### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0ef52d9eaf42 for prompt 3b9047: 'Different social classes were involved in this government by stucturing poeple in something like a pyramid. The text says, "Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid." This explains that a pyramid gets smaller as you get to the top and the social classes groups get smaller as you get to the people that have a lot of power. This claim is important because it is important to us as a reader to understand how the social classes invovled in this government by Egyptians.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0efbd7443d57 for prompt ebad26: 'Factories would cover up spoiled meat by canning it or making sausage. They would put the meat anywhere that people wouldn't be able to find out it was spoiled.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.750933331217191 and the wording score is -1.13053039514947.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f027612abe4 for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle, a perfect tragedy should be more complex than it is simple. Another element of an ideal tragedy would be one with a double thread of plot. The last element of an ideal tragedy would be when a tragedy doesn't satisfy moral sense and doesn't show the downfall of the villain in the story.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f046a7c740c for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy is to have a complex plan. A tragedy needs to "excite pity and fear" and should not be simple. The character of an ideal tragedy should not be "eminentky good and just" he needs to be a complex character. When there is a plot twist in a tragedy, it should not go from "bad to good" rather it should go from "good to bad."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f16b677c8d2 for prompt ebad26: 'Factory workers would cover up smells and covers with chemicals like pickle to destroy the smell, as in paragraph 1, and borax and gelatin to color it and preserve it, as seen in paragraph 5. They wanted to make the most out of what they had, so they kept spoiled meat and preserved it in order to sell more. They allowed rats to run around and scat on open piles of meat and fill the room with diseases, in which they left poisoned bread for the rats to feast on. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.62761512285488 and the wording score is 1.30435128961499.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f190e40eaaf for prompt 3b9047: ' The Egyptian government was made up of all different kinds of jobs. Pharaohs, priests, soldiers, any job that has a higher rank on the social class pyramid. The government was in charge of keeping records on people, making sure everyone was doing their job, and overall watching and making sure Egypt was doing okay. But the government was not just made up of 2-3 people. It can range up to lots of people! Everyone had a different job. I know this because paragraphs 4-5, it states "No single person could manage all these duties without assistance. The pharaoh appointed a chief minister called a vizier as a supervisor. The vizier ensured that taxes were collected. Working with the vizier were scribes who kept government records. These high-level employees had mastered a rare skill in ancient Egypt — they could read and write." This tells me that multiple people in charge of the government had different jobs. I know multiple social classes could be involved because in paragraph 6, it states "Right below the pharaoh in status were powerful nobles and priests. Only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions, they profited from tributes paid to the pharaoh. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods." This paragraph tells me that multiple different social classes had different jobs, and being part of the government was a paid position.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.56745378480866 and the wording score is 0.456121746805323.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f2a620a8af3 for prompt ebad26: 'According to paragraph 1, it states they would either can it or chop it into sausage. The text also mentioned that they would rub it up with soda to take the smell away.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.905077509548611 and the wording score is -1.29307895392778.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f2abd0da9e3 for prompt 39c16e: 'It should be a complex plan, so it should be a very complex tradegy. It should immitate actions which excite pity and fear, so it should make people feal pity and fear. It should also shock us or suprise us.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.62764732431351 and the wording score is -0.125597133679325.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f2d09909918 for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave developed over a short period of time because Ron Jones wanted to show his students how people throughtout history follow crowds.So by doing this experiment he was able to show the students how people follow crowds. This was ended because Jones wanted to tell them they were all part of an experiment. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.152528193220966 and the wording score is 0.074934280565837.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f2d1bba192c for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would cover the meat in soda and pickle the meat to disguise the odor. Evidenced by this line inb paragraph 2 "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell"'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.425248058945738 and the wording score is -0.927076560845392.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f3bb676223c for prompt 3b9047: 'Slaves, farmers and prisoner at war were at the bottom of the heap. They had to build pharophs, nobles and pryamids. Nobles and preists could hold goverment powers. Preists were manly in charge of washipping the gods. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.2476668785878 and the wording score is -1.58454011755262.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f417ad8c507 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory used many ways to cover or use the spoiled meat . For example it states " to chop it up into sausage ". They would still find lots of ways to use the spoiled meat and they even mixed the meat with sausage which people ate and get sick because of the spoiled meat .Another example is " they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell " .The factory owner cared so much about money that he invented ways to use the spoiled rotten mean.Thereofore the factory used many ways to use spoiled meat .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.439169932147109 and the wording score is 1.17543868476845.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f431cd805b1 for prompt ebad26: 'One way they covered up their spoiled meat was by cutting them up and mixing it with other meat, that made the odor go away. Another way was by making the spoil meat into sausages. In the third paragraph it say "When the whole ham was spoiled it was sent to the department of Elzbieta to be cut up"'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f503a9fb17a for prompt 3b9047: ' I know that in the social prymids of ancient egypt the pharoah and those accosiated with working with the vizier were involved in building such stucters as pyrimids and , craftspersons made and sold jewerly, pottery ,papruys products , tools and other useful things '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.09352270025638 and the wording score is -1.42199155877431.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f548d6fc5ae for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy as described by Aristole is a well constructed plot that has one single issue. Another element of an ideal tragedy would be a change of fortune from good to bad in the story. Finally, another element that is described by Aristole as an element of an ideal tragedy is an unhappy ending.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f58ae39500e for prompt 3b9047: 'different social clases were in 5 ways peasents, middle class, upper class, government, and pharohs. peasents were slaves and homeless people and not treated fairly and middle class were treated fairly and had normal lives. the upper class was the wealthy and were treated like a prince. the government were the priests and and the army and other people who serve the citie they live in. pharohs are the kings who are treated almost like god.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.360676413545583 and the wording score is 0.500910513430704.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f6ebf18cba6 for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system was like a pyramid and differnt social classes were involved in the goverment by what class they were in like peasents had to work and work and were not allowed to stop working. In paraghraph 11 it states that "slaves toiled at the discrection of the pharoah or nobels." this proves that the lower you are in egyptian system the lower the rank or reputation you hold.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f83c392285f for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy is a main character that the audience can relate to , this is important to a play beacuse If the main character experiences catastrophy and is not relatable to the audience, the audience may not feel the effects of the play. Another element of an ideal tragedy is a plot that is arranged to be, "Simple but on the complex plan.", "Imitate actions which exite pity and fear", The play should not be too simple of complex, the play should be a balance between different elements. The third element of the play is to have a real tragedy as the ending, this is important to a tragedy because without the tragic ending of a tragedy, the play can more resemble a comedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.40779064038936 and the wording score is 1.50488270386015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f87b4ef1699 for prompt 39c16e: 'The three elements that makes a great tragedy, in Aristotle's opinion is that the story should include a character that isn't good or bad and that their life falls apart because of a mistake, it should include a character that the audience can relate to who had a downfall, and to actually have a tragic ending and elements in the story and shouldn't be comedic.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.431733963400265 and the wording score is -0.956762061858469.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f8819791b88 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy as described by Aristotle should excite pity and fear to make it tragic. To do this you must have someone who starts well then turns bad. But, they do not turn bad because of a vice. But because they have an error of judgment. And the ending must result in the character being unhappy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0621059315581789 and the wording score is -0.380727453312108.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f8a5b305c03 for prompt 814d6b: ' Jones developed an authoritative dictatorship in the classroom to teach students the German mentality. He established rules such as students should stand up when asking or answering questions in three words, students saluting each other similar to that of the Nazi at school and even outside of school. But Jones ended the experiment once he relized it was starting to slip out of his control.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.622715896629557 and the wording score is 0.0347199454741653.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f907edad5eb for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would package unsanitary meat that was not in the conditions to be eaten. Some examples are that "meant was so spoiled that is could not be used for anything else, used everypart of the pig, meant had gone bad, moldy and white." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.536299206438047 and the wording score is -0.674868661271524.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0f9dbc5f6c8a for prompt 39c16e: 'The three elements of an ideal tragedy are a plot that isn't in favor of the main character, likeable characters, and the ability to envoke fear. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fa09c5fa6b1 for prompt ebad26: 'the ways the factory would use or cover up the spoiled meat by rubing it with soda stated in paragraph 2. they would also pump a much stonger pickle and give the cusmers thirty per cent off becayse the meat was so bad. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.921624696425702 and the wording score is -1.21361135478513.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fb58296eaa9 for prompt ebad26: 'In these meat factories they used chemicals to try to cover up the spoiled meat, or even they add borax and glycerin to make over again the moldy and white sausage. As the passage shows ¨also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose.¨ it was a simple and outrageous way of hide the disgusting things they added to the fresh meat, like rats, poisonous bread and the spoiled meat, and not only this they sold it for two more cents than the original price for a pound. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.00276212078485 and the wording score is 0.669076382328216.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fb8a423c789 for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of an ideal tragedy are a complex plan, it should be able to make you experience pity and or fear, and it should follow plainly. To be albe to make the people watching expericence pity or fear is the cornerstone of a good tradgy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.456955959104999 and the wording score is -0.0425161740436652.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fc5f34fe9b7 for prompt ebad26: 'The factorys would cover the smell up the smell with soda. "hey would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters"'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.10922015840195 and the wording score is -1.38469964374156.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fd6e1a17f72 for prompt 3b9047: 'Ancient Egypt had a very large system of government including different social classes. This system of government would be structured from top to botttom, bottom was the lower valued level and the top was the higher valued level. The leader of this government was the pharoah who had absolute power. The pharoah was also believed to be a god in human form or was seen as a god in human form. Below the pharoah was the vizier, the vizier was a supervisor and ensured that all taxes were collected. Working for the viziers were scribes, scribes kept government records and also was very highly seen in ancient Egypt because they could read and write. Also below the pharoah were nobles and priests that were very powerful because only nobles could hold governemnt posts. Priests helped the pharaohs please the gods. Below the preists were soldiers who fought in wars and guided the peasants, farmers, and slaves who were also helping to build the structures of the pyramid. Then, there were physicians and craftmen who made up the middle class. Craftmen created and sold jewelry, pottery, papyrus products, tools, and other needed things. The people that bought the goods were the artisans and traders. The merchants were the people who sold the goods to the people. At the bottom are the slaves, slaves were the people that have been capured and forced to do work for the higher levels above them. As one can see, the Egyptian social sturcture back in ancient times had lots of social classes involved and every level had a job to get done. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 3.2836923816946 and the wording score is 1.9128332510538.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fe54062e69e for prompt 39c16e: 'There are many elements of tragety that can be explained and shown throughout this article. The first element is that it should be one actions that causes the tragety and not many. Second, this tragety should come after a lot of good has happend becasue it impacts the character in a greater way. Finally, the poet has to account to the weakness of the spectators and that makes the tragety much worse. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.231871440554013 and the wording score is 0.707286767793696.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0ff2f80c8612 for prompt 3b9047: 'The different social classes involved in this goverment for example "only nobles could hold government posts: in these positions they profited from tributes paids to the Pharoah. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.579392237277158 and the wording score is -1.0896251196237.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0ff80ff8cfe6 for prompt 3b9047: 'In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt the pharaohs and the associated with working with the vizier were scribes who kept govt records. slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and craftspersons made and sold jewelry, pottery, papyrus, products, tools and other useful things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.328738524517365 and the wording score is -1.05329427563164.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0ffdd4e3c834 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top of the pyramids were the most imporatan Gods like Ra, Osiris, and Isis. And it involved the governemnt because it only nobles could not hold government post.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.42788278135548 and the wording score is -0.790667104406232.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0fffd9ef544d for prompt ebad26: 'The various ways that factories would use or cover up spoiled meat were rubbing the meat with soda to take away the smell, and then sell it to be eaten on free lunch, also they would pump a second pickle with a way stronger smell to destroyed the odor of the spoiled ham, and lastly the hams that had gone to bad, had been sold as ''Number Three Grade''. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.173744617454423 and the wording score is -1.17366715030006.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 100184c9ccc0 for prompt 3b9047: 'Egypt had a different form of social status because the type of worker you were depended on your families level in the government and only if you were born into that type of social class that's what you can become like if your the pharaoh's child then you have the opportunity you become the next pharaoh. This keeps on going this is what Egypt economy was like back in those ages. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.718995442188973 and the wording score is 0.423674393912874.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1006c9649c51 for prompt 3b9047: 'Social class are treted diferentaly. at the highest in the list they are treated good how i know is in the text it said "They had absolute power over their subjects." the loset in the class had to work very hard. how i know " being forced to work on building projects, ". that is how the people are treated differentaly.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.584911203365046 and the wording score is 0.121684396209436.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 100a24de1e16 for prompt 3b9047: ' "Egyptian social structure" by USHistory.org Brings up the Facts about How the ancient Egyptian system of the government works and how social classes are involved in the government. They were ivolved by a structure like a pyramid that represented form highest to lowest ranks. It shows that the bigger and important you are the higher you are "At the top were the gods" ( USHistory.org) the gods were the leaders of the universe. A person couldn't Do anything without a pharoah. "No single person could manage all these duties without assistance ". '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.591007996470297 and the wording score is 0.919280332275892.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10183b8df546 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would rub the meat with soda to get the odor out. Cover them in chemicals like borax to preserve it. Color it with gelatin to make it look brown. They replaced the bad bones inside with hot irons.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.519752019560955 and the wording score is -0.754336260414171.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 102c8013c7c0 for prompt ebad26: 'The different ways that the factory would use or cover up meat would be by putting it in other meat to sell, adding chemicals in to preserve it, and selling it with different labels. "they would rub it with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters" and "for it was the custom, as they found, whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.388378742233568 and the wording score is -0.718005416422111.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 102c9b9dad7c for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements that make a tragedy ideal include being based on a complex plan, a highly prosperous, average main character, and an unmerited issue. Aristotle writes that "A perfect tragedy...not on the simple but on the complex plan." This shows that a good tragedy must be complex if it is to rise above others. Aristotle also writes "...a man who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about...by some error of judgement or frailty. He must be one who is highly renowned..." This proves that Aristotle believes that the main character of a great tragedy must be a man who is neither good nor evil, but somewhere in between; and that that man must be prosperous or renowned. Finally, Aristotle states "...pity is aroused by unmerited misfortune, fear by the misfortune of a man like ourselves." Therefore, if a tragedy were to display a man such as one described above, and have a random, unforeseen misfortune befall him, the audiences would easily be able to relate. In the world, no one knows what fate has in store, and this specific setting easily allows audience members to imagine themselves as the main character. These three elements combine to make a wonderful tragedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.24796328553068 and the wording score is 2.20817790577825.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 102ebf2dd458 for prompt 3b9047: 'The top of the pyramid was Gods such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. they also elevated human beings of gods. And then below that is his cheif minister called a vizier as a supervisor.Below them it was powerful nobles and priests below that was soldiers you fought in wars. And then at the bottom it was slaves and farmers Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.388378742233568 and the wording score is -0.718005416422111.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 103476a8ff37 for prompt ebad26: 'One thing they would do when meat was spoiled and could not be used for other things was to "whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage" They would use chemicals, pickles, and soda to take away the smell.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0823964995789598 and the wording score is -0.624395622707856.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1036636556d9 for prompt 814d6b: ' A history teacher named Ron Jones created an expirment known as the Third Wave. The purpose was to explain to his students through actions how people tend to follow the crowd even when terrilble things were happen. Ron created an authoratian dictorship type of to teach his students the German mentality. He established many rules as it states in the text, "Jones started the first day of the experiment emphasizing simple things like proper seating, and drilled the students extensively until they got it right. He then proceeded to enforce strict classroom discipline by emerging as an authoritarian." The expirement soon transformed the class into a group with supreme sense of discipline and community. The experiment ended up ending after just 4 days because, "By the fourth day of the experiment, the students became increasingly involved in the project and their discipline and loyalty to the project was so outstanding that Jones felt it was slipping out of control." Essentially he could not control the expirement anymore, the students had ended up becoming way to involved. This goes to show how people can be brainwashed and get manipulated without even knowing it. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.57916752389002 and the wording score is 1.2003222242492.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1036b8a67bed for prompt ebad26: 'As stated in paragragh number 5 they would cover meat in borax to preserve it, and mix spoiled meat in with good meat, leading to unsanitary standards.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.42788278135548 and the wording score is -0.790667104406232.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 103f2e361892 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would can it or mix it in with other meats to create sausage . The factory would pour & rub chemicals on it & then mix it with other meats to cover the smell. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.419499103988893 and the wording score is 0.300379099185542.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 106d293233a5 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the bottom were people or slaves forced to work and were just simply not treated well. At the top was the pharaoh who was the boss and treated as a god to the people he was. Under the Pharaoh were priests and nobles who could talk to the gods. They were treated well and got a say in what the city did in building and doing laws. They also got said if they needed more food to make sure the gods would be nice to them. Farmers built many monuments and buildings and still were mistreated.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.722968812201619 and the wording score is 1.08943530507388.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 108049c01946 for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system of goverment is involved is different social classes.At the top of the classes were their leaders pharaohs they had power over their subjects, the pharaohs directed the army in case of a foreign threat or an internal conflict. They were working with the vizier were sribes who kept government records, Those high-leavel employees had mastered a rare skill in ancient Egypt they could read and write.Right below the pharaoh were Nobles and priests, only Nobles could hold government post in these postitions they profited from tributes and paid to the pharaohs.At the bottom of the social struture were Slaves and Farmers, Slavery become the fate of those captured as prisoners in the war. They were forced to work on building projects.Social mobillity was not impossible, A small number of peasants and farmers moved up the economic ladder, familys saved money to send their sons to vilage schools to learn trades.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.20464026582261 and the wording score is -0.64534372843799.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10831bf47eef for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of an ideal tragedy are as followed, a neutral character, a change of fortune from good to bad, and it needs to end in misfortune. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.07261303201737 and the wording score is -0.999628686402458.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10abb47d5384 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top were gods, like Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Under gods, were pharaohs who were believed to be gods in human form. They had power over Egypt. Next, were powerful nobles and priests. Nobles held government posts and priests were responsible for pleasing the gods. Then, skilled workers, such as craftmens and physicians. Craftmens made and sold pottery, jewelry, tools, and other useful things. Finally, slaves and farmers. Slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaohs or nobles. The farmers tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.905665047952546 and the wording score is -0.0091077501105194.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10ac7a513a1f for prompt ebad26: 'The various methods the factory used to cover or use spoled meat is, The first being hiding the smell of spoiled meat then selling it, In the article the author explains "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters" So basically they would use the spoiled meat they found and use chemicals to hide the smell, so the customers wouldnt notice it has gine bad and sell it to them to eat. Another method they used was mixing up the good and spoiled meat together. The author explains it by saying "'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.487425019183461 and the wording score is 0.21141069882408.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10adb977b0f8 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would rub soda and/or other chemicals on the meat, as mentioned in the first sentence of paragraph 2, "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell,". Workers would also cover up spoiled hams with a process, "there would be hams found spoiled, some of them with an odor so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them. To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor—a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty per cent”.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.559070107442079 and the wording score is -0.634924456786451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10cda972bbcd for prompt ebad26: ' The meat factories had various way of fixing up old meat. If old meat had a smell they would cover the meat in a varity of chemicals. They would also take old meat, chop it up, and turn it into sausage'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10e6d9526263 for prompt 814d6b: 'It was a lot of strict discipline. It was supposted to be only a one day exspeiment but he was so fasinated by everyones actions he kept it going for 3 days. The students all seemed to be improving accedemicly and seemed very motivated from it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10ec09c364df for prompt 39c16e: 'Some of the elements of an ideal tragedy are that it features a man that is neither good nor bad, but rather somewhere in between so that he is a person we can relate to in our minds, it focuses on a single issue so that it can portray that issue as best the author is capable rather than splitting their attention between two sunjects, and it should not feature comedy, as that is not the making of the best tradgedy, where people should sympathetically feel bad rather than ironically feel good at the end of the story.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.19782575296658 and the wording score is -0.119912861741038.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10ef51614357 for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of an ideal tragedy as described by Aristole, must happen to somebody who is "regular, must be a misfortune not earned, and must portray a fall from good to bad instead of bad to good.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.981264914141905 and the wording score is -1.54890021399466.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10f7a395f532 for prompt ebad26: 'they would put other things in the meat such as pickles or they would use clean meat with spoiled meat to make it smell better or they would find something to make it smell better '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.431733963400265 and the wording score is -0.956762061858469.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 10fa7d9fbfcf for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy is that it should have a complex plan and not a simple one. It should also cause people to feel pity and fear. Another element of an ideal tragedy is for the change in fortune to go from good to bad instead of bad to good. Lastly, an ideal tragedy should also should only have one issue rather than multiple.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.388378742233568 and the wording score is -0.718005416422111.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1128f12e6516 for prompt 3b9047: 'Farmers and salves were forced to do work and had to work extremely hard. Soldiers fought in wars or quelled domestic risings. Nobles were wealthy with "donations" from gods. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.969699948489301 and the wording score is 0.350742575322155.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 112abaf5917d for prompt 3b9047: ' The Egyptian system of government was structured like the pyramids they built. The most important people were at the top of the pyramid and the less important people were at the bottom of the pyramid. Some evidence from the text is, "Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1141bd780a6c for prompt 39c16e: 'Element 1 (Character) The character is a huge element for the ideal tragedy. The character sheds light on the meaning of the text as well as the relatability. He describes that the main character of the tragedy must be relatable so it invokes fear for something like this to actually happen and pity for the character because it reminds us of ourselves. The character can also be ,as described as Aristotle, "that of a man who is not eminently'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1149f20a22b3 for prompt 3b9047: 'at the lowestclas there were the slaves that work for rich people then the second lowest class is where famres and other people are there not that rich then theres the rich class that buy slaves they are preists and stuff then theres the highest class the paroh he has all power over egypt he/she still has many duties to do like collect tax and ect.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0685918360127062 and the wording score is -0.410412954325185.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 114ba9618f9d for prompt 3b9047: 'The government of ancient Egypt was a church-state command as the king ruled by a decree from the gods. Egypt had three main social classes--upper, middle, and lower. The upper class had the royal family, wealthy landowners, government officials, important priests and army officers/doctors. The middle class was made up chiefly of merchants, manufacturers, and artisans.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1151f6230943 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top of the prram id was the gods Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Under the gods are the pharaohs ,and under them ther are the nobles and preists, then on the bottom are the slaves, farmers, artisans, and traders.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.532293634966771 and the wording score is -0.340513118220436.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 117f2936bf16 for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid, from the FIRST THROUGH FOURTH paragraphs they state,"At the top were the gods, then pharohs, then a vizier a pharaohs helper, then scribes that helped the vizier, Preists wo were responsible for pleasing the gods, and Soldiers who protected and served in egyptian armies". There is a functional pyramid at the top, but there is a middleclass too. In the middle class from the section "SOLDIER ON", In the middle class are Skilled workers such as physicians and craftsmen/women made up the middle class. There is also the lowest class which is in the section "THE BOTTOM OF THE HEAP", At the bottom of social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war". The egyptian goverment works like this because they need to keep order, and keep this as they've always been.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.56745378480866 and the wording score is 0.456121746805323.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1189fb6604a4 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the ancient Egyptian system of goverment are gods, pharaohs,nobles and priests, vizers and scribes, soldiers, physicians and craftsmen/women, and lastly the bottom of all are slaves and farmers.The higher the person is in social class the more respect, money , or power they have.According to the text,¨Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. Therefore, it was important to keep them happy. They could make the Nile overflow, cause famine, or even bring death.¨(Paragraph 1)This piece of evidence tells me that the gods were at the top and had the most power out of everyone.The people all respected the gods more than anyone on the earth.Additionally,¨At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles.¨(Paragraph 11)This piece of evidence tells me that at the bottom of the social class were slaves and farmers.They had the least respect as well as didn´t have any power.So in conclusion, all of these pieces of evidence tell me that the more power or the more higher up you are in the social class the more power, respect , and money you have .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.75038000942855 and the wording score is 1.79634386748499.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11aa2fadfda3 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the botom of the pyramid, there are less fortunate people such as farmers and slaves. Slaves had to work for the pharohs. Farmers took care of fields and made things in order. I think they could manage to get out of the bottom of the pyramid. As stated in the text, " Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles." It also states, "Farmers tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reserviors in good order, worked in the stone quarries, and built the royal monuments." There is also the top of the pyramind where gods are. They control the universe, if they aren't happy the Nile would overflow causing fame or even death.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.95829824088421 and the wording score is -0.216445075514208.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11ab2f8cc682 for prompt ebad26: 'When the entire meat was spoiled, they would send it to a deparment. Stating ,¨.....mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference¨ (Paragraph 3)This concealed the odor of the spoiled meat; hiding the spoiled meat with other meat to make it seem fine. Another method they used was to inject a ton of pickles into the spoiled meat to remove the odor. From the book, it states, ¨ pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor" (Paragraph 2). Due to this, they hid the spoiled meat not just in bits, but in plain sight. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.49913875826482 and the wording score is 0.955611176267953.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11b4d73da66e for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would use many cover ups such as borax and food coloringto hide impurities though this was commen practice with other buisnesses (jobs) too such as Coca Cola using brown food coloring, '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.35556218334036 and the wording score is -0.955800990817773.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11c32eef02b9 for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristotle believed tragedies should follow a complex manner in regards to causing emotions of fear and commotion from the audience. In order to accomplish this tragedy the plot must be constructed in a unified way that tells a single and understandable narrative. The tragedy should feature a character neither good or bad whose misfortune causes a tragic and dramatic ending brought about by some error or frailty that led to their own downfall.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.761699361678808 and the wording score is 1.00236129191155.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11c3509b7b43 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over such a short period of time because of how seriously the students reacted to the regime of the Third Wave. After the reading explains what rules were outlined to students, the text states, "As the week went on, Jones’ class transformed into a group with a supreme sense of discipline and community. [...] This resulted in dramatic improvements to the efficiency, or orderliness, of the class. [...] After only three days, the experiment took on a life of its own, with students from all over the school joining in. The class expanded from initial 30 students to 43 attendees" (CommonLit). This cluster of text qoutes shows how legitamately the student took directions because the students did not even hesitate to follow orders nor did they question the ethics of some of the rules. For example, not a single student questioned the morals of the salute when it was purposefully intended to resemble that of the Nazi regime's salute. This not only proves how naive minor's can be to their superiors but also demonstrates how quickly society can follow one another when the majority is commiting said action. This is the classic case that everyone and their neighboor's mom told you as a kid: "If your friend jumped off a bridge would you jump too?"- in this case and many, yes, you would be more likely to commit an action, even if it may be questionable, if your peers are also participating in the action. This fact connects back not only many examples throughout human history but in varying life forms across the globe. Birds for example learn to fly, walk, eat, etc. by watching their siblings and following the mother. It is human nature to follow the pack and unfortunately it is not always a benefit to society. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.07780866518557 and the wording score is 2.89289781876892.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11caf1a3607c for prompt ebad26: 'They would pickle the spoiled meat and would store it in a place where dirty water would drop on it and rats would come an poop on it. They would set out poison bread to kill the rats and they wouldn't try to pull them out whren they would grind up the meat. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.376762983040429 and the wording score is 0.547660629074304.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11ee7720931d for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over time because the kids were practicing The Third Wave out of class and peer presuring other kids to join it. "Jones was surprised that some of the students started reporting to him when other members of the movement failed to abide by the rules." This shows kids were practicing this out of class.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.194066747289502 and the wording score is -0.550882426110094.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11f5c9c78d53 for prompt 39c16e: 'The tragedy should be arranged not as a simple plan but a complex plan. it should express pity and fear and follow plainly in the first place.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 11f7eaf08304 for prompt 39c16e: 'One is that a tragity is when one person makes a mistake that affects alot of people negitively. A plot of this kind would, doubtless, satisfy the moral sense and it possesses no single tragic quality'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1204d2a0fc35 for prompt ebad26: 'They would chop it up into sausage or can it. They'd take away the smell by rubbing soda on it "rub it up with soda to take away the smell". They would also use pickles to destroy the odor "much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor". '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.365607841229535 and the wording score is -0.591787701635864.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 120cb53b7f46 for prompt ebad26: 'It stated they could put the meat that is so spoilded and make them into sausages and rub it with soda to take the smell away. Acording to " For it was the custom, as they found, whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage".Also they had a machine for ham that would pump the odor through the needle. And, if it didnt work they had to roast the ham, then extract the bone and insert a white-hot hole of iron. The hams were made of old hogs and coarse. They sold then after cooking it and chopping it. The old sausages the got rejected would be dosed with borax and glycerin and made over again. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.559070107442079 and the wording score is -0.634924456786451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 121afaae1578 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy will have fear as well as pity in it, it will also contain an ordinary character that is not good or bad but has something tragic happen because of their mistake in judgment. Lastly, it will contain an ending that more than most likely ends in the character and the character's enemy finding an agreement and that's the ending. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0621059315581789 and the wording score is -0.380727453312108.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1229068ce0b6 for prompt ebad26: 'Factories would mix spoiled meat with new meat. They would also use different chemicals on old meat to "sanitize" it then go and mix it with fresh meat. "It was only when the whole ham was spoiled that it came into the department of Elzbieta. Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions- a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference." (Sinclair 3)'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 123842ec7d81 for prompt ebad26: 'They would use pickle to remove the oder "To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor" (Sinclair, 11-12)'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12405d9d873a for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian goverment and socail classes involved in goverment becuase they worked for the pharaoh. The goverment was like people who watch over egypt and the social classes are the ones who follow orders.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 124984bc9ba8 for prompt 39c16e: 'A character that is not good or bad but instead a mix of both, not to be brought down by his own vice but instead a lapse or error in judgement. A tragic flaw of the character (a strength or trait that ultimately leads to downfall), and tragic effects and shock.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0725974074839821 and the wording score is -0.744768497376273.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 124b66775576 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would pickle meat, put chemicals such as borax on meat to kill bacteria, remove the bone with a hot iron, and chop up meat finely to be used in sausage.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.981264914141905 and the wording score is -1.54890021399466.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1256d16a51d2 for prompt ebad26: ' The meat factory would use different stratagies to keep their meat from smelling spoiled. One way they show this is in the piece of the text, " Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free- lunch counters" (Sinclair paragraph 2). This shows how the meat facotry would let their meat spoil and still serve it out to the public. This went not noticed because they would rub the meat with some type of soda to take away the "spoil" odor. Clearly, the facory had techniques to cover up the spoiled meat. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.574460809593205 and the wording score is 0.998747931418539.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 125d52f3d857 for prompt 39c16e: '3 elements of an ideal tragedy are having a complex plan, a man that is not very good eho is brought misfortune, and the misfortune being brought upon himself due to a mistake.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.981264914141905 and the wording score is -1.54890021399466.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12671730d2fc for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top of the social class were pharaohs right below the pharaohs were nobles and priests then vizier and scribes below them were physicians and craftsmen or women who made up the middle class then at the vary bottom were slaves and farmers.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.794026362056302 and the wording score is -1.54528685350164.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 127085d22e41 for prompt 814d6b: 'A teacher wanted to try a experiment on his students, for simple things, they called the experiement "the third wave" The students ended up getting really involved with it and eventually students from all over the school got involved. It was eventually stopped due t people thinking they could do horrible things in the name of "honor."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.146042288766438 and the wording score is 0.0452487795527597.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 128584abd962 for prompt 3b9047: 'In the Egyptian system of gvernment there were multiple levels, like a pyramid. On the top, there were gods. Underneath the gods, there was the Vizier. Under the vizier, the priests and nobles. Under them, the soldiers and craftsmen. On the bottom there were slaves. The slaves had no respect from others. "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles" (USHistory.org 13).'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12894b687356 for prompt ebad26: 'when the meat was so spoiled They would chop it up or put it intto sausage.... As said in paragraph 1 .. " For it was custom, as ttthey found whenever meat was so spoilked that it could not be used for naything else, either to can it or else chop it up into sausage."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.14493363003249 and the wording score is -0.834494799990917.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 128d867d07ce for prompt 814d6b: 'It started as just something they would do in class. Then the salute was created and they would have to salute each other in and outside of class. This caused other students to want to join. The experiment got so large that they started holding meetings outside of class. After this it started slipping out of control, causing Mr. Jones to put an end to it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0510777107689755 and the wording score is 0.751114463378381.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 128fd2872407 for prompt 3b9047: ' The structure of the ancient Egyptian system of governmennt is like a pyramid. The higher you are in the pyramid the more powerful you are. The order from highest to lowest is Gods, Pharoahs, Nobles and Priests, Soldiers, and Slaves. The gods could control the universe. "They could make the Nile overflow, cause famine, and bring death. The pharoahs controlled the kingdom. The directed the soldiers, provide protections, offered to the gods, enacted laws, and collected taxes. The Nobles were told to hold government post and Priests mostly were responsible for pleasing the gods. The soldiers They also supervised the peasants, farmers, and slaves. The bottom were slaves and farmers. "The farmers tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals, and reservoirs in good order. The slaves were forced to do building projects and followed the nobles and pharoahs. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.37585275136114 and the wording score is -0.0493220852021911.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 129d44b40916 for prompt 3b9047: 'because acient eygpt fought for there country because other people destroy acienteygpt but then they moved nubia and the people who lived in acient egypt arecalled nubians'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12adae939524 for prompt 3b9047: 'its like a pirimd the lowest are on the bottam and the fero (who are said to be god like people) were at the top, and only nobles could hold a govermenrs place. they had farmers, soldures and slaves from the wars '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.750933331217191 and the wording score is -1.13053039514947.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12aeddf206e3 for prompt 39c16e: 'One, the protagonist must not be a man of pure good nor pure evil, but rather one in between. Two, the story should have a change from good to bad fortune. Three, they should be founded on existing myths.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.285414865164965 and the wording score is -0.0016108985178951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12b4baa17002 for prompt 3b9047: 'The slaves and farmers were at the bottom of the latter.At the top of the latter was the Pharaoh.Also there was the presit right under the Pharaoh. Then there was the gonvers of Egypt, which they helped the pharaoh keep the Egyptian under control while he was busy ruleing Egypt.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.301962052042057 and the wording score is 0.0778567006247517.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12b6a196947c for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over such a short period of time because the students were being instructed to do all these different things and slowly got into the cycle of following and doing it by themselves while also making others interested, the experiment ended because it got out of hand.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.607944294696665 and the wording score is 0.171466494339006.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12c2d0e4200b for prompt 39c16e: ' Must have a downfall of your tragic hero. The reader must be able to relate to them. It should also have good construction to give the best effect.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.14493363003249 and the wording score is -0.834494799990917.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12d505fc96ba for prompt ebad26: 'they would cover it up by using chemicals. " it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.819248357761036 and the wording score is -0.63104096568684.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12d6cead90d1 for prompt 3b9047: 'These social classes were placed in a pyramid. On top of the pyramid meaning these people had the most power, are Gods and Pharaohs. In the text it states " Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. They had absolute power over their subjects." Preists and nobles were right under the Pharaohs and Gods. They profited from the Pharaohs and were responsible for pleasing the gods. Underneath these people were vizers. Vizers would be a supervisor and ensured that taxes would be collected. Next is scribes, scribes would keep goverment records and could read and write. On the bottom of the pyramid would be soldiers, slaves, and farmers. Soldiers would watch people who were involved in building structures. Farmers tended the farms and raised animals. They would pay hay as tax incase of famine to the Pharaoh. Slaves were people caught in war and used for building structures. " Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.20402052596005 and the wording score is 1.83559713153597.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12e825887bfc for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy must excite pity and fear in the audience. Ideal tragedies must also be about a man that is neither bad nor good and his misfortune is brought upon him because of a mistake. This man must also be wealthy or royalty. Finally, the plot should be single and the change of fortune should move from good to bad. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12e87dcee601 for prompt 39c16e: 'Three Elements that are ideal for the perfect tragedy are 1) The use of a complex charecter who is neutral and goes through a great amount of chaos due to being known as misfortunate. 2)A sequence of events that causes the protagonist to go from Good to bad instead to emphasize the value of lost, 3)A ending that resembles one of tragedy and not comedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12ea89b9a91e for prompt 39c16e: 'The first element of an ideal tragedy is the contruction of a plot, changing from good to bad. The main character should have some fortune in the beginning and then some error should happen that ends the tragedy on something terrible. Furthermore, a good tragedy should have a complex plot that brings different feelings of excitement, shock, and sadness to the reader. Finally, an ideal tragedy should have a main character that is neither good or bad. They start out highly prosperous and known, but due to a bad decision , their life takes a turn for the worse.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.969310837140025 and the wording score is 0.660536652150097.