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Sentence 1: US. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman seid she will send a US technical team to Canada to assist in the sitvation Sentence 2: US. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman who announced yesterday s ban . also said Washington would send a technical team to Canada to assist in the Canadien situation
I: The House and Senate are expected to te on the omnibus bill in the next two months . 2 The House Republican leadership said jt expected to call members back Dec. 8 for a vote re omnibus bill ,
Sentence 1: Aecording to the affidavit’, Al- Amoudi made at least 10, trips to Libya using two| ‘Ameriéan and one Yemeni passport. Sentence ‘2: The affidavit said Mr, al-Amoudi ‘made at least 10 trips to.Libya using. one Yerienil and two U.S. passports -
Sentence 1: The 7 year bond US30YT = RR dipped 14 / 32 for a yield of 4.26 percent from 423 percent . Sentence 2: The 30-year bond US30YT = RR lost 16 / 32, taking its Id to 420 percent from 418 en
Sentence 1: The value of the deal has increased since BP first announced it in February . Sentence 2: The value of BP 's investment has risen since the deal was announced in February .
Sentence |: Two years later . the insurance coverage would begin . Sentence 2: Under the agreement , Medicare coverage for drug benefits would begin in 2006 .
Senne t They wee held under Sean 41 of the Terorisn Adt 2006 on.’ suspica af invavanent in fe comaissin preparation or iastgah of ats of ‘ecrrisn Senlewe 2 Badst wos aested under section 41 of the Tararisn ‘Act * on sospicon of iavolvament in the canmisin , preparation or instigation of acts of temorsm ,”Soatand Yard confirmed.
Sentence r: Doctors have advised that the boy gei chemotherapy , but Daren and Bark, Jensen have refused , fearing the treatment would stune Parker ‘S growth and leave him sterile,
Senbence 1: HU, 58 , would be thé First person (@xecubed For killing an aborbion doctor - Sentence 2 On Wednesday , Hit is scheduled to becone the First person executed For murdering an abortion doctor,
Sentence I: That compares with 2 profit of $ 1 milloa| . oF breakeven , on $ 139 billion in revenve during the same period last year . ‘Sentence 2: Total revenue for the second quarter was $| 148 billion . up 7 % from $ 139 billioa in the same petiod last year .
Sentence 1: Johnson and four other protesters were arrested soon afterward for blocking the roadway , a state misdemeanor Sentence 2: Johnson and four other protesters , ages 69 to 86 , were arrested for blocking the roadway .
Sentence t in Nigeria alone , the report said , as ‘many as 1 million women may be living with the ‘Sentence 2: in Nigeria alone , the report estimated that between 100,000 and 1 million girls and: women are suffering from the condition . ay
Sentence 1: Snycilpox isnot the Gnly #iredt to she ‘publ health. and, vagcinonon. is, nof-the‘anly- thal. for, Sra Prepordtness ." Sram sci. c's Sentehre 2° Sinalipax’is'not-tie ‘only tireot tothe naian ‘s health. and voecinatior’ ror the aly teat for preparedness * his nfeouctory. statement says,
Sentence 1: The company has said it plans to restate its earnings for 2000 through 2002 Sentence 2: The company had announced in January that it would have to restate earnings for 2002 , 2001 and perhaps 2000 .
Sentence 1: Founded in 1996, the LendingTree exchange cofisists of more than .200 banks lenders , and brokers. “Sentence 2: LendingTree matches borrowers via the Internet with more than 200 mortgage brokers . banks and other lenders .
Sentence 1: The two powerful men also disagree about ethanol ( sacred in Iowa ) and authorizing oil and gas drilling in Alaska 's wildlife refuge . Sentence 2: They also disagree over ethanol ~ sacred in Jowa - and on authorizing oil and gas drilling in Mlaskas wildlife refuge.
Sentence x He had said before the meeting that he planned to urge Chinese officials to move quickly to adopt a more flexible currency system . Sentence: Hehas said he plans to urge inese officals during the Gao meetingto move more quickly to adopt a more flexible currency system .
Sentence 1:." But ‘the First Aniendment : does. :.: not shield fraud.., ". Justice Ruth- Bader Ginsburg: wrote-:-for.. the court Sentence 2: ".. The. First Amendment. ‘does not. shield fraud , " Justice Ruth. Bader Ginsburg: wrote .for’ the court in’: Madigan.‘ v..:.. Telemarketing AsSociates ', No. @1>1806 .
————————————— ‘Sentence 4: Axelrod tied in his sleep Be heart four: Soi is daughter ; Ntha' Axelrod °°: Sentenite 2Arctrod dio of Rear. wile Sleep ob his Los Angeles hore, said his daughter , Ning Axelrod
4: The 3Q-year- bond USIOYT. = AR .Mnped- 90 "/ 32 taking ats yeld.to 4.14 péroént: From'4.28 peroant ie, 30° year"bond USSD YE ='RR-appta 18.7, 92 ra: yeld of 4.26 percent from 429° percint :
Sentence 1: Branch was later fired by the company and coentwally filed a terongful-termination suit that included details about the documents , the Journal story said . Sentence 2: The former employees filed wrongful- termination suits , dismissed in July 2002 , that included decails about the documents . the Journal story said .
* Sentence’ 1: White Hose officials sdiy: Tran has One: lasi chanice'' ‘ coniply ih IAEA inspection " ‘demands: ‘ House: spokesnian, “kee “that Irati:hiad.” one last liane.” t0 comply. with. “its disarmament Ghiligantions :
Sentence 1: The blue-chip Dow * Jones industrial average < DJI > juhiped 118 points or £36.percent ,10 8,829 Sentence 2:-In morning trading, the Pou Janes ‘industrial ,ayérage teas tip 12151-; 14 pércent ; at 8;832:69.:
Sentence 1:A sign outside the Peachtree Restaurant reads: " Pray for Fric Rudolph." Sentence 2:" Rudolph ate here joked asign outside one restaurant
Sentence 1: Shadrin said Khodorkovsky’s aircraft was approached by officers identifying themselves as members of the FSB intelligence service , the domestic successor to the Soviet KGB . Sentence 2: Shadrin said Khodorkovsky's aircraft was approached by officers identifying themselves as members of the FSB domestic intelligence service .
Sentence 1: He also reaffirmed his.wish, to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis peacefully Sentence 2: But the North Korean. nuclear crisis has dominated his time in office
Sentence 1: Clayton 's shares were also suspended from trading on: the New York Stock Exchange . Sentence 2: Clayton Homes '-stock ceased trading oni the New York Stock Exchange after Wednesday 's close .
Sentence 1: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite index .1XIC inched down 1 point , or 0.11 percent, to 1,650. ‘Sentence 2: the broad Standard & Poor's S00 Index -SPX inched up 3 points , or 0.32 percent , to 970 .
Sentence 1: The losses occurred overnight in Willow Canyon , one of three_areas__in the Santa Catalina Mountains threatened by the 2-week-old fire that already had blackened 70,000 acres . Sentence 2: The losses occurred overnight in Willow Canyon , one of three areas in the Santa Catalina Mountains threatened by the resurgent Aspen fire .
Sentence’ 4; The. affidavit-said. British ‘customs officials .stopped al-Amoudi' at Heathrow ‘Airport: ast ‘month wheit.he was ‘attempting: to travel. to. Damascus; Syria’, Sentence, 2: The ‘affidavit’ says ‘al-Amoudi was detained Aug. 16 attempting to travel from Londen to Damascus, Syria. ©
Sentence I: Furthermore , Bremer estimated that as many as 200 operatives from the extremist group Ansar al-islam have slipped back into the country since May 1. Sentence 2: Furthermore , Hr Bremer said that os many as 200 operatives from the extremist group Acar isan ba sped back nto the comtry since May 1.
Sentence 1: The British ambassador to the United Nations , Sir Jeremy Greenstock , is scheduled to lead a Security Council Mission to the region in mid-May Sentence 2: Sir Jeremy Greenstock ; the UK 's ambassador to the UN, is due to lead a week-long Security Council. mission to West Africa in mid-May.
Sentence A: Bui [Abraham sata changes: ai | ‘air Polluion rules would bé'up (0:the ut Protection Agency (ER), orimentat ation. rules Wo sftetion ee
Sentonce 1: Microsoft has released separate patches for client and ministrative versions of Office 2003 . fence 2: Separate downloadable patches are available for the liont and administrative versions of Office .
Sentence 1: But White House spokesman Ari Fleischer sid, yeiterday :" The steps the tranians claim to have taken in termes of taptuting 3I-Qs ‘ida are ineufcient . ” . Sentence 2: * The steps that the Iraniting claim to have” taker inf teriris of capturing al-Qaida are insufficient,
Sentence’ I: With Claritin ’s decline. , Schering-Plough ‘s best-selling products now are'Iwo drugs used fogether 10 treat hepatitis C, the antiviral: pill ribavirin and. an interferon medicine called Peg-Intron . Sentefice 2: With Claritin ‘s decline , Schering-Plough ‘s best-selling ‘products are: now: aniiviral drug ‘ribavirin and an. interferon medicine called Peg-Infron -- wo drugs used together to treat hepatitis C:
> Sentence E Instead ‘of remains , the | Ragusas will bury a. viol of Michael blood, which he had donated to a bone Marrow center.
Sentence W* Biotech products» i» imgy be safer than Etpventona proscts because of ah tne testing"? Patey Sentence 2:7 Biotech products , if anything ,-may be safer than Conventional profucts because of all the testing , * sald Robert Fraley , Monsanto ’s executive vice president .
Sentence 1: In after-hours trading, HP] shares rose 62 cents to fter | adding 56 cents in the regular session - Sentence 2: In after-hours trading + Hewlett-Packard shares rose 55 cents » to $ 22.86, ‘according to Instinet -
Sentence 1. Her lawyer , William Zabel , could not be reached... Sentence 2 Ms. Kennedy Cuomo 's lawyer , William 0. Zabel , said she wou not comment
Sentence :1:‘He had_-also ‘said:an interest. rate cut by the European Central-Bank*,, which: :meets ‘Thursday .,- would be “welcomtie::: a ‘Sentence 2: Hé had also’ said ‘on: the eve: ‘of Monday 's. talks that. an-interest. rate cut by the European. Central Bank, which meets on Thursday , would be welcome’.
Sentence 1: Muslim immigrants have used the networks - which rely on wire transfers , couriers and overnight mail - to send cash to their families overseas . Sentence 2: Muslim immigrants have used the networks _ which rely on wire transfers , couriers and overnight mail _ to send stashes of cash overseas to their families .
Sentence 1: It was the first suicide attack in Israel since October 4 , when a bomber killed 23 people . Sentence 2: The first Palestinian suicide attack in Israel killed eight people in April 1994 in the centre of Afula .
intence 1: BT said the combination would have an Immediate impact on subscriptions with 60,000 ditional customers between: September and jarch , 2004 . intence 2: BT said it expected the combination to ap 60,000 additional customers between’ eptember and March , 2004 .
ntence I: The federal government intends to Introduce legislation later this year that will ban insolicited commercial e-mail , the Minister for ommunications and Information Technology nator Richard Alston announced today tence 2: Australia will introduce legislation later his year to ban spam , the Minister for ‘ommunications , Information Technology and the its , Senator Richard Alston , announced today
Sentence "li She. said. the: president -'s eyes. filled ‘with tears when she told shim: he ‘would "have.to confess to their técnage daaghier’as well .--:.” Seatemes' 2 Mrs. Clinton: writes her’ husband." eyes’ filled -with’ tears when:slic’ told lini he would -have t6.confess to Chelsea as well.
Sentence tLast week his ayers asked Gov. Mark R. Warmer to grant demency bu the governor dened to intervene Sentence 2 Last weck , his lawyers asked Wamer to grant clemency under Certain condita that would have Fead 02 new sentencing hearing
he 4 fence 1: The. lawsuit, ,-filed dfter’‘a.19- ‘moitth investigation. by the Employee Bénefits Security, Administiation””, names:“Lay:. and Skilling among others ; Sentence 2: The lawsuit..:filed after-& 19- month inyestigtitian by the Employee Bénefits Security,“ Adniinistrasion .; naniés. former Efiron Chairinari. Keniteth La’ and: former of executive Jeff Skilling ,antong. gies a * Pi tel
satan ¥in crop France's (30-40 rom. O8 TST ‘ mance Fen sipped 0.02 prcant an carmen) : mat inden advanced 0.8 percent - ‘ or tnc-a0 fel: 16 percent . Britain FISE. 100 drapped 12 percent and any ‘s DAA inden Lost 18 percent
Sentence 1: Sendmail sold he system can even be set up © permit business-only usage. Sentence 2 The product can be insvucted © permit business-only use . according ndmail .
sentence t A Commerce Spokesman jeued wane-brief sratement late Eriday isonoting that othe task force fz evaluated regions 1ofo the world! thatioare Viral togiobalenera supply 2" Sentence 2" The energy ask force evaiuated regions ofthe wortd> that |are vital ito! gtobal energy supply - “ the statement 1
Sentence 1: The. Dow Jories ‘industrial average. fell 98.30 ; or 1.1:percent ; while: bond-values fell; too. ° "Sentence: 2: The Dow Jones industrial average finished “the: day.’ down’ 98.32 points at 9,011.53.
Sentence 1: Officials with the rebel group Liberians United for Reconciliation and Bemocracy could not be reached for comment Saturday . Sentence 2: The main rebel force , the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy , fears a peacekeeping force could bolster Taylor .
Sentence 1: Ryan Harvey. an outfielder from Dunedin High Schoo! in Florida, was selected with the sinth pick by the Chicago Cubs Sentence 2: Ryan Haruey . a high school outfielder from florida . was chosen sixth by the Cubs
Sentence 1: The stock closed Friday at’ $5.91 , down $ 1:24 ; or 17 percent’; on the Nasdaq Stock Market . Sentence 2: Shares of Brocade closed at $ 5.91 , down $ 1.24 ; or 17.3 percent .
Sentence 1: That-: story © also: “named archbishops-Harry. J: Fynn:, of Minnedpolis- St.: Paul’, and: Edwin FO ‘Brien ,“of- the} Military Services As. possible.candidates. Sentence - 2:.They . include .two.: ‘sitting archbishops , Harry J.Flynn of’ Minneapolis- St.. Paut and Edwin F. © Brien, of the} Military Services ; head of-all. US: military, chaplains
Sentence 1: The vulnerability affects Windows NT 4.0 , NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition , XP and 2000 , as well as Windows Server 2003 . Sentence 2: Microsoft issued a patch for the vulnerability , which affects Windows NT 4.0 ,
Sentence k Lewis said that the third-quarter results were driven by deposit and loan growth , strong investment banking and trading results , and improved mortgage and card revenues Sentence 2: Deposit and loan growth , strong investment banking and trading results and strong growth in mortgage and card revenues drove this quarter 's results ©
Sentence 1. Sentence 2.
Sentence t: On Mondey . the Dow declined 5.25. or 01 percent . ot 6,983.80 . having shed 23 percent week . 2 In early treding . the Dow Jones rial averoge was down 39.94 . or 0.4 percent ‘ot 8,945.50 . having slipped 3.61 points Monday .
Sentence 1: It takes 100 of the 150 House members to conduct business . Sentence 2: The Texas house requires 100 of its 150 members to present in order to conduct business .
Sentence : Ebert asked Franklin, too color ‘photo of Linda Fronidin on 9 projection screen.
‘Sentence I: Maivo | 18, goes-on-trial Nov: 10 iin the death of Franklin. Sentence 2: Malva goes on trial: inext month. in the death of an FBI analyst: :
Sentence 4: Representatives of its tribal and ethnic’groups named a cross section of residents yesterday to. run municipal affairs alongside the US military . Sentence 2: Representatives of its tribal and ethnic groups named’ a cross-section ‘of residents’ yesterday. to. run municipal affairs alongside the U.S. military. until elections can be held .
‘Sentence 1: “ The difference is just something called| the tuner , which is a very small piece of equipment . ‘Sentence 2: The only difference is a tuner , a small] piece of electronics.”
‘Sentence 1" Nid if ilat ai oe « Democrat: , then 1 must be at. the wrong coting ‘Seutoace a" If that nota Demicerat then T nouest be ab” lew wrong: ameeting . he said tow: standing svat
Sentence 1: Cisco has signed similar deals with AT & T Corp TN , SBC ‘Communications Inc. SBCN and Sprint Corp FONN . Sentence 2: Cisco has similar relationships with BellSouth competitors SBC Communications AT &T and Sprint Communications.
Sentence 1: Arts helped coach the youth on an eighth-grade football team at Lombardi Middle School in Green Bay . Sentence 2: The boy was a student at Lombardi Middle School in Green Bay .
—— Sentence 2: AustMag has since asked the experienced US company Fluor to produce @ detailed costing of the project but the report is still two weeks away -
‘Sentence 2 Sixty players and five coaches from Mepham High Schod! in Belmore , Long Islnd attended the training camp in August
‘Sentence & According to the survey , last years icentny theft losses to businesses and financial institutions totaled nearly $ 48 bition and consumer victims reported $ 'S bimion in out-of-pocket expenses . Sentence 2: joontity thert cost businesses and fnanciat institutions nearly $ 48 bilon anc consumer victims reported § bition Ih OUt-Of- pocket expenses last year , ‘according to the FTC. y
a a tif a ae,
Sentence 1: Tehran has said it will.only- sign the: protocol if a-ban on imports: peaceful. .: Western™ » nuclear technology is lifted. Sentence 2: Tehran has made. clear-it will only.:sign ‘the Additional Protocol introducing such inspections if a'ban on. the import: of . civilian: Western nuclear technology is lifted .. i
Sentence & tetribes eppecied to the pul Friday te come forward ond ‘provide wht cout be the hay to sing the smipersylestoctings thot hove fied trv peopl tse area convenience teres Sentence 2 tathorties lacked to the public yesterdoy for bey i scfing the teody seoperstye stostigs of Bree people ovtude Creriestomeree Convenience stores.
Sentence 1: The (icansattion. will expand the Gallebaut ‘om, 's consumer "product, pusiness to 45 percent ‘of total sales from 2: t 3 if 7, 2: The transaction wilt expand .Callebaut fales | revenues from: its consumer products business’ to 45 percent trom 23 percent .
Sentence ts Page sald ts abo possble that gites on the Y Gromosonie maj fence génde-spectic ferences in dsaiesusceptblty Sentence 2 He added that gens en the Y might pay are in nfuenng gender specie dfferences dsease susceptity
‘Sentence 1: The captain , Michael J. Gansas , was notified yesterday by the city 's Department of Transportation that an agency hearing officer recommended that he befired. Sentence 2 Gansas got more bad news yesterday from the city Department of Transportation - a hearing officer recommended that he be fired .
L: The jury verdict , reached ednesday after less than four hours of leliberation , followed a 2 1 / 2 week trial , luring which Waagner represented himself . 2: The quick conviction followed a 2 / 2 week trial , during which the Venango ‘ounty man represented himself.
———__————— Sentence’ .1:'. Paul ..Durougseau 807 © was'-charged. Tuesday ‘with murder. -in.: five. stayings:-béetween December ‘and-February.. and:also 48 suspécted-of a 1997 killing in the State of Georgia Sentence...2:... Paul .. Durousseau 32: was" charged Tuesday ‘with ‘murder in. five Jacksonville. slayings ‘between December: and February-...and in’a 1997" Georgia Killing
Sentence 1" The bank requires growth from elsewhere in the economy and needs the economy to rebalance ,” he said in an interview wilh the Press Association news agency . Sentence 2: The Bank of England * requires growth from elsewhere in the economy and needs the economy to rebalance ,* he told the Press Association news agency. ded
‘Sentefce.1: Now , Blarica.’s American husband 63-year-old: Roger Lawrence’ Strunk.’, faces murder indictment .issued’ in’ Februdiy. by’ the| Philippine ‘government’, which: says he .’s' the| leading suspect. Sentence’ 2: Now, Blanca 's husband , 63-year ‘old’ Roger Lawrence Strunk of Trecy.,,. faces. murder. ‘indictment issued .by the . Philippine government in February .
Sentence 1: She said the store ordered 520 copies jand reserved another 300 Sentence 2: In one Johannesburg store , 900 copies have been ordered
Sentence : ut wile he penis judd 0 ha, is co-eds in he same costo sit pte Sentence 2 Wile he is nw sored tha teat his o-deindonts in the sone case‘ not poeaed. :
: Seven people were taken to hospital today {ter a second derailment on the London Underground in a:The leader of the country 's biggest rail union reatened industrial action today following the second lerailment on the London Underground in Jess than 48 jours .
Sentence. 1: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index dipped 0.08 of a point to 1,646. Sentence 2: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index < .IXIC > added 1,92 points , or 0.12 percent , at 1,647.94,
Sentence 1: A spokesman said - " Further testing is under way but at this stage , given the early detection , the outlook is positive." Sentence 2:" Further testing is still under way , but at this stage , given the early detection , the outlook in such instances would be positive ," the specialist said yesterday .
Sentence 1: His decision means that the case against Gary'Lee Sampson’, including the capital ‘charges against him., will be tried in September, Sentence 2: That means the case against Gary Lee Sampson , including the capital charges’; will now to trial in September. :
Sentence 1: A new variant of Blaster also appeared Wednesday and seemed to be spreading , according to antivirus companies. Sentence 2: The new variation of Blaster was identified Wednesday , according to ant company Sophos.
Sentence 1: Today . we preserve essential tools to foster voi competition in the local market . Sentence 20" We preserve essential tools to foster voice competition , " Copps said .
Sentence 1:" Contrary to the court 's decision , we firmly believe Congress gave the FTC authority to implement the national Do Not Call list. Sentence Contrary to the court 's decision , we firmly believe Congress gave the F.T.C. authority to implement the national do-not-call list ," the congressmen said in a statement .
Sentence 1: The American Anglican Counci represents Episcopal conservatives , said it wi authorization to create a separate province in North America because of last week ‘s actions . Sentence 2: The American Anglican Council , which represents Episcopalian conservatives , said it seek authorization to create a
Sentence :, (1s. They went 2:-Tnto. "the Operations -;of theif, own free will”, *™ their fatter Dadatlah Bijani, said Sentence: 2; ‘They: vent. cinta -thé “operation on’ .stheir= own’ free, wild; /.)" 1". Reuters ‘quoted:.tHeir father Mr Dadoliat Bijshe ¥ as Saying’.
Sentence’ ‘1: at’ last. week "S ingeting ‘with’ U.S: “ President. George W. :Bush: y Roh. said’ inter- Korean’; exchanges’. tiowld “be. "| conducted ‘in Light of dévelopments, on the. Nomth. Korean nuclear issue." Sentence 2: The’ two ‘leaders. said inter-Korean” exchatigés would be." conducted én Vight of developments. of the “Marth :Koréan nuclear isBue’"..
Sentence x The Foreign Office said there was a," clear " risk of terrorist attack in| Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Somalia | Tanzania and Uganda . ‘Sentence 2: The warnings were issued on [Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Somalia ,| Tanzania and Uganda.