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Sentence 1: US. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman seid she will send a US technical team to Canada to assist in the sitvation Sentence 2: US. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman who announced yesterday s ban . also said Washington would send a technical team to Canada to assist in the Canadien situation | 00
I: The House and Senate are expected to te on the omnibus bill in the next two months . 2 The House Republican leadership said jt expected to call members back Dec. 8 for a vote re omnibus bill , | 00
Sentence 1: Aecording to the affidavit’, Al- Amoudi made at least 10, trips to Libya using two| ‘Ameriéan and one Yemeni passport. Sentence ‘2: The affidavit said Mr, al-Amoudi ‘made at least 10 trips to.Libya using. one Yerienil and two U.S. passports - | 11
Sentence 1: The 7 year bond US30YT = RR dipped 14 / 32 for a yield of 4.26 percent from 423 percent . Sentence 2: The 30-year bond US30YT = RR lost 16 / 32, taking its Id to 420 percent from 418 en | 00
Sentence 1: The value of the deal has increased since BP first announced it in February . Sentence 2: The value of BP 's investment has risen since the deal was announced in February . | 11
Sentence |: Two years later . the insurance coverage would begin . Sentence 2: Under the agreement , Medicare coverage for drug benefits would begin in 2006 . | 11
Senne t They wee held under Sean 41 of the Terorisn Adt 2006 on.’ suspica af invavanent in fe comaissin preparation or iastgah of ats of ‘ecrrisn Senlewe 2 Badst wos aested under section 41 of the Tararisn ‘Act * on sospicon of iavolvament in the canmisin , preparation or instigation of acts of temorsm ,”Soatand Yard confirmed. | 11
Sentence r: Doctors have advised that the boy gei chemotherapy , but Daren and Bark, Jensen have refused , fearing the treatment would stune Parker ‘S growth and leave him sterile, | 11
Senbence 1: HU, 58 , would be thé First person (@xecubed For killing an aborbion doctor - Sentence 2 On Wednesday , Hit is scheduled to becone the First person executed For murdering an abortion doctor, | 11
Sentence I: That compares with 2 profit of $ 1 milloa| . oF breakeven , on $ 139 billion in revenve during the same period last year . ‘Sentence 2: Total revenue for the second quarter was $| 148 billion . up 7 % from $ 139 billioa in the same petiod last year . | 00
Sentence 1: Johnson and four other protesters were arrested soon afterward for blocking the roadway , a state misdemeanor Sentence 2: Johnson and four other protesters , ages 69 to 86 , were arrested for blocking the roadway . | 00
Sentence t in Nigeria alone , the report said , as ‘many as 1 million women may be living with the ‘Sentence 2: in Nigeria alone , the report estimated that between 100,000 and 1 million girls and: women are suffering from the condition . ay | 11
Sentence 1: Snycilpox isnot the Gnly #iredt to she ‘publ health. and, vagcinonon. is, nof-the‘anly- thal. for, Sra Prepordtness ." Sram sci. c's Sentehre 2° Sinalipax’is'not-tie ‘only tireot tothe naian ‘s health. and voecinatior’ ror the aly teat for preparedness * his nfeouctory. statement says, | 11
Sentence 1: The company has said it plans to restate its earnings for 2000 through 2002 Sentence 2: The company had announced in January that it would have to restate earnings for 2002 , 2001 and perhaps 2000 . | 11
Sentence 1: Founded in 1996, the LendingTree exchange cofisists of more than .200 banks lenders , and brokers. “Sentence 2: LendingTree matches borrowers via the Internet with more than 200 mortgage brokers . banks and other lenders . | 00
Sentence 1: The two powerful men also disagree about ethanol ( sacred in Iowa ) and authorizing oil and gas drilling in Alaska 's wildlife refuge . Sentence 2: They also disagree over ethanol ~ sacred in Jowa - and on authorizing oil and gas drilling in Mlaskas wildlife refuge. | 11
Sentence x He had said before the meeting that he planned to urge Chinese officials to move quickly to adopt a more flexible currency system . Sentence: Hehas said he plans to urge inese officals during the Gao meetingto move more quickly to adopt a more flexible currency system . | 11
Sentence 1:." But ‘the First Aniendment : does. :.: not shield fraud.., ". Justice Ruth- Bader Ginsburg: wrote-:-for.. the court Sentence 2: ".. The. First Amendment. ‘does not. shield fraud , " Justice Ruth. Bader Ginsburg: wrote .for’ the court in’: Madigan.‘ v..:.. Telemarketing AsSociates ', No. @1>1806 . | 00
————————————— ‘Sentence 4: Axelrod tied in his sleep Be heart four: Soi is daughter ; Ntha' Axelrod °°: Sentenite 2Arctrod dio of Rear. wile Sleep ob his Los Angeles hore, said his daughter , Ning Axelrod | 11
4: The 3Q-year- bond USIOYT. = AR .Mnped- 90 "/ 32 taking ats yeld.to 4.14 péroént: From'4.28 peroant ie, 30° year"bond USSD YE ='RR-appta 18.7, 92 ra: yeld of 4.26 percent from 429° percint : | 00
Sentence 1: Branch was later fired by the company and coentwally filed a terongful-termination suit that included details about the documents , the Journal story said . Sentence 2: The former employees filed wrongful- termination suits , dismissed in July 2002 , that included decails about the documents . the Journal story said . | 00
* Sentence’ 1: White Hose officials sdiy: Tran has One: lasi chanice'' ‘ coniply ih IAEA inspection " ‘demands: ‘ House: spokesnian, “kee “that Irati:hiad.” one last liane.” t0 comply. with. “its disarmament Ghiligantions : | 11
Sentence 1: The blue-chip Dow * Jones industrial average < DJI > juhiped 118 points or £36.percent ,10 8,829 Sentence 2:-In morning trading, the Pou Janes ‘industrial ,ayérage teas tip 12151-; 14 pércent ; at 8;832:69.: | 11
Sentence 1:A sign outside the Peachtree Restaurant reads: " Pray for Fric Rudolph." Sentence 2:" Rudolph ate here joked asign outside one restaurant | 00
Sentence 1: Shadrin said Khodorkovsky’s aircraft was approached by officers identifying themselves as members of the FSB intelligence service , the domestic successor to the Soviet KGB . Sentence 2: Shadrin said Khodorkovsky's aircraft was approached by officers identifying themselves as members of the FSB domestic intelligence service . | 11
Sentence 1: He also reaffirmed his.wish, to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis peacefully Sentence 2: But the North Korean. nuclear crisis has dominated his time in office | 00
Sentence 1: Clayton 's shares were also suspended from trading on: the New York Stock Exchange . Sentence 2: Clayton Homes '-stock ceased trading oni the New York Stock Exchange after Wednesday 's close . | 11
Sentence 1: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite index .1XIC inched down 1 point , or 0.11 percent, to 1,650. ‘Sentence 2: the broad Standard & Poor's S00 Index -SPX inched up 3 points , or 0.32 percent , to 970 . | 00
Sentence 1: The losses occurred overnight in Willow Canyon , one of three_areas__in the Santa Catalina Mountains threatened by the 2-week-old fire that already had blackened 70,000 acres . Sentence 2: The losses occurred overnight in Willow Canyon , one of three areas in the Santa Catalina Mountains threatened by the resurgent Aspen fire . | 11
Sentence’ 4; The. affidavit-said. British ‘customs officials .stopped al-Amoudi' at Heathrow ‘Airport: ast ‘month wheit.he was ‘attempting: to travel. to. Damascus; Syria’, Sentence, 2: The ‘affidavit’ says ‘al-Amoudi was detained Aug. 16 attempting to travel from Londen to Damascus, Syria. © | 11
Sentence I: Furthermore , Bremer estimated that as many as 200 operatives from the extremist group Ansar al-islam have slipped back into the country since May 1. Sentence 2: Furthermore , Hr Bremer said that os many as 200 operatives from the extremist group Acar isan ba sped back nto the comtry since May 1. | 11
Sentence 1: The British ambassador to the United Nations , Sir Jeremy Greenstock , is scheduled to lead a Security Council Mission to the region in mid-May Sentence 2: Sir Jeremy Greenstock ; the UK 's ambassador to the UN, is due to lead a week-long Security Council. mission to West Africa in mid-May. | 11
Sentence A: Bui [Abraham sata changes: ai | ‘air Polluion rules would bé'up (0:the ut Protection Agency (ER), orimentat ation. rules Wo sftetion ee | 11
Sentonce 1: Microsoft has released separate patches for client and ministrative versions of Office 2003 . fence 2: Separate downloadable patches are available for the liont and administrative versions of Office . | 11
Sentence 1: But White House spokesman Ari Fleischer sid, yeiterday :" The steps the tranians claim to have taken in termes of taptuting 3I-Qs ‘ida are ineufcient . ” . Sentence 2: * The steps that the Iraniting claim to have” taker inf teriris of capturing al-Qaida are insufficient, | 11
Sentence’ I: With Claritin ’s decline. , Schering-Plough ‘s best-selling products now are'Iwo drugs used fogether 10 treat hepatitis C, the antiviral: pill ribavirin and. an interferon medicine called Peg-Intron . Sentefice 2: With Claritin ‘s decline , Schering-Plough ‘s best-selling ‘products are: now: aniiviral drug ‘ribavirin and an. interferon medicine called Peg-Infron -- wo drugs used together to treat hepatitis C: | 11
> Sentence E Instead ‘of remains , the | Ragusas will bury a. viol of Michael blood, which he had donated to a bone Marrow center. | 11
Sentence W* Biotech products» i» imgy be safer than Etpventona proscts because of ah tne testing"? Patey Sentence 2:7 Biotech products , if anything ,-may be safer than Conventional profucts because of all the testing , * sald Robert Fraley , Monsanto ’s executive vice president . | 11
Sentence 1: In after-hours trading, HP] shares rose 62 cents to fter | adding 56 cents in the regular session - Sentence 2: In after-hours trading + Hewlett-Packard shares rose 55 cents » to $ 22.86, ‘according to Instinet - | 00
Sentence 1. Her lawyer , William Zabel , could not be reached... Sentence 2 Ms. Kennedy Cuomo 's lawyer , William 0. Zabel , said she wou not comment | 00
Sentence :1:‘He had_-also ‘said:an interest. rate cut by the European Central-Bank*,, which: :meets ‘Thursday .,- would be “welcomtie::: a ‘Sentence 2: Hé had also’ said ‘on: the eve: ‘of Monday 's. talks that. an-interest. rate cut by the European. Central Bank, which meets on Thursday , would be welcome’. | 11
Sentence 1: Muslim immigrants have used the networks - which rely on wire transfers , couriers and overnight mail - to send cash to their families overseas . Sentence 2: Muslim immigrants have used the networks _ which rely on wire transfers , couriers and overnight mail _ to send stashes of cash overseas to their families . | 11
Sentence 1: It was the first suicide attack in Israel since October 4 , when a bomber killed 23 people . Sentence 2: The first Palestinian suicide attack in Israel killed eight people in April 1994 in the centre of Afula . | 00
intence 1: BT said the combination would have an Immediate impact on subscriptions with 60,000 ditional customers between: September and jarch , 2004 . intence 2: BT said it expected the combination to ap 60,000 additional customers between’ eptember and March , 2004 . | 11
ntence I: The federal government intends to Introduce legislation later this year that will ban insolicited commercial e-mail , the Minister for ommunications and Information Technology nator Richard Alston announced today tence 2: Australia will introduce legislation later his year to ban spam , the Minister for ‘ommunications , Information Technology and the its , Senator Richard Alston , announced today | 11
Sentence "li She. said. the: president -'s eyes. filled ‘with tears when she told shim: he ‘would "have.to confess to their técnage daaghier’as well .--:.” Seatemes' 2 Mrs. Clinton: writes her’ husband." eyes’ filled -with’ tears when:slic’ told lini he would -have t6.confess to Chelsea as well. | 11
Sentence tLast week his ayers asked Gov. Mark R. Warmer to grant demency bu the governor dened to intervene Sentence 2 Last weck , his lawyers asked Wamer to grant clemency under Certain condita that would have Fead 02 new sentencing hearing | 00
he 4 fence 1: The. lawsuit, ,-filed dfter’‘a.19- ‘moitth investigation. by the Employee Bénefits Security, Administiation””, names:“Lay:. and Skilling among others ; Sentence 2: The lawsuit..:filed after-& 19- month inyestigtitian by the Employee Bénefits Security,“ Adniinistrasion .; naniés. former Efiron Chairinari. Keniteth La’ and: former of executive Jeff Skilling ,antong. gies a * Pi tel | 11
satan ¥in crop France's (30-40 rom. O8 TST ‘ mance Fen sipped 0.02 prcant an carmen) : mat inden advanced 0.8 percent - ‘ or tnc-a0 fel: 16 percent . Britain FISE. 100 drapped 12 percent and any ‘s DAA inden Lost 18 percent | 00
Sentence 1: Sendmail sold he system can even be set up © permit business-only usage. Sentence 2 The product can be insvucted © permit business-only use . according ndmail . | 11
sentence t A Commerce Spokesman jeued wane-brief sratement late Eriday isonoting that othe task force fz evaluated regions 1ofo the world! thatioare Viral togiobalenera supply 2" Sentence 2" The energy ask force evaiuated regions ofthe wortd> that |are vital ito! gtobal energy supply - “ the statement 1 | 11
Sentence 1: The. Dow Jories ‘industrial average. fell 98.30 ; or 1.1:percent ; while: bond-values fell; too. ° "Sentence: 2: The Dow Jones industrial average finished “the: day.’ down’ 98.32 points at 9,011.53. | 00
Sentence 1: Officials with the rebel group Liberians United for Reconciliation and Bemocracy could not be reached for comment Saturday . Sentence 2: The main rebel force , the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy , fears a peacekeeping force could bolster Taylor . | 00
Sentence 1: Ryan Harvey. an outfielder from Dunedin High Schoo! in Florida, was selected with the sinth pick by the Chicago Cubs Sentence 2: Ryan Haruey . a high school outfielder from florida . was chosen sixth by the Cubs | 11
Sentence 1: The stock closed Friday at’ $5.91 , down $ 1:24 ; or 17 percent’; on the Nasdaq Stock Market . Sentence 2: Shares of Brocade closed at $ 5.91 , down $ 1.24 ; or 17.3 percent . | 11
Sentence 1: That-: story © also: “named archbishops-Harry. J: Fynn:, of Minnedpolis- St.: Paul’, and: Edwin FO ‘Brien ,“of- the} Military Services As. possible.candidates. Sentence - 2:.They . include .two.: ‘sitting archbishops , Harry J.Flynn of’ Minneapolis- St.. Paut and Edwin F. © Brien, of the} Military Services ; head of-all. US: military, chaplains | 11
Sentence 1: The vulnerability affects Windows NT 4.0 , NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition , XP and 2000 , as well as Windows Server 2003 . Sentence 2: Microsoft issued a patch for the vulnerability , which affects Windows NT 4.0 , | 00
Sentence k Lewis said that the third-quarter results were driven by deposit and loan growth , strong investment banking and trading results , and improved mortgage and card revenues Sentence 2: Deposit and loan growth , strong investment banking and trading results and strong growth in mortgage and card revenues drove this quarter 's results © | 11
Sentence 1. Sentence 2. | 11
Sentence t: On Mondey . the Dow declined 5.25. or 01 percent . ot 6,983.80 . having shed 23 percent week . 2 In early treding . the Dow Jones rial averoge was down 39.94 . or 0.4 percent ‘ot 8,945.50 . having slipped 3.61 points Monday . | 11
Sentence 1: It takes 100 of the 150 House members to conduct business . Sentence 2: The Texas house requires 100 of its 150 members to present in order to conduct business . | 11
Sentence : Ebert asked Franklin, too color ‘photo of Linda Fronidin on 9 projection screen. | 00
‘Sentence I: Maivo | 18, goes-on-trial Nov: 10 iin the death of Franklin. Sentence 2: Malva goes on trial: inext month. in the death of an FBI analyst: : | 11
Sentence 4: Representatives of its tribal and ethnic’groups named a cross section of residents yesterday to. run municipal affairs alongside the US military . Sentence 2: Representatives of its tribal and ethnic groups named’ a cross-section ‘of residents’ yesterday. to. run municipal affairs alongside the U.S. military. until elections can be held . | 00
‘Sentence 1: “ The difference is just something called| the tuner , which is a very small piece of equipment . ‘Sentence 2: The only difference is a tuner , a small] piece of electronics.” | 11
‘Sentence 1" Nid if ilat ai oe « Democrat: , then 1 must be at. the wrong coting ‘Seutoace a" If that nota Demicerat then T nouest be ab” lew wrong: ameeting . he said tow: standing svat | 00
Sentence 1: Cisco has signed similar deals with AT & T Corp TN , SBC ‘Communications Inc. SBCN and Sprint Corp FONN . Sentence 2: Cisco has similar relationships with BellSouth competitors SBC Communications AT &T and Sprint Communications. | 11
Sentence 1: Arts helped coach the youth on an eighth-grade football team at Lombardi Middle School in Green Bay . Sentence 2: The boy was a student at Lombardi Middle School in Green Bay . | 00
—— Sentence 2: AustMag has since asked the experienced US company Fluor to produce @ detailed costing of the project but the report is still two weeks away - | 11
‘Sentence 2 Sixty players and five coaches from Mepham High Schod! in Belmore , Long Islnd attended the training camp in August | 00
‘Sentence & According to the survey , last years icentny theft losses to businesses and financial institutions totaled nearly $ 48 bition and consumer victims reported $ 'S bimion in out-of-pocket expenses . Sentence 2: joontity thert cost businesses and fnanciat institutions nearly $ 48 bilon anc consumer victims reported § bition Ih OUt-Of- pocket expenses last year , ‘according to the FTC. y | 11
a a tif a ae, | 11
Sentence 1: Tehran has said it will.only- sign the: protocol if a-ban on imports: peaceful. .: Western™ » nuclear technology is lifted. Sentence 2: Tehran has made. clear-it will only.:sign ‘the Additional Protocol introducing such inspections if a'ban on. the import: of . civilian: Western nuclear technology is lifted .. i | 11
Sentence & tetribes eppecied to the pul Friday te come forward ond ‘provide wht cout be the hay to sing the smipersylestoctings thot hove fied trv peopl tse area convenience teres Sentence 2 tathorties lacked to the public yesterdoy for bey i scfing the teody seoperstye stostigs of Bree people ovtude Creriestomeree Convenience stores. | 11
li | 11
Sentence 1: The (icansattion. will expand the Gallebaut ‘om, 's consumer "product, pusiness to 45 percent ‘of total sales from 2: t 3 if 7, 2: The transaction wilt expand .Callebaut fales | revenues from: its consumer products business’ to 45 percent trom 23 percent . | 11
Sentence ts Page sald ts abo possble that gites on the Y Gromosonie maj fence génde-spectic ferences in dsaiesusceptblty Sentence 2 He added that gens en the Y might pay are in nfuenng gender specie dfferences dsease susceptity | 11
‘Sentence 1: The captain , Michael J. Gansas , was notified yesterday by the city 's Department of Transportation that an agency hearing officer recommended that he befired. Sentence 2 Gansas got more bad news yesterday from the city Department of Transportation - a hearing officer recommended that he be fired . | 11
L: The jury verdict , reached ednesday after less than four hours of leliberation , followed a 2 1 / 2 week trial , luring which Waagner represented himself . 2: The quick conviction followed a 2 / 2 week trial , during which the Venango ‘ounty man represented himself. | 11
———__————— Sentence’ .1:'. Paul ..Durougseau 807 © was'-charged. Tuesday ‘with murder. -in.: five. stayings:-béetween December ‘and-February.. and:also 48 suspécted-of a 1997 killing in the State of Georgia Sentence...2:... Paul .. Durousseau 32: was" charged Tuesday ‘with ‘murder in. five Jacksonville. slayings ‘between December: and February-...and in’a 1997" Georgia Killing | 11
Sentence 1" The bank requires growth from elsewhere in the economy and needs the economy to rebalance ,” he said in an interview wilh the Press Association news agency . Sentence 2: The Bank of England * requires growth from elsewhere in the economy and needs the economy to rebalance ,* he told the Press Association news agency. ded | 11
‘Sentefce.1: Now , Blarica.’s American husband 63-year-old: Roger Lawrence’ Strunk.’, faces murder indictment .issued’ in’ Februdiy. by’ the| Philippine ‘government’, which: says he .’s' the| leading suspect. Sentence’ 2: Now, Blanca 's husband , 63-year ‘old’ Roger Lawrence Strunk of Trecy.,,. faces. murder. ‘indictment issued .by the . Philippine government in February . | 00
Sentence 1: She said the store ordered 520 copies jand reserved another 300 Sentence 2: In one Johannesburg store , 900 copies have been ordered | 00
Sentence : ut wile he penis judd 0 ha, is co-eds in he same costo sit pte Sentence 2 Wile he is nw sored tha teat his o-deindonts in the sone case‘ not poeaed. : | 11
: Seven people were taken to hospital today {ter a second derailment on the London Underground in a:The leader of the country 's biggest rail union reatened industrial action today following the second lerailment on the London Underground in Jess than 48 jours . | 00
Sentence. 1: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index dipped 0.08 of a point to 1,646. Sentence 2: The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index < .IXIC > added 1,92 points , or 0.12 percent , at 1,647.94, | 00
Sentence 1: A spokesman said - " Further testing is under way but at this stage , given the early detection , the outlook is positive." Sentence 2:" Further testing is still under way , but at this stage , given the early detection , the outlook in such instances would be positive ," the specialist said yesterday . | 11
Sentence 1: His decision means that the case against Gary'Lee Sampson’, including the capital ‘charges against him., will be tried in September, Sentence 2: That means the case against Gary Lee Sampson , including the capital charges’; will now to trial in September. : | 11
Sentence 1: A new variant of Blaster also appeared Wednesday and seemed to be spreading , according to antivirus companies. Sentence 2: The new variation of Blaster was identified Wednesday , according to ant company Sophos. | 00
Sentence 1: Today . we preserve essential tools to foster voi competition in the local market . Sentence 20" We preserve essential tools to foster voice competition , " Copps said . | 11
Sentence 1:" Contrary to the court 's decision , we firmly believe Congress gave the FTC authority to implement the national Do Not Call list. Sentence Contrary to the court 's decision , we firmly believe Congress gave the F.T.C. authority to implement the national do-not-call list ," the congressmen said in a statement . | 11
Sentence 1: The American Anglican Counci represents Episcopal conservatives , said it wi authorization to create a separate province in North America because of last week ‘s actions . Sentence 2: The American Anglican Council , which represents Episcopalian conservatives , said it seek authorization to create a | 00
Sentence :, (1s. They went 2:-Tnto. "the Operations -;of theif, own free will”, *™ their fatter Dadatlah Bijani, said Sentence: 2; ‘They: vent. cinta -thé “operation on’ .stheir= own’ free, wild; /.)" 1". Reuters ‘quoted:.tHeir father Mr Dadoliat Bijshe ¥ as Saying’. | 11
Sentence’ ‘1: at’ last. week "S ingeting ‘with’ U.S: “ President. George W. :Bush: y Roh. said’ inter- Korean’; exchanges’. tiowld “be. "| conducted ‘in Light of dévelopments, on the. Nomth. Korean nuclear issue." Sentence 2: The’ two ‘leaders. said inter-Korean” exchatigés would be." conducted én Vight of developments. of the “Marth :Koréan nuclear isBue’".. | 11
Sentence x The Foreign Office said there was a," clear " risk of terrorist attack in| Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Somalia | Tanzania and Uganda . ‘Sentence 2: The warnings were issued on [Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Somalia ,| Tanzania and Uganda. | 11
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