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semence 1: Shares of USA interactive (Ose 4 2.28 , oF seyercert , To $ 3496 on Faday iA ‘Nasdaq Stock 2 oker composite trading and have gained $> percent rhis year senrence 2: Shares of LendingTree rose 5 682 «St 4 ertence Zo ettose ar $ 2072 on The Nasdaa stock marker yesterday | 00
‘Sentence 1: After Hoiurs'of debate , the Senate passed the reform pAkage 32-4. Sentence 2: the House passed the bill 87-26 after the Senate apnroved it; 22-4: | 00
Senvence E Deug developer Inspire Phoemaceuticals Ine . 15PH.0}) cumbled $ 211, or IB percent » be $B. Sentence Z Drug developer Inspire Pharmaceuticals Inc . vaog | IPH ~ seus ~ peele ) wenbled § 217 or BA percent. to $ BAB. “ | 11
to sue about 13.9 million sharee ‘ lent 3 Raveahig Shara, wil ive apprenimatel 3 fing Rte Handspring | 00
‘Senitence'1:1BM is dso’ prirsuiniy membership in. the'group, nd plans. to be art-active participa ‘stittement. -Sentence'2::CELF satd IBM, is pursiaing: ingmnbérship ‘and plans.to bédin active participant inthe foruin | 11
Sentence 1: The state 's lati sien IMSS AEE" \ ver, the state sentence 2 Between 1960 and 2000 , ewe '} population grew by 30.4 percent to 6,080,485 jon was. 6,080,485 in. 2000 | 00
Sentence 1 If the extra equity for the project cannot be found , AustMag directors will have to abandon the project in order to avoid trading while the company is insolvent . Sentence 2: If the extra equity for the project cannot be found , AMC directors will have to abandon it to avoid trading while AMC is insolvent . | 11
Sentence 1: “ The public is understandably losing patience with these unwanted phone calls , unwanted intrusions he said at a White House ceremony . Sontenoe 2 * While many good people work in the telemarketing industry , the public is understandably losing patience with these unwanted phone calls , unwanted intrusions , " Mr. Bush said . | 00
Sentence 1: The Production Index rose by 1.4 percentage points from 51.5 percent in May to 52.9 percent in June Sentence 2: The production index rose to 52.9 percent from 51.5 percent in May . | 11
Sentence I: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rejected ImClone 's original application in December 2001, saying the trial had been sloppily conducted. Sentence 2: The food and Drug Administration ultimately denied ImClone 's drug application in December 2001 , saying that an érbituy clinical trial was deficient. | 11
Sentence t: BaFin ond the head of the principal - finance group ,. Robin Saunders | were ot Immediately available to. comment . Sentence 2: BaFin.,. Germany's chief financial regulator, and the prosecutor 's office were not immediately available for comment . | 00
Sentence 1: But to see those pages , us would be required by Amazon to register and Amazon plans fo limit the amount of any single book a customer can view Sentence 2: But to see those pages Amazon would require users to register , and ft plans to limit the amount of any single book a browser can view | 11
impact of Chinas moves 'S 8 jh the region China 's moves are sen sertence + Already fending ripples throug Sentence 2: Aready ripples through the region ing é | 11
Sentence 1: The teen was in critical condition with life-threatening wounds . police said ina news release Sentence 2: The teen was in critical condition at Sacred Heart. Medical Center ‘police said ina news release . | 00
Gentencel: HAC 's stock elsedyesterday:down $ 2.81, or 7.6 percent’, at § 34.19 .: ~ Sentence 2: InterActiveCorp 's shares closed at $. 94.19 | down.$- 28h or.7.6 percent on. the Nasdag Stock Market : | 11
Sentence 1: Testing of the swimsuit at a state police lab and at a private lab in Virginia had not yet been able determine whether it belonged to Bish , Conte said. Sentence 2: Jesting at a Massacl@ietts State Police lab and a private Virg Me lab has not been able to determine whether the swimsuit belonged to Bish , Conte said yesterday . | 11
Sentence 1: An attempt last month in the Senate to keep the fund open for another year fell flat. Seftence 2: An attempt to keep the fund open for another year fell flat in the Senate last month . | 11
had been beaten | They said many ed private wards cers also storm’ \d harassed patients - sentence and police offi at the hospital an‘ Sentence 2: They said the police officers also entered various private wards ‘at the clinic and attacked patients - | 00
‘Sentence 4: The street-racing sequel ~ 2 Fast 2 Furious “ won the pole pesition at the box office , taking in an estimated $52.1 million in its opening weekend . ‘Sentence 2: The PG-a3 sequel “2 Fast 2 Furious ~ raked in an estimated $ 52.4 million during its opening weekend , jumping overlast weekend's catch,” Finding Nemo.” | 00
Sentence One of the features is the abilty to delete data on a handheld device or lock down the device should a user lose it. Sentence 2 One of the fates is the ably to delete dat ona Ini devi ser bes eas doe eee, | 11
Sentence 1: The stock leat about 75 percent of its value after that bombshell and remains 40 percent below predisclosure levels. Sentence 2 The sock lost some three quarters of its value after the initial February 24 bombshell disclosure . | 00
Sentence 1: The G+ J executive was testifying in Manhattan ‘s State Supreme Geurt where O Dennell and G + J are suing each other for breach ef centraét . * Sentence = He spoke in Manhattan ‘s State Supreme Gourt , where O ‘Dennell and G + J sued each ether fer breach ef eentract | 11
sernenceTbe transition & sated. to begn no later than June 7, Dayton sand Sentence B:two- werk transition period wil beg po later than June 7 | 11
Sentence 1:" 1 think we should leave them as they are , " said Lott , R-Miss ., of the current oyriership rules during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing . Sentence 2: "1 think we should hesitate "Olympia Snowe , R-Maine , said at a ‘Senate Commerce Committee hearing . | 00
Sentence Boo Tamil force blame) he:* utaraneng, ~ Miers Clive) tor hese mings rs Sentence'2: The governrient wanfed to revive talks with the: -, Liberation ‘Tigers of “Tamil, Eelam (Li-TE } to-discuss the interim structure | 00
Sentence 1: Professor’. Hermon-Taylor adds , An unexpected: finding of the research showed that patients suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) were also infected with the MAP bug . Sentence 2: Hermon-Taylor said an unexpected finding of the research showed that patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS ) may also be infected with MAP . | 11
Sentence 1: And Alabama Chiof Justice Roy Moore , who installed the monument in the courthouse two years ago , said he will fight to keep his job . Sentence 2: It was the culmination of a row caused by Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore , who installed the 2400kg monument in the Alabama Judicial Building in 2001 . | 00
Sentence 1: Prisoners were tortured and executed - their ears and scalps severed for souvenirs Sentence 2: they frequently tortured.and shot prisoners , severing ears .and scalps for souvenirs | 11
ce Fve mare human ass of Wet Nevius, se report by the Mesa Coun Heath Deparment onedesiay nce2:Asof this week, 103 human West Mle cases in 45 counties had been reported oth health department | 00
‘Séntenoe. 1: United already has paid the city. # 34 milion in penalties for not meeting the first round of employment targets. ‘Sentance 2: United has paid $ 34 million in penalties fof failing to meet employment targets. | 11
Sentence I: July 18°: Hurlbert files a;single count of ‘felony sexual assault against Bryant. Sentence 2: Bryant , 24, has been charged ‘with felony sexual assault. | 00
tence & Sales at Ford fell 01 percent while sales at vaimlerChrysler rose 7 percent les for the wor ntence 2: Truck sa wid 's No. 2 automaker Jes dropped 15.7 percent iropped 4.1 percent , while it | 00
Sentence, 4: The Standard & Poor's, 500 Index “SPX” slipped -11,83.points or 1.20 percent , to 975.93. Sentence 2), The tech-laced | Nasdaq Composits index. gained 2.90 points ,.or 0.8 percent , to 1,606.87. | 00
Sentence 1: More than 130 people and $ 1 illion have been seized nationwide in operations by the FBI and other agencies to stop cybercrime . Sentence. 2: More than 130 people. have been arrested and $ 17 million worth: of property seized in an Internet fraud sweep announced Friday by three U.S. government agencies. | 11
Sentence 1: Platinum prices soured to 23-year highs earlier this year after President Bush (news - web sites ) proposed investing] § 12 billion for research on fel cell-powered vehicles. Sentence 2: Platinum prices’ soured to 22-year highs eater this ear after US, President George W, Bush proposed imestig§ 12 billion for reseorch on fuel cell-powered vehicies. | 11
1: The Jeague said it is not taking a ition on whether Governor Gray.Davis should recalled in the Oct. 7 voting , and will not indorse a replacement candidate . 2 The group. said it*is not taking a ition on whether Davis should be recalled ond ill not endorse o replacement candidate . | 11
Senience 1: Sony 's portfolio gives subscribers a variely of personalized services including the ability to download and experience images , ring tones , music videos and olher music entertainment services Sentence 2: Sony Music 's portfolio of products and services currently enable carriers to offer subscribers the ability to download images , ring ones , music videos and other entertainment services | 11
Sentence 1: Analysts have estimated that Vivendi Uni could’fetch $ ‘12 billion- $ 14 billion for VUE. Sentence 2: Analysts have estimated that the two networks could fetch as much as $ 7 billion. | 00
Sentence trBut the new vaccine will not éven begii to be festéd in’ people until. 2005 and will not be approved for use-for several years.after that Senterice 2: However, thé few/Vacciné won't begin to be tested"in’ people until-2005 and won 't’be approved for.use for several years after that. | 11
Sentence 1: " With Intemet usage and broadband adoption continuing to escalate , marketers are throwing their weight and dollars behind interactive advertising ," said [AB President and CEO Greg Stuart Sentence 2: " With Internet usage and broadband adoption continuing to escalate , " Stuart says," marketers are throwing. their weight and dollars behind interactive. advertising ." | 11
Sentence 4: When Biggs 's body wa: found , authorities had no leads until four months later , when a tipster said Mallard talked about the incident at a party. ipster said Mallard talked about the incident at aparty- | 11
1: Not only is this the oldest known net, it's also the most distant. 2: Astronomers have found the oldest ind most distant planet known in the universe . | 11
Sentence 1: In a televised interview on» Wednesday , President Wim Duisenberg said it was too soon to discuss further interest rate cuts in the 12-nation euro zone . . Sentence 2: European Central Bank President Wim Duisenberg said in a televised interview that it was too soon ,to discuss further interest rate cuts in the euro zone . | 11
Sentence 1: The main change , said Jim Walton , CNN 's president , is a fundamental shift in the lway CNN collects its news . Sentence 2: The main change , said CNN president Jim Walton , was a fundamental shift in the way the network collected its news. | 11
Sentence 4s. envisioned. by Breaux , the government, would help pay for the. first $ 3,450. in prescription drug costs. Sentence 2Breaux outlined a. plan Tuesday that would give seniors help with the first $ 3,450 in prescription drug costs . | 11
entence 1: enteng 2: i | 11
Sentence 1: Mosel was unable to present financial statements in time due to mergers among subsidiaries and ‘a change of accountants , the company said on Monday . Sentence 2: Mosel had been unable to present financial statements in time because of mergers among subsidiaries and a change of accountants , the company said yesterday . | 11
Sentence 1:" These are violent surgeries and | wanted (0 convey that ," Murphy says Sentence 2: | mean , these are violent surgeries , and | wanted to properly convey that ." | 11
il! Lie | 11
Sentence 1: Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson ( nasdaq : QCOM - news - people ) scrambled up $ 2.19 , or almost 12 percent , to $ 20.59 . Sentence 2: Telecom equipment. maker Lucent Technologies Inc . ( nyse;:QCOM - news - people ) rallied 43 cents’, or 12.3 percent , to $ 3.95. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Since it was lounched , the SiteFinder service has come under increasing criticism from users and analysts who say that VeriSign hos overstepped its authority . ‘Sentence 2: Since it was lounched Monday , the ‘SiteFinder service has drawn widespread criticism from inte met users who complain that VeriSign hos overstepped its authority . | 11
4° The Dow ies fndstral “average dosed Ga 2 ct, ase. iB. The they “bow ‘snr erage 1 lh ip ely | 11
Sentence 1:" September and third-quarter data confirm that demand in the global semiconductor market is rising briskly, " George Scalise’, the SIA's president, said inthe statement . Sentence 2:" September and third quarter data confirm that demand in the global.semiconductor market is rising briskly’, " stated SIA President George Scalise, in a statement. | 11
Sentence... 1: Johnsons site» is www.katyjohnson. com. Maxs is www.tuckermax.com, « Sentence, 2: Ms. Johnson.'s site is www.kotyjohnson .com. Mr. Max ’s is www.tuckermax.com, v | 11
|Sentence 1:" We can 't change the past , but we lcan doa lot about the future, " Sheehan said at a lnews conference Wednesday afternoon. sentence 2:" We can 't change the past , but we lcan do a lot about the future , " Sheehan said lhours after arrivinig in Phoenix. | 11
Sentne I; The $8 P 500 ond the Necdag indexes recorded’ their third straight: week of gains . Sentence 2: Both the $-& P 500 nd the Nasdaq indexes have scored thiee straight woeks of gains’. | 11
1: But when no justice announced a when the court 's term ended in June it was seen as making those efforts moot . 2: But when neither Justice O ‘Connor any other justice announced a retirement the court 's term ended in June , it was ‘seen as making those campaigns moot . | 11
‘Sentence 1; Medicaid is the federal’ ahd state government health insurance program for the poor: Sentence .2: Medicaid, which. recéives federal and state fundirig:,:is the government health- Jnsurance program for the poor. | 11
Sentence 4: They. are: beitig held on immigration violations:as' the. incident is investigated, Sentence: 2:. Both Jirien: are being held for investigation of administrative immigration. :violations. | 11
Sentence 1:" Thisis, Ithink, a very seminal joment in our agency 's history , “Mr O ‘Keefe said. Sentence 2:" 1 think we are at a seminal moment in the history of this agency, “he said. | 11
Sentence {For the first-quarter , HP pulled in $2.94 billion“and captured 27.9 percent of the market. praia second with nearly ‘S$ nin sales. and 26 percent of market 's revenue ¢ | 11
Sentence 2 Senders exposed skin samples patients during sur colleagues at RAFT ved from consenting to UVA Ment at | 11
Sontetce H'kiyor Miki Blooiieryg weighs in Tornier foiball Stan. wna "The. Re rigerator’ Perry fee tie 8th annual Nuthin § Famous Pout of. July Hot Dig Ealing Contest ‘Sintenog 2: Exar sir Wan, ths fetlgersta ’PEory comptes i {he Nathan's amous Fourth of ily Hot ie Cigest Pid | 11
Sentence 1: A smaller number , 8 per cent , looked for higher profits through price increases Sentence 2: Another 28 per cent cited stronger demand , while eight per cent intended to boost profits through price increases | 00
Sentence 1: I urge Congress to quickly resolve any differences and send me the final DILL as soon as possible so that I con sign it into low. ~ Sentence urged Congress to “ send me the fina DULL os” s00n @5 possible so that I can sign tt into low . | 00
BentendM™ tut. Advani’ said“ Pakistaii, should’ prdve: ite" sincerity’: Sy” handing” over'-suspects fivanied: “by New Dethi.. in’ “corinéction’ wit previous hombings’in india Sentence 2; Advani'said Paki#tan’siiguld. prdve its sincerity. by: ftanding-over: suspeéts wanted. ‘by New Delhi-tor past bombings: | 11
Sentence lA nationally known computer hacker is being sought on a federal arrest warrant stemming -from a sealed complaint in New York , a federal defender in California said Friday . Sentence 2: SACRAMENTO A_ nationally known itinerangyomputer hacker faces a federal arrest rant on a sealed federal complaint in New York , a federal-defender in California said Friday. | 11
Sentence 1: The battles marked day four of a U.S. sweep to huntgdown supporters of Saddam Hussein 's fajfen regime Sentence 2: Twenty-seven..Iragis were killed , pushing thi umber of opposition deaths to ab 100 in a U.S. operation to hunt down supporgers of Saddam Hussein 's fallen regime * | 00
Sentence 1: Analysts attributed the in part to negative news bankrupt competitor WorldCom Inc . WCOEQ.PK and talk that AT & Fe ould be a takeover target . Sentence 2: Analysts attributed its rise to negative news from bankrupt competitor WorldCom Inc. < WCOEQ.PK > and talk that AT & | 11
Sentence 1:" We will keep fighting within the law .. against this terrorist group and those who support it." Sentence 2: We will keep fighting , within the law , against the terrorist band." | 11
1 Africa bas been an nd indeed. terrorist Sentence 1:As you know , F area Is attacks in the past." Sentence 2:" F terrorist threats past, " said St Reeker . a of s in the ale Department spokesman Philip | 11
Sentence % Excluding legal fees and other charges it expected a loss of between 1 and 4 centsa share. Sentence 2: Excluding litigation charges it made a profit of $ 7.8 million, or 10 cents a share. | 00
Sentence t The ‘echnolosytaced Nasdaq poste Index .IXIC edged up 2.94 points , or 18 perce , % 2: The broader Standard t Poor 's 500 ex SPX added LIA poms, oF 0.12 percent 4. | 00
Sentence’l:-US. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said the wholesalers weit not-to blame and’ were * victims inthis Sentence 2: US! Atiorney Pairick’-Fitzgerald.dedlinied to nanie:the wholesalers’, sshom he-¢gilled'?:viciiins:in this. . | 00
Sentence t While robbery appeared to be the motive . the suspects drove off before taking anything . Sentence 2 While robbery appeared to be the motive . the suspects fled before they could take anything , he said . | 11
Pantance¢ Undor the NBC propose, vend would monge 18 US Fl snd 7) betwen with NBC 3 brondcatt network . Sparish-lingunge network and ‘cable chennai ieiuding CNBC and avo. SERRT 2 urdu del with Gone Cctv + NBC vive» im snd TV tank aH Ree Mth NEC ¥ brondcat netverh- granat Iigusge ‘etuork snd cable channels including CNBC and arene, —— —SSs., | 11
Sentence 1: The department 's position threatens to alienate social conservatives, who have provided strong political support for Mr. Asheroft and President Bush. Sentence 2: The department sstance disappointed some support for Asheroft and President Bush. | 00
Sentence 1: Hines died of cancer Saturday in Los Angeles , publicist Allen Eichhorn said Sunday . Sentence 2: Hines died yesterday in Los Angeles of cancer , publicist Allen Eichorn said . | 11
Sentence ..1: Special’. police . detained Khodorkovsky early on Saturday. ‘in ‘thé Siberian: city. of Novosibirsk \’ where -his plane had made a refuelling stop. Sentence. 2: Police detained Khodoikovsky early on, Saturday. when ‘his jet .made ‘a refueling “ stop. in. the . Siberian. city of| Novosibiisk:. | 11
J Sentence 1: Uoyds TSB confrmed on Tuesday it Nas * considering its options * over the sale of its National Bank of New Zealand subsidiary Sentence 2: Loyds TSB yesterday confirmed that it had received bids for Rs National Bank of New Zealand operation . | 11
‘Sehtence: 2: | 11
Sentence 1: The first biotechnology treatment for asthma =, the constriction of the airways that affects millions around the world . received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration yesterday . Sentence 2: The: first biotechnology. treatment for the constriction of r that affects millions of Americans . received approval from the US. Food and Drug Administration on Friday . | 11
‘Sentence 1: “His’ "daughter °.;. “Nina: Axelrod”, told The. Associated Press that he*diéd-in-his ‘sleep .:apparentiy: of heart failure. ‘Sentence: 8: ‘Axelrod died. ii his sleep of. heart ‘failure {; ‘said his..daughter °, Nina Axelrod ~ | 11
| Sentence 1: The Senate majority leader , Bill Frist , Republican of Tennessee , said he hoped Congress would finish work on the legislation by the end of September. Sentence 2: The Senate majority leader , Bill Frist, R-Tenn +» Said he hoped Congress would finish work on the legislation by late September. | 11
Sentence 4; ‘Sentence 2: | 11
Sentence 1: Since both companies described the talks as exclusive, it's likely the two signed an agreement saying Dynegy wouldnt talk to other sultors for a certain period oftime Sentence 2: Because the companies described the talks as exclusive , it's likely they signed an agreement saying Dynegy wouldn ‘t talk to other suitors for a certain period | 11
Sentence t Goss said CIA Director George Tenet has provided the committee with 19 volumes of documents on prewar intelligence which has been made available to House members Semtence 2 He also noted that Tenet has provided the Committee with 19 volumes of documents on prewar intelligence which has been made available to House members. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Reagan is played by James Brotin . who ts married to singer Barbea Streisand, aleading Democratic activist Sentence 2 Hs supporters were also infuriated that Mr Reagan ‘was played by James Brolin , the husband of Barbra Streisand, a eading Hollywood Demag ° | 00
Sentence..|: Her: detentidh brings to 1$'the number: of. :-the--55.: most~ wanted Iragis fiowin US custody. . Sentence 2: Her, ‘Astentign brings to.19 the. fumber of. the 55 who. have been. caught | 11
Sentence 1: The defeat of the ninth seed Daniela Hantuchova on Wednesday was the only thing to disrupt an otherwise orderly second round in Serena Williams 's half of the women 'sdraw. Sentence 2: The defeat of the ninth seed Daniela Hantuchova on Wednesday was the only thing to disrupt the otherwise orderly second-round progress in the Serena Williams half of the women 's draw. | 11
Sentence 4: Representatives for Puretunes coule not immeciatey be reached for comment Weehescay . Sentence 2: Puretunes representatives could not be located Thurscay to comment on the suit . | 11
Sentence HCA Inc . , the largest U.S. hospital chain , dropped $ 2.24, or 5.8 percent , to$ 36.14. Sentence 2: HCA Inc . ( nyse : HCA - news - people ) , the largest U.S. hospital chain , dropped $ 1.24, or 3.2 percent, to $ 37.14 | 11
Sentence 1: Nvidia ‘shares lost 58 cents ¢ U.S.” ). of 3.46 per ‘cent: to -$ 16:20 yesterday on the Nasdaq Stock ‘Market . Sentence 2: Nvidia 's stock fell‘65 cents , or ‘almost 4 ‘percent *, to $ 16.13 on Nasdaq. ° | 11
Sentence 1: The remains of three migrants were found Tuesday in a sweltering railroad car after fellow immigrants escaped and left behind their weakened companions . Sentence 2: Three undocumented immigrants were found dead inside a railroad hopper car Tuesday , two days after fellow immigrants escaped the sweltering car and left behind their weakened | 11
Sentence 1 US Special Forces troops are training Colombian soldiers at military bases in the region to protect the pipeline , which transports crude from Colombia 's second-biggest ol field Sentence 2: US. Special Forces troops are training Colombian soldiers at military bases in the region to protect the pipeline | 00
Sentence 1: In its quarter ended May 30 , Adobe earned $ 64,25 million, or 27 cents a share. Sentence 2: That was up: from the year-ago quarter , when the company. earned $ 54.3 million | .or 22 cents.a share. | 00
Subsets and Splits