### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12eb4130aa68 for prompt ebad26: 'There were many different ways the factory would cover up spoiled meat. For example, they would try to cover up the smell and give away the meat spoiled meat for free. In the text, it states, "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters...."(Sinclair 2). Another way the factory would try to cover up spoiled meat is inserting the meat with a hot iron. The passage says, "Also, after the hams had been smoked, there would be found some that had gone to the bad. Formerly these had been sold as “Number Three Grade,” but later on some ingenious person had hit upon a new device, and now they would extract the bone, about which the bad part generally lay, and insert in the hole a white-hot iron,"(Sinclair 2). In conclusion, there were many more ways the factory would try to cover up meat and the whole operation, in general, was just unsanitary. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.34414485120188 and the wording score is 0.835238301599536.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12f265506bd6 for prompt 3b9047: 'in the passage "Egyptian Social Structure " by USHistory.org the text states "the visor ensured that taxes were collected" the text also states"priest were responsible for pleasing the gods¨. in conclusion the people of egypt contributed to their government in many diffrent ways'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.301962052042057 and the wording score is 0.0778567006247517.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 12fee3183dd0 for prompt 39c16e: 'A tragedy should be arranged on a complex plan and it should invoke pity and fear in the audience. A virtuous man can't go from adversity to prosperity because that would invoke outrage. An utter villan can't experience a downfall because that wouldn't cause pity. The main character should be mostly good and be brought down by an error in judgement of frailty. They must be highly renowned or prosperous so their difficulties have an effect on others.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.638413354775127 and the wording score is -0.0025719695585915.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13046e486796 for prompt ebad26: 'Factories would use spoiled meats and sell them so they wouldn't watse a lot of money .They would also use all the entire meat so they didn't have to waste anything they would still profit from it .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 130f59aa4338 for prompt ebad26: 'How the factory would use or cover up spoiled meat, whenever meat would go bad it could not be used for anyhthing else, either to can it or chop it up into sausage '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.981264914141905 and the wording score is -1.54890021399466.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13187e1c9043 for prompt ebad26: 'they would use chemicals and chemistery and soda to change the odors so they wouldnt get caught and selled it as number 1 grade. they made fancy names.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.57887111694714 and the wording score is -0.57668443602356.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13290ab72090 for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyption goverment used social status like a pyramid. The higher social class you have the more power you have, and the lower class you had would give you less power. In paragrph 1 it says ¨egyption was structured lke a pyramids. At the top where gods¨ which shows that egyptions believed gods had the higest amount of power. In paragrah 11 '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.376373871691152 and the wording score is 0.463618598397948.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 132ca5182ef2 for prompt 39c16e: '"The change of fortune should be not from bad to good, but, reversely, from good to bad. " The plot would be going downhill and starting good to bad. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 132e6ecd3f81 for prompt 3b9047: ' There are many diffrent levels of the Egyptian system of governmant. The article,"Egyptian Social Structure" says, " the top were gods¨ In fact, their gods are like our presidents. As a result, there are diffrent levels of the Egyptian system of government.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.691293113500988 and the wording score is -0.795241535939942.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13337875bc03 for prompt ebad26: 'Workers would use harsh chemicals, such as Borax to treat extremely rotten/spoiled meat, they would re-pickle spoiled meat with a much stronger pickle to hide the spoiled taste. Many hams had the spoiled parts cut out of them and sold, and scraps built up from each year were dumped into the sausage and sold to the unsuspecting public.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1336acd6b103 for prompt 3b9047: 'it is so important to history. it is a plae of the elders or rulers. the rulers had soldiers in to the citys and evacuate the town so they can fight there battles there. they also had colonies like um whats the name tribes like tribes in the citys. the tribes or familys had lived there for a long time and when the war was over they rebuilt the city and lived there once again.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.947203602021083 and the wording score is -0.466840395433738.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1348813580a0 for prompt 3b9047: 'The summarie of the ancient Egyptian system it was like pyramid the highest one at the top lowest at bottom. The ones at top didn't have to do much unlike the other at the bottom had to work farmers didn't get prazid ethier. The government is almost the same as now but were not in a certian catagoery. That is the summerie of the goverment stucture. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.12523060041564 and the wording score is -0.537431171972585.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1349d2f62804 for prompt 814d6b: 'It started quickly because he used repeatitive drills, he used discipline and loyalty. The experimeant was ended because the group created a sense of superiority over others and thats what usually makes people think it’s justifiable.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 134b720d93d3 for prompt 3b9047: 'In the Ancient Egyptians system of government was that Pharaohs were at the top of the tower, these people were known as half-god and half-human(or Demigods). Then nobles and priests were underneath the pharaoh, nobles can hold the government posts, while the priests were in charge of pleasing the gods. Soldiers were next in the pyramid. They fought in war, as well as supervising farmers, peasants, and slaves. Artisans and traders were important to Ancient Egypt as they sell goods to the public. At the bottom of the pyramid there were, slaves, farmers, and peasents. Farmers tended the crops, raised animals, kept canals and reservors.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.893660177410131 and the wording score is 1.17251626470954.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 134ce8fadbb6 for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristotle states many elements of the 'ideal tragedy,' the three most notable being, a relatable character who is neither good nor evil, the tragedy that takes place stems from an error or mistake, and the fortune of the character plummets from good to bad. These ideas are most closely summed up when he writes, "[t]he change of fortune should be...from good to bad" (Paragraph 3). As well as when he continues on to note, "[i]t should come about as the result not of vice, but of some great error or frailty, in a character either such as we have described, or better rather than worse" (Paragraph 3). These quotes quite explicitly state 3 of the main components of which Aristotle's 'ideal tragedy' is based upon.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.57393968926319 and the wording score is 0.485807247818401.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 134d665a2953 for prompt ebad26: 'The ways that the factories would cover up spoiled meat might as well be making it even worse and unhealthy cause they basically cover the smell and taste with tons of chemicals. "meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell... they would extract the bone, about which the bad part generally lay, and insert in the hole a white-hot iron...Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption". The meat factories took any old meat and dose it with chemicals.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.72244769187161 and the wording score is 0.57649462147374.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 134ef3837e1f for prompt ebad26: 'There were various ways the factory would use or cover up the spoiled meat, such as pickling and then rubbing it with soda, pumping a piece of meat with pickle, remove the bone and insert a hot iron, and they would have boneless hams.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.07261303201737 and the wording score is -0.999628686402458.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13505fd3a08a for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave was created as a social expirement that no matter how wrong something might be, people will do it to be like everyone else. It started out with just a couple of rules then escalated to many rules and they had a salute that the students had to do both in class and out of class. The expirement soon got too out of hand and Jones called it off. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13525b90fc73 for prompt 39c16e: 'The ideal tragic hero should be basically a good man with a minor flaw or tragic trait. The Tragedy should issue from this minor flaw or error. The fail and sufferings and death of such a hero would certainly generate feelings of pity and fear'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.365607841229535 and the wording score is -0.591787701635864.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 135a0789c6ba for prompt ebad26: 'The working coundtion for wokers was terrible because their fingers would be cut off. For example"...swollen so that their fingers spread out like a fan". This qoute shows that their finger would be cut off due the amounts of time he's working And it's not worth losing you fingers for a job. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.989939722969547 and the wording score is -0.7141219253225.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1365a1f9a590 for prompt 3b9047: 'There are 3 classes. Upper, midle, and lower. The upper class consists of royalty, rich landowners, government officials, priests, army officers and doctors. The middle class is made up of merchants, manufactuars, and artisans. The lower class consists of servents and slaves.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1367c327746c for prompt 3b9047: 'the social classing of Egypt is built somewhat like a pyramid, with gods and pharaohs at the top and slaves at the bottom. We are shown that the gods and the king are both at the top, as the narrator states "At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. Therefore, it was important to keep them happy. They could make the Nile overflow, cause famine, or even bring death." They also show that the pharoah at the top when the narrator states "The Egyptians also elevated some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. They had absolute power over their subjects. After pharaohs died, huge stone pyramids were built as their tombs. Pharaohs were buried in chambers within the pyramids."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.750671140889605 and the wording score is -0.129480624778936.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 136e2f60ae9d for prompt 3b9047: 'The gods had the most power of all, pharaohs the second power and they treated the pharaohs like gods, and the priestes had the least amount of power'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.07261303201737 and the wording score is -0.999628686402458.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 136f36971cbc for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptian social structure included every level of job and their value. Different social classes were involved by giving them the specific requirements to do what they have to do. Paragraph 2 explains the highest role that you can have and controls everything. The highest role orders the roles with the less value in order to do their job. Throught the text it explains the roles of every single job and how it contributes to the society and government to have a balanced community with no consequences.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.559300096311036 and the wording score is 1.80384071907762.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 138b1209cd1e for prompt 3b9047: '"Egyptian social structure" is a intresting artical about the social structure's in Egypt. Different social classes were invoved in the government by talking about the history and some one doing one thank and someone else doing something differnt . The text says, "Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid." The Egyption society was made up of moltipal people doing different things to get it done faster.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.301962052042057 and the wording score is 0.0778567006247517.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1396e6859c3a for prompt ebad26: 'There are many way's that the factory would use or cover up spolied meat. One example is"To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor—a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty per cent.” Another example is"It was only when the whole ham was spoiled that it came into the department of Elzbieta. Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions- a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference." This shows some of the many way's they would ty to cover up spolied meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.965305265668749 and the wording score is 0.326181109099008.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 139c904c87d4 for prompt 3b9047: 'The social structure of the ancient government, in hindsight, was messed up, not only because it involved slaves but also because it was unchangeble and based on pure luck alone. Today, though still messed up in it's own ways, has changed a lot! For one, the slavery bit has been completely banned and you can also change your posititon in society (unless you're homeless, then you'll normally die before you even get to the second interview). Like I said, social classes will always be messed up, but they're getting better by the minute!'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.804214565500556 and the wording score is 0.835156494054737.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13a87dc4376b for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system of goverment was a the scoial pyrimid. People worshiped them because they were the ones that controlled the universe. All the other people wereat the bottom of the primid like famers and slaves. And the Gods and others were at the top. That's how it was difffernt in the social classes that involed in this goverment. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13cbbdd0248e for prompt ebad26: 'They would put pickle juice in or on the pig and they would rub it in soda to take away the smell, and then they would douse the meat in borax and glycerin for it to be made all over again and the worst part is that they put poisoned bread out on the meat then the rats would eat it and they would die while on the meat and the workers wouln't even take the dead rats off of the meat, so the rats, poisoned bread, and the meat (not to mention the germs that would come from the workers themselves) would all go into the hopper and be made into meat that they would sell to people for them to eat without even knowing what is in their already purchased meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.223585743075648 and the wording score is -0.530785828993602.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13d0d06359ac for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave developed over a very short period of time because people likely wanted a sense of susperiority and people not included in the intial parts of the experiment joined it to feel superior to tohse who were not.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.01417945292333 and the wording score is -0.789639071546453.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13da4cadc88d for prompt 3b9047: ' Ancient Egypt had three main social classes--upper, middle, and lower. The upper class consisted of the royal family, rich landowners, government officials, important priests and army officers, and doctors. The middle class was made up chiefly of merchants, manufacturers, and artisans. The lower class, the largest class by far, consisted of unskilled labourers. Most of them worked on farms. Prisoners captured in foreign wars became slaves and formed a separate class.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.531367778754094 and the wording score is 0.583991473066364.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 13f0178ebd34 for prompt 814d6b: 'It was monstrously fast. Students stated discriminating against non-members. They created their own salute within the group. Members were more motivated and performed better in class. This had appealed to other kids in the school. The project was beginning to slip out of Mr. Jones' control, so he terminated the experiment.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1404f2c937bd for prompt 3b9047: 'According to the text and from what I had just read, the social classes (goverment) were different by one, the Nobels and the Priests, two the Egyptian's staves, and three, The gods "rules" ( Ra, Osiris, and Isis).'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 140b862decc2 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would cover up spoiled meat by bringing it to the department of elzibeta , chopped up into sausage, or canned. In the text it says "It was only when the whole ham was spoiled that it came into the department of Elzbieta. Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions- a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference." and "For it was the custom, as they found, whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage." At the department of elzbieta mixed a buch of random meat and cut it up until no oder was able to be identified or it could be chopped into sausage or canned. Thus being, these are the ways that the facotory used and covered up spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.12897398155933 and the wording score is -0.388224304904732.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 142c4e360cc4 for prompt 39c16e: 'The three main elements of an ideal tradegy are that it should have a complex plan, it should create fear and pity into the minds of others and should go from prospering at a certain time and slowly moving onto a more adverse point in time for a character'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.681768575941824 and the wording score is -1.67219550872199.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1436833c8d23 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over such a short period of time because students started to see other students joining this movement so they were also interested. The experiment was ended because Jones felt that it was slipping out of control because so many students were involved in the project. In paragraph 4 it states, "By the fourth day of the experiment, the students became increasingly involved in the project and their discipline and loyalty to the project was so outstanding that Jones felt it was slipping out of control. He decided to terminate the movement..."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.376373871691152 and the wording score is 0.463618598397948.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 144915478cd3 for prompt 3b9047: 'the egipt the gods and stuff they neaded toharvist all they neaded to do so they can atart withtheir builds cuz it needs a place. They need to get the gods together so they can make a new rule'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.31683163386317 and the wording score is -1.0428750039801.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 146194930d12 for prompt ebad26: 'They would grind it up into the better meat sometimes. Sometimes what they would do put botox or gelatin on it too, to make it look better than it actually was. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.472653417250568 and the wording score is -0.0052242590109083.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 146a9698aac0 for prompt ebad26: 'When a whole ham was spoiled it would be chopped up and mixed with half a ton of other meat, sausage that was rejected and old and mold whould be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into hoppers and made over again. barrels of craps from other meat would sit in barrels for months then dumped out in spring then mixed in with new meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0823964995789598 and the wording score is -0.624395622707856.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 146bf5522987 for prompt ebad26: 'Like it says in the article, they would do anything to sell all the leftover meat. For example if the meat was expired they would just mix it with new meat can it and sell it. Or the would make it into suasages. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.456955959104999 and the wording score is -0.0425161740436652.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 146c0dfae24a for prompt ebad26: '"It was only when the whole ham was spoiled that it came into the department of Elzbieta. Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions- a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference. There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.809723820201872 and the wording score is -1.50799493846889.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14a08091f34c for prompt 3b9047: 'the social and government where different because social was mostly about hwnthe slaves worked hard such as¨In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles.¨ and the government is mostly about religion¨The Nile River, located in northeastern Africa, was an essential part of ancient Egyptian civilization, which mainly formed around this river that provided a source of water, transportation, trade, and farming land. ¨'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.39216930972494 and the wording score is -1.34087194815687.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14af7a065044 for prompt ebad26: 'Factories would take spoiled meat and "can it or else to chop it up into sausage" they also pickled the rotten meat, as well as remove the rotting bone and insert a hot iron to get rid of the stench, they also took the completely rotten ham and used them for sausages. "there was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from europe old sausage that had been rejected and that was moldy and white - it would be dosed with borax and glycerin and dumped into hoppers" these were method used to get rid of the stench to cover up the spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.2043116574211 and the wording score is -0.0902273607279611.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14b5ab7b2f49 for prompt 3b9047: ' Egypt's social structure is much like the world's structure today. This includes lower class, middle class and high class. In the present world, low class are usually poor and hard workers not usually payed enough. the Middle class would be considered the classic American family. Enough money for groceries, bills and all the other necessities that has a cost. Then you have the hugher class. That being high govermental figures such as president, legistalition and other goverment figures. In ancient Egypt, this bassically worked the same way. Workers were the most important people in the classes. " In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharoah or nobles". This shows how hard and important workers were, but no one did and doesn't notice them. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.499659878594833 and the wording score is 1.46855185986809.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14b6ae54acc2 for prompt 39c16e: 'The three elements of an ideal tragdey should not be simple, but one that is more complex. The tragedy shouldnt change one from bad to good, but from good to bad, and the tradegy should spakr pity and grief and an array of shock and emotions throughout the readers. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14b6d1d606c7 for prompt ebad26: 'They would add chemicals in the spoiled meat to make them color and smell, and in paragraph 3 it says that," there was never he leas attention paid to what was cut up for sausage."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.48752299907168 and the wording score is -1.12595596361576.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14bf32540c9c for prompt 814d6b: 'He experiment was ended because the crowd got to big and the school was afraid that they might rise against the school and take it over'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.46781996945484 and the wording score is -0.828892335597428.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14c1ca86cc12 for prompt 3b9047: 'This text is about the social clases of ancient Egypt and how they help the goverment. At the top of the social pyrimid was the pharaoh. The pharaoh is in charge of all of ancient Egypt. Next was the govermment official's they were the supervisor. The soldiers fought in wars or quelled domestic uprisings. Craftsmen made and sold jewelry, pottery, papyrus products, tools, and other useful things. The slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles. Farmers planted crops and raised animals. In conclusion the social classes were involved with the goverment because they all put in work to help out the goverment. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.16770453103652 and the wording score is -0.475298318067059.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14c673fc7d8c for prompt 3b9047: 'The social classes can mean alot. for example paragraph 12 it says farmers paid taxes that could amount to as much as 60 percent of there yearly harvest. if the farmer was a higher class like king or goverment he wouldnt have to pay that much.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.676259321240509 and the wording score is 0.670955923801635.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14cd56211dcc for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy should be based on a complex plan, which means it has more of a dramatic effect. It should also have strong emotions of pity and fear. And finally, the plot should start off relatively simple and have an intense event that causes the plot to change.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.297030624358104 and the wording score is -0.168733888829912.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14cdcbd55031 for prompt 3b9047: 'The strutcture of the ancient greek system of government,the pharoah was the leader, he appointed a chief minister called a vizier to collect taxes, the scribe kept government records, nobles and priests held government posts and the soldiers fought in wars or quelled domestic uprisings'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0621059315581789 and the wording score is -0.380727453312108.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14dcaf28495f for prompt 39c16e: 'As previously stated in the article, some important elements discussed by Aristotle that make an ideal tragedy are plot, thought and character. The plot in an ideal tragedy should be orangized but complex, along with exciting feeling from the audience. Another element of an ideal tragedy is verbal expression, which is the way characters reveal thoughts and emotions through expressions. The characters in a tragedy are also very important and contribute with their change of fortune, often evolving from good to bad. Characters in tragedies often have a large amount of misfourtune. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.50403798449014 and the wording score is 2.22524252040878.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14e3c55853e4 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over such a short period of time because the students felt a sense of community through the experiment. The students, once initiated, because the leaders of the school and the experiment. Other students felt that they had to join because others were joining. In addition, the Third Wave developed over such a short period of time because after a while, the students in it would stop "non-members from entering the class, or other tasks to bring honor to the movement.". These acts brought fear and peer pressure to have other join the Third Wave. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.606705454615866 and the wording score is 0.881988417243135.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14e608bd9f99 for prompt 814d6b: 'over a week the kids were bassically broken and only listend to mr.jones commands. mr.jones then told the kids their were part of a experiment'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.970236693352702 and the wording score is -0.417058297304168.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14e6b3ffe707 for prompt 3b9047: 'the sturcer of the egait goverment was the pharohs the kings of the the eagatant. they got the slaves to work farmers payed in grein. "farmers payed in grain" the difernt types of social classes are involed by woekers working for the pharoh and noble pleaing the gods and some people righting stuff down. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.981264914141905 and the wording score is -1.54890021399466.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14e8b021f349 for prompt 3b9047: 'In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt the pharaoh and those associated with is working the vizier were scribes who kept government records. and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and Craftspersons made and sold jewelry, pottery, papyrus prdoducts, tools, and other useful things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.648556992552524 and the wording score is -0.54796000605118.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14ec8b9b26f4 for prompt 3b9047: 'In summary, the structure of the ancient Egyptian government started at the Pharaoh. The pharaoh was the most powerful, and he commanded the armies and made laws. However, this was a lot of work, so the Pharaoh had government official. There was nobles and priests. The priests would do jobs that had relation to the Gods. Nobles were the only ones who could hold government posts. However, there was also the vizier, who ensured that taxes were collected, and scribes, who kept government records. They also had soldiers, who would supervise the peasents, farmers, and slaves. There was skilled workers aswell, such as physicans or craftmen/craftswomen, who made many types of goods, such as jewelry, pottery, papyrus, and other things. At the bottom of the social Pyramids were slaves and farmers. Salvery happenned when someone was captured as prisoners of war. Farmers tended to the feilds, kept canals and reserviors, and raised animals, and more. Their taxes were payed and kept in case of a famish, so they were actually very important. However, a small ammount of peasants or farmers could become scribes, but only the sons.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.27318528123541 and the wording score is 1.29393201796345.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 14f651fe5583 for prompt ebad26: 'These factories would shovel spoiled meat to be grinded up with other meats and labeled fresh, they would cover the meat in chemical or soda to cover the smell and preserve the color, they would even manipulate the spoiled meat labels to sell it for more '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.147935083345754 and the wording score is -1.04276544155304.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15053bea1caa for prompt ebad26: 'The way that the factor would cover up spoiled meat is by getting rid of the pder by rubbing soda and using a stronger pickle oth stated in paragraph two. for example in paragraph two it states "and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell" and " much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor".Another thing that they would do is use borax andglcerin. In paraghraph 3 it states "it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." they would also mix it in with the good meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.99701316582801 and the wording score is -0.558379277702719.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 150ae6bb1de3 for prompt 3b9047: 'The socail system was different cause For thr higher class they where able to acces more things and for the lower class they weren"t able to acces a much cause they couldnt affor it an i know this cause in paragraph 11 the text states "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles." So that lets me know that all the things they accesed where based on what level and how high/low class they are.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.169075380098057 and the wording score is -0.0045333185768099.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 150c26dd6877 for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptian social classes were structured like a pyramid. The top being the wealthiest and most admired, and the bottom being the complete opposite. At the top, there were the pharohs. They were worshipped due to being seen as human forms of gods (1-3). Underneath the pharohs were the nobles and priests. Nobles were responsible for government posts and preists were responsible for pleasing the gods (6). The next position would be the middle class., which included physicians and craftsmen. They were in charge in producing goods (9). At the bottom were slaves and farmers. Slaves were often prisoners caught at war and worked very hard under the command of pharohs and nobles (11). Although it was a challenge, rising up in this social structure was not entirely impossible.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.40779064038936 and the wording score is 1.50488270386015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1510b6a12727 for prompt ebad26: 'The factories would use multiple ways to cover up spoiled meat. "There would be hams found spoiled, some of them with an odor so bad that a man could harly bear to be in the room with the,. To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle, which destroyed the odor." This would describe the general way factories would mask the tainted meat; just load stronger odors into them.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15189cb0303b for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy is that it must feature the downfall of the hero or protagonist, not the villian. The story should highlight decisions that the hero made that ultimately led to the downfall of that character. An ideal tragedy should also highlight an error in judgement by the main character that causes his misfortune. The error in judgement or bad decision should be a one time thing rather than a habitual decision to do something dumb. One last element of an ideal tragedy is a singular plot. It should contain only one plot, because having two plots may lessen the effect of the tragedy and the reader's opinion of the tragic hero.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.95852822975316 and the wording score is 2.22232010034986.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1519709a327f for prompt ebad26: 'The meat factories main purpose back then was to make money, even to the point they sold spoiled and tainted meat. The factories would even "dose meat with borax and glycerine" to make the meat consumable again. If the meat smelled they would "scrub it with soda" to make it smell better too. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 151f703ac517 for prompt 39c16e: 'There are three elements of an ideal tragedy. First is the poets recounted any leend that camein their way. The best tragedies founded on the story are a few houses. Second, the construction should be in this order, they are in error who ensure Euripides because he follows this principe in his plays. The third is the kidn of tragedy which some place first. It has double thread of plot, and also an opposite catastrophe.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.559070107442079 and the wording score is -0.634924456786451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 153203f18c84 for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristotle describes an ideal tragedy as having a complex plan. It should be about a man of high status who is not completley good, but not bad either and whose problems stem from his own errors. Another key element is that a tragedy result in a change of fortune from good to bad caused by an error the character has made. The last element Aristotle describes is that a tragedy must make the audience weak even when no one is slain. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.285025753815689 and the wording score is 1.01289012599015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 153a6f703ef4 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top of the social class was the Pharaohs The people were believed to be ̈gods in human form these people were treated with absolute power. Below the Pharaohs were the Nobels and Priests, These people held government positions and were responsible for pleasing the gods. Soldiers would fight in wars or ̈quelled domestic uprisings.' , they also supervised peasants and farmers who were involved in building structures or pyramids. In the middle class were the craftsmen and physicians...etc These people would make jewelry pottery and other products and tools. At the bottom of the social structure were slaves these would be the people building structures, as well as slaves farmers were also at the bottom of the social structure, farmers would raise animals grow plants, kept canals, and reservoirs.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.17293236566335 and the wording score is 0.239216658363737.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 155e91801b3f for prompt 814d6b: 'This experiment was very smart and it seemed like fun to some kids because it grew so rapidly. On the third day it started off as only 30 students then it grew to 43 attendees,it grew so rapidly that at the end of the third day they had over 200 participantsit. The movement was growing so much more and more students joined in and were so loyal that jones stopped the movement on the forth day.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.547065236899663 and the wording score is 0.546699558033608.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15693970b730 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy should be built on a complex plan or idea, avoiding simplicity. The plot should cause the reader to feel pity or fear for the character, not happiness. Misfortune should not happen to an originally prosperous c haracter or prosperity to an avderse character. as one only causes shock and the other is the opposite of a tragedy. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0661115030294547 and the wording score is -0.715082996363196.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 156c3c1f8120 for prompt 3b9047: 'The Social Structure was very different and "treated like a pyramaid." (Paragraph 1) For example, in war if you were captured you would become a prisoner of war and be forced to be a slave to the wealthy. At the top of the social structure are the gods. People in Egypt "belived that their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form."(paragraph 2) After pharohs died they would have a pyrmaid built for them and then be put in a tomb within the pyrmaid. "Right below the pharaoh in status were powerful nobles and priests. Only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions they profited from tributes'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 156c8985107a for prompt 3b9047: 'The social classes were involve in the government the chain of command "The pharaoh appointed a chief minister called a vizier as a supervisor. The vizier ensured that taxes were collected."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 156f992636fd for prompt 3b9047: 'Ancient Egypt was composed of several social classes, ranging from lives lived in slavery to positions of absolute power. Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis.1 Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. Therefore, it was important to keep them happy. They could make the Nile2 overflow, cause famine,3 or even bring death.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 157eb84b0fae for prompt 39c16e: 'the ideal tragady as described by aristotle, should consisnt of an arranged not simple but on the complex plan, it should moreover, imitate, wich excite pity and fear, the change of fortune presented must not be the spectacle of a virtuous man brougth from prosperity to advirstity.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.810573548933394 and the wording score is -1.465819254359.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 157f1b4d6540 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would use or cover up spoled meat by changing the way it looks or smells in order to sell the meat. In paragraph 2 it states, "To pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor—a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty per cent.” This quote is explaing how the factory would have its workers would pump chemicals into the meat in order to remove the smell so they could sell the meat. This contributes to how the factoyr would cover up spoiled meat because they put their workers through varuous vigorius processes in order to make the meat up to standard to sell. In paragrpah 2 it also states, "Also, after the hams had been smoked, there would be found some that had gone to the bad. Formerly these had been sold as “Number Three Grade,” but later on some ingenious person had hit upon a new device, and now they would extract the bone, about which the bad part generally lay, and insert in the hole a white-hot iron. " This quote explains how now the factory was finding loopholes in order to salvage spoiled meat any way possible. This connects with hwo the factory tried to cover up spoiled meat because now they would insert a hot iron to get ride of the bone that had gone bad, and that would elimainate the grading system. In paragraph 1 it states, " For it was the custom, as they found, whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage. " This quotes explains how the workers of the factory had been trained to use spoiled meat for anything they could. This connects with how the factory uses spoiled meat because they wouldn't let anything go to waste, and would make sure they would make the most money possible. This connects overallwith the idea of hwo the factory was greedy, and focused only on trying to make as much money as possible, not on the safety of their meat products. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.62709400252487 and the wording score is 0.791410606014851.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1594ab19b1e9 for prompt 39c16e: 'As described By Aristole There are at least three elements needed for story to an ideal tragedy. First, it should not just be something bad that happens to a virtuious man or to a bad man since niether have a single tragic quality. Second, there fortune should not be from bad to good but good to bad. Lastly, their down fall should be brought about by not vice or depravity but by an error.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15aeb42cac31 for prompt 39c16e: 'Firstly, an ideal tragedy must include a character of average morals, neither good or bad, who falls from grace due to an accident. Second, the ending must be truly tragic. The story cannot end on a good or uplifting note as that takes away from the tragic sense of the play. Thirdly, an ideal tragedy is not enjoyable due to a comedic pleasure. Aristotle denounces The Odyssey as it is not a true tragedy, but rather, is enjoyable due to its comedic value '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.766598587904131 and the wording score is 2.27199263605238.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15b41c6ba90c for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptian social classes were hard working. The upper class had pharaohs, priests, and nobles. the middle class had soldiers and artisans. The lowers class had farmers and slaves.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.420705742611062 and the wording score is 0.175079854832019.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15b43de39ca2 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of Ancient Egyptian system of government is the people who make the lowest money is at the bottom, the people in the middle makes a decent amount of money and the people at the top make the most amount of money. "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15b705516e96 for prompt 39c16e: 'It has complex charectors, draws out true emotion in the aduience with no shock vaule, and finally the charector brings their own downfall due to their decisions.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15bae66a4fab for prompt 3b9047: 'They might have become more socail by working together. The boys went to "shcool" to learn how to read and write. The girl though had to cook and clean or be a "servent" or aka a maid for the pharohs .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26919628668938 and the wording score is 0.474037870049486.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15ca50980683 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal element for a tragedy is that the fall of the antagonist should not be shown. This would then make the readers pity him and it will also satisfy the reader. Another element of an ideal tragedy would be that the fortune should go from good to bad rather than from bad to good. It should be transfered through an error or frailty of the character. A final element of an ideal tragedy would be that there should be one main plot line than two as some have. It needs to be consistent so the reader understands it well, and so there aren't any distractions.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.44439776677394 and the wording score is 1.88995366119925.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15cded93ea99 for prompt 3b9047: 'They where like first, medium, last. First was the better ones or that have been there the longest and medium being the second longest and last being the beginers its like begining middle end.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.33252909200874 and the wording score is -1.00558308894734.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15deabbce2e3 for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient system of goverment was like a pyrimid where only rhe kings or pharows wore aloud to hold goverment jobs. The priest wore expected to help the gods and the soldiers wore expected to fight in wars. ( Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods).6th parograph.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.365607841229535 and the wording score is -0.591787701635864.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15e03db1f7bd for prompt 39c16e: 'According to the views of Aristotle an ideal tragedy is not of a good man gone bad or the opposite but rather the honest mistakes of a neutral man. In order for it to be tragic Aristotle believes that it must be both unsue fear and pity from the reader. He believes that the fear should be derived from the reader's sense of relation to the progantist which would be acheived through painting him as a common man with both merits and fawls in his character. This is done rather than protraying the protaganist as either all good or bad. The pity is a direct result of the misfortune brought upon an undeserving man, if the mans downfall was do to his own vice then it would not e tragic but rather justfiied, the downfall most be caused by fatal error to make the man seem undeserving of the repercussions. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.95852822975316 and the wording score is 2.22232010034986.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15e0943c4076 for prompt 3b9047: 'As the construction was built, it was using poor people as slaves.Thanks to the poor people, it was how the construction of Egypt was achieved.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.48752299907168 and the wording score is -1.12595596361576.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15f809b34189 for prompt 39c16e: 'the three elements are the story should be proper rathe to comedy, it should be well constructed, and it should be put on a complex pan. it should resemble come comedy to keep the reader ingaged. the story should be well con structed because noby would finish it if they get bored. finaly it should be on a complex plan because you need to plan out every part of the story to keep the reader ingaged so he will want to finish it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.567974905138678 and the wording score is 0.969062430405462.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15f8937ecb6a for prompt 3b9047: ' After readng the article called, Egyptian social structure by USHistory. Org. I have learned that after pharaohs died, huge stones pyramids were built as their tombs. Pharaohs were buried in changes within the pyramids. Each farmer paid taxes in the form of grains, which were stored in the pharaoh's warehouses. In the following essay, I will be summarizing the structure of the acient Egyptian system of government and explaining how were different social classes involved in this government. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.349060654352444 and the wording score is -0.671255300778511.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15fdd58bcf95 for prompt ebad26: 'They would continue working with it, or cover up the smell. "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.750933331217191 and the wording score is -1.13053039514947.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 15ff620e678f for prompt 3b9047: 'How the ancient Egyptian system of goverment work is first it was the gods.The Egyptians thought that the gods were in charge of the world.They could bascilly do anything they wanted to do.Then some of them were gods but in a humans body. They were called pharaohs and they are the Egyptians leaders.The text states that"Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. Therefore, it was important to keep them happy. They could make the Nile overflow, cause famine, or even bring death. Then right below them its the nobles and the priests.There jobs are basically just to please the paraohs and the gods.The text States that only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions they profited from tributes paid to the pharaoh. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods.Nobles enjoyed great status and also grew wealthy from donations to the gods. All Egyptians—from pharaohs to farmers—gave gifts to the gods.Then it went to the bottom of the structure and that was the slaves and farmers. The slaves did what slaves do and got force to work on building. They had to do anything the pharaoh and noble told them to do. The farmers also did what farmers . They took care of the animals, they paid the taxes alot in a year. The text states that "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles.Farmers tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good order, worked in the stone quarries, and built the royal monuments. Farmers paid taxes that could amount to as much as 60% of their yearly harvest—that’s a lot of hay!'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.53522476431939 and the wording score is 0.827741450006912.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16041d8ba9bc for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system of government was structered like a pyramid.It was in this order.Gods,Pharoahs,Nobles and Priests,Viziers and scribe,soldiers,artisians and traders,farmers,and slaves.They way the order was structured depended on how wealth you were or,your social class.On paragraph 13," Social mobility was not impossible. A small number of peasants and farmers moved up the economic ladder. " This shows that how wealthy you were to be your social class so a lot of different social classes were invovled in this government. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.31673365397495 and the wording score is 0.12832973918842.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16088493d56e for prompt ebad26: 'The factory had tons of ways to try to cover up spoiled meat considering how much spoiled meat there was. They would put borax and glycerin over them. " it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.297030624358104 and the wording score is -0.168733888829912.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 160abc31dcab for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid At the top were the gods, such as ra, osiris, and Isis , Boys who learned to read and write could become scribes then go on to gain employment in the government it was possible for a boy born on a farm to work his way up into the higher ranks in the government.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 160e3d7253f2 for prompt 3b9047: 'so many people had to work hrd and they didnt a lot of govrnment so they it all to the gods and they all cant do it so they had to search for govrnment '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16146c8c09a2 for prompt 3b9047: 'Ancient Egyptians had a goverment stucture simialar to us. "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers" but for us it would be people of poverty instead of slaves. It also goes from most powerful to least ( President, Vice President, etc). This is how there goverment structure is similar to ours. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.361602269758259 and the wording score is -0.257432158584776.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16152d6b8789 for prompt 3b9047: 'The pharoah was at the top of the pyramid. To their people the pharoah was seen as a live god. Under the pharoah it was the nobles and priests. The pharoah would be able to do whatever he/she wanted and no one could get in the way. The nobles would handle the government , and the priests would handle the gods. After the nobles and priests there were the soldiers they would fight in war. Craftsmen were next after soldiers. They make things like jewerly, pottery, papyrus products, tools, and other useful things. They were skilled people that are in middle class. At the bottom of the pyramid there were farmers and slaves . Slaves were just prisoners they captured in the war, they would do tasks for the pharoh. Farmers grow crops .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.52004842650383 and the wording score is 1.37797404863981.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1618a3f3e9fa for prompt 3b9047: 'The Ancient Egyptian system of government was ruled by gods and to worship the gods. In paragraph 6 it says "Only nobles could hold govenment posts" which means that they could only be gods and the "Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods", it says this is paragraph 6 as well. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.607944294696665 and the wording score is 0.171466494339006.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16285fcdbbe2 for prompt 39c16e: 'A tragedy sucessful in instilling pity and fear should imitate real life, avoiding fantastical characters and plots. This mimesis represents real human nature in fictional circumstances.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.536299206438047 and the wording score is -0.674868661271524.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 163513fe0303 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the ancient Egyptian system of the government was really messy. On top of everyone, is the pharoah/king. The pharoahs "were believed to be gods in human form. " This is how they have a lot of power. They were on top of everyone in Egypt, only because people considered that pharoahs were gods. Right under nder the pharaoh, " were powerful nobles and priests." The ones that were at the most bottom of the social structure, "were slaves and farmers." The farmers, "tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals." The farmers worked really hard, but had to " Farmers paid taxes that could amount to as much as 60% of their yearly harvest—that’s a lot of hay!" The early Egyptian social structure was really unfair. Their beliefs lead to all of this. Comparing early Egypt and Egypt now, they changed a lot.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.798619471931514 and the wording score is 0.577455692514437.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16422ddeaedd for prompt 3b9047: 'Ancient Egyptian's belived that the gods where the most important and that they "controlled the universe" so they strived to "keep them happy" or else the nile river might "over flow, cause famine, or even bring death". underneath the gods where their leaders, the pharaohs. The pharoah's were belived to be "gods in a human form", and had "adsolute power over their sudjects". Because of this they were "entrusted with many responsibilities." but event eh pharohs needed assitance with their duties. A cheif minister called a vizier was appointed by the pharaoh. "The vizer ensured that taxes were collected". The vizer worked with "scribes who kept government records". Underneath the pharaoh were powerful nobles and priest whom "hold government jobs". They "profited from the tributes paid to the pharaoh" and were "responsible for pleasing the gods." Soldiers "fought in wars or quelled domestic uprisings". They were also valued slightly less than preists and a decent amount more than slaves and farmers. Slaves were "the fate of prisoners of war" and were" forced to work on building projects along with tioling at the discresion of the pharaoh or noble." Farmers " tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good order, worked in the stone quarries, and built the royal monuments." they also had to pay taxes that amounted to as much as "60% of their yearly harvest".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.17293236566335 and the wording score is 0.239216658363737.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1643d63479c6 for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian system of government was make and worked like a pyramid. The top was the powerful and best and the bottom and the bottom as the poor and slaves and farmers. Differnt socail classes got involed in this because they all have differnt jobs to do and they all get treated differnt ways. For example it says since the slaves were at the bottom they had to do the hard work for the people at the top and they also got treated way worse the the people all the way at the top. If you think about it the top is kind of like the really rich the as it goes down like it the middle its the middle class or te average. Then the bottom is the poor or the poverty and people with less then usual. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.877962719264561 and the wording score is 1.2098081797423.