了某种变化,使我们更容易患上自身免疫性疾病。” This idea was backed by Vinuesa, who was previously based at the Australian National University. She pointed to changes in diet that were occurring as more and more countries adopted western-style diets and people bought more fast food. 这一想法得到了维努埃萨的支持。曾在澳大利亚国立大学工作的她指出,随着越来越多的国家接受西式饮食,人们购买更多的快餐,饮食正在发生变化。 “Fast-food diets lack certain important ingredients, such as fibre, and evidence suggests this alteration affects a person’s microbiome – the collection of micro-organisms that we have in our gut and which play a key role in controlling various bodily functions ,” Vinuesa said. 维努埃萨说:“快餐饮食缺乏某些重要营养成分,如膳食纤维, 有证据表明这种饮食改变会影响人体内的微生物群(肠道微生物群),它们对调节身体各方面功能起着关键作用。 ” [Photo/Pexels] “These changes in our microbiomes are then triggering autoimmune diseases, of which more than 100 types have now been discovered.” “微生物群的这些变化便会引发自身免疫性疾病,目前已经发现了100多种该类型疾病。” Both scientists stressed that individual susceptibilities were involved in contracting such illnesses, ailments that also include celiac disease as well as lupus, which triggers inflammation and swelling and can cause damage to various organs, including the heart. 两位科学家都强调,患自身免疫性疾病与个体的易感性有关,如乳糜泻和红斑狼疮等自身免疫疾病。红斑狼疮可引发炎症和肿胀,并可导致心脏等各种器官受损。 “If you don’t have a certain genetic susceptibility, you won’t necessarily get an autoimmune disease, no matter how many Big Macs you eat,” said Vinuesa. “There is not a lot we can do to halt the global spread of fast-food franchises. So instead, we are trying to understand the fundamental genetic mechanisms that underpin autoimmune diseases and make some people susceptible but others not. We want to tackle the issue at that level.” 维努埃萨说:“如果你没有某种遗传易感性,那么无论吃多少巨无霸,都不一定会患上自身免疫性疾病。我们无法阻止快餐连锁店在全球扩张。因此,我们正试图了解导致自身免疫疾病的基本遗传机制,为什么有人易感有人不易感。我们希望在遗传机制上攻克这类疾病。” This task is possible thanks to the development of techniques that now allow scientists to pinpoint tiny DNA differences among large numbers of individuals. In this way, it is possible to identify common genetic patterns among those suffering from an autoimmune disease. 由于技术的发展,这一目标成为可能。现在,科学家们可以精确定位大量个体之间微小的DNA差异。这样,就有可能在患有自身免疫性疾病的人群中识别出共同的基因模式。 “Until very recently, we just didn’t have the tools to do that, but now we have this incredible power to sequence DNA on a large scale and that has changed everything,” said Lee. “When I started doing research, we knew about half a dozen DNA variants that were involved in triggering inflammatory bowel disease. Now we know of more than 250.” 李称:“之前我们没有办法做到,但现在我们已经有能力来进行大规模DNA测序,这改变了一切。当我开始做研究时,我们发现了约六种DNA变异与引发炎性肠病有关。现在我们发现了250种以上有关的DNA变异。” Lee also stressed that surging cases of autoimmune diseases across the world meant new treatments and drugs were now urgently needed more than ever before. “At present, there are no cures for autoimmune diseases, which usually develop in young people – while they are trying to complete their education, get their first job and have families,” he said. 李还强调,全球自身免疫性疾病病例的激增意味着现在比以往任何时候都迫切需要新的治疗方法和药物。他说:“目前,在年轻人努力完成学业、找到第一份工作和组建家庭的同时,自身免疫性疾病通常会在他们身上发生,但目前尚无治疗方法。” 来源:卫报 编辑:董静
[Photo/Pexels] “Numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the west,” Lee told the Observer . “However, we are now seeing some emerge in countries that never had such diseases before. For example, the biggest recent increase in inflammatory bowel disease cases has been in the Middle East and east Asia. Before that they had hardly seen the disease.” Autoimmune diseases range from type 1 diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis. In each case, the immune system gets its wires crossed and turns on healthy tissue instead of infectious agents. In the UK alone, at least 4 million people have developed such conditions, with some individuals suffering more than one. Internationally, it is now estimated that cases of autoimmune diseases are rising by between 3% and 9% a year. Most scientists believe environmental factors play a key role in this rise. “Human genetics hasn’t altered over the past few decades,” said Lee, who was previously based at Cambridge University. “So something must be changing in the outside world in a way that is increasing our predisposition to autoimmune disease.” This idea was backed by Vinuesa, who was previously based at the Australian National University. She pointed to changes in diet that were occurring as more and more countries adopted western-style diets and people bought more fast food. “Fast-food diets lack certain important ingredients, such as fibre, and evidence suggests this alteration affects a person’s microbiome – the collection of micro-organisms that we have in our gut and which play a key role in controlling various bodily functions ,” Vinuesa said. ” [Photo/Pexels] “These changes in our microbiomes are then triggering autoimmune diseases, of which more than 100 types have now been discovered.” Both scientists stressed that individual susceptibilities were involved in contracting such illnesses, ailments that also include celiac disease as well as lupus, which triggers inflammation and swelling and can cause damage to various organs, including the heart. “If you don’t have a certain genetic susceptibility, you won’t necessarily get an autoimmune disease, no matter how many Big Macs you eat,” said Vinuesa. “There is not a lot we can do to halt the global spread of fast-food franchises. So instead, we are trying to understand the fundamental genetic mechanisms that underpin autoimmune diseases and make some people susceptible but others not. We want to tackle the issue at that level.” This task is possible thanks to the development of techniques that now allow scientists to pinpoint tiny DNA differences among large numbers of individuals. In this way, it is possible to identify common genetic patterns among those suffering from an autoimmune disease. “Until very recently, we just didn’t have the tools to do that, but now we have this incredible power to sequence DNA on a large scale and that has changed everything,” said Lee. “When I started doing research, we knew about half a dozen DNA variants that were involved in triggering inflammatory bowel disease. Now we know of more than 250.” Lee also stressed that surging cases of autoimmune diseases across the world meant new treatments and drugs were now urgently needed more than ever before. “At present, there are no cures for autoimmune diseases, which usually develop in young people – while they are trying to complete their education, get their first job and have families,” he said.
据英国《卫报》报道,全球越来越多的人正在承受自身免疫性疾病带来的痛苦。目前,全球自身免疫性疾病病例每年增长3%至9%。科学家认为,快餐饮食等外在因素是导致病患增加的重要原因。有证据表明快餐饮食会影响人体内的微生物群,从而引发自身免疫性疾病。 伦敦弗兰西斯克里克研究所的两位世界专家詹姆斯·李(James Lee)和卡罗拉· 维努埃萨(Carola Vinuesa)已经成立独立研究小组,研究导致自身免疫性疾病的确切原因。 詹姆斯·李告诉《观察家报》:“大约40年前,西方的自身免疫病例开始增加。然而,我们现在看到一些以前从未出现此类病患的国家出现了这种疾病。” “例如,近段时间中东和东亚地区的炎性肠病病例增加最多。此前,这些地区几乎没有出现过这种疾病。” 自身免疫性疾病包括1型糖尿病、类风湿性关节炎、炎性肠病和多发性硬化症。 上述每种疾病都会使免疫系统出现错乱,攻击自身健康组织而非病原体。 仅在英国,就有至少400万人患上这类疾病,有些人出现不止一种病症。 据估计,目前全球自身免疫性疾病病例每年增长为3%至9%。 大多数科学家认为环境因素在其中发挥重要影响。 此前在剑桥大学工作的李称:“人类基因在过去几十年里没有改变,因此,一定是外界发生了某种变化,使我们更容易患上自身免疫性疾病。” 这一想法得到了维努埃萨的支持。曾在澳大利亚国立大学工作的她指出,随着越来越多的国家接受西式饮食,人们购买更多的快餐,饮食正在发生变化。 维努埃萨说:“快餐饮食缺乏某些重要营养成分,如膳食纤维, 有证据表明这种饮食改变会影响人体内的微生物群(肠道微生物群),它们对调节身体各方面功能起着关键作用。 “微生物群的这些变化便会引发自身免疫性疾病,目前已经发现了100多种该类型疾病。” 两位科学家都强调,患自身免疫性疾病与个体的易感性有关,如乳糜泻和红斑狼疮等自身免疫疾病。红斑狼疮可引发炎症和肿胀,并可导致心脏等各种器官受损。 维努埃萨说:“如果你没有某种遗传易感性,那么无论吃多少巨无霸,都不一定会患上自身免疫性疾病。我们无法阻止快餐连锁店在全球扩张。因此,我们正试图了解导致自身免疫疾病的基本遗传机制,为什么有人易感有人不易感。我们希望在遗传机制上攻克这类疾病。” 由于技术的发展,这一目标成为可能。现在,科学家们可以精确定位大量个体之间微小的DNA差异。这样,就有可能在患有自身免疫性疾病的人群中识别出共同的基因模式。 李称:“之前我们没有办法做到,但现在我们已经有能力来进行大规模DNA测序,这改变了一切。当我开始做研究时,我们发现了约六种DNA变异与引发炎性肠病有关。现在我们发现了250种以上有关的DNA变异。” 李还强调,全球自身免疫性疾病病例的激增意味着现在比以往任何时候都迫切需要新的治疗方法和药物。他说:“目前,在年轻人努力完成学业、找到第一份工作和组建家庭的同时,自身免疫性疾病通常会在他们身上发生,但目前尚无治疗方法。” 来源:卫报 编辑:董静
2022年将有哪些佳片上映?詹姆斯·卡梅隆十年磨一剑的作品《阿凡达2:水之道》、高口碑动画《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》的续集《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)》、讲述三十岁女性困惑的广受好评的电影《世界上最糟糕的人》……来看看你最期待哪一部? Credit:20th Century Fox 2022年佳片前瞻(上) The Worst Person in the World 《世界上最糟糕的人》 If you're lucky, you can get through your 20s with none of the restrictions you had as a child, and none of the responsibilities which come later. But what should you do with all that freedom? It's a question that puzzles Julie (Renate Reinsve) in Joachim Trier's bittersweet romantic comedy drama, The Worst Person in the World . Divided into 12 chapters, this film follows Julie through her early adulthood in Oslo as she tries to decide which job and which man are right for her. According to viewers who have seen it at festivals and preview screenings, The Worst Person in the World is one of the Best Films in the World. It currently has a score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, Barack Obama included it on his list of favourite movies of 2021, and the luminous Reinsve won the best actress prize at Cannes. 如果你幸运的话,你可以在二十多岁时不用受到当孩子时所受到的一切束缚,又不必承担更年长时所需承担的任何责任。但是你应该如何把握这份自由呢?在约阿希姆·提尔执导的苦乐参半的浪漫喜剧电影《世界上最糟糕的人》中,这个问题让女主人公朱莉(雷娜特·赖因斯夫饰演)感到困惑。该片被分为12章,讲述了朱莉在奥斯陆度过的青年时光,在此期间她一直试图决定哪份工作和哪个男人适合她。已经在电影节和点映上看过该片的观众认为,《世界上最糟糕的人》是世界上最好的电影之一。目前该片在烂番茄上的评分是100%,奥巴马还将其列入自己的2021最爱影片名单,主演该片的明艳动人的赖因斯夫还赢得了戛纳电影节的最佳女演员奖。 Released in the US on 4 February 2022 该片将于2022年2月4日在美国上映。 Top Gun: Maverick 《壮志凌云2:独行侠》 OK, so this belated Top Gun sequel was on our list of films to watch in 2021, and before that it was scheduled to come out in 2020, but we're still optimistic that lovers of supersonic aerobatics will finally get what they've been waiting for this year, shortly before Tom Cruise's 60th birthday. It was back in 1986 that Cruise last played Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a trainee fighter pilot in the US Navy. Can anyone really believe that, all these years later, Maverick would only be a captain while his old frenemy "Iceman" (Val Kilmer) would be a four-star general? Maybe not, but it should be fun to see Cruise in his Aviator shades and bomber jacket once again, alongside such new recruits to the series as Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Ed Harris and Miles Teller. 这部姗姗来迟的《壮志凌云》续集原本是2021年必看电影之一,再早以前它曾被安排在2020年上映,但是我们仍然乐观地认为那些超音速特技飞行爱好者们今年能够在阿汤哥60岁生日前看到这部他们期待已久的电影。上一次阿汤哥饰演“独行侠”彼得·米切尔还是在1986年,当时“独行侠”是美国海军的一名见习战斗机飞行员。有谁会相信,过了这么多年,“独行侠”只是一个上校,而与他亦敌亦友的老对手“冰人”(瓦尔·基尔默饰演)却成了一位四星上将?或许不是如此,但是阿汤哥可能会在本片中再次戴上他的飞行员墨镜,穿上他的飞行员夹克,还有詹妮弗·康纳利、乔恩·哈姆、艾德·哈里斯和迈尔斯·特勒也会加盟这一系列,这些应该都挺有看点的。 Released internationally on 27 May 该片将于5月27日在全球上映。 Avatar 2 《阿凡达2:水之道》 There are two things we know about James Cameron: he can't be rushed, and he loves the ocean. Those qualities come together in Avatar 2 , the first of a whopping four planned sequels to his 2009 spectacle, the highest-grossing movie of all time. The new film returns to the planet of Pandora, where blue-skinned Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and her human husband Jake (Sam Worthington) are now parents, and Earthlings still haven't solved the climate crisis. Most of the action takes place underwater and was shot in a 900,000-gallon tank. The Avatar sequels have been in the works for a decade, but Cameron's water-logged hits, Titanic and The Abyss , also arrived behind schedule, and it all turned out just fine. 关于詹姆斯·卡梅隆,有两件事我们是知道的:一,他只能慢慢来;二,他热爱海洋。这两者结合在一起就诞生了《阿凡达》四部续集的第一部——《阿凡达2:水之道》。2009年的那部《阿凡达》是有史以来票房最高的电影。新片将回到潘多拉星球,蓝皮肤的妮特丽(佐伊·索尔达娜饰演)和她的人类丈夫杰克(萨姆·沃辛顿饰演)现在已生儿育女,与此同时地球人尚未解决气候危机。该片的大多数动作都是在水下进行,在一个装了90万加仑水的水池中拍摄的。《阿凡达》的续集已经制作了十年,但是卡梅隆的另外两部在水中拍的热门大片《泰坦尼克号》和《深渊》也都姗姗来迟,但是结果都挺不错。 Released internationally on 16 December 该片将于12月16日在全球上映。 Elvis 《猫王》 It's been almost a decade since the release of Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby , but the Australian writer-director of Strictly Ballroom , Romeo + Juliet , and Moulin Rouge! is back at last. Never one to shy away from a big, risky project, Luhrmann has made an Elvis Presley biopic that chronicles 20 years in the life of The King of Rock ’n’ Roll. Austin Butler – an uncanny lookalike – has the title role, alongside Olivia DeJonge as Elvis's wife Priscilla and Tom Hanks as his manager, "Colonel" Tom Parker, the Dutch carnival worker who reinvented himself as an all-American impresario. 距离巴兹·鲁赫曼执导的《了不起的盖茨比》上映已经过去近十年了,这位曾拍过《舞国英雄》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《红磨坊》的澳大利亚编剧兼导演终于带着新作品回来了。鲁赫曼从来不惧怕有风险的大项目,因此他选择拍一部猫王传记电影来记录这位摇滚天王人生中的20年。长相酷似猫王的奥斯汀·巴特勒饰演猫王本人,奥利维亚·德容格饰演猫王的妻子普莉希拉,汤姆·汉克斯饰演猫王的经纪人“上校”汤姆·帕克,这位“上校”曾是荷兰嘉年华的员工,后来摇身一变成了全美通吃的经纪人。 Released on 24 June 该片将于6月24日上映。 Lightyear 《光年正传》 Buzz Lightyear has been central to four Toy Story feature films, his own TV series, and various animated shorts. This year, the square-jawed Space Ranger is getting a film of his own – sort of. The idea is that the Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story was a plastic action figure, whereas the new animation – a homage to the sci-fi films of the 1970s and 1980s – is the big-budget adventure movie which that action figure was based on. It's a slightly confusing concept, but it lets director Angus MacLane (co-director of Finding Dory ) and screenwriter Pete Docter ( Soul , Up , Inside Out ) bring back a beloved character while giving his interstellar scrapes a new look, a more serious tone, and a fresh voice: Chris Evans rather than Tim Allen is the actor who'll be shouting, "To infinity – and beyond!" 巴斯光年不仅是四部《玩具总动员》动画长片和几部动画短片的核心人物,还拥有自己的电视剧。今年,这位方下巴的太空巡警即将迎来他自己的单人电影,从某种意义上说是这样的。《玩具总动员》中的巴斯光年是一个塑料人偶,而新动画电影是一部大成本探险电影,人偶巴斯光年正是基于这个探险故事而产生的,新片旨在向上世纪七八十年代的科幻电影致敬。这个概念有点混乱,但是这样一来导演安格斯·麦克莱恩(曾执导《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》)和编剧彼特·道格特(作品有《心灵奇旅》、《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》)既能让一个备受喜爱的角色回归,又能让他的星际故事焕然一新,基调更为庄重,还能换一个崭新的声音:这一次是克里斯·埃文斯而不是蒂姆·艾伦会高喊:“飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠!” Released internationally on 17 June 该片将于6月17日在全球上映。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit:20th Century Fox The Worst Person in the World If you're lucky, you can get through your 20s with none of the restrictions you had as a child, and none of the responsibilities which come later. But what should you do with all that freedom? It's a question that puzzles Julie (Renate Reinsve) in Joachim Trier's bittersweet romantic comedy drama, The Worst Person in the World . Divided into 12 chapters, this film follows Julie through her early adulthood in Oslo as she tries to decide which job and which man are right for her. According to viewers who have seen it at festivals and preview screenings, The Worst Person in the World is one of the Best Films in the World. It currently has a score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, Barack Obama included it on his list of favourite movies of 2021, and the luminous Reinsve won the best actress prize at Cannes. Released in the US on 4 February 2022 Top Gun: Maverick OK, so this belated Top Gun sequel was on our list of films to watch in 2021, and before that it was scheduled to come out in 2020, but we're still optimistic that lovers of supersonic aerobatics will finally get what they've been waiting for this year, shortly before Tom Cruise's 60th birthday. It was back in 1986 that Cruise last played Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a trainee fighter pilot in the US Navy. Can anyone really believe that, all these years later, Maverick would only be a captain while his old frenemy "Iceman" (Val Kilmer) would be a four-star general? Maybe not, but it should be fun to see Cruise in his Aviator shades and bomber jacket once again, alongside such new recruits to the series as Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Ed Harris and Miles Teller. Released internationally on 27 May Avatar 2 There are two things we know about James Cameron: he can't be rushed, and he loves the ocean. Those qualities come together in Avatar 2 , the first of a whopping four planned sequels to his 2009 spectacle, the highest-grossing movie of all time. The new film returns to the planet of Pandora, where blue-skinned Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and her human husband Jake (Sam Worthington) are now parents, and Earthlings still haven't solved the climate crisis. Most of the action takes place underwater and was shot in a 900,000-gallon tank. The Avatar sequels have been in the works for a decade, but Cameron's water-logged hits, Titanic and The Abyss , also arrived behind schedule, and it all turned out just fine. Released internationally on 16 December Elvis It's been almost a decade since the release of Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby , but the Australian writer-director of Strictly Ballroom , Romeo + Juliet , and Moulin Rouge! is back at last. Never one to shy away from a big, risky project, Luhrmann has made an Elvis Presley biopic that chronicles 20 years in the life of The King of Rock ’n’ Roll. Austin Butler – an uncanny lookalike – has the title role, alongside Olivia DeJonge as Elvis's wife Priscilla and Tom Hanks as his manager, "Colonel" Tom Parker, the Dutch carnival worker who reinvented himself as an all-American impresario. Released on 24 June Lightyear Buzz Lightyear has been central to four Toy Story feature films, his own TV series, and various animated shorts. This year, the square-jawed Space Ranger is getting a film of his own – sort of. The idea is that the Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story was a plastic action figure, whereas the new animation – a homage to the sci-fi films of the 1970s and 1980s – is the big-budget adventure movie which that action figure was based on. It's a slightly confusing concept, but it lets director Angus MacLane (co-director of Finding Dory ) and screenwriter Pete Docter ( Soul , Up , Inside Out ) bring back a beloved character while giving his interstellar scrapes a new look, a more serious tone, and a fresh voice: Chris Evans rather than Tim Allen is the actor who'll be shouting, "To infinity – and beyond!" Released internationally on 17 June
2022年将有哪些佳片上映?詹姆斯·卡梅隆十年磨一剑的作品《阿凡达2:水之道》、高口碑动画《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》的续集《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)》、讲述三十岁女性困惑的广受好评的电影《世界上最糟糕的人》……来看看你最期待哪一部? 2022年佳片前瞻(上) 《世界上最糟糕的人》 如果你幸运的话,你可以在二十多岁时不用受到当孩子时所受到的一切束缚,又不必承担更年长时所需承担的任何责任。但是你应该如何把握这份自由呢?在约阿希姆·提尔执导的苦乐参半的浪漫喜剧电影《世界上最糟糕的人》中,这个问题让女主人公朱莉(雷娜特·赖因斯夫饰演)感到困惑。该片被分为12章,讲述了朱莉在奥斯陆度过的青年时光,在此期间她一直试图决定哪份工作和哪个男人适合她。已经在电影节和点映上看过该片的观众认为,《世界上最糟糕的人》是世界上最好的电影之一。目前该片在烂番茄上的评分是100%,奥巴马还将其列入自己的2021最爱影片名单,主演该片的明艳动人的赖因斯夫还赢得了戛纳电影节的最佳女演员奖。 该片将于2022年2月4日在美国上映。 《壮志凌云2:独行侠》 这部姗姗来迟的《壮志凌云》续集原本是2021年必看电影之一,再早以前它曾被安排在2020年上映,但是我们仍然乐观地认为那些超音速特技飞行爱好者们今年能够在阿汤哥60岁生日前看到这部他们期待已久的电影。上一次阿汤哥饰演“独行侠”彼得·米切尔还是在1986年,当时“独行侠”是美国海军的一名见习战斗机飞行员。有谁会相信,过了这么多年,“独行侠”只是一个上校,而与他亦敌亦友的老对手“冰人”(瓦尔·基尔默饰演)却成了一位四星上将?或许不是如此,但是阿汤哥可能会在本片中再次戴上他的飞行员墨镜,穿上他的飞行员夹克,还有詹妮弗·康纳利、乔恩·哈姆、艾德·哈里斯和迈尔斯·特勒也会加盟这一系列,这些应该都挺有看点的。 该片将于5月27日在全球上映。 《阿凡达2:水之道》 关于詹姆斯·卡梅隆,有两件事我们是知道的:一,他只能慢慢来;二,他热爱海洋。这两者结合在一起就诞生了《阿凡达》四部续集的第一部——《阿凡达2:水之道》。2009年的那部《阿凡达》是有史以来票房最高的电影。新片将回到潘多拉星球,蓝皮肤的妮特丽(佐伊·索尔达娜饰演)和她的人类丈夫杰克(萨姆·沃辛顿饰演)现在已生儿育女,与此同时地球人尚未解决气候危机。该片的大多数动作都是在水下进行,在一个装了90万加仑水的水池中拍摄的。《阿凡达》的续集已经制作了十年,但是卡梅隆的另外两部在水中拍的热门大片《泰坦尼克号》和《深渊》也都姗姗来迟,但是结果都挺不错。 该片将于12月16日在全球上映。 《猫王》 距离巴兹·鲁赫曼执导的《了不起的盖茨比》上映已经过去近十年了,这位曾拍过《舞国英雄》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《红磨坊》的澳大利亚编剧兼导演终于带着新作品回来了。鲁赫曼从来不惧怕有风险的大项目,因此他选择拍一部猫王传记电影来记录这位摇滚天王人生中的20年。长相酷似猫王的奥斯汀·巴特勒饰演猫王本人,奥利维亚·德容格饰演猫王的妻子普莉希拉,汤姆·汉克斯饰演猫王的经纪人“上校”汤姆·帕克,这位“上校”曾是荷兰嘉年华的员工,后来摇身一变成了全美通吃的经纪人。 该片将于6月24日上映。 《光年正传》 巴斯光年不仅是四部《玩具总动员》动画长片和几部动画短片的核心人物,还拥有自己的电视剧。今年,这位方下巴的太空巡警即将迎来他自己的单人电影,从某种意义上说是这样的。《玩具总动员》中的巴斯光年是一个塑料人偶,而新动画电影是一部大成本探险电影,人偶巴斯光年正是基于这个探险故事而产生的,新片旨在向上世纪七八十年代的科幻电影致敬。这个概念有点混乱,但是这样一来导演安格斯·麦克莱恩(曾执导《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》)和编剧彼特·道格特(作品有《心灵奇旅》、《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》)既能让一个备受喜爱的角色回归,又能让他的星际故事焕然一新,基调更为庄重,还能换一个崭新的声音:这一次是克里斯·埃文斯而不是蒂姆·艾伦会高喊:“飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠!” 该片将于6月17日在全球上映。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
美国咨询公司欧亚集团 出了个报告预测2022年 说中国清零政策“没用”却仍坚持 还列成世界十大风险 Eurasia Group, a US consultancy company, listed China’ s “zero-tolerance ” strategy as useless and a global risk for 2022 in a recent report. 这结论又可笑又可悲 中国能够基本控制疫情 靠的是几百万医护人员的付出 Nothing could b e more ridiculous. China’s largely control of the pandemic is based on the contribution of millions of medical staff, 以及14亿人民的坚守忍耐 众志成城 as well as the sacrifice and efforts of all the Chinese people. 有如此雄厚基础的清零政策 怎么到美国咨询公司嘴里 就成了失败? So how could such a success be “useless ” and “risky ” in the words of the US company? 有人说现在有奥密克戎 具有超高传染性 只能共存不能清零 Some point to the Omicron variant of the virus as it is highly infectious, 这逻辑反了 面对奥密克戎更要坚持清零 否则病毒扩散凶猛 以前的抗疫成果会被毁干净 but that only makes the “zero-tolerance ” strategy more necessary, because the country must prevent any “one ” from becoming “thousands ” or even more. 更何况疫苗已经上市一年 Besides the COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for market use for one year, 为抗疫提供了更先进的武器 providing more defenses in the fight against the virus. 美国不是不想清零 而是没能力清零 The US is not able to, nor is it willing to, adopt such a “ zero-tolerance ” strategy. 单日确诊超100万 再强大的医疗系统 也有被击穿的风险 Now its daily tally of infections has soared to 1 million, an unbearable burden on its medical system. 欧亚咨询作为美国公司 不妨多低头看看美国的事 别光会指手划脚 出的报告低级到惹人笑 Eurasia Group as a US company should care more about its own nation’s affairs, and stop producing laughing-stock reports. 作者:张周项 图片来自中国日报美术部
Eurasia Group, a US consultancy company, listed China’ s “zero-tolerance ” strategy as useless and a global risk for 2022 in a recent report. Nothing could b e more ridiculous. China’s largely control of the pandemic is based on the contribution of millions of medical staff, as well as the sacrifice and efforts of all the Chinese people. So how could such a success be “useless ” and “risky ” in the words of the US company? Some point to the Omicron variant of the virus as it is highly infectious, but that only makes the “zero-tolerance ” strategy more necessary, because the country must prevent any “one ” from becoming “thousands ” or even more. Besides the COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for market use for one year, providing more defenses in the fight against the virus. The US is not able to, nor is it willing to, adopt such a “ zero-tolerance ” strategy. Now its daily tally of infections has soared to 1 million, an unbearable burden on its medical system. Eurasia Group as a US company should care more about its own nation’s affairs, and stop producing laughing-stock reports.
美国咨询公司欧亚集团 出了个报告预测2022年 说中国清零政策“没用”却仍坚持 还列成世界十大风险 这结论又可笑又可悲 中国能够基本控制疫情 靠的是几百万医护人员的付出 以及14亿人民的坚守忍耐 众志成城 有如此雄厚基础的清零政策 怎么到美国咨询公司嘴里 就成了失败? 有人说现在有奥密克戎 具有超高传染性 只能共存不能清零 这逻辑反了 面对奥密克戎更要坚持清零 否则病毒扩散凶猛 以前的抗疫成果会被毁干净 更何况疫苗已经上市一年 为抗疫提供了更先进的武器 美国不是不想清零 而是没能力清零 单日确诊超100万 再强大的医疗系统 也有被击穿的风险 欧亚咨询作为美国公司 不妨多低头看看美国的事 别光会指手划脚 出的报告低级到惹人笑 作者:张周项 图片来自中国日报美术部
据英国《卫报》报道,韩国总统候选人李在明近日在竞选主张中提出,扩大医疗保险所覆盖的脱发治疗范围,这让“脱发”成为选战热议话题。李在明的提案在网络上吸引了大量脱发者的支持,但也有人指责此举是赤裸裸的拉票行为。 [Photo/Agencies] South Korea’s ruling party presidential candidate has ignited a fierce debate after proposing that the country’s public healthcare insurance should cover hair loss treatment. 韩国执政党总统候选人提出该国的公共医疗保险应涵盖脱发治疗,该言论引发激烈讨论。 Lee Jae-myung, the flagbearer of the Democratic party, said almost 10 million people suffer from hair loss but many of them order medicines from overseas or resort to prostate drugs as an alternative due to high treatment costs. 民主党总统候选人李在明表示,近1000万人有脱发困扰,但由于治疗费用高昂,许多人只能从海外订购药物或使用前列腺疾病药物作为替代药。 目前,韩国国民健康保险只能报销特定疾病所导致脱发的治疗费用,年龄和遗传等原因导致的脱发不包含在内。 On Wednesday the politician told reporters that hair regrowth treatments should be covered by the national health insurance programme. 李在明1月5日告诉记者,生发治疗应该纳入韩国健康保险计划。 “Please, let us know what has been inconvenient for you over hair-loss treatments and what must be reflected in policies,” he wrote on Facebook. “I’ll present a perfect policy on hair-loss treatment.” 他在脸书上写道:“请告诉我们,你们在治疗脱发时遇到哪些不便,以及政策必须涵盖的方面。我将提出一个完美的脱发治疗政策。” His proposal triggered a flood of messages of support online. “Let’s implant Lee Jae-myung for us,” a user wrote, replying to a post of Lee’s slogans on hair loss uploaded to an online hair loss community. 他的提议在网上获得大票支持者。一位网友在某脱发论坛上一篇关于李在明的脱发问题竞选标语的帖子中回复:“让我们把李在明种在青瓦台”。 But Lee’s pledge brought criticism too, with the opposition calling it the latest item on Lee’s populist agenda. 但李在明的竞选承诺也招致了批评,反对派称这是李在明民粹主义的新花招。 Ahn Cheol-soo, a minor opposition candidate who was formerly a doctor and software tycoon, described Lee’s proposal as irresponsible and promised to cut the prices of generic drugs and fund the development of new treatment if elected. 反对党候选人安哲秀称李在明的提议不负责任,并承诺如果他当选,将降低仿制药的价格,并资助新疗法研发。安哲秀曾是一名医生和软件行业大佬。 “[Lee’s idea] may appear to be a necessary step for many people worrying about their hair loss but it’s nothing but serious populism, given that it would worsen the financial stability of the state insurance program,” the conservative Munhwa Ilbo newspaper said in an editorial on Thursday. 韩国保守党报纸《文化日报》1月6日在一篇社论中称:“对于许多担心脱发问题的人来说,(李在明的想法)可能是必要的,但这只不过是一种危险的民粹主义,因为这会恶化国家保险计划的财政稳定性。” Lee, who once said he aspired to be a “successful Bernie Sanders”, has shot to fame on the back of his push for universal basic income and aggressive Covid-19 responses during his stint as Gyeonggi province governor. 李在明曾表示,他渴望成为“成功的伯尼·桑德斯”。他在担任京畿道知事期间,因推行国民基本收入政策和积极的新冠防疫政策而一举成名。 Lee Sang-ee, a professor at Jeju National University’s medical school, said the national health insurance might falter if it spends hundreds of billions of won to cover hair loss, when it is designed to help those suffering from serious ailments. 济州国立大学医学院教授李尚义(音译)说,国家健康保险是用于帮助重病患者的,如果还要从中花费数千亿韩元来补贴脱发者,那么可能会出现问题。 There is no official data on how many South Koreans suffer from hair loss. The National Health Insurance Service only provided yearly tallies of people who have received hospital treatment, which was about 230,000 in 2020. 没有官方数据显示有多少韩国人脱发。韩国国家健康保险局仅提供了每年住院治疗脱发的人数,2020年约为23万。 Lee Jae-myung said on Wednesday that hair loss coverage is necessary from the aspect of “body completeness”, and his campaign is studying its potential financial impact. 李在明1月5日表示,从“身体完整性”的角度来看,医保覆盖脱发是必要的,他的竞选团队正在研究其潜在的财政影响。 来源:卫报 编辑:董静
[Photo/Agencies] South Korea’s ruling party presidential candidate has ignited a fierce debate after proposing that the country’s public healthcare insurance should cover hair loss treatment. Lee Jae-myung, the flagbearer of the Democratic party, said almost 10 million people suffer from hair loss but many of them order medicines from overseas or resort to prostate drugs as an alternative due to high treatment costs. On Wednesday the politician told reporters that hair regrowth treatments should be covered by the national health insurance programme. “Please, let us know what has been inconvenient for you over hair-loss treatments and what must be reflected in policies,” he wrote on Facebook. “I’ll present a perfect policy on hair-loss treatment.” His proposal triggered a flood of messages of support online. “Let’s implant Lee Jae-myung for us,” a user wrote, replying to a post of Lee’s slogans on hair loss uploaded to an online hair loss community. But Lee’s pledge brought criticism too, with the opposition calling it the latest item on Lee’s populist agenda. Ahn Cheol-soo, a minor opposition candidate who was formerly a doctor and software tycoon, described Lee’s proposal as irresponsible and promised to cut the prices of generic drugs and fund the development of new treatment if elected. “[Lee’s idea] may appear to be a necessary step for many people worrying about their hair loss but it’s nothing but serious populism, given that it would worsen the financial stability of the state insurance program,” the conservative Munhwa Ilbo newspaper said in an editorial on Thursday. Lee, who once said he aspired to be a “successful Bernie Sanders”, has shot to fame on the back of his push for universal basic income and aggressive Covid-19 responses during his stint as Gyeonggi province governor. Lee Sang-ee, a professor at Jeju National University’s medical school, said the national health insurance might falter if it spends hundreds of billions of won to cover hair loss, when it is designed to help those suffering from serious ailments. There is no official data on how many South Koreans suffer from hair loss. The National Health Insurance Service only provided yearly tallies of people who have received hospital treatment, which was about 230,000 in 2020. Lee Jae-myung said on Wednesday that hair loss coverage is necessary from the aspect of “body completeness”, and his campaign is studying its potential financial impact.
据英国《卫报》报道,韩国总统候选人李在明近日在竞选主张中提出,扩大医疗保险所覆盖的脱发治疗范围,这让“脱发”成为选战热议话题。李在明的提案在网络上吸引了大量脱发者的支持,但也有人指责此举是赤裸裸的拉票行为。 韩国执政党总统候选人提出该国的公共医疗保险应涵盖脱发治疗,该言论引发激烈讨论。 民主党总统候选人李在明表示,近1000万人有脱发困扰,但由于治疗费用高昂,许多人只能从海外订购药物或使用前列腺疾病药物作为替代药。 目前,韩国国民健康保险只能报销特定疾病所导致脱发的治疗费用,年龄和遗传等原因导致的脱发不包含在内。 李在明1月5日告诉记者,生发治疗应该纳入韩国健康保险计划。 他在脸书上写道:“请告诉我们,你们在治疗脱发时遇到哪些不便,以及政策必须涵盖的方面。我将提出一个完美的脱发治疗政策。” 他的提议在网上获得大票支持者。一位网友在某脱发论坛上一篇关于李在明的脱发问题竞选标语的帖子中回复:“让我们把李在明种在青瓦台”。 但李在明的竞选承诺也招致了批评,反对派称这是李在明民粹主义的新花招。 反对党候选人安哲秀称李在明的提议不负责任,并承诺如果他当选,将降低仿制药的价格,并资助新疗法研发。安哲秀曾是一名医生和软件行业大佬。 韩国保守党报纸《文化日报》1月6日在一篇社论中称:“对于许多担心脱发问题的人来说,(李在明的想法)可能是必要的,但这只不过是一种危险的民粹主义,因为这会恶化国家保险计划的财政稳定性。” 李在明曾表示,他渴望成为“成功的伯尼·桑德斯”。他在担任京畿道知事期间,因推行国民基本收入政策和积极的新冠防疫政策而一举成名。 济州国立大学医学院教授李尚义(音译)说,国家健康保险是用于帮助重病患者的,如果还要从中花费数千亿韩元来补贴脱发者,那么可能会出现问题。 没有官方数据显示有多少韩国人脱发。韩国国家健康保险局仅提供了每年住院治疗脱发的人数,2020年约为23万。 李在明1月5日表示,从“身体完整性”的角度来看,医保覆盖脱发是必要的,他的竞选团队正在研究其潜在的财政影响。 来源:卫报 编辑:董静
最近,“为什么冬季容易情绪低落”登上微博热搜榜,什么是 “季节性情绪失调”?它和冬天有什么关系?日常怎么预防? 首先,如果冬天让你感到情绪很差,常常陷入抑郁情绪,先不必惊慌,因为大多数人体会到的抑郁尚属正常范围。 但如果你明显地感受到悲伤和易激惹,频繁地哭泣,总是觉得劳累和疲乏,难以集中注意力,并且睡眠增多,缺乏能量,在社交场合退缩,饮食上总是渴望糖和碳水化合物,那么你需要注意了—— 季节性抑郁可能已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤,你需要检查一下自己是否患了季节性情感障碍(Seasonal Affective Disorder,SAD)。 根据精神障碍诊断与统计手册第五版(DSM-5),季节性情感障碍属于抑郁障碍(Depressive Disorders)的大类,是一种“伴季节性模式”的重度抑郁障碍(Major Depression)。 [Photo/Pexels] “伴季节性模式”,指重性抑郁只在一年中的特定时间发作。大多数个体的抑郁发作始于秋季和冬季,缓解于春季;少部分个体有反复的夏季抑郁发作。 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months. Unlike other types of depression, it may improve as spring comes on. It is often a cyclical, recurring disorder--you'll feel depression every winter and begin to feel better each spring. 季节性情绪紊乱(seasonal affective disorder,SAD)指多发于冬季的一种抑郁症,也称“冬季抑郁症”。与其它类型的抑郁症不同的是,这种季节性抑郁症会在春天到来时有所好转。这是一种循环的、反复发生的情绪紊乱,每年冬天时觉得抑郁,春天到来时又好转了。 为什么冬季容易情绪低落 这其实是个生理问题,是大自然的规律。环境的变化,会对我们体内的神经递质和激素水平产生影响。 比如说,秋季和冬季阳光减少,人体内的五羟色胺活跃程度就会下降——而五羟色胺的活跃程度下降与抑郁有关。 再比如褪黑素,这种化学物质可以增加人们在黑暗中的睡意。秋冬季节阳光减弱,人体褪黑素分泌也会增加,导致疲倦和睡意。 此外,秋冬季节阳光更少,如果皮肤接触到的阳光减少,机体产生的维生素D会减少,而维生素D的缺乏也与临床上的抑郁症状有关。 SAD depression is caused by lowered levels of serotonin, the mood-affecting brain chemical that is triggered by seasonal changes in daylight. Shorter days may also disrupt the body’s biological clock – circadian rhythm – which upsets the balance of melatonin, the hormone which regulates mood and sleep patterns. SAD由血清素水平降低所诱发,大脑中的这种化学物质能够左右情绪,其分泌受到季节性光照变化的影响。白昼变短同样会扰乱人体生物钟——又称昼夜节律,继而导致褪黑素(调节情绪和睡眠规律的荷尔蒙)分泌失衡。 研究发现,在高纬度地区, 尤其是北方地区,以及女性群体、长期在室内工作的人等更容易出现类似情况。 Seasonal affective disorder is far more common in northern climates, where days can be very short in winter. SAD affects more women than men and is likelier to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that. 季节性情绪紊乱在北方气候地区更常见,北方冬季的白天都很短。该症状的女性患者多于男性,而且更易发生在40岁以下人群中。 如何调节抑郁情绪 如果季节性抑郁已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤,应该及时寻求专业帮助和治疗。当你的抑郁情绪尚属正常范围,达不到诊断标准,可参考以下建议来缓解抑郁情绪: 1、多晒太阳,尤其是在早上。即使工位不在窗边,也每天找时间去窗边坐一会儿。 Although any amount of outdoor light can help raise serotonin levels, getting light in the morning seems to offer the most benefit. 尽管任何数量的户外光线都有助于提升血清素水平,但在清晨享受阳光似乎效果最佳。 If the weather permits, take a walk. In your home or office, try sitting close to a window that faces south. 如果天气条件允许, 多外出散步。在家里和办公室, 尽量坐在朝南的窗户旁边。 Replacing light bulbs in your home with full spectrum light bulbs can help because they emit light similar to sunlight. 把家里的电灯泡换成全光谱灯泡会大有益处,因为全光谱灯泡发出的光和太阳光相似。 2、多运动。上班族可利用午休时间,到户外在空气新鲜、阳光充足的地方散步和倒走。 Studies have shown that upping your exercise routine can counteract SAD. Exercise raises levels of serotonin and also increases levels of endorphins, which are responsible for “runner’s high” and have been shown to fight depression. 研究表明,平时多运动可以避免患上季节性情感障碍。因为运动可以提升血清素和内啡肽水平,两者都能使人产生“跑步者的愉悦感”,并已得到证实可以对抗抑郁症。 Moderate exercise such as walking, riding a stationary bike, or swimming is a great way to get started. But any activities that raise your heart rate, including daily chores, can help, especially if you can do them outdoors or near a sunny window. Yoga, jogging and Tai chi can all help lift your mood. 适度的运动,如散步、骑固定自行车或游泳是一个很好的开始。但任何能提高心率的活动,包括日常琐事,都会有所帮助,尤其是在户外或阳光明媚的窗户附近。瑜伽、慢跑和太极都能帮助你提升心情。 3、多摄入富含维生素D的食物如鸡蛋黄、豆浆、蘑菇、奶酪、动物肝脏、脱脂牛奶和海产品(如鳟鱼、鲭鱼、金枪鱼、鳗鱼)等。 Vitamin D is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine(chemicals associated with depression), so researchers concluded that a link between low vitamin D levels and depression was logical. The Vitamin D Council recommends 2,000 IU daily, but suggests taking more if you get little exposure to the sun. 维生素D对于合成血清素和多巴胺(两者都是与抑郁症有关的化学物质)不可或缺。所以研究人员得出结论:如果维生素D水平较低,就会产生抑郁,这种解释合乎逻辑。维生素D委员会建议每天补充2000国际单位的维生素D, 如果不常晒太阳,则应补充更多。 Eat more fish. Fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have found that people who have low levels of two chemicals found in fish, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are at increased risk for depression. Either eat more fish – at least three times a week – or take fish oil capsules to combat SAD. 多食用鱼类。富含脂肪的鱼类,比如鲑鱼和沙丁鱼,包含奥米伽-3脂肪酸。研究表明,人体如果缺乏鱼肉所富含的两种化学物质:二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),患上抑郁症的风险将大增。 其实,进入年底,聚会和探亲开始变多,需要面对七大姑八大姨的“灵魂拷问”。“年关焦虑”也是导致情绪低落的原因之一。 Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financial year and pressure from work and family. “年关焦虑症”指的是年关将至而产生的自责和恐慌心理,通常由年度收入不佳、工作和家庭压力引起。 Psychological experts suggest that we should avoid peer competition. While regretting for the failed plans in the past year, you can still make resolution to do it better in the coming year. 心理专家建议不应盲目攀比。也许你还在为没有实现的目标后悔不已,但是你还是可以下定决心在来年做得更好! 同时,对一些表面上关心地“盘问”,学会说不,比如幽默地搪塞过去,而不是被牵扯掉不必要的精力,影响情绪。 冬天也要让内心充满阳光哦! 编辑:陈月华 来源:中国日报 央视新闻 果壳网等
[Photo/Pexels] Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months. Unlike other types of depression, it may improve as spring comes on. It is often a cyclical, recurring disorder--you'll feel depression every winter and begin to feel better each spring. SAD depression is caused by lowered levels of serotonin, the mood-affecting brain chemical that is triggered by seasonal changes in daylight. Shorter days may also disrupt the body’s biological clock – circadian rhythm – which upsets the balance of melatonin, the hormone which regulates mood and sleep patterns. Seasonal affective disorder is far more common in northern climates, where days can be very short in winter. SAD affects more women than men and is likelier to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that. Although any amount of outdoor light can help raise serotonin levels, getting light in the morning seems to offer the most benefit. If the weather permits, take a walk. In your home or office, try sitting close to a window that faces south. Replacing light bulbs in your home with full spectrum light bulbs can help because they emit light similar to sunlight. Studies have shown that upping your exercise routine can counteract SAD. Exercise raises levels of serotonin and also increases levels of endorphins, which are responsible for “runner’s high” and have been shown to fight depression. Moderate exercise such as walking, riding a stationary bike, or swimming is a great way to get started. But any activities that raise your heart rate, including daily chores, can help, especially if you can do them outdoors or near a sunny window. Yoga, jogging and Tai chi can all help lift your mood. Vitamin D is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine(chemicals associated with depression), so researchers concluded that a link between low vitamin D levels and depression was logical. The Vitamin D Council recommends 2,000 IU daily, but suggests taking more if you get little exposure to the sun. Eat more fish. Fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have found that people who have low levels of two chemicals found in fish, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are at increased risk for depression. Either eat more fish – at least three times a week – or take fish oil capsules to combat SAD. Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financial year and pressure from work and family. Psychological experts suggest that we should avoid peer competition. While regretting for the failed plans in the past year, you can still make resolution to do it better in the coming year.
最近,“为什么冬季容易情绪低落”登上微博热搜榜,什么是 “季节性情绪失调”?它和冬天有什么关系?日常怎么预防? 首先,如果冬天让你感到情绪很差,常常陷入抑郁情绪,先不必惊慌,因为大多数人体会到的抑郁尚属正常范围。 但如果你明显地感受到悲伤和易激惹,频繁地哭泣,总是觉得劳累和疲乏,难以集中注意力,并且睡眠增多,缺乏能量,在社交场合退缩,饮食上总是渴望糖和碳水化合物,那么你需要注意了—— 季节性抑郁可能已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤,你需要检查一下自己是否患了季节性情感障碍(Seasonal Affective Disorder,SAD)。 根据精神障碍诊断与统计手册第五版(DSM-5),季节性情感障碍属于抑郁障碍(Depressive Disorders)的大类,是一种“伴季节性模式”的重度抑郁障碍(Major Depression)。 “伴季节性模式”,指重性抑郁只在一年中的特定时间发作。大多数个体的抑郁发作始于秋季和冬季,缓解于春季;少部分个体有反复的夏季抑郁发作。 季节性情绪紊乱(seasonal affective disorder,SAD)指多发于冬季的一种抑郁症,也称“冬季抑郁症”。与其它类型的抑郁症不同的是,这种季节性抑郁症会在春天到来时有所好转。这是一种循环的、反复发生的情绪紊乱,每年冬天时觉得抑郁,春天到来时又好转了。 为什么冬季容易情绪低落 这其实是个生理问题,是大自然的规律。环境的变化,会对我们体内的神经递质和激素水平产生影响。 比如说,秋季和冬季阳光减少,人体内的五羟色胺活跃程度就会下降——而五羟色胺的活跃程度下降与抑郁有关。 再比如褪黑素,这种化学物质可以增加人们在黑暗中的睡意。秋冬季节阳光减弱,人体褪黑素分泌也会增加,导致疲倦和睡意。 此外,秋冬季节阳光更少,如果皮肤接触到的阳光减少,机体产生的维生素D会减少,而维生素D的缺乏也与临床上的抑郁症状有关。 SAD由血清素水平降低所诱发,大脑中的这种化学物质能够左右情绪,其分泌受到季节性光照变化的影响。白昼变短同样会扰乱人体生物钟——又称昼夜节律,继而导致褪黑素(调节情绪和睡眠规律的荷尔蒙)分泌失衡。 研究发现,在高纬度地区, 尤其是北方地区,以及女性群体、长期在室内工作的人等更容易出现类似情况。 季节性情绪紊乱在北方气候地区更常见,北方冬季的白天都很短。该症状的女性患者多于男性,而且更易发生在40岁以下人群中。 如何调节抑郁情绪 如果季节性抑郁已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤,应该及时寻求专业帮助和治疗。当你的抑郁情绪尚属正常范围,达不到诊断标准,可参考以下建议来缓解抑郁情绪: 1、多晒太阳,尤其是在早上。即使工位不在窗边,也每天找时间去窗边坐一会儿。 尽管任何数量的户外光线都有助于提升血清素水平,但在清晨享受阳光似乎效果最佳。 如果天气条件允许, 多外出散步。在家里和办公室, 尽量坐在朝南的窗户旁边。 把家里的电灯泡换成全光谱灯泡会大有益处,因为全光谱灯泡发出的光和太阳光相似。 2、多运动。上班族可利用午休时间,到户外在空气新鲜、阳光充足的地方散步和倒走。 研究表明,平时多运动可以避免患上季节性情感障碍。因为运动可以提升血清素和内啡肽水平,两者都能使人产生“跑步者的愉悦感”,并已得到证实可以对抗抑郁症。 适度的运动,如散步、骑固定自行车或游泳是一个很好的开始。但任何能提高心率的活动,包括日常琐事,都会有所帮助,尤其是在户外或阳光明媚的窗户附近。瑜伽、慢跑和太极都能帮助你提升心情。 3、多摄入富含维生素D的食物如鸡蛋黄、豆浆、蘑菇、奶酪、动物肝脏、脱脂牛奶和海产品(如鳟鱼、鲭鱼、金枪鱼、鳗鱼)等。 维生素D对于合成血清素和多巴胺(两者都是与抑郁症有关的化学物质)不可或缺。所以研究人员得出结论:如果维生素D水平较低,就会产生抑郁,这种解释合乎逻辑。维生素D委员会建议每天补充2000国际单位的维生素D, 如果不常晒太阳,则应补充更多。 多食用鱼类。富含脂肪的鱼类,比如鲑鱼和沙丁鱼,包含奥米伽-3脂肪酸。研究表明,人体如果缺乏鱼肉所富含的两种化学物质:二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),患上抑郁症的风险将大增。 其实,进入年底,聚会和探亲开始变多,需要面对七大姑八大姨的“灵魂拷问”。“年关焦虑”也是导致情绪低落的原因之一。 “年关焦虑症”指的是年关将至而产生的自责和恐慌心理,通常由年度收入不佳、工作和家庭压力引起。 心理专家建议不应盲目攀比。也许你还在为没有实现的目标后悔不已,但是你还是可以下定决心在来年做得更好! 同时,对一些表面上关心地“盘问”,学会说不,比如幽默地搪塞过去,而不是被牵扯掉不必要的精力,影响情绪。 冬天也要让内心充满阳光哦! 编辑:陈月华 来源:中国日报 央视新闻 果壳网等
2022年将有哪些佳片上映?詹姆斯·卡梅隆十年磨一剑的作品《阿凡达2:水之道》、高口碑动画《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》的续集《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)》、讲述三十岁女性困惑的广受好评的电影《世界上最糟糕的人》……来看看你最期待哪一部? 《青春变形记》海报(图源:迪士尼) Belle 《龙和雀斑公主》 This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last May's Cannes Film Festival – and it's easy to see why. Mamoru Hosoda's dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-school soap opera, a superhero action movie and a science-fiction mystery all rolled into one. More than that, the film is a technical marvel in which every frame sparkles with a seemingly infinite array of tiny details. Its heroine is a Japanese schoolgirl who is too shy to sing in real life, but becomes a world-famous pop star in a virtual-reality community. Everyone is desperate to uncover the true identity of her pink-haired, blue-eyed alter ego – and when Belle meets the mysterious, monstrous Beast online, she is desperate to work out who he is, too. 细田守导演的赛博朋克版《美女与野兽》去年五月在戛纳电影节上首映时,曾让观众起立鼓掌14分钟,原因显而易见。这部华丽的动画将童话爱情故事、高中生肥皂剧、超级英雄动作片和科幻悬疑片合为一体。除此以外,每一帧画面都包含了各种无穷无尽的小细节,在技术手法上令人叫绝。该片的主人公是一位日本女学生,现实生活中,她因为害羞不敢放声歌唱,但是在虚拟世界里她却成为了全球闻名的流行歌星。大家都非常想一睹这位以粉色头发、蓝色眼睛的虚拟形象示人的歌手的真面目。当贝儿在网上遇到了神秘、丑陋的野兽时,她也非常想知道此人的身份。 Released on 14 January in the US and Turkey, 20 Jan in Italy, and 4 February in the UK and Spain 该片将于1月14日在美国和土耳其上映,1月20日在意大利上映,2月4日在英国和西班牙上映。 The Batman 《新蝙蝠侠》 Robert Pattinson channels his inner bat in this latest reboot. Matt Reeves, who co-wrote and directs, told Empire he sees his version of the crime-fighter as a recluse inspired by Kurt Cobain. Pattinson has the right brooding game for this, portraying a hero who is only in his second year of saving Gotham, still finding his way as he takes on the ruthless Riddler (Paul Dano). Colin Farrell, under layers of prosthetics, is The Penguin. But seemingly there will be some humour amid the darkness and violence, going by the comical moment in one of the trailers, when The Batman deadpans to Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), in his husky, ultra-serious voice, "You've got a lot of cats." 罗伯特·帕丁森在这部新版《蝙蝠侠》中饰演和犯罪作斗争的主人公。参与编写剧本的该片导演告诉《帝国》杂志说,他这一版的蝙蝠侠是一名隐士,灵感源自科特·柯本。帕丁森的阴郁气质和这个角色很搭,他饰演的蝙蝠侠在前一年刚刚拯救了哥谭市,正在想办法对付冷酷无情的谜语人(保罗·达诺饰演)。身上套了多层假体的科林·法瑞尔饰演企鹅人。但是从其中一支预告片的滑稽片段看来,这部暗黑暴力电影似乎还是有点幽默元素的,预告片中面无表情的蝙蝠侠用沙哑又严肃的声音对猫女(佐伊·克罗维兹饰演)说:“你的猫真够多的。” Released internationally on 4 March 该片将于3月4日在全球上映。 Turning Red 《青春变形记》 Like Inside Out , Turning Red is a Pixar cartoon about the pains of growing up as a girl, but it is unique in lots of ways: this is Pixar's first film to be directed solely by a woman, the first to be set in Canada, and the first to revolve around a heroine from an Asian family. The heroine in question is Meilin – or Mei – (Rosalie Chiang), a hard-working student who transforms into a huge, shaggy red panda whenever she is stressed. Given that Mei is a 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian, and that the film is set in Toronto in the early-2000s, Turning Red appears to be drawn from the experiences of its writer-director, Domee Shi – except, presumably, for the bit about swelling up into a giant, furry animal. 和《头脑特工队》一样,《青春变形记》是一部描述女孩成长烦恼的皮克斯动画,但是《青春变形记》在很多方面都是独一无二的:第一部由女性独立执导、第一部以加拿大为故事背景、第一部女主人公出自亚裔家庭的皮克斯动画电影。女主人公名叫小美(姜晋安配音),她是一个勤奋刻苦的学生,每当她感到有压力,她就会变成一只巨大的毛发蓬乱的红色小熊猫。考虑到小美是一名13岁的华裔加拿大人,这部电影的背景又设定在21世纪初的多伦多,该片似乎取材于编剧兼导演石之予自己的生活经历,当然,除了变成巨大的毛绒绒的动物那部分以外。 Released internationally on 11 March 该片将于3月11日在全球上映。 Killers of the Flower Moon 《花月杀手》 Once again, Martin Scorsese has opted to tell a momentous true story of greed, ambition and brutal crime. Adapted by Eric Roth from the non-fiction book by David Grann, Killers of the Flower Moon examines the murders of several members of the Osage tribe in the 1920s. Robert De Niro plays William Hale, an Oklahoma cattle rancher who covets the oil rights of the Indigenous people, and Leonardo DiCaprio plays Hale's conflicted nephew, who is married to an Osage tribeswoman (Lily Gladstone). Yes, the main attraction here is that we're finally getting to see Scorsese's two favourite leading men together in one of his films. Mind you, Jesse Plemons is sure to match them as Tom White, the FBI agent assigned to the case. 马丁·斯科塞斯再一次在电影作品中讲述了一个关于贪婪、野心和残忍罪行的重大的真实故事。《花月杀手》的剧本由艾瑞克·罗斯操刀,改编自大卫·格兰的非虚构类书籍,该片审视了上世纪20年代欧塞奇部落的几名成员被杀害的案件。罗伯特·德·尼罗饰演美国俄克拉荷马州的一位觊觎土著人石油开采权的牧场主威廉·哈勒。莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演和欧塞奇部落女人(莉莉·格莱斯顿饰演)结婚的哈勒外甥,哈勒和外甥经常起冲突。没错,本片的最大看点就是,斯科塞斯在这部电影中总算让他最喜欢的两个男主角同台飚戏了。杰西·普莱蒙也将加入他们,饰演被指派去调查这一案件的美国联邦调查局特工汤姆·怀特。 Released in 2022 该片将于2022年上映。 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) 《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)》 One of the most innovative of all superhero films, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse pioneered its own pop-art visual style, and introduced the film world to the concept of different Spider-Men in alternate universes – a concept that has since been borrowed by Marvel's live-action Spider-Man: No Way Home . It's unlikely that the sequel will be quite as inventive, but, as the sub-title suggests, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) is the first episode in a two-part story, which makes it a rarity in the world of animated films. Once again masterminded by creators of The Lego Movie Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the film unites such Spider-People as Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), Peter B Parker (Jake Johnson), Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld) and the Spider-Man of the year 2099 (Oscar Isaac). 《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》可以说是最有创意的超级英雄电影之一,其波普艺术视觉风格也具有开创性。该片让电影界见识了平行宇宙中不同蜘蛛侠的概念,并被漫威的真人电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》所借鉴。尽管续集不太可能像第一部那么有创意,但是从标题来看,这部电影是一个故事的上半部分,这在动画电影界中是很少见的。续集剧本再次由《乐高大电影》编剧菲尔·罗德和克里斯托弗·米勒操刀,将在本片中出现的蜘蛛侠相关人物有迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯(沙梅克·摩尔配音)、彼得·帕克(杰克·约翰逊配音)、格温·斯黛西(海莉·斯坦菲尔德配音)和来自2099年的蜘蛛侠(奥斯卡·伊萨克配音)。 Released internationally on 7 October 该片将于10月7日在全球上映。 (未完待续) 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Belle This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last May's Cannes Film Festival – and it's easy to see why. Mamoru Hosoda's dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-school soap opera, a superhero action movie and a science-fiction mystery all rolled into one. More than that, the film is a technical marvel in which every frame sparkles with a seemingly infinite array of tiny details. Its heroine is a Japanese schoolgirl who is too shy to sing in real life, but becomes a world-famous pop star in a virtual-reality community. Everyone is desperate to uncover the true identity of her pink-haired, blue-eyed alter ego – and when Belle meets the mysterious, monstrous Beast online, she is desperate to work out who he is, too. Released on 14 January in the US and Turkey, 20 Jan in Italy, and 4 February in the UK and Spain The Batman Robert Pattinson channels his inner bat in this latest reboot. Matt Reeves, who co-wrote and directs, told Empire Released internationally on 4 March Turning Red Like Inside Out , Turning Red is a Pixar cartoon about the pains of growing up as a girl, but it is unique in lots of ways: this is Pixar's first film to be directed solely by a woman, the first to be set in Canada, and the first to revolve around a heroine from an Asian family. The heroine in question is Meilin – or Mei – (Rosalie Chiang), a hard-working student who transforms into a huge, shaggy red panda whenever she is stressed. Given that Mei is a 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian, and that the film is set in Toronto in the early-2000s, Turning Red appears to be drawn from the experiences of its writer-director, Domee Shi – except, presumably, for the bit about swelling up into a giant, furry animal. Released internationally on 11 March Killers of the Flower Moon Once again, Martin Scorsese has opted to tell a momentous true story of greed, ambition and brutal crime. Adapted by Eric Roth from the non-fiction book by David Grann, Killers of the Flower Moon examines the murders of several members of the Osage tribe in the 1920s. Robert De Niro plays William Hale, an Oklahoma cattle rancher who covets the oil rights of the Indigenous people, and Leonardo DiCaprio plays Hale's conflicted nephew, who is married to an Osage tribeswoman (Lily Gladstone). Yes, the main attraction here is that we're finally getting to see Scorsese's two favourite leading men together in one of his films. Mind you, Jesse Plemons is sure to match them as Tom White, the FBI agent assigned to the case. Released in 2022 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) One of the most innovative of all superhero films, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse pioneered its own pop-art visual style, and introduced the film world to the concept of different Spider-Men in alternate universes – a concept that has since been borrowed by Marvel's live-action Spider-Man: No Way Home . It's unlikely that the sequel will be quite as inventive, but, as the sub-title suggests, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One) is the first episode in a two-part story, which makes it a rarity in the world of animated films. Once again masterminded by creators of The Lego Movie Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the film unites such Spider-People as Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), Peter B Parker (Jake Johnson), Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld) and the Spider-Man of the year 2099 (Oscar Isaac). Released internationally on 7 October
2022年将有哪些佳片上映?詹姆斯·卡梅隆十年磨一剑的作品《阿凡达2:水之道》、高口碑动画《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》的续集《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)》、讲述三十岁女性困惑的广受好评的电影《世界上最糟糕的人》……来看看你最期待哪一部? 《青春变形记》海报(图源:迪士尼) 《龙和雀斑公主》 细田守导演的赛博朋克版《美女与野兽》去年五月在戛纳电影节上首映时,曾让观众起立鼓掌14分钟,原因显而易见。这部华丽的动画将童话爱情故事、高中生肥皂剧、超级英雄动作片和科幻悬疑片合为一体。除此以外,每一帧画面都包含了各种无穷无尽的小细节,在技术手法上令人叫绝。该片的主人公是一位日本女学生,现实生活中,她因为害羞不敢放声歌唱,但是在虚拟世界里她却成为了全球闻名的流行歌星。大家都非常想一睹这位以粉色头发、蓝色眼睛的虚拟形象示人的歌手的真面目。当贝儿在网上遇到了神秘、丑陋的野兽时,她也非常想知道此人的身份。 该片将于1月14日在美国和土耳其上映,1月20日在意大利上映,2月4日在英国和西班牙上映。 《新蝙蝠侠》 he sees his version of the crime-fighter as a recluse inspired by Kurt Cobain. Pattinson has the right brooding game for this, portraying a hero who is only in his second year of saving Gotham, still finding his way as he takes on the ruthless Riddler (Paul Dano). Colin Farrell, under layers of prosthetics, is The Penguin. But seemingly there will be some humour amid the darkness and violence, going by the comical moment in one of the trailers, when The Batman deadpans to Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), in his husky, ultra-serious voice, "You've got a lot of cats." 罗伯特·帕丁森在这部新版《蝙蝠侠》中饰演和犯罪作斗争的主人公。参与编写剧本的该片导演告诉《帝国》杂志说,他这一版的蝙蝠侠是一名隐士,灵感源自科特·柯本。帕丁森的阴郁气质和这个角色很搭,他饰演的蝙蝠侠在前一年刚刚拯救了哥谭市,正在想办法对付冷酷无情的谜语人(保罗·达诺饰演)。身上套了多层假体的科林·法瑞尔饰演企鹅人。但是从其中一支预告片的滑稽片段看来,这部暗黑暴力电影似乎还是有点幽默元素的,预告片中面无表情的蝙蝠侠用沙哑又严肃的声音对猫女(佐伊·克罗维兹饰演)说:“你的猫真够多的。” 该片将于3月4日在全球上映。 《青春变形记》 和《头脑特工队》一样,《青春变形记》是一部描述女孩成长烦恼的皮克斯动画,但是《青春变形记》在很多方面都是独一无二的:第一部由女性独立执导、第一部以加拿大为故事背景、第一部女主人公出自亚裔家庭的皮克斯动画电影。女主人公名叫小美(姜晋安配音),她是一个勤奋刻苦的学生,每当她感到有压力,她就会变成一只巨大的毛发蓬乱的红色小熊猫。考虑到小美是一名13岁的华裔加拿大人,这部电影的背景又设定在21世纪初的多伦多,该片似乎取材于编剧兼导演石之予自己的生活经历,当然,除了变成巨大的毛绒绒的动物那部分以外。 该片将于3月11日在全球上映。 《花月杀手》 马丁·斯科塞斯再一次在电影作品中讲述了一个关于贪婪、野心和残忍罪行的重大的真实故事。《花月杀手》的剧本由艾瑞克·罗斯操刀,改编自大卫·格兰的非虚构类书籍,该片审视了上世纪20年代欧塞奇部落的几名成员被杀害的案件。罗伯特·德·尼罗饰演美国俄克拉荷马州的一位觊觎土著人石油开采权的牧场主威廉·哈勒。莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演和欧塞奇部落女人(莉莉·格莱斯顿饰演)结婚的哈勒外甥,哈勒和外甥经常起冲突。没错,本片的最大看点就是,斯科塞斯在这部电影中总算让他最喜欢的两个男主角同台飚戏了。杰西·普莱蒙也将加入他们,饰演被指派去调查这一案件的美国联邦调查局特工汤姆·怀特。 该片将于2022年上映。 《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙(上)》 《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》可以说是最有创意的超级英雄电影之一,其波普艺术视觉风格也具有开创性。该片让电影界见识了平行宇宙中不同蜘蛛侠的概念,并被漫威的真人电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》所借鉴。尽管续集不太可能像第一部那么有创意,但是从标题来看,这部电影是一个故事的上半部分,这在动画电影界中是很少见的。续集剧本再次由《乐高大电影》编剧菲尔·罗德和克里斯托弗·米勒操刀,将在本片中出现的蜘蛛侠相关人物有迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯(沙梅克·摩尔配音)、彼得·帕克(杰克·约翰逊配音)、格温·斯黛西(海莉·斯坦菲尔德配音)和来自2099年的蜘蛛侠(奥斯卡·伊萨克配音)。 该片将于10月7日在全球上映。 (未完待续) 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
2020 年底 中国新冠疫苗正式获批 有条件上市 At the end of 2020, China ’ s COVID-19 vaccines were approved to enter market. 一年过去了 中国接种已达 28亿 剂次 有了更多底气 防止疫情重来 One year has passed and the number of vaccination doses administered has reached 2.8 billion. 这一整年里 多支中国新冠疫苗接力前行 Throughout the year, Chinese vaccines have been used, 与各种措施相配合 共同控制疫情 along with other measures, to bring the pandemic under tighter control. 中国抗疫形势平稳 多次反弹都被控制住 要靠老百姓对抗疫措施的配合 也靠疫苗这一强力武器 Thanks to the vaccines, and the efforts of the Chinese people , the country has been able to control any new wave emerging and spreading. 没有对比就没有伤害 在大批人反疫苗的美国 日增病例居高不下 In c omparison, in the US with anti-vaccine movements, the number of daily infections is still very high. 病毒在太平洋两边的传播 难度根本不在一个级别 It is starkly different how difficult it is for the virus to spread on the two sides of the Pacific. 对外 中国疫苗走向世界 助力全球对抗病毒 Chinese vaccines are also being delivered overseas to help the world fight the pandemic 因为我们知道 救别人就是救自己 Because we know that to help others is to help ourselves. 与西方国家囤积居奇 形成鲜明的对比 Western countries , on the other hand, keep their products to themselves as much as they can. 春节为期不远 希望各地一手控制疫情 一手做好民生保障 让人民过一个欢乐祥和健康的新年 Spring Festival is coming. L ocal governments must continue to control the pandemic and ensure people ’ s livelihoods, so that people can enjoy the festival. 作者:张周项 图片来自中国日报美术部
2020 At the end of 2020, China ’ s COVID-19 vaccines were approved to enter market. One year has passed and the number of vaccination doses administered has reached 2.8 billion. Throughout the year, Chinese vaccines have been used, along with other measures, to bring the pandemic under tighter control. Thanks to the vaccines, and the efforts of the Chinese people , the country has been able to control any new wave emerging and spreading. In c omparison, in the US with anti-vaccine movements, the number of daily infections is still very high. It is starkly different how difficult it is for the virus to spread on the two sides of the Pacific. Chinese vaccines are also being delivered overseas to help the world fight the pandemic Because we know that to help others is to help ourselves. Western countries , on the other hand, keep their products to themselves as much as they can. Spring Festival is coming. L ocal governments must continue to control the pandemic and ensure people ’ s livelihoods, so that people can enjoy the festival.
年底 中国新冠疫苗正式获批 有条件上市 一年过去了 中国接种已达 28亿 剂次 有了更多底气 防止疫情重来 这一整年里 多支中国新冠疫苗接力前行 与各种措施相配合 共同控制疫情 中国抗疫形势平稳 多次反弹都被控制住 要靠老百姓对抗疫措施的配合 也靠疫苗这一强力武器 没有对比就没有伤害 在大批人反疫苗的美国 日增病例居高不下 病毒在太平洋两边的传播 难度根本不在一个级别 对外 中国疫苗走向世界 助力全球对抗病毒 因为我们知道 救别人就是救自己 与西方国家囤积居奇 形成鲜明的对比 春节为期不远 希望各地一手控制疫情 一手做好民生保障 让人民过一个欢乐祥和健康的新年 作者:张周项 图片来自中国日报美术部
据美媒报道,针对日益高涨的反亚裔情绪,著名的娃娃制造商“美国女孩”公司宣布了该公司史上第一个亚裔“年度女孩”——科琳·谭。据该公司介绍,科琳来自科罗拉多州阿斯彭,喜欢滑雪,正在鼓起勇气回击“仇外言论”。 Photo: AMERICAN GIRL American Girl has revealed its first ever “Girl of the Year” of Chinese descent as advocates call for more steps to combat challenges some children face amid an increase in anti-Asian hate incidents that have occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. 新冠疫情期间,针对亚裔的仇恨事件增多,在该背景下,美国女孩公司宣布了有史以来它的第一个华裔“年度女孩”,以此呼吁采取更多措施帮助一些儿童应对挑战。 More than 10,300 hate incidents against Asian Americans have been reported between March 19, 2020 and September 30, 2021, according to Stop AAPI Hate, a coalition that tracks the incidents. 追踪亚裔仇恨事件的“停止仇恨亚太裔美国人”组织称,在2020年3月19日至2021年9月30日之间,已经报告超过10300起针对亚裔美国人的仇恨事件。 The Mattel-owned company announced last week that its 2022 doll is named Corinne Tan, who is an avid skier from Colorado who is adjusting to changes after her parent's divorce. 美泰旗下“美国女孩”公司上周宣布,其2022年度玩偶名为科琳·谭,她来自科罗拉多州,酷爱滑雪,正在适应父母离婚后的变化。 She's proud of her heritage and is trying to find "courage to speak up when faced with xenophobic comments," like being told she has "Kung flu," a racist reference to COVID-19, according to a statement from the company. 据该公司声明介绍,科琳·谭对自己的血统感到自豪,并试图“勇敢直面仇外言论”,例如,有人说她得了“功夫流感(一个带有种族歧视的新冠病毒表述)”时。 Her backstory, like many "Girl of the Year" dolls, is timely: Reports of racist remarks and deadly violence against Asian and Asian Americans increased dramatically as the coronavirus began spreading across the nation in March 2020 and some people, including former President Donald Trump, blamed China for the pandemic. 科琳的身份背景和许多“年度女孩”玩偶一样紧跟时事:2020年3月新冠病毒开始在美国传播,随之而来的是针对亚洲人和亚裔美国人的种族主义言论和致命暴力事件的报告急剧增加,而包括美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在内的一些人指责中国是此次疫情的罪魁祸首。 Development of the doll's backstory started in early 2020, but as the pandemic began to spread the company decided to address what girls like Corinne might experience, including the rise in anti-Asian sentiment, by working with experts and advisers who weighed in on the authenticity and accuracy of key products, the company said in a statement to USA TODAY. 该公司在《今日美国》发布声明称,科琳的背景故事开发始于2020年初,但随着新冠疫情开始蔓延,该公司决定通过与专家和顾问合作,对主要产品的真实性和准确性进行评估,解决像科琳这样的女孩可能经历的问题,如仇恨亚裔情绪的上升。 Author Wendy Wan-Long Shang was among those who helped craft the character. 作家Wendy Wan-Long Shang参与了科琳的角色创作。 “What I really hope is that there is some part of Corinne’s story that makes readers feel seen, whether it’s because they are Asian American, or because they’re part of a blended family, or because they love skiing," Shang said in a statement. "I think when readers feel seen, they realize that they matter and their experiences matter, and that they are meant to be the stars of their own stories!” 她在一份声明中表示:“我真心希望科琳的一些故事能让读者感到被关注,不管是因为他们是亚裔美国人,还是因为他们来自继亲家庭,或者因为他们热爱滑雪。我认为,当读者感到被关注时,他们就会意识到他们很重要,他们的经历也很重要,他们应该成为自己故事的主角!” Toymakers, including Mattel, have been working to create more inclusive products in recent years. In 2020, American Girl's "Girl of the Year" was Joss Kendrick, a 10-year-old surfer and competitive cheerleader who uses a hearing aid, the company's first-ever doll with a disability. 近年来,美泰等玩具制造商一直在努力创造更具包容性的产品。2020年,美国女孩的“年度女孩”是乔斯·肯德里克,10岁的冲浪爱好者和竞赛拉拉队队长,她佩戴助听器,是该公司第一个残疾人娃娃。 来源:国会山报,今日美国 编辑:董静
Photo: AMERICAN GIRL American Girl has revealed its first ever “Girl of the Year” of Chinese descent as advocates call for more steps to combat challenges some children face amid an increase in anti-Asian hate incidents that have occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 10,300 hate incidents against Asian Americans have been reported between March 19, 2020 and September 30, 2021, according to Stop AAPI Hate, a coalition that tracks the incidents. The Mattel-owned company announced last week that its 2022 doll is named Corinne Tan, who is an avid skier from Colorado who is adjusting to changes after her parent's divorce. She's proud of her heritage and is trying to find "courage to speak up when faced with xenophobic comments," like being told she has "Kung flu," a racist reference to COVID-19, according to a statement from the company. Her backstory, like many "Girl of the Year" dolls, is timely: Reports of racist remarks and deadly violence against Asian and Asian Americans increased dramatically as the coronavirus began spreading across the nation in March 2020 and some people, including former President Donald Trump, blamed China for the pandemic. Development of the doll's backstory started in early 2020, but as the pandemic began to spread the company decided to address what girls like Corinne might experience, including the rise in anti-Asian sentiment, by working with experts and advisers who weighed in on the authenticity and accuracy of key products, the company said in a statement to USA TODAY. Author Wendy Wan-Long Shang was among those who helped craft the character. “What I really hope is that there is some part of Corinne’s story that makes readers feel seen, whether it’s because they are Asian American, or because they’re part of a blended family, or because they love skiing," Shang said in a statement. "I think when readers feel seen, they realize that they matter and their experiences matter, and that they are meant to be the stars of their own stories!” Toymakers, including Mattel, have been working to create more inclusive products in recent years. In 2020, American Girl's "Girl of the Year" was Joss Kendrick, a 10-year-old surfer and competitive cheerleader who uses a hearing aid, the company's first-ever doll with a disability.
据美媒报道,针对日益高涨的反亚裔情绪,著名的娃娃制造商“美国女孩”公司宣布了该公司史上第一个亚裔“年度女孩”——科琳·谭。据该公司介绍,科琳来自科罗拉多州阿斯彭,喜欢滑雪,正在鼓起勇气回击“仇外言论”。 新冠疫情期间,针对亚裔的仇恨事件增多,在该背景下,美国女孩公司宣布了有史以来它的第一个华裔“年度女孩”,以此呼吁采取更多措施帮助一些儿童应对挑战。 追踪亚裔仇恨事件的“停止仇恨亚太裔美国人”组织称,在2020年3月19日至2021年9月30日之间,已经报告超过10300起针对亚裔美国人的仇恨事件。 美泰旗下“美国女孩”公司上周宣布,其2022年度玩偶名为科琳·谭,她来自科罗拉多州,酷爱滑雪,正在适应父母离婚后的变化。 据该公司声明介绍,科琳·谭对自己的血统感到自豪,并试图“勇敢直面仇外言论”,例如,有人说她得了“功夫流感(一个带有种族歧视的新冠病毒表述)”时。 科琳的身份背景和许多“年度女孩”玩偶一样紧跟时事:2020年3月新冠病毒开始在美国传播,随之而来的是针对亚洲人和亚裔美国人的种族主义言论和致命暴力事件的报告急剧增加,而包括美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在内的一些人指责中国是此次疫情的罪魁祸首。 该公司在《今日美国》发布声明称,科琳的背景故事开发始于2020年初,但随着新冠疫情开始蔓延,该公司决定通过与专家和顾问合作,对主要产品的真实性和准确性进行评估,解决像科琳这样的女孩可能经历的问题,如仇恨亚裔情绪的上升。 作家Wendy Wan-Long Shang参与了科琳的角色创作。 她在一份声明中表示:“我真心希望科琳的一些故事能让读者感到被关注,不管是因为他们是亚裔美国人,还是因为他们来自继亲家庭,或者因为他们热爱滑雪。我认为,当读者感到被关注时,他们就会意识到他们很重要,他们的经历也很重要,他们应该成为自己故事的主角!” 近年来,美泰等玩具制造商一直在努力创造更具包容性的产品。2020年,美国女孩的“年度女孩”是乔斯·肯德里克,10岁的冲浪爱好者和竞赛拉拉队队长,她佩戴助听器,是该公司第一个残疾人娃娃。 来源:国会山报,今日美国 编辑:董静
著名网球运动员、澳网卫冕冠军诺瓦克·德约科维奇于1月4日宣布,将在不接种新冠疫苗的情况下参加澳大利亚网球公开赛,消息一出,引发澳大利亚公众不满。 [Photo/Agencies] The decision to grant Novak Djokovic an exemption from Covid-19 vaccination requirements to play in the Australian Open in Melbourne has been labeled “appalling”, with some players expressing surprise at the late decision. 诺瓦克·德约科维奇获得接种豁免,在未接种疫苗的情况下可参加在墨尔本举办的澳大利亚网球公开赛,一些人认为该决定“令人震惊”。一些球员对于这一决定感到意外。 On Tuesday night, the defending Australian Open champion posted on Instagram that he was coming to Melbourne to participate in the tennis tournament with an “exemption permission”. 1月4月晚,这位澳网卫冕冠军在Instagram上发消息称,他将在“豁免许可”下前往墨尔本参加澳网。 澳网组织者表示,比赛中的所有球员和工作人员都必须接种疫苗或获得独立专家小组的豁免授权。德约科维奇是通过正规途径获得的豁免权,卫冕冠军没有得到特殊待遇。 All Australian Open participants must either be fully vaccinated or apply for and secure a medical exemption in order to enter Victoria without undertaking the mandatory 14-day quarantine. 所有澳网公开赛参赛者必须接种疫苗,或申请并获得医疗豁免,才能进入维多利亚州,而无需进行14天的强制隔离。 Tennis Australia said players seeking an exemption went through a two-stage process, with their application first considered by a panel of experts in Tennis Australia, and then an assessment from the Victorian government. 澳大利亚网球协会表示,申请豁免的选手需要经过两个阶段的程序,首先由澳大利亚网球协会的专家小组对其申请进行审议,然后由维多利亚州政府进行评估。 The chief executive of Tennis Australia, Craig Tiley, said the exemption granted to Djokovic was the same medical exemption anyone can get under the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (Atagi) guidelines. 澳大利亚网球协会首席执行官克雷格·蒂利表示,德约科维奇获得的豁免与其他任何人根据澳大利亚免疫接种技术咨询小组(Atagi)指南可以获得的医疗豁免相同。 “If there are several reasons why they are unable to be vaccinated, Atagi have set out very clear guidelines that have to be followed in order for you to be added to the Australian immunisation register and if you are added to that register, you are then exempt from a vaccination and can come into Australia,” he told Nine’s Today Show on Wednesday. 蒂利5日在接受澳9号新闻台《今日秀》节目采访时表示:“如果某些原因导致有些人无法接种新冠疫苗,Atagi已经制定了明确的指导方针,他们必须遵守这些指导方针,才能录入澳大利亚免疫接种登记册。如果被该登记册录入,那么就可以获得接种豁免,并可以进入澳大利亚。” “For tennis players, it was a process that was above and beyond what anyone coming to Australia would have experienced. Simply because we had an extra panel … which through a blind review assessed any application and then granted exemptions if it was appropriate.” “对于网球运动员来说,这不是每个来澳人员都会经历的程序。仅仅是因为我们有这样一个额外的机构……该小组以盲审形式对所有申请进行评估,然后对符合条件的给予豁免。” Tiley said it was up to Djokovic to decide whether to disclose the reason the exemption was granted. The Atagi guidelines state exemptions can be given for those with acute medical conditions, including undergoing major surgery, those who have had Covid-19 in the past six months or have had a serious adverse event attributed to a previous Covid vaccine dose. 蒂利表示,是否披露获得豁免的原因由德约科维奇决定。Atagi指南指出,对于那些急性疾病病人,包括正在接受大手术的人,以及在过去6个月内感染过新冠的人,或因接种新冠疫苗出现严重不良反应的人,可以给予豁免。 The state employment minister, Jaala Pulford, acknowledged Victorians would find the decision frustrating, but said the panel process to approve the exemption was “incredibly robust” and Djokovic had not received special treatment. 维多利亚州就业部长贾拉·普尔福德承认,维州人会对这一决定感到沮丧,但他表示,批准豁免的小组程序“非常稳健”,德约科维奇没有受到特殊待遇。 “I wanted to recognize and acknowledge that this outcome is something that many of the Victorian community find frustrating and upsetting,” Pulford said. “But I want to make absolutely clear that as has been the case the whole time, no one is receiving special treatment because of who they are or what they have achieved professionally.” 普尔福德说:“我承认,这一结果令许多维州人感到失望和不安。但我想明确指出,一直以来,没有任何人因为他们的身份或他们在职业上取得的成就而受到特殊对待。” Andrews said in her statement any individual seeking to enter Australia “must comply with our strict border requirements”. 安德鲁斯在声明中称,任何试图进入澳大利亚的个人“必须遵守我们严格的出入境规定”。 “If an arriving individual is not vaccinated, they must provide acceptable proof that they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons to be able to access the same travel arrangements as fully vaccinated travelers. “如果抵澳人员没有接种疫苗,他们必须提供合理的证据,证明他们因医疗原因不能接种疫苗,以便能够获得与完成疫苗接种的旅行者相同的旅行安排。” “No individual competing at the Australian Open will be afforded any special treatment.” “参加澳网公开赛的任何个人都不会得到任何特殊待遇。” Both Tiley and Pulford called on Djokovic to explain his medical exemption when he arrives in Australia. 蒂利和普尔福德都呼吁德约科维奇在抵达澳大利亚时解释他的医疗豁免。 “I think it’ll certainly be helpful if Novak was to explain the condition for which he sought an exemption and he got the exemption,” Tiley said. “But ultimately, it’s up to him.” 蒂利说:“我认为,如果德约科维奇能够解释他申请豁免并获得豁免的原因,肯定会有所帮助。但最终这取决于他本人。” “德约科维奇反对强制接种新冠疫苗” 2020年4月,在各国尚未成功研发出疫苗之前,德约科维奇曾在的一场社交媒体直播中表示,他个人反对接种疫苗,也不想为了可以出行而被强制接种疫苗。 “Personally, I am opposed to vaccination and I wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel.” “就我个人而言,我反对接种疫苗,我不想为了出行而被强制接种疫苗。” Public reaction to the news of Djokovic’s exemption was overwhelmingly hostile. 公众对德约科维奇获得接种豁免的消息反应强烈。 Stephen Parnis, a former vice-president of the Australian Medical Association, said the decision was appalling. 澳大利亚医学协会前副主席斯蒂芬·帕尼斯表示,这一决定令人震惊。 “I don’t care how good a tennis player he is. If he’s refusing to get vaccinated, he shouldn’t be allowed in,” Parnis tweeted. “If this exemption is true, it sends an appalling message to millions seeking to reduce #COVID19Aus risk to themselves & others. #Vaccination shows respect, Novak.” 帕尼斯在推特上写道:“我不在乎他网球打得有多好。如果他拒绝接种疫苗,就不应该让他进入澳大利亚。如果这项豁免是真的,那么这向数百万寻求降低自身和他人感染新冠病毒风险的人发出了一个可怕的信息。德约科维奇,请接种疫苗以示尊重。” Australian tennis players James Duckworth and Alex de Minaur expressed surprise at the decision when asked at the ATP tournament in Sydney. 澳大利亚网球选手詹姆斯·达克沃思和亚历克斯·德米纳尔在ATP巡回赛悉尼站被问及该事件时表示惊讶。 “Look, I don’t know the criteria for exemptions. Yeah. Apparently it’s an independent panel. He must have fit the criteria somehow,” Duckworth said. 达克沃思说:“听着,我不知道豁免的标准。是的。显然这是一个独立的小组。他一定在某种程度上符合标准。” “That’s very politically correct of you,” de Minaur replied. “I just think it’s very interesting. That’s all I’m going to say.” 德米纳尔回答:“你在政治上是非常正确的,我只是觉得这很有趣。这就是我要说的。” Tiley said 26 people associated with the Australian Open applied for a medical exemption to come to the tournament, but only a handful were granted. 蒂利表示,26名澳网相关人员为参赛申请了医疗豁免,但只有少数人获得了批准。 The deputy Victorian Liberal leader, David Southwick, said it was a “disgrace”. 维多利亚州自由党副领袖大卫·索斯威克表示,这是一种“耻辱”。 “What a disgrace! We have had 6 lockdowns – schools and small businesses closed, funerals and weddings told not to go ahead, families separated for months on end and now a tennis star gets an exemption,” he tweeted. 他在推特上写道:“真是丢脸!我们已经封城6次——学校和小企业关门,禁止举办葬礼和婚礼,家人连续分居几个月,现在一位网球明星获得了豁免。” The decision also drew an angry reaction on social media, with many predicting a hostile welcome for the nine-time Australian Open champion when he takes the court. 这一决定也在社交媒体上引发众怒,许多人预测这位九届澳网冠军在上场时会受到带有敌意的欢迎。 “谁能让德约科维奇澳网出局,可能这辈子在澳洲都不用买啤酒了。” “德约科维奇即将体验被澳大利亚所有人鄙视的感觉。我们都很和蔼可亲,直到我们不想再如此为止.#接种疫苗” “过去两年这里的许多人承受了很多,在经历这些之后,允许德约科维奇获得接种豁免,这是给澳大利亚人民的一记耳光。海外的澳大利亚人甚至不被允许回国,但很显然,如果你是富人和名人,这些规定就不适用了。” Former AFL great Kevin Bartlett said on Twitter that the public had been “taken for fools”. 澳大利亚澳式足球联盟前著名球员凯文·巴特利特在推特上说,公众被“当作傻瓜”。 Russian tennis star Natalia Vikhlyantseva announced in December she would skip the Australian Open because the Sputnik vaccine she has received is not recognised in Australia. 俄罗斯网球明星纳塔莉亚·维克里安特塞娃去年12月宣布,她将不参加澳网公开赛,因为她所接种的卫星疫苗没有获得澳大利亚认可。 来源:卫报,路透社 编辑:董静
[Photo/Agencies] The decision to grant Novak Djokovic an exemption from Covid-19 vaccination requirements to play in the Australian Open in Melbourne has been labeled “appalling”, with some players expressing surprise at the late decision. On Tuesday night, the defending Australian Open champion posted on Instagram that he was coming to Melbourne to participate in the tennis tournament with an “exemption permission”. All Australian Open participants must either be fully vaccinated or apply for and secure a medical exemption in order to enter Victoria without undertaking the mandatory 14-day quarantine. Tennis Australia said players seeking an exemption went through a two-stage process, with their application first considered by a panel of experts in Tennis Australia, and then an assessment from the Victorian government. The chief executive of Tennis Australia, Craig Tiley, said the exemption granted to Djokovic was the same medical exemption anyone can get under the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (Atagi) guidelines. “If there are several reasons why they are unable to be vaccinated, Atagi have set out very clear guidelines that have to be followed in order for you to be added to the Australian immunisation register and if you are added to that register, you are then exempt from a vaccination and can come into Australia,” he told Nine’s Today Show on Wednesday. “For tennis players, it was a process that was above and beyond what anyone coming to Australia would have experienced. Simply because we had an extra panel … which through a blind review assessed any application and then granted exemptions if it was appropriate.” Tiley said it was up to Djokovic to decide whether to disclose the reason the exemption was granted. The Atagi guidelines state exemptions can be given for those with acute medical conditions, including undergoing major surgery, those who have had Covid-19 in the past six months or have had a serious adverse event attributed to a previous Covid vaccine dose. The state employment minister, Jaala Pulford, acknowledged Victorians would find the decision frustrating, but said the panel process to approve the exemption was “incredibly robust” and Djokovic had not received special treatment. “I wanted to recognize and acknowledge that this outcome is something that many of the Victorian community find frustrating and upsetting,” Pulford said. “But I want to make absolutely clear that as has been the case the whole time, no one is receiving special treatment because of who they are or what they have achieved professionally.” Andrews said in her statement any individual seeking to enter Australia “must comply with our strict border requirements”. “If an arriving individual is not vaccinated, they must provide acceptable proof that they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons to be able to access the same travel arrangements as fully vaccinated travelers. “No individual competing at the Australian Open will be afforded any special treatment.” Both Tiley and Pulford called on Djokovic to explain his medical exemption when he arrives in Australia. “I think it’ll certainly be helpful if Novak was to explain the condition for which he sought an exemption and he got the exemption,” Tiley said. “But ultimately, it’s up to him.” “Personally, I am opposed to vaccination and I wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel.” Public reaction to the news of Djokovic’s exemption was overwhelmingly hostile. Stephen Parnis, a former vice-president of the Australian Medical Association, said the decision was appalling. “I don’t care how good a tennis player he is. If he’s refusing to get vaccinated, he shouldn’t be allowed in,” Parnis tweeted. “If this exemption is true, it sends an appalling message to millions seeking to reduce #COVID19Aus risk to themselves & others. #Vaccination shows respect, Novak.” Australian tennis players James Duckworth and Alex de Minaur expressed surprise at the decision when asked at the ATP tournament in Sydney. “Look, I don’t know the criteria for exemptions. Yeah. Apparently it’s an independent panel. He must have fit the criteria somehow,” Duckworth said. “That’s very politically correct of you,” de Minaur replied. “I just think it’s very interesting. That’s all I’m going to say.” Tiley said 26 people associated with the Australian Open applied for a medical exemption to come to the tournament, but only a handful were granted. The deputy Victorian Liberal leader, David Southwick, said it was a “disgrace”. “What a disgrace! We have had 6 lockdowns – schools and small businesses closed, funerals and weddings told not to go ahead, families separated for months on end and now a tennis star gets an exemption,” he tweeted. The decision also drew an angry reaction on social media, with many predicting a hostile welcome for the nine-time Australian Open champion when he takes the court. Former AFL great Kevin Bartlett said on Twitter that the public had been “taken for fools”. Russian tennis star Natalia Vikhlyantseva announced in December she would skip the Australian Open because the Sputnik vaccine she has received is not recognised in Australia.
著名网球运动员、澳网卫冕冠军诺瓦克·德约科维奇于1月4日宣布,将在不接种新冠疫苗的情况下参加澳大利亚网球公开赛,消息一出,引发澳大利亚公众不满。 诺瓦克·德约科维奇获得接种豁免,在未接种疫苗的情况下可参加在墨尔本举办的澳大利亚网球公开赛,一些人认为该决定“令人震惊”。一些球员对于这一决定感到意外。 1月4月晚,这位澳网卫冕冠军在Instagram上发消息称,他将在“豁免许可”下前往墨尔本参加澳网。 澳网组织者表示,比赛中的所有球员和工作人员都必须接种疫苗或获得独立专家小组的豁免授权。德约科维奇是通过正规途径获得的豁免权,卫冕冠军没有得到特殊待遇。 所有澳网公开赛参赛者必须接种疫苗,或申请并获得医疗豁免,才能进入维多利亚州,而无需进行14天的强制隔离。 澳大利亚网球协会表示,申请豁免的选手需要经过两个阶段的程序,首先由澳大利亚网球协会的专家小组对其申请进行审议,然后由维多利亚州政府进行评估。 澳大利亚网球协会首席执行官克雷格·蒂利表示,德约科维奇获得的豁免与其他任何人根据澳大利亚免疫接种技术咨询小组(Atagi)指南可以获得的医疗豁免相同。 蒂利5日在接受澳9号新闻台《今日秀》节目采访时表示:“如果某些原因导致有些人无法接种新冠疫苗,Atagi已经制定了明确的指导方针,他们必须遵守这些指导方针,才能录入澳大利亚免疫接种登记册。如果被该登记册录入,那么就可以获得接种豁免,并可以进入澳大利亚。” “对于网球运动员来说,这不是每个来澳人员都会经历的程序。仅仅是因为我们有这样一个额外的机构……该小组以盲审形式对所有申请进行评估,然后对符合条件的给予豁免。” 蒂利表示,是否披露获得豁免的原因由德约科维奇决定。Atagi指南指出,对于那些急性疾病病人,包括正在接受大手术的人,以及在过去6个月内感染过新冠的人,或因接种新冠疫苗出现严重不良反应的人,可以给予豁免。 维多利亚州就业部长贾拉·普尔福德承认,维州人会对这一决定感到沮丧,但他表示,批准豁免的小组程序“非常稳健”,德约科维奇没有受到特殊待遇。 普尔福德说:“我承认,这一结果令许多维州人感到失望和不安。但我想明确指出,一直以来,没有任何人因为他们的身份或他们在职业上取得的成就而受到特殊对待。” 安德鲁斯在声明中称,任何试图进入澳大利亚的个人“必须遵守我们严格的出入境规定”。 “如果抵澳人员没有接种疫苗,他们必须提供合理的证据,证明他们因医疗原因不能接种疫苗,以便能够获得与完成疫苗接种的旅行者相同的旅行安排。” “参加澳网公开赛的任何个人都不会得到任何特殊待遇。” 蒂利和普尔福德都呼吁德约科维奇在抵达澳大利亚时解释他的医疗豁免。 蒂利说:“我认为,如果德约科维奇能够解释他申请豁免并获得豁免的原因,肯定会有所帮助。但最终这取决于他本人。” “德约科维奇反对强制接种新冠疫苗” 2020年4月,在各国尚未成功研发出疫苗之前,德约科维奇曾在的一场社交媒体直播中表示,他个人反对接种疫苗,也不想为了可以出行而被强制接种疫苗。 “就我个人而言,我反对接种疫苗,我不想为了出行而被强制接种疫苗。” 公众对德约科维奇获得接种豁免的消息反应强烈。 澳大利亚医学协会前副主席斯蒂芬·帕尼斯表示,这一决定令人震惊。 帕尼斯在推特上写道:“我不在乎他网球打得有多好。如果他拒绝接种疫苗,就不应该让他进入澳大利亚。如果这项豁免是真的,那么这向数百万寻求降低自身和他人感染新冠病毒风险的人发出了一个可怕的信息。德约科维奇,请接种疫苗以示尊重。” 澳大利亚网球选手詹姆斯·达克沃思和亚历克斯·德米纳尔在ATP巡回赛悉尼站被问及该事件时表示惊讶。 达克沃思说:“听着,我不知道豁免的标准。是的。显然这是一个独立的小组。他一定在某种程度上符合标准。” 德米纳尔回答:“你在政治上是非常正确的,我只是觉得这很有趣。这就是我要说的。” 蒂利表示,26名澳网相关人员为参赛申请了医疗豁免,但只有少数人获得了批准。 维多利亚州自由党副领袖大卫·索斯威克表示,这是一种“耻辱”。 他在推特上写道:“真是丢脸!我们已经封城6次——学校和小企业关门,禁止举办葬礼和婚礼,家人连续分居几个月,现在一位网球明星获得了豁免。” 这一决定也在社交媒体上引发众怒,许多人预测这位九届澳网冠军在上场时会受到带有敌意的欢迎。 “谁能让德约科维奇澳网出局,可能这辈子在澳洲都不用买啤酒了。” “德约科维奇即将体验被澳大利亚所有人鄙视的感觉。我们都很和蔼可亲,直到我们不想再如此为止.#接种疫苗” “过去两年这里的许多人承受了很多,在经历这些之后,允许德约科维奇获得接种豁免,这是给澳大利亚人民的一记耳光。海外的澳大利亚人甚至不被允许回国,但很显然,如果你是富人和名人,这些规定就不适用了。” 澳大利亚澳式足球联盟前著名球员凯文·巴特利特在推特上说,公众被“当作傻瓜”。 俄罗斯网球明星纳塔莉亚·维克里安特塞娃去年12月宣布,她将不参加澳网公开赛,因为她所接种的卫星疫苗没有获得澳大利亚认可。 来源:卫报,路透社 编辑:董静
你的2022新年计划是什么? 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,学习一项新技能,或者读30本书,但最终能实现的目标却少得可怜。 事实上,大多数人的新年计划都无法坚持三个月以上。如何让新年flag常立不倒?如果你也为自己设定了一系列新年计划,并希望坚持下去,不妨试试行为科学家推荐的五个技巧。 1.Make a cue-based plan 做一份详细的计划 Just as cues tell Broadway stars when to step onto the stage, research has shown that adding a cue to your plan helps you remember when to act. Be sure to detail when and where you'll follow through. 正如出场提示告诉百老汇明星何时登台一样,研究表明,在你的计划中加入信息提示,能帮助你记住何时行动。一定要详细说明你将在何时何地做什么。 If your New Year's resolution is to meditate five days each week, a plan like "I'll meditate on weekdays" would be too vague. But a cue-based plan like "I'll meditate at the office on weekdays during my lunch break" would fit the bill. 如果你的新年计划是每周冥想五天,那么像“我将在工作日冥想”这样的计划就太模糊了。但是,“我将在工作日的午休时间在办公室冥想”这样有信息提示的计划就很合适。 Plotting when and where you'll execute on your New Year's resolution jogs your memory when it's opportune and generates guilt if you flake out. Detailed planning can also help you anticipate and dodge obstacles -- so if you plan to meditate during lunch, you'll be sure to decline a proffered lunch meeting. 提前想好你会在何时何地执行计划,这样做能在适当的时候让你想起自己的计划,如果你没有按照计划去做,就会产生内疚感。详细的计划也可以帮助你预测和避免阻碍——如果你计划在午餐时冥想,你一定会拒绝别人提出的午餐会议。 [Photo/pexels] 2.Consider a penalty clause 设置惩罚条款 This may sound sinister, but ensuring you'll face some penalty if you don't achieve your New Year's resolution can work wonders. 这听起来可能有点狠,但如果完不成新年计划会让你受到一些惩罚的话,这可以创造奇迹。 One easy way to do this is by telling a few people about your goal so you'll feel ashamed if they check back later and find out you haven't followed through. 一个简单的方法是把你的目标告诉一些人,这样,如果他们后来发现你没有坚持下去,你会感到羞愧。 A steeper penalty than shame, however, is putting cold hard cash on the table, and there is excellent evidence that self-imposed cash penalties motivate success. You can make a bet with a friend that you'll stick to your New Year's resolution. The logic for why this works is simple. Incentives change our decisions, and penalties are even more motivating than rewards. 而比羞愧感更有效的是金钱惩罚,有证据表明,自我施加的金钱惩罚可以激励成功。你可以和朋友打赌,赌你会坚持新年计划。这样做的逻辑很简单。激励措施会改变我们的决定,而惩罚甚至比奖励让我们更有动力。 [Photo/pexels] 3.Make it fun 找些乐趣 Most of us strive for efficiency when it comes to achieving our goals. If you want to get fit, you figure a punishing workout will be just the thing to produce rapid progress. If you want to ace a class, you assume long, distraction-free study sessions are key. But research has shown that focusing on efficiency can leave you high and dry because you'll neglect an even more important part of the equation: whether you enjoy the act of goal pursuit. 在完成目标的过程中,大多数人都力求高效。如果你的目标是锻炼身体,你会认为高强度的锻炼将能让你快速取得成效。如果你想学好一门功课,你会认为长时间、不被打扰的学习很重要。但研究表明,专注于效率会让你被困在原地,因为你会忽略更重要的事:你是否享受追求目标的过程。 If it's not fun to exercise or study, you're unlikely to keep at it. But if you get pleasure from your workouts or study sessions, research has found you'll persist longer. And in the end, that's what often matters most to achieving a New Year's resolution. 如果锻炼或学习没有乐趣,就不太可能坚持下去。但研究发现如果你从锻炼或学习中获得乐趣,就会坚持得更久。而最终,这往往是实现新年计划的最重要因素。 One way to make pursuing a goal that normally feels like a chore more fun is to combine it with a guilty pleasure. Consider only letting yourself watch your favorite TV show at the gym so you'll start looking forward to workouts. Or only letting yourself drink a mocha latte during study sessions so there is a hook to get you to the library. 想要把追求一个辛苦的目标变得更有趣,方法就是把它与有罪恶感的快乐结合起来。如果只允许自己在健身房看最喜欢的电视节目,你就会开始期待锻炼了。或者只让自己在学习期间喝摩卡拿铁,这样就有了去图书馆的动力。 [Photo/pexels] 4.Allow for emergencies 允许紧急情况 If you deviate at all from your New Year's resolution, your instinct may be to declare yourself a failure and throw in the towel. Researchers call this the "what the hell effect." Here's what it looks like: You planned to get to bed early every night but couldn't resist staying up late one Friday to watch an extra episode of "Succession." After that, your early-to-bed plans went out the window because "what the hell," you'd already failed. 如果你完全违背了自己的新年计划,你可能本能地认输并放弃。研究人员称之为“去他的效应”。就比如这样:你计划每晚早睡,但忍不住在某个星期五熬夜多看一集《继承之战》,此后你的早睡计划泡汤了,因为“去他的”反正你已经失败了。 Happily, there is a way to dodge this fate. By setting tough goals (like a 10 pm bedtime every night) but giving yourself one or two get-out-of-jail-free cards each week, you can get better results than by setting either tough or easy goals without wiggle room, research has revealed. 幸运的是,有一种方法可以避免这种宿命。研究表明,设定困难的目标(比如每晚10点入睡),但每周给自己一两张豁免卡,就可以比设定没有回旋余地的或难或易的目标获得更好的结果。 5.Get a little help from your friends 借助朋友的帮助 Spending time around high achievers can boost your own performance. If your New Year's resolution is to run a marathon or write a book, you'd be wise to start hanging around friends who've made it to the finish line (literally or figuratively) and can show you how it's done. You'll pick up a bit just by spending time together because you'll be inclined to conform to their patterns of behavior. 花时间和高成就者在一起可以提高你自己的表现。如果你的新年愿望是跑一场马拉松或写一本书,那么明智的做法是开始与那些已经实现这一目标、可以告诉你如何做到的朋友们在一起。仅仅是和他们相处,你就会有收获,因为你会倾向于模仿他们的行为模式。 Strangely enough, there is evidence that coaching friends with shared goals can improve your success rate, too. When you're on the hook to give someone else tips on how to achieve, it boosts your self-confidence. It also forces you to be introspective about what works in ways you might not otherwise. 奇怪的是,有证据表明,指导有共同目标的朋友也能提高你的成功率。当你想给别人一些如何实现目标的建议时,这会增强你的自信。这样也会迫使你反省自己的方法是否对路。 来源:CNN 编辑:董静
1.Make a cue-based plan Just as cues tell Broadway stars when to step onto the stage, research has shown that adding a cue to your plan helps you remember when to act. Be sure to detail when and where you'll follow through. If your New Year's resolution is to meditate five days each week, a plan like "I'll meditate on weekdays" would be too vague. But a cue-based plan like "I'll meditate at the office on weekdays during my lunch break" would fit the bill. Plotting when and where you'll execute on your New Year's resolution jogs your memory when it's opportune and generates guilt if you flake out. Detailed planning can also help you anticipate and dodge obstacles -- so if you plan to meditate during lunch, you'll be sure to decline a proffered lunch meeting. [Photo/pexels] 2.Consider a penalty clause This may sound sinister, but ensuring you'll face some penalty if you don't achieve your New Year's resolution can work wonders. One easy way to do this is by telling a few people about your goal so you'll feel ashamed if they check back later and find out you haven't followed through. A steeper penalty than shame, however, is putting cold hard cash on the table, and there is excellent evidence that self-imposed cash penalties motivate success. You can make a bet with a friend that you'll stick to your New Year's resolution. The logic for why this works is simple. Incentives change our decisions, and penalties are even more motivating than rewards. [Photo/pexels] 3.Make it fun Most of us strive for efficiency when it comes to achieving our goals. If you want to get fit, you figure a punishing workout will be just the thing to produce rapid progress. If you want to ace a class, you assume long, distraction-free study sessions are key. But research has shown that focusing on efficiency can leave you high and dry because you'll neglect an even more important part of the equation: whether you enjoy the act of goal pursuit. If it's not fun to exercise or study, you're unlikely to keep at it. But if you get pleasure from your workouts or study sessions, research has found you'll persist longer. And in the end, that's what often matters most to achieving a New Year's resolution. One way to make pursuing a goal that normally feels like a chore more fun is to combine it with a guilty pleasure. Consider only letting yourself watch your favorite TV show at the gym so you'll start looking forward to workouts. Or only letting yourself drink a mocha latte during study sessions so there is a hook to get you to the library. [Photo/pexels] 4.Allow for emergencies If you deviate at all from your New Year's resolution, your instinct may be to declare yourself a failure and throw in the towel. Researchers call this the "what the hell effect." Here's what it looks like: You planned to get to bed early every night but couldn't resist staying up late one Friday to watch an extra episode of "Succession." After that, your early-to-bed plans went out the window because "what the hell," you'd already failed. Happily, there is a way to dodge this fate. By setting tough goals (like a 10 pm bedtime every night) but giving yourself one or two get-out-of-jail-free cards each week, you can get better results than by setting either tough or easy goals without wiggle room, research has revealed. 5.Get a little help from your friends Spending time around high achievers can boost your own performance. If your New Year's resolution is to run a marathon or write a book, you'd be wise to start hanging around friends who've made it to the finish line (literally or figuratively) and can show you how it's done. You'll pick up a bit just by spending time together because you'll be inclined to conform to their patterns of behavior. Strangely enough, there is evidence that coaching friends with shared goals can improve your success rate, too. When you're on the hook to give someone else tips on how to achieve, it boosts your self-confidence. It also forces you to be introspective about what works in ways you might not otherwise.
你的2022新年计划是什么? 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,学习一项新技能,或者读30本书,但最终能实现的目标却少得可怜。 事实上,大多数人的新年计划都无法坚持三个月以上。如何让新年flag常立不倒?如果你也为自己设定了一系列新年计划,并希望坚持下去,不妨试试行为科学家推荐的五个技巧。 做一份详细的计划 正如出场提示告诉百老汇明星何时登台一样,研究表明,在你的计划中加入信息提示,能帮助你记住何时行动。一定要详细说明你将在何时何地做什么。 如果你的新年计划是每周冥想五天,那么像“我将在工作日冥想”这样的计划就太模糊了。但是,“我将在工作日的午休时间在办公室冥想”这样有信息提示的计划就很合适。 提前想好你会在何时何地执行计划,这样做能在适当的时候让你想起自己的计划,如果你没有按照计划去做,就会产生内疚感。详细的计划也可以帮助你预测和避免阻碍——如果你计划在午餐时冥想,你一定会拒绝别人提出的午餐会议。 设置惩罚条款 这听起来可能有点狠,但如果完不成新年计划会让你受到一些惩罚的话,这可以创造奇迹。 一个简单的方法是把你的目标告诉一些人,这样,如果他们后来发现你没有坚持下去,你会感到羞愧。 而比羞愧感更有效的是金钱惩罚,有证据表明,自我施加的金钱惩罚可以激励成功。你可以和朋友打赌,赌你会坚持新年计划。这样做的逻辑很简单。激励措施会改变我们的决定,而惩罚甚至比奖励让我们更有动力。 找些乐趣 在完成目标的过程中,大多数人都力求高效。如果你的目标是锻炼身体,你会认为高强度的锻炼将能让你快速取得成效。如果你想学好一门功课,你会认为长时间、不被打扰的学习很重要。但研究表明,专注于效率会让你被困在原地,因为你会忽略更重要的事:你是否享受追求目标的过程。 如果锻炼或学习没有乐趣,就不太可能坚持下去。但研究发现如果你从锻炼或学习中获得乐趣,就会坚持得更久。而最终,这往往是实现新年计划的最重要因素。 想要把追求一个辛苦的目标变得更有趣,方法就是把它与有罪恶感的快乐结合起来。如果只允许自己在健身房看最喜欢的电视节目,你就会开始期待锻炼了。或者只让自己在学习期间喝摩卡拿铁,这样就有了去图书馆的动力。 允许紧急情况 如果你完全违背了自己的新年计划,你可能本能地认输并放弃。研究人员称之为“去他的效应”。就比如这样:你计划每晚早睡,但忍不住在某个星期五熬夜多看一集《继承之战》,此后你的早睡计划泡汤了,因为“去他的”反正你已经失败了。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以避免这种宿命。研究表明,设定困难的目标(比如每晚10点入睡),但每周给自己一两张豁免卡,就可以比设定没有回旋余地的或难或易的目标获得更好的结果。 借助朋友的帮助 花时间和高成就者在一起可以提高你自己的表现。如果你的新年愿望是跑一场马拉松或写一本书,那么明智的做法是开始与那些已经实现这一目标、可以告诉你如何做到的朋友们在一起。仅仅是和他们相处,你就会有收获,因为你会倾向于模仿他们的行为模式。 奇怪的是,有证据表明,指导有共同目标的朋友也能提高你的成功率。当你想给别人一些如何实现目标的建议时,这会增强你的自信。这样也会迫使你反省自己的方法是否对路。 来源:CNN 编辑:董静
世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞日前发表新年寄语,表示如果全球各国齐心协力抑制病毒蔓延,人类将在2022年战胜新冠疫情。他还警告称,疫苗分配中持续的不平等将增加病毒变异的风险。 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), reacts during a news conference in Geneva, Switzerland, December 20, 2021. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse The World Health Organization (WHO) chief says he is optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic will be defeated in 2022, provided countries work together to contain its spread. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞表示,只要各国联起手来抑制病毒蔓延,他对于人类在2022年战胜新冠疫情充满乐观。 Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu warned against "narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding" in a new year statement. 谭德塞博士在新年寄语中称,要警惕“狭隘的民族主义和疫苗囤积”。 Global Covid cases now stand at 287m, while nearly 5.5m people have died. 目前全球新冠肺炎病例总数达到了2.87亿,近550万名患者已经丧生。 Across the world people are marking the new year but celebrations are muted, with many countries wanting to discourage crowds gathering. 在世界各地的人们静悄悄地庆祝新年之时,许多国家都致力于防止人群聚集。 Coronavirus remains part of daily life: a disease that has shut borders, split families and in some places made it unthinkable to leave the house without carrying a mask. 步入2022年,新冠病毒仍然是日常生活的一部分。疫情导致边境关闭、家人分离,在某些地方,不戴口罩甚至出不了门。 Despite all this, Dr Tedros sounded a positive note in his speech, noting that there are now many more tools to treat Covid-19. 尽管如此,谭德塞博士还是在寄语中表明了积极的态度,并指出如今应对和治疗新冠的手段比以前多很多。 But he warned that continuing inequity in vaccine distribution was increasing the risk of the virus evolving. 但是他警告称,疫苗分配中持续的不平等将增加病毒变异的风险。 "Narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding by some countries have undermined equity and created the ideal conditions for the emergence of the Omicron variant, and the longer inequity continues, the higher the risks of the virus evolving in ways we can't prevent or predict," he said. 他说:“狭隘的民族主义和某些国家的疫苗囤积造成了不平等,给奥密克戎变异株的出现创造了理想条件。疫苗分配不平等持续时间越长,病毒以我们无法预防或预测的方式变异的风险就越高。” "If we end inequity, we end the pandemic," he added. 他补充道:“如果我们终结不平等,我们就能终结这场疫情。” 全球疫情最新态势 South Africa, where Omicron was first reported, has lifted an overnight curfew after announcing the country is likely to have passed the peak of new infections 最早发现奥密克戎毒株的南非宣布新一波疫情高峰已经过去,并取消了夜间宵禁。 A German virologist, Christian Drosten, told ZDF television he expects a "relatively normal" winter, pointing to data suggesting that Omicron cases are not as severe 德国病毒学家克里斯蒂安·德罗斯滕告诉德国电视二台称,他预期这个冬天会“相对正常”,并指出,数据表明感染奥密克戎毒株的病例症状没那么严重。 Several countries, including the UK, Italy and Greece, reported record cases 英国、意大利、希腊等国确诊病例创新高。 Thousands more flights have been cancelled, nearly half of them in the US, as airlines struggle with crew sickness 由于多家航空公司的机组人员感染新冠病毒,数千个航班被取消,其中近半数在美国。 Health officials in France have said Omicron is now the country's dominant variant. President Macron said the next few weeks would be difficult, but he was "optimistic for the year to come" 法国卫生官员称,奥密克戎已经成为该国的主流毒株。法国总统马克龙表示,接下来几周将会很艰难,但是他“对来年充满乐观”。 Israel has become one of the first countries in the world to approve a fourth Covid vaccination. 以色列已经成为全球率先批准第四针新冠疫苗的国家之一。 In his comments, Dr Tedros also alluded to low vaccination rates. 谭德塞博士在寄语中还提到了疫苗接种率低的问题。 While most of the population in Europe and the Americas have received at least one dose, a WHO target of full vaccination rates in 40% of every country by the end of 2021 has been missed across most of Africa. 尽管欧洲和美洲多数人口至少已接种一剂新冠疫苗,但是世卫组织在2021年底前实现各国至少40%的人口完成疫苗接种的目标在非洲大部分地区都没有达到。 Dr Tedros has previously criticised wealthier nations for "gobbling up" the global vaccine supply, fully vaccinating much of their populations while others wait for their first doses. 谭德塞博士先前曾批评富裕国家“攫取”全球疫苗供应,促使本国大多数人口完全接种疫苗,而其他一些国家的人口连第一针都还没有打。 The WHO has set a new goal for 2022: vaccinate 70% of people in all countries by July to end the pandemic. 世卫组织为2022年设立了新目标:在7月前完成各国70%人口的疫苗接种以终结新冠疫情。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), reacts during a news conference in Geneva, Switzerland, December 20, 2021. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse The World Health Organization (WHO) chief says he is optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic will be defeated in 2022, provided countries work together to contain its spread. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu warned against "narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding" in a new year statement. Global Covid cases now stand at 287m, while nearly 5.5m people have died. Across the world people are marking the new year but celebrations are muted, with many countries wanting to discourage crowds gathering. Coronavirus remains part of daily life: a disease that has shut borders, split families and in some places made it unthinkable to leave the house without carrying a mask. Despite all this, Dr Tedros sounded a positive note in his speech, noting that there are now many more tools to treat Covid-19. But he warned that continuing inequity in vaccine distribution was increasing the risk of the virus evolving. "Narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding by some countries have undermined equity and created the ideal conditions for the emergence of the Omicron variant, and the longer inequity continues, the higher the risks of the virus evolving in ways we can't prevent or predict," he said. "If we end inequity, we end the pandemic," he added. South Africa, where Omicron was first reported, has lifted an overnight curfew after announcing the country is likely to have passed the peak of new infections A German virologist, Christian Drosten, told ZDF television he expects a "relatively normal" winter, pointing to data suggesting that Omicron cases are not as severe Several countries, including the UK, Italy and Greece, reported record cases Thousands more flights have been cancelled, nearly half of them in the US, as airlines struggle with crew sickness Health officials in France have said Omicron is now the country's dominant variant. President Macron said the next few weeks would be difficult, but he was "optimistic for the year to come" Israel has become one of the first countries in the world to approve a fourth Covid vaccination. In his comments, Dr Tedros also alluded to low vaccination rates. While most of the population in Europe and the Americas have received at least one dose, a WHO target of full vaccination rates in 40% of every country by the end of 2021 has been missed across most of Africa. Dr Tedros has previously criticised wealthier nations for "gobbling up" the global vaccine supply, fully vaccinating much of their populations while others wait for their first doses. The WHO has set a new goal for 2022: vaccinate 70% of people in all countries by July to end the pandemic.
世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞日前发表新年寄语,表示如果全球各国齐心协力抑制病毒蔓延,人类将在2022年战胜新冠疫情。他还警告称,疫苗分配中持续的不平等将增加病毒变异的风险。 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞表示,只要各国联起手来抑制病毒蔓延,他对于人类在2022年战胜新冠疫情充满乐观。 谭德塞博士在新年寄语中称,要警惕“狭隘的民族主义和疫苗囤积”。 目前全球新冠肺炎病例总数达到了2.87亿,近550万名患者已经丧生。 在世界各地的人们静悄悄地庆祝新年之时,许多国家都致力于防止人群聚集。 步入2022年,新冠病毒仍然是日常生活的一部分。疫情导致边境关闭、家人分离,在某些地方,不戴口罩甚至出不了门。 尽管如此,谭德塞博士还是在寄语中表明了积极的态度,并指出如今应对和治疗新冠的手段比以前多很多。 但是他警告称,疫苗分配中持续的不平等将增加病毒变异的风险。 他说:“狭隘的民族主义和某些国家的疫苗囤积造成了不平等,给奥密克戎变异株的出现创造了理想条件。疫苗分配不平等持续时间越长,病毒以我们无法预防或预测的方式变异的风险就越高。” 他补充道:“如果我们终结不平等,我们就能终结这场疫情。” 全球疫情最新态势 最早发现奥密克戎毒株的南非宣布新一波疫情高峰已经过去,并取消了夜间宵禁。 德国病毒学家克里斯蒂安·德罗斯滕告诉德国电视二台称,他预期这个冬天会“相对正常”,并指出,数据表明感染奥密克戎毒株的病例症状没那么严重。 英国、意大利、希腊等国确诊病例创新高。 由于多家航空公司的机组人员感染新冠病毒,数千个航班被取消,其中近半数在美国。 法国卫生官员称,奥密克戎已经成为该国的主流毒株。法国总统马克龙表示,接下来几周将会很艰难,但是他“对来年充满乐观”。 以色列已经成为全球率先批准第四针新冠疫苗的国家之一。 谭德塞博士在寄语中还提到了疫苗接种率低的问题。 尽管欧洲和美洲多数人口至少已接种一剂新冠疫苗,但是世卫组织在2021年底前实现各国至少40%的人口完成疫苗接种的目标在非洲大部分地区都没有达到。 谭德塞博士先前曾批评富裕国家“攫取”全球疫苗供应,促使本国大多数人口完全接种疫苗,而其他一些国家的人口连第一针都还没有打。 世卫组织为2022年设立了新目标:在7月前完成各国70%人口的疫苗接种以终结新冠疫情。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据彭博亿万富翁指数显示,2021年全球十大富豪的总净资产增加了4020亿美元。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克成最大的赢家,他的财富增长了1210亿美元,目前其资产为2770亿美元,位居世界首位。 [Photo/Agencies] The world's 10 richest people added $402 billion to their collective net worth in 2021, making it a banner year for the ultra-wealthy. 2021年是超级富豪的得意之年,这一年全球十大富豪的总净资产增加了4020亿美元(约合人民币25623亿元)。 As the year came to an end, Tesla CEO Elon Musk was the biggest winner, adding $121 billion to his fortune, which is now the largest in the world at $277 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. 随着2021年落下帷幕,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克成为最大赢家,他的财富增加了1210亿美元(约合人民币7713亿元)。根据彭博亿万富翁指数,马斯克现在资产为2770亿美元(约合人民币17656亿元),成为全球首富。 [Photo/Agencies] Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who started the year in the top spot, sank to number two, adding a mere $4.54 billion to his net worth, which now stands at $195 billion. 亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯在2021年年初是全球首富,现在降到了第二位,他的净资产只增加了45.4亿美元(约合人民币289亿元),现在达到1950亿美元(约合人民币12429亿元)。 After Musk, French billionaire Bernard Arnault, the founder of luxury goods company LVMH and currently the third richest man in the world, had the largest gains for the year, adding $61.3 billion to his fortune. 法国亿万富翁、奢侈品公司路易酩轩创始人伯纳德·阿尔诺2021年的财富涨幅仅次于马斯克,阿尔诺目前在全球富豪榜中排名第三,他的财富增加了613亿美元(约合人民币3907亿元)。 For Musk, it was an eventful year, marked by a hosting appearance on Saturday Night Live , a break-up with girlfriend Grimes, and his self-coronation as 'Technoking' of Tesla. 对马斯克来说,2021年是不平凡的一年,这一年他在《周六夜现场》节目中担任主持人,与女友格莱姆斯分手,并自封为特斯拉的“电音王”。 Musk made huge waves as he sold off many billions worth of his Tesla stock in a move purportedly dictated by a poll he posted on Twitter. 马斯克抛售了价值数十亿美元的特斯拉股票,引起轩然大波,他号称是根据自己发布在推特上的一项投票做出这一决定。 In reality, at least some of the stock sales were driven by mandatory taxes as he exercised stock options that will expire in August. 实际上,马斯克抛售股票至少有一部分原因是为了缴纳税款,因为他要行使将于2022年8月到期的股票期权。 He has sold $16.4 billion worth of shares since early November when he said he would sell 10 percent of his Tesla stock if Twitter users agreed, which they did. 2021年11月初,马斯克声称如果推特用户支持,他将出售10%的特斯拉股票。在多数网友投赞成票后,他出售了价值164亿美元(约合人民币1045亿元)的股票。 Elsewhere on the top-10 billionaires list, Microsoft founder Bill Gates added $7.13 billion to his fortune, the fourth largest in the world at $139 billion. 此外,在全球十大富豪榜中,微软创始人比尔·盖茨的财富增加了71.3亿美元(约合人民币454亿元),以1390亿美元(约合人民币8860亿元)的身价位居世界第四。 Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin added $47.4 billion and $45.1 billion to their net worths respectively. 谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林的净资产分别增加了474亿美元(约合人民币3021亿元)和451亿美元(约合人民币2875亿元)。 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gained $24.3 billion for the year, bringing his total to $128 billion. 脸书首席执行官马克·扎克伯格2021年财富增加了243亿美元(约合人民币1549亿元),总资产达1280亿美元(约合人民币8159亿元)。 Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gained $41.2 billion in 2021, and Warren Buffett added $21.4 billion. 微软前任首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默在2021年财富增加412亿美元(约合人民币2626亿元),沃伦·巴菲特财富增加了214亿美元(约合人民币1364亿元)。 Larry Ellison, the executive chairman of Oracle, added $28.8 billion to his wealth. 甲骨文公司执行主席拉里·埃里森的财富增加了288亿美元(约合人民币1835亿元)。 来源:每日邮报 编辑:董静
[Photo/Agencies] The world's 10 richest people added $402 billion to their collective net worth in 2021, making it a banner year for the ultra-wealthy. As the year came to an end, Tesla CEO Elon Musk was the biggest winner, adding $121 billion to his fortune, which is now the largest in the world at $277 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. [Photo/Agencies] Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who started the year in the top spot, sank to number two, adding a mere $4.54 billion to his net worth, which now stands at $195 billion. After Musk, French billionaire Bernard Arnault, the founder of luxury goods company LVMH and currently the third richest man in the world, had the largest gains for the year, adding $61.3 billion to his fortune. For Musk, it was an eventful year, marked by a hosting appearance on Saturday Night Live , a break-up with girlfriend Grimes, and his self-coronation as 'Technoking' of Tesla. Musk made huge waves as he sold off many billions worth of his Tesla stock in a move purportedly dictated by a poll he posted on Twitter. In reality, at least some of the stock sales were driven by mandatory taxes as he exercised stock options that will expire in August. He has sold $16.4 billion worth of shares since early November when he said he would sell 10 percent of his Tesla stock if Twitter users agreed, which they did. Elsewhere on the top-10 billionaires list, Microsoft founder Bill Gates added $7.13 billion to his fortune, the fourth largest in the world at $139 billion. Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin added $47.4 billion and $45.1 billion to their net worths respectively. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg gained $24.3 billion for the year, bringing his total to $128 billion. Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gained $41.2 billion in 2021, and Warren Buffett added $21.4 billion. Larry Ellison, the executive chairman of Oracle, added $28.8 billion to his wealth.
据彭博亿万富翁指数显示,2021年全球十大富豪的总净资产增加了4020亿美元。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克成最大的赢家,他的财富增长了1210亿美元,目前其资产为2770亿美元,位居世界首位。 2021年是超级富豪的得意之年,这一年全球十大富豪的总净资产增加了4020亿美元(约合人民币25623亿元)。 随着2021年落下帷幕,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克成为最大赢家,他的财富增加了1210亿美元(约合人民币7713亿元)。根据彭博亿万富翁指数,马斯克现在资产为2770亿美元(约合人民币17656亿元),成为全球首富。 亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯在2021年年初是全球首富,现在降到了第二位,他的净资产只增加了45.4亿美元(约合人民币289亿元),现在达到1950亿美元(约合人民币12429亿元)。 法国亿万富翁、奢侈品公司路易酩轩创始人伯纳德·阿尔诺2021年的财富涨幅仅次于马斯克,阿尔诺目前在全球富豪榜中排名第三,他的财富增加了613亿美元(约合人民币3907亿元)。 对马斯克来说,2021年是不平凡的一年,这一年他在《周六夜现场》节目中担任主持人,与女友格莱姆斯分手,并自封为特斯拉的“电音王”。 马斯克抛售了价值数十亿美元的特斯拉股票,引起轩然大波,他号称是根据自己发布在推特上的一项投票做出这一决定。 实际上,马斯克抛售股票至少有一部分原因是为了缴纳税款,因为他要行使将于2022年8月到期的股票期权。 2021年11月初,马斯克声称如果推特用户支持,他将出售10%的特斯拉股票。在多数网友投赞成票后,他出售了价值164亿美元(约合人民币1045亿元)的股票。 此外,在全球十大富豪榜中,微软创始人比尔·盖茨的财富增加了71.3亿美元(约合人民币454亿元),以1390亿美元(约合人民币8860亿元)的身价位居世界第四。 谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林的净资产分别增加了474亿美元(约合人民币3021亿元)和451亿美元(约合人民币2875亿元)。 脸书首席执行官马克·扎克伯格2021年财富增加了243亿美元(约合人民币1549亿元),总资产达1280亿美元(约合人民币8159亿元)。 微软前任首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默在2021年财富增加412亿美元(约合人民币2626亿元),沃伦·巴菲特财富增加了214亿美元(约合人民币1364亿元)。 甲骨文公司执行主席拉里·埃里森的财富增加了288亿美元(约合人民币1835亿元)。 来源:每日邮报 编辑:董静
动画电影《雄狮少年》上映后,凭借现实热血的故事站稳了内容的口碑。豆瓣评分8.4,稳居近年来的动画电影前列。 《哪吒之魔童降世》8.4 《大圣归来》 8.3 《白蛇:缘起》 7.8 《大鱼海棠》6.9 《风语咒》6.8 《姜子牙》6.7 《昨日青空》 6.1 片中,主人公阿娟是十多岁的留守少年,他同阿猫阿狗一道,拜咸鱼铺子的老板咸鱼强为师,学习舞狮。三人一路打败各支队伍进入广州的决赛,过程中,阿娟还需要面对家庭的巨大压力…… The film revolves around a left-behind teenager who insists in pursuing his dreams despite difficulties and participates in lion dancing. 影片故事围绕留守青少年展开,他不畏艰难坚持追梦舞狮。 实地观影了的影迷们也普遍表现出对《雄狮少年》的好感,原因在于片子把梦想、磨难、传统文化等等这些高频组件融汇到了一个质感真实的故事里。 关怀现实中的少语群体 影片导演孙海鹏接受媒体采访时表示“不想做一个‘天选之子’式”的故事。国漫市场上已经有很多背靠IP,基于仙侠奇幻、神话幻想的故事了。观众也常年感叹国漫不缺技术,缺一个好故事。电影团队这次就想做一个普通人的故事。 把强大的动画技术应用在现实故事中不是难事,而现实中的失语少语群体——留守少年、农民工等又有太多等待讲述的好故事。二者一拍即合。 网友评论 ►这是属于小镇青年的奇迹,向城市建设中每一位无名氏行一次注目礼,给面目模糊的他们影一张清晰的沙龙照。 ►并不是只有那种打得天崩地裂的画面才叫奇观。阿娟在高楼的天台上张开手臂、少年们跑过壮丽的田埂,都可以是奇观。 ►这是难得不需要神话打底的原创动画,为它奠基的是传统文化。不仅没有IP,也没有过多对日美漫画的模仿。 ►不再是凡人变成不凡英雄拯救世人,而是凡人变成自己的英雄。 片尾毛不易唱的《无名的人》也是直接点题。但无声的人,这一次,在动画大荧幕上有了声。 我是离开 小镇上的人 是哭笑着 吃过饭的人 是赶路的人 是养家的人 是城市背景的无声 ——《无名的人》 广东地道风味 影片中的佛山村落“陈家村”透着唯美的气息,杂草、落叶、青苔、微风、烈日、屋檐都能让不少人想起自己度过童年的乡村。 而影片中后期出现的21世纪初广州省城更是元素纷繁又准确:店铺招牌、红绿灯前的行人、工厂流水线里的青年工人等等。 网友评论 ►我们很久没看到一个真实的中国城市出现在屏幕上了,荔枝湾、芳村地铁站、红木棉市花都是真的,舞狮文化、留守儿童、工伤、一闪而过的富士康厂服也是真的,有这片子是广州之幸。 另外,配乐也是地道的广东风味,开头有近两年人气乐队五条人的《道山靓仔》,是广东海陆丰话;中段少年们训练时有粤语歌曲《纸飞机》;结尾又有乐队九连真人的作品《莫欺少年穷》。至此,潮汕、广府、客家三大广东文化分支齐聚在影片中。导演钟爱九连真人的作品,这首歌有着粗粝的少年感。 九连真人的《莫欺少年穷》,正好有我想表达的全部东西。那种山里的孩子,跟人赌气,一定要拼一把的感觉,那股劲儿就是我想要的。所以很早我就希望这首歌能做我们的片尾。恰好,他们有一句歌词就是“囊来上山,囊来下山”(如何上山,如何下山)。 醒狮——传统文化的觉醒 早年舞狮并不鲜见,尤其是广东地区的人或许都见过节庆时或店铺开业的舞狮盛况。在广东,舞狮又被叫做“醒狮”,据说是因为起初舞狮的名字是“瑞狮”,而“瑞”又谐音“睡”,民族救亡图存之时,人们就改名为了醒狮。 The clanging of cymbals and the persistent beat of drums are aural cues to the lion dance. Colorful and loud, the lions are an ancient Chinese ritual to scare away evil spirits, and bless a business or home. 你听到钹的撞击声和隆隆鼓声就知道附近有舞狮了。颜色鲜艳场面喧闹的舞狮是中国古代的一种仪式,用以驱邪,为家庭事业送福气。 The structure of southern lions is more complicated than their northern counterparts. The head is made with paper over a bamboo frame, covered in gauze then painted and decorated with beautifully-colored materials that mimic fur. 南狮的结构比北狮复杂。头部以竹子为框架,用纸包覆,再用薄纱包裹,接着作画并饰以五颜六色的类毛材料。 Southern lions are believed to originate in Guangzhou. They are said to have appeared in the Qianlong Emperor’s dreams during his Southern tour, and he ordered an animal to be made in the likeness of his description and used in festivals from then on. However, it’s most likely to have been adapted from the Northern lion, which dates back to the Ming dynasty. 南狮据说起源于广州。据说,乾隆皇帝南巡时曾梦见过舞狮,随即下令,要求照他的描述制作这种动物,并从那时起用来庆祝节日。然而,其实南狮很可能是根据明朝的北狮演化而来。 YouTube上一条2019年的香港街头店铺开业的舞狮视频获得了接近千万的点击。评论区都是怀念和赞赏的声音。 I'm not Chinese, but I love the Chinese New Year celebrations. I was lucky to grow up in a part of town with a huge Chinese population. 我不是中国人,但我很喜欢中国新年的庆祝活动。成长在一个华人很多的小镇,我很幸运。 My mom took me to see the lion dances each year. The smokey firecrackers, the vibrant reds and golds as far as I could see, the smell of all the shops making their delicious food, the crowds of people full of joyous energy, and the sound of the drums and cymbals which you could feel throughout your entire body. 我妈以前每年都带我去看舞狮。炮仗在冒烟、目力所及金红跃动、街边铺子里美食飘香、人群欢快地挤来挤去、还有鼓声钹声震彻全身。 There are many fun New Year celebrations, but nothing quite matches the excitement and rejuvenating energy of the lion dances. It's the type of celebration that wakes up the spirit completely. 有趣的新年庆祝活动有很多,但少有项目能像舞狮这样富有激情,让人活力满满。这种庆祝活动把灵魂都整个叫醒了。 It is actually very difficult to even carry the head of the lion as it's very heavy and being the lower part of the lion is tiring as you have to bend your back and carry also the person in front at some parts of the dance. Respect to those who ever did lion dance. 其实哪怕是举着狮头都很困难,因为很重。而且狮子的下半身也很累,因为舞狮过程中,有时你得弯下腰还得托起前面的人。向舞狮演员致敬。 导演把极具观赏性的舞狮艺术形式同失语的留守少年成长相结合,等于是给了微光少年们一块棱镜,让他们折射出七彩的光。 网友评论 ►其实舞狮并不能改变什么,也不会真的让你走向成功。但生活中总是要有点奔头,要有一口气,这才是活下去的理由,也是会觉得热血的原因。 反套路 影迷们对于类型片已经有了免疫。很多影片看了开头也能猜到结尾。这种可预测性会大大影响影片的观赏体验。 但好电影就是哪怕让你猜得到结局,也不知道结局是怎样发展而来的。“反套路”贯穿整部影片。就连结局也不是合家欢、夺得胜利、走上人生巅峰。 “咸鱼翻身”的主题虽然已经说了很多次了,可是电影结局不是绝对的“翻身”。 结尾落地到现实中,少年没有一夜改变命运,但握住了改变命运的钥匙。观众松了一口气——终于不再是“一夜逆天改命”的戏码。 网友评论 ►没有一战成名,没有荣归故里,有的是烟花落幕后,经历平凡而真实的人生,但我们还是要永远做一头雄狮啊。 影片彩蛋里,美术总监还在阿娟的桌子上“放”了一些高考的模拟题,或许务工少年阿娟还会继续高考。 电影借主人公阿娟之口,曾引述过李白的几句诗: 天生我材必有用。 Heaven has made us talents, we're not made in vain. (许渊冲 译) 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves; I’ll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which raves(许渊冲 译) 有评论说:活在杜甫的诗中,读着李白的诗。生活重压下一次梦寐以求的舞狮大赛、饱受欺凌后一次惩恶扬善,这类对比贯穿全篇。影片呈现的粗粝现实中闪过一抹浪漫的底色。 但幸好,结尾弧光之后还是生活。列车不启程,又怎么抵达下一站呢? Notes cymbal [ˈsɪmbl] n 钹;铙钹 rejuvenating [rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt] adj 让人更有活力的 cleave [kliːv] v 劈开;砍开;剁开 rave [reɪv] v 咆哮;怒吼 (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓、李金昳、陈伊明、陈诺、丹妮)
The film revolves around a left-behind teenager who insists in pursuing his dreams despite difficulties and participates in lion dancing. The clanging of cymbals and the persistent beat of drums are aural cues to the lion dance. Colorful and loud, the lions are an ancient Chinese ritual to scare away evil spirits, and bless a business or home. The structure of southern lions is more complicated than their northern counterparts. The head is made with paper over a bamboo frame, covered in gauze then painted and decorated with beautifully-colored materials that mimic fur. Southern lions are believed to originate in Guangzhou. They are said to have appeared in the Qianlong Emperor’s dreams during his Southern tour, and he ordered an animal to be made in the likeness of his description and used in festivals from then on. However, it’s most likely to have been adapted from the Northern lion, which dates back to the Ming dynasty. I'm not Chinese, but I love the Chinese New Year celebrations. I was lucky to grow up in a part of town with a huge Chinese population. My mom took me to see the lion dances each year. The smokey firecrackers, the vibrant reds and golds as far as I could see, the smell of all the shops making their delicious food, the crowds of people full of joyous energy, and the sound of the drums and cymbals which you could feel throughout your entire body. There are many fun New Year celebrations, but nothing quite matches the excitement and rejuvenating energy of the lion dances. It's the type of celebration that wakes up the spirit completely. It is actually very difficult to even carry the head of the lion as it's very heavy and being the lower part of the lion is tiring as you have to bend your back and carry also the person in front at some parts of the dance. Respect to those who ever did lion dance. Notes
动画电影《雄狮少年》上映后,凭借现实热血的故事站稳了内容的口碑。豆瓣评分8.4,稳居近年来的动画电影前列。 《哪吒之魔童降世》8.4 《大圣归来》 8.3 《白蛇:缘起》 7.8 《大鱼海棠》6.9 《风语咒》6.8 《姜子牙》6.7 《昨日青空》 6.1 片中,主人公阿娟是十多岁的留守少年,他同阿猫阿狗一道,拜咸鱼铺子的老板咸鱼强为师,学习舞狮。三人一路打败各支队伍进入广州的决赛,过程中,阿娟还需要面对家庭的巨大压力…… 影片故事围绕留守青少年展开,他不畏艰难坚持追梦舞狮。 实地观影了的影迷们也普遍表现出对《雄狮少年》的好感,原因在于片子把梦想、磨难、传统文化等等这些高频组件融汇到了一个质感真实的故事里。 关怀现实中的少语群体 影片导演孙海鹏接受媒体采访时表示“不想做一个‘天选之子’式”的故事。国漫市场上已经有很多背靠IP,基于仙侠奇幻、神话幻想的故事了。观众也常年感叹国漫不缺技术,缺一个好故事。电影团队这次就想做一个普通人的故事。 把强大的动画技术应用在现实故事中不是难事,而现实中的失语少语群体——留守少年、农民工等又有太多等待讲述的好故事。二者一拍即合。 网友评论 ►这是属于小镇青年的奇迹,向城市建设中每一位无名氏行一次注目礼,给面目模糊的他们影一张清晰的沙龙照。 ►并不是只有那种打得天崩地裂的画面才叫奇观。阿娟在高楼的天台上张开手臂、少年们跑过壮丽的田埂,都可以是奇观。 ►这是难得不需要神话打底的原创动画,为它奠基的是传统文化。不仅没有IP,也没有过多对日美漫画的模仿。 ►不再是凡人变成不凡英雄拯救世人,而是凡人变成自己的英雄。 片尾毛不易唱的《无名的人》也是直接点题。但无声的人,这一次,在动画大荧幕上有了声。 我是离开 小镇上的人 是哭笑着 吃过饭的人 是赶路的人 是养家的人 是城市背景的无声 ——《无名的人》 广东地道风味 影片中的佛山村落“陈家村”透着唯美的气息,杂草、落叶、青苔、微风、烈日、屋檐都能让不少人想起自己度过童年的乡村。 而影片中后期出现的21世纪初广州省城更是元素纷繁又准确:店铺招牌、红绿灯前的行人、工厂流水线里的青年工人等等。 网友评论 ►我们很久没看到一个真实的中国城市出现在屏幕上了,荔枝湾、芳村地铁站、红木棉市花都是真的,舞狮文化、留守儿童、工伤、一闪而过的富士康厂服也是真的,有这片子是广州之幸。 另外,配乐也是地道的广东风味,开头有近两年人气乐队五条人的《道山靓仔》,是广东海陆丰话;中段少年们训练时有粤语歌曲《纸飞机》;结尾又有乐队九连真人的作品《莫欺少年穷》。至此,潮汕、广府、客家三大广东文化分支齐聚在影片中。导演钟爱九连真人的作品,这首歌有着粗粝的少年感。 九连真人的《莫欺少年穷》,正好有我想表达的全部东西。那种山里的孩子,跟人赌气,一定要拼一把的感觉,那股劲儿就是我想要的。所以很早我就希望这首歌能做我们的片尾。恰好,他们有一句歌词就是“囊来上山,囊来下山”(如何上山,如何下山)。 醒狮——传统文化的觉醒 早年舞狮并不鲜见,尤其是广东地区的人或许都见过节庆时或店铺开业的舞狮盛况。在广东,舞狮又被叫做“醒狮”,据说是因为起初舞狮的名字是“瑞狮”,而“瑞”又谐音“睡”,民族救亡图存之时,人们就改名为了醒狮。 你听到钹的撞击声和隆隆鼓声就知道附近有舞狮了。颜色鲜艳场面喧闹的舞狮是中国古代的一种仪式,用以驱邪,为家庭事业送福气。 南狮的结构比北狮复杂。头部以竹子为框架,用纸包覆,再用薄纱包裹,接着作画并饰以五颜六色的类毛材料。 南狮据说起源于广州。据说,乾隆皇帝南巡时曾梦见过舞狮,随即下令,要求照他的描述制作这种动物,并从那时起用来庆祝节日。然而,其实南狮很可能是根据明朝的北狮演化而来。 YouTube上一条2019年的香港街头店铺开业的舞狮视频获得了接近千万的点击。评论区都是怀念和赞赏的声音。 我不是中国人,但我很喜欢中国新年的庆祝活动。成长在一个华人很多的小镇,我很幸运。 我妈以前每年都带我去看舞狮。炮仗在冒烟、目力所及金红跃动、街边铺子里美食飘香、人群欢快地挤来挤去、还有鼓声钹声震彻全身。 有趣的新年庆祝活动有很多,但少有项目能像舞狮这样富有激情,让人活力满满。这种庆祝活动把灵魂都整个叫醒了。 其实哪怕是举着狮头都很困难,因为很重。而且狮子的下半身也很累,因为舞狮过程中,有时你得弯下腰还得托起前面的人。向舞狮演员致敬。 导演把极具观赏性的舞狮艺术形式同失语的留守少年成长相结合,等于是给了微光少年们一块棱镜,让他们折射出七彩的光。 网友评论 ►其实舞狮并不能改变什么,也不会真的让你走向成功。但生活中总是要有点奔头,要有一口气,这才是活下去的理由,也是会觉得热血的原因。 反套路 影迷们对于类型片已经有了免疫。很多影片看了开头也能猜到结尾。这种可预测性会大大影响影片的观赏体验。 但好电影就是哪怕让你猜得到结局,也不知道结局是怎样发展而来的。“反套路”贯穿整部影片。就连结局也不是合家欢、夺得胜利、走上人生巅峰。 “咸鱼翻身”的主题虽然已经说了很多次了,可是电影结局不是绝对的“翻身”。 结尾落地到现实中,少年没有一夜改变命运,但握住了改变命运的钥匙。观众松了一口气——终于不再是“一夜逆天改命”的戏码。 网友评论 ►没有一战成名,没有荣归故里,有的是烟花落幕后,经历平凡而真实的人生,但我们还是要永远做一头雄狮啊。 影片彩蛋里,美术总监还在阿娟的桌子上“放”了一些高考的模拟题,或许务工少年阿娟还会继续高考。 电影借主人公阿娟之口,曾引述过李白的几句诗: 天生我材必有用。 Heaven has made us talents, we're not made in vain. (许渊冲 译) 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves; I’ll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which raves(许渊冲 译) 有评论说:活在杜甫的诗中,读着李白的诗。生活重压下一次梦寐以求的舞狮大赛、饱受欺凌后一次惩恶扬善,这类对比贯穿全篇。影片呈现的粗粝现实中闪过一抹浪漫的底色。 但幸好,结尾弧光之后还是生活。列车不启程,又怎么抵达下一站呢? cymbal [ˈsɪmbl] n 钹;铙钹 rejuvenating [rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt] adj 让人更有活力的 cleave [kliːv] v 劈开;砍开;剁开 rave [reɪv] v 咆哮;怒吼 (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓、李金昳、陈伊明、陈诺、丹妮)
近日,淘宝发布“年度十大商品”清单,不久后相关话题就冲上热搜。 奥运冠军“杨倩同款小黄鸭发卡”、热播剧《觉醒年代》周边、爆款表情包“吴京同款运动服”、火到海外的“搪瓷痰盂”等网红话题商品高票入选。 网友看完表示“这一年的人间烟火味都在这了”,甚至调侃“没想到打败玲娜贝儿的是痰盂”。 The 10 best-selling products in 2021 are selected by consumers, media and experts based on indicators like sales and their year-on-year growth rate on Taobao, as well as the popularity on the internet. 十大商品是根据在淘宝平台上一年的销量、同比增速,以及网络平台的讨论热度等综合指标,由消费者投票,媒体、专家评审团多轮评议,最终选出的。 在评选过程中,超过半数入围提名的商品带有明显的“国货”标签。相关调研数据也显示,中国人的购物车(cart)中,八成以上是国货。 Innovative products launched by time-honored brands, as well as newly emerged national brands, are favored by Generation Y and Z. The proportion of young people interested in the "new national products" accounted for more than 70 percent of consumers, according to a report released by data service provider. 根据数据服务商发布的报告,一些老字号或老品牌推出的创新产品,以及新锐、新兴的国产品牌产品,在90后和00后消费群体中备受青睐,对“新国货”表示感兴趣的年轻人比例均占到70%以上。 下面,我们一起来围观下这十大年度商品吧。 1 搪瓷痰盂 搪瓷痰盂是半个世纪前中国家家户户的必备。年初,中国的搪瓷痰盂被搬上了亚马逊平台,还标记其作用是“中国传统果篮”(Chinese Traditional Fruit Basket),售价高达600多元(97.99美元)。 The Chinese enamel spittoon (or chamber pot) was sold as a "1960s Chinese Traditional Fruit Basket" on US e-commerce platform Amazon at a whopping $97.99, which leads to rocketing inquiries and orders for the item on Taobao. 在美国电商平台亚马逊网站上,中国的搪瓷痰盂被当作 "上世纪60年代中国传统水果篮 "出售,售价高达600多元(97.99美元),这导致该商品在淘宝网上的搜索和销量激增。 2 吴京同款运动服 今年,穿着梅花牌“中国”运动服的吴京也活跃在网友的聊天中。 Wu Jing first wore this dark green retro sportswear with the word "China" printed on it in the movie Song of Youth in 2019, before it became a popular internet meme. 2019年,吴京在电影《老师·好》中第一次穿上了这件印有 "中国 "字样的墨绿色复古运动服,之后便成为了流行表情包。 东京奥运会期间,这个表情包更是火出圈,堪称“全中国最好用表情包”。 “中国”运动服来自“梅花体育”。作为新中国成立时诞生的国货品牌,它伴随了中国几代人的成长。1982年,“体操王子”李宁在第六届体操世界杯上夺得六项冠军,领奖时穿的便是梅花运动服。 3 疫苗露肩装 受疫情影响,五花八门的防疫措施已成为新日常,疫苗的广泛接种也使打针成为大家的共同记忆。 2021年1月1日起,我国首批新冠疫苗开始对重点人群接种,并在日后逐渐推广至全民接种。 On Jan 1, 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, China granted conditional market approval for the first vaccine. The action paved the way for mass immunization. 2021年1月1日,新冠疫情期间,中国有条件地批准了首款疫苗的上市。此举为全民接种铺平了道路。 在网上,露肩装成了不少女生的“疫苗款OOTD (Outfit of the Day)”。 “疫苗装”设计展现的是全国人民对抗疫政策的信任,反映出大家战胜疫情的乐观心态。 4 航天文创产品 今年,中国人自己的空间站投入使用,掀起了全民航天热,堪称中国航天年。 The core capsule of China's space station, named Tianhe, or Harmony of Heavens, was launched on April 29. It marked a significant success in China's space station program. 4月29日,中国空间站天和核心舱发射升空。这标志着中国空间站项目取得重大成功。 5月15日,中国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器成功着陆于火星乌托邦平原! Chinese astronauts flew out of the core module of China's permanent space station on July 4 to carry out the country's first extravehicular activity, commonly known as spacewalk in 13 years. 7月4日,在天和核心舱上的中国航天员进行了第一次出舱活动。这是13年来中国首次开展舱外活动。 中国航天文创官方淘宝店推出的太空寄信服务、太空育种(space breeding)玫瑰都被“秒光”;空间站积木、火箭模型等航天文创产品销量同比翻了数十倍。 5《觉醒年代》周边 《觉醒年代》热播以来,该剧的文创周边迅速爆火,新青年帆布袋(canvas bag)、手机壳(snap-on phone case)、剧中人物同款长袍(gown)一度卖断货。 Young people are eager for souvenirs developed from the popular TV drama Awakening Age, which chronicles the founding of the Communist Party of China and Chinese revolutionary history. 年轻人热衷于购买热播电视剧《觉醒年代》的周边产品,这部剧记录了中国共产党的成立和中国的革命历史。 6 杨倩同款小黄鸭发卡 Chinese athlete Yang Qian on July 24 claimed the first gold medal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with a victory in women's 10m air rifle. This is also the first gold medal for Team China. 7月24日,中国运动员杨倩获得东京奥运会女子10米气步枪金牌,这是中国体育代表团在本届奥运会上取得的首金,也是东京奥运会产生的首枚金牌。 杨倩在夺冠时绑着胡萝卜发绳,别着小黄鸭发卡(yellow duck hair clip),手上还做了漂亮的珍珠美甲,把网友们萌翻了。之后,小黄鸭发卡的销量一路飙升。 7 临期食品 十三届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议通过了《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》(Anti-Food Waste Law of the People's Republic of China),弘扬中华民族勤俭节约的传统美德。 On April 29, a new law on preventing food waste was passed at a session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to offer legal backing to the country's efforts to safeguard food security and promote traditional virtue of thrift. 4月29日,全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》,为国家保障粮食安全和弘扬勤俭节约的传统美德提供法律支持。 临期食品话题开始受到关注:微博上,“年轻人买临期食品减少浪费”这一话题阅读量已突破1亿。 《2020年中国临期食品行业市场分析及消费者研究报告》显示,目前中国临期食品消费者年龄为26岁至35岁的占47.8%,年轻人成为购买主力。 2021年,有近400万人在淘宝上选购临期食品。因为便宜、安全、绿色环保,临期食品吸引了众多铁杆粉丝,庞大的消费群体更是催生了新百亿市场。 In 2021, almost 4 million netizens have bought food that are near their expiration date. A cheap, yet safe, strategy. 2021年,有近400万人在淘宝上选购临期食品。这种做法安全省钱。 “见微而知著,这些商品彰显出国人对年度大事件的关注和态度。”中国工商联副会长张丽君表示。 8 “破产三兄弟” 年度十大商品中,以露营(camping)、垂钓(fishing)、冲浪(surfing)为代表的“破产三兄弟”,证明了男性的消费力。社交媒体上,野钓、露营、冲浪俨然成为了年轻人和新中产的热门周末活动。 众多精致优质的装备加持,让年轻人在这些“破产”活动中更好地放松自我、连接自然,找到志同道合的朋友,完成对理想生活的体认。 9 EDG夺冠周边 11月7日,英雄联盟S11总决赛,中国英雄联盟职业联赛(League of Legends Pro League, LPL)赛区战队EDG电子竞技俱乐部以3:2战胜韩国英雄联盟职业联赛(League of Legends Champions Korea, LCK)赛区战队DK,获得2021年英雄联盟全球总决赛冠军。 China's EDward Gaming edged defending champions DWG KIA of South Korea 3-2 to win the 2021 League of Legend (LoL) World Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland on Nov 7. 11月7日,在冰岛雷克雅未克举行的英雄联盟S11总决赛中,来自中国的EDG电子竞技俱乐部以3-2的比分战胜了卫冕冠军韩国DK战队,赢得冠军。 EDG夺冠点燃全民热血,他们的同款用品和装备也“一举成名”。电竞鼠标、电竞座椅甚至是游戏指套,在淘宝上成为爆款,卖到断货。 10 棋盘格 1980年代兴起的棋盘格(Checkerboard Prints),从各大秀场走进了你隔壁桌女同事的淘宝购物车。 2021年秋冬能拥有一件棋盘格单品,约等于拿到了潮流密码。从时尚高定到手机壳、发卡、口罩,万物皆可棋盘格,总之“按头安利”。 所以,你买过这些商品吗...... 编辑:焦洁 实习生:申乐 来源:中国新闻网
The 10 best-selling products in 2021 are selected by consumers, media and experts based on indicators like sales and their year-on-year growth rate on Taobao, as well as the popularity on the internet. Innovative products launched by time-honored brands, as well as newly emerged national brands, are favored by Generation Y and Z. The proportion of young people interested in the "new national products" accounted for more than 70 percent of consumers, according to a report released by data service provider. The Chinese enamel spittoon (or chamber pot) was sold as a "1960s Chinese Traditional Fruit Basket" on US e-commerce platform Amazon at a whopping $97.99, which leads to rocketing inquiries and orders for the item on Taobao. Wu Jing first wore this dark green retro sportswear with the word "China" printed on it in the movie Song of Youth in 2019, before it became a popular internet meme. On Jan 1, 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, China granted conditional market approval for the first vaccine. The action paved the way for mass immunization. The core capsule of China's space station, named Tianhe, or Harmony of Heavens, was launched on April 29. It marked a significant success in China's space station program. Chinese astronauts flew out of the core module of China's permanent space station on July 4 to carry out the country's first extravehicular activity, commonly known as spacewalk in 13 years. Young people are eager for souvenirs developed from the popular TV drama Awakening Age, which chronicles the founding of the Communist Party of China and Chinese revolutionary history. Chinese athlete Yang Qian on July 24 claimed the first gold medal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with a victory in women's 10m air rifle. This is also the first gold medal for Team China. On April 29, a new law on preventing food waste was passed at a session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to offer legal backing to the country's efforts to safeguard food security and promote traditional virtue of thrift. In 2021, almost 4 million netizens have bought food that are near their expiration date. A cheap, yet safe, strategy. China's EDward Gaming edged defending champions DWG KIA of South Korea 3-2 to win the 2021 League of Legend (LoL) World Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland on Nov 7.
近日,淘宝发布“年度十大商品”清单,不久后相关话题就冲上热搜。 奥运冠军“杨倩同款小黄鸭发卡”、热播剧《觉醒年代》周边、爆款表情包“吴京同款运动服”、火到海外的“搪瓷痰盂”等网红话题商品高票入选。 网友看完表示“这一年的人间烟火味都在这了”,甚至调侃“没想到打败玲娜贝儿的是痰盂”。 十大商品是根据在淘宝平台上一年的销量、同比增速,以及网络平台的讨论热度等综合指标,由消费者投票,媒体、专家评审团多轮评议,最终选出的。 在评选过程中,超过半数入围提名的商品带有明显的“国货”标签。相关调研数据也显示,中国人的购物车(cart)中,八成以上是国货。 根据数据服务商发布的报告,一些老字号或老品牌推出的创新产品,以及新锐、新兴的国产品牌产品,在90后和00后消费群体中备受青睐,对“新国货”表示感兴趣的年轻人比例均占到70%以上。 下面,我们一起来围观下这十大年度商品吧。 1 搪瓷痰盂 搪瓷痰盂是半个世纪前中国家家户户的必备。年初,中国的搪瓷痰盂被搬上了亚马逊平台,还标记其作用是“中国传统果篮”(Chinese Traditional Fruit Basket),售价高达600多元(97.99美元)。 在美国电商平台亚马逊网站上,中国的搪瓷痰盂被当作 "上世纪60年代中国传统水果篮 "出售,售价高达600多元(97.99美元),这导致该商品在淘宝网上的搜索和销量激增。 2 吴京同款运动服 今年,穿着梅花牌“中国”运动服的吴京也活跃在网友的聊天中。 2019年,吴京在电影《老师·好》中第一次穿上了这件印有 "中国 "字样的墨绿色复古运动服,之后便成为了流行表情包。 东京奥运会期间,这个表情包更是火出圈,堪称“全中国最好用表情包”。 “中国”运动服来自“梅花体育”。作为新中国成立时诞生的国货品牌,它伴随了中国几代人的成长。1982年,“体操王子”李宁在第六届体操世界杯上夺得六项冠军,领奖时穿的便是梅花运动服。 3 疫苗露肩装 受疫情影响,五花八门的防疫措施已成为新日常,疫苗的广泛接种也使打针成为大家的共同记忆。 2021年1月1日起,我国首批新冠疫苗开始对重点人群接种,并在日后逐渐推广至全民接种。 2021年1月1日,新冠疫情期间,中国有条件地批准了首款疫苗的上市。此举为全民接种铺平了道路。 在网上,露肩装成了不少女生的“疫苗款OOTD (Outfit of the Day)”。 “疫苗装”设计展现的是全国人民对抗疫政策的信任,反映出大家战胜疫情的乐观心态。 4 航天文创产品 今年,中国人自己的空间站投入使用,掀起了全民航天热,堪称中国航天年。 4月29日,中国空间站天和核心舱发射升空。这标志着中国空间站项目取得重大成功。 5月15日,中国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器成功着陆于火星乌托邦平原! 7月4日,在天和核心舱上的中国航天员进行了第一次出舱活动。这是13年来中国首次开展舱外活动。 中国航天文创官方淘宝店推出的太空寄信服务、太空育种(space breeding)玫瑰都被“秒光”;空间站积木、火箭模型等航天文创产品销量同比翻了数十倍。 5《觉醒年代》周边 《觉醒年代》热播以来,该剧的文创周边迅速爆火,新青年帆布袋(canvas bag)、手机壳(snap-on phone case)、剧中人物同款长袍(gown)一度卖断货。 年轻人热衷于购买热播电视剧《觉醒年代》的周边产品,这部剧记录了中国共产党的成立和中国的革命历史。 6 杨倩同款小黄鸭发卡 7月24日,中国运动员杨倩获得东京奥运会女子10米气步枪金牌,这是中国体育代表团在本届奥运会上取得的首金,也是东京奥运会产生的首枚金牌。 杨倩在夺冠时绑着胡萝卜发绳,别着小黄鸭发卡(yellow duck hair clip),手上还做了漂亮的珍珠美甲,把网友们萌翻了。之后,小黄鸭发卡的销量一路飙升。 7 临期食品 十三届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议通过了《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》(Anti-Food Waste Law of the People's Republic of China),弘扬中华民族勤俭节约的传统美德。 4月29日,全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》,为国家保障粮食安全和弘扬勤俭节约的传统美德提供法律支持。 临期食品话题开始受到关注:微博上,“年轻人买临期食品减少浪费”这一话题阅读量已突破1亿。 《2020年中国临期食品行业市场分析及消费者研究报告》显示,目前中国临期食品消费者年龄为26岁至35岁的占47.8%,年轻人成为购买主力。 2021年,有近400万人在淘宝上选购临期食品。因为便宜、安全、绿色环保,临期食品吸引了众多铁杆粉丝,庞大的消费群体更是催生了新百亿市场。 2021年,有近400万人在淘宝上选购临期食品。这种做法安全省钱。 “见微而知著,这些商品彰显出国人对年度大事件的关注和态度。”中国工商联副会长张丽君表示。 8 “破产三兄弟” 年度十大商品中,以露营(camping)、垂钓(fishing)、冲浪(surfing)为代表的“破产三兄弟”,证明了男性的消费力。社交媒体上,野钓、露营、冲浪俨然成为了年轻人和新中产的热门周末活动。 众多精致优质的装备加持,让年轻人在这些“破产”活动中更好地放松自我、连接自然,找到志同道合的朋友,完成对理想生活的体认。 9 EDG夺冠周边 11月7日,英雄联盟S11总决赛,中国英雄联盟职业联赛(League of Legends Pro League, LPL)赛区战队EDG电子竞技俱乐部以3:2战胜韩国英雄联盟职业联赛(League of Legends Champions Korea, LCK)赛区战队DK,获得2021年英雄联盟全球总决赛冠军。 11月7日,在冰岛雷克雅未克举行的英雄联盟S11总决赛中,来自中国的EDG电子竞技俱乐部以3-2的比分战胜了卫冕冠军韩国DK战队,赢得冠军。 EDG夺冠点燃全民热血,他们的同款用品和装备也“一举成名”。电竞鼠标、电竞座椅甚至是游戏指套,在淘宝上成为爆款,卖到断货。 10 棋盘格 1980年代兴起的棋盘格(Checkerboard Prints),从各大秀场走进了你隔壁桌女同事的淘宝购物车。 2021年秋冬能拥有一件棋盘格单品,约等于拿到了潮流密码。从时尚高定到手机壳、发卡、口罩,万物皆可棋盘格,总之“按头安利”。 所以,你买过这些商品吗...... 编辑:焦洁 实习生:申乐 来源:中国新闻网
全球各地过新年都有自己独特的庆祝方式,比如日本人喜欢寄贺年卡,朝鲜人会吃甜饭,阿根廷人洗“新年浴”,葡萄牙人斗牛迎新年。然而,在一片喜庆祥和的气氛中,也有些地方的元旦习俗令人匪夷所思,甚至有点惊悚。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. 用面包驱赶鬼魂 Back in the day, residents of Ireland would bang loaves against doors and walls just before midnight to ward off any angry apparitions or problematic phantoms that might be lurking. Whacking bread against the wall is also believed to send bad luck packing and ensure that your family won't go hungry for the next 12 months. 过去,爱尔兰人在新年前夜会用长面包用力敲打门和墙,以驱赶潜伏在家中的怨鬼邪灵。据认为用面包敲打墙面还能赶走厄运,保佑家人新的一年不会挨饿。 2. 不要在新年第一天洗衣服 Some people believe that if you clean clothes on January 1, you'll be "washing for the dead" and a member of your family will die at some point in the coming year. It will also send a year of good fortune spiraling down the drain. 有些人相信,如果你在1月1日这天洗衣服,你洗的将会是“死人的衣服”,你的一位家人将会在这一年去世。他们认为,元旦洗衣服还会将一年的好运都冲走。 3. 不要在新年第一天扔东西 According to this New Year's superstition, nothing—be it leftover pizza, empty wine bottles, you get the idea—should be removed from your house until after New Year's Day. The idea is that it'll set the tone for a steady stream of people and things to leave you in the year to come. 有一种迷信说法是,元旦不能扔家里的任何东西,无论是吃剩的披萨还是空酒瓶。如果你在这一天扔东西,你身边的人和物都会在这一年陆续离你而去。 4. 在新年前夜打开所有门窗 Homeowners in the Philippines open all the doors and windows just before midnight to serve up an eviction notice to any bad juju that might be lingering around and usher positive auras into their abodes. According to Filipino tradition, the more noise you make on December 31, the better, as it's also believed that a big ruckus helps to drive away evil spirits. 菲律宾人会在新年前夜打开家中的所有门窗以驱邪纳吉。依照菲律宾传统,12月31日家里越吵闹越好,因为菲律宾人认为吵闹声可以赶走恶灵。 5. 在新年前夜扮成妖怪 In small villages around Japan, young men dressed as the Namahage (a.k.a. ogre-like demons) go door to door to frighten lazy people. They also threaten to snatch away misbehaving children but back off once the head of the household offers sake and rice cakes. These terrifying figures are also believed to bring protection from illness and disasters once appeased, as well as a good harvest and plentiful food year-round. 在日本的一些小村落,年轻男子会扮成生剥鬼(一种食人魔鬼)走家串户去吓懒人。他们还威胁要抓走调皮捣蛋的小孩,但是只要主人拿出清酒和年糕款待,他们就会离去。据认为这些可怕的鬼怪形象可以祛病消灾,还能保佑来年庄稼丰收,一年到头都有充足的食物。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] Back in the day, residents of Ireland would bang loaves against doors and walls just before midnight to ward off any angry apparitions or problematic phantoms that might be lurking. Whacking bread against the wall is also believed to send bad luck packing and ensure that your family won't go hungry for the next 12 months. Some people believe that if you clean clothes on January 1, you'll be "washing for the dead" and a member of your family will die at some point in the coming year. It will also send a year of good fortune spiraling down the drain. According to this New Year's superstition, nothing—be it leftover pizza, empty wine bottles, you get the idea—should be removed from your house until after New Year's Day. The idea is that it'll set the tone for a steady stream of people and things to leave you in the year to come. Homeowners in the Philippines open all the doors and windows just before midnight to serve up an eviction notice to any bad juju that might be lingering around and usher positive auras into their abodes. According to Filipino tradition, the more noise you make on December 31, the better, as it's also believed that a big ruckus helps to drive away evil spirits. In small villages around Japan, young men dressed as the Namahage (a.k.a. ogre-like demons) go door to door to frighten lazy people. They also threaten to snatch away misbehaving children but back off once the head of the household offers sake and rice cakes. These terrifying figures are also believed to bring protection from illness and disasters once appeased, as well as a good harvest and plentiful food year-round.
全球各地过新年都有自己独特的庆祝方式,比如日本人喜欢寄贺年卡,朝鲜人会吃甜饭,阿根廷人洗“新年浴”,葡萄牙人斗牛迎新年。然而,在一片喜庆祥和的气氛中,也有些地方的元旦习俗令人匪夷所思,甚至有点惊悚。 1. 用面包驱赶鬼魂 过去,爱尔兰人在新年前夜会用长面包用力敲打门和墙,以驱赶潜伏在家中的怨鬼邪灵。据认为用面包敲打墙面还能赶走厄运,保佑家人新的一年不会挨饿。 2. 不要在新年第一天洗衣服 有些人相信,如果你在1月1日这天洗衣服,你洗的将会是“死人的衣服”,你的一位家人将会在这一年去世。他们认为,元旦洗衣服还会将一年的好运都冲走。 3. 不要在新年第一天扔东西 有一种迷信说法是,元旦不能扔家里的任何东西,无论是吃剩的披萨还是空酒瓶。如果你在这一天扔东西,你身边的人和物都会在这一年陆续离你而去。 4. 在新年前夜打开所有门窗 菲律宾人会在新年前夜打开家中的所有门窗以驱邪纳吉。依照菲律宾传统,12月31日家里越吵闹越好,因为菲律宾人认为吵闹声可以赶走恶灵。 5. 在新年前夜扮成妖怪 在日本的一些小村落,年轻男子会扮成生剥鬼(一种食人魔鬼)走家串户去吓懒人。他们还威胁要抓走调皮捣蛋的小孩,但是只要主人拿出清酒和年糕款待,他们就会离去。据认为这些可怕的鬼怪形象可以祛病消灾,还能保佑来年庄稼丰收,一年到头都有充足的食物。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
尼日利亚近日被迫销毁超过100万剂已过期的阿斯利康疫苗。据报道,通过“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”从西方国家收到的疫苗运抵尼日利亚时仅剩4-6周的有效期,无法及时投入使用。在非洲,像尼日利亚这样收到西方过期疫苗的并非个例。刚果、马拉维和塞内加尔等国都面临类似问题。 [Photo/Agencies] Hoarding of COVID-19 vaccines by some Western countries and providing nearly expired vaccines to Africa is immoral, violates basic human rights and delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery, according to African experts. 据非洲专家称,一些西方国家囤积新冠疫苗,并向非洲提供接近过期的疫苗,这违反了基本人权,推迟了新冠疫情的终结时间和全球社会经济复苏的进程。 They made the remarks after Nigeria destroyed more than 1 million expired doses of AstraZeneca vaccine last week. The vaccine doses were donated by Western countries and had just weeks left on their shelf life. 在上周尼日利亚销毁了超过100万剂过期的阿斯利康疫苗后,非洲专家发表了上述言论。这些疫苗由西方国家捐赠,保质期只剩下几周。 In addition to Nigeria, countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Senegal also face similar problems of expired COVID-19 vaccines. 除尼日利亚外,刚果、马拉维和塞内加尔等国家也面临类似的过期疫苗问题。 "It is immoral and an outright violation of the basic tenets of human rights to use the continent of Africa as a dumping site for expired COVID-19 vaccines that are being donated by the Western countries," said Dennis Munene, executive director of the China-Africa Center at the Kenya-based Africa Policy Institute. 肯尼亚非洲政策研究所中非中心执行主任丹尼斯·穆内内称:“将非洲作为西方国家捐赠的过期疫苗的倾倒场所,这是违背道德的,完全违反了人权的基本原则。” "The weakest link in the fight against COVID-19 are some of the developed countries in the West that have been overtly and covertly advocating for 'vaccine imperialism and nationalism'," Munene said. 穆内内称:“欧美地区的一些发达国家是抗击新冠病毒中最薄弱的环节,他们公然或暗地提倡“疫苗帝国主义和民族主义”。 Faisal Shuaib, head of Nigeria's National Primary Health Care Development Agency, told reporters last week that the destroyed AstraZeneca vaccine doses had been hoarded by developed countries and donated to Nigeria when they were about to expire. Some of these vaccines arrived with about four weeks of shelf life left, he said. 尼日利亚国家初级卫生保健发展局局长费萨尔·舒艾布上周告诉记者,被销毁的阿斯利康疫苗是发达国家囤积的,他们在疫苗即将过期时将其捐赠给尼日利亚。舒艾布表示,其中一些疫苗的保质期还剩下四周左右。 Gerald Mbanda, a researcher and publisher in Rwanda, said the hoarding of the vaccines by rich nations, even when the Omicron variant is spreading, is not only immoral, but also delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery. 来自卢旺达的研究人员兼出版商杰拉尔德·姆班达表示,即使是在奥密克戎变种传播的背景下,发达国家仍然在囤积疫苗,这不仅不道德,而且还推迟了疫情结束和全球社会经济复苏的进程。 While many rich countries are now administering booster shots to their populations, less than 9 percent of the whole population of Africa has been fully vaccinated, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. That is far below the World Health Organization target to vaccinate 40 percent of the populations in all countries by the end of the year. 许多发达国家目前正在强制民众注射加强针,而非洲疾病控制预防中心的数据显示,非洲只有不到9%的人口接种了两针疫苗。这远远低于世界卫生组织的目标,即在年底之前为所有国家40%的人口接种疫苗。 "Unless rich countries act humanely and share vaccines as well as provide patent rights for the manufacture of the vaccines in less-privileged countries, the war against the COVID-19 pandemic will be unnecessarily prolonged, as well as human suffering," Mbanda said. "No one will be safe until everyone is safe. 姆班达称:“除非发达国家采取人道主义行动,共享疫苗,并且向发展中国家提供疫苗生产的专利权,才不会无谓地延长人类经历的苦难和抗击新冠肺炎的战争。在所有人都安全之前,没有人是安全的。” "By continuing to hoard vaccines, the rich countries are contributing to making poor countries poorer, at the same time failing to stop preventable deaths," he added. 姆班达还表示:“发达国继续囤积疫苗,导致发展中国家疫苗更加匮乏,且无法阻止本可预防的死亡。” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called on Monday for countries to deliver safe and more effective vaccines to developing countries, including African countries, to make up the global vaccination gap. (中国)外交部发言人赵立坚12月27日呼吁各国向包括非洲国家在内的发展中国家提供安全、有效的疫苗,以弥补全球疫苗接种缺口。 Some Western countries have hoarded excessive amounts of COVID-19 vaccines, resulting in huge waste, he said, adding that China will continue to honor its commitment to making the vaccines a global public good and providing them to developing countries in need. 赵立坚表示,少数西方国家囤积的疫苗远超自身所需,浪费严重。中国将坚持把疫苗作为全球公共产品,向有需要的发展中国家提供疫苗。 Munene said China has provided nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations, making it the world's largest provider, and none of them have been near the expiration date. 穆内内称,中国已经向120多个国家和国际组织提供了近20亿剂疫苗,是全球对外提供疫苗最多的国家,而且没有任何一剂疫苗是濒临过期。 "Unlike some of the developed countries that are playing politics with the pandemic, China is committed to its pledge of building a community with a shared future for mankind," he said. 他说:“与一些利用疫情玩政治游戏的发达国家不同的是,中国致力于构建人类命运共同体。” 来源:China Daily 记者:王晓东 柳洪杰对本文亦有贡献 编辑:董静
[Photo/Agencies] Hoarding of COVID-19 vaccines by some Western countries and providing nearly expired vaccines to Africa is immoral, violates basic human rights and delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery, according to African experts. They made the remarks after Nigeria destroyed more than 1 million expired doses of AstraZeneca vaccine last week. The vaccine doses were donated by Western countries and had just weeks left on their shelf life. In addition to Nigeria, countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Senegal also face similar problems of expired COVID-19 vaccines. "It is immoral and an outright violation of the basic tenets of human rights to use the continent of Africa as a dumping site for expired COVID-19 vaccines that are being donated by the Western countries," said Dennis Munene, executive director of the China-Africa Center at the Kenya-based Africa Policy Institute. "The weakest link in the fight against COVID-19 are some of the developed countries in the West that have been overtly and covertly advocating for 'vaccine imperialism and nationalism'," Munene said. Faisal Shuaib, head of Nigeria's National Primary Health Care Development Agency, told reporters last week that the destroyed AstraZeneca vaccine doses had been hoarded by developed countries and donated to Nigeria when they were about to expire. Some of these vaccines arrived with about four weeks of shelf life left, he said. Gerald Mbanda, a researcher and publisher in Rwanda, said the hoarding of the vaccines by rich nations, even when the Omicron variant is spreading, is not only immoral, but also delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery. While many rich countries are now administering booster shots to their populations, less than 9 percent of the whole population of Africa has been fully vaccinated, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. That is far below the World Health Organization target to vaccinate 40 percent of the populations in all countries by the end of the year. "Unless rich countries act humanely and share vaccines as well as provide patent rights for the manufacture of the vaccines in less-privileged countries, the war against the COVID-19 pandemic will be unnecessarily prolonged, as well as human suffering," Mbanda said. "No one will be safe until everyone is safe. "By continuing to hoard vaccines, the rich countries are contributing to making poor countries poorer, at the same time failing to stop preventable deaths," he added. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called on Monday for countries to deliver safe and more effective vaccines to developing countries, including African countries, to make up the global vaccination gap. Some Western countries have hoarded excessive amounts of COVID-19 vaccines, resulting in huge waste, he said, adding that China will continue to honor its commitment to making the vaccines a global public good and providing them to developing countries in need. Munene said China has provided nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations, making it the world's largest provider, and none of them have been near the expiration date. "Unlike some of the developed countries that are playing politics with the pandemic, China is committed to its pledge of building a community with a shared future for mankind," he said.
尼日利亚近日被迫销毁超过100万剂已过期的阿斯利康疫苗。据报道,通过“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”从西方国家收到的疫苗运抵尼日利亚时仅剩4-6周的有效期,无法及时投入使用。在非洲,像尼日利亚这样收到西方过期疫苗的并非个例。刚果、马拉维和塞内加尔等国都面临类似问题。 据非洲专家称,一些西方国家囤积新冠疫苗,并向非洲提供接近过期的疫苗,这违反了基本人权,推迟了新冠疫情的终结时间和全球社会经济复苏的进程。 在上周尼日利亚销毁了超过100万剂过期的阿斯利康疫苗后,非洲专家发表了上述言论。这些疫苗由西方国家捐赠,保质期只剩下几周。 除尼日利亚外,刚果、马拉维和塞内加尔等国家也面临类似的过期疫苗问题。 肯尼亚非洲政策研究所中非中心执行主任丹尼斯·穆内内称:“将非洲作为西方国家捐赠的过期疫苗的倾倒场所,这是违背道德的,完全违反了人权的基本原则。” 穆内内称:“欧美地区的一些发达国家是抗击新冠病毒中最薄弱的环节,他们公然或暗地提倡“疫苗帝国主义和民族主义”。 尼日利亚国家初级卫生保健发展局局长费萨尔·舒艾布上周告诉记者,被销毁的阿斯利康疫苗是发达国家囤积的,他们在疫苗即将过期时将其捐赠给尼日利亚。舒艾布表示,其中一些疫苗的保质期还剩下四周左右。 来自卢旺达的研究人员兼出版商杰拉尔德·姆班达表示,即使是在奥密克戎变种传播的背景下,发达国家仍然在囤积疫苗,这不仅不道德,而且还推迟了疫情结束和全球社会经济复苏的进程。 许多发达国家目前正在强制民众注射加强针,而非洲疾病控制预防中心的数据显示,非洲只有不到9%的人口接种了两针疫苗。这远远低于世界卫生组织的目标,即在年底之前为所有国家40%的人口接种疫苗。 姆班达称:“除非发达国家采取人道主义行动,共享疫苗,并且向发展中国家提供疫苗生产的专利权,才不会无谓地延长人类经历的苦难和抗击新冠肺炎的战争。在所有人都安全之前,没有人是安全的。” 姆班达还表示:“发达国继续囤积疫苗,导致发展中国家疫苗更加匮乏,且无法阻止本可预防的死亡。” (中国)外交部发言人赵立坚12月27日呼吁各国向包括非洲国家在内的发展中国家提供安全、有效的疫苗,以弥补全球疫苗接种缺口。 赵立坚表示,少数西方国家囤积的疫苗远超自身所需,浪费严重。中国将坚持把疫苗作为全球公共产品,向有需要的发展中国家提供疫苗。 穆内内称,中国已经向120多个国家和国际组织提供了近20亿剂疫苗,是全球对外提供疫苗最多的国家,而且没有任何一剂疫苗是濒临过期。 他说:“与一些利用疫情玩政治游戏的发达国家不同的是,中国致力于构建人类命运共同体。” 来源:China Daily 记者:王晓东 柳洪杰对本文亦有贡献 编辑:董静
“民主峰会”早已落幕 美国政客却还在谈“民主” 仿佛美国民主是一件华丽的礼服 More than one week after the end of the “Summit for Democracy”, US politicians continue talking about it as if it was a magnificent costume. 其实大家都知道 美国建国时确立的“民主” 只是白人当家作主 勋章下是原住民和黑人的累累白骨 Absurd. Their democracy was founded 200 years ago on the bones of indigenous and African people; 两百年运转下来 这套制度更是千疮百孔 被美国政客钻漏洞 Now it is filled with loopholes that US politicians make use of. 美式民主只重投票 导致美国社会撕裂严重 The US-style democracy focuses on voting only, which has caused a split in society. 美式民主下 政客滥开空头支票 留下烂摊子只坑纳税人 Its politicians just make empty pledges , without honoring them at all. 美国抗疫失败已经表明 对美国政客来说 “民主”不过是块遮羞布 The US’ failure to control the COVID-19 pandemic shows “democracy” is nothing but a fig leaf. 就这样充满漏洞的“民主”制度 美国还拿着枪满世界推销 却只让别国变得更糟 Why are US politicians still trying to promote it worldwide, with guns in hand? 甚至召集“民主峰会” 本想让中国难堪 结果却是自己灰头土脸 In holding the “Summit for Democracy” to try and humiliate China, they only humiliate themselves instead. 美国政客还是醒醒的好 别再让“民主”二字蒙羞 It’s time US politicians stopped abusing the word “democracy”. 作者:张周项 图片来自中国日报美术部
More than one week after the end of the “Summit for Democracy”, US politicians continue talking about it as if it was a magnificent costume. Absurd. Their democracy was founded 200 years ago on the bones of indigenous and African people; Now it is filled with loopholes that US politicians make use of. The US-style democracy focuses on voting only, which has caused a split in society. Its politicians just make empty pledges , without honoring them at all. The US’ failure to control the COVID-19 pandemic shows “democracy” is nothing but a fig leaf. Why are US politicians still trying to promote it worldwide, with guns in hand? In holding the “Summit for Democracy” to try and humiliate China, they only humiliate themselves instead. It’s time US politicians stopped abusing the word “democracy”.
“民主峰会”早已落幕 美国政客却还在谈“民主” 仿佛美国民主是一件华丽的礼服 其实大家都知道 美国建国时确立的“民主” 只是白人当家作主 勋章下是原住民和黑人的累累白骨 两百年运转下来 这套制度更是千疮百孔 被美国政客钻漏洞 美式民主只重投票 导致美国社会撕裂严重 美式民主下 政客滥开空头支票 留下烂摊子只坑纳税人 美国抗疫失败已经表明 对美国政客来说 “民主”不过是块遮羞布 就这样充满漏洞的“民主”制度 美国还拿着枪满世界推销 却只让别国变得更糟 甚至召集“民主峰会” 本想让中国难堪 结果却是自己灰头土脸 美国政客还是醒醒的好 别再让“民主”二字蒙羞 作者:张周项 图片来自中国日报美术部
因为怕葡萄酒失去最佳风味,很多人打开葡萄酒后都是一次喝完,但是如果实在喝不完,也不必勉强,事实上葡萄酒开盖后的保质期没有你想象的那么短。 [Photo/Pexels] There are many stuffy rules about wine, from the type of container it should come in to how expensive it should be. One common myth is that a bottle of wine should be fully consumed the same day it's opened. While it's true that vino does start to oxidize the moment the cork comes out, that's no reason to guzzle a liter of it all by yourself, or pour your leftover liquid down the drain. According to Bon Appétit , an open bottle of wine is still good for several days—as long as you know how to store it properly. 从装酒的容器到酒的价格,关于葡萄酒有很多老讲究。一个常见的误解是一瓶葡萄酒必须在开盖的当天喝完。尽管一开盖酒就会开始氧化,但是没有必要因此独自干掉一整瓶,或者将剩余的葡萄酒倒进下水道。据美食杂志《好胃口》称,只要储存方法得当,葡萄酒开盖后可以保鲜好几天。 If you pop open a new bottle of cabernet just to have a glass or two, hold onto the cork. Corks have been an important part of the wine-making process for centuries. The material is dense enough to keep liquids fresh without sealing off air altogether. A minimal amount of oxygen allows the flavors of the wine to continue to develop, while too much oxygen creates an acrid, unpleasant taste. 如果你打开一瓶新的赤霞珠红葡萄酒只是为了喝上一两杯,那么不要丢掉木塞。几个世纪以来,木塞一直是红酒酿造流程的一个重要部分。木塞材质的密度足以在不完全隔绝空气的情况下保持酒的新鲜。瓶中有少量氧气可以让葡萄酒继续发酵,而氧气过多则会导致葡萄酒变得酸涩,口感不佳。 Once you've finished pouring your wine, squeeze the cork back into the bottle to prevent any more oxygen from reaching the drink. If you've damaged or accidentally tossed out your cork, a bit of plastic wrap with a rubber band, aluminum foil, or a reusable wine bottle stopper will work, too. 一旦你倒完酒,就要立即用木塞密封酒瓶,防止更多氧气进入瓶中酒。如果你损坏或不小心扔掉了木塞,你可以用橡皮筋和铝箔包住一团保鲜膜作为瓶塞,或者用可重复使用的酒瓶塞。 Storing your opened wine in the fridge limits its exposure to other damaging elements like heat and light. Once it's refrigerated, most red and white wines will last two to five days before their flavors take a turn for the worse. Sparkling wines, however, have about one to three days before they're no longer drinkable, and some natural wines can go bad in a day. The highly tannic red wines available at the supermarket generally last the longest after being opened, with a lifespan of up to seven days. 将开盖后的葡萄酒放在冰箱里,可以减少葡萄酒接触热和光等其他会导致葡萄酒变质的因素。只要放在冰箱中,大多数红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒都可以保持2到5天不变味。不过,起泡葡萄酒开盖后只有1到3天的保质期,有些天然起泡葡萄酒开盖后一天就变质了。超市卖的高单宁红葡萄酒通常开盖后保质期是最长的,最多可以保鲜7天。 Because expiration dates vary so greatly between wine varieties, the best way to judge the freshness of what's in your bottle is to give it a taste. Overly oxidized wine doesn't taste great, but drinking a test sip of it won't make you sick. If you'd rather avoid drinking potentially spoiled wine, you can also judge its quality by sight and smell. Wine that's developed a brown tint and/or a vinegary smell has oxidized, meaning it's time to toss it and open a fresh bottle. 由于不同的葡萄酒品种保质期差别很大,判断葡萄酒是否新鲜的最佳方式就是尝一尝。过度氧化的葡萄酒口感不佳,但是试喝一口不会让你生病。如果你实在不想喝可能变质的葡萄酒,你也可以通过外观和气味来判断它的品质。颜色转为褐色或散发出酸味的葡萄酒已经氧化了,这说明你该把它扔掉,再开一瓶新酒了。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] There are many stuffy rules about wine, from the type of container it should come in to how expensive it should be. One common myth is that a bottle of wine should be fully consumed the same day it's opened. While it's true that vino does start to oxidize the moment the cork comes out, that's no reason to guzzle a liter of it all by yourself, or pour your leftover liquid down the drain. According to , an open bottle of wine is still good for several days—as long as you know how to store it properly. If you pop open a new bottle of cabernet just to have a glass or two, hold onto the cork. Corks have been an important part of the wine-making process for centuries. The material is dense enough to keep liquids fresh without sealing off air altogether. A minimal amount of oxygen allows the flavors of the wine to continue to develop, while too much oxygen creates an acrid, unpleasant taste. Once you've finished pouring your wine, squeeze the cork back into the bottle to prevent any more oxygen from reaching the drink. If you've damaged or accidentally tossed out your cork, a bit of plastic wrap with a rubber band, aluminum foil, or a reusable wine bottle stopper will work, too. Storing your opened wine in the fridge limits its exposure to other damaging elements like heat and light. Once it's refrigerated, most red and white wines will last two to five days before their flavors take a turn for the worse. Sparkling wines, however, have about one to three days before they're no longer drinkable, and some natural wines can go bad in a day. The highly tannic red wines available at the supermarket generally last the longest after being opened, with a lifespan of up to seven days. Because expiration dates vary so greatly between wine varieties, the best way to judge the freshness of what's in your bottle is to give it a taste. Overly oxidized wine doesn't taste great, but drinking a test sip of it won't make you sick. If you'd rather avoid drinking potentially spoiled wine, you can also judge its quality by sight and smell. Wine that's developed a brown tint and/or a vinegary smell has oxidized, meaning it's time to toss it and open a fresh bottle.
因为怕葡萄酒失去最佳风味,很多人打开葡萄酒后都是一次喝完,但是如果实在喝不完,也不必勉强,事实上葡萄酒开盖后的保质期没有你想象的那么短。 Bon Appétit 从装酒的容器到酒的价格,关于葡萄酒有很多老讲究。一个常见的误解是一瓶葡萄酒必须在开盖的当天喝完。尽管一开盖酒就会开始氧化,但是没有必要因此独自干掉一整瓶,或者将剩余的葡萄酒倒进下水道。据美食杂志《好胃口》称,只要储存方法得当,葡萄酒开盖后可以保鲜好几天。 如果你打开一瓶新的赤霞珠红葡萄酒只是为了喝上一两杯,那么不要丢掉木塞。几个世纪以来,木塞一直是红酒酿造流程的一个重要部分。木塞材质的密度足以在不完全隔绝空气的情况下保持酒的新鲜。瓶中有少量氧气可以让葡萄酒继续发酵,而氧气过多则会导致葡萄酒变得酸涩,口感不佳。 一旦你倒完酒,就要立即用木塞密封酒瓶,防止更多氧气进入瓶中酒。如果你损坏或不小心扔掉了木塞,你可以用橡皮筋和铝箔包住一团保鲜膜作为瓶塞,或者用可重复使用的酒瓶塞。 将开盖后的葡萄酒放在冰箱里,可以减少葡萄酒接触热和光等其他会导致葡萄酒变质的因素。只要放在冰箱中,大多数红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒都可以保持2到5天不变味。不过,起泡葡萄酒开盖后只有1到3天的保质期,有些天然起泡葡萄酒开盖后一天就变质了。超市卖的高单宁红葡萄酒通常开盖后保质期是最长的,最多可以保鲜7天。 由于不同的葡萄酒品种保质期差别很大,判断葡萄酒是否新鲜的最佳方式就是尝一尝。过度氧化的葡萄酒口感不佳,但是试喝一口不会让你生病。如果你实在不想喝可能变质的葡萄酒,你也可以通过外观和气味来判断它的品质。颜色转为褐色或散发出酸味的葡萄酒已经氧化了,这说明你该把它扔掉,再开一瓶新酒了。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,一位美国用户在推特上爆料,亚马逊Alexa智能语音助手建议 她10岁的女儿去尝试一个危险挑战 ,而这可能是致命的。 克里斯汀·利夫达尔 发推特称,在她的女儿向Alexa提出“想做一些有挑战的事”之后,Alexa竟建议她将手机充电器插到墙上的插座里,只插进一半,然后用一枚硬币触碰暴露在外的插头。 [Photo/pexels] Amazon has updated its Alexa voice assistant after it "challenged" a 10-year-old girl to touch a coin to the prongs of a half-inserted plug. 亚马逊已经对其Alexa语音助手进行了更新,此前,Alexa建议一名10岁女孩挑战用硬币触碰一半插在插座里的插头。 The suggestion came after the girl asked Alexa for a "challenge to do". 女孩向Alexa提出“想做一些有挑战的事”,之后Alexa提出这个建议。 "Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs," the smart speaker said. Alexa回答:“将手机充电器插到墙上的插座里,只插进一半,然后用硬币触碰暴露在外面的插头。” Amazon said it fixed the error as soon as the company became aware of it. 亚马逊表示,公司发现这一错误后立即进行了修复。 The girl's mother, Kristin Livdahl, described the incident on Twitter. 女孩的母亲 克里斯汀·利夫达尔 在推特上描述了这一事件。 She said: "We were doing some physical challenges, like laying down and rolling over holding a shoe on your foot, from a [physical education] teacher on YouTube earlier. Bad weather outside. She just wanted another one." 她说:“此前,我们跟着油管上的一位(体育)老师做了一些身体挑战,比如躺下来,抓着脚上的鞋子翻身。那天外面天气不好,她只是想再做一次类似挑战。” That's when the Echo speaker suggested partaking in the challenge that it had "found on the web". 就在这时, Echo音箱 建议女孩参加“在网络上发现”的挑战。 The dangerous activity, known as "the penny challenge", began circulating on TikTok and other social media websites about a year ago. 大约一年前,这项被称为“硬币挑战”的危险活动开始在TikTok和其他社交媒体网站上流行。(危险动作,请勿模仿!) Metals conduct electricity and inserting them into live electrical sockets can cause electric shocks, fires and other damage. 金属具有导电性,将其插入带电的插座会导致 电击 、火灾和其他伤害。 "I know you can lose fingers, hands, arms," Michael Clusker, station manager at Carlisle East fire station, told The Press newspaper in Yorkshire in 2020. (英国) 卡莱尔东部消防局局长迈克尔·克鲁斯克尔在2020接受 约克郡 报纸《新闻界》采访时称“据我所知,挑战者可能会失去手指、手、手臂”。 "The outcome from this is that someone will get seriously hurt." “这个挑战的结果是有人会受重伤。” Fire officials in the US have also spoken out against the so-called challenge. 美国消防官员也公开反对这种所谓的挑战。 Ms Livdahl tweeted that she intervened, yelling: "No, Alexa, no!" 利夫达尔在推特上说,她进行了干预,大喊:“不行,Alexa,不可以!” However, she said her daughter was "too smart to do something like that". 不过,利夫达尔称她的女儿“很聪明,不会做那样的事”。 Amazon told the BBC in a statement that it had updated Alexa to prevent the assistant recommending such activity in the future. 亚马逊在一份声明中告诉英国广播公司,他们已经更新了Alexa,以防止该语音助手将来推荐此类活动。 来源:BBC 编辑:董静
[Photo/pexels] Amazon has updated its Alexa voice assistant after it "challenged" a 10-year-old girl to touch a coin to the prongs of a half-inserted plug. The suggestion came after the girl asked Alexa for a "challenge to do". "Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs," the smart speaker said. Amazon said it fixed the error as soon as the company became aware of it. The girl's mother, Kristin Livdahl, described the incident on Twitter. She said: "We were doing some physical challenges, like laying down and rolling over holding a shoe on your foot, from a [physical education] teacher on YouTube earlier. Bad weather outside. She just wanted another one." That's when the Echo speaker suggested partaking in the challenge that it had "found on the web". The dangerous activity, known as "the penny challenge", began circulating on TikTok and other social media websites about a year ago. Metals conduct electricity and inserting them into live electrical sockets can cause electric shocks, fires and other damage. "I know you can lose fingers, hands, arms," Michael Clusker, station manager at Carlisle East fire station, told The Press newspaper in Yorkshire in 2020. "The outcome from this is that someone will get seriously hurt." Fire officials in the US have also spoken out against the so-called challenge. Ms Livdahl tweeted that she intervened, yelling: "No, Alexa, no!" However, she said her daughter was "too smart to do something like that". Amazon told the BBC in a statement that it had updated Alexa to prevent the assistant recommending such activity in the future.
近日,一位美国用户在推特上爆料,亚马逊Alexa智能语音助手建议 她10岁的女儿去尝试一个危险挑战 ,而这可能是致命的。 克里斯汀·利夫达尔 发推特称,在她的女儿向Alexa提出“想做一些有挑战的事”之后,Alexa竟建议她将手机充电器插到墙上的插座里,只插进一半,然后用一枚硬币触碰暴露在外的插头。 亚马逊已经对其Alexa语音助手进行了更新,此前,Alexa建议一名10岁女孩挑战用硬币触碰一半插在插座里的插头。 女孩向Alexa提出“想做一些有挑战的事”,之后Alexa提出这个建议。 Alexa回答:“将手机充电器插到墙上的插座里,只插进一半,然后用硬币触碰暴露在外面的插头。” 亚马逊表示,公司发现这一错误后立即进行了修复。 女孩的母亲 克里斯汀·利夫达尔 在推特上描述了这一事件。 她说:“此前,我们跟着油管上的一位(体育)老师做了一些身体挑战,比如躺下来,抓着脚上的鞋子翻身。那天外面天气不好,她只是想再做一次类似挑战。” 就在这时, Echo音箱 建议女孩参加“在网络上发现”的挑战。 大约一年前,这项被称为“硬币挑战”的危险活动开始在TikTok和其他社交媒体网站上流行。(危险动作,请勿模仿!) 金属具有导电性,将其插入带电的插座会导致 电击 、火灾和其他伤害。 (英国) 卡莱尔东部消防局局长迈克尔·克鲁斯克尔在2020接受 约克郡 报纸《新闻界》采访时称“据我所知,挑战者可能会失去手指、手、手臂”。 “这个挑战的结果是有人会受重伤。” 美国消防官员也公开反对这种所谓的挑战。 利夫达尔在推特上说,她进行了干预,大喊:“不行,Alexa,不可以!” 不过,利夫达尔称她的女儿“很聪明,不会做那样的事”。 亚马逊在一份声明中告诉英国广播公司,他们已经更新了Alexa,以防止该语音助手将来推荐此类活动。 来源:BBC 编辑:董静
一上班就感觉身体被掏空?如果你身处一个“有毒的”工作环境中,这种精疲力竭的感觉将会被加倍放大。如何判断自己的工作环境是否有毒?你需要关注以下这6个迹象。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. There’s an abject lack of communication 缺乏沟通 Improper communication means that people are often scattered or confused about expectations from leadership. Projects may seem complicated, stressful and difficult to execute either because there aren't enough hands on deck, or there are too many people who want to take the reins. 沟通不善意味着员工往往会是一盘散沙,或者弄不清领导想要什么。项目可能会显得复杂、压力重重,也会难以执行,或者是因为人手不够,或是因为人人都想发号施令。 2. Gossip culture is prevalent 八卦文化盛行 In addition to spreading false info, gossip can lead to cliques forming, which consequently means there’s an exclusionist culture in place. People can lose their jobs, arguments arise more quickly and the office vibe becomes more Mean Girls. Not good. 除了散播假消息,八卦还会导致拉帮结派,在公司内部形成排外文化。人们可能会因此而丢掉工作,同事间争吵频发,办公室氛围会变得像电影《贱女孩》里演的那样。不是什么好事。 3. There’s no room for growth 没有成长空间 We all do our best work when we know it counts for something. But if you’re working for a company that’s stuck in their decades-old routine and is resistant to new ideas, you can easily feel stifled. If you can’t pitch new ideas or improve upon your skillset, that may be one sign. It’s also good to take stock of the people you work with and evaluate whether or not they’ve grown. If you notice that your cubicle mate has been in an assistant position for three years, yet she knows the business in and out, you may just be working for a company that doesn’t support progression. 当我们知道努力有意义的时候,我们都会做到最好。但如果你就职的公司墨守成规,拒绝新理念,就很容易让你产生窒息的感觉。如果你不能提出新想法或提升自己的技能,这也许就是个“中毒”迹象。你也可以观察你的同事,评估他们是否得到了成长。如果你注意到你的某个同事已经在助理岗位待了三年,而她早就对业务了如指掌,你所在的公司可能根本不支持员工晋升。 4. You can’t create a work-life balance 你无法达到工作和生活的平衡 If your boss demands that your job come before your boyfriend’s birthday or Dad’s visit from Chicago a la Devil Wears Prada, then yes, you’re in a toxic workplace. Of course, it’s important to give your all from nine to five (or whatever your prescribed work hours). But if you’re constantly receiving emails, text messages or phone calls during your days off, and can’t make plans with your loved ones because you may have to hop in a meeting, it’s time to reconsider. 如果你的老板像《穿普拉达的女王》里演的那样,要求你把工作放在第一位,哪怕是男友生日或父亲从外地来看你也不例外,那么你的工作环境确实有毒。当然,上班时间全力以赴很重要,但是如果你在下班之后还不断地收到电子邮件、短信或接到电话,或因为要随时准备开会而无法和爱人约会,那么你是时候该重新考虑一下了。 5. Employees are unmotivated 员工没有动力 If managers are not communicating, not giving their employees room to grow and not compensating them appropriately for their hard work, odds are, morale is low. That can mean none of the old employees are willing to help new hires assimilate, everyone only interacts with members on their team and no one is willing to step up and do double duty during peak seasons. This may happen not just because there’s no incentive to go above and beyond your daily duties, but also because everyone is already juggling so much, there’s literally no room to add anything else to their plates. 如果主管不沟通、不给员工成长空间,对他们的辛苦劳动也没有给予足够的回报,那么士气低落是很正常的。这可能意味着老员工不愿帮助新员工融入集体,每个人都只和自己团队里的人交流,没有人愿意在旺季主动承担双重任务。这不仅是因为晋升无望、多干没回报,也可能因为每个人手头的活儿已经满额,再多的话根本做不了。 6. There’s high turnover 人员流动率很高 One tell-tale sign that something is wrong within the workplace is when employees come and go at breakneck speed. With so many people (especially millennials) prioritizing their wellness and mental health, no one is going to want to stay in a place that disrupts that. So, if you find that your co-workers are dropping like flies, it’s wise to analyze the culture. 人员流动率很高是工作环境有毒的一个警示。现如今人们(尤其是千禧一代)都很看重自己的身心健康,没有人愿意待在一个摧残身心的地方工作。所以,如果你发现同事们纷纷离职,你应该审视一下这里的工作文化是否有问题。 How to Cope with a Toxic Work Environment 如何应对有毒的工作环境 Unhappy as you may be at your job, leaving is not always an option. So, if you find yourself having to put up with toxic work culture, there are a few things you can try to make your experience better. 尽管你可能干得不开心,但是你也无法说走就走。所以,如果你发现自己不得不忍受有毒的工作文化,你可以通过下面的做法来让自己感觉好一点。 For one, you can take a stab at building a circle of trusted co-workers, people you know will help you reach your goals and won’t bring any unnecessary drama your way. You can also create boundaries—whether that’s letting people know you’re not into the gossip or making it clear that your personal time is not for work. Above everything else, make sure that you keep your professionalism and remain kind to people, hard as it may be. After all, it’s easy to get sucked into petty gossip or low morale, but staying focused on your long-term goals, upkeeping your work ethic and treating people well will never go out of style. (Just don’t be afraid to simultaneously update that resume.) 首先,你可以和信任的同事建立社交圈,他们能帮助你达到你的目标,又不会给你找事儿。其次,划清界限,包括和八卦的人划清界限,或者划清上班和下班时间的界限。最后也是最重要的一点是,尽管很艰难,但一定要保持专业性,始终待人友善。陷入八卦和消沉的泥沼很容易,但是你要知道,朝着长期目标努力、保持职业道德和善待他人永远不会错。(与此同时要更新你的简历,迈出勇敢的一步。) 英文来源:PureWow 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 1. There’s an abject lack of communication Improper communication means that people are often scattered or confused about expectations from leadership. Projects may seem complicated, stressful and difficult to execute either because there aren't enough hands on deck, or there are too many people who want to take the reins. 2. Gossip culture is prevalent In addition to spreading false info, gossip can lead to cliques forming, which consequently means there’s an exclusionist culture in place. People can lose their jobs, arguments arise more quickly and the office vibe becomes more Mean Girls. Not good. 3. There’s no room for growth We all do our best work when we know it counts for something. But if you’re working for a company that’s stuck in their decades-old routine and is resistant to new ideas, you can easily feel stifled. If you can’t pitch new ideas or improve upon your skillset, that may be one sign. It’s also good to take stock of the people you work with and evaluate whether or not they’ve grown. If you notice that your cubicle mate has been in an assistant position for three years, yet she knows the business in and out, you may just be working for a company that doesn’t support progression. 4. You can’t create a work-life balance If your boss demands that your job come before your boyfriend’s birthday or Dad’s visit from Chicago a la Devil Wears Prada, then yes, you’re in a toxic workplace. Of course, it’s important to give your all from nine to five (or whatever your prescribed work hours). But if you’re constantly receiving emails, text messages or phone calls during your days off, and can’t make plans with your loved ones because you may have to hop in a meeting, it’s time to reconsider. 5. Employees are unmotivated If managers are not communicating, not giving their employees room to grow and not compensating them appropriately for their hard work, odds are, morale is low. That can mean none of the old employees are willing to help new hires assimilate, everyone only interacts with members on their team and no one is willing to step up and do double duty during peak seasons. This may happen not just because there’s no incentive to go above and beyond your daily duties, but also because everyone is already juggling so much, there’s literally no room to add anything else to their plates. 6. There’s high turnover One tell-tale sign that something is wrong within the workplace is when employees come and go at breakneck speed. With so many people (especially millennials) prioritizing their wellness and mental health, no one is going to want to stay in a place that disrupts that. So, if you find that your co-workers are dropping like flies, it’s wise to analyze the culture. How to Cope with a Toxic Work Environment Unhappy as you may be at your job, leaving is not always an option. So, if you find yourself having to put up with toxic work culture, there are a few things you can try to make your experience better. For one, you can take a stab at building a circle of trusted co-workers, people you know will help you reach your goals and won’t bring any unnecessary drama your way. You can also create boundaries—whether that’s letting people know you’re not into the gossip or making it clear that your personal time is not for work. Above everything else, make sure that you keep your professionalism and remain kind to people, hard as it may be. After all, it’s easy to get sucked into petty gossip or low morale, but staying focused on your long-term goals, upkeeping your work ethic and treating people well will never go out of style. (Just don’t be afraid to simultaneously update that resume.)
一上班就感觉身体被掏空?如果你身处一个“有毒的”工作环境中,这种精疲力竭的感觉将会被加倍放大。如何判断自己的工作环境是否有毒?你需要关注以下这6个迹象。 缺乏沟通 沟通不善意味着员工往往会是一盘散沙,或者弄不清领导想要什么。项目可能会显得复杂、压力重重,也会难以执行,或者是因为人手不够,或是因为人人都想发号施令。 八卦文化盛行 除了散播假消息,八卦还会导致拉帮结派,在公司内部形成排外文化。人们可能会因此而丢掉工作,同事间争吵频发,办公室氛围会变得像电影《贱女孩》里演的那样。不是什么好事。 没有成长空间 当我们知道努力有意义的时候,我们都会做到最好。但如果你就职的公司墨守成规,拒绝新理念,就很容易让你产生窒息的感觉。如果你不能提出新想法或提升自己的技能,这也许就是个“中毒”迹象。你也可以观察你的同事,评估他们是否得到了成长。如果你注意到你的某个同事已经在助理岗位待了三年,而她早就对业务了如指掌,你所在的公司可能根本不支持员工晋升。 你无法达到工作和生活的平衡 如果你的老板像《穿普拉达的女王》里演的那样,要求你把工作放在第一位,哪怕是男友生日或父亲从外地来看你也不例外,那么你的工作环境确实有毒。当然,上班时间全力以赴很重要,但是如果你在下班之后还不断地收到电子邮件、短信或接到电话,或因为要随时准备开会而无法和爱人约会,那么你是时候该重新考虑一下了。 员工没有动力 如果主管不沟通、不给员工成长空间,对他们的辛苦劳动也没有给予足够的回报,那么士气低落是很正常的。这可能意味着老员工不愿帮助新员工融入集体,每个人都只和自己团队里的人交流,没有人愿意在旺季主动承担双重任务。这不仅是因为晋升无望、多干没回报,也可能因为每个人手头的活儿已经满额,再多的话根本做不了。 人员流动率很高 人员流动率很高是工作环境有毒的一个警示。现如今人们(尤其是千禧一代)都很看重自己的身心健康,没有人愿意待在一个摧残身心的地方工作。所以,如果你发现同事们纷纷离职,你应该审视一下这里的工作文化是否有问题。 如何应对有毒的工作环境 尽管你可能干得不开心,但是你也无法说走就走。所以,如果你发现自己不得不忍受有毒的工作文化,你可以通过下面的做法来让自己感觉好一点。 首先,你可以和信任的同事建立社交圈,他们能帮助你达到你的目标,又不会给你找事儿。其次,划清界限,包括和八卦的人划清界限,或者划清上班和下班时间的界限。最后也是最重要的一点是,尽管很艰难,但一定要保持专业性,始终待人友善。陷入八卦和消沉的泥沼很容易,但是你要知道,朝着长期目标努力、保持职业道德和善待他人永远不会错。(与此同时要更新你的简历,迈出勇敢的一步。) 英文来源:PureWow 翻译&编辑:丹妮
时间转瞬即逝,2021年只剩下最后几天,前方寒假正在向我们招手,不过在此之前,还有一件重要的事情,那就是期末考试。每年这个时候,都有一群人上演期末复习奋斗大戏。 当代大学生期末复习能有多卷?泡图书馆、通宵刷夜,攻占自习室、攻占食堂、攻占宿舍走廊……已经成为大学生期末考试周的常态。 “书到用时方恨少,只能临时抱佛脚”。很多人直到考试前才开始悬梁刺股、挑灯夜战,妄图做到“五花八门”,一夜之间学会人类思想的精华。 不过,哪怕是临阵磨枪,也要讲求效率,为了助同学们一臂之力,我们准备了“期末突击专用”复习小贴士,赶快来领取吧! 退出社交软件 说好早上七点开始复习,翻开资料,拿起手机,开始刷抖音、刷朋友圈、刷微博……社交媒体就是复习路上最大的绊脚石。 Social media is electronic ADHD. It will sink a cram session like an elephant in a row boat. Furthermore, Kim Kardashian won’t tweet anything in the next 50 minutes to improve your geometry grade. Texting, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Pinterest, etc., are great, but take a break to cram for exams. 社交媒体会一直分散你的注意力。就像大象坐在划艇上一定会沉下去,它一定会把复习搞砸。而且,金·卡戴珊在接下来的50分钟内不会发布任何帮助你提高几何成绩的推特。短信、脸书、推特、Gmail、Pinterest都是很不错的软件,不过还是让它们休息一下,专心备战考试吧。 打开计时器 Cramming is about finding a good rhythm. We recommend a 50/10 split: 50 minutes studying, 10 minutes of anything else. On your break, exercise, or sing, or dance, or sit still. You pick. Then get back to work. Setting a timer will help you find a rhythm. 临考前死记硬背的学习要找到一个舒适的节奏。我们建议50:10的时间分配:50分钟学习,10分钟做其他事。休息时,你可以锻炼身体,唱歌,跳舞,或静静地坐着。随便你想干什么。时间到了就回去学习。设置计时器能帮助你把握复习节奏。 只关注重要知识点 Remember, you are cramming at this point. Any learning here has a limited shelf-life, so stick to the basics. You are learning just the main ideas and the key details. Those are the things that are most likely to be on the test, so focus your energy there. Look for headings, key people, dates, equations, vocab words, and explanations of major ideas. Filter the rest. 记住,你现在是在应付考试。现在学习的任何知识都只是临时记忆,所以只关注基本知识。你现在只要学习知识要点和重要细节。这些是最有可能出现在考试中的内容,所以把精力集中于此。寻找标题、关键人物、日期、方程式、词汇和主要观点的解释。过滤剩下的。 利用感官加深记忆 Talk to yourself. Every big idea you read, talk it out. Explain things to yourself. Make lots of hand motions. Pace if it helps. Emphasize words with a funny accent. The crazier you look, the better. No, crazy people don’t remember more. But the more senses and emotions involved the more you’ll remember. 你要自言自语。要把看到的重要知识点读出声。向自己做解释。可以比手划脚。如果有帮助的话,加快速度。用有趣的口音强调文字。看起来越疯狂越好。疯癫不会帮助记忆,但是你的感官和情绪可以。 制作复习指南 Whether or not your teacher/prof. gave you a study guide, you need to make your own to cram for an exam. This is far and away the best method to study for an exam. After just making the guide yourself, 80% of your work will be done. You’re cramming, so it doesn’t have to be neat. Only you have to be able to read it. Writing it out, reading as you go, involving all your senses. 无论老师是否划了复习重点,你都需要为考试制作复习指南。这无疑是备考的最好方法。完成复习指南之后,80%的工作就搞定了。你是为了应付考试,所以指南不必工整。只要能看懂就行。把它写出来,边读边写,让你的所有感官都参与其中。 考前突击终究只是临时抱佛脚,只有平时努力学习,保持良好的学习习惯才能不惧任何考试。最后,希望大家都能取得好的成绩! 来源,学校共青团 编辑:董静
Social media is electronic ADHD. It will sink a cram session like an elephant in a row boat. Furthermore, Kim Kardashian won’t tweet anything in the next 50 minutes to improve your geometry grade. Texting, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Pinterest, etc., are great, but take a break to cram for exams. Cramming is about finding a good rhythm. We recommend a 50/10 split: 50 minutes studying, 10 minutes of anything else. On your break, exercise, or sing, or dance, or sit still. You pick. Then get back to work. Setting a timer will help you find a rhythm. Remember, you are cramming at this point. Any learning here has a limited shelf-life, so stick to the basics. You are learning just the main ideas and the key details. Those are the things that are most likely to be on the test, so focus your energy there. Look for headings, key people, dates, equations, vocab words, and explanations of major ideas. Filter the rest. Talk to yourself. Every big idea you read, talk it out. Explain things to yourself. Make lots of hand motions. Pace if it helps. Emphasize words with a funny accent. The crazier you look, the better. No, crazy people don’t remember more. But the more senses and emotions involved the more you’ll remember. Whether or not your teacher/prof. gave you a study guide, you need to make your own to cram for an exam. This is far and away the best method to study for an exam. After just making the guide yourself, 80% of your work will be done. You’re cramming, so it doesn’t have to be neat. Only you have to be able to read it. Writing it out, reading as you go, involving all your senses.
时间转瞬即逝,2021年只剩下最后几天,前方寒假正在向我们招手,不过在此之前,还有一件重要的事情,那就是期末考试。每年这个时候,都有一群人上演期末复习奋斗大戏。 当代大学生期末复习能有多卷?泡图书馆、通宵刷夜,攻占自习室、攻占食堂、攻占宿舍走廊……已经成为大学生期末考试周的常态。 “书到用时方恨少,只能临时抱佛脚”。很多人直到考试前才开始悬梁刺股、挑灯夜战,妄图做到“五花八门”,一夜之间学会人类思想的精华。 不过,哪怕是临阵磨枪,也要讲求效率,为了助同学们一臂之力,我们准备了“期末突击专用”复习小贴士,赶快来领取吧! 退出社交软件 说好早上七点开始复习,翻开资料,拿起手机,开始刷抖音、刷朋友圈、刷微博……社交媒体就是复习路上最大的绊脚石。 社交媒体会一直分散你的注意力。就像大象坐在划艇上一定会沉下去,它一定会把复习搞砸。而且,金·卡戴珊在接下来的50分钟内不会发布任何帮助你提高几何成绩的推特。短信、脸书、推特、Gmail、Pinterest都是很不错的软件,不过还是让它们休息一下,专心备战考试吧。 打开计时器 临考前死记硬背的学习要找到一个舒适的节奏。我们建议50:10的时间分配:50分钟学习,10分钟做其他事。休息时,你可以锻炼身体,唱歌,跳舞,或静静地坐着。随便你想干什么。时间到了就回去学习。设置计时器能帮助你把握复习节奏。 只关注重要知识点 记住,你现在是在应付考试。现在学习的任何知识都只是临时记忆,所以只关注基本知识。你现在只要学习知识要点和重要细节。这些是最有可能出现在考试中的内容,所以把精力集中于此。寻找标题、关键人物、日期、方程式、词汇和主要观点的解释。过滤剩下的。 利用感官加深记忆 你要自言自语。要把看到的重要知识点读出声。向自己做解释。可以比手划脚。如果有帮助的话,加快速度。用有趣的口音强调文字。看起来越疯狂越好。疯癫不会帮助记忆,但是你的感官和情绪可以。 制作复习指南 无论老师是否划了复习重点,你都需要为考试制作复习指南。这无疑是备考的最好方法。完成复习指南之后,80%的工作就搞定了。你是为了应付考试,所以指南不必工整。只要能看懂就行。把它写出来,边读边写,让你的所有感官都参与其中。 考前突击终究只是临时抱佛脚,只有平时努力学习,保持良好的学习习惯才能不惧任何考试。最后,希望大家都能取得好的成绩! 来源,学校共青团 编辑:董静
虽然没能躲过疫情影响,但是2021年上映的电影仍然不乏佳片:《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》、《驾驶我的车》、《沙丘》…… 好片不怕晚,年底补起来! (Credit: Sony Pictures/ Marvel Studios) Spider-Man: No Way Home 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》 豆瓣评分:8.0 Now that Marvel's superheroes have saved the Universe, their next job is obvious: they have to save the multiverse. In the third of the Spider-Man blockbusters starring Tom Holland, the teenage web-spinner accidentally opens a portal to numerous parallel realities. He finds himself up against Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus, who fought the Tobey Maguire incarnation of Spider-Man, and Jamie Foxx's Electro, who fought the Andrew Garfield incarnation. And, who knows, he may even bump into Maguire and Garfield themselves. Sounds fun? Errr... well, apparently not. "What people will be really surprised about is that it's not fun, this film," Holland told Total Film . "It's dark and it's sad, and it's going to be really affecting. You're going to see characters that you love go through things that you would never wish for them to go through." 如今漫威的超级英雄已经拯救了宇宙,他们的下一个任务显而易见,那就是拯救多元宇宙。在汤姆·赫兰德主演的第三部《蜘蛛侠》中,这位少年蜘蛛侠意外打开了通往多个平行现实世界的大门,碰上了托比·马奎尔版蜘蛛侠和安德鲁·加菲尔德版蜘蛛侠的死对头——阿尔弗雷德·莫利纳饰演的章鱼博士和杰米·福克斯饰演的电光人。听上去很有意思?事实显然并非如此。赫兰德告诉《电影大全》杂志说:“让人们大吃一惊的是,这部电影并不好玩。这是一部阴暗悲伤的影片,而且还会催人泪下。你将看见你喜爱的角色经历你希望他们永远不要经历的可怕事情。” 推荐月份: 12月 (Credit: Janus Films) Drive My Car《驾驶我的车》 豆瓣评分:8.0 With a three-hour running time, Drive My Car may be one of the year's longest films, but it's also one of the most acclaimed: Ryusuke Hamaguchi's meditative drama has a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes, and it won the best screenplay award when it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. Adapted from a 40-page Haruki Murakami short story, Drive My Car revolves around an actor-turned director, Yusuke Kafuku (Hidetoshi Nishijima), who is happily married to a screenwriter, despite her numerous infidelities. Two years after his wife's sudden death, Yusuke accepts a job at a theatre festival in Hiroshima. As he is chauffeured to and from his rented house by a quiet young woman (Toko Miura), he slowly comes to terms with betrayal and bereavement. 片长达三个小时的《驾驶我的车》也许是今年最长的电影之一,但也是最受赞赏的影片之一。滨口龙介执导的这部电影包含大段沉思情节,在烂番茄上评分高达100%,在戛纳电影节上首映时还赢得了最佳编剧奖。《驾驶我的车》改编自村上春树的40页短篇小说,讲述的是由演员改行做导演的加福佑介(西岛秀俊饰演)和他的妻子有过一段幸福的婚姻。他的妻子是一名编剧,曾多次出轨。在妻子骤然离世两年后,加福接受了广岛戏剧节的一份工作。他雇佣了一名安静的年轻女子(三浦透子饰演)来替他开车,往返于工作地点和租住的寓所之间。就在车后座上,他逐渐与妻子的背叛和痛失爱人的事实达成了和解。 推荐月份: 11月 (Credit: Warner Bros) Dune 《沙丘》 豆瓣评分:7.8 Now at last we have a big-screen Dune that may actually do justice to Frank Herbert's science-fiction novel. Directed by Denis Villeneuve ( Blade Runner 2049 , Arrival) , this is a sombre, sweeping epic which runs for 155 minutes and still only covers the first half of the book. The budget is colossal, the crew is top-notch, and the cast is packed with big names, including Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Zendaya and Dave Bautista. As space operas about psychic-powered young heroes on desert planets go, it may never be as popular as Star Wars , but, says Clarisse Loughrey in the Independent , "It is a film of such literal and emotional largeness that it overwhelms the senses [and] of such intimidating grandeur that it's hard to believe it even exists in the first place." 我们终于迎来了一部可以对得起弗兰克·赫伯特科幻小说原著的电影《沙丘》。丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦(曾执导《银翼杀手2049》和《降临》)导演的这部阴郁磅礴的史诗大片长达155分钟,但也只讲完了原著的上半部分。这部电影耗资巨大,演员阵容也十分强大,包括蒂莫西·柴勒梅德、奥斯卡·伊萨克、乔什·布洛林、赞达亚和戴夫·巴蒂斯塔等众多大牌明星。这部关于荒漠星球上具有超自然力量的少男少女的星际科幻电影也许永远不会像《星球大战》系列一样受欢迎,但是,正如克拉丽斯·洛瑞在《独立报》上的评论:“这是一部篇幅和情感都广博到令人震撼的宏伟电影,它的存在本身就让人难以置信。” 推荐月份: 10月 (Credit: Searchlight) The French Dispatch 《法兰西特派》 豆瓣评分:7.8 Wes Anderson fans rejoice: the writer-director's 10th film is his most Wes Anderson-ish ever. In The French Dispatch , he takes his meticulous style to new extremes, so barely a frame goes by that isn't ornamented with a split screen, a freeze frame, a sans serif caption, a florid voiceover, or a switch between monochrome and garish colour. Beneath all these elaborate quirks is an anthology of three whimsical short stories set in the fictional French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé, and supposedly drawn from the pages of a New Yorker-style magazine in the mid-20th Century. Timothée Chalamet, Benicio del Toro and Léa Seydoux star alongside such Anderson regulars as Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman. 韦斯·安德森的粉丝欢呼吧,这位编剧兼导演的第十部电影是他迄今为止将个人风格发扬得最淋漓尽致的作品。在《法兰西特派》中,安德森将他细致入微的风格发挥到了新极致。几乎没有一帧画面是未经过雕琢的,不是运用分屏、定格、无衬线字体、词藻华丽的画外音,就是在黑白和艳丽色彩之间切换。在所有这些精巧的手法之下,这部电影讲述的是一座虚构的法国小镇“厌烦边的无聊镇”中发生的三个怪诞的小故事,据称这些故事选自上世纪中叶一本《纽约客》风格的杂志。参演本片的有蒂莫西·柴勒梅德、本尼西奥·德托罗和蕾雅·赛杜,还有安德森电影的御用演员比尔·默瑞、欧文·威尔逊、蒂尔达·斯文顿和詹森·舒瓦兹曼。 推荐月份: 10月 (Credit: 20th-Century Studios) Ron's Gone Wrong 《天赐灵机》 豆瓣评分:7.7 The first feature-length cartoon from a new British studio, Locksmith Animation, Ron's Gone Wrong is a family comedy about the differences between social media and physical interaction. Its schoolboy hero, Barney (Jack Dylan Grazer), is given what seems to be the ideal toy, a shiny robot which is programmed to be his friend – assuming it works properly. The snag is that this particular robot, Ron (Zach Galifianakis), barely works at all. "Children want someone who agrees with them, who wants to play the same games as them… and that's the type of dream the technology world offers you," the film's co-writer and co-director, Sarah Smith, said. "And in our movie, Barney ends up with Ron, who's completely dysfunctional and broken, who doesn't agree with him and doesn't know anything about him, and they have to build this relationship from that point." 《天赐灵机》是英国新动画工作室Locksmith出品的第一部动画长片,这部家庭喜剧片讲述了社交媒体和实体互动之间的差异。男主人公是一位名叫巴尼的男学生(杰克·迪伦·格雷泽配音),他得到了一个貌似很理想的玩具——一个亮闪闪的机器人,程序设定为他的朋友,当然前提是这个机器人要正常运转。问题在于这个名叫罗恩的机器人(扎克·加利凡纳基斯配音)根本不能正常运转。该片的编剧和导演之一莎拉·史密斯说:“孩子们想要的是能认同他们、和他们玩同样游戏的玩伴,而这是科技世界可以帮助实现的梦想。然而在我们这部电影中,巴尼得到的却是功能完全失调的坏掉的机器人罗恩,罗恩既不同意巴尼的观点,对巴尼也一无所知,他们的关系必须从头开始建立。” 推荐月份: 10月 (Credit: A24 Films) Minari 《米纳里》 豆瓣评分:7.3 Lee Isaac Chung's autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy. Most of the dialogue is in Korean, so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category. But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s, so some commentators have argued that calling its language "foreign" is outdated and insulting. Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film "feels like a balm right now, a gentle, truthful and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can. " 李·以萨克·郑的这部自传式电影收获了热烈的好评,但也引来了不少争议。该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。但是《米纳里》也是一部关于上世纪80年代在阿肯色州一家小农场劳作的美国家庭的故事,因此一些评论人士表示,将其称为“外语片”不仅过时而且具有侮辱性。《洛杉矶时报》的格伦·威普称,这部电影“在当下能给心灵带来抚慰,这个温和、真实而柔情的故事讲述的这个家庭里都是全心全意爱彼此的善良的人。” 推荐月份: 2月 (Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Signature Entertainment) The Courier 《信使》 豆瓣评分:7.3 Benedict Cumberbatch has been tipped as a potential James Bond, but in The Courier , he plays one of Bond's less glamorous real-life counterparts. In 1960, just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007, a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet secrets back from Moscow. In the film, his wife (Jessie Buckley) wants him to abandon this increasingly dangerous mission, but Wynne believes that only his espionage can defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Directed by Dominic Cooke, The Courier has a "fascinating" story, says Benjamin Lee at the Guardian , but it is Cumberbatch's performance that sells it. 据传本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是下一任邦德候选人之一,但在《信使》中,他饰演不那么迷人的一个间谍原型。1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。在影片中,他的妻子(杰西·巴克利饰演)想让他放弃这个日益危险的使命,但是韦恩相信只有他的间谍行动才能化解古巴导弹危机。《卫报》的本杰明·李写道,多米尼克·库克导演的《信使》讲述了一个“引人入胜的”故事,但是让电影有看点的是康伯巴奇的表演。 推荐月份: 3月 (Credit: Magnet Releasing) Riders of Justice 《正义骑士》 豆瓣评分:7.3 Mads Mikkelsen plays Markus, a bearded, crewcut soldier who is shipped home from active duty after his wife is killed in a train accident. But maybe it wasn't an accident. A bunch of dysfunctional middle-aged men are convinced that a biker gang was responsible, so the unstable Markus sets about getting his revenge. Written and directed by Anders Thomas Jensen ( Men & Chicken ), Riders of Justice "is salty, violent, transgressive and laugh-out-loud funny," says Fionnuala Hannigan in Screen Daily . 麦斯·米科尔森饰演剃平头、留胡子的士兵马库斯,在妻子死于一场火车事故后,正在服役的他被运送回家。但是这可能不是一场事故。几个怪异的中年男人坚信马库斯妻子的死和摩托车帮有关,于是精神不稳定的马库斯决定复仇。该片由安诺斯·托马斯·延森(曾执导《男人与鸡》)担任编剧和导演,《电影日报》的菲奥诺拉·汉尼根评价说,该片“汗津津、暴力、违背道德而且超级搞笑”。 推荐月份: 5月 (Credit: Disney) Encanto 《魔法满屋》 豆瓣评分:7.2 Encanto , the 60th feature film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, is the colourful tale of a Colombian family in which everyone has superhuman powers – everyone, that is, except for one teenager, Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz). Directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush ( Zootopia , renamed Zootropolis in some countries), along with Charise Castro Smith, the film is a celebration of Colombian culture, a tribute to the literary tradition of magical realism, and a musical with songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda. But at its heart, Encanto is one girl's coming-of-age story. "I was so excited about creating this character who is flawed, awkward, and feels like a real 14-year-old struggling to figure out their identity and their self-worth,” Smith told IndieWire’s Bill Desowitz. “And it really resonated with me, having been an awkward 14-year-old with glasses and curly hair at one point in my life." 华特迪士尼动画工作室第60部动画长片《魔法满屋》讲述的是一个哥伦比亚家庭的多彩故事。在这个家庭里,每个人都拥有超能力,除了十几岁的米拉贝尔(斯蒂芬妮·比翠丝配音)。拜伦·霍华德和杰拉德·布什(曾执导《疯狂动物城》)以及查里斯·卡斯特罗·史密斯共同导演的这部电影是对哥伦比亚文化的致敬,对魔幻现实主义文学传统的礼赞,同时也是一部音乐片,片中歌曲出自林-曼努尔·米兰达之手。但是影片的核心是一个女孩的成长故事。史密斯告诉IndieWire网站的比尔·德索维茨说:“在创作这个有缺陷的笨拙女孩的时候我感到很兴奋,感觉自己就像一个试图寻找自己的身份和价值的14岁孩子。这个角色令我产生很大的共鸣,我曾经也是一个戴着眼镜、头发卷曲、笨拙尴尬的14岁少年。” 推荐月份: 11月 (Credit: Disney+) Raya and the Last Dragon 《寻龙传说》 豆瓣评分:7.0 Once upon a time, being a Disney princess meant being the damsel in distress in a European fairy tale. But they're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days, as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial arts than there were in Mulan . Inspired by South-East Asian mythology and culture, the film features Kelly Marie Tran from Star Wars as the voice of Raya, a brave warrior princess from the magical land of Kumandra. Five hundred years after the world's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity, and the country was divided into five warring states, it's up to Raya to find the lone survivor: a fluffy, shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina. Joel Meares, editor of Rotten Tomatoes, calls it "a delight. Vibrant, exciting, funny action-comedy [that] hits hard with the feels." 从前,迪士尼公主往往是欧洲童话里的落难少女;如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。该片的灵感源自东南亚神话和文化,曾出演《星球大战》的凯莉·玛丽·陈为神奇古龙大陆上勇敢的公主战士拉雅配音。很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。 推荐月份: 3月 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
(Credit: Sony Pictures/ Marvel Studios) Spider-Man: No Way Home Now that Marvel's superheroes have saved the Universe, their next job is obvious: they have to save the multiverse. In the third of the Spider-Man blockbusters starring Tom Holland, the teenage web-spinner accidentally opens a portal to numerous parallel realities. He finds himself up against Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus, who fought the Tobey Maguire incarnation of Spider-Man, and Jamie Foxx's Electro, who fought the Andrew Garfield incarnation. And, who knows, he may even bump into Maguire and Garfield themselves. Sounds fun? Errr... well, apparently not. "What people will be really surprised about is that it's not fun, this film," Holland told Total Film . "It's dark and it's sad, and it's going to be really affecting. You're going to see characters that you love go through things that you would never wish for them to go through." (Credit: Janus Films) With a three-hour running time, Drive My Car may be one of the year's longest films, but it's also one of the most acclaimed: Ryusuke Hamaguchi's meditative drama has a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes, and it won the best screenplay award when it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. Adapted from a 40-page Haruki Murakami short story, Drive My Car revolves around an actor-turned director, Yusuke Kafuku (Hidetoshi Nishijima), who is happily married to a screenwriter, despite her numerous infidelities. Two years after his wife's sudden death, Yusuke accepts a job at a theatre festival in Hiroshima. As he is chauffeured to and from his rented house by a quiet young woman (Toko Miura), he slowly comes to terms with betrayal and bereavement. (Credit: Warner Bros) Dune Now at last we have a big-screen Dune that may actually do justice to Frank Herbert's science-fiction novel. Directed by Denis Villeneuve ( Blade Runner 2049 , Arrival) Star Wars , but, says Clarisse Loughrey in the Independent , "It is a film of such literal and emotional largeness that it overwhelms the senses [and] of such intimidating grandeur that it's hard to believe it even exists in the first place." (Credit: Searchlight) The French Dispatch Wes Anderson fans rejoice: the writer-director's 10th film is his most Wes Anderson-ish ever. In The French Dispatch (Credit: 20th-Century Studios) Ron's Gone Wrong The first feature-length cartoon from a new British studio, Locksmith Animation, Ron's Gone Wrong is a family comedy about the differences between social media and physical interaction. Its schoolboy hero, Barney (Jack Dylan Grazer), is given what seems to be the ideal toy, a shiny robot which is programmed to be his friend – assuming it works properly. The snag is that this particular robot, Ron (Zach Galifianakis), barely works at all. "Children want someone who agrees with them, who wants to play the same games as them… and that's the type of dream the technology world offers you," the film's co-writer and co-director, Sarah Smith, said. "And in our movie, Barney ends up with Ron, who's completely dysfunctional and broken, who doesn't agree with him and doesn't know anything about him, and they have to build this relationship from that point." (Credit: A24 Films) Minari Lee Isaac Chung's autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy. Most of the dialogue is in Korean, so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category. But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s, so some commentators have argued that calling its language "foreign" is outdated and insulting. Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film "feels like a balm right now, a gentle, truthful and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can. " (Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Signature Entertainment) The Courier Benedict Cumberbatch has been tipped as a potential James Bond, but in The Courier , he plays one of Bond's less glamorous real-life counterparts. In 1960, just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007, a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet secrets back from Moscow. In the film, his wife (Jessie Buckley) wants him to abandon this increasingly dangerous mission, but Wynne believes that only his espionage can defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Directed by Dominic Cooke, The Courier has a "fascinating" story, says Benjamin Lee at the Guardian , but it is Cumberbatch's performance that sells it. (Credit: Magnet Releasing) Riders of Justice Mads Mikkelsen plays Markus, a bearded, crewcut soldier who is shipped home from active duty after his wife is killed in a train accident. But maybe it wasn't an accident. A bunch of dysfunctional middle-aged men are convinced that a biker gang was responsible, so the unstable Markus sets about getting his revenge. Written and directed by Anders Thomas Jensen ( Men & Chicken ), Riders of Justice "is salty, violent, transgressive and laugh-out-loud funny," says Fionnuala Hannigan in Screen Daily . (Credit: Disney) Encanto Encanto , the 60th feature film from Walt Disney Animation Studios, is the colourful tale of a Colombian family in which everyone has superhuman powers – everyone, that is, except for one teenager, Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz). Directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush ( Zootopia , renamed Zootropolis in some countries), along with Charise Castro Smith, the film is a celebration of Colombian culture, a tribute to the literary tradition of magical realism, and a musical with songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda. But at its heart, Encanto is one girl's coming-of-age story. "I was so excited about creating this character who is flawed, awkward, and feels like a real 14-year-old struggling to figure out their identity and their self-worth,” Smith told IndieWire’s Bill Desowitz. “And it really resonated with me, having been an awkward 14-year-old with glasses and curly hair at one point in my life." (Credit: Disney+) Raya and the Last Dragon Once upon a time, being a Disney princess meant being the damsel in distress in a European fairy tale. But they're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days, as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial arts than there were in Mulan . Inspired by South-East Asian mythology and culture, the film features Kelly Marie Tran from Star Wars as the voice of Raya, a brave warrior princess from the magical land of Kumandra. Five hundred years after the world's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity, and the country was divided into five warring states, it's up to Raya to find the lone survivor: a fluffy, shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina. Joel Meares, editor of Rotten Tomatoes, calls it "a delight. Vibrant, exciting, funny action-comedy [that] hits hard with the feels."
虽然没能躲过疫情影响,但是2021年上映的电影仍然不乏佳片:《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》、《驾驶我的车》、《沙丘》…… 好片不怕晚,年底补起来! 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》 豆瓣评分:8.0 如今漫威的超级英雄已经拯救了宇宙,他们的下一个任务显而易见,那就是拯救多元宇宙。在汤姆·赫兰德主演的第三部《蜘蛛侠》中,这位少年蜘蛛侠意外打开了通往多个平行现实世界的大门,碰上了托比·马奎尔版蜘蛛侠和安德鲁·加菲尔德版蜘蛛侠的死对头——阿尔弗雷德·莫利纳饰演的章鱼博士和杰米·福克斯饰演的电光人。听上去很有意思?事实显然并非如此。赫兰德告诉《电影大全》杂志说:“让人们大吃一惊的是,这部电影并不好玩。这是一部阴暗悲伤的影片,而且还会催人泪下。你将看见你喜爱的角色经历你希望他们永远不要经历的可怕事情。” 推荐月份: 12月 Drive My Car《驾驶我的车》 豆瓣评分:8.0 片长达三个小时的《驾驶我的车》也许是今年最长的电影之一,但也是最受赞赏的影片之一。滨口龙介执导的这部电影包含大段沉思情节,在烂番茄上评分高达100%,在戛纳电影节上首映时还赢得了最佳编剧奖。《驾驶我的车》改编自村上春树的40页短篇小说,讲述的是由演员改行做导演的加福佑介(西岛秀俊饰演)和他的妻子有过一段幸福的婚姻。他的妻子是一名编剧,曾多次出轨。在妻子骤然离世两年后,加福接受了广岛戏剧节的一份工作。他雇佣了一名安静的年轻女子(三浦透子饰演)来替他开车,往返于工作地点和租住的寓所之间。就在车后座上,他逐渐与妻子的背叛和痛失爱人的事实达成了和解。 推荐月份: 11月 《沙丘》 豆瓣评分:7.8 , this is a sombre, sweeping epic which runs for 155 minutes and still only covers the first half of the book. The budget is colossal, the crew is top-notch, and the cast is packed with big names, including Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Zendaya and Dave Bautista. As space operas about psychic-powered young heroes on desert planets go, it may never be as popular as 我们终于迎来了一部可以对得起弗兰克·赫伯特科幻小说原著的电影《沙丘》。丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦(曾执导《银翼杀手2049》和《降临》)导演的这部阴郁磅礴的史诗大片长达155分钟,但也只讲完了原著的上半部分。这部电影耗资巨大,演员阵容也十分强大,包括蒂莫西·柴勒梅德、奥斯卡·伊萨克、乔什·布洛林、赞达亚和戴夫·巴蒂斯塔等众多大牌明星。这部关于荒漠星球上具有超自然力量的少男少女的星际科幻电影也许永远不会像《星球大战》系列一样受欢迎,但是,正如克拉丽斯·洛瑞在《独立报》上的评论:“这是一部篇幅和情感都广博到令人震撼的宏伟电影,它的存在本身就让人难以置信。” 推荐月份: 10月 《法兰西特派》 豆瓣评分:7.8 , he takes his meticulous style to new extremes, so barely a frame goes by that isn't ornamented with a split screen, a freeze frame, a sans serif caption, a florid voiceover, or a switch between monochrome and garish colour. Beneath all these elaborate quirks is an anthology of three whimsical short stories set in the fictional French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé, and supposedly drawn from the pages of a New Yorker-style magazine in the mid-20th Century. Timothée Chalamet, Benicio del Toro and Léa Seydoux star alongside such Anderson regulars as Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman. 韦斯·安德森的粉丝欢呼吧,这位编剧兼导演的第十部电影是他迄今为止将个人风格发扬得最淋漓尽致的作品。在《法兰西特派》中,安德森将他细致入微的风格发挥到了新极致。几乎没有一帧画面是未经过雕琢的,不是运用分屏、定格、无衬线字体、词藻华丽的画外音,就是在黑白和艳丽色彩之间切换。在所有这些精巧的手法之下,这部电影讲述的是一座虚构的法国小镇“厌烦边的无聊镇”中发生的三个怪诞的小故事,据称这些故事选自上世纪中叶一本《纽约客》风格的杂志。参演本片的有蒂莫西·柴勒梅德、本尼西奥·德托罗和蕾雅·赛杜,还有安德森电影的御用演员比尔·默瑞、欧文·威尔逊、蒂尔达·斯文顿和詹森·舒瓦兹曼。 推荐月份: 10月 《天赐灵机》 豆瓣评分:7.7 《天赐灵机》是英国新动画工作室Locksmith出品的第一部动画长片,这部家庭喜剧片讲述了社交媒体和实体互动之间的差异。男主人公是一位名叫巴尼的男学生(杰克·迪伦·格雷泽配音),他得到了一个貌似很理想的玩具——一个亮闪闪的机器人,程序设定为他的朋友,当然前提是这个机器人要正常运转。问题在于这个名叫罗恩的机器人(扎克·加利凡纳基斯配音)根本不能正常运转。该片的编剧和导演之一莎拉·史密斯说:“孩子们想要的是能认同他们、和他们玩同样游戏的玩伴,而这是科技世界可以帮助实现的梦想。然而在我们这部电影中,巴尼得到的却是功能完全失调的坏掉的机器人罗恩,罗恩既不同意巴尼的观点,对巴尼也一无所知,他们的关系必须从头开始建立。” 推荐月份: 10月 《米纳里》 豆瓣评分:7.3 李·以萨克·郑的这部自传式电影收获了热烈的好评,但也引来了不少争议。该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。但是《米纳里》也是一部关于上世纪80年代在阿肯色州一家小农场劳作的美国家庭的故事,因此一些评论人士表示,将其称为“外语片”不仅过时而且具有侮辱性。《洛杉矶时报》的格伦·威普称,这部电影“在当下能给心灵带来抚慰,这个温和、真实而柔情的故事讲述的这个家庭里都是全心全意爱彼此的善良的人。” 推荐月份: 2月 《信使》 豆瓣评分:7.3 据传本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是下一任邦德候选人之一,但在《信使》中,他饰演不那么迷人的一个间谍原型。1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。在影片中,他的妻子(杰西·巴克利饰演)想让他放弃这个日益危险的使命,但是韦恩相信只有他的间谍行动才能化解古巴导弹危机。《卫报》的本杰明·李写道,多米尼克·库克导演的《信使》讲述了一个“引人入胜的”故事,但是让电影有看点的是康伯巴奇的表演。 推荐月份: 3月 《正义骑士》 豆瓣评分:7.3 麦斯·米科尔森饰演剃平头、留胡子的士兵马库斯,在妻子死于一场火车事故后,正在服役的他被运送回家。但是这可能不是一场事故。几个怪异的中年男人坚信马库斯妻子的死和摩托车帮有关,于是精神不稳定的马库斯决定复仇。该片由安诺斯·托马斯·延森(曾执导《男人与鸡》)担任编剧和导演,《电影日报》的菲奥诺拉·汉尼根评价说,该片“汗津津、暴力、违背道德而且超级搞笑”。 推荐月份: 5月 《魔法满屋》 豆瓣评分:7.2 华特迪士尼动画工作室第60部动画长片《魔法满屋》讲述的是一个哥伦比亚家庭的多彩故事。在这个家庭里,每个人都拥有超能力,除了十几岁的米拉贝尔(斯蒂芬妮·比翠丝配音)。拜伦·霍华德和杰拉德·布什(曾执导《疯狂动物城》)以及查里斯·卡斯特罗·史密斯共同导演的这部电影是对哥伦比亚文化的致敬,对魔幻现实主义文学传统的礼赞,同时也是一部音乐片,片中歌曲出自林-曼努尔·米兰达之手。但是影片的核心是一个女孩的成长故事。史密斯告诉IndieWire网站的比尔·德索维茨说:“在创作这个有缺陷的笨拙女孩的时候我感到很兴奋,感觉自己就像一个试图寻找自己的身份和价值的14岁孩子。这个角色令我产生很大的共鸣,我曾经也是一个戴着眼镜、头发卷曲、笨拙尴尬的14岁少年。” 推荐月份: 11月 《寻龙传说》 豆瓣评分:7.0 从前,迪士尼公主往往是欧洲童话里的落难少女;如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。该片的灵感源自东南亚神话和文化,曾出演《星球大战》的凯莉·玛丽·陈为神奇古龙大陆上勇敢的公主战士拉雅配音。很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。 推荐月份: 3月 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据外媒报道,根据追踪互联网流量的云基础设施公司 Cloudflare 的数据,TikTok 是2021年全球访问量最大的互联网站点,超过了去年的领头羊——Alphabet公司旗下的谷歌。 [Photo/pexels] Move over Google, TikTok is the world's new most popular online destination. 谷歌让一让,TikTok才是新一代全球最具人气的互联网站点。 The viral video app gets more hits than the American search engine, according to Cloudflare, an IT security company. 据信息技术安全公司Cloudflare称,这款火爆短视频软件的访问量高于美国搜索引擎谷歌。 The rankings show that TikTok knocked Google off the top spot in February, March and June this year, and has held the number one position since August. 排名显示,TikTok在今年2月、3月和6月超过谷歌登上榜首,并自8月以来一直保持第一的位置。 Last year Google was first, and a number of sites including TikTok, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Netflix were all in the top 10. 去年谷歌排名第一,TikTok、亚马逊、苹果、脸书、微软和网飞等网站都跻身前十名。 Cloudfare said it tracks data using its tool Cloudflare Radar, which monitors web traffic. Cloudfare表示,他们使用网络流量监测工具Cloudflare雷达进行数据追踪。 It is believed one of the reasons for the surge in TikTok's popularity is because of the Covid pandemic, as lockdowns meant people were stuck at home and looking for entertainment. 普遍认为,新冠疫情是TikTok人气激增的原因之一,因为疫情期间的封锁意味着人们被困在家里,需要找点乐子。 By July this year, TikTok had been downloaded more than three billion times, according to data company Sensor Tower. 数据公司Sensor Tower称,截至今年7月,TikTok的下载量已超过30亿次。 The social network, which is owned by a Chinese company called Bytedance, now has more than one billion active users across the world, and that number continues to grow. TikTok是字节跳动公司旗下的一款社交软件,目前在全球拥有超过10亿活跃用户,而且这个数字还在继续增长。 Food and recipe videos have become a key part of TikTok's success, with viral clips getting millions of views. 美食和食谱视频是TikTok成功的重要因素,那些传播性极强的视频片段获得数百万的浏览量。 As a result, in the US, a new food delivery service called TikTok Kitchen will launch in March, allowing people to order dishes originally created in viral videos. 因此,一项名为“TikTok厨房”的食品配送服务将于2022年3月在美国推出,允许人们订购爆款短视频里制作的菜肴。 The menu will be based on the app's most viral food trends and will include courses like the baked feta pasta which was ranked the most searched dish of 2021 by Google. “TikTok厨房”的菜单将基于TikTok上最流行的美食趋势,包括烤意大利面等菜肴,这道菜被谷歌评为2021搜索最多的菜肴。 来源:BBC 编辑:董静
[Photo/pexels] Move over Google, TikTok is the world's new most popular online destination. The viral video app gets more hits than the American search engine, according to Cloudflare, an IT security company. The rankings show that TikTok knocked Google off the top spot in February, March and June this year, and has held the number one position since August. Last year Google was first, and a number of sites including TikTok, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Netflix were all in the top 10. Cloudfare said it tracks data using its tool Cloudflare Radar, which monitors web traffic. It is believed one of the reasons for the surge in TikTok's popularity is because of the Covid pandemic, as lockdowns meant people were stuck at home and looking for entertainment. By July this year, TikTok had been downloaded more than three billion times, according to data company Sensor Tower. The social network, which is owned by a Chinese company called Bytedance, now has more than one billion active users across the world, and that number continues to grow. Food and recipe videos have become a key part of TikTok's success, with viral clips getting millions of views. As a result, in the US, a new food delivery service called TikTok Kitchen will launch in March, allowing people to order dishes originally created in viral videos. The menu will be based on the app's most viral food trends and will include courses like the baked feta pasta which was ranked the most searched dish of 2021 by Google.
据外媒报道,根据追踪互联网流量的云基础设施公司 Cloudflare 的数据,TikTok 是2021年全球访问量最大的互联网站点,超过了去年的领头羊——Alphabet公司旗下的谷歌。 谷歌让一让,TikTok才是新一代全球最具人气的互联网站点。 据信息技术安全公司Cloudflare称,这款火爆短视频软件的访问量高于美国搜索引擎谷歌。 排名显示,TikTok在今年2月、3月和6月超过谷歌登上榜首,并自8月以来一直保持第一的位置。 去年谷歌排名第一,TikTok、亚马逊、苹果、脸书、微软和网飞等网站都跻身前十名。 Cloudfare表示,他们使用网络流量监测工具Cloudflare雷达进行数据追踪。 普遍认为,新冠疫情是TikTok人气激增的原因之一,因为疫情期间的封锁意味着人们被困在家里,需要找点乐子。 数据公司Sensor Tower称,截至今年7月,TikTok的下载量已超过30亿次。 TikTok是字节跳动公司旗下的一款社交软件,目前在全球拥有超过10亿活跃用户,而且这个数字还在继续增长。 美食和食谱视频是TikTok成功的重要因素,那些传播性极强的视频片段获得数百万的浏览量。 因此,一项名为“TikTok厨房”的食品配送服务将于2022年3月在美国推出,允许人们订购爆款短视频里制作的菜肴。 “TikTok厨房”的菜单将基于TikTok上最流行的美食趋势,包括烤意大利面等菜肴,这道菜被谷歌评为2021搜索最多的菜肴。 来源:BBC 编辑:董静
深更半夜忽然想大吃一顿,冰箱里却没有存货,怎么办?德国人不用为此发愁,因为他们有香肠自动售货机。这种售货机24小时营业,不但出售德式香肠,还出售鸡蛋、牛奶等其他生鲜食品,大大方便了上班族。 [Photo/Pexels] Food cravings don't operate on a set schedule. They can strike at any time, like during the late-night hours when most businesses are closed for the day. As the Independent reports, Germany has come up with an ingenious solution to this common inconvenience: 24-hour sausage vending machines that are accessible when the butcher is away. 对美食的渴望是不定点的,说来就来,比如说,你可能会在大多数商店都已关门的深夜时分忽然想吃一种东西。据《独立报》报道,对于这种常见的吃货小烦恼,德国人已经想出了一个绝妙的解决办法,那就是24小时香肠自动售货机,即使卖肉商贩不在,你也能买到肉食。 The miniature meat markets have become popular in recent years outside German cities. Butchers and other purveyors of fresh food close early in rural parts of the country, which can make grocery shopping difficult for people who work typical hours. The sausage vending machines are always open for business, so customers can pick up their meat for the week's meals (or for an impromptu midnight snack) at the time that works best for them. There were more than 500,000 such machines servicing Germany's carnivores as of 2020, according to NPR. 这种香肠售货机近几年在德国乡镇地区变得很流行。德国乡下的屠夫和生鲜供应商关店时间早,使得正常时间上班的人难以买到这些食品。但是香肠自动售货机24小时都营业,无论顾客是要选购平日吃的肉食,还是一时兴起想吃夜宵,都可以在方便的时间过来购买。据美国国家公共广播电台报道,截至2020年,德国已经有50多万台这样的肉食售货机。 The automated vendors are famous for stocking products like bratwurst and bockwurst, but their inventories aren't limited to German sausage. Patrons can pick up other essentials like eggs, milk, produce, and butter, as well as prepared sides like potato salad for a full meal. The meats are vacuum-sealed and the machines are temperature-controlled, so shopping from them is just as safe as buying from the butcher. 这种自动售货机以出售德式小香肠和烟熏香肠等产品著称,但是他们的库存不仅限于德国香肠。顾客还可以在售货机上购买其他必需品,比如鸡蛋、牛奶、农产品、黄油,还有土豆沙拉这种现成的正餐配菜。肉制品是真空包装的,售货机也有控温功能,因此从售货机购买就和从肉商那里购买一样安全。 After taking off in Germany, the trend has spread overseas. In June 2021, Hermann, Missouri, welcomed a German-built vending machine stocked with smoked meat products. Getting German sausage at the push of a button may have been a first for the state, but the US has experimented with unconventional vending machines in the past. Los Angeles has hosted a caviar machine, and for customers with smaller budgets, a ready-to-eat burrito vending machine. 香肠自动售货机在德国兴起后,这股潮流也吹到了国外。2021年6月,美国密苏里州赫尔曼市引进了一台德国制造的烟熏肉制品自动售货机,这是该州首台出售德国香肠的售货机。不过美国过去也曾试用过非传统售货机,洛杉矶就曾推出过鱼子酱售货机和价格实惠的即食墨西哥卷饼售货机。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] Food cravings don't operate on a set schedule. They can strike at any time, like during the late-night hours when most businesses are closed for the day. As the Independent reports, Germany has come up with an ingenious solution to this common inconvenience: 24-hour sausage vending machines that are accessible when the butcher is away. The miniature meat markets have become popular in recent years outside German cities. Butchers and other purveyors of fresh food close early in rural parts of the country, which can make grocery shopping difficult for people who work typical hours. The sausage vending machines are always open for business, so customers can pick up their meat for the week's meals (or for an impromptu midnight snack) at the time that works best for them. There were more than 500,000 such machines servicing Germany's carnivores as of 2020, according to NPR. The automated vendors are famous for stocking products like bratwurst and bockwurst, but their inventories aren't limited to German sausage. Patrons can pick up other essentials like eggs, milk, produce, and butter, as well as prepared sides like potato salad for a full meal. The meats are vacuum-sealed and the machines are temperature-controlled, so shopping from them is just as safe as buying from the butcher. After taking off in Germany, the trend has spread overseas. In June 2021, Hermann, Missouri, welcomed a German-built vending machine stocked with smoked meat products. Getting German sausage at the push of a button may have been a first for the state, but the US has experimented with unconventional vending machines in the past. Los Angeles has hosted a caviar machine, and for customers with smaller budgets, a ready-to-eat burrito vending machine.
深更半夜忽然想大吃一顿,冰箱里却没有存货,怎么办?德国人不用为此发愁,因为他们有香肠自动售货机。这种售货机24小时营业,不但出售德式香肠,还出售鸡蛋、牛奶等其他生鲜食品,大大方便了上班族。 对美食的渴望是不定点的,说来就来,比如说,你可能会在大多数商店都已关门的深夜时分忽然想吃一种东西。据《独立报》报道,对于这种常见的吃货小烦恼,德国人已经想出了一个绝妙的解决办法,那就是24小时香肠自动售货机,即使卖肉商贩不在,你也能买到肉食。 这种香肠售货机近几年在德国乡镇地区变得很流行。德国乡下的屠夫和生鲜供应商关店时间早,使得正常时间上班的人难以买到这些食品。但是香肠自动售货机24小时都营业,无论顾客是要选购平日吃的肉食,还是一时兴起想吃夜宵,都可以在方便的时间过来购买。据美国国家公共广播电台报道,截至2020年,德国已经有50多万台这样的肉食售货机。 这种自动售货机以出售德式小香肠和烟熏香肠等产品著称,但是他们的库存不仅限于德国香肠。顾客还可以在售货机上购买其他必需品,比如鸡蛋、牛奶、农产品、黄油,还有土豆沙拉这种现成的正餐配菜。肉制品是真空包装的,售货机也有控温功能,因此从售货机购买就和从肉商那里购买一样安全。 香肠自动售货机在德国兴起后,这股潮流也吹到了国外。2021年6月,美国密苏里州赫尔曼市引进了一台德国制造的烟熏肉制品自动售货机,这是该州首台出售德国香肠的售货机。不过美国过去也曾试用过非传统售货机,洛杉矶就曾推出过鱼子酱售货机和价格实惠的即食墨西哥卷饼售货机。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,世界上第一条短信在法国巴黎被拍卖,以近15万美元的价格作为非同质化代币售出。这条开启人类短信时代的信息在近30年前发出。1992年12月,英国沃达丰公司的一位工程师,时年22岁的尼尔帕帕沃将其发送给他的同事,内容只有一句简短的祝福:圣诞快乐。 [Photo/Agencies] The world's first SMS has been sold as a non-fungible token (NFT) for $149,729 (€132,680) at auction in Paris, according to the auctioneer Aguttes. 据法国奥古特拍卖行称,世界上第一条短信在巴黎的拍卖会以149729美元(约合人民币95.4万元)的价格作为非同质化代币(NFT)售出。 Reading "Merry Christmas," the message was sent by British programmer Neil Papworth from his computer on December 3, 1992 to Richard Jarvis, then director of UK telecommunications company Vodafone. 1992年12月3日,英国程序员尼尔·帕普沃思在电脑上向时任英国电信公司沃达丰总监的理查德·贾维斯发送了一条“圣诞快乐”的短信。 Jarvis received the message on his Orbitel 901 cellphone during the company's Christmas function. 贾维斯在Orbitel 901手机上收到了这条信息,当时该公司正在举行圣诞活动。 The NFT is a replica of the original communication protocol that transmitted the SMS, the auction house said. The unknown buyer, who was to pay in the cryptocurrency Ether, will also receive a digital frame with a 3D animation of the message being received. 奥古特拍卖行表示,这次拍卖的NFT是传输短信的原始通信协议复制品。拍下该NFT的匿名买家将以加密货币以太币支付,他还将收到一个数码相框,其中包含这条短信的3D动画。 Papworth and his colleagues were trying to develop a type of communication whereby their client, Vodafone, could offer users the ability to send messages to each other's phones, Aguttes explained on its website. 奥古特拍卖行在其网站上解释称,当时帕普沃思和他的同事试图开发一种通信方式,通过这种方式,他们的客户沃达丰可以为用户提供向对方手机发送信息的能力。 They eventually refined the code, and the transmission of texts via Vodafone's network became a reality. 他们最终完善了代码,使在沃达丰的网络中传输文本成为现实。 "In 1992, I had no idea just how popular texting would become, and that this would give rise to emojis and messaging apps used by millions," Papworth was quoted as saying by the auctioneer. 拍卖行援引帕普沃思的话称:“1992年的时候,我不知道短信会变得这么流行,会促使数百万人使用表情符号和通讯软件。” Initially, texts could not be sent from cellphones because they did not have keyboards. However, by 1994, they were able to be transmitted from phones thanks to the arrival of the Nokia 210. 由于没有键盘,手机起初是无法发送短信的。然而,到了1994年,诺基亚210的出现使手机能够发短信了。 Five years later, text messages could be sent on various telecommunications networks, giving rise to their popularity. Texting as a means of communication began to overtake the use of phone calls, according to the press release. 五年后,各种电信网络都可以发送文字短信,短信大肆流行起来。据新闻报道,短信作为一种交流方式开始取代打电话。 The 160-character limit of SMS -- which stands for "Short Message Service" -- has since been incorporated across digital platforms including Twitter. 短信(SMS,短消息服务)的长度限制为160个字符,此后推特等互联网平台都加入了这一限制。 The way that users choose to express themselves has developed over time with the introduction of Internet acronyms and emojis. 随着网络缩写词和表情符号的引入,用户表达自己的方式随着时间的推移而变化。 Just as the world's first SMS revolutionized the way people communicate, NFTs are shaking up the art world. 正如世界上第一条短信彻底改变了人们的交流方式,NFT也在撼动艺术界。 Non-fungible tokens are a form of cryptocurrency that convert digital pieces of art into unique, verifiable goods that can be traded on the blockchain. NFT是一种加密货币形式,它将数字艺术品转换为独特的、可验证的商品,可在区块链上交易。 Each NFT is one-of-a-kind, meaning that no two tokens are the same. Since March, when the first NFT artwork was sold for $69,346,250 during an online auction by Christie's, virtual art has broken into the mainstream. 每个NFT都是独一无二的,这意味着没有两个代币是相同的。自3月份佳士得拍卖行以69346250美元(约合人民币4.4亿元)的价格售出第一件NFT艺术品以来,虚拟艺术已经成为主流。 Recently, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales sold an NFT of the first ever edit made on the website -- a testament to how virtual art can be used to commemorate moments in Internet culture history. 最近,维基百科联合创始人吉米·威尔斯出售了该网站首次编辑词条的NFT——这证明了虚拟艺术可以用来纪念互联网文化史上的时刻。 Speaking about the sale of the SMS NFT, Maximilien Aguttes, the development manager at Aguttes auction house, said, "The first printed book, the first phone call, the first email, all these inventions have changed our lives and communication in the world." 在谈到出售首条短信NFT时,奥古特拍卖行的业务拓展经理马克西米利安·奥古特说:“第一本印刷书籍、第一个电话、第一封电子邮件,所有这些发明都改变了我们的生活和交流方式。” "This first text message received in 1992 is a historic testament to human and technological progress. It transmitted a message of joy, 'Merry Christmas'," Aguttes added. 他补充说:“1992年收到的第一条短信是人类和技术进步的历史见证。它传递了欢乐的信息,‘圣诞快乐’。” Vodafone said earlier this month that proceeds from the sale would be donated to the United Nations Refugee Agency. 沃达丰本月早些时候表示,此次拍卖所得将捐赠给联合国难民署。 来源:CNN 编辑:董静
[Photo/Agencies] The world's first SMS has been sold as a non-fungible token (NFT) for $149,729 (€132,680) at auction in Paris, according to the auctioneer Aguttes. Reading "Merry Christmas," the message was sent by British programmer Neil Papworth from his computer on December 3, 1992 to Richard Jarvis, then director of UK telecommunications company Vodafone. Jarvis received the message on his Orbitel 901 cellphone during the company's Christmas function. The NFT is a replica of the original communication protocol that transmitted the SMS, the auction house said. The unknown buyer, who was to pay in the cryptocurrency Ether, will also receive a digital frame with a 3D animation of the message being received. Papworth and his colleagues were trying to develop a type of communication whereby their client, Vodafone, could offer users the ability to send messages to each other's phones, Aguttes explained on its website. They eventually refined the code, and the transmission of texts via Vodafone's network became a reality. "In 1992, I had no idea just how popular texting would become, and that this would give rise to emojis and messaging apps used by millions," Papworth was quoted as saying by the auctioneer. Initially, texts could not be sent from cellphones because they did not have keyboards. However, by 1994, they were able to be transmitted from phones thanks to the arrival of the Nokia 210. Five years later, text messages could be sent on various telecommunications networks, giving rise to their popularity. Texting as a means of communication began to overtake the use of phone calls, according to the press release. The 160-character limit of SMS -- which stands for "Short Message Service" -- has since been incorporated across digital platforms including Twitter. The way that users choose to express themselves has developed over time with the introduction of Internet acronyms and emojis. Just as the world's first SMS revolutionized the way people communicate, NFTs are shaking up the art world. Non-fungible tokens are a form of cryptocurrency that convert digital pieces of art into unique, verifiable goods that can be traded on the blockchain. Each NFT is one-of-a-kind, meaning that no two tokens are the same. Since March, when the first NFT artwork was sold for $69,346,250 during an online auction by Christie's, virtual art has broken into the mainstream. Recently, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales sold an NFT of the first ever edit made on the website -- a testament to how virtual art can be used to commemorate moments in Internet culture history. Speaking about the sale of the SMS NFT, Maximilien Aguttes, the development manager at Aguttes auction house, said, "The first printed book, the first phone call, the first email, all these inventions have changed our lives and communication in the world." "This first text message received in 1992 is a historic testament to human and technological progress. It transmitted a message of joy, 'Merry Christmas'," Aguttes added. Vodafone said earlier this month that proceeds from the sale would be donated to the United Nations Refugee Agency.
近日,世界上第一条短信在法国巴黎被拍卖,以近15万美元的价格作为非同质化代币售出。这条开启人类短信时代的信息在近30年前发出。1992年12月,英国沃达丰公司的一位工程师,时年22岁的尼尔帕帕沃将其发送给他的同事,内容只有一句简短的祝福:圣诞快乐。 据法国奥古特拍卖行称,世界上第一条短信在巴黎的拍卖会以149729美元(约合人民币95.4万元)的价格作为非同质化代币(NFT)售出。 1992年12月3日,英国程序员尼尔·帕普沃思在电脑上向时任英国电信公司沃达丰总监的理查德·贾维斯发送了一条“圣诞快乐”的短信。 贾维斯在Orbitel 901手机上收到了这条信息,当时该公司正在举行圣诞活动。 奥古特拍卖行表示,这次拍卖的NFT是传输短信的原始通信协议复制品。拍下该NFT的匿名买家将以加密货币以太币支付,他还将收到一个数码相框,其中包含这条短信的3D动画。 奥古特拍卖行在其网站上解释称,当时帕普沃思和他的同事试图开发一种通信方式,通过这种方式,他们的客户沃达丰可以为用户提供向对方手机发送信息的能力。 他们最终完善了代码,使在沃达丰的网络中传输文本成为现实。 拍卖行援引帕普沃思的话称:“1992年的时候,我不知道短信会变得这么流行,会促使数百万人使用表情符号和通讯软件。” 由于没有键盘,手机起初是无法发送短信的。然而,到了1994年,诺基亚210的出现使手机能够发短信了。 五年后,各种电信网络都可以发送文字短信,短信大肆流行起来。据新闻报道,短信作为一种交流方式开始取代打电话。 短信(SMS,短消息服务)的长度限制为160个字符,此后推特等互联网平台都加入了这一限制。 随着网络缩写词和表情符号的引入,用户表达自己的方式随着时间的推移而变化。 正如世界上第一条短信彻底改变了人们的交流方式,NFT也在撼动艺术界。 NFT是一种加密货币形式,它将数字艺术品转换为独特的、可验证的商品,可在区块链上交易。 每个NFT都是独一无二的,这意味着没有两个代币是相同的。自3月份佳士得拍卖行以69346250美元(约合人民币4.4亿元)的价格售出第一件NFT艺术品以来,虚拟艺术已经成为主流。 最近,维基百科联合创始人吉米·威尔斯出售了该网站首次编辑词条的NFT——这证明了虚拟艺术可以用来纪念互联网文化史上的时刻。 在谈到出售首条短信NFT时,奥古特拍卖行的业务拓展经理马克西米利安·奥古特说:“第一本印刷书籍、第一个电话、第一封电子邮件,所有这些发明都改变了我们的生活和交流方式。” 他补充说:“1992年收到的第一条短信是人类和技术进步的历史见证。它传递了欢乐的信息,‘圣诞快乐’。” 沃达丰本月早些时候表示,此次拍卖所得将捐赠给联合国难民署。 来源:CNN 编辑:董静
携程集团日前宣布,携程计划未来投入10亿元生育补贴,用于激励员工生育。全球范围内入职满3年的携程员工,无论性别,每新生育一个孩子,将获得每年1万元的现金补贴,发放至孩子满5周岁后终止。 Photo/Pexels China's leading online travel agency Group announced on Friday that it plans to provide 1 billion yuan ($137.74 million) in subsidies to support employees who choose to have more children. As the first Chinese company to introduce such a policy, which conforms with national efforts to encourage childbirth, it has sparked heated discussion among the public about the cost of raising children and the impact on women's careers. 中国领先的在线旅行社携程集团6月30日宣布,计划投入10亿元来补贴生育多孩的员工。携程是国内第一家推出这种生育补贴政策的公司,这与当前国家鼓励生育的举措是一致的。携程此举引发了公众关于育儿成本以及生孩子对妇女事业影响的激烈讨论。 Starting from July 1, both male and female employees who have worked at the company for three years or more will be eligible to receive an annual cash bonus of 10,000 yuan ($1,377) per year for each newborn until the child reaches the age of five, the company said. 携程宣布,从7月1日开始,入职满3年的携程员工,无论性别,每新生育一个孩子都将获得每年1万元的现金补贴,发放至孩子满5周岁后终止。 "Employees are the greatest asset of the company and we are committed to creating a better and more supportive working environment for them," said James Liang, executive chairman of the board of Group. 携程集团的董事局主席梁建章表示,员工是企业最宝贵的财富,我们致力于为员工创造一个更好的工作环境,为员工提供更大的支持。 "Through the introduction of this new child care benefit, we aim to provide financial support that will encourage our employees to start or grow their families without compromising on their professional goals and achievements," said Liang, who is also a demographic economist. 作为人口经济学家,梁建章还指出,通过推出新育儿福利,旨在为员工生育提供经济支持,让他们不会因生育而牺牲自己的职业目标与成就。 In 2022, China recorded 9.56 million newborns, and the birthrate was 0.68 percent. It was the first time since 1950 that the annual population of newborns dropped below 10 million, and the third consecutive year the birthrate had dropped below 1 percent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. 国家统计局数据显示,2022年,中国出生人口数量为956万,出生率为6.8‰。这是1950年以来,年出生人口首次跌破1000万,也是连续第三年出生率跌破1%。 The high cost of raising a child has become an important factor that is affecting fertility rates. In China, the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is 485,000 yuan, equivalent to 6.9 times the annual per capita GDP, according to YuWa Population Research, a public welfare institution dedicated to population and related public policy research in China. 育儿成本高已经成为影响生育率的一个重要因素。育娲人口研究智库的数据显示,在中国,把孩子养到18岁的平均成本是48.5万元,相当于全年人均国内生产总值的6.9倍。育娲人口研究智库是致力于中国人口和相关公共政策研究的公益机构。 The cost of raising a child in China is higher than that in some developed Western countries, the institution said, adding the population of newborns in China declined for six consecutive years from 2017 to 2022. 该机构称,中国的育儿成本高于某些西方发达国家的水平,并指出中国出生人口数量从2017年到2022年已连续下跌6年。 Liang believes that family welfare policies such as inclusive child care services, equal maternity leave for men and women, protection of the rights of single-parent families, and open access to assisted reproductive technologies, can effectively help working women reduce the time and cost of parenting and achieve a win-win situation for both the family and employers. 梁建章认为,包括托幼一体化服务、男女平等产假制度、保障单亲家庭权益、开放辅助生育技术在内的家庭福利政策能有效帮助职场女性减少育儿时间和成本,让家庭和雇主达到共赢。 The baby bonuses have sparked an intense online debate. Many women said that getting pregnant affects their opportunities to get promoted and advance their careers. Some companies prefer that female employees don't get pregnant, as it shortens their working time. Other netizens said the subsidies fall well short of covering the huge cost of bearing and raising a child. 携程的生育补贴引发了网上的激烈讨论。许多女性表示,怀孕让她们失去了晋升和职业发展的机会。有些公司更希望女员工不要怀孕,因为这样会缩短她们的工作时长。其他网友表示,携程的补贴金额相比巨大的生育成本只是杯水车薪。 Over the past few years, has implemented a number of pro-family policies. A hybrid-working scheme has been introduced, which allows employees to opt to work remotely on certain days of the week. The policy has been applied in 14 countries and regions. 过去几年来,携程已经推出了一系列对家庭友好的政策。携程的混合办公制度允许员工在每周的某几天远程办公。这一政策已在14个国家和地区的携程办事处实行。 英文来源:中国日报网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels China's leading online travel agency Group announced on Friday that it plans to provide 1 billion yuan ($137.74 million) in subsidies to support employees who choose to have more children. As the first Chinese company to introduce such a policy, which conforms with national efforts to encourage childbirth, it has sparked heated discussion among the public about the cost of raising children and the impact on women's careers. Starting from July 1, both male and female employees who have worked at the company for three years or more will be eligible to receive an annual cash bonus of 10,000 yuan ($1,377) per year for each newborn until the child reaches the age of five, the company said. "Employees are the greatest asset of the company and we are committed to creating a better and more supportive working environment for them," said James Liang, executive chairman of the board of Group. "Through the introduction of this new child care benefit, we aim to provide financial support that will encourage our employees to start or grow their families without compromising on their professional goals and achievements," said Liang, who is also a demographic economist. In 2022, China recorded 9.56 million newborns, and the birthrate was 0.68 percent. It was the first time since 1950 that the annual population of newborns dropped below 10 million, and the third consecutive year the birthrate had dropped below 1 percent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. The high cost of raising a child has become an important factor that is affecting fertility rates. In China, the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is 485,000 yuan, equivalent to 6.9 times the annual per capita GDP, according to YuWa Population Research, a public welfare institution dedicated to population and related public policy research in China. The cost of raising a child in China is higher than that in some developed Western countries, the institution said, adding the population of newborns in China declined for six consecutive years from 2017 to 2022. Liang believes that family welfare policies such as inclusive child care services, equal maternity leave for men and women, protection of the rights of single-parent families, and open access to assisted reproductive technologies, can effectively help working women reduce the time and cost of parenting and achieve a win-win situation for both the family and employers. The baby bonuses have sparked an intense online debate. Many women said that getting pregnant affects their opportunities to get promoted and advance their careers. Some companies prefer that female employees don't get pregnant, as it shortens their working time. Other netizens said the subsidies fall well short of covering the huge cost of bearing and raising a child. Over the past few years, has implemented a number of pro-family policies. A hybrid-working scheme has been introduced, which allows employees to opt to work remotely on certain days of the week. The policy has been applied in 14 countries and regions.
携程集团日前宣布,携程计划未来投入10亿元生育补贴,用于激励员工生育。全球范围内入职满3年的携程员工,无论性别,每新生育一个孩子,将获得每年1万元的现金补贴,发放至孩子满5周岁后终止。 中国领先的在线旅行社携程集团6月30日宣布,计划投入10亿元来补贴生育多孩的员工。携程是国内第一家推出这种生育补贴政策的公司,这与当前国家鼓励生育的举措是一致的。携程此举引发了公众关于育儿成本以及生孩子对妇女事业影响的激烈讨论。 携程宣布,从7月1日开始,入职满3年的携程员工,无论性别,每新生育一个孩子都将获得每年1万元的现金补贴,发放至孩子满5周岁后终止。 携程集团的董事局主席梁建章表示,员工是企业最宝贵的财富,我们致力于为员工创造一个更好的工作环境,为员工提供更大的支持。 作为人口经济学家,梁建章还指出,通过推出新育儿福利,旨在为员工生育提供经济支持,让他们不会因生育而牺牲自己的职业目标与成就。 国家统计局数据显示,2022年,中国出生人口数量为956万,出生率为6.8‰。这是1950年以来,年出生人口首次跌破1000万,也是连续第三年出生率跌破1%。 育儿成本高已经成为影响生育率的一个重要因素。育娲人口研究智库的数据显示,在中国,把孩子养到18岁的平均成本是48.5万元,相当于全年人均国内生产总值的6.9倍。育娲人口研究智库是致力于中国人口和相关公共政策研究的公益机构。 该机构称,中国的育儿成本高于某些西方发达国家的水平,并指出中国出生人口数量从2017年到2022年已连续下跌6年。 梁建章认为,包括托幼一体化服务、男女平等产假制度、保障单亲家庭权益、开放辅助生育技术在内的家庭福利政策能有效帮助职场女性减少育儿时间和成本,让家庭和雇主达到共赢。 携程的生育补贴引发了网上的激烈讨论。许多女性表示,怀孕让她们失去了晋升和职业发展的机会。有些公司更希望女员工不要怀孕,因为这样会缩短她们的工作时长。其他网友表示,携程的补贴金额相比巨大的生育成本只是杯水车薪。 过去几年来,携程已经推出了一系列对家庭友好的政策。携程的混合办公制度允许员工在每周的某几天远程办公。这一政策已在14个国家和地区的携程办事处实行。 英文来源:中国日报网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
每年的暑期档都是佳片云集的时刻,7月份你将能看到阿汤哥的新一部《碟中谍》、玛格特·罗比和瑞恩·高斯林主演的《芭比》,还有诺兰执导的原子弹之父传记片《奥本海默》。你最期待哪一部呢? (Credit: Paramount Pictures) Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One 《碟中谍7:致命清算(上)》 In the seventh Mission: Impossible adventure, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his trusty band of globe-trotting secret agents learn about a deadly new weapon that could cause... well, never mind the plot. Mission: Impossible films aren't really about the story, but about the chance to see Cruise perform ever more hair-raising stunts. In this case, he rides a motorbike off the edge of a cliff in Norway and freefalls 4,000ft before his parachute opens. "Obviously, you hear the idea and you get an idea of what it is in your head," said Cruise's co-star, Simon Pegg, who witnessed the stunt. "But it wasn't until I got up there on the mountain that I realised just how death-defyingly awesome the whole thing was... We could be facing losing our leading man. It was genuinely a fear. But, my god, it was exciting." 在第7部《碟中谍》中,伊森·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯饰演)和跟着他跑遍全球的忠心的特工小队获悉了一种杀伤力极强的致命新武器。不过《碟中谍》系列电影的看点和故事本身没多大关系,大家都只是想看看阿汤哥又要上演什么惊心动魄的新特技。这一次,阿汤哥将会骑着摩托车从挪威的一个悬崖飞出去,然后自由落体4000英尺直至降落伞打开。亲眼目睹这一特技的克鲁斯的搭档西蒙·佩吉说:“显然,你听到这个情节时脑子里可以想象出这个画面。但是直到我到了山上,我才意识到这套动作有多惊险。我们可能会失去我们的男主角。当时真的很害怕。但是,老天爷,这实在是太刺激了。” 中国内地定档7月14日上映 (Credit: Warner Bros) Barbie 《芭比》 Somehow, one of the year's most anticipated films is a live-action tie-in to a range of Mattel children's dolls – and they're not even dolls that everyone likes. "We have to acknowledge that there are a lot of people who aren't fans of Barbie," the film's star and producer, Margot Robbie, told Alyssa Bailey in Vogue . "And in fact, aren't just indifferent to Barbie. They actively hate Barbie." Robbie's solution was to hire Greta Gerwig ( Lady Bird , Little Women ) to write and direct, along with co-writer – and Gerwig's partner – Noah Baumbach ( Marriage Story , White Noise ). In their irreverent comedy, Barbie and Ken (Ryan Gosling) venture beyond the perfect, pink, plastic dreamland they share with dozens of other Barbies and Kens, and find themselves in the real world, much to the annoyance of a Mattel executive played by Will Ferrell. The Lego Movie meets Enchanted , anyone? 不知为何,今年最受期待的电影之一居然是以美泰公司玩具娃娃为主题的真人电影,而且这些娃娃甚至不是人见人爱的娃娃。该片的主演兼制片人玛格特·罗比告诉《时尚》杂志的艾丽莎·贝利:“我们必须承认很多人都不是芭比的粉丝。事实上,不只是没兴趣,他们甚至讨厌芭比。”罗比的对策是聘请格蕾塔·葛韦格(代表作有《伯德小姐》和《小妇人》)来担任编剧和导演,并邀请葛韦格的男友诺亚·鲍姆巴赫(代表作有《婚姻故事》和《白噪音》)一起编写剧本。在这部调皮的喜剧片中,芭比和肯(瑞恩·高斯林饰演)从他们与许多其他芭比和肯娃娃共享的完美粉色塑料梦幻世界跑了出来,进入了真实世界,这件事让威尔·法瑞尔饰演的美泰公司高管大为恼火。《乐高大电影》和《魔法奇缘》二合一,感兴趣吗? 中国内地定档7月21日上映 (Credit: Universal Pictures) Oppenheimer 《奥本海默》 Christopher Nolan has long been fascinated by mind-boggling scientific advances, as the likes of Tenet , Interstellar , Inception and The Prestige demonstrate. But Oppenheimer marks the first time he has channelled that fascination into a biopic of a real person. The person is J Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), the theoretical physicist who helped develop the first nuclear weapons. Emily Blunt co-stars as his wife, and a stellar supporting cast includes Robert Downey Jr, Matt Damon and Florence Pugh. 克里斯托弗·诺兰长期以来一直对烧脑的科幻题材感兴趣,比如《信条》、《星际穿越》、《盗梦空间》和《致命魔术》。但是《奥本海默》是诺兰第一次对真人传记电影燃起了热情。这个传记片的主人公就是J·罗伯特·奥本海默(基里安·墨菲饰演),帮助研发出第一颗原子弹的理论物理学家。艾米莉·布朗特在片中饰演他的妻子,担任配角的大牌演员还包括小罗伯特·唐尼、马特·达蒙和弗洛伦丝·皮尤。 中国内地定档7月21日上映 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
(Credit: Paramount Pictures) Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One In the seventh Mission: Impossible adventure, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his trusty band of globe-trotting secret agents learn about a deadly new weapon that could cause... well, never mind the plot. Mission: Impossible films aren't really about the story, but about the chance to see Cruise perform ever more hair-raising stunts. In this case, he rides a motorbike off the edge of a cliff in Norway and freefalls 4,000ft before his parachute opens. "Obviously, you hear the idea and you get an idea of what it is in your head," said Cruise's co-star, Simon Pegg, who witnessed the stunt. "But it wasn't until I got up there on the mountain that I realised just how death-defyingly awesome the whole thing was... We could be facing losing our leading man. It was genuinely a fear. But, my god, it was exciting." (Credit: Warner Bros) Barbie Somehow, one of the year's most anticipated films is a live-action tie-in to a range of Mattel children's dolls – and they're not even dolls that everyone likes. "We have to acknowledge that there are a lot of people who aren't fans of Barbie," the film's star and producer, Margot Robbie, told Alyssa Bailey in Vogue . "And in fact, aren't just indifferent to Barbie. They actively hate Barbie." Robbie's solution was to hire Greta Gerwig ( Lady Bird , Little Women ) to write and direct, along with co-writer – and Gerwig's partner – Noah Baumbach ( Marriage Story , White Noise ). In their irreverent comedy, Barbie and Ken (Ryan Gosling) venture beyond the perfect, pink, plastic dreamland they share with dozens of other Barbies and Kens, and find themselves in the real world, much to the annoyance of a Mattel executive played by Will Ferrell. The Lego Movie meets Enchanted , anyone? (Credit: Universal Pictures) Oppenheimer Christopher Nolan has long been fascinated by mind-boggling scientific advances, as the likes of Tenet , Interstellar , Inception and The Prestige demonstrate. But Oppenheimer marks the first time he has channelled that fascination into a biopic of a real person. The person is J Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), the theoretical physicist who helped develop the first nuclear weapons. Emily Blunt co-stars as his wife, and a stellar supporting cast includes Robert Downey Jr, Matt Damon and Florence Pugh.
每年的暑期档都是佳片云集的时刻,7月份你将能看到阿汤哥的新一部《碟中谍》、玛格特·罗比和瑞恩·高斯林主演的《芭比》,还有诺兰执导的原子弹之父传记片《奥本海默》。你最期待哪一部呢? 《碟中谍7:致命清算(上)》 在第7部《碟中谍》中,伊森·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯饰演)和跟着他跑遍全球的忠心的特工小队获悉了一种杀伤力极强的致命新武器。不过《碟中谍》系列电影的看点和故事本身没多大关系,大家都只是想看看阿汤哥又要上演什么惊心动魄的新特技。这一次,阿汤哥将会骑着摩托车从挪威的一个悬崖飞出去,然后自由落体4000英尺直至降落伞打开。亲眼目睹这一特技的克鲁斯的搭档西蒙·佩吉说:“显然,你听到这个情节时脑子里可以想象出这个画面。但是直到我到了山上,我才意识到这套动作有多惊险。我们可能会失去我们的男主角。当时真的很害怕。但是,老天爷,这实在是太刺激了。” 中国内地定档7月14日上映 《芭比》 不知为何,今年最受期待的电影之一居然是以美泰公司玩具娃娃为主题的真人电影,而且这些娃娃甚至不是人见人爱的娃娃。该片的主演兼制片人玛格特·罗比告诉《时尚》杂志的艾丽莎·贝利:“我们必须承认很多人都不是芭比的粉丝。事实上,不只是没兴趣,他们甚至讨厌芭比。”罗比的对策是聘请格蕾塔·葛韦格(代表作有《伯德小姐》和《小妇人》)来担任编剧和导演,并邀请葛韦格的男友诺亚·鲍姆巴赫(代表作有《婚姻故事》和《白噪音》)一起编写剧本。在这部调皮的喜剧片中,芭比和肯(瑞恩·高斯林饰演)从他们与许多其他芭比和肯娃娃共享的完美粉色塑料梦幻世界跑了出来,进入了真实世界,这件事让威尔·法瑞尔饰演的美泰公司高管大为恼火。《乐高大电影》和《魔法奇缘》二合一,感兴趣吗? 中国内地定档7月21日上映 《奥本海默》 克里斯托弗·诺兰长期以来一直对烧脑的科幻题材感兴趣,比如《信条》、《星际穿越》、《盗梦空间》和《致命魔术》。但是《奥本海默》是诺兰第一次对真人传记电影燃起了热情。这个传记片的主人公就是J·罗伯特·奥本海默(基里安·墨菲饰演),帮助研发出第一颗原子弹的理论物理学家。艾米莉·布朗特在片中饰演他的妻子,担任配角的大牌演员还包括小罗伯特·唐尼、马特·达蒙和弗洛伦丝·皮尤。 中国内地定档7月21日上映 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据中国人民银行消息,2023年第二季度中国人民银行企业家问卷调查结果显示,企业家宏观经济热度指数为30.9%,比上年同期上升4.3个百分点。其中,59.9%的企业家认为宏观经济“正常”。同天发布的银行家问卷调查报告显示,今年二季度,我国贷款总体需求指数为62.2%,比上年同期上升5.6个百分点。 图为中国人民银行总行大楼。(新华社发) Chinese entrepreneurs and bankers expressed optimism for the country's macroeconomy in the second quarter of this year, the latest central bank surveys showed on Thursday. 6月29日,中国人民银行(以下简称央行)最新调查显示,中国企业家和银行家对今年二季度的宏观经济表示乐观。 The entrepreneur macroeconomy heat index came in at 30.9 percent in the second quarter, up 4.3 percentage points year on year, according to a survey from the People's Bank of China. 央行调查显示,第二季度企业家宏观经济热度指数为30.9%,比上年同期上升4.3个百分点。 About 59.9 percent of surveyed entrepreneurs from 5,000 businesses said they thought the macroeconomy was operating normally in the second quarter. 约59.9%的企业家认为二季度宏观经济热度“正常”。受访企业家来自5000家企业。 A separate central bank survey on bankers showed that their macroeconomy heat index was at 37.8 percent in the second quarter of this year, with 62.4 percent of surveyed bankers saying the macroeconomy was operating at a normal level. 此外,央行发布的银行家问卷调查报告显示,二季度银行家宏观经济热度指数为37.8%,其中,有62.4%的银行家认为当前宏观经济“正常”。 The banker outlook index for macroeconomy heat rose to 44.7 percent for the third quarter, 6.9 percentage points higher than the results of the second quarter, the survey showed. 调查显示,对下季度,银行家宏观经济热度预期指数为44.7%,高于本季6.9个百分点。 It also showed that aggregate loan demand rose in the second quarter, with the index up 5.6 percentage points from the previous quarter to 62.2 percent. 报告还显示,今年二季度,我国贷款总体需求指数为62.2%,比上年同期上升5.6个百分点。 来源:新华社 编辑:董静
Chinese entrepreneurs and bankers expressed optimism for the country's macroeconomy in the second quarter of this year, the latest central bank surveys showed on Thursday. The entrepreneur macroeconomy heat index came in at 30.9 percent in the second quarter, up 4.3 percentage points year on year, according to a survey from the People's Bank of China. About 59.9 percent of surveyed entrepreneurs from 5,000 businesses said they thought the macroeconomy was operating normally in the second quarter. A separate central bank survey on bankers showed that their macroeconomy heat index was at 37.8 percent in the second quarter of this year, with 62.4 percent of surveyed bankers saying the macroeconomy was operating at a normal level. The banker outlook index for macroeconomy heat rose to 44.7 percent for the third quarter, 6.9 percentage points higher than the results of the second quarter, the survey showed. It also showed that aggregate loan demand rose in the second quarter, with the index up 5.6 percentage points from the previous quarter to 62.2 percent.
据中国人民银行消息,2023年第二季度中国人民银行企业家问卷调查结果显示,企业家宏观经济热度指数为30.9%,比上年同期上升4.3个百分点。其中,59.9%的企业家认为宏观经济“正常”。同天发布的银行家问卷调查报告显示,今年二季度,我国贷款总体需求指数为62.2%,比上年同期上升5.6个百分点。 图为中国人民银行总行大楼。(新华社发) 6月29日,中国人民银行(以下简称央行)最新调查显示,中国企业家和银行家对今年二季度的宏观经济表示乐观。 央行调查显示,第二季度企业家宏观经济热度指数为30.9%,比上年同期上升4.3个百分点。 约59.9%的企业家认为二季度宏观经济热度“正常”。受访企业家来自5000家企业。 此外,央行发布的银行家问卷调查报告显示,二季度银行家宏观经济热度指数为37.8%,其中,有62.4%的银行家认为当前宏观经济“正常”。 调查显示,对下季度,银行家宏观经济热度预期指数为44.7%,高于本季6.9个百分点。 报告还显示,今年二季度,我国贷款总体需求指数为62.2%,比上年同期上升5.6个百分点。 来源:新华社 编辑:董静
在29日举行的“2023国际数字能源展”上,深圳推出首个全液冷超充示范站并宣布启动“超充之城”建设,将在3年内建设300个新能源汽车超充站,实现超充站和加油站达到1:1的比例,到2030年实现充电比加油更方便。 Charging piles for new energy vehicles are seen in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province. [Photo/VCG] China's southern boomtown Shenzhen has announced plans to construct 300 new supercharging stations over the next three years, in a move to further facilitate charging for new-energy vehicles (NEVs). 深圳近日宣布,将在3年内建设300个新能源汽车超充站,以使新能源汽车的充电更加便捷。 The announcement was made at the International Digital Energy Expo 2023, where the city also debuted its first fully liquid-cooled supercharging demonstration station. The initiative aims to create as many supercharging stations as gas stations in the city by 2025. 在近日举行的“2023国际数字能源展”上,深圳推出首个全液冷超充示范站并宣布启动“超充之城”建设。按计划,到2025年,深圳市超充站和加油站数量比达到1:1。 This new technology provides a quieter, more stable and safer charging environment compared to traditional air-cooling methods. Furthermore, with fewer parts susceptible to wear, the equipment's lifespan can be up to 20 years longer. 相比于传统的风冷技术,全液冷超充示范站的充电设备可提供更安静、更稳定、更安全的充电环境。此外,全液冷超充技术易损件更少,可以将设备寿命提高到20年。 The planned supercharging stations will be mainly built around high-traffic areas like airports, high-speed rail hubs, municipal parks and commercial centers, to support the growing demand for charging infrastructure. 深圳市将重点围绕机场、高铁枢纽、市政公园、核心商超等交通繁忙地区打造超充网络,支持不断增长的充电基础设施需求。 Shenzhen is home to 24,000 new-energy and digital-energy enterprises, and boasts ownership of 860,000 NEVs. The city's penetration rate of NEVs exceeds 60 percent, noted Qin Weizhong, mayor of the city. 出席当天活动的深圳市市长覃伟中说,截至今年上半年,深圳拥有2.4万家新能源和数字能源企业,新能源汽车的保有量达86万辆。 Shenzhen has already rolled out a plan that seeks to increase NEV ownership to 1.3 million units by 2025. 根据《深圳市新能源汽车充电设施专项规划》,到2025年底该市新能源汽车规模将达到130万辆。 【相关词汇】 可再生能源 renewable energy 能源供给体系 energy supply system 能源绿色低碳转型 green-oriented transition of energy (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
Charging piles for new energy vehicles are seen in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province. [Photo/VCG] China's southern boomtown Shenzhen has announced plans to construct 300 new supercharging stations over the next three years, in a move to further facilitate charging for new-energy vehicles (NEVs). The announcement was made at the International Digital Energy Expo 2023, where the city also debuted its first fully liquid-cooled supercharging demonstration station. The initiative aims to create as many supercharging stations as gas stations in the city by 2025. This new technology provides a quieter, more stable and safer charging environment compared to traditional air-cooling methods. Furthermore, with fewer parts susceptible to wear, the equipment's lifespan can be up to 20 years longer. The planned supercharging stations will be mainly built around high-traffic areas like airports, high-speed rail hubs, municipal parks and commercial centers, to support the growing demand for charging infrastructure. Shenzhen is home to 24,000 new-energy and digital-energy enterprises, and boasts ownership of 860,000 NEVs. The city's penetration rate of NEVs exceeds 60 percent, noted Qin Weizhong, mayor of the city. Shenzhen has already rolled out a plan that seeks to increase NEV ownership to 1.3 million units by 2025.
在29日举行的“2023国际数字能源展”上,深圳推出首个全液冷超充示范站并宣布启动“超充之城”建设,将在3年内建设300个新能源汽车超充站,实现超充站和加油站达到1:1的比例,到2030年实现充电比加油更方便。 深圳近日宣布,将在3年内建设300个新能源汽车超充站,以使新能源汽车的充电更加便捷。 在近日举行的“2023国际数字能源展”上,深圳推出首个全液冷超充示范站并宣布启动“超充之城”建设。按计划,到2025年,深圳市超充站和加油站数量比达到1:1。 相比于传统的风冷技术,全液冷超充示范站的充电设备可提供更安静、更稳定、更安全的充电环境。此外,全液冷超充技术易损件更少,可以将设备寿命提高到20年。 深圳市将重点围绕机场、高铁枢纽、市政公园、核心商超等交通繁忙地区打造超充网络,支持不断增长的充电基础设施需求。 出席当天活动的深圳市市长覃伟中说,截至今年上半年,深圳拥有2.4万家新能源和数字能源企业,新能源汽车的保有量达86万辆。 根据《深圳市新能源汽车充电设施专项规划》,到2025年底该市新能源汽车规模将达到130万辆。 【相关词汇】 可再生能源 renewable energy 能源供给体系 energy supply system 能源绿色低碳转型 green-oriented transition of energy (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
今年6月以来,多国出现极端高温天气,迎创纪录高温,不仅对民众生活生产带来“烤”验,也令科学家们感到担忧。气象专家指出,人类活动所导致的气候变化和厄尔尼诺现象等因素叠加,导致了今夏的高温天气。随着厄尔尼诺现象卷土重来,极端天气或将更频发。世界气象组织(WMO)预测,未来五年,全球气温可能会飙升至创纪录的水平。 热浪来袭 多国开启“炙烤模式” Even though summer has only just begun, record heatwaves are already being set. Last week Beijing logged its hottest June day since records began, at 41C. In Texas, a deadly heatwave is entering its third week – a number of records have already been broken across the state, including a blistering 115F (46.1C) reading in Del Rio and 116F (46.6C) in Cotulla. In India, morgues and hospitals became overwhelmed after temperatures hit 45C in some areas – at least 96 people reportedly died from heat-aggravated conditions. 据英国《卫报》27日报道,尽管夏天才刚刚开始,但创纪录的热浪已经来袭。上周,中国北京迎来史上最热六月天,最高气温达41摄氏度。在美国得克萨斯州,致命热浪持续至第三周,该州多地气温纪录被打破,德尔里奥和科图拉分别创下46.1摄氏度、46摄氏度的高温纪录。在印度,一些地区气温最高达到45摄氏度,停尸房和医院人满为患——据报道,至少有96人死于高温。 图片:新华社 “Definitely globally we are seeing more heat-related deaths as temperatures rise,” said Dr. Christopher Sampson, an emergency physician at MU Health. 密苏里大学健康中心急诊医生克里斯托弗·桑普森表示:“随着气温升高,全球各地肯定会发生更多高温致死案例。” Being exposed to these high temperatures can cause damage when body temperatures rise to 104 degrees or higher. It can occur as quickly as 30 minutes. 在高温环境下,当体温上升到40度以上时,可能会危及健康。这一过程最快可能在30分钟内发生。 People with high blood pressure, people who work or exercise outside, and people over the age of 65 are most at risk. But it can happen to anyone.Health Research Funding found that 70% of heat stroke deaths occur in children younger than age 2. 高血压患者、从事户外工作或在户外锻炼的人群以及65岁以上老人面临的风险最大。但高温致死可能发生在任何人身上。健康研究基金发现,70%的中暑死亡发生在2岁以下的儿童中。 科普:中暑的现场处置 高温热浪极易引发中暑,一旦发生中暑,要及时干预、正确处置,否则症状将持续加重,如发展至热射病甚至可能导致死亡。 出现先兆中暑或轻症中暑,要尽快找到阴凉的地方,解开衣领散热。喝一点水,用湿毛巾擦拭身体,并及时休息。 当发现身边有重症中暑病人时,应立即将患者移至阴凉处,平躺在平面上,必要时脱去衣物。 如无危及生命的并发症 , 应在现场想办法尽快降低病人体温 ,在脖子、腋窝和腹股沟上敷冰袋或湿毛巾等。如有条件可用冷水浸泡的方法对无基础疾病的青壮年快速降温。老人和有基础疾病的患者可向皮肤喷水通过蒸发降温。 降温应遵循“先降温,后转运” 的原则,在病人失去意识后的“黄金半小时”内进行。现场处置的同时,拨打120送医。 全球变暖叠加厄尔尼诺现象加剧气温升高 炎热来得又早又猛,科学家们担忧,厄尔尼诺现象将带来极端天气并加剧气候变暖。 The accelerated high temperatures in the past month or so have astounded scientists, who are pointing to a number of parallel events, including the human-caused climate crisis and the naturally occurring weather event El Niño, to explain the cause. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has forecast that global temperatures are likely to surge to record levels in the next five years. 过去近一个月快速来袭的高温天气让科学家们感到震惊。专家指出,人类活动所导致的气候危机和厄尔尼诺现象等因素叠加导致了今夏的高温天气。世界气象组织(WMO)预测,未来五年全球气温可能会飙升至创纪录的水平。 Since 1884, all 10 of the warmest years recorded have happened after 2003. And with that has come a host of more extreme and more frequent weather events globally that have displaced millions of people, led to food shortages, loss of habitats, and deaths. 自1884年以来,有迹象记录以来最热的10年都发生在2003年之后。随之而来的是全球一系列更极端、更频繁的天气事件,造成数百万人流离失所,粮食短缺、栖息地丧失和死亡。 图片:pexels The rising temperatures that are a result of humans burning fossil fuels are being further exacerbated by the naturally occurring weather event known as El Niño – where sections of the Pacific Ocean heat up, causing temperatures to spike around the world. It is typically declared when ocean temperatures in the eastern Pacific Ocean rise 0.5C above the long-term average. Its arrival is particularly worrying because even though there were three La Niña episodes (the colder counterpart to El Niño where temperatures drop) between 2020 and 2022, last year was still the fifth-warmest year on record globally. 在全球变暖背景下,厄尔尼诺现象的出现加剧气温升高。该现象表现为太平洋部分地区变暖,导致世界各地的气温飙升。当赤道东太平洋海温比长期平均值高0.5摄氏度时,就会形成厄尔尼诺现象。厄尔尼诺现象的到来尤其令人担忧,因为尽管在2020年至2022年期间发生了三次拉尼娜现象(厄尔尼诺现象的较冷对应物),但2022年仍然是有气象记录以来全球第五热年份。 Scientists are concerned that as El Niño takes effect, extreme weather events will be that much worse. In 2015 and 2016, El Niño affected the food security of more than 60 million people. The weather conditions triggered regional disease outbreaks globally, according to a Nasa study, and it was associated with extreme drought and a record-smashing hurricane season. 科学家们担心,随着厄尔尼诺现象卷土重来,极端天气事件将更频发。 2015年和2016年,厄尔尼诺现象影响了6000多万人的粮食安全。美国航空航天局(NASA)的一项研究显示,这种天气状况引发了全球区域性疾病爆发,并与极端干旱和创纪录的飓风季节有关。 气温升高1.5°C地球将会怎样? Either way, it is now expected that the average temperature will exceed 1.5C beyond pre-industrial times in the coming years, which is the threshold set out in the Paris agreement where extreme weather events, heatwaves, droughts, flooding and other climate impacts get significantly worse. 无论如何,预计未来几年全球平均气温比工业化前水平将高出1.5摄氏度。这是《巴黎协定》设立的升温阈值。 这一情况将导致极端天气事件、热浪、干旱、洪水和其他气候影响显著加剧。 海洋迅速升温将致极端天气频发 It is not just the land that we should be worrying about – the ocean is heating up at an alarming rate because of an unprecedented marine heatwave which is being aggravated by, you guessed it, the human-caused climate crisis. Scientists are concerned by not only the sea surface temperatures, which are the warmest in more than 170 years, at 5C above normal, but also by the fact that the rise has come far earlier than they anticipated . The warm waters, described as “beyond extreme”, endanger marine life and make the air warmer and wetter over land as well. Scientists have forecast that there is a 90% to 100% chance that the warm sea surface temperatures will continue through August, with a 70% to 80% chance that it will last through the end of the year. 令人担心的不仅仅是陆地气温,受前所未有的海洋热浪影响,海洋温度正在以惊人速度上升,而正是人类活动所导致的气候危机在加剧热浪形成。 海面温度创下170多年来最高纪录,比正常温度高出5摄氏度,令科学家们更担心的是,这一升温幅度的到来远早于预期。 “极端”温暖水域危及海洋生物,也使陆地上的空气变得更温暖潮湿。科学家预测,上升的海面温度将持续到8月的可能性为90%至100%,持续到年底的可能性为70%至80%。 图片:Pexels Separately, warming oceans lead to sea level rise, more extreme weather and makes them less efficient in absorbing greenhouse emissions. 此外,海洋变暖会导致海平面上升、极端天气更加频发,并降低海洋吸收温室气体排放的效率。 Last year, the Guardian’s Damian Carrington reported that at least a dozen of the most serious weather events, including extreme heatwaves, would have been impossible without human-caused global heating. Ninety-three percent of heatwaves were found to have been made more likely or more severe by human-caused climate change. And this is all happening, Carrington pointed out, with a rise of just 1C in the planet’s average temperature. In short: things are going to get a lot worse. 2022年英国《卫报》的达米安·卡林顿报道称,如果没有全球气候变暖,至少十几起极端高温等最恶劣的极端天气事件将不会发生。研究发现,全球气候变暖加剧了93%的热浪形成的可能性或严重性。卡林顿指出, 地球的平均温度只上升了1摄氏度,就引发了这些后果。 简而言之:情况会变得更糟。 综合《卫报》,ABC 17 NEWS,中国疾控中心,新华网 编辑:董静
Even though summer has only just begun, record heatwaves are already being set. Last week Beijing logged its hottest June day since records began, at 41C. In Texas, a deadly heatwave is entering its third week – a number of records have already been broken across the state, including a blistering 115F (46.1C) reading in Del Rio and 116F (46.6C) in Cotulla. In India, morgues and hospitals became overwhelmed after temperatures hit 45C in some areas – at least 96 people reportedly died from heat-aggravated conditions. “Definitely globally we are seeing more heat-related deaths as temperatures rise,” said Dr. Christopher Sampson, an emergency physician at MU Health. Being exposed to these high temperatures can cause damage when body temperatures rise to 104 degrees or higher. It can occur as quickly as 30 minutes. People with high blood pressure, people who work or exercise outside, and people over the age of 65 are most at risk. But it can happen to anyone.Health Research Funding found that 70% of heat stroke deaths occur in children younger than age 2. , Since 1884, all 10 of the warmest years recorded have happened after 2003. And with that has come a host of more extreme and more frequent weather events globally that have displaced millions of people, led to food shortages, loss of habitats, and deaths. Either way, it is now expected that the average temperature will exceed 1.5C beyond pre-industrial times in the coming years, which is the threshold set out in the Paris agreement where extreme weather events, heatwaves, droughts, flooding and other climate impacts get significantly worse. It is not just the land that we should be worrying about – the ocean is heating up at an alarming rate because of an unprecedented marine heatwave which is being aggravated by, you guessed it, the human-caused climate crisis. Scientists are concerned by not only the sea surface temperatures, which are the warmest in more than 170 years, at 5C above normal, but also by the fact that the rise has come far earlier than they anticipated . The warm waters, described as “beyond extreme”, endanger marine life and make the air warmer and wetter over land as well. Scientists have forecast that there is a 90% to 100% chance that the warm sea surface temperatures will continue through August, with a 70% to 80% chance that it will last through the end of the year. Separately, warming oceans lead to sea level rise, more extreme weather and makes them less efficient in absorbing greenhouse emissions. Last year, the Guardian’s Damian Carrington reported that at least a dozen of the most serious weather events, including extreme heatwaves, would have been impossible without human-caused global heating. Ninety-three percent of heatwaves were found to have been made more likely or more severe by human-caused climate change. And this is all happening, Carrington pointed out, with a rise of just 1C in the planet’s average temperature. In short: things are going to get a lot worse.
今年6月以来,多国出现极端高温天气,迎创纪录高温,不仅对民众生活生产带来“烤”验,也令科学家们感到担忧。气象专家指出,人类活动所导致的气候变化和厄尔尼诺现象等因素叠加,导致了今夏的高温天气。随着厄尔尼诺现象卷土重来,极端天气或将更频发。世界气象组织(WMO)预测,未来五年,全球气温可能会飙升至创纪录的水平。 热浪来袭 多国开启“炙烤模式” 据英国《卫报》27日报道,尽管夏天才刚刚开始,但创纪录的热浪已经来袭。上周,中国北京迎来史上最热六月天,最高气温达41摄氏度。在美国得克萨斯州,致命热浪持续至第三周,该州多地气温纪录被打破,德尔里奥和科图拉分别创下46.1摄氏度、46摄氏度的高温纪录。在印度,一些地区气温最高达到45摄氏度,停尸房和医院人满为患——据报道,至少有96人死于高温。 图片:新华社 密苏里大学健康中心急诊医生克里斯托弗·桑普森表示:“随着气温升高,全球各地肯定会发生更多高温致死案例。” 在高温环境下,当体温上升到40度以上时,可能会危及健康。这一过程最快可能在30分钟内发生。 高血压患者、从事户外工作或在户外锻炼的人群以及65岁以上老人面临的风险最大。但高温致死可能发生在任何人身上。健康研究基金发现,70%的中暑死亡发生在2岁以下的儿童中。 科普:中暑的现场处置 高温热浪极易引发中暑,一旦发生中暑,要及时干预、正确处置,否则症状将持续加重,如发展至热射病甚至可能导致死亡。 出现先兆中暑或轻症中暑,要尽快找到阴凉的地方,解开衣领散热。喝一点水,用湿毛巾擦拭身体,并及时休息。 当发现身边有重症中暑病人时,应立即将患者移至阴凉处,平躺在平面上,必要时脱去衣物。 如无危及生命的并发症 应在现场想办法尽快降低病人体温 ,在脖子、腋窝和腹股沟上敷冰袋或湿毛巾等。如有条件可用冷水浸泡的方法对无基础疾病的青壮年快速降温。老人和有基础疾病的患者可向皮肤喷水通过蒸发降温。 降温应遵循“先降温,后转运” 的原则,在病人失去意识后的“黄金半小时”内进行。现场处置的同时,拨打120送医。 全球变暖叠加厄尔尼诺现象加剧气温升高 炎热来得又早又猛,科学家们担忧,厄尔尼诺现象将带来极端天气并加剧气候变暖。 The accelerated high temperatures in the past month or so have astounded scientists, who are pointing to a number of parallel events, including the human-caused climate crisis and the naturally occurring weather event El Niño, to explain the cause. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has forecast that global temperatures are likely to surge to record levels in the next five years. 过去近一个月快速来袭的高温天气让科学家们感到震惊。专家指出,人类活动所导致的气候危机和厄尔尼诺现象等因素叠加导致了今夏的高温天气。世界气象组织(WMO)预测,未来五年全球气温可能会飙升至创纪录的水平。 自1884年以来,有迹象记录以来最热的10年都发生在2003年之后。随之而来的是全球一系列更极端、更频繁的天气事件,造成数百万人流离失所,粮食短缺、栖息地丧失和死亡。 图片:pexels The rising temperatures that are a result of humans burning fossil fuels are being further exacerbated by the naturally occurring weather event known as El Niño – where sections of the Pacific Ocean heat up, causing temperatures to spike around the world. It is typically declared when ocean temperatures in the eastern Pacific Ocean rise 0.5C above the long-term average. Its arrival is particularly worrying because even though there were three La Niña episodes (the colder counterpart to El Niño where temperatures drop) between 2020 and 2022, last year was still the fifth-warmest year on record globally. 在全球变暖背景下,厄尔尼诺现象的出现加剧气温升高。该现象表现为太平洋部分地区变暖,导致世界各地的气温飙升。当赤道东太平洋海温比长期平均值高0.5摄氏度时,就会形成厄尔尼诺现象。厄尔尼诺现象的到来尤其令人担忧,因为尽管在2020年至2022年期间发生了三次拉尼娜现象(厄尔尼诺现象的较冷对应物),但2022年仍然是有气象记录以来全球第五热年份。 Scientists are concerned that as El Niño takes effect, extreme weather events will be that much worse. In 2015 and 2016, El Niño affected the food security of more than 60 million people. The weather conditions triggered regional disease outbreaks globally, according to a Nasa study, and it was associated with extreme drought and a record-smashing hurricane season. 科学家们担心,随着厄尔尼诺现象卷土重来,极端天气事件将更频发。 2015年和2016年,厄尔尼诺现象影响了6000多万人的粮食安全。美国航空航天局(NASA)的一项研究显示,这种天气状况引发了全球区域性疾病爆发,并与极端干旱和创纪录的飓风季节有关。 气温升高1.5°C地球将会怎样? 无论如何,预计未来几年全球平均气温比工业化前水平将高出1.5摄氏度。这是《巴黎协定》设立的升温阈值。 这一情况将导致极端天气事件、热浪、干旱、洪水和其他气候影响显著加剧。 海洋迅速升温将致极端天气频发 令人担心的不仅仅是陆地气温,受前所未有的海洋热浪影响,海洋温度正在以惊人速度上升,而正是人类活动所导致的气候危机在加剧热浪形成。 海面温度创下170多年来最高纪录,比正常温度高出5摄氏度,令科学家们更担心的是,这一升温幅度的到来远早于预期。 “极端”温暖水域危及海洋生物,也使陆地上的空气变得更温暖潮湿。科学家预测,上升的海面温度将持续到8月的可能性为90%至100%,持续到年底的可能性为70%至80%。 图片:Pexels 此外,海洋变暖会导致海平面上升、极端天气更加频发,并降低海洋吸收温室气体排放的效率。 2022年英国《卫报》的达米安·卡林顿报道称,如果没有全球气候变暖,至少十几起极端高温等最恶劣的极端天气事件将不会发生。研究发现,全球气候变暖加剧了93%的热浪形成的可能性或严重性。卡林顿指出, 地球的平均温度只上升了1摄氏度,就引发了这些后果。 简而言之:情况会变得更糟。 综合《卫报》,ABC 17 NEWS,中国疾控中心,新华网 编辑:董静
虽然汽车内有空调,但是刚钻进被烈日暴晒了几个小时的汽车时,你依然会被热成狗。这里分享几个车内降温小妙招,快快收藏起来吧! Photo/Pexels In the sweltering days of summer, going for a drive may offer significant relief from the heat. But there’s a price to be paid: Before your car’s air conditioning takes effect, your cabin can feel like a sauna with a malfunctioning thermostat. Touching the steering wheel? Physical pain. Shifting gears? Like being branded. 在酷热的夏日,开车出行或许可以有效抵挡炎热,但也要付出代价的:在汽车空调发挥作用 前,车里面就和恒温器失灵的桑拿室一样闷热。不论是方向盘还是换档器都跟烙铁一样烫手。 Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to make climbing into your vehicle less of an endurance challenge. 幸运的是,你通过几个简单的小操作就能减轻上车后的煎熬。 According to NBC, coping with a hot car usually means a little pre-planning. Parking in a spot with shade is an obvious choice, but that’s not always feasible. Instead, you can throw up a sunshade or towel over your dashboard to block the sun from heating the surface and use piece of foam over the gearshift. Moving the steering wheel down or turning it upside-down while the car is parked can also keep it out of the sun and cooler to the touch when you need to handle it. 据美国全国广播公司新闻网报道,如果不想让车内温度过高,你需要事先谋划一二。将车停放在阴凉处是一个显而易见的选择,但这并不总是可行的。这种情况下,你就可以在仪表板上放一块遮阳布或毛巾,阻挡太阳光线照射到表面,并在变速杆上裹一块泡沫。停车期间将方向盘下拉或倒过来,避开日晒,这样你操作它的时候它就会比较凉。 Once you’re in the car, you can lower the temperature immediately by opening the windows and exhausting the hot air. But don’t try to hit the road running. According to Consumer Reports, using your key fob to pre-start your car and letting the AC run before you climb in isn’t going to help all that much. Your AC compressor works best when your engine is working to move the car, not when it’s idle. 进入汽车后,你可以通过开窗释放热空气来给车内迅速降温。但不要立刻上路。据《消费者报告》称,插进钥匙预启动汽车并打开空调并不会有太大帮助。你的空调压缩机在发动机驱动汽车而非空转时效率才是最高的。 Once you’re inside, set the AC as low as you can. If you set it higher, the car may actually work to reheat air that’s already cooled, which is counter-intuitive as well as a waste of fuel. 你刚进车时,应该把空调设置在最低温度。如果温度调得较高,汽车工作起来可能会让已经冷却下来的空气又重新升温,这不但事与愿违,而且也费油。 Other tips: Make sure you’re not recirculating your interior air if you have back seat occupants, as that can force passengers back there to miss cooler air; turn off auto start/stop, which can interfere with cooling; and check your air filter to make sure it’s not dirty. 其他的注意事项还包括:如果你后座有人,就不要开启空调的内循环,这样会让后座的乘客吹不到凉风;关闭汽车自动启停功能,否则会干扰车内降温;检查空气过滤器是否干净。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels In the sweltering days of summer, going for a drive may offer significant relief from the heat. But there’s a price to be paid: Before your car’s air conditioning takes effect, your cabin can feel like a sauna with a malfunctioning thermostat. Touching the steering wheel? Physical pain. Shifting gears? Like being branded. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to make climbing into your vehicle less of an endurance challenge. According to NBC, coping with a hot car usually means a little pre-planning. Parking in a spot with shade is an obvious choice, but that’s not always feasible. Instead, you can throw up a sunshade or towel over your dashboard to block the sun from heating the surface and use piece of foam over the gearshift. Moving the steering wheel down or turning it upside-down while the car is parked can also keep it out of the sun and cooler to the touch when you need to handle it. Once you’re in the car, you can lower the temperature immediately by opening the windows and exhausting the hot air. But don’t try to hit the road running. According to Consumer Reports, using your key fob to pre-start your car and letting the AC run before you climb in isn’t going to help all that much. Your AC compressor works best when your engine is working to move the car, not when it’s idle. Once you’re inside, set the AC as low as you can. If you set it higher, the car may actually work to reheat air that’s already cooled, which is counter-intuitive as well as a waste of fuel. Other tips: Make sure you’re not recirculating your interior air if you have back seat occupants, as that can force passengers back there to miss cooler air; turn off auto start/stop, which can interfere with cooling; and check your air filter to make sure it’s not dirty.
虽然汽车内有空调,但是刚钻进被烈日暴晒了几个小时的汽车时,你依然会被热成狗。这里分享几个车内降温小妙招,快快收藏起来吧! 在酷热的夏日,开车出行或许可以有效抵挡炎热,但也要付出代价的:在汽车空调发挥作用 前,车里面就和恒温器失灵的桑拿室一样闷热。不论是方向盘还是换档器都跟烙铁一样烫手。 幸运的是,你通过几个简单的小操作就能减轻上车后的煎熬。 据美国全国广播公司新闻网报道,如果不想让车内温度过高,你需要事先谋划一二。将车停放在阴凉处是一个显而易见的选择,但这并不总是可行的。这种情况下,你就可以在仪表板上放一块遮阳布或毛巾,阻挡太阳光线照射到表面,并在变速杆上裹一块泡沫。停车期间将方向盘下拉或倒过来,避开日晒,这样你操作它的时候它就会比较凉。 进入汽车后,你可以通过开窗释放热空气来给车内迅速降温。但不要立刻上路。据《消费者报告》称,插进钥匙预启动汽车并打开空调并不会有太大帮助。你的空调压缩机在发动机驱动汽车而非空转时效率才是最高的。 你刚进车时,应该把空调设置在最低温度。如果温度调得较高,汽车工作起来可能会让已经冷却下来的空气又重新升温,这不但事与愿违,而且也费油。 其他的注意事项还包括:如果你后座有人,就不要开启空调的内循环,这样会让后座的乘客吹不到凉风;关闭汽车自动启停功能,否则会干扰车内降温;检查空气过滤器是否干净。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
在夏季达沃斯举行的第一天,《中国绿色氢能发展路线图》报告发布。报告列出中国为实现2030年前碳达峰推出的35项举措,将全球零碳转型向前推进了一步。 Visitors look at the hydrogen-powered trains at the 2023 World New Energy Expo in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, on June 19, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] Green hydrogen can play a pivotal role in helping China achieve a carbon emission peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, according to a report launched by the World Economic Forum Tuesday at the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin. 6月27日,在天津举办的世界经济论坛第十四届新领军者年会(又称“2023夏季达沃斯论坛”)上,《中国绿色氢能发展路线图》报告发布。报告称,绿色氢能是中国2030年实现碳达峰、2060年实现碳中和的关键驱动力。 In collaboration with global consultancy Accenture and China Hydrogen Alliance, the report, Green Hydrogen in China: A Roadmap for Progress, outlines a blueprint to help China deliver on its ambitious green hydrogen vision. 该报告由世界经济论坛与埃森哲和中国氢能联盟共同发布,为中国实现宏伟的绿色氢能愿景勾勒了一幅蓝图。 China is the world's largest hydrogen producer and consumer, the report said. However, due to challenges from cost, infrastructure and demand, green hydrogen currently makes up a tiny fraction of the country's hydrogen production and consumption. 报告指出,中国是世界上最大的氢气生产国和消费国,然而受到成本、基础设施和需求等方面的挑战,2021年绿氢占比非常小。 To overcome these challenges, the paper proposes 35 enabling measures, to be executed in three phases from now until 2030. 为了克服这些挑战,文件提出了35项扶持措施,从现在到2030年分三个阶段实施。 Green hydrogen will be a key success factor to deliver on China's ambitions to become emissions-free by 2060, said Roberto Bocca, head of the Center for Energy and Materials at the World Economic Forum. 世界经济论坛能源与材料中心负责人罗伯托·博卡表示,绿色氢能将是2060年中国实现碳中和的关键成功因素。 As China aims to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, governments at all levels are making efforts to promote the hydrogen energy industry, laying out specific hydrogen development plans to drive the industry. 由于中国的目标是到2030年实现碳达峰,到2060年实现碳中和,各级政府正在努力推动氢能产业,制定具体的氢能发展计划来推动该产业。 With strong policy guidance and incentives, China has the potential to commercialize green hydrogen technologies to transform its industrial system and the wider economy, the report said. 报告称,有了强有力的政策指导和激励措施,中国有潜力将绿色氢能技术商业化,从而改变其工业体系和更广泛的经济。 Hydrogen is crucial to the net-zero transition of the power sector, said Deng Jianling, president of China Huaneng Group Co Ltd. "It matches well with large-scale renewable energy such as wind and solar to achieve dynamic energy storage across seasons and regions." 中国华能集团有限公司总经理邓建玲也指出,氢能对电力系统的零碳转型至关重要,它适合应用在大型风电、光伏等可再生能源配套系统上,实现跨季节和跨地区动态储能。 Green hydrogen will take up more in the energy mix, from 1 percent in 2019 to 10 percent by 2030, the China Hydrogen Alliance estimated, adding the market scale will have increased nearly 30 times by then, which would require the production of at least 5 million tons of hydrogen per year. 据中国氢能联盟估计,到2030年,中国氢能市场规模中绿氢的占比将从2019年的1%提高到10%,市场规模将增长近30倍,这将需要每年至少生产500万吨氢。 来源:中国日报 编辑:yaning
Visitors look at the hydrogen-powered trains at the 2023 World New Energy Expo in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, on June 19, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] Green hydrogen can play a pivotal role in helping China achieve a carbon emission peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, according to a report launched by the World Economic Forum Tuesday at the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin. In collaboration with global consultancy Accenture and China Hydrogen Alliance, the report, Green Hydrogen in China: A Roadmap for Progress, outlines a blueprint to help China deliver on its ambitious green hydrogen vision. China is the world's largest hydrogen producer and consumer, the report said. However, due to challenges from cost, infrastructure and demand, green hydrogen currently makes up a tiny fraction of the country's hydrogen production and consumption. To overcome these challenges, the paper proposes 35 enabling measures, to be executed in three phases from now until 2030. Green hydrogen will be a key success factor to deliver on China's ambitions to become emissions-free by 2060, said Roberto Bocca, head of the Center for Energy and Materials at the World Economic Forum. As China aims to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, governments at all levels are making efforts to promote the hydrogen energy industry, laying out specific hydrogen development plans to drive the industry. With strong policy guidance and incentives, China has the potential to commercialize green hydrogen technologies to transform its industrial system and the wider economy, the report said. Hydrogen is crucial to the net-zero transition of the power sector, said Deng Jianling, president of China Huaneng Group Co Ltd. "It matches well with large-scale renewable energy such as wind and solar to achieve dynamic energy storage across seasons and regions." Green hydrogen will take up more in the energy mix, from 1 percent in 2019 to 10 percent by 2030, the China Hydrogen Alliance estimated, adding the market scale will have increased nearly 30 times by then, which would require the production of at least 5 million tons of hydrogen per year.
在夏季达沃斯举行的第一天,《中国绿色氢能发展路线图》报告发布。报告列出中国为实现2030年前碳达峰推出的35项举措,将全球零碳转型向前推进了一步。 6月27日,在天津举办的世界经济论坛第十四届新领军者年会(又称“2023夏季达沃斯论坛”)上,《中国绿色氢能发展路线图》报告发布。报告称,绿色氢能是中国2030年实现碳达峰、2060年实现碳中和的关键驱动力。 该报告由世界经济论坛与埃森哲和中国氢能联盟共同发布,为中国实现宏伟的绿色氢能愿景勾勒了一幅蓝图。 报告指出,中国是世界上最大的氢气生产国和消费国,然而受到成本、基础设施和需求等方面的挑战,2021年绿氢占比非常小。 为了克服这些挑战,文件提出了35项扶持措施,从现在到2030年分三个阶段实施。 世界经济论坛能源与材料中心负责人罗伯托·博卡表示,绿色氢能将是2060年中国实现碳中和的关键成功因素。 由于中国的目标是到2030年实现碳达峰,到2060年实现碳中和,各级政府正在努力推动氢能产业,制定具体的氢能发展计划来推动该产业。 报告称,有了强有力的政策指导和激励措施,中国有潜力将绿色氢能技术商业化,从而改变其工业体系和更广泛的经济。 中国华能集团有限公司总经理邓建玲也指出,氢能对电力系统的零碳转型至关重要,它适合应用在大型风电、光伏等可再生能源配套系统上,实现跨季节和跨地区动态储能。 据中国氢能联盟估计,到2030年,中国氢能市场规模中绿氢的占比将从2019年的1%提高到10%,市场规模将增长近30倍,这将需要每年至少生产500万吨氢。 来源:中国日报 编辑:yaning
你会不会在设好闹钟,准备入睡时估算自己的睡眠时间? 当你在床上默默数羊大脑却异常清醒时,会不会频繁点开手机,重新计算还有多久就要起床? 随着时间一点点流逝,你越来越焦虑,而大脑却越来越清醒。 一项新研究发现,这样的行为会形成一种负反馈循环,让失眠者更加焦虑痛苦,加剧失眠问题。 A new study outlines how insomniacs might make their condition even more tiresome: clock-watching (or time-monitoring behavior (TMB), to be technical). It seems this can aggravate insomnia, increase frustration, and lead to higher use of sleeping aids. 研究表明,不断确认时间(时间监测行为,TMB)会让失眠者更加痛苦,加剧失眠问题,增加焦虑感,并导致更加依赖安眠药。 It's a sort of negative feedback loop, the researchers found. TMB worsens insomnia and its associated annoyances, leading to more clock-watching and so on. 研究人员发现,这是一种负反馈循环。时间监测行为加剧失眠和焦虑,导致失眠者更频繁看时间等。 "People are concerned that they're not getting enough sleep, then they start estimating how long it will take them to fall back asleep and when they have to be up," says clinical psychologist Spencer Dawson from Indiana University Bloomington. 印第安纳大学伯明顿分校的临床心理学家斯宾塞·道森说,“人们担心他们没有得到充足睡眠,然后他们开始估算重新入睡需要多长时间,以及什么时候必须起床。” [Photo/pexels] "That is not the sort of activity that's helpful in facilitating the ability to fall asleep; the more stressed out you are, the harder time you're going to have falling asleep." “这不是有助于促进入睡的活动;你越紧张,就越难入睡。” Dawson and his colleagues looked at sleep-specific data from 4,886 patients who completed a questionnaire at a sleep medical center in Arizona: the severity of their insomnia, the time spent monitoring their behavior while trying to sleep, and their use of both over-the-counter and prescription sleep medications. 道森和研究团队查看了在亚利桑那州一个睡眠医学中心接受问卷调查的4886名患者的睡眠相关数据,包括研究对象的失眠严重程度,入睡时监测自己行为的时间,以及他们使用非处方和处方安眠药的情况。 "We found time monitoring behavior mainly has an effect on sleep medication use because it exacerbates insomnia symptoms," says Dawson. “我们发现时间监测行为加剧了失眠症状,从而影响安眠药物的使用。”道森说。 TMB wasn't the only driver for medication, however. Frustration with not being able to sleep, the researchers noted, is just as important when it comes to dealing with insomnia. 时间监测行为并不是导致用药的唯一因素。研究人员指出,无法入睡引发的焦虑对失眠的影响也很重要。 The researchers recommended specific therapies – cognitive restructuring or addressing emotional processing – to further alleviate frustration, thus further alleviating the use of sleep medications. 研究人员建议采用特定的治疗方法,通过认知重建或处理情绪加工以进一步缓解焦虑感,从而减少使用安眠药。 As well as recommending future studies into TMB in even larger groups of people over more extended periods of time, the researchers suggest that taking measures to remove the temptation of checking the time might be helpful. 除了建议扩大研究对象和时间范围,对事件监测行为进行进一步研究外,研究人员还建议采取相应措施,消除查看时间的诱惑。 "One thing that people could do would be to turn around or cover up their clock, ditch the smart watch, get the phone away so they're simply not checking the time," says Dawson. “可以把钟表转过去或盖起来,取下智能手表,把手机放远,这样就不会去查看时间。”道森说。“确认时间毫无帮助。” 来源:sciencealert 编辑:董静
A new study outlines how insomniacs might make their condition even more tiresome: clock-watching (or time-monitoring behavior (TMB), to be technical). It seems this can aggravate insomnia, increase frustration, and lead to higher use of sleeping aids. It's a sort of negative feedback loop, the researchers found. TMB worsens insomnia and its associated annoyances, leading to more clock-watching and so on. "People are concerned that they're not getting enough sleep, then they start estimating how long it will take them to fall back asleep and when they have to be up," says clinical psychologist Spencer Dawson from Indiana University Bloomington. [Photo/pexels] "That is not the sort of activity that's helpful in facilitating the ability to fall asleep; the more stressed out you are, the harder time you're going to have falling asleep." Dawson and his colleagues looked at sleep-specific data from 4,886 patients who completed a questionnaire at a sleep medical center in Arizona: the severity of their insomnia, the time spent monitoring their behavior while trying to sleep, and their use of both over-the-counter and prescription sleep medications. "We found time monitoring behavior mainly has an effect on sleep medication use because it exacerbates insomnia symptoms," says Dawson. TMB wasn't the only driver for medication, however. Frustration with not being able to sleep, the researchers noted, is just as important when it comes to dealing with insomnia. The researchers recommended specific therapies – cognitive restructuring or addressing emotional processing – to further alleviate frustration, thus further alleviating the use of sleep medications. As well as recommending future studies into TMB in even larger groups of people over more extended periods of time, the researchers suggest that taking measures to remove the temptation of checking the time might be helpful. "One thing that people could do would be to turn around or cover up their clock, ditch the smart watch, get the phone away so they're simply not checking the time," says Dawson.
你会不会在设好闹钟,准备入睡时估算自己的睡眠时间? 当你在床上默默数羊大脑却异常清醒时,会不会频繁点开手机,重新计算还有多久就要起床? 随着时间一点点流逝,你越来越焦虑,而大脑却越来越清醒。 一项新研究发现,这样的行为会形成一种负反馈循环,让失眠者更加焦虑痛苦,加剧失眠问题。 研究表明,不断确认时间(时间监测行为,TMB)会让失眠者更加痛苦,加剧失眠问题,增加焦虑感,并导致更加依赖安眠药。 研究人员发现,这是一种负反馈循环。时间监测行为加剧失眠和焦虑,导致失眠者更频繁看时间等。 印第安纳大学伯明顿分校的临床心理学家斯宾塞·道森说,“人们担心他们没有得到充足睡眠,然后他们开始估算重新入睡需要多长时间,以及什么时候必须起床。” “这不是有助于促进入睡的活动;你越紧张,就越难入睡。” 道森和研究团队查看了在亚利桑那州一个睡眠医学中心接受问卷调查的4886名患者的睡眠相关数据,包括研究对象的失眠严重程度,入睡时监测自己行为的时间,以及他们使用非处方和处方安眠药的情况。 “我们发现时间监测行为加剧了失眠症状,从而影响安眠药物的使用。”道森说。 时间监测行为并不是导致用药的唯一因素。研究人员指出,无法入睡引发的焦虑对失眠的影响也很重要。 研究人员建议采用特定的治疗方法,通过认知重建或处理情绪加工以进一步缓解焦虑感,从而减少使用安眠药。 除了建议扩大研究对象和时间范围,对事件监测行为进行进一步研究外,研究人员还建议采取相应措施,消除查看时间的诱惑。 “可以把钟表转过去或盖起来,取下智能手表,把手机放远,这样就不会去查看时间。”道森说。“确认时间毫无帮助。” 来源:sciencealert 编辑:董静
商务部日前发布的数据显示,中国目前共建立230家国家级经开区,遍布31个省(区、市)。国家级经开区以3‰的国土面积贡献了全国1/10的地区生产总值和1/5的工业增加值。 An autonomous vehicle (1st R) is in driverless test on a road in Yizhuang of Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 19, 2021.(Xinhua/Peng Ziyang) China's state-level economic and technological development zones have attracted more than 30,000 foreign-funded companies, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday. 商务部有关负责人6月27日介绍,国家级经开区已落户了3万多家外商投资企业。 The country currently has 230 such development zones in 31 provincial-level regions, gathering more than 4 million enterprises, the ministry said at an event promoting the state-level economic and technological development zones. 商务部在“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动上表示,截至目前,全国共设立了230家国家级经开区,遍布31个省(区、市),集聚了超过400万家企业。 Over 300 Fortune 500 enterprises have established headquarters or research centers in these development zones. 世界500强企业在国家级经开区设立的总部、研发中心超过300家。 Last year, the state-level economic and technological development zones generated a regional GDP of 15 trillion yuan, increasing 117 percent over 2013. 2022年,国家级经开区创造了15万亿元的地区生产总值,比2013年增长117%。 These development zones have become a vital platform for China's economic integration into the global industrial system. 国家级经开区、成为中国经济融入全球产业体系的重要平台。 As part of the "Invest in China Year" activities, the event invited representatives of international organizations, foreign chambers of commerce, state-level economic and technological development zones, and foreign-funded enterprises to attend dialogues and project-matchmaking meetings. 本次活动是“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动之一,活动邀请国际组织、外国商会、国家级经开区、及外资企业代表开展主题对话会,举办产业项目对接会。 【相关词汇】 自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones 高质量发展 high-quality development 世界经济展望 global economic outlook 产业供应链 industrial and supply chain (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
An autonomous vehicle (1st R) is in driverless test on a road in Yizhuang of Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 19, 2021.(Xinhua/Peng Ziyang) China's state-level economic and technological development zones have attracted more than 30,000 foreign-funded companies, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday. The country currently has 230 such development zones in 31 provincial-level regions, gathering more than 4 million enterprises, the ministry said at an event promoting the state-level economic and technological development zones. Over 300 Fortune 500 enterprises have established headquarters or research centers in these development zones. Last year, the state-level economic and technological development zones generated a regional GDP of 15 trillion yuan, increasing 117 percent over 2013. These development zones have become a vital platform for China's economic integration into the global industrial system. As part of the "Invest in China Year" activities, the event invited representatives of international organizations, foreign chambers of commerce, state-level economic and technological development zones, and foreign-funded enterprises to attend dialogues and project-matchmaking meetings.
商务部日前发布的数据显示,中国目前共建立230家国家级经开区,遍布31个省(区、市)。国家级经开区以3‰的国土面积贡献了全国1/10的地区生产总值和1/5的工业增加值。 商务部有关负责人6月27日介绍,国家级经开区已落户了3万多家外商投资企业。 商务部在“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动上表示,截至目前,全国共设立了230家国家级经开区,遍布31个省(区、市),集聚了超过400万家企业。 世界500强企业在国家级经开区设立的总部、研发中心超过300家。 2022年,国家级经开区创造了15万亿元的地区生产总值,比2013年增长117%。 国家级经开区、成为中国经济融入全球产业体系的重要平台。 本次活动是“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动之一,活动邀请国际组织、外国商会、国家级经开区、及外资企业代表开展主题对话会,举办产业项目对接会。 【相关词汇】 自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones 高质量发展 high-quality development 世界经济展望 global economic outlook 产业供应链 industrial and supply chain (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
国家发展改革委日前在达沃斯论坛上表示,2013年中国提出共建“一带一路”倡议以来,取得了巨大成就。截至目前,共建“一带一路”已经吸引了全球超过四分之三的国家和主要国际组织参与。 A logo of the Belt and Road is seen in Shanghai. [Photo/VCG] China has made considerable progress in terms of facilitating high-quality development in the Belt and Road Initiative over the past decade, with over three-quarters of the countries and major international organizations joining the initiative, according to the country's top economic regulator. 中国国家发展和改革委员会称,过去十年来中国在推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展上取得了巨大成就,吸引了全球超过四分之三的国家和主要国际组织参与共建“一带一路”。 Liang Linchong, deputy director of the Department of Regional Opening-up at the National Development and Reform Commission, said the BRI has become a popular platform offering international public goods, playing a positive role in promoting health, green and digital construction of the Silk Road and fostering new growth points for the world economy. 国家发展改革委区域开放司副司长梁林冲表示,“一带一路”已成为深受欢迎的国际公共产品和国际合作平台,着力推进健康、绿色、数字、创新丝绸之路建设,为全球经济发展培育了新增长点。 "The initiative has contributed to the prosperity of the world economy," he told a forum on Tuesday during the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum. The event, themed "Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy", is running from Tuesday through Thursday in Tianjin in North China. 梁林冲6月27日在世界经济论坛第十四届新领军者年会(夏季达沃斯论坛)上称:“共建‘一带一路’为世界经济繁荣发展注入了强劲动力。”本届年会主题为“企业家精神:世界经济驱动力”,于6月27日至29日在天津举办。 For instance, China and countries involved in the BRI have built economic and trade cooperation zones, creating more than 400,000 jobs for local people. 举例而言,我国和“一带一路”沿线国家建设的经贸合作区为当地创造了40多万个就业岗位。 Under the framework of the BRI, China and countries involved in the BRI have built a wide range of infrastructure projects and projects key to local people's livelihood such as hospitals and schools, which not only promote economic growth and generate jobs but also improve the local people's livelihood. 在“一带一路”倡议框架下,我国和“一带一路”沿线国家广泛开展基础设施建设,其中包括医院、学校等与当地民生息息相关的项目,不仅推动了经济发展,创造了就业,也改善了当地人的生活水平。 To further facilitate the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, he said China will work with related countries to further deepen the interconnection by focusing on infrastructure projects; further expanding institutional opening-up; continuously enhancing the standardization cooperation in the field of financing, trade, energy, digitalization and agriculture; and build more livelihood projects. 梁林冲表示,为了进一步推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展,中国将与共建国家持续完善互联互通合作,不断深化基础设施项目合作,稳步扩大制度型开放,继续深化融资、贸易、能源、数字信息、农业等领域标准化务实合作,更多开展民生工程建设。 英文来源:中国日报网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A logo of the Belt and Road is seen in Shanghai. [Photo/VCG] China has made considerable progress in terms of facilitating high-quality development in the Belt and Road Initiative over the past decade, with over three-quarters of the countries and major international organizations joining the initiative, according to the country's top economic regulator. Liang Linchong, deputy director of the Department of Regional Opening-up at the National Development and Reform Commission, said the BRI has become a popular platform offering international public goods, playing a positive role in promoting health, green and digital construction of the Silk Road and fostering new growth points for the world economy. "The initiative has contributed to the prosperity of the world economy," he told a forum on Tuesday during the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum. The event, themed "Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy", is running from Tuesday through Thursday in Tianjin in North China. For instance, China and countries involved in the BRI have built economic and trade cooperation zones, creating more than 400,000 jobs for local people. Under the framework of the BRI, China and countries involved in the BRI have built a wide range of infrastructure projects and projects key to local people's livelihood such as hospitals and schools, which not only promote economic growth and generate jobs but also improve the local people's livelihood. To further facilitate the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, he said China will work with related countries to further deepen the interconnection by focusing on infrastructure projects; further expanding institutional opening-up; continuously enhancing the standardization cooperation in the field of financing, trade, energy, digitalization and agriculture; and build more livelihood projects.
国家发展改革委日前在达沃斯论坛上表示,2013年中国提出共建“一带一路”倡议以来,取得了巨大成就。截至目前,共建“一带一路”已经吸引了全球超过四分之三的国家和主要国际组织参与。 中国国家发展和改革委员会称,过去十年来中国在推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展上取得了巨大成就,吸引了全球超过四分之三的国家和主要国际组织参与共建“一带一路”。 国家发展改革委区域开放司副司长梁林冲表示,“一带一路”已成为深受欢迎的国际公共产品和国际合作平台,着力推进健康、绿色、数字、创新丝绸之路建设,为全球经济发展培育了新增长点。 梁林冲6月27日在世界经济论坛第十四届新领军者年会(夏季达沃斯论坛)上称:“共建‘一带一路’为世界经济繁荣发展注入了强劲动力。”本届年会主题为“企业家精神:世界经济驱动力”,于6月27日至29日在天津举办。 举例而言,我国和“一带一路”沿线国家建设的经贸合作区为当地创造了40多万个就业岗位。 在“一带一路”倡议框架下,我国和“一带一路”沿线国家广泛开展基础设施建设,其中包括医院、学校等与当地民生息息相关的项目,不仅推动了经济发展,创造了就业,也改善了当地人的生活水平。 梁林冲表示,为了进一步推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展,中国将与共建国家持续完善互联互通合作,不断深化基础设施项目合作,稳步扩大制度型开放,继续深化融资、贸易、能源、数字信息、农业等领域标准化务实合作,更多开展民生工程建设。 英文来源:中国日报网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
6月26日上午,国务院总理李强在北京人民大会堂同来华进行正式访问的越南总理范明政会谈。图片:新华社 Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is in China on a four-day formal visit, during which he will attend the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin. 越南政府总理范明政正在中国进行为期四天的正式访问,并出席在天津举行的第十四届夏季达沃斯论坛。 In their meeting on Monday in Beijing, Chinese Premier Li Qiang pointed out that amid the complex and volatile world situation China and Vietnam can inject more stability and positive energy into world peace and the development of the two countries by working together to take their relations to a new level. 6月26日上午,国务院总理李强在北京同范明政会谈时指出,在复杂动荡的世界局势中,中越双方可以在新起点上把双边关系推上新台阶,为世界和平发展注入更多稳定性和正能量。 Pham’s positive responses to the series of proposals Li made to upgrade and expand bilateral cooperation in trade, security, energy, regional development and culture show Vietnam’s willingness to share China’s development dividends, tap the potential of their complementary economies and seek regional integration. 范明政就提升扩大中越在贸易、安全、能源、区域发展和文化等领域合作的一系列建议做出积极回应,这表明越南乐于分享中国发展红利,挖掘两国经济互补潜力,寻求区域一体化的意愿。 Prime Minister Pham’s visit is important for both countries in multiple ways. It is not only Pham’s first China trip as Vietnamese prime minister, but the first by a Vietnamese prime minister in seven years. It occurs as the two countries commemorate the 15th anniversary of their comprehensive strategic partnership, and as an increasing number of non-regional countries are bolstering their presence in the region seeking to sow the seeds of discord. 范明政此次访华对中越两国都具有重要意义。这不仅是他就任越南政府总理后首次对中国进行正式访问,也是越南政府总理7年来首次对中国进行正式访问。此次范明政访华正值越中建立全面战略合作伙伴关系15周年之际;与此同时,越来越多域外国家加强在该地区存在,试图播下冲突的种子。 But Pham’s remarks will upset those awaiting a breakup between Hanoi and Beijing. To their disappointment, Pham’s trip has nothing to do with the kind of geopolitical game outsiders want, but everything to do with strengthening ties. 不过,范明政的言论将让那些盼着中越关系破裂的人感到沮丧。令他们失望的是,范明政此行的目的是加强中越关系,而非外界期望的地缘政治游戏。 The openness the Vietnamese prime minister expressed to strengthening exchanges and coordination to properly handle the disputes between the two sides was highly welcomed by Li. No matter how hard third parties work to exploit the maritime disputes between the two neighbors in an attempt to turn them against each other, Beijing and Hanoi are shelving their differences to pursue the greater good of peace and cooperation. 范明政表示,愿意加强双方对话合作,越方愿同中方管控好分歧,李强对此表示高度认同。无论第三方如何企图利用中越存在的分歧挑拨中越关系,试图制造对立,中越双方都在搁置分歧,以追求和平与合作带来的更多利益。 As both sides have pointed out in relation to Pham’s visit, each side considers relations with the other to be a diplomatic priority. This is not only a natural product of the two countries’ historical friendship and their long-standing mutually beneficial exchanges in the process of regional economic integration. It is also the result of a forward-looking strategic choice by them. 正如中越双方就范明政此次访华所指出的那样,中越都视对方为外交优先方向。这不仅是中越两国历史友谊和在区域经济一体化进程中长期互利往来的自然产物,也是双方前瞻性战略选择的结果。 During Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s China visit in 2022, the two countries signed the “Joint Statement on Further Consolidating and Deepening the China-Vietnam All-round Partnership of Strategic Cooperation”. 2022年,在越南共产党中央委员会总书记阮富仲对中国进行正式访问期间,两国发布了《关于进一步加强和深化中越全面战略合作伙伴关系的联合声明》。 Prime Minister Pham’s participation in the Tianjin event is meant, to a great extent, to attract more foreign direct investment to Vietnam. Chinese enterprises are already showing they are happy to oblige. Vietnam is China’s largest trading partner among the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and Chinese direct investment in Vietnam has kept increasing in recent years, becoming the fourth largest last year. 范明政出席天津夏季达沃斯论坛,希望借此吸引更多外部资本到越南投资。中国企业对此已经表现出积极兴趣。越南是中国在东盟最大贸易伙伴,近年来中国对越直接投资不断增加。 Those trying to drive a wedge between the two countries are betting on a losing hand. 那些试图在中越之间挑拨离间的人注定失败。
Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is in China on a four-day formal visit, during which he will attend the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin. In their meeting on Monday in Beijing, Chinese Premier Li Qiang pointed out that amid the complex and volatile world situation China and Vietnam can inject more stability and positive energy into world peace and the development of the two countries by working together to take their relations to a new level. Pham’s positive responses to the series of proposals Li made to upgrade and expand bilateral cooperation in trade, security, energy, regional development and culture show Vietnam’s willingness to share China’s development dividends, tap the potential of their complementary economies and seek regional integration. Prime Minister Pham’s visit is important for both countries in multiple ways. It is not only Pham’s first China trip as Vietnamese prime minister, but the first by a Vietnamese prime minister in seven years. It occurs as the two countries commemorate the 15th anniversary of their comprehensive strategic partnership, and as an increasing number of non-regional countries are bolstering their presence in the region seeking to sow the seeds of discord. But Pham’s remarks will upset those awaiting a breakup between Hanoi and Beijing. To their disappointment, Pham’s trip has nothing to do with the kind of geopolitical game outsiders want, but everything to do with strengthening ties. The openness the Vietnamese prime minister expressed to strengthening exchanges and coordination to properly handle the disputes between the two sides was highly welcomed by Li. No matter how hard third parties work to exploit the maritime disputes between the two neighbors in an attempt to turn them against each other, Beijing and Hanoi are shelving their differences to pursue the greater good of peace and cooperation. As both sides have pointed out in relation to Pham’s visit, each side considers relations with the other to be a diplomatic priority. This is not only a natural product of the two countries’ historical friendship and their long-standing mutually beneficial exchanges in the process of regional economic integration. It is also the result of a forward-looking strategic choice by them. During Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s China visit in 2022, the two countries signed the “Joint Statement on Further Consolidating and Deepening the China-Vietnam All-round Partnership of Strategic Cooperation”. Prime Minister Pham’s participation in the Tianjin event is meant, to a great extent, to attract more foreign direct investment to Vietnam. Chinese enterprises are already showing they are happy to oblige. Vietnam is China’s largest trading partner among the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and Chinese direct investment in Vietnam has kept increasing in recent years, becoming the fourth largest last year. Those trying to drive a wedge between the two countries are betting on a losing hand.
6月26日上午,国务院总理李强在北京人民大会堂同来华进行正式访问的越南总理范明政会谈。图片:新华社 越南政府总理范明政正在中国进行为期四天的正式访问,并出席在天津举行的第十四届夏季达沃斯论坛。 6月26日上午,国务院总理李强在北京同范明政会谈时指出,在复杂动荡的世界局势中,中越双方可以在新起点上把双边关系推上新台阶,为世界和平发展注入更多稳定性和正能量。 范明政就提升扩大中越在贸易、安全、能源、区域发展和文化等领域合作的一系列建议做出积极回应,这表明越南乐于分享中国发展红利,挖掘两国经济互补潜力,寻求区域一体化的意愿。 范明政此次访华对中越两国都具有重要意义。这不仅是他就任越南政府总理后首次对中国进行正式访问,也是越南政府总理7年来首次对中国进行正式访问。此次范明政访华正值越中建立全面战略合作伙伴关系15周年之际;与此同时,越来越多域外国家加强在该地区存在,试图播下冲突的种子。 不过,范明政的言论将让那些盼着中越关系破裂的人感到沮丧。令他们失望的是,范明政此行的目的是加强中越关系,而非外界期望的地缘政治游戏。 范明政表示,愿意加强双方对话合作,越方愿同中方管控好分歧,李强对此表示高度认同。无论第三方如何企图利用中越存在的分歧挑拨中越关系,试图制造对立,中越双方都在搁置分歧,以追求和平与合作带来的更多利益。 正如中越双方就范明政此次访华所指出的那样,中越都视对方为外交优先方向。这不仅是中越两国历史友谊和在区域经济一体化进程中长期互利往来的自然产物,也是双方前瞻性战略选择的结果。 2022年,在越南共产党中央委员会总书记阮富仲对中国进行正式访问期间,两国发布了《关于进一步加强和深化中越全面战略合作伙伴关系的联合声明》。 范明政出席天津夏季达沃斯论坛,希望借此吸引更多外部资本到越南投资。中国企业对此已经表现出积极兴趣。越南是中国在东盟最大贸易伙伴,近年来中国对越直接投资不断增加。 那些试图在中越之间挑拨离间的人注定失败。
在瑞士,相当数量的学童穿着纸尿裤上学,年龄最大的已经11岁。有时候,老师甚至要给这些孩子换纸尿裤。这一现象引起了瑞士教育界的担忧。 Photo/Unsplash Teachers in Switzerland recently reported a worrying number of students, some as old as 11, still coming to school in diapers because they never learned how to use the toilet. 瑞士的教师们最近报告了一个令人担忧的现象:不少学生(有些已经11岁)穿着纸尿裤上学,因为他们从未学习过如何使用马桶。 In Switzerland, some children begin school at age four, so it is not uncommon for them to still be wearing diapers. However, they are not the problem that many teachers in the European country are reportedly facing these days. According to multiple sources, students as old as 11 years old are coming to school in diapers, and teachers are expected to clean and change them if necessary. Apparently, the problem has become widespread enough that one headmaster in Aargau is organizing events to inform parents that children have to be ‘dry’ when they return to school after the summer holiday, while another school is putting out flyers to inform parents that teachers are not responsible for changing schoolchildren’s diapers. 在瑞士,有些儿童4岁就开始上学了,因此上学后还穿着纸尿裤的现象并不少见。然而,这并不是瑞士许多老师报告的问题。据多个来源报道,穿着纸尿裤上学的孩子年龄最大的已经11岁,而且如果有必要的话老师还得给他们洗屁股换纸尿裤。显然,正因为这一问题太普遍了,阿尔高州的一名校长正在组织活动,告知家长孩子们在暑假结束返校时必须保持“干燥”(不穿纸尿裤),另一所学校则发传单告知家长,老师不负责给学生换纸尿裤。 "Parents have a duty to ensure that their school-age children no longer wear diapers,” Dagmar Rösler, President of the umbrella organization for teachers in Switzerland, told 20min . “When 11-year-olds come to school in diapers, that’s a worrying development. Teachers are not there to change their students’ diapers. That is going too far.” 瑞士大型教师组织的主席达格玛·罗斯勒告诉《20分钟报》说:“家长们有责任确保他们的学龄孩子不再穿纸尿裤。11岁的孩子穿纸尿裤来上学,这一苗头令人担忧。老师们不会负责给学生换纸尿裤。这太过分了。” Rösler pointed out the importance of distinguishing between children with physical problems and those impacted by psychological trauma or parents neglect, and emphasized teachers’ role in mitigating such problems. The latter should never blame the child, but instead, reach out to the parents, explain the situation and hold them accountable. 罗斯勒指出,把有生理问题的学生和那些有心理创伤或被父母忽视的孩子区别开来很重要,并强调老师在缓和这种问题中起到的作用。后者不应该怪孩子,而应该去找父母,解释清楚情况并让他们负责。 Photo/Unsplash Swiss psychotherapist Felix Hof recalled a boy who came to his practice and still needed diapers at the age of seven, due to the trauma caused by a family conflict. He also pointed out that such children often end up being bullied or teased by their peers, especially after their situation becomes known in schools. Gym classes or swimming are two instances where the diapers become almost impossible to conceal. 瑞士心理治疗师菲利克斯·霍夫回忆起一个来做治疗的男孩,因为家庭矛盾引发的心理创伤,这名男孩7岁还需要穿纸尿裤。他还指出,这样的孩子最后往往会被同龄人霸凌或嘲笑,尤其是在穿纸尿裤的事在学校传开之后,健身课或游泳课是纸尿裤最藏不住的时候。 According to an article in the SonntagsZeitung , more and more parents of primary school children are putting out ads for diaper-changing staff, and the increase in sales of large diaper sizes in Switzerland is another worrying sign. 《周日报》的一篇文章指出,越来越多的小学生家长发广告招聘帮忙换纸尿裤的人,瑞士大码纸尿裤的销量增加也是一个让人担忧的信号。 "The diapers are becoming more and more comfortable and can be worn like normal underpants, this is how children are conditioned to the diaper,” educationalist Margrit Stamm warned, referring to parents who have their kids in diapers for long trips or when sleeping. “This is a completely wrong signal!” 教育家玛格丽特·斯塔姆警告那些让孩子在长途旅行或睡觉时穿纸尿裤的家长说:“纸尿裤变得越来越舒适,穿起来就和普通的内裤一样,孩子们就是这样适应纸尿裤的。这是一个完全错误的信号!” 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Unsplash Teachers in Switzerland recently reported a worrying number of students, some as old as 11, still coming to school in diapers because they never learned how to use the toilet. In Switzerland, some children begin school at age four, so it is not uncommon for them to still be wearing diapers. However, they are not the problem that many teachers in the European country are reportedly facing these days. According to multiple sources, students as old as 11 years old are coming to school in diapers, and teachers are expected to clean and change them if necessary. Apparently, the problem has become widespread enough that one headmaster in Aargau is organizing events to inform parents that children have to be ‘dry’ when they return to school after the summer holiday, while another school is putting out flyers to inform parents that teachers are not responsible for changing schoolchildren’s diapers. 20min . “When 11-year-olds come to school in diapers, that’s a worrying development. Teachers are not there to change their students’ diapers. That is going too far.” Photo/Unsplash Swiss psychotherapist Felix Hof recalled a boy who came to his practice and still needed diapers at the age of seven, due to the trauma caused by a family conflict. He also pointed out that such children often end up being bullied or teased by their peers, especially after their situation becomes known in schools. Gym classes or swimming are two instances where the diapers become almost impossible to conceal. According to an article in the SonntagsZeitung , more and more parents of primary school children are putting out ads for diaper-changing staff, and the increase in sales of large diaper sizes in Switzerland is another worrying sign. "The diapers are becoming more and more comfortable and can be worn like normal underpants, this is how children are conditioned to the diaper,” educationalist Margrit Stamm warned, referring to parents who have their kids in diapers for long trips or when sleeping. “This is a completely wrong signal!”
在瑞士,相当数量的学童穿着纸尿裤上学,年龄最大的已经11岁。有时候,老师甚至要给这些孩子换纸尿裤。这一现象引起了瑞士教育界的担忧。 瑞士的教师们最近报告了一个令人担忧的现象:不少学生(有些已经11岁)穿着纸尿裤上学,因为他们从未学习过如何使用马桶。 在瑞士,有些儿童4岁就开始上学了,因此上学后还穿着纸尿裤的现象并不少见。然而,这并不是瑞士许多老师报告的问题。据多个来源报道,穿着纸尿裤上学的孩子年龄最大的已经11岁,而且如果有必要的话老师还得给他们洗屁股换纸尿裤。显然,正因为这一问题太普遍了,阿尔高州的一名校长正在组织活动,告知家长孩子们在暑假结束返校时必须保持“干燥”(不穿纸尿裤),另一所学校则发传单告知家长,老师不负责给学生换纸尿裤。 "Parents have a duty to ensure that their school-age children no longer wear diapers,” Dagmar Rösler, President of the umbrella organization for teachers in Switzerland, told 瑞士大型教师组织的主席达格玛·罗斯勒告诉《20分钟报》说:“家长们有责任确保他们的学龄孩子不再穿纸尿裤。11岁的孩子穿纸尿裤来上学,这一苗头令人担忧。老师们不会负责给学生换纸尿裤。这太过分了。” Rösler pointed out the importance of distinguishing between children with physical problems and those impacted by psychological trauma or parents neglect, and emphasized teachers’ role in mitigating such problems. The latter should never blame the child, but instead, reach out to the parents, explain the situation and hold them accountable. 罗斯勒指出,把有生理问题的学生和那些有心理创伤或被父母忽视的孩子区别开来很重要,并强调老师在缓和这种问题中起到的作用。后者不应该怪孩子,而应该去找父母,解释清楚情况并让他们负责。 瑞士心理治疗师菲利克斯·霍夫回忆起一个来做治疗的男孩,因为家庭矛盾引发的心理创伤,这名男孩7岁还需要穿纸尿裤。他还指出,这样的孩子最后往往会被同龄人霸凌或嘲笑,尤其是在穿纸尿裤的事在学校传开之后,健身课或游泳课是纸尿裤最藏不住的时候。 《周日报》的一篇文章指出,越来越多的小学生家长发广告招聘帮忙换纸尿裤的人,瑞士大码纸尿裤的销量增加也是一个让人担忧的信号。 教育家玛格丽特·斯塔姆警告那些让孩子在长途旅行或睡觉时穿纸尿裤的家长说:“纸尿裤变得越来越舒适,穿起来就和普通的内裤一样,孩子们就是这样适应纸尿裤的。这是一个完全错误的信号!” 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
6月25日,我国首艘深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船,在中国船舶集团旗下位于广州南沙的广船国际有限公司厂区开工建造。据悉,深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船未来将成为我国多体系融合、多学科交叉、协同行动创新的开放共享型海上平台。 The rendering of the new cutting-edge scientific research and archaeological vessel. [Photo provided to] Construction of China's first deep sea multi-functional scientific research and archaeological vessel officially began in Guangzhou's Nansha district on Sunday. 6月25日,我国首艘深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船在位于广州南沙的广船国际有限公司厂区开工建造。 The vessel which is being built by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co Ltd (GSI), is a new multi-functional scientific research vessel that will be able to conduct deep-sea scientific research and cultural relic archaeology, and can carry out polar sea area investigations in summer, according to statement released by GSI on Sunday. 据该公司介绍,深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船是一艘可进行深海科学考察及文物考古,夏季可进行极区海域考察的新型多功能科考船舶。 The new vessel has iconic functions, including unrestricted water navigation; manned deep diving; deep-sea exploration; comprehensive operation support; and heavy safety loads that can help ensure the necessary samples and environmental data for the research of cutting-edge scientific research related to deep sea geology, environment and life sciences. 该船具备无限制水域航行、载人深潜、深海探测、综合作业支持、重型安全载荷等标志性功能,保障深远海地质、环境和生命科学相关前沿问题研究提供所需的样品和环境数据。 "Meanwhile the vessel provides relevant discipline guidance and underwater operation support for deep-sea archaeology, and supporting the offshore testing and application of deep-sea core technology equipment," said the statement. 同时,该船还可以为深海考古提供相关学科指导与水下作业支撑,同时支持深海核心技术装备的海上试验与应用。 The vessel which reaches 103 meters long is designed to have a draft displacement of 9,200 metric tons, with the maximum speed of the vessel reaching 16 knots, equivalent to about 30 kilometers per hour. It can bidirectionally break ice from both the bow and stern. 设计船长约103米、设计吃水排水量约9200吨,最大航速16节(相当于大约每小时30公里)、艏艉双向破冰。 The vessel which can accommodate more than 80 crew members on board is expected to be completed and delivered for offshore operations by 2025. 该船设计载员80人。预计2025年完工交船,投入海上作业。 【相关词汇】 中国造船业 China's shipbuilding sector 国产大型邮轮 domestically-built large cruise ship 自主创新 independent innovation 制造业创新中心 manufacturing innovation center 高质量发展 high-quality development (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
The rendering of the new cutting-edge scientific research and archaeological vessel. [Photo provided to] Construction of China's first deep sea multi-functional scientific research and archaeological vessel officially began in Guangzhou's Nansha district on Sunday. The vessel which is being built by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co Ltd (GSI), is a new multi-functional scientific research vessel that will be able to conduct deep-sea scientific research and cultural relic archaeology, and can carry out polar sea area investigations in summer, according to statement released by GSI on Sunday. The new vessel has iconic functions, including unrestricted water navigation; manned deep diving; deep-sea exploration; comprehensive operation support; and heavy safety loads that can help ensure the necessary samples and environmental data for the research of cutting-edge scientific research related to deep sea geology, environment and life sciences. "Meanwhile the vessel provides relevant discipline guidance and underwater operation support for deep-sea archaeology, and supporting the offshore testing and application of deep-sea core technology equipment," said the statement. The vessel which reaches 103 meters long is designed to have a draft displacement of 9,200 metric tons, with the maximum speed of the vessel reaching 16 knots, equivalent to about 30 kilometers per hour. It can bidirectionally break ice from both the bow and stern. The vessel which can accommodate more than 80 crew members on board is expected to be completed and delivered for offshore operations by 2025.
6月25日,我国首艘深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船,在中国船舶集团旗下位于广州南沙的广船国际有限公司厂区开工建造。据悉,深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船未来将成为我国多体系融合、多学科交叉、协同行动创新的开放共享型海上平台。 6月25日,我国首艘深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船在位于广州南沙的广船国际有限公司厂区开工建造。 据该公司介绍,深远海多功能科学考察及文物考古船是一艘可进行深海科学考察及文物考古,夏季可进行极区海域考察的新型多功能科考船舶。 该船具备无限制水域航行、载人深潜、深海探测、综合作业支持、重型安全载荷等标志性功能,保障深远海地质、环境和生命科学相关前沿问题研究提供所需的样品和环境数据。 同时,该船还可以为深海考古提供相关学科指导与水下作业支撑,同时支持深海核心技术装备的海上试验与应用。 设计船长约103米、设计吃水排水量约9200吨,最大航速16节(相当于大约每小时30公里)、艏艉双向破冰。 该船设计载员80人。预计2025年完工交船,投入海上作业。 【相关词汇】 中国造船业 China's shipbuilding sector 国产大型邮轮 domestically-built large cruise ship 自主创新 independent innovation 制造业创新中心 manufacturing innovation center 高质量发展 high-quality development (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
近日,日本东京电力公司开始试运行福岛核污染水排海设备,日本政府主导的核污染水排海似乎已进入倒计时。日本政府坚持把经过多核素处理系统(ALPS)处理的核污染水称为“处理水”,认为“处理水”已达标可排,但国际社会对福岛核污染水处理装置的安全性、有效性与可持续性始终存有疑虑。 据英国《每日快报》6月26日报道,日本将福岛核电站数百万吨核污染水排海恐影响全球海洋生态系统。马来西亚学者麦莎·阿卜杜拉认为,海洋不应该被视为核污染水的后院……如果这些“处理水”真的安全,日本政府可以将其回收用于生活、工业用水等。 File photo of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. [Photo/Agencies] The Ocean Hope project coordinator, Dr Maizah Abdullah said that the action needs to be fine tuned by all parties because the impact of the action will only be seen by the next generation. 海洋希望项目协调人、马来西亚登嘉楼大学海洋科学与环境学院讲师麦莎·阿卜杜拉博士说,福岛核污染水排海行动需要各方周密考量,因为此举的影响要到下一代才能显现。 Maizah , who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Marine Science and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (INOS UMT), said that even though the release of the waste water occurred in Japan, she did not rule out the possibility that the nuclear waste could drift into "our national waters". 麦莎表示,尽管核污染水排放发生在日本,但不排除核废料可能流入马来西亚水域。 "There is no limit to the movement of ocean currents. It is coupled with marine life that constantly migrates, so any animal that reaches an area that is affected or at risk by this radioactive waste will definitely reach our waters, potentially contaminating the food chain of marine life and affecting human health," she told Bernama recently. 麦莎近日在接受马来西亚国家新闻社采访时表示:"洋流运动是没有限制的。再加上海洋生物不断迁徙,因此,任何动物只要到过受放射性核污染水污染或可能面临风险的地区,就一定会到达我们的水域,它们可能会污染海洋生物的食物链,影响人类健康。" She added that all parties should play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of the ocean. 麦莎还称,各方应在确保海洋可持续性方面发挥重要作用。 "The discussion space should be opened in a more comprehensive and inclusive manner that does not only involve scientists or academics, the public should also be involved to see the risks and effects of these activities, especially for regional countries. The ocean should not be seen as just a backyard where our waste flows," she said. 麦莎称:“我们应该对该问题进行更全面和包容的开放讨论,不仅让科学家、学者参与其中,公众也应参与讨论,探讨核污染水排海行动的风险和影响,特别是对于地区国家而言。海洋不应该被视为人类核污染水的后院。” "In the issue involving the treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, if it is really safe, the Japanese government can redeem this treated water for domestic, industrial use and so on.“ 麦莎认为,如果福岛核电站经过处理的核污染水真的安全,日本政府可以将这些“处理水”回收用于生活、工业等用途。 "This step is necessary to change the perception of the world community by proving that there is no direct impact on human health and the food chain in the sea," she said. 她表示:“这些做法对于改变国际社会的看法是必要的,可以借此证明‘处理水’对人类健康和海洋食物链没有直接影响。” Earlier this month, despite various pressures, Japan went ahead with its plan to discharge treated radioactive waste water into the sea through a drainage tunnel at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the nuclear power station that was affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that followed on March 11, 2011. 本月早些时候,尽管受到多方压力,日本政府仍坚持执行其核污染水排海计划,通过福岛第一核电站的排海隧道将经过处理的放射性核污染水排入大海。2011年3月11日,福岛核电站因日本东北地区发生的地震、海啸造成损坏。 日本政府2021年4月13日决定,将福岛第一核电站上百万吨核污染水过滤并稀释后排入大海。这一决定引发了国际社会的广泛批评。今年1月,日本政府将福岛核污染水的排放时间定为“今年春夏之际”。 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
File photo of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. [Photo/Agencies] The Ocean Hope project coordinator, Dr Maizah Abdullah said that the action needs to be fine tuned by all parties because the impact of the action will only be seen by the next generation. Maizah , who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Marine Science and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (INOS UMT), said that even though the release of the waste water occurred in Japan, she did not rule out the possibility that the nuclear waste could drift into "our national waters". "There is no limit to the movement of ocean currents. It is coupled with marine life that constantly migrates, so any animal that reaches an area that is affected or at risk by this radioactive waste will definitely reach our waters, potentially contaminating the food chain of marine life and affecting human health," she told Bernama recently. She added that all parties should play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of the ocean. "The discussion space should be opened in a more comprehensive and inclusive manner that does not only involve scientists or academics, the public should also be involved to see the risks and effects of these activities, especially for regional countries. The ocean should not be seen as just a backyard where our waste flows," she said. "In the issue involving the treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, if it is really safe, the Japanese government can redeem this treated water for domestic, industrial use and so on.“ "This step is necessary to change the perception of the world community by proving that there is no direct impact on human health and the food chain in the sea," she said. Earlier this month, despite various pressures, Japan went ahead with its plan to discharge treated radioactive waste water into the sea through a drainage tunnel at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the nuclear power station that was affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that followed on March 11, 2011.
近日,日本东京电力公司开始试运行福岛核污染水排海设备,日本政府主导的核污染水排海似乎已进入倒计时。日本政府坚持把经过多核素处理系统(ALPS)处理的核污染水称为“处理水”,认为“处理水”已达标可排,但国际社会对福岛核污染水处理装置的安全性、有效性与可持续性始终存有疑虑。 据英国《每日快报》6月26日报道,日本将福岛核电站数百万吨核污染水排海恐影响全球海洋生态系统。马来西亚学者麦莎·阿卜杜拉认为,海洋不应该被视为核污染水的后院……如果这些“处理水”真的安全,日本政府可以将其回收用于生活、工业用水等。 海洋希望项目协调人、马来西亚登嘉楼大学海洋科学与环境学院讲师麦莎·阿卜杜拉博士说,福岛核污染水排海行动需要各方周密考量,因为此举的影响要到下一代才能显现。 麦莎表示,尽管核污染水排放发生在日本,但不排除核废料可能流入马来西亚水域。 麦莎近日在接受马来西亚国家新闻社采访时表示:"洋流运动是没有限制的。再加上海洋生物不断迁徙,因此,任何动物只要到过受放射性核污染水污染或可能面临风险的地区,就一定会到达我们的水域,它们可能会污染海洋生物的食物链,影响人类健康。" 麦莎还称,各方应在确保海洋可持续性方面发挥重要作用。 麦莎称:“我们应该对该问题进行更全面和包容的开放讨论,不仅让科学家、学者参与其中,公众也应参与讨论,探讨核污染水排海行动的风险和影响,特别是对于地区国家而言。海洋不应该被视为人类核污染水的后院。” 麦莎认为,如果福岛核电站经过处理的核污染水真的安全,日本政府可以将这些“处理水”回收用于生活、工业等用途。 她表示:“这些做法对于改变国际社会的看法是必要的,可以借此证明‘处理水’对人类健康和海洋食物链没有直接影响。” 本月早些时候,尽管受到多方压力,日本政府仍坚持执行其核污染水排海计划,通过福岛第一核电站的排海隧道将经过处理的放射性核污染水排入大海。2011年3月11日,福岛核电站因日本东北地区发生的地震、海啸造成损坏。 日本政府2021年4月13日决定,将福岛第一核电站上百万吨核污染水过滤并稀释后排入大海。这一决定引发了国际社会的广泛批评。今年1月,日本政府将福岛核污染水的排放时间定为“今年春夏之际”。 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
未来一个时期,我国国内市场主导国民经济循环的特征会更加明显,努力扩大居民消费、充分释放内需潜力,成为形成强大国内市场、发挥我国超大规模市场优势的重要方面。 A pedestrian walks past the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, in Beijing on May 22. [PHOTO by JIANG QIMING/CHINA NEWS SERVICE] Though the recent decline in deposit rates is seen as part of the country's efforts to energize consumption, economists have divided thoughts on how far the move will push consumption. Going forward, experts are calling for more forceful and prompt measures to boost consumer confidence. 尽管最近存款利率的下调被视为国家刺激消费努力的一部分,但经济学家对此举将在多大程度上推动消费存在分歧。展望未来,专家们呼吁采取更有力、更及时的措施来提振消费者信心。 Gao Ruidong, chief macroeconomist at Everbright Securities, said that the current high level of deposits and weak household sector loans are primarily due to a decline in household risk appetites and their tendency toward precautionary savings against uncertainties. 光大证券首席宏观经济学家高瑞东表示,目前的高存款水平和家庭部门贷款疲软主要是由于家庭风险偏好下降以及倾向于预防性储蓄以应对不确定性。 "Ultimately, the restoration of consumer confidence can only rely on improvements in employment and income expectations," he said. 他说:“最终,消费者信心的恢复只能依赖于就业和收入预期的改善。” A research report issued by GF Securities on May 28 showed that the tendency of households to keep their money in saving accounts instead of spending it is still surging. The value of outstanding household bank wealth reached 26.6 trillion yuan as of May 26, pointing to an increase of 400 billion yuan compared to April 30. Such value had already seen a significant increase of 1.2 trillion yuan in April. 广发证券5月28日发布的一份研究报告显示,家庭部门将钱存在储蓄账户而非消费的趋势仍在上升。截至5月26日,银行理财存续规模达26.6万亿元,较4月30日增长4000亿元。4月份,银行理财存续规模曾大幅增长1.2万亿元。 Robin Xing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley, said it will be challenging to push for notable consumption momentum and more policy support is needed. 摩根士丹利中国首席经济学家邢自强表示,推动消费将是一项挑战,需要更多的政策支持。 "Structurally, consumption growth is unlikely to return to the pre-COVID-19 levels. We expect the potential growth for private consumption will be 4.8 percent for the year 2024, which is slightly lower than pre-COVID-19 trend," he said, adding that the current uncertainty in employment is part of the reason behind the bumpy recovery in consumption. 他说:“从结构上看,消费增长不太可能恢复到新冠疫情之前的水平。预计2024年民间消费的潜在增长率为4.8%,略低于新冠疫情前的趋势。”他补充说,目前就业的不确定性是消费复苏不稳定的原因之一。 More direct and prompt policy support is therefore required to fuel the consumption market and more effectively boost this year's growth, experts said. Gao suggested that a large-scale government issuance of consumer vouchers could have a more direct impact on the retail spending than a lower deposit rate. 因此,专家们表示,需要更直接、更及时的政策支持来刺激消费市场,更有效地促进今年的经济增长。高瑞东建议,相较于降低存款利率,政府大规模发行消费券可能会对零售业消费产生更直接的影响。 "Since the employment situation among young people remains severe and the willingness of spending among households remains unstable, the consumption sector may see an uneven recovery this year," he said. "We believe that a large-scale issuance of consumption vouchers is feasible to quickly drive growth." 他说:“由于青年群体就业形势严峻,居民消费意愿尚未企稳,今年消费领域的恢复可能出现分化。我们认为,大规模发放消费券对于快速推动经济增长是可行的。” He suggested that consumption vouchers worth 300 billion yuan be distributed to households. 他建议向家庭发放价值3000亿元的消费券。 "Such an amount of vouchers will generate an additional 1 trillion yuan in consumption, contributing to a 0.62 percentage point increase in GDP growth," Gao said. 他说:“若发放3000亿消费券,可撬动1万亿消费增量,拉动GDP增长0.62个百分点。” He said that the stimulus effect of issuing consumption vouchers can be significantly higher in underdeveloped regions than in developed regions. In addition, the issuance of these coupons can lean more heavily toward low-income and unemployed groups, who can use the coupons for daily essentials in retail and living. 他说,欠发达地区发放消费券的刺激效果明显高于发达地区。此外,这些消费券的发行可以更多地向低收入和失业群体倾斜,他们可以使用这些消费券购买零售品和生活必需品。 Targeted consumption vouchers can be distributed in sectors like dining, accommodations, tourism and autos, catering to the specific consumption needs of different groups, Gao added. 他补充说,消费券可以按类别在餐饮、住宿、旅游和汽车等领域发放,以满足不同群体的特定消费需求。 来源:中国日报 编辑:yaning
A pedestrian walks past the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, in Beijing on May 22. [PHOTO by JIANG QIMING/CHINA NEWS SERVICE] Though the recent decline in deposit rates is seen as part of the country's efforts to energize consumption, economists have divided thoughts on how far the move will push consumption. Going forward, experts are calling for more forceful and prompt measures to boost consumer confidence. Gao Ruidong, chief macroeconomist at Everbright Securities, said that the current high level of deposits and weak household sector loans are primarily due to a decline in household risk appetites and their tendency toward precautionary savings against uncertainties. "Ultimately, the restoration of consumer confidence can only rely on improvements in employment and income expectations," he said. A research report issued by GF Securities on May 28 showed that the tendency of households to keep their money in saving accounts instead of spending it is still surging. The value of outstanding household bank wealth reached 26.6 trillion yuan as of May 26, pointing to an increase of 400 billion yuan compared to April 30. Such value had already seen a significant increase of 1.2 trillion yuan in April. Robin Xing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley, said it will be challenging to push for notable consumption momentum and more policy support is needed. "Structurally, consumption growth is unlikely to return to the pre-COVID-19 levels. We expect the potential growth for private consumption will be 4.8 percent for the year 2024, which is slightly lower than pre-COVID-19 trend," he said, adding that the current uncertainty in employment is part of the reason behind the bumpy recovery in consumption. More direct and prompt policy support is therefore required to fuel the consumption market and more effectively boost this year's growth, experts said. Gao suggested that a large-scale government issuance of consumer vouchers could have a more direct impact on the retail spending than a lower deposit rate. "Since the employment situation among young people remains severe and the willingness of spending among households remains unstable, the consumption sector may see an uneven recovery this year," he said. "We believe that a large-scale issuance of consumption vouchers is feasible to quickly drive growth." He suggested that consumption vouchers worth 300 billion yuan be distributed to households. "Such an amount of vouchers will generate an additional 1 trillion yuan in consumption, contributing to a 0.62 percentage point increase in GDP growth," Gao said. He said that the stimulus effect of issuing consumption vouchers can be significantly higher in underdeveloped regions than in developed regions. In addition, the issuance of these coupons can lean more heavily toward low-income and unemployed groups, who can use the coupons for daily essentials in retail and living. Targeted consumption vouchers can be distributed in sectors like dining, accommodations, tourism and autos, catering to the specific consumption needs of different groups, Gao added.
未来一个时期,我国国内市场主导国民经济循环的特征会更加明显,努力扩大居民消费、充分释放内需潜力,成为形成强大国内市场、发挥我国超大规模市场优势的重要方面。 尽管最近存款利率的下调被视为国家刺激消费努力的一部分,但经济学家对此举将在多大程度上推动消费存在分歧。展望未来,专家们呼吁采取更有力、更及时的措施来提振消费者信心。 光大证券首席宏观经济学家高瑞东表示,目前的高存款水平和家庭部门贷款疲软主要是由于家庭风险偏好下降以及倾向于预防性储蓄以应对不确定性。 他说:“最终,消费者信心的恢复只能依赖于就业和收入预期的改善。” 广发证券5月28日发布的一份研究报告显示,家庭部门将钱存在储蓄账户而非消费的趋势仍在上升。截至5月26日,银行理财存续规模达26.6万亿元,较4月30日增长4000亿元。4月份,银行理财存续规模曾大幅增长1.2万亿元。 摩根士丹利中国首席经济学家邢自强表示,推动消费将是一项挑战,需要更多的政策支持。 他说:“从结构上看,消费增长不太可能恢复到新冠疫情之前的水平。预计2024年民间消费的潜在增长率为4.8%,略低于新冠疫情前的趋势。”他补充说,目前就业的不确定性是消费复苏不稳定的原因之一。 因此,专家们表示,需要更直接、更及时的政策支持来刺激消费市场,更有效地促进今年的经济增长。高瑞东建议,相较于降低存款利率,政府大规模发行消费券可能会对零售业消费产生更直接的影响。 他说:“由于青年群体就业形势严峻,居民消费意愿尚未企稳,今年消费领域的恢复可能出现分化。我们认为,大规模发放消费券对于快速推动经济增长是可行的。” 他建议向家庭发放价值3000亿元的消费券。 他说:“若发放3000亿消费券,可撬动1万亿消费增量,拉动GDP增长0.62个百分点。” 他说,欠发达地区发放消费券的刺激效果明显高于发达地区。此外,这些消费券的发行可以更多地向低收入和失业群体倾斜,他们可以使用这些消费券购买零售品和生活必需品。 他补充说,消费券可以按类别在餐饮、住宿、旅游和汽车等领域发放,以满足不同群体的特定消费需求。 来源:中国日报 编辑:yaning
今年,“外交天团”金句频出,字字铿锵、句句在理,展现了不卑不亢的大国气度。 同时,外交部的翻译也常常令人叫绝,精准地向世界传递出中国声音。 本文为大家盘点了2021年外交部精彩翻译,一起来学习! 1. 吃着中国的饭,还砸着中国的锅 They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. 3月29日,在谈到一些外国企业仅仅依据谎言就拒用新疆棉花的话题时,赵立坚评论道:做生意要讲究尊重,一面赚着中国消费者的钱,一面对中国抹黑攻击、损害中国利益。 “吃着中国的饭,还砸着中国的锅”,天下哪有这样的美事? They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. There is no way to get away with this. Bite the hand that feeds one是一句地道英语习语,指有人为你提供衣食、让你依靠,你却伤害或冒犯对方,可以简单理解为忘恩负义,恩将仇报。 2. 揣着明白装糊涂 play dumb and feign innocence 5月25日,在被问及福岛核污染水排放相关话题时,赵立坚说,“日方为一己之私做出的危险决定,将遗害子孙后代和全球生态。” 这笔账如果日方不算明白,国际社会必会帮他算明白。如果日方揣着明白装糊涂,国际社会肯定不会答应。 If the Japanese side can't understand this, the international community will help it to get this point. If it still plays dumb and feigns innocence, the international community will never allow it. feign /feɪn/ 假装 装作 3. 以其人之道,还治其人之身 paying them back in their own coin 6月8日,赵立坚针对关于反外国制裁法立法目的提问做出回应: 为了坚决维护国家主权、尊严和核心利益,反对西方霸权主义和强权政治,今年以来,中国政府已多次宣布对有关国家的实体和个人实施相应反制措施。“以其人之道,还治其人之身”。 In order to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, dignity and core interests and oppose Western hegemonism and power politics, the Chinese government has launched multiple corresponding countermeasures against entities and individuals of relevant countries since the beginning of 2021. It's paying them back in their own coin. Paying someone back in their own coin,这句英语习语,指有人很糟糕地对待你,你也以同样方式回敬对方,与中文的“以其人之道,还治其人之身”“以牙还牙”有异曲同工之妙。 4. 世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了 they will only be shrugged off by people around the world 7月12日,在被问及彭博社发布“全球抗疫排名”,美国排名第一的话题时,赵立坚回应道: 所谓的排名结果,把黑的说成白的、白的说成黑的,也许今后还能把死的说成活的。我想世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了,姑且把它当作茶余饭后的谈资吧。 The so-called ranking makes black look white, and white look black, and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk. Shrug off指“对……不予理睬(If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious. )”,有“不屑一顾”的意思。 用在这里,该词准确地将拟声词“呵呵”中带有的“无语,漠然置之”的意思表达得淋漓尽致。 5. 无中生有、以己度人 be made up out of thin air; measuring others' corn by one's own bushel 7月29日,外交部发布的《美国就单方面要求中方关闭驻休斯敦总领馆散布的谎言与事实真相》中写道: 美方影射中国驻休斯敦总领馆外交官曾在美盟友如澳大利亚等国从事特工活动,是无中生有、以己度人的猜测。 The US allegation that Chinese diplomats at the Consulate-General in Houston have carried out espionage in Australia and other US allies is made up out of thin air. It is like measuring others' corn by one's own bushel. Measuring others' corn by one's own bushel /ˈbʊʃl/ 字面意思是:用自己的斗去量别人的谷,也就是“以己度人”。 6. 真金不怕火炼 True gold doesn't fear the test of fire. 今年6月,俄罗斯总统普京接受美国全国广播公司采访时就涉疆、台湾等问题表达了对中方的支持,对企图破坏中俄关系的尝试予以驳斥。对此,赵立坚称: “真金不怕火炼”。我们也奉劝那些千方百计离间分化中俄关系的人,任何企图破坏中俄关系的图谋都注定不会得逞。 As a Chinese proverb says, "True gold doesn't fear the test of fire." We have to tell those who try every means to drive a wedge between China and Russia that any attempt to undermine China-Russia relations is doomed to fail. 这句习语也可以译作:True gold can stand the test of fire。 另外,“离间”翻译成英语也可以用一个非常形象的表达:drive a wedge between (someone or something) ,形容的是在两个事物中间打入一个楔子,也就是挑拨离间。 7. 不以为耻,反以为荣 taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for something 有报道称,日本前首相安倍晋三对于其涉台不当言论受中方关注,表示“不胜荣幸”,对此,赵立坚12月6日回应道: 日本个别政客对自身错误言行不以为耻,反以为荣,这再次暴露出他们的是非观出了问题。 Certain Japanese politicians' taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for their erroneous deeds and words once again reveals their problematic sense of right and wrong. 8. 搬起石头砸自己的脚 The stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet. 针对澳大利亚政府官员公开鼓吹中国威胁论,赵立坚9月10日称: 我们奉劝澳方政客不要渲染“中国威胁”、将中国树立为“假想敌”,这只能搬起石头砸自己的脚。 We hope Australian politicians will stop sensationalizing the so-called China threat and seeing China as the "imagined enemy", or else the stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet. 9. 这本身就是对民主的嘲讽,是最大的不民主 Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy. 针对美国发起所谓“民主峰会”,赵立坚11月30日称: 美国执意用黑白胶卷刻画多彩世界,用一己标准垄断民主定义,无视不同国家文化、历史和文明的巨大差异,自编自导充当所谓民主“判官”,这本身就是对民主的嘲讽,是最大的不民主。 The US insists on depicting the multicolor world in black and white film and monopolizing the definition of democracy with its own standard in disregard of the huge differences in culture, history and civilization of different countries. It acts as the judge of democracy in its self-choreographed play. Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy. travesty /ˈtrævəsti/ 歪曲 拙劣的模仿作品 这里可以学习一句习语:nothing could be further from the truth,字面翻译是没有什么比这件事离真相更遥远了,也就是说,事实远非如此,错得离谱。 10. 为“台独”势力搭台,只会让自己下不来台 Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. 针对美方邀请台湾当局参加所谓“领导人民主峰会”,赵立坚11月24日称: 为“台独”势力搭台,只会让自己下不来台。与“台独”一起玩火,终将引火烧身。 Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. Those playing with fire with "Taiwan independence" forces will end up getting burned. 这里还可以学习一句“玩火者必自焚”的表达:Those playing with fire will get burnt。 看完这些总结,有没有被这些精炼简洁的翻译惊艳到? 如果想看更多,不妨每天追更外交部例行记者会,不仅能了解我国的外交立场,感受外交官的风采,还能学翻译、学英语,将来向外国朋友解释中国发生的事情,也能用英语对答如流。这样优秀的宝藏,一起追起来吧! (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓、梁一鸣、丹妮)
They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. There is no way to get away with this. play dumb and feign innocence If the Japanese side can't understand this, the international community will help it to get this point. If it still plays dumb and feigns innocence, the international community will never allow it. paying them back in their own coin In order to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, dignity and core interests and oppose Western hegemonism and power politics, the Chinese government has launched multiple corresponding countermeasures against entities and individuals of relevant countries since the beginning of 2021. It's paying them back in their own coin. they will only be shrugged off by people around the world The so-called ranking makes black look white, and white look black, and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk. be made up out of thin air; measuring others' corn by one's own bushel The US allegation that Chinese diplomats at the Consulate-General in Houston have carried out espionage in Australia and other US allies is made up out of thin air. It is like measuring others' corn by one's own bushel. True gold doesn't fear the test of fire. As a Chinese proverb says, "True gold doesn't fear the test of fire." We have to tell those who try every means to drive a wedge between China and Russia that any attempt to undermine China-Russia relations is doomed to fail. taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for something Certain Japanese politicians' taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for their erroneous deeds and words once again reveals their problematic sense of right and wrong. The stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet. We hope Australian politicians will stop sensationalizing the so-called China threat and seeing China as the "imagined enemy", or else the stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet. Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy. The US insists on depicting the multicolor world in black and white film and monopolizing the definition of democracy with its own standard in disregard of the huge differences in culture, history and civilization of different countries. It acts as the judge of democracy in its self-choreographed play. Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy. Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. Those playing with fire with "Taiwan independence" forces will end up getting burned.
今年,“外交天团”金句频出,字字铿锵、句句在理,展现了不卑不亢的大国气度。 同时,外交部的翻译也常常令人叫绝,精准地向世界传递出中国声音。 本文为大家盘点了2021年外交部精彩翻译,一起来学习! 1. 吃着中国的饭,还砸着中国的锅 3月29日,在谈到一些外国企业仅仅依据谎言就拒用新疆棉花的话题时,赵立坚评论道:做生意要讲究尊重,一面赚着中国消费者的钱,一面对中国抹黑攻击、损害中国利益。 “吃着中国的饭,还砸着中国的锅”,天下哪有这样的美事? Bite the hand that feeds one是一句地道英语习语,指有人为你提供衣食、让你依靠,你却伤害或冒犯对方,可以简单理解为忘恩负义,恩将仇报。 2. 揣着明白装糊涂 5月25日,在被问及福岛核污染水排放相关话题时,赵立坚说,“日方为一己之私做出的危险决定,将遗害子孙后代和全球生态。” 这笔账如果日方不算明白,国际社会必会帮他算明白。如果日方揣着明白装糊涂,国际社会肯定不会答应。 feign /feɪn/ 假装 装作 3. 以其人之道,还治其人之身 6月8日,赵立坚针对关于反外国制裁法立法目的提问做出回应: 为了坚决维护国家主权、尊严和核心利益,反对西方霸权主义和强权政治,今年以来,中国政府已多次宣布对有关国家的实体和个人实施相应反制措施。“以其人之道,还治其人之身”。 Paying someone back in their own coin,这句英语习语,指有人很糟糕地对待你,你也以同样方式回敬对方,与中文的“以其人之道,还治其人之身”“以牙还牙”有异曲同工之妙。 4. 世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了 7月12日,在被问及彭博社发布“全球抗疫排名”,美国排名第一的话题时,赵立坚回应道: 所谓的排名结果,把黑的说成白的、白的说成黑的,也许今后还能把死的说成活的。我想世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了,姑且把它当作茶余饭后的谈资吧。 Shrug off指“对……不予理睬(If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious. )”,有“不屑一顾”的意思。 用在这里,该词准确地将拟声词“呵呵”中带有的“无语,漠然置之”的意思表达得淋漓尽致。 5. 无中生有、以己度人 7月29日,外交部发布的《美国就单方面要求中方关闭驻休斯敦总领馆散布的谎言与事实真相》中写道: 美方影射中国驻休斯敦总领馆外交官曾在美盟友如澳大利亚等国从事特工活动,是无中生有、以己度人的猜测。 Measuring others' corn by one's own bushel /ˈbʊʃl/ 字面意思是:用自己的斗去量别人的谷,也就是“以己度人”。 6. 真金不怕火炼 今年6月,俄罗斯总统普京接受美国全国广播公司采访时就涉疆、台湾等问题表达了对中方的支持,对企图破坏中俄关系的尝试予以驳斥。对此,赵立坚称: “真金不怕火炼”。我们也奉劝那些千方百计离间分化中俄关系的人,任何企图破坏中俄关系的图谋都注定不会得逞。 这句习语也可以译作:True gold can stand the test of fire。 另外,“离间”翻译成英语也可以用一个非常形象的表达:drive a wedge between (someone or something) ,形容的是在两个事物中间打入一个楔子,也就是挑拨离间。 7. 不以为耻,反以为荣 有报道称,日本前首相安倍晋三对于其涉台不当言论受中方关注,表示“不胜荣幸”,对此,赵立坚12月6日回应道: 日本个别政客对自身错误言行不以为耻,反以为荣,这再次暴露出他们的是非观出了问题。 8. 搬起石头砸自己的脚 针对澳大利亚政府官员公开鼓吹中国威胁论,赵立坚9月10日称: 我们奉劝澳方政客不要渲染“中国威胁”、将中国树立为“假想敌”,这只能搬起石头砸自己的脚。 9. 这本身就是对民主的嘲讽,是最大的不民主 针对美国发起所谓“民主峰会”,赵立坚11月30日称: 美国执意用黑白胶卷刻画多彩世界,用一己标准垄断民主定义,无视不同国家文化、历史和文明的巨大差异,自编自导充当所谓民主“判官”,这本身就是对民主的嘲讽,是最大的不民主。 travesty /ˈtrævəsti/ 歪曲 拙劣的模仿作品 这里可以学习一句习语:nothing could be further from the truth,字面翻译是没有什么比这件事离真相更遥远了,也就是说,事实远非如此,错得离谱。 10. 为“台独”势力搭台,只会让自己下不来台 针对美方邀请台湾当局参加所谓“领导人民主峰会”,赵立坚11月24日称: 为“台独”势力搭台,只会让自己下不来台。与“台独”一起玩火,终将引火烧身。 这里还可以学习一句“玩火者必自焚”的表达:Those playing with fire will get burnt。 看完这些总结,有没有被这些精炼简洁的翻译惊艳到? 如果想看更多,不妨每天追更外交部例行记者会,不仅能了解我国的外交立场,感受外交官的风采,还能学翻译、学英语,将来向外国朋友解释中国发生的事情,也能用英语对答如流。这样优秀的宝藏,一起追起来吧! (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓、梁一鸣、丹妮)
近日,“煤气灯效应”(the Gaslight Effect)再次进入公众视野并登上热搜,引发网友广泛关注。那么,什么是“煤气灯效应”? 以“爱”之名进行情绪控制 在心理学中,通过“扭曲受害者眼中的真实”来对对方进行情绪控制的操纵行为,被称为“煤气灯操纵法” 。 而“煤气灯效应”的概念,源自帕特里克·汉密尔顿1938年创作的剧本。1944年,改编自该剧本的经典黑色悬疑片《煤气灯下》(Gaslight)问世。影片讲述了丈夫为了谋取妻子的财产,千方百计把妻子逼疯的故事。 剧中,妻子看到了微弱的煤气灯光,丈夫却一直否认,说她看错了。妻子单纯地爱着丈夫,对其深信不疑,久而久之就确信自己真的哪里出了毛病。 美国心理学家Robin Stern受到电影的启发,结合20年的临床经验,写出了轰动一时的书——《煤气灯效应:远离情感暴力和操纵狂》。 US-based author of The Gaslight Effect, Dr Robin Stern, outlined the insidious nature of gaslighting, writing: "It's a form of emotional abuse and manipulation that is difficult to recognize and even harder to break free from." 《煤气灯效应》的美国作者Robin Stern博士指出了“煤气灯”的阴险本质:“这是一种难以识别的情感虐待和操纵,甚至更难以摆脱。” [Photo/pexels] 后来,“煤气灯效应”就被广泛的用于指代这种情感虐待(emotional abuse)。 在亲密伴侣关系中,这种效应的表现方式较为隐秘而微妙(imperceptible and subtle)。比如,操控者会常说“你神经过敏”,“是你太敏感了”,“你一定记错了”…… The term describes a type of emotional abuse, and unlike other forms, is difficult to recognise because it distorts a person's sense of reality. 这个词描述的是一种情感虐待,和其它虐待形式不同,这种情感虐待很难识别,因为它扭曲了一个人对现实的认知。 一方面,不断否定你的一切;另一方面,强调这是爱。身处在一段“煤气灯效应”作怪的关系中,会给人带来非常大的负面影响。 据《每日邮报》,“煤气灯效应”甚至会导致严重抑郁。 At its mildest, gaslighting leaves women uneasy, wondering why they always seem to end up in the wrong. “煤气灯效应”轻则令女性感到不安,奇怪自己为什么总是做错。 At it's worst, gaslighting leads to major depression, with formerly strong, vibrant women reduced to abject misery and self-hatred. 重则导致严重抑郁,使得原本强大活泼的女性变得自怜自艾并且自我憎恨。 据央视新闻,心理学家彭凯平分析,被精神操纵的受害者会经历三个阶段:①自我怀疑;②深度依赖;③自暴自弃。最终被“洗脑”,无法逃脱。 警惕有毒的情感关系 一段好的感情可以让人拥有好心情,彼此成就。而一段消极的恋情,则会让人悲观、甚至抑郁。因此,在一段情感关系中,如果出现了以下特点就要提高警惕了。 Ghosting 神秘消失 It can happen when you've met up a few times, or even after things get serious - but constitutes when someone literally removes you from their life, without warning. 这种情况多见于你们见过几次面,甚至关系变得更认真的时候,你却突然被对方从生活中移除了,毫无征兆。 Slow Fade 逐渐隐匿 This is where someone gradually backs away from a potential relationship, but doesn't cut all ties immediately. 在这种情况下,对方会逐渐放弃一段潜在的关系,但不会立即断绝所有的联系。 Breadcrumbing 撒面包屑 This is when someone leaves a trail of small but flirtatious messages for a potential date, with no intention of meeting. 这种情况是指某人给潜在的约会对象发了一串短却撩的信息,但没有任何要见面的意思。 Taking its name from the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel, breadcrumbing involves leading someone on with a trail of flirtatious messages but never following through. 面包屑这个名字源于经典童话故事《韩塞尔与葛雷特》(Hansel and Gretel),这里指的是一方用一系列暧昧信息让另一方产生恋爱错觉,但是从不进行后续发展。 Benching 备胎 Before couples have 'the talk' and define their relationship - also known by the acronym 'DTR' - either party is at risk of being 'benched'. 在双方挑明、确定关系之前(DTR),双方都可能是对方的“备胎”。 This happens when one person is unsure of their future with their current partner and so puts them on the 'bench' - as with sports team reserves - and looks at other options. If nothing better comes along, they might come back into play. 当一个人不确定要和目前的伴侣共度未来时,可能就会去寻找新目标,而将现任视为“备胎”,仿佛是体育队伍里的候补队员。而如果没有更好的选择,他们还是会回归现状。 Zombie-ing 僵尸回归 This is when someone has already ghosted his or her way out of a relationship - but then tries to come back. 某人已经放弃这段关系,却又想吃回头草。 Social media has also opened up a new playing field for zombies, who can now 'like', 'comment' or 'follow' their way back onto their target's radar. 社交媒体也给这些要吃回头草的人打开了新世界的大门,他们可以通过“点赞”、“评论”和“关注”重回对方视线。 Layby 路边停车 'Layby' refers to someone who is in a relationship but looking to get out. Instead of risking a period of singleness when it eventually ends, a layby starts laying the groundwork with other women or men who they might want to date next. “路边停车”指的是对方虽然还在跟你谈恋爱,但是已经在想着分手了。这种人在分手以后不会有空窗期,因为他们已经想好了下一个可能的约会对象,并且为此着手准备了。 Those being pursued by a layby should be wary as he or she might well have a number of 'next' options lined up - not to mention the fact that they are not technically single. 要是被这种人追求,你可就要当心了,因为对方很有可能同时追求很多人,更别说其可能还没真正单身。 Catch and release 追到就跑 On the other end of the spectrum is the dater who practises the 'catch and release'. 另一种极品约会者就是那些一追到手就把对方甩了的人。 This is a move favoured by those who enjoys the 'chase' part of a relationship, the first flirtations before any commitments are made. 有的人在一段关系中最享受“追逐”的体验,也就是在作出任何实质性承诺之前的暧昧调情。 真正的爱,是建立在尊重与平等之上的,任何以爱之名给予的情感暴力和精神控制都需要警惕。 编辑:李金昳 左卓 来源:央视新闻,每日邮报,NBC News, Healthy Place
US-based author of The Gaslight Effect, Dr Robin Stern, outlined the insidious nature of gaslighting, writing: "It's a form of emotional abuse and manipulation that is difficult to recognize and even harder to break free from." [Photo/pexels] The term describes a type of emotional abuse, and unlike other forms, is difficult to recognise because it distorts a person's sense of reality. At its mildest, gaslighting leaves women uneasy, wondering why they always seem to end up in the wrong. At it's worst, gaslighting leads to major depression, with formerly strong, vibrant women reduced to abject misery and self-hatred. Ghosting It can happen when you've met up a few times, or even after things get serious - but constitutes when someone literally removes you from their life, without warning. Slow Fade This is where someone gradually backs away from a potential relationship, but doesn't cut all ties immediately. Breadcrumbing This is when someone leaves a trail of small but flirtatious messages for a potential date, with no intention of meeting. Taking its name from the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel, breadcrumbing involves leading someone on with a trail of flirtatious messages but never following through. Benching Before couples have 'the talk' and define their relationship - also known by the acronym 'DTR' - either party is at risk of being 'benched'. This happens when one person is unsure of their future with their current partner and so puts them on the 'bench' - as with sports team reserves - and looks at other options. If nothing better comes along, they might come back into play. Zombie-ing This is when someone has already ghosted his or her way out of a relationship - but then tries to come back. Social media has also opened up a new playing field for zombies, who can now 'like', 'comment' or 'follow' their way back onto their target's radar. Layby 'Layby' refers to someone who is in a relationship but looking to get out. Instead of risking a period of singleness when it eventually ends, a layby starts laying the groundwork with other women or men who they might want to date next. Those being pursued by a layby should be wary as he or she might well have a number of 'next' options lined up - not to mention the fact that they are not technically single. Catch and release On the other end of the spectrum is the dater who practises the 'catch and release'. This is a move favoured by those who enjoys the 'chase' part of a relationship, the first flirtations before any commitments are made.
近日,“煤气灯效应”(the Gaslight Effect)再次进入公众视野并登上热搜,引发网友广泛关注。那么,什么是“煤气灯效应”? 以“爱”之名进行情绪控制 在心理学中,通过“扭曲受害者眼中的真实”来对对方进行情绪控制的操纵行为,被称为“煤气灯操纵法” 。 而“煤气灯效应”的概念,源自帕特里克·汉密尔顿1938年创作的剧本。1944年,改编自该剧本的经典黑色悬疑片《煤气灯下》(Gaslight)问世。影片讲述了丈夫为了谋取妻子的财产,千方百计把妻子逼疯的故事。 剧中,妻子看到了微弱的煤气灯光,丈夫却一直否认,说她看错了。妻子单纯地爱着丈夫,对其深信不疑,久而久之就确信自己真的哪里出了毛病。 美国心理学家Robin Stern受到电影的启发,结合20年的临床经验,写出了轰动一时的书——《煤气灯效应:远离情感暴力和操纵狂》。 《煤气灯效应》的美国作者Robin Stern博士指出了“煤气灯”的阴险本质:“这是一种难以识别的情感虐待和操纵,甚至更难以摆脱。” 后来,“煤气灯效应”就被广泛的用于指代这种情感虐待(emotional abuse)。 在亲密伴侣关系中,这种效应的表现方式较为隐秘而微妙(imperceptible and subtle)。比如,操控者会常说“你神经过敏”,“是你太敏感了”,“你一定记错了”…… 这个词描述的是一种情感虐待,和其它虐待形式不同,这种情感虐待很难识别,因为它扭曲了一个人对现实的认知。 一方面,不断否定你的一切;另一方面,强调这是爱。身处在一段“煤气灯效应”作怪的关系中,会给人带来非常大的负面影响。 据《每日邮报》,“煤气灯效应”甚至会导致严重抑郁。 “煤气灯效应”轻则令女性感到不安,奇怪自己为什么总是做错。 重则导致严重抑郁,使得原本强大活泼的女性变得自怜自艾并且自我憎恨。 据央视新闻,心理学家彭凯平分析,被精神操纵的受害者会经历三个阶段:①自我怀疑;②深度依赖;③自暴自弃。最终被“洗脑”,无法逃脱。 警惕有毒的情感关系 一段好的感情可以让人拥有好心情,彼此成就。而一段消极的恋情,则会让人悲观、甚至抑郁。因此,在一段情感关系中,如果出现了以下特点就要提高警惕了。 神秘消失 这种情况多见于你们见过几次面,甚至关系变得更认真的时候,你却突然被对方从生活中移除了,毫无征兆。 逐渐隐匿 在这种情况下,对方会逐渐放弃一段潜在的关系,但不会立即断绝所有的联系。 撒面包屑 这种情况是指某人给潜在的约会对象发了一串短却撩的信息,但没有任何要见面的意思。 面包屑这个名字源于经典童话故事《韩塞尔与葛雷特》(Hansel and Gretel),这里指的是一方用一系列暧昧信息让另一方产生恋爱错觉,但是从不进行后续发展。 备胎 在双方挑明、确定关系之前(DTR),双方都可能是对方的“备胎”。 当一个人不确定要和目前的伴侣共度未来时,可能就会去寻找新目标,而将现任视为“备胎”,仿佛是体育队伍里的候补队员。而如果没有更好的选择,他们还是会回归现状。 僵尸回归 某人已经放弃这段关系,却又想吃回头草。 社交媒体也给这些要吃回头草的人打开了新世界的大门,他们可以通过“点赞”、“评论”和“关注”重回对方视线。 路边停车 “路边停车”指的是对方虽然还在跟你谈恋爱,但是已经在想着分手了。这种人在分手以后不会有空窗期,因为他们已经想好了下一个可能的约会对象,并且为此着手准备了。 要是被这种人追求,你可就要当心了,因为对方很有可能同时追求很多人,更别说其可能还没真正单身。 追到就跑 另一种极品约会者就是那些一追到手就把对方甩了的人。 有的人在一段关系中最享受“追逐”的体验,也就是在作出任何实质性承诺之前的暧昧调情。 真正的爱,是建立在尊重与平等之上的,任何以爱之名给予的情感暴力和精神控制都需要警惕。 编辑:李金昳 左卓 来源:央视新闻,每日邮报,NBC News, Healthy Place
欧美国家的人对圣诞树的香气都很熟悉,因为每年一到这个时候家家户户都会摆一棵营造气氛。关于圣诞树,人们有很多美好回忆,但是圣诞树的历史你了解吗? [Photo/Pexels] 1. THE EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH DID NOT LIKE CHRISTMAS TREES. 早期的基督教徒不喜欢圣诞树 Evergreen trees used to be seen as pagan symbols that had no place in a religious celebration. As far back as 1647, preacher Johann Conrad Dannhauer of the Strasbourg Cathedral criticized trees as “child’s play” that were getting more attention “than the word of God and the holy rites.” But as the tradition persisted, church leaders decided that if they couldn’t beat the decorated trees, they would adopt them as part of their own Christmas celebrations. 常青树曾被视为异教徒的象征,因而不在宗教庆祝活动中使用。早在1647年,斯特拉斯堡大教堂的传道士约翰·康拉德·丹豪尔批评圣诞树是“儿童的游戏”,得到的关注比“上帝之道和神圣仪式”还要多。但是圣诞树传统一直长盛不衰,最后教会领袖决定,既然他们无法打败这种装饰过的树木,索性将其纳入圣诞庆祝活动中。 2. IN SOME HOMES, CHRISTMAS TREES WERE HUNG. 有的人家会把圣诞树挂起来 In southwest Germany during the 17th and 18th centuries, it was popular, particularly among the lower classes, to hang smaller trees from the ceiling or rafters. This allowed for a flashy display and kept the goodies in the tree out of the reach of children. Some families even hung the tree upside-down, since “pointing the root toward heaven was supposed to imbue the tree with divine powers,” according to Bernd Brunner, author of Inventing the Christmas Tree . 在17、18世纪的德国西南部,很多家庭,尤其是平民百姓家,喜欢把小圣诞树挂在天花板上或房梁上。这样一来既可以展示漂亮的装饰,也能让孩子们够不到圣诞树里的糖果点心。有些家庭甚至会把圣诞树倒着挂,据《发明圣诞树》的作者贝恩特·布鲁纳说,这样做是因为“树根朝向天堂会赋予树神圣的力量”。 [Photo/Pexels] 3. A PRINCE IS CREDITED WITH POPULARIZING CHRISTMAS TREES IN AMERICA. 圣诞树在美国流行起来要归功于一个亲王 Britain’s Prince Albert is credited with helping bring the Christmas tree from his native Germany to the English-speaking world, making it a well-publicized tradition in the royal household of his wife, Queen Victoria. Godey’s Lady’s Book editor Sarah Josepha Hale—one of the main advocates for a national Thanksgiving holiday—played an important role in promoting Christmas trees in the US when her magazine published an illustration of the British royal family with their tree in 1850. She edited out Victoria’s crown jewels, Albert’s mustache and sash, and any reference to the family's identity, transforming the picture from a piece of royal marketing to a paragon of middle-class, American, Christmas celebration. 英国维多利亚女王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王将圣诞树从他的祖国德国带到英语国家,并使其成为英国王室家庭里的一项广为人知的传统。《戈迪女士手册》杂志主编莎拉·约瑟法·哈勒为圣诞树在美国流行开来发挥了重要作用,她也是促使感恩节成为全国性节日的主要倡导者之一。当时哈勒的杂志上发表了一张描绘1850年英国王室家庭和圣诞树的插图。哈勒把维多利亚女王的王冠、阿尔伯特的胡子和肩带,以及任何会暴露王室身份的细节都去掉了,把王室宣传图改造成了美国中产阶级庆祝圣诞节的完美画面。 4. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE MARKET LAUNCHED IN 1851. 1851年出现了第一个圣诞树集市 One thing slowing the adoption of Christmas trees was the burden most families faced of having to find and chop down their own trees. That began to change in 1851, when a logger from New York’s Catskill Mountains loaded dozens of fir and spruce trees from his land and hauled them down to New York City’s Washington Market. The harvested trees, ready to set in a living room and decorate, sold out fast and kicked off the practice of Christmas tree farms, which proliferated throughout the country. 过去圣诞树在美国的接受度不太高,因为多数家庭不得不自己去寻找和砍伐圣诞树。1851年这种情况开始改变了,当时纽约州卡茨基尔山上的一个樵夫从自己的土地上砍了数十棵冷杉和云杉树拉到纽约市华盛顿市场上去卖,供人们放在客厅里自行装饰。这些树很快就卖光了,自此圣诞树林场开始兴起,后来遍布美国各地。 [Photo/Pexels] 5. CHRISTMAS TREES CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 圣诞树可能暗藏危险 From their earliest days, Christmas trees have been fire hazards. Before electric lights were introduced, many families set open candles on their trees to illuminate them, which meant that each Christmas morning, the newspapers included stories of homes going up in flames when the branches ignited. Even when families abandoned the obvious hazard of open flames on the trees, the conifers could still cause major trouble once they dried out. In Philadelphia in 1878, Christmas trees caused two fires on the same street, first when a gas jet ignited a tree in a brownstone, then later that day when a dressmaker’s in-store tree went up. Today, trees can still pose a hazard if they are allowed to dry out. 打从一开始,圣诞树就一直是火灾隐患。在引进电灯以前,许多家庭都是把蜡烛放在圣诞树上点亮,这意味着每个圣诞节早晨,报纸上都会有因圣诞树枝被点燃而导致家中起火的新闻。即使人们不在圣诞树上放点燃的蜡烛,针叶树在干枯后仍然会引发大麻烦。在1878年的费城,圣诞树曾在同一条街上引发了两场火灾,先是一盏煤气灯点燃了一幢褐色砂石房屋内的一棵圣诞树,晚些时候一家裁缝店内的圣诞树又着火了。时至今日,如果放任圣诞树不管让其干掉,依然可能引发火灾。 6. GIFTS USED TO GO IN THE TREE, NOT UNDER IT. 过去人们把礼物挂在圣诞树上,而不是放在圣诞树下 In its first decades in the US, Christmas trees held gifts in their branches more often than under them. Typical 19th-century reports describe a “monster Christmas tree despoiled of its pendent treasures of candy, dolls, and toys of all descriptions” and a “mammoth Christmas-tree whose branches hung heavy with Christmas toys and presents for the little ones”. Often these gifts included fruit, cakes, and candy that children would just pluck directly from the tree and enjoy. 在圣诞树刚被引进美国的那几十年,人们往往是在圣诞树枝上挂礼物而不是把礼物放在树下。19世纪的典型报道中是这样描述的:“巨大圣诞树上挂的各色糖果、娃娃、玩具等宝贝被一抢而空”或者“超大圣诞树的枝头沉甸甸地挂着给小朋友准备的圣诞玩具和礼物”。这些礼物通常包括水果、蛋糕和糖果,孩子们可以直接从圣诞树上摘下来享用。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 1. THE EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH DID NOT LIKE CHRISTMAS TREES. Evergreen trees used to be seen as pagan symbols that had no place in a religious celebration. As far back as 1647, preacher Johann Conrad Dannhauer of the Strasbourg Cathedral criticized trees as “child’s play” that were getting more attention “than the word of God and the holy rites.” But as the tradition persisted, church leaders decided that if they couldn’t beat the decorated trees, they would adopt them as part of their own Christmas celebrations. 2. IN SOME HOMES, CHRISTMAS TREES WERE HUNG. In southwest Germany during the 17th and 18th centuries, it was popular, particularly among the lower classes, to hang smaller trees from the ceiling or rafters. This allowed for a flashy display and kept the goodies in the tree out of the reach of children. Some families even hung the tree upside-down, since “pointing the root toward heaven was supposed to imbue the tree with divine powers,” according to Bernd Brunner, author of Inventing the Christmas Tree . [Photo/Pexels] 3. A PRINCE IS CREDITED WITH POPULARIZING CHRISTMAS TREES IN AMERICA. Britain’s Prince Albert is credited with helping bring the Christmas tree from his native Germany to the English-speaking world, making it a well-publicized tradition in the royal household of his wife, Queen Victoria. Godey’s Lady’s Book editor Sarah Josepha Hale—one of the main advocates for a national Thanksgiving holiday—played an important role in promoting Christmas trees in the US when her magazine published an illustration of the British royal family with their tree in 1850. She edited out Victoria’s crown jewels, Albert’s mustache and sash, and any reference to the family's identity, transforming the picture from a piece of royal marketing to a paragon of middle-class, American, Christmas celebration. 4. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE MARKET LAUNCHED IN 1851. One thing slowing the adoption of Christmas trees was the burden most families faced of having to find and chop down their own trees. That began to change in 1851, when a logger from New York’s Catskill Mountains loaded dozens of fir and spruce trees from his land and hauled them down to New York City’s Washington Market. The harvested trees, ready to set in a living room and decorate, sold out fast and kicked off the practice of Christmas tree farms, which proliferated throughout the country. [Photo/Pexels] 5. CHRISTMAS TREES CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. From their earliest days, Christmas trees have been fire hazards. Before electric lights were introduced, many families set open candles on their trees to illuminate them, which meant that each Christmas morning, the newspapers included stories of homes going up in flames when the branches ignited. Even when families abandoned the obvious hazard of open flames on the trees, the conifers could still cause major trouble once they dried out. In Philadelphia in 1878, Christmas trees caused two fires on the same street, first when a gas jet ignited a tree in a brownstone, then later that day when a dressmaker’s in-store tree went up. Today, trees can still pose a hazard if they are allowed to dry out. 6. GIFTS USED TO GO IN THE TREE, NOT UNDER IT. In its first decades in the US, Christmas trees held gifts in their branches more often than under them. Typical 19th-century reports describe a “monster Christmas tree despoiled of its pendent treasures of candy, dolls, and toys of all descriptions” and a “mammoth Christmas-tree whose branches hung heavy with Christmas toys and presents for the little ones”. Often these gifts included fruit, cakes, and candy that children would just pluck directly from the tree and enjoy.
欧美国家的人对圣诞树的香气都很熟悉,因为每年一到这个时候家家户户都会摆一棵营造气氛。关于圣诞树,人们有很多美好回忆,但是圣诞树的历史你了解吗? 早期的基督教徒不喜欢圣诞树 常青树曾被视为异教徒的象征,因而不在宗教庆祝活动中使用。早在1647年,斯特拉斯堡大教堂的传道士约翰·康拉德·丹豪尔批评圣诞树是“儿童的游戏”,得到的关注比“上帝之道和神圣仪式”还要多。但是圣诞树传统一直长盛不衰,最后教会领袖决定,既然他们无法打败这种装饰过的树木,索性将其纳入圣诞庆祝活动中。 有的人家会把圣诞树挂起来 在17、18世纪的德国西南部,很多家庭,尤其是平民百姓家,喜欢把小圣诞树挂在天花板上或房梁上。这样一来既可以展示漂亮的装饰,也能让孩子们够不到圣诞树里的糖果点心。有些家庭甚至会把圣诞树倒着挂,据《发明圣诞树》的作者贝恩特·布鲁纳说,这样做是因为“树根朝向天堂会赋予树神圣的力量”。 圣诞树在美国流行起来要归功于一个亲王 英国维多利亚女王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王将圣诞树从他的祖国德国带到英语国家,并使其成为英国王室家庭里的一项广为人知的传统。《戈迪女士手册》杂志主编莎拉·约瑟法·哈勒为圣诞树在美国流行开来发挥了重要作用,她也是促使感恩节成为全国性节日的主要倡导者之一。当时哈勒的杂志上发表了一张描绘1850年英国王室家庭和圣诞树的插图。哈勒把维多利亚女王的王冠、阿尔伯特的胡子和肩带,以及任何会暴露王室身份的细节都去掉了,把王室宣传图改造成了美国中产阶级庆祝圣诞节的完美画面。 1851年出现了第一个圣诞树集市 过去圣诞树在美国的接受度不太高,因为多数家庭不得不自己去寻找和砍伐圣诞树。1851年这种情况开始改变了,当时纽约州卡茨基尔山上的一个樵夫从自己的土地上砍了数十棵冷杉和云杉树拉到纽约市华盛顿市场上去卖,供人们放在客厅里自行装饰。这些树很快就卖光了,自此圣诞树林场开始兴起,后来遍布美国各地。 圣诞树可能暗藏危险 打从一开始,圣诞树就一直是火灾隐患。在引进电灯以前,许多家庭都是把蜡烛放在圣诞树上点亮,这意味着每个圣诞节早晨,报纸上都会有因圣诞树枝被点燃而导致家中起火的新闻。即使人们不在圣诞树上放点燃的蜡烛,针叶树在干枯后仍然会引发大麻烦。在1878年的费城,圣诞树曾在同一条街上引发了两场火灾,先是一盏煤气灯点燃了一幢褐色砂石房屋内的一棵圣诞树,晚些时候一家裁缝店内的圣诞树又着火了。时至今日,如果放任圣诞树不管让其干掉,依然可能引发火灾。 过去人们把礼物挂在圣诞树上,而不是放在圣诞树下 在圣诞树刚被引进美国的那几十年,人们往往是在圣诞树枝上挂礼物而不是把礼物放在树下。19世纪的典型报道中是这样描述的:“巨大圣诞树上挂的各色糖果、娃娃、玩具等宝贝被一抢而空”或者“超大圣诞树的枝头沉甸甸地挂着给小朋友准备的圣诞玩具和礼物”。这些礼物通常包括水果、蛋糕和糖果,孩子们可以直接从圣诞树上摘下来享用。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
员工在居家办公期间受伤算工伤吗?近日,德国一家法院裁定,算。 据英国《卫报》报道,德国一名男子居家办公期间,在从床走向家中办公桌的路上不小心滑倒摔伤背部。法院判决,该男子从床走到桌前的这段路可视为通勤,他可以进行工伤索赔。 Photo by Lisa from Pexels A German court has ruled that a man who slipped while walking a few meters from his bed to his home office can claim on workplace accident insurance as he was technically commuting. 德国一家法院裁定,一名男子在从床走到几米之外的家庭办公区路上滑倒,可以申请工伤保险赔偿,因为严格来说,他是在通勤路上受伤的。 The man was working from home and on his way to his desk one floor below his bedroom, the federal social court, which oversees social security issues, said in its decision. 负责审理社会保障问题的联邦社会法院在判决书中称,这名男子当时正在居家办公,在前往卧室楼下的办公桌时受伤。 While walking on the spiral staircase connecting the rooms, the unnamed man slipped and broke his back. 这名未透露姓名的男子在连接两个房间的旋转楼梯上滑倒,摔伤了脊背。 The court noted that the employee usually started working in his home office “immediately without having breakfast beforehand”, but did not explain why that was relevant to the case. However, later it said that statutory accident insurance was only afforded to the “first” journey to work, suggesting that a trip on the way to get breakfast after already being in the home office could be rejected. 法院指出,该员工通常“不吃早饭就会立即开始”在家办公,但没有解释为什么这与本案有关。但后来法院称,法定的意外事故保险只适用于 "第一趟" 上班的旅程,这表明如果到达家庭办公室之后,又去吃早餐的话,中途受伤可能不算工伤。 The employer’s insurance refused to cover the claim. While two lower courts disagreed on whether the short trip was a commute, the higher federal social court said it had found that “the first morning journey from bed to the home office [was] an insured work route”. 雇主的保险公司拒绝赔偿这项索赔。虽然两个下级法院对短途行程是否属于通勤存在分歧,但更高一级的联邦社会法院表示,已认定“早晨从床上到家庭办公室的第一次行程[是]符合投保规定的工作路线”。 It ruled: “The plaintiff suffered an accident at work when he fell on the way to his home office in the morning.” 法院裁定:“原告在早上前往家庭办公室的路上摔倒,遭遇了工伤事故”。 In many countries, firms have a duty of care to their employees, regardless of where they work. 在许多国家,无论员工在哪里工作,公司都对他们有保护义务。 The German federal court said: “If the insured activity is carried out in the household of the insured person or at another location, insurance cover is provided to the same extent as when the activity is carried out at the company premises.” 德国联邦法院称:"如果投保的活动是在被保险人的家中或其他地方进行的,那么保险覆盖的活动范围与在工作场所进行的活动相同"。 It is not clear if the man was working from home due to the pandemic or had done so previously. 目前还不清楚这名男子是由于疫情而在家工作,还是早已如此。 来源:《卫报》 编辑:董静
Photo by Lisa from Pexels A German court has ruled that a man who slipped while walking a few meters from his bed to his home office can claim on workplace accident insurance as he was technically commuting. The man was working from home and on his way to his desk one floor below his bedroom, the federal social court, which oversees social security issues, said in its decision. While walking on the spiral staircase connecting the rooms, the unnamed man slipped and broke his back. The court noted that the employee usually started working in his home office “immediately without having breakfast beforehand”, but did not explain why that was relevant to the case. However, later it said that statutory accident insurance was only afforded to the “first” journey to work, suggesting that a trip on the way to get breakfast after already being in the home office could be rejected. The employer’s insurance refused to cover the claim. While two lower courts disagreed on whether the short trip was a commute, the higher federal social court said it had found that “the first morning journey from bed to the home office [was] an insured work route”. It ruled: “The plaintiff suffered an accident at work when he fell on the way to his home office in the morning.” In many countries, firms have a duty of care to their employees, regardless of where they work. The German federal court said: “If the insured activity is carried out in the household of the insured person or at another location, insurance cover is provided to the same extent as when the activity is carried out at the company premises.” It is not clear if the man was working from home due to the pandemic or had done so previously.
员工在居家办公期间受伤算工伤吗?近日,德国一家法院裁定,算。 据英国《卫报》报道,德国一名男子居家办公期间,在从床走向家中办公桌的路上不小心滑倒摔伤背部。法院判决,该男子从床走到桌前的这段路可视为通勤,他可以进行工伤索赔。 德国一家法院裁定,一名男子在从床走到几米之外的家庭办公区路上滑倒,可以申请工伤保险赔偿,因为严格来说,他是在通勤路上受伤的。 负责审理社会保障问题的联邦社会法院在判决书中称,这名男子当时正在居家办公,在前往卧室楼下的办公桌时受伤。 这名未透露姓名的男子在连接两个房间的旋转楼梯上滑倒,摔伤了脊背。 法院指出,该员工通常“不吃早饭就会立即开始”在家办公,但没有解释为什么这与本案有关。但后来法院称,法定的意外事故保险只适用于 "第一趟" 上班的旅程,这表明如果到达家庭办公室之后,又去吃早餐的话,中途受伤可能不算工伤。 雇主的保险公司拒绝赔偿这项索赔。虽然两个下级法院对短途行程是否属于通勤存在分歧,但更高一级的联邦社会法院表示,已认定“早晨从床上到家庭办公室的第一次行程[是]符合投保规定的工作路线”。 法院裁定:“原告在早上前往家庭办公室的路上摔倒,遭遇了工伤事故”。 在许多国家,无论员工在哪里工作,公司都对他们有保护义务。 德国联邦法院称:"如果投保的活动是在被保险人的家中或其他地方进行的,那么保险覆盖的活动范围与在工作场所进行的活动相同"。 目前还不清楚这名男子是由于疫情而在家工作,还是早已如此。 来源:《卫报》 编辑:董静
美国食品和药物管理局日前授予辉瑞的新冠口服治疗药物紧急使用授权。据悉,这款名为Paxlovid的口服药是美国药监局授权的第一款专门用于对抗新冠病毒的口服抗病毒药物。 Paxlovid, a Pfizer's coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pill, is seen manufactured in Ascoli, Italy, in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters on November 16, 2021. Pfizer/Handout via REUTERS In a highly anticipated decision, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first antiviral pill to treat COVID-19 at home. 在万众期待下,美国食品药品监督管理局日前批准了首款家庭用治疗新冠肺炎的口服抗病毒药物。 The pill, called Paxlovid, is made by Pfizer. It's taken twice a day for five days in combination with a second medicine called ritonavir, a generic antiviral. 这款名为Paxlovid的口服药是辉瑞公司生产的。该药须和抗病毒药物利托那韦一起服用,每日两次,一个疗程要连续服用五天。 "Today's authorization introduces the first treatment for COVID-19 that is in the form of a pill that is taken orally — a major step forward in the fight against this global pandemic," said Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "This authorization provides a new tool to combat COVID-19 at a crucial time in the pandemic as new variants emerge and promises to make antiviral treatment more accessible to patients who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19." 美国药监局药物评估和研究中心主任派翠西亚·卡瓦佐尼博士表示:“首款新冠口服治疗药物今日获批,标志着我们迈出了抗击全球疫情的一大步,在出现新变异株的疫情关键时刻提供了抗击新冠的新工具,并承诺让新冠重症高风险人群更便于获得抗病毒治疗。” The Pfizer treatment could help keep people infected with the coronavirus from getting so sick that they need to be hospitalized. 这款辉瑞口服药能有助于防止新冠病毒感染者发展成重症,避免住院治疗。 The results from a Pfizer study involving more than 2,200 people at high risk for developing serious COVID-19 found Paxlovid reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 89%, compared with a placebo, when taken within three days of first symptoms of illness. When taken within five days, the drug reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 88%. 一项涵盖了2200多名新冠重症高风险患者的辉瑞研究结果发现,相比安慰剂,患者在出现早期新冠症状三日内服用Paxlovid能将住院或死亡风险降低89%,在五日内服用能降低88%。 Early results from another Paxlovid study showed a 70% reduction in hospitalization risk among several hundred people at lower risk for severe disease. 另一项对Paxlovid口服药的研究涵盖了数百名新冠重症低风险患者,早期结果显示,可以将这一人群的住院风险降低70%。 Although it's not certain, Paxlovid's efficacy is unlikely to be reduced in treating people infected with the omicron variant of the coronavirus virus. The drug, which belongs to a family called protease inhibitors, doesn't target the virus's spike protein, as the vaccines do. 尽管尚不确定,但是用Paxlovid来治疗奥密克戎变异株感染者应该也同样有效。与疫苗作用的靶标不一样,Paxlovid是一种蛋白酶抑制剂,针对的不是病毒的纤突蛋白。 The federal government has a contract with Pfizer to buy 10 million courses of the treatment for $5.3 billion. But initial supplies of Paxlovid will be limited. The company says it will have 180,000 courses of treatment ready by the end of the year. 美国联邦政府已和辉瑞公司签约,以53亿美元(约合人民币338亿元)的价格购入1000万个疗程的药物。但是Paxlovid的初期供应量会比较有限。辉瑞表示,年底前将生产出18万个疗程的药物。 英文来源:美国国家公共广播电台 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Paxlovid, a Pfizer's coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pill, is seen manufactured in Ascoli, Italy, in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters on November 16, 2021. Pfizer/Handout via REUTERS In a highly anticipated decision, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first antiviral pill to treat COVID-19 at home. The pill, called Paxlovid, is made by Pfizer. It's taken twice a day for five days in combination with a second medicine called ritonavir, a generic antiviral. "Today's authorization introduces the first treatment for COVID-19 that is in the form of a pill that is taken orally — a major step forward in the fight against this global pandemic," said Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "This authorization provides a new tool to combat COVID-19 at a crucial time in the pandemic as new variants emerge and promises to make antiviral treatment more accessible to patients who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19." The Pfizer treatment could help keep people infected with the coronavirus from getting so sick that they need to be hospitalized. The results from a Pfizer study involving more than 2,200 people at high risk for developing serious COVID-19 found Paxlovid reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 89%, compared with a placebo, when taken within three days of first symptoms of illness. When taken within five days, the drug reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 88%. Early results from another Paxlovid study showed a 70% reduction in hospitalization risk among several hundred people at lower risk for severe disease. Although it's not certain, Paxlovid's efficacy is unlikely to be reduced in treating people infected with the omicron variant of the coronavirus virus. The drug, which belongs to a family called protease inhibitors, doesn't target the virus's spike protein, as the vaccines do. The federal government has a contract with Pfizer to buy 10 million courses of the treatment for $5.3 billion. But initial supplies of Paxlovid will be limited. The company says it will have 180,000 courses of treatment ready by the end of the year.
美国食品和药物管理局日前授予辉瑞的新冠口服治疗药物紧急使用授权。据悉,这款名为Paxlovid的口服药是美国药监局授权的第一款专门用于对抗新冠病毒的口服抗病毒药物。 在万众期待下,美国食品药品监督管理局日前批准了首款家庭用治疗新冠肺炎的口服抗病毒药物。 这款名为Paxlovid的口服药是辉瑞公司生产的。该药须和抗病毒药物利托那韦一起服用,每日两次,一个疗程要连续服用五天。 美国药监局药物评估和研究中心主任派翠西亚·卡瓦佐尼博士表示:“首款新冠口服治疗药物今日获批,标志着我们迈出了抗击全球疫情的一大步,在出现新变异株的疫情关键时刻提供了抗击新冠的新工具,并承诺让新冠重症高风险人群更便于获得抗病毒治疗。” 这款辉瑞口服药能有助于防止新冠病毒感染者发展成重症,避免住院治疗。 一项涵盖了2200多名新冠重症高风险患者的辉瑞研究结果发现,相比安慰剂,患者在出现早期新冠症状三日内服用Paxlovid能将住院或死亡风险降低89%,在五日内服用能降低88%。 另一项对Paxlovid口服药的研究涵盖了数百名新冠重症低风险患者,早期结果显示,可以将这一人群的住院风险降低70%。 尽管尚不确定,但是用Paxlovid来治疗奥密克戎变异株感染者应该也同样有效。与疫苗作用的靶标不一样,Paxlovid是一种蛋白酶抑制剂,针对的不是病毒的纤突蛋白。 美国联邦政府已和辉瑞公司签约,以53亿美元(约合人民币338亿元)的价格购入1000万个疗程的药物。但是Paxlovid的初期供应量会比较有限。辉瑞表示,年底前将生产出18万个疗程的药物。 英文来源:美国国家公共广播电台 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据美联社报道,上个月,美国俄亥俄州一座长18米的人行天桥被盗,目前天桥已经找到,一名63岁男子正面临相关指控。警方声称,他向一家卡车运输公司支付了起重机服务费,将桥偷运走。 Photo:Akron Police Department A 58-foot-long (18-meter) pedestrian bridge stolen from an Ohio city last month has been found and a man is facing charges, police said. 警方称,上个月俄亥俄州被盗的一座18米长的人行天桥被找到,一名男子面临指控。 Akron police said investigators acting on tips and other information Friday afternoon found the missing span partially disassembled on property in Sharon Township in neighboring Medina County. A man has been arrested and charged with felony theft, police said. 阿克伦警方称,17日下午,调查人员根据线报和其他信息在邻县麦地那沙龙镇的一处住宅单位发现了部分被拆解的天桥。警方称,一名男子已被逮捕,并被指控犯有盗窃重罪。 The Akron bridge, described as a Lego-like structure, once crossed a river in Akron’s Middlebury Run Park near Goodyear’s world headquarters. It was taken down in 2003-04 as part of a wetland restoration project and was stored on park property with plans for it to be reused for a Battered Women’s shelter project. 这座阿克伦的人行天桥桥体结构类似乐高积木,曾经横跨阿克伦米德尔伯里慢跑公园的一条河之上,附近是固特异轮胎的全球总部。因湿地恢复工程,阿克伦桥在2003-04年被拆除,并被存放在公园内,计划将其用于受虐女性收容所项目。 Police discovered on Nov. 3 that someone had removed the treated deck boards of the 10-foot-wide (3-meter-wide), 6-foot-tall (2-meter-tall) structure. On Nov. 11, they found that the metal frame had been taken. 警方在11月3日发现,有人已经把桥梁3米宽、2米高的甲板结构拆走了。11月11日,他们发现金属框架也被拿走了。 A 63-year-old man was charged with felony theft, according to Akron police and court records. Authorities allege that he paid a trucking company for crane service and the firm picked up the bridge and took it to Medina County. 据阿克伦警方透露和法庭记录显示,一名63岁男子被指控盗窃重罪。警方声称,该男子向一家卡车运输公司支付了起重机服务费,该公司将这座桥运到了麦地那县。 The suspect was scheduled for arraignment later this week in Akron Municipal Court. An official said Monday he has no attorney yet. 这名嫌疑人定于本周晚些时候在阿克伦市法院受审。一名官员20日表示,嫌疑人还没有律师。 The bridge is expected to be shipped back to Akron in coming days, police said. 警方称,这座桥预计将在未来几天运回阿克伦。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
Photo:Akron Police Department A 58-foot-long (18-meter) pedestrian bridge stolen from an Ohio city last month has been found and a man is facing charges, police said. Akron police said investigators acting on tips and other information Friday afternoon found the missing span partially disassembled on property in Sharon Township in neighboring Medina County. A man has been arrested and charged with felony theft, police said. The Akron bridge, described as a Lego-like structure, once crossed a river in Akron’s Middlebury Run Park near Goodyear’s world headquarters. It was taken down in 2003-04 as part of a wetland restoration project and was stored on park property with plans for it to be reused for a Battered Women’s shelter project. Police discovered on Nov. 3 that someone had removed the treated deck boards of the 10-foot-wide (3-meter-wide), 6-foot-tall (2-meter-tall) structure. On Nov. 11, they found that the metal frame had been taken. A 63-year-old man was charged with felony theft, according to Akron police and court records. Authorities allege that he paid a trucking company for crane service and the firm picked up the bridge and took it to Medina County. The suspect was scheduled for arraignment later this week in Akron Municipal Court. An official said Monday he has no attorney yet. The bridge is expected to be shipped back to Akron in coming days, police said.
据美联社报道,上个月,美国俄亥俄州一座长18米的人行天桥被盗,目前天桥已经找到,一名63岁男子正面临相关指控。警方声称,他向一家卡车运输公司支付了起重机服务费,将桥偷运走。 警方称,上个月俄亥俄州被盗的一座18米长的人行天桥被找到,一名男子面临指控。 阿克伦警方称,17日下午,调查人员根据线报和其他信息在邻县麦地那沙龙镇的一处住宅单位发现了部分被拆解的天桥。警方称,一名男子已被逮捕,并被指控犯有盗窃重罪。 这座阿克伦的人行天桥桥体结构类似乐高积木,曾经横跨阿克伦米德尔伯里慢跑公园的一条河之上,附近是固特异轮胎的全球总部。因湿地恢复工程,阿克伦桥在2003-04年被拆除,并被存放在公园内,计划将其用于受虐女性收容所项目。 警方在11月3日发现,有人已经把桥梁3米宽、2米高的甲板结构拆走了。11月11日,他们发现金属框架也被拿走了。 据阿克伦警方透露和法庭记录显示,一名63岁男子被指控盗窃重罪。警方声称,该男子向一家卡车运输公司支付了起重机服务费,该公司将这座桥运到了麦地那县。 这名嫌疑人定于本周晚些时候在阿克伦市法院受审。一名官员20日表示,嫌疑人还没有律师。 警方称,这座桥预计将在未来几天运回阿克伦。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
与其在头发上插上美丽的鲜花,不如把头发做成盛放的花朵形状。这位把头发做成花的造型师来自越南,他设计的花朵发型灵动逼真,美轮美奂,令无数网友惊叹不已。 Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Nguyen Phat Tri, a young hairstylist from Vietnam, has been getting a lot of attention for his eye-catching floral hair designs. 近日,越南青年造型师阮发知凭借他超吸睛的花朵发型设计受到了很多关注。 Nguyen Phat Tri, 28 years old, graduated from An Giang University, with a degree in Biotechnology, in 2015, but as he always had an inclination for the arts, he decided to go to Ho Chi Minh City to study makeup and hairdressing. That may have seemed like a controversial career choice, but time proved that it was the right one, as young Phat Tri quickly made a name for himself on the Vietnamese hairstyling scene, thanks to some truly innovating techniques and designs. 现年28岁的阮发知2015年毕业于安江大学生物技术专业并获得学士学位,然而由于他一直很喜爱造型艺术,于是决定去胡志明市学习化妆和美发。这一职业选择似乎颇具争议,但是时间证明他的选择是正确的。凭借自创的新技术和新设计,年轻的阮发知很快就在越南美发界声名鹊起。 Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Nguyen Phat Tri’s designs generate millions of views on social media, but few of the people who marvel at them realize just how much work goes into each and every one of them. The simplest designs take 1 to 2 days to complete, but the most complex of them can take 2-3 months to complete. 阮发知设计的花朵发型在社交媒体上浏览量达数百万,但是惊叹于这些作品的人很少能意识到每一个花朵造型要花费多少功夫。最简单的花朵造型也需耗时一到两天,而最复杂的造型可能需要两到三个月才能完成。 Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook As you can imagine, Phat Tri’s spectacular designs are in very high demand, even though his work isn’t exactly cheap. Bridal designs are priced between 3 and 5 million dong, while his more complex signature hairstyles cost between 5 and 7 million dong. 你可以想象到,阮发知的惊艳造型虽然价格不菲,但需求量很高。给新娘做发型收费在300万到500万越南盾(约合人民币834元到1390元)之间,而更复杂的标志性发型收费为500万到700万越南盾。 Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Despite the lucrative business, Nguyen Phat Tri usually declines more requests than he accepts, because he prefers to dedicate his time to researching new designs and techniques. 虽然获利丰厚,但是阮发知拒掉的单往往比接的单还要多,因为他宁愿将时间用于钻研新设计和新技术。 "I want to inspire creativity in people who share my passion, and I hope to help Vietnam’s hair industry grow and reach the world,” the 28-year-old said. 这位28岁的造型师说道:“我想激发那些同道者的创作热情,希望可以帮助越南美发业成长壮大,走向世界。” Nguyen Phat Tri introduced his floral hair designs to the world in the summer of 2020, and he has since delivered various new models, including designs inspired by lotus, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, lily, and more. 2020年夏天,阮发知首次推出花朵发型,自那以后他又推出了多个新造型,灵感来自莲花、木槿花、菊花、百合等多种花卉。 Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook The Vietnamese artist said that the most important thing for young stylists is to assess their talent because this is a field that requires an “artistic eye”. Then, they need to have the passion, perseverance and determination to pursue their dream. 阮发知表示,对年轻造型师来说,天赋是首要的,因为这是需要“艺术眼光”的一行。此外,他们还需要拥有追求梦想的热情、毅力和决心。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Nguyen Phat Tri, a young hairstylist from Vietnam, has been getting a lot of attention for his eye-catching floral hair designs. Nguyen Phat Tri, 28 years old, graduated from An Giang University, with a degree in Biotechnology, in 2015, but as he always had an inclination for the arts, he decided to go to Ho Chi Minh City to study makeup and hairdressing. That may have seemed like a controversial career choice, but time proved that it was the right one, as young Phat Tri quickly made a name for himself on the Vietnamese hairstyling scene, thanks to some truly innovating techniques and designs. Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Nguyen Phat Tri’s designs generate millions of views on social media, but few of the people who marvel at them realize just how much work goes into each and every one of them. The simplest designs take 1 to 2 days to complete, but the most complex of them can take 2-3 months to complete. Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook As you can imagine, Phat Tri’s spectacular designs are in very high demand, even though his work isn’t exactly cheap. Bridal designs are priced between 3 and 5 million dong, while his more complex signature hairstyles cost between 5 and 7 million dong. Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Despite the lucrative business, Nguyen Phat Tri usually declines more requests than he accepts, because he prefers to dedicate his time to researching new designs and techniques. "I want to inspire creativity in people who share my passion, and I hope to help Vietnam’s hair industry grow and reach the world,” the 28-year-old said. Nguyen Phat Tri introduced his floral hair designs to the world in the summer of 2020, and he has since delivered various new models, including designs inspired by lotus, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, lily, and more. Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook Photo: Nguyen Phat Tri/Facebook The Vietnamese artist said that the most important thing for young stylists is to assess their talent because this is a field that requires an “artistic eye”. Then, they need to have the passion, perseverance and determination to pursue their dream.
与其在头发上插上美丽的鲜花,不如把头发做成盛放的花朵形状。这位把头发做成花的造型师来自越南,他设计的花朵发型灵动逼真,美轮美奂,令无数网友惊叹不已。 近日,越南青年造型师阮发知凭借他超吸睛的花朵发型设计受到了很多关注。 现年28岁的阮发知2015年毕业于安江大学生物技术专业并获得学士学位,然而由于他一直很喜爱造型艺术,于是决定去胡志明市学习化妆和美发。这一职业选择似乎颇具争议,但是时间证明他的选择是正确的。凭借自创的新技术和新设计,年轻的阮发知很快就在越南美发界声名鹊起。 阮发知设计的花朵发型在社交媒体上浏览量达数百万,但是惊叹于这些作品的人很少能意识到每一个花朵造型要花费多少功夫。最简单的花朵造型也需耗时一到两天,而最复杂的造型可能需要两到三个月才能完成。 你可以想象到,阮发知的惊艳造型虽然价格不菲,但需求量很高。给新娘做发型收费在300万到500万越南盾(约合人民币834元到1390元)之间,而更复杂的标志性发型收费为500万到700万越南盾。 虽然获利丰厚,但是阮发知拒掉的单往往比接的单还要多,因为他宁愿将时间用于钻研新设计和新技术。 这位28岁的造型师说道:“我想激发那些同道者的创作热情,希望可以帮助越南美发业成长壮大,走向世界。” 2020年夏天,阮发知首次推出花朵发型,自那以后他又推出了多个新造型,灵感来自莲花、木槿花、菊花、百合等多种花卉。 阮发知表示,对年轻造型师来说,天赋是首要的,因为这是需要“艺术眼光”的一行。此外,他们还需要拥有追求梦想的热情、毅力和决心。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
2021年恰逢中国共产党成立100周年,在此时间节点上,献礼片成为今年影视行业的关键词。在今年播出的献礼建党百年佳作中,《觉醒年代》无疑是话题度和讨论度最高的。此外,《大浪淘沙》、《长津湖》等影视剧也备受观众喜爱。下面我们盘点了2021年的十部优秀红色影视剧,一起来看看吧。 A still from the film, The Battle at Lake Changjin . [Photo provided to China Daily] 1. The Battle at Lake Changjin 《长津湖》 Set during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), the film centers on a heroic company of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) army, reflecting CPV soldiers' iron will and great spirit to safeguard the then newly founded People's Republic of China. 影片以抗美援朝战争(1950-1953年)为背景,以中国人民志愿军的英雄连队为主角,反映了中国人民志愿军捍卫当时新成立的中华人民共和国的钢铁意志和伟大精神。 Resonating with an audience running into the millions and enhancing their pride in China's great achievements, the film became hugely popular, smashing a total of 26 records, mainly in terms of box-office and admission figures. 这部电影引起了数百万观众的共鸣,并增强了观众对中国伟大成就的自豪感。《长津湖》大获成功,共打破了票房和观影人数等26项纪录。 The 176-minute film, which cost 1.3 billion yuan ($202.7 million), became the most expensive of its kind in China. By Nov 24, its overall box office surpassed 5.69 billion yuan ($891.1 million), replacing Wolf Warrior 2 at the top of China's all-time box office charts. 这部176分钟的电影耗资13亿元,是同类国产电影中制作成本最高的一部。截至11月24日,该片总票房超过56.9亿元人民币,取代《战狼2》成为中国影史票房第一的电影。
A still from the film, The Battle at Lake Changjin . [Photo provided to China Daily] 1. The Battle at Lake Changjin Set during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), the film centers on a heroic company of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) army, reflecting CPV soldiers' iron will and great spirit to safeguard the then newly founded People's Republic of China. Resonating with an audience running into the millions and enhancing their pride in China's great achievements, the film became hugely popular, smashing a total of 26 records, mainly in terms of box-office and admission figures. The 176-minute film, which cost 1.3 billion yuan ($202.7 million), became the most expensive of its kind in China. By Nov 24, its overall box office surpassed 5.69 billion yuan ($891.1 million), replacing Wolf Warrior 2 at the top of China's all-time box office charts.
2021年恰逢中国共产党成立100周年,在此时间节点上,献礼片成为今年影视行业的关键词。在今年播出的献礼建党百年佳作中,《觉醒年代》无疑是话题度和讨论度最高的。此外,《大浪淘沙》、《长津湖》等影视剧也备受观众喜爱。下面我们盘点了2021年的十部优秀红色影视剧,一起来看看吧。 《长津湖》 影片以抗美援朝战争(1950-1953年)为背景,以中国人民志愿军的英雄连队为主角,反映了中国人民志愿军捍卫当时新成立的中华人民共和国的钢铁意志和伟大精神。 这部电影引起了数百万观众的共鸣,并增强了观众对中国伟大成就的自豪感。《长津湖》大获成功,共打破了票房和观影人数等26项纪录。 这部176分钟的电影耗资13亿元,是同类国产电影中制作成本最高的一部。截至11月24日,该片总票房超过56.9亿元人民币,取代《战狼2》成为中国影史票房第一的电影。
“天时人事日相催,冬至阳生春又来。”大家都知道,冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,但是你可能不了解的是,冬至却不是日出最晚、日落最早的一天。本文就带你了解几个关于冬至的趣味小知识。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. THE WORD SOLSTICE TRANSLATES TO "SUN STAND STILL." 冬至英文solstice的意思是“太阳静止不动” Solstice derives from the Latin term solstitium, containing sol, which means "sun," and the past participle stem of sistere, meaning "to make stand." This comes from the fact that the sun’s position in the sky relative to the horizon at noon, which increases and decreases throughout the year, appears to pause in the days surrounding the solstice. 冬至英文solstice源于拉丁文solstitium,sol意思是“太阳”,stitium是sistere的过去分词形式,意思是“停下来”。这是基于对正午时分太阳在天空中位置的观察,太阳的位置会随着四季轮回升降,而在冬至前后太阳似乎停下来不动了。 2. ANCIENT CULTURES VIEWED THE WINTER SOLSTICE AS A TIME OF DEATH AND REBIRTH. 古代文化将冬至视为死亡和重生的时节 The seeming death of the light and very real threat of starvation over the winter months would have weighed heavily on early societies, who held varied solstice celebrations and rites meant to herald the return of the sun and hope for new life. Cattle and other animals were slaughtered around midwinter, followed by feasting on what was the last fresh meat for several months. 冬月里黑夜漫漫,太阳似乎远去了。在饥饿的威胁下,古人会举行各种冬至庆祝活动和仪式来迎接太阳的回归,期待新生的来临。冬至时节古人会宰杀牲口和其他动物,然后在接下来几个月尽情享用最后的鲜肉。 3. EARTH IS CLOSEST TO THE SUN AROUND THE WINTER SOLSTICE. 冬至前后地球距离太阳最近 Though it doesn’t feel like it in the Northern Hemisphere, Earth is closer to the sun in early January— approximately 3 million miles closer—than it is in early July. The shortest distance between the sun and a planet is called perihelion; in 2021, Earth was at perihelion on January 2. 尽管身在北半球的你可能感觉不到,但是地球在1月初比7月初距离太阳更近,近了大约300万英里。太阳和一颗行星最短的距离叫作近日点,2021年地球于1月2日到达近日点。 Despite the proximity to the sun, the reason for cold temperatures is because the Northern Hemisphere receives less sunlight and has cooler temperatures in winter due to Earth’s 23.5-degree tilt. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun in winter, and toward it in July. 尽管距离太阳更近,但是温度却很低,这是由于地球倾斜23.5度导致北半球在冬天接收到的阳光更少,因此天气也更冷。北半球在冬天是背离太阳的方向倾斜着身子公转,而在夏天(7月)是向着太阳倾斜。 4. THE WINTER SOLSTICE MARKS THE SHORTEST DAY OF THE YEAR, BUT NOT THE EARLIEST SUNSET. 冬至是一年中白昼最短的一天,但不是日落最早的一天 Though the winter solstice is the day with the least amount of sunlight, that’s not because of the sunset. In fact, the earliest sunset happens about two weeks prior—in 2021 in New York, for example, the winter solstice is December 21, but the earliest sunsets occur on December 7 and 8 (at 4:28 pm). 尽管冬至是日照最少的一天,但这不是因为日落时间早。事实上,日落最早的时间是在约两周以前。以纽约为例,今年的冬至是12月21日,但是当地日落最早的日子是12月7日和8日(下午4点28分)。 The discrepancy is due to the way we calculate time. Our clocks operate on an exact 24-hour schedule, but our days are technically a little longer or shorter. One day equals the time between when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, called solar noon, and the next. 这种差异是由于我们计算时间的方式产生的。我们的时钟按照精确的24小时来运行,但是从严格意义上来讲我们每一天的时间会长一点或短一点。从太阳升至天空最高点(正午时分)到第二天再次升至最高点的这段时间算作一天。 A solar day is slightly longer than 24 hours during the summer and winter solstices and slightly shorter during the spring and fall equinoxes because of Earth’s tilt and orbit. During the winter solstice in New York on December 21, solar noon is actually 11:54 am EST. 由于地球的倾斜角度和公转,夏至和冬至时的一个太阳日比24小时略长,在春分和秋分比24小时略短。纽约冬至日12月21日的正午时分实际上是美国东部标准时间上午11点54分。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 1. THE WORD SOLSTICE TRANSLATES TO "SUN STAND STILL." Solstice derives from the Latin term solstitium, containing sol, which means "sun," and the past participle stem of sistere, meaning "to make stand." This comes from the fact that the sun’s position in the sky relative to the horizon at noon, which increases and decreases throughout the year, appears to pause in the days surrounding the solstice. 2. ANCIENT CULTURES VIEWED THE WINTER SOLSTICE AS A TIME OF DEATH AND REBIRTH. The seeming death of the light and very real threat of starvation over the winter months would have weighed heavily on early societies, who held varied solstice celebrations and rites meant to herald the return of the sun and hope for new life. Cattle and other animals were slaughtered around midwinter, followed by feasting on what was the last fresh meat for several months. 3. EARTH IS CLOSEST TO THE SUN AROUND THE WINTER SOLSTICE. Though it doesn’t feel like it in the Northern Hemisphere, Earth is closer to the sun in early January— approximately 3 million miles closer—than it is in early July. The shortest distance between the sun and a planet is called perihelion; in 2021, Earth was at perihelion on January 2. Despite the proximity to the sun, the reason for cold temperatures is because the Northern Hemisphere receives less sunlight and has cooler temperatures in winter due to Earth’s 23.5-degree tilt. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun in winter, and toward it in July. 4. THE WINTER SOLSTICE MARKS THE SHORTEST DAY OF THE YEAR, BUT NOT THE EARLIEST SUNSET. Though the winter solstice is the day with the least amount of sunlight, that’s not because of the sunset. In fact, the earliest sunset happens about two weeks prior—in 2021 in New York, for example, the winter solstice is December 21, but the earliest sunsets occur on December 7 and 8 (at 4:28 pm). The discrepancy is due to the way we calculate time. Our clocks operate on an exact 24-hour schedule, but our days are technically a little longer or shorter. One day equals the time between when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, called solar noon, and the next. A solar day is slightly longer than 24 hours during the summer and winter solstices and slightly shorter during the spring and fall equinoxes because of Earth’s tilt and orbit. During the winter solstice in New York on December 21, solar noon is actually 11:54 am EST.
“天时人事日相催,冬至阳生春又来。”大家都知道,冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,但是你可能不了解的是,冬至却不是日出最晚、日落最早的一天。本文就带你了解几个关于冬至的趣味小知识。 冬至英文solstice的意思是“太阳静止不动” 冬至英文solstice源于拉丁文solstitium,sol意思是“太阳”,stitium是sistere的过去分词形式,意思是“停下来”。这是基于对正午时分太阳在天空中位置的观察,太阳的位置会随着四季轮回升降,而在冬至前后太阳似乎停下来不动了。 古代文化将冬至视为死亡和重生的时节 冬月里黑夜漫漫,太阳似乎远去了。在饥饿的威胁下,古人会举行各种冬至庆祝活动和仪式来迎接太阳的回归,期待新生的来临。冬至时节古人会宰杀牲口和其他动物,然后在接下来几个月尽情享用最后的鲜肉。 冬至前后地球距离太阳最近 尽管身在北半球的你可能感觉不到,但是地球在1月初比7月初距离太阳更近,近了大约300万英里。太阳和一颗行星最短的距离叫作近日点,2021年地球于1月2日到达近日点。 尽管距离太阳更近,但是温度却很低,这是由于地球倾斜23.5度导致北半球在冬天接收到的阳光更少,因此天气也更冷。北半球在冬天是背离太阳的方向倾斜着身子公转,而在夏天(7月)是向着太阳倾斜。 冬至是一年中白昼最短的一天,但不是日落最早的一天 尽管冬至是日照最少的一天,但这不是因为日落时间早。事实上,日落最早的时间是在约两周以前。以纽约为例,今年的冬至是12月21日,但是当地日落最早的日子是12月7日和8日(下午4点28分)。 这种差异是由于我们计算时间的方式产生的。我们的时钟按照精确的24小时来运行,但是从严格意义上来讲我们每一天的时间会长一点或短一点。从太阳升至天空最高点(正午时分)到第二天再次升至最高点的这段时间算作一天。 由于地球的倾斜角度和公转,夏至和冬至时的一个太阳日比24小时略长,在春分和秋分比24小时略短。纽约冬至日12月21日的正午时分实际上是美国东部标准时间上午11点54分。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
漫威超级英雄巨制《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》北美首周末票房2.53亿美元(约合人民币16亿元),仅用三天便空降北美年度票房冠军。该片不仅成为新冠疫情时代北美首周末票房最高的影片,还因三代蜘蛛侠同框的“多元宇宙”设定,引发舆论热潮。 "Spider-Man: No Way Home" racked up a head-spinning $253 million in US and Canadian ticket sales over the weekend, setting a pandemic record and ranking as the third-biggest domestic debut in Hollywood history even as a new COVID-19 variant spreads. 尽管奥密克戎毒株正在传播,但《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》北美首周末票房仍表现惊人,豪取2.53亿美元,创下新冠疫情时代新纪录,成为好莱坞历史上北美首周末票房排名第三的电影。 The previous pandemic record was set by Marvel superhero film "Venom: Let There Be Carnage," which took in $90 million domestically over its first three days in October. Marvel's "Black Widow" opened with $80 million back in May. 此前新冠疫情时代的票房纪录是由漫威超级英雄电影《毒液2》创造的。该片在10月上映,前三天本土票房9000万美元(约合人民币5.7亿元)。5月份上映的《黑寡妇》首映票房为8000万美元(约合人民币5.1亿元)。 Around the globe, "No Way Home" generated an additional $334.2 million for a worldwide weekend total of $587.2 million, according to estimates from distributor Sony Corp. 据电影发行方索尼公司估计,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》在全球其他地区的票房为3.342亿美元(约合人民币21.3亿元),周末总票房为5.872亿美元(约合人民币37.5亿元)。 The movie stars Tom Holland as Marvel's web-slinging superhero and Zendaya, as his girlfriend MJ, in the third film in the Spider-Man trilogy. It also brings back stars of previous "Spider-Man" films. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》由汤姆·霍兰德(荷兰弟)主演,是《蜘蛛侠》三部曲的第三部电影,荷兰弟饰演漫威超级英雄蜘蛛侠,泽达娅饰演他的女友MJ。此前几部“蜘蛛侠”影片中的演员也会在这部电影中回归。 Holland offered gratitude to fans. "Thank you thank you thank you and if you haven’t seen Spider-Man no way home yet ... merry Christmas and you know what to do," he wrote on Instagram. 荷兰弟向影迷表示感谢。他在Instagram上写道:“谢谢谢谢谢,如果你还没有看《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》……那么圣诞快乐,你懂我的意思。” 剧情上,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》紧接上一部的结尾——因“神秘客”曝光蜘蛛侠的真实身份,给还在校园的彼得·帕克带来各种烦恼。帕克求助于神秘博士,希望他用魔法抹去世人的记忆,然而没想到魔法出错后开启“多元宇宙”,让绿魔、章鱼博士等其他“蜘蛛侠宇宙”中的反派穿越而来,引发更大危机。 截止目前,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》烂番茄新鲜度为94%,观众评价99%,IMDb评分为9.1分,获得观众和专业影评人的一致好评。 “The film is sure to remind audiences why our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man remains one of Marvel’s best, and that is thanks in large part to Tom Holland’s performance as Peter Parker.” “这部电影肯定会告诉观众,为什么我们的好邻居蜘蛛侠仍然是漫威最棒的超级英雄,这在很大程度上要归功于汤姆·霍兰德的表演。” — Caitlin Chappell “This movie does what the best movies always do: They thrill you and move you and make you want to cheer in a crowded theatre.” “这部电影做到了好电影该有的样子:它让你激动,让你感动,让你想在拥挤的电影院里欢呼。” — Pete Hammond 来源:路透社 编辑:董静
"Spider-Man: No Way Home" racked up a head-spinning $253 million in US and Canadian ticket sales over the weekend, setting a pandemic record and ranking as the third-biggest domestic debut in Hollywood history even as a new COVID-19 variant spreads. The previous pandemic record was set by Marvel superhero film "Venom: Let There Be Carnage," which took in $90 million domestically over its first three days in October. Marvel's "Black Widow" opened with $80 million back in May. Around the globe, "No Way Home" generated an additional $334.2 million for a worldwide weekend total of $587.2 million, according to estimates from distributor Sony Corp. The movie stars Tom Holland as Marvel's web-slinging superhero and Zendaya, as his girlfriend MJ, in the third film in the Spider-Man trilogy. It also brings back stars of previous "Spider-Man" films. Holland offered gratitude to fans. "Thank you thank you thank you and if you haven’t seen Spider-Man no way home yet ... merry Christmas and you know what to do," he wrote on Instagram. “The film is sure to remind audiences why our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man remains one of Marvel’s best, and that is thanks in large part to Tom Holland’s performance as Peter Parker.” — Caitlin Chappell “This movie does what the best movies always do: They thrill you and move you and make you want to cheer in a crowded theatre.” — Pete Hammond
漫威超级英雄巨制《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》北美首周末票房2.53亿美元(约合人民币16亿元),仅用三天便空降北美年度票房冠军。该片不仅成为新冠疫情时代北美首周末票房最高的影片,还因三代蜘蛛侠同框的“多元宇宙”设定,引发舆论热潮。 尽管奥密克戎毒株正在传播,但《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》北美首周末票房仍表现惊人,豪取2.53亿美元,创下新冠疫情时代新纪录,成为好莱坞历史上北美首周末票房排名第三的电影。 此前新冠疫情时代的票房纪录是由漫威超级英雄电影《毒液2》创造的。该片在10月上映,前三天本土票房9000万美元(约合人民币5.7亿元)。5月份上映的《黑寡妇》首映票房为8000万美元(约合人民币5.1亿元)。 据电影发行方索尼公司估计,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》在全球其他地区的票房为3.342亿美元(约合人民币21.3亿元),周末总票房为5.872亿美元(约合人民币37.5亿元)。 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》由汤姆·霍兰德(荷兰弟)主演,是《蜘蛛侠》三部曲的第三部电影,荷兰弟饰演漫威超级英雄蜘蛛侠,泽达娅饰演他的女友MJ。此前几部“蜘蛛侠”影片中的演员也会在这部电影中回归。 荷兰弟向影迷表示感谢。他在Instagram上写道:“谢谢谢谢谢,如果你还没有看《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》……那么圣诞快乐,你懂我的意思。” 剧情上,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》紧接上一部的结尾——因“神秘客”曝光蜘蛛侠的真实身份,给还在校园的彼得·帕克带来各种烦恼。帕克求助于神秘博士,希望他用魔法抹去世人的记忆,然而没想到魔法出错后开启“多元宇宙”,让绿魔、章鱼博士等其他“蜘蛛侠宇宙”中的反派穿越而来,引发更大危机。 截止目前,《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》烂番茄新鲜度为94%,观众评价99%,IMDb评分为9.1分,获得观众和专业影评人的一致好评。 “这部电影肯定会告诉观众,为什么我们的好邻居蜘蛛侠仍然是漫威最棒的超级英雄,这在很大程度上要归功于汤姆·霍兰德的表演。” “这部电影做到了好电影该有的样子:它让你激动,让你感动,让你想在拥挤的电影院里欢呼。” 来源:路透社 编辑:董静
几个月前刷爆全网的英国华裔天才少女艾玛·拉杜卡努日前被评为BBC年度体育人物,成为2006年以来首位获此殊荣的女性。 Britain's Emma Raducanu celebrates winning her match against Romania's Elena-Gabriela Ruse at theRoyal Albert Hall, London on November 28, 2021. REUTERS/Tony Obrien Teenage US Open champion Emma Raducanu has been voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2021. 19岁的美国网球公开赛冠军艾玛·拉杜卡努被评为英国广播公司的2021年度体育人物。 Raducanu, then 18, ended Britain's 44-year wait for a women's Grand Slam singles champion with her remarkable victory at Flushing Meadows. 艾玛年仅18岁就在网球公开赛场上大获成功,成为英国44年来首位大满贯女单冠军。 In a public vote, diver Tom Daley placed second and swimmer Adam Peaty was third. 公开投票结果显示,跳水运动员汤姆·戴利和游泳运动员亚当·皮蒂分别位居BBC年度体育人物排名的第二名和第三名。 Manchester City and England forward Raheem Sterling, boxer Tyson Fury, and Great Britain's most successful Paralympian Sarah Storey were also shortlisted for the main award. 曼城队的英格兰前锋拉希姆·斯特林、拳击运动员泰森·富里和英国最成功的残奥会运动员萨拉·斯托里也被提名为年度体育人物。 "It's such an honour just to be among these nominees. Congrats to you and all your achievements," Raducanu said. 艾玛说:“很荣幸能够和这些人一起被提名。祝贺所有被提名者以及他们所获得的成就。” "I'm really happy with this, I've watched Sports Personality of the Year growing up and it's an honour to be among those past winners. “获得这一荣誉让我感到很开心。我是看着年度体育人物奖长大的,很荣幸可以和过往的年度体育人物比肩。” "I'm happy for British tennis as well, and that we've managed to get this award...again!" “我也为英国网球能够再次获得这一荣誉而感到高兴!” Andy Murray was the last tennis player to win the award, with his third coming in 2016. Raducanu is the first female to win the award since Zara Phillips, now Tindall, in 2006. 上一位获评BBC年度体育人物的网球运动员是安迪·穆雷,2016年穆雷第三次获评年度体育人物。艾玛是自2006年扎拉·菲利浦(婚后随夫姓丁达尔)获评年度体育人物之后首位获此殊荣的女性。 In winning the US Open title in September with a 6-4 6-3 victory over fellow teenager Leylah Fernandez, Raducanu became: 今年9月份,艾玛在美国网球公开赛中以6:4和6:3的比分战胜19岁的对手莱拉·费尔南德斯,成为了—— The youngest women's Grand Slam champion since Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon in 2004 自玛丽亚·莎拉波娃2004年温网大满贯以来史上最年轻的大满贯女单冠军; The youngest Briton to win a Grand Slam title 获得大满贯头衔的年纪最小的英国人; The first woman to win the US Open without dropping a set since Serena Williams in 2014 自塞雷娜·威廉姆斯2014年的赛场表现以来首位不失一盘赢得美国网球公开赛的女性。 注:BBC年度体育人物为BBC主办的一项年度奖项,候选人必须为英国籍运动员或者长期在英国从事体育活动的人。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Britain's Emma Raducanu celebrates winning her match against Romania's Elena-Gabriela Ruse at theRoyal Albert Hall, London on November 28, 2021. REUTERS/Tony Obrien Teenage US Open champion Emma Raducanu has been voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2021. Raducanu, then 18, ended Britain's 44-year wait for a women's Grand Slam singles champion with her remarkable victory at Flushing Meadows. In a public vote, diver Tom Daley placed second and swimmer Adam Peaty was third. Manchester City and England forward Raheem Sterling, boxer Tyson Fury, and Great Britain's most successful Paralympian Sarah Storey were also shortlisted for the main award. "It's such an honour just to be among these nominees. Congrats to you and all your achievements," Raducanu said. "I'm really happy with this, I've watched Sports Personality of the Year growing up and it's an honour to be among those past winners. "I'm happy for British tennis as well, and that we've managed to get this award...again!" Andy Murray was the last tennis player to win the award, with his third coming in 2016. Raducanu is the first female to win the award since Zara Phillips, now Tindall, in 2006. In winning the US Open title in September with a 6-4 6-3 victory over fellow teenager Leylah Fernandez, Raducanu became: The youngest women's Grand Slam champion since Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon in 2004 The youngest Briton to win a Grand Slam title The first woman to win the US Open without dropping a set since Serena Williams in 2014
几个月前刷爆全网的英国华裔天才少女艾玛·拉杜卡努日前被评为BBC年度体育人物,成为2006年以来首位获此殊荣的女性。 19岁的美国网球公开赛冠军艾玛·拉杜卡努被评为英国广播公司的2021年度体育人物。 艾玛年仅18岁就在网球公开赛场上大获成功,成为英国44年来首位大满贯女单冠军。 公开投票结果显示,跳水运动员汤姆·戴利和游泳运动员亚当·皮蒂分别位居BBC年度体育人物排名的第二名和第三名。 曼城队的英格兰前锋拉希姆·斯特林、拳击运动员泰森·富里和英国最成功的残奥会运动员萨拉·斯托里也被提名为年度体育人物。 艾玛说:“很荣幸能够和这些人一起被提名。祝贺所有被提名者以及他们所获得的成就。” “获得这一荣誉让我感到很开心。我是看着年度体育人物奖长大的,很荣幸可以和过往的年度体育人物比肩。” “我也为英国网球能够再次获得这一荣誉而感到高兴!” 上一位获评BBC年度体育人物的网球运动员是安迪·穆雷,2016年穆雷第三次获评年度体育人物。艾玛是自2006年扎拉·菲利浦(婚后随夫姓丁达尔)获评年度体育人物之后首位获此殊荣的女性。 今年9月份,艾玛在美国网球公开赛中以6:4和6:3的比分战胜19岁的对手莱拉·费尔南德斯,成为了—— 自玛丽亚·莎拉波娃2004年温网大满贯以来史上最年轻的大满贯女单冠军; 获得大满贯头衔的年纪最小的英国人; 自塞雷娜·威廉姆斯2014年的赛场表现以来首位不失一盘赢得美国网球公开赛的女性。 注:BBC年度体育人物为BBC主办的一项年度奖项,候选人必须为英国籍运动员或者长期在英国从事体育活动的人。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
距离北京冬奥会开幕只剩下不到50天的时间了,冬奥村的各项筹备工作也进入了尾声。再过一个月,三个冬奥村即将开门迎接来自世界各地的运动员和代表队官员,是不是很期待呢? Beijing's Winter Olympic Village covers an area of 330,000 square meters and comprises 20 residential buildings. [Photo provided to China Daily] With the countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics entering the final 50 days, finishing touches are being made to the Games villages and COVID-19 safety measures have been finalized. 随着2022年北京冬奥会进入倒计时50天,奥运村的筹备工作进入了收尾阶段,防疫安全措施也已最终确定。 The three villages, two in Beijing's Chaoyang and Yanqing districts and one in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, are near ready to welcome the Olympians, with international athletes and officials due to arrive as early as next month. 三个冬奥村基本都已准备好迎接奥运选手,其中两个位于北京的朝阳区和延庆区,还有一个位于河北省张家口。来自世界各地的运动员和官方人员最早将于下月到达。 The two villages in Beijing passed full operating tests in a two-day trial earlier this month. Each village provided accommodation for hundreds of trial participants, check-in and check-out procedures were tested while COVID-19 testing, health monitoring, medical services and commercial functions were evaluated and adjusted, according to the Beijing 2022 organizing committee. 北京的两个奥运村本月早些时候通过了为期两天的试运营期全流程测试。据2022北京冬奥会组委会称,每个奥运村为数百名测试参与者提供了食宿,并测试了入住和退房流程,还对新冠病毒检测、健康监控、医疗服务和商业功能进行了评估和调整。 The mountain village in Zhangjiakou's Chongli district, where the majority of the Olympic snow sports events will be held, is expected to finish testing all facilities soon. 张家口崇礼区的奥运村也将很快将完成所有设施的测试工作,崇礼将承办大多数奥运会雪上体育赛事。 "The tests received a lot of positive feedback, especially for the impressive residential services, the food quality in the dining hall and accessibility for wheelchair users," Song Xueying, a deputy director of the organizing committee's village planning and operation department, said at a news briefing on Thursday. 北京冬奥组委奥运村部副部长宋雪莹在12月16日的新闻发布会上称,测试收到了很多积极反馈,尤其是针对出色的居住区服务、食堂菜品质量和无障碍设施的设置。 The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will take place from Feb. 4 and 20, followed by the Winter Paralympics from March 4 to 13. 2022北京冬奥会将于2月4日到20日期间举办,冬残奥会将于3月4日到13日期间举办。 Designed and constructed to the highest standards for green and sustainable housing, the three villages will be able to accommodate 5,500 athletes and team officials. More trial operations will start on Jan 23 for the official opening of the villages four days later. 三个冬奥村均符合绿色建筑最高标准,将为5500名运动员和代表队官员提供食宿。1月23日起冬奥村将会试运行,为四天后正式开村做好准备。 A highlight of the villages are the dining halls, which will offer 678 dishes to athletes from diverse cultural backgrounds. The menu was designed to meet different dietary needs while taking different religions into consideration. 食堂是冬奥村的一大亮点,将向来自不同文化背景的人提供678道菜品。菜单设计旨在迎合不同的饮食需求和宗教文化。 运动员菜单的设计中西兼顾,中餐和西餐的比例为3∶7。食材品种丰富,超过400种各类食材,单是披萨就有玛格丽特披萨、烟熏鸡肉披萨等9种。 冬奥会(冬残奥会)赛时恰逢中国传统春节,菜单将围绕“中国年味”,与国际上的节日相结合,增添特色饮食餐品供应。 中国特色菜品包括西湖牛肉羹、木须肉、酱爆鸡丁等,结合中国东西南北美食主题,展示中国饮食文化的丰富性与多样性。川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、湘菜等,让世界各地运动员充分感受、体验中国美食文化魅力。 餐厅设置了世界餐台、亚洲餐台、中餐餐台、明档、清真餐台、披萨与意大利面餐台、沙拉台和调味品台、鲜果台、面包和甜品台等12种餐台。每天约200道供各国运动员食用,以每8天为一个周期进行轮换。 The teams operating the villages will next focus on optimizing isolation and treatment procedures for potential positive COVID-19 cases. Garbage collection and processing to prevent risks of cross-infection between village residents and outside communities is also being looked at, according to the organizing committee's venue planning and construction department. 北京冬奥组委规划建设部表示,奥运村运营团队接下来将专注于优化潜在新冠确诊病例的隔离和治疗流程,并优化垃圾收集和处理流程,以防范奥运村居民和外部社区的交叉感染风险。 "A special team of trained workers will be deployed at each village to collect and transfer garbage to a bio-secured zone in the village, where the waste will be thoroughly disinfected and sorted before further processing to prevent the risk of a virus leaking out," said Liu Yumin, director of the department. 北京冬奥组委规划建设部部长刘玉民说:“每个冬奥村将会派一支专业服务队伍去收集垃圾并将垃圾转运到奥运村内的一个生物安全区,在那里会对垃圾进行彻底消毒和分类,然后再进一步处理,以防止病毒泄露风险。” According to an updated version of the Playbook-a comprehensive guideline on COVID-19 pandemic control and prevention for the Games-athletes, team officials, operational staff and accredited media will have to stay within a strict bubble. They can only move between their designated villages and hotels and training, competition and working venues on official shuttle services and will not be allowed to contact with anyone outside the bubble. 新版北京冬奥会防疫手册指出,将对运动员、代表队官员、运营人员和认证媒体人员实行闭环管理。他们只能乘坐官方摆渡车在指定的奥运村、酒店、训练馆、比赛场馆和工作场所之间活动,不能接触闭环外的任何人。 "This will provide a unique Games experience, designed to help athletes fully focus on the fundamentals of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games-sports competition," said Christophe Dubi, the International Olympic Committee's Olympic Games executive director, at the release of the updated version of the Playbook on Monday. 新版北京冬奥会防疫手册于12月13日发布,国际奥委会奥运执行主任克里斯多夫·杜比表示:“防疫手册旨在帮助运动员将全部注意力集中在奥运会和残奥会的体育比赛上,从而为大家提供独一无二的奥运会体验。” 英文来源:中国日报网、中国日报双语新闻微信 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Beijing's Winter Olympic Village covers an area of 330,000 square meters and comprises 20 residential buildings. [Photo provided to China Daily] With the countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics entering the final 50 days, finishing touches are being made to the Games villages and COVID-19 safety measures have been finalized. The three villages, two in Beijing's Chaoyang and Yanqing districts and one in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, are near ready to welcome the Olympians, with international athletes and officials due to arrive as early as next month. The two villages in Beijing passed full operating tests in a two-day trial earlier this month. Each village provided accommodation for hundreds of trial participants, check-in and check-out procedures were tested while COVID-19 testing, health monitoring, medical services and commercial functions were evaluated and adjusted, according to the Beijing 2022 organizing committee. The mountain village in Zhangjiakou's Chongli district, where the majority of the Olympic snow sports events will be held, is expected to finish testing all facilities soon. "The tests received a lot of positive feedback, especially for the impressive residential services, the food quality in the dining hall and accessibility for wheelchair users," Song Xueying, a deputy director of the organizing committee's village planning and operation department, said at a news briefing on Thursday. The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will take place from Feb. 4 and 20, followed by the Winter Paralympics from March 4 to 13. Designed and constructed to the highest standards for green and sustainable housing, the three villages will be able to accommodate 5,500 athletes and team officials. More trial operations will start on Jan 23 for the official opening of the villages four days later. A highlight of the villages are the dining halls, which will offer 678 dishes to athletes from diverse cultural backgrounds. The menu was designed to meet different dietary needs while taking different religions into consideration. The teams operating the villages will next focus on optimizing isolation and treatment procedures for potential positive COVID-19 cases. Garbage collection and processing to prevent risks of cross-infection between village residents and outside communities is also being looked at, according to the organizing committee's venue planning and construction department. "A special team of trained workers will be deployed at each village to collect and transfer garbage to a bio-secured zone in the village, where the waste will be thoroughly disinfected and sorted before further processing to prevent the risk of a virus leaking out," said Liu Yumin, director of the department. According to an updated version of the Playbook-a comprehensive guideline on COVID-19 pandemic control and prevention for the Games-athletes, team officials, operational staff and accredited media will have to stay within a strict bubble. They can only move between their designated villages and hotels and training, competition and working venues on official shuttle services and will not be allowed to contact with anyone outside the bubble. "This will provide a unique Games experience, designed to help athletes fully focus on the fundamentals of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games-sports competition," said Christophe Dubi, the International Olympic Committee's Olympic Games executive director, at the release of the updated version of the Playbook on Monday.
距离北京冬奥会开幕只剩下不到50天的时间了,冬奥村的各项筹备工作也进入了尾声。再过一个月,三个冬奥村即将开门迎接来自世界各地的运动员和代表队官员,是不是很期待呢? 随着2022年北京冬奥会进入倒计时50天,奥运村的筹备工作进入了收尾阶段,防疫安全措施也已最终确定。 三个冬奥村基本都已准备好迎接奥运选手,其中两个位于北京的朝阳区和延庆区,还有一个位于河北省张家口。来自世界各地的运动员和官方人员最早将于下月到达。 北京的两个奥运村本月早些时候通过了为期两天的试运营期全流程测试。据2022北京冬奥会组委会称,每个奥运村为数百名测试参与者提供了食宿,并测试了入住和退房流程,还对新冠病毒检测、健康监控、医疗服务和商业功能进行了评估和调整。 张家口崇礼区的奥运村也将很快将完成所有设施的测试工作,崇礼将承办大多数奥运会雪上体育赛事。 北京冬奥组委奥运村部副部长宋雪莹在12月16日的新闻发布会上称,测试收到了很多积极反馈,尤其是针对出色的居住区服务、食堂菜品质量和无障碍设施的设置。 2022北京冬奥会将于2月4日到20日期间举办,冬残奥会将于3月4日到13日期间举办。 三个冬奥村均符合绿色建筑最高标准,将为5500名运动员和代表队官员提供食宿。1月23日起冬奥村将会试运行,为四天后正式开村做好准备。 食堂是冬奥村的一大亮点,将向来自不同文化背景的人提供678道菜品。菜单设计旨在迎合不同的饮食需求和宗教文化。 运动员菜单的设计中西兼顾,中餐和西餐的比例为3∶7。食材品种丰富,超过400种各类食材,单是披萨就有玛格丽特披萨、烟熏鸡肉披萨等9种。 冬奥会(冬残奥会)赛时恰逢中国传统春节,菜单将围绕“中国年味”,与国际上的节日相结合,增添特色饮食餐品供应。 中国特色菜品包括西湖牛肉羹、木须肉、酱爆鸡丁等,结合中国东西南北美食主题,展示中国饮食文化的丰富性与多样性。川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、湘菜等,让世界各地运动员充分感受、体验中国美食文化魅力。 餐厅设置了世界餐台、亚洲餐台、中餐餐台、明档、清真餐台、披萨与意大利面餐台、沙拉台和调味品台、鲜果台、面包和甜品台等12种餐台。每天约200道供各国运动员食用,以每8天为一个周期进行轮换。 北京冬奥组委规划建设部表示,奥运村运营团队接下来将专注于优化潜在新冠确诊病例的隔离和治疗流程,并优化垃圾收集和处理流程,以防范奥运村居民和外部社区的交叉感染风险。 北京冬奥组委规划建设部部长刘玉民说:“每个冬奥村将会派一支专业服务队伍去收集垃圾并将垃圾转运到奥运村内的一个生物安全区,在那里会对垃圾进行彻底消毒和分类,然后再进一步处理,以防止病毒泄露风险。” 新版北京冬奥会防疫手册指出,将对运动员、代表队官员、运营人员和认证媒体人员实行闭环管理。他们只能乘坐官方摆渡车在指定的奥运村、酒店、训练馆、比赛场馆和工作场所之间活动,不能接触闭环外的任何人。 新版北京冬奥会防疫手册于12月13日发布,国际奥委会奥运执行主任克里斯多夫·杜比表示:“防疫手册旨在帮助运动员将全部注意力集中在奥运会和残奥会的体育比赛上,从而为大家提供独一无二的奥运会体验。” 英文来源:中国日报网、中国日报双语新闻微信 翻译&编辑:丹妮
人生应该如何度过?让中外名人来为你指点迷津吧。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss “不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,至少你曾经拥有过。”——苏斯博士 2. “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese “我们往往记住的不是某一天,而是某个时刻。”——切撒莱·帕维塞 3. “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost “我对生活的感悟可以用这七个字来概括:一切都会过去的。”——罗伯特·弗罗斯特 4. “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – Allen Saunders “生活总是计划赶不上变化。”——约翰·列侬 5. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius “生活其实很简单,但我们总是把它复杂化。”——孔子 6. “Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.” – Irving Berlin “生活的百分之10在于你如何塑造它,有百分之90在于你如何对待它。”——欧文·柏林 7. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West “你只活一次,但如果你做了你想做的事,一次就已足够。”——梅·韦斯特 8. “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” – Albert Einstein “只有为别人而活,生命才有价值。”——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 9. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln “到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是你是如何度过这些岁月的。”——亚伯拉罕·林肯 10. “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” – Mark Twain “拥有好朋友,好的书籍和一颗宁静的心,就是理想的生活。”——马克·吐温 11. “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin “与其期盼着你的下一个假期什么时候来临,不如开始一种你不需逃避的生活。”——塞思·戈丁 12. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” – Stephen King, Different Seasons “忙着生活,或者碌碌无为而死。”——史蒂芬·金《四季奇谭》 13. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others’?” – Martin Luther King Jr. “人生中最持久也是最紧迫的问题是,‘你为他人做了些什么?’”——马丁·路德·金 14. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” – Virginia Woolf “你不能通过逃避生活来寻得一片宁静。”——弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙 15. “My life is my message.” – Mahatma Gandhi “我的生活就是我想要表达的态度。”——莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地 (来源:沪江英语 编辑:丹妮)
[Photo/Pexels] 1. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss 2. “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese 3. “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost 4. “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – Allen Saunders 5. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius 6. “Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.” – Irving Berlin 7. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West 8. “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” – Albert Einstein 9. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln 10. “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” – Mark Twain 11. “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin 12. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” – Stephen King, Different Seasons 13. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others’?” – Martin Luther King Jr. 14. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” – Virginia Woolf 15. “My life is my message.” – Mahatma Gandhi
人生应该如何度过?让中外名人来为你指点迷津吧。 “不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,至少你曾经拥有过。”——苏斯博士 “我们往往记住的不是某一天,而是某个时刻。”——切撒莱·帕维塞 “我对生活的感悟可以用这七个字来概括:一切都会过去的。”——罗伯特·弗罗斯特 “生活总是计划赶不上变化。”——约翰·列侬 “生活其实很简单,但我们总是把它复杂化。”——孔子 “生活的百分之10在于你如何塑造它,有百分之90在于你如何对待它。”——欧文·柏林 “你只活一次,但如果你做了你想做的事,一次就已足够。”——梅·韦斯特 “只有为别人而活,生命才有价值。”——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 “到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是你是如何度过这些岁月的。”——亚伯拉罕·林肯 “拥有好朋友,好的书籍和一颗宁静的心,就是理想的生活。”——马克·吐温 “与其期盼着你的下一个假期什么时候来临,不如开始一种你不需逃避的生活。”——塞思·戈丁 “忙着生活,或者碌碌无为而死。”——史蒂芬·金《四季奇谭》 “人生中最持久也是最紧迫的问题是,‘你为他人做了些什么?’”——马丁·路德·金 “你不能通过逃避生活来寻得一片宁静。”——弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙 “我的生活就是我想要表达的态度。”——莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地 (来源:沪江英语 编辑:丹妮)
当你感叹自己力气不够大时,有没有想过决定自己力量的秘密就在手掌上…… Researchers found that women who have an index finger that's shorter than their ring finger could actually have more strength. 研究表明食指比无名指短的女性可能更加强壮。 来自奥地利的研究团队分析了手掌握力与人们第2和第4根手指长度的比率关系(handgrip strength and people's 2D:4D ratios)。研究结果发表在《英国皇家学会学报B辑》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)上。 啥是2D:4D比率 The 2D:4D ratio is the most studied digit ratio and is calculated by dividing the length of the index finger of a given hand by the length of the ring finger of the same hand. 2D:4D比值是最常被研究的数字比值之一,它的计算方法是将某只手的食指长度除以同一只手的无名指长度。 许多研究表明,2D:4D数字比率与各种身体和行为特征之间存在相关性。 不少过去的科学研究已经发现,这一比例与男性力量有关,但它与女性力量的关系还不明确。参与该项研究的学者Katrin Schäfer表示,这一理论对女性同样适用。 In experiments, women with a lower 2D:4D ratio tended to have higher grip strength than women with a higher 2D:4D ratio, the researchers found. 在实验中,研究人员发现2D:4D比例较低的女性往往握力更高。 换句话说,无名指比食指长表明握力更强、肌肉更健康。 A lower 2D:4D ratio – and higher prenatal testosterone exposure – is linked to higher grip strength in adulthood. 2D:4D比率越低,胎儿在子宫内接触到更多的睾酮,因此长大后握力更高。 不少研究已开始深入分析导致2D:4D比率与握力之间关联的原因。 Earlier this year, researchers in Scandinavia found hungry people with low 2D:4D digit ratios "make more masculine food choices". 今年早些时候,斯堪的纳维亚的研究人员发现,2D:4D数字比率低的人在饥饿时“会选择更男性化的食物”。 Also this year, Swansea University researchers found children born to a mother with an above-average income had a lower 2D:4D digit ratio. 同样在今年,斯旺西大学的研究人员发现,收入高于平均水平的女性所生的孩子的2D:4D数字比率更低。 如何测量2D:4D比率 说到这里,屏幕前的你是否已经在用尺子量手指了? 别急,接下来CD君将用图示的方法教大家如何准确测量: To measure your finger, straighten it and look at the palm of your hand. 测量手指时首先把手伸直,观察一下自己的手掌。 At the base of your index and ring fingers there are likely to be creases. Your index finger is likely to have one crease, the ring finger is a band of creases. 食指和无名指指根部有关节褶皱。你的食指可能有一条关节褶皱,无名指有多条褶皱。 Select the crease closest to the palm and choose a point on the crease midway across the base of the finger. 选择离手掌最近的褶皱的中间点。 Mark it with a pen. Measure it from the mark to the tip of the finger. 用笔做个记号。测量从该点到指尖的长度。 大家的测量结果如何呢? 编辑:焦洁 实习生:陈励澄 来源:每日邮报
Researchers found that women who have an index finger that's shorter than their ring finger could actually have more strength. The 2D:4D ratio is the most studied digit ratio and is calculated by dividing the length of the index finger of a given hand by the length of the ring finger of the same hand. In experiments, women with a lower 2D:4D ratio tended to have higher grip strength than women with a higher 2D:4D ratio, the researchers found. A lower 2D:4D ratio – and higher prenatal testosterone exposure – is linked to higher grip strength in adulthood. Earlier this year, researchers in Scandinavia found hungry people with low 2D:4D digit ratios "make more masculine food choices". Also this year, Swansea University researchers found children born to a mother with an above-average income had a lower 2D:4D digit ratio. To measure your finger, straighten it and look at the palm of your hand. At the base of your index and ring fingers there are likely to be creases. Your index finger is likely to have one crease, the ring finger is a band of creases. Select the crease closest to the palm and choose a point on the crease midway across the base of the finger. Mark it with a pen. Measure it from the mark to the tip of the finger.
当你感叹自己力气不够大时,有没有想过决定自己力量的秘密就在手掌上…… 研究表明食指比无名指短的女性可能更加强壮。 来自奥地利的研究团队分析了手掌握力与人们第2和第4根手指长度的比率关系(handgrip strength and people's 2D:4D ratios)。研究结果发表在《英国皇家学会学报B辑》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)上。 啥是2D:4D比率 2D:4D比值是最常被研究的数字比值之一,它的计算方法是将某只手的食指长度除以同一只手的无名指长度。 许多研究表明,2D:4D数字比率与各种身体和行为特征之间存在相关性。 不少过去的科学研究已经发现,这一比例与男性力量有关,但它与女性力量的关系还不明确。参与该项研究的学者Katrin Schäfer表示,这一理论对女性同样适用。 在实验中,研究人员发现2D:4D比例较低的女性往往握力更高。 换句话说,无名指比食指长表明握力更强、肌肉更健康。 2D:4D比率越低,胎儿在子宫内接触到更多的睾酮,因此长大后握力更高。 不少研究已开始深入分析导致2D:4D比率与握力之间关联的原因。 今年早些时候,斯堪的纳维亚的研究人员发现,2D:4D数字比率低的人在饥饿时“会选择更男性化的食物”。 同样在今年,斯旺西大学的研究人员发现,收入高于平均水平的女性所生的孩子的2D:4D数字比率更低。 如何测量2D:4D比率 说到这里,屏幕前的你是否已经在用尺子量手指了? 别急,接下来CD君将用图示的方法教大家如何准确测量: 测量手指时首先把手伸直,观察一下自己的手掌。 食指和无名指指根部有关节褶皱。你的食指可能有一条关节褶皱,无名指有多条褶皱。 选择离手掌最近的褶皱的中间点。 用笔做个记号。测量从该点到指尖的长度。 大家的测量结果如何呢? 编辑:焦洁 实习生:陈励澄 来源:每日邮报
自11月放宽防疫措施以来,韩国新增新冠确诊病例数飙升,创下单日新增近8000例的纪录。韩国政府12月16日正式宣布再次收紧防疫政策,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会。此举意味着韩国政府在事实上叫停了实施了一个多月的“与新冠共存”防疫模式。 People get nucleic acid test at a sampling site in Seoul, South Korea, Dec 11, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] South Korea will prohibit private social gatherings of five or more people nationwide and force restaurants to close at 9 pm, rolling out the country's toughest coronavirus restrictions. 韩国将实施该国迄今为止最严厉的新冠防疫措施,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会,并强制餐馆在晚上9点关门。 Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said Thursday that the new measures will be enforced for at least 16 days after taking effect on Saturday. 韩国总理金富谦12月16日表示,新的措施将在18日生效,之后至少实施16天。 Schools in the densely populated capital Seoul and nearby metropolitan areas, where the virus has hit hardest, will also go back to remote learning after fully reopening in November. 人口密集的首都首尔和附近城区的学校在11月全面复课后,也将恢复远程教学。这些地区的疫情是最严重的。 The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency reported 7,622 new cases on Thursday, close to the daily record of 7,850 set a day earlier. That brought the national caseload to 544,117, with nearly 97,000 added in December alone. 韩国疾病管理厅12月16日报告了7622例新增确诊病例,与前一天创下的纪录(单日新增7850例)几乎持平。这使得韩国新冠确诊病例达到544117例,仅12月就增加了近97000例。 Most of the transmissions were in the capital region, where officials say more than 86% of intensive care units designated for COVID-19 treatment are already occupied amid a spike in hospitalizations and deaths. 疫情主要集中在首尔地区。韩国政府官员表示,首尔地区住院和死亡的新冠患者激增,新冠专用重症监护病房的占用率已经超过86%。 More than 890 virus patients died this month, bringing the country’s death toll to 4,518. As of Thursday morning, a record 989 patients were in serious or critical condition. 本月有超过890名新冠感染者死亡,该国新冠死亡人数达到4518人。截至16日上午,已有989名危重症患者,创下了新纪录。 “During this period of standstill, the government will reinforce the stability of our medical response capabilities,” said Kim during a virus meeting. “We ask our people to respond to these efforts by actively getting vaccinated.” 金富谦在疫情发布会上表示:“在全国陷入停滞的时期,政府将提升医疗应对能力的稳定性。我们呼吁民众积极接种疫苗,响应政府的政策。” After hesitating for weeks, officials moderately tightened social distancing rules last week, banning gatherings of seven or more people in the Seoul metropolitan area and requiring adults to verify their vaccination status to use restaurants and other businesses, but such measures didn’t meaningfully slow the virus' spread. 在犹豫了数周后,官员们上周适度收紧了社交防疫规定,禁止在首尔市区进行7人及以上的聚会,并要求成年人在进入餐馆和其他商户时出示疫苗接种证明,但这些措施并没有有效地减缓病毒的传播。 Jung Eun-kyeong said the country could see daily infections exceed 10,000 or 20,000 in the coming weeks if it fails to meaningfully slow transmissions now. 郑银敬表示,如果现在不能有效减缓病毒传播速度,韩国在未来几周内每天的感染人数可能会超过1万至2万人。 Health Minister Kwon Deok-cheol said the four-person gatherings limit will only be applied to fully vaccinated adults. Those who aren't fully vaccinated will be required to eat alone at restaurants, Kwon said. The rules won’t be applied to children 18 years or younger. Restaurants, coffee shops, gyms and karaoke venues will be required to close at 9 pm, while movie theaters, concert halls and private cram schools will have to close at 10 pm. 韩国保健福祉部部长权德哲表示,4人聚会的人数上限只适用于已经完成疫苗接种的成年人。他说,那些没有完全接种疫苗的人将被要求单独在餐馆用餐。这些规则不适用于18岁及以下的未成年人。餐厅、咖啡馆、健身房和卡拉OK厅将于晚上9点关门,电影院、音乐厅和私立补习班将于晚上10点关门。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
People get nucleic acid test at a sampling site in Seoul, South Korea, Dec 11, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] South Korea will prohibit private social gatherings of five or more people nationwide and force restaurants to close at 9 pm, rolling out the country's toughest coronavirus restrictions. Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said Thursday that the new measures will be enforced for at least 16 days after taking effect on Saturday. Schools in the densely populated capital Seoul and nearby metropolitan areas, where the virus has hit hardest, will also go back to remote learning after fully reopening in November. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency reported 7,622 new cases on Thursday, close to the daily record of 7,850 set a day earlier. That brought the national caseload to 544,117, with nearly 97,000 added in December alone. Most of the transmissions were in the capital region, where officials say more than 86% of intensive care units designated for COVID-19 treatment are already occupied amid a spike in hospitalizations and deaths. More than 890 virus patients died this month, bringing the country’s death toll to 4,518. As of Thursday morning, a record 989 patients were in serious or critical condition. “During this period of standstill, the government will reinforce the stability of our medical response capabilities,” said Kim during a virus meeting. “We ask our people to respond to these efforts by actively getting vaccinated.” After hesitating for weeks, officials moderately tightened social distancing rules last week, banning gatherings of seven or more people in the Seoul metropolitan area and requiring adults to verify their vaccination status to use restaurants and other businesses, but such measures didn’t meaningfully slow the virus' spread. Jung Eun-kyeong said the country could see daily infections exceed 10,000 or 20,000 in the coming weeks if it fails to meaningfully slow transmissions now. Health Minister Kwon Deok-cheol said the four-person gatherings limit will only be applied to fully vaccinated adults. Those who aren't fully vaccinated will be required to eat alone at restaurants, Kwon said. The rules won’t be applied to children 18 years or younger. Restaurants, coffee shops, gyms and karaoke venues will be required to close at 9 pm, while movie theaters, concert halls and private cram schools will have to close at 10 pm.
自11月放宽防疫措施以来,韩国新增新冠确诊病例数飙升,创下单日新增近8000例的纪录。韩国政府12月16日正式宣布再次收紧防疫政策,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会。此举意味着韩国政府在事实上叫停了实施了一个多月的“与新冠共存”防疫模式。 韩国将实施该国迄今为止最严厉的新冠防疫措施,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会,并强制餐馆在晚上9点关门。 韩国总理金富谦12月16日表示,新的措施将在18日生效,之后至少实施16天。 人口密集的首都首尔和附近城区的学校在11月全面复课后,也将恢复远程教学。这些地区的疫情是最严重的。 韩国疾病管理厅12月16日报告了7622例新增确诊病例,与前一天创下的纪录(单日新增7850例)几乎持平。这使得韩国新冠确诊病例达到544117例,仅12月就增加了近97000例。 疫情主要集中在首尔地区。韩国政府官员表示,首尔地区住院和死亡的新冠患者激增,新冠专用重症监护病房的占用率已经超过86%。 本月有超过890名新冠感染者死亡,该国新冠死亡人数达到4518人。截至16日上午,已有989名危重症患者,创下了新纪录。 金富谦在疫情发布会上表示:“在全国陷入停滞的时期,政府将提升医疗应对能力的稳定性。我们呼吁民众积极接种疫苗,响应政府的政策。” 在犹豫了数周后,官员们上周适度收紧了社交防疫规定,禁止在首尔市区进行7人及以上的聚会,并要求成年人在进入餐馆和其他商户时出示疫苗接种证明,但这些措施并没有有效地减缓病毒的传播。 郑银敬表示,如果现在不能有效减缓病毒传播速度,韩国在未来几周内每天的感染人数可能会超过1万至2万人。 韩国保健福祉部部长权德哲表示,4人聚会的人数上限只适用于已经完成疫苗接种的成年人。他说,那些没有完全接种疫苗的人将被要求单独在餐馆用餐。这些规则不适用于18岁及以下的未成年人。餐厅、咖啡馆、健身房和卡拉OK厅将于晚上9点关门,电影院、音乐厅和私立补习班将于晚上10点关门。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
12月13日,巴黎奥组委正式公布了2024年奥运会的开幕式创意方案,本届奥运会的开幕式将突破体育场的限制,在长达6公里的塞纳河河道及沿河区域内举行。 A visualisation of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games opening ceremony is pictured in this undated handout obtained December 13, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on July 26, 2024, will take part on the River Seine, organizers announced on Monday, breaking the long-held Summer Games tradition of a stadium procession of athletes and officials. 巴黎奥组委12月13日宣布,2024年7月26日举办的巴黎奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河上进行,这打破了长期以来夏季奥运会运动员和官方人员在体育场内行进入场的传统。 按照目前的设计,约10500名运动员将乘坐160余艘船只沿塞纳河由东向西入场,从奥斯特里茨桥出发到伊埃纳桥,途中经过巴黎城区最核心的区域,沿岸囊括了巴黎著名的地标性建筑如巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫、大皇宫以及埃菲尔铁塔等。 More than 160 boats filled with athletes and officials from more than 200 countries will sail almost 6km (4 miles) between the Pont d'Austerlitz and Pont d'Iena bridges in central Paris, with the closing ceremony scheduled to be held at the Trocadero, an expanse of gardens and fountains which overlooks the Eiffel Tower. 来自200多个国家的运动员和官员将乘坐160余艘船在巴黎市中心奥斯特里茨桥和伊埃纳桥之间行驶近6公里。闭幕式将在特罗卡德罗举行,这里是能看到埃菲尔铁塔的一片喷泉花园。 巴黎奥组委主席埃斯坦盖表示,这6公里的航道给开幕式的文艺表演带来无限可能,届时将在塞纳河上、桥上、空中进行表演。他说: “One billion people will watch the ceremony. We want them to feel the best of France. It will be a unique combination of a sport and cultural moment, with the entire city turned into a vast Olympic stadium.” “届时将有10亿观众收看开幕式。我们希望他们感受到法国最好的一面。这将是一次体育和文化的独特结合,整个城市将变成一个巨大的奥林匹克体育场。” 巴黎奥组委预计将至少有60万人能够在现场观看这场盛大的开幕式。 Paris 2024 organizers are expecting crowds of 600,000 people for what they call the largest-ever Olympic ceremony. Part of the public will be dispersed along the banks of the Seine in ticketed stands while the rest are able to take part for free. 巴黎奥组委称这场奥运会开幕式有望成为有史以来规模最大的奥运盛事,预计将有60万人参加。塞纳河两岸分散了一些售票席位,而其他区域免费开放。 In an interview with AFP, Estanguet spoke of his "absolute pride" in having worked on this idea. 埃斯坦盖在接受法新社采访时表示,他对这个创意“相当自豪”。 "For the first time in the history of the Games we're going to organize a procession of athletes bang in the middle of the city, on the Seine. We expect at least 600,000 people, that's to say 10 times more than in a stadium like the Stade de France for example. " “我们将在市中心塞纳河畔组织运动员入场游行,这在奥运会历史上是前所未有的。我们预计至少有60万现场观众,比法兰西体育场这样的场馆可容纳人数要多10倍。” Competitions will also be staged in the heart of the city, including beach volleyball at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, and equestrian sports at the Chateau de Versaille. Mass participation cycling and running events will also be staged on the Olympic courses during Paris 2024. 本届奥运会的比赛也将在市中心举行,包括在埃菲尔铁塔脚下举办的沙滩排球项目和凡尔赛宫的马术项目。巴黎奥运会期间,奥运场馆内也将举办民众参与的自行车和跑步活动。 来源:法新社 编辑:董静
A visualisation of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games opening ceremony is pictured in this undated handout obtained December 13, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on July 26, 2024, will take part on the River Seine, organizers announced on Monday, breaking the long-held Summer Games tradition of a stadium procession of athletes and officials. More than 160 boats filled with athletes and officials from more than 200 countries will sail almost 6km (4 miles) between the Pont d'Austerlitz and Pont d'Iena bridges in central Paris, with the closing ceremony scheduled to be held at the Trocadero, an expanse of gardens and fountains which overlooks the Eiffel Tower. “One billion people will watch the ceremony. We want them to feel the best of France. It will be a unique combination of a sport and cultural moment, with the entire city turned into a vast Olympic stadium.” Paris 2024 organizers are expecting crowds of 600,000 people for what they call the largest-ever Olympic ceremony. Part of the public will be dispersed along the banks of the Seine in ticketed stands while the rest are able to take part for free. In an interview with AFP, Estanguet spoke of his "absolute pride" in having worked on this idea. "For the first time in the history of the Games we're going to organize a procession of athletes bang in the middle of the city, on the Seine. We expect at least 600,000 people, that's to say 10 times more than in a stadium like the Stade de France for example. " Competitions will also be staged in the heart of the city, including beach volleyball at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, and equestrian sports at the Chateau de Versaille. Mass participation cycling and running events will also be staged on the Olympic courses during Paris 2024.
12月13日,巴黎奥组委正式公布了2024年奥运会的开幕式创意方案,本届奥运会的开幕式将突破体育场的限制,在长达6公里的塞纳河河道及沿河区域内举行。 巴黎奥组委12月13日宣布,2024年7月26日举办的巴黎奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河上进行,这打破了长期以来夏季奥运会运动员和官方人员在体育场内行进入场的传统。 按照目前的设计,约10500名运动员将乘坐160余艘船只沿塞纳河由东向西入场,从奥斯特里茨桥出发到伊埃纳桥,途中经过巴黎城区最核心的区域,沿岸囊括了巴黎著名的地标性建筑如巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫、大皇宫以及埃菲尔铁塔等。 来自200多个国家的运动员和官员将乘坐160余艘船在巴黎市中心奥斯特里茨桥和伊埃纳桥之间行驶近6公里。闭幕式将在特罗卡德罗举行,这里是能看到埃菲尔铁塔的一片喷泉花园。 巴黎奥组委主席埃斯坦盖表示,这6公里的航道给开幕式的文艺表演带来无限可能,届时将在塞纳河上、桥上、空中进行表演。他说: “届时将有10亿观众收看开幕式。我们希望他们感受到法国最好的一面。这将是一次体育和文化的独特结合,整个城市将变成一个巨大的奥林匹克体育场。” 巴黎奥组委预计将至少有60万人能够在现场观看这场盛大的开幕式。 巴黎奥组委称这场奥运会开幕式有望成为有史以来规模最大的奥运盛事,预计将有60万人参加。塞纳河两岸分散了一些售票席位,而其他区域免费开放。 埃斯坦盖在接受法新社采访时表示,他对这个创意“相当自豪”。 “我们将在市中心塞纳河畔组织运动员入场游行,这在奥运会历史上是前所未有的。我们预计至少有60万现场观众,比法兰西体育场这样的场馆可容纳人数要多10倍。” 本届奥运会的比赛也将在市中心举行,包括在埃菲尔铁塔脚下举办的沙滩排球项目和凡尔赛宫的马术项目。巴黎奥运会期间,奥运场馆内也将举办民众参与的自行车和跑步活动。 来源:法新社 编辑:董静
日前,香港大学李嘉诚医学院的研究团队发现,相较于德尔塔变异株及原始病毒株,奥密克戎变异株在人体支气管组织内的复制速度大约快70倍。 A woman reacts as she receives a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination centre in London, Britain, December 15, 2021. REUTERS/Hannah McKay The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of coronavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus, the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission. 实验室在从支气管(连接气管和肺的主要管道)提取的组织样本中发现,奥密克戎新冠变种毒株的复制速度比原始新冠毒株和德尔塔毒株大约快70倍。这一实验有助于解释奥密克戎毒株的传播速度为什么这么快。 The study, by a team from the University of Hong Kong, also found that the new variant grew 10 times slower in lung tissue, which the authors said could be an indicator of lower disease severity. 香港大学的一个团队开展的这项研究还发现,新变异株在肺部组织内的繁殖速度会降低10倍,研究作者称,这可能意味着病情不会那么重。 Michael Chan Chi-wai, who led the work, said the result needed to be interpreted with caution because severe disease is determined not only by how quickly the virus replicates but also by a person’s immune response and, in particular, whether the immune system goes into overdrive, causing a so-called cytokine storm. 研究领头人陈志伟(音译)表示,应谨慎看待这一结果,因为是否发展为重症不仅取决于病毒复制的速度,还取决于人体的免疫反应,特别是免疫系统是否会因过激反应导致所谓的细胞因子风暴。 "It is also noted that by infecting many more people, a very infectious virus may cause more severe disease and death even though the virus itself may be less pathogenic,” he said. “Therefore, taken together with our recent studies showing that the Omicron variant can partially escape immunity from vaccines and past infection, the overall threat from the Omicron variant is likely to be very significant.” 他说:“研究还指出,即使病毒本身的致病性更低,但是传染性很强的病毒可能通过感染更多人而导致更严重的疾病。我们最近的研究显示,奥密克戎毒株可以绕过接种疫苗和感染后产生的部分免疫屏障,因此该毒株产生的整体威胁力可能非常大。” Jeremy Kamil, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport, pointed out that Delta, which turned out to be more pathogenic, showed a similar pattern of replicating more slowly in the lungs. 路易斯安那州立大学健康科学中心什里夫波特分校的微生物学和免疫学副教授杰里米·卡米尔指出,被证实致病性更高的德尔塔病毒也表现出在肺部复制速度变慢的相似模式。 "These authors found Omicron replicates fantastically well – even far better than either Delta or the original virus – in bronchial tissue,” Kamil said. “This could in some ways contribute to an advantage in spread/transmission between people. 卡米尔说:“研究作者发现,奥密克戎在支气管组织内复制速度极快,甚至比德尔塔或原始毒株快得多。这在某种程度上加剧了人与人之间的病毒传播。” "Of course, a huge component of Omicron’s transmissibility in real life is going to be its potential to escape neutralising antibodies that protect against infection in the first place. It’s very likely spreading well even between vaccinated people, especially those who haven’t recently gotten a booster shot.” “当然,现实生活中奥密克戎毒株的传播很大程度上依赖于它躲避人体抗体的潜力,而具有中和能力的抗体是防护的第一道屏障。该毒株甚至很可能在接种疫苗的人群当中也具有很强的传播力,尤其是那些最近没有打加强针的人群。” The initial data, published online and not yet peer-reviewed, came from experiments using lung tissue samples taken from patients during surgery. By 24 hours, the Omicron variant had replicated about 70 times more than Delta and the original variant. Although the bronchus is not the upper respiratory system, scientists said this could lead to people shedding more virus and passing on infections more easily. 该研究的初期数据来自用手术过程中从患者体内获取的肺部组织样本做的实验,这些数据发布在网上,尚未经过同行评审。实验发现,奥密克戎变异株在24小时内的复制速度比德尔塔及原始毒株快了近70倍。尽管支气管不属于上呼吸道系统,但是科学家表示,这可能会导致人们释放更多病毒,从而更易传染他人。 The findings, together with other recent work showing Omicron infects cells more readily, add to an emerging picture that the variant may be intrinsically more transmissible in addition to evading existing immunity. 除了这些研究结果,前一阵也有其他研究表明奥密克戎毒株更易入侵细胞,综合起来可以看出,奥密克戎变异株除了可以躲避人体内现有的免疫屏障,而且本质上传播力更强。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A woman reacts as she receives a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination centre in London, Britain, December 15, 2021. REUTERS/Hannah McKay The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of coronavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus, the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission. The study, by a team from the University of Hong Kong, also found that the new variant grew 10 times slower in lung tissue, which the authors said could be an indicator of lower disease severity. Michael Chan Chi-wai, who led the work, said the result needed to be interpreted with caution because severe disease is determined not only by how quickly the virus replicates but also by a person’s immune response and, in particular, whether the immune system goes into overdrive, causing a so-called cytokine storm. "It is also noted that by infecting many more people, a very infectious virus may cause more severe disease and death even though the virus itself may be less pathogenic,” he said. “Therefore, taken together with our recent studies showing that the Omicron variant can partially escape immunity from vaccines and past infection, the overall threat from the Omicron variant is likely to be very significant.” Jeremy Kamil, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport, pointed out that Delta, which turned out to be more pathogenic, showed a similar pattern of replicating more slowly in the lungs. "These authors found Omicron replicates fantastically well – even far better than either Delta or the original virus – in bronchial tissue,” Kamil said. “This could in some ways contribute to an advantage in spread/transmission between people. "Of course, a huge component of Omicron’s transmissibility in real life is going to be its potential to escape neutralising antibodies that protect against infection in the first place. It’s very likely spreading well even between vaccinated people, especially those who haven’t recently gotten a booster shot.” The initial data, published online and not yet peer-reviewed, came from experiments using lung tissue samples taken from patients during surgery. By 24 hours, the Omicron variant had replicated about 70 times more than Delta and the original variant. Although the bronchus is not the upper respiratory system, scientists said this could lead to people shedding more virus and passing on infections more easily. The findings, together with other recent work showing Omicron infects cells more readily, add to an emerging picture that the variant may be intrinsically more transmissible in addition to evading existing immunity.
日前,香港大学李嘉诚医学院的研究团队发现,相较于德尔塔变异株及原始病毒株,奥密克戎变异株在人体支气管组织内的复制速度大约快70倍。 实验室在从支气管(连接气管和肺的主要管道)提取的组织样本中发现,奥密克戎新冠变种毒株的复制速度比原始新冠毒株和德尔塔毒株大约快70倍。这一实验有助于解释奥密克戎毒株的传播速度为什么这么快。 香港大学的一个团队开展的这项研究还发现,新变异株在肺部组织内的繁殖速度会降低10倍,研究作者称,这可能意味着病情不会那么重。 研究领头人陈志伟(音译)表示,应谨慎看待这一结果,因为是否发展为重症不仅取决于病毒复制的速度,还取决于人体的免疫反应,特别是免疫系统是否会因过激反应导致所谓的细胞因子风暴。 他说:“研究还指出,即使病毒本身的致病性更低,但是传染性很强的病毒可能通过感染更多人而导致更严重的疾病。我们最近的研究显示,奥密克戎毒株可以绕过接种疫苗和感染后产生的部分免疫屏障,因此该毒株产生的整体威胁力可能非常大。” 路易斯安那州立大学健康科学中心什里夫波特分校的微生物学和免疫学副教授杰里米·卡米尔指出,被证实致病性更高的德尔塔病毒也表现出在肺部复制速度变慢的相似模式。 卡米尔说:“研究作者发现,奥密克戎在支气管组织内复制速度极快,甚至比德尔塔或原始毒株快得多。这在某种程度上加剧了人与人之间的病毒传播。” “当然,现实生活中奥密克戎毒株的传播很大程度上依赖于它躲避人体抗体的潜力,而具有中和能力的抗体是防护的第一道屏障。该毒株甚至很可能在接种疫苗的人群当中也具有很强的传播力,尤其是那些最近没有打加强针的人群。” 该研究的初期数据来自用手术过程中从患者体内获取的肺部组织样本做的实验,这些数据发布在网上,尚未经过同行评审。实验发现,奥密克戎变异株在24小时内的复制速度比德尔塔及原始毒株快了近70倍。尽管支气管不属于上呼吸道系统,但是科学家表示,这可能会导致人们释放更多病毒,从而更易传染他人。 除了这些研究结果,前一阵也有其他研究表明奥密克戎毒株更易入侵细胞,综合起来可以看出,奥密克戎变异株除了可以躲避人体内现有的免疫屏障,而且本质上传播力更强。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
世界上92%的网络用户使用表情符号,每天都有数十亿个表情被用于表达爱意、感谢、祝贺。近日,非营利机构统一码联盟公布了2021年使用最多的表情符号排名。其中,笑哭表情以绝对优势稳居第一,蝉联全球最常使用的表情符号。 Coming in with over 5% of all emojis used for the year was tears of joy. The Unicode Consortium notes the only other emoji to get close to that was heart. 2021年,笑哭表情占所有表情符号使用量的5%以上。统一码联盟指出,唯一一个使用率与之接近的表情符号是爱心。 下面是全球最常用的十个表情符号: Another interesting finding was the top 100 emoji made up about 82% of emoji used. 另一个有趣的发现是,排名前100的表情符号约占表情符号使用量的82%。 While the smiley/emotion category was the most popular overall, the new report breaks down nine different emoji categories by the most and least used. 虽然笑脸/情绪表情类别是最受欢迎的类别,但统一码联盟的最新报告将九种不同的表情分类按使用最多和最少进行了排名。 When it came to other categories, Unicode says the most used emoji were ones that represent multiple concepts. 统一码联盟表示,在其他表情类别中,最常用的表情是代表多种概念的。 例如,在服装类表情符号中最常用的是王冠,而那些只能局限于表面意思的表情符号只能在键盘里积灰。这个规律在以下几个表情类别中也存在: Rocket Ship found in the Transport-air is symbolic of progress being made and anticipation of big changes. 交通运输-航空类别下的火箭船表情,象征着正在取得的进步和对巨大变化的期待。 Flexed Biceps is the top Body-parts emoji (this subcategory excludes hands) and is commonly used to indicate strength, success, overcoming a struggle, exercise, showing off, boasting, or rolling up your sleeve to receive a vaccine. 弯曲的二头肌是最受欢迎的身体部位表情符号(这个子类别不包含手的表情符号),通常用于表示力量、成功、战胜困难、锻炼、炫耀、自夸或卷起袖子接种疫苗。 Bouquet of Plant-Flower for all occasions: congratulations, celebrations, and relationships of many varieties be they platonic or romantic. 植物-鲜花类别下的花束表情可以用于所有的场景:祝贺、庆祝以及各种各样的人际关系,无论是柏拉图式的还是浪漫的。 Butterfly is the most common Animal emoji (found in the Animal-Bug subcategory) representative of change, beauty, nature, and transformation. 动物-昆虫子类别中的蝴蝶是使用最多的动物表情符号,它代表着改变、美丽、自然和蜕变。 Person Doing Cartwheel may not be the most popular sport in the world but it is the most popular Person-Sport suggestive of happiness and joy. 做侧手翻的人或许并不是全球最受欢迎的运动类表情符号,但却是最受欢迎的运动人物,因为它代表着开心和愉悦。 The least popular category? 最不常用的表情类别是什么呢? Flags. The least popular subcategory? Country-flags. They represent the largest collection (258 emoji!), but are used the least. Animal-mammal are the next largest subcategory (53 emoji!). 旗帜。使用最少的表情子类别是国家(地区)旗帜。它们是数量最庞大的子类别(共258个表情符号!),但是却用的最少。动物-哺乳动物排名第二(共53个表情符号!)。 It is noteworthy that the coronavirus pandemic has contributed little to the popularization of emoji microbes, which barely entered the top 500. Note that at the moment there are only 3,663 emoticons. 值得注意的是,新冠疫情对微生物表情符号的使用普及影响甚微,微生物表情仅仅进入前500名。而目前只有3663个表情符号。 来源 编辑:董静
Coming in with over 5% of all emojis used for the year was tears of joy. The Unicode Consortium notes the only other emoji to get close to that was heart. Another interesting finding was the top 100 emoji made up about 82% of emoji used. While the smiley/emotion category was the most popular overall, the new report breaks down nine different emoji categories by the most and least used. When it came to other categories, Unicode says the most used emoji were ones that represent multiple concepts. Rocket Ship found in the Transport-air is symbolic of progress being made and anticipation of big changes. Flexed Biceps is the top Body-parts emoji (this subcategory excludes hands) and is commonly used to indicate strength, success, overcoming a struggle, exercise, showing off, boasting, or rolling up your sleeve to receive a vaccine. Bouquet of Plant-Flower for all occasions: congratulations, celebrations, and relationships of many varieties be they platonic or romantic. Butterfly is the most common Animal emoji (found in the Animal-Bug subcategory) representative of change, beauty, nature, and transformation. Person Doing Cartwheel may not be the most popular sport in the world but it is the most popular Person-Sport suggestive of happiness and joy. The least popular category? Flags. The least popular subcategory? Country-flags. They represent the largest collection (258 emoji!), but are used the least. Animal-mammal are the next largest subcategory (53 emoji!). It is noteworthy that the coronavirus pandemic has contributed little to the popularization of emoji microbes, which barely entered the top 500. Note that at the moment there are only 3,663 emoticons.
世界上92%的网络用户使用表情符号,每天都有数十亿个表情被用于表达爱意、感谢、祝贺。近日,非营利机构统一码联盟公布了2021年使用最多的表情符号排名。其中,笑哭表情以绝对优势稳居第一,蝉联全球最常使用的表情符号。 2021年,笑哭表情占所有表情符号使用量的5%以上。统一码联盟指出,唯一一个使用率与之接近的表情符号是爱心。 下面是全球最常用的十个表情符号: 另一个有趣的发现是,排名前100的表情符号约占表情符号使用量的82%。 虽然笑脸/情绪表情类别是最受欢迎的类别,但统一码联盟的最新报告将九种不同的表情分类按使用最多和最少进行了排名。 统一码联盟表示,在其他表情类别中,最常用的表情是代表多种概念的。 例如,在服装类表情符号中最常用的是王冠,而那些只能局限于表面意思的表情符号只能在键盘里积灰。这个规律在以下几个表情类别中也存在: 交通运输-航空类别下的火箭船表情,象征着正在取得的进步和对巨大变化的期待。 弯曲的二头肌是最受欢迎的身体部位表情符号(这个子类别不包含手的表情符号),通常用于表示力量、成功、战胜困难、锻炼、炫耀、自夸或卷起袖子接种疫苗。 植物-鲜花类别下的花束表情可以用于所有的场景:祝贺、庆祝以及各种各样的人际关系,无论是柏拉图式的还是浪漫的。 动物-昆虫子类别中的蝴蝶是使用最多的动物表情符号,它代表着改变、美丽、自然和蜕变。 做侧手翻的人或许并不是全球最受欢迎的运动类表情符号,但却是最受欢迎的运动人物,因为它代表着开心和愉悦。 最不常用的表情类别是什么呢? 旗帜。使用最少的表情子类别是国家(地区)旗帜。它们是数量最庞大的子类别(共258个表情符号!),但是却用的最少。动物-哺乳动物排名第二(共53个表情符号!)。 值得注意的是,新冠疫情对微生物表情符号的使用普及影响甚微,微生物表情仅仅进入前500名。而目前只有3663个表情符号。 来源 编辑:董静
在德尔塔与奥密克戎两大毒株的肆虐下,美国新冠肺炎死亡病例在12月14日突破80万。美国成为全球新冠死亡人数最多的国家。尽管美国人口才占世界人口的4%,新冠死亡人数却占了全球新冠死亡总数的15%。 Test tubes labelled "COVID-19 Test Positive" are seen in front of displayed words "OMICRON SARS-COV-2" in this illustration taken December 11, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic The US death toll from Covid-19 has passed 800,000, a once-unimaginable figure seen as doubly tragic given that more than 200,000 of those lives were lost after vaccines became available last spring. 美国新冠死亡人数日前突破80万,考虑到其中超20万人是在今春疫苗上市后丧生的,这个一度难以想象的数字看起来格外可悲。 The figure represents the highest reported toll of any country in the world, and is likely even higher. 这一数字代表着美国成为全世界新冠死亡人数最多的国家,而且真实死亡人数可能更多。 The US accounts for approximately 4% of the world’s population but about 15% of the 5.3 million known deaths from the coronavirus since the outbreak began two years ago. 美国人口只占世界人口的4%左右,但是自从两年前暴发疫情以来,美国因此死亡的人数却占据了全球新冠死亡总人数(530万人)的15%。 The grim milestone comes as the world braces for rise in cases of the new Omicron variant, with the World Health Organization (WHO) warning it was spreading at an unprecedented rate. 在这一严峻关口下,世界各地正忙于应对不断增加的奥密克戎新变种毒株感染病例。世界卫生组织警告称奥密克戎病毒正在以史无前例的速度传播。 WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on Tuesday the variant had been detected in 77 countries and was probably present in most countries worldwide. 世卫组织总干事谭德塞12月14日告诉记者称,已在77个国家发现了奥密克戎毒株,该毒株很可能已经传播到了全球多数国家。 Omicron, first detected by South Africa and reported to the WHO on 24 November, has a large number of mutations, which has concerned scientists. The new variant is posing a fresh threat as it gains a foothold in the US, though experts are not yet sure how dangerous it is. 最早发现于南非并于11月24日报告给世卫组织的奥密克戎毒株含有大量突变,这让科学家感到担忧。新毒株入侵美国后形成了新的威胁,而专家还不确定这一毒株到底有多危险。 The number of Covid deaths in the US, compiled and released by Johns Hopkins University on Tuesday, is about equal to the population of Atlanta and St Louis combined, or Minneapolis and Cleveland put together. It is roughly equivalent to how many Americans die each year from heart disease or stroke. 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学12月14日编纂发布的报告显示,美国新冠死亡人数大致相当于亚特兰大和圣路易斯两个市的人口总和,或者明尼阿波里斯市和克利夫兰市的人口总和,同美国每年死于心脏病或中风的人数差不多。 A closely watched forecasting model from the University of Washington projects a total of over 880,000 reported deaths in the US by 1 March. 华盛顿大学一个密切关注疫情的预测模型显示,到明年3月1日,美国报告的新冠死亡人数将会超过88万。 The deadly milestone comes as cases and hospitalisations are on the rise again in the US, a spike driven by the highly contagious Delta variant, which arrived in the first half of 2021 and now accounts for nearly all infections. 在美国新冠死亡人数突破80万之际,美国的确诊病例数量和住院人数再次上升,罪魁祸首是2021年上半年入侵美国的传染性超强的德尔塔变种毒株,目前美国几乎所有病例都是被德尔塔病毒感染的。 Health experts lament that many of the deaths in the US were especially heartbreaking because the widely available and effective vaccines made them preventable. 卫生专家痛惜地表示,美国的许多死亡病例尤其令人感到心碎,因为有效的新冠疫苗已经分发到各地,这些死亡本来是可以防止的。 About 200 million Americans are fully vaccinated, or just over 60% of the population. That is well short of what scientists say is needed to keep the virus in check. 目前约有2亿美国人完成疫苗接种,也就刚过美国人口的60%。这一接种率远远低于科学家认为遏制病毒传播所需的水平。 "Almost all the people dying are now dying preventable deaths,” said Dr Chris Beyrer, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “And that’s because they’re not immunized.” 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院流行病学家克里斯·贝伊勒尔博士称:“现在新冠病毒导致的几乎所有死亡本来都是可以防止的。而这正是因为这些人没有接种疫苗。” When the vaccine was first rolled out, the country’s death toll stood at about 300,000. It hit 600,000 in mid-June and 700,000 on 1 October. 新冠疫苗刚推出时,美国新冠死亡人数大约为30万。6月中旬死亡人数达到了60万,10月1日死亡人数突破了70万。 Beyrer recalled that in March or April 2020, one of the worst-case scenarios projected upwards of 240,000 American deaths. 贝伊勒尔回忆道,2020年3、4月份时,预测显示的最糟情况是24万美国人死于新冠。 "And I saw that number, and I thought that is incredible – 240,000 American deaths?” he said. 他说:“当时,我看到这一数字觉得不可思议,24万美国人死亡?” "And we’re now past three times that number.” He added: “And I think it’s fair to say that we’re still not out of the woods.” “而现在死亡人数已经超过了那个数字的3倍,”他补充道,“我认为完全可以说我们尚未脱离险境。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Test tubes labelled "COVID-19 Test Positive" are seen in front of displayed words "OMICRON SARS-COV-2" in this illustration taken December 11, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic The US death toll from Covid-19 has passed 800,000, a once-unimaginable figure seen as doubly tragic given that more than 200,000 of those lives were lost after vaccines became available last spring. The figure represents the highest reported toll of any country in the world, and is likely even higher. The US accounts for approximately 4% of the world’s population but about 15% of the 5.3 million known deaths from the coronavirus since the outbreak began two years ago. The grim milestone comes as the world braces for rise in cases of the new Omicron variant, with the World Health Organization (WHO) warning it was spreading at an unprecedented rate. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on Tuesday the variant had been detected in 77 countries and was probably present in most countries worldwide. Omicron, first detected by South Africa and reported to the WHO on 24 November, has a large number of mutations, which has concerned scientists. The new variant is posing a fresh threat as it gains a foothold in the US, though experts are not yet sure how dangerous it is. The number of Covid deaths in the US, compiled and released by Johns Hopkins University on Tuesday, is about equal to the population of Atlanta and St Louis combined, or Minneapolis and Cleveland put together. It is roughly equivalent to how many Americans die each year from heart disease or stroke. A closely watched forecasting model from the University of Washington projects a total of over 880,000 reported deaths in the US by 1 March. The deadly milestone comes as cases and hospitalisations are on the rise again in the US, a spike driven by the highly contagious Delta variant, which arrived in the first half of 2021 and now accounts for nearly all infections. Health experts lament that many of the deaths in the US were especially heartbreaking because the widely available and effective vaccines made them preventable. About 200 million Americans are fully vaccinated, or just over 60% of the population. That is well short of what scientists say is needed to keep the virus in check. "Almost all the people dying are now dying preventable deaths,” said Dr Chris Beyrer, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “And that’s because they’re not immunized.” When the vaccine was first rolled out, the country’s death toll stood at about 300,000. It hit 600,000 in mid-June and 700,000 on 1 October. Beyrer recalled that in March or April 2020, one of the worst-case scenarios projected upwards of 240,000 American deaths. "And I saw that number, and I thought that is incredible – 240,000 American deaths?” he said. "And we’re now past three times that number.” He added: “And I think it’s fair to say that we’re still not out of the woods.”
在德尔塔与奥密克戎两大毒株的肆虐下,美国新冠肺炎死亡病例在12月14日突破80万。美国成为全球新冠死亡人数最多的国家。尽管美国人口才占世界人口的4%,新冠死亡人数却占了全球新冠死亡总数的15%。 美国新冠死亡人数日前突破80万,考虑到其中超20万人是在今春疫苗上市后丧生的,这个一度难以想象的数字看起来格外可悲。 这一数字代表着美国成为全世界新冠死亡人数最多的国家,而且真实死亡人数可能更多。 美国人口只占世界人口的4%左右,但是自从两年前暴发疫情以来,美国因此死亡的人数却占据了全球新冠死亡总人数(530万人)的15%。 在这一严峻关口下,世界各地正忙于应对不断增加的奥密克戎新变种毒株感染病例。世界卫生组织警告称奥密克戎病毒正在以史无前例的速度传播。 世卫组织总干事谭德塞12月14日告诉记者称,已在77个国家发现了奥密克戎毒株,该毒株很可能已经传播到了全球多数国家。 最早发现于南非并于11月24日报告给世卫组织的奥密克戎毒株含有大量突变,这让科学家感到担忧。新毒株入侵美国后形成了新的威胁,而专家还不确定这一毒株到底有多危险。 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学12月14日编纂发布的报告显示,美国新冠死亡人数大致相当于亚特兰大和圣路易斯两个市的人口总和,或者明尼阿波里斯市和克利夫兰市的人口总和,同美国每年死于心脏病或中风的人数差不多。 华盛顿大学一个密切关注疫情的预测模型显示,到明年3月1日,美国报告的新冠死亡人数将会超过88万。 在美国新冠死亡人数突破80万之际,美国的确诊病例数量和住院人数再次上升,罪魁祸首是2021年上半年入侵美国的传染性超强的德尔塔变种毒株,目前美国几乎所有病例都是被德尔塔病毒感染的。 卫生专家痛惜地表示,美国的许多死亡病例尤其令人感到心碎,因为有效的新冠疫苗已经分发到各地,这些死亡本来是可以防止的。 目前约有2亿美国人完成疫苗接种,也就刚过美国人口的60%。这一接种率远远低于科学家认为遏制病毒传播所需的水平。 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院流行病学家克里斯·贝伊勒尔博士称:“现在新冠病毒导致的几乎所有死亡本来都是可以防止的。而这正是因为这些人没有接种疫苗。” 新冠疫苗刚推出时,美国新冠死亡人数大约为30万。6月中旬死亡人数达到了60万,10月1日死亡人数突破了70万。 贝伊勒尔回忆道,2020年3、4月份时,预测显示的最糟情况是24万美国人死于新冠。 他说:“当时,我看到这一数字觉得不可思议,24万美国人死亡?” “而现在死亡人数已经超过了那个数字的3倍,”他补充道,“我认为完全可以说我们尚未脱离险境。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
自从疫情暴发以来,我们几乎每一天都会被各种负面新闻轰炸。这一年又要在疫情的乌云下过去了,但是每一朵乌云都镶着一道银边,阳光总会透过云层照耀大地。过去一年,还是发生了一些值得开心的好事,给我们带来温暖。 墨西哥前不久禁止了化妆品动物实验,成为北美第一个立法禁止化妆品动物实验的国家。 如何阻止非法捕鱼?用雕塑!一个意大利活动家将39尊巨型大理石雕塑投入大海,这些雕塑不仅为非法网鱼造成巨大的物理障碍,还成为了水下生物的天堂。 葡萄牙近日在职场心理健康领域取得了重大胜利。新法律规定,老板在工作时间以外给员工打电话、发电子邮件或短信都是违法行为。 大堡礁迸发出新的生命力,数百万“珊瑚礁宝宝”出生了!在过去几年大堡礁出现3次大规模珊瑚白化后,这是一个令人开心的消息。 为了抗击外貌压力,挪威新法律规定,网红明发布星修过的照片或美颜照片都要有所标注。 瑞士巴塞尔成为世界上第一个强制要求所有新建筑搭建绿色屋顶的城市。如今已打造出了超100万平方米的绿色空间。 英国很快将成为第一个全面禁止鱼翅及含鱼翅产品进出口的国家,这真是个令人振奋的消息。 一家初创公司正运用人工智能技术在超市动态调整价格。越临近保质期的产品,价格会越便宜。这种方式可以将食品浪费降低40%。 德国的一家动物收容所用约会软件Tinder做了件好事。他们为猫咪和狗狗创建“交友”简介,通过配对为它们找到合适的主人。 南非终于要禁止以狩猎和吸引游客为目的圈养狮子的行为了。这对于狮子们来说真是个大好消息! 非盈利机构“海洋清理”用一个长达半英里的巨大装置从太平洋捞出2万磅的塑料垃圾,证明海洋垃圾是可以清理的。 在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,疟疾是造成儿童死亡的最大病因,但是就在今年,世界上首款疟疾疫苗已获批准,数十亿人有望得到接种。 实验室培育的钻石也是永恒的。世界上最大的珠宝制造商将不再使用开采的钻石,今后只使用更可持续的实验室培育钻石。 为回应140万欧盟民众签名的请愿,欧盟议会以压倒性投票通过法案,将逐步淘汰将动物关在笼子里饲养的做法。 欧洲第一家“大象退休之家”在法国开业,专门收留那些从动物园和马戏团退休的大象。52岁的大象甘地是这里的第一个居民。 为了减少塑料污染,西班牙宣布计划在2023年前禁用蔬菜和水果的一次性塑料包装。 智利的下一部宪法将由人数相等的男女代表共同起草,此举创造了历史,为世界首例,也立下了性别平等的全球新标准。 图片来源:Boredpanda 编译:丹妮
自从疫情暴发以来,我们几乎每一天都会被各种负面新闻轰炸。这一年又要在疫情的乌云下过去了,但是每一朵乌云都镶着一道银边,阳光总会透过云层照耀大地。过去一年,还是发生了一些值得开心的好事,给我们带来温暖。 墨西哥前不久禁止了化妆品动物实验,成为北美第一个立法禁止化妆品动物实验的国家。 如何阻止非法捕鱼?用雕塑!一个意大利活动家将39尊巨型大理石雕塑投入大海,这些雕塑不仅为非法网鱼造成巨大的物理障碍,还成为了水下生物的天堂。 葡萄牙近日在职场心理健康领域取得了重大胜利。新法律规定,老板在工作时间以外给员工打电话、发电子邮件或短信都是违法行为。 大堡礁迸发出新的生命力,数百万“珊瑚礁宝宝”出生了!在过去几年大堡礁出现3次大规模珊瑚白化后,这是一个令人开心的消息。 为了抗击外貌压力,挪威新法律规定,网红明发布星修过的照片或美颜照片都要有所标注。 瑞士巴塞尔成为世界上第一个强制要求所有新建筑搭建绿色屋顶的城市。如今已打造出了超100万平方米的绿色空间。 英国很快将成为第一个全面禁止鱼翅及含鱼翅产品进出口的国家,这真是个令人振奋的消息。 一家初创公司正运用人工智能技术在超市动态调整价格。越临近保质期的产品,价格会越便宜。这种方式可以将食品浪费降低40%。 德国的一家动物收容所用约会软件Tinder做了件好事。他们为猫咪和狗狗创建“交友”简介,通过配对为它们找到合适的主人。 南非终于要禁止以狩猎和吸引游客为目的圈养狮子的行为了。这对于狮子们来说真是个大好消息! 非盈利机构“海洋清理”用一个长达半英里的巨大装置从太平洋捞出2万磅的塑料垃圾,证明海洋垃圾是可以清理的。 在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,疟疾是造成儿童死亡的最大病因,但是就在今年,世界上首款疟疾疫苗已获批准,数十亿人有望得到接种。 实验室培育的钻石也是永恒的。世界上最大的珠宝制造商将不再使用开采的钻石,今后只使用更可持续的实验室培育钻石。 为回应140万欧盟民众签名的请愿,欧盟议会以压倒性投票通过法案,将逐步淘汰将动物关在笼子里饲养的做法。 欧洲第一家“大象退休之家”在法国开业,专门收留那些从动物园和马戏团退休的大象。52岁的大象甘地是这里的第一个居民。 为了减少塑料污染,西班牙宣布计划在2023年前禁用蔬菜和水果的一次性塑料包装。 智利的下一部宪法将由人数相等的男女代表共同起草,此举创造了历史,为世界首例,也立下了性别平等的全球新标准。 图片来源:Boredpanda 编译:丹妮
在美国肯塔基州等多地遭遇“毁灭性”龙卷风灾害后,不少城镇被“夷为平地”,截至目前至少已造成数十人死亡。灾难之下,一张被狂风刮到200多公里外的老照片无意间扣动了不少美国民众的心弦。 [Photo/AP] When Katie Posten walked outside Saturday morning to her car parked in her driveway, she saw something that looked like a note or receipt stuck to the windshield. 12月11日早上,凯蒂·波斯顿走到她停在车道上的汽车旁时,看到挡风玻璃上贴着一张像是纸条或收据的东西。 She grabbed it and saw it was a black and white photo of a woman in a striped sundress and headscarf holding a little boy in her lap. On the back, written in cursive, it said, “Gertie Swatzell & J.D. Swatzell 1942.” A few hours later, Posten would discover that the photo had made quite a journey - almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) on the back of monstrous winds. 她拿起来才发现是一张黑白照,照片上一个女人穿着条纹背心裙,戴着头巾,腿上抱着一个小男孩。背面用连体字写着:“格蒂·斯瓦泽尔和J.D.斯瓦泽尔1942”。几个小时后,波斯顿发现这张照片经历了一段相当长的旅程,被龙卷风从大约209公里之外的地方刮过来的。 波斯顿住在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼,那里与肯塔基州路易斯维尔隔着俄亥俄河相望。由于知道附近地区遭受了龙卷风袭击,因此她立即判断这张“从天而降”的老照片很可能是从受灾地刮来的。于是她便将照片发布在社交媒体上,希望能找到它的主人,随后许多网友也将这条推文转发扩散。 She posted an image of the photo on Facebook and Twitter and asked for help in finding its owners. 她在脸书和推特上发布了这张照片,求助网友寻找照片的主人。 “A lot of people shared it on Facebook. Someone came across it who is friends with a man with the same last name, and they tagged him,” said Posten, 30, who works for a tech company. 今年30岁的波斯顿在一家科技公司工作,她说:“很多人在脸书上分享了这张照片,有人偶然发现照片上的人与一个男性好友同姓,于是添加了标签提醒他”。 That man was Cole Swatzell, who commented that the photo belonged to family members in Dawson Springs, Kentucky, almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) away from New Albany, as the crow flies, and 167 miles (269 kilometers) away by car. 这名男子叫科尔·斯瓦泽尔,他评论说,照片属于他在肯塔基州道森斯普林斯市的家人,直线距离新奥尔巴尼约209公里,开车距离约269公里。 In Dawson Springs — a town of about 2,700 people 60 miles (97 kilometers) east of Paducah — homes were leveled, trees were splintered and search and rescue teams continued to scour the community for any survivors. 道森斯普林斯位于帕杜卡以东97公里处,镇上大约有2700人,这里房屋被夷为平地,树木被劈成碎片,搜救队仍在社区内搜寻幸存者。 The fact that the photo traveled almost 130 miles is “unusual but not that unusual,” said John Snow, a meteorology professor at the University of Oklahoma. 俄克拉何马大学的气象学教授约翰·斯诺说,照片飞了近209公里,“这非常罕见,但也不是不可能”。 Posten wasn’t alone in finding family photos and school pictures that had traveled dozens of kilometers in the tornadoes’ paths. A Facebook group was set up after the storms so people could post photos and other items like an ultrasound image they had found deposited in their yards. 波斯顿并不是唯一一个发现家庭照和校园照的人,这些照片在龙卷风刮过的路径上飞了数公里。暴风雨过后,人们在脸书上建立了一个小组,这样人们就可以发布照片和其他物品,比如他们在院子里发现的超声波图像。 斯瓦策尔说,他的家人计划在本周晚些时候与波斯顿会面,并取回照片;波斯顿也已表示要将老照片原样奉还。 “社交媒体是一种非常强大的信息工具。当遇到这类事时,它有能力将人与人连接起来,并完成几乎不可能做到的事情”,波斯顿说道。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静
[Photo/AP] When Katie Posten walked outside Saturday morning to her car parked in her driveway, she saw something that looked like a note or receipt stuck to the windshield. She grabbed it and saw it was a black and white photo of a woman in a striped sundress and headscarf holding a little boy in her lap. On the back, written in cursive, it said, “Gertie Swatzell & J.D. Swatzell 1942.” A few hours later, Posten would discover that the photo had made quite a journey - almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) on the back of monstrous winds. She posted an image of the photo on Facebook and Twitter and asked for help in finding its owners. “A lot of people shared it on Facebook. Someone came across it who is friends with a man with the same last name, and they tagged him,” said Posten, 30, who works for a tech company. That man was Cole Swatzell, who commented that the photo belonged to family members in Dawson Springs, Kentucky, almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) away from New Albany, as the crow flies, and 167 miles (269 kilometers) away by car. In Dawson Springs — a town of about 2,700 people 60 miles (97 kilometers) east of Paducah — homes were leveled, trees were splintered and search and rescue teams continued to scour the community for any survivors. The fact that the photo traveled almost 130 miles is “unusual but not that unusual,” said John Snow, a meteorology professor at the University of Oklahoma. Posten wasn’t alone in finding family photos and school pictures that had traveled dozens of kilometers in the tornadoes’ paths. A Facebook group was set up after the storms so people could post photos and other items like an ultrasound image they had found deposited in their yards.
在美国肯塔基州等多地遭遇“毁灭性”龙卷风灾害后,不少城镇被“夷为平地”,截至目前至少已造成数十人死亡。灾难之下,一张被狂风刮到200多公里外的老照片无意间扣动了不少美国民众的心弦。 12月11日早上,凯蒂·波斯顿走到她停在车道上的汽车旁时,看到挡风玻璃上贴着一张像是纸条或收据的东西。 她拿起来才发现是一张黑白照,照片上一个女人穿着条纹背心裙,戴着头巾,腿上抱着一个小男孩。背面用连体字写着:“格蒂·斯瓦泽尔和J.D.斯瓦泽尔1942”。几个小时后,波斯顿发现这张照片经历了一段相当长的旅程,被龙卷风从大约209公里之外的地方刮过来的。 波斯顿住在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼,那里与肯塔基州路易斯维尔隔着俄亥俄河相望。由于知道附近地区遭受了龙卷风袭击,因此她立即判断这张“从天而降”的老照片很可能是从受灾地刮来的。于是她便将照片发布在社交媒体上,希望能找到它的主人,随后许多网友也将这条推文转发扩散。 她在脸书和推特上发布了这张照片,求助网友寻找照片的主人。 今年30岁的波斯顿在一家科技公司工作,她说:“很多人在脸书上分享了这张照片,有人偶然发现照片上的人与一个男性好友同姓,于是添加了标签提醒他”。 这名男子叫科尔·斯瓦泽尔,他评论说,照片属于他在肯塔基州道森斯普林斯市的家人,直线距离新奥尔巴尼约209公里,开车距离约269公里。 道森斯普林斯位于帕杜卡以东97公里处,镇上大约有2700人,这里房屋被夷为平地,树木被劈成碎片,搜救队仍在社区内搜寻幸存者。 俄克拉何马大学的气象学教授约翰·斯诺说,照片飞了近209公里,“这非常罕见,但也不是不可能”。 波斯顿并不是唯一一个发现家庭照和校园照的人,这些照片在龙卷风刮过的路径上飞了数公里。暴风雨过后,人们在脸书上建立了一个小组,这样人们就可以发布照片和其他物品,比如他们在院子里发现的超声波图像。 斯瓦策尔说,他的家人计划在本周晚些时候与波斯顿会面,并取回照片;波斯顿也已表示要将老照片原样奉还。 “社交媒体是一种非常强大的信息工具。当遇到这类事时,它有能力将人与人连接起来,并完成几乎不可能做到的事情”,波斯顿说道。 来源:美联社 编辑:董静